HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-29 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaMeet Baq~el-Your New · Neighbor ' -· ' ' * '*. * * DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * WEDNESOA Y AFTERNOON, :JULY 29, 1970 VOL. U. NO. IU. 4 llCTIONI. 1t .PAGIS Hearings ·.S~hedoled .No Jet Flight Dec~ion · Before public Gets Say J1'! 11Ubll<:·w!J:c~'r a · ,Ii!'· "Ffore tbe10ralllt County1 Nrport CotmrMµlon adopts or r~jeet& any jet-flilbL r.mm• mendatlms oul <Jf 0.,.,. Olallf Airport. The commission <Tuesday scheduled an Aug. 4 public diScussioti of the widely ctiaCUs.std Parsoos C.Ompany report which recommends tripll~g the number of com- Linda Sobs Out Story of Murder At Tate Estate LOS ANGELES (UPI) -"I ran toward the house. There was a man who entered out of the door. He had blood all over his face. We looked into each other's eyes for a minute and I said 'Oh, God please make it stop.' But he just fell over." Lind• Kasabian, 21, a tiny blonde in pigtails. shuddered and began sobbing IJ)Bsmodlcally on the witneS& stand as she described the savage s\ayings last August at the hoJlle of actreu Sharon Tate. Mrs . Ka.sabian, the state's key witness at the trial of Charles Manson and three of his young women followers, shocked a middle-aged jury with a day or testimony about sex orgies a m o n g the hippie commune culminating In a frenzied knife and gun massacre. ~irs. Kasabian wa s to continue her testimony today with an account ()r the slaying the next night at the home r f grocer Le1io La Bianca and his wlfc. Mrs. Kasabian ~ad been giggling earlier as she t.old of more: ·than 20 members or tbl r~mily engaged in in· disci'imlnate 'Tove makipg ""' f.oa:ether in an Old shtu:k at the Spahn Ranch after Manson took tf.e clothini: off a 16-year-old girl'1ying on the floor. ' But her composure melted and she wept. 11nd C11Uld ii:carcelv speak when she told of dri ving to the Tate estate. climbing ov11r the fence after cutUng t~e telephone lines and carrying <'.I u l Manson's orders to leave ll "witchy sign ." · · · . The 3:'>.yca r-o ld ex-convict s I a re rl straight aheRd as she spoke. The three young women -Susan Atkins, Patrici1 Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten - looked sullen as they stared fixedly at the witness. Mrs. Kasabian said that Ctlar\es "Tex" Walson, who so far has resisted ex· tr&dition from Texas, led lhe bloody foray to the Tate home. She said that when she started out she had no Idea what they were to do but that Manson told her tn "do whatever Tex tells you." Silt said that Miss Atkins and Miu Krenwinkel accompanied her and Watson and that they had three knives and a .22 ca li ber rtvolver with a foot.Jong barrel. As AOOn as lhey climbed over the !St< KASABIAN, P1 .. II I • hier0lal !ti '9ipll rrom· 1114 airport i,n ·the nest seven yean:. . . '1111 !:.'"'" '!l!"'L~~'I\' """' poio~ ·qudtr 1!\Miilay, ... 1 'tfr1>ott l!om- mis!ioners refrained from expressing personal qiplniona ~t lt1 conclusions. The sekion was devol.ed chieny to quesUoning SLanley ,Walsh <>f the' Parsons Company .ibout the W.page "technically oriented repoft" wl\ich Commiuloner Robert A. Clark noted wryly "does not read like 'Valley of the Dolls.' "You should hcive included a sUmmary for the layman that wu !lOl so com- plicated," he told Walsh. The report lists a set of eight different alternatives ranging from cutting servi~ back to seven commercial jet flights a day to, expanding to 120 flights a day by 1990. The report recommends adopting the 6l·a-day altehllltive because "you would get the most return for your invested dollar." When asked if the company had studied the opinions oC the residenls living in NewpOrt Beach who are affected by the jet noise, Walsh replied that the ''ccntract did not permit surveys" and that the firm had not studied public opinions. Walsh did say, however, I.hat occupants of the lrtine Industrial C.Omplex had been asked about ne>lse and their reply had not been unfavorable. C.Ommiss.ioner James Gilmore said lhat the bulk or noise complaints were made because or private jets, and the Parsons report did not take private jet noise into account. \\'alsh replied that they Wt(e omitted because they were not schedtlJed flights and their number could not,be accurate!)' projected to the future. Airport Director Robert J!ret,nahan said the private Je~ •:ar.e making tnore noise the. Way they art being flown out of the airport· than lhe Boeing · 731'! or OC9's.'• He waS referring to the measurements made by t.l)e noise monitoring equipment at each end of the Upper Newport Bay. If a certain flight path Is not fol,klwed .when taking off, the measured noise is greater than it should be, he sa1d. "We are even con.slderini putting statistics in the newspaper like the smog information ccnceming the amount of noise per day," Bresnahan said. The commission will meet Thursday, Aug. 4. at 4 p.m. to study alternatives and to hear public opirtion on its con-- mendat.ions. New Bumper Sticke1· Stops Hippie Bicker LAKELAND. Fla. (UPI) -Polk Coun- ty sherilf'1 deputies have coined a slogan to combat anli1>0lice tenllment. The deputies have bumper stickers "·hlch re.ad: "If you don't like police, nc1l tim• you'ff! In trouble call a hippie." Wh·at's All This? County's Water Taxes Go Down B1 JOANNE REYNOLDS Of .. O.llY ..... tt•ff Director• of lhe Or~ge County Waltr District have approved a budget for 1970-71 which features a ail cent drop ·in the disttlct's -ta1 rate, It was an- nounced today. Director Henry Segerstronl, sakl the new rate will be eight cent.s per $100 valu.ation. Last Year's rate was· 14 cents. The drop· in the tu rate -madie possible by several fac~ 1-'looma 'Jn' a ·year 'when the disklet1 will be· · otartinl 'WOrt Oii • •1z mJlllOo\~ p1Wwhldl-..i.,.lllop111tW.ter · 1ntrutloo 1nt6 the OQ1t1'1 Mhl'rat un· der;toond freth water ttorQt areas._ .. · The water district will share tb~ c'.o:!t of the ~nt with the federal Office of Slllfle Water, Federal sources will pay $9.3 ,mlllior> for construc~JOn costs while th,e district w~I . proVlde .an ad· ditlonal a .s 'million. Se(i:erstrom ' aakJ there were" a nizmber of reasons that, the . district \l(as able to reduce the tax rate. "The most obvious one was the large increase In aaased valuations this year." he said.· · "We also had more favorable resulls than anticipated in our sale or sand and 'grav,e.l," Segerstrom explained. The sand and gravel is sold from a district· owned site ·aloog the Santa Ana River which Is ' being excavated for a water spreading baain. "An unexpected rise in sand and sravel prices brought in more revenue than we expected," he added . '·Jl ·' ' t ' Segerstrom al!o iioled•t!ie ¥id'"'" getting a higher intere'.at r-.,'fAli.rtllr'Ves. ""In additiOn, we'\ie rctone • 7111it )llt 'ughtenifig ourselves,"° wt're w .. =: th lo ..i.I-I f~~ ed at we ,can wtt' •u•. -,.i ·Two years .a.go the rate. Wu lf ~. so we've mana~ed a cut of~ 1ban 50 pe·rcent in two years," ·be Uilfv ~ t Segerstrom sai41i th't COAt fJf. U.l iiew plant will be absorbed Oftf",.·1btet-year period. '' '•'· · ,.. Construction 1Jll the 'J>l'<>iect • " .i.ted •t.o beRin ~Wltb:1n : a yur1oit 1 •lklft. tli .... Ellil A>enue llllll f;uclld •-lo'"""";.~ ••'*--•!te ... 711io1~---lldo cl the 1Sa.nta Ana ~_Rlft,'-'-where tt ~ forml • thlr boundary helween Hunllngtoo e..ch' anil Newport .Beooll. "Thia will be one of the lint pilot production Plants.'', Segerstrom 'said. "Prior to 'this they_ have . been small research ~riented facilities .. This will ·be orie of the first working plant.a to take the «>ocept 'out of research and ·development and into a practical, ·work· ing stage." . . When completed In 11m. the plant will pump about three million gallons of water daily iitto the ground. If judged successful by the OUice or Saline Water, the flow rate may be Increased to IS milli<ln gallons a day said Neu · CUne, assistant district manager. The desalinized water will be injected Into the ground through a ··series <'.If wells. The Injected water will be used as a barrier to prevent salt water from entering fresh water aources inland, Cline said. Emergency Action Taken In New Y 01·k Smog. Crisis By UNITED PRF.'!S INTERNATIONAL The mayor of New York activated the first stage or an air pollution emergency alerl in the nation's largest city today as a blanket of dirty air hung motionless <'.Iver much of the Allan. tic colst megalopolis for the filth ~ay. "We have two crises on our hands -power and air pollution." Mayor John V. Lindsay declared following a morning of meetings with hia Emergency Co11trol Board and the President of Consolidated Edison Co. As the first step in the alert the city Mnitati<lh department was ordered to cut Incineration by 20 percent and municipal hospitals and housing project.a to stop their on 1lte burning of garbage by 3 p.m. Liftdsay wamed New Yorker• to "prepare for the banning of all private Vehicles from certain areas of the city" U the crisis worsens. He asked them to oegin organizing car pools .or using public tr~Portatio• immediately and said the lty would providt extra buses. ·The mayor 1cted as the ty's Air Resources Department announced the amount of sulfur dioxide, carbon monox· Ide, smoke shade and oxidates i('I the air had reached the "unsatlafactory to unhealthy'' !lagt . The smog cast a yellowish grey pall over the city. From the top <'.If the 1.472-fOOI. Empire State Building, the world'11 tallest bolldin,, visibility w11 cut from 1 aormal 50 miles to 1 or 2 miles. · The Atiantic coast, from New York to AUant.a, has been covered for four days by. a polluted haze trapped by bot and humid air which the weather bureau said would remain 1t.attonary until \he weekepd. · The ~f'mPerature re'ached . a seasoa's high of 94 degrees in New York Tuesday and could go even hlgtler by midaf· temoon today, the weather bureau said. At 11 a.m. the te.mperatUle already wu 87 degrees and tJ:ie temperature· humidity index . wa11 80 -the level at which everyone is believed alfected by the heal ud humldily. The weather also was blamed. for 1he power crisis because or lncrused use of air ccndltioners and fans. For tlie second' day the Consolidated Edison r;o. asked 200 major co•sumers, ·including the city <'.If New York, and private citizens to .limit their CQJUlumpUon of power to enentials. In the Washiagton, D.C .. area officials were on the verge • of iauing an air polluUon alert Tuesday but a combination of · local breezes t\Od increased cloud cover, relieved the 1ltuaUon somewh11t today. · The .air management service in Philadelphia said the pollutlon situation there: was "ugly bot not dangerou~. ' A hospital Check 1hoWed no increase in resplratorY CUtA. ln AUanta., city spokesmen sald heavy lhowers Tuesday brought tome smog reliel by "washlng Jt wt." • Do\t&.Y '"!LOT..,. ...... 'UNATTRACTIVE', NEGATIVE AND CONSTANTLY •Dll'ENSIVI' Bloocfy M-ry ·in H•nd; R1qvol T1k11 • Swlpo 11 W-1-. '-0. . . . 'Le~ Smog' .. Raquel Likes N ewpoi:~~ i • '< • Newport Likes Ra:quel ii By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .... Drill't ...... •t•lf Hanging from the eves uire swji10w1 at Capistrano, workman, forgot their JuQch hour Tuesday as actnsa, Raq~ Welch arrived at U!e · unlln.ished ?ark Newpott Apartments to ln!pect her new ,hkielJlway. • 1 ' 'fhey got Jlttle chance.chance, hqwever,. t.o , ev~lu~le t~~ st;ruptu;al qua\IUe1 ol the. tT\a,t •l•~oro~ ~n&f't. , , · She ·.rnvect ln,.yae alr;enndlUtP'td' 11~,.i~PI .lnto~ll\e1ror1c Ke,.,.,.t Rtcreation -spa {or · 1 bloody m~ 1a"fl • ')llli!V ~I lnllf\'llw, qi 1!llo (trU _, I ' • ' .J --. • , . ' ' I ' ' ' Yellow ·Cab Wins Exclusive ·R.uri. From Airport ·Orange · Geunty • Board, (l{ ·Superviaors today awarded a three.year,, eicl\Jal~e taxi franchise: at Orange County Airport to the .Yfllow .Cab Company of" Santa Ana • Newport-Co1ta Mesa Yellow Cab had submitted a bid to pay the county a higher premium for the rrknchlse right, but Its· mileage charges · to eustomers would ha\le been higher than .Santa An'a Yellow Cab's. Supervisors voted 4-0 to accept the Santa Ana cab bid as being more in the public interest. Santa Ana cab rates will cost airport Customers an esllmated $55,QOO per year leM than NeWpoM.·Mesa cab woold, according to county director of Real Property Service! Slar\Jey Krause. ' Sa'nt.,1 Ana ca~ agreed to pay the county $M,700 per year tor the franchise right, $6,500 less th.8'11 the $61,200 Ne·wport.:cdsta Mesa cab bid. Supervisor Alton Allen, . whose· district encompasses Ne~~ Mesa cab, asked lhat' the franchise pe reb.id with all companies agreeing to . charge th~ same .fees from the airport to specified zones and t}le pr~mi11m . to t}le county being the only biddable item. Ot.l)er su. pervis<lrs did · not . agree to. a· rebid anti Allen went along "'.ith th,e Santa Ana cab contract. Tustin Cab, which Jost out in the biddin& this year, has·held an exclusive airpc)rt franchise foi th! pa~t year. . The reason for the exclusive franchl!e, as ezplained by Supervisor· William Hir· .stein, wa! that competition previously was so keen it was causing problenu at the-airport Nixon OK Needed . Ott Budget Bills . WASHING TON (UPI) -·nie niid·IUITI' mer battle of ·the budget -.matdiin1 the Ni.ion administration and Conaresa -is in ruIJ swing. . . . , . The next move is President Nixon'•· The 'Seriate ' TUesday ·gave · f I n 'a I Congressional approvAI and aenl to the \Vhit! House for Nix0n'• ii£nature: a $4.4 bllllbn education apProprtaUons1'blll -topping the administrati0n'1 ~requui by *453 million. . And ·comlri1 up next Is an SJI bUllon appropriation hill !or the Department of Housing and Urban Development aod the lndepeftdent aaellcies. 1'1'is one adds f500 mJtllon to whal Ni¥on asked. ' whisked away. · ' ' ·' 1 ' • • '"l 'h1Y .. pa5'Potl ~ to ftll Mil: 11a1d Misa Welch, who jeta di ., tht Meittterranian lilaM ot"C1pru-.. Thursday, vi• London; to •Wt UD1111J .Him... · , Producm di her-·-~ ·have 'rbade tnobih ·~t 10n' llirilrb11 .lo!> leiMJe ·hoi Ol!!<a iaur.ctllilrto buy •l>U\ments' for• .t~ her il<lahhin l1f ll!o !II mlllion apot1111.onla 6vliflfoki!IJ'U-:N'i"f0rl' Jiil" 'l'llli ,_ ... 111111'n" 1!fl '1il ttlanct~' ~ ,· f t ••. ~ • ' . Np Qall!er cl C-. -. ai.rloa CUn:J ail Miil\I' . 111!!11..., ljlf:b.,....,, : lo,llu :Welch, currenllf. llt,rri!lc llt .!hi eoatroverstal tUm •()tyra ~." .UJ'lvea.Iate piid,llJ1! • lfil\lld lluldi. Pootng 'for pliotolf•pllo, Ji. tn dvfe leaders 'were liked !to• .queue up •a little closer to the UUan-haled star, who 'i!: 37-22~-351h,~ accoidln& to her ttudib'1 tape measure. '1 · · ' Mayor llJrtb 1 beam.a u i lie· IOI · 111 closer. · ' : "W'rt.h eise." ht: remar.ked. Some Pll>" pie thought he said: ''With tbele!" · Queftlonk linil by . the ·pllery ·el newsmen ..... she cbuldn:L .riner them al~ -' included ber reuon tfor ~ Newport Beach and of course-bu cartli', primarily: prtsent.and ruture .. Why Newport ·Beach? · "Less •smog;" lhe repUecl.. , One topic . to wruch the quMt!!)Oill r~tumed was the motion. picture deali.nc with. a · transsexual who surgically switches from being Myron to Mjira. · ~ She lmifingly "'""led author G«o Vidal himself may hav'e fallen -&hari if he' intended to create I ma'lttrpiece. . "It isn't. a ,gOQd enough Uter1rY wori to hold it in .any particular re:verenc~.!.' 1aid Miss Welch, w~ wore an' Oatme.ai. colored 1sweater ,with pink .flar~ lllckl and sandals. · .. Tiie Hollywood .sLar -lht · 11yl Hollywood has no hold on her affections and l.Jlents -who la llO obvioUlly Ii female has' no rep rd for the phenomenan called Women's Uberation} "They are probably the lllOllt bortni grotip <'.lfi womeni 1 Dve 1 ever beard or, • she replied. "They are, unettrdvt; neaatlve and constanUy 1 on ;th·.- defensive. "i . , Raquel was nont·of tllOle three ·TlHrl~ day. · l ~~~~"'-~ ....... ~~~~~~·· Oruge ~'eatlaer 1 , Whatever'• fa.It:,'. u)ll ~the' w11h,. · erman, adding ttlat the •klea ,rill be just that 1)1) Thursday after the Wiual coastal cloudineaa. Loot-for ~ temperatures ln the II to 16 decree l range: · INSmE TODA~"· T ui o . ifn'portant thco&Tbl events ' briak the m.'41Mm91Jr cal'\' t~4 .""'•~ -•both In Coata M~sa. See Theater. Note1 •. P,Off 1 24. I ' , I I lfffflll \ H c.i1~ '' CMctl lllt UJt J ClfUlllell ~ Cflllkt , 1 , n (,_..,.. ti ,DMfll Nlfic.t. 11 ··~ " ... ' ... ~ 14ott, ,.... ·11·1~ -. ... UfliMrtt • .. -I • • -' ' • l ' • • I ' ' I j r ' • I I Israel Split . Brews Over Peace Plan • ii, IJNlTBD ,_ INTlllM4TIOHAL lttJ i-u cablnol lplll hllww hawb 1114 --todoJ, llld Iba .. wldlb Gobll PW-to lea,.. lbt • --U llrMI' rtpllol II• Jb-Mly to U.S. -_.it. l'!wnllr ~ lltJr appoalod to lbe Glbal ....... to pndplllde • .....,.. --allldlarlllcalllmo. Wle ¥ll'leal mlnl"«I Miiii a MritJ .t tlitlollc lQ 1" p rib tbl Glhll •k 'wl ol tbl JtDlllJlt (Pdlmmt}. ... -... Iba ~ Canal rqed ,., t1io 11111 ........ u" uy. Tben...,. ..-,---w llrull ll'l!lor ... --alr-..-Jent'• cml s 111tlaat f. 1'o rl(I ID .. Anb world aoaled "' .lordl(I 1114 r.cnt'1 ~ ol =a;'' " • a lbree-moqtb ceue- 111" I 1111 IOll a. luJ!ln Joiofd EoPI IN I d1byth1Anllpr· ,.... wlio ---will bl II' -la --aplaJI llraol. .u.r-. Iba ,_ powerful of Iba Arm lllllT\lla -alUIOllllCtd it ----Tbo-tr.i opmlUWt tor Pllrl'ri• Guerrilla ~ callod a twollour 1-ll ilrtb ,.. _, In .. Janlulu ~ lo praleJt Iba U.S. l\lldeul pro- P'"~ crfll. hllw11n Kini H-1n ud \tie .,..mu.. buecl In his country ap- pem•f lo bl -.lnlng. Prlncm Mun•, !ho ..,,.., lll1lllh bom wile, flew lo Laodoo todlJ lo join her t~ -but it WU not known if her vi5Jt WU fn ~ wttb the crflls. • 7he llraell cabinet m<I Sunday Ind Wa UDlble to rtlOlve the cabinet criaiL !t met qlln for two hours today but \hOnl wu 110 dedlioo. One aplaostlon WU lbal J.,..i WM still °"lllln( clarl!leolloa fJwn WuhlnglOn on ,...,al j>om ol lbe U.S. pin but the prnclpll ,...... awemd lo be llr1!l'1 lnlenlll ~ Fro• P .. e 1 KASABIAN ••. . . -· .... uld, Ille Jllbll o! a Cit t1m1toward11Mm1ndtbenthe .,._ stopped. She WI Walson -...... ttnuch the ..... window. --the --pleodecl "don't tut mt.., Wltlon 8" him four timel. Tbo llodf al -P.11'1111 .... found 1n1 ........... .,61--. ~lZ:::'C!Nt~ ~ aclnol, wile ol film dlnJdor --.al. wu Uvln( wlth two -...... Pelilll writer Voltyck Fn>kow1kJ 1114 coll• hslftil Abliall p....... Jlylbj • IP ~WU '"'1~ X-blall ukl wit.ii toll her lo IO -lo Iba car ln Ille drlvew1y and to watt: then; • ''Whal blpponed then?" uked Deputy ~ Allome)' Vincelll Jluillosl. -'"!lion I t..ril 1IOOPlo ICRlmlni and WU jull horrible." . ,,,. ,.... ........ beilft lo oob and ---"Al one .,..,i In the bellnnlnc I heard , 111• •No. no.' then -8CJ'9all\I. It .. ~ 111<1 f.,.., ... I Jll'1ed lo run the houa. I wanted them to ,J.,,~ whit tl>ey had dono to ibe told el 1 tall mm -the .Ute tt wu F!'Olow!ll<y -staaorml -ol the door. 'MIJbm. Sadie (SUJ&n Attlnl) ran out <1f Ibo door ud I WI 'Ple11e make tt ltop' and Sadie aid •1t11 too late no...• And Sadie told me she left her Jdefnald<. : "'lben I uw Tu on top of the man. lio ·wu hitllnl him and lllbblDI hlm. A/id I uw Kaile (Palrlda Krenwlnkel) ct..1nf attor the glrl with an upralled blfe. She wu a &ir1 in a white pn. DAILY PILOT ............................. ---·-~..... S-Cls 1111 0 ........ COAIT "'ILISHING CCIMll'ilV -, a.Mtt N. W.M ~ ....... i- -J•c.l l. c..rt., vtcs "'911--..,.. GIMl'9I ~ the111•1 ke••il ltllW 1\oMH A. Mur,hl•• M ..... lftll!~I« l idi•r4 P. N•ll ..,.. °""" c-ir t:flW -c.. Mnlo! .. WI.It .., ''"" ,....,.,.. lletdl: m1 w.t .... , ......_,.. lAlllllt ~ m "-' •-......._. a-t11 lJ117S ... ~ ... c-..... -....... , c.ilM ..... NIL Y ,It.OT lteff ....... , • l\1ASA'• Pel~ "''~. . Nixon Eyes Budget, Bills · Appo-. reslpoU... ud 111111u. milttoo<lollar fliureo -"" ... ' llYltlel at the Weotun Wlille -...._,, u ~ Nl""'1 contlnuld 1111 aiJJll~f • -11-.esanc~ ., . T°" I-lllolucled: ,, 1 • -'1111 nlllpellan ol Dr. -0."" Pllm u •JnUtroter « lbe N~ • Mronau~cs'ud Spece ~alion . -Amouncement that the f e d e r a 1 budpt deficit reached a higher-than-ex· peeled $2.t mUJlon ID the fiscal year that ended June 30. • -SIPlni by the "-· of a' bW to 1Uow newspapers Jn ..._ ol n- clal f~ to pool '10IHdltorfal _ .. ' tiOlll. " -Appointment of -D. Babblda• Jr., president o1 the u111 .. rs1ty d Con- necticut, u ashatant 1eCreta:ry for eclucaUon ln the Departm<)ot " Haith, !ducltloa and Wetlue. -Receipt at the White 'Rouse of a peUtion accusing the fedtfal government of being a major discriminator apinst Spalliah-Americans. He told ,..p.nu. al SU Cleroeala bb ....... Uon -llllcll•• Sept. ti - .llld llOlbllll to do ..tth cuw la the I -1>uqe1. He 1a n1ur!1iD1 1o 11e C:-al Blectrlc COnlpaayl In the Jetter lo NASA employ•, la Jild, "Now Is the approprtato tlma tor a cl> .... la commalid 1t NASA, and Jt colncld<o with m1 wl* to nturn to prlvite industry." He referred also to his ramily financial obligations, saying : 1~ "From l strictly ,P.l'Olessional point ..... ol view, lbere's obviously enouch U· cllcmenl and challtl\I• and opportunity ' to sem in the. future space pr'Oll'lm to al.molt COOJpel me to continue in NASA dllplte the .-lni ~of a family of rour teenacen· \ "But the filclnatlltc Job that I Jee ahead to wbich tbe admlniSU1klf must be -.Ulted wlll require more months of effort than my persmal situation will permit." IOLl TRAMS PARKED OUTSIDE MAIN ENT!tlNCE 'II You'N Golftl to the l'"'!Uval G....,.1, WHr Hlld!ll 51M!o1 Commerce Secrduy Maurice Slanl WU delipated President Nixon'a ·,.pre- RntatiVI' Thursday at the fwlWal ot Antonio de Ollvelra Salaz.ar, former The budget deficit wu announced by Director George P. Sbult.z of tlwi 'Office o1 Maollem<nt and Budget, wt>o laid ho toot he1rt from the fllcl that .,ondlng actually fell lhort or earlier estiml&h. Th• 1u1er cteflclt rollecled • fllklff Uigµna Man .Leads Action Against Festiy~ Trams By FREDEBICK 8CHOEMEHL Of .... °"" ""' lttfl' 4'Tbe least we could do .'ii to provide ale transgortatioo to visiton to Laguna Beach aftef begging them to come h«e." So reasons Lquna Beach hanliturt rellnl!ber William.Leak, wbo led a' llUO- cessful campafcn to bring ~ Festival d Arts lrlDlll to. 1 lrlndlng boll. Leak's workahop is loclted one block frcm the ftlllval grounds. 111e trams shut down Monday af· temoon after a communique was lent The Venice Tr~ Company fro mthe Llpna Beach Police D e p a r t m 'e n t , iUting that the trams were ln violation of the CalirQmla Vehicle Code. Wk asse~ 1n a series or letters to officlall that tbe trams do not meet the safety requlrtmeq.la and equipment needs U Id: forth In the vehicle code . 0 1be real d~ is nQt havtnr two brake ayllem! ob the trams. Only one tram has a band brake aystem," Leak o...rted. His battle against the trams, which carry tbomands of visitors to the festlVal weekly, ·bef.IJ! !n lote June, wbefi 1 letter ol ~· wil ,oent lo tlty x.... .. J!llljl!f tho! h !rams VI a )!li'Mlt from the state for operaUOn. • In ti<je!ler Loot ,tated: "Jllit lootlag atthe~~~-gmu1 but ff• loca '· ' Girl.., 21,' Saved Fr:-0m Drowning ln LSD Flashback A ·2l·)'ear~ld woman who u.ld ahe lived "In the caves above Laguna'' was u.ved from drowning off Laguna'• Main Bueti Tuesday eventn1 after an apparent "acld fta.ab." The woman, who told a police officer, 11l'm evil, I ahould be dead," aid she had taken LSD "a long Ume ago" but had not taken any drop n<:enlly. Takan to South Cout Communily lloopltal by ambula!)ce, 1he liter was lrlftlfemd lo ~ County Medlcol Center for observation. . WltntSIM uid the woman walked into .u. wa~r &hQrtly after 7:31>' p.m., clad in Bermuda shorts and a knit shirt. She was observed .floating face down and pulled from the water by ithree !9'R -Tom Kistenmacher of Pasadena, Frank Javorsky or Milslon Viejo and ~ Nadal o! El Toro. . They wm Wtsled by lilegu1rds Jim Herdman and Mite Contino, •ho were IUJIUDOned to the scene by other beacbpr1. The vtdim said 0 a divine being above'' told ~ the WU •'evil," accordina: to police. She wu releued after treatment et the Medlcal Center. T at.e_ Kin Ignores 'Family' Member LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Paul Tile, father Of slain actress Sharon Tate • ilJlored a membe:r Of <llarles MaD10n'1 ••f1mlly" Tue9day when ahe spoke en- lreaUD1IY to hlm. Tate hid Just walked out of the courtroom where MlfllOn and l h r e e othen were btint trted for the murder of hl1 daughter and stepped to an elevator when cult member Sandra Good ran up and &ot In. 'Ibey stood aide by 1idt 11 the elevator delcended. 0e the P'O'Jlld floor M°ISI Good tpake to Tile and followed hlm lo a lolepbone -. be bellft dilling, ilnOrlnl bu. She turned aw1y. "I tried to -It hlm,'" she hid, '1But he woukln 'ti listen. l re11ly fer.l for him. I know what be's going through. I wonder why h1 comes here every day." ty, tl'• enousb to make your blood cur· die." "When empty they have about 11-much power as a lnnmower and when loaded there is so little pickup that at this intersection, in order to cross they must often roree oncoming traffic to yield the right of way." · Leak received a reply lo his letter from Wheaton stating the "operation u penn~ted by the City of Laguna Beach is proper from a legal standpoint." Wheaton suggested that Leak's concern about liability be directed toward the tram company and the FmUval of Arts. Leak ttien begin to attack the fact that the police department must enforce the vehicle code. He also sent a list of the alleged vlolaUons to the Orange County District Attorney and trled ID set Iha Callfomla Jlllhw•Y Patrol to lnapect the trllDL CHP offlcials told Leak that they could not lnJpect the tram• unleu Lquna Beicb police re- quested lt. Finally Leak provided the city police with 1 llA of violat.lonl and pt response. The tr1m1 MW" lit empty at the futival gn>Unda -adding lo the ....,. parking probltni nar llio uhl!>llio11: t.ot m1lnlalns tha\ he bu offered b~ Jl'"O"I) Rtvlces lo find a lrltft comP..~aJI fl>~ ~rlaUon :;-•'l' Dd Ille lo; "'1h tho city , the ~0 ol! A%IL •!;eek alao ·~lo . ~-l>f.ille Ven~ 'ham Com , Boti ~ that ht w11 concerned about the company and the jobleu trams drivers. but was more concerned about ~us who rode the trams. - S.stor ;. teported lo hive told Lelk lh1t tho "'-g• of Iba lr11111 Will CIUle the V enk:e Tram Gomptny t DOW In lb 40lh )'tit, lo go_ banlaupt. Former Manager ·:Of Health Spa Facing 29 Raps Gary Harold Phoenix, 28-yur-old ez· manager of a HunUngton Beach health spa, was scheduled for arraignment to- day In West Orange County Court on 29 felony coontJ, including kidnaplq", rape and robbery. The charges, according to Detective Sergeant Monty McKennon, include five counta tt kidnaping with grut bodily harm, the crime that sent Caryl Chessman to the gas chamber. Phoenix, a Garden Grove resident, gave himselr up at 4.30 a.m. Saturday morning at tht Huntingtoo Beach Police ataUon. As he inquired why he was bel.llg inveaUgated by detecUves, he wu taken Into custody and booked on the first 13 charges. Charges facing the burly I foot t, 200-pound bachelor include four coutits of assault with intent to commit rape, thrt"e counts ol crimes against nature, fi ve counts of sti: perversion, five counts of forcible rape and seven count! ti. armed robbery. His most recent crime, olficera allege, was the abduction and forcible rape o£ a Huntington BttlCb housewife lut Fri4gy . The woman wu tble to comctly describe Phoenix' appearanct. and the automobile which be bid bOen drlvq, officers aaJd. <l_)aley Forbids Rock Concerts in Chicago CHICAGO (UPI! -~~;t'>rd J. Daley, dmglng that the ....... clurlni a Grant Park rock concert wu orpnlz. ed, 11y1 Chlcsgo hu pulled the pl\11 on future rock coocerta. "Ctttalnly the incident on the Jtap •• organized," Diley llJd Tueldl)' of the rtoler1 who stormed the blndlhell stop IJ1d deotroyed lbe communlclllons ayttem. "You don't JO to • rock concert with 1 ba&eball bat. President of Portugal. , . Paine, who guided NASA through man's flrlt trip to the moon, is leavin1 the a~ for a job oulllde Iha ffl'OlplCI fteld. I "I wtll mlaa yoo. I hate to leave. My heart will a1ways be with NASA," Russian Pilots Test Israelis 111, Canal Fight , ,WASHINGTON (AP) -Reports that .Rualan-pUoled pllftet hid their -encounter with laraell airerart over the Suez Canal lut Saturday give• new urseacy to the U.N.-proposed cease-fire pion, U.S. o!ficlat. said todsy. Atthough officlall decline to confirm the report that MIG fighters with Soviet crews chased Israeli planes acrou the canal, they appeared to believe that such an Incident occurred Satur48y when Israeli plana attacked mi.uile 1ites on t.be Clnal. Frqmentary reports available here 1akl there wu no -direct clash between the Soviet Ind lirHU plane•. The reports here u.ld the I1raeli planes turned back and were followed by the MIG's across the canal, penetrating several miles east lnlo the Sinai Penlnlul1, "Whether It happened or not, it was liound to hlppen one of lbeJe days," one etfldal commented. 1 • •u.s: o!flclall 111d the hope 1s th•t •hltever hlppened 1111 i;.tuntay re- mains an t.ollted incident, but·that is poi!& up the ur1ency ol acceptap of the. cue-fire proooul . ntadj J\ll10 .a by 8'cretary o! tllit. :Wlllioili P: .Rdters. The)'! said lhls argument wq made to I•aeli Ambassador Yltzhak'! Rabin in recent days. A.sajstanl 'Secrelary Joieph J. SilCO asked Rabbt to convey the Ni:1on admln18tration'a concern over Israel's delal In replying to the ceue-fire pro- pou. The ~ate-fire WU already accepted by Egypt and Jont.n. Democratic Leader Supports Sex Law WASHINGTON (UPI) -Hou 1 e Democratic leader Carl Albert of Oklahoma has announced his support for a proposed constitutional amendment designed to end sex dlscrlmination against women. The measure, scheduled to come to a vote ln the House on Aug. 10, &lites that "Equality of rights under the law .1;h11l not be denied or abridged by the United states or by any state on account of sex." . . .._ LEAVIS'SPACI PROOUM NASA Administrate~ l'~J,. Paine said In a lele.r to the agency's 140,000 employ., aft!r be BUbmltted hla surprise reaianaUon to President NWln. • in revenue.. atemmln& from the economlc slowdown, he said. At 1 news conference, Shultl lild the final figures marked "a ltl'Gftl aad utllfactory performMce from ~ ata,KI· point,'' adding, 0 we were auectiaful in holding lbe e:1penditure line." Mesa Police Seek Kidna,p ,· Complaints Against Trio ·~ Crimlnll complaint. namJor thrae eo.- :nectl.cut men who aUepdly traveled acro.u country to kidnap 1 Costa Mesa couple -only to be foiled In a ransom exchange by the w~'• mottiei -were being sought today. The suspects were captlnd without incide11t Monday night after 1 Phoenir woman obtained the relea.e. of her daughter and police closed' in on the alleged kidnapers. Police said James M. McShane, 23, of Stratford. Donald E. Voll?Remoorter., 23, of Str1liord,. and Frani W. Papcln, 28, of Bridgeport. would probably be arralined today. They allegedly held Mr. ahd Mrs. Mark C. Peyton, both 22, of 2(QO Wallaoe Ave., for about two day1 after 11xluctiJl.1 them !TOm a party i> Laguna Beach and taking them to the apartment. on the cout. A Mri<1 o! U1'plioM calll lid Mrr. Peyton's mother, Mr1. Yvonne Parir,r, to obtaiK the cash and col.taet ~ Mesa police about what lo do before ,going to the apartment. -DetecUves equipped her with a microphone which allowed them to monitor conversation in.!iide the resJdence and .et up the capture or Papcin, VOn Remoortere, and McSbane outalde. Murder Suspect's Uncle Reveals Blood in Cellar The trld or llJ!pecw "°""~ l!JOO , I they reporledly bellevel!thiy,e;e .,.Od ANN ARBO!\, ~ch. (AP!) -aa uncl• by the Peytons .mo .,. oollege itudent. o1 John Norman._ Collins tOollfied lie ln Phoenix t>ul weri spebd.un1 aumn'ler ~ · 1ave Collins a key to his house whtn ---,:; ~. ~ ht went on vicalion a year ago. When • Slipe'MS6rs' New R 1· '. Stri u 1ng . ct On Rock Events A' law 'Putting ·.11:trr111ent--relutallona on large outdoor 1athering11 auch 111 rock festtvals wu enacted T\leadly by the Oronge County Boord ol Supent80n. The law, 'Which will apply to g1thering11 of more than 1,500 peraons, will take effect in 30 days. There have been no announced plan.s for a rock feaUvaJ in the county. The new law would make i\ diUicull for a promoter to stage one. The measure requim 1 $5,000 cleanup bond, ooe security gl.!arrt for every 200 persons, a running water supply, trash cans and flush type ·toilet.I. It al.so regulatea noises from midnight to s a.m., parking, ticket sales and ad- vertising. And It riquires a promoter to obtain a license ·from the board of 1upervlsor1. he ~urned, be u.id, be found blick paint covering what looked lill:e blood spots on the basement floor. stale Police Sat. ~avkf Leik, an u~ by :marrj1ge to Collim, Hid Tuea41.y he called the former Eastern Michigan University senior and asked him what he had painted in the basemei;it. H1 replied "What pa~t?" 1.eik testifted. • ' Leik w~ to undirgo cross-enmlna\Jon today in the trial of Collins, 23, who is charged with first-degree murder of EMU freshman Karen Sue Belnem1n, 18, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Tht prosecution contends M i'I s Beineman was killed in the basement July 23, 1969, hours after leavinJ 1 wig shop in Ypsilanti and rldinl on the back of a motorcycle. Leik testified Tuesday he asked ColllM to care for the family pet,, a German shepherd dog, and left a side door key under the door mat. Leik left for vacaUon July 18. When be returned July 29, he testlfied Tuesday, "I noted spots Of black paint on Ole basement floor of the laundry room. They appeared to be spra;ytd and varied in shape, IOJnl! 1mall, IOl'IHl large." 'Il>ot!1>1preelon-eloaO..pW1tehlttli1.,..s.llM that I'* witk it. Tb. ()up you Ii" or rtceiTI1 toUy will becom• •proud Pl)Uellioa ... preciout beyond compare for 'lll'li.at it IJm)>el.Ua. Within. each cue heate the paerJo. Ome1a mcwement. Made with meticulou c:are ta aiWI 7eu1 of faithful perforaance. Sel our complete c:ollectioa of Omeaa men.'• u.d ladial' watch-. 165to°"'11000. ... _, dll!Mlldl, 1~1( wtlll• 1elld to•• I 1-l•lf.whMHllO S.11111it1r with .. 11-cri111aiiii c1!1t1d1r, 141( tolf.flUld u ...... . I~ 111lnJ ... t!NI Cht., ...... ,,, ,;'! For that special someone's birthday 0 ••• an OMEGA ,. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD · MASTER CHAR6E J. C. JJump~~ie!J Jewefer!J Jill NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA PHONE 54i-HOI 24 YEARS IN SAME LOCA TJON I I ' ' I ' Dnnting-.-n ·Beae ' EOlilO Today's ~lnal · N.Y. Steeb " VO(. 631 NO. I IO, '4 SECTIONS, 0 PA&ES ORANGE COUNiY, CALIFORNIA WEONESOA Y, JULY 29, 1970 TEN CENTS ' .mo By lJNJTED PRE.IS INTERNATIONAL 'lbe mayor of New York actiyated the . first stage of an air pofiuUon erotrgtncy alert in the nation's laraest city today u a blanket of dirty air hung motionless over much of the AUan· lie coast megalopolis for the fifth, day. "We have two crises on OUP hands -power and air pollution," Mayor John V. Lindsay declared following a morping of meetings wllh his Et;nergency Control Board and the Preside11t of Consolidated Seal Beach Dance Hall Under Fire By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of tM ~ PllH II.it The Marina Palace -a tee[)-age dancehall on the outskirts of Seal Beach -has added f,urther fuel to a political fire currently raging in the city . 'nle psychedelically-painted building on Pacific Coast Highway was to have· been the subject of a hearing Monday ~ore former City Manager Lee Risner on charges that it was violating the city .dlarter. Although the meeting has been con- tinued to ·Aug. IO, the hearing officer, former City Manager Lee Risner will not be presiding since he was fired last Tuesday during a stormy city council seslion. Eig'ht complaints a.re lodged q:ainst William (Bill) Robertson and his wife Marj; They allege they violated the charter by permitting obscene conduct, allowin.11 per111>ns older th.an 20 to frequent the place, and not evicting Jewd or di.aorderly penons.. If the dan&er were proven, the city could suspect the b&ll"s liceilse. Contacted at his pharmacy today by telephone, Mayor Morton Baum charged the Marina Palace was "a phony issue." Earlier this week, during the lively council meeting, he pledged that the matter will be heard and will eventually come before the city council. "ll will stand or fall on its own merits," he declared. The mayor did, however, confirm the report that his wife and Robertson sought advice from the Attomey General. They are also coovinced that Risner initiated the hearin11 a1 a diversionary tactic. Meanwhile, Baum believes his work Is being threatened as the result (I( presiUre being brought to bear against his employers. Since Tuesday's cooDCl.I meeting during which he and Councilmen Conway Fuhrman and Thomas Hogard suc· cessfully dismissed Risner and City Atty. Jim Carnes, he says he has received annoying phone calls, often in the middle of the night. "I've taken my telephone off the hook," be said. Army Reserve Troops Pay for War's End BOSTON (UPI) -A group af army reservists from the Boston area are donating part of their summer training pay to coogr~lonal candidates and organizations apposed to the war in Indochina. Qiristopher Burns of Cambridge. a spokesman for the group which numbers about -40, said Tuesday $-4.24 has been donated so far . J ' I Ecli!oo Co. A6 tho flrrt 1tep In tlie alert the city sanitation department wu or(lered to cut iocinerltion • by 20 "rce.nt and munJcipal bospita~ and hous.~ projects .to stop ~ on ~t. bumln1 o! garbage by 3 p .. m. .-1t. _ • Lindsay wirned · New Yorkera ta "prepare for the )>aMin& o! all private; vehicles from certain arels Of the city" if the crisll worsens. He asked them to begin organizing • er car poo!J or usln( publio trwportatioa immediately ·and said the city would provide extra buses. The :mayor acted as the city's Air ~sourc.u Departmept announced the ·amount of sulfur diolide, carboa monoi:- lde, mioke &bade aoi:I oxidatu Jn the ,.ir ha(l reached the ''unsaUafactory to unhealthy" stage. ~ The smog cut a )'!!lowish grey pall over lbe city1. FromL the top of the 1,47%-foot Empire State Bullding, the world's tallest bui1dinJ, vislbllity wu HUNTINGTON IEACH CITY ADMINISTRATOR DOYLE MILLER BolOro (L'lftl and After Vioit to Lowl Wig Sliop ' ' ' ' ' l He Tops It ·A11 · City Manager Gets Crop of Hair ' ' City Ml.{lager· Doyle Miller Is co·ve.ring things up at Huntington Beach City Hall. But. althoUgh it's a hairy sihiaU'on, the figurehead of aboUt 650 cltY employes Russian Pilots .. Test Israelis 111 Canal · Fight WASHINGTON (AP) -Re'porta lhat Rtissian-piloted plana had their rlrst eocouhter with Israell aircraft over the Suez Canal last S$turday gives new urgency to the U.N.-proposed cease.fire plan, U.S. officials Wd today. Although OtfiCials decline to c.onfirm the report that MIG.fighters with Sov.iet crew11 chased Israeli planes acrosS tlie canal, they appeared to believe that such an incident occurred Saturday when Israeli planes attacked missile sites on the cana l. Fragmentary reports avallable here said there was no direct club between the Soviet and Israeli planes. The reports here said the Israeli planes turned back and were followed by the MIG'1 ICJ"OIS the canal. pene.lratin; aever1l miles east into the Sinai PeninlUla. "Whether It .hap~ or not, it was bound to happen one ot these days," one official 1commented. is winning not.bing but praise. · The affair came to a head Tue:lday when Miller returned trdm lunch •JIOrtinll a h8nd.5ome ~· "You know, t very nearly. went down to the beach," the city man.ager •d· miUed. "Walking back in'to the .affice was one of the hatdtst 'thlngs I'vt eVer done." Employes weren't · Slow in com· ptimenting their chief ·on his new look, however. "I'm not sure how much they mean it, but il"s encouraging," Miller said. The salt and Jlet>l¥r toupee cost Miller $195. He bought it at a local wig shop. One employe quk~ ,to congratulate Miller was William '.Dack, the city '1 economic development.director who also suffers from the same condition that has puzzled ' men ·arid ·barbers down through the ages. "I paid '500 for one but it's such a bad match that I wouldn't dare pull it out of the box," he said. Miller's wife, Ella Mae, encouraged him to make the bold move. "I told her that l had. a notion to go ln and nosey arouod 1h~ ·.ahoP and she said, 'Why don'\ yeu,!,. •J Miller related. The city manage.r's son ,Steve, 18. lllso saw the hairpiec& for the first time when Miller returned bom.e Tueaday night. "At least he didn't kick me oul," Miller joked. •· a e Ill cut from a aonnal 50 milea to 1 or J mlleJ. . The AUanUc coast, from New York to AUanta, has been cover«! flli' four days by a polluted haze trapped by hot and humid air which the weather bureau aald would remain stationary until the weekend. The temperature reached a ae.asoR's high of H degrees tn New York Tutsday and could go even higher by mldaf. ternoon today, the weather· bureau said. At 11 a.m. the temperature already City Chief Endorses Master Plan By ALAN DIRKIN Of ""-CMllY "li.t llaff The call for a long·tenn financial master -plan for the City of Huntington Beach today received the · endorsement of City Manager Doyle Millet. ''I have absolutely no objections to It so Jong as there ls the understanding that it must · have flexibility to be resjJonsive to the changing need.I of the people," he Sfld. The push for a master economic plim built up during the months of study spent Kea..:Chlng for methods to 'ralse revenue to pay for new civic facilities. The Systems and Data Processing ComrTtllt.ee, given the tas~ of studying ftnaiicing methods, , recommended that m ..Onomlc advli!Or~ copunilne. be .. tabli•tied lo nvl~a,np'piannlnf malt.rs lnvoM01 operatl!lf bud,.u. capital bud1els and revenue sotlrCOI. The ~Jy council accepted thls rtcom· mendaUon when the committee 'preaanted Its repqr;t Ind the Chamber of Commerce . last week .. ,,..led lta call ror iuch, a study, tetmlnt It of ·~param<i}lnt lm· portance." 1 Mllltr said today that . he and . the at.lff would develop a financial master plin.' . "We will work on It In cooperation with various bodies, the couilc.11, the League of Women Voters and the Chamber of Commerce, and tflen finllly present it to the council and uk , the council to adopt ll," Miller said. . The cltY presently hu: a ' five--year plan which covers capHal needs. 'Ibis Is bl'OUght up to date each Februafy. Miiier agreed that Jt would be uaeful to havt a plan which al!o details future operating bu"dgeta and reY.enue tOUrces drawn up. "It will be helpful to us In ad- ministraUon ," he said. "The financial cost of services, the level of service and new areas of service shou1d be evaluated." The present capital needs plan gives the estimated costs of the new civic facilities -the civic center, ctntral library, fire stations and corporation yard. Miller emphasized that it Is updated every year to keep lt five years ahead. "Yoo would bt amazed at the thlnts theL have come· along since we slarted working on the plans," Miller added. "We would have been handicapped ir we had been locked Into a rigid pro- J1am ." Red Ministers Meet MQSCOW (AP) -nt forelen mlnilters of the Soviet Union. and West Gennany met today for J~ houl'I on treaty negotiations described a a: "busine11llke and In keeping with the .difficulties." •u 8'/ <l<l"O• and the lemperalure- bumidity Index WIS IO -the level at wbicb everyone la: believed affected by the beat aad humidily. · The wei.ther also wu blamed for 1he power cri&is because of Increased use of air condiUoners and fans. For the second day the Con!lOlldated Edison Co. asked 200 major co11SUtneni:, including the city of New York, and private citizens to limit their consumpUon of power to essenUals. ln the Waahiqton, D.C., area t'Ulclals were on . the verge of lSlu,fna n air pollullon alert Tueactay but a combllt1ticm of locJl breez.es and lncreued \ cloud cover relieved. the attulUon tom1what lodly. The air . m1n1gement lll"rica In Philadelphia sfld the pouUIIoa lltuallon there wu "ugly but not ~rou'!. ·• A boapital cbect lbowed ·(f ;_~ease In respiratory cUes.' ii-·· • In Atlanta, city spokeamen ul4 heavy showers ~lday bt,OtJCb& ~"""' &moz rellef by "wubjnl ii 011L .._ Two Reports Give~ Sex Course Back To Beach 'Board By TERRY COVILJ.E Of tll9 Dllllr ''"" Ill" Family life and 116 educ1Uon was dumped back In the ~ps of Huntlnaton Beadt Union High School Diltrlct •d· mlnistrators Tuesday·night. A citizens committee, a p p o i n t t d several fT!Onlhs ago to develop an adult coune on the subje~t, and since troubled b)l internal dissentlon, finally submit ed lh~ir r;ecorpmendatlons In the . form .of majority and minority ~ports. . School trustees quietly accepted both ' report! f\!uday night and promPtlY turn· Fqrtper Manager ! ~ ' r • •. . Of Health· Si!a 1 • -~ Fac~g 29 · ~r~ Gary H.arnld Pholn!J', ll'yea1'4>1d ... manaeer ol .a HunUn1ton Beach'! health spa, wu tcheduled for ar.raJannant to- day in" .West Orange County Cc:uk' on 29 felony coul'Jts, lncludJni kidnl:ping, rape and robbery. · The charges, according to Detective Sergeant Monty McKinnon, inclu<le five courit& of lddnaplng with ' great bOdlly harm,' the crime that-tent Caryl Ohearn.an to the gas cbamber. ' , Phoenix, a Garden Grove · realdent. gave himself up at 4:30 a.rO. Saturday m«Nng at the Huntlniton Beac.l\ Police 5talion. As be Inquired why he· was being Jnvestlgated •by detectives, he was Llke.n into custody and booked an the lint 13 charges. Charges facing tht burly I foot I. 200-pound blchelor include four counts of1 assault with intent to commlt rape, three counts of crimes against nature, five counts of sex perversion, five counts of forcible rape and seven counts of armed robbery. His most recent crime, officers alle11e, was the abduction and forcible rape of a Huntington Beach housewife last Friday. · The wom111. was able , to conectly describe P})oenlx' appearance and the automobile which he bad been driving, officers 1ald. Valley Planners Will Postpone Thtee Hearings lbfee public hearinp are on tonlght'1 agenda O! the FoW)taln Valley ':laMu\i Commission, but none will be heard .. ed them over to district adminiltrators, and· the ·new superlntendent, . when gelected for further study. · · The Majority report is a l3-pa1e , 92- odd· mixture of ·folkio(e·and·superltition, '' Trustee Joseph JUbai, a psycholol)' pro- fessor, commented. this inor:ntng. The majority reort' U!: a 13-page, n. paragraph out.line ol rides ror a propoeed family We aiid su education program. The minority report was a. ~ven-page attack ·on the majority rewrt. and .asked that trust,ees ignore .the suggested ,nVes . ' 'The majoril:{ • report i n c 1 u de d phUosophic.&l points for explana tio n - "the bead as well as1 the beilrt should be used· in choo1sing a lpouse" -pointa c~ 'law, ·and. !riethodl for ceenlna: 1 .. Chm or the eoun.. It Includes a loyalty oalh for t.acher1 and tbe lµaeakin,.the:y(.wet.ivt no' pay lot handling ,tbe.1,dlllt C<lllrse. Tho. conlmlttee wu 1(1111 ,15-12;, •llh cltalnnan WiibumJ!, Andtt'" abltainlng. over the majorJtY. report. . nie· 11 minor1'1 ...mtien lifd lhelr m'ifn' objectlOn &O rtbe ~ty report ii that "these are ~ gutdelltta1 and att ..;niplet.IY" unuceptable becauBe none ·ot £be llatementa lte'aubstantiated bf .fact anC! .ao refeNJnce · materitl was ever preM!nted to refer to.'' . Minority inemtien aaid they objected to maiy pOlnts in1 tlJe majority report, then proceeifed to outline the major ob- jectlona in their minority report. Ar one point the rh1jol'ity report aays, "religious life shotlkr be broadened and dtepened.1' Minority memben contend that would violate the education code, regarding the leaching of religion. Under point.s of Jaw which the majority report says should be explafned to youth It says, 0 Common Jaw marriage Is not legal in Ca14fomia." Minority membera reply that, "com· mon law marriages . recognized ln other states are valld ln California." The minority report says another legal statement, "Premir:ilal sexual relations may invalidate a marriage." Is false as of Jan . .I, 1970. , Both rei:io$ talk about masturbation. The majority rePort saya it it not nOrmaJ or healthy·and·should be1dlscouraged. Minority members questioned on whit medical and psychological evidence was such a statement made. ~ minority report quotes Dr. William "MeMlnger, founder or the Menninger Foundation, ••All too often most chlldren.le'am early that all things aexual ·are n•uabty ar dirty. Too oftes'f parenb do DOt Tealtze that interest in the genitals ia a natura4 normal phase of development." Another Jllljority "l>Grl Yfew chall<n1· (See FAMILY, Pqe 11 Oruge Cout Water: District's Tax Rate Drops • Tiit plaruilnl dopa;tmenl h•~ already dcdrminecl that each'. of the public hear- inga will be continued,, thus cl1arln& the agel}da for ·a long ,list ?f routine -matten at the 7:30 p.m .• mt¥t•ng. Hearings set. but expected to be con- Unued, are : We•iher '. Whateve.r's fair, says lhe nath- erman, a'dding that tbe 1kfe1 wU( ·be just that on Thursday ·aftei-the Wllllll' coastal cloudiness. Look for temperatures in the 61 to as de&ree . range. By JOANNE REYNOLDS 01 ti" 0.11• "Ii.I 11111 Directors of the Orange County Waler Obrtrict have. approved a budget for 1970-71 which fe.aturea 1 six cent drop ln the district's Lai: rate, It was .an. nounced today. Director Henry se11erstrom, Uid the new rate will be eight cents per $100 valuation. Lasl,_yW's rate was 14 centJ. 'Mle drop ln the tax rate -made possible by several factors -c<lmes ln a year when the district will be startinl work on a 112 million deaalting plant which will help stop salt water intrusion Into the. county'111 natural un· dergrt>und fresh water storage a~as. The water dl!l:rlct will 1hare the cost of the plant with the federal Office of Saline Water. Federal tourcea: will pay $9.3 million for construction eo1ts while the district will provide an ad-. dltional $2.S million. Segerstrom said there were a numhf.r of reasons that the district was able to reduct the tu rite. "The ~t obvious one was the large Increase in uiwed valua!Jon.s thia year," he said. "We also had more faVMable ruull3 than anticipated tn our aale or sand and gi:ovel," S.1erotrom erplaln¢. Th• wid and 111ave) la ·,.Id from a dlatrlcl· o~ lite aklna the s~ AM . .Rtver which ii being ucavated for 1 Wliler spreading basin. "An unex~ rl1e in 1and anll gravel prices brought,. tn more revenue than we expected.'' he added. Segustrom also noted the diltrict wu getting a higher intere11t rate on ·reserves. "ln addition, we've done a little belt tightening ourselves, IO We're very pleu. ed that we can lower the tax rate. Two years ago I.he fate was 17 cents; 80 we've managed a cut of more than 50 perce.nt in two years," be said. Segerstrom uid the CO&t of the new plant will be absorbed over a three-year period. I CooslrucUM on the proj<cl la •lated to belin within a, yu.r on a1 ._acr, 1lte at Ellis Avenue and Eutlld Street tn Founta in Valley or on1 a· J.2..acre al* 011 'lhe HW!llnil<lo Beach aide al !ht Santi Ana River 't"bere It formr the boundary between HQi>lilllton Beach and Newport Beach. 1 "Tiii• will be '"" cil lb• tin! P.llol ' " "'. production plants," Segerstrom uld. ""Prior to thla they have betn small ruearch oriented fiCUJtle1. Thls will be:· one of the first workinc planb to ttie the concept out ol research and development and Into a practical, work-Inf stage." When complei.ct 111 · 197:1, the p!Jnt will pump •bout three 'mllllon pitons al Wll<r dilly into the rro<Jnd .. If jucf,.d IUC(ftlful by !he Qlflce·or Sall•• w•1er. the nqw role m1y be . lnc!uaflC(, ti> 1~ mUilon . J•llo111 a day uld NeU e11ne, 1 Wistant dil;bict manqer.~ Tiie desalll\lled ••ter will lie !njecttd Into lhe" crouhd lbrough ' terlea of wel!J. The lnJec:!ed waler will be used As a barrier to <prevent 1alt water from enterlna fre1b water 1ourct1 lnfand, Cline uld. · r -A re(iuelt ,by the House of S~i to open a motorcycle ·re pa tr shop on Harbor Boulevard. It will be contlnued until Aug. 12 so complete plans of the r~ir shop can be submitted. -A request for apartment 1011ing on the norttiean col'fler o( BUJhard Street a.nd Warnet-Avenye: will . be delayed until Octobtr while the Fountain Vallty School llilltict lludiea • • ochool sile' In that lrtl: I ' • -Preebe pla1111 for a 118-lcr, Woolco .shopping cen~r on. the tpUlhwest comer of Edtn:,er Avenue al)d Brookbur1t Street will ·b& lntpected Aue. 36 by plannera. The clly council had asked Shield! Development to rework lhe plans to u.Usfy complainl.S frnm n e a r b y homeowner• abou! prC!POoed parklnl and. tandsc1pln1. . INSWE TODAY ' T w o lmpor1aor 1"'-1r1<or · event& break the midmmmcr calm thi.t week -both in Cwta Mtso. Ste .TMatcr Notti, Pogc %4. ~ Dlll.Y l'ILOT H DAILY ,ILOT lllff ,llltt 'UNATTRACTIVE, NEGATIVI AND CONSTANTLY DIFINSIVI' Bloody Muy In Hand, Raquel Takn a Swlpa at w-•• Lib '1"• Smog' ' Raquel Likes Newport; Newport Likes Raquel , By AllTllUJI R. VINIEL Of Ille ...,, ........... lfullal from the -Ulla nallow1 at C.pbtl'Uo, worlllnm fnrlOI their lunch hour Tutlday u aclnu Jlaquel Wlkb airlved at tba 1lllfinlabod Park ' Nnplirt Aportmentl to lmpoet llor - bldonay. '""1 IOI little clwieo chanct, however. to eval-the lltnldural qualltlu ol tba 1DM ,wnorou. tenanl She an'lved in an alr<OOdiUoned Umoualnt, 1wept Jnto the 11.rk Newport 'Racrutlon Spa for a bloody mary and a bllMr ...,~, f!!l ll\M waa . wblikil ... ..,. .. ,,.,..a -pal!&rW•to fill ou~" aaid 'lolltl' Welch. who jelt Ml to Ille~ lalud ol Cypr'us 'l'lmndor, .ia. ~. 1o ata1t IDOlher' film. • ' ,, ~ "'""""'' .......... lllDllm'llldlJl'eO' ..... -_.., jll'llllt .. -·· top -boz --.. 1o buy o,.nnllllll for all her nellbborl in the Sii m1Won apOr-.u ovvlOoklnl Upper Nowporl Bay with about '3 million left In cbanp. ) Newpatl Harbor Chamber ol Com· ~ _,,. Pretldtn! Cbarlet Curry and ! K.,.r Ed Hirth booted thlr luocbeoa. Miu Wak:b, carren!ly ltarrlni In the OUDtlomUI tum ''Myra Brecktnrklce," • arrlwd Im and bad a llqUld luncb. < PotfJC r.r piloto1npba, the two civic :. <ltMOrt -ubd to aqu-up a .. L. Utile closer to the titian-bared a tar, who It 37-2111-311\0, acoordlnl to her ttudlo'• tlpe meaaure. Mayor Hirth beamed u he got ln cloaer. "Wtth ease," ht remarked. Some peo- ple thoulht be llld: '1\lflth tbete?" Qufftiont fired by the 11llery of newsmen -•he eouldn~t answer them all -included her reaeon for cboottng Newport Beach ind of coura her career, primarily pretent and futun!. Why Newport Beach? "Less smog." :she replied. One topic to which the queationlng returned wa11 the motion t:!1¢ure dealing wttb a ·tr SP 1Jal .. WM"" surgicall1' awlldlel; fr0!$ .. ~to Myra. She ""1llbllfy ....,._ author Gore Vidal himselfiot?\I)' have fallen short u be intended . ciialt a multrpiece. ~~:iiW:;E' =-lortil--= .... pink 'flared 1Iacb and landalt. · The HoUywood 1Lar -she 11ys Hollywood bu 110 hold on her lffectlom and talents -who ts '° obvltllllly a female hu no rtprd for the pllenomenon e1lled Wom.ea11 l.Jberation. '"""Y are ... bably the moot boring rroup of women I hive ever beard of," she replied, "They are unattrective, ne1ative and constantly on t h e defensive!' Raquel wu 1tOD• cf Uklle three Tuta-day. ~~untington Beach Vying For National Recognition J Tho c:rutlon ol beach p a r k I n g facUitlll, bNuUflcatioa of Ptclfic Co11t lllpny and the Top of tba Pier .....,,... ndlvelot>menl plu may earn ·.-------------. , . I J DAILY PI LOT OIUMOI coMT 11JUaL1a1tlN O COMit•N'f l•~it N. W,.4 ,,......Ml,,~it'*' J11k l. Curl1y .... Y"ft ,;......., -(;eNll'&I M4"'9"' '"'-*•• K11Yll ..... ,.,.,..., A. M.11,ph1n1 111.Mi. E•- 1' Al•11 Oirkl11 W.t 0. ..... c.nt'f IElltOI' . Al"-'+ W. l1f•• A.-"'9 •*""' I H ............ Offt&e lflJI l..1h hl,il1Y1r4 M1!1h11 Mtlr1,11 P.O. I•• 790, t2641 --~ .. Mii: 121 .._, ... -. c.• Mew: .. Wat •• ., """' .,....,.... tait0: 2111 Wttt .... , ia.i.wm .. II CliM*ll9: * HWlll 11 0111"9 ••I ' Hunttnaton Beach national rec::o1nition. Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Matney Mid today that cit.izen Involvement in these projects was tht reuon Huntington Beach was selected as a finalist in the 1970 All-American cm .. competition ()f the National Municipal League. The city ii one of 22 across the U.S. cilect tor involvement or its citizens in community projects. The only other California clty 111ected 1.s a finalist ls Mountain View . 1.1onte Nitzkowski, chairman of the CitlJenl Staerlnl! Commltlte carrying out the re<olllJllendatlon of 1lla Urban Land 1..Utute panel on modernization of Hun· tlngton Beach. wll1 &l'IU' the clty'1 cue for the nallonal honor. · He wlll, IJIW, a pretentatlon to th• jury 1'hlch will pick tho winners In Portland, Ore. on AIJI. ZI. From the citizens aroup came the 12.5 mllllon beach parking facility from Beach Boulevard to the municipal pier, wideDing and beautification of Pacific Cout Hlaftwty, and a mastlr plan for the ...iev.lopment of the downtown area. BoJ,a Little ~uers Take District Title Little Lequt Al"3tar playera wrapped up compe\ltlml for the Dlatrlct II cham· pioruihip1 with Bella taklnl the titie from Octan View 1.0 TuetdJy nlsht In Founltln Valley. Ten teams reprflftltln1 arta LltUe League all IW"I compet.ed all lut week 1nd over the weekend on the Fountain Valley fleld. Thi Bolla team wUI move on to oount)'Widt all..tar action nelt weekend. ]lfry Hears ' Tate Death • Horror Tale LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The llata'a key wltJlell al the Tate murder V\41 said today that Patricia Krenwlnkel com· plained to her that she had. hurl her hand while stabbing one of victims lnslda the relldeoct because the blade ran Into boots. !Jnda Kaal>tan. 11, tald that Miu Krenwlnkel, who is on lrlt1 wllh hippie cuJt 1iadtr Charles Manion· BM two other young women, delcribed what hap- pened on the night of Aug. I after ahe bid run back to their automobile 'ffttnt·'a letne of .U:va,. itaylnp. Mrs. Kuablan was asked whelher Patricia tald anylblnl .. a-a 1trl in tbe'houle. "Ytt, aht uld one of the lirll wa1 cryln& for hor mother and fo< God." "Did •hi .. , arwtblnc ·-hor ·hand hurling!" 11kid Deputy Distrlcl Attorney VlncentBucti .. l "Yu, the nld wben Ille stabbed there were bone& ln the way._" Mn. Kaubian 1tarted her lettimony today by thowlng the Sharon Tate IJ'OUnd.s and 1"ider,ce location on a large chart for the jury. She stood only a few feet from Manson but shielded by a deputy. ManlOn, the aceuHd mastermind of seven ldlllJJI• by the hippie cult, turned his back as the small girl walked past him and shielded his eyes with his hancb. The three young women codefendants -Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwlnkel and Leslie Van Houten -hid their hair In pigtails today when they appeared in the courtroom mimicking Mrs. Kasa- bian'1 hairstyle. The state's key witness pointed out on tbt large cardboard chart the 1ate over whlch she uld she, Mii! Atkins, Miss Krenwinkel and Charles "Te1." Watson climbed on the night of Uie 1layings Aug. I. She JdenUfied the telephone pole which ahe said that Wallon climbed to cut the wires leading into the e5tate. Wat.on so far hu real.ated extrad.iUon from Texas. After polnlinJ out variOUI sites on the T1te utate, Mr1. Kaaahi.an resumed the wltneu ltand and picked up her account of the savage slayin1s. Bu&liosi asked her in wb1t slate of mlnd abe wu after allefedly witneaaing two ol the ldlllnp oo the ll'OUDda ol the Tate home. "J WU 1n I total I late of lhock," ahe said. "Did you think ol running for help to.~er house?" Bu~asl 1sked. 'Yes; l'lhoupt ol It. ' Mn. Kuablfll told the Jury 'l\Jeaday abotlt bnw lhe ran toward the howe • The state's key wltnw lhuddered, sob-~ and &iUied 1pumodlcally when 1h1 t~~m· compoucl. 11fts. ~*' 1M down the hU1 to the Cir In w ch they .. Jiad driven to the Tate estate. "Did Tex and Sidle (Su .. n Atkint) and Katie (Patricia Krenwlnkel) ever come to the car?" Busliosi Alked. "Yer, 1n a few mlnutis." ''Did . they come 1epar1te.l,y or together?'' "They came together." "Did they lµive blood on them?" "Yes they had blood all over them , all three of them." Mrs. Kuablan 1ald Watson told her to move over from behind the wheel and aot behind the wheel hlrmeU. · She 1ald 'that he aeemed "really up tisht'' beca~ 1he had run back to the car. . She said two knlvt1 and a revolver were brought back by the trio but that one knife wa1 len behind 1n the house. Mn. Jtasabian Wd 'that Watson hid uid "somelhin& to the eUed thlit when he hit a man over the head with a gun it shattered and wouldn't work anymore ." Mrs. Kasablan said they drove off in the car and. that the &irls changed their clothing as they drove and that Wal.Ion took off his tblrt while ahe bold the alterJnc wheel. they 11w a &arden hose at a house alt.er they had been drivtnc: for five or ten mtnutes, she llld, and they 1top- ped the car and went to the hose to wash off the blood. A man came up to them In the darkneu and asked them why they were there end Wataon told him they were just walkinJ: past. The man asked them if that wu their car parked nearby and Wabon ••Id It WIS not . ''Tu wu very polite to him ," she II.id. Supervisors' New Ruling Strict On Rock Events A law puUlns 1trinsent rtgulations on lar1e Olltdoor l•therinv auch as rock feJUvala wu enacted TuudQ' by the Oranae County Boord ol Supervllon. The law, which will·am to ptborlD1• of more than 2,500 penona, w1ll take effect In 30 daya. Tbtrt have been no annOUnctd plaNI for a rock festival In the COUJ111. The new law woold malte It difficult for a promoter to ll:ap one. The me1sW't require• a fS,000 cleanup bond. one security guard for every 200 ptrsonJ, a runnm, water IUPP1Y· trash cans and Oush type toUets. It also rtsulates nolte1 from mldnllhl to a 1.m.. parklna, Ucket ..ies and 1d- vtrUsln1. And it requires a promoter to obteln a lice.nae from tht bo1rd of au per Visors. . -J .. DAILY PILOT P'MM 1 •r •11111 HIMtlthld Pillow 'Fighters 'Fighting Jack Coy (left) takes one on the chops from Scott Harrln&l<>o..as the 12-year-olds practice the ~atral­ lan verliCl!t of pillow fl&hUng. The boys, both Hunt- ington Beatjl Junior lifeguards, joined their malts today for competition on HunUn1ton a .. ch lll!d• bttwffn junior teams from Santa Cruz and San Clemente. Competition included swimminf, ru.D· nln&. paddling and pillow fighting -Aussie style. ' M~~a Police Seek Kidnap . f .. Complaints Against T1~io Crimlnal compl4int.I namtna: three C<>M· nect.lcut inen who alle&edly traveled _. coubtry ,to kidnap a Co1ta Mesa couple -only tO, be foiled In a Tanaom e1cbange by the wile '• moU1er -were beln& aoupt today. The 1uapeda were captured without lncldeal MOllday nlsht after I Phoenix woman obtam.I the release of her dau&bter1 and 1 p0uc. cloted In on the alleged kldnapm. Police Aid James M. McShane, 1.1, of Stratford, Donald E. Von Remoortere, 23, ot Stratlord, and Frank W. Papcin, 28, of Bridgeport, would probably be arra!l)led today. "'1btj" alle1edly held Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Peyton, both 22, of 2020 Wallace Ave., for· about two days after abductil'IR them from a party ii Lagupa Beaeh and takin1 them to th~ apertplent. The trio of suspect.I dlmanded tI,500 they rei»rtedly believed they were owed by the Peyton•, who are colleee 1tudents ln Phoeni.1. but were 1pendiin1 1ummer on the cout. A wits of telepbnoe calla led Mn. Peyton's mother, Mrs. Yvonne Parker, to obtallt the cash and COit.act (;a.ala Mesa police 1bout what to do before going to the apartment. Detectives equipped her with a microphone which allowed them lo monitor conversation inside the reiidence and set up the capture of Papcin, Von Remoorter1, and McShant outlide. u .Wa~Jed Death LSD Blamed for Suicide Try .. A,. JI-year-old woman who 1ajd she lived "in the caves tbo'll Lquna" was aVtd from drowninl off Lqun1'1 Main . Beach Tuesday evenin& after an· apparent "ICid lluh." The woman, who told a police officer, "I'm evil, I should be dead," said ahe had taken LSD "a long time ago" but bad not taken any dru11 recently .• Days Grow Shorter For Dutch Troopers THE HAGUE (UPI) -Dutch troops will no lon1er be required to rise from bed when the &:30 1.m. reveille bell 10Und1, the 1nny announced tod1y. They will be required only to llni up at the 8 a.m. roll call, w•shed and &hived. Taken to Sooth Cout Community Hoepital by ambulance, abe lat.tr was transferred t.o Orange County Medical Center for observation. Witneuu said the woman walked Into the water shortly alter 7:30 p.m., clad in Bermuaa aborts and a knit shirt. She was ob.erved Ooating faoe down and pulled from the water by three men -Tam Kiltenmacher ol Pasadena, Frank Javorsky of Ml511on Viejo and DanleLNldal of El Toro. They were usisted by lilquardJ Jim Herdman and Miit Contino, who were fiummoned to the scene by other beachgoer1. The victim said "a divine beln1 above" told her she was "evil," 1ecordin1 to police. She was relealtd after treatment at the Medical Center. . Yell.ow Cab Wins Exclusive Run From Airport Oreige. County Board of Supervilftrs today 1warded 1 three.year, e1c)Ullve. taxi franchise at Orange County Airport to the Yellow Cab Company of Santa Ant. Newpnrt.C..ta Mesa Yellow Cab hid submitted a bid to pay the county • higher premium for the franchise risht, but il3 mileaae charges to cu1tomtr1 would have been blghtr than S1nta Ana Yellow Cab'&. SupervifiOrs voted 4-0 lo accept the Sanla Ana cab bld a.s beinl more in the public interest. Santa Ana cab r1te11 will cost airport cwitomers an estimated SS~,000 per ~ar less than Newport-Mesa cab would, 1ccordin1 to county d·itlctor of Real Property Services Stanley Krause. Sant.a Ana cab •l"ttd to pay the county $54,700 per year for the franchiJe rl1bt, 16.100 IUI than the Ill.ZOO Newport-Costa Mesa cab bid. From P .. e l FAMILY ... ed by minority member• was that "in order to be qualified, teachers muat know the Bible to tnsure their tucl\in1 will not reflect 1dver1ely on this holy document." The minority report 1ays, "Gentlemen, how dare we presume sud'! intellectu1J superiority by tellin1 our acheol district and our children that because a teacher is not of the Olristlan faith this dis- qualifies him ·to teach a family life and &ex education course. Are we tellin1 our Oriental and Jewish teachers ind those parents who embrace faiths other than Chmtlanity. that the Bible ii the only cor rect reference. And If we are, which Bible, which creed, there are many interpretations or the holy book." A-• cll•lllfllMll. 141( w~lll 1011111elt1 For that special someone's birth.day 0 ... an OMEGA I -St!l .. owl"cllno S11,..ttt11r .,..,,~ 111l·t'!JU!tlf tllt ndar. U K OOl11"!1llld (Ill ••••• 111ll&i~l•ll111.a ''''·· ............ . CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAt.4ERICARD MASTER CHAR~E · J , C. J.Jump~ri16 J1w1fer& PHONE 54S.J401 24 YEARS ISll NEWPO~T AYE. COSTA MESA ' IN SAME LOCATION ' I ' . . . . • . • • . . ' . ' ' • • .. t - lsrael Split 1 :Brews Over . ~Peace Plan " • iiy ~· PllF.'iS .INTERNATIONAL . " An lsrieli ca~t spl~ between hawks and doye~ widened. ioday, and ,:; the . hawljsh Gahal Party lhr~O\I to leave the government lf Israel · feplies, af· firmatively to U.S. peace propckls. ;Preroi<r Golda Mar appealed to the :Gabal leadl'!'I not> to precipitate a aovem- ment crisis at this crltieal Ume. While varJOu.5 ministers began a series of daylong meetings with the Gahal . members ol the Knesset (Parliameat), the batUe along the Suez Canal raged f1>r the 69tb cxmecutlVe day. There were . artillery duels which wounded one I1raeli ··soldier and new l!raeli air strikt3 apinst ·Egypt's canal positions. The rilt in the Arab world created by Jordan's and Egypt's acceptance of U.S. proposals for a three-month cease. fire deepened .\!Ind the Sudan joineQ Ei:ypt , in banning broadcasts by ~e Arab guer- :i'illas who have vowed there W'ill be no letup in their war against Israel. Al·Fatah, the most powerful of the Arab guerrilla groups, announced it would broadcast from Amman. The Cft.\o Ira! commilke !or Palestinian Guerrilla Organizations called a two-hour general strike for 'lllursday in the Jordanian _ capital to protest the U.S. Mideast pro- posals. The crisis between King Hussein and the guerrillas based in his counh't ap- peared to be worsining. Princeu Muna, the king's British born wile, flew to Londoii today to join her two SOllJ' but lt was not known if her visit was in connection wiUl the crisis. The Isr~eli cabinet met Sunday and was unable to re!Olve the cabinet crisis. It met again for two hours today but , ·there was no decision. One explanation • was that Israel was still aw&Jting clarification from Washington on several points of the U.S. plan but the princiP"I reason appeared to be Israel's internal problems. Political sources said Mrs. Meir was detennined when Israel did give its -answer it would present a unified front _ to the world. The Gahal Party threatened : flatly to walk out of the cabinet if Israel accepted a cease.fire that would enable Egypt and Russia to build up , their Suez forces . Today's cabinet session was declared . a meeting of the Ministerial Security . Committee, thereby placing it under ~ military censorship to prevent leaks of its discussions. In other Middle East developments today: -A Jordanian military IJ)Okesman aaid an Israeli patrol crossed tile Jordan River in the Tel A~ar area of the north Jordan Valley around midnight and planted mines on a main road. He said 12 Jordanian civilians including a baby were injured in a mine a:plosion this morning. -Diplomatic sources tn London said U.N. Mediator Gunnar V, Jarring plans to ~gin his Mideast peace soundings earlY next month if Israel joins Egypt and Jordan in accepting the U.S. peace formula. Hijackers Seek ·Uruguay Asylmn BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -An Argen· tine Airlines jeUiner was hijacked in flight Tuesday and ordered to Oy to Cuba, but a spokesman for the airline said the pirates had apparently changed their minds and would instead seek asylwn in Uruguay. The plane, a Poeing 737, was hijacked while on an internal flight between the northern city of Salta and Buenos Aire_s. It carried 49 passengers and a crew of six. 'l11e !w.,_ine jel landed in the in· terior Argentine city of. Cordoba for refUeling where the bijackenr, ,.id to number about five, let off 2' passengers, including two small children. It lan4 <led again in Mendoza where aoother passenger who was ill was let oil. -------------~----------------~--------------- Pageant a *'arnily Affair • • ·-··----·~ Wtdntsdu, Jury 29, 1970 H DAILY PILOT :J rraU Ifie Limited Supervis~rs Slip Chain on Bikers By TIIOMAS FORTIJ,NE Of 1111 Dtll" ...... Staff An ordinance which p,r .oh J b I t a m¢9rcycles, trail biket, mini blkei and dunt buggies from prlvat11 · property .wUhou~ the owner's coo.sent wu passed unanlmousty Tuesday by the Orange County Board of Supervison. 'Ibe ordinance was written as an emergency measurt which means it took effect immediately. 1~ applies throughout the county. Heret()fore, the cross-<ountry, dirt-trail sport ol bike and buggy rldlng has 'been perinlttl'd on private land not posted against trespassing. Unpasted properly 'now also Ls off limits without the owner's permission. Since consent to use private land presumably will be hard to come by, sport motor bike riders will be limited virtually to public streets. But supervisors, seeking to ac;:- eommodate mini and trail bike tn· thusiasts, instructed the county Planning Department to look into finding suitable locations for the popular sport. ... al bis pc~. lluah T!Omail, Junior c o l le I e coun'410r. 1-,\ll,!llelm, warned 111pervlson JbeY ~ be widening a 'PP In IOClety U theY toctilate against nol!e In u..name of the' ~rly owner who cloelll't 'care (tho• who 'I post "No Trerpaa" lilns). " R. D. Roekwood, public nta)l!D.man for Yamaha Corp., uld ~ .,_ ,ao,ooo licensed motorcydes:ln the •CllJl!lfl and he filUm an equal number id-Uljllp!nsed motorcy<I.,, nol including inlnl lilK"· He .aid other popular aports ..,, taken care of with rkling 'lralll !Or equ~. golf courses for goUen and ~ "'urta for teonls buffs. · '.. ·, He &ked for an invealJC'tioo• al',,... where sport motor bikes can be4 ·r:Jdden befort supervisors pnahed .~ an emergency ordh)ance. -H~ ~~to his kn9wledge this ts 'the. lif') -W..1auch an onllnance bu bebl.~' !or an enUre 'cOunty, ' , ..._ ' · Laguna's Pageant of the Masters producer Don Williamson takes time out for a bit of socializin£ with three of his youthful models. All are atlir.d in makeup shirts waiting to be prepared. for their roles as t'T'be Vendors.° From left are Juan Evans, who is Williamson's grandson. Sandie Baker, non .. na Hutter and her brother, Clay. The Hutter chil- dren are Pageant veterans. Their mother, June Hutter, is the Pageant's Casting director. "I hope ln passing this ordinance we don't just let the matter drop, but pursue a program of trying: to find places (for motor bike riding)," Supervisor• Chairman Alton Allen said. Supervisor David Baker suggested 10methlng might be worked out with the state for use of surplus land adjactnt to freeways. John Taylor, 1 who capne , d~ ~ way from New York IQ ~-for ·llii MolmcY· cle Industry Council, saJd private p~ perly owners are. not llbly IC\ put out welcome signs 0\ sign'Te~SO: sUps for fear they would open themselvei to ltpl damages. He said supervisor• by Ute same reasoning coUld nut pass ()f(llnances prohibiting hubteri or 'hik'era: fi'om cross- ing unpolled, unfenced prlvale·land. Pain~ quits Nixon Eyes Budget; Signs Newspapers Bill Appointments, resignations and multi· million-dollar figures dominated ac- tivities 3.t the We.stern White HOUie today as President NI.Ion continued his mosUy· work visit Jn San Clemente. Top items included: -'The resignation or Dr. 'lbomas O. Paine as administrator of the National /d!ronauUca aod Space Ad:miniltraUon. -Amouncernent that the fed e·r at budgel deficit reached a bigher.than-ex4 pected $2.9 million in the fiscal year that ended June 30. -Sill!lini ~ jlle .Prald!li\ of • blil to allow newspa?ers in ~anger of finan- cial failure to pool no~ditoriat opera4 tions. -Appointment <if Homer D. Babbidge Jr., president of the University of Con- necticut. as assistant secretary for educaUon in the Department of Health, &lucaUon and Welfare. -Receipt at the White House of a petition accusing the federal government of being a major discriminator against Spanish-Americans. Commerce Secretary Maurice Stan! was designated President Nixon's repre- sentative Thursday at the funeral of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, former President of Portugal . Paine, who guided NASA through man's first trip to the moon, is leaving the agency for a job outside the aerospace field. "I will miss you. I hate to leave. My heart will always be with NASA," Paine said in a Jetter to the agency's 140,000 employes after he submitted biB surprise resignation to President Nixon. He told , reporters at San Clemente his resignation -effective Sept. 15 - had nothing to do with cuts in the space budget. He is N!turning to the General Electric Company. Jn the letter to NASA employes, he said, "Now is the appropriate time for a change in command at NASA, !nCt it coincides with my wiJb to return to private industry:" -! He referTed also to bis family financial obligations, aaying: , "From a strictly professional point (If view, there's obvi(IUSJ.y enough ex .. citement and challenge and opportunity LEAVES SPACE PROGRAM NASA Adminl1tr1tor Paine to serve in the future space program to almost compel me to continue in NASA despite the growing demands of a family of four teenagers. "But the fascinating :fob that I see ahead to which the administrator must be committed will require more months of effort than my personal situation will permit." The budget deficit was announced by Director George P. Shultz of the Office <1f Management and Budget, who said be took heart from the fact that spending actually fell short of earlier estimates. The larger deficit reflected a fall~ff in revenues stemming from the ecooomic- alowdown, he said. , At a news conference, Sbaltz said the final figures marked "a ltl'Ong and satisfactory performance from CJUr stand· )>Oint," adding, "we were successful in holding the expenditure line." J\fy Lai 'Cover-up' Study Set by . .\rmy By TIIE ASSOCIATED PRF.'!S The Anny has moved to hold further tnvestiiations of seven officers im- plicated In suppressing information about the alleged My Lai massacre. Announcement of the probes, known as Article 'Z investigations, wu made Tuesday at Fort Meade, Md., and the Pentagon. The Anny also dismissed charges against two other officers in- volved in t.he case, Col. Robert B. Luper \ and Capt. KeDneth W. Boabnan. The penalty 'for a coriviction on ·viola· tion of the new law will be determined by lhe judge up to a maximum $500 fine, six months in jail, or both - the same as any other misdemeanor. Supervisors faced a full boUse of backers or bike riding but voted 4-0 for the restricting ordinance. Supervisor Reibert Battin was absent. Supervisors acknowledged receiving 7S telegrams and petition!! bearing 449 signatures in opposition to the ordinance. At the hearing persons offering contrary testimony outnumbered those giving sup- portlng testimony about two to one. In adopting the ordinance all four supervisors present spoke of the right o( a property owner to retain exclusive The reason given 1or '\ff-.jdlnance being an emergency nkisur6 .\t!I that a sudden rise in mc)toreycle, bike and dune buggy use, aggravated by the sum- mer season, bas caUJed tnitaUng dust, noxlou.. fUmes and noise -.nd,constltutea a fire danger. -· Several penoos from the Cowan Heights area north of Tustin apoke Jn favor of the ordinance, complaining primarily about the noiJe cf bike riders. Mrs. James Gable argued ~t be:lutlful, rolUng hills are being scarred .m den,ld- ed by bike trails. · . She aaid she beUevea society bu been led into too mucll pennissiveneu and that the crdlnance which respecta ptjvate property is needed. ' G-BIO:K>X:N9 . MONTH EN.D: SALE ' ,. 3 DAYS ONLY· THURSDAY: FRIDAY, SATURDAY . ' MEN'S FA.MOOS . TIMELY SUITS\ ... . -... -~ OFF regularly $100 nowsso regularly $150 nows75.' Public ·to ·Air Jet Views $6 men's famous perma·press short sleeve dress shirts •.•••• 3S9 $10 men's perma-press long & short sleeve sport shirts ..•••.• 6~99 6.50 men's ties-great selection of colors & patterns. . . . . • • • • 1.99 $11-$13 men's short sleeve fashion knit sport shirts .•• , ••...• J.99 '5 "97* $9-$17 women's famous label sportswear-tops, skirts, pa,nts · e .• Heating Scheduled Before Flight Deci.sions Are Made The public will have a say before the Orange County Airport Commission adopts or rejects any jet-night recom· mendations out of Orange County Airporl. The commission Tuesday scheduled an Aug. 4 public discussion of the widely discussed Parsons Company report which recommends tripling the number of com- meroal jet flights from the airport in the next seven years. The Parsms report drew tome pointed questioning Tuesday, but airport com-- missioners refrained from e1pressing personal opinions about its conclusions. The session wu devoted chiefly to questioning Stanley Walsh of the Parsons Company about the 253-page "technically <iriented report" which Commis~ioner Rober! A. Clari -d wryly "d .. s not reld like 'Valley of the Dolls.' 11vou should have Included a summary for the l•yman that was not to com- pllcated," he told Walsll. The report lists a Mt of eight different alternatives ranging from euWnc 1el'Vice back to seven commercial jel filcbls a day to eJPandllli to 1111 flllhls a day by 1990. The report recommends a,doptin& the 61-a-day altemative because "you would get the most return for your invested dollar." · When asked U tile company had itudied the opinions of the reotdeotl living in Newport Beaclt who are affected by the jet noise, Walth replied thal the "contract did not perm.it IUl'Veys" and that the firm had not studied public opinions, Walsh did aay, however, that occupants of the Irvine lnduatrial Complex hid been asked about noise and their reply had not been unfavorable. Commissioner James Gilmore said that the bulk of noise complaints were made beoau1e of private jets, and the Par30n!I report dld not iake private jet noise Into a<mmL Walah replied that they wert omitted because they were not 9Cheduled flights and their number could not be accurately projected to the future. Airport Director Robert Bresnahan aaid the private jets "are making more noise the way they are being flown out of the airport than the Boeing 737'1 or DCS1'1. '' He was ttftt:ing to the measurements made by the noise mcllitorlng equipment at each end ot the Upper Newport Bay. If a certain flight path Is not followed when taking: off, the meuured noise ts greater than It should be, he sald. .. We are even contldering putting statistics in the newspaper like the mog information concerning the amount of noise per day," Bresnahan aaid. The commission will meet Thursday, Aug. 4, at 4 p.m. to study alternatives and to hear public opinion on lts C'On· mendations. MEN'S 7.50 TO $9 FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SHIRTS 499 Long sleeve. Parma-press or cotton. Solids and patterns. $28 TO $40 MISSES AND JR. DRESSES* s11 Current alyles In polyester knita and marvelous blends. MEN'S $10. ro $12 • PERMA-PRESS WASH PANTS ' 5 99 .' . ' -.... Styled by a famous maker In nea1 sollds •nd live pattemt, *women'• lttmt 11Vallabl1 In all 1torea exceptl'utdttla I San Lull Obllp&. Of'IN A CONVIHllNT QRODIHI CKUICllJ. 0.-Ull YOUll MAITDI CHAAQI ON IAHKAMIJlllCMD SOUTH COAST PlAZA, COSTA MESA • ANAHEIM COOER, ANAHEIM Open Week Nights VntU 9 pm o,,_ 'l'llt1rsuir and FrWatr N .. M f DAILY PllJIT Califo~nia, N.Y. T op 'Sharers' Courts to Open Cla·ss? . . . , Student Leader Victim of Drugs MitchellPredicts l nt,egtation Action.i;n N(Jrth P!Tl'SBURGH (AP) -The lather of a 17·year-okf dru& addict who poli~ said 1hol himJeU, "YI ht wilhes drug pusher• bad been lon:ed to attend !be f\Jnerol and look at bl .... lying in the coffin. . diiiOiiio••-... -. /. rich, a DemocraUc candidate f r o m Olio~ District, 1igure1 the way a voter's heart is lhrollgh hil · • Goo<!rich, as part of bll campatgil, has published II,>• "Jini Goodrich !nllalion Cook· book •• lbcloding such topical tiUes as ••NlxorK>mics Marinade," "ec:>n-kmal Corny Beef" and "Spiro r::,. Is Coming to Supper Cas· serole •• Other recipes are "Up the Admhitstration Chllin and "Stretch· abuci: Cookies. n . • Jaclcaon. Mi.s1. police scram- bted mt.a 01' inteme search Mon. doll tUgh.t after a 1'tport that two children had been kfdnoped bti"""" who pUlhed lhem l•!<> the trunk of a car. Officers smd the -()CU' WGJ located a couple oj ho1'f'I Jate1' p.l a drivi·in mmrii' ~ tht "kidnaping .. was on ot- kmpt to .ge-t the children into the movie withou paying, • Tb• IUIID• .on the winning lic\tet for . the~$1,000 aweePstake, p~ze ·~t the JOondik~ Days upo11tion.· m Edmoston, Alberta, WU G. Melli)'· chuk and exposition oflicials told. G. G. Melynchuk of Edmonton be couldn't claim the money until he found the ticket he'd misplaced. Monday they told him be couldn't ·claim-the money at all. Mrs. P ... r Melnychuk,."" relation, bad· pro-duCed the wlnning ticket, ·ei<plain- 1111 she bad ligned it G. ·Melny- clluk. G. G. took the news with a laugh. He •aid he had already stopped looking for bis stub. • Tht Cllftldin-ComuJMrs Or· goniza&on. • group Jueping WGttll for pTict lntTease1, ha& noti,Ud it.a 40,000 tumbtt1 that '" Septcn&.bff itl mrm.benhip Jee tOill be incrtaitd from 1S to #4. J • Four-year-old Norm.n Marley o( Biyjb, EnglBDI was lopkin~. for- ward to a dramati<: ealrance in h1S sister'• bolne p""""'"°" of "Cin-derella''~ lnltead made a dra- matic exll To get some spring into hla entry onto their "stage," N~­ man bouncad on bis bed. But his s!!JPODder•' caught on a window i.tcll. calapu!Ung him out a wtn- dOw. -Doctors say his injuries were not serious. • Tlte sheriff and eight Wayne County Mich. commasionen pre- sided at a legal pol-burning party Monday-as 600 pounds Of drug.•. mosUy marijuana, went op m omoke. Each dignitary got to throw brown bags or suitcases full of drugs Into the county's giant i!Jc!nerator. which was then sea1ed ai1d the fire was turned on to l ,llOO degrees. The narcotics dissolved in a pufi of smoke through the giant smokestacks. Sheriff William Ducas said lhal after a recent haul of $8.5 million worth of marl· juana 0 our• storeroom got over- crowded and we had to get rid of some." Drugs seized by police are k"'t 41 long as needed for e~i­ l(tnce, !!ten destroyed, usually m (U&• loU. ... • WASHINGTON (AP) -llew York would bl the ma)<;< ~ of the Nll\oo adminlstralloo'a re-shaljn& plan, wttb CaUfomla not lu behlrid, a Tiuuy· Department br<8kilon of' !ht lmpoct of the prtjioeal -The department pftplred ao ti-page !lstblg of how milch eoch 1 t 1 le an!! most cities Ind counliea would receive wile• the propooal -inl4 full died in 19'15 -provided lt gell tbroug)> a relix:lantCoogress. New Yort would receive $50.fl millioo In the first fUll year, while California . would m:eive $531.57 million, the table shows. However, New Yort would be required to -on olmosl 1211 million of its ahare to k1cal govemmenta while California would pass on ooly $116 million. * * * Treasiiry Lists Revenue Proposal WASHINGTON (UPI) -Attorney General John N. Mitchell lal<t today' ..It will be neceuary~• for the courta to move ,...,tuaUy If-...,.,...., in ..me par1I of the North. 0 0bvloualy 1 there ii as much tegrt .. tion 1n some areu of the North u In the South/' Mitcbell ·aald. Wblle be did not endone the use of the ......i "outlaw" to cleocrlbe the kind of action he would favor aplmt de facto 1egrega- tlon, he said: "! tblnk the c:owU will follow the patb of delennlnlng wl!ere !bore b gcwenunental action that cu be taku." 'Ibo attorney generol made the Government Plan OK'd by British Dock Workers LONDON (UPI) -Unlmi diltptol represenUnc 4'1,000 atriking longsborrmen voted today to end a two-week.old· port.a shutdowtt that has cost this island ooun- try $1.17 billion in IOlt trade. They voted 51-31 to accept a peace w ASHINGTON (AP) _ Following is packa~ offered by a govemment·ap- ••--~in n.a ·t -b · pointed court of inquiry that would give a state brtaa.uvw• auu" g ~ Cl y y-ci-them an additiooal $13.1 million a year ty and county-by-cowity portion in in pay, overtime and bonuses. California of President Nixon's revenue Then they voted unanimously to recom- sharing proposal u listed by the mend a general return to work next 'l'n!asury: Monday. . Tot.al Annual Amount $536,374,4G8 lmmed.iately the decision was an- state Govenunent Share 370,550,670 nounced at the end (If a stormy 2'~-bour Local Government Share 165,123,798 meeting at transport union headquarters To Cities fl0,433 ,&'it the pound shot up on the f<nign ex- To Counties 85,390,127 change market and prices skyrocketed Ucal Share to CUie1 00 the stock market. Anaheim 727,489 But angry militants outside tht ball Costa Mesa 206,37l booed the e~rging delegates with shout.a Fullerton :s:H,CMl of "sold out." Gardea Grove 2'17,512 . M the delegates arrived for the: HunUngton Beach 34t,l96 meeting, militant 1oogshoremen -main. La Habra liS,060 Jy from London's docks -demollstrattd Long Beach , 3,'113,703 outside union headquarters. The Y Los Angeles 18,171),.,73 demanded rejection of the peace terms Newport Beach 28S,2YI pn>po><d by the Court of Inquiry and Oceanside 175,116 continuation of the &hut.down. Orange 253,577 They shouted, booed and held up Riveralde 503,741 placards demanding continuation or the Sa~amento 1,663,718 strike . San Diego 12,538,048 Jack Jones, transport union leader. San Francisco 12.535.G'& said he was leaving it up to the delegates Santa Ana 50a,393 themselves to make their own decision. Whittier 26l,LIO Officials voiced fears that militant Local Sil~ to Cooties dockers in some ports, i ft e 1 u d I ft g 1,lkll,'168 Liverpool, might decide to continue a 13,!00,5$3 w!l<lcat walkout alter Monday. Fresao Los Angeles Orange RMnidt 4,l"..0,511 1be NaUonal A.w.:lciation (If Port Su Diego i.oa.m EmplOJert called a meetinl liter today 3,IM,494 to disculs the union's decision. 1be San M~teo Sanla Barbara V<atura 1.tJl.4911 employers already had announced ac. 1.069,4M ceptanct of the court of inquiry's pr~ 1,>119,447 • pooall. Diplo1nat Martha? Mrs . Mitchell Wants to Spread Lov e , LrrrLE ROCK, Ark. (UPI) -SiWng in ber Wubingtar apartmen~ the wlle of Alf«Dey. Geoerol John N. Mltebell told the folks back home "I have two tblngs I would like to do." ".Md that's the beauUficatlon of Washington, number one, and number two, I've gotten a desire to work in the State Department." Why would Martha Mitchell, the woman who called an Arkansas newspaper ud asked it to "cruelly" Sen. J. William FulbrJ&ht, want to work in the State Department? "To try to put a UUle Jove In the world," she said. Mn. Mitchell's commenta were filmed by UW. Rock newsman Jim Pitcock several weeks ago end shown over television station KATV Tuesday night. "Gee, I wonder If I could ever do anything to promote the good will of the COUAtry?" she , said. "l resent the fact !bat America b not looked Uj>On as a beauWuJ, wottderful coontry. I enjoy tbe forelgnen In Waoblngton, aed just talkln( to tbem, the idea all of a sudden stnlct me." She said if she could work i:1 the State department and promote her "Low in the world" JM)licy it would get cquntrtes away from "each other's lhroal". She said, however, she probably would na into trouble from "the opposition" -which she did not name -because lhe has beet labeled a "controversial peraon." "'Ibey have to have 10mebody to pick on," she said. "I happen to be the one. They get at the President of the United States and they get at my hus- band through me, or they lhlnk. they do. "But they don't do it. As a matter " fact, I have fun with tht whole thin&." Cruddy Air Perils East New Yor k Power Wanes; Record Smog in DC Al~ut ·--""'"'' l tkt"ll•lll l ltmlirt Bo1te11 C!'!lc1to C!nc:l""'!t (1-"ncl ...,_ ..... Evr_.1 ""...,,, ,_ HH--· ,_,,. "'·-(ltf Lu V•t ..... l .. '"" u u .. " .. t0 n .12 100 74 .... " .. " n .. " ., .. " ,. 1.10 . " " .. .... 11 " ••• .... I I SI .1. " n .a " . .. " 1Cdl 71 Kery 19111hlN .....,. llrltrt .,.rleblt WWh nltht tnd "'°"""' ......, .._.. 11'19 -ltftf I If IS kftOtlo Ill tl!ttMMt M11 Nd TllW'tNll. Hlltl ...., ""' c ..... .., __ -"-• A .... 1ottl .... 1~1M­ l'll"' 1t!UNMr.,._. • .,. -""" ft lltMfh w.'I fM ...,.. ..... Ill Ill °""""" .. Ir ... """'*' llUtWlt (l;llfW!llt -"*' "'"'"' tod1¥. l""" Cll•lli ... tnd loW ()Wft (lelrwd ...... L•"'-19 Mlffl'll ·~ Mii•""*" --,.._°' ..... -y ... ... _ " .. u " = ~ 1: • TI N 1' " . .... .., " n. lni.11111 1""'""""" t.,... '- ti " a. Wt• ...,,.,..,""°' .... LOI """"* -... rt .,,,.... 1111 dtY 1flff 1t11 tot•I*'" low clludt ''"""· tht ,...,,..,,..,.. ,.,. uni. dltllNd 11 !hi tlAlfklld Cl\<lc (.,.ltt' 1111111 Wfl f2 (llNIOlrld wll!I II ,......._, ,,... Ill U PHCtef Tl'tvnd1y, Tiii lew IOfOllltl i.>. '"' ·~ltMH Milllolt '"'""'*"' II/fl. It,., l'1lnl 11111 U.I. WHI,.,.,. lvrttw <l lled kw IMllh• ftl~ wl!lt I few Ktl• """ """"'"'~ .... ff tlle -ttll'lt .,.. ....,. .. °""" PflOllltlllllll ~ltftbllrlll , ....... ......... 1!:1!11 1"'41 ... ..., ......... It LWI• hit i..tl CllY $tfl 01111 S.11 Fr111t1Ko 5"1119 -·~ ·-· Wttrilnfloll • n " 10 .. 1 >W n " .. ., .. t i 41 " ff " " .. " " .. n " " ., ., " .I) IOI Jf ti ,4 f Sears "II b ....iaillly .not 'the lntentloo of W. department « anybodf ·etae .to deny law enf..-~ the rlSbl o1 aelf ..-ilnn." he said Tuoaday. Aller ~ ltudenll were ldlled during campu dllordon In May, MllcheD ad- Viled pollot to "cool H." MitcbdJ waa asked 1n au interview Tuesday K, 'II b """'3W'Y to ldU to keep order. "It depeoda on the clrcw1'lltancel," he replied. "II someboc!J conlroota the pnlJce with weapons, they have !be rl&ht to protect tbmdelves." Mitchel .II.iii; however, there wW be noJederal Imelllptlofll of ouch lncidento .. the ldlllllr ., a blacl: milllant in JloullolL durln(, a IUD bollle -..., pnlJce and Nes-, « the pollee -g of two University of Kansas -· ' 111 dotl't4Jelieve you can characterize -tYI>e ' of ahoOllnp .. bein( the e:ame as Jackson or Kent State," Mltdlell said. S.Step Flnllb Reollta R1111, Corroelon ••ue waa a woodtrful' boy," the latber, JOaePh Faullll, said Tuesday 11t 1the tuteril Of his aon. Thomas J: Fauu..t, "I bad aU · ldndJ ol !Iopa I . bl. !.. . ! or m. , llomiciae detectivis said the youtb, who Wai president of hii high ICbool graduating clasl this put year, &bot himself at his home. J01eph Faulisi said "some wise guy ~ 1ave I-him aomething to an.ck!! (I.1st January) and it jwJt went cm from· there." .He said by late ' March ot earlt A~ tb"e. boy was booked on berain. \ After· appattntly being curod in April the boy IOCll WU back on the drug, which apperently wu eos- ting•him ahout $'15 a day. Great Value on Huge l fls5,.Ft. • E..,. -oliclhot .i-. glide mnoothly on danhla n,!oa roU... ud fea111re padlock door hand.lee Gable Lawn Building •SU.... doablHibbad.., _.. _ .. k . for inCll'a• ad ricidi17 • hllAlilll laohul-• -IM'l-boanl tool Diii'"-' pneL 295 ea.hie foot R...,Jar t l69.!15, l o.9.11. c.Lle I.,.,. Bo;.,.Llwingog_ ____ _,J ,9,11 88 . ' Sliafug Double Door1 ••• S..... Slope Roof Lawn Building Sean Low, Lbw Price 7488 • 110 "'· ft. lnclode. Ho-0.. e Comtnctod or pl.nniaod paintad-L Doob!Mibbed pancla •All while TJ!th_.,..a lrim A.k Aboat Sean Convenient Credit Plan• 50% OFF Fabrle On lnatalled Batis •Hen•• a terrific opPoftani&y to surround your home and famllJ ''dth 1tron1 ch1i111 link proteet;io• • Di1mond mnh .,.u.em. sine plated to r.itt raating. lonpr ......-. ln1tall now at thit put ...._ •Expert irwa11ttioa a1lftlld Iii, Sean • p-nila. l«&ina1 JM*, ..... at Som r<galar lew prioM ~todayfOI' FREEEmMATE _._,._ .. , ___ ....... --··"'" _ ...... ,,fl -·-.•-11 c-•,..11--1 .-wa1.-.i-1 •-•-..... ,,1 _..,._., .twnt<•_.,... __ -""_._., • ...nt --• ..,_, -...... _ -• -n r.wn ,.__ -·1111 -..-.K""84;0. --·" _ ...... " _ .......... "'"" _,. __ , .. .wn,.._,, ...... -................................ t1Mr.a. ..... 1:a ..... a.•PA "I dt d ·---•f•f_.._, ... ., ..__."""" .• .; ·:. . ~ • . . . • . .. I A tri Fo a " ·~ Co th< da ' w• Hi its Vi lo p, co se· Vil ' up "" fn pl ,so <• Kl f~ m ~ ·~ ' l:l Pl thr pl; na No •• nit-,., '" -~--------------------------------------~-~ • • k . . ~ . Camhodia1 Troops .. LOse Kiri1~01nArea " . ·PHllOM ·PENH (UPI) -mi!slons. A force of 3,000 Cqmbodian · Brig. Gen. s ·osthe'ot trpopa guided by a U.S. Air Fernandez commander of the F~ spot~ plane operied -·u ' 1 · . .:....· a new offensive today to try 200.m.1 tary d strict, said1"e ta'leClpture the· rain and ·tog bad asked for U.S. air support shouded Klrirom Plateau from for the assault of lhe plateau Cominunlst forces who sent but ,had had no reply: He them r~ling backwards Tues-said, however. that American day. · aerial reconnaissance had The. plateau' 56 milecs south-been "very helpful" ln -plan- 've.st• of Phno~ Penh, controls ning ,the attack. ' Highway 4 to the sea and Fernandez estlmated thel'I! it! occupation by the north were at least 2,000 Communl~ Vietnamese .and Viet Cong troo~s in the Kirirom area rorees threatens p h n 0 m with other elements in the Penh's imports of oil and other surr_ounding c;:oun~side. commodities and jeopardizes · Fernandez said Cambodian severa• important factories _ casualties bi the battle which vital to Cambodia war effort. sent them fleeing f r o m The attack .force was made Kirirom were at le~ 20 killed up ef five battalions, of govern-and, 40 wounded, ·mostly from mept troops including three .120 morta: attacks. Jay Sebring . Wt4'c14'1, """29, 1910 DAILY ~11.jT Js THUR., FRI., SAT., JULY 30, 31; AUG. 1 . FURTHER REDUCTIONS FOR A COMPLETE SELL· OUT. THIS EVENT YOU CANNOT MISS. SHOP NOW FOR BACK TO SCHOOL. Name Brands WfJ fresh battalions rushed from Cambodian troops, some of ·~l\J)Qrl\ "Fenb in a conyoy of whom admitted they were o~ .;SO buses and tr-11cks. The ly 14 to 15 years old, told force~~ by-American-trained UPI corespondent Kennet~ J.- Khmei 1nierctnailes Who i)Rce Braddiclt they had fought their- f~ in South Vietnam, was way d~n the heavily jun~led movihg.up the 3,000 foot moun-mountain slopes when driven t1tin from near the resort ~wn out. of Klrirom on Tuesday. . Stock EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE REDUCED BY AT LIAST of .Klrirom,'70 miles souU\west "nley said five trucks loaded o( Phnom Pe04. -1' •• -wit• ammunition were aban- !f CARTERS e NANETTE e HEALTH TEX e ~ LEVIS e BILLY THE KID e CINDEJlllLLA "' e Glf4NWAY e CATALIN~ e ROI ROY e Cherle1 Watson Susan Atk ins U,I T•'-""'M Patricia Krenwlnktl •°µ the iroops ,.gathered. for dorl:d because of heavy sniper ~·assault, a ·U.S. Air Force fire and that one truck was Bronco spoUer plane and F4 ~troyed by the Cambodians Phantom Jets were seen to prevent its falling into Com- through the clo.uds above the munist hands. Four oth~i' plateau, apparenlly on recon-~. were ·broughtt out this naissance a n d intelligence morning. Qpt. NhOnh · tuoen, com- Who Care•? mander of the 149lh battalion in i!tday's .11:ttack, said it would 'Love' Aniong F a1nily Told No olh1r n1w1p1p1r in th1 world Glrtt 1\ooul yflY,,. COll'llllU• nity tik1 YO.If!' C0111ft1Unity d1ily n1w1p1p1r do ... Jt'il lh1 DAIL¥ PILO T. ~;''very difficult" to retake .heights. The attackers fac· . a march of l! miles before · ";/ reach Kirirom , posaibly i two days. LQli ANGELES (UPI) - Charles anson's "family" made groU love and patrolled their Cam ites. .. with guns and walkie.t.allr.ies because they reared attacks 'by the Black Panthers, a "fainily" membe r tes tified Tuesday. ''That was why we had to wear black clothes, so we \vouldn 't be see"n. And that ~as why we had guards. At night one or two of the men Wandered around with 'gUns," she said. !CHILDREN'S SHOE SALE FINAL !RfDUC:TIONS ' ALL FROM REGULAR .STOCK ··. . • BUSTER BROWN · • GERWIN • ALEXIS NOW· ~·S1 [~90 TO s&.90 Regular T• $17.00 .. (J1eW!v,rf-.f 0 1 'j~EN'S IOOTllY Fashion fsland Store Only 30 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2464 .. ~ Linda K~bwt, 21, the ~ se<:ut.ion's star Witness in the trial of Manson and three of his female followers for the Sharon Tate murders, told the jury of sex orgies in which some two dozen members of the group participated. 1.trs. Kasabian said Monsan v.tio made Jove to her in a cave the night after she first met him, instructed t h e women living with him at the Spahn trtovie ranch to seduce male visitors to the commune to inveiele them to join his group .. . '."He .said ,if. they wouldn 't join, we shouldn't give them our attentions,~· she said. ~ · W9meo., at the ranch spent •• time sharpening knives, sorting dune buggy parts anti caring for the Qabies, she said, \l:hile the m~ "repaired dune buggies. . '·'Charlie told us not to allow the children to wa.nder in front of the ranch ,' she said, "because he thought we were 1 ~ watched. lie told us we · \Vere being watched by the Black Panthers." She continued, ·'!Fte said the Black Panthers hale white people and they might kill or kjdoap our children. .,, ' . ·~ . . . _{ ' ·ess Mrs. Kasabian al so lold the superior court ·jury the women took turns standing walth. carrying walkie-'talkies and reporUng back to the camp if a vehicle passed by. She said Manson told his followers the Black Panthers might attack them "because they 1tnew we were super- aware, and that we knew about them, and that they wanted to do away with us ~¥use they knew we knew the)' were goin·g to take over." ' The "family" lived on refuse .collected from trash barrels behind supennarkets a n d restaurants, the young woman said. "We 11sed lo go on garbage- rUns," she <Slid "We used to go in the ba c k of supermarkets and get the food \J!ey we1.c ,throwing aw_~y and take it home and clean it and eat it. We ate mostly vegelables and brown rice, riever" nieat, '' she added. Suppertime at the ranch "was runtime." she said. '.'We'd play guitars and sing and talk," . I 1.::·" .• 0 en? . -~. .• " •J •.; 't~ •• • .. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR DIRTY WORK INSTEAD. -, ·~' . , . . . . ' - Dpri'i: stick" your head iii that oven! Switch to an oven that cleans itself-electrically. For less than a dime, electricity will clean your oven · ah,\l yqur bfoiler-aqtomatically. And that . ~ris totally clean. And when your range is electric, you "~cut way down on cleaning your ~"kitchen; too .. A flameless electric . ran_¥,e. c~tc:s no . by-p~o,ducts of . ·, combasbon to drrty kitehen walls, windows and curtains. . , ' .... < An electric range also means a cooler kitchen. Electric beat goes into the food-not up ~e sides of pots and pans. And when you choose an electric range with a self-cleaning oven, you don't make an oven out of your kitchen! · See your dealer now. Then throw away your scouring brush and live the good clean life-electrically. e , 5' . Southern California Edison ELEaRIC OV~NS FOR TOTAL SELF·CLEAN 1, • .... .._ .. PLAYMORE e MAY KNlnlNG e LOVE e QUILTIEX e HANG TEN e PETERSON 20o/o INFANTS T-SHIRTS Vil. lo $2.00 l lml!td 0¥•Rllly IY FAMOUS MAlll Val. to $4.SO SETS Vil. to $8.00 you....., or4er ell Stroll.n-Hltll Choir1 Cor s.~. et, •• -Wolkers-J11mpen- 20°/o Off FAMOUS MAllE INFANTS Diaper Sets LIMITED 9UANT. Val. to $7.00 $399 PULLOVIRS CAlDteANS Val . to $9 .00 . s3~! ... Quontlty FAMOUS MAKI SLEEPERS Val. $-4.00 SllETCH •u.11 CAPRIS R09. to $3.SO ~1 GIRi.$ TOPS ... BLOUSES Val. to $4.00 $139 _ GIRLS Raincoats Vil. to $-4.00 s100 ... LlmltN Qv•ntlty !JliiiN PAll44WP I ILJ!.UllA#¢ GIRLS TOPS .BLOUSES Val. to $3.50 Llmlt9'11 .-1111ty 66C ·· GllLS - Shorts & Bermudas ' . , Val. to $4.00., ··-' FAMOUS . MAKI IOYS SLACKS, . JEANS Val. to $S.OO '$199 .Limit .. Qu•ntlty· IOYS ~ ·sHl.RTS. T-SHIRTS Val. to $-4.00 · s1~' LlmltOll · Quontlty BOY.'$ SijORTS ALL .IZU. Val. to $4.00 FRO"' OUR FURNITURE DEPT•= Ch .... f,..M eur c.m11leto llM of Chll4ron'• Fvrnltu,.. •M ltvy now •t • , • 3 0 «rooFF B.,~!<Arn•ricarcl-Mast•r C:harge-Gtntry & Our OWll 2300 HARBOR BLVD. <JiARBOR CENTER> HARBOR BLVD. AT WILSON ST., COSTA MESA 545·1440 ' 11 • , BAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE City Staff Could Help "Where Do \ Go?". a ·popu1ar .song with youth, aptly applies lo Its predlca,ment ln Hunllngton Beach. Answers to the question are being sought by city councilmen and adult advisers eager to get lhe Youth Coalition Committee ( YCC) going again in the right direction. It's a puzzle into which many soul-searching hours have been invested, both in back rooms and in the councll chamber. U good intentions were the mea- IW't!, there would be success to spare. But, unfortunately1 it seems that there are too many good intentions. A host ol adults has tried to help but the parents have failed lo find agreement even among themselves. A nucleus of young people has agreed on a program but a majority of the council questions whether the teenagers are well enough or~aruzed and wh~the: they are representative of all their contemporaries tn the city. The council has "rapped" in public with the YCC five times 1n recent weeks and still has not approved the group's programs. A budget of $2,926 -down con· siderably from last year's $10,000 expenditur~has been approved but no money can be spent on a part1cu- Jar project without further council authorization. lt is wise to watch the purse strings, of course, but the council should not mistake them for apron strings. The council might consider whether the time hasn't come to take a chance on these young people. Tbe' YCG bas attempted to restructure itself, it has drastica11y cut its budget from its original $5.000 re-- quest for this year, and is eager to get on with its many programs. make up lbe committee are not widely representatives. lf th\J ls true, some corrective action can be taken when schools open, but it is reasonable to expect any youth group to be representative of a city with five high schools io 1t! • Teen Help, a similar group in Fountain Valley Is flourishing but there boundaries are defined and there is a greater seme or community identity. One step the council might take Is to Instruct the city slaff to give the young people assistance-on budge! preparation and the setting up of by-laws. The slaff could guide without infringing on the teeD- agers' duire to make their own decisions. There also may be a lesson that Huntington Beach can leatn from Fountain Valley, where a similar group, Teen Help, is· flourishing. Teen Help gets finan· cial support and advice from various adult service or· ganizations. Applicants Needed · 1£ you want to help shape the things to come in Iiuntington Beach, then apply for a vacancy on the planning Commission. It's a vital role that should appeal to any citizen concerned about the future of bis city. In Huntington Beach a certain excitement is added to the normal re-- sponsibility such an appointment carries because the city h2s so much growth both behind and ahead of it. Applications for the post are available at the city administrator's office. The council will interview can· didales al 7:30 p.m. Aug. 7. The vacancy on the seven-man board was created by the resignation of electronics designer Michael Bokor, a victim of layoffs in the aerospace industry. who is going to work overseas. If some of these programs -such as "services to the disadvantaged, $65011 -border dangerously on so- cial welfare, how bad is that'! That's what yo uth wants to do nowadays. Helping other kids is in. dancing is a Jong step behind. There Is criticism that the 20 or so teenagers who He leaves with the city's thanks for his two years of unstinting service. H 'That's it. Concentrate on t.M pretty little trinket .• .' Parents Feel ·ch'3ated by Rej~tion , FoUowinc a college commencement last month, I was asked by a student to e1plaiD why pareat.s are tO "bitter" about the breaking away of youth from lradiliooal, pattmis and lamil1 btll<ls. ''I cooJd understand It," ,be llkl. 1'i! their kidJ did bad thinp, delll.,.cl prop. erty, or dropped out of achool. But rm not talking about those cases. I'm ta~ about the 1tudents who behave themlelves. 1el 1ood &rad<•, but stmply diaagrje with their partnts' values and life-styles." THE PARENTS ARE to btttu bec1u1e U.,,. !eel -w j:betted OUl of the fullnea ol t b e l r role.!. Parents liko lo think thal lil<Y have handed down more than materiel advantages to their children -that they have passed on a way or life, • sense of values, a r,noraJ or spiritual heritqe that coolers upon them a kind of vicarious im- mortality. This ls their hope, pride, vani· ty, call it what )'OU will. And this is where they feel rejected ~ humiliated by their children -who accept money from them, but nothing elle. Tbe parents • caMOt b r i n g tliem1elves to. believe that everything Jbe1 have stood for and worked for COUl'lls for little i1 the eyes of their chlkiren. THE QUE.WION JS nol a rational m1tter ,of wbo is "riJht" but an intensely Dear Gloomy • Gus: l'm amused at the frustrated women who are so ignorant as lo think the Huntington Beach police helicopters are up there to watch them sunbathe. Wishiul thinking, maybr? -Mrs. R. N. 1'1lla fMtv•t FlllKtl "aMn" ......... ... -..rlf'r n-t ti tM .......... IMll ._. ,.. -... ._,. .... DellY , ..... -emotional mailer ol serving the con- tinuity. Parents pia. and hope for con- tinuity: they like to feel that when they Are gone, a part of them!tlves will persist in the attitudes, approaches and valuet ol their childre1 and grandchildren. All this is being rejected today, in a basic way that has no past parallel; of course, each aeneration has "revolled" from the previous one, but the present geneiation ls quesUOt1.ing fundamentals Ind abeolutes in a manner that Is uniquely new-and quite frightening to the older geReraUon. OF COURSE, WE need more ln- lelledual comprehension on the part of the ~nts, who must open their minds to the new ideas of youth; but we also need mort emotional comprehension on the part of young people, who bave an equal obligation to opew their hearts to the shriveling expectalion1 of their ~nts. I happen to believe that the value system of the youth -crude and in- articulate as it is -is in many ways superior to that of their parents; but precisely because the young see further and clearer, they must try to reach lbeir parents, not reject or repudiate them. "Nobody listens to us" is the complaint or youth: it is also the dirge of older people, who feel redu11dant today as never before, Hayakawa Has 'Extre11iely Good Idea' A Work Interval After High School To the Editor : Or. S. I. Hayakawa, president or San Francisco Stale College, has aot hold of an extremely good Idea when he recommends (DA ILY PILOT, July 241 •·a two or three year or Jonaer interval or work e.zperience between high school and college." Just this short interv al will give students, the boys especially. an experience that is desperately needed . before taking the final fling at academic training and choosing .a vocaUoo. There are several reasom for this .period of work eiperlence : FlRST. IT GJVES a youngster an opportunity to try out a profession, lo get the fetlint of a workJng life. This he can do as an apprenUce in a hospital. a shop, factory or business, or on board a ship. How can you tell whether you will enjoy a certain type of work until you've tried it'! The job wh.ich you really enjoy doing will be the one you not only are happiest al, but the one at which you will be most successfu1. Millions oI ywngsters are forced to take a profession they don't enjoy bttause it was all they could get and marriage wa s upon them! SECONDLY, THEY will give a far more mature selection of courses. By trying life out.side the academic cloister tru!y will know what tools will be most useful in their social life, what they need tA:l broaden their enjoyment. Thirdly, by working for three years, they should be able to save enough so they will have spare time for essential recreation -Utea!er, sports and politics. AND FOURTH, it may eliminate many v."ho would not profit from collegt. It's somewhat of a radical idea but we shall be trying it out on the men who have returned from Vietnam . They should have matured pretty fast. and know al least what they do 1101 want to be! BERNARD BARTON .. " Letters from reaaers are welcome. Normally writerr rhould conveu their messages in 300 words OJ: less. The right to condrnse letUrs to fit space °" eliminate libel is retmied. AU let- ters must ineludt.S"ignature and mail- ing address, but 1'14'mes may be toi~ held on request if sufficient reason is apparent. Poetrv will n.oi be pub- li.!hed. of our schools and the minds of our children by the teacher unions. This bill must be defeated. The Senate Education Committee will consider this bill in the very near future. Please call, wire, or write to your represen· lalives in Sacramento at once voicing strong opposition to S.B. 1193. DAVID L. DENHOLM Legislative Director Californians for Right to Work Sad Conunentar11 To the Editor : The front-page photograph of officer Ron Palmer (DAILY PILOT, July 25) rush.ing into the hospita1 with the lttcK.night infant in his arms after the toddler had swallowed a deadly do.se of L.50 his IS.year-old brother had in the house depicts the quintessential police officer, one whose primary duty is the preservation of life. girl wondering what her draft number would be when she becomes 19 years of age. I think ii would make a kit of girls think before they leap! We could also make a law a girl can'l marry until" she is past the draft age -think what a blessing that could be ! As long as the young people want a change, let 's help give il lo them . J'O RA111ER have my gjrl drafted than walking around town without a bra. I wish the DAILY Pllm' would ask u~ women to send in a yes or no on whether women should be drafted. r am serious. Scr.nething has to be done for this country and if I could, I really would lay down my apron and go into service for my country -my own U.S.A. CONNIE BARNETI 'Tell It Like It Is, Man' To the Editor : Politicians who are now either ruMinl the count ry or running for public office arc cast in the same moldy mold : they C'Ouldn't care Jess about anything except lo get on and stay on the U.S. taxpayers' payroll, which l.s the highest in the world. The semantics used by these genUemen are varied and without much common sense. Even Dr. S. I. Hayakawa would be depressed by the liberties taken with his original work in semantics. THE POPULATION explosion and the pollution explosion are bad enouah in themselves, but the semantic explosion is something new and will have to be considered before we worry about the other explosions. includin g the atomic bomb, which is DOW old hat. and well-respected school district to which only the top teache rs are being recruited and hired. There.are many of us who will continue to work in any way possible to maintain and increase the Ocean View School District's high standards. If this means higher salaries for our administrators, then let it be so. MRS. LARRY LANDESMAN Fluoridation To the Editor : Re : DAILY PILOT . editorial of Fri· day, July 24, 1970. Quote: "The councilmen are elected to make decisions -" The truth is the councilmen are elected to make decisions concerning the city's business, not to make decisions that are rightfully the individual's. The city'! busitlCSS is to promote Jaw and order, and public protection. and to provide fire protecUon, libraries, aid recrtatlooal facilities. When the city council confiscatea private property, evicts people from their homes and interferes in individauls' rights to make dech;ions concerJting their own and their families' heiilth, they become usurpers and dictators. JT JS MY RIGHT to consult doctonl and dentists of my choice. Our dentist has said "no" lo fluoride, but now. on the strength of a group of dentists who approve of fluoride, the city council. in effecl. has limited my rights. Furthermore, these dentists, by prevatl- iRg upon our city council to adopt nuoridation, have prescribed a treatment for my family that our owJ1 dentist disapproves. Case for Sentimentality 'Bill Jllu#t Be Defeated' IT IS A SAD commentary on con- temporary society that men of this degree of dedication to service must endure epithets such as "pig" and others unprintable. I don't know from whence derives the term pig as It is applied to policemen , and have never seen one who needed a shave, or a haircut, or smelled as if be hadn 't bathed recently. Btrr If THE term ls used with a connotation of contempt, it seems to me more appropriately applied to some- one who would stash a quantity of dangerous drugs where a 20-month-old baby could find them . A womaR writing in a prominent woman's magaz.ine deplores the use of semantics in everything from the person- nel man wbo calls a floor scrubber a sarutalion engiPte.er to punks llke. the ••!ate" Robert Strange McNamara w?lo said the illegal war in Vietnam was '11 .. program" which has .already killed more that 40,000 Americans. Also consider this: use of fluoridated water violates religious convictions of certain groups. Therefore this decisio11 of the council violates the right or freedom of worship which is guaranteed under our Constitution (amendments Article I). SINCE FWORIDATED water ud nuoride pills art available to those who want them, it is a violation of our rights to force the use of fluorides on those or us who disagree. Bennett eerr, chairman of the board n! Raodom House and something of the cardinal-archbishop of the publishing trade, occasionaUy bypasses his efficient publicity apparatus to pe rsonally endorse a new book. The last time I heard from him he slated his case for Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood." This season fl is "Mi father's House," a memoir by Philip Kunbardt Jr., an editor of Life magnlnt. Quite different from the Cl~e. "lo a year where many best-selling books are compilations of four-letter words and 1e1ual perversion.<i," Cerf writes, "lhUJ heart.warming story or a wonderful American family who love each other and the world ln which the y Jive heartened me enormously. and ltii unashamed &ienllmentalily and respeet for many or the thlnp ln life 1 veluc most lllgbly left me mlsly .. yed." • : 1 JAMES AGE.B'S 1'A Death In the : Family" w11 a rari boot that 'lert one mi.st)'-«yed. Thom&on Wilder's "Our Town" was aoothtr. Most o I her • hurtwanner1 carry a Reader's Digest droM and are abomlnab)t. Cerrs poinl. I think. Is thal &OO<i unuhamtd sentimentality Is still possible Lo conM by In lh1I agitated new 90Ciety. "My Flther's Howe" II 01<1-ruhloned. all-Amertca.n sweetness once UIOCl•ted with the pa.intioga of Nonnan Rockwell. wen done and bontlt.. Sunday dinners, famlly ritual,:, OU11tmu -and humor 11111 II ,,.,....· bild<. NosUJijl. They To the F.ditor : There are very few individuals who ,..,--·-·~~ L. . • The Bookman ' ' 1 fully understand the tremendous threat. of compulsory unionism . . . and the effect it would have nn our school teachers. l 'm sending this urgent letter to mobilize opposilion to a bill which could result in teachers being forced to join . a union in order to leach our children . don ·1 write books like this any more. Yet here It is, 11 lbe publisher almost desperately e.mphuiies. Kunhardt's memolr incubated in an Jnlensive-care ward following a heart attack at 40. A few years previoosly his father had died al '2 after a similar attack. Rummaging around his father's desk, the son came face to face with the old days in 1 New Jersey home, The Hilt. THAT'S ABOUT IT. Written simply Wilh rare affection and not a sign of anything ljke a aeneralion gap, you can'L argue with it. Enjoy Jt all while you can, Kunbardt seems t6 llYi for there is so little time. Thl.t is more than vintage Rtader'1 Digest. It is a penooal, haunting, almost 19th Century kind or book. I ,.cognlze Bennett Cerl'!!i hunger for a restatement of old and no doubt fadi(lg American values, and that a similar hW1gcr among many mlddle-•&ina: reldert e 1 I 1 t 11 • Obviously not .u misty-eyed u the publisher would like me to be, I mnaln neutral, if not indifferent, in 111 this. I simply pau along one man's en- thusiasm (Random Hoiw; $S.95). William llo1a1 California teachers' right to teach should be based on ability and dedication . . . not union membership. Senate Bill 1193, now being considered by the CalUornia Legislature, repreJenls the greatest sinale threat to the concept of freedom o( choice and academic freedom ever conceived by organized labor. Passage <1f this bill would open the door for compulsory union shops for :ill teachers and public school tmployes. This would mean the evtntual control ~--B11 Geor1e ---· Dear George: I noticed your colwnn offering )'OUT coo~ In memory Im- provement said, "'Fill Oul Coupon" below? Old you ACTUAU.Y forget to include the coupon in your offer of a course in memory lm- provemtnt'! Dear Gotcha!: What (.'(lurse in provementt GOTCHA! mtmory Im- HANK OSTERFEW Draft lhe Woml!tt To the Editor : Yes, we women should be drafted into service. Just picture a high school Quotes U. Gov. Ed Reinecke -"Govtnuntnl agencies and bureaus are the wearest 1hil.g to eternal life we will see on this' earth." / Cbarle1 Tranter, ft.f.D.1 ValleJt -"If LSD and 'speed' had been desig'1ated a~ pol.sons and treated as 1uch, much of the ~atastropbe of thelr use would have bten avoided." Cbet Sthwartlkopf. AllscadeN -"Jn the. Middle A1es Europe was devastated by a murduous plague that wiped out millions. Tod»y America Is Ulrcatened by a plague that could be fully as lelhal • • . the. rottlne away oI our ba.•ic morals." · EUea Cooprr, It. S.F. -"Prejudice is wheR aomcbody doesn't like you because you're not pretty or II you 're bl~ck: or not like them." • LOOK THE WORD up in the dictionary and find lhat "program'' has something lo do with entertainment -a show, or circus. Now we could hardly call 40,000 dead America11s a circus. Semantics is going to ha ve to go. With due re s pect lo Dr. Hayakawa, "Tell it like it is, man," b the coming thing. S. G. UND!NE A J111t Remard To the Editor : As an Ocean View School District 41>1rent and taxpayer. I feel I masl reply to the letter or Mrs. Pauline f.toen on June 17, concerning the salary increase: for Dr. Clarence Hall. f'feel it was certainly a just reward for Or. Hall, wbo worked so hard to enlighten people about lhe need for the tax lncreue tor oor achools. Due to this I~ In fundl , Ocean View acboo11 have added Immensely to the enrlchm<nt of llJ pupill by hiring ad· dlllonal rtadint teachers. s p e e c h therapists, teachen• aides. m u s l c teachers, supplemental remtdial and enrichment programs and by adding maJI.)' new educational maltriab to each and every clusroom. ALL OF TlllS would not have l:ttn: posslblc wlthoul these 1dd!Uonal funds thal Dr. llall11elped this school dlslrlcl win. Ocean View has becomCI a strong The citize ns of Huntington Beach are Intellig e nt beings capable of responsibility for their denial health. We are not animals that n~ed masterii and keepers. Whe11 the five men and one woman who sat on the council the flight of July 20 made this important decision on this controversial issue, they as much as said that we, the people were not capable of deciding this for ourselves. Ho"· wrong they are! This action of the city council 1hou\d be rescinded! \ MRS. CLIFFORD MOEN --·--Wednesday, July 29, 1970 T~e editorial page of the Doilv Pilot seeks to 'nform and atim.. ulatc reader• bu presenting this ntwspaper's opinions and com- 11\fliklry on topics of inttre1t and dgnl/icance, by providtno s forum for the e;tpression of our readers• opfnion1. and bu pre1enting the diverse vitto- po111U of htforrned ob1erver1 and spokesmel\ °" topici of th1 da~. Robert N. \Vced, Publisher J I • ' YO! By U The the ' emer1 cily : blll!g tic co: ''Wt -iJO' V. Lil of mt Board u ni. dance -h• fire o The· Pacifi the" lorme chari1 cha I« "Ailh tinued forme not b last 1' aea.W> ~ M.ary. chllri< IO!lowl lbe JI di80rd prove liceno Coo' teleph lhe M Ear counc. matte come lltand de.clai The reporl 1Cvlc1 are a the ht Mei Is be pres st his er SiIK which Fuhri Cesa!\ Jim ' lnl10) of t.ht : "I\ he .. Ar1 Pa 86' ,...,. dona I pay organ lndoc OU •ool<• abc>it dona I Dir Distl') 1970-1 In lb noun< Dir new vaftia Tb< g:"'~I starti planl Intro: der_. Th• or u of SI J ' Fountain V all~y ' ' .. • Today's Flnal YO[. 63, NO. 180, 4 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES ,. ORANGE. CQUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1970 TEN CENTS By UNITED PRF3S INTERNATIONAL The mayor of New York activated the first 111.age or an air pollution •rhergency alert in the nation's largest city today as a blanket of dit'ty air hung motionless over much of the Atlan· Uc coast megalopalis for the fifth day: "We have two· crises on out hands --power and air poQution," Mayor John V. Lindsay declared following a morning of meetings with his Emergency Co11trol Board and the Pre~deat of Consolidated Seal Beach 1 Dance Hall Under Fire By . ltUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 Hit Olll'I' Plltl II.ti Tbt Mari.tis ·Palace -a teen-age dancMtall OD tbe -outskirts of Seal Beach -.baa added !urther fuel to a political fire curreotly raging in the city. The psychedelically-painted building on Padtic Coast Highway was to have been the subject or a heal-ing Monday before form.er City Manager Lee Risner on char'ges th.tL it was violating the city charter. "Aithm.igh the meeting has been con- tinued to Au&. 10, the hearing officer, former City Man;\ger Lee Risner will not be presiding stnce he was fired last Tuesday doring a stormy city council a~n. ., Edison c:e. .~ As the first step In the alert . the city sanitation department was ord~ered to cut incineration by 10 pettent and municipal ho8pitals and bousilli1 projecb to stop their ·on site burnin1 of garba.ge by 3 p.m. LiJldsay warned New Yorkers to "prepire for the barming of all private vehicles from certain areas of the city" if the crlsJS worsens. He asl(ed them to begin organizing . er car poo)J or·usina: .,Ubllc tr11Upurtatio1 immediately and said the city would provide extra buses.· The mayor acted 'as the city's Air Resources Deparbnent announced the amoUnt 'of sulfur dio:rlde, carbo1 monox· Ide, smoke shade and oxidates in the air had reached the 1'unsatisfactory to unhealthy" stage. The smog cast a yellowish grey pall over the city. From Ule top of the l,472·foot Empire St.ate Building, the world's tallest building, visibility was • • t •• ~ • HUNTINGTON IEAGH CITY ADl,llNISTllA,0{1 . oov~E Ml ~l:,E!! Boforo· {!..ft) •nd After Vl1 lt to Looi W.11, Shop ,-' Ei&ht .