HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaL -f ' l -•• _, ' r ·L~a..,y ' ~- • . -• . -• • . -• . -• • BloOdbath Erupts --------Wins Civil War Yacht Race -. -1 ordani~:Q: Army.--. tiA··~n' -:1· -, .-d-~-. ·; . -.. . " __ .. -• . .r.uSi nne •. -.I._ . , : _.__ _. ......i .:: -!-"J~~ ..l ~ A-<->V , • • I Calls · for Tr~uce No Wind I ' I. ' . • ,. • \ ' ' • . - • • • Ill '°"--, • '· .... -,-:- ' ' ' -]'HUR-s~Av' AF.llRNQ9N(sEmMBE( t 7, J9io ' VOL. 61. NO. 11£ I IKTl9NI, 41 ,ae11 , • ,._ -- ,, -• • • . -· • E. Los Angeles • •• • ' --'-· --~ ~olice~JJs~ • J ----------------------------·-----~_-_...,..-..-.. --.. l I l - .· ' • • By GEORGE LEIDAL top witlfaalanc!arcl)I by 2• lncl!ont, .... !' .. o.l~.Plllit '""' 1 noted the b~V°iit dan.ted"iop au. A tint 'srldo tcicheo at WU-Scl!ool "pencilJ·odil en-to roll off -·lllio Ja ~QW. Meu la wqinj'a on .. woman . Ooor".1(. · ' , •. ~ !or undtntandiq of the ell~ ,... "When the child pica ~ ·up, this Jcl!ool'budcet cutbodis have 'I' cbillreii. .-.&Je duk dpt over." . ,, . Mn. Ano McCturg bu for aevon years ''The 1mall cubby-hale on !he lldt jlll' been unhappy wjth tbe slant-top, com-· wide enough to hold h.i! workbooks," she ~ adds. "Our Scienc.e book won't e\ren fit bination 'cllair.:(!eskJ round in all the into i!. cl~ at her school.· Worse for a teacher whci wants to make _.....Claiming they are inadeciuate and the most and best possible use of her unsafe because they tip over. Mrs. classroom, the desks make it impossible · McCJurg toted one ·of the desks to a to gather children in groups "because children can only get into them from the 'Newport·~'fesa_ Unified School di3trict left side." ~ board meeting this Week to show Although ftrst grade students ·cOme in trustees. various sizes, the small desks in bu "These. poorly desikned desk! should roqm are j~ one sli.e. never have been purchased, even years "No. matter how much Bradley ago ," she said. ElligoOd, 6, grows this year," Mrs. Comparing the tinY 13 by 11 inch desk McChag said, "he'll have only this desk -~to uae even ~Ii.it is 'Ught' on him now." ' .....,,. Pflfle I ·CUP RACE .•. manl!llvering of Tuesday's race. Of course, none of us were as close as- , the race committee in obseCving the start. I personally was as surprised as most of my .colleagues to hear later in the race that both yachf.s werr: flying pro- .test flags. There was some thought that the protests may have been against the interference of the spectator fleet which . at times . ~-red both yachts - particularly Gretel II which was the trailing yacht. Gr~tel JI was the first to hoist the red flag , and ii v.'as obvious that Ficker's . protest flag went up a few seconds Jater as a counter-protest. - \\'hat v.·as it all about? Here are the facts presented to the race committee on which both sk.ip~rs agreed : At approximately seven minutes before the start, the yachts were approaching each other from opposite ends of the line. When the yachts were approximately 15- 20 boat lengths apart Intrepid, on port · tack, bore off, and Gretel II on starboard tack did likewise. When the yachts were approximately 10 boat lengths apart, Intrepid altered course to windward, after which Gretel n- also hardened up. \Vhen the yachts were approximately two boat lengths apart and Gretel was on a cl~sc-hauled course, Intrepid was on a course v.'hich would have cleared Gretel. Gretel II continu;:d to luff up until she was heild-to-wind and at this point her bow was approximately 10 feet from Intrepid 's starboard quarter. In order to avoid a collision, Gretel JI tacked. Here is the committee's decision: "Under /iUle 36, fundamental rule. a port lack ts required to keep clear of a starboard tack yacht. ·we find that Intrepid was fulfilling her obllgations under this rule. At llJe time when the two boats were approximately two boat lengths apart, Gretel II came under ;ule Brad stands nearly a foot taller than Laurie WChauVin who fits nicely llit.O 1he desk. ' L . Mrs. McClurg's concern i:s amplified l)y the knowledge that while other. newer schools in the district have been allocated newer desb Wilson, Monte Vista and Bay View schools have not. . · "Hundreds of children have been graduated from Wilson eacb year. going from first to sixth grade without ever having the"opportunity to sil in a stan· dard size desk,'~ Mrs. McClurg notes. "H the district is unable at this time to- eQualize and update our equipmtnt, then another school should be made to hassle with these desks and let the Wilson :stu- dents join the 'in' group,'' she adds. School Supt. William Cunningham and Mrs. McClure bega n working on the desk problem last Spring, when it was discovered the district inventory did not list desks by sizes and it was found to be impossible to know for certain how many desks were involved. Dr. Cunningham needed. and Mrs. McClurg gladly volunteered, an in· ventory. When .it was determined three schools' furniture was involved, budget limitations delayed action. However, following Mrs. McClurg'a board of education appearance Tuesday, president Selim S. Franklin directed ad- ministrators !lOWoTk out an equitable furnitur..e replacement schtdule. "U is frustrating for teachers in the older schools to see new schools con- tinually receive new e q u l p m e n t , ' ' Franklin said. ' ·Counif to Join Smog. Lawsuit On Car Makers? Orange County may get into the 11mog control battle against the 11at101's automobile manufac turers. :W -limitations on the right-of-way yacht to alter course -since it no longer would have been possible for Intrepid to take eval)ive action. "The facts as presented give no in- dication that either yacht infringed on any rule: therefore, both protests were disallowed." -County Supervisors are studying a sug- gestion made Wedne9day that the county join in a "class action'' lawsuit to force the Detroit group to perfect smog control devices. So there you have it, sea lawyers. Have at it. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper told supervisors the cotDlty "might get some money" from such a legal action or it "w o u l d be an incentive for a u lo manufacturers lo develop s u I tab I e de vices for the cars they sell. DAILY ll'ILOT Steff 11'11119 Man and Machine Giant sh~vel being used to gouge and scrape bottom of Dana Point Harbor towers over workmen. Material dredged fro mthe harbor bottom is being dumped at Doheny State· Beach to make what the U.S. Arny Corps of Engineers describes as "artificial surfing reef." Surf at Doheny, a top surfing spet for years, has been virtually non- existent since construction of nearby harbor jetties. Jo1in .Schmitz Loses Battle In · Capitol -From Wire Services From Page I BARRIO .•. predominantly Mexican -American East Los Angeles. The park is about a mile from the scene of Aug. 29 rioti ng in which three persons. including Salazar died. Deputies said several .small fires also were set_ at "nearby East Los Angeles WASHINGTON -Congressman John College. G. Schmitz. a Marine Reserve lieutenant The youths set fire to a large trailer us- colonel, staged a one-man assault on ed as a parade reviewing stand and to a Cepit'M Htu Wednesday ana lost. flatbed truck used to carry portable bleachers. The Tustin Republican a CC u 5 e d As the ma in confrontation was broken Congressman AJphoozo Bell tR-Los up, deputies skirmished with young Angeles} or b'~ii n i~a sllowlxillt In his persons gathering along many residential sharp criticism of the D e f e n s e streets around the park. Department's llow action on leasing Officers around the park were pelted Camp Pendle~n oceanfront to the slate. with small paving stones ripped from front yards of nearby homes. ·Bell was more of an amphibious Ian-The disturbance broke out about an ding craft th.an a showboat, t-ecause the hour ' after the colorfu l. peaceful .parade marines surrendered today. watched by an estimated 200,000 persons. Schmitz, a veteran of 11 weeks In About 200 civilian parade monitors had Congress after replacing the late helped hundreds of sheriff's deputies con- Congressman James B. Utt, charged trot the crowd along the 21,J-mile parade Bell, who has 10 years in Washington route. under his belt, with breach o r When the last units of the four-block- Congression~ etiquette. long parade reached the route's end at He said Bell was committing grand-Belevedere Park, the crowd dispersed stand interference by meddlinj; in ·the al-without incident. fairs of Schmib:' 34th Congrwional A police helicopter hovered above as District. wh.icb p>vers ·parts of Orange dozens of floats splashed with bright and San Diego counties. papier mache trimmings moved in front The embattled Camp Pendleton pre>-of the festive, predominantly Mexican- perty -long sought for public recreati.on American crpwd, at limes five deep on pu~ -is within the district. tl'te sidewalk. Schmitz said it is: a long-standing There were thousands of rr:d-white-and- custom to let each legislator cover his green Mexican flags and a few America n -Sowrce SC1• .. ~ . I . ~ '· , · Hostage-s· May Se Eong D~_e-n ion By United Preti b lerudOllal ,,-The destiey of ~~hostages held by Palestinian &l!errlllas in a dozen hldeouu around Amman was clouded today by the establishment ol 1 mjlitary government In Jordan and an oulbi'eak or flghti,ng between the guerriUaa and Jordanian troops. t "This certainly won 't help things.;• said an Amman source close to the negotia- tions with the f.'opular Front lot the Llberalloo of Paleltlne (PFLP). The PFLP hijacked four airliners -last wetk -and is detaining passengers and crew ·members from five western nations in villas, refugee camps and rented houses: '1The new government hu hardened the Popular Front 'I attitude towilrd ·the • hostages and it loJlks lite they're in for a long detention unless the governments concerned meet. their demands," the source said. ' • In &m, Switzerland, iources close to the committee coordinating neaotiaUn& ~!icy for the ni~ Statea, Britlln, west --Germany -and~SWuzer1arld s&id-- Wednesday Israel has agreed to free two Algerians seized Aug. 14 in efforts to otr tain release of the hostage s. The lsraelt ambassador to Switzerland, Aryeh Levavi, ,an observer at the com- mittee sessions, sa id of the report "It !"ay be right, il may be wrqqg , i~ may be maccurate.'' An Israeli Foreign Ministry :spokesman declined comment on the report In Tel Aviv today. Israel identified the Algerians: as top officials of the Algerian secret service who were seized from a BOAC jetliner at Lydda Airport and whp .. apparently were unaware their plane wts to make a stop in Israel. Political sources in Amman said the guerrillas would not hesitate to use the hostages as a trump card in any violent coiifrontation with the Jordanian army. During battles in Jordan last June, the commandos used some 62 hostages hel d in Amman. as a bargaining lever with .King Hussein. The sou rces said there were no fears fnr the immediate safety of the captured men and women . "Thel are being well l0oked after _ .. they ar(okay,'' a source said. In New York. Israeli Prime Min ister Golda Meir said on her arrival Wed- nesday night her country would not com- ply with guerrilla demands to release Arab prisoners in exchange for the hostages. "They are men aod women who have ·been brought to trial that have :succeed- ed in killing or have alt.empted to kill lsraelis. They must serve their terms," she said. JORDAN ... various parts of Amman or of the 100 Americans and IM Britons stationed in the Jordanian capital. The Americans were told Wednesday to slay close to their homes. Jordan had been on Lhe brink of civil war since Wednesday when King HlWein installed a military government because or the lJireat to his kingdom posed by the Palestinians and because "of past fighting that killed or wounded 1.000 persons. The guerrillas united-under Vasser Arafat, head of the Al Falah commando group, and announced their opposition. Shots sounded through the capital \\'ednesday following a general strike that shuttered the windows of Amman's business houses. • 1Sr1eli ' compliance with the guerrilla demands' has been regarded in some dip- JomatiC circles as needed to break the ice in· the deadlocked negotiations, since Israel has insisted that all five natiol}I put up a united front and refuse to deaf 11Cparately with the commandos. -Aslde from an unspecified number of Arab prisoners in Israel and a S w t s 1 youth arrested In the Israeli port or Haifa for smuggling explosives, the guerriUu are deman~ the return of seven com. radet lmprilOMd in EiJroi>e: the1 ilody'ol an American :slain in the attempted_ hi· jacking of an El Al airliner and 10 Lelr anese soldiers. - * * President Nixon ~a!ns liijacke~ About Ho stages ClllCAGO (UPI) -P~sident Nixon to- day warned Palestinian guerrillas they will be held responsible for the safety of American citizens held as hostages. The President's views on the multiple hijackings of f4al week were contained in a slattmenl issued by Ronald Ziegler, NiJ:dn's press secretary. "The President wants it clearly ~ dentood that tbe holding of ~q:iericao citizens as hoStages is to be abhorred, and also that those who hold American citizens as hostages will be held responsi- ble for their safety," Ziegler said; The new statement wa~ stronger than an earlier one referring t'o the holding of American hostages as being "totally unacceptable" •o the United States. Nixon, Jn Chicago for briefing talks with newspaper editors, has been abreasl of the worsening Jordanian situation by telephone with Washington, Ziegler said. Ziegler ·also disclosed that the Special Action Group, a high-level committee of the National Security Cou ncil to deal wfth crisis situations, met in Washington lasl night to discuss the developments in Jordan. Ziegler said the group met fro m 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. with Dr. Henry A . .Kiss- inger, Nixon's chie.! nation~! Security ad- visor, ·heading the meeling. From Pqe I LEARY ••. tht'l!!'ltablishment's c o n c e n t r a t l on camps. · A statertlent-attributed to Leary en- dorses sabotage, airliner hijackings, and even more personally directed violence. Dr. Leary had served six months of a maximum l~year sentence for his con- viction on po:sseMion of marijuana charges in Orange-County Superior CQurt last March., Miss Dohm, along with o t h e r Weathermen who have taken credit for several major bombings, is sought for unlawful flight to avoid prosecuUon as the reSult of Chicago mob action, plus violation of antiriot laws and C9nspiracy. Leary, who Was considered a low-risk prisoner for escape and was thought to be adapting well ~ an inmate, added a grim warning: "I am armed and considered dangerous to anyone who threatens my life or freedom." Had Hardy's protest been allowed. It would have been a hollow victory. He and his crew ran the gamut of mistakes - from a :spinnaker hoisttd inside the shrouds and tightly v.Tapped arGUJld the headstay to a foredeck man in the water. And regarding foredeck man Salmon, Hardy regretted his statement after that race that. "U he can't nay aboard he'll have to stay ashore."' Basis of the proposed act.ion is a Federal District Court ruling \.hal group· action could be taken against auto makers in contrast to a costly action by a single individual wbo probably could not afford sucb a suit own territory, but Bell cf>untered by flags . saying public r~crealion is of direct and Ir==========================================; vital interest 'to all California ton- "Salmon .,.,·UJ be .,.,;L\i us todJy and we expect to win." u.id Hardy, lamtnting that "our brand of-AU5Sie humor seems not to be understood here." DAILY PILOT New,M l e•• L .. ••• .._. c .... ""• th111ti.,tH hK• f••t•• Y.n.y ... """'"' f)lt.\HGE COiliST l"UILISHl"ICO COMl'A.lt'I' Last Rites Held For Grace Small Grace Small. 31-year resident of Newport Beach, died Monday at Sunlite Convalescent ~ospital in Newport Beach. She' was 95. Ser:vjces foi' Mrs. Small Werti held to- day at the BaJlz Costa Mesa ,Cbapel and interment followed at Harbor Rest gr~ssmen. "Mr, Schmitz has been a congressman for several weeks now,'' remarked the veteran Los Angelea representative. "It is refreshing to see a new man abandon the traditional restrBint of young members with such zeal," he continued with a straight face. Luna 16 Circles Moon ---1----~·b•rt-k. "'•"'--- .......... , '"" l'vtot!- --1demoriaLEark. __ _ MOSCOW (APl -Luna 16. the Soviet moon probe launched Saturday, ha! gone into a circular orbit around the moon, Tass announced today. The unmanntd crafl..is-circling...the-moon.68 .miles above..... the surface. the offici:11\50viet news agen- cy said. All syste~ are fWlCtioning normally and radio cont.act is being nhintained with the capsule, the an- nouncement added. J1c.• "' c ... 1., Vkt ,.,., .,..,. tMI Clcflt1"11 M-..o' 111•"''' IC11wil E•1tor Tllo"''' A. Mu111t.i11t MtM9ln1 Efll*< Rich1rtl '· N1!1 5oulft OrlflO~ (D11My EdlMr Officn ,.,.r!.i"~·.~:~ntr ..... --:~·.~~:'l:'i-"' lt""" Ifft~: ·~n·;:°'"'' 11i.....ut Hvnllnt""' IHCll: 11111 111<.11 lwi..,-1N &.n ''--"'-' lOl N~ll El (11111,,. 11•1 b;.IL., lllLOT, ..,!It• -"left h '""""""" ltl1 ,,., ..... ,.,. .. , h JllllllVIMI t1111.,. 1:.c.i '- ---1--••'l ...... ~''"'&fl!-lo• LI ...... t..:cfl, --,r~Nidl, (Mii M1$r.--tlllJIU11119'1 ' 1.,c11 erA •-bill V1ll11. 11 .... ..in. 1 ... ,,._, lltlilllN. Of-Con t "'*hllh!I C.0.llW' ..-lflliloill ~llll t!I .i 2211 W15I l•lbtN lholl~ .... "" '""'· ., ..... w.i t.r Jot...._ CMlt ~. f., •••.•. f71 41 ••1·•'11 s1...aw "'""""'' ••2·!.•11 ctli:fllM-Al It).,._...: 1.es1~1r1 4t2M21 C.,-rlthl, '"°' Ofill;t CMJI ~lliilllilf C-... ny. "II -l!WIG. llh/-1•11 ...... tf•.,..ltl ""''""' er ••""'"'-'' 111,.1n .... y lie ,.~.._....-..,.i.1 ...... ml-•!OI! 91 ~·· -· hu'1o cl1M ........ 1111114 ti ,......, lttdl ·~· '"" Mftl. C.l/flil""ll , """''"'""' _, u"1tr '2 11 _,...,, 111 .,..11 u • -"''" mh!i1ftp •1"1MI ....... 11.0t -~!,. ft1rs. Small, who lived al 124 E. Bay Ave .. is survived by her dau&hter. Helen Goodcell; two sons, Herbert and Howard : three graMdilldren and nine greal- eraadcht1.dren. a Daddy Youtlify,l _Ex-Gl's Wife _Has Bab1 ARCADIA, Fla. (AP) -Walter E." enough to travel. · Martin, a 15-year-old who was wound!fl ''We're trying to scrape toget)ier some twice in Vietnam, became a father clothes so Walter Let can get back in Wednesday. But his mothe.r 11id he could school. It's noi-·orange-picking time. so --not~aflord·to-travel to Alabama-to-see his-the-money 's all gone;u..saictMrs. Jones;-& son. farm laborer who makes "$30 to 540 a ..Rosa .Lee Martin, Waite.r's 17-year-old ~·eek" during the orange season. wile, gave birth to a IO-pound, 3-ounce "The Army 's nol giving him a penny." boy in Dothan, Ahli ., whe.re she Is staying :\1rs. Jones said. "The Army didn"t do with her parenlS, Afanin's widowed nothing for him after he got out." -mothera:fys. Marlin fir.st enlisted in the Army at the "He wtnls to see the baby," said Alma age of 12. Army officials said, was, kicked Lee Jones, "but we don 't have the money oot aller-his agt was discovered, then r~ to send him there." enlisted. A1ar0n was preparinc to re-enter the .;. During his three years of active duty, eighth grade In Arcadit, Mrs. Jones said , lie served two tours In Vietnam and was and had received a telephone call from wounded bGtl'r umes, the Army said. hta 1"!i!e saying she planned to come Jo Military authorities bave refused to Arcadia as soon as the baby was old recognize Martin's service.· I ' wrap a room in velvet! COQUILLE from ~ M11J11ifice"t Coqlllll1 .. ro 1dloo,,.. •1 1ilk.,-1ofl 111 d•l991nl ••-"t lwtt •. AU A"lron® "ylon, cl11nt li\:t 1 drt 1111, 1<1r1-loc loomtd, 1•1i11-cly1d, l Z color1. Sl I.ts ~· y4. """~ '';:---tf-YOU•CAN'T You fat:oritc fnterior detigner will be hopp11 io a.sril' '1QU ••• COME IN-CALL 646-0175 Cltpt t c;onl11l!1nt wk• will corn• I• "'"'' 1101111 wltlt t1111plt1 --.~.t'li•11t .--,.v- ... 11, •• 1.11 .. Y•11I H.J.GA~~ETT fURNlllJ~E PROFESSIONAL -TRT OUR HVOLVING CHARGl-o,... Moo., 1'11on. & 1'ri. IYn. - 2215 HARIOR l lVO. COSTA MESA, CALIF. •• 46.027 ' INTERIOR DESIGNERS • • I • . . --~Bun-ti~iten __ 1_1ea.e~---"--'--- . i~l'TIO~ r • ,. ' ' T•if•Y'• n.ai ~ . ... --' N. Y.-S•u.::. f• ' ' ~R~D~Y, SEPTEMBER ,17, '970 / _:YOL 63, NO, 223,. 3 SECTI0~~42" AGES 1 , ORANG!. CQU!ID'..~~!Jf'QRNI~ _ TEN CENTS .' _'Y" By RICBARD'P. NALL Of ltM DIUr Pli.t' SRtf " ·orang• COjlnty ·llani!ldOO Olalflct with Riverside County · to c.,ry the .?".most The 130 million gallons of sew•ge being vicioU! of all pollutants" into the: waters ~u,mped' into the ·ocean off Newport , off Newport Beacb. :_ Beac,h every day may be followed u'p by The nonreClaiqlable. induatrilt waste f~. more "vicious" .nonrecl8\meble in· would include nilrata, , ~te~,, ~ustrial waste from three counti~s. cbromesiodines ud ptber.cht!lliCal au!)- This was tM essence of a report to the &lances. . Oranae · COunty eoast ~ociation ibis A.he"1'ing 1t Coste Mesa 'City Hall Frl-o morninf in Laguna.Seach. d4y .._will)take _up tbe matter,..:aaid Kfil .. .Jim Killinlsworth, chairman of the ingnrorth, who mentioned the lncidenta lssociation'a Preserve or Perish Com-of malformeti mlrine Jlfe off the local . - He said although the Industrial wute disposal proposition must be Pi!! to_the voters of Riverside County, the agree- ment has already been signed in OranP. County wittlout being put to any vote. __ Of the 130-million-gallon d·a I J y discharge· off Newpart · 'Beach, Kill· ingsworth. said; 15 ~cent di>el not receive.·~ treatment ~ Only Primary tieatnlent. Ther, ii cOnsid'erlble difference. in tbe..resulta _of primary" and secondary treatment, be noted. P-• ·Plan • Killingsworth said a 10.foot diameter._.. prange County south of South Laguna), -Why dou the San Diego r , pro- outfall line from the mooth of the Santa the State Regional Water Quality Control vlde more. p,rotecti9ft for_jts•bf..acbel than Ana R!ver is being laid 27,'°6 feet out Boai-d, Salt Diego region, does not.~rmit Orange County (SJnuiAna River Buln along the ocean noor.. any sewage with onlf primary treab,ent Water· ~ity~i!mtrol. Boardl?- He said, however, that outlets in lhe to be.discharged into the ocean. .orange County ia not ~ing pr0per}1. line wilL.diflUse sewage onto the ocean Killingsworth ral:!ed these questions: ;-..cautious, he char&ecf. ' floor every 6,000 feet of length. · -Why is San Diego area mpre ~· C. L. ''Cap" Blackburn, cbilrman of - '''When it is comJ»ete:il at the end of the cemed with sewage discharge into the the_ ~iatiQn, a·c com p·a n i e d JCW .. year/' wa KUlinlsworth "the county oCean Ind Other recelVing Witers than ingaworth'on a fact.finding tour. He aid. sanitation district plans to stop aecopdary Orange County? ..-sewage district officials were evaifve treatment altogether. Officials refuse to , -WhY does San Diego area es:ertMori ... ~nen question~ about not baViiii pUt tHe- -. -mitteej4f>OU,of-.an..agreement aigned by-coasUine · '· · Secondary lreatmeot produces a far pw-er.,eff111<11L -" go'to secondary treatment."' control over. the sewage discharge stand-sewage project ou_t to bid.-atatin& ~Y. H• ~<Lin Sao._Dl<1LCounty_(JU1<l_ards than Orange.C.unll'' · , Jiad,1elected.the best.engineer.-~·· ·~ , --DMLvPILOT.1!-1·,._. 'Stop Massacr-e' . . --. . I . Jordan Army Ready for Cease · Fire By UnJted Pre11 laternatloaaJ Syria and Iraq against lnterventiol) and 'nle Jordanian Army, apparently win-said it now CC"ntrolled three quarters of ning its civil war with the Palestinian Amman. It had battled with tanks and guerrillas. said tonight it was prepared artillery throughout the day against guer· for a cease-fire and laid down a series of rllla rifles and machineguns. 1 · stiff conditions. Guerrilla · leaders in The Army made ·these three demands broadcasts over Damascus radio called (If the guerrillas -an immediate end to (ln their allies to intervene and "slop this the guerrilla shooting, retention of the horrible massacre." • Army within the cities and withdrawal of The Army announcement came shortly guerrillas from the cities. It said it would after the JOrdanfili government warned litlp them go to any point alo.ng the cease-fire line with Israel. Amman raido said• a four-man Arab League medtating mission was urCinl an immediate cease-fire in Amman and ·four other major Jordanian cities that Were """" of major figlldng throogboul the day. , 1'>e cease-fire appeal came amid In- . creasing Indications the guerrillas were getdng the want of It in fighting which (Set JORD&N, Pap II War U -ero Dies • • A Seal Beach resident's argument that ' . . ' Huntingto!t. 8ono1'.'s Veteran ' tack on I ma~ IUD 'DUt In Octolilr. 1944 in Italy. . , " CHEVENN£ SHERWOOD, 16, B'ROTHER JULIAN, 12, SMILE ' IN FACE OF ADVERSiTV Goof .1 ·.c;1y H•ll,.LH••• Hunliftgt"!' BO•ch Family With Big, Moity Hole in Front Yord city COUllCll hearings 11!4 the status of the Marina Dance Hall's business license ate unlawful failed Wednesday .to get beyond the opening bars of the Superior Court lawsuit • City ·Olgs w111 be lo"'1ed f4 half 1taff for the funeral of Chria Carr, $8, a World War 11 Medal of Honot hero who cflod II h~ Hundngton Beach llOmo l'uaday morning. · Marvin Roberts, ·commander of 'American Legion PoSt J33 In Huntington Beach, said today,thato althotiih Mr._carr w.as not a member of the POC!lt hil of- ficers were anxious to pay him tribute. s,t. Carr .was in· .OlllllllJld o/ .bJs anll -all the o/fJcm had -killed. When his force became pinned down bY. fire from eoemy em~cements, Sgt. Carr -crawled to the rear of 1 macbine gun position, took eight G e r m:a n pri.9onen and then went dn to tnoct <oot single-handedly a Rries of· o t b e r . Swim ~ool Night111are I • . Judge Harmon G. Scnvllle quickly ruled that Albert Del Guercio of 4417 Birchwood Ave. did not have the required legal standing to seek an end to the hear· ings through a writ · or mandamus. I:Sel Guercio 's status as a ta¥payer did 1ot en .. title him to take a~cll remedial action, the ju<fie noted. Huntington Erred on Its Building Permit By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI · Of tM Dell~ Pllfl Sllfl For several months the Sherwoods hive been dreaming about installing a S1"imming pool at their Huntington Beach. home, but they never thought it would tu:n·into·a $7,000 nightmare. They have 'a swimming hole in their front yard now, about 10 feet deep, 30 feet long and 16 feet wide. And although two-feet of rnur~y ocean water has s~eped into its bottom, the only thing f!\ft's swimrnlng_in it are a few p_teces or_ (.'(Instruction flotsam and jetsam. ·Mrs. Heather Sherwood, tea rs In her e"yes, said Wednesday that the city had · glven the family a building permit in er· ror. "I'm so upset about it, I'm just sick,"· MrJ· Sherwood said. Today. a building I;>eath Suspect~ In Huntington Facing Court . .,, ,_-J Two men held in connection with the ' murder of a Huntington Beach hardware ezecutive ha ve been bound over for ar· raignment in Superior Court Sept. 25. Miles C. Cox, 18, of Westminster and Frederick J: Yanke, 20, of'{ian:lena, 4p- iJeared in West Or~nge County Municipal court Tuesdartor·a-prellmlnary-he'arlng but were ordered to reappear at the higher court. · IJ'be-pair .. -currently . held at Orange qu!ltY .[ail witho~bail, ls <f!trged in the !tabbing death of Walter Christie, 31, at Chrislie"s apartment Aug. 21 . ' Cox will face actual murder. pro- ·ceedings while Yanke is being held on charges of being an m:cessory in the aUeg~d crime. Christie was found dead of knife wounds in the throat, chest and back Aug. 24 by his business partner, Terrance Srilith. Reagan Signs Bill SACRAMENTO CuPI) -G<w. Ronald Reagan bas signed a bill allowing police -. auction confiscated sportW.g firearms rather than dispose of them, his office allllOUllCtd Wednesday. ,. • department inspector admitted t.h e "honest mistake." · "I have new carpets in the house that are getting destroyed by this mess. And when they exc'avated the pool they struck some · pipes which left us 'without sewer and .water service for three days:• ' ·The SherwoOds, who make their home · at 10232 Cutty Sark Drive in fhe Glen Mar tract, were given permission to build the pool Aug4it Zl. A ,daf Jater the con- tractors, Anthony Pools Inc. (If Costa Mesa, began the excavation. Then the Sherwoods say, they were inI9rmed of the error. Harold Mulqueeny, the inspector who approved the.blueprints said the only ex- cuse he has is that he committed an honest error. "The plans were . not ac· curately looked at," he admitted. Mulqueeny • poin~ _ out that a city . ordinance requires a five·foot fence around swimming pools to prevent children from falling in. The ordinance also sliwlates lh!lt a fehct!·oVer five feet must sit bacK 15 feet from the property line. The Sherwoods' have onlY four feet, causing the permit to' be rejected, he said. Further, Mulquee~ said the .contractor has been builifing pools l(lhe city fOr years ~nd should have kno~er than to go_ahead with ·the projaj._ ~They themselves questioned the location," he added. A pool c o m p a n y rePresentative, howeve r-said,-"We were leery of it to begin with and checked it out but they (the building departinent) didn't object (See POOL, Pase !) East L~4 Riot Quelled; . . Tw-o-S-Jro-t,-50717-Tes-ted A bloodbath Involving Los Angeles likened to Pig. Coun1y sheriff's deputies, city police and Others called for ~ath to the lawmen, thousands of Chicano youths, tear gassed hurting obscenities al<>!'g with rocks, bot· afte:r a· barrage ·or firebombs and other tles and other debris. missiles, erue.ted in East Los Angeles About 250 officers • _ some with His disn\issal of Del Guerclo's act.ion against the city of Seal Beach apparently ended the plaintiff's bid to shut down city ~OunciJ hearings that are scheduled to resume Friday. Attorney Kenneth Lindsey commented after the hearing that if the closiJre ac· tiffifls resumed it111ay tietfifougH-a-par· ty or parties that would be recognized as lawful challengers·by Judge Scoville. Del Guercio argued b1 his writ that the· Seal Beach city charter did not allow the city council to take back powers that it hiid already conferred on ils city manager, And Lindsey stated after the hearing that the issue of revocation or suspensjon or ,the Marina Dan« Hall businesi license , should have been left with acting City Manager Dennis Courtemarche. HeariJigs into ~ dance hali operation were a\lthOrlzed when alle}:atlons (If drug use;-at-ttie-faclllty were-atred-by-nearb residents and patrons. Va!Jey Photog Pleads · Innocent Wedn.,day ntght. · violence onthMlltJUtll\lllvm""'a..--'":"o1ven draw. ~nd ... 1ngini nlsh~n ~ex Cliarge - of,Mes:lco's iQdepe:nd~nct from Spain left sucks -clubed with the JOU:\hi at the Q at least 50 perlbna an:ested, JO injureil -north end ... Qf Belvejjere ·Park in . . includln1 15 lawmen -and new hostility predominantly M e s: J ca n~ .. American A 32-year-old Fountain V a 11 e y hanglna in the air today. Eas~ Loi Angeles, ' photographer accuted of kidnaping • 17· One shlriff'a inspecior wu holpttallzecl The park la about 1 mile· from the-)'.ear..old.Cost1 Mesa girl.and forcing he In J>O<!r condition after being· hit in the scene of Au1. 2t rlotinl Jn which three in~ a aes: perversion has:entered a plea heid WIU\ a rQck; 1 «jep.rty•na shot in X-@l.S, includi~ Salazar died. of,umocei:1t and has been .ordered \o ap- the arm and · a Chicano youth, just Deputies s8fd' .. sevefal small fires also-pear Jw prellminar.y heanng Sept. 23 at watching critically wounded by a sniper. were aet at nearby East IM Angeles ~ W~t .... 0r~1e'County Municipal Court. Chai:iea_oJ hara5'ment during the M~x-College. Held at Orange County Jail in lieu of lean lni;!ependence Day Parade and in the The youths set fire to 1 large trailer us-1'50,000 bail ii Robert c. Albright, 1886'Z . outbreaJr that followed were denied by ed as a parade reviewing stand ,and to • ~ SL _fie pleaded lnnooenl to au sheriff 's.deputies and city po'lice who bat· flatbed lt'uck used to carrr ~bit 1countl. ~ which include usa~t • bleachers. t :?ith ,..a~ deadly weapon, kidnap, aex .. tled rioter&.., ' ' As the tnaY, con!rontatlon wat brolreft t ~veaUM,.lnd. poaeuion of marijuana Btsides Mexican Independence, "the , up, deputies skirmished with younc · and.-~ drugs. • demonstration reOected anger at the persons gathering along many residential AJt>ripl waa captured Jast Friday after death of newsman Rubin Salazar, 42, of streets around the park. · police ornoen allegedly chued him 3118 S .• Rita Way •. Santa Ana. wl!ile he· Officers around .the park were ~lted through Fountatn Valley and Colla Mesa. covered a barrio outbreak-three weeks with small paving stones ripPtd from Inve!tl1ator1 said the suspecf followed a10,-front yards of nearbY homes. the girlt forced her into his automobile Z:We're tired of seein1 ChU:ano bJood on The dl!turbance ,tfi:ob out about an ind threatened to at.ab her with a knlre it thi boots Of the 'ladnms' .'' KTeamed one hour after the colorful;-peace ful parade' ahe: · did not •aree to the alleged youth, ulin& an •pithel which can bo watch•d by on esl\Jllatod 11111,llOll per-. )>"VOrilon. "Whatever we do will be in compliance with the family 's wishes," Roberts said. Funeral arrangemen~ are being h!fldl· ed by the Peek Family ColonJal Funeral Home in Westminster. No date had been set for ~e funeral this morning. Mr. Carr, who lived at 8252 Priscilla Drive, Huntingt.on Be.ach, died, after hav· lng breathing. diRicultfes Tuesday mom: ing. His family ~lied. firemen but UJey were unable to revive hlm. Mr. Carr held the rank of sergeant in World War II. He won the nation's highest iward for valor for a t1ne-ma.n at- emplacements. · He was credited with killini eight ol the enemy and taking 22 prisoners.' Mr. Carr, who later was severely wounded and sH_ffered_ clrculatory pro- blems and the loss of a leg, a~l~ed the public eye while living. in Huntington Beach. SeVerat times VFW and Legi9n officers asked him f4 addrm their sroup but be always declined. He leaves his wife, Juanita, and two children. Trustees 01\. Art Buildin~ On Golden West Campus ' Preliminarx._ plans for a St.84 million said the city volunteered tO do . the humanities, arts.and sciences building at landscape planning because the dty's Golden West College were approved Wed· Parka, Beaches and Recreation Depirt. nesday night by trustees of the Orange meiit uses the base for summerrecrea· Coast Junior College District. tion programs. Board members also approv~ plans The project ii being undertaken as part for a f7,200 landscaping p~oject at the -of1a general remodeling of-the ba• which district's l~t.!'rcolleglate SaPinl and Row· will open up a view to ~ bay from cOast Ing BaJe·tn Newport Bea~h. . Highway, The remodeling ii .1taltd for The Golden West bUilding, designed by · _ completion in April 1J97l William·Pereira·ond'A..OOalesr lMjated _ .' ' !or completJon In September, 1973. The threwtory U-shaped structure wdl be built south' of the exiltlng . atudentl center and bookstore and west of ·the library. The top two floors will have enough classroom and lab space for ~ students on each floor. The ground Ooor Will have the educational service O?nter and Oru1e ---weadler faculty and counsellnt,:'ftces. ' , aZ)<..lllllsbinLwill..be,llll, ... aui!l'·~' 1-~- 'Ibe steel ... frame uaiitg will have -nately thrOugh the fog a'Gd low movable walls so that room sir.es can be clouds aldn gthe seashore P'rid_ay, varied to meet tl)e changing needs of the • ~ith ·temperltures jumping up to 1c~I. There will also be four outdoor ttte '12-88 range on the tout ~ seminar courts. • f ... · I nd Tbe:plans-for-the-rowing-ba~. locateil--_ur=r _m_a_. ___ _ on the north Lid• channel, were drawn up INSWE TOD" y by Evan •Grays, landscape p)J.nner for Newport Bea~b. · District Chancellor Norman Watson ' Santa Alla Cyclis't Injured in 'CraBh Santa Ana motorcyclist~ Robert Lee Dalton', 23, Is in· terioU!I condition today. foUOwing a heedon coillaion.crash·witfi an ~utomoblle Wednesday, nig!lt. ' Santa Ana community llolpltal or• fl:lals aaid be Is aulfertng.from mallive bead inJurlet, brul... and lactr1tl0nl. The crash took place at Bristol Strtet and Sl Anne Place. . WhetMr M' not th•. Wall Streit bear m.arket-rhtu finoUV urntd around, tlie Dow-:lOM• l?ldu.striaL Average, U on the1 WOtl bock. S11loia Port«r (lii.., cuuis it on Pao• 28 todaw. ·~' ' =... -: ~.,,. .. ~ CM!tet· , •• c,........ ,, Dllll...... ' --. ........... , ,, ·---.. ..... ~ ~ 11 .. j ' . . . •• •• • ---.._ ;f • DAILY PILOT H --... ~ • > ,,-~~ches-Qpei! • > -,,,.~iven 3.5-mile Pendleton~tran·d -y JOHN VAL TERZA WU Its limit, aJlllOUllCed ti!< pr....1..i. DiloulllOna .. the bei 1111tte11 lllOll Of .. Dllff PUitt lllff ttttJn& declaiOD th1I mondftl. bet,fetn tbole. state and na~l ludll'I The U. s. f'4atlne Corps today gave The rtliue of the bluffa aod btaurtfut this past summer when· ttie Prnjdent Caliloraia 1:5 miles of its beach. beach directly "downcoest of San Onofre Is hosted the Reacans and the senator to a 1 tn an announcement termed "a a historic event for the largest' military dinner at the-Western White House. surprise" by the head of the State installation in the world. Since then, Mott intimated, the senator Department of Patka and Recreation , the the beach will be the flrst portton of has taken an active role in winning Corps broke a months-long deadlock in the Camp Pendleton strand ever opened Marine acceptance of the state com•1 the negotiflions tor the precedent-settin~ for public use. ._ promise offer. · ~b· oPenins issue and acceded to the The oJficial Statement by the Corps Mott was noncommittal about other compromise oUer of . the State of sai!f . that the opening would be com-tempests stlrrid by the beach issue - CallforniL t ., 411 patible w1th the needs for training along the latest of which raged in Washington, . And the reaction by State Parks Direc-the shoreline. D.C., between recently elected Rep. John --tor-William Penn Mott-was one o{ quiet:-~",.,he..Marine-Corps-believes the present __ G.__Schmilz_ of Tustin and fellow pleasure and praise for Senator George proposal will be in the best interest of the Republican Alphonzo Bell. Murphy '• behind-the-scenes work to public and will assist in meeting ex-Schmitz assailed Bell's ·interest in the make the.negotiations a success. panding community needs for reereation beach as an ericroachment into Schmitz' ••eertalnly ~e are pleased," Mott told in California.," the announcement said. territory. · the DAILY PILOT today, "and I must Mott - despite earlier reparts that Bell retorted that the John Birch Socle- admit that it came u a surprise at this negotiations have been strained -prais-ty member from Tustin was against the point." . elf the Corps' cooperation in the talks opening of the beach to the public. He predicted · the huae new be'ch's which began early this year. -That batue now, however, has become opening to the public with temparary He also praised the active involvement moot. facilltiu .by next SP.rinl· of Governor Reagan, Senator George And the concern of the state parks of-~ Marine Corps, which originally Murphy and President NLxon-fOr their ficials ha:t shifted from the once-growing beld that 1.5 nµJes of beach !Or five year1 "ieen interest•-•m the issue. controversy of the-Marine Beach to how . ' Did 'Weathermen' Help Timothy Leary Escape? From Wire Services Fugitive Dr. Timothy Leary apparently got by with a little help from his friends -as the B~Ues' lyric goes -in his escape five days ago from a minimum 5eCUJ'ity pri.aon at San Luis Obispo. A special delivery letter received by United Press International in Los Angeles Wednesday claims the ultra.radical Weathermen group assisted him. The letter urging violent revolution bears signat.ures purportm, to be those of the 49-year-old fonner H a r v a rd psychologY profeasor and Weatherman 1 commando Bernadette Dohrn. Authorities checked the signatures of the pair -both wanted by the FBI as fugitJves -and said they appear to be genuine, compared to originals. dorses sabotage, airliner hijackings. and even more personally directed violence. Dr. Leary had served six months of a maximum IG-year sentence for his con- viction on possession of marijuana charges in Orange County Superior Court la.st Mareh. · Miss Dohm, along with o t h e r Weathermen who have taken credit for several major bombings, is sought for 'unlawful flight to avoid prosecution as the result of Chicago mob action, plus violation or antiriot Jaws and conspiracy. Leary, who was considered a low-risk prisoner for escape and was thought to be adapting well as an inmate, added a grim Wftming : "I am armed and considered dangerous tG anyone who threatens my lite or freedom." It should be developed. "Our greatest iilitial problm Is bring· Ing i portible watersupply to me new state park, then lntltallation of temporary sanitary facilities," Mott said . After the initial work on the blu(ftops, a cut will ha ve to be made in the fa ce of the palisades below to allow for public access to the sands. "We will probably be able to. provide only one initial point of access at first,'' Mott said, "and the public will have to walk from there. but it will he ilJlproved as time goes on and we get an a~ propriation for pennanent facilities." Motl last saw the beach a few weeks ago when he and his aides traveled to San Onofre for a personal visit. P.1ott and his aides have negotiated for the land through this year, but the issue over opening of a part of the Marine beachfront has been the subject of years of work. From Page I POOL ... so we went ahead and dug our pool.'' Meanwhile, the Sherwoods have taken -their woes to .the city's Board or 7,oning ---- DAILY PILOT ttaff ....... Man and Machine Giant shovel being used to gouge and scrape bottom of Dana Point Harbor towers over workmen. Material dredged from the harbor bottom is being ·dumped at Doheny State Beach to make what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers describes.as "tirtificial stirfing reef." Surf at Doheny, a top surfinf spot for years, has been virtually non- existent since constru,ction o nearby harbor jetties. · 30-mile Waste Pipeline --- • TrashTrc ck__- _/ DemOli.shes ~----~- Small Car A garba~ truet heaaed for momln1 rounds rumbled into a Costa Mesa ln-- tersection early this mqrnlng and ra • med and demolished a sqiall c11r ni two Huntington Beach m wOrk, in- juring' both. Ralph Ro_ 1 of 20732 Kellin! Lane, was led to Costa Mesa Memorjal L .-=Pital for observallon after being treated for face, chest and arnl lacera - tions. James P. Young, 38, of 21101 Miramar Lane, driver of the small car which was eastboU:nd on Victoria Street at Canyon Drivt, was treated for face lacerations and released. • ·Police said Jesus S. Santini. 38.. of 170$ Third St., santa Ana, was northbound on Canyon Drive, leaving Dewey's Rubbish Service when the 6: 10 i .m. collision oc- curred. Officer Dick DeFrancisCo said the Im- pact shoved the little car northeasterly -ac_ros:t the-intersection-and up an em· bankment. A trio of girls from Orange suffered minor injurifs Wedn~ay night in a dou · ble · rear-end collision that sandwiched their small sedan, just seconds after they bad climbed out. Arlene J. Baldwin, 20, Sharon M. Trot- ter, 20, and Cheryl A. Everett, 19, said they would go to their own doctors .for treatment. Police said Mi ss. Baldwin WI! driving south on Newport Boulevard at Fair Drive about 10:30 p.m., when her c,r hit the rear of a stopped vehicle driven by Anthony Determan, 23, of 860 Governor St.. Costa Mesa. Cars bad stopped in the adjacent lanes to orfer help, police said, when a third vehicle driven by Kirithumar K. Kadakia. 27, ol 160 W. Wilson St., swung around them and into the wreck. From Page I JORDAN ... Set for Hearlll. g m' Mesa began before dawn today. A spokmnan . , !?~~:it~;;:!'~ ~~.::. .. ee~ut admllled Leary, a frequent Laguna Beach visitor who was arrested there Dec. 26, 1968, ap- pears to be fast abandoning the love- ba:sed-on-drugs doctrine he once preached a.o America's youth. 111 Adjustments to petition for a variance. Fall Enrollment "They just turned "' down n.1." sa id --------n.•engu""'ei'i'l:lla:s'"Damascus;based-"Volce-·,.___,,... ' - He proclaimed in the letter that he must now be considered armed and a danger to anyone who thttatens hJs life or continued fr*o~ \... The letter, malled It the Los tJgetes Main Po!t Office, boasts of Weatherman participation in his escape from Los Padres Men's Colony and exhorts all~t revolution. "The Weatherman underground has l'lad the honor and plwiure of helping Dr. Timothy Leary escape rrom the POW camp at San Luis Obispo," the te1t reads. Los Padres is known as the country club of the California pr~n system, but the Weatherman letter claims it is one of the Establishment's con c e.n tr at ion camps. ' A statement attributed to Leary en- Youth Theater Auditions Set Youngstfis who wish to act in "Caddie Woodlawn," the November production of the Fountain Valley Community Theater, will get their chance to try out for roles this weekend. · Auditions have been set for 7:30 p.m. Friday and 1 p.m. Saturday at the com- muniJ:y center, 10200' Slater Ave. The play is a dramatization or Carol Ryrie Brink's children's OOok. It calls for a cast of 11 boys and 10 &iris aged S and up. Adults and students with technical stage experience are being sought by the group. DAILY PILOT Ol.&.Nc;E com PUlllaHIMG COMP,tNY •oi..;. N. 'We,4 Mrs. Sherwood. She and her husband now Ris h 1 ..t73 plan to appeal that ruling to the plaMing l es y , '"1! commission. . . "'If they had 1ust thrneit us ·down iri the Fall enrollment s~at1shcs released beginning we could have avoided all this Wednesday showed an increase of 1,478 at the two colleges in the Orange Coast. trouble. Be.fol"!_ the summer wa~ over we Ju~·oT Ue1e Disitict. ~ t. . ~ught we would have a e:wimiJing pool ; eti dei'.i!!~Collep In-li\il now ~e d~'t +iw T"•{Joing to ere by iM4:111udenla an4' at GOiden ' h!Ppen," slid Mrs. Sh6rwoiljl. West ·College the increase was 43 Mulqueeny explained the board of zon- students. . d · t d "ed h I Dr. Nonnan Walson, chancellor of the ing a JUS menLs en1 l e poo on the junior college district, sald the figures grounds that it would set a precedent for reflect the continuing ~rowth of the area. · others who would like to construct a "The enrollment could have been · swimming hole in their front yards larger if .~e'd had more classes," he 11id. . ."It wa .. a large goof " he a·d "It He explained that 80rhe out 9t state . · .. ,. -• s 1 • students were uni.ble to register because looks like the only recourse the o( \h&-croWded -tiiP,Clitions. · · hOmeowner will have is to refill the ex- ·Qay' enrollment it OCC went from 7,786 ci:vation. we· contacted the swimming in th,e (all of 1969 to 8,~ this year. Night · pool company and were able to stop this clasis l!t-OCC 1howed the oilly' deere'ase: before it .was impossible." going" from 9.008 In 1969 to 8,186 in 1910; ,Mrs. Sherwood who said •he· and her Watson said the decrease reflects tile husband have given $1 ,21.)1) of their sav-. fact that more students are registering in in gs to Anthony Pools and .oL a loan: for both day and evening classes and are the rema inder of the $'1,000 construction therefore recorded as day students. cost, says she is extremely woftied about • At GWC day students increased from . the safety of petsons walking past the pit. 3,984 to 4,367. Night student enrollment "I'm very concerned about children showed the biggest irrrease' going from falling in and there is a blind lady who 4,505 to S,065. walks by it invariably. It's just terrible," she said. Helicops Catch Young Arsonists _ · A pair or Huntington Beach boys, unaware they were being watched by a Costa Mesa pqlice helicopter crew, were caught immediately Wednesday night af- ter setting a brµsh fire. . ·-Pilot Randy Nutt and Observer Officer Chuck Duvall radioed the location of the fire, which blacktried 'a hall acre on the Costa Mesa side of the Santa Ana River, bf.hind Fairview Slate Hospital . · The troubles have also affected lhe couple's son, Julian, 12, who said he was planning to have a swimming party for his bir~hday Sept. 12 but has to hold of( until the pool is done. Pacific Telep.4one Co. · SQed for 'Mishilling' LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Pacific Tele- phone and Telegraph Co. was sued for more than $7.2 million Wednesday by a lawyer who said the utility misbilled some subscribers. -p,...i.,..1 ...... ,._,.,,. . J eck R. C11rl•Y -~e-.boya,-·bolh-10, were p~ked-up at · ' the scene about$ p.m .. ~nd chlra;ed with arson, then released to their parentS sw:n- ding <>ranee County Juvenile Court ac· Ri.ch&r~ Hodge-claimed Pacific_ Telephone's computers c h a r & e d subscribers for calls not made from their phones but told persons Who complalhed Uiat the "computers dQ not make mistakes." He ~ught $6 million punitive damages on the grounds the company assertedly was aware of the errors. Vite PmlNnt ~ .... r;«tl M•....,tr '1 lh•111•1 IC•e••il ElllO~ lhe"''' A", M111phi11• M 1~11'111 1!0- Al•11 Di,Jri11 W•I 0• 1"19 <Aollftly IE•l•ef ' Alloerl W. tel•• . Anklet• fl•lor H111ttl .. '•• 9"ch Off1c• 17175 leech lo11l1~1rtl Mt1li119 Atltlren: P.O. lot 790, t26~1 O~f Offlcn tion. ' One 1idmilted seUing the fire .with matches supplied by the othti'r, ·who told police he talked hi& pal into doing _ It. Boy~s -a Daddy- A proposed 30-mile, $28 million waste pipeline from Riverside County to the Pacific Ocean will be the subject of a public hearing Friday at 9:30 a.m. ii Cos- ta 11 .. city halj, The Regional \rater .Quality Control Board will ei:plore the pros and eons of Flag Football Season Nears The llai football season will begin in Huntington Beach Oct. 3, and boys in· terested in participating in the Recrea- tion Dept. activity ·may sign up from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday and again Sept. 26. . ~ .. Boys in the seventh and eighth grades may register at the city gymnasium, at Gisler, Haven View, Hope View, ?\1urday Park, Rancho View, Spring View and Stac:e)' $cllools and at Wardlow Park. The lee Ii $2. Boys in . the third through the sixth gfades may siin up at the school pllyiroupd nearest their. h o m e. The fee is $2 for fifth and sixth graders and $1.25 for third and fourth graders .. All :games Will be played on Saturday mornings. the controversial project which will be of the Palestinian Revolution" radio call· desi&11.ed to carry nonreclaimable waste td on the· Arab revolutionary powers tG from Riverside ud San Bernardino coun-"act to stop the bloody massacres." It said the Arab people were waiting for the ties ~ Orange C.Ounty's sewage ln!at· decision. - ment facilities in Fountain Valley. . In an emotional voice the announcer The ·proposed plpellile will eventually cried,/' Amman Ls· burning. Smoke is seen be able to handle 30 to 50 million pl.Ions everywhere · in . Amman. The• a1enUJ bJ. 'was' a· day, wh!ch after paaaln1 (aQVemmenl troops) are 1hellln1 tbt through the treatment plant Will be populated areas everywhere." dumped into the ocean through Orange "Liberals of the Arab ·world, liberals of the whole world, stop the horrible Cowtty Sanitation Dls~ict's five-mile out-massacre that our people are facing in fall riow unde!" construction. Jordan," the broadcast said. "Sto p this Involved Jn Friday's discu ssion will be massacre, the like or which history has the conte11:tion of conservationists that never witnessed/' dumping more waste into the ocean will During the day the fighting spilled lead to pollution or the beaches and ocean over into Lebanon and Palestinian guer- water. rillas seized the Jordanian embassy in Huntington Boosters Sei Meeting Tonight The Booster Club for HunUngton Beach High School 's Oilers will meet al 7 o'clock tonight In the teachers' lounge. The club has elected its officers tor.the year: Bill Wise, president; Bill Duvall, vice president; Mrs. Joe Muniz, secretary; Tom Martin, treasurer; and Mrs. LeMy Bartimore, picture chairman. Beirut. , · Syria had threatened to intervene on the side of the Palestinians, and th e guer- rilla's radio appealed to the 12,000 to IS,000 Iraqi troops stationed in Jordan lo join in the fighting. Israel watched events caref.uUy, prepared to intervene if iLs security is threatened. There was no word on the fate of (he M hijack hostages held by guerrillas in various parts of Amman or of the 100 Americans and 160 Britons stationed in the Jordanian capital . The Americans were told Wednesday to stay close to their homes. wrap a room in velvet! COOUJLLE from M1f11<fic•11t Coquill• l:iroedloom .. •-• - 1illi:y 1oft e11 tl•let111t •• v•l~tl . All A11tro11® 11ylo", d••111 like 1 dr1e111, IC•••·'•' l•om•d. 1k1i"_:_dyed, 12 color.. $11.tS •till· yd. If YOU CAN'T COME IN-CAL( 646-0271 • f•r •11 ••P•rt ... ,,., c.0~11111.~t wh• will come I• Let-lt1cfl : U2 F.,,fl "'"""'111, • (t11t M-! -WU! 111 $trot! H~• ftx.Jo: 1111 Wttl l1tbo1 l ::i11!1v1"111 ,.,., , .. ,,,..,, .. : -.... tfl l l <:1 ............ 1 ¥ outhful Ex-GI' s w·· f.1LHJJS.llab.Jt_ -~· __ you • hom• .itti ,.,,,,r,, without •~v ebli91li•11 ft yo11l ARCADIA, Fla. (AP) -Walter E. enough to travel. ~ Marun, a l>year-old who was wounded "We're trying to scrape tofether some twice in Vietnam. became ~a father clothes 50 Walter Lee. can 1et bick in W--edh.eSday. But his mother 11ld he coold schocil. 1rs nOt orange-plcklftl time, so not afford to travel to Alabama to see his the money's au gorte," said Mrs. Jones , a son . farm laborer who makes "$30 to S40 a Rosa Lee Mertin, Walter's 17·year-old week" during the orange season. wlre: gave birth to a 10.pound, ~nee~ "The Army's not givil'li hlm 1 ptnny," boy in Doth•n, Ala .. where she Is staying 11.frs. Jones said. "The Armn didn't do with her parents , Martin'• widowed nothina ror him after he got out.'' mother ·says. 1ttartln first enlisted In the Army at the "He wants to see the babY.'' said AJma t11ge or 12. Army officials said, ... kicked Lee. Jones, "bul we. don't hive the money out"iTler his age was discovered, the n re- to stnd him there." • enlisted . Marliri was preparin& t9 re-en ter the Oliring his th ree years .or active duty, eighth &rade in Arcadia, Mrs. JOnes said, he served two tours in Vietnam and was and had received a telephone call from-wounded both times, the Army said. his wife 1ayins ·she planned to come to Military authorities have refused to Arcadia as toon as the baby was old recognize Martl n1s st vice. • , __ - -'~-~-- ' ' -~ ~fo~jat10ritc {nttrfor designer will be ham to Usitt "OU ,,. H.J.GAR~ETI fURNITURE • PROFESSIO AL INTERIOR DESIGNERS -TRY OUR RIVOl.VIN6 CHAR61- o,.. Moo, Tllon. • l'rl. l•n. • 2215 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA. CALI F. ' 646·027r , I • • I I • -• .-----,,----------------··--~---~-~<-'---~- ""\....." • -~ I UP'I Ttt.MNI AUSSIE CREWMAN PAUL SALMON ACC~PTS GIFT GRACIOUSLY Gretel's Man Overbolrd Gets Sne1kers With Suctla'ii Cups .No Race Today America's Cup Protests First Since 1934 Race NEWPORT, R.l, -1 Tl:e second race boat· lengths apart, lntfepid altered of the America's Cup yacht competi· course to windward, afte r which Gretel 11 two boat lengths apart and Gretel was on ed off today because of lac~ of winds. a close·hauled course, Intrepid was on a --. . . . , .. J. Schrnitz . I~-Citpitol " ---Brom Wil'• ServLce• WASfDNGTON -Congressman John G. Schrii.itz.~ a Marine Restrve ueutenan·t colonel~ staged a one-man assault on Capitol Hill Wednesday and Josi. The Tustin Republican a c C u s e d . . . . . ' Congressman Alphonzo Bell (R-Los Angeles) or being a shoWboat in his sharp criticism of the D e f e n s e Department's slow action ·on leasing Camp Pendleton oceanfront to the Bell . was more of an am · · us lan- ding craft than a sho t, because the marines surre · the beach today. a veteran of 11 weeks in- ss after reP.°laclng · the late _,.,r~••essman James B. Utt. charged Bell, who has 10 years in WaSti\ngton -under his belt, with · breach o f Coniressional eUqueUe. He said Bell was committing grand· stand interference~by meddling tn the -af· fairs of Schmitt 34th Congressional District, which covers parts of Orange and San Diego counties. The embattled Camp Pendleton pro- perty -Jong sought for public recreation purposes -is within the district. SChmitz said it is a long-standing custom to Jet each legislator cover his own . territory, but Bell countered by sayi ng public recreation is of direct and vi~I __ interest to all catifornia con- greS!Inen . "Mr. Sclunilz has been a congressman for several weeks now,'' remarked the veteran Los Angeles representative. "It is refreshing to see a new man abandon the traditional restraint of young members with auch zeal,'' he continued with a straight· face. • Long Detenti.a, ___ _ By l1.Uted Prt11 International The destiny of M hostiges h~ld by Palfstinian guerrillas in a dozen hi · s around Amman was clouded by the establishment or a · · ry government in Jordail an .outbreak or fighti ng guerrillas a n d Jordanian "This certainly won't help things," said an Amirian source close to the negotia· lions with the Popular Front f6r the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP): Ttie PFLP hijacked four airliners last week and is detaining passenger~ and crew members from five western nations in yill~s, refugee C~mps llnd rented houses. "The new government has hardened the Popular. Front's aUitude toward the hostages and 1t looks like they're in for a long detention unless the' governments· concerned meet their demands," lhe source sild. -- Ip Bern, Switzerland. sources close to the committee coordlitatll'lg negotiating ~ policy for the United States, Britai n. \Vest Germany and Switzerland said \Vednesday Israel has agreed to fret two Algerians seized Aug. 14 in efforts to ob- tain release of the hostages. The Israeli ambassador to. Switzerland. Aryeh Levavi, an observer at the com· miltee sessions, said of the report "it may be righ t, it may be wrong, it may be inaccurate." · An Israeli,Foreign Ministry spokesman declined comment on the report in Tel Aviv today. Isi:ael identified the Algerians as top officials of the Algerian secret service who were seized from a BOAC jetliner at Lydda Airport and who apparently were unaware their plane wis to ma stop in Israel. olitical sources in Amman said the gue~[jllas would not hesilate to use the hostages as a trump card in any violent confron~tion with the J9rdanian army. Dllring bathes in Jordan last June, the commandos used some 62 ho3lages held ·In Amman as a bargaining lever with King Hussein. 'i'he sources said there Were no fears ror the immediate safely of the captured men and women. "'J'ltey are bei ng ·wf11 looked after ., . they are okay," a source said: In New York, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said on her arfival Wed· nesday night her country would not com· ply with guerriUa demands to release Arab prisoners in exchange for · the ho!'tages. "th.eL•ltJllen and_women_w_b.Q__ba,y been ,brought to trial that have succeed· ed. in killirig or-Jiave atten1pted to kill Jsraells. They must serve their terms,'' she said. Israeli compliance with the guerrilla dema nds has been regarded in some dip. lomatic circles as needed to break the ·ice in the deadlocked negotiations, sill<'e Israel has insisted that all five nations put up .a· united front and refuse to deal separately with the commandos: Aside from an unspecified number of Arab prisoners in Israel arid ·• S w i·s s· youth arrested in the Israeli Port of Haifa for smuggling explosives, the guerrillas are demanding tbe return of seven com- rades imprisoned In Europe, the body of an American slain in the attempted hi· jacking of an El Al airliner and 10 Leb- anese soldiers. CHICAGO (U PI) -President Nlxcm to- da.Y...e."lrned Palestlnlan gumillu.,.they .)!Iii! be held respocilible for the safety ol Amerii:an citizens held &!hostages. The President's views on the muttlple hijackings o{ last week w·e.re contained in a st~temeiit issued by Ronald "Ziegler', Nixon 's press secretary. "The President wants it clearly tm- der stood that the holding of American citiiens as hostages is to be abhorred, - • and also that those who hold AmeriCan citizens as hostages will be held tftll>or...--- ble for !heir safety," Ziegler said. The. new statement was stronger than an earlier one referring to the holding of' Alnerican hostages as being "totally unacceptable" to !he United Statea. Nixon, in Chicago for briefing' talks with newspaper,edil9~S. has been abreast of the worsening Jordanian situation by 1elepbone with Washington, Ziegler said. Ziegler also disclosed that the Speci;al Action Group, a high-level committee of the National Security Council to deal.with crisis situations, met in Washington last nlgllr tli discuss tlii! drnio,nront1"111•-- Jordan. Ziegler said the group met from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. with Dr. Henry A. Ki ss- inger, Nixon's chief national ~curity ad· visor, heading the meeting. Luna 16 Circles Moon MOSCOW "{AP) -Luna 16, the Soviet moon probe launched S8.turday, hu gone i~to a circular orbit arOund t~e moon. Tass announced tod_ay. The. unmanned craft is circling the moon 68 mn~ above tlie suHace, the official Soviet news agen- cy said .. All systerps are functioninl nonnally and radio contact is being maintained with the capsule, the an-- nouncement added. tion between the American Intrepid a!so hardened up. A 1 and the Australian Gretet II was call-When the yacht! were approximately -menc· a .._,,_,~--'l'h.e-postponed..rac~~o.Lf· __ co,,.,,ur.,-se which would have cleared Gretel. ,,. ~--~-~ ~~~-.. !~~~~--------------------~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·---------~-' I. I. I 1 I O. The Americon defender leads 1 to :~ ~=:·~;~xi=.:: ': r:rl~~ ~ou·r-ne. w-cars, ... -a~e. re-.a . 1 - 1 -Intrepid's starboard quarter. ln order.to avoid a collision, Gretel II tacked. By ALMO~ LOCKABEV Here is the committee's decision: 0 "" •" 0 ""''"' """' "Under Rule 36, fundamental rule, a Th 19i/1 Fi-rd .there been a protest in an America's Cup starboard tack yacht. We find that ) ' · NEWPORT. R.I. -Not since 1934 has port tack js required to keip clear of a e · • 0 s ·~~~~t.f~t;:;,;:~; ~isJ:a~t;~e:, ~~ ~~~r:~it~w~~e.f:lt'i:~i;t;:~~~li~~t~°:! . _ . · • ·firs!. race of the series. boats were approximately two boat Not too surprisingly, none of the" pro-lengths apart, Gretel U came under rule tests have ever been ~!lowed by the New 34 -limitations on the right-of.way yacht York Yacht Club race committee which to alte r course-since it no longer would holds all of the America's Cup contests in have been possible for Intrepid ta take .its hot, tight fist. evasive action. This is not to say that NYYC, l\'hich "The facts as presented give no in· has jealously guarded the cup for 119 dicalion that either yacht infringed on years, deliberately looks the other way any rule; therefore, both protests were when a challenging yacht lodges a protest disallowed." -although there have been insinuations So there you have it, sea lawyers. Ha ve and do\\'.llright accusations that this has at it. , been the ·case. Had Hardy's protest been allowed, it Tbere have never been any beefs on the would have been a hollow victory. "He and part of challenging his crew ran the gamut of mistakes - nations that NYYC from a spinnaker hoisted inside the holds the races. Aft· shrouds and tightly wrapped around the er all, tht!y are the headstay to a foredeck man in the water. owners of the cup. And regarding foredeck man Salmon, But with the-rac· Hardy regretted his slatement after th.at Ing rules becoming race that, "If he can't stay aboard he'll more complicated, have to stay ashore." plus the fact that "Salmon will be with us today and we the America's Cup expect to win," said Hardy, lamenting ._ l is .a truly intema-that "our brand of Aussie humor seems ationa1 competition, the time may not be not to be understood here." t.oo far distant when an international committee \v iii be called Up to decide any protest that may arise -the same as the international juries in Olympic Yachting. This very point "'as brought up at the news conference Wednesday v.·hen it was announced that the NYYC race com· mittee, sitting as its own protest com- mittee, may have been prejudiced in its decision . Custom Agents Seize Package Froµi Vieinam Race Chairman B. Devereaux Barker NEW YORK (AP) -A bundle believed 111 vehemently denied the insinti'ation, to contain 374'1eltei's from U.S. Prisoners New Ford Pinto ' . Priced and sized like little Imports. but -roomier, Quiet and stable. Goes a long way between · gaS stops, service Intervals, even styling changes. Put a little kick In your life. Mustang Mach I 71 Ford Outside, It's getting noisier, lnsldo a 71 Ford-LTD,·, It's a qulal world born of stronglh wiapped In luxury,. Take a gl![el break, In the 1971 Ford, Ford gl~es you belier Ideas, staling that the· committee actualli bent jn North Vietnam to their families was over backwards 1n ci>nslderingJhe...aUega· seized by~c:r•,,s,,to,,m,,sc,Oe;lsfic:ci..,a,,ls~a,,,t'-"K"en..,ne=dy,_-+---l------- tions of Grete~ It's Jim Hardy against irport wednesday night. · Bill Ficker's Intrepid. A customs spokesman said Robert • Having had a somewhat personal ac-Scheer, who brought the bundle from a <iuaintance with Dev for a number or tour or ,North Vietnam, could pick it up l'ears. 1 for one. believe his sincerity. after going through regular customs· Furthermore, the scores of ney.·smen I clearing procedures. '?I Mustang -l:fow does.a nice homegrown Mustang stand up to the great road cars of. Europe? Beaullfully, With ·great lo~ and handling; at a fraction of the cost, With six models, seyen engines and a long, long 1181 ol options, . talked to, many of whom are experts on · The package was sei1.ed because the the yacht racing rules, agreed that they grou p was un willing to open it Jor I saw no foul during the pre-start customs inspection, the cu .!l tom s L maneuvering of Tuesday's race. :>pokesman said. N~. reason-f;:o:..r...;:lli;:e-_'-<l-'---ll--·::; Of course. none-ot·us-were as Close a~efusa l war-given:-- Ifie race commttiee:-in-observing-the Che.er sald..he..was__dep_y_tY. di~!or Of ~ start. !personally was as surprised as Rf'OUP . c~lled the U.S. P~~ f-Antt· • most of my colleagues to hear later in l mP:'f1alist De~~aUon that amved from the race that both yachts were flying pro-Pans after •1s1ts to ~orth Vlet~m. ll-f--1esH'tagr.There-was---9ome--thought-that North Korea and a~eeung with Prince the protests may have been agaiMt the NOl'OdOn:i SihiiiOUk, ~leader'-ol-+•--1---I Bo IUl"•·IO see the rest of Ford's ~----_;be:.:.;:tt•:::.;;;kfoa cars for 1971 l~clt/lflng_.1----"" • 'Ullilettilrd, Maverick. Torino I lnterference of the spectator fleet which .Cambocha. . and Iha beautiful new ,..gons, at times hin0er'61 both yachll ~ -Mrs. Mary McManus 0£ Washu1gton, particularly Gr~etel-Jl-which-wa the--tnd ~· Elle~Cormie.r of Ba shore,_ 1~--1-------tralling..