~plaints ar~ lodged against William {Bill) Robert.ion and his wire Mary, 'nley a\leg_e they violated the charter by pel'riilttfng obscene conduct, aJl~rll persons older than 20 to frequent the place, and not evicting lewd or di80rderly persoos. IL the danger w~e proven, the city could suspect the hall's lii:enst. He Tops Jt 'Ali /> . 4 ./ . City Manager.Gets Crop of 'Hair Contacted at his pharmacy today by telephone, Mayor Morton Baum charged the Marina Palace wis "a phony issue." Earlier this week, during the lively cooncil meeting, he pledged that the matter will be heard and will eventually come before the city council. "It will stand or tall on its own merits," he -. . , City Manpger .Doyle Mil~IS ~covering things up at Huntin~ach City Hall. But, although .it • a ha il')" situation, the figurehead of about 6aO city employes I declared. D • p 'l t The mayor did, how.,er, confirm the /'1 ,USSian i 0 S report that his wtte and Robertson so41h( · advice from the Attorney Gener~l. 1'hey Test l sra·ez;·., are also convmced that R1sner' 1n1 tiated "° the hearing as a diversionary' tacl.ic. • Mea.nwhile, Baum beli"'' h~ work Ji• Canal f:ght Is being threatened as the result of . " 11 pressure being brought to bear against hls employers. Since Tuesday's council meeting during which he and Councilmen Conway Fuhrman and Thomas Hogard suc- cessfully dismissed Risner and City Atty. Jim Carnes, he says he has received annoying phone cells, often in the midd le of the night. : "I've taken my telephone on the hook." he aaid. Army Reserve Troops Pay for War's End B0sTON (UPI) -A group of a11T1y reservists from the Boston area are donating part of I.heir summer trainin!! pay to congressional candidates and organizaliom opposed to the war in Indochina. Qiristopher Burns of Cambridge, a s~esman for the group which numbers abOOt 40, said Tuesday $424 has been donated so far. WASHINGTON (AP) -Reports that Russian-piloted planet had their firs t encounter with Israeli aircraft over the Suez Canal last Saturday gives new urgen_cy to the V.N.·pr9posed cease.fire plan, U.S. officials said today. Although officials decline to c~nfirm the report that MIG fighters with Soviet crews chased Israeli planes across the canal. they appeared to believe that such an incident occurred Saturday when Israeli planes attacked missile sites on -the canal. Fragmentary reporbi available .)lere said there was no d~ cltsh between the Soviet and Israeli planes. The re~rts here said the Israeli ,planes turned back and were followed by tbi MIG's 8Cl'OIS the canal , penetratitlg aeveral miles east into the Sinai Peninsula. "Whether il happened or not, it was bound tD happen Ofli Of I the!le days," one oUicial commented. ' • is winning nothing but praise.. The affair came to a head Tuesday when Miller returned from lunch sporting a hahd!lome toupee; . "You know: I very nearly went' down to the be a eh,'' the city man11get td- miU.ed . "Walking back Into the· ,:Office was one of the hardest ·things l'.Ji ever done." l Erhplnyes weren't · slow "'1. ·com~ plimenting their chief on his iyw !Ook. however. "I'm not sure how mhch they mean it, but iL 's encouraging," Miller said. The salt and pepper toupee cost Miller $195. He bought it at 'a local Wig shop. One employe quick, to .congratulate Miller was William Rae~ the city's economic developi:nent director who also . "' . suffers from the same eondltion that has puzzled ' men and barbers down through the Bges. "I paid $500 for one. but it's such a bad match thal I wouldn't dare pull it out of the hox," he said. \Miller's wile, Ella M,ae,, encouraged him to. make the bold move. -."j told her that ~'l\ad .a ~oUon to io"ln and nosey a~Ound Uie 1hop and sl\e said, 'Why don't yoU?" " Miller rtlaled. , , :: ;Tbe city manager's 8-0n Steve, 18. also . 1'8W the hairpiece for the first time when Miller returned home Tuesday night. "At least he didn't kick me out," Miller joked. . .. • e Ill ' cut rro.m a JtOrmal 50 mile.a to 1 or J miles. The AUantic coast, from New 'York to AtlaDta. has · been covered for four days by a polluted hue trapped· by hot ' and humid air which the weather bureau said would remain stationary until the weekend . The temperature reached 1 seasoJ's hii:h of 94 degttes in New York Tuesday and could go•· even higher by midaf· temoon todaf, the weather bureau snrd. At 11 a.m. ·the temperature already City .Chief Endorses Master Plan By ALAN omKIN " Of HI• tulllt ,1191 Sllff The call for a long-term financial mast¢ plan for the City of HunUngton BeaCfl ·today received the endorsement d. City Manager Doyle Miller.· "I have absolutely no objections to it so Jong as there is the understanding thl.t it must have flexibility to be responsive to the chan&ing needS or the " people," he said., · · Ttire 'push for a master ei:tnomlc plan bWlt up during tile mootti!: of study spent searChlng 1or methoids' to , taise r~venue.to pay for: new civic faCilitles . , The Sjst:ems and Data 'Processing Corn~ttee, given the task of studying 'tlnaricini methods,' recOmtnended that an economic '4Ylsory .. con\mittff be e~llbllehed to rf:vtel" lon1·ri'ii#'Plannln1 ·.matters Involving 0J)et1Un1 budgets, capital budgets and revenut .!IOurcea. The c1ty, eouncil, acetpt~ ill~ reeom-m'endation ·w~en the com~t~ presented u, report ·llld Ille C111111ber. ~f ~er•• . Jasf week ~ted itJ• clill , f/Jr such a· study: tenrun; 1lt 0f1 '~ im· ·port1nce."' ' I · •' 1 M'Ufer said todiiy tha~ .he . and ,the staff wOuld develop a financial ma!ter plan.1. ' "We· will ',work on il in cooperation with various ·bodies, the council, the teaiue or Women Voters and the Chamber of Commerce, and then finally present it to the council and ask .the council to adopt it," Miller said. 11ie city presently has a five-year plan. which covers ca-pital needs. Thill Is brought up to date each,FebrUary. Miller agreed that it would be uaetul lo ~ave a, plan which also details futute operating budgets and revenue sources drawn up. "It will be help!ul to us ID ad- ministration," he said. ' "The financial coe:t of services, the level of serv\Ce and new areas of service sbould be evaltiated."' The pre.sent capital needs plan gives the estimated costs Of the new civic facilities -the civic center, amtrat library, fire stations and corporation y8rd. · Millei' emphas!zed that it is updated every year to keep it five years ahead. "You would be amaied at the things that . h~ve come along since we~arted worklrig on the plans," · Miller · ad'ded. "We would have been · handlcapi)ed 1r we had been locked Into a rigid pro- grim." Red · Minis ters Meet MOSCOW CAP) -The fore i gn minl!ters or the Soviet Union and West Germany met today for 21h hours on treaty negotlitiofls described as "businesslike and in keeping with the difficulties." wu rt dqree1 and the temper1ture- hwnJdity bider wu 80 -the level at which everyone la believed affected by the heat ud humidity. The llJ'tather also was blamed for 1be power crisis because of inCreased use ol air condiUoners and fans. For the second day the· Cclnaotidated Edison. r:o. asked 200 major OOIUIUmers, including the city of New York. and privaje ciUtens to llmit their consumpUon of power tO essentials. In the . Wuhiqton, D.C., ma t"fficials • were on the verp 0( lamlil.g a .alr pollution aierl Tueaday but a .,...blnatlon of local breezes and increued cloud cover relieved the aituatloit ;q.what todayi ~ • The air managemeftl ·'I lee ' In Philadelphia 31Jd the polll)ll(>n atluation the.re was "Ugly but not d&ngitf9U~ .. , A hoepltai ctieck ~;,_ ._ Jnc:reaae -In resplratory cases: · In Atlanta, clty s~tomen 1111<1 )leaVy lhowen Tlieaday b ...... I ~ lllllOJI relief by "WIJhlne,lt ~~. ·•. ~ _. Two R~port.• Giv en ' ... Sex Course B-aek To Beach · Board By TERRY COVILLE 01 tll• 0.llY ,li.t St•ff , Family life. and 1e1: edµcatlon .was dumped back Jn the laps of Huntington Beach" Union High School Digtrict ad· mini!trators Tuesday night. • A ciUzens committee; a p p o i n le d sev~al months ago to dtve\op a:n adJlt course on the subject, and since.trol\bled . by . lnterrial , 'dissenUon, finally su.bmi,tt!d their . recommendat)Qn' ln th~ fonn of majority and ·m1nQiily reports'. Sc;,ho/>i' trustee' ~ule\ly accepte<I' ~ reporls Tu~sday njih} atid Pf?o>ptlY turn· · F,~i:.Uer .'~~:n,ager 0£ ltealth. ·$pa,' ' I . Facing. ~.J ;~P~.: . Gary, jlaro\d ,P~, ~~ld: el· ""°"" o! 1 HupUnl!l90 . health spa. was scheduled for arr«Janraent tp- day in· West Orange· ~Y \Coprt · on 29 feloqy. ~nt.s, includiriC ki4n1ping, rape and robbery. , The charges,· according ,to Detective Sergeant Mo,nty McKe.nnon, include five counb o( ,-kktnapin& with ~great Wily harm, . the . crime ·that ,...,, 1 Caryl Chessman· to· the gas chtmJ>er., ~hoepix, a GJlldtn Grove .reaident, eave hlmseU up at 4;30 a.m. Saturday mor.nina iat 1the · Huntinatoo B,each Police station. As he Inquired why he . was being investigated by detectJves, he was taken into custody and booked on the flrst 13 charges. · ' Charges facing the bUrly· • foof 1, ZOO.pound bachelor Include' four counts or assault with inten( to commit rape, three counts of crimes against nature, five counts of sex perversion, five cqunts of forcible rape and seven counts of armed robbery. Hil most recent crime, officers allege, was the abduction and forcible npe of a HunUngtm Beach housewife laat Friday. - The, ·woman was able .to qorrecUy describe Phoenix' appearan~e and. th,e automobile Which he had· been drivlng, officers sahJ. · Valle y Planners Will Postpone Three He1=1rings Three pubnc .heatings '¥e on tonight's agenda of the Fountain V•lley PlaM.iiii" Commission, but none will be beai-d. eel them over to district adtninistratort, and the new superintendent, when selected. for furlher study. The majority report is a 13--page, 12- odd mixtµre of fo\klore and s4perstition,'' Trustee Joseph Ribal, a psyChology pro- fesSor, commented this morning. The majority' teort is a · ta.page, 92- paraifapll outline of rules for ·a.. propp&ed fainilY. li!e and ~ex ed~Uon ,program. The minority report was a seven-page attack on the majority repon; and lfked that. trustees tinore' tl1e su~geated'niles. ' the· niajorify rep6rL l n .e I ui d'e d philosophical polnb ' for exj)lan'atlOn - "thia head ·a·s well as the ' heart thould be useet.:in choosing a .'spouse." .:... ~ of IJaw, ·and 'm:ethcidr for llCl'ffn!DI teachers or lhe course.· It includes a loyalty oath for teacher• and the suggestion tbey receive ·no ·pay for handling the ad\ilt course. . , The· mmmltte:e -W&J spUt 1$-12, .with (bairailtn Wllbp91 )I. Apdr~w, abstaining, over the majority rep:>rt. . Tile1 l2 minority membefl WI their main ~j~tlon . to the majcirit~ report ii; Ulat, "these, •re noj autdelines fa¢ ~ compl•tely'. un~~le becaUJO . none of ·the statemeqls are substantiated by ~ct and qo reference· materiaJ wu ever presented to refer to ." . Minority members said they objected lo, many 1polnts in1 the mAjOrity report, then proceeded to outline the major ob- jec'tlons in I.heir minority report. At ohe polnt1 the majorjty 'report says, "fell~ous life. shquld be broadened ~d deepened ." Minority members contend tha~ '\¥Ould vlolat~ the , educaflqn code, re«iarding the teachlng of religion. Under points of law which the majority report says should be explained, to youth it says. "Common Jaw marriace is not legal In Callfornla." Minority members reply that, "com· mon law marriages recognized in other states are valid in California .'' The minority report 1ays another legal statement, "Premarital aexual relations may invalidate a marriage," is fa be as of Jan. 1, 1970. 'Both teporis talk 'about masturbation. The,majority report says It ls,npt normal or healthy ·and,should be discouraged. M:inorlty members quest~ on wt14t medical and psychological evidence w·aa such ·a statement made. The minority report quotes Dr. William Menninger, founder or the Menninger FoUndatlm, "All too often 'ni.ost children learn e:arty that all things · sexual are nau~ty 4)t dirty. Too often , paren'ts do Dot rlealize that interest in the gf:nitals is a natural, normal phase or devel9pment." Another majority report view challeng.. (See FAMILY, Page I) Orange Wat er District''s Tax Rate Drops. The planning department has already determined that eacflr of the plibUc hear- ings · will be 'conlinutd. thus clearing the agenda ftlr -a long1 list of routin·e niatters at the 7:30 p.m .. meet.Ing. . Hearings set, but expected to be con· Weather Whatever:s (air, ~s the we.a~ 1 errrian, adding that 111.e sk,l!s will 1bt just that on Thur11ch1y afier t.ht usual coa!tal cloudiness. Look for 1 temperatures In the 68 to 8$ degree range. By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of !M O.llY l'ii.t ll•ff OiftctN"s of the Orange County Water District 'have approved a budget for 1970--71 which features a six cent drop in the di strict's tax rate, it was an· nounced today. Director Henry Segerstrom, 11aid the new rate will be eight ce nl.s per $100 vafuation. Last year's rate was 14 cent!. 'nle drop in the tax rate -madt. possible by several factors -comu in 1 year wbef'I the district will be 5tarting work on a $12 million desalting pl1nt which w!\l help iitop salt water Intrusion into the county's natural un· derlround fre~ water storage areu. The w11ter district will 11ntre the cost of the plant with the federal Oiflce or Saline Water. Federal sources will pay $9.3, million for co111t1uc1Jon cosb while the district will provide an ad- diUOOal 12.5 million. Sogerstrom said there were 1' number of rea sons that the district was able to reduce the tax rate. "The most obvious one was the Jartle increase Jn assessed valuatiOlll this year,'' he said. "We also had more favorable results than anticipated in our sale of sand and gravel," Segerstrni:n explained. 11ie sand Jnd gravel is 'lald from a dlltiict· owned 111ite al orig thf, Santa Ana Riv ff which ' is being excavated for ~ water spreadinR basin. "An unexpected rise fn sand and gravel prices brought in more revenue: than we expected," he added. . ' Seserstrom also noted the district was · getUng a higher intertst rate on reserves. "ln addition, w~'ve .done a Utlle: .~t tightening ourselves, so we're very p~u. ed that we can lower · the tax rate. Two years ago the rate was 17 cents, so we.'ve, managed a cut of more than 50 pereent in two years,'' he said. Segerstrom said the cost of the new plant will be absorbed over a three-year period. Construction on the project ls alated to begin within • yep_r on a 20-icrt silt at Ellis Avenue and· EucllCI street. In Fountain Valley or on 1.12-acre 'alte nn •the Huntington Beach. &Ide Of the Sante Ana River Where lt forms the boundary between Huntington Be:acti and Newport Beach. 1 "Thi• will be one of the !Int pilot ' I production plants,,. Seeerstrom nld. "Prkir to this they have been small nuateh oriented facilities: 11iis will be one of the flrst working plants tb take· the concept out of reaearch arid development arid Into a practical, work· Ing> stage.'! l When completed In 1973, the · pllltt wlll 1 pomp abobf th,i'ee 1miJllon gallons ol waler dally mln the """ncl. If judged succtnful by the OfftCe of Sall.he Water, the flow rate may be hicreasecf to', 15 million gaUons a day 1akt' Nell Cline, as11111111 dlstrjcl m1111ger. · The..desallhized water will be · Injected lnto1 I.ht. ground through a seilea · of wellL The Injected wci\er will be ·use<! "s1 a barr~er lo .prevent u.lt water from , '°te.rin1 lrisb water 1ou.rcet )nlnnd, ~line sald. • ' ,, • tlnueif, are : , -A re(Jul!!l by the Rouse oJ. Suzuki to open . (I motorc)'cle ·repair &hop on Harbor Boulevard .. It Will be continued until Aug. 12 so complete pl&M of the repair shop can be SUb1J1IUed. , ._A reqile.st for apartment. zonin& on the northeast comer of Bushard Street and , Warner ,Avenue. wll( bt deliytid nntll October While the FoUntiln Vitlty &hool District studios , 1 ochool. alto , In \hat aru. . ·r · -Pfeelie plans ,for 1' l~te Woo\C? sbopplna ·Center on tbe llCkllh'west Corner 'of EaIJiier Amiu••nd ~\ ~ .wm .ht. lnspeoted Aua. n' tiy Rllllnen'. The . city council had a~ed Sille~ Development to rewOrk tJie .Pll(ls to satisfy cQmplalnlJ from .n tar b y hcm)IQwnera about pl'Opoled 'jlar~. •114 landsC•pln8. . ' INSIDE 'l'ODA.Y T w o • important. t~totrl?>l 1 . event.I cbreok tlje ni~ionme,: . caLm Utif wee1'--both i111 Coctd 1Mtsa. See Thea·eer Notei, ~Page .24. I • Hears . ;, . h .. llortor Tak • • EIAILY ,ILOT Staff PMte 'UNATTRACTIVE, NEGATIVE AND CONSTANTLY Dl!fENSIVE' Bloedy Miry In Hind, Raquel T1k11 a Swipe 1t Women'• Lib . ~-s.,.og' Raquel Likes Newport; Newport Likes Raquel By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .. Dtllr ,. ...., Hanctni from the evec like 1wallow1 ai Caputrano, workmen foraot their lunch hour Tueslay u aclreu Raquel Welch arrived at .the unltnl"'"" Park · liewpott Aporlmenta to llllpoct her new hideaway. They aot little c:hance chance, howev~, to evaluate the atructural qualltiu of tbe molt &l&morou• tenant. She anived in an alr-eondiUoned llmoualne, awept Into lhe Park Newport 'Rocrtallon Spa fa< a bloody 11W7 and a bl!odJ llrief ~' pd 111111 Wll ·~··* ' . -"f have pauport papen to 1111 ou~" uJd Mill Wtlch, -jet. oft. to lfle Medi-lllud o1 Cyprus '1'1•11'•1" via Londoo, to •I.art ~ oiher Cllber niotlan.~ haft l!llde eilouP proftt on"Amerlca'1· !Op -,,.. office -.. to buy • ...-. fa< 1111 her nel(bbon In the •II mllllon apartments overlooklnf Upper Ntwporl 8-y with 1bout 13 million left I" cblJlle. . • N~ Harba< C~r ol Com· l: moree Pftlldent CharlOI Curry and • Moyor Ed Hirth halted lhe luncheon. i Mi.of l\'elcb, curraitly Nrrint In the ) aintrmilllll film "Myrl llrecklnrldp .. ~ -Jate and hid a liquid lunch. I ! hllnf fer photocr1plla, the two dYjc I. laden """' uked to 1queeu up a • ~ UU!e c1-to the UUan·bared 1lar. who l1 17·ZZIW5\I, aceordln1 to ber lludlo'1 tape meaaUtt. Mayor Hirth beamed 11 he 1ot in cloler. "Withe ... " be remarked. Some ~ ple f.bou&hl be uid: ''With these?" Quatlona fired by the 11Uery ol newsmen, -she cduldJ\'t anawer them all -included her ttuon for choollng Newport Beach and Of count her career, primarily present and futurt. Why Newport Beach! "Less smog," 1he replied. Ont tople to which the queeiloning returned wa1 th& motion picture dealing wltb ' ~-1 wM ~ aurcicaUy 1wil.cbe1 fromi 't1etng AIJll'Oft to Myra. She 1miUnlJy iiuQelled •ulhor Gore Vidal • hiJUl(f-1-Y have fallen 1hort U he lnteoded to create a muterplece. "¥! ~lb._, ....... Al ~1Ucu1 .. ·,~0<lf." ~d lcli. WOl9, an mlJMlll• oololjd -ter pink fWld 1lacil and oandlll1. The HoUYwood 1tar -1he 1ay1 Hollywood lil1 no hold on ber lllledloos and taltntl -who 11 IO obvtouely a female hu no teJ•rd for the phemmenon ctlltd Women'• LlberatJon. ''1!1ey m probably the moot boring 1roup of women I have ever heard of," she repUtd. "They are unattractJve, ne&lt!Ve and 'COnalantly • on t ft e dtfe~e." Raiquel was BOO• or thoee ·tbree 1\lee- diy. · Huntington Beach Vying For National Recognition Tba creation of beach p a r k l n g lacWUet. buutillcatlon of Pacific Coast 1:f11bw1y and the Top of the Pier downtown redeveklpment plan may um DAILY PILOT o••HOI '°"I" PUlt.rw+ING COM,.IN'I' ' R•h1l1 N, 'W.1.i ,.,......._, .... '"°'itt!W J11lr: R. Cwrl1y -~ ll"'!il.t _. ....-.1 Mllllttf r T\i11111 K11•ll , flll&f' T~'"''' A. Murphifte MilMfW'll Elotor Ale" Di•k!1 W•t 0!1111'9 C-ty Eif"'-t ' Alh1rl W. 11111 .&.u.1111 llil!tor Hlllt4 .. tee .._. Offk• 17171 ll11h l1ul1•114 M1ill11t "411111111 P.O. l•r 7f0, f?641 Othr OMcea U.,,.. kld1: U2 l'Wllf ,lo~­ C.,11 M .. : UI WU! ilt~ llftei • tf-. hx.11: Jtll W•I II~ I Wlll ..... I.In Cie-tl: ail l'IWI~ II Ct"'IM ••I Hunf.ialton Beach national reco1nll~n. Mayor Pro Tern Jerry Matney 11id today that citizen Involvement in these projecta Wu the reason Hunlfnlt.on Beach was selected aa a finallat in th~ 1970 All-American Cities competition of the Nallonlll M\llllciplll Le1111<. The city ii one of n acrou the U.S. cited for involvement of lls citizens in community projectJ. Thi only olher California city leJeded u a flnallst is Mountain View. Morite Nlbkowlkl. ch1irman of the Citizens !teertng Committee carrying out the recommendauoo ol Ibo Urban Land lnltitute panel on modemilatlon of Hun- tington Beach, will araue the city'• cue for the naUonll honor . Ha wW make a pre11nt1Uon to the jury which wW pick Ibo wlrulen ln Portland, Ori. on Aus. :u. From the cltlzena group came the 12.5 million bo•cb parklnl facility mm Beach Boulevard to lhe mwllclpa! pier. widenin& and beautification of Pacific COut H11hw1y, and a mutar plan for the redavelopment of the downtown arN. Bolaa Little Leaguers Take District Title Little LeallNI AU.at.or pll)'tl'I wraP!*I up conipellllon for the Diltrlct II dllm· pt0Nlllp1 with Bolll taklnf the UU. f""'1 Oceu 'View l<I Tuelday nilhl In '""°taln Vlllley. Ten tum1 represenllna arta Utile Leasue 111 si.n competed aU laol week and ovtt the weekend on the Founllln Valley field. 'MW: Bolal team will movt on to countywide. au .. tar acUon nert "'et.lcend. • • LOs ANGELES (UPI) -Tllo ~·1 lrOy wllJiMI al the Tlla murdo{ trllll nld today that Patricia Kre.,.tnbl <0m· plained to her lhet •be had burl her band -~ one of vk:tlmJ lnllda tbo -........ the blacle ru Into bo•. LIDda Xasablan, SI, laid Ula! Miu Know!Ull, -" .. trllll wtlb hlpplf eu11 lalider Ch--ana two other young wom"" de1erlbed what hap. 'ptned on the nldlt of Aug. a alter ~ hpd l'JID hie~ to their 1utomoblle lrOm 1 ocitie " ...... llitylnp. Mn. Kuablan wu aaked whether P1tr!Cla ~ ao~ about a lirl In the house! I 1 ~ "Yil, ibo lllid ... ol the slr!J WU crytnc f" lier _\ad le-~" "Did Ibo •r u~ about 1'r bud hurling!" a1kid Deputy Dlalrtol AUoruy V1-t BulfiGM. •. "Y .. , a lllld -Ille lltahbld there wert boDel tn tbe W1y.11 Mn. K1"""an lllrtod her tNU-J bJay by -.. the 81laroo Tllo lfOOndl and .relldenoe location on a larae chart for UJe jury. She stood only ' few feet from ManJOn but shielded by a deputy. Manson, the accused mastermind of seven ldlllnp by the hippie cult, turned his back aa the small girl walked past him and shleJded his eyes w:lth his hands. The three young women codef111Mants -Susan Atlcins, Patricia Krenwlnke1 and Leslie Van Houten -had their hair In pigtails today when they appeared in the courtroom mlmlcking Mrs. Kua· bian's hairstyle. The statl'1 lrey wltneas pointed out on the large cardboard chart tha 11te over wh1dl she uJd sht, Miss Atkins, MW Krenwlni.el and Charles "Tes" Wal.siln climbed on the night or the 1layings Aug. a. She identified. the telephone vale whlch 1he said that Wat.am. climbed to cut the wires leading into the tit.ate. Wataon so fa r hu resilt«I eztrad!Uon from Texas. Alter pointing out varlOU3 alteg on the Tate eetate, Mra. Kuabian resumed the witneu •land and picked up her accoont of the savage 1!1ying1. Bugliofli asked her in what s~te of mind she waa alter allegedly wltneaing two of the killlnp: on ~ grounds of the Tate home. "I wa1 in a total 1tatt of shock," she said. "Did you think cl. running for help to another houa?" Bu&liosi uied. "Y11, f thootbt of It." ' Mn. Kasablan told tha jury Tuesday about bow abe ran toward the h<luae. The atate'1 key witneu shuddered, aob-bed!ii~Jly when lho , ~~ compoaad. Mrj. ',' O:Z,-.,."':, down the hlJI to the car In which they had driven to the Tate e1late. "Did Tex and Sidle: (Susan. Alkln•> and KaUe (Patricia Krenwinkel) ever come to the car?" Buglioai ••Iced. "Yes, in a few mlnutea." "Did they come . 1eparallly or to1ether!" "They came to1eLher." "Did they have blood on them?" "Yet they had blood Ill over them, ill three of them." . Mri, Kuabian said Wal.Ion told her to move over from behind the wheel ¥.!! 1ol heblnd the wheel hlmleU . She •aid that he tee.med "really up tight'' because 1he hid run back to the car. She aald two knlve1 and a revolver were brought back by the trio but that one knife w11 len behind in lhe houae . Mn. Kasablan aald that Wat.on had sald "something to the effect that when he hit a man over the bead with a run it shattered and wouldn't wark anymore." Mrs. Kasablan 1ald they drove olf in lhe car and that the 1irll chqed their clothln& aa they drove and that Wat.Ion took off his 1hlrt whllt ahe held the 1teerlns wheel. They aaw a gll'den hose at 1 house after they had .been driving tor five or ten minulel, she uid, and they stop- ped the car and went to the hoM to wash off the blood. A man came up lo them in the darkness and asked them why they were there •nd Watton told hlm. they were just walkina: put. The man asked the.m If that wu their car parted nearby and Watson uld It waa not. ''Tu wu very polite lo him," the Nld. Supervisors' New Ru1ing Strict On Rock Events ' A law puUlns 1trlnpnt regulailoru on large outdoor gatberlnp auch l.!I rock fe.Uval1 wu enacted 'l\eeldlr by lht Oranll Coun\)' Board ol Supervilotl. The law, which will 1ppcy to plherlnc• of more than 2,500 perlOfts, will t.ke effect In 30 day1, Nni hive heen no llUtOUllCOd plans for a n>ek felllval In the -,i. Tiie new law woWd make ll dlf:Ucult for a prom<>W to lt.p one. The metsurt r!Qulrt1 a '8,000 clttnu.p hood, one securllY suard for every IOO penona. 1 runnlns water aupply, trllh c1n1 and nulh type tolletl. lt allo n?IUl•t.• nol1t1 from mldnl(ht i. a 1.m.1 parldn&, ticket oles and ad· verUslnl. And It requlre1 a promoter to obtain a license trom t.ha board of 1upervieora. DAILY ,ILOT ,119 .. t llr ... NllUllbld Pillow Fighters Fighting Jack Coy (left) takes one on the chops from Scott ·Harrlnaton as the 12--year-olds practice the Austral· Ian verllon ol pillow· fighting. The boys, both Hunt- ington Beach junior lifeguards, joined their mates today for competition on Huntington Beach ands between junior teams from Santa Cruz and San Clemente. Competition included swimming, run- ning, piddling and pillow fighting -Aussie style. Me~~:_Police See~ KidIJ.ap • Yellow Cab Wins Exclusive Run From Airport Complaints Against Tri~ Crtmloa1 complaln\I naming three C... nectlcut mtn wbo aUe,edly traveled acrou country to kidnap a Colla Mesa couple -only to be lolled Jn a rtMOm ei:chanpl by Uie wlfe'a motlier -were hllnl IOusbt today. The 1uipetta wre captured without lncldell ~ ltilht alter a Phoenix woman · obtlJDld the ttlease of her daulfUt' and police closed ln oo the alle"'1 ltldn1pen. Police aald James M. McShane, 23, o't\Stratford, Donald E .. Von Remoortere , 2i,'te_( StraUord, and Frank W. Papcln, 23, ,of Bridgepart, would probably be ~today. 1'ley 1lle1edly held Mt. and Mre. Mark C. Peyton, both 22, of 2030 Wallace Ave., for about two day• aft« abductiJlg them fr6m I party la Lquna Beach ud taklJll them to the ~~nl. ' The trio of au1pectl ~Oded $1,500 they repor*edly believed they were owed by Iha Peytona, -are c:ollep 1tudeoll Ip Phoent. but • were speadllnl IUJIUl1er on th4! coast. ~ A aeries of telephone calll led Mrs. PeYtoo'1 mother, Mt1. YvonM: Parker, to obtail the cull and co.tact Costa Mesa po1ice about what to do before going to the apartment. Detectives equipped htr with a microphone which allowed them to monitor converutlon inside the residence and set up the capture of Papcln, Von Remoortere, and McShant outalde. Oran1e County Board d Suplnilaor1 today awarded 1 three-year, elcluilvt taxi franchise at Oran,-e County Airport to the YeUow Cab Coml>any Of Santa Ana. .Newport-Costa Mesa Yellow Cab hid submitted a bid to pay the county a higher premium for tile franchise rlt)!t, but its mileage charges to cu1tomer1 would have been hlghet than Sant.a Ana Yellow Cab's, Wanted Death Supervisors voted 4-0 to accept tht Santa Ana cab bid u belni more ln the public int~rest. Santa Ana cab ntes will cost airport cuatomen an _estlmated $55,000 per year less than Newpo~.Mtsa cab woukt , accordin& to county diractor ·of Real Property-Services Stanley Krause . Santa Ana cab asreed to pay the county $54,700 per year for tht frlnchlse right, 16,500 lua than the NI.JOO Newport-Costa Mesa cab bid. ? t LSD Blamed for Suicide Try .' 21-year-okt woman who llid she liv~ "in the caves above Lquna" wu :11.~'trom drowning off Laguna'• Main ·Bea Tuesday evening after an apparent "acl nalh." The woman, who told a police officer, "I'm evil, I should be dead," sald she had taken ~D "a long lime ago" but had not ulcen any dru11 recently. Days Grow Shorter For Dutch Troopers THE HAGUE (UPll -Dutch troop• wUI no tonier be required to rise from bed when the 6:30 a.m. reveille bell t00ndl, tM army announced today. They will be required only to line up at the I a.m. roll call, washed and shaved, Ta.ken to South Cout Community Hospital by am~. lhe liter was transferred to Orange County Medical Center f0t observation. Witnesees aald the woman walked lnto the water 1horlly alter 7:30 p.m., clad in Bermuaa ahOrl! and a knit shirt. She was observed floating face down and pulled rrom the water by three men -Tom Klatenmacber ol Puadena, Frank Javor1ky of Mlstlon VJEjo and Daniel Nadal of El Toro. They were auilted by lifeauard! Jim Herdman and Mike Contino, wbo were aummoned to the scene by other beacll&oer1. The victim said "a divine belna: above" told her aht wu "evil," accordJ.ns to police. She wu released alter treatment at the Medical Center. Fro'" P .. e 1 FAMILY ... ed by minority member• waa that "ln order to be qualified, te1cber1 muat know the Bible lo ensure their teachlnl will not reflect adver1ely on thil holy document." The minority report says, "Gentlemen, ho\ll dare we presume such lptelledual 1uperklrity by telllnf our IChoot distrk:t and our children that because a teacher is not of tht Christian faith thli dls- qualtflea him to teach a family 1111 and sex education coorse. Are we telling our Oriental and JewlYI teacher• and those -parente who embrace faiths other than Christianity, that the Bible ii the only correct reference. And JI w1 are, wh1ch Bible. which creed, there are many interpretations of the holy book." 1\o_,_1-• of a 0..11 -\ k tliupaclillllo tbt ioM whh ft. TU O.ep JOU. Ii.,. or noel" today 'trill btcome a preud pouqhon ... precious beJ1nd compare for ~ht it ·~ Withla uch e11e bu.ta the peer1- 0me1a :iao•ement.. Made with 1netioulo111 care ao &iv. Je&n of f.dthfa1 perieiaaace. See our complete eeilecU. el o...,.-·• ad JacU.'W1tches, t6S to°"' tlOOO. A-4 ~11mo~dt. 141( •hi!• 1olld t old 1 -S.lf-•lnd\n~ .. 1111u111 •l!ll ••ll·t~ftj t:ll"H .. r. UIC told·lllled tlll , . , • , ill lt&lllltH flttl ct.11 . ., ..... ",.,·, For that special someone's birthday. O .:.an OMEGA CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARliE • J. C. j/-ump~ri14 Jeweler4 1121 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA Mi!A PHONE 541-3401 24 YEARS IN SAM! LOCA !ION ' • • VO - ' .. -• • • l II IWl •• ~ hid , to• th< ! !in Re a ' wh ''" th< Th fib I h• to1 •P lit N< In I ... Mt I ... ., lei lit ls ta) I t i! ph ' lie all • 'It ... • I ( "" "' th ol •t (~ n• a bo pe •• ~ ... 1·~ to IU • • # " •• • .. . ~N · :· . . -e • rt Beaeh • · Te day'• Fl•al • • V0L '6l, NO. ·1 ao, 5 SEC::TIONS, 71 PAGES .. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1970 . . . ' Smog Smothering East " New York on Alert As Pollution Bktfl,kets C~t DAIL 't PILOT ..... ,,,.._ 'UNATTRA,CTIVE, NIGATIVI AND CONSTANTLY DEFENSI VE' l!Mdy Mory· In Hend, R"'luel Te koa a Swipe WI Women'a Lib . I '(,ess Smog' ,..,u • . '. Raquel ·L~kes Newport ; , , ~ewport Likes ·Raquel --= ~~=~-- 11 ca~.,:km.. f.,&: 11ie1r lwicb (1;6ur ~ay aa octml ~l Weli:h llrl'Md. at ·the unflnlsbitl· Rork NJwpaM: Apartmenla to Jn1pecl her )\OW bJd~ay. 1 • They got, llttlt chance chance, however, t~ evaluate the llructural qualltlff al the moat 1lf.mprous tenant. • . She ' arrived in an · alr-condltiooed Umouline, awept Into the rark Newport Recreation Spa for a bloody mary and a bloody brier interview, aod then wA1 whiskeij away. · .. I have passport papen lo fill out," said ~ Welch, who jet! off to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus ThU.rsday, via Loodon, to 11.art inother film, Producer• of her other motion pictu~ have made f.MU&h pralil on America's top female boi: office attraction' to buy apartments for all her nela~ in tbe $18 million ap&rbntnb overloold.ng U'pper Nowporl Bay wilh about I.I millioo. loft In d>aogo. "'"port' Harbor Chamber <II Com· mtl"' Prtsi4<nl Charlot Om)' l!ld. MayOT Ed Hirth hooted the lwicbeon. Miss Welch, cuJ.rently starring in the controversial filin ''Myra Breckinridge," tJTiyed latt and had 1 Jlquid lunch. ~ for photoaraphs, the two civic Jeader1 were asked to squeeze up a little closer to the titian.hared star. who Is 3T-22~i-35Yi, according to her ltudto's llpe mea sure . Mayor Hirth beamed as he IOI. in closer. "With ease," he remarked. Some peo- ple thought he said : "With theM.?" Questions fired by the gallery of newsmen -she cou ldn 't answer them all -;--lncJ.uded ReJ> reason for choosh\I Newport Buch and of courae ber career, primarily ...-.,t ~ Muro. Why Newport l!ti\d>! . "Less ~." ·abt re51lied. One topic to ,wljjch the questioning returned was the mbtlon picture dealln1 with a tran.uexUll who surgically 1wltchel frOm ~11)1 Myron to Myra. She smilingly sUUested author Gore Vidal himself may have fallen ahort tr he, intended to create a mastetplece. "Jt isn!t a good enough literary work to bold it in any 'particular reverence," uict Miss W.elch, who wore an oatmeal· colored sweater with pink flared slacks and sandals. Tbe HollywOod s;tar -she says HoJlywood ·has rlo hold on her affections · and taJenlS -who I! !IO obvlously a female "has no regard ror the phtnomenon called Women's Liberation. "They are probably lhe most boring gro up of women I ha\'e ever heard of," she replied. "They are unattracli\'e, negative and CGnstanlly on t h e defensive." Raquel was none of those three Tues· day. 300 Guerrillas Dead In Portugal Colony? BEIRA, Mozambique CUPI) -A Portuguese army communique said Tues· day a major military drive over the past month had kUled 300 antlgovemment guerrilla• in Mobmblque 1t a cost of 11 Portuguese troops. The communique said 110perati011 Gor· dia n Knot" had . captured hundreds of \\·eapons and tnouJands of rounds of ~uerrilla ammunition. Guerrillas are ac· ti..-e in both Mo11mblque and Angola, PortugaJ'1 other bl& Afrlc1 n territory. . By Vllllo4 Pren· lot<rnaUouJ , The mayor of New York activated the first staae. of an air pollution emergency alert in the nation's largest city today as 1 , blank~t of dirty air hung motionless O\'.er mueh of the Atlan· tic coast megalopolis· for the fifth day. J'We have two crises on our hands -power and air pollution," Mayor John V. Lindsay declared follcwing a morning of meetinas with his Emergency CotUrol &ard and the Prealde1t of Consolidated Court Hear s Tate Mur de r Horror Tale LOS ANGELES !UPI ) -Tho state•s key wltntSS at the Tate murder trial said today that Patricia Kre.nwinkel cbm· plained to her that she had hurt her hand while stabbing one of victims inside the residence because. the blade ran Into bones. Linda Kasabian, 21, said that MiS.'l Krenwlnkel, who is on trial with hippie cull leader Charles Manson and two other young women, described what hap- pened on the nlaht of Aug. I after 1he had run back to their automobile from a ~ne oC savage slayings. Mrs. Kasabhm was asked whether Patricia said anythinc about a girl in the house. . "Yes, she sald one or the gj.rls was crying for her mother and fo: God.". "Did she u.y anything about bu hand hurlillJ?" aiked Dtputy Dlltrid Attorney Vinctnl Bu1Uosl. . "Yes, ahe said when she stabbed there were bones. In the way," Mrs. Kaubi.rt atarted her testimony today by &bowing the Sharon Tate grounds .and residence loco~.., on a ltrge Chart for tho jury. She Rood only a few feet from Manson botlllielded by a deP!lty,' MADIOn, the accustd mastermind or seven .klllln&a by the.hippie cult, turned hl1 brief a1 the small girl walked past him and shielded ht1; eyes with bls "handa. The. three young women codefendanb -SuSln Atkins, Patricia Krenwlnke.1 and Leslie Van Houten -had YM!ir hair in pigtails today when they appeared ·rn the courtroom mimicking Mrs. Kasa· bian 's hairstyle. . The state's key witness pointed out on the large cardboard chart the gale over which she said 1he. Miss Atkins, MIS!! Krenwlnkel and Charles "Tex'' Watson cll mbed on the night of the sh~ylng11 Aug. 8. She Identified the telephone pole which she said that Walson climbed to cut the wi res leading into the estate. Watson so far has resisted extradition from Texas. After pointing ou£ various sites on the Ta te estate, Mrs. Kasabian reswne.d the wilness stand and picked up her account of the savage 1layings. BugUosi asked her in what state of mind she was after allegedly witnessing two of the killings on the ,roundr of the Tate home . ' "I was in a total 1tate of shock," she said . "Did you think cl ruMlng for help to another house?" BugliMi asked. "Yes, I thought oC It." 11frs. Kasabian told the jury Tuesday about how she ran toward the house. The state's key witness shuddered. sob- bed and giggled spasmodically when 1he bega'l1 her le~ti mony Tuesday. But today she seemed more composed. Mrs. Kasa bian said she ran down the hill to 11\t car in which thty had driven (See KASABIAN, P11e I J EdlaooCo. AJ. tbe first 1tep in the alert the city llllitatlon department was ordered to cut lnclneralioo by 20 percent and municipal hospitals and housing projects to gto"p their on &lte burning of 1arbace by 3 p.m. ' Lh,dsay warned New Yorkers to "prJpare for the baMinl of all private vehicles from certain areas of the city" U the crlsJg worsen.s. He asked them to begin orcanWnc cor pools or llllnc public trwportalioo lmmcdlattlY l!1d aald tbt cl17 would provide utra buaes. The mtYor acted as the city'1 Air Re$outce.s Department announe!d the amount of sulfur dioxide, carbon monox• ide, smoke abide and oxldates In the air had reached the "unutisfactory to unhealthy" stqe. 'The smo1 c1st a yellowish 1rey pa11 over the city. P'Tom the top of the 1,472-foot Empire State Buildin&, Ibo Bay Demarcation Lines Disputed By n!OMAS BiJlLl!Y ot ,... o.nr l'llM s11H Lines of demarcaton between public and private property in the Upper Bay were disputed today in the Superior Court land swap trial as Irvine Company attorney Robert Warren responded tr. charaes that charts submitted by the company to the State Lands Commission were inaccurate and misleading. Warren drew exact definitions. of tidelands lines and Irvine Company· Orange Counl.y borders as set out in a Superior Court ruling of 44 yeara ago. His tesUmony caine in the wake of artumenll by homeowners' attoraey Philip Btrry lhat cllarts which helped tbe state 11ency to reach 11.1 disputed d~on showed eom;iderable. Blretcbes of (lllbllc water fronlqe as being in priv•te ownership. Barry aPl"ared to have the 111pporl of Judfo Claude M. Ow'"' late Tuelday as be pointed out ·teYeral public art11 that were. be aald, depicted on tht charts as beinJ In private bands. "It's hard to see how the petitione.r•1 Y elln w Cab Wins Exc lusive Run From Airport OrlTlge County Board of Supervison today awarded a three.y@ar, es.elusive taxi franchise at Orange County Airport to the Yellow Cab Company of Santa Ana. Newport·Costa Mesa Yellow Cab had submitted a bid to pay the county a higher premium for the franchise rlflht, but tts mileage chargts to custom.en would have been higher than Santa NJ/. Yellow Cab'a. Supe.rvl110rs voted U to accept the Santa Ana cab bi~' as belng more Jn the public Interest. Sanll Ana· cab rates will coat airport customen an e.stllnated ~.ooo per y.ar lus than NeWport-Mesa cab would , accordinc to county director o( Real Property Services Stanl@y Krause. Santa An a cab agreed to pay the county $~~.700 per year for the franchise right , N.500 less than the $61.200 Newport.Cost• Mesa cab bid. dofinitiM fits into thls chart," Judge Owens commtnted durlrt& the quellioning of ~arbor district engineer James BalJ. inger. "And il'• pre.tty hard to eo &Ion& with I.he thought that It i1 privatt water frontace when the lan(l ltself ·is not private." Much of that oonfusi<Jt, Warren • in- di cated today, st.em1 in ~ i.nt.erpretalion of the tolore<J •lines depicting boundary llnes of property in ttte Upper Bay area. And hls que.1UoninC of Ballinger was aimed at the extr1ctlon ol a more. coinPlete · analysi1 ol the controversial boundaries. Berry ~irued Tuesda" th1l North Star Beach and beact\ are~\•t Bii: Capyoo, BaCk Bay Drive, tht Natrowa aid U~ Stroot '"" """" ,..~ne ,.ater .front .artas depicted q be.lfll la prlv1~ OW1lfrshlp on tho <barl boilll uimii\ed ·today by Warren. That chart, ht uld, lniccurately lhOws 91.l porc'"t of Vppor Bay water frootqo to be ill priv1i. ....orlf!lp,. a fl&ID'•· aroally ill ...... ol t,\11 IOltl ~ 1'ekl by noopullllc .. ~. ~ Berry -frtm • Balliqtr ·~lbeor·a coqflnnotloo~t llie . wail ~ndoraed by ~ ty 'J>oord 111porvlaori before It wenj "'§Uc ho • 1"4 hold by the Slate Larlclt CcsnmiAt · • It wis, he 'said, one of tbe ti on which the state 1,incy rtlitld .w n It endorsed the lud· ewap iri Noverqber', 1967. 1 Berry's ckise questlonlna ol BallinJer drtw from an irritated Judft Owtns the comment: ''l don\ bow why you waht to wrin1 It out ol tfle wltnets when It's obvious from all we've heard that Otis is public property.'' Berry rep('esente.d a 1roup af Newport Beach hom@owner1 who diallen1e the trade or 157 acres of eounty-c>Wl'lf:d tidelands for 450 acres of Irvine Company uplands as unlawful and \UICOnstilutional. They araue that the es.change carinot be approved o1i1co the atate <II Collfornia "'"1"'neoUy deeded the tld•landl to public ownorahlp whon It tronafomd the water frontag• to Or8"'• Qiunty 40 years ago. · It Ia abo arpd that the lrvlM Com· paily clellberatdy misrepmontod data related .to ~ ll!ld 1wap. in he1rin1s before the stale Lands Commiltloo. Bolh res1pectlve Valuea of . the acrege 1n the tradii ana th"e I actual extent . of 'Wach arns were mis.stated In the' public bear· ings, the homeowners complaint states. Orange County aftd the Irvine Company aparked tile litigation wnen they sued countY. auditor Vic Heim. by agreement, for nOnpayme nt ~ dredging bills sub- mitted by tht Irv ine Company. Allor~.)' Ouffern Helsing is repreM.nling H,mt in the tiial. .~· . Supervisor~' New 2 Crashes • Ill 3 Blo~ks lrviile plao11 for the Up~ §a'Y land to which it seeks till!: include t)le.'. creation of expanded boatlna fatllllies, the removal of Islands whlch/alle1edly J)OSl!l a hazard to 1avlgatloptlnd lhe creation 0( a chain of parlr.. .Ind recreation area1 around tho Vp~·9ay. • • • Ruling ~t,ri~t On R0ck . E1'ents . A law pultln& •lrlnctnl/ lqlllation1 en ltrr• out-· 1athtl1np auch ., rock feaUvals was enactecl.11'\Jelllay by Ille Or111go Cou~l7 Board ;J ftupervllorl. Tho law;whleh 1'1ll.apl!IY'lo P .thtrinaa o( ~f1 thin S,&00 ~· wlU take tffect tn 30 ~·· ; Ther~ have t>Mn no aMOUnced plans • tor a rock festival In the county. Tbe new \Jw would mike It diffi cult for 1 promoter to 1ta1e one. T,ht me1sure require' 1 '5,000 cleanup \»nd, one JeCUTlty 1uard for every ,_, persans. a ninnlng water 1upply,, trash c1tns •nd nush type loilet4. lt allo r~gul1te1 nolaet from mldnl1~~ to I a.m.. parJdn•. ticket Mies and ad· ,-~tbiing. Arid It requires 1 promottr tt') obt1ln a lloenH from the board o( 1upuvilor1. . I AccUlent Pro ne Garb age Hau ler Overturns Tr uck A ..U-omployed pt1>aae coUoctor waa ari.atod Tueoday In Coata M... alter moonU., his -.nio11 truck to avoid bavlntl It towed away, followlOi hla • cond accident In three bjocka. , Clinton E. Gately, U. of IJ'r"ill&hland Drive, "Newport Beach, lt<ft Independent hauler. Too independenlf' id one officer. Patrolman P.Jt Rodatr• w11 db palclwi lo a re.a~ cohl1kln at Newpor\ Boulevarct aod Viralnia Place 11 3: 16 p.m . .,16 atari out: Ht found 1the· owoer and .ole truck Of A, C. D11po11I Comp1ny, plus a baahed·ln aedaO. "ll wn a ty~lt:al rear-ender." aald Olllcer Rodgtn, addln1 that 01iely'1 truck had '1truok a du1I contml car driven by · Ralpio M. 61oane, II, of llownof. "tl•'I an inJtnx:l9" fM Bl1 Town Drlv· 1111 School,• .. Id Oflloor Jlodatn, who 'i'hooked lhe garba1e trU<k W found tt had no brakes, among eight other defects. Rodgers told Gately not to move the b!J truck. "I'm back wrJttna my diagram of the accident 1etne and I look up and he and th@ truck are gone." aald Rod;er11. wl'lo then got into his patrol car. ''The dls!)tllchcr broadcast another IC· cldent three blocks away. So I responded and here's my 11rba1e truck aga in." Tn vcsllgato r1 said Oattly tried lo make , h1.m In his brak@less truck st Ne-port Bouleva rd ind Monte Vlata Avenue. The vehicle overturned, at re w Jn 1 aarbagt and 5(a~ltne jnto the ltrtet. Officer Rodger• said he call@d for l•o tow lru<ks •nd a flrt. lrucl to ' hoM.dOwn the 1a .. 11ne. but Gately refU>. ed help, aaylnt be callod hit own aid f>cml Santa AM • "I gave him five mlnutea tnd the other truck didn't ·thow, ao I told the IU)'5 from Cout Towlf\I to haul away," the olfktr aakl. , "Mr. Gately started climbinc.,,.-rnund rtn the 11rba1e ~k telllnc uwm where they eould lhd couldn't twiiok onto It," he continued. /' "I had to arrest lttm for lnterferlag with a police nflloer," The arre.1LM w11 released, lrom cU.llody without ball Oil hl1 own promise to appear In court 1'He's undoubtedly drlvlnR thal crum· my garbage truck around.again today," nld orficer Rodgers, who wrote up 1bout 20 vlolaUons on the vehicle. l "I don 'I know what I'm 101nt to do f I run into blm aaain/' he aald. • I J;in Wayne's "Brother Dead • GLENDALE (UPI ) -Funtr•l 10tvloea will be priVat~ for Robert Emmett M~· rlsqn. $1, l>(other of Ne~ B.elch rMident John Wayne, tha family Mid MondfY. Morrison, a motion pJetlJre productiC?n e.xecuiive, died Saturdly of,can«r. Uke hll more f1mou1 brnther Johft. ~play~ footb41l al lhe µ~ver1ity or Southr.m Callfoml1 and was a member of the um naUonal champlol\lhlp team. This was the second death ln the family thl1 )'ear. The ~·r, 1 Mar)' .Prett>,. diod in .Maroh. f • world'• tall•st ~· miblllty wu cut ftpm 1 ~ IO m1IN te 1 or I milu if . • · . ', Tho At1antl( coalt, from New York to AUanta, • ~ been covtttd for hu' days by a. polluted hut lrappod by ij,t and ~mid air which the weather bureau •i!i would femain stitionary uo.til ti. ·weekend. !The temperature reached a lf:UOl'a l\Jah ol M doCrm to N0w York Tuetday illet SMOG, Pqo II Route Group Slates Meet In Lagun_a Tbt<e city counclbntn and two dty staff members fron1 Laguna leach lf9 scheduled to meet ~Tburldly wllb members · of Newport Beaeh'a J'reeway Fighters for an "informational aeaskJb," Laguna City Manaaer James Wheatoa Sfild he a.net public Works Dirtctor Joe Sweany would be attendini, alooc with Councilmen Charlton Boyd_, Edward Len and Roy Holm. Paul-Gruber, former mayor ot Newport B e a e h and apakesman for ' the anti- frte.~~Y iroup, ~id only offjciala fro~ Laguna Beach have been iftvited to the luncheon meetina: which is to · bt held at tM Santa Ana Cduntry Club 1t neou. • · Gruber said members ol the city ~ cils ol ·Newport Beich, o:ma Meu, or llllnllngton ·Btoch Ud not been bivitod to Ill< """li>g. "rhla. Is 1111 'a _ .. meetiJIC,'' he Aid. H• ~ to explain wlof tba lhreo cities '"" omitted from tbt · m-.,. "We ·won't IO tnto that. We ~ve our own~ reuons for carun, this ~." G'n.ibei' tlid. j • ',I . . . . 'ltiere \faa ll>mfl eonfttPxt at the Newjorl" city 6>uoCU .-tlna Monday >Jlhl rlor th6 nieollnc' aid' wltatlJor or aol . ~ wife. iil*led to ·attood • eouOcJl1nan Howird• Roion noted tbat cl17' .Dalcla!s had b a ... fnVJlod . to .• ~ two -p al' with Coata M•,. l!1d !luotillctoo ·Btaoh to -their antf.trefwiy •tl:nd. No invitation Aad been · -ivod ao4 Nowpi>rt lltach wu not represented al the meeting, ht aaid. R o I • r s said he hid lieird about Thurtday's meeting ·but wa1 u n 1 u re whether council members wouki be u- pected to attend. "Wt' haven't heard a th.inc." Newpart City Manager Har~y Hurlburt told the council. ···t don 't •know wher. t bes e meeting rumon "start," he uld, "or where these invltaUOM are suppoaed to come from ." Agnew Charact,er N OU? ~n G~lf Balls CLEVELAND (UPI) ;_ Spiro AIJ1ew'1 face 11 ·mmc Up eyer)'Wbere thtM days, Fim it was Spiro Ainow wrlit walj!tlos, ~o Sptro ~ T..tiirU. · 'lbe 1_,,est innovation to utilize the vice pr,!ident comes from two suburban Cleveland bou1ewive1 who plan to tm. ~r)atize Agnew cin golt ballg. rfrs. R. J. Miiier ind M'1. JoslJll' Hitkey have contracted with the Geora:e , Worthi{lgton Co. ol Cleve.land to mp1 gtllf balls featurina: a caricaturf!I of tb1 vi~ president. • Wut•er Wbalevor'a ra1r: -the -ti> ernian, addiOi that the okla will be J\111 tbat on 'lbunday after the uoual coytal clQ\ldfneal. Look for temporaturtt In the • to la decree , ..... • INSmE TODA V r too lmrrtant th1atncar iveni.. bria tilt · midawmmn calm t1'i.t wttlc -botA tn COltt Mt10. Set Thtatcr Not•s, Page 14. • ' • , .. J DAll.Y Pl~OT FAIRGROUNDS VISITOR : MECHANIC MARTEL AND HIS CHROME-PLATED BUS Police Seek f.omplaints In Kidna . Mowr Home 'Hot Rod' Product of Pati.ence pmg Crlmloal complainll _, _ C..· By PA'J'llCK BOYLE et "l9 ·.,.,., '"" ..... nectk:ut men who allqedly traveled If Ed Martel were any youn,er, h1.s acrou country 1o kid.Dip a C.Oata Meu wife ii 1ure·that he would be a ''hotrod· couple -only to be lolled In a rlNbm dtr." "Ille tetind mechanic drives • souped-up bur with chrome wheels and esc~ by the wife'• motlier -were a chrome engine, and if he is "9l tlnker- belni 10UJht today. lng With his own, be 11 fi:rlng 10meone The suspects were captured "ithout else'• motor coach. lnc:idellt MOllday nicht aft.er a. Phoenix The Mariela are Jn. t°"'1 for the Family woman obtained the nl111e of htr Motor Goich ·convenUon 1t the Oranae County Fairground& and they have a daupter and poHe9 cloeed ln on the very unique motor coach. allepd. k.kin1per1. · Tbe1r coech ii a converted JMI bu1 PoUce Mk! Jamet: M. McSlwlt, 23, that was built by the Wayne Body Com· of Stratford, Donald E. Von Ranoortere, pany o( Wayne, Iowa. For years, it 23, ol Stratford, and 1'rank W. Papcln, hid been driven Cll the bu.I route past •, o1 Brldpport, would probably be ~~ti\:":i ;. S~~ ~~!t;..1;i -=,';:&: htld Jllr. ucl IC& lllJli ,D~ ~.~l":f ;t the man thO\ C. ,.,...,. 11o1b 31. ol 1111 . Wlll,c.I !! lie ~i:"' tired · of It be· coold AYI• ... .-two cllra•llC' ohcl1lclmc ' i:..-•l It-ii\ front of the Mortell' --a party la Lq\ma Baacb ~ and 1ak1nf tbem to 1he apar-L , a~ Mar:lel wooJd buy It, ~-P.Jit'I I~;?~ It~.... !Iii ly~ loy, 'I'll• ..,A -it/ tole ... cans led 11 a ni: 4.. :_ TS~!';t a~ . Plylan'a ,lllDlllet, Mn. Yvenne Para , Mart•! bqaa taklna parts o1 Ibo bus lo olU!a 1111 cull and -lacl CoN lo ~ to ......... I« him. ;M.a pollco about wtiat to do\ Wire, \ \Ha 111dk<' out ...n ol• the "411 and .,.., to Ibo apartment, bittallld bids, a bathroom, a ldtchu Detecllvt1 equipped her with a and a dlnlD( tobl1, Ho put In c.,,,.11, them with awninp to keep out the rain. At the time ol the nmodeliD(, he owned a yacht marin1 in SLIJnty Point on the Hudson River, and he felt thal "anything good enough for a yacht is good enough for my bus." Consequently, the electrical power for the motor coach comes from a apec\al boat baltery. the refrigerator ls adapted from a yacht and there la even a ship'a Jani.em for Ughting ln case of emergen· cles. AJ a matter of fact, Martel la well prepared for emergencte,. His wife aays that he even bu apace parts &lrJpped lo tht under carriage of the motor coach. "We never have any trouble with our _..,., lfwi \18)'1. *'ft II other people who have all the trouble. My ~UJband b always helplo( someone else fix their trouble1, and he ts always livin& away ~:k-~.!'1~ ~=-.: ~ · ~Id mailed .. .. tha ~ .. had !llna them:.'" : She HYI tlieir COlch rid .. beauUfully, "not at all like a commercial bus or a kit of other motor coaches." They 1et ovar eight miles tO a gallon - compared to four for 10mt other t91Che1 · -and they get a dilCOtml at most ga1 ataUons because they alwa.)'S' buy more than 30 1allon1. ,~ which all°""" tlloll\, lo end ,.,.d Iha upper al.us wlndo!rl moaltlW con...,.U. inlidi the r•dmoe with ICl'lll1I fer vtnWatJon ¥'f. covwed • and ,oet up tllo capluro of Papdll, Vu • 1 -and MCSMM culal•. · ' · · Police l>robing One of tho only problelDI wllh the mach, Mrs. 'Martel SlfS, ts that"it at· tract. 10 much attention. They . wen once stopped by a Police.man la l'torid1 who only wanted ' to look at theit home Lonclon Stockbrokers t- Threaten Midi-girls ·'I:wo Burglaries ' LONDON (UPI) -A band ol Londoo lf.ockbroken declared guerrilla war on leqthening: hemlines today and threaten- ed to snip the Uirt.s of any wom1n '"1de< 30 who donned a clreu falllnl lower than eight lncbt:s above her kneel. "We, the aent1emen of tile stock u~ ·cbqt, objtc:t mosl heuUly, •lroDfly, vellememly and "'tllout rmrvaUon to women•• Uirts comini down, .. a declar•· Uoa bJ 111 m.llers to tho "l"'P'Pfr ~Slandardald, DAILY PILOT • () ....... (04JT PUSLllMING C0M'Alf't I.wt N. W1.4 t .. ,...., _. l'l*li.Mt J1tlr l. C111l1y Vlu ,.,_INrll ..., ~II Ml,..,.,. n-·· F .. 1tt11• .. .,.,.,,. ... di City 1•t1Dr ---221 t W"t l•li••• httl1•1ril M1 Ui11.1M•, .. u P.O. I•• 1171, •z••, --c... Mme: -w..t..., ·~ &...-~ m '"""' ,..,.... ~ ...... 111'h~ ......... -~ -""111111 ~ .... •, In1 Sa~e Block ~'\'port lloacb ,.,UCO }o<llY an in- ~tlD( two 'om&, blqlarieo which toot place within a blod< of Heh other ' . '1\1"'411 In Iha ll!rdl Simi commercial <:<nl<r adjacent to tho county airport. over $1,000 worth of olflce equipment ·wu tabn from tha Duraturl firm located at ni7 Birob SL Tiie 1u1pects ap-U7 remond -Jou..,. near Iha c!Oor, naChed 'lnto'tha olflce and opened Ibo door to Jain entry, 111: vutJialora aalcL A !Z:pound a1r campruaor worth l500 wu t<pOM! mlllinl from the C.rtllled T•stina Equipment Service, 314.! B~ch ..St The bur&Iara in this c:111 took the ml,Chlne from 1 rtar 1torq1 room which was unlocked during bu..lneu hourr, of- ficers &&id. . Det. Tom Shearn said he doesn 't be.li1v1 tha l"o buralariu are rtlated becauae of dilfe,.. In Ibo two cues. Mesa Club 'Loot.ed Of Food Mach~s B~ who ftJlt al1or food IOn'lce equipment looiOd a CoN Mesa nilhlclub ol nearl;r ll.000 In yaluablll, Iha mauce- -t told pOuce Tllooday. Helen E, Mee1wwwnan cliJcom<d the machinery mlulnc tram tha Royal cr.s~ 1700 Plactnlia Ave .. whtn It optntd, according to Olllc:tr Bob Anold, No evidtnol of forced tntry w11 found and tilt patrolman .. Id a key m1y have bHn ultd to t11ler the c:ockt11l lounJe and rtllUIW'anL Misslna: ltem1 Included an let cruW:r, bltndtr, meat 1llctr and me1t crlnder all of cammerclal lood preporaUon 1lu, plUll ao II bottle of banana liqueur. • .. -... ••si.ce we have bee11 at lh& con- venUon,'' 0ahe aays, ''I have not. been able to do any cooking. There have been IO many people going h1 and out of here thal we have had to go out to eat every ni&ht." But ahe aaya the motor coach owners are "The most wonderful people thal I ti ave ever met. 11 ''They teue us a lot about our chrome coach, but they are really very nice people." But Tern Duck, m.Uonal presidut of the Family M-Coach Alm,, does not think "Mr. and Mrs. Olnime'' are moro ,uausual thin the 1'111 of the memben. •1we are 111 mtusual people," Duck aay1. "'To bqln wtlh, you have to bl! 1 Uttle cruy to even own 1 motor coach. We wouldn't even bl! here if we were tormal." l'ro• P .. e l SMOG •.. and could 10 even hJ&ber by midaf· ternoon today, the weather bureau Miid. At 11 a.m. the temperature already was 87 degrees and the temperature- humldily Index wu 89 -lhe Jevel at which everyone Js belitved affected by the heat ud humidity, Tiit weather alao was bllmed'for the power crlaiJ becaUM ol lncreUed uae of a1r condiUonen and fana, For the -day the CODtolldattd Edllon r.o, ailiod 200 major couumera. Including the city of Nn York, and pttvata titians lo limit their c:Onaumptioa of power to emnUala. In the Wublqton, D,C,, aru offlcla1' were on the ver11 of llsuinl 1n air pollulion alert T\ieaday but a c:ombtn1t\oh of loc:al bteezu "8il ·lnc:ruled cloud cover relieved the altultion 10mewhtlt today. '"'9 air m111a.gtment aervlct ln Philadel phia said the polluUon &iluaUon there WI S "lt&IY but not d•n&'!"OU<. ., A hosplt1l check 5ho•ed no lncre111e In resplr1tory c1ae1. Jn AU1nta, city 1poke1men uld ht!1vy lhewers Tuesday brouaht aomt amoz reUtf by "wtlhinl It out. 11 • ., JOANNS U\'NOLDs ... ..., .......... lllttciol'I ol the OraD(e County Waler Dlatritt have approved t budtt& for Jl'70-Tl whic~ fe1tun1 a slx cent drov ln the district'• tax rate, it WIS ll'l- nounc:td today. Dboctor Heory SqorsltUm, •Id the new nte wW be tllht ~ par 1100 valiaUan, I.oat ytar'1 rile -H cents, '1111 4nlp •la the 1u --"'made .-lblo ill' -fa<loN ,,-.coma Jn a J!W wben the district !rill be otarlinl work on a 112 mllllon desaltinf pltnt wblcb will help stop ult water Jnlnl&lon into tM county'1 utural Ult-' derpowd hlll waler ....... arua, The -Aotrict wl! iiliare the coot ol the plan! with the federal Office of ~ Water. federal IOlU'Cel . •Ill pay .,I mDllon f« coiWlnictlon 'COiis whllo the dllt!'ict will provide• an Id; dlllooal ~,I mlllloo , Stltl'ltrom II.id there were a numbe:t of reuGl'!I that the d.Jltrict WIS a~· to reduce lhe 1lal rate. Fro• Pflfle l KASABIAN .•. to the Tate eslate. "Did Tex and Sadie (Sus1n Atkin&) and KaUe (Patricla Krenwinke!J ever come to the car?" Bugliosi esked. "Yea, in 1 few minutes." "Did they come separately or together!" "They came to11U.." "Did they have blood on them!" "Yes they had blood all over them, all three of them.'' Mn. Kaub1an uid WaUon told be.r lo move over from hehind the wheel and &ot behind the whet.I himself. She aald that he .emed "really up tiaht" because she nad run back to the car. She said two knives and • a revolver were brought back by the trkl but that one knife was lert behind In the house. Mrs. Kaaabtan sald that Walson had said "something lo the effect th1t when he hit a man over the head with a gun it shattered and wouldn't work anymore." ' . Mrs. Kasabian said lhey ·drove off tn the car and that the girb: changed . lh,f.ir clothing 11 they drove and that Witlon took off his shirt while she 'Mild._ steering wheel. • Thar llW I 1•rden ho!ti at I house alter they had been drivin& for five or ten minutes, she uld, and they stop- ped the car and went lo the bose to wuli ofl the blood, 4 "'"" Fl"" up '9 '!!!'!! • In tha da\'Waa and UUd U\em, l!1ii .... y were thoro and Wata6o tqld hflll lJlty W<re 1"81 walldiji put, '!'be mlli' ilWd them 'f. that wu ll)etr cir, paB.td.1 nearby 'and Walton Aid it Viii .not, .. ,·~·"~ : ~'Tei: wu .very polite t6, ltlm," she ~·~ man w11 .... the ',II'~ and .T•~x was atabbinf . him and · b• · kept ,dllilf It and do1n4 , li and cJl>IDf It 'tht man was scrtam~. R' WU like <IQ words, just I lfllt 'pleue. 1 " • Houston Negro Slain After Boycott Called HOUSTON (AP) -A Nell'o has been killed by poUce bullets a few hours aft.er leaders of the black community called for a shopping boycott in reprisal for the fatal shooting of another member of their race. Archie Sayles, 30, was shot in a bar by two policemen who said he pulled a IUll Tuuday when they aoueht to quesUon him. The officers said they had noted his resemblance. to a man wanted fur forpry. '"The moat obvl• • w11 the lar1e JDcreaae In antlllll valuaUona this " he ··'d ,, ' yiear, ~ . "We also had more favorabla rttulll than anticipated in our Ille of und arid p1vel," Sepratrom explained. The sand and 1r1vel ls IOkt from a dlstrict- .....,. alte aJooc tho Santa Aua lltver whlcb ii btiaa ae1vated fer a water .....-,-. 7 "Aa ~rial In *1!1 and crave! priom llroufllt la ~ ........ Ihm •-.icted,"M....._ ' ....-allO -· .q.trtcl WU lotllal a blJlior ~ -., _,,., "I• lddllloo. ..... ... a Utflo bell uptenloc-...... .,.~ pltQo Id tbll wo -lower Illa tri nte. ,.... _.. 111\•tha - -11 Clllla, ....... IDll)lllil • c:ut ol ..... -...... IJ·two ,.., .. "' Aid. .,._.,,.. Uld • Olll ol the new """1 wtll<bo a"""1lad -a -y~ perlod. ~ ' Cloo)itructlon '"' 'the proJod II 1teled lo besln Within a yea. on 'a JIO.acre . . Ille at Ellit A•en1» f"4 Euclid Strtet lo Fowitaln Valley 'I! M a lkcre •lte on the Huntington Beach llde of the Santa Ana River where Jt forms the , bqunda)')' between Hwitlnft<!n,lluch and Newport Beach. ••nus will be one of the first pilot production plants," Segerstrom uld. "Prior to thia they h1v1 been am1ll retearch oriented facilltlea. Thia will be oae of uwi lint _, planlo to tal<e the concept out of reaeatdi and -....t and Into • practical, -k· inl atafe," When -pl•led In 1171, Iha pijnt wlil -about three miUlon cal!Ons ol watar dall)' loto the around, !I Judted -by the Office of 'llallna Wattt, Iha flow nte may bl' -to I~ mUlloo Jalloos a day Aid Nall Cit<, aoal"llll dlllrlcl manqer, '!'be .,.U.lzed water wW be lnjacled lnlo the JrOUnd throufh a aerJq of wells, '!'be lnjecled waler will be used u a barrier to prevenl NJt wW from inlirlD( fraab waler aeurcta WIJ!d, Cline .. Id, HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY ADMINISTRATOR DOYLE MILLER Before (Loft) and After Visit lo Local Wl1 Shop ' He Tops. J;t All City Manager Gets Crop of Ha.,ir City Mana1er Doyle Miller It covering things up at HunUnaton Buch Cltf Hill. But, although lt'1 a hairy altuation, the figurehead of about 850 city employe1 is winning nothlnc but praise. The affair came to a head Tuesday when Miller retumtd from lunch 1portin11 a handsome toupee. "You know, I very nearly ~ent down to the beach," the ci~y man11er ad· milted. ''Walking back. Into the office waa one of the hardest lhlncs I've ever done." Employes weren't slow .. in com· plimentin1 their chief on his new look, however. "I'm not aure how much they mean it, but il'1 encoura1i111," Miller said. The salt and pepper toupee C{)!! Miller $195. He bought it at a local wig shop. One employe qukk to congratulate Miller was William Back, the city's economic development director who also suffers from the same condition that has puzzled men and barbers down through the ages. ';I paid $500 for one but it's such a bad match that I wculdn't dare pull it out or the IX>x," he said. Miller's wife, Ella Mae, eftCOW'qtd ' ·" • ' ) him to make the bold mo,.., "I told her that I had a notion lo IQ In and nosey around the ahop and ahe . Mid, 'Why don't you!' " Miller rt lated • The city man1ger's son Sti.vt, 11. also saw the hairpiece for the flr1t time When Miller returned heme Tuetdiy night. "At least he didn't klci me out," Milter joked, Interracial Couples Fight License Ban JACKSON, Miss, (UPI) -~ riclally mixed couples carried their fight into federal court Tuesday after lht Otief JusUce or the Mississippi Supreme Court refused to lift an lnjunct.lon blocking the Issuance of marriage licenses. The couples filed a complaint in U.S. District Court aak1nJ lor a temporary federal injunction whlcb would counteract the circuit court tnjuncUon and ))Ive lht w1y for luuance ol Ute mmlaae liceMel. '1'b.e tro:e ~tMllftHI of a Ome11-wstcli. !s tlte lt)te:lal ]Oft 1tb1t 1oe. irith it. The Ome1& you 1ive or receiTe tod1y wiU liecome'a proud po11CYion, •• pr~iou1 beyond oornplltl for 'Wh6l it 17mholilea. Wjthia each ca• beat.I the peerl• Ome1a moTement. Made wi1h meliCuloUJ care to si'ft Jttft ·Cll faithful performance. See our complete collectio.D. of 0..11111u.'1 and ladies' watchllf, t6S to fttf 11000. 11.-• di1"'or1d1, 1•K wl'I"-tlllld told •-S.lf.Wllldlftll S.111111!tr wllll ttll-C'lJUllll etlelld11. 14K ... 114UIM cae ••••• I• 1111111 ... Ntt1 cttt ............. ·• For that special someone's birthday 0 ... an OMEGA CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .J.Ju1np~ri16 J,w,fe~ PHONE 141.J401 24 YEARS llll NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA IN . SAME LOCA !ION "' J A b F a to • c ti d ' E ii v f F c • \' u n I: ' 5 ,, F I· r t 0 0 l E F H p n N • ,; •• p .......... ...,,,====~.,,.,,..,,,,,,,,...,-..,.,.,.., ...... -....... .._ ....... _____________ ~---------=---=-=="' OAILY PILOT IS unC!Ji Offensive C~mh·odia Troops . . ' ·Lose Kirh·onrArea ,.. ~ ~ . .:t. . PHNOM • PENH (U~I ) - A force of 3,000 Cambodian troops tulded by a U.S. Air FOree apotter plane opened a new otfenslve todiy to try t<> rectpture the rain and fog slp.lded Klrirom Plateau from Communist forces who sent them retllng backwards Tues- day. The plateau. 56 mile• south- west of Phnom Penh, controls Highway 4 to the sea and its occ11pation by the norlh Vietnamue and Viet Cong f~ lhreatem P h no m Penh's importS of oil and other commodities and :)eopardizes several impoltant factories ,-ual to Cambodia war effort. mlssk>ns. Bri1. Gen. S o sthen e .Fernandez, commander of the ind militafy district, said 'be · had asked for U.S. air suppiort for the assault of the plateau but had hact no reply. He said , however, tbat American aerial reconnaissance· ha d been "very helpful" Jn plan· ning tile attack. Fernandez estimated there were .at least 2,000 Communist troops in the Klr1rom area with other dements in the surrounding countryside. 4 • Fernandez said Cambodian casuatties in . tbe batUe wblch sent them fleeing f r o m Kfrirom were at le ast 20 tilled ~. ,40 wounded, mostly from UO mortar• attacks.' J•y S.Orlng THUR.,· FRI., SAT., JULY 30, 31, AUG. I FURTHER REDUCTIONS FOR A COMPLfTE SELL • OUT. THIS EVENT YOU CANNOT MISS. SHOP NOW FOR BACK TO SCHOOL Name Brands We Stock CARTERS e NANITTI e HIALTH TIX e The attack force wu made up of five blttaUons of eovern- ment troops lncludlnc three frtsh battalion! rilshed rrnm 1>h:norn Penh In a convoy of so DuSes and trucks. The force, led by,American-tralned Khmer-niercenarle1 who once fO\llht In South Vietnam, was ll\OVing up the S,000 foot moun- tain from nur the resort town ot Klrirom, '70 miles southwest or Phnoin Penh. ' 'As the troops gathered for t~ usauJt, a U:S. Air Force 81'onco spatter plane and F4 Phantom Jets wert see n through the clouds ,bove lhe plateau. apparently .«i reco~ naissance a n d . weeoce . Cambodian troops, gome of whom admitted they were on- ly 14 to 15 years old, told UPl corespondent Kenneth J. Jlraddlck they had fought their way down the heavily jungled mountain slopes when driven out of Kirirom on Tuesday. They said fiv~ trucks loaded with ammunition were aban- doned becauae of heavy sniper fire and that one truck wu destroyed by the Cambodians to prevent its falling into Com- Ii LIVIS e llLLY THE KID e CINDlllLLA e GINNWAY e CATALINA e 11:01 ROY e l"LAYMOllE e MAY KNITTING • LOVI e QUIL TEX e HANG TEN e P'ITlltSON EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE REDUCID BY AT LfAST Ul"I Tt .... M .. Sus•n Atkin1 P1tricl1 Krenwinlcel " Who .Cares?· munist han~ur ,other . $[ ·~ , ~;-~nli -Looe~ =''Love' Among F a1nily Told mand<r ol the !19th bait.lion , ' · No othM fl•W1ptper f111 the world ctre1 obo11t yoUi' COl'll'lll· 11ity like yor.rr ce"'ntllflity. cltlly 11ew1peper cl•.,. Jt'1 fl.. DA ILY PILOT. in today's au._ct, said it wotild .. be "very dllllcult" to relat e OS ANGELEs (UPI) - the heights. The atiackers fac- ed a march of U miles before ~Y reach Kirirom, po••iiljl~ iA two days. · ' CHILDREN'S charles lt1amoo's "family" made croup love and patrolled their can1J16ltll with gun.. and SHOE SA,LE FINAL /REDUC.TIONS All FROM REG.ULAR STOCK • BUSTER BROWN ·' GElWIN • ALEXIS walkie·lalkieS because they feared attacks by the Black Panthers. a "family" member teStified Tue3day. Linda Ka.sabian, 21 , the pro- s~ution's star witness in the trial of fl1anson and three of hill female followers for the Sharon Tate murders, told the jury of sex orgies in which some two dozen members of the group participated. T\1rs. Kasabian s,aid Monsun "-ho made love to her in a cave tht ni&ht after she first met him , instructed t h e women living with him at the ~hn Movie ranch to seduce male visitors to the commune to lnvei&le them to join his ll'0\11!· "He said if they wouldn 'l Join , we shouldn't cive them our atteptioos,~· slle said. "That was why we had to wear black clothes, 90 we woukfn't be seen. And that was why we had guards. At night ' one or two of the men wan'dered ~round with gun s," she said. lilrs. Knsabian also told the superior coun jury the \\'omen took tum!! standing . watch. carrying walkie-talkies and rl'porUng back to the camp if a vehicle passed by. She said Manson told his fGllowers the Black Panthers might attack them "because they knew we were suptr- awart , and that we knew about them, and that they wanted to do away with us because they knew we knew they y,·ere gding to take over." NOW ~1 [~90 TO . Sfi.90 -. Regular To $17.00 Women at ,the ranch sptnt their titne sharpening knives, sorting dune buggy parts and caring fo~ the bables, she said, \vhile the men repaired dune The "family" lived on refuse CQJJected from trash barrels behind suptrmarkets a D d restaurants, the yoong woman said. "We used to go on garbage- runs, '' she 1a1d "We used lo go In the back of supermarkel! and 2et the food they were throw1n1 away and taki lt bi>me and clean It and eat it. We ate mosUy ve1etables and brown rice, never meat," she added . ' .... " . ..... .0-. ' • 30 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT BEACH -· Fashion Island Store Oi:ily NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2464 buggies. · "Charlie told us not to allow the children to wander in front of the ra nch .' she said. "because he thought we were being watched. He told us we were being watched by the Black Panthers." .She· continued. "He said the Black Panthers hate white people and they might kill or kldnap our children. ess oven? Suppertlme at tht ranch '·was funtime ," she said. '.'We 'd play guilars and sing and talk."" LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR DIRTY WORK INSTEAD . Don't stick yo~ head in that oven! Switch to an oven that cleam itsel f-electrically. For less than a dime, electricity will clean your oven and your broiler-automatically. And that . !neans to(ally, clean. . And when your range is electric:, you tan eut way down on cleaning your An electric range also means a cooler kitchen. Electric heat goes into the food-not up the sides of pots and pans. And when you choose an electric range with a self-cleaning oven, you don't make an oven out of your kitchen! . See your dealer now. Then throw awa y your scouring brush and liV. the good clean lif~eotrically. : S' ,.. · ~f9bca, too: A llameless electric range creates no by-products of • combustion ·to dirty ki~en waill, SouthtJrn Callfomla Edlaon •' • windows and curtains. • ~LECTRIC OVENS FOR TOTAL SELF·CLEAN ' ' INFANTS T-SHIRTS ' Vil . to $2.00 Lll'lllttl 011&11tllf 99' IY FAMOUS MA.Ill v.1. t• $6.so $244 .SETS . Vil. to $1.00 flOM OUI CATALO• DIPT. Y•• _., llf4er •II Snellen-Hltfl CIHllrs c ... S.crtl 1tc ...... -W•lk..._,,,,......- FAMOUS MAKI INFANTS Diaper Sets LIMITED 9UANT. Vil . to $~.00 s399 PUU0,111 CAIDl•ANS- V1I. to $9.00 $377 Llmltff Quantity 20o/o Exctpt FaW Tr1clt MercMndiM PA!IOUl ..... SLEEPERS -· Vil. $4.00 STllTCM •LAii CAPRIS Rog. to $3.50 s1 PAMOUS MAii BOYS SHORTS Vil. to .5.00 GIRLS TOPS ., BLOUSES v.1. t• $6.oo GIRLS Raincoats -;,,.~. to $4.00 s100 Llmltl4 Qll•ntlty I JS: Mill PMA I A I IAAJMMI GiRtS TOPS .. .BLOUSES -· v.1. to $i.so - l llllll .. 0...lllllt'f' 66' •t•LS Shorts & Bermudas v .1. to $4.00 .sl"· T-SHIRTS T..wleft o.ly v.1. 1o $3.50 fAMOUI MA.II IOYI SLACKS, JEANS Vil. to $5.00 $199 Llmltt4 Qu•ntlty IOTS SHIRTS, T-SHIRTS Vil. to $4.00 $1 ~r!. ... Qvantlty BOY'S SHORTS AL\.llDS . 11.1. to $4.00 PROM OUR PURNITUU DIPT .1 <--..., ,_ ... u .. ., Chll4rwn'• '"""'"'"' •"' hy MW at , , , 30crooFF B"lnkAm.,lcarcl-Master Charg-Gtntry & Our Own 2300 HARiOR BLVD. (HARBOR CENTIR> HARBOR J W D. AT WILSON ST., COSTA MESA 545-1440 • -· ' I ! ' I ' 1 " . DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Choose a · The continuing. confusing 1tory of where and wlien. -if ever-the Harbor Judicial District will have ade- quate m.odern courtrooms, produced a new chapt~ Ja st week. It may be chapter 129-or is it 921 ? Orange County authorities apparenUy have Indicat- ed renewed interest in locating the De\v court buUd1ng at the Orange County Fairgrounds, after receiving new assurances on land availability and cost from the Orange ·county Fair Board. At the request of Stan1ey Krause , director of the county's division of real property services, the fair board reaffirmed that they can and will guarantee availability of adequate land, and further that they \Viii hold the price line of any additional land the county might desire for future county use at the fairgrounds. Some fair officials have declared this should assure the location of the court at the lairgrounds. Newport Beach officials, on the oth'er hand, still contend that locating the Harbor Judiciill District courts adjacent to Fashion Island, where Newport's civic center is scheduled to be established eventually, \Vill be to the financial advantage of the county. Facilities and services to be provide'd by Newport Beach-prisoner detention. walkways, parking areas- add up to the county getting more for its money there, so the argument goes. · The counter-argument runs that the fair,'!rounds is a better overall deal for the countY because the land is less costly, the site is more flexibfe and more centrally located and the site could readily accomodate a com- plete county administrative center. Like the kid in the candy store. with lots of goodies to choose from , the county seems unable to make a choice. By the time the fair-board members finished dilib- erating last week and county officials replied to the Court Site r-enewed fairgrounda ofter, .gew";ontusion seemed evl· dent. - George Cormick, Krause's assistant, said it r@fnaln· ed to be seen whether tbe fair board would make a · serious proposal. Directors of the latter agency, however, seemed to. think they had made that serious proposal and th e county faced the next move in the matter. One thing seems clear. Someone had better take the initiative, and it probably should be lhe county. Tbe county has been kicking the problem around Jong enough-and examining site$ 011 and off for about two years. It is estimated that even alter the site is chosen, it will take three years to -complete the project. The municipal courts are the courts the average citizen deals with-they often are his only personal ex· perience with the majesty of our system of law. We've been dispensing justice from the "majesty" ·or trailers, lofts. hallways and over~rowded obsolete courtrooms in the Harbor Area much too long now. A Token Gesture Testifying before a Senate subcommittee last week. Secretary of l.nterior Walter Hickel endorsed the ad- ministration's bill to cancel 20 of 21 federal oil leases in the Santa Barbara channel. This is better than nothing, but little more than that . Because only seven exploratory well s have been drilled on those 20 lease~ and none is producing oil. it seems a modest, token g~sture. It does. however set a precedent that could lead to \Vhat needs to be done-terminatJng all federal oil leases o~f Sant.a Barbara, and establishing federal oil sanctuaries ad1acent to state oil sanctuaries along the Orange Coast and elsewhere. I N 'Thafs i.t. Co11Ce11trate on the pretty Uttle trinket~ • .' I Parents Feel Cheated by Dea r Gloomv Hayakawa Has 'Extreniely Good Idea' • Gus: A Work lnteryal After High School ~ ' i •, Following a college cOmmencemenl ? •last month, I was asked by a student :· to explain wby parents are so "bitter" -i about the breakibg away of youth irom i Utditionil patterns and family beliefs. ,_ "I cou14t uriaerstand it," he Aid, "'if • their kids did bad things, destroyed prop- • erty, or dropped out or school. But ~ I'm not talking about those case$. I'm ~ talking about the students who behave thenl8elves , get good grades, but simply ! disagree "'Ith their parents• values and ., Ute-styles." , jj THE PARENTS ARE so bitter because they feel somehow ·j cheated out of the tulloe:M of fh e i r roles. Parents like to think that they have handed down more than material advantages to their children -that they have passed on a way of life, a sense of values. a moraJ or spirltual heritage that confers upon them a kind of vicarious im- mortality. Th.is is their hope, pride, vani· ,_; • ty, call it what you will, ~~ Aod this is where they feel rejected ~ and humiliated by their children -who : ~ accept money from them, but nothing :· else. The parents cannot brin g ~~ themselves to believe that everything : : they have stood for and worked for ~! counts tor UUJe i111 the eyes of their i; ~ children. ~ ~ TUE QU~lON. IS . noL a rational }1.; matter of .who 11 "right" but an intensely <-! ~. Now that the public may al('eady O\\'n access to Salt Creek Beach. why don 't the: counly supervisors use that money to buy a five-mile long strip in the San Joaquin Hills (con taining Pelican Hill and Signal Peak) for a regional park? Give nature a break! -D. G. P, Tillt ho•l11.. rffltdt ttt•..-T ......,., "" --!'llV """' .. "'' --t. ''" '"'" "' _... N OllM111r 9"'. O.llr ltlltt, 'emotioqal matter of serving the con- tinuity. Parents plaR and hope for con· tinulty ; they like to feel that when they are gone, a part of themselves will persist in the attitUdes, approaches ancl values of their children and grandchildren. All th.is js being rejected blay, in a basic way that has no past parallel; of Course, each generation has "revolted" from the previous one, but the present generation is questioning fundamentals and absolutes in a manner that ls uniqu~Jy,t new-and quite frigh tening to the older 1e11:eration. OF COURSE, WE t1eed more in- tellectual comprehension on the part of the parents, Who must open their minds W the new ideas of youth; but we also need more emotional com'prehenslon on the part of young people, who have an equal obligation to opeR their hearts to the shriveling expectations of their parents. I happen lo beli..:ve that the value system or the yout h -crude and in- articulate as it is -is in many ways superior to that of their parents: but precisely because the young see. further and clearer~ they must try to reach their parents. not reject or repudiate !hem. "Nobody listens to us" is the complaint of ,youth ; it is also the dirge of older people, who feel redundant today as never before. To the Editor : Dr. S. I. 11ayakawa, president or San Francisco State College, bas got hold of an extremely good idea when he recommendi; (DAILY en.nr. July 24) "a two or three year or longer interval of work experience between high school and college." Just this short interval .will give students, the boys especially, an experience that is desperately needed before taking the final fling at academic training aod choosing a vocation . There are several reasons for this period of work experience: J.~I RST. IT GIVES 'a youngster an opportunily to try out a profession. to get the feeling or a working life. This he can do as an apprentice Jn a hospital, a shop, factory or business, or on board a ship. How can you tell whether you will enjoy a certain type of work until you've tried it? The job which you really enjoy doing will be the ooe -you not only-are happiest at, but the one at which you will be: mosl successful. Millions of youngsters are forced to take a profession they don't enjoy because i~ was all they could get and marriage was ujxin them ! SECONDLY, THEY will give a far more mature selection or courses. By trying life outside the academic cloister they will know what tools will be most useful in their social life. what they need to broaden their enjoyment. Thirdly , by \Yotking for three years. they should be able to save enough so they will have spare time for essential recreation -theater. sports and politics. AND FOURTH. it may eliminate many who \\'Ould not profit from college. It's somewhat o( a radical idea but we shall be trying it out on the men who have returned from Vietnam. They should have matured pretty fa st. and know at least what they do not want to be! BERNARD BARTON -=· .. -· Case for .Sentimentality l, Benne.It Cerf, chairman of the. board or Random House and something or the cardinal-archbishop or the publishing 1 · trade, occasionally bypasses his efficient 'Biil '11111st Be Defeated' r publicity apparatus to personally endorse . a new book. The last lime I heard l from him he stated his case for Trun1an Capote's "In Cold Blood." This season tt is "~ty Father's House ." a memoir by Philip Kunhatdt Jr., an editor of Life magazine. Quite different from the C.J')te. ';In I year where many best-selling l books art compilations or four-letter words and seiual perversions," Cerf , writes, "WI heartwarming slciry of a 1, wonderful American famlly who love each other and the world in which they • Jive heartened me enormou sly, and its unashamed sentimentality and respect for many or the things in life t value most highly left me mlsty .. yed ." JA~ A GEE'S 1' A Death In the r l'amily" was a rare book that left one t ml.ny-eyed. ThomWn Wilder's \'Our Town" wa11 another. Most other ~ htartwarmers carry a Reader's Digest drQu and are abominable. Ctrfs point , I think, Is that good unashamed sentimentality Is .still poss.Ible to CM\fJ by In this agiLated new society. ••My Fathtr't Hou.st" is old.fashioned. •ll·Amerlcan !Wettness once &.'Jsoch1ted \ With the palntlngs of Nonnan Rockwell. \\'ell done and honest. Sunday dinners. ta_mily rituals, Chrtatmu ind humor that ls niver bl1dt. Nostalgia. '1"1ey To the Editor: There are very few individuals ·who ~< fully understand the tremendoui; threa t " of compu lsory unionism ... and the "' effect it would have on our school don 't write books like this any mort. Yet here it is, as the publisher almost desperately emphasizes. Kunhardt's n1emoir incubated In an Intensive-care: ward foUo\\•ing a heart attack at 40. A few years previously his father had died at 52 after a similar attack. Rummaging around his father's desk. the son came face to fact with the old days in a New Jersey home, The Hill. THAT'S ABOUT IT. Written simply wtlh rare affection and not a sign or anything ljke a generaUon sap1 you can't argue with it. Enjoy it all while you can, Kunhardt seems to say; for there is so little time. This Is more than vintage Readt-r's Digest. It ii a ptr.90nal, haunting, almost 19th Century kind of book. 1 recognize Bennett Cerfs hunger for a restaternent of old and no doubt fading American values, and that a similar hunger among many middle-agiitg read ers e 1 I st s . ObviOusl)' not as ntlsty•yed as tht publishe r would like me to be, I rtmain neutral, If not indUFerent. ln 11! this. J simpJy pus aloTli one n1an's. en- thusiasm (Ra!idom House: $5.95). ' ' WUll•m Hoia• teachers. I'm sending this urgei1t letter to mobilize opposition to a bill which could resu lt in teachers being forced to join a union in order to leach our children. California teachers' right to teach should be based on ability and dedication . not union membership. Senate Bill 1193. now being considered by the California Legislature, represents the greatest single threat lo the concept of freedom of choice and academic freedom ever conceived by organized labor. Passage or this bill would open the door for compulsory union shops for all ttachtrs. and public school employes. This would mean the evenlUll control I .----Bf George --. Dear George: I noUcC'd your column offering your course In memory Im· provem~nt said, "Fill OUt Coupon" below ? Did you ACTUALLY forget to Include the coupon in your offer of a course In memory lm- provemt.nl? Dear Gotcha!: What course provemenl? GOTCHA! ln memory im· ' Letters from readers ore welcome. Nonnolly writers should convey their messages in 300 word$ or less. The right to condense letter.s to fit space or eliminate libel is 1'eseroed. All let-ters must include signature a7l.d moil- ing address, but names may be tcith. .held on 1'equest if sufficient 1'eason i.s apparent. Poetry will not be pub- lished. of our sc hools and the minds of our children by the teacher unions. This bill must be defeated. The Senale Education Committee will consider this bill in the very near future. Please call, wire, or write to your represen· tatives in Sacramento at once voicing strong opposition to S.B. 1193. DAVID L. DENHOLM Legislative Director Californians for Right to Work Sad Co11u11entar11 To the Editor: The front-page photograph of officer Ron . Pal~er (DAILY PILOT, July 25) rushing 1nta the hospital with the t.1cKnight infant in his arms after the toddler had swallowed a deadly dose of LSD his l~year~ld brother had 1n the. house depicts the quintessential police off1cer. one whose prim ary duty is the preservation of life. IT IS A SAD commentary on con- lemporary society that men of this degree of dedication 1o service must endure epithets such as "pig" and oUJers unprintable. I don 't know from whence derives the tenn pig as it is applied to policemen, and have never seen one who needed a shave, or a haircut. or smelled as if he hadn't bathed recf'JIUy. BUT IF THE term is used with a connotation of contempt, it seems to me more appropriately applied to some- one who would stash a quantity of dangerous drugs where a 20·month-old baby ('()U]d rind them . HANK OSTERFELD Draft the Wo111e11 To the Edilor : Yes, \ve women should be drafted into service. Just picture a high school girl wondering what her draft number would be when she becomes 19 years of age. I think it would make a lot of girls th ink before they leap! We could also make a law a girl can't marry until she is past the draft age -think what a blessing that could be! As long as the young people want a change, lers help give it to them. 1·0 RATIJER l1ave my girl drafted than walking around town without a bra. I wi sh the DAILY PlLOT would ask u~ women lo send in a yes or no on whether women should be drafted. I am seriou s. SO':Tlething has to be done for this Country and if J could, I really would lay down my apron and go into service for my country -my own U.S.A. CONNIE BARNEIT 'Tell It Like It ls, Man' • • To the Editor : Politicians who are now either running the country or running for public office are cast iR the same moldy mold: they couldn 't care Jess about anything except to get on and stay on the U.S. taxpayers' payroll, which is the highest in the world. The semantics used by these gentlemen • are varied and without much common sense. Even Dr. S. t. lfayakawa would be depressed by the liberties taken \Vith his original work i11 semantics. THE POPULATION explosion and the pollution explosion are bad enough in themselves, but the semantic explosion is something new and will have to be considered before we worry about the other explosions, including the atomic bomb, which is BOW old hat. A woman writing in a prominent woman's magazine depklres the use or semantics in everything from the person- nel man who calls a floor scrubber a sanitation engiJteer to punks like the "late" Robert Strange McNamara who said the illegal war in Vietnam was a "program" which has already killed more thaw. 40,000 Americans. LOOK THE WORD up in the dictionary and find that "program" has something to do with entertainment -a show, or circus. No\v we could hardly call 40,000 dead American~ a circus. Semantics is going to have to go. With due respect to Dr. Hayaka\va, '·Tell It like it is, man,'' Redressing Imbalance Until recently, under a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, "no-strike" labor contracts with employers were not binding u.Pon unions. If unions chose to strike. even wbll: the contract was ln force, they \Vtre free to do so. The contract thus became a worthlcS!' scrap o( paper - at least so iar !IS the "oo-strike" pro- vision was concerned, Now the high court has re vP.rsed its previous stan1. It has given federal judges the pcwer lo grant injunctions against slrikes called in the face lif no-Wike contracts. Justice William J, Brtnnan, In an- nouncing the decision or the court, observed tha1 Lhe national attitude IO\Yard unions has chnttced markedly lrom 1932. HE SAID TllE federal court. Ulen • • I l Guest Editorial were regarded as allies of management: and, before Congress stepped ln, they Would issue sweeping: detrees against the aotivitie11 of labor g?oup!i. l\.fany of the current abu~s of monopolistic unions have been blamed on one-sided l8bor laws granUng unions prf\illeges not granted to other groups of t ltizens. Certainly no business or ordinary citizen c1n disregard • contnicl with impunity. The Supreme COurt decision y,·ould setm to be a step toward redress- ing the inlbalance ln the law that ha! favored labor unlon.s. industrial N'w' Revl~w Is the coming thing. S. G. UNDINE Plan for a Freewa11 To the Editor: I have been following the progreM of the freeway fight through articles in the DAILY PlLOT and I feel qualified to speak on what l have seen and heard. So far the big argument against Assemblyman Robert Badham's bill Ls against deletion of the Pacific Coast Freeway from Beach Boulevard (Hun- tington Beach) to the outskirts of Newport Beach. Reason: We need a freeway, and badly. I couldn't agree more. BUT AS I FIRST understood it, the bill does not and will not leave a gap between the two freeway sect.ions, but only deletes the presently adopttd route, realigning it somewhere between Garfield Avenue and Adams Avenue in Huntington Beach, joining it to the San Diego Freeway for less than two miles, running it along the Corona de! Mar Freeway until it reaches Bonita Canyon, then running it through Bonita Canyon, through the dltTlp site. until it joins the adopted route in the San Joaquin Hills. LAGUNA BEACH is nat affected. ex· cept by delay, which could be remedied by supportin,l!i the chan.~e instead or fighting it. Huntington Beach gets a freeway either way. If Cos ta Mesa is really worried about losing taxable prop.. erty. wh y not run the freeway n e a r the Santa Ana River before it joins the San Diego Freeway? The Corona del Mar Freeway is already planned for, and r.unning the freeway down Bonita Canyon to the adopted route would divide no city and not drive property value!! down. Residential Fountain Valley need not contain any freeway. 'lllAT LEAVES the 0 range County Board of Supervisors and the Jrvinr. Company. The former is "investigating" ch3!'ges that it no longer supports Newport Beach. The Irvine Company states that any change will drive traffic away from Newport Center. But the 1r~ine. Company is only one party in this fight and should receive no extra consideration . Here. then. Is a plan ror a freewa y: Alonf!: Garfield Avenue, turning Northeast oasl Ward Street. joining the San Diego Free\\'Ry , running alonr;: the Corona de! Mar Freewa y and dOwn Bonita Canyon. then jOining iis adopted route through the San Joaquin Hills. With this plan the Or;1nge. Ntwport, a":4 Corona del Mar Free'A·ars will carry less traffic and their endings will be less abrupt. DAVID .G. PORTER ---WWW- Wcdn~ay. Joly 29, 1970 The editorial poge oJ the Da lly Ptl ot seeks to inform and stim- ulott readt1'S by presentino thtl ntw.tpQper's opinions and com- mm ta.ry on topics of interest and signtficonc e, by providino a forum for tlte tX'J)T'tssion of our re~trs' opi11~n1. and by pres111t1no tht datlffae view- points of informed observert and spokesmen on topics of th• doy. Robe.rt N. \Veed , Publls.ber ' Z PllOT·ADVERTISER ' ' 1- ~. -.... Wldllftdl)', "'~ 29, 1970 DAIL V I'll.Of 9 8 .WAX ti ...., lllk'd •.• •·' cl•al111,.... It(. 7k 7 a. Sin, ,.59c SIJlilllADllS' Hair Brushes "91't.-.. lll*ia'1 twr- styler, -su ... '"'"' Styia lit lbt l1tt Haadi<. NJ ii 'WI" Co"1. ftw Clltlat 39~. · ••serv-A-Salad" Set ~-Qrtaiass. n· 1 59 llowl, F• f' llowls, a • 2fc. salad tongs. w • Toilet Tissue DWET . -Ilion 111 hll Pat. Head & Shoulders SHAMPOO ~~-... ,, ...1.Ml&llr 1.09 ' Eff erdent TULm DlllTURE CLIAllSR ~lt'*'1 ltllu ii •illttL ll's 1.19 "Ivory" L111110 F•-lfillf- "' ~. GLEENl.ll TOOTHPASTE AT ALL ~:~2'$1 .... , IN. I . ,, CJ•• ... All.wealfler eomfott. , •. utn warmtll wil!loot W!ight. Attractive special weawe makes I also ideal used as 1 tlnWllllllkd. • ll"dr' 1ll"dl" 3.99 8.49 Matbess Pad "Striped" SHEETS llo "' ,..Iii. lwo loold """w!~ solll """ --""""' .,,.,_ Tiii ii.iT .. mTU 2 99 ... ,,.Jal • ~·IUl•mTD .3 99 "" 4.41 Jal • 2.49 'Tudir RoS&' SHEETS English prden m11 awer 1 fJISll wtlill ...... -lri•ol--....... liOr .......... -" tlo ·~ """ ., - lllR ~-Ti:' Jal 2. 69 .-£ ILl.!:1.11m:. 3 .. 19 PIUDI CASE 42"1lr' ,,,, 1.69 1~n.111o111• ... lllllll-·-•m Bed Pillows Rever5ible, WISUblt. Perfect fit. er. "J k>I slildied fir illpr ...-. . ' CC" ..!_orlfio':, "!,!! ,,, ....... P'- White SHEETS Oll lie lltisfs pll- lette and into yo~f balk. Roses sketched 1111 colored on 1 field 11f white puts Paris at pr f•gertips. f,.~ fl IXlloll. ~ 1.58 · .... sac .... lftlof • Cid ' "Softie" TllWD.S ~""' -•fl· cotton teny veloutt. llatl'I fashions to~ CUICMI tlnti,1111 ... rme cotton mus-yourself IR luxury; Ii" willl 8lllOtk, Ml ll!xttre balanced UtrMg!llZJofcalor. ....... . '"' oeMies "' ""1"'"e""'7" ''" 1 58 Tiii FUT • mTD llltf • los. IAI bill • .. "i! 't:l':. 2.49 ::::, sac ~: ... 1.09 "No-Iron" SHEETS CA--1• IJ miaoa ~-,.,-2.49 • KODACHROME 1 39 • 8 Doible i -211 ~ 135 « 126 Crtdie. , 1 • " JUMBO' C.ilr Prfots It! EIURSEIDTS "Wrigley's Gum" Alf ,.. ll'llri!t """' ••• Dotlblemin~ spu. 33c mint and Juicy fl'llit. II(. 43c hcl If II (JCll5c 89~ ..!~~~L "'~! .. M'~r!:. ~~ ,,. . slve 1ew fillisb lttlt mluces siled-....... """' " ui.,. dint pi/Uq I matUni Beautil~I :~ ~...J!.: 1 49 fllSfll cobo ID'""" 1> lijbl/itif ~ lllll:ini I>°"""""' 0 fJCl PIUDIC.Ul 42"1•" ··~ 1.59 Jal 6.49 ,.... 4~ 99 ::;111;,SICT;:l;;IPIWllT;;;;;==:;;;::::; "6-12" AeriJsal "Convert·A·Pillow" Ji ·' for I l1*f W pillow. Slip 01 a'ld zip ~ f'llctial for outdo01I ISe ft for •ai111 illib:n. ffip "'""' hi.. . 79c Kee,1 ~a11 Utz. " l!om bltlnf. 1 29 "'" """""' II(. 1.4' . . fom11ll. 14.5 IL , PW TIC Clothes Pins !:.'l:t.r ":: -23c ll(U' ~n.20..a boI stitched. Blea::htd aitloft fiU--f-:S fiUed: lloHlllr· T•i• Dtllllt \ " ~ f'riltCDWJ, ====~3.394.79 . • ...1J,9gc Clllf.1!11 ~I 5.99 =CASE h~ 2.19 fal 1.39 .....===== sAMSON!iE Table & Chairs ' hllilllofl 4 98 ..... r::~7:1n • .. .. .-1~;,,. .. ~ PANASONIC •po,.U,.. 5" TY Wiil • All/FMUDIO llldl--. . . lllil ill> !Mifll ---Bot· l!llel. f'!rled ... I dal149.95 DRUG SfOllES 1. ro 11 r.1, _. t Mn a 'mx HIWPOIT llACH •ta'ii•••---, .... Hlll'll,..lOM llACH AOAMt AHID •IWOICMVIST 111111'11 ... TOM -.... ltNl'&.1 AHD .......... t \ "Cover Girl" MIDICATID ' Make-Up ., loaoN e · Liquid, """" -·n• 149 :: l.':' • """ r .... 1 .. • ~!·111 1.89 1.19 COIOIW-"Glyceri, & RDSIWlllr'' "Afrmi•" lllSTURE l.OIRI ., I""" -folf1!ll • • • llld sm:ioa. ~~ 1" lor-1.11 11111 I 111 11•• !!!!!!! 1.35 - I I i l I • I .~ ~ t • ,. • ·• • ·• • : • • • • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "' • • ~ • • • • • ,. I ' - DAILY PILOT • N w-. J•il 2'1, 1970 t ! ' CHECKING •UP• 30 Hours a Year Spent at Signal~ By L. M. BOYD marriages, it's the woman who marries the man, not MORE MONEY changes the man who marries the hands in crap games than woman, if you get my drill. in any other sort ol gamble. After that, it's poker, then HE SIFTED a UtUe gun. ponies. So says John· Scarne. powder into a jar lid. Then the chance expert . , • AS he poured in some homemade TO THAT 11\ATrER of how wtu.key, And tried to Light the much the United Slates spends soaked powder with a match. ID kill each Viet Coog warrior, If it took the flame, great! am advised it's now $500,000 That was 100 percent proof per dead man •.• SCHOLARS the whiskey contained more AT COLUMBIA University than !iO percent alcobo.I. Stich a:intend their studies show tfte was the test by w hi c h average woman loses her tern. backwoods distillers showfd . per three times a week. Is proof their white lightning that possible? wasn't thinned down. Agd such was the origin, says our CONSIDER 11US -Already Language man, of tbe word mentioned most obscene phone "proof"in whiskey. calls are made by men upder 30. Most printed pornography, CUSTOMER SERVICE-Q. however, is purchased by men "How much do those pushbut- over 35. ll"s a proven fact ton windows add to the cost almost no women young or of a new car?" A. Maybe old make such calls or buy SH>I>' .•. Q. "How many people such literature. But why the worldwide go to the movies men who make the phone ~ls every day?" A. Just about are not the • same men. who .a! many people as there are buy the pornography is· a in the entire United States. inystery. -Research continues. Maybe 200 f!Ullion • , . Q. "Not counting man, what OPEN QUFm'ION -Why , mammal Jives longest?" A. b it the, women tn. mental ' The klller whale, I'm told. hoopitals lend lo respond ao A CllICArA MTROLOGIST mud> betler to tttatment than . . uv do the men tbr.rein! ... claun5 ht can predk_t exact ,\ S1!l1T BEAVER can chew hili WIY through a four· indl tne trunk In 20 minules, remember that • , • NOTE IT STATED now 48 out of every 100 Americans are under 25. So? Such was e.1- actly tha case 1n 1930 • • • fitt DELAWARE, SIR, it's again!t the law lo swear at any woman ei:cept your wife • , • TUE AVE RAG E MO'IOJUST1 I t ' s reported, waits JI hours 1 year for lrallie llgb!I to dlange • • IN l"OUR OUT ol tNf!r"f Ove race results by casting the ho"""'!'<' ol the hones, pro- viding the races always start precisely on time. But he is not rich • . • "HOW MUCH PROPERTY do the Nation's churdles own?" inquires 1 client. Nobody kn ow s • Churches don't have to report on that.' Not to anybody • Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and wit! be tued ita Checking Up wherever posrible. Ad- dress letter1 to L. M. Boyd, Bo:r. 1875, Newport Beach. COii/. 92860. ¥esa Girl Attends USC Music Congress A Costa Meu girl is one of 60 yOmc musicians from 23 states 1t~ng th e Co-o1 Strings al the University oi So u t b e r n Calllomla. ciana. The acbolarship was eirned In competition With local classical string soloist students. High-level ·Fan ' Nixon Shows SportS Love · Backstairs at the Western of the lame! frofn his ~~ While House: law, David EisenboWei'; who President Nixon bas made has a g.art-tlmt 'b this suui- llttle effort to hide his mer keeping statistics foribe Senators. aversion to most political On the ~ trip be writers, but sports writers are disregarded manager Te d somethih& .else agiin. In a Williams '-rule barring drtl:t· nostalgic . mood he on C e ing room visitors for 15 remarked with somethin& llke minutes'" after a game' and drop~ by to congratulate the regret 'In his voice that he delighted players on their rare almost became a sport.awrlter win. himself. · Sunday he helicoptered from Shirley Povich of t h e the Western White House to Washington . Post and Jim nearby Anaheim to watch the Senators play the California Murray of the Los Angeles Angels and sat in the broiling Times are among his favorite sun for four boon, slightly columnists. The President gets bettering the presidential ~ most .' ol ·his news from con-durance record he established de.nsed s u m m a r i e 1 of the week before at the all newspapers, wire s e r v I c e star game in Cincinnati, which reports, and t e le v 1 s i o n went for 12 innings. newscuts prepared by his "I never leave before th~ staff each day . Wbe.n he picks game eodl," the President ·er. up one of the s e v e r a I plained. "I' ca:i~t ruin my newspapers dellvtred to his recOrd now even if it raina." office in the White Houae he Out ol' courtesy . to Angels usually goes straight [or tbe ·owner Gene Autry, hls host, tpOrtl pages. the President declared be wq Not only Is Ni1on an avid neutral at the game. But a sporU fan but for a man curt nod from Ted WUllams In his position, a courageous in acknowledgement ot the one. He does not hesitate to President's broad wave in- take sides and la an oulspoken dicated that Ttd knew where Monday morning quarterback. his sentiments really Jay. He ootraeed Penn State Nixon's ~ participation In Betsy Schwartz, l~year..uld daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Sa°'" ford B. SChwarta of 2827 Nevis Clrcl<, IJ ooe ol the youngeat members att,ndlne t b e Congress. She 1 ls a student at Erlancla lllgb School and p1J71 the cello. Like thl other students al· · leodlng the ~. she won The 60 students h • v e presented two conce~ thit summer and are scheduled to perfonn two more timer under different profesaional conducton. 1be concerts Will be in Bovard Auditorium on the, USC · campus Friday and Au1. 13 at I p.m. County Firm Subsidiary University .football fans last sports b necessarily llmfted. year by declaring well in ad· He bowls at the White House vance that the winner of the !requeoUy enough to 'have Texas-Arkansas football game developed a calloua on ·Ills would be the nation's number bowling hand. He manages to one collegiate team (he was have a swim most of the right). days he is in Ca.Ufornla or When he went ID the Ken-Florida and plays an oot lucky Derby two yean ago casional round of golf with he all10llllCed his pkk before David or tu. friend C. G. a IChollrship from t h e American Federauon of Musi- the race was run (wrong). "Bebe" Reboio. . But baseball and t h e But anybody who has seen Washington Senators are his him bit 1 golf ball would lai>W first love. Th.is may wen be immediately that the ·alfairs the only time Jn bis life that of state are not be I n I Coast Teache1· Thomas and Betts Corp. of Richard Nuon bu held 1uch neglected. Elizabeth, New Jersey, bas devotion for a loser. Perhaps the true test ot Taking Class acquired Cabl~an. Inc. of Several Umes during the the President's zportsmanship Anahelmi according to Robert season he slips quietly out will come when he ·decides Thomas Jr,. president of of the White Howe and goes to try for the first Ume the A Newport Beach resident Thomas and Beltz. Cabl~an to RFK S t a d I um in surfboard his daughters gave is among 26 junior high school will be operated as a whoUY· Washington to watch the him last year. teachers enrolled in a summer Se I A owned subsidiary under lta nators pay. t other Umes Ht confessed recenUy that imtitute for general science present management, Thomas he lets a finl..tiand .ccount he has not yet tried it. I .RETREAD~; TIRE __ . _ . CLOSE•OUTS : ;-... · . AU 11zft. While they last. a. ·88· AU qdtls'-n-•,nifs '.must go; · ' . • i ~ . ' . . . . ... .... 't' r r. ,. ' 1' I_,. 'I < ' ' 'I • ,, ' I • ' : " (· ~ •• : •• .~ !, • l ·. . ..,, ___ A_U_T_O __ C_E_N_T .. ER-· -.... I .... , ~' Sl!AKUl!IAR'.NO. tll241AUTOMATIC . . ' .. • . v.fka1 .tlr "'4:ritl· . -'. ' · 3 ii& '•--------------.... --,,.. atn;,lq. ... :,:. ........... .L ..... Orst.· UI NOW .... \101,T AVAlOll 'lliGULATOll . '·,''. • • ,.,, ..... --_; ..... ~~'-flow .· J. 24 •• 49 I Wttf.-. ~.;,_ . ...,_Orto Ma.· HO • .,. Now • RAn•N .ctta1L , .. Rui:e·R oN TOP D,ILUXE AUTO TAPE DECKS 2 enly tl•nM'a. 2 .,..ktn. ....................... Orl1. lt.OI ~ _ ............ ,-... .. .... 2 •• .-J ~eetL.-......... ...:..,... .. _, ....... •Ori-S.9t ' ., ' • c .. a. Al,ITENNA METER Check 1.w.ll. ,.wer " NOW '-.. '-. S~SiilTS.·DiVJNG \a~OlllES · ' .. '"°'~...... '.. •-·88 .....iul.ltfon ............................. Or5f. 1f.tl CRAGER WHEEL CENTERS Ch,......,Dnuu, '"' ..................................... Ori• 1t.ff NOW 4.00 . M~tfS IN~ WOM'lw.:-;;::-~A,:":t~ ... SIT.OP4 ................... ' . 9 II 19 88 BATTERY SPECIAL 24 _,,, Or,. 11.-.:ll.fll NOW · • . • • 16.11 TURTllNEClC SHIRTS ' .......... .. . ... .2 ,. .. , .. ,,.._~... \ ,., fftNt ura., ······-·······················-··-···-·~····- HEAVY DUTY MUFFLERS a enly. Mlfht nt rwr cer ........................... ();It. 14.tl NOW 12.00 FAN BEL TS ASSORTED, ODDS ............. 4/1 00 rNl ltllrt•~ ................ Orl1.,1.lf NOW .•1, VOLKSWAGEN MAG WHEELS •I 1 tet •r 1m,1 . 2 JC. ttyle. ................ Ori .. lit.II Mt NOW 6Q~AG .1,- VOLKSWAGEN DILUXE 15" WHEELS ""'' •• ,;., .... 40 00 2 Mt• enly ................. Orl1. 111.11 tet NOW 9 . •*'' VOLKSWAGEN PUSH BUTTON RADIO ~-:.,;~ ~.... .. -...... 42.;, NOW 30.00 VINYL FLOOR MATS , co..••,....,, '1 00 twin & fvlL ........................... .' OrJt. 1.-NOW ' •. HURST 4 SPEED FLOOR, SHIFTER ' :: c ....... _ .. ,. • ..... : oo· . (S. th-. 2). --............... O..l1o It.ti NOW ~·. HURST STICK SHIFT KIT ' ~=I,'::!:.'.":.... .. .. .... °"" 2'.tS NOW 11.00 VALVE CPVER CLOSE OLiTS 2 Nfl ... ,. Mly flt yevr C•r ..................... Orl9. 1t.fS · NOW 14 ONLY MAG WHEELi Cht4Mt4PMll ,, .. ,.,.,.. I 00 Hurtt,1Crettn, K911teMa. ........ _.-................. Itch .• S20xU .TOYOTA M.G. TIRES :n.,:; :;1.!·~: ................................................ -...... 11.00· + 'ID •. TAX SL CARGO MASTER TRUCK TlfltES ~~ .. :: ':~~~... .. .. 17,95;.2' .f S CiLULOSE Wl~PING CLOTH r:-:. ~~ ........... L .• °"'' ... NOW 3 I 1.00 f OHM TAPE DECK SPEAKERS S watt wt MUPMI. 5" sb:e -Mth cner ...................................... -....... Pelr 5.00 GLASS BELT TIRE CLOSEOUT ~:.· .~'!:' ..... -. . . 21.44-34.44 + PID. TAX SPORTING GOODS DEPT. ' LOWIR UYIL ,.. .................. ,.. ......... !.. ....... C!fW. a.,O . -1. . HIAlTHWAYS"SCLiBA1it:SOlllC. UO"'LA~ll =·~~: ... ~t~·:~.~~L ~~;. 54.18 , . . . . CAMERA''&; LUGGAGE -: ' . LOWll 1Ll'"L .. 1 • ~ l'ACYOllY CLOSIOUT VIYtTAR CAMERAS· :,• •·••1 •· ... , .... '·'· 12981 I,._ C.ntr•l1 .............. Ori• ttt.ts ' NOW • \ s :r.o I YJVITAR · MOV11•c.t.M1it.t. ...._t Pf5ft. Iver. ' . . ..,_a.· ...... -....... ,:.,--.. _,, O.lf.·17'.H•-w ,9,81' 4 T0 .1·ZOOM·VIVITAtt , >.' .' '. -•k·u,...,..,..,,.,. , •9 II ·~~ti·~·~~~~:::.:· . · ... ~10>=#=:' I . ' : ' . . . 49· II ""'9 . -.. _ ~If· NOW • *1i-'1DtcouNT. ~•WRA • Mellll..... •, "f· -11 :. .,., ', t AA, II -·--··--··:Orft.'119.,. NOW 71'·71'• ~ROID l'OLD!NO·MODtl '340 . ClfW """"1111 .. llllR•i. I • ', ' 7•.00 llec'"*· ......... ·,¥_ .... ·Orlto 14.H NOW """ " ' ' O,UTDATID IMM· MAG. -~1i.M TyjM . A. 21 Pt. KM h . . . a.c ~II ..................... ,. ... Or ... a.It KODAK e.t.ROUSIL CASE NOW ~ •• 99 ,.,,(.....,.., ''")oct"' ............ ___ ,, __ ,, .. _ O•i• 12.tl NOW 9.11 NICK CHAIN . . Per c..m.r .. ., lhtecui.n 2 11- c-flll:.h. ... _ ..... -.... ---·-Orii. a.ts NOW • CAROUSEL STACK LOADIR Pits K.if.'k' C.Nw.I PNjectW, . l .... t fw ..Oltl"I ..................... O•it .. 11 .... NOW ·9,11 CLOSE"'OllT FAMOUS BRANO. LUGGAGE .......... '""'"'"' 46 I latlw ltftW. .......................... OrJt. Sl.M ·. NOW e • ' . OENTLIMANS' HANDf·PAK Puh si,,.,... .., w/tlft PMk•h 1 9 I jlll _,.._ ..................... O•i• 21.M HOW • I LADIES' 21" WIEKEND CASE ... ....,.,. ., ..... ..... LltlitW ........ 4woMe. CO.If. -NOW 24 •• 8 TOWN~RAl'T LUOGAGE . 21" Cut. ..... . IN!"' ....,.. ···~ .. i'····•·H~ ......... ~ °''• '·" ilow ·7.18 lHcher& al Lincoln Unlversi-reported. ;============="===== tyH~ak Keith H. Middlebush Cable-&:an, founded in !!161, DALY VENTURE GRADE 0/U SHOTGUN of 311 Lido Ave., a teacher ~.".l1~ .. ~~ ~~..!: ~or .Top Spons Coverage :i"""' .......... k .... ~...... 209.00 ONl.SUITIR·CARRY:0.. aAG . ~ .. -.. . ...,...,.. . I· al;;:: ill•_•,..._ o.,.; 7.tt NOW 1 4.il at Smedley Junior Blgh School awmblies. 1bomas said that ..... ,,.._.,. 12 IL °'"' •·" NOW In Santa Ana. He will work Thomas and Betts will upancf Rea·d the DAILY PILOT REMINGTON 170 TB GRADE SJfOTGUN 12 GA. ~y:.i·~. ecology and ~1,,iT.~~!IS of the .... . ;:; :-.;.~ ~~-~c:-.. 1ff.tS NOW 1 14.11 ~~~~~---~~~~-----=================1 fTHACA l'l!ATHIRL!GHT VENT Rll SHOTGUN Rough : it, •.•• AT THE NEW RODEWA"( INN N!)W,oPEH 'AT COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA · Convenient to Disneyland; Ql'anp County AirlJO!:I, Newport 8-h. 124 gracious r~ aU ~th color tv, Spanish arcl\itectilre, pool, Hawaiian Skillet 'Restaurahl .fdeal family (or busin-) headquarters for Southern C31ifornia. Phone (714) 567-8700 for r-rmioM. I.Gated 5 millutes from Oran1e County Alrpotf. , • 2ttL-·c-21"M•.... 119 00 lntr1.,.. receftW. ·-· Orit· IM.ts NOW • REMINGTON 171 l'llLD GUN "WINGMASTIR'" ._ ..... , ...... _. 11988' Hnt rl~ 12 p. ........ Orff. 114.tl NOW ' • CROSSMAN 22 CAL. P'ELLETS :..'"r.:'.ri=.~.~ .. ~~-:. __ ........... °"'" ·" NOW : .... ,. . ,,,.. IEN PEARSON COLT HUNTING IOW ........ ,..,,, ................ ,... . 21' 00 11.,Nklt ar~ lheff •...• Orft. 14.ti NOW • CROSSMAN TRAPMASTER C02 SHOTGUN -1lltllltL 54.81 " """ fett .,.,,._. .,..,._ Orfl. ..... NOW · . .-l ' ,. . ' l'OlllMOST 11'1 · l'T. l'L Y. ROD • , . , ........ ' '2' •• ... _ ........... -.... •--... ~IM -._ , , l'ORIMOST PRO.' 11'1 l'T. OR 7 l'T. 'IP'IN. 'ROD ~:;~.~.~-~.~~'.".'~-~-12:w .,. ••• . ' GAltC!A )(fNOl'fSHIR CAITIN9 ROD , L ... wt.l!;IO l(ea. .. ' .... . LtM wt. I .. 11 lit. -·····----· Orff. 4M tfOWl .. . , . l'O!JIMOST J l'T, CASTING ROD ~· ... ,_ ........... 11111MI . _ ... -............. Orif.. 2.11 -1.88 101 STRAMPI P'RO LINI ltUI. IOWL. IALL :;-"....:.:.~.~~ .. ~or::;,... -17.88 OLIN L. EVANS SINOLI WINO DRY l'LllS ::':;.:'~~ ........................... Orlf. JM NOW 1.66 -- TOWNCRAl'T TOTi ~· Ml•A•• ........ _,.,. I 9 .. _.,..,.. ,..._ °"" ~ .... -.88 RUIJOID,DOMl·TOP' .LUGGAGE .,,,.,__ . I 12 --....,.. ·----Orit-11.'9 NOW oll LADllS -l'LOWSRIO· GARMINT IAGS -.,-..-... 4 88 -· .. ~ -, ...... _ .. _,,, "" Now· • TOWNC.RAl'T "NIWl'OR-lUGOMIE P..til,1n1Me ..,,.,., ....... 3..._81 -·-•locl.""" It NOW -. ' ' 4" JOINTIR 111-MoTqit· , • '-·-Wfl -64 99 ~, ........... _ .... .,,..~,, .. NOv, • CllNUllW TIXM' STllR HoRtt ' ~ ...... _ ... _,_ .,,_ ~ ""'"--.---·----°"" ¥ -,ii# ~ ~.TILL ARIOR SAW ,, --·-·-T•' ...... I Oli!J• -· .. --·--Orit-1IMI' P'ICNiC TAILI l'RAMIS _.,,...._. __ ..,. ~ .... -.. -·--·--------""" ,. ... L~ HOLDIRS ,., "' ,, ....... 11 ... "· ..... 2 ...,. ~---.. ---·-°"" ,, .... 14" LAllt MAKIRS , ..... ,..., A tu t•htll """'· ...... --·--.. -·-·-----·-·· """ - ..... DRIVI SOCKIT SITS -•.oo NOW 9,99 • -1.99 ~·-=.~-~-~.,.":i_~ 'NOW 19,99 ' L # ' '• -• ..i I • .- ' " r· ·, I~ • . '~ 1 , • 1. /, I , I I I . I • •• ., ; l • • ' ! \ ' ' • ; ' • • SUMMER PIECE GOODS CL ·EARANC·E • ... u.,, Jutr 29,.1970 N NEWPORT BEACH . J • • FASHION ISLAND STORE'. tlOURS OPEN EVERY HITE TILL 9:00 12 TO 5 SUND~Y SHOE . CLEARANCE WOMEN'S . • SANDALS ..... •.• . NOW 66c NOW 29"o00 I• ' NOW. 399000 NO'f'l 399.~ NOW 399.00 NOW 349.00 NOW 19.88 NOW 498.00 Now399.00 NOW 399.00 I - ....., I ~ ... • I • ' ' ' -. y • . . . . . .. . ~ Wed-. July 2', 1970 DAILY PILOT :··················· ···················~ :.· . ,,,.MORE 7. AYS A ,!WEEK :· ~ '!{· : OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 s:u.::;Y:.~~11.• , : .......................................... ' - . . . . , •. -~ S OHLl OfflCIAL . ....... •. "~··"~ . •. . . 111011 }/ .. .,, ··''.UfAIR S1. ,,. Coleman Ap- • . ..._ -·" .... . . ' ' " '-·" ·"'1!ct n-· •·• \ tor part>"".-' oriril'• ·f~ 'I~ OIARGE. You pay on y . =:t:..e111r... re · 5a11:1 SlilPIMfa. ~· 8A'1. -.8 .. ~~ • · · · ~ it~ ' l's Has 1ht Great~ .. ·r~ Stltdion - Lowest Prices too! SAVI MOW! · • · u· 1. 100 , ;cOUMAll 4-l.1. lll~. 88 . -of~-••. $2·4 t·e:i:. """"...:.1t: ~ ss•. 95 Ml!Dol!. ............. . . 7t ...... SAV£ '10.07. · · · · · · l. ''The Vagabond'' This Dtluxe t.l11M11 tent It Wt •MUth · kr , 4 ••ttt. Atwty1 ,.,ullr, llw1y1 ••llfM •.• ~ ..... ,., tM ltrttlf lfKk • °' ..... c..i.,,.. 10'x8' •••• 51eeps4 $~~5 $73ss SAVI $21.07 12'1 9' 1i'110' .... Sl it .ts $1S9.tS SALE SU.It $91.11 SAVI $31 .07 $41.07 -· .. . . ~o\UAAll 3.1.1. A(RY•u .. -~··-.:~~ .. a;;:. s't:.;s $11~011. . ...,.. """'lot< .... w. .... iOS ,.·~-. $AV.£.~.o~. MATTRESS $449 l .ial1ii""'"ED A . . . . . . . ' .UJllP~io -~ I • • •' •''' FuftfSm; ..,. $6.;b ...... ' •..•• ,. . . """"" tollllly Slnl ' 'IEG . . ~IST $2288 -.,29,95 . TQU SAVI $7.07 , "PACIFIC !RAIL'~ WlliDllNG JlCICns -. NOWI •10 : MIU THrr .AIEI Thi•• IVfl ... tri•ltiretf, IP• vry l•Ck1t1 liy ,Hlflc lr•ll. hthlrhtt th• Mwtlt .. ..,tdoor lttk" I• 12 ~k cften. Sh11 S4 t1 46. . "llEllllllHITOll" WILLIG llllY SPOii SHllTS O.lua:t Wide Vtntllttor ~~ $12aa $18.95 YOU IAVE $6.07 "HANG TEN" NEW T-SHIRTS $6-s7 -sa Tht t1tt1t ftmou1 shirt tf 111 11 "GolclM fMr' In 1 ttlltry tf colon incl GrtnY• kts 'tm ln tYtrJ 1i11 incl atyltl "MILLER" WESTERN SHIRTS s .. Granl's Glcmt,~electlon "' Kennlnjtori ' 1111•1 popul1r 1hfrt1 IN ..... cr1ftff .-! ••l1M4 hi C.11· fornla. CIMplthl c.fot' 1tlec.-tto11 1114 lh:t ,~ .... a.... ~ tlthtr •htrt ., .... ,, ....... . •a AND '6'' AT GRANT'S I WESTERN STTUD for Wtsltmtn • • . NII f'1rm111ttnt f're11 ft brica, tot. lolll ''°"! ..... mid colon Ill •• ~­........ ~neck 1lm . .COY SHIRTS! . . . . . . UP SAVE MORE AT. GRANJ'S 7-DAYS-l-WEEK,! • F F • ' ' . ..\ SAVE NOW ~ IEYll-BEFOUi I, • 4 Wt hm 11'1hM 'trier •. IY!lr Colom• hot ht 1ttdc.: &try tint 11 .., •••lltJ at!4 11111 111.\lllt.f- out: Coltm1n ftature1 lnclulJftt ·: . . the ud'uitvl Lock-ff< dllign ••• (111:.;111 ttlo "'"'"'°" 1 • • • tllde ti> llnlrM th, twtst Hck Ha r::ic ~olor coded ptl~ tfp1 lft II oubhlo fnmn; ••• 1prln9.foodtd uprlghh tnd bnct peJH 1.-tJcoDy M(vsf bbrlc •-Jao nt -what tho '"""'tr· i ·' I •,•, ''The Odsls'' ' . COMPLnE selocffen of '" of .tlii·.:""""' , "01111•1 ttnt·moRfs ~,.<.o1em111.··cw:• '' .· ~~ .... "'.'-·p ~ \ ". ,: 12'19' . $8 -,· '1 r' .____;__.....;...._ __ _,., _ _. _ , SINp1 S ~ , · ·. . ' .... $120.tS ,~ Our co ... plete $e1ldlon " · .... REG.$ 99.95 .... lO'xB' .... $ 78.81 • f C I. ., ' · l • REG. $149.95 .•.. 13'x10' .••• $108.1( ; o o eman ents REG. $199.95 .... 16·x10' .... $1na :; ..---COOLER! .,.,, NOW - DISCOUNTED , ---O'RYERJ ". -' ... , --ROOMl~RI ·"' ... "' . ,,,., GRArtJ'S ,RENTS .. . 'lYEtlYtHiNG\. '>.' I ~ ''The Olympic~' _ ~.~ ......... · 's4; oss ·· _ ::.'.; IN CAMPING GUR! .... $St.ts QAVi $11 .07:··: . ~ -. . .. Col.,. .. "Olympln" ha,. tho .•II nlW' o(o;blt ~f dHllfl .'. ,;, ~ ind option1I canopy to m1tcfl. St~ •II of tho stylu NOW ,J Gr1nr1 '"' '" .. fAIUl.O,US SAYildSf'. .... : COASTAl DIER SEASON . .~!,~~~,,.AUGUST ·I st ~~· .. ~:u~.:· ... "r.:.~ .. ,':!:.~i ::: ........ , I • w•ltf'•I "· ''·'' 'rlthr a,..llft !!_~~!'~: :f.~STS ..... 9Sc . . . . . . . r----.. . ~ ....... 79, llllf,laofu 3xt POWEi HUNTING 1CN1vrs *luck *Kat.or *o•r1aer * Sollnsen * lro\lftlfng : Nor11 • .,. ..... "~' . ~ •t HO 1rrtA"' •r Gr1111•1 w'f/ .. I UGffTWE , ••• .,, ' .... .,. .. . IGHT PACKS & FRAMES .... .. 11 • ...,. ~1o .. '°"' fot.... RIO. IAU. ·C:::..'t'!'"c!:;::. ..;,· ......... ' '"·" '15 ... ' .... ................. '11.11 "·" .. 1 '·"' . . .. ' . ~. .-:-. ' . .-. ' ·.._- ' . :~ :'l . '. !\ .• . .. ·~· •. J . " ' ·~ USE YOUR CREDIT .,. .. GIWiT'SI •• :i . ....._... • I YO r I > -• • • .. • ' I o' I • ( ' 'I --. -. -. ·. ' , . . . • ·" •• ; I ' I • ·1 •• I 'It" ~ I w~ ·1!.fl .. ~ to ! th.: s Um Re< • l w~ " ia~ the Thi tilt ~ ha• top •Pl $11 N• In ' m• M• I Col Ill , I lu Utt {g ta1 I clo . -. pit I . •• •" ~ ~ ( " qn "' "' ol ell fa ~ • ~ pt! .. "' " VI to "' I J • . - I I I , ·a ·;'Mesa· ,r . . . '.• .VOL 63, NO . 'Ito, 5 SECTIONS, 71 PAGES ~NGE CO UNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDA y; JULY 29, 1970 TEN CENTS Smog Smot~ering East New Y 01·k on Alert As Pollution Blankets Coast l... f :\ DAILY ,ILDT Miff ,.._,. 'UN).TTRACT!Vlr NE~Tl:V:E· ANo;CONSTANTLY DEFENSIVE' ··•loodrMlry 1.,H.,.i; A14uol Takll a Swipe at Woman'• Lib -· . ·1 '~~-~~t :::~ T;lfri/.:~ .L.ikes Newport; -.:-: N~pD . :t·Likes Raquel ... ,;. . . By AJ\THUR R. VIN&EL • Of tlit DMIY Pl'-t '"" r .. • ...:liinlh!l~I'?"'· ~ .~vft1·· 11io ot!·~ •1ti:a~~n0. 'wt+rmu!n • r. t'"- twli;h !JM ·~JIY'"' · · ·!Uq0i1 Wo!<h Arrived : It the ·• • ')>irk .~port Apartmenll to inspeq.>.P new """-. . ' . .. ' ~w1y. ·. , '"-.!.iftiey g9t' Uttlt cb'anee dumee, lwfwtvU. to ~!valu.ite the 1tructbr81 qU'1.8ies of tb(.most,11amorous· tenant. • .! "she ai-rived in an · a~ limousine, swept into the rark Newport Recreation Spa for . .a bloody llW'J aDCI a bloody brief interVlew, dd Ui!l~w1s whisked away, "! have pa•j)Ofl papen to fill ~1;· slid Miss Welch. who jets oft fo t.he· Mediterranean illland. of C y p r.u s-.. Thursday, via London, to start ~r film. . . ' )!rodu~r1 of jler other, motion pi~ have 'made en6ucll profit on ~lca1i top female box oftice attraction to bUy apartn'lenta for Ill .her. neigbbo~s in the $18'milllon apartrhehts overlooklttg Uppef Newport Bay with about $S million 'ltft in Change .. Newpoft Harbo_r Cha~~r ~f ,ColJl· merce Presideht Charles Curry aikl Mayor Ed HirUI }Klsted the luncheon. Miu Welch, currently starring in th, tontrover1lai film "Myra Breckinridge, arrived late and had a liquid lunch. ~ng for photographs, the two civic leaders . were asked to squeeze up a \itOe cio8eF to the titian-hared star, wbO r.. 37-11\0-351;, according to her otudio'• tape measure. M'.ayor Hirth beanied as , he 1ot in closer. • · 1 ~ ''With ease," he remarked. Some peo. ple thought he Ufd: "With thue?" • Que!ltlon1 fired by the calluy (I( newsmen -she couldn't an11wer them fll -inc'Juded hf:r · r.'eaaon for c:hoosin& Newport Btach and or courR her career, ~y jll'M8!ll ond lulu,.. W!11'Nf"i+ort Bllth! · • h~•linor, II ftt replJtd. · · One tbplc. · t& wtilch the questioning returned, Wai the motion picture dullng wlµi • tr1iwexual who ~cally !!Witches from btlni Myron to Myra. She smilingly suggested author Gort Vidal himself may have fallen short U ht intended to·create' masterpiece. "It ltn'l a.good C!nough literary work to bold It in any particular nve.rence, ·· !laid Miss Welch, who wort an oabntal· colored sweater with pink nared alacks' and undal!I. ne Hollywood star--abe says Hollywood, hu no hold on her •ffecf,ions -and ta)~ts -who ia so obyiowily a female ba!I no regard for the phenomenon .catled Women's Liberation. , · "Tltey are probably the mnst bo.rini grot.ip o( women I have ever heard of,", she replied. "They are unattract!Ve. negative · t1n<1' · cOnst.antly ()fl ' the dete!'l5.ive." Raquel was none of those three Tuea- day.' . , 300 Guerrillas Dead In Portugal Colony? BE!RA, Mozambique !UPI) -A Portuguese army communique said Tues.- day a major milltlty drive over the past month had tilled 300 anligovernment guerrillas in Mozambique al a C011t of II Portuguese troopa. The communique 11.id .. Operation Gor- dian Knot" had capb.lred hundreds of weapons aod thoualnd1 of rounds of guerrilla ammunitlol'I. Guerrlll1s are ac- •. live in both Mozambique and Angola, Portugal'• other bl1 Africa!> IWitory. By lJnJted ·Pren lnter.natloaal The mayor of New York activat'ld the lint sta1e ol ari air pollution emergen·cy altrt in ihe nation's 'largest city today as a blanket of dirty air hung motion1ess: over mlich of the Atlan- tic coast megalopolis for the filth day. "We have two crbe!I on oUr hands -power and air pollulion," Mayor Joiµ) V. Lindsay declared following a mornthg of meeting!! with hi!! Emergency Co11trol llWd IJld the Pr<side11 or coiiaelld1tec1 Court ·Hear s Tate Murde r Horror Tale LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The: 1Uite 's key witness at the Ta te murder trial said today that Patricia Krenwink!J com· plained te> her that sh£ had hurt her hand while stabbing one of victims inside the residence because the blade ran Into hon~. Linda Kasabian, 21, said that Mis.s Krenwinkel; who i!I on trial with hippie cult leader Charita Manson and two other young women, d~ibed w~al ha~ pened on the n!Jbt or Aug. I •fter she had run b1ct to their automobile from 1 scene d. aavage slayings. Mrs. Ka!ltlbian wag uked w.hether Patricia aaid anything about a 1irl in the ·house. · ' "Yes, she aaid one of the girls was crying for her tnother and fer God." "Did she say anything about her hand hurtjng?" asked Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bueliosi. · ''Yd, she said when she !tabbed •then wereDones In the way." Mra. Kmblan 11tarted her· testimony tod11y by showing the Sharon Tate rrounds and residence JocatiGn on a large chart for the jury . She stood only a few"Uet from Manson but 'shielded by a deputy. ManllOfl, the accused ma.stermind of seven Jdllings by the· tilpple cult, turned hls back as the 1mall girl walked past him 'and shielded his eyes with hi~ h11nds. The three young women codelendants -Susan Atkins, Patricia Kre.nwinkel and Leslie Van Houten -bad their hair in pigtails today when they appeared i'n the court.room mimlcklng Mra. Kua- bian's hairstyle. The state's key witness pointed out on the large cardboard chart the gate over whlch she said ahe. Mil!! Atkins, Misa KrenWlnkel and Charles "Tex" Watson climbed on the night of the slayings Aug. I. She identified the 1.elephone pole which i;he said that Wal.sari climbed to cut the wiru JeM!ing into the estate. WatM>ti so far has re!listed ertradltion from Texas. After po inti ng out variOU3 siles on the Tale estate, Mrs. Ka!lab~n resumed the witness !!land and picked up her account of the ~avage slayings. Bugliosl asked her in what stale of mind she was after allegedly witnt:.Ming two of the killings on the irounds of the Tate home. "I was in a total !!tale of shock,'' she said. "Did you think ol running for help to another house?" BugliOl!ii asked. "Yes, J thought of it." Mn. Kuablan told the jury Tuesday about how abe r'an toward the house. The at&te's key witnus shuddered, aob- bed and giggled 1pa!lmodicall~· when ahe begl!'I her testimony Tuesday. But today she seemed more composed. Mrs. Kaubian 11ld she ran down the hill to the car in which they had driVen (See KASABlAN, Pal' 2) I I Ecti!On Co. • As the I~ •lep In the alert the city -~-' department wu ordered to c;\lt~ clnerauon by 20 percent and munlQI bospitab and houslng projecll to "6e their-on Ille hurnliig or garbage b(3 P·llli• Lindsiy,.. warned New Yorkers to "prepare for the ba.Mlng or all private vehicle• from certain ar~!I of Ute city" lf the crJ!la WQ!'sen:s. He Uked them to begin organizill1 .,.,. ~ or usinl public tr1n1Porlllio• lmmedlli.ly Ind aald the . dty · would provide em, bul]es. ,._ The m.yot aeted-ti the .city's Air Resources Department announced the amount ot sulfar dios:lde, carbon monox· ide, amote shade and oxldates in the air had reached the "unsaUsfactory to unhealthy" sta,e. The amog cut a yellowish grey pall over the city. From the top of the i.in-roo1 Empire .State Buildfnl •. the Bay Dem~rcation Lines Disputed By THOMAS BARLEY Of I~ Di lly Plltl lttH Lines of demarcaton between public and p~v~te pr~rty in the Up?,er ~ay were disputed tOday in !he Superior Court land swap trial ~s Irvine Company ·attorney· Robert Warren responded · to charges· that charta .tubmltted by the company to the State Lands Commission were lliaccu~ate and mi sleading. ' Warren drew exact definitions of tideland!! Jines and · Irvine Company- OrangE County borden as set out in a Superior Court ruling ol 44 years ago. His testimony came in the wake of argumenta by homeowners' attorney Philip .Be riy · th1t ·charts wbl!')t helped 1 ., ' the state ig!ncy to . reach It& ditputed decision showed COfL!liderable stretches of public water frontage al beln& in pri.vate oWnership. Berry appeared to have the support of Judge. Claude M, OWens late: Tue.sday as he pointed olit tevl!r1!, public areas that wert,, he uid. depicted oft the charts as bein& ln private hands. , '1It'1 hard to see how the petitioner's Y·ellow Cab Wins Exclusive Run From Airport Orange Crunty .Board o( Supervi10rs today awarded a· three-year, ~xclu11ive tar.I franchise at Orlnge County Airport. to the Ytllow cab C'.ompany ol Sant& Ana. Newport-Costa Mesa Yellow Cab had 1ubmitled a bid to pay the county 1 higher premium for:-lhe fraochise right, but itJ mileage charges to customers would have been higher than Santa Ana Yellow Cab's. Supervisors voted 4--0 le acceµt the Santa Ana cab bid as being more in the public intere.st. Santi. Ana e1b rates will cost airport customers an estimated $55,000 per year Jess than Newport·Me!IA cab would, according to county director of Real Pro~y Services Stanley ' Krause. Santa Ana cab agreed to pay the county $54,700 per year for the franchise right, $6,500 lt3!1 than the '61,200 Newport-Costa Mesa cab bid. definition .fita lnjo this chart," Judae Ow~ns commented durinf: the questioning of harbor district engineer James Ball- in~er. "~d it'a pretty hard to go, along with· the thought that It 11 pJivale water £ront&1e when the laiid itself is not private." . .Much or that coi.iJuslon~ Warr~n ii;i-. dicaled today, stems in the iplerpretation or the colored line!! depictin1 boundary l~e!I of p~operl)' . 1n the Upper Bay area .. And his. questioning of Balllng•r was· auned at the utr•c:Uon of .a more complete an1lyslg of the coatroversial boµndarie!I . , Berry argued Tuesday that North Star Beicll. and beach area!! •.t ,'Bl1 Clnyon, Back' Bay DrlVe', the Narrows and nnd Street were arlu>ng pUbfic water front 1ieas ~ep~ as heinC: ln ·-p~v1t.e .ownt~hip· on . the chart btiri& nalnined today by Warren. , . Th:at d\art, he. laid, inacaJ.ralely shows 91.3 percent of Upper Bay water frootap to ' be l'n private ownership, a flcw'e 1reaUy in n:cesa of .the total acr .. 