~·achl N.)'·., wives of l!.S. p~rs ~ war, · Gretel 11 was the first to hoist the red w're al the: 1lrpoft toaecelve the letl.81 flag, and it was obvious that }\kker's for distribution to the families through protest flag 'vent up a few second$ later the National League or Families: of as a coonter-protest. American Prisone rs and Missing in What was it all about? Here are the Southeast Asia. facts presented to the race committee on which both skippers agreed: · • Jil approximately seven minutes before the start, tt>e·~yachts were approaching each othet from opposite ends of the line. When the yachts were approximately 15- 20 boat lengths apart Intrepid, on port tack, bore off, and Gretel II on starboard tack dkl likewise. When the yachts were approximately 10 I Bus -crash Kills 13 SEOUL, Kor.. (AP) -Thirte<n persons were killed and 48 Injured..._ W~ay when a bus plunged down a l. 15-foot slope into 1 river near Puaan, 200 milts gouth of Seoul, pOllet reported ~ day. , FORD •• See all Fords better ideas for 71 at your Ford · D.ealers now!. Ford Punt. P~ & KJok Competition. eoy., 8-13i reglltlt"at your nearett participating Ford Dealer through' September 28 -. ' • .. ,, I -----T -, I RedsU , • .. - .~ . ' ~ .- c•_a-sh:Big ---=---=~---~":2'1-----~ ill~ry Attack PHNOM PENH (UPI) -North Viel· C.mmunlat for<es used the oover of namese and Viet Cone forces under covet darlcneu aa they ·~ tbe1r way of SllppOrtlng llflillery f~ early today at· throU(h rice paddies lo bit the Cam· •-"., -.,.. -tacked eiglll battaltops of C&mbodian bodtan troops. Campus ~m~n at the Unlver· troops ln!JIPllCI U miles north of Piloom Tiie spokpman ·said officers com-PW>, a mllttary l)>Ollesman said. mandlng the task foree inlisted the iity of Houston will exchange the · The hea"l' wault against the 4,000 operation conUmie despite the crisis trad!Uonal police unilonn this fall governmeot troops dug into !ollioles and which began late Monday when the for red blazers with dark trousers • trenches a1ongaide vital highway 6 mark· government troops made first contact and black ties. An emblem on the ed the firllt uae of artillery in the Cam· with the Communists after-six days out ·poc~et of the blaZer--...Will identi1... bodian war by the Viet C.Ong, the and were forced to dia: in three miles ·• "' spokesman aakl. aouth of Tang Kauk. them QS campus officers. The new Military aources aald the Cambodian 'Ille foUr bridga were destroyed .over µniform costs $60, about $190 less • bJgb commaDd urgenUy r e q u es t e d three. consecutive days earlier this week. \ban the old garb. Secvrlty Chlof Amer1can jet bombers 1or an attack The Viet Cong aJao attacked and occupied Larry w. Fultz said be hoped to against lhe· C.mmanist forces. Three TaP,ang Kuk 46 miles north of Phnom <;ambodtan battallons were reported poi,. Penh to further ... 1 oH highway I aod to have campus secutjly cars repaint-.ed at 8lo>u Ket northeast of the cap;ia! to l!olate the taak fon:e. ed red· and white, the school's col• -p!Db northward-ID efforts lo relieve the SOOrces.cioatlo the high command said ors. He said on the back of each l!olated taak force. there was a giow1ng aenUmenl lo cancel car will be the words ''Pride, ln· In Soutb Vietnam" South Vietn~ the entire operatiol;t which was designed . . . _,_ lnlantzymen supported by heavy U.S. air lo open • milea.of lilghway lfrom Skoun -wHITE - FRONT tegrity and Goodwill." The m•ti~, llr!kes and artillery killed 46 C.mmunis lo Komi!!>!'C...'lbom a Pl!lvlncial capital IO ~-~e pomts"liUt:"!Jieu-"pig;"·!llilitants'-!iii>Ps m reniweit heavy fighting .,.....,.,,..._,miles nOilh of"l'fui>m "'l>ellh. T6e opera· ·- Dame fur policemen. Fire Bue O'Reilly• military apokeamen tion was bailed by Cambodian military • . reported today. • officers as "tbe turning point in tbe Thirty-eight North Vietnamese and Viet ,war." Cong soldiers were killed by air strikes "We are going to go on all the way to Wednelday-aeven miles northwest of the Kompong !hom regardless of the cost," outpost situated 390 milts north of Saigon the spokesman said. "We will pay an}' and 12 milea: east of Laoa. A Government costs to get to Kompong Thom. We are in soldier was reported wounded. a war and in war there are always A delayed report by the U.S. Command losses." said two American helicopters were downed by gri>undfire in the Laotian panhandle. An Army UHl Huey was shot down Monday and a Marine CH53 was hit Sept. 7. The two losses were added to the 10 belloopten shot down Wednesd•y by Communist pmners firing from marshes deep in tha Mekong Delta. it· was the biggest single loss of allied helicopters in the war. . ·~very heavy" Viet Cong and North Vietnamese reinforcements were rushed in to counter the Cambodian probe of Communist strongholds begun lf days ago, the Cambodian command said. The N. Ko;ea Offers Confederation Planto South TOKYO (UPI) -North Korea pro- posed today that the divided Korean na- tions become a "confederation," Com- munist in the north and capilalist in the south. -.A. .A. A The plan was . contingent on the H H H withdrawal of all American forces from South Korea. It also _demanded an end to A thief stole a painting and a sculpture by the french master Auguste Renoir, but returned them 12 hours later, police reported. in San Francisco._ The miniature oil, ''Jeune Fille/' valued .at $22,000, and a small sculpture of the same model, 11Gabrielle," worth $11,500, were taken from a show window in the preaawn hours Monday at Mai· well Gallery. A W?!IWI tourist 1tay0 ing in the YMCA hotel acrou the street said she saw a man smash the plate glass window and put the two items in a shopping bag. At 4 p.m. a passing police car officer spotted a shopping bag in the win- dow. Jt contained the Renoir works. •11;m delighted," Said owner Fred · Maxwell. He speculated that the thief may have returned tfun be.. cause of "an attack of conscience.'' N. Vie. fs Offer the United Nations' 20-year role of guaranteeing South Korean ·security. ---------t..--.,------=:-----c:=~-==---_:_The-detailsf-a~d in a lengtliji - £"'_ .F.: · Pl "memorandum" of the North Korean ~88e ll'e 8Il government. -broaacasl by Its official Katherine Scott,--16i--bas become __ .,_,the first girl to attend the 300-year- oltrffiilliligB!uecoat schOOt at son- ning , England. "I don't feel at all Eby among the 380 boys,'' she said. ) . Breakfast was late in hundreds of suburban Seatile homes recently because of a crow's navigation. The bird flew into a 26,000 volt line, knocking it into another line caus· ing a short which cut power to a three-square-mile area. It was an electrUying and final experience for. the , crow, but residents bad power restored in -an hour • .-• John Clayton, 46, decided tiling his farmhouse's roof in Hill, Eng. land was a goQd opportunity to pro- claim his love for his wife, Jean, 38. Now the name "Jean" in black letters stands out from the new bright red tiles. • Police caught up with Marius Guillis because he went several times a day to pray in the Sacre Coeur Cllurch in Parii. Detectives watching Guillis saw him receive several wads of banknotes from girls who knelt beside him while in prison for pandering. • Officials of a paper carton plant in London, have hired a medium to chaae away a ghost workers complain haunt the factory. news 'igMcy. -~ '-.rt p • T 11:= The plan seemtd certiiri qu1c re-it. ans 8UU! jeCuon by the South Korean regime of . PARIS (UPI) -Mme .. Nguyen Thi Binh .. id today the Vtel Cong would agree to a ceue.Ore in Vietnam U tbe United Stalei ""'1ld pledge. lo withdraw all of !ts troops from South Vietnam before June 30. 1971. Mme. Binh, "foreign minister" in the Viet Cong's so-called Provisional Revolu- tionary Government, ended a five-week boycott today and met the new American negoUator, David K. E. Bruce, for the first time. She offered ao eight.point peace in. ltiative which called !or discussions on the fteelog of prisoners of war il the United States would agree lo the firal cmditlon_of withdrawal According lo the ten of her confer"1ce atatemen~ Mme. Binh said that il the U. S. gOvernment declares its readiness to witl,ldraw its troops by the mid-1971 dea'dline "the People's Liberafion Armed Forces will refrain irom attacking th e withdrawing troops of the United States, and those of the other foreign countries in the U.S. camp, and the parties will engage at once in discuuionJ on : "-The quesUon Of ensuring safety for the total Withdrawal from.South Vietnam --of· u. -s. 1roopa and those of the other foreign countries lo the U.S. camp, and "-The question of releasing captured military men." "The question of Vietnamese anned forces in South Vietnam shall be te!Olved by the Vietnamese parties among themselves," she added, fpp&rently referring to the long-standing U.S. con- tention that North Vletnameae troops are preaent In South. Vietnam in rnasalve D1llDben. President Part Chung Hee which long has relied on the United States to protect South Korea from another invasion by the north. Park's gomnment bas proteSted strongly against the American intention to cut authori7.ed U.S. troop strength in Korea from 64,000 to 44,000 men. Uruguay Rebels Ask Conditions For Releases MOl'\TEVIDEO, Urugilay (UP() Tupamaro terrorists may free two foreign IQdnap victims held fot..morejhan a month if. the government agrees to "certain conditions/' police said today. ~ce sources said an intercepted Tuj>amaro note said Claude L Fly, a 65- year~ld U.S. farm consultant, might be freed if Ute go\rernment authorizes publication of a Tupamaro communique in all the country's newsJDedia. The note, WbJCh police said w a s ap- parenily authentic,Jndicated that Fly, of Fort Collins, Colo., may be Ill. It said that F1y WU "under medical conditton" while his felloW hostage, Brazilian Consul Aloysio Dias Gomide, 41, was in "perfect condition.'' Gomide was kidnaped July 31, the _sa me day as American police consuJtan t Dan A. Mitrione who was murdered by his captors Aug. 10. Fly has been held since Aug . 7. Humidity, Rain Hit Nation West Balmy As Heavy Rains Drench Midwest, Sout1i · Calllorala - • LINDY SHORT lllRTY PENS Worlfs most popular ball poillt pen. _Bia<~ royal, red, avocado, venetian blue, gold, plum or shocking pink ink colors. PACKAGE OF 4 · WESTAB 300 SHEET FlllBI PAP9 College, wide rule or typing paper. Ruled paper is-punched for 3 ring ·bindern. S"xll inches. OURREG. 44c DISCOUNT PllCE~8c BICCUC 2PfN PACK G~ -, ~~-.JM.great Bic C ic gens injlack. You'll like the hefty feel and the way they write. Choice of point sizes. 44 OUR ·-C LOW _ ·PRICI -- . . - Standard size 8,.xll" paper with wide or ·college rules or plain practice paper. PAPERMATE IA FIAIR W' PINS NYLON POINTS STAY SHARP I Choice of red, black or blue ink. Perma,.ot in~ porous point Click cap prev.,ts dry-tp~ Greatfor sel>Jol projecis. Colorful "l:irl Talk" ~em. I*" 3 rin1 binder, 65 si.et college rule llllebollk aod 4x6" 50 sheet assignmeot book. All witi matching covers.. 1~- 15ll0 inches long 1 . inth wide self~hesive-tape-in-'1811dy-t!i penser pack. Many home and ;chopl uses. 29 C_ Portfolio has storage pockets, reference tables •"11 otllerillo. folde~ for repor1s, projects, Ienn papers. . - YOUI ,~ CHOICE IA. CHARGE YOUltPURCIWE WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD COSTA MESA JOU llllTOL AYL e JUSTO" NIWPOIT .t.YL "'--S. Dtete ,,.._,_.Witt St. 51'0111 """""' Delly lt " '"·"" ht. 11"'' ''"" • .... It", ,,fll. I I j' I I I "I I I I ·I I ' ~ I I I I I ( 1 I -.' c ( I r I • 1 ... - Fo~ln-ai11' ·v aJlef< -. . . '*. /*~-, YOL 61/NO. 223, 3 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES • .. • 'THURSDAY. SEPllMIER"'l1,. '19'10 --I y • ~-.. . ' . ,.... TEN CENTS ' -.t Co~St · Ass0yi3tion Raps ocean Sewage ·-. ..... ·, j : • • By lllCRAllD P. NALL Of .... Dallt' ,ii.t lllff · ~The 1jl)..rn1tliOn<1~llo'ns of sewage ,betng Oran;p County SanHatiOI\ District with RJveisid'1 County to carry the "most vicious of all pollutant!'' into tbe. waters dumped' irito the ocean VJ! .Newpbrt off Newport Beacb. Be1ch every C'l11iy.may be' followed up by The--nonreclai~able industrial ••sle ' . . ~1r more "v~ious" nonr~lai~able in· would include nitrates, ~pha~s. dtr.tlrlal.wj\ste frOO) three counties. cllrorilesjodines and olher chemical sub- This was the essence-of a• reR()rt to lhe Jilances. -t Oranp· Coqnty Coasl A$Sociation this A hearini at Costa Meu City Hall Fri-1n9min1,in ~~a:una °J;leach . · . dsy Will taU up the matter.., iiid Kill- Jim Killin1sworth, chairman o( the ingswortti, who Jl'lflitklned the• incident,s auociation'.l·,Pre~ve ·or 'Per~h Com-of ,nalformed marine Ille off the Socal DJ.jttee, .spoke of an aa:ree.ment sia:ned by ~tline. · · --. If• said although the lndultrlal wam disposal proposition must be put to the ~voters of Riverside County, the ' agne. rrient has already beell. signed ln Oranp County without being put to any vote. Of th:e ...,....JlO-milli~gallon :.d 11 1 y dlsch1r1e off Newport Beach, Kill· ingsworth said, 15 percent does not receive .eeondary ttutment -only j)rimary treatment. Thtrt is conaider1ble differtnceJn the results ol. pimlry ind aecondary1reatment. he-noled. Secondary lte1lment produces a far purer effluent. , _Ktlllngswortlt-111d a !Moot dlamet.r Orange Cowrty aouth of South" .' outfall line from the mouth of the Santa the State Regional Water Qontrot Ana River ls being laid rt ,400 feet out Board, San Diego re . , .not permit along tM. ocean floor. ' 11ny sewagt w nly primary treatment He 5aid, however. that outlets in the to be d!§clta ed into the ocean. line will diffUSe sewage onto the octan Kil!lftgsworth raised the..Ae questions : floor every 8,000 feet of length. -)Yhy is San Diego area more ain-. "When it .is completed at the end of the cemed with sewage discharge into tbt year," aaid Killingsworth "the county ocean and other red!ivtng waters than sanitation itistrict plans to stop secondary Orange County? treatment altogether. Officials refust to -Why does San Oie'go area e1ert morti 10 to secondary treatment.". -· •· control ovir the sewa1e dischar1e stand- He said in San ~ Die&o County (and_ ar~ thJP Or&n&e County? \ -wily &Jot the su--oie10 · pro· vlde more protection for ita bea. than Orange -County (Santa Ana ,RJver Basin wat.r Q\Jlllty.Control BoardJ7. • Or•ni• County Is not--· J>ropeii)· cautious,. he charpd. , . . C. L. "Cap'' Blackbum, ch_' of, the lllOciltion, ·~·c c Q m · e d Kill· inpworth on a fie$ tour. He Aid sewage diatrlct 1 • • were evaiilvt wlien quqtion'labout not haVinc put the sewq:e·p'.roject 1out to bid -st.aUnc-the)' ha~ selected the bes! ....-. 'Stop Massacre' '" Jordan Aruiy Ready. for (;ease Fire By Ualtod Pl'Hl~-- 'lbt Jordanian Army, apparently win- ning its civil war with the Palestinian guerrillas, said tonight it was prepared for '• cease-fire and laid down a series of atilf ronditions. Guerrilla leaders in brOadcasl! ·over Damascus ra<1io called on their allies to intervene_and ''stop this horrible massacre.·• , The Army announcement came shortly after · the Jordanian 10Yernment warned Syria and 1raq 1gainst intervehlitln ·and said it now CC'ntrolled three quarters of Am.man. 1t had battled With t.anb and artillery thr!x!Bhlu! the day a1aiJl.lt Ill!''· rilla rifles and mac'bineguns: The ·Army made thele tl\r ... demands or tile· guerrillas, an,'~t.e end·to tht;. guerrilla · shooting, retention of 1 the' Army wit.hln ·the cities and1wtuidrlwll o[ guerrillas. from the cities. It said it would help them go to anY: poiqt Ilona . ~ cease-fire line with Israel. Amman r:Udo said a four-nan Ar» Lupe.mediating .miuion-waa urgiq: Ill immediate• ~fire in Amman and - other'.rffiQor· Jdrdanian c!U.. tllot' were scenea of mij6r f;ptlng thtoqboul ·the day. · Ttie cease.fire appeal came amid tn.. creuinf'indications the ·guerrillas were getting the worst of it in fighting which . (See JORD.\N,.hp-ll• · - Judge Denie8 ~uit-Agaim~--- Seal Beach ·War Ber0_ Dies ' . . . ' . -. Huntington Honors Veteran .1 • -_'· h ~ 1 I " • ; • 9AJL'I" f~,,_.~ I · CHEYElff!E',,Sl:l&RWOOD, "; 'aRor1:1e'li JU ~•AN, 'Ti'. w1t:'E: IN FACE OF -.iiivERSI T.v • 1 Goo( •i City H•ll, L••'(n..Huntington l•iich Farhlly'With Big, M•11y Hole in Front Yard ,...., ..__~_ ~.. "\,'-.... -.,. : .. ~ ' . . ~win1 . Pool -+'-glltmare . . .. t Huntington Erred on Its -Building Per.mit By R.UDI NIEDZIELSKI department inspector . admi,t.ted t b t '·Of n. Dalb' '"" '''" : "honest mistake ." For R:vtral :months ·the _Si}!rwoods "l have....new carpets. in Ole house lh,al heve been dreaming about installing a are. getti~g clesifpyed bY. this mess. And, swimming·pool at their Huntington Beacti when they excavA?ed the 'pool tKey struck home,: but they 'n~ver thought it would soJYle pipes wh ich left us without sewer' turn rlnto A $7,000 nightmare. and water se rvice for th ree days.' • . ', . ' -. . . / ' . .A, SeaJ1!••Ch,!iijd<nC• at~l Iha! city <Ollllt!f ;iieai:inrs. i•lo tlio llatus' ol the Marini Dance Hall's business licen~ are ; im11Wful failed Wednesday to get be}'Qnd thr opeNn, .bars ~of the ,Superior Court la wsuit. . Judge HaNn«i G. Scovilte:qulc~ly.ruled that Albert. Del GutrclG' of 4417 Bitthwooet Ave. did no't have;fhe required legal standing to seek an end. I;<> the hear· inp through a writ of mandamu... Del Guercio's status as a taxpayer did 1tOt en- title him to lake such remedial actio1, the jUdge noted. His ·dismissal of Del Guetcio'SiCUon against the city or Seal Beach apparently ended the plaintiff'• bid to shut down city council hearin1s that are ·.scheduled. to resume friday. City flap wW"be, lowered to holt'allll for the funeralof Chris Cu:r, 'it, a l'lorld' w .. 11 Meilol o1 _ ...,, ..... <1llil 'at• -· · lhllltlnllao' -• -·'1'1111/diy morning. ' 1 , Marvin ~rts_, commander · o r American Legion· Post. tD 1n HUJlttn«ton Beoch, uid todey µ.it 'al ..... MT. Carr .waa.not a.member\.Qf t;ite.:>.Ptlt .~·o1-· ijc<rs ,w«e -to pay ·-·ldl>lzto. "Whatever we doiWlll bedn·com~ with ,tJ1e 1 f~mily'1 w~s,"~·111:d; Funeral arrang~ ~re; beilll 111"41· eel by the Peek FIJ'!!llY Colonlal· Funeral . Home· in Westminster. No date Ir.ad been aet·for the: fune'ral this morning. Mr. Carr. , who Jived at 8212 Pri.ctlla · Drive, ·Huntington Beach,.died ralter hav- i.~g breathiq: dilficultiea Tuesday mom- ing • .Jlis,family called .firemen-but-they were unable to revive him. . Mr. Carr held the rank of serge1rit In World War II. He won the nation 's highest award for.valor for a ~ne-man at.- tack on >a macl'tine sun 'nest ,ln Odot>er, !Mi in llaly. . • Sgt. 'cluT wal. In command of 1111. 'mlll bec!lllX .all the of!ICUI had 'bten kllled. Wl\tn his !Oro. became pinned ... llf flre .from enemy ·empl1cemeot1, Sgt." Carr <diwli!d •to the ,,..,. of • -J'ftr1 pmttion, toot eflbt Germ a·n prf;oaers ·aiid :lhOn -cn1o !mock· oat siftil,.nindecily .. 1ieries of • o t b•e r emplacementa. ffe :W .. :credff<d with .killing. elibl of the enemy and taking 22 priaonen • Mr. Carr, who Jiter-WU 1e9ertJy wounded and suffered circulatory pro- blems and the Joas of a leg, avokl:ed tbe public eye wtule liYiJigl in ·HuDtiagtoli Beach. -Sevei;al times VFW and Legion officers_ asked him to lddress their llOUP but be always declined.. , ' - He leaves his wife , Juanita, and two children. ' • -I ~They have a swimniing hole~in-their--The-Sherwoods ·who-make their home front' yard now, about . 10 feet deep, 30 at 10232 Cutty s'a rk Dr ive in lhe Glen feet Jong and 16 feet wide. And 11lthough Mar tract. were given permission to build twG feet of murky ocean water has the pool August 27. A day later the co n- .seeped into its bottom, the only thing tractors Anthony Pools Inc. o( Cmta t~at's sw~mmi ng in it are~ few pieces or Mesa. began the excavation. Then Ute COMtru cl1on flotsam and Jetsam. Sherwoods say they were informed of Mrs. Heather Sherwood, tears in her the error. ' eyes, 11aid We.dnesda~ t~at the ~it~ had Harcild Mulqueeny, the inspector who given the family a .building pe rmit in er· approved lhe blueprinls said the only ex· . Mulq~eeny ~inle4 ~t lhal a city ordina nce requires a five-foot fence around swimming pools to prevent children from falling in. The ordi nance also stlpulalei:; that 8 fence over five feet must sit back 15 feet from the property line. The Sherwoods have only four feet, causing the permit to-be rejecttd, be- said. Further. Mulquetny said the contractor bas been building pools in the city tor year! and should have known bttter than lo go ahead with the project. "They themselves questioned the location," he added . A pool c o m p a n y representatiYe, however said. "We were leery or lt to begin .with and checked it out but they (the builCllng depal'tment ) didn't object Attorney Kenneth Llnd.sey commented 11fter the hearing that if the closure ac- tioo i! resumed it _may be through a par4 ty or parties that would be recognized u lawful challengers by Judge Scoville. Del _Guercio argued i1 his writ that the Seal Beach city charter did aot 'allow the city council to take back powers that it had already conferred on iL.s city manager. And Lindsey stated alter the hearing that the iuue of revocation or 11usptnSion of the Marina Dance Hall business license should have been left with acting City Mana1er Derutis Q>urtemarche. Trustees OK Art Building On Golden West Camp~s ror. · cuse he ha.~ 0i!I that he rommitted. an ."I'm so upset a~l it. I'm just ~ic~." honest error. "The plans werp, not ac- Mrs. Sherwood said. Today a• building curately looked at,'' he admitted. . . IS.. POOL; Pa1< Z) ~East · L.4 Riot· ·Quelled; . . Preliminar'.y. plans for a $1 .M mllliOn humanities, arts and sciences building at Golden We.at College were approved Wed· nesday night by trustees of the Orange Coast Junior College District. Board members also approved pla.ns for a $7 ,200 landscaping project at the district's lnterc:olleglate Sallinl and Row· ing Ba'" in Newport Beach. Death Suspects In Huntington ' -f+'acing €Qurt :fwo-SIWt, 50 Arrested Heariltgs into the dance hall opera tion · were authorized when "UegaUons of drug u~ at the facility were aired by nearby- r!!lili!JIU 11Rr~tr0ns. The Golden West building; designed by William Pereira and" Auodltes, ls 1lated lot compl!llOO rrrseptemlier. trr.r.-- Tht three-story U-shaped structure will be bullt ""'th of the existing otodenl ' . . · •Two men held In cdnnectlon with the murder of a Hunlirlgton Beach hardware .A bloOdbath Involving· ~ Angtles executive have been bound ever for ar· COunty sherifl's deputies, city police and raignmenl in Superior Ootirt ~pt. 2;S. thousands e£ Chicano ·youths, tear pssed Miles -C:-Co-r,18;-nt-Wi stmtilmr1nd --"1ifiei& barragruf fit ebonlbs ind other' • F~erick J. Yaitke, 2o, of Garden1, ap-missiles, erupted .lft Eut lM AD1eJn peared fn West Orailg!? CoUnty Municipal Wednesday 11l1hL ~ Cou~ 1'utsday for ~ J!!!limina ry hearing 'TI!~ viole~ _!h' .J_IDth ~i"!'lll'Y but were ordefed lO reappear at the of Mexico's-lniJepel)Ctefft trom Spain left higher co.urt. · at least 5(1 persons arrested, 30)njured - •The pair, currently· he1d at Oranit including 15 lawme·r1 -and new hostility County Jail without bail; is'chitrged in the hangin" in the air lod1)'. !t&bbing death of Walter Christie, 31, at ' 'One sheriff's inspectoc..Was hosp~ Ch..Utie11 apartment Aug. 21. in poor aindition after being hit in the <(,ox will face actual murder pro-head with a roc.k; a dqluty was ~~ ce~· while Yanke is being held on the arm and a Chicano yeuth jult • chlfges of being an a cessory in the watching critically wounded..b)'-1..1•r. ~ criFM. Charges of hllr11!lment durtnc Ute Me1- Chrh1tle was round dead of knife lean Independence Dly Parade and in the WO!Jllds ,in the throat, chest and ba ck outbreak thal followed were denied by Aus. 24 by his businesa.partner, Terrance sherlf['s deputies and city poli ce who bat• Smith . tied 'rioters. • · ... Reagan ·Signs Bij.l SACRAMENTIJ 1UP[) -Gov • .RonRld Reagan has aigned a biU al\owfng police to 1oct)on ~·~ sporting firearms r1lher than di§ii68e of them, his o[flct announced WtG!esdaY.· . I Besides Mexican Inde pendence, lhe demon1'traUon rtflected anger at the· death of new!lmMt Ruben SIJ.zar, 41, of 3118 S. Rita Way, Santa Ana, while he rovered a barrio outbreak thre.e weeks ag('I. "We·re Ored or seeing ChiCJino'blood on the boolJ oft.he 'ladron!!'," settarned °"' youth, usin1 an epithet which can be I ... V II Ph 1 center and bookstore and west of ·the likened to Pig. 8 ey Otog . library. . . ' Other5 called for de.ath to the lawmen, . The top two noors will have enough hurling obscenilies aloq with-~, bot,. clauroom and lab spAc:e for 580 ltUdents tt .. and other ditliis. Plea-ds .Innocent on ••elf noor.,,,.""""" Door will hove • About 250 officers· -"" some with the educaUonal ~ lel'Vict oenter and revolvers -'rawn. and nrinorino nf~L In S Ch g · faculty and counseling offiCfs. · ¥ ''8"''e II" ex a• 0 --UO If.eel frame buUdillg Will hive tUcU -<ClilaM"a-willi'1Jle-,.ollths-11t the · ·· --•= . -._,--movable'"walll so that room 1i1es can be nonh end of BelQdere Park In • varied to meet the changing ~ _olthe predominantly Me x·i c 1 n 4 American A 32-year~kt Fountain Va I I e y iw:bool. There will aiao be lour outdoor East Lot Ange!Os. photographer lCCtllOd of kldnaping •·17· 10minar c;oovts. The park Is about 11 mUe ·from lht year-old ea.ta Mesa girl and fottina her The plans for the rowing hue, located 1eent ol Aue. 29 riotiN. in ~ch thr~ Into a sex perverlion has entered a plea on the north Udo channel, were drawn up penon1. lncludilc Saluar died. , of innocent ~ been ordered to 1P-by Evan Grays, lind1C8pe ,planner for Dtpuliel 11id ,aeveral """'" f~O! ilso p .. r for ""' ry hearing Sept. 23-at Newport Beach. ~ - were •lat nearby Eut. Loe Att1eles WestOranp:CountyMunk:ip<llCourL ' Dlatrict Olancellor. Norman Wataon Qllleae, Held at-Oranp county-;llll"lll:ll<1h 6 The youth! •t fire lo 1_1'r11 trailer us-$$0,000 bail' hi Robert c. Albright, 11112 "ed'as a na.rade reviewi111 lllnd and to• Arbtuus st. He pleaded innocent to all 'Santa Ana Cyclist flatbed 'truck u...i to carry portable coliiita T!JOl<loy whiCh include uault bleachers. , with a • deadly -ppn. kidnap, ,., Inj' urcd in Crash Ai lhe main confronlalion Wl'S brokl!fl P,erveraion, .and poe1U1'9r1 of nwijuana " uP. deputie5 skirmished wilh yoUrti: and dlfll'l'VWI drup. Santa An1 moton:Ycu.t Robert Lee· persons 1athering along many reaklenllil Albright••• c1ptured t.sl Friday after Dalton, 23, ls In serious l'On!tiliaa·lOdaY . 1trttts around the. park. , ; ~ice officen 1Uepdly chued him following a Mldon colli.Pon cruh wltb an 'OfUctrs around the park wtre pelted 1 through Fountain Valley Md Colla Met1. 1utomot>Ue W~·nilbt· • "'wilh small paving !l.one1 ripped frolfi lnYesti1ators aaid the sulf)td fpllowed --Santa Ana ~)' HolPtal of4 , fron l. ya rds of nearby homes. 'j the girl, forced her inlo his .utomobUe fktlls Aki he 11-aufferinc fWlm m••lve The disturbance.• broke out 'l~l 1'ft aOO thrt1tened lo Mab her with a knife U: held injuM, brui• and lactiadonl., hour •lttr the colorful, ~fu! Pllrlde 1he did mt al1"" to Ole allepd Tile cralh took 'place at BrillO! ~ watched by an esti~l.ed :I00,000 per~ ...... perYe.rai09. and St, Anne Pllet. ~ 1 fl • , . ~- . . .. said the city volunteere<t ~ do the land!cape planning becaust the city's Parks, Beacbes and Recreation De)i&rt. ment uses the hue (or IW?lDW' recrea- tion programs. ,,,. project b betneundertaken .. Jllrl of a general rernodeillll of the .,.,. which ~ open up a vtew~to·PJt. bay from Coull Highway. The re~l111. ls olaltd' kit'" rompletiOI) In April, 1rt1. · Weadlel." Hazy sumhlne will be1m · alter- 1 nately lhrou1h the "fog li!d low C 100Ch llon-gthe aeashore Frid1y,- with·temperature1 jumping up lo the 72.al range on the coat and ftirtbtr inl1nd. INSmE TODAY Wheth.tr or n.off)the Wall Street bor tnarketl h& final.tv &urntd uound, the Dow-19M• Jndusliiat Averoge is cm the way botk. Sylvia Port., du. cuue1 it on Paoe as toda11 . ..... . =• r ': c,__. u. ' -.... ._ " ~ u.;:.,.;. 'I """"' ,... ' ............. 1t ,,._ ... " -.. ... .._.. l l ' • -. _.. " --. ................. --. --. -.... ----" -" -. 1\c:::a·=•• '"" ·-•.. • I • • I -- • I DA!Lt PILOT " 11, 1'70 ' . • T~ashTruck: ---·-- -Demolishes -. ne . Bettches S~liile Given - ByJJORN VALTERZA _.;w:u~~;.jl~~~•MOUnced the pnc:edent-Dlacuul.ons oa the beach matters' aroee ot .,. .,, ,...., stt" ~ tltia mamhig. between tbote ata(e and ·natloul leadert · 1be u. s. Marine ~ay The releise ol the bluffs and beautiful lhla past summer w_ben the President _. California 3.5 ~lies or Jts beach..~ ,...cc..._,be,,,.,ac"!h"d"lir"e"'U"'-'d~o'!'-'n"'cou~'ioi"f-'cS~a.,n ,O,,,no'fif\Tre~t~•-°"b"Qs~J~!d·~~ J!eagans and the senator to a ·• In an annOunc~me er,rned "• a istorlc~ event for the lareest miliiary dinner at the Western White Hou.se~- . ~ N 1~rlfl1e · ll'lfck he1d0~ !or morning rounds rumbled into a Costa Mesa In~ tersection early this mornin1 and ram- med and demolished 1 small car carrying two Huntinaton Beach men to work, in- juring both. • surprlse'' by th I d_.. of the State installation in the world. • Since then, Mott irltinJ_ated;lhe senator .Departmen .arks ancfRecreation, the The beacli will be lhe: nrst portion of has taken ~n y.ctive role in winning C~ e_...a monlhs-long deadlock in the Camp Pendleton strand eyer opened Marine a~ceptance of the state com- M..Jotildons for the precedent-aeU!n1 for p.abllc use. promise Oller. beicli openlh& issue and acceded to the The official statement by the Co rps • Mott wu noncommittal about other compromise oiler of the State ot said that the opening would be com-tempest! stirred by the beach Issue - California. .. patlble with the' needs for training alonf the latest of which raged in WashingtP,n. And the reaction by State Parks Dirtt· the shoreline. D.C., between recently elected Rep. John· tor William Penn Mott was one of quiet "The Marine Corps believes the present ~· Schmitz or Tu stin and fellow pleasure and praise for Senator George proposal will be in the best irJteJest Of the ~epublican Alphonzo Bel!. Murphy 's behind-the-scenes work to public and will assl!Lin meeting ex· Sch mitz assailed Bell's interest in the make the negotiations a success. pandlng community needs for recreation beach as an encroachment into Schmitz' ''Certainly we are pleased," Mott told in Calllornia," the announcement said. territory. the DAILY PILOT loday, "and I muat Motl -despite earlier reports that Bell retorted that the_ John Birch Socie- admit that-It Came u a lurprise ai this nel:Otiations have been slrained -prais· ty member froin Tustin was against·the point." ed I.he Corps' cooperation in the talks opening of the beach to the public. He predicted the huge .new beach·s which besan early this year. That battle' now, however, has becoma opening to the public with temporary Ht: also praised the active involvement moot. facU,iUes by nert sprinJ. or Governor Reagan, Senator George And the concern of the slate parks o!- The Marine Corps, which orl&lnally .Murphy and President Nixon for their ficlals has shifted from the once·growing beld that 1.S miles of beach for five years J .. keen interes ' 'jn the i1sue. controversy or the Marine Beach to how ... It shO\Jld be developed. Did 'Weathermen' Help Timothy Leary Escape? From Wlre Services Fugitive Dr. Timothy ~ary apparenUy got by with 1 little help from his friends -as the Beatles' lyri~ eoe1 -in his escape five days ago from a mlnimum security prison at San Luis Obispo. A special de.livery letter received by United Press Int'"1ational in Los Angeles Wednesday claims the ultra-radical Weathennen group assisted him,. _ The letter urging violent" i'evolution bears •illlllurea purporting t.o be tho9e of the 4~year-old former H a r v a rd psycholory profeuor and Weatherman commando Bernadette Dohm. Authorities checked the signatures of tht pair -both wanted by the FBI as fugitives -and ~Id thty appear to be genuine, compared to originals. Leary, a frequent Laguna Beach visitor who was arrested there Dec. 26, 1968, ap- pears to be fast abandoning the love- based~s doctrine he once preached to America'• youth. dorses sabot.age, airliner hijackings. and even more personally directed violence. Dr. Leary had served six months of a maximum lf).year aenl.ence" for his con- viction on possession of marijuana charges in Orange C:Ounty Superior Court last March. -Mi.SI Dohrn. along ~ o t h e r Weathermen who have !§len credit for several major bombings, is sought for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution as the mutt of Chicago mob action, plus . viol&tion or antirlot laws and conspiracy. I Leary,' who was considered a low·rlsk prisoner for escape and wa.s thought to be adapting well as an inmate, added a grim wa rning: "tam inned and considered dangerous to anyone who threatena my life 'br freedom." "Our ireatest initial pr~lem Is bring· Jng a portable water supply to the new state park, then installation of temporary sa nitary facilities," Mott said. After the initial work on the blufftops, 8 cut will have to be made in the face or the palisades below to allow for public access to the sands. "We will probably be able lo provide only one in itial point of access at first ," Mott said , ·•and the public will Bave tn walk fr om there, but it will be improved as time goes on and we get an. ap- propriation for pennanent facilities." Motl last saw the beach a few weeks ago when he and his aides traveled to San Onofre for a personal visit. Mott and his aides have negotiated for the land through thi! year. but the issue over oflening of a part of the Marine beachfront has been the subject of years of work. 1 • From Page 1 POOL •.• so we went ahead and dug our pool.'' Meanwhile, the Sherwoods have taken their woes to the city's Board of Zoning Adjustments to peUtion for a vari8llce. He proclaimed in the letter that he -,---musT now be COii'Sii:Iei'M arm:ed7!lltf""'11 danger to anyone who threatens his life or continued fredom. \ Fall Enrollment Rises by 1,4 78 "They just turned us down flat," ~id Mrs. Sherwood . She and her husbarid now plan to appeal that ruling to the planning commission. "If I.hey had just turned us down in I.he beginning we could have avoided all ~Is trouble, Before the summer. was over we thought we would have a swimming pool but now we don 't know wha t's going to happen," siid Mrs. Sherwood. : I ,. The letter, mailed at the Los Angeles Main Post Office, boasts of Weatherman participation in his escape from Loll Padres Men's Colony and exhorts all-out revolution. "The Weatherman underground has had the honor and pleasure of he~ping Dr. Timothy Leary eacape from the POW comp at .San LW. Oblapo," the tut reada. Loa: Padm is known ·as the country club of the California prison system, but the Weatherman letter claima it is one of the Eatablishment'1 c o n c e n t r a t I on camps. A statement attributed to Leary en- Youth Theater Auditions Set Youngsters who wish lo act in "Caddie Woodlawn." the November production o( the Fountain Valley Community Theater, will get their chance to try out for roles I.his weekend. Auditions have been set for 7:30 p.m. Friday and 1 p.m. Saturday at the com- munity center, 10200 Slat.er Ave. The play is a dramatization of Carol Ryrie Brink's children's book. It calls for a cast of 11 boys and 10 girls aged S and up. Adulls and stud cnl:I with technical lit.age experience are be ing sought by the group. -~ - • • DAILY PILOT OlllAHG! COAIT l'Ut Ll1>1!"G COMP,tNY lo~1;1 N. w,,, l'rnid..,1 ,,.. ~''""' J., .... c;,,,1 • ., Vkl l'rlt\kl..,t -""""""I M•,,11er Tho,..11 IC11•il lb;..,. - 1ho"''' >.. MMtphl ~• M-e"" f.111tr AltR DirklR W•I 011 .... '°""''" l.tllw Alb11t "fl. ltlt• Anoclt!I Eth.; Mott .. r.t. heel! OHi•• I 7t75 l1•d1 l •ul•••'* Mtili11t A,4rto: P.O. l•r 1t0, t26C t · o•r ot& .. Ltfl#ll ltldl: m ,.,,II •-. tlo1lt M ... : ,_ WUI h "I' Sttff'I "''""'°'' 11JC11. nn we.1 11lllif1 11o111w•C lift C""*'!I: liDS Hert/I I I C11111N 111"1 , I D.t.llY f'ILOT, ••Ill _,, • ~ ~ ......... ,...._ • Jl>ljM!llMt flllJ tJClll'l-11111!.- •t'I' Ill ...... ~ ttllllft\ "" LttuM a.cio. Ml-' ttt<fl, (.Mii MtH, ....,tillll•., 9'fdl Inf tt~lll Vlllt.,. t ltnf ""411 I•.> .. ..,_ ltlllMt. Or911ti CtJU ,,._~i.t>lrlt ' ~., ....... , ..... /lb ... " !:I'll W.! a11M1 It.II,. N--' ... di, t rA 2ai W.I .. , $11'tlf, C...11 M-. ,., ••• (7141 •••·•lll ,,_ W•ul•1t c.n 141·1UI __ .. 01_.._I .... 101Wa1 64Z.Ufl c.nr,..... 1m Or•~ t.'llJll f'\llJllMflt ........ ftY. Nto ....... •It< .... llllltltt!--. llflllrlll """"' r tdftrllt-•1 ,...._ "''' M 1•-.C• wll""'I 111KllJ ..,~ ,,... ... ~""' ..... flli', ... ,,. ~ ......... i. " """'" ....... 1t;t c..r. Mtw1 C1lllOrtllt . klMCtlf!IM W Cilltrllr '2.111 fllf:'lll'\tJI itj· "'flt U.JIJl'Ol'llllt,, 1111ll1tr1 fttllllfl....._ 11• """'~1.,. Fall enrollment stalistics released Wednesday showed an increase of 1,478 al the two colleges in the Orange Coast Junior College District. Enrollment at Orange C:Oast CoUegt: In- creased by M4 student! and at Golden West College the increase was 43 students. Dr. NorlT\.an Wat.son, chanctllor of tht: junior college district, said the figures reflect the continuing growth of the art:•. "The enrollment could have been larger if we'd had more Claues," he said. He explained that some out of state student! were-unable to register because of the crowded conditions. Day enrollment at OCC went from 7,7116 In the fall of 1919 to 8,652 this year. Night claues at OCC showed the only decrease going from 9,008 in 1969 tO 8,686 in 1970. Watson said the decrease refl!:cts the fact that more students are registerin& in both day and eVening classes and are . l~refore recorded as day students. At GWC day studenb Increased from 3.984 to 4,367. Night student enrollment showed the biggest iocrease going from 4,505 to 5,065. Hellcops Catch Young Arsonists A pair of HWltington Beach boys, unaware they were being watched by a Costa Mesa police helicopter crew, were caught immediately Wednesday night af- ter setting a brush fire. Pilot Randy Nutt and Observer O!ficer Chuck Duvall radioed the location of the fire . which blackened a half acre on the Coota Mesa side of the Santa Ana River, behind Fairview State Hospital . The boys, both 10, were picked up at the scene about 5 p.m. and charged with arson, then released to their parent.Jpen- dlng Oringe C:Ounty Juvenile Court ac· tkm. . One admitted selting·1 the fire Wit.ti matcbell sup'plied by the other, who told police he talked his pal into doi.1t4 JL Boy~s a Mulqueeny explained the board of z.on· Jng adjusbnents denied Uf pool on the grounds that it would set a precedent for others who would like to construct a swimming hole in their front yards. "It was a large goof," he said. "It looks like the only recourse the homeowner will have is to refill the ex- cavation. We contacted the swimming pool company and were able to stop this before .it wa~ impossible.'' Mrs. Sherwood who said she and her husband· have given $1,200 of their sav- ings to Anthony Pools and got a loan Jor the remainder of I.he $7 ,000 construction cost, says she is extreme!Y worried about the safely of persons walking past the pit. "I'm very concerned about children falling in and there is a blind lady who walks by it invariably. It's just terrible,·• she said. . The troubles have also affected the couple's son. Julian, 12. who said he was planning to have a swimming party for hi s birthday Sept. 12 but has to hold off until the pool is done. Pacific Telephone Co. Sued for 'Misbilling' LOS ANGELES (UPll -Pacific Tele· phone and Telegraph Co. was sued for more than $7.2 million Wednesday by.a lawyer who said the utility miSbilled some subscribers. Richard E. Hodge claimed Pacific Tt:lephone 'S computers c h a r g e' d Jtubscribers for calls not made from their phones but told persoM who complained t~at .. the "computers do not makt: • tnislakes. '' He sought $& million punitive damages on the grounds !he company assertedly was aware of the errors. Daddy Youthful Ex~Gl's Wife Heu Baby ARCADIA. Fla. (AP) -\\11\ter E. Martin, a IS-year-old who was wounded twice in Vietnam, became a fatht:r Wednesday. But his mother said he coold not afford Lo travel Lo Alabama Lo see his ~ ----son. · . Rosa Lee Martin, Walter's 11.ycar-old wile, gave btnli to 1 10.pound, 3-ounce boy in Oothsn. Ala., where she Is staying with her parents, M1rtln'1 widowed mot.her says. "He wanta to see the ba~.1• said Alm11 -IA:t JoneP but Wt don't fiave lhe money to send him I.here." Martin was ~preparlng to re-tnter the C!llhth grade in Arcadia, Mrs. Jones said, and had received a telephone call from his wife saying she planned to come tn Arcadia as soon ss lbt baby was old enough to travel. · "We're trying lo scrape to1ethC!r some c\Qthes so Walter Lee can get back in school. lt'.s not orange-picking lime, to the money's all &Qtl!i" said Mrs~ Jones, a la rm laborer who males '1$30 to $40. a week" during the orange season, "The Army's not giving him 1 penny," Mrs. Jones said, "The Army didn't do nothing for him after he got O!Jl." M1rtln first enlisted In the Army 1t the Age of 12\-Army officials said, was kicked ooriffur nis a1e was discovered, then re- enlisted. During his three years of active duty, he served two tours In Vletn1m and wa' wounded both times. the Arm y sald. Military au thoritle!I have refused ta recognize MarUn 's service. I, Man and Machine I Giant shovel being used to gouge and scrape bottom of Dana Point Harbor towers over workmen. Material dredged from the harbor bottom is being dumped at Doheny State Beach to make what the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers describes as "artificial surfing reef." Surf at Doheny, a top surfing spot for years, has been virtually non- existent since construction of nearby harbor jetties. 30-nrile Waste Pipeline ~:~:!~~~-"" P~.lme !!'om Riverside Count~ ~l_he_designed--i9£arry oonreclalmable waste Pacific Oc:an 'fri.IIDt'IJie SU Jee~ ol 11 from;tvfrside and San Bernardino coun-pubHc hearing Fnday at 9:30 a.m. u1 Cos-1. Or r-1 . tr 1 ta Mesa city hall. 1es .. a.nge ....uun y ~ sewa1e ea · The Regional Waler Quality C:Ontrol m~nt !ac1Uties In Fountain Valley. Board will explore the pros and cons ot The proposed pipeline will eventually Flag, Football Season Nears The flag football seaso n will begin in Huntington Beach Oct. 3, and boys in· terested in •participating in the Recrea- tion Dept. activ ity ma y sign up from 9 a.m. tn 2 p.m. this Saturday and again Sept. 26. ~oys in the seventh and eighth grade., may register at the city gymn.~sium. at Gisler, Haven View. Hope View, Murda y Park, Rancho View, Spring View and Stacey Schools and at Wardlo:w Park. The . fee is $2. Boys in the third through the sixth grades may sign up at the sc hool playground nearest their home. The fee is $2 for fifth and sixth graders and $1.25 for thlrcl and fourth graders. All games will be played on Sa turday mornings. be able to handle 30 to 50 million gallons of waste a day, which after ·passing through the treatment plant will be dumped Into the ocean through Orange County Sanitation District's five -mile ou t- fall now u~.e!' construction. In volved in Friday's discussion will. be the conte ntion of conservationists that dumping more · waste Into the ocean will lead lo pollution of the beaches and ocean waler. Huntington Boosters Se.t Meeting Tonight The Booster C)ub for Huntington Beach High School's Oilers will meet it 7 o'clock tonight in the teachers' lounge. The cl ub has elected it.9 officers for the year: Bill Wise, president; Bill Duvall, vice president ; Mrs. Joe Mun It , secretary : Tom Martin, treasurer: and Mrs. tenny Bartimore, picture chairman. wrap a room in velvet! COO DILLE from • M19~iflt1ftl Co11uill1 D11 14100101. ••: ,Uk., 1•)t 111 d1l1~1~t ti Ytl•tl. All A~lro11® ftylo11, d 1tft1 Ii~• I d111111. l(~,,.lot loo!lled, 1k1in·d)l1d, 22 tolor1. Sl I.ts 'Ill· yllll. Ralph Roth, 45, or Z0732 Xelani Lane, was admitted to· C:Osta Mesa Memotial • Hospital _ l01; observation after being treated for fact:, chest and arm lacera- tion.s. . James P. Young , 31, ol 21101 Mlramlr Lane, driver of the small car which was eastbound on Victoria Street at Cal'\)'an Drive,' was treated for ·race lacerations and released. Poiice said Jesus S. Santini, 311, of 1rns Third St., Santa Ana, was northbound on Canyon Drive, le1vin1 Dewey's Rubbish Service when the 1:10 a.m. collision oc- curred. Offjcer Dick Defrancisco said the Im· pact shoved the Uttie car northeasterly across the intersection and up an em- bankment. A trio of .girls from Orange suffered minor injuries Wednesday nl1ht in a doo· ble rear~nd ·colllalon that sandwiched their small sedan, just seconds after they had cli mbed out. Arlene J. Baldwin, 20, Sharon M. Trot. ter, 20, and Cheryl A. Evvett, It, said I they would go to their own doctor• for treatment. I Police 1aid Miss Baldwin was driving / south on Newport Bou levard at Fair Drlve about 10 :30 p.m .• when lier ca1,..fiit the rear of 1 stopped vehicle drjvl n by Anthony Determan, 23, of ~Governor St.. Costa Mesa. /.. Cars had stopped In ~ adjacent: lanes to offer help, ~lice slid, ·when a third vehicle driven by · rithumar K. Kadakia. 27, of 160 Wy ilson St., -awun1 around them and · the wreck. From Page 1 JORDAN •.. began before dawn today. A spokesman for the Al Fatah 1roup in Beirut admlttlld "the situation ii 1erloWJ." The gµerrillu' Damascus-baaed "Volct of the Palestinian RevoluUon" radio call- ~Ara..b_roolutionary_powers_to ~ "act to stop the: bloody mauacres." It uld th!: Arab people were waiting for the decision. In an emotional voice the announcer cried. "Amman is burning, Smoke is seen everywhere in Amman.· The agent., (government troops ) are shelling the populated areas everywhere ." "Liberals of the Arab world. liberals of the whole world, 1top the horrible massacre that our people are facing in .Jordan," the broadcast said. "Stop this massacre, the like or which history has never wltneued." During the day the fighting spilled over into Lebanon and Palestinian guer· rillas seized the Jordanian embassy in Beirut. Syria had threatened to intervene nn the side of the Palestinians, and the guer· rill a 's radio appealed to the 12,000 tn 15,000 Iraqi troope stationed in Jordan II> join in the fighting. Israel watched event., carefully, prepared to intervene ll its security ls thre&tened. There wa.s no word on the fate of the M hijack hostages held by 1uerrlll1s in various parts of Amman or of the 100 . Americani and 160 Britons stationed in the Jordanian capital. The Americans were told Wednesday to stay close tn their homes. If YOU CAN'T COME IN-CAL( fot ·~ 1~pttt .... ,. .. (01111111•~1 wl.1 will ~•111• •• )'&ut ham ; ""';.+. 11mplt1 ... a ha ul •~v .,i,J;,.11 1~ to v•11I • .,_ You fovorilt fnttrior dtsiontr tcin be ham to cu1i.tt you , : • H'.J.GARRETf fURNITtJRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR -OESIGNERS ' ·-nT oua RIVOLVIN• CHAR•&-o,.. Moo. 1'11on. & l'rf. hos. 2211 H"RIOR ILVD. COSTA MISA, CALIF. 646-0l7r 1 . . ... --. . . ' .. -. ' - l • 'Ne · --EDITl&N .- VOL 63, NO. 223, 3 SESTJONS;-39 PAGES • -J .. ORANGE COUN'l'f, CALIFORNIA 17, 1970 JEN CENJSc,. .~ cOasi Ass0Ciati9n ·Raps Ocean I . By RICHARD P. NALL 0l'lllle Coon~ tllion ~ .. :~· -I u: aaid altjiougti, the~ wuio Killipgsworth said a !~foot ~ete.f SeWage. Plan 01 ""' O.llY ,,., Ii.tr Rlvenide c!;.f::, carry the "most disposal..propoau.ioa must be put to the outfall line from tbe mouth of the Santa 'The 130 inillion gallons of aewage being vicious of aJI pollutants" 1Dto the :waters.. voters of Riverside County, the agree. Ana River ii being laid ·27,400 feet out • , · .. ,, "' . menl has akeady--been siped in Oranae · d\lmPed ilito the ocean off Newport off ·Ne·~ Beach. -County wit.hoot befiia.put to any vote. &Jong the ocean floor: Beach~every da:y may·be •followed up by ~,,, laiml6le...-fil4ustrial ' waste or the ... 1-.~aUoO d a It y lie sild; however, that outlets ·ip the fir •more 0 viclous'' riOrirecliimable in· w ucte. nltratu, pbolpbates, disclilr1e off Neweort' Beach, KiP· If~~ will diffuse ·fsew~e1 ~~Jbe ocean .Oustf'.iel w~ from three .ci>uritie1. c ud otbercMmical sub-I~ Aid;· 15 percent does not 11.lUr every 6,000 eet m e115u•. :nus'. was the. e•nce of .. a report to the /5t.ances.. · ; . ·ntiiive ·~ tteatuledt _ .. only. · '.'Whep it is compl'ted at the "er;id of the Orange County --coast Association tl}I~ A bearing •t emta Mesa City Hall•Fri-'primary treatn:ient. Tbertl 11 ~ble year,!!_aaid Killini•worth "the. county mornina in Lal\lfll Bea.cl\. · / ' d~ will .take up the Dlltlet, uid KilJ. difference iii tbe"'l'eilUltl of. primary and sanitation district plans to .stop secondary ,Jli:ft Killin1sworth, cha,irman,,,Of lhe inpworth, wbo mentklned tM ~ secondary ~ .. he nqt,ed. tr~tment altogetber •• Officials refuse to association's Preaerve or P~i5h Com-of maUormed marine Jjle off the local Secandary tnatDieat ~a a .tar .-go, to secondarf treatment." mittef, spoke Of an agreeni ~ signed by . coutlinf. ' -:-• porer effluent. • _ • He said in San Diego County (~ \'' .. . . -... " Orange County; south of South Laguna), the Stalt...Regional 'water Quality Control Board, S~ Diego region, does not Permit any sewage with only primary treatment. to be discharged into the ocean. Killingsworth _raised these questioris :· -Why is San Diego area more , con· cemed with sewa(e disCharge into 'the ocean and other receiving waters than Orange County? -Why does San Diego area ~ert more control over the sewage discharge atand· ards than Orange County? .. . ' -,Why doe• the Sin Dle1o 'recfoo I'"" vide more protection for Its beacbel tban ' 0~11111• County (S.nta Joli..i River. BUm Water Quality Control Board)? Or~nge County ~ t10t beina: •propef\Y. cautious, he eharaect. . C, L. "Cap" Blackbum, chaJnlaQ of • the associati~, a e c o mp a n i €d~Xi1J .. lngsworth on a fact-findirfg tour. He said sewage ~trict . offieialr were_evutve when questiop;~ about not having pu~ the sewage. project out to bid -statiDC they bad selected the )>est engineer; . 'Stop Massacre' • - Jordan Army Ready for Cease Fire • By United Pre11 loternadona1 , ·said Jt now crntrolled three quarters of The Jordanian Army, apparently win· Amman. It had batUed with. tanks and ning ib civil1 war with the Palestinian artillery throughout the day again!t auer· guerrillas, said tonight it was prepared rill a rifles and machineguns. ~ · for a cease-fire and laid down a series of The Army mad~ tlle&e"thrte demand! stiff conditions. Guerr~la leaden in ~ of the guerrillas -an immediate end to broadcasts over DamaSCUI radio called"' · the guerrilla shooting, retention of the on the\r ltliies to intervene and "stop this Army _with in the cities.and withdrawal of horrible massacre." guerrillas from the cities. ll said it' would The Army announcement came sho~Uy help them go to any point along the after the Jordanian government warned cease-fire line with Israel Syria and. Iraq against intervention and Amman raido said a four-man. Arab • League mediating mission was ul'linl an inlmediate cease:fke in Amman and four other. major Jordlptlan citie! tha& were ,.. ... of major fighting throughout tho day. The cease-fire appeal came amid In- creasing indications the guerrillu Were getting the wont of it in fighting wbicb began before dawn -today. A spokesman for the Al Fata)! group In Beirut admitted "the Situation is aetiOUI.'" School District East L.4 .Riot QuelleH; r---H-~~ain-~1= -~,4--. ~'---. . .. : . . . r1'wo ci1f;Ot, tJv .11.rr~swu Un~r\Vay · :~ · , .,• -· ' · · .· · ' . •. _r,:::~ £ . ......._ .. -....... ~---· .... ~--. ;J;.;i~ . ·e::r~~·~~=:.Cl~::;! :"t~-·1 ~w:.f; · ~-..~"=-. ·"4·1·s1.!'¥.";·'C, I . ' ., . . . . . ' ' ,; ' .. --•er. w1y·tJU faU · .. · '1• ,.....,...•y'-'"'-t • • · =•• ,.i'o!llllJ(,_. "" ll!'lU • «~-IUSJI • ~ • ' eatl ••t 'I 't ,, ... " • • ' ... '"f. . Newp0rt Reveals Look~. No Cars! District Superintendent-William CW.. The violence .;,.. the tlOth ~iv.eriarY' =id . .... ·4 , < ~'&t:. ~ 1 , ntngham, ,.id H,000 copi_~ ~f 1 111-pq~, o1 M~'s incfepelldo.C. from llpaJn lilt. 3111 _ ~:·!:":p; . ~·-" .• . illu1tr1te(j>alnphlet "UMl'I Are I..paers ' at least 50 penons arreated, 30 injured -'I 'birlle ~11& • , • • . . ... will be among educational _ ~oois .used in "'" tncludin1 15 Jawmen -and. new hostility aio.· ; ~ ~ · . \1 . . .,.~;· .• -"' , 11• • the K-8program la~nc~~~1s aerDB$tr. hang~g in lhe air today._ _ 7 t ~·~~Jftd,'~ .... ~ ,.. .. · ·:W'8tei: Jtate -Hike For Bulle Users Bay l~'land Minus Streets Prepared u~der the d1rechon ofOrange One sh•rifl's Inspector WU hotpltaliiff> ~ liJio\i'tlf,~~,. 'If COunty Sheriff James.,,A. Musicll, the in poor condition altar being · hit bl, Q2e1 }'Otdb,. iulti ;U. ~ . t~·?'r.: ' pamjihltt is bei'llg prOVided by the Irvine head wlth 'a rock; a deputy wa1 stiat Jn ~ toN,.J ";· ....... · rr-:;-· j :n~-:~ ""~ The·cost or Water and water service to a handful of bulk users will be raised by the Newport Be~h City Council .. · The council ·this week acting on a -recommendation of its water committee, ordered the city attorney's office to draft an ordinance for first readiog Sept. 28. Citing increases ·in· priCes charged by the Metropolitan Water District {rtfWD), the city's sole supplier, Publ!C Works Director Joseph Devlin said , businesses afJected would include Philco-Ford, the Irvine Coast Country Club, the Newporter Inn , Hoag Memorial Hospital and Hughes Aircraft. By PATR.I~ BOYLE 1902 whe11 Rufus Sinborne and R. J. ot· .. DllllY 'u" sttft Waters paid $350 · for the small, sandy A house .would not be complete. fithout' island. a grease.spotted driveway or a3'junk-Sanlx>me and Waters bought the Island filled gara1e, l>etause People and cars to use a$. a duck hunting club. They in- just seem to live together. corporal~ on Mlrch 16, 1903, and issued But there ia a Com.munity Jn Newport 24 share's of stock, each Valued at $150. · Beach where the residents can't take. : The membt!rS·o( the clul! included Sam their cars home with them. There a're no Tultin,.after whose (ather ,,the City1.jJf streets for the children to play in .and Tustin ·was named; The melllbers wow~ there are no garages to fill with odds and come from Los Mlge\eS or ·Orange Coun-" ends. ' . ty to hunt, during the·season. ' These peqple live on Bay Island, and A club house was. built OA the .. island their only link with the palboa Peninsula -"'ind, about the same time, Sanbome and is a foot-bridge, just wide enough. for a Waters buiJt, small hemes on the isl&nd. small electric cart to cross. Tbe· other members wanted lo do the The .Bay Jsland resident! park their Equal parcels and each shareholder wal Company, free to the district. the arm and •. Chicano youth ')!ii+: OtMti cAiied,., ~\Ii tOt~~· · .. The decision ·to c9ndu.ct 'the drug ·watCh~~criticallY w~ndtdby;~~· · mirliDa.oblcem~:liOlc1~roeb ...... abuse prevention program •.n all schools Charges of haralsmerit dur1111. die ?4.ex-Uej: "mMl "'Gtblr.dakfl,,'r.-t,· . f . -11~1 from. a successful pilot program iCan 'lndti>eDdence Dly Parade anid bt.&61. · About ... B · ~· --.. ::,;.; wtt!r last ,year ·in six district schools,;' Cun· · , ; · . ~· .-..i ......._ wt..w iling~am ·&Jld. . . rf.v~ ,drawn· ~-.. ·::·~· ~ ' Altbouall pilot results were. "exceUent'' n· t s au~ -cluh:ed..;.'Wi!Jl ~--~,.,~ Cunningham noted "we reauzect we neect-epartnr~D . . a.y.s· north .•nd or ae1ve0ere • Ii ed more toOis for study, something lhe , -E;~ntly Mexican,,.;!~ 1P kids ,..oo1d· enjoy reading and understand. Wa.ter Samples· . ••t 1.o1 ¥1<1et. . ! ~··· . ''I ' think the booklets the Irvine com., The par~' iJ aboUt -.a ~Jiii pany is contrilxiting will be extremely. acene of_i!:!.Ai!'..~O::.~-... f ... ~ useful in Jhe program," he said. "They OK Off N persons, •....u,. Qlall.-• 1 · tell, 1bout ·drug• 6y using a comic book _ewport ~puUes •Id ,.....1 imaD':fiiM llJo. format~ in ·a language the youngsters -were. aet at ~1 .Eut lPI rAnaelu understand." . . By JOANNE REYNOLDS College, , . The program will be part of regular . Of"" o.nr ,, .. , 111H · The> youths set ~to a ~rge'frder ut- Under the measure, rates will be in· creased in four areas: cars 1n a common garage on the assigned. a parcel of land. peninsuJa and either walk or <trive a cart · · The· membership.s• changed hands oc- classes, "such as physical education al')d Results of tests of water samples taken ed ·asda ~akde re.Vfewlnid \o IWld·andrta'lob~ sociar studies," based On the experience from Newport Harbor' Rhine Channel f)atbe trUc • u~ CIJTY ~ Piii•" or other districts which "scheduled s ---bleachers.~ .J•c_-'·----~ -Establishments that use more than 25o.ooo cubic feet per month w"ill pay 16 . cents per 100 cubii:: feet -an increeae o{ four cents: ; to their homes. casionally, and in 1908,, Madame Helen But there are lkll many resi'dents on Modje!ka, the famous actress1 purchased special classes and held assemblies sho wno unusual bacterial count accord· As the main confronlltlon was broken wittiout much sUcc!ss " Cunningham fng £o county Health Department engi-up, deputies skirmished· ·with l'OllDI· the island. Of the 24 homes, oaly tiye are !be Sam Tuati1 home on the island. She ~pied. year-round, a:ca>rding lo Mrs. died there in IIOl1. and a few members J Imes Higson, whole husband . ls pmi· tried to get the Ume of the island chang· noted. ' Deer Harold &;broth~ persons gathering aJong many residential The samples were taken SePt. a after. itreets around the park. . -A •urcharge of I! ·per monl!I wtll be added to the existing readiness-to-terve charge for each living unlt in .excess o( dri of. the 8-)' Island Corporation. ed to Modjeska Ialand in her memory, • · -,, . • Officers llOUlld the pork •Were ~ Harbor Department off1c1als. fe~red 1 with small ,pavinJ stone. ripPed from broken sewer might be emptyma: into the front yards of_ nearby bOM. 1 one per water meter. . -A surcharge qf 50 cents per month (See WATER, P11e l) 'The. c;orpwation owns -the island, and but.they failed. ~eh ~ owns one ~e of ltot:k Mqre ~ were built on the l!land m the corporation and leases l'lls lot from and, by 1920, Louis Briggs says "there Cabin Cruiser bay at the citaMel between the Lido pen-· 'rbe diiturbance .. broke .out about In inlula and the mamland. · -· · the company. It bu been that way sillet (Sf.e ISLAND, 'Pate !) ; Sinks in Harbor After rtceiviog the lab report on t\fo hour after the colO:ffltl. -~ful par~ • water 1amplea taken from Davey's [«k-watcbed by In es.Umated alll,008 ~ • f ' • • ., ' • er docks at 31st Street and the deismed Pair· Deny-'Deal' ~harge ' Orange County harbor patrolmen today _ Weitem Cannery on Lafayette Avenue, are trying to find out what caused 1 36-Schroth said the tests show the water iri foot cabin c~iser to sink at her moorjngs the area does cohlorm wit.Ii •tate sta~ in front of the Balboa Yacht Club in New-ards for ocean water. - port Harbor Wednesday night. The state standards for ocean water Is The bf:>at. ,Phun Hog, owned by Chester 1,000 eoliforms per 100 ,~liliter. He sild • Collins Annexation 'Talks Not 'Secret Pact' . . . Salisbury ll of Balboa Island was fus-the samples showed lea part,· .per 100 covered this momlna ):>y cre~n Gf the mililiteri than set by law. U.S. Coast Guard Cutterca~Higgon, CO!if~ ~re a group d. bae!eril found -Tbe president of the Irvine Company w'"11 lard biiiha: tllf Oraale CGulty and -a Newport Beach~ city councilman Ptawdq ·C.-•'""9 11111 tbe..Bolrd ti had discu1Sed the possibility ol. Newport ~"::i,;,, """""1'td wltla Ilda pro. delaying anneJation of the conlroveraial JIOll), wldc:b Rs adfuoed by Mr:. Kymlll Collins Rad io Company, property, buC a· u one muns of healinC.a bnlch bt~ "secret pact" never existed, both men the two en~ u.t must won toptMr uid today. · 6n -c....,.. !Gr ·tlaa pd al Ille "We would Hke to Jay to rest, once and entirt coD1munitJ." for all, •n erroneous report that there had 1be statement ·amd, Utt. aubject ti the -beon (8UCh a) 'secret.pact,!-''-frviM.Pra--1-por-al tbe citJ al Irvine_ popen Jdent William R. Mason and Newport for which "'"were filed trtday, •11 never Councilman Carl Kym Ii said this mom· di1cussed.. .. Jn1 in a joint statement. ''There was no airee:metlta tnade; there which Is docked near the mooring. Jn the 1nt~nal lract ~! warm ~l~ed The Monterey type cabin 'truisef'"had animals, he explained. lt is alsO found ·COmmunitia fll Imne 1lld tUed for in. sunk In approximately 10 fetli Of water in fertilizers so 'lhat when jt It found In cot pcnlMi Fridq-::and '-I included the leaving On1y her·bow lntf'l>rldge e.xpolld: large-quan~ti~rit 11 not 1Jways-poasibl' J77..aere ColllDll tit. Within its boundaries. •ccordinc to Harbor patrolmen. to say whether it came from raw aeWqe ·(DAD..Y ~ f'ICIOf'dJ ·ahow then or from large amounts of soil washed into ' · the water," Schroth said. Kymla made q.a followinl statement: p ij" T } h C "The lab tells showed the water in the '1'be (lrvtne) CllUlldl loft .. no choice ' ac le e ep one' o. channel to be safe, but bear in mind we lmt. to move dud· now rather than ~ didn 't take those samples until TUllday Opente aa bad.. been plaaaed. The tr. I .Sued for 'Misbilling' and the pollution was flr!I. •p<!lted on vlne Compiny ·ukld us l19t to coMinue 1 ,. .. • Saturday. · - (our anneulloo proceedlnpl pending • LOS ANQEl.Es' (UPI) _ Pacific T~le-. "We c.heclteif with both th.! <Dllnty and presentation of the seneral plan to· Ult phone and Telqraph CO. was IUld for ~ sanitauon departmen? and.~ re- Caunty PlaMing Commission and Board 1 mGll"• tbn t7 Jr iilton Wednelda ; "'"' '-9Qned no broken lines. • ol Supervisors. / 1 1_ : .m Y .. ,. a r "That doesn't', mean the water wna't eru1• Weadler Hazy IUDlltlpa w!p bo"'1 .an... natety tJtrOU(h the toe . IJICI low c1o001 11bn gibe '"""°" Friday. with temperatures' jmnplng up te the 72-11 range OD tbe coast and f(lrthor Inland. INSIDE TOD~Y Whtthtr <ir Mt . tht Well Street bear market hat finally turnt'd a.round, the Ddto;Jonts llldwtriill AverGQ•' !< °" the. IDGfl oock._ Suloio Porllr dll-1 CUI.Sf$ rt 0" ~ 21 todat1. ..... ... the pOss;bility of delaying ·annexatioq .. were no suaranteea oftered; and there pi;ocedures was the subject only of "an ~ no Ynderstandings roched ol any informal discussion," tbey 11ld. And no one bu ever said there were. "After the Local Apncy FOl'llllljdlt J ~-,-'fhcl llid Ibo utWty milbllled ·poUuted but Ihm are a number ol Commi11ion 4-1 vote (•pprovinr the• I IQIDI .a.ora... -' • .. IOUl'Ces 'other thin the tewr Una IQCll · neution) the pouibility al de!...._ ... , llldllrd, ll:. llodp cla-l'lclllo· .aa boats docirad In the .ma, tbe ol>lp< • """" II . . ,.....,,,_ ~ peiation,procedures for an~-. I T ..... a «lmpUlen • eh.1.r1·1d yards or the bait& boah. . • ' --··. ... -~. 11 IYfWll ....., • I · • "There was a -dlscuasion," the 1tat.to-i publJc er In private, to an1 member fl tnent said, ''It was ari lnfonnal discussion . tht P.r• or a.t any CityC4unciJ meeting." htld last week-between City .councilman The city cl Ne1irpGrt moved •bead with Carl Kymla and lrvine Company Pre!i• annex.ation · pioc:edura Monday night af. dentlWilliam R .. Mason on tht pouibility . ter Kymla Hf(dei an tlia l'Dltter to the. of the city holding the Collins aMexation City Council. tOdllClllS (the ... tiresltulliGo)llD ............ tblr•far._ila'..Cm•fl'om·hlr I "bdoo'I -Wini to opeculatO .. ty planners and .,pervioors -.... pilalJll 1111 told -.ito c:omplahoad what may ha .. ·caaaed·the i ilulltion there. ' ........ '•J C•qsl l. M ...... , ... .. ..-...................... -...... ,..._ ,,_ . -,, ., in abeyanc:e unW the Irvine GenerarJ>lu He pointed oUt tllat lbo Cciunc11 al tht .. -I I cuued. As of Int TIRH'!day ot-(Neopli!t) that tho "'"""puterl · clo not mm llar Job 11 to go clot--hive a· 1oo1r at cooncll wao to hllcl 'tlie -6i .,_ > m-.· lie ...pt ... million punitl'9 ' It. lt'1 wd! worth the ellart lo ·-t aoce until (publlc) llnrillp•lll NOi_,,. doma ... oa tho.._. the ...._ -tlllnp oat whln ,.., pt a """' ••• The boU ,..,. d>aapd rnsa,r I ~ ... _.,_or tho ........ • (lee alANNBL, .... II . ·. . ' ' -~ • ·zy"' I W ' ,._. • • 1' 1 lJ>o.•• -·-s·· .. . ..... . •: .•• ,._,.,,\. , .. . ,,.. ..-.. )''\\I .. .... " • ..._ ,., I I f • 0 1 J .. ' ' • .. .. •• • • -· ' • t ,DAILY]ILOT l -- 'Mari:rie _ Bea~ltes Open · ' • Stat.e Given 3.5-ini-le Pendleton Str(l;n -·. .. ' • .t - By JOHN VALTEllZA <lor WWiam Penn Moll wu.,.. oi quiet wu llJ Uml~ 111110W1COd,tbo ~~ or .... De11Y _!• •ttlt pleasure and pr.a. for Snltor Geer• altt1nc decilldD this motnbll- ine Co oday cave Murphy's bthlnd-the-µenes work to 'The release Jf the blurts al_?d be1ullful Ca~~i. ~~~of itsrf:a~h. make tbe negotiations,. success. beach dl_r.ectly downco~st_of San Onofre 11 1n an announcement termed "a "Certainly we are pleased," Mott told ~ _hlstor~c event jor tlie larc~st mUllarY • .. • -. a ., L·!" e c + s::: •• • • Bay .. Study ·nate ·Set In April surprise'' by the head of the ·state the DAILY PILOT today "and I must installation In t~e world. . , DeP,frtment of Parks and Recreation, the admit that It came as a !urprlse at this The beach will be the f1r1t porllon of~.-- Corps broke a months-long deadlock in poil\t." the Call!p Pendleton_ strand ev;!.-opened Genera] plans ror the Upper -Newport,_ Bay Cooperative Plannlna: Project are expect<? IO be COIJlplel"' bY. April, 1971, according to George Dawes, Newport Beach harbof and t l d e I a n d s ad· the neptlatlons for the precedent.ltttlng He predicted the huge new beach's for public uae. ' :.-- beach ~ning issue and aceeded to the opening to the public with temporary' The official stat_!mt nt by the Corpi comproml.sa offer of the State of faci lities by nett sprin&'. said that_ ~-opening would .be com· CalUornia. The Marine Corps. which originally patlble w1~ the needs for trainina: alo~g ' '-th ·u f •-h f... the-shoreline , And lht reaction by-St.ate Parb Direc-ueld at 1.5 m es o .....::ac for rve years "Th M . · C ~n th p esenl Trustees Told University r School Ready Nov.-15 By PATRICK BOYLE Of t111 Diii~ PW Stiff the University Hlsh School and I have found that not all of the materials have e ar1ne orps uc eves e r proposal will be in the best interest ol the public and will assist in meeUna: ex- panding community needs for recreation Jn California,'' the announcement said. Mott -'de spite earlier report.! that negotiations have bee,n strained -prais- ed the Corps' cooperation in the talU which began early this year. He also praistJ:i the active Involvement · of Governor Reagan, Senator Geora:e , Murphy and President-Nilon for-lbeir •·keen interest' 'in the issue. · Discussions on the beach matters uose between those state and national leaders 1 ministrator. Dawes ouUlned the scope of the report for city councilmen Monday. He said in-- formation is being .received from several levels, the city, the county, .the state and the Irvine Company. , _He noted that the city council directed the preliminary study to outline the pro- ject alohg two angles, one that the pro- .. posed Upper Bay land 1wap between the county and the Irvine Company ts ap- proved by the courts, and Lite other that it I! re-jected. University High School in the Universi· ty Park area will prC1bably be ready for occu pation Nov. I 5, Superintendent William 'B. ~ told 1\Jstln Union H.lgb School ·District trustees Monday night. even been order.ed yet." Mrs. Kirkland said that she had rpade arrangements with the librarian at UC lrvine to usVJCI's li brary f1cillUes, She also said thft a bookmobile will be pro- vided for the students and that the books Uli~ Rast sµmmer wheJJ Jlte Pt.ul~en\ _ hosted the Reagans and tbe sen ator to a dinner at the Western White House. He said each altemauv·e plan will con- tain a · nwriber of elements, including, chaMel development and use pl!LDS, land -lde-and-developmen lans;-a:-n·d---i transportation and traffic plans. Also included, Dawe.s S<li4. will . be public facilities plans, including recrea; tlonal and ecological factors , a pubUC utilities plan, public land acquisitation i:e- quirements al)d a suggested funding and development schedule. "We anticipate a Nov. 15 move-in date for the classrooms and rest room facilities." Zoa:g said. "1"e industrial arts and homemaking areas should be completed about a week or two later." University High School was originally planned to be completed for the opening of school Monday, but strikes hampered construction and the school was not finished on time. 'The · 813 University High School students Ire attending MissiQ.n Viejo High School oil a double session basis with the l,932 Mission Viejo High School students. The board was presented a status report from constructio.n inspectar Jack Pedeilon Of the IJ'Chitectural finn of Willis Hutehason and Associates. ' In the report, Pederson stated that the masonry work on tbe claucooms was complete, but that the electrical, plum· bing and heating equipment was only partially installed. . The construction delay caused concern among many parents of Universjty High School students after the board voted Aug . 24 to bus the students to Mission Viejo High School. Jn a Jetter that was read to U»e board Monday, Louis Fridpandler, 4 5 51 that are available will circulate for one week instead of two to give more students an opportunity to use them. Superintendent Zogg said he thought that more money had been provided for the University High School library, but 21aid that he did not have the specific figures at his immediate disposal. In other action co~rning University High School, the board accepted bids totaling $85,148.19 from various com- panies for ~uipment for the new high school. The equipment t n c I u d e d classroom furniture, industrial arts and automotive ship equipment and library; furniture. Co-91puter Needs To Be Explored By School -Board Sandburg Way, Irvine, attacked the bus-The Newport-Mesa Unifjed School ing plan as "irresponsible" and s8id he DiSl.rict will take a look at its com puter strongly disapproved of the "$5,(QJ bus· objectives before further consideration of ing plan." a proposal to share a facility with the Board member Mrs. June Smith said cities of ~ewport Beach and Costa M.eu. the board had voted that the busing "was Al the urging of trustee Donald A. not. iO exceed $5,,000 and that the board Strauss, the board 'asked distriw:i was hopeful that it would~be far less than ministrator~ to vrovide a "self-analysi ol, that amount." ,dislrj<$ obitdlvdl" for boa'J' rev. at ~ In his letter, Fridhandler also cited tu Oct-I ftleetlng. ' what he Called "the inadequate library At that time the board will consider fa cilities" ai University High School. hirini' an outside consultant to "examine Superintendent Zogg said the library what we are doing to reach those ob- Since then, Mott intimated, the senator ha s taken an active role In winning Marine acceptance of the •state com· promise offer. Mott was noneomrnittal about other tempests stirred by the beach issue - the la test of which raged in Washington, D.C., between recently elected Rep. John G. Schmitz o! Tustin and fellow Republican AI Phonzo Bell. Schmitz assailed Bell's interest in the beach as an encroachment into Schmitz' territory. · Bell retorted that the Jobn Birch Socie·· ty mernber from Tustin wu aa:alnst the opening of the beach to the public. That battle now, however, has become moot. And the concern of the state parks of- ficials has' shifted from the once-rrq,wing controversy of the Marine ~ach to how it should be developed. "Our greatest initial problem is bring· Ing a portable water supply to the new state park, then installation of temporary sanitary facilities," Motl said. After the initial work on the blufftops, a cut will have to be made in the fa ce of the palisades below to allow for public access to the sands. "We· will probably be able to provide only one initia l point of access at fi rst," Mott said, "and the public will have to walk from there, but it will be improved as time goes on and we get an ap- propria.Uon for permanent facilities." Mdtt last saw the beach.• fw wetks ago when he and his aides &aveied to Sin Onofre for a personal vis it. . l_ Mott and his aidea have negotiated for me Urid'lhrouah tbls year, but the IS!ue over opening of a part of the Marine beachfront ha.s been the subject of years of work. was being funded the same as·the IJbrary jectives and whether or not some ·are at Mission Viejo High School was during wort_h using computers to acbieve:," From Page 1 · lts first year. v· 1n· K' kl d pr=t ~~~m !; ~:1~~ ~~1iruuon o( . However. M~s-.-1ri -'~--ir an.'-'--ttte--districtis-computer-needs-Strau.u· J·SLAND hbrarlan for Un1vers1ty High school, said . ntended talks . with the cltiet wo'"'u1~d-.a-' -• • -• that the district "~pent from ,$3;,lQJ :to ~rove m~e fru iUu1. ~·~ to start the library at Mission Vie-. Supt. William CUnningham had asked were four or five vacant lots" left on the island. JO High School. We have only $20,000 for the board to consider a .k>int meeting Briggs, who Is now a Balboa realtor, lived on the island from 1920 to 1945. Work Requested On Bay Bridge Newport Beac~ city councilmen have authorized Mayor Ed Hirth to write the state Division of Highways asking that work on a new Back Bay bridge along the Pacific Coast Highway be: expedited. Hirth told the coo.ecil Monday that in a meeting with state highway officials last week, Uley told him some official notice from the city would help speed the bridge project. Under consideration by the state is a wider br;dge that would be some 40 feet higher tllan the present span. DAILY PILOT ' ' OllANGI (o.4.sT PUaLISHING COMPANY lolttrf N, w.,,~ ' ,_._, ....... ,~ JtC\ l . Cltfli'I Vkt Prt1:0U>! Mid GMtr•I M1,..9tr Tko1110• Ktt 'l'il ikom•• A. M11,,lii111 ,..,..1"9 l""' Ne..,.,. a..c• OfAce 2211 Weit 11111101 10111•"''' M1111~1 A~llten: ,,0 , I•• 1171, •266) OtMr OHk• (M" Mnt• lllO Wftl att '""' "'"'°"' , .. ,,: m ,_, ,,....,..,. ;.""'tJftt1.., lt1ai• 17111 .. Kfl IJ1Mv•t11 l•n (ll'!*"t: JOI N-111 V Ctfl'llN .... • with the city council! to explore a joint f.easibllity study of the computer sharing proposal which he contended cou1d in· elude definition of school needs. Death of Student Called Suicide The Oranae County ' Coroner's Office said today that the death of a 2I-year-0ld UC Irvine studenl Sunday was an appar· enl suicide. The coroner's office ldentlfied the.youth as Kenneth Herald Le\Vis, a UCt junior. Lewis' bodr .. was found at his UCI campus apartment by his roommate. Lewis is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lewis, 4514 Hedda St., Lakewood, and two sisters, Elaine Lewis and Mrs. carolyn McU!ndon. • Graveside services will be held (or Lewis Friday at t p.m. at Loma Vista -Memorial Part in Fullertcm. Last Rites Held For Grace Small Grace Small, 31-year resident of NewporW!e>ch, died Mond,ay at SunlitO Convalescent Hospital in Newport Beach. Sbe. was 95. Services for Mrs . Small were beld ~ day at the Baltz Costa Mesa Oiapel and interment folloY!'ed 81-Harbor Rest Mmorial Park. Mrs. Small, who lived at 124 E. Bay Ave., is survived by her daqghter, Helen Ooodcell: two sons, Herbert arid Howard; three eran<lcblldren and nine greal· ar andc:hildren. CHANNEL. • • "It is the most delightful place you· could Imagine," he says. · '"there is f,reed,om frqm vehicular traffic, !ecluslon and privacy. It gives the people living there a chance to come closer together." The original homes built by the pioneers of Bay Island have all been replaced or remodeled, and there al'!! now 23 bay front homes built around the perimeter of the island . Although the homes do not follow one architectur.al st";le, they are alike ln that all are ~pensive. The home owned by the late Joe Crail, founder of Coast and Southern Savings and Loan Assn., wa! sold recently for $306,000. And fhat was only for the house. The land is owned by the corpora tion, and the value of the 5.5-acre island was set at almost $2 milliOA by the county tax assessor in 1969 . In the middle of the island is the least ex~nsive home. Jt houses the caretaker. It iSfianXed bY ·f tennis courf anif a garden. . The caretaker is responsible for tbe maintenance. of the property and for chasing off occasional youthful intluders. The shareholders of the coi:.poratlon·-: the residents of the isl and -meet once a year and elect five of the.Ir members to the board of directors, who in turn elect a president of 'the club. Any outside r wishing to buy a house on the island must have the approval of the board of directors, and all modifications ·or construction of homes must have the board's 1pproval. The board or directon enforces the rules of the club, such as the curfew regu lations which k~ep loud parties from disturbing neia:hbors. l\trs. Phelps Mer iklt', whn has lived on Bay Islartd lot the past 16 )leaf's, s11ys there are few problems with living on ti1e small island. "It-is like living is a small com. munlty~" she says. "I guess it would be a lonely place to raise cblldren, but It is a delightful apot." pl1jnt" he said. Many rumors have been circulated ron· Harbor patrolmen also took a ~pie ce.rnlni tbe small island and its residents, in the chaMel Thurlday •iii sent it 16 one being that Roy Rogers and Diie the state Departmtnl of Fllh and Game Evans once lived tn the old C?all home OI for analysis. A spokesman for ·the-d&o • the Island partment Monday said the umplts: have Aeoordi~g to Mn. Higson whenever not betn ltlled Md did not know when h . · · ' the work on them would be done. t e harbor 11ghtseem.1 boat woul~ pau Wat.er in Newport Harbor la sampled the house a~d the guide would point o~~ once ,1 month in winter and weekly In what he claim~ was the cowboy atar • -summe:r°'by county healurotttcer • 5ehrolb-~Joe Crt1 fo<:-WCM1kf parlde up..and uld the .. mplea are taken from 2t &la· down his porch wearing • ttn 1a11on hat lions in the upper and tower bay. for the benefit ot the tourist!. ~ .. DAILY PILOT llMI , ... BRADLEY ELLIGOOD, LAURIE CHAUVIN COt.\PARE DESKS Both Are First Graders at Coste Mes•'• Wilson School I-woman Fig ... t School Desk Safety Hit ·By GEORGE LEIDAL -, . Of tile Dlllr PMtt ltetl' ' A first grade ltacher at WilSM School in Coata Mesa is waging a one-Woman batUe for underltandin& of the effects school budget cutbacks baye on chlllren. Mrs. Ann McClurg has for seven year,s been unhappy with the alant,.top, com- bination chair-desk.! found in 'all the classrooms at her school. Claiming they are inadequate and unsafe because they tiP, over, Mrs. McClurg toted one or the desks to a Newport-Mesa Unified School district board meeting this week to show lru!leea. "These poorly designed desks shoul~ never have been purchased, even years ago," she said. Comparing the tiny 13 by I8 inch de!k \top with a standard 18 by 24 inch one, she noted the built in slanted top causes "pencils and crayons to roll off ·ooto the floor.'' "When the child picks them up, this unstable desk tips over." "The small cubby-hole .on the side isn't wide enough {o hold his workbooks," ·she adds. "Our Science book won't even fit into it. Worse for a teacher who wants to make -From Page I WATER .•. the most and best posslble use of her classroom, the aesks make It ~possib1• to gather children in groups "becauae children cln only get into them from the left s.ide:" Although first grade !tudents come In various sizes, the small desks in her room are just one size. "No matter · how much Bradley Elligood, 6, grows this year." Mrs. McClurg aaid, "he'll have only this desk to use even though it is 'tight' on him now." · Brad stands neyly a fool taller than Laurie Chauvin who fits nicely into ther desk. Mrs. McClurg's concern is amplified by ,the. knowledgeJhat while olher. newer schools in the district have been allocated neWer desks Wilson, Monte Vista and Bay ·View acbooAI have not. . "Hundt• Of children· ha"lt been graduated from Wilson each year, goil)I from first to sillh grade without ever having , the oppqrlunity. to . sit in a &tan· dard size desk," Mrs. McChug notes. "If the district is unable at this time to equalize and update our equipment, then anothe r school should be made to hassle with these cjesks and let the WilsOn stu· dents join the 'in' group," she adds. School Supt. Williain Cunningham and Mrs. McClurg began working on the desk problem last · Spring, when it was discovered the district Inventory did not list desks by sizes and it was found to be impossible to know for cetUin bow many desks were involved. will be added to the existing readiness-to-Dr. CunninS:ham needed.' and Mrs. serve charge for each hotel and motel McClurg gladly volunteered, an ffi.. unlt' .ind each hospital or convalescent ventory. home bedroom in excess.·of one per water When it was determined three ·schools' meter. furniture was involved, budget Hmitations -The connection charge will increase t..-.delayed action. from ·a flat t50 to $60 per inch of witer However, following ·Mrs. McClara's service diameter with a $50 minimum. board of education appearance Tuesday, He uid all the increases are designed president Selim S. ·Franklin directed ad· tG brini. rates. for large users into line mini_Strators· to work out an equitable with rates paid by homeowners. furn iture replacement schedule. wrap a room in velvet! COQUILLE from Mt9nifitt nl Coi:illillt hro,1clloo1r1, •• ,il ky 1ofl '" cl1f191nl 11 .,,1.,11. All A"hon® n.,1011, ,1,1n1 likt • cl11tl'l'I. K1r1·I•• le•lflt4, 1k1i n·cl '1t~. 21 colof1. 111,tl .... y4.. -' . - ''The objective of. the Uppe r Newport Bay Cooperative Pl~nning Project," Dawes explained, "i! . , . to produce com· prehensive general plans to guide the pattern of growth in the Upper Bay area. "These plans will be designed to Insure compailble land and water uses, preserve and enhance the natural assets of the area and create the beat posaible total environment. "The plans wilt be: developed_ on the basis: oNhe proposed land exchange and · other alternatives," .Dawes said. , He said plans will be guided.by.goalJ of "]iewport. Tomorrow," and will' be directed toward achlevlhg a marine- oriented environment feituring inultiple uses of the waters and s~ellne and a hiih QUaiity residential atm~Pbece·." Dawes said that followlna: completion of the general . plan nei:t April , a public hearing will be· conducted by the Army_ Corps of Engineers. · He called the study a "focal point for Information on the Upper Bay" pointing out it ends duplication of studies by various arms of government. He said it will also serve to reconcile coiiflictlng views and information about the Uppe r Bly. Boat ·Restaurant Up for .Approval A use. permit to turn the three-masted schooner, tbe Ellen, into a floating restaurant is scheduled to come before the Newport Beach Planning Commission toni~ht. · The Commission will tneet al 8 p.m. In the Newport Beach city council cham- bers. The proposal by the boat1s owners, the Newport Arches Marina, Inc., would tum the boat into a 150-seat restaurant which wou1d be docked at the Arches Marina. \ Reagan Signs Bill SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald Reagan has aigned a .hlll_allowing police to auction confiscated sporting firelr.ms rather than dispose of them, bis office ~Wednesday. IF YOU CAN'T COME IN-CAL( for 111 e1p1rt clrptl con1ul!1"I wh1 will COlftl fe your homt wlfh 111r1pl•t wilhtul 111-,: ehlit•lit it t1 y•wl You fa.uorit1 fnterlor deafgner will be ham to asai.st uou ••• H.J.GAl\l\ETT fURNITURE. --· 2215 HARBOR BLVD .• PRC1,f,ESSIONAL -11T OUl llVOLVING CHAlGI-COSTA MESA, CAtlF. NT.,.101l..D£516N."""'~~---O~oo • no.n, a M. hn. 646-0271 t' ii " ( -~o8ta · M«'-.~· ED 'ITION VOL. 6], NO , 22J, J SECTIONS, JI PAGES ORANGE ooUNTY, CAUFORNIA . . THURS~ SEPTEMBER-~Z.-19.70-- -· • • T•#ay'' n·al -.- TEN CENTS Mesa Plttnntt ·p1e;ds· for Apartnient 'Cb~troJ ./ .. Toa m1ny ptQplt: are 'Deina borg today-,.,We dtl/' he emphasized. for the world 1to-support, wblle tQO many ,A staff tepotl was compiled !Jr June on apartments Are l;lein&.hull for the an.nual theinum1)er, of units .being built, ~r about , •pppu'lation 1rowth of Costa Mesa to tup-to start CGnltructl~. and i~ ii, almost out· JIO"· • The 1itUation may ge! worse before It dattd.·because more are in ~'1.s on ~ better, lbe way. Planftinl Director Williazp L. J)mn ia c 0 I t •· M e I I :... lib . the rest 9r Jrarftinl city olftdals that ateps must be Southern CalifOrnia--pnerallf hu a •twn tO cmtnl the sityi~ ltt describ-Jesaer.problem than the rtd'..1 '-e.r lc& 'ed 1t I recent ltudy .aesilon. ' --..rJ.1u . ''J'-e~ve Soi 1 prnbltm, gentlemen ... he due to 1U Conti'iluinl· pa'terii.M: srowtti. told city councilmen; plll!Jlin& com-l "We· have a vacancy fadar rlow, but-I mllll lmpooe ...., IWul of bol111elllt' f.., tor. A .~ildina: boom teYetal yean •P lelt Cosll Mesa 'wlth1 many empty ruldenUal u'1it!, but the impefld1'1 vacancY cdlia m1y be worse for JOmt. Ju.st for an n1m.ple, Dunn tk:ked off five specific de"elapmeuta either under way or iftUllelldioa, fram., 171 1putmtnls 10 lnterhmd JleYelol!lliall Corpantlaa'1 1,100 luxury llk8ide --.. lllCI "°"' by only 1.100 pel'IOOI per y1!11'. OUM SlJ&ll!lted I tou&btned City Coun- cil str1lety on bl(ildm1 of 1partments to;., offset the trend 'ow1rd n;we or thetn than city 1rowth can fill. "If you don't get more strict, you will get shallower." he expla1Deil in terms of • the number of units 1tandil11 empty-at in· cru91!d-colts incurred. by 1 need for city 1trvice1. -Llmitini the '.la.nd zoned or rnoned for 1partment developm~t to only Jar1er . parcels. . .,,.. ' City officials reminiscing around the conference table said a thr,atened moratorium on all a p a r t m e n t developments 1everal years 110 1napped , buUdtr1 sharply into line. Dunn noted the more prohibitive the-. cost, the hi1her quaU ty apartments will result, dr1wing a better c!ass of citizen, adding it Is In the city cooncll'a hands to decide. your cost, .. he 11k1 In l'MponJe to~ I ques- tion about public ierviee e:rpenditura by Fire Chief John Marshall. _ He cited as one .example a reqhest for Police Chief Roger Neth to compile, a l11t of the calls his department received for One ye1r on Shalimar Drive. 'lbe street Is representaUve of baaJcally 1 low-investment, low-rent property in Cosla lilua and bu a hich rate of tenant ~urnover. • nills.iooera and mwiiclpal depanment think it's going lo JUmp," DuKn 'told the Tht total number may"Clelinblne1to l,OOD units within the . dty. which ,J;a predaminlnU oinlJe :llmily bomd now lll~Hl-be1d1.------------~!.-w11nln1-tha tht-·01y;.eouncil- -,.~~-,---,---,,-~~-,~-:-~·~~.,.~--.,~ He IUOt"sleil theR ·pos1lbilitie1: -Reqµlrin1 41 pen:ent ol tbe J>l'Ol*'lY involved to be pa.rk·llke 1ree.n are1 . -Making COllly underiround. garage ;faclliliel_mudatory, "The cheaper the 1partment, the~mor• Dunn said a check of recordl ·for the short street Containing 41 apartment unit.I for the one-year period lboN 412 calls to_U!!_poijce d•partment. _ · 11 , I ( Costa Mesa Salnri-es R~ported ·Only two eoaia Mesa municipal de:plrt- ment held• like borne more thin no,ooo • • • J In ulary annU1Dy, but five more are fut 1j>pr01chi111 U..t bracket. The highest salary paid -curreilUy in- volving 1 paperwork paradox -is $24,132 per year for the city man1ger. Acting city manager Fred SorS1bll is receiving that amount, while retirtment and disability procedures are being work· ed out for City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie. 'The city, on the books al leasi, cur- r~tly_ has no penna~nt city manager although the . City Council h11 indjcated Sorubal wiU be the man. · 'No 11l1ry ii ~wft .it. all for tht •eis-: · wt £ity, II\~·· ...... v"""" bl' S(lrubal lollowin1· McKenlie'1 cerebral hemonil1ge Jut sprint. ·nie 1mount will bO ne..,U.led When councilmen choosf 1n atdt for Sbru.bal, who, ·111 '30, has been groomed to tok! over su_perviskm of the 1tllff for a city o£ n~ly 75,000 ~rsons. A study in which a block of pay scales 100 26 other cities of. comparable lize uKI et0n0my was tabUlated pro.vides the .baall for ·determinin1 C.Osta Me.51'1 11lary .cale. Tht dita WU lpplied lo department heads ind also iroupa of title-clusified e,mployes, including job duUes, lo prepare the rectntly 1dopted salary buget. Somt were found to be well below what tjJeir counterparts in <1ther. communities 'r:re g'etttng for the same work, whUe aoine 'compared right acros1 the line. ·A maximum-to--mil}iffium r1Jtge-xaie 11 one factor U9l!d in detumining what department heads receive in lheir aalary envelopeJ from the taxp1yers. · 'The other is under the personal (itegory. involving length Of city employ- ment, extent of duties-and other criteri1 applie1ble only to 1 given individual, 1uch M the number of employes under him. A tveakdown by -r~ge and personal ,,,ay, plus 1'7G-71 fiscal year increase a'nd actua1·1Mual 11l1ry of department heads 11 lhown below. No ran.., will be. shown for City Clerk !:Ileen Phinney, Ii.net &he Wll appointed anly eight rnonUu ,.,, following the death of C. K. "Cl!.arlie" Prieat. None Is estlbUshed for the vacant llllstant city m1n1genhip nor the full mm11ersHiif"'lnd unlter· general l1w fnmlclpal government. City Attorney Roy June ill paid M ~ str'1ight retainer as ,hf Is. needed. Here are the nst fJf the pereentare rilses and actual pay: " • ' . 'Stop Mass -acre' JordanArrriy Ready for Cease Fire lly th1Uetl Preas lotuaatloaaJ nte Jordlnian AnTJy, apparently win- nin, Its e"ivll war with the PaleatinJan guerrilla.s, said tonight it was1,.prtpared for a ceue-fire Ind laid down a series of ltiff concHtlons. · GuerriUa leaders in broadcasts over Damascus radio caJled on their allies to intervene 1nd "slop lhia horrible musacre." · The Army announcement came shortly after' the olordanian 1overriinefit wam.;I Jo S)'ria ini:I Iraq ~ainat lntervenUon arid"" , said it now CC'ntrolled three quarters of, Amman. It had batiled with tanks and artillery throughout the dly aaaimt cuer· rilla rifles and mach.inegw1s. The Army made these three derhandl <If the guerrillas -an immediate end to . the guerrilla shOotlng,' retenUon of the . Anny within the cities and wlthdraw1l or guerrillas from the Cities. It aaw It would help them go to any point ~... the cease-fire line with Iarae]. Amman raido aa.Jd a four-mu .V.b League mediating minion ..Vllrlinl a immedi•te cease-fire iii. Amman Ind four other major JoidanJan. cities that W!li'f scenes of major lilbtin& throqbout tho day. ~ ·The ""'°'lire appul Clllll imld fn. creasing indlcationa tht perrilln. were gettJnc the wont of It In fiibting wlli<ll begin before dawn today. A opoi<OllDID for the Al Fallh lftlllP in Beirut ldmllled tiee i iilmAN, Pap· I} East L.4 Riot ,·Quelled; Garhag~ Trucl{ Bits Tiny Car; --. . ' ' . &ir-~Ured r .. . ' .:'!~~· ~~t~ .~9._Arr,~~.: ' 1. . . ~ ' . ' -. DAIP..T]Pu.Or .i .... .,,.... J -. . . . ~ •, ,. . BRADLEY' EtLIGOOD, .~Al/RIE CHAUYIN ,CDMP;l.RE D1$K·s· Both Are. Flnt GraHr1...at.-co~ta~M•••'1 WilRft .. Schepl · .. ,:. ••• : -1 • • .. -• • .... \ .... t~w,oi*an Fight ' . . . School Desk Safety .Hit . ' : . . A ca~se -:Jlleaded for morniq . rouftdg .....-.. -. cma ,,.... r. tersection early th.ls momina Ud ,..,.. med and demoliJbed a lmlll car c1rryin1 two Huntiniton Beach men lo work, in- juring both. .Ralph Roth, ..,, of 20732 Kelani Lane, was admitted to Costa Mei1 Memori.il HMpit.al · lbr' obServaUon after , being treated for face, chest ind arm .lacera- tions. _ • ' James P. Young, 38, of 21101 Miramar Lane, driver or the sinall car which was eastbound M Viclorl1 Street a.t Canyon Drive, was treated for face lacerations and released . P_o!lce uid Jesus S. SanHnl, 311, of 1705 Third St.. Santa Aha, was northbound on Canyon Drive, leaylng O!!wey's _H.Ub~i!h__ .• By. GEORGE LEW . "The small cubby-hole on the side isn't Servic"F""when the 1:10 a.m. collls.lon oc-· · "Of* DallY·; ... •",.' , • · 1 wide enough to hold bis wt1ck009t1:11·she . curred. A first gra(ie: teacher·•t Wilson SCbool_idds. "Our Science book won't. ev!n fit Officer Dick DeF'ranci!co. said the im·· In· Costa Mesa 11 waglni 1 one-woman into It. pact shoved th! little" car northeasterly , . across the interseetion and up an em-battle for understanding of ·the effects · Worse for a teac~r wh<I wa nts lo make bankment. ~"' achoo! budget cu'tbacks have on chillien: the most and best_possJble use ol htr A trio of girls from Orange suffered Mrs. Ann Mc:Clurg has for seven years cl1ssroom, the desks make it bnpoulble minor injuril!! Wednesdly night In 1 dou4 been unhippy with the slant-top; com· to gaUfer clUldren in· gr oops "btcauiie bte rear-end collision that sandwiched bination chair-desks found in· aU the children can ,only g' et into them from the their small sedan, just .!ll!COnds ifter they had climbed out. classroonfs at her school. ' left side ," Arlene J : Baldwin, 20, Sharon M. Trot· C18irriing they are inadequate · and . Although .first grade -students come ·ln ter, 20, ind Cheryl A. Everett, 19, said unufe because they Up ovei, Mi1~ various 11zei;" the 1mall deiks in her tliey would go to Uieir own -doClOr! fof" McCJurg toted one of .the desks to a room ire just <1ne size.' ,. treatment. Newport-Mesa Unified School district "No matter bow much Bradley Police said Miss Baldwin was driving . south <1n Newport Boulevard at Fair bo'1d meeting thUI week lo lhow Elli&OO<t, •. srowa this ·year," Mrs. Drive about 10:30 p.m., when her car hit truJtees. , McClurg said, "he'U tiave only this desk the rear of 1 stopped vehicle driven by "The1e poorly designed desks should to use even though it is 'ti1ht' on him Anthony Determ1n, 23, or IMIO Governor ' . --1 . A -'lnvolVlff Loo ..... County sberlll'1· lieputia, dly poD:t.~i: thoU .. ~, lll)reUIU.•tnr iller I lmll" of llrebombo 1nd· ~ missiles, erupted in Eaat 'LCll Anpie• · Wfdnesa1y ntahL The violence on thi 180th annfvm,ary of Mezico'1 indtpendenci ftorri Spain left a.t least 50 J>ert0ns 1rrqted, 30 Jhjured - Including JS.lawmen>-anCI new hoitllity hanging In the air todly, , One sheriff's inspector was hospilallzt:d In poor condition after beinc hit in the head' with 1 rock; a deputy Was shot i.r1 the arm and a Chicano youth just watching critically wounded ,by a sniper. Charges of harassment durlii1 the Mex- ican Independence ~y Partde and lnJl)e outbreak that lollowed were denied by a~erJlf~s depUUes and city police wh_p bat· tied rl0ter1. Besides Mexican lndependence, the demonstratton reflected ,nger al the death of ~ewsm1n Ruben Slllllr, 42, of 3118 S. Rita Way, Sant.a Ana, while he covered .a barrio outbreak three weeks ago. 1 "We're tired or seeing Chicano blood on the boots of the 'ladrons'·," screamed One youth, mine an epithet which can be Christmas -Graft Class Offered By Costa Mesa never have been' purchued, rven yeara now.'.' SL , Cclsta Mesa.. l!&Q~d.-Brad-ltands-nearJy..-.a-foot-taller-than-~c:a~rs.had.stopped_in-the-1djacenf-l1.nes-Yotrmay-not"hl\leUiiugfitil:ii1Jt-1t~ La . Cb . ho f to offer help, police said, when a third there are only about 98 'lhoppin1 daya Cmnparing lhe tiny 13 hr 18 Inch desk urie IUVU> w ita nicely irilo the vthiCle driven by Kirilhumar K .. Kadakia, left until Christmas. ·.. ~ _ · top with 1s\e:ndard18 by 24 inch one. she desk. 27, ol 160 w. Wilson St.,·iwung •round Novel Christmas cra!ts. ls just one ot 1 noted the built in slanted ·top causes Mrs. McClur1's concern is amplified by them ind into O, wreck. , variety of claues soon lo be sponsored by "~ls and crayons to roU off onto U»e the' knowledge. tliit while other, newer the Costa Mesa. Recreation Departmeat floor·" ' 1ehools in the di.sthct have betn illoca1"d " • in its. fa.II schedule. "When die Child picks tbem up, thiJi .,_desks wu .... Moote Visto llldl!iy valley Pho tog Registration ·ror all fall ocUviUe1 will ~-hie~ li_PI over." _View~ bave not. J begin Thuraday, Sept. 241 running I p.m. ___ _ _ _ _ -to8p.m.,andFrid1y-andSaturday,Sept. -.. Pie. ' Others coiled ldr dolth lo Ibo~ --- llurlifll-1111 ............ Utt ._, ottwr Jlelril. , :1 t I .. : About 250 otncerr -'&omt wida • revolvers· drawn and •wiaainc llfttll 1Ucb -· clashed with tbe 1 youths ,at. tba) t: north em! of B,elvedere Pm Jn predonU11antly M e x l c a n • A:meiicu. '> East Los Angeles. , . ....,.. The ~k .i• about a mile from the-. acene of Aug. 29 rioting Jn wlik:h three ~ persons, includirur Salizar dJed. '?'."" •• 'S_ • Deputies said aeveral small fires Illa' ·-; W!!fe ser·at nearby Eut Lot An&dtl · """ '\ Colle1e. . · . ~.:. .. > The youths set lire to a large trailer u. ed a.s a ~rade rtTl~ stand and to & fiatlted true\_ uoecLto. carry_ piirtM!o ..., bleachers. M the main,confrontaUon wa1'bnlien UP._, deputies 1klnnished with . _)'CIUJ.IC- penohFptherinc-along many~' ..!>-" atreets •round the park. ·' • "" Officers around the park were ,.itm ·· wjth IDlAll pavinf stones ripped from ' front yards of nearby homes. The disturbance bro~ out ·about •n hQUr after the colorful, pw:efur pirtit watched by an eJtimated 200,000 penaaL About ZOO civilian parade monitors bad helee~ b~edl of sherilra deputies ""'cm-.•. tr~1_lhe CJ!Wd _.!IQng ~ 21k-mUe ~ada ..... rou e. When the last units ·of lhe four-block· long parade reached the route's end at Belevedere Park, the crowd ~ "without incident. I ' A police helicopter hovered above u dozens or no.t.s 1plubed with bri1ht J>lpler mache trimminp moved in front• r1.-the-feative;-~ntly-Mnican----< Americ1n .crowd, at time.I five deep on the sidewalk. ' --~ 0r..,. «:.en "Hundrecb of children hive been pJ d Inn· 25 and 28, from 9 a.m .. to 1 p.fn . at the IJ'ldulted from wllaOa eacb yeor. &otnc ea s oce~t Civic Center, 77 Fa~ Drive. We•a-er from flnt ~ 1lJ:th graile without .ever Information about the foUowing classes Sal1ry of Sal1ry Annuol hiving tbe opportunity to J~lt in a stan-J S Ch -to be offered '9-'Y l:te obtained by cilling Hazy 1unshlnt. will beam 1Jter. Finance Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • e.e 5 dlrd lllle delk.""Mrs. M~g notes. n ex . ~!ge 83H303. the recreation deportment held· nat•ly thrOUllh ·the for Ind 1 .... ll0,848 "If tbe diltrict ls unable at this time to quarters: , cloud.1 •Ion gtht aeaahore Friday, equalize i:nd updllt' our equipment, then A 32-year-old Fountain Va J J e y Beginning and~ ~dvanced 1rt Jn-with tem~ratures jumplnc:· up to Personnel ind Central Services lilont(!f , . , • 5~ . ,Public Works Director .... _ .••••• , , ••••.•• !luildlng and Safety Director , , , , , , . , , , , .. , 5 '9.4 5 I 5' 5 -5 Planning Director ..... -.......... ·-..................... -4"..J.O.~-· Police Chief ............................. 10.2 Fire Chief ................. , .... ,, .. .. . .. 8.5 Communic1tions Director •....•... , •.•••.•• J0.2 ' ' Recreation Director ...•.•.••.•... , .•.••.. , 10.2 Parks Director .................• , ... , .... 5 Street and Parlcw1y .Director •...••.•..... , 6.2 Goll Cour9' Superintendent .. . .. . .. . • .. . .. • 6.8 . . • • . . . . • • 5 5 5 10 5 •5 2.S 5 5, " Sl3,UI . another adKIGI lhould be made to huale photographer accused of kidnapln1 a 17·. 1tructloo for ehtldf'en add adults. q,e 72-88 range oo tba coat and wllh tfteae desb aDd W. lite -Wilson ltU· year-old Costa Meu girl and forcing her -TeMls, tumblinc. elementa of further inland. -------1----t 819,841 dents join the 1in' l"WJ.~'-W...addt. into a 11x perversion ~-p.le.a_ mod~ ei:erciae for.....1-to-JJ.yev-ofds;~1---- '18 900 lldlool Supt. Wllllom CUMingbam and or Innocent and liiSbeen ordered to •J> yogi and 1lim·llld·trim. INSmE TOD~ Y ' Mrs. Mc:Chll'( bepn .,.)dog an·the·deok puLloc..prWminlry-helrU.,.S.pl~:U 11 . -Beginntn'-<quare-dllldiig;-mmct-1------------>---< ,18,-,_jl(ObJOJJl iu• •-•··, ll'--· ., Weal Drlll~ Count• Muilici~• c~•.M • d•a~ocmini nd cooi..rotin "•• totu.-• .. --I-~. Wheth<r or not the Wail _, dilcom!d tbe~id 1nve~1 di nol HilTif Orange ~nty .. hj~ograms. --~ -. .. _ trttt,..bur-marklr hal-ttriialt,-- ,20,&M li!l. delks by shes and it was found to be . '50)000 bail is Robert C. Albript, 111862 :-Children's beginNng and continued tur.ntd around, th.t DotD-Jone1 · 119,848 lmpoaalble lo know for certain how many Arotuus St. He. pleaded innocent lo all drama workshops, do& obedience; In· Industrial Average ii on tM de1ka were Involved. counl! Tuetd1y which include uuult te~ffYe rhyth ms for $ to 7-Year.Cldl wa,. back. Sylvia Porter dU-. · j $14,808 Dr. Cunningham nee<ted. Ind Mrs. wlUJ • dtadly weapon, ~. 1ex 1 anit lpOr'tl"camp for ~Ren. ewst! ft on· Pogt ZB, toda,., • McCurs gladly volunteered, an 1ft. ~and ·..,._slton.of ii\arijuana ...i...Candle-matln1, bt,tMina 1Utclm7 .,,.. , --.. t '14,100 ventory. • ~ ~ dnlp,. _ ind lntermedllte Ill~. . -• -" ilf,&S2 When it was detemtined thrte ldtools' Albri1ht tp'attaP!Ufedjast friday after !o relitlv~ly ntw._.cl111:,. .macr1rn,:• ;=:u. : =.: • 1: • f\l"Tliture w11 lnvofved~ UiNllillOnl ponce ·offftn allepdly dilled him 1titch1n1 wUI also be ottered, accordlll' ~ •• ..._ c:..tr• ~ $15,93& delayed •cUon. through· Fountain Vllley and Costa Men. lo RecreaOob °'f>artrnent aide TOOi ~ :: =,.,.. ..: ~ H<1wtver, following "'Mn. M~ur1'1 lnv~Stl11tors taJd the auspect foUoWtd Popovllz. . .. °""" """"" ' i=---1'1:~ 114,808 boa.rd of education •PPeennct Tttndly; the 11rl1 forced her Into hi1 automobile Macrame' .atltching, If you dldn't :::: ... ~':" ,; ~ " • F1cilities ond Equipmen! Dirt<:tor •1•.1_00 ::i=~tws:": ~k·:· ~i~tl:: :~ ~~·ie:i ~;::he~ w: • ~ ·.a~t"-~ ~. ·~1:~=·~k·-·-=-.. ~ ·n an~ ti --------'-<::-'lurnibn: replaceralnt~ldl1n.Jt, 1-=~='--"--'=:,::;--_,,__. .... L r ' ' , . • • y . ~ I 01.JLV PILOT 1 C ThurMly1 Stpt...W ;11. lt1C , .. .. l ..... """ """; 'Never E%1~ted' ,..,,-_,_ ( _,.,.,.,_ I . • ~ . ~ ~--3% Mlle,s /· , ,-J ___ Pair---Deni.es ~Pa~~~ ;M~iDeS ~Uonate ~ ' 0 ID:S ---n elay"'" eac ~--' The president of the 1rvine· COll).PQY the two entities that mu&t work to1ether ·--,.·n·d-a Newport •Beach city coundlmah. on commonc-o-ncehls !Or the good of-the .. ;lili·---"'By JOHN VALTEllZA. Of ,..,..,., ,. ..... had discussed the possibility or NewpofJ. entire c<immunlty¥' d~llyjn& 1nne1ation, of the controversial The st.atement said. the subject of the ~CoWns Radio Compllly property, but I jncorporatlo~ of t1:1e city or Irvine. p.11pers "secret pact" never existed, both men for which· were filed Friday, w11 nevu said. today. discussed. ;,We would llke to Jay to rest, once and "There was no agreements made; there for all. an erroneous report that there had were no guarantees offered ; and 'there been (such a) 'secret pact,' " Irvine Pres-were no understandings rHched of any ident Willilm Jl Mason and Newport ~ort. AJ:ld oo one ~as ever said there were. COuncllman Carl Kymla aald th1a mQrn-in public or In pn"la~e. to any member of ini in a joint atatement. the pre~ Qr at any Cily_Cooncil meeting." The poulbility of delayifll aMex1tlon • The c1.ty of Newport moved ahead with procedures waa tbe. aubject only of "an .-.annexauon procedures·Monday night af. lal~discuaion," they aa!d. t~r Kyml11 reported on t,.he matter to the "There was a dlscuuion," the stat~ City ~ncll . · ment ~id, "JtWaa.-._n informal di1CUSSlon He po1~~d out th~t the C~n7ll of the held last week between.r.Jty Councilman Commuruues of Inrme had flied for I ~ Carl Kymla and lrvtne ComP,.ny Pres!· cor.poration ~ri~y ancfhad included the dent Willlani R. MalOn oii the PoSsl.bllitf 177-acre Collins &Ile within its boundaries. of the city holdin1 the Collins anneutlon (DAILY PILOT records . show then ln·abey1nce until the Irvine.General Plan J<;ymla made the following statement: was heard before the Oranie County "The (Irvine) council left us .no choice Planning Commiuion and the Board of but to move ahead now rather than cG- Supervisora. oper·ate as had been planned. The Jr. --"Mr.-Mason c·oncurre<t wlththls pro. ine .. Ot:impAny-asked"""US-=n to continu~....,. posal, which was advanced by.Mr. Kymla <our a~ryrx:ation "proceedings) pending &s one meana ot heallna: a breach between presentation of the general plao to the County PlaMing Commi~sion and Board ·School District Drug Program Under Way The Newporl·Mesa Unified School Diltriet's kinder1arten to ei&hth grade student.I will lurn "Uaer1 Are Lolers" as a district-wide dru& abuse prosram 1et1 under way .this falf.. Di.!trlct Superintendent William Cun- ningham, said 12,000 copies of a 16--page, illustrated pamphlet "Users Are-Losers" will be 1mon1 educallonal tools used in the K4 proaram launched this semester. Prepared under the dlrecuon of Oran1e County Sheriff James A. Musick, the pamphlet ls being provided by the Irvine Company, free to the district. "The decision to conduct the drug abuse prevenUon progr1m in all schools stems from a succtssful pilot proiram last year in sil dlstrict schools," Cun· ningham said. Although pilot results were "excellent'' Cunningham noted "we realized we need· ed more too la for 1tudy, somethina the kjds would enjoy reading and understand. "I think the booklets the Irvine Com- pany is contributing will be extremely UJeful Jn the pro1r1m ." he 11id. "They te!J about dru11 by u1in1 a comic book format in a langu11e . the youngsters understand.'' The prosram will be part of regular claiises, "such 11 physical educaUon and social studies," b11ed on the experience of. other districts which "scheduled' special classes and held assemblies without much 1ucct11," Cunningham noted. of Supervisors. "After the Local Agency Formation Commilalon 4-1' VQte (approving the an· nexation) the posaibility of delaying an- nexation prhcedures for an adequatejime to discuss (the entire situation) with coun· ty planners and su~rvisors was dis- cussed . As of last Thursday the (Newport) council was to hold .the matter in abey· ance until (public} hearings in November , •• The ba!J 1ame chan&ed Friday." Wedding 'Rumor' On Wallace Hit MONTGOMERY, Ala . .(UP!) -The woman rwnored to be Gov.-nomlnate George C. Wallace· .. choice as Alabama's next first lady lays it's just a rumor. Cornelia Ellis Snively 31 , said Wed- nesday she had not ~ceivtd any proposal of marriage from Wallace. She said two reports she would marry him after the' inauguraUon Jan. 18, 1Q70, were ''just rumors." · Wallace ha_s made no comment on the reports. A divorcee and mother of three, Mrs. Snively had been romantically linked to Wallace, a widower and father of four . Mrs,_Snively is the daughter of Mfa, B. F. ~ustin of Montgomery and Tuscaloosa, a sister of fonner Gov.\Jamea E .. "Big Jim" rolsom. ' ' ' ' ' " Reagan 1 Signs Bill SACRAMENTO (UPI). -Gov. Ronald Reagan has signed a bill allowing police to auction confiscated sporting firearms rather t.l;lan dispose . of them, his office .artnounced We~ay. . ., \ , ltla11 a11d Machine • Gfant shovel being used to gouge and scrape bottom o{ Dana Point Harbor towers over workmen. Material dredged from the harbor bottom is being dumped at Doheny State Beach to make what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers describes as 11artificial surfing reef." . Sud at Doheny, a top suiiinf spot for years, has .been virtually.non· exi stent since construction o nearby harbor jetties. , · Coast · Group Cites Sewage ProhleminNewportBeach By RICHARD P. NALL 01 1119 D1llY 1"1111 Sllff The 130 million gallons of sewage being dumped into the ocean off Newport Beach every day may be followed up by far more "vicious" nonreclaimable in· dust rial waste from three ccunUts. This was the esseaof a report to the Orange County Coa$ Association this JTIQrniog in Laguna · ch. , Jlm Killingsworth, chairman of the association's Preserve or Perish Com· mittee. spoke of an agreemen t signed by Orange County Sanitation District with Riverside Coµnty to carry the "most vicious of all pollutants'' into the waters off Newport Beach. The nonreclaimable industrial waste would ·include· nitrates, phosphites, chrome1iodine1 and other chemical au~ stances. A hearing at Colta Mesa City Hall FJi.. day will take up the matter, Q.id Kill- ingsworth, who mentioned the incidents of malformed marine life off the local coastline. He said although the industrial waste • disposal proposition must be put to the, vo ters of Riverside County, the airee- ment has already been signed in Oranae County without being put lo any vote. Of the lJO.million-11llon . d 1 I I y discharge off Newport Beach, Kiii· ingsworth said, 85 percent does not receive secondary treatment -only primary treatment. There is considerable difference in the results of primary and secondary treatment, he noted. Death of Student ' Called Suicide The Or&nge County Coroner's Offi~ said today that the death of a 21-year-old UC Irvine student Sundly wu an appar- ent suicide. /)id .·' Weathermen' Help Timothy Lea,ry Escape? Secondary treatment produces a far purer effluent. Killingsworth said a 10.fOOt diameter · outfall line from the mouth of the Santa Ana River is being laid 27,400 feet oot along ¢e ocean floor. He said, however, that' outlets in the line will diffuse sewage onto the ocean floor-every 6.000 feet of leQgth. "When it is completed at the e'nd of the yur," uld Kllllngsworlh "the county sanltatlon dJstrlct plans to stop secondary treatment altogether. Officials refuse to go to secondary treatment." The coroner's office identified the youth as Kenneth Herald Lewis, a UCI junior. Lewis' body wu found at his UCI campus apartment by his roommate. From Witt Services -participation in his escape from Los Fugitive Dr. Timothy Leary apparently Padres Men's Colony and exhorts all-out got by with" a ntue help from his friends ·revolution. -as th~ Beatles' lyric goes -in his "The Weatherman underground has esca~ five days a~o fr?m a minimum-h~d the honor and pleasure of helping Dr. The U. S. Marlne Corps today &ave California 3.5 miles o( Jts beach. In an. announcement termed "a surprise" by the head of '~e State Department of Parka and .R.ecrealk.rl, tbe Corps broke 1 monlh•lona: deadlock in ffiene'gotiatlons for the precedent-setting beach opening issue and acceded to the compromise offer of the State •f California. And the reaction by state Parka Direc- tor William J!eM Mott wu one of quiet pleuure and pralae for ..;ianator Oeorp Murphy'• beh~ .. work to make the negotiations 1 aucctss. "Certainly we are plfaatd," Molt told the DAILY PILOT"tOday, "and I must admit that Jt came aa a 1urpriie at this point " • . . ' , He Pre4icted the hu,e new; beach'a opening ,to1 tbt public wlth tempor•ry faclllUes by 1\HI 1prln1, The Marine' CorP.11 which originally t1dWnTI!l11mn !Wm 1on1wrrir• was Its limit, announce<t the prtcedent·· setting decision thi4 mornina:. Tbe releue of the blufl1 anc1-beauti"'1 beach directly downcout of San Onofre ii a blatoric event for the larj:est milltary inltallaUon in the world. The beach will bt the lint portioo ol the Camp Pfndleton ltrand ever opened fM public UM. The official atatement by the COrpl 1;11~ Ullt the ~~I would _be_co~· patible with the needs for ttaiftln1 aloilf tht shoreline. "The Marine Corps bellevu the present pr-I will be ill the best Interest of the · public and Win wilt in meeun1 ex·· panding community needs for recrutloa in C1ltfornil," the announcement said. Mott -despite earlier npiorta that negot11Uona have been 1tralned -pr1il- ed the Corps' coopefltlon in the t&IU which be11n. iarlf thla year. Jle 1bo praJltd the active Involvement fl Governor ·Reqan, Senator Geotp Murphy and Pruident Nl•on for. their "keen i.ntereat' 'In the Jaue. DilclllSlona on the bucb m•ttera arose between thole atate and national l11der1 Computer Needs· To Be Explored By School Board The Newporl·Meu Unified School District will take 1 look · al lta computer oliJ«Uvu before l1lr1Jler ClllllllderaUon" ol ~t=~~~ ~:ii 1:1g,,;1~i: At the ur11ng ol lnlstee Donald A. Strauss, the bOard asked district ad· ministrators lo provide a "1elf.analysi1 of . district objectives" for board review at jt.s Oct. fi meeting, At that time the board will consider hiring an out.side consultant to "examine what we are doing to reach those ob- jecLives and whether or not 90me are worth .u11Jir computer• to achieve," president Selim S. Franklin said. Armed with an 4ccurale definition or the district's computer needs. Slraus.s ~ntended, talks with the cities would prove more frulUul . Supt. William Cunningham had asked the board to consider a joint meeting with the city councils to explore a joint feasibility 1tudy of the computer sharing proposal which he contended could in· elude definiUon of achool need!. Lewis is survived by his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Alton Lewis, 451 f Hedda St., Lakewood, and two sisters, Elaine Lewis and Mrs. Carolyn McLendon. ~ecur1ty prison ~t San Luis Obis~. Timothy Leary escape from the PO\Y A special delivery letter received by camp at San Luis Obispo " the text United Press International iii Los Angeles reads. ' ·wrap a room in velvet! Graveside 1ervices will be held for Lewis Frli!ay al l p.m. at Loma Vista Memorial Park in Fullerton. DAllY PILOT OIAHGt COASt 1"\111..llMtNG COM•AN'I" -l•Mrt...b'. w • .4 Th•Mlt IC•••ll lolllit<'" Th•"''' A. M~r,.hi ~1 M111ftllll folltt~ C• ... 111 ... Office JJO W•1f lty SlrHI M•ili~t Aiir•t11 P.O. I•• 11•0, t1•16 OtMt Offtc• H.....,.t -.Cllt n 11 wnt ltroo1 ..,,t.,.•ff l91UN IN<~! m l'lfftl Al'ellue HV"I""..., hldl; 11*1' l11ch ltul..-•'11 a.it 1;11-lt: as l'llr1h I I C..1111oot •Ml Wednesday claims ~he ~ltra·radical Los Pad res is known as the country Weather!'"'en grou~\ass1s.ted him. club of the California prison system. but The letter urging violent revol ution !he Weatherman Jetter c!alrns it is one of bears signatures purporting to be those of the Establishment's con ce nt ration the 4!}.year-old former Har v a rd camps . psychology l)rofessor ., and Weatherman A statement attributed to Leary en- comman~ Bernadette Dohr~. dorses sabotage, airliner hijac kings, and Aut~r1t1es checked the signatures or even more personally directed violence. lhe . 1_>11r -bofh wanted by the FBI as Dr. Leary had served six monlhs of a ,fug1t!ves -and said th~y. appear to be maximum IG-ycar sentence for his co n· genwne, mmpared to originals. . . vlction on possession of marijuana --Leary..-1i-fr~t-~auna Beach vi1it4>r charges tn Orange County Superior Court who was arrested the~ Dec:· 26, 1968, ap-last March. pears to be fast abandorung the lov~ based-on-drugs doctrine he once preached to America's youth. He proclaimed in the letter jhat he must oow be considered armed and 11. danger Lo anyone who threatens his life or· ~ntinued freedom. The Jetter. mailed at the Los Angele! Main Post Office, boasts of Weatherman Helicops Catch Y oi.mg Arsonists A palr of HW)tlngton Beach . boys, unaware they were being ~·atched by a Costa Mesa Police he..licopter crew. were Miss Dohm. along ·with o I he r \\'eathermen who have taken credit for Severa l major bombings, is sought for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution as the result of Chicago mob action, plus violation of antiriot Ja\~1s and conspiracy. Leary, who was considered a low•risk prisoner for escape and was thought to be adapting well as an Inmate. added a grim warning: "I am armed and considered dangerous lo anyone who threatens my life or freedom ." - -D .. 11.Y~•1L01,....ia..-k• " ,..,...,.,. ,,.._ -e-...i.t-immediately· Wednesday niihl:-af. NlWI ....... lo ..... 1111111 olllly flCftll kofo• '""•" , ...,. ... ....,.,. .. 11 ....... ......-a..c11. ter actUng a brush fire. Sendof f Tickets Still Available-' -• 11.......n Mecfl. C-• ..... "'""'""!.... Pilot Randy Nutt and Observer Officer .. tell .... '-Mlllt Yellef', .... """' ,.... ... '-' •11....._ or.. c.u• '-"""" Chuck Duvall radioed the location of the , COQUILLE from M1911ific.111f C•11 will• \re1il••t'll, •• 1ilky 1oft •n ~•1191111 11 w1!.,.t. All Anfr•11® 11ylo1t, tl•1nt li•• • 4r••"'· K1 •1·lot lt•fll•~• 1 k1i~·llly.i. 22 c.olori . Ill.ti 11111· ,._ this 11t summer when th.!..Pre1ldtnt hosted .the Reagans •nd the-senator to a dinner at the Western White House. Sinct. lben, Mott intimated, lhe ·senator · lw-liken atl active role in wlMing Marine. accep(ttice of the state com· promise olfei'. · _ Mott was noncommittal about other tempests stirred bY the beach issue - tbe .\atat of-which raged In Washln1ton . D.C., between recently elected Rep. John G. · Schmitz of Tu.Un and fellow Republican Alphonio Bell. Schmitz assailed B.ell's interest bl the beach as an encroachment into Schmitz.' territory. Bell rttorted that the John Birch Socie- ty member from 'I\J.sUn was a11in1t the ope:nin1. of .the beach to the public. That bltUe now, however, h11 become moot. And the CQncem c,if the slate l)arks of· flcials b11 ahlfted from the once·1rowing controversy of the M1rine Beach to how rshould0 be'"developed. "Our ,greatest initial problem Is bring- ing a -por.l;tble water supply to the new atate park, then inatallation of temporary l!lanitary. faciUtles," Mot\ aald. Alter the ln!tlal work on the blufftops, a cut will nave to be made in the face of the palisades below to allow for public access to the sands. "We will .probably be able to provide only one initial point of access at first ," Mott said, "and the public will have to walk from there, but it will be improved as time gc:ies on and we get an ap- propriation for permanent facilities. '1 Mott last saw the beach a few weeks ago when be and his aides traveled to San Onofre for a personal vis it. , Mott and hiJ aides have negotiated for the land through "this year, but the Issue over opening of a part of the Mirine be1chfrnnt has bee11 u.e: subject of ye&ra of work. From Pqe 1 JORDAN ••. "the siruation l! serious.'' The guerrillas' Damascus-based "Voice of the Palestinian Revolution" radio call· ed on the Arab revolutionary pow"rs to "act to atop the bloody massacres." It said the Arab people were waiting for the decision. In an emoUonal voice the announcer cried. "Amman is burning. Smoke is seen everywhere in Amman. The · agents (government troops) are shelling· the populated areas everywhere." !'Liberal! of lhe Arab world, liber11J1 of ' the whole world, stop the horrible massacre that our people are facing In ,Jordan/' 'the broadcast S8ld. "Stop this massacre, the liKe of which history has nev~r witnessed." During the day the fighting spilled over into Lebanon and Palestinian guer· rillas seized lhe Jordanian embassy in Beirut. Syria had threatened to intervene on the side of the Palestinians, and the guer· rilla's radio appealed to lhe 12,000 to 15,000 Iraqi troops stationed in Jordan to join ln ,tbe fighting. Israel watched events carefully, prepared to intervene if its security is threatened. · · There was no word on the fate of I.he f)4 hijack hostage.s held by guerrillas in various parts of Amman or of tht 100 Americans and lW Britons stationed in the Jordanian capita.I. Tbe Americarrs were told Wednesday to atay close to their homes. IF YOU CAN'T COMt JN-CAL( fir •~ ••1t•ri c.0111u!t1nt who will . CO"'• f• )'•U• ~om• "'ith ••111111., wa~eul ·~., elili9tli111 f• youl I · c-nv· IJlf'IMilll ,.... ..,. '' 11,." w_., • r1·-~1ch blac•···' a •·1r acre on ••· ...... l/'olll,. JM~ .,.., ....ii '"'' WU lloCIM:\.I llCI WIG Tickets for 8 lulu of a lua u to send off retiring Costa Mesa City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie in style are. still availa ble, organiura reminded today. You Javoritt in ttrior dcrioner \Dill bt haPW to U$ltC iiov ••• "v '"'"'· c..tt """"· COSta Mesa tldt oi tJ\e Santa Ana River, t•••it .a-.n4t "''-4321 behind Fairvlew,State Hospital. o.-.. .Wso11 · 1 '41·1671 The boys, both 10, were picked up at c.,,,...,.1 • ..,., °'..,.. ,..., """'""""" It.he tcene Qoul 5 p.m. and charged wllh =•· ~ .... ":" _,.;~~'r:": · •1'90n. then releued to their. pattnts ~- ,..., ... ,..,..,._. •""""' 11tK1t• -· ding Ofance County Juvenile Court IC•, "'"'"" "' ,...,..""' ... -. tion. - ._,... c1ew .......... 1111 " H•.....-t •••di One admitted iiettinto the fire with .... CO.II ~ ~ltfw1111 . .,.._rlefllll t'I' 111 ~'"""a• --..i .., -'' .,_. ~..,, m1Cchea supplied by the. other, who told '"111 .. '' ...-i-. ., .• -1111•· lice be talked hla at into d l • • The party featuring cocktails and cn1crtalnmcnt will be Sunday. Sept. 2U 1t 5 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Golf and Coun- lry Club, priced at S3.75 per person. Not only city employcs. Dul all ~lcKenzle"s fr iends arc lnvlted lo join the· fciitivlty. say$ Jane Angel. who may be contect.td at ci ty hall for further In· formal Ion. -' H.J.GAR.R.tfT fURN~l1JRE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS , -HT "OUI UVOLVINlf CHAllfll- Opoo M•. non. • "'· 1•11. lllS HA~IOR I LVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646.017' \ • • r -. , .. • VOL. 63, NO . 223, j SECTIONS, 42 PAGES " ' . _,,, ORANG'E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ,. THURSDAY; ,SEPTEMBER 17, 1970 . • • .. TEN CENTS __ ,,, Ass·oeiation "Repoi;ts on Ocean Sewage ·By RICHARD 'P, NALL Of IM DlllY ,llft Si.ff ' The 13(1 million gallons ol sewage being dumped into the octiin off Newport Beach every day may be followed up by far more "vicious'' ponreclaimable in~ dustrial waste from Lhree counties. This was I.he essence of a report to the Orange County Coast Association this morning in Laguna Beach. Jim Killingsworth,• chairman of lhe association's Pr:eserve or Perish Com- mittee, spoke of an aireement signed bx - Orange County Sanllation I?istrlct with . Riverside County to carry the "most vic!ous of all pollutant!11 into the' waters off Newport Beach_ . Thi nonreclaimable industrial waste would include nitrates, phosphates, chromes.iodines and other chemical sub- stances. J A hearing at Costa Mesa City Hall Fri- day will ·take up the matler, said Kill- ingsworth, who mentioned the incidents · of mallormed marine liff off the local coastline. · Marines Give Up Seafront Land By JOHN VALTERZA Ot "'-0.llY ,1191 Sl1ff The U, S. Marine Corps toda y gave Californi~ 3.5 miles of its beach. In an announcement termed ''a surprise" by the head of the State Department of Parks and Recreation, the Corps broke a months-Jong deadlock in the negotiations for the precedenl-seUing beach opening issue and accf9cd to the compromise offer of the State of California. And the reaction by State Parks Direc- lor William Penn Mott was one of quiet pleasure and praise for Senatqr Ge<irge Murphy's behind-the-scenes work to make the negotiatio ns a success', "Certainly we are pleased," ~loll told the DAILY! PILOT today~ "and I mu st 1dmit that il came 11 • surprise 1t this poinl" He predicted the huge new beach's ~n.ing lo the public with temporary f1ellitJes by next spring. • The Marine Corps, which originally held that 1.5 miles of beach for five yea rs \\'as its limit, announced the precedent- setting decision lhis morning. The release of.the blurfs and beautiful beach directly downC1lasl of San Onofre is a historic event for "1.he largest military installation in the world. The beach wHI bl the first portion of the Cam p Pendleton strand ever opened for public-use. The oHicial stalemenl by the Corps said that the opening would be com- patible with the" needs for training 1long the shoreline •. "The Marine Corps believes the present.. proposal will be in the best Interest of the public and will assist in meeting ex~ ptf!Hing community needs for recreation in California," the announcement said. , Mott -despite earlier reports th11t negotialions have been strained -prais- .. (See BEACH, P11e !, Jordan Troops Pre.vail, Issue Truce Demands By · UaUed Pre11 International The Jordanian Arn1y, apparently v.i n- 11Jng It! civil w~r with the Palestinian guerrillas, said tonight it was prepared for a cease-lire and laid down a series of stiff conditions. Guerrilla leaders in broadcasts over Damascus radio called on their allies to intervene and "slop th is horrible massacrl!'!." The Army announce ment came shortly 11fter the Jordanian government warned Syria and Iraq against intervention and 11id it now CC'ntrolled three. quarters of Woodland Riot Report to Air Due Wednesday Following 111n executive session after Wednesd111y night's City C.ouncil meeting, Laguna Beach M111yor Richard ~.ol~berg 1ald an official report on the city s In· ves!jga tion of the July 4. Woodland Drive rlof will be released st 7 p.m. next Wednesday. Goldberg said the statemen~ will .be made at an adjourned council session preceding the study se.ssion schedyled for 7::l0 o'clock that evening. It will be a summary of findings made hy a three-member commiU.ee of inquiry, maM up of Goldberg. former city manager James Wheaton and Coun- cllm111n Charlton Boyd, during several days of he3rlng! last m~lh. Woodland Drive residents. pollce officers and other. Interested persons lestlfied on the July 4 melee that brought police units from 1ix agencies to the Sce ne of a disturbance in- volving up to 200 persons. f,oldberg said ooe more cquncll c:r- tcutlve ses~lon will be held in the interim to SC'lrt out the voluminous teftimony presented during the hearings. TM preliminary &essions are closed because information involYC3 city pcrsolf. ncl. Ammin. It had battled with tanks Md artillery throughout the day against guer- rilla rifles and machineguru .. The.-Army made these three demands of the guerrillas -an immediate end to the guerrilla shooting, retention of the Army within the cities and withdrawal of guerrillas from the cities. It said it.would help them go to any point along the cease-fire line with Israel. Amman raido said a four-m11.n Arab League mediating mission will urging an immediate cease-fir.e in Amman and fout... olher major Jordanian cities that were scenes of major fighting throughout the day. The cease.fire appeal came amid in- creasing indications the guerrilla! were getting the worst of it in ,fighting which began before dawn t,oday. A spokesma n for the Al Falah group in Beirut admitted "the situation Is serious.'' The guerrillas' Damascus-based "Voice of the Palestinian Revolution '' radio call· ed on the Arab n!volutionary powers to "ac~ to stop the bloody massacrl!'!s." tt said the Arab people were waiting.for the decision:/ ' ' In an emotlona.I voice .the announci!r cried, "Amman la burnin1. Smoke ii leeft everywhere In Amman. The 11ents (government troops ) ire ahellln1 the populated areas everywhere." "Liberal! of the""Arab world.,. llber11! of Ole-who le world, 1top ttie horrible massacre th1t our people are facing in Jordan," the broadcast said. "Stop thi1 massacre, the like of which hiltory haa never witnessed." During th< day U.. li&flting spilled over lnto Lebanon and P•estinlan gutr· rllla! seized the Jordanian embassy in Beirut. · · Syria had threatened to intervene on the side of lhe Pa1estinians, and *-per• rilla's radio appealed to the 1noo to 15.000 lraql troop! stationed ln Jordan to join in the rtghtlng. Israel watched events carefully, prepared to intervene if Its security is threatened. -...) He said although the industrial waste disposal proPoSilion mu.st be put to th~ vctte..r-ot"'Riverside -county, the aeree- ment has already ~n signed· In Or1nge County without being put to any vote. · -· Of the 130-m11lion-gallon d a i I y discharge off Newport Beach, Kill- ingsworth said, 85 percent does not receive ~ treaitment -only primary trei.tmeJJt .. 'nlere Is considerable difference in the ruults of primary and secondary treatment, he noted. Secondary tre.atment produces a far purer effluent. • .... " ..,._..__ Killingsworth uld a to-fool diameter ouUall line from the mouth _of the Santa • Ana Rive( is being laid 27,400 f~ out along the ocean floor. . · He said, ho"ver, that outlets in the line will dfffuse sewage onto the oeean floor every &,000 fJet ol length. "When it b cOmpleted 1t the end of OM; year," aaid Killinpworth ''the county sanitation rustrict plans to atop -ry lttatment altogether. Officials refuse to go to secondary treatment." He Aid in San Die&o County (and ~ I . ' . Orange Counly oouth of SO.th Laauna). -Why does the San Diego rqlon pro- lhe.,Slate Regional Water Quality Control .vlde more protection for Its beachea than Board, San Diego region, dOes nOt permit Orange County (Santa Ana River )luln any sewige with only primary treatme Water QuaJity Cbntrol Boa )! 'to be discharg~ into" the ocean. Orange c.Ounty I! not being properly Kil_lingsworth raised these -estjons : cautlous,.he charged. -Why is ,San Diego -..rH-more--con.--. L. OjCap" Blackburn, chai(man ot cei:necl with sew~e~scharge into the Ifie association, a c c o m p·a n i e d KiU.. ocean and other receiving waters than ingsworth. on a fact-finding tour. He uid Orange C6llllty?· . · '--...._ se,wage distrkt officials were evulve -Why dol!'!s San Diego ·area exert more when quesUoned about not having put the control ov'er the sewage discharge: 1tand-sewage' p'roject out to bid -staUnc they atda !hon Qr-County? · had oeJecfed ·the best engineer. . , en eac. DAILY 'J I.OT. SIMI ,..... Suppo11:ers Of Canines Won't Quit By BARBARA l<REIBICH OI ""' Otllf l"li.t Stiff A last-minute attempt by· tlie Laguna Beach City c.ouncu io modify its con- trovenial dog ban ordinance appeared. to have failed today when Rl_pporterl af a referendum to quash· the entire ordinance . announced thelr intention lo proceed with .: ' filing 111 their petlli<Jn8. it· · n.. referendum . petltionz,. bearing q;iore Ulan l.3l» 1lp1h,.. of -"I' ' td. !')lero.-w!D be filed-this-after.-w1111 Die dty clerk, wriltr Arnold llano !'Id aft.er conferenca wUb r e f e r e n d u m bickers. , 1 • . A mµti mum ol 1111 vei;fled llplul'W'. JO percent ofLaauna's reglmr~-., Js required to set nileren,:tum machiaeey tn motion. · Filing of 'the petitions will have tfie ef- fect ·of suspendmg the· ordinance. wblcb would· have Decome law Frida)' niglat, J9 days after its adoption by a 3 to 2 council ..i vote. . ' ' . . •, . . ' . . .. UNBELIEVING PASSERSBY PONDER CRASH. SCENE AT LAGUNA BEACH COFFEE 'SHOP Fortuni1tely,. the Cul tomers1 Hafll Alrl i1 dy Fln'lahed Th•t Second ·Cup of C.offff If sufficient signatures · are verifled by the Orange County re"gistrar. Of voters, the City Council must either reacind the oi'dinance" or submit It to the voters. -COuncilmen Rage Over Mobile Trailer Dispute A brief, bitter exchange belween lwo opposing San Clemente city cou11cilmen in the nagging controversy over mobile home parks raged.Jar .a time Wednesday before the cou11cil decided to kick a pro- posal for a new park back to the planni ng comn,iissioners "'ho unanimously ap- proved it last wee k. Councilmen Thomas O'Keefe and Wade Lower parried for a few moments i11 on,e of 'the bitterest council Qareups In months over the proposal by Lincoln Savings and Loa• tD build a deluxe co~h park on va· cant land near Shorecliffs Golf CourM!. O'Keefe, a slaunch foe of any mobile home park land e in that section of the city, reacted hotly when Dr. l.Awer asked him why O'Keefe was nol prese11t at a detailed presentation of the Lincoln plans be(ore planning commlMioners. Dr. l.Awer wit lmpr• by the park pro- posal. But O'Kee re, who was 011 vacation hi H1w1ll when commissioners unanimously approved the principles or lhe Lincoln developme11t, said he resented Dr. l.Awer's "inference that there was ~ dereliction of duty on my part." The matter arose when Dr. Lower moved that the conditional use permit for the development bf approved subjccL lo later conditions impbeed by the planl'ling commission. The motion ultimatcJy failed , but not before the e:rchange. "I sal in and saw the plans pror>osed by the developer and they were Impressive," Dr, I.Aw er said. · If the ordinance is rescinded or voted • down a& the result of the referendum, the 'Truck Loses'Its Brakes, council is forbidden by state law to adopt a almilar ordinance for 'a period of one year. In an attempt to :quiet aroused public opinion, the council voted ufianimoualy Wednesday" night to amend Ille dog ban to the extent of limiting beach reatrlcUons to the IUllU1lef mootbs, from June· 16 ·to Slams Into Coffee Shop· Sept. 15. - A aimilar amendment. offered by C.oun· A two-ton freezer truck cannonballed through the wall of Benton'sJCoffee Shop· in Laguna BeaCh this momtng, crushing. a booth just vac8ted but mirculo\.lsly ln· juring_no one seriously. "It sounded like an explosion," said. Mrs. Charles Be.nton, quoting one of the employes. The big square-body truck was about 10 feet into the building after losing its: brakes on the North Coast High~ay hill which descends lo the Broad'tf<IY in- tersection. The building's lntuior looked as if a bomb. had exploded. Persons at the scene said diners had just vacated the bo9lh dtstroyed by the truck. One woman complained of minor Injury but did not seek medlcal aid. On-lookers called-it a miracle that · there were not mangled bodies about. Tht truck driver, Victor D. PltDdonl. ~. of West Covina, told police he ba'd left lbe Cottage Re!taurant and, turned on to Coast Highway. He !aid he Jost his brakes on . the hill oppo11ite lhe AltW snack shop 151 ·N. Coast Hig!lway. Pandoui ·told police he had hill foof on the brake 111 the way to the noor and w11 trying to put the truck in low gear as he shot through the Broadway Intersection narrowly missing a car and traveling too rapidly to turn righ~ toward the beach. · Pandoz:ti, who was blasting a wamtng nn hl.s hom: i.oomed through the gas ltl- tionll adjacent Benton's arid pkrwed throu1h the walls of th< popular • breakfast spot. 133 S. Coast Highway. From the oull'ide the big food freezer (ruck seemed as7~f it just. !it Et~ ~e plaster cement wa ll!! It had devasted. Downtown spectators craned lo see through the coffee shop's glass front' as workmen picked up the debris and police questioned Witnesses. cilman Roy Holm on· Aug. 11,, prior to adoption of the ordinance, was ~ down at that ~me by the aame,3 to 2 vote that.passed the ordlnanc:e,_with Holm and Councilman Charlton Boyd in the mincri- ty. Commenting on the councµ Ktion Hano said, "They threw w: a bone. We have no choice bat to go ahead with ~e reflftn• dum." The ordinance u ~dopted would eon- Home lns~ection · ::~ea:~7~1srr: -Sfueblnf Park. Riddle Field Ind Top ol Prog ram Delayed i&ee DOG uw. ,.,. '1~ On Woodland The Woodland Ddve hou1ing inlpection ptogr1m, formerly scheduled .to.. g e t under way SepL 1 .. wlll not be started un· Iii plans far citywide inspection! have been completed. Lagunals acting dty manager Jo,seph Sweany conflnned Wednf!!:Clay, · The deCls ion ta deliiy the controversial hous~to-bouse ln.spectloos, which · had precipitated. tumultuous city council m(ttings and volum1nous peUUons of pro-. test, was made jointly after ~conferences with clty councllmen, building offk:iala and police and fire chiel1, Sweany said . Building and Plamlng Director Clyde z. Springe Is completing the laai: of map-· ptng propoaed inspection 1 r t 1 1 throughtoot U.. clly, Sweany said, and when this 11 com}»eted. along with a schedule, the ·Uispeclions -.rill start, pro- bably not until late October. · Councilman P.elcr Oatrander, with the assistance or Councilman qharl\on Bo)'d, hu be-en charged with' setlitll Up neilif!liOrtliiOd lilllson for the projram. he' added. 