19 hold .by nonpublic enUUea. ' ~ • drew lrom Baillnl" the engil)eer's. confirmation that the chart was eadorsed by the county board of supervtaor1 before· It went to· publle bear- il+( held by ·the State LudJ COmmillion. It wu, he. uld. one of . the documents on which 'the state .agency relied when It endorsed tbe ·lud swap in NovemDer, 1967. . Serry11 close questioning of Ballinger drew from an lrrit&ted Judie Owens the comme:rlt: "I don't bow why you want to wring It nut· of the wltnen when It's obvious from •Ii we've beard that this is public property." 1 Berry represented a sroup of Newport Beach homeowners-who challenge the trade or 157 acre!! of county-<1waed tidel&nds for 450 acru of Irvine Company uplands 111 unlawful and u11constltutional. 'They argue thJt the e1chan1e cannot be approved a~ the 11tate of Ca1lfornla perrpane~ly deeded the tidellJllds to public ownership when it transferred the water frontage to Oran11e County 40 years agp . It is also argued that the Irvh1e COm- pany deliberately misrepresented dala related. to the land 1wap in hearings before the State Lanc1s Commission. Both res~Uve values of the 1creqe ln the trad! and 'the actual extent ·of beach areu were mJsstated in the public bear'· Inga, the homeowners complaint .tlatei. Or1111e ·C.1111ty ud the Irvine Company •parked the llUgalion when they 111ed county auditor Vic Heim, by agreement, for nonplyme"t ol dredging .bil.IJ . sub- mitted by the Irvine Company. Attorney Duffern Helslng Js representitig Helm In ~he trial. · ~_upervisors' New Crashes • ID 3 Blo~ks Irvi.le plans for the Upper Bay land to which it geeks tiUe Jncl ude the creation of expanded boating facilitiu; the removal or isJandg whic'h al(egediy pose a·hazard to "avigatlon and the creation cf a chain of park and. recreation areas around the Upper Bay, . . . Ruling Strict . ' On Rock: Events . A l1w puWng strinpnl 1'0(Ul1tions on lat,e outdoor ~ such as locl< !esJlvlll w11 elllded ,Tlleoday by tho Or1111e Counly Boord cl Sllpervl+ion. The 11•, which will apply to 111herinp ol . more than 2,JOO peraon1, will take effect In 30 day1, 'I'bera hive been no announced plans for#• rock festival In the county. Tbe ni!'t law W()Uld make It difficult for a_promoter to 1ta11e one. . Tht measure requires a $$,800 clean\lp ~. nne security 1uard for every 2GO petJON. a tunning water 1Upply. trash CID! Ind nush type totlett. lL 1llo r-e&ulatea noises trnm mldnilflt to I 1.m .. ·parking, lkket &,lie., end ad· verlJsing. And It require. a promoLcr ~ .. ~~~in 1 llcenae rrom !he board of wpon>IO<I. Accident Prone Garbage Hauler Ove rtu rns Truck 1 A tell-employed 1arbl1e c:olltetor wa1 irrestecl Tueoday; Jn Coala MOii lfter mounting h11 •ovetturned truc:i to 1Yold ~vine it towed away, followia& hi.!1 • eon.t ICcldent 1n three bt.Cu. Clinton E. G1tely. 41. ol 1511 llighllnd Drive. Ne"JIO'( Beach, iJ an independent hiuler. · 1'00 independen~ wt one cllicer. Patrohn•n Pat Rodgers was dispatched to a rear-end colliaion al Newport Boulev~rd and Vlr1inl1 Plact al a: 15 p.m., to ltart oot . .He 1found lhe Owner and Milt. truck •o/ A. C. • D{,poaa~ <Jomfllny, piUJ I bNhed·in tedln. • · ' "Tl w1s , lypi<:~ rear~nder." 111ld Officer ROdger11, addinl that Gittly'a t~ck hatf 1truck> a dual control car dr•ven by .Ralph M. Sloane, 51, of ~. - "He's an instructor fqr Big Town Driv· 1"1 School," uid Ol!lcer Rocll'fs. whe ch~ked the garbage truck and found it had no brakes, 1mon1 eight olher defects. llDdgers told G1teiy not ·to move the big truci. "I'm back wrWna my dlacrem of the accident scene and I look up and ht and the truck are gone," said Rod1ers. who then got inlo his patrol car. "The dispatcher broadc:ut. another 1c- cldent thrtt blockJ awa,y. SO. t ~ find here 's my garba;Jlle, tnl(:k again.'' lnitesUgatorr said Gately tried to make a' turn In hlii ~anlus truclt at NewpQrt Boulevard and Monte Vls}t Avenlle. The vehicle overturned, 1 tr e w In g 5arba.ge and gaanllne into thf: street O!flcer 11Ddge_r1 tald ho coiled !or two tow IN:>ka IJld a f1r1 truc:i · to , hose down the 1asollne, but G1tely refu&- ed ~elp, 11yln1 ' he called hU, mm aid from Slnta Ana'. "i gave him five minutes and the other truck didn•t lhew, ao I told the guYl l11>m Coaot Towiri1 t<i ' lllul It away, .. the officer uJd. : "Mr., Gately . 1t1riecl climbing, lf"und on the 11,rbagl! truck lellln1 thl!J!I where they1 could and c0uldn't hoot 1orito' It." he conlirrued. I "I bed lo arrest him for interfering wtth a pollce ofticu." The arrestee was relea~ · from custody witbout bail on his ow' P1"9ml:Se to 11PJ)t•r In court. . ' "He'11 urK(oubtedly drivirui: U,at crum- my garbage truck around egaip today /' ,i3ld Officer Rodg~rg, who wrol.41 up about 20 vlolatlons on the vehicle. . "I dOn't know whit I'm 1oln1 .&o do 111 run Into him apio." he lald. · ' • Marine Trainee Hurt On Course · CAMP PENDLETON 1 (AP)' -A Marine traiDee h11 been wounded ·cr1w1. rn, . through in 1nmtr4tloo courH al camp Pendieton a.s ~ve a'mmunit!on .WhiUed over hl1 held. '. , The: 1Miriue Cotpa P.ld the pr!Va.lt wu in g~ condiilO!' willL OIJiY a 1ll1h1 WOWl.d at the base hospital!f ' Hfs pame .w11 w'llhhekl , pendin1 notlflcatlon Or hett o( kln. A 1pokesmfin gid he wi.s struck in the cht1t with whal 1ppeaied to be a roc:lt ¥ metal chip. ;rbe1 wound was termeQ 111llghl" ~Ith the tbJeet causing only skin d,ama1e. Tbe fnllitr1tJon coum ~ a al&Ddord tut cb1q bult fnll.llt}' lnin!QI, world'• tlnest bu!ldlni, • vlalbillty wu cut from a .ormal &o milu' to 1 or l mllea. . . The. Atlantic cout, from N....-.York to Ailanta, bu been covered for four days by a Polluted bau trapped by hot and humid air which the weather bureau Hi¢· Would remain-1tationary until the weekend. The temperature reached a aeuo•'• high of 94 degrees in New York Tuesday (See SMOG, Pase 2) Route .Group ' ' Slates Meet In Laguna Three city councilmen and two city staff members fronf Llguna Beach are &eheduled to meet 'r.burj&day With mtQJbers of Newport, Bffcb's ~w.,y Fighters for an "informational aeuion." Laiima City ~anager James -Wbuty said be ll'ld J)Ubllc Works Director J• Sw.eany . would be attending, al~ with Coilncilriten Charlton Boyd, Ectwvti Lcrr and ft9y .. Jiolm . . ·P•u,J Gruber, former1mayorof Newport B ea ch and •Po\tellDan for'. the an~ .. freeway group, aaid only officlal1 tJ:Dm Lquna Beach have been invited to tlie luncheon meelillg · which la to · be lield at the Santa Ana.Country CWb· at nocin.' Grubu said members. cl the dtf mu. cils JJf . Newport 'Beach; Costa Meli, or Huntington Beach had not been tnvlted lo the m·eeu.g: "Tliil' it not a ·aenerat _,, •• ,. h 'd -.. ew . • _ .1 . ~e d~llned to explain' Why 'lbei UIJ'ee cities were: omit~d from . the meetlnt "We won't go into tbaL We blVe ' ~ own' reason11 for callln1 this ·meetinc ,, Grublr 11Jd. . · ' ii-e: wu aome <:Mfu.sion -1f 'tbt N.ewport city cooncll meelin1 MODdl~ night over the meeting ud 1wf'letber or Mt · coundJmeri wen upee:tecl' to •!tend. . C.owicilman Howard Ro1ers noted•titat city tolficiall .hid· be• n tnVitedt to a meeting two weeU a,o with O>lta Mela and· HuntinJlon 'll4ach to dJ!Cuu thait an!J.freeway stud .. No invitation Md been received and ·Newport.Beach WU IOt represented at the meeting ·he •aid Rog er 1 n.ld be had he'ard. a~t T1luraday'11 meeting but was u n 1 u rt whether coun~J members would be u- pected to attend. "We haven't heard a thing " Newport City Muager Harvey Hurl~ told· .the coun~ll. "I, don't know where t b e-1 t meeti~g rµmors 1 gtart," be. said. "or where these l"vitatlona are suppOaei:I to Conie from." · Agnew Chara cter Now on Golf BaJ.1.3 CLEVELAND (UPI) -Spiro Asnew'1 face is popping· up everywhere these days. First It wag Spiro Agnew wrist watches, then Spiro Agnew T·shirts. The latest lnnovalioQ to utilize the vice president comes from two 1uburbe. Clevel~nd hou.sewivu who plan to izn. mortalize Agnew c:m .-u balla. , Mn. R. J. Miller 1nd Mra. J.,.ph Hickey have contracted with the Geor1• Worthington Co. of ·Clew.land to makt goU balls featuring a caricature of tht vice. presidenl Orange Co••'< Weather Whatever's fair; 11y1 the weath- erman, 1dd1n1 that the skies Will be jlist that on Thuraday after· the usual coastal cloudiness. Look for temper1ture1 "' the 68 to BJ defll'et range. INSm E TODAY · T w o impo;t.ani · theotrl;,, Cvrntl break &he . mfd.stmt""1' 1 calm thil week -both iri Costti Mesa. Src Thtater Notti, l'agt 14. ; ' omv l'ILOT c ' . DAILY t'ILO~ ll'llttt 'WI.II l"tJH . FAIRGROUNOS VISITOR : MECHANIC MARTEL AND HIS CHROME-PLATE ~ BUS ' Police Seek Motor Home 'Hot Rod' Complaints In Kidnaping Prod.uct of Patience By PATRICK BOYLE them wllh awnings to keep out the Criminal complaint.I namina thrff Col· Of 1~1 OttlY Pl"' 111tt rain. necticut men who alle,edly traveled I! Ed Martel were any YOUJliel'. hi.5 At the time or the remodeling, he acraa coqntry to kidnap a C:OSta Mesa wife i.s sure that he would be a "hotrod-owned a yacht marin,a In SY.>ney Point ciliople _ only to be foiled In a rlU\IOm-der." The retJred mechanic drives a on the Hudson River, and he felt that ,, .. ._ IOU~P bus with chrome wheels and "anything good !!nough for a yacht is eichange by the wue's mowier -w11:ie a chrome engine, and if he is not t1nker· good enough for my bus." btln&' IOIJ&h1: today. ing with bis own, he is fixing someone Consequently, the electrical power for 'Ibt aUJpeeta were captured without else'• motor coach. · the motor coach comes from a special inclde1t Mollday nJ1ht alter a Phoenix 'Ibe Martels are in town fet' the Family boat battery, the refrigerator ls adapted woman obtalned the release of her Motor C.oach ConventJon at the Orange from a yacht and there 1!1 even a ship's . County Fairgrounds and they have a lantern for lighting in caSI! of emergen-daual*r and pGllce cloeed 1n on the very unique motor coacb. cies. alJqed kkfnlpers. Their coech fs . a converted lHI bus At. a matter of fact, Martel ls well Police Ilk! James M. MCSba.M, 2.1, that was bUUt by the Wayne Body Com-prepared tor emergencies. His wife says af Stradlwd, Donald E. Von Remoottlrt, pany or Wayne, Iowa. For years, it that he even has spa.re parts strapped ~. of Stratford, and Fret W. Papcin, had been driven m the bus route past to the under carriage of the motor 21, of Bridgeport, would probably be th~ir house in S~y Point, N.Y., by coach. · arraiped today. a 'little ~d bu3 drive~. wbJ neV!!r went "We never have any trouble with our lhv~Y held Mr. q Mra..Mark over JO miles pa: hour,. coach," she aaya. "It ia other people c. """"'''lijllll It, 1" • Walllillll ld,Mm~. to,jl!!f 1lle man tllot ~ho have all Ill~ t,....,, My husband AYI'., for libout two days atur abductfmg U be: evet ~ ~ of It, ht ~ is alw1y1 h~plng aomeone else. fix their tMll: trom a pan.1 ii Lquna Belch just parJC it in front of the Marteh troubles, and he is always giving away and 1'kinl them to the apartmenL house and Martel wouli:I buy it. parts. Thi trio of ls demlDded Sl IOO In llSI, the company decided to lake "We got home oice and found 8 tblJ nportedly "::: eds= 1 .ft,i Martel· .•P on .\\!' offer, ~.d , they ~~ PJl<i!fgl' , ::~~!I.!\om someone llJ-l'ey's at'! lludWs ,~.l!!tfls~. ~· ... ~il . . ,. -~hadmalled ... -;. mi... smnif ;!..~J!. h the! to or ~ u.s 1'tp mtn the 'J)lrts we 'had . • ,.._ • ... u_IUlllli W Y·l Y · e gt vea thdb " " .. tho coul. Mortols Dved neor a COlllPlllY that did Sh ·the. ch · · A ICitl of ieltpbone caJb: led Mr•. chto k f di US N nd e says 1r eoa r1dea beautifully, Peyton's mother, Mrs. Yvorme Parhr, Mar:le =.n :kin e ~ of a~ ~s "not at all Uke a commS'cial ,,bus or to dblaia tbe cash and coatact CO!lta to them to chrome r:r h:m . a lot of ot.her ~tor coaches. They Mu.a police ·about whit to do before · He took oot all ol the Hila and get over eight miles to a gallon - atlnl to the apctment. innalJed beda a bathroom i. kitchen compared to four for some other coaches. Detoctlva equipped btr with a and a dlninr table. He put' In carpela, -and tiey get a dllcount at most mkropboae which allowed them to and replaced the upper lla&s windows gas stiUons because they always buy ·mlllldllar COll'ftrlatlon tzllide tbe raklence wttb ICl'ffnl for ventilation and covered more than 30 gallons. , ~ aot •up tho captun of Papcln, VJm One of the only !l<Oblema with the Remoortere, and McSMne auta:ldel coach, Mra. Martel uys, 11 that it at-' Po' lice Proh'mg• tract• .. much attenUon. They were once stepped by a policeman la Florida London Stockbrokers T :~~Ii. wanted to look at their home 1 _ WO Burglaries "Sbice , We bave been at the con-Threaten Midi·gWl!!I . vention,• ·•he elys, "I have not been In S BI k able 'to do any cooking. There: have LONDON (UPI) -A band of Laodon &file ()C been so many people going hi ai\d oot wtockbrokers dtclared guerrilla war on of here that we have had to go out lengthening hemlines today and threaten. Newport Beach police today a.re in· .to eat every night." ed to srUp the skirts of any woman But she says the motor coach' owners tmder 30 who donned a dreM falllng vutigating two oHice burglaries which are "The most wooderful people that Jewel' than ei,tJt lnchea abow her kneel. took place within a blodc: of each olher I have ever met." "We, the gentlemen of lhe stock ex.. Tuesday in the Birch Street commercial "They tease U!I a lot about our chrome change, object most heartily, strongly, centeil adjacent to the county airport. coach, but they are really vtry nice vehemently and without reservation to Over 11 000 worth of off1" -equipment ~1e." do " I ' -~-women's skirts comlng wn, a dee ara-But Tom Duck, national preside.It of U b -· brok •· ·~ paper was taken from the Duraturf firm OD Y ~ ers w WI:\' DeW! the Famlly Motor Coach AMII., does EW:n1ftg Standard said. IOC.lt.ed at 3711 Birch St. The suspecta not thlnk "Mr. and Mrs. Chrome" art .apparently removed w:IDdow louvers near more wu•ual than the rest of tbe • DAILY PILOT OtANtl'. co+ST l'UllllMIMO OW"AN'I' l•~rt N. w • ..i • ni.,,. •• ic,,.,;1 """ 1'111,,.11 J... ·M11r1th;~, M .... tlftt ltlltr c .... ,.... Offlu )JO W11t l 1y Sfr11t M1lli11t Mil,.111 ,,0. h1 11•f. tJ61& --H...,..,., hedl: nn "'"' ••ltlt• toul..,•1' u.-.._., m ,...,, "- Mllllt......,. 9-lll 111,. a..dl ....... ,. f .. II <""*''-: »II Hw1ll I I c.ri. .... 1. .. 1 ' the door, reached into the omCe and memberl. opened the door to gain entry, in· "We art all unusual people," Duck vesUgaton uld. says. "To begin with, you have to be A ---·nd ... rth •KM. a liWe cruy to even own a motor _....,.. -u-compressor wo ..._ coach. We wouldn't eve.n be here U wu reported misJlng from the certified we were aonnal." Tellling Equipment Sfrvlce, 3113 Birch SL Tl>a burglon In this c:aae took the .machine from a rear 1torap room which was unlocked during bu!lneu hours, of. flcers said. net. Tom Sbeam said he dotsn't believe the two burtlaries are rtla1'd. beciuse of ditrtrences in tbe two ca&e1. Mesa Club Looted Of Food Mac hines Burctars who went after food service equipment looted a Costa M ... nilhtclub of nearly #,000 In valuiblea, the muage. ' ml!rlt told'JIO!lce TUesdoy. Heltn E. Meonaeman dilCOvtred the madllnery m4sing m.n the Royal Creal, 1700 Pfacentla Ave .. when II o_.t, occordlng to Olllcer Bob Araolif. No evidence of forced ent:y was round •nd the patrolman Aid a key may have been used t.o e11ter the o6cktall lounae and rtstaurant. • Miaaing Jtems Ir.eluded an lee crmhu, blender, meat •!leer and meal lrinder all of commercial food prepar1Uon cit!, plua i.O la boW. of bii>ana li~uiur •. Fro• P .. e l SMOG ••. and could go even: hlthu by midaf· ternoon today, the weather bure111 said. At 11 a.m. the temperiture already was 87 degrees and the t.e:mperawre- bumidity index was lKl -the level at which everyone is believed affected by the heat aid humidity, The weather also was bl1med for the power crisis because of increased use of air conditioners and fans. For the l!eCOlld day the Coosolidoled Edlaon Co. asked 200 major couumer11 including the city of New York, and private cltjlen! to limit their coasumpUon of power to easenUals. In the Wuhlqtoo, D.C., ma olficlals were on the verge of 1Uu1n1 an iir pollutiOn alert 'l'Uesdly but a cornbltlatklD of local "'-a ond ina.ued cloud cover r!Ueved tht altuaUon tomewhat today. The air maaagemeDt service Jn Philadelphia said the polluUon alluaUon lbere was "ugly but not dan1t11rous/' A hoapjl.111 check &bowed no increase ln respir1tory cuts. In AUanla, city spoktsmtn aald h"vy showers Tutlday brought aom.1 smog roli!I by "waslllna It ouL" Water Tax-Buns ,Down .. 11J JCIAJINll llEYNOLDS ........ Plllt SI.., Dlnatora of tbt Orange County Waler Dl.ltrict have approved a bud.pt for Jt'll).71 whl<b · feature. a sis "'11 drop in -the district's tas rate, it "wu an- nounced today. Di.rector Henry Segerslrom, '8id the new rate will be eight cents per $1(1(1 valuation. r.a 7earl1 ·rate wu 14 cents. Thi drilp In tJie w rate -,. ma<je po11lble by •ver1l facion :-comes 1n 1 year wtien the· i!islrtct will be atartlng work on a $12 million desalUng plant which will help stop salt water Intrusion intrr the county's natural un- derground fresh water 1torage area!. The water district will dlare the cost ol. the plant with the federal OO'ice of Saline Water. Federal sources wiU pay' '9.3 million for Cot>atnictlao cools while the. district will provide u ad- ~ditional $15.million. • Se~strom said there wtre a numbu of niuon1 that the district wu Ute to reduce the tu rate. From Pqe l KASABIAN .•• to the Tale estate. ''Did Tu and ·Sadie (Susan Atkiu) and KaUe (Palricia Krenwinkel) ever come to the car?" BugliosJ asked. "Yes, in a few minutes." "Did they come separately or together?" "They came together." "Did they have blood on them?" "Yes they had blood all over thtm, all three of them." Mrs. Kasablan said Watson told her to move over from behind the wheel and got behind the wheel himself. She 1aid that he M;emed "really up tight" because she nad run back to the car. She said two knives and a revolver were brought back by the trio but that one knife was Jen behind In the house. Mrs. Kasabian aaid that Watson had said "something to the effect that when he hit a man over the head with a gun it shattered and wouldn't work 8Jlymort." Mrs. Kasabian said they drove off ·tn the car and that the glrls changed their clothing as they drove and U)at Wa!son took off his shirt while 1he held the steering wheel. 'OMy saw a garden ho9e at a house afttt they had been driving for five or ten minutes, she said, and they stop. ped the car and went to the hose to Wa!lh off the blood. A man came up to them in the darkntu and ubd them •hr 'they were thert and Wataou 1okJ llbn. they were 'jml walking put. 'I1te man uktd them 'if that wu lhelr car parked nearby . and Wa.l!on said it wu not.. . "Tex wu very polite to ?tUn," 1he ••id. "Ttle man wu on the ground and :Tex wu stabbing him and be kept :dolor II ond doing It ond cnng it. ~ man was l!lCl'Umlng, it wu like . Do .,,rds, just a great 'please.' " ' Houston Negro Slain After Boycott Called HOUSTON (AP) -A Negro hu Deen killed · by police bullets a few bour-. ;1fter leaders of the black community called for a zhopping boycott in reprisal for the fatal zhooting of another membtr of their race . Archie Sayles, 30, was shot in .a bar by two policemen who said he pulled a gun Tuesday when they sought to question him. The officen 1aid they had noted his resemblance to a man wanted for forge ry. S~Ce _ .. "The most obvioua one was the large lite at Ell.is Avenue and Euclid S~t lr)Crtase In Ill I r1 d valuaUons thb la r 9_un£a.in Valley « on a 12-acre site • on· ·~ Hunti........ Biach 1ide of the ""•r," he said. ~ ......... ,,.... Santa Ana ruver where it forms tht. "We alao had more favorable reeulll bouftdlr)' between Huntington Mach i nd than anticipated In our sale of sand • Newport Beach. and iravel," Segerttrom explain~. The '"This will be one of the first pll·' sand and gravel 1J sold from a diltrlct· producUon plants," . Segerstrom sa ' owned site along the Santa Ana River "Prior to this they have been am· ~ b beins uc1v1ted for a water researeb oriented facilities. Thia v.-l spreacljnc buin. be one of the flrst working plants . 1 "An unei'pecltd rile in aancf aocf ·ar.av!I tue the concept out of research ar l pr)Ces brouiht In more · revtnue thaJJ cl!velopment and into a practical, work- • apected," ht added. · Uta staae." ~l•~dla .111.!her, wlne,tv~o ..j~&e1oa ... !sit. will pump about three million gallons liepntrom alao nole!I the di~lct was ~ completed In 1973, the plan t r. ---~ ~ of water dally into the ground. U jud1ed tlihti!minl OW'lelvee:, IO -.e're.,.,. u-tueeellfu1 by the Office of Saline Water, ef thlt -we can Jower the t.11 pte. the flow rate may be incrtaaed to 15 ho years Ito the rate ,.,.. 17 dmll, million &allons a day said Neil Cline, ao we've manqect a cut Of man ~~ auiltlnt district manager. 50 pe..-1 in twa ,. ... ,~ ..,. lild • 1 .> . The deaallnlud water will be injected Se1""°"" aold lbe ... of ' ' DtW into the pound through a sertes of -plant..,.l!Hie llbombicl o..ra ..,.,. 111111.,~ h!Jicled , wat<r will be UJed period. u a Nmer, tD prevent salt water from Construction on the prQJe!::t 1'1 ~eattriq fi't!tb water aourcea inland, Cline to becln withln a YNl" ,. 'o . ..ia. " . . . HUNT INGTON BEACH CITY ADM INISTRATOR DOYLE MILLER Boloro (Loft) ond Allor Visit to Local Wig Shop • • Ci ty Ma nager Gets Crop of Hair City Manager Doyle Miller is eovering things up at Huntington Beach City Hall . But, although ll'!I a hairy situaUon, the figurehead of about &50 city employes is winning nothing but praise. The affair came to a bead Tuesday when Miller returned from lunch sporting a handsome toupee. "You know, I very nearly went down to the belch," lhe city manaaer ad· mlUed. "Walking back into the office was one of the hardest things I've ever done." Employes weren't !!lO'.V in com· pUmenUog their chief on his new look, however. "I'm not sure how much they mean It, but it's encouraging," Miller 11\d. The salt and pepper toupee ctist Miller $195. He bought it at a local wig shop. One employe quick to congratulate 1'-tiller w1s William Back, the city's economic development director who also suffers from the same condition that has puzzled men and barbers down through the ages. "I paid t.iOO for one but il.'s suc h a bad match .that I wouldn't dare pull it out of the box," he uld. Miller's wife, Ella Mae, encouraged • him to make the bold move. "I to~ ber that I had a notion to .co in and nosey around the shop and she uid; 'Why don't you?' " Miller related. The city manager's son Steve, II, also saw the hairpiece for the: first time 'hen Miller returned b~e Tuesday night. "At least he didn't kiCk me out,'' Miller jot!d . Interracial Couples Fight License Ban JACKSON, MW. (UPI) -Two rscii.lly mixed couples carried their fight into federal court Tuesday alter the Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme COurt rtfU.sed to Jin an injunction block.Ing the issuance of marriage licenses. The couples filed a complaint in U.S. District Court asking for .a temporary federal Injunction which would coulitt-rad the circuit court injunction and pave the way for issuance or the marrl~ge Ucenses. 'The true J!1!Clot111m of a ODiep watch ts tM 1J11C1a1 Im. that ioe. with it. Tht Omt*a you give or reui'e today will l:ie<:ome a proud JM)llf.Uiou ... preciou beyond compare for what it ll}'.mboliw. Within each cue be&ll the peeri. Omtca·moTement. Made with mtticulooa care top,. 1..n of faitliful performance. See our complete collection Of Omepi::aen'1andltdiet'wi:tch11, $65 to OTer $1000. o\-4 dl&mo"d1, 14K whlt1 •&lid aold 1-S.lr·wl"lli~O St•llll•!u wflh Hlt·C~l~I Clll "l.r. UK lold·l•ll•O Ull ... ., . 11 atalalkt •lftl ................... . For that special someone's birthday 0 ... an OMEGA CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD 'MASTER CHARGE IUl NEWl'ORT AYE. COSTA MESA PHONE 141.)401 24 YEARS IN SAME LOCATION ~ I I ,1 I I I I I ( t < ' I i I I I < • l r f • i I I f ' I < < I I I l f r " • •• • , I I I I . tftuiieia~oneti.11'e .Ca~f>odia Troops · :~r·',~~e ~· i!:]rom~Area !1W . , ·~~ ~ .~t •• • . Ir'•" 't\ ~-1• . J " . ""'\"',.: :'i: ··1 .f' ' . • • ~-••.•• .,.. .... ~ ••• , 1o;i.' fiiNOJil -PENif.v (.UPI). .... mJ.aslofu:. '. ~.-" • "' ~ _ .. A !me of s,.,o Qombj>di~n .arJg. a\li:·. 11.•• then t ~·il\!:i~ ... by a .\l.S-Air Fernandez, d.uuna&ter of lhe · For!;e 1p0t1e, j>llne opened · · •--'-' ,.~~ • '·· a rii!W offeilslfe ·to<lay lo try 2nd .mll1wu-:c ~':"1~, said ne to.'recaplUrt 1he·raln· and fog had asked foFU.S. air support ~ ·~ Pl~t.eau from for the assault of the plateau Communist forces Who sent but had Jlld no reply. He: thtm reellnc backwards Tues· said. however, that. Ametican day.~.r~' · aerial reconnalasance h 1 d 1la:platea'u, 56 mlb south-been "very ~lpful" in plan- w.e!\>of Phponi 'Penh, ~ntrols nin1 the attack. Highway 4 lo the sea· and Fernandez ·esllmated tbere it.t · occupaUon by the north were at least. 2,000 Communist Vleln.ame1e ··and Viet Cong troops in the Kirircim area farces · threaten1 p b n 0 m with other tlements in the Penh's Imports of oil and other surrounding coUntry&ide. cmt»JJOditles .and' jeopard.lies · Fernan~z ·_'iaid Cambodian &evqaJ; imROnant factorJes casualties m ·lhe batUe which vital to -.~ war eUon • .' seot them · fleeing ! r om The:-::fi\tfi::k".~9rce was made ~1!-<>m were arleast 20 killeG UP:~f!'!t btl:ttallooi·of govern.; ~. 40 wounded, mostly· from ment troops ,lncllldlnl three )~ rportar·attaeb. • - frelb battalions rushed from Cambodian· ttoopi, some' oC ~b -·tn a tW_VOy ·or· Jfhorn ,admitted they were on-So-iiillS._aitd trucU. The Jy 14 to 15 tears ola, told force;~·~AmV'lclMraloed UP~ corespondent KeDl\eth J, Khmiit riiue.b1r1.t who once MddliJt they !lad fOUght their ' Sharon Tate iitUR., FRI., SAT., JULY 30, 31, AUQ. 1 FURTHER REDUCTIONS FOR A COMPLETE SEU • OUT. THIS EVENT YOU CANNOT MISS.'SHOI' NOW FOR BACK TO SCHOOL. Name Brands W• Stock :1 ·19,Souii{Vletnam, was way~ the .})eavily jung~ ~rup·the l .000 foot moun-mount.am slope, When driven t ii~ nur'the resort town OU( of Klrirom 00 Tuesday, ol Klrlnim, '/O ipilea fOUthwesi Tiley said n .. lruckl looded Plm6ni:J:eni\, 1 1 )'itli ammuniU'I" were aban-. 1j>e> i<OO!J4 gathered for donld beoause l1fheavy sniper' .. ult; ~ U.S. Air Force fire' and that .one '1'Uek wu CARTERS e -NA.Nini e HIALT~ TIX e LIYIS e llLLY THE RID e CINDIRll.LA e 01.NNWA.Y e CATA.LIN~ e ROI ROY e Pl..AYMORE e M'AY KNIMINO e LOVI e QUILTIX e HANG TIN e PITEltlON EVE~Y ITEM IN · THE STORE . . REDUCID BY AT LIAST ')pOtter i>lane and F4 destroyed by q.e. Cam~e.ns Ph11ntom Jets . wve ICell to prevent its falling into Com-Charles Watson Su11n At"kins. , ' UPITll ....... M P-1t"rlcl1 K'r.nwlnk1I . . ' . . . through the ~~s· Jbove the munist !\~~-Four other plateau, apPirejitly Oil ~ . ~ we.ft., bfr'ibt out ,lhis naissance an ~ kMl.Ugtnce Mon\!~. · "'-. ;===::::;::::::;.;:;· ::;#::·~:::; ' ~-' --Luoen, coni- Wko' Ca}e$J ~ . ~ ~·~a=.~kt ~t~~~ 'Love' Among Family Told N• otll.r ll•W•P,•.Pl.A. 111 .... r 'be "very dUftCuh""to mm_ "":01ld. c•r•• •.M111t,yout co1111!'111· the heights.~ attft;kers-fac-· 1111ty 1 • .-. yo-..r• •riibu11ity doily ed a march oe~~. before Jll~p•p•r d¥1. Htif tho TDAILY they reach v:..:..oi.-, -ibi• PILOT. t--' • ' n.1.1·uwu rv-~ • • • . IR . two da)'I. '!/ . " ./ . ,. J.OS"' ANGELES (UPI) - btar\es ~ansoa's "family" ~ ,IP'Oup lov~ and p.atroUed ·uieir c:11mP1it.s with SU"-' and , ·· , CHILDREN'S ~.-.',SHOE SALE FINA:L _;REDUCTIONS ALL FROM R~GULAR STOCK- • BUSTER BROWN :.. • ! •:GERWIN • ALEXIS walkie-ta.lid~ because they feared ·attacks by the Black Panthers, a "famlly" member testified Tuesday. Linda .Kasabian, 21, the pro- secution's star witness In the trjal of Manson and three of his female followers for the Sharon Tate murders, told the jury ,of sq or~ in which some two doleri .tnembers of the er•oP parlidpated. Mrs. Kasablan said Monsen wbo made love to her in a cave the IUght after she first met him, instNcted t h e women living with him at the Spahn Movie ranch to seduce male Vilit91'1 to tht commune to inveiJ]e them to join his groop. .. ;.'tHe laid .if they wouldn'L I Join, we shouldn't give them our aU.,Stions," she said. ''That was why we had to we~r blat:k clothes, so we wouldn1t be Se'en. And that ~as ~y we had guards. At nlght ·<ine or two of .the .men wahde~ a~nd 'Wf~h guns," sl'I~ said. ' Mrs. Kasabian alsO. told the suPerior court jury the women took tu·rm standlng watch, · carryin1 walk1e--talkies and reporilng back ·to ·the camp If a vehicle passed by. sne said Manson . told his Jollowers the Black. Panthers might attack them ".becaust they knew we were · suptr· ·•"'are, and I.hat we knew ibout them, and that tllty w~~ to df iway· with w because llleY knew we knew they were goihg "to lake· over:" . New "'·1· c .90. 'ro · se 90 \ .~ . l r:: ' . . ...... -• . ,·\_ .. ,.~ -. Reguler To $17.0Q W<iiif'·· It the ranch spent their ~ 'sharpening knives, sorting' dune bugty parts and caring fo~ the babies, !he said, ·while . the nien repaired dune buggies, . The ''famllY." lived on refuse collected lrpm trash barre.Is behind Su~nnarkets a n d restaurants, the young woman said. "We used to go on garbage- runs," ihe said ·~we .used ."to •• go In ·tht· b aek' ·ot - Fashion Island Storo Only "Charlie told wi not to allow the children to wander in fron t of the r 'anch·;• she said, ''because he thought we were being watched. He told us we ''ere beh1g watched by the Black Pantbers." supermarkets and a:et the food they ·were throwin1 away ,.nc1 take it Me an d . cle&n .tt and eat H. We ate mostly vegetables and brown rice, never meat," 1he adde<h 30 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2464 She COD.t.i!lued, "He said the Black Panthers hate white people and they might kill . or .ildnap our children. Suppertlme at" the ranch · "was funtime ," she said. "We 'd play ,Wtars. and sing And 411~.'.' . ·ess . . . ' ,. ' our oven? ·~ .· ... .. • LEt ELECTRICITY DO YOUR DIRTY WORK INSTEAD. Do.ii.'.~ 'stirk your head Ai that ov~! Switch to an own tliat cleans itself-electrically. For less than a dime, elect,ricity will clean your.oven · ,~Apii..Y~ui'.'bfoilei:~Jiµtd~atically. ~that , : ineaiis tpf/11/y clean. , · _ . An~ ,when your range,1is. electric, you ':~!;Ml way aown on.cleaning your '.~; tQb. A flameless electric .range creates no by-products of .:• ccimbiiSlioil to dirty kitchen waUS, windows and curtains. • • An electric range also means a cooler.kitchen. Electric heat goes into d1e food-not up the sides . of pots and pans. And wh~ you choose aii electric range with a self-cleaning oven, you don't make an oven out of yoiir kitchen! . See your dCaler now. Then throw away your scouring brush and live the good clean lifo-electrically. I 51= Southern Ca//fomla Edl80n • ~LEORIC ~ FOR TQT~L SELF·CLEAN .~ . .. . t • ~. .. SAlE :'( 3Ql" 1~\Jll~o,,.~:S.\. ~tlf s1,,_,_1s a.I ;iP •1 . 0 .. ..... .,.1 .... ' ,.... \. ttO \.IS f\tl.. . . 20<yo ',.\.\. s,. EK,ept F1ir Troda Merch1n-i•o INFANTS T-SHIRTS Val. to $2.00 Llml"°' M11tlty 99' I t FAMOUS MAKll Vil. to $6:50 SETS Vol. to $1.00 flOM OUl CATA.LO• Dl1T. , ........... , Stf•ll-Hlt• .CMl11 C9r *" etc • ., •• -, ..:...w.111.,..._,,~ 20°/o o .. FAMOUS. MAKI INfANn Diaper Sets LIMITID 9UANT. Vol. to $7.00 . '°'' . Sweaters PULLOms CAIDl•ANI Vol. to $9.00 $377 Ll"dted Quant Uy •.tMous llAll SLEEPERS V,ol. $4.00 .$,~4 STUTCH FLAii CAPRIS R°': to $3.50 •AMO MAKI ' BOYS SHORTS Vol. to $5.00 GIRLS TOPS ••• BLOUSES Vol. to $6.00 GIRLS ·Raincoats Vol . to $4.00 ·1~ .. , Quontftf ' •ISJi#t4A4i I IQSA#i GIRLS · TOPS '\.ILOUSES Vol. to $3.50 ·. Llllllllll GllafllltY 66' • . "' ••au Shor+s & Bermudas · Vol. t; $r4.00~ PA.MODI MAU IOJI SLACKS, J.EANS : Vol. to $5.00 $199 Limit ... Qvantlty · 'IOYS SHIRTS. -T-SHIRTS · Vol . to $4.00 ' '129 ~r:!~r:y BOY'S SHOil TS AU SIDS Vol. to $4.DO $177 • FROM ·OUR FURNITUU DIPT .1 c--... ·-•'"' 11 .. ., Chl.,r91'1'1 'lff'ftltwt, aNI hy 11ew ot •• , 30crooFF Bo"kAmerlcard-Matter Char9-Gentry & Our Own 2300 HARBOR BLVD. <HARBOR CENTER) HARBO~ BLVD. AT WILSON ST., COSTA MESA $45-1440 • I 1 I f • l • ~1Choose a ' • • The contlnulnf, conlusing ·~ of where and whoa ....,if 1vo._tht }larbo> Judicill D11triC1 wUI bavo ade- quate modern courtrooms, produced a new ch.apter las& week. :t . II llliY be chapttr 12t-or is it 921? Orange County auth~Ues appareoUy have indicat- ed renewed J nterest In lcil:ating the new court building at the Orange County Fairgrounds, after receivfng new assurances on land availability and eost from the Orange County Fair Board. At the request of Stanley Krause, director of the county's division of real property services, the fair board reaUinned that they can and will gua rantee avaDabllity of adequnte land, and further that they will hold the price line of any additional land the county might desire for future county use at the fairground s. Some fair officials have declared this should assure the location of the court at the fairgrounds. New port Beach officials, on the other hand, still contend that locating the Harbor Judicial District courts adjacent to Fashion Island, Wb-ere Niwport's civic center is scheduled to be established eVentually. will be to the financial advantage of the county. Facilities and services to be provided by Ne\vport Beach-prisoner detention. walkways, parking areas- add up to the county getting more for its mon~y there, so the argumf'Jll goes. The count~r-argumenl runs that the fa irj!:rounds is a belt~ overall deal for the county because the land is less costly. the site is more flexible and more centrally located aqd tbe site could r$4dil y accommodate a com- plete county administrative center. Like the kid in the candy store , with lots of goodies to chooae from , the county seems unable to make a choice . By tht' time the fair boa.rd members finished delib- erating laat week and county officials replied to the • Court Site ' '. ' ' nmewed falrJ10uodl offer, new cnnf••lon seemed evi· deat. . Ge0t&• Connick, Krause'• assistant, 1ald it remain· od to hi soon whether the fair bonrd wOJl]d make a aerioua propoaal. Directors of the latter agenCy, however, .seemed to think they .had made that serious prnpo••I and the county faced the next move in the matter. .. One thing seems clear. Someone had better take the initiative, and it probably should be the county. The county has been kicking lhe problem around Jong enough-and examining sites on and off for about two years. It is estim8ted tl:fat even after the site is chosen, it will take three years lo complete the project. The municipal coµrts are the courts the average citizen deals with-they often are bis only personal ex· perience with the majesty of our system of laW. We've been dispensing jµstice from the "majesty" of trailers, lofts, hallways and . overcrowded obsolete courtrooms in the Harbor Area much too long now. A Token Gesture Testifying bef0r.j a Senate subcommittee J,ast week, Secretary of lq!erior ll(alter Hiclel endorsed. the ad· ministration'• .bUI to caft'Cel 20 of,_Jl federal oil leases in the Santa 1 Barl!>ara 1!hannel. This is li'etter than noth ing, but uttle'inore than thaf. Because only seven exploratory wells have been drilled on those 20 teases, and none is producing oil , it seems a modest, token gesture. It does, howeve:r set· a precedent that could lead to \l(hat needs to be done-terminati~g .all federal o!I leases off Santa Barbara, and estabh sh1ng federal 011 sanctuaries adjacent to st.ate oil sanctuaries along the Orange Coast and elsewhere. • ' • c* 'That's i_t. Concentrale on the pretty 'little trinket~.!' - Parents Fe el CJ:i,eated b~ Jlej.e~tion · Dear Gl oom'' Hayakawa Has 'Extremel11 Good Idea' . Gus: A Work Interval After ·High S¢h p,,Q) , folSowioc a ' coUere commencement ' la.st month, J wu asked bf a 3ludent to explain wliy parta\i are'° "bitter" oboul the bttoklng """Y of youth from ,ttodllioaol potloru and f.imliy 11etlela. ") could unllerstand lt,'I he .... , "if • !hllft l;icll did bod lhinp, destrCl!'ld~ ~. or dropped out of Kbool,; But l'nl not talklftC about thoat casn. I'm t.alkin& about the students who bebave themJO!wl, 1•t IOOd grodlo, but aimply 4fsagrte witb lbtir J)ltents' values aDd llle-styles." THI PARENTI ARE ao bitter because they . feet llOll1</"!W cheate4 out of the fullness of t. h e I r roles. Pamila like lo think that th<y have handed down more than material advantages to the.it children -that they have passed on a way or life, a 11ense of values, a moral or spiritual heritage that cool"" llpon them 1 kind of vlcarioua im- mortality. Thil is their hope, pride,' vani- ty, call it what you wW. And this is Y\here they fed rejected and humiliated ~ their children -who ·• accept money from them, b'Ut nothing ~ etse. The parents cannot b r l n g themselves to beUe ve lhat everythln1 they have stood for and worked foi' counts for Utlle In the eyes or their children. ,., • " ,. THE QVESTfON lS not a rational ! m1tter of who iJ "right'' but an intensely • • Let's contact N.A.S.A. and have Chief Neth and his whirling toys sent_,..to lhe moon. Then. if interest· ed, We could watch via TV, with the . volume cdntrol set at "off." -B. (;. T1ll9 fNhlN .... ledt rfft..... ~ 1111 _ _... ...... flle -··"· .... ·-·-••IM!ft• ... D9ltl'fllllol. emotilnal rnatter •ol aervlng 1thi Col\- tinuity. Parents plu and hope for con- tinUity; they like to feel that when tbcry ·are gone, a part of thtm3elvec will persist in the attitudes, appraacbts and va!ues of their chUdru and llfll1dcblldr<n. All thls is beq,g rejected today, in a ba1ic way that has no past parallel ; of courte, each generation ha.! "revolted" from the previou1 one, but the present aeneration is questlolling fundamentals and •beolutes in a manner that Is unJqueJy.:new-and ,quite frightening tu the older generation. OF COURSE, WE need· more tn- teUectual comprehension on the part of the parent&, who must open thtlr minds to the n e • ideas of youth ; but we also nted. more emotional comprehension or1 the part of young people, who have an eqll&.I $19ligatlon to opea their hearts to the shriveling ttpeclatlons of their parent.t. l happen to belitve that the value system of the youth -crude and in· articulate as it is -ls in many wa ys superior to lhat or their parents; but precisely because the young see further and clearer, they must try to reach their pa.rents, not reject or repudiate them. ':Nobody listens to us" is lbe complaint of )'OUth: it i.!l also the dirge of older people, who feel redundant today as never before. ·, To the Editor : Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, president of San Francisco State College, has got hold ol an extremely good idea when he recommends (DAILY PILOT, July 24) "a two or three year or longer interval of work experience between high school and college." JuJt this short interval wllJ give student!, the boys especially. an experience that is desperately needed before taking the final Ding at academic training and choosing a vocal.ion. There are several ttalOll! for lhb period of work eiperience; FIRST, IT GIVES a youngster an 'opportwiitY. to try out a profession, to get the feeling or ' working life. This he can do as an aperentice in a hospital, a 3hop, factory or business, or on board a ship. How can you tell whether you will enjoy a certain type of work until you've tried it? The job which you really etijoy doin& will be the one you not only are happiest at, but the one at which you will be most successful. Millions of youngsters .. are forced to take a profeuion they ~ doo't enjoy beeause i~ was all they could get and marriage was upon ttem! ' SECONDLY, THEY will giYt a far more mature selection of courses. By trying life outside the academic cloister they will know what tools will be most useful in their social life, what they need to broaden their enjoyment. Thirdly, by working for three years, they should be able to save enough so they 'will have spare time for 6.Sential recreatlon -theater, sports and polilics. AND FOURTH, It may eliminalt many wDo would not profit from college. It's' somewhat of a radical idea but we shall be trying It out on the men who have returned from Vietnam. Tbey should have matured pretty fa st, and know at least what they do not want to be! BERNARD BARTON ' . ' Cas e for Sentimentality 'Bill Muat Be Derea leci' ~ Bennett Cerf, chairman or the board t of Random House and something o( the cardlnal·arch~ishop or tht publishinc trade, occuionally bypassu his efficient publicity 1pparatus to personally endorse ~ new book. The last time I heard from him he stated his ca5e for Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood.'' This season it is "My Father's House," 1 memoir by Philip Kunhardt J r .. an editor of Life magazine. Quite different from lhe eapoi.. "In a year where many best-selling books are compilations of four.Jetter words and sexual perversions," Cerf wrile3, "this heartwarming story of a wonderful American family who love each other and the world in which they Jive hurtened me enormously, aocl it.~ • unashamed sentimentality ind respect • for many of the dlings in life I value ~ molt hich]y left mt misty1ytd." ! JAltES AGEE.. "A Death iii 1he famib'" wu a rare book lhat left one miJIY-eyed. 'lborn""1 Wlld<r'1 "Our ~ Town" wa1 s.nolher. Most other ~ heartwarmen carry 1 Reader's Digest -and ... abominable. Cttf1 point, I think, 11 lhat tood wwbomed ,.ntlmenllllty ii 111111 "°"'ble IO come by in this oeJtoilld now 90C~ty. ''My F1ther'" HOUie" ls oJd.fuhioned. aJJ..Americtn tweetneas once auociated with the polntinp of Norman Rockwell. Well dont ond "'-· Sunday dimers, lomlly rttuoil, Ohrieunu ond bu!l>OI' that 11 never black. Noetil1i1. niiy T.fie BooklUiln To the Editor: 11M!re art: very few individuals who fully under3tand the tremeoclow threat or compulsory unionism . . . and the effect It would have on our 3Chool ,.~ teachtra. I'm sending this urgent letter to moblliu: opposition to a bi ll which could result in teachers being forced to join 1 union in order to leach our children. don't write books like thi3 any more. Yet hert Ii is, as the publisher a~ost desperately emphasizes. Kunhardt's memoir incubated in an intensi~e-care ward following a heart attack at 40. A few yeara prt:viously his father had died at 12 after a similar attaei. Rummaging around his fathtr1s desk. the son came race to race with the old days Jn a New Jersey home, The HW. THAT'S ABOUT IT. Written simply v.•lth rart affection and not a sign of anything like 1 generation aap, you can't argue wtt.h ii. Enjoy it all while you can, Kunhanit seems to say; for there is so lilUe time. This is more than vinlage Reader's Digest. It it a penonal, haunllnc, almost 191h Cenlul)' kind ol book. I ,....mu Be~U Cerf• hunger for I restatement of old and no doubt fading American values, and that a similar hunger .snon1 many middle-aalna readers e 1 I 1 t s • Obvfously not Al mllt,.)"ld u th& publisher would like me to be, I remain neutrJ\, I! not indifferent, in all this. I aimply PIM alof\& one man's en- 1.huslwn (Random HOUR; ~.96). William Hoc•• Calitornia leachtrs' right to teach should bt based on ability and dedication .. . . not union membership. Senate Bill 1193, now being considered by the California Legislalurt, represents the greatest single threat to the concept of freedom of choice aDd academic freedom ever conceived by organized labor. Passage of this bill would open lht door for compulsory union ahops for 111 t .. chers and public ochoot employa. Thia would mtan the eventual control of our school$ and the minds of our chUdren by the teacher wiions. This bill must be: defeated. The Senate Education Committee will consider lhl1 bUI in the very near future. Please call, wire, or write to your rtpresen- t1ti ves in Sacramento at once voicing stron1 oppoaitlon lo S.8. 1113. DA V1D L. DENHOLM Legislative Dlrtctor 0.Ufornlans for Rl&ht to Work Safi Comnumtar 11 To the Editor: The lr111ti>li• phototrapll ol olficer Letters Jrom f'to4trs are welcome. Norniatty writus 1hould convey their mes.sages in 300 wordl or leu. Tht right to condense Letters to fit ~t or eliminate libel is reserved. All let- ters must include sjgna:ture an.ct mail- ing address, but names tnatf be toith- lield on reque4t if rufjicient reason i.! apparent.. Poetrv will not bt pub-lished. · Ron Palmer (DAILY PILOT, July 25\ rushing into the ho.!ipital with the McKnight infant in his arms after the toddler had swallowed a deadly dose of LSD his 15-year~ld .brother had in the house depict! the quintessential police office r, one whose primary duty is the preservation of life. IT IS A SAD commentary on con- temporary society that men of this degree or dedication to service must endure epithets such as "pig" and others unprintable. 1 don'I know from whence derives the term pig as it is applied lo policemen, and have never seen one who needed a shave, or a haircut, or smelled as if he hadn't bathed recently. Blll' IF THE term is used wit h a cooootation of contempt, it seems to me more appropriately applied to some- one who would st.ash a quantity or dangerous drug s where a 20-monlh-old baby could find them. HANK OSTERFELD Drert lhe wo .. oen To the Editor: Yea, we women should be drafted Into service . Just picture a high school girl wondering what her draft number would be when she becomes It years of age. I think it would make a lot of girls think before they leap! We could alsa make 1 law a girl can't marry until she i3 past the draft age -think what a blessing that could be ! As long as the young people want a change, let'1 help give It to them. I'D RATHER have my girl drafted than walking around town without 1 bra. I wish the DAILY PILOT wou1d ask us women to 3end in 1 yes Or no on whether women should be drafted. I am serious. So:nething has to be done for this coontry Ind H I could , I really would lay down my apron and go into service for my ~untry -my own U.S.A. CONNIE 8ARNE1T 'Tell It Like It 11, Mae' To the Editor: Politici8JUI who are now either runnin& the country or running for public ortice are cast in the u.me moldy mold : they couldn't care less about anything except to get on and stay on the U.S. Laxpayers' payroll. which is the highest in the world. The semanUc1 used by thue genUemen are varied and without much common sense. Even Or. S. I. Hayakawa would be depre,..d by the llberti., token with his orlclnal work ii semantics. THE POPULATION explosion aod the pollution explosion are bad tnough in themRlvts. but Ult semantic t:xploslon if 10mcLhln1 new and will have to be considered before we worry about the other explosions, Including the atomic bomb, which is now old hat. A woman writing', in -.a prominent woman 's magatlne deplores the use of semantics in everythin& from the person· nel man who call' ·a floor acrubber a sanitation engineer to punks like the "late'' Robert Strange Pi.1cNamara who said the illegal war in Vietpam was a "program" which has already killed more than 40,000 Americans. LOOK THE WORD up in the dictionary and Ii~ that "program" has somethina to do with entertainment - a show, or circus. Now we could hardly call 40,000 dead America ns a circus. Semantics is going to ha\'e to go. With due r espect to Dr. Hayakawa, ''Tell it like it is, man," is the coming thing. S. G. UNDINE P latt f or a Fr eewa11 To the Editor: I ha ve been following the progress of the freeway fight through articles in the DAil.. Y PILOT and I feel qualified to speak on what I have seen and heard. So far the big argument against Assemblyman Robert Badham's bill is against deletion of the Pacific Coast Freeway from Beach Boulevard (Hun· tington Beach) to the outski rts' of Newport Beach. Reason: We need a freeway, and btldly. I couldn't agree more. BUT AS I FtRST understood It, the hill does not and will nol leave a gap bet,veen the two freeway sectioru, but only de letes the presenUy adopted route. realipiiog it somewtiere between Garfield Avenue afld Adami Avenue in Hwitington Beach, joining It to the San Diego Freeway for Im than two mi1e3, running it along the Corona del Mar Freeway until it reaches Bonita ~Canyon, the'n running it throuah Bonita Canyon, through the dtr.np site. until it joins the adopted route in the San Joaquin Hills. LAGUNA BEACH is not affected , ex- cept by delay, which could be remedied by supporting the chantte in.stead of fighting It. HuntingtOn Beach gets • freeway either way. If Costa Mesa is re.ally worried about losing taxable prop. • erty, why not run lhe freeway n e a r the Santi Ana River before It joins the San Diego Freeway? The Corona' dcl Mar Freeway ls alr'eady 'planned for, and runninwtbe freew., down Bonita Canyon to the adopted route would divide no cib' and not drive property value~ down. Resldtutial Fountain Valley need not contain MY freeway. 111AT LEAVES the 0 range County Board of Su pervisors and the Irvine Company. The former is "lnvt.stigaUng .. cllllrges that it no longer gupport.s Newport Beach. The Irvine Company atates that any change wlU drive traffic away from Newport Center. But the Irvine Company is only one pa11-y in thls figh t and 3hould receive no eztr1 consideration. Here, then , is 1 plan for 11 freeway: Along Garfield Avenue, turning Northe1!l past Ward St,...~ )oinlnt the San Diego Fr<eWay, runoing along the Corona del fl1ar r reewl)' and down Bonita Canyon, then joining ill adopted route through the Sen Joaquin Hilla. With thi1 plan the Orange, NeWJ>Ort, and Corona de.I Mar Freeway1 will cmy less tr.Uk: and their eodings wlll be Jess abrupt. DAVID G. PORTER J 'Rotten Apple' Awar• To the Editor : The board .of directors of the Costa Mesa Chamber of C.Ommen:e deservu the "Rotten Apple" award of the year for short-sightedness. I refer to Utt resol ution passed in their meeting tut Thursday, urging that no changes be made in the provision of the Califoma Constitution which protects gasoline tas moni6 for -biitJway purpOses ONLY. Anyone who thinks more and bettet highways takt3 pr~ over the other three projects for which the bills in tfie Legislature w o u 1 d divt;rt funds, namely : smog control, rapid transit ind school construction, is about 50 ye.an behind the tim'es. IF WE CANNOT stop dw:naging OW:' environment, we wlll have no ...- vlronment. (f our Chamber of Commetcf: were pr9gressive and had foresight, it might pass a resolution more like tbe followin g: We urge concerned citizens to buy lead-lrfle g&s. We urge concerned citizens to write their legislators concern- ing Pol.lution control. We urge concerned · citizenl to·retum empty glau bottJa and jars to lhe Kem Co. in Santa Ala. And finally. a measure which we have taken in our household: a phase-O.Jt of aa many paper products as humanly possible In an effort to reduct the amount of tra.ab which we are making. GRETCHEN GAUTHIER Ma11or Wlbon'• ftttote To the Editor: Your edition or J uly 21 carried the front pag~ story . regarding the awarding of a buSJness license to Boys With a Future. Inc., by the city council. white teeth and eyeballs ... " said Mayor 1fitson: .. I opened my door Oflle night and there was the most beautiful set or w~ teeth and eyballs .•• " said Mayor RObert M. Wilaon. j•t said: "There must be someDod1 out there'. and he aald 'Right he~ sir,· " the mayor remarked. · . THIS STATEMENT must be con· stdered at least infantile, and at wor3t slanderou s. -If the mayor must make such statements at a public meeti ng, ii i~ the duty of the DAILY PILOT not to publish them on the front page aa an amplili;_cation to a news story. But rather it is your dulf to publish mch statements on the e4itorial pagf!, together with a demand for public retraction and apology by the m~yor •• ~ ) JAMES M. WHITE Wedntlday. July a, 1179 The editorial page of tht Dail• Pil-Ot sttk1 to itiform and JHm. ulatt rtaderi b~ prt1tnting thia n1wspoptr'a opiniom and com- ~wry on topici of lntnest and rignificanct, by providing a forum for the ezpreuion o/ our reodcr11 opfnfoni, and b1t preaenting tM diver11 uiew- pofnt. of fn/orm(d ob.s1rver1 and tpokennen on topfc.t of th1 da~. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I VI ( ... Ci! ah •' ••• be • bu irl cit or• m• I v. an da ·~ iet p• OU is cit ro cb JI<) OV ba th u. to be up tr1 di: ru be f" to C< Ft WI le dl th ol •t h< D ht 01 w tl IL F .. p 4 b. • II • tt ' ' f1 b • • d • t I f ' I I I t • I ~--' Saddlehaek ED IJ110 t:1 I •• - Today'• F ina l VOL 63, NO. 180, 4 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1970 TEN CENTS Clemente Enters Computer Age Next Mo:rith Carpernters working on what onct served as a courtroom in San Clemente City Hall are finishing their worlt well ahtad of the Aug. 7 arrival day ior a brand new computer which will take over scores of clerical duties. The IBM SysteTns 3 computu will be the first such machine rented by a cit, in Southern California. It· will be leased ror an annual fee of 814,000. But It will create a aavings ln a mannec by lllifll over one human clerical ' position ""eosuna the city 15,000 a year. The device, prdered by the council last, spring, will aut.st greeUy in billing for water servicu and payroll ~and perlOllDel records , Finance Director Ge°rald Teachout said today. · The computer 1y1tem, which eventually Could ' be expanded to eight limes it.s ,1ir.e if the city desires, will also be used by department bud! to compile ·aMuB.I activity reports lo ~ city cooncll with much more apeed and e(flciency than the old typewriter pro(:e:ss, Teachout Said. ' ' Police staUstics and the little things like weed abateJp.ent lists also ,can be bandl@d by the machine, which will save dozens or man hours on the tedious Chores, 'Teachout said. Severai businesses have ardefed the computer 11ystem , in. the count,Y, but Teachout uid that San Clemente: is the first· city lt> use the )'ear.aid tool to City Fills ' Void., Manager Suggestion ·ByCofC . 'Ex press,' Bus Line· Team Up fo r Festival Trqnsport The 1'Gannooball Express" and city bus line will team up to fill th• transportation vacuum caused by the city shutdown ol Fesllval oC Arts trams. The jaunty trams -six of them -:-were put out of commission by police order this week because they did not meet state vehicle code requirements -no parking brakes or windshield.!. Festival officials, management of the Venice Train. Co. and the city call@d an emergency 1ummit conference Tues- day to try and bridge the transportation l•P· William D. Martin, president of the festival board or directors, said a com- promi!~e arrangement has been worked out using the lone cannonball, which Is larger than the trams and legal on city streets, and the vintage buses re«nUy acquired by the city. "As far as the six trams are C()n· ·cemed," said Martin, "I have no hope lrnmediately that there is going to be any resumption of that traffic." Helen Keeley, festival director and chairman of transportation; said the can· nonbah will expand its horizons to take over the shutUe runs in the centr3l basin that )lad hetn the p.royince er the trams. The . trams transported thousands each summer. The larger cannonball will continue to charge 25 cenll. 'lbt tram fare had • been 10 cents. The Cannonball traveled up and down Colst J:Ua:ttway while tbt trams worked Ute • do1"ttowo bl11ines11 district. The cannonball will now have runs scheduled that stop at a\l fesUval benches. 'nti5 canoonball service will continue from noon until 8:30 p.m. Frum ll ::W to 10:30 the cannonball will make two Coast Highway runs, returning to the FeMival grounds. From 10:30 p.m. until midnight it will carry persons from the festi\';il -including the outpouring crowd at- tending the 2500-se.at Irvine Bowl pro- duction of. the Pageant of the Masias -back to their cars. Parking near the festival grounds is in short supply. Mrs. Keeley said the normal capacity ol the caMonball is about 40 but by it.anding and sitting on laps it might hold 50 to 60 persons. She said that City Manager James D. Wheaton has agreed to alter the hours or the municipal bus line. It was operating uni! i p.m. but will continue until 8:30 p.m. and as Pageant curtain Ume approaches (8:30 p.m.) will alter ita route to dt:liver passengers to the Festival grounds. This will occur six days a wee.k, she uid. and Wheaton is .s~dying the possibility of Sunday bus service from 4 p.m. to 8:30. Sunday is lhe festival's biggest jam. Festival off icials hve not yet taken a look at transportalion for next year. It has cost the Festiva l about $12,000 a year in recent years to subsidize the public transportation system. Some (See TRANSPORT, Pagt !) O emente Iss ue Studies Tonight At least 10 prime municipal Issues facing San Cle mente this year will .come before a joint 1neeting o[ city councilmen 1nd members of th ree commissions ln an annual study session Wednesday night. The 7:30 p.m. meeting will follow a dinner for the participants in the tJubhou se of the municipal golf course. Councilmen will exchange ideas with rJ'ltmbers of the planning pa~ks and recreation and parking comnuss1ons. Among the issues to be discussed (llc· Uon would not take: place because It 11 ROl 1n adjourned meeting ) are: -Progress In rinding a replaeemenl for the buroed-out et1mmunily clubhouse. -The final draft or a propo&ed ordlnan· ce on developmtnt or mobile home parks. -DiKussion of policy on a maJo.t pro-JlOltd program of refurbishing , many •f San Clemente'• ltreel! -a program u ouUined by the city staff which caJls b" major expenditures over five years with recommended funding com1ng from a bond measure , -Public faellitie• al the new Lind11 Lane beach area park J.nd placement Q,f conct!Sion lltands and mt rooma. . . . D.-U. Y 'lLOT It.ti' l'M• The Lagun1 Beach Chamber of Com· merce 11hould not "abdicate it 1 re~ponsibllity" in be.lplng to select a new city maDJger, directors were lt>ld Tuesday. Dave Phillips, chairman ol t h e dtamber's industrial relations C()m· mlttee, told fellow.board members, "We should lake. lhis opportunity to influence the selection of a city manager. J propose that a blue ribbon committee be formed to detennlne the wishes .or the people and advise the screening board. This would produi:e a united front behind the new City manager and his staff. We should not abdicate t h i 1 responsibility." · JimeS Wheaton; . citY. rluuiager of Laguna B~ach for the past. ~i&bt years, JS leaving · n·ert ttlor!.th to becGme . city manag~r -qf C<lro~a.ln ~V,er1\d~ County. 'Chamber Pre&ident Bernard Syfan· said the · .chamber could "suu~t the partiet.1lar qua.Uilet we would like to aee in 1 dty manaa;er" and ~ direc> tora to · ltrlnJ .. their ideas to the next regular board meeting. IDL E lll.~S PAii.KEO OUTSlpE MAIN ENTRANCE Offi~(•I• 'Ind Now Wo y to Go le flntlvol'O,_,. l • • ' : ' ' .. Syfai\ tald that Joseph Sweany, direc- t.or ()( public works, 1w1!l be serving as int.erim city man1,1er and noltd that ·'tho dly COllDCilJ••• sol up i commlttu of two counellinen to 'set up prbcedures ror choosln, the new mana'gef." : .. Lagnna Man Leads Action Against F esti:val Trams Councllm~ Roy Holm .and Charlton Boyd have been nam'l!:d ~airmen of the citf ~J'a acr~lng committff, to review re.tpODJts to advertising for tbe position in municipal pbblicalions. ' It was agreed that the chamber should &et up its own C6tiunittee to mike recom· mendation1 to the council mnmitt.ee. · By FREDERJCK SCHOEMEllL Of ittt OtllY ,lift Steff ''The )east we could do is to Provide safe. µ-ahsportation lo visitors to Laguna Beach alter begging them to come here." So reasons Laguna Be8ch furnitu{e retinisher William Leak, who led a sue· cessful campaign to bring the Festival of Arts trams to 1 grinding halt. Leak's workshop is located one block from the festival grounds. The tranis shut down Mond ay ar· terooon after a communique was sent The Venice Tram Company fro mth~ Laguna Beach Police De.part m e. n t. stating that the trams were in violation of the California Vehicle Code. Leak aS!erted in 1 series of letters to officials that the trams do not meel !he safety requirements and equ inmenl need.~ as set forth in the vehicle code. "The real rl11ngcr ls not having two brake systeml'i on tile trams. Only nn" tram has a hand brake system ," Leak as~P.rled . His baUle again.st the trams. which carrv thousands of visitors to 1he festival weekly, began In lite J\me. when a letter of protest was sent to• City Manager James Wheaton noting th1t the · trams ~d not have a pennit from the state for.operaUon. In the letter Leak stated: "Just looking at the·trams you know they're. d~n,11'.erous . but to see them at my location, lolded with i::everal thousand pound! ()f humani- ty, it's enotlgh to make y()ur blood cur· die... ' ''\Vfien empty they h11ve about as much power as a lawnmower and when loaded there is S<l little plaup that at this inte.rsectton, in «der to croa they mlilt often force oneomln1 traffic to yield the right of way." Leak received 1 reply to his let New Yacht Promised From Ari to Jackie ATHENS !UPI) -Ari1t0Ut Onus~· yacht ChrisiJna haa bee.n described 11 the worJd'a finest with 11$ 10 guest' rooms and roart>I• swilftmi.ac P.001. Yet ht pro- m\Mldf.hil'Wife, J~lint, an even bet- ter one Tuead1y on her 41sL birthday. On.uab prtsented the. fonne.r Mr11. John f . Kennedy with an. ordt.r for "tho btst yacht In tho world to be completed by UM: 11n1e date mm Jt•r." rrom Wheaton stating the ••ope.ratlon as pennltted by . the Cify or Legt}na Beach is proper from a le'l(al standpoint." Wheaton suggested that Leak 's conctrn about liability be directed toward the tram company and the'Festiv1l or· Arts. Leak then began to allack1 the fact tha t the police Cepartment must :en1orce the vehicle code.• He also sent a llst of the allegtd violations to the .Orange. Countv District Attorney a!ld . tried to ~et the California Highway ,Patrol .to inspect .the trams. cHP officials toid Leak tt\at , they eo4ld nqt inspe.ct the trams unless Laguna Beach poUce re- QueSted it. Finallv Leak provided the city police with a list of vkllations and gilt response. The trams now sit emoty at the festival.. grounds -adding to the severe parking problem near the exhibiti()n. Leak maintains that be. has offered his personal services to find 1 tram co m p a n y to provide transportation necessary ancl safe to both the city and the Festival of Arts. Le.tk also &aid be, lt>I¢ the manager of the Venlce Tram -O>m'pany. Bob Best.or, that he. was concerned about the compariy and the jobless trams drlver1, tiut was· more concerned about paseen&ers wbo rode the trams. BestQr is reported to have told Le1k that the-stoppage ol the trams will Freewa y Hearing Slated Monday The cancelled SenaC,e • Tfaiisportation Committee hearin'g on a bill to delete Pacific Coast Freeway adopted route through NewPort Beach has bee1 rescheduled for'2 -p.m. Monday. City Manager James D. Wheaton said he and Mayor Richard Goldberg will attend 011 behalf of Laguna Beach which opposes the deletion. bellevjng it also imperils the adopted · route bypassing Lagun1 . The hearing was cancelled Monday as the Legislature concerned Itself with the governor's tax refonn bill . French P r emier Gets Some 'Fowl' Packages · cause tht Venice Tram Company, now In Its IOlh year, lo ,0 ,bankrupt. PARIS (UPI) -: Farmers 1LhrOUJhoot France have been malling dead c~c.kens to premier Jacques Chaban-Delmas u .a protest agaln:st the Imparting .of eggi fr()m Belgium. Farmers taking RWt in the protest signed a stateme;J(• saying they have formed "1n ~mlc com· mlttee on th·e egg." r Wanted o ,Ath ,, ~f) Blamed fo r.Suicide T ry . . , . . ' A 21 -year.old wcxnan who said ahe ~ in Bermuda 1Qorts and a knit ahi.rt. liv'ed "in the caves above Laguna~" ii She w1s obserYtd floltlng face ·down saved from drowning off Laguna·~ eln and pulled from tht water by thrte Beach Tuesday evening a!ter en ,p rent men -Tom Kistenmacher <II Paudeo1, "acid fia sh." ' Frank ~IV()tlky of Miulon Ylejo and The woman, who told a, poflce of Deer, Dahlel Nadal of El Tor(). . "l;m evil, I i:;hould~· '· d," 11ld she They were assisted by lifeguards Jim had taken LSD "a 1 · time ago" but Herdman and Mike ConUno, whO wm had no t taken any d ·recently. sumplone.d to the scene by other Tlken to SOUOi l 1 Community btacticoers. Hospital by am\iulanoe1 she tater wu. The v1ct.lm ~ "a dlvlne. belnt above" transferred 16 Orange O>unty Medical told her ·she was "evU," 1ccordfna' to Center rorri'bse.rv•Uon . poUce. Witne5!11f:s s&id the woman walked into She. w1s released alter tre1tment at the wtttr oborliy ofttr. 7:30 p.m., clad the Mtdlcal Centtr. I , ) assist 1n municipal government. The computer, however, will remain .str!cUy a city propog!Uon. "We have a long-standing policy of not compeUna: with private business ln the city, ao we wouldn 't be afferina: computer aervices to private. concerna or other govenunent bodies,'' he ex· Tbe computer also would not play much ()f a role in e.lectlona or ballot eoonUng proced11tt11 Teacbout added. The training program of the' city ttaff already i3 about 75 percent complete, so that the machine C()uld i&o right to work after two day1 of a11embly, lh1kl!:dawn and trials. "We 1tarttd training Uu! ttallc lost February, and .several have finilih!d the required schoolll'lg," he said, 010 we shouldn't have any trouble at all. Smog Smothering New· York, East By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL The mayor of New York activated the first stage of an air pollution emergency alert In the nation's large.st city today as a blanket of dirty air hung matiooless ove.r much of the AUan- Uc coast megalopolis for the fifth day . "We have two crises on our hands -power and air pc1Uution," Mayor John V. Lindsay declared following a morning of meetings with, his Emergency Co11trol Board and the Preside.Jilt of Consolidated Edison Co. As the first step in the alert the city 11anit.aUon department was ardered to cut incineration by 20 percent and What's This? A Tax Rate .. ,Going Dpw11 f • ' • • • By JO,u;NE REYNOLDS Of IM Dal!1 ,11M tttff<" Dlrecflri of !ht Oranp Ol<mty Water District have approved a· budget . for 1970--71 which featuru a ab: eeqt drop in the district.'• tu rate, it waa u- nou.nced today. ' b!rector Henry Segerslrom. qld the new rate will be eight cents per $100 valuation. Last year'1•r1te was 14. cents. The drop in the tax rate -· ri1Bde possible. .by several factors -comes in a year when the district will be starting work on a Sii million desalting pl~t which .will help s~p "It wate.r lntrur:ion into the t'OUnty .s natural un· der4round rte.sh water storage areas: The Water di!trict will share the cost / of the pla'nt with the. federal Office of Saline Waler. Federal ~ces · wiif pay $9.J million for C()n5trucuon cos? while the district will provide an ail· ditional $2.S million. / Segerstrom saki there were a nurqber cf reasons that the district was .able to reduce the. tax rate. "The moet obvious ()nt was the large Increase in · assessed valuationa this year," he said. "We al.so had more favorable resull8 than antlciPated In our sale of sand· and gravel," Segerstrom explained. The sand and grivel Is S<lld from a di!trict- owned site. along: the Santa Ana -River whlch is ·being excavated for.·• w1ter spreading basin. · " "An llnexpeeted rl11ein 1and and gr;ivel prices brought in mofe' revenue than we •expected,'' be added. Seger1trom also Mted the district was getting a higher~lnterest rate.on reserves. "In iddition$1'we',ve· done a little belt tlghtenin&?NTselves, so we're very pleas- ed that we can lower the · lax rate. Two years ago the rite was 17 . cents, M· we've managed a cut of more than. 60 percent in two years," he said. Seger1trom said the· cost· of the new. plant wlU be absorbed over a three-year period. . Oinstruction on the project ls slated to begin within 1 year on a 20-acre 1lte at Ellis Avenue and Euclid Sire.el ln Fountain Valley or on a 13-acre 1ite. on the Huntiogton Beach skie of the Santi Ana River where it forms the boundary between Huntington Beach and. Newport Beach. · 11'MlJJ will be one of the !int pilot· producUon planl8, ... Stgetstrom. said~ - HPrlor to thia •they hive been am.all research oriented facilities. This· will be one of the first working plaftts to take the concept out of research and development and into • practical, work· inR 1t.a1t.'" • · . When completed Jn 1873, the plant will pomp· about three mllllon gallons ol wator daily into !ht ground. U Judgtd liucccuful by the Office of Saline Water. thi flow r8ti! ma.'y· be' lne're8sed to IS. rnllUon gallons a day aald NeU Cline, aulsllnt disttld manapr. The desalinized wafer wlll be injected Into the ground lhr"'lh • aeriea, of, -wellll. The Injected water will be ultd as a bf.rrler lo prt;vent ielt water from enterln& fresh wat.tr IOW'Ces lb.land, Cline said• municipal hospitals and bou!lq PfOJec:t& to stop their on alte bumin& of garbap by 3 p.m. Lindsay warned New Yorkers to "prepare for the banning of all private vehicles from certain areas of the city" if the crisis worsens. He asked them to begin or1anlzing car pools or using public transportatioa Immediately and aald the city would provide extra buses. The mayor acted a,, the city's Air Resources Department announced the amount of sulfur dioxide , earbo11 monox· Ide, smoke shade and axidafes in the air had reached the ''unsatisfactory to unhealthy" stage. The smog cast a yellowish grey pall over the city. From the top · of the l ,472·foot · Empire · Stale Builaiii,, the worl~'s Jallest . ~\!!!~, ,viallilllty waa cut from a• JtOrmal ~ mild ·iO f> or 2 'miles. ' · · ' The AUinUc coa°ai, frqm Ne~ York to AUaati, baa been covered for four days · llY • polluted· ha .. -irapped by hot ind humid. air Whkh the · weither bureau said would remain st.atJ0n¥r until tbe weekend. , The temp8rature reached 1 euon'1 high 0£ 94 degrees in New YOrt Tuesday and could go even ?U~~ by mid.I!· ltn)O()D' today, the weltkrbureau sakl. At 11 a.m. the temperature all;ead.y wu 87 degrees and the temperatu.re- humfdity index was 80 ~ Uie level at whJeh every9ne, Js believed affected by th' 11t11 and humidity. · The w~athet also was blam'ed for 1he power. crlfis because of inc;reaaed use ()( air conditioners and fans,,. For the aeco'nd day the Consolidafed~'Edison t;o. aske.sl 200 major co11SUmers, including Hletci~y ()f New York, and private cUlzeDJ to11imlt their consumption ()f power to essentials. In the Washington, D.C., are1 t'fficlals were on the verge Of issuing 1n air ~llution alert T1,1esday but a combination cf local breezes and increased cloud cover relieved the situation somewhat today. T~e fir management servtce In Philadelphia said the pollution situation lher;t was "ugly but not dang~rou'-·• A hospital cbeck showed no increase in respiratory cases. In AUanta; city spokesmen said heavy showers Tuesday brought some smoi re.lief ·by ".w8shing it out." New liumper S'ti~ker ' Stops Hippie Bicker LAKELAND, Fla. (UPI) -Polk Couil· ty &herlff's deputies have coined a slo&an to ·C()mbat anti-Police sentimenL • I The deputies have bumper slickers which read: "If you don't llke police, nelt ti1D1 you're in trouble call a ti;pple!' Orange Cout • Weather , Whatever's falr. says '.the weath- erman, adding that the skies will be just that on Thuraday after the: usual coastal e.loudlnes.s. Look for temperatures in the 811 to as degree range1 INSIDE T8DAY T w o Important thratrlOii event& briok the mkhummtr calm thi$ week -both in Cos~ Meaa. Ste Theater Note.1, Pao• 24. " :1 " •I • 1 l • ! I ' z DAILY 'IL.OT SC DAILY l"ILOT lllfl ....... 'UNATTRACTIVE, NEGATIVE AND CONSTANTLY DEFENSIVE ' Bloody Mory In Hand, Raquel T 1ku 1 Swipe 11 Woman's Lib 'Le88 Smog' Raquel Likes Newport; Newport Likes Raquel By ARTHUR ,JI. VINSEL Of .... Diii" , .... l tlff HID&inl from tbs eva like 1wallowa al Capletrano, workmao lorsot tbtlr lunch hour Tuesday u lcirol lllqutl Welch · anived at the unllnisbed Park Newport Apartmenta to lnlpect be\' new hlcteawa.y. -They lol lltlle chance chance, however, to evaluate the structural qualiUea of the molt atamoroua tenant. Sbt arrived In an alr""'1diUooed limnualne, swept into tbe rart Newport ~ Spe Ire a -y ,..,, 111111 . a ~'titm•llw, lilt w~ w~away. "! i. .. i-1'0rl papers !o filj oill, ~ aaid Mila JYg)ch, wbo Jets Oil fD tl1o .Jledll.rriiiiOu bland of C y, p r u • Tllundly, ""'Loadoll, to lllrt anothet -'\ \,' -1wro .ci...-ll)O~J -... talli!P (lnflt "" ~·· top llmlle box of~ altrootloil 'to 1>111 aparlments for all :hi°' n,llhbo'° 14, tho $11 million 1partments o•Ffooldn( Upper Newpoit Bay with about '3 mllllon left switches from beqig Myron to Myrl , She 1mlllna!y •UQelled author Gort Vidal himself maY have fallen 1hort U he intended to create 1 mutuplece. "It isn't a good enough literary work to hold It in any ptrtlcl.llar reverence," said Mia Welcb, who wore an oatmeal· colored neater wt.th plnk: flared allck.s and sandals. The Hollywood star -she 11y1 Hollywood bu no bold on her affedioos and talents -who ii IO tlhviou1ly a female has no regard for lht phenomenon called Women's Ubentlon. "Tiiey ly tllt -borlni l"'llP ;f 'I bi ~ board of," lllhe rep! "'Tbef are unatqadive, negative ua eonlianlJy on t h e deterlli.ve." lllqueJ WU .... of -throe 'llMI· day. J ~ '~ ' . '"''""' CD en · • ' ' Fr~w~y G:roup .in change. Newport Harbor Chambt of Com-F . 1· f ' . ""'"' P!o~ld•nt Char1.. eurry anc1 or n ormat1on Mayor Ed Hirth hosted the luncheon, • Mias Welcti, cumon!!y llllrrinafi 1' '!'hri. city cOuncilmen Ind two clly UMUownial•lUm ''Myra Bree ," 1 • anived late and had a liquid luneh. · staff membtra from Lquna Beach are P'!Olni for pho1ot1r1plls, the two d acheduled to meet 'l11urlday with leadlra were Wed to .queeu up a· members of Newport Beach's Freeway litUe ck>ser to the t.itJan-bared atar, who Fl!tt.en for an ••informational lel8inr1" ia 37.11~\I, acoordlq to her aludio'a City M J--~ Whe to, , tape meuure guna anaier -..1rqo a • Mayor Hlr1h beamed u bs sot In ~Jie aad public Works ~tor Joe cloeer. Sweany would be atte'lding, along wllH "With ease," he ttmarked. Some peo. Cowtcllmen Olarlton Boyd, F.dward Lorr pie thought ht 11id: "With !heat!" Ind &y Holm, Questions fired by the ~lery of Paul Gruber, former mayor of Newport newsmen -she couldn't answtt them B e I Ch llld IPokesman for the anti· all -Included her reason for choollng frttway group, said only officials fnim Newport Beach and of course her c~, Lagun8 Beach have been lavlted to the primarily present and future. lune~ meelilg which ls to be held Why Newport Beach? at the Slnta Ana OJuntry Club at noon. "Less smog,'' she replied. Gruber said members of the city coun· One topic to which the quesUoning clls of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, returned was the motion picture dealing or Huntinpn Beach had not been invited with a transsezual who 1ur&ically to the nleettq. .. This b nol a general meet.ia.g," be said. DAILY PILOT .... ,.,. .... " ........ .... ....... ~ ,. ...... ...., c....... s.. Cle ..... OltNtGI. COAST l"UILISH ING COMltAH'f • ••'Mrt N, WeMI P'rui.tl\t eM ,_lltW J1clt l , Cvrl1y Viet ,.,_'._. tflll 0-11 MIN!t'tr Tha11111 IC11vil IE411W' Th111111 A. Mvr11kln1 M-.lftl ElllDr tlcl!1r4 r. Nill a..,,111 0,.,... Coull)' Eflllir -etsi. MIN: UI WVll lay"""' Joi..,.../ .. ldlt UH Wttt ll~t lovlCYttC ~lter;ll1 12t~l·­~1"'*' '-"' 11Pl .. Mfo; ~ .... .... (lt!Nfti.: JIS NfrtJI II C-1119 lt .. I Ht declined lo;iuplaln why the three cities ,..... omiti.ct from the m<eling. "We won't go into Ulal We have our own reasons for caWn1. this meetiq," Gruber laid. 'Ibere was llOllle confusKin at the Newport city council meeUna Monday night over the rneetiq" ud whether or aot councilmen were expected to attend. Councilman Howard Rogen noted that city officials had b e en in vi led to a meeting two weeks qo with Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach to discuss their anti-freeway 1tud. No invitaUon had been received and Newport Beach was aot represented at the meetln1, he said. R o g e rs llld he luid board about Thunday'1 meeting but ,.., u n a u re whether COUl'ICil memben would be u:· peeled to attend, "We haven't heanl a thln1," Newport City Manager Harvey HtD'lburt told the council. "[ don't know •here th e 1 e meeting rumors start." ht said, "or where these lavltatkw are suPPolld to come from.11 Orbital Bomb Test Satellite Launched MOSCOW (AP ) -The Soviet Union launched todll' Ill UMW1ned apoct<nft that appear!d to be 1nother ttst d. lb fractlonsl orbllll bomb -FOB. Tbe craft, libeled Colmoa 3Sf, made less than a full orbit and traveled the Hm• path u a Soviet proJeclllt nearly a year ago th•t was ldmtlfled by the United States aa u orbllal bomb IHI. Ju~~rs Nix on Focusing 'E ' ·~h ' . * . On 8u~.et, Laws. tJr Ti . •A;, i : ••: ~ and 11UIJli. ' --""""' ctomlnated ... LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Ti. stall'i U~ at,lhe w-. Wblte H°"!O'tedll' key wltntu at !be Tata mlltllu Illa! u Preald<nl Nixon continued bl! 11101Uy. said today that Patricia Krenwinkel com· · work vlaU iQ Sao Clemente. , 111 luid h h Top ttema Included: plained ~o her that e _ urt u -The r11ipatlon• Of Dr. Thomas O. hand wlule stabbing one of Ylcliipa _ lqalde Paine ., MlnUAUli~tor of the Nlllooal the raldence beeluee the bl&dl · ran, AtronauUCi net ~ce Administration. ln1o bo~. , ~ -Amouncement \bat the fed e 1 a l Linda Kasabian 21 aaid that Miu budi;et deficit .reached a higber-thin-ex- v ••• ,_,_, who ,:, 00' trial -.Ith hippie pected U.t mlllion in the fiscal '$ear n.i~uWulAC.L, 11u that ended June 30. · cult leader C.baries Manson and two -Signing by the President o( a bill other yowic wom~. deacribed Jt'hat hap-to allow newspapers in dan&tr «. finan.. pened on the mght of ~, I lfttr clal failure to pool 110Mditorlal opera- ahe bad rua back to tbelt automobile lions. from a sctne ~ 11vage alayiqa. -AppolntmenL of Horner D. Babbidfe Mrs. Kasabtan wu Wed whether Jr., president ol. .the University oJ eon. Pa · · d . anythini about • &irl in necUcut. u U1istant aecretary for the houst. educalion in the Department ol Health, · d one of the girls wu EducaUon and Welfare. ~·--and •-God," ui.ui:& 1w -Receipt at the White House of a "Did she say ything about her hand pelllion accusing the federal government hurling?" asked Deputy District Attorney of being a major discriminator against' Vincent Bugliosi. Spanl!h-Americans. "Yes, abe said when she stabbed there Commerce Secretary Maurice Stana ~ were bones tn the way!' Mrs. Kuablan was designated Pruldent Nixon'• repre. started her testimony today by showing sentative Tbursdaf at the funeral of the Sharon Tate grounds and midence Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, former location on a large chart for the jury. Pre~ldent of Portugal. She atood only a few feet from ManlOO Paine, who guided NASA tJtrouch but shielded by a deputy. man's first trip to the moon, is l11ving Manson, the accused mastermind of the agency for a job outside the .... l'flelt LEAVE$ SPACE PROGRAM NASA Admlnlstr•for P•lne sevai killings by the hippie cult, turned aeroepau field. his back as the small girl walked pa!t "[ will mW )'OU. [ hate to leave. to almost compel m'e to continue in him and shielded bi! eyes with bis hands. My heart will always be with NASA," NASA despite the gnnrin1 diuNQda o! The three Younc women codelendant.s Paine uid in a letter to the aienc>''• a family of four teenagers. -Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel 140,000 employes after he submitted his "But the fuclnating .Job that I. eee and Leslie Van Houten -had their aurpriae fisJgnatJon to President Niuln. ahead to which the adrillnistrator mu.st hair in pigtails today when they appeared He told reporters at San· Clemente be committed will require :mcri: monUls In the courtroom mlmicldn( Mrs, Kua-hb rtslinaUon -effecUve Sept IS -of effort than my panmaJ altu1Uon blan's hairstyle. had DOtblng to do with cuts in the will pennlt." 'Itie state's by witness pointed out space bud&el He is returning to the 'Ibe budget deficit '1t'&S announced by on the large cardboard. chart the gate General Electric Company. Director George P. Shultz of the Office over which she said she. Miss Atkins, In 'the letter to NASA employes, he of. J6.nacement and · Budget. who said Miu Krenwlnkel and Ota rles "Tex" said, "Now Is the appropriate time for lie toot heart from' the fact that spending Wabon climbed on the night of the a change in CODUna.'nd at NASA, and actually Jell lbOrt of .earlier eatimatea. slaylnp Aug. I, -it colncidta with my wlJh to ffiu<n The luger defldt ·rell<cted 1 fall«! She ldenUfied the telephone Pole which to private industry." in Rveques .itmmln& from the economic 1he nld that Watson climbed to cut He referred also to his family finaftclal 1JowdoWn,' he' uJ~. the wires leading into the estate. Wabon obligaUons, uying-; At a news eonference, Sllultt II.Id IO far baa resisted ertradilion from "From a atrtctly proleaslonal poWt .-~Ute final flpres marked Ha strong ,and Texas. of view, there'• obviously enough Q. · aatiafact.ory performanCe from our ltand· Alter pointing out variOUJ situ on cltement and cblllatp and ~fy " point," addin1. "we were auoceuful In the Tate atatt, Mr1. Kasabian rMwned to lttYt ln the future IJ>ICf: lrii!am boldin1 the expenditure Une." , the wilnHI stand and picked up her account of the savage slayings. Bugliosl asked her in what sta~ of m.iDd lhe was after allegedly witneaalng two of the kiJlJJlp oo the arnuoda of the Tate home. "I wu tn a total state ol. shock,'' ahe llld. "Did you think of ruruiJng for help to-l!ouft?" Baslloll wed. "Y•, l thotCbt ol iL., : Mn, Kuablln fold the Jury Tuesday about how she ran toward the hause. The state's iey witn.eu shuddered, aob-~-·~~~spumodically '";::'. • ~ a down the filli• th e In cb tbe 'Juid driven to the Tafe estate.,. ..Did Tes: ··rid Sadie (Sl.llan Atkins} and Kltle (Patricia KrenwinkeJ) ever come to the car?" Buglioli aaked. +tY.ee, ln ·a few inlnutes!' ''Did they come 1eparately or togethe.r?" ••They came together.'" "Did theJ' have blood on them?" 11Ye1 they had blood all over them, all three of them." Mrs. Kuabian said Watson told her to move .-..er from behind . the wheel and gol behind the wbe<J hilrueU, She taid that he teem~ "really up li&ht" becaUle abt bad run back to the car. She said two knives and a revolver we ~rought-hick by the trio but that one kni!e wu left behind in the houae. Mn. Kuablan said that Watson had said "something to the effect that whtn he hit a man ove.r the head with a iun it shattered and wouldn't work anymore." Hawk-dove Rift Seen in Israel By UNITED PRl!S.! INTERNATIONAL . ' Laguna B~t!ch School Gets $20,000 for Books Tiie Lquna Belch llllh Schoo! library got a ht.althy boost as dimrtct truttees Tuesday night appropriated 12Q,IMMI to be spent QI'!. add1Ucml booi:a. The !20.000 la port of a ~ of 11$.500 t taken from • bud&eted rttetves to be spent on high priority items. Trustees also approved $12,500 for an elementary counselor to ser~e the J,500' elementary level IC.udents In. t1!t diatr-ict. Another $12,500 was earmarked for equipment replacement, maintenance, and capital outlay. Lagunans Still Can Be Counted Laaunans who were overlooked in the April census 1till have a chance to gel in on the head count, it was an. nouoctd Tuesday at city hall. Official U.S. Burqu of Census forms now are av1ilable in the plannin& depart· ment for any family not included in the April count, ~ fonns may be picked up during business hours for the next two weeks. filled out by houMholden and sent directly to the Bureau of Census. • • 'nie three elementary schools and Thurston lnterniedi1te will divide '5,500 for their libraries, but tbe division is not likely to be equal. While El Morl'f> and Aliso Elementary Sdlools have a ratio of 10 books per-.!ludent, Thurston lnt_frmedlate . and Top of the World Elementary have a ratio of Coor to .. ,, The board a!So approved an addllional $3,000 for the employment of kin- dergarten teachers. OriginaQy $24,IXXI bad been. budgeted -for ~ teachers, or roughl)' .$8,000 per lnsltllctor. After in· terviewing candidates for the posts, 8Chool administrators said they found that they would have · to pay higher salaries for the ·teachers they wanted to hire. Last on the appropriation list was *2,000 for several sets or books for elementary classroom. 11le books are to be used at home or in the classroom, but cannot be put In the school library. The trustees found the money for the budget additions from $67 ,000 that was in the reserve above the $150,000 the board seeks to maintain. Now that $55,500 has been spent from the $67,000 figure, the tax rate will drop an additional 1.3 cents, bringing the total tax rile for 1970-71 more than 12 ctnts lower ttian the rate of 11169-70, Pool Funds Rejected 1~. I \. In ( -Lag#niJ ··· ,, \ The Ll(una Beach Unllied School District ln1alees Tutaday nlsht turned down a re<luest from the Boys' Club lor $3,00o 'Yearly td maintain · a pool !bat Is to bt buill at the Laguna c,.Yon youth facWty, , 'lllt club had asked the board to cl!Jp in $3,000 for the maintenance cost arid in retum use the pool for lnstruclion~I purpoltl, Alter meeting with cib' recreation of- ficials, Boys' Club representatives:, and talking in the.ir own ranks, P,reskient Larry Taylor and Supt WWlam Ullom Indicated that the schools dkl oot need the ~s· C1ub pool for lnltructional purposes, 'Ibe board, tn denying the request, "!'led !bat the dlstrld already flll1)bhel $18,000 for community recreatloq at tWe hiih ~ool pool, However, the board, in a differet1t ~actiott, agreed to authofill the district staff to begin work on a coope·rative recreation program with the city. . Dr. Ullom recommended that the school district enter into a joint powers agreement with the city,· and establish a recreaUon commission auch as the one the city bad aeveral years a10 to plan recreational activities. · Board member Norman Browne stood opposed to the joint 1>0wer1 agrmnenL "Two years-ago we said we didn't want a joint powers .agreement with the city. Let's look at something else." . Trustee William Wilco:r.en suggested the word ''joint powers" be changed to "agreement." Taylor said since the district Is spend· Jng $18,000 for community recreation from the distrct's communty SttV~ tai:. that "we should know bow the m°'1tY .i5 being spent." · "We have no idea on how our facilities are being used by the city . or ".00. our mooey s being spent," he dtclared. Browne said he felt the school• shouldn't get into the recreation buslnet.s at all. "I feel that this district has enou1h of a job educating children. Recreation Is not our bag." Wilcozen said his ma'in concern was that "out of townen" were reaping the benefits of the city recreation program, eve though they do not pay municipal taxes. It was noted that the city recre•- tioo district includes such }rivate com- mun.ili~ as Emerald Bay, Three Ar~ Bay. and Irvine Cove. 1Taylbr suaie.sted that a recteatioo dis'trict be eStaliIIShed and a taz bt levied £9r recr~tion through thf,city., · Charles Hess, dlstrici business manag- .. er, told the board that the problems wauJd be figured into the agreement and a:6mt form of mutual recreation program between the city and the IChool district would" be forthcoming in November of this year. From Page I TRANSPORT ... attempt may be made to work an ar- rangement with the city bus system. ln the short term, uid Mrs. Keeley, ''We've achieved a pretty fair com- promise tryifla to give muimum service." Laguna Golf Group Seeks Mor e Players 'Itie newly formed Laguna Beach Golf Association ls seeking golfers to round out team s for the group's lirst monthly toumament on Aug. 4. Interested golfers can contact the recreation department by calling 4H- 1124, Extension 45. An Israeli cabinet tplil between hawks and doves widened today, and the hawkish Gabal Party threat.ened to leave the government if Israel replies af. firmativeJy to U.S. peact proposal11. Prtmie.r Golda Meir appealed to the Gahal leaders not to precipitate a govern- ment crisis at this critical time. WhUe various mlni9ttn began a aeries of daylq meeUnp wllh the Glhal members ol. the Knesset (Parliament), the ballle aloog the ·Suez Cllllll rl(ed for the '9th C&lsecutive day. There were artillery duels which wounded one Jaraell soldier and new Israeli air atrJkes aaalns t Egypt's canal poaltions. The~ pnef8Ullllof an Omep. ntch ii tlie 1J)ecltl Jm that rom with it. The Omep ynu 1ite OJ: receini today will htcome a proud ~011 ... preciout beyond computi fer what it ~ Within t1cla case huts the peerleu Omep JDOWl!t. Made with mttic:ulou care to ti•e YflUI t1f f.tWul pmiormoce. Stie our complete eollectlon of o...a -·• aad kdi•'watc:hos, 165tocmr 11000. The rifl In the Aral> world creal<!d by Jordan's and Egypt'• aocepllnc< of U.S. proposals for a thret-month Cea• fire dttpened and the Sudan joined E1YPl Jn banning broa4casls by the Arab.:per- rillas who have towed thert \f'lU be nO letup in their war against Israel. For that-special someone's birthday 0 ... an OMEGA ,,_4 dll mot1dt. 1(1C wlllt• ••1111 told l-&tu ... tnd1~1 M•111•sl•r wllll 1•ll~h1ftft]Qf tfl ... l1r. 141( OOlf•fllltd c.nt ,.,. •.,..... WI ll&lalt11 11911 t &1t,., ..• ,. ... ,:, II AJ.Fatah, the most powerful of the Arab J1Utrrllla 1roups, announced lt would broadcast from Amman. '!he ~ tral commlttet for Paletlinlan Guerrilla Orpniaalions called I -r f-11 strike lo< Tbund11 In the Jonllnlsn capllll to prntat the U,S, Mldtul pro- poaals. The crlala belween King Huuoln and the guerrillas baaed In his country ap- pe1rtd to be worsit\ina. Princtu M.wia , the klog's British born wile, flew to London today to join her two son.s but Jt was not known if htr vl•lt wa• in connection vo'flh the ~rlsls. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTIR CHAR&E J. C. fiumphri;~ Jeweler~ PHONE 541-3401 24 YEARS . . 1111 NEWPORT AVE, ,COSTA MESA IN SAME lOCA TION I ' ( I p b B v: II d• Ill " cl o• m v 8l d• g; le P• Ol Is cl " Cl t:, cl ni O' b, th ti: to b< u1 tr di n "' fr le c r .. -u d• tt 6. ,, h [ h 0 u ti it F • p • b • J· • u ' • r t • I c ( I ' ' Lag11na 11,e~eh EOIT,ION Today's Fl•al N.Y .. Stoeks VOL 63, NO. 180, 4 SECTIONS, 70 PA6ES ' O(IANGE COUNTY, C.A,LlliORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1970 TEN CENTS . 'Arts' Festival Advertising Facing Obstacles "l thought there was aome sort of a festival going on down here .•• " Thi.11, said Chamber of Commerce president Bernard Syfan, is a comment being heard from visiton to Laguna Beach this year, because there are no visible a.igrui: of the Festival of Am 1nd Page:ant of the Masters in the downtown lrtl. AfW ponduln& the problem, members of the «Chamber's board o( -directors decided , to dG some~& about it, It least Jn tlmi for the 1971 festival. "We've done eyerythlng we can," testival director Verner Beck told the board, "but we aeem to be stymied at every tum. '!'ht Edl90n Company won't 11Ji ua hang our banners on •tbeir polea: any more (and we· paid ss,o& for new ones Jut year) and the Division of ~~ways doean't want them on Coast Highway either. We've tried to get the meiihants to decorite their st.ores, but i;io one seems interested.'' Beck aaid the lcostJ.y banners are now being used to decorate the festival groWtds, except for 1 few displayed City Fills V ··d~ 01 · 'Express,' Bus Line Team Up for' Festival Transport The "Cannonball Ezpreu" and city bw line will team up to fUl the transport.aUon v1aw.m caused by tht: city shutdown ti Festlval of Arts trams. The jaunty trams -sit" or them -were put out of commission by police order this week because they did not meet state vehicl! code requlrements -no parking brakes or windshields. Festival officials, management or the Venice Tram Co. and the city called an emergency summit ccnference Tues- day to try and bridge the transportation gap. Wi!Uam D. Martin, presldenl of lhe festival board ol directors, said a com· promise arrangement. has been worked out using the lone cannonball, which ls larger than the trams and legal on city stree~. and the vinta.ge bwes recenUy acquired by lht city. "As far as the six trams are con- amed," said Martin, "I have no hope Jmmedlately that thUe is going to be ~any resumption ol lhat traffic." Helen Keeley, festival director and chairman of transportation, said the can- nonball will .expand its horizons to take ever the shuttle runs in the centr!ll basin that had beeii the province of the trams. The trams tranipOrt.ed thousands each summer. The larger cannonball will conllnut to chir1e 25 cen~ 'I)e tram fare bad bwt 10 cent,. Tbt Ci.nnonball traveled up and ooWn Cout Jllghw'1y wbUe the trams worked the doWntown bUllneu district. The cannonbln will now hava runs scheduled that stop at all feitlval benches. This cannonball service will continue from noon until 8:30 p.m. From 11:30 to 10:30 the cannonball will make two Coast Highway runs, returning to the Festival grounds. From 10:30 p.m. until midnight it will carry persons from the festival -including the outpouring crowd al· lending the 250!).seat Irvine Bowl pro- duction of the Pageant of the Master• _ back to their cars. Parkilll near thelestival grounds is in short supply .. Mrs. Keeley said the normal capacity of the cannonball is about 40 but by st.anding and sitting on laps it might hold SO to 60 persons. She said that City Manager James O. Wheaton has agreed to alter the tioors of the municipal bus line. It was operating unll 6 p.m. but will conUn~e until 8:30 p.m. and as Pageant curtain time approaches (8:30 p.m.) will alter its J'Ol.Jte to deliver passengers to the Festival grounds. This will occur six days a week, she 1aid, and Wheaton is studying the ~sibility of Sunday bus service from 4 p.m. to 8:30. Sunday is the fest ival's biggest jam. Festival officials hvc not :yet taken 1 look at transportation for nest year. It has cost the Festival about $1~.~ a year in recent years to 1ubs1d1.Ze the p.ibllc transportation system. Some (See TRANSPORT, Pa1e Z) Oemente Issue Studies Tonight DAILT'f'ILOf ltllf ...... ' - Laguria Man Leads Action Against Festival Trams By ·FREDERIC~ scpoEMEHL Of fttt 0.llf f'li.t ll•ff "The ' least we could do is lo provide sa!e transportation to visitors to Laguna Bf.ach after begging them to ·come here ." So reasons Laguna Beach fumiture rcfinisher William Leak. who led a suc- cf:ssful ·campaign to bring the Festival ol Arts trams to a grinding halt. Leak's worksOOp Is located one block from lhe fe5'.iva1 grounds. The trams Shut" down Monday af- ternoon afte.r a communique was sent The Venice Tram Company fro mthe Laguna Beach Police D e p a r t m e n t • stating that tilt trams were in violation of the California Vehicle Code. Leak asserted in a series of letters to offlcials that the trams do not meet the safety requirements and equipment needs as set forth in the vehicle code. "The real danger ii not having two brake systems on the trams. Only one tram has a hand brake system," Leak asserted. His baUle against the trams, which carry thousands of visitors to the festival weekly, began in late June, when 1 J~tter or protest WIS sent to City Manager James Whelton notina: that tht trams did not have a permit from -the state for operation. In the letter Leak &lated: "Just looking at the-trams you know they're danperous, but to see them at my 1-0ealion, loaded · with 'severll thousand pounds of humani- ty, it's enough to make your blood cur· die." from Wheaton S;ta.Ung the "optra,tlon as pennitled by the 1 City of Laguna Beach is proper from a legal !lltatldpolnt." . Wheaton suggested that Leak's concern about liability be directed toward the tram compaily and th"e Festival of Am. l.eak then began to ~ltack ·the fact that the police dep!lrtnient must enforce the 'vehicle code. He a!M ·stnt 1 list of the alleged violatioris tO the Orange County District Attorney and tried tn get the California Highway · Patrol tn inspect the trams. CHP efflcials told Leak that they could not ih!llpect the trams unless Lagun1 Beach police re- quested .It. Finally Leak provided the city police with a list of violations and got response. The trams now sit empty at the festiva l grounds -adding lo the severe parking proble:m near the elhibition. Leak maintains that he has offered his personal servlcts to find a tram c c m pa n y to provide transPortation necessary and safe to both the city and the Festival of AN. Leak also 1aid he told the manager cf the Venice Tram Company, Bob Be.$tor, that he . was concerned about the company and the jobless tram.s drivers, but was more concerned about pusengen who rode the trams. Bestor Is reported lo have told Leak that the a~oppage ol the trams will cause the Venice Tram Company, now Jn !ti 40th year, to ao bankrup~ in Laguna Federal Savings &: Loan. "When Hemet has that play runnlni," he added, "lhe toWn ls dreised up from ~op to t19ttom ... you can't get anywhue in Laguna." . Di.rtclor Harry Moon 1aid he hid three suggestions: to use the same, city-owned 1pots used for the Christmas windows for signs announcinJ: the f&ltival at the Manager Suggestwn ByCofC The Laguna Beach CiJamber or Ccm· merce should not "abdicMle it 1 responsibility" Jn helping to select. a new city manager, directors were told Tuesday. Dave Phillips, chainnan oT t h e chamber's industrial relations com- mittee, told fellow board members, "We should take this opportunJty to influence the selection of a city manager. ' propose that a blue ribbon committee be formed to determine the wishes ·of the people and advise the screening board. This wOuld produce ·a united front behind the new city manager and hLs staff. We should not abdicate this responsibility." James Wheaton, city manager of 4aguna Beach for the past eight years, is leaving next month to become city man a a er of Corona in ruversi~ County. Chamber President Bernard Syfan said the .chamber could "su~gest th e particular qualiUes Wf would like to see in a city minager" &nd asked ditec· 'tors to bririg their ldtaa to the next regular board meeting. Syfan said th.st Joseph Sweany, dire<:- tor of public wcrks, will be serving as interim city manager and noted thll "the city coundl bas set up: a ooriurtittee ol two councilmen to 4tt .u~ p"tocedurea . . ' for ch6oelJ11 the ·new manager." Cooncilmen , Roy Holm a,nd Charlton Boyd have been named co-chairmen oI the city council's &c:reening committee, to review responses to adverti~g for the position in municipal publications. ' It was agreed that tbe chan'lber should set up its own cOmmJttee to make recom· mendltions to the council committee. · Freeway Hearing Slated Monday The cancelled Senate Transportation Committee hearing on 1 bill to delete Pacific Coast Freeway adopted route through Newport Beach hu beet rescheduled for 2 p.m. Monday. City Manager James D. Wheaton aaid he and Mayor Ri chard Goldberg will attend 011 behalf of Laguna Beach which opposes the deletion, believing it also imperils the adopted routt: bypassing Laguna. The. hearing was ca.n~l\ed Monday as the Legislature concerned It.sell with the 1ovemor'1 tax reform bill. French Premier Gets Some 'Fowl' Packages PARIS (UPI) -Farmers throughout France have-been malling dead chickens to premier Jacques Chaban-Delmas as a protest agaimt the importing of eggs from Be!giwn. Farmers taking part In the protest signed a statement sa:ying they have formed "an economic com· mlttee on the egg.'' At least 10 prime municlpal Issues facing San Clemente this ye·ar will come before 1 joint meeting of city councilmen and members of three commissions in a11 annual study session Wednesday night. The 7:30 p.m. meeting will follow a dinner for the participants in th~ clubhouse of the municipal golf C<1urae. "When empty they havti 1boul as much power as a lawnmower and when loaded there Is so l!Ule pickup that at this intersection, in Ofdcr lo cross they must often force oncoming traffic to Yield the right of way." Wanted ·Death Councilmen will exchange ideas with members of the · planning parks arid recreation and parking commiSJiom. Among the Issues to be dlJCUssed (ac· lion would not take pl.ace becauae it is not an adjourned meeUng) are: -Progress in finding 1 replacement for the burned-out communlty clubhouse. -The flnal draft of a proposed ordin1""' ce en developmtnt of m'obile home parU. -DiscuMioo of policy 011 • major ~ posed program of re.fulblshlng many of San Clemente'& streets -a program as ouUlned by the city stJff which call• for major expenditures over five ytll'l!I with recommended funding comlna: from a bond measure. -Public facilities al the new Linda Linf.: beach area park and placement of conoeuloo standJ and real rooma. Leak rtctived • reply to h1a ~tter New Yacht Promised From Ari to Jackie ATHENS !UPI) -Arl1t0Ue Onw~· yacht Christina has been de.scribed 11 the world's finest With Its 10 guest rooms and marble .WlmmJog pool. Yet he pro- mised his wUe, JJCqueline, 111 even bet- ter one Tuuday on her 4tat birthday. Onassis presented the fonrier Mrs. John F. Kennedy with an order for "the bt~t yacht In the world to be ~pitted by I.he aame date nut year.'' LSD !Jlamed for Suicide Try A 21-year-old woman who li&id &he Jived "In the cavea above Laguna" was aaved rrom· dtchtnin& ctl Laguna's Main Beach Tuesday evening after an apparent "acid nun." The woman , who told a police offlttr, "J'm evil, J sho~ be dead/' said she hid taken LSD 'a Jone Ume ago" but had not taktn any drugi rtetntly. 'taken to $olth Cout Ccmmunlt:y Hoepltal by ambulance, !ht later w~ transferred to Orang• County Medical Ce.ntu for obem1Uon. f Witnesses aa.ld the )VO[lan, ~alked J~· th• water 16orU1 llier'~:Jllo.p.m. cJad . -.,. in Bermuda aborts and a knit shirt. She ""s observed noaung face down and pulled from the water bi three fl\<• -Tom Ktllenrnadler of Pasadena Frank ,J,vorsJ<y ·Of Mlllllon Yl•Jo ;;;;i Dap!tl Nlldaj of ~I ,Toro, · , ·They were assisted' by lifeeuards Jim Herdman and Mike Coqtlno, wllo wire summoned to the actne by other beacbiotr•. The vlctl.m said "a divine beln1 above'' \old be'r the was "ev/l." accordi11& to P<>ll... • ' 'She "W"a5 relta"Rd ~r, 1reatment 1 at the M•~,JuJ·Ctnter, • three entrances lo town ; lo provide festival blnnera to merchants who would like to decorate their stores; and to ll!t'lte the festival information booth at thfi loot of Broadway, where the Chrhtmu tree •lands In llocember. Bill Marriner said be wu 1ure the merchants would like to decorate their bulJdlnga with the banners. Roy Marcom pointed out, "Tbe luUvl! doean't nttd an,y advertlainJ, but lbe bullntu <Om· rnunity would benefit ·1rom • dowl\lolOO decorations. · Syfan •uueattd Uat Moon ·i.u over the Wk of organlzlnc feaUvl!-<>rlented downtown decoraUons for ne11t awnmu. lt WU auggeated that IOme of the festival bannera: mlabt be provided for the balance of. Ulll ...., lo deeorate downtown tiuildinp. Smog Smoth·e~j:ng New York, East By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL The mayor of New York acti'lated the fir.st stage of an air pollution emergency alert in the nation's laz:geal city tcxlay as a blanket or dirty air hung motionless over much of the Atlan- tic C<1a.st megalopolis for the fifth day. "We have two crises on our hands -power and air pollution," Mayor John V, Lindsay declared followin&. a mornJng of meetings with his Emergency Control Board and the President of Consolidated Edison Co. As the first step ln the alert the city ·sanitation departm,nt was ordered to .cut incineration by 20 percent ind • What's This? A Tax Rate Going :D.QW•• By JOANNE llEYJoJOLDI Of ... .,..,. f':lltt ,, .... Directors o( the Orange County Water Dtatrlct ha ve approved a budget. for 1910-71 which features I ab: ~t drop in the district'• tu rate, it w11 an- liouoced tOday. "' Director ·Henry StgerSt.fom, pld the new rate will .be eight ceata per $10!) valuaUon. Last year's rate was I~ cents. The drop in the tax rate -made possible by several !actors -comes in a year when Ule district · wiU be starting work on a S12 million degalting plant whkh will help $Jp sal.t water intrusion into the county'& natural un- derground fresh water storage areu. The water district wilJ share the cost of the plant with the ' fe(leral Office of Saline Water. Fedttel sources will pay $9.3 million for consm.ction costs wl'!lle the district will provide an · ad· dltlonal $2.5 million. Segerstrom. said there we.re a number of reasons that the district was able to reduce the tax rate. "The 'trtost obviou1 one was the large Increase In ·assessed valuaUons this year," he 11ld. "We also had more favorable results than anticipated in our sale of sand -and gravel," Segerstrom expla:ined . The · sand and gravel is sold from a district· owned site along the Santa Ana River which is being excavated for • water spreading ba sin. "An unexpected rise In &and and fl'•Ve.I prices brou~t In more revenue than we expected,". he added . · Segerllrom a1ao noted the district was getUng a higher interest rate on reserv~. ''ln addition; we've done a· little belt tightetilng ourselves. so we're.very plea ... ed that we cah lower the tax rale. TWo years ago the rate was, 17 centl, so we've managed a cut or mote than 50 percent in two years·," he said. Seger3trom said .the cost of the· new plant wlll be absorbed over. a three-year period. Construction on the pro}ect is slated to begin within a year on a ~acre aite at Ellis Avenue and Euclid Slrf.et · in Fountain Valley or: on a 12·acre 1lte on the Huntington Beach aide of the Santa Ana River where It formi'I the boundary between Huntington Beach llJd NewPort Beach. "This will be one or the first pilot . production plants," seger1trom said. "Prior to thi~ they have been small ft.31?arch oriented facilities. Th.is will be one of the fir5t working pl11nl.s ta take the concept out of research Ind development and into a practical, worl- ln• stage." When completed In 1973. the plant ·)Viii pump 11bout thret ~Ilion . gallons of water doily Into ti>< jroon<I. If judged rucce1Sful by the Office of Saltne Water, f · th6. f10w rl1' mar be UicN1se<1 to ts/ mlltion gallons: a diy uJd •Neil Cllrie assistant dfsl.rlct manager. '!'ht o1, ... 11nlzed Wlltr will be Injected Into ·lhti aroun<I lhroogil · a terles ,of well1. n.. mJtcted ~ater wnt be used a.s a bllrrfi~to prevent tall wlteri{.' from tnter~ fre water sources lnla ' , Cline Wd., \ ' : ' " I ·' . , municipal hospitals and bouaiq projects to stop their on a.ite burninl or 1arbqe by 3 p.m. Lindsay warned New Yorkers to "prepare for the banning er ail private vehicles from certain areas of the city" if the crisis worsens . J He 1$ked them to begin organizing ar pool.! or usin1 public transportation immediately and aald the city would provide extra buses. The mayor acted as the city's. Air Resources Departmtnt aruiolmCed the amount of suHur dioxide, carboa monox- ide, smoke shade. add tOXidates in the air had re.ached the '.'urtutiafactoey to unhealthy." stage. _ · · The smog cill I yello'!l'l15h lf'ey pall over the city. From 1the top" of the 1,472-foot Empire State Building, the world.'1 . tallest builrliJ:ig, vjs~bllity was cut from a riormal 50 mllel ' to t or 2 miles. . The Atlantic coast, from New York lo Atlanta, hq been covered for four 'days by a polluled haze trapped by hot and liumld air wtjlch the weather ,bureau u.!d would remain stationary until the weekend. The temperature· reacb@4 a aeasot'I high of N degreu in New Yor,t Tuelday and could 10 even higher by midaf. ttrno6n today, tbe weathf:r bureiu ~d. At 11 a.m.1 the temperature " already wu1_l7' degtee.-arid, •tbe tempetaturt· humidity index Was .80 :..... the level at ·~ich everyone Is believed affected by the heat and .humidity. · T~e .weli!thtr also was blamed for 1he power crisis becauae of increase<I use oC air co-ndJtioners ' and fans. For the leCOnd day the Oxisolldated Edi.son t;o. uke~ 200 major COR1Umers, inCluding the ctly of New York, and private citiu.ns lo ·liinlt their consumption . of .power to esaentiall. · In the Washbi1ton, D.C., area f!llicials were on the. verp Of. issu.in, 10 air pollution alert Tuesday but a combination of ' local · breezes and increased cloud cover relieved the situation somewhat today. · The ai~ muagement service In Philai;lelphJa .-:aid the pollution aituation there W!iS "ugly but not dangf'!rou~ .. , A hospital check showed no iricrease in respiratory cases. In AUanta, city spokesmen sald heavy ghowers Tuesday brouaht some mwg relief by "Washing it .out." New Bumper Sti'cke,r Stops Hippie Bicke~ LAKELAND, Fla. (UPI) -Poll< Cow!- ty aberiU 's deputies have coined.•11lo1an. to combat anti-police 1e0Umenr:' The deputies have bulnp• stickers which read ; ·· "fl you don 't like .police, next Ume you 're in trouble call a ~pPle." Oruge Weather Wh,tevq~s fair, says the wea~ erman, a8dlng that the •kfes will be ju.st ,that en Thursday alter the usual <=0astal cloudiness. Look for ~ temperatures in 1.he 68 to 85 degrN tllllf•· JNSWE TODAY r toe important theat rical event& break the "fid.summer catm tht& wttk -both in Coata Mesa. Ste Theater Notti, Eagr u. • I • • • i I I I ' ' ! • i • I ' ' .• : . : • : I I I !, I OlllV PILOT SC DAIL 't ,llOT lllff ....... 'UNATTRACTIVE, NEGATIVE AND CONSTANTLY DEFENSIVE' llleody Mory In Hind, R1quol T1k11 1 Swipe 11 Womon's Lib .. ::'Lw Smeg' .• :· ,. Raquel Likes Newport; Newport Likes Raquel By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of h DM#r PIW ttMf . r Hancina from the eves like 1wallows .t Clpittrano, workman forgot their ,,lunch hour Tuelday ... actress Raquel ""llelcb mind at the unllnl>bed Park • • llewpart Apartments to inlpect her new blcle.,,.y. -They got llUJe chance chance, however, to evaluate the 1tructural qualities of the moOt K)lmorous tenant. She arrived in an air..condltloned lirnoullM, swept Into the rarll: Newport Recr,,tloll Spa lot I bloody mary Ind • ...., -~. t11'a -wbilW 1wq. ' "I bsve passport papers to fill out," oak! Miii Welch, who jela off to tbe Mediterranean bland of: C y pr u I ~. vi. London. to 1tan anothct ~ ... .. " .., ~""'""' ""'™ _ ...... _,.. '"* " ~· top -""" -illnlillon lo but'-" lpuUma lot Ill her iielllbor> In tbi. $11 mlUIGo aportments ovwfooklng Upper Newport Bay with 1bool 13 million lelt -:IA c:hqe. · 'it Nawporl Harbor Chamber of Com· l.merce President Charles Curry and l'•rot Ed lllrth hosted the luncheon. . . Mia WOlch, current.ly ltarTlng In the -eenlol film "Myra Br<eklnridge," lale and had a liquid lunch. , oalng lo< photograph>, the two civic 'lead were asked to squeeze up a ..... 'littlt ~ to the UUan-hared •tar, who :,.~ 37-DliW&'ii, aoeordlng to her 1ludla11 pe-. ·-Mayor Hirth beamed l.S he lo! in ., ,_ ..(~C~r. • "With ease," he rtmarked. Some peo- !,p1e thought be said: "With these?" • . Quesliotla fired by the gallery of ~ newmnen -abe couldn't i.nswer them ! all -Included her reason for choosing ;i Newport Beach and of course her career, l primarily presenl and future. ~ Why Newport Beach? ' "Less smog," she replied. One topic to which the questioning returned was the motion picture dealing with a transsexual wbo surgically . ., DAILY PILOT -·-H•t'-ti• .... ....... ,..., --C-0 ii..., ... Qa •••• Cll:ANGE COAST l"Ul!ll1SHING COMl'MIY ~rt N. w .... ·~tftllll"WllaW J'c\: l. C11rl•y \'k• ,., .. Molt ..... a-.1 Nltneter 1\o'"'' 11:, • ..;1 old!IW ThoM•• A. M11rph!ftt M-."'9 11!"1/!w •1cl.•N !\.. N•ll SWiii °"""' .......,,, &flit!' Off .... C." NI-• DD w,11 It'/' Strwt J.1..,1 ... Cl!, 1211 W•.i ltlliool Mlllnt,.. U9llM a..c11: m ~I A- .... 11.i .. leh htcll: 1117l l*tdl '""'"'" 1111 ~: .. Nwtll 1:1 (.l!Ntlil ... , DAit.¥ PILOT. "'""' ~ldl II 0"'1411,q "" ,......,.,_, .. ~ •11ty -·I ~ MY "' .... ,.,. C111t• fw a..-ktllo~ """""' IMdl, c.t• M-., Hllftl .... IM \ ....... ~"' '¥•""· ..... w1ftll -......... dlt ... Or ..... C.Ht '°11111 .... ~ ........ ~ .,. .t 2111 WI\! ....... .._ .......... ktdl. w.4 U1 Wftt .., .... Qllt Mett. , ....... (7141 641-4l l1 Cl T1 I .......... 641-UJI switches from being Myron to Myra. She smilingly augested author Gore Vidal himself may have fallen 1hort if he intended to create a muterplece . .. It isn't a good enough literary work to hold it in any particular reverence," said Miss Welch. who won an oatmeal· colored !Wealer with pint flared slacks and sandals. The Hollywood star' -&he says Hollywood hu no hold on her atrecUons and talents -who is IO obviously a female hu no regard for the phenomenon called Women 's Llberation. "They "'' Wobably the most borin& .group ,.,..._. I ~~ heard of," she replied. ••They are unattractive, negaUve and constanUy on t b e defensive." Raquel was BOn• of those three Tuea- dt,y. ' • 4 . . . .\.. I ,,.. pcilmen • • Fr~eway ·Group For Information l Three city councilmen and two city staff members from Laguna Beach are ached~ to med Thunday wilh members of Newport Beach'• Freeway Fighters for an "inflwmaUonal ·le:lllon." Laguna City Muiager Jamea Wheaton said be ud public Works Director Jot Sweany would be attending, along with Councilmen Otarltm Boyd, Edward Lorr and Roy Holm. Paul Gruber, foniier mayor of Newport B e a c b and spokesman fer the anti- freeway group, said only officltls from Laguna Be.ach have been iavited' to the luncheon meelillg which is to be held at the Santa Ana Country Club at noon. Gruber aaid members of the city coon· cll.s of Newport Beach, Costa Meu. or Huntington Beach had not been invited to the meetiag. ''Thi.s ill not a general meetiq:," he said. He declined to explain why the three cities were ()milted ftom the meeting. ''We . won't go into that.. We have our own reasons for call.in.c this meeting,'' Gruber IJid. There wa.s eome confusion at the Newport city council meeUng MoDday night over the meeting ud whether or aot councllmen were upected to attend. Couocilman lloward Rogers noted that city officlall had b e en invited tx> a meeting two weeka a.go with Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach to di5cuaa their anti.freeway atud. No invitation had been received and Newport Beach WIS oot represented at the -Ung. he oak!. R o g er 1 said he had heard about 'Illursday'a meeting but was u n s u re whether council member• would be ex- pected to attend. "We haven't heard a thing,'' Newport City Manager Harvey Hurlburt told the council. "I don't know where the a•e meeting n1mor1 start," he said, "or where these i1vit1Uon1 are 1uppo.Rd to come from." Orbital Bomb Test Satellite Launched .. o '' •• k,.,,....: MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet Union tihft ••• 4tl-4411 Launched today an unmanned 1paoecraft ~ ...., er.. Coftt ~hlllflll that appeared to be ·another tut or ~ 11o -••ltl. """""'':..... its fractional orbital bomb -FOB. ........ _... w an.rtlM!N!!ll IM'•"' _, • ,...,.._.., w11""" .-1'1 ,... The craft, labeled CosmOI 1$4, made ,....... " ...,.""' .-. Jeu lhan 1 full ()rbil and traveled the =:"'r.t11~~.=.~ ==~ wne path as a Soviet projectile nurly unW •·• -"''¥' " ,,..,. •1 • ~"' • a year ago that wu ldenllficd by the L.M_ .. ,.....,,.;_ .. _.''"'._-__ .. _.•_-_'"-· ..... _ _, United States as an orbit.a.I bomb test. ( Nixon ·Focusing 1 Pool Funds .; Tat.e Death On Budge~ Laws Reje~ted Horror Tam Appolll-•• ,.....IP>o tzvJ mulU· •• I:,,_'-Laguna LOS ANGELES (UPI) -7he 1tat.'1 key wltneu at the Tate murder tliaJ ' said today that Patricia Krenwlni"el com· plained to her that she had hurt her hand whlle stabbing one of victims Inside the ruidence becluse tbe bllde ran lnlo bonu. . Linda Kasabi~ SJ, said that Ml&s Krenwinkel, who is on trial with hippie cult leader Charles Manaon. and two other young women, deacribed what hap- pened on the night of Aug. I after she hid run back to their automobile from a scene rJ. aavage slayiogs. Mrs. Kasablan was · Uted whtlber Patricia said anything about a girl in the house. "Yes, she said one of tbe girl! wu crying for btr mother and for G64t' "Dld she say anytlllni about blir haod hurting?" asked Deputy District Attorney VJncent Bugliosi. "Yes, she said when she stabbed there were bones in the way." Mrs. Kuablan started her testimony today by showing the Sharon Tate grounds and residence location ·an a large chart for the jury. She stood only a few feet from Manson but shielded by a deputy. Manson, the accu.sed mastermind of seven killlngs by the hippie cult, turned his back as the small girl walked past him and shielded his eyes with his handl. The three younc women codefendants -Susan Atkins, Patricia Kreowinkel and Leslie Van Houten -had their hair in pigtails today when they appeared in the courtroom mimicking Mrs. Kasa· bian'a halntyle. The state's key witness pointed out on the large cardboard chart the gate over which she said she, Miss Atkins. Miss Krenwintel and Charles "Tex'' Walson climbed on the nigbt of the Jlay;ogs Aug. 8. She identified the le~ pole which she said that Walson climbed to cul the wires leading into the estate. Walson so far has rts!Jted extradition from Texas. Alter pointing out various sites on the Tate estate, Mrs. Kasabian re.surned the witness stand and picked up her account of the savage sla)'ings. Bugliosl asked her in what state or mind she was after allegedly wttne.Ming two of the killings on the groonds of the Tate borne. "1 was in a total rt.ate of shock," lhe said. "Did you think «. running for help lo another .hou~" B\llliali "ked. 0 v•.' tbou&llt ol lt~ll'" Mrt. Xuablan told the jury Tuesday about how she ran toward the hou!e. The state'1 key witnw shuddered, aob- bed and giggled spos~eally when lhe bac• r ny iliilil~ com_.t. ~'liiS: down the , tO fbe w. Jbe.1.':hld drive n lo the Tate estate. II "Did Tex ond S.dle (S.,.n Atkins) and KatJe (Patricia Krenwinkel) tver come to the car?" Bugllosi aJked. "Yu, to a few minutes." "Did they come separattly or together?" "'Illey came together." "Did they have blood on them?" "Yes they had blood all over them, all three of them." Mrs. Kasabian said Watson told her to move over from behind the wheel and got behind the wheel himself. She said that be seemed "really up tight'' because 1be had run bact to the car. She aaid two knives and a revolver we rebrou&ht back by the trio but that one knife wu left behind in the house. Mrs. Kasabian said that Watson had said "something to the effect that when he hit a man over the head with a ·gun it shattertd and wouldn't work anymore." Hawk-dove Rift Seen in Israel By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL An Israeli cabinet aplit between hawks and dove.s widened today, and the hawkish Gabal Party threatened to leave the government if Israel replie.s af- firmatively to U.S. peace proposal~. Premier Golda Me.ir appea1ed to the Cahal leader! not to precipitatfl 11overn- ment criaia at this criUcal time. While •ariou.s ministen began a series of daylong meelin&s wllh the Gahol members fl the Knesset (Parliament), the battle along the Suez Canal raged for the 69th corlsecuUve day. There were artillery duels which wOundid one Israeli soldier and new Israeli air strikes agaimt Egypt's canal poslUoiis. 'Ille rift in the Arab world created by Jordan's and Egypt's acceptance of U.S. proposals ror a three-month cease- fire deepened and the Sudan joined Egypt in banning bro.adcasLs by the Arab guer- rillas who have vowed there '1lll be no letup in their war against Israel. Al-Falah, the most powerful of the Arab gumllla groups, announced it would broadcast from An\man. Tho cen. tral ccmmittte for Pal&tinlan Guerrilla ()rgtnlaations Cliled I lwollaur ...... al ltrlke for Thursday in the Jnanlan capital lo protest the U.S. Mldeut pro- posals. The crlab between King Hussein ind the euerrillas based in h1s country ap- peared to be worslning. Prince11 Muna, the king's British bom wife, new lo Lendon today to joln her two aorui but Jt wu not known if her vialt was in connec:Uoo with the crisis. ' mJtHon-dollar ftcu,re1 dominated ac.' ' Uvlll~ •t the Western _Whl~H~ )'>d'Y a1 Praldenl NI.on COllllnued bla IDOltly· work vi111t 1D S.n.Clemente:. Top items lncluded: -The re1ianati<ln ol Dr .. 'lbornu o. Paine u admJolstrator ol. the NatSonaJ .w.nautlcl Ind SJllee Adrninistraill>n. -~t tlult the led era l bud(et deficit rUched a llllbet4n.u· pected $1.t mJWon in the fiacal year that eoded June 30. . --slglling by t1j< l'ruident of a ~ill lo allow newspopers In Clanget of llJlaJI. elal lal!Ore lo pool llOIHdi""1aJ opera- tions. -A'l!PO!ntment of Homer D. Babbid(e Jr., president o1. the University of .Con- necticut, is fS$11tant secretary for education in the Department of Health, £ducation and Welf1re. -Receipt at the White House of. a petition accusing the federal government of being a major discriminator ag!inst Spanish-Americans. Commerce Secretary Maurice Slans was designated President Nixon's repre- sentative 'lllundar. at the funeral of Antonio de Ollve.ra Salazar, former Pnsident of Portugal. Paine, who guided NASA through man's first trip. to the moon, is leaving the agency for a job ouLside the aerospace field. "I will misa yoo. I bate to leave. My heart will always be with NASA," Paine aaid Hn a Jetter to the agency 's 140,000 employe.s after he submitted bia surprise. resignaUon to President Ni.IOD. He told reportu1 at San Clemente hi.a resi&naUon -etrecuve Sept. 15 - had nothing to do with cut.s in the space bud.pt. He ia returning: to the General Electric company. In the letter to NASA employes, ht said, ''Now is the appropriate time for a change lo command at NASA, and it coincides with my wish to return to private industry." He referred also to hls family financial obligaUona, saying: "From a slrlcUy \)rOlessional point of view, there's obviously enouah ex~ cltement and cha!!..,.. ·<IVJ opportunity to aerve 1n the future 1p1ee program "" ....... LEAV&S SPACE PROGRAM NASA Admlnl1trator Paine to almost compel me to continue in NASA despite the l""'in& demands of a family of four teenagers. "But the lueinlllng job tlult I see wad to which the admlnlJtralor must be committed will require mote montN: of effort than my penenal lituaUon will permit." The budcet deficit Wtl announced by Dlreelor George P. Sbulb of the Office of Management tzvJ Budget, who said be took hean from the fact that spending actually fell lhort of earlier esUmates. 'l1te larger deficit nllected a fall-off in revenu_p stemmini from the ecooomic slowdown, he u.ld. At a news conference, Shultz said the fll\ll figures marked .ia atron1 and satisfactory performance from eur stand· point." adding, "we were succtasful in holding the eipendJture lln~." The Laguno Beach Uollled School District trustees Tuesday night turned down a request from the Boys' Club for '3,000 yearly to maintain a pool that is to be built at the Lagwia Canyon youth facility. 1'le club had asked the board to chip In '3.000 for the maintenance cost and in return use the pool for instructional purposes. After meeting with city rtcreation of· ficials, Boys' Club representatives, and talktng bl their own ranks, President Larey Ta1lor and Supt. William Ullom lndiclted that the schools did not need tbe Boys' Club pool for instructional purposes. 