0r .... wea•r Huy -will beam altel\< nately threugh the IOI and low clouds 1Jon gthe seashore Friday. with temperatures jumping up to the n.-range on the cout and further · Jnland. r ~smt: TODAY WhttMr or not tht Wall Strett bear marktt has finollll turned around, the DotO-.IOMI lltdU1tri4i Atlffdge i! °" tllt wou back. St1loia Porttr dU· c:u.sres it on Paae 28 todat1. ::. :. 6r : Call""* f ..,_.._.. • ~ Ci..111119 Ut 1 ............. '° I (.......... ... Or-.~ ' c..-. ~ ,. ..,.,.. """" • ~ , • ....,,. IMt -Mltic. ' .......... ,, .....,., ... ' T.......... ft ·-I I I 1' _,.,...,. lt '"""'"' ... .... . _...,.. 14 .._.. ... ,,.,, ·-~ ,, ........... . . ' An inquiry into the riot and subsequml charg's of police brutality, alto was con· ducted by Polk:e Chlef Kennetlil rluck, whose report w11 presented to the cam· mlttee of inquiry. There was no word on the fate·of lhe ~ hijack hostages ·held by guerrillas In various pfrt.a or AmmM or Of the 100 Americans and IM · Britonfl 1lllioned bl the Jordanian c1pillll. 'ttte· A1mericans ""'ere told Wednadl)' to stly close to their homes. "This action is In exlremely bad faith ," O'Keefe replied la ter, "It hurts the many citizens who appeared before this council the last ·ume the Lincoln pl1n came up • and auceessfully "°" their UaJtt to hl•e tbtpermit denied. Now you 1ri ~ing to pass it 111nd these people don't have 1 chanct to be beard." Reagan Signs Bill SACRAMENTO WP!) -Gov. Ron11d Reagan haislgned,a bill 1llowlng Pl>llc:e to .uctlon confi1eated sporting firearms rather than dispose of them, h111 oUice announced Wedneaday. . - • "We wan\ ·to find fleolle in · the: nelghborlioods we can talk to ~ uplalno • ' (See ~r&l'ION~l--,,~'°""'=======.;;J---;j • ' . , • I ' • ', )t 2 DAILY PILOT so 2 l'o!f_,,No I ,,,,,. ' . -1 ~aq,u~/JY.1~t~ict OJ(~Hot ~tunches t ' By PAMELA H~N Of .. Dtll)I ''"' stiff voting ,against the reimbursement, but were .voting against the controls that ac~ · The San Joaquin Elementary School C(!mpany government assistance. I)istrict nearly lost its hot lunch progr1m An argument ensu.ed when Berry asked Wednesday. Miss Timlin if she ·expected more weUare. SChool trustees Robert Dameron and children to participate 'this year. Ed Berry argued against and voted "Yes, I do," she answered. "Because negatively on a motion to accept full more will know about it. The law states government reimbursement for free that parents must be notified about the lunches Served to children on welfare. availability of the program through The motion passed 3 to 2 after the circulars sent hoffie with the .child and board was told failure to accept the through the newspapers." &ssistance would result in government She said other g o v e r nm e n t re. withdrawal ol all assistance in the :school· quirements are that-the food-must be lunch program. nutritional, the child must oot feel Sara Timlin, director of food services, __ discrimination; and no other food by said, without the government subsi dy and private groups can be offered for sale at the use of goverrurient commodities, the the same time. district would not , be able to afford to "What would happen if we di!fn't get &erve a nutritional hot lunch. any government money?" asked Berry. Tlie government asSistance adds up to "We wouldn'L be able to serve the type ·ti.bout 12 cents per lunch served to every lunches we serve now, or else we would student. Last )"ear the district served have to ask you for more.money," replied , more than 2,000 lunches per day. ,. Miss Timlin. "0 • Source Sa111 Hosfage~s -~ay See _ . . ' . Long Dete~tio.n-- 8)' Uoited Pre15 lnteraatioaal The destiny of-54 hostages held by , Pa!estinian guerrillas ·in a dozen hi~tS around Amman was clouded tdc!ay by the establishment ol a military; government in Jordan and an outbrfak of1 fighting between the guerrillas a n d Jordanian troops . . "This ~rtainly won't help things," saki · an Amman source close to the negoti a- tioi\s with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP ). The PFLP hijacked foiff" airliners la st. week and is detain!ng pa~Sengers and .crew members from five western nations in villas. refugee camps and rented hOilses. "The..new government has hardened the Popular F:ront's attitude: towa rd the hostages and it looks like they're in for a Jorig dfile.nti_on_ unlJ!:ss__Ute gQl'ernments 4COncerned ~'eet their demands," the source said . IO()ked after .•. they are okay,'" a source said. In New York. Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. said on her arrival Wed· nesda.y night her counlty would not com· ply with guerrilla demands to release Arab priso'ners IQ. er.change for the hostages. _.,.; "1bey are-men and women who/ havE: _been brought to Lrial that have--sUcceed· 'ed in killing or have att.em'Pted to kill Israelis. They mus>"rVe• their terms,'' &tie said. ,./ Israeli' compliance with the JUerrilla deman_Sl,s: his been regarded in some dip- lomatic circles as ne'eded to break the ice in the ~tfeadlocked negotiations, since Israel has insisted that all five nations put up , a united front and r!fuse to deal separately with the commandos. , ----Miss-Timlin-pointed out-that .. Jast year '--'I am opposed-to-hot-luneh--programs- ·In Bern, Switzerland. sources close to the committee coordinating negotiating policy Jor the_ United States, -BritaiA, West Gt!rmany and Switzerland said Wednesday Israel has agreed to free two Alge rians seized Aug. 14 in efforts to ob- tain release of the hostages. Aside from an unspeCJfied number of Arab prisoners in Israel and a· S w i s s youth arrested in ilie Israeli port of Haifa ·for sm uggling expl05ives, the guerrillas are demanding the return of seven cum- rades ·imprisoned in 'Europe, lhF 600y of ~n ~merican slain in the attempted hi- Jack1ng of an El Al airliner ahd JO Leh· anese soldiers. the district paid for the free lunch pro-in :schools anyway," said Berry. ''What's gram for welfare children without reim-wrong with sandwiches?" • bursement. However, out (If 33 eligible After BeFTy and Dameron were voted (Inly five took part in the program, :she down, Berry said he'd like to continue to noted. look into the matter to see If the district Berry aod Dameroo said they were not needs the p1;9gram. .. Fram Page 1 -LAGUNA DOG LAW • •• the World Park, and from beaches between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. throughout the year. At the WednCsday· night council session, gallery owner Richard Challis presented informal petitions signed by more than :1.000 residents anci visitors urging the council to rescind the ordinance before it went into effect. · 'J'.he ::iigners, Challis told the council, ''serise thaf their freedom has been abridged by, the council's arbitrary 8C· tion ... it is a restriction, oot ori the freedom of dogs, but on the freedom of pecple.''.._ _ Members of the Laguna B e a c h Dog Owners' Association, Challis said, would strongly support rigid enforcement of the city's existing leash law. Noting that the dog ordinance had been t h e subject of Jengthy a n d frequent discussion, Mayor Richard Gcldberg :said he realized there W8.'J: a great deal of op- position to the law, ~'but an equal number of comments made to me favor the law." As a compromise, he proposed the amefldment lifting the beach ban er.cept during peak summer months. Goldberg's Proposal, including Edward Lorr. author of the origi1al ordinance, who had introduced it in an unannounced move at the Aug. S council meeting. "The ordinance has taken up a great deal of council time,'' said Lorr, "and if we can fiJ1d a solution to end the matter 1 would support it." Following council approval of the amendment, Challis stepped forward to say that his .group would stand by its petitions in the belief that a firmly en· forced leash law would be sufficient to solve Laguna's dog problems. Hano presented a five-Point analysis po i .fl t i n g out inaccuracies a n d in- consistencies in t h e ordinance. "T h e change makes one small hole in a morass of density," said Hano. He urged tPgher registratio1 fees for dogs and stiffei: penalities I o r unregistered or unleashed dogs to finance better enforcement of the leash law. Goldberg said he would agree on several of Hano's points and would hope appropriate correctiops could be made in the ordinance. ?" Hano later sought Rimel's legal opinion fegarding the possibility of the council's adopting a new dog ordinance should this one be rescinded a.s a result of filing the referendum. DAILY PILOT Sttfl P'hot. Man and Machine Giant shovel being used to gouge and scrape bottom of Dana Point Harbor towers over workmen. Material dredged from the harbor bottom is being dumped at Doheny State Beach to make what the U.S. Army Co rps of Engineers describes as "artificial surfing reef." Surf at Doheny, a top surfing spot for years, has been virtually r:ion~ .. existent since construction of nearby harbor jetties. ~ No New Clues Uncovered !n Capistrano_ Murders The Israeli ambassador to SWitzerland, Aryeh ~vavi, an observer at the com- mittee sessions, :said of the report "it !flay be right, it may be wrong, it may be Inaccurate." An Isra eli Foreign Ministry spokesman declined comment' on the report in Tel Aviv today. Israel identified the Algerians as top 'oHici~ls of the Algeria n secret service who were seized from a BOAC jetliner at }ydda Airpprt and wha apparently were unaware th,ir plane was Lo make a stop in Israel. Politica l sources in Amman said 1he -guerrillas would not hesitate to use the hostages as a tru mp card in any violent. confrontation with the Jordanian army. During battles in Jordan ·last June. the com mandos used some 62 hostages held in Ainman as a bargaining lever with King Hussein. The sources said there Were no fears for the immediate sa fety of the captured men and women. "They are being well From Page ,1 BEACH ~ .. ed the Corps' cooperation in the talks which began early this year. He also praised the active involvement of Governor Reagan, Senator George Murphy and President Nixon for their "keen interest-'---'in the issue. Discussions on the beach 'matters arose betw.een those state and national leaders this past summer when the President hosted the Reagans and the senator to a dinner at the Western White House. Since then, Mott intimated, the senator has taken an active role in winning Marine acceptance of the state com· promise offer. Mott was noncommittal abo ut other tempests stirred by the beach issue - the latest-of which·raged-it1 Washington, D.C., between recently elected Rep . John F,-om Page J G. Schmitz of Tustin and fellow A widening investigation had failed late they left the Miller family's home on Republican Alphonzo Bell. today to uncover any clues in the killing Riverside Drive to visit a nearby go cart INSPECTION Schmitz assailed Bell 's interest in Lhe of a 13-year-old Long Beach girl and the track. • • • beach as an encroachment into Schmitz' al'\r\!l,.ently related death of her 16--year-territory. -(IJJboyfriend. the program," ~he acting manager :said. Bell retorted that the John Birch Socie· Orange County Sheriff's investigators v· . M . D. "We don 't intend to start any inspections ty member from Tustin was against the today concentrated their hunt for a lead IeJO 8J0t ICS unti l we can work out liaisons in the (lpening of the beach to the public. to the str8.ngling of Jenise Marie .Ri:spin neighbortiOod so people will be properly That baltle now, however, has become to ~ a_rea in La£':!ria Niguel where for Jn Plane Tragedy advised and know that, although we .are moot. . badly decomposed body Was found four And the ccncern of the state parks of-days ago. -~n official business, we come. as friends ficials has shffted Jrom the once-growing Hikers made the grisly find early U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gary R. in_ an effo_rt to do them a .servi ce and not ~ntrover:sy of the Mari~e Beach to how Saturday .at .a point identified by in-"Gogi" Grant, a Mission Viejo resident, wit~ the intent of harassing them out. of Jt .~hould be deve~op~. l r 7 ~ City Attorney Jack J. Rimel ooted the amendment would have to be handled as a separate . ordinance, req uiring two public readings aJtd a lo-day wait after adopt.ion . Rlmei said he would have to research -the matter in d~tailt JLut _il!lp~red tha_t a--"Similar" ordinance could not be adopted for ·one year following a suc· ces:sful referendum. vesUgators as the Camino Capistrano 'ed . . ·. . thell' homes. We want to help them i1nct Our greatest 1n1t1al problem Is bring- area about four miles north of:San~Juan~~.,...Mo~day fro.m l~JUJ]~~~ed ~~! __ _w:e.yli_Jo_JmpJ.!J.!'.Lll!.~il:~e.s . or en_-_lng_a__por.table-water-supply--to-the--ne,..,_--•1'-- CipisfraOO. -:-· -- -~ ~ ba1hng out of his disabled A-4. Skyhawk c?~rage..owners to make th~1r l~v1.~~ con-stat.e park, then inst~.Jlati!Jn of temporary • Councilmen unanimously-supported-Sheriff's officers admitted today that 120 miles north of Manila, P.I. dtttons safer and more habitable. sanitary fa cilities," Mott :said. four days of intensive investigation hid A_ccording to a U.S. !Javy spokesn:ian. Th~ announcJ!ment that t_hr~e-man in· After ~he initial woi-k on the blufftops, Second Husband failed to produce what Capt. James MaJ. Grant was . fly1!1g pr act 1 c e spect1~n teams from the bu1ld1ng, hea_lth a cut w.111 have to be made in the face of Broadbelt described as "any significant ma~euvers when his ~rcraft .developed and hre de~~rtme~t:s would be probing the palisades below to allow for public Laguna Launches Drive to Spark Winter Tourism clue" to the identit'y of her killer or the e~g1ne trouble. He ba1le~ out and was safety cond1t1ons tn the old Woodla.nd ac,:ess to_ the sands. events that immediately preceded her picked up by a rescue hehcopter .. He was area h~d sp~rked charges that the city We will probably be able J,o provide Dies Tu Vietnam death. taken to a nearby hospital where he \a(.cr was attempting to harass "undesirables" only one initial point of accefs at first," They believe that her death occurred died. . . . . out of the ar~a, . . Mott said. "and the public will have to News of the de'ath in Vietnam of a 26- year-0ld Laguna Beach Marine Corps of- ficer brought tragedy for the second time to his young widow. last Alli. 29, shOrtly after she was last Memorial services wtll be held ror M{l_J· Sweany . said the 1n~peclion progra'!' walk. fr om there, but it will b'e improved seen alive in the company of her Grant Sunday .at 2 ·P:m· at the Main has to be n-nplemented. throughout the CJ-as tti:ne. goes on and we get an ap- boyfriend, Edwin E. Miller, 16, of Chapel at El Tor? Ma~1ne Base. Funer?l ty as part of the housing element of t~e propnalion for permanent facilities." Elsinore. services and burial wit! take p I ace ~n gene ral plan_. b~t the new appro~ch "'.tll Mott last saw the beach a few week~ The Defense Department announced Tuesday thpt 1st LL John D. Lawson, previously reported missing, had been killed in action. Mfller's parents were the last known Hartford, Conn ., near the home of his stri:ss coord1nal1on and cooperation with ago when he and his aides traveled to San persons to speak to the young couple as moth~r. . res1d~nts. . . Onofre for a per_sonal visit. Lawson, who was exi)ected home Ort. 13 after a one-year tour of duty, is survived by his wicklw, Mary Ann, to whom he was married Aug. 9, 1969. Mrs. Lawson is the mother of a five- year-0ld daughter by a previous mar· riage. Her first husband was 1killed in Vietnam on Jan. 29, 1967. JI. former 1£aCher, she has been a Laguna Beach resident for four years. Services for the officer will be held in Massachusetts. DAILY PILOT . ...,,.,, , .... L .. , .. IHc• C.... M•• tt.llH .......... •••llNI• Y.n.y ... c_ OltANGf COAU_P._UaLtSH1NG_ COMll'AN't R1b1rt N. W11d ,rtsoOent •r.d Pllllli•l'lllf J•c~ R. Cvrlt-Y \ll(t Pr11:0 ... 1 tnd Genet•I MlneMf 1h•M11 Ket~ll £011 ... 1110"''' A. Mvr111hi"1 Mtntt!nt ll110<' A spec ial advertising progr3m designed lo Jure fall, winter and spring vacationers to Laguna Beach is being aimed a~ 24 publications throughoul the U.S. "' The effort to spark. tourism in uoff. season" months is sponsored by the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Hotel-Mole! Association. Acting as the city 's advertising agent, the chamber will use $7,SOO of its alloca· tion'1rpm bed lax funds to finance the ad campaign and the hotel group will cun· tribute an additional $3,000. Special Lravel editions of the :selected publicatfons will be provided with stories and pictures of Laguna Beach to fill out pages featuring the ci\y and those (If participating hotels. Stories and ad- vertisements, will :stress La g u n a ' s seasonal charms aa ccqrding to the time of year and location of the publication. The advertieing committee. org-anizing. the campaign is beaded by Lren Haneline and includes Roy Childs, Harry Willats, Merrill Johnson and Bernard Syfan. with Dick Clark in charge of carrying out the schedule. Carrie Hayden Services Slated Services will be held Friday afternoon In Laguna's United Communi ty Presbyterian Church for Carrie Tower Hayden, 31678 Seacove Drive, South Laguna, who died Wednesday at South ' Coast Community, Hospital at the age of 86. Dr. Dallas R. Turner will officiate at the 4 p.m':l-ites, to be followed by in· urnment at Oak Hill Cemetery, San Jose, _Calif. - Mrs. Hayden is survived by a daughter, Mrs. June Cram er:s of South Laguna, a son, Wiiiard Hayden of Pasadena, and by sev.en grandchildren. Born in Rochester, N.Y., she had lived in California for 66 years and for 15 years wiis head resident at Occidcnlal College. Memorial donations are suggested In -~idental College. Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary are directors; ltic .. tr4 '· Nill $0\/111 Or11111e CO!Jlll'I' Ellter D •d 'w h ' H l • ..,.,'f:.::.~;~·.:z:·:::,w... i eat ermen e p 1.1111111 hKll: m ,-,,.., ...,_..,. t "'11111'"9tlon l ..cfl: 17111 .. ld'I l.WltYI,. Sil\ CJMM!e: .10$ HCll'111 ll (""lilt llMI ~-~--Ti~m~~~:. Lea::.~~~~~~:.. be ~';..~,:~0~· =~.:.i~,,~.,u;:r;':= Fugitive Dr. Tlmolhy Leary apparently genuine. compared to.originals. _. 111 """'''" c.•llltftl' .., L..-k:dl. got by with a little help from his friends "...,' •••t"· coii. Mn•. ""'"n'*'"' Leary, a frequent Laguna Beach visitor hid .,. .... ..,., .. .,. "-""'· ...... w11t1 --as the Beatles' lyric goes -in his , .. ..,., e.111•. Or.,... '''" "fllll..,.,.,. escape five days •go from a minimum who was arrested there Dec. 26, 1968, ap. ~ .., .... 1,. .,.,,.,. ,,. '' nu • .,, 111tlfn 111111~ .....,.,.. f9KPI, .,,, »t w..t security prison at San Luis Obispo. pears lO be fast abandoning the love- ••r ''""· c..i. _, A spetial delivery letter received by hascd-011-drugs doctrine he once preached Tate•••• c7t4I 642 ... ,21 United Press lnternaUonal in Lo& Angele.\ to America's youth. Ca..lflelf .....,..."" 642'1671 Wednesday claims the ultra-radicaJ He proclaimed in the letter Umt he S.. ~ Aft .,..,........,: ..._ Weathermen group llSSisted.him. must now be considere<I armed an4 a · t••••••• -4fJ-44:r• "" The letter urging violent revolution_ danger to llnyone who lhreatens his J ife co.v•1t11t. 1"" °''"" C-• ~,,..1'""" be I , be "··· f 11 ·• r ·• '-'""Y· ,.. _, •tttlft. 11""''"...," ars s gnatures purporting to u~ o or con nul'\I recuom. ''r""111 -• ., ('"",,1_.,.1, ..,,.,.,,,, U')t 4g.woar-old former Harvard The letter, mailed al the Los Angeles "''¥ k ,........ wit""' uetltt ... ,, ... miu• .i tlllff'lflti _...,, psychology professor and Wealherm11n Main Post Office,' boasts or Weatherman "'°"" t'-.....-H!il ., H......, •••di commando Dtmadctte Dohrn. participation in his escape from Los: ••• Celt• Ill-C.llfllll'fllt. SllllottJ:,11$11 .... . c1,,11r ., ... -.,,,..,,l •v ,,..i1 st.• """"''Y' Authorities ch~ed Ule aignatures of Padres Men's Colony and exhorts all.out l'fllw..,., "•'""''""'" 11·• -"'"'· the pair -both \\!anted by the FBI as revolution. r j {1 • ' '• MaJ. Grant. 23672 Calle Hogar. 1~ Springe said he had started mapping Mott and'}\is aides have negotiated for survived by his wife. Jeannette; !Jlree other areas of the city for inspection the land through this year, but the issue three children: Michael. 7: David, 4, and purposes some time before the decision over opening of a part of lhe Marine Cayrn, 2 and his mother, Mrs. Sol Adler to start in the Woodland Drive area was beachfront has been the subject of years of Cobalt, Conn. announced. of work. wrap a room in velvet! COO DILLE from ·M19nific1nt Cru~1ua!1 Dro1dloeP11, •• 1ilkv 1oft t n. d1l191nt 11 v1lv1t. All Antron® nylon, cl11n1 !<kt • cl•11m. Ktrt·loc loomtd, 1k1in.cly1d, 22 colott. Sii.ts "'·.,ct. !!!·~·t T If II .. .. I F YOU CAN'T COME IN-CAL( 646·0l75 for •" •llp1rl con1u!t~nt who will comt to 'f'OUT hom• ~ith 11mpl11 wi t~out •nv eDl:g1ti011 te yow l You fo uorite interior dt&igncr .wiU be happ11 to 111sist 11ou ••• H.J .. GAl\l\ETT fURNITURE , PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS -TRY OUR RIVOLYINCO CHARGI- , Op'" MDft,, Tllon. & Fri. Ins. 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-027' _, . I • 7 . , > • / ..,.. . .. ' . / Lagu•ia Beaeh ,; , • _,/ / VOL. 61,..NO, 223, l SECTIONS, 42 PAGES / . ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORtt!A l'MU RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, "19]0-' - ,.,,,. -' . / ' ' Coast · Association-Reports /on O_cean Se,.,.., ' . ag~ By RICHARD P. NALL OI "'9 ~Ir PHM Si.ft The 130 mllliOn gallons of sewage being dumped into the ocean on Newpor.t Stach every day may l>e followed up by far more "vicious'' noTireclaimable In· dwstrial waste f_i:o.m three cauntles . This was the essence ot a report to the Orange County Coast· Association this morning in Laguna Beach . Jfm: 1Clllintsworth, chairman orthe 11saociation's Preserve or Perish Com- mittee, 1poke of an aereement slaned by orlnge ·county Sanitation District with Riverside County tO carry the 11most vicioU§ of' all pollutants" into the waterJ off Newport Beach. The nOO°reCJaimable industrial waste would include' nitrates, phosphates, chromes.iodines and other chemiCal sub- lilances, A hearing at Costa Mesa City Hall Fri· da): will take up the matter, said Kill· ingsworth, who mentioned the incident.! of malformed marine life off the local coasUine. • --,,. He aaid 11llhough tbe Industrial waate KlllinpWOrtb Rl&ld i 1.0-foo( ~ Oran~ -County south of South•~). disposal propositl_on rn\Jd be put lo the ouUall line from tbt1itouth of tbe Santa QJ.e Stat~ Regional Wa~~litY Control voters of Riverttde Cou_nty, the ag~.. Ana River ii beinl laid 27 4oo feet oUl Bo'lm., San Diego region .doeJ ,not permit ment has already bee11,.111:rted In Orans• " 1 i-' County_wJthout,.being-flUl to any,.vote . • along _the, ocean ·noor. . any~w_!g~!'ith~ ofilY-.P:rimaa,treatment or the 130-nlUlioa:.callpn d a 11 y He Siid, ho°Wever, that outlets' In the-kl,tie d~6arged into the ocean. di.scparge off Newport Beach, Kill-line will diftuse sewaae onto the ~ Kiiiingsworth raised lhese queatior\I: illP"orth said, IS percent does not noor every 1,000 feet of lenath. , . -Why is San Diego area more con- receive secondary treatment -only "When it ii compieted at the end of the-cemed with sewage diacharge inkl the primary trutment. ThlJ'e ii eon1ider1bte year," Aid KUUnpworth "the couhty ocean and other receitin& wat.en than ~~rence In tl)e resulb of primary and sanitation ~ plans' to atop ~ry · Orange County? . aecondary treatmedt, he noted. treatment aJtocetber. Offlcl&ls must to -Why does San Diego area e:zert more Stton<lary treatment products a· far co to aeq>ndary treatment." ~trol over the sewage disdlarge st.and- purer effluent. '-~ He Aid 1n San Dleeo Coui:tty (ind ards than Orange County? . . or 0 on • • Marines Give Up .Seaf rorit Land ~ By JOHN VALTERZA Of .... CMllY P'llet 11•11 Tht U. S. Marine Corps today gave California 3.5 miles of its beach. The Marine Corps, which originally held that 1.5 miles of beach for five years was il.5 limit, aMounced the precedent· setting decision this morning. The release of the bluffs and beautiful beach directly downcoast or San Onofre is a historic event for the largest l'nilitary installation in the world. In an announcement termed ··a surprise'' by the head of the State Department of Parks and Recreation: Lhe Corps broke a months-long deadlock in the negotiations for the precedent-setting beach opening issue and acceded to the The beach will be the first portion of compromise offer of _the . Stat-e of the Camp Pendleton strand ever opened California. _. for public use. And the ,reaction by Slate Parks Direc-The official statement "by the Corp.! tor Williafn Penn Mott was one of quiet said that the opening would be com- pleasure and praise for Senator George patib\e i,yith the needs for training aJonc Murphy's behind-the-scenes work to the Shoreline. ' make the negotiations a success. ''The Marine ~orps believes the present "Certainly we are pleased," Mott told proposal will be in the best interest of the the DAILY PILOT today, "and J must public a.i;id will aulat in meeting ex· admit that it came as a surprise at this panding communi(y needs for recreation point." -in California," the announcement said. He predicted the huge new beach's Mott .-despite ei:rlief report.& that -Why ~ the San Diego recJoo prn- vldt mart protection rot Ht.beaches than • orange County (Santa Ana River Bu1n '~ . Jatet Qilality Conlrol Bo•rd)? , Orange Counly is ool being pi'operJs cautious, •he charged. · , C, L. "Cap" Blackbum, chairman of the association. a cc o m·p an i e d Kill- ingsworth on a fad·findln& tour, He Mjli:I aewage diatrict officials were ev• wlaen questioned· about not having put 1bt 11ewage project out to bid -ltliting they had •elected lht beat engineer. • Suppo11ers -~ Of Canines Won't Quit By BARBARA KREIBICR Of .... 0.11, ...... ''-" A last-minute attempt by the Lqwia Beach City Council to modify Jts con-- trovenial dog ban ordinance appeared to have. failed today when . .Upporters: of a refe~um to quash the entire ordinance announced their Intent.Ion to proceed with ming of their petitions' The refeffildUJn petitions, bearing l JTK>re than 1,300 liipatUres cl. ~ voten, will ht llleit tlila -with ~ city clerk, :wrlte'r Arnold Hlno .aajcf:· after conferencea with re fe r e n dam boc:ken. I A nfullmum of tTl1 verified alinatures. JO perCent. of Laguna '1 rtgiltered' voters, · Is required to set referendum machinery H ---'open.ing_J.o...Jhe.._pi1hlic wlth-1e.mporar.)'-negotiaUOM-havA-been-strained.-prai.s· facilities by next spring. (See BEACH, Pat e J) -in--motion .. ---------~-- Flllng of the petitions will have the e feet of suspending the ordinance. which would have become Jaw Friday njght, 3G daya after its adopt!on by a 3 to 2 council vote. J ordnn Troops Prevail, Issue Truce Demands By UIHtetl Press lnternadoaal 1be Jordanian Army, apparently win- ning Its cfvil war with the Palestinian guerrillas, said tonighl It was prepared for a ceaise-fire and laid down a series of stiff conditions. Guerrilla leaders In broadcasl.5 over Damascus radio called on their allies to inter.vene and "stop this · horrible massacre." The Army anndllncement came shorlly after the Jordanian government warned Syria and Iraq against intervention and said it now c<'ntrolled three quarters o! Woodland Riot Report to Air Due ,W e1dnes day Following an executive session 11fter Wednesday night's City Council meeting, Laguna Beach ~1ayor Rich;ird Gcldberg said an official report on the city's in- .vesUgation of the July 4 Woodland Drive riot will be released at 7 p.m. next Wednesday. ··""" Goldberg said the statement will be made at an adjoumcd council session preceding the study se.ssion scheduled for 7:30 o'clock that evening. tt will be a summary of findings made by a three-member ccmmiUee of Inquiry, made up of Gold~rg, fonner city manager James Wheaton and Coun· cilman Charlton Boyd, during teveral days of hearings ~~st m~lh. Woodland Drive. residents, police officers and olher interested persons tesijfied on the Jl!_lY 4 melee that brought police units from six agencies to the'5Cene of a disturbance in· volving up to 200 persons._ C.oldberg said one more council ex- ecullve session will be held In lhe interim to SC1rl out the voluminous testimony presented during the hearings. The preliminary sessions are cl osed because Information involv~ city person- nel. An inquiry into the riot and subsequent charges ol police brutality, aleo was COO· ducted· by Police Chief Kenneth Huck, whose report was presented to the tml· mlttee ~inquj~- Amman. It had battled with tank! and artillery throughout the day against guer~ rilla rifles and' machlneguns. · The Army made these three demands cf the guerrillas -an immediate end to the guerrilla shooting, retention of the Army within the cities and withdrawal of guerrillas from the cities. It said it would help them go to any point along the cease-fire line with 19rael. Amman raido 9aid a four-man Arab League mediating mission was urging an immediate cease-fire in Amman and four other major Jprdanian cities Uiat were scenes of major fighting throughout the ·day. Tbe* ceasetfire appeal came amid in-- creasing indication~ the guerrillas were getting the worst of it in fighting which began before dawn today. A spokesman for the Al Fatah group in Beirut admi.tted ''the situation i! serious." The guerrillas' Damascus-based "Voice of-the Paleatinian Revolution'..'.. radio call· · ed on the Arab revolutionary powers to "act to stop the bloody massacr~." It said the Arab people were waiting for the deci!lkln. In-an em'oUonal voice the -announcer cried, "Amman i! burning. Smoke is sffn everywhere in Amman. The agent.s (govemmenl troops) are lh<Uing the populated areu everywhere." "~berals of the Arab world, Uber111 of the whole world, flop the horrltfle mas.sacre that our people are facing In Jordan," the broadcast nkl. ·"Stop this massacre, the: like of which history hu never witnesaed." · · During the day the lightlng 1pUled over into Lebanon and Plleattnian guer· rillu ,.ized the Jordanlln ""buoy In Beinll. : Syria had threa~ to intervene Oft -the aide of the P1lestlnl1n1, and the guer· rllla's radio appealed to the 12,000 to JS.000 Iraqi ti-oops iitationed In Jordan to join in the fighting. \Jrael watched events carefully, prepfred to intervene if its . security ls threatened. There was no word on the fate of the 54. hijack hostages htld by guerrillu In various para of Amman or of the too Ameri~s and 1110 Britons 9tationed in the Jordanian capital. The Americans were told Wednesday to stay clOR to their hom ... ' .. ' . ------- ' OAll./' l'ILOT St9H ...... • UNBEL IEVING PASSER'SllY PONDER.CRASH SCENE AT LAGUNA !!°EACH COFFEE SHOP , Fortunately, the Cu1~er1 ~-Al,..1'dy Fl~lshed That. s.c:onc1 .·cup of CoffH ..:. ..,...-' ' ' . CO~ci:lin~n Rage . ' Truck· Loses I ts Brakes, Over Mobile Trailer Dispute Slams lnw Coffee Shop A b~ief, bitter eJ1:change between two . A two-ton freezer ·truck cannonba'll~ opposing .San Clemente city cou11cllmen in the nagging controversy over mobile through the wall of Benton 's Coffee Shop in Laguna BeaCh·this mOrning, crushing home parks raged for 11 time Wednesday before the COW'lcil decided to kick a pro· a boQth ju!lt vacated but mlrculously in· posal for a new park back lo the planning juring no one seriously. commissioners who unanimously ap-"It S()unded like an ell:plosion,"· said proved it last week. • Mrs. Charjes·Benton, QtM?ting one cf the councilmen Thomas O'Keefe and Wade employes. breakf8st spot, 13.1 S. Co8st Highway • .From the outside Lhe big food freezer truck ·seemed as if it just fit In the plaste r cement walls It had devuted •. Downtown spectator!! craned to see through the ccffee. .shop's glass front as workmen picked ,up the debris and police questioned witnesses. If sufficient signatures are verified by the Orange County registrar of voters, the City Council must either rescind the ordinance or rubmit· it· to the voters. If the ordinance~ is rescinded <Ir voted down~u the result of tbe referendum,;the council is forbidden by state law to adopt a similar ordinance !Or a perlod of one year. In an attempt to quiet aroused pUblle cpinlon, the· council voted unanimoualy -W~ay night to amend the dog ban to the extent of limiting bead!. restrictions . to the smnmer months, from Juqe U to Sept. 15. A similar amendment. offered by' O>un- cilman Roy Holm on Aug. tt, ~ to adoption of the ordinance, was 1\iOted dciWn at that time by the same 3 to 2-vote that passed the ordinance, with Holm and Coundlman Charlton Boyd In the n>Jnori• ty. " -. Commenting on the council acUon Hano said, "They threw us a bone. We hivt no cl>Oice but to 10 ahead with the referen-- dum." The ordlnonce u adopted would -Home Inspection :;:e~U:~':!t:~uir: · · Bluebird· Park, Riddle J!leld' and·Top of Lower parried for a few nioiTients in one . The big 9quare-body truck was about 10 feet into the building after losing ita, of the bitterest council flareups in monlhs brakes on the· North Coaat ·mgtiWay hill Program Dela.y.oo-<Bee DOG ~~· over the proposal by Lincoln Savings and which duc!nds · to ;lhe Broadway ~ Loai. tojiuild a...deluxe.coach_park-on v:a. -teilection....!l'he buUdin1~1 interior-looked. cant land near ShOrecliffs GoU Course as if a bomb had exploded. . , • 1 Persons at· the . scene said diners had O Keefe, a staunch foe .of.any mobile just. vacated tht booth destroyed by the home park la~d e in that section of the tr:uck . On Woodland -~,. ~ city, reacted OOUy when Or. IAwer asked •One woman complained of ntinor injury The Woodland Dri\'._e houllna: lnspectfm him why O'Keefe was not prese.it at a but did oot aeek medk:al •aid. On-lookers program;-formerly scheduled to cet detailed present.at.Ion 'ol. the Lincoln plans called---it a f'!'lracle that the.re !'..ert not under way Sept. 1, will not be atarted un- bef pl • . . Dr mangled bodies about. l'I 1 1 ·,,.,.;•-m' .n;..,.u-. "'-·e ore anrun1 comm1111aonera. ·-The truck driver. 1'1ctor Dt Pandozzl. I pans or ~1............ ...-... Ulll.a , ... Lower waa impressed by the park pro-M, of W'st CoVlna, told police be bad left bttn· co'mpleted, Laguna.'1 .. actlng city posal. , . the Cottlge Restaurant and turned on to . manager Joaeph SWeany ·couftrmed But 0 Keefe, who wu °" vacation 1n .. Coast Highway. Wednesday. Hawali when com.mluiooers unanimously He .said he Jost hi• brakes on the hilt The decision to delay the controversial approved th~ .Princlp'9 or the Lincoln opposite -lhe AllW anack shop 151 N. house-to-house inspect.Ions, . which had dtveRSpme11t, tald he resented Dr. Coa$l Highway PandolZi told' police he • precipitated tumultuous city .council I.mrer's "inference that ~e wat had hia foot ofl the brake all tbe way to meetings and V()luminous petitionl of pro- derelk:Uon of duty on my part. the noor and was trying to put the truck test, was. made jointly atter conferencts The matter ~ when Dr. ~er \n low gear 11 he lhot through the with city councilmen, building officials me•ed lhlL tJae conditional uae.pen:mt for Broadway intersection narrowly missing and police and fire cfUtfs, Sweany sakl. the deve:topment be approved tubJecl to . · 1· Di tor Cl ~ lat conditions · posed by the planiing a car Ind traveling too rapidly to turn Buikl\ng and P annlng rec Y- eo er million un • rlght toward U.,.beach. z. Springe Is completing theta~ of map. ~ mo~n ulUmat.eiYfailed, but not Pa.ndoui, who wu blasting a warning ping proposed lnqiectlon a i' e·• s before the exchange. O:fl h11 horn , 1.00med th~ the gas st.a-throughtqut the city, Sweany 11id, and "I sat in and saw the plans propaRd by lions adjacent Benton s and plowed when' this 19 completed, 11on1 with a the developer aid they were impressive;'' throuch the· wall.I of the popular schedule, the insJ)ections wlll 1tart, pro. Dr. 1.AJwer said. • babl¥ noJ until late OctOber. "This KU.on l! in e1tremely bad faith," ill Codncllman Pet.er-Oltrlnder, with the O'Keefe replied later. "ll hum the mony Reagan Signs B · uaiatance ol Councilman CharlltJn Boyd. citizens who appeared before this council hu been charged w Ith letting UP the last lime the Lincoln plan came up SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Gov. Ronald neichborhood Uallon for the procram, he and IUCCessfully W<IPI their fl[lht to hive Reacan hu liped 1 biU aUowing police added. the permit denied. Now yfu're proposing to auction coaflbted sporting ftrtarms "We want to find people In. the k> pllss il 1and these people don't have a ·rather thin dlspoee of tbem, his ortk:e neighborhood! we cal talk to mf explain chance lo be heard." onnounced Wednesdoy. (lee INSPECTION, Pip II -· Weat11er · Hazy IWIShine will be.am alte- nately throuah the tog and low clouds alon gthe seashore Frid•?. with temperature1 jumping up tO the '7U8 range on the cout aDd .further inland. INSIDE TOD-' Y Whether or not tht Wall. Str~tt btar markei ha1 finoll'IJ turned around, the DotJ>JOJN• Indueriat Averaot ii on eM wov back.: Sylvia Porter dif.. cua1t1 it on Paot 28 todor. ·-' -. ..-. c...-.. u. t ~ .... -.. -"' --' ......... _. ....Ill I " ::::.. ,.:: --~. 11 -. 5..': 4.~ --' --. -... .,.. ...... ..,. T..._., It -" -. ...... -..1.11 ........... 2 "'11. V PILOT 2 V~te No ·~--.. Joaqtii ~})istrict_:-.. ~ --:;-• ---I .. -'':;o;?"" · ~OKsHotLluie / . ,,/' es By PAMELA BALLAN ,.Otln'g against the reimbJrsemen,!>-~b_Ut Of .. o.i1y '1i.t s1111 were voting against the c~ntr~.-tliat ac· The San Joaquin Elementa~SC ool company government ass~a6ce.: J>istrict nearly ·IOit its bot lu9cb program An argument ensued wtien Berij:-11 d Wtdneldiy. • ,,.,,.--· Miss Timlin if s~1i}ected•mer€ weUare - School tru~eei bei1 Dimeron and children to participate this-(ru. Ed Berry a~ again.st and voted "Yesx,1 do," shi;.,an-Sweied. ''Because _ negatively a motiOn to accept full rn~;:e,..will kno,._.aoout it. !_he law states go~l reimburse'!lent for tree that. pa;~ntS ·must be notified about the ts ~ved to children on welfare. .. aya1Jab1J1(y of the ~rogram ~~rough The motion passed-3 to 2 ·a!.Ler'ihe cJ,rcufars sent home with the child and rd was to~ failure to~ccept th~-·1hrough the newspapers." · 1 assistance wodld result in government She said other go v e r n m e n l re-- withdrawal Of all assjswlce in tbe-lchool qui(ements are .that the food must be lu nch-program. / , ..-nutritional, -the child-mu1t-nol-feel Sara Timlin;'director of food services, discrimination, and no other lood by said, 'f!_ithoUt the g~vernment subsidy and private g"roups can be offe!ed for sale at .._ the use ot..&.Qv.enfrnent commcidities, the the same time . · district would· not be able to afford to "What would happen· if we didn't get serve a nutritional bot lunch.. · any government money?" asked Berry. The government assista~ adds up to "We wouldn't be able to serve the type abotut 12 cents per lunch served to every lunches we ~rve now, or else we would student. Last year the district served have to ask you for more money," replied more than 2,000 Jullehe1 per day. Miss Timlin. -Miss Timlin-pointed out that last year . "I am opposed.to hot luqch programs the district paid for the free lunch pro-·in schools anyway," said Berry. "What's gram for welfare children_ without reirn-wrong with sandwiches?" bursemeni. However, out 'of 33 eligible After. Berry and Dameron were-voted only five took part in the program, she down, Berry said he'd like to continue to noted. look into' the matter to see i! the district Bert')' and Dameron said they were not needs the program. · From Pagf! 1 ----.......-:-:------r -- ' .LAGUNA1 DOG LAW . • • Jtlan and Machine the World Park: .and from beaches Goldberg's proposal, including Edward between the h9Ufs of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Lorr, author of the orig!J1al ordinance, throtighout. the year. who had introduced it in an unannounced ---• move at the Aug. 5 council meeting. ~ Al the Wednesday night council session. -"The ordinance has taken up ..,. greaj gallery owner Richard Challis presented deal or council 'time," said Lorr, "and i informal petitions signed by more than we can filtd a solution to end the matter-1 Giant shovel being used to gouge and scrape bottom of Dana Point Harbor towers_over workmen. Ma terial dredged from the harbor bottom is being dumpe<;I at Doheny State Beach to · make what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers describe~ as "artificial surfing.reef." Surf at Doheny, a top surfing spot for years_, has been virtually i:ion- existent since construct{on of nearby harbor jetties. · 3,000 residents and visitors urging the would support it." council. to .rescind the ordinance before it Following council approval of the went into effect. amendment, Challis stepped forward to The signers, Challis told the rouncil, say that his group would stand by its "'sense th'at their freedom has been petilioris· in the belief that a firmly. en· No New Clues Uncovered abridged by the council's arbitrary ac-forced leash law would be sufficient to lion ... it is a restriction, not on the solve Laguna's dog problems. freedom of dogs, but ori tbe freedom of Hano present.ed a five-point analysis people." p o i n t i n g out inaccuracies a n Q ·1n- Members of the Laguna ·Be a ch Dog consistencies in th e-ordinance. "T h e Owners' Association, Challis said, would change makes one small hole in a morass In Capistrano _ Murders strongfy support rigid enforcement of the of density," said Hano. city's existing leash law. He urged higher. registratioa fees for A widening investigation had failed ta!!_ Noting that the dog ordinance had been dogs and stiffer penalities for today to uilcover any clues in the killing t h e subject of lengthy a n d frequent unregistered or unleashed dogs to finance of 1 13·yearooQld Long Beach 'girl and the discussion, Mayor Richard Goldberg said better enforcement of the leash law.. apparently related death of her 16-year- he realized there was a great deal of op-Goldberg said he would agree on old boyfriend. position to the law, "but an equal number several ol Hano's points and would hope Orange County Sheriff's lnvestlg.ator11 of comments made to me favor the law." appropriate corrections could be made , in . today concen:trate.d their hunt fOr a lead As a compromise, he proposed the the ordinaQCe. to ,the strangling of Jenise Marte Rispin ameadment Wting the beach ban except Hano late~ sought Rimel's legal opinion to the1 area Jn Laguna Niguel l!Jhere for during peak summer months. regarding the possibility of the council's badly -decomposed body was found four they left the Miller family's horqe. on Riverside Drive to visit a nearby go cart track. Viejo Major. Dies In Plane Tragedy • • • --, r --. . ·-' Sot.re~ Savs > _. f • -. . -' . ' • ! 1.4 _...,. . ~~-Hostag ay-See > . ·-_.,,,,. -· / ~ong i>·etentio~/ /. By United Pre11 iuterudooal looked after.· •. they -are okay," a source The destiny of M .hostages held by said. ,, • ~ Palestinian a:uerrillas in a dozen hid eouts In New-:-~or~. Israeli Prim~ Minister, around Arnm4n was clouded today by the Gol.!fa M.e1r said on }\er arrival Wed· establishment of 1 military government ..Resday n1~t her country, would not com· In Jordan and an Clltbrealt of fi&h1ina: < ply with , guerrill~. demands to release betWeen the guerrillas a n d Jordlnian Arab prts0n~rs in exchange for the troops. · h~tages. ''This cerlain1y won't help things," said They are men ~nd women who ha ve -en Amman source close to the negotia· bee~ b~u~ht to trial that bave su~ee?· • tions wit h the Popular Front for the ed tn . kllhng or have attemp~d to k1!! Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The Israeli~. They musl serve their terms, PFLP hijacked four airliners last week she ·sai~. . ~ . . and Js detaining passengers and crew Israeh compliance with t~e guerr1~Ja m~bers from>lJJve w~stern nations in dema~ds ~as been regarded in som~.d1p- villas refugee ~amps and rented houses. 1~m~tic c rcles as nee ded !-0 . brea . the "Th, -v 'h h de d th. ice in the _deadlocked negobat1ons, since e new,go ~rnme~, ~ as ar ne e Israel has insisted that all five nations . Fopular F o~t s att _tude l~wa~d the put up a united front and refuse to deal hostages an~ i_l looks hke they r~ in far a separately with the commandos. long detention unJes~ the govern,?1ents Aside from an unspecified number of concer:~-meeL their~ demands, the --Arab pri soners in Israel and a Swiss source said . . youth arrested in the Israeli port of Haifa In Bern .. Sw1tzerla~. 1~ces cl~. to for smuggling explosives, the guerrillas the. cpmquttee coo~d1nahrig negot1~tt~g are demarlding the return of seven com- pohcy for the United S~ates, Brtta1~. rades imprisoned in Europe, Lhe body or West Germany aJ\d Switzerland said an American slain in the attempted hi· Wedn~sday I_srael has agi:eed to free two jacking of an El Al airliner and Ht Leb· Algerians sci.zed Aug. 14 in efforts to ob-anese soldiers. tain release ol the hostages. The Israeli ambassador to .Switzerland, Aryeh Levavi, an observer at the com- mittee sess.ions, said of the report "it may be right, it may be wrong, it may be inaccurate." J An Israeli F6reign Ministry spokesman declined comment_ on· the report in Tel Aviv ,tod~~-i' Israel Identified the Algeriansil'"liUop officials of the Algerian secret service who were seized fJo m a BOAC jetliner.at Lydda Airport and who apparently were unaware their plane was to make .a stop in Israel. Political sources in Amman said the 1 guerrillas would not hesitate to use the hostages as a trump card in any violent confrontation with the Jordanian army. During battles in Jordan last June, the commandos used some 62 hostages held in Amman as a bargaining lever with King Hussein. The source1 said there were no fears for the immediate safety of the captu red men and women. "They are being well . . . From Page 1 INSPECTION • • • the program ," the acting manager said. "We don't intend to start any inspections until we can work out lia isons in the neighborhood so ,people will be properly advised and know Utat, although -"' are on official business, we c·~e as friends From Pagf! 1 BEACH ... ed the Corps' cooperation in the talks which began early this year . He also praised the active involvement of Governor Reagan. Senator George Murphy and President Nixon for their "keen interest' 'in the isSue. Discussions on the beach matters arose between those state and national ieaders this past summer-when the President hosted the Reagans and the senator to a dinne r at the Western White House. ~ince then, Mott intimated, the senator has taken an active ro!e in winning Marine acceptance of lhe state com· promise offer. Mott was noncommittal about other tempests stirred ,by .the beach issue - the latest of whiCh raged in Washington, D.C., between recently elected Rep. John G. Schmitz of Tustin and fellow Republican Alphonzo Bell. Schmitz assailed Bell's interest in the beach as an encroachment into Schmitz' territo_r,.._ __ Bell retorted that the John Bifch Socie· ty member from Tustin was against the opening of the beach to the public. That battle now, however·, has become moot. I .. City Attorney Jack J. Rimel noted the a~opting a new (log ordinance should this day~ ago. . . . amendment would have to be handled as one be rescinded as a result of filing tbe Hikers made th'.' g_nsly. find ea~Jy . U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gary -R~n._an eff~rt to do them It .service and not "Go .,, G t ,,;~~· v· . .d t with the intent of harassing them out of And the concern of the state parks of- ficials has shifted ·rrOm, the once.growing controversy of the Marine Beach to how it should be developed. a ..separate o~dinance. requiring two referendum. · . Sat~rda_y at a point ldCf!.ti!!~ .,by ID· g1 ran, a 4~1on JeJo res1 en , their hqmes. We want to help them find ' "Our greatest initial problem is bring· • I public readinis l lld a 30-day wait after Rimel said he woqld have to research vest1gators as .. the C4mlno Capistrano , ado Lion. -===~..tne..matter..il'Lde.tail,_butjf._appear.ed_that_ ar.!.~-a~ut _!our miles north of San Juan Councilmen unanimouslY supported a , "similar" ordinance could not be Cip1st~a?O. . . adOpted for one year following a SUC· Sheriff s off_1cers .a~1tted . tod~y that di~ MOftday from injuries received after ways to improve th~ir homes or en- bailing-oul of Jtls. disabled..A~..Skyhawk-cow:age owners to make their living con· 120 miles north of Manila, P.I. ditions s8fer and more habitable." Ing a portable water supply--to--the-new•---t stale park,.then-installation..of temporar.y.. ---- sanitary facilities," Mott said. Second Husband Dies in Vietnam News of the death in Vietnam of a 26-year~ld Laguna Beach Marine Corps ol· ficer brought tragedy for the second time to his young widow. The Defense Department announced Tuesday that 1st Lt. John D. Lawson, previously reported missing, had been killed in action. Lawsop, who was expected home Ocl. lJ after a one-year tour of duty, is survived by his widow, Mary Ann, to whom he was married Aug. 9, 1969. Mrs. Lawson is the mother of a five- year-old daughter by. a previous mar· riage. Her first husband was ki lled in Vie\nam on Jan. 29, 19§7. A J.ormer teacher, she ha s ·been ·a Laguna Beach resident-for four years. Services for the officer will be held in Massachusetts. DAILY PILOT cessful referendum. ro?r days of 1ntens1ve invesUgation had failed to produce what Capt. James ~aguna Launches Drive to Spark Winter Tourism A special advertising program designed to Jure fall , winter and spring vacatio ners to Laguna .Beach is being aimed at 28 publications throughout the U.S. Broadbelt described as "any significant clue" to the jdentity of her killer or the events that immediately preceded her death. They believe that her death occurred last Aug, 29, shortly ·after she ~as last . seen . alive in the company of her boyfriend, Edwin E. Miller, 16, of Elsinore. MilJer·s parents were the lasl known persons to speak to the young. couple as . ~, Carne Hayden Services Slated The effort to spark tourism in "off· season '' months is sponsored by the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Hotel-Motel Association. Services will be\ held Friday afternoon Acting as the city's advertising agent, in Laguna's United Com mun it Y the chamber will_use $7,500 of its alloca· Presbyterian Church for Carrie Tower Hayden, 31678 Seacove Drive. South lion from bed tax funds to finance the ad Laguna , who died Wednesday at South cCp°aiin and the hotel group will con-Coast Community Hospital al the age of tribute an additional $.1,000. 86. • Special travel editions of the selected Or. Dallas R. Turner will officiate at publications will be provided with stories the 4 p.m. rites,_ 1.9 ~ {Q!Jowed by in· and pictures of Laguna Beach to fi ll out urnment at Oak Hill Cemetery , San Jose, pages featuring the city and those nf Calif: , ---1-N..,e1t-h_. l.epM lfflll ' C-M,.. participating hotels. Stories and ad-Mrs. Ha~den is survived b~ter, H!l!!l!ttM ..... ,,_..+_,,vtt_lisements will stress Lag_ u~n_a 's Mrs. June Cramer! of South Laguna, 11 ......... ....., seasooa charmSiiccorCing to-1Jie1ime son, Willifil HaYi:JertOf-Pasaden~and-by s.. er. .. -. of year and loca tion of the publication. seven grandchildren. o•AHGt coAsT JtUILtSHING '°"''""v 1'he advertising committee organizing Born in Rochester, N.Y., she had lived ,,~i!!.~-.~i ~~ii, the campaign Is headed by Lren Hane1lne in California for 66 years and for 15 year1 J•c\ 11:. Curl•v and includes Roy Childs, Harry Willats. wa s head resident at Occidental College. v1<.1 ,ru:a1111 •"" CO-••t ,._, ... .,... Merrill Johnson and Bernard Syfan; with Memorial <lonations are suggested to Thono•• x,,.11 Dick Clark in charge of carrying out the Occidental College. Sheffer Laguna tdl!OI'" S,cbedule. Beach Mortuary are directors. Thol!\11 A. M11r,hiR1 M ...... mtt (dl!llO' ~[ch.rd '· Ni ll to.1111 Or•• COlll'I•)' Ed!Mr °""" C-1• MtMT »t WcJI •• , $1 ... t ~..,.rl l "'fl: :1211 W"I l•\bOll ..... , ........ UtuM Steell: m ~1 Av:-nus '41,11'1111111"' '""'' 17111 atM:~ .,,.,,. ••• r.f 1411 ci.m.ro1t: »S Htnfl II Ctmin. 11 .. 1 Did 'Weathermen' Help -· • Timothy Leary Escape? , I rL ._ l "'--~ From Wire Services -rugitiv~s - and said they appear to be e.!';.,~~o~ =.:.:.Jth-~iiy~d ~ Fugitive Dr. Timothy Leary appa~entl'y ~uinel... corrfpB.M?d'"\O otigtnl!S. . , • ., "' _., ... ~1,.,. ..,. ~ .. -~t~. got by With a little help from Jiij friends Leary, 8 frequent Laguna Beach visitor .,. • ...,. 9HC'1, OM•• M-... Hurlll!lf\911 B ti ' I . j h. ••ci ..., ~~"'"" v•Pty. •"·"' winri --as the ea es yric goes -n 15 who was arrested ·there Dec. 26, 1968, an. ... -..1 ......... °'""" t.•11 "'*i.111111 escape five days ago frorrt a minimum ,. ~7.:Mu~~~.!.1 :., "~ :: security prison at San Lui.$ Oblspo. pears to be fast abandoning the love- 1•1 "'"'· CMt• ""'"~ A special delivery letter received by ba sed-on-drugs doctrine he Once preached T ... ,. •• , r11•• 64104311 United Press International in Los Angeles to America's youth. C'-if'-4 u-tiliat 641·1471 Wednesd11y claims the ultra-radical He proclaimed in the lelter that he * Clam••,. •• llt,......,: Weathermen group assisted him. mus1 now be considered armed and a , .. .._., •~11-.... The Jett~r: urging violent revolution -_da.ngcr. to anyone who threatens his life ~=~ ~~ ,.::~ .. ~·' 11=•~~ bears slgnahires purporting to be those or or conunued freedom. ...;.-.<\ - cd111rr11 .... ,,,., ., ,,_,..._1, .....,. the 49·ytar-old former Harv a rd The letter, malled at the Los Angeles ,...., 11te ,~ • .. 11....,... ..,.i., ,.~ 'I I fl' •--ol W " "''".--. "'"' -psychology----professor~and---Wealhennan-1• a ~-~O ~ce.-IJVd.sta--ea"uerman ._.,,. t .... *'* ''" •t NfWJl'l'I '""" -commando Bernadette Dohm. pa rt1c1pat1on 1n · his t scepe from Los ---1 :,~!4eo~.; .. ~:~er:.:.Us=="'~ Authorlt~s c~ecked the signtiturcs Of Padres Men's Colony and exh-Orts all-out L·:·~"":'.":.:":":"'~"~'''~u~ ... :2-::'.""''..::·'.'.::::'.:::Jl-"111rrpalr-both anted b)'..,lhl--F.Bl-a.s-revolution,~--- According to a U.S. Navy spokesman, Th~ announcement that t~r~e-man in· Maj . Grant was flying practice spect•?n teams from the bu1\d1ng, hea.tth maneu vers when his ·aircraft developed and hre departments wou ld be probing engine trouble. He bailed out and was safety conditions in the old Woodla.nd picked up by a rescue helicopter. He was a~ea had sp~rked charge~. that _lhe c1tr, taken to a nearby hospital where he later was attempting to ha rass undesirables died. out of the area. . Memoria)1 services will be held for Maj. Sweany said the inspection program~ Grant Sunday at 2 'p.m. at the Main has to be implemented. throu~)lout tile ci· Chapel at El Toro Marine Ba~e. Funeral ty as part of the hous1ng::element of t~e services and burial will take p 1 a c e in general plan. but the new approach will Hartford, CoM., near I.be home of his stress coordin!tion and cooperation with motlier. re§.idents. Maj. Grant. 23672 Calle Hogar. is Springe said he had started mapping survived b5' his wife, Jeannette; three other4 areas of the city for in~pectioli three children: Michael, 7 ~ Da'Vid, ~. aod purposes some time before' the decision Cayrn, 2 and his _rpother, Mrs. Sol Ad ler to start tn the Woodland"Drive area was of Cobalt, Conn. announced. • wrap a room in velvet! COOUJLLE from l\Ur._rJ_/J¥Y.Jj . M19nific,1nl Caquill• br"•i edlbom, •1 1Hkv 11ft •n clt l19t11I tl v1lwtl. All Anfro11® 11yl~11. cl11n1 Ii•• • dr,1m, f<1 ••·loc loomtd, 1li•in·dy14, 12 co1o~. S11.fS ~·yd. .r After the initial work on the blufflops, a cut will have to be made in the face of the palisades below to allow for public access to the sands. "We will .probably be able to provide only one initLa l point or access at first," ~1ott-said, "and the public will have 1o walk from there, but it will be improved as lime goe§ on and we get an air propriatlon for permanent facilities."- Mott last saw the beach a few weeks ago when he and his aides traveled to San Onofre for a personal vis it. Mott and his aides have negotiated for the land through Otis year, but the issue over opening of a part of. the Ma"rine beachfront Ms been the subject of years of work. IF YOU CAN 'T COME IN-CAL( 646-02lS for 1R 1•p11t can1wll1nl who will com• lo you1 horn• wiih 11m pl11 with1ut 111y eblit1li111 !1 yow l H:IGARJf Ff( f URNfJii RE PROFESSIONAL INTER IOR DESIGNERS -1''1' OUl llY.OLVINa ,C:HARaE- Optt1 MOfl., Tlu1r1. I-Fri. lv11. 2215 HARBOR BLVD. cosr;i.. MESA , CAlfF. ------------------------~-------~• r • 't I , - ------•---- • , I I ·~I"""·~.~.,~-c_.r_, ... ...,,,...,....,~_~.""~.,...,~,..~...,..,.-; •. "'"",;:~.f==>~=:'<']";:i'~-.~,,.,~""~=::;~==""""""'!::""""'""""'""'~""'""'""...,."""""""'!"'~':"""!""'"'"'""':!l~~""'""...,,..'!l",....,~~:!!'." .. ""'!'l!',..""!"'!~'!'!'!11'!1 .. ~..<:.-""--...,,.-----------..,...--,-. ---~-----.-•4*• .. '. :; .. • • ~---....... ..... - OAIL Y P'ILOT P'i.t. "" G'°" 5cllnt ldlt -. Laguna --r--, I Thund11, Septemhff 17, 1970 ~. ... ,..> DAIL V PILOT 3 Council A ctiml Bans Access Blocliades / • -.... t -/ . . By BARBA.RA ~EIRICH regard to estahliahing pu.bUc Ole of sut:h Yet vote with the coinrnent, "It has been °' 111e Del!Vtliit ,,.., areas as the Back Bay and Salt Cn!U:. the pracUce in Laiguna Be.cl\ for ye1r1 Laguna 8,.1ich-'city councilm'en voted Councilman Peter Ostrander aqggest.ed that the public uae the beaches, even that the propOsed action "doe.!ln't do though much. or 'the area Js in private ananhn_,u.;ty Wtdnesday night to give of· anything that ·we don't have now." hands. This merely restates aupport of ficial',. support to ·the long-standing prac· eou'ncilman Edward Lorr prefaced his this practice." • tice'of permJttlng publlc reCreitional ~ or sa ndy beach. areas in 'the city, even t}lough t!Ue· to part" of' s~ch areas ina:..l' be privately held. They also Instructed 'City Attorney Jack J. Rimel to begin gathering af- fidavits rrom persons. who have been in the habit of using the beaches for recrei- tionfl purposes and approved a motion by ~ncilman Peter Ostrander to firm up exisUng laws regarding beach ~ lions with a new on:1,ID.ance banning con- sl.nh.."'tion of fences, walls and other-struC- tures on the sands. · - The council action, proposed by coun- cilman Roy Holm, was in. keeping with , recent Callfomiil Supreme · ~ o u r t decisions. ,upholding the public's right to use of sandy beach areas U such use has been permitted for any period of five y~ars or more. at anyUme. Laguna Truste.es Ending Church Vse of School ~guna Beach school t~teq_ will eod in four months al\· arrangement that has pennitted calvary Church lo u~ Thurston Intermediate School fa cilities for itS Sll!lday services. . The congregation has been meeting at Thurston since April 25, 1969, and bad re- quested permission to continue the use during the current school year. But trustees vOted unanimously to ad· vise the church the schoolfacilltiu. would be avaUable for no more than an ad~ ditional 120 days. complex, oa•hile-lhe church congregallon met at Thurston. However, Thurston prjr<:lpal David Lloyd -said there have been security pro- blems at the school, involving doors and windows being left open, e well as carelessness aOOut dropping food on carpeting dqring soc ial hours. ije said no complaints had been made earlier lieeause it was understood ~ ar. rangement with the chure~ was only tern· CAPISTRANO SHORE S TRAILER PARK MEETS MEAN HIGH TIDE LINE IN SAN CLEMENTE City Prepa·ring Study of Be1ch Access for Perusal by Council; Litigation Seen as Unlikely "It is not the intent of 'the city to 'in· stigate any litigation . in this _matter," Holm emphasized. "It is simply a matter of confirming support of llhe e'xisting situation, that is our. belief Ulat the public has recreational rights to the beaches and that the city will do all in its power to continue such use." A spokesman for the church told trustees Tuesda y the group would like to continue using the sc hool for its Sunday morning and evening services for the coming year and might request a further extension, pending solution of complex problems with the Pyne Castle property. porary. School Superintendent William Ullom said it was difficult to find responsible custodians to open and close the school rooms on Sundays and It had been ne<:essary ·to hire younger, inexperienced men. The church pays for custodial services on Sunday, but the custodian ls selected by the school. Coast Citie s Sti1dy ln1pact · OnBeacl1R11fu1ghyCourts By RICHARD P. NALL beach-no guards or fences. Of ""' 0.1/"t P'lltl S111t Another touched on possible ·Joss of A State Supreme Court decision that assessed valuation, removing the value of has changed the ground rul es of beach expensive beach front land by removing h. 1 · · · some of the ownership rights. cwners ip, apparent Y isn 1 going 10 In San Clemente the council has make any waves in San Clemente for some time. directed the staff to survey points of ac· The February decision by the high. ccss to beaches privately owned .. caurt was an opening wedge to allow the Th~ access is one important question public the right to use the sanOy strand since the public has long had the legal above mean high tide. line tven though it right to cavort below mean high tide line, is privately owned. but it dOElsn't touctt:on the fresher qucs· The court de c is i 0 n doesn't Jion of recreational easements that could automatically flatten fences or chase off be pegged down aOOve mean high tide line. guards since each privately owned pro-perty is a separate case. Dul it gave the City ~fanager Kenneth Carr said the ci- legal leg up which inspired Huntington ty survey showing points of legal access Beach to prepare to move in court against that might be established should be ready owners or large segments or private for council perusal in the next few beach to establish a public right to use months. that beach. Within the city limits there are abou t Such a decision v.·ould mean that the five miles of beach, about two miles or beach owne r could not build on his sandy citY beach and a mile of state beach. The strand or keep the public of of it. In the city spent about $1.25 million between case of Hunti ngton Beach, the city has 1964 and 1967 to acquire its beach. gone to the · extent of trying to recover This was done, said Mayor Walter damages in the cases ·where apartments Evans, "because San Clemente took a have already been constructed 00 the ' JOOk at the beaches and decided we didn 't d want buildingu n___tbm and voted a OOnd san . . La issue." guna Beach pointed its cily attorney toward-the problem to spen· o1H tlle op:--· -Questioned about -the-two miles of lions and ramifications locally of the.high private beach ownership, President Ntx- court decision. on's beach, Cypress Shores Community He told the .council the old rules are. in Association Capistrano Shores Trailer fact, changed. There is an implied Park (which is fenced}, an<I the dedication by past public use which Shoreclifrs Beach Club, the mayor said makes it possible to \?stablish a recrea-he didn't see it as a problem in_San. f.iona l easement. The Laguna Beach Civic Clemente. League urged that the council do so ·"But it is a tremendous problem in forthwilh . Orange County, areas such as f..fonarch This touched off a flap. One hote l Bay and Laguna Beach where you have owner said that a beach front owner was numerous private beaches," said Evans. being unfairly deprived of property rights He thought it unlikely that the city would because he had been a good guy in the launcq litigation to establish beach past and pennitted public access to his recreational easements in San Clemente,. "I can't see any place where it would Guard A~ary Sponsors Course In Seamanship A ne\V IO.week course in basic seamanship will begin free Qf charge looight at the Auto Club bllilding in South Laguna. The regular course series. sponsored free by the South Coast division of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, will offer in- 11truction in maneuvering, marlinspike , aids to navigation, charts .and compass work, rules of the' road, legal re- quireme.nU!· and hand I~ of smallcraI Registration ror the course will take place 'the night of the first meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. A three.lesson course in, basic sailing ~·iU follow the initial 10 v.'eeks of in· Etruction. Students successfully completing U1e course 'and final examination wi ll receive their basic seamanship certificate, which also a'llows initial membership in the Coast Guard auxiliary. Volleyball Games Slated in Lag una Recreation volleyball games, sponsored happen in the city," he said. Councilman Thomas O'Keefe who is concerned' about the beach access ques- tion sees recreational easements in a dif· ferent light. Said O'Keefe, "l think there is a big difference between insuring public access to the water and being able to sit on the sa nd below where anj building could be constructed lmean hi gh tide) and so1ne case that might actually result in ron- fiscation 0£ beach lands withou t com• pensation for the owner. "I'm not in favor of preventing a beach land ow11er from being about to build on the buildable portion o( his property." • O'Keefe said he thought that access itself to the ocean .and tidela?<fs should not be lost by some builder's action. He said it could be that the city would take eg ac on Uitlie-fUlUi't lo insure ac~ cess. "l asked 1.Jr. Carr to conduct a s Udy-. on ponls of previous public access to the beach so we can establish easements," he said. Asked his view of litigation to provide recreational easements. Above mean high tide, Councilman Wade Lower said une- quivocally, "I wouldn 't want to be any part of it. "Just because some lawyer found some loophole, I don't thlnk it':1 right. It's get- ting to the poiqt now that jmt because you have a deed to som~ing isn't saying you own it."' Councilmen Make by the Laguna Beach Rccµ-eation Depart· R din D b m<nt, wilt be beld at the La111na Heaeb ecOI° g e Ut ltigb School gymnasium "Monda y_s_. _ ' • Wednesdays and Thursdays, beginning· Lag\ltii Beach city cotmcnmen made Monday eveni,ng . . their rtcording dtbul Wednesday night in Men's two-man volleyball is ~lleduled an experiment aimed at clearing up con- from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.,m. ~1ondays. On fusion that has arisen over minutes of Wednesdays .f~ 1 p.m. lo 10 p.m. there past meetings. wfR be men s six-man volleyball league Acting city manager Joseph Sweany play. Adult co-ed volley ball will be played told the council that a large home tape in tbe girls' gym fra;m 6:30 to 9:30 on recorder. borrowed for Ole session, could ~ursday eveAi,ng_s,. be purchased for the bargain prlc~ol Interested persons m3y contact lht $140 if I.he council l'IO desired. Recreation Department al 494·J 124. E:t:t. It was wort k $400 new, Sv.·eany 11ld, 4~. Team entry forms now are-available and ISCoJ®ltibf( wlfh the exi.sllng publla for the aix-man \'ollcyball league. address system in the council chamber. Bus Crash Kill s 13 SEOUL, Korea (AP) -Thirteen persons "'ere killed and 48 injured Wednesday when a bus plunged dov.·n a 15-foot slope into a river near Pusan, 200 miles soulb of Seoul, police reported to- day. The only possible litigation, he added, would be possible action brought by an owner to compel the city to issue a permit fQl:....il wall or fence. Jn the event such action should be taken, be offered the resolution, unanimously approved, in- structing Rimel to gatl]er beach use af· fidavits "which could be or value in future years." Rimel said he would supply a for m or affid?vit such as used by the county with Calva'1' Church purchased Pyne Castle last year with the announced intention of using the property for a church sanctuary and Ovistian day school. However, the school plan was voted down by city authorities and the Pyne Castle property has continued to be used as an apartment Asked if Tuesday's decision would preclude a request to use other achool property, school board President Larry. Taylor said the vote implied neither ·~ proval nor denial of such a request. America your new cars are ready! • The ~971 Fords. New Fortf;Pinto ,Pri ced and sized like little Imports. but roomier. Quiet and stable. Goes a long way between gas stops, service Intervals, even atyjlng changes. Put a llttle kick In your 11re. Mustang Ma<:h I '71 Ford Ou tsi de, It's gelling noisier, Inside a 7~orcf LTD, It's a quiet world born of strength wrappBani luxury! Take a quiet break. In the 197~ Ford, Ford gives you better Ideas, '71 Mustang How does a nice homegrown Mustang stand up to the great road cars of Europe ? Beautifully, With great looks and handling, at a fiactlon of the cost, With slX models, seven engines and a long, . long list of optlons, LTD Brougham 2-Door H1tdlop Be sure to see the rest of Ford's better Idea cars tor 1971 Including Thunderbird, Mave~ck. Torino and the beautllul new wagona1 \' FORD ~ all Fords-better ideas -fbr- ._ 71 at your_ Ford Dealers now! R~-RD .......... ; ..... Ford Punt, Pua & Kick CompetlUon. Bop, a.1a. register at your nearest participating Ford Dealer through September 28 ---------------• \ • • \ •• ,...,,_ DAILY PIL_OT . ' / 1~·., .. n.11'( ''*" ,.,., _ __,.......c&;npus policemen !'t the Unlver· ~ ally of Houston will ••change the • • ' . . ' -~· In Cambodia . ~ ·, .. -· - I :A J Reds,,lJn~eash Big -.... . - Artillery ~ttac:K PHNOM PENH (UPI) -North Viet· CommuJJ!at foroea UHd -the cover o! nameae and VJet -COng forces WMler cover darkness aa they · SQlubed their W!Y ~ of supporting artillery flre early today at· tWougb rice paddies to hit ·lhe· 'Cam· tacked ejgbt battalions of Carribodian · bod.ian troop,. . troops trap~ ff miles north o! Phnom ''!lie 1pokesman said ofljcen cozn. Plllh, • military lpol<esmao said. mMillii& the task force wisted the · Tbe heavy usault against the 4,000 operatioo continue despite the crisis government troops dug into folholes and wbicb began late Monday when tJ:ie t.rencbes aloogside vital hJgbway 6 mark· government troops made fuJt_..coliflct ed the first use of artillery in the Cam·· with the...J'Ajnmunists after at%days out bodian war by the Viet Cong, the ~wire forced 'to-~ three miles IJlO~ said. _../"'Uth of Tang Ka.r:----1 Military sources sald the Cambodian The four bridges were 'destroyed .over -. • ---..l-~ ., • - • ..?" .f traditional police uniJorm this fall for red blazers with dark trousers and black ties. An emblem on the pocket of the blazer will Identify them as cainpus officers. The Dew uniJorm costs $60, about $190 less than the old garb:-Socurlty Chief Lorry W. Fultz sai~ he hoped to have campus security cars repaint- ed red and white, the school's col· ors. He said on the back of each ca-r will be the words "Pride, -In· high command urgently r e q u e s t e d three consecuU.n..daya earlier this week. ~AmerfCan-jet bombers for an ~attack The Viet Cong aliO attacked and occuple<l.1--- ' tegrity and GoOd.will." The initials, be pointa out, spell "pig.'' militants' name for policemen. • -A thief stole a painting and a sculpture by the French master August• Renoir, but returned them 12 hours later, police reported in San FranC:iscb. The miniature oil, ''Jeune Fille, '' valued at '22,000, and a small sculpture of tbe same model, "Gabrielle/' worth Sll,500, were taken from a show window in the predawn hours Monday al Mu· well Gallery. A woman tourist stay· ing in the YMCA hotel across the street said she saw a man smash the plate glass window and put tho two items in a shopping bag. At 4 p.m. a passing police car officer spotted a shopping bag in the win- dow. Jt contained the Renoir work's. "'J'm delighted,'' said owner Fred Maxwell. He speculated that the thief may have returned thm be.- cause of "an attack of conscience.'' • • Kathor';(.. Scott, 16, ~as become the first girl to attend the 30!).year· old reading Bluecoat school at Son· ning, England. "I don't fee1 at all shy among the 380 b<>ys/' she said. • Breakfast was late in hundreds of suburban SeatUe homes recenUy -because of a crow's navigation. The bird flew into a 26,000 volt line, knocking it into another line caus· ing a short which cut power to a three--square--miJe area. It was all electrifying and final experience for the crow, but resid~nts had power restored in an hour. • John Clayton, 46. decided tiling his farmhouse's roof in Hill, Eng· land was a good opportunity to pro- claim his love for his wife. Jean, 38. Now the name "Jean" in black letters stands out-from the n~w bright red tiles. •• Police caught up with M•rlus Guillis because he went several times a day to pray in the Sacre Coeur Church in Paris. Detectives watching Guillis saw him receive several wads of banknotes from girls who knelt beside him while in prison for pandering. • O!ficla!s of a paper carton plant in London, have hired a medium to chase away a ghost worker• complain haunt the factory. against the Commwlln force!. Three Tapeang Kuk 46 ml!e.J north of Phnom Cambodian battalions were reported poi&-Penh to furtbtr seal off highway 6 and to ed at Stoa. Ket northeast of the capital to isolate the tA:sk force . push northward in ef!orta to relieve the Sources close to the high command said isolated tut force. . there was a growing aentiment to cancel ' In · Soatb Vietnam, South Vietnamese the entire operation which was designed ! infantrymen supported by heavy U.S. air to open 45 miles of highway I from Skoun strikes and artillery killed 4S Commii.nist to Kompong Thom, • provincial capital 80 ps in renewed heavy fighting near miles north of Pbnotn Penh. The opera· Base O"Rellly, mllltlry-IJ)ol<esmen tlon was hailed "by caihbodlan military' rted today. officers u "tbe turning point in the lrty-eight North V~lnamese and Viet :war." Cong soldiers we:e killed by air strikes "We are golng to go on all the way to Wednesday seven miles northwest of the Koinpong Thom regardless of the cost," outpost situated 390 miles north of Saigon the spokesman said. "We will. pay any and 12 miles east of Llos. A Government costs to get to Kompong Thom. We are in soldier was reported wounded. a war 8'ld in war there are always A delayed report by the U.S. ·eomrnand losses.'' said two American helicopters were downed by growidfire in the Laotian panhandle. An Army UHl Huey was shot down. Monday and a Marine CH53 was hit Sept. 7. The two losses were added to the 10 helicopten shot down Wednesday by · Communist gunners firing from marshes deep in the Mekong Delta. lt wu the biggest single loss of allied helicopters in the war. "Very heavy" Viet Cohg and North Vietnamese reinforcements were rushed In to counter the Cambodia n probe of Communist strongholds begun 11 days ago, the Cambodian command said. The * * * N. Viets Offer Cease Fire Plan At Paris ·TalkS PARIS (UP!) -Mme. Nguyen Thi Binb laid today the Viet Cong would agree to a cuse-fire in Vietnam if the United Stat.s would pledge I<> withdraw all of lta troops from South Vietnam before Juge 30, 1971. Mme. Binh. "foreign minister'! irr the VJet Cong's so-called Provisional Revolu· Uonary Government, ended a five-week boycott today and met the new American negotiator, David K. E. Bruce, for the first time. She offered an ei&ht·polnt peace in· fUatlve wblch called for discussions on the freeing of prisoners of war if the United Stat.a would agree I<> the first conditlon of withdrawal. According to the text of her conference state:ment, Mme. Binh said that H the U. S. government declares its readiness to withdraw its troops by the · mid·1971 deadline "the People's Liberation Armed Forces· will refrain from attacking th a withdrawing troops of the United States. and those of the other foreign countries In the1 U.S. camp, and the parties will engage at once in c!i!cuMlona on: "-The question of ensuring safety for the total withdrawal from South Vietnam of U. S. troops and thole of the othet foreign countries in the U.S. camp, and H-The question of releasing captured military men." "The question of Vietnamese armed forces in South Vietnam shall be resolved by the Vietnamese parties among themselve.111," she added, apparently referring to_ the long-standing U.S. con- tention that North Vietnamese troops are present in South Vietnam in rnaasive numbers. N. Korea Offers· Confederation Plan to South TOKYO (UPI) -North Korea pro- posed today that the divided Korean na· tions become a "confederation," Com· munist in the north and capitalist in the south. The plan was contingent on the withdrawal of all Americal'i forces from South Korea. Jt also demanded_an_end to _ the United NauOnS· 20-year role of guaranteeing South Korean security. . The details appeared in a lengthy "'memorandum" of the North Korean 11overnment, broadcast by its oUiclal news agency. ..., The plan seemed certain of quick re- jection by the South Korean regime of President Park Chung Hee which long his relied on the United States to protect South Korea from another invasion by the' north. · Par"1 government has protested strongly against the American intention to cut authorized U.S. troop strength in Korea from 64,000 to 44,000 men. Uruguay Rebels ~sk Conditions. For Releases MONTEVIDEO , Uruguay (UP!) Tupamaro terrorists may free two foreign kidnap victims held for more than a month H the government-Igrees to - "certain conditions," police said today. Police sources said an intercepted Tupamaro note said Claude L. Fly, a ~ year-old U.S. farm consultant, might be freed if the government authorizes publication of a Tupamaro communique in all the country's news Jiiiedia. The note, which police said w a s a)> parenUy authentic, indicated that Fly, of Fort Collins, Colo., may be ill. It said that Fly was "under medical condition" while his fellow hostage, Brazlllan Consul Aloysio Dias Gomide, 41, was in "perfect condiUon." Gomide was k.idnaped JWy 31, th e same day as American police consultant Dan A. Mitrione who was murdered by his captors Aug. 10. Fly has been held liince Aug. 7. Humidity, Rain Hit Nation . . West Bal.my As Heavy Rains Drench Midwest, Sout1i WM"*' COl'llll'Mllf t•lr todn" - 1«1t1Mr11 C.llfornJ. •It'll Jricr.e1ln1 clwds ....., fOI •lllftl flM c11111t du•lll'll nl9/it 11111 "'"' '"""'""' l'lolln. ln!111d lrMt --Wlf'ITMr, \ COOL LOf """'" •M \'klnltof' llM.,. ,,i'~onl'--~Ji".S:t:::!::,, 11.1nllh!ns wltll 1111_n!th_L_•~~ "'*' mornlM fo9 •I-tM cottf, T..,,N!' .. turn ..-"""•llY l'llthef 8"cl • hlwll .. • ... -~ to!M• .... ,r1198,, &.9w foll6IM w•• Mt •I "1. Tiie Air l"ollllfllwl Cllltrllf 1'1181tld ...:!kfM l'IMW wt ftTtl81lotl ,,_ -"' "'8 '811 GOrlll .... ""'"'"9 V•llw'ft. _. 1'9flt tt' ~ ..,. ""' rltl'llorl ........ "' tl'l8i ... 111. 0111119 lewl• wll "'"'" ,,_, • low of .IS In tflt C611 ... I MCflotot ,. .. ,..,,. ,,,,, l'!'lllllOlt "' lnlelllll .... 1wn. TM -.er. _. tul!l!t' lw mklo ~t.. TI!Urldrl' • ..,.... ..... "'"" of n , tl'NI• the ...... -_,,, 8 ..... •I I.I, TM_.......811111 .... ..,.._ ...., wlllt hi.,. fft ttie • tit "*"''•"' rMMts. hJtht ,.., " ... the ......... 4fttrh •nd lOf " ,.. ......... , ... Ot"'91' llllht WA ,.,, ... ~ fN•llTlll!'M ,.... ~ L-. leedl n.u. '-"'' MMIC9 •11. ~ ,.. tc, Ml. W~'°" JI.& 1"-'mdtle ".ff. ltlV'tftld8 ........ ...., ...,.. "°'""' l8'1«11181d '°""' Un Dlelo 1>7J. '8~ 1• l1"'8r1 JS.11 Md Stl'ltl A"""'-flel"' II.fl, IJ.S. S••-,,, Tll8 'Wftt-!\tit 9f tM .tlefl .,._ ....,N -•!If t1lr _...,..,. ltdlf .,.It. t"'9!'1 °""' otntrtttlM ~ .. "" "''· HO! hU,,,ld WMll'lllr 8fl"Vl llld Thf'OV911. "" ""' -1f!M1t w1111 •rot1w--nerw ""'.,.,_., .. ~ tM Mlttlffl .. Vifitf 111111 "'~' conlrlltl"' •Ir ""''* "" IMlllM ,, illtMuc9 cona1 ... 111. ,., .. 8"cl I fiN' flluNW.,.._..., •oekfofd. 111., "'"'\Ired 1,,. lllC:l'ltl of r11n fl.N'• il'ltl • tl1-ho\lr """'"· 01'l'ltt 1110lnt1 11t lltlncllt 111111 .... ,.... ... ,...... """ .. -. """ '""""''"' ef ""Jul •term , ••• ke ........,.. .,,_ w!MI ,,.,. ""lfY rtlft ,. MCtlont _. Ta11, W.c. ,... ClllWll l.M IMhn 11'1 -flollr, TM ..,ll'lwftt COl'llll'l\IH tlll'WIY ~ -rm .... ~ ,., -c:lwdt.,.. •Ii· 118 Wrl«t1 "'8 nltht 1""9 n... lmlt\ldlo ..... -lflem '-"\I• Tiie ntllan't l'tlllf "'°" W.oMMltf Mil 1"'"'1tl, C•llf., 1t 102 dltl'HI. Tll9 .wmltlll Mow Wtll V 11 Klt!1 ... t1, Mont, • • c ....... l'ii:fDAT~ Molt~ wnn. tOdl,, t1ei'i1 ,,.,,11br. Wll\dt nltoht •nd mornlM hotllll ~ ll'lt _,.,,,,. t to 1.S knol1 In 1lt1moor1t focltY tncll ftrldff. Hltlt lodlY n, CM118I tmiHr•llH'" rt-f""" • to n. lnl1,.,. '""'"'"'"" r1rtt8 lnwn :W to "5. Wtttr ltmMrll\H'I U. Sun, Jlloon. Tides THIJJl.IOA.V Sttand l'llttl • .. . .. • 1110 '-""· •.I S8cOflCJ IOW •• . liJO •.1t1. -0.1 ftJl.IOAV ftlnl Hltlt .......... ~ 11:•1.m, '· ''"' 1-............ ,. ,,,,.,,,., 1.J Sl<'Olld """ .......... 1);0 •• ,,,, •.I s.c:ono lew •:~• 11.m. 0.1 S;in Jl.lflt 1:311.m. S111 6111 •.m. ,..,_ Rl"' l iU •.m. Ith t :U t ""· , ·--Anchor••• All•nl1 ltktnfl1ld l!llllTllf~ """ ..... Chlctff Clnclnn•lf Clwllt/ld ..,_ Pltl'Olt "'"" ftott WW1tl ·-..._ _ ... K1n.11 Cll'r L11 V"11 Lo.Anti!• Mt.ml ... ci'I Mllwtull:" Mlfl()llPDlft NtwOrlNM N-Yt>rlJ 0.ktlr.d ... ... Ptto Jl.otiltt ""ltldtlllhlt "l"•lwrtlt -· f"orll8r.d 'llM lluff ·-. $1crttntnlt $1, l.o\l[I Siii LI-I t.11y $11, Olet0 Siii ftrll!'ICIKI S•~I• 11ra.r1 se.1111 SPOlllM 11111 ..... 1 W1.rllnOlor1 n " " .. N 01 ~ " " " ' 76 .., -t1 S3 .JI .... " .. .... " .. n " " .. u l! .94 " " " " .. '' .ff " " ... , . " .. " u 71 .111 .. " " .. .. ,, l.OS- " " .... jol "' ,13 ff Q '' 67 ,, ,, " .. " n " " " " ti 51 " .. . ~ " " " .Sf " . " " H n 100 " " . • MIYlll• Y•MICIT Jlllfll All GRADES • LINDY SHORT SHOm PENS Wort~s most popular b.111 point pon. Blac~ royal, red, avoc!do, venetian b~e, gold, phml or shD<:kmg pink ink colors. PACKAGE OF 4 WESTAB 300 SHEET fill.ER PAPBI College, wid e rule or typing paper. Ruled paper is punched for 3 ring binders. 8'hxll inch§S. OURREG. 44c DISCOUNT PRICE 78c BICCUC 2PEN PACK •~ . ~~---Two great Bic-Clil: pens in pack. You'll like the hefty feel and the way they write. Choice of point· ~il' 44 LOW ( PRICE .. , fa//l/us rebxlable point pon wi~ ~ng lastin( ink SllPP!J. Writes smootlJ~ witllour drJg or dripping, Standard size 8'hxll" paper with wide or college rules or plain practice paper. --Binder, assignment book, college rule theme book, dictionary, filler paper, Ouradex indeX: 111 PAPBIMATE IA FIAIR VI PENS NYLON POINTS STAY SHARP I Choice of red, blatk or blue ink. Permanent ink, porous point. Click cap prev.,ls dry~ps. '"'I for school projects. Cololful "Girt Talk" pattern. 1;;• 3 rill& binder, 65 sheet college rule notebook and 4x6" 50 sheet assignment book. All witi maldling com. . 144 1500 inches long 1 'fz inch wide self adhesive tape in bandy dis· penser pack. Many home and school uses. Portfolio IJas storage pockets, reference tables and other illfo. folders for report~ proiecb, t.rrn papors. YOUR 6( CHOICl IA. CHARGE TOUR PURCHASE WITH YOUR CRIDIT CARD CHA•G• t1' l•nltA111trk1,.. Wllltt .. ,.,.. <• ... ....... ,. c ... ,,. COSTA MESA -IOU UllTOL AYI. e JUSTO" NIWPOIT AYI, '"'":"" ... ,.... --........... , ~100:11 111 ....... . CN:llY 11 " t .. ... W.1t1t•~111. IVll. II II , ,,Ill. • . I J ' 7 7 l • -L • . ,. * ... 'x ' ' ,. • . ,... . -~~ . __...~ I . ·.._ .......... .,, - OAANGE COUNTY, CALIFO~ ., ... . ) ' -'· • • TEN 'CENTS I ~-. ast Associati'~ ~ ep .or:ts~m __...;Oce.an Sewag _ • . , ,__.....,.. . . -~ -~ 1 :::--· -_,_ ~ • By RICHARD P. NA.LL Orange, County Sant ~ifrlct wlth He said although-~e lndustrla waste ._JS.lllinjswortb· ~a 1()..foot diam~ Orange County south lor South Lacu.na};'" Wliy does the-'San DtegC)...recson pro- 09 '""' 1191" ,. ...... ,,,,, Rlv!rskle d -to carry the ''most disposal 'propcsiti,on must:"be put to ~tfall ~trofu. the ~th. of the Santa the State Regional Water Quality ~ttiil' · v1lde more protection fof iG beacfm than •. The 130 million gallons of sewage being vie~· o ~ alli;Uutants" into the , waters_ ~rs of Riv~!J<lrCOo.nty • t~ree-AJll ruver is ~ laid ri 400 feet out Board, San Diego region, ~ not pennit Qrana:e County (Santa Ana' River 8uln menl has ~ady been s1gned~m Orange _-:-;_w · ' dumped inlo the. ocean olf Newport ~.....!lli!POrt Beach.. , Coujlt)"'Without beinitpurtOa~y vole alc»)I lt'f GCe(lll r~ . any ~ewage with only_prlmary treatment Water Qµality Control Board)? Beach every ·day may be followed up by'_.--The nonr!Claimable industrial waste ........ or the 131).rnillion-gallori<il a 11 y , He said, however, that ouUel!I 1n lbe to be discharged in'to the oc.ean. ·Orange County is nol being properly 1 far f!'in . "vicious" nonreclai~ble in· would include nltrata:, phosphates, discharJv-off Newrw1 ..... 1Je1ch,* Kill-' .line wilt diftwle 1ewage onto the ocean Killinpiiiorth raised these questioris: cautious, he charged. · : duslr11I waste from three counties. chromesiodines and other chemical sub-inpworth said, a& ~fcent does not n.oor every 6,000 feet of. length. .-Why · is San Diego area more coi;t-C. L. "Cap" Blackbum, q,airman of .. 'f'his was the e~~ of a report to I.he stances. receiv.e seconitary treatment -only "When it la completed at the end of the cemed with sewage discharge_J nto the_ the associatlon1 a cc om pan i e d KW· Orangt; County Coast Association this A hearin& at Costa Mesa City Hall FrJ· primary treatm.ent:--1"tlertJS-conSlitet'able year," sii!:I Killinj'Swoi'th "the county O!=ean and other receiving waters th~· Jngsworth on ·a fact-finding tOur. He uJa mo~ning ~n .Laguna Be_ach. . day will take up the matter, said Kill-difference i"n the results of primary and sanilation district plans to Stop aecondary Orange Colinty-? sewage district officials were evutve Jun Kil1 1 1n&Jworth, chairman of the ingsworth, who mentioned . Oie Incidents · secondary treatment, t\l ooted: treatment altoeether. Officials refuse to -Why does San Diego area exert more Wtten questioned about not having put the association s Preserve or Perish Com-of malformed marine life of{ the local · Secondary treatment produces a far go to second&r)r treatment." control ov-er the sewage discfWje stand-sewage project out tQ !!kl -ltltin& they _mittee, s~ke ol an ae:reement sie:ned by coastlin~. •, --purer effluent. -He alld San Dlego""County and ards than Orange County? bad selected the best enatneer. ate ~arines Give Up Seafront La'.nd . • By._JO~ VALTER~­°' IM NllY ,II .. Sltff The l!~ ~ _M~rine ..Qorps ~y ga ve California 3.5 miles of its beach. _The_ Marjne (;orps. which orlJinally held that 1.5 miles of beacll for five years was 113 limit, announ~ the precedent· setting decision this morning. The release of the bluffs and beautiful beach directly downcoast of San Onofre is a historic event for the largest mililary ·inslallation in the world. In an announcement termed "a surprlse" by lhe head Of the State Department of Parks and Recreation. the Cofll:S broke a months-long deadlock in the nc;goliations for the precedfnt-settinl{ bea ch opening issue and accf!d~d to the: ·The beach will be the first portion o/. compromise offer of the Slate of the Camp Pendleton .strand ever opened California. for public use. · And the reaction by Slate Parks Direc.. The ofJicial · slJltement by I.he c.orps · tor William Penn Mott Was one of quiet said that the Opening would 1 be .com· ., en Suppo11ers . . Of Canines By BIJUIAJ\A XREIBICH Of IM Clii11r '"" "'ff · A last-minute t!ltempt by· the Laguna J\ea<h •City Council to modUy Its can- trov...W dog ban ordinance oppwod to . have failed today when · supporten cl a ' r<fer.\idwn to quuh the enlft ordlnonce • "'1llOW1ced their Intention to Jl'oceed .. 1111 pJeasure and praise foi:....Senator C.-eorge patible with the needs for training Blong· • ot-. Murphy's behind-the-scenes work lO the shoreline. .\ •·i~~~ fil~'o(~lr"'.11!'~ • -• , " ~J leferi;W" j ''petitions, beminl mo.. 'fhan l,311D ...,_ of ~ .-....., ..m .. llled !Id-iilth make the negotiations.a success. "The.Marine .Corps 'be resent "Certainly we are pleased," Molt told proposal will be in the belt intett11l tl tbe the DAILY · PILOT today, ''and I must public and will 11sist-• t::dt• • admit that It came as a surprise at this panding community needs loc reer9tion' point.'' in California," the a~ said. He predicted the huge new beach·s-mtt---::::Oespite earlMF ~rtsr-that opening to the public with temporary negotiations .have been strJined -prais- faciliUes by next spring. (See BEACH, Pqe.J)· Jordan Troops Prevail, Issue Truce Demands Bv Uaited Prns International "nle ·Jordanian Army, appareiitly win: ning i~ civil war with the Palestinian guerrillas, said tonight it was prepared for a cease-fire and laid down a series of stiff conditions. Guerrilla leaderS in broadcasts over Damascus radio called on their allies to intervene.and "stop this horrible massacre.'' The Anny announcement came shor11y Afler the· Jordanian government warned Syria and Iraq 11gainst interventkln ~ sakl it now CC'ntrolled three quarters o[ Woodland Riot Report to Air Due ·Wednesday ' Following an executive session afler Wednesday n.l&ht's City Council meeting, f..aguna Beach Mayor Richard Goldberg 11iid an official report on thf' city·~ in· vestlgalion of the July 4 Woodland Dr ive rim will be released at 7 p.m. next , Wednesd . Gold g said the statement will be ma e A a 1dJ<iUtm'd-council session preceding the study session scheduled for 7:30 o'clock that evening. · It will be 11 summary of find ings made by 11 three*mcmber commilltt of inquiry, made up or Goldberg, former city manager James Wheaton and Ccun· cilman Charlton Boyd, during several days of hearings last month. Woodland Drive resicteni.,, police officers 11nd other tntercsted person! testified on the .July 4 ml lee that brought police unlls from 11ill'. Agencies to thf. scene of a disturbance ln- volving up to 200 persons. Goldberg said one more council Cl· eculive session will be held in thf'ii}t\rim tn sort out the voluminous tt:!timony presented during the hearings. The preliminary sessions are closed because information involves city person- n<I. An Inquiry into the r!flt Arnt ~ubsequmt chargu of pol ice. brutalfty,<1lso'Y.'8! con· ducted by Police Chief Kenneth Hock, 3t,o~ rePQrt w111s pruenled to lhe com· mlttee or inquiry. Amman. Jt had batUed with tanks Md artillery throughout the day against guer- rilla rifles and machineguns. The Army made these three demand! of the guerrillas -an immediate end to the guerrilla shooting, retention cf the Army within the cities and withdrawal or guerrillas from I.he cities. It said it would hel p them go to any point along the Ce<1$e-fire ·line with Israel. Ammfln raido sa id a four-man Arah League mediating mission W&! urging an immedia te cease-fire in Amman and four other major Jordanian citie! that were scenes of major fighting throughout the da y. The cease-rire appeal came amid In· creasing indications the guerrillas were getting the worst of it in figliUng which began before dawn today. A spokesman for the Al Fatah group in Beirut admitted "lhe situatk>ri ~ serious." The guerrillas' O'amascus-Dased "Voice of the Palestinian Revolution" radio call- ed on the Arab revolutionary powers to "act to stop the bloody massacres." It said the Arab people were waiting for the decision. In an emotklnal •oice the announcer cried, ''Amman is: burning. Smoke ia seen everywhere in Amman. The qents (govermbent lroopa) are shelllnc. the popuJ{'f.tod -areas-everywhere.'' "Liberals or the Arab world. lhr1ls or the: whole world, sfoP. lhe · horrible massacre that our people are ftdng in Jordan," the broadcut .. id. "Stop this massacre. the like qr which histoty bu never wltnesse<j1" • · During the day tlle Oglltlng sPllled over into Leb4J'¥>11 and Plleltinian guer- rillas seiielf ~ Jordanian embuly in Beirut. Syria had threatened to lntervene-on the aide of the Palntiniane, and the guer- rilla 's radio appealed to the 12,000 to lS,000 Iraqi troops atatk>ned in Jordan to join in the fightlng . Israel watched evenl, carefully. prepared to Intervene If IU security is threatened. . There was no word on the IAl.e of the 5" hijack hostages held by ... guerrillas in various parts of Amman or of the lt)Q Americans and llO Britons atAtioned in the Jordanian c1pllll. The Ame:ricans we.re told ~ lo l\ay aoee to tbcir homes. l r • the. ci\y clerk. writer Arnold Rim saill ·~ conference& 'wttb r ,e f·e r e n d u. m ........... . >.-. -cA....intmum ~ 1111 verifiea ilpotunl, 10 -t'ot-LoiliM's rOgtsterell ..-., ill rOqqir.ct to oet r.,.,..,,,,..m 1!lldllnory · Jft rnotlon.1 f Filing of lhe petitions will have-the ef. feet .of ~ the onllnonce. "'11th would have become law Friday nfgbt, 311 days after Its adoption by' a a to 2 cooncll vote. . . If siafficlent signatures -are. verilied by · UNBEllEVING PASSERSBY PONb!l CRASH . SCENE Ai"LAC<UNA BEACH COFFEE SHOP •. fortunately, tile Customers .Hid Alro.dy i'1,lihod 'Th1t .S1Cond Cup of Coffff . t~ Orange County registrar of voters, the City Council muat . either rescind the ordinance or submit It to the voters. , If "the ordinance is ttscinded or voted down u the result o1 the merencium, the council la forbidden by· state Jaw to adopt a similar ordinance for a period of one Councilmen Rage Over Mobile Trailer Dispute A brief, bitter exchange between two cpposing San Clemente city councilmen in the nagging controversy over .A'Jbile home parks raged for a ti me Wednesday before lhe coul'Jcil rl ecidcd to kick a pro· posa\ for a new park back to the plannlng commissioners who· unanimously ap- proved il last week . Councilmen Thomas O'Keefe and Wade Lower parrl~ for a rew moments 1111 one of lhe bitterest council rlareups in monlh11 over the proposal by Lincoln Savings and- 1.oaJt to build a deluxe coach park qn va· cant land near Shorecliffs Golf Course. O'Keefe, a staunch foe of any mobile home park land e in that section of the city, reacled holly when Dr. Lower .asked him why O'Keefe was nOt prese11t 1t • detailed presenlation of the Lincoln plAns btrore planni~ commissioners. Dr. · Lower was in1presaed by the park pro- posal. But O'Keefe, who was oJt vacation in Hawaii when commissioners unaitimously approved the principles of the Lincoln de velopment, said he resented Dr. tower's ''inference that there was derellctlon of duty on my part." .. The fn1tter V'o&e when Dr:' L(iwer moved that the cood:Wonal u~ permit for the development be approved subject to "latet..condillons Imposed by the planJ1ing ammialon. ·The moUon ultimately failed, but not before the exchange. •·1 sat in And saw the plans·f>ropoSf!d by the developer And they were imprcsslve1'' Dr. Lower !iid. "This action is In extremely bad faith.'' O'i(eefC repl)ed later, "1t hurls the many ci tizens who appeared before this council the last lime the Lincqln plan came up 11nd successfully wott their fight to ~Ive the: permit denied. Now yoo'rc _pl'OJIQllng to pllss it 3nd theAe people don't have 1 chance to be heard." I . Ttuck Loses Its Brakes, Slams Into Coffee Shop A two-ton freezer truck cannonballed l,hrough the wall of Benton's Coffee Shop in Laguna Beach this m·orni ng, 'crushing a booth just vacated but mirCu1\'.IUSIY in- juring no ooe seriously. "It sounded like an explosion.'' said Mrs. Charles Benton, quoting one of the employes. The big' square·body truck was aboul 10 feet into the building after losing' it!§ brakes on the North Coast Highway hill which descends to the Broadway in- tersection. The building's interior looked as if a bomb had ex.ploded. Persons at the !Cene said diners had . just vacated the booth destroyed by the ~ck. 'One woman complained of minor injury but did not seek medical aid . On-lookers called it a miracle that there were not mangled bodies 11bout. The truck drivu, Victor D. Pandozzl, M, of West Covina, told police he had left the Cottage Reataurant and turned on to Coast Highway. , He said. ht lost hil brakes on the hil l oppoSite the A&W snack .1hop 151 N. Coast Highway. Pandtzzi told police he had his (got on the brake all the way to the floor and was trying to put the truck •tn low gear as he shot through the Broadway intersection narrowtY. missing a •car and traveling too r1pldfy to turn right JOw)ltd the belch. · PandOzi:I, who was blutinl a wamlng oo his horn, zoomed th·reup the gas sta· Uons :"adjacent Benton:• and 1plowed ' lhrough the . woU• of the popular ' . ' .. . Reagan. S~8 .Bill ~ . ' ' SACRAMENTO iUPll -Gov. Ro{llld , r Rei8111 'hu ilptd 1 bill ollowlng poll«· ~to auction contllCl&ed sporting firanns rather than dilpoat of tlW.m,i his office 1onowicec1w-.y .... . - . • \ , . breakfast .spot. 133 S. Coast Highway. From the outside the big food freezer truck seemed as if it ju.st fit in the plaster cement walls it ha,d devasted. Downtown spectators craned to aee through the coffee shop's glass front as workmen picked up the debris and police questioned witnesses. Home IQ.$pectio'n Program Delayed On Woodland The Woodland Drive housing ln1pe<:UC111 program , foTmer ly scheduled to I et under way Sept. I, will not be started un- til plans for citywide inspecUons have been comple,ted. ·Laguna's 1Ctlng city manager ·Joaeph· Sweany confirmed Wednesday. nie decision to delay lhe controversial house-to-house inspections, which had precipitated tumultuous city council. meetings and voluminous peUtiona of pro- test. was made jointly after conf'erencea with city councilmen, building officiab and police ~d fire chiers, Sweany .. kl . . Building and Planning Director· Clyde Z. Springe is completin1 the Wk of map- ping proposed il)Speclion a r e 1 s tl}roughlolll the city, Sweany 11td, and when ~is is comp$eted, along with a·. schedule, the inspections will start, ~ bebly oot until late October. . COuncilman Peter Ostrander, with the 1ssi1Lance of Counc:Uman Chartton Boyd, hat....b' e "n ~charged w i t·h ~ .etUng up neighborhood liaison for the prosram, he • added. • . "We want' to find people in the neighborhoods we can Lalk to ind eiplain • (!lee INllP!CTION, Pop I) year. _ In an attempt lo qutet .aroused public cpinlon, the council voted UlllJliJnoUsJy W-y night to emend the doe ban to the e.xtent of limiting beach. resbictions to the-summer months, from June 15 to Sepl 15. A similar amendment, offered by Coun- cilman Roy Holm on Aug. 19; prior to adoption of the ordinance, was voted down at that Ume by the same 3 to 2 vote that passed the ordinance. with Holm and Councilmon Charlton Boyd in the minori· ty. Commenting on the council acUC111 Hano said, "They threw us 1 bone. We have no choice but to go ahead with the T<leren- dum." 111>e ordinance as adopted would con. tlnue exlaUna: leuh law requirements and. ban clop, on or off the leosh, from Bluebird Pork, Riddle Field and Top of iloe DOG LAW, Pip I) Weatller • ' Hazy sunshinl will beam alter, nately through the . (Of and I°" c!Oijds olon llhe """"'" Fridoy', _ with t.mperltur'8 jumpin( up to ' the 12.a ronp on the ·c:out . ..., furthtr 1ni1nd. INSmE TODAY Whet.Mr or Mt tht. Wall Street--bear market W ffMllll turned a1'ovM, UM! Doto-Jcmc• htduatrial Avero0t ii °" tM wav back. Sylvia Pomr dil- cu.uet fc, °" Page 28 todq. • • • ' .... " " • • .. ... .. " -. -.. ::..': "4o ': --. --. -.... ... .,. ..... It T-" -.. -. ........... ,,.,, ---... . . t I I • ' . . 2 DAILY PILOT SC Thursdly, ~toM.f 11, 1910 • 2 Vote No • ·ot • By PAMELA BAIJ.\N Of tllll ~II)' ,.lltl Sl•ll The San Joaquin Elementary School Pistrict nearly lost it.s hot lunch program Wednesday. ' \ · s ;riet ~-:­ .. / Lunches·· ---· -'"'-< • . voting against the reii:nburaement, but were votiog against the controls that ac· company· government assistance. An argument ep.sued when Berey-asked Miss Timlin if she expected more welfwe children t'o participate this year. . - I ' -~ -so..ree Sa1• '·, . ~~~~M~~e-- Lon(~tjon· . ~ ' By Uaited ea interutiellal looked after ~ •• they are okay ," a source. ...-1'h~stiny of st' hostages hela by said. · J>al!stinian guerrillas ip a doien hideouts In New. Yor~, Israeli Prim~ Mlnister 'araund Amman was clouded tOOay by the Golda M~1r said on he! arrival Wed- eslablishment or a mllltarJ goVerftment nesda~ ni.g~l he~ country would not com· h{ Jordan and an outbreak of fl&hting PIY with guerrtll~ demands to release .~ . Scllool trustees Robert Dameron and Ed Berry ljfgued against and voted negatively on a motion to accept lull gOVernment reimbursement 'lor free .lunches served to children on welfare. ··Yes; I do," she answered. "'n--~s0e more will know about it. ..T aw states that parents mus_t..~--nOUned about the availabi~ot-'"the program through ,.... ci!£.U!ars sent home with the chi!d.--anil Uirough the newspapers.''~ between the) guerrillas a n d Jordanian AJ:ab--prfsoners in e1cban1e for lhe ~· troops, · ~o.~tage!.' ~ ''This certainly won't help yPngs,' said They are men ~d women who 1 an Amman source ~'--iOtbe negotia· ~~ br?u~ht to trial that ha~ . j The motion passed 3 Lo 2 after the board was told failure to accept the. -'ia_·ssistanc·e would result in government withdrawal of all assistance in the school 11,1nch prog:i:am, . Sara Timlin; director of food services, Said, without the government subsidy and t)1e U$e of goVerntn_ent commodities, the Oi.strict would not be able to~af!ord to 5erve a nii'lritional hot lunch. The goVernment assistance adds up to ~about 12 cents pir lunch served to every student. Last year the district served more than 2,000 IUnches per day. --t. · Miss Timlin pointed out that last year ;fhe district paid for the free lunch pro- .gram for welfare children without reim· ·burscment. However, out of 33 eligible only five took part in the program, she noted. ~ Berry and Dameron said lhey were not ,- She sal<I other go -vernment re- quirements are that the food must be nutriUonal, the child m'ust not feel discrimination, and no other food by private group~ can be offf,!red for sale. at the same time. · "What wo1.1ld happen if_ we dlll!l't get any government money?" asked Be~ry. "We wouldn't be able to serve the type lunches we serve now, or else we would have to ask you for more money," replied Miss Timlin. "I am opposed to hot lunch programs in schools anyway," said Berry. "What's wrong with sandwiches?" After Berry and Dameron were voted down. Berry said he'd like to continue to look into the matter to see if the district needs the program. From Page 1 .LAGUNA DOG LAW. • • the World Park, and from beaches Goldberg's proposal, including Edward between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Lorr, author of the origillal ordinance, who had introduced it in an unannounced t!}roughout the year. move at the Aug. 5 council meelillg. : At the.Wednesday night council session, "The ordinance has taken up a great gallery owner Richard Challis presented deal of council time," said Lort, "and.if informitl petiti6r'ls signed by more than we can fi1d a solution to end the matter f 3,000 residents and visitors urging the would support it." council to rescind the ordinance before it Fifilowing oouncil approval of the went into effect. amendment, Challis stepped forward to The signers, Challis told the council, say that his group would stand by il!i "sense that their freedom has been petitioU in the belief that a firmly en· a):lridjl'.ed by the council's arbitrary ac· forced leash law would be sufficient to -tion .. ----:-itls a restflcfion--;-not-------rurthe-----so1ve:caguna•fi1og ptotile~- freedom of dogs, but on ' the freedom cf Hano presented a five-Point analysis people." po i n t i n g out inaccuracies an d in· Members of the Laguna B e a c h Dog ·consistencies in t he 'ordinance. "T h e Owners' Association. Challis said, would change makes one small bole in a morass strongly support rigid enforcement of the of density," aaid Hano. city's existing leash law. He urged higher registratioa fees for Noting that the dog ordinance ha,d been dogs and stiffer penallties ~ o r t h e subject of lengthy a n d fr'.equent unregistered or. unleashed·doga to finance discussio111, Mayor Richard Goldberg said better enforcement of~ leub law. he realized there was a great deal of op. Goldberg said he would agree on posit;.on to the law, "but an equal number several of Hano's points and would hope of comments tnade to me favor the law." appropriate corrections could be made in As a compromise, he proposed the the ordinance. amt;admenl lifting the beach ban except Hano.later sought Rimel's legal opinion during peak summer months. regarding the poaaibillty of the cOuncll's City Attorney Jack J. Rimel noted the adopting a' new dog: ordinance should this. amendment would have to be handled as one be rescinded a.s a reault of .f1llhi the • separate ordina.nce, requiring two referendum. public readings and a 30-day wait after Rllnet said he would have to research adoption. the matter in detail, but it appeared that Councilmen unanimously supported a "similar" ardinanct could not be adopted for one year following a SUC• Second Husband Dies in Vietnam News o( the death in Vietnam of a is.- year-old Laguna Beach Marine Corps of· ficer brought tragedy for the second time to his young-widow. The Defense Department announced TU€s<i'liY that 1st Lt. John 0. Lawson, previously reported missing, had been killed in action. Lawson , who wa s expected home Oc t. 13 afler a one-year tour of dUty. ii'I survived by his wid ow, Mary Ann, lo whom he was married Aug. 9, 1969. Mrs. Lawson is the mother of a five· year-0ld dau ghter by a previous mar· r iage. Her first husband was killed in Vietnam on Jan. 29, 1967. A former leach er. she has been a Laguna Beach resident for four yea rs. · Servi~es for the officer will be held in }.tassachu setts. .L DAILY PILOT ,...,.,. , .. . L .. •N ... ,. C•N Mn-.. H1.ti!lffff hech '-'""''' v,-i.y ... c-... Ro'b•rt N. Wt•d Prtl~t"I "'d P~llllilltf J•ck W. Curf1y Vit t PtU~Otnl -~ti lo\111....,r Tho,..•1 Kttvil Edlltf" lllo"'•• A. MurpJ!i~• Mlf\1911'0 Efllor cessfuJ referendum. Laguna Launches Drive to Spark Winter Tourism A special advertising program designed to lure fall , winter and spring vacationers to Laguna Beach is being aimed at 28 publications throughout the U.S. The effart to spark tourism in "off· season" months is sponsored by the Laguna Beach Chamber o( Commerce and the Hotel·Motel Association. Acting as the city's advertising agent, the chamber will use $7 ,500 of its alloca· lion from bed tax funds to finan ce the ad campaign and the hotel group will con· tribute an additional $3,000. Special travel editions of the selected .,..---publications will be provided with stories and pictures of Laguna B,each to fill out pages fe8turing lhe cify· apd those · of partic ipating hotels. Stories and ad· vertisements will stress La g u n a ' s seasonal charms aaceordine tO the time of year and location of·.-lhe publicatidn. The advertising committee oI;ganizing the campaign is headed by Lren Haneline and includes Roy Chllds, Harry Willats, Merrill Johnson and Bernard Syfan, with Dick Clark ln charge of carrying out °" schedule. ltlan and Machine Giant shovel being used to go uge and scrape bottoin of Dana Point Ha rbor towers over workmen. Material dredged from the harbor bottom is being dumped at Doheny Slate Beach to make what the U.S. Army Corps Of E ngineers describes {IS "artificial surfing reef." Surf at Doheny, a top1 surfing spot for years, has been virtually non· existent since conStnrction of nearby harbor jetties. No New Clues Unco.vered I~ Capistrano _ Murders A widening investigation had !ailed late today to unc_over .any clues in the killing of .a l3-year-0ld Long Beach girl and the apP&rently related death of her 16--year· aid boyfr\end. Orange County Sheriff's investigators today concentrated their hunt for a lead to the Strangling of Jeiiise Marie Rispin to the area ln Laguna Niguel where for badly decompoeed body was found four da ys ago. · Hikers made the grisly find early Saturda:y at a Point ideritified by in· vesttgltors as the · Camlho Capistrano area about four miles ~orth of San Juan Capistrano. Sheriff's officers admitted today that four· days of intensive lnvestlgaUon had failed to produce what Capt. James Broadbelt described as "any si gnificant clue" to the identity cf ber killer or the events that immediately preceded her death. _ They believe that her death occurred last Aug. 29, ·shortly after she was last seen alive in the companY or her boyfriend, EdWi?i E. Miller, 16, of Elsinore. Miller's parents were the 1ast known persons t~ speak to ~e young couple as Cal'rie Hayden ' • they left the Miller family's home on ]Jiverside Drive to visit a nearby go cart track. Viejo . Major: Dies In Plane Tragedy U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gary R. "Gogi" Grant, a Mission Viejo resident, died MoJtday from injuries receiyed after bailing out of his disabled A-4 Skyhawk 120 miles north of Manila, P.J. According to a U.S. Navy spokesman. Maj. Grant was nying p r a c t i c e maneuvers when his airCrafl developed engine trouble. He bailed out and was picked up by a rescue helicopter . He wa s taken to a nearby hospita l where he later died . Memorial services will be held for_Maj. Grant Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Main Olapel at El Toro Marine Base . Funeral services and burial will take p I a ce in Hartford, Conn., near lhe. home or his mother. Maj. Grant, 236n Calle Hogar , is su rvived by his wife. J e.annette; three three children; Michael, 7: David, 4, and Cayrn, 2 and his mother, Mrs. Sol Adler of Cobalt, Conn. lions witb th~pula.r front for the ed J.n. killing or have m~f!4 -to.Ju!. Libera_Y..o:n--or PiiJesUne (PFLP). The Israeb~. They u .rve thefr tenns, P_Fb-P hijacked four airliners lalt• week she said . _ __ . . •. .--and is . detaining pasaenger1 and crew _....l_srae'I comphance wuh t!le ··guerr1!la members from five western nations in.;---cfemands ~as been regarded m some dip. villas, refugee cainps afld rented·hoUses. !om~tle circles as needed to break. the "The new government his fiardentd ttie ice 1~ the d~dlocked negotla~~. s~oce Popular Fi:ont'i ·attitude toward the Israel ha,., 1n.slsted that all five nauon1' . ' . , . pu{ up a united /ront and refuse to deal hostages an~ 1t looks like they re tn fo~ a separately with the Commandos. long detention-. unles~ the ~ govern.r;nents Aside from ·an unspecified number of Concerne~ meet thetr demands, the Arab prisoner! in Israel and a S w i s s source said. . you th arrested in the Israeli port of Haifa_ In Bern,. Sw1tzerla~. s~~ces cl~. Lo foJ'I sm!Jggling explOl!!iVf3, the guerrillas · the. c<1mnyttee -coo.~d1nat1ng negot1~t1~g are demanding the return of seven·com. . pohcy !or the United S~ates. Br1ta1~. r(!des imprisoned in Europe, the body of West Germany and Switzerland said an American slain in the attempted hi· Wedn~sday l.srael has agz:eed to free two jacking of an El Al airliner and .IO Leb· Algerians seized Aug. 14 1n efforts to ol>-anese soldiers tain release of the hostages. · The Israeli ambassador to Switzerland, Aryeh Levavi , an observer at the com· mittee sessions, said of the report "it may be right, it may be wrong, it may be inaccurate." An Israe li Foreign Ministry spokesman declined comment on the report in Tel Aviv today. Israel identified t he Algerians as top officials of the Algerian secret service who were seized from a BOAC jetliner at Lydda Airpqrt and who apparently were unaware thtir plane was to make a stop in Israel. Political sources in Amman sa id the guerrillas would not hesitate . to use the hostages as a trump card in any violent confrontation with the Jordanian ·army. During battles in Jordan last June, l'he commandos used some 62 hostages hel d in Amman as a bargaining leve r with King Hussein. The sources said ther"e were no fears for tile immediate safety of the captured men and women. "The,Y are being well From Page 1 INSPECTION ••• lhe program," the ac ting manager said. "We don't intend to start any inspections until ,we ,can work out liaisons in the neighbortiood so people. will be properly advised and know that, although we are on official business, we come as friends in an effort to do them a service Bnd not with the intent of harassing them out of thei r homes. We want to help them find ways to improve th eir homes or en- courage owners to make their living con· dltions safer and more habitable." The announcement that three-man in· spection teams fron:i the buildipg, health and fire departments would be probing safety conditions~ in the old Woodland area had sparked charges that the city was attempting to harass "undesirables" out of the area . Sw~ny __ said __Qie · iii;;~ction prograrif has to be implemented throughout the ci· ty as part of the housing element of the general plan, but the new approach wi1\ stress coordination and cooperation with residents. Sprin ge said he had started mapping other areas of the city for inspection purposes some time before the decision to start in the Woodland Drive area was announced. From Page 1 BEACH ... ed the Corps' cooperation in the talks which began early this ·year . He also praised the active in volvement of Governor Reagan, senator George Murphy and President Nixon for their "keen interest' 'in the issue. Discussions On the beach matters arose between those state and national leaders this past summer when · the .Presidefit hosted the Reagans and the se nator to a dinner at the Western White House. Sin_ce then, Mott intimated, the senator has .taken an active role in winning Marine acceptance of the state com· promise offer. Mott was noncommittal about other tempests stirred by the beach issue - the latest of which raged in Washington". D.C., between recently elected Rep. John G. Schmitz of Tustin and fellow Republican Alphonzo Bell. 'Sc hmitz assailed Bell's interest in the beach as an encroachnlent into Schmitz• territOry. Bell retorted that the John Birch Socie· ty member from Tustin was against the opening of the beach to the public. That battle now, however, has become moot. ~ And the concern or the state parks af. ficials has shifted from the once-growing controversy of the Marine Beach to how it should be developed. "Our grea~st initial problem Is bring· fng a portable water supply to the new state park, then installation of temporary sanitary facilities," Mott said. 11 After the initial work on the blufftops. a cut will have to be made in the face (If ·the palisades below to allow for public access to the sands. "We will probably be able to provide only one initial po int of access at first,'' Mott said, "and the public will have ttt walk ftom there. but it will be improved as time goes on and we get an ap. proprialion for permanent (IM!i!llies." Mott last saw the beach a few weeks ago wt}en he and his aides traveled to San Onofre for a personal visit. Mott and his aides have negoti ated for the land through this year, but lhe issue over opening of a part of the Marinfl beachfront has been the subject cf years of work. Services Slated Services will be held Frida y afternoon ln Lagu~a's United Com in u n It y Presbyterian Church for~· Carrie Tower Ha yden , 31678 Sea"cove Drive, South l,aguna, who died Wednesday at South Coast Community Hospita l at the age cf ea. wrap a room in velvet! Dr. Dallas R~ Turner wilJ officiate at the 4 p.m. rites. to be followed by in· urnment at Oak Hill Cemetery, San Jose, Calif. Mrs. Hayden is survived by a daughter. Mrs. June Cramers·or South Laguna. a son, Willard Hayden cf Pasadena, and by seven grandchildr.en.-.1 Born in Rochester, N.Y .. she had lived in California for 66 years and for JS years was head resident at Occidental College. Memorill donations are suggested to Occidental College. Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary are directors. COQUILLE from M•9nil1 c•n* Coqu;IJ. bro .. Hoo..,, ~' ,Olliy , .. ft 111 d1l•91nt.11 Ytl~tl. All A11tton® nvlo~. cit•"' I i~• • ''''"'· K1•1·loc loomtd, 1k1i11·dy1d, 12 colori. 111.ts. •'I·,,, ,. L !!·~·t i' ---& 'F YOU CAN'T COME IN-CAL~ 646"·0175 for 111 1•p•rt c••p•+ con111ll1nt who .,..;II comt lo " R:ch1rd '· Ni ll '°"!II Or-~ Cown!y EdolOr OfficH CMll Mn.: JJD WtJI h Y S!letl H ......... I ••t(lll till Wttl ••lltO• •oulcv•"' Ut"'"' ••ell: '" ,._, """'~ Mi.t111llO*> 9"dl: 17'15 9ttctl •~tev•r• S.11 'ltfnll!le: ;tOj Nortll El '•mlM It.Ml Did 'Weathermen'.Help yo ur ~om• wit~ 111'11pl1, without •~v ebli91+ie11 ~,.~- • Timoth)r Leary Escape? From Wire Services Fugitive Dr. Timothy Leary apparently got by with a little help from his friends -as the Beatles' lyric goes -in his escape tlve days ago from a minimum Security prison at San Luis Obispo. A .spteial delivery letter received by United Press International in lM Angelt.S Wednesday claims the ultra-radical Weathennen group assisted him. The letter urg1ng violent revolution burs sl(n•lur .. purporting to be those of the 49-year-old former H a r v a rd psychology professor and Weatherman commando Bernadette Dohm. • Aul!lorlU.,, checked the 1lgn1tures of the pair -both wanted by th• FBI as .. ' ,, fugitives -and said they appear to be genuine, compared to originals. Leary, a frequ~l i.aguna Beach visitor who was arrested there Dec. 26, 1968, ap. purs to ~ fast abandoning the love-- based-0n-d'rugs doctrine he once preached to America's youth. He proclaimed ln the letter that he must now be considered armed and a dangtr to anyone who threatens his ure er continued freedom. The letter, mailed at the IAs· Angeles Main Post Office, boasts of Weatherman parttcipatlon in his escape from Los Padres Men's Cclony and exhorts all-out revolution. to yow l You f~vorite interior designer will be h.npp11 to auist vou •.•• H·.J.GARRETT fURNITURE PROFESSIONAL INURIO!\-llESIGNERS-- -TIIY OUI UVOLVINti CHAIGl- Opt;rMilll;;--"Tlms; &-Fil.-1¥11. I 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF.· 6~~D2JL__ i I I I . l I I I t • .~ . . -·- -· .. ·. ~ •, • . I . ·-' r!Wsdi,. Stptt~bet '17, 11)70 DAil. Y PILOT ., ~ JllOTJC!i µ£GAL .~ LEGAL NOTICE J l'JMIS •· ClltTl,ICATI !f..t •'-'SINISt, 1 Cl!ITJiiJCATI ... •Yti,.lll"i.\a ft ' ;. l'l(TIT~ut •AMI • 'ICT!Tlqvt fl&MI " Cl•Tl,~0111 •UllMISS TM ~ -.1 ilfTUy 119 11 ~ ,Trle unelerlltrlffJ • CMll" .._.,I TM ~ .: =~ tNJy ,,. dlXJJN • ·M'-1 •I S:SO\ ·illl'ltf° /I.vi~ CO!lil\ICllM f -.i,.... •t '101 l lvlM' ' •-· ·"I-w~ ....... -.~ MIWINrt~i.adl,_Celffotnl&:' ~fhl.11<• ,._...._hld\.J;ll~•· v.-r 1'1t. ---~ COM1iuctln1-• ....,........, ..,., "',,.,.._' 1111_,1 flrl'll ,..~ of °'1~""'1111 lt1vt;I· tttlov1 flltn Nt'M of NOlltll'tWEl1"" Irvin., C1llfof'nl1, ulldtl' ttil l'ktltloll5 firm -I Or-1ftC1 tllfl tilhl firm la -VESTMENT OROVilt•tnf 11111 Mid flr.111 _, 11tmt .. VANTAGi ON! ENTEllP1tl51!, tlll Of th. IOllowl;;:,--fOll, ~ corn-ltd ot tilt lol!Owl ... Ht-' LlmltM f'lrt,Mnlllt tnd tl!ll lltcl flrll'I ::fllff In 11111 tnf ttlf"9 ff rttl~e tr. -. 111 lug Inf tti.eta flf ,_.....nc,~ i. -"""' 9f Ill• fOl10Wl111 ""°~f· fotfow . .~1iO!r: . l. ~ wbOCt 1111,,,..-111 Ml .... nd-f'IMW-et 1 lltlY l':-~. MJu..:ari'iiff 1'1rl1 1. ,:r. N•W ,MNl~l. Mrt;-;ti-N!!~ ~r:l ~I --'louj..,..d, OrtnN. C1llftm!1 ~. P1rm1\ll. lr4'1 C•nfllllll A\j'fl'll/I, --.-lttllnf K':·O\IM. 12»1 LN'tft• Or1Y1, A!IM~ C1lltorlll• ...,.. t. Mr. -Dwlwllk J, ....SlcoU. 1..:12 Wllllrv(OO(. -or•nt•· c1n1&-111t~"'67, ll'Wln ,,,,, ... Mn; 1Cerwi11t1 lt,\ICl'lllN. 341 It 1"!.!:;.;:1~~~1n 1..u Gamma l"tace M,O, JNI °"'"'"'* Ortv1, Mvnlh'll;llon Str"'' ltlwrtl(k, c.Jliornll nSllS i. • ""· ' ' l .. f,11, C.llfe1nlt, ttt.14, Tiltodor1 It, Qavld G. Tl\O~, lMI Ellf L. AMlltlm, Cttlfornll "°"l'll!ftV, 307 • fl, ' l'r1nc!• Sire-et, OrlYI Sin 01.,0, Callfemt. ftllf I. !- llmltM l'trtll9r: C"'°"'' C11ttirni., t1 720.·Cool< lnd<l<1lotl t ncl Mo. V1rn E. Cl-. liol M '"•ut M. 1row11o UllS1 II/lier, trvlnt, .... 11,. Co.. Ill(., ms f1lt s11vscn AYt-· SNe9 IOf, I! f,t • n II• Ardl Frv. 31111 OcH/IYl.-.W S!l'ftl, AYllllYf, M1yW0011, C1llPcrnl1, f0210. c1ntornl• '1025 s. M,f. llld_Mft. " C>r1ntt, Ll1m S. Grotl'IOI', """' UM• 11ttc:ll1'11 S. SmJlll $r. 103.W Cll•ntv JI , O!.onl,_t, lt»l T,.lluco ~ -W~\ ltV1111, Cl1ft E, L•F..-:er. AYt11"'9, bownt1, C11ffornl1 "'1,1, ltllll-. C10tornl1 "'°' '· Mr.~ 2"701 ltdoll I. MlufQfl Vltlo. M1rold M. JOS$11 H. GOid. N1t111n Hl'll Orlw. Mrl. Wl!H1m WGed<:O(tt, 1ff fl$f ind ll1'ft M. M•rtll•ll. l!Nrr. 12MI si.nford, conntetlcvt. lff02, JO'Mll J, Hotth LClllll ltKI\, C1llf0tfll17. Mr. llrownlnt "'""'..,., Stnti ""''' Robert fl, fl'"'r°"'' 7591 Ortlll"' No. llJ, MH. EdW1r<1" kuhn•. l"IG7 1 Slni. RUl'\Cll>ll, 259 lrtniw.ocl.-Coill Mtu, lltlVtH!dt, Clllfforflll t:'$)<1, Gtrl Grfl• AYt!\111'; HvnHnlltofl ''"'· C111f8r11 .. I. • ROMl9 G, lilllKl'I, WU Stidr1 Ltnt, UCCl Pt<lflt-C"ll HMlhWU, Ptc!rtc Mr, Monnin 'WllQ, '17 Mll'lf6Wt , Mtulon Vltlo, Hlllll •I , TllOm''°"' !JUI Ptlt•ldn, C1llforll)1, .1,...lnt hf'llt. COl'Olll dtl Mtr, C.1tto~nl1 r. Mr., I• _....,,... l1urfndl Wt 'f, ~nit Ana, Jim«! F, M.0,, 2''5 A.1J1ntlc:, 'Lont lttdt, Mfl, Wlllltf!I ICvltl'tf, l'901 S111t1fJ~ · lucl'l1non, SClll 0.11111 ,._, COrfM'I! Ctll11>m11, Avtiwe, Hunl1n1to11 ''"'' CtllfOl'n1a.. : d1I Mir, lltoblrf lit. Cook. l~lS E11, Oli.d S'!llembe r 4, 1'70 Mr. •iex St.wM, 11~ Ctn!Oll, I C1fl'lrlon, L1nu•ter, M1t11Y11 C. l'rltJ, AlbHT w. Andtr-.on Cltv, Ctlllwnlt. _. sn..., M1rl1old Avenue, ConM11 dll Mtr, Gtntrit Pt'Mntr Citied ~temhN 1, 1'10 ltlclWd M, Gr1bOW, ~? A!lt Vt1l1 Sttt. of Cilttornlt "'lbtrt•W""A'Mffstn Orlv1, N-rt ltt(h, Oomtn!e J. orin•t Countv: ' Genoii'1~ P1r1ne< : SleoLI, llOM Wl'llfewood, lrYlnt. IC..inllh On Sffl61'1'1~et' l , 1'70, bel<1rt mt, ~ Sltll-CI C1ltfofnl1, Or1M1 ,Countv: Jl\.-A. Hlln, U34 G1mm1 li'llct, An.lhtlm, Nottrv Putiltc 1n 1nd fOf' 111-d $l11t. Of1 $totflTlber l , lt10, betora -· !9 MIMI!-M. Slltrm1n, 13' Stuth Hiid~. Ptfiont!I~ 10D11re<1 Albert W.,_lr.ndfrson, Hol•rv Public hi Ind tor lllld ~ ..• Anlhtlrn, C1!1tor nl1 --11 mt to 1>1 flla 11tfiotl whOSI 11er-•ll.,. IPPftfed Albert W, Andt _ 011111 AlllUSI *"• lt10 """' h t~blcrlbld to -"" within !11> known tt ma to be U1t 111'5011 . Qomlfllc J. SlcoU 11•\ll'l\tnl •ncl 1d(l\owle<1ted !If nearllcl n•m• 11 ..,11$l;rlbecl tO lh• within 1(11n111ftl A. Holn '.h' tan'.1, ~ slrumtnt tnd 11t1tnow1MM lit Ill -STATE: OF CAlll'OllNIA,. tOflFIC l,\L SEALl ttit c1mo. ' ~ I ORANGE COUNTV; -2: -CM$19r-"-•roH Stlllburv II (OFPJCl"'L-Sf ... t ) • * -' ;ii On AY1Utl ''-lt10, b9for1 ml, t1Jlotilrv Hcl•rv l'ubl!c -C1lllornr1 C11t1lor Ftrr•ll s..n~n-"' Publk: ln ·1nd fl.:!r ukl $t~t.-"":;on1llv Prlnel"I Office In Not•rv Pv111tc • C1lllorn11 ~ 10-rlld Kennell! A, H1l11·1nd Oon•lnlc J. or1ns1 County Prtnc: .. I Ottru 1n ~I s1coll known to,.. m•..-1~ b• lilt l!"'sor.~ M'f Commlstlon J!111fn11s Or1ng1 Counh ! wl'loa.t n11J1111•1rt 1ub5<:tlw.d Ito lhl within Oclotor J, 1971 My Cornm1HIOll E•Dltn . llUl(JllMii! Ind •Cltncn'111dltd thtY IJ(• P~hll1Md 'OrlnM Coett 01111' PllO'. October 3, ltTI _-' -"=ullld Tiit 11m1. , 5.,,:1m~r 17, l' 1nd OCT•r I. I, PubUJJ19d Orino1 C"lt Oalty Jiii (OFFICIAL SEAL) -1'7• . UlJ.1'0 Stoltm"'"' 17, it. Ind OCtWw I . Arllln M. Wl!kln1 lt10 111 ' --FLOCKS OF BRANT FLY OVER WATER AT ALTATA BAY NEAR CULIACAN, MEXICO. NO!•rv Pulllle -Ctlitornlt li'rlnCh>1t Ottlc1 ln 0An91 CollnlY LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOO'ICE . . My Commission ~lltlrn ~1, ltN p,3'ft6 T~ . WHAT'S ·IN- OUTDOORS? Wate1·£ owl, Dove Plentiful r ubll>llt'l!"'"Or1n11 Coetl Dilly Piiot, Cl•TIJllCATI OJI IUSINl:SS IUPWIUOJI COt.llilT OJI ,N • • >• 17 1"0 JllCTIYIOUI NAM• C ... Augu!I 21. llllltmller 4' • The Und9!'1l1ntd dO!'I certify hi I• con· STATI: 01' ALll'OINIA ,15'2·10 '1.ICU111; I bu.11...-u II l".O. lo.~ 217, THl'CO:.TI :,;,.01tANO ... ~· < LEGAL NOO'ICE MlllW11 Cit\" C1!111>rnl1, 1 Uflde!' '"' fie-NOTICI Oli' NIAJllN'G OJI 1eco1tir <01~1.~•"IU~r0m,5 .~~m~"'·t °!.id ~lr"mN ~ @.INAL ACCOl.INT AHO JIRl"O•T'. I'---,~---="'""""""""'" ""' .... •11•CUT11t1JC, JI.TIT I 0 .. by Jack Anthony 111 Mexica11 Hunti11g A1·eas NOTICt' 01" OtSSOLUTIOH 0 JI eom"5ild of tt11 fellDWlnt 11e•~on, whos. Al.LOWANCI Ofl STAT\JTOllY,Oll• PAllTNlllNll" namt In f\111 tnd tl1c1 of rnlo1nc1 11 Is tCUTJIOC'S CO!AA\ISSIC»I I PYbll~ llOllC9 II htrffl 1!v1n 11'11t tallows: STATUTOllY AKO l)tTJIAOltDUl.I Jim&• I'. W1rml111ton, 1nd Wtlll1m C. 01t1 Turner, 17113 S1nl1 "'nlll. Foyn. ATIOltNIYS' 1111•1, PfTITtOJt'T• wi rmln1ton. 111, ""l1'0for1 do In I t1ln Vtlltv, Ctllt. APPIO\'AL OJI AOVANCI OtlTa bu$lntU under tlll l!ctltloua firm ntme Dllld ... UIUll 21, 1910 TIONI, l'ITITIOH JI O Iii , • ind 11Ylt ol' WtriTll111!on tncom1 D1l1 Turnor POIHTMl!NT 01' IND IV t av &,Li Pl'llJ>erlln, 11 3-lll VII L!do, CllY ol STAT E OF CALIFOltNI,.., TIUSTll. AHO l"aTtTION JIOI The deep sea fi'shing prospecls for the remainder of the m onth are excellent. Albacore are r eported 25 • 30 n1iles off Point Loma in San Diego waters and a good bite is under way near the 60 mile bank. The long!ins arc being very cooperative for boats runnin&: out of all the landings along the ccast. Landing operators report very J;ght loads on all boats which makes for good fishing and· Jots of fish per passenger. The albies are averaging better than 27 pounds and the big ones are still to come. Private boats a lso report some large schools or bluefin tuna in the chan~el waters, but a bite has ·not develope4 as of yet. The mysterious albacore of the Pacific could v.'ell•provide ex- cellent angling for Southern California fishermen well into the m onth of October. - Firecracker5 YcllOl''lail in the 4 • 18 pound class, known as Firecrackets hat1e invaded the ""alers from Dana Point southward. Ei:cellent fishing for tbese small but t1ery game fish 'is on lap for all ang· lcrs fishing out of local landings. . Party and priva~e boats frum. Ne"·port, Long Beach, Daoa Po111I, San Cle1nente and Oceanside are all getting into the a<:(.. ion. Veteran harbor area anglers Phil Grtysbock, George i,. baugh and Phil Hedlund boated a number uf yellows whlle ancJt.. ored off Dana Point last \\'eckend. Tbt water cooditiuns arc g~ and the fish should stay 11round fo.r a while. Tbe _ yeUo"·tail are biting bait, jigs and fea· tbers and are mixed wilb good sized bonito and barracuda. Yellomtuii Derby Fls/••off ll·s going to be a toss·up where the skippers will be heading !his Friday as more than 750 anglers Y:ill be on hand to fish the l>f?rby Day, marking the conclusion of the 1970 Yeilowtail DerbJ. The Coronado Islands are loaded wilh big yellows. Albacore are reported as close as four, miles off North Island \.\'ith the better fishing being on the outside, and the big, yellowfin tuna will be found almost any\l{here. Bait is excellent-and the water is laying down outside. For infurmation o~ Sinalo1 hunting, hotel rtstn•ations, elc .. write Enrique Fitch Diaz, SiD1aloa State Tourist Bureau, CuHa<:an, Slnaloa, ltfex.ico. Bv GLENN WHITE 01 tllt D1lb' Pli.t lllff CULlACAN, Sinaloa (:\1ex.) -\Vave after v;ave of dove zoomed overhead, some com- ing so close it seen'led that you could club them just as easily as you could shoot them. There were so many it was 1 ~ simple case of selecting only the choice shot.s -and then at ~:~sr a~:~y~ i!~e;!t!nw~:~~ whisk over Your head. Surely, it appeared, the sea of white wing, put-pie and mourning dove ~-.ould never run dry -the sky· was dotted with them. But after two houn of incredible shooting, the sea became a river, the river a stream and the stream a trickle. • The \\'ann sun "'as slipping out of sight. Nothing I had ever ex· perienced hunting <love in California could compare with the shootin.~ just completed near this Mexican city named Culiacan. Yet the Mexican tourism department official who in. VT.led me lo hunt was lamen-1'Jnrli.n Actiota l~ooks. Pro1nl•itt9 tinj µie ~act it was t.he end ot Tbe Wtal n111nber of s plkebills weighed in at the Balboa the! season and th!?re weren't Angling Club this year is approachlllg iO, and accurding to Ptg-moi'e birds. gy Hitchcock of lhe angling club, this weekend sboukf add a: If \\'as more than the im· &east five fish to the total. · aglnatlon could endure: more The marlin_ are scattered all over the ocean as boats art birds than what l\'e had seen1 picking ~p fish one day at the Sl~de anit the ntll't day o£f the But that's the story he stuck "'est End. It's just a math~r .uf being in the right place al the with. rlgbl time. ~ ) \\'e \.l'ent out to the duck and Over tM 1\eekc11d Joey An,uger of Costa Alesa •eigbed in a goose shooting areas, too. 158-pound marlin caught near the 14 mile bank on a flyer while There weren't a lot around, (isbing aboard Ute boat Bacaruda, rind Ra~dy Wood, ·a~so of €os·-except----at one bay \\'iiere ll!I Me1>a boated a 148-pounder near .the Tin Can fishing on tht severat-nock of brant ·were Vegas. obs~rved. Walking up one Lac1at A11gler La11ds Big Tai110 The local broadbill champion, Ted Nastzger Or Ne\.vPort Beach took top honors for the Ame rican team entered in lhe Nova Scotia International Bluefin Tuna fishing tournament. Netzger'1 catch \Veighed in at 650 pounds. The local angler already has three broadbill to his credil this season and from the way he is going he could set all kinds of individual fishing records. creek I flushed six or seven ducks, they flew close by but I blew the shot (using a single shot shotgun). Jn view of the 75-0egree weather, it'seemed incredible that any w"Bterllowl at a II would still be in the area, giv- ing an indication tRat stories of skies dark~ned \\'ilh game birds during November, December and January must indeed be accurate. NewPOrt Buch, County ol 0,.,,,,, Sl1!1 OIANGE COUNTV: PINAL OllTltllUTtON t , of Cillfofnl1, did Oii the \5!tl d&Y of On A119ust 21, ltfO, btfore mt. I Nollrv '" tht Mttltr ol "11 Est•" of W 'tON· you have a man lo go \Vlth Sl!Pllmblr, 1t70, by mulu1I constnt, Putillc In Ind for 11ld Still, 111r:.on1!iv STANCE FRIOOLPH, OICHild. • -· ·-' ( dl»OIYI 1111 stld Hrtntrsl'llp t r>d tPPllfed 0111 Turn!r known to mt to bt TO THE SUPERIOR COl.IRT 01' T}4E you, retnev& ....... c ean your ttrmlntt. tl>llr ••llllfM'IS II o•rtfltl'I !ht M r'l:Dn whost "-m• 11 wtiscrlbld 1o STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOJt Tl<IE game. But you provicte the th1rel11. tht within 1n11rvm1n1 ind 1ck110Wlld11d cou~TV OF ORA~E ANO TO l!.(<:J.t . . Said bu$lne!!t In th1 tutur1 will bl <on· ht e>e"uttd tht nmt. OF THE PERSORS HEREIHAFTEllt transportation (most hunting duatd bv Jtme1 P. w1rm1,,.ron, who wlll (OFFICIAL SEALI 1 NAME:P: · '(h' •-·r' d · f PIY 1NI d11c1'11rva 11! U1blllf1n Incl debt• Jean L. Jcb•f VOU ANO e ... CH OF YOLI will ltltt.• IS WI Ill an ""'" S r1Ve 0 ot 1t11 firm tnd rtetfYI 111 monl" NollfY Pv~llc • C1Hlornl1 takt 110tke that Ann.tit Frldolll~ "e••., Culiacan). P1v1t111 to 1111 firm. li'rlnelnl 0111<• 111 O(\jtrl• of 1t11 1boY~tltliMI fllltt. 111~ Furthtr nollct II harebY t1Ytti ltl1t the Or1n11 Ccunl'f lllfd hff'fln 1 Stcond 1not Flntl Acctunt With the continually growing For $20 the guide throws in 11n<11ra11nH win not bt r111>0n~1t111, fr"" f.\Y comml~•lon ExJ1rl$ ind lt"'°rt ot E11~utrl11. Pttttlon tflf' of .. . thl1 d•Y ·O/I for '"I' obll11tlon• ln~r~ Mtrch 2. lt73 At!OWlllU of Slltuk>f"f E•tcUfl'lll'I Com-number i1unters roaming local land transportation. a by w1111trn c. warmlnf!fM'I, 111 ln 1111....., ' "ubUs~ed OrtM• cwn 0111Y P11Gt, m!nr°" '"° s11tutOl"f •lld EJdrNr1!1nt!'Y the relatively few shooting boat and a motor for n•mt or in the n•m• 01 lht f!rm. Av1u11 21 1nd 'S.!M111tt 3. 10, n, At!Q>nn•' F-. 1111111or1 tor Ap-11 If . OA~EO AT ):10 N. NtWPOrt llvd .. 1t10 1'°2·10 AOVlllC• Olslrlbu!IOl'll, l'•llllon tor ...,,.. areas left in California, places waterfowl shooting. Nt...,'l'Ort a11e11. c111torn11, thL• Uth P'f POlntmcnt 01 lndlYld~11 ,...,,tee,"" Pftl., I. · I t ~ of SIJllembtf'. ltJO.. . . LEGAL NOTICE tlon for Fln11 Distribution, ind ftltt fhi like Cu 1acan can antic pa e a; ·Ocean and fresh "'al er J1mes P. w1rmlMton 11ear1n1 "On N kl Petltloni ~· been stt ~ ' (' f n'mrodS 1'n the • · ood h Wllll1m C. W1rmln9!o:>n Ill the dlV of Octoblr 2, 1'10, 1t the hour f11 m1gra ion o 1 . £1sh1ng are g near ere, PYbl l•""" or11111 c"1t O.llY Piiot, P·UUI t :JO 4.M., in 111e court-....... ~ rutu Onl I 500 h t, g ,,,.