'Jbe board, in denying the request, noted that the district already furni.shea $18,009 for community recreitlon at the high school pool. However. the board, in a different acUon, agreed-to authorize the district staff to begin wcrk on a cooperative recreation procram with the city. Dr. Ullom reCommended that the school district enter into a joint· powers agreement with the city, and establish a recreation commission 1uch as the OQe the city had several years ago to plan recreational activities. Board member Norman Browne stood opposed to the joint 'JlOWers agreemenL "Two )jars ago we said we didn't want a joint powers agreement wilh the city. Let's look at somethina else." Trustee William Wilcoxen suggested the word 11joint powers" be changed to "agreemenL" Taylor said since the district Ls spend· Jna $18,000 for community recreation from the distrct's communty servce tu. that "we should know how the money ls being spent." "We have l'IO Idea on how our fac ilities are being used by the city or how our money 11 being spent," he declared . Browne :said he felt the schools shouldn't get into the recreation businen at all. "I feel that thi.s district has enough of a job educating children . Recreation ts not oor bag." Laguna Beach Sclwol Gets, $20,000 for Books Wilcoxen said his main concern was that "out of towners" were reapint the benefits of the city recreation program, eve though they do not pay municipal taxes. It was noted that the city recrea- tion district includes such privite com· munities as Emerald Bay, Three Arch Bay, and Irvine Ccve . Taylor suggested that a recreation district be established and a tax bt: levied for recreation through the city. , The Lquna Beldl llilh School library got • healthy boost as district trustees Tuesday ni&ht appropriated $20,CO> to be Spe!ll l'!I additional ~. · , •. The no,lloo ls part of a total Of $55,500 taken from budgeted reservts to be spent on high priority item.s. Trustees also approved f12,500 for an elementtry counselor to aerve the 1,500 elementary level students in the district. Another fl2,500 was e.armarked for equipment replacement, maintenance, and capital outlay. Lagunans Still Can Be Counted Lagunana who were overlooked in the April census still have a chance to gel in on the head count, it was an. nounced Tuesday at city hall. Official U.S. Bureau of Census forms now are available In the planning depart· ment for any family not included in the April count. The forms may be picked up during buslneu hours for the next two weeks, filled out by houaehokters and sent directly to the Bureau of Qnsus. The three elementary schools and 'llwntoo Intermediate will divide $5,500 for their libraries, but the division 1s l not likely to be equal. While El Morro and Aliso Elementary 5mools have a ratio o( 10 books per student, Thurston Intermediate and Top of the World Elementary haVe a ratio or four to one. · • ' 'Ille boa.rd also appft>ved an additional $3,000 for the employment of kin· dergarten teachers. Originally $24,000 had been budgeted far the teachers, er roughly $8,000 per 'lnitructOr. After in. tervlewlng candidate~ for the po3ts, school administrators said they found that they would have to pay higher salaries for tht teachers they wanted to hire. Last on the appropriation list was $2,000 for aeveral sets of boob for elementary clauroorn. The boob are to be used at home or in the cl~room, but cannot be put in the school library. The trustees found the money for the budget additions from "7 ,000 that was in the reserve above the $150,000 the board seeks to maintain. Now that ~.500 has been spenl from the $67 ,000 figure, the tax rate will drop an additional 1.3 cents, bringing the total tax rate for 197().71 more tha:n 11 cents lower than the rate of lto.70. Charles Hess, diatri~ business manag- er, told the boarcftha.~the p(Obtems would ~. into Ute acreement and Qrlt f ~ .... rnutu._i .recreation program be n the city and the school district would be fortbcomlng in November ()f this year. I From PGfJe 1 TRANSPORT • • attempt may be made to work an ar- rangement with the city bus system . Jn the ihort term, said Mrs . Keelf!y, "We've achievtd a pretty fair com- promise trying to give maximum service." Laguna Goli Group Seeks More Players The newly formed Laguna Beach Golf Association is seeking goUers to round out teams !or the group's fir•t monthly tournament on Aug. 4. Interested goUers ·can contact the recreation department by calling 494- 1124, Extension 45 . 'l\o II",....._ ol an Omep wa!tlt k tloe 1petlol 7'"" that .... ~it. n. Oll\taa feu siff or nceite today 1'ill hw a pNa4 ~11e•ioo. ••• precioa.t l>eyond compare for Ult Jt •1•"u• 'Within ueh t&M l>ull the petrleu Oaepw1~M.dewith.meticWou.cuttogheJW1 11( Wthfa1 ~ Sol .our comptet. eolltctioa 11f o..c.-• ud WH.'w&ld&ea, t6S to onr tlOOO. o\-4 dl1m&rld1. 1CK ...ti!rt t elhf 1old l -S.ll·•l"•1111t h•M11lt, will! "lt"11JAD;h!.• etlt"dlt. l•K OOld.flll•G , ........ la 11ll"l'" 1tffl cU. .. , ..••••.• , :, II For that special someone's birth.day 0 . ...an OMEGA CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. JJ.ump~rieJ Jeweferd llll NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MlSA PHONE 541.J401 24 YEARS IN SAME LOCATION I - L. " fo ., n1 m 1 Tt fo nt L. lo de J. w th at . at SC lil w ae m lo .!" b< •• al to ., tt o• le cl ' Parking Sol11itoa Laguna Gets New Downtown Plan A new plan plan for development of Laguna Beach's central business district -keyed to solving parking problems -:'-is in the.bands of the Laguna Planning Commissioner Robert Hastings, a retired telephone company executive, un- folded the plan Monday after preliminary . endorsement from the Downtown Busi4 ness Association and Chai;nber of Com· merce officials. He asked that the proposal be New Library Aut1wrized For Laguna Laguna Beach is to get a brand new · library ra\her than a remodelin( and expansion of the existing library. Orange County supervisors decided Tuesday on an enUrely new building loc the county branch factllty at Glen- neyre and Part ave,nues. They authorized Laguna Beach archllecl Fred M. Briggs to proceed with deSign of the new library. A report submitted by Briggs and en- dorsed by Dittctor of Building Services J. J . Smisek indicated the new librery would cost $218,475, somewhat less than the $244.42S esUmaled -to remodel and expand the existhtg Ulirary and . add a parking structure for 28 cart. The present Laguna library has 2,200 square feel Contemplated Is a new library or more than 8,000 square feet . which. would require a 6,250 &quare foot addition. The city has a rtCOl'\l of higher than usual library usage partly attrlbutable to ·the considerable number of retired ,persons who live in Laguna. It is planned the new library will . be built at the same loaction enending across Park Avenue, wtdch ls to be abandoned from Pacific Cout Highway to Gleoneyre. The city of Laguna Beach owns the existing library building and is studying the possibility of movini it to the perch overlooking Bluebird Park as a facility for senior citizens and mot.but with children in the park. presented lmmtdlatoly .to plaanerl from Daniel. Mann, Johmon lo M•~I, DOW .cqmpleUllll UJelr pnual ptan~tudy for the city and alto · that It be placed on the ~ or the -regular plaJ>. ning coinmW!on meeting for action. City Planoer Al Autry auiJestod llhat the eommJaion '1 immediate Probtem is to iespond 'ltJ the ·ceiitrt,1 butiness dl!trlct plan drawn up by the· DMJM team and recommended qatnn in- trodt4ting another plan at thla polnL Commission chairman WQUam Lam4 boume noted that alnce the DMJM con- tra:t does not Include drawing up a prtetae downtown plan, Haatin(I' pro- P.>S&I cowd better be ftferred to the Aug. 10 otucly aenlon for -n in connection wilb eventual p~tion of a proclae plan. · A> olltllned by lfaa!ll!i•• !lie new downtoW'n plan Calls tor a plua at the mouth of. the canyon at *2ie entrance to the feaUval grounds. bWlt over the roadway, wbtdl would be Clepresaed about 10 feet. A new road would carry traffic behind city hall and uncler Park A venue. IO join Glonneyro Street at IAglon Street. Forest Avenue would be cut off to provide ID enlarpd civic ... ter area, with the oceanward oection of Fomt developed u a mall. Four parking atructure1, ac4 commodating 400 to toO cars each on mwtlple -and ...una , ... million e1cluaive of land, are envilloned 1n the plan. One wowd be located at the Ille of the pment municipal lot on Glenotyre Street, I seoond on I Ille mated by cutting off Mermaid Street and bulldlnc back inlO the hllllide, a tblnl at the festival plaza, and the fourth aplnsl the hillaide on Broadway at Beach Street. The plan, aaid llaatlJJi1, would be to have the atructures built on land owned er acquired by the city, 1t the expense of a developer who would leue them back IO the city. Revenue would be sufficient to enable the dty to own the stnrture1 in 20 yean, be said. Hastings urged the commlulon to "go ahead as soon as pouible," wllb a view to starting the first parking 1truo- ture. on Glenneyre Stree~ by the !Int of next yu.r. lt WU decided to comJder the proposal fln1her al the Aug. 10 study &ission. Name of This G8llle: Hurry Up and Wait By JOHN VALTERZA Of ttit DlltJ 1"1191 ltttf As the blue and white bus bearing 30 tired journalists entered tbe ncl- wood gate, only the red roof of the Western White House was vtalblt. ~1f Behind were the stables and puture1 with doztnl · of thoroughbreds grazing beneath huge eucalyptua trtet. "Wow, they're beautiful," 1aid one AP writer down , · for his first time from Los Angeles. "Do they belong to him!" "Naw," said a local ••• "to someone who races them tt at Del Mar." ' By then the Secret Service had us out of the bus, a helicopter bearing the Reagam and Senator George Murpl>y was landing and there remained for us a half-mile waJi to -President Nixon's doorstep. Herb Kaplow of NBC blithely bopped aboard a green goU cart along with the only woman in the brigade. . . They sped off Kaplow flashed peace signs with both hands as lie dlDUn· lshed in the distance. The rest of us had io walk. AJ the phalanx marched the lhody route, llOlllOOllt lo another 1olf cart motioned us to hurry. The Secret Servlct agent acratcbed u imqloary line ..,.. the drlv .. way with a walkie-talkie antenna and told us to walL Then be said "hurry." "Take your time. Don't run," said a few old hand• '!' tba Cidre. That's the way it is with the Press Corps at the Preaidential compound~ Hurry up and waiL It seems that everything is pJanned. And nothing is. First they wanted us to take only one series of pbatocra~ Nb:onl. the Reagans and Mr. Murphy walking to the b-. "Let) take some in tbe courtyard," said the Prtlldent. "Yeah," said the pbOlogiapb~ "Waft here," said the agents. Moments . Jater we went through the low arch, UJroup. tbe front door where the VIPs alteady were Rt up for lhe shot. It WU all wrong. "Oh, Goel," moaned one veteran movie man. "Not in the sun, Ron (Ziegler),'' he droned. Mr. and Mn. Praldent and the guests moved to a better F= But a tree wu growing out of the Senator's bead and Mr • wu obocured by droplets o1 water 1q · from a llib naked cherub standing In the Pre~s fountain.llllmJ .,_ , by 1 "Let's go out front, now, fellu," aaid the President. "Wait here," 1aid the agent.I. "Hurry now," came the next command. There they were, in a perfect Mexican justice shot (11Lfne 'em 9p aiaJnat the wall and shoot 'em.'') all five of the foU.. rtandlog bolt llPfilbl llarlns into the cameras and smiling. "It's Uke someUting out of a Kodak Brownle manuaJ. Ma It toes 19 one penon with a litUe tnowJedge of camera wort and Jt would improve a hundred perctn~" llld one srumbling regular, Then it was over. Our shepherds with lhelr blac~ walkle talklea bad 111 obedl.,Qy pointed the right direction (Of' the walk back to the bus. • Aod K>plow. nursing an alle1ed1Y fractured foot from a recmt t.nnls game. rode back with the same gal on the return trip Everybody's shaking hi& head and compl&lnJnc: 'u UIUll. It brings to mind the splendid display of mounttd J)hotol'raphs of Mr. Nixon ban.tin& In a long hallway of the txtcUUve ottlcet Each Is a gorgeous pi,.. ol photojournalism. · May the Lord bl.,. the men who made U.-J>lclurt'- No one, It seems. knows how they did It. DAILY PllDT ltlfl ....... CAPTAINS PREPARE FOR TITANIC DIAMOND DUEL Vl1itor1' Cl1v1l1nd Ryan (ltft), Home T11m'1 Dr. Krugtr Challenge Given .. Press to Play Ball With. Laguna WtdntsdlY, July 2', 1970 L l'rail Vse Limited Sup~rvisors Slip ·chain on ·Bikers . ' ' By THOMAS FOR'ruNll UM al hie lftjlerty: °' ,.. DIHY .,,..,, "'" , ' Hujb Tlllman. ~ Jun1ot e o 11 e g e An ord,tnance which p r o h I b 1 t s COWIKlor from Anaheim. w a r n e d motorcycles. trail bikes, mini blket and 1Upervt.ori· tbey -d> be widening a dune ,'buggies from private · pfoput)r gap in society lf they lcglflate against withotl,t the owner's consent was· pwed nolae 1n the nami of tbt property owner UDl!'lmous)y Tuesday by the °'""'' wpo doeaii'L W"•· (lho.e wbo· dqn't post County Board o1 Supervisori. "No ~ii" (linll· . · ·;' The .~ance was written as an R. D. ~broOdt...Pulillc reta~\ian e!)lerpncy meaSllft which means It took for Yamaha "Corp., said lhere "~a;'.000 effect immediately. It applies throughout licensed motorcycles tq the c:ocJi9:and the county. he figures an equal number Of~ Heretofore, the. ~s.country, dirt-trail motorcycJu, not includfng nUnl ~ sport of . bike and buggy riding has He aalcl other popular ~lft lal<en been perm!tted on priv!'te land not posted care of with riding· trail;s f9r ~. against trespassing. Unpooled properly goH couraes for golfen anil ¥,..urta now also la off limit. without the owner's for tennia buffs. · · · '. . ·~·• ·~' pennlslion. He asked fOr an 'lnvestlgatlon " • . s Since consent lo use private land wtrere sport motor bikes ~;'~.,., en presumably will be hard to ctime by, before supervlson pushed. ·t~ an sport motor bike riders Will be lim ited emergency ordinance. -86 ~"ID Ills virtually lo public streets. knowledge-this la ta fint>:!UiJilr.h But supervisors, seeking to ac· an ordinance hu been ........... I a commodate mini and trail bike en4 enta. county.' . , 1 -7, i ' n thusiasts, instructed the county Planning John TayJot, who tune '1)(1 t11e1way Department to look into finding suitable from New York to apeak~ftir-;tlJe Mbtofcy .. locations for the popular sport. cle Industry Coune'il,1 Alil· prtvite:!pro- "I hope in passing this ordinance we perty owners are not likely to put out don't just Jet the ntatter drpp, but pursue welcome signs or sign releaae allps fQr a program of trying to find places (for f th u.-4·1 I ··• motor bike rldlng)," Supervisor s ear eywouldopen 1.UQJJKVetto e.-u Chalrman Alton Allen said. damages. 4 Supervisor David Baker suggested He saJd supervlson by the same something might be worked out with reasoning could, next pasa ordinances the state for use of surplus land adjacent prohibiting bunters o~ hikers f~ ~ • 11In Cralltude for the fine weatlier Sy£an appointed Dr. Martin Kruger to to freeways. lng unposted, unfenced private land. ud craciOUJ hospitality Laguna Beach take over organization of tbe encounter. The penalty for a conviction on viola· The· reason given for the ordinance has given us, we would like to do Since beer is not permitted on the lion of the new law will be determined being an emer1ency JJWll;W'e ·:ls that something memorable for the com· school grounds, it was suggested tha t by the judge up to a maximum $500 a sudden riae In molottycle, bike and munlty,'" read the telegram addressed victors, vanquished and spectator s fine, six months in jail, or both _ dune buggy use, aggravated by the aum- to the Chamber of Commerce from the schedule 1heir after.game refreshments the same as any other misdemeanor. mer aeuon, has caused irritating d14st, "White House Staff and Preis Corps." poolside at the Surf and Saad. Supervisors factd a full house of oolious fumes and ooiae and coliatitUtea The "something memorable," Chamber "This is just the beginning," said backers of bike riding but voted 4-0 a fire dan1er. · , president Bernard Syfan advised fellow Chamber Manager Betty Myers. "Our for the restricting ordinance. Supervisor Several persc'1~ ' from the Cowan directors at Tuesday, waa an "ofter boys already are talking about a cross-Robert Battin was absent. Hel.ghta area north of TulUn spoke ht to give a team of your choosing a playing challenge • . • to basketball or football Supervisors acknowledged receiving 75 favor of the o~, complatnlng lesson in our memorable brand of hard· on the next Presidential trip here ." . telegrams and petitions bearing 449 primarily about the nOlle ·or bike riders. bitting aoftball on Saturday aflenloon Meanwhile Dr. Kruger ls husutna si .... atures Jn opposi Uon to the ordinance. Mrs James Gable ar•11ed that beautiful at a time and place to be determined.'' around between appolltmenb in hlJ den~ Aifiie bearing persons offering contrary roi&g hills are being ';:arred·and denud: The challenge, said Syfan. will be tal office trying to round up enough teallmony ootnumbered those giving sup-ed by bike trails. taken up immediately, and lhe high Little League .caps in e1tr•large t1l1:es porting testimony about two to on~. She aaJd sbe bellevea ltlclety bu betn school playing field baa been reserved to decorate the Laguna team. Warm.up In adopUng the ordinance all four led tnto too much permiaalveneu ind for 4 p.m. Saturday. sessions will be scheduled, he aald, as 1Upervisors presen t spoke of the right that the ordinance which respecta ptivatl The Chamber'• Masters orguizatioa soon as the team Is lined up. of a property owner to retain exclualve 'f)roperty is needed. ~· already has started rounding up a team 1---------'--------'--'-----------'--'--'--------- to take on the White House challengers who make their headquarters a t J..acuu'a Surf and Sand during Presiden- tial vlslla'to the )Vealero White House. • • Laguna Planners . ' Set ~ttidy Date . For Thursday Advised by city planner Al Autry that the need for ~ reaction to general plan concept la "crlUcal," Laguna Beach planning commissioners Monday night set a aecond study sea1kln 'Within the week to wrap up their recommendations to the city council. I The-planben, anivlng at discussions on the general plan late in their Monday study session, agreed to meet agaln at 7:30 p.m. Thursday to conclude the 1bldy. After briefly revlewtnc the land use map and central bu1ineu district plan submitted by the plannlng team from Daniel, Mann, JohDIOn and Mendenhall, Autry told the commissioners, "it is critical that we make our recom-. mendatlon to the dty council and receive their reaction to forward to the con· 1ultant. He ii jU8t waiting now in order to complete bis oontract. Most of the delay la coming from the city." Free Parking Order Approved Saddlebacl< College -can loot forward to free parklllll next year. under a jllHSllrO approved by dlttricl tru!tees Mooday, College President Fred H. Bremer pre. vlouslf recommended that trustees ap.. prove 1 $3 per ltudent per quarter fee for parklnc. buHhen aoked the board to rescind !lie -.endallon. Bremer expla1ned that be felt it was not fair to "add iollllt IO Injury" by JeV}'lni a parklnc lee alter studenla have c!Hven to the college. He alao noted lhal the achoo! does not charge a parldos lee lo -ltd Stu- dent Body card boldm, bal cbargea ft.50 to tho1e Who do not own a card.- The coll.,. wu told by the county """"'"1 jl\11 double llaodards are 1'01 pennitltd. . My Lai 'Cover-up' Study Set by Army; , l BJ THE ABSOCIATED PllESS !II · 'Ille Anny 1181 moved to hold further lnvelli(lllonr of· 1even .Ulcers Im- plicated In ouppret01ns inlormallon about the aJltpcl My Lal maaaacre. Oi-:R,OD:l:.- IVIONTH END · SALE 3 DAYS ONLY· THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY .. \ MEN'S FAMOUS TIMELY SUITS OFF regularly $100 now•SO regularly $150 nows75 $6 men's famous perma-press short sleeve dress shirts · •.•.•• 3a99 $10 men's perma-press long & short sleeve sport shirts ••...•• 6.99 6.50 men's ties-great selection of colors & patterns... • • • • • • J.99 $11-$13 men's short sleeve fashion knit sport shirts ....••..•• J.99 $9-$17 women's famous label sportswear-tops, skirts, pan~s '-5.97* MEN'S 7.50 TO $9 FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SHIRTS ·4aa Long sleeve. Perma4 pre11 or couon. Solid• ond pauerne. $28 TO $40 MISSES AND JR. DRESSES * s11 Current alylos In polyester knits and marvelous blends. MEN'S $10'TO $12 PERMA-PRESS WASH PANTS ··5aa Styled by a famous maker In neat solids and live patternL *wom1n'1 lt1me 1va11tb11 In a1111ore1 1Xctpt Puadena &. San Lull Obllpa OPEN",\ CONVINl~T GAOOtNe CtfMOI, 011 UH VOUR MAITP CHMGI Oft IANKAMllHCMID soum COAST PIAZA, COSTA MESA • ANAHEIM CENTER, ANAHEIM Opeit Week Nlglou VittU 9 pm Open '.l'lot1r•d•" 11nd f'rltl•J. !Wit"' Announcement of the probes, known as Arttcle '2 tnvt10gatlonl. was made 'l'UtJday .at Fort Meade, Md •• anct the Pentagon. The Anny al!o dismissed charges against two other offk:era In· volved in the ,...,., Col. Robert B. Luper and CapL Kenneth w. Boatman. '-----=====-====---===;_::;-=..:-::::.=------~~----==-. t ' I I • 1 I ,I ,, ' ! 4 llAILY '1LOT Wtdnt5dcr, July 2', 1970 California, N.Y. Top ·C~urts tO Ope~ .:C,.~1:ss? ·st~n~~Le~e~ · Victim of Drugi ... ' . 'Sh.titers' M,itchell Predict,s Ini.egration .Aciion ·in N. orth P!T!SBURGH (AP) -Tho lather ol a _17-ytar-okl drui lddlcl who •• <..-....... ,)iilill j~, a Democr1Uc o.c-oic-1 candidate I r o m Olili'(Jih Disttjct, fl.gures tb• wq lo· a ygter's !Jearl " through ,.... _.ecb. Goodrich, as part of iifs campaign, 'bas published ~· ••J' Goodrich Inflation Cool<· ~'} inclfut~g sue~ topic~ .~tUes as uNixon-orrucs Mannade, " C~n· gresstonal Corny Beef' end 5t"0 Agnew Is Coming to Supper as· aerole ,. Other recipes are "Up the Admllristration Cbili" and "Streich· abuck Cookies." • Jacbon. MW. police icram. bltd inJo cm intenie 1ewch Mon- daU nlaht oft<r • repo.n thot ttoo dl.Udrtn ha4 been kidnaptd bt1 ·~.who piuhtd t~ in~o the trunk of a car. Ofjietra said ".JM c:cr tD01 located a couple of h.Qur1 later at a drivt·in movie -an. tM &'kid114ping" um an at-tempt to gtt the childrt:n into tM movie withou paying, ' . •·-.ni·bn ·tb• winning tl~ot for '!!!!-,l,llllO sweepstake prize at tbe !Oondlko Days exposition In Edmoetori, Alberta, was G, Melny- chuk, and exposition offic1a]s told o . o. Molynchuk of Edmonton he couldn't claim the money until he found the Ucko1 he'd misplaced. M'""""7 they told him be could1ft c!aili> tbe IJIO~ey· at all. Mrs. Poter Molnychulc; no relatloo, ·had pro- ~IJCOd tho w\Dl)lng ticket; ezplaln- ~. slie 'had signed It G. Melny- chuk. G. G. took the news with a laugh. He said he had already stopped looking for hi• stub. •• The Canadliin Comumtr1 Or· ganialaion, a group kt:epino tDateh tor price tncreasu, has notifitd itr 40,000 member• that , in September itl membership fte aolU be intreaap from 11 to If. '< .. ... .......... • J'our4year.old Norm•n M.•rley of '• WASlllNGTOI! .(APi -New Yotlc •Olllol be ·the 'mejclr be.oellclaey of tho ' Naon admllllstratlon'• remu1 ~ ~ wlill calf!omla 1"lt for boblild; a TreUul)o Depoilment breakdown d the !mpocl of the -1 IOOws. Tho department prepuod en ~ · llstlng of bow much each • t a te alid mosl clllts and counllel would receW. When . the propoll1 i:oes Into full 1 effect In 1975 -pmlded II gels through a reluctant Congms. New York would receive $542.17 million ln the' first fUll year, while Callfomla would receive $531.57 mllllon, the table AhoWs. However, New York would be required lo -on .-12211 million of tta ahan to klca1 government! while California would pass oo only fUl8 million. * * * Treasury Lists Revenue Proposal W ASlllNGTON (AP) -Following is a state breakdon showing the city-by.cl· ty and county·by-cotlfttY portion in California of President Nixon's revenue sharing propoAI as llsted by lhe Treasury: Tota! Annual Am0W1t $536,374,468 State Government Share 370,350,670 Local Government Share 165,823,79& To Cities ll0,133,&'1 To Counties 85~90,IZI Local Share to Cttl" Anaheim Costa Mesa Fullerton Garde• Grove HunUngloo Beacll La Habra Lone Beach Loa 'Anll•i•• Newport Beach Oc<anllde Or.anre Riverside Sacramento San Diego san Fr1111tlsco Senta Ana Whlltler 7!1,489 206,371 ~11,041 rn.111 Ml.196 }iS,060 3,763,703 18,170,'>73 283.2'7 175,111 263,517 503,741 l ,!e!,711 11,536,1141 11.53$.04' 600,393 262.\J O Local Bbare lo Comities FreslO 1"I Anple• Orange !Uverslde Su Diep San M1teo Santa Barbara Vantura • • 1,801.711 33,IS00,&.53 4,8:,0,511 2.0ll.1112 3,814.494 1.911.49'1 1,069,4M . 1-"'~" WA8111NGTON (UPI} -AilomeJ 6-al Jolm N. lllldlell said today "K will be ........,.. fer the eourta to ..,.. ·-1 --·!loo In ..... parll al the l<Gr1li. f10bvioully, there 11 u mucb •srtP· !loo In ...,.. areas of the Nortb u In tbe &Ouui.. Mllcbtll Aid. Whlle be did not -the .... of the word '"outlaw" to deecribe the ' kind of actJon be .....w 1.-qa1m1 de !ado eelJ<ia· tlon, ho uld' "I t!11nk tho c:ouris will follow lhe palh ol delennln!ni where then la aovernmental aetioa ·tbat can be taken." Tho attorney -al made tho Government Plan OK'd by British Dock Workers LONDON (UPI) -Union deltgetes repnsenllni 41,600 itrlklni ionPh>retl)On voled today to end a two-Week.:old ports shut.down that ha COil this bland coun- try 11.17 b!Ulon In lost lrade. '11ley voted 51..Sl , to . accept a peace pack.age offered by a eovernment.·•~ pointed court of Inquiry. lhal would pve them an addlUonal · $13:1 mllllon a year in pay, overUme and bonuses. Then they voted unanimoUlly to rt.CODl- mend a 1eneral return to work nm Mooday. Immediately ' the decision WU an- nounced al tbe end d a stormy 111-hour meeting at transport union headquarters the pound llhot up on the foreign ex· change market and prices skyrocketed on the stock markel But 1ngry militant.! outside the h1U booed the emerging deleg1tn with shouts of "sold out." A!J the delegates arrived for the meeting, militant loopboremen -main- ly from London's docks -demonstrated outside union headquarters. T be y demanded reject.ion of the pe1ce tenns propooed by tho Court of Inquiry and . con11n .. 11oo of the shutdown. Thq shouted, booed and held up placards demanding cont.inu1tion of the strU.. . Jack Jones, transport union leader, said he wu leaving it up to the delegatea themselves to make their own decislori. Officials voiced fears that militant dockers in some ports, l n c 1 u d l n I Llverpool, might decide to continue a wildcat walkout efler Monday. Tho Nallonal A.saoclatlon d Port Emp!Qysn called a meellnc later today to clilcuu the unlool'• dods!on. The employers aJready hid announced ac.· cept.apce of the court of inquiry's pro-potfil .• BIYll_I, Englaljd ~·· .loOltinc. for· ward ti a dramatic entrance 1n hi• sisler'• limia pro,duction of "Cin· derel)a"C'.but' instead made. a dra-mali,C ull To get some 1pnng mto hi• entey onto their ''1'9ge," No~· man boUnced on hil bOd. But his ,uJPellden caught on a window la!Ch, catapulting him out a win- dow. Doctors say his tnjunes wore not serious. .,_iplo1na1 Martha? • The sheriff and eight Wayne County, ~ch. commi11lonors P"" sided a~• legal pol-burning party M~.;:,,, 600 ~ds of drugs, mostfy • marijuana, ·w..,t up In •moke. Each dignitary gol to throw brown bags or 1uitcas11 full of drugs Into tile county's giant lncinerator, which was then sealed and the fire was turned on to 1,800 degrees. The narcotics dissolved in a puff of smoke through the giant smokestacks. Sberifi William Due~ said that after ' recent haul or' '8·5 million worth of marl· juana '1our storeroom got over- croWded and we had to get rid of same." Drugs seized by police are kept ~ long as ~eedecl for e~l-. aence, then destroyed , usually In ! larl• Iota. Mrs. Mitchell Wants t.o Spread ~e Lrrn.E ROCK, Ark. (UP!) -Silting In heti Wuhinllm epartmen~ tbe wile of Altomey Geiieral John N. Mitchell told the folb hick home "I have two lhlnp I would like to do." "And that's the beautification of Wuhington, number one, and numbtt two, I've gotten a dellre to wort 1n the State Department." Why would Marlha Mitchell, lhe woman who called an Ar k a n 1 a ! newspaper ud asked it to "crucify" Sen. J. WIWam Fulbright, want to work ·m the state Departme11t! "To try t.o put 1 little Jove in the world," ahe·sak!. Mrs. Mitchell'• comment. were filmed by LitUe Rock newsman Jim Pitcock several weeks ago end !hown over television station KATV Tuesday night. "Gee, I wonder lf I could ever do anything to promote the good will of the COUAlryt" !ht\ aaid. "I resent 1he tact thtt America Is nol looked """" as a beautiful, woaderful country. I enjoy the forelpen in Walhlqton, and just talklnc t.o thlm1 the idea all Of a sudden 1truck me." She said U 1he could work iii the Stalt department and promote her "Love in the world" policy it would get eountrlec away from "each other's throal" Sbe aakt, however, sht probably wou1d rua into trouble from "the oppotltion" -whJch lhe did not n1me -because 1be has beee labeled a "c:ontrovenlal penon." ''They hive to have 10mebody lo plct on,'' she sakf. "I happen 1o be tht one. They get at the President of the United States and they get at my hus- band through me, or they thlnk they do. "But they don't do it. As a matter ol fact, I have fun with the whole thioi.'' Cr~ddy Air Perils East Netv York Power Wanes; Record Smog in DC Coat .. Hi it Wllthlllt todtl'. Lltflt writ~ winch 1111111 •114 rnor111111 llOllrl ~ lrll -mr1v 1 tit it tlllh !fl ~ lodtY ..,.., tllllf'tdn. """ "'*" II. ColltJtil ""-•""" ,_. ,,_ • tt 11. l111tll4 ........... """ ,.,... ,,_ " .. a WllW "'"'9r1tlmi 4'. Sun, M-. TUes WIDMllOAY S..C:lllld 11'9h ,. " •·Jot."'· '·' IKOllllll low .. 11:111.lft. I.I TMUlllOAY r 1111 111911 ......... , •• 11a1.m. 1.1 1'1ur low ............. , ''"1.111. ~.I Sl(Ond""" , ........... r 11tJ1.f!'I. '·' lfcolld "°"' ..... , . , 11M 1.111, I.I SI/fl ltllon &;It 1.fl'I, S..h 1\11 1.ll'I. Mooll ·-J:ll •. ,,.., .... J;ll ,,.,,, v.s. s .... ..,,, A fltw tuhtrM 1"9rllMll fllf ..,.. J1rlt ~'" thlf -•1l11t' •114 .. ..,,. ........ "'"' .,. lrl •• ~ fllr ""' ·---twthlfrlt C1lltomlt wttthel' Nlflnl tld111. LltN Alt!.. ffll fflCI low c!Nh cl11rld ""'· Lii Anwln W.t 111111 lllrwth IM dliy 1rttr lllt Kl lMttd l6w CIMll• c...,..., Ttle ltfnHl'IN-. •1• 111111 cftll'!IW " Ille IH"ldlcltel C!Ylc C'"tff' 11~ ... a ~ 'llfttll It tw.-., Mii I ll U ...... i.i 'f ...... I'. 'ffM litW Mfliotllt II. 1111 ··~ tullooll '",.,"' Slln. .. , ~ !Ill' \,1,1. '#H !Mr l llt'MW tlllM .... 1!*111' flir Witt! I ltw l(lfo ltAlll Hllllldillr..._.. .,., ll'M """' ... 111111 ""'! ... 9"M lo111111 0 1c ... CllW.1-tl C~ltMI ... w ....... l!11r9I<• ,..., WOrtll ·~M --· _.., K-ClfY Lt• V- LOI AllttlM Mltml aMtti :=::*.:. .. Htw Ori.- -y,.. .,,. .... ..... l"tlllt0fllltl1• l'lltab.lt9'1 "llofftl• l'or11tlltl. ll:ed l lOll ·-.... -...... .. II \.lollt City S.11 Olttit kl\ ,,.,,ti_ IMttlt ,_,M .,..,,_. Wtthln.11M tlllll L .. Pf'M, u 61 ·"° " . .. 71 .11 ,. ,. .. . " .. " 11 .. " .. . " •• 1.11 .. . " .. .. " ., 1t .01 .... : ~ ] " " " " 1(1) 14 ... . " 1t$ " ,,, " n _,. " n .. ,, " .. " .. .:11 " " " ,. .. , ·~ " " .. .... ., ,, " » .. " " n " .. n " " " " u .11 1111 ,, ,, 14 -In -to 'l""'llool ·In aa lnltnlew oa NBC-TV's Today-· Tho Nlson' edmlnlalrallon bu aimed hi ltgal ellorta 10 date at elimination of de Jure -In the South -tbat reau!Ulii [..,... •• -... local laws er bJ' CUll4m. fte IJOYti muent has not""""' ..... --a-tloo, rrowlnc 1-b'·•.tf'.lloualnC ~t­wm; ·but ldttdilll ~ .. 'It wW be nec_.y u tlma -by.- On achoo! de~. Mllcbell uld, '"lbt administraUOn bu made it clear that' -la tho ilme -lhla tall la lhe Ume -lo·replace clall ochool 1y•lems with unitary l)'steml." Tho aUorney genofll Ulcl Tuesday that virtually all dual achoo! lyllems In the Soulh would be ; ellmlnated In three-kl. On tho subject of cl911 .dlaturllances, be also Aid hll earlier 1D!eP<ool advice to p0U.. In ,coping wllh luCb pn>blems dld not mean they · oboaid not protect lbenuelv'" ·when confroilted wilh w<a· pons. "It Is airtaliiJy not tbe !r,lonllon d 1111s· depertmeel "' 'lll'boc!f .... to d..,f law en!.....--It lhe r!llll of eelf protection," be aald TUelday. . After· •Ix lludeota ... ,. killed durinl c-dllordera In MOJ, Mllcbell a<l-Vt.cl.pollce to 11c:Oo1 it." Mitchell wu asked in an interview' Tueadly If .it ·la ........,. to kill to keep order. . ''It depeoda on the circumatlnces," be replied. "If IOfllebocly conlronll lhe police wllh weapons, !hey have the rilhl to --protect thtJnlt!lVts. '' Mjltjlel! uld,. however, .lbere will be no Jederal invellli&at.lons of such i1'Cldents as, tho kUl!ll( of a black mllltaJjl In . Houston during • CUD battlt between poll"! .and Ne.....,, er lbe police aboo\ill( of. two University of Kansu atu~. "I don't' believe you can characterize lhese. lype ,of shoodnp u being lhe 1aine as ~ a c k I o. n at Kent State,'' Mitcbeil sild. police said ahol blmJel/, ,.YI bo wilh<s druc puaherl bad been -to altend the ·funeral and look al bis llOD lying in the collln. ''He WU a wonderful boy," 1hl falber, J.,.pb Feulill, said 'l\/udoy el the "-al of bis ..,, Tbomu J. Fou!W. "I bad all ldndl ol hope for him." Homicide det«llvu Aid· the youill, who was pnslckat of bil blp IChool gr@duaUn1 class this put yur, Dot himaelf at his home. Joseph Faulisi said "!Orne wise 11-!Y cave him tomethlnl to smoke (list January) and it jwit went en from there." He said by late March or ear!J: April, lhe boy wu hooqd m ben>lo. Aller apper<nlly beinC cured ln April the boy 10011 Wll Wk on the drug, which appareaUy wu COI- iing him about•fll·a ·day, · . ' . '' Meadaylhros.tu.lq SHOP SEARS SUNDAY '12· Noon to 5 P.M ••• ·'•30.l.ll.To9::t0r.!1(. Sears S.Step Flnlah Reoitto Rut, Coft'Ollon ' . ' 1 ' J ' Great v.&e ontffiiie ~t. I • • • E111 acceu .Uding cloon &lide 1.JDOOthlr on durable nylon ·rouen and future P9dlOck door handle• •Strang dotlblNlbbed otoal -11 illtorlock for incn:ilDd rigldl~ • Bail.Ung lnaladeo • -pes-board tool orpniser pntl 29S eabio foot Resuiar Sl6!1.9S, lo.9-l't. c.ble Lewn Baild.,j..,.,., _____ _.149.aa Gable Lawn Building • • Sliding Double Doon ••• Seva Slope Ro"f Lawn Building Seuo Low, Low Price 7488 e 170 .,,_ ft. lneladeo Ho-fi- e c-ecl or plnniaed Milltod-L O..blMibbOd penob • All wbita wlds _. trim Atk Aboat *" Connnient Credit Pl1111 50% 1 (\);IV FalioleOit .~··~~ . . ' •·H ... '••-.tfle ·~ .. ·1""""11d ·~· -""" f..U, wltb '~"'1 •~•lil'link ~ • Diatn0nd mbh pattt-nt,m,c pldM to rni1t f'Ullint. lonpr tenic:t. In1t.ll now 1t thi1 ' ..-t· Hri1"' e I•pert J-U.U.a ......... "1 s. ... e P-. nllt, -inel pooi.. -.. Sean ...,,1ar low prleM ' Cell toclar tor FREEESllMATE Sears•• -·-""-"'-·-•14'H --·-ll _M ... 111 ___ _,, c----· -CIO l·-·-1 --··--Ntll __ .,.._. ,_ .. _.tum, __ ' -,. •NII, ... llNll --.... , .. , --.t--· -• ,.....,, ,__ -1111 L,~..,=-='a~-=~"' --~I --•Mu1 -•1.u11.a11.-u ~"--•" ..--.. -..-- _.._...., .... ....,,..,,.... .. ,.,........,....,,,.._.,,... ... .............. .............. 8 - 1 I I I • ' r • .. San .fleme·qie. Capis•rQno . • EDIT ION l VOL 61 , NO. llO, ~ SECTIONS, 70 PAGES ORANGE CbUNT'f, CALIFORNIA . WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1970 • . . L TEN CENTS . ' . Clemente Enters Computer Age Next M.onth Carpernl.ers working on what once served as a courtroom in San Clemenl.e City Hall are ffnishing thtir work well ahead of the Aug. 7 'arrival day for a brand new computer which will t.ake over scores of clerical duUes. The IBM Systems 3 computer will be the fint such machloe rented by 1 cil1 in Southern. Calilomia. It 1'll1 be leased for an annuaJ fee of $14.000. But it will create a savings in a mannu by taking over one human cl.erlcal po&tlon costing lhe city ~.~ a year. , The device, ordered by the council last. opring, will IWisl grutly in billing lot water 1ervi_ces and paYJ'.f,lll and pmonntl records, Finance Director Gerald T~achout said today. The computer srstem, which eventually could be expanded to eight limes it! size if the city , desires, will also be used by departmfnt heads to compile annual activity reports to lhe cily council with much more speed and efficiency than the old·typewriter process, Teachout said. Police sl.aUsUcs and the littlt lhinp like weed abatement llsta also .can be handled by the machine, which. will save dozens of man hours on the tedious chores, Teachout said. several businesses haYe ordered lhe oompuler &Ytlem in the county, but Teachout said that San Clemente ia the first city to u1e the year-old tool to ' City Fills Void!! Manager Suggestion ByCofC 'Express,' Bus Line Team Vp for Festival Transport The: "Cannonball Express" and city bul line ,, wiU team up to fill the tran1porlaUon vacuum caused by the city llhutdown ot Fe!lival o{ Arts trams. The jaunty lr11:ms -six of them -were put out of commission by police order this week because they did not meet state vehicle code requirements -no parking brakes or windshields. Fe1Uval officials, man11ement of the Venice Tram Co. and the dty called an emergency 'sum'mit conference Tue. day to try and bridge the transportation l•P.· William D. Martin, pre!ident of the festival board ol. directors, said a Com- promise arrangement has been worked out using the lone cannonball. w~ich Is larger than the trams and legal on city streets, and the vintage buses recently acquired by the city. "As far as the sii: trams are con- terned" said Martin "I have no hope 'bi;lmediattly that the'.re is go\ng to be any ~pUon oI that traffic." ){eflen Kefley, festival director and chairman of transportation, said the can- ftOl\ba.ll will expand iU horizons lo take over the shu~tJe run.s in the centrJ.I basin that had been the province or tne trams. 1be · trams transport.e4 thousands eacij li.lmmer. 1be lar1er cannonball will continue to charp 25 ctn~ The tram fart had betn JO cents. Tbe Cannonball traveled up and down Cout Hil;hway whil• the traml -.orked the downlawn businesa di!lrict. The cannonball will now have run11 scheduled that stop at all festival benches. Th.ls cannonball service will continue from noon until 1:30 p.m. From 8::10 to 10:30 the cannooball will make two Coast Hl1hw1y nms, returning to the FeMival 1rounds. From 10:30 p.m. until midnight it will carry persons fram the feat.lv11 l -including the ootpourirll crowd at· tending the 2500-seat Irvine Bowl pro- duction ol I.he Pageant ol the Ma1t~s -back lo their cars, Parking near lhe festival ground• is in short supply. Mrs. Keeley said the normal capacity ol the cannonball is about 40 but by standing and sitting on laps it might hold 51> to IO persons. She said \hat City Atanager James D. Wheaton has agreed to alter the hours of the municipal bus line. It was operatjng unU & p.m. but will continue until 8:30 p.m. and as Pageant curtain time approaches \8:30 Jl.m.) will alter its route to deliver passenaers to the Festival grounds. This will occur si1 dnys a week, she p.id and Wheat.on is 1tudying the possibility of Sunday bus service from 4 p.m. to 8:30. Sunday ls the festi val's biggest jam. Fesl.ival officials hve not yet taken a k>ok at transportation for ne.it year . It has cost the F'estl\'al about $12,000 a year in recent years to subsidize tht public transportation system. Some tSee TRANSPORT, Page I) Clemente Issue Studies Tonight Al least 10 prime municipal Issues faclnr San Clemente this year will come before 11 joint meeting of clly councilmen and members of thrte commi ssions In an annual study session Wednesday night. The 7~30 p.n1. meeting will follow a dlnne.r for the particip11nts In the clubhouse of the municipal golf coursr. Councilmen will excha nge idea! with members ol lhe planning park.!! and recreahon 11nd parking commiSlions. Among the lssu~ to be discuued ( ac- tion would not take place because it i1 not an adjourned meeting) are: -Progress in finding a replacement I tor the burned~t community clubhouse. -The final draft of a proposed ordinan- ce on development of mobile home park~. -Di.scua!k>n of pnllcy on • major pro. posed program of refurbishing many of San Clemente 's 1treets -a program as outlined bJ the city 1laff which calls for ma jor eJpendlturu ovtr five )'tart with rtC0111meriltd fundln1 comina from • bond measure. -Publlc facllttles at lM new Llnd11 Line beach area park and placement ot conceaion And• and felt rooma. I DAt\.'I' PILOT ............ IDLE TRAMS PARKED OUTSIDE MAIN ENTRANCE Offlclol1 ,IMI N1w Woy to Go to '"tlvol· °"'""41• . . Laguna Man Lead$ Action Again st Festival Trams By FREDERICK SCHOElllEHL Of t1!1 DlllT P119t St•ff "The least we could do Is to provide safe lransporti.llqn to visitors to L.aguna Beach after beggin& them to come here." So reasons Laguna Bea<'h fumih.V-e refinlsher William Leak. who led a suc- cessful campaign to bring the Festival ol Arts trams to a grinding hall. Leak'& workshop is IDCated one block from lhe festival grounds. The tran:a.s shut · down Monday af· ternoi>n after a .communique was sent The Venice · Tram · Company'-lro' mthz Laguna' BeitOh Police D e,p art m'e n I . statil\I that. the trams were in \'iolation of the California Vehicle Code. Leak asserted in a series of \ettrrs to officials that the trams do not mttt the safety requirements and equipmtr.! nt'f'ds as set forth in the vehicle code. ''The real danger ls not having lwo brake-systems on the trams. Only on" !ram has a hand brake sy1tem," Leak a~sertefl. His battle again.!lt the trams, which carry thousand!'! pr. visitors to the 'festi val weekly. began Jn late June, when a letter of proten was sent to City Manager James Wheaton noting that the trams did not have 1 permit trom the atalt for operaUon. In the letter Leak staled: "Just looking at tbe trams you know they're danf[erous. but to see them at my location, loaded · with several thousand pounds of humanl· t~. it's enough to make your blood cur- dle." from Wheaton stating the i'<1pe:r1Uon as permitted by the City Of. Laguna Beach is proper from a legal standpoint." Wheaton suggested thal Leak's concern about liability be directed toward the tram comr>any and lht Festival of Arts. Leak then began-lo attack 'the f&cl that the police ;dei)ar.tment mutt' enforce the Yehicle rodet He also sent 1 list n! the alleged Ylolations to ~ Orange Cnunl y District Attorney and. l(ied to ~et the Calirornia Highway Patrol to insJ>«t the trams. · CHP officials told Leak l~at. they co~ld n?t lns~t lhe trams unless Laguna Beacli pOJict., re. ·11ue'sted !'t. · f inally Leak provided the city JJ!>flct 11•!th a list of YiolatiOM and cot response. The lrams now sit empty at the festival grounds -adding to the severe parklng problem near the exhibiUon. Leak maintain• that he has oflertd his personal services to find a tram c o m p a n y to provide transportation n@Ce:Mary and sale to both the city onrl the ·Festival of Art.,. · Leak also said he told the manager of the Venice Tram Company. Bob Bes tor . that he was concerned about the company and the jobl"s tram!! drivera, but was more concerned about passengers who rode the trams. Bestor is repo{led to have told Leak that the 1toppage of the trams will cause the Venice Tram Company, now In Ju 40th year, to io blnkrupt. The Laguna Beach Chamber ol Com· merce should not "abdicate: i t 1 re$p0fl5ibllity" In helping lo select a new city manager, directors were told Tuesday. Dave Phlillps. clWrman ol. t h e chamber's Industrial relations com. mittee, told fellow board m.emben, "We should tan this opportunity to tnnuence the selection ol a city muager. J propose that a blue ribbon committee be formed to determine the wishes or the people and advise the 1creenlng board. This would produce a united front behin.d the new city manaaer and his staff. We should not abdicate t h I a regponsibility.'' James Wheaton, . city manager of Laguna Beach for Ute past ~&ht years, IS leavin1 · nut nlonth to became cl{y manager.of Corona· in Riverside County. Cham~ President Berfiard Sytan ·sald ,the · ·Chamber could "su.&pst th• particular qu.Utiea we woUld llke to see in a dty mnage21'~ and ui~ direc- tors lo' brlllc 1heir ld-lo tilt nill regular board meeUng: · Sy!aq uld lhat J~ Swellly, dlroc- tor <I( pub!lc works, will be aervin& as interim city inanager and Doted thal "the city council has tel up a committee of 1WO iouacllmtn lo Ill up procodureJ for chooalnt·tht new man.qff." CouncQmen .Roy Holm and Cb.arlktn Boyd have been named eorchalrmtn ol. the city council'• acreening .commJttet, to review re.sponses to' adverl,i~ far the position in municipal publlcatiOns. · It was agreed that the chamber should set up Its own moun.Jttee·to make recom- mtndotlons to the council committee. · Freeway Hearing Slated Monday The canctlled Senate TrahsportaUon Committee hearing on a bill to delete Pacific Coast Freeway adopted route through Newport Stach has bee• re.scheduled for 2 p.m. Monday. City Manager Jame1 D. Wheaton uld he and Mayor Richard Goldberg wtll attend Oft behaU of Laguna. Beach which oppos.ea the deletion, believing il also imperils the adopted route bypasalng Laguna. The hearing was cancelled Mond1y as the Ltlialature ooncerr\ed itaelf wlth the aovemor'a tu rtform lXJ.I. French Premier Gets Some 'Fo~l' Packages PARIS (UPI) -Farmers ti'!rooghoul France have been maillna dead chlckena to premier Jacque.a Ch1~n-Delm11 as a protut against the lmPortinl of •U• from Bellium, Farmera: ~ part In the protest signed a •latement aaylng they have formed "an economlc com· mittee on the ea." "Wpen empty they have about as much power as a lawnmower and when loaded there Is so little pickup that al thls intersectloo, in order to crosa they must often force: oncoming traffic to yield the right of way." Wa11ted Death. Leak rectlved 1 rtply to his letter New Yacht Pron1ised From Ari to J ackic ATHENS CUP!) -ArlstoUe Onassh~' yacht Olrlstlna h11 been deatrlbcd 11.1 the world's finest wlth I~ 10 guest rooms •nd marble 1wtrnmlnc pool. Ytt he pro- mised hia wife, Jacqutline. an eYtn bet· ter one 1\waday on htr •1st blrthday . Onmla )lCUtnted the ·former Mrs. John F. 'xenntdy with an order fOr "the best yacht in the world to be completed by thl l&ml date nm year ... LSD Blamed for ' Suici.M ·Try A 21-year-old woman who said she llYed "in the caves above Laguna" w11 1aved from drowning off Laguna's Main Oesch Tuesday evening after an apparent "acid nalh." The woman, who told • pallet officer, "I'm evil, I should be, dtad," said she hl'd lllken LSD "a long time 110" but had not taken any drug1 ncenUy. Taken to Soulh Cols~ Community Hospllal by ambulance, she later wu transferred t1> Or•nce County Medical Ctntcr for oblervaUon. Wltne1ae11 aald the woman walked Into the waler lhottly alter 1:30 p.m., clod " t ' I Jn Bermuda 1horta and a knit ahirt. She was obaeMd floalln( 111:1 down ond P•lltd from the w11tr by ~ men -Tom Kistenm~r <If Puaden1. Frahk Jayor1kY of Mission Viejo and Dariltl Nad1l ol El Toro. They were 1s1llted by tUecuardJ Jlm Herdman and Mike Contino, who were summontd to the tcene by othu .,.~ .. The vlcUm Nlld "a divine btlna: above .. told htr lht WU "evil," IC<Cl'dlns lo police. She was rt.lea&@d •ft.er lreatment at tilt Mtdlc1l Center. • Ullst in municipal government. Tbe ecmputer, however, will rtmaln strictly 1 city propcslUcm. "W• hive a long·!land\J11 policy of not competln& with priYate buslneU in lbe city, 50 we wouldn't be offering computer 11UVicts to privalt: concerns or other 1overnment bodies," he el• The computer also would not play much ol a role bt elediom or ballot C<IW!tinl ir-<1ure1, Teodlouf added. Tl>< trlinlna )llOll'IJn Gf the city lllf! llrucly I! about 7' percent ' c:ompltte. so that the mocb!ne -'d ., riaht to work aft.er two d~a ol Uleft.lb1y, sblkedown Olld trW.. "We 11orttd lrllnilll the .WI lost February, ~ aeveraJ ha\t.t: flnilbtd the requlr<d IC!ioollq," hi Aid. .... ... ahollldn'f hove uy troublO If ill. · Smog Smo.theri4g . ' . . New York, East · By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL The mayor or New York acUvated the first stage of an alr polluUon emergency alert ln the naUon's laraest city today as a blanket of dirty l).r hung.motionlw <1ver much of the Atlan- tic coast megalopolis for the filth. day. "We haYe two crises on our hands -power and air pollution," Mayor Jobn V. Llnd,.y declattd lollowinl a mornln& of meetings with bis Emergency Control Board and the Presidut <If Consolidated Edison Co. As the fir1t 1ttp in the alort the city sanltat.k>n· department was ordered to cut lnclneraUon by , 10 percent and What's · This? A TaX,Rate ~i\ig· :~~w~- ar JOAJ'iNI REYNOLDS et ""' """ ...... Jltff• • • DlrtclOrs Gf tlio 'Oraqe Coonty W1t.r Diltrict have apprt¥ed a budget . for 1970-71 which featUNI a tb: ctnt. drop ln tM diltrlct'I tu rite, It Wll llt- nouncod toci1y. • ' · Director Henry Se1erstram, llkl the new rate will t>e e.l&ht cents per S.tGq Yaluatlon. Lut year'1 rate wu 14 cen~. The drop in the tu rale -made possible by seYeral factors -comt.11 in a year when the district 1wUI be starting worll: on a Sit mlllkln dtsalUnf plant whieh will help stop ~It watt:r Intrusion Into the county's natural un- derground ftesh water storaat areas. The Water , dl!lrict will share lie cost al. the pl.int wiU. the federal OffJct of Saline 'W1ter. Federal aourcea will pay '9.1 million. for construction co!ls whjle the district will provlde an ad· dlUonal 12.S million. Segerstrom aald there were a number of reasons th1l the dblrlcl was able to reduce the tu rate. ''The most obvious one was the large Increase in assessed valuations this year," he aald. "We allO h·ad mote favorable re1ult.s than anticipated In our ule <If sand and gravel," Segeratrom explatned. The sand and gravel is IOld fr(lrn a dl1trlct· <1wned site along the Santa Ana River which ls· btlna' •UCIY&ttd for a water 1prtadin~ basin. ' "An·Wtetpected i'ise.in sand and srayeJ prlcu brought in more revenue: than we expected,'' he added. · Segerstrom alao noted tbe district was 1etting a higher interest rate on reserves. "In .addition, we've done a little belt tlghten1ng ourselve!, so we1re very pleas· ed that we. can lower th& tax rate. Two years ,ago the rate was ,17 cenll, so we've managed a cut of more thll} 50 percent In two years,'' he sakl. Segtrstrom ·•aid the cost of the ne" plant will be absorbed over a thrff.year period. · ConstrucUon on tl)e project la 1lated to begin within a year on a 20-acre alte at }:Ills Avenue and Euclid Street in Fou;ntain Valley or on a , 12-acre site on the Huntincton Beach ~Ide of the Santa Ana .Rlvu wh~re It forms the boundary between Huntjngton Beach a~ Newport •Beach. "This will be one of the first pilot production plan ls.'' Seaerst~ II.id. "Prior \o this-they have been small research orlenled f1cilitles. Thia will hi one of the first work11111 plonls to take the concept out or rese1rth and development and lnto a pracUcal, work- inl 1taae." , Whtn compleled In 197!. the ~lant will pump about three million ••Ilona ol w11tr dolly Into tilt lfOUnd. II Judgtd «Ucceuful by the OUice of Saline Water, the flow ·rate may ·be lnCrtalCd to 15 mUllon 111-. 1 day nkl Nell Clini, 1ul1tanl diatrict man11er. ' Tho dt11)\nJitd Wl\trwllJ be lnjec:itd Int• the lfOund 'throulh • IOrtel of wtll1. The lnJec:ted lfater will be •Hd as a blrrltr to prevt.n1 lllt. wallr from tnltrln.J fmh water IOW'ttt lnlaod, Cline uld, I municipal hoapltall Ind hDuslq pro]ects to atop illdr' oo alte burnini of prbl1• bySp.m. I ... Lindsay Warne.I New Yorkers to "prepare for the baMinc of lll-pPfvate vehicles from certain a.rw of the city" if the crlai.s worsens. He uktd 1htm lo be;in orpnbin1 car poola 0< uaJnc publlc ""'-"'lioa lmm<di11tly Ind said Ille city would provide extra bJMs. The mayor acted .s the city'• Air Resources Department aMOIJDCfll ~ amount of aulfur dloxkle, carboa mmor- lde, amoke aha.de · and oitldatu · in tht air had r"'chtd Ille "IJlll&Uslactory lo unhealthy" atage. . The lmOC cul a yeUoWiah crey pall over tbe city. From )be lop · of tho 1,471-foot Empire State Bullding, tho world'• .tallest bulldiJ!I, ,yl.oiblllty wu cut from a IOl'mll llO milts tO 1 or J miles. ' . Tho AUant~ co,at1 from Ntw '(or'c lo AUa~r.a. hu l>i,n covertd for four day1 · by a polluled· h.,. tripped by hot! and bilnild air. whlcll 1llii \ Ntllor ~~UJ't~au 3'i~. would ,rtmlln '.itation¥J unfil tl1e Wetkond. ' ' · T'tll ~pera&url . ieached • aeuq1'1 ~ of. M delr ... In New .Yort 1'lndoy 111d . c;>Uld .P even ~ by .midol· terDOon today, the wettber>llureau &aid. ~t . 'lt a.!JI. · the ltmpnhire already WU 'fr' deir.ea· and tbe ttmperaturt-~ly jndfr was io '-tlie level at Whjc:h 'evuyone b belltvld alfecled by the lieat 1.d. humldlly. · ~ weather also "aa blamed. for the f>O\fer crtsµi beca~ ot inc;used use ol air condJUoners .aJ)d fans . For the second day the Conaolidated Ed1aoo r,o.. •Bed 200 major a>QUtnera, iocludlo.I tbe cit¥ of New York, and priYate ei.Uz.ent to UniJt their comumptioo oC powu to eneqtials. In the Washlozton, D.C ... , .. •lficlals were on the . verge Of IMUlng an air pollution alert Tuesday but. a combination of b:al breer.U and increased clllad cover relieved the altuaUon some'wbat today. · ' The · air muagement aerv:ice ln Philadtlph\J 1ald th• J>Ollulion lluiaUon there '!'as "u1ly bl.Jt not · dait&l!t'OU'!t ·• A hoa:pital check •bowed no lnereast in resplrltory cutS. In Atlanta, city spoke1men !ald heavy ahowers Tueeday brought tome smog relief· by ''.washing it out." New Bumper Sticker Stops Hippie Bicker LAKELAND, Fl1. (UPI) -Polk C.... ty aherill's depuUes have coined 1 alopn to combat anti-police ientiment. !Jbe deputies have bumpU sUcktrl which read : "If you don't like police, next tlmt you're In trouble call a hippie." . - Orufe , Whatever'' ftlr, uys I.he: wuth- erman, adding thal the 1ktt1 wW be just that on Thursday after th• usual C<11stal cloudineu. Look· for temper1ture1 In the aa to 15 dtsree '"" .. · INSIDE TOD~l' Two important tMatricoZ events brtalc 4/lt midsumttJe1' calm thi.t Wll't k -bot~ ht C04ta Mesa. Sit Tbccter Note&,. P4ile 24. I I • I ~ :t DAILY PILOT SC DAIL'i' PILOT Stiff ...... ~i.e. Smog' Raquel Likes Newport; Newport Likes Raquel By AR.THU& R. VINIEL switches from beiOI Myron to Myrl. ot tM IN!ty Plltf 11ttt She amilincly sugaeated author Gore Hancinc from the eves like 1w1llow1 Vidal himself may haYe fallen abort .t Clplltrano, workman forgot their if he Intended to create a muterpiece, I h "'--·· ...... ... tre 'D... l i·1t isn't a good enough literary work unc ,iuur ,.,elKlay u ac 11 ~~ue to hold It in any particular reverence," Welch apived at the unfinished Park said Mias Welch, who wore an oatmd.1-K~ Apartments to lnlpect her new oolorell ..... ter with pink !lared allcu l!ldt.iway. and lllndals. • They cot.littJe cha~ chance, however, The Hollywood 1Lar -lhe 11y1 to evaluate the structural qualltle1 (If Hollywood bu no bold on her affections the mOlt 1lamom.Js tenanL and talents -who Is IO obviously a She arrived In an alr<ODdiUoned female has no regard for the phenomenon limoualnt, pept lnto the Pari: Newport called Women's Liberation. -lion Spa for a bloody mary and • "They are probably the moot borln( "a bloodr,)dll ~ "'41tht wu, ·' l""'P . ol_.!i.'!-,1[11-.beard wtilbl'~· · ~1 . 1 if," tit "pde&'~y ullattttcttw, "I ha•• ~ papers to 'flll out," negative and '· Mm: on the aaxt. Miii Weick., whet Jeta mr to defensive. 0 the Medltemuean Island or CY Pr U I Raquel wu l(U or llMlee three 'l'UIO-ThundlJ, Y1a London. to eta.rt another d1y. ftlm.. ' ' ~ ot • otlllr llltllln ~ have .......... ~on"'"'"*"'• top female blr olllco attradlon ·to buy aputmenll !or all her ·nellhbors in the •ti mllliaft apartmepta overfooi:ln1 Upper Newpoit Bay will) about II mllllon !<fl ii' clwla•· I Nawpcirt Harbor Chlmber ol Co!)l· _.. l'r1!oldenl Clwlea Curry and or Ed llltlh bolted the luncheon. 111 Woldl, currently otarrlJll ln the er.JI) ftlm "Myra Brecktnrkilf.'1 ved 1"' and hid a !!quid lunch. !'oolnr for photogr1phi, th• two ctvle s were uked to squeeze up . a cloler to the tlUan-barid star, who ' . S?·DIWlll, aocordln( to ber atudlo'1 po-. Mayor Hirth beamed u he rot In ~r. • 1'Wlth eue," he remarked. Somt peo- pae thouaht he uid: "With thea!" QUeltlom fired by the pllery or aewmnen -lbe couldn't answer them alt -included her reason for ehoollng Newport Beach and of course her career, ortmlrilY present and future. ~ Why Newport ll<acl1! 111.eu tmog," she replied. One topic to which. the qutsUoning returned was the ~Ion picture dealing '1th a tranuexuaJ who auritcally ' . DAILY PILOT ............ " ......... .... ........... ,. .... .., C-•il.. I S. Cl 11& OUHta COAST '1-'ILllHIHO COM'AlfY } l•rt N. WM ,,........,l"lllMW. J11k lt. C11rt1! Yb ,,.. .. _, '"-• ,. • ....., ' lh111111 K11Yil ." ... lho"'•• A. M11r,hlft1 .._ ..... Irle 1:•11 ... ll1•1r4 P, Nill ~·~ C-IW li•llW ....... CalN ... , -wut .. ¥ ,,.,.,. ,,,......,., hlcltl 911 WMI .... , ..... ._... a.....-~ -.... ,._.,.. Mllllllll!WI ._.,, om ._.. ~~ f IM"""*"" •""*'II CM.IN i•I en . Freeway Group Fof Information Three city councllmon and two city ataq meq>bon Imm Laguna Buch are acheduled to meet Thunday with members of Newport Beach'• Freeway Flgbter1 for an "lnlonnaUonll ... m." Laguna City Man11e1" James Whe1lo1 said he ud pubUc Worb Director Joe Sweany would be attendinl, alone with Councilmen Charlton Boyd, Edward Lorr and Roy Holm. Paul Gruber, former mayor of Newport Be a c b and •Pokuman for the anli- freeway eroup, said only offtclal1 from Laguna Beach have been lavlled to the luncheon meel.lag which 11 to be held at the Santa Ana Country Club at noon. Grubel' uid llMIJllHn ol the ctty coon. ells of Newport Beach, Costa Mea, or Huntington Beach had not been invited to the meettq. "nus ii not a aeneral meeUag," he 1aid. He declined to explain why the three clUes were omitted Imm the meetinf, "We won't go into that. We have I'll.Ir own reuons for callln1 thJ1 meetln1, '' Gruber said. There was IOme conflllion at the: Newpcrt city council mettinl Mtmday night over the meeUnt ud whether or JOt councilmen were eipected to attend. Councilman Howard Roten Mted that city offidal1 had b ••ft tnvtlfld ·to a mettlrlg two weeks ago with C.O.ta Me11 and HunUngton Beach to di.scull their anti-freeway staid. No ln>Jltatlm had been received and Newport Beach wa1 '°' .. ,......,led II tl1t m<etlnf, be Aid. R o g e rs uid he hid been! 1bout 'rhursday'1 meeting bUt w11 u n 1 u re whether councn member• would be e1~ peeled to allend. ''We haven't htard a thins," Newport City Manag<r HllM!y Hurlburt told the council. ••f don't know-whel"I these meetlnc rumon start.'' he uld, "or where these lavttltiou are 1uppolld 'tD come from ." · • Orbital Bomb Tesl Satellite Launched · M06COW (AP) -The Soviet Union l1unched toda,y on wunanned 1pooteralt that •ppeared to be anothtr tat ol Ila fracllonal orblllt bomb -FOB. The craft, labeled Colmo. 3&4, made leu th•n 1 full orbit and tr1vtled lhl wne path 11 a Soviet proj<cUle nurly a ytar •ro that w11 Identified by the United Stites 11 on orbital bomb teat. --- ·. Pool Funds Jury Hears ~ixon Focusing Tat.e Death o· . B . d' t, T n -. u ,ge ~aw Horror Tale AJIPll/itminto, rulpjl..,; and multi· mllllon-clollar ftJIU"" dominated ... ~vlU• .al the Wutera, \'bile !joule tpci..!Y . •s President Nlion cqnUnued bla moaUy· work visit In San'CJemente. R~jected .!nLa~u~ M'l ANGELF.s (UPI) -The lllllo'1 kiy wftneaa at the Tate murder irt1l aald today that P1trlcla Krtnwlnkefccm- plalntd to her that &he had hurt. her hind while otabbln( one of vlcttnu lnJlde the residence blcaute the blade ran into .~s. . !Jnda X...bian, 21, uid that Mii! Krenwlnkel, who la on trial with hippie ~It i,a,det Charles Manaon •nd two other YOWll women, deacrtbed what hap- pened on the nlcJit or AuJ. I all1!r abe had run , back to thetr automobUe rrom a a.,.,,, llf·"l•ac< alaytnp. Mrs. Kuabiln w11 uied whether Patricia uid anythlnf about a flrt In thehouu. 1'Yes. ahe Aid one of the girls wu crytnc for her mother and for God." "Did abe •IY anything •bout her hand hurting?" asked Deputy Diltrict Attorney Vincent Bugllosi. "Yea, she said when she stabbed there were bones tn the way.'' Mn. KNablan allrted her testimony today by showing the Sharon Tate grounds and residence location on a Large chart for the jury. She stood only • few feet from Manaon but lhielded by I deputy. Manson, the accused mutermlnd of seven killinp by the hippie cult, turned his back as the small air! walked patt him and shielded his eyes with his handJ. The three YOWi.i women eodefendanta -Susan Atkins, Patrict1 Krenwlnkel and Wile Van Houten -had thtir hair in pigtails today 'Nhen they appeared in the courtroom mimicking Mrs. Kua- blan'• hairstyle. The state's key wilness pointed oot on the Jarae cardboard chart the 1ate over which she said sht, Mist Atkins, Miu Krenwlnkel and Olarles "Ta" Watton climbed on the night al the atayJ1111 Aug. a. SM Identified the telephone pole which 1he 11ld that Wataon cllmbed to cut the wires leadln, into the estate. Wateon ao far hu resisted el'lradltion from Ttxas. After pointing out varioua 1lte1 on the Tate ~state, Mra. Kasabian resumed tht witness atand and picked up her account of the uvage slayin11. Bugliosi asked her in whit state of mind she waa after allegedly wltneuln1 ""° ol the ld!Unp on the lfOUJlda of tile Tate home. "I Wll In a total It.ate ol llhock," ""' uid. "Did you think d. ruMlng for help to lnOtber house?" Bu1lloei Wed. · "Y ... I thoucbl Ill It." () <1111'1. X.abtan fold the ,,,,.. Tueoday 1bout how lhe ran towl?d tht house. The rtate'1 key witneu shuddered, sob- bed and ltultd 1PU1110ciically when •he bqan her lelt/Jnonyiiy. =••'fld, I ~~~~ hUl'tin!IO ~l,; fhl iilil driven lo the Tate e1tate. "Did Tex and Sadie (Susan Alkins) and KaUe (Patricia Kre nwinkel) ever come to the car?" Bugllod ••ked. 1.'Yes, In a few mlnutu." "Did they come 1eparately or top(her?"' "They came together." "Did they have blood on them?" ''Yes they had blood all over them, all three of them," Mn. Kaubian aal.d Watlon told htr to move over from behind the wb6el and got behind the wheel himself. She said that he 1eemed "really \IP Ught" becault 1be had run back to the car. Sbe uid two kniva and a reVolver Wt rtbrought baclt by the trio but that one knlfe was left behind In the house. Mrs. Ka1ablan u.ld that Walson had said ''aomelhing to the effect that when he hlt a man over the htad with a tun It ahattered and wouldn't work anymort." Hawk-dove Rift Seen in Israel By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL An I1raeli cabinet 11>lit between hlwks and doves widened today, nnd the hawklah Gabal Party Ul.re.atened to leave the 1ovemment if larael repUes af- lirmaUveJy to U.S. peace proposal:-. Premier Golda Meir appealed to the Gahal leader1 not to precipitate a govern- ment ert1i1 at d'lit ertUc:al time . While various minlsten be&an a terita of daylona tneeUngs wllh the Gahal members ol. the Knesset (Parliament), the battle alone the Suez Canal raged fur the nth consecuUve day. The.re were artillery duels which wounded one t1raell soldier and new Israeli air strikes a1alnst Egypt'• canal posit.ions. The rl!t In the Aral> world c .. ated by Jordm>'• and Egypt'• acceptance or U.S. proposals for a three-month cease- fire deepened and the Sudan Joined Egypt ln banning broadcast.a by tht Arab guer- rillas who have YOWed t.her. wlU be no letup In their war 1galnst Israel. Al-Fatah, the most powerful of the Arab 1uerrill1 groups, announced It would broadeut from Amman. 11'6 etl\- tral commltte. for Palestinian Guerrilla Or11nluUonl eaJled a hJo.bour 1eneral 11trth rorniunda,y tn die Jontantan capital to protest the U.S. Mldealt pr .. posala. The crlala betw ... Kin( Huaaeln ind thfJ auurtllaa based In his c:ounlr)' ap- peared to be wor1inin1. Prlncess Muna. the kin&'• BrlUsb born wife, flew to London today to join her two IOl1I bul Jt waa not !mown Jf her vlalt was In connecUon with the crill.1. Top items Included: -The mlgnatlon or-Dr. Thomas 0. Paine as l<Jmlnlttr1lor d the N1tlonal Aeronautlca and Spece Admtnls\r•tlon. -Arllouncement that the I e d er 1 I buctset deficit reached a hightr-tha~x­ pected sz.t million in the nscal year that ended June 30. -Signing by the President of a bill to allow newspapers 1n danger of. finan- cial failure to pool non-editorial opera- tions. -Appolntmecl of Homer D. Babbidge Jr., president ol the University of Con- necticut. u wiatant aecretary for educaUon In the Department of Health, "4ducatlon and WeHare. -Receipt at the White House of a peUUon accusing tile federal government of being a major dlscriminator agairuit Spanlsh-Amerlcan1. Commerce Secretary Maurice Stans was destgnate<t President Nixon's repi'e- . sentaUve Thul'sdaf at the funeral of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, former President of Portugal. Paine, who (Ulded NASA through man's first trip lo the moon, ls leaving the agency for a job outside the a1rospace field. "I will ml&11 you. I hate to leave. My he1rt will always be with NASA," Paine uld In a letter to the agency's 140,000 employei after he submitted hJa surprise resignation to Preli.dent Nixon. He told repor~rs 1t San Clemente his resi&naUon -effective Sept. 15 - had nothing to ckl with cuts Jn the space bud,ctt. He ls returniJli to the General Electric Q>mpany. · In the 'letter to NASA empto~. be said, HNow ii the appropriate timt !or a change in cornrpand at NASA, and it co.lncldu with ~y wilb to return to private 1nduairy." ., · He referred allo to his famUyJinanclal obUgatlon1, aayl~: "From a · atrlCUy profe11lonal point ot view, there'• obvloualy enouah itl'.• cltement and ehalltr1p and 'opportunity to Hrve 1D the future 1pace program "" ,. ..... LEAVES SPACE PROGRAM NASA Administrator Peine to almost compel me to continue in NASA d•plle the arow1nf cltmallda of a family of four teena1er1. ''But the !asclnaUni Job that I aee ahead to which the adrnlnJJtrator must be commlUed will require mort months ol effort than my penanal lituaUon wlU permit." , The budce\ deficit' w11 announced by Director Geor1e P, Shulll or the Offtce of Manqement and BudJet, who uid ~e took beart rrom the fact that •pending actua1Iy fell short of earlier eaUmates. The lar11r deficit reflected a fall~ff ln revenuea 1temmln1 from the eeooomic alowdown, he said. At a new' conference, Shulll uld the final f!JUres marked "a strong and satisfactory performance from our stand- point," 1ddln1, "we were 1ucct1sful ln holdlna the expenditure Une." The Laauna Be<>cb UnUled School District l(ultees 'Maday night tUl'll<d down a request trorn the Boys' Club for 13._~ yearly to main~ a pool that Is tAt-.be built at the Laguna Canytm youth faCWty. The club had a"ed th• board to clllp in $3,000 for the maintenance cost and ll1 return use the pool for Instructional purposes. After m~tinl with city reeruUon ol· flclals, Boyt' Club representatlvil, and talking In their own ranks, PrilkieDt Lorry Taylor and Supt. WlllllJ!I Ullom Indicated that the sc:hools did not nee\! the Boys' Club pool for lnsUucUonal purposes. 1be board, tn denying the request. noted that the district already fumllhu $18,000 for community recreation at t}\e high school pool. Howev,er, the board, \n a different actloo, agreed to authorh.e the di!lriFt 1taf! to begin work oh a cooper1live recreation program with the city. Dr. Ullom recommended that ttie school district enter into a joint powtrs arremnent with tbe city, and estabUSh a recrtation commlssion 1uch as the one the city bad teveral ytars ago to plan recreational activities. • Board member Norman Browne stood oppoud to the joint powers •IJ'WllenL "Two years ago we said we didn 't want a joint powers agreement with the cltJ. Let's look at aomething elie." , Trustee William Wiicoxen suggested the word "joint powers" be changed to "agreement" Taylor said since the district ls ~M­ ing $18,000 for commwUty recreaUe11 troin the distrct'a communty aervce tu. that "we should know how the money I! being spent." ; "We have no idea on how our !acilltles are being U5ed by the clty or how our money s being spent," he declared. Laguna Beach School Gets .$20,000 for BookS Browne 1aid he felt the achoola ,ahouldn't 1et into the recreation business at all · "I feel that this district baa enouah of a job educatina: children. RtcreaU6n ls not our bag." . Wilcoxen said his maln concern was that .. oot of townen" wtre reaping the benefits of the city recreation proaram, eve though they do not pay munldpa1 tu:es. It was noted that the city recr~­ ti<ll district lnchJdes such trlvate com· muniUes as Emerald S.y, Three Arch Bay, and Irvine Cove. · Taylor suggested that a rtereaUon district 1be. established and a tax tie 'Ibo LIJIUna Bud! High Schoo! library got a healthy boost 11 dlatrlct trustees Tutsday nl&tlt approprl1ted $20,000 to be spent on additional books. The 120,000 la ~l'I of I total or ISi,500 taken from budgeted reserves to be spent on high prlorlty Jtems. Trustees aloo approved $J2,SOO for an elementary counselor to serve the 1,500 elementary level students in the district. Another $12,500 was earmarked for equipment replacement, maintenance, and capital ouUay. Lagunans Still Can Be Counted La&Wlan1 who were overlooked in the April census 1UU have a chance to get Jn on the head count. it wa1 an- nounced Tuesday at city hall. Official U.S. Bureau of Census forms now are available In the plaMin1 depart- ment !or any family not included In the April count. 11le fonns may be picked up during buslne11s hours for the next tw(I weeks, filled out by householders and sent ditectly lo tile Bureau or Census. Thi• thrM eie:mentary tchoola and levied for l'ecreatton through the city. . Thurston Intermediate will dlvtde SS 500 Charlts Hess:, district buillneu mana1- for their libraries but the division' 11 r• 1~r. told the board that.the problems W(luld • . be figured into the agreement and 10mt pol likely to be equar. While El Morro forn'\ of mutual recreation program 'and Aliso Elementary Schools have a betY{een the city and the achool. dlltrlct rau(l•(lr 10 books )>er -student. Thurston would ht forthcomin& ln Novt.rriber or Intermediate and Top of the World this year. E!ement1ry have a ratio of four to one. • ; . The board also apPr):ived an additional '3,000 for the employment of kin- dergarten teachers. Originally $24,000 bid been budgeted rar the teachers, or roug~Jy ~OIO per-Jratructor. Alter ln- tervlewlng Candidates for the posts, school admlnlstratc>rs said they found that they would have to ~ higher salaries for the .teachers they wanted to hire. La!l on the appropriation list was $2,000 for several Hb of books f(lr elementary classroom. 1'lf: books are to be used at home or in the· clutroom, but cannot be put In the IChool library. The trustees found the money for the budget additions from '87 ,000 that was in the reserve above the Slli0,000 the board seeks to maintain. Now that $M,SOO has been spent from the $67,000 figure, the tax rate will drop an additional L3 cent.!, bringing the total tax rate for 197().71 more thin 12 cents lower than the rite of 190-70. ~ FNm P .. e .. TRANSPORT .• alt.empt may be made 1to r-11: an ar- ranaement with the city bus 1y1tem. In the short term, said Mrs. Keeley. "We'\1e ac.hleved 1 pretty fair com- promi~ tryinl; tel afve muimum service." Lagtwa Golf Group Seeks More PlayerR · The newly formed Laauha Beach Gair Association is 1eekln1 golfert to round. out teams for the groop's first monthly tournament on Aug. 4. Interested golfers c1n contact tht recreation department by callinr 494- 1124, Extension 45. Tli.t h'H,,.._• af l2l Omep Wltelt It die IJl8Cfll ldt8 that I'* with IL The 0mJl&I you live or receil'e today will become a prtutl poueuioa ... pnciooa beyond compare for 'Wluit It ~ Withla uch case heal• the peerles1 Orne11 mowm1111t. Mlclt with mtticttlon1cart10 riv1 YH.111 of faitJlful 1pt.rform1noe. See our complete eollection of 0.... JDtn'• ud ladi•' watche1, 165too'er 11000. ,._, dl1m0ftdl, 111( "1\!lt •ollll t old \ ...... 1,....J"d!ftt h1~1ttf Will! tltl~IU ClilMtr, IOI' ,.i..llllff CHI ,,,,. Ill •1.11"1tM NMll CAii .............. . For that special someone's birthday Q ... an OMEGA CONVENIENT TERMS tANICAMER!CARD MASTER CHAR6E J. C. .JJump~ri~ J•welrJ llll NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA I r PHONE 141·3401 24 YEARS IN SAME lOCA TION I \ I 1 · I \ ' l I I I I I DICK TIACY. ' TUMIUWEEDS ' . MIJTT ·AND JEFF ' ~ •JUDGE 'PARKER PLAIN JANE wi;i;;t.:;n\EN Fll«ME A DOUBLE! ·ll DAfv .. ciOSSWQRD ••. by .... POWa r ACllOSS --'·· 45 Lowly wort:•r 49 Sly' a9oiin 41 N11tably dissip1tell SO -c1n 51 1'1ohibil 53 liftd of aortvqe 5'1 11roit lofty 61 1ndla11 61 Stmklt • lfe•'f ·Of Plf'liMM'nt 64. A.Jiii 65 Fully uture U Reio• 617 M••• ..... •• Squtndl" 69 Qulntlty of bHI DOii Ye,tHilly's P'.:rit Solffd llr... of s.cclfenls 12 O.m!J ..., Dill.\ u .... ingti!CIMflt 11 Cllf'Pel le111bn ?ZPeflCMllliN4 ' lions 24 Ft., ,.._ 2'"7 kwlkll .... 7:1·Cog•lz.nt 21 ·~"''' )(I Slatt: · Abbi. '.I. -ltt1•11' Jl Viii• .. h• Bertshlrt, E111 . I 3' Unrgrac Joas ,,,,.,; Sla.111 \ J/29/10 36 I OMI« 3' Lowst. ifl t.portante 40 Rtpuonance .tJ Au.itn to a ,osltlon 45 Trees 47 Outsldt -·-·: 2 .ant, .., tc:lnd e( sllfrty 5 l LO"I , lt(ill '" .53 fellow S4 tavity 55 Part •f a build 1111 Sb C15,tcr's ...... 51 Yanity case S' VMSed lO 211 4 SotlfC! tl l•n's 11lclu1a111t · DONT BE SILLYf. yOU CAN'T EVEN LIFT YOUR HEAt> UP/ MISS PEACH MfMo: l'UTCXlf A COt.'TRACT ON ' LIMPID LIZARD. t , By Al Smith ~!' By Hm'Old Le Doux • IT'S~-­ MOISE! VOi CAN CIC> MU.T vo.I WA.WT M:T'H IT! By Frank Bat1111ld I HILLO l•U • ..,,y: Hiu.D. STEVE ROPER t WANT lQJ 1l> 9E • PEANUTS ~--.......... 'ltxlU MUCH . PW<kt.t.TRIC 100 PASSIVE ... Mit.11' ~ SALLY IANANAS · GORDO MOON MUWNS ANIMAL CRACKERS By JOlln Miies ly Mel ., ... ._~ ..... By Charin M. Schutr ~~-~--~~ . --- -----· ...... -_ .... ----.,.---- l''rdntM!ay, July lfJ, 1970 THf SllANGf WOllD MR.MM ' I· " • ' .. DAILY r!LOT IJ -_, By Charles a. soni ly G11~ By Ferd JohlllOll .. $1S C',&.ll 1'1$11 tr Ol1I' l!UTSll1' Ci\N'Ti~E! IT• By ROCJM' Bolen ~i.iorroose l/OUlt e11.i.s IJJI/ MOIZi; 'JIAl.l i.o.l ~TO,~ll •. ·-· ~- ' -- • .. ----==-::=::::::::::z::;;:-:;::;::-:~:::::===:=!!l!!!~!l!'!!!!ll!!l!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!ll.....i ......... .-.. ....... .-. ---... " -' •• ·------~----~· ---., • 4/ -... ---.... • • -__ .,,._ -:::T"': tJ DAil Y '11.0T SC Wrd...UJ, J•IJ ~. 1970 Your · Meaey's Worth • Stnc~s Fight With Bonds . • For lnve~tment Security • .. " BJ SYLVIA PORTEii II you arc fully awatt of all the facts on flJed·lncome ICCUl'lties in today's column, JUM ICID -but ketp reading. For tn this primer, you'll ~· al~l 1urely find some new : points, and, at the very least_. IL will help you gain I persp«:• tivt on these l.nvellment.s. A lint fundamental is that, at &oday's historically high in· terest rates, bonds a r e "srowth" securities and are corqpetitlon of the touehest caHbrt for stocks. A second fundamental ls • that tbtse extraordinarily blgb .'-rates may not remain available much lOngcr, they .alrady have been shaded, and for the first time in a ~ra· tlon, respected analysts are -ending that you lake pogltions in bolb bonds and ilo<U. And 1 third fundamtnl&I ls that a new "luhlon" is emerging in investment LF.GAL NOTICE porUoliOI air many Investors -both 1ndlvlduals and in· stltutlom -return to a more traditional balance between their holdings ot stocks and of bonds. So. to begin at the beginning • • • Q. WHAT'S A BOND? A. A bond is a promise by Its Issuer to repay an .mount or borrowed money at a specl!Jed date or dates. The intereet rate on the bond ls the specified amount of interest the issuer promises to pay durins the life of the 1.0 .U. Tbe Jssuers may be: the federal aovernrnenl. federal agencies. state and local aoveraments, corporations. The interest may be payable to you every six months or eveey year. Or, as in U.S. Government Series E Savings Bonda, the interut may ac- cumulate during the life of the bond and be payable to you on1y when you casb in the bond or when Jt reaches final due date. Q. WHAT'S THE DIF· TALLEST BUILDING lOJ.Story S..rs TDWer Te le Ltr ... I In World Sears Tower To Be 1,450 Feet High OVER :THE COUNTER Complete-New Yprk Swck· List I I SC DAILV '!LOT Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List --~~ -- l.if'I Nii IM1.I Nftll l.._ Clilu ("f. Jlltt Mtl tMI.) MIN L-( .... Ckt. S1ln . Ntt 1-------------tloft.1 Mletl UW ClllM Clot. Bite Perils Snake Man MIAMI (AP\ Snalcr. handler Bill Haast. whose blood contains so m1ny anti· toxins it can save the lives of other sneke--bite vlctims, is reported in serious condiUO'll after being bitten by a Malaysian pit viper. "His condition ls bad. u ·, very bad," said Dr. Btn Shep· pard. his attending physician. SundaY, night. l1 was the loath bite from a poisonous snake experlmted by Haa.st. who operates the Miami Serpentarium. Haas!. who milks veoom ( r om poisonous .snakes and supplle~ i~ to drug flnns for research ~ preparation, bu im· ·munized himself •a:almt many snakes by injecting sman alllOU'l"lts or veoom into his veins over a period al years. Haasl was alone at the Serpentarium, the home or B,000 snakes, when he wa.'J bitte n whlJe cleaninf cqes. Security No'v In Irvine Securlly Safe llepo~t Bo• Co r1)oratJon. intem1tional security sylletn! firm, has relocated its headquarter oC· fices and product thowroorn into a 15,IXX> square foot building in the J r • Jn • Jnduslrial Center, oUlcial.! report. Seo.lrlly Corp., formerly based Jn St.lnton, manufac· tures and distributes a full line of vault doors, saf.• deposit boxes, alarm systems, surveillance c a m e r a 1 • un~ dercounter equipment a n d other financial institution re- quirements. The compaoy wa!I' formed in 1956 and market-t Its pro d uct line In· tcmatlonally. Still Strong Bond Market The bond market "ton. tinued strong" last week with bond prices rallying /or the fourth consecutive week, ltte; Alexander HamJlton tnstftute notes. The firm feels that "Interest rates will maintain !heir downlrend as I be slackening busineu pace eaxs demand for cor p orate buyln1." The company ays bonds '1are fine for thole Ina vestora lookinc tor curmit in.- come'' and recom m ends buying "qualtty lsmies or financially able corporaUons.'' I r JUll' n MYTIME MOVIES .. ''"""' ••• ti! wtlliMI. .fl1 ~'i"wm-.. m (Q (30) <•> ......... "*l..MI t~.~,... DilOfl ... Mr. Ktut11ttft "' " Iii .. l\llft tltt tduutiontl tvtUfl « Wtlt W\itmt11't ll•r WKI! ~all: -""' ht It 11111~ -~ atlllttlc ldlolt tsll!J olf1r1.. ' ...... ,... ... lC> (ID) Sl111· tr JoM .H11tftr,, Mc KW C.rl 81ll1ntlnt, 11e1119111pw plll!llM!tr 1. f. Stone, 11111« Mtrilll LM tnd tht CllMdy iMM tf lwtr'f (01111111 111d 0111 Gfi:tftbllfl. ID llll T• ~ tel t&OI Huth 0'81i111. joey ~Ila, l"~r U· trllOfdlM!ff 1111'1. ID ...,., ~ "" ttl !IO) ti) ~ St\lt1inso11 !If Tiit T011ilht Show il 1PICi•I 1uelt. Mllilr fledttr b.OJts. (io) r• r111itf t30) ·-(C) (30) '"'•at Cl)--(C) flll) (R) 1111 ft .MM ICGldtnt. ttlt 1 .. 1• ............. (hoU liffldy) " • DIW!ity PfdMIOf (Ptttr DIM!) suffWI 1 klOn.,. inj111J tMI wiR ,..,., llf(pl'J. 8 OCIJ ID ""' -"" tel (lb) . "Mothtr lfllli nc With lllrt Bacfllfaek." ~-pMni91: llrt llchll'ldi II IMC to llllltl: ,...., Du.tr Sfrilll'ltkl Ml M+Nftlt M., lllieu. 1 1,~!sn:r.~ =~ BtlMI l M, MIC OM Md 'fvMN WilOtr • ..._. llUfh·mtMrl Ruth Md>l'ritt 111d Joe Hlnens •I• •P· ..... (lO) ..... u.t.W fC) .......... {60) m-<"> For Top Spor~ Coverage Read the DAILY PIWT ............ -....... ............. ---- • • •'•'''.:JYoo••,'.J I Theater Notes 'La Mancha,' By TOM 'TITIJS Of ._ 'o.ltr '*IM t.leff ll may be midsummer, and mosl or the theaters along the Orange Coast may ~ tak· ing a bretlher, but two iJn. portant tbtatrical eve.nt.s ire shaping up this week -both in COsta Mesa. and brings t.htm to lhe center ol atte n tion with Shattspeare 1 1 major characters relegated to .secon- dary roles. LyM Tepper, Allyson Reed, Completing tht cast are Ren "Newport ~acb's Open !:nd ruchard and Carls Dow, Dee Hutchings and ' C. Gordon Theater continues Ill 'F,0- Dee Batanowsk;y and Evelyn Smith as the fathers, Richard dudion of "Joy; a 5entor)' Torl>el The show iJ bdni st.aged at the playhouse, 906 Wood and Mart Manning as Celebration/' p I a y j n 1 tht Michael Dou,W. and Don Tuche will portray Rosen- crantz a n d Gulldenstern. respectively, wllh the band of ·players enacted by Hal Lan· don Jr., Jeff Park, Peter Bland, -Bill Br~y and James Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna the actOr and his Indian ~m-unique thealrical experience ' Beach. Reservations are being panion and Bonnie Brey as Fridays through Sundaya. taken at 494-0743. the mute girl. A SC'llSOf)' maze is the ' t" Performances are g i v e n climax of the unusual offerinr' John Haggard directs "The Wt d n e s d 1 y a t h r o u & h al the lheater, 2815 Villa Way, Fantastic~" at San Clemente" S,turdays at the CabrilJo Newport. Tickets may be with ·Mark · De Luca,• Eve Playhouse. 202 Aveni d a The first is the QPeniog tonight or "Man or La . Manch11," the first production or this widely .heralded musical in Orange County, al Orange Coast College as the annuaJ OCC summer musical. Waring. Playing the Shakespearean oiu!racters )1'111-bo Stuart Ged- des as Hamlet, Hfrvey Kahn Evan5 and Jim Spiers c1st , Cabrillo, San C i e m e n t e , re.served by caJling lb • in the principal roles ol El TickeUI may· be ordered by pl~yhouse at &75--1120. Gallo and tht young teen-age .calling the boz office at 49'l-eotlM'a ..an:: COMT _. • Jovel'3. ' 0485. . The second, debuting Fri~ day, is another county premiere, South Coast Repertory ts unveiling its pro- duction of the award;-winning p I a y "Rosencrantz and Cuildenstern are Dead" at it.s downtown Costa Mesa theater !or a five-weekend run. PLAYS DON QUIXOTE Robert Engm•n as Claudius, Russell Lund asl-=========== Polonius, Mimi Smith as Gertrude and Toni Douglass as Ophelia. "Rosencrantz" will p 1 a y Fridays through Sundays, with ' ho I d o v e r performances ol "Spoon River Anthology" on stage Wednesdays and Thurs-- days throughout the run. rerformances are givelt at the 'l'hird Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, with tickets being reserved at th box office. ~1363. * Continuing on the spacious Meanwhile, down the coa!t a ways, the Laguna P.foulton Playhouse continues its highly successful m o u n t i n g ot "Oliver." while another sum- mer musical, "The Fan- tasticks," graces the stage of the San Clemente Community Theater. IYI Orange Coast's "Man of La Mancha," Robert Engman "'iii play the demanding title role o[ Don Quixote. Directing the show is \Yilliam Purkiss, OCC drama professor. stage of the Laguna Moulton Playhouse is the musica1 11-----------,.·,·,...-,·,.·,·,.·,.-,"',.",1-· ·.•,..· .. ·,·.-t -No One .Under ·16- ''0Uver," playing every nighl Ill• ttlni 1111111: 1.:111. t::O o.sr1.1.,.G01.C... All S..ts $1.50 'Charley's Aunt' Back In Action Other major roles in the show will he taken by Donna Jo"'uller as Aldonza and Steve Warner as Sancho. Completing the OCC cast are Clark Ban- nerl. Michael Brown. Richard Rowlaiid. Bernard Simon, Tony Wallace, Thomas Arnold, Janice Caydon and Marina Leeper. except Monday. Cris Timmons r1i1t rrt, '· '· 1° l'tt. .,.NTsav 1 J;::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:~~~~~~ s.t. •'Ill $4lll OIMQ_Oft direct.! the Robert Bo l l l!, !, 4, 6, 1.'11 N l[ dramatization of the classic!~========~~==========~ Dickens novel. Ji Ben Wrigley. the lone pro-~· -fessional actor in the cast, ... ·.-£. EXCLUSIVE AREA takes the role of Fagin, ••• ,.... . SHOWING with Peter Bernard playing TlrlTll Oliver, Charles Curtis as the ........____----. i. All Anes Admitted ~~ 17l ·IJll • ArUul Dodger, 8 1 an ch e 2'05 last Coost ftwy. Phone 673-6260 "-1iohetson as Nancy and Coron• del Mir James Chapman as Bill Sikes. By WILUAM GLOVER Only four performances of "Man of La Mancha" will NEW YORK (AP) -That be presented, looight through spry old rib-tickler "Charley's Saturday at the o cc Aunt" is back at Broadway'• auditorium. Curtain time is Atkinson Theater, in- Rounding out. the principals are William Gwinn, L I 1 Teetor, Christopher Box, Ross consequential but irresistible. S:IS p.m. * For this rare summer ar· Martin Benson directs South· --rival, which officially opened Coast Repertory's premiere 1 Saturday and was seen et a production of "RODencrantz I preview. the sponsors have a n d G u J I denstern" and ~':4-~ · I assembled a cast of familiar regards SCR's acquisition of BIG 3 UNIT SHOW players for some added au-the play as a major coup Dlsllef's Aw•rll wi.11.i,. Sltert dience rapport. for the Cost.a Mesa company. "IT'S TOU5H TO 1r A lllD" Among them are Maureen The play, a unique theatrical "l OOl: sr:~~sODYSSEY" O'Sullivan. Louis Nye. Martyn Jdea which won honors !or l'Lus Green , Melville Cooper and author Tom Stoppard, takes Tll• 8"rtn Eric Berry. Most important two i n consequent i a 1 "Ln •r1 11 .. ol all is Nye, whose vjsual, ;;;c~h~a~ra~c~ter~s_;l~rom~-"~H~a~m~le~t;;;"~:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ and vocal capers art well-Ii known to television addicts. His is the titular rolr. To see Nye, clad In born- ba?.ine gown and swatd:ied in cigar smoke. suddenly in> OPENS FRIDAY personatinc a fiteam locomotive is lo savor total "ROSENCRANTZ & GUILDSTEIH ARE DEAD" drollery. Although well beyond By the Oxford undergrad years Implied by the vintage Bran-Tom Stopp•rd don Thomas script, NYt just ,011 11•s1.•v.1.T10N1• CALL ~1J6J Jets go with a cabaret array 111, fll...-rt 1t¥~ .. en11 M••• or rowdily disciplined buf· "l l'OON 1 1v•• ANTHOLOGY" lllOl"INS AUG, I -WI D., TNUlllS. ONLY foonery true to the fal'C!:'sll~~~~~~;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;:;;;:~:;;:;;~~~~;;;;~~~::::::::::::::~ fundamental aim ol. innocent merriment. Miss O'Sullivan ls pretUJy PREMIERE EllCACEMENT! HELD OYER! SNOWING NoW! diverting as the widow from Bra1il whose belated arrival brings on all the romantic entanglements, while Martyn Green and Eric Berry provide a pair or high-contrast elderly suilors. Melville. Cooper serves as a leisurely reminder of V it t·or la n u ppe raust ~ervitude. Young love Is represented by Atichael Goodwin and Rex 'rhompson, in calfish pursuit or LYnn Milgrim. who has It rather -slippery J o a n Greenwood vocal affectation a!I famous Amy, and Andra Akers. Ol haughty prim in Broadway debut. Harold Stone has Wrecled unhurriedly with a tableau freeze as the curtain gimmick of each act. Settings by Robert T. Williams and costumes by Richard Anderson r e f I e c t modest budgeting. It all adds up to. unpretentious amiability, many smnes, lots of chuckles and .some unquenchable. guf. faws. THE BEST ''THE MIND BLOWER Of All TIME !" Q,; ... ,,., .. olOff"'f jo.011 Ito.a• jDI <H~tr. • 1ountry joe l !lie i,1h .,1q-, itilh.,..,.11 • ~o gt,ll:vit • ri.th11ho•en1 1,,...h....,.. • .11"11.ono •Jo)," 11011!.on 1J.,o.,.o..,o 'o 11y & the lom>lt 1I011t 1 .. , Y•••1 oh1• ~ lhe who• i nd .400.000 1 "'9r \o..aul•l\ll 1111ool1. ' ' NI OM ACmlHtll Ullder 11 Unlth Wlfll f'lrllll Ir Lii .. G.irl1M11 -.. ..., 9f "'9 lt~ine Mrs. Roy Jackson1 Woodland Hills ..... 1:41 Ml.a.n.. lerMll .......... Now -Ends T-U, .,,.,. , ..... l'Clml IO:!a.C ..... ~-.... _ ..... 2A~11tl!f_ !~~: ........ ,.c.w. PETER SELLERS "THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN" l.rff. •I' LOOK TO EDWARDS ·LUXURIOUS CINEMAS FOR THE BEST SHOWS TONIGHT Lff Menl• • Cllitt t.tw.el ''P•int Your W•gon" -.. .t.D.Ull!. COl••llltl4-~'" -.... --.-----... --NOW UCLUSIYIL T "PAnON" Gffrte C. Scett I I J . ~ ' t ' t ' ' ' c ( \ r r .l l f t ( ' ' J I f I I J J I • ,Name of This Game: ·Hurry Up and W ~t ' By JOHN VA~TERZA Of ._ iM!llY Pillt IMtl A5 the blue and white bus .beartnj Ill Urtd jourpalistl entered the• red- wood gate, only the red rool ol .the Western White H.u.. wu vlslbl•·· ~ Behlnd. were the ltlbln and puturu· with do1enl ·, ol thoroughbreds gra%ln1 beneath hu1e eucalyptus U-. t ... "Wow, .Lbey're WaUtifu1," Aid 1one AP Writer doWD : ror his flrlt time fr°" LOI An1elee. . { ''Do they belonf, to him?,. .. >' "Naw," said a loeaJ .... "to •omeooe who ·races'tbem ) at Del Mar." b. · ' By then the s_. lervlce Jud uo out· of. the bus. 1 heUc:opter bearing the ·j\eigans and Senator Geor1e Murpiiy Wll landlng and tbri·tematned •[or' UI I ball...UO wallt to President Nixon's d~p. Herij Kap OW 1)1 NBC blithely hoppad' aboird a .,..n coif cart alollll with the only woman in the brigade . They spe(t off Kaplow flashed peace signs with both hands as be dimin- ished Jn the distance. The rest of us had to walk. U · A> the phalanx marched ·the shady route, -In -"" I" cart moUoned WI to hurry. · The Secret Service agent scratched an Jmacinlry line acro11 the driv• way with a walkie-talkie antenna and told UI to walt. Then be g)d "huny." "Take your Ume. ·Don't run," tald a few old bandl In tb1 . Cidre. • Thlt's the way it Js With the PrOll C«PI! al the PruldmUll C0111peqnd. Hurry up and wall It seems that everything la planned. And nothing is. First they wanted UB to take only one aerila ol phololrapba-tht NiJODI, the Reagans and Mr. Murphy walltin1 lo the-· "Let's take IOITle ln the cota1JU'd," uJd the Prelldent. "Yeah," aald. the pbotoc:raptien. · "Walt here." said the qtnil. Moments later we went lhroup the lew arch, t11roUJb the tronl door. where the VIPs already were Ht up for the shot. · It WU all wrong: "Oh, God," moaned one veteran movie rnan. '•Not In.the sun, Ron (Ziegler)," he drontd. Mr. and Mrr.·"Pralde:tlt and the guW moved , to a .,.tter tpaL But • tree wu· erowtl'.ll out of the Senator'• head an6 Mr. tteacan wu obscured by dropJeta of water aquirting from a slimy srten flab btJd by a naked cherub standing In the P,resldent's lountein. "Let's go out front, now, fellas," said the Preaklent. "\Valt l!~." llid the apnts. "Hurry now," came the ne:rt command. There they were, Jn a perfect Mti:ican justice 1hot ("Lint 'em up aplnlt the wall and shoot 'em."! all five ol the lolks standllll boll uprtpt ltlrlnJ mto the cameras and 1mJllng. • "It's like aomethlnt out of a Kodak Brownit m•nual. AU It talrea ta one person with a UtUe knowlldJe of camera work and Jt would imJll'O'e 1. hundred percent." aid one crumbling reiular. Then it was over. ' Our shepherds with their black walkie talkits had ua obediently pointed the right direction for the walk back t~ the bus. And Kaplow, nursina: an allegedly fractured foot from a recent termlt game, rode back with the same gal on the return trip. Everybody's shaking his head and compaainlq as usual. I R brings to mind the spleodld dUptay ol mounted photog1plp o( Mr. , Nizon hanging in a lone hallway of the e:l~Uve plftca. ~ · Each is a &orgeous piece of photOfoui-nalinn. . I I MIJI the Lord bl,..,ll>e meii who~ U-pictur ... No one, II aeems, kl1owa bow theY did It ·Capo BeacqFiremen Build . Their Own Rescue Truck For months members of the Doheny Fire Department in Capistrano Beach · have wanted a 1peciallUd fire rescue · truck capable of doubling u an am· • bulance. · But the county's budget couldn't spare an expenditure for a new vehicle unlike any other in the fire department system. So the civilian firemen who work on a paid-by-the-call basJi decided to dt!ign one of their own, flnd the money ~om _ other sources, and build the special truck which has become a dream. They're already halfway there. ~ by two members in a new com- mittee, the 25 civ11ian firefighters have raised about $2,500 from private dona· Jions for the rl~ and are nearin& the lino! plana !or this kind ol truck: - A van equipped wJth lock.us. noodllghts, a small bOle and iex· tilll\dshers on the outilcle complete with disaster rescue gear close at hand. -Inside would be enough room to carry up to five stretcher victims when a standard ambulance is not available. The rescue truck would be able to respond to any rescue call with a com· plement of men al'ld alt the Deetaury equipment. Jt would replace i cramped, 14-ye ar-old ~couoty.tasue model now in service. Leo Buck, who. With lellow !Inman . Don Croucher form1 the dulp com· · mlttee, said that llldlviduol tntmber1 . Free Pi!-rking Order Approved Saddleback College sludentl can loolt forward to tree parkinl neit year, under a measure 1pproved by district truitees Monday. College President Fred H. Bremer pre. vlously recommended that trustees ap. prove a $3 per stµdent per quarter fee for parking, but then asked the board to rescind the recommendation. Bremer explained that he felt It was not fair to "add inault to Injury'' by levying a parking fee aft.tr atudtnts llave driven to the college. He also noted that the school does not charge a parking fee to Associated Stu. dept Body caro holden, but charfu IUO to thole who do no! own a card. The c:ollete waa told by the county counsel that double 1tandtrds art not pelmitted. have met often since Wt January to has over dtslp sugu:Uou for tbt new rJi. "Wt have a dream to have a racue buck which ii perfect ltrr -pr0bl11111 down htre. We want a vthlcle that can pve ua U1hl. tools and tloctrtctty at a rNdaldt wreck with trapped vicUm1, or one that can become u ambulance U the small amount of 111\bulanctl we have here are busy," he apl&lnld. Olten, whoo local am-are buay, fire qtoeW1 use their on rip' 11 ambulances. The sltualloll·. ii _. In Sin Clemente. The construction of the new lplclal truck aUll 11 not a cutalnty, but four litms have been considered. "'lilt truck we have now Is 14 yeara Old, ud we have addtd oa ao muoh equtpmeol lllot tt'a . ovorloldod aad o•ao.,.ded. W•'re ltlll ci.lplJlc the body ol the new -ad the --· that built San Clanoolo'• lqltlll -trock a lew )'Uri 'II> ii our boll·. choice so far," be added. U11der the Paramouat flnn'• · l]'ltem. the fire department brlnp In a vuel< chassis ud a Mi ol plans. The comptJty doN the nit. That syatem bu -ltod wtD 1trr San Clemente, wllert ••a aftllll. fll,000 pumper Cllltom deelptd by Joell llrefight"1, ii capallle· of handlllle ,.... than IO -t of 1116 0.. calil - lrom grau b1-to traffic crasllta. "We want *>Dilthbtc wltJa the tune veriiUllty, but more In tbe 1lle of a nocue veblelt, nol a _.. The overwhelmlnc ..._ !nin dellOn makes it loot W. II win na11J bt bulll," Buck llld. Ooe lacta', w11ot1 Ille 1n1c11 11 llldttd built, wlU lie a 1111111 .U..,,._~ he added. Its c:oklr. "We hid plaJmed 11111 Ille tnxlc lie pointed eltbtr white or 1111o<r, bul under the stete law, Ille COU01Y bu to llold title to any a.. vtlllclt. "And the -I)''• rei\llatlon ii 11111 all truclt1 be Nd," Buck iald. The -wllo COllOll•ad ol the Idea bad i1optd to havt the rlc a dlff.,..t color so tllat Ille public wwld llnoW It W81 the truclt tlity paid !or. "But It looks Ul6 It'll be tld jult Ilka all the roil The lolka wUI JUI! have to loolr for It imtlla tht -rtd rta•," he aald. But to the vlcllm ploned In wreckqe el an avlomobllt, Ille colot -·t malttr. ----· -------------------------- l'oelng the Mark WldlllsdaJ, "'129, 1970 s * -· ·-. ~ ---.. --- OAllV PILOT ·~ ' Sup.ervisors Slip· Ch·ain on Bikers ·' By THOMAS FOl\TIJN& ., .. Drtt"""' .... ' An onllnance which p r oh l bit 1 mj,torcycles, trill bikes. mini blltd and dune buggies from private property 1Wlthout the owner'• coo.tent WU paued unanlmoual!' Tueadly by the Orlllle County Board ol Supervisor~ The ordlnaitoe wl1 written a1 an .emerpncy measure. which means Ii toot ellecl Immediately. It applies tbn>ughout thO i>ounty. . Htretolore, the cr<>e1-COU11try. dlM-troli ·1por1 ol ·bike and buggy riding has :been P.'1lllitt~ on private land not 1>05led t,alnit trespenlng. Unpooted property now also Js off limits without the owner's pennlsalon. Since consent to use private land presumably will be hard to come by. sport motor bike riders will be limited virtually to publlc.s.treets. use ol hil property. Huch Tillman, a junior c o I le I e eou""1or from Anaheim, • a r a e d supervllors !heY would be wlclenln1 a gap Ill aoclety ii they lepal1le aplnst nolee In the name ol the property owner who doean1 care (thoae wbo don't poll "No Trespua" •lens). R. D. Roe-. public relatlom man !or Y l!l1lba Corp., •Id there ... I0,000 llcenaOd motorcycles tn. the county and he ligurea an equal number ol unlic:eMed motorcycles, not including mln1 biiu. · He said other popular aports are loke!I care of with ridlng trails for equestrianio golf courees !or goUers and tennis -" for tennll bUffs. ~ He asked for an invelltlgaUq ~ ~ where sport motor bikes can be rid<len belore superviaors puahecl thrcup ai emergency ordinance. He aald to bli . knowledge this Is the first tlme ouCll an ordinance bas been adopted for ·an entire county. · So you've got a big toe. Why not decorate it and enter it in the Big Toe Contest Aug. 4 al the Ml1Sion Viejo Montanoso Recreation Ceo· ter. The contest start.. at 4 p.m. Comic prlz8'wUl be awarded to the best decorated and biggest toes. But aupervison:, aeekln1 to IC· commodate mini and trail bike en· thusiasts, Instructed the county Planntn1 Department to loolt Into lllldln& suitable locations for the popular sport. . "I hope In pualng thil ordinance we don't just let the matter drop, but pursue a program of trylllc· to !Ind placea (!or motor bike ridlnJ)," Supervlaor1 Chairman Alton Allen aald. Jobn Taylor, who came all ·the wai from New York to speak for the Mototcy· cle lndUJtry Council, aald private ~ perty owners a"' not Ukely to pot ou\ welcome signs or alp release allps foi !ear they would open themselves to iepl damages. Viejo School Cost Less In Nationwide Scale Supervisor David Baker suggested eomethin1 might be worked out with the state for use of 1urplu1 land adjacent to freeways. The penalty for a convlctlon on vk>la· ~on of the new law will be dt!termll)ed by the judge up to a maximum $SOO fine, six months In jaU, or both - the ume as any other misdemeanor. Supervisors faced a full bouae of backers of bike riding but voted f.O for the restricUng ordinance. Superviaor Robert Battin was absent. He aald supervtaOn by the iam~ reasoning could ·nert pus ordinarict4 prohibiting hunters or hikers from Cl'Oflo Ing unpolled, tmfenced private • · ' The n!llOll glftll lai the ordloatlce being an emergaicy m .. sure la, that a 1udclen rise In '"°toreycle, bike ¥4 dune WHY. uae, alll'l•ated by the liltJlr mer eeam, 1111 callled lrritllilll ~ noxious llllnes and noise and mlllllbtlq a fire danpr. · .. The new, fl00,00& Viejo Elementary School in Mlaloa Viejo coats le" than both the atate and national norms, a natiollWlcle acl>ool publication reported this week. The coat·per·pupll n.,... !or the 717· 1tudent<apaclty school la ft.250. The averap auch COit in California la ft.308. In tbe nation, the average coal IOlrS lo 11.141. The figures were released by School Man.,ement MacWne. But the r1laUvely low figure e:hiblled by the Mllaloo Viejo ll<:hool wlll not nmalll !or loll(, apokeamen !or the Capillrano Untiled School District. The averqe annual iDflaUon in achool buldiq cotll ls 10 -I a ~ar. Aid dllllcutty ill oblatn!nl lin•nelng for school catruct1on alio i5 drivlng the bulldlor cpltl upwards. Two major 1ehool projects in the dUtrlcl are be\11« 4ellyed llllt oummer for tbat ftry rtaeOn. Dana HUis Hip School, a major ad· diUoa to the educational facilities in the Caplatrano Bl¥ area, la scheduled for completion In two years, but progress In obtaining lunds !tom stete bon<ll ia belll1 held up In Sacramento . At tbla montb'1 recent metUng of the State Allocation Board the school, which Js 98 on a priortty Ult, missed lundln1 by two polnls. Thi &oard granted its scarce funds for ecbool projects ratin« 100 or above. The aDocatlon for the Dana Point IChool, howevtr, Ja expected at the board'• tntet11111n Aucust. Funds from a llO-mililoo bond sale ·will pay (or the «lllnol "adlng work at the achoo! alte 1tar11111 Ill September. Another bond Ille, however , must be consummated before fundJ for actual construction. are allocated. The other projecrhll111111 on the state's fllcal power la a 10-Clamoom add lllon to Rlchord Henry Dana Elementary School, a11o In Dana Point Tax Rate Given By Capo Council A tiJ: rate of 90 centa per •too assessed vatuaUon plus 30 cents for bonded in· dlbttdnela hu been •et by the San Juan Capiatrano City Council. ·The total nte Is the !lame as )alt year's and will provide funds for the 11.111,815 •JlP'OVed bud(et !or the com· "" year. . . The ,_al f1JllC( lallM ttP 1131,619 and tnciuck• a Ill -' oolll ol llvin1 lncriale for all city emp!oyn. Miy"' 1'.0l\l'. r...i.r ~..,rm.i. out that · akhoUlh the taz rate nmafnl. the same, more bicocM wtll bt -lied this year becoult of a D perctlll 11Kru1e Ill the dty'• 1-.ad valuauon. ' Show a 'Loser' At Box Office 'lllltvll prlad their way Into the c.lll1llo 1'111holill In San Clemanta •.nd atole 1211 In !!cite\ racelpls, police ~ad late Monday. Police said the theft lrom a ... h bor wu dlocovered by memlMn or the Uttlt theater lfOUP· Tilt tlllaf or thltvn prl4d open a dooC' in the north•tft .,... c: tht bulldtnc, then took I ael ol keys Jn the area ol the kitclleo. From !hero they went to the Uclcot booth and opened a cUI bo•, 1lea!ln1 lht ca.ah H1Ceived from admi•ldons to the <UITent production of "'Ille Fan- IQ!kb." But becaUlt of that project's lower priority rating, money from 1tate bonds may not come to the district until next 1prln(: Supervl90n acknowledged recelvlnl 71 telegrams and petitions bearinl 449 signatures In opposition to the ordlnance. At the hearing peraons oUerlna con\rll')' testimony outnumbered those clvin& IUP. porting testimony about two to one. Several perlOllS from .the CoWIA !!eights area. nol'th ol TUltln. apoito,Ja favor· of the ordiDance,. ~complalikJc ·primarily about the nolae ol blh riders; Mrs. James Gable ar(IUed that beautiful, rolling hllll aro. beilll ~ed lllld delJUd. eel by bike trolls. Meanwhile, the dbb1ct'1 s ta d e n t populaUon conUnuea to 1tretcb the lactutlea housing· the children. She Aid &be bellevOI aoclety ha1 beet led Into too much pennlsslveness ,afld lhal the ordinance which respecla private property ii needad. When Mmo Fonter Junior Hip SChool opens for cluses this fall tt will be 200 atuclente beyond capacity. In adopting the ordinance all four aupervilors present spoke o( the right of a property owner to retain uclllllvt ' Gl-:8,0:K:>:E~ . MONT'.H EN·a . 'SALE • " ' • t • - 3 DAYS ONLY· THURSDAY; FRIDAY, SATURDAY . . MEN 1·s . FAMO'u ·s TIMELY SUITS . OFF $6 men's famous perma-press short sleeve dress shirts •...•• 3~99 $10 men's perm a-press long & short sleeve sport shirts ..•••.• 8.99 _ 6.50 men's ties-great selection of colors & patterns. . • • . . • . • 1.99 $11-$13 men's short sleeve fashion knit sport ~hirts ••••..•• '. 7.99 $9-$17 women's famous label sportswear-tops, skirts, pants 5.97* MEN 'S 7.50 TO $9 FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SHIRTS 4ea Long sleeve. Perma·preas or cotton. Solldt arid p1tt11no. $28 TO $40 MISSES AND JR. DRESSES* •11 Current 1tylea In polyuter knlla and m1rvelou1 bltndt.. ·MEN'S $10 TO $12 PERMA-PRESS WASH PANTS ' -5 99 : . . . . . Styled by 111mou1 maker In neat 1olld1 and livo pattomo. *women'•....,_ avallabfti In ll~1tort1 exOtpt Puicttna a. San Lul1 Obllpo.: ONN A COMYIHDr MOOINa CHM ... OJI UH YOUll ~ cttMll OflJ M*AMDtCAll9 SOUTH cOAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA • ANAHEIM CENTER, WHEIM Open Week J\'lfllts Vntll t pm Open l'la•n ... ., •114 l"rlHr NffM • .. l ----·-----. -~ -··· -_____________________ __:-~~--~<~·-..!:~--------..!. - California, N.Y. Top 'S .harers' Co~ts to Open Cla·ss? • Stmknt Leader 'Viceim of ~brug1 ................. fa•-OoJliilrk:h, a Democratic =•Uk 11 cand.idat, ft om ·, Gib Dlltrlct, filW'el the Wl1 ta a .oter's heart Is tbrooib bll ....,..\, Goodrich, as part of hll cilmpollb, balJubliahed the "Tun Goodrich I aUon Coot. book " Including sucb topical UUes as •Wxon-omics Marinade ," ;·~n­ '"'°"lonal Corny eeer• and ' 5Pin> Agnew 11 Coming to Supper (;ag. aerole.'' Other recipes an "Up the AdmlnistraUon Chili" and "Slretcl>- abuck Cookies." • Jacbon, Mila. J>Olice •~ bled into an intense search Mon- dav ~ht after m report that tU>o ~re• had been ~idnoped bp mm tDho p1'ahed tMm into th«~ of a car. Offktr• said thr ~car IDOi located a couple of Nut• l4tef at a driw·in mooit :.:...0. the "kid~ .. WI an «'° tempi to get the children into the movie withou paying. • The name on the winning Ucket for lllo,,l,OOI •-take j\rlze at th•' Klondike Days e~tion Ul Edmolton, Alberta, was G. Melny· cbult and;J:'tion olfltiala told . ~·-~-he G. G. Mel o! -=-~· couldn't claim the money until be found the ticket he'd misplaced. Monday I.bey told him be couldn't 1claim the money at all. Mrs. Peter Melwyilluk, no Telation, bad pro- duced tbe winning ticket, explain- ~· she bad signed It G; Melny· duit. G. G. took the news with a hnigb. He 5llid be bad ,already &thpped leoldng for bis stub. • • • Four-f:l.old N.,....n Morley of Blyth, land wu looting for. wart lo a drlJ¥tlc enlfaDCe In hi• sl&tel'.a llome prod~ of "CIJ>. derella"--l>ut lilsteed !D•de. a dra- matic ulL To get .-me apnnc into hi" entry onto their "stage," Nor• man bounced on bis bed. But bis sUIJ>Ollden caught on a window 1*Ji, catapaltlilg him out a wtn--d9W· Doctor& say bis Injuries were not serio"us. • Tbe sheriff and eight Wayne County Mlcb. commlaslonen pre- sided it a legal pot-bll11ling party Monday,...lis 600 pounds of drugs, mostly marijuana, weot up In smoke. Each dignitary got to throw brown bags or suitcases full o( drugs lnto the county's giant blclnerator, which was then sealed aDd the fire was turned on to 1,800 degrees. The narcotics dissolved 111, a puff of smoke through the ldant smokestacks. Sheriff William I>ucas said that after a recent haul o! $8.5 million worth o! marl· juana ''our storeroom got over· crowded and we bad to get rid of same.'' Drugs seized by police are kept as long as needed for evi· donce, then destroyed, usually In ~.iou. WASHINGTON (AP) -N"' Ycllt would be the m"1t' benettdi!7 ti.' the NisGa admlmllr,Ouoa'a ......,. ~ plan, wtlb CIJllOmia not lar beblnd, a ,.,....., Departmenl -Of the Impact ol tbe propooal -The deporlmenl prepend .. ~ · lbllna ol bow much -I la le ud moot cltiel and -wwld recehe when tbe propooal -Into lull effect In 1115 ·-provided II pb lbrouP a -Coapesl. New Yori< would recehe $5C.17 mlll1oll lo the lint lull ,..,,, while Cllilomla 1'ould receive 1$11.17 mlllloa, the tabla lhowa. However, N"' York would be ~to_ .. __ _ of ill sllan to local .. ...,..,."" -Cllilomla would pui 00 oolJ $111 million. * * * Treasury Lists Revenue P.roposal WASlllNG'ION CAP) -FoDowll!J II a lllate breUdOwl lhowlng lbe ctty-11,:ct- ty and COWlly-by......ty porllon ' In Califomil of President Nlmn'1 ttvenot sharing propootl u 1lsled by the Treasury: Total Annual Amount 1611,374,411 State Go+ermneut Share S70,550,171 Local Govermneol Sbm 111,113,791 To CU1es 1t,m,l'l1 To Coon11a ll,llO,IJ7 1Ma1 SUn 11 a11o1 Anaheim Colla Mesa FuHemt Gtnlea Grove Hunlln(lon Beach i. Habra lo• Beach_ Loi Angeles Newport Beach Oceanside Oi'lnp Rlveraide Sacramento Sall Diego Sall Franc:l!co Sant. Ana Whittier '127,419 N;J71 SM,041 m ,s12 Ml.tM 175,0IO S,713,700 11,1]0,'J]S ~.m 175,llC :Ml,577 1113,741 1,113,711 11,Dli,Ofl 12,5".IMI 50<!,3'3 281,IIO IMal 5litn to C-liel 1,1111,711 Sl,IOO,liiS 4,llO,Jll ua.m 3,114,414 1.tll,4111 ........ !.....,., ' Government Plan OK'd by British Dock Workers LONDON (UM) -Uoloo dtllPtet _itl ... 17/M~~ voled toclly lo ••• ~-old pirtl shutdown that bu -thls ·llland """" try 11.17 bllllon'ln -trade. They -11~1 to accept .. -packqe offered • 1IJ; • aova 1mient4~ poinled court of Inquiry that would give tbem an addWoDtl !IJ.S miD1on a yar In pay, overtime and ......... Then t1iey voled unanlmoully to reoom- m...i a ...,...i nturn to work nest Monday. Immediately tbe dtcision was an- nounced at tbe end of • -2~ meetlni at ~ unloo bOclqutrters the pound lhol up on tbe f<qllJI u- clw!&e market and prica skyrocll<ted .. tbe atocl: market. : But ucrY • mll1Wlt& G\llllde the haD booed the .,, .. sl!c dtlep!a with iil1<W of ".:>kl out." ·As. the dtltptes arrived for the meiillng, ~'10nphote1nm -main- ly hilm Lo!m>'I ·--demOnslr•ted oulll!le unlqo' 1 beadquutm. T h e y clOmanded rejed!Oil of Ibo peace terms pn>polOd byo' the Court " Inquiry and codlwallonoftbe..sbutdown. They lhouted, booed and held up p1acan1t demindlnc continuation d Ille llilke. 'Jack Jones, tnosport union leader, 11kt:be wu leaV!nc it up to t1ie delegates tbtmstlves to make their own decision. Officials voiced fears that militant docken: in tome porta:, i nc 1.u ding Uverpool, mipt dtcide to -• wildcat wlllbut after Monday. The .Na-Alooclatlim ol Port Emplajom calle4 • meetinl Iner toclly ... -hunloo'sdoclllan.Tbe ..;i.,.n ... "*' --"°' eeplani:e of the' -at Inquiry'• Jll'O' ._., .Diplo111a1 Martha? • Mt1. Mitchell Wants w Spread Love Ll'l'l'LE ROCK, Arlt. (UPI) -lliWq In her Wublnltm --1, the wife of Ajlnm<y Gelleral John N. MltcbeU told lbe lolks 1*t borne "I haft two thtop I would lib to do." "AJtd that.'1 the beautlf1ca1Son of WulJin&lon, number '""· illld number two, I've !!Olien a desln to -k In the State Department." Why would Martha Mlldloll, the woman who called an A r t a n 1 1 1 newapaper ud asked it to "crucify" Sen. J, William FuJmiabt, want to work In the St.le DeporiiM.t! ''To try ta pu\ a UWe Jove In the world," llhe llid. Mn. Mitchell'• COiiill10llll wm filmed by LIW. Roc:k newsman Jim Pltcocli aeveral weekl ago end shown over television station KATV TUelday iilghl. "Gee, I wonder if I C9111d ever do anything ta promote the pd will ol the couatry?" the uid. "I resent the !act that America II not looked UJ>«l u a beaulllUI, woadtrful CW11lry. I ID)!>y the ......... 111 w-.im. and ,Jult talldnr 1D -· the Idea tD of •' llUdden atnact ·me." llbe said ff "" could work. In the Stlto departmlnt and ~t her "Looo In the world" policy 'It -id 1et countriel away from "NCh other'• throat." She said, 11o ........ she p<ohably would rutl fnto trouble from Hthe Oppollitioft" -which she did not name -beclUM ahl bu beea labeled a "cootrovenial penon." '"Ibey have to have .....,body, ta pick an.'' she 1aid. "I happen to be tbt -. 'llley get at the PrOlldent ol the U.atecr Sllles and Ibey 1et at •my ..... hand throuah me, or they think Ibey do. "But they don't. do It. As • malttt ol. f1et. 1 have fun with the whole tbJn&." Cruddy Air Perils East New York P01ller Wanes; Record Smog in DC C .. lf_la '.l'eaperchlra .. A ... -c•tt ...... ,.,.,_ ... - .... -----· IJI tM """""'"" ............ .,..., ........ ................. ..,.,.. ........ G.iHlirM ......... """"' ........ ..... -m1 t. ....i ._ ,_. .... ,., ...... Lm ...... -"'" ...,..... ~ .. , """ .. ••"""" .. ,,..,.. ''"'"· Tiie ,.,..,,lllN .... """ dltflHill '' IM """"""" Clwtc. C!M'9f Mtlt ..... a ........ Wiii " T""*P ...... '" u .,..,.. ""'"""'· T1W ... ..... Ill "' Tiit nlt!ldtf euttNi1i: ~ kflo • .., fr9ln -.. U.t. WMlfllr·tv-c•!lllll ..., "*rtv ttlt wtltl • ftw .UI• ,.,... tl'lunHr!IMwm "'" ... ~ 1111'1• "" ...,ta. ·---·-· Wtrdltlf lhmft "'" ..... "'-(lllCl-11 ,_ ..... ...... ·~ ... ... ._ ··--· -:::-city ... _ ..... _ --::=.""' _ .. _ _, .. --..,._ --....... lttd ...... ·--a -Wt Uke (llY ....... S.1'1 ,rwicltot --·~ '"'""" W•lllllllM """ I.ft ,,.. u .. ... .. .. .. " ·" , . " • .. • .. .. " " .. .. • • .. 1.lt • " • .. ~ " " " ... •• .. • .. ·" .. " .. .. " " " ... " • .. .. " .. " ·" .. n ... • TI N " n • .. • ., " " • " ., •• " .. .. .. .. " " " " .. " .. " " .. " .. " n ., .. ·" '" " " ,. S,ears .. " -" Pl1TSBURGll :(AllJ~ ''111o lal,!.!lr ol .. 17.,...t.ftl·, ..,, -t> 'Ol/,I ...... 'lild "llbat ~ Alt\lol wlWs cinli ,..-,bad -~· to ittend the l\Jnlral illld •loot. al bil aon lylnc In. the collln. .. He wu ~a wonderful llot."· the 11-. Jostph FaUuti, uld ~ at the filMtal of hft . IGil, Tbomil J. Faullli, "I had tD tlndl at hope for him." Homlclde delecllves said lllt yealll, -..... pr<lid0t0of'hlilqll *'!>I graduallnll ~llsl·lbil )lltl•yar, tli>t blmielf at bil homt. • Jottph Piiu!W llld .,..., will IVY •gave hint iiOIMlbiiof lo . ....ta (lu t January) and It jull -• from there." He uld' by late Marcil• earI1 April1 tbe boy WU boolod e \llnlll• Alter ._....,, belns:--,Ill April tbe ~ • Wit.\-..... Ibo dnl1, wblcb.-111 -·-llnl hlnt·about I'll• a,; !!'!!"!!'!!!!!! " . .. Sliding Double Doc!ra, .,..Suite· Slope Roof Lawn Baildbis SeanLow, Low Price· 7488 • 170 ... fl, incl"!* ·8-··11- • Co~ 0£ .,i-ioedpailltM-L DoeblMlhbecl pueb e Alhrloill·wlth. ~ irina ' . . Alli: Allon S-.. Co ..... int·Ctodit~ . "' OFFr~w.·· ' ' - ' '. . • .. '• . . ·: :• . . . . . .. ·: :> .!~ " . •• ;, ~ -. • . -· L " •• ., ' p A4I tr111 Filf " a ·n toll •ho Coo the1 da~ Wef Hlli it.< V™ fore Pen con .... viU T up' ~ Phr 50 r ... , ~ ~ Bro Ph• thrc pl al naU No worl nlly newt PILC " ~~ " .l ----- -. . . --. ___ ..,.,.. ~:~,.~~ """" .. ·~· ,-"""'" '"" "'' I . ~ "4~JJ~lt . o'~-f-"~lve . ~amhodi~ ·Troops· :~e Kirii~QtAr.ea . ' • I t . -. ...... ,. :. ~ , ' ,. ~ • ' , ti-. 1 ·• • ' PHNOM PENH '(UPI). -inwlona. . A,, force .o( 3,000 «;ambodlan · Bric. Gen. So at h'~ n e "!'!1111 • gijld"1, by a U .s . ,\Ir Ferolillde•:commanc1e1 oi the F!l;~ spotter 'plane , ·opeped 2nd military '•diotrlct, said ,be a ·new otlensive·toctay to lty to'~Pture the r'aln ·and fog had uked.ror U.S. air support shouded Kirirom Plateau from for the assault <>!-the Plateau Coplm~J }or!es wtiq ~~ot bµt had had no 'reply: He the,~. r~1!!1& b:a.ckwar4s '))es· sa~d, howev~, that Americ•n d~y: 1 · ~i; · · · · aerial recoMalasance ha d Th! Pta1eau~ ·ss 'qiil~ Sqyt h-. ~n "verf. ,helpful'',' in plan· west <;Ji P~ip Peith, coriµ"o l$ n1ng the attack .. HJ'gh'Wa~~ t to ·'the ~a ~and Fernandez est.imat~ there HS occU~iCfri bf "tlie OOrtli were· at leak 2,000 Communist Vi~tnirdese~'-'and Vl!t C6ng troops in J,he Kirirom area forces threatens p h n 0 tn with other .·.~Jl!ents in the · Ptinh'lf irflpoita"Of oil and other surroundln~;countryside. CQn\rnOifttties '.amf jeopardizes Fernande; .a.Ud Cambodian s~eral tmrJOrtant factories casualties iff the battle which \iital to ·canmoaia· war ettort. seot them,. flee.Ing ( r.o m The '1tack ton:e was made, )5.ir,irom werp, at,Jeast '20,klll.ed • up of five battallona of rgovern-: ~ 40 wourided'o mostly from ~ ~. ip~udin~ three ,l~ mQrta~ altacks. tiiili :&'MaliOns -rushed lroJn -Cambodian troops, some of Phno~Penh in a CQOY.OY· of whom 8;dmitted they were on- 50 b .'i ·;f~f;\tUC1p: ihe It' 14 ID 15_ years old, told force,' ~y AmerJan-trained UPI corespondent· Kenneth: J. K~·mercen.arles who once Braddick they had fought their . f~;lh,~tb .VJetnam, waS ' way do~n the' heavily jungled ~·g·,ifp ~ 3,090 toot mou~~ ~nta~ ~l<>Pe!5 when driven LJPn•t.i.,~the n;sqrt town: out-,of IGrµ-om on Tuesday. o~·~ _.,.th~; . They said nve trucks loaded o&'·Pbilo.fn··lf'eDA .• •· J ~· '· • ..:~ Witt) ammunh.ion were aban-itiithe: MS~.gathered for Poned ~ause or heavy sniper t.hifiiisavlt'; i U.S. Air Force-. tire .and· that one truck was Bronco spott~r ~P~C. and F4 destroyed ~y the Ca!U~ii,tns Phantom Jell .. were. seen to .. p~yen~-~ts·~Wrtg·into Co;m- thcough th i! cl~\141,~~· ;Ille'' t!".wust· lii>Jidt\ Four other plateau, a~·~~·~l a~·c~s . wtre -~ out this naissance '~•tb d.. · · eilc :.... .mQtning. \I-·· • ~. ·• · ' · ' ; ~.,, t .pt.-Nhffilli:;Luoe n, CQKnr .. Sharon Tate Chari~• Watson Susan Atkins . UL'l 1'•1t~IMll1 Petricie Krenw lnkel 'Love' Among Family Told · ' .. . .. ~VICIMsdiJ, .Alif 291 1970 • DAILY PILOT 1J THUR., FRI.,. SAT., JULY 30, 3'1, AUG. 1 FURTHER . REDUCTIONS FOR A .'COMPLETE SELL • . . ' . . • •• 'l OUT. THIS EVENT YOU CANNOT MISS. SHOP NOW F9R BACK TO S.CHOOL. Name .Brands We Sto'ck CARTIRS • N~N~n1 ·e _HIAl.TH TEX • LIVll' e llLLY THE KID· e CINDERl!LLA e .OINNWAY •CATALINA e 1()11119v'• 'LAYMORE e MAY KNITTING.• :LOVE e QU\L TI X • HANG TIN. • P1:1:1RSON . · SALE · . . .. 3·""" .. . . , \)\.'(. u~,. u~so~"·b. ~~' s'tii."'1.!'> 11'\JA. SP 1 ,, . . ·"'"""' ' Q ~. . •. ~o"'~ .... EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE REDUCED IY AT ; LJAST 20C¥o '.'f m·&nder ·of tbe~J49th battaUOri " in~ay's attack; said it Woa1~·. :· ~ "very diffklult " to retake'· , ~~ heights. The a~tackers Jae· LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Charles Mansoo 's "family" made. group love and patrolled their campsu.~. with guns· and walkie.talkie~ be~ause they ·.,r.hat Was . -.yb_y we. ·h~d to. feared attaeks by:. the Black wear black clothes , S-O we . Panthers, a ''fami?'y" member wouldn 't be set:ll. And ithal testified Tuesday1 was .why we ha.d guards. Al· ,. ,._\.,s ''"• J.\.\., . £,11 cept F~!r Tfede Merchandise • . ' ed :a march of If miles before tl,JeY reach Kiri n>ln, pcisslbly tn' two days . ' . · i-~. . , · , , . CHILDREN'S . •' . <'.: .. ;:·'.SHOE SALE Firlit '..: :RED·UCTIONS ALL FROM RE<;>.ULAR STOCK ' . ., . . ~ .. ··~-·-·' ~· • BUSTER BROWN • GERWIN • ALEXIS Ulnda Kasil.blan, 21, the pro. i:iithi ~ .. «·, twO of lrhe .lJl.en · seCutioil'1 stir witness in lhe '· wande.red around with guns." trial of ti1anson and three of she said. · his female fcillowers for the , · .P.trs. Kasabian also. told the Sharon Tate murdefli told the superior court·jllry ~he'womel'I jury of sex orgie\_~in' which took .' tlfi'ruf staft4lng W'at<ilf', : some tw.o dozen members of Cahytnlf · walkle:.l8Jkles ··· ·and the groui>; participated. reporUng ~ck to the camp Mrs. Kasablan said Monsan ii I vehicle passetf.by.1 ~ who made love to her in a ~· 'i41 . rJ:iuls:on iOlcJ hi s . cave the nlgh t after she fir st followe rs ·the BJ~ k P~nthers • met him , instru cted t h c might attack them "¥cause women living with him at lhe ~ey knew we ,. were 's\iper- Spahn 'Movie ranch t.o seduce aware , 1nd that we kJ\ew ... male visitors to.the commune aboot them, and thaf ,they to inveigle them to join his Wanted. ,to do away , wlUt Us lfOUP: .•. ~ause \hey knew we knew ''He siid if. ·~j.v'\vouldn't • µi ey ''.'YCfl ~ofr\g ~ tak~.qveri.';. · join, we ·!hou!dd't give them ' . The.t"famUy" llvtd on refuse ! , our a~Uons," she said. collected ff.om tr1sh barrels r Wlmeri at the ranch spent behind supermarkets • n d INFANTS T-SHIRTS . ' VOi, to $2.00 'ijf GIRLS . FLARES . tY PAMOVS' MA·Klll . ·' '111. 'iO '$6;$0 : . . " . f A.MOUJ · · MAKI SLEEPERS Vi l,·$4.00 Gll\LS . TOPS'-. ILOUSlS · Val to $3.50 ··LI~ .,_.tty 66~ GIRLS ·Shorts & Bermudos v.1: i. $4.60 NllllF '•' ::g·:iw· ·tc-~'.:16 90 Vft•.\i.:: 1 r •V i ro'.: > ·~ ' :R99uli,r ~ · To· $17.00 ltietr lime sharpenin g knives,· restaurants, the yoong woman ·: •5'\11iq ® .. bligy••parts and • 04iil'. • , . •· ·~· ,, • , • ' · <:a11ing for $he babies, she said, · '"We ~d t6• gq•On ·garbi·re~ "ttile the . men repaired dune ruris, ;, She, Said "We us~ to ::., $244 ..• ~ ~ ... :0$ ' _,_, . :;:.· ,. . :~ . {':\ 1 ' . , . Fashion 11l1nd Stort" Only NEWPORT CENTER buggies. . •-.. "ChaTlle told uS not to allow g~ in ' the b a c k of the chlldrEih ·to wRMder in front 1t1perma~~ (nd ~t. Qli loop of the ran c h ,':' she said, , they were throwing away and "because .he t.ho.ught we were take . it home 8,lld clean it being Watched. He told us we and e1t Jt. we· ste 'inostly were being watched by the v~getabl~s . and .. bfown .. rlb'e Black Panthers.!' · ne:ver tn~at;".she ldded: : .' She continued. ''He said the Suppertlme at the ranch · 30 FASHION ISLAND e NEWPORT BEACH • '44·2464 Black, Panthers hate white "was:. funtime." ·she / said .. · ·people and they might kill "We'd\p1:r·.eul41rs and sing .. or klHria pOUr childreo. and.ta k. . . . .. ~ .. . ~ . "~i~.:i;•., J.:•1•. ~.,.·''if ... , .• ·~-.... .; .. ~ . -" ....... 1-~--~""',, ~· .· ·;,, " ,. • • .. " ess·· oven? . . . .. . . ' . ' . ,•. '. , \ / .\ ~ ~ 1 • • ' •••• '· · .. t 'ETELBCTRICITY DO YOUR DIRTY WORK INSTEAD; ob'~·f~tl~k y~ hbad in that oven! Sw~h to an I oven that cleans itsel f-electrically. For Jess than ,;;.!;1ilt\ler~~ity v.;rn cleaD: your own . ;, .a;l!4 yo~.llw1t~rrautoma11cally. And that . An electric range also ~s a cooler kitchen . . Electric heat goes into tile .food-not up the sides of pots and pans. And :wb.cnyou choose an.electric range with a self-cleaning· '9ven, you don't make an oven out of y6ur 1citche1i'! :. ; Se,c your .dealer now. Then throw a:way yb)lr scouring 'brush and live tl)c good " '·. means totally clean. '·''."And'wlierl'yop.r r~c is electric you ~q.\~.aow~ on clCaning you; kitchen, too , A 'llamcless electric ~·raD'ttcre.rtes 'n·o by·P.roducts of . · combustion to dirty ki tchen walls, clean 'I.ife:--d~trically .. sJ. :e ... Sotithern C./lfOrnle Edl80n •· t ·. ,. SETS 1 Val . Jo $1.00 s3~6 ' ' ·.yo• .., .• t4w'.U :·,I , Strell....-Hltl CMirs Cer. Seoh "'' •. , , . ~w.111.........,111,.n-· F.tMouS MAKI INFANTS Diaper Sets LIMITED 9UANT. Vot. to $7.oo .... , .. s3~,·- IOY5 .. Sw•attrs PULLOYlll:S • - · »CARDIGANS ~ v.1. to $9.00 ' •3'71 . t.llilltM 'QU•nf,ft.Y ' Gl~L$ TOPS ••• BLOUSES v.1. to $6.00 GIRLS Raincoats Vol. to $4,00 $ 00 1 'LIMlt.cl Ou1ntlty Tet141ert ·o..y v.1. to $3.50 •1·29 PAM OU I M ... I IOYS SLACKS •.. JEANS Vil. to $5.00 $199 '"""''" Qu•ntlty IOYS SHlltTS. T-SHIRTS · Val. to $4.00 s1~ ... Quantity BOY'S SHORTS . ALL SI~ Val. to $4.00 FROM OUR PURNITUlll D•PT el C~. ~~ w.r cemitlete llns .r Chlhlren'• Purftft.re, •M ltvy +new •t . , , "·windC!!'s\and Cllrtains.• l.L"",••' •• }!';.' . ' . ' 3 ·ocrooFF : ,J •• ' . "' ~..... .. , "' .. '·. ' ' ., .. I . . . '" . . "*" 411114uaa:; nn•: ' . . ' . .. • ! ' · B=ink,Am~rlca~cl-Ma1ter Charge-Cienr,Y Ir Ou~ OWll .. ·2300 HARBOR BL.VD~ (HARBOR CENTER> HARBOR BLVD. AT WIL SON ST., COSTA MESA 545.1440 • ) ' ?. l , . " .. .. ' . ' .!. • • • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL P~~E • Muddling th~ Motions • -ActlviUes o! the La1Un• Beacti City CouM:U are be- ing clouded by lax procedures. , Oa 1t least two recent occasions, the exact wording &Del Intent of molioDJ idoplad by the counc;ll have been mlsunde1'$lood, or interpreted in different ways, by re- port.en covering the council sessions, by members of lhe city slall and by councilmen themselves. In both instances there were marked dillerences in notes taken by reporters, in the formal minutes of the meetings and in the councilmen's own \Onderstanding of wbal lhey had voled for. Tbe problem seems to stem from a tendency to follow presentation of a motion WJth meaod.erinR dis. cu.ssion, includi.pg a variety of suggestions for varia· tiom of tbe motion. Then a vote is taken. without re· 1tatement of the motion . Some of the "su2ge1tioos" seem to make their way into the official mot.ion, as eventually recorded in the minutes. Others do not -occasiOD6lly to the dismay of councilmen who thought their ideas were included when the vote came around. Discussion of a motion is, of course, very much in order. But it should be followed by precise clarification of the action to be approved or disapproved, immediat· ely before l~e vote is recorded. As things stand now, 'an a ttempt to discover exactly what is included. in the action can produce up to three different versions from council membei's and city staff, each prefaced by "As I understand it .... " More careful parliamentary procedure would be in 'order, since some of the legislation being handled by the council touches on very sensitive and controversial areas. Misunderstanding also can cause embarrass- ment of the staff called upori to administer the laws . A recent example was the voting on Mayor Richard Parents Feel ~Cheated by f , Dear Gloomy Gus: ;;Rejection l . .. -'· • ,. : Follo.,.ing a college commence!'nlnl :: Jast a)Oltlh, I was aaked J>y a ~tudtnt • to nplttln why parents art so "bitter'' 1bout the breaking away of·youtb from . tnditio~al .patternJ and Wn.Uy bellels. •_. .. , coWd understand it," be •said, "if .' ~ Idell did bad t)>lnp, d"1r0yed prop. ."·erty. or dropped out ol IChool. Bui • I'm not talldog about -._. I'm • ~ ,talklq about the studentJ who beblve • tbe-ves. get pd gr-, bol simply -.n...,... with their ponall' value. and ·~Jllwtyles" ~ ·-! THI PAREN'ts ARE .0 biller becau1e they feel aomebbw dleated cMJI of. the fullness of t h e i r roles. Parmta like "t' .. lhlnlt lhll the; • hive handed down more lhln material·'f advantJ.ges to their children -that they have posed on a way of life, a sense of values, a .·.moral or spiritual heritaae lhaL confers t. upon them • kind of vicarious im· ~• • mortality. This is their hope, pride, vani- :~: tr. call it wbat you will ,_ ! ; iAnd this Is where they feeJ rejected :::.m humiliateCI by their children -who •:!accept money from them, but nothing ... ; die. 1be parents cannot b r l n g ~~f thtmselves to believe that everything ·!lthey have stood for and worked for j;tcounts for lltUe ia the eyes or their ::1chlldren. ·: !:i THE QUF.STlON IS not a rational _;:matter Of who ii "'right" but an intensely • lt would be great If the American Civil Liberties Union lawyers were as concerned about the flouting of law and order in the Woodland Drive incident a.s they are about »<ailed poll« brulallly! -C. s. • ""' ..... ,. t'tNCt'f' ........ ........ -. .........,.., .._ .I -. acw e•ir. ,..., ""' "' -..... .....,., .... O.lly , .... emotional .matter ol servfua the con· tinuity. Parenti pllJI ind hope for eon· tlDulty; they Hie to feel that when they art aone • l*ri of thermelvet will persist la ~ a!Uludes, approaches and values of their cblldru and grudchlldnn. A.II thb ia· belni rejected today, 1n 1 Wic way that has no past parallel: 9f oobrse, each 1eneraUon hu "revolted" . ~the provioul one, but lbe preaenl geilerft¥m is quesUoliing fun~amentab and ·tieohdes in ; a manner that is uolquely. new-andf quite frightenin( lo the lldei' generatioll. \ or COURSE, WE need more in· tellectul comPrehensk>n on the part of the ]>¥UlS, who must open their minds to u,;-n ew ideas of youth: but we alao nee4'more emoUonal comprehension or<the part of young people, who ha\'e an equal obligation to ope11 \heir hearts to the shriveling expectations of their parents. I happen to belle'(e lhal the value system of the youth -crude and in- articulate as it is -is in many ways superior to that of their parents: but precisely becauSe the Young see further and clearer, they must try to reach their parents, not reject or repudiate them. "Nobody listens to us" is the complaint of youth: it is also the dirge Of older people, who feel reduRdant today as never be!ore. f Case for Sentimentality • Goldberg's seven·poinl program, with parUcular refer· ence to the controversial housing inspections. A suggestion by Councilman Ray Holli) that the inspections be conducted at random throug·bout the city, rather than confined to a specific area, which .be and at Jeast some others present thought had been tn· eluded in the final motion to approve, was omitted !rom th~ motion included in the minutes. Controversy over lbe area inspection procedure has been flaring ever since . Follo~ing recent voting on investigation of the Woodland Drive riot there was confusion as to mak~up of the committee of inquiry and its precise relationship to the formal police investigation . Three versions of the voting later were forth.com· ing each with the "as· I understand it" qualification. TigJltepihg up of council procedures ts in order. Safe San Clemente For the. sixth straight year 8an Clemente has had no pedestrian traffic fatalities-a truly noteworthy rec· ord in these times when deaths on the pavement are so commonplace. Police Chief .Cliliord Murray recently accepted a citation for the admirable record donated by the Amer~ ican Automobile Association. Five similar awards for previous years already hang in city hall. Considering the topography of this South Coast city. the high level ol pedestrian safety is indeed indicative of achievement by police, pedestrians and motorists ~& . .. Hilly roads, \Vinding streets and blind corners abound. yet, it seems, San Clemente motorists and pedestrians can travel them with safety. s 'That's i_t. Concentrate on the pretty little trinket •• .' " Hayakawa Bas 'Extretnely Go(Hf, Idea' A Work Interval After High School To the F.dlt.or: Dr. s .. I. Hayakawa, president of San Franciaco State College, has got bold of an extremely good idea when he recommend.a (DAILY PILOT, July 24) "a two or three year or lon&er interval of work experience between hia:h school and collea:e." Jusl this short interval will give students, the boys especially. an experience .that Is desperalely needed before ·taklQi the final fling at academic training and cboosina: a vocation. There are several reasons for this period of work 'ei:pertence: • FIRST, rr GIVU i youngster an opportWllty \o try out a profession, to cet the feellnc of a working Ute. This ~ can do 1s--an apprentice in a hospital, t 1 shop, factory or business, or oo bolrd 4 ship. How can you tell whether you will enjoy a certain type ol work until you've tried it? 'Jbe job which you really enjoy doing will be the one you not only are happiest at, but the one st which you will be most successful. Millions of youngsters are forced to take .a profession they don't enjoy because i~ was all they could get and marrtaa:e was upon thmi! SECONDLY, 111EY will give a far more mature selection of courses. By trying life outside the academic cloister they will know what tools will be most useful In their social life, what they need \o broaden their enjoyment . Thirdly. by working for three years, they should be able to save enoua:h so they will ha ve spare lime for essential recreation -theater, sports and politics. AND FOURTH, it may eliminate many wbo would not profit from college. It's somewhat or a radical idea but we shall be trying it out on lhe men who have returned from Vietnam. They should have matured pretty fast, and know at least what they do not want to be! BERNARD BARTON • 'Bill ~lust Be De fe ated' To the F.dilor: Lttttrs fTom rtader1 art welcome. Normally writtr1 1hould conwu their messages in 300 word.t or less. The right to Condenre lttttrs to fi' space or eliminate libel U re1ervtd. All ltt· ' iers must include signature and mail- ing address, but names may be with- held on requtsC if 1ufjicWn& f'eatcm is apparent. Poetf'v will· not be pub- lished. or our schools and tbe minds of our children by the teacher uni.om. This bill mu.st be. defeated. The· Senate Education Committee will consider this bill in the very near future. Please call, wire, or write to your represen - tatives in Sacramento at once voicing strona: Oi!position to S.8. 1193. DAVID L. DENHOLM Legislative Director Californians for Right to Work S ad Cotnmental'li To the Editor: The front-page photograph or officer Ron Palmer (DAILY PILOT, July 25) rushing into the hospital with the McKnight infant in his arms after lhe toddler had swallowed • deadly dose of LSD his l~year-old brother had in U1e house depicts tbe quintessential police officer, one whose primary duty is the preservation of life. IT IS A SAD commentary on con· temporary society that men ol this dqree of dedication to service must endure epilheta such as "pig" and .others unprintable. I don't know from whence derives tbe term pig as it is a,iplied to policemen, and have never seen one who needed a shave, or a haircut, or smelled as if he hadn't bathed recently. the country or running for public office are cast in the same moldy mold : they couldn't care less about anything except to get on and stay on the U.S. taxpayers' payroll, which is the highest in the workt. The semantics used by these genUemen are varied and without much common seruie. Even Dr. S. J. Hayakawa would be depressed by the liberties taken with his original work in semanlics. THE POP ULA TJON explosion and lhe pollution explosion are bad enough in themselves , but the semantic explosion is something new and will have to be considered before we worry about the other explOslons, includi.n& the atomic bomb, which is lklw--old bat. A. womal'l wr'lani in : a· promlnent woman's magazine deplores the use of semantics in everything from lhe person- nel man who calls a floor scrubber a sanitalion engineer to punks like the "late" Robe.rt Strange McNamara who sajd the illegal war in Vietnam was a "program" which has already killed more thaA 40,000 Americans. LOOK THE WORD up in the dictionary and find that •·program" has something to do with entertainment -a show, or circus. Now we could hardly call 40,000 dead Americans a circus. Semantics is going to have to go. With due respect to Dr. Hayakawa, ''Tell it like it is, man,'' is the coming thing. S. G. UNDINE Plan for a F r eema11 To the Editor : I have been following the progress of the freeway fight ,through articles in the DAILY PILOT and I feel qualified to speak on what I have seen and heard. So far the big argument against Assemblyman Robert Badham's bill ii aa:ainSt deletion of the Pacific Coast Freeway from Belch Bou1evard (Hurt- tington Beach) to the outskirts ol Newport Beach. Reason~ We need a ftteway, and badly. I couldn 't agree more. away from Newport Center. But the lrvine Company is only one party in thiJ fight and should receive no extra comkleration. Here, then, is a plan for a freeway: Along Garfield A.•enue, turning Northeast past Ward Street, joining the San Diego Freeway, running along the Corona del Mar Freeway and down Bonita Canyon, then joining iis adopted route through the San Joaquin Hills. With this plan lhe Orange, Newport, and Corooa del Mar Freeway1 will carry less traHic and their endings will be le!I abrupt • DAVW G. PORTER Communist Co1Upfr ac11 To the Editor: The iime has come for the law-abiding citizens to recognize the thin blue line of' police is the only bulwark protecting our freedoms, lives and property against the lawlessness, anarehy, and the hordes of revolutionaries, ylppies, hippies, lip. pies, and every other ippy out to deslroy society and our way of life. The police today work under the wont or conditions with the Supreme Court deciMo• f1voring the criminal and tying the hanfts of the police. They are un- derpaid, overWorked, malia:ned and under continuous ab.use of the worst kind. EVERY POLICE action is under con- tinuous attack from the ACLU, Com - munist Party, SDS, Bl1ek Panthers and every left wing group in the country. Hurling its police brutality charges, the ACLU mounted on it! red charger, comes galloping in evety time the police adlon involves the hippie element in Laguna Beach. 'ttie law-abiding citizens must be aletted and be infonned. J. EDGAR HOOVER has warned us over and over or the two-pronged attack by the Communist conspiracy 1gainst our police. · 1. The big. lie technique, hurl the police brutality charge to discrtdit the police. t . I Bennett Cerf, chairman or the board of Random House and aomethina: o( the canllnlJ.archbishop of the publbhlng trade, occUionally bypaaes his efficitnt publicity 1pparatus to personally endorse 1 new book. The last time I heard There are very fe\v individual~ who fully understand the tremendous threat or compulsory unionism • . . and the effect It would ha ve on our school teachers. T'm sending this urgent letter lo mobilize opposition to a bill which could result in teachers being forced lo join a union in order to teach our children. BUT IF THE term la used with a connotation of contempt, it seems to me more appropriately applied lo some- one w.ho would st.ash a quantHy of dangerous drugs where a 20-monltHlld baby could find them. HANK OSTERFE!.D BUT AS I FIRST understood It, the bill does not and will not leave a gap betwC£D the two freeway sections, but only deletes the presently adopted route, realigning it somewhere between Garfield A.venue and Adams Avenue in Huntington Beach, joining it lo the San Diego Freeway for less than two miles. running it along the Corona del Mar Freeway until It reaches Bonita CMyon , then running It through Bonita Canyoo, throujh the du:np site, until it joins the adopted route in the San Joaquin Hllls. 2. Demand the establishment of civilian police review boards, to clmunvent line of command by police chiefs, and to break the morale of the police so they become ineffective. • r • • : • • • ' • I I • from him he stated bis case for Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood." This aason it la "My Father's House," 1 memoir by Philip Kunbardt Jr.. an editor of Life mquine. Quite different from the Capote. ''In a year where many best-selling books are cofnpUationa or four·letter words and suual perversions," Cerf writes, "lhla heartwarming story of a wonder!ui American f.l!nity who love elCh other and the world in which they live bearieoed me enmmoualy, Ind Its unuhamed aentimePlllity and respect for min)' of the thina• in life I value. moot bJ'1>lY lett me mbty~ed." JAMES AGEE'll "A Death In the FamJJy" wN a rare book that left one mi.ty .. yed. Thomfoll Wllder·1 "Our Town" WU anotber. Moat O t h·e t beutwarmtn carry a Reider'• Digest -llllfan-Cer!'a polal, I thlnlc. 11 thal good ,._ -lme1111llty 11.UU poosible lo c:ome bJ to thll agllated new IOClely. ··My r.u.r•a lloule" II olcJ.l"hlooed· 111-Amertcan IWOOlnesl Oil«! "'°"lated with the paiflllnp of Nonnan Rockwell. lVeU ....e and honetl. Sunday dinners, f1mll)' rltU1lt. °'riatmas and humor 11111· ii __. black. N..ial1ia. TbeJ --. -'. don't write books like this any morll. Yet here it is, as the publisher almost desperately emphaslut. Kunbardt's memoir incubated in an intensive-care ward following a heart attack at 40. A few )'tars previously his father had died at U after a similar attack. Rummaging around his father's desk, the son came face lo fact with the old days in a New Jersey home, The Hlll THAT'S ABOUT It. Written simply wlth r1n affection and nol a algn of anythini like a generaUon 1•p, you can't ariue with It. Enjoy It Ill while you can, Kunhlrdt aeems to say ; for there u '° little time. Tbif i8 more th•n vintage Readu's .Dlgell. It II a penonal. haW>ling, almost • lllh Cenlwy kind al booi. l -gnlu Bennett Cerf's bun1er !or a -.tement of otd llld no doubt lacllnl American v1lues, ind thlt a slm!W hunier '"10111 many mkSdJNging rMden e z I 1 t s • Obvioo.sly nol u mtoty .. yed 11 the publisher would like me to be. r rtmAln neutral, if not indlfrertnt. In all this. I simply . pass ak>ng one man's e,.. thusiasm (Random Jlouse ; JS.IS). WllU.ant HOJll California teachers' right to tea ch should be based oo ability and dedication . . . not union membership. Senate Bill 1193. now being considered by the California Legislature, represents the grtatest single threat to the concept or freedom of choice and academic freedom ever concei\led by ora:anlzed labor. Passa1e of this bill would open the door for compulsory Uhion shops for •II tearJ;>ers and public ICbool tmployes. This woul:d mean the eventual control ~--'' B11 Geor9e --~ Otar GeOrge: 1 noticed your column offering your ~rse In memory im· provement aaid, "Fill O\Jt Coupon" below? Old yau ACTUA.IJ.Y forget lo include the coupm in your offer OC 1 courH in memory lm· provtment ? GOTCHA! De.Ar Gotcha!: \Vhal course In memory Im- provement? Draft Ille Women To the Editor: Yes, we women should be drafted into service. Just picture a high school a:irl wondering what her draft number would be wben she becomes 19 years of aa:e. I thJni: it would make a k>t of girls think before they leap! We could also make a law a girl cari't 1narry until she is past the draft age -think what a blesaing that coold be! As long as the younc people want a change, let's help give It to them . l'D RATHER have my girl drafted than walking around town without ·" a bra. J wlsh the DAJLY PILOT would ask ua women lo send in a yes or no on whether womtn should be draf'ttd. I am serious. Sa:nelhing has to be done for this country and if I cou ld. I really would lay down my apron and go into service ror my country -my own U.S.A. .. CONNIE BARNETr 'T~ll I t f,lke It h, ~Ian' To IM F.dltor: Pollticiw -.·ho are now either runnlna: LAGUNA BEACll ls not affected. ex- cept. -by del1y, which could be remedied • by IUppOrting the change instead of flgh!i"I! 11. HW1tington Beacll gets a • fretw1y either way. If Costa Mesa is really worried about loslng tax:able prop- erty, why not run the freeway near thP. Santa Ana River before it joins the San Dle10 Freeway? 1'he Corona del Mar Freeway is alrtady planned for. and nmnlng the free"•Y down Bonita Canyon to the adopted route would divkle no city and not drive property values down. Rt.sidentlaJ Fountain Valley need not contain 1ny freeway. THAT LEAVES the 0 range County Board, of Supervisors Hd the J"lne Compa ny. The former~ls "1nvestig1tlng" charges that It no longer supPorts Newport Bench. The lrvlne Compll ny stales that any cballje will dri ve lrafno THE COMMUNIST objecti ve is beini purSued and carried out by the left wing across our nation. It is happening right herll. We must meet this attack head •• on by jnfonnl.ng oul'!elves and olhei-tl ' or the tactics and .strategy in· volved. In addition we must give Ml mori\1 support to our local' poUce. EDWARD C. LORR Clly Councilman ' .. -~-- Wednesday, Jul7 l9, 1170 Tile <ditori<JI pope oj" the Dally Pilot 1eekl to inform and 1tim. ulau readm b~ pre.sentino tlW n1101paper'1 opiniom and com. ""'1""1/ "" topics of lnt<rcll 11t1<1 nuntfit:ane<, by providing • forum for the t:rpreuion o/ ow f'eadtn~ optntom, and bv pre1ewtino U.. dfffnc view- Pointi o/ informed oblcrver1 mid fPOkesmtn on topfa o/ the day. Robert N. Weed , Publisher , .. '. • ---------------------------'Pandora's Box' Anti-warE-ffOrt Killed in Panel IENTO IYP)) -An , ljlU Bill G-(l>-Loo J.n. _,.. ,_y. .-> dlecl Oil a V-11 ..ee of ' Ille lndodiie. confik:I iiZ' ud .,._ -~ ·-'of lhe iefi,Jature'r ~Ith ooe llepubJICln sup-, • lhe plan. ·~-and defeated a biU Democrade s u p porter s jrohibiting California service-made a flltile effort lo lraep It men. trom being requ1rec1 to anVe b7 asking the colllllilitee npt In ..-lared foreign lo ~der Its action. , wan. Opponent! of the measure by Assemblyman John Va,.. coocellos CD-San J0&e) char- ced it would . otien "a Pan- dora's Box" which would al· 1ow all states to 'chlllenge the aulhari(y ol ~ 1-.1 gov-emmen~ J · · 'l'be bUI was baaed oo a law re«ntly enacted by the Massachusetts 1eptature. The law ia pending beftn die U.S. 5?.proroeCoort. £al1Iornb servktmen, un-"!r the Vasconcellos bill, would be prohibited from serv- ing 1n aa. undeclared foreign ,._. -such as the one in Viet- nam. ~ Vasconcello& bill and a timllar ineasure by AsJen1bly- Assemblyman no. Mullord OW'iedmoot) Initially voted lat lhe biJL But he and Ao--5ym111 William T. Bag- . tey Rafael). who said he f it but wu ab1tnt wbm lhe first -was talen, did 1* return to the QmUJ\it- tee to suPPort the move to keep the bill alive. The measui'e WU fntended lo su-1 the M-ls attempt to have the supreme Court rute on the Constitutio~ ality of American Involvement in the Vietnam War. State Panel OKs School 1 System Split ~st Seeking sAcMMENro <UPI) -• I Calif • The Senate Finance COm- j Orma. miUee Tueeday night voted I lo <1ereo4-.U1e Ille '50,000.sto-Kill Suspect dent Loo Angeles CJty Sd>ool District .• SAN WIS OBISPO (UPI) The commiU.. approved 1 · ~ Search for a man suspected bill by Sen. John L. Harmer of killing one hitchhiker, (R-Glendale), and sent it to wounding another and kid-the upper house floor. naping a girl was concentrated It would divide the district Tuesday on the A t la n t i c into 12 smaller subd.istricts, seaboard. cotnpoeed Of locally elected Sheriff's detectives said it members, who would send was ' learned the suspect, . representatives to a large cen· Herschel Andrew Gay, 26, fled tral board. The preseli school California by plane three days board wodld be abolished. after the hitchhiker was killed Dr. Julian Nava, president on July It. of the Los Angeles School The kidnaped girl, identified Board, opposed the measure as Eve Hindin, 19, daughter on grounds the plan was sim~ of a New York furrier, ls Jy "a hodge podge of ideas" still missing. which would not improve John Dilday, 19, Pl.ne Blufr. education in the district. Ark., told Officers Gay shot "It may not be so easy aDd wounded him for no ap-to put Humpty Dumpty back parent rea,son and killed together again" if the district Russell C. Volpit, 18, Van is divided up, Nava said. Nuys, Calif., after he gave Also opposing lhe bill was them and the girl a ride. • Robert E. Kelly. superin· ~ picked them up in Santa tendent of Los A n g e I e • Barbara and the shooting took Schools, who said "there is place JI miles north of San absolutely no support for it Sim~, deputies said. anywhere." l\!,'!-etfl SPECIAL PURCHASE! ,, Fi.rm Union ' Gets OK'd By Growers DELANO, Calli. (UPI) - Cesar Chavez today won his flv&-year campaign of strikes and boycoUs against California table e r 1 p e growers. His United Fann Workers OrganWng Committee ball n!ached agreement with 26 l_arge growers which will bring as percent or the state's crop under lUllon contract. The growers -including some of Chavez's strongest critics -were to fannally sign the setUement today dur- ing a uew1 conference called by the union for 11 a.m. Union sources said the growers, who raise half the state'a table grapes, had agreed lo siln a poet gt ring their vineyard worters $1.11 an hour plus 20 cents a box. 'Ibe three-year contract in· eludes a no«rike clause. 1'1iey aald tbe nationwide boycott of table grapes. which became Chavez's most ef- fective weapon after strikes failed, would continue against the producers of the other 15 percent cf the California crop. The union w a s negotiatin& with Fresno area producers, the last major hbldouts. Growers producing 35 per· cent of the state's table grapes previously signed contracl.3 with the mtion and have been selling their produce in boxes c:arrying the union's black eagle label. 'AU-out War' Told by Chavez SALINAS, Calli. (UPI> - Farm Workers Union leader Cesar Chavez declared .. al\. out war" on the Teamsters Union Tuesday after it agreed to represent 5,00ll f i e I d workers in the Salinu Valley. Chavez termed the agreement "a Pearl Harbor type of sneak 1ttack" on his own crganizinc e1roru. "This means all-out war." he said. "It means war between the Chicanos (Mex· ica~Americans) and the Filipinos and the Teamsters and their bosses. rt mta'rls the AFLCIO against the Teamsters." Half Tax Revision '.Approved SACRAMENTO (AP) - Half of Gov. Reagan'• $1 billion ta:r revlsion pactaie palled the Senate Tueociay desplte Oemoc!"atic warning! It Ignores a budget deficit ne1.t year and a complaint k "has ~bop Ink than • hippie'• sleeping bag." Debate and a Door vote on the other half of the tax p~ gram were scheduled for Tuelday lfterooon w I t ~ Republicans optimistic o I pusage of the election-year program. Reagan through bl1 press cUJce commented he was "very ple1sed that the Senate has approved the first part or our legislation on the tax reform program to a: i v e California 's homeowners real and lasting property tax relief." Six Democrats were among the 23 votes aperovlng the first half of the governor's tax proposals, wbile-three GOP members were among the 14 no votes. '!be ZS.14 vote wu more than the 21 needed ·lor the first bill but were needed for the second. Republicans bailed p u ti 1 I puuge •s a giant step lowml fullilllng • pied!• lo lishten property tax bunieM • But Democnts damned the package u "nothin& more than a sham." Scientific Navy Needed Says H yl.and SAl'i DIEGQ (UPI> -If scientific advancements are not applied to military hardware, the U.S. rapidJy could become a second-rate power, Adm. John J . Hyland, Pacific Fleet commander-in- chief. said Tuesday. "All of our potential enemies have shown they will use new scientific knowledge in constructing the navies that may eventually oppose us," he warned. The admiral said the U.S. nava l fleet throughwt tht world should be .strengthened because it Ill the United States's primary defense as American ground furcts are withdrawn from Viet{lam aod other forelgn countries. "Those naval forces must have the ability to fight and win •.. there is no second· place that is worth anythllig in modern warfare," he ad- ded. Hyland was he re to take part in change o( command ceremonies Jn whi ch Vice Adm. Nels C. Johnson relieved Vice Adm . J. Victor Smi th as commander of the PacUic Fleet Amphibious Force. See-saw Champs Bay Area Pair Sets Record YOUR CHOICE s1191 NEWI _ ...... _ Cc1•Tilt ... ..._ CHAIGf IT AT YOUR PfHNfY'S 1fHf JIWfUY Dl1UTMINT 1 ~ THES[ VAl.UfS AT Ntr OllE OF TllfSE PEllNEY STOllES! I ~PAii. ~ ..... .....,... llUNllitlUC - " • t• llllOlltCVim ..... 9Clill w: "'* arr-~ I ' S1tOf' SUM>AY TOO 12 to 5 P JI.~ I CASTRO VALLEY (UPI) - Gary Turpen and Steve Cooper teetered and tottered today to a world 's record for con- tinuous see-sawing. "It's kinda wild."' Cooper declared shortly after they passed the mark of 115 hours and 33 minutes which was &et last spring by two youths ln Yorkshire, England. Gary and Steve, who got aboard their board at I a.m. Friday, passed that II 1:33 1.m. today while a crowd of about 40 perllOllS watched. Admitting he was "pretty tired ,'' Steve added that his legs were not as sore as he had expected. The 17·year-old re&idents or this Sao Francisco suburb us- ed a rope system which permitted one to keep the board teetering while the other slept. When they started they had expected to dismount at 10 a.m. Tuesday but that was postponed when the Guinness Book of Records called 1t- tention to the mark set last .•pring. CfJoose One of the Many Coast & Southern Federal Offices to Serve You: MARI OFFICE:ll!I & Hnt. Loi Allglloo• 12$-1351 'WUHlllEll GIWllIICY IUCl!:3933WUel!llO BM.,LA.•-1215 LA. a¥IC CiNIBl: 2nd & Broad'Wly• -..1102 tnnmllCITOfrl l!ACH: 11 Huntington C1"'9r • (71'1 .7 .. 1047 IANTA AMA LOAJI llJMC'E AGENCT1 1906 N. Main St.• (71•) 647""2.57 IANTA 1tONtCA: 711Wflthl" INYd.•383-0746 SAN PEDRO: 10th I. PIOlfto • 131·2.341 WESTCOVINA:-11"""*'9 Cir. •!131-2201 P-CITY: .. IVln""'"llML•-1171 TAlllZANA: 11751 Ventura BoUttvlrd • 341-M14 LON8 IUCH:Jnf'l LocUll •'37·7411 RESOURCES OVER $800 MIWON •• ). DAIL 'f PJL • July ' ranee Save up to 32% on room size and area rugs· ••• 'DlaAce•d' l~V111111•1w7H (IJl&e ... I Add a brigl.t, d.......,otW. ..... to yow,__ ••• 5V2'•8'h' frinved l>eooty i• ..-....i <o1on , •.• ,..,.i.able, tool Orit• $16, NOW '13.88 "Dcllasuula .. 11t•ssa/r•J• plwtll nt pile Comb;.. .. 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Ovrogon backing pteuenl1 sltid. ding. 6' '°und. Ori9. $39, NOW 32.88 'ScaRrya' wool/•ylo• pile Da•f1h deli .. Is perfect fo r 91odern, ~edi terr~nean or co• tei:nporory rooms . .t'6,;x 6'6• in assorted colots • •• 80% wool/20".4 oylon f0< long wear. Ori9. $59, NOW 39.88 • ·- HOW TtlfSf VAi.UiS AT ANT ONt: Of ntEUrt:NNfTST'*ll CANOGA,...... CAittsaAI> DOWNEY ;,UltERTON H\JNllNGTON l!AOf tAUW0CD -TCWt -POii' IEACH OU.NG£ "INfQIY" VENTUlA SHO. 5UNl>A:Y, TOO l21oSP.M.f Art Unkletter Shows You a New Way to Beat Inflation .. _Just .toin Wllh 1 tZSOO bllonco In your aavlnga 1......mt, you Ill oflglbft 10 l>eoome • "*"ber. SUbttantlll nvlna• •re n1ll1bltwhtn putohlP1a many Item• ltloluillng--furllltu .. - ---JIMllY.lllod-n11 on In-lllVll. Pluomanyr'" HNiOll, tnOMY ordert-nfe dopoolt bo .. , ofc. Coast & Southern Federal Offers You These Highest Prevailing Rates:/ COMPOUNDED DAl\.Y AND PAID OUAPITEJllLY.• 5.0Q'Yo-5,13°1° P111book; No Minimum. 5.25o/•-5.39o/o · I Three Month Cetllfloate; No Minimum. 5.75"-·5.92o/o ' On•Yaar Cerllftna11; '1 ,000 Minimum. 6.00,,.·8.189/• ' TWo-Year Cenlflcote; Sll,000 Minimum. 'EffKHve Annu1I Earnings - • INSURANCE TO $20,000 ~.,..,,..,.--.~.-·---·----... .,. . -· ............... .. ---·-----• ., • • • ..--~ , ...... •,•-;_"":'~• ·~-·~:· .·'"~-"!.~'•••.~• •1--:'" I ''• ' ., . ·-. ~ -.. -___ ;;: -·· -u--.... 8 (J)AIL Y PILOT ~--------.-------' ' Friends of UCI Critical of School Oper-atiop,, Faculty 'ly JOANNE llEYNOLDS et .. 0.llY Plllf llllff UV!Nli: -A courao to train Uiltre111l1 ol C a Ii f o r n I a JlPOlt md more emphasis ... the toachiac "' lhiaking have beea retOmmtnded for the ' Universl\y by K e I t h COtorey, outgoing president or tbe Friends ol UC!. Cordrey, a Fullerton busilessman 1s being suc- ceedecl1 by Newport Beac~ resideDt Walter Burroughs as head of the clti!ens support g~p for tbe IJql campus. · He said he did not regard the· ctiUcal sections :of the report as uausual for a cam-reports ol the chalrmen ·()( pus support group, indicating the committees which studied Ibey reflect tile Jl'OllP'• ex-tbe Aclld<mtc Sonata and the panded lfflhere o1 intereol in adminlstratioa. Tbe -d 196t-70.. half c:ontllned Cord r e 7' s "'Tbe outcoln& presidtnt bas reconuntadlltloul always given a 5Wllmltion of Ladt 1J1 w :Reday, the the year 's work to Uie Newport blisinessman \\'ho mem'6en!iip,n he expiaiDtd. was in charge GI the Academic .. This ye.ar my report was Se1ate committee hit hard at 1 littJe longer aad more the Senate's "political" in· formal than usual becase volvemeat a.ad suggested .. Uie we've been more active.'1 Academic Senate av o Id The report, which was sub-political statements and a mitted to • the group's Z50 political J>OSture in the name ~ben earlier this month ,oJ .tbe Uniyenity." was djyjded into two port.iOllS, ., .,e aJso urgfd 0 th.at the The first hair· a>ntained the ·Academic ~nate and faculty IN THE LIDO SHOPPING AREA IT'S -encourage and "8SSist both btu. dent and adult ilvolvement in such pressing and vJtal issues as : ' . -The 'drug cu)turt' pro- 'blem, -The appalling slaughtf,lr on lhe high.ways, -The crimes or violence bellve ·th.It •llJ' SC>cilled pollt- lcaJ postw'e was ever adopted by the faculty group in the name of the University. "The items Usted sound like worthy enterprises, but the Se11ate itself canaot take ther.1 ·up -that's up to the universi- ty. 11 And the one overriding (ac-- tor that cannot be forgotten is that our budget has been curtailed to the point that we might not be,.Jble to operate at all. We 'have no funds tor a telephone :or · paPer or anytbing ·etse required to keep the Senate rwming," Gelbaum said. He said alternate means of flnancini~the ~ty bcidy are being explored. !'It wquld he pointless to specula,le on what' we'll do ·in regard to the recommendatiom wbea we can't be sure of our status," Gelbaum added. BurrolJl)u, a management fairs, cledlnecl to cocnmeal oa COliUltant, beaded tile com-1be admillltratlon aecUon of mlttee whjch studied tbe rim-Conlrey's rtport, stalblg that pus adminlstr>tion, he felt Ch111Ctllor Dlnlel His report .stated that "the Aldrich wu tile only atal! l!ltaff flJQctioning on ,this cam· member qualified to remark pus as an aid to tbe cba!UJ~ it Rt-_._. .. _..... ..., leaves much to be desired; on • r--•·~~ "7 that the aupervlskln 'Jf ex· the DAIL y Pn.ar to contact • eeutlot of administrative and Aldrich were uoaucceaful. academix policies 11 cloae ·to Cordrey'• own suggestions ,~"!~tent. and does aot were prompted by what he tollinr the provem and ac. desci'tbed a. w b o 1 es a I e cepted prll)clpala or good . resignations of u • 1•rs1.t y organiiaU~ operation, and realgnatioos of university · that (the ch an c e 11or•1) on campu1e1. He suggested authority over academic mat-the tmivenlty cbnalder of. ters and faculty personnel is fering a graduate cour~ in •watered dowt' ~aUJe of the u n i v e r s i t y presidential historic divislo1 of authority leadership. in a Univesity." · '.'The course shouij incl•1de Cordrey said Burroughs' regents to tram them in their report did not contain any jotis and to develop job recdmmendaUons becaUJe it classillcatioa standards for . is an interim report. regents u an aid for ap. ·John Spear, director of UCI pohrtment · b Y governors," nl af Cordre said. His second suggestion was that len empbaai> be placed on the accumulation of data and more oa teaching '.'tblnk- ing 'tools' Or disciplines. "To the four major com- mitment. of thll campus to ltJ oludellls ouch u ·c1"velopln1 tile seli-reltant • man, the anal~ IJllllo tile involved man and the morll man, I would suggest ,; fifth - developina the thinking man,"' he said. ~ Mn. ...... .dll 1ap1rwl111 ·tli• ...... tenMI la tile Chkkn Dt.. aer llngwant- Come Pd fl.I ... how "pod • re.I Ot.kk• J>ia,. FOR Silmin·er Clearance Big Savings both on alld off the campuses, ~== -The destruction of educa- alumni and commu ty • . . .. Y .. ---ALL STORIS OPEN.7 .DAYS A WIEK " , 340C VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH .tion.al facilities . and private property, and -The environme1tal p~ blerns of the area." Dr. Bernard Gelbaum, chairman of the A~adP:mi~ Senate, said Reday's repOrt "was done with great vigor and in~lligenc'e and with the . cooperatibn or the Senate." . Gelbaum said he didn't •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ICLOSE OUTI ! HELD OVER •• BY POPULAR i : DEMAND! WED., THURS., FRI. ! • •• i FINAL 3· .-DAYS! : • • • IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL AND CHRISTMAS GIFT· • • WARE WE ARE FORCED TO CLOSE OUT MANY ITEMS AT A SAVINGS • • TO YOU OF 30% AND MORE!!! SOME ITEMS ARE BELO\V OUR • • COST!! BUY NOW AND SAVE!! ALL SALES ARE FINAL! NO EX· • • CHANGES! AN EXCELLENT TIME TO BUY XMAS GIFTS AT TRE-• • MENDOUS SAVINGS!!! MERCHANDISE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE .• • QUANTITIES LIMITED. • . " . : ZODIAC COFFEE MUGS. reg. -1.00 NOW 75c : e COl.ORFll MUG TRW reg. 1.00 NDW 75c • • • e 1 PIECE CONlllMENT SET _, reg. 2.00 NOW 1.51 : : DECORATDR STYLE CHIP & DIP SIT reg. 3.60 NOW 2.00 : : · 5 PIECE COFFEE SERVER SET· · reg. 5.5D · NOW 4.50 e • 8 PIECE COFFEE MUG SET reg. 9.00 NOW 6.50 : : 8 PIECE ANIMAL MUG SET reg. 8.00 • NOW_6.00 : : 4 PIECE COFFEE MUG SET reg. 4.50 NOW 3.25 • • CERAMIC CHEESE BOARDS reg. 1.00 NOW 75c : : BUTCHER 8LOCK and KNIFE reg. 2.99 NOW 1.99 : : DECORATOR BUD VASE reg 1.50 NOW 75c : : ANJMA TED BAR TOOL SETS reg. 10.00 NOW 7 .50 • • AU! 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NOW 3.00 e • FONDUE FORK SET w/STAND reg. 7.00 NOW 5.00 : : 8 PIECE SNACK/COFFEE SET reg. 6.00 NOW 3.00 : : CRYSTAL and SILVER SAlAD BOWL reg. 8.25 NOW 5.00 • 1 : 4 P1CE OLD FASHION SODA MUG SET ref. 6.QIL l!O~ 4.00 : , [ • 4 PIECE SALT & pEPPER SET-SILVER reg. 7.50: ~pw 5.00 : . ) : SILVER JAM & JELLY SET reg. 6.75 NOW 5.00 : . SUMMER ·, ' ' Toy " Ho61ly 'DISCOUNTS ' ' ' . ' * Sale * Karls Own Price Spectacular* Sale * MAllD.'S ' HOT WHEEL . CARS 100'1 toc;hoo1•.from. REG. VALliE 2.37 2 FOR99c REM CO'S FINGER DING · DO'LLS AS SEEN ON TVI REG,·VALUE l.25 ONLY MAllK'S LAGUNA OVAL . SIZZLER . sn REG. 12.00 VAl.UE OLtl' THIS COUl'ON 8 I CUP 1HIS COUPON SHOES SKATES I Dr. Suess Books ' : BMBH •• FRANCIE $4. 99.• auY oNE _ sEroNE Of EQllAt VALUE 1 CLOTHES 1v MATIB. I """ °"" .,_,.. · . BUY ON~ET ONE Of ,EQUAl VAL~ .... -A ...... ,. I ... ....... FRIE 1 I :'.:"..::.. c..,.. FREE• ' • fOfO Amt·~·· 2, 1971 • I ¥OtO AF'IU AU•. 2_ 1971 • ............... --·---~~ --·---------~-----JR. INRATIBLE CHAIR · SLIP 'N. SLIDE '. lhldt,.ater Porp0lse·GcnM ' .._ fer TY w llffcll. JMt tlli• th -"'lt ,.,...,_, "' t• 75 lk ~ lll. $1.47 6 7' GIANT PLAY BOAT TWO MAN BOAJ """" ftty .,,.1ti-tn4 .... .... , •• ..-Ntl .......... ......... ONLY CANVAS SURFER JllMIOHE Sl'ECIAL • NERF BALL P~lnl •OS. ft tlMUTtoNI .... Sl .Jt WARR IASKnlAU A' ml ftimlf •••''" •it' w ................ . ··- .... $11.H TOYS IT , WttAMO .-•• lflp '• INlie ....... ._.If ... ..., .. --u·,.....~ ••· SIO.H MINl·BOAT .. SWIM RING or SURF BOARD .,,,....~ ............. . ............ 91 .,..r TOUI CffOfCI 99: . FllOSTY HASIRO ICE ClllAMBl or s-Coile Machi• c... ..... 11 .. ~ ..... .... .,.. .. .,_.. "-....,., .. ,.,., ., wlllt s..c-~ SWIM SNORIEL or FINS WWM • , • Jt .. ..W ., M· ~ .... -~ .......... ..... YOUI CHO~ 77c ' Diver's Chronometer Watch ,.. ...... 9""..., .... *' ..... w .... ,_.,, hill ..a., I ,_. , ....... 11.M ,,.._ $9'' DILUll MOA,K. AT ONLY -··--··-1J.t7 HOBBIES •' . ·-""'···----.. --·· -:. 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Santa B1rblr1 6741 F1llbrook Ave • • o ··a ·3·1· · ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 _____ R_o._11_J1 _____ A_x_2_.21_ss ______ -_~_· _____ _..;:==------='- ._., aw._._ . .., .• '· • ' , Z PILOT-ADVERTISER Dissolutions Of Marriage • • \ llAUTlfUl HAii ·instant Br.utast •yAaDEM fW I .. lck ... I will oilk. lss'l 1"'81l. --. llC-lie I Ill. ---""'" "' sOid -""' tr. terries ID ail .. 111tc• wi th yo1r prinls .., llri;leo. Breck Basic ""'·'"":.. .. ~'." ..= lr'.:: "" ~ki. Ei>-1 09 -"fly.away" poblmlS. , llc-1~4,u • SEKIMI LADIES' , Hair -Bsushes Ass'I ••• Bauticiari's Hair- styler, Purse Sires, Teasing Styl~ with Rat Tail Har111e. AU in "HOl" Colen. l1ii Ch1ic1 W1lllllN'· 39~. •1 C11q1 ••• AH·m t.tiereomlrt ••• exlla warmtb witlmit weipt. Attraciive special wem wkes it also ideal used ii a throw blanket. • 72"1!1" 1111"1911" 3.99 8.49 Mattress Pad lnl""' ~ ~' 98 111111 Alill T.llh ' Cllln • Eorl • Plflrl c11_, .. , M"ot, l!ott•ICll!d>. Spmiiit I llmofll!llll. ltf.1k I It. .4:1.00 DAILY PILOT • Toilet Tissue Head & Shoulders SHAMPOO ....... ,_ ... ., ...... ~-. loe.1Jlhr.Ja- 1.09 AT ALL Eff erdent , .. UIS DENTURE CLIANSla ltmm1l*1r1 stalu 11 •ltttts. IO'I 1.19 "Ivory" u11110 ror-lfl11f*"' ·''GLEEMD •• ltf,llC 2 ~$1 SIL I SAVINGS ON QllAUTJ Film Pnic"t~ipg : · ,,9 · "Striped" SHEETS Ra inJI 1111Slin. Two~ stripe wittl IOfll color Ion. -J>Jlll'-O>ion. 1'111 l\.IT or flTT!I 2 99 ••1-l41 lid • -.£ FUT " flTT!I 3 99 1111. 4.41 be:' • PILUW CASE 4l"IJI" P11t 2,49 'Tudor Rose' SHEETS English garden roses COWi' 1 lresb while meadow Oii alloYer printed bottQ111 sheet and keep dem1Kefy to their Place on white borders of the solid color top sheet llllM JUT or mT!I 2 69 '"" 2.t9 [Kl • DIMllU n.IT or flTT!I 3 1 9 It&-J.41 &c• • PILLOW CASE 42"136" P1ir 1.69 UCMM lllltlett11 ••• rll'l!cotton mus- lin wjth llllOOth. even tuture balil!lced weawe. Tape sclYages for reinfortement. 11lll IU~ ~ llCI 1.87 -a.r~i;_J~ 2.49 PILUW CASE . 1 09 · •Tiii" Pllr , "No-Iran" SHEETS CAll1IOll -.iallo Wrlllle fr!e ... Sbrl! -~ ... stays SMOOlfl 1111111 llM launderini. ---dry. llOUIUfWornTl!I 2 99 •11-lll IMll • lllMJUhrTiml 2 09 11(.111 bell • PIUOWWE 42"ill" KlllllUT Pl~ 1.59 llCI 6.49 DRUG !!TORES A.M. TO ID P.lll. - 7 DAYS A WllK HIWPOIT HACH 1 .. lllVlflla .. W•lll'I ~ t ... Tml Bed Blanket KOOACllOR 2 49 12 £.<• llMloped " Printtd. . . . . ~ "Wrigley's Gum" All JOUf· fMrite tlrm ••• DOll>ionilL s,.,.- ""' 111-6•.., fr0L • .,. 41c "" If 11 ll¥ll COlfYOIJllfW. .... Erda- . sift ""' flAis~ tut ~ sbed- dint pillill1 l matlint-Bucliful pasttl coklrs ID matcll « ~l&flli&hl IUT SRLllS , , • llolily l*ls. • LP Recants e· 0... MW\ Gill c.n,6el\ !Mn& Strinp ••• Music ~ tit 1 49 . JOO'" every rmod...Omaer -Ill Dancing ID Dreamini. • bc:ll , l'l"D· 4.99 INSra llHllllfT "6-12" Aerosol ~a111>1scy1 .... ... 79c , Keepa b111 U u. "Convert-A-Pillow" New ""'°"" 11 . UI from biting. 1 29 formula. 141 IL • PWTIC Clothes Pins Atlractiwt Ml for ~ .... Al"'1ed mlors. 23c 11111• Siu.II .. I "'"•,. 111. Ut 1.89 1.19 COLONIAL DAMIS Dry Skin Aids lrJ s~. 1rJ 111t Cl11ul111 Clt11tSllll Cr11• L1tl111 •i 1ll ··~ 2.51 IL 13 IL 1. 751.50 1.50 COLONIAlDAMD "6lycerl11 & RosewM"' 1111 lllllL Oii ,, 1111 1llft1t, lllOlt C:-tril~Q - "Aqumi111" lllSTURf l.Ollll ., ...... flow r111rant ~ ••• 1114 Smoot!!- ~~"' HUHTIN•TOM llACH ADAMS AMO •1toelttMUUT cm too. 111>1t - ''""· UsJ ~ .... 1'11-.... ,ned. _,&gee -...11 ... 1.49 lllJ l.ll ''"' r II 11,.. -1.35 ~ HUNnN•TON llACH ll"lllNOOAL.ll AND llOlfllHI 2.99 .. -.... ~ . " ;., ·• 9 ;, ,. ' . ·• It .. a • • a • , .. • • •• ~ ,. " ·• •• ... •• • .s ... ·a '* ·• ,. ·• ->-,,_ $ ~ .. s a • ~ • q • ~ • • .. • .. • .. ,. .. 30 Hours a Year h Spent at Signals ByL M. BOYD marriages, It's the woman who manies the man, not MORE MONEY cblnges the man who marries the haods in crap gamer than il drill. :·m uy other aort of gamble. woman, you get my -After that, it'1 poker, then HE SIF'l'ED a litUe gun-· • ~ So says John Scame, powder into a jar lid. Then , the chance expert , , • AS be poured in some bome1nade TO 'IBAT MA'ITEll of how whbkey. And tried lo light the i:.muc;b the United S~tes spends soaked powder with a match. . to kW di Viet Cone 1rrio lf it toot the fiame, great! ~am ~~ It's now $soo.~ That was 100 percent proof ; per dead man .• , SCllOLARS thr: whiskey ~tained more AT C()LUMBIA Uni...-.ity than lO percent alcohol Such • oonlend their-.. Ii"!" the WU the 1'sl by W hie h avenge woman Joles her tern-ba'ciwoods distillers showed per three times a week. h proof hir white lightning ~that possible? wam't thinned down. And such ~: CONSIDER THIS-Already Wta, the fi"igin, says our .~~-' _..... _.._~e ~e Languag~ man, ol. the word UKUtl\IUC\I UJV9• UUlR;al ,....... "pf90(' ln whiskey. calls ire made by men under • 1 30. Most prinlOd pornography, CUSTOMER SERVICE-Q. _ _. "u-. -.. ~ do •~-pushb·• DAIL'I' PILOT ....... W ltldl.,_, "-""W PRESIDENT GOES OUT TO OL.D BALL GAME A W•v• to Ted •nd Four Hours In tn1 Sun however, ii ...,.. .... ued by men ~-...-llNUI WNDC u .... over 35. Jt'1 a proven fact .ton windows add ·to the cost .almost no women young or ·of a new car?" A. Maybe .'.'..old make llUCb. calb or bey $100 ••• Q. "How many people such literature. But why the worldwide go to the movies -meo·wbo mUe tbe phone calls evll'Y day?'' A. Just about .are nOt the aame men' Who -as many people-as""1here··are· .buy the pomograJi>y ii a in the entire United stales. ·,--'-. R<oeardi -Maybe 200 million • , • Q. H ·igh-I_evel· Fan ·Nixon Shows Sports Love rv_., "Not counting man. what ~ ~ QUBSTION -1 Why mammal lives longest?" A. U.~ .~':""" in "*"'1 The killer whale, I'm told. ~..a ~ to relpODd IO mud! 1>011'1" lo -than , A q!ICAGO ASTROLOGIST do the men therein? claims be . can predict exact race results by casting the A SllIFT BEA VER can horoscopes of the horses, p,... dew bis way tbrougti •·four-viding the races always at.art )ndl tree lnm~ in 20 minutes, preciaely C10 lime. Bui he is Temember tblit • • • N<rrE not rich • • , 04BOW MUCH rr STATED now 41 out ol PROPERTY do the NaUoo's every 100 Americana ~are churdlu own?" lnqui.rea: a under 25. So? Such WIS U• client. Nobody k D 0 w I • adly tbe caae iJ1 . 19111 • • Oiurches don't have lo nport -; JN DELAWARE. SIR, it'1 , m that. Not to anybody • against the law to swear at your qucsffons: and com- any woman except your wife mtnts art welcomtd and • • , THE AVER AGE will be wed in Checking !tfOTOIUST, l t' s reporied, , Up tohtrttier possiblt. Ado wait.I 30 blurs · a year for drt&s ltturs to L. M. Bo¢, lrall!e lie* lo dlange • • B°" JB75, Newport Beach, IN FOIJIL OIJT al __, five Cali/. 92660. .. :Mesa Girl 'Attenw ; DSC Music Congress A CoU Mela &fr! Is one I!! IO ,..... mulici1111 lrom 23 a.tts attending t h e CoftlreSs al· Stiinci' at the University -ol Sou I ht r n C.!Jlamia. ·'Belly Schwartz, 15-year-<>ld daughter of Mr. and Mn. San- ford B. Schwartz of 2IZ7 Nevis llircle, is me of lhe youngl!al member1 attending :t h e <;ongress. She ii a student . at Ell.Inda ffi&h School and "'8Y' the cello. · 'IJb tbt other students at· -.. the Concr<ss. 1he W<>\ 1 IChollntip from th e Amabn Federalloo of Musi- .Coast Teacht<I" . Taking Class ctarw. 'lbl scbotanhip was earned in competitim with IOcal . elaalcal llring ~ lludentl.- Tbe 80 students h a v e pre ... ted two concerti this summer and are acheduled to perform two more times under different pr<>leuional conduclon. The conceria will be ill; Bovard Auditorimn on the USC campus Friday and Aug. 13 at I p.m. County Firm Subsidiary Thomas and .Betts Corp. of Elizabetil, New Jersey, Jw acquired Cable-Scan, Inc. of Anaheim, according lo Robert Thomas Jr., presidlent of Thomas and Betts. Cable-Scan wW be operated as a wbolly- owned subsidiary under its present management, Thomas Baekstaln at · the Western Whi~ House : President Nixon has made little effort to bide his aversion to molt -political wrtten, but sports writers are something el2 agal.b. In r• B'.>lltalgic mood he o_n c e remarked With tomething like regret in his .l'olce that be almost. became a sportswriter himself. Shirley Povlch or t h·e Washington Post and Jim Murray of the Los Angeles Times are among his favorite columnists. The President gets most or hi• news from con- densed summarjes of newspapers, wire s e r v I c e l'f:J)9l1a. and t e le v. l s I o n nencuts prepared by his Ila!! each day. When he picks up one of the 1everal newsp1pers delivered to his olfice tn the White House he usually goes 1b'1ight for the ll!Ortl paga. Not only is Nixon an· arid sportl" fan but for a mm In bis position, a courageous one. He does not hesitate to take sides and 11 an outspoken Monday morning quarterback. He outraged Penn State University football fans Jast year by declaring well in ad· vimce that the win11er of the Texas-Arkansas football game would be the nation's number one colltgtate team (he was right). When he went to the Ken- tucky De!'by two years ago he announced his pick before the race was run {wrong). But baseball and th e Washington Senators are his first love. This may weJI be the onJy time in his life that Richard Nixon has held such devot.ion for a loser. Sevtral times during the: sea.son he slips quietly out ot the White House and goes to RFK Stadium in Washington to watch the Senators play. At other times he lets a first-hand account of the games from his son-in- law, David Eisenhower, who has a part.time job this sum- mer keeping statistics for the Senators .. On the recent trip he disregarded manager Te d Williams' rule baning dress- ing room vislton for 15 minutes after a game aitd dropped by to cqJgratulate the delighted players on "their rare win •• 'Sunday he helicoptered from the· western White House to nearby Anaheim to watch the Senators play the California Angels and sat in the broiling sun for four hours, slightly bettering the presidential en- durance record he established the week before at the all star game in Cincinnati, which went for 12 innings. "I never leave before the game ends." the President v;: plained. "I can't ruin my record now even if it rains." Out of courtey lo Angels owner Gene Autry, his 1->st, the President declared be was neutral at the game. But a curt nod from Ttd Williams in acknowledgement of• the President's broad "ave ·in- dicated that Ted~~ where' his senUment.s really lay. Nixon'• own participation in sparts is necessarily limited. He bowls at the While House frequently enough to have developed a callous on his bowling hand. He manages to have a swim most of the days he is l.n California or Florida and plays an oc- casional round of golf with David or his friend C. G. "Bebe" Reboio. But anybody who has seen him hit a golf ball would know immediately that the affairs of state are not b e I n g neglected. Perhaps the true test of the President's sportsmanship will come when he decides to try for the first time the surfboard his daughters gave him last year. He confesaed recently that he has not yet tried it. A Newport· Beach resident ii among lS junior high ochooi teachers enrolled in a summer institute for general aclenct! teachers at lJncoln Universi-ty, P8. ' reported. r==============================J Cable-Scan, founded In 1919, has developed imtruments for testing cable and harness assemblies. 'lbomas said that Thomas and Betts will expand the operationl of the new 1Ubsidfary. He ii Keith H. Middlebush of 314 Lido Ave., a teacher at Smedley Junior llJih School la Sarta Ana. He will work iri the oreu of ecology and physicalodeoce. For Top Sports · Coverage Read the DAILY PILOT Rough it ... • I AT THE NEW RODEWAY INN NOW OPEN AT COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Convenient to Disneyland, Orange County Airport, Newport Beach. 124 gracious rooms all with color tv, Spanish archite<:ture, · pool, Hawaiian Skillet Restaurant. Ideal family (or business) hadquarters for Southern California. Phone (714) 557-8700 for rete""tions. Located 5 minutes from Orange County Ai!POf1. .. Almost Everyone Beads The Newspapers deliver massive· coverage of ALL occupation groups each weekday OCCUPATION OF HOUSEHOLD HEAD Professionals . Managers Clerical, Sales ' .Cralfsmen Other Manual I Famers 88% 91 85 80 71 70 News~apers reach, in-depth, into all occupation groups every day, 15 this graph indi. cates. But what s~ould b~ ·~•n mo.re i!lte~estjng to:..,dveftisers is fhe fiigh precentage of management, profess1on1I end other h19h·s1!1ry-e1rning types who -ad · d The l 1 , • • •v a newspa .. per every ay. y make more money, travel more, buy· more, set thi stlndards for othe~ to_ follow. If you ·want to play "FoOow The Leed.,," a~•••lise in ••m• other med1u'."; 11 you want to lead tho ~der, put Y")'' meH•g• wherlhe'A read' it .•. with' us, the newspip•. • • ... ' ' I • \ < ' ' I ' ' c • • - I ----~~~~~~~~----------------------------------1111111111 ....... RACES ARE RELAXED AND VOLUNTEER CREWMEN NUMEROUS Sloshhot!kling Fun Wtdll1sday, Ju~ 2', 1970 LEGAL NcmCE ~AL NOTICE . , LEGAL NOTIC!ll ._ • <t•T••ttATI. D• •v11N1n, ""41t ,.ICTITIOlll MAMI NOTICI O• DllMLllTIOlf f, Tllfl Ul'IOfflllMll 9on ctrlll'r flt. k PA•ntlalHll' ANb Off DISCOtt. COllll\ldlilt 1 111111 ...... ti 1"22 •'""111r TtttUAltCt Oii Ull OP •1IM ~I Lint, Hl,H'l'l11'19'oft al!Kh. Call,_,.n&-, .......... NOtlCE IS Hl!Rl!IY GIVI! ttlll Ille fktlflOllf firm 111in. .A I fl I !tit Nrlnel'lhi. toml>OMd 01 tM frll 1110 011111 1Ci.t11 ,,... lh•t .tld n"" I• otll'I· ....-.. 11111 lltr.tolom e,....... 111 llOHd Of """ ltllt•lilll ,.,...,., """'" bu••-• IJflOtl' lfte nrm ,,._ .t MIN hi ftrl 1!1t 1tllcll If f'MldlM• l'~UltST, II '21 Vlsll •1trt, II .. ,.. ........ , ' N I lkKll, C1lllotnl1, llllt IM ... lwel Jtlfln I, . B•ltrt, 1'"2 l'lecWJllY •• of mlclnl1M, Mii\' 2,, 1m 1 rilll t,.n., Hlllll1llltalll 'liKtl. C.Uf, lbll...,...r 111d tlrni dftUntl~uMI , ftlt oet• Jut\' 20i 1m \l$e of 111d n.mt1 •"" lh•f •ti•, .Hl\n I! , ... 11 .. Id llllUolutlon Ill .. .._ Mid •irttw11, Sl•N "' c.ntori.11, °'""" (MW'f~ • to Incur obllt1tleN Jw .. Id t.nMr Oii J111'1' :JO, 1m, ......,.. rM. t ~ 11rm1 ..... Mn\tS "' IN ""'*' '"" l"l.ltl!IC In ll'MI for M141 ,, .... ..,...,.tw !Mir rtlPIC!tw ldcl..-ltli., .,_,.. John E ao...t 11-N Gt~tll P1tlntr lAWlh:N(I!' I . me N be tM ..,_ wi.. ,......... GATll, .,. Vl1r1 l'IOl'I, N..,,.., It IHIMctltltd ,. ,,. wltllln In"""'*'' 1-11. C1lllomlll '2..0; 1"111 tdl,_ltdttd' M tPCl.ltM tflt -· W Lltrillllll 1'1r'I'*'• LAUlltte lf {01',ICIAL S(ALI 900THI. •• Trvtl• Vl'ldt'r I D«:• JIAN L. JOSST lllrel'°" el Tl'\IU •!tll Mltdl I, lMl, Not1ry 1'11bllc • Clfl ftnlll 2UJ Oc .. 11 lel.tlll¥1rd. C.,_ ·c111 "rlM:llll 0tnct 111 Mir, Ctlllor11la nf.2S. Or11'111I COUii,., ott• 11111 tnci dlY .,; Jul'f, lt1' My ~minion IUlrw uwrt11C1 Ii. 0.111 Mlrdl '· 1rn u urenee loatlW "ulll!IMd °'''"°' COid Oell'I' f"lltt, '' Trvtltl Lllldfr 1 J111., 21. Jf 111111".t.velltt J, l:t. ltll 1•11 D«lltt'tlo!I of TrWI """ Ml•Cll 1, '"'· LEGAL NOTICE JA~IS L. IUt•L. JI. ~ """t: :...;,; Cl•Tll'llCAT• Of' BUIUlnl. =...t IMt;l. Clllflnlll nNe PICTITIOlll NAMI '1>41n Tiit unc11r11t!!W lllDtl ctr!"" Jll ft Pr.lblltllM 0t111111 Cotti D1ll<f PU.,, condllC'lll\tl I llvllne11 ti ~1 HCIJ'-n Jul'I' lJ. n, "Ind A1111u1t I. lf70 ,,,.,. Lii., Mut11\1'9iorl klch, Ct1l!0'1111. llftdlr t11t flct1111u1 'I"" 1\111'111 If H<ANNA'I . LEG.AL N'OTICE MAINTENANCI '"" ,...., .. ,., fl""!. 1-C011'11'9'1d 111 !ht t11111W1ns ,.....,., wliljf llllnt 111 fUll Ind •llcj Ill rllllllllil ... IJlolf ..... l•llow.t . . 1 C•ITl,ICATI OP •u11N••• Del• TIMlmH M1r1119, *II ~ ,ICTITIDUI NAMl l11., M1111ll11o!M htdl. ni. lllMl«tllnlcl dct c9ttlf\' IMI' l tl D•IM Jl!'IY to. 1'71 .l ~ris 1 11\11111111 11 1"41 E¥fftrwn DtM Tllomtl H•nflll Cr., P-'1111 VIiie\', CtllftrrM, ~ 11th ol' Clllfllrftlt, CW.ntl Ctll""'I 1111 ftetlHOUt fl"" ntll!ot ol DIVllllFIEO Dn Jul'/' :ta. lr10. lllllorl ll'lf, .1 Nl:fl!'¥ DPPDITUNITl•I 11111 11111 .. Id llrm P111Jllt 111 11\d fol' ield Sl•tt. .........,,., II COfnP8lld of 1111 felkrWltW ...,_,, •-rid O.i. T-.,1 HIMt kl'#Wlt wM$1 n11nt1 In tutl and pliul el h ""' '° lie llW .wMll wti-1 ~ raidlll(I ... II foll!Jwl: II llUbtcrllltd fro 1111 wllhl!o l!llffV!fllllf FAd 9. ktlio. 1'" W. Oct1n 1'"'111, tnd ICk,_lldlM 1111 p:tculecl 1fll ..,... N-rl llt1Cll, C11ll. (OPPICIAL Sl!ALI ! LIOll H. G1lll, 10211.C LAmllto11. Jl!AN L. JOmST · '>.. Gtr4til G-. C1ltfl>rnl1. Nol1ry Pub11c • C1lllonlll er.till JUI'/' f, lt1'. •rtnci..11 Ofllct 111 ,.., ... 9. ktla Or•-Countf • ., ~ H. 0.111.. MY c ... "'1111111 lotr-. l $11!1 If C1Jllclml1, 0t111M CDlllllY: , Mlrdl !, 1m Oii July 1, lt70. btfer9 ll'le! I Nolln' l"utll11hl0 Or11*1 COMt Oil!f f"!lof, l"utollc 111 1nd fw 111• 11111. per11111H• July 71, :tt 11111 A,111u1t s. 11. 1m. ,.,.,. -red Prtd I . SC.tao arid U0n M. G11l1 ~-le mt N Ill !Ill ·t ~ --"""'°'' 111""" 1r1 nllllcrltlld(-----~=~---""--to Ille within lflllrumtlll Ind Kk!W#IMt• ,~ LEGAL NOTICE td !MY txlClfftd !111 .. me. CllTll'ltcAT• "Ofl aUllltltl (Ol"l'"ICll.\. SEAi.i l'llCTITIOUI llAMI . f J1111 I.. Jobd The und,,r1l111fd Oo c.tf1lf'I' tlllj' t1'i Not1rY ,111111c-C1llftn1t1 cl)llductllll 1 1111.i,... 1t no '#. 1"" Prlnc!Jtl Oftlu Ill Si.. Cotti ...,._, C•llfonl'a. ~ r.J, ~w'T""~~ l!'•Pitet ~f~~'::s ::th-'111 .:. n::n :~~~. ------------Mirth 2, 1f11 of 111t· foltowlllt tterlOlll. """-"""'9 Can't make il to Rhoda -Wlves and children have even Pu11111t11tc1 or•rie• cotu D-.11, Pn11 111 f\trt 11111 '""' of r111dtnc1 1r1 'STORY AND PHOTOS ,.ubtlilllld OrlnM c-1 01lt1 l"llol .... folllwl: Island for the America's Cup been known to participate and, July •· iJ. n. :tt. "" 12•10 L•""'_,, H. SdlftlMrt, ,... E. 1ut-this year? Never mind, there t11o. s111t1 AM. Ct!H. BY LEE PAYNE if you promise not to spill LEGAL NOTICE l'thll A. ~. *. 1 . '""''"' is a much better: thow every 111111 ""'' ea111. • Thune! -~ do · ------------any on I.he teakwood deck, ,...., c.11e1 Jur... 1c, 1t10 ay eveuuig wn 1n -' CllT11i'ICATI 0, COIPOIATIOM LIWrtllCtl M. Sc!IMMlt Newport Harbor when the you might even get a drink, , •• TIANIACTIOJll 0,. 1u111rt••• • Etlllf A. Sdll!eMlt "D--~ .,._ ··-"-a chill cheresebur1er as the UNOI• ,KTIT.OUS MAMI STATE OF CAl.ll'IOllN"'-~\;an .n.ep:tta gets WNl::f 'lbe first c I ass stal'tl THE U~DE~llOMfD COIPOIAT10N Ol:AfrtOE •COUNTY: way. an & u is he d cries o ! promptly at 6 o'clock every dol1 t!Wtlrf crilf'I' 111t1 11 is eandlldlnt On J~lY ••· 1m ~ "' • Nofilrl' 1 bu1l11at 1DC1twd 11 UIO Allll!'t'll 1.¥1111111, f'llblk 111 Ind fol' .. ld Shih, Hr--'I\' At the fun zone on the "Starboard" and the clunking Thurlday evening in summer. COit• ,..,. .. , c1111ort111. ulldlr '"' fie:• •P1te1m L1wrtnco M.. ~" ";: Peninsula or near the f•,.,..., of polished hulls driflJ across F'rom a starting line just east 111'-tt"" -111 cottcl!'PT MIDIA =.tt;:. "· 5dwlebttr llMW11 ,. ~ ~·; 11111 11111 llkl fl"" •• ccno.-" llf -=~ ... laMhu• on Balboa Island """' 'the placid waters. of the Pavilion, they Sall up ..,. t.illw~ '*""'111111"~ .,IMINI !'I ... _• ...... "" -• ""111_ ....... t111 ....-., .} ...... '6 ;w-'""'-n-th N th Lido Ch I and PllCt el bulJl'lttl 11 II fol-.: ' ..,.,, 911.,,..,_ BEIRCAN REGATIA MAKES YACHTING A SPECTATOR Sl'ORT , Deatla Notices ARBUCIU.E I SON West<Hlf M-ory Ill E. 17111 SL, C..la Me,. -• IALTZ MORTUARIES c.jooa del Mar OR MIA ~ .. _ Ml f.ICH • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 BrNdway, Costa Meta IJ M4l2 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1115 Lipa• C1nyoa Rd. Ul-MIJ • PAClnC VIEW MEMORIAL PARlt Cemllery e M_,.., Jlll hd~­ Nf"P"' ::;;.. Calllanla • PEll:KFAMILY j:OtONIAL FUNERAL HOME 'lift ..... A ... /"~ - 'Ht:UIR MORTUARY aioae~ 4M-IAI a • ...,.. - MJTlll• :ORTVAllY In-IL Rudaitoo-• -• De9tla Notices Catalina Isle Slides Slated Nessie Dead Oflrpstes? have a ring1ide seat as scores Actually UIC Btercan .n.egat· e or anne CONCIPT MIDlA INCOll.~•AT1'0, IOl'"Fl(IAL SIAll \~ of sailboats, large and small, ta, unlike most other sailboat then back down a g a I n . ~~ .. ,!1~~,,,. Av11111•. co111 Mnt. !~i!~ :.'=.'''1,1HW1111 •1 tbruh about trying not kl hit races. is billed as a relaxed Whet.her a dead calm or a w1TN•S• rr1 1111111 t1111 ,,.., "" o1 1tr1nc1 .. 1 Offke "' 1 all Ir -·-' 'I f fl b'-1•· J ul't', 1'11. or1nt1 COUfltJ each other in the nanow ·con-a • ··~ is one occa! on orce ve ruw preva ~. <Corw•t1"s.111 M., comm1111e11 1ut,. 1 floes of the bay. You can when the skippers are not they'll be there. Come and coNce"T MEDIA J1,1111 "· 1n• t h INCOll"OIATl!D P1b!11h«I 0!'11111 CMllt D111V Pll9f, watch the sunset and enjoy supposed to be out for blood . ~a c . •~"' M. WillPh•I JulJ u. n. :tt lf'llll .t.111111t s. "" l:IN-1! 1 ............................................ .,, ................. ..,,.. .. ,..,..,.,111.,..,1 Yvollne Mlldor STATE 01'" CAllf'OINIA, COllNTY 01' O•ANO•, q , Oft 11111 lrd ••~ '11 JvlY, A.Cl. 1'111, 1"·27'U LEGAL NOTICE B la H btlore m1 E. G-Cr•ln 1 N111,..,. CllTl,.ICATI ~ IUSl•ld I' LONDON (UPI) A Briu h Urfl r11 ap "Ubllc In Ind !or. H id Cou"I\' tlld 1'11'11Ti011J NAMI -I _ _ _ 51111, ro.11:11,.. llllrl/n, duly cornml1tl0Mcl Thi u.,..,.19111141 oa ctf11f't fhrt -' · t' t 'd Mond the 11111 tVO'Ol'll. Pll"IOMll'I' 1PH1rt11 11111'1 COllducfttW 1 llul!MM It P.O . ._ CDt4l Held on SC:ten IS Ill ay M. W••ll!MI •11111 YVOMI MtlCIDr llllllWll N-rt l•tdl. Cllllotnla, .,...., tlla Loch N-· mo·•er ... ~-c1, B ii d Q 0 F . to '"' le bt 111' l'fllldllfll 11111 hcrft•rv flctltloul """' Mmt of INTllNATIOllAi..1) .,,_ •-~ . t of 1111 corJ>OrtllOll 11111 IXKU!fll 1111 LI I OO fl 0 -· e Ou Ueen Pens (I") 'J'I wll~llt l111trum111t on OllltlF Ill 1111 cot SAi •rid. 1'111 .. rm • a victim of polluUon in the a • &.U.I. POl'•tlOll , llltr,rn n1mtc1. '""' 1ctnowt•: = ::: ':J:."'"':;'.c,tt;,,w;~= .';"':, Scottish waters where it bu ' · ::_ ':.:! 11111 Well ctnlll'•tl1t11 •-ICVftcl 1o11ow1 : IN WITNESS WMl!ll.l!OF. I "'"' ..... Lnltr ... l'llCI Ml1fMi M. or.m; been reported lurklllg fo:r released after San M t unto "' "'" 1111111 •1'1111 t111'11.ci mw otncl•• 1"°5 A111111c11 Or •• lnl,., C•~,,... } NAPA (AP) Mi 11 shop .at the southern eid of a eo 1111 lhl .,,., 1nc1 ~"' 1n 11111 clf'lltlute D•ltd J111111. 1t7'. years. C I D' I Alt K Ith f1r1t Iba¥• wrltl•n Lnrtr I'". Or1nt The .. port that N ... '• has Redwood City, Robin · l..Ouiae Lake Berryessa. OUT\ Y IS . y, e IOFFICtAL sEALi M<irllYll M. Or1nt -th I So ed N Co I I! Giiii cr1ln Stilt el 1:t11fomll, Or11111 Cll.ll'lfY: SUccu-•·• came 1r 0 m Rawer1, II, got out or jall Deputies said e burg ary renlOO assur apa un Y wo11,,. P~uc.cinior11r1 0n J11'1' 1, 1t11. 1111-lflf• 1 ,....,., "-j L lme to hei th "" d ••·• I th I M' R ,. 1 1P•I OHi 1 l'ubnc In 111d tor llld Stflt, --"" l1lt 1 t p ope n e occurred Sunday ni8 .. l an auu1V<1I es a 1ss awers 0~,~. counf: 11 "'"'"" Lttttr I'". Gr1111 1N Mlri.,.111 Douglas Drylda5e, a lecturer San Mateo County Fair Mon-lhat the two were arreated would appear Thursday for ~ •• ",m, m1~1,1C111 !•1!••1 :;rt!:•n~':""'111:S "!',. ".~ in visceral physiology at the "-y •••ht ""' · T• "" 1ni1 1 tnnnl!lt 11111 ~ u.. '"Ii · in Sobey'a car Monday at a arraignmenL Pijbllllhld 0r.,,.. eottt DI MY 1>r1t1t. ~ 111..,.w.u~: 1111 """'· British College or Naturopathy Miss Rawer1, a slender 5--adbioc• Ali the merchan-M' Ra ,. the -igning J111., 1, 11. 71, :tt. ,,,. 1,,,.,., (OFFICIAL IEALI f~-a b .... ~th ., • .,., 'JS '" ... Ill we • '"' -Joi.Oh I! Dl'tls SANTA ANA -The Sierra and Osttopathy. ....,., nm......., "'' 1 .,.._.., dise was recovered, deputies Miu Redwood City and a run-LEGAL NOTICE No!orv Pii1J11c. c1111om11 Club will present a slide ehow He said he took water figure, waa released on her said. It included what one ntrup in the Ml.ss San Mateo l'·mJ1 ~;~~:'~: 111 about Santa Catalina l!land samples which proved his own recognizance by Napa deputy deteribed 85 "a year's County beauty contest !alt c11T111'tCAT1 op •u11N•11 Mr c.otM111l1..,. E11•lr• ,, at its month! linn Tu--County Sherifrs depu.Ues, who iii be ho l'llCTITIOUI MAM• JI.Hit 21. lf7 r. Y mee .... & ....,. theory. M d f supply of sun tan lotion." year, w a sop more Thi Ufldtrillned dct c:enr~ lllt't' ,,. •ub!llllfd ore"" c.m o.11J 1t11t1t, day at 7:30 p.m. had booked her on ay a • Sobey was held in lieu of this fall at the University ol condutn"' i bu1tM11 tt ,u SOu1~ July'· is, tt. ,., lffD ,,..,., Kent Sinden., a JO-year "Even a carual in1pecUon temoonl on lnvesUgallon of '3,125 bail. Miss Rawers was California at bavis. . ~:~~,1~',j~~s·,7~":.;!'1:'rn~~"~';";[, ___ L_EG __ AL=•N~OT1--Ci __ _ eside t of ~-. land 111 revealed surface scums on all burg ary. ;o;;iiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioolACCl!'PTANCE co1o1ll'111tv '"" "''' 111c1 1· , ... ,, r n "~ u • w She and John Ernest Sobey, 11rni ••~of"" to11ow1"' ""'"'· c1•t111'1caT• 0111 1ut1111n. , show his slides and tell his tributaries leading into the F Ste M A c wMM "'"'" 111 1u11 11111 p11e11 e1 PICTIT1ous •AMII ~ _... u.,_ 19, a student at resno te K re11111nc1 1r~" iotiowt: T~e undtrit1rwcr '°91 urtlf'r 111 ll'i ~wry at i.11t: Smedl~y Junior la~,'' Drysdale said. "This Coll-e and a Redwood Clty • E119eM e. s1ec1. 1111 Ml•rt111 Lint. co111111C11n9 , bu1111111 ,, rn w.r.r.;;• High School Auditor! 2120 ~e F~ll1rtwi, C1Ut Strfff, CO.I• Miii. Cllllorn1•, ·;., um, reduces the surface area for realdent, were accused of tak· •D'I' s.:on, a Aw. '''"'· 1111 111e 11ct111ou1 11"" n.rne ., THE c 1 w. Edinger in Santa Ana. "da . ch nd . "000 . ch··"· d Cloll'ltllh, CllH. MOUSE •1'1111 11111 .. 14 flr7n •• ~ OXI Uve ex aJ\ltS a must 1n1 .,., 1n mer -..~e an DRUG -4 DISCOUNT 11:1111ert Mrrr,.., 10t0 Pl1<1n111 or .. of ~ follOWlnt H!'SOll· ..,... llirn9 1 Gueals, and members are inhibit the plankton count an undetermined amount of "'S Mtct1111111 Hel1ht1, c1111. in tun tno •t.cl "'. , .. 1c1-. I& ,. welcome to the meeting. the food of loch life." cash from the Sun and Fun 1104 N.wport lh.I., Colhl M... '4'-1• 2 + D&tM Jui~u',';3~, 11fe1" 10na~~-L. s.llf~. ~ ,......,. ~,~,.,- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill Robert MIH•r F011nrtln Vtllrt' HELP US IUILD THE NEW 50 MmR OLYMPIC POOL ''SWIMATHON'' NEWPOlT RACH TENNIS • SWIM CLUIS Swum to Dates 285,600 yards. ,,., .. u .. 1 Amount 1tlll to be rai10d $82,600 Who Will Corne In First • . • The Swimmers Or The Communlry 7 WE NEED YOUR DONATION OR PLEDGE-NOW! Det1tch and Mail To: Olymplo Pool -lox 100, Co1t1 Mon 92627 N1~ .•....•...................... , . , ....... , .... ,\ ........... . Addr111 ••••••••.•••••••••• ,+ •.••••...•••.•.•••••••••••••••••••• Amount EncloMd ' ........... ' .. ' ... ' ..... ' .................... . SfJPPORT YOIJR l'OfJTll m 89' STATE OF ~Ll;;O~A. 0111!:1 JlllY 10, ltJtl O•ANOI!! (OUNTY· Roblrt L, S.11f0nl PAPER TOWILS 4 On JulY U, lf70,' btfo.-,,,., • Nol9rv SI~ %~·~~:~. ~'1! ~~'!':,,...,., . fOR l'lublle 111 •lllf for ffld 11111, "r.Dfl411., ll'~bUe 1" 11111 fi:lr .. I,, Sltle. ,.,_a/Ir •-•r.d lllllltltl I. Sltd, Rolittrl Mllltr 1-rN •111tr'I L S.llford ~ 111 '"" .D'I' l,, Sroll k-19 mt le mi to bo1 Ille P11'0fl wti.. ...,,... QUICK FIR~ FIRE STARTER QUAIT CAM~ FIRE MARSHMALLOWS PAPER PLATES c~~Nr FOAM CUPS 11 •ACK 2 LIS. FORKS, SPOONS 24rohdt. llOOMS 39c ,,, ~ SPIUNCiFll!IJI 89C • FACIAL TlllUI ;: :., ZR TOILll PAPIR .... , 99c P•ck a,., lie ftle MrHllS"" ..... ,,., N-, ,!~~blcrllt> It ~~I Ille wlll!lll llllh;c,..,. .cl ft. 11' II !II • "''""'" 11111 &lid lie txfCVlod 1111 1t1M 1t111wallliclffd 1MT ••Kutef lilt .. IM. (01"PICIAL I \.) , (Ol'"l'ICIA,L SIAL) STANLIY T. raos M. J, (Ol\Wt., Nott,., ftvbllt Clli'-11 Noll,., ll'wbHc ll'rlllCIMI Offkt 111 M., CommlMklll Eulr1t Or11!M "COVlltY Plllrvlt'f n, 1f71 MY Utrr11fllllloft lld>lrn Publ1111ed Ori"" CNll 0111' f'ltot, M11'C1'1 llo 1"'1 Jutv IS, 12, :tt 111111 ,_lllV11 I, 1''° 12"-11 ,.ublltl'l..S Of'"!H t•t •CJIHY l"lllt, JUtr 22. n '"" Mlewt, t. n. mt 1•11 L!IOAL NOTiill ----JI DAILY I'll.OT Too Much Exercise Can Kill By Dr. Pei.r J. St.lllcroluo Some reputations -good or bad -are undeserved. For uample, I am COOlidered by many lo be lmvocably stut>- bom agaiMt aerdle. Even my closest friends have me down as a proponent of the roctlng~hair brigade as op- posed lo thooe who enjoy goll- lng, tennis, bicycle rkllng and Jouing. Enjoy diclt aay? Well, some do, _. some don't. 'I'bey do it slrhP.Jy becaUlt it's supposed to'be "good for you." • lt ~ ls true that I have re<:<nUy written another book "against" eurclse. But lf DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE read, rather than hastily skimmed, the reader will diacover that I'm not ao much against exerciJe it..~lr as the fact that many unknowingly engage in overexertion at the risk of bringing on a heart ailack. Exercise if you are able and heaJthy, I say; but ~ ·don't unless you have been checked . recently and have been given the nod by your physician. . Aa I see it the danger ls distlncUy present when a man with a blood pressure of 250 overexerts; or if a man with bad coronary arteries jogs for three miles; or if a man 50 or more poundl overweight lumbers around on a tennis court; or if a housewife, al.ready exhausted and anemic. ts talked into taking calisthenics twice a day in coojunctioo with a slender young lady on TV. Some people are born lazy. For them I say that the ham- mock or rocking chair Is all right. They get enough needful - exercise in the course of a nor,nal day's wort to keep healthy. others are 90 con- aUtuted that they "need a workout every day/' For them I say, go to it, within reasori. r>oi,.'t overdo. But my stan- dard admoniUon -which gives me the reputatiOn I do not deserve aa an anti.exercise man -is: Don't engage in your physical gyrations unless you have bad a recent physical checkup. T h at • s where the danger Iles. Recently J waa asked what perooitage ol people had an- nual physical d>eckups. My estimate was way off. I gave people credit for more sense than they have. "Oh, about 2-3 adults out o{ every ten," I said. Actually how many Amerk:ans visit their doctors 1or arutual enmlnatlons? Ac- cording to Dr. Alex M. Burgess Jr. o( Harvard Medical School, only four in 10,000. He says, "Clearly, the adult populailoo, males in particular, are receiving litUe preventive attention." To repeat, that ls where the danger lies. 'lbat's why you read about people , dropping dead after jogging or other physical over~lvlty. They were completely unaware lhat they were su!fering from "silent" hypertension, cor- onary disease, or some other physical inferiority. Do you like to exercise? Have run. But doo 't think I'm a fuddy-duddy simply because I've warned you to be sure you can take it. MEDICALE'JTES (Replies to Readers) For Mr. L.: 1 suppose you will have to leave the final judgment up to your eye specialist. ll in doubt about what he advises, consult another before making your decision. Although it's true that ln m ost patie~, special drops fOf' the eyes hold glaucoma in check, there are times when exces.!ive eye-pressure is not controlled by medication and an operation la necessary to relieve It and prevent further deterioraUOO oC sight. For Mrs. 0.: It i8 true that IOl1le J>eOi)le have become so sensitive lo Polson Ivy that just standing near a plant will c a u s e skin.blistering. Sometimes, juat patting a dog who has recenUy run through a patch of the lvy plant will bring oll an Misek. In such easel, I'd 1uggett ttea~ ment by a skin apeclallst rather than 1elf-e:1· perimentation. For moN! information about the skin, read Or. Stelncrohn's booklet, "PracUcal Guide to Sltln Prob~s." For a copy send ZS cent.I ln coin with a STAMPED, SELF-AD- DRESSED ENVELOPE to him ID cate ol tills newspaper. I • •• • • :.&.-... •• Lightweight, & tu rd y 1p1.1n rayon i*ald with eosy.gllds sipper, comfort Qrip ~ handles. • $1~99 26# ToUrill $7.93 • $10.99 2'" Pullman $1.93 Fruit :. Loom . Fumiture •. !~~~.~! !~:~ ' Brown, Grun Gord ~ ; "I Mac'hln~ wosho ble. No-Iron. . J1311 Compad • Foldlng Bed $1011 Aluminum fr~, l Yi" thick mot• trus. '3" Bath Scale . -Q.ollty $2t• PopUkir com. Al:.-• a.irate, quality mod., Save now! '11171 Empire Perk lltell~p Fully outo.mat.t c. $911 KHPI coffff worm. Drip free fo~et. s1 so Candleholders w .... ,ttt ''°"' Scrol l type in avo-99' codo, plMOpple, & toilgerirw. · 6 Pc. Bar Glasses ....... uw. Forno u s Scotch, $199 Bourbon labels dee· orote SJIOHn! · s3tt Chamois !7all,. Jull Sld11 Prime quality chem· $2ff cis at Thrihy sov· jngl of $1 .00. •29'5 Binoculars 49' Canva~ Glaves M111.'i1: Lcclllia G.-.ot far yord 2 F 77' work. Sturdy, O· Movy wt. a 22' Bath Size Bars $1 '';Quilted ·· 1-111ow ·Covel'.• 99c Corwetf' bed · pillaw lntu lounger I Stripe&, t;o l ld s , p1int1. Zip· pered end. • 24112•'' ~ • nu: ~2· r.ct.tslW • 11 1 I 21\lt" ... ..,.,.._ Realistic corv- wood l oo•k frames. E·I Por Bakeware le,.Jtc•s~ 4 F 99 Disposable -O cf'lOios of siZS5. l . Cooler Glasses l ... 4 hr $1 l<&lS\00%. 6 F $100 st:z:es. Heavy O ..... . Appliance Wheels a ... $Mt 40-Wh•I Set Hi' .. Impact styrene $162 whe1l1. Will hold up to 3000 lbs. $]511 Floor Smoker lf1etTd Cho<eofho"e $1 o·· head, cupid, pot belly stove. s2" Storage Box Jwflllk Phlttic Rtc.ued for e 1;1sy $143 .1tocking. Colored lii:ls. s3t1 Sport Seat Mttsl C:.rry Hndl• Foom Hat, podded $296 bock. Bose. with clomp lock. Slender Wheel R ... $1.19 Helps trim woiJtline $121 U fi"" muscles. Stur- dy mokHcf plasfic. s 13" Eledric Blanket $10'5 ''Me11toU1'' Twin J.i:e. $14.tS f•ll ... Sis• $11.tS Orfeatal Design Area Rugs w-1• "'lo'-$2,, um. I '• 4' 1l11:e In rich colon. • s ps Coppertone Sun Tan Lotion Far 0 4 ~-;ifu~ ton $143 without burning ! ~Betty Woods Sanitary Napkins ....... 3·aac .... ,., 0 er S~1r l s1oe Yaiue Sable Eyeliner Brush Gives your .ye make· 584 up that professiooiol lookl Carded Buttons 3 c~~:· &7c Colors Golol't! Wooden, metal, plostlc I Mlx or rnotch, Huge MIKtion. a 'I -' Wtdne>dq,Jufy29, 1970 · • ' " . -$1~--Sayelle Knitting Yarn ...... • . f • 4-0unce Hank •l_ • '2 Yalupl, r. V Fashion , Jewelry : 2ac : " ply yam. .Mottipn:iof, • non-pitting, mOc:hine WOlh i" ond d<y. -.n, Bri<k, Coruf, Block. Rc;,tor, Avo- codo, Yelklw, Brown. s200 Value Clairol Nice 'n Easy H1lr CoJ.r 5"ompoo -"' '" $129 g leaming 11ot urol ' .looking color! Houblgaat Creme de Chaiat111y $4.00 Velue! $1 .00 .saving on this $300 $moolh, creamy fro· gronce. s1 49 (omblnatJon Bottle & Syringe Witii Attoch1¥1e11h Slight in-.gs. 1r, no 994 way offKt serrice- obility. · -·-~ FIFTH OAllON $3" Judged tine ol the world's ten besl tosl• ing JCotctlls. ., S4" 01to ,Spec Sult Glasses •. $2" P ~~-,f~, ed from Italy 6 France.. ~styfet, , '1" Bei'Ch~aWi'•~ . .. '"' -· $I ..... Over 5 foot long cof· ' """' ,.,... ....... ,,_ Chqise Launge •tr•••whM•$11•• 5 po1itlon adjust· .. a b I e .,cil~inum ... ti.bing, vinyl pod. . '1" Garden.;Hose Tough ~~n~l:-r•rge ·$166 Yi" dlomet.r, D"Or· • ontHd. , • $p Ice Chest- •1 Q ... _ $1" lnsuloted polyf~, keeP5 co Id drinks cotd. ' $2 29 Swim Board ............ s1 ss Over 4 foot long polyfoom. fo~ the ii90I. . s 1" Picnic Jug Llghtw'Z~~~,:Ulot· $1 09 ed jug with plostic shell. Eldon Eled. Car - $ ..... v.'"' $28,5 Run s o n re· chorgeoble bot· ,...,, '19"· Norelco Ta~ Player • $15" Pkrys pt11-re· corded caset- tes. Chlpper's Nat Hut A Cashews ·1 99' Find q110lltf'r cosMwnuts In I a12=.fin, 79' Miik Chocolate Raisl111 · ·-· 5ftt Coihi .... 7. • r• ·children's A Tennis· W Shoes Red or llue Stock up for vocotlon or achool 1at a speclol price! Siza 5 .. 12, '1" Women's Sandals $167 Summery dress-ups o foot for warm Weeth-"'..,., _, •S!' .Ladles' Slilfts c Ooteststylesand $ eol6rf ln'town. :»t96 Choose you"! p.,. .. """"" ...... s1n Ladles Shorts . . . St..W. Demiw Po pu l ar Jamaica $167 shorts for th. flt you 11 keo. 75% cotton, . 25% nylon, $341 Boy~' Jeans D,..u, fon<yw .. ,.1050% $2••1 polyester ond 50 % .. cotton. Sius 6-16. · $3~' Swim Trunks "'M" c 0 t t 0 n 1, ble(1d's, $2'' stretth lo.stex, Ha.-' woflein prints. '2'' Swim Su.its ....... Cottons, blends. $1 fl strctdl lost1x, Ho-. woiion. prints. Sizes 8-I 8. Bucca11eer· Cigars lft.tSO ~o~C~$24' Go. 25c eo.,,jf pu- foct . $1" Mastercraft Pipes ...-_,.,,,..... $137 ''Tops" 01• wrtmont of Impor ted BrfOf' pipes. ' 11(..._k l•lretlacu .......... c ... -. thtlt Werk Without Fla1h latterlu l•••t 11•1•••11• l·ll • x.25 C1m111 & New s,m.nlo Mogleubo Kodok lnstamotic "X" eomef'OI combine wUh the rwvclutionOrr Mlf-pewef'ed MQolc;ube, • • • I 11 • • 1'11.0T·AIMtmSEt 3 S w-.ia;, July 2', 1t11 s DAILY PILOT J3 l • • FINAL STOREWIDE ( • I f .. STARTS ' THURSDAY • 10:00 A.M. AND COLORS ·HUNTINGTON BEACH CENnR ONLY • LOCATID AT llACH ILVD. AND SAN DIEGO FllllWAY 1------.----...... ------------------fl RRSTFLOOR ·~j ------------------~·';,_,--------1 CROCHET VJS'li ' ... .,. ancf t1111ic l•111tk. 1, "'· I. • H ....... JO $11 _.__·~·-····--·-···-· lilOW ~ WOMEN'S ANKLE l'ANTS ttr•i9ht let 011 .. fl,,., .-port.cl 1ites. • I 4 80 011•. $11 ---.!.--·--·········-'···· MOW 900 r~~~~-~~~~~~~--····--··-t-........... 2.99 OING GOWNS l•1111t Jtyl••· s ONLY. 1 I ... $71 '10 $fl -·--r MOW OMEN'S JEWELRY 36.88 to 55.00 . l ;. rop• .. ri1191, l.r1c:1\1t1, .. rr\1191, pi111 I 50' 111d 111clcl1c1~ -·--··· ................... --··· YOUI CHOICI WOMEN'S IRAS L ; f11)tio11 lw11 111 p11t1I col 1111d '"'"Y 1tyl11. 1.88 011._ J.IO 10 4.00 -·+-········-············\ NOW . WOMEN'S GIROLES firwi conit1I; f11hio11 fit, p1nti t irdle1. 1 88 011 .. $4 TO $7 -·-···.!.·······-·····-··············-NOW 1 GIRLS' FLATS ~b HERS I 1i111 l lh to 10, flat or m.dl11191 h11I. 2 88 OAIG. 7;99 TO 10.ff ---···----············-· .. -NOW • , WOMEN'S SANDALS +h0119 ind 1tr1p style1. I 'll to 10. 2.88 Ollli. J.99 TO 12.99 --------····-····-NOW I GIRLS' SWIMWEAR I and 2 pi•ce styl••· 4-14.1 99 2 99 orig. $4 to $5 -r-NOW • • • ·::=:=====l::::::::l GIRLS' DRESSES plal~1, sotids, jumper•, prin··2 99 3 99· c.Ss,.a-line •various 1tyl•s-.... • • o . : GIR"5' IRIEFS • ~~~::z!: •.nn~ n,~;;~. ,~:-~~~:-~~~--....... -..... _ 59c WOMEN'S 'TOPS a11ortecl 1fylei and f•brics,. alnvel•11 and ahort al•ev• 1tyle1. ' 1 • MIA1'.Y lllllUCID ------• MATERNITY WEAR prints and 101id1, p•nta, alrirts, tops. 2 9· 9 HEA 11.. T llDUCID -----···-·-··· • WOMEN'S PANT SUITS poncho and tunic atyt.1, veriou1 aiz•a and colors. ;;;:w'1.:~~-~~~---·-··· 4ea .. 9.88 ~=======· SWIMWEAR junior end mi11e1, bilrinia, hiprider 1tyl•1, leNil• e11ortm9nt. 4 99 •WT IUT -··-·--·--······--• WOMEN'S DRESSES . ' , . 1olid1 and prints, juniOr, mns .. end half sizaa. ::o~'i: ...... 4.. 6.. 8.88 • MINI HITCH PANTI HOSE light control panty, replaceable ee1y hitch hose. orig. $4.00.__ NOW reguler mini hitch. orig. l .50 .•.. _ NOW 1.99 1.44 WOMEN'S SUI'S thort, short slr.ort, av•r•g•, slips, ell siz••· ' orig. Sl to $5 half end lull ..Ow 1.a WOMEN'S HANDBAGS e11ortad straw end tweeds, whit• and ' colors orig, 1 44 2 44 $l lo $6 --NOW • .. • WOMEN'S HEELS high and medium heels, fashion colors, strap and pump. 3 • orig. 10.99 to 15.99 _____ NOW • WOMEN'S SPORT SANDALS fa~hion colon, sizes 5 to I 0. 2 00. orig. 66c ------·--····NOW for UV• LONG SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS french cuff, spread collar, P•nn-Prest•, Dacron• polyester jl'd cotton. 2 $5 GIL\TLT lllDUCI . ----··-···-·· for MEN'S SUITS I 00 Y. worsteds and worsted and 59 88 1iU1. orig. $85 to $90 -·-HOW • SECOND FLOOR GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR jamaicas, anlrl• pants, ~nit topa, shifts, playsuih, assorted colors. 3 to 14. 9n. HDUCID TO CLIAR -·····---··-···-7• ' Bors WALK SHORTS ., pl4ids1 solids, assorted color1. 6,.to It. r•gut.r and 1lim1. 1 99 orig. 3.50 --·-.:. •.• L NOW • IOY'S SOCKS a11ort1oil colora, 1ra1t far ltad: t• tchoel oMft., 66c Olf•. 7'•· TO 1.to --·-·-·---·-·-NOW READYMADE DRAl'ERIES ,.pul•r wi11dow ti111, pri11t1, t•lf li1114. s5 to s30 Olla. 7.tl TO $40 _ ............. _._ ....... NOW BOY'S CASUAL SLACKS belted 1tyl•s, assorted color1, I 0 to 18. regulars and slims. 2 88 orig. 5.98 -·-··················--NOW e tARDAGE CLEARA!t(:E group I ori9. 66c: to 89c ---HOW 2 forS1 ljlroup 11 oriljl. 99c to 1.19 ·--NOW 77c group Ill orig. 1.44 to 1.69 _ .......... NOW 99c INR.ATAIU FURNITURE ::,:."1:.~;fy_ lou~-~~.~~-~-·.:~_-:'_.~~.'.::_ .... NOW 10.88 MATCHmCK CutlTAINS vinyl, •a11 C\lta, id11I window 1cca11t• 2 'llDUCID TO CUM "·--·--·-··-....... fllf' 1.00 WOMEN 'S & CHILDREN'S FAIRIC SHOES lligh 1rtd low top, wo,,..1n'1 sport c11u•:k. 4Yi te 10. • 88C 011•. J.tt ···-·····-··-·-·~ .. -.. -: ... · .. ·-··--'i-MOW : GOLF SHOES · 1 -11·1 Carf1,,.. .. , f•1hio11 colors. 1" to 1,2. 14 - 011 .. Z4.t5 -··-----r--··-· .. ·--·---NOW dMI Sl'ORT COATS plald1, •n• 111d hie butti11t, sit!• v1nt1. 19.88 Oii•. $JI ·---·--·-.. --............. -.... NOW JACKm ' I 00 % cotton tw ill, h11"ty duty for. w11r 111d t1ar. 1 tte 0116. t.tl ----··--·-····-NOW .00 • MEN'S SWIMWEAR v1 fiou1 1tyl•1 a11d cotora, limlt.d qu1 ntity. 1 99 ORIG. 4.tl TO &.ti --·-·--·-··---........... NOW • MEN'S ASSORTED TOPS "1rio11ot colora ind 1tyl11, cotton t1rry 111d cotton. 1 99 Oll6. J.tl TO 4.tl ... -... -...... _ .......... -... ·-NOW · • MEN'S STRAW HATS wid1 brim, colorful, 111ort1d colora. 99 ORIG. UI ···-···-····-·····-··········-···-·-·· .. ····•·• NQ,W C CANDY DEPARTMENT p11nut butt1r cup1 •nd ll'll llow cups. individu1Uy 66 pack191d. OllG, lk LI. -·--....................... NOW C flt,. COMETICS DEPARTMENT •y• li111 bnr1h1&. •lr.ampoo. ORIG. l .4t 99C Otl&. 2.50 --.. --NOW CURTAIN CLEARANCE ljlroup I orig. 1.69 to 1.'49 ---··· NOW 1.44 group II orig. 2.98 to ).98 -·--HOW 2.+t .... lancing orig. 1.29 to 1.69 --·· NOt,./ t9c BEACH TOWELS big and bold, thick and thirsty. California 1cr•1n print. ori9. $7 4 88 imported J•cquard orig •. $8 ..•• NOW • TEFLON COATED COOKWARE copp1rton1 1114 h1r.t11t fry pans, dwtch ov11111 11uc• p1111. Olla. ,,4t te I .ti. NOW S.88 SALT 'N PEPPER SHAKERS 1t1 Jnl111 1t1al with t•1lrwood b111. OllG • .J.DO ............ _ ......................... -............... NOW 1.88 1--'---------------11 THIRD FLOOR)~--------------- NFLATABLE KAYAKS • ' 6'J" witlr. 100 lit c1p1clty. ' OllG. $JI 1'6" witlr. lOO lb. c1p•cr· O«I .. $51 t '6" ;with 450 lb. c1pacify. , . Oii•. $71 j j'l0" with 550 lb, Clli'• O«J~ $100 Dl.IVEMETER Now27c88 Now32o88 Now52o88 Now66.88 c1rt mou11t1d y1roil19e 1t11t1r. 2.88 011 .. I.ti ...... ·-·-··-·-···,·····"·•··-·-······· ......... NOW ' GOLF SHORT GA:ME 18 fiole practic• g .. ma 6 ONLY. 10.88 Oii&. 1 t.tl --·-·---· .. ··-··--................. NOW SHAKESPEARE' REEL cl11a f1c1, p111h Mtto11. t ONLY. 5.88 Oii•. 7.ff ----"··------· .. ··-··-... NOW LAZY LOUNliER MAmESS for lw.ury lov•rl. 74" l1n9th. won't wobbl1. 24.88 5 ONLY, Oii .. SJI ·'·-~·-····--··-........... NOW 5 GALLON COOLER hot or cold. 4 ONLt. s.• ott•. t.tl -··-.. ···-···· .. ····-·········-··-······-··-··· MOW INFLATABLE BOATS tlO po11n4' c1,1city, ,,.J 110 pou11oil ••,•city 111a "' ,, +o 11 ~.,. m•tor. te I h.,. 111•t•r. I ONLY. Olt6, .SJ41 ' a.ta. Siii $.,L£: Now ~ Now $188 WAREHOUSE FREIGHT DAMAGE APPLIANCES 18 CU. FT. GAS GAS • WASHING 17' IMPERIAL REFRIGERATOR DRYER DRYER MACHINE REFRIGERATOR Orig. 499.~5 orig. 154.·95 orig. 169.95 ori9. 189.95 orig. ]]9.95 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW $358 $99 599 $128 5248 avoNd•, d•ltt whit., porcel1h1 top loid• ~y Iida wiffl ic• l'lltk1r. whit., oil111t...J lift right 1ida, cr•••• chipped, flll1d 111d avoc1do, lift 1id1 r1fi11i1h1d, tti11 d111t1d. I ONLY. 1id•. I ONLY. front ltotto,.., rap1intad. I ONLY dint In ritht 1id1. I ONLY t~c~c~~.~~td, aluminum handles. ~~~ii~ HDUCID -················-···-·3.88 !s~~~J~ii~~~o'o~s and styles. , 14 ONLY 5. orig. 16 .91to11.98 -·-··--····NOW • :iSt:1!t~~;~~J.~!~REOS stereo •ye. $99 orig. 134.95 .......... ·-·············· NOW ALL !'URPOSE SAW CLOCK RADIO cuts 6' wood, 2" pipe. walnut cabinet, doz• switch am/fm. 36 88 'h h.p., 41/~ amp. 13 • orig. 49.95 -··-···---·······-HOW a GllATl.T HDUCED ----·--· • PATIO CLEARANCE . MULTl·COLOR CHAIR UMBRELLA FABRIC CHAIR OR w1b ch1l1a, or thaiH 7 88 CHAISE PAD cud1i.11. oa•. 1 foot 1pr1ad, t11r· 11 88 :O:f ~~~.~ ....................... 2.88 t.tl ···-· .. ···-·-... NOW ', qVo i11. 4 ONLY. MULTl·COLOR CHAISE Olle. 1 t .ft .... NOW e LOUNGER OR ROCKER CHAISE PAD VINYL PILLOWS Oil .. 14.tl 11 88 t11rqu•l11 print, 6 44 sq111r• er reu11d. 99' tvftad I.ox Mt .. ID ONLY. TO 17.tl _, ..... NOW O 22 JI llV. ----·-• Oii .. 1.7' --NOW ' FISHING RODS BOAT ROD YOUR CHOICE 5'11 ' wood handle. 1 ONLY. orig. $4 SPIN-CAST ROD 5'1i' cork handle. 8 ONLY. orig. J.99 STEAK KNIVES 2.88 4 knl,,11, 1t1lnl111 1t11!. 1.33 &11.AnY ll!DUCID -·-····--··-·-·-·· ..................... _ CABINET HARDWARE • v1rio111 hin911, c1tcha&, p11U1, k11ob1. 1 o' 1· oo 5HATLY UDUCED -.. ··-·-.. ·· .. -··---··-· for a POWER TOOL CASES -11nd1r1, poli1har1, circul1r 1'1w, 11 ONLY. 3 88 ..IAT\.Y llDUCID ···-··--.. -··-·-·-···· .. ·--··· .. ·-·-· • PICNIC PATIO SET 4 tr1y1 ind 4 mugs 99 dl1hw11h1r 11f1. ···--·-·-·--·-···-.. ·----lrT C SUMMER WEIGHT WORK SHIRT P1nn ·ll'r11t• poly•1t1r, 1, m, I, xi. 1 99 OllG. J,4t ............... -··--·-·---·-·--.. -··--NOW • . TABLE MODEL COLOR TELEVISION mapl• cabinet, 18" screen m•••ueed di19onally. ORI&. $Zll NOW $248 1-----------------tl'AUTO CENTER jt--: ---------~---.. I I FUEL MONITORS BENEW MOTOR CYCLE RETRIAD TIRES W.-of low fuol, oesy lo ·,nstall, Ford, Qnn.ltf \ • ,650 r.rice ;pp)iet to sises Rsted. while quantitta1 "' .,. • 210 cc twin, repos1ass1on. new 11t, 160xl5, 775xl5, 815xl5, 9. pin and GM cars. 1 1 engine. ort9. $HO -NOW 15 • 12 II 1 • 81 NOW NJ 0 ,;9. 4.98 -· N9W • 145x • •"9· . • ,. -· • REVERB UNIT trunk mount,. spaak•r and grlll • 7 88·- 2 ONLY. 0<19. 16.88 --·----NOW • • CHROME WHEEL COVER •. I ' . 1pinn•r type, 14''. I 1et only. 29 88 or19• '49 .98 set ·:--················· NOW • Mt DELUXE 8 TRACK TAPE DECK Irey lock hracket, 4 sp•1lrers, 48 88 2 only. orig. 98.11 ---·-NOW • AUTO TOUCH·UP PAINT discontinu•d. Ford and Gen•r1I Motors :;il;~sj .:;le·~-~--.~~--~~~-~-~: ........... _ NOW 22« HEADRESTS jli p dn headrest, adju1t1bt• 4 w•y back 4 88 support. ori9. 6.99 ·················-·····-NOW 1 • • I • 4 ' j ' . . . ............ ~~ -··~· .. - Wed""41Y. Ju~ 2', 1970 DAILY Pilot ····················-·················~··{ I SAVE MORE 7-DA·YS A WEEK · . !~l : OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 ':U'::~Y:.~:·.• I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' . . Newest 1970 Models! ALL . COLEMA'N ·TENTS DISCOUNTED· AT TME . 1LOWEST·' PRICES EVER!! I . a . SAVE NOW AS NfflR BEFORE! 'S OILY OfflCllL . oRAMGl coUIT.l · · sta1101 . co· ..... Rlf'lll I All (ololftlO Ap-~,.me.· -.... ! I'll•"""' - W1 hlvt 1111'*' prfcu 111 lV'fRY Col.,.,an ttnt ill 1ttclc. lnry •tent 11 fol' q11Uty MCI ht• 111 the t .. tut c.1.,.. ........ .,, •• Htcl•1 ·• • • tht txcluslvt l".k-llk.ju!!JL.~.IJl4Uwltt th• tolucoplng pole • • • 1U4t to deilrNI, lfftgth. twl1t back ind lock. Color cocW pole tips on alt outside fr1mt1 • , • .,,..g IH'N .itJih """ iw11C1 polH IU .... otlcelly 1clju1t fabric tMtslon ne .. tttr whit tltt WNthtr, I r Grant'• fl~'°" t;;:ta cllA•GL YOll PIY only lot' p1 fi•n<" wtlh KO s & I !:'I ~EVER•S .... it1Chlr9't. BAG. "''""!.. $li£P\N~ . -H : ,..: Great••• Grllllt'• a SeledlOll •• . Lowest Prices . ''The •agabond'' ''The Oasis'' COMPLETE 1el1ctltn of 111 of the !'IMfllr "01111" tent mo41l1 by Colem1n. Check .... fe1ture1 , , , ind Gr1nt'1 low prk-. tHI tool SAVE HOW! Tiri1 Dtta11 C.S.m" tlitt 11 •Jt tHu9h flf' ..... , ... Atwtp ,.,i.r, .... ,. ••• ,,, ..• •Ml ....... , ttMI' "'"'" ttKk • Or~·· ~.,,. 1o•xa•, .. , sl••pt4 Our Complete SelecJion of Coleman Tents NOW ~~~DISCOUNTED lfG. SAlf SAVl 12'1 t ' $119.fS $11.11 $31 .07 13'1:10' $139.fS $91.U fAl .07 GUNT'S RENTS ' EVERTIHING IN CAMPING G¥J!. ' . • :,:: 5 ·$ssaa . . IAVI , lot, $120.H $3l.07' REG. $ 99.95 .... lO'xB' . , .. $ 71~ REG. $149.95 .... 13'x10' .... $108.11 . · REG. $199.95 .... 16'x10' •••• $128.11 ---cOOLERI --DRYER.I --ROOMIER! STRONGER I ''The Olympic" ...... ff $4088 1'1• $H.tS o.AVI $11.0~ ''Th• Family'' Ctltm•n "Olymplc1" hive tht 111 new dtublt mf Htltn .•• 111d optlon1l c1nopy to m1t,h. $11 111 of th1 1tyfe1 NOW ~ Gr1nr1 anj 111 1t FAIUlOUS SlYtiGll Ntw whftt top kvnct• off httt, l1h In '"'"' llfht, ''' picture wl11•w, two·w1y Dutch dtor prorld11 p/1ntr 1f r•ntlltflon. Storm flipped ind nylon uru111f. Outll• ftlfltt .,., .. 1rectlon. 1Umln1t11 1U1n1ctloiu ln1/it, hultlo vlnyl.ce1t1ll •rl111 flHt. fO'xl', USE YOUR CREDIT at GUNT'S AND SAVE MORE, TOOi ·~~~~ $5888 I SAVI $79.95 $21.07 *SPECIAL* 3 BURNER STOVE · . Jumbo Fondly Sin! ~~~ $2288 $29.95 YOU SAVI $7.07 ..--------. *SPECIAL* 2 MANTLE LANTERN D1fn1 Wk11 Ventllalor . ~1s~ $1288 $18.9$ YOU SAVI $6.07 *SPECIAL* 56 QT. COOLER btr1 lll'fl Slz1I ~I~~ $1688 $21.95 YOU SAVI $5,07 COAS1Al DEER SEASON . .~PENS AUGUSJ 1st "I '-J'ltlr rif/1 4 J :ltltt '9Ur rff/o ,.:; o:7,, •r ••r wl/I .. ,... Ut1f/n1 llc•A1t "'" t G A.IGfl e.r Yeur • • • '••r11 ... ''·'• ''""' o,,,,,, HUNTING VESTS Ito, ftc Dffl IAOI •• FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! r----.............. ,,, 1111(1""' See Grant's Glanr Selecrlon of K ennlngron IODY SHIRTS! "PACIFIC TUil" WINDllNG JACIUS NOWI •10 HERE THET Alfl Thon ntnH, "''"'''"'· lur· urr j1dl1t1 •r P1 clffc Trail. fo1111rint th• n1w11t "outdoor look" I" 12 dyn1111lc colon. Slit• 34 ,, 46. ''llllllllfOll" WIUAG IHIY SPOIT SHIRTS Th111 pepul1r •hlrt1 .,, halMI· crafttd 1H t&t1l1n1lll 111 Ctll· fomlt. '"'''''' col" ••loc-tion ind 1bo r•'lf•· ChoeH ~ 1Uh1r 1h1rt or lone llHJll. ~· •a 'ANO It •t u, "HANG TEN" NEW T ·SHIRTS $6. $7. $8 The m01t f1mou1 1hlrt of 111 11 "Golden Feer• In 1 91llery of colors ind Gr1nt'1 h11 '1n1 In 1w1ry 1111 ind 1tyl1I "MILLER" ~ i? WESTERN SHIRTS '695 AT GRANT'S I WlSTERN SnLED for Wo1temer1 • , • ' ~ ind P1rm1n1nt Press ftbrlc1, too. lold r.l1ld1 incl solid color• In 111 1l11v1 1ngth1 ind neck 11111. SAVE MORE AT GRANT'S 7-DAYS-A-WEEK! SCOPES ~, BUSHNELl · s241s •ro. $4•.ts HUNTING kN1vrs *luck *Kat.or *Gerber * Solln1.,. * ....... ,., NOTEI •·• "'" ,.,.., ,, ., Ho fKflA "'CH'' Gr,,,, .• •Ill .. LIGHTW ... ,, ....... .. EIGHT PACKS & FRAMES 0:'""1'1" Kint " llG , u.111 Pfct1 Sit. , ' SAU ~~ .. 1;:!!J/'1!'"''''"'~~;,·············Slt.ts SJ$ 11 "' ,,,,.., ... ,J,,. • ........... 12..,, ,,,,,, USE YOUR CREDIT at GRANT'S I * l1nkA1nerlcd ltM11twC"- I I Fo trt 'l'u ch• in r .. 1 th< .., .. , gul • T A onl: "" to A gan 0 Af• kep to I pa• It had gan I-On! I 1 had like QUOl mar St Am• A< he 1 ball the • of d1 In by I crO\I a re bat Fa worl in 0 perc YI 58.6 As vers! you•! ten So al • been PS mere and town So, will . La AngE Phill An -' majc It Vass drivl his ' disal In \Vasi 25 pl An Oran of th Ho late grou1 In corpi pitch Or the .... ma~ Ric the t be in( Rob< Da wltH back !hf lei'! w"' ~ac the nou au, • • . ' -······ ... "· 1970 DAILY "LOT J§ l'ro -Grid t Owners Bre·ak Off Contrac·t . 'f alks • 7 • ' • .._ ' ftl!LADELPHIA (AP) -Nau ... 1 FOOlb.U ~ague ownen broke off con. tract lalk.s whh 1he Playen ASIOClatloo Tuesday night and lmmtdlately were charged by it+ players ~ barplnln& In bad .failh !P'd placiAC) llle 1111· pro; f'5Slonal loo~ ,....,. jeopardy. Tb«>d<>no Jllieel •• l.,r OOll8llllant to the owners' ~t141M"' ~ittee1 ap- nounced OW.. end or the five-day-old necotiatloriJ ~ tonducted uhder t b e guidance or ,.a.t1&'1lledlaft "For all pratlcal pu . '. " said ){heel,, ¥w~ ~·:j\ut as . r 'apart, as ' I . •. • . • . 'They Booe a The Hal'os Tuesday night they booed uJ Angels. And frankly, that seemedl like the only thing to do in view of the fact Harold ''Lefty" Phillips had managed to stage another of those recent Big A nightmares by giving . away a 6-5 game lq the New York Yankees. Ot,~rse it wasn't all bad for Harold. Af1~l~ o~ gt his catchers (TOm Egan) ke thi pre'1s box awake by ttl-eatening to reak the major league record for pass,ed balls. I It~ h~ been 68 years ~ince tj·atcher had •tit as• •many as SlI bal 1n one game. Egan, who may be Ing a Jong walk on a short pier ay - GllNN WHIT! WHITE J'1 ASH -__.._ .. _ --.xy= tiad· Jive in the first six i.nnings. But 1ike• 1iis team has been doing too fre- quet'.lllY· of late, Egan fell short of the mark: Still. he managed to erase the American League standa rd of four. when we t met hera Friday." - Not so. saJd Kill. Lindquist, labor too· sulllnt ror the assqciallon. "We fool ~ setUement il·Pef'· We want Jo reqta.in in teaaion. We regret this recess very much. Wllbout communlcallona there ls no way to "8&Uemt;nt." Hours la14<, Ui New Yori<, tile Playen AssoclaUOn announced that a s~lal ·meeting Of all 11 player-repreiten~auVe9 of the NP'L teams had been called ror Chlc"llO ,~· "'The ~Ing Is for Ille PurJ!OS" of determining a fcourse ,of. action for the . -. da,ys ahead," said lhe NFL PA spokesm.1.11, Tom Vattet, in announclng the specif! meeting. , The N~L is running out or Ume wtth the first exhibiti~ ·game scheduled for AUi. 7 In Loo ""rles· Nine mono ano &lated AUi. I. "'Jt will have to cancel the lames .. }ilay theht with rookies and free agents, or $>"rhlPI lift the training camp ban on veterlll'I players Invoked by the owners until the contract dispute is settlea. Llfting'the * would test the strength' of the association, wttich has directed· veteran players to st~· away Crom camp until lhe oegotlaUon over pen.tjon benefits is rtlOlved. It also wu ltarned after \he nve-day wall of silence w h I c h prevailed over the talks wu lifted, that money still was lhe ~~ Issue. The utOCiaUon wanta the owre_n to boost 'their four-year $18 million dollar, perWon contribu&n offer. The owners retuse to budge. ;rt'O asaocladien bas asked for • millKiD. The Players' Association commi\tee of president John Mackey of tbe DAIL\' ,.IL01 rMi.t. llY ltkJo•nl lt""!ff And just to show it was .no fluke, tie committed an error by dropping the bait while trying to tag a runner charging the plate. It turned out to be the margin ' . . CATCHER TOM EGAN BRACES,FOft THf CRASH WITH DANNY CATER ••• ~ cf defeat for the Cherubs. In fairneb ·to Egan, he w creamed liall Better Game by Danny Cate r on the play. ·But the crowd didn't care -they gave Tom a rousing boltvation when he came to bat in the seventh. For 90me 100d .reason the Angels ate world beaters -when they are11't pla ying In Orange ~lft:y. They'W captured 75 percent ol their road games. Perfect~Night at P.U,,t~ .. 1 • • • .. Vtft at the Bit Jr'thej'Ve copped only ~.6 percent of their outings. Doesn't Faze Munson As Harold• once said during con· versftion I could understand, "when By ROGER CARLSON you're'Playlng good ballhom, it doesn't m~.t· or ""' oa11Y ,,._. •11tt ter where you are -at e qr, aw~Y-ed So right, liefly. And thus the mystery His maUer.cf-fad attitude tend to of wiiat's happening to the /"1gela has give yoo the i.Jnpression that it was been solved. ~ just another evening's work. PS : This \ weekend the Ao g e 1 s ThUrman Lee; :MUJ\Wn, the New York mercifully wt up this home stand . . . Yankees Catcher h8d ·just rompleted ind orninou they 're slipping out of Tuesday night 's encoun,er with the town on Q.e S Di!go Padres' plane. California Angels showing a perfect · * * '1 · round at the plate, hitting safely four 1 * ' tbnes including a two-run homer and So, foi:r .(ngels manal{er Bill Rigney a double . will hav the last laugh aftera\J. J He scored half of the Yariks' six runs Last r he got the au from the en route to a Mi decision ever the Angels. 'ltie lptter got Harol~i "Lefty" hosts. Phillips -a debatable stroke Oflfortune. Munson,. however, 8 dead-serious 2.'J.. And Rigney;i got the Minnesota Twins year-old, sat on his dressing room stool, -right ~noW' the be.st t~~ in the munched some potato chips and s aid , . major leagu es, along with Cincmnall. "I bad a better night against Baltimore. -* * * "Against the Orioles I had a homer h' Bill and two doubles along with a single. It appears that Newport Be~c s And that included three RBI. Voss is being saved for the stretch drive by Lefty. Voss has scarcely dirtied his unifonn since returninJ from the disabled list. Jn Sunda1's extra Inning win over \Vashington, Left~ employed 12 of his 25 players. And Voss, ex·Newport Har:t>or High, Orange Coast College type, was one of those not utilized. However he did get up once in the late inning~ of Tuesday night 's debacle, grouoding out:'' Jn •1iew of the Angels' sag~ing mound corps, pefhaps Voss couki try his luck pitching. \ ' Or better maybe Egan · could make the switch '. • . unless his sigh~ are set on a future shdt at ;ftat elQslve major league passed ball Standard. ' ·Meaan Cleaea '" Riding · four strokes ~ff the pace in the U.S, Jr. am;lteur gotf· championships being held in Athens, Ga., Is Steve RoberlsOl\ of Costa Mesa with a 7i. Dave C8nlps of North \:arolilla leads witl'l 'Tony Maftese of Whittier a stroke· back~ -' ' . "But you don't get loo many really good night.s like that. I'm just going to go back out there and not look at the scoreboard with Hie averages posted. "I'm not going Lo let that stuff psych me out," said the young Yankee slugger. NEW YDlllC CAL11'$11lNIA •llrllrtH lllrll!WI Cl•rtt, 7b J 1 l I AlorNr, 2b S I I 0 M....-i,c •>•1 SptnC ... ,111 2111 Wlll1•,ll l I I 1 Fr900fl,11 •I 2 2 Cat1r, rf • 1 1 2 ~.Joh11son, If 4 l I J .Ellll, lb 4 I 2 0 McM11ll911, lb J 1 I Lwt111. rf o o I e J.T1tum. rt t o H•n11111. lb I I I t V-. rf I I w.....,.,, lb • • • • Jollnl191141, ti • 0 Wo0d1. t i 4 O 1 O E;e11, c 4 I Mk ... el. ii 4 0 • 0 C.Wrlghl, pr I I McCormick. p J 1 l 8 A1c111, c O I MCOl(llt!, p 1 0 0 0 G1rr1U, p I 0 RUii, ph 1 I e .Fh.htr, p 1 o [)oyht, p • 0 R1Ynol6s, pll I I lrldlty, p I I •-1."" 1 • Queen, p • 0 T111111 JS ' 11 J Toi.11 :rl 1 Ntw Ylll'll C1Ulornlf McCCM'mk• tW,1-1) M<Oallltl • Gerrett (L,.t4) E.Pliher """ lh•dhtl' ....... 102 Clal 000 -' 100 IOI JOO -J ll•Mlllt.lllO '-1'1SS•SS 2·1/11 111 2 • J l 2 ' ' 1·11113201 1·2/31110 1 1 1 I I I I I I I t t 1 It y,•as the third Ume he's posted a quartet of hits · in one game this season and it upped his a v e r a g e to .2ri. I. He's rlpped the ball at a .300 clip since beginning the season with one safety in his first 40 appearances at the plate. ~ His two·run blast came off of knuckleballe r F..ddie Fisher's specialty and it propelled the Yankees into a S.2 lead. Manager Ralph Houk, savoring· his second straight victory over the Angels in their three.game set that concludes tonlghl, was delighted with Munson's work. "He's a helluva kid. 1( pot.bing happens lo him injury-wise you'll be hearing a lot more out of him. "He has no history of injuries, he's just a real bulldog and loves the game. "He has everything you 're looking for . He's a complete ca tcher, a student of the game. And the beautiful thing about it is that this is really his first year of professional baseball," says the cigar· smoking Houk . New York also recei ved aid and com· fort from the enemy as the Angels turned in another sub-par outing. After blo~illg Monday'' game when caught napping on a hidden ball trick , the Ang.is resorted to setting an American i..eague record in futility for passed balls. Catcher Tom Egan suff ered through eight inn ings en route to allowing five passed balls and capped it with an error. That, along with poor base running and the inability lo' cash in with the bases loaded in the first inning, highlighted the Angels' fourth Joss in five tries in the current home engage- ment. A fruMrated crowd of 13,170 fans at Anaheim Stadium watched manager Lef. ty Phillips' Halos si nk seven games off the pace 1 of Western Division leader Minnesota. Grabby OK; Hil<.~s Avera ge With 2 Hits .P!!ILADELPHIJ. (AP) u·.-been a tough struggle for Billy Grabarkewiu to get his left leg back into shape. The Los Angeles Dodger third baseman broke it in four places t¥"o years ago. "it 's been a long uphill struggle," he said after the Dodgers' 6-2 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies Wednesday night. "I hope all Lhe work is starting to pay off now ." · Grabarkewitz, who hit .092 in 34 games last year, went two for four, raising Dodger Slate AN rw.nwt .. Kl'I H*I J11!y JG Pod91" 1t MOnl.-~I J UIY ll °"6fUI II Mofllr1AI AU9. 1 Ovdlltr1 If Montr11I Aue. J Oodlt9r1 11 Montr .. 1 5 pm. S 1.m. s p.m. 11:10 1.m. his average to .326. One of his hits was a line drive hornet' run to right center. It appeared rirst to be an inside the park ball. It came in the eighth inning with the Dodgers ahead 5-2. "When I hit it, I knew it had a chance to go out," he said. "I wasn't going to take any chances, though. Out of the corner of my eye I sa w the second-base umpire \Augie Donatelli) signaling a home run but the ball rolled back toward the infield. The coach kept runnlng and the other umps didn't signal a homer so I kept going." The run was insurance for the Dodgers who got off to an early lead and put the game away with two in the fifth after the Phils tied it at 2-Z. LDS ANlllLIS rMILADELPHIA Hr llrM •llrllrtl Wllll, '' t 2 l I T.T1v10r, It J 1 I Mol•, n J 1 I I Doyht, 2b I I 1 W.Dlvb, ct • I 1 I I r-, ph I I 1 W.Plfler, Ill :I I T I M"""f. :lb J I I H•ller, c • 1 1 I •. s,_, rl , I 1 Gr1Nr•'wlt1,Jb • I 2 I Hullo, rf 1 a 0 Crlwfofd, rl • 1 1 1 Hl1lt, cl l 0 1 Kosco, rt I I I I Htrtnon, 11 :I I I Motlier, p I I I I M.llYlll, c • I 0 llr.wtr, p 1 I I I 111111'11"9< P 2 I ' 9,1gg,, Ph • • • To1111 :U 6 II ' Liit A119411ft Phllleltljll'>lt M.i.idlClll, pr I 0 0 Ltnch, p I I 0 I Jo1et:itl, ph 1 o 1 I Tol•li JS 2 I 1 ilOO Oii 1\0 -' 111 100 llOO -1 11" H JI ER Motl1-r tW,MI ._1fl 6 1 1 •• $0 . ' . ' • • o I er .. 1r ,.111.. 2 o o l unnln; IL,.101 7 10 J i L1roch t t I I Time -11t6, All.,..llCI -1..-. \{ams Might Have Won With Baughan. i.. Coach George Allen ol lhe Lof AngeleS Rams has said many times which would be 20 potind s more than at the end of the 1969 campaignJ thi' absence of right Iinebas\er MaJie Baughan may have meaht the dif· and has ·~en working out for two months at home in AUanta. 1erince in the team's 23--20 loss to pie Minnesota Vikings for the 1969 Voted all·pro on 5everal occasions and a P.J'O Bowl performer nine WtJStern Conference title i1J: the NaUona1 1 Football Leagu~. ;.years , Baughan was the Rams' defensive "qiµi,rterbqck ," calling · the . Today, in a sprprise ounretirinenl," the 3(J..year-ol4;110.year pro is ·signils age1nst the enemy attaick. &lack as a regular Ofl the Ram roster. 1.11 "d h ·u t a h · gt ·r t II · th 1 Baughan plagued by a bad kriee all la&t se.rlson , was sidelined after ""en sa1 e w1 Pay ,..aufi an spar1n y, t a a , tn e ear Y th •.. , ... ae.rieS or clays in Minnesota last· December and .soon after an-preseason gamPs, just as he did ast summer wilh "Tommy Mason and u •" r the now·reUred .Oick Bass. • nounced hia footba I day' were over4 ed 11 h • · H1'hls is gre9t. news for Ram coaches, Ram players, and, most of "This is just· the spark we ne to go a t e \Vay.' /i C'!1 rt lhP. Refl1 "' au Ram fans ," 53;d Allen. assi stant general manager, Johnny Sanders, himself a former coach and ' Ma xle, who wiU be 81 next week, told Allen he weigb1 about 220, chief scout for lhe club. Baltimore CClts, Ernie Wrigbl of lhe ClnolnnaU BeJ18als and Ken Bow\Dan of the Green Bay Packers was upset by the owners' recess moVe. · In a statement read by Lindquist, they said, ''The NaUonal Football League Players Association and its membersll!P ls saddened by this development, "'Out we remain hopeful that . the owoer'il tee fit lo rojurn quickly to !he bargaining table and the mediation progress. "When the owners ate> ready to negotlale in good faith, an agreement will be concluded. lt is, once again, apparent Lhat the owaerl" : •• are pulling tho 1970 j)IO(ellllooal footljall ...... in jeopardy by this action:· . Kbeel saJd the commtttee had no idea of how long it wouJd be before it rtlurnetl to the bargainJng table. Asked if the owners would open ltjini.ng camps to the veterans ... be rtpl.ied, "that is a matter to be decided ... " t(heel said \ the owners would be in touch with tbe mediators ·•as soon as we believe we can bring abOut an agree. ment:~ We are · sorry it has not beeu, possiDle to reach an agreement here." • ••• CATER SLAMS INTO THE ANGELS CATCHER . , , ••. AND THE FORCE OF IMPACT CARRIES HIM UPWARD • , , , , , WHILE THE BATTERED EGAN CRUMPLES TO EARTH, ~-- ' WtdoHdoJ, JuiJ 2', 191t Maddox Not A we-stricken At Prospect of Facing Vets Former Syracuse Tight End Seeks Chargers Berth By PHIL ROSS ot .. NII)' f'lllt lletr 11oatie guard BW Maddo• promiBes Mt to become awHtrlcken when the Sa Jlieto aiaraen. football vet.eram finaUy walk inlO tbe equad's UC 1rviDe eummer traloing camp. , Sllndioa M IO end Upping the ..:ala ot llO, the llze alone of the former Sy......., Unlvenily lilht end should in- vent sudl a pbtnomeooo fn>m bappeniDg. lladdo• admits, "I ~ the lint time I lay eyes on some of Uae &UY• (tbe veter&n1), I'll probably ask mytelf, ·what am I doing here with them?' "After all," be goes on, "a lot of tbeee guys were playing pro ball wbeo [ was very young so I idoli&ed aomt of lhem. "But after the flnt few minutel it sboukin 't bother me -I mean belQg on the same field with the veterans. I'm here to make the team, too." Maddox wu the Olargen' fourth draft dJolct end the lum'a brua ts boplnc to,,,.... him into~ l!'aJ! s.w-y, Saii Diogo'• all·Pro olfemlv• guard. 'Ille simU.UW.. .,. otrlking between 1bt pair ol lormu Syracuee Orang..,.._ ~ came out ol the upolale N.,. YOfl< loatitulloo u Sao Diop'• top droll pick in 1111 end be abo played up& end for _.. Ilea Schwartzwalder'• ~ Allor_..., Illa uep oo lbt Cllatgen' l!plilllJ. ml&I, Sweeney WU immedlately -to bla ,.._all-Pro -Some ,oboerven f .. I be II 0.. beat ""*"'" guard in the busineas. sw-y'a vital statistics (H , 211) are allo very close to thole or Maddox. MMdox was born in Tupper UR, N.Y. 2S ' years ago but lived up and down the Eastern seaboard, his fatber bein& a coach aod te.acher. llLL MADDOX, FORMIR SYRACUSE ACE Now married and the father of a balJy boy, Maddo• ..-..oed at Manltua ~ in ups~ New York. The ACldemy WU run GB a aemi-military bull and the football i.ama there were loUp enoop to taU oa neJibl>orial i:ol!oc• 1r..iun.o unit.. Three of M.addoi:' teammates llt Manllua were Anny'• a 11 • E a 1 t ql&ll'terback Steve LiDdell; Gary Steele, the finWver black gridder at West Polol and T0QY Gayesld, latu a Maddox .,.borl al S)'l'OCll9t. Newport Kiwanis Wins; Rotary Shocks Ha1·hoUJ· ,,.. euy-going -· O{ilinally ac-cepted a grid scholarship to North Carolina but departed that tobacco coun- try -aftu hia IN8h year when ............ shakeup toot place. He A)'I be bu never regrett.d hia iledlion to move on to Syracute, where be 1acU jwll llix boun toward a BA degree on a recreatlqn major. Maddo1 notn' "on the Syracuse un-- bllancwl line, I was a tight end on the lbort lkle and that caused me to go aplnal ltilebackera a lot. So I had to be oa DI)' toes all the time. "I Dl'9t!l" got too much of a thrill out of tbe ttw puae1 thrown to me but once, on a tpeeial team, I r1n bM:k. aa ouide kick G yards in a S)TICUM: rainstorm for a touchdown in • win over UCLA." Maddos concludet, "WJlhout a doubt tbl bigelt: ct>al!tnge of my life is ieam. iDC a DIW posiUon and doing Wtll emugh to attdt with thia club. 'lllll transition -college to pro ball bu to be the t.ougbelt in football .•• More Sports Pages JB, 19 The Newport Center Klw..W (Corona del Mar) team liopt IU bold oo leCOlld place in the Huntiqton Beach IWlllller bueball league Monday a1pl with a 3-1 victory over Wion'• Tow Sen1ce (Ed!Mi) lo actiM oo the · _.,. dla-mood. . North Huatiqtoa llotary (FOWltain Valley) atopped a 11.....,.. win streak by lluotiqtoo Harbour (Huntint1lon Beach), takin& a W Verd.let on the latter'• turf. Le~gue.leadlng Newport E a: c b a n g e Club (Newport Harbor) got a win. the easy way u Kaufman and Btoad (Marina) forfeited ill fourth ltraJa:ht contest. 1be KiwaJUs pushed acrou the' wbvUng run against Winn'• in the bottom of the seventh inninl· Mark F.rickaon led off the decisive frame with a &illl'.le and moved to aeconJ on a dr1g bunt inlield aincle by Brad Baker. After ID intentional walk WU yielded to Reed Johnson to load the ba1e~. Wkl:n11 relief pitcher Ed Winn walked Dick Purcell, forclnt Encu. bome WllLI the deeiding tally. Ericksoa 1lso il'OVkled the Klwan;s with a nm-producing triple in the flrst. Tow-beaded righthander Dave Vilus logged a complete game victory for coach Tom Trager'• IOwanb: nine, atrik· ing out six and walking three. Baker and Ertckaon led the Kiwanis Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE Eul Dtvt1hM1 w L PcL GB Pjtllburp 58 45 .554 New Yc:rt 54 15 .545 t <llicago 50 49 .505 5 Pblladelphia 46 52 .469 8\0 SI. Louta u 57 .430 12 "1 Montreal u 57 .430 1211 West Dtvlaloo Ctoclnnall 70 32 .681 Dreqtn 11 a .571 111.s, Atlanta 41 52 .480 21 Sao Francl&co 46 53 . 469 22 -46 54 .480 23 Ban DI.ego 40 u .m 30 AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore Detroit New York Bo<ton Cleveland Washington Minoeaota An1<lo Oakland Kansas City Milwaukee Chicago Eut DtvloiN w L 113 38 35 44 53 46 50 41 47 53 15 54 Weal Dtvlal• 62 33 58 4S SS 44 37 " 37 113 35 ill T11tld1~•1 IM11llt Olkllllll t , l•tton t Ntw YoR t, """'" I Mllwtu•M " W1ihlr111on l a1111mor. t. C~lttvo 2 K1n1t1 CllY J. 01111111 t MlnMM!t S. C11 ... t111d 2 Pel .!H .SM .515 .510 .470 .416 .153 .574 .tlltl .370 , .370 .340 GB 7 9 111) 15 ~ 17 7 ' 27~S: 27'r-J 31 TM•r'• 011n1n loston CC\lht 10.f) 11 OKltlld ( ... Ill M ). nl1nt Ntw Yotlt !KUM I.JI ti AJIMll IWrltllt lt-11, 111;111 W'Ullln9lotl ''"'"" 1·J) II MllwlukM (Kr1uue 10.10), 1'111111 Kifll.lt Ctw lJGl!n-:i-11 tt o.tr.tJ fMcl•ln 2·tl. nltllt Ml-Mii (1Mw1ill M flt Hell Ml If Otw-1.ffMI IHlftd :M flt Alllllfl 1·41, n .. 111 CPI!~ lMJllef' ... I 11 h lllmart (Ht l'llln 2· I), niehl DEAN LEWIS 1tU HAUOl ILYD., COSTA MIS.A 646·9303 S.r•ll:e Porto, & lody Shep New Open \Jnt11 I p.m. Monday Nithh I I Orlnfe County'• Llrfeat and Most Modem Toyota and Volvo Dealer offense with two hits each. RDtary •topped Ihe Huntington Harbour win skein and kept coach Don Walker's Harliour crew from moving into thlrd place in the: sb:-team loop. Young Bob Haddow went the distance oa the mound for Rotary and picked up the victory, allowing jutt three aingLes. The winners opened up the scoring In the first when Gary Varney doubled Steve Foi: home. H1. H1111t111t .... ••ll'Y Ill H1111IJ111l111 HtrMr (It Hthrtll ltrllnl Sl!l1n41ll, Jb 2 2 I 2 V1nAm'111f'rl,(I' O 1 O Fo•,t 1100Mlll•,H 1111 Vtmer, ,, 2 I 2 1 TtOICtl. :ttl , ' 0 0 Mll'ry~n. 10 t I o I Sl\ubln. p-11 J I 1 \ M11fltl!I, c 3 0 1 1 8rool!t, 111 J O O O Lll.ICllN\Olclt, Cf J I 0 0 Ootwnlflll. rf t 0 f I Mlltey. tll a o o o Mld!U11, rt o o o o Hudlln1, rl l 0 t O Wlmtr, II I I I O Haodow,p 1101s1111t,p 1001 \l~m.20 2010 ClrllOOI. 211 1 O I O JlmAJhford~lll 2 .1 I I JryAsllforll, ( I 1 O I 11 5l 5 TOI•!• 212l l 1c1r1 ,., lnnll!9• ••• No. H11nt1ng1on Ao!1rr Ill l'9 -s • ' HUfltll\UIOl'I ... /'Dour aoo Ot -2 l I Wl1111•t Ttw l.,....k1 UI Hew~ Klw1111t (l) r•r~l'M Hrll...i l,t<H11,H ll0 0P~r1'tr,d JOI G.AllNI, ti 2 I 1 I IC.trl. 2b l 1 1 WtJnberg..r, cl l O I I OtM1r, •• J 1 I Win~. 31).p l 0 I 0 Erldi.on, :lb J I 2 Allff,t ll lOC1r111.pr 000 Par1<1r, lb l O I O ltktr, lb J 0 t 5cllof;t ld, 211 I 0 0 0 A.JOlmi.on. 3tl 2 0 I lhnl•n,p JOOOAttr..11 100 Gill, rf 1 I O O P11rct ll, If O I O Hinton, If l o O O Bii/iop, rf 2 O O Cllnl", rl o o o vu.,. " 2 •• 24 2 • O To"I' 21 l t klN ltl' lll•fnti . " . W!nn'1 Tow S1 .... 1c1 011 000 e -2 4 2 Ntwporl Klw1nl1 !DO 100 I -t t 1 DEAN LEWIS AU•UST SPICIALS ITllOllYl[QJIT ]la][ SP I C I AL 1970 TOYOTA WAGON :!!~ $1817 ... °'"' ......... MM If-Hiiu •kl•.._ "-1! CnlNn cer ... VOLVO 1'70 DI MO $2699 141 2 4t., recUe, llt tfer, 4 .. pt.4. !Ser. •4140} 1967 TOYOTA"CORONA • 14161n. 111111111, Htllt-r, l\1110f1111lc lftllt. (\/IV il1l $1095 ,,.. --. --------• Sports In B rief Oiler Cagers Get New Hope With Transfer B7 R00.£11 CAJU.ION Of .. ~, .. ~ • Lomba rdi Ca n't R eturn, S ays Wa.shingwnPape~. When Hunllnalon Beach llJch bubt-' baU wlilo ROll MW... grldl&ated to tho IPrlni ol Jiit, k w11 the culmioallon GI ~ oparl<lh!c yean al tho Oller lruUw!bi. a period In which Httotlncton chalked up aome lm[lOSlnl ae.....i win marks. The Ollen, under coach Elmer Combs, won 79 .of to games, blitzed through lhe Sunset 4oa(IMl twice undefeated, and • .... tb"'"*'1 the Irvine LNcue with I lJ..1 l&llOn, Q>mtw• crew combined a futireaf fJI. ferwe, a 1·1-1 toae dtfeme Jt'lth oc- culonal lll>PliC.atlooa ol the lull coorl -and added one othor oll""'1ve ~ to play bavoc with the GP' poo!Uoa. Tbal' Wll \be ~low poot ayoq,m lllfnJ a M!ller, with Ida back, to the beabt, to pou oil, aet up, llloot and more llkely than not, to turn Ind bani< one or drive kl the bucket. One of Mllier11 per'IOMl problem1 dur· loi tjlat &pan Wll 00 Wlamatioo cf the loiee called O!good ' Slaughtar'a dlBeaae. 'lbe malldy clUlel pain to the knee area wttJr no rtmedy 1vailable -e1cept rest or 1 cut-neither of which WASlllNGTON (AP) -Bii"""' con- tinued Wldnelday to aumulld the latest of two operations performed on coach V Ince Lombardi of the W uhloeton Red-skins. The Washington Poat said in !Ills morn-inl'• edittonl, however, that Unnbardl wfil not return to hi1 coaching dul.iea t.hla season. The Post story quoted doctor• familiar with Lombardi'• lllneu u 11yln1 tfie aur1erj would prevent bla return ln time to coadl the team. Lombardi w., readmitted to Georgetown Unlveralty lloopltal Jolondar afttmoon fOI' wb1t WU then delcrtbed u 1 routine checkup and oblervatklo. Several houri aftor be underwent what wu deecrlbed u "lddlUonal aurgery.'' • NEW YORK -Donn Clendanon aet a dub record by batUng ln teven runs with a pa.lr of three-run homers and 1 sac:riflce Oy and Jbn McAndrtw pitch- ed a five-hitter Tuesday nigh! in leading the New York Meta to 1 12-2 rout ol the San Francloco Glints. la onotitainabte If you're puroutog bulu!~ e ball lllCCe!ll ot Huntingtoa Beach. 8 0 ST 0 N -W'"'ld Champlonahip The glory day1 at Huntlnltoo took Tenntl, Inc., the major tennil tour group a lhort vaeaUon (lut year the Oilers in the United States announced Tuesday were 17.f ~ fi.nWJed third in the Swwet the ~chue of ~tract& ol 1!1: -pro- biaroe) l>tlt 1r -.,.-111<-0raogClllil-iiii10iiallll!lilen:ontract to the··Natlonal black ii OD lts WIY back. Tennis League. One of the bi& rtUODI it the return Both groupa: have been lourin1 the ol G~ MUb, who left tbe OUtr campus country, with players from each com- for one year at ~· where be wu peting together in varloua t.cunf:mants. a ltartlnc euard on a itate tournament World Champ&onatUp Tennis, which eoMlltry ;_ 1_ already had 11 pllyer1 under a>ntract, q q a 17"1>ound, 1-1 playmaker who can llioot effecttvely from outside and handles the ball well. He's from the same mold u Mlller, ..... llkad to 10 to th< baakel, -and in gen•al, be where the action WIS. Mills II ai>o afflicted with the Ost1ood Slaughter ailment, and another Oller standoul, Scott \Wlltfteld, is in the • ...., boat with the knee ailment. "Miils will be effective for us because he's phylical. He'a not 11 burly or as strons u MUlar but he has confidence In ,n 81,YI C.Oml>a:. - Youth Football ' 1btrt'1 •tlll room for l'DOftl players, qed 9-14, for g.. Newport-Me,. Jr. All-American lootkll leque. Practice opens Saturd1y at 9 a.m. at four lite• COrort1 de! Mar, Eatancia and NewpOrt Harbor hllh llChoola-plus TeWlnkle Park in Coltl Mesa. ParUclpantl or those wishing to sign up sflould report to the site nearest bis re1idence. ' . lncludlnf Wlm ledon champion J""' Newcombe, uld It purchued the "!fl: tracts of Rod Laver, Pancho Gonza~ Ken llosewall, Fled Stolle, Roy Emerl!I! and Andres Glmeno. The purclia,. P"'4! waa no4. dlsdosed. · -:-·i Laver is the leading mooey-wlnner ~ the tour so far this year, with· earn1ni14 ol 1113,IXXI. . •I . • CYITAWA ... The House of Cominioo finance committee was lnformtd. ~ that Bobby Orr, National Hockey deferuernan, super . star of the Bo Bruins, spends more than 115,000 a y9tr Bending autographed plcturea to Iii fans. ~~ • ADENAU, Germany -Bill S«ili, American sports car driver, w.~' hospitalized Tuesday after being struCt by an automobile following a practl" nm for Sunday's fonnula 5 rlCt If tfuerburgring, track officials reported.": Scott, of Washington, D.C., wM flnlsl)- ed fourth In the same race laat yea, was hit> while walking near the tradl. He is ~being treated in a local hoapll)) and the exa:t nature of his lnjur1dl!, described aa serious, was not known. ~ .. . ,, INDIANAPOLIS -Sta_n Sm t I~. 1Jiierlc1i'i --lo~raiiked l)avls CupJll!l!I!:, struggled Tuesday in 9(1<legree beat ,., f>eat back the challen1e of u~ Milan Holocek of Ciechoslovakia in n"ct round play at the National Clay ~ tennis championships. :~ Smith led an array of U.S. and fortiQ tennis stars who advanced. into leCOQif round play in the week.Jong toumam~ being played for the second 1tr~ year at Indianapolis' venerablt Woods.tock Club. .'! The M Pasa~na native won the fl.flt set 6-4, lost the second set U a1;5t trailed UJ and 3-l before co~ ~ to take the final set 6-4. t Tol}"seeded Ameri can, Oirf Rlchij moved up wi~ an eaay . a.3, 6-3 vlctol)' over Paul Gerken of East Norfolk, Cb~ while the No. 1 foreign seed, Jan Kodlli of Czechoslovakia, turned b a c.~ Indonesia's S. Suglarta, 6-2, M . ~· OUARfEIUWJK SPOKI'S f;.JEISURE e BOWLING e HUNTING e SKIING e AllCHERY STORE HOURS ........ " •.•.• ,,. ··~ . Sl"',...I' ,:)I f ,111. II •:Ill ,.m. MAIL OIDalll SOUTH COAST !'LAZA Ull YOUI lrilNI • ... hi Dfep frwy., C... M .. I LAwel ~-H .. tk W.r.rt.llJ PHQHI 140..cllti I "l&RT YANCEY" Wll COMa ,,... u "" ... .......... 1t4. "IW l trllll. WllC-· "'" II or -''LLOYD MANGRUM" • Aluminum Shafts 25% b OFF l)k ALL BASEBALL GLOVES GOLF CLUBS t IRON ~ WOODS WHILE THEY LAST! WILSON e SPALDING e MacGRIGOR e RAWLINGS e REGENT s&g•• ALL WATER SKIS • ""ALL 'OOLF"iiGS. &~~ ;::J:~:C:K :~:IC:~:LA=;=s= WILSON • RICH MI LTON • MASTlllS ~~ c ART GOLF BALL RIOT!! TOMMY ARMOUR :~-=.. ................ $4.88 SWEET SHOT :~ .. ---·---·· $7 .88 SPALDIN6 KRO'·FUTE :~ ............ $10.81 Lii TlmNO =~ ----------f6.18 AlNOLD' PALMER - OOLP SLACKS Limittd Sit11 -Hurry! llGINT LAWN, DARTS ale. $4.U ltAY -0 -YAC list s22•• $49.50 Reg. $t8.50 Reg . $1b.OO Rog . $1 s.oo NOW $9.ft NOW $8.ft NOW $8.!t SPECIAL •3 59 IATTIRllS Slit ZD EATON & PAR PAL OOLP IHOll ~~ 50%oFF UMrtn tllll HAlMON KILLHRIW IAnlNO Tll AU10MA11C • HILPI COACHD Reg. $24.95 s1911 . ' I I • 11 ! ' . ' . Wed.....tay, Ju~ 2', 1910 SALE SPECIALS FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! S• liabla E1panol . . , WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA ' . · -· FULLERTON ~ ., - • I 1s2i1 IEAcH BllD •• PRIWIE 193-as44 120 E. FliST ST. 'AT CYPRESS. PllOIE 547.74n 1530 s. HARBOR BllD •• PHONE 870.0700 l•"•P•••f, h'41.1.,lot.. WW. ,;,., $1or• d•..t 1•-u ............. .,. ""'•· u .. In .kl""" ti.an "P lob•. FITS UP TO 30 GA.UON CAN PACKAGE -0,-l O IAGS-. ~~~39c .t CILL ,.l.fOCUSIP FWHUGHT W\cM ~iftl! ....... .... hm'Mll' .......... . 11 ..... PcKkl ....... ,1 .,,,_, .. h>foll .............. TN•"" .... nrr11'RD'r'E" IVflYOIU WAHJS ~ f Ill 'l;j HI-RISE BIKE RUGGED STEEL VELOCIPEDES s1 .. 1 c.oll6,,.,.,1.,.. for '°"II Ill•. E••m•I f;,.1,"-111 Gligi""' -·-· PRICED 6'' FROM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• 8:00 A.M. • 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY •• l:OO A.M. • 9 P".M. $A1U~DAY. •••••••••• , • 8:00 A.M. • 6 P.M. SATURDAY · ............ l:OO A.tit.· I P.M. SUNDAY .... ; ...... ; .. 9:00A.M.·4P.M. SUNDAY .............. 9:oOA.M.·2P.M. FOR 4th TIRE WHEN YOU . BUY 3 CORNE~L TIRES AT OUR· LOW SINGLE . TIRE PRICE FREE OFFER APPLIES $4.98 WHEEL {; ALIGNMENT · • 1'0-ARISTOCRAT;- -wtTM11ff PUKKASE Of TWO ' Ol lilOl! PASUHOllt CAI TlllS (MOST AMEllCAM CAlSJ SIII IUY 3 AT OUI SINGll llltl PllCI f70x14 3646 leplou1 1.00"1' EA 7.50111' • 070.14 3854 ltplo"' 1 .2s..1' EA. l .001f1' • El(PUT llSTALLATIOI · FREE ' FOR 4th TIRE when you buy S tirH at our tingle tir• price 6.10••~ ·1510 7.1.blS EA. 1.10.1s 16'4). 1.1s.1s EA. l ladi: Tvb.le11 6.70J.15 18~~-7,7,1IJ 7,'3S 11.4 19~! 7.00•1' 19~!. 1.so.1' 7.15•1' r1 .... ,.... IOlf of SI.IS,, SJ.19 ..,ch llt• .i.P*""'"' ... w. SIZU SUIJfCT TO STOClt OM HANO WIDE TREAD AND XWT TIRES FOR 4th TIRE when you buy 3 tires at our . single tire price PEP BOYS SMASH TIRE . PRICES DURlllG THIS GREAT SALEl Jh1s1 tirt• a•aIT~blt only in Ibo st st1111 Usltlf l11ddr1ss lleL .. -----w~:~~~~D BE LT ED TUBELESS WHITEWALLS f ' ' • • ' , ' • ' . • . ' ' ' ' ' • .. I I ~ ! • > • • "' ,, • ' • ' ' I ; ' ., I l I ' GUARANTEED 40 MONTHS* $ . ' 4•hTIRE TRUCK TIRES , • 1 . , FOR PICK-UPs;·~o5}9@1 : WHEN YOU BUY 3 TIRES AT OUR LOW SIN&LE TIRE PRICE c19.14 H71·1~ (l.9Sxl4) 071·1' (l."·'·'°•14} SIZE C7'·1l E7t.14 n1.1• (l .2J·l .00xl.(J 1f11.1J (7.00..13) (1.3J.7.001l"J {7,1.).].J011l-O G71-1J (7.IOJ<l3) ti 'LY Yl:lAD m.1s (1.15·7.\0..ll) J71·14 ~ I (7.75·1.7011ll) (l .ltJ.D.00•14) onu:rf:'u~Ccou sr1\n,, 3704 . 3936 4316 4440 4691 I SINGlE lllE EA ,. ,. ,. " ~ PITT • . • " " ~ D!JIAC!!.:ll ~ ... 4t:ViRE 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 STIR UQllllUI J .. , PANELS & CAMPERS I . ~~ .. 15ss . :.1 1695 ::: 1845 -'"" Tw"°" ,.._.. ' l~pe Tn-I ~ ::: 19~1. n:l7l5 1,,.. V.u.15 , ..... 1 ... 11 ...... , • Pluo '-cl."'" of U .39 to $2,IJ H<h , ... d.o....,.M .... t\l• ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE* 4 PlY NYLON CORD TUHlfSS SlACKWAUS ' 5.0KIS/ 1.35/llO S.201113 S.Ol)..S,6011.4 •. '" ... "" ... 89° 11P'l..""'~•1 Mell Mi .. MfMll•' """ ..... I •• b r. !l.I ' ' .... b•• •· : ' : f i i • • i l i i l I I • l 1 1 i 1 • • • • • • • • • • •• Jf IWl PM . I al Op!a Leep Nutrilite Cagers "fULl" IACKSWlllG flEID Holes-in-one Dominate C0ast Area Coll Actwn Monarchs .Jn 50-49 ) ' :Win in Overtime HOT IE LONG ' Triumph Aruhol)loles~ln .. one Wilbur Robertson' and Tom 0.Cs at each tee and creen domlnoled the Orance Cout Carter of Eklondo County • ind 1 It-wtll be held Allhoogh limited to only 111 area loJllnc ICtlOt tbe put Club. with rJapaneae dancen and pointi in tbe nnal quarter, week. They won a audden-death MrVanta Mater Del tJJgh held on to Nulrilite survived Southern P\Qtlc M°'d's upset bid Mon· 1117 111[11 to aaswno • hall· -leod :ver \die Wiloon Ford ..... Coll& )( ... Opell ·Mustangs, Tar Post Victories Newport Harbor and Costa Mesa advanced iPtO t be semifinals of the M e s 1 • N ewporl summer baskttball tournament Tuesday night with impressive wins 1 t F.atancil High. Newport downed Mater Del, 75-4!, while Costa Mesa trip- ped Estancia. 16"'6. T1Je two winners will meet Monday at 8:30. In tonight's loser's btacl:et action, Mater Dei f 1 c e s Padlicl ac. 7: 15 and Estancia tangles with Los AmicOI at 1:30. -The losers -of the -two games \fill be eliminated from the toomey. Costa Mesa got a balanced scoring attack in its IO-point victory. Five Mllltanp finish- ed to <louble °""" with CINdl ... leadinc thl! Wrtl d 17. Doug 11,ocLean loll U, lollowed by Scott N rtr• (12). AJlen Moore (II) 91Pat Sweetland 001. D' ;\a •as paced by Lee Pri1t1?dorf'11 19 po Int a . 'l'Mmniates Jeff Zeladorf and Gmy' Orgill followed with 12 -~-"' U>e Newport victory, th< T .. jumped out to 1 com.. ..mJng 23-7 Ont quarter ad· wntq:e and never looked ------, ... ~ 110 flft,,. I t I It 6 1 f IS J I 5 11 ~r. 2 ! I 4 ------.... 4 • l • t t I I s • l 11 I I I S I 1 I 1 t I J 11 J711UM l.tMCll '"' ''"'' .. I ' t It t t I t ' 1 1 lt J 0 ~ ' J 0 0 ' I J I 1 J • 1 ' I 4 • 11 U161'" _,,_ ~MtM ' a H II 2'-K ....... '4 lJ I• 1•-M ........,. MarW IHI ........ ...... ' 1 l 13 -... lJIS KMIMf" I ' J l'll McKINW I I I l lwldl 4 2 I 10 ~ I I I' "-,,.,. T.... 2t 11 11 75 Mt* hi IQ) -::::-·' '"' ·~ ... Cwcu11c """' "'" ..... T ... .... ~ .. 1 • • • J 1 I 1 s • • a 1 • 2 ' I 0 I I I I I I • • 1 • ' 2 • ll J 1 I 4 201114 ""-.., ... mn "_...., H«bot 21 11 11 ts -n Matw Dll 1 10 1t 11 -a I \, basketball leque. However, lt requlred overtime work before Nutrillte was able lo pul1 it out o( the fire , n-111, on.r the two cornbala!lts finlahed ,..W.tloa play lied at Q apiece. Harbor M~ nipped Many 10Kors SfOlll to fool that for a boclc1wln1 to bo lull, It must also .bo lone. Such is not th• ..... Thero ii no sot loncth for • bocklwi,,.. In foe!, -IOlftll !Mkotbt mili,ktol-·Ari111- i11C(illu1tntlon fl) In on llfort to txttnd tllolrelubllloltboyond horizontal 1t the top. Irvine Cout Country Club's ptardf over J~ry Helperin JnvltlUon.1 1 have betn sent edce Mlsidon Viejo, SMt. In lreenl superintendent, Gene and &Uest. Bia Dean of out to lff of the dlstllf side Santa Ana Recreation Depl. Stoddlrd, tried the actk>n at Santa Ana Country Club to with the close off d1te Aug. butelball league play Tues .. Sada Ana Country Club last captire the three.day event 12. day night at Santa Ana .,.,...,..., and came up with la.st year. ut • • ~ nOmtll I club play ln Cri~rt Coll-e. an ace on 'lhe 178-yard par· Other cori.estants, among tourn t 1 J "one! ·• three lSth hole. others, include USC football amen P ay ast "' ay Ahead 4M7 wllh 40 stCOl'lds ch Jolin wu hl&Jdlghted by Vi Hoekins' 1 .. go, Maler Det"s Jeff Kiley He used a four-Iron for his <.'08 McKay and 84 14 70 (") hi h ood w I ,.._ · · 11'1 • w c was I hll a free throw to give the Newport St1tkaen, IMI, in I believe that o eolfer •hould Ill< nJgjlloop o1 Sootbern swin& bid< cinly '' for IS ho California CoUect. can. without lettin1 hi1 left .•rr:n third U eUme hole--in-one. partner ""enny L a n ad e I I , fo fU""' A •---f r .,. •MM•· "--~·, 0 "-'-t lead. Costa Meun Mark Su!Uvan ormer U.S. Walker Cup-· ,....,.... I -• t m~-"' ··~· Dr B r-......_.,.. P ace •~ o "'a1w·on Vle1"'• Richie Price t.umed the trick at Mesa . ud Taylor, G e o r g e n----1~ ••m•-• 17 -1• ~ ,. ~· ., ~ • ·-• foll-'ed with 1 l>y•~ In the Verde Countey Club Friday Y8ardley, Glenn Davis, Jack tll) ,.;,ie Elloe Stlpet "® • ..;;:: ... -. _, Detmy FillpaVitt w11 Uae extension bf'98k down~ Th11 11 key scorini fador for NutrHue· • "full" beck.1win1. To 10 bti· yond this Point merely forces ill the vital overtime ~t, somttbina: to coll1ps1. And auch on the ta-yard 18th bole. aota, Le1 Jlorvath, Tooy the B ni""'t ,..., -"th -.. Sulli usln T-•~ "I • P ,... ca-.oey "' o M'••lon Vlejo'o Di·•~ tn· vu, g a two.iron, •cwa,, ., c .. appas, Charles lCJl..33..75 (15). ..., - holed out on two bounces. (Buddy) Rogers of Lakeside Second ·in B fUght was Fran joyed a JG.14 lead at the half, And, Santa Anao Bob and hotel magnate Edward Lewia' 106-30-7t (II). but Mater Dei outacored the Jae~ aced thel87-yard 14th J. ~ley. Maxine Aalmus won the C losers, J0.7, In the third hole Sunday ,at Mlle Square The awards ceremony will title with a 106-Jt.?7 (1'7). quarter to take a 44-37 ad· «orinl n .. ol his -out-brUicln1 do ... is reolly nolhin1 .• put of 21 cowUn to keep more than 1 dissipation of en· e plf courae lo Fountain Valley. ht followed by an inlormal A similar klumey :f;r~Y vantage. 1 Jackaon'1 trick wu ac-dinner-dance Saturd1y night. wa1 captured by . H 11 el Mater Del's Rlct Knlfftn Nutrllite olive ml 'ft!l ln the trlY· · j title race will Wlilon Ford. Don't be pmbarr1SMd if you ~ complished with a four·lnm . Webster's 111-15-71 (II). paced both teams in the scor· Cost4 Mesa Golf and Coun-Mt•slo11 Viejo B flight act.ion was won by ing department with 19. Team Others in double fisuret f have I 1hort beck1win1. I know r °' that mint l1n't extraordlnorily l the w1nnen """ Dinny long (illustr1tiotl #2). Ytt. no • I Roger• 05), Allen Y""'I (JO) one hH ..Or oecustd mo of f try CIUb member Trudy Orton Mission Viejo's third annual Muine AssmU.' lOS.21-?S (83). mate Steve Fritz hlt 12. For pitched Jn f<r a birdie.three amateur invitational Is slated Monday's best nine evenf-. Mis.Von Viejo, Jeff Masterson on the third bole of the Los this weekend . The two-day, In womu's play was woo by-had II and Price canned 12. anc1 Gmty Martin c111. boii!li a lhort,~ltttr. I Southern Pl.-;c's ufll'I 1rJ ":;::;::;::::::::::;;::=========::: Lagos course Friday from 50 ~hole event be1ins Saturday Gerl Watson, who fashioned MAT•• 011 l•J, " ., "' ylrd.s ouL at 7 · a.m. ApplkaU911s for a 94-24-70 (24), to outdo Hue! ::::"'" ,l l : :: Jla11eho SI parti~lpation are being ac· Webster's 91·15-76 (25 ¥.i ). ~= , •' , 4 o t was pooed by Hal Holliltlr • PltACTtCE PUJI roMI iNTO vOuR GOLf GAME11Mm ..,., arxt Dive Paine. Hollist« ~ ...,... ... f"111i Ar.W r1IMM"'• llloeklli, ."Pt.:tic•." To ICOl'fJd 15 in the fll'll haH .. ,_. °""' .... JO. Md ......... ,.,,,~ with cepted through Friday. Sybl ,Foster scored a 110.26-. ~lr;"',..i : I : ! Bill Winter won Saturday's a (30) to share honors with M'if:•Y 1 o 2 2 to help his team to a one-point J'O&lr'F*tueilttlt Andi,.....,, e/• tr.It,.....,,,,,. lead and he finished up with ,,_:..._ ________________ __, low net rqen's club event with Costa jtle•a Ma1lne Assmus' 110.29-81 (30) °''11 M11110H v1110 lJf. u • » a 17, edging runnerup Bill Roy Stoddard nailed low in B flight while Nin a M••t•rsan : ~ '; :: 24 -with 10 d thole coming from the free throw tine. Paine added It lo the cause and Darryl ~Onkeo·belpecl out with 10. Cos~ Mesa's Bob Auatin Jed the Orange Coast College- flavored Merchants s q u a d with I 15i>oiftt output. The winners' balanced at· tad had only ooe other player in double figum, Tim Conroy with 10. M•rllW Mert!Ylll• CUI ,, ft ,, .. G•1wllllr I I I • Cite ' • 1 ' Holm•n J e 1 • Ceriray $ 1 1 lf <•bit 12 14 Mc.1,,trwlOll l I ! 7 H•~'"' )Jlf Addluon 1 1 1 1 1im1n 6J JU W1 •tr J l 2 7 to1111 '1 14 " .. lrlt"11'"'1 llf11tMr1 00 Howtrullnt W•1d .l,plJtlttrbtr ... Ooflv , .. ~ Tot•!• Ha1111m11 : "- ,. " ,, ,,. ' J 114 1 t t • ' l I IS J I I t 1 2 I 14 1 J ' • ?S 14 llM ,........,. M. $lel1-11 ......... Int •• ti ,. ,. ll:Of«• 47115 GHtlt ttl4 ~1bln1 1 ) A I Broe-man a t t 9 Flellllttl t I t I 8•tMI tl17 Y-St lit FlllHlrlct 11 1 J ti Mlrtln 1 2 '11 Totel1 ta 1• U 7J 5aulfltr9 ~ .... f1t) ft ft pf 111 O..k•n l ' t 11 Holllllff J 10 1 14 1'11!11 •4114 Curllu I 1 4 ' L...-J I S 1 lruckl !Ill HMfr lll1 """ 1111 Tllfllt 71 '' 17 10 H•lrtlflw: 'l•1lla 2'. Nu11Ull1 ll . J11rul1!klll: , .. rtla U Mulrl1U1 •J. l•lllNW l'~l!c Mflf I") lstl•'"' Onl<en J 1 i I Holll1trr 1 ' t lJ l'•lne •ssu Lr-111 2 G. 9ruckl I t I t l lrns ' 1 1 1• Telat1 21 11 ll " ...,,_ MMMl!tJ IHI ''"'' .. W•lttrt t ' J I Gotl'#llltr J o o ' C1!e 1 1 S 1 Hol"* AIOI l ... lnwnr t a 2 4 C•ble I t I 1 ·z.Dot ltJf Md..Md4tl J J ' ' (OllfllY '''' Gflffltlt t I I J Totet1 25 t 21 .st H1lf'llme~ Mttc~•nls 111. Pl•1tlu u . Two rings fortwci lovers ••• both rings $88.00 ................ !Id I• 141 t.t.1-IMMed ••Ill , .. i1teftllll Hackley by one stroke. gross honors at Costa Mesa Danielson woo the C category ~:1::1 t I ~ 1~ Tled for third with 6ts were Golf and Country Club over with a 115-31-79 (15 ). ~~~t:.'i. I ' t ,: OCC L.ags__68-6I Win Over Harbor Cagers Walt Crammond, _G....eAe lhe weekend in men 's club Second was Ann Kerman'• Tot•" scwe"' 6.l•rt ... '' l u., McDonald and Dick Hectk. action-witl'I a 73. See-HALF.s, Pqe Ill :r::i'~ ~i.ie {: H 1' 1t::!: A ladies mutt and jeff Low net winner was Bill Ji";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;i;;ii;.:;,;;;;;ii;;;ii;;;;i;;;;ii;;;;io; tourney waa captured by Zoe Wallace with a 17, followed BarlhoJomey_ wUh a 361h in by Jim Burnett at 68. Orange Coast College logged its first victory In · s.ix Long Beach City College summer league basketball o u t i n g s Tuesday nlgl:tt, downing LA Harbor, 68~1, at LBCC. said Livsey. The Pirates concluded the regular summ~r league slatp Tuesday, facing the Lon1 B{ach City College Vikings in 1 &:45 contest. 1 A flight e<mpetitioo. 