-ClltTIJllCATI Ott AIANDONMINT ,_,, "' , .. near re. y ' un in too License for angling is $1 SIJlttmber 17. lt70 •v OP 111c:r1T10Ul NAM• ment Jal"'' 541,..,ior Court of 1t11 sr..r. licenses were b"SUed last year ·lh d ,vrs'uint 10_ -S1ct!o11 2'6t,1 11 th• ot C111tornl1 fOf' the County f/I Of)"lie for re,e ays. CE Ct111ornll "c 1vll Coclt. th• vndar,11n&d City of Santi An•. It wMcll trmt~.tnd in Slnaloa state. Culiacan is aboul 18 h-Ours LEGAL· NOTI dots htttbY c..-tuv •t1111 tfftctlv• 1s of ~:~· .~11 ~,::,S 2~"',.""', '" t111d "'•te T th. ma~if·-·nt '"'Inter tllf ctos• ol' 01ulness APrl1 JO, 1t6' 111 ° '1 ..... 1' · oo, e" 1"~ " from Mexicali by train, about NOTICll Ot" DtlSCK.UTION cea5..i dolnt buslntr.!. under lhl tlclltlout Ottld~ S.:''STb~~~~ 1910 climate there is an added al· · .1 f th O · 011 l"AlllTMlltlHIP firm 111m• ol s101senbtn11. l lndtr & Co. · · trii.ction. It's tropical. In fact, 1,100 m1 es rom e range ttueinc nouct It l'lerttw 11v1n th•' K1111v ,1 3471 v11 Lido, ~ 111cl'I, LATHA~o~nt;.C.:U~Ns Coast area by auto or 21h G. Fowltr 1nd Lina Ph11ntrt, 11tr1tofor1 cilllornl• 12wi, 1nd 10\D North M1111 "1 51111~ Jlltwtr Strltl You can see parrots flying . doln1 11u1111es• under "" flcttHous firm streott. s1n11 ...,,., c1ntom11 non, which '-" A-* c 11""' 1 ,.. hours by Aeronaves de Mextco nUNI IM stv!I of StrletlY fO.,.t...,, 11 121 bllSlnH• w1S lotmtrly tOmPOJICI OI !ht lff.llft • • R. 11 about. ' [)Cg )'et-from Tlj'uana Mlln St .. CllY ol HYnt!ngh)n IMcho Cou~ 1onow1n1 oersant Who$t n1me1 111 lull •ml Altt!'1MYS tw 1!1ttcutrl• ., Although tourism people are · !y ot Or1n1e, Stat. of C1ll!Grol1. did oo 1111c11 ofruldtnt•1r111 fallows: Publ!s1'ed Oran" Cotst O•ll'f iltlot I .J.OSe the )atter and WaS lllf l!h dt~ of AUiluSI, lt10, Ill' mututl HtnfY I. Slots1nb1r1, 2527 l unvt, Stlllembtr 11 11 24 1t10 1~70 promoting waterfowl, dove '-'1' cGns1nt, 11uolv1 ·th• 1110 o&rln1u11111 111<1 NIWlllrt atach, cinforn11 t2UO • • • and qual'I sh~lng, lhe state of flabbergasted when the plane termini!• 111•!~ ret1t1on1 11 p1rtner1 Th.odore 11:. lllndtr. 2m ll•Y Firm LEGAL NOTICE ~ d · _, ti (•A th~rtln, l'l•cf, $1011 An1, C•lllcrnl1 '2701 1; Sinaloa boasts fine deer hun· left an arrJV= on me w Stld b~1lntu 111 !tit ftltur1 wnl bl con· Hirold 1,_, Meitvantk. 14l1 tlrchmon1l--,:=o=""'=""""=""::.., _ _,.::_ 'Id t he minute) dueled bY li:•lhy Fcwttr, who will DIV trw:I Drive. "'nthelm, C1lllor11l1 flllO, NOTIC!! OF TlllUSTl•'I IAL• ting. 1bere are also w1 · . tlKh•rv• 111 111t111111tt 111d t1bls of "'' 011.., ,..upv~t 11, 1t7o. · T•UST NO. "'' turkey. J·aguar, arm ad i 11 o There are three fhghts a 11rm tnd rK1IY1 •II m011let 1>1v1b11 to )11rold E. Mr.1Y1nek On Oc!oblr J, lt1't. it ''"'"" O'cllictt . IM firm . Oll!S.NlllllO a GLUIKE• "'·'~· Flr~t """M'1c1n Tltl1 lnwrlh:9 (which they say is very tasly), week from LA International Further l'IOllct I! h1retiY ow1n thlt "'' •Yi Ottrw 1 N••ler com~•nv, 111ruttee, ttv '"' ter111n o.... .. C 1• u11der1l1ned wltl not bt rl'IP<111$\bl1, fl"Om Altwn 1 Lt ol Tru$1 txecllled bl' RA~l'H , , rabbit, coyote, javelina and ig-and Tijuana lo U 1acan. ihl1 d•Y on tor 1nv ob\1;111o~i 1ni;urrld ftll ,.,•!!.u'i"-;;_. Stirs IENWAll.E Ind NANCV e, •EN. • Advantage of leaving from bY Lind• l'hllh1rt In hll' cwn 111me or In L" A:. .. "' C•IH. ,...7 1n11 rKordlCf Mirdi ), "'' in , uana. ...o1 the ,,_m, of !ht llrm. T ... 1127 P101 l3! of OlllC11I lltlCOrdl of 1191 One hunting license ($19.20), T-town is that your cu:.o.oms DATED AT Huntlnttcn •••ch.' Jlub!lll'lfd o,11111 C1>11sl Cl•llv Pllot, coun!Y, c1111orn11 1rw:1 011r1111n1 tO tl>tt " gun ~rnu't ($16), your and immigration checks are c,,'•"'.ornli, this Uth 11•v of 5'!'1""'"'" AUIVSI 21 1nd &ct>1tmbtr 3, 10, n, tlf'l1ln Nolle• ti 0tt .... 11 '"' E11ctl111 t• ,..~ lt10 1'°1·70 ''" thtr111ncltr rteordN M•w :zt::J" '" transportation and you're all g.onerally much faster than ic.111w G. FO"Nlef' look tJ03, P101 ts1 of 0ttk111 1t Df v l'ubLl~hlCf Orano• Coesl OtllY ttll ot. Of•f191 Cauntv. wm 11'\dti ind 1111 .. set. ' they a r e in La Paz (where you Scir1mbtr 11, n10 1121-10 LEGAL NOTICE 111d PHii of rru1t "'" 11 publlt nittlM Under current linv the are put through the routine if 11>r ca1h, 11w'1.l1 mon•v ot lht•IJnl!W A I ) LEGAL NOTICE l".m'IJ St1t11 of Amerl(I, 1t !ht m11n wnt license comes from the con· you leave from Lo! nge es · cl1tTIPICAl• 0 .. 1u51,.115 en1r1nc1 !o t111 Flrit Arnt!'lun ~T!llt h'J •• . And OU avoid that ghastly T""2HI FICTlil'IOUI NAMI ln.1ur1nc1 Comptny llllJldlnt lllC~-·· sulate w I e tuc gun permit y • . SUlllltlO• COUllT Oii TMI! Tllf und ... 11 IC!. dOl'I Cfrllh' llf ,, ,,,, IOUlntill ~omer '°' Flflll ~ ~11 .. has to come· from a military--problem of~alrport.-parking in st ATC o,. CA(1J10J1M1Al"OJI!-cond!ICttnt ,-11'a!tn.H 1t ·t11s-w:-c1llton str111.s._111.....t11t er~ __ .i """ · Mt. Ofrl·ci'al at Nogales, Me•i'cali' or lhe e"ent you·go by car to cat· TN• eot.r-NTY OP OllllA,..• Pt., ·s1nt1 AM, c111tom11. und•r tl'I• c1111ornr1 111 lh• rl11it 11111--.l'ld'"1lfltrftt " • Ht. A •2'4l rtctlllovt firm n1m1 af 1. s . COllVtYld 10 1nd now l'ltld Ul)dfl' Ottd Df Tii"uana and can only be ob-ch the plane. . . NOTICI!! o .. Hl!AlllllNS 01' Pnl'TION !l'OVIPMl!NT jlli!HTALS Ind t1111 llld Trvsl In· th• IH'-rl'f '''"""· "' .... nd FOlll AN OllllOl!lil A' P 0 I H T I Pl 0 firm Is co,_... ol th• fol'lowl1111 ofr$0n, County 111e' 511t1 dnc:rlw.d ••: tained after the license has It all sounds great. A Jt IS. TltUSTl'll OJI TdlTAMIMTAltY WhOSI n1m1 In tull 1nd PllCI of rflldtnce Lot ,.. In Block F of Trtct "''·All •• st f th f e TRUST TO JllLL VACANCY AJITll 11 11 tollowi: tnown on I f'nlll lhotHOf -~~Jn been issued. . .mo O e 1m · • 0 1 cLt",.T 1 0 " 011 'e•toN Robert tl\1'11) J. Smith, 17u w. 11oo-20, "''" / 1nd 2, Mltca1i.....,. You can also brinn Jn your Below are hunting dates and Dl!!S10NATl!O IN WILL c1r11on ..,., s1n11 Ant, c1111or1111 M•os. rKor11s af uld Dr1nte COIHl!r.' o S' I h (" E~lllt of LORETIA M. llt0Cl1!', Ol!lld SepTtmlllr J, 1t111 Sato 11J1 Wiii tit m .. Wllllout COY!lftlnt own shells (up lo 5 0) . limits for 1na oa un 1ng. 0 eited lltob9rl J. lmlttt or w1rr1ntv. norlSMCI or lmo!lld, •·t• H , · th r Sl!l'Tl!!Mll!!ll ltH ~OTICE IS HE!!:EIV GIVEN TIWll 511!1 of Ctlllornll !hi llltt, POHIS1lon or lftCUf'nbtl~•ft. ~We\ er, In e CaSe (l \"hl!e Wlll!J Ind Mour~lng dove, 15 IAAR.V ANN MAHLOW hit tlltd hfl'tln 1 Ottrttt C11,1nh' 11!1Sf)o !hi l'lfl)tlnlnt IH'~INI sum-... shotgun ammo, Mexican stuff pef d111 11.1bbll. wl"'°"' Umll1 R•ttt1 oelltlon tor •n Order 1ppc1ottn1 tM Pill· on Stl'I. 2. 1m, 11110,. m•, 1 N111ry on tilt note 1tcurtd DY uld DIM tf l;l'\llt . ood nd costs d ~~ak1s, Cor~I snakes •Ml Scor11I011, II_, 11 Trutlet t1i'fUI lltl Yt(lllCY c11,11-Pvbllt In t nd tor ••Id Shit, tt1r.;0Mlli lo wit: U,SOO.llO with lnllo'ttt ~ JS Very g a atOUn wllllOUI limit. ed bv the decllnatlon of lht Untied 1-rld lttbert J, Smith know/I lo me lo lrorn ~·rd! 1, Ifft II PRWlded hi ~Id $3 25 ""r box for 12 gauge DCT01Ea "'' c.ittorn!11 l!lanlc d11!1n1ttd In "" wm to bt 11v Pinon who11 n1m1 11 •YDs"lbed not• f00tthtr wl!h ftti, cllt,... ~ · ,.-· Whl~ wln1 clovt, IS oer 111v; Moutn· •et ~s Trut!et. rwltrenc1 to whl~ I: 10 th•-wUhln 1nstr11men1 • "d ••-••• of tht Tru1111 lfld 1lldl ,.,__.,. Guns can be rented in lnil dove, lD oer d•v1 l'urple dove. 5 m•d• 1or 1vr1her 111rtlc1111ra. 1nd that the i ckno\'/ledlld 11, lll:talltlll "" """" 1vm1 1.•-m•Y h1vt bNn 1dv111ttd n lth1 . f $5 d P'' day: "'rmPdlllo, 1 otr d•Y; Soulr· tlmt tnd plsct of hetrlnt !ht Sime 111• (OFFICIAL Sl!AL)_ -Q•r 1!)1t lloldff of ~kl_."!"-•"::•!! Cultacan or . per ay. r•I 3 per .dlYl coyote, ·wl!h<lut ·Om!!: been set fer Octobor 11, ltfO, al t:30 t .m.. Miry I( Htnrv lnl•r"t, II 111'01/ION ln 1;11i11 ~ .. Your license fee gives you ft~•~coon, wllhout llmlh Skunk, without 111 rn1 courtrnom of Dep1rtmt11t No. 3 of Nol•rv ioutinc-C1ltfornit Trvll. ' ' _ -UmllJ ltt llle •nlkH •"' Cor•I sn1ke1, ~Id CGurt, 11 100 CIYfe C1nltr Or!ve Prlnc!Nl OttlC9 In Dtlld: Aut~I 31, lt71 carte blanche to hunt Wl'!'ovt Umll. we:ot In tht Cltv fll S1nl• Ane, ~-t!J.!~rnl•. Or11n11 COljlllY l'IJIST AMlltlCAN TITLll lh, b t j j Otttd Sepl1rnlltr IS. lt70, Mv CommlHl°'1 E:Ulrts INSVllANCll COMPANY every 1ng u .. a~ar --:-D NOVFM•l!• 10t w. E. ST JOl<IN, Nov. 24, 1t12 IY lllTTI .... HOl.;LINllCI( special $40 pernnt IS required nucll1, lS oer div from Mcnd•'f to count\' c;'!rk. l'ubllshed or1111, c"st 01;11 'llot As1ltt1111 llCl'll•11' th b, t And Frld•Y· 'D Selurda'VI 1nd Sund1v1: IOl!NLl!!ll A OWYl!lil Seotembtr J, 111, 11, 24, 1t10 1"'3·711 Publ11hed Or1ntt Co11! Dilly I to pursue e lg Ca S. GHii, 5 Hf dlYI Cr8111, 5 per dlY. 11.lt Wllshlr1 INI., $11111 515 ' $eillernbtr 10, 11, :IA, 1ti'Q I guide fees are higher because Mudkl!n, 10 per d1Y1 w11111 w1"g dOYe. LM .-.r,etM, c1uf-1t "'" LEGAL NOO'ICE . -U per d1r: li'urPlt OOYt, J Pt• ~y, Tth (JU) '"1·7111 LEGAL NOTICE you have to pack Into the Arm&dli"'' 2 per d1v; S<1u1rre!. 3 Per Attor111r• fw ""n~r /---.~.~'~'~c'iii'i,oo"icfo•~•~o~"~oi,;,---/ ___ '.'.'.~~:.'.'.'.'..'..'.~'.._-,;._ t ins dil'fi Whitt lilt dHr, I e•1mo!t ldUll Pub11'11M OrlnM COllt 01l)'f Piiot. JI Iii cou TN IVPa1t101 COl.IJIT OJI TN• t moun a ' , mtlt; lt~n1, s per div. Seplember 11~ It, 14, 119~ 112'-70 :~ .. :I!·:: C"'L1::.:1~ 110: STATa 011 CALIJIOlll:HIA JIOft . ~ The toor1sm department lDEClM,11!~ 1'" MondtY to TN• COUNTY Ofl OJIANOI TN• COUNTV 011 OlllAM•• it h t . tact •th Ovck~. I per ~v rom LEGAL N-CE Nt. A-tASS Nt INIK • put.s un ers 1n con WI FrldlY, 20 S1turd1y1 ..... Su11dBYll VII EI It of LI • Ecldl" Ole led suMMOMI ··,.r approved guides. For $10 daily Gtt:e. 5 1'::r ''X~'f;~~r;e 5w1~~ 0'0':e'. 111 3"" N0~1ce is ~E~eav 'Give': 10' !tie PAUL It. IONSER cONST1tuc(1QN, fAvdht~. per I 'd S t day· . IS <rfdllorl of tht tboYt n1m"" dtcldtn! INC .. 1nd C. W, Hl!ITfR dollll ltUlfltMB 1J It!!• dD'fl Purp e OY~,Q t~le IO oef ClllllTll'ICAll OJI IUSUI S !t!ll 111 ""en1 l'ltVlnt ct1lm1 1geln1t Iha 11 NORTHGATE, 1 Llrnltlld 1'1rti.:11D, Grou1t htn, S h mi:or1rv, u ' l'ICTITIOUS NAMI: ttlil dcclldent 1r1 re<1ulrtd le f111 ttttm, Pllln!lth V1. PATSV J, SGJIO ILINE' •I .. d~y; Wlld lvrk_y, 3 lemPfl'd•rr.i Tht ul'ld1r•!1n1Cf ~d0tl ctrllfy ht IS wUh !ht n1e1uaf'Y 'o'011Ch1rt. In tl'lt office SGRO, DOE I 1hrou1ll 001 y, 1n<lllilr-r. BR •• F •.• ,.,·,,n Cl.1111" ft Set Dee1·. Hu11t Seaso11 ... ,mtdtllo. 7 per dlYlw",•,,·•·,',", '•' •r; ccnduet!n1 I b111ln•~· ,, "' w. 1tlll ~'· Ol !tit tltrk ot ftle •bo~ enllflfd courl, or 01lend1nt• <Ji,. U .._ Saulrrel, 3 Pf!r div; ' 1 "''' Co1h Mn,, C1lllOl'nl1, undtr '"' to Prntnt rnem wltll tn1 111e•.1nrv ~ !•mPOtll"/I Covalt, Wl11'oul 11m1t; flctltlOUI firm n•m• of 111 kAltl"li!!T YOUCll11'1. lo !tit ui.1erst1ned 11 lht office ::i?.~~~NIAOI' TM• STAT• ,,. . The Southern Califut"nia Bassmaslers vdll bold a bass fi shing SkuMk, wltt>out t!mll1 ._,,coon. w meu ICAltNIVAL ANO (21 ,. & ' CAll.Pl!T of 1111 AttorntV Oon•ld E smillwood clinic at Irvine Lake tbis weekend. The clinic is being held to t1m111 1111111•· 5 °'' dov. se111v1c~ 11\Cf rn1111td 11rm It conu•tod 1617 wn1cn11 D.1.,. sutt• 'Humber »1' 11 "'' '""'' RtmM Dflltnf•llfl• _,~r • JANUA•Y 1'11 of "" tenowliit ,.,..,,, Wl\Otl Mmf 111 NtWPort l19Cl'I C111iornl1 '2660 whlcti 1; You ,,, l'l.rtby dll'llC!ed II ..,. •• Inform local bass fi shing entbusiasls on the proper w.•ays to t'atcb Run dow11 Offered O\lfkl . 15 "' d•Y !rem MGOdiV IO full •nd Pl lCt of rr.;ldtnel 11 II follows: ''" Pllce OI b.u;lnn• ol 11\e undt~ltnld ln wrlfltn 0!11d!nt In ·--'.,. FrldtY, ~ Stl\ltdlYI Incl SYndlY$! Ptltr Otvld kllb, 2210 St1!1 St., Ill mtttlrt "rtl lnlnt to Thi flllllt of Slid vtrtfled (Ompltlnl o1 Ille l!toYt = bai;.s, • r.oose 5 "' d1v1 Mudh9n, 10 Per dftY, CO.ta Mtti d 911 t ltl'I! fou Th 11 the pl1lntHf1 with tilt cltrk of tM The -group of e:i:pcrts l''ill ansl'·er individual questions as f.,o~~ htn. s Per monll'l1 ou~ll. 10 "' Oltld Aui,;~, 2~, 1t!fi tt:~, :buc~llcn" •f .t~!sm.:1c!. 1 er entllllld court In th• 1ttow t11tltltd dil'I Wild tutktl'. ~ 19mPorll'YI Hlft, 5 l"tt1r 0 K1ti OttM SIP! bit 10 ltl'D br'ovfht INlntf VOi.i In 11ld coun.~·~ well as giving demonstrations on the many different bass ang· p,r d1~1 RMbtlll, w111>ov1 11m111 CcYot•: Sllht Gf cintor~1,, ,.,111 ""o.c btin · TEN ••Y• ''"" 1111 t1rVkl Oii YW illl ftl• Ung -&e'cbnlques. • ~1ith the closing of the early through Nov. I, limit one buck wc11, r1ccoon 1nd lkunk, without llmll, 0,1111, Covn•y: . ur v ' 1Vlt'lmon1. It •rvtd within fllf~ ISYlnl. 5 per da'f, On s-...i 2 ,,,. bf!Ol"t m1, I Not1rv ~~~ ,, ""J"'!:!c~ I 111mM (OUnl'f, or within THllltTY If Currently lrl'ine Lake is giviog up some giaat bass In the sit coastal season Sunday deer forked h-Om or better. J11!&1tUA1tY tttt Publlt In ·,ne. 10,' 111d s11te. "'sel\lllY · 1 • '"'"' •11 s1rvflf 111ewhar1, to eight pound c lass, Northern variety, and it ,.·ould be' a good hunters will have to t\1ait two The Department o( Fis!l and 10°5':1~~~!,":~dd;~,!~~~:,':1:;: ~;'°"~" 1~:1•r,2:"!~rt ~.;:,::~:n!: 1'11~ Er~;~=~· 11 v,~-!'~~:'Yr::!~,1t1:1~~ lime for local angle.rs to get out and Warn from the masters. t\"eeks for another chance at Garn! reminds hunters that all d8Yr Mudl'len, 10 Ptr d1Yi Purole llDY•: illllitrlbtd tt th• wnhln 1n"rument 111<1 ""'"" 11,m, C.11 .. ~11 ""' oi.1~11t11 wrn t•k• 1uc11mtnt 1or1 ., .L s Ptr dtYI GrOU!ll Mn, 5 per monll\, icknowlldllld h• t•Kllltd tllt 51m1, Tel 0141 ~ montY or dtm11n dlmlnclld la Fur more information on the clinic phone &U-li!O. th~ir prized bucks. Here is a bucks taken in a one-de'er ousll•, 1c 01• da'f: H•ni. J Pl1' d•v1 (OFFICIAi. SEAi.i .lttll'M¥,.. 11,,...., vorlllld mm1t111n1 •• 1r1.int d lhe · • d ' frlct st be t d 'th ~~bblt, without llmll: CO'fo~. Rtccoon• MltY IC H"1fY ,. bllJ.llN 0 C 0 1ct c.onlt'u:t, or wilt 1PlilY' lo !he cwit"9r V II I " run 0\1/n on remaining IS mu agge Wl •nd skunk. wlthO<lt nmtt1 t1u1n1, ! 1><1r Nollrv ioubllc.Cillfprnl• Seo~lftlbtr 10 '1rf' N ",11, !~..!I 1 • '""' other r1u11 tll'nlndtct In "" Wfifl'lf fl · ~a '".e-seasons, all starting Sept. 26: both the "A" and "B" tags, da~. "'''" ,,-11r1nc1p11 OHie• 111 1,10 ' • n ""'~•70 com11111n1. -· f • 's Ortnt• County YM m1f .... t111 1nie. et 11 tifore than a $1,000 worth of tagged fish-will be released lnto Nortl'lern (including ormer and the "8" tag mall·ln por-Grouse Hen, s "' mo11111: 011a11i, t~ M1 comm1111on l!!•olr• ,....,AL N-CE 11 1111 ll'lltllt ~ •11 V 'I L k . t th ta t r th r· t bLi . f' h' t I st SI d t' r t' I t . lo th DFG ,.,. OIY I Hire. s ,.., dlY: ltiDbll, NOY 24 1tn &.DU VII c-1•1111., IMfl -· Sltcll a1 a e prior o e s r o e 1rs pu <: 1s 1ng con es ea ern erra an por ions o ion on y sen in e · withlHll 11m11: Coy11e, llt•ctoO!IS 1rw1 l"ublli11tct' 0:,111, ce1st 0111., Plllit, lllMN " _,,.. wtt111t1 111t *'- ever held at Vail Lake. The contest gets under way Monday 'and the nOTIJ'i"'est seasons) This means a hunter who h.a!'I .skuflk, wUhovl 11mn. sea>tem&er ,. 10, 17, 24, ""° 1ys-7\I ot1c• TO ,eJtsoNs 1NT11t11T10 1N .. .,., IR lllb _,,....., 111111t • f hr h Se t 2 I "· J AllltlL 1t1t TH& 1!5TATI! OF JOHN 0, f'U .. MAN, ........ fol fllf 9-lllM, runs or one year t oug p . 7, 1971. through Oct. 25, imit one buck taken a bock in t111:: ear y "-"""n, w1111ou1 11m111-11t1t1IH11tke!! LEGAL NOTICE.....-otc••ild. ~ O•i.d M•~ 1, 1no • •• Although the tagged fish, havin0a a value of $1 to $100. will-be forked.horn.or better. coastal season will not be tl'ld Sco•1tlon. w111tout limn, · r Nolle• I• horobl' 1lvtn: w. IE.. 5T JOHN, Cltrk · MAY nn Tc 1H Pll'MIM lnlerMtlld, wht1htr IS •v J1ntct M. Ctliintn -~ feature or the Bonanza, there \\'ill be an outstanding array of N rth te (H boldt allowed to take a buck in. the 1t1bbl1, Coyote, 11t1ccaon, 111•1• -;..-...-t•edllon. 11t1rs, l11Mtoei. or ,.,..1,Ms, 1n {SEAL) a\vards on a "'eek~, monthly and annual basis. Anyone who o wes m um I i~ i11sn.1k1, cor11 -k• '"' 1ec,.,1on, c•1tt1111CATil-'OI' IUltNlll th• ""'-of Jllhn o. Purm1n. d-"=Nild, DlllUl'f Cllrk and Del Norte counties) -__ in_-_land..,c=a=~=="'=a"'="=are="=·====·="=""=="m="·=======;-I l'tCTITtOt.11' MAM•,... 1 w1loM11st 1~r1ss w•s s1. M1ry•1111te-WAUWo•TH,SlltDILac._AIL purchases a lake's fishing permit has an equal opportunity of lhrough Oct. "', li'mi't two The 11nari1~nld dMt c•,·,'~. ,111 'tory, st. MlrY'• l"l•c•. oi11Ylllt. New''" w..ictHt Drt'te · · I bl · h Ml conctv<;tl111 • bu1lntn •I "' ottn, JmtY, ftl•t lttltrs ftJl1rT11nl1rY If' ct """" lllCll, Cl""""' \\11nn1ng va ua e prizes or cas , bu k.s fcrked horn or better eos11 Mffl, c1111ornt1. urm• th• ldmlnlstritJon hiva betn r~,Ueo ,, Tel en•> Mt-... • • S,........ies tagged "'Ith special Butterfield Counlry &!or ended c • flall1ou• flrm 111m• t! lOTl•EM M1n.111nor 1:m11 111. Slldton ""'' MG-rt• Anwn'" tw """"'"' ,.-~ Northeastern -th r 0 ugh MANUFACTURING co. •illll Thtt Slld COUlll'f SlllTlllile'I Court,. (Oljr! of co~ Pullttshld Or1nM Coelt 0.llY "',.'· tags are bass, catfish and trout. The orange tag is n·or tb SlOO 11rm 1s com1105fd of 1111 to11ow1n1 P•r1011, """t 1ur1wietten " "" s11t1 of Ntw ''"tn'lbtr ,, 10. 11, 24 1,,. Dl aod might show up on any one of tile three species. Oct. 25, limit Ont buck wllh what• 111m1 1n tvu •M "'•<• flf re.1Hnct J.,...,, • tiers •f three po1'1sta or ~t *• 1• '1>lloWI: 1 TM 1oU11Wint ..eu en Js lntlllttd to •• LEGAL NOTICE • All fish must be checked in al the bait and tackle shop !01· n ..,, .,,. • Fr•ncts M, GuM, 25'1 v11 Mir "'' hlldllll "''°n.11 ol'Oll•rtv of t~• ,11d, ---=:;::c=;:,,;;;..;;:::::._..,:•_ lag remova a proper Orms l e out. ' 011111 s111t1mber '' HJO. E~ulltbl• s.vlnis ., t.o.1n At$0Cltt!011, sU,lliltcMt COUJIT OJI TM• j. t nd f f'tl d ter INSTA' LLED Uawporf 811()1, c111tornl1. dtcfldfnl t 1 ~ -T,.,.. 1 An annual gold pass will be presented to th•. angler catching t.att gen c r a I (primarily _ 1111 .,"c:=n~: g~:~ •• Ct11n1Y: C!l'f ,of or•n••· o''"" Covnl'f, c.n. sTATI OP Ull,..NtA .... the heaviest fish during each 30 day period. For more jnrorm• Southern califomia and the 1 °" StPliml)er '· 1t10, 1111or1 m•. 1 torn11. ---tN• couwTy w OlllAMI • ~-'of _._ g -fllollrr ..fllbllc 111 1nd tror n1d Stilt, Tiii! Tiit undlr1l1ned dmlr• lo nt11Y1 M.A..,.. tion-on the fiSh!ng-WllanUI phone (714) 676-4611. -west slope · ure ierra) fHl!lfrFv ''"'"' Ftincl• M, Gunh tM 11111 ..,....-1 ..,._rl'f or colle« ,.., MOTtc:• ., MIARIM 0111 "11!11r.*' ...Tickets on S~le Season tickets for S3d· dleback College's five 'Mme gamefi are now on s11le at the college's office or student ar~ fairs. Season reserved seats arc $7 With season general admtssJ&n "'tickets priced 1t $5. Sents ror individual games are,Sl.50, Sl for military personnel, 7S cent.o; for junior and high school studtnt.s wilh ASB cards ;ind 50 cents fur chlld rcn under 12..- _J --· -iiiiiiiiiiiii CHAIN LINK " IO bt "'' ""*°" whos• tltlfl'l{I) lr'lll 111 ttl'nOYt "''' (Olit<ltd'., JIOllt ,..OIAT• ... '4¥.IU. ,,111:..,•,.: 11.1.~0 IMAPIN• MltNICVlllMO • .-~n:!" ': ~~btcrlblld to "" wltll!ll r1«tvtd trom ttl• STiii ., Ctlllornlt " L1n1•1 TllT•M•NfART .... -.-lmtrvmtnt '"' 1cknoWltdted l'I• vitcvftd 1111 ... Id •1•"9 whll'tl lttl•1 *t1ment1r"t 1!111'9 fll AMiii L. llMMOf4a. 0.. h "" •~mt .,. If tdftllnlstr1tlon fllw bll!I l15llfd, i:otlld. """" -· _e MEN'S H~iR STYLING coFF1c•AL s&ALI AH 'tr""' h•vlM <l•lm• ... ,n,t·"" NOTtce 1s ..,, .... y 01ve" 'lMt . r\ -J~ E -~!s ffctllltnLIH' Ill lnltrtSI r~ u r• t!ll•t• Ind OOUG'-A$-C:. SIMMONS hit ftlid """"' .. FENCING Notirr' PU11uc. c111•1rn11 w!1hlnt t& 0111.et tto 1uc11 rtrn0'11l mut1 HfttlM rer ttr'*'" of w111 tflf' "" 'r1ncln1t ott1c1 In 11,.. w•ltttn nolln of 1ucl'I ltllt<;l'laft ti 1111.11nc1 of L•"'"-'"'•mtnfll"f,' '9 N ' Or•,.• C11,1ntv 11111 ""'°" tf ,..,_. lndttltlf i., ... "'111-r, f'fft~ t; "11ldl h l9iMi.,. C ~ MY (O!'llfl'llUIOll e'•1!rn 116Tdl"'I IOlll"fPllll t rOHft'f et, Ille d.C.-"'"""' ,.r1reu11nr., Ind ... , ... tl"'9 .... • g g • Jllfll 71, ''" dtlll. Suell nollc:I mutt bl •IVll\ ~ lllf tit« tll llftrlnt lt'!t ume flll ...;i.!!; l" aUl, ,, ....... .,.,_ C.0" .... , ........ -'"""' ... "'-" .._,,, M "' '"""'"' •• '"" .. '"' ....... I Stoltn'lller 10. 11.. t4 IM O(tobtr 1, IMl11tt wl'lo!n lf!t CllLm 11 fNdt 11 fhl tl'lt ecutft°"" ot °"""'"'*" ..... -~ 1,10 J .. 1'11 ..,,.... 11 llttW ,.._ wllhlni Mid to11rt. 11 lOO Ctvk Cl!lttr MY9 DATl:O: •1111111 u, 1'111 w ... t. In IM CllY of $Intl Ant, C11l1W"ttt&. MMr. emu It. Sudlon O.ttll ._,,m'*' 1. lt1'0. Ai l!!x«uloi ol IM W. I!. •T JOHN, . '2 lloclu WOlt ef l...U:hUflt 95'8 HAMILTON HUN-TING TON : IEACH FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 962·1960 °"'"''' a "'"''' l vt111ntt 'ti IJ ·"" _, _____ .., __________ _ Who C1r11? Ht-t 111w.ri1,1r 111 tl!t w1rl4 15tr11 1iio11t yeur 1501'1111'111• nit., lik1 veur 151m111unltv 41av tt1wip1,1t 4011. It'• tkt DAILY ..lllOT<------ ' l1t•I• of JOllll O,, lll'urrnan (eoUl!ty Cletk. fOKtltlldJ OlilllNllll• I MAell ltl'fllt 6 Ptndl..... l y1 ,,,.._. J, M .... c .. h..,..,. " ...,. "' ...,. ...,...,,, em. IS lltMll A""'"' l...,IY Ntllt. Ca .... Mii Dt11v1111, "-'· .,.,. ~ Tel1 tnn ~ ,Ubl~~ld or.,.. CM~ Dlt11 l'llol, ""'""'' .., ......... ltut\111 17 11111 lt11!"1'11Mt a, \0, 1'. Pui.lff!Mll Oflllltl COl..t Dtltf ~ 111'-1•10 ,, lftlbl<' , .. "• 11. 1'10 ,...,. • ------·--__ _..,l___c. __ .., ______ _ , --. • .- > ' . ' . . :J 1,fff'S OP OIL PAIHTIN•I -WHOLISALLWAllHOUSl- Of'IN TO,THI PUILIC $5 and up ' Ul' •• •DINO.It, IANTA ANA '"Oft ....... ' -DIAi.iii WAlffl• ~ ' ) --";.~ ' ------•• ·--""" •• ~ \ • l I I Jflarket I, ------· I i I I -. l T ' • ,,... .-... I --. "· • - 1HOU·:--•-E:-S_F_O_R_SA_L.;;;E,-'HOU;.;;;_.;;..;;S;;:;•;o.s .;:.1'.;;.0'"'R-'SA=L;;,E~1 -H_ou.._s_1_s_F..;Oc...R...;.;5A.;,;L;.;;E:_1~H;.;OU=~;;.s:..""'OR=·,;;;SA,o;L;.:;•:..... HOUSl!S FOR SALi! ~sigs FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR 'SALE HOUS,l!S llOR SAL• ~0;;;•;;;-;;;;;;";;;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l•;;;;0;•;'-='°;;'";1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;111111;; ~~ ___ ,;;;Hl:::llJ· Oenorol 111111 !!!n-r•I llllll 0-ral · 111111 1 ·M-_-V_o_rd_o ___ ll_IO-I u;.;;.,11.Y :Pork J ~ 'Liao ialo l:Ul ~-da J!jt 4 J EDROOMS : v.,,$y.., Do Quollfyl -*-JAYiOR BEACH BEA,UTY MESNA VERDE . LEASE/.OPTION 5 s!~Gi!,,.r,o:~ ""'' S 22 Soft . COU :ntY CLUB Thia' hdm, 2 "'· towipou" itreet to ,.,..., 45 tt. 1ot 281500 '/ \f With fill % L 'DRIVE b definitely the best buy in B;; app't only. Nam• you,"'''"". rnAIV• ·A BIT 0, 11/IWAll 14 03n the ..... let uo P••'" 1" $9'1(0) PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES -. t • NO DOWN or conwntion. FictUre a qU!et cul-d~sac •In Corona dd M8!!· Enchant· A cheedu.I. iwtting for • hap. Av~~ ~~ .. !: ltase I opwitiothn Owner may ~e down tor 3 Newly listed-Lot • 60 j perfect for the fam-al. Excellent loca~.-»'all street and c:ute Jittle home· int prdens a: view. Spac. 4 Sharp 2 yr old home with 3 PY hotne in 1this beautifully bas11 at~ i;ier month Bdnn. OOme irl Tettaef:" Jly wbo'WBJ)t1· a spacious waterfront home. 4 to park, schoojs ~·shopping. tucked way b&ck in between bdnn. hom,e ~/f~ o.~. bedrooms fireplace bltns, appointed 3 bedroom 2% })I.th only $500 option money. $75 CdM with ocean view .. E1tra.lge--BR., 4 Ba., pwdr, rm. Lge. Jiv. rm. Lots of_ used brick, family 40, trees,•then add al' side ~ fam . nn. Fine famll.Y 11v. great kitChen ·and· ~ tai-ec ~~;~i~~tt; 11:;!!!::;!: Per month ot i;ental amount LIDO REAL TY .tNc •. A..,. den; 3 ... car garage. Beaul patio/garden; ...room and heavy shake roof; yards for garden aitd play mg, $79,500 liveable patio. YOU can take -•~ will apply on down paymt. 337 y·a, Lido -·673-7300 dect 'dOCk. By App't. ___. Hurry • owner already pur-area Then With thi.s over this ,VA. loan on this ered patio for the fan!!!.)'., 11 option to purchase b ex-1 • For information on all lo.ts &~homes c~! '!11 54~· * feellitg add. 2 extra roo~ BrandDOVER_..S~R~ & ·:u:;:~89 per mo pays ~~ =~bl&P~i~ ~~ :1.':t 12va:n°:t ~.U:0i:!! 1g~~ CO:: CALL: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR · fo~ a total o.I 5 bedrooms, new , ' n· $43.tldo. Call 546.2313. · ..,..,,950 witb .good~ terms! $52,500. Ovmr. ~2643. W ~ . . We have an openmg fo.r an fthen all together you have ~en rm{/~ bar. Dra-• COATS-'r 8; this one NOW! -,_,. l•..,;~~~r~D!!r!.,!!.!Su!ito~'i'J!,!N~,B~.~~!!'!!!642-4620~~~!! experienced profes111onal .the neatest borne · packagC" mauc 2-a ~ving rm w/ &. Huntington Beach· 1400 I man or v.·oman. ExceptloJ¥1.). -we've seen for a Jong tirn balcony. • WALLACE 100;;;•;;;;'";;.';;;"';;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'•;,;I °""'~•I · 1000 hcnefitst" cau 54""' ~;:.,~:me oi ...on .,.:;: op:·~!ning star ~000 It EAL TORS PENNSRYANIA.DUTCff I r" Open E'tlenings FAMILY GONE -OWNER ~!_R~D u.t Nichols Real Estat.e -. "·°"w'Es2SL!hEYY•N•r" 1.,.. ........ "..,2-4454= ... • ....... 1 ::"'~~,",. ""';· ~~ PRIVATE & SECLUDED -~·~• ·~ II~ · t" HOUSE OF be•ul!Jul 4 bedroom, 2 ''°"' bt'W•""" Bank Bldg. ~ Out ol llate 546-t12I TAYLOR CO. home. Fonn'1 dining, targe Uni,.,nity Puk Past """"i!Jt iron gale en1ry S..· his lowly "°""' Df$TRESS "SALE ·Rultors family & 2400 11<1 ft of living D•y alU101 N/!!hl• ~o-enof...O bric!< pillared ",:n· '!:".tbl~•" $795 . NEWPORT CENTER DOUBLE GABLES area Asking $49,"'1. Call · --oouetyard to go•geous "OLD ~ ..... Will &ell all or ·part ·of ll . · · · • -2111,rsa?i-Joaquin"Hills JtoacJ ---54~24---Sou Co·a·st< -$ r-WORLD-CHARM". 3-large On iq>aciouti corner lot a~s at the corner of Fair-Total cost 10 you 10 move in. 64+4910 : Realtors. NEW LISTING bdrms. + massive living With:..~ wi2\lthbalhl Vlew Rd. & .Sun119wer; near Vacant, 4 bednn, 2 bath Authentic storybook custom. Popular "cambridge" model. room with cozy brick fire. -.· .... ~ ..... ::::,", .... _ new LA Times BJdg. and home w/dble car garage & Most Far TJie Least WESTCLIFF · Paneled master suite.& fam-Newport Be.ach 1200 3 Bedrms, 2 baths on one place. 12' breakfast room. , n.:.. LU'C .. ....., Volt Rubber. cov patio w/brick BBQ El(. , Exceptional value! 3 BR. & ily room, C)eery fireplace!. 1--.:...------level + NEW shag carpet-Sliding glass to private en· formal dining area $37 500/Ac-U 0 _ M ·0 lam rm home Liberal Copper Kettle kitchen with ..,.-.. .-. .-. --.. tng & beautifully planted closed patio. Few bt-i!-to OPEN HOUSE DAILY , ,,.. ce ent ....... ta esa Ioca on. He-'• a hargau1· -ial lik te..:.• .... :-...... 1:....· 5,,m. buil . H·'I 1 I -.,. ...._ CASH YOU MUsr HAVE 5 IN '"' . . s.,...... e •• , ... .IUO<I .... .., "6'-.,,,,... t·ins ..... acre or poo BUDGETV-IEW-atrium. $31,500 beach. Must sell! ValUe Priced to sell FAMILY TO QUALIFY Ute kind we need more of. loan. Owner w/carry some or guest5, R-i. Price reduc-e Red Hill Realty packed at $28.600 w/FHA- at $47,950 Nowporl E I • w·fh: • 3 Bedrooms, large country paper. $48,500. ed so take advantage. Call Bluffs channing l·bdrm, &:: Univ. Parle Center, Irvine VA terms. Call (TI4) 962-5S95 Realton ''Our 25th Ye•~ In the Harbor Area'' 673°4400 Open Daily 328 Aliso 41owport Heights comer of Beacon I sho,1 bi.<k from Cliff Dr. By Owner $36,500 Spaci<Ka 3 bedroom·2 bath, lfvWg room with fireplace, large dining area overlook. Ing lovely ""1uded ""'1. carpeting, drapes, built-in eJectric kitchen. Garage oft alley with electric eye open- er. Nicel,y landscaped cor. ner lot. 6464032 Macnab-Irvine •t Fairview 646-8811 xc u11ve I • style kitchen and big eating NEWPORT HEIGHTS 645-0303 den, overlooking major Call Anytime 8J3..(Yl20 Nowpor! neok with lovely ...,,n ,.,. Vecy oharp 3 BR. 2 ea. hom• FOREST l OLSON .,...~.,,It; m.,;mum pd· J ~~~i!:!~!!!!'!!!!!~ I pela & large KID STYLE on lge. corner Jot ~.000. vacy, Perfect for single per---- at back yard. Assume 71'% Quick possess. son or couple. Vacant; like Irvine Inc. Realtors Fairview FHA loan and have .~-IRVINE TERRACE lnc . .Realtors 2299 Harbor new cond. Near shopping; -· -·------19131 Brookh~t Ave. ments LESS THAN RENT, 'Freshly redecorated 4 BR., ASSUME A 2 pools, dbl. garage, elec. NE\V 3 BR. 2 Ba. Medallion Huntington Beach 646-8811 and only $154 TOTAL! Pric-fam. nn. borne. Lge. comer 4'.lpener. BluUs lowest cost -home by Ayres, at THE J iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•J (~nytimo) ed at $22,950! loL Room lo• pool '> play $24,500, 71/2•/o ~·"'°· RANCH. On greenhclL G.!. NEED ROOM 1238 FOREST l OLSON OPEN EVENINGS transferred. $28,4 WE SCOOPED MESA VERDE CO&ATS area. Prop. vacant. $49,500 FHA . LOAN a5'um•bl• loon.500wnH TO BREATHE? On th~ 3 bedroom, 2 hath &st 521l Chahli• 83>-9358 · ' · WALLACE · 2407 E. Cout Hwy. home in beautiful Coat a Near HuntiJlgton State Beach . REALTORS Opposi~ MacArthur Blvd. Mesa. Large pool size back ' Eastbluff 1242 lOOO\ SQ. FT. --<55'1161-44141-yard with boat or trailer ac. =.c:.:c. ____ _,,~-1 3 Bedroom, 2 baths, family oeu. Only $6,300001Vii'and IMPROVE YOUR Room with Uttplace, fonnal ~ 111\ ,\ In. , .... Huge 4 bedroom and "Fam-VIEW-VIEW-VtEW ily Room", electric ~t-ins OverlookU\t.Newport Center. in kitchen. Beautilul_.,:Pluah c.osta ~~.'!<'. and. beautiM ne\\I carpets. GotgeOUS view Newport HarOOr, ~ even.. of the ~If course. Owner ing lights are like a seventh out of town. Submit on heaven. Well kept, three I~~~~~~~~~~ I (Qpen ~~tni"lt) • -t loW monthly payments. Call -2414 Vi11ta-Del Oro ~1._area2.5·"x"s"O'e ~room J u '"' 546-2313 OUTLOOK!! HI 111\ l\f . $28,500 price and take over bedroom, ;two bath homer: a 5% annual percentage rate' With Fam/Rm, Din. Rm: ms .ALL now • •• • ust s . Newport Beach 644-1133 RUMPUS ROOM Enjoy the .. hypnotic" vie'v ' . . O THE REAL '""'-ESTATERS GI li>an with tolal paymeob and B/I '''."'' Kit. ....... SPANISH . HOME & * EASY TO ow~ of $15,'J.OO. Livrng room ts located above · INCOME ,. " W .,. k & L garage which otters privacy Split level'-'4 .bedroom -3 333 CATALINA a er ee and Ullllurpassed view. Cool, baths -.3 car garage -T\VO homes on a comer lot. SEE YOUR REALTOR Wall to wall storage. 2 Huge quiet. patio and rear yard large family room-: fonp.al One 3 bedroom.lone 2 bed· FOR YOUR BIG FREE mstr. suites + gUest room Realtors 2790 Harbor mvd. at Adams 549-9491 Open •tu 9:00 PM area. Excellent schools • dining room. 2200 Square room ••• each with lndi-===N~EW=CO=:M;;E:=R:;:S:;KIT:=== & ba~; ball.room size fam. near shopping a nd only foot home, beautifully sltuat.. vidual fenced and.landscap. rm., VleW liv. room. Walk or minutes to ·the Dunes and ed in 011e of Mesa Verde's ed yard. Both recently re<Jec. Costa Mes• 1100 bike o all schools. Reduced sandy beaches. Priced tO most prestigious nf!ighbor-orated and in excellent con-to $48,500, might lease/op. VIEW sell at $55,000 with very hoods. It's a rnwt ~·at ditiOn. Live in one & let your tion. OPEN FRI., SAT. & the Loveliest P•tio reamna.ble terms. this low priee· $47,!Ql. Call tenant make the payments. ~ SUN. Afternoons. trom this lwi:urlous blulfs Easily converted into 4 add'l. condominilifu. 2-bedrooms, bedrooms & 2-baths~ 2~ baths and closets galore. ONLY $36,400 Try this for sighs -Main-Immediate Occupancy ten.ance free pool at your VA-FHA &: Conventional ·1root "°"'·Only $49,"'1. tan RANCHO LA CUESTA 673-8550. AYRES Homes Since 1905 0 THE REAL \""'-ESTATERS MODELS AT BROOKHURST & ATLANTA 968.2929 • 963-1338, 11 a .m,-8 p.m. Surrounded. 'by a C115tom M. M. LaBorde, Rltr. 546.2313. Call now• Only $39 500 ~ .... Uni.versity Realty 67J...6&10 :t:~:~~~ ::ET & :~;:;'' Colesworthy ·::~';.,:-'!·1~~~·:!:~ :;;;;~~~= '·1";-'R"1"""0-;;...~c..rE_ro;...~..;•_W_l_;-~-s-lln a:~e!~~~:~rot~~ itect for :wn family. 3 Car [n attractive neighborhood.'•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. ....... room with family room, for-4 br, frplc, ali bltns, w/w A THUD!! TO A showpiece with LARGE fam- garage sboP •. base?1ent, Ideal fDr appreciative people.11 & Co. rnal dining and kitchen nook. crptg, sprinkJen, pool·sized NEW LOW BICE ily area, walnut paneling, Kften house, nun-mpnten. Being located on one block . S)Nltkling Pool REALTOR Shake roof. large patio, shag yard, NellJ' all schools & .-.,. snug Fl.replace, and modern ance &: more & more, Call long street makes this 4 Freshly redecorated throout. Newport Beach Oilice carpets and many extra!'!. WestcliU shopping. Avail for Live gay & sunny -the most step -saving kitchen, the 1or appt to see. bedrm, 2 bath home a ter-Koll·built Mesa Highlands 1028 Baysid~ Drive Just reduced to $37,950 for immed occ. for your money-2 bedroom children's playhouse stay1. • Realty Company ~~ristopliir - Columbus Pff£-:-8ARR£TT RL ft rifle p14ce for children. The home-on cu1-de-&ac; Adult -fast-salf!. ·Ca.ll 541>-ll51--ONL y $38 500 and den in desirable Irvine Could use for mother-in-law. -price is right a:t $3l,950. The occupied 3 .t: family .rm. l--=-=-.,-,6754930 =· =-===,..... ~ HlghJand Tu--:-w.e. Terrace;--Now-only-$39;90Ct--Sellu-anxious.andJ.s_w.illin&1 __ -+_ View 642-5200 terms are good, so call now Large 61Ai% FJ:lA loon to RI LOT WITH sH· •t .. 642-1611 or 642-9996 Call 673-8550. lo pay part of GI or FHA Alm u you can see, miles l'!!'l!!~~!!'!"'!'~~~l ·&,..W'lothoum' .... lp you make ii e.s.sun;~~e=) GUEST COTTAGE er1 age *-i:eRRIFIC BUY * ::.~~costs. FULL PRICE of ocean trom this outstand-RETIRE TO BEAUTY •£ .. Llo1ts Lov•ble 3 br home in Mme Only steps to Ocean Blvd. A .~~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; j ,.. W I k & L lng 4 Bedrm home, high on Never before have y,•e been ~I ~:--beautiful level building site Newport area. Loaded with a er ee •'bluff with an elevator to able to present such an im· •• ~,h 30 loot fron'""e ~d-• • • • • • • • • I extras! Priced to seU fast ..,;:=:=:=:=:==::::== .wun. ming "'•ch •· ··•·na -GE 11R~t. J% ... '""6 o· -" Realtors .,. ...,.,.. maculate charming home. uating ro 36 feet in the rear 2 BR. Home. Custom bit; at $32,500. Buy direct &:: Corona del Mar 1250 house, plu1 33' lanai A: play Lo c a t e d in COu.EGE I \,;-I with a comfortable 2 bed-hardwood tlrs; exceptionally sa'Ve. Open d!lily, 1512'1,;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;;;;;;; 7682 Edinger room with pool table, beam-PARK near all grades of room guest cottage with view well.kept; like new w/w Priscilla Ln. 646-1355 (own-I _,.,..:"c:'--4,:,455:,:,.,0.:,•~54~~;.,5~1='°~-I ed ceilings. Many other ex. school & O.C.C, Three Bd 1093 Baker, C.M. 546-5440 OCEANFRONT situated In the far rear. Live crpt, drapes; covered patio. -•='.:.' ----~~~-MARVELOUS VIEW NOT BRAND NEW tnll & seUer will carry fin-rms, 2 bath!I, B/N Kit, bl/I~~~~~~~~~~ DUPLEX in the cottage and build MANY Extras! Lrg fenced DOVER SHORES 200J Bayside Dr. Beaul UK:in:g, AU OU. irl eXclusivt Rm. covered breezeway and EASTSIDE your dream home in this yard, on extra lrg loL Good SACRIFICE SALE of fabu· shake roof 1-sty. 3 Br. 4 ha. 3 Arch. Bay, Sou.th Laguna. Dbl. Gar. Freshly decorated, R . 2 bed and d Older .f\\.'O 2-bdrm. l bath pttstlge area. Call 673-8560 . Eastside loc, Clt'I. Ideal tor Ious 4 BR. 3 Ba. home at waterfront home, xlnt swim-BEACH-$19 950 Hul'T)' &:: call Amy Guton new cPts. & drps. Nothing to uslic . room en units on R.-3 lot. Owner may retired couple. 548-1642. ~.500 land Included. Will ming beach. Newly redecor. ' -3210 do but m""e in. Full Prioe pt.us family room. home on a C"""" first tnnit deed with • • • • • • • • • I ..,, ' $175,1))) SHOWN BY APPT . .. ~ · b I t th f -·J con&ider lease/option. Not new but only 8 yn 642..-1235 675-3210 $29,950. Under FHA I VA •g comer 0 wi_ room or substantial down. Priced at e OPEN DAILY 1-5 e Owner 548-9865 Bill Grundy, Realtor . young. fantastic value nestl~ TER?.lS. that boat or trailer, Lot;i of $57,500. 'TU sold! Assume 6%% VA ==,;;;:;;;:;.;=:=== 833 Dover Dr., N.B, .,6424620 ed among 2-story borne$ val· EXECUTIVE RANCH TYPE This lovely near new home. 4 lge bdrms + fam. rm. + formal dining. 3-<:M garage. Yard separate from pool area -~autlfuJ heated pool -Park &: schools close by. Just $69,950 -To inspect .,...,. .... nn. O THE REAL ""'-ESTATERS M. M. LaBord•, Rltr. ":'ood paneling, J~e birch Call: 673-3663 Eves. 54S-OTI5 loan. $148 Per mo. Redecor. ued at $35,000, 3 BR's, 2 full 646-0555 Res: 548-l2G5 fireplace over size double BAYCREST 3 Br. W/W epts, drps. Im-!"•wport Height~~~ NEWISH DUPLEX baths. Gourmet kit, w/latest •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J car garage. There's much Onl $22 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths. each more. Please call for show-med. possession! Y ,. FOR A KING b/ins, Cloud soft shag car-COMMERCIA, L · 546-2313 950. 1984 Federal Ave. · roomy unit, on Corona del pets. J ust take over existing mg. · GOOD BUY ~" Palri. k Wood 54•2300 f.1ar's smanest street. Best 2 Adja"'nt •·-•-of "2 .......u: c , ~ N 1 -w 2 •IY manor 4 loan with paymenta much -··~ ~ e B'll H R It eary '"" · of everything. Will rent for lots, each 66 x 300, .(1) with I aven, ea or BR, 2 Ba, beaut decor. Lge cheaper than rent. Better commercial tenan• other DANDY DUPLEX Fast ro:upancy! 4 Bednns, 2ll1 E. Coast, CdM 673-321.l coun""'-' kitchen w/all bltns. + $600 per month, Must hurry! Call (714) 962·5585. ' ·1y s ~J make appointment. Ju st with 4 rental homes. Front large fam1 room. uney Seeing is Believing? Frplc of Italia.a marble. FOREST l OLSON 2 are used as commercial.1 ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... ; I ONLY $2B SOO breakla1t area. See this now! 3 Bedroom, 1% Bath-2 car Chandeliers. tge living & $59.500 I' R It University Realty 673-6510 Buy one or both for future EMERALD BAY , Jean--Smith 83 QF garage. Enclosed patio. din rm overlooking 22x42 3001 E. Coast Hwy., CdM appreciation. One priced at Superb ocean view -beau· • ' Wall to wall carpet. h&{ pool w/Jots of decking. $46,000. the other at $Eili,OOO. tilul, large home w/every FURNISHED DUPLEX 2 646-32SS Completely fenced. FHA Ocean view trom ballroom SHORECLIFFS 2656 It 2664 Newport Blvd. extra & the best construe-bed.rms, each sidt". Garages. assumable loan. $23.500 Full size balcony. A beautifUI Morning Canyon Dr, CdM tion -interesting&:: flexible Live In one let other pay ~~~~~~~~~'I Price. 871 Darrell S.t. home for only $55,000 or :r.1ost desirable fee land room arrangement. Owner expenses. Income now $250 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 548-n28. trade locally, homes. Priced at $65,000. will finance. $145,000. pr month. Call 645-0303. Large 3 BR. home; being2 ;c:B:,E°'D~R"-.-bou~-,.-.~b-y-owne--r, CALL ~. •tt•·1414 Exclusive with, "Please call for our pi~re FOREST l OLSON painted & cptd.; lge. fenced close to shopping and 9 \:#'-' RDL'°"" broch~ of curre'lt Jlstmgs" y~. for the children. Alley school.. 540-9148 ......... · entrance lor boats & trailers. Cotant;1.MA'"1Njl · I R""•EMBER P C.1 1 Inc. RealtorS 2'299 Harbor A good buy•. •%ACRE 3 br house, zoned REALTY 1 an·UI' ~ ..... R. E s;d lrtt•t Nt"!'P•tl P••I orr tt . MAMA, :.!'-!.!: ':: • · 1 • • -Oceanfront DUPLEXES S3,c1~-:000,...,,,· =-··....,.,.,-4$.51.,--.,.116 NEWPOIT HARBOR v1Ew .HILLS - -AU sizes, shapes &: prices. :-: Sale or lease optiorl -.-3 br, Always wanted a borne like B33-07CIP ~2430 This .3 Bdrm;-homc, located Good location 4 priced to .LGE. R-2" lot w/older house. HEIGHTS JarnUy, 2 bit. View, prof lnd- thill -3 Big Bedrooms, 2 in pri!t\_e area • new carp. sell! May we show you Only $18,500, Ownet'/Bkr. $52 900 6441121 baths, dining space In kitch-&: drapes; 2 baths, partially soml"? D.:es. 615-3001 O'I' 673.-92'15 DUPLEX.. scpd. ' · en·-:" lJari!wood Doors -all J,l/1°/o LOAN furn. Better tiurry on this MORGAN REAL TY • EAsT SIDE-3 br. 3 garage. 2 bed. ea. Garages, room for 2 UNITS-Lrg 2 BR home, + ')llcsa\ <r0<'J\ca1i " ' 546-5990 Inc. Realtors 19131.Brobkhurst Ave, Huntington Beach PLAYHOUSE FREEll Jn addillon to thie C(lttage showpiece with LARGE fam. ily area, walliut paneling, snug Fireplace, and modern step.saving k I t c h e n, the childrtn's playhouse stays. Could USe tor mother.in.Jaw. Seller anxioua and is will ing to pay pArt ol GI (If F11A buyer't1 cosla. FULL PRICE $26,750, \'.eu'll Simply Fllpl SUcb • low price, $28,950 for ~ a ....beautlful C BR .l laDdlJ with !rah p&1n1, au neW • long' shag colorfUI carptg .l the clincher -"""w hac1< ,.ro. ,.p.rjtl. .. pooL LeUehold """' $1S ... 10 hopping in w I-· · 9 d huge brand new 2 Br &:: den 1 IO.J'lf!IU' I • es and no loan charges for one as only 2 beachlront 67~2 675-645 $24,000. Easy terms. By trailer and boat. Newly ee· Good 1 Good f B Walker & Lee Open EveninP cliff, and 11chools near by. th!Ji lg. 3 BR ranch bo~ on homes In multiple listing! GREAT owner, ~2985. orated inside and out, Near apt. oc. 1~ Y $33,500 -Phone 646-TI71 ro huge OO'xJOS' lot. Comp! re-Asking $65,000. I='=='==,.,,===== I Harbor Hi. $29,500, Phone owner. 6'7H004. or 548-' ..... ~~-""il>e<"-painted, ?K'w dshwsbr, 1gt: CHILT ROBINETT FOR CHIL.DREN Mesa Del M.r 1105 646-7tn to inspect. B•lbo. Panln1ula 1300 Realtors_ ...... det cov'd patio & outdr fire-REALTOR 645-0128 Large park·llke landSCBped 7G82 Fillnger E REALTY pt. & S.S.Q. Owner will al· , hack ·yard. Pat;.! 3 Bdnn.. LEASE-OPTION OWNER 842-4455 o• 54<>5140 MmltiiliirJfl Jow $500. for ....... ts & .i-... NO DOWN TO VETS l% ba. home. Entertaining TRANSFERRED 10!!!!11!!!!![111!'!11!'~!'!'::!"" .... .. ....,,,. size family room. Double 3 CAR GARAGE l..,;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ Immed. poss. Only . Must~ this 3 BR, 2 BA DECORATOR'S HOME ==='=::":=7::==:=::::::: * Peninsula Point ·* "'BedrOO lbath Try$46500 CUTI AS CAN BE $29 500 home 20x30 liv nn + 1ge garage. Low, low down FHA ---· 3 BR home SOXlOO lot Lge a rn . ' · Two bedluom "Doll Houte."' F.IX IT UPI • din~ bltns dblc gar • !gt: tenni. OnJ.y $25,500. 3 Bedrm, formal dining + 1220 pa&. Near0priv. tennb club: 2875 Sq, ft., wide fonnaJ en-Qu~ eut~ Colla Mesa Bring cleaning sear, paint A PERRON . -'42~1771 fenced 'yant, nr UCI. "you THE FOX CO. large family room. $.350 Newport ShoNs boat ramp, bay .l ocean. try, front livin1t room with near st. J09Cbims and tbop.. gardening tools + ''TLC." trn-n the gro~nd. S25,000 REAL TORS 673-9495 ?tfonth lncludina ,R:anltner. 1----·-----$45,950. master fircplaee, separate I -~ .. ...., 150 .,.. • s1ory • bedmi & formal La h Rlty. lean Smith Realtor * SALE * tonna1 dining """"-......, f..!!;.00~ ---w1u "'""" ~m. -~. f1., s.n1a 3 BEDROOM c enmyer • $29,950 , ... ,,. .. wtootio• mod•m "'" .. "with al.-... -"".... CAL'L """ -54"'•~ E>oellent ·-a -ar ,-•-•·, ExcepUonally clei.n 2 br, fam 4 BR., large den -$57,950 graded bltln deluxe appll-"ke i• SU'"'-" to ~ IBA Ana Jlghts. Easy.10-buy! ~M:) °" .....,....., .. " "" "'..,..."' L•L MSS di . bltn kit he .. ~· -.... i.;; .... •<11• """' shopping. Spacious bed-====-==ff==== rm, n g area, c n, ances and eating area, Sep. Loan wlth $153 mo. ~ .._....... _..,-. 2 BATH 2" ha •• •--1. 1% ba,. w/w crpt, drps, frp)c.. Near N.U.Y.C.: 4 BR., txtra arate big den with t:-..lace ment. WHY RENT? Open Evenings Pf,reyda Real Elta~ Buys rooms. 711 1""• .... 6., IV· Mna Verde 1110 Nr ocean. Ready for immed R-2 lot. Only $TI.500. · ..... ., L.-~· Wa Iker &' Lee &"-lllO -. ; ::o"ou"' ... 0000 '111o°'1 !l!·.~ ing room wilh emtic 11 ... ;.;;,=..;.;=;;___....;;.;.: ·oec. '""""' ... 64s.ll095. MARSHALL REAL TY ........ poreh, I~ ~ -';;.,-Ha rdwood Floor1 1 -t"PJvw place, family room/eleam-ON THE-FAIRWAY 675-4600 ANYTlM E--rooms v.ith ~.111 cloRt.1, -GER•••·:rv F lrepl•ce$22.500 5 lousesonllol $49.500 ing built-in kitchen.~ CUstomb\111t 4 btdrm lam. B ho l;z~== ... ===:I upgradedquahtycarpl'ts4 -J'tealton '"""" W tla-McC rdl Rlt "' BR. 2 Ba. home $28,950 ~'Uher. . Uy room, i big flttP1.aees. _•.;.Y_•_r_n ____ im_ -----drapes. 2700 lltn·bor bJ'vd. •t Adam ...... u .. ,t.M 1:10 Newpo~ Bl~ .. c.~~· ~~~~e1:er \, $46,000 540-tno Tarbell This beautl1ul home over· CFlARMING, open beamed WEST BAY AVE. I' 54t>-Ot65 Open 'di 9 PM 548-7729 Eves: 644-0684 a"Ctt ' $l3,000 VERY SHARP • 4 Br. 2 Ba. looks the 17th ~ of ceiling, 2 br. ia. tvg. rm. Charming new 3 bdrm. 2 ba. $22,750 LIDO WATERFRONT ALL lO% DOWN Elec. kllch., d~hw., btdcy, Mesa Verne Goll Coune. frpl~ $36,000 6% 6'2·1"'5 MeditotTanean 11,Yle;• Block t6JA471 I =tJ MMIOJ APT5 . ..J20 LIDO NORD BRAND NEW Jfurry . call aeL ~1698 rm. 2 P11.tioll. Obi. gar. 6% assumable loan. By own. ========='I from ocean & bti.y. Bullder'1 P:menu lel4: ~rent In-NOW REDUCED TO ThlsDoverShores~vanWe119 * oce .. NFRONT * earport. Encl yd. Many er. n16 Java Rd. 5t0-409S. Wtstclfff 1230 home, top quality. Deluxe 4 Badroom ude ewrythllw. Very at,. $1.,IOO-Xlnt"Terms home with View hts 3180 sq. * D~UPLEX * trees. SEE rr .JfNJ Bestel, 163.!m. ="---·--"'"-' 8111 Grundy, Realtor t'l-IA Appniisa.I S31.45o tractive home MW bMdl. 1 lliMutilU1-unlta. 5 car ft. ol llvtng Al'ea 4 Bedrm~, UI Westmi,.ter. BUY JT! iHI ClubhouM Rd. BY ~ bt, Uv nn, <tin 81, Do\.tt Dr., NB 6(2..Q Asking $.10,990. Min. dowa l3S foot deep g:rowxiHoom p.rqe.-1: t!tlll'Y rMm "1ith 3~ 8-A panelled..tam nn w/ S.lbo• P•~insu • _NEED ?.tan Or wom3ll real &cleaionally lfr,•11.ped, ..rm + J.amily rm.-2 b&....Ne.w IBA. Owner. ttand. Muat lo..· POOi. Spacious bedrOomt, to IL trontrrc on excellent ttplc ,,_· we1 bt.r. !flglt be111m. $15,000 f:state salesman -aales or family home, patio, shuffle· rugs &. drape•. Walk to all * Exclus1Vt Ll1tlhg * llell! eall 847"'531. dt", 1ia:urioua .twie carpet-aw1m.mlng beach. UnllJ are ed cell ing tlv:lng rm., "coun-George Williamson ft!ntals. '. board. 4 BR., 3 BA family + schls I shop's . $46,500. B&lbo8 Penin, Lovtly, C\lslom .;:: 1120 I ftlnll"l1 turn11bed. try" kit w/brkrst area. ' Realtor Stcphemon Realty formal dining, 2 fOilc.s. ~~;. 11' 5·5~ loan. blt. ~ty. hofnc, 4 en., 2\.-l · Tarlle l Biii Grundy, Realtor SJMrkllng •.\.\'lmmfng pool. 67J....4J50 64S.I~ Evas. ~ ~larine ~ June '"'&rd, Bkr. 6424816 1=-.;.,..;.;,;:.-=-~--bl., tam, rm. S11ndeck. DAILY Prtm WANT AD. 133 .Dovlfr Dr .. N.8. 64J..4&10 $1~.!m. Roy J. \Vant, Rtal. rc.r that it~m under S50 b'l' BAlboli Island For an ad to sell around 'I\1ril lbote White ElephantJ $67,500 Hatt"! Joncs- Dlal ~71 1: c:harp tt. fO"', &4S.15rl(), oPt.n dnUy. our PD."NY PINCHER. I "'DIJi""-,-.Pllot=c-a,.-a.u-..,,1..._,..-,~~.,.,.,,..... info cash lhnl a Dally Pilot Uxti1 Briie~. Re•h11r -~ ucu tho. clock. dial &U-6671. Dime-..-.line 1d!I 6734037 673-3110 J • !:EA! fC.T.i"ITE IVIART 51,1 )'OU M W It 1n the DAILY PILOT! • " ., \ ' • • J -• .. - DAIL'I' r1LOT , ......... G .... Sc1'1111illtl' .. . , ·Thursday, ,St~ltn1btr i l7, ~7G • " .$ DAILY PILDf I • e , aves .. ·-- ~· . By RICHARD J,..NAt . ot ... Dlilt ,..., lllff' ... ~· . A 'state Su~ Court· decision that 1i8s Changed the ' ground rules of beach own~rship, apParenUy isn't goinl~ -~ make · any waves tn'1 San Clemeiite for some time . The February decision by the high court was an opening wedge to allow the public the right to use the sitridy. strand above m~an high tide line even though.it is privately owned'. - The coort decis ion doen't automatically flatten fences or ,::hase off guards since each privately owned pro- perty is a sepa•ale cue. But it gave the legal leg up which inspired HWltington Beach to pre~ to OlOVe in court against owners or large. segments of private beachito establish a public r-ight to use that beach. owner said that a beach front owner was • being unfairly deprived of property rights because hr.. bad been a good guy in~ the past· ind permitted public access lo hiJ beach-no gua.rds Or fences. Another touched on po55lble loss ot assessed valuation, removing the valUe of eitpensive beach front land by removing some of the ,ownersl1ip· rights. Jn San Clemente the C1luncil has directed the stall to survey points of ac-- cess. tO beaches privately owned. The access is one important question since"the public has long had the legal right to cavsirt below mean high tide line, but it doesn't touch on ·lhe fresher ques .... tion of recreational easements that could be pegged down above mean high tide line. City Manager Kenneth Carr said the ci· ty survey showing )Xlinls of legal access that might be establi!bed should be ready for council perusal in the nel't few months. Orange County, •rtas auch ~. MOlllftlt Bay and !Apna Beach where yoo bavt numerous private beacbes,".llid Evans. He thought II unlikely lhat llle·clly would launch litigation to establish beach l"f!creatlonal easements in San Clemente. "I Ciwt see any place where It would happen in ' the city,'' he aald. Councilman Thomas O'Keefe who h concerned abqut the beac~ access que"s.I lion sees recreational easements in a dif. ferent light. Said O'Keefe , "I think there is a bll difference between insuring public a~ to the water and being able lo sit on thl -sancf below wtlere any building could ~ constructed .(mean high tide) aDd aomt case· that might actually restilt in con fiscalion of beach lands without com pensation for the owner. "I'm not in favor of preventing a beacl Jand owner from being about to build OJ the buildable portion of hiJ property." CAPISTRANO SHORES TRAILER PARK MEETS MEAN HIGH TIDE LINE IN SAN CLEMENTE City Preparing Study of Beach Access for Perusal by Council; Litigation Seen as Unlikely Such a decision would mean that the beach owner could not build on his sandy strand or ~p lhe public of ol it: In the case of Huntington Beacfl, the city has gone to the extent of trying to recover damages Jn the cases where apartments have already been constructed on the sand. Within the city Jimi~ there are about five miles of beach, about two miles of city beach and a mile of state beach. The city spent about $1.25 million between 1964 a"nd: !987 to acquire Its beach. This -v.·as done, said Mayor Walter Evans, "because San Clemeille took a look at the beaches and decided we didn't want buildings on them and voled a bond issue." O'Keefe· said he thought that attem itself to the ocean and tidelands shoul~ not be lost by some builder's action. Ht said it could be that the' city would takt legal action iD lhe futu~ to insure ac cess. "I asked Mr. Carr to conduct a sludJ on ponts of previous public access to th• beach so we can establish easements," ht said. Bay Island Residents Walk to Their Homes JSy PATRICK BOYLE Of !tie h!IJ r ltlfl Slf" A house would not be complete withoul a grease-spoUed driveway or a junk- filled garage, because. peoj>le and cars just seem to live together. But there is a community in Newport Beach where· the residents can't take their cars home with them. There are no streets for the children to play in and there are no garages to fill wilh odds and ends. These people live on Bay Island, and their only link with the Balboa Peninsula is a foot.bridge, just wlae enough for a small electric cart to cross. The Bay Island resident! park their cars in a common garage on the peninsula and cither walk or drive a ca rt to theit homes. ' But there arc JlOl n1any residents on the 1s1and. Of the 24 homes, 011ly five arc occupied year.round. according to 1'.1rs, James Higson, whose husband is presi· dent of the Bay Island Corpqration. The corporation owns the island; and each homeowner owns one sha re of stock in the corporation and leases hfs lot from the company. It has been that way since 1902 \.\'hen Rufus Sanbome· and R. J. \Vaters paid $350 for the small, sandy island. Sanborne and \Yatcrs bought the island to use as a duck hunting club. They in- corporated on March 16, 1903, and issued 24 shares of stock. each valued at $150. The ffiembers of the club included Sam Tustin, after whose father the City of Tustin was named. The members "''ould come irom Los Angeles or Orange Coun- ty to hunt, during the season. A club house was built oM the island an,d, about the same time, Sanborne and \Vaters built small homes on the island. The other members wanted to do the Equal parcels and each shareholder was assigned a parcel of land . The memberships changed hand s OC· casionally, and in 1908, Madame lielen :tt.1odjeska, the famous actress, purchased the Sam Tusth1 home on the island. She died there in 1909. and a few members tried to get the 11ame of the island chang- ed _to Modjeska Island in her memory, but they failed . More houses were built on the island and, by 1920, Louis Briggs says "there ,,·ere four or five vacant lots" left on the island. Briggs, \rho is now a Balboa realt.or, lived on the island from 1920 to 1945. "It is the most delightful place you cou1d imagine," he says. "There is freedom from vehicu lar traHic, seclusion and privacy. It gives the people living there a chance to come closer together." 1'he original homes built by the pioneers of Bay Island have all been repla~ or· r~modeled, and there are Cle1nente Heads Salaries Told MW 2.1 bay front homes buill around the perimeter of Lhe-island. Although the homes do not follow one architectural style, they are alike in lhaL all are expensive. The home owned by the• late Joe Crail, founder of Coast and Southern Savings and Loan Assn., was sold r~ntly for $306,000. AFld that was only for the . house. The land is owned by the corporation, and the value of the S.S.acre island was set at almost $2 millio11 by the county tax assessor in 1969. • In the middle of the i.Sland is the least expensive home. It houses the caretaker. Il is flanked by a tennis court and a garden. The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the property and for chasing off occasional youthful intruders. The shareholders or the corporation - the residents or the island -meet once a year aAd elect five of t.heir members to the board of directors, who in turn elect a president of the club. Any outsider wishing to buy a house on the is land must have tile approval of the board of directors, and all modifications or construction or homes must have·the board 's approval. The board of director~ enforces 1he rul es of the club, such as the curfe1v regulaticws which keep loud parUes from disturbing neighbors. Mrs. Phelps Merikle, who has lived on Bay Islahd for the past 16 years, snys there are few problems with living on ti1c small island. "Jt is like living is a small com· munity," she says. "J guess it would be a lonely place to raise children , but it is a delightful spol." Many rumors h3ve been circulated con· cerning the small ii;;land and its residents, one being that Roy Rogers and Dale Evans once lived in the old Crail home 011 -the island. According lo Mrs. Higson, whene ver the harbor sightseei11g boat would pass the house and the guide would point out what he claimed was the cowboy star's house , Joe Crail would parade up and down his porch wearing a ten gallon hat for the benefit or the tourists. Guard Auxiliary Sponsors Course In Seama11slrip A new JQ..week course in basic seamanship will , begin free of charge tonight at the Auto Club building in South Laguna. The regular course series, sponsored free -by the South Coast division 0£ the Coast Guard Auxiliary, will offer in- ~truction in maneuvering, marlinspike, aids lo navigation, charb and compass work. rules of the road, legal re· . quirements and handling of small ~aft. Registration for the course will take place the night of the first meeting, Four San Clemente city department \.\'hich begins at 7 p.m. heads "''ill earn more than $16,000 in A three-lesson cou rse in basic sailing salaries during the current fi scal year. will follow the initial 10 weeks of in- At the top of the wage list in city hall is _ stroSt~~~~is successfuUy rnmnJetlng the City fl.tanager Ken Carr's annual wage of -··"" S21,504. The sum is a slight increase over course~ final eI.an:W18tion will rect!ve Carr's wages in lhe previous budget )'ear their basic seamanship certificate, which of $19,998. also allows-h?itJ.al membermip In the Next on 'the lisl is City Engineer~~ Cout Guard auxiliary. Peter, whose annual wage fs listed in the \r adopted city budget at S18,144. S+. d l • g Police Chief Clifrord Murray and ~·· en S ym Finance Director Gerry Teachout have identical salary leveb or 11&.452 annuaTiy. F . Card Sa}P.os Ne.xt on the list is Dirl'Clor of Building OJ "'r and .Planning Dick Ahlman whose annual -r I I' '15 "'°" The aMual competitive sale of student sa ary . • .-. Ci\y Clerk and Per1Mmncl Officer fl.taa body cards got under way this week at Berg earns $15,134 a year. Laguna Beach 0and san Clemente H1gh From there the list drops to the $13,000 Schools. ·annual range. The: school ~ling lhe highest percen- Flre Chie.f fl.tert.on ltackett and tage of cards during lhe"lhree-week drive Lifeguard. Chief Dick lfwrd each earn traditionally is entitl~ .. to as.,,ess a $13;200 a year .. Parks Slfptrlntend~nt· Penalty on student bdily nfficers or the Artie Watennan earns sllghtly more, with )oscr -the penalty to be dctermlned S13,53l annually. Jatcc. • • ' Bus Crash Kills 13 SEOUL, Korea (,\P) -Thirteen persons were killed and 48 injured \Vednesday when a bus plunged down a IS.foot slope into a river near Pusan, 200 miles south of Seoul, police reported to- day. Laguna Beach pointed its city attorney toward the problein to 5J)ell out the op- tions and ramifications locally of the high court decision. lie told the: council the old rules are, in fact, changed. There is an implied dedication by past public use which makes it )Xlssible to establish a recrea· tional easement. The Laguna Beach ·Civic U!ague urged that the council do .so forthwith . This touched off a flap. One hotel ' Questioned about the two miles of private beach ownership, President Nix· on's be;r;:h, Cypress Shores Community Association • Capistrano Shores Trailer Park (which is fenced), and the Shorecliff"s Beach Club, the mayor said he didn't see it as a problem in San Clemente. "But it Is • tremendous problem · in Asked bis view of litigation to providt recreational easements. Above mean hi&' tide, Councilma n Wade Lower said une- quivocally, "1 "'Ou1dn't want lo be an3 part of it. "Just because.some· lawyer found :som•·· loophole, I don~t think it's right. It's se' ting to the point now that just becaust you have a deed to something im't 111inf you own it." America,·· .. your new cars ·are req.dy! .. The 1971. Fords. -New Ford Pinto .Price'1 and sized like l/Ule lmporta, but roomier,_..,, Quiet and stable. Goes a long way between i gas stops. service Intervals, even atyllng changes. Put a little kicR"ln your life. Mustang Mach I 71 Ford . Oulslde, l!'s goltlng noisier. Inside a '71 Fotd LTD, It's a quiet world born of strength wrapped Jn luxury, Take a qu iet break. In the 1971 Ford, · Ford gives you better Ideas. '· .I 71 Mustang How does a nice homegrown Mustang stand up to the great road cars of Europe? BeauUfully1 With great looks and handling, at a fraction of the cos~ With six models, seven enaines and a long, long llst of options, L TO Brougham 2·Door Hard!op Be sure to aee the rest of Ford'• bel!er Idea caro '"' 1971 Including 'l'hunderblrd, Maverick, T0<lno and the beauti.ful new wa~nt1 FORD .. See all Fores better ideas for 71, at your Ford Dealers now! Ford Punt.·P-~Klei< Comp1Ullon. Boyo. •1a. rogilllf at your flOl'91! porticlpotlng Ford ~Nier through Septe_, 28 -- • ,, 1 . • • 1 I I 1 ~ I .. ----- ----.-------;-o--·--=--:-:--c---c-co-----..,,.--,-;:::-c:----==-=~-o-----:=.,.---....,.. __ _ " . . .. • I DAILY PILOT Thwnd&y, Stpttmbtr 17, 2q70 ' In CamlHHlia -. Reds U ]!_leash Big - ,_ . ·r 1 ery -Attac!{ ·PllNCIM' PENH (UPI) -N6ftb Viet· Communist forces Uled tbe cover of . nameae ad Viet Cong1orces under cover darkness u they splashed ~ir way =.c~of.suppc>rllng·artillery·fire early.today•~ through rice paddies to hit the Cam- ·-" .. ---.lacU;I eight ba.tlalloaa of Cambodiall bodian troops. Campus policemen at the Unlver· tn>ops trapped u miles. north of Phnom The apokasman said officers com· Penh, • milllary 1pokelnwl •aid. mancl)l1g the task force insisted the sity of Houston will excban1e the • ,,.,. beavY usault aptnst .the 4,0oo operltion continite despl'4! the crisis . traditional police uniform this fall government troops dug into foxholes and which began late Monday when the _ for red blazers with dark trousers trenches alongside vital highway 6 mark· government troops made first contact ~ and black ties. An emblem ·on the ed the first use of artillery in the Ca'm.. with the C.Ommunists alter six days out ~ bodJan war 1 by tbe Viet l:ong, the and were forced to dJg in three miles pocket of the blazet will identify spokesman lllid. . liOUtb of Tang Kauk. • them as campus officers. The new Military aources said the Cambodian The four bridges were destroyed Over uniform costs ·$60,-about $190 less high command urgently · requested three corqecutive ~s earlier this week. than the old garb. Ucurity Chief Ame.rican jet bombers for an attack The Viet Con& alJo attacked and occupied L F I ·d h h ped t against the C.ornmunist forces. 'Ibree Tlpeang -Kut,48 milea north oftPhnom · orry W. " lz 581 • 0 . ° Combod!sa battalions were reported pols-Penh to turiher seal off highway 6 ond to ~ have campus s~urify cars repaint-ed at Skou Ket northeaat of the capital to isolate the task force. ed red and white, ihe school's col· push northward Jn efforts to relieve tbe Sources close t<rtbe high C01111pand uid ors. He sa1d on the back bf each , isolated task force. there was a groWing senument to cancel car win be 'the words "Pride-Jn-· 1n South _Vietnam, South Vietnarbese the entire operation wbicb was-designed 1 • 111 ,, Th • ·u"a1 infantrymen supported by heavy U.S. air to open 45 miles of highway 8 from Skoun tegnty and Goodw · e 1n1 s, strikes and artillery killed 46 COmmuni$t ·t.o Kompong Thom, a provincial capital 80 he points out, spell 0 pig," militants' troops in renewed heavy fighting near . miles north of Phnom Penh. Tbe opera. name for policemen. . ~~e .. ~toda~'1leilly1 ~lilary spo!esmeJ! tion wu hailed. by Cambodian military • A thief stole a painting and a sculpture by the French master Augu-te Renoir, but returned them 12 hours later, police reported in San Francisco. The miniature oil, •'Jeune Fille," valued at $22,000, and· a small sculpture of the same model, "Gi.brielle," worth $11,500, were taken fro.m a show window in the predawn hours Monday at Maa· well Gallery. A woman tourist atay-1 ing in the YMCA ·hot~! across tho street said she saw a man smash the plate glass window and put the two items in a shopping bag. At 4 p.m. a passing police car offjcer spotted a. shopping bag in the win- dow. It contained the Renoir works. "I'm delighted," said owner Fred Maxwell. He speculated that the thief may have returned tbm he· cause of '~an attack of conscience.~ • Katherine Scott, 16, has become the first girl to attend th' 3tlll-year· old reading Bluecoet school at Son- ning, England. "I don't feel at all shy among the 380 boys," she said. • Breakfast was late in hundreds of suburban Seattle homes recently because of a crow's navigation. · The bird flew into a 26,000 'volt line, knocking il into another line caus .. ing a short which cut power to a three.square-mile area. It was an eJectrifying and final experience for the crow, but residents had power restored in an hour. • John Cl1yton, 46, decided tiling his farmhouse's roof in Hill, Eng .. land was a good opportunity to pro- c1aim his love for his wife, Jean, 38. Now the name "Jean" in black letters stands out from the new bright red tiles. • Police caught up with Marlys Guilll1 because he w.ent -several times a day to pray in the Sacre Coeur Church in Paris. Detectives watching Guillis saw him receive several wads of banknotes from girls who knelt beside him while in prison for pandering. • Officials of a ~r carton plant ln London, have hired a medium to chase away a ghost workers complain haunt the factory, rep0 • ..-:\I y. ofriCers-as -"tbe turning· poirit-in the Thirty.Olght North Vietnamese and Viet war." COng soldiers were killed by air strikts '1We are going to go on all the way to Wednesday seven ·qUles northwest of the Kompongl Tbom regardless of the cost," outpost situated 390 miles north of Saigon the spokesman said. "We will pay any and 12 miles east of Laos. A Govel'flment costs to get to Kompong Thom. we are ·in soldier was reported wounded. · ·a war and in war there are always A delayed report by the U.S. command losses." · said two American helicopters were downed by groundfire in the Laotian panhandle. An ·Anny UH! Huey was shot down Monday and a Marine CH53 was hit Sept. 7. The fyt'o losses were added to the 10 helicopters aOOt down Wednesday by Communist gunners firing from marshes deep in tbe Mekong Delta. It was the biggest sjngle loss of allied helicopters in the war:' _ "Very heavy" . Viet Cong and North Vietnamese reinforcements were 'rushed in to counter· the cambodian probe of COmmwrist strongholds begun -11 days ago, the Cambodian command said. The * * * N. Viets Offer Cease Fire Plan At Paris Talks PARIS (UPI) -M!!IO. Nguyen Thi Binh said today the Viet Cong would acree to a cease-fire in Vietnam if the Unlt.d statea would pledge to wllhdrow all of !Is troopo from Soutb Vietnlm bel6re June 30, 1971. Mme. Binh, 0 fqfeign minister" in the Viet Cong's so-called Provisional RevoJu .. tionary Government. ended a five-week boycott today and met the new American negotiator, David K. E. Bruce, for the first time. _ She offe.-.d an elgh~polnt peace Jn. ' JtiaUve which QJled for discussions on the freeing of prl!oners of war If the United Slatel would agree to tbe fin! condition of wilhdrowll. According to the text of her conference ltaf<ment, Mme. Binh lllid tliat If the U. S. government declares ils readiness to withdraw its troops by the mid·l971 deadline "the People's Liberation Armed Forces will refrain from attacking t 11 e withdrawing troops of the United States, and those of £he olher foreign countries in the U.S. camp, and the parties will engage at once in discussions on: "-The question of ensuring safety for the total withdrawal from South Vietnam of U. S. troops and those of the other foreign C0W1tries in the U.S. camp, and "-The qu..Uoo of releulng captured military men ." "The question of Vietnamese armed forces in South Vietnam shall be resolved by the Vietnamese parties among themselves," &he added, apparenUy referring to the long-standing U.S. con .. t.ntion tbat North Vletnmnese tn>ops are present in South Vietnam in rnaaalve munbera. . N. Korea Oilers Confederation Plan to South TOKYO (UPI) -North Korea pro- J>()Sed today that the divided Korean na- tions become a "'confederation," Com- munistin""the north and-capitalist ]n the BOU th, . The plan was contingent on the Withdrawal of all American forces·from South Korea. Jt also demanded.an end to ~ United~Nations' ~year ·rote of guaranteeing South Korean security. The details appeared in a lengthy "memorandwn" of the North Korean government, broadcast by its official news agency. The plan seemed certain of quick re- jection by the SOuth Korean regime of President Park Chung Hee which long has relied on the United St.ates to protect. South Korea frcim another itlvaaiOn by the north. • Park'• govannteut has protested strongly against the American. intention tci cut authori1.ed U.S. tr6op strength in Korea from 64,000 to 44,000 men. Uruguay Rebels Ask Conditions For Releases MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (UPI) Tupamaro terrorists may • free two foreign kidnap victims held for more thin a month if the government agrees to · "certain conditions," police said today. Police sources said an intercepted Tupamaro note said Claude L. F1y, a 65- year-old U.S. farm consultaht, might be . freed if the government authorizes PublicaUon of a Tupamaro communique in all the country's news media. The note, which police said w a s ap. parently authentic, indicated that Fly, of Fort Collins, Colo., may be ill. It said that Fly was "under medical condition" while his fellow hostage, Brazilian C.onsul Aioyslo Dias Gomide, 41, was in .. perfect condition." Gomide was kidnaped Ju1y 31, the same day as American police consultant Dan A. Mitrione who was murdered by his captors Aug. 10. Fly has been held alnce Aug . .,..