1'1ird pl act was t i e i:I' Bev Cornwell won B flight between Norm Popkins, Fred with 1 S7 while Ame Schoel-Fredeod>org, Vic Simonelli tier (36) and Kay Leutwiler • arxt G1rland Privitt (69) while lSS) won C and D flight. Jack Towle and Frank st. Pierre were • notch back at B111JCI .. ,_ ue..,11 10. A partnen best ball tourney Stoddard set the La k e is on tap Saturday at Hun. Course record last Wednesday Ungton Beach Country Club. when he toured the 11 holes Tetalf is set for 8:30 a.m. with a gross 67 from the back C::OMPLm TUNE-UP! Coach Herb Livsey's Pirates trailed, 27·24, at the halftime intermiaioo and were down by 10 point& with eiebt minutes left in the game. Bui. at this juncture, OCC regrouped and reeled off an IM spurt to 1.ake a 58-54 ad· vantage with six minutes Jert. Following ni:xt :rue~ay's encounler,, OCC will participate in a d q u b I e eJimination toumiment in- volving the eight c I r c u I t tea ms. The tourney will be held Aug. 11·13. in the men's club event. lees on the new par·71 layout. ·:-The women's club i 1 • DISC 1ua:11r1c1ALIST • ll'tline Co ... t sponsoring an invitational COSTA MESA STORE ONLY Or••tt c .. 11 Ull The 16th annual member· Aug. 17 billed as Efpo 70. 141~~~:-:."M:~;:,, ,. ,. guest tournament 1't Irvlnc [miil~n~clud~ed~~w~i~ll~be~~n~a~tion;;:;a~l ~~~~~iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:;:;;~~~~~;:;;iiii::iii Returning letterman Paul Holmes paced the Pirates with 12 points while Steve Mc.Len- don hit 11 and Let Haven had II. ~~;.11 : ! Coast Coontry Club gets under r 01111e J • way Thursday with a field W•l-.r 1 I c.11 , 2 of 144 two-man teams in· w1111em1 " • volved. Haven J 4 Md.endM ., s Included in the array of "For . a summer league game, .It was well played, 11 ~~;::15 J 1! competitors is the .1969 cham· H111um1: LA Harbor t7, occ J4. pion tandem of club member ~ ~~~iii SIZE Wllllt ..... C-71 -14 24.50 IA. E 70/71·14 ~--17.ID IA. F 70/71·14 or Jt.H lA. f 10/71.f!t , IN 'COSTA MESA Also Meet Our New BELTED 2+2 The SEIBERLING ''200'' Ye1 , IO!fl• In end m11t Iii! laohrn .•. anjoy rafra1h· menh e nd 11t our bre•d 'lew IELTED tire, the SEllER· LING "100"1 With twin·ll11t 1ldew1U1. Thi1 utfte~t, 1meolhe1l·ridint belt1d lire off1r1 up to 10 ,-;; 1110•• milea9e th•n conv111tion•I tirt1I llVt "40rt e~ "Hll .. ~ 4 fOll Stt 4 FOi SllM 4 fOI S11D WI flATUll e lADIALS • Ml1Mll1 e D•1ftp • • GLASS llLT e lei" • ... ..,., .. c ........... G 70/71-I 4 or 11 .ID U . 4 FOii SIJI e WHllU e ._ e A...ncu e AP e US G 70 /71-15 H lS/14 or H 71-15 14.DO IA. 4 FOi Slll • SHOCll e Dtk• Air Llf• e •-.We MMrM PrlcH Phn F.E,l . 51.IS to 52,91 e IAnllllS e Wltt.nl l lll llOHM SPECIAL EXPERT RtONT END ALIGNMENT and WHEEL BALANCE r--::--r--~.., • rfecl11 .. •11111. i •ntoi,, ......... '"·111. • Sehtyl..,..t • ...,. ... Mllbl 59!!f:· l"AltTS EXTRA ... " .. I. F,.onl End Alignment 2 mnl Wheel• /IMllfftl .t,f,..le• Atfiu.eled Disc1bfak.• excluded Moet """"'1cen oef .. Ptm .xtrt , if nt9d9d fQ•1 <H.dll terw • 1tudent octCM.inli O¥Giloble e up lo 12 montht to pay lankArneric.grd • Mailer Choi;t • II' NE.IDED F.•••1 CM ... p-cers wllll tor1IO!'I Rrs or '•ft ~,,,,llllo!itrs COSTA MESA QN~Y "THE STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT" • Eatobllohod 43 Y Mrsl MAltO• lflOl'POM CINTI• '* "•""" •Mo , .... l4IM ....... OP1M MOM .. THUii. & NI. i1L f P.M. COSTA MESA 1739 SUPERIOR AVE. 117Hr • NIWPOITI _, 642-3384 HOUll1 MOM. I .. I ... Ito t P.M. TUIS.. WID,. THUii.. I TO 6 P.M. SAT, TO I P.M. SANTA ANA 209 BUSH STlEn Big Selection Most Sizes Big savings on slightly used new car takeoffs, tool Costa Mesa rnstone Store-475 E. 17th St-646-2 444 HOURS: Mon.· Fri .• I a.m. to 7 p.m. -Sat •• I 1.m. to S p.m . _, 547-5685 Huntington Beacll f]restene St1n---16171 B~ 8"11.=847·6081 HOURS: Mon. -Fri., I •·"'· to I p.m. -Sat., • a.m. to 5 p.m, HOUIS: MON. TMIU NI. 7:JI TO I P.M • UT. 7:21TO1 P.M • ·-------- Costa Mesa-Jerry Hall-1762 Newport BIYll.-646-501' HOURS: I o.m. to 5:30 p.m. -Sot., I I .Ill\ to 5 p.m. ., ,. .. " " ... ,. .• ., . r • I .. .. . ... , .. • .. .. • ' . . ' . ' : ) i l .. .. : t •• •• • ' ' . ' • ,• •' . ' •' ,. ". ;, " " r ! • ' l ·1 ' .. ..• , .. ' . . ' : ' •• " .. : i . I : ' • .. ' .. ' .. .. HOLES-IN-ONE .. '• (CoolluM lrom Poae Ill 11$.3HS (17). ~ lnallfU,rJI c u 11 n a r y tourney was captured by C. Swa050n In low gross play wlU. a n, lollowed by P. l(odnlk'a 7' Maoday. CaUoway flight leaders in· eluded A. Touby . (51), D. Beniley and D. Happeny (57),• ff. Arnold (701, B. Oliver, J. Conroy and Sonny Magante (71). . Tiie auest Olghl low gross wiakter wu Jack Valuek (II) followed by Roy Stoddard (191. Ladies flllht winner was Betty Lowther ('10), who was ahead ot Joyce Bates· (71). Loo&at drive honors for the women 'a side was Angle Los Alamitos Rosal!. Men's tltU.1 In lhal feature waa Bob Steach. Saiata A•• Fred Black has reeched the rinals in the 12th llMUill Santa Ana exclusives t.olimey after edging Wendell Finley in their semifinal• match. Black-conquered hl1 r Iv a I with a two.and-one victory and will meet the winner of the Bill Livingstone-George Woods match. The championship match was billed Satarday, but the date me.y be moved back pen- ding compleUoo of the Liv· lngslont-Woods meeting. The eiclusives Is limited to club members with a 17-.and- over handicap. Alamitos . ' \ Racing Results '1.r•IDAY, JULY .. ltN c .......... 'IAIT JtACI. "" )'lf'h, .Mtl!IM t vur 1!dl. Cl•lm"". l'llrM SJNI, POC.ut ,rlnce ''"'"'' 4.• t .61 t.• GIYlfnhlll H1ntv IHtrtl 6A OI W1Jeh ICurtO. IL"'*911 3A 'r1'nl: ,IHI ... llCO..O •ACI. ''° v1 ... 3 ""' tldi 111111 Ut. Cltlml!l!I. ,IJl'll •UOI. Tr1-ll GI"'"' IOr-J l!M 4,. S.ot ... lllde lolt CMlh'I :S.• tA LN Dlflfr lier IHl!rll .... Tllnt: .lM/11. Nle"TlV 00\Jl l.I, , ............ a 1 ·Tti,i. eln911', ..W MIM. TMUIO AACI, 190 )'ll'dl. Mii .. t ., .. , llldl. Pvrse Sll'll. ltOlltl 5-IMHd\111) U.60 11.M l,2t Moon lw11t (Adl lr) J.Ot t.61 l•r a111v !Cro1bvl 4.M Tim•: .1 .. u10 • I Deep Sea Fish Report DAllV PILOT Ill Lacrosse La1Uls Valestra Ji~ormer Rutgers ace John at his posJUoo. Valestra ol the Orana;e County '11le Orqe Cowrty club Ocean Action Improves After Slow Weekend NIWl'OllT lM"• u .. ,.,.,1 _ 55 Lacrosse Club baa been finished In *<Mad in lbe A I tlllle/'11 "' .... ,, lllrrec:uM. 17 sel-ted as lhe ~.t ·lub • " ol ... s I b 'l,1l1nt$ are be1lnnlng to plck rtgUlar arta near tm: Canyon. .,,..i.rs, " •ll:IKor•· ,,. Wre<!iCI•, /" 1111:. " .....:asue ..., o u e r n 1'l ....,.., 111 ...., player in lhe Soul her D Calilorru·a selup b b I • up at tbe three major Orange A minimal amount of legals 11.U ••ACM -1:n -"'" 1.ni e n .. n..---· tftl'irll,..'"" Ian· on yellowtail, plus small ....., "' a."kllde. ,, N11&1111, lt Call!ornla Lacrosse League. powerfUl Lot Anlties. ~· --...... -...'6 111n1io. ..,.. -1•1 -"'" n Mr· T'Wo other Or-•e Counly dl!111 after a alow weei:tod. amounts of S p a n l sh and rKliJdl. .. -.. .. ' i..utM.it. In palling done by lhe --~ -··'· 11 all three loca-nutclerel' have also been wii cr..111111,...,• -ns '"'ier" players of the tiiht-\eam perfonners -Mike Callahan r U111 .. _.... rec<ll'ded out of Davey's. .., tionoo. ffl *" ' wt11i. H• (Fordham) and B r u c e Uon& &re. ttartlne to swell -:;.,:::::alt;.'t:v." ~.r-~~1 league, Orange County 1oalie Mansdorf (Ccnell) -Wtre ••aia. . ~.°'. vw!.~, -~l-day96 rrublesoa tMondaPatrly. "'°J:-~.':~~·,......._ LM1111111 Jhoseack Strapp (Ohio state) wu accorded Sportman!h!p and -:. ... "" ""'' -"' '"'ttn1 v "°"''°·"" *r1e1H11, c n as the circu.lt's best Best Defenieman honors. Art 'a Land1i'lg• reports a aod turned back after Jandit\a 1.01s blM. 11 btut t1111. CPact11c1-.~~ijiifjifi .. iiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiii~·· .. ~·iil~iiiii M•~" bass bat pal .. 'O SH!'tfWllJllll -. 100 e!l!llln / ~ bar-11--.J pick up on , -a r of albacore. rle\lft, n1 c111co "'"' u 11on11o. r.~. -~ bonil . lhe 'The kend low I ,......., PW) -" -llf1: 1!0 uu -o m area wet was s a Mu. 21 Notlllf. 1 1111111ur. ll•rti• around the kelp beds. San Cleme11te Sport.fishing but -" ""'""' u tie... 1 P1111DU1, AINcore have mo v e d things turned for the better ' ;::r,.~·IAJt•••Ji -• -i.n1 fUrtber oiJt qaln but thtnl on Monday withi a lood variety "" h)O cod, 11 11"' ,od, uo c•llco •~•· ol ..-t-btu. are -aUom tbat a new ·~ In the pklure~ SAN PIDl:O nMll It. llll!llHI - dqQI is maklnl ks-way north Bass are in the ~tlight :,. ~!:"'tit:. =~~~1~ from the dumnln• grounds. at San Clemeote, wblle the 113 -11n. 'It btff1t:.uM. u 11cH111o. ..--a a e1Hco bl•" 1.M 11rid blu. lOO Ba1' flShinc out of Art's bas landing has seen some ""--11eu."' ~ ~. ••• f . -~lh I ba II '·" bl !In t bar MOllllO MY (V\fl'I l eldllttl -~n a1l' ' •u a ew SS ye OWww, ue Wll, • tt •n11tr11 H 11N (Oil, lll rock and hilibut catches. racuda, t Spanish jacks and q.i. 1 se1m111. 11111 "-' -" boni -•u a 11119 eoc1, 9'7 rock cod. Fulkrton's Robert Lynn to. 0•••110 -it -lef'11 •1 '''*°"'· landed a l~lb., I«. bluefin 11le weather at San MA••NA D•L "1 "'-17-""i .,. . Nu. .. ,... -1$ l!l!llef'U ll blu, tuna Monday olC Dana Point. Clemente as of late has been ts muk1n1. . Racing Entries l . add"'"" lo f ' b d d 'bed OCIANSIDI -tM 1i>tl11'1 206 n luuu air aS3 an escr1 as "excellent'', witb bel'f•clid•. >e bonllo. 1u bin, l2 •ouATM uc1. 111 ., •••. , .,. .. r· barracuda counts,, .Davey's . the SUll breakin1 thrQUgb the hak1:UJi».DO _ '"' enetwu ,. .. 1111, '""'"1" 14S-L179'1T..,COIJA....._ oict1 •nd """ c111mw. Pun• ·u100. Locker reports some salmon clouds as early as 9 a.m. w• blu. • ...... 1 t.on11o. ' 11111Dur, .--.,.. ...., ,..._ ...,_ , ., .,, Mr. '"'"°"'urv fSmllhl 11,29 6.0I •.001 ~~·~··~~~~:'.'~·~~=-~~~·~·~~I~~::'._~':_~~-----!"}'~-~~"~"~· ~"~-;~-~M~•~M::~~·~·~~PH~.~64~~·~5~2~5~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!! Mr . .t.Mci11111 10rev1r1 t.2t s.• .._.. lll 1ng s past eW days. t l'tllbut. i. 1Nck1r1t, us rort eoc1. lf-""'Ml'ICAIO MAU. w Throttle ll1~k (l(arilll 3.«I Tlmt: ..... 4/10. 't" ALA.,.OTO llNTA lll ,o. lfUAID~rt ~~~y .. 1m - CLIAlt & 'AST. PllllT !"OST 71._ P.M. DAILY DOUI LE Oft llT & 1HO .... ,.,, IXACTA OH tTM llACI 'IAIT •ACI!. J50 v•rd1. Milden 2 .,...,. okh. Ctelmlno. l'urw 511tl0. Clilf!lllll _prkt ..-00. Bourbo!i ll•rchldc CHt(I) no LH1•'1 M•rt. CLlphem) 111 .TrfM'1 8.,ttd (WUJOnl. 110 5rlellly Teakv ICtrdoul l'ltl Mill llhea Chic (Smith) 111 T''" ill t,tr1111r! 111 Sll'lrl Iv« !L."""111 117 Bold N p (Pao-I 11'0 lolll Ir thnk•l 120 Alst lli.IMI F•lh'-" Cltv !PHrtl TJo-r 11!• IWebonJ '" "' llCOMD llACI. J50 var ... 1 r,~ M111 Ind uP. Clllmlnt. '"'"' I 190. Clllmlnll price •:J001. Luc&1 llrt JOt IAMlf'I llt Mr. Ptte B•r CHarll 111 C~1'1 W1r Chldl: (Flnd11r) 122 Jote McCov (K1nl1l 111 0.UT.011 IP•l 117 Cllk t_..11 /51rauMI 111 L1 Piii• J" l'trrwrl 112 Gold ,INOI !Smltlll 111 D1ndr Moollh !lll'lllml 117 5Ul'lhl Diii (W1H1) IU Alst Elltlll!t H1'1 A lltqUell (Ortvtrl u.,..tltdltll twrlghll I'm .. rl1 (!.JlllMlml Du•ter l•r Bir' IH1rtl "' m m "' TIUllO •ACE. l50 V•t1il. M11dt11 t Ytlr oia.. Clalmlflll. P11r1e Sl700. Clllmlno r"' "°"· Klm'I Doi ILl~ml Rfllrlh (Kiri) .. \~ Gyp FH IPlll'l Tim. To Fire (AUlrl ea111~1n·1 CowtloY C&;frdoU) f'lr RCl'J'al (WtU1I Rot1I Cretl IK•nl1l Queen'• A1!$111 (51r•UHI l lMPln Cllbtlft" (Ptrner) Italians Get $19,200 Each "' "' ,,. "' ·~ "' '" 5urgl"'' Miu fWlliDll) f,fse ElitlMI Ginger Sam !Dr1rerl "' •• 'OUltTM llACI. 11t rard1. l Yett olds encl up. Cllilmlno. PurM '2000. Cl1lml1111 price t700D. Ont Arid OnlY !C•rdol.ll lU 8Uflny Bir LH (Adair) 111 Cr1ill l•r1 CKt11lil 110 Chl!rok" Cocl't !CrOlb'J'l 111 Vo Qlero ISlr1unl 117 Trig Bob ILllll\lm) 117 surve Oii le" (Vinion) Ill Ha1ty Lff \W1!1il UO Ahl .t:U.iw.o Chiel hm ll1r1 !Kanl11 11• Forw•rd l1t11r'1' CLllll\lml 12(1 T°" Eagle !Smlllll HI Hot Pepper Pod CCrotbrl 111 '''™ llACf. lSll v1rdl. I n1r okll. P11tlt II 1llO. 11118 Plea11.1r1 "( ... rl) f!el M1ri. ILlll!•l'l't) l it 01 Otclr. (Well!) Niehl 11d /'',..r SPlldblrd 1•1•51 Wvw11 IOrtvti') l1nli Bin IC.rdoul Flf'ICY Tine LH /Watson) Flett l(lng HOlll A<llll) ..... , "' "' "' "' m "' •• m •• S!XTM llACI.. 5"' '1'9tdl. J rt1r Didi -"" UP. AllowtrK.._ Pu ... IJPCIO. TM Garden Grfl'll Jtotanr Club. Gell Go Mir: IWH-1 111 8okl Chklr. Ajaodlcel lU Ee•ler Too Ptrnerl lit 5arlorlu1 (Smlth l 111 Giid L•d ~AClllr) l:n Bars For Luci( C81nlt1l In $11anl GrDllnd tCercloul lit SEYllfTM aACI. ~ y1rll. S Yt•r Okll Ind UP.. AlkJwll'ICI. "~rSI Sl«)Q. Thi $«h!IY °' F0tmer Fil N!etili. Count Cllr111 P•r.) IU llw Ftrff ILl!lh ml m Cher RO'fll !Kirt 117 L" r.r P1ttv !Adi rl 116 AltimlJol Oo t;.ood jPtr111rl 1n r., Todd tCerdou l'tt Aoctel Ven $1.111n /lmlllll 11' Shadow Men !Kan 11 112 V1nlr.ff llClb CWalM111) 171 llMnle lem CCro.brl lit AIM 11191i.i. 1111 Spy IW1ll1l lllelter CC•rlklll1 Oonl1 If Good ICrtlbrl I red Len CP1rntrl "' "' "' "' Aloo r1n -lrH1e AcCOlllll, Unclt ,_!«, Genie'• llMIUft!, a.tier Ti.-11- Pl,TH llACI. -r•""· I VHf 61111. Clllmll)I. Pvrse 111«1. Tiii COlilll (Lltlllml 10.60 4.IO l.<IO Lor•n• Lark flmllhl •.• s.e Miii Cut• $"Ip (AMlrJ 4.CI Alw r•n -'Tlnr Toucl\. Lolldlll, J11MI• l!iov. S1t1tch Patt«. Otdttdon. AlllM liar, Arm~t1t. SllCTM II.I.Cl. 150 v1r111. I vur Didi brf'd-irt C1Ulernll, -AlloW.rKK.-fllll'M 11to0. • Mli• Llllll 11111 IAl!Odl{•I 1.20 S.Ot 2.IO Al1mlto1 Suill CCerdtul 2.<IO t.MI lvv llofo l~lr1UH) J.IO lime: .1 .. 1111. AlllO r•n -LlllY "ar lkL True k1tll, Mllft!lc: Moon. Pulllr ••r•-· Tlnv Tock . No ll:C<llt!MIL , · ~ llVatfTH llACI. lSI 'l'•rd1. I .,..r olft •nd 1111. Cllliffllll ellowarKU. ....rM a.a. War G•l111l1 tWallClll) Fl}' AMiii CPer111r) Bob'• Ber fnd 4C.r11o.11) Time: .17-t/10. AlMI ran -Olnd'f lier Clll. l rvc•'• M.111. Ok:ller OU. TlrM, Ll9111"'"9 1111111, Pllllblr, KIPIV'i GoldanMI. HI Kfllchft. •IGHTM ltAC•. :l50 "v•rcl1. 3 YHr olch o!ld -Clenllled 1llow1~. Pun.e U«IO. S.roll O'DolH IA~I J.111 l .m 1 • .i ltffd'1 Ttnto !Adolrl l.IO 2.IO TN OKI! JNle (WllMlnl 2.ICI Th'M: .11 1111. AllO ron -Gotd, Mv K1nk1, sn.11 A Gou, Slldl Jlck. kr1tdled -All1n11 .Jel, TIMr Roc~et. NINTH ltACI. 3'11 YlrVI. ) YNr okh 1nc1 up. ci.1min.. Puri.. S\600. Moon Clibber tPerMrl 16.411 •.«1 J.20 NIUl1 o.1 ~r !DrlYtrl J.«l l.ot lobbll a.Y1'U (CorclciuJ 11.ICI Time: .1 .. l(lt. Atso r1n -Sonk 15oom, lrllh S... UIQJlle I•"• tar Door. lllt C011C1rn. l &ffitrl'I 81f, 11:111 Olld RINI I. Scr11<:hecl -S1!1n l'le111. ltt •fr ll•H1H ltACI, U1 YJfd'-1 Y!lf St .. tcll. lfll(ofl, flrle fHlherl. alG1 111d ur.· Allow•nut. PJlrM l2$0CI. The Woller I 8111lntu N\111'1 CMI. SS IXACTA. I • -CllMotr I 2 • MOllYllor CPtOSI llf ··-•• .. ... .. ....... ... MILAN l'•ly (AP) "'~ s-1 Plffsur1 (Hart) 11•1·-----•'';;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;iiiOI I ... , -~ Mr. 81rnett (W1lll) 11f • cood place in the World CUp ~=· L~• <(;~~1 H: INDIPENDENCE ,.sc>cftr ~hip at Mex-RO'fal Tl~! IWllMllll lU ico City Jiu yield. •t9,,2CIO tq . ~~ .. ~tl't'~r-' 1111 1TAJlT. IMALL AttO p o w each pl~ oL t1Mf1taliaa na-CM_ ~ c~ ll --... U:LLl ........ A"..• ...... "" • A tucr•tlY9 twllM future i. vcur-If ~lr ~' it was learned NtfllTH .a.t.c1. :i.so v•rd•. a v••• r,:111=:, °"l..i.c~::"i.Jt!1c1~ today• ;\Uc,, tic:\m\~ ~~~ ~mll'llll· P11rse 1*1rovs fl •II !Mome io '"'°'k •~rcfiria I 0 lederati'on Oeck P•vcft CB•nltll 111 ni.bU.tltd Ioctl wLWN 111;911 tr•llk .tKlN ""8 Tlnr I-top (C..rtSOttl l1 ret•ll ''°'"· -L--, U>e money priJe to Wornr Sc" (Apodace! lU C•rt M "'9ndlld In e few l'loun • ~~ $1\orl ltoclltl (Ll!IMml 111 ---· '""' <nm -be crivAn to each of the 22 Flee! c.Nr1er IM0trlson) 111 "' ,~r IP<lfll e•~... Poro 8tllt tH•rll Ill cer. Jtalian ,pl{!yers who went to W'n:"f~i'\i::r.i'··. n·, :Jouw:~~ ~=··:"'~!!~·= Mexico, will be approved by Kls>tv'1 Cointl CV•rwd u ,111 1'"mec11i1c1~ ..,_, , /l'IOd:lr•ll the llalian Soccer Federation G11l1ntme•r ~=-~lltlMI 117 ., ... 11..,, of tDll 1o~ren1...i •nd 1~ n--~1 Un · n--A...wnaar cor•rr1 n• ~,..J·Mu,,tl~f:'!'-~,,,,, J,";.;~i.-:; ~· mee & In .nu111e P1uum II•~· 1w1n11 llj --· - W-y TM Count (Lipham) 11 'M'llt kl!" lOll, O.Hr Pllol. • • Au11llt LUlll (8.,1111) Ill Chit( tht gkasus ... "et out the ict cubes • , • ond enjoy summer ... wi'h a long iall onel ••• Cqol off •.. beat the 1itzLe .• , arid saue at El Rancho/ EL RANCHO BEER Chi ef Sir 89" 11 0..c-, ..... • 3 ... '1 c-•• IJ $3 55 N. I , 9 11ef15 • , 1 Light, bubbly brew ... save, buying the case ••• enjoy filling the stein! CASI OF 12 "FTHS •.• tO PROOf s49s1 EL RANCHO GIN Blends beautifully in martini's 1 •• with soda ••• and in a variety of p~ckages! by lqe botUe •.• fifth , ... 4.59 .... Qt ..... 4.15 152.31 "" of 12) .... Vi .. [. , , , • 9.49 (CHI Of 6 . , .. 51.25), EL RANCHO SCOTCH .... ____ . $625!.. Bottled io S<:otland, exclusively for El Rancho! .• fifths .. (by the bottle 5.791 WHISKEY .. 81.1."d~ . $ 43°!a .. El R•nch91 1w• •• , fifth• !1i11tl• bottl11J,ftl Qu•rh , •• $4.ff IC•t• of tw1l1• •• SIJ,l f l VoDKA IO. p'.'.".'f·Flfth. '39'!a .. El le•cho'1 •• ISJ.6t 1ech lthl Qt1, , • 14.lt C11e ef 12 4f.17 VI 11t. I .It Ct•• of 6 47.tl BOURBON Stral9ht $53" 6YrL 0 1d caM SoMr mt1h •.• fifth1 l1eth $4.t f) •.. Qt. SI .ft cc,,, of 12 164,6tl El R111,h1'11ippin' 1niootht TEQUILA ~~;:h~'.12 .... '52" El l•Rcho'1 •• fer 1"111rterH1 m•••r1 flfth 14.l f Quirt.,, $1.l t lC11• of 12 ••• 16J.611 HUNTINGTON llEACHi Warn11 '"' Al1onqulo (llolrdwolk Cenler) NEWPO~ IEACll: 2727 Newporl Blvd. Ind 2555 Eulblull Dr. (£11lblull ~ll•r• C.nler) Alto In Arc1dla. Pa1ad11n• and Soulh Pa11d11n• . ····~···································································· ""'' , ...... ••111l1t ••1111•' «II Tlrt ll l PtrTirt hi~ Price for fJllE en 4Tlrws. 1••11 JTl!'I• NeTrwll• Nttllld 700.13 $39.60 $111.IO 4Ul lir11FREE 11.90 C7 .. 1~ ~$39.75 $119.25 4th lite f REE $2.15 E·7B·14 $41.30 $123.90 41h Tini FREE $2.35 '• 7a Serie• 1lz• with low profile for F71-14 $43.75 $131.25 4th Tlrt FREE $2.5.5 steady rld1, 1teerln1 ' G18-14 $47.BS ' $143.55 4th Tlrs FREE $2.67 • Broeder footprint traction contact H71-14 $52.50 157.SO 411'1 Tire FREE $2.93 than comparable conventional J71-14 $59.60 $17UO 4th Tiro FREE $2.88 sizs tires. Two Polyeater cord F71-15 $43.75 131.25 4th lit• FREE $2.61 . body pllel, non·flat spotting, two G71-15 7.85 $143.55 4th Tlr1 FRIE $2Jl tiber9J1111 bel11 suppre11 tread· H7 .. 15 "2.50 $157.SO 4th Tlrs FREE $2.98 · squirming wear and maintain trsc· liqn eUecllven111 J78-15 $59.60 5111.ao 4th Ti111 FREE $108 900-15 $60.55 $111.65 4th Tini F.RlE $2.90 HURRY! SALE ENDS 915·15 $61.75 $185.25 4th Tlrw FRIE "'·" SATURDAY NIGHT FREE MOUNTING ON ALL TIRES Ull oua I AIN CHICK PAOCIJIAM Bleau11 of en •llPK\H hla'IY dem111d for GoodyMt tlm. M IMY Nn out ol mom• 1l:r.es d1J1ln, thl• ofhr, but M Wiii be ..._PPY to order )'Ollr .t11 1t U.. 1dftrtiled prlc• and 111ue you • niln tl'Mlc:k 1or futu111 ct.llWrY of' tlle mti~ltlndlM, Libtrtl'Budget Temt-LiltM .. Pr/11111 Or U11 Your ~::J l_:'.::j ·~ Loc:ollonl Do Not--Credlt- PRICED LOW TO MOVE FAST Altr al -U.,. -.; 7.751 15 7.75114 l.25114 O~E LQW PRICE .1 . .& ...... 11. r.-» ftitl, lL .:a .tr.::" ..... . llUCIWAIL 'llllUSS GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYGLAS9 TIRES ····~··!••·······~·····~·················································· -- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • YOUNG & LANE TIRE co.· INC. COSTA MESA LAGUNA BEACH 1596 N~WPORT BLVD. • -i'hont 548-9383 -412 OCEAN AVI. • Phont 494-6666 • • • • • • • : ALSO THEODORE ROBINS FORD-2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa .Mesa 642.0010 : , .......................................................• -. . ... ; - D DAILY l'ILO! .. Wednudq, Ju~ 29, 1970 Coast Pair All-Americans ly ALMON LOCKABEY ,Newport's Argyle Campbell and Tim Hogan are to be congratulated for being named for the third consecutive year on the All-Amencan Collegiate ' Salling team. . This was only the lourth year the All-America team has been named by the lnter~ollegiate :Yacht Raci11g Association of North Amenca. • The 15-man squad embraces a notable collec· tionoof topfl ight college sailors w,yho earned the hon· or. principally by performance m rankinR intersec- tiooal regattas and in the recent JOYRA of NA cliampionships at Madison. Wis. " " .. ,... . '., . fhe sailors chosen for 1969-70 will Jlave their ~ames enshrined on the College S.llil)g Hall of ;Fame now in the process of being establiSbed' at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. 'The Hall of Fame results from a recommends· 110!1 of the Fale~ Conunittee, an advisory body nam- ed in honor of the late DeCoursey Fales, a famou s pcean racer with the schooner Nina;· 'fhe commit· tee is composed of yachtsmen or nationa1 and inter· national sailing renown ...:.. Including Robert M. RETURNS TO SOUTHLAND -Eastern Invasion of offshore powerboat stars in the Aug. 15 running of the Hennessy Cup will be led by Bill Wisllnick o! New York and his bright red Boss O'Nova current APBA national points leader. · ' CIQS4'ly Matched Fleet Allah Jr. of Newport Beach. , I i Eventually a speciaJ bP.ilding ts planned' for the !!all of Fame on the Nav41 Academy's waterfront. Enshrined )\'ill be nwnerous oul3tandillf· college sailors from the Years prior to 1967 when the fil:$t All·America team was selected. · . ~~erb~ts Ready for Hennessy Cup . ':nt• bir•i.\ and molt cloieiy ' ati,r rlvo i.i;.., of heated con-. DP,tdled starting fleet in -.l"'fel'SY fQr pauing the ,final ~n. ·A,RM!rkan offshore checkfoint boat \oO fir away1 , po.I ,.acing .bisloiy waa to be iden\llied ; and Bob assured '1~-the sislh amual Magocri of Miami Beach. Fla., ·tong Beith Hennes1y C6p .. ~ Andrea was third to Aug, 15 ·With the report of cross the finish line and was six of the first eight finishers declared the official cham· Also named on this year's All·America team was Chris Seaver of Yale, another aajlor. wllo got Jtis early start in the NeWJ>Qrt Harbor YaCht ' Club junior program. -~ It is interesting to note that both Horan and ~aver iained their earliest recognition as winners or the flight or the Snowbirds -the "world's bi~· gest little yacht race" -which was an annual mid· summer fea~r~ in Newport Har~r for nearly three decades. This JS the first year the Flight bes not been held. in the recent New York Hen· pion. nessy Grand Prix are planning "Wlth our fleet oC West to 'enJer. ~ Coast boats, and with that The discloiure was made new 1Jones tunnel hUll, we'll by Jim Abbott Of Lons Beacl), have around 20 full-fledged, chief inspector· for .the PaciftC all-out international caliber llffsf'ti>re Power Boaf Racing offshcn class boab entered," Auocia)ion · whi<!J will co-, p<edieled Abbott. , Seaver, incidentally, was skipper of the New ngland Intercollegiate Sailing Association dinghy l<!Jeni'pions and ICYRA·NA runner.up in 11168 and as the New England dinghy championship' run- er·up this year. He was bigl>.~,skipper in the . 1167 SUgar Bowl Regatta a:nd the ·l'IEISA Spring ntenaCUonal Jn 11168. He wa,r skipper of the lyy · sponsor, the 185-mlle classtc "1be drivers I talked to .wltll the Frencb ~1.. told .l m, they were coming ina firm, Jas. Hermeuy It tor me world points, to race in Co. · out ·waterg '1'd to see that gue champions in 11169 and . a member of the .S. intercoilegiate sailing team which wu sent tbj! Bnllsh.rsJes last y911r. Abbott waa on l)and·at.Polnt .. new tiinnel boat," Abbott said. 'PJ~t. N~v. on July 15 as "That.show• how strong and a nett of 21 bOats ritced over widespread offshore racing • lt7·mile course In the com~ has become In tbe west." panion to the Long Beach The new tunnel style racer race. He was aMuted by eight ts a »-foot inboard venion starters there that they plan ·of ~e enormously successful to bring their boats westward picklefork nosed, Ron Jones for the Long Beach Hennes,,y de1i1ned outboard marathon Cup. boatl. It was to have raced lSea Festival Races ,Include Five Events _ 'lbe fifth annual Sea FfStivaJ ~ins at Long Beach next i::;;;p;(iauy Ind Includes six I" ve boating events. Here It~ bri<i deocriptjons r t11e bpllinc anct yachting venta: 1 Powert>oaj lllquine World vff.ltiooat Marllhon 0 f plaor, Sund>y, Aue. Z, p.m. 1be nation's ding oull>oord and Inboard boat starw will battle in ate two-hour enduros for ~ch type d. craft, tesUng iving skill as 1 22 entries ockey for posillon around a ht 1.14·mile course at Long ach Marine S t adium . lAdmission $3 for a d u I t s , ~sters under 12 free. Pre.. f ace practice open to the ubllc 10 a.m. to S p.m. Satur- ay. International Sabot Regatta n Alamitos Bay Tueaday, lAug. 4, 10:30 a.m. and )'Wednesday, Ang. 5, J2'30 p.m. ./.. regaUa conducted by and tlor youngsters under I 8 J>ironging to the Leeway Sail· \n& Club, l4ng Beach's unique )'OUth yacht club. Close to ~00 entrants are expected in ~lasses for novice, and ad- vanced skippers, both boys and girls in eight-foot Naples Sabot prams. Chuck Stearns World Waler Ski Drag Champklnships at Long Beach Marine Stadium Saturday, Aug. 8, 10 a.m. The natioo's leading water skiers, men and women, w i 11 challenge electronic timing traps u well u eadi other in a fint-tlme-ever event which Includes barefoot ski drag eliminlttona. lliiblight will be an lltempt by Clluck Stea111s to ratae JU own -Id apeod rooord ol JD. II IJl\'ll to !!Ill mph. Adults $3, YOUntlaters free, • K&li!ornia Outrigger. Leading the eastern incaslon in New Y<rk but could not will be both the apparent and be C'OmPleted in time at Jones' the Ottcial winmn -· B I t l Cooto. Men boat "1op. WiBhntck of New York, winner Named Navalcat, Ille Jones of last April's Long Beach-boat will be driven in its debut Ensenada lnternational and by veteran <>cean racer Don current ' APBA Jelder whole Pruett ot Hialeah Garcleris, Boss O'Nova was disqualified Fla., for ltl owner ll'rancuco Safety Poshed Boaters Back Hous e Bill Alsoclllion S t I t e Cl\am. pionth.lps at Junipero Ave. Beach Saturday, Aug. 8 at JO a.m. Men and Women teams of KOA' compete in 1 I categories aboard 400 J>Oll'ld sixi)addler ouf:rilger canoes patterned after ancient war The recreational boaUng in-horsepower. canoes in which Polynesians dustry has pledged its support In hls leadoff stfllement, explored the Pacific basin ol the proposed Boath~g Safety Ray voiced the hope that the from N~w Zealand to Hawaii. Act of 1970 at a hearing of federal 1overnment w o u I d Grand National Catalina Ski the House Merchant Marine take full advantage of the in· Rae. • .. -•ay A 8 8 and Flsherle5 COmmlUee in dustry'1 existing, voluntary , ....uiu , ug, , a.m. Water skiers will race non· Washington, D.C. standards program and stop ac?"OS! the Catalina Chan-C. N. Ray, president of the technical expertise In pro. nel and back at speeds over Boating lndustry Associatlon, mulgaUng its slandards -"to 50 mph. Start and finish will and George. H. Page,, director produce technically sound be near Reef Restaurant in of the National Associatk>n or standards and m In J m I z e Port r , .-.. Be Engine and Boat Manufac-goVernment time and expense 0 .......... acl\. turers, agr.eed the bill would in standards-making process." Long Beach Hennessy Cup further jmprove boating's In many cases, Ray ooted, Offshore Powerboat R ace , safety record. industry s t a n d a r d s are Saturday, Aug.· 15, 10 a.m. Key provisions (lf the bill tougher than current federal Powerful offshore speedsters (HR-15041) call for : regulations. He said th e stan- will race over a 184-mile Federal grants to states for dards program has been a course wider the sponsorship boating education and en-majot factor in k e e ping of the Pacific Offshore Power !orcement programs. boating the safe sport it is. &at Racing AssodaUon. The Federal safety standards for Recent Coast Guard reports event offers points toward manufacture ot marine equip-indicate that less than six per· both the Union oC lntemat\onal ment, established on tl)e basis cen t of the boating accidents Molorboaling w or Id cham-of need and prov Id Ing are attributable to failure of plonship and the American penalties for non~mp1iance. hull or machinery. Power Boa\ Association na-Establishment of a boating "As manufacturers, we liooal title. safety advisory council with would be pulling our head s Wishnick and Magoon are frequent visitors to Southern California races, along with Bill Martin of Clark, N.J., who was fifth across the New York finish line but was also dis- qualified for missi ng the checkpoint boat. Planning their fir&t western races .are Jordon Klein of Miami, Eddie Lecarreaux of Staten Island, N.Y .. and Jua11 Fernandez of N a s s a u , Bahamas. Bob Rautboard of MJami and David Qri.sin oC Brooklyn will be entered tn the ract In the sporrt or "production" class. Heading the West Coast contingent, and out to end a lhree-year Hennessy Cup monopoly by eastern drivers a're, among others, Peter Rothschild of Newport Beach, 1966 winner and last year's runner.up; Dick DeWitt ol South Gate, foUrth place finisher in 1asi .... J u n e • s Bahamas 500 cldic, and the first Westerner to ever floilih among the nrst fi~ in an eastern race. · Also on hand will be Bob Nordlkog of Van Nuys, who has recleulfied hit luxurious 27-foot Magnum cruiser as-an offshore Class entrant follow- ing three races in the Sport Class. The OJCshore Clau ~ ls $5,000 and the gleaming silver He~ Cup, along with $600 in conUngency money from t1lampion. Spark Plup and $250 from Crowell DeallJIS ol Bal Squad W ins Race The predicted log race between teams from five squadrons in S o u t h e r n California was won by the Balboa Power Squadron team. Lowest combined scores in the annual race from Newport Beach to Oceanside were turn- ed in by George Beref190n, sltippering Golden Girl ; Bob Wemple. Princess Kathy lI, aYld Bob Becker, piloling Flyer.. . 'J uniors Vie National Drag Boat Associa-representatlves of the public. in the sand if we did not tion Western Regional Cham-government and industry to keep the pleasure iii boat ing. TOis is lhe second con- plooships, Long Beach Marine adv ise the Coast Guard on We must make sure 1hal secutive year that the Balboa Stadium, Saturday. Aug. 15 matters pertaining to boat boating is a safe sport, and Squadron hlls captured the and Sunday, Aug. IS, 10 a.m. safety. we are willing to eiert every In Balboa Yacht Race Junior sailors will man olumbia·26 Mark II sloops riday, Saturday and Sunday or the fourth annual sailing r the Governor's Cup match acing series spontored by alboa Yacht Club. Top junior skippers from 10 land yachl clubs will itch tactics in the round , obin series fealuring lW<>-boat aces. Skippers who will b e rttcipr11ting are D e n n i s rj:Bn, B a h i a Corlnlhian ICht Clob; John E~mb, ng 11•-Yacht Club: Ed eo, AJamUos Bay Yachl u.b: Steve Scotl, Lido Isle adlt Club; Pete Parker, wport Ha!1Jor Yacht Club ; ody S my t h , Huntington Reg I !'tr at Ion of aU possible effort to that end ," San Luis Rey inter-squadron Hydroplane and skl-type boats -motorboats, regardless of Ray said. • predicted IOI ract trophy. langle at speeds approachingti";;;;;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;o;;;i;;;;;o;;;o;;;iiii;iiii;o;;;iiii;o;;;o;;;iiii;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;iiii;o;;;o;;;iii;;iiii;;;;;;;i;;i;;;iii 200 mph over a quarter mile II electl'(lnically timed course. Adults $3, children free. Five Travel To Portugal Five NewPorl Harbor Finn skippers are trailering their 14-!oot craft to New York where they will put them on a fre ighter for shipmenL 101 Portugal fot the world cham- pionship regatta, The five from Newpnrt who qualified for the v.•orld cham- pionship are Henry Sprague Ill, NHYC; Tom Bluel! LIYC: Oavt Riley. LIVC; Peter COOnolly, LIYC, and Peter Parker, NHYC. The world championship rea•tta for the class lta rt,s I ' I' , AUjl. H. The ooly other SAVE THIS AD ! Skippers! Why Pay Retail Pri,cet??? MARINE & BAmRY SHOPPE SILLS ALL MARINE EQUll'MlNT FOR POWEii: J SAIL AT THE LARGEST DISCOUNTS kNOWN WI •IF USI TO I I UHDllSOLD ALL MAJOR BRANDS 24)0, Wett CMtt Hlth••Y Hew,.rt .. .._ C•llf. •2660 , ... , ..... (71 4, 642·9211 I•-u.i.o, .. .. , .... ,. ,..,., .. ... ..... OrhJ•~-· Wih i.t _, 1Mst 1 ,.....H,Me .... ONE Of SOllTHERN CALIFORNIA'S LARGESt DEALERS AUTO TIRE & SERVI CES, lNe:~ • • 1 '' • • COSTA MESA 1711 NlWPO•T l (\ID. PHONf 642.~<M . -. GLENDALE LOS ANGELES TARZANA 244 N. Olendolti Avt. 5963 SANTA MONtc.A IL 11556 WNnMA 1t.v•. 24t·St49 469·12.SO 344.7.1.Sl . IAI IHS · BELL . IOUYWOOD 540:! VAN Nris kVD. 6925 ~TLANTIC 591IIANTAMOHk!A11, 11MOM 711·1400 469.$)54 . • . ., ' ' • • Harbour Y1<ht Club: Dave ,Grt/flth, Los Angel .. Yacht Club; Dool Rastelio, L on g Be1ch Yacht Club, and Andy Roa<, llafboo Yach! Club. Southland skipper going to Ol'EN DAtLY Portugal ls Rob Antfrt nr IT 1$ WORTH $t.OO ON ANY , AM to 1 l'M-Swru:l•vi 10 •• PM Mls<ion B•Y Yacht Club, San $10.00 PURCHASE OR MORE Otego. I IANKAMERICARD MA STER CHAR&f .. . . FULLERTON • 1001 S. HARBOR BLVD. • "87f.7133 J --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ) ( l -· ·-· "~ .. t,· ',.,: ,.., •• ';.! •· . '< l I l l . . ' . . • ,r ' . .. . : iUMILIWIDs . ' . ' . . . -~- MUTT AND JEFF , ·JUDGE PARKEi I WNlT "P :nu•Ge •l,KER MAN. WHEN ME SAIP TI-ii.ti 116''-i TO •ETll~ ' 3frtsl'IC.TION . over ~l50N ~ _ • • ' I . • , . • ' ' . -· . JUP6ES J.ltE t:'OING TMIS · MOJ:f ANP lolQ•E WITM >'<>UNO PIOPI.,: 11 Gt11us or soctaltnls U. Drlzzly fog : Dial. 13 Bttr inptdltnl lt Carpel ftaltnt 22 De llQlll i""'. tlons 24 Flu, '" ""' 2' Gay ~Otlndi!lf lr~p 27 C09n\1:1nt 21 ltoslfrs JO State: Abbr. ll -· btlY!f 3Z V1111gt l" ltrkshlre, E.,. l3 \hlgraclOU5 perscn: Slang 0 7-ZT 001-JT 8E SILLY! YOU CAN'T EVEN LIFT YOUR 1-lEAD UPI ·1F ~EW fVIPENCE c.pMff 'TQ lHEll ~TTiNnON •• OI IF ,n,IEV FE.IL TNAT TI-IE OfFENPEir: fl\16M1" IECOME: IETTEll fEMA.Bl~ITA.TIP IV flM9KJ'l:NING TME ~l:NTEKE, TWEY CAJI SO PO IT! ' Yoll'Rit A "TAURUS!. l' Monsttr Jt Lowest 111 importanct 40 Rtp119n1nct 43 A.s slon to 1 position 4S Trfts 47 Outside ·-.... Z words 49 Kind of survey SZ Leno lhl" ,,, 5J Fellow 54 Cavity 55 P1rl of MISS PEACH I ·ay Tom K. Ryan MEMO: l'UTCXJT A CONTRACT ON ilMPID LIZARD. ly Al Smith IS IT Al.L RIGMT ~TH voe 1111 YOUI: MOTMer roME5 MEltE TO STAY FOi A. WMILf, .. LE)(? IT~ VOUlt MOU~! VOU CA.Iii PO WMAT VOU W-'NT WITM IT ! U'L AINa SALLY IANANAS ·"'· GORDO ANIMAL CRACKIRS 1 UI 1 '1\ll H "t I \I' ,,, ' II \ll I ,1 11 \I \II • 11\11,, 1•1 .1 ... , \I' ''' " Ht \/ \!( \I 111 lf "/ I / I 11 \If \I \•I \I '" \I 11 , 11011f II \1/ It 111 t '''•'ti 11•11 11 \ lit \f \If II \I# Tl \II , \' 1tt : ·:~, :II I / \II / ~'.. ''.: .,'. \1 11t/ It t i"" \II I ,,, ,,,,,, 10" ',J~ .. lt14,"""t·-' Ill \I \,," \!I ,,,,.,'' •II ••1 "fi, ·.' ~·r~~ >O•t.."', ly Mel .. HILL.0. a build~, 56 Castor's molhtt STEVE ROl'ER ly Saunclen and Over..,cl 51 Vanity case 51J Yende4 60 Zx4 sourer •l Man's "ltknamt I WANT )t>U TO IE PEANUTS ON!. TlfOU$ANI? PARDONS.' A MlfS CARYL WAITS ON "nlf Tll.!PHCW'! SH! ~ IF ')QI CH/titer Pl.KEHi? TWE STAIRS', PfllMAPS THEllE IS A NltMHI YIN+! TU(RfS A MllSAGl JrU. l"HT, MA JOH'!··JIST TWO WOIC>S !·· TfLL MEil t S'AI": •a1TLOST"'! ~-~~-=----~~---------------- ---. " THI STIANGI WOIUO ·~ MR,M M !· ; . .. OAIU PILOT JJ -- ly Cllartes lmsottl ly Gus Arriola ly Ferd JohlltOll •. '!!Mr C'.A>l1'15111T Ol1T' l!OT SllE Cfl.N'T T.AICE: Ii• ly Rotet' lollen ~OOT'10US! . l/OOi! ell.i.$ ~ Moee '.J.V\U Ct\:)(.) -iwg-ro115iOIJ • DENNIS THE MENACE • ' ~· \! ••"•Q"'"G?'J''··C.•"""l"I'"",,""""''""~".., ..................... ------... ---------.--------------_, . . II DAILY PILOT s Year Money's Worth Market • I --• . . ,.--~------.---. . .. • . . .. ..... "''' •• 1!70 Tuesday's· Oosing Prices-Complete New York Stock: Excliange List Market Closes Slightly Higher • ' SC DAILY PILOT • : Six Coast Students Win Honors Si1 Oran1e Colst student.I have been named to the De1n'1 llat at Claremont Men's College fo"( academie achievement, durinc t h • Spring semester. They are among 3 7 S students -49 percent of tM student body -who attained a "B" averaie or bettier for the semeiter. The atude.nts are~ C.oaa del Mar -Richard: Kiss, sophomore, son ol Mr.· and Mrt. Stephen Kill, 2712 Ligbthouae Lane. Hunu...-Beae• Stephen Keith, junJor. ton Of Mr. and Mn. JOHpb I. Keith, &041 Cortez Drive. lAJU.11 Betclll John Chamberlin. freshman, son ol Mrs. Virginia B. Chamberlin, $21 Center St.; W 1111 am, Hitchcock, sophomore, ton or Mt. John R. Hlldlcock, 1115 Emer11d B.ay ; Robert K. Kawarattn~ sophomore, son of ·Mr, aJld Mrs. Takaahl Kawaratanl, 557 M o u n ta i n. Road. . Ml11lo1 Viejo -Royal Thomas Guernsey, IJJ, JUne. graduatt. son cl Mr. ind M". R. T. Guernsey, 28131 Vla Grande. Jeweler Heads A1bert H. Welne.rl, Jr •• owner or Weinert-Clark Fine Jewels, has been elecltd presi- dent of the Fashion laland Merchants' Association . Weinert wilt comp~te tM tenn ol Ralph L. McDonald, · ma.oaaer of The Broadway Who WU trlnaflffld to that company's Topanat PI 1 1 1 bnncb In Lot Al!(elea. Coed Honored Dolores Andoru lw been named to the Dean'• lilt tor academic 1cblevernent 1t U. Colle1c ol the Holy Namu in O.kland. She ls l b • TURN ON TV WEik .,,,. vt• tvH4 f9 whtt't ht,,111111 Mllr-4 .._ tv ltt -e,.,,. s.tv,..., '" ,... OAILT r1LOr. 14 DAILY '1LOT •'• r'•~'-~'.°•Y JULY It ""'"' ..... \tlcW ........ l ft ........ . 8 1!11CIJGI -:m .111 tlOl (RJ .. ...,.._ St* a... YM. • Pttt . ,.. .. llf. ""'-"' ., ........ ..,.,. .. ~·t1i1111 ti Welt ~·s at.lf'Wtct. .... ,.... llt it Mii.... ~ .... .. '°"'""" lffm. • ..W ,,_ ... (q ,('IO) SM1· ., Jehl HtrM«il: co.-.~ Ctrt l1Na11tlnt, ,....,,,. ,.i1ti111r I. f . Stont. •t« Miwt. LM ,_. ltlt a11•1•4' 1 ... .i /wtf'J Ctlllltfl 1114 °'"''~ ..... ,_ ~ ft> (6(t Hlllf! O'Brll-, JM1 ~Ra, hlr b- 1rwdi111.ift 111• • -" .... ftl (IO) (0) Doc s.-iMD• ., Tiit flflilht SMw ii 'fl"Cill 111tJt. Mhw r.-i.r ..... (JI) RIMf ,,..., (Ml) ·-Ct) (311) Ml •• (I)--"' tool (~ ...... ~. tM•~ •It 41111111« (ilfMllt ld4Y) fl I u~ .-t• (Nw n..t) Miff.. • ki.tr Mjwy thlt •• ...... rtl')'. llU<ll &'i""'._"" 111 (lib) "AlicltMr Ewtlli•r With 1urt lldllrldl ... c.m,...,.,...w IWrt ltt--·k .llolt .. Wet,,,__ DwQ $prfltlfjlltl Mii MIN!llt ... tlli111. D IHlCll GI .. __ ~ (IO) ""* .. .. J. 'rtloMu. ....... L•, a.. °"'* ... ~ WilM ....... -............ .... llcOMtt all4 JM llatM ... .,. -· (JOI--tel .......... ...,) ll!J-(SO) For Top Sports Coverage Read the DAILY PIWT Theater Notes ! ,.. \ .I 'Rosencrantz'' ·Open'· Runs 'La Mancha,' By TOM TITUS Of "' DllW '"" ..... ll may be m!<bummer, and moat or lbe lbelters •lone tht Orqe Coast may be tak· ing a breather, but two im- portant lht:atrteal events are shaping up this Wttk -'both in Costa Mesa. . Tbe · first i~ the opening toni&ht of "Man of La Mancha/' the first• production of thlJ ,wl~ly bera 1d ed musical in .orange County, at Orange Coast College as tbe annual OCC summer musical. The s<cond, clel>u\ing FJ10 day, ls another count 1 premiere, South Co a s t Repertory ts unveiling its pro- duction ot the award-winning p 1 a y· "Rosencrantz a n d Guildenstem are Dead" at its downtown Costa Mesa theater /or a five-weekend run. Meanwhile, down the coast a ways, the Laguna Moulton Playhouse continuea i1s highly successful m o u n t i 'n g or ''Olivtr," while 1nolher sum- mer musical. '"The Fan- tasticks, .. graces the stage or the San Clemente Community Theater. 'Charley's Aunt' Back In Action By WILLIAM GLOVER PLAYS DON QUIXOTE Robert E,,.m•n In Otange Coast'! "Man o! La Mancha," Robert Engman will ,pJ.ay tpe demanding· title role of Don Quixote. Directing the lihow js William purkiss, OCC drama _professor. Other major roles in the show will be taken by Donna Fuller as Aldonza and Steve Warner as Sancho. Completing the OCC cast. are Clark Ban- nert. Michael Brown. Richard Rowland, Bernard S i m o n , Tony Wallace, Thomas Arnold, Janice Gaydon and Marina Leeper •• EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING All Agn Admitted Phone 673-6260 NEW YORK (AP) -That spry old rib-tickler "Charley's Aunt" is back at Broadway's Atiimon Theater , in· consequential but irresistible. Only lour .performances of "Man of La Mancha" will be presented, tonight through Saturday at the O C C auditorium. Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. •11tE1HAW•lllNS' For ttiis rare aummer ar· rivaJ, wb.ich ofliciaJly opened Saturday and was seen at a preview, the sponsors have assembled a cast or familiar playen for tomt added au- dienct rapport. Among them 11re Maureen O'Sullivan, Louis Nye, Martyn Green, Melville Cooper and ErK: Berry. Moot Important oC all is Nye, whose visual and vocal capers are well- known lo television addicts. His is tbe titular role . • To see Nye, clad in bom- bazine. 1own aod awatdled in * Martin Benson directs SOUlh Coast Repertory's premiere production of "Rosencrantz a n d G u i I denstem'~ and regards SCR's acquisition of the pla y as a major coup for the Costa Mesa company. The play, a unique theatrical idea which won honors for author Tom Stoppard, takes two inconsequential characters from "Hamlet" -~~5,iZ;Lill• BIG 3 UNIT SHOW Dtt.ey'' A••nll Wh11d .. SNrt "IT'S TOUGH TO II A llllD" l"LUS ··2001 : srACI ODTSSET" l"LUS ,.,,, ....... " "LET ITH'' cigar smoke, suddenly Im-OPENS FRIDAY 11er1onating 1 steam locomoUve b to savor total "ROSENCRANTZ l GUILDSTllN AH DEAD" drollery. Although well beyond By the Oxford undtrgrad years implied by the vintage Bran-Tom Stopp•rd don Thom~ scrfpt, Nye just foll 111s111v•T~11 CA.LL ""°'ui lets 10 with a cabaret ·array 1121 "~" •M .. c1111 M•"' of rowdily disc.ipllned bu(. "Sl>OON IUVllt ANTHOLOGY" 1110 .. INS ""· •. WID., THUllS. DMLY foonery troe to tilt farce'1'j'~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;~~=: fundamenta l aim of Jnnocent ................ mef'Timent. Miss O'Sullivan is prettily PREMIERE ENCASEMENT! HELD OVER! diverting as the widow from Bra1il whose belated arrival brings on all ttJe romantic tntanglements, while Martyn Green and F.ric Berry provide a pair of high-contra tkJerly suil.ors. Melville Cooper serves 11s , a leisurety reminder of Victorian u ppercrust tervitude. Young Jove is represented by 'lt·tichael Goodwin and Rex Thompson. in calfish pursuit of Lynn Milgrim, who has a rather slippery J o a n Greenwood vocal affectation as famous Amy, and Andra Akers, a baugtity prim in Broadway debut. Harold Stone has directed unhurriedly with a tableeu frfete as t~ curtain gimmick ol each act Settings by Robert "THE MIND BLOWER Of All TIME!" Q';"'""''"' '. wooclltock . ..,1 11o1tin• joo~ lwi11 • jo1 tK~.r. • tounlry jo. I.'~' l.1h ' .,.,,1:ry,11,n._.0,i.. corlovut:irio • ril:llie ha••n1 j;,,.;t..ndr;• • 1onklno • Jo~n 11boo!ian ... :.Ao• ' _i , SHOWING NOW! T. Williams and costumes by Richard Anderson r e r I e ct 'modest bud1eting. Jt all adds up to unpretentious amiability, &. many smiles, Jots ol chuck1~ and some unquenchable guf- ,l.o.no.no<oly&W.e lom1ly11or.1 ~ F. .-• "l\ llt>ylOlt ofter• 11,.. .. ho •en~ ~00.000 ,.i,,, b11111ti!J ll•OOlf, / AT 8:15 & 11:45 P.M. . ...... , MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ~":( ,-.. 6:30 l 9:4S faws. THE BEST Su!'~~...!..~l!::'~!·:~Ut ! na •. ..:..··. SAT. 3:4S, 7:15, 10 :30 ••• <NJ .. -N NG SUN. J :IS,6:30, 9:15 NOTHI H• OM "'"'•"" UNI« 11 u111011 w111t ... ,1111 « I~ THE \.tttl GINN .... -.. ,. " ..... llMtllifld ~OVll woiUP UKl IT I .. •••..•....•...•....•.••••...••...••........•.•.• OPlM 6:41 1'tL ...... .. lit• Pfltl-'• Now -Ends Tuood•Y 1EQINICOlOll • ......... 1. c.1_. • PETER SELLERS '.'THE MAGIC. CHRISTIAN'.'. llatff • C.P LOOK TO EDWARDS LUXURlOUS CINEMAS FOR THE BEST SHOWS TONIGHT ~ .. -(OU.I. ..0...-MMIDI ---·--------NOW EXCLUSIVELY "PAnON" k11d1nlli, flOll1 P''"' "P11• 11uh" it 0111 of the werld'1 m"t ,op1111r c-ic 1tri1t•· lloMI it 4eily i11 tho DAILY PILOT. • • •ue" .\. ' AT I.UIS •• •n. C:OAlf _.,,A .... " DU:;-..,. l'===================~:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,======cc-~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-111M?·•eo••"u"nHGTON•u.oN JACK LIMMON e SANDT DENNIS ·ng at Alpha Beta Mrs. Roy Jackson, Woodland Hills "Th• Out Of T owners"' PLUS ANTHONY 9UINN IN "A WALK IN THE sr111N• kAIN" r:~,:·.;:.:..-:-.:::r: :;"-.;.-- 2nd BIG WEEKI $EDll:GE c . scan • KAll:l MALDEN "PATTON" • s. wl ~· kn ... .. 1 .. Gt ,11: bo • t 'Hi • de hit hil • on •• 31 '.tw ·•. . we bu "' llu -I · to • sci Vlu! 1' ie[ ~"' .·to 'Gr . 1 Ho chi -... . .. dai -the fl rol1 ..-..·but F. ~~ H ! ·:"01 s8ic !cur non T i the ; •Gui teri San The per. beet Bla1 gin> ·porl . 'n by I was .. , I Ii the and' .. do i . ·,see~ .. , bed! "' : In ' was with her ") How rcco Or I ~ hype "I I cc a nc fll;ll' viad. owly o!.' "L to c Kar< nf l! ther1 That wert just I pu• Al' the pre# ma:ii Th 'i'emt June hive horn• movl m1Ur "lC movl four- thil that Al. nudi! to b his I lppe """ °""' ~·~ Th brou Cull "L •nd Whtr for I """' PQUR ter/' ~-µntley: !reacher -. ~ -... . 17 alCI DU llOW VU!a," 11Madame Dubarry,'' Unue to work with' a ddekk:k : HOLLYWOOO (UPI\ -s. ... 1 molar~ will lie IOI ... --~ teleVl- 1!01 to A ..... 111111 loftl been known lbat Chet lllilltr.y II deHrllnl:. Md .W veteran aclat Aitht.a-T r e • c h e r , IOllll!me al<lokldt lo Merv Grtlfin on ~TV's late-ni1ht , aerta.,,W. olao decided to boW UUL ' 01f "8YJng NBC news, . · HIJl!lley· will be occupied with , dl!vtloping a major resort In hill native Montana. Marking his retirement. he will appear ~ on ~ ''Today" proJr•m July f 31 to rt!rninisce and to discuss ·-hb .filloro plan•. ·t-Treacher, who turned 76 this week and has been In lib-OW buainess for 51 yell's , will remain with the GrUfin series through Aug. 14, -He aaya be doe111't want · to maintain a daily work · schedule ln the fulure. Rather lj"he will give inort of his at- i tention to his chain of quick- \ service riataurant.s, and also : to a..,'nicbfclub he owna with Griffin ia New York. Treachtt, who was one of , Hollywood's most Ii mo us character i&ors years ago, -also says he'll ·c0n1Jder movie and thealre offe'rs. In the old days, he "Was well-known by -:the film-going public for his ,t, roles ~ aa humoroualy stuffy ·buUert. -Mil -movies lncl~ "Viva ~Cash Draws Line Over Nudie Scene By llOB THOMAS ' . . llOLLYw6oi> I/ (AP) ! ·:1'.0kaj, ,ml siy you• story," : said ,Johnn¥"' Cash in his : famo~ cofintf)'-tityle, n <>{- •. nonsense mln~r. And ,be did. The repcdier wa.1 1 visiting i the · studio stage where ''A : ~ Gunfigllt" was filming in- . teriors betw~n locations at ' Santa Fe, N.M., and In Spain. The powerful1y built Cash was performirlg a scene in a bedroom with actress Karen Black. Cash plays an 1880s • gtm{ighter, Miss 8 I a c. k : ·portrays 'nae local pfostitute. i 'The scene was fairl y tame by rec:ent film stindards. That wa$ Cash'1 Mory: "\\'hen I read this script, . , I liked It a lot, and I told the prclducers, Ronnie Lubin and" Hil Bloom, that I would do it. But there was just one . -' . )c:eqe that h'd tg be changf;d. "That was the scene In the bedroom '!11«• I dropped in to see the 1 town prostitute. In the ICript it 1ald that she was to appear In bed nude, with the stieet pulled up lo her waist. "I couldn'd do that scene. How could I do that and then record an album of hymns? Or falt on my ttlevisien show abput wh•t reli1ion me.ans to mY IUe? Why, l'd1 be a hypocrite: . "I told them that. I said I couldn't do a scene with a nak'ed woman in the very n1:1( ;laiporllnL movie I've Utade. And they slid it was ok'iy, it woul4 be taken care "'· . "Last Friday it came time to do that scene. I asked Karen If she had 1een any of the new pages. She saiq there weren't ~Y~ new pages. That's when I found out they were Planni?MI to do Ule scene just the wiy,,. lt wai "written. I put mY ·fool d°""." After. "a/ ~Oon with ~~e ¥producers, CUb's will !>'ffalled. -M111 8l1<k re-maiOed rlll!lclothed. The Nasbville-bued singer 'remarked that he and his wile June love to see movies and have a projector in ~heir home. But, like many another movie fan, he ls repelled by ma~r of today's films. •1~owadlll Utey m a ~ e movies filled with a lot o! four-Jetter worda, and they say thit dObody 11 oifended by that any more." Aside from the hluel over nudUy, JohMy Caih appears to be enjoying hlm3tlf with his fir1t big film -he has appeared as himself In minor onea. He costars with Kirk llouglu In "A Gunllpl," and tt•~I Pt whit they hove to !hi !lnat ""· The film.working h o u r 1 bi:oug!Jt I bic~ ...-td Cail\: /'l.aat Ume I cot up at dawn and went home at aunaet wa1 •h!n I WU 17. Picked cotton for $3 a hundred pounds, and some days 1 could pick 250 pounds. Like this work bet- ·~o..vid Copperfield/' "Slat Spana)ed Rhythm," "Forever and I 0.y," "Cldp Off the Old Bloc1,·· "Nauonal Vel~" IQd "Midni&ht Kia." Griffin says he wilt not replace the British~. born Treacher, which means that, of the three network late- nlghll hoots, only ..,., NBC- TV'a Johnn C....On, wtll con- Ed McMllllon. AJIC.TV'a Dlcl Clvett hll betn a toJOlal from the 1tart. ' The lou ()f Treacher fJcurta to deprive the Griffin series of some badly-needed dignity. Since Grint'll ~ved his fre- quently Intelligent syndicated talk sltOw lo CBS-TV, he has become so coy tn Ills manner -perhaps to attract a le.as ·~ -... ttHor UlfHll '"~ MlRSE RMERS SUMERS TECHNICOLOR• !Olea _. • Hl!LD OVllt ----ALSO THI ACADIMY WINNll--- .. "THE OUT OJ 'IOWMm'" II SCIMIHtU .. TO Ill. WI Pllo DICT THiii WON"T n IOOM IN THI AIS&.IS POI AU TH'Oll I WHO WILL FALL OFF THiil SUTS LAUGHING!" I -IONA IAllm I JACl(ISllDI um- COLO« SY,MCMfl.A& [QI• " l th RECORD WEEK -2nd TOP HIT ANTHONY OU INN INGRID BERGMAN I i I 'lJili: ' -;.-JI in the I • .,. •l!""'C" . AT l!Ll.la • '" ~ tfi:1 e aJ,,. • HUNTINGTON •l!ACH . ••7-••o• 1¥.!:1 clPri.n/I .. ~m STARTS WED; [ltJ1~s:11 AUGUS. T S An IJ1to Pr1111<nger Pr~oduclion _.,DELUIE' R •s .J ''ANAYISIOH• IXCLUSIVI SNOWING! Clllrlltn HH!wll "TN• HAWAIIANS" 101"1 C.llr TM •NHn. "L•I 11 le" (0) C.11i' •XClUSIYI IHOWINeJ Cllfll llstwMll e LH Ml""ll! "PAINT YOUll WAGON" (Ol'J Cllw .......... ..,~ "DOWNNIU. llAClll" lef') C..... JXCLUSIYI IHOWINOl "'"" Dl-r• "" c.ll'r '""" Pllll lftvwl 1 ......... M- "THE IOATNllS" fOI ... U.C9C IEAltO't OHOST" (01 l'ltlMIE•I INOAO&:MINTt "THI STltAWllltltY STATEMl'NTN flt) C•lef' "HILLIOATS" C.llf' Unffr 11 Mu11 11 Wltll 1'1,....i l'll~tllll 1NeAOIMl,.T1 "OITTINO STllAIOHT" flll C-'-r "MOSOUITO SOUADllON" 10) Ctlll' Ulld ... 11 Mn! 11 Wllll 1'1rtnt Alt C1i.t ,llllllY SlllW JK~ Liii\-• k""' 0-lt "THI OUT G' TOWNlltS" (Cll John Wl)'M • ''TltUll lltlT" Ill •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• All C.IM tMw ·--"THI ltllVlltl" lll'I hfln W•FM • •«~ H-, "THI UHDll'IATID""' ll l All M WIOW •w..t '•"' • M•••H• w...-"101 & U.ltOl & TllD I ALICll" (ltl O.W•tH'W" "CliCTUS l'LG""I!"" CCII'' _ U"1"f' 11 M-' P~ •'''~ II'·~ ter/' / .................................. . ......... . Retire --_..__ • I .. _• .. : IOphlrtlcile<I mw audience -that his seriea Is oflen emb&rrlllinc lo w a t c h • Trucbl:r: ii a man of t.aat.e, Aod k la lute lhlt the iei'ie• Midi above all. ••• • c"'"''1 __ _...._ •• "!'9~ I ff,I/'/'\ , ,,. /111~ In other future program developments announced by lhe various netwtirks: --NBC-TV's weekly motion plcturet ln the coming season will 1t:.:1ui1e "An American in Paria" with Gene Kelly, Mel Brooks' superbly wild ct1m~ly, "The Producers," with 1.ero Mastel, and "The Russl11ns Art Coming, the Russians Are COmlnc." with Alan· Arkin and Carl Reiner. 1st AREA RUN' --ctiJef Justice W a r r e n Burger's ''state o f t h e Juc:llciary" address before a meeting of the American Rar AasociatJon in St. IAuis will be co"ered tM same day, Aug. 10, In a one-hour prime time report on CBS-TV. NBC-TV previou1ly announced U would carry the speech live at t a.m. POT. S.T A"TS WED AUGUST 5 lktUAnt • J.nt E pl ANET ApES Direct from Its Sensational 'Reserved NOW! .AT BOTH EDWARDS CINEMAS At Popul1r Pric•• "The epic American war movie that Hollywood has always wanted to make, but never had the guls to do belore:• ........ _ ALL .AGES ADMITTED '""' c--·, ,., Parental Discret ion .,,...,,. O• m nlt • ~f'.:.sartT/~P!'LJlfiN Su9911tod in"JIA'.1-1U1t" _, -· i!!!'JO • l .... lllCMlll' ..... llCl6Ml9 ,_..,,_ ....,..rMKlJIJ.lalltlO Mci"ii.CiNU1-tlllfl·iiM"iii"'•fW!'•UMUIMllll..nW'lmtr ..... LIUIUT• iiH llU$91H . " EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ~NGAGEMENT --. ~!#i·ijf o~ TH•ATR 11An01 "'AD..U.. COllTA Mis.,'*""" JU,.,tot .. __ 11 ... -0 ... --.... --. GltAND OPENING OP THI ALL NIW ILl•ANT S. llAUTIPUL CINEMA WEST #2 CALL 546-3102 1EE MARVIN DIRECT FROM ITS EXCLUSIVE RESERVED-SEAT , ENGAGEMENT ••• CONTINUOUS PEIFORMANCES AT POPULAR PRICES! '"A Big Musical Hit- In The Win ner's Corner!" -A .. CH[ll WINSTON, How Yori Poot '1Hilari ous And Entertai ning. In The Stream Of 'Sound Of Music '!" "A Big Bawdy Rip-Roari ng Musica l! Howli nglv Funny! See It!" -WANDA HAL[, H Y Oolly H1w1 Enjoy Thi• Rip-Roaring •' Musical in Ster.ophonlc Sound, Su~r Panavislon and In It's Original and Uncut Presentation ' • DAIL V '!LOT 6 "''°'"' Fiii .. SOU TH COAST ""'" · "LAZA THEAT-C!!RPOIATllll San Oiqo ftffWl1 at lrlttol • &48·2711 CONTINUOUS DAILY AT l ilt •• M. .......... "O ONI UN Dlll 11 ADMITIID SHOWN •t: I :~ -3:10 -5:10 -7:00 -1:50 • 10:40 EXCllJS1VE ORANGECOUrl!Y (]!) ENGAGEMENT MON. llllll ,11.l;l-M•.M. , • •3r.1~s~.-.s1Sl4 1 11,_.., · :"i:iii:H·22' IS. QUITE SIMP-LY, - :::_, THE BEST AMERICAN FILM ,..., l'UE SEEN THIS YEAR!" ~-;·;:;;;'• EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY --ENGAGEMENT-- the ultimate trip PLUS LEE MARVIN in "THE DIRT¥ DOZEN" BOTH IN COLOR ·OPEN 7:00 "·~.1'A'S"H' is wh1t1 · the new frttdom 1 of th1 screen is Ill 1bout.:' 80Tl1 IN COLOR • OP!:N 7100 EXCLUSIVE 0.1.,HOW NG/ .I -' MA EST JOHN HUSTON • RA UEL WELCH 1 PLUS.I JANE FONDA' in "BA BARELLA" l!IOt·..i IN COLOR ·OPEN 1•00 ' I ~ I _ . .,___~ ...... ,.... ......... ,,,_ •. ____ . ___ . __________ ~--------------- ' \ I l I • I I 7 ' • ., .. , - I .. - , ... " DAILY PILOT -· • ...... ·._>:., Wtd~1. Julr 29, 1970 ··•"': . r• . • THE REAL ESTATERS ' ''71u cl~nt h.u 11 right 10 Miww c~rythilfg concerning 1h1 tfansution br/orw. ht uts .• , " RANDALL R. :P.1C CARDLE Pr .. ld.,..I et The 1' .. t l!tt•teni t Ctll...,. rtll •Ill• lmll'\KIOI' 1nd f-'" lur1r; IU!llor ol 11'1• baoll "llt;:ll l!t- 1119 Tr1lnl111 I" C.Ulomt. Colloltn"I • ltul E1111t cotu...,.IJI for "" Doolty Piiat; 1111• lli<tiCIW et CAlll!TI .... , ll'et.111..,t of ll•t N9Wll'Dl"I HI ,.. bor-C.11 Mft,I &Mrcl of ... l'llt<t. WE NEED SALESMEN WIN MOii Prol1111ioMl·Pt<10MH1• Trafrlllllil IAIN MOii G1tnerous $11111--ll~ le IO'llo SllYI 1m11 More t1l11 h•l1t1 - FOi INTllYllW Coll RANDY McCARDL E S46-2316 ' THERE ·1s A REASON I WHY THE REAL ESTATIRS ARE NUMBER 1 Randy Mc:Cardle: Mr. Porter:* Mc: Cardle: Porter: Mc:Cardle: Porter: Mc: Cardle: Porter: Mc:Cardle: An Excerpt Fro1n Our Follow-up Survey "Why did you choose our Company to sell your home?" "The Real Estaters was recommended by our attorney." "Did he tell you we were the busiest, bigg e•t end best?" "N " o. "Oh! Whet did your attorney tell you?" "He said ·we could believe what we were told by The Real Estaters , .~ that we could rely on you." "Did you find this to be true?" "Yes, we liked the way you r company took care of all the details." "Thank you." SELLING YOUR HOME? LET US TALK TO YOU. W• kaw we ce ft • 1• Je1t el, MIHitt for Ye:'· We .tways -.. ,1P9Cld1ed h1 t~• Ml• •f rnW•tlal propartl•. Our· lool Ille!• 1ut11 ... Is IMd~ .. s.ihflH cost.,... -....... ty Niii .. loablh •d oo prlu wl11l19 •d· vertftlnt· We INlve th• best flNllClnt GMl'°W•. ¥our ,,.,.,.ty recelv" ••,........, ottentlon. Our only Hllness 11 AMI lsNte. Surely o t.n time -Is wllot , .. w.., eod lion o rltht to Hpect. · YES! WE GIVE PERSONALIZED REALTOR SERVltE YOU· WILL APPRECIATE LIDO TOP VALUE I A ChanninR 4 lkdroom home with M extra Lara;e 1amlly room, Rpara.te dining are• and lushly 'lanmca~ gardi!'n,,. aJI on t1. 4~ foot, strti!'t• lo•strttt lot. Shown anytime. $64.500 full price. See Today! Phone 646-7171 SHEER CRAFTSMANSHIP Dlsplaytd in the remodelini;: of lhl1 attractive CUit Dr. home. 3 b@drooms. family room and IArge living room. A rt!'&I delight home. $49.900. TO VIEW-646· 7171 NEAR COLLEGE PARK 3 Bt!'droom, 2 Bath, 2 Car Gara&!. Built-in AppJi. a.n ct!'s, Block v.·aJJNJ yard. FHA/VA TERMS! It'1 Sharp! Call Now. ;,46-2313 LEASE OPTION this luxurious 3 bedroom, 3 l>Ath, double tire• place home in Newport Bet1.ch. 2000 square feeL All built-in Kitchen, newly painl.i!'d f!ft!Y mainle· nance on yard. f.1ust see lo app~late. $37,950. 546-2313 MESA VERDE Vacant. ready In move in. On an extra wide lot v.'1th room for boat or trA.ller. 4 Bedrooms -t story with heavy sh11kf' roof in e>t:rl"llent location near 2 iOlf courses. $3~,950. To Jnspecl~6-7171 WANT A WORKSHOP? Plus a dandy home, on C.O.ta P.ieu'a Eutside.- 3 Bdrma .. 2 baths on an extra larre lot.-Kjtch!n wtth built-ins and dls.hwuh·@I' only 52:5.MIO - PhoM 646-7171 Lowest Priced I~ MESA DE MAR 3 bedroom, 2 bath, larite brick fireplace., Gu built-Im. Shingle roof, Double cv 1ATt1e. Walk to all 1chool1 and large park. THA or VA term5. can 546-2313. $27,SOO. EASTBLUFF BARGAIN Best vahu.• in Easlblu(f RI C1nly SJ7.~ -Corner lot. J Bdrms., 2 Mth~ -Jo'amlly room lah1.nd cook center -Owner wi ll help finance -673..8550. . • INVESTMENTS • S UNITS on spacious 1" acre near S.A, Country Club -2 J B<tnns, 2 bstlui And 3 2 Bdnn1. - $765 per month lncomf'. $69,500 -Owner "·Ill tradf' for small home -or will help finance. 646-7171 4-PLEX Excellent units 5 yn:. old. Nl'w carpel - Bfl electrlc appliances, 3 bedr00l'1\ll -2 bdrms -out of town owner \I/ill trade -$59,&lO -Phone 641>7171 CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX Bnth units are s(llllciou1 3 ~m• with 'l~ baths LOCATED on one of Corona de! !\tar's nicest tree lint?d 1treeb. Phone 673-8550 MANY,·MANY l.IORE PANORAMIC VIEWI , Ocean-Catalina-C ity Lights ~'37.~10%-down. You own the'laril! Very de· liihttul 4 bedroom and formaJ dining room. Beau- tiful usy care yard. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE! + 646-7171 . FOR THE FAMILY ON ITS WAY UP "!, A large 2400 sq. rt. family home with 4 bedmoms. 3 baths, famlly rnom, formal dining, thrte car garage, IArge plltio. Only 1U!ps to community pool, ti!'nnls courts t1.nd )>Brk. Only 142,950, cail 67~8550 ' TRl·LEVEL Up on the hill ln beautiful MESA VERDE. Some view of Ocean &: Huntington &ach. 4 Bedrooms. 3Bath&. ~narate Family Room, Formal Dining Room .l Breakfast Area off KitchM. Court ya.rd e>t:trA. Home in Pxcellt!'nt condition. call for Showtng ..... 546·2313 WHY RENT? Move In this 3 kodroom, Family Room home fnr $155/month, lnclullp taxes, principal, interest and Insurance. Fenctd in with fruit trees &. all the privacy ot CaJifo~iA Uvlni. Phone 546-2313. VIEW HOME -JUST REDUCEO Beautifully kept v\ftW horn• with ''Call[orni.a Pri· vacy" tha.t shows like a mcdel home. 4 bedrooms 4 dining room with a df'f'&m kitchen that opens on to ll prlva.te patio. Room for A pool table. Only $47.5oo. Phone 673~ LARGE POOL WELL-NIGH COMPLETED Attractive east 1idt!' C.M. home on lovely cul-di!'· uc slret!'t-2 bdrm & dlnlnJt room -lllr.ste yard -i!'XOellent term• -10% down, only $23,950. We Have Hundreds More for Your Inspection-Just Call THE REAL ESTATERS Serving Newport Beach • Costa Mesa • Corona del Mor • Huntington Beach 4 Convenient Locat ions Near You NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newport Blvd. 6411·7 I 7 I COSTA ME SA 2790 H.rbo, Blvd. 546-23 1 l CORONA DEL MAR 312 Marguerite 67).8550 INVESTMENTS 2714 H1rbor Blvd., Su;ts 201 Cost1 Me,. 546-2116 EXPERIENCE ELIMINATES EXPERIMENT Real Estate Investments SALESMAN NEEDED * O"r R11l E1l1!1 ln,.1d11"11nt 01pl ..... d. ·"· ;,. .. ,,ill'll"' 11l111111n wil11 1inc1rity I ''"V · * For inlt r .. i1w e1ll Jt 1ndy Mc · c.,~1.. i4•-2J1•. 21•0 H 1rbor 11 .. ~ .. Suil1 20 1. • \ E How paych< dtlldrt more and d< And for al isn't r. ls th that B your s Orar shoppli dress wagint here's Mrs. • mothei to 18, days i her ch She boycol bacon 1£ pol Jr we the pr'. Shaf his wl foc se ALL ! All I own c tum es, and fo Tbe other tea.chh Mrs. Beach oost ol Six 1 at hot or hav Mrs. a 10 p to thei bee a~ left tG like m She difring tG: go "U we -· Abln and II rout<: ' ltamt Mrs. grains store !!UJlOm lw br 10 ce1 so cent She uses p ing an She al and to owner1 garlic, Tith! of Mr &11)"()0f out be< Ret h • tigh ~frs. Beach and 0 al~ pi ha:ne-1 USE l A r G<Jt th good leltove they p spend Mrs. (!oesn' iltt er ---· ··-~-------·-·----------------·~----·-:---------·-------------------------- 4 PILOT -ADVERTISER ' • • { i \ 1By, JO OUION /'Of ....... ""' SiMf N / e How do you 4Dlke yoor husband's paycheck stretch to feed and clothe eight chlldren when loott and clothing cost more every month .at the aupermartet and depa.-ltott! ' And -do )'GU aiford musk' !...,... for all of yo~ cblldren. when there jllJl't room in the budget? Is there any way to fight the inClatJon that always seems to keep ahe'ad of your salary? Orange Coast l'IT.llt:P, armed with shopping lists, mtrkfit "dvertisements, dress pattern& aDcl garden tools are waging a victorioul war on Jnfla.Uon, and here's how they art doing it. Mrs. Jack Shafer ef· Costa Mesa, mother of aix ~ from ages 7 to 18, tries 1o ~llbot> every couple of days instead of once a 'Week because her children "eat ~erytfrlnc in sight." She buys mostly fruit !Qr snacks and boycotts high prices by "'bstitution. "If bacon gets too blgh, J, don't buy it. If potatoes get too tfigb we eat rice. Tf we don't buy maybe they'll bring the price down ." Shafer is •• t'elf~ployed plumber and llis wife has"a put.time job of serving for several cater• . ,. . ' ALL SEW All three of -ttleir daughtets sew their own clothes. inclufing swim show cos-•. tumes, and Mn. Shaftt sews for herself and for her dau~~- Tbe girJS have ~by-sitting jobs and other jobs such as; oouae· cleaning and teaching swbnming in the su::nmer. Mrs. Albert Ahlman , a Huntington Beach resident, hal attacked the ruing cost o( living from alt sKles. Six of the seven Ahlman children live at home and all «if them are taking or have taktn music lessons. Mrs. Ahlman, whose budget Includes a 10 percent tithe oC their gross income to their church, believes in economizing because the family wants to.have :noney left to buy a· camper and provkle extras like music lessons. ' WedllHdaJ, July 29, 1~70 ., .. • I . . I • c • ' . ' , . , .. .. ' I'' , • ~ .. - .J .. ' •' I She also remembers her farm days' during the depression. "I doo't want to: go through that ·again." ff says. "U we save peMies on necessiUes, we'll soon save dollars to spend 9f1 luxuries." Ahlman is an ~at Douglas and the family has a ly delivery route 'f!itl1 which the help "lo PRODUCTION .LlNE ;-•Bread.dastes ,better at. the Albert Ahlmu .home 111, Huntinlli.en Beacil bee~u'e Mrs. Ahlmaa makes qer own.trote.. scratch. She ~ gins by grinding her own wilole wileat to make the flour . .Mrs. Altlm!lJl.-(left), who:ls auiJ,ted br<l!le><>f her daugilte<s, Margie, estimates tliat a homomade loaf costs, 10 cents; saving,JQ-:1.o 48 cenfs-411!'li. !oaf. learn the vallle of a do .. Mrs. Ahlman bG)'. wheat and other grains in lOG-poond llUtttitr at the feed st.ore at one-hi fie cost in the sipennartet and grlndl ' htT own flour fur bread. Hert homemade bread costs 10 cents a Jojf instead or the 40 or SO cents in the market. She bu71 ~ llutl!r by the gallon, uses powdet'Od "1ilt extmslvely in• cook· ing and cans ,from her own fruit trees. She alJo .&]eam berries, oranges, com and tomlliOes from area fields with the owner•' -pennillion, and crows her own garUc, 9'"""' and c«n. Tithln( ts the -lm)l!ll1ant part ot ~tra. 'Ahlman'• budget. .. l advile anyane to pay tHhes. You. ruUy come out bettet. in the end." ' Retirement means •n' ed income and a tighteNnlJ of the t. Mt. and ~1r.;. Lyjander 1>od of HunliMtOn Beach don't spend ~ on f,t1uries aoo "play tt • littl{ bit tight. ' They also put oil buyrprii<nt for their hcr.ne-that they w like to. USE LEFl'OVERI A retired accountut, Dodge points out Ulat they ah careful to .telect a good quality o( plain foods and use leftovers. They bou&ht a good car when they purcha!ed their 1ut one, and don't spend much on clothes. ~1rs. Louie Matteson of Newport Beach doesn't lake her children along when 5ht 1rocery ahops once a week because with her. it's hard· to stick Co her list when they're She .buys -ltie large rues and ground beef ia quantity, when.1 it's on sale. Mat· teeon, an ·~eer, is bandy around the house, helping cut down repair bills. A three-point plan is employed by Mrs. Royal West of Huntington Beach, -ol eigtrt children. , Sbe buys 1IS little clothlng as possible for her clrlldren, finding it easier to launder more frequently since the clothes will be outgrown at a fast rate. Small rips in clothing are mended right away and the good clothing is • saved f« lhe younger children. AVOIDS PRESSURE Mr$. West trieti to avoid advertising pressures, which ahe calls+ "one of the moot ·mut thinp -·· """""' fa~.• She buys wh4t i! in sealOll and atways al)OPI with a list Jf.oi ;mid ' the "'persuasive extras." Her 'menu is prepared· Jor . Mlvell days and jncludta st1'eraJ meals for "quic.li:ie" ~111r'ltion. Bro11£bt up wiUl the NeW England phllolophy that one lhoukf "eat enough to keep the pot bolling," Mrs. West avoids buying wbe!i prices are high and doesn't buy potato chips or ooft drinks. Her total food bill, including meat and food for their dog, i5 $28 to '35 per week, and milk adds another •10...JJJ . To save medkal bUls, the Wesll lake vitamins and Mr. and Mrs. West streu safety, Each child has a dllferent cup and towel and uses Ulem exclusively. "I try to make them remember that they have a precious body arii.I they · have to take care of it." Mrs. West credit& her success to her husband , a civil engineer, whom she says is. "appreciative." Mrs. Dow Duncan, a Costa Mesa resi- dent, has learned haw to shop and make good use of leftovers. She says She doesn't find lighting lnflat.ion a "battle." NO WASTE The Duncan daughters eat nutritious foods for after-school snacks so none of the food budget is wasted on empty· calorie foods. Mrs. Duncan tries to understand the supermarket gimmicks and avoid btin« lured into ~&more. than..K"e1>lans to. ,. <sewtng' ls •·family P">}ed. ·Mn. Dun- ~can and her two dabghter~ t-One a teenager 'and the other 21, likt the new patterns and fabrics and-Mrs. Dtmcan is )ea.ming to sew along with her daughters. 1be girls attend church functions for recreation, keeping that part of the budget low, and both have baby·slttlng and Ironing jobs. Mrs. Dennis L. Miller, also a Costa Mesa resident, shops supermarket sales and buys au her meats on specia l. ------- She a:Jsb buys ciothlhg for her husband and two children on sale, unless som<thlng Is needed immediately, and is going back to making more rtcipes from 9Cr'8tch. CaMel'Oles, which stretch farthe r, are on her menu more fre- quently. • Finding things different in California than in Texas, Mrs. J. D. Wallace, a Costa Mesa minister's wife, says that vegetables and fruits are nicer here and are offered in greater variety, "When I work out menus l can make my dollar go much farther," she feels. She shops once a week and buys bread in quantity for her large freezer. As one of nine children, she learned early the need for conservative food planning. "l usuaUy out· and· out cooi ~ ••• dry beans. stew meata.:• A ptiysic~t's wlfeirom Newpcirt 1!a<h, Mn. Richard Moore fact\I ... proW'em , planning meals around her hus~nd's diabetic condition. She mu.U plaft bn l in pounds of meat per day , to her husband, and no starchy casseroles can be served. Mrs. Moore buys large quantities of meat and freeze! it, planning at least a week and sometimes: a month ahead. She uses very few convenience fooda and slretches her poultry doUar by mak· ing stock from the chicken and free.iinJ it for later use. ...... --., .. • .... , /, --· . Alt..,..,..__ • ._ I ,• i ' Home News and Views I • Vacation Time's - Important Ti.me By DOROTHY WENCK Or• ... CHlllY ..._ All¥1Mf' It's no news that vacation time ts with us. But Jt Js news that there are :a Jot of people eligible for vacations who do not take them. AccordJng to a survey by Travel Research IntematiooaJ. one out of six people who are ellglble for vaaat.ioos refuse to take them. Some of these non vacationers are bui.ineasmen who feel in- dispensable. 'Ibey think t b e business will fall apart if they're not there, Some of the non-- vacationers are peoplp_ !fho can't even stand weekends -being at home wiUl their wives and kids drives them ctazy, Another whole · group of non- vacaUoners, not Included in the one-out-of-six, are housewives who go on vacatlont with the family but don't have a vacation thmuelvea when they get there. Whether they 're in a trailer ,;tent, beach cottage, or mountain cabin. they still have to buy food, prepare meals, mp.ke beds, wash clothes and waltb over childrm. Came old lltUff -and often under under lldf-ioodiilons ind -the conveniences of home. The thoughtful husband might ta~ over. many of 1theae duties ' during the vacation or treat his ' wife ·to a weekend or two away from the dtildren (preferably somewhere where she doesn't have to do any cooking). Why does everyone -Including the housewife -need a vacation? Here are seven good reasons : I. To live longer and in better lteallh. Job tensions are often a conWibutlng cause or ulcers, heart disease, nervous d I s o r d e r a • Everyone needs a chance to retreat from work, lo relax and give - muscles and irritated nerves a chance to settle down. 2. To takt tlmt to enjoy IUe and to appreciate lhe world about •us -the befiUlY of a sunset, the peaoe and quiet of u.; -rr or mountains, the feel of"the.,. sand · on the beach, the smell of ftesh air and so on. 3. Te Mve a cbu1e ff pace. The person· whose job requlru mental activity may n e e d something physical to do: the person who worka with people may need to be alone; the big city dweller may need to see something of the country; those who Jive by the clock and eaJendar· m111 need to live without •them. 4. To do a better Job upn retlrn. By leaving yoor job 'fo r a while you may gain a fresh perspective and think of some new w:aya to handle it more effectlveJy • .By befnr well rested you will be more ef. fidenl The vacation-!itipper Js more likely to make errors, to feel put upon and self righteous and to be irritable with c~workers. S. To give otbtrs a clluce. A good organizer -whe.ther a bulinessman, secret a1r y, or llousewlle -has the ability to delegate responsibility. A man'a promoUon may < depend up 0 n whether he bas groomed a suc- cessor to step into his job. At home, sometimes older children welcome the opportunHy to stay behind and prove they can k~ep the household running. Sometime• Jt's an opportunity for grandpatents to step in and care toe yoonger children. I . To m.aht'8il c&olaless amoq fanilly memben, putlelllarly • ...., band and wHe. Some vacation time with the whole !Amtiy .llreogtheno lamUy unity, but equally Important is the opportunity fe< .bu-and wile to have some tlme alone together. Thi s Js especially true dill'tnc busy dilld-rearlnryears. 7, To prepare for leu.h time to come. Vacation can be ~ for retirement. Jt'a a tune. to o. pertment with new nv1,. poltemt and ne.w locations. 'l1lose whoM vacations have been rich in ff• periences, who know how to life a fuK We outside the world ol work. will be well prepertd to «ijoy their'retirement yeara. A QUE8110N ASKED Q, Somewhere I md ttlat t11o U.S. 1loptrtment ol Acrlc:Ulture bu puhllllled 1 -pillet on nutritloll, food shoppinr and menu plamlng. 'Ibis sounds like just what I need. ' Can I get a copy from your office? A. The pamphlet you are pJer. rii!&. lo • ii lit!~ "Family r.,. -A Gulc» ·lo Gaod Nutrition" (Yome. lPd Gardea Bulletin No. J). It i.. the U.S. Departineot of ~griculture's ''bestseller," and beca.,. ol ill papularlty ,.. have not Jleeo able lo get 1 tupply, Yoo can order it for 45 centa from the SUperlntendent o I Docu-, U.S. Government Prtn-Unc omc., Washington D. c. 20!02, Please alve your iipcode when orclerlni. r ' r • --------------• Arrowheacl Speorheacls Interest • .... ~" iw ~ A lndia~n Lo1:e _lns~ires : ti obbx ist;~ By JODEAN BAITINGS • J . '. tr'.! il~ ~"' tl ! > I " ) i' ' ,iirl o)"'· _, . I • • •4• «- ~,;"' i. ;l( "1 rl '"' .w.: ..... ' 'PRE.COLUMBIAN -A ciortion of .Emberson's col- lection is comprised of Pre-Columbian artifacts _ -from Costa Rica and Panama. Because of their in· Cranes ~1 - l \ ·' deslructable nature, stone artifacts can vary from 150 to 2,000 years. °' .............. s c u ff 11 n 1 around In· Oklahoma dirt • a l"" ...... was the beginning cit a llleJooc bobby for Duane &nbel'3Clll. When he WU •• the Hun- tlngton Beach man discovered bill first Indian llTOWbead, one! .... • portloo " his col· ledlon of Indian memorabilia may be viewed In the 11\Jn- tlll(lao Beach Library 1111111 Saturday, Aug. I. • Raiaed 00 • ranch In the lllld " the <l>en>lcee, a.oc. 1 taw:, CbicUaw, O.t Ind Semloole, Embenoo found the lore ol the fndlan, how be lived and died, a fascinating and living subject. Not only colleclloo o f artifact.t has intrigued Emberton. He also enjoys researcfling one! claosifying his --.it by tribol and cuMoral groups_ While noting that \Indian cultures varied ac- cording to the ease of olr tainlng food. be discovered correlations between tribes on all continents with Polynesian influences turning up i a American Indjan cultures. One of Embersoo's rarest pieces is a Choctaw "rhewnatism" basket found in a junk store (for 45 cents) years after the tribe had forsaken the art of basket- weaving. ~', Reside ., •iW · 10· East TRINKET PRICELESS Another b a 1 k e t i ai> proxlmately eight lnchOs in diameter, wu ,;made by a member of the Aleutian tribe, where the women migh~spend an entire winter fasbloD,i.og a sine le piece:· Finely wove11: as ' linen, the memento Is valued at approxlmaiely $100 per fndi. Emberaon dlaco,..red this trinket in 1 Dea market for ll!. H1I bjggelt fjpd WIS a North Wes! <;out&I Indian carved ratUe wo<1b l l,000 which be donated to a museum. J.Ujn& thefr home I n Brighton, Mass., are .Rn:hard Eugene Crane of Collta Mesa ' ~ the former Nancy Jane : '?" J!!iL who uchanged wedding · -vOWs In the First t'hristian Church. So-called Indian arrowheads are not necessarily arrow- heads at all, he pointed out. Many of the larger ones adually were knife or dart bl-which (ll'<Ceded the bow Jnd arrow. Put ol his 1,000-plus co~ !ecOan features gem points of qllliU, crystal, opals or petrlfw:d 1t00d, and many bear the crude 11maker's o r craftsman's mark ." i • The Rev. James Piercey led the double-ring ceremony, with only family members present. Attending 111': couple were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones. • The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Crane or Costa Mesa, attended Costa Mesa High School and Orange Coast College before joining the Navy. He la oompleting a tour of duty on the East coasL Tbe bride, daughter of ?.frs. Dorothy Helt of Baltimore, wu graduated from high school 1n Baltlmore and aL- tended aecretarlal s c ho o I theft. Group 5elects - Patio SettLng For Gathering ~el\1ben ot' the Newport Uqity Women's Club will com-b~e a patio picnic with their regular meeting T u e s d a y , Auf. 4_ The gatheril'lg will take 'Pb!ce 11'1 the Huntington Beach hoinl ol ?.trs. Dorfs Baletka, ' ,roup president, at 11:30 a.m. · '"1e lnJUP also will see .Ii~ or • falbion show which wu given at Newport Onlty a..rdl. In Emberson's opinion, there was a civilization in this country before the Indians, and he believes one ol these days a, major discovery will ln!,ce the earliest history of man back beyond the ap. proximate 20,000 years now known. ON.sJTE COu.ECTOR SWI crawling around in caves, visiting old Indian sites, Katos Tell Troth News Weddhlg pledges will be u- cha1111ed by Lillian Kolo and Roy Sasaki Dec. 12 ln the Orange C.Ounty Budd h Is t Church, Anaheim. Their betrothal has been revealed by Mr. and Mrs. Masaru Kato ol Fountain Valley, parents o{ the bride-t.o- be. Miss Kato Is a ~aduate ol HunUngton Beach High School a'nd earned her BA degree and secondary teaching credential at San Jose State College. She also aUended California state Co!Jcge at Long Beach. Her fiance, son of Mr. and B'nai B'rith ft1rs. Henry Sasaki of Hanalei , Kauai, Hawaii, was graduated Oranee Coast Qlapter ol LIFELONG .COLLECTION -Since finding his first Indian arrowhead as an g. from Kapaa High School in ~'nai B'rill:I Women . gather year-old lad in Oklahoma, Duane Emberson of Huntington Beach has been Kapaa. Kauai , and Lo s the first Th.W'ldays at I p.m. researching cultures of Indian tribes. Among the rare items he haS in his col· Angeles Trade Tech n I c a I in : Mercury Savlnp Bank, lection of m emorabilia is the Choctaw rheumatism basket (third from top, College. He also attended Los Huntington Beach. second row from left}. Angeles City College. ~--"----~~~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .. ~~~~ ''I love A,lpha Beta's service and their prices!' Mrs. Dean Weaver, Covina CRAFJ SMEN'S MARKS -Duane E~berson studJes three gener~tions . ~f craftsmen's marks on a Siotix elk horn skin scraper. Arrowheads which. ong1· nated in the Colwnbia River territory might wind up in Southern California with the crude "signature" of its maker. camping areas and bal- Uegroundt. the collector also roams ·through junk stores and antique shops, attends auc· lions and reads a wealth of material available on library shelves. Although his wife Aurelia and daughter, Adria , 12, don't share his passion for ool· lecting. they plan to ac- company him when he attends an Indian powwow in GaJlup, N.Af., later this summer. His wife wears lndian jewelry in- cluding abalone shelb strung with beads. Trading in seuhellt by California Indians reached as far as Oklahoma, where Emberson discove~ a conch shell. In addition to North American Indian artifacts, he has collected pre-Columbian samples from Costa Rica and Panama. " At one time, he explained, slate found near Haida In- dians' :loJem poles was traded to Japanese tailing ships. Jn tum the Jap~ would carve the material and sell it back to the. Indians. TRIBAL ARTS REVIVED Because of interest in and knowledge of his h o b b y , Emberson frequently is re· quested to appr a i s e col- lections. He feels there is a definite revival of interest in Indian LITTLE GUYS "N DOLLS culture, particularly among· the younger general.ion whi~ · is fascinated by mysticism and cults. The anthropology major ls delighted to see new int.erest. in Indian tribal arts front · Alaska to Mexico. Al an ex· ample he cites the Cherokee· who haven't made baskets flt· years and now are reviving the almost-lost' art. ;. Eskimo arts also are beltiJs revived, he concluded, al! though some tribes and thelf:. art don't exist any more. • · •• CHILDREN'S HAIR STYLING l"nifn111Mt ldHM" Slylillt ,Oil Al"l"OIMTM•NT D91tr t 11 J -CleHllll M911111~ 642°)689 13 0 E. 17th St. ~::;:.J';:..:1 Costa Mesa • .. • • ' .o.~r .;-:~; ~ tl· •• ~ . -· ~· ;,·~, .. ' ... )! ' ., . •: Di . N!!!il ' . • • . • • ---~ I : • ' • !: , \ .• 4 l I .......--~ ~ .... -. --· ----~------ I ' I; lit •l 1 ' • .. ' • •• . ~ ~ • -• .. I I . ~ I 5: I , ' ' ., ' t I . Plans Gua ranteed to Please the Pd/ate I Win~. cheeses and breads \Viii blend ·to form a symphony df taste when membets and guests of Las F}ore1 \Vomen's Club of Huntington Beach gathy1 f9r a wine-tasting party Saturday, Aug. 1. Mrs. Fred Pascuzzo will host the 8 P·ll'!· gathering which will feature wares from Trader Joe's of ·Ful· lerton. Sharpening their tastebuds for the' oc~}on are (left to right) the h1.mes. Robert Malin, Joseph Valinsky and John Kay. BARBARA JARVIS Betrothed Rites Da te Announced The forthcoming marriage of Barbara Jean Jarvis or Corona del Mar to John Thomas Mcinnis of Loog Beach has been announced by her parents. l\1r. and l\Irs. Waller Jar.,.is of Charlevoix, l\1ich. Miss Jarvis is a graduate of Central l\1ichiga n Universi- ty and holds an MS degree from the University of Illinois. Her Hance is the son of Air. and Mrs. John Mcinnis of St. Charles, Mi ch. He also holds a BS from CJ\.fU and is completing his J\.fS at Ca\Uomia State College at Long Beach. Following an Aug. 22 \ve<f. dh1g in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic C h u r c h • Newport Beach. the couple \l;ill sail Sept 10 for England. Baha'i Rite Lihks Pair Heisler Park. overlooking the ocean in Laguna Beach, was the setting for the wed- ding of Margaret Faulring and ~Iichael Gamble, both of Tustin. An unstructured B a h a ' i ceremony linked the couple before family . and friends . Parents ol the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Faulring of Tustin and Mrs. Margaret J adrich or Corona To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their \Vedding stories with black and white j?lossy photc; graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women's o .. partment one week before the wedding. Pictures r eceived following the we dding will not be used . For engagement announcements it is imperative that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be su~ mitted slX weeks or more before the wedding date. If deadline is not 'met, only a story will be used . To help fill requirements on both 'ved- ding and engagement storieS. forms are available in all of the DAJLY PILOT offices. Further ' questions will be answered by \.Vomen's Section staff members at 6424321 or 494-9466. Pair Exchange Vows Hawaii Home Planned Married at hlgh noon· in St. Joachi m's Catholic Church were Miriam Open s haw , daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Openshaw of Costa Mesa, and Theodore Michael DePierro, son of the Theodore DePierros of Sputh Gater- The newlyweds will make their home in Kona, Hawaii, following a honeymoon on the island of Kauai. Given in marriage by her rather for the rite condu cted by the Rev. Don R. Kribs, the bride chose her sister, Miss Penny Openshaw as her honor attendan t. Bridesmaids were Miss An- na Kretzers, Miss Lorraine Aldfft PMtt DANILDA KINZER Bride-el~t September Wedding In Offing · !\fr. and Mrs. Henry George Kinzer of Sa·,1ta Ana Heights have announced the betrothal of their daughter Danilda Kinzer to Robert E d w i n Babson. son of the Edward Babsons of Costa Mesa. Sept. 12 is the wedding date chosen in Lutheran Church of the Master, Corona del Mar. The future bride is a graduate of ColVl"la del Mar High School and received her BA in psychology from UCI. Her fianee, who wa s graduated from New po r t\ Harbor High School a n d Orange Coast College, is presently employed with a firm on Kwajelein, Marshall Isiah&. Flash Cube Brown and MiSi Merilee Han· MRS . T. M. De:PIERRO A new self-powered fiash nahs. Noon Ceremony cube activates mecihanicaDy David De Pierro was best ----------without the use of batteries, man for his brother. Seating the manufacturer says. guests were B r a d r o r d The cube is Ignited by its Woodington, Steven Braucher Scorch Remedy own torsion sp!'ing system and 'David Skaugslad. mounted in base. The spring The bride was S:raduated If you have scorched a white is · automatically triggered I M De. H' h Sc w .. en the camera shutter is rom ater 1 1g hool garment or any white fabric depressed. and Orange Coast College and when ironing, simply dampen'-=========:::;! is working toward a BS in Ir" nursing at California State a "'hite cloth in peroltide, College at Los Angeles. place it over the scorched s • I Her husband. a graduate of spot and press with the hot peCll South Gate High School, at· iron. The scorch will be del hfar and Michael Robert Gamble of San Francisco. = l:~d~•g'.i!~nic•I college in :i::::.rerred to the pressing Announcement ~~~~~:1 The bride '1s a graduate or - Tustin High School a n d Orange Coast College. She alsb graduated from a nledical and dental college. Her h~ Is a graduate or San Marino High School. He served in the Navy and the Mefchant Marines. Following a honeymoon In the Baha'i School in Geyserville, the couple is al home in Tustin. OC Singl e Bees The second and fourth Fri-t day of the month Orange Counly Single Bees gather inl Pioneer Town, ~nta Ana. AcUvities begin al 8 p.m. IN THE LIDO SHOPPING AREA IT'S :BAMO~ FOR . Swim Suit Sale Save Save 3404 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH The National Antl-S1noklng Council \l:l\I conduct intro-ductory ~lonil with th e Rmazlng new audlo·vl1uaJ vortex and help you stop smoking in just seven days. These 1C5Sions will be bdd beginning each hour trocn 9 AM to 11 A..\f and from 1 PM to ~ PM Moncla.y through Friday 11t 18382 Bench Boulev11rd, Suite 2al, lluntlngton B<!11ch and at 1770 Orange Avc11uc, Suite D. Costa Mesa. There Is no cost or obligation for the In· troductory session. Come In now or call (714) 962·1828 or (714) 642-4163 rot a per· 1onal 11ppolnl'men.t. This pro- RJ'llm ofrera a comr1lele money back guanintee I )'OU don't atop smoking in aeven dllya. ---------·----------·-----~-·---..--· ( .,_ l ' . . maSler cllerge L'---"'__., • ' WtdMldU, Ju1J 29, 1970 DAILY PILOT ft Camera Bug Takes Notes Nixon Film in .. ·M~~~i .ng ' I ' WASHINGToN (UPI) Mn. Stuart Is always spotted wheo the ~!dent's Wire Mrs. Pat Nix6a'a stair direc.. running arrund with her ma~'~ a ~~1. appearance. tor. Connie Stuarti may not movie camera. White Houae stafl membtra wrtlAI a boo~ wile• her White This . bappened In , Peru, rarely ;i.rt out their Jobi Wttll House days an over, bu~ she . where Mr1. Nb::OJ1 hit her the. lnte~ ,of wrilinc bOo1s will have enough hL'lto.rical stride as 1 lady of mercy or making movies, but even- (ilm for a major dOcumentary. helP,lng dtliver emer,ency • tua l1Y' 1t-1ita., ~~nf. ~They When the First Lady is rupplles to earthquake 'vic--_ are ..,.atchin.1 ~ in · the making a public appearance ;;,t _ __. and newswomen are scurrying tlms. · rnakl':". Fa~!~ fort~ to keep up with Ute events It also is. true in WashlnaDI . could-~~u ...... when their • ' • White H~a.,a Iii'• over . _ • • p .. Even~ llld Johnaon, who ~1~ her flvt yui't'·u' ~ :i.81 that · she .... only lope ...... ding ' her me.-. almolt llilhllY "f<W my rrandCbUdren," wlll haVe a book on "'6-staoda before , Costa Mesa Couple Say Marriage Vows Jones and ushers J~llded Skip Smith, Roger ~elner, Tom Clark and Ger\e Crane. Christmas. -Christ Church by the Sea was 1he setting for lhe mar- riage ol Donna Lee Parkinson, daughter of the Gepe D. Park~ and Michael David Smith, son or the George W. Smiths, aU of' Costa Mesa. II ls all to the goOd. Hi.!tory ts , the rtor/ ol JlOOple, which ts why there is so much tn- Tecldy Lebcris carried 1the tefest tn ·nrst families and The Rev. David DJProfio of· ficiated for the afternoon dou- ble ring ceremony.• Miss Diane Spacinsky was maid of honor, and the Misses Peggy Schilling, G 1 y 1 e Morgan and Jan Coats were bridesmaids. Vicki Eastwood was now girl. E?st man was Arthur S. rings. . Junior attendants were De~ hie Hartshorn and Lee Jeff Parkinson. , The bride was graduated from Estancia High School. The. bridegroom is an atumbUs ol Coota Mesa Hllh School, Orange Coast College and Chico State College, where he majored in a g r le u·11 u·r •·I business. their Jmpact on society. HittotiaM outside the circle musl. 10 to the d al l y newspapers, moetly, to get the facts.and the perapecUve. · M~s. Nixon says she kfffl' only an ~ppolntment book and jots down note.. Some ._ she too will record h e r personal yearo In the WJ!llAI House. She Ls very articulate And has a feeling Ior the -Id .around hu . SA(E STARTS THURSDAY, JUL:f 30, 9:~ A.M.. 4tM.~~ 3424 Via Lido • Newport Beach · ' II' Swim Suits Y" Lounge Wear ~ Capris ~ Pant Suits ~ Shifts '· ~ Knit Dresses AUGUST ~ Casual & Better Dresses ~·Coats ' 3424 Via Lido New.port Beach • Wo have transferred hundreds of bHufiful La Jolla Men 's Sheer Wool Slacks ••• Suits ••• Sport Coats, •• and Sweaters from our Mr. Tam Shop, Riviera Hotel, Palm Springt for this huge summer clearance. Sport Coats 40%0ff FAN 'rASTIC SAVINGS e FIRST COME FIRST SERVED lido Fashions & Mr. Tom's Shop for Men 3424 Via Lido • Newport Beach ----------------------------------~-----~----------------------':· ..... -----------------~---•• ·--·~--""'..,-··-----.... --------------·------------------------------------~-~-~~-~----~--....... ' . ~ ~-·1 1 ' WodMtdoJ, JuiY 29, 1910 Dentist ··Drills Parents to Get to Root of His Ache ANN 1.\NDE11S: Help watt who doo 'I Wlderstand lbe o1 J>!OY1dina decent c1enta1 lbelr clllldra .. Too l1WIY J>OOple Idea that ii a tooth gives ...,.... you mlJht aa well yank 11 ~ lr<IUJ1d with IL Another -la till& 1t doeln1 pay lo ANN LANDERS ~ • a tOllll unlesa it's a pennanent Varicose veins and heart trouble are occupational hazards. And so many peo- , pie e1pect the denUst to carry them 'en his books for months, even though he bas already borrowed lo 10 lo school and done some mooolightlng to get him through the nonincome years. _j ~ whefl I see parents buymg ~ UMjr teenage daughters, ex- " CUM for their young sons, llkl OCJUipmen~ nmnberships "1'!"111,. dubo, but when it ...... . -tlley can tlilnk of a ·-lo lot it 10 -or Ibey Ibo clleepeet way ouL It's a well known fad that a penon with a toothache will pay anything to get relief, but when the toothache is eone he puts the dent.bt's bill-at the bottom of lbe pile. are a hard-working lot. Libra: Stress nusual Style .THURSDAY JULY 30 Pllcts mu II a vt: IOUl -lf you avoid u.w o1 fOrce. u you .......,..ble demand1, b .,t lo Rand up lo Y• ·-YCMI • tbe door. He aOt &be u1iesl mu to wl tll, bwt t.e may well oae 1 of the kindest aod t ceoi{deia.te. (Meroh 21-Aprll 19): may be surprised by of mate, partner, adviser. Don't give up thing for nc;itblng. Stick .: es -a~rinciples. ".!'!'Ull_eoO(,;n ai~y 20): 'k euy where moves. Is "' coooomed. irtY why some relaUVes, make cerlall\ '" sure of~- wlJcf..goose chase:. \ \ <May 21.June 20),: effort could result , . able reward. Key1 IQ,be ....me. Gjve lull y~ fniel'lettliatcuriOsity. questions; obtain rs. You can get puzzle in place. ER (June 21.July 22): Many comment on your ap- pearance. Emphasize t b e unusual in color and style. Be subUe, but not a shrinking violet. Time to make others aware or your presence and need!!. SCORPIO (OcL 23-Nov. 21): You get nothing: for nothing. But ~en a bit ol effort now ·can bring substantial results. Good lunar aspect coincides with favorable news from afar. Keep communication lines open. SAGITrAJUUS .(Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): Friendly advice could get you going on path ta protiL Avoid extremes. But do folloW through on inside Information. Loolc beyood the immediate. CAPBICORN.(llec. 22-Jan. lt): Succas comes only tf you keep up with the times. Avoid complaining over minor matten. lnllead, quietly ad- just yourself to new technl· ques.. Then you make real progress. AQUARWS (Jan. 20-Feb. lll: Delicate to u c h ac- complishes much. Tender, lov· ing care should be key. Share knowledge. Be willing to teach arKI learn. Find out 1lie \irlfj or recent happenings. PISCES (Feb. !~March 20): Plel!e print lhll, Ann. In all lbe years I've been readlna: your column "I don't-think, have ever rea<I a Jetter In support of the dental profess.ion. - SHREVEPORT DEAR SHREVE: Yoa just did. 1b1nb for smding IL DEAR ANN LANDERS : I was divorced twe years ago. I'm now 34 years old, have an executive posJUon but am ter- can gain if you are ared to make some ~ Ions. Jt is a case of one ~ard, two forward. · do1ft have everything r own way. But matter eH!ully resolyed. Accent is m how you relate to children. Have fun without appearink foolish. Means draw 1ine between lenitncy and complete lack of discipline. You may be surprised by special request. HELPING HANDS -Members of the Woman's Club or Seal Beach are assisting staff members of the Child's Psychiatric Unit at Orange County A1edical Center by providing kits to be used in test- EO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be d1 for change, exciting en-Hospital Aided dee1 dloy? So wllll'• wreq wUll Uvll1 ttcedter .. tater years? Aft.er you. set teUled ID your new 1partmeat, look for new frieDda. rlbly lonely. My older brotber (42 and unmarried) Jnformed me ih1t 1 beauUful apai'tment will be available in hl1 building nm month. He C011lessed that he, too, is lonely, We bad a kvll talk and decided if we pooled our reaources DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm sure the tub or leave the house to wort tn the yard or do my marketing. la other words, I keep him posted. T he secretary's job is .to put her boss on the telephone when be gets a call, and ~ nature of the call is none of her bwiness. -A SCREWY WIFE we could live extremely well for less secretary who complained about her money and enjoy eacb other's company. boss' 5CreWY wife who called blrn 10 DEAR WIFE: Thenkl for the clue-II. Las.t nJ3ht when l mentioned our plan times a day was referring to me. I _tq fr1~ they behaved in I strange don't feel I need to defend my&eU, And Dow -take tbai and ~t ud ~aMer -as tr there was something · ·but -an erplanatlOO might put lline of th@!, yoo nose1 girl! 1 1nunoral about the arrangement. One those lippy secretaries in their place. ol lhe women said, "Get ready for My husband hapl)eDS to be a worry What is French kissing? Is It wrong? some unpleasant gossip." wart. u he telephones the house and .Am I naive, stupid, blind, insensitive, no one-answers be imagines I am un- crazy or what! Please give me yoor conscious on the bathroom floor, slugged frank opinion. -2 CENTS PLAIN by a thief or dead in the bathtub from DEAR PLAIN: Most brother• and electrocution. I know how he frets so sbten croft 'iip ander tbe aame roof, I phone him whenever I itep in the Who should set the necking limits - the boy or the girl? Can a shotgun wedding succeed? Read Ann Landers• booklet, "Teenage Sex -Ten Ways to Cool It." Send 50 cents in coin and a Jong, sell-addressed, stamped envelope in care of the DAILY PILOT. Newlyweds to Reside In Huntington Beach Marina Hlgh School graduates Sheryl Christine Olson and Thomas G. Helher- ington exchanged their wed- ding pledges in Communily Methodist Church, Huntington Beach. Parents of lhe newlyweds are Mr. and Mr s. Robert Olson of HW'ltington Beach and Mr. and Mrs. David Helher· ington of Seal Beach. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father for the early afternoon c e r e m o n y performed by the R e v • Charles L. Rose . Maid of honor for her sister was Miss Sandra O I s o n . Bridesmaids included Miss Colleen Jarvis, Miss Rebecca Fullerton and the bride's cousin, Miss Debra Clemens. Serving as best man was Steve Brooks. Chosen to seat guests were the bridegroom 's brothers, William, Michael and Ronald Hetherington. The new Mr. and f\.1rs. Hetherington will make the ir r _.. .. ~ - ' t i ,. .. ·~ • t • i( • MRS. HETHERINGTON Double Ring Rite home in Huntington Beach. [piiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiiji $e Shoes Adapt The midi needs a leg to 1 stand on. and pumps, says the ' American Footwear Institu te, are on the rise. They climb at the throalline, where they fokl over or button or do the buckle bit. Their heels 106e their bulk, shape up in more graceful way, but are ne ver skinny. DTEf\Y 22J I'. 11flt SI. tnll Mlllil • $41.J711 SALE! IN THE LIDO SHOPPING AREA IT'S :BARROWS • Accent oo clandestine lrs. Means Ibey lbould be led bi discreet marrner. ate may tell talee: out-of· Richard Barretts Tell News of Engagement Clubwomen Join Team FOR SUMMER ns Wings tJoy Lorraince Mc- ane of Newport ch has become a ardess for World sys. The daughter rs. Merle McFar- sbe is a native of ,boume, Australia. s McFarlane will be g across the Allan. net Pacific, serving flights. VISIT A CREATIVE SEWING CENTER! F1Mtc.1 for 111 occ11io10, 11! •t•• 1rtd 111 1111ot11I N1rn1 br111d l1bric1 li•1 H1ll1r, G0Hch1lk, loot'1'11hil l, l l1nd1, Cet1c.or4 1MI t'l'lt t1y 1nor1, Notiet11 i.y Drill, T1lot1/l1ldit1f, incl Co11tic1lli, 1lc. P1tt1r111 by McC1ll, Simplicity, l11ll1 ric~ 111d Vo9111. Wt h1~1 111 th1 "i119r1di1t1h" to h•lp yo11 b1 I cr11li¥t 111m1h111 wlih y111r ow11 "1ri9in1 l1" t i 11¥i1191 you c:1 n't Mll1w1. S•• VOii 1••11! VIRGINIA P,S, Att1wt' /11! WMt ln•llY lltw wo•l•n1, widt w1I• Co1du · rty, P1ly11t1' K11lts, '""' 111w 'olon to 1dd te our wide rtllft of c.olen 111111 wool 4111ble •11il. UM T-~-d or Moster Cl!cwt• Today's Stocks Today with E·Z TRIM ••• Collect ion Exhibited NOW 69 95 .... _,., , .... ,, ....... __ ,.._,. ----... 3404 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH na:hon~lly ~dv0rtisa.d sporl-swea.ro fiimous Mc.me d P<?..SS(!,S nnd ~ltiftt> e.ri:tire. sto c.k cf. .furnous mQ.ke, #~orou~ .suiim.su.ir~ PIOLT·ADVERTISER 5 S• FAIMH'JOHN~ED COOKED 49c HAM .s-oL SWn'S -.OWN-N-UIVI 9 PORK 1.or.IL c SAUSAGIV ~ea ?lf4JU "7604 ~~-Lo"" '7'~! •.&'00-llAN• U t'ON , s· ftc BURRITO ROLLS ..................•. or. ., · ................ 3ftc MEXICAN DINNIRS ............... 15-0 Z. 7 ,,_..DST 11-0L CAM ... 6St 4 s 1 ORANGE JUICE ....................... ~!~ COllON£l 10.0Z. .... 9c ')& INST.lNT-illSSOllTEO 79' ONION RINGS •-0,L;i BUITONI PIZZA ·----"· "us-mES 2 45c DESSE!llTlOPl'tNG 59' HASH BROWllS -"-0' REDDl-WIP -··--,,.,, PECANOOffiECAKE __ -igc-c;ElESE ca KE __ ,,_ta sr • .-.o:s AllmtlD -~ 'PIZZA ROLLS ........ : .......... 6-0Z.PKG.Stc i llardtoftr O•ly Vil~'"" St 4t E11h CAl"NllY 1 ,MNTING PlUMllNG ..14 MfATlllG COMC•IHn~ M.llONlf TV .. IUCTtKAl~Wf,.IJIS- PUNCH , APPU.PUot.UMON.APtnCOT.lttMAn 73 JOHNSTON PIES -·---·----'·""" '· DmRCiENT CHEESE ~ P.~GE '7ftc BIRDSEYE 4 It JOHNSPIZZA _,. .• ,i;i MIXEDVEG............. 10-oL OH-90'1' ASSl'. 12.or. 39' SIROSEYE FRENCH OR CUT4 11 MEXICAN DINNER$...-GREEN BEANS ····-o.oL iifiCiiOKES !. 29' iA,.GfX-FANCY GIAVENSTflNS 2. 29' APPLES __ ............ LIS. cu<uriiiis ! 25' I OC HUNT'S.!',Si~ic SNACK PACKS RED ONIONS ORIGINAL ITALIAN SWEET ~s.25' OFF ' Hk OfF COUPON e 0NPACKAGE OF 4 GOOOOHlY ATSTATIRllOS.MARKITS d LIMIT I COUl"ON l'Efl MMllVVOIO ,\Fllfl AUG. &TH ' .. '·- GERIR'S STRAllED AJAX ' iEGULARSIZE. PURITAS WATER ., 8 c SPllNG OIDtSTIWD POWDER c HALF . CLEAISER EA GAL 39 GAL.,29' ------·----------·-· --·---,r--~-----------·---------- Wtdnrsday, July 29, 1970 DAILY PILOT '.JJ • '' • -~. -.c..--....... . -__..--.,.......-.. ------·-~~--.--------~---~------------------ ~ILY PILOT Wtd~sda,, Jul7 29, 1970 r Gowns Cover Many Moods • I I ' \ ' ' Feminine ruffles require no fuss in this light .. weight bro•dcloth which simplifies care in the duet of sleepweor. Freedom Expre-ssed- • Environment rontrol! Things that create a total mood for sleep, the taken- for-granted one third of -your life, ire cominc ~~er at ~-~-_ Waler nlled beds, records that' bring the sea into your room, soothing lighting and machines that drown out no6se with a sleep-inducing buzz are being bolstered with nightwear to sult the mood. Today's designers offer peasant smocks for casual Jile, sleep roats for outdoor lyPft!l, she'r see-throughs for glamour and rOmantided graMy gowns for tile modest. Fabrics are as diverse as the moods. Floral trunk · print.!J blend ~Ith French wallpaper patterns and perky gingham checks. Sheer voiles printed in dainty butterflies are woven for endurance. This newest approach to dressing means freedom to move around and freedom to express the inner you. \Vith. modern fabrics, long gowns stay fresh 'and require little care: shorter wear is a breeze .• In short, or Jong, wbatever you select as your personal environment, you'll · have the &ow~ to suit the mood. ~ . . • ", '• I ----.. ·-. --. . . . . ' . . W ri nkle-free, this -coat-styled nightie offers maxim um comfort. I ' ' .. ' 'WlfH SALLIE ' ' WONDERABIJ! J ~ ANDl'ONDERABL ., An Italian tasting spoo1 1 . The idea : Dip, put the . , ha',1dle in your mouth, tip '· yaur bead backwards. 'lbe ·· han~!< :1, hollow. lv!fal'• I~ the spoon I runs down and" cools at the same time. See mom, no siuled to~. A chocolate stirring apoonf. with a hole in the middle 'stirs creamier fudge, tad . . Dip intd th.e !Jod <'/. wooden muddlers ·a n a mashers way down under- . in th.e Gourmet cellar where the tools for gourmet cooks are waiting to be discovered. Instant hors d1oeuvres • . . . pretty enough to tell folks you had 'em made in Richard's delicatessen. 24 decoratively arranged and 'frozen nibblers on a handy round 'foil tray. take only 20 mi·11utes to thaw •. All the good things • • black and red caviar, salmon, shrimp, and-cream ch.eese. Each little open f a c e sandwich ls beautifully decorated w~lh c u r I e d anchovies, lit$1e s tu ( f e d olive h.alf moons an-col· ored rosette' ·of earn cheese. Emer&encf for the fretzer swi '1'.lamorou.~ effici,enc.v· the Continental . Company in New Yo"k, ' LIKE NEW YEAR1 I. INJULY • f Scan Delighl's o.'iz"en Swedish Gourmet ·at balls come in package• Of M or 32, to heat in· 1z:,rlintrtes. Wh.at fun for tooUlp~ks or ch.affing f ''"h. ~p;thetli, even coul go 4 Sf.'edish route, but !keep y ur sauce mush.roomy and o knows. you might 1cre ate somelhin~ •' I. ' • ' ' I "· ~l -~~··~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~;:;~'~,.....,~~~~·...,~-....-• .Jlil"--·•¥jP44ii¥t+ •-ill 4JU4fC;;_op ; a i ay ••<a jFHif2'i:J*" '1...*2 •W: It'.'" " ~ •• • - A n.ibblt inlo Italy with a tray or Jeno's pizza snacks . . on their own -foil-tray-15 as1>~1·.cU,, two. bite {Size pizza in assorted flavors ,. . sausage. pep- peroaj. or cheese .. Ready to eat ln 10 minutes. Or pertiapS you'd prefer Toasta 'Pizzas . . New square sh.ape to do in your toaster . . Watch the pizza pop up sizzling . . Cheese or sausage too. ANNUAL DIVIDEND • ·• .PANTIE SALE .. " tl· Reil $1.85 R~)· $1.75 R o ~. ~1.35 Re . 0 I. I ~ r.c;:. ~I.CO ' " --- --1 -• l \ ...... SALE 3 for $4.90 ~t.' E 3 for $4.50 ; '.Lr: 3 fer $3.55 ; '' ~ 3 fo ~3 .05 ; • ' ~ 3 for $2.55 ·-·---~ /. . ... ( \)eta's \ i t t.:i PARI:L Vows Said In Garden ' I By Mesa Residents ' A~ home Jn Cosla Mesa are Mr .. and Mrs. Mel Harte (the former Mrs. Dorothy Montgomery ) who were mar- ried in a garden ceremony at the bride's home. · '\ A.ttending her sister as matron of honor was Mrs. f\olargretha Lorenz. G e n e HarlC' served as his bro:h~r·s bes! man . The couple honeymooned at Bryce Canyon. Jackso,1 Hole and the Grand C1nyon. Sessions .Announced Girl Scout Facilities Dedicated Dedication ceremonies took place this morning for two ne\\' facilities at the Orange County Council of Girl SccuHi camp in the mountains above ldyll\vild. _ Recently cqmpleted at the Scherman· Slte Camp were the Irvine Dining Ha ll and till• Los -Angeles Times Troop Shelter and Recreation Center. Peering FLORIDA VISITORS "-'ho ha1'e toured the state-01vned Ringling Museum s are Howard Gensler, Mrs. Marge Gensler and Miss f.1arie D. Bryant . all of Costa Mesa. The museums are situated on 68 tropically landscaped acres in Sarasota. NEIGHBORS gathered for Choral Grou p Every !\1onday al 7:30 p.m. members of lhe Prospective Aliso Valley Chapter of Sw~et ArounC:l • a gevacquainted block party on Bet~any. Drive in Turtle Rock , roping off the street to traf9F· More ~h.8fl 90 adults enjoyed the potluck salads and acsserts. Members of th.e committee were the Mm<!!s. G~rge Huett!, Edward Wr\gtit,j(:larton.~ssara, Lee Wilderrfian. ,Charles Golden, David Keirsey, Gene Lee and Edward Blum. J & J UPHOLSTE~Y ME•NS1 QU .. LITY, INTEGRITY, SCRVICE, CRAl"TSMANSHtP. WE LUCE lliAUTIFUL FURllllTURE WE ACCEPT CHAL!-EHOE5 The 11c1v l\1rs. Harte has been a member of !he teaching staff of Nc1vport- ~1esa United School District for nine yenrs and currently is tenching the educ;itionall v handicapped at \Vo o di ind Planning sessions for the United States Air F o r c c Mothers national convention will take place Friday anrl Saturday ln Hyde Park ~1obi!c Estates. Santa Ana. Mrs. John M. Owen. council president. received guests in- cluding officials of the James' Irvine Foundation and the Los Angeles Times Fund. Adellnes ronvene in Mission '42·5176 646-lbSI Viejo High Sch.ool. !:'.:;:~~~~~~~~~~I School. ' New Tone , Change · Olive skin to pink or vice versa \l'ilh a new con1plex.loo neutralizer. There's Puri_ red to a<ltJ A I rosy tone to sallow or olive skin and pute· green for a I rudd y or norid complexion. I in each case leaving a neatral ·I color . the 1nA~ufacturer says. I To create the look you want. select the foundation you de- traliter. ' The national president, Mrs. Russell Caldwell of Chula Vista will aUen d along 11·ith other national officers and board members. The April 1971 convention in the Disneyland Hotel will be cliscussed Frlday eve'ning in the recreation hall. Mrs. Em- mett Spindler. chairman , will conduct the session. A daylong business session, presided by Mrs. Caldwell, wlll begin at 10 a.m. Saturday in the hall. An annual tea for Veterans' Hospital of Long Beach pa· tients will take 'place Sunday . It is hosted by Gemini 4 Squadron. Lunch was served at Irvine Hall ,fol1011.'ing the formal dedication, and thc~e nt- tending were taken on a guid· ed tour of th e [160 ac re camp. Rebekah Lodg e Triple Link Club of ~1esa Rebekah. Lodge h.as meetings the fourth Monday at 8 p.m. in various locations. Mrs.' Douglas Morgan at 548-1938 may be called tor additional information. $TAIT 'l'OUR CHILD OFF l l•HT WITH A MONTl~SORI f DUCATIOlol AGIS Jlh TO t FALL ENROLLMENTS NOW ~--CALL ---, Costa 111110 645·281.2 NIWP,lrt leoch 548-2516 / sire and apply over the neu-· -miliiii ''You can't eat trading stamps. I'll take Alpha Beta's -discount prices any day!' Mrs. Nancy Stover, La Crescenta !\lore freezer Jore . . . A whole two pound tu b of luscious seaso.i ed sliced beef in a glorious barbeque sauce. Take it out of the freezer, the pieces 11lither off with ease to make treme~dous ,b~rbequeo beef sandwiches ·when "yo u please. TOO FANCY TO I BE CALLED FOOD In Denmark the Fyen~ · folk call th~m sprea,,. Let your imaginalioq ru wild . . • wh.at would ou do 'vith a strawberry o r raspberry spread flavored with French. brandy • • black currlint·with J~maica rum. ch.erry with. cherry brandy, or ora,1ge with Scotch. whiskey .. pancakes, waffles, cup cak~. ice - cream, toast . . . why not · a home made milk shake . . or whip up a trifle and Jet lt set overnight , . You know the tr ifle originated in Englaild and it was what the housewife ,did with. left over stalt cake .t-. broke It in cubes, toored Sherry, jam, left over custard and good thin1s oo to soften it up. Jn Bavaria potato pan- ca kes are served with sauerkraut. cranberries. ap- ple sauce or sour cream. Over here we like to think or them as being fun with a pot ~st or fried eggs, even. No. peeling, 'bo gt'ating with the magic of· Knoll's t.1stant mix. Aild w1ter and drop by tabtespoonsfuls in a dash of ·meltelll oll. Raw potato dumplinc mix too .. Sifllply add water, r o 11 into two inch. ball• 1nd drop in bolling Salted water. Again th.e true Bavarian way it to push a:few1lolsted bread squares into e ach dumpling . . . • Richard's, the P e o p 1 e Store, where our latest food tickler Is Ah-So Clilhe.se Style Roast Pork a nd Barbeque Sparelib sauce or Sweet and Sour aucq mMe: in Massachusetts. Love lnd kisses. :a..a.. :a..a..a.. •. ,.. a....a...Jti...~•~--~--~---------------- ' ; I I ----------·--·-~~~-----~------------·-- .., ! I \ " '" \ --· . . • PHONE 6n.636CI' FOR HOME OEUVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 30, 31, AUG.. J. ' Jewish Mohn Bread Rye. Rolls . \ LEMON , Meringue Pie 1.39 . J tUTrERY. RICH Cinnamon Rolls . 6 FOR 35¢ ' , . , ... • '.~ .. . . For 1 summer evening under the stars , by the pool, on the p 1 ti o, an easy buffet to enjoy with good friends. MENU PAPAYA HALVfiHlod w;th SHRIMP SALAD G•rnish with LEMON WEDGE CHINESE STEA K/ IN OYSTER SAUCE RICE PEA PODS wHh BACON AND ALMONDS MACADAMIA NUT ICE CREAM { M•ke your f•vorite v•nilla ice cr1em recipe •ncl acid 11/J C. chopped, toasted M1c•damia Nuts pet quert.) .COFFEE Servi Chardonnay oi: Sek• .with this. IN' OUR DELMRV. AAEA '.~. ' ... 1 Org1n •• • ~· • Fot_iYIM Plouuro by .. ~"' lornico F.•l LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVO. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE PltBZEH PBBDI SHANGHAI-COOK IN A POUCH Almond Chicken 14 oz. 69¢ SHANGHAI CHICKEN CHOW MEIN ,. 01. 59c SHANGHAI WON TON SOUP ,. 01. 49c You could cook 111 of these in one large pot, since each is in it 's own cook in9 pouch! KOLO KI ST I CT. Sandwich Steaks ,., 01. 79c LIBBY'S Orange Juice ' oz. S FOR $1 SARA LEE Devils Food Cake SARA LEE POUND CAKE SARA LEE 12 01. 69c 12 01. 69c •' I • , ; .. • --Peca n1,;Coffee Cake GREEN GIANT Cauliflower 12 oz. 69(':-;; •. IElT RICHARD'S TOP OF THE. GRADE U1.S.D.A. CHOICE tEEF • .. Buy plenty for sandwiches, in chef's siled, to . Se.ute with chicken 1c1llops, in c•sserol1s. · or of course, baked! . Fresh Frying RABBITS Fry .like chicken • STU.FFID CHICKEN BREASTS , A-savory breed stuffin9 with p~ley and t1prinkled . with slivered almonds. MARINATED MEAT BALLS WI .. ""'" .... Servi with M1xican rice. • STUFFED PORK CHOPS .11114 c..,.._ . . ASTORIA SHRIMP n.,.c..u.i ... , ..... Perfect for s~rimp saltd. WE HAVE U.S.D.A. PRIME IEEF, AGED TO PERFECTION, FOR THOSE TIMES WHEN NOTHING IUT THE FINEST Wil l iX>f' --·--.. • 1~98LB. lo09La. 1.09 u. . 89' ti, 1.29 LI. 2.98 LL '" ••tter .... 1 o· .. GREEN GIANT MEXICORN 111 b1tNt MllCe I 0 •L 4 ,., $1 "'; GREEN GIANT CREAMED SPINACH 10 oz. 4 ,., $1 DELIElTEllEll FISHERMAN'S WHARF DRESSINGS Roquefort ·oz. 49¢ FISHERMAN'S WHARF DRESSINGS 8 o" Green Goddess, Louie, Sour Cream, Horseradish Sauce, Tartsauce or Cocktail Sauce 39¢ KNOCKWURST 12 oz. 98¢ BEST KOSHER BEST KOSHER LOW CALORIE FRANKS KRAFT SLICED PROCES S American or Swiss .. 12 oz. 98c ,, oz. 69c From Scotl1nd, ROBERTSON'S 12 ·oz. Marmalade, Jelly, Preserves,, oz. 59c FAN FARE Marinated Mushrooms •v. or. 49c .. · .. P-LBIER IHBP FRENCH .. BOU.QUEiS. • , . Charming bHkets of mixed artificial flowers. Nioe hostess gift. Sc.99 EACH ·- W1 regularly sen those for 9.50. ,, . . ·~ DAILY PILOT 38 ·-- UltBEEI¥ 1 LI. 85¢ 1.69 I LL J LI. la Bon Butter 1 LL 2.47 ' 83' , FQR PICNICS, KIDS LOVE 'EM, SUNSHINE Hydrox COOKIES 14~ ••• 45¢ ·ouNCAN HINES 17 DELIGHT.FUL KINDS CAKE MIXES 3 ,.. $l : ' IMPERIAL REGULAR ' MARGARINE· 1 LI. 37' ~- . . iJd~~BJf!ofb ... ' REGULAR OR PINK PINEAPPLE-' GRAPEFRU IT DRINK •• 01.l ..,. 89C· ,, Grapefruit Sections CUT GREEN BEANS ,. 01.l ,.. ate · . ,. 01.4 ,.. ate ' ,. 01.4 ,.. ate , Seasoned Green Beans Cream Style Corn Whole New Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes TOMATO SAUCE " 01.4 ... ate. ,. 01.S ,.. 89c • " oz.4 ,.. 89c .. 10110 .... 89c COLLIERS CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 89tl. . 10 LI, BAG I' llG ROLL KLEENEX DESIGNER TOWELS 3 .... 89c PltBDUEE LARGE, VINE RIPENED, THICK MEAT SERVE WIJ~ SLICE OF PROSCIUTTO . CANTALOUPE 4 FOR $f FRESH, COMPACT,• JUMBO SIZE ARTICHOKES s FOR . $1 H,0:VE YOU TRIED A FRESH PEAR PIE? EXTRA FANC.Y, MOUNTAIN GROWN, CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS ,' LB. 19¢ GARDEN FRESH, CRISP, GOOD SIZE FOR STUFFING Bell Peppers LB. 19¢ Wish I T. c1ndiad gin9·er, chop finely, •dd 2 T. soy s1uc1, 2 T. cognac and I T. corns tarch. Mix well. Slic• I V1 lbs. Spenc1r steak th inly. Mix with above merinad1 end let stand for .I hour. Brow1t I crush1d clovt 9arlit in 2 T. oil, edd marinated beef, saut1 ,qu ickly, Add l T. bottled Chin1s 1 Oyst1r Seuce, stir ind 1dd I C. water, Simmer till clear ind slightlyl thic k'1'1d. Serve ov1r rice. ( S1rv1s 4. ' • ' i 3 , • } • ' r • • I 1?;d.~~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACH.T SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS i --' OPEN DAILY 9°7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9·6 OPEN DAILY, t -6, SUN. 10-3 DAILY t -S:30, SAT, •·S OPEN DAILY t .6 DAILY 1:30-6, SAT. 1:30-S I ·.• ff DA~ Y I'll OT Soft 'n Easy! All l!Oft and euy ipotlon beauUfuUy designed for those fuhlanable, fJuent fabrics ym1 love -the cardrtt crepes, aleek knits, blends. 8end ! Printed Patem .9457: "NEW Mlllel' S}zts 8, 10, 12, 14, II, IL Si¥ lJ (bull 34) lakes 214 yards •fnch fabric. I EVSNTY·FIVE CENTS for etch p1tterft -add 12& cents for each pattern for Air Mail and Special H andl ing: otberNlae third-claH delivery will td(e thrte weeks or more. Send to Marian Marlin, the DaUy Pilot, "2, Pattern DepL, 132 West lath St., New York, N.Y. !GOii. Ptinl NAME, AD- DRl!:Sll wllh ZIP, SIZE and ITYLE NUMBER. B IG , NEW SP R· ING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG. lll styles, free pattern coupon. 50 cent.ii. INS- 'rANT SEWING BOOK sew tod ay, wear tomorrow. SI. INSTANT FASHION BOOK -What.to-wea r answera, IC· ceuory, figure lips! Only •t. Fondue's Adaptable Al1bough foodue ia a unique feod inmvation to many Americans, it i1 a genuJnely OJd World dish. 1be fondue pot Ualf his been in exJJtence Jn many forms for countless yeara and is one of the few Ollmmunal eating containers ltill in use in the western world. Foncfue o r i 1inaled in s-lll!d out ol .i need lo UM hardened cheese and bread. SwiM peasants would make a supply of chee11e and bread in the summer and fall to last through the winter. Both 'W'OUld become quite h•d; the bread cit~ had to be cut wlt.h an ue and the cheese had t<> be melted ovtr a fire to soften it before it oould be eaten. The peasant& found lhat by me!Ung the cheele In wine and dunking brtad Jnto this mlllure, they would have not only an ediblie dish, but a dtUclous ooe. A large pot wa s uted eo that many could hud- dle around the fire and eat. When tbe necessity for using Jnf:lllhMld brtad was past, UM, tra~Uan of fondue ccn- tuud. What was once vitally necesury became just run. T1't Swbl euatom spretd and in rteent )'111'1 has found its way into full acceptance in lhe Unllod Slates. The oricinal cheese Joridue · hu led to other ccnoocti<m1 . ualn& the fondue pbt. Beef · fondue, using beef cubes dllnk- ed In ho( oll, or chocolate fondue, with fruits and cakes dipped in hot chocolate are favorites todly. And there art hU!ldteds cl o I~ er com- bln1tlom, ustnc almost every type cf foodatuft avail able. 1be tdltor!' of "1ter Homes tnd Gardens boob have com- piled more than tao recipes for fondues and other cook-at- t.hM.lble meals tn the all oew "ll'ondue and Tablelqp Cook· Inc." Safety tipl, 1 a u c e reelpes, serving and pnpua- tioa augestiofts, menu ideas aM trdormaUon on av1ilable equlprDent are Ecluded. 'nlrte main c h apt er s , 11rocu1 on Fondue," "Chafing Diab Trea s ury ,'' and "Tlblttop CUisine," ccver all 1)'911 ol eoNlnC II the table. '1'1117 clfor reclpn ond ldeH fot not only fondue poll and dlllloc dllhe•. ~ """" ..... DIGD appllanct1 Mb II tlec- lflc sJdJllU, srkJd1a llld Wlf• noi-. during our celebration ·FREE Anniversary Cake · with COffee. I , '. . ' FREE Balloons for All· Children FREI Watermelon Bust for · Adu~s als0Children Acc~panied by Parents FRIDAY FRESH FAM ILY PAC 3 POUNDS AND OVER GROUND BEEF c HORMEL RED LABE L SU~D BACON , 8 P.M. to 9 P.M. ~SLICED SANDWICH ~ ~.~.~!~.e~fil,~J ... ~o' 43~ l B. Pl.CNI C ROA ST .................... • 431 TOP ROUND STEAK =::~ ....... .!" · "--=-· ..... Wieners .!. ................ 59i ~"'-'<•• Bologna All M•at1A11 t"ei .•• 1••1. 63~ .......... Sliced Hom , ••• ,. ........ 591 " ....... ~·· CUBED STEAK =::! ................ .!" Puddings ,. .. , ........... , 39i RUMP ROA STi::~.~: ............ ,. 931 291 GROUND ROUND :~:~,~· .......... 881 Beef Roast~ .. -:!...d .. llb.l4a1 TOP SIRLOIN /STEAK (looocoaod 1••. ........ ... .... ......... .. Sliced Cheese .~ .. ~ .. ,. 831 PORTERHOUSE STEAK, ....... , ,. 1" 32-0UNCE PAR-T-PAK 2 LAYER· 7 INCH DRINKS . A•soRr eos /$1 ru.voM FLAVORS SLICED . . .. CHOICE Well Tr immed l8. SIRLOIN TIP STEAK '""'"•·• ...... l" l(NDERLOl.N STEAK , ........... • 2" NEW YORK STEAKo ................ 2" PORK STEAK "''""' .................. 691 1'9RK BUTT ROAST ... ,, .......... 69~ BONELE SS HAM """'"""" l" HoJ,., , , • ,, ,, , ,, ., , lb • MEAT LO A F ;,.:;;;;~~· .............. 69 1 LARG E A-A EGGS 39qi CHOICE CENT ER CUT ROUND STEAK SWISS STEAK ~:::·: ................. W SPARE RIBS , ........................ ,.731 • PERCH FILLETS :::':!-;:'.:'.'.'.'.~ .... ~.491 Sll CED HALIBUT,~,., ........... : .•. !.~ BEEF SAUSAGE ""'" ................ 451 BEEF LINKS • .c.,, ................. 3/1. BEEF BACON • .c • .-•. : ............. ., .. 791 ,-~~.,--~~~~---·- DELMONTE TOMATO CATSUP 19c 14 OZ, p •' •,. Hamburger or Hot Dog CH:IS &:ms 1'o•. 291 KRAFT JET-PUFF 1-LB. •' 251 JANETlEE300 "'1 B B Q SAUCE..... MARSHMALLOWS .. ,.. PORK & BEANS ......... // • BUNS Gla11d Applesauce '"""""'"'"""""·51 HUSHPUP10l8S. 991 AlBERTSON'S12o•. 49i SCHllllNG •OZ .8l ACK 36i DOG FOOD........... . POTATO CHIPS............ P_Efl»PER .................... . Cinnamon Honey ..._~ ............... 491 Sour Dough .. _ .... , ............ •·•·• 3/ l. Assorted Boxed Cookies ............. !. ·'""'"~""""" ' 'ICE MILK .......... . ·'""'· 381 "'ll "r!''·····.... . Chablis. ..... ·'",.,., 991 A!btl,_, .. 16 ~•ool B b ... ., .. 4" our on .... K ....... ~ .. , ........ ~o..wc-' GeW t-h 11-•'' W. l" 1ne ............. "' ... Whiskey .......... ·"' 3" .CAMAY 161 BATH COMET 1 8 \,oz. BIZ . Wn t•acA-IHI VEGETABLES ......... ·""·~·· 281 A,lbo.1101 ... ,..,. FRIES or TATER GEMS , •. 3/1. ~ ~/(h;ckH/f¥1hy i.,..~ MEAT PIES ..................... 181 SPRINGFIELD LEMONADE 6 oz. TIN PRE-SWEET .• HlAt TH & BEAUIY AIDS c COLGATE ~~~~~ 541 .. . IARGE 50Z. TU&E • N·ABISCO CHEE se 45• TIDBITS 11 Oz. t TOMATOES ' FRE SH LARGE RIPE SLI CER S APPLES '""""" 2 291 "'•hotho~,, '..,,. lb1 CUKES ~::. .................. 101 PEPPERS ~::.'. .... ,,. 3/25 1 JUI CE ;:::-..-..;.~.~ ...... ,,,., 691 -PEARS EXTRA FANCY BARTL ETT 25,~ '• Albertsons Features California's Finest Produce PRICIS GOOD JULY 29th THROUGH AUGUST 4th I '--·--. -~-'-~~~----~--~~-~==~~~------. k-£?«7'"4 p-~~..t..~•~.&.-_.,.,,,..A.._,,.M.&:_...,.....,..... •.•.• e·e s a nn --·- ' • • .. .. • • .. .. • . 1 4 II '11 I c; s T s Ci A T B c ( T s F. I ( p , argarine ......... :.~ .. 3 for $1 11e1scbm"1n'~s ... superior flavor ... superior quality ••• at a price that spells b~ sav,inasl 1 pound P1:is. Sacramento ••• 46 oz. cans! The brand is new to El Rancho, but the quality is worth an invitation to try! • • Cuffee Cake............ 9c Sara Lee ••• Pecan l All that goodness frozen in, reildy for you to pop ill the oven and rel~ it I I . Sugar .'.." ................ s. ~: .s~~ ............... 4 9c The Springfield name offers you a sweet value I Pure crystals, glittering with nature's sweetener! F "t D • k 4 : $1 ru1 r1n s.......................... I . ' Cal Fame<!. big 46 ounce cans •• , in a variety of flavors ••• beat the heat with cold fruit drinks! Snap~~ .. tom ......................... 6 r .. $1 Tomato1Juide 'vith added zest! 10 oz. cans " Bacon Bits ............................... 59¢ Sprinkle on salads, potatoes! Schillini ... reg. 69c • SweeJ · herkins ...... , ............... 49¢ Litrry's Sandwiches ................ 59; Crisp, wit! the llcinz flayor : 16 ounces . Appl~ ic-1 ...... , ...................... 39¢ ~tt;~. ;~,;7~t~~~·~;;je~~'. .... ~¢ Choose fro. 7 kirtds .•• 5Y2 and 6 oz. pkgs. r I BBQ Ham or Beef or Cbuckwa11on ... frozenl Dole's Juices ..................... 5 :: $1 Frozen , , • Pineapple or pineappl .. blends ! Ice Cream ......................... -."· 69; Springfie ld.,. hall'-gallon ••• square cartons El Rancho Fine Meats ! Round lli1ak Center Cuti U, S. D. A. Choice beef at its best ••. value trirrtmed to really make a difference. I I I , Ground Round In bull or PaUils at this price, too! Swiss Steak .......................... 851. A ntan's fa,•orite, witl1 potatoes and gravy! a Roast .................. ~~~~~~~ .. ~~.~~~~~~ ....................... 98~ Thick and ndcr and juicy! El Rancho's special cut from U.S.D.A. Choice beef rounds ... pot roast! Rump Roast .. , ....... , ................ 89:. Game Hens ........ 2• °"""' ······-99:. So lean .~. , because it~s El Rancho's trin1! . Swift's Premium ••• more vah1c at ElRanchO! Sliced Bacon ..... ] ................... 79~ Sausage Roll .......................... 591. Hickory smoiJ,;,i ••• uni'l"e flavor by Sigman Pure pork, old fashioned flavor! Sigman T i \5· I • St... k $1 89 · op 1 •r 01n ea ............ ~.... . .. U.S.D.A. Choice beef' .. with all the hearty flavor you expect from naturally aged ••• better bee!! - Cooked S~mp .................. 1.79 "· Swordfish Steak ................ 1.29 "· Perfect lze for cocktails or talad l Flresh ••• center cut to afford more value I Fillet of Sole ..................... .'1.29 "· Fresh Clams ......... ~~ ........ 791. Frcah1 Teudtr, Flaky ••• mild flavored! Rushed here from New EnglandlCllWISTONE 19< lb. '. - ohnston Pies ........ 69~ ·· I Chocolate Velvet or Chocolate Eclair ••• smooth cream fillings !11 a b!r 9 inch eruatl <ire8R<iiant Peas 5:$1 Sweet and tender ••• from the !erWe fielda of thal fariious green valley .. Savu.t El Rancho .. 308 cana • Patio Dinners ........ _39c Your choice ... Beef or Cheese Enchilada, Combination or Mexican: Dinner ! ••• save 14c on each! Apple .. Sauce ........................ 5 i $1 Stokely's ... from flavorful gravenstcin apples ... serve chilled with any meal. •• refreshlnr! 303 cans , Royal Gelatin~ ................. ~ 3 : 25c '. Choose your family's favorite flavors ••• and serve delightful salads, re!reshi~ desserts ••• easily, often Dr. Ross Dog Food .............. 8 ror $1 . Borateem ................................ 59' Feed your dog variety! ••• 15 oz. cans Giant package ••• '''or ks V.'ondcrs in your wuh ! ' " " Glad Wrap ... ~ .. : .... : ........ ~ .......... 25¢ C ....... ---fl,¢ -as....ue ................................... iJi So many uses! Sn\"C l Oc on 100 ft, roll · Dishwasher deter~ent in the 35 oz. pkg. M.D. Tissue .......................... 3 tor $1 Four roll packages ... value priced! Ivory Soap ......... , ..................... 25• · .' Package of four personal size bars? Maxwell House ., ..................... 85~ Yuban Coffee ......................... 87~ ·; Two lb. can ••• 1.69 Three lb. can ••• 2.45 Two lb. cans ••• 1. 73 Three lb. can ••• 2.57 Sf!,per Fresli Produce ! Artichokes .... 6 i$1 A value that shouldn't be passed by ••• tender, tasty tips ••• dip the J>etals in mayonnaise or melted butter ••• and enjoy a real treat! Potatoes ............. u.::~~:.1}.~~~~ ............. 5 m35e White Rose potatoes at their best ••• at El Rancho's modest price! .. Delicatessen Specials Cooked Ham ............................ 59¢ Imported ••• by Leo's! ••• sliced ••• 4 oz. pkJ. Natural Swiss .......................... 59¢ Cache Valley ... big cheese country! 8 oz. sliced Price• in •/feet Thur. through Sun., July 30, 31; Aug. t & !. No sales to dealers. Open daily 9 to 9 ••• Sund4y 9:30 to 8:30 El Rancho Liquor· El Rancho Tequila ...... F1Fl11 ...... '4.89 For margarita fan.s to enjoy! Quart ••• J.19 Blended Whiskey ....... nF!ll ....... i.99 El Rancho's ••• 86 proo! ••• smooth! Quart 4.99 Ask th9 m11nag11r11bout ourconv9n/9nt Charg9 Account S9rv/c11 HUNTINGTON HARBOU : Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. " .• • " : • " ' ' " .. : : " " '• ... •• " " " " " " . : " " " ; " ., .:• .;1 ; ·' : ' •' ! ·' " ' " " ,, . ,, " NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) ,. . . . . . " Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ·· · , ~ I I t I r I I -----,,_.. .. ·~ II IAILY PILOT l; __ ..,.. _______ _ Easy-sew A flip, little tie paints up the u1oeful curve ol the c;ol· l&r -beneath all is 1leek llenderneu. Liven up summer Uy1 -choose linen, knltl. Printed Pattern. 9071 : NEW Hair Sizes' tO ~i. 12%, lf.~. HS1-', J81h, !fAf, ZZ~i. Sius 1414 (bust S7~ takes 3 yds. JS.In. SEVENTY.FIVE CENTS for tach pattern -add 25 cent for each pattern for Air Pt1ail a\ld Special Handll ng ; otherwise thlrdi=lass delive ry will take three y,•eeks or n1ate. Send to Marian Marl ia. the DaUy Pilot, 442, Pattern Dept., 232 West !Ith St., N('1·1 York, N.Y. 10011. Print NA:\IE. Al). DRESS with ZIP. SIZE and STYLE NUMBER . BIG, NEW Sl'RING•SUM· MER PATTERN CATALOG. 111 styles, fre2 pattern coupon. 50 cen ts. INSJ'ANT SEWING BOOK sew today, wear tofJlorrow. $1. INSTANT FASlllON BOOK -Whal-to-wear. ansy,·rrs, ac- cessory, figure lips! Only 'I. _c_o_ffee Seedling Smuggled CHICAGO (UPI) -Ever •lop \o. lhink hQl" tl1Mirs1 CQl- fee came to America? It's an tnlei-eSting story -for ene thing the first coffee plants were smuggled In, about 150 years ago. C:OClee was Introdu c ed thf"OUihoul Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. It came by way of sootflern Arabia, which UnUl the ~~ of the 17th century produced mosl of the world'• 5Upply. Soon, however, it was grow· tnc in Java and other islands in the Netherl ands Indies, and liter it came to the new world. It 11 here that.a ''smuggler" emerges. One of . the most dramaUc stones or how coffee was brought lo the Americas concerns Gabriel P.iathie De Clleti, a French naval officer llaUoned ln Martinique. Some authorities say It was 150 years ago that De Clieu, while vlsltlna Fran~. heard that the Dutch had transplanted coffee lo the tut lqdles. He decided to lake a few plant& back to MarUnique· with him. The only coffee planta then under culilvaUoo in Paris were auarded ln the royal holhowe ol Louis XV. But aomehow the lieutenant acquired one of these plants and heoded west. For more than a month Oil hil return voyage he shared his 1eanty water ratkln with bts ~plant. Finally !le landed in MartJ.ni. que and ~ the little tree. Fnm. \hit tingle smuggled Vee elmt the teeds of lhe viii majority ol ~ colfee plmtl 1n the Americas, ~­conlloC te aulhot!Uea. • Spark Salad • • U1e 1 bit of canned sropelrull juice ., 1park ulad dreulnp. Stir It Into crt3m cheele, m:ayonnalse, yogurt or IOtlt cream. 61oomy Guo Is Y-Klnd1 6uy I . . "t Wc4~i .,..,, 29, 1970 · Aljlba Beta's Man :io ,Blue . . .. -. .. ' . . . . . . . . . ' • • ... ~ • ~ I" • • • l . says: CAROl TURNER STORE MA.NAGER CYl'RESS in this ad, includin·.gr59 DOUB '.l , --,,,,,, Fnit -v,,,11Nli ., DISCOl!flT n1as1 WATERMELON c lb • CANIALOUPES PEAK Of THE !SEASON - ~VINE . ~RIPE ,. 0 •• BANA-NAS GOLDEN RIPE CENTRAL AMERICAN , . .. . 8 c lb. CHECK THESE EVERYDAY LOW DI SCOUNT PRICES! , LAUE &Rl'ICHOKES Z '" Z.. RID· OlllOIS '"'"""' IO:. FRESH CARROTS '"'·'"· ''" 10• S&LID or COLE suw ia~\ Ill' .. LETTUCE :i:rJ'fo..;.~'TJ!.c "'' 10' YALEllCI& ORAllGES 10 lli 11• lunch Yegll1bl11 lif~:O. !"'Jl:t .... 10• LEMOllS ., LIMES·"'" .... a• CUCUMBERS """'" ""' 10• FRESH PlllE&PPLE "'~' ''" 49• URGE BELL PEPPERS ""' Ill' TROPICAL lllAllGOES ""' · ""' 21• SOL.ID CABBAGE-,,,.. ::.11,,'t" _7:;, __ ff,AWAP&ll-l!&l!A:f,AS---3 ,., 111 LOCAL GREEll IEAllS llr. STEAK Sill MUSHROOMS ,~ 39• EXOTIC KIWl·FRUIT '"' 10• GRAYEllSTElll APPLES 21"· 21• ~·;.:.• 4JIWo~I•••"-.:: ~ -oo•.x,•• ,(.....:., ,,., 1l111lil1 IOIA! Dl\COt N:'t (~I flY l!A r tl)ME All'KA IETi $1Gt(S DISCOUHT' CHAKE r•1cr ;·Lfs'Tic'itii'~s'0" · 19· 64 1 ~'"'\ PULV[X•SUP£11 •DOG O/IC.lf 99' ~FLEA COLLARS 111 ·ptasr1'cco'Lil"cu'Ps 1" 881 ~ ~:~~~~l!::~:~s ~·::: :~: •llll\ ru• ....... • • POX er 3fi NO·DOZ T 41!1,.ETS 111 951 1" 111 ~-OZ. CAN• EXTllA OllY •llEaut.AROll UUSCt tlT!D ARRID AllTl·PERSPIRANT 1'1 971 11-0Z. C.lH •REGULAR• Mt/'ITHOL.• LINC llOXZEMA SHA YE CREAM 1'' 112 4.oz PLAlilC I OTTLt •!\CG.• DRY •OILY PROTEI~ '21' SHAMPOO · 98' 781 7.oz. SHAMPOO • RC(], Dll'f, OILY I ~ 1.n t0Al.C-urf ilow1f!ii''.?~7s0 59' 10.0UN-:'.f. OiSPE~;Sr:R • • • , I.I» 17• ·bii?"rA'il'P'"usLOl'0 " z-97' Af>30Rrto PltHTI AND l?IES YE LOUR • BEACH TOWfU .SN 2" . r it'AlilsE't"ll fsf · ·r---, .. 111 It« • HOllW Oii KAID 2.~ · 1.11 lll ~l OISLul•"'', I ' [ ~ y lJ ! ' . l-OUNCt ruai: l'ANYA LOTION OR OIL 171 140 F'ixoo'E'ilr ADHESIVE 89c 721 l:A'sr'EET H POWDER 89c 71 1 /I ORAL B J{f TOOTHIRUSHIS -·•JUNIOR '30 59, 471 J •CHILD ·~o • •ADULT '40 OllOIUlll 89 , 71 I •ADULT '60 OIAlll • . ----------------CLA!Jl.ot. •SUMNER !11.0Nt>t: • W/APPUCATOft Ua"1'R'LIGHTENEll 211 1 '° CLAIROL• II SHADES • l ·OUNC£ !!OT'Tll NICE 'II EASY . . HAIR COLORING 2°' 1 '° -----------------PERSO!lAt. SIZE !All CLEARASIL SOAP n.OUNCE TU!IE Cl11r11ll Ointment 43c 341 98c 781 J.2-0UHCE TUllE I,~, 1,11 Yiii'sli1li°G"FuM UL&98c 784 ------------------Aout.T • MEDIUM 011 HARD PEPSODENT TOOTHBRUSHES 69c: 551 ---------------6-0UNCi 801'TLT. IRIDHTSIDE SHAMPOO ----------------ii'RiS Ol'SO TAI TABLETS 2n 1" PACO.QI OF 10 CA.PSUL!S ... I.It 3!lec PU!TtC I OTTU; DRISTAI IASAL MIST 21• 111 -------------------uv"AisLt HITllWASH · t• 1" ----·---------------~-------- ... \ TOTAi 01\COUH1$ lWll!Y OAl ,ltnll llTI • PftOClSSrD • llS-ll.X;C 67C &MERICAi CHEESE "'v.i,, 2·LI. POTATO SALAD 6Sc VA B M.a. POT1~TO &ALAI: 1,69 VAL &1 •llffll 1.ETI: • &.OUl«ll PACUQC G~RLIC IOUIBIA "'V.ol.l/E a'tr i'Eai \viEKERS 89c ~-Ct. • tu.M • CHICl'f.N • WH!r£ T~lln"Y' LEO'S SLICED MEATS 49c u. Ut 361 784 45 1 ~---~-------------I~ SHADES . i.cuNCE aont.e BRECK HAIR COLORlllG 211 110 ----------------.c.ouNet BOTTtt r BRECK BASIC HAIR CONDITIONER 2" 179 I.OUNCE !IOTTLC 3 ,,, I ~.II ·----------"'----+--• a ·RECIJ SATIN ' HAIR CONDITIONERS "'--&·OUNCE LOTION 2'1 2°' 4-0UNCE _CREME 2" 2oo ._. JD-O!Jt.:Cf Tl'B • FROZE!l · 491 •-REDDl·WIP 63c @PIZZA"ROLLSLr~:~16ac56C rRozoi • POUN~ CA.re • DrvtL'S tooo • !>tCA'I COFFI P.' OAK[ SARA LEE CAKES89c 751 f AOZEN CHEL"S! CA'l:C 9k u., ~ KOLD t:::JST • 6-0Z, 80X•fR02£!'f ~ s1lli'.oill'r1Ps 49c 431 ~ r.IE'xli:'ifiiil"' · "0"3sc 31 1 'r7 10 OZ. CA~AUtD SP!llACH 3Sc ll• lllPH-BEJA •U·OZ. PKG ·r'fDirN Shoestring Pola!. s .. •1.fi, 391 s'ol:T'"MAR~ARiN II 42c 391 41c 401 PRICE WITHOUT C PON 99c ONE COUPON PER STOMER ••• COUl'ON 1000 IULY1 O.AUI. I Save on the double \ Look ror .4.111X' Beta'• Double Ui, ronnl1 -th~y ~extra 1ari11g1 ftl"e~ and 1hol·e regul . di~1·ount pritt1.J n111fe f'Dl!!!il1le hy\ •peei111 tf'n1poraryl f'U n:hase 11lo"'111rer fro111 our .. upplif'rl! . "''ilh the 11f~ition1l 1'\vin'I' in1n1r.~lial11lrl pa!!cd on to you. • . • A OISCOUNI OH TOI' 01 A OISCOUNl-THAT'S A DOUILE DISCOUNll • ' • • ( ( ' ~· • SGf.IE Al.I'll.I. I ETl 01~1 ,11~.v 1~1s f ~! ' , AT [\ Sllll£S DISCOUIU ~. ~ l» CAN tl!AlllOE 3 •• 1 .. • ~ DIAMOND I RffUIA!I !l e f • · C¥f~;ur ii'A\l~'CE CA• 11e 1 &• • ~ t'.rfi?\ bJM(OND A • & m&·~~iif • 3ll3 CAN 2le 201 • DIAMOND A • 1-00NCE CAN 1 l ' • PICKUJI IEEIS lie ' • S-0~ C.\M SUCED 8Et?S 17c l•c • SOJ CAii • OlCED 8&£TS I~ lk IS 111-UI. SAG 1 " ~ IOLD MEDAL FLDUI ln . i~WlLO~ll~llY•CITfl.V:;<;QOl.f.A•GflAPE 13' 111-C jltfMK$: n..oz. CANS 14c · ~ lliM!llTA •"'°a•'4 VAt. 471 ~APRICOT PRUEl'llS ~-2D.QZ. CONCOJID ~oftc VAL. 43-~ i~· 11dt:, ,;., l l ie 491 I k'i· .. ~'f;~ING""0w~lk 55; 6~ . • NOODLtS • CHE"' 241 . ''!' ·~NllS 2lc PLANTERS IJ.-Ot»lctCAN 38f •• COCKTAIL PEANUTS 31c ST££RO •l!5'S •3V..\Rl?TI£S 29' ~'.'::I' IOUlllON CUlfS 39c ' GLAD•• 30.CCUNT • 11-0Uillf 37; '!"'_,, GIRIASE lllS · 41c ta'.oUNC£ CA!l • CIRNITIDN SLENDER '"'4,CNVELOPtJOX IS.: Mc r:;;:;;;., ~Ji'[ cifmE'oiiEiSJN's0&'391 ~ 1-0Z.JUJUl &OARUC •'!.: :l6i; 0 sbNSIJll~ j J8.0UNCE PACUGC All:.• ff~ffO CRICKlllS 41c 'IV l6-0\JNCt CAN ' STAI OLM: lllL lie 97; . ~11tJHEY •~-l8 ~AN 77; ~INSTANT COCOA 13c ~ CORTON •6lh OU Net CAN 991 ~ llASKlll CRIB 1.31 I M'A~~i\li~o~""~1. 391 lW'J=s".&Cf"-NOOOl4"5; NOOOW lOMl;;t Ile :~ C§> ;'u'roiITAiNE ~·211 -~ " . ~AN• REGULAR• DRIP OR lilt co'fflt' Ile 871 3-UI. CAN • REOtll.M' °"~~11~TRIC ff!RCOLATOR S2.S:. •.U "" ilf ·COFFEE 1.39 111 REGULA II • DRIPOR tl.£CTRA PEI\~ Milli NOS. ~ COFFEE •-a \bl Ile 831 ~·U!. CAN 1\EGULAR OR tLECTRIC PERI.: ft.52 la.S2 J'-'111.'i:s"j~INSTANTCOFf!E 1.39 111 • I ~·.-~~~~~~~~~ 8.0UNCE•S111A. W8'i:RRY •ClHN A.MOH Ai=::.. • J!L(!fu=l.ERRY • CINNAMON-RAlS!N • HOru:;Y CRUNCH • Oll:ANCt ,. :~~~1~o.aoliNDS 41e 341 ,, - ~.lll,HR IETI • G;ANT BOX 59c &fti ~EN!YME DnEHENT VALUC UU' "' 11:!'! • ED-COtlllT 121 ,,.~r!CE TONE NAPKINS l:lc · t:. '6W"/il111tr'wK1NS 15c 121 !-flOU. PACi: • DECORATED 31M VIVI TOWELS 41e v · 12-COllNT • REGOLAll .11: .. 33' CDNRD!TS - 12if.t-O'l. •CHICKEN FLAVOR 151 .'•• P"''Nlooh CIT FOOD lie "!!!:~~tr.tii~'aos Fooo 11c 111 I , ~OONCI: CAN. fltG. OR CH/CY.Lii I' YEr s DOI FOOD 10c QUALITY BAKERY AT fVlAIDAY OllCOUNT PRICES , JILrHI IEQ • 1-PACr: • 43c 31' ' JUll llUlflll$ VAWt ' · tH;.lt-.OLB .. vitut 3a• " ILPlll,1n l ·'·PACI:. 41c VAL\lt NOT IOI Dl NAMIURIO IUNS •321 •• lllPHl lfll •19c: VALUE UllDN ICU UAllK CfflffON WE 72' ~llHll l lTI •PINT CARTON 33; CDTTIU Cff!UE '~VALUE OU.I.BT CMTON •&Sc VALUC Cl• @UH'.i.DT TWl!S Uc 271 @ Cii\Atiti2'cAiiillTKB.s41' II --. - ) • ...-.... ·-# --· .. ----·---·· ------·-------·-----------~~ ---. SAT. Md SUN. 10 AM to 1 '!" YOOI ALPHA IEIA N£~1901HOOO IUltlt!~ ftht lilM hi tht IED ·~PRDJO Pt!OODL Y OffiRS BUTCHER'S Pll~E MSATS MIATS YOU'U II PIOUD TO SERVI ALPHA B!TA IV!tllll'I lllDI • GROUND BIEF - ECONO PACK J.LBS. OR OVER • C / lb. . • tl:ll:OUNT ,..JC~D • QUAl.nY a U'.1Sfltll01t 'UAUllTUO • U.S. 'D~OfiMlHT llGHCTCD \ ' " . ' • . U.S.D.A.GRAOEA' ~ WHOLE SOOY • 1 FRESH :FRYERS ' " ' ' ' • ' ' BARBECUE FAVORITE MEDIUM SIZE • J.LB TO 5-l~. SPARE'Rl1BS ' EASTERN QUAlllY FR!Sff fROZEN IJSD4 INSPECTED • NEY( ZEAi.ANO SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS · 1,·A1P111 lf!I IV?Cllil'I HJIE' BEET IT LOW DISCO~NT PRICES! I -Ollll/Qll[ • U Jll,/INE ' Pollak SAUSAGE i'~98f ~ ...... Q 69'• ~ fAVOA!1£ ALPHA •i• ancun 111vc t1?i BONELUS ...-RllSTIAI( 09 lb. tlU8l.IQU£ • 4-ll. CAii ROYAL BUFFET 421 ALPHA BOA incurs Ml MEW --'"I '09 HAMS . SS GREAT BONELE ·~.I~' JU. JACllAGl • $t10Ell . IOWA IAIO 67c BACON fARMA JOHN • 1.0UHCt PAC1<A'C LINK -SAUSAGE ~IUllllll ~IREAOED CLO!> STEAK BONELISS FAMILY STEAK CHUCK STEAK cau_cK ROAST BLAOE CUT BLAOE CUT lk. 98• 59;, 57;, THUE MEAT PRKE,S EFFECTIVf: T>tuftSOAY th/'Ngh WtONfSOAY, M Y JO.AUG. I TOl;;L 01 \CLllJNT } t~IRY [l~Y 5GMt All'Hl l £TA STORES 01$COIJ!lf CH.-.RGE ,RICE \Y0ilrf'fllia SOAP 79c 731 49-0Ullctil'ACi.a.Gt • DtTtftGEHT sac WHITE KlllG D J9c ~ WHITt KING . 112.o uuct PACKAOe 79' ~WATER SOFTEllER1 11 ~ -· I 64-0UNCE PLASTIC BOTILE WISK '. DETERGENT SOME STORES CHARGE 1.48 J46 ---------------SO-OUNCE PACKAGE ~DISH All ~DETERGENT STORES SOME 79 CHARGE 99c C ·-----------· JUMBO SIZE PACKAGE ~ BRIGHllhlRS ALL DmRGINT SOME ~ 1'' STORES CHAllGE Z2fi Sl)Mt AL'H.li ICT& SfGflEJ OISCOOllT C:llARGC fRIC[ clt'Ailclilt"'lllQUETS 1• 1" 22-0UNCE BOTTLE PALMOLIVE Dm~GINT Wo:Es 61C CffARGE 63c ------------22-0UNCE lOTILE • LIQUID DOVE I . DDIRG•NT ~:\~49c CHARGE 5!ic --:;::=~==-=---=----49-0UNCE PACKAGE GAIN DnERGINT siiME srDRES 82c CffAR6E 83e ------------64-0Z. PLA~TIC CONTA INER DOWNY FA .. IC IOfTlllD ~:ES 1•7 CHAilGE 1.59 ·------·------- I . 28-0 UNCE PLASTIC BOTTLE TOP JOB I ' CUANIR SOME STORES CHARGE 7:lc 66c ColTA MaA-141 1. lM It. HUNtlfffON -.cN 'tM1 .,.._ HUNTIN•TOM llACH-1 Mlt R _.. .. fOUNTAIN YAUIY-1911 ..... IOUTH LA•U"4-Jl l U t. Cew"..._ LA•UNA H.LLl-llf41 Celit • ...... llftNl-o1tt41 c .......... ~a41f ..,. ... l1l,,l,l 111\COL'NT t VI RY IJ,~ I SOMC Al~~ IEll STORES D1SCGllHT t HARGE f UCE f'Olt. PACK LOMA LlllOA GRAVY QUIK -19c 18' @ .sHELLIEBElllS 29c 24'' SAQERi11°&iir"VAftl~N nc 251 ~ '7oXELY ''°' CA>I 221 \!;::::I FRUIT COCKTAl!,)7c --GIANT SIZE BOX ,RINSO · SOME STORES CHARGE Ile ~~~~~~----~--------KING SIZE BOX DRIVE DETERGENT SOME@ 111 STORES . C11ARGE 1.31 -----·------------------------------------------.. -.-.---------_ ..... Party .C-iY<cus l hemed -.. Ibo loouot , ... spec=s to entertila am.all fty ---lho cir<ul bao arrived. The IUJl&llo( .... and Barnum .. Balley • Cir..,., .P.,,ing ·Wt .1..... al lho Forum In 1111~ 'for if perfonnanct1 thrWcb Auplt 10. prom Is eo IU19tf- ck>wns,. dafln& a c r o ti • t 1 , ferocloUs, anlmlls ad 1i1o most nalunl -lor • childrtn'. .. parlJ_~ invmted -tbe blrtbi:lay. ..-- Simple tr·tletlal>I, lar .. O<' Sll\lll, ........ P!'ll'' tlf<rt myriad ' JIOl"ibillllel ·for tho entertainmelll ·and feec!lac· el lhe -· ~ their favorite tllDtl tt IUil U.. tbeme -~. "Aa Ille Ta\! on the Tipr" · or ''Clrwl Charades." Or lei ..,. .,..hi their own, decoratiOPI by p<Oo vldlnf ..._ and -lnd a j!riJe lw 1he fll1kl who dr~• the -· eOJirilll Clm!I poster. An elegant dininC ream er the p~ -.... tho ' bactytrd 111tio -....,,.. a gay Circus arena wben il't draped wllh colClllW ·.iriped sheets or ltrlps ol. crepe paper. And a ,Clr<us. party can ~e pllce ai1.Y • time ot day. . • Trtat yolµ' YOW'IC f,n:t and their lrienda to a 1illldleoll 1he "3Y lhey... aQil\I 1o .. The Greate5t SbOw on Jarth. 10r !e!'Vt supper il.fter they cvme ~· In fltllir east, thif .C(,,:111.M ... ~'Is as \tlmple to prepare as it is l'leadinc to the you\blul pal•lle. Fq,turing, i~ . rinf, one, Ring!lnf Red Soqp :. In ring two, . Bil' Top Ill b b o I Sand•~· aid in rill( ~. carllllW Cake and Dream~ ·Ice Croam Clowns. RINl'iflNG RED .801JP , For k'1 aervr.ts. combine three caas tomato soup, two cans lobaktr bl.1qUe _and five soup cans \ol water. Heat, stir· rin1 occ~ooally. Ali!l a '(ew drops ol . food colorln& unUI the ..,Up a llriljll, true Rln&illll llec1· 8rte hi <\OlO!iUI mucs, i nd_ a.vm.h rib but· -Ctllll'°li"· . . BIG TOP . llllBON.11\\Nll'tilCllES PrWait teParati . mfiturt1 of en salad (d>OppOd bar<!· '°'"'ed egs, ~· aatt :and P'PI'"!'}• 1..-aai,d (canned io1moo1. ibayonnalle, ."'11 and _,,"I'd crumod oheele with di~ oliveo. Add a Jew drops of food col· orinl -to each 1 misture - yellow lo the •" Iliad, red lo the salmon ll1Jitl and ...... totbe_.,.._ Remove crusll from three Joave-' of· '~I ~w h I t e tandwich brfad. pte . four alloet ot ~ p,r ~wicb, wlt!l 1enR'OUS port\o:f! of egg, salmon and ereamell chee!e nlixtUl'el in three liyer1. WraP ·each sanctwiA in a moi it 1 dtah toWJ° ·a nd ahlioinwn loll ·iild refr!fer•"' oneA hour. or until fnri. · · 'l!efore 1trvin&, cut· each sandwich vertically int.a four or five slices, with eo"\'orful 1trl111 f o r~ in I 11rlbbonl" acrou. Cut eadl tlice .In hal! and arr~ on •ervtn& ,1at .. ter. Gamilh with bright sreen p&f'&ley. ' 'llle aandwicbei ~an be prepared Jn adva!I'< .an<I stored in the r.,riatrliol' overnt1ht but tboukl act be allced until you are rlldy te serve them. •(:AllOQllL ·<:AU ' Pr•"' one 1>1cli1o' of )'<!Or children's favorite ~ke-mix and bake in m ,Jay; .. , ac· cording to dlrectlonl. COOi and fl'Qll with f1ilflY while ieln1. lnHrl oolorful llllct condy ~ outer ~ ol cake arid ooe i,Uer ~t 1Uck in tht eeqtfr. PJtce animal cracker• bttwiel\ can .. 11y 111cu .....i """'·•· M~ ~ ,eaoopy GI .1al!Y col• ored pf! 1rraJl!llq JllW· Cut out 1 circlt about two Jncbe1 wkf!r 11!1111 "'!.t .Ue and tcallop ~ .,... Cut a straljlhl line .Illini ,lilt .,.t<r · edge lo the · eent<r GI the cir- de, and lope · or )lllte II ' lo&ether .. tllat Ille _, Is pointtd QR lop, Plaee the • ....., .. \oP ol tho\cand,v ltlct_... . DUAMYICll CIWM Q.OWNll Pullco..-a_ .. a tray Into 1he ~ •Ul . you are reody ..... ,....,. Remove and mab-- with email candltl n fiNlll (ted bearta. pm • t 0 p •• railino, •lc). Add a oprinkU118 ol ahreddod -· 1op the ._ wllh llllPI' ._ elon hot., make a collar wjll> a rinl el dnnllD<ll blUs and --.......... u... •. • I I ·-·----------------------------~----------·---------·~;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;::;::;:;:;;;;:==.;::;:::::-::"'.":~'.':":':::'.'."':"':"'"";"';"';"";:";"";'~;:":"'-::=:=:;~~:-"'.'.'":'.-;---• D.t.u:Y•'p{Lor "' • ' Wtdnt'Jd;,, Job 29; 1970 I •• • • • • • •• •• • ....... I .p\T(aa ., •• • ... -..... • • .. _ .... -... • -. 1 ~ .. • • r 1" -......... ... I · EXTRA· LEAN BONELESS STEW BEEFi U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS BEEF BRISKET U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" 3 LEGGED FRYING CHICKEN U.S.D.A. GRAH-"·A't- FRYING CHICKE~ PARTS BIEASTS • • • 6 9 ~1 LEGS • THIGHS 5 9~' RATH ·; HICKORY /SMOKED 79~ BA .C.·.ON " ' RATH 12 'oz. pkCJ. 49 ALL-MEAT ( .W.IE .NERS -------------' -~-· '·:·.1 BEEF PATTIES 59¢ LB. 5 Lb. Box $2. 95 KERN'S TOMATO SAUCE TACO SAUCE OR ITALIANO SAUCE S' EA. W ith rili1 to11po11, II• ll'lini""""" pu•c.hn1 n rnq11irnd. l ilftit ) c.n111 p.r c.011po11 -Onn &oupo11 pnt &111lo"'nt, Void nflnr Sundny, Aug. 1. ' DOUBLE BLUE 11 CHIP STAMPS _ WITH THIS COUPON ONE OJIDl-k ONLY -ANY AMOUNT YOU CHOOS E TO BUY' VOio AFTH SUNDAY. AUG. 2nd NO MINIMUM PURCHASE -NO MAXI MUM PURCHASE BUTTERNUT COFFEE b!~ 69' W ith lhi1 c.ou,.11, 110 ll'li11l111ulft 1111rchn1n •tq11itn4, l ll'llll 11~1 cn11 pnr c.011p•ll -0111 c.eupon p•t c.u1lolftnr. Vo id nh nt Sund1y, A11t. 2. U.S.D.A. CHOICE CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAK BAR M WESTERN STYLE BULKi WIENER·S U.S.D.A. Grade "A" Whole 'Bodied FRYING CHICKEN CUT~P ..J=RJERS ••• 33c Lb. .EXTRA LEAN . SMALL SIZE SIARE- RIBS- • NO. 303 CANS U.S. NO. I WHITE ROSE OTAT-oES 10 LB. CELLO 59¢ BAG FOR MILO SPANISH ONIONS ' 4 LBS. FOR 29¢ ·I\ EXTRA FANCY SWEET CORN 6 E~: 39¢ :.J~ I STUFF ING SIZE BELL PEPPERS 19¢ LB. EXTRA FANCY ELBERTA FREESTONE , , PEACHES ." 19 ¢ I I) LB. ' ! :. IOYAL HOST PllMIUM ICE CREAM Vi GAL IOUND CARTON . < SUNKIST rUll CALIFOlNIA VALENCIA 5~s,·: ORANGE JUICE • " 6 OZ. CANS Sl'RING-FIELD LIQUOR DEPT. MILLER HIGHLIFE BEER CASE OF 12 12 OZ. CANS LARGE FRESH GRADE AA CALI FRUIT FREESTONE cc-=:::-~~---~~==='="- ..... , LIGHT s399 ·' ABBEY SCOTCH FIFTH, "" EG.GS 1 DOZEN SPENCER PIMINTO·STUFFED SPANISH . OLIVES 59c I OZ. JARS LUX BAR SOAP ~KBGAT~ 39¢ SIZE BARS ......... . OILANDO ARTICHOKE HEARTS 3 ~ $1 i OZ. JARS -------~· ~ ~~ FOLCiHS COFFEE ~-..~ 3 u. CAN ------- I ·PEACHES BIG HALF QUART ONE WAY BOTILES DR. PEPPER ~ I F 0 R TRADITIONAL CANADIAN s4tl:.'. WHISKY FIFT~ ISLANDER IMPORTED VIRGIN ISLAND RUM ' " JACK AND THI IEAN STALi 11 "JOJ 5 F s1 :,' CO·RN ~ans ~ ::' WHOLE KERNEL 01 CREAM STYU 1·.~ PUNCH DETERGENT REG. Ile. GIANT SIZE ------------'" ' ' SCHILLING DINN!RS CHICKEN FIEST A or TOSTADO ·.i· 59~:' ENZYME ACTIVE PRE·SOAK AXION ~11:~' ' ' ' 59~~: .~r;: ,------------,." PRICES EFFECTIVE ·. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & S4'1DAY July 30, 31, Aug. 1 & 2 PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOOD COUPONS WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA I I I ': ' ' '" WE GIVE ' BLUE CHIP ' STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Chapman -~ I I ' ' I J \ i l ( l ' l \, I -i ~: I \ I {: • I > ) •• I ' • • • • ' n ' I< " I F u • c !~ i : ! d • ,, n I ~ r, II g• " a' I> " I' er m ' . ·-. --· -. ---------------~------------~~~-----------~--~-~-~':""-~------~-~"":"'!'.":.:-'!'.'!' ...... · WHEAT PRODUCTS FRESH PLUMS WATERMELONS · S~M~ER VEG ET AILliS '. ., PEANUTS AND ~NUT PRODUCTS, , Efenaht ~ ~ {Version ( f Offered ( _Here's 'l ~fw ver sion of an Ulqanf hors d'oeuvre. It's a 1 IP!J:tJl~ake roll (using only :"1'""tiblespoon of sugar), a \savory ham fllllng and a ( c111~-eheese fl'tMIUng. ) P1rslt y and nuts a r e \ pl!1rtered on the frosting to { add to the roll's flavor and to_ make it look particularly • a"aetlve. l ~AM 11011$ D'OEUVRE ' .. ROLL ~ 4 e1gs, separated • t; ta ble!poon sugar \ ~ teaspoon sa\t / f tablespoon minced pa rsley ~ 1h cup sifted flour ·!JJ:ri'I Flllin&. see. below 1, lar1i p{mtento-stuffed \ ollvei, if du!fed {_,..£ream Cheeec ~rosting,1 see be]O\V I , -~~ cuo coarsely chopped } partley ) % cup coarsely chopped • . toasted filberts or slivered \ S,.' toasted blantjled.almonds -I-c rease a 1A t r y 1-inch • jelly roll ~; llne , bptlpm l { • With wax pal)4r: grease pal>er •W'\11.' . ' Ih la'le riljxln g bowl beat (.jg' whlt0s-'uq11uoam1. Addi ('sugar ana • salt:· beal untll stt;ilght stiff pens form whe n , bei ter is slowly Withdrawn. • \Vuooui wp.shing bea ter, in : small mixing bowl beat egg \ yolf:s until Lhlck and lemon ' C\'IOr; fold into tgg \Vhltes )"1tli minced pa rsl e y. l Graduall y fold in flour. Tum .t.Ntlo prepared pan. spreading evenly. \--13ake in prehea ted 400· I dt!ree oven unUI cake t.eslerl jn1erttd in cen ter comes ou t cle&n -a to 10 minutes. lm· ~ mfhately turn out onto tea to'ifel. Remove wax paper: rolt up in towel from 15-inch side. Cool about 20 minutes. ··.Unroll: ~read with Ham Fllllng: if used, place olives u~. Wrap In foll or wax pa per I and re!rigel1te fdf 2 hours. Frost rOll wllh C r e a m Cheese Fros6n&.:...Mlx together coltr1el)' chopped. parsley aiid nuts; roll IJ'941.ed roJt -. in r P<t,r.•ley-nul mlxt~re, pa tting it, ~ In 1ent1y. Ch ill at least 2' i houri . Cut In ~'I-inch slices. MaltU • ab:iut 30 h or s d~oelIV..S. · '1 I Note: The hum h o r s d~uvrt roll may be n1ade a!Wad and stored in the refrigerator overnight. Or it may be frozen for as long ll as two weeks: do not add ...lbil, olives if roll iq l' be frozen. CHUCK ;STEAK 7•aONI U.l.D.A. i:HOICI BllF 59.~. POTATO CHIPS l·~=~::G. 59' fOOD GIANT·49c ILICI D 4 x 6 ' 4o01. PKG • AUSTIUAN r.L'PS IMPORTED SLIC ED 49c SW.II CHIESI •-oz PKG. ; HM-I FlLLJN t; i tablespoons butter ~ cup finely cho pped onion ( t:cup firmly packed grouod l ... :.~It. HIPPED MEATS 'cooked ham ~ tablespoons commercial I . Bf!F . HAM . WHITE TU RKEY 3 3·ot. $I sour cream • COIN ED BEEF p kg s. ~ tablespoons real n1ayon· j l"'l":l ... rlm"~""l''Pl'l"'l"'!l""l'P'"~ n1lse l tablespoon minced parsley \' teaspoon while pepper tn an I-loch skillet melt but- ter. Add onion' and cook geritly, stirring often, until ! ten~r and .tr.-.rent - abOut $ minutes. 'Remove from hf:at SUr in him, sour cr,eam, mayoonabt, panley and White pepper. Chlll. Makes 1 cup. CREAM CHEESE FROfiTING \151'.ER INE \NTI SF!'TIC & MOUTHWASH BONELESS ROAST 98:. CHUCK u.s.D.A. CHOICI BEIF • APPLE • LEMON • CHERRY COOLERS IO·O:Z. PKG. ·' · LIQUOR · '"'1 ia.1 CANADIAN CREST CANA 0 iDIAJ41 WHISKY •3~,! Fl,TH 99( C0HAMPAGNi " OUC< $) ?.! OlOf ENGllSH "600~ 6 Holl $) 2$ M A LT L10UOR ,~';, COFFEE-All GRIND S 1 tablespoon mllk 1 package !3 ounces) C.'ream chee,., · softened Z labfespoonJ finely chopped ~pimiento Willi fork beat rrtllk into ' : MISS BRECK .;~, .,.;~.,, LAUNDRY DETERGENT 0 UNSCfNlEO • lfGUU.1 • HAIO. fO·HOlO DASH LO SUDS 54' SAVE ''·•Z. 50.oz. 79c 15' CAN 2·1b. con .... $1.73 box J·lb. con .... 2.52 erelm cheese. Fold in pl· NE Wt FOOD GIANT SELF-BAST-ING SLICED BACO N LUIR IYIRGOOD l·LB. PKG. 6 9' MAYON NAIS E MAGIC CHIF QUART JAR 49~ EYS HENS 10·16 lbs. Avg. c LINK SAUSAGE FARMER JOHN a.oz. PKG. 29' LIBB Y'S OLIVES PlnlD, irtPli FAMILY SIZE .. r•o. 300 CAN , ' c ·i29· HAWAIIAN i ~ED0GRAPES P INEAPPLE: OARDEM FRESH COMPACT I A RT IC HO KES SWlllT 29.' 1 , lt!l'I I I LARGE BROWN STEAK ' .J IA. : USHROOMS V•·lb. ' rROZEN DINNERS FROZEN HEAVY DU)Y HAND SOAP ROSA RITA t~~~lA~f~~ LAVA TREESWEET • e~~f or (htf$e f11Ch1!(1dn ORANGE JUICE • .'.'c~tCQn • Combu10110,, 16-ot , 5c 2 ~~i 29 c r~'I. 53c pkg, ,.,, '" 25c 12-•• 49c CO(KTA'l TACOS ~'1 01 J9t '" '" mlento. Makes 1/3 cup. 2300 Barbor B l v d. a t Wilson St.. Harbor Shopp i ng Ccruter, CuslB Me sa I ' ......... ~·· .......... --·-----------... .--·------------------~ -- . ' ' • .. I • " ': ' ------....------------..-----... --- 40 DAILY PICOT".-, rdntSday, Jul129,1970 Romanc e More Important .. 'Modern-day Greek Likes Spartan .Food By JOHNA BUNN and a great chick! But stie NEW YORK _ Ask a ·can go into the kitchen and she's magic." thoroughly Greek 3t'ior which He was asked about the is his good and "''hich is ~iS aymbQliSID 'of ~Koufeia, . the bad side, ,"llld you'll get a completely_ u 0 0 r t b 0 d 0 1 sugar coated almonds wra~ ans'l\·er, particul::irly if you ask ped in white tulle, presented Lo guests at Gre4 weddin&s Aristotle (-telly) Savalas, \\'ho or in pitlk Or blue tulle at has ~'rlr.ay~. \l'i_th disUnc-cbristtllings. (The i 1 mo n d tion, eVery kind of character represents the bitter things. from . *' Capoue to Pontius the sugar coating the sweet things in life -marriages Pilate.; b'rths) hbak or1 .. "My:-good-side-is l e c -,.. :.· ,~ of the head," said Telly, "but "f dOri't.KnOW. ou~ \Ctl then 1. get mediocre as you you another story? In ancient move around, depending upon days the Greeks always bad your point of view, But if a glass of wine at their meals. You're -well versed in t~e As they'd smell it, it would be so aromatic and so classics, you'll find that every beautiful. ·.·' tasted the same side of me " has its merits: ~~ You see the big nose, the way. They ·looked ,at the wjne big eye.s. these puffy lips." and were pleased by the color. l.Then they discovered all Our culinary session was complete with a cootemporary the senses are ,delight.ed ex- Greek chorus as we talked cept one : Ther~ s nothing for in the" midst of a gathefing ··the ear. ~ts .why when· of his lriends over morning Greeks ~rink wu~, t he.Y coffee in the Plaza Hotel. As all;Y~YS hit glasses, he ~aid we talked be peered through ~a1smg ~ wate~ glass to mine. dark glasses looking tfie an-That tmgle ts for the ear. tilhesis of th~ Hollywood star, Isn't that a.lovely story?" decked out in leaf green COMPARISON . printed . open neck shirt and · · Receiltly he made his first grey suit. trip to Greece. "'The food 's And he often stroked his di1ferent and to the unac· gleaming. bald pate, .which customed palate, not as good. resembled a I o P s 1 d e d If you stay there for a while, watermelo~. Fr~m the start they do in truth, have some he emphas12ed hlS Jood tastes highly original dishes and are s~rictly ~partan: His voice original tastes." was like a big booming bugle. He also was enthusiastic SPARTAN DISHES '° about the fare in Yugoslavia The.Garden City, New York- born actor. recalled some or "those Spartan" dishes from his childhood . where he made his latest nick, "Kelly's, Heroes." "I find Sert»Croatian food very in- teresting', the spices, garlic, the absolute tzi'!g to the m~l." I'm sure from the tastes we've developed through the ·year~, we would find theirs a little too strong, but for me, it fit in very nicely. I like lamb anywhere, but especially in Yugoslavia because of the garlic in- fluen~e. •• He heaped praise on the lentil dishes made into soups or in combination with veal and/or sausages. "I Woulif" mention, not what you would call the -exotic dished, but more basic Greek dishes-: Fava beans, for ex- ample, 'boiled'tlown to almost a pasty substance: flavored' with a piece or onion, or fak.i, which' is te.ntil soup (made from yellow lentils, celery, carrot. onion, ~garlic, bayleaf: sometimes navored w i t h vinegar· <and/or bacon rind, sausage or ham). Yaoqrti. or yogurt, is, Qf course, a glass of milk for a Greek child. "My mo t'h er (Christina Savalas) was the greatest swinger ·in the world. She's an artist and a beautiful wo- man \inJ"8 she held Jhe JJ_tle of Miss Greece while being the mother of five children) "Food for me is just to survive. As a Greek, I'm more caocerned about things like beauty and romance." he said with malicious mirth. Much or bis. life centers.-ar.ound-hi.s - wife ~tarilyn and their three daughters, Christine I 5 , A Cool Idea for Su(Tlmer For ao ideal dessert or first course punch. com- bine 1 cup canned apricots, 1 cup pineapple chunks, 1 oo, cl;imed Mandarin orange slices, 2 table- spoons chOPPed candied ~inger and 1/4 cup apricot brandy. CblU In Jarge crystal bowl. Before serving pour 2 cups chilled ginger ale over lhe fruit and serve In sherbet glasses or punch cups. , Penelope 7 and Candace 5. salt, white pepper to taste In contrast to Telly, Marilyn's lf.i pound pbyllo pastry lineage-· is prerevolutionary melted butter American an bo~, sides .• "If WaSh s p 1 n a ch, dry my "!'ife cooks, 1t s stra1~t thoroughly ; chop.spinach American, because she came +coarsely, 'Set aside. Saute over oo the seconc! boat," he onion in olive oil until Ump, kidded. add spinach (or cook frozen The couple lives i n spinach until barely tender ae- Woodla!ld Hills ?nd . often cording to p a c k a g e in~ entertain at small parties by strucUons: drain thoroughly) the pool with an outdoor to cooked onion, saute few barbecue. "What we con-minutes. Add dill and parsley ; centrate on is food to feed set aside. and get to the more important Crumble feta (or pot-) thing1of-getting-to-know each Clleese iilimixinlfbowl. Add other." cooled spinach mixture (or TELLY SAV ALAS' $PANKAPITA Splnacll Sq•ares 2 pounds fresh spinach (or 2 pkgs . frO'len chopped spinach) • l mediuJlWlized onion, peel- ed an chopped cup olive oil lh, cup olive oil 2 tablespoons chopped Cresh dill drained oooked f r o z e n spinach). salt and white pep. per to taste. Mix well with fork. IBrush 12" x 8" x 2" deep baking dish lightly w 'i t h melted butter. Ltn.e pan with one sheet of pbyllo pastry. Brush lightly with melted but· te.r. Top this with four more sheets pastry, brushing each layer with melted butter. Cover with spinach mixture. 11• cup fresh pars le y, Top with remaining sheels or phylio, lighUy brushing each feta (or pot.) layer with m~lted butter to minced ,h pound cheese form u~per lid. Sprinkle few COMPARE UN1PR ~CES , ' ',I' HO • "'' ....... COUJfT ffllct !~~f:!~~~!T~~!!o!T~~ll,•*'>l. JAii .. -ac sc ~£0,U,!!~~~Tl!,S,~~!"""·················--151 151 !A~~,!9E~LETA1Ll Oll,~OL ITL, .............. ~ ...... 53C 53c !!~r tqo~£~~!_o_~~~~~~-: __ &51 &51 .~~~L~0~6:~~~-~~KEt~. ___ ,_ 29C 291 drops 'ol water on crust to prevent curling. Bake in pr~eated 400 degree F. ·oven until crust ia brown (about , 30 minutes). To serve,' cut to squares few mins. ilter removing from oven./ Spear each square with toothpick to hold pastry layers together. Serves 4. ' Afterthoughts : Feta cheese (distinctive flavored Greek goat ch~'). and phyllo· pastry, sold by the pound, 1 .at~ ava!i_a_ble_at Gree): or _Mid- Ole Eastern food specialty shops. Phyllo paSlty i s transparent and paper thin. Strudel dough may b e substituted or use flaky pie pastry {bake in conventional maruier lining pie plate with crust; partially bake crust befofe adding spinach filling). Greeks prepare spanakapita Jn?.ny ways : by giving filling a custard-like consistency by ~ding oeggs, cream sauce and flavoring with dash of nutmeg (omit herbs) or placing bite- sized morsels of filli'ng on small ·squ;i.res of pastry, wrap- ping and baking to ·serve as snacks with cocktails. fRlSR ORfROZlM -rtll.s.!~R!J.L•_u.~=-=-----___ &oc-&tc-·-- ~.!!!~.ti.t.:.s ... !~~~~~~~r. .. ___ ...... _ .. 121 121 AND THOUSAH(?S Of OTHEl LOWSHELF PRICES BONELESS BEEF t1"1 MVNJCUIR BRANDY ~t:::'l:r~:,,._SJ ,98 SANDY.llACALUSTU SCOTCH :::::i::~~ .. ,. ___ $4.59 OLD 6LENIOID BOURIDN il~'.~1i;,~~~~~---$3.69 EACH AND EVERY~-TURKEY HAS @+E1~Lus1vE "~uN-Rl!E. PG'P UP TOPROUND:t~"IUL, j -'T ., BONELESS BEEF $JI RUMP ROAST ,·-& ; I l !OUOlll Al AlL·lllAlrttf """11111.fTS l)(CEl'T IN l,;(:INO WILllllSOll ;;~;:i~~~~:i~. 63 c EXCEDRIN , "6· 12" REPllLEllT ,KG. OF~ ALKA SELTZER OOTTU" 3 'AIN lllEllEV.111, I Tl, 0, JI ' 65' INUCT lllEl't"llElolT •. 5.0!. VOTE TOOTHPASTE 98' :J,4 Ol.TUll AICK IATllJI LOTIOll COlmlTIOND •OU.CE llOTTLE.REGULA• ,..,, ___ ..... UN1PR1CE IN PRODUCE SANTA ROSA BROWN SWEET ANI JUICY LB. LARGE YELLOWMEAfED ONIONS 19!. NECTARINES ~-MILD AND SWEET LONG, GREEN, CRISP ' CUCUMBERS 7.! I we wtko••-1 CHRIS' & PITT'S FOOD STAMP --n:l'ICltLl\JllU$H SNOPPHS ~"" . J51 PILLSBURY 'U0Gl MOWHtl MOC ' 'MML'fllll, :lt'IMIZ, l'ICQ. 591 tALMIOIL CRISCO 791 ..... OOTTU COOKING GAUG! BllGUET MEAT PIES BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY,,fftOZIH.1-0Z. .17~ oa FRESH PACT LIMA BEANS ·~~~:::?:?"Jja 5~ BIRDS EYE ORANGE AWlKE c:,o:~·n ~rJ BIRDS EYE GREEN PEAS ·~:,~::· 1!4 L BIRDS EYE CUT CORN -·~:.-:.' -· 1: +?§»ICE .CREAM suraacaTD• ASSORTED FLAVORS %..GALLON_ PINTS ..... 19c ,_.,, .......... , l'E'NJIMIHT nrt$T Holf-OiOly SHAIGHAI ' ~2 ORIENTAL FOOll ~~Ol. _5·n, ~.~ IGG lllOLLS, l·OZ. ,, .. JONNY CAT CATLITTIJI $f . ' ............................. _, --··· . -.-... -.--.....----·~-~~- PILOT·AMRTISER S Wedonday, Ju~ 2'1, 1970 DAILY PllOT 4J ajnl 9-nd Luau .Put~ Cool ' ., . I , on Summer Heat Hawaiian cooldnl la • co~ with !Nila and lnteresllnc orful meluct of tht c:uialnes spices, you ·can create ~ ol lht JIW\Y -1'" wbo Id• ls~lnsplred cl4llft ~.ct tied Ille 'lolands. The Clllnese, rot -thtr dlntnc. P o I y n eslans, Portuguese, Cf'OUJ) ot colorful reciplea Japaneae, Koreans and rtflecta: the happy combination Flllplnoo have all contributed of taate wllJcb clwactirbe to the flavor and technique Haw11l1n cookint. Served out. of Hawaiian cooktl'J'. doon, on the paU0t or indoon, The Chinese came to Hawaii these dllhes are e I e 1 a n t to wort on the sugar plan-enough for use at a Juau-!tyle tatlons, and soon such cooking dinner party and s I m p I e technique. u cutting food Into tnOUsh to aerve to your own small ~ before cooldnt family. were Incorporated into the Meatball Xabobl are made blands' cuisine. br mblq bHI with camt<d The PolyneslaDJ brou&ht o froztn hied rice, thr.,.ding chictem and cocooutl, '{be the meatballs on Uewers wilh Portu..-contributed beady water chestnuu and blu o! spices lrom ho Awes-and-pineapple-and baatlii( 111<111 Madeira, the Japanese added with IOf aauce u they co&t. the technique ol cootlni over Cooked either lndoon or en charcoal brui.ers. and the an outdoor grill, t he 1 e Koreans and Filipinos added dellclowi kabob! ean be atmd a'ddlllonal seasonings and 11 an appetizer ("pulu") or vegetabtes. a maio course. All of these foods blended For aoothtr savory pupu, beautifully with the native serve crisp, hot e1a rolls, Hawalian cooking which made which are available frozen. ,important use of the lulh They come in aeveral slzes, tropical fruits which I'°" lncludln1 a bite-ailed vtrslon throughout the islands. with a choice of eh~en, By taking advantage of the !obiter and shrimlMftd-meat wide variety in canntd and fllllnp. ALANl <:illl C Ell (~" ,tboa,nllln ~for-) II cup !lour l~aafl ,. lea-JIOllll" \l ie-- Il la-- 2 )lGUlldl dllctea ftp 11111 2 :spnooi bultO' ' I cup ..._ juice 2 lalllalpoonl ~,,,, .. .... I la~ brvllll -1 dl\'fder.illl< ... (I pound, ._, __ meln I 1ar,. nowl •-fir lambhln& and --lln& IJlke4 -mini ie.vo opttanal Mix !lour, --.1np and 1plcu i coat chicken with mb:· lure. In heavy aklllel, frf chlektn in butter until suJden brown. Comblno .,_ juice, soy aauce and brown qar P>W' liquid over chicken. Cover lllhUy, 1nd <nolc for 15 io 20 minutes or antil lender. frozen Chinese foods now Alanl Chicken is a delicious aift~;i;:;:;:::;:;:i:'!.;.:;;;::;;;;;::;:::;:::;;~~=:;;;:;:;:~;;:;;::;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====;;;;;•~v~a1~·1a~b~le~, ~and combining them meJanae ol flavors tnfluenced I! by the many cultures eon- Mtuwhlle, heal Ille chicken chow meln aceordln& lo direc- tions. Make a bed of the bot chow mein on a aervinc plat- ier and arrance chlcftn pieces i1Uractlvely on top. GOURMET'S o~L a Hr CENTER CUT HAM StlCES';1:;y•s11~ ITALIAN SAUSAGE .~;zil. 69' .. , PORK DERLOIN ; $f! .I L · DOV ER SOLE 000"rc Eu ~ERCH ., FRESH $109 FRESH 89< FILLETS . ~8 flll fTS 1..1. I ' . VE fS' DOG FOOD AEG .. CHICJ(EN,y .t.111m; 15%.0Z. SOE Z! a~ BUDGET SA.JING SPECIALS ·f 0 SENBERRY PRESERVES ·i:~r:::· 39' itlONTE GOLDEN CORN ~=~~~:~"°.\IL 23' R6FT GREEN qNION DRESSING ~~·39' p ALUMINUM FOIL ·~:.::::-:i.:~' 23 ' .. "':tl:lf,:J.:·.. $ t .99~ !!~~!.~.!~., Sat ,KG. FITS All. AllOllTI; COLOlllS 7 • TEXIZE MJAtOfMflt..t.•DlllM 851 31·1T. nu ICE CHUT_li• KllC11EM·SIU sn _______ ~ Sl.99 12D·CR AYONS =~'TJl-.'r[~~::~~.~ 771 MAkE·UP MIHOR l HSE _99• ' .. . TRIUMPH AJAX U.°"IUIY OlfEllClliT AQUllET HAIR·SPRAY :,}3•0Z. · REGUW, SUPER, HOLD, MOISTURl MELD OR UNSCENTED e LIMIT 1 CAAi 'ER COUf'ON. LIM IT 1 COUPON PIER CUSTOMER. VALIP JULY JO · AUG. 5 IVORY LIQUID OElERGENr ~3t-Ol. LIMIT 1 ISOTILE PER COUl'ON, LIMIT 1 COlM'ON 'ER CUSTOM IE Ill. VAL10 JULY 30· AUG. i VIENNA FRANKS PU•EO .. f.POl"" SAUSAO• 89< OR ICNACICWUlllST, 12·QZ. LEO'S $LI.CED HAM •• ~r ru'i:'i1:,~::,~~' 59' OSCAR MAYER FRANKS ,....... 78' «•BAKERY ITEMS ROYAL CONTINENTAL YOGURT, .. oz ...... M ... _.27i;; YOGURT DRINK • .oz...11c YOGURT CHEfaE,MI. 47c HERDER$BREAD A FA"Mll.Y FAVORITE 3 5" 1:4-LB. LOAF . . . ~~~~~~~~~~--.... ffi~IT..~!~P.P!!_ 49c · M!~lt .f~Q~~!!~F 45c· \ r ~~!~~.~.B . , ~!~.'..S.'~ 18' I :!:· 891· LAYA SllP )jl llleU\.All Ull-• YITA·PAKT Off4HQaNICI lllfltD :o· 591 DR .ROSS DOG·•OOD ='=' 15e • . , : •• I trtbulinl to Hawall1n cooking. Spicy chicken -pieces are strv· ed on a aavory bed of chow meln ind topped with a col- orful orange sauae. The use or a dl:vider-pak can cl chicken chow mtln cuts the prepara· Uon time of this tasty di1h to a minimum. Islander Stuffed Artichokes featurt a temptJna chow mein flllln& which cm do be serv· ed over fried rice or chow me.In noodles. You'll find that the eye-pleasing combination ol the artichokes and filling 11 a popular one for company, however. For these occasions, you may wot to 11mllh each . filled artlehnke will> a fresh shrimp. Serve )'Gill Luau.,lyle diahes with new canned lemon pink Hawaiian punch, a beautiful plnl< puneb wbleh blend& lemon juice with Rvtn natural fruit Juices ol the bland>, in- cluding paulonfrult, papaya and 111ava julc:t1. Served plain, or mlud. with tea to make an 11m11U11ty rtfrtlhing Iced Tea lllwallan, 11'1 the pe:rfeot complement tor these dbhes. Pour orange aauce into a separate aervin1 bowl, or •poon tt dlrfctly over the chicken. Each atrvin& should consist of a bed of chow main topped with a piece ol <llleloln and oranae uuce . II de~red. the chicken can be OC>Oi<ed Ille last ti to IO mlnutea In a covered aklllet oCilopO!an...-dluootl gr!JI : the chow n\eln can lllo be heated in 1 pot on the .,m. For an unusual 1amilb.' cut navel oranges ln half sllca, Ind place around 11uce bowl or float ill aauce. To mab oran1e "roea" to decanta th• oenlnl p1ou.r, cul lone stitpe ol -pael, and roll each strip 1n a pinwttMl. Secure the "ta1t" wltb a loothplelc anc1 nu the c.nter wllll fialced -tt desired, Surround each unower" with a few mlbt Juvet. Makes ' lo I eervblp. 181.ANDEll IT\JITED Al\TICBOltllll -.. I lo I -lrtlh MEATIW.l.-MIOIS~ I JlOWlda poond ehutk I lo 4 lob-._ ~ t can (13.5 ouncea) frltdi oll or oll"ft oil rice or 1 packa1e (10 1 '' C\IP vtnepr 2 bay leaves ouncu) frolen fried ri~ 1 teeijloon w b o t e pep- In cook.inc pouch J)fl'corm 2 ens 2 tellspocnw ult II cup pineapple Julee ' l'lllls( 1• cup lnolanl mlnced_pni111 { 1.poekqe (JI....,.) !ra 2 teaspoons aalt · ~'lllrtmp • chkUn cbiw iDtln In cooldnl poucll .. v, teupoon pepper • 1 ll'..,P l'lled Swiu c- 2 cans (1 pound f ounce• i,i Cup IOW' crtlJD , each) pineapple cflc!nkJ, · l 'lableopooDl lemon juice dralned ,., S CUPI .fre1h i ·~. teupoon 11lt · Grated Parmeun cheue • pineapple ell~ • • stiC. about 11• off Ille ·1ap ! cw; (j ounqos each). o1 .-ortii:hoke lo,....... Wafel'{Chellnuls mlfn dJolOr iJl thoms. Bred All·~ lay" uuce for ; ott lmll1 r~. at bale anCf ball!lnl · , · 1 wllll icllloil, eci! lhomy ltili . eomlllne .,....i·chuck: fried from . Hmalnln,,,uerl•• le •-· le . . leavet. Brull 1ltlll, ml tut r e, ,e&P1 pu-pp JUJCe, a thin slloe atf the f,ottom minced onion, aall and pepper, 1 o1 tach· trtldion lo make (II ,u•ln& lroun !ried rice, aun tt ein stand ..cure1y, heal aecordln1 lo package Put artlchoka Id lli11· 'kiti- dlrecUona before mlllnc with Ue With water to covti:, oil; mtat.} rorm' meat mixture vtnelar, bay Jeavea, l ,.,.. Into Jo.inch bollt. percol'nl and nil .. Covtf and Thread long skewen with bring lo a boll. SIP.er. tintU me1tblll1,, altern1tlng with stem end plercu' Wt.lb l Jor.k pineapple chwlb and water easily (25 to '3S' Jn\nUtlr.) chelltnutl. {If any of the meat Remove artichoke• lnd'drlln mlrture remaina, freeze the wtlJ.. . ' ! , • extra meatball• or fonn them . MtaJnrj'hlle, heal .cbOw JIMlD into bur&m tor a n o t h e r In ~DI PoUCh ~ to meal.) pa&age ditecUon11 ,.W.Jf•• Cook the kabobs 'in a artichokes · ·are reidy. Gpe11 preheated broiler for ~ center leavts •ll,tiUy and mlnuiel on each 1lde or unUI pluck out thllt inner reddilh the meatbl:li.g are dorie to ' le1vm : acoOp out fuuy cboU taste, of grill kaboba over with a ~U .;oon. charcoal, turning frequently. Combine . hot chow meln, Brush kabobs with soy aauce Swill . ~. .., cream, a few times durJn& cootlng. 1 Rmoa Nice and ,.it. 9poOI! mixtllre IDlo arUCbol<e em.ri U d'8ired, Mrve Ille llniahed and ~ ·wilb , p ........ kabobs speared Into fresh ch-, • , . , . pineapples, i4ttnc care not to The fllllr\g' ls also delidou. overloajl aaeh pineapple. The spooned Into heated • lreoli pineapples can be used with pineapple ahells, or served on t- or without skin. Cboole firro, a bed ot chow• mein DOOdlea almost ripe plneappleo ' and or canned ar -!nod rlc<, pta~e them on a bed of pre'tY prepared accordlna to .a.a leaves. II uq peoled pibe•P' I dlreeUons. Makes I lo/·-· pie, set plneaPltle .., a tray tnp. · · ' lo cateh any juice Julca(e. I ICED TEA ;..;ADAN To prepare plntapple, thinly pe<I brown uln, wtlh Ille tip of a sharp knife, make a v-ehaped cul about \\·Inch deep hi a .,r.1 patttm around Ille llh!e•PPle, remov· inc "eyes" a you CUL Rlnse pineapple weU and wrap titlht· ly in--plullc wrap ' • r aluminum loll lllllll n~ to 1erve. Whtn· Ube* are cook· ed. Jllllh Illa .-. lc«p Into the pl...,,le .. llley pierce the hard core. To serve as a main course, allow two kabobs per person. llaelpe can be )lalved !or !""r oervtnp. M1k,. II lo Ill kabnbt. 4 cUps water 4 . tea ball 4 ·lelis- ba leaVM' I 11 to 1 eur7¥' 1 • I can (41 -) lln1"" pint fruit pcllldl; dllJled •,1 teaspoon mini a1fl!CI, Gjlllen.tl • Lemen IQCei I • Brtn1 wattr to a boll al •leap tea ball tn u&ual. -ner: atlr In 11111ar 10 llale, unUJ diuo)ved; chill let. .!1111 before 1trvtn1. eomt!lne tea encl chilled Hawaiian l'ml<bj add mini extract, If duJnd. Garnlsl! will> ~ allew ... lt!'Ve well k:td. M1kts lbart JO tall alusa· ' • • ·- • . . ' . ifl DAILY ,ILOT Wo!M'"1, Jv~ 2'1, 1970 Almonds Enhance Chicken Croquettes Corned Beef Gains Corned beef aandwlches galn new favor when prepartd with sauerkraut, swiss cheete and rye bread. 8 slices seeded rye bttad Sliced Swiss cheese Sliced cooked comed beef l'repa'ed muitard New Flqyqr U ¥tM bave a twlktrin& of the mb:l!Jrt for uch cro-K~p hot In a warm qven. v lowr'h out I ~lonal·klok· · quette, mOld into 8 -cone Sd've 'With Mushroom Sallct. 3 tablespoons Dour II teispooo pepper Ing illb, try ,oUr 11""'1 at shapes. . MakOI f servi')&S -2, <ro-croquettll. I .. · Dip croquettes In egg-mUk · 'q~ttes per pOrtion. Formed Into eorte1 and deep-· mixture, then In b r e a d ' rat fried, croquettes mate a crumbs; let dry for 30 MUSllROOM SAUCE fine main course for a com-minutes. Fry, a feW at a time, l cup sliced fr e.s h V4 teaspoon crushed dried tarragon I \~ cups fal-frte Clear chicken broth v, cup mili: ter for l minute. Stir in Oou.r:. pepper and tarragon. Remove from beat; gradually stir in ~ken stock and milk, keep- ing ·smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring cwtstantly, u n ti I thickeoed. Reduce heal: cook over low heat for a mloutes, stin'l.ng occasionally. 'Add aa.J,t. PHYU.'S REUBEN . SANDWICHES Into a I-Inch skillet turn the undrained sauerkraut and the sugar; heal; drain thoroughly . pany lunch or aupper. in deep hot fat ('75) degrees mushrooms In the fGllotrini recipe for until golden-brown. 2 tablespoons butter or crqq,~. chicken, bqrolny Drain on absorbent paper. margarine Salt to taste In a medium saucepan, genLly cook mu.shro0ms In but. l can (8 ounces) sauerkriU1 1 tablespoon sty::ar Cover 4 of the bread slices with tM Swiss cheese; add a layer of sauerkraut,' then JritS ind almonds combi'18 in mteresUng fashion. A mushroom aauce to arve with the croquettes is • delicious accompaniment ' CHICKEN HOMINY CROQUETl'ES I 1 tablespoon butt er o r margarine . 14 cup Qnely· grated onion, pulp and' juice 1 cup fit-free cleat chicken broth ~~ cup enricbe.d wblte ·quick.· cociklng hominy g;u l cups lmlf&<:bopped lino) cooked· chicken 1/3 cup grated blanched f lmonds, use an electric b5ender .or baod-Operated rotary 11ut grater J Salt and white papper to la$le 1 ecg llghlly beaten with 2 tablespoons milk \2 cu p fine dry bread crumbs Deet> fat for frying Mushroom Sauce, see recipe In a medium saucepan melt the butter; add onion and chicken broth; bring to a boll. Slowly stir ln grits; cook: un- covered, stirring occasionally, until thickened -2'12 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat Stir in chicken and almonds, mixing well. Stir in salt aod pepper. Cover and chJll 3 hours or overnight Using v, cup (from a fractiooa1 measuring set) Side-pleated 9157 1D.-20 I,,,, 11f ,,.j..., 1lf~"f ... . Slde pleats swlrl lbe l;klm- mer into sudden, swin'ging m1> tion. The neck is square. back and front. Look you may, but )'OU'll never find a nicer dress. Printed Pattern 9 1 5 7 : Misses' Sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Siie 14 (bust 34) takes 214 yards 45-lneh fabric . SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for Each pattern -add 25 cents for each pattern for Air Mail and Special Handling ; otherwise third-class delivery wtll take three-weeks or more. Send to Marian Marttn, (the Daily Pilot. m. Pattern Dept., 232 West lath St., New York, N.Y. 10011 ~ 'Print NAME, AD- DRF.SS, with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Bil), NEW SPRING-SUM· MER PAT!'f;RN CATALOG. 111 styles, fM pattern coupon. 50 -· INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today, .wear tomor- row. fl. Ice Coats ti©t Pears . . Quick llessert that's dt- licious. MINCEMEAT PEARS 1 r:an (1 pouod. 13 ounces) Bartlett pear hives 'A cup (scant) ready-to-use mincemul I pint vullla I« crum Drain pears; pl1Ct, cavity Ilda up, in a amaD aballow pu. r.w each pear cavity wlll lilloul I la b I e s p o o n lnloc<meat. ~~with loll. Bake tn a p-e«ated 450-degree .... until he1tef thrwgh - c.1 Jn.1a for~.,..,.....,.,... c.1............ ,, PllSH HIN TUUEYS DUNOINISS Cl.U MUI IONILESS HAM . @•.,: ·sucu.-u·co.1-1 ~ .. 7tj ~, .• 59c ; ---·-·-,,. .ua SAISAtl .... -............ J ,,._, ............ _ ... , .. -~·-···"' Top Sirlom -=::.::::" '1'.! lloneleSs Road "!:" 'I'! ChlCk Steaks =: 59• FGllilJ Steaks ~ '1'! Center Cut Chuck ~~. 59~ Boneless Chuck '":~.="' Rolled Beef Roasts · ': flo.! Fresh Ground Chuck ~ 77~ I BEECH·NUT BABY FOOD St1ainocl.Asrorlocl Varieties. Handy Twist Top.4~.0z. Jar, •• MARGARINE ·. . /V/O/N/S/ :""'"'""" ....Smootli ~-\.119 .... --·-Spreading ... t:'!\'I. . FAB ·DETERGENT ·-iO'RAx tiio•t Pkg. FROZENr"5 ......., "''' V°';.t* ... PEANUT BURER Delicious... Q'6 oQ Creamy or Nulty I '"' ··HAWAIIAN PUNCH =-~ -.co..11-.-............. Ale ~· T o...int !MIL-. ........... 59.: ...... .QfAN .. Miracle While ~ _..,.Jwb *«CAM , .. , ......... 3lc ~AM~-··· ............. Sl.09 ......,.. htf !MIL (Alt ••• ., •• ........ 6/99C: "'· ..... ,., Oii ....... 69' ............ · ..... ''" YUIAN COFFEE ~'I•~ 111t:; 2" C()()f(B) HAM lkrl. .a l'JIO. .. , ... ~. '" WATERMELON =~~ I Nowotl'Ht J 79' awm &. ;UIC'I' Flavor! ' '' ILUEIERRIES '::: :::." 49' VONS 1n_1111139c IRUUP PlAIN. mom a. . IOllKIOUOM. IOff & ClfAMT COOL MINI. CAKE -.:..-v:..-8198' Modw" lohried · -ctUMI ........ ,, Golden Bananas .. ~. Cuc11mbers :::::. ........ Potatoes "·' ~ .. ¥1'111!1~ .... La. Fresh Spinach .: 21' SAVE 19• lonlHS Biscuits ':E-3 i 291 Beef r-1es -=--.:-::::-751 Slctd Pmra111i .. .::! :-· 491 Cll'llld Beef ::...-=~ 591 ~~...,.,.. _ •.•• • ••• ... 2/29c I ~ R.tried 1eo .. "' (AN .................... 33c ~ ii:"' -QM •• • • ... .. • 2/35c w-nta Endt.l&oda Souc. -.. -. .... .. .. .•.• I 9t .. Mli. 9-f'""' .... -•••••...• • "' IMtDnt l'oto1a '1ok. -. l.Y. -• •• • • •• $$( IC KIMMl'SNPood t-.$11'& 140t.CAN, 2/S3t Scolloplcf rototoe. -.Mi.-. .. ,, .... Alt k.111 "-n. f. CWd!MN ,_. -. CM 2/33c All Gnltift "*'-----. .... . .. .... 43c ...,,. "" .... -.oat. ... QM..... • . ... 4:k llu.Mny f'll fll"'9 OIMflOa.•.ot.CAM.,0 •• • 51( r..ch Pie flll!ig ~ fl.(ll.(MI ~ ........ .sSc: ...,..,,. Jed Molhld , .... SKiii.-• •••·• 99t Sriwy 'lltach -. .... .• •• .. • .. . .. . . ' •. '8c FOLGER'S COFFEE I :!87• f ~•in 1=•2'1 • Folger's llulont CoH.e ll4L..,. ....... .. .. 11 1s ~ =• pean with 10111 -ol V11nllla Ice cream. 34081 -•to7 ..W.S. Adams Ave., at Brookhurs~ ttuntlngton Beach Doheny Park Drive, ca~strana Beadl 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beacll [v/o51/s)l;@!!•D•Mif ' ' CcJ fcime Oranoe: JI/le• 11.01. C.wt4k. ~~i Girt0 ChNw l'iua 11141. sin ........... .-...... ~. 4'c J-'1 Pina Roll1 ,.,..,,. • CMIUI, ~ .. ,.· •• ~ J11ia'1 Pina RaU1 $MIU.GI• Cl!IQ(, aou. ;';.~,.... ••• et Kaid Ki1t lurguncly IHf tJ.a.I.-. .... • .,. $1~ Morton friAt & Cr9mt Pitt """"°"' ...... ~.:' ~i;.1-· -'Pc Mn, Smith cn.rry PJ.i .Or ... II •··· .. '!I,~ .. ~. ilJc Tom Thumb lfff•Stew MH ••.•••.•••• , .......... $11" Tam Thumb Chi(k-ri & Ow!pli1'19' J.lll. ......... $!"" Tom Thumb Mtat lall1 & Naodl.1 MIL ......... $1.9' lrHIW«I Orong4o Juic• II«.~ Jlo. ~ #, • foe . - • c .. o... "'°""" •.oz. .... ·· ··• Your • fmidi Gretn .... ·= --. "' • Mlud V~ ie.OL-. •.• CfiOIC'I, 7·DAYSAUI n.,,,.. Thni Wtd., My 30-l.ut. $ ... -.. -,. .. -. ... . . . ... . . -· :.· .:·.:·~-~~:......:::==~:.......:.._.:;... ____ .:...:, __ .:...;:__....:...::. ------~-----------------------·--- JANI ~ l1 ,> • . t , . .;.: . F .. i1 PL Gj A I· ----------------,----~ ----- -. \i [ • , PILOT.ADVERTISER N Wednesday, July 29, 1970 ' ' 13 VARlnlES 9 TO 16-0Z. PKGS. .12·0:Z. CANS '· ...................... . BIG "G" CEREAL c CHEERIOS EA. DRUMSTICKS, ESKIMO PIES, 5 9 TOWNHOUSE ICE CREAM SANDWICHES, c HEATH BA R, BABY RUTH IMITATION ICE CREAM ea BAR, ESKIMO PIE THIN MINTS-18-Ct. Pkg.I JANE ANDERSON Quart 45c Mf YONNAISE ••••••••••••••• J:· .. . . OH BOY CARNATION lB SAVE cHEesE 1NsTANT . , 100 PIZZAS BREAKFAST :~ ,.,;-2 Reg.· BBC 8 FLAVORS & 59c .• Pkg. Full , VARIETY PACK of Pound : 6-Envl. Pkg. . JP.??summer Liqrio~ Dept. Savings :. . BIG HALF GAL. Sale . SAVE $666 VODKA ~a~s:v •...•.•••.•... $1.3"3 . ar...y GIN Suodod'"d 80 Proof SAVE $666 ~ •••••••••••••••• $1.33 ·aoURBON Old Corovon SAVE s711 •••••••••••••• $1.52 HISKEY FohGro,,d.SYe.,OldSlro;ghl SAVI $777 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $1.12 Y GIN Londoo Bridgo 90 Proof SAVE $777 ................. $1 .02 OTCH .. S<oh Mist • • SAVI $888 .................. $1.07 Discount Personal Needs •r;J OTHERS DISCOUNT CHARGE , PRICE TQ.OTH PASTE ..................................... ~;:·~;:;: 89i ......... 69' IRRN FRU SH~POO .................... ~"~·-,0:-:: $1 .35 ..... ' ... 99' ij~RS~Y ...................................... m10.'I;:~ 87i ......... SI' P STIC MENDER ............................... '~'.'."t'.~' 59i ......... 46' G ft HOOK & EYE ............................... '.:::,!;, 35i ......... 27' Aucn QUUN ...................................... !:,;~:: 69J ......... SS' • Wtdnts<lay, July 2', 1970 DAILY PILOT 43 EC p ON ALL PURCHASES NO COUPON RIQUllED LE!!! c LB. FRESH -OREGON SILVER SALMON TO IAKE IV THE PIECE 98~ BONELESS LARGE END CHUCK 99c ROAST. • • lb RIB . ROAST RIB ROAST s~~~L FROZEN MEAT DEPT. SPECIAl,S Mu. Frid•y'" •·••· 98' 0.0URMET SHRIMP • ; •••••••••••• , •••••• , Plt9. Mrs. Fri d1•f1 I-lb. $17t G'.OURMn SHRIMP • , ••••••••••• • ••• ,, •••• Pk9. Gorton 14-01. 79• FISH STICKS •••.• , • , •• , , •• , •. , • , ••••••• Plt9, GoJrlon 1-ot. S9' FISH CRISrt , , •••••• , ••••• , •• , ••• , , • , , , Pk9. Gorto11 7-ot. 98' SCALLOP CRISPS • , , , , , , , , , •• , • , , • , • , , , , Plt9. Rupert l ·ol. 98' FRIED HALllUT • , ••••••• , • , ••••• , , , -~,., Plt9. Rupert 14-or. S 1 " FRIED SCALLOPS ••• , ••••••• , , , , , • , ••• , , • , Pkg. Rupert w/8uH1r S1uc 1 9.01, 79• SOLE FILLETS • , , , , •• , , • , •••••• , , , , ••••. , Plt9. SHANK c HALF T11r1k V11I 12.0, 7 9 ' DRUMSTICKS •••• , • , .• , • , • , • , •• , ••• , , , , , P~t.' • 1 , , ' c ..... ''" ... ' .. '""" ,,, 9I' IUTI 59' • HAM $119 : WHOll 59' .... STEAKS ' ................ ; ......... ;lb. POITION Jb l SUCIS ' I~ : HAMS Jb Gf-j;> l!inest Freshest Garden Fo_ods ~ UNION LABEL SEEDLESS GRAPES .... c STUFFING SIZE -GREEN BELL PEPPERS ... ·10~ TASTY VINE RIPENED MELONS!r~~~DIW ....... 12~ COACHELLA VALLEY , 6' i CALIFORNIA HAAS 49 C SWEn CORN .. .... ; AVOCADOS.... .. FIRST OF THE SEASON 2 3 BARTLEn PIEARS............ ~ c4'P Delicatessen Tr.eats c4'P LEO 'S -BEEF, PASTRAMI, CORNED BEEF LEO'S -CHICKEN, TURKEY, HAM SLICED MEATS JANE ANDERSON PROCESSED AMERICAN ~;;~~~~ CHEESE SPREAD l·OI. 35c Pkg. ti SLICED MEATS ... 'f~ 1'111 «111 11·.1 l 1,:~···' lii .... 11111 ... ) i ,, A fl,. , ..... 59c Pkt · l·oz. 45c Pkg. ea PILLSIUR,Y BISCUITS 8-01. 9' Tube KRAFT-MONTEREY CHUNKS • ' 9 JACK CHEESE . ~ ............. 7 ~ Prices Effective Thursday lhru Sunday, July 30, 31, Aug. I, 2 ' • 2701 HARBOR BLVD •• COSTA MESA e 1~922 BROOKP.U RST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA . 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEAC~ e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO I ~ i:::::..._:==~=====--.:..........:..·..:.· __;_· __:·.:· ::.:--:.:·:.::.·· -.. . --.. ~· .... -. .. . . ... . -'P "' • --' ---::-::~ ~ .... ~-._ .. ___ --. __ ._ ._ -_ -":' .. ~ "'_ -_.. . . ... . . . . .-.~ .... --.. -·--_,, ...__ ----------~ --... ---.... -... -----· --. ----" --... • , " ' . " :· ' ,. ' I I ' ·1 ,, " • • • , . <f4 DAILY PILOT I r " . PORTERHOUSE ORT-BONE STEAKS U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR MAYFAIR BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF TAILS OFF -IDEAL FOR BAR 0 B0 Q • ··~ lb. BRIAllFAIT IPECIAU .. GROUND CHUCK . FRESH, EXTRA LEAN FINEST IN GROUND MIATS ' CUBE STEAKS U.S.D.AJ. OIOICE $ 1 39 ORMATFAIR . . BLUE llaON · BONELE·ss ROASTS 'U.S.D.A. Ol()la Oii MAYFAIR BLUE llll!ION STEER BEEF , CENTER CUT OIUCK OR·SHOULDBQ.OD .,. . ' .. SHORT ·RIBS PORK UIK SAUSAGE ~.J,~ts':.-0z.PKG .......... 33' .AU. LEAN MEAT FOR QUICK MEALS lb. RATH SUCED BACON ~f,~,~·:.~,~~ .. .. .. 1s 89' :.'.1 :··", CUT G-N BEANS :18:mu. GlllDIPIAI NO.lOICAN ~IAM CORN O«WHOUKIONUNO '" . BDTS $UCIO OI WHOU NO. )0) CAN. ~~U s~s1 GETON E IUY . • MORE FOR .......... . • SEAFOOD SPEC IALS HALIBUT STEAKS 98' CENTER C\J1 ............... Jc ........................... Ip. BUTIERED BEEF , OR VEAL STEAKS SWORDFISH STEAKS 98' i------"'NTER ClJT ......... ~u ... .,,,_.._, • lb. MAYfRESH · . 65' 12-0Z. PKG .... -............... .... . . MA Y·FRE5H suc.o PEACHES NO~~~z.~ ~~~ s~s 1 ~~R~~~. ·············· MA YFRESH i~~ MARGARINE PORK & MAYFRESH BEANS NO 21> CAN YOU 4'$1 GET ONE BUY • MORE FOR ..... MA YFRESH ~:~~­MACARONI :.~ YOU 4' $1 GET ONE BUY Y MORE FOR .......... .. YUBAN COFFIE 2-l l. CAN ... S 1.81 l ·ll. CAN ... S2 69 I> PAPER MAYFAIR " TOWELS J~~ YOU ]'$1 GET ONE BUY • MORE FOR ..... I> TOMA TO MAYFRESH " JUICE ••-01-CAN you 3· •s1 GETONE BUY Y MORE FOR ............. . 4i'C> Doill!I SptWits ! IMITATION 'ICE CREAM ARDEN DANISH PRIM 1-LI. 91 C CAN t ,,. )¥1 POPPY BRAND FREsH " DUCKLI U.S.D,A. "S: GRADE A .. : . APPLE JUICE Af :: MAYFRESH 1 32-0Z. BTl. ~ You3 · s 1 GEi'ONE BUY f MORE FOR ... , .. : ; . '. ALllA SIL TZI 36-CT.FOll PACK ...... : ................... 79' ~~.~"'~!'.~~~ _ . . ................... s 1 as ,,-------..;;,..'· --m~fair fruits & Vtgttab&S--::::-------..,..---_;.;':-· CUCUMBERS FRESH, lONG, GREEN .......... ~ ...... . ....• EACH 1 OC CARROTS 10' FRESH, CIUSP, TENl>ER ....................................................... _ .. lb. \ ~ .. -~ .... I SWEET . TENDER HUSK ON ~ EA. -SPANISH ONIONS 1 0' U.S.. NO. 1 _ ........................ -........... -. ...................................... lb • .I ~ • • .. • • • • • • • f .. • • • .. .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. -_; __ . ____ ,_. .. -· . , . -----.. -----'-'--·~ -~-------~ ........... -_-3._ -----·---. .-FRESH PLUM SALE __ ....._:; PLUM ~ QUEEN ANN • NUBIA NA . ~~· : . LA RODA •ACE • KELSEY '. YOUR CHOICE Milt 'EM .0~. MATCH 'EM s lbs. ' I M~ ful :~ ----------------~-------- or OR MAYFAIR ILUE RIB_BON -TRIMMED ' '· . ... s 1 ?.' s119 ................ ··' $1~.' m@Yfair-Frozcn food;~- ~ .ORANGE JUICI J~;! MA YFRESH FROZEN " -OZ.CAN " OU 4b$1 GOONE , UY • MORE FOR .. .. IMAYFRESH VEGETABLES ~ M!1.~· . . PEAS, CUT CORN, PEAS & -c;,-. OR CHOPPED BROCCOU • • ~u :s 1 ~~TR~~~R ................................... . MAYFRESH YOU • s GET ONE . 1~ REG. OR flf, 9-0Z ... G. euv61 1 MORE FOR ..... • ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE ROASTS FROM .. :. · STEAKS OR OR """"YFAIR BLUE RIBBON U.S.0 .A. CHOICE BEEF. REMEMBER TH • BEST ·BUY IS MAYFAIR'S E T ll 1 .. M • . CAllEFULL y 'EV •• , -.0 MEATS AT THE LOWEST ER VOA Y PRICES ANYWHERE. · ,U.S.,D.A. CHOICE _ BWE RIBBON S.TEER BEEF BONELESS .51.EAK.5 · CENTER CUT CHUCK FA/AIL Y OR SWISS SMOKED BEEF, HAM, TURKEY, CHICKEN & PASTUMI OR CORNED BEEF, 3-0Z. PKG. c . lb . l! All MEAT c !!!~.~.~ ......... 55EA. IMPORTED HAM 65' ZWAN SLICED 4·0Z. PKG .............................................. ., ..• SMOKED PICNICS $4'89 CEDAR FARMS 3-LB. CAN , ............................ ""'""'""'....... ~ - vouR cH01cE -MIX oR MATCH WESSON OIL 24 oz. ....... _ ....... _. 49c VORINOFF VODKA ,,,, ....... ~'.~·,~; I EE OP . c BERWICK'S GIN ..... ""o~,'~~~:; APPLE JUICE i~ G!L ................ 65 - WHI CKY CANA.Ol ... l'j EOMUNTON'S ~ •. , • , •• , , •• , , , , , , , •• , •• 80 'ROOf FIFTH TEQ~ I LA ~~~~ ~~~~~'.~~ ............... '.~ ~~' BLE~DED WHISKEY o~;~~~.~~~,':;, BOURBON •OYALOCCA~ION IOY~.OLO 10 'JOOf • , , , • , •• , • , .• , , , , , • , 11,TH BRANDY ~~~.~~~~·········· .......... ·.~~~~~ SCOTCH .................... ~~~ao0!~:i,~~~ -RUM 'cA•• MIA GOLD o• uGHr j ••... , . • .....••••••••••••.. 80 PI OOf ou .... 1 'lillBEY'S GIN ..................... '.''.:~: • iR.o PRJaS EFFECTIVE 7 FinlDA YS THURS., JULY 30 THRll WED., AUG. S 175 E. 17th St COSTA MESA _!edntsdJlY, July 29, 1'170 •x -• • .• --• ·.:.:..-; -• -..... -, -:.-.... , ..... --:, ~. -•• -:, -.. \ ... ;. :. ·.-:.:.-:. "7.:.. •• -.; -• • .... -..... ..._ ... -:-~ ------------------------·-·--~---------··--------------·------·· - --DAILY PILOT 45 I ................. ~ ~ .. - .. i - •• . . ' . ' . . .. ... . . . . .,. ___ ... _ ...... • • . .. . . . •• " • as DAILY PILOT Wtdntsday, J11!1 29, 1970 Wtdntsday, July~. 1970 N 'G' PILOT-ADVERTI~ER ==-=::::...:~:c._ _ _.: Idea for Breakfast Accent's on Convenience for Cuisine Oats Enrich Muff ins Fine dining will survive the talk business over meals and ln Interviews with doz.e.ns bu&iness,'' Lbe magazine ad· or a door; gas-fired, Wra-red 19705 as a prerogative o( the often take the cost of the of food service le ad er s , ded. But who wlll prepare ovens speedy enough to com· very rich.. Food service for meal s as tax-<ieductlble Institutions reached other con-the take-out foods? pete with lhe present con--• •• the rest of 115 will be stan-business expense. Sh a pi r o clusloos depressing to lovers "It will be dlflicult or im-vecUon and microwave ovens . Brown sugar and molasses dark brown sugar and raisins. Add mo!a-9, wrote that he ex:pects tax of haute cuisine. Tttey theoriz-pcssible to find employes to Sell-cleaning ovens and help to give lheae muffins " cup raisins egg. oil and milk; stir only r dardized, dependent largely on reform to reduce the amount ed that sophisticated elec-do menial labor," the fryers that wilt drain and good flavor . Makes 2 dozen. '~ cup molasses until dry ingredients are frozen prepared meals and of money available for such tronic equ.ipment is coming magazine said. "Automated clean thcmselve! when an OATMEAL RAISIN MUFFINS 1 large egg, slightly beaten moistened. other convenience products. enlertafning. that will permit women l.o equipment must fill the gap." • operator pushes a button ; 1 cup silted flour 3 tablespoons salad (not Batter will be very Uiin. This disheartening forecast At tf>e same time, he shop from home for groceries. Institutional equipment that dishes chemically constructed , olive) oil Fill greased medium muffln- rorecas( increased wages for The same equipment also lhe magazine expects to be to dissolve ay a specific 1 teaspooo baking powder 1 cup milk pan cups ~4 fllll. Bake in a for the new decade was made restaurants employes that will aiuld permit her to order "universally available before temperature in an oven-type \7. teaspoon baking soda · Into a medium mixing bov.•l preheated 425-degree oven un- in a recent issue of lnstitu-be passed on to guesla as completely prepa,red meals. the end of the next decade" unit; and a garbage disposer II.a tea.spoon salt !lift together t.he flour, baking ti! a cake tester inserted in lions, a trade magazine for higher prices for food and "The result could be a fan-includes a refrigeraUon unit that will use the garbage as. l cup quick-cooking .oats po\vder, baking soda and salt. center comes out clean -ll the service world. beverages. tasUc take-out with an air screen irl!lead a 90urc.e of light and power. 2 tablespoons finnly packed SUr In oats, brown sugar to 20 minutes. It quoted one.-restaurant --'--:..:....-==-======:::;====--=--.::---'---:---'---------_;;_-_:_ _____ _:_ __ _:_=_:_-=:....=~:=.==-=:=:....::.. ______ -: manager as saying that even homecooked meals w i I I become a treat, as more wives join lbe labor force. ". , .it will be hard to find a wife that cooks in the next 20 years," said Ray Castro, general manager ol Jacques French Restaurants. In one articl!, Eli Shapiro, a Harvard Un iversity economist. atiributed t h e situation lo several factors, including the changing age mix of our population, from the decade of the teen-agers to the decade of the young marrieds. People starting. f a m i 11 e s often must borrow money for housing, home rumishinga and otmr consumer goOds they need to set up housekeeping. They're not likely to spend 1nuch on fancy dining out, Shapiro wrote. Nor will many elderly peo- ple be what Shapiro calls '·im· portant customers of the higher·priced dining spots." lie said they won't be ex· lravaganl because they'll be living on past income and worried about the future . On the bright side, the economist forecast rising in· comes in general and more even distribution of income among the United States population. He added that thla won't help p restige restaurants because the people v.·ho will benefit most from rising income aren't used to dining in expensive places. Shapiro predicted tMy'll tend to eat out more often in economy type operaUons, like the franchi&e restaurants. In major cities. many high- priced restaurants are patron- ized heavily by executives who Action-minded 9415 e.1e ·in, 1l(,..; .... 11f ... -( ... Striding thru the suburbs, touring the town -this pant- dress takes care of ho!.h and v.'hatever the day brings! Line panels in same or contrast. Printed Pattern 94.15: NEW 1'1isses' Sizes 8, 10. 12, 14. 16, 18. Site 12 (bust 34) takes 3 yards t>Mch fabric. SEVENTY -FIVE CENTS for each pattern -add 25 cents for each pallern for Air h1ail and Special Han dl ing : othenvlse thir<k:lass delivery will take three weeks; or more. Send lo htarian Martin. the Daily Pilot. 442, Pattern Dept., 232 West lllh St., New York. N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, AD- DRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STI'LE NUMBER. BIG, NEW SPRING.SUM· MER PATrERN CATALOG. 111 styles, free pa ttern coupon , 50 cents. INSTANT SEWING BOOK ,.w today. wear tomorrow. $1. INSTANT FASHION BOOK -Wbat·to-wear 1n1wera, ac· ctll04')'. lilure Upsl Only II . lemon Touch Grated lemon rlnd makes • deliciout . prlnkle on con- 1 densed cream or aapara'us IOUp. ' Instant Hi•C 'AA' ' Banquet Lucerne~ ··Brea'kfast Dr~nks Butter Dinners Yogu~ ~ t une-Assorted Aavors. In Assorted Flmr>-1.ow In Price! First Quality-Shady lane Flash-Frwen-'.ln Assorted Friorite• Choice Of Many Assorted Aioors. . •... , .. ..... USDA Choice Beef Flavorful Blade Cut Ideal To Pot Roast • 41•1L ~ . • l ·I~ ~ . USDA Choice Beef Bone-In Full Center Cut Round Steaks ' • ll•IL ~ . Fresh Ground lean And Flavorful Beef • •1,.,,, ~ . For Sunday Dinner. lb. low, low Price! lb • Grouild Beef $111 2-lb. Chub ' LOW DISCOUNT PRICES LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ! LOW DISCOUNT PRICE§ ; Swift's Snuga ,-:::, ::: He Sllcld 1111 Uttr ,:;. .. He 1111 Cron 111111 'J!:' •. Sic C11111d Plclla .:::.'::. 13" Top Sirloin Steaks =i'f": "· $1 1 ' Boneless Beef Roast R~~.:-4 ~~ S·1rlo·1n Ti1p Steaks ='a..'!:': 11. $] 2t O·Bone Roast "'"'1u1. s"''d" cu•• ..Lnc USDA Cho1ct Graded Beef I~~ Ca.-• H•' SWft's .......... -· 14• ..... -••at llkllMJ - Cod FHltls ~~= .. lie Ptrell FIHlts c::r~ ~· a. lie H11iltut ,~,.=i~ ~ Ile Sltrllag Franks ,.... ::· 5k Swiss Steaks ~~~ ';;'.~:S:~~· "· 79' Center 7-Bone Roast c::. ···w ... .... . Northwestern Bing Variety targe & Sweet 20 lb. l ug $6.59 31bs. $) for Veal Chops Foney Quality Fi1111 Golden Ri~ Top Quality Bonano• From C9ntrol America Jumbo Cantaloupe s~;f.£. 3 ft• $1 Seedl . G T~ •• , ... Y•rit1J 3 $1 ess rapes ~::~:;,r.h6flr.~ '~ Fresh Sweet Corn &~~ 6 o;:, 69' Tomatoes .\.:;~,!'.:!i P• I ~ .. llti .. R0t 1neapp e w1• "'"'11" Artichoke Hearts ~------ II. 29 1 .... 491 3 •.•• '1 I•~ Large Plums ~~~~ 4 ,.., 11 Yellow Onions .'!ti 3~291 Juice Oranges .~::::r .. 8 .'!; 981 _..__ :.. 8tadf! Or 7-Bont Cuti To Pan.fry 0.-For Broitina: "· 79' Beef Rump •' Bone·tn Cirts • :·: Roast uso• '";" ... r ·n.· f DISCOUNT ON NON-FOODS Plus Platin1111 ~ ,'f:t:.' ~:~ 66; Right Giard Deodora•t .~: :~. 69; Listerine A1tiseptic '~·,•t 88; B1Heri1 Tablets ,:f~".':.tt ,,•:•;. 99; Crest Toothpaste ~ ~,~ •;;;:L 72; R1bbi1g Alcohol = ·~~L 18; Hair Spray ~':".:~.::Jd 1!;.L 531 DISCOUNT FROZEN FOODS Bel • F it p· Ml ()cept 1.1 ... 33; -air n . MIS ~""""' ,,, Bel • Co --J-1• 53; •alf m fmll Gardeo Tato .. ~ Bel4ir Peas rr.,;.., 1N1111y 2·1• w Fmh Garden Tutt ,t,. Ice Cream eotinioft Cttot1nt-1n -69; Mlny p""" ,_. .... MCP Frail Dri1ks """'" ..... 10-... Pritts Elltttiwe 111 lktn1N Saltwlf Di • Old Calhoun Bourbon ,:;( ·~ -~· Cold Brook Whiskey :.".~ ~~ MacNair's Scotch ~,;,:i ,,... s4n Stanton's Gin .~~~~:'rt:!-;,i 1,.. Kavlana Vodka A°i~.f~:k ''"' '2" .. Canadian Hill Whiskey ''.ii:\'f' F.d 1· B d -1-lde~ ··' "SAM 1 e is ran y ... .,~ °"'';.,, ,,, -.- DISCOUNT DELICATESSE :'i Lacerne Potato Salad .:';. 31' Cottage Cheese t:'C~'.C::= ¢;.,33' Coldbrook Margarine ~ · 1r Lacene Com Tortillas °" '17' BISC• 1'1ts Mo. Wrirtit'H!eady .to Btko t.ft. '•' ., P111il or Buttenn1lk ••• LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON GARDEN SUPPLIES • ., • •fllOT-ADVERTISER 1 N Wtdnesd1y, July 29, lml W!dntsd'Y, July 2', 1970 DAILY '!LOT 47 ,_ Perfect Parf·aits for Summer Feature Creme de · I M~r:lthe , ' DEAR NAN: You mtatioHd vanllla ice cream for an at· a doubl~i~er. Cool Then "Heavenly Homemade Ice celel')' seed drtt&bi.11 wblcil 1mootll. Makes I ~ cups. sliced peaches or blnanu, ~m:. .. f am not tare wldeh frozen~ creme de matlte tractive ef!ect and good tste. whtp a pu1t of heavy cream Cream." You may have a 11 lw 1weet ud l tJdak could NORMA CLEUVER, PARK mix 14 teupoon lllMOn J~ ..e W ta..""" y-.my " 1 parfaUJI u btlq 1udi a "\ ~ with a dollop of whipped with~ teupdon aall. Combine copy by sending 2S cents and eve• be adjuted for 1u11rlff1 RIDGE, ILL. with each temnC Wort y<J a 'IUee tf Mr ......... t ·~et.rtfreshln1 detseri but you cream and a marasc.ilino cher-the two, pour into paper mut-a lo n&, self.addressed, dJe&s u wtU 11 folks without Yes, the appropriate number add the synp" IO the fruits t.tud. -MRS. £. R. ST. ::rv didn't tell ltow to make tbem. ry r1 chopped pl.stadtio nuts. fin eu:p1 for freellng. 1bey stamped envelope lo Nan a dietary probtem. of saccharin tablets dissolved won't darktn. Thia 11 nlc1 for CllAJU.ES, POMONA 11t Please! MRS. L .B . B ., Or you can make these up may be served right In the Wiiey in care or the DAILY Pour us cup suiar, 1 U:a-in the vinegar would be the cereals too. You aren 't the only one who ! PIIOENIX ahead of time and place In cupt or the paper may be PILOT. spooa salt, 1 I 1 b I esp o o 1 answer for a sugarless diet. remembers that one with 1i:.i1! You can do. them one of the freezer bul if yoor Parfait quickly peeled away, the papriU, 1/1 teupoo11 dry You can make your simple DEAR NAN: 1 Uvt ben fondnea. I get asked for It ut n1:ttirec ways. The simplest glasses are on tl)e fragile side' frozen demert topped with DEAR NAN: When you mustard, IJ. cup wine or cider syrup that way by dissolving looking for • reclpe ltr ••.U every DOW and then. It'a good "' method is just layering vanilla I wouldn't rflk it. It is too fudge 11uce. prinie<! a reader's salad dress-vinegar, I cup 1.alad oil, a 24 tablets ('I• grain each) in butter" fer )'tan. M )' '' on hot bi.scu\ta too • • u '•tee cream and c reme easy to break them . Ing recipe awbUe back, I tried t.hln 1llce Of <Mita and a half a cup of water. 1randmotber ued to m.U II '!be only authentic one 1 ~ >~de menthe In parfait &]asses The third way is to melt Be sure to try some of the It rf&bt away because It cou.ld table1poon of celery seed Into One tablespoon of this liquid on her farm Ill bdlltlL It have ever oome a~s Is in r , -when you get ready to serve, 16 large marshmallows with luscious homemade Ice cream be made In die blender. 1 tbe ble•der. Blend for 30 equals a like amount of sugar was made wttll some cplcu an lat'i' book. "To three well- or use both chocolate and 2/3 cup crtme de menthe in recipes in our new booklet, Uve uotller one I like, a secoed1 or uutll t.hlck and but, if you use. it on fl'Hb 1ucb is ctuamu, cle•tt ud beaten et1S1 add one pint of __________ :..:_.:.::::__:_..c__:...:.:_==--=--..:.::=::....:::....:.:___:.__:.:.__:_ ________ :_ _____ .c__ _____ :_..:._ ___________ _:__r-_ I JPOllMU or sorghum. Boil un· ll iMotor t 1 . Oil :. ~ Valwline30&.Wwl, TllQC020&30, n ilolrolioe 20 & 30, Quaker Stitt JI. · Choice Grade ·• i A~cJJ· s~~-. · ~t ·Value. Jb Canned ~ Beer 1---ii~ Now at Sa eway. · •• th1_greatest sale·.in_'ff>_t,M 1f __ PORCELAIN ·FINE C·HINA· • Orange Juice Bel-Air Fl•sllfrozen Concentrate. ' '¢ J)(t .,lace Kllini 11iccc witll every ~pu<dwc , Cat .Food • . Nu-Made Mayonnaise Crumy Smoot!l-Sit1dwlc!I Or Salo! I.Gld ltld lady In Assorted Amrs. • I l '/i•tL ~ ~ ' Fresli & Flavorful Eastern Cwn-fecl R-.rkers,. ;. l;ljrn And Meaty Shoulder Cut. lb. LOW DISCOUNT PRICES! LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ! •ulder Lamb, Cfiops ~~~ ... 9' Fresh Fryer ' Breasis G;~,.A mb Rib Cbops ,, .. hR;~!utl\nO 1~ s 1 n Fresh Fryer . ..,gs . i:;-n!,~ rge L~n Lamb Chop• 11. s1 n Fresh Fryer Wings [~"" .. all Loin Lamb ~hops 1 •• s1•• Fryer Backs & Necks ,~: llur!d In Plaln Or Dtcor- attd PIH1ms Too! ·dwards Coffee ·liiffon Towels iyal . Crown .cola ··· stl.e's Qu·ik · '·~~~:~?~'· :rge '~' Eggs aloJ.~Liquid lll4•1L ... .,... .. T ...... F"'! Dtily "'•······ For Relief Of Aclll!lr l·IL $159 '" .•. 11111 31c roll KiDSTdff! TWIN POPS 6•••29c ,, ul Bo!-' Assorted ... 4, J ce Bars . ,,: "-... Drtnisticks DtM&htt~ ••• 571 TISI• Treat ... ' . '' Es!cfmo Pie s,p ... ~t,7i A ho! r.,.<llJ . ... _ Sandwich Lucerne-rroz~ .... 571 Top Quality ... ' ' I ' AmOIY ' • SPAGHEm For A Qlick tllliMI DP.llr. S«w with Sauce & Mat Batis. r DISCOUNT BAKERY BUYS! Ci11am11· lofts, M~~;i::r· ••• 29' Angel F ... line ~~~ .·~ ~9' Skylark lijel .read ·~.' •:;:,• 31' Old Fm• Dot•ts .~·~ 4S-l1l~iS•IIRI lilrff,j :i:I~ f :! f:! I C11di Cle S1g1r 5 ~· 59' "S.flWly Cor1 F11kes ·:.~ 33' Kellogg's SjllCial K .~~' 1i;~· 54f Post's Grape..ll1ts f,:11~ 1:;~· 51' • • It's Ntwl-Witll E·Z Poorinc Bottle. a. Sure l S1Dci Up! HllTI'S CATSUP l2-tL43c Mlfft 1'11111 Ulldll '1111n.tlRWlt. . JoJy3111n lll-5 ' At1•IMI SllllJll ...... • • Ul Uticlt, stirring constanly • -lEfS-lSK ' THE COOK by :. Han Ynty to prevent twnpa or arching . Add a dash ol nubt\tl, allsplce or •Cinnamon befon pouring in a dish to cool." .. 1 would suggest uain1 low heat for this. There wUI be i... llkelhood of scor<hlng ... eggs going sttlngy in the mix· lure. NAN'S No'i'E8: Whlle the picnic ......, sUll ~ In lull swlng here · In tomethinl a little different tor dressing up that perennial picnic favorite. deviled eggs. To your regula r egg yolk flling , add minced green pepper, add plm.ienlo, plua a few toaled chopped almonds: You.'re on year awn with amOulta ror th e • c "coofetU ,egg's" but the ad· dltlon of them increa5e1 the . fl!Ung so you can mound It up In the whites nice and high. Dust with paprika. nus is nice for barbecue partJes whert you w a n t things just a little more apeclal than u.suaL Keep in In inlnd lor party 1u-. later ln .the ....... " ' ~ lf you would like a special deviled egg recipe, try "Devil· ed Eggs in Ul! Nest," which ,YQJ wUI find In our "Simply Super Salada" booklet. It you .haven't.c a copy of the b0ok1ct, aend 25 centa and a stamped , seU-addres~, L 0 NG en· velope to Nan Wiley in care of th.is newspaper. DEAR NAN: This laa't ex· adly a cooking quutlea but l doa't bow where e;lle to Mk. 1h tt possible to make your .,,. 1pray starcll that coakl' llie put into 1omeWng like tlte spray window daaaer boWe1? • lt would pi-obably b e cheaper but my main object is to . get away from those pressuriud spray cam. So oft.an thay. run out of fizz before' all the starCh Is uled, then they hive to be thrown out. LIL., LEBA.NON, Pa. Have. a go at this one, Mix ¥" cup instant cold water ·~cb with .: p1n1 of aild waterwatu. Pour that into a quart jar, add a pint ol hot water. Shake it well for even dlatrlbtition, then strain it. Pour .Into the type ol botll• Y<1i mentioned as needed but each time you do that, be aure to clean out the bottle eJunger with hot watef" or the •larch may .c\oc jt in t;roe. Mo I.asses Flavors ' . . c()(;)ki es Thia not -too • sweet cookie has good flavor and crltp tex- turt. MOLASSES COOKIEI 2 cups unsifted flour, stir to aerate before ~ur­ ing in: teaepoon baking soda 1Aa teupoon cinnamon V• leB.!POOfl ginger 1/• teaapoon cloves I/• teaspoon mact 1Aa cup (1 1Uck) butter or margarine in cup light molasses On wax paper thofouchly stir together the flour, baking soda and spices _ In I lar1e mWnc bowl cream butter and ~UMS. Gradually blend in the flour mixture. Cover and chill dou&h for 3 to ~ hours or overrdghl On a floured pam, cloth wilh a floured, stockintt -covered rolling pin, roll out .v. or the dough at a time IO it is quite thin. CUt out with a 2~· to 3 inch cookie cutter. Place t inch apart on rro.Md cookie sheets. Bake in a pr~ted 350- degree oven uotU llchl11. browned -I to JG minutes. With a wide spatula remove to wit< racks .to co61 . Store tn tightly covered tln bo:il. Makes abo\1t 3 doien g-Jsp cookies. ~· . 41 Olll Y ('!LOT Wtd~ay, JUiy 29, 1970 PILDT·ADVERTISU J J . .. • • • wi . . . I COE WHDE YOU'VE BEEN OR WHAT YOUiVE BEEN OFFEH~. YOU'RE SUIETQ \FOR OUR OFFER! DOrri Sl&N· ANY:ORDER WIT.ff ANY DEA\tR ON ANY .·aual8Y .J970 .. ·MUSTANG .·,;· . ·-t.DOOlHAIQJOP . l ~2499 " plus tax & license Ill • ' . ... 250 C.l.D. engine, fuel evaporated emisSion control system, whitewall tires. (OF01~135127) ------- . NEW ~,.R UNTIL YOU HAY~ B~ QOOJED DUNTO~ ~R.D PRICES. t}\ •• ~. '\ All. 197 .. De•••• .... on are re!lieved I•••. ••r• Yle.. tit app;e~. 4090 .. ..... :rt-e•• J91p ••rd• haY• IHid•tMlr 6.0 .... cllleck·"P -c.. are ready fer l•••dlate deliYery • · AA Mlldels T1 C-.Se Frat . ·' Most Cars FULLY EQUIPPED • T·Birds • Torinos • M•sta•1s • Galaxies •Ford LTD's .. BRAND NEW ·1970 8 ft. cab.over, sleeps {6), 2 burner stove, water tonk. ·SO lb. ice box. scree:n door, fu6I insulation, . queen size bed. Trutkhos heavy duty springs & tns, guages, "!"!' mim>r>. (52969) · ' . . ' '· , ... ~ Phone ,546•7076: . :-. . . . \ . . ,_.. -... " .. Ph.One 546-7076 . '5'6 FORD -, St1tion W19on. V-1, 1utom1tie tr1n1mi11ion, r.cli1, h11!1r. Lie. PUT 021. "41 FORD GALAXIE <4 dr. V•I , 1uto. h1n1 .. pow1r 1l11rl~, r1tlio. l ie. lGT 761. ~64 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. 11d1n. V-1, 1utom1tic lran1mi11ion, • r1dio, hail.,., 11 i11peei1l, SMM ]f], ·~ y·w COUPE 4·1p1ad, radio. .lie, SVW IJ I. '63 PLYMOUTH Wa9on . . .> cyl., 1uto. tr 1n1. IFV 666. .'63 GALAXIE . . • ' .4 Door, v.1, 1ulom1lie lr1n1rn i11iofl, powl'f ' ~ :.119', t1dio, fi11tar. low mil1191. HCN 241. '61 CHEVY Impala 4 dr. HT. v.1, 1uto. trans~ ·pwr 1f11r, nidi .. h11t1r, w/w lir11 . l ie. KIN 724. 1 '64 FORD GALAXIE 2 dt., v.1, 1uto •• tr1n1., pow1r 1l11ri119, f1dlo, h11!1r. l ie. ONZ 991. '64 YW COUPE • .- Stic• shift, r•dio, l ie. ONH I Jl, ' .$.399 '65 'MIJ$TANG Coup1, '6 cyl~1ticl 1hift, r1dio, h11f1r. lie, NPU 590. Cont. V-1, pow ... ,1t.1rin9, r1dio~ h11t1r, wh1•t eov1r1. Uc. UBM 17]. >g5 MOfllAG coAv. 4 IJ>91d, powff•lfearinlj, ,..dio, whil1 w1l11, l ie. ZSJ '955. '70 FORD VAN v.1, 1ulo.,tr1111 .. 1ir conditiot1i119. r1di1, low mil1191 •• Uc. 51754F. 161 FORD J1oo 6·eyl .. slic• shift. lie. 11010, · '65 FORD F600 Stake lie. No, l453SF. 168 International Jeep R1dio. 4 whMI drive. lie. XDC 194. '3499 $693 $1386 · $229.3 ~6l1 F~RD Fairlane . . . ' 2~r .... rd~p, V-1, •ulo. tr•111., ltO••r • •'f•ri119, r1dio, l ie. UHL 5)7, '67 MUSTANG Coupe -"67 l:TD · " -' . .t <4 dr. HT. V-1, 1uto. 1., fJic ory·1if., pow1r 1t11rin¢ r1di<Q l ie. uQ• S46. '67 FOR·D C~nfry Sed. • • V-1, 1uto • .fto1111, l"w•r 1t11rin9, r1dio, . htr, w/w tir11, wh11I co~1r1. l ie. VNE 16~; •'65 T•BIRD 2 dr. HT. y,.l ,.1uto. tr1n1, f1ct 1ir, powar 1t11ri11,9, r9dio, h11t.r, w/w tire•, tint1d • 9111-. wft11I Cf1Y•"'· lie. PEZ 611. , 1 ,68 FORD XL 'I 2·Df. HT. V·I, f1ct. 1ir, pow1r...,t"9fin9, pow1r windows, radio, h1•t.r, W/w tir1J, tlftted 91/11, wh11I COY1t1,·U.:VSY 651. '67 T·BIRD Coupe . v.1, f1c.tory 11ir, f~ll po-r, r1dio, ... i.yl ? roof, Uc.. TGY 199, '69 MUST ANG M.ach I Tlfl'llSt -AVAllASLL IF YOU CAN DO·llit.i U ••• SHOW US! ················-···········~-· - - • j . . . • • ~-u-. -- . '· . ·~ ..,. --., 1 ' I Wtd11esd17, July 29, 1970 -~ 1.! •• , · CADI LLA:C NINETE /3 N . SETf.ENTY ' ., • I . ; OVER. 80 QUALITY CADILLACS ' . ,ANO OTHER FINE CARS ' ' I. r , To~s·ELECT --FROM ' •i , , ' L'A RGEST SELECTION IN 4 . ~ ORANGE COUNTY! ,, / 1 ' . . ' l~·~c•DILLAC Sedan DeViUe. F\lll·JlSlwer, factory air conditioning, AM..EM nclio., tQ.t .1teerini: w~J. power door locks. electric , \90t w1riclows, -..utOmaUc. dimmers, etc. (01..1Ql2) ·. ! .. • . ::~ sl 111 1965 CADILLAC Fleetwood. Vinyl top, cloth &: leather interior, full power, factory air conditioning, tilt-telescopic wheel, AM·FM radio. (HP.O:SOl) 1967 CADILLAC OeVille convertible. Full powt!r, .factory air condl· tioninr: leathtt interior, tilt-telescopic wheel, AM· FJ.t, ~r door locks, twilight sentinel, power trunk opener. CTPZ161) . SALi $2999 PIUCI 1968 CADILLAC Sedan DeVUle. Vinyl top, cloth & leather Interior, full power and factory air conditionlilg, power door locks, vqy low. mileage; (ZVD660) OUR NEW 1970 CADILLAC SELECTION IS GREAT SALE $1777 PRICE 1967 RIVIERA SALi '$3888 PllCI . , 1969 . CADILLAC ALL MODELS • EQUIPMENT & COLOR CHOICES·· READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. • I ' Full power equipment plus factory air condltionlnr, AM·FM radio, vinyl interior, white side wall tired. (748) SALE s2·222 PRICE , 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVllle. VJeyl top, cloth Ii leather interior, full power, filct(jry" air-colldltk>rllng, AM-FM· radio', tilt-telescopic 'Yh_eel, power door lockl, twilight 1en· tine!, power tr)ink opener. (TGJJal) I S~LE $2333 PRICE 1969 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 2 Door hardtop .. Vinyl top, vinyl Interior, VB, aut.omatic, power 1tffting, power brakes, radio, healer, factory air conditioning, white walll etc;. <ZBC138) ' • ' SALE$2888. J PRICI Hardtop coupe. Full power, factory air, AM-FM, leather Interior, rear window defogger. Low mlleaa• 1 owner automobile. (YVV28ril SALi $4888 PRICI ~ 1969 CADl LLA,C Sedan DeVIJJe. VJnyl top. doth A Jeath_et; Interior, full power, factory. alr-oOnc!H.ion.lni, -dUal t!omfort seats, stereo multiplex, power-door .Joe Jui ttlt·tele- 1coplc wheel, twilight sentinel, power trunk opener, (065AGCJ :~~ '4888 1970 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Early trade-In. Cloth I: leather In· terior, full power, factory air conditioning, ste~o AM·l'M mUltlplex, poWer door locks, tllt·telescoplc wheel, twWa:ht sentinel, etc. Local, 1 owner car. C~lAFV) SALi $588'8 , ~ICI , , '~~~~~~-·~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' '· ' ( 1967 CADI LL AC Sedan neville: vuiyi toP, cloth A leather tntmor, full power, factory air, a~reo AM·FM multiplex, tilt-telescopic wheel, powef door lockl. CVGR244) SALE$2999 !'RICI ' ~600 Harbor Blvd., ·.. Costa · ·M·esa ~ 548-9100 • ' ~ • 1. ""· SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8;30 AM to 9:00 PM ~on. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. Servi .. o..,.rtment Opon Moft,.,,1, 7:~:00 1970 EL DORADO DEMONSTRATOR Vinyl top, leather interior, full power. factory air, atereo AM-FM multlpl~ tllt·tele. wheel, power trunk opener I: door locks, twilight sentinel (0920). Low m11 .. 1e~LI $6999 Pl I Cl SUMMll 'LEASi Sl'ECllUS 1970 EL DORADO ITOCK I All ONLY $_J 99 MO: 24M_o,..wL- ALSO IMMEDIA Tl DIUYllY ON ANY CAI IN STOCK . ' .. _ ............. """' .. 1'11 ON ~ltOVIO Cltl!OIT ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1970 . DAILY PILOT 49 ; • -., , -t -. • I I • I I • I ---~----~-----~~---~-------..·-------·------------I ~SES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSl!S POR SAi.i! HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE -:;::j::lOOO:;:Gono~~ro~l~;::j::i;~l~OGO~:l;GOl';;;•;••;l;::;::;;;:~l;OOO;;;;G;•;•:M~r•~l==::;;;;;;;::lCllG;;;;i:!._; ... ~.-~'~~l;;;;;;::;::~l;llOI;; _Gono~-•-•l~..-.1-·~~JOOI~· Gonoral '******************* fl () /) ,191000. COSTA MESA ' I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;;===;:: " · * TAYLOR oLinda .J~l€ . CHEAPIE 4 Bedroom ~ !L 1100 HOUSES FOR SALE ~ New~rl Be•ch 'B POOL I CHOICE CONDO I Poo.I upkeep, yard care, ' outside painting are all done for you. Enjoy your .~ lime. See thi1 fee land Lo, dividual home. 3 SR., 2 na.: & 3 garages. Lovely. Neartt new. Only $33,500. ;, '.",' PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOME ' 3 Bedroom home In Costa F.:~.;,9;:'..,':'th~•: 2 B h i;;:;;J ..,.... : ~ Newly listed -perfect for the family who ~tesa b:ated on nke tree. delUXe wall to wall shar at Form1I Dining Finest home . lirst tinte of· lered. 10xl3 Dining, large living room, family room, $Jlllcioos Jdtcben with e•I· 1111 ai;ea & 4 lge bedrms. Sba&: crptJ, custom drps & i wa.llpepe:r. I6x25 Covered deck. \\'ailed entry y,·ith " • HARBOR VIEW -$79,500 ~ h tlng '"-·""-· b-~ 'lb wants a spacious waterfront ome. 4 Extra lloed street. Hon)e has b•..... carpe """'"6'iuut, '"'"" $25 958 .. .Near NEW 4 bdrm "Broadmoor" home Wl d -~ ne til~ lcitcbe d bath. ':'.family rm and formal dirun· g rm. Fine artistic Jge. BR.1 4 Ba., pw r. rm. Lge. liv. rm. & den; yard tor thr: childr-e:o. With w nan t ~ 3 car gauge. Beaut. patio/garden ; deck &: PO down payment, and a 3 bedrooms, private back ' · .• des1·gn in rare planting of terraced garden d k yard complete with patio. Lncatitd on aecluded cul-de-oc posltlve S2fm profit in 12 •-....t IN u O RT 11 ' k lh. · to beh Id' · Low. low down ru1ument. sac a.,,... ., · , ~a es JS a JOY O · months. lhi1 ~ the best in-.,..... COST' 'IESA 11s-I For ID• fo rmalt·on on all Jots ' homes You 01,11e it to yourself to " .. • ·-oan A REAL CLASSIC1 $159 """ oc: vutment you'll ever make. h' at 5~1% for anyone: Pa°y--,..... CALL: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Pi· :ve it 10 yoor'$(!U no\v! see 1 11 ol'l<'. m'"'' ~~ mo. !or e··e-. :..,,NEW \valerfront 6 bedroom home on exclu· .,........, • •J ·sive Linda Isle. Lovely family rm + huge 133 Dov•r Dr., Suite 3, N.8. 642 ... 620 call .. · · · ·· .. ··•·• thing! wrought iron gate. full IRVINE TERR. 5 BR~ price J38.fi!JO. Fot all details An exceptional home \vlth call 540-1151. ' ai _ playrm, 5 baths & 3 fireplaces. Your interior __ _ (Open Eves. 'tll 1:30) -designe r can truly be creative. Gefter•I IOGO Gener•I 1000 2629 HARBOR BLVD. Newport ;;,.;~:.:;:;;... ____ ., I huge lam. rm .. 3 ba., form , . _ 8.0 Linda Isle Open Daily. ,;:;::;::;::;::;::;;;;;;;;;I S46 1640 •I • ' "Our 25th Yur'' LET'S TRADE Nichols Real Estate OPEN EVES TILL 1:3CI Fairview ~ din. rm. Priced for fail !&le &::J H~~~!.~ge at"'·""· WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Yow-smaller home lo. tbl1 VA 546-9521 INVESTORS Realtors big shakt roof, 4 bdm\I., 3 OON'T FIGHT iHE 646-1111 J H .11 R d (yes, three) ba.lhs. 2 j)'e11, MARKrl' . . . (anytime) FHA Resale m 11 n ,, 111. 1r11 Ill: U I l I \I'. • -2111 S.n oaquin 1 s 01 two) fireplaees and huge 24 4 BR j N D SELLING?? "S\VITCH TO LAND" Attractive 3 and family rm. ! •NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 foot family r:.iom! AU buUt. 0 n 22 SPECTACULAR inYHt· I"""'""'".,."""'"""'"'""'"' with boat entrance, good l -::7.=~~;:::::;::,;:;:;;::; ---rlc ,. he 1 1 CALL US N . Costa M-a 5utt, FHA loan to :wum•, BALCONY BAY VIEW ES" • ' I t • 1 1 , flf****************** ei~lec~wa:r.n ;;;:p~s: FOR AN APPRAISAL ~~~1_8.f~~ ~~: •• w7:ik to stores, !IChoOl.s. Only In Newport's beautiful Blull.ii lined driveway home is in Mesa Verde OF YOUR PROPERTY tenlial. $1200 ptr acre. Low Channer $25,950 or oiler. community. Split level, 3 hr, ~-nerol lOGO I Gener ii 1000 ghbo ·~ 1 Commercial, IndUHtrial or d 3 leclroom ,• Open Eveninp 21Ai ba custom home. Pool. ...-excellent net ruuuu. Becau.se of ~ney, owner Reside!lti..1. own ·call us now! I,;;;:;;;:;:=====~ bZock lo grade school & will pay the poinl1 for you 2 bath $23,500 ~ 545.5110 \Vell landscaped, treen belt 1' OCEANFRONT * ~~\:~st:;: ~de~ ~ceU::eu~ ~~!~·bl"!~ NO ~GE ~~~~Rl~E~u~'.A!! At t~sO P~~ ~·t So oWfERE~ ~u!°~; s=. : P= ' •Mesa Highla""S MAR ·-••-1 o1 from ~-d 11~-· • -·' 2 bd bo wro"". 11 has a doui..1-pr. _,,_.... marina. Be.low market at HU CORONA DEL guaran'""' u11: aa e our -.:>IUUI an ..,, ... ,. -W II M C di Rlt .;cwO trees: nn. me. ·~ uoe ..- Mqnifictnt oceanfront home home! Appraised $32,9,;0 !!hopping close by. No down u:i ~ c 1rB1!.' J:t $28,00J. age, tenific rovered patio, ~"!"!!!!!!""!!!!!"'"'"""'""'."I $40.500. Owner 644-2873 after B ty just listed ntA with $26fJO down or patment financing Is very ewport ., · · "Come to Fallbrook Countr)'" yards 1tre beautiful. 3 bed. 4 BDRM. 3 Baths. We1tside ,;..,5 ,::':;.m;,· ""°''""'"",.-°"'""' eali in F.xclusive Cameo Shores veterans $1100 tolnl move-rare in Mey Verde, r.o ~l"'9bl Se . Ev~~· 644~ The SAWDAY Co. room.., 2 batM. Best yet, all C.M. $24,500 assume $20,500 PAN 0 RA t.I IC V i e w . With ateP11 down ' to in costs. please call riibt away!! ~Ja e rv iee ince ;n.) Realtor 714: 721-8301 tenns available. VA-FHA. VA loan 6% $167 mo pays Baytront Apt. Lux 2 Br, ' t,,I -{. nats solidly built home has ~large bedrms, a panelled . · ,!-WillY room & dble fJre- 'place. \Veil located for schools & shopping. Sprink· :ltts front l reer, comer lot. •· 'Low interest loan can be 1~med. Vacant & clean. . Ohly $29 ..... • -COATS ' " · WALLACE " REALTORS ,, l·· 546 4141-,. (Opt:n Evenin91I OLE' • Have siesta alter fiesta on • beautiful Spanish patio sur. • 'ftl.tftding iOl'lf!OUI pool. ~~h -4 bedroom, court 1 :Jll?d etc "Red Tile Roof" Mo&rn kitchen, step.down .illving room. SEE TODAY. 1 -Manana may be too late. 1Pticed many PeSOs below ' .tiiarket at $35.000. CALL! · W1lker & Lee j. i . Realton • ~ Harbor B!vd. at Adams --..:SGOKli Open 'til 9 nt $29,950 -With 6~ Loan Beautiful family home, entry ball, ( ~8.1 huge family l'OCJIP• dining room, plush ~· carpeting, quality built-w. Park·llke yard, sprink· ltn. 6:i.l % annual rate loan <U£Umable. &»1720 "We sell • home .. -ewery 27 minute•" TARBELL 2955 Horbor -'r open till 9 PM -COME UNITS- NEWPORT· nt triplex with [loot for: ·boat • niee patio • only $:4.500. Four-plex, just ste,>S ittom great bay & OCl"an •ehes, SG2.500. ' .'~Oll!ll1!""'1!1111 ... -• .. ·an~ea ' ~700 644-243CI I :j EASTBLUFF Btaul. 3 bdrm. home. 1.,. 'bD'., brick f:rpl. lmmac. \:ond. Spacious rooms. ,~G~::· :1i~TY ' •!7:1-6642 675-6459 J;IJ;1'0 •OWNER'S SACRIFICE • Eatlide Rr2 cozy 2-bedroom 1?:ouble garage and ~hop. Needs so m e r .'~ BKR 675-4930 private commwrlty beach KATELLA REALTY N1'chols Real Estate 418 So . .,,;,. Fallbrook y'" ""'•"'lily Lo own'"'' all.,....,,., Agl. 2 Ba. Boot dock. llOM dn. • ~-6 ba hs F h Off th p house . $23,500, DON'T or trade for Hawaii prop. 0# ~vums, t Adams \Y. of Brookhur11t res e reis WAIT! ---------Realtor 64&-0132 Formal view dining room S4S.9S32 • 968-330l 546-9521 New 3 & family IJ1ting. Cor-LIDO WATERFRONT Mesa Verde 1110 Uving room, WnUy room l,;;..,i;i;iiii ... ;;iiii;iiii;;..,;,, ner lo!, boat gal<", block APTS.-320 LIDO NORD FABULOUS :Bayview: 2 Pool le; 3 Car prage • $23,950 fence, brick patio. Neat. NOW REDUCED TO homes, by owner. 204i A beautiM. h:lrne In clean. Wide doors for wheel $150.~Xlnt Terms Republic Home Galaxy Dr. or 204 Klnp A tantutic location chair use. $21',SOO. 6 Beautiful units. ti car ga. 2629 HARBOR iLVD. Place. &16-79!M 1232.0Xl ~ S45-5llO rages & utility room , with 546 3640 Large 4 Bedrn1 . family 4 Br, pool, Baycreat-Uke Immaculate 3 bedroom home WAKE UP TO AN llt.lfdMINtbMwt 80 ft. fronting on e"Cellent OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 fomlal dinilij:" • great pool new, Fee tlUe. Fam. rm, • treahly peinttd inside & OCEAN VIEW.' OLU-GE,.R-EAL"l swimming beach. Units are home. Immediate OCCU· gd loon, nr. scbl!, shop oot. New carpet.a & drapes, _ newly lurnishl'd. FHA LOAN p&ney, Owner will take low 54S-8281. nice family room & larxe ... a million twink1ing lights I !!!"'"~~~~~.,..,.. Bill Grundy, Realtor 3 Bednn home, 1% baths, down payment or lease op. DOVER Shores • Owner 5 .,,.,_ ''Our 25th Ye•r lot with rear access. 1 FHACallor by ~Jght. Adult~ied 4-$24,000 833 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-4620 hrdwd Ors, crpl!, drps, t~n. • br, bay vu,112tmm .. occ. Wreas, VA tel'ms avai . bedroom, Immaculate and frplc, totted air beat. gd terms. 1 Antigua ay. 545-8424. "'"'"''"• •• a "'"" -., a • Bdrm. 2 ba. Jean Smith, Realtor ~206.1 In the Harbor Art•" 673-4400 DOVER SHORES 1~=-=====I ~ic Roman Viii~, so ex: Just Rtcluc:ed $2000 ct~1ng & different. Every Owner lllYI !ICU • moving out !lung new. Full of.luxu17 & of area. FHA/VA terms comfort. Outstandi~ Vie:-". available. $11KXI Down will 4 IA~ ~dlnm~.:.... faroo~ move you in with payments room. lltJ)ara,.. ..,. ol 1178 · ·I · Hlah Ol!llln a. 4 Patloe. per ~· inc pn~c., $129 500 g int., ta.'!C~ & ins. Full pMCf" ' · just $20,500, J Redrms, 2 Macnab-Irvine bulhs. ~--d t • Pri WALK TO $26,500. Assumable FHA ---~~~~ t pool.size lot. Enjoy cool vw1i<:r espera e. me loan S18.200, IS%. '7o int.) BALBOA • 4 Br .• $TI,500 ocean brtt2e and a FOR-area Dream 1..11 built-in Golf • swimming • sailing bl m 7 ·--• 646-3255 2 Lots! Frank t.farshall ,. -•-d. . ~. • 1 . • -· .. ~-a~., paya e ....... per mo. luu /IE=======::: EVER VIEW. 3-CAR aar· tUtUM:n, 1nmg room , en .. ,,. emus ............ U<>J" Y'>....1--1 Realty 67><600 W ' I n..11: l;IYI hall First time on market View home, featurine fam· .r,.w..;, int, taxes, m. zw=---5 -~-s----age. on t ut at .,....,_! · · Wtll...McC.rdle, Rttrs. Ei...EGANT Home, 2650 1q C I h 530-~'120 ily rm, electronic kl.tcbe.n, OWNERS family raised and 0 eswort Y TARBELL 2955 Harbor 3 Bedrooms. 3 Baths. ~~r:wport :,~;.' 644~ gone • need smaller home. ~~ !!~~~~· • RGAIN. $53 500 Beautiful 4 bedroom 2 story BEACH BA p[l' E .BARRETT RLTY '" gorgeow; '°" d H;"". BLUFFS E-Plan. G re a I 3 BR. tber-U""""' at yester· t • 3 e lam -& C ,,..... Formal dining, + fam ily wa er view. r. . ..... O. day•.i; prices! OnJy s24.ooo Co1fil Mis• 1100 and kitchenette. \Vet bar Priv. yd. Xtras. 644-4567. REALTOR · tenns. Steps to ocean, 642-5200 Newport Beach Office club & tennis. 11======== HOME + & covercil patio with view. IO'JS Bay-Dri.e CAYWOOD REALTY I' Call 54>-8424 So"lh """'' ~ ·-H NB CORONA DEL MAR INCOME "'alton. .,~ 6300 W. Const wy., . • u•12!0 e Bright & shiny Lusk home. LEASE WITH '9<r Retiring owner "ill sell 7 BR, 3 Bdnru;., tam. rm., pool. E•stside Tr1-plex size yard. Landscaped, with 2 BA • most fumit~. Now Newport Height• 12IO $5,0GO DOWN VIEW OPTION New carpet!!. bltlna, garages, sprinklers. Buy now, move used.as guest home for aged, PAtJL.Wfilll 4 IDRM DR xlnt rond. Income $4Z> mo. ir befo~ school starts. Wonderful potential, $.30,000; CilNABAN & FAM A""m' ~w VA loa" of $48,0XJ. $5.0Xl dn. 64U1lS "'al" °"""""' 675-3210 642-1235 --BY OWNER Custom built, 4 bedrm. lam. ily room, 2 big fireplaces. This beautiful OOme over- looks the 17th fairway of Mesa Verde Golf Course. 6"-assumable loan. 3036 J ava Rd. 540-4095. $62.900. 3 BR, 2 ba, dshwsr, wtr. sftnr, frplcs, wtrfall & pond, pnld. gar, 5~ FHA. $28,500. Owner. 546-7330 Could be 4 large bedrms., now J; 3 bath!!., modem kitchen. G re a t stora&e! ?.love in Sep!. 1. $48,:;oo University Really 67J..6510 •&ALTY ce. $35,00J. 7%%. Price $42,500 ON BLUFFS, beaut oct:>.n 1MA1EDIATE POSSESSION! Prine. only. Owner 546-2759. ~~'~i"':4.JJ.c;...,.,_..;: vu, 3 BR, park-like l'Cl'lr VIEW 1003 Baker, C.M. 546-5-140 Little money needed to ifiJJCJMt•'"" .. 'd yd, fncd. Will finance right EASTBLUFF move in. StuMing: 4 h~ mE QUICKER YOU CALL, l33-0700 644-2430 .F.:t,y94.191019• linden Pl., CM, 4 Bdrm. 2 bath, charmln: ------bedrooms. Double flreplact;. THE QIJICKER YOU SELL ....,.,.. Mm< with chanctor. Pro-FALL OUT' &tilt In d•&k. FCRMAL lesalonally Landscaped " . • DINING. FamDy room.G ·c:•;:;•::;e:.;ro;.;1 _____ 1_ooo_G_._._._,_a1 _____ 1ooo __ Go_n_•_•_•_, _____ 1_000 __ demra~; 1weep~ view We have 121 ~ bedroom Gourmet kitchen with bUilt - from living room & lonnal homes. both under priced!! ins. Move in for opUon I'> d~ nn. Let ua llhow YoU (1) at $34.500 C'OfM!ntlonal buy money and ttallOnable this. $48,500. financing. (2) $29,000 FHA· rent. Call 6~. -;;;;; :::':"!:~~ ::::= .F .. O ... ~ .. !c .. s .. ~ .. EAL .. • .. • .. ~ .. LSiiRSiiO .... N 13U700 644-2430 -we have the homes! MODEL HOME- Avai1 now • thl1 spacious 4 Br, 3 Ba home. Fam rm, • )ll'°ii\irbi')\rnft£ 546-5990 lge din I Uv are11. w/view.1,.,.,.,..,...,.,. .... ...,..,. le• •tri=. '"w ki~ rompt Assume 6"o FHA' cp!d, drpd, wallpa~red, 71 lPndlcaped. $106,tXK>. Roy J. Ward Realtor, 1430 G~ \\'estside 4 BR • den . 2 ba., Dr. 616-1550 (Open Dail)'). 3 car gar, $24,00J at $208 per mo !inanced. Includf"S SANTA ANA CANYON P.1.T.L. S ACRES It HORSES, Beaut. Costa Mesa Investment custom ranch, pool, turn. 548-nll guest hOU!e. Immed. posses. sion. w1n con1idf'r excl\angt!' BIG FAMILY HOME MAIN REAL TY OOVER SHORES Realtors 547-1977 * 1423 Gnlaxy Dr. * * Open D11ily 1·5 * DUPLEX New tw(>.s\ory 6 Br. 5 ba. VA or F"4A Buyers Just listed · this Spic & Spftn custom bit 2 BR. I BA horn<' Hrdwd firs, frplc nr new CJl)ts, drps. encl patio, dbl gar. Walk to shops. OUPLEX Large brorooms, t bath each, near Costa ~1csa Parit & Oubboule. $21,500. Shown by appt. NEED•CASH! L1chenmyer ~•altor Call 64&-3928 or 545-J.183 Open Ewnlngs -BEAUTIFUL I-- 4 BR., den, fam, nn. Le~ than 1 yr. old; fine Wesl· minster area. Existing V .A. loan! A.!king $55,00J, Close lo ocean. l..ar(e 3 Br, Fam. rm .• d!n· rm. 2 Fplcs. 2 baths· frplca. d.ishwash-Lit'· lot. PnvLtte beach, MAl.TCllt ers. $54:500. • Frank James Re~ltor CottauJ-MAl'tTINp Georg• Williamson S46.Sl8G ;,-lS-46ll l-===~ll~i~·t1~1~1 =:::::!!~ Realtor JOBS TODAY' Class 7100 673-4350 64S..1564 eves. . °'?JLOT WANT AD! 642-5678 The Purzle with the Built-In Chuckle Did you hear about the ab. sent-minded professor who sent his moil 10 the oolf .--------~ course and played around all I N 0 Y T 0 C I day with h;s -? i-29 , r • I , I I I 0 Complete the chuc1r.r• quoted by filling in the miQing ~rd you dewlop from ftp NG.. 3 below. e PRINT NUMSEREO I' lflTftS 6 UNSCRAMBLE FORI ANSWER I' I' I' I' I' I' 1· I' I I I I I I . I I I I .. SCRAM-Lm ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 - BY owner; 3 Br. 'l~ ba. fam . rm.. fpl., bltns, din. rm. $29,SOJ. 546-fi059. 3001 E. Coast liwy., CdM BEAl!J'lFUL N.B. He ights home -4 lge br. lge livin& room, frplc, family room, tropical patio. Sale or exch. for sm. home. 646-5383 BEAUTIFUL home in Nwpl Hgts • 3 br, 2 ba. lg fam rm \1'/big frplc. 642-8972 Dover Shores 1227 ~log~P-•_r_k ___ 11_15 * OLD WORLD * 3 BR, 2 bath, Lg. tam. nn. Exclusive Dover Shores ti., Near ewrything! Many ex· , &. mt view home. Unique A: tr,M; Remodeled baths & dWerent style. Built for kJl. :Matr BR. lookl thru h!auty &: convenience. 4~ slldini: a'iau doors into ba, 4 car gar, hi ceil'g' Ir; private ~\vood enclosed many ex Ir a fcatlll'ell. patio. 54;;...2703 1169,000. 5-18-7249 Newport Beach 1200 DUPLEX .9y.TH£.. SEA Few feet from the water. Large 2 BR. ne"'-'er apts, 'kitchen built-ins. AIWll)'S full on yearly lease. ldeal for residents. Xlnt inrome potential. Tax shelter. For sale by o"·ner. Asklng- $44,000. Principals only. can 213: 388-Tif.6 dll)'S. DELUXE spacious 3 BR le 2 BR foor • plexes. Excellent Owne1 occupied and tax shelter property. $9,210 in. come, $75.000. $15,000 Down. PERRON 642-lnl ----University Park 1237 SEARCHING For the small family ""bn df"sire a Spanish flair to their home. Spotless 2 bdrm. & dl'.'n, dbl. fireplace, wet bar. ALL TILE ROOF and ma11y extras. Can be YOURS for the just reduc- ed p1·ice of $31,950. BOB PETTIT, Rultor "SINCE 1916'. Days 133-0101 Nights Did you ever think ol .swap- lng that White Elephant In the anic for something you can use! Try the Traden Paradise column In the DaJ.. Jy P ilot Want Ads. 1000 Gtntral IOOOGentr•I 1oaoG..,.,.1 1000General 1000Gener•I 1000 General 1000 Gener•I 1000 '' NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646°7711 2043 Westcllff Dr. et Irvine Open Evenings UNIYIRSITY PARK 1 ! .... l>cltghtfully dccorsted 5 bedroom, spe.clou1 family room. 2"" bR•h.~. Ultra con· , venient family locaUon on quiet street near Park and '1"QT.l...Q'r'. ~ thr pntio n Cf)Urlyard entl'J'! You will like thl1 at ju.st f.,15.950 with l'xlstlng, LO\V INTEREST insurance loan! , " .. LlA51 OPTION! Freshly dt'COraled .1 bedroom, 2 bl'llh home in t'Xctlll'.'nt family arr1. \V1lk lo all lChooll and shoppin1;. $240 per month. ARTISTIC RITRIAT $29,'50 nambllng $PUT-LEVEL eharmer "'Ith IN$PtRJNG OCEAN VIE\V! Bct'l n1rd 1.:cil· lngs, FIREPLACE, liUndeck, utmost secluslon. Son1clhi11t; "rt'ally unlqur"! IALIOA PENINSULA Enlert1Jnment Eltatt on 3 loU ! 42' PARTY ROO~I "'hh i.:::tcantit' cil't'Ulllr FlRE· PLACE plus 10undproof POOL ROOl\t! 5 b!'droorm, 6 baths, 4 l'Br llrlit', beau- tiful Itallan TUe court.Yard! Prlffil way under repla«ment •l $119,000. r NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY COSTA MESA OFFICE-545·9491·545-0465 27to HAHOR ILYD. Opoo Ew .. l1p '1R 9 P.M. r.CIST.\ MiSA IASTSIDE • S2:1,700 FULL PRICE for 4 bedropm home with a V,A. Loan with payments of $141.00. Where l'lse but at \VAI..KER A LEE could ,.ou get such A BUY1 ca11 us lor appointment. . •· .. hj • "I C;'SZ,726.00 TOTAL -DOWN PAYMENT" Cos ta f\1r!'1 Oil.ck bq IJ'tL SubJHt lo a V.A. Liftn wltb s,;" annual perttntagr rAte. Totnl paym'f"nt $182.00-\V'HY RENT? :I ltUGE bedroorm, "HARDWOOD" n0or$. EXTllA lfUGE LOT ~·Ith numrroug TO\VERlNG TREES. ... -· -· 1-l&\'t' i;lcste. 111f1rr flci>ta on brl\utiful S1lllnliih pa llo s111·ro11ndini: 1;orgeous 11001. Spanish 4 bedroom, rourt yard. clc. "Red 1"\le Root". f\lodern kitchen, sll'Jl·do"'n llvlnJ room. SEE TODAY -Manana mA,y lie too late. Prlced many Pesos below mark<>t at $35.900. CALL? DOCTOR SA TS SELL JJMutlful 4 btdrootn homl' with $23,000 worth of lmprov.-mcnt. Jncludillj.:' de· luxe 18 >: 30 pool "'Ith Jacuul -mat\)' morzy reatu1'l'!'I. ALL Lhl~ ind NEAR the Beach. llu!M' V.A. Loan SubJ~l to 6~ 'l ant1u1l )X'l'U!ntage rate which c1n be u.sumed by 11nyorx>. CALL-. . NOW 15 THE TIME TO BUYH 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE-842-4455 7682 Edi"'" MUMTl::m1':1NTI• 540 5140 Optn Evenln91 • TAKI OYH S llDROOM for only $2000 dO\\•n and assume subject to 6" GI loan, $195 prr month pays all . Super size 15 X 18 family room, used brick FIREPLACE, watl'r softener, and all ln 1 huge oversized corner lot. $25.000 ruu. PRICE. INTIMATI POOi WITH PRIYATI PATIO Imagine this l111h tropk:al 1etUng secluded by a torrst of rreen folia,gt'. Step from POOL into this super sharp 3 bedroom cottage with ankle deep (la]'pel.B, cwtom dra.pes, and FOR11fAL dining room. VA or FHA tl'rms avaUabJe or assume subject to 5,. government loa.n and $137 per month P4l)'S a11 -$26,950. TAKE OYIR 2 STORY POOL PAD Tropical pool arc11. v.·lth t"nclosl"<l lanai for privacy. lturt' <I bt'•h·,.. .. -., ::i hn th 1•11'1 SEPARATE f1mlly room for t'nterta.lning. ADumt' subjecl to 6* ROV<'mmtnt loan a.nd ONLY $5.000 lolill down. IUILDHS CLOSIOUTS 11-fovl' In th.ls wttkmd Into tht'ff bt't'tlthtaklng l and 2·slory LA Unda ahowpl~ wUh 4 and 5 bedroom1, 2 and 3 baths, beMncd a-lling:s, decorator mirrors, ~ rator wallpaper and p&nell.n&. and mu<:h m<n Stt to bellevt!I ~-----------------------------·---------~ • • • • ' J8 PILOT·AOVERTISER HOOSES FOR SALE WtdntSda1, J11Jy 29, 1970 • l -Wtdnf~i)', July 29, 1970 OAILY Pl~~ ,f;J 1237 --Un iversity Park HOUSE FOR SALE HO SES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE ~·;.;,;gton S.ach"l'400 L19un• Beach J70s --:-"'-. -. . 177s FIXER -UPPER•$ •. .Oclight! 1600 Sq. ft. of "toil· enl'': you1· i1naginatioii & f)\lint bru.sh can c.:1·t-ate a Doll llou~: 3 BR.. 2 ha. on one floor AND ltOOd l()> cation! $~'8.500. --LOOK TH~ OLD GREAT COUNTRY WVING For i;a.Je ot: letllt! by ow~r: l.IDO, UNO..\. lde. 61\yfide luxury Spanish Ntneho, ~ 'Dr, &: Penln waterfro.nti. aert. Clear air, S"'t~ping Otf·l'-'•ltr Udo home1 . e Red Hill Realty Unl\I'·, Park Center. lrvl.ne Call Anytime S'.13-0820 NEEDS BUYER NOW 2 BR. to\11nhouse. Low down! Last call -?t1UST SELL! Submit all offers, $25,700. Call: Patrick \Vood 54s..i!300 e Bill Haven, Rltr. 2lll E. Coast. CdM 673-3211 YOU 01\·n the land. Sunny 3 Er.. din . or tam. rtn, Encl. garden: cor. vi1:\\' lot.' Nr. rec. center. f.1any cx- LOTS OF STYLE PLUS A POOL Ge a load of '™·'lie e.xtrus- 1Tx36 h1.·n1<.'tl & lillcl'f'd pool, 2a IL run1pus roon1 11'ith \1'ct bar, pool table &· all ec:1ul1). rnent, <I 1nustcr size bed· 1wm11. Wa.Jl to 'vull carpet. illJ: thruout plui; customized d1•apcs, fll'l'plilc" & uq11ip. ment. All t'\eclr ic huilt.in pltJt; N:frigcl'll.tor. Sub1nit S5I))} down to a ~~ 1>t>r cent VA 1®11. $3S,500 ur call he purchased VA IVi\h no n1oncy down. lras! SJ9,;,oo, i;d. trrns REAL ESTATE R.13-0187 Ag! HUNTINGTON BEACH ore. 1-========= 11945313 431).7511 Back Bay 1240 Open 7 days -8:30 to K:30 OOGS OR HORSE Assume $20,000, 6% ':ti loan. payabll' $17:~ PIT!. F111I pcice $28,500. Subn1it on down payn1ent. ':11282 Riverside. Or. J<:. 11n Orchard off of Sanla Ana, lhen turn l~t street right. Agl'nt 675-16.'17. ONLY 6600 FT. TO THE BEACH and y11u'll 11lso ;:ct ·I Bt'titm~. 2 bll!hs, formal din., w/w carpels. drps :uid 11111eh m!'lrf'! Take over this high Eastbluff 1242 balance 63/ii°!o VA loan BLUFFS: Condo 3 br. 21 ~ now!! ba. Split level, chOit"t'sl Just listed-so be quick greenbelt, $38.500. By owner Full ptit't' S:'.1,5().'l, &44-4906 COATS C0<ona_del Mar 1250 1 ~ WAtLACE *OPEN OAILY l·S * REALTORS 4515 Roxbury Rd. 9552 Hamilton Ave. Cameo Shores Huntington Beach Tired o[ the conventional? 962-4454 Then see this beaut. contem. porary 3 BR._ conv. t!en ASSUMABLE hon1£'! tiiAGNlFlCENT' s;o-,010 LOAN VIE\V +~elude~ & private $151. per mo pays everything. pool & patio. Priced below Beautiful 3 Sl'drm w/large -. Deluxe Duplexes Completed by Sc'p1. 1. n1arket, $76,500. kit, dining area, Crpts. drps Delancy Real Estclte thruout & freshly painted. 2828 E. Coasl tlwy., CdM Only $27,8."IO. Call 847-8531. 673.3770 Corona de! Mar · 54"1. of Hwy. OPEN 1TIL SOLD Crpts, drps, seU cleaning ovens. din rms. "''alk in Classic 4. Dr. 2 ba bC'auty at closets. Grrat nC'ighbor-ITIS:l \\'lid Rose Lane. So. hood~ \Valk to beach. Buy of\Varner, \V . or Springd111r. now & pick o1vn colors. Appraised at $29,250 & lo:i.d- Owner/ Agent 644-0266. ed w/quality -Crpts, drps, 1.,,~~~:'!!,.,.~~~~ I lndscpng & decor. Submit r 328 POPPY A VENUE your own terms. R<'~l Es- Channing 2 br, vi'ew home. 13.1(' By l\.IcVay, !"i4~j8. Like new. close to beach. 01vner 67a-3428 BUYER \V ith Cash '''ant~ vie'IV hoine in Corona del l\lar. 3 Br, 1 story. 673-8916 Lido Isle 1JS1 2 ON A LOT! 2 BPdroom homt• I-~hidio rentaJ. Walk to bruch. Only S:.l3,900. $2~ Down. Coasllinf' Real Est:.ite S36-Ji77 * :i36·1366 Spacious Lido Home 1'•'•'•"• ... '~ii.;<Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.., I Pri1ne 3 Br. 2 ba. sin_glc I' story. 3 ::iunny p11 tios. On street 10 street corner lot & 1h. $89.500. Prime Lido Nord 5 Br. 4~~ ba. nr. new waler· front home. Beaut. decor. Deck, pier & float. For ap.. p't. Call: Bill Grundy, Realtor 833 Dover Dr .. N.B. 6424620 LARGE HOME 5 Bcdrm., family rm., >:lnt street lo stTI'el 45 rt. Jot By app't. only. $97.001 Owner may tracle down for 3 Bdrm. home in Terraces, CdM, \Vilh ocean vil'\V, LIDO REALTY INC. 337.' Via Lido 673-7300 BAYFRONT TRIPLEX Lido Isle 3 Bdrm, 3 bdrm & 1-lxlrm. :\ car garage. Right on the bC'ach. $1J5,000. Brochure on Request Howard Lawson Jr. Realtor 67S-4562 45' lo1-S52,500 $7j()(l down, 3 br. 1 ~-' ba.. 67:>.-2&13 or 497-1265 Huntington Beach 1400 --------~ DOCTOR'S HOME \Vasting ov~r a $1000 a year'.' • \Ve say you lll'C \f: 1. You art' renting 2. You have S?.000 saved. Vacant. 3 bedroom doctor's condominium. Great term!;_ I' 1llage Real Esta te HZ-4471 ( ::::. ) 54~·810J 1 STORY 4 BR. 2 hll. lg fnn1 rrm .• elrc kit .. 2000 sq. f1. VA or FHA lt .. >rms. &17-11:,07 f.:vrs.: 4;n.:l761J m ;7+§ or..11 3 BDRM hse for )!:ale, lease w/opllon or rc111, Pacific Sand!!. Ne1v ~ha::: rug, 1'e<lecora1ing, Trcn1endous value .at $19,500. Ph : 5.16-4331 or (2U) 2fr4·l761. 8341 l'w1unstcr Or, H.B. LOW LOW INTEREST 4 Bedroom with ~p&.rkle plrn!y. c.1ol't' 10 Brood"'">' I: Golden \\'f'llt Collt-:;:C'. LEAOERSHIP 842-4466 Eves: 842-2296 B'f OWNER: '4 2-BR :lnllS + I~ 4 BR home, 2 yn; nld , Close t o Al l . $6.1,:,00/~st. Yr\y inc S78L!D. 17112 Ash, 847-8691 after 5:30 "" DUPLEX 3W 8th Slre<>! NE\V SPANISH • 21,~ hlocks ro OcC'an. Live in 3 Bdrm . P.ent 2 Bdrm. $4ti.500. rnE LINDBORG CO. • ria&-2579 BY OWNER: Lg. 4 br. 21h ba, scp. !am. rn1 &: dining r m.. Xlnl cond. $44 ,500. ....... 181 Already Appraised at $26,000 Ready ro gn to r+ny CT 111 no monry do1vn. Great rear yard 1vi!t1 palio alld fruit trres. Hugr fun1ily room. Ownrr wants action • leav· lng for Canada. JC-.. co:Ts ~WALL ACE REALTORS 9552 Hamilton Ave. Huntington Beach 9624454 4 BR. Condo, Sale or lsc. By ~·ner. E!cc bltns. Relrig. Pool!!. Clbhsc. Flll\ appr. Avail Aug 15. 493-3418 Fountain Valley 1410 Low Interest Loan! S Bedrooms/3 car gar. Nt•ar fltirk & golf coursr. Lovely t'Ommuni!y pool' & clubhoull(.'s. HAFFDAL REAL TY 842.4105 Westminster 1611 LESS THAN RENT! 4 8'-drms. 2 baths, cari~•.~. rlr!lpcl::, lllrgr yarrf. F'~r­ way rnlnu11·s to Lon~ lk'a<'h. Only SIC>'! pi:r n1onth. 61~·~ FHA of Sl8.;j()(I. Full pr1Cl' just S22.500, Courtesy Realty 9C2-i7!)1. L•guna Beech 1705 FUGITIVES Tht ))C'rfctl r<:ln!et trom to- i.tr1hc.1"nr~~. Secluded lroni Jhr bu~ilini.; 11·orld, sur· rouiided by tl't'ts. Lnl).'t' 111rri~r~ !lludio, has bci1mini; <'f'llln~ & 1v111ll! of cedar. Sl 1,9· -Iatan REAL ESTATE 1100 Glenooyre SI. 4.11 1·!1~73 519-0316 GRAY MARE .. Slit: AIN'T \VliAT Sil£ view. Beaches. niarlna, 4 Blll Grundy Rltr. ~ USED TO BF:." and neither rui. KEEP HORSES! 9 is this sprawling 4 BDR111. 11p&clouli rvom11. trplc11t z11~ BEACON Bay • lifodern 2 & DI:::N ho1nc. IX>tailt'(I rui;. bot.., beruned cathedl'al ceil. Br. apt. Frµlc . Ira: aundeck. · h' , j""' 3 •• ... .-. "'' . Priv. bch. $225. ( 213) tic arc 1tccrull! ,v1exterior . ..,. • e · ,.a.i1.ge. ""' mins. 84>3411, {7141 ~ of "1000 PLANK OLDE frorn Costa ?tiesa $74,500. I ''"""='"""""=,-,.,,.-BRIC!(. GABLED• ROOF· (It $600. mo. 493-<1091 I BALBOA ISLAND. Atttae. L I NE OF' \VEATHERED RENTALS 1 Br. apt., sip~ 4. Avail CEDAR ::HAKES. Located Hou1es Furnished Aug. Call 613-1503 10 the hcur1 or L:u:una RI. DIX furn Garden Cottage, vit'lll •t'tl;_t.'1li1ir \\'ITH AN Rentals to Shire 2005 4 blks from bch, Pvt patio, OUTSTANf;>lNG V!E\V OF $100 wkly w/util. 499-4301 TIJE OCEAN. Unique liv. ROO.\IMATE 'vante<I; 3 bdr ./ON the \\'ater, Balboa Isl. lh · bou!lt. $88 OU). \ blk U> rm. w ig h vaullod ceiling "·/ plcr. Si ps 8. Aug 1·15, (APPROX. 16 FT. AT heh. 4827 River A1·~ .• NB, $500. 675--6737 PEAK), \!//\\' CARPETS ('\!'('$. A"v"A~l"L-. ~,.,-• .,...,,~hru,.-=s.-.~t.-B=n=Q= ISLIGliTLY SOrLED\ • 1''El\1ALE or 1nalc, lS.25. 10 • under trees. Slttps 3 or Cu s To fll DRAPERTES shaw ocean vif'w 4 br hse. ~. CdM. 67a.s787 1'HRUOUT Channing Cam. C85 mo. 494-165.i PRIVATE entrance • room- dl'n or 2nd liv. nn, hru: FEr.w...E 21}.30 to share 4 Laguna Beach. Ki t ch en 'vood block Doors. USED br honie $90. privileges. 494-3950 BRICK 1'.IREPLACE FROM 54;;..s.q3:J FLOOR TO CE J L ING, SI.PS a .. lltudents ok. Avail BUILT.IN \VET BAR, ETC. Share 3 bedroon1 ho1n~. Aug 9-16, 23.30 & Aug Sliding glass •'all opens to Construction m<1n. $6.'l n10. 30f&>pt 6. $80. 6$-.8026 l~c masonry dl'Ck enclos-• 6<12-75.Sl • RENTAL) r.d 1v/hlock irOn rails. Spac. 0E~'1~P=w=v=E=o~,~,d~y-,-,-,h-,-re. Houses Unfurnished ious kitchen 1-.•/att. break-my hon1e. All prlvi>. O\l'n - fast area.. H A S BILT-IN nn &. bath. S70 mo. :1'18-0027 .Gtntr•I 3000 RANGE '& OVEN, DISH--------- \VSHR.. DISP.. ETC. all Newpo rt Btac:h 22o:t HOME FOR RENT \VITl-1 OCEAN VIEW. Huge LJtrgt' ne1v three bdrm. 11.,._ n1slr. bdrm. suite 1vith 11·alk-\VATER.FRONT • 3 Br & inl':' R1n. Dining Rm. plus in ctosrt. & PRIVATE dl'n, 2 Ba. frpl. wshr/dry, 20x2'9' lam/rm. with fire.- BATH . This bel!er quality dsh\l'lir, fncrl yrd. \Vinter, place. Fully carpeted and hon1c hag been rented & is _3=;1='="='"-''~'=' =N=·="=· === dl'a~. B/I Electric Ki t. S0fl1E\VHAT NEGLECTED. --·-Dbl. garagr, utility room. Irvine Terrace 2245 NOS. PAINT, CLEANUP & ---------fenced in yani. ?11. 1\1. La- t.llNOR repairs. Distressr;:I BEAUTIFUL ;: br. 2 bu, Borde 64£-0.'W • fi-18.J26:i. out of town ownrr says sell swimming pool. $600 mo 1n1m<'<I. for yearly. 641·578j . I Bcdrm priv home ..•. $.qj $36,950 FULL PRICE ===-======I:! Br c.~1. kids/pet .... SHG AN OUTSTANDING BUY -~a_g. " . ."•.Beach 2705 :! Br furn lot/pet OK .•. Sl25 FOR TI-IE At.1BJTIOUS! _ __ ------l Br rozy t:ort. swm pool $125 MISSION REALTY ./ 2 BR hol!~-$140 :: BR util paid .......... $150 985 So Coast H11.'y., Laguna I l BR apt $125 STAR.LET 547-0063 Phone (714) 494-0731 Permanent, Responsible * OPEN HOUSE"T Adults. Rt>fs. 49.J-8170 10-6 Daily Portalina Laguna \VJIITE \\'atP r Panoran1ic Homes & Building Sites View. Exclusive section,. 3 Up Nyes Pl. off Coast Hwy. Br. 2 B<i. Prlvat)'. 1 yr $225 .. 3 BR. 1 I,..~ Ba. Family home. Crpts, drps, R/O patio. Blue Beacon, Bkr. 645-0111 $165 w/ gardnr • 2 Br. cot- Newport_l_•_•ch~~-32_00 e l YR old -3 Br. 2 Bil ram rm, din rm, (·rpts. d~. dbl gar, park & pool privil, kids & I pct ok. $~00 n10/yrly. !st. Avail Sept. 64N856 **VACANT** E Bluff. S32a. 3 BR. Clevidence Real1or, 615-6044 Pool 3 BR, fanl. Mll, bltins, :?1{, ha. Lg. liv'ng rm. & fclX'l'd. yd. Nice area. $300 pertmo. Lease. 546-4421 4 BR. 2}S Ba., bltns. Step!! to ocean. S350. Leasr Caywood ReaJty 548-1290 University Park 3237 2 &inns. I-beth $280 3 BR. 2 Baths :!i32a 3 BR. 2~~ Baths 3325 3 BR. 2 ba, faro. rm $.17~1 S BR, 211.i ba. $340 e RED HILL REALTY Univ. Parle Center. Irvine Call Anytime 833-0820 1''0R rental~ in University Parle &. Turtle Rock, call: BOB P ETTIT, Realtor "Since 1!146" 833-0101 Nights 3250 Oakwood ... a new way to live in Newport Beach It's fun, fine neighbors and prestifle livi ng. all in one luxurious package. That's oaJ... ,1·ood G arden Apa rtments in Ne\yport 'Beach, just minuhis from Balboa's Bay anU beaches .. 1'here"s a 1/J million dollar Clubhou<;r '\·ilb. ,parly room,·billiards room, ind oor ~n!r t!ri\·· ing range, mAn·s and \vonlen's hrnllh 1~lubs , ~aunas, tenn is courts, resident t enni~ pro ;ind pr!) shop. an d Olympic sizr. pool. 1\1! 1his. and much more, just steps froin ~01 1r professionally decorated apr1r!mr:n r. "11 h. ,,·iU1 private balcony/patios. J\ir c:oncli l'.1.c · ing fireplaces optional. Oakwood Garden Aparlments tln 16lh Street bl!tween Irvine acd Dovl't llr. ('71"4 ) 64:?-81 i'O Sp•tiout 1htdio. 1 • J Bed.ro11m snitns . furniJhtd 11r \ll!llut.UUd. ·flfl to $310.. Jaunedi•t• Otcupaacy Victoria Beach Art'a lease. S350. 497-1627 PLACE REALTY 494-9704 BEAUT. 3 Br·nr all. (or Unfl ------l;;r=,..,------,==~----tag<', b!tns, ehldrn ok. S225 l\IO, yr. lease. 2 br. RENTALS RENTALS Blur-Beacon. Bier. 645-0111 sto~. ~!rig, lrplc. lg. y!\rd Houses Unfurnished Apts. Furnished 2969 So, Coast Hiway $3;,Q lse or $l'i0 mo sum. * 1 BR. $135 ytl)lf! utll pd. Adulrs. On penJns u l a ._ 615-453.1 Corona del Mari ' •250 t BR. Vrpl, Balcony, 322 T-ll'l ioUUflt'. Summer rale Sl50 \l'L'Ck, avail Sept l, S20j 1non!hly. 675-3&l5 . Huntington Bead! ~ I BR $1~5 • 1 ¥ $150 t"urn!shed - o v e r 1,90 k:i n g b<.'aut. i:ardf'!I pat~o .fr hid pool. Adults. 1035 fith St. 1 act'oss from Lake'-ParkJ ;'J.'IB-4!})(). --- 1 BR, nt'IV 8hag farpe{-ing, swln1 pool, \\'alk \o beach. Aclulls. no pe!s. $140 mo. Tradc11.•ind11 Realty 847-&i"U FREE Util. Furn 1 BR apt. Pool. \Valk to bead!! ,$131) up. ;i30-3m or 536-72121 LGE 2 br, 1 ba, ·sfutlio In 7 unit bldg at beaclf.'Adulll!. 219 15th St. I Furnishrd CO~iFL'.ETELY Cozy BR apt. Sult8~le tor one . Blk from ocean, Sl35 mo util incl. ~201o * $l3,500 * 49·1-2'9'.ll , of1'. 6-1-1-2313 x '.!'24 $120 • 2 BR. Duplex. Garage, & grg. 700 l\.largueritl'. own· H-;--- \Valk to Beal·h. Xlnt 1e1m~ PLACE REALT\' 494.9704 2969 So. Coast Hiway lotl! & pet ok. Avl 00.,.,., er. 646-2670 aft. :l:oO pn1. unhngton Beach 3400 G•ner1I 4000 . •) Bl n .. B k 64" "111 Laguna Boa ch.. 4705 ue .,.,.aeon, r · """ LEASE: Irvine Terra<'\'. 2 • 4 BR. 2 BA. CloM" to --,-RE-------I I' -_S_u_m_m_•_•_R_e_n_•_•_1• __ 1_9_1_0.14 BR, 2 ha. house $225 mo. BR. dt'n, 21,:i ba, bltns. $300 i;chools; frplc. cov e r ed MARKABLY LGE 1 BR, 2 b kli: to heh. LAGUNA BEACH ll(li2 Stingray H .Bch . mo. Avail 8/1. 673-5193 pa!io. w/w crpts, drps. all UNBELIEVABLY Ne"•ly furn. S16:> inti ,util. CONDOMINIUM 673-6578 or 642--0874. t>vf's/wknds. bltns. dbl garagl'. $250 mo./ EXTRAORDINARILY 1\'knds'('Ves. 494-1997, dys 1.agu~ Niguel 1707 LovC'ly Blu(' Lagoon VUla 2 2 Br. Corner duplex, 519;, 1st & last. Ph. 962-679:1 BEAUTIFUL ~79!17 LAST \VE.EK BY O\\'NER-BR. 2 BA co111pletcly !u~n-C_o_s_t_a_M_o_sa ___ _c3~lc.c00 mo. Furn or un!urn. So. o! 4 BR. 2 ha, close to beach, Val O'i1er• G1 rden Apt11 •R-E=N~T-A_L_S~--·~'"~--.-- 3 BR. Z ba, on cul-dr-sae, ishl'd. linrns, Uishes, etc. QUIET adult couple only, H1vy, 67rN190, 675-5788 all bltns incl. rt'!, patio, Putting green, waterfall & Apt1. Unfurnished \v h /d A il A le toed vard, .......inr & wal.et• ~1-t'E!am, flowers every)l'here. • '•e 1e-. l•I. N< ••hool, as er r.ver. va ug , 2 B< -pel' drp.. ..,,, , •"' ., ~ '' " ".. "~ "' ' '"" · ·'• '"" · ----·------1 pd. $285 mo. aJ&.-8221 '1:1 poril, rec. room, billiards, -------"-~-I Lake $27,000. 495-4284 ""'pt ;i. 499-2152 AM or dshwhr, htd pool. $125. 22!Jj H n1· I 8 h 3400 BBQ' G I 5000 837-0191 anvlim". p ·r· ~A" ,.o U 1n9 on tic ---· --s, Sauna, fum.-unfurn. enera ~ .. ac1 ic Ave. ....,~78 or S t An H . hts 3630 l & 2 Br. also Singles from1-~--------I Dana Point 1740 Lido Bayfront-2 Pools 642-442!1 2 BR. 2 ha Condo. 1 mi an~-_a ._!!_II_ ~·-S135. See ii! 2000 Pnrsons Apartment Fori Rent _ ·-----Ritchencttte suites & rooms 2 BR. Gar. Patio, crpls, lo heh. Cpt/drp, fpl, blt11s. HORSE propt>rty • Country Rd ., 642-8670, Between Har-Ne11: One bdrm. apt, Lrg. !iv· NE\V H0~1E!"i .. $30,9~ 3 BPdrm, 2 bath. Jj~IQ l'<J. ft . Some ocean \'(e1v. nr ne1v Yacht Harbor. Small !ots. Set' at 34001 Aurl'lio Dr. BUILDER 612-4~:; also new triplex $56,:iOO by rlay, wl'f'k or month. drps, stove. refrig. Quiet 2'z c'.'-r gar. 3 ~ools. living-~ acno. 2 BR home bor &Newport.2 Blk N.J9th ing Rm. with tireplac.-e . .B/I LI DO SHORES HOTEL tropical ~!ting for 11.duHs J acu7.z1, sauna, lrnn1s cf. \\·/de1.achrd rec room + kit. fully carPe'led & draped. 617 Liclo Park Dr NB 673-8800 only. I blk to shops. $15.'l Call Chuck, 826-43!0 11_:5 ~t .. ·out buildings. Walled-in in· ... From $38.50 Wk, Garagi•, utility roon:tJ separ- \VEEKLY Rrn!als. 1 .. 2 Bf. In Sl6."1. 64&-4430 or 544-0452 F. !):~ & 11.'lmcls, 962--9:J22 ~r yard w/pool + com-ate fent-ed yd. ne«r dpwn 2 BR .. _. LUXURlOUS 2-slo'"". 4 br, pletely fenced outer yard. Frorn $165/mo. Luxucy Sin. town and C.~1. Park. $1""""= ',I Jo'rom $100. Near n-ach & '""'se iVTgnragr . & ·~ I A '" I ~ ~ r _ _.. 2 bn. formal dining nn, Zoned A-1 for horSt.-5 & I>! e Phi, ....... mp ete n1aid month. i\l.. f.1 . , !'°"'° Bay! Cl) 6ll3-S:l47 wknds nc..u yard, Cptt1 & drps, · 1 615-8077 . • $140 mo. 2619 Elden Ave. all tnOdCMl conven. \Valk barnyard aniinals. S400 mo. );CUrvtcc, lOUSC\\'l.1.res, linens, &l'MAAii • 642-1438 .. 1,, 673-5270 to bch I.: school11. S3j0 mo. Birch St., Santa Ana Htl!, a util , heated pool, Fan1as11c Bargain! Custm L'ITLE lslr. Cute 1 BR. I . 962-9700 545-8148 VILLAGE INN NE\V 1-2·3 BR's. Ail b!tns. r enter patio 3 Bd 3 Ba -f· ~12.'i wk, sip~ 4. Yrly 1 NQ matter what it l11, you Laguna Beach 49-11>436 cpt/drp. gar. Nr. S. P>ut i;uest nn w/kitchn. U>vel 4 BDRM, 2 Ba. Close !o BAL. BOA INN . Plaza. 540-1973, S45-;2321 J>{'i·son or l'.pl $16j mo, can sell it with a DAILY beach &: schools. Avail Aug. Laguna Beech 3705 .... ' 0 .1.iieoaiiiiii'ii'ii""iiii·ii'ii"'ii" ... "---"-'" .. ' .. '•"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0_P.,.ILOT ...... W~A~NT ... ~A~D~!~64~,....,. ... ""_.,~.~sm~~mo:;;;·~"""':;;;~l~33;..iiiim;1I ----Balt>cm 675-8740 1 3 BR. J '1\i BA. fabulous I !!!!!!~""'""'""'!!!!""'!!!!•ICoste Mes• SIOO . !ST AR·TING NOW! coastal, oc:t!lln views, trees. HOLIDAY PLAZA ----------1 No child/dog. SZ75 mo. yrly DELUXE. spaciou11 1 Bdrm. leas. Avail, approx. AUg. Furn apt. S135. Plus ulil. 15. IJ!J.1·3725 Heated ))00/ .• \mple park- NICE View 4BR, fam. 1"00nt home. Patio, deck, dbl gar., blt·inh'. \Valer & gardelll'r paid. $2115 mo. 642-1032 ing. No children • no pets. J96.'i Pomona, C.M. FAIRWAY· I VILLA APT$. Let Us Help You Be aPenny-Pincher U P P• h CLASSIFIED se enn y inc er ADs 3 LINES l TIMES • ' YOU SAVE MONEY ~~-----~ You Get The Most For Your Money Yes, 3 Lines-2 Times-Only $200 • No Item Over $50 • No Commerci•I Firms • No Copy Ch•nges e No Abbreviitions (If mor• than ont item, the c~mbined total c•nnot exceed $50) AND YOU CAN Ct'fARGE IT! Let Us Help You Be A Penny-Pincher Ll1t1lted To The1e Clas11flcatlon1: M11th111dl11 for Stl1 & Tr1d1 Fvr11ihir1 1000 Olfit1 F11r11ltv•• 1010 Offict Equipm111t 101 I Store Eq11lp1111nl 1011 C1f1, R11t111r111 I 1014 81r Equip'"'"' Ho11 11tiold Good1 Appli1nct 1 Antiq ~t1 S1win9 M1 ~hi1111 Mus1ct l l111+rvmt11t 1011 1020 9100 ti 10 1110 111$ Pi1111s Ir 0191111 Rtdio T1l1wiiio11 Hi.Fi & St1r11 T1p1 Jl 1c1rd1•• 11 10 1100 1205 121 0 122 0 Ct !11t r11 & Eq uip1111111 Hob by Suppli11 Sportin9 Gooch l i11ocul1r1 , St1p11 Miu:1ll1n111u IJOO 1400 1500 15SO ••oo * S,100 MONTH .. 3 BR. * 2 Baths. VIEW PLACE REALTY 4!}4.9704 San Clemente · 3710 -------- $225. Mo.-2 br., nr b('h, frp!c cpts, drpi;;, stove/rel. Sterl· ing Realty 494-2529 RENTALS Apt1. Fu~- General 4000 Just For Single Adults South Buy Club is a whole new way or lUe dcsignrd just for single people. 1t's fun living "''ilh wa.1n1, dy. nainic neighlJor!'l. !f'ii 1 s1;i0.ooo ClubhoUJIC \V i I h Mall h club, 11aunas. $lWim. n1ing pool, party roon1, bil- liards, indoor ~'OJI driving rangr, tcnni~ courts, pro shop and resident tennis pm Singll', t & 2 Bedroo111 Ju.-.:- ury apartment~ 1v1th all Hie modern convenlenrc1 ava11. ahlc. 1'"urni11hed and unfurn. ... hed. RENTS FROM $150 to $350 NEWPORT BEACH 880 Irvine Ave. Irvine & 16 th 17141 64S.0550 SOUTH BAY CLUB APARTMENTS • , • RENT FURNITURE OfRECf TO YOU :J'I 11r. Dt-.livcry lOO'i-i'.1 PURCHASE OPTION Complete. l BR Apt ., Low 1.IJ $22 (k'r n10, 30 Day t.Unimun1 \VICE VARIETY Cu1tom Furniture Costa Me1a .t._ M £RRIMfl{ ,.A_wooo s --... -----~~-~--~-~-~~~----~-----------~------~~------ ----.· ----... --....... -·---------------·-.. -·----· ..... --~-------------------..-----... ·~· ! Wolnesd<t. July 29, 1970 PJJT.AOVERTISER J(t '.----~-..~--·~1r---~-------------------~I * * * * * Wo!Msday, July 29, j970 2 BR:' ij~\airs. Bltns. crpts, TH£ HIGHIJllllU "ScotU1h Treat" 161'1 .Perluldo ln. Mtl•· M2-1Mf ...., . • d~:'No'*l>ets. 568 W, Wilson 'st~~ ~.~--~---1 * $P.~C. 2 & 3 BR's. CtpU, San Diego 1nl)' to Beach Blvd. 4 blkl So. to Halt. \V. on Holt 1 blk. Whoddye Want? Whoddye c;ot? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR llrPI-~· 2214 College t.::"~,:· :~, Kids LA 1UINJA HERMOSA NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special Rat• : qk. SltO + dcp. 1998 t.taplc, "Modern Spanish" S Lines -5 times -5 bucks •ULll -AO MUIT INCLUDE l-W11.i Y'll U'ff i. 'lrMf. 1--Wll•I }"Ml wan I In tra4t. J-YOUA JMM aflll/tr •4Nr•1. -llttfl .r ""M'tlflflt, ·Apt L 548-2808 ___ ~ 16211 Parkside Ln. ~OTMINO ,.0. SALi -TltADl.I OMLVI 2 BR apts, blln~. cpls, drp!I, Mgr. 147-5441 o.-.· loqul" 1552 "A" FURNISHED MODELS NOW OPEN To Place Your Trader's Paradise Ad PHONE 642-5671 eorrandt.r. 54(i...5268. Lush landscaping, cabana, covered court· BBQ' & f 0 ~-Acre-Tu~lin. Cu.I-de-sac, .Lrg 1 Br. Unfurn. y~rds, sunken swim'g pools, s ou • trees, horae!I, privalt stnet. ~ 998 'El Can1ioo Dr .. c.~{. tams. Trade for listed securities . . "',; '54<HM'1 • "THE ULTIMATE IN 'PTS" "' 01\-ner, afler 1 PM, ~2 BR, 2 BA. Sunken 1 BR's-From $150 2 BR's-From $170·$175 64+6427 ~liv im, 'Crr>ts. drps, bltns. All util. incl. Furn & Unfurn. =~--,,--,,-.,--c-,... 'No pe1s. 1231-D Baker St. I ===~~;,;~~~;.:,~="·======;;;;.: \Vill h-ade ecruity in 4 br I: 5620 home in llu11ting1on Beach * Did 2 &: 3 BR, 2 Baths. Corona del Mar 5250 Santa Ana for tra,·el trailer or tn.ick ,li)oplc. bltns, cpts, drps, encl ---------I ;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;:=:~ &: camper, ·k'af. ~· 546-1034 3 . BR, 2 ba, dishwasher, 11 VILLA MARSEILLES 962-9651 ~Bn.-UUhu-n. n 25. Or partly disposal, refrti.:. slave, . 11n•ND NEW ,.-pets. \Varer ~~td, _crpls, drps .. 4115-2698 S~PACIDUS Mt. Chalet, CresUine. -St ....., Moritz. Fabulous vw Lake .....-897;985 SPAC. 2 e,r. l lr.l 1Ba. Adults. l & 2 Bdrm. Apti. Gregory, $35,000. Trd eq. ~ lfBR. close to OCC 1"2°4_pcts .• te1P' 61!,_m.,~ean. Adult Living $20?.f for prop, N.B., CdM. ,, \'94 @.l). {tcf11 required. "J mo yr. sc. ,,,......._, Furn. l Unfurn. (Il~l 6"12-3339, 525-8886. ~ ~ h£\11 5454879 * * Balboa Island 5355 Dl•hwaWr. color eoordinat. 10 or 20 A close to big Jake 2 BR. crptl!, drps, bltn.o;, nt"W• ed applianet!S • ph11h shag le river. 1--ishlng, hunting, •JY, !We~~ted . Adults. $150. BAY VIE\V 2 Br, 2 Ba Lower ca.i>pet • choice or 2 color can1piltg. Nr Winen1ucca, :s#t!lffjtig...5221 Duplex. Yrly leese. sehPmes • 2 baths • stall Nev. Tr~dt' car, t•amper, * Call 675-5207 * showen: • mim>red ward· pro1)('rfy in l'lawaii or T ! BR.' Vl/w cpts, drps. bltn -robe doors • indirect liJ;hl· 540-2333 ·~to. sPlrat strcse. frplc. Huntington Beach 5400 ing 1n kitcben -breaklast ~--------l~.!.t1!h· 551-6682 ---·--. • bar _ hua:e private fenced Residcnllal lot _ \Ve11tcliU, lJfiFl.IRNi 2 BR apt, Pvt ON BEACH I patio • plush ll\nuscaping • NB. F/C, $30.000 value. Trd 'J>iltiq •. ~2-1953, 316 E. 18th • brick Bar-B.Q'1. Jara:e heat· tor: land, boat, airplane, S car or ? . \Vrilt Daily Pilot : l..· .. , ' td pools &: lanai. Box f.f-1008. 11t l:JW 1 BR. Crpts, drps, e l BDR!\fS FROJ\f S200 3101 So. Bristol St. pgye refrig· Adults, 110 • 2 BR l 'h BA l'ROM $210 c~S Mi. N. of So. eoe,:-t Plllll) W 111·. 5 yr old Jlivrrsid<-, pCu.~~ aft 4 e 2 BH. 2 BA FROl\.f $260 S•nt• Ana Ot·nng<' G1'0Vl'; n1an;ige. ~;:;,::;,:=:=:==" e 3 Bit. 2 BA 1-~ROf.f $360 PHONE: 557..a200 ment free. $5,650 ac. $76,000 Newport __ , Blach 5200 Curpels-tlrapcs-disl11vashl'r eq, For: hotnc. incon1<', .-------1 heal<xl pool-.sauna-tennis -----__:..,_ __ land. 494-2936. P'ARK NE\VPORT care l'f'C room-ocean \'ic\VS free )jvg ovrlkg the water. pa!.ios·ample parking. 1~.,1 te.nni.s .cts, $'150.000 Security guards. Spa. 1''rom $115 to $450. FURN. also Avail. Bac1'11 l Qr 2 Br. Also 2 sty HUNTINGTON Town~~· Eloc. kif, pri ~ fili.rl· Subtm p<kg, PACIFIC opt-JiM ser, cpts, drps. 'i'll OCEAN AVE I I~ J~I ·~~·)I ~as!1ion Isl ~r (7141 536-l.W ' • ~~ & 58.n Jooqwn Ofc. open 10 am-6 .pm Daily H1us -itr.' 644-1900 for leas. M ~ b L•gun• BHch 5705 * NORTH END * One of those rare lovely 1 BR apts, 1 block shopping, bf-aches, private, enclosed patio, $175. 8J6.4237 or 494-4488 '67 Ford Country Sedan: V-8, p/11. air. r /h, Trade for camper or transporla· tion car. * REAL ESTATE General * _,_,_ .. ___ _ 8 UNITS Inglewood plus clear commerc, income, for land, house or beacll pro1~ erty. Eqully $103,000. Owner 675-6259 Prim{' 3 Store <..'Ommercial, C~1 . <hvncr Oregon bound • !rad{' for vac land. will car- ry ll!t TD, Call 545-3~24. South Coast Rea1 Estalc Watcr!rnt lot, N.B. $38,500 clear for small home or units. Hal Pinchin & Assoc.· ile!f. Realtors. Call 67!'r4.19'l RECREATIONAL CABfN. Lxr hange for car, boat, 11•ail cr, paper or '! Owner-Agent 67;}-496.1 or 638-1370 Gift and country store, ureal locetion. n-ade for van. camper or $2,500 equity. Wanled to trade home in San Gabr~I Valley for 4 hr & den or 5 br home in CdM or Ncwpo1·1 arra. 1-6374231 :!1,~ ac. nt"at' RANOiO CALll-·. $500) equity ·t 1.\100 le good trusl deed: Want: Salt Lake City prop- erty, Tranfs. Agi. 4i46--0732. * * * REAL t.:Sl.ATt: Genera• • irilb 11.na""'" y 1"i. · WILLIAM \VALTERS CO. ~ NOW RENTlt>IG- .,115 MO .• 2 Bedroom• S215 MO. -2 BR -View PLACE REALTY 494-9104 2 BR. Octan Vie\V, l Blk to Beach. Shag ertp!I. $185. Rooms for Reftt 5'95 Office Rental 607'G OFFICE SPACE 1 ~K 2 ba. unit!!, unfurn. BRANO NEW Outside liviftg area11 and 1 &: 2 BEDROO!\!S -19·1-8188 •$1.l PER Week -up REA• fSTATE I w/kltchen. $l.i per we;k-up .,. /,pt!. MOTEL. 548-9T'Ja Generat ------- ;" HUNTINGTON HARBOUR doqblf gai-agt•s. $250 ·to $JOO. FROM ONLY $155 ~ Largt• floor plans :JtO:"chf!iery 2 Br, 2 Ba. Spacloui; park J!~. gnlds delti*P'' ·apr, upstair!I wt Comple!e rec fac1hties frplc. 'tiltns & 30' balcony ~lodels open, 10-7 dally Rentals Wanted 5990 Motels, Trailer 3 suilf's avallabll' in llun1. -"---------1 Courts 5'97 ington Harbour Bnardwalk overlkg 'Lido Isle & ocean. VILLA .YARN ER 2 car1gar. $275 mo. Sorry, 6600 \\111:11er lat Edwards) no-•ohild;:or pet!!. }". King-, (1loll 842-0009 aant; Reallor. htI 2-222'2. ?.tngr d by \Vm \\!alien Co. RENTAL FINDERS Free To l.1ndlord1 645.0111 ::=:. 