--- Hu1:11idity, ·Rain Hit Nation West Balmy As Heavy Rains Drench Midwest, South MILD IPl WIATMll moca1111 - ~ . .-.. "IUDAY MOlllir tunny toder. l.1tl'lt Vttlll&I• Wlfldl l'llitlll tflf '"°"'!flt '*"' *-11111 ........,.,., • te 15 11,noft; 111 ttl•"'*"* tod•'f ,,._ l'r!Nr. Hltll fedlY 72. COlllt1 ~•ful'ff r•iwt fftm SI te n. lnl1nd IMIW•"'r•1 rtflH from Mi t. U. W1ttr IM\Mtlf\11'9 H. SNn, /lf-n. Tides TKUltlOAY 5t<Ofld 1!!11'1 ., ... 11 :4 1>.rn, ~.• hcOl'ld low ... . f;)O '·'"· .... •••DAT ,IA~ Hit" ••... ,,.,. .• ll!Jllt.m. •.2 ''"' low ............. 5:121.m. T..l *Ol'ld l'lltl't ........... ,!12 '·""· '·' St<Ofld !OW • • •• • ••• , ';'A p,m. 11.1 $1111 IUttt ';'11.m, ltll f1Jf P.m. MOOlt IUMI f:U 11.m ..... 1112 1.rn. Albucu,1....,.119 AllCl'Mt" Atl1nl1 ••k••fltld er11!'111'dt BolM ..... CMu .. Clncl11111!1 Ci..otl11'1111 ..... Dttrolt IE\lrtkt ....,...,,, ·-·-. _ ... ICt11MtCl1'Y Lii VtNI LosAnoe!u Ml1rn1 l111el'I MftwlUICM Mlft-POllt N...,O,i..ns Ntw Yortl Oftlllld .... ,. Pt• llloblfl PllHHt! ... 11 Pllltllllr.ii Pllot"lll Portltlld lt.O l lutr ·-S1cr1mtnto $1. LOUii Stll L•Mt City Sin Dino S111 Fr1"C:l1co S1n!1 81rbllr1 SN"ll SPOkt,,_ Tll1ttm11 Wtsfllntlon • MIR'--'""° n " " .. . " " .. " " " u II SJ .. u .. " '' 6S .. " ~ ~ .... u '' ·'~ " ... " " " 14 "' ;e •• .41 . " ., " •s n .01 ,. " " ,. n 11 t.0$ " " u .. Sot ... .13 H " ., ., ,, ,, " .. " " " .. ., 21 " n " .. " .. " .. 11 .u 7J' .. 11 s' " n 11111 ,, .. " ·- -112t WHITE - -FRONT ' -OlilUIY • SllMtl • OISCDlJlll • llllGllll't fti"~~rri 'EVBIYlllS YllMIGRT NEBlfOI AlllWIEI • LINDY S•IT s•m PENS World's most popular ball point pen. Blac~ royal, red, avocado, venetian blu~ gold, piu1ll or shocking pink ink colors. PACKAGE OF 4 WESTAB-300 SHEET FIWIPAPBI BICCLIC 2PEN PACK G~ ~."!It ..... Two great Bic Clic pens in pack. You'll like the hefty feel and the way tlley write. Choice of point sizes. ~i~E 44f; Standard size B*xll" paper with wide or college rules or plain • practice paper. PAPERMATE IA·RAIR ~ PENS llYLON POINTS STAY SHARP I Choice of red, black or blue inl Permanent ink, poraus point Click cep prevents d~~p~ • Great for sclllol projects. pen witli long lasling ink C Famous relrBc!Jble point 6 6 supply. Writes smooth~ .without - d~i or dripping. -. •• Colotfu!.'Gi~ Talk" pattem. I*" 3 lfltr binder, 65 sheet college rule "tebook and 4x6" 50 sbeet assignment book. All wili malgiing covers. 144 1500 inthes long x * inch wide self adhesive tape in handy dis· penser pack. Many home and schopl uses. . Portfolio ha s slorage pocket~ reference tables and other iofo. folders for reports, projects, term pape~ • YOUR 6c CHORE _ IA._ , - CHARGl YOUR PURCHASE WITH ·YOUR CREDIT CARD CMAllO• IT l•MA""tkeMI llflll .. ll'~nt <•rll M1-•ltr Clllfift \ COSTA MESA ' .. ••i1·•1i "'"···· -0.H'l'·lt .. , J.N. 5•1. 11 .. t ''"'· '""''II .. , ,.m, " - . . • -' . . '~ - - - -.. - -. - -- -- - --.• ;;-~-:::c;;;-~ -=-=-;::-;=;::---::---:;:--;:::-;--=-c;-.:-:--.::;;:;:-=-=;,-:;;:::;:::::::::;-:~=:::-::-:::0~=-=. ===~::::;~ _, -• • .. .. • • • -. • -- - - .. .. ~Chevmn ; ... - \ '.Now, with the introduction of two advanced Chevron gasolines with F-310-Chevron Unlea.ded and Chevron Low .Leoo-Standard Oil Oimpany of California gives you the best choice for cleaner air! It's a step that benefits the present as well as the future. Removing lead from gasoline helps towards cleaner air-now.In addition, it opens the way for advanced emission control devices which will make a significant contribution toward mini~ inizing automobile exhaust pollution. Chevron Unleaded and Chevron Low Lead contain the remarkable additive F-.310. And com- pared t.o other l!Dleaded and low lead gasolines, • a.p-... Tnih1111rk For h'7batne klllnt Guolille Additive. ' ONLY STANDARD OI. GIVES YOU THREE CLUNIR A!R GASOUtES WITH F3IO • -.. . --Thursday, Sept,mbeio 17, iq70 ' • DAIL V· PILOT-,_ . • . - I , . -· . • • , , . F-310 is the important difference in helping t.o achieve cleaner air! F-310-exclusive in Chevron gasolines-reduces t.otal exhaust emissions from dirty engines, and keeps clean engin!lB clean. · For cleaner air, better mileage: Chevron .... Unleaded for 1971 model cars and pre·1971 cars • whichareablet.ousetbisnewfuel. •• ChevronLow Lead for cars which use regulm: grade gasoline ••• -and Chevron Supreme for cars with high com- pression engines. Three great Chevron cleaner air gasolines- all with F-310. - • Cliavron gasoliawllb F-alO: Tim lsn'ta car111tll8 llllllhat....., Ila alilgllf alllalL CIHMan 1 • I mia - I • ' - I. I • ' .. -• ' ' I ' ---- .. •• t • •I •• •j ., ' " " • DARY PO..OT EDrfuRIAL I Pains Growth· for aro1A•th 's sake -with a·ttendant bus!. ness advantages-is no longer the shining goal it used to tie. TJie natioo ts awakeoJng to the pollution negatives -accompanying urbanizaUon. "PoUution" in ils broadest sense can range from air, water and laod degradation t() risin.i crime and Joss of small to,vn µttirnacy and togethemess. One city facing these P,roblems on the Orange Coast is Huntington Beach. Its ,ii rowth from a mere 11,492 in _,. the 1960 census to 115,557 currently outdistances alf other ma,io r American cities jn the last decade. 1-~rom d sleepy seaside vil(age, suf!erint from the blight of pobrly-controlled oil well drilling, Huntington Be~ch· has-burgeoned into the.122~d la~gest city in the United States -a lmos.t overnight. ' ~ - While lh•' P.!'OPI• ,ipf11a bal ,been """"""""lar in .• Huvliii~lon Beach. ,O:lher <:iliei{ iq ;O.alite qiunty~and the county. as a· w,Ml~havedJ!\!wn a, R~ onJY a little less remarkable 1n~e1 same.i-pert_Od~' ,. , 1 ~ Ariah'eim, the CouiifY's-1<\fieSt city, jhmped from 104.184 to 164,913. moving it £rom the 123rd largest city in the nation in 1960 to the 8lst largest in 1970. Santa Ana has gone from 100,350 to 154,640 in_the same decade , while Gafden Grove jumped Crom 84,238 lo 121,504. Their national rankings are now 87th and 116th. respectively. · On a percentage basis, litUe Fountain Valley oul· distanced eyen its sister city, Huntington Beach, when it. grew from only 2,068 in 1960 lo 31,618 in 1970. Costa ~Jesa catn~,.Jlp -witb 72 ,412 residents in the ,_1970 census, an increase of o·ver 90 percent from 1960 \vhen it 'vas 37.550. Other Orange Coast cities have had substantial grO\lilh . but at a s1o~er rate. There are those \vho long to close our open society and erect a fi,gurati ve Chinese· wall at California's borders to stop the flow of newcomers from afl\r. PA.GE -----~ ....._ Growt·h that area's population would stoJ) a:rowint and their problems would be solved." -- What the northern-Californians don~t. coDsider is that, folied in their effort to live io. Souttlern Callfornla'_s lienlgn climafe -despite lhe-;inog -·1mml2rants IHce-lY would mlgrate .. nortbward toward the water supply. taking tbe PoPolation headache with \hem. A-great and troublesome fact 'of our iirne is tbe mass mi(ration from mid·America to both coasts, like lem~s to the sea. ·And California has been and is t>x far the. strongest magnet, due to its manifold blessings of climate and recreatio1;1al variety. Chambers of Commerce need to g o on trying lo attract job-making industries compatible with the en· vironalent, but the day when UJey sang siren songs ju·st ,. to '·ttract -~ i•i·;I~~ .1,~e. ;:• ...:. _,_..,....-~ , , ~. '• ~ 'I--~ • " ..... \ • • • ~ • ~ tr • I, ~ • ( t, ._, ~ • 1 "'J , ~t , i..~ , tlisi,.Works'.WUJ~Live on.· '~ ,. . Orange Couniy's yougg people-and its older clti· zens as well -lost a great friencf'"apd benefactor with the tragic early dealh at 54 of William JI. Spu•geon Ill. Grandson of the founder of the ci(y of Santa Ana, Bill Spurgeon seemed imbued with a drive for civic service from birth. The particular spot in bis heart was .for the young people. He was a Boy Scout at age 9 and remained a major supporter of the Scout movement for 45 years. As ·executive vice president of the.board of direc!or5 of the Children's Hospital of Orange County, he worked to win major research gMnts. He ·helped to bring tbe UC Irvine campus to the county. And he helped develop the Explorer Scoutin2 program with all it bas meant to teenagers in the foreground of professional careers. .. - ·'-~ ... "'-·· .. Jn northern California there· are those who say. William Spurgeon's works will live on as his inde- structible monument. . ·-· ®'~"" "Let's not send our water to Southern California. Then ' _..,..'"~--.Nlxota, Agtaew_Agree onJJig_lssue,-b.u.t~._-. • ' ., ~Rhetoric Obscures Meaning . ' Sweeping and blanket lndictme11ts, OJ\ the soWld · of the same. do · not have a favorable po1ilical record , and nOne should _know this better ·than President TH£ HUMP IN 111f COUCH -Studen-ts-ltfflrJ:--..,...,.tter~W•i te-r·s Schools in a Money Bind Help Perspective ..., .-\ J:.i .\\'ASHINGTO N -Vice President ~ ... Agnew says that he and President Nixori tt. agree thaL the big political issue in 1970 is f ceding . power to . the lawbreaker.s. and f• radicals in the streetf or on the ·campus f" along with their sycophants. the radical- , li berals. Nixon. / -~-+----Ed-;-"al In a practical sense it is clear what Ag-tlon Belore starting my vacation. I'd like ~o make this l~sl colunin a personal letter to e<ich and all of the readers who took the time and trouble to write to me' during the year. Such letters -both pro and (_ Sydney J. ' .L't"~ Harris \ J > The · Vice Presi-• i~ rlenrs Thetoric. as is );, I so often the case. ob- .tater Sen. ~oseph R. MCCarlhy '!'as ol· .,licialty~mnecl·by lbe-Sen,t.--l""tbe, new is trymg to do. He is trying to caich Research ,the m o o d-"'· ~ ~try ,.nd identify · ncklessness-of his Coinlnunist charge!. scu res his meaning. IT IS SURELY ~ justifiable conclusion ~ The Jiinguage former today that the coul5"t.ry does not approve '.I" Vice President Nixon of crime, street rioting, camp u s 9f used under sin1i\ar disorders, pomogr~y and r~yOlutiOna~y !\·circumstances when action, and it is .1tertainly much more '. he campaigned in aroused by these iUrdid manifestatM>as of · 1954 "'as easi er 10 ~our tinie than ~threat of internal • understand. He .ac-communism in · . The, valid que. ~ cused the Democrats tion is whether · w can successfully ~ or being ''soft" on communism. pin blame for UieBe conditions on atti· ' . .\gnew evidenUy mea ns that lhe tudes existing within _____the Democratic · c.e Republican . Party .with .u. This in· eludes lhe so called "blue C1>llar" 'II· titudes toward problems of race, youth, palriotlsm ,home and status. Respect tor tt:e police and disdain for the long -hatred and dirty-footed are a part of this .,at- titude. There is no reason in practJ.cal r ~litics why a political party in· or out of power ahoukl not try to exploit sue,. Utudes, but Jt is prudent, in the liij: past political experieocea to do so w1 t overstating the cue. ' · .. 'Oen1ocrats are "S?fl'' on public dlsorder, Party a~ d exp~ or signifled by A DEMOCRATIC Congress did P.35S. he .. campus. r~voll , crime, pornography, and Democratic candidates. restricUve District of Columbia crkne t there ~v11J De !!1ore ?,r l~M;!-unless-the --Th~t""is the-hard part. Nlxon.,r-an--afouL-:-t;>ills-deaigned u a model for the couriry j ultra liberals a11d . radichbs arejtumed of this problem when he ranged through 1 end Jt did pass the statutes under wtliCh 7 ()Ut of Congress this fall. the West sayi~g that the Conu_nunist Par-~ "ChicaP, Seyen'' were tried. ln ·~r- .. TU E COUNTRY DID NOT buy Nixon ·s . ty.~ad ~ined ~ conduct_ I~ pc:ogl"tll\ lain 'Oi'-.:fields .the ·senate rerusea lo go ; !;Oft on communism charges in 1954 but ~~m~~is~~~~:cu:~~icf:sif 0~S:,: :tor~~li~ ~:;!d':1~ :~d~~li;elfare ) overt.urned Republican control o-f Democratic party. The McCarthy reac-The . . 1 be . . , ;. Congres." with Preslden t Eisenhower in lion had already let in and was being . campa1p 1s on.y ginning, Jlnd , CJffice only t"·o years. debated in Congress preliminary to the the 1ss.ues may be refined mo~e. Jn. the ~ : So it must ba\•e been with a certain Senate vote which destroyed McCarthy's ~giM1ng, ~t least. ~gnew 1s getting 'tense or ri sk as \\'ell as riostalgia that career. Nixon was~not regarded-by -the more attention_ than _Nixon got when he l'fesident Nixon s~nt Agnew wendiryg his voters generally as vefy credible a~ it is u~dertook a s1.milar _ta~k fl_>" Pre~ldent ~ \vay across the coUtttif ·as Nixon had this same risk which Agnew ROW runs in E1sen~er. N1xon.h1mself 1s keeping a done on behalf of Eise1li.howcr Hl years implying that the radiclibs, an awkward lot quieter tha~ Eisenhower._ strange to ear Her, and OA•i1 h a message of the same curse at best, 1.rt taking over the _ report, when Eisenhower ~es1.red to keep l kind. Democratic Party~· . control of Congress. By this time In ltf>4, l The country did nol vole Republica ns · Ike had made a number of speeches and t..~ of control in Congress in 1954 because THIS IS WHAT l'EOPLE mean when issued a number of statements callhig for It "·as 1'solt"' on conununism, but more they ask Agnew to watch hi.s rhetoric. election of a Republican Congress. likely because it did not link communism There is a certain ~eckless quality about Nlx9n is evidently holding his fire Wllil ,.,,ith I.tie Democratic party. A ftw: weeks -jt Y(iUCb detracts: from i~ credibility. be see& bow Agnew fares. anti -are more vaJ. uab!e than yo'U may College ~tudents and their schools alike realize. are suffering from a severe money Writi ng a ;column, squeeze on the eve of lhe fall semester. as l have .stead ily Rising tuitions and difficully in obtaining learned in the· last ·25 years, is a' (\!()-way loans will make it tough for some ofjhe street: Its..\llilccess nation's seven million college students to depends ~ .as return lo class. AJKf college ad· much upon#'fead. m.inistrators, espec:ially those at small er as u '1CI It the writer. ~ _ .. ~rivate_ schools. report that innated operating e xPellses ·and Siiial I er FOR-IT-"ll~tAR6Et;Y the readers•\\'ho enrollments could kill off a number of in· keep .the wfiter sharply aware of his er. slitutions. -~-_,,---,-,-c----i';i!o';;;s,-. -;h;;is:..'ef.•~c1~sses,_and the inevit.able A college -"educalion simply has been blind spots in gis temperament and back· priced out of existence for thous~nds of ground . · studful.Ui. Titition.'!Acfea&e!' of" 15 perCeht One'.s own fallibility is hard for a or more in the coming school year are writer 'to see,.sitting behind a typewriter, commoll. U.S. News & World Report telling people--daily what he th inks and says: "A parent who wants a son or feels. There i's a natural . if deplorable, teridency to confuse oneself with Go<fs daughter to have four years at a top 1 private university must be prepared to of icial spokesman. make an investmen l of $17 ,000 or more." The dissenftng letters - even the angry and abusive_ot1es -help him to keep a sensible penJ)ective about himself and his work . Th'ey also act as a brake on his self·esteem, which is a deadly enen1y of honest "'riling;- DUE TO A TUITION gap, 70 lo 75 per- cent or .new students no~ enroll at stale and city colleges. But public colleges are no longer al"·ays bargains. Tuition alone for out-of-state residents attending the University of Wisconsin will go up $472 thislall tOi tOtal of Si .798. The OffiCe of Institutional Research for the land-grant -' THIS IS !f!r TO say that the favorahle letters and· mmenls do not also serve .. - l ' J their purpose. They make a nerve. rac king \<1 sk seem worthwhile. even on the mosl bleak or barren of days. IL is perennially heart-warming that so n1any others -strangers in all parts of the world , who are yet somehow friends -tht.1k and feel as you do . The . comradeship of shared ideas can be as nourishing as love. And it is more tha n heart-warming. it is inspiring, to know that something you ha'le written has prom pted someo'IJe to r.e-examine his beliefs or lo filte r hi11 ~jud ices through__lhe....puriiying....neL--of- reason. -~ AND,' LET i\1E ADD , ii is enormously gratifying to have this daily exchange of \'iews \\•ilh the.public, to feel a sense of communion with other minds that are also struggling for the attainment or \rhatever tentati ve truths man can attain in this al\vays complex and often contradictory world we live in. Jf _lhere. is one thing I have learned over ,the last quarter-century, it is that there is someone "'ho is smarter than Anyone 'and that is Everyone ; each of us has his own particular contribution to make. and he "•ho ignore s another"s a~gle of. vision ru,~s the risk of distorting his own into a caricature of reality. .. _, · Administrators .and Police colleges reported: "Increasingly, stu-' denla and their parents are beiDg askeH w ' ld s 1 to pay a larger proportion of the total • 0.... top ni111i·,,.,, t. cost of education ,, public inSlitulions... • u ~ r a lO n .. , .... I ( ~Tailhox The financial pinch on students is com-t. l '. . Ll pounded by lhe difticulty in swinging loans. About 923,500 loans worth $840 To the Editor ~ million were made by private banks in The problem of integration loses som e By J . Edgar Hoover · ~·• ... ~~ di.sarrays of last spring:tflust be replaced the year ending June 30 uflder a federally of its slick1ness when compared to the Director f with firm, established policy designed to guaranteed student loan program. But immig ration gimmick 1hat permits Federal Bureau Guest r~ ..JitoriaJ protect the entire student body and not some banks are refusing to n1ake Joans to thousands of "refugees" 1vith a severe J.. of Investigation .&:AA just a vocal minority "'hose uncontrolled beginning fr eshmen. Bankers compla in persec ution ctmPlex to come here and do . • 1 \.-, ~ _) aC:tivities threaten the entire structura of that the current 91't percent annual in· Olle of two IHfligs that come narurally to Letters from reodeTs are welcome. ln " ''ery short time our nation 5 co · • .,,.,__ .._ hlgher education. terest rate allowed on student Joans is in1migrants: " 1 legei; and universities will begin their fall trol the s:Uvitles .. er their students. Let As-·1aw ·ii'lfor<:1!.ment officers. we must unattractive in a lin1e or tighl money .· t. Take lni)m away froin Al)lerlca"s al a iyormnlly wri ters sliould convey their ! -te•ms. Thousands of our fi'n•st young·peo. i-messages i11 300 wor"-or J Th r ' h . ~ f d r not the issue: of student conduct be cloud· ali o Insure that our conduct in the ,en· and that it can be 10 years before the cheaper rate'rof pay. ....-:i ess. e L f~~t.w~~il)~un~~1! ~~e:~r~~1tJ!t~ruc:e;~~ eddt by .Phli~osophic:Jll rnofuthings ~f self-forcement of law and order on college money begins to come back for · fuither 2. Hoist ·a-i banner of protest against r ight to condense letters to fit space 1 h . ·r d ·the· country e ernuna 1<1n, cr1u o re.Press.ion, or camp~ ·is worthy of the respect o! llte use. their home country in \\•hich many of or ,eliminate libel is reserved. AU let- ·I! ~~1~ ;f:0~r;!~ !fiinla,-~in·mmte--...claimL_oltattacL;aii:ainal_:___il{te~ 81 entire elti=nti. The cambus is' no~\'-;"•--them n~ wanted for treason. ters must include signature 'mtd mail-·meosneg,ou1~i:.se "entrusted with the freedom. privileged sanctuary and law-breaking in l;AST-SPRIN6-President-Nixorraskedl----------------;·r.g-addresr,---fntt-names-matrbTIOftn:" • '~ I ho Id not be _ .. .....:::~.. Co11gress for legislation to guarantee that 11\fl\11GRA11.0N JS a dirty word of 11" 1 Id ~ '·. ,..,ponsibility of leaders hip end the COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS must any orm s u conuuncu. I d J · · h I be ic on Teque.;:t if suff icient reason I h · he 1 1 d' r . Enforcement of the law on lhe campus "no qualified Student who wants to go to ell ers. an mm1gra11on s ou d stop-. i obligation o s apmg I u ure 1rec ion rise to face the luue!_ ~nesU~ and then must be vigorous, yet never tainted :it"ith college be barred by lack of money." But pect for at --least one year to give the is apparent. Poelry will not b~ pub- _. of CJur nalioo. It is in1perative that their ha~e. the courage to ftrfil!Y lmplemeot excessive force O! Jhe venting of emo-the proposal remains hung up over United SlateS time to work on its more lished. . preparation for this most significanl task poUc1e_s th~~ will ~ permtl;-Or condone lions unworthy of'i"P)ofessional police of. details while thousands of students are important ~en1 : Tntegralion . • -.be of the-highesLquality .and that it be any 1lleg1limate 1nterruplion____o_e_~itt~------------.Jd~e"1"!lied~l~un!l!d1Js':-t~h~at~w;~ou!!!l!':d,ie~nJ11ab~l~ejtheJl!!ml!JtoL~:Refugees whO will \\'Ork cheap n1ay be gained in an uninterrupted atmosphere educatfonal process. This position must .. continue their educa ·ons. blCstlfl-g-t:CCemployerr.m1rttin-bless-e(I b}' dog.Lbarking---from-2--a~m:-l'ln'"· -- condu cive to edu calional excellence. be maintained regardless of the dire con-~ust i s wfl. ~II on college ·~· ing short-lived. because union organizers Recently I counted five loose dogs in one f The responsibility for insuring that sequences threaleried by those who seek, m1nlstr~t~i:s to unue _and accept the!r If student enrollment <irops this fall , will soon emerge to demand higher pla ce on our street. ~ ttiese goals are achieved rests squarely either deliberately or through confused responsibility of re~ring order on the!r some C<llleges are likely to go under· wages. Thefe is a leash Jaw ai•d a no•'se abate-• Th I ses we too 1n the event of their Aliout half of the small liberal arts col· ._ ~IJh college adm inistrators. ey a one. dil·eclion. to disrupt our institutions of ca.mpu · · · . The infusion ()f so man y aliens, al a ment law in Uiis city, but even on Sun-: by setti'ng the gw·delines or conduct, con· hi'ghe· r lea•n,·ng. failure. must perform our duty In strict leges in tlle nation are said to be . h k f • . k ·-• b • . " .n I t• " d 1. __ , .~me "' en we must la ·e care o our own. u:l vs one 1s awa e1=1 y dogs barking. 11 •• The ·ad~a'· who have plagued man• of .obSe:rvance of the rule of law we swore to mar f).na opera ions -un er 1nan""" lh do • ... ~ ~ d f entl urnJ lied n produce nothing bul headaches. , JS not e gs· fault, bul poor training or •• our colleges and ·unlve-'tles know well uphold. an requ Y erenro · · h • ' • • ~ • • " ' Thursday, September 17, 1970 Thi ed iOil@ page of th• Dallv P1lot 1e1.Q to inform and stim- ttlate rr.ader• br pretentino thU newspaper'• opiniOM and com. meJflm'U ott ~ct of bitere1t and oi!llll/li»llcc.ov prot>idlng • forum for rJtl · t%pt'tufon oJ our reode,.,• opfntons, and bu pre1entino the diwrH t.~ "°"'" o/ in/"""'d ~· and spokcimm: ~ i~1 oJ tM c1ov. ~ N. Weed, Publl1fl.er • . • , _.,... • S. G. UNDINE -·l'tr aP.s no training. How can we pro. that their guccess in part is dependtnl ROGERS A. FREEMAN, i;pe:cilll aSSis· gress for the good of mankind when some upon weak .;idmi~aden. •t.ot, ta.at IO Pristdent Niion, ~•lly "''amed Dogs( Dogi! 00fl1'! peop~e are so ihoughlless and in- refuse Lo ·accept _the ·re.ponsi.bllity ol Dear that. "Tl p~nt trends rontinue, most of -·~ considerate of others~ J1ow can we create maintaining order. Certainl)"l unlimited the 1,500 private colleges _ about l\.\'Oo To the Editor:-good will IO\vards ntig hbors when they ~ freedom of students to disrupt or destroy h' d f 11 · ti Dogs ! Dogs! Dogs! let their dogs run "'ild! .nddoubtful punishment for such activlly Gloo1ny t ir so a . ins tutions of higher learning Almost • . ak !REN il'J the country -may within the next two ~very morning \\'t are aw c.n· E HILTON give great impetus to its ~ntinuatlon. . decades have to close their doors or tum college adminlstr1tors •CfWI the land Gus: public.'' Freeman and others have com· must unite in placing order 'On thetr in· mented on the diminished flow of i11· dJv-idUal campuses u the top priOrlty II wivts and mothers (who work coming girts io eolltges by alumni Item. Unruly .students, or count,are not -dl5tilrbed'"t>ver campus unrest the only bane of college Ind unlversJl.y of· unnecHSarUy ) wookl st1y home ficlals. ind care for their famlUe1 as God · A decade of hcad!olli and sometimes SOME FACULTY MDIBEM llCI Uke rabiil anatcliisll end spend moot o! their time encouragtn1 tnlhuslutJc but nJiw young peopl\? (o overthrow est.bliehed procedurt. To·SClme prore:ri!ION. academte {r9edomz •ppean to • mtlll· ftetdom . to dOlll01 '• -.iuc1t!Ooal. ·~·· '1'lli - ' inltnded. we 1'C)Uld have Jess de. heedless growth In hlgher~(.'(tucation is at llnque:ncy and adequate employ-an eod. Some people will take satisfa ctio n meot for bmblnds! In the fact thal lbere won't be as many -Wife and Mother colleges around for students lo disrupt or · """' ........ ttfttdt ,....,.. ....... .. --itr .......... ...,....,_ ..... ....... _ ........ , ....... .,,...... bum down. But th e trauma is-certain to be. •• areat in 'i..:nation where advanc-ro educ;.ation .has pro\!KSff the ad:miulon W'd \o 1he' looci ur.. " 1· ' r---.<------By George --------, Dear George: All )IOUf ad vice is just like lhc advice · {rom the lady ad vice rol- 1.imnls~ -prissy and prudish and la~ktn,tW)'. It does seem tha t at least ~ advice -co111mn1st t:ou td give SOmt "advice '' that 'ttoesn't sounOlti.e. It Wi!Wrltten by a V~splns~r. • ' ANNQYEO , • , Drar Annoyed . . I take ii you naven't sent for my Captain Georae Secret Dc<.'Oding Rina ! 1 h1n gives the real mranina Qf this junk. CONFIOENTIA~ TO RAN 0 Mc NALt.Y: I told you -turn Jei1 ;il the Shell Statio n. You can't mls.s it. ,_ • • , . I .. ' • I ------' -"* -.. .. , ' • ,----. Thlwd,ay, 5eAt.rm~ .17, f970 -:,...,., ~DAILY 'ILO: • l' , CHECKING -. • UP •- .~~flt.tr · No ~lor~~oli~i;_~s··-With C~ntraet~ • ~ .-...: " · ''):'-.~"!t WASHINGTON (UPI ) .._ _.-r;:AL-Q>ut lt"in the momtng, -abruptly ,.when lhe editor ·«Other foot. , • ··gloomily said "nine year1 • • ....,. '· · ' From oo hlah,· Def µ.a·e ,the infor ma tion Was _ rtpUed that the Democr~ But Lairji..unraveled all that (bluphemy) ••. and ~ By· L. M. BOYD NOT MUCH, IF anything, works better to keep ' a111 old man LiVely than a couple pl glasses of beer. Such is the claim of a medical fellow who specializes in ailments of the aged. He has conducted ex- t e 11t s iv e s tudie s with psyc hotherpeutic -drugs , too, out finds Olem lacking. Is.this good news, sir?. . .YOU KNOW HOW a karate expert . breaks a brick with the edge or his openhana-rcnent asks how much force goes into such a wallop. About 135 pounds, ordinarily. Greatest impact c.11er delivered in this man111er, .so tar as the records ·Shaws, was 1.!16 pounds. AM TOLD THE OLDEST or -Maybe-so.-l :hat's 011 the Cat· tell Index, however. It's equal to about 14'! on the Terman 111de~. Still remarkabJy high, certainly .•. THE SNAPffl'o;G SHRIMP .makes a ..Oise like a gunshot. A lvhole reef of them sounds like a rifle range,_ Ai some places a!Ong the bea!!hes of Japan. you feel ¥ke running for cover, I'm informed. CUSTOMER SERVICE -Q. "Ca.i a piece of music com· posed by a computer be copyrighted?" A. Not as such. Some citizen has to-claim it ... Q, "Who is the Louise that Lake Louise was named af- ter?" A. A daughter of Queen Victoria •.. Q. How many drivers have been killed in the Indianapolis 500?" A. S4 in SS races. all writing is a thing called the THE BODY BUILDER - Prisse Papyrus which is said Sugar Ray Robinsori won 175 to date back maybe 6.000 of his 202 prize fights . You years. At · last report it sup-know how he keeps in shape posedly was in the municipal now? He lives on the eighth museum of Istanbul. And its floor of a New York apart- first lines allegedly read : ment house. He pushes the "Alas! Times are not what . _el~vator button On the first they .. usd _!o be. Ev~!)'one _ floor, t~en races sai~ elevator wants to write a book and the to the eighth by running up lhe children are no longer obc~ stairs. Usually beats it. too. dient.'' Fai::cinating, if factual. LANGUAGE -1\'IA~Th words "criss-cross" started out as ''Christ's cross" . · .• Origina ll y "boss" was "bass," the Dutch lvord for uncle .. ,"Bottle" once meant "the hide of goat" ... And Jong, long ago the hair of a plan- linum blonde was described as "auburn." And so ends our language man's schedule of summer reruns. NOTE IT CLAIMED ABOUT 2(\ percent of the members of the Me11sa Society possess an I.Q. of at least 161. CONSIDER-THIS--!l'eR - year,-ago nationwide-there · were about 11 million women in their ·twenties. Ten years from now there are expected to be about 20 million such. This is the motherhood bunch. Populatio1·pregnosticators ex· pect another baby boom. Steel you rself. Your questions and com· ments 6rt•welcomed and tf7ilt..:be-used-irrCHEC-KING - UP wherever possible. Please address your l.etttrs to L. M. Boyd, P.O. Box 1975, Newport Beach. Wliere ·will You GQ After Your Death IV ASHINGTON •I UPI I The facts of life are bandied about pretty Ereely these days. but most of us still shrink rmn candid discussion-of-the fa cts of death. For example. have you ever given any serious thought to what will become of your body "'hen you die~ . You may think that 's a morbid question v.'hich you really don 't need to ponder. But there's a good reason for fa cing it realistically. Under new laws, enacted .- quietly during the past two years by 48 of the 50 states, ~ it's up to you whether your corpse will be merely a costly disposal problem for your relatives or a-va luable contribution to. humanity. . These laws provide a simple, uniform procedure by which you can make your body available to medical science, immediately after your dealli, as an "anatomical gift" to be ~ed for the benefit of others. Th ere are about 25 different organs and tissues which can be transplanted from dead to living bodies -if ~ h. e operation is performed w1th1n a very short time after de:~th occurs. Heart transplants have-been .prominent in the news lately, but they are still iJI the experimental stage a n d constitute only a s m a 11 proPortion of Q!e a f g ~ n transplant operations c!lrr1ed on ill hospitals. Since mid-1968, all states eXcept Massachusetts ti 1 d Nebraska haVe adopted a model Jaw sponsored b y leading-medical----&nd----legal ~ soCieueS-WliiCh--aJ ows · individual -to make th is decision fo r him se lf . ~fassachusetts already had such a law, and Nebraska .will act on one next year. Under these laws, if you wish to make an anatomical gift of all or part of your body, all you have to do is fi ll out a ''uniform donor card'! and sign it in the presence of two 1,1•itnesses. 'The.i keep it in your wallet or purse. The card is set up so that you can donate specific organs - such as kidneys and corneas -or authorize doctors to use "8.J'JY needed organs or parts." Unless you leave different instructions, your body will be handed QVet to your ne:tt of kin after the operations fo r normal burial or cremation. (Copies of the uRiform donor card· are available through phy_sicians, ho_spitals or health agencies, or by writing direct- ly to the National Transplant Information Center, 150 Filth Ave., New York 10011. CroWn.Jewels Up for Sale Far more significant, for the present at least, are kidney transplants. More than 4,000 ----have-been-Performed and -the operatioll is now regarded as a well-est ab I j shed medical procedure. If sufficient donors were available, doctors say, \housands of UV-es could be saved each year by kidn ey transplants. Nume rou s successful LOl;l)!)N (AP )-The Earl·of Harewood, the off.beat first cousin of Queen Elizabeth IJ and 18th in line of succession to the throne, is elling some o! the family jewels. The 47·year.old earl was reported today as giving three reasons !or putting the jewels On the block at Christie's, one of Britain's best known auc- tion houses: _,. The jewl!ls are worth .. ,_ operation! also have proved the feuibillty of using>. the corneas of a dead person's ·eyes td' give ·sight to a Jiving pe rson. Bone and cartilage tran•plants ar.Lb e c o m i n g roul.ine. ln the past, before doctors could remove organs o r tissues from-a-corpse. they had to obtailt tht written consent o! the survfving next· of·kin. Th is took time, ahd imJ:~<;ed an extra emotional bu1. n on disttaught relatives. Frequently in the case of accidental-·deaths, relatives could not be contacted within the brief time In which trMsplants are pasible. money. -~ne doeJ npt need so fnatl Y Jewels nowadays. -And thefe are not many · occasions to--wear~tt'lem. 'lbe auctioneers describe the sak set for Oct. 7 as "high!Y.. imp<>rtant." But they gave no estimate of what the terns will fetch. r.otd Hare\Vood has offered 28 Items, i,qcluding three dia· mond 'tftrls:""a la-rge sapphire and diamond brooch and dia- mond necklaces. Most belong- ed to his mother, the late - Princess Royal, who was a daaghter~o1 King G<Vrge V and Qt!een -Mary. Some of thr pieces· are believed owned by Ql!.een Mary herself. 'Secretary'Mef~':"'tiiftrhaa .te~_to 1bt ,other senator., bad made the aame -I~ NHna .• Al the aide we 'rtCl)inc:tobeflit.". ·~ decr~thlit those highly tena~ ih:at atate\ 1who phone call hours belore ,...c:::::.· __ :_:__::_'-' -'-·-~· ---'~-===..:.:..:_;.J:=:......._~ . ·zea annoW'ICements o 1 wu a l>emocrlt. ~ "'Ibose three hours killed ' * * • * ·*· • * * ·* . *· * · *. 1t' * *' * * •- defense contract awardsWil1~nen-u.-tfiimernoon,'•Zap us."Oleaidesai . -.a-m!..-.. URY,-..A~lflNGB - no longer be made by senators 'Wben the haod h!t 3 p.m.," an_ ~re1ldent L y n d o n 11. IYl IO ftW. ' 'ililM or rtRfese·ntatives,'but by the · Air .Force or Army offiCf:_r Joiwon,' according to the and 1oJn 1ssoCi1liOfl Pentagon. appefred at ·the· o th_ er . aide, used the same procedurt ls.everyone happy? Not the ~Senator's door with 'fh e but it was more "sophisti: Republicans. information. • cated" and extended -i n t o A high-ranking aide lo ·a The time .lag led to .some . agencies and departments.· Western Republican senator, embarrassing t e I e p ho n,e When a senator w~teq to who chafed under eigh\ years conversation:S. know the progress of, say, a NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 10 A. i\11 -c_:+ ~-' rvl of Democratic rule in ·Ult The GOP senator's . aiae reclamation project in his Whit~ HOU!e. -definitely is not. would quickly call the home-state and kept pressing for the During the Ken~ e d y sJate newm>a~ to happyy_ iqfonnation, he finally_ got i$: administ~atiQD, he explained, pronounce .that "tlte senator But a carboft went tOllie any contract 'lllnouneement $1' ·wants you to kOOw that ,the Democratic senator from the million for.his state or up was Defense Department has just same state -first. -!!l!f!llllL·TIMn.91.m . .c· .... tf~: .. , .. · _ • {--'--I IUINA PAA!f '9· UllTIN8TDN IUOK t , taken·· by-ear · from ~ .awa~ a contract to XVZ · When President . Nixon took _Pentagon eo· tht~White House indqshiP., ._... ' · office, the Republican& were· · liaison office. The conversation.wolJld end 1leeful. The shoe 'f'U on the Mtrcury Savlnp Bide. • • M11cury Sl¥fllp llldr. ~ . Vill~y View it Linc~ ~. , Editpr lt,Belll ~ I •• . ............. .. •.••••• ·tt. : 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSYA MESA WEEKDAYS 9lo 9 •~-SATURDAY-SUNDAY---~-. 9 to 6 Mo nv co"lot1 ontl teno1. GLIDDEN SPRED HOUSE PAINT 0 T~o one po i11t you co11 tlo •"•rvthin9 ouhida with, matol, 1tueco, or wood. 0 !,_otaw bo10 for •••v cl1on -up ond no thinn1• nood1d. -699 MURIATIC ACID . , ... 0 Claon 11p c111'1011t 1toin1 on bric k, or ju1t clo'n 1toi111 off concrete with ;~'";i1 tic. 0 Super ool1ncv. con ba dilulod for other u11 1. Got o y111 lo tlo 1omo •11hido li9hling. lhon .t1'o'+h+.--thi1.is_tha Wi'Y lo b'uy wire. _ • Thie• 1h1oth, ju1t b11tv ii oM for9ot it ltl on't 101• !rock of Iha ond t"o, if you plo11 to hook it up.I D Pvt in •11 outlat ony wh1re , • in plo1!1r or d,ywall. J'{1t whocli: • hole encl thtr1 vo11 011. f in tho wr ont h1111• olltl o bit fUY ,it me•111ri1tt off fot o fitht.) t . . • 2500 sq. ft. ba& reg.~ NOW .. 7ts Nt""A..~ ~i '. 2500 sq. ft. bag -. . reg. $9:96 NOW H "original fonmda" Scotts llolllS ai!d Super Bonus 695 ----------•....-tt-~-~~IW-flltt"'Ml'·"""'-".,..,._tlcMNlrt i..r,.; TIM Jatt - "Milli ......... "'Me If-IHt ~CHIM pnewt1 •re IMlllll IHI -at 111-tl"" ltw !N'k- SMdi: •· Ytu _, ....,., -MCI! M'fl""9 ... 111. Llml_. ~""ttet. Thi1 ;, th1 tloluxo tl11! with tho colib1retotl tlial to 1ot it for ony m•1111r• o'f tl•v fo~11'111l1. 0 Up top r1l1010 hofttllo ~. pro"o"h wo1fo •'"' puh if o"ly where yo'u wo"t it. (Put It in mY 9'"oro90, ne ch.r9a, ploo11.J. HCl. It.ts '==='-Ai:::''==- WITH scon·s PRODU(T PURCHASI VIL~E BLACK~MITH LAWN SHEARS Tho be;f on• we kflow for the moflay. Stron9 1prin9 re.turn, 1upor 1h1rp blotla1. On1 of thoi1 Yoni1hin9 buv1 you 1till hot• Grtildpo tolk obout. 99 'GRAVIH GATE LAICH •• G•lwoniaod 1!111, pro.chillotl for •••v ll'lountin9, With o ho1p lo lock tho ••'• p1 r1J1onontly ! a couple of n1ils th rough tho 1ido will tlo ii, but th1+'1 obit 1J1uch.I / . 29~ ·BATHROOM FIXTURE 1 ~ ~~ j D Doublo li9ht 1ocli:oh ~ \ ·' ii _ bohi1ul • fro1totl ti••• .i \~ J ,,._ • ,._J_ 1hi,Jd 9 iw11 you •nice ~ ' lP'••do f-lith • 0 Thi pric• ie1compl1to, but wo tl1 9ot ye11,on tho bulb1 ( kitlGint. wo ho"' fo it price• 011 tho'" too.I -wEttER-SOtDERINO T OUN ' - O Y•u wont 11tc• ot you wont ch1op1 ,_.H9w1fflf..l.!nit• •flfl o4\.eo1Jl"I>---' O lflri o11t hoot, 11r••foc11._. ,,_1J;9ht ilh11rih~•••• the wM. _ 0 p;, .. 1. 9rlp, hitt•• ••tl•11o - (lofttl Yo11'r• ••lliorM.I 0 Thh•r••llv tlo•1 lt·•n w••tl1. Yo11 COfl olmo1I ho of' it toint to w•rk. 0 C lo11t, 8emmo~ 8iffo, cro1h, whopp .. crunli:, 1lop !1lop11. ~ 0 C•Y1l1 S,000 1q'Uor1 feet, 9iY1 or loko o co11pl1. -49-5 DELTA FAUCET 0 Thol tintlo hondlo clool lhot ll'li1101 from hot t• colcl with •no-11totion. I Li•• •..Jintl• ho11cllo slot ll'loi:.h-i11e thot to••• colt!· c11h i11to hot lo1to1 with ono motio11.I DELUXE MEDICINE CABINn - ,,. you too• owoy th. loYely co ... .J tculphl rod ''''"'· it rni9ht 111••• -you thin• of tho ploin on1 thot com• with th• houJ.O, 24so TWIN BATH SWAG 0 Now if vo: wont 1ornolhiflt really 11ico, yov •111ht t• look ot 1h;1 motlol. ; O Y •• ~cou\4 fill4 o l•t •f ffii"t• cfriio111r fc11Mil11, •II lom111, blul.or lomp.-l, Hf th• 4111.lltf •• '"i• ;rice, lt0¥9t, . 0 Dool iflc1vdo1 tho c.,..,leto •••t.choi1t1, ..... for ,.1,1t•t.•t~ woH mout1tl f19, olMll th4I flv1h well~ ,-: I , • _... I -. -\ -.. .. ~ • • . --<. • •• •• , . • • I . DAILY PILOT Tllundl~, Stpt,mber)l97tl Trial-Resume s .· • . ---'Bude, Crud~; Lej....t-9 ,_......-- . Agnewla$'hfi s Out at .Demonst ;ators ··"--' . Manson A11:ihority Told ___ c - - il • -I.OS ANCELES tUPl) -. amina(ion today ln, the Tate-comm.i led ll the home of ac-GRAND RAPIDS, MI ch"'; rul)d~raising appearance In pc ace slogans lnter.,s:pefied-listeners. ''Arid wlth enemies Danny DeCarlo, a motorcycl LaBlanca ·murder triat tress Sharon Tate and grocer (AP)_ Arter telling ch~tlng Washington in behalf of C. wilh obscene taunts rr<m I.he like Lhal. how can we lose?" gang leader whQ testirled ,DeCarlo1 25, leader of the Leno La Blanca-:-' ' d 1 1 " , Stanley Blair, once Agnelt's rear of the crowd of.more Ulan He shook a fingoer toward Olarles Manson talked all the "Straight SataM" motorcycle Deea,rlo's testimony came.... em 0 n s r a · 0 r 1 yoo rt top aide, now the Republica1r 1,100 p e op I e in an airport lime about "'pigS" and ordered gang, said he lived with the last Friday. The t_tlat....-Was patJietic." Vice Pr e·s Iden t nominee for governor of hangar Jn Saginaw. the hecklers and tok1 them: his young women followers lo "Manson 'Family" for she rtceS!ed th~oMlVe days for Spiro T. Agnew has accused Maryland. "Ladies and gentlemen, "You pe<iple out l here walk around In the nude, was months in 1969 -the pertod the California State Bar con-., some Demo c ('at s of el}. The Michigan demonstrators, that's exactly what we 're ·run-preach a lot about-. dissent but expected to undergo cross ex-when seveo slaylois wer _...-venflon. , . couraglng ."the most rude, perhaps 100 strong, chanted ning against,~' Agnew ·told his you're afrald of other points ot In questioning Decarlo, the crude and lewd heckling Im· view because you don 't have prosecution sought to establish• aglnable." the strengt h or your own con- that·Manson, accused ma.9ter-' He wrote the accusation into v· 1· . f E I . victions." mind or the ;1aylngs, had h Is speech at a Republican IC Im 0 x p OSI OD "One, two, three. four. we absolute power to order his 'Rebe} Chief fund-raising dinner, fashioning don't want your f-war," · followers to do anything _ in-his encounter with the noisy Id if d T the hecklers stiouted. eluding murder. dissenters into po Ii tic l I ent• J•e as eenager Agnew, fiis face sel In a DeCarlo said M a n so n ~' d weaponry for his continuing , . . chilled smile, W8'ed his right persuaded him to live with the .._:iurren e1·s assault on "radical-liberals." hand b&ck and forth like a __ -Afmy Bills Him for $13~ ' CHARLO'ITE, N.C. (U PI I -The Army is •ttem~ tp force-a young 90ldJer to ·pay · -;. $1~ for an Ml6 rine lost from Hewitt'•. lather, Wdlcally --the (!iaVy -11. and a half years, said be hai contacted the office o f a helicopter on a combat Congressman Charles Jonas. mist.ion in Vietnam. the He said there had ~n two youth 's embittered father said calls from: Jonas' secretary Wednesday. but no definite word. Mack Hewitt. an employe at "The fee ling 1 get is .that. ~ McEklenbUrg Co u n t Y he 's not going ..to have to p1y Garage. said he recently for it," said Hewitt. received a letter from his son, Hewitt seemed more con- "family" by teUing him that "The obscene shouts of an ' MINNEAPOLIS, Minn . and l\1rs. James Lawson Sr., conductor as if to keep time anything •l the Spahn Ranch, J M nil / arrog.nt few wUJ never In lhe (UPI) -Police here Wed· of· Minneapolis , telephoned with the chant. .... .............. n for the cult, was . . ll . 8 a state of Mlchican drown out nesday identified the man )Vho "You're pathetic," he said . ._,..,......... police here Wednesday lo bia fur the Wing, includinc the qr.tilt voices, young and ,,.as blown to bits when. a The Saginaw rally drew an the women. · MANILA (UPI) -Tht" old, of dignity ~decency,". bomb went off 11 dty1 tarlh;r report their son missing since overflow crowd~~"wilh ·more DeCarlo said Manson told Philippines' most·wanted Huk the vice president told more as a Minneapolis teenager. the evening o( Sept. 5. people qutside the hangar than the yoWlg women. three or rebel leader surrendered Wed-than" 1,200 people. in Grand Police have conclude• tlla t Becau.se thei; son 's d~scrip-inside: .Agnew; accompanied whom are on trial with the nesQay to 250 troopers waitinl Rapids Wednesday night. James W. Lawson Jr.,.JI, was lion matched what authorities by Lenore Rom n e Y, cu.It leader, "to take off thtir outaide a tunnel where he hi• Agnew returned to ca rrying about 20 pourtds of had been able to identify of Republican nominee for the clothes a couple of tim'9. hidden in Angeles City, ·50 Washington shortly after mid~ plastic explosives ../' w h I c h the shattered body, police ask-Senate, made it a point to P'tetly Soon they were taking miles tfortb of Manila. night, winding up a week of detonated accidentally (turing ed the Lawsons down to the shake hands a I o n g the re- off their clothes without being Maj. Jleynaldo San Gabriel, cam))flgning in • six Senate-a thunderstonn early ln the station to. try to identify ~training I en~ e where a told." spokesman for the Philippine election slates. Hi~ n Fxt morning:Sept..6. · clothing items recovered after sprinkling of hostile placards ---'}J-year-old-Spec.-4 Mack-D.--cerned-over'how'"the-inclden Hewitt. requesting the parents had affected his son, who he to seek congress1onal help. said hid "al'ways been a pret- Decarlo aald-Manson-.also Nationa~olice,-called the -political la9k is a Friday·night The youth's parents, Mr. the blast. was displaye.dr gave orders to Charles "Tex" capture of Cmdr. Sumulong ''l;;i~~~;,;;ii;;,i,;~~i;;;;;;;;i;~.;;;;;i;;i;;;;iii;iiiiiii;;;i;i;i;;;;;;;;;i;.;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;~~~~;;;;;i;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;mij Walson, who is another deten-"major blow" to dissidents dent recently extradited from and criminals operating In Texas but not yet on .trial. -central Luzon, location .of lht DeCarlo said Watson was a huge U.S. Clark Air Base. quiet type and that althotigh After meel!!!g with the ca~ he was &-root-2 compared to tured rebel leader in Mani111 Manson's five feet, he did President Ferd in and E. what Manson told him to do. Marcos said he looked forward • Hewitt said part of his son's ty steady boy." Jetter read. "G uess w ha I The oldest child in a family mom. I lost my M-16 out of 14•ith a military tradition, ' the helicopter while fl ying. Hewitt dropped out of Gar· They are ·going lo make me inger High School to Volunteer pay $130." for the Army and Vietnam. He "I'm going to raise hell, t enJisted in Septem'ber 1969 and just can't afford that." wrote ninf mootM later was dying y~g Hewitt, 1 door gunner. combat missions frmn Bien on an a.91auJt helicopter. Hoa. Vietnam. DeCarlo also said Manson "to the early stabilization of called the police and white col· peace and order in central lar worken "Pigs." \Luzon." SALE FACTORY SPECIAL YOUR CHOICE THIS BI G CAPAC ITY NO-F ROST MODEL ON WHEELS e J 0'/1 " wid1, 17.7 cu. ft. big .-4.77 cu. f-t . fr1111r holds up to 167 pounds of food • 12.88 c u. ft. refriger•tor e No-Frost -throu9hout e Roll-out wh1el1 • Two slid1-out shelves e Twin sli d1·out crispers • Covered d•iry stor•91 • Three Eesy-Rele•s• ice-cube -fr•ys OR THIS ---... ---·~· Perman e}lt -Pre,. LAUNDRY PAIR SPECl·AL OF THE WEEK ! vtLvt2400/DLl1 100 e Poteolt h1-011H1tl fi11id1 profoih th1 w11her dry er d•11• 011,j lop i111ido 1114 owl olHI lht •91intt 1c••kho1, 1t1i111 111d nut. e 119 iruido, 1lim ovhid1- BIG-CAPAC1TY WASHER e 2·fo·I• po11111I c1p1tily • Por11'1111011!-pro11 1ot1i1191 011 control ponol e lwo w1t1r·l•"1I 11lotlio111 e Throo Wtlor lomp 11!otlion1 e Fou11lo i11·Filtor lint ''"''"''I e Wido·tr<. 1pir1I 19itotion e Throo 1oil-romov1I c.yc.111 e Heo•1·dwly 1/1 H.P. motor e Hoo•y·d11ly h onunin ion DRYER ' • Po•mtnonl-pro11 11tlin91 on control po11ol • Two f1bric.·11!1,tio11 •tl~in91 • o ..... inklo cytlo e Spood-Flow dryin9 e Up-front lint lrtp e lurn-lo·d••I control Hotpoint W11hor1 ond Orv••• f i"• You mot• T~1n VD¥ p1y for! SALES AND SERVICE SINCE 1950 I TOLE 1111 OIAIR sn· Bright patt9rMd top. Choit1 of\d tabs. fa(d for eosy m.rog.. · ... rr ...... MURRAY OHIO WUCAT ._ .. _ 3688 BAIY TENDER LOVE YOUR FULL SERYla TOY STORE Wlien,...lfl114th""'91f Selo~rl-f_.,_,, llMl• 11-lllls • FisHr-lrico Prt-ScM1I 1.,. • PlllW•I Elllclll1al 1111• F-ropo lolls • 111my _,.,.._st1t1•-· F--llYTl!I ~-.,.,-·"" • WHHL-ASSIMllLED FID OF CHAl&E • FRH&lfTWUPPl•G SEEN' SAY TALKING TOYS Happy ralking _,.for learning _ ... ..,.....,. 5ee ·=· CARROM BOARD ·5es f.'5, .... This tet p&ay. I 06 vc---Comp&et. with ca"°"" ond a.s.. R-rs1ble . . TYCO RACE (:AR ~MOONGOOSE 2 '. "' rocir.g action poCked in- 10 a3'x6'~ .... ., ... SET vs.SNAKE DRAG RACE SET • Can bh out of the gate • s-.,irf fhN the loop .. • S"Pt'r dragttrip ~tion 5ee N.F.L STRATEGY FOOTBALL A faecinattng new foot., W gam• fOrthe mont advonced atudent of iootbal. Pltryws ... N.F.L ploybodt. 12se .... 15.95 500 TUDOR ELECTRIC FOOTBALL GAME MAML'S TALKING PICTURE PUZZLE -. ..-.-block-tockit-..... ,. ........ 5ee ••••. u ---fcnhiCMI .how -..... .. ---· 12se .... 14.11 GUEii' CllEMIS1IY sn ... ,_..........,.-_.. Mal•«>O I Ii arid .... &.117.JS 5aa CARROM smnES GAME . ..._.._ .......... -599 _,... 0.-...... ..... ..... ..,. • ho _ ..... for. "'Y procticof toy . ... _ ......... ....14.H ltf.24.11 2JJ I. 17 .. ST. COSTA MIS.A l44J:_ YIA LIDO NEWPORT IUCH 541.5454 673 -BSlO -- , • I County M"y Gain ·· ....-. 3·5o.1()11s I J. .. ~ " . .. ·:-- ,-Candidates Hit~rail ./ : .r i • • • The Big M is big enough to protect you and your family against the uncertainties of tomorrow-with the nation's highest interest on ,insured savings. o But equally imQortant-cares enol!Qh to _ give you very personal · service. D Why not open . . an account today ... and meet the people who care .. MUTUAL SAVING-S ANP . lOA"' ASSOCIATION -• ., Ccwln1office:200 Northe""'9A.,..../Pf.5411 OU'l• otflCM in Wut Neadi a, P111dtna (Head office), Corona dtl Mw and Glendale ' \ .-• • ,\ . SUPER SAYINGS ON ALL -· Hardware r.-__ HouMwares--11--=- Mou111 ...... 9" ,...,, t ' ...... , ... Set.,' ...... ,, ... -.... , , ...... 4, .•. . / FOR i ALL-AROUND PROTECTION ; ~ $2.40 $2.65 -~ 1 W l.Jmlii~ted LOCK COMBINATION.lOj:K?~ Laminated layers of mttlJ for ,. tf'as 36" ~iny~tea steel extra strencth; brass cylinder; cabl,t to fasten bikes, etc. to •tHI shlckle. 2 kiy~ (116) • • trees 0<·fi0sta SO<\lf111. (08I $1.69 COMBINATION LOCK Three number locking mecha· nis"1; double-wall construction. Solid steel lockine ~tc~ (09) Meeter $1.05 l34" Laminated LOCK laminated layers of metal for extra strenfth; brass cylinder; steel shackl~ 2 keys. (On on "original fOrmula" Scotts Bonus Scolls famous products control weeds.while they full -fertilize your dichondra lawn. The last remaining bags of these famous 1969 processed products are~ing sold now at all· time low prices. Stock up. You may never see such savings again. Limited quantities. ~­~;11 2500 sq. ft. ba, e1 I reg. $'9:%. NOW$6.C!5 • g~1...t· SOCKET ·SET s~ VALUE! 2500 sq. ft. bag Rog. $9.95 Now $6.95 COMPLETE STOCK SOcktts, O~n -- " ' ' ' • ! -1 · End & Box End Wrench.S, Sock" ExtenllOM, Uni~enals, & _Rcitc.h,Jt Wre.11w1._. __ 15 PIECES ... All Poi>ular Size Sock~ts _.,,,_,,,_ ID Stelots-7/16' to .1'(~11 12Pt~ 11_. '111 Sockol---'-"j'j]1&,.~iq !II' 14MM Plup) , ........ ..- 1,btt111o .... 2.111&· 1-Jillt PIUS CU.tom-Tool C"' .. • • FULLY GUARANTEED IY THf MANUFAGTUlll• • " ~II TO ¥2'' ALL .SIZES . METRIC ALSO AVAILABLE • < .. .. , • !"" Jf DAILY PllDT For /tle~tings Deeth Notice• •UlllllJON Eorl 0 . Burrlson, 111' Altl•lcll-$1., ~uni· ln1lorl INCh, Surw1vtd b¥ .... 11e. NiM/ IR•M Ml'll. 0 . J .. ~n Ind l:1lpll Bur· rt.on; two <1111911111'1, FIY Collln1 Ind J~I l uqlson; brolhto', J1cl &urrllOrlr •lid 10 1r11'111chlldr1n. S1rvkr1, Fr~r. ! PM, MklwtY Cit-I N1l1r!r1t Chute~. Peek F1mllY Colonl•I Funer•I Home, OirKllN'L F•IOA'I' H11nUntl011 Buell 1tot1r1 c I 11 b . ShlrllOfl B11cll Inn, H11n!lneron lffCll, 11:10 p,m,, M1r1M•• L)ons Cklb, SllJll Shir!. 17•1 • <N, COllf Hltllw1r, Newoorl lltltrl, 12:1J 1.m. Births • ' ' _;Shore ·Commission "Gets Prodding ' By JACK BROBACK Supervlso...r t.on Al!en, who appointed by board members. knows 'lr'bo represtnta Seil ot .,. Dlftr 1•· ,..,. back)n''May spearheaded the The · cltiun mernberi ap-Beach, Huntington B~ and M•. •1111 AV•. w.n... Y•.11. SANTA ANA -The Com· • rhtion ol th. p1•••1~ _,p pointed by the bo.ard were Newport Beach, if any-one.~ ~1'n. CM!t MeW, iM¥ 1~ ....,...,'& a>""' .. ~ •. " tm prebenslve Oc.e an .,.and used tht prod Wednesday In n~ last July. They are Likewise the appointees or • :f:;A;,.1C..,~~'::~~:; S~line Ylli n n ~ com: putting Uifough the motton-Brettn1n..i!Heva!LMcClellan of-lhe-Leasus.-. Cities~UL ,..,. rntn °"" ,...."°"' a.w,,1,1 . . · Laguna Beach [U'tt\rdifil!ct; represent the inland com· ~·~Dt'-n::.~ t,,":'a. ·110{1.A K-. raittee, created bf. the-Orange--that comm.ill~ members get Mrs Jan ~n ol carocn. munltics are-not known. Mr. 1nd Mtt .. o.,vw Port••· 1n1 .tih County Boi~ or Supervisors to work. Gro~e, second district ·, Fred When the commiUee was SIM Stntl9t IMeh. 1lrl lo Mr. 1nd ,..,,., c"'''" Jo11nt1011, I". o. last-May, got the word The shoreline study group is Harber of Santa Ana, first conceived il was supposed • loll Jn; B1111o11, 11r1 • ly ,, M1jj11~~k m':~~y'.\':!~1~1'8:!::h, 1.°1~f ''Wednesday. suPPQSd to be composed of one: district; George Weimer of begin wnrk ~mmediate on. a· • ,.,, .. ...,. 1 n7t Meet belore the end ol th"is elected member from each Orange, fourth district, and comprehensive . study or Mt. Ind M,. .. Jolin R1illy, 101» LI 'n th" d d ! t r e n t 't1•r•11 A ...... Faun111n v.ney, !"' 1 th boan! coastal city's council, four nichard Basse of Brea, . 1r eve. opmen • Q P r s e M~.,T.'"tn~C:'o .. ~~. s-11~~'· 3 1 Li month 'or 1 e se, e representatives from t he district. pubhcly"°wned beaches and Mr. u1<1 M11. 0111 row11. 1n11 LOCAL members said jn effect. The League of Cities to represent The Laguna Beach city the feasibility of acquiring l\rbol<ll WIY, Tllllln. t l•I h " S..tp,Mr t n7t No othtr n1w1p1pitr t1ll1 vo11 group was supposed to get into inland conununlties. t w o council named CouncilmaJ'.I, private beac es. ' . Mt;1o,~pl".':'~0~1~'=w~·.~~~1' 1113 mor1, 1vtty d1y, 1bo11t wh•l'1 action last July. . members of the board . of Peter Ostrander and_ San Preswnably, the group will MC;q1~n "¥1'.n~:·*?o,:"':;r· ~~~ going on ;,. t~. Gr••l•r Or•n9• To date the .. committee has ' suP,efviSots, and one member Clemente named Councilman 1nect before the end of the ..J!'~ M••· JOlln L scou. lot p....,"1=C='='="-='=~~·-="="='=D=A=IL=.Y;;;:P=IL=O=T=. ~_::not held its firsl meeting. fa(' each supervisoriaT district Thomas O'K~fe and no one month and starl thinking. AYI., lllllol lllil'ld, DCl'I Mr .. end Mt1. R-1 0 . McllrO't', 20632 ltftf L1111, Hunl11111lon Bncl!, b01 ' .. Dr.,lllCI Mfl. JllMS R. W1nu11Y. 11n1 .,_ w--o , ,.,... ....... S..n Rufino ~ .. INl!wi, ~ , ~'.-'Id .... ~. •• I "" ... v Mr. •nd MIL Prillf' J. 5.fullk. JU c-..r ,..1,.... "A .. , COJl• Mef,I, 1Jrl St., Nwt-1 8N~ll, 1lrl Mr. •nd N.~1. C1meron Ho111inon, 157 M•. Incl Mrs. Mllli•cl H•intl, nn M~~~1·M;':"i...~~·=··~·Cenle<, W11hlne1on AYl.kCOlll Mna. bO'I' No.JI, COiii Mew. bo¥ /W. Ind Mt1. R lllrd Wntellr, 911 Emetelcl 81f, U9W'I 8Wdl. bOY 'j ""'"" u. 191' ....... Mr. (rid Mrs. MIWel SuPPll. 11U s..,...,Mf' l. 1'111 L1w1tll Cr., HunllntlOfl INCh, •lrl Mr. Ind Mn.=111114 L Bemis, 231 M nd Mr lti;innty L H 1 U2 N Ori"" SJ~ N 8"ch. f lrl ~o~ly. or:n., b0¥ • ·~e. . Mr". Ind Mn. rf90f'I L. Penlalcl. ZUI M•. 11111 MtL Jolin s . Hendtrsot1, 1u n c191• $1., S.n11 A111, Dll'I l•rtleli l n. Ho. 2,'Hllnllntton 811<11. 5eplemMI' 4, lt1t M~¥1ftd ,Mf$, Milton II, Prke, 1DJ71 M'Ciri:::'b't.~1(:~:o'J: .. ~·~'lll, HID Orof>sar Cr,,_HunrlnetOfl lflCll, 1lr! Mr. I nd Mrs. OoMld ~-H1hn, 10:111 ~~":.~,l'Mr1:'Wrni.m R. c ,;;ttne, IUU Monlror Dr .• H11nt1111ton 811c11, bOY FOJ1.1love Wl y, ll'\llM, llOV Mr. Ind Mrl. Thllfm1n Hick .. 2llf So. Mr .. Ind Mts, Jerry A. Bell, t..i» M~.~;:; A',;.5a~!;'i.~':,·.,t~IOll, 1700 B•NkWll ... ~ .• Hvnllneton Buell,, Ptt ... aon W1y, Apt, 52-D, COllll Mal, CARLING M~nd Mrs. Robert Mon'l1, "621 Ro.-M~yll'ld Mr1. Robert l . Wllll1ms, USO Ctlllotd F, C1rlln11. nJ'OO 8 8uO.bo1rd •• ~. ~,,.or.,,c,,~. ~.,,',"•"'. ~·,,"',,, , ... , Fordh1m or .. , COii• Mesi, boy Best-for-the-money King-Size Mattress and two match· ing Box Springs, plus: Fieldcrest no-iron King-size top sheet, Fieldcrest ·no-iron King-size fitted bottom sheet, two King-size pillows, two King-size pillow cases~irn1~size__cmattress DB~,_ Kinl:!!Ze me a rame w111l easy-rolling casters ... that's the original Ortho-Pak ••• Beautiful King-size quilted bed spread and \King-·size padded vinyl T•1ll, P1I"' 0.$1rl, 0811 of °"lh, Stpl. .... M .. -l~:::;:::;:::;:::;:c:=~==:::;:::;===I 15. SuN!'flCI tw .. 1r1, Rhei; $'.on, wuu1m Chrlunll Or.,.Mlislon Vitia, girl ' 'orlO-No-•I '''''' ,,,_,,,, Mr, 1nd Mri, Wllll1ms V1., 2Xll Cll Y '"''' •000,. OLIM ~VM ----.M." ,_;',_.·---·I P11,1i;o':;',-t.1-~11oc~-M~1~~. B~bOY ,-RaV1'1Ct.ot , • q,.i_ _u_l - ll'ler, F01Nr.CtrUn9, Hollywood; sl!l~r, IH• C1r1w1y Dr .. , A#t." C, (Olli ~~L08EAOllEHSIZ£ Mr1 .. Andr-Eck, Et P!so. Srrvlcn M~~~ ~~~-Oivld C. L~ron, so; "J" ~ • IN 2 WfEllS \Mtrl~ lltlcl lod1,, Th1ir1<11y, SI, J1mt1 SI B llXNI ·I E1>!1C-I Ctlurch with lnurn,...nl 11 P1tl· Mr. ''1n~ Mr.~"Mit11rd J1Cklllfl, 152 Fiii flt Vllw M1..-lll P1r1t. F1mlty Slll>1e1t1 MllOdy, COll!I Mesi, bOY l«)Mf of:MONSlllAllON ti'>Ole '"11111,. lo ""-' rnunorl1I conlrl· 1o111ii11 •· 1'n . butlon1, PlflH can••lb\lte lo the Tubercu· Mr. and Mrs. Jt•111 Girt••· 191• ll [l~ , TELEPllON.6 WALT I011l1 end Rffl'lr .. orv 0111111 l\s1oOCl1llon, W1llace I , C ... !a Meu, bOV A Slit• G'l'll (714) IJf-5775 110• Civic C•n1tr Or ... S1"!1 1\111. P1cll lc Mr. Ind Mrs. RonalO Jollnson, 31~1 v iew MOrh.11no. Olrectou. i-~"~·~··;:!!~~·~·_;•~·~·~"c"'~·~·~·~··~·---~=============: I (ATHt l\ltT lt1>11 Plllllllf C•thtlrl. AH 15. of 111 E. Elli,_., S•nl1 .-,,.., O.tr ol lleath, 5...,1. 15. Surv"-ed bv 11u1blnd. s1 ...... t; d1uqh· !er. H.ttn lloud'NU, Ore90n; 1111er, Ellt1blltl Dow....,, 1!50 of O•tton. Serv- k e1, Mond1v, Tl AM, Mtlr1>se Abbe~ C!YJ>fl. Smit"-Mort111rr. Dl.-.cton .. DUNLAP S1m11el M. Dunl•.1. rut Nr .. oorl Blvd., C<11!1 Mesi. Dllf of ONlh. S.at. IS. Su•· ¥1ve6 bY .. 111, Ll'dl: <11119t>!er. Mr1. Philio Dlwson, Tell.II: brolh1r1, Clle11tr. of Oel111D. Cini.: L11t1r .T111s: •llltr1, Mr> .. Rlcn1r<1 Thom••· M•J. Niii T~ ... -· Mr1. Fiam Tl'lomoson, Mn .. C. F. H1rrl1, 111 of T1111; Mrs .. Vlt'l!rtll NO!!, Calor1d<11 thr" 1r11'Mkhlldren: one tr1el· '9r1/ldehlld. Sll'\llCfS, Fr~y, 1 PM, lt11 llro•d,..IY Ch•l>'lll. ln!erment •. El C11oti CemeterY. 8111 1roldw1r M1>'1u1..,., 0 1· rtttor1. HO,ll'MAH Ell11brlh E. Hollrn1n. 6101 W•rnll' ,t,ve., HunHn111on 8e1cll. S~rvlvl'd by 111n, Jolin l. Hoffm1n1 d1uol!!1r. Oorotllv H1111y; l!rolhfr, Hrrold Erfon1 llvt 1r1ndch!tdren. Po ... rv Wll redfed We<f ... l<llY, 7:JO P...,, Pltll; FIMllY Chtpel.. Requl1rn M1H WIS c1let1r1ted .tooay, ThurllllY. ' AM, St. lon1ven1u~ C.tlratlt ChtJrCll. Peek Flm- llV Colonl1I Funer•I ho!M. Dlr1ctor1 .. LIWIS ICennetti Hrrolcl L-1~. 15'11 H..:k\1 SI., L1-IWOOll. Re1ldenl of UCI. Survlvff b¥ 1>1r~11. Mr. Ind Mfl. ,t,llDI> Le..ls, L•ke- woodi two 1l1ler$, El1lr11 L-11 1!'<d Mrs. C1r01vn Mclftldofl, Benn-..... Gr1w- 11c1t ~•vktl wlll bf: lllld Frllllv, Sc1>I. 11, l PM. lom1 VIiii Memorl1I P1rk. with Or. J1....,s Borror otUcllUng. P1cl- lk View Mortu1n. Olroc•o". MENNEI CONVERTIBLE SOFA by0R7ff0 · • HERCULON OLEFIN FIBER Herculon's the 1iber that defies slaining and soiling and ·wipes clean with a damp cloth. The easy care upholstery makes this buy a better-than-ever value; available )ri all sizes. DonalcJ J1mn Menna. A11e '1, ol 1••7 Sev•n 5'1~ Ltne. H11nlln91o<o fl e•cll. O"t! j:;:========================~ "' Oe•lfl. S..,1. II, Ml ..... lc M'Vlte!. F•i- lltv, 1 PM, Smllll1 Cll1MI. S111!t1'1 Mor- fu1rY. Olr1elor•. . CONVERTIBLE SOFA by0R7ff0 Rl'NSINK JMn 8, Reri1tnll:. ,.... a . of 7711 1111 SI., H11ntlne10n 8Ndl. Diie of dulh, Se-pt. 16. Survived by wife. Mlbcl: two aoni. Reo- lne!ll and R01rer1 lhr" d1111Mer1, fler- "]{f, DortllhY i nd l\udr1r; brolll~. Btn: tv.o •filers. J11n 1M "'"'"' lttn1lnk: 16 tr•ndc~ltdr•n. ServlCI•. S1"'"'"Y· t PM, Smlt~1 theoel. Srnllh1 Mor1u1ry, Olrttto,.. SC""'l'CH~IM .. lt .-.u<>ust Schwrche!mer. 176' 1r1,1o1 Av• . ." Co1ii. MtJI. 011~ of dt~lh, S~al. 11. SU•· v!ved by '"lfe. Helen; Min. H~rm1n Hl!I· "'""· <>f Memph/1; !llr~ d1uqh1tr1, Mr•. l<•nrlett1 L•Uy, Mr1. eerry Cll11l~Y. bo/11 <>f COl!I Mu1; Mr1: E~tl~n P1r<orol. B•ll>oll ; i..... <1r8"<1C:1'f!d~; "M 11're~ o•-.1t-~•1nlkhl1d•en. Ro~1ry, F <llllY. I PM. Btll lrNd .. IY Ch•i>el, Requl•M ~~, •• , S1•urd1Y. 10:30 AM, 51. J oaclllm Ctlllollc Cllllrth. EnlDmbmtnl. G"Od Sl\eo- 11 ... 11 C11"'1lerr. Ben 8rNllWIY Mor1~..,.. Olruton. SMALL Grice ~rn•ll. l\llt' f5, ot 12' E, 8•~ Ave., New11<1•I Beith. Oalf ol °"'"'· Stt•. u .. Su...,.lved br 111u~lll1r, Helen G-ce11; lwD IOfll. Htrberl Ind How1rll SMlll; "'r•e or11'111trlll"rtn Ind nl,,., <1re1•·••1n11. children. S..rvlc11 were held 1od1v. Thurs· ([1y, 1 PM. 811!1 COltl Mt-11 Ch•oel, lnterm1n!. Harbor l:tll Mtmorlal P1•k. t11n1 Co1t1 Me•• Mor1111rv. OlrKlorJ. STANl•Ult'T M1•llvn k . SllMbuN. 7611 Commodore Cln:le. Hunll1111tCW1 lucll.. Survived bY nulbertll, w rnl1m 0 .. Sr.: .on, Wl11l•rn D., J r.; "authler. Rt~<tl M(:Oonnllll '"''""''· Mrs. Mt rv 8ttublt n: b•atM~. John A. leaubltn Jr.; lour sblen. Ev· e!vn SOl!ntt. Mar11r11, 8tltlt 1nd Bonnie llr111bltn, Ro11rv, li)nl,hl, Tl!UQd.o¥, I PM, Pttk FtmllY Colon\~I Fune~.-i-t1ame. ll:e<i~ltrn M111, Frldly, H AM, SI. Be,._ 1venrur1 C1thollC• Chwrch. Pet~ F1rnllY ColOllill Furiertl Horn1. Dl<tdorl. WHITTLE G1brltle A. Wll!ll!t. 1118' 8on1 Ave., Glrdf-n Grove. SurvlYtd by "'Dther, El- frl.oth Wlllttle, ol T&com1. W1•~lnqton: SiNI'" •IM:I lhltrmMf Wiil b• hflll In . .:f•~•· 81!1 9r..,..l'I Morh11r¥, 1.,.. w1rdln1 dfrec:1or1. ARB~CllLI! A SON Wntt:Uff Mortu•ry 4%7 E. 11th St .. COIUr l\lesa -• BALTZ MORTUARIES Coron• del !\tar OR 3-9C51 COila Mesa l\U l-W:4 • BELL .BROADW AV MORTUARY 111 Brudlny. Cwt. Mesa IJWUl FULL SIZE s199ss Ortho's Early American convertible complete with wings, maple wood trimmed arms and box pleated flounce. Available irl au sizes; cuslom quilting, slightly exlra. CONVERTIBLE SOF-A byC)R7ffO • McCORMICK.LIGUNA•-1 t :==================: BEACH MORTUARY 0A traditienal convertible with plush, deluxe const ruc- tion and expert tailoring. Complete with a delulCe, button-free innerspring mattress. Available in au sizes wilh choice of-·labrics. 1115 Lagua• C•nyon Rd. Df.MIS • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e Mortaary Cll•pel 1Mt Plldflc View Drivt N ....... Btach, Calllonila -• PEEK FAMILY COf.()IGAL noo;a:;u;-:--7101 leU Ave. Wtstmluttt m JP' • SHEFFER MOllTVARY Lqua Btac• 4N-IUI SU Cit-I• ,aMl• • SMITHS' MORTUARY 117 ..... 11.- R•U.--.... FULL SIZE *23995 COnlemporafY sofa bed expertly designed for com· fort and durability. Distinctive loose pillow back style with tailored kic~ pleat floonc:e, deluxe construcllon. Availeble in 111 sizu. headboard •.. that's the famous Do le Bonus I** · · • A111 mllUll 11 0-·&IZI, US.Hy I •·Spoclll-Bl11S 111' Twin ni fll!t 0Uta lill Hly*138 Oi .... P.t..., °"""' ..._ 4 LAKEWOOD 443·3 c1-ndlewood Avenue C•ndlewood Shops (across lrom.Lakewood Center) Phone: 634 .. 134 I $ Quen size only '108 lneludlm Drlllo-Pek and Dollbl9 ._ Twin or Fill aaly '58 lnd .... T•-•f .. DOltlle- that's the full price .. The better lnne1sprillg unit with Ortho'a exdusi'l9 C:rcMlt Flak ~-llUJJPOrt that cradles you in comfort .. while P~IO .. proper support. Venlilated and reinfofced borders with ricb ecraa quilted cover. Twin or Full Double 8onu8 inciudel: plastic ~ board (not u .. luslreted) and melel frame on eas,.-roHmg casa.a. Deluxe King -~mi , " Tft•r-.l!Ai'78 --- • SANTA ANA and FOUNTAIN VALLE~ ANAHEIM 1811 West Uncoln Avenue Between Euclld 81ld Brookhursl Avenues Just Eest of Fed Mart 18131 Harbor Blvd. (corner of Edfnger) Next to Zody'• P hone: 839·~570 Phone: 77&-2590 .. • l I No.w_See 725 Works of Art exhibited hy 500 ortists Critic1 r•v•d ev•r" this in•u9ur•I P1e1p•clu1/Art '70, 1td•imi119 it th• fin••'• mo1t pr11ti9e111 in 1outh1rn c.liforni• -fr11 on +h1 •ir co11ditio111d "''ti -• un iqu1 1wp1ri111c1 for vour f1milv ti Hu11tin9ton C1nt.r lt•ch I Eclin91r •t 5111 Di19e FfW.1y, HI THE COMPACT STUDY GUIDES THAT ~Pur YOU ON A SURE COURSE ••• 'Barnes & Noble .COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES I ' --·-goof,~ .. .,....._,,pope.bade ""1Cl8i fOtollUiJY, iii-... a mliiL O¥er 100 titles ln almost t . ·y subject~: ART _!_NC: l!:H DAAMA HISTORY MUSIC POLITICAL SCIENCE SPEECH ANTHROPOLOGY EDUCATION MATHEMATICS PHILOSOPHY SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY SOCIOLOGY LANGUAGE STUDY AIDS °' DUploy .. THE BOOKSTALL 333 E. 17th St. (Behind the Pancake Hous•) Casta Mesa, CaUf. I " ' t • By Phll lnttrlandl I ' ThurJd•y, Stpttmbtr 17, 1'170 : ,.. J1~rl.0T J ~~~,..-'-~~~~-"'~ .(;P~ince'· Paroled, ·1WiJl -Work ·on N~~spaper · ' ) ' . ( Self ... 4!yled Hawaiian Pr!~ obom Prison, from where he seven British ca_rs. Both meeting .to COMummate QM!·-In one column, referring ti Samuel drow~burg Amalu -was releastd on p a r o I e, chec.Q were written on lhL--ldea. c;:ommenla Vice P "r e s i ~ e n' today was'botb a p4ro1ee 1md Tuesday, . 1' . me day, b~t Arnalu never .,,.euf Amalu was not there. AJnew made alter an •AJIM 8 genUemen of ibe press Amalu , -SO, who siflgle-did accept delivery. _,, ·He was In jail In California for tour, Amal~ wrote : . · lLa.odl:<UY 1!4!1lb!><>ll~ t h e .Amalu Jl'IC' invented 1 puslng 1 bad llOO check-" loatbe lilsl.a lee, -Ttte onolulu Advertiser whole Sheratoo Hotel .c~ain mythical SwJu...._syn<tlcaf.e th.at Amalu's sprl&blly and abhor instant tea and utter!) ·- said Amalu now will write a with an elaborate lake Swiss uache'd an a111:tment to buy l!rudite columns r~..., th y detest instant rict .• :y!t I column from three i.o five financing deal, once p~sed the S~raton< corporation's AdverUser were couch~.-1n would far rather fust on suet times a week. He wrote a himself .off as an East. Indian four i_l:gtetf 011 the H!)oolulu th e form of )lette!r."10 'the drab fare · tha.n sip .tbt twice-monthly column while Jn maharaJa In San Francisco, ~.,chfront. !or $34 mllllon, editor, aa'/oMI hfjh .school preposterous ~r1v~l of · lh1 Police Bill Introduced WASHINGTON (~Pl -Sen. Richard S, Schweiker (R-Pa.'), introduced a bill Weduesday to make killingt as~ulting or in- juring state./ and I a ca I policeme1:1,"1iremen and judges a federal crime. 530-3200 ANAHEIM.BUINA PARK 6962 LINCOLN BLVD. I He served , six years of a ,, almost twice the $11 mllllon buddy. -Instant e:rpert. one..to-10· year sentenctJ or · the corporation had bought,_:=:::..~~--------_:----7<'.: forgery after he was conv!Cted them lot three years before. ':m rl;r?, ol •igning a 11&.lll)ll bad ci\<ck .His front men -·three /li~~Jjl;h:J{tI•Ln · to cover the ,,C(l.St ·of three h1tchhlk1ng s u r t·e rs ,....:' -·••••••••-·---··-· Cadillacs and a bad check for arranged matter' wij)Yfhe 8151 8UY IN JOlfNf ano13~ $73,000 to pay for Sheraton Corpor~on for: a w H 111 ' -~!.!Fl: &_1 .. FORp..a"PL Y • CHEY etc. I jll; I Reg. 130 ea. t;;~;j WHIUT"'.YLUT.,; CRAGAR ••• "Tr•.• f/ttonct in Wheels••• HURR_YI $ 6.Mt1JiC11J1SI 199.s '"'''""'"'' 7.75114fJM41 6.IS11 SC•1111 JI 7.7J•1 J(f71/"1 JI • • • • FREE 2 SHOCK •i:ij~::• $1990 ,,, ABSORBERS. • • • • • • '""' , FREE .. ~Wheel ALIGN. SJ.!~ f FREE ... ~~~t.