4JSW.lttl.CMte M .. • r 2 Ith", 2 BA (2 story). NEAR l~un1inl{l.on _Harbour Blt;llt. ~~.patio & balcony. New Tnplexes, Qu1f't a~a. DO YOU NEED A llOUSE ~ iBft.~ ~R. $1A5 mo, I.ti:-1 BR's, Dish\1'11.sher. SITTER'!'! For thf! month MIPf. 1 P°'Y· 4241 IllllU'ia $.!50. Pet ok. <213) 592-2623 of Aug, \vhllt on your vnc. \\!ay, N.n. a4G-0093 nr 17141 JWG.35.'i!l RPsponsibh · n I d t' r cpl. "" 548-2117, ._ •D••""'RONT * OCEANFRONT. view, !If;' ~,...;·r r gundcck. heh. NC\l'f'r l'lpac BUS. man tll't'd:,i 2-4 Br hse Jj)c~Y APTS. Start· <!lx 2 Br. bltns, crpts, drp~. or apt, bch area. Pref. un-i"e ,t,.$375. * 642·2202 Jndry. Nr s_hops & pier. $17:i furn . yrly, 642-9218 -1 yr round, Adults, baby ok. SINGLE Doctor needs tum ftw'pe)rt Shores 5220 ~=-2~13~1______ apt nr Ilse on lx:h by Aug. ; --· ---ADULTS only - 2 br c1·pts, :W. \Viii pay 10 $300. 644-29%; iJCE 1!,br. pool, patio, gar, d rps 11tovC' refrig '& gar ~ crpts._ drps. Adult8, $l40 'mo. 536.3750, Jfol Olive: Ei\1PWYED n1olher \V/~m. 'JO. -perts. $15.5. 642-8001 or Apt F child. 1·2 br. unfurn. 11pl. i4MOOG ~-·-··------r..1Cl-4ooa all. :J:OO :O,~i:::;======l\VANT ttnnager for 6 units,., ---~B~R~b-y~Sc---p_,t-1=-,-,","ar"1"y, RV.fNE 5238 llunt:i~on Beach. \V i 11 nr school!::. up lo $450 mo. "';:;.:j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! reduce rent on 2 br apt. Rox M·l091 Dally P ilot ill fron1 $120 to $70 mo, 213: --''·NG>W LEASING! 657-3111 e LANDLORDS e l ~,.,,C""-~~-~~ FREE RENTAL SER.VICE rew. fa.P.\llY and adult units 2 BR. newly pai11ted, relrig., Broker 534-6982 ~1th total recreation club bltins. encl gar. S160. mo. ---------center. 210 sq. fi., 500 sq. ft., ./ \VEEKLY Rates. SEA 600 S<t. tr. can Ron Bartlrtt LARI-\ ?.10TEL, 2 3 0 l 213/592-1361 e 714/846-1361 Nr,vport Blvd, Cos1n ?.1eM llunlington J1arbour Corp. ' -6000 4241 \Varner Ave., l-1.B. !._ncome ProDt~ty ·----'-·-'----I Finest Prestige Loe. CUSfOM 6 unil! • primf' Irvine Complex Joe. 0Y.'llf'" 4 Br, den, 3 PerSOllalizi!d service to fit BB + 5 Jrg !lludios: fplel!, your needs, Your own oUico. 11111io!I. Ntl $198,500. Ownt.r sec'y 10 answer your phone. 67;>.SO.'U. FulJ S<'c'y services avail. * NEW ' UNIT * ldcol for ni<1:. reps, lncllvid. Ry Builder, Near ocea11. u.1: btls. ntC'n, slsn1. 54-0-8373, 1£.8, AlllO, new 8 unit & Deluxe 1-Rn1. olfict 4 Unit. * 841-39'37 Nr. Orange County Airport 3 Units, income S.19it mo, & Irvine Ind u ll tr i a I ;.35,j()(). O\vner-Agent Complex. Carpet, drnpes, * :i.1~2486 * music, air-condilioning & jani!orial service. Sl2a ~io. OWNER selll11g, lease or trade husinc11s corner San Clrmen\l' IOOx!lO; 'fl\·o bldgs 48x.\it & :?Ox20, ample' park- ing !To\l'n needs Sea-Jfoi:I. RcslaurantJ Acro111 from State Park & Summer White House. $~.000 equity. 714: 746-9341 BOB PETITT. Realtor • 833-0101 • and pre-.11cl\ool, 1, 2 &•J incl u1ll. Adults, no pets. bdm'IS from. $1;,Q. Nr. shop· Tradewinds Realty 847-8.'ill ping, goU, schools. Ju~t $14~1 _ J BR. Pvt. gar. & !IOUtb '~fSan Diego F1vy. on patio, All dlx features. 4. CUlvt'f" Dr., Irvine. R.13-3733. un\1 bldg. 962-ll21 or Roams for Rent 5HS -------- HILLGREN SQUARE 1900 l'Cf ft Deluxe Offices Avail. !or in11ned. lease in Oil!' or t•itit'!I busil'sl shop. ping c:cnttrs. \Viii Uivide. Alr~nd., n1usic, panclini_::, crpt.t, drps. Max. park'g & malnt. 270 E. 17th St., C,f\.f. Mr Bram 213: Ga,-2700 coll('cl CORONA DEL MAR . PARK WEST 1'17-0087 'APARTMENTS B~E~A~C~H=B~LU=FF~A~P~T~S Owned :ind Managed hy Ne\1' :.? Br. 2 llu. Pool. The Irvine C'lmptp1y D h 1 1· "231 1·11 · ,,_ ... ..,,,,, ........... 1 S \\' lr, po IOS, .~ ·• IS, I'! -~.IS .... -------812-8417 or 847-3.'(11 OLDER \Voman Only! Pvt. i;tudlO hr, \v/ba. Ne\V. Newport I !eights. $'1'~/n10. &16-6811 NICE room !or 1vorking 1nan -\\'ilh or 1\ilhout cooking 11ri1·. E. Cos!a ill es a. ri-i2--032S Business Rental 6060 COm'A ~'fesa: 600 sq. ft. office. 600 sq, ft. store, 800 ~q, 11. shop. * Owner 64r .. 213fl .... ~m>===R=E-0=1=·1·=1c=1=;-- Nl'11•po11 Bch, 112~1 liq It * Ervin 675-1601 * i•lt Bluff 5242 l\TTRAC. 2BR. sm7rS'i1o. iRE5°1GE LOCATION All ex1ras. Pool. Kid!i/fX-'ts NICE roon1 <or o 1 de r --------- l.t ok. 11431-C l\cclson l..11. 'or lease .. deluxe 1888 sci. ft. 1147--032.·1, ~47-1446 rn1r1luyl.'d man -pvt bath. Office Rental sho"·cr, 11vt. f'n lrance. 6070 l BR, 2~ BA apt. 1'')-plc, • • . . , 646-a310 lira'Pe5:., crpls, \vet har. pri $18;, n10. Spal'IOUS :l Br, 1 ~ t>atco~ dbl gar off kitrhc-n bn .• Also 2 RR, Duplex l ROOAf. Pvt. hon1c. l\itchtn :J.shWbi ,{ihl oven. l'ool . Corl\' Blk '0 ~~-Adulls 0 n 1 y, priv. Con~lruction mill\, $fij lo ~p(g: schls & ft't•renHon. ~r.!'-llf'I~ .. i.16-81~'-"---~ mo. 64~-7731- From $325 mo/up w BR, 1 ~. BA, patio. pool. "•"~1"-'1"'0'-,"-'-.,,"-0-1.~.,.,.~,-0~1,..,-01 83$ An'!.lg<>!I \\111.y NB S16.'> n10. i\IORA KAI Apts. lol'alion, reference!! &li>--0761 ~' tie' 't door 865 'Ainigos r:ast ol Beach Blvd, ~~ blk aft, 6 Pi\! ._, ' cd by , ~"rl"'G°"a_,c~fie_,ld_.~~-~~ ROO:\f to rent w/ board, WAL TE~ CO. NE\V 1 Br·blk to beach. Sll:>, v.·alking to G 0 J de n we s t t ... EW DELUXE • Prlv patio -QUIET! Gar. Collea:e. $22 wk. 89'J..2!Ml f" Slngl<' adlts, couple. 202-A BR, 2-BA Apt for_ lcas:e. 14th. ;l.'J6,.tllg 673-llS-1 Incl xpac. mu.ster sulle, din ' nn '& dl>t garage aulo door 2 BR. Cpts, d1'µ!. Garage. ?iiehcr itvaU. r001 Jc Rec. \\111Jkir~ dislarK'f' lo I.leach. area. " Ailult~._ ™'~· 61~116 ' . • FRoM 126:'• e *LOVELY NEW APTS 86& Aniigos Wa,y, NB Nrar OCC'an & riurk. l & 2 itanagcd by en ·~. 42.:. 1:irh SI. &t7-39~17 \ALTERS CO. I &, 2 BR. NC'11·. Frplc. NtJU' ocean. Pario. Adu.Ifs • del\Mar 5150 LINDBORG co. 5:1&.:z:i79 1 BR. Nr11r Ocean. Patio. J\dul111. ~~~~ ' ,, v ., .. . LlNDBORG CO. :iJG.2:i19 LARGE 2 br at be11ch-crpl;, drps, bltM. ,• ' .,.. , v . ON TEN ACRES 219 l:ith St. " l'I< • Furu A Unlunl 2 BR. apt, Chldrn ok. Nf'w F\r. I pr1V, ptUc:a I drapt"s; crpts, rnna:e, closed f>ootL 1. Cont:U'l Bkfst.:I =1(31'=· :11:40:. :":':-8365=·=== Ila • Cdlll 644-:?'1111· nr, o..tt Hwy) S.nta Ana BR. tie\\' y dttOI\ nr. China $150 • LRG 2 BR.. Stud' dltJ. $ll0. 3 09 A t 1~ I . • 6~1127,, G75--0629 P . • • 11> ex). Family size. o-~7'!-'-"""""".;,'"'"'~-1 kltch. w/bllm, crpu, dJ'ps, IEW 2 Br. 2 Ba., Sol Jhey. frple .• encl gu, 1 or 2 Bllns., c, pt.00., beam ~hlldren ok. (Nr schll) No ~U, e •dp1. s~. '!48-7U$.1 ·pet+ 2230 ' S. <:cntee .St., IUG& oMI~ l BEL Qeg1 S.A. iqr Wa.~. 5311502 ma, crplg, df'Pll, l!ltlve & n>:frla. S180 mo. ti7S--6904 PILOT WAN1' ADS! 64~ ----,, DESK SPACE 17875 Beo ch Blvd. Huntington Beach 642-4321, Ext 276 DESK SPACE 305 No. El Ctmino R11I Son Clement• '92M20 -. Dix. office space. 2 R1n s. Grnd fir. Priv bath. N!.'w crpt, Park'g, Util pd. $135 mo. Owner, 673-6751 DESK SPACE 222 Forest Avenus Loguna Beoch 494-!IW; NEWPORT Bench deluxe of· fices. Ai.M:ol'ld. Hid. Priv. ba. 2400 \V. Coast H"'Y· 2 or 3 Rill suite in Irvine Ind. Complx. $85 furn. ~100 unf. MG-0085 bet 12·5 P:\f town. Tht DAILY PILOT Classified section. S a v e money. time Ir effort by shop ping from your armchair. UIOA wt. 21 rtl. ocT.11• I Are You Letting Cash Slip Thro,ugh Your Finger$·; See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT . WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Guitar 3. Baby Crib 4. Electric Saw S. Camera 6. Washer 1. Outbo1rd Motor 8. Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Cl1rinet 11 . Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing M1chine 14. Surfboard 15. Machin• Tools 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 18. Cabin Cruiser 19. Golf Cart 20. Barometer 21 . Stamp Collection 22. Dinette Set 23. Play Pen 24. Bowling Ball 25. W1ter Skis 26. Fru:r:er 27. Suitcase 21. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 . Bar Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Tropical Fish 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 36. File Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Sliver · 39. Victorian Mirror ' . 40. Bedroom S.f , 41 . Slide ProjeCtor 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. Tires 45. Piano 46. Fur Coat 47. Drapes 48. Linens 49. Horse 50. Airplane 51. Organ 52. Exercycle 53. Rare Books 54. Ski Boots SS. High Chair 56. Coins 57. Electric Train , S8. kitten 59. Cl1ssic Auto 60. CoffH T1blo 61 . Motorcyclo 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. T.V Set 65. Workbench 66. Diamond Watch 67. Go-Kart 68., trOner 69. C1n\ping Tr1Jfor 70. Antique Furniture 71 . Tape Recorder 72. Sailboat 73: Sports Cir 74. Mattress Box Sp1• 75, lnbo1rd SpMdbo1t 76. Shotgun n. Sedcllo · 78. If.rt ;G•m• 7': Punchln9 819 80. ll.lby Ctrrl1go 81 . Drums 82. Rlflo 13. Duk 84. SCUBA Gou These or any other extra things around !tie house be turned into cash with a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 -~--... __.... -.. . - , . I . • • I .. ZO PILOT·AOVERTISER Wednesday, July 29, 1970 W~, lwfJ 29, 1970 OAJLV PILOT lJt; =-"'-=--=~.,...,,,==-~~~-r-~~~-.,,-..,...,."="~~~-r'=""',,....,...,.-RE AL ESTATE Rf;AL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 8USINES5 end ANNOUNCIMINTS ,J~_!S ! t:M~L~Y~!!!! I Gtntral O.neral Gtntral FINANCl_.L and NOTICES ·-·-·-------------Job Wanted, Men 7000 Com mere Iii Industrial Property 6085 ~Hgt 6100 8usln .. s Found CFr" Add 6400 . --CAPTAIN ---....... I 6080 :;-st-ot-'e-s.-s-11-0-.000-. -~--\-~. GOVERNMMJ;;j~S5 -an -~pportunititt_ 6~ 2-1..mU:-a1a-ck ~t~s. When You Llcenscd . Radar .•lma1t, 1----------19th St. Bethel Tow•n co.r-nc~. Wt"ltc: Land Package, AM Vic:. Wur11i'r & Mag.nolin, ~ Yetir~ exp, 88.\l or power.I --- LOTS ncr. MS..1768 Agt. 1185 A1·rowtiead Ave, &in CANDY SUPPL y t'ol.lntaln vnuey. IW2.-5664 Want it done Prorl'tssr0tllll Sp0rt 1''fshl4 <21 $17,0IX) ca.ch on Produc. :il4 W~lumilton, h aCre.-Bn<.lo 92410 ROUTE Guidi' Mcxlonn I; Ct'ntrall tlon Place. 74 x llJ cucb. n!'nr Hattor 81vd. $31,SOO SAC, \lndevelopcd. Uko <NO SELLING lNVOLVED) Lost 6401 right American watC!r5 • aW> Will consider b'8dc. WUI •ubordina~. 548-7171 e.ssutts apprec. llunl, fish. Pinn one ........ $975.00 --r ·--·-• • • lktllS('d mu1Uo\:rlg. comm,.t. BUILDING SOOO to 7000 sq, ft, for lrn:sc, lOc ft, _ • Take over lo dn po mo. Plan tw • .. • • .. $1GZ5.00 FEMALE Siamese kjt.. 4 C /I f cial pilot, land & sra. Ad- I ndustrlal Rental 6090 897~78. Pltt.n thrt>e ...... $3250.00 mo. Beige w/brn m&J'klnii11. 0 one 0 mlnls1ratJvc e~periciq. • _ _ _ . I ------C8$h Rt-quired. Excx•'Jent In. Jo'\'nt. paws declawed. Vic: fhe experfS -. Bf§1 of N'ft>rences. Wtltlt FOR LSE: 5300 sq ft pl'ime Out of State Prop. 6208 come-tor a few hOW'S week. Bolt>on. 100 blk, Oceanfront l'l Box M 1000. Daily Pilot. wareoou~c-space • aµ or · -• ty work. <Days & Evenu~s>. Or. 7123· Ph. 673-4733 or '"f-/isted below!f Treasurer/Controller 1 a1·1-c on p::· t. ln1r" Ind., Mr. NEVADA l aci•t• 1" Rdillin; and coJJrcting f•'Om U>st • Found Dept. Pollce Part· Timt Bullard 546-8051 Charleston Po.rk Ranchos, coin opcratNl -tlspen.<:el'8 In ~tatlon. ltEWARDl __ ~ _ Will ouild to suit, Placentia. 11ub-division nr Mere. test Newport Beach Md &ut• LOST: vie. Begonia. CdM: CPA, p:vl'n m~nag~meot Wtlls·McCardlt, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 Eves. 64·1~1 site. Future developments roundlr••• :irNl. We estab: Pood. le/S<..'Ottit>, rem a. I e ., SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 SERVICE DIRECTORY skills, road experience Ill Lots 6100 incrse value. BUT l\tUST "" be Poodl financial and ~nsll'Uctlom ---------SELL. 6~6-7302. lish roult: CH1u1<llt'S name ige & brwn c1Scot· IC. ---. -----.. --·--I f.ieldt, spechili11t lq rcl\l ~ * $ir,500 * ---___ bt""nd <'arUlY nnd snadcs.l tir, female. w/scar on un· arptnttring 6590 Gardening 6680 Painting, .... _ ~ ---.. · I ---p tat~ devf'lo:'ment. ;,ervl~ Vi.:w-Le\'el loLo; • r.:z Tem1s Mountain & Desert 6210 For J>C'l'SOnnl llltcrvicw in dt'rside. l<athy . 6?3-700Ci: DAWSON ANO WAlU: Nl::W Lawns, i~s<'C<linr,. 1 __!ptrh•..!!11~L.6~~0 avaiJable in L.A. ~nd Oran~ PLACE REALTY 494-9704 Newport Br11rh area, send 6i;i-:1_8S. -BUJLDERS · C'omplctl' kl\ln 1-;ut•. Clrun 'PROFESSlONAL Pabttlng. County areas. Call 83J...34(f1 2969 So. Coast Hiw<•Y CRESTLINE· new mountain nornc, address and phonr1SIAMESE cal (Cl.'OSS blue-Room Additions • Remodel-. I up by Job 01• monlh .• l"rc<' 1 Neal work. FIM paln\I, ===:::=:::::::===;:::::::: --------- Commercial 6085 Newport Beach C·l corn<'r $12,000 Total, $3500 Down Hilltop U\guna view lol cui;t. bit home, 2 Br, 2 numlx'r to MULTJ·STATE point & seal (Xlin1l male. ing · Rc>pairs • Apt. l'Slunall'l>. For rnto call ~ .R(lllcr, brush, a Ir· le 1 5 Job Wanted, Quick Ca~h Sale $7850 Ba: frpl, w/w crpts, bltn DISTRIBUTING, INC. 1681 Lost in the vie. near Shan. Maintcnuncc· • Cc m c n t 897_2-tl7 or 8-tG-0932 ~praying, llCCOl.lS. ceUiil~. Women 7020 Costa Mesa C-1 lol on 19th St. $1.84 Per l!Q. fl. 4-!H·9748 R/O, ceramic tile. Nr. lake-. Broadway, Anaheim, Calif., non & College C. M. Work. Local ref s. Low pri~f, ~y , $21,900. Bkr. 546-9755 92802 (TI4\. 71S-5060. Reward! Day 547-9507 eve Hal Don AL'S GARDF.NlNG $47-1358. WILL do typing my home Realonomlcs Corp. Commercial Bkr. 67rHi700 NO matter what ti is. you 1 3 BR hs~. 1 .BR ca?ln. Furn. can sell it with a DAILY • 1 Nr ski lttf SJ;,,000. F. PILOT WANT AO! 642-.:m8 Schaar, Box 31, June Lake, !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ Ca. 935--29---~-~- AUilfatc 546-3700. 548-0~7 49-l·a.301 for Gardening & small land. -or your omce tor .tempo?al'J LOST: Med·si:ted white doi; CARPENTRY--scaping ~ervioes call S..10.5198 METICULOUS p tNT. work, call 962-6095 b Servin" Newport CdM Cos. BLUE CH1P STAMPS. INS. - -------w/blk elU'S, l lk eye, blk MINOR R~PAIRS, No Job t M.. Do · Sho. <'~W col sludents Jnt-ex1 DAY worker, Hones~. dcpeni ring amund tall, Vi<': Santa TO<' Small. Cabinet tn gar-\~ J~{~a. vcr • rns, houses E.'l:p Docks· ~12 dable, neat. Call. 5-H~ Give me ·~ hour or your time Ana Ave & Monte Vista. ages & o t be r oaolnet.s. <'S~. __ ~·-· · -or 547·1&t3 . 1r READ THIS DON'T Plt~(H ;~~-~·._Wanted _6240 CASH BUYKR wnnts R-3. I R-4 2 acrt>s or more. Orange County, San Diego, Long 1 Beach area. Bt)'da Inc. a. _ _, I'll pn1vt• 10 you or yo111· _Rwd. 6'12-8291 or 540-2008 5't5-Sl 75 If no answer leave LAWN II: Carden Care TRE JOB You Want Al The EXCP Ba "" ll .-. "'-' • . • • .' n....l •e y . u1·u· "' To . llr. le er wants pa,. bt nkt>r 1hl.8 Is tlw best nlOlll'Y LOST-German Shephet'd pup-ms:; at 646·2:\i'.?. II. 0 I beuutahcnlion, weedmg & 1 rnc 0.u re . n 1 Jn,. tJme/FUll tlmr posjtion• makC>r In th" U~. Prove 11\<' py. j mo. Vi<' Slater & Anocrson dennup hy college students. ' SPay, ~c1a~ prices Oll apts. Cashier or oUicc work. Utt -----I' -l''7""'" "-'I B tevc .H8-l:H9 w1vnr. and I'll puy you $100 QuC<'ns, H.B. Reward . Qr ALITY Woodcraft. -sml -~.:. .> .>-="":_ ~ nn ros. I __: --typing. 642--417l cash for your 1:1 hOur. Min. 8.t~ __,... _ __ j gcn'l constr. & carpentry. JAPANESE Gardener 1\10. TWQ UCLA s~udentl\o need ::::::.:==:::=:::::::::::::::::==:::::-:: lmuminvestment req'd $2750 S:'-1 wht mal<' poocllc, vie FreP ronsultntion & quolc. flair. Gen', Clean-Up. Ex-money. i:xpd hot1.se Jobs Men, Wom. 7100 <'ash or $850 down w/goo<I Balboa Isl nr. Ferry land'g. I Call Ken 61.J...00.14, :HB-423:i. I 1w1-. t«>as. Free es I. painters F 1·ee est~ Ken - ---· t- YOURSELF I ;:~Er~~~~4)e:~;!~ BUSINESS l'nd FINANCIAL cred.it. Secured by 1970 car Q~rner an. ... lous. Rew . CLEAN·UP jobs.-haulins'..' 612-2239. ___ 544-_30_7_4~· ------ to be used In our ren~l sys-67:i-23.<JS I L'OllCl't'tt' work. ft'l'C l'!>.I. J\L'S Landscaping. Tr l' l' t{o Wasti~ ab1· l1'tie~ tern. Best program tn US ---· ¥ Small or big 54g_7801 1'\.'moval. Yard remodeling. * WALLPAPER * :J tor investment clubs with 5 Personals 6405 I --~ • ---l Trash hauling, lot rlca.nup. When you call "Mac" (J nli mi tea to $100 M capital. Call TI4: -• I C C I Rcpulr sprnklers. 673-1166 :>-18-1444 646-4002 (You're Not Dreaming) But You Can PINCH YOUR PEt~t1 1ES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified l.d 3 LINES 2 TIMES $2.00 Any Item Priced $50. or Less (If mort thin ont Item, the combined tot1I cannot exceed $50.) 642-5678 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD DIAL DmECT Business -~pportunities """'""'•11n to 6 drtil"' WORRIED ABOUT ement. oncrete 6600 , LAN-DSC PTNG ... -'-IOU"ES, d""'ks, boats. 09erlC,I ---·Lk}'t v J-· --RETIREMENT'! .. ., ·------• A . gruuenln~. ' ., "" " 63f)O FRANCHISE If you don't \vant to live , C~NC:RE!E· Alt l~~s. Fi•cr pruning, trimming and n n Y thin g-.e very thin~ VIVIANE WOOOA~D wilh Your children o1· ~st. Saw1~!:· bl"'.nkrng. h:rnl-renovating. Cnll after 5 p.m. l'('~:;~nably painted. For fl'cc TRISH HOPKINS A~D SUDDENLY YOU'RE IN BUSINESS MAKING P.noo MO~EY (Recession Proo!\ Wl''r<' proud to talk about our business. It's fas· cinaling. lJynamic. Appeals to the small invrstor. No experience necessary. With very lit tie money he or she can achieve financial satis· faction -quickly or mod· erntcly. It's yours to df>cide. Ours is a \'endin~ mn· d'ill<' p1'.;J.!t'nm. The b •c;I. \"1·,. ~ta'>l;<:h route loca· tions. Provide finr~st Jinr of snack items. \Vr train, counsel, guide', hold ~·mrr hand until vou'rc firmly cntrrn<'hl'd. No cxp<'ricnce necci;'!ary . .Jul!l honesty, in- trgrity, wiUin:!llrss to lis- ten, work and give good service. • METICS t•r\atlves hrre's a chnne<.' I J~ & skiploadmq. S<orv1t•e 548--:5209. ,, estimate 646-97:i2. A<>o .... 17111, ftl 1-.inc, CM• CO.S • & quality 54S~ Bob -------- - -'N9 ~ •v• A SUBSIDIARY OF to do something about It. . -· ' --CAR D F. NI N G : Lan <I PAINTING -Ext.·lnt. 18 642· 1470 f GENERAL FOODS Our non-profit organization, I CEMENT WORK no job too cll'anups, Sp1!1kr sys. roto-yrs ex1wr. Ins. I.ic. Free 1 N ir hi fee $500 m ini-for over 80 yrs, has made i Sm~U. n'nson~blP. F1•ee rernr nt work. Yancey rsl. Accousl. Ce I I Ing s. Accounting Machine 0 antnc se · Co 1 1 retirement dreams come· I Esl1m. H. StuJJ1ck 54S-8615 G.i&-5S60 54S-jJ25. Operator mum ventory mp e c f tho d 11 ----training and eo~tinual gui. true or usan s. you DECORATIVE CONCnETE * PAPERHANGER *Burroughs EJ.465. Call Amr. dance at no cost. c.-111 collect have ~5 yrs before you plan nRIVES.WALKS-PATIO General Serviees 6682 Recognized Authority. Prior 645-2770, Westclifl Personnel V ~· kJ (213} to retire, you need not wor-1 CALL DON 642-8514 instructor 64&-2449 Agency, 2043 Weslcllft Jean an • ic e ry. Send name, address & ____ • __ _ Wall Cleaning By Machine · -Drive. N.B. • 782-3310. _ _ __ _ phone number to P.O. Box '* CGNCRETE ''"?rk; plllio~. r;-as1, low cost, driplcss INT; & ~:''· ~ainllnr. LooaJ ~ WIFE AND Employed ArN lf'\332. Snnla Ana. !12701 tor I dr".'\'.nys, ek. L 1 cu n s ed. fur E!ll. rPf s, he d. 11111,. tree ei1L AfP Se<'relary Spaee En~inccr • Thin!dn;:: 1 inform;ition Ph1l11p~ Crment. 51~..(l3.'!0 _ B & B QUI!\ KLEEN _\alt Chuck. 64S-08~. Bw·roughs Bkkpng -t.ilach. Ahl)U1 Jnvoluntary or Volun· ,~IE!'\! Wr tnkc pridr in our MORE Concretl'.' patio for _ * !162-:>40-t * _ I RETIRrm Painter: 26 yrs 0·1r ' hry Phai:e Out7 Henr Thr work. Wr arr here lo mnke lcs..~ mnrll'y. Artilltir srttlng. APT CLEANING • Painting l'Xp<>r. Nrnf & honci-t. Non E:<rc. Sc>c1-cta1'Y Solu:ion Fro1n a Former you look better. Wr use Lie., c·all Max at 611·0087 . 11ug Shampooin~ & Lite j •.l'inkN'. Cn ll 5.%-6801. NCR 39'3 Opr Engmeer. ~ppts. now taken-European Razor Cutting = . .:::-·· --· -Repai r s. REM ARC PR01''ESSIONAC.-30 yri; e:<p. 01'tl<'I' Desk Secretary • _<?~ 962-4116, 6:8 PM __ Jetaire or whate~cr is I Contractors 6620 ' SERVICES. 847-6688__ paperhanging & painling, Rrprn Typist • Cornpl. LEITER Sh o P. neccss~ry. Our main con-• 1 HOME Rc-pairs & L 1 1 c from England . 968·7461 Sec'y lPui'Chlslng/Const.r) mimeograph/etc. Stnr1 own cern is your good looks! I CONTRACTORS I Maintemrncc. Balboa lsla11d. INTERIOR/E.xteri~v~. 1 Newport 1 hus. w/no cnsh. Will lse Sir Waller's, 2052 Newpo. rt I GENERAL CO Call Gc01-ge. 675-S198 Br. apt. Labor & material Personnel Agency t $200 mo incl r<'nt & plhv. _Blvd., CM.__ ---• -------~1:.1 .. "-•8-t"'l" 833 Dover Dr., N.B. ' 33 -i\dditions-Rcmo<Hin~ 1''ENCING, rt"pairs, paintin:;, .,, .n ,, u + opt. to buy. 646-03 . MEN! Every haircut ~c cut hcsidl'nlial-Commr. 'Cial ~rneral ma\nl. PAINTING -& --:C1u nlr & '42·3870 ~n~"·-__ _ __ Is a ~rofound pm-suit '°{I e :-..'ll-~'99 e 61G-1SO!l nll -:mall rcwti-::: ~l'<'ll ~ Vk:RY well known l"t':;lau~anl per!ect~on! A por~ru r LlcrnsPd Bottcll'd I -F.d'. Cl . I ; s' ,.. . 1 •' GtG-it~ . AUTO mechanic, light, fllf . !!2 renti; l><'rr a.nd w11w. mn~U1renC<'l M1ry Linda C • s c.inl 111~ · 'rvl<'<'. cs ima <!· > • ,. _ -AAA "ara<>c ""rm xt..Nt . ' ' . nd S t ilJ11t'ls · Up 10 sh.~l'Y -Wm· 1·RAD'; n . tnt!no bo Ii " "' · ,~ · ' $12,;;00. 6!6-5.18.l a usan a your ~' TIIB RE.\IODEl.ERS * I . ,. C ." -i "· ,-.1 . .., , .c.-ens-salary. Hunt's• \a.,.a.eo -~"rvic<'. ~,~ 'au al <;;ir ' . . dvws . I loor arr .. )fa·O.ii7 I'd contrortor for :.ri1ck. Se . 1•r)• N C A't.f · -· -·· , . . ' · Fr<.>e t'sts . 100',, flnancmi-: • ·-_;::::;,_. -., , rv1ee, ·• ·• 1 OSU1 Business Wanted 6305 1~tcrs 20·'2 Newporl Blvd. J l'i1C'hens. garages. carports I Haulinq 6730 rurr:_or :_6IMSO~---Highway, 1..ng.' B c a. -·-. -_• _____ .. _ I Con~pletr RemodPling. .. -· - . ·~ _ YO~ S~1pply The Pa~nt. :~ 49.1-~-- Bu:, ~1 Lease s ma 1 I *FULLY . LICEN~~D*. 19._uahly _co~·tnrs « 1:1-::S.iO T.N"I'. Lawn Se r vi c «', Bl: ~.iv _Rm k ,.mtchNl Assistant Trainees tiusmess. Motel: mob! I e Renowned lhndu Sptrlluahst MY WAY rt -h Garage clPun-up:; haulint; Pt\rnltd, $.i(). Call .l.17-8638 ** HELP ** horn" par~. i:cta•I franchise. Advice on all tnattrrs. 1 repaiJ· wai' Is quccnl:i~g 0°001~~ & lighl moving.' 548-5863, -* PAPERHANGING $3 SS ptr hr · Couple will invest lo-60 M. Lo M · B · · I · · ' ' · I " · • . . You need a rar and at I Box No P10TI Daily Pilot n _ved.. arr~age, 7 udstnc:;s etc No job loo small. .:.)31-372!1 & PAlNTJNC. llGR-242.> 12 men needed now l $600 r . . . . . . , ,....,a mgs given ays a '"3-1•94 II U 0-LO -----:o:-~ least or m.1ntprnm !n· --------week g AM·g PM 213 N El l .::' -~ ---1 . A LINl,\$1 A AD R & L painting interior-ex· Perm. & temp, employmell, vcstmrn~ ~tr1ctlf for ~Q.llf~ 1· Opportunities 6310 C~mino Real San. ADDITIONS. !.. T. ron-Clean u1>. Tt'<'<' &-rv. Gen. terior. WP (lJ'I' reasonable. Delivery drivers, order dcp. ~:.enc~"~ ~v~~~indo re· Investment \Clemente, 492-!lm, 942-0076 s1ruclion, .sln~lr. or 'l story. _Prunln~ ~\6-2:>28, ~:l.S0.13 _ ~~~'• 54!\-0823 ____ with slerro-TV .eo. Must bf qtilrc'<l. Be ambiHous and -~ ------1-------Plnns. esl1matrs & l11youls. MOVING. t;ai'<•iw clrnn-up neat & aggressJVe, and over willing-to C'Xpand. 140 ACRES (ZONED MOBILE * Alone' I ~17-l:itJ_ & !Ni' hauling. J~n.~onnblr. Plastering, Patch, l 19. Company will tra~1. ' Vi:::orous 4.billion plu~ HOM.El Dbl. st .. frontage; . . • I A~ditions * R~modc~ing 2'._'rrr rsllmah.'s. &1:i·1GO'.l. Repair 6880 Mr. Rufr 9j6.287J rPrrsslon proof business. I Next to $50 million Devel; Yes, tis your fault. For re.' Fred H. Gcrwick. Lie. I YARD I G:ir. Cleanup. * PATCH PLASTERING ARE YOU ' Cash sales. No credi1 risks. I Sac $1900 per/ac. Terms. co. rded message ti.mt will 673-6041 * 519--2170 Remove lrc>cs. tvy, Ira.sh. r ? . ~: \yorks for you d~y and 688-2000, Ext. 9 day or eves. change your life caJJ. . __ , Grade bl'lckhOP !162-8745. All t)'f>C"s. Free estimates BEAUTIFU1.? j night -even whrle you 547-6667 Carpet Cleaning 6625 -, -. -Call 540-682.i • , sleep. Quick turnover. ----24 H Re 'Cl! _ _ _ __ ----llAULINC * FRF.E EST It's al! i.n the rye oC the~ Original investment can be Money to Loan 6320 r . coi ng __ j Ask for Butch Plumbing 6890 holder. Check the TV returned in short time. ----·-*MASSAGE & SAUNA i~ ~ 548.725.5 or G18-:l210 ml. )'Otl watcb ~If yoq Rl'qujres only 6 to 8 1st TD Loan GRAND OPENING. Lovely I ~/ ~ rusri&iat"J~ ciean:up., 24 HR PLUMBING feel you're u weUy Ja4 hours per week of serious girls. EXPERT MASSAGE. 1 CARPET • Mon. thru Sun. t10 a load. It REMODELLING so01~ ol those •10. caUtun att<'ntion. Like .getting re• M_ INTEREST Ask about our Las VeJ?o" Fl'Cf' Es1tma!.-. !">48-!"i031 ;157.0044 CALIF CASnNG ClY tircmPnt pay, annuity or 8 ,o J• vacations. 10 AM to 2 AM. STEAM CLEANED ---PL.UMBrNG-REPAlR-. • T" pensfon -only better! 2nd TD Loan 7 DAYS. 2930 W. Coast Hwy, REASON"BLE RATES 6735 Is continuing it's ;n.g.tch lfl Ne\vpor t Beach !i18-3608. Also Cl'J' '(!t i11stnllnt1011 Housecteanln!J No job 100 small everyday people Who hA~ Tf you·re serious, i;incrrP, . • 61Z.312R e d I t k ,,V~ let's talk. Letter prcfen-cd, Terms based on equity. AL COHOLICS-Anonv'iTious 646-5971 Housecleaning? 8 es re 0 wor ·~n .0 giving name, address, 642·21 71 545-0611 Phone 542-7217 or write to i OWNERS SPECIAL WE'RE THE -;':~~~ N~o~~ r·, ~o Sl ~~~~e r~f~e'::~s at~d v!~fg,: Serving Harbor area 21 yrs. P.O. Box 1233 C<¥>ta Mesa. 1 soo sq. ft. $20. Di1tmond EXPERTS I R~~=r~lng & 6940 * FOR ON CA~~~rf Write to: Sattler Mortgage Co, ~----Carpet Cleaners. _187 21st DUTCll Muir1t serv, <'l'pt ---AUDITION * . . t 336 E. 17th Street Cemetery Lota 6418 _St., Costa Mesa. 61.>-1317. clni:. nr waxing, wi'ndow ROOM Addillons. garages, CALL mo 835.m~ Ussery --~ ~-_ -V.l 1 REMARC Services. 3 rooms washin~. llal'I"' \/till Bcynen rrmodrl. Lowest Price In _,.. 10 AM to 6 nM , ' •d t 1·-I 6345 4 PACIFIC ew Memoria J I I ,--IP " UI r ..-,,, nc. Trust Deeds \ $21.50. Full> guaranteed. 537-l~iOR if no nn~ <'nil fill :i. 1own. • c. c· on I r a<' Io r . --~ 1195 Emoire Central, -~--·--·· Park Cemetery lots $200 Credit cards OK. 847-6688. -6-12-W&~ BABYSITTER, liM n, ..C.111 Dept. 5365A $l200 2nd TD needed. Will _each. M~~ or ~2-4081 _ . -. Mesa Clt.'aning Service -. • ' Bar Hru•bor trl\Ck. Owir I t>aJtas, Texas 75247. llRl!!I ~'TEAM JCI catprt clcanm~. Cnrpel~. windows. floors, rte. F lBERGLASS showers & trnnsp. Ph: 54S..5995 alt 1. pay 10% amortise In 3 Y~· By ClarKare. nation·wlde , nrs & Cllmm<''I. 51R.41 11 pullmans, 5.36-8915 ask for PM • 1 + 8 unit dcltL'I:<' apt tld1?. I l F t 61~o-· l H Ii *CANDY SUPPLY comp! lscd. Call 64:>-1200 RV CE D RECTORY ~rv cc. _rec"~. ~ ,j;J --nm-XLNT-llOUSE-I er - ---- -BABYSITTER wanted, ~ 0 or res. G?:>-5S3:l -· • • CARPET. ~lettning. 10 _yrs CLEANIN\.. CF:N'L remodeling & nminL young sons. my home e>~ <PARTRORu;~Lt TJME) AN. NOUNC..;MENTS-Acc~nt~~g 6500 oxpcr. he d. ~nded. 1-1-,Jr * Call R.?.ti-O:i4X * N?. !oh loo -i; ma 11. yours ir pi<'k up ava.il. Mon~ .. est. Call 642-ll:J4. Lie d/rnsurrd. 67:>-8183. Fri. 675-5256 aft 7PM. VERY HIGH INCOME and NOTICES STARTING new bus? Bkkpg . -·----~.~ -=--= JOE'S-CLEAN-SE RV. --------- ''FREE BONUS ROUTE -• --· ·' --~ Special-comp. sc>rviet.• at Carpet Layi·ng & 1 "' h' R & I --Babysit 3 kid11 in out home/ PLAN" Found (free Ads> 6400 prices you can aUord. R . 6626 cw" co /w"r;:' 11~:,;.~1 Sewing 6960 Nr. Bushard & .• ~nnint No\Y avaUable in Orange -----64&..-0:tt1 Jv. mes. epair -"~· '~" · .. st. ·::.. >-l ·--.. ... --9b2-5948 1 County. All locations are BLACKl!'H minil\tUrl" P<»-__ __ _ 1 STILL have the Brst clC'nl BA y & Bra<'h Jani1orinl I QUALITY you·,·e a I w a y s 8 kin commercial or factory furn. die. maJe. Wh1. spot on Babysitting 6550 in town in Carpet-L.rnolcum· CurJ>cts, wmdows, floors, war.led. Dressrriiklng -an ** TELLe- ished by us. QuaUlied person chelsl. Hve's ~:~ing Anot __.M.AT._URE ~W-OMEN Tile. C.A. Pagr. 642-2070 r11· fil"s & Commc'I. 64fi·1101 aolterat1ons. Kc-y Say, 1763 '1 ~atu..... P •1·~·>11 wit'f! boo"' eat ng. ie: ~·ta na ranf:e Avr. C.M. 64:P292. '" "' .. '" 41 r1"1 will become distributor for Frwy. 1-2t1: 656-3799 with own car CARPET-LAYER II J\ s l1011s<'work. F.xrwrirrl('f'ci, ---. -·-----keeping and/or cashlrr bit· our candy (Nestles Plant. CARPET! Fantastic ~UV· Own tran.o;porlntion Exper1rncrd SMmstrcss l{t'nd. Must l,yl>f' ~.0:-;;c) ivprn~ <'l's, Tootsie Rolls. Milk BRWN & wht Collie dog w/ PROFITABLE WORK lnJit!i. Cnll 612-AlGI e 512·2716 e Rent<onnl~lc.· ~ate!: Please l'nll !lOi-:io:>l.· '• Duds, etc.I. You must have \~t Oeo coll. Vic Acacia Jn home of paren1s -----=----:ianitorial-Servic~ Lynn S<'hrul ,i18-5887 B-ARMAlO. sl1arp naJ, n~ 2 to 8 hrs. per week spare k ~nack Shop, Cd l\t . Parents El t · I 6640 • " ••'4 673-10-j() befr 5 or 67;>..423~ 8 b 't I A ec rtca nti;. & Commr'I. D42· '24 ----1 <'Os1 ume. A~r :lrl-40, Dny o( llf'ne (days or PVl'S. l. aft 6. a. ys84• ~-~;,7 s;Y ----Tile, Ceran,ic 6974 nilc shift, l\L'la pt-time, nq Sl150 to Sl!l~iO "' ELECTRICIAN. Small i•lb!(, Ironing 6755 Pxp nee. will train. Tho Ci\SH REQUIRED F'OUNO: Wl1i1c kitty ar-.prox. BABYSJTTING-ma1U1'f' tern-maintenance & r e Pa I r :i · ----; • OiSL-ounl Tile Ccn1rr e Place. 2000 W. Balboa Blvd, For more information write: 5 mo~.; Vic. Corvo & Pit· ager 1ralned & exp'd. avail ;y1R-5203 * ffiONfN\, * j 2021 So. Main. S.A. !'146-1617 N.B. 675-5171 ''ROUTE DEPARTMENT # cairn, Costa • Mesa {Mesa for lull until college opens. CONTRACTOR·LIC1D-My Home. ~l llr. I All t t n II n -----....---... • 23," P.O. Box 1739. Covina, Verde areal .. ;.t9-1Zl2 eves. <Will live inl. 673-6667 Pick Up & Ueliv. M:>-7641 pnti~pc~notryl cw.:ywas ~-1100~:,BARMAJOS . E-xperlenccd1 Calil 91722 I I ..I-I ----* 642-2192 * ------. .. ' uu ' "' Apply in person. Vei:A!I · · nc Uue P lone FOUND · Blark & white BABYSITTING In my home J 't • 1 6790 shower. Expert installation noom, ~II w. l!lth. C.M. 7 no. or call collect (213) female puppy, 3-4 mos. Vlc, inf.ant lo 5 yrs. Day evr.s an1 or:•~ or ~ i tJ tio I d --- --:--'.".1 339-543.1. Magnolia &. Garfield , f .V. & wknds. Nr Vlctorla & Ff.ors 6665 WORKERS AvnilalJteT"' Any t..... ns 'U~Comna or 0 BEAUTY operato~, foll or COIN LAUNDRJF;S 98$-6973 Harbor C.M. 1>15-1473 ~----kind ol work, nnytlmc. 1~ ,..,.,ncl!erg, pletc line part lime. Classic Callturc; Al E ,...,--1 kl lO k -------CARPET VINYL TILE Cl I I k of acce&<IOrlt's &: tool<: for C.M. 540-()j.10 FR IGI 0 R A1,;1,1 b k tten. w ~. AB. YSJTTING by day or 'ILIC CONTR. FREE EST. l'an ni:. awn wor • •tc. I lallaf -----JET.ACTION Found In Vic. Havtri Pl. week, Pacific Sand~ tract, * !>40.?26:Z * £rrlclent, t(•linblr. $150 hr. _,. _ ~n. -~-BEAUTY-operator w It~ Co~a Mc~a <.'hoicr loi· ,1000 N. Bch. A11k (or R1tn1Jy. HB. Fncd yard & lunches. __ _ _ _ _ .~ Mk ror John or Nicholas * Verne. The Tile Mnn * following, alRo l for ma11ar.• 1.,., mo net. Minimum ~-4019 or :>43-318-1 __ :i3G-778"1 I Furniture Restoring fi1r,..(l07~. I Cust. work. Install & repairs. Ing. Mean Verde. Wtitc do'< $10.000 down paynwn1. KEYS Found on bearh vk. COL.LEGE sludent, daytlmr & Refinishing 6675 SPARl\l.E .lnnitorinl & WiO. f~ f'~ k1~1 sml. ~laster JXI· l\81:~0bol1. D~~ll~ Pi~l. J.lll W. Snnta Ana, Alpha Bela major Island & BaJboa. Inquire babysHtlng. Llcrneed wlm· dow l'lr:rnm~ Srrv. W111· • LA:ll n~ SllO\\er repair. w u P v • t \VP 0 r ~ i;hopolni; f"rn1cr. Big volume at front counter, OaUy ming lnlltr. Prefer bench FURNJTU~ Stripping & dows. l'l'<ilrt.. romcl. con~t. 847·19.>7/114(;.()200 c, nrh. 1 laundl'y, $39.<YX>. Reasonable Pilot, 2211 Balboa, N.B . area. Own car. 548-1489 refinishing. rlranup. l"l'(I(' <''II. 962---0672 CERAMIC tile custom wo1·k. • terms. F.V. Corona ol GSriieid ONE to 4 yrs. Wkly S'lO. * 642.937J * ----Fee estimnte. NOW'S Jff £ 32 Washers/8 Oryeri;, i:tood Magnolia area • puppies -My home Fenced yard hot _. Landscaping 6810 494~2144 or 494-6372 , • ; location. $8,000 l"/P. SmaU 8 wks old blk & while lunches. &tz..5639 ' G d · Lu1o -~.toBILE0 llOME. OwNERS • • down payment. l)f,S....2470 !r. e!'~ng vv..i --TIME POI "• 1 COIN-O·MATIC , --W!LL. twbyslt, my hoint', in J -Conll-ftock . will hold )'llt1r Tree Service 6980 EQTT!PMENT INC POODL~·typt' shaggy dog, vtclntty ()f FAIWlll'rl~ & APANESE Car a c n Ing ~O'll\<'I 11;rht. 1''or ln!ll, _.. - r:2· 7s33' I • round VII', l61h SI, & Sllnta Eding<'r. 11.n. 1192--520~ Sel'\llct', Ncnt ~ork. Cleanup 51S.-72G:J or 7J.ll{ ~to A11k tor BOB'S TREF. s. URCERY c c· s ;> ;>-An11. C.M Coll to !(!entity ---yd. maim. OOS.230.1 Butch 1 ~ bt\Ck offorlng u~ Mme QUI K A ff CLEANERs-&---SH 1 RT :,\g.fil63 ---c~-;;~ttrlng -6590 >;XPritENCED-Japl\ni'~ -2S fine Quality Troe ~rvicc. t.i\UNDRY picl<·up station FEMALE brown l bhick -· 4 Gardener . Complet e MAID SERVICE 61 * 540-37~ * In &hopping centtr. Ad• pup. 7/28, Vic: Nr. Sloter CAR.PliWT1W: Cab] n ets, Servtce. Free t1l. 546-oQ721. -C ~0$.N;jd Service TRE•. Hl'dges, trim, (.'Ul, dltionaJ room for small In Fountain Valley. 84U74A . Room AddJtJons, Pa1ios. CEN'L CleM Up, tree tt't"V, o-.1,a...nttal ._ _ar. .. .._-nts. ,h .... ;.. rernovC'd, haul ..... M plant. l'lobble1, draperies. ~ I e job Mike 646-2:76 .-...: .. ""'-• -.."ncv•.-.: , .... ..,.. <-v i1\1 etc. OK ror husband/wife BR tr wht dog pt. B/illllt't. 1 z • • } fted kut, roto-tUI, sprlnkln Ph. 4142-9873 or 642-Sr74 yn. tl(p, Fully iru. 64Z-40l> DAI LY RWJ' Ji team. $7.950 or offer. Agent Roch<'8ter & 18th St . REPAIRS * AL"(ERATJONS rcp._'l.lrc<I. 646--5848 DON'S TR.F:E s·t:onVICE All 546-5880 642-4179 * CABlrfl."TS. Any ~11.t' )Ob Cl,Jo:AN UP-sPECJAUSr t)'pcg, LI,:,. tint. 1''rc'c • Tir.ED or th3t old rurmt11r<''! CONTACT kn'> found by -2:; >'" Cll'J>Cl':_:>tl~ New f<'nce & rl'palr. Odcl Maiote nance 6828 E.slln1ntrs. &42--5584. 11•91 t-cally not thttl hllt'd Cd~t j1•1ty. C111l to idl"ntify. GEN. ll.cpalr, add. cab. -~s. ~u. !illl-6!?~ _ W.\Tr'R llr:itt'r:1, c.liBpO&el'li. TREES-&ahii'itiS: pruncc', to ,...pln<'C'. Ju~t wn1rh the &12--0::f0 Formica, ranclin marllle!. Complt tt Yard Carel I <.'IC. rr j() P<'r hr. 11hnfl('d, MlnlO\lf" or ttplanl. tumlt\tro & mlsr1•llnnrous PUPPY-;/nl•:t rnlbr fouud Anything! Dick, 673-059 JlM ' &IM837 IH2-2'r..iJ or Gl2-0j()6 25 .>'ts toe. SJS.2j:z8 all 6, columns ln the Clall1tlied vie. Hnrniltnn & Pomona. ----- Section. C.l\f. G41N-162 ~~~~~--------- '1 --,,;:: --·-__...,..,....,·-· --· ~--_. "T-----~ I' ''t ' ··--'T.-.-;-• <: \ .... , c I"'• F\ , •• ~. r·-...-....-~ -...·~. """''" --.~ -~--.. -...~ ... :;-:;;-.----:-;----;---;"'.-~:--: ,;f,;.-............ ' ' ··-•• ••• -.• • ~-••.•• '. ~· . ... I i I . ' I 1" I: . I!·:: " " I· i . . • I . . ;· If ij ' . ' . • ' . I . I • ' ' • • • .. • ,. :, • . • ,. :· ' i' " • • ' SO YOUR LITTLE RED WAGON IS REALLY DRAG<ilN' llLL llLL. SILL 811.L \ADD HORSEPOWER TO THE FAMILY BUDGET • . " ' . ' ' . • ' • •• You can handle those bills. All you need are the dol· lars you'll CJet for all the still-9ood, but· nobody· uses • them items you'll find all over the house. Make a list of them today and decide to turn those unwanted ar· ticles into extra cash. It won't cost you . . . it'll pay you. And you'll be surprised at how fast you can sell iust about anythinCJ -with a DAILY PILOT classified ad. Try it today. Every day is a CJOOd day to use DAILY PILOT WANT ADS (And You Can Charge Them) 642-567 \ 2L JOB! Joil> -BOI $100 I """ ant\ ~ Ab\g. ""'' Sultp ..... a Gii1 l Muv '"'" """ A/P . " ,._ Full n1ent plan. Cold• Newpo ....... - WI 00 " In :;~48 ( New pi: t:qual ~ ro• Top ,., '" pe Sn. , full Gro'il: llons "°' E c.n \\'ill t sterll ment Dept. CARP finis.: Al.LE Ocean ( Ml • l\t: * T< * SI• •Al PE L. 150! Equal COCK' 22-30. 10:30.1 Nova NB COt \\'Rlllf:• Ulun; corr expe1 shift. INN, Hwy, cow 1o:ratli SJ hr appL ;fl6-5' ** 11•1..ee t::R, Bl " com Stt ( 3. * CCX liml! . \•aleM ** s ~)931) '~" DRU!'¥ night DONU ing. -· 11th ! EDI .rournE lo w Sport publh Rklt1d n1dlo rnthu good writtt ~Choo publi+ prf!Pt of yo pa.ate Holrc -• *SI 'ilartJr r 1rr;t S\2,0C tn.iN , . ..,, 10f!MI ~lptl •lflpol T: An ------------------------------------~-------'-------------- : I PJLOT·ADV£RTISER JOIS • EMPLOYMENT ·-Jobi Mw.. Wom. 7100 ~-----~-------~---·----------~---.------· ~~-~~·~--,.-~·--~--------------~ WfClneMtty, Jt.11129, 1q10 \'/tdM!.day, J'llly zq, l~Jtl Jobt Mor. Worn. 7100 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 Jobs _..Worn. 7100 1_s_A_L_E_A_N_o_T_RA_D_E __ SA'-L'-E'-A._N_O_T.;.RA;;.;.;;D.;;E_ SALi AND TRADE DAILY PILOT /S5 Mf.llCHANQISi):"cli; « r.-~1 SALE ANO TRADE , JOIS " EMP/.OYMENT I JOBS. EMPLO~ENT I JOllS .. EMPLOYMENT I J08S & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FOR MER.CHAHOISE FOR MlltCRAHDISE FOR ----_ :;;:;::;;;;:;;;;;:;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;; -----Furniture IOOO Fumlture 8000 BOOKKEEPER F1c -----cON~~J!LNl~~rvsT ~ s.G"'RA' MT'S SURPLUS ;An;;:tl;qu;•;•::;;:::;;:;:;:;';ll;OM __ 1._c_•I_••_.....,_ • -'---j ...,00 Up, Sta.hie nbib, Nc\v. .. Electron1'cs C.Joc'•tol"or.atld!nr machl•M JUNIOR port Bea.ch Co, Very pleu-~"pe:ric~. MU!!t be famiJ. ant \\"orkinc cond. Top bellt iar with Inventor)' &t prod\lc. COLLEGE Used Now lnterviewin9 Furniture Sale SALE Back Door Imports Uu Your .BankAmerlcerd 1896 H .. bo, Blvd. CM *AUCTION* FRIDAY, 7:30 P.M. "~· 11 '•"' '°"'"· '"•" i-ineers non '"""°' ......, ...... DISTRICT Call Mlu Betty, :;:)7-6122. 1.4f5 Ability to rr1d a.nd v.'Ork · SALESMEN WE ARE THE SALES OUTLET FOR THE NATION'S LARGEST FURNITURE LEASING CORPORATION JULY 3ht Top Name Abigail Ab b O I PmloolK'I with data procietWng re-has the following ~ncy, ZlO \V, \Yank"r, t ·u F1i1ll Time E.>:l)('rlt:tx.-ed prt'fel'f"t'd hut nnt ~~·u.i1y. Many ("('llllP.:U'IY bclll'fll!l. Apply 111 pcf'S(lll only bl•11!.-.-cn '..' tind G P.M. Alik for ~lll«l Grant. Ml-7S76 Puk In Rtar New & Used P:um. Bdrm & din'& nn .eu. dl- \'ans, d.ineues, chetls. Spto· izh & n111ple tablM. like new color TV·1 • stel'tOI. !ewk\c m&ctUne$. vacuum d •aner'I:, bultell, bunk beds, Plano1. Thomas orian. Credenzas. eornmode1. Uke new rc-- frlg's. il!IO side-by-side Stoves, washers. drytrt, of• tietl dl.'t1k1, lots of new c&r· ptt & much more! Suilf' 211• Santa Ana. porn:. Physical inventory oppor uni es • c· ., d . required, ht'll.Cy lifting ill< 3 Rooms of Furniture, complete . BOOKKEEPER· SECT'Y . Girl 1''rida,y lot lkal Eatatt Management. Local, full 1;:haJ'le, "'Ith llOn\e OUi~ tiss:istance. Reports, AIR . A/P. pmitlne . .rnntal ineomt & expenw11. Shorthand or Speedwrltil'.I(. No pajrroll . Fun Un'le. salary • •Uva.nee. n\ent good, Major hefllth plan. • • - Coldwell, Benker & Co. Newport Beach 8J3.0700 Bklcper Sec'y &. Typist \\IORl\. \VH.EN I: WHERE YOU \VANT on tempo1•acy assii:J'lnlcnls VOLT Instant Personnel ;;~ Campus Dr., Sl.lile 106 Nev.·port Beach 546-47-&l !'.:qua) opportunity e1nploycr e CAKE e DECORATOR ~'OR QUALITY BAKERY Top n1\ly need apply. A1~l.Y hi person to 1'1r. Anderson. Snack Shop Bakery 34.14 E. Cua.at Hwy. CoronM de! l\f&.r CAR WASH full &: p!Tin'lt' Positions. Growth Company. 3 Loca- Llol\ll Orange Co. 2950 ilar- bor Bl vd., Cosla Mesa. Central Service Tech \\'ill train matw? woman to sterilil.e & distrlb!Jte equip.. men!. 3-11 i;hift . Per90nnel Dept., Hoag Hospital, NB. CARPENTERS & Cen1ent }inishers wanted. Call 962-69.t:i * CHEF * (Second) FULL TIME Au.EY WEST 2106 \\'e~t Oceanfront, N.8. 67S.l 714 CLASS "A" MOLD MAKER • f\finimwn S }TS expcr. • Top Nies * Steady overti~ • All benefits APPLY PERSONNEL DEPT. L. M. Cox Mfg. Co. 1505 E . Warner, S.A. 546-.2551 1rcu1 •Sign (:Juded. Cont11c1 Jlf.'r.w.iU'!el All:\llNIS'TRATlVE • M19netic OHier. s~:cnL"TAR\' d . Slartinl: uiao· $$70. fflf es19n L M c M'--c r·-nl .... ro11-. Wiii \\'Ork • • OX ••• O. •• ·~ ·o· • Systems. 1505 E. W1rner, S.A. 11fternootU> ;Uld el/f's. \'/UI •he•'oul 546-1551 do ~upcl'\llsory oftitt \\'ork. .. ~ic Pl't'IJ6ratlon of class 1tched· CALL IN CONf'IDENCE TODAY GA TES LEARJET CORPORATION Static Power Div. 18&.JI Von Karman Ave. Equal op1>0rtunity r1nployrr 1.ADY ovtr 40 r efined \l'/personality, cxp'd 1 n Sales, some background In cteeorallng. Kno1\'lcd.:e t1! Bookkpg & typing. ?\o smoking. Steady po1ltlon w/ OIK' ol 11\t> fine st dcoo1itti~ studios in NtA·pt Bch. Good salary & future Give ~hr..: \Vrile Dally Pilot Bo.x M· 1007 -- ule,: utld lf'Cl'Chtri1d dutlri;. J>rM·10W1 11e,_-hool experlen<'t twlprt11. Typing 15kills or N \111111 , SH 120. SR. TYPii,"T CLERK St1rtiilg ~ ~. Rl°C'e'f"" tloolst IOI' administration of11('i')(, hc>1tVY lypin~ ;ind dlctnphonc-\\Ulii:. Typing !)klll a.l \\.'pl'll. PJJ:;ASE APPLY 17.il Newpot1 Blvd .. C~I SAIU.-tAKER. I l' \ m 1n r r , upholsterer 10 \~'Ork on bolH i.Jttcr1or~ & COVl'I·~. ~:x· perierl(-ed. Perman<"nt job. fr!~ benclils. Call or wrhr l..AKE ARR0\\111 EAD t\lAHINA, Lake /\fruwhead~ 71.\: 337-2i"ilt SERVICE CENTER Employment Agency Reg. $500 ........................ Now $199 3 W'ti.•h. s~fas: 1_ '.ed'.1~~"'":1_ anliq~?3J"~~: 2 ~{;9"'.~~. ~~~~. ~~.~t.s.'. ~ .. r~ ... l. -~~~i~u$afo~~: 1 Blue g reen sofa & love seat. $411 , .... $119. 1 Green sofa & love scat. $411 ....... ~·. $145. 1 8' green & gold sofa. S279 ............. $79. l Green velvet sofa. $300 ............... $79. I Blue sofa & chair. $289 ................ $69. 3 gold velvet hi gh back chairs. $169 .. $59 .. . Several overstuffed o'pcasio nal chairs. . .... . . ............. $1y$19. $29. $39 & 549 ••· Used~mattrcss & bOx-springs-, xlnt cond;--... . ................................... $15 .. . l Stereophonic Hi-Fidelity record & radio player. ........................... $159 . $69. 2 Green plastic covered recliner chairs. $179 Nlr\E anUquc y,;oodworktna planes. Thn!c stained a:lut v.•lndow1. All In socxJ con. dltlon. cau 613-M93 after j PM •• e ORIENTAL Rugt; . Royal l\i1·n111n, IJ,,23 & 9xl2; also 1.nialler. Call 673"6822 ~wing~~-•chln.~•:..• _l::;l!O WINDY'S AUCTION Irvine. Calif. 91664 •7141 833-3140 LANDSCAPE \VORKt:;RS & concrete finishl'r \vantcd. 546-253.'> 11''Th:R~1f.DIATt.:: I T\'Pl~G CLERK. •s.c•y L~al $500 .................................. $79 ... 1 En1erson color TV in maple cabinet. JS95 Musical _:.;Cn;:•c.l'~"::m:.:•:::•:::'~'--~ :-it<irtlng salary $f16. \\"Ill Ct'n"I pract!<>elchallen~;lni: \\01'k 111 Pt!~nnrl Oflh.'t'. po51tlon/gd skills. .................................... $99. FENDER BASS A~IPLlFIER DELUXE RICKENBACHER BASS GUITAR ENTHUSIASTIC young secty for archilecturaJ o f I i c e , T)'ping, 10me SH req. Artl11lc abilUy d es i red . 540-2W5 LVN , relll'I \\"t"ek crds, 7 to 3;30 shift. PARK I~i°' CONV ALE.SC~T CENT El< Bat.'4ll:f'Ollnd in JX'l'SOIITT!'I *Bkkpng and/or in~uran<.'C work. 'J';.·~ Mach. Opr. $450 1 Portable B/W TV General Electric. $199 ...................................... $59. in,; ~Ill 50 11•pm . Burrooi;bs E-1465 or ('([Ui v-EMUI044. 1 double gas oven for built-in. $229 ..... $100. 1 gold gas range, 30". $249 .............. $69. .. 675-6404. * -~~=~----• i\1ACH1,NIST e E.'<PER. pl'Oduction $t'a1n. ALL-AROUND Applic11'ts should contact Claas1fled Personnel Office. st~S!. Apply TI~ S. Coast * <194-8989 t * Hwy, 12-5 1'1.tes-1'~ri. Reis. e r.la ids, C'>:pcl"icnc«:l • C 714 J 134-.5708 ~ Experlencf'd PANTRY Apply Ben ~wn's i\1otor \\.'OMAN \Y&nted. Spaghetti llotel, 31106 S. Coast 1-l"'Y· QUA Ll FlEO SALESMAN Bender, 6204 w. Coast Hwy, c""c.:.•"'=,..Laguna=o;=.:o...--=--I w/Z-3 yrs t'xpcr in ttti.il N.B. Ph: &li'Hl6jl MAIDS-Full t1n1e, 2l or or direct ~ale8, Bccon1c nr EX p ER I E NC ED auto over. Apply • 1648 r\ci\•port \'ulvt.'d \1 ilh a ta11iUly groY•· Bl d C 'l Pho "'"9!73 inR Gurdrn Center S: n1echanlc \Yl!h own tools. I \' ., ·•• · ne .,.._ I 11 n d ! ca p e Ot>\•f'lopn1cnl Busy skop. 1147 Anaheim MAN To assUit rtij.'1' ol local Ccrp. In or a 11 g e Co. Ave, C.M. app.hance slort. Neat llP-Trchni,c&I expcr. pt~!.. but FAT & UGLY??? pca!'llIIC('. 496-2383 ~tr . ll(I! 1nandatory. xtnr PllY If )'Oll are, we probably can't ""' you. CALIF. CASTING CO. Is continuing its search in Orange Co. fCll' a variety of types, for v.'Ork in mag. mo. de.ling, 1V conunJ's. & ind. films. Creal pay, pf. time, "'e are client paid, no lee, Nol a school. FREE TV SCREEN TEST PH: ITI4) 835-8282 10 A~t to G Pl\t FRY Cook. 18/up. Ex per desired, but no! net'f'ss. i\1alc, p/time, 30-3.J hrs \\'kly, e\leli. Call &15-12Hl rULL or part Llme, no age limit, n1cn or \\'Omen in Orang<' Co. to start on ground Door. Opportunitie11 11nlin1ited in sales. Koskot I 11 Ir r p I a netary. Eileen \VaUrrs. 213/540-2'119. \\'right 9-10 am only. \I ith i'llrp bcnellt~ & opp MATURE WOMEN lnr ad\•ancemcnt into n1gmf. wiltl own car Contncl h1r. Wall (TI·ll PROFITABLE NORK '""""" ==-----in honie of pareuls P1rents Babysitting Agy ePLASTICSe • tw2.;)j37 * Injection molding :\1EDICAL Tra.nS("ribcr • I Of)9rators or tr•inHs pathology <'Xpcr pref. O!tys, i\.1u.-;t be dependable and ablP full time. Pc~nnel {)('pl., to folhl\\' dil'f'C'tions. \-0pcr-.. Hoag Hospital, NB 111~ day shift . 2 openint::IS l\IOTi::L Desk tlcl'kS 11 11 2n~1 shift. '.! opt'nings ::rd I 1>hi fts available. \l'ith sOl"ne 1'h1ft. Apply S::JI to noun expcr. Apply: Box M·l007 only · The Daily Pilot, N.B. e r.tOTEL AlAID e LAGUNA REEr i\10TEI, 30806 S. Coast Hwy. • Oran~{· Coast Plastics • 8j(I \V. 18t h SL Costa l\Jcsa Laguna Beach 499--2005 I --~P~O~R~T=E~R~-- r.tOTHER 's Helper-must be over 16, by day or live in. 1'"or nl(lnth ol Aug. on Bal. Penln~ula. Call OR 3-1127:i ror qua.lily tmke1·y, Gen· rral cll'an·llp. Al'J)ly in prr~ to :'ill'. A11dt'1"l!On. See Belty Bruce al Gxec Ai;:r1wy for Cat"eer Girls 410 \V. Coa11t Hwy, N.B. By appoint. &lG-3939 alent. *Sec'y $450 Plush oft's/gd typis t/lilt' ~H . I white gas range, 36n . $199 ...... , ..•... $49. 3 bar stools. $19.95 ................... $7 .. . 3 chest ol drawers ......... $29 -$39 • $49. Pl1nos & Ottans 1130 • • ---··---1 ..... M! ou:~~E tu°M%ER 894-2312 CLEARANCE SALE t Mgmt Trainee $450 Oppor. for H.S. Gr11d 10 train for rngmt porrillOll I :1eat apprarance/friendly altitude/car a1lowant'(' + automatic increaS<'s lst 9 Several odd la1np shades, yo ur choice lOc ••· Several table lamps, end tables, coffee tables & headboards. odds & ends ...... from $4 up. 5 pc. Bedroom sets. complete ..... , ... , ..... ...................... From $69 ptr set up. \Ye have trade.Ins, rcpos, UX20 FT. antique white l\i.lo rent l't'turns & floor models carpet. COit S400, toll for o( every model Han1mond $75. 3 Pr. braut. cu11t. made Organ. Buy now &: receive antique vrbite It &' o 1 d e,,tra discount. drape-s, \'ery full. COii $1500. !llO's. THE USED FURNITURE FACTORY llAl\-tMOND sell !or S300. Ladlra 1.25 In CORONA DEL ~TAR .carat aoliWre diamond ring ;;oo N<'v.·port Center Dr., NB Suite 200, By Appl. Slt-4981 1815 Harbor Boulevard, Coat1 Mesa SCB-,.57 285-1 E. Coast llwy. 6'1U930 In ~Uow gold TiUaey Open !I.Ion & f'ri eves mountlJ1l. roat $1300, Rll 0P9n WMkd•r1 t-S:ll. l•turd1rs •·S, Cl .. ed Sundays ~,;.,.-~.._::...:...::,,.;=·-for $too. (213) 43Ulll SLL\I G y 11.1 D1str1bu10r. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 1 -----__ __ W:alnut Spinet_ Plano MOVING SALE needs help to delTlOlllltrate Furniture 1000 ~18JOZ' mlg, S399 me bench. Everything Coe ~ ft h world's No. 1 exerciser & School,.ln1tructlon 7600 ----del., &: lO yr \\'lUTanty. and rM.tcbirc10kive · ;::c. lntrodu("t' eKciting, new ---~-CHRO:O.IE hijrh chair. cricket • • • • cnW\ed rold \'eivet chair, SUM GYM Jl"T BA.TI!. No Discover • Gre1t New cl\a1r, 2 living-nn. chain, Hemmond Organ rofiee table and i matchln& expcr. nttded. Sh Ir l l' Y Carffr With The type\\·riff'r, 968--8541 1 only. $199 Inc bench, deJ., end tables _ dinette aet and Graham 897-1986 or 646-4871 TV, 19" prtbl w/remote & \\'arranty. dx chain • .,., .. sher, dryer, S:\I. oUice: want! girl AIRLINES MW, $50. Sola chair, tblt;, GOULD MUSIC CO. ttfrirerator; TV. 2 beauti-. w/pleasant , phone volt'f' & lamp, ~~ake otter. 549-4311 Sll'l('e 1911 fut tall table lampa. Lot.~ ou1-going pcnonality, Lite A natural for Youn&: people 4-POSTER white douhle bed. 2045 No. M1ln, S.A. of nUsceJ.lancous boutel\old lypc. 540-9681 who want excitement plus! CompJcte, S-IO. * 547-0681 * items. s.40-7772. SECRETARY Tickrt •i:enl! Air fre ight? 642-5383-:::_.___ PIANOS & ORGANS to Station a&: c n I? Reserva. ----NE\V & USED VICE_ PRESIDENT tklm?Ramp or lravelagent! Office furniture 1010 •Yamaha Pianos Orran1 P RTTl 'lE ·n h \Ve"ll train you for these A -1 , approx. :..., rs. Rcfin'd 3•l"'\00 wood dc111k1, e Thomas Ot-garm ~·eeklY, hout11 fll'xible. Musi and more, day or nile, \Ve $69.50 e Refin'd \\-ood arn1 e Kimball Pianos lake shorthand 100 wp1n. include placement assist. 1u1ary chain;, $29.50 e We • Kohler & Clmpbell like \'&riety and ligures, ancc. have the lar&eiit selection COAST MUSIC .. .. IYJX' fJ() \\'Pm or ~tter. Many Est. 21 m. Approved for of uaM otfice furn In thia NEWPORT .l HARBOR co~pany benefits such as Veteran"". Eligibli.< lnsU lotlori 1Uea. Costa ?t1esa * 6G2il BED type couch $10, fonruca paid v111"atlons. sick lea"c. under the ledcrally lnsuttd i\fc ~tahan Desk Open l!M> Fri 10-9 Sun 12-.5 table 2 chairs uo: ~" Bar· paid medical and Ufc Insur. i;tudent loan P~. 1800 Ne .... ·porl Bl\'d. bcque $10, hand lawn nlO\\"er itnce. cl't'dit union. ele. Sl'nd ! &12-84~ WURLITZER electric Ora:an, sprinkler $20, me n ' 1 ttsun1e c io DAILY PILOT, Airline Schools Pacific ~tUST Liquidate! Complete nlOdel 4600. 2 full key Florahcim 11hoes 10118 I~ I~~.• 1073. Co!lta ~lt•m1. 61ft E . 17th, Santa An• or SepiU11te! Al!IO ropier boards, ~ bu.! clavier, M\\' $10. TV cortlOle $20, C a l1f. 92626. --543-6596 machine. 2750 Harbor Blvd . MOlid "'alnut \\'f locked rold his and her weddlnai: cover. Includes external band.! $25 CQCh. 548--00Zl SECRETARY PRIVATE tu1o r 1n~ ln C~. RN'flrd Shac-k. l..t'11Bc Spt'&krr. Coit ~ -NEAT srorr Good i;kills. Sky is lhl' Hmi1 1'C'ad1ng. Certified te&l'hcr, .. _ new • sacrilice at stiOO. Any-v. it'll do: ror 1•apt1.ble pcr;ion. Ablf' 10 s:1·a,.._·1o \ lhni 8. 548-200-1. Garage _S•le I022 "~ work ou own. Typmg, SJ I & MERCHANDISE FOR c_.. __ --80-1962 ~r. SlO; double bed, SS: bkkpng cxper. Gttal bo6s. SALE AND TRADE ~IUST 11ell houlf' lull ol refrigerator. SlO: bedside Real E.'ilale bk,grntJ bclplul beaut i t u I ~Jedl1ernnean HAMMOND, Steinway, Yarn-table & lamp, S5: floor Stai1 $500. Call Gerri \\lhitc, 1----------furn: 8° Vt'l\'t't 1<>fa &: aha. New & ued pianos of lamp, SZ: weight tel, $2.!:IO; :>4().tiffi.i. Furniture 8000 lovcscat, S.pc formal dln'g l1\0lt makes. Best buys In Vending machine 0) $5.. COASTAL AGENCY ------rm IK't, 3 King·sz bdrm set1, So Calif. at Schmidt Music Other uaorted aoodlea: 17 PC KING SIZE Hi-back \•civet decorator Co i-N 'laln San J CHEAP!! 2790 Harbor Bl, Ci\1 • · ""1 • " • ta na 93n LI h · Id ~ BEDROOM cha irs, ga1nc Mt1, pictures, tc lie ~·-· HB Other fN>/free johti av;iiJ. La 9 ,_ . rgc ....... wer drel>!ICr,.mir.. lamps & e tc. All less than l •-'""iiiiiiOiOiii'!'""'""'"''l"=;':._,..."962~-7$~1c__~-SECRETARY · bookkt'CIK'T, ror. 2 bc!dside stands, King J/n1011 old. ?vl, ply ., wUJ ORGANS FULL aiie bed, complete, C.til., i;n1all 0U1c1•, 111-size headboard, trame, quilt. Mcriflce. Please ca 11 ,, i·t .. • \\'aln1.1t hdbrd, tootboerd, ti'rna!lonal llrm. cr,.alivc. ed mattress, meets, blank. fl23-0241 'iscountJ .· box aprJop, 6" foam rtiat. C'Ongenial env1ronm11nt . Xlnt cfB, t'tc. Newport Sh0re11 untll 7/31. , .;.-.. , M .. IN· 51'\Jti:K fr!,ss a cqvt"r. Set.rs ~ •• salary & stock. Call Dick Choice of SpaniJJh 432-6.Znd St. 642-31:?3. House-\VARD ZM......-~ ~ like new $15. Thomas Ol'ltll Neu, 548-2516 or fl1od"rn Style hold. toys, misc. Early Amer ,1~81~'.,.N~•wpo.,.~r~t,~C~·~M~·.,..,..,.l;i;S325,;i;.~54;;;;&.&l93;;;;:::..;'~'~t.~6;;;;;;;::;;: * A SUl\,i\lER ALL FOR $249 dbl bed $7~ !\-loci droplcaf PIANO MOO!' s . 1 $325 NEW Queen lhe mattress, * TO REME.\lB!i:R No 1IO\\'n pmt1. only S9 mo. seats 8 S50 Other furn . Mex, No t~ Dcli~reJ':Uibl ' bcl."< springs $15 Reftiieralor Lots of extra cash WELK'S WAREHOUSE lfaw, Mod. Cdl\t 575-0023 y. wfbollom roll-out lrffter to be earned 600 W. 411\ 0 81., Sanla Al'lll. Lido Isle Garqe Sale ' · $65. 646--lOT3. 132 21.st. CM selling AVON Coametla; In Dally &-9 Sat 9-6 Sun ll-6 204 Via Afltibei. LaJU PRIVATE PARTY ST E A A1 ER trunk $3. Wanta 10 lJtU' piano 0' O\\'n locality ln hrs. ol your ~ dresses, blou!Cs, slacU, 10 Cash 213: 461.1423 ish\\-uhcr $20. Chest of ehok"t. Call now · SPANISH FURNITURE etc. Size11 8, 9 & 10. Alany --''-dra\1-ers $12.SO. Rt'gal Air ~1o-1115-IG-SJ.11. FACTORY other p;xtie1. 673-3948 T.1~lsion 1205 cooler s10. 111 E. t8th, 01 SUPER.VISOR, LVN or ltN, -4 X 8 REGULATION pooJ 3 to 11:.J) &hilt . Park Lid11 OPEN 10 PUBLIC DECORATOR ~toving. furn. SACRIFICE brand new blk table complete with all M> C I C P clothes, pictu~. intere&ting C -• XI t od "~ Ofl\•a ese<'nl enttt. h: next 2 weeks & ¥rht 19" port. R A TV .... sso •• es. n co . _,..,. 642-8044. Wh I '-/B I junk. 12S Via ~1entont, Lido \Yfa1and. ~lust lire to ap-646-3829. 0 --,. e OW Isl . 67:>-5M6 -..iii~~=o--..,....,.,,.,,.-TrlcrhOne Solir1IOrR •-prcr.. SIOO. 67S-8327 FENDER Ba.~ amplifier Charity appeul. Paid \"'l't'k.ly. Tabh.>R. $9 up: \Vall shelvl's GARAGf; aa.Je.All week bum COLOR TV, ntt.ds picture dt~uxe Rlckenbacher bu& Apply~ ~ N. Broadway. $5 up: Sofas Sfl9 up. 5 pm 112 Amethyst, Balboa tube. \YouJd be good st\ ru1tar Rm . 410. Santa Ana . Island. 673-673.1 \\'/litUl' \\Urk. $50. Call * 675-M(YI * ---Gallerl11 Furniture TELEPHONE OPEIU\1'01! GARAGE SALE!! 642-3844 eves. NICE rcfr'C-h'l!ezer , ? S, 3-ll pm Sul & Sun 2013 Placentia Washer, dryer, bunk bed11 NE\V &: USED TVs Stove S20, 8' it'll &: g!d lf you df'sirr this work. Sf'nd a leltc.r telling about your. sell. background, and Whal you'd likt:-10 do 228 1o·orr.~r. Laguna nc11ch ~ e.tc. 1907'2 Slingr11y I-I.Sch. For sale/renl. ~Z7~75. ?-.Use. Aft. 5:00 SALt:Si'<IEN-Top opportunity To $875 tlJRNITURE returoed from GARAGE sale: Door!I , Dunlap·5, 1815 NewpQ.rt, CM. ;c:;:_;~=~~~--­ w/it'Owing Car Pet Bot. COST ~IANACiER. l)('grtt display studies, model hom-har<l\\•ru·c, tools. Antlqueli. 548-7788 2 CRAGAR S.S. cromti Drapery l)('altr. Call Accountlni.:. 1-3 yrs. exp, Po-e11, dr.oora.!01'5 cancellation. ~li5c· MOS Via Opoi·to, N.B. ·,9-.. -Z-E_N_l_TII TV wf remote rec~~., pmroda"uc't 1'°mo ,1 1 1d1 ' MAIL TO: Pel'90nfl('\ i\lanagrr {)(>pt. B P.O. Box 1488 Nt'\\'J>OI'! Beach, Cahl. !)'ltl).1 Equal opportunily rrnployrr PLEASANT telephone ICl'Ork in our office. Salary + bonm Pa11 time, morn. or eves. ~2-3773 for appoin1 9 am • 12 noon. S.A. PftECIStON abttt tl'"lul & steel luhrl1;11t!o11 cornpany. In 1he Pl'OC'CSS ul "'·"i'.<1n~1011. h11i1 11n1llt'!(ll11t1• OP<'llUlS:S for exper1enr.rd pr.tlKlnl"l('J. ASSISTANT FOREMAN WELDING LEADMAN LAYOUT MECHANIC Job lltt\ll"lt)' • a<lvanctm~·ut polerM.Ud &-nd rMUm,. or 11rplic.ilion 10 UOx ~I Hill. Daily P1Wt. * PUNCH PRESS OPER. with J;Qmf" i\l'leet mf!tal pr miartne prott\1ct1 f'Xpt'r. Ap. ply &-!I.SO PM, Mon·f'~r1. 770 \\1 17th, C.,\I You'll lind IJn!al bal'Jiail~ DIAL dl....-1 s1i.ritr:A. Ch11rv 213: 800-7777 lenti1d for Advan~mcnt Spanish & ~1editcrrancan BU~'l-'ET. v11.1·1n11n 1'le11ncr. co·-.•·ln·t>lm!:_.muat tell a40. Call IT°a~;A•lt. !·.OO >I' -.,3 . Sales Co. pays ree · IAlao lee job~I R D FURNITURE table ,\ chn.ir5 &. baby ... , .w _,.,.. Call Ann 645-2770, Wci;tcl!fl 1144 Newport Bl., C.M. I items. t.li~c. ~7~25 _;::~~"=======ICRAFTS !l.IAN power Dead End? Money Too Low? Bored? Then st(·p up to 1tic-grov.1h rounll'Y "'hel'f' the mont"Y ~d and c"clten1cnt ?le\•er rrx.t. VOii vt )'(IOr ov.'11 pace -your own goa111. This rt'· s~tf'() land corporation 11·!11'\11how ho1v you rnuy rt•11ch thl'm \Vllh "~ little effort a~ ~~Ible. T , !1!01'1, )OU \\"Ill 1"\'C('l\'(' CX· lcnsive 111111!11 ttalning, And you'll be backed b)' a p0wer. ful leacl r1uduclng advt"l'tis. 11111 p1'0Q:r11m -plus: .+ Draw Plan Available I v·onc Cl<>lle 10 Honlc~ + Car Plan Available ~-Uc an a.s!IOCiate 111 II. \V, DwiQ:ht, n•!!pccll'd Cali!, R.E. Broker. -1 Group JlcAlth h1111nnl'C -S2:5.l0> mljor medical, lift and actldcnt. "' Unlimited Compeny r1n. anclna: on All S.'\11"•, + Bonu~ lnctntlve Plan Step up now-Call: MR. CHURCHILL (714) 835-32:3 Penon~I Ai:ency, a>1: every nlte •1119 **GARAGE SALEll T•JM Recorders 1120 swee~r. 30" brush, A·l \\'r!lcllff Drive. N.B. Wed """I • s 't 1 6 rond1tton. SacrUiee, $50 . * TYPISTS . , -. °" un. i 'I f'R!. fu\T It. SUN AKAi TAPE DECK _64~Z.=2=S\C,\=------1 * sf=r'-DNAN S75. f.1•1ch1n, l~t )l1.111~uerite, Cdf.I _-:;: ~10DEL X100.D u STRING Acouatk: Guitar. "rrn rhail'!I $21'.l f'H('h and I (;,\RAGE 'ale-Wed Thurs A rted t • Register lor a tcmpora1 y-JUii today ln!ervwi1. S-l:JO W~stern Girl Inc. .\667 ~Jae.Arthur Bl\'d. Nf'wpol't lk'ach 5!0-0325 ottom11n $7.SO. ALL IN & t"'l1. 16.101 Tri~p Clr.: SJO * SI~~ inc. Gd, cond. :.·lllS r.ooo c 0 ND I T I 0 N . HunUnglon Be!l.Ch --~·~00~2~ ... ~1~·:....--llM.w:;:;;;-;;;;~=-;;;;:i:".<; 8-12-23.11 after 5 pm . \YOLLEN~K tape deck-new ttIAYTAG \\'Uher, u&ecf.. $20 8° SOFA, JM!\•er used, quilk'<I Appliances 1100 $l2S. Revert> amp. ST5 01• or make oiler. Couch ol Doral. 1cotchi;:uarded $125; ...<.:c;;.;;.;;..;.;.:_ ___ .:..;. -bell! offer. 64&-8094 chair· Make offer. 646-7648 l\lalctUJv love.sea l S 7 S. MODEL !DJ Kenmore auto _ _. _ .c MAGS-tit V\V or Chf.vy, !iJO..G.17 washer $60. Also GE auto Cameras & Goodcyar tires exit cond. 20 PC. ''MADRID" wu.~r S40. Rolh Xlnt cond. Equlpmtnt 1300 Sgj. GT~l7 art 6 pm • WAITRESS· Corfro Shop, 3 ROOM GROUP 847-8115, MG-8612 --~ · -I '· vcr 21. • Cook-Lady Apply F"O'l 'IODEI. HQ', I".• CA~fERA. &unm Kowa SLR, HOLIDAY Health Spa La 1103 " " " "r~" ~t~YTAr. \Va>he'' -1~. -. "~. men'bf-hlp S380 tak 1n p .. rioon. M<'111 ne1, ll~ludc•: Qulltl!d IOI & ~ .N ~ 350 nun tete lla1h $SO, • • ~ ; or e St11W"rlor, C.l\1 chair, 2 end tables A ~rre~ !u~ra1~~. All C..~bull~ fl I~ * 646-6715 * over Pi\)'fficnts. 64ij...3156 * \VAITRF.SS * 0\'Cr 21, tablt!, 2 lampll, clreiset. mlr.. 531-8637. KING•SIZF. BED for lunch ~hut. Co~t11 ~1111111 ror headboard qulllod box Sporting Goods 8500 Complete. Good conditlun. Co1.1ntry Cl11b. 1101 Goll ,~riiip • ma'tt.reu 5 pc Pl-llLCO auto \Vasher & Pe~ 642-6716 C()l,Jt'!ll" Rd C r.r 1 1 bl • • ' crest elee. dryer, Go.:wt 2 NE\V a11rft>01rd1 ~ 1"8" 7'1 H.P. John90n 0.·8. • · · ( n f\i room; ta e 6 h.. cond. Doth tor t i:·. 841-811~ \VANTED SKIPPER for Th' back hairs """'" "' .t 7'10", Fa11t, a11 around Repaired \\U'k orders, $S5. n101or ~•lt!r, t~uu' lime. OOf.~PAni: AT $749.9$ ~n. shapes, S6S. 642-2909 l;i;673:i-.;ol"'-~'~-~--~ Phonr 1-213 ~131 L.A. $399 ~~O appll:rs ~TVs RE~t 20 rauge pump 3" PORTABLE Stereo. Xlnt ;A~•~·-'~'~'-Y~·~'~h~t ~ln~l~O\~·mo=t~~~n_..1 No down Pm11. Onlv S-16 mo 1 gua.rant · nlap's, P.fagnum, Xlnt cond. $SO. cond. Best Ofter. WE 81S Newprt, CM St8-TI88 "'" ..-. \\'O~IEN. !Ill' 11t·li~t)' work, LK'S WAREHOUSE 543-S576 art Spm '1'1U"'l:l1wo ~lu~ havf" U\\rl c•r. Apply: 600 W. ~th St.. Sama Ana STOVE & Frl1idalrfl ~----·~ 8 t'T. brov.·n tof11. $.W. :m N. Broadway. Rm 410. -refrigerator, C.uod cond. Mlicellaneous l600 Relrlgtrator S20. <:Mat of SantA Ann . OVER STOCKED bolh $15. ~198 -·-· • drav.·tt11 S12. 612·7•10 MUST SELL .....! HOTPOINT rtl!e dryer, like TV PS. bed 110. lit O'Keere WESTINGHOUSE Yo'uhff t: • ---1"1m $:19.M, FU.U. .VAt:>; new, $50. Whh'lpool auio It MetTIU ,ras l'Jfc£C $35. dryer. Xnll rond. S%IO Pb. School,.ln1tructlon 7600 Qucena $89.9S, lUtla:• fUs.~. "''uher. 125. ~ -U\-1302 ...,.219 aft. l :OO GlVE YOUR CHILD A CR& 'J'W1n S~ Hcndboml.s $7.05; W£ST!NGll00St 8 cu fl NtwPORT SH.ch TtMil MUNTZ '4 A 8 car atereo, ATIVE SU!l.li\IER. l':xri. Tnuxne Set• ~.D:i, Sltep. refriaerator, clean A aood Club ta.mil)' ~ t In 1 I e S80. 6 Y·U V converter $15. tcachr~ olr Art I. Craltll or Soltts $1Glt9:1 l. Up, Shtdlo condlUon, $45. $4&-.5306 membership U51). 6'1WT88 ~ ttVH. . ·· · ' · Col.1c'1f'S ss-J.M. -'67 ZENrm Color %1" TV -,~~-----­(lll'i~ In mom. A~1 ~-SIESTA SLEE, SHOP KENMORE wa.!!her. 3 Y"'· ~'ONOlt.XlntcondSl.30.l!IMFAMll..Y memb11ra hlt 646-2290 lD2T 11 bo DI •d ,.,.1 Excellf'nt condition St'JO. r. Balboa Rllv Club. Pl.A:.ONING tn ml)v(''.' You'll --pj \NO LF~SC'NS a~t!i~nliO' " -\\'ill_ clt'~ver. MG-4310 Pon"JONI, Ap~. MS-.:i896 G7~ -- • .. .. • . I . . • ; • . . • \\Then )'Ou .. •hor.. Dall)' I ymir 11.d. thf!n ~11 b.\ck and Piiot clutU\td a.d HCUonl liflen to the JlhOt'IC r1n11 fu d an am11.il11g numbf'r QI ! lk'.;!11ncr1 .•. Throry, ,;la;hr :1•11\1 c,1 II\\')' n.11,. rt. COPPJ!:RTONE Reftt1. 2 rtr. 1 DAILY PU.QT nrME -AIDlstm~ ~IAPLE HUTCH. homc11 In toda,y'11 CJaasU!cd rt"·vll11q f'tt.'. CnU E1·uc'" •l91'~l:iz I 1or ~ztr 17 ""· II. 11lnt. • WNES COii >'OU JUJt pen. Oood condition.. 63-Cl>t Ada. Cherk them now. ~:Iii &lttr 6.. com!. SOO. 636--99&1 !!.fl, 6 :fin a day. _!•~11!!•!:_•!_5_!P~M!.__ _____ .., __ •• ·---------------. • • I • • ! ---------------------~--------.-----~...,---------..,...,,.. .. DAILV PILOT Wtdn"d.IJ, Juli >9, '"" Wrdrw<d'1, Ju~ 29, 1970 PILOT·ADVERllSU 22 _, c SE FOR --,ITS .... LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION ._ TRANSPORTATION TRAHSPOltTATION TRANSPORTATIO_;N:c==, K""A"'N±.,,.,.:-._-i;R"•"'1""r"1o"N,--;T"R7AN=sp"'o"R"T"A"T"'10N='= .,,;. ~~~~De -FREE TO YOU Dot• '!2c5 Powor~~I~-~·--9020 Mobile -__ .'200 Trallor, r..... MU ,.c_._m"'";.._ .. _____ !~ lmportod c... -lmpo!'.!!" C.rs - .: .. 1 :.0.,._.: ""1<>1ll•C-USTOM -NEED -..,.-,;.;,;·,;:;;;-;;, OAru.ING Md .. yed AKC m .. 2lr OWl:NS Cnll«r,1M!I up 1S68 ARISTQCRAT u· Lo-AUSTIN HEALEY IOT \'f'ry lovable Nrly blk red It. wht, 5 Yf'f okt BAHfit IOr dlvi~/lfJ!Ul'\ l!iohl11¥. Orenge County's Uner. Seit contabwd, a:as : & Ian ,111alll'r bretd dot, hou!Mt. Mntre after. 646--S790 Swint 1tep, dcplh rec & L~nt Selection rr:tr11. acctuorlea 1nc1 . AUSTIN AM ERICA !, ! _ "'lo'~ .• ~l!>~U~LRordcY ,*. Old Shc-iiherd ty~. IK>t•te brk, ,.\l<C GERMAN SJtEPllEnOS lndlcatW', SIS. ~It tnk, lu11 Furnished Stro> Or oiler. MG-Jl41 days. JAGUAR ---·---- ,... ""' w ·v • I hll'-DIA' l • c:ov1, ~ o1 extra "'u1p. Mobll1 Hom11 -· for-• .,. • Salci1, Service, Part1 ' : •' jewclrymodemiled.Cllstom ovc• c w..-11. .., 6wk•champlon 1irod, Eut· Jten1<•ctn1cnt• ClOft o/$:!000. w ~-oontal.ntd AIJo lmmcd!ate Oelivtt7 j lw,.. ~ Of 83&-4~93 8/I er:'I bitch, ahotl, $15, 6T5-l237_ t"l'7~ "A"''I,' Qr.'J _ff'W>1 al~J'll I, $1995 •, I ·cut's • ~ut·g SUJ>lllk's. ..,,..,.. """""" ........_,., Homt.1 from 12x44' 1o 36x6.l' 67J.M28 OPIN ROAD All Moo.&. '62 X•"E Road""· Mt, .\1nt rnet'h. cont!. Nu Pl)J.nl. St~. 968-~. 547·8820 -lb 3.8 JAGffi SEDAN f'\ll1 Uno of Roclcboond It rREE 10 aood home, 2 4 SKYE Tcrrltr pUPI AKC, 24-l fiAB J.N Cfuber, 18.) Manufacturers of Amerk:a'a i'1'·'"• ~supplies. FIVE ~f ~n°1:·11 w':l ~~~21\a.! llutJy blk ttri~. allveni &: hp 1fl, Chrylkr l\hu'i11c. Cla11ic Mobile Homes Trucks tSOO ftnest L4.Lxury Rt-creation : C'ENS. 270 & 17th St, •15, l·calko "-Ill dt-ll\'l!r. Stwn crto.m1. S49-~7 JUll palntal thi·u-0 ut. 913 No. :tarbor, S.A. Vehlcler. ~1rtuµort :· J\111µ0-tts • stick. $2,lm 642-<87! • C.U.IU-l909. -3-!i pm call 633--~71. u no Sll ERRY'S Poodle1 . Pertee~ aswi,pc &11 wvu.r1d. !i31.SS71 TRUCK 1 MOVING Wednesday, ani. Call 839-6'9.l4 7/30 Adorable, Apricot toy pupa WILL SACIUFH..:E moo. Chi pmln Brand new •..; ca.mpt'r apechd ' -BupiD PricH. stngle bed, $50. All color studs. 5-'S..2818 Call 1ft. 7130 p.m. 493·3W.1 Mobile Homes TO &ood home 2 male cal& dNn and complete S10. 1 S1amc~ 1 p&ii Bunni>:&e SCJlNAUZERS, miniature ---·--1XIG No. Harbor s.A. ,,. Poc1able 'IV. ¥.'Orkl SS. 1961 ., .. ..., affectionate miy be AJ<C, 11u1ter pa (le r a. Spetd-Slt l Boatt 9030 531-8l05 ' 1 :Chtv lN"k lid&: hood ST.SO ~"'# R•atonable. Phone 962-.9'J04 :--· -----$1595 SPECIALS 1-~ord -rpllt rim&· VS· auto 31,~ W. Qlidt liVfY., N.B. with U' new ()pen Road ltfl.94(1 ~1764 cam~r. Olx. boot, bU\nprr, Authorimt MG Oettlrr Shul'-Lifl jacks, Douncr-J ========= • Ii taken together oi• sep:'lr11te-• CLASSIC * l.23:ll Bel\ch Bl11d., G.G, . 1 ... ea. Sbutten;, asst. s cs, I 64 '·""":'! i/1 • LAB. PUPPIES AKC-X , , 2930 l!KS FORD \$ Ton PU 1 ;• l• tom& free llcnu:. 469 E. I y. ~ '"" ueuutl.ial C111·,., l:r.,11 Co~ ~. •. .' 20Ui, CM MALE Sbtphcrd, 1 ~1 yr. Blk 5 wks & "•Ith shots. tinc:utal. 18• a,_.dbullt, ma. J •""'""""'""'"""''""'"'""''I L'VB Slylu Side Rll 4 A~s. $4ffS Total Pritt DATSUN • '• • • ' • ! l 546-9556 r--2 BR. unlurn 1""""'" dbl'., f:X· S~ new rtbulll "427'' ;·"· 0}1.'Y..acetylene welding gt'Br: 'I: fllV.'J\, C:d, w/J>l'1)•llf>. All hoc. pinnki, f ort.I 'l'·liird U""N Eni Sharp v&:.r133 1 Victor regulator, 1 Harm shotg, NEF.DS LA R G E . -~ua. 3 tu .. total 11m..:. new P.'.Uldo, $6950 • Sp No. 86, J • regulatoc. P'1l'OX \or'cli, a YARD! aft. 6:00 p.n1. l Hor1e1 ll30 J.rust1'\lnH!11ts & cnronw. 2t<l62 CoHt Hwy, He. Key Up1, J cuttrr and hoses. &C!-6313 1(!,(J --art-COmpkkly re.llni~h. w/lrll-. •1 Sp. 324 aft. 3:00 pm. $1795 ALL FOR $74.93! ! ... __ , b ed. am 7 YR. old. Reg. Cf\L er ~ t)wnt'r 7l4tf>I~ ---------1957 F~ li Ton PU· VS * 962.7!167-* .,...aut uwue ~ g' -l~e aeklil\!f-. West ~,..n t>1S.~ Mini Bikes _75 R&H AulomaUc, L'VB Style ' LADIES dlamond d Inner ~ rin&:. tel with 114 karat center diamond. 2 diamond• • -~Ii karat on each side. . , BrUJtant cut Sacrtfice! Rep. Jy to Box P360. DaUy Pilot $INGLE w~I tniller $25. Port. TV $20. Sew\ ng machine $10 &. $20. 8lke1 SlO ' 15. Carpeting, priero • ri&ht. Early Am. couch $20. 117 E. 18th, C.?tt. 1110VING, znw:t .ell1 Dinette &et work benches, bookcase, h\•lii bedl, llke new boy's bicycle. Lola of other !ten1s. • 646-2896, 2,;3 Rose Ln, CM SACRIFICE! Sacri f ice! Corgeou11 Autumn H a z e • mlnk jacket. Sz 12. 7 1110s old. Orli: price sum. Sell • lor $4j0. 4!»--0266 -15'x42" Dough Boy Sunline pool, ,,,./stainless 1tttl til. ter, access. $1!11. ~1 _ aft of. • JdATERNITY cJotheg, like • 'new 12 10-12. very reat011. brttd·red Ti'2 yrs, lo\tet trained. + tack. $495. 213: -· · 7' Side. 17000 ml1e1 real nice children. AU ahota:. Need gd 832-0327 14' SKI &r. Speetl boat $14a. Bonama 5 n~blke-V37z.5 honle 'w/fenced fd. l-63.l-6868 2 HORSES: 1 Pinto i:tldlng Ali;o 8' Hiclro $45. Hoth Xlnt contl, Sl.25 ---- 836-4493 .,:.oi 1 R 1200 co111p w/rci1stratk>n .Ph: * .,,5979 * $895 s~. °''n mare · 966-«~828 .,,._ lln'',,',,1~ a.,,',',ne1ty ... ~t co0 .. ~rcdois Xlnt cond. !!68-1495 ~AJINl:-St'Off.T: 40-i;; ---------1963 CHEV », Ton PU L\VB • ·Y•"' "'" ho ddl ... Style !idc 6 cyl 1-1 Automatic ha\·e lcrt u1 atrandcd. We NEW 'Vestern 5 w sa c. t:vlnrudc w/U·ailer, elcc. Motorcycles 9300 Priced to Stll N61291 are "'ell bch.a\'cd &: lonely $100 i>ta.1·1. $1200. AIL ;; : U u • ·-·-- 613-0029 ~57 .. -.... .. 1·3 'yrs. 548413 or 836-4<193 _ I ... .. ... -• PETE a: Cledys need a ~~SPO_RTATION 11s· ltUN°ABOiir:--:zoo llP 1 THINK honie. 9 mo old dogs, ghgg. & y h 9000 Chev marine mtr. Xlnt c-nil. gy type. bro!her Ir. gl:itcr. ~.-.. ~-!.! __ . _ Priced -quick Hie $575. ~~. j'~"!.'!· good wa~~~ ~"RI. M·LETS Mll-6680, U 8-37& Sil ~· ~·· 1111 1~1 151;• GLASTRDN. Wl>J "f~IEDLANDER" F'REE to lo11lng home · ~iny hp Atcrcury. Only 20 hrs HONDA blk, mtjt 11 8 mo. dog. AHSWERS on both, $745. MG-1370 111'• •1.1.at fNW'f. •1 Shotg, ·~1lxed breed. Ex· R 16' DON?.T. 2'15 hp 110, NEW~USID·SllV. $1095 193-1 OJEV % Tun PU L\VS RH ,\ulomnlic VB Style Side Body ruar~ DEAN LEWIS tremely friendly Ir. playful. ll'ol-·• _Arter. f.a\'cl -T)" stereo, tra!lPr & xtra~. VPt·i• ~ 968-3138 7/31 '" 1966 HAlllOR ILVD. coon -SECRETARY. sharp and fill'.!. 5.<'12-1600 --COSTA MllA '46-fJOJ "Powder Puff" nttds a D!d you hear about the ab. tfGLASSPAit-~ki -boat~ 1 home. Old En&:lish Shttp sf'nt·mindcd prorcssor who llP E\'lnruclc-elcr "tarcer, '67 .BULT ACO Dog. Spayed fem .. 8 >'"· sent hill mall fll U1e golt I: trailer, $575. 902-4091 FREE! ONLY to GOOD cOUl'S4' and played around all --~· -ll0~1.E. ~!St 7131 d11y \\•Ith hl11 SECRE'TARY~ Boat Trailers 9032 Help-Pleaae-Owners f.lo\'ed CAPT Al N --------left me behind. I'm 11. Jove. ... HEAVY duty tandem with able male dog very lrlendly Licensed • Radar · Loran, \\'inch and brakes. Like need gd home w/feoce yd, 30 Yeats exp. sail or powel'. neiv 592·1660 534-6498 Profesalona.l Sport Fishing · . . ·- DIH.T SCJ\Ar.1BLER PUti.1PER •• r.a.1 burelor Expansion chamber, Akronl rltn1. UKE.N£\V! $300 Aft. 6: 00 ~73 • • • • -c-.!i-- "Leaoer In The l..t&rh C111es" OPEN ROAD S3t 811, llA.RDOB BLVD. SA.VIA AN A, CALIF. ZIMMERMAN '69 Chevy 1f2.Ton 2145 HARBOR BLVO. \Vlth camper, low 1nlleage. 541>-6410 (5 mlle1 llO. of Disneyland) (714) 6Sl..t&M • Q l-$1:11 Aulom•lle, ., .. , ''""""· -=D~O~T~D~A~.TSUN­air 1;ond. Dir. Will take car In trade or finance pJ"i. OPEN DAILY ~~~~Y-Call MG.4052 or su~~°Avs ISJ3S Cea..h BJvd. '67 f.tERCEDES 200 diesel of dr. Xlnt ahape. new ti!'ff. \Vill fix dent. $500 6: take over pymts. dll)'I 56-7159 ext 'l(f}./ eves art 8. 642~2 '63 ~fERCEDES 220-S, steel grey/red lthr. Good cond/ cxtJ:as. $18511. 675-0477 METRO 193.' 8' \Vc1tway1 Cam!X'r Jluntl,...ton Beach 1100 .• METRO VAN e 616-1013 e __ 842·J?Rl or Vfl.tM-42 l!l.'l3 =,.r builtln camper. ~-~------'66 1600 ROADSTER I SI""· ''"'· 1" box , Dunt Bug1ia1 9525 e1;111)Ct1ng. ponrlllni;:, bed. . .... . . • . Xlnt CIJnd. '64 V\V Chaasl!, complete s.1l11cr. Unlsh iv/blulok ,vt"uY! * 545-1245 * front-end \\•/bntkt"s, !'!lcel'· 1ntenor 4 speed. Dr., R.' IJ1&'., niasl1'r cylinder, pedals 851) will take trade or fin· 4c cables. Best ortt>r. ant'C _,,rnvntc pi!1·ty call 6~:J.46:i,j or 64S-i30'! 5'1&4()52 or t!}l.!)77.,, MG '70 t.lEYERS • Slt't'Cl lei:al. '67 DATSUN 'Vag:on. ~ .hJ'I, I .,._ ---~ .... '65 trans, reblt t-ng, on or :~to trans, pcrf. Sacr1tict". ~ F4 oU rood"'" IJ095. 61:;..u:.; 5':;..1318 l~lm. TlllNK --·--'671 3 DAT'iLTN 1600 rdsh', ''MG" Imported Cars 9600 ne"' maroon paint, 2 tops, 111 IMPORT SPECIALS $3995 xlnt cond. SUOO. 493-4023 ENGLISH FO!ID "fff!l=lllANDER" NEW MIDGET $1995 •• Baby car bed/cradle combo $8. Xlnt cond. 645--0873 MALE Cocka.poo 6 mos. old Gulde ~fcxlcan & Cenll"BI Marini Equip. 9035 1 American \1•atcrs .. also -.. ..~ ----very td with chUdrcn. 'Vht licensed multl-E"ng, con1mer. LARC:F.ST clls1'01111ts on nll 1970 TRUCKS TRAYELAl..LS SCOUTS 19:17 PORSCllE 912 Cp.e J:.!I 5 Speed Air Conti. Sharp St'r #991t ALL NEW ENGLISH FORDS NO\V rN STOCK DRASTICALLY REDUCED ,,,,. ••o\CM ,..., .... .,, NIW-USID-SUY. . : • ... .. STENOTYPE i\1 a c h i n e ; Cour1 Reporter ~lode!. Ne1v. Other access. 842-3028 Alt. 5: :.cl ---·-----~~ry, _ Et~._1700 ! -WOODWORKING ... ' " See &: make offtr. 1618 Ohms ~ Way, C.M. 64.5-0991. ~REE TO YOU w/gray markings. cial pilot, land & sea. Ad· marine cqulpnienl. Radios, MG-343.i 7130 rnlnlstrntivP experience. comriau.es. depth sounders, Part Sc:hnauzer, part lt'tTier Best of relerence,;, '"rite paints. elc .. everything -for & part '! 1 ?.fale dog: abt 4 Box f.t 1000, Dally Pilot. pG\\'Cr and snll. -===:::- mo'• old. Very klvable and 26~ DOUBLE ender~iest'l A:arlne & Bnucry Shoppe, '70 Kawasaki-~ a:enOe. 836-4498 531)..1536 engl"', outriggers, new 2430 ,V, Coast I!"')'., N. Bch. FE'-fALE 8 mo old ·~ radio, Newport mooring. INBOARD trllnsmisjtion 1 to 250 Sidcwindt'r, Strt'Ct or Shepherd to good home, S2750. 642-3407 1 11elvet drive. Props , Dirt. L!ke new! 9,000 milt's frlendly & I ov a bl e. 4,1. HOUSE-BOAT: Fully ~tercury, cablr11, rontrolll. left on warranty! ~toving AVAILABLE NO\V J~lillEDIATE DELIVERY Te1t Drive One Today At Kuslom Motors 613-8128 1/31 equip. for llvc·a·hoRrd. Sell ,w1nd1hlcld!1, lank!!, ~f'Btll, !\lust Sell. 714·21~. DA c HS Hu No terrier, or trnde. 636-401J 0 r 1nslrumenls, etc. Sl~O '68 BSA 44l\rictory. Xlnt Ha1·bor Area's only aulhoriz. 1pa)'cd fe111, very gentle Ir. 548-24'~1 cond. A1.'IO <'yclc lrlr, like ed lnrcrnalionul Jlar1-estcr effect. "'ants good ho1nr. 21' SU~1'~INC OUTRIGGER. Boat Sii., Mooring 9036 nt,.w~ Dral!ed·i\Iust s e 11 ! Dealer. 71-p h · 1 6 :>-::011 &IJ Boker. C.i\t. S.10..!''915 -\VE'RE f3l 4 mo. old kittens, 4!)4.8992 .... , Custon1 bull! by ~-DAL Isle rMlrtenl \\'&nli. 1 -(Next lo 4-illosl Liqnorsl $1295 1005 V\V Square back \\'a:; RH 4 Speed Priced lo Sell TF'F 373 ~ TO Cl.EAR '68 MGC. GT LARGE SELECTION I \\'111' "!IC'f'\,., rndial 11~1. TO CllOOSE rR0~1 A~1 1r~1 t"ndilo. 6 cyl., •ulo- Theodore ma1i1· 1ransn1ission, low ROBINS FORD m""· u ... xss ,.;. "'611 """°' Blvd. I $2499 1962 vw ~~!,~ hoater. •I~'=----'':'..'I CHICKVWIVERSON sp<"Cd, Hine ~teen, nice. FERRARI QYZ 21G ---$1695 FERRARI :it!l·3331 Exl. G6 or 67 1910 llAROOR BLVD. COST A ,\I F'.sA ~!~ 1 boy, 2 a:lrls. A: desperately 4 BLACK & \V!~UY Ed1>.·ard1. S:lOO. Need'. 11'01 "· n1001·ln.:; or dork tic for 14' '10 .. SUZUKI 00. Xlnt. cou •--' need iood k>ving homes. klttel'lll, hscbrll:n, 2 mo's, 414 ~[fer 6:00 P~ 615-04~ Hobir or used Hob ie d1tion. New turn sli:~ls Please oome i;ec u 11. Camal\on, Cdi\1. 6'J3-.40ij 14•9 .. Sl::ARS fbrgls boat • w 'm~ft~"·~ Hll !lun1n1cr. Gt't'11 t fo~ '!'all or road. lllgt BRAND NEW 1970 G.M.C. ~ TON ]!)63 VOLVO 14:.! 2 door. "e11.·pnrt 1'1lportl Lid Ur Radio. he:a lcr, <l·sJ)Cf'd, 1nge County'' onl.)· 1uth"r priCC'd to sell. Uc. UTP 9;i7 i7.ed dra!t-r --SALES-SC.rtVIC1':.rARTS SU les. &1v1·.~. Parta ln1mP1l•11tr ntllvel')', All t..fodell ' &4&-1403 7131 aft s I: \\'knds. 7/30 molor. trlr, 45 hr rng. lully 713: 371-7403 RP!\I. 5'15-5040 before •I !\JUST find home for silver BLK, Blk f.t. 11,ht. & yeJ\O'ol', rquipl, $800. 1-778--413~ --25·,-. 27'SITP--1970 Honda C8450. gt'By Angora. cat, 1 yr. old, will dellwr kittens to your 27• 11 8' 'VOODEN hull· needs Sj(] per mo. i\1ain bay, Di~ brks. 2 wks old CAMPER TRUCK ve r y a ff e c t I o n a I c . door. Both !cm & male. ".0·,·k. Good for chl\l'acter 67;;.899(1 Sacrifice at $92j, 531i-TT22 673-6616 811 494_~...,9 7131 boat. 6-l&-6980 I 2.iO Jlondft, scnii·rhoi:Pf'd 330 VS, 4 11pccd, JlO\\"l'r !ilccr. -=~='==c-,.-,:;:;--.::::::..:.;o.~:c,..-~=-c-SIDE TIE fo1· approx. 33' · I ldl h t A<"C B I H ~le-11·1 0 • -SI R•bll '"", ~ ..... XI"! ro-.. Ulg, CUii om mou ngs, ca. n. • a•se ouuu , .. , • 6 ADORABLE 7 \\'k. old kit· KING'S Cruiser ?OP boo!, Ne11•po11 Beach. Cull .... " " " ""· H D hocks H 0 colored. t.nvP! rhlldr·n. lrni. AfillOrtt'd colori . Jnbo.ird, top shape, S.'iOOO. ~3743 * * * 6j}.6\03 * * * er, · · Ii • · · • i\Iust have fenced yard. 6th'l2!'12, 675-8990 eves . ·-------7 '69 TRlU'-IPll Boru~ sprlng.'1, du111 mirro1'l!, step -•••,~~ .,.,. 7131 5-1$-49jl). 2'207·A Stllle Ave., _ '\'ANT TO BU\': ~1ooring bumper. 700xl6 split rim ....., ,......,,, •· "' Chi. 7130 CANOE, Hke 111!\v, a I! or ~111, lrhn:irll n i.llp. &.iOct· X1nt cond, must sell tube rype !irt':'<, a 164315. FLUFFY cu1e kitten, a.llllOllt 1 "'kl old • l"'O dartt mixed -colora. 1 tiler orani::e. . 54~ 7131 8 PUPPIES -3 male Ir S female. pl. Germ an Shepherd, pt. collie, S wk11. 84.7--0501, 84~-33)7 8/1 Pl'. Slame1e eel• le kitlefl!I, _ look Siamese but gra,y in • color. 645-(1137 8/1 BLACK Femn.lc mo1. old. • 842-3841 puppy 3 Sho tz. 1/:JIJ 2-CAWCO kittcn;;:-1-blac~ flbcri:l:i.ss, Co!! ~ f.tust 812·37'98 $102;> eac~530-903_!__ $2499 M"ll S2.IO. &l~·I -----* * '6'i SUZUl\i X·S 1abby male &. 1 gra~ t.: NF.\\I ,.;llfl, l'lvnll fur ~· lo 11.,.lth PUl'Chase of Truck & ii·hlte female. Box trained. ___ . ------38' & 10' po .... ·er or sail. Clean S: dcr>endable 5·10.7® 1130 S1i1Doat~-9010 .,,. 673-6606 * 536-1261 ~·;:1::. Roat! can1pcr. Sel'ial * DIRT • • 5 cu, yds. * * 64&-0450 * 1/:JIJ 2HEALTHY~ mal~ parakecla I blue. 1 green, with or wllhoul cage. 5-10-3·135 7/'JJ 1969 HONNEVU.LE * Nc1v Cntnhna 72' trailer. Xlnl cond $ro::l. UNIVERSITY able \\'ll'etractable keel Boat Services 9037 !lSS-2822 OLDSMOBILE from $2.'i!lS. , Flllerrla.u-&--Gel;;I 'G!l KA\VA SAKI 2.j(J cc 2350 tlarbor Bh·ct. * Nl"W Koralle 12_ farrt!IY **Repairs•• 1 l!ide\\"ind1•1', lots of chronic. Cc..ta h-ll'lla ;i10.9!HO Wllr11:: 1\oop, mru.n & jib. 1"ree Eatima•es f>IS-J1lU Xlnl cone!. 842-861r7 .;:all &\\'ay price only $514 · 1 ------,SI Ford P ick·up ~n1ple1c. -----** YAi\tAHA lOO ** 1.; Ton. Compll'tely branrl * Balboa al, 2G, Aquariua 23 Boat Charter 9039 67~1~6 nl'\\' re bu i J t eng. 1\'e\\' SIMfESE cat, alte1-ed male, * Hobie cnts colors Imm. -------·-;)-br1kcs. New 6 ply lire~. .. MOMMY cat & 2 killc1111, :; 1 fem & 1 1nale. Rczl cute. .• :: 673-7586 7130 •. ~ , ________ _ l'l.'I')' aUect., v.'OUld like good Del. . U·SKIPPF.R Dix. 35 Fl. 'Gli HONDA 30.'i S, bol'ed lo New pa.lnt. Less thnn 2.000 home. 494-89IJ2 11'.JJ CAP'N EDS Pf:ARSON A~.F:RG Au:.:. 350. Ne w top end, S·100 on r.n~. !\lust Sell, Moving . A«C 0"'"'e & ivhL Briltnny 2200 'y Cit Hwy NB &l:i.2244 Sa.11!ng Sloop, FUN. N. 6'12-1720 after S p.nt, TI4-21Sj, " ' · ·----SUN" in real Yachting style -·----c:.:..:=::--=---Spaniel 4 mos olrl, Femll1r. sAfLBOAT _ RMdea class , .. recll!\<:Ollf!I· 811 the crysttil '70 Norton 750 Commando '68 FORD F'·lOO pickup • 846-9617 11~ No. 2t xlnt buy <hank Pl'CS1· r.lenr 11-11 tl'r harbo~ or Dunstt1U cqulppC't.I, S1400 mag wheel~. VS. overdriw, :.. MQVING to IU!nois must : leave k>11ablc btk. mole ~ kitten. ~1 1130 • KJTTENS; Oi·ange. black :' & white and 2 very small • kitten&. 642-TIJS 1130 F'-EiltALE Au11trallan shl'pherd 9 11·ks old, 101"' children. ~s 7/30 drnt Joel Cl'll.1111 stridt-) beaut. Catallna. etc. ONLY ~ Be.!~!fe':'._ 5-15-05!!._ clean. $1750. 71~: 5Mi-8720: Con1pass. "'ind & k~t, SOO D.\Y! !'VIZ Day ~!in.I 1970 KA\VASAKT :150 !'<' 641-2169 eves. j\'.allcy, we, tlacron ga1ls. 645-2272 street scramblrr. ljOO nii. 'G I CHEV :\i T. Good con· 2 m.1, Y"~ parakeets for $2000 CllSh. Oli·rn•r .~:' 27' -TilOJAN n-hriil-;;e $5.'ill. 67H 2!U dltion. Rrbll 392 On')'sler good ho1nt-. I grn & l blur. Boal al slip No. 2j() flcitz ci:i1scr·l0&ued .. l11s 6 $Sj a.y '64 Triumph Chopper eng. 6 ply til'f'S. 51!1·0374 alt. " B1'0nson, Benton, Cal11.I , Y .d · ---- A loveable AKC B&Sr.t'U' 540..3'135 Bros, San Pedro. _ S4j(J. \\'k. 616-0000_ -~ 673-1~1 _ 4. $1095 a100 w. c~ ... 111.,. N:=\\·port Brach 191\7 Fl.AT &;O C1lt'. Radio, 642·9405 540..176'! heater, •I Spcl-d. V\VT 46·1 Authnrized Ferrari J)ealer $1295 191.i7 TOY OT A Cro\\'n Cus· FIAT lorn Station \Vagon. Radio, ---------· heater, au1om11.tir trans, l.o\V mlll'!I.. VO!{ 131 $1095 '61 TOYOTA c01'Qn11 ~rdan, Radio, Healer. UEU 311 $1595 19~!1 TOYOTA Corona Srd RM Auton1ntlc Bucket seats Zl\'Z 1() I $1895 $1695 auto sport ltd l!l!i!l TOYOTA Corona !IT 96'L Gurd11n U">Ve Blvd. C~ RH 4 Speed !\1ichclin 537.7717 893-7568 lirt~ low miles & Sharp ~UUllll '.·J1rtup ort -:i Ill O,lt ~; ;,100 \V. Coalt ~Jwy. N.E. s.c?-~ ~1754 A111•mrb:NI MG Oealer ·~9 MGA Co11\•e1·ulJ'.(\ l speed, dlr. clt:un t·ar. (0"-'YSl!ll 'Viii take ear in 11'8.de or financt> rwivate (lfU'IY. Call 54G40a2 or 4[1+.9173. 19j3 ~fG·TD. New eng, tiI't's, top, side turtnil'lll le Interior. CLEAN . Sl.300 or b~l offer. Jerry ·l · , ... 616-0958 19.'19 M.GA convertible Cell 673-0300 after I. :)11 Narclss111, Cd~f ---19.j(J MG TD 1995 Perfect condition. Sacrifice. i\fu.sl Sell. 4!1~-9748 MGB Ser •017!1 aatiJD IJ__ I -5-695--" FIAT "'' 'r ''"'" '°·'" '65 MGB Roadster ml'~. Tonneau con!1'. chr111 1004 OPEL St \\'ftg r.H .. \\'his, 11m/fn1, ~IChl'O 1nt1I· I Like Ne\\·! 011·n<!d by little s d 1 R k PIK 3n nr. $1 400 /b51 orr. Pvt ply. old liChool !cacher from I..n. ~ uggage ac " Sl&-1!1.JO. guna Bl!ach. Black leather ·~~=~=~--- • Hound·7~ic yr old \\'/dog 5·-'-'m"o""o1_d_P_"_PP_Y_'m--m71,-cd -----riER -A -lt0 1 32' 1961 CllRIS CRAF'T -1009-12j-pENTON -~.=63~r0-,-nl~P71c7kl-,p-- .• ::. hOu&e !162-0400 breed lhort hair gd \\'/child. *21' ISLAN : U.'i hlon ' T\\'IN SCRE\V. Lo 11ipc, custom J>lliDI. prict Good cond. Sfij() galley, curtain~. c~s . 5' I 6JG.4034 or ~'8·243~ S42; f 5 54&-':840 '11'2...a~~~ $1195 1!'37 SAAD .9G VI Sl'd RJI 4 ~~d N''lll cle1n VZU 108 " 1970 J-'J,\T 121 S•1yclrr l Con\'\. 3 1110s old. 1-'ully r qu ip'd. $2950 lim1 . 61-1-4681. 548-193G in1error. Tonncau covrr, 1\•irc wll"CI,., c11eeJll'nl con. dition: Takt: s1nal1 <lo1>.·n wilt fin. Pvt. P!y, dlr. Cull ,Jiin aft 10 A~f 494.7:-,00 or 54()..:\100. : 81k I: Wht Terrier.Spaniel 7 ren 6464042 carpet, full oov, p11lp1t, b1l;:e _· · ~ · · __ "" ~ : mo, all shots, trained. Uav-Pefs-.nd LIVESTO-CK: ptimp, sip~ 4. REDUCED _ _ • t!ITO YAJ\1AHA ENDURO -::t.....-· :.: Inc area. 833-2664 s;i00 10 $3695. Sllp a1111.1I. Boat Storagt 9048 11:1 c.1:. Lois or Xtras. J••e1 ____ .. ~SI~ ;. l·rare while slainese cat & 1 P G 1 1800 Must sell. 897-0311 Ext 5022. • --· -ph. aft. 6, 544-8692 LEAP tall hulldlng~ in roin· SPORi C~~ SPECIALS '6~ FIAT--;rd7,-,-. -.-ood~-... -,.7d, t\CI\' Ure~. Bargain at $SOO! * 902·9163 * .: part bunnese & pedigree ets, enira "'kdys. _ SAILBOAT OWNERS '68 HONDA 450~·:\lnt rond. fort In a '65 Jrcp 'Va11:ont'l"r !: perslan male cats 897.5480 HOBIE CAT'S Uonrhlns; & dry storait('. l\lust f!C'll dur lo f\nRncial \\'/ con1pl L'Cblt «XI CI ~ll'rc JAGUAR : DARLING Cockapoo "''"' Poodle~-from $15. $:(! ~ Nf!11,·port6600Blvd., NB problem~. SSOO. 5-1:;...o:)..~. l'ng. blt: ti!'l•a, Ai.\l·Fl\I,, OD, $895 1-------Siamese kittens • $10 673-n• 7 82 ·.~ ~ _,~0 good hom71'31· 541.JS51 or 547-9S91 ALL COLORS '69 HONDA CB 350 elc. 4'"-1 l!l<>.l ALFA Rodstr Rll ~ JAGUAR ~·~ S ----------·-·--···--Spt>tdf\h;1rp\Y'r1·:212 •: CAP 'N ED XI"' "''°· K • 11 ""Dm, Recro•t'n Vehicles 9515 ----HEAD"'UARTERS 1969 ~IGB·GT, 8 . It . C. Ai\1/Fl\1, wire \\'h~ls, ln1· maculate, $2900 or best of. fer. 5.15435-' afler 1 pm. OPEL 4 AKC WelmaTililf'r fem, must 1---------Mobile Homes 9200 nMV clut r.h S.iiO. 6·1'.!·1 l::l. $2695 ..,. :.· have I fenced yarcl. ~0--8638 D-1 1825 :n:n \V, C.~t lhvy. NB 6.U.1:!~1 -~ -nw-only l\Ulhorlml JAGlTAR '66 Opel Kadetto UM "• 1---------1955 YA'-IAHA YDS-~-2:il GO•KART •ral•• In the enfll'C Harbor I ~ :: f:llft, 1/31 OOBER~IAN male. 2 yr old, 11(,' s.NIPE frblgs ~./ply"'OO<I. THE MEADOWS l!Y.i!l FIAT 12~ Spyclt'r r.odslr " • * 81G-29G9 .,,. -- • .;• KJttena-Domeanlelle long hllr 1 . Tr111lcr <'Over. F uic ron•l, CC A kini;: s:.!:Oitl._ \\' :'\1<:Cullough """. & g!art. RM 5 f:pcot'd 101"' 1nilc~ Shal'J1 Area. ---------ob 11chool ....i b 'XlCI hne , 67'1191 * 6~6-~ * .... Y''U "IU "·mpl•I· • I. Mori all colors. 5'18-08U ' Iii" · •• • JI.take offt'r. .r or _____ c...____ • ~ -:~ or 836-4493 Good5 &:l1ard dog. :xi7-8700 7J7.002fl (Irvine) -·-. Ct". ~lakr O!Crr SALES ~ CuTE ' mo. old Collie \~R~BLE 8nlt.l1 curly -~4··-BA-N-SliE~E-, 71-yr-.. "'rc.,.d'° Auto Service Afl. 6:00 ll.1!1-6ji:\ $2795 SERVICE • Sh h d 1 • • • 1700 -includes t.U. Rne1·v11lloM arc ncnv belni & Part1 4MOO ---19$9 i\·IGC f:'I'O RH ~ Sf"'l'd PARTS •.. • p e r p u pp Y. ru1pp10•. ""'" ~10 . Chan1· 891 __ ,... ,..... ' •""""' •o:i• t11ken In 0t'8nge County'• -·---Comport 9520 \Vlf"f' \\'heels Pliffl! to Sell BAUER •.:. 968-7383 811 nn....., rolo• $9. ea. SJ3.-6920 1=-==~=c-=;;; "' V\V h I t t ·-·~ finest & most romplelc park '" c a~"· mmpt' <' --------YYA 63.i BUICK • ~MALE ~·ppy, 7 ··•-,be -:,:',cii-;.c-,.,Pccm.c._~~-~ 112· FIBERGLASS &"'iO'V· 1 1 1 /b k 1 N '70 • L .. ¥ ..... ~ at 148:>1 Jelfcry Road (SUr. ron ~ ¥.' ra ·eg, i; N.·~ ew Datsun ·: White with bm ear & brn GERP.lAN Shepbl!rd pups. 1 BIRD G 0 0 ct condition. roundcrl by Orange Groves) Ing, masll'.!!' cylinder, peda.,, $ 1395 IN ~: e)'t!. 963-3033 7130 mal• $20, 1 female $20. SJ,"iO. Cal1 S~l In lrvt-. ..:... tnl-ation. &:. cRblt's. Bt'1;1 offrr. HOO OHC. Pickup 1v11h camp. COSTA MESA -'"' rV1· v''" er Sfl.lo ""IN' ..........,, dlr l!m i\IGB Rrlstr RH 4 Speed •• -""E beautirut kinens to Bl•ck • while, -.,pen. 1''1bc"'la&.'I & Gckoat call 893-5730, 531~TI ur ___ 1_1:;..i_G:J.;_._,_,_.,.._,,.,_,_ ,... ~vv# ' .. ~. E. l71h .!::•-1 •~ •N ·• 1 1• 677981 \VIII lake c11r in \\'Irr \Vhct•ls N"lll nice ~ .. ~.., •: lovifl(:' home. Please call 646-9162 * • Rep11." * * 531.Sll)j of 111AG~ 1vllh .....,..,f year Ure~ "·' •.. 0 0 &l!-771'~1 ... 962-23511 j .,.1 Free Estimates ~~_1152 1.,.,.."'."!~ ....... ~--6""" 11·udc. \Viii finance pr\va!e VLn I :l· BEAGLE Puppieili. • Af<C-. I' • 111 VIV or Chrvy Xlnt. 1mr1y. Call 5'1044..'52 or FAN Palm· 5' hlih. You Cha bloodl' 001 SN IPE-wood hull, tai l s, COSTA MESA C"Oncl. S9j. 675-8917 alt 6 4:).1•971J. :: dla: & haul. 1ou ,v, 19th $50. 1;;:2_..:,.i7 inc • s s. ,·111·11. il1•ck. h•lr. 11.U in xlnl MODEL CLOSE.OUT pn1 =~~~--~ St. C.~1. 642-8466 ghape $300. 64)-135.) 9 new modal moblk-hon1e11 FORD 6 cyl. engine wllh METRO VAN •• FR.EE stamcse malr .t: • !RISH Se!ter fem. 1~ Kite Immaculate cond •~ being orte1·t'd Ill !'l!l'tuC. traTU. eompletcly rebuilt 19~· %·T bulltln e1tn1pcr. :: kmtile, you pay shots. n10'1, AKC. 1125. $150 ** ST.1-6912 ed prk:e!'. All are ttl up ln ?·~~~~11.'s. Beat olfer 111~.~ ~1~~·tino~ln~nel~ ..... h~: •• of94..2023 71'.:t Call 548--5893 bc11.ulllul Gl"ffnl!!Af Parle, l .,..........,...., .,. .,. '• MALIBU outrlggtt, Good mlle from octan. XL!Vf cond. :: GER.MAN Sbl'patd temale AKC DOXIE PUPS cond w/rw.w sall, $300 or Take Newport ~}' nr H11.r. REBUILT 1952-53 Chevy 6 • S4~72G * :: ptC'.'P>' 4 m<ll old ~1 ~11 Adorablro, 6 ¥.'k•. red It brn. Best ollcr. 646-aM9 bot Blvd ltl, to l!tth. then cyl. motor. ¥.'/auto '"-~· '66 V'IV CnmJ'll!r 42,000 m1'1, ~. FR.EE klttcn1. 673-3J07 4 m11lr S10. 891·7297. • KITE -t.ATF.. 7U. V.'esl lo 1750 Whlltif'r Aw. ittarte:r. S·IO or be111 offe1, Tie\\/ l't'blt cng. Nf'w iif'f'!I :~ 7/YJ OAL:'\IATTON female·renlle, \V{fRAILER. NICE. Costa ?fte1111 &12-13,j() M~' -& paint, All can1plng t'tlll lp. ;: WEANED Baby rats . t >r. •PAYtd. all shots. S4M94·1 RIVER SPECIALS DISlllANTI.lNG '59 Pol'lk'lll! + 111111cMb1to tent. sz.ioo. •• •-,., ... hie "" -0 -•1 S rail .:.> Convf'r1ir·1". Por•·· l\'ail, Coll dOJ'' "' "'16 •• i6l.fOG 7130 """ ·-. V'!V"ll6W ~ • • llOBIE Cat W/I er, New IT w\d(' ~cs sl\~hlly v' .... _......., :: 5 P UPPlES, \' Dachshund. DA~LING Cockapoo male near new. 'Vlth extras. dama,red. Ptrfecl f0i· 1~ do. _&< __ 7-S:_1' __ 7 .,._SJ>. __ 1oos_· __ S7 F'ULL'CO.~r can1pe r, •. ~~"' -7/30 Sia. * &TI·i2'79 • 1, ....... , .... lfC!r, Orl .. \nal scl1. 327 .-.1. lteads fi;i,cl. dlseonttnued 1n0t: t, $1195 1931 ~IGB Rodsh· rt.II ~ Spe('(] 1 steal a1 1his pri1-e BF'J.: 1!10 $895 19Sl TRIU~tPH Spitfirr Rodstr Rll 4 Spef'd J..:Vll lOl NOW'S THE TIME FOR ,,,, TRl!)r~,9~:, """"' QUICK CASH I ~v'~""" • • "''""• THROUGH A $1595 PORSCHE '63 PORSCHE Coope. ill,.tnllic silver with l>lnck interior, c h r o m I' 1vheela, radl.11 lim1, A1\l/F~f radio. Ur. P>..1V 98'.l. $2699 CHICK IVERSON vw ~1t9-::o.11 Exl. 66 or 67 1910 11/\RBOlt DL.VD. COSTA !\tESA '66 Porsche 912 :l ro CHOOSE rnoM Priced from $i4n \VD?,.926 CHICK IVERSON vw :1.t9-.',()3I 1':,,.l 66 or I? 1970 HARBOit Bl.VD. COSTA P.IE.IJA ... -Pho~""""= # ..... ~ " N N U···• C ·' I •~• -W I ~ • ..,.....,. a. ••1 Id t ""''"" -ln1 price $600047000. Rtduc. cw, cvtt """' om,,.e e. ....,.... .,....., Ci !! -1 ll'10' • "'' .. e I e:n OLD F;-• -""'" PUPI, 1 1 •.tlWI t v.nt1 SlOCi. 6*'319 ·18th St .. Colli Ale1111. ... -....a.. '---..... "'TOO T/31 ""' t...va Power Cruisers 9020 ~ or t earn.fl«! ~· -.. "! ·~ ,__., -.;n-.., cl'lampion 1lr'fd, be~ut., pet BAY HARBOR ·611 VW Ct.mpror, Sun dial 196.! TRIUi\JPH Spllflre DAILY Rodztr R&ll 4 ~ \\'I~ \\lhffls Shnrp \\'XN 404 PILOT 14000 for '69 l'l>nehe 91~ ( Xlnl oond .. )0 ml. Eurwean purch:i!l('d without dtaJer. ;: 2 F'DIALE btby mke, 1 t lhOw qua\. 49-l-114! SACRIFICE for Quick Sale! 1•12S llaker $1., Cosia l\fcu Trallrr, Travef '415 Inter. $24710. ~. blk. 1 ll'Y• ~69 T/YJ COCl<APOO PVPP~ 23· Baltk crubt'r. twin Ju!lt South ol 111\rbor and San -~ ~li-1!!86 _ :~ f'REE wood , 1644 Supulor, Sl5 ta. Volvo1 . Owncr/616-3791, Dl<'t'O l''rn,_., !11<11511}.:ll':U 'GS Nl~IHOD Dclu.\'f', ~~ 'lifi "''' Ct.n1rt-1'. l;f'l'lll '; Of . ....US1 7/31 963-149.j Bkr 51&-1501 l-$1.:;J0 -l·$l~WO-6, atv. lttbm:, tlln tol . $600 niotor & \rl)• cl1·1u1. $19!\j ~ GEMINI kltten1 . GREAT 0n!;, AKCfi\Un 'VANn;D; 10' Gla1parl 1.$:.1,:'.0Q, l-$2,3:XI fH~-U:iG orm1.ktofr.61~1-l8IJ ·: IO-«IOD Sil ltmalr, R "'kl. Show qu11ll-'"'/5hp motor. 2 w/e11b6nu, 2 w '1111·nlni::s. fr UsEol~alle1· S·l7l I THF..: OUlt_"Kf:R'.•ou sEi.L • nt!:E --· t /M ·....::".;.' '-~"-'""-----CaU 11~90Z! Prtv. JW1>. $10.l681 :116-112' nlE QU IO<~R YOU CALL. ' Savi' In ycu! 833-2141 Ulf HJ I! D ·mron~1E. xtn1 ('Oftd , L Ill fl. lte.•t on-,. Call 51~·9333 1:~2-5678 'Im PORSOIF:-9U:-.t-;;id , .. , HAR!:Oll ILVD. "1 I l~.(l(W'I ml, lllt'l'CO. Like MW. COSTA MISA '*-fJIJ --------ISl:;;;;>J:,.._<:,.116-:,.:,.1408;;;.. ____ , --------~--------------------------------------------~------ . • • . • I, .- • • ' I l ' L h ------------------ zs ''Lor-•ovunsu w.,..w,, .i.1; 29, 1970 w-. .a.IJ 2'. 1970 'DAll.v.,1urt"1 fRAHSPOilflTIOll I TRANSPORTATION *TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION l TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOltTATIOH TltANSPORTATloN fUNSPOITATION fRANSPORTATi~ lmpionool C•,. -lmportwd c.,. -lmporteo\ A--l .. ortod ~ -l'?'l'""M C•n -Antlquoo. Cloulco MIS MCI Con -UMCI C•n -U_MCl_C..,•_n ___ -;--J TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN '67 YW VOLKSWAGIN '" FO,RD °"""'· chm> CHMW COltYElll MDCURY I ROLLS ROYCE ------1 body, :.s "'"'· ..... '"" ---t-. ----::::-:::----1~------S9UARE BACK .....a.. but ...... 13111), .. '64 MALIBU Cbevello • dr .,. CORVETl'E. .. 1'1, IS64 PARKt..NE I ... iT. ROW -1949 Silver '67 Corona . '67 YW BUS Llabt blU<. block lnteri.... ,., vw SEDAN ~ olltt, alt. 2'30 ..... '2.000 ml, pwr '""....: -bl• prtnttd .... --· i<ow ~~~ !!,~ R..i . >'U11y lad ... ~-7 Paa. JUlt W.. brand-· AM/FM .-.dlo, aald MW t cMn. l8l0. 49M2l! Sli Erllon CtJll, hrtd<n by lllilftn. PIS. Alr"fi. a. ~ --.u. -_.,., .,..., (Vl..KJ27) WW take car ll'I lk. USL t!99\ lel'Vked by ua. ~ I'*" Rafilo I SUftl"OOf lYPU-723),. D37A ~~~.· ~ !_~blueeua~.~ ~~~ tetn lo te. ...... t-.... 1 ....... -.-... -·-.a1e..,. 5 ...... 9 ... t ... pu1I • ....... 30 ·-~ -~ cHmoLET .. _ --·-· -u.pbola. ~ cond! $5995. ,.. cau fftf' _!.:.:.t-trntn• 6V'J' d9)'I ar 4,000 mi.In. Lie. $1697 rtttorine. RW>S well. $300 -. ttrt•. stereo. Value tnvftt, 1 I flS.ll!O , ~or'~' 'CHICK IVElSON uSPm. ~=-COUPE .'68. Chev. NovaJI : . ..u <or uuo . MUSTAN- _.,... _____ *n~. :roYarA _...,, ..... vw $1699. Harbour· V.W. RUNs .IOOO f'door. •••brand -· Lie. * 'Cl JKUsrANa 1 1ovn. '. -S&mi Ext. • rr 6T CHICK IYERSON 64Ul87t o.. oms11 XEY 911· DODGI """eonc1 l """' Call """74 CdM 1910 HARBOR BLVD. . $1099 96Utllt alter 5:30 dlJl;mwl 1· · '67 RO,,.. rosrA MESA YW 181U BEAOI BL. 812-4135 Auto. Wontod t1IO CHICK IVERSON '67 DODGE Char&er -• I . • ,..... TRlu~-H ~Ext. 66 er 6T tulback. l.Daded. Ah'-cond .. '66 MUSTANG laaa)..daft ; ~OfJo ·tTC ..,.. '63 YW BUG 19111 HARBOR BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH WE PAY TOP YW t<O mar, P"'· wlndo,.., rod lo ,,..;,. 1 ,.,300 . L ~ ~ ledtn -'Luiury car -lo;9--'l'R-, ,,,"-. XLNT COND. R~ beau~. Ex~nt condi-COSTA MESA CASH ~ Ert. fJ6 or 61 ~· =· ~~·~ilei ~·j; ·~. $1~~. ;w1th tW q:iOrl· car IJa.lr. New int, new ree-areeo. hon. New valVe JOb, small '67 VW-mue, r/h, interior, '63 YW lllCJ 1910 HAJ\BOR. BLVD. PM ~~,::.,,•;;;;;-=,,,.,==-+::- XTN129. ~ paint. '\lt-621:6 ewa. down will fin. Pvt. Pb'. dlt, exterior I: eni. All in top MECHANIC SPECIAL COSTA M'ESA '&8 atARGER, R.J. tape '68 MUSTANG 2119 VI., $1n9 CaUPhll.itlOAMl••·•UXI """'· ........ to... Llc.OKCID tr....Scon•trudlt""':l--.,, .. 7 .. M .. a-o;Dbu.--~-b ~--~ RIH,RunsGood,CoO<I ~ or 49f.1029. predate $1395. 6'13-2514 call UI b rr.. flltlmate. ~ p.L, P. ·• """"'"'' bet' $950 or make CHICK IYERSON ' V"",' .-., AGEN '65 G!DA. 54.llXI -· Good 'ttJ vw. Ntwly· ·-~'""red $299 GROTH CHEVROl.£T •all, lac alt. xlnt mnd. 5IWI03 --.. n-·-CHICK fVERSON Bucket -ti automatic, Dlr., T O.P ~n ~ --~ S -of·===,..-----rl~ YW condltlo•" MAKE "< • =' """· l\latdti.,. headlinorto ......., -· alt mnd. · • -_,. ~· '68 CONVERT ..,._ -..., ·--Ex 66 I -• Selitctlon 673-67j7 o• 50-llli be lnalall<d. -A YW °"" "'""' <TPF lllll will pm Sharp. o.ty :w:ooo :r·~ ~~ L or 67 Of-'J 196!1 SQUARE Bk. Auto. tnnsmtu.loa In wry (ood Ask for Sllel ¥ahl&W '63 DODGE Dart CT Ur MUST SELL, .. 1"J1 19!0COSTHA~.RIESABLVD. YW ea~. Radio. 1 ..... _ rack. Drlc blue. condition. New tires $-t2S. S.19-3031 Ext 66 er 67 18211 Beach B!vd. take trade or Cnanc. pri. Hd ' ' ' ..,, ··~r-·... ......,. 1970 HARBOR, BLVD. Hwitlnaton 8eacb vate pu(y, Call ~.er tp. Xlnt cond, S..t oUu. '67 MUSTANG Conwtt, ~ SUNBEAM -'62 ALPiNE • 2 ..... """' tires, $250. u~m6 attJ:JO: 540--TI40 ex. 42 days. ~ TOYOTA Vans, Kombis. N•w ...... 11895. _:io,. nt-2155 COSTA """" m""' Kl 9-33!1 -* ,...1112 * """· x1nt -'· ~·T B N • u--.1 '63 vw Bus. CU.tom In~ vw '68 """· 65<>13 Somporil . --,,===..---1--=---=~==--· 'SI OIEVY FALCON "·"'· -uses, aw "' ..,.. ''""" 2,soo ,,,1. "" ... u tn. M a c • • 1 • "'""" . WANTED WE PAY CASH • <1r I -·•late ft -II · _ ... , " ·• w.aron.. ** 1917 MUSTANG m~ .,. very eng. $1.IXXl/ottu. Call AM/FM, wood trim" XJ:t I'll pay tOp dollA"' tor )'OUr SACRD"ICE 1962 STATION Wqon .. 'w:I 4 spd, Xlnt cond. I CHICK MRSON 548-J91l Air ldts, ... lamp. VOLKSWAGEN -· Call FDR YOUR c•R 1175 rr .... oiler alt ''"'· .... -· $325. "'otttt. $13'0! _ .. (, YW '64 YW """"· Pvt ply. 963-2138. """ ulc k< Ron l'tnchoL . II 839-<573 675--0736 ' ..__. . 1_ '68 VW Bur. llelp. AM·Fld. ~ Ext, &&<;'!. m<l900. '6' 01EVY 6 cyt, 3 apd i.;.; ;..• 563lln _, 66 "' 67 Con'ffrtlb.,.. 'New Utto. SWing<>Ut "'" '67 vw. Lt Blue. lladio. Xlnt CONNELL 1nn1. Ne.; Utto, · biicket FORD OLDSMO!R'&i 1910COSTHARBOA ~~VD. Orange with brand new pafa. windows. Uke new. $1395. cond. $1,200. Call aft 6 pm, CHEVROLET aeats. Good tranaporUtlon ---.,.-----~6T ~=::.. Su pr'' 'T'""•· .... ~ leytop&brandneweneU>e. _,..,. __ m-_1_«11~~---i flr>..5603 $100'1Jrm, $44-3417 '-U~~ ·~•· '65 VW $7'5 Lie. OYJ798. ··"59"'°"'sq""u"'A"'REB=X"'CK.~~1~1.=000~1 0: :::r :.~ MILITARY • be,lnll·-· '66 FORD RAJICHERO !~~ U:d:i. fl::·\p~ * 67342311 * $1199 '65 VW SEDAN ml, beig<, n,dio. Wommlyl -TOP DOLLAR 'll Obe"ll ~ $451)/ 6 -1 A ~ ·~ <• dr -i !WQ.6183 I ·vwBu•.'62reblteng.Wlde CHICK IVERSON _1"60_-_.64_2-_21_M ____ 1 best otter, lOnt cond. -uwma--· · • • ll lladlo Sunroof (F'NC t«i) ~2996 'fill take cu Jn trade or 1971 TOYOTA WAGON i;,..,, xlot "°"'· Must "' YW ' .=;;;-,=====--I finan<oe private party. PLYMOl..U•I· 16*72 Demo .$1117 $600.54&-6619 $987 VOLVO ror '66EL CAMJN01'1•tom•· 51M«Oor'9&-8m "'"' ' OTHER DEu~ '61 Bu•, By Own<• 5'9-3031HARBOExt.R66BLor 67 CLEAN USED CARS . tic, pis; ilr, afr -new • '69 ROAD Ranner. = RnH 1970 yo. See Geora;e Ra, tires. Xlnt cond. Ors. OYlner '6'1 FORD Cortina GT MUst ~-1· AT BIG SAVINGS · •· &2l<*i,5'S-4816 COST~ MESA --_------. THEODORE $]095, ,...Ull9 Sell! Ex<:ell.,. cord. >fake. """"· ....,, extns •. <j"I' D£A_N· i.,w1s .• , vwi N ........ body Harbour V.W. -------~· tH1N1 -ROBINS FORD '15 ll\IPALA Stn -P·•· ~u-.... -. dealonly.64Um 19116 -. ~H. 646-9'()3 poor~ 1!"'3&.196tl * * '66 VW FASTBACK 'VOLVO' :too> 1farbor Blvd. p.b .. lac air, l-ndc. I ••, · ' l87ll BEAOI BL. 812-4!3S C..la M-new paint. 1 o..,.. SUOO FORD 1 eyt. '"""' with PONT1A.C • BILL MAXEY '65 VW Bus, """°"'· new Radio (SLU>I). or Best offer. ll3Ml3& tnns. comple.,ly rebuilt ~ """ •nr. nm. HUNTINGTON BEA01 sn . 642-00lo '69 EL CAMINO, .!OT v-1, ?:.~ •. ~~ Bett """ '67 . Le • • ' "IT'"IOIY-="""'IOl"""T=r1AJ"'"'1 * sn.i"' * $1188 . . "FRIEDWIOr111' ~:~p":i~~ ..... ...., ~ 1onnoau. --"' '63 VW SenU-camper • New ,64 •VW . LI\ If your oar ii utra ~ * J37Mtl * '63 FORD GALAXIE SXI Bucket aet.11 utoma&; ~ I... 1 a• 'CH BLVD. ex~'·.~1•~"w"u•,.· ~nCM1 oond. ff b V W 2 dr Demo. '56 CHEVY vtttlhle xt Auto, air cond. Xlnt. cond. f':t •teeri:Qr.' air ~~ blr . .:.A u .... ,,., 7'I ... RADIO, \thite aide ..µa. • $2• seu us tint con -nt $29/ mo • lin&noe. Pat <•288-41') will talle ~ ' Hunt. lo~ 147.-,55 "Good Lil' C..." 62 Yolks ar our • • he<le" m"'t 1tt to ap. * 75G * BAUER BUICK ~-!LOI or' bnt otter. 557-81 finance ........ """" ""1J tmtN,ofos.stHwy,on~ Sedan. Runa good. $600 preciatr. $620. HarbOr l*"' MACM ....., • ., 234 E.17th St. 2356 ,64 FAIR.LANE -4-dr sedt.n. 548-«mor49f.!'113, f '68 TOYOTA CORONA • 645-0236 • l8IU BEA01 BL. 842-4135 =rn ""' -Blvd: MIW·USU..SllY. eo.1a Mesa ,...'1765 '56 CHEVY, xl,. """"· ' s cyl. •tick. 5',ooo m1-. '"' PON'l'lAc ~tiri ,. * * '65 V.W. * * HUNTINGTON BEACH VW '68 Bug -radio, dun, -WE PAY ·~er~5(:::r $175 or best $39S. ...,2896, 253 Rote Ln. dr HT. lmtMallate.' Sedan, dlr, automatic low 58,800 mi. $750, low mileqe. VOLVO TOP DOLLAR '6T EL CAMINO· 327 ere C."f. equipped, 1 owner miles, radio, heater, (\VXT-64>2525 ,67 YW ,...,.. --. For clean used cars uto/t'ranl .,UW:, _,, ._.: '64 .FORD Econ. Van. reblt Call afttt 6, 60-1282 \• i.7) Take older car for down '69 VW -good cond. Priced $l495. ; iJUO"<-.. 1t7D DEMO JOHNSON & SON ~aft 6.3CJ ..,......... .,.........,1 ene. auto tram, new brakes, '89 J¥)NNEVI , ~2 dr, wlll tin pvt pty. Call Phil for qui,dt sale -$1000. Squareback '61 vw SIDAN ''142'' ••.....•.. \ $2"9 UNCOLN ll."ERCURY 'ST ~vy Sln WKR '550. 546-7f96 attflpm l~OOO'tnl, nu tire~alt, aft 10 am 540.3100. .., 54>'1201 S nroof 4 speed, radio A heater, • ms Harbor Blvd., C.M. V8,. auto tra.na '60 l"•fcon, White WbJrOO or · '69 TOYOTA '65 vw, 55,000 mi's, Xlnt U Auto., stick llhilt & radio. 4740. 1800 E Cpe, for dellv. IMPORTS WANTED $1SO firm ** 545-05'lT $115. 6'13-256'1' Ms.; I COROLLA WAGON cond, $895 ar Best otter. AM/FM radio, tape deck, air ery. Overaeu del Sped.alb:t. <>ranre Counties ,68 TORINO GT -·vt ..... "* '&).PONTIAC * ""1129 * oond 10 000 n (XDC .. lU, DEAN LEWIS TOP UYER '70 EL CAMINO. 307 enc. •-• -, It -••--"·-•• --'· -n_, tires, ·• ~ · • m .. N on new S B _.. Cl V-1 /..t. Air Mlllt •--"""" 1 ~· ·~ '" Fu! .....! factory en,eine IJe UEP46t BILL MAXEY TOYOTA MiJt creen. R/H. Ttnt~ _:, .. m'.~o~tter'. ,,,~,; -.. , afti 1:00 673-7490 ! otte!', xlnt. cond. A1t. 6 • '69 V\V . ly equip!""', $1695 • . S1576 1966 Harbor, C.?if. 646-9303 18881 Beach Blvd. class. Disc brakea. 54()..625,1 KU ...., _,_ 67$391!. ~;,,r~;..°'ru: .,;:._:.; 9 other squire bock• '65 VOLVO 544 R. Beach. Pb. 347.mt COMET ·~~.R.~~ .... ~~;_~wL ~ •. i;-o .... """;:: tt luuare rack, 3 new titts, "66 VW. Owner now in army c OOH rom. H b v w Sedan, 4 speed, All ori&lnal CASH $5!!0. 147-1611 cand. ....-. '69 To)'Ota Corolla Wagon to h f "'-.,. ,.,. ~ _.. Low --~ :: Xlpt """""'' cat, •• 5. $825. wm ......-"""'· CHICK IVERSON ar our • • (Jl>W 637). Take ..... ,.uow '!ti vw ... ..u Oleryl '62 ffrA WAG rd body • ========I ... TEMPEffr Sti :; ~l Call: 1133-2087 YW down. will fin. Pvt. Pt:Y. dlr Tit: 629-lm alt 6 PM now u...a. !250. 9• Plywood UNCOLN Exceptioollb' clftnl , , ... , 18111 BEACJI BL. 8fl-tl15 Call Phtl aft 10 am 494-1029 boat Id cond $45 548-7147 --------rack. $250. M«G88. , ;::. Jm Aoltoo 960Glmportod Aulft -S49-J03l Eiot. 66 "' 67 HUNTINGTON BEAOI "' 5l03100. Hew C•rs -• . . t:XCIPTIOHAL BUY 'M PON'l'lAC Gnoll P!tx. ':'"w "COSTA MfSA HONDA SETu 4G Mill$ Pll GAUOH ' e Friot Diie Ir• e Ful c.l,etM., · e .7$ MPH e 45,...iTr•. 51395 1"1111 OHlw H'°"'lllll & ,,..Nra!lln UNIVERSITY ~091U 2150 HAlllOR II.YD. COSTA M!SA st0-9640 1'1D 'HARBOR BLVD. DAILY PllDT WANT AD Att-_., GI' COlYAIR Utl6 Llncoln. Oriol..i own. p/s, p/b, lo mi's, 1 °"""· er, ltavinl U.S. Xlnt COlld. "-11• • _,.,,, ~. ---~=~::A~MESA~:.._-.1===============::::.·1 ..... Oft "I -•-t -•••••~•A~ '61 VW SEDAN Sunroor WH-1!n. $1475 Harbour V.W. 1.8'1ll BEACH Bl. W.+t35 HUNTINGTON BEAOl NEW YW BUG $55.89 pr. month $147.71 clawn Includes to1x & Lie. VW LEASING AT CHICK IYERSON vw 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MiSA ~fU!T sell! '66 VW aunruof, $950 or j)est offer. Cl.II Frank at 642-9249 * '67 BUG: Xlnt cond, De\>V brakes. Must ·sell $ll50. 545-7891 '.60 VW Bua 675.7496 Imported Autos Mii Imported' Autos '600 'Ihlnldne of buying an auto-'66 CORVAIR <bra. 4 on S2'JOO. 714-833-2417 or 1ee at '61 GTO CGowrt., _ I ;:::::::::::::::==:==========:;I moblllt after returning fi'?m Or, tach, comp. reblt. 475.2 Royce Rd., Irvine, cream cob'. Pvt ply. 11*. I 1 overseas! We at Bat'Wlek MUST SELL em E Su 837-3126 I Imports "-'OUld. like to extend Juan, S.C. 4gi...7623 ' '6' C 0 NT IN ENT AL, l our bearUeat mrwi'8tulationa • 300 owner, rnovlna eut. xlnt -------... -I SLIP INTO SOMETHING COOL A BUG WITH FACTORY INSTALLED AIR CONDITIONING TRY ONE -BUY ONE HARBOUR VOLKSWAGEN 18711 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-4435 , ... a job well done i..t .. 66 Oorftlr . """'· ""· full ...... '9'1-lUI T-BllD I help select yoor ne~ car or 2 ctr, 3 spd, 110 enc. . u.ed automobile. Cell torap. 84"1543 MERCURY 'SI T·BlRD. 6 '9> r;.., polnlmen' 5'&4050 or 1963 M..,,.. Aulomtlk. Slarllner $1800/both. ·~ ""!1'173. 1 owner. ~,;;:·· lloapo. '67 Montclair Cond. ~· rr -- 1\tll ponr plUI air cond., VAUANT I UMCI Coro 9900 '61 Corvolr $250 --------red 11t/white int. 642-1640 CREDIT A PROBLEM? etaumed'• action ..-. Far an ad to sell around NEED A CAR? the clocl. dial ......... oi... vleyl top clean u you wlll,llod (V0Dt)l9), \VW W., ·-V ••;:;;:;. -:_;r.; ..,. "' ..... "' -prL w ~ ... vate party, 546-W • f7'(1, Must H ll • • • re t!)i.!1'173. for "'"" Cmpo. m-1M11 Call Ma~ 645-0468 UMCI Cars 9900Uood C•n ,,., .... Con BUICK ·o ELECTRA 225. Lla:bt blue w/ beige vinyl , top. New. tires. new paint. new uphol. Rebuilt C"I:'. $600. Must aee to apprecillte! SG-1962 '66 RIVJERA. air cond, stereo, mag wheel.I, Sharp! 642--8286 8: 30 to 5: 30 6 da,ya '62 BUICK Special Sl(ylark conwrtlble, a:ood eondltion, $275. 6'4-2866 -CADILLAC OUR SALESMEN ARE ON THE BALL! ~ f(,...... A 9900 UIM C•rs 9900UMCI Coro 9900 * Fo• lmmodl1!1 l!l~m~l'"~"'~""~~Aulft~iii;;;m;i-~~lm~poiiiiirt~odii;;ii~"~"'"~~~~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj Sol•* ii 195t CADILLAC PARTS Alr conditioner Tl'ansrnission \.~EW 1970 F.IATS 6a' to Choose From All Senlcod & Ready for lmmedl1te Delivery 850 Spiders & Racers Choice of Color &. Equipment 32 to Chooto From ONLY Sft'>6280 (#0074961 'I.I,· this wHkend Alao 124 Sports Coupe & Spiders Lar.. Selection Choice of Colors lquippff A1 You Want iSER00117152) Low 11 $.3133 100'1 more for your tr .. In, fo r•'9n or do- mntlc. Take that ii.rt money 11v1n9 drive te cool, •motr f,.. COSTA MHA. MAXIMUM VALUE! 'Af WHOLESALE COST CHECK THE Cj)UALITY e CHECK THI PRICIS 'U OLDS $1495 ~~.~Radio, heater, •1095 2 door H.T. Power steering, er brakes, freshly ·~led. a ir condltro:;ng, A~1/Ff\.1, (NOL 2 ) power windows. ($A1D 0421 - 'U MERCURY $1150 'U RAMILER $700 Oasslc 4 door. Radio, Caliente 2 door H.T. heater. Excellent condlllon, C'er 1teerln~ IJO"vcr a.Ices, radio, cater, 11.lr economical. (Gtrr 3701 conditioning. (WUA 767! '62 LINCOLN CONT. s395 '62 PLYMOUTH ~95 2 door lt.T. 4 door H.T. P°"·er 11tccr· Radio, MttttT. 1ng, power brakl!'A, ·er CTEY 575) wlndOWl'I, air oondl~na. (JRS 600) '64 FORD $999 ''4 .ClllD CIALAltll SM$ 495 Country Squire WaRon. ~ dror 11.T. l"ower steer• Power steering, ru:;er brakes. air eond Uonl n2. '"J'~""'·"· AM/F?t1 radio. (OSJ 5731 ( 167) '65 CHEYROLET $800 '41 DOD!iE $99 2 Door. Con11ertlble. Radio, heater, Radio, htater. showroom condition. 17460 SKI (l)lB 122) 2100 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA . 641•0466 OPIN 1 DAU t A.M.-11 P.M. 645•0466 j -----=---~~-~~- Bra ... llnlm• Radl•tor Jo'ront and Rear Bumpen Radio Duhboard Equipment * MAKE OFFER * 1212 Soulh Ro!lll St. ..... An& 542-312) After 5 p.m. '65 CALAIS Coupe, blk lan- dau top Forest vreen. Fact. auto air, all pwr, eruile control. Mlnt condition. 11995. SC..1962 MUST SELL Flawle111 '65 Black Cad Chn· vert, New tires, Ml leather, lot11, of good&s, only $1950. Call 54.>1476. ·ilC'Ao. Sedan DeVille. Clean! Nr. new Urea, eng, good cond . F\UI pwr., A/C. OriJ. Own. 67 3·4969 ; 675--2101 '70 COUPE de Vll.J..E Beaut, bayberry, leather, 11ln,yl top, air. atereo/radlo. Mafl)' Xtru. Pvt. pty, $6UO. 541..1()59 * '98 CAD. C.D.V. * Lo ml a clean. By OWNER 644<)515 CAMARO 1963 CAM.ARO ITT-6 cyl, 3 IPd, atk 11hft . Orl&lnl owner. 34 ,000 ml . $1 550 . 71"'833--24» or 11tt 1l 4752 Royce 1\d., l.rvlne. I THEY HAVE TO BE; ·~;'VE ;T TH;-~INIST si~~·~TION, oio I BMW'S IN ORANGE COUNTYI Stop In •nd -tho complole lino of BMW'1. All coloro, ,.-11, ru4y for lmmedi.te •11 .. ry. '62 PORSCHI MICHANICS SPICIALI s1795 He t ,.rfeet b.cfy, 111 .. rler, ru1111l111 t••r, ltut "'"' lithf m1i:.h1nlc11I worlt. lt1cllo, h11t1r. Cjlltl '69 vw A11tom1tlc 1tJcilt d11ft, 11.llo, h11t1r, leoltt 111tl llrl'l'll fllt1 I flt .. l'Y ft11h cir, ISCR.ttll. $1595 '65 PORSCHE s2995 lralld 111w •11tl11e 111t 1 milt 111 ltl R.1tll1, lw1t1r, im111ec11!1!1 thr1119h111f. What 1 lt1111tyl fOOZll. '69 vw $AVE ' ..... ,, .... ,.,, ... tlelf lll W r1Ji1 ( fltt t. t\lt bw It f11 .. ry 1114 prlc~ 11 l1w y.11 •111't kl11,,. lfl 147421. lee 8erletd'• A ..... lwl -·-T&M MOTORS IOll GARDEN GROVE IL VO. IALD OPIN IUMDAY PA•n. IDYICI tun .. tHVll. ftLI. 1100 IJWIM fV. •• I. ef .._., "l·lllf • A"'*W • -·- . • • ' . • • . . • . • ' . • . . ' . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . • ., . • • ---·-_...,... ______ _ •• NEW .1970 -M.USTANGS , rn EVERY NEW 191:0 IN STOCK --~--·--~~~~-·--....;·-·-., .. EVERY 'NEW' 1970 IN ~T9C>K ' en :c ,. ;&'J HARD TOPS FAST BACKS CONVERTIBLES MACH l's BOSS'S , NlA VE.ICU s9·900 FA~~~~y INVOICE EVERY NEW 1970 IN STOCK ~A.LCOIQ * . : s9·900 F·A~~.~~y IN'VOIC,E EVERY NEW 1970 IN STOCK • I ' . .,, -tt~NOI . AN-I &. ARDJ'.OPS . I ' $9900 'OVER ' T.HUNDIRBIRDS S·g· ,. ·oo OYE!l . 'FACTO •; • ' .,, • · F.ACTORY . IN V·O ICE rn . ' •• : INV ~,r ,1 '-:F ~ en .... .,,, rn POSmVEL Y NO ADDED DEALER CHARGES! . . EVERY ' NEW 1970 IN STOCK GALAX:IE 500's s9900 FA~~~~y INV 0 '1 CE . ' ' ~ ; ·~-"I Ji r vNEW . h . ' _Y14PEiS .. :.,. ' , •• $ 9' 9 60'' -· vo~"i"li"' •I ·. ~-• FACTORY ' . INVOIC 'E· • . ' " z ---STAFF CAR SALF-...,._...- 11G S,ELECTION OF EXECu:hVE· CARS AND ' ' '. n -r-- ~ ' DEMONSTRATORS NOW SLASHED TO FINAL IMPORTANT---..-------. ........ '• DUE TO UNPRECEDENTEcS RESPONSE T9 O\JR $99 OVER INVOICE CLEAN-IJP ", KICK-OFF LAST WEEK, WE· HAVE EXTENDED THIS ALL OUT SALE THRbUGH 'S.UNQAY, A\J.GUST 2. ~OME !N. EARLY . WHILE MODELS, COLOR, AND OPTION • Yea r End Clearance Prj~es. . 'SELEC710NS J,RE COl,IPlETE. · · · RE NT A CAMPER .. D•lu1• 1tlf cont aintd campt r1 end motor homt• for ftmilv fu11 on • f•mily b11dg1t. R111rYt d1t11 tod1y. Al10 d1ily ctr r111t1l1 11 low ti $6 per d1y and 6c p1r milt, VACATION DISCOUNTS • AMERICAN . EXPRESS 1966 MUSTANG HARDTOP . . ' " GOODYE.AR· TIRE CENT£R ALL s1z Es e ·sP~ciAL TAKE ;OFF PRICES i BLEMS e POLYGLASS WIDE OVALS e TRUCK AND CAMPER TIRES. PREPARE NOW FOR .A. SAFE VAC ATION! • A THEODORE ROBINS EXCLUSIVE "l "'I' masier Charge -. CHEVRON P'DSONAUZED FINANCIN.G . - l tl our lin•nct •Xp•rh htlp ypu drivo tht c1royo1 w1irl' Oll1 . .. . . fht ftrmJ you w"'nt to pay. Wt fintnct thro1.19h' l ank o~· Amtric1, Ford Motor Crtdlt Co., N..~porf N.1t~ontl , l_1nk, Stcurity P•cific l ink, Unittd C1/ifornia link. . -. ' ' ' '' .... ~ANY, MAN,Y MOH TO CHOOSE FAOttt I 196.1 DODGE % TON w/1970 ALASKAN CAMPER b ct11tnt conditio11. Autom•tic tr•n1111iuio11, r•dio, li1•t•r, pow•' 1ftt rin9. ISVF1491 : $1499 LOOK FOR THE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD! . 100% PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS Pickup aquipptcl with V.I, auto, R&H. C1mpar i1 fully •!!uippt4-t ncl' rtt cly.fo t•~ (6541401. . • SAY.I l . • I 6·9 ~~~!~.~,~.;~~-~TOP, '23·1 .-. I '66 f,2,~~!T,!~""'"' $2399 condition. ISUl94f), Coftfl .. , MOCllnlc .. pons leclucll1t ..,1-. trrn1111lllf•• drive II-. ...., .itd, PLUS ..,_ ... bcrttery nd ,..._ IJINIR. AU "f"llr wort: done I• Olll' GWI Mrvic• departmlnt. . haator. IXWYOOSI. , •-'64 ~~~~~~;~h .. ~HIA $988 , ;::;;:;:::;;::;;:;:::;;::;;:;:::;;::;;:;:::;;::;;:;~ '66 ~~~~2;~ .~!~~ WGN. $1 ... ~ I 62 ·~~~~-~-,;~-~-;,,-~-~-N-T-ER_E_Y_$4_9_9_ WE p A y ·7' 0. ~~!~~~~~~.:.:.c~:_· ----$1--=8-+9~9 S ! ~ llYDS\"I Lika new. CYWT2171 .,.,r FORD FAIRtANE $2398 TOP$$$ -----------0,.,...:--~~ _, t"... I 69 . I 67 FO, o •. VR_,,D,,,,,L.,T.;,D, ''''·· P.S., P.8., $,.,, .. ,,·.: " Z !: COBRA JET. c,,;.,., .• ,i;" fl<to"f ,;, <0od;. . '. . > ;:a tionin9, buck•t 1tth, pow1r st1arin9, powtr r c r-ditc br1k11, radio, ha1t1r. 21,000 mil11. IXSR863) vinyl roof. fTAN901 I ~if -,6-8-~~~!.h~,~~~v~!~~-"o-.. --$-2_6_9_9 FOR CLEAN USED CA~S '69 ~o-,.~-.~-c.~,~•H""'v·•·"''"'';" s3·1·9· 9. ~~Cl.,, •uto., R&H. 1wwJ2651. See Andy BrOwrl · · AM -FM •••r•o. P.s .• P·d i1c brak11, P-window1, J, 0 · ramainder of factory w1rrtnfy 1v•il. (540ASHJ ~~·~... '69 ~~~~~~;~~~.~~~~~~;~~s $3 699 '66 ~~~.;~~~k. '5 w&gon. $1799 -.,-6--~.~~-~!-.. ~;!-,.~-~-.~!~~~,;.,, 5129 .. 9 m ,... Factory air, P.r. P.B., auto., -o •t11rin9, powtr di1c br1k1J. l ita 111w. IXWG562). R&H. (SAA020) low milta9a. !RUU?lll. ;:an;:a ... -· ------------"-~~~ • 63 ~'~D:.,~!~~,~~~'~""d;i;,.;,, $695 '63 ::~";~~~,~~'~!~~~~~. $799 I 67 ~~~~,..~;~,~~~~'i"•;,,i,,,f$1599· •-~ !WXG292> P.S., P.R., R&H. (OI0..646) Auto .. P.S., R&H. fTAXl741 '· '67 c,-.,~E-",Tv .. ·v.-R .. o.,-.. L ... E.-.~ .. -M, •• ·,A-.. "L'l' .. ···.-.u-$1_6_9_5 '64 ' COMET s7J9·. 9' • <TY~;~, " r 67 ~;~~~.~~~;,'~,,•" $1895 .,-,...,,,..---:;;i;:-::."l'=-'~:-:;,•-::.'':-:-":-'';=:,,-h•_•'•_•·_• '_''_''_· --....,.-..,.."-~·'""'".'-'-"""" .68 ~~.~.~~!.a .. , ............ ;,, s2 3·99 (UZT04l) 67 ~~~~!~ .......... H ,PS , $1"899 haat1r, CYWTll2). Sti. Prtcn 0.. far n "*'"" Clrt 11$1-cl"' l"rifl' lllf. P·di1c braka1, •inyl roof. !UZF4511 ' PARTS-SERVICE . HOURS ' .. __ -- 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To 6 PM TUE-FRI • I PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to 6 PM SATURDAYS f " .. - Sale I Every I Penney 1 sheet reduced! LIMITED TIME ONLY! Specl•I l•yl NylH ltlkl .. 1 ••• 2 for '1 Nylon 1atf n1, 1tylolhltrlo~, ' Y""""Y Ciolors ......... with ... ... , ... , ... '" "''" ....... . 1-M-l. -., lllffr ,.111y ••se tor •llCMIY ••• 1.29 Nude '-' panty hoM In faeh. Ion ••Ion ••• 1lzo1 petite/ IMclluM ancl ........ tol/tal. .. l I l i l ~ ~ ~ t , I I t t 2 The perfect .,-ir-upl .· - Terry slipov .. ~ilcl!P~~:a.~ denim pa 4 .. at special pricesf ' Cotton/nylon terry itrif*f slipoven fn f 1bulous colors •• , cool arl$f _......_ leu, fn women's sizes S-M-L ~m these with cotton/nylon ~iro pants In nevy and HSOfted cofors, 8-1 8. , ... r .. ' >., • '..:/.· .. SPECIAL BUY I Wome~'• garterless panty girdle. The cuffs hold your hose securely. Vfhlte, pink, yellow ••• sizes S-M·l-XL. ' 3.88 long stretch hose for garNrless girdles ••• one itze flts 9 short ihrough 11 tong. Penney quality end low, low price. Ftshion Shades. $1 Q1iMGE 1l1ESE V~U£S AT YOUR LOCAL. PENNEY STOR£1 ,. I . II Women's cprdigan~ :.··~n : st•PPY~S '~·-.. .. . . t • t ' .~ .a ~ I · The price is unbelievable • , • b'ut we've done It again .•• cable end · pointel knit acrylic cardigan$ '9M:i ' ' \ slipovers In yummy pastels& Come see this special group In sizes S-M·t.. and carry away aavlngs for the season ahead I 3.99 • Dollar Days mean great men's clofhinQ specials ... Sport shirts! 'n pants Oxf•NI button down shirts ••• never-Iron Penn PrestS 65% JW?lvester/35% cotton Jn assorted so!id colors and plaids • . Men's sizes S-M·l-Xl. 2.50 Yovn1 tntn'• a11ekt ••• fltred In the manner of the d~y ••• stripes, plaldi and aollds. P•nn Prest• never-rron with belt loop and w .. ttm pocket 1ty1lng. 28-36'' waist, 29-33" Inseam (reg., long end extra long). Terriflc vatue1 4.99 lpedal ltvy on our famous 111y ctr• Penn Preite never..fron c1r ... ahlrkl Klngdor collar atyting ••• white or medium 1ont colon ••• short 1IHve1. Mtn'• 1ta1 14~·17. Stock up now on eaay eere ahtrt1 ••• tv•t machine w11h and dry care nHdedl $2. CHARGG TH£Sll VALUES AT YOUR L.0CAL. P~NEY STORBI Unarwear ,., men at • valve price nowl M1chrn4' wash1blt cotton knit T·1hirt1 'n brlef1. Flat knit T4hirls, 1ize1 34 to 46. Rib knit briefs, 28-40. 8oth in white. 2 for 1.22 s,.c1.1 buy on soclct ••• crew, or over- the--calf model for casual or dreu wear. In Ori one acryllc/nylon blends. 100% cotton, and more. Men's 1lze1. · 2 for $1. 3 I 4 [ ... --__ ... _-... ~ ·---. -~ ---- • • • • ' PINN Pt1Sf9 WHl1I MUSLIN -50% cottOft/50" polyester -Twin 72" x 10 .... flot or Elnt•fit Bottom, Full 81 " x 104'' flat or EIHf•r.t bottom, Pillow cases 42" x 36", Itel· 2.99 NOW 2.67 a.,. 2 ·1or 1.59 NOW 2 for 1.'3 PINN PRIST9 MUSUM fASWION COlORS -50% cotton/50% polye,ter-72'' x 104'' flat or Eluta· fit bottom, .. lttf.2.ttNOW 2 for $5 full 81'' x 104" O.t or El1U.fit bottom, "99· l.tt NOW 2 IH., Pillow cases 42" x 36", - .... 2 for 2.39 NOW 2 fer $2 PINN PltESY9 MUSUN NJNTS -Rock Garc:Mn or &fossom Boutique-50% cotton/50% polyester- Twin 72'' x 104" 1'1t or El11ta·fit bottom, .... 2.H NOW 2 for $5 Full 8 l" x 104" nit or El eat a-flt bottom, Rtt1. 3.99 NOW 2 hr $7. Pillow cuff .C2'' x 36", R ... 2 f., 2.S9 NQW I I.tr •2 PENN PllSY9 WNIH HacALI-50% combed cottcm/50% polyeeter -'Twin 72." x l 04" flit or Eltst•-fit bottom, lltt. 2.tt NOW 2.37 Full 81" x 1-0'4'' flat or Ef.1ta·lt bottom, It ... a.tt HOW 3.W Pillow CHH 42'' x 36'', • •• 2 f., 1.9' NOW 2. f., 1.'7 · PINN PREST•IUACHID Plle~La WPH SlllS ~0% combed cotton/SO" polyesfw-Queen 90'' x 115" flat or El11t1-fl't bottom, ...... ,,NOW S.M· Kin9 108" x 115" f\•t or EJ.aste-fit boHaM, .... L"NOW1 ... kifl9 ptll<>w cues 42" x -46", lt19. 2fwl.1tNOW 2fs2.71 QVffn pillow CINI .42"' x w, . It ... 2 hr t.tt NOW 2 fer 2.M '~ --~ - PENN PREST& PllCALE FASHION COLORS-50% combed cotton/50%polyester -Tw in 72" x 104" flat or Elasfa-flt bottom, ltt9. 3.99 NOW 3.57 full 81" x 104" flat or Elasf1-fit bottom, Pillow cases 42" x 36'', Reg. 4. 9t NOW 4.57- Reg. 2 for 2.99 NOW 2 for 2.77 PENN PW~ PERCALE FASHION COLOR SUPElt SIZES -50% combed cotton/ 50% polyester - Queen 90'' x 115" flat or f iesta-fit bottom, -Jt .. :7.t9NOW 6.78 King# 10811 x 115" flat or Elasta-fit bottom, · Rtg. 9.99 NOW 8.48 King pillow cases .42" x 46", · R ... 2 for 3.~9 NOW 2 for 3.05 Quun pillow cues ~2" x .CO'', Reg. 2 for 3.29 NOW 2 for 2.10 PENN HIST• PERCALE NIHT Oil STRIPE -50% combed cotton/50% polyester-.Twin 72'' x H>-4'* flat or fiesta-fit bottom, lltt.4.99NOW 4.57 Full 81" x 1 O_." flat or Et est a-flt bottom, · Pillow c:1ses 42'' x 36", It•• S,9t NOW 5.57 It ... 2 f« 3.59 NOW 2-for J .27 PINN PIEST9 PllCALf PRINT SUPH StZIS-!0% mmbed cotton/50% polyester -Queen 90'' x 115'' flat or ~tsta-flt botJom, R.g.l .49NOW 7.22 kl"t 108" x 115". ftat or Elest1-flt bottom, Reg. 10.H NOW 9.34 Klf\f piJlow UMI ~" x _.6", .... 2 for 3.99 NOW 2 f., 3.31 Queen pillow ca1e1 .42.'' x M>", ..... 2 M 1.79 NOW 2 fof 1.21 MADON wmt9 WHtl'I MUSUN-Cotton muslin, 133 caunt•-TWln 72 .. x 108" flat or Sanforized• Eta1ta-1't bottom, .... 1.ttNOW 1.44 full 11" x 108" flat or .Senf orm.cte !111ta.flt bottam, ... 2.2t NOW 1.74 ,,,. Cllel 4'211 x w, .... 2 fet I .09 NOW 2 f• 17c •1t1e..,_ w &ished .. / Buy home beauty on a budget at Pen·neys! SPECIAL BUYI Cotton terry towels at such • flbuloua price you'rl scoop up lots ••• white, pink, gold, blue, yellow, green, generous aizesl 81th towels, 2 for $) Hind towels, I for $1 W1th cloths, I for $1 SPECIAL BUY I Woven jKqU1rd bedapreeda of Penn P,.... nevw-lron cotton, twin or full ••• white, gold, olive ot beige In m.ny t.Ktures. 5.99 -~ SPECIAL BUY I Antique satin rayon/acetate In our lined 'Riviera' drepertes, white, gold, olive. .cs x "~~--4 •.. $6 96 x 54 .. , U",i12 1"1'M",iM .. . ,...""'" .. SPECIAL BUY J Sh1g carpet remMnta, 21 x 36" that you cen put to 111 IOrt1 of uses ••• from carpeting 1m1ll 1re11 to mekiAg hlndbep. 1.50 . SPECIAL BUY I ' Pl•ttc loonoe pillow• to scetter MM>ut In IMOrted colors ••• linen •tut.d and priced ao low, you CM be levlsh I 1.33 s lof• Penn Preste creased Western ..... di fouigft 1'J'W-hn For1ref9 ~/cotton twill. Loden, .,_, Mu., 6-i't; reg., stim.UO ... ·--... to,'s Orlon• acrylic/ nylon stretch eock{ln wfitt., blade, dk. olive, Wl'f, ~' whhlcey, ivy green, Wue ,'. • 5-~L . 2/$1 ....... .. --· .., Boy's 100% Orton• acryllc sweater, V-neck or erew a.ck styling ••• med. bfu., Ivy or -gold, sizet 6-18, ot a fontastio prkel 3.99 .. Boy's hJgh ·aew M<k knit shfrts, Doaon9 polyester I ClOtton In a wide ostOrtrnent of stripes, st.ies 6-16. 1 66 ' . . . Boy's Penn Prest Ivy $~le spqrt_ shirts ••• Speclal Buy ·price · now.I CHARGE THESE VAL.UES AT YPUR L.OCAL. PENNEY STORE& Pc>fyeat'er I cotton Penn Prest& that-n.ver ~s ~onhla.t •• !!"!~!~ w~ond dry care. In ploids and IOlkf colon, llz'ff 6-18. Stock up now one!..- 1.66 \ . .. --~ .. -, ~~l _-w . -- .. --... ~ .r . . Llttle·9ir1'1 lingerie -at stock-ufHnd-save pricesl A. Sfrafellt ... ..._ .... M ltulh-up or edl,,.,.,_ lhovlder ltrop ..Ylfnt. Whit•~ .... ux. 7-14. $1 I. Cable bit llnH hltlh Mdr1 of Often• acryllc ond ..,..da nylon In white, Nd or novy, s12 .. M, (7~-8~) and t, (9-10>. 59c c. llastlc ... aww. •.• 100% combed cotton, douWe crotch. Modalne WOlh.-a. "' ....... and ...... -- 11z .. t..1•. 3 for $1 Pine quohty combed 'eotton ••• trlpt. crotch to keep boby dry and comfy while he's learning. Whit•, ai%es ~. mod. to ow hleh ape<iflcationl for fitondw.or. 3 for $1 --· lt'1 Mwr too torfy to ttort a broncf MW ...... , ..........,. tM vafuet ore thh tenlfld (OMe ... our .,,... coU~ of ulep fortre,. ~·r /"°"°"9 and Otton• acrylic knltl w1th ...,_ Mot.,_.... of CIClekite trkot. F~ drop wolet, jumper, prlnc..,, awino-, pl1Clted, biahop, Mlllfary ClfMI A.fine ~•-:' •• tr"""'1ed with tc0rve1, chain•, metol buttone ••• In plaids and tohda. All .WO"l!t ..,... Or. ,.enn rr...-... knits, woshobl•. Waterproofrobaby paah Plottk~"'YOft to ""' llaby dry ond comfy ... drcvlar knit for belt., fk, .. '°"9er w.at. Eta.tic ... 09*'ingl and wallt. "' white, *-1-1~2. 3 for $1 7-14, 3.99 P•llover balay sltlrh Finest quaUty combed eotton knit, mode to ow hleh tpeclficotlons for"' and CORtfof't. Lop ahoutd.t atylfng, _fw ..,,.,,.,, Mly'Dff, ~woehaWe. Jn whate, ... 14. 3 for $1 CHARGE THESE VALUES AT YOUR LOCAL. PENNEY 8TORal -· 7 - - • - '"'· l I l l - • • &.~!~!NI We take Jhe r~ugh out-of roug·h-ing~ It! f' , .. / ., .. . DILUXI 10'X12' HI-WALL TENT sleeps 6 to I P"Pf• · .• 8' center height. features screen windows with oll-around ftylon zipper, triple zippered screen and cotton canvot door wfth protec- tive storm clO!.W'.4-lar~ ·-..ffttVVgft windows '!It bock of tent. Taton-Yzfppers used throughout. 129.98 •ORIMOST 9'x9' UMaRELLA TENT. Flip-top feature ollows tent to be set up quickly and easily. Other features incl11de one l5"x20'' window in rear wi!h outside roll-up storm flaps. 39.99 fOalMOST 9'X 15' DOU all SIDEaOOM TENT features heavy cltill top, sides and floor. End wa\\ height -'•", center height 7'. Three large screened windows. 79.99 .... LIKE IT • • CHldtOE l'U • 3 Ill. •rl•• allell lhtcroR~ I I fill_.. .t .. pl•• ..... Top and bottom outer- shefl made of 200 Denier oxford nylon. Features removable hood. COMes in Of'Clftg• or ar••n. 1 •.•• ••• AND BRING ALONG THE COMFORTS OF HOME! 4 lb. Dacron$ II filled aleeping bog. Availa~e in orange or green. 22.91 Sp•c•• lportaman bl•nket • • • the most versatile bldnket In the world. 5.91 PriMutQll •port•M•R 1toye ••• lights easily, clean• quitk. Rugged 1teel construction. 14.91 co1 ........ •cliuttable c•t•lytic heater ••. lights instantly, fla~ less. Great to have. 25.99 , NOWI THESE VALUES AT ANYONE OF THESE l"ENNEY STORES CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD CARLSBAD DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTClAllt NEWPC>f!T IEACH ORANGE "THE CITY" VENTURA SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12to5P.M.I I HOWi fHlll VMUIS Al~YC>t410f '"•,....,'"'6lSI -. • HUNTERS ••• 1· elNSYSON NOW~. ENNEYS! ... " FOalMOST BOLT ACTION atftr. --.• h d d t k with fluted comb and checkered pM.J ·9'1r~~eWs hoftr w1. 00 s oc b b I . Id 1 . "" e 1ne spacer at utt, · o t action, go p ated trigge-..dip ~d A · 1 bl in 30/~~ or .222. ~ ' (»9~ 99 WI NC HES Tia MODll 94 lEVER ACTION CAaal NI.Straight tang-to-toe linH of the American West features hooded front sight, sporting reor sight, barrel band, half-code safety. In 30/30 Winchester. 89. 99 PAaKll HALE DllUXE BOLT ACTION ltlPLI. Mauser action, adiustable gold plated trigger, hooded rafnp front sight, hand checkering, rubber recoil pad, sling swivels, more. Available in 30/06 or .270. 154. 99 -------- -LIKl IT ••• CHA••E tlf fGalMOIT SIMI-AUTOMATIC .22 llH.I. Custom feoturea . include ch.ell.ring, safety button, gold ptated trigger. lifle has tubular maga&ine that holds 19 long rifle rounds, fi• proof action. S.lie<ted hardwood stock. 39. . - IW... .22 CALIMR CAUi NE llfU. Features include: rotary, detachable magazine, 10 shot l.R. copocity, Americo.n walnut stock, receiver drilfed and tcrpped for scope miounts. <>v.roll length 37". 10/22. 45.99 FereMeft 4 X SMM H•P•• $1 9 CANOGA PARK CAM.RAO ·DOWNEY fUllEltTON HUNTtNGTOM BEACH SHOf SUNDAY, TOOi 1.At<EWOOD MONTC&.A.. NCW~T 8EACH OAANGE "THE CtTY'' VENTUAA 12 to 5 ,,M.I . ' . ' I I I I .10 w .. d to11ot ••••• in white, pink, blue & beige. 2 .99 Pl•ttic toilet •••t• In pretty colort. S .95 NOWI THESE VALUES AT ANYONE OF THESE PENNEY STORES! Camft ••• ••• great to ha'l'e on campl"g trips. Value priced. 1.99 . Hardwa.-,e specials for the handyman: around the ·house FANTASTIC VALUE ON HANDSOME SWAG LIGHT fixtu res in exciting colors and styles to match any decor ••• 'Contemporary', 'Mediterranean', or 'Traditional'. Choose your favorite today and brighten up every room in your house at this fabulous Penney-low prket YOURCHOICE 9.99 SPECIAL BUY! 4 SHELF STEEL STORAGE UNIT. Features silvertone shelves with pebble grain finish. Resiat• scratching, rusting, peeling and discolor~ng. Easy to asseMble with just a screwdriver. 48"H X 24" W X 10" 0. 3.99 SPECIAL BUYI 8 SHELF STEEL STORAGE UNIT Versatile, heavy duty ateel shelving features durable silver toft• shelves with pebble groin finish. lncludH plastic floor guarch and top COf>' • .48"H X 48"W X 10'' O. S pc. tcrewdrlver Ht with nlcltel plated blades. Makes a g rea t g ift for Dad. 1.99 6.99 65 PC. SOCKEY SIT WITH 19 INCH STEIL TOOL.BOX 39.99 Piece• •eltl sep•r•tely (teol t.ex ............... , , ••••••• ' ••• 56.71 Set lnd udes t4", Vi" a nd ¥1'' ,... versible ratchets, exten•ions, sockets, open end wrenches, hef key 1et ••• a ll triple plated with co pper, nickel and chrome for ruat relistance. Tool bo11 hos lift-out tray. S cell fla1hll9ht ... great thing to have around. Valve priced. aac Lantern w ith red fl•ahor ••• features chrome plated head, handle and arm. 2.so CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON 8EACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "THE CITY'' VENTURA SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to S P.M.I -- , .. ... . ' .. fOIEMOST •. ·MINI a1K1• ia built for 1pee4 (well, o cool 21 mph) and lots t(,!unl Powerful 2V2 HP Tecumseh engi~J;, pedal brake, throttle control on hoAdle. 129.95 l GOLDIN PINTO MINI atl(l• ;.-it~ -lV2HP engine that - gn.pw11p to.23 -'*•ith no trou· ble. lond ond 1ervb brake, hand control clutch, twin shock absorb· era. ... \. . ..... ,_ . •Mlt1I ai~•• ••• not Intend.cl w Neiftt ., for llM .n highwo19, 1ict.. _ ... ., ........ a1Nllll auzz1a feature• MOlecl ..... headlight, toil light etfMI fr•l ottd rear operated brake llaht, licenae plate bracket, horn e!Hi •.-..de.Meter. AVAllA8U AT ANY r ONE Of THESE P!NN!Y AUTO CENTERS! IUEMA PARtt• CANOGAPMtK HUNTINGTON HACH MONTCLAIR CARlSIAD CHULA VISTA 650-13 plus f-., tax and oldltire al.ckwotl tultelen 1 · Fed. Size Reploc". Price tax 65().13 19.45 1.78 700-13 21 .45 1.96 s.-ra-J9s-u 21.4.s. 2.11 E78-u . ~ l'4 23.45· 2.25 F78-l 4 . 7~! 1 25.451 2.4 .. ~:::~: =~s:~~ ~ ~::l ~~g J78-14 88.5.14 31 ~~-3.01 ' 560-15 ' ,,,~,,,. 1.75 F78-15 '%7,S. l.S. f I 25 ... 5' I 2 ... 0 G78-15 815'/ll.1~5 27.45/, 2.60 H78-15 8'5/855-1~ 29.45 2.80 WHITIWALLS ONLY $3 MOHi 33 MONTHS GUARANTll WITH 1 D MONTHS 100% ALLOWANCE , _ _.. ,......., .. ...,_..., Your roremoitlre pr• tecfi... IN""'" c•e,. 111 r11tmo1t pan aer tlrH (Hce111 "' .,.clll lllltt-11er,.rm1nn tlru ) elnM '" •Nf llU•N If ••Itel ftlluru. Yov are pre ltll tor lh• tnllte tl•IH -1111,~ Mr ... IH. If >'9!I tire t11f1 cklrln1 1'le ... ,."I" '911111. ~eturii II I•! 111 1nll we w111, 11 •r .,11011, rtNlr~ 1111, er 1111ll'f ... 111.-. lftCI ..... Ill th•~ ... rtlllH prlu , I '"111411111 111t1llclllll 'f.lfffll I hlWIN Ille IHllCllHe .. 1 new tire. Wt wllt Ill ""Jto% _. lh1 11l1J11al purcll.M9 prk1, llCl!llllnc W iie .... rNtrll hthil Ta.11. '41tiflC th• 1001(. 1llow lllerMMM. ...,. '"""' 11i.w IO"'-et .25'Jlo •f tlM _. IHlrd!MI'" jtrld, HcllHllflC .,,nc.w. .'9"111 C.ciM ~ard tlle .Urchl11 ef I -llrt. :e Federll b d H la Mo 1'1&'-t!t •II-• t: I 111 1111 bHll of ttlt ,.rctt1t •I IJI• orl1ln1 I re-1111111. •OlllMOST P'llOTIC GUAllANTEC CHAllJ HUtl.'S HOW You.-auAUNTH WOllKS1 1at1n ,.,, .. , .. ,.,,., .R .......... ---" ...... 111% •llew .... ,.rt ... ..-·----M l --51% l lllW•-,.,1 .. ----·-··-·------11·11-l:U 21% ........ ,_,, .............. -•••• H.JI _.. Tl'Hf Ufe '"'""•· Wt build Into .wry Foremott tlN , Ml• trect~ !Hlcelon. Tiier 11111•1 when yeur 11,.. "*'" M .. ICH .• 11 ~tire....,, Ollt (t xc .. I ,.,, lncorrtcl •Mn-ttnl) WI wfll ,.,. •• Ill Ml9WllllCI NINI 111 th1 orlf lnal 11urcllH• price, excludHls. 11Hllcllllie Ftdtrtl Exe: 11 T11, lowanl lllt~rdlett of a ""' Ure, Wt will lllOW I/I lllurlnc tllt rll 11111 If J/I fllfllll ltM MCon4 half If Ult MM -IM .. llWIMN. , .. ,., bc:IM Tn ..,._.,llt ....._ "Jlt lie _. 911 Ille ~H11 91 Ille '9'Ctftt If '"-tr'1iNI •trwlll r .. ~. . . ... Tiiis INfllllN le Mt trlMferult. It la -U ,_ 1tlw• ,...,.., "' ., ,, ..... ,,r •t .. ,_ ......,... • • I u.; Penney• ""'• Payment ,.... A P/X CTCll MILMIT 11 llterafly a MV1t for •It bike foM. •11aoed It"' lleht· weight, It •ffera full head cover09e. 17.88 A P/X MITAL-PLAKI HILMIT 19.11 IUIYIYOI CTCLI HILMIT 29.11 .. DOWNEY NEWrORT IEACH ORANGE "THE CITY'" fUUHTOH VfNTVM SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 5 r.M.I . ·-- ' ·- f f f ' : • • I i t • l 1 i ' • ' ' l 12 ' a . ~~--~---