~~~~ ........... $a~e.1 , ''toll ol tl>t •h•• 11111 ,. , Wi1• '•""""•I J Sllech or lo1. ••lu 11 llt.tt!,., Too 5•1l / ,_,,,... l $"0<~S 1•111• IOllL ti ~j "" 11110., hi...o & W•t1I I tek! 1111 ill.IS OflUI CORNER OF BAKER & HARiOIL I I , , I ' 1 -I ,,.. . ' .. • , I ' --":"."~~-:-c~--::-,-,-,,-o-:;:~:-;-;;ior-=.,,,,.,,.,.-=.,.,.,-~""".'"~--:""':'~~~,_~..,..~~~~~~ ........ ~~~~~~~-. .... ~~~ ........ ..-; ~~ J JJ DAii:v.·PILOT 1 -~ Reverend A~1s • -. > ' ' · Marquis Brougham . 4·door hardtop ' 1971 Mercury-Cougar. A better personal car. 1. Take the best spofts-car ideas. Tachometer. Trip odometer. Sports-type three-spoke 1teering wheel with, rim-blow horn. Special wheel coven. Floor-mounted shift. Cougar XR-7 has it a ll-and more. A 3.51 cubic inch V-8 is standard. 2. Add ihe best luxury-car ideas. The XR-7 hos glove-soft, hi-back bucket Mtots accented with leather. A con1elett1 is standard. The unique XR-7 vinyl roof shown i1 also standard equipment .. A full vinyl roof il also ava ilable. 3. And you have a better luxury sports car. For 1971 Me rcury Cougar is all new. The look is ele· gant. Sophisticated. The.ride is luxurioui. Pound for pound, dollar for dolla r, Cougar is America's best equipped luxury sports car. It now comes in five models. The standard Cougar 2-door hardtop, this XR-7, a GT, and two convertibles. ·Comet 2-door 11dan I .. tis W.. fir safety: Buckle up. l \ -· l ' as . " . ' r .~ aker Jor Cou~le ' ' ... -·-- • Uef rom New York las' Tues-their love. day;o-meet his future·wife. · Ti~us said he 'had arranged "There are many cultural two similar marriages in factor~ 1nvolved," Titus said. India. And he aald the cl\ances 0 To us, love.beglnSa!lef'1hal'~r alvoree In these arrange<! riage and oot before," mat~es "'ere "'much less'' "The couple has a long life than in a Western marriage. lt to show "J,nd prove what love "'as in "very bad taste"· for meap.s Jo them, whereas in Indians to divoree, he said. Western lire a couple coil.Id "Marriage ~ more a sacred court for JO years before they cOmfort Ulan two people gol martit;!d by which time merely knowlna: each other," they could !lave_,. F-Xhl!ust~ he ex plained. ~' .- -· :II " ,tj rears. - 1971.Mercury Marquis. A Hiter medium-priced car. -' 1. Take the most dramatic styling in the n . CD :II -CD ... ••• Cll m ~ n -·~ •• " " --"' "' I"' I"' "' "' · medium-pricedcloss. Every detail contributes to th-e dromotic look of the .i 1971 Marquis. The elegant, textured grille. The -t ~ · -a concealed headlamps. The bold contours of the power-dome I ! m-"'m hood. The vinyl roof edged with chrome on BrOYghom models. I c ~-Add the best ride ideas from the world's i'. ~ ~ most prestigious cars. I ii' • @ , @ The Marquis hos o ride only the world's great luxury Ul cars con match. Coil sp;ings and tires a re computer j ::C Cit selected. All power-train components ore matched by ::C 0 .,. .,, n J> r- c;omputer for smoother operation. ~ ;ii 0 3. And you hove a better medium-priced car. !· -t :iiis a :.. "' ;:: Tlie Marquis Brough~m comes w.ith a ~29 cubic inch V-8>1 I ;;: engine, Select-Sflift-outomatic. translniwlon~ conceolec:1 headlamps, vinyl roof, power.steering, po\l"tr windows, · ~ -< powtr brakes, steel guard rails in the door~ t. -· ~ I :I -1·;:-· ·-- ~ ~ ~ ~- f-> -rn ~~i,.. ~~n nnO ~ Cougar XR·7 hard top 0 :I I i -4 0 I:~ z 1971 Mercury Comet. A better small car. 1. Take the best small-car ideas. Comet has them all. Easy handling: the 2-door turns in a circle only 35.6 feet in diomeJer. low price: this is Mercury's lowest.priced car. Gos mileage: rivals imports. Simple maintenance: a handy repair manual is a vailable with dozens of easy do-it-yourself tips. 2. Add big-car styling and performance. Note the bold big-car grille and power-dome hood. Big· car performance, too. There is a choice of three sixes or o V-8. 100 to 210 horsepower. 3. Result: a better small car. Your choice of o 2-door sedan that seats four adults or o slightly larger 4-door that seats five, A sporty GT is also available. Options include .automatic froOs-' mission, power steering, even air conditioning. A l.etter idea in leasing. , Many Me rcury dealers hove lea sing plons-lhe new way to "own" ocr. One pfon lncludes (o·coupon boo~let wh ich covers OU regu!or ma~enanc.e. No cash or checks needed. No red tape. ! "' ~ ::c ~ 2 iii -1 iit-~ Ii" ,, ! c ~··.o l~i c g-~m ~ ~ ?i,.. c,g~ ... I "' ,,._ t:ut~ o rn ~a ~ • "' JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY, INC. 2626 Harbor Blvd., Cost~Mes.a, California • . . \ ' \ • I . t ' • • ' ' J I I [ • ' . • • • ' I I ! t I I ' • . ' •' ' ' ' • ' t • I ' ' • • • I I ! • I l I I . . ·- --P a·ra So 1 s Cr eat e : Qo -'• y • a·no .p~ ' • •. lr~ne .Bowl, Laguna Beacli'will be a colortul,~ w.:.ines- day .-.Sept~23, for membefs of 26-wemen '• committees of--thf Orange . County Philharmonic Society wflrgather, .with parasols for protection--against rain or sh'ine, ' ....,........- The annua l event Is the Philtiannonlc Parasol· Put~together an .. orientation meeting when pJans for ttie comhi,r year are rev~Jet' • Postponin£ a F;urope~ trip to speak. John Scol!Jrotler. fam - ed conduct~r. Ty anCI radio personality will give his views of the county music scene. · ~ Guiding t.he ffieeting wilfbe Mrs. J. Donald Ferguson. chairma of th~: s_ociety'.s Women's Board. She stated that 1in additi'on to..,...pre-senta~on of plans and projects, coriCert and preview ticke~arftt ros ers will be available. Following the meetin,r azx lu eon 'I e ,,... served. .. The s~iety's WQ_men's board coordinaj.e and · rsees !und-~a1~~ ben.e!1ts ot the member ~mmit~s::'Tbes oups, ~ch ver,r 1nd1VIdual m nature, help contr1but~....appro ely one-thll'd o! th~ • • • fund.!} necessary to ensure -the bo6kin e finest orchestras and soloists availg1~Je in the w E-lit'tod perfpnn at UCI ·11.nd Oranae.--~'1i .Co~sLCoifego<..;~~-""'::;._7'c::::_:_:_:_~=~~ Each ye.if' the num of committees and members in· them grows. This year the · th member· hes been welcomed. _ • . Assisting ~s. ergu,son__onJhe....womeo's board are the Mmes. James H. Sawyers, vire chairman; .John SLore, treasurer; William H. Schillin_g ... recording secretary: Matthew P. Sc~uster, ·corresponding secr_etary; Richa4 H. Lee ·and Thome·s Key; hospitality; A. Bayard l?od Jr., parliamenl~rian, and· Charles E. ljirscb 'and Allen Katz, con- tinuance fund . · / • . Others are th e Mm·es. John -Appletate·1and-oavid Tingler, bul- letin; Robert W. Lee and Robert Herms, junion; Richard Pauley, posters; Christopher Kitching, previews; Paid Gustaf sen,. previews~ chairman; John Wyman, programs; Ric hard Newell and John Can- orr;-publicity;-\VestriclrNorris;-ro'Stefr,:-joh W:-Donal'dson. ·ele=-' phone ; Ri chard Martin, ways and mean&; Michael Brick ·and H. West-' on Walker, youth -concerts, and Theodore Tafe. 'volunt•s. Information regarding membership in women 's, committees .or society activities is availalille by calling the Philharmonic office at 640-6411. 7 . • ,,. I· rl I '! J I T1111,...1r, s.t1mt11r 1r, 1t11 , ... 11 ,, SMOOTH SAI LING-Charting a course for smOoth sa iling through. the coming season are members of the Orange County Philhar~ monic Board who will conduct an o,rientation for members of the 26 courity women's cOmmittees. Mrs. J . DOnald Ferguson (right), bo<;ird cha'frman is assisted by (left to right) Mrs. David Tingle r and Mrs. Richard H. Pauley. · ... • First County-Appearanoe · Dr. Ginnot to Offer Hot Ti QS on . Teens Hot tips for parents on cooling it with teens will be offered by an expert on the subject, Dr. flaim Ginott. author of the best seller, "Between Parent and Child." . Sponsored by the \Voman 's . .\uxiliary to the Orange County ~tedical Association as a benefit for its medical scholarship program, Dr. Ginott will speak at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, in h1elodyland, Anaheim. A continental breakfast "'ill be se rved at 9:30 for all ticket holders, and a champagne brunch and autograph session will follow Dr. Ginott's talk , for which special patroness tickets will be sold. • Dr. Ginott, .a. col umnist f'Or McCa ll 's magazine and regular guelit on NBC's Today show, is a graduate of Columbia University and now is teach- ing at New York and Adelphi universities. He has lectured and led seminars on child guidance in the United States, Europe and Israel, and has authored many papers on the subject. His book, "Between Parent. and Child.'-; has been on the best seller list for 60 weeks, ha s sold more than 500.000 copies and has been translated into 13 languages. He has wrillcn a book entitled "Between Parent and Teenager" that also has jumped onto the best seller list.· and his latest is "Between Teacher and Child." J.le is a ·member of lhc 1\11~1:"··ic:-:1 l':;~Tholo~ical Association, Amcri· can Group Psychotherapy Association, America n Academy .or Psychother- apists, PEN Clu~ and American Association of Wrifers. General chairman of the event, Which replaces the traditional White Cap Benefit F'ashion Show this year, is Mrs. Loren .Heather of Newport Beach .Assisting here are· the Mmes. Richard Altrh.in, mailine:; John Knau~r. tickets; Robe rt G. Ball, posters; Richard Hayden, publicity. and Clifford Jordan and Frederick Grazer, ~ospitality. The' auxiliary will ho st a meeting or the California Medical Associa- tion in the spring so will not be«able to sponsor ils traditional fashion show. CHILLY TOPI C -Mrs. Frederick Grazer and her son Jon needn't go Quite this far to "cool it." but are getting into practice for_ what Dr. Haim Gi nott might have to say on the subject. The noted authofl and lectu rer on the subject of child-parent relation- ships will speak on Cooling It With Your Teenager on Tuesday, Sept. 29. Ticket may·be obtained at Neal's Sporting Goods. Fashion Island . the OCMA office, 300 S. Flower, Orange. or ;it. ~1r.1,..rly!pnd SCnt. 2n. iJ ilv:ii!;ih'o. Information ma.Y be obtained by calling th e Medical 'Association , 532·6511 or 542-4633, between 2 afld 4 p.m. ' • Two 'Dee·rs':Are Company But Three or M.ore Are a (rowd DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1 made a big mistake eight years ago. I got .married on the opening day of decr·hunt~ng season. Every universa ry means a fight. Denny wantJ to go deer-hunting with the boys 2nd I wanl him to stay home and celebrate our anniversary with me. This year the boys ha~e a n.ew spot and 11 great trailer. Denny 1s dying to go. I think it is rotten of him and have told him so. His last words were, ''0.K., 1'11 tell the guys I can 't make It." That wAs three days ago and he hasn't smiled or 1poken JO words since. J reel miserable. 'l'hat crumb_s_ure knows how 1o ict to me. What should I ANN LANDERS 1t1son. Wb1t kind of anniversary would tt be -1ttU11 1roand witlli 1 sourpuss wbo wlslte1 he were 10mewllere el&e? Of course, yHr IMlsballd 11 1elfl1b, blil fon-.lna him io slay !Mme won·t 10lve THAT p~e:m. He'U be 1 llappy ma• Ile hr reta_os_lro~ trip and )'OU'll bo glad ,... Id him p. -• husband and I are her legal guardians. tears. know who Is right and who Is wrong. It The girl has shown me pathetic lellers started with snapshois. from erstwhile admirers , pleading for an Our relatives ·are all crazy over explanationof another chance. $lle his-a ... picWres. We like. thefn, too, but we 've "love museum '' of relics collected from never ownetl 11 CametaiilCIWT appreciate it when other member s ot the family 'various sweethearts. What is wrong with share their pictures with us. her ? Why would a girl e11joy behaving in such a heartless m a n n e r ? Our daughter Rosa was married a few CONCERNED weeks ago and being five mo11ths DEAR CONCERNED: Yoar nitte's pregnant She asked all relati'ves to please punishing: appl"Olch lo malts Is 1 leave their cameras at home. Well, I symptom ef a deep-stated emotioul have a brolher who does as he pleases no problem. A girl who 11 H tn1e<:are Ulat matter what. He brought his camera to Ott only way He can ,et .. tllf1eU.n I• the church and took dozens of pittures. \•ery bad -if you get what t mean. · Rosa became upset . She feels thlt slnct her uhcle ~iftt his camera after: evl!ryone had strict orders not to be• -ShMJIOliina-over all the pflntf' a • negatives and let her decide which ones: should be used and which should be: destroyed. ls she right? -BETWEEN: TWOnRES '. · : DEAR 8 .: I believe the brkle'1 wtAM. lbOlld be rtspeckd' • -dot-HA'l'1'TE-• -DEAR HAT: 1..et the crumb so, and tel anolbtr dale for Utt a11n"•I ce.lebratton. l •aueat tb• day after dttr-llunthl& DEAR ANN l.ANDERS , I am d .. ply ctibcemed about my If.year-old nitte. Her mother died three years ago and my Della ls very pretty, makes excellr:nt grades in school and is popular. She has many friends, bolh .boys and girls, and seems well adjusted. Al first I thought the problem was kid stun, somethh1g she 'd outgrow, but it's getting worse. 1 ~ solid evidence -that Della takes. a ffenilfsli'. d<lignt...in miliing;:tiiiyC l1!Uor her. then she drops them with such brut11.llty it breaks rhy he~rt. La!t w~k a very fipe young ma.a left our home in by destroyiag ma~ 8dmJren, Htds He ~tinued to ta~e pictures~ at the OllWdOtl, . .1..llO)e...s!tu'.ecelve1 ll..Hll_, __ recepoon. __ • Last nighl he brought -the picturc!J to Is alcoholism 1 di~11t? How can the : alcohoik be treated? Is there a cure?· Read the booklet "Al<oholism -IR!po : and Hoip.'.'._ I!>: Aftn -· EnclOlo 11-cents 111 coin with your request and • long, stamped,. self·addresaed envelope ln•: caro of the DAILY PILOT.· • • ' ' • DEAR ANN LANDERS : A big fami ly our house. Ros111 was .present Some of the argument ii 1oin1 on. and we want to pictures wete very aood· Others were • • • • • • DAILY f'llOT • ..., Thursday, Sfpttmbtr 17, 1'70 , ' -- " --~ ~ Y~ur Horoscope Tomorrow t.. , .FRIDAY ~ Analyze what '°" read. s 1.o' feet deeply m1y You have 1 rl&.ht lo ,...1,. i---.•· SEPTEMBER lll---;UBRA rse 1.. 23-0cl.. 21 · Oihibll. aelfl!h otrtak. Fite this credit due. ' . nn1 Iii a re;tf • and"tl topa-to olecl.-~~,~~M~~li--1-- By.SYDNEY OMARR Enterlaln at ~ou · can security. Be sure measqee aN!I ARJES (March 21-April lt): !"18~~ fa~~ltimpr~ons on AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. garble<J. 1Y1terpret correcUy. Money comes and goes _ at indj11Htt1ils unportant m your ti): Older individuab may Avoid tendency to eumrate. swift pace. Ketp~aCk lfi .. Excellent for purchlse of . have dispute. Don't get caught Review various poulbililjia..,....- expense!, Check bu with · luzury item. ~ in m Id d I e . Self-sacrUtcing Catch up on correspondence. rt ~-•• SCORPIO (Oct 23., 21) :. ,.,., .. --~•-.. ,.•;"'· Clr.ar commu nication lines. e1pe . """''~"' on more . · •nov. : --====---=======.::::="=;;i;;am"'----111 efficien anagement of What appears on surface ma)' 1 ... I . be an iUusic}n. Quarrel with TAURUS (April IQ.May 20): loved one Jberely 1Umulate.s Cycle conlinuu high ; but a emotions. Don't take olhe1"3 - talk with rnat.e or partrjer Is o~ yourself = too seriously. egential. New outlook is Discard r u m o r 1, secrel requited. Surprise is due, of doubt.s. p_leasant • variety. Reassure SAGl'nARJUS (Nov. 2:2- loved one. Dec. 21): Some .... respomibilities GEMINI (May 21'.June 20): are restrictive .. Go wlllt lhe S-AVE · ON PIANOS ' BACK TO SCHOOL · lPECIAL "· . AvGl.d trying to do too much at tide. One in authority will one siUlita:. ModeraUon should relent. Know this and bide ~key. S.hare knowledge; You your lime. You have allies actu&lly learn now b y who are working in your MODEL 1117 -WURllTZER- RENTA~ RETURNS SILL NIW FOR S•41 PUBL.ICISTS LEARN TRICKS QF TRAD,1: .~ teaching. Review some baslc behalf. · lessOns, concepts. .. · • CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. CANCER (June 21·J\,llY 22): 19 ): Exp8Tld horizons. You Social event is favored. Accept need. not feel lied down _ invitation. Best to I eave wake up and live. One who details to others. Chf;nge of pa~ is required. Take long-NOW $447 l lNCH SJI lXTlA rrn1e view. Have tun . Enjoy Ch ter -. ----------"o"l'm'l!'l!limffi"i•nl!!" J>I.2~pos1to sex. --"=-'a""IO<-J~"----11--- p h · LEO (July "23-AUg:-21):- Publicity Workshop JUST-ARRIVED! NEW SHIPMENT( ress C a·, rm en Many of yOllr aspirations can be fulfilled. Depends on how you · relate to 1 p ecia l Initiates REBUILT GRANDS AT GREAT SAVINGS! . To avoid ~sappointment, prospective bndes are reminded to have their wedding stories with black . and white )'.?lossy pholt>- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women's De- partment one week before the weddinJ!. Pictures received afte'r that time will not be used. For engagement announcements it is imperative that th'e story, also accompanied b~ a bla.cl: and white glossy picture, be su b- mitted six we~ks .or more before the wedding date. If deadline ts not met, only a story will be used. .;, . To help fill requirements on both wed~ ding and engagement stories, forms are avapable in aU of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Women's Section staff members at 642--4321 or 494-9466. St. Joachim's Church Chosen for Wedding Dennis Fcnchaks of Costa Mesa . Invited Again The DAILY PILOT and Orange Coast College will again jointly s p o n s o r a publicity workshop which last yea r drew more than 200. press chairmen and publicis ts. The two-hour p r o g r a m presented as part of the Orange Coast E v e n i n g College's annual lecture series will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 23, at Estancia High School: The program will begin~ at 7:30 p.m. in the school's Forum. Preregistrants will b e seated first and those planning to register at the session will be seated -on a fir st-come , first-seated basis. The program, g ea red primarily to club publicity, is designed also to help .anyone, layman or professional, who handles news releases. It will be a ba1ic "how-to" course in the preparation and presentation of news releases. A book let published by the DAILY PILOT will be handed out tree of charge at the lecture. It will cont a in highlights of the two-hour presentation. Dr. Thomas BI a ke I y , director of Orange Coast College's Evening Division; Robert N. Weed, DAILY PIWT publisher ; Thomas Keevil, DAILY PlLOT editor; Mi's. Bea Andersan • ..JlA.ll3 PILOT women 's editor, and Thomas McCann, D A I L Y PILOT public se r vice manager, will be among those participating in the program. There will be-no charge !or the lecture. The Rev . Thomas Nevin of· ficiated for the morn i n g ceremony in St. Joachim's Catholic Oiurch, Costa t.1esa, when Jacquelin Yo I and a Parsons became the brJde o! Michael Dwayne Fenchak. ~ . . . . . . . . . . -. . .. . . . . . .. , l\llending the newlyweds as I matron of honor and best man 1 PUBLICITY WORKSHOP REGISTRATION I were Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 Ple•se reserve ...... places for me •f the DAILY Ar\hur. ' " PILOT ..()CC Publlclty Workshop Sept. 23 in the • individual. Obtain hint from Galhering at I p.m. tomor· Ca~r message. Refuse to be row will be members of disco u r a g e d by minor Laguna Beach chapter 521, obstacle. Order of the Eastern Star. STEINWAY, KNABE, BALDWIN, CHICKERING, ~!SCHER , MASON-HAMLIN And Many Other famous Makes VIRGO (Aug. 2.J-Sepl-:. ?3): Miss Janice McKeever will Travel is accented. Some SAVE ON ORGANS b . be initiated at the meeting In asic changes are in picture. the Masonic J'emple, La · . Guard valuables. What you Beach H t , th ~na FLOOR MODELS NOW AT possess is due to go-up-in . ....: os ~ ior e eveni.ng: 11------price . Key is greater _. W!ll M. ~~· Wilfred Lawson SUBSf-ANTIAL DISCOUNTS awareness. Study your paper. and off1,c1allng "!II be .Mr. and Mrs. Norman ChrtStensen, "'(.lt,.11· L,,. ~,f. • c· .... ,. worthy patron and matron . VYi:IJ. IC!ll' .J.Y.lUSIC l"o)' Alums Gather The Association o! Or8nge county Line Officers will meet SOUTH COAST PLAZA Orange County alum nae of for a noon luncheon on Satur-COSTA MESA PHONE 540-3165 Alpha Delta Pi will gather in day, Sept. 26, in the Masonlt • T l HOU•S: Mo11. t~n1 Sot.-11·11 Opot1 S11116try-Non to I''"'' the Newporter Inn at 11 :301\_.!:em~p~•·c._ ______ J..,!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!,;.,!!!!!..!,;.,,....;,;.,o;,;.,,;., ... ;,,,..;,;;,,,,;.,;,,,,,;,., ... a.m. Thursday, Sept. 24 , for a get-acquainted meeting with Mrs. Robert Hartunlan, presiding. Night owls are invited to the first meeting of a night ·group-tonight in the home-()f - Mrs. Roger Sweet, Stanton. • -Anyone wishing further in- formation may call"' Mrs. Jame,s Muzzy, &44--0349. -"'"-"-"":=::.'---'-"-::::...~-!\ ,\ f'i °}:\ ~ -.. \:, Jack Parsons of Santa Ana gave his daughter in mar. riage. Parents of the bridegroom are the ?.1ichael B,ridesmaids included the 1 Forum, Est•ncia High School. I underst•nd I Misses Moll ie Robert s, I must be thtr• not later th•n 7:15 p.m. for the Patricia Lentz and Nancy 1 7:30-9 :30 session. Pr•registrants will h1vt first PRJnC£' Hancock , and Lynette Fen-I choice of st1tin9i dlak Wi\S Bower girl.· I ~~· : ~· ..... . t .. >.:.... Assuming usher 's dutie s • NAME ............••............................ I ow~hAles were Gary Strausbaugh, Terri I ADDRESS (Strfft) --~ ......... -·swift aro-steven Burr. - . I ..... ' .. ' ... ' ..... ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I A rtteptlon at "the Costa 1 CITY · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ........... , ZIP ••.... , . • I FAMl~X RESTAURANT - l.~~:sacercemou00n".,Y, Club !ollowed 1 ORGANIZATION (If Any ) ...............•.•...• 11 llAPH• ... lftAICI 11.: / OIHllE•S I-$2.JJ " StJS The Tee Tattler < 1 OFFICE HELD ............ PHONE ......... I OP£11111 .. i.10,M le!llNlllMl•tsl I M•H •• , ...... ,le leNICt o..,..rtl'M!lt, Orlftl• CNll o•tLY PILOT, l'.O. SAllTA411A:IS97S H11Mr l W.ut .. no -·"' lo• 1UO, CHUM .... , Ct . f212'. ~~;;;;~~;;;;;;;-~·~~~~(1~·~ .. ~·~·~[~· ... ~•);;~I ""~""-NB Auxiliary ~ -------------------· Silve r Sands The first Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. members of Silver Sands Zfl6, Nati ve --Daughlers of tbe...GOlden \Vest gather for meetings. Lake Park Clubhouse in Huntington Beach Is the meeling place. · The Ladies' Auxiliary of Newport Beach Fire Depart- ment gathers the t h i r d \Vednesdays at 8 p.m. in _ various locations. Information regarding location may be ob- tained by railing Mrs. T. C. Dailey, 548·9835. Muumuus ·in Vogue ~ust OUI CONVINllNT SHOr AT HOM I SUYICI HllllthttlMI c .. ,., I ••2·6611 A w,,,:J, .lec11r1lor w;U c1U ti vow• ho""• with • 1tri~i119 11ltcli on of high qutlltv low coll fll11 ic1 lor you lo che>o•• f,.,..,, No obli q1tion! Complt!e dtcor1lor 11••- ict -Mpht1l1t1rv -:-1l;pco•tn, -Hu•t. Cffltf' 7111 lllilltf' H11•t.,lo.c.• "_,, ... l ristel ot 17tli S..hl AH out "\ so :· ... CaliforniaColle9e " tOttG-lfli(K· ' Of ro·mmerce ... ,., ....... ..,,.,, "' .... ·~· .. fi;I - . 151 ·15S"Plll"1 A'ffl'lilO , lt11t IH1h. (1liltr11it 90113 INROLL NOW • f ALL TERM: Septem b•r 28, 19~ TELEPHONE : 436-•767 or 435-5367 ' "DAY OR EVENING CLASSES" , I TWO· YEAR COUISEI l rllftl!I AMJ.ihtt• Hlfh•• Mi ..... Jcl1worfifii -0... rrec1Jlillf btceti.e s.u.i ... w IHORJ.IEIM COURSES 5itll.,<t9hK Cltrictl lff't'P•lll• hlit.n.MfJ~•lltl Otnttl A1ti1t1nt • I ONE· YEAR COURSES ltttl Stc•1i.ri.ol MHit.r Stutttri1I s.. ...... w -(~ .., I.I(. .Mlotttr.MI J•niit AtlW~lltlt Bodn Shi&fS ~5.oo I • • I I • • I ·' -I • .... • • " : i .. '" l '·' " ' \ -. ) . v ·.:. c ,' II(""' . . "' ' .~ ... t•i .. · '"' ... ~.~· • ' D .Ml ty\ Ml st1 ' ,] 1 ti on willu • worr l need den volU! lndil .-~-d1rc1 mee link avai ters• to a: ing she! boa> !om Bur• Sc cw l .~ • --.. ' I Da.shing~Duo Ga-ptivates-Bifu -'n . J"uc;ker-. . Mfm)Jer-s oC Bib n' Tucker will salute Orange Coun-Sat.µi'day, Sept. 26. Gcttidg into a safari mood at tyts newest attraction, Llon Country Safari and Old Lion Country are (leff to right) Fon Hazlett of New. MaCI;>onald's Fann, ·as they arrive for a safari port Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elsmore of La-st7~e~'diMer-dance in Costa Mesa Country Club o.n guna Beach. · There is a job for you in the J·I arbo~ Area -a posi· lion needing no other qualifications but your tirqe and willini;::-hands. There are thousands of these openings for men and women from teenagers t o :senior eitizens. Now is the time to ~et involved in your community's needs. You can help a youngster learn or ease the bur· den of loneliness for the -elderly. VITAL LINK Catholic Social Services of Orange County needs volunteers who can give a fe\V hours a week to helping individuals or families in need. Many people cou1d be easil y helped il they were -OliCcted to existing agencies and resources that Will meet their needs. Someone who cares could be the vital link bet\\•een the person in need and the help that is available. In terested person s should contact Cailos Pal· terson at 547-0003. IMPROVE REAOING The Newport Be ach Public. Library ne~s volunteers to assist librarians in checking books to students, assist~ ing \vith storytime hours for preschoolers and book sh elving. Artistic volunteers are needed to make .flannel boards and posters and do book letterin~. Additional in- PARENTS! Will YOUR CHILD Reach HIS FULL POTENTIAL? the ~ginning of the journey START YOUR CHILD ON THE RIGHT PATH AT AGE . 21/2 TO 9 DON'T WASTE THE IMPORTANT PRE-SCHOOL YEARS ••• ' Educators and psychqlogists agree that the nature of the experiences and environment during the formative years, ages 21/.: to 9, large ly determine the child's behavior pat- terns for the future, CALL now for fall enrollment: Newport Beach . . . . . . 548-2516 Costa Mesa . . . . . . . . . 645-2822 Anahei1n ................... 523-3843 Santa fl.1onica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828-4937 INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI SCHOOLS, INC. private school s dedicated to quaJity education fonnation may be received by callin g: the Volunfeer .---------------------, Bureau at 642-0963. . . lf specia. 5-piece · Salad Serving Silt ' Sauce ladle, salad servi"8 fork and 1}; spoon in gleaming Original Rogers · ... Silverplate paired with Slf.t" fluted clear crystal sauce bowl and 10" sal•d bowl . $395 only So nice to ""n ~THE INTERNATIONAL SI LVER COMPAN"V Chor1• It .., UM YMr l•Y__,. Klrtc tlHlrf• • Mtnt•r Ch•rt• ........... ~,., .. • . k The!r,.--, -·--. . d7 JEWELERS FOR ~.3 YEARS HAll•Olt SHOP'P'IHO Cl!NTl!lt HUHTt,. .rofrl CEHTllt ,,.. HfrNr •IW. l .. <lt II"', & Efl"91t Cffl• Mt1• ""'lh141i.., 1 .. ~lt )U-t41i tt1·Utl . . ,--. the peasant-girl lo6k flowers, floun ces, fun ' A >piri ted dress . Young, long, gath ered fu ll. All.daisies, dots and a dab of trim. The peasant-look revived for today 's all- girl junior: lo red, while and blue cot· ton . In junior sizes 5-13. 30.00 young signature 94 -buend pcJrk only ' _, • , . ./ Thursd4Y1 SiPttn1bt· 17, 1970 ' -_. s_al-e: ,.- J fa mous par:it suits in polyesterknit Now! Specially priced pant suits ... yQur choice oftw,o: Both with pull-on pants. l'eamed with thei r own ·ribbed shirt or zip-front tun ic top. Knit of pure textured polyester, they wash with ease. - And are-rrave l perfect too . Choose navy blue, b~ownor red?, Si zes 10 to(> . ' a. 48.00 pocketed tuni c top, .araight leg pants b. 42.00 belted tunic sh irt, straight leg pants value 42.00-48.00 28.99 active sportswea r 76 _ ~ ~·"·• TIHtn., frl. 1 O 'ril f '·"'· --~-:::..:::;.::, ___ m-.y-c-o-south-coa~t pln1-;l1n die90 fwy. -<1! bristol, eosl• me;a, 546-9321 - _1'oday's -Stocks Today -~~~~~~~~~~~-=--~-! shop monday thru s1lurd1y 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.m., 1unday noon 'til 5 p.m. • " • .. l • '' • MAVCO a < . ... . -· . ' . .... ,_ "-.. . . ,..,,.., S 51 It ~-IJ.11'71 . ., .. -..... PoJI to Probe L ~k of Wo. . ·/ . eaders. Wings Dusted Off ., .......... li!imc -___.h1s>oiol ...,... -la-"'"' ...... il'ASHL>;cro~ · (l!l'll -....w •......,. --. · --'-"'-· R ..... ..d Dtmtlk .la ... -be_-. al --· .... J . ---"''" ... :· .. a: ..... ~ .... ~~~ die .tekftlDWt'mm011el .. ....,w., -~·= .. ~;·~~·~-:;a~ ... -~ Jlalilia. . -- •. Kn. Elly p ....... -~ tam diairma al the GOP ~ -al ..,;jiri;;n.,:; OomJ eomQPtttt. am Krs. Gm 1-pll, -,., ""' " iotld m. -. pooilioa - the ~~ .... =·~-~bepa~~: spring io looi: for a -•oold .. pall they • illould ... .,.._ ...,. 'find .. ...,i. . ~~~~will be ,...,,,. io ' ~ !bey belir<• -be..ud. ~ Womm now do far rrxn If • the nE4HDd-bolu ftrt dml do mm. 8': o-m thxJ,gtl tb!y comprile ..... u.... ball tho natiomJ popiWion, l b e r g_.i!y ... ,,,._ .;,.,,, party aidcrsernrnu a-r distril:med 2bd ftw are td be fam>d in bigb political alf"JCO. 1ben ha,·e bml Jn-s an !bes.pr..,.. Cwn -.... UMn is a Negrn. lhm:, ~ ., woman n ·!f bas btell aamed 40;-'llm prostigioas posiUaD. ~ ba:s been ci'°5eD for the President's c.abinet s i n c e Presi dent Dwigt!t ·o.I ~er r-.ained ){rs. Oveta CWp Hobtrr to bead thr ~ Health.. EdUcatim and Welfare\ Dopartmeo!. Tbt 100 senators inchxk me •ornan. and the U>mtmbu house. 10 congr~ Wby sudl a small represen- .Lalioo'! I It is hoped the poll will pro-1 vide the amwers. -Ciprialll. ~ vltt dWnna:n ct DSC, .said the Democratic W o m e n ' s Oi\"Ltjoo first ·.qote to aU WOMEN'S CLU.BS DO YOU NEED . INCOME FOR YOUR CLUB? WE HAVE SEVERAL PLANS FOR -YOU TO ACCOMPLISH THIS l FOR DETAILS - VI-SIT TH~ F ~IE'<DLY FOLKS AT ,.._ 54M"1 feminjn, candidat<S in tbel Jl/J/fJ'/ J/J//l/ fl////J.'•••''f ..--.:::;-"& SHE LOVES ME. SHE LOVES ME NOT Here·s how to convince her to: A. Marry you . Platinum wedding-ring with round and ma rquise diamonds. 8. Have a memorable dinner with Voll· Platinum and diamond dinner ring; C. Transplant her sentimen tal diamond to something a bit more in keeping with your station. Diam'ond semi-mounting, 18 karat white gold.- Your choice, $1,250. (Ill .. • Ac~h IRYlllll •-k ... l•"-l lllkAIMf'k •flll 1...i M.lltl•r Clllf'99, •· SLAYICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH-64A· I l 80 Opu Mei.day Olld Friday until 9:30 --Tal.k of days past and da't'S to come v.•ill fill Guf Fawkes restaurant. FoUntain Valley tonight at 7:XI v.;hen Dusty \\'in2s host I.heir annual membership lunch- eon. Discussing-their days as airline stewardesses are (left to right) the ~fmes. Jerome P. Jueri;:ens. frank ;\rena and Hu@. Dwmion. ' 1963 c.on\o·ention. tinse who 1ost 'I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!,.!!,.!!!!!!,!!!!!!!! as well as the winners. The ,II! questiormaire asked if it had been difficult to raise cam-.[('. paJgn mc.oey, (or example; did ii~ Shaggy Tale men suppcn than as the gene.le sex has male can- didate-?---- Viejo Going to Dogs The effort for a professional poll was launched became party leaders belie~ tbrit ftnt attempt was t o o amateurish · in such a com- plicated freld .. "~faybt we're u r g i D g Bil il<,gs, IJttk dogs. wggy Rancho V"jo Womao'1 Oub dogs, fuMy dogs and pretty _. iu fint dog l6iiii .. dop-tbey11 all be there on . a btoefit fer ~ Don Borxfi -y. S<pt. It. wba> IM 1'\md. Silent Film Screening Corrine Griffith , · Oiarles'. Ray and I.nu~ Drew:r -all l>tars of u>t silent scrttn - may be \i " ed during tbe F mnds of the Fountain \'alley Ubr&')· met"ting t001!'.ll'Ttr•. Pre.gistratioa will be on Sab.D'day hvm 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Marguerile O'Seill Park far cbiJdrm uMer' ll years of age who own OOgs. Categories will cover largest, -· loogest tail, best trick belt beha\"ed with a child tfom 4 to 8, best behaved with child from 9 to 12. klogest nose, funniest costume, prettiest conume and WWest· Trophies will be awarded rm place wifwr1 with each entrant receiving an award c.ertifcate. A cart of 50 cents will register !be dot! with IO mrtJ for each additional category. Besides the dog I h 0 W , Vernon Solberg will prese.,t a .._. ................... rd:resbmmts wU loomplelt the altmmn. The Don Bondi FW>d hel115 suppcrt a young man who has been paraJyzed since an auto accident in 1969, shortJy alt.er he graduaI..i from b i g h womtn to nm for public office aM -iliei will find out they couJdn't care Jess_" Mrs. Ciprianti said. "And somt simply prefer to YOte for She male candid.ate.-· If the baz.ard pro..·es true, she said. "we must turn to education to dlange their minds. school. He hopes to complete co11egi! and -, i..c1>er Variety Sa le or COUllRlor of handicapped cllil~n~ working on Aids Society ~ event include the ~trnes. Sol.._.. a...__ A I d I h ~. home furnishings, ...... &• •\UVICJ" • r c · ~...... to}~s afld "~"ous Donald North. Bemlrd Baron. •·-·"' · · ~· F..nrin Hanauer and James goods will be offered during a Hook. rummage sale on Tuesday, Judgrs will be Mrs. Jeanne Sept. 22. Ken-ii and Donald North. The \\'omen·s Societ\' ol '"nit Garden of Eden," a filent fi.lm Yti lh a CindtreJla themt, "Ai li be shown follll"·ing the JO a.m. meeting in the You.nt.ain Valley Library. Tht ~ film &crttning cor· responds •·iVI tht theme for the ne-"" year. An Oki fashion Year. 1bole in~ in making Christian Service, First t:nited alfltributioos to the fund may r-tedlodist C'burch of Costa ~ donatJons to Un I t e d ~tesa is sponsoring ~ sale Laguna Group CaJifornia Bank in Mission from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. oo the v .. · JO' church -.. .. .....! s. A bat"btcue and book sale is planned for Oct. 24 . ~1rr. James Dick at 9&2-5157 will piclr up any boob:. American Legion AlWlia~,, _ _...:._·-~-..,.-,,,,~---,::---~-~-N ___ _ of Lagw1.1 Beach gathers the 5eCOCld and fourth Thursday evenings in the Legion Hall. Fullerton Open Sun., 12-5 p.m. Half Sizes . S,..rt.:11111 rff, ,..,cit bl11•, ltrieht ,,.en, ,..er! purpl~ ci..... your,.,.,. Shift•, "A~ fremn, ,..,, ,.,_ dtoeM yovr ........ y_, ,. •• foll 4rett h here. ChooM It rtowl ......'....tt.m $17~00 ~~~'sHALF:sizE ' . 1115 NEWPORT Bl VD. COSTA llllSA (1/1 •· N. 1M It.I J4 HllTINGTll CENTER_ MINTIN•TOM llACH , ................ ,.....,,.,..) A•1 DI OflAN•l .. All Mot.LL .. ULLlllTOlll 1 .. ,, SlllS 14'h·t•1h SHOP Iii ffi ,.. - Someday ... when he's president of the company •.. otir Gold Ct1.1· ' c1ble wedding bal'lds 111111 sltll . be unique. After all, tht~'re 14 K originals. tOtiTM CO-IT ltl.AU. "T"a..CIT-l'_• - ("'"' Mi ii I CFWU ~1(. .... 1 "" ~R ,_ ... ...,..u ,_ ,_,...,, l rltffl 11 St11 01"' ""'· M~ If ..,._ O""' fl..,, C•tll "l.,.._.....1111 Or•,...,...,...11$1 "'" A\.10 .llt LitCIWOOO (IJllTll, l-Attl'#OOO•--- • av1n-gs • • • • • • • AND LOAN ASSOCIATION for maintaining a $50022 balance in any of our high rate accounts-take your choice. ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE MIN. BALANCE MIN. YEARS 7.79\ 7.50% $100,000!!! ONE 6.18% 6.00\ 5,000!!! TWO 5.92% 5.75% 1,000!!! ONE 5.39% 5.25\ 500!!! %th 5.13% 5.00\ 1!!! ONE DAY ANIMPORTANTFXIRA You r money earns interest from the day you deposit . till the day you withdraw even if .it's just one day. ASK HOW YOU CAN RECEIVE, SERVICE CHARGE ~~\. FREE · . ~~~ •fTITiilllll. 1. Traveler's Checks 3. Tickets 1o ·sports and : ~ sv'''., 2. Collection of Notes Theatre Attrac:tlOhs (Tlcketron} 4._ Many other_EBEE..Services · ___ - OPEN-ftlGHf-and-DAY~ ~ours: Monday-Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SOUTH COAST PLAZA < 3333 BRISTOL STREET • COSTA llEIA. CALll'OllMA • PHONE 54M OH ' ' ' ' ' ·:· .. .. ; .. :: ' i .. ; ' ( ; ' ' ' ·' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' i ; ' ' ' ' l ; l -+··· ; ' ' ! ' l ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' , .i ., ~ i ~ _, ' ·~ ~ ' ' ! ' .. • ' l $ ; .; ~ l ; . ~ • l ' • • ... ·-' .~ ·l • '' •, ' ! -~ • • • • • " • • • • • • • • : • • • • • " • • • • • " • : ' ': • .. . , " :• .• ·! .. . , .. • .. • • • • ' • .. ; I I I "' . • { ...-. ,- COL Ohio· oui.ld £iii! or !be new 4 gperit: the N1 Th• in yeE The: on tb< House seat . Slept, Rep the SI . their I piled RllOd< slate 1 a thir< Tue: Admh turiJll - , .. - • ' ' ~~ ·, • • " •' :~ ..... ' • .,·-.. ~ \ ;'--.. ' ' -..,_ ' . ThursdtY, Stpttmbtr 17, l~?o , DAILY ~ILOf . J:U . . ·to W·i ~,r ~ttr· ' •' Ohio Seen Br1 ht ' / ' .. ~ ~\'; -~ ~ / ..... , ...... ---~clfances f of / b~tllocrats . . . -~-------. . .,. ' ~~ . ":.-'.--' .. · .. QPLUMBUS, Ob.lo (UPI) -• man whose family . ls ning . at least four to six · make intelfity a major 1asue . Tift has . atuck e!Ole to the'-..dorsemeqt •of the state's you'd told me a yur llO that Ohjo· Deinoerat,s, ~.on t h e Republicani1tn, CQngressman percei:itaie... ~als ahead af bu been Clear since Ma Taft, at 53 one year ol<(er NiJon ActintniatraUon line on tltgest .,n e w s p I p e r , the an un,knowa Jewilb mllUanalnl _outlide looking~ in at l!!e Robert Taft Jr. R~e.P,!!bllc~ er Cloud>. in t•~_w_@ __ tt:I:!: ·um on than MelWlbaum-'JID: on Vietnam -other-~ 1aln. Dealef but ~Howtnl:m:,n-MtOmbMrm ~tililiOUie or lhe"Oifler p4rt The 0erfocrats sense vie-polls pn t. e 1overnor s race. 1iiaiSlOUOWin&/ i e's tete KWl ~rUitng b ltz In ssues. .7 .Met~nblum cannot bt wtit-would O-"°liiii(5 "'"1·;;----' of the 1960s, hope to usher\in a toi.y for·several reuOns. Howard M. Metzenbaum, a publication ~In i r t I c I e edging Rhodes and is expecte~ Taft Is "'1ftlnl a bead In the -ten off. • have _llU&fled you ricbt out ' of neW . decade ~f poli~a1 pro--_,,,... RllOdes, who held the GOP wealthy Cleveland publisher-chargi~..tbt 10vernor was in-. to 'try tbe same thing next earJy ,polll and has the en-As one oblerver wt it: "If-her('' ~ &p,enty by taking command.·a{ together' for almost eiaht attorney who upset former n~ by ·the underworld . month. ---,p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii(' the Nov, 3 general election. yeais, wa s shocked by 8 nar-astroi.iau't John Glenn for th(.../Paid 1!Jlertst and_penaltle~ on '1'he son of the late U.S. Sen. Their chancµ are the best. row primary election loss last ~mocratic U.S. S ~-att back ~~ taxes a;!Kf nusus-Robert A. Tait and grand$00 in years. J\.fay at Taft's hands. -. nomination, ~as• pid .to be ed campaign funds . of Presi~.William Howa rd They also hope to cae1tali.1e · . Before the party hid a right on Ta~...-fieels 111 the Rhodes denied ithe char1es ' ~ ''Artistry in Moving" ~for the BESJ MOYE of YOUR UFI · CpU:. on the quadrennual anti-White Chance to regroup 1 conflict-early sa__JPpllngs. apd subsequently sued . the House seoUmept to retain the 1 of-interest situatio~ involving • _;:PeOPle are starting to ma_gaz.!ne for libel --a -suit seat. of retiring U.S .. Sen. siate loans and campaign co_pY""fellze it's time to clean out t~e which lS pendJng. , ,,. Stephen M. YC?Ung. ,D-Oh10. tHbutioflS sent ReP:IJbliCan Statehouse _gang," Democratic ~n. the Se~te race P.rObibly . Republicans, ~ntreoched in _ lead~rs and s _J...a-te w j d. e S~ate ~1~~n Eugene P. neither candid a~ ... will . charge tile. Sta~ouse since 1983, pin nominees ~rying in dif-· 0 Grady said., 'The k>an acan-th~ otf1:er wJth spend1na: too . their hopes on the record com· ferent _djrec\jons to protect dais a_nd the Life M11:gazlne ex· much !JJOflef· piled by Gov. James A. ~se1ves. pose on Rhodes ·have left ~ __..Both Taft and Metzenbaum Rhodes. -prohibited by t~-Tlie GOP now _is showing bad taste in . the ~utbs ~are ~ooairfs who , spent state constitution from seeking signs of getting itself together those who had faith in tt~_,par-close tO a miWon dollan in a third conse<:utiveJe.nti':" again, but it .may be too Iatf. ty that has traded for"so long wh'ining their prlmlry battles. They hope to gi~e the. Nixon John J. Gilligan. a · Cin· on_. the name of respeCta-Eafly estimates project their Administr_aUotl a lift by cap-cinnail attorney and former billty ·" general electioo campjlilfl ·eJ· turijJl~Young's seat with a congressman, Is reported nin-'The ·Democrats' pendtturuat up to $1.5 mll1ion "NEW PODIATRY PRACTICE ' 494-1025 ·sao Broadway onarch ay· laza_ UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK EL ECO SHOP OF Tlie b1nk thet doe' DECORATIVE ACCISSORIES " • little more for you. U"u•uel 9ifh fro111 eroulMI th1 worltl SAFEWAY, SUPERMARKET NIGUEL SHOP FOR GIRLS Wetch for our •up1r sev1r1 lee• to 1cliool f1 thion1 NIGU.EL MOTION PICT URE THEATRE NIGUEL HAIR FASHIONS "El Condor" 1t1rrin9 Lee V•n C!eef Compt1to IM1uty c1re end J im Brown, op1n' 6:45 pm. MONARCH BAY BARBERS MICHEL'S CLEANER$ Feeturin9 Mtn'' h1 ir 1fyli n9 I ,olorin9 Whore quelity count. VIYELLA Regd. goes to any length beautifully " it's a curious blend of IN LAGUNA NIGUEL · PLENTY OF FRO PARKIN& COAS T APERTURE CAMERA AND . HI fl. LAGUNA TRAVEL SERVICE Air • Soi • !1:1i1 -Tours MONARCH BAY· DRUGS "Speci•li•h in the led ert ef 'ervic1" MURIELS FASHIONS FOR M'l ADY Wt 90 to ell le119t+i1 to pl111• MONARCH BAY-- DP.UGS S a vin<;µ Specie//sts ;n <lie L.ost ,L/rf, o/ .5'erv1C• I · Whe•lch•ir Savinl)S Account hv• lty M•ll ~MeliC5 ' ... NIP 'N ·TUCK INFANTS & CHILDRIN'$ WEAR 'for th9 little flle11uri1 in your life. FABRIQUE & BOUTIQUE M4i1i 1 -Micli? -Mi11i1 • Miko it!! SOUTl:LLAGUNA. HARDWARE. Mori thin just 1n or4i1M1ry li1r .. wero ,for• -H.-GLADSTONE SHOP F OR MEN Qu iet ole9e11co · in treditione' 9oocl fe1t.. ': LAGUNA-FEDERAL.---- SAVINGS & LOAN l•r9t1t, first e11cl 1fro"9eli in O r1n9e Cou11ti I ' I • i pure wool and cotton, LOANS • • CaitJ it'S · \ ~ -sp.ecia.r ~afues .. • , " it tailo rs beaufifu lly ·~·· ~ ~· washes beautifully ONLY AT l! No. 16 monarch bay pl11z11 L1gun11 niguel 496-2023 ~ 499-2147 i011n 11rmt trong aperture --camera EXPANDED STEREO DEPARTMENT INCLUDING: Fisher Receivers & Speakers Allee Lansing Reoelvers & Speakers Dual Re~ord Changers Garr~rd Record Changers Sony Receiver~ Son Color TV's Sony Tape Re<;ofders Koss Head Sets lt---"'•ctiljneu:..Speakers,---- Cralg·Car Stereos Ampex Tape Recorders FEATURING CUSTOM HOME & CAR INSTAtLATION~ A COMPLETE LINE OF PRE·llECORDID CASSE TTE TAPES Open Dilly 9:30.-6:00 -Mondiy thru S.t. 499:3110 I 496-5177 / '130-2730 • • • e ·-• i I • ' . I ESCROWS TRAVELER'S CHECKS If .,. clo~t MONEY ORDERS ....... a:... in our exciting >IC>"'' l! NOTARY SERVICE COPY oclu t! collection of MACHINES NO. J MONARCH IAY P1AZA l ic••r .. H. Hilt., M•Nl9f' Co~e to Monarch Bay Plaza whe_re each and every Merchant carts that you ar e • completely satisfied with your purchase and the service provided by bis. staff. At Monarch Bay, ou~ desire to assisi and I I • I BACK-JO-SCHOOL i ' fa sh ions! -I t.Altg tieQ ghop ~~!, Q111Qs J 11 MONAlCH IA Y PLAZA LAGUNA Nl•UIL PHONI 4H·ZJlt MON.· SAT. t :JO to !l:)D 4 t•••.7t.14 ... ,_, Oo ' advise you, separates us from the no mf--·11--11---- Infants ~-''Shopping Center.'' Pl~ase stop in and say "Hello." L . end o Children's · _ Clothing and • • • S0U TH COAST-HIGHWA"f-AI GROWN -VJ\LLEY PA"RKWAY . ' . \ • I " . ' - • ' - . ~ ' . . .~ l -\.....- ), ' ' ' , ' ' " • • ' .: ' ' . • ' . • ~ • ' • ' • • .. , / ~ ~~~~~~~~~~/A~~ce~p,~--1i~~, _,;1 • .. ·-• • •"' ' ,, .- ' ) • ... Watching Bis Language 11!·---===1-ll-e-onstructiou worker ·Elmer. Re·ese-wargreeted· by ote s this frjendly reminder today w}\en he arrived for ,, • . . _ , ., .. ,. ... .. ly sm1. DAN • IY•ON FINLEY ff .... Jlllf fHlillf ifl JM .,.., 11 ,..., .. 1ntiNIM11 "' Hit 1111111 ...... Atr;W11"'9 '9 I .......... ...... .... ,. , .. .,..di , ............. acMt. M lrnt11IH llMrt .,,,.. • •• ritty 9f 9-'iloUll olftl•..._ft CM ,_. 111 1 -flf ,._,. s.lcll· -~ ,..... .., .... ,retly ., _ .. di._ """""' lllOf '1 11111 T ... MWY. AchMllY ,.._ I...... ..,,.,, 1te111 '""' .... ""° ., ,.... iltt .. _., yw ........ -''"*' , ..... ,,,. ~,.. lkular .,......,1111" Y'ftl 1111¥1 ~-M "'9<-f • Jt. Alie, ,._,. 1icll11n1" '"" 1ri,l111N wifh ltlt INl!ftt '/'Ml llNf ....... .,_, ...... H,.,.ll"f )'M Mii'!. Th.st kll.,i. .lnclllenl1llr. .... llM ... 00Ctor'1, Mt ....... Tht dlktor the p1ln" 9111 111141 wf!e c•n ,.,..,., .. ,, t111t ~...,,,, brllti"t .. llidl 111111 "'' """"'"'""' .. ''"' iullMUtl loll lltw ....... -'fed""' ''" Ml ...... , ... ,., .. ,._,, lkll ... 11" ill late<' Ifft, Thit ..,.,,.,lly lnlf 1t1v1 I ,.int tr ,_ Ill 1111 kll .. 1, l>vl aftltl' ii llltkll l9M II Ille ..-.ell1n1 9f """' lt•H -ltlfMt ,,left, H 1M15 M •t Ulll !'-......... CIM lit .,_., 1ictlttn1" 11 c"""4k1I• .., , '""" ., ,..,,, u1ci.cr. YMr Olllar -"'' M Dttide"t 11 8YRON l'l!Nlf.Y INSURANCE. l'er thl NIGHtiST VllM ift iomlrHH:t •I 1M1 LOWEST .,ke, M w,.. 19 CliN .. "2 Maiol SI., M1111llfllltM ••«~. .,. ult »6-Ull. We ~1ve Mrtl9'1 lflil --/fy'• i. ... re-c:e ....... 11Me '"" """ _.,, fa• .. ... -wllll ,..., Cell !Ha,, l.A&<l/JA Mu$1C COOIPA!lf JI N<ITEI> Fot ITS CbkPl.2'£. UN<. or QllOlJIY ClM91CM. P,E~. I AN PCEll.lNT 5&1.UTtON OFCIAISICO&. ~TAN<. W<. M-"1Mk l&ST llrLE ' WOll<S IW STI>CJ<. UJ ~ LA6llNI. t.'<JSIC ~ IS I YOlill GO!OL TO Fl"' """t . ,,. <lAAN65 a!IMIN. I lAr.IJNf\ MUSIC Co. m P'~ Aw. U,.U aNdl St111pi.-.ts -In c:--. -5ih Peen •"'~I VITAMINS -MINERALS fnt•rl., .· r. .• . ,· . IMPACT. FOOD SUPPLEMENT Th• clv"1mic n1!11t1I 0191nic di1!1ry 1uppl1m1nt which 1mbr1te1 CIYlt 70 h11lik b11ild11i9 1id1. WELSH'S NATURAL FOODS 2U FOREST AVE. LAGUNA IEACH 494-3512 GUARANTEED GENUINE COLOGNE llG-ULAlt PllCI SJ.DI Piii DIAM SPECIAL $1.00- JUNGLI •AIDENIA. IOYAL s1c11n ONL'f SPILL PIOOf IOTILl PUllSI Siii MONARCH BAY DRUGS 7 MONARCH IAT PLAZA U.•UNA NICOUll. • 49'-3511 ~========================='! , ;: ,. :. • ' r. I. PUT YOURSELF IN OUR HANDS j FOR A REWARDING I CAREER IN • COSMETOLOGY All our students •r• under the - v•ry c1p1ble hinds of 1 licansed instructor. NEW CLASSES NOW FORMING SIGN UP TODAY _Jj.rman~ · IJeaulg C,ffege 4l6-9436 -Today's Stocb Today - J " ork in-Sprin-gfield, Ill. '.fhe conslructiOn~ project is at a local-convent. Stevenson's Son Running In Illinois Senate Race CHICAGO !UPI) -There ;, an Old story in Illinois politics that, 22 years ago, a man named Adlai E. Stevenson wanted to be the Democratic candidate for senator and another fellow named Paul H. Douglas hi.lnkered to be the party's cand i date for • governor. But,. so the story goes, the then Democratjc boss of -Chicago, Jacob M. Arvey, thought otherwise. Stevenson ran for governor and Douglas for the senate, both won big in 1948, a year of Democratic miracles, and Stevenson went on to become a palladin of two losing presidential campaigns. But he never made it lo the Senate, and, in time, he died on a street in London. This election year. Stevenson's eldest son, Adlai E. Stevenson 1II, stands a good chance of making it to the Senate. Adlai the third, a ticket leader during the last decade in Illinois campaigns for the stale legislature and state treasurer. is I he Democratic candidate for the job and began his campaign rated a heavy favorite to move Republican Ralph Tyler Smith out of the Senate seat to which he was appointed to Teplace the late Everett f\1. Dirksen. But yoltng Stei/en.90n (if 39 can be called young) is still a long way from Washington. In his way stand a well-heeled Smith campaign, the polished __.polilical~k™'whow-Smith pick- ed up during his years as speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives. and Stevenson's own r-eticent style and rej)lltation as a maverick champion_of causes that have been called liberal. Also sorely troubling Stevenson is a series of spot television commercials which __began peppering Illinoisans this month. They w e re prepared by the Chicago advertising firm of James and Thomas Inc. on S m it h ' s behalf, but the star -or heavy -is Stevenson. The commercials open with a · closeup shot of the spec- tacled. balding Stt'Venson. A qu estion mark appears on the screen and a voice asks such questions as: "What does Adlai have against the Chicago police and the FBJ? "Why doesn't he speak out against busing!· . Stevenson once hoped to lg- "Why doesn't he speak out nore Smith in his campaign against students who tear and to win with attacks on down our universities ?" •·the ln'lberable Inflationary • The Stevenson on the screen spiral brought about by the does not respond, of course. policies of "the administration and·a note on the tailend of in Washington." Although he the-commercial acknowledges is rated a dove , Stevenson it is a Sm!th message. rarely mentioned the war in Stevenson campaign managers Indochina . are fighting mad over the Yet S1nith's tactics have commercials and Stevenson forced Stevenson lQ. count.er himself .calls them the mo&t punch. · "worrisome" Q}yo~o.1-.lht._ He began calling Smith a Smith campaign. But the mouthpiece of Gov. Richard B. Stevensonia"f coocede the ads Ogilvie, who appointed Smith are effective. to the Senate. He also named ~1ore, they are evidence that as co-chairamn of his cam- Smith. a .know 1 e d gab I e paign Thomas A. Foran, the downstate lawyer from the formre U.S. attorney who ~1 ississippi River town of prosecucted the "Chicago Alton, promises to have a Seven" riot conspiracy trial . strong finishing kick in his Foran works, in what might race to oi,:,ertake the early see mstrange tande mto some , lead Steveifson established on with co-dlairman Daniel A. the basis or his father 's name Walker, the Chicago attorney (and those ol his grandfather who directed the celebrated in- and great grandfather, both vestigatlve commission which powerhouses in 111in0 is concluded there was a "police politics), his record on his own riot" during the I 9 6 8 in Springfield, and his oc-Democratic nation a I con- casiona l feistioess in facing up vention. lo the I ord ·of I 11 i no i s I'll the nation, and t9 Illinois, Democrats. and his present the Stevenson-Smith scrap has ally, Chicago Mayor Richard overshadowed state races. J. Daley. For the recoi'd, the Illinois The fact is that Smith ap.. congressional d e I e g a t i o n pears to have plenty or money observers believe, is likely to to back his television pitches be split 12--12 between in these last months of the Democrats and Republicans. camp·aign and that Stevenson There is a spirited race is hurting for funds, Stevenson between downstate Democrat has had to cancel some Alan J . Dixon and Chicago billboard appeals, his schedul-Republican Edmund J. ed television spending has Kucharski for the state been limited, and campaigning treasure.r's post Sle.vensoo is downstate has been cut back vacating, and t "! o • t e r m for a variety Or reasons -·the Superintendent of Pub Ii c appearance of young, long· Instruction Ray Page is get- haired camp I g n Stevenson ting a brisk challenge from v;orkers in the farm coontry Democrat Michael J. Bakalis, being one of them. a 32-year-old assistant dean at Smith, handsome easy-going.,.N;;;o;;;r;;;!h;;;e;;;rn;;;;;;ll;;;lino;;;;;;;s;;;U;;;;;;";;;;ve;;;r;;;sl;;;ty;;;.;;;j ;md well-manicured at 54,t~ plugs the theme th a t Stevenson is an "ullralibe ral" who is presently disguising his true nature to please Daley and the voter: that he is a tool of Daley's, like it or not: and that his election wou1d rob downstate Illinois of its tradi- tional representation in the senate. Sen. Charles H. Percy is a suburbanite, but both he and . Stevenson are rated Chicagoans in the Illinois political register. In the first weeks of Sep- tember, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew Jed a string of big name Republicans into Ulinois to boost the Smith cause. EYES RIGHT "' DI, LOUIS J. HASIUILD 0"9-lrltr Whe11 • child r•tch,, th • '9' of I v••r, P1r•"h would b1 wi1•' to try this lilll• te1 t '" tli•ir yown9ll•ri to ••• how well they •••· l11 nd· ••• 011• eye, ftie11 pl1ce neer Iii~ 1 toy 1wch ''' 1 l:.loc• or Dill tli1t tli• child i1 ft111 il;tr witk 1MI like•. If his wi1ion i1 no r1111I he should pick up th1 toy 110 "''"'' which •Y• i1 bend- •t•d. Howew1r, if he i1 un1ble to fi11d the toy or do'e1 flot 111 it yo ur Opto111elri1I 1liould De COl\fUlt... i111111editl1ly, Whtll your pre-school 'hild looks 11 pictur•1 or books, cfoet he hold the rn•l1ri1I wi ry close er ••ry fir 1w1v1 If h1 hol1h Dook1 •t •" odd '"ti• or frewn1 •• he "re1d1", he could "''' 11ti91111ti1111.~ If' 11rch COii· lllitio111 P•t1i1t, yti1 ~h1111vld h•~e hi, •Y•• e•1111i!M4 ioy '" Op- to111etri1t. YOU CAN TRUST YOUR TRANSMISSION TO ANY OF AAMCO'S 550 CENTERS. At 011r offic• ~;II fi .. , roi11h Shoppi119~ Cent.r, w• h'"' •quip111e11! lor t:htcki119 child. re111 •Y••· Tli•y •11ioy tho e11p•ri· 111c• '"cl yow fl'llY ~. ,,,;"9 th,ir pret:!ou1 •Yttl9ht. C,11 141·1271 !\Ow fot t it •P,Oiflf• ..... Opff M.-., -Nit. 'TH t P.M. CAPISTRANO IEACH IN .. , ... , -lJttt ........, ~-·--· 496-1211 Moko o Shorp Trodo; Uso Oimo·A'linn Viejo Grad Eric P. Tulleners, a 19'10 graduate of Mission Viejo High SchoQI has been granted "Honors · at Entrance" atl J[,,-JB~, California. State Polytechnrcl: College in San Luis Ob Tulleners joins n.~!Y190 the school's 2, stujleni., gi recogni - qualify for Honors at ntrance an ·entering college freshman must be among the. top five percent of the statewide class of high school seniors· baaed on the.Ir high school .Cidi~ecord. Their grade. ~~average m.ust. have been 3.65 or better on a 4.0 sCale. ..C--, · · Cal Pooly -~ides occupa- tionally centered higher edu-· caUon for Its students, offering: bachelor's and ·~aster's de: grees in -ta different fields. ON THE TUBE . , ---xodlacmugs 39~ __ ,., ................. I.,,,._.·-·-..... c ' • .,,,_.,.,..., ..... ................... ..,.... . 1 t' 1n11111122~..W. ....... S"panlsh woods 268 T9ke ...... __. .......... ,,_ " . .,,._.__,., #1t. Ill .,..,...,, .... .......,... .. ....,. ..... _._... 1.-i -sc· u 111 Cea•• ....... .....,. ............... ..,.._ knit stripe top _ .................... ,~"" ,,. ................. ......._ ...... ,. ffwa_ ..... c......,_· ...... .. 1111 ................. ........ 411 double-knit pont "_,......,.._,.... .... ,. ............... "" .. _.,. .. _ .... . .... , ..... _ ... y.9'1 _.._..._ ..... 1 •• 687 d0uble-knit jump suit ,.,_.......,..,_ .. tw'lt1•e• .. .... _.,.._ ...... _ ..... ,..,, .. , o t ~ .... _,,,..ii1 • ..., .......... . s..-1 .................... .... .. _ ...... _,.... ........ su. .... , •. ·-supersonic cars 264 ,_,...,.. ••• tfto ....... ................. ,.,.1,11• ....... ~~10...-........... ,,..,...., "' ......... ) ~ ............... 2'4 bank 219 n..•w...-............. . ,.., -...... _.,no.,..,.., ... ~.,..,.,. ... _., .... ... ....... a...,.., .. , ' .. ... ..... _,_I I hll.. .. 1293 mirror 114 ............... ,.. ... " ....,. ...... 11 lie ... ...... ,_ ,, .. -·-....... . ....., ........ ......................... __ ........ ".,_._., ..... -. ... --.f111A. ·-flip tails 199 ........................ _ ....... -·'Io ..,,. ... _ .............................. ._ .. _,. ..... ........, .... ., ............. ..... bl I 11' ... ....... e ~"':':'...!,o __ ,i_o_n ___ ,, ...... 239 '," .. r_·~~""-~""--~·-:=".,,..=-.-~---..,.'1 ..... ~ •;e~tt-~91nd solution 127 ........ 2-. ................. _ •••• • 1---~ --... ] 27 --·----·--· ·- . . -.y juice decanter 48~ 0..,...., .... ..... ~··· ...... -.,.. ... .. ......... .. ..,,, .......... ........ ..... one-hand beater 74~ °""'-,,_ ....... .... •••• e .......... ~ ,....,..,c. .. __ , ...... ..... , "-' ...... ........, -thermometer' 68~ ThtMlrf'••··· l ........ lttWtrh ' ~---0 ............. tt.. .. -wtt· • ...., y-'lllNOW ............ , .... .-a.: ... o • .ctty• ., __ "'"' -)wicker j waste · basket 108 .... _ ................. _ )i: _._,. ,im....,.t L...tls Ilk• w1c1c ............. ~ ...... ., .... ,.at ...... ~ ......... ~ ... ....... pk•ef 12 .-ri. 72' tnWtc.n Dnw1 -- chamois as~ -_..,:...;;_. °"""' ' I l:h I ..,. ....... .,_ ,,.--'"'---' ...... ... ...................... 1 ...... .. _, ... _.....,..,.., s.e . ......... -.... ........... ··--........ _..... .. ......, ....,..._.,,mn,_ ..... llllll-1/2 ........ ..... . ......... -....... 281 (), .--:-. iun1or ~ , footbaR 76~ ...... _... ........ ...... ,.,. ... .,_. _,. ..... -.. ... -1fMr ·-hlwloll Gt..o ....... ...,. .................. ...... ........,, ....... , ll•,..W -Mlw.jilllllt•• ..... -. 761 ... ,_.. place mats 48~ w.,.._,..._ .. .-"""*"''....._._,.... ..... ..... , .. , ..... _,........, ... ....,1, ... ,, ........ ' . ' -• : l I ' . • ' " .. • " ,\ .. 1. • ~ . . . ... •• 1• .• • • ·. ' •• " ., l • ·t '• .. • • • • • ! . • l • • • I ! • . . • • . . • ·: ! • • • • r • IN LAGUNA ,7 . . ~ -·'· _,,,. .--. ... ... Underd -.g' Rockefel ltF T~undoy, .Stot•mbfr 11, I 970 DAILY PILDT JfC .Faces-Big Challenge -....~--,.-...--·'>"' . _.?:. . ALBN;\', N.Y. (~ -Richa n! L.' Ottinger. • ''I think the pp is closini i!!>d~.· ~ ' especially on Ille war mu.. Oo Qrlglnllly Wed e1ndid1tes ror commerclll blitz that"'°""'* New York State.faJ)Ubl.lC&n5 At this point there are -in-but I am ttill Jn an underdog Money may welt be the the plus aide, b o .w e-v er, Governor, tw9 each f or him fr.om underdot to wimw lrom _~-.• N e II o •~ dlcatloao lhlt Goc!!!<ll, the Po>!tlon and. the coolest is g.. determlnlDc'llCIOr in both the Goodell II lloo the Llbenl llocWellor ~ · Cl~IA.~ •1--...,,...••~-i'-HRocW cm down are mavQ~tk.W~Nb-101. tQJ>t,.vary. doM.. Sena • rt-~ ~ d or {·~._.,.,,.?for COiiierViUVe -· party him at least SS' million and IJW-!or iilCil1lfet po!lii.d 6Y~keleller to fill Rockefeller uid. ••Th• raceJ. Ottin&tt, DI ol the h<ir ·senate, an • ..-.nt that cootender Dr. Paul Adalll$, ao crllics aay he will 1peod twice · ---~ .,..., Sen. Robert ~. Kennedy's lle]nocratic Party bas about a to the U.S. plywood fortune, could mean I00,000 to .l00,000 upst0trmllepnlean:-1n ifiil.~u-mue11"thll-ye·•..-. ~~- ' ---.......... -~Cofflt than a decade of control id tbe term, may rinlsh third .In I.he 700,IKMl plurality over the used nearly S2 m.llJJon to )"in' OlOl'e votes. dltlon lbtre are candiClata Goldberg bu brid troub1e Emptte' ~~te. race btlljnd Conserv11live Pal'-4 Republlcan_J.arty (in vote r stiff four way prlm~ace in 1be-benefill ot two lines on from the Q:lmmunist Party, railinl' money, altbou&b be I "" .. t 1tlMS ./ ,. ~~,_,,.,.'-:_,..,. ~-1_.,.., IJ.ockefeller facei the stillest •-ty Candidate James L. rtgistratloft figures} and they June. His telev!Jjori campaign, the balic:Jt tPPll'eBUY appitals George Wallace's Courage clOns bis campaign ehtlt la challenge of his 12 yean In of~ Buckley. will pick, up ~another 300,000 built ~1he slogan "Ot· to Rockef!Uer. After Goldberg Party, 1 and an anti·abort.km 1¥PI' than any Democratic flee from Fonner Supreme R0ckefeller, 'who e_n j 0 y I more on lhe ~al Party llne tlng~dt11vers" may well sink woo Liberal Party-backing the group known as the 0 Rlght to pbernatorial candidate in Couit Justiee Arthur J , campalgning·from the position (which is , backing Goldberg) . .,.....Goodell, who is havlng trouble Governor's supporters went Life Party" whicb .have filed , state bi.story, aave th • Goldberg. ln the race for the of an underdog, tr a 11 e d '!bis. "wil l make a_ total ~(...Jr ra ising money. out and organized the civil but' may be ruled of( the ballot penonaJ fortune _of forfner U.S. Senate, Republkan in~ Goldberg by 15 percentage milhon votes aiamst ..... us:' Goodell is also in trouble aervice ~indepeJldent party to eventually, · Gov. Averill Harr1mlil. Trad14 ,..., • . ' , . •" " . ' ;.· :<: ·: .. •, •' " • .. • " '• ,, . • • ~- • ' . .. ,_ ;. ' :. '• ' " ·i • . • ;I ' ,f • '• • I • ! . • • , • ! l • \ • • • L . . , • . . . ,. • l ~ 1 ' • ' • • .. • .. ,. ' • , &IFT. PACKAGES . cumbent Charles E. Goodell points in the Ottinger poll. He Gokiberg 's response to the with many Republican leaders give Roc.kefelfer second line The governor hi.II alr~~dy tional Ubera11'60ney IOUl'tell was runninl far behlrlt in a says however a private poll he Rockefeller underdog stale-around the state because of exposure. begun :his atltewlde televJS1on however, art giving funds to mid-August poll commiSaioned took since. then shows he is ment was a quick dismissa l: his frequent attacks on the 11\e New York ballot will be, campa ign and 1ppearlto have campaigns 1n other Ratel in by bis Democratic rival, Rep. improving. ••11d like to be a billionaire Ni xon Adm in i slration, a crowded affair. Ten parties launched the same type ol an effort to defeat COO• Ill· IWl IVlltftllE -servaUves. Jn New YI.irk tbelr : LUCKY JS DIFFERENT ••• We invite storewlde comparison. Rather than compare just a few items. compare your complete shopping -list. You'll be pleasantly surprise<! at the lowai total arLUCKY! ••• Some sUpermarkets '"sell'' you stamps ••. others "sell" you a +.11.10 bargain with a minimum purchase or you have to cut out a coupon. .• ~Some supermarkets lower the price of, a few items and shout . ' ' Pricff ore DiKounted E11C1Rpt o• fair-Ttoded ettd GoffmMnt Controlled· ltem1. . U.S.D.A. &RADE A _fRESH FRYERS_ . . WHOU.IODT ; PLUMP 29c CHICllNS I~. ... J::ly&,t.-- DOLE PINEAPPLE 36C IN JUICf · 2D·OUNCE CAN .,... PANCAKE MIX ~~:.i .. 42c QUAKER OATS\l',~~~~~~ .... -.32' ~SCOOTER PIESl::~;.','.~~39' lfONEY GRAHAMS::::.':. ............ 39' CENTER CjJT _ RClUND~SIEAK_ ,, · 1o::t~Im 79c _ IONJIED llEF .1 •• GROUND BEEF. c 11:0 53LI. LEAN GIOUND BEIF CHUCK QUAUTY ···-·-···• IX. LIAN.GIOU~D 11,J . ROUND HAUTY .-............. . 69~ VEGn ABLES :::::~~~~~~:_45< -MVAllA"-U-..·u.r&9111.'MOICAl. lfA.. • • 'ORANGE PLUS l:l."J1~~'.~ ...... _ •. 49' JOHN'S PIZZAS ~::.r,~~~~ ....... 79~ FISHSTICKS::'.'i'::' ........ _,_, 11" SKINLESS cop~':::~ .............. 65' BEEF STEAKS·~~~~.'lv.'~ ............ 73c CREAMED CHICKEN :-:t::_._.45' BLAOECUT . CHUCK ROAST 1o::t~l1TT· AS C .'DNDED BEEF • ·lb. .,.. Y-8 JUJCEno.-:·.-:1. ....... _.sr· .,.. CHILI SAU a~~~~~--21' MILANI DRESSINGS ::c ............. 36• (If.uh' t• lllMI, llM fftllC .. f'lnKll W' lOW UL .,... 1SEASO!' SALT ~.~~:fL ... -.... 44' -· 0"1l SOUP MIX ~'.':,~~.~~~~28~ BREAD =:~·~:::~::,~~-~~.~~-···-···35' ()• •··kit~/. VIENNA SAUSAGE4Jc SNOWDRl"~L'l'!':~ ............... _ .. 83' • DINNERS t.WlOl-ClllClln a M<I. llff65' .,..., JftOIAllOff-J.J/IOLPIL o-11 DAINTIES :i:w~.~.~.~~~~-45c I rt: RICE ~ ... o:::;~::.~.~-~ .. 31 c ' ~ MARSHMALLOWS.':~~:::'.."'25' TEA BAGS rnr.~~~-.. ··-M· .. ·--... 46' .,.. MINUTE RICE '""'°'"-....... 47' ALPO BEEF CHUNKS ::~~ ...... 30' o-« CALO DOG FOOD ~::.~'.:._._ 13• PURR CAT FOOD :~.'.'.:L_ 16' ... Ki/tk1f.--. 32c .,;. IMPERIAL ::':..~----40' CARNATION MILK f:~~~~-·-11' ~ NUCOA so" :'t:.'<I':.' ........ 36' NON-~AT DRY Mill( f:: .. : .. 11 .. SEVEN UP BEVERAGE l:!o.u ..... 93' GOLDEN CROWN BEERl:~t'J: ... '2" GOLD SEAL VODKA =~-..... ~3 .. , ............... "' ""'"• ~-+.,. 'mi•' .... } , . ,, " ' • • 1-' ' . " PET llTZ PIES = . .:.'.~ ... -... 34' VEGET AILES:.-::~:::.~~-······ 33' ... m aNlll. IUf ..... (ll, (l fAM ( ... --PUS. .... , ...... °' RENCH FRIES ~~:.... ... --.--43' PIE SHnLS ~i':.uiu .... -. __ 37< •. , IM flW him Jjsllll M rllk pp tllllfhltt tnt I 1 .. 11 ,,..... tf tk I._,. 1f lfl, lfhc:Mt ,,1cn ll rtinflr,..•ILJctr; " Lllll'S ,_OUNCE CAN .,.. BEEF STEW l!'.~~'. ........... -63' NALLEY'$ TAMALES '"uu ........ 33' o-o ICY POINT SALMON::~:~~..78' ·~ BABY Fooo:::~~~:~~.~~~~ ................... 9' O"'I CHILI BEAN ~::~t::~~ ....... -..... 16' J Nlo Foo •HlllSl•I• IC u R D W.OZ.Jll .................... 13 O"'? SNAP, E TOM !::'::.~~~~ .......... 12' GERBERS JUICE ~'.'= .................. 9• .,.. GREEN BEANS ~:::....__ ... 20' _. su .... o ntlKll lflll • MJB COFFEr::.~.:....:.....89' MJB COFFEE ~'.: ..... -'I" MJB comr ~: ........ .'2" UVA ~.~~~-~ .. 99' .,... SALAD MUSTARD ::°:r'!':'.' . .27• ... l:Af'f:kt/.-- LADY SCOTT 24 TCMllT rrssu1 C 2/sot COUNT IOlU SLENDER LIQUID l:~':°::'I", ......... 23' .,.. MIRACLE WHIP~~::.~ .. 57' GRAPEFRUIT ~~ ................ 30' ... DIESSINGl:::l;~l'~ ........... 41 ' .,.. PIE SLICED AP,LES l:'::'ll:.29< LLLLimlT•• COUPONS · --- .,.. MARY ELLEN JAM ;::~ ....... 53' MfDUUIU<UHtT POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL~::: ........ 85' .,.. C.H.B. CHIPS::':l:l~'.' ..... 67' O""AUNT JANE'S DILLS!:,':_.49' IClllff.HUlll. hlllll. llO hlUC . •. /:At fktl'::'.i ~"\ AJAX DETERGENT59c 49·0UllCE IOX r HANDl-WIPE r:~~.'::.~.-.45' WHITE KING "D''~= .. ·---58' ;;... VILLA PLATES ::t'.: ....... _59' Wlllll PUil" IKlll WATER SOITTNER~~=-.... 57' ..,. KOTEX NAPKINS::r.:. __ ,,_63• IAllffA•Y-111 ..... Our LOW Ever)day Price! SACRAMENTO TOMATOJUla --orscouwr r11cro r10oua-- Th• pick of the crop •• , ~rning frelh fru ih and vegetablH are diKou"t pri<eil al lucky. Shop and compare ••• here •re ju1t 2 e111ampln. BANANAS 100,. CNltUnA HANO 1~ ~ U.S. NO. 1.IUSSIT- POJAJOES IO 'E 45' W£ FEITillE SINKISI YALDICIA HMCES awtude appears to be .. "Rocbfeller -o-r/GOldberf, wbat'a the difference?" The JlemocraUc contench;r ..- ha pledged to limit his radio $430,000, tJie. amount he would be reatricted to under lflliala. Uon pending in Coo&r.. on campaign spending. - "J don'l believe candidates should be packaged and IOld Jike toothpaste," Go 1d b4 r I ''discount': S?me supermarkets s~out . •'discount .. and .. ·special.. • !~lh the Republican and at the same time .•• Thes'! are @.II g_!mm1ck~ 1nd t;;om•-ons'-J HE_ . ocratic-cand.idales-•e ~ BIG DIFFERENCE AT LUCKY IS GREATER TOTAL SAVINGS in basin~ their campalgoo on EVERY DEPARTMENT. OVER 9,000 LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Rockefeller's reconl, Th• " · governor says he had provided Everyday OF THE WEEK ... AND THERE ARE NU LIMITS/ Buy New York with the most ad· all you need, any day you Want at LUCKYI vanced state uni v ersity STANDING RIB ROAST • LU~KY ,;79c TOP QUALITY . IONDED BEE lb. }\ ' .~ • i~ )ot.. .,, "~ ' "' , , I , , 'l),, ~ -... •\ O--TEXSIZE !:~~~~~~~.~.-79' JOY LIQUID :n,T.\t~ ........................ 57c .,.-WHITE KING SOAP:::.'.: .... 59' 'IAltlllAHI SAFEGUARD :.~:'..'t'.. ............... -. 21 ' .,.. GRIFFIN POLISHl'll':~--19' PERSONAL IVORY:l::U:~ .......... 30' _,,.. SHINOLA POLISH:O::l.',~16' GLAD BAG Sr~~~.~~~~~~ ....... -...... 51 c . ···l:Affkt!.--. NESTLES' QUIK 69C COCOA MIX 32.0UNCfUN FA•M••IOHN a'AM' fUUY·COOKID FUU 58 SHANK HALF, C HOCK IEMOVED ATLUCKT I~. LUCKY SUCED BACON 1.U..PIL 59c DISCOUNT PRICES OH OEU ITEMS! ~,,Cf r, ~~~C.!! ~ .2!:~ ... a l'i'::. 3 6 c BUDOl&'S SLICED MEATS ••· 39c .-.. •u, ... 1111lf, nstLW1. C11t111 .... -P.urLOW Evel)day Price!- LUCKY FRANKS &LlMUt 58C 1 ll.PKG. (12 e1,. All MUT, 4Jcl BUODIG'S SMOKED BEEF 73c r•TPICl.l~tlr• . .:.-.. ······--··--·-- KOSHER FRANKS ::.:.::,. $) 15 ....--.-Ull.Pll.-.. -• AMERICAN CHEESE 3·~$247 ...... altllrteC(SIO ... _ ...... .. LONGHORN CHEESE ... 69c MIS111sc.sa-s..~ ...... "" RATHCANNEOHAM 3 .. $419 lllCQl'ISMKD ............................ UI ~£1!.Ef,~~'!.,~E~~~):f' 69c BRAUNSCHWEIGER CHUB 49c •1r-.alllCfCM ............................ , .. /'0L; LDW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES £ BEAUTY AIDS lntle .. .,. &I '"' rlPt aft•*" ,.,. ,., .......... $J 16 pnlect111. I 1z. ·- BUFFER IN fast. 1ff1Clitl r1Htf .,,_ ,.11: •n1n HNll II ,,.. mt Jtn1K• 1tstrta. 11f.lAUTIOmJ $J08 ULTRA BRITE TOOTH PASTE .. b lleD • wMia H ,.b 111 .,ui 1111 Jllr •Ifft 1Mp1ln. . 67c Pna 19UMS k Off BRECK SHAMPOO -.. "'~ """ ... """ ...... --..., -"" --· ""· '.,;,.. llOTTU 86 c , LOW llKDWf PllCI BRECK SATIN HAIR CONDITIONER lrtct's HW HHilillllf t• *1. klttft • -ctler-cttnl .. ir: IHI a.11r 1H .._,,•Us h nw • 1111t:• ..,. --emit. Try It ..... 6 Dtl1ICI Mll $ J 94 OUl lOWlVOTDATPIKt CHll TON PERK lu••rll( t•r I lllf, tff. ......... 1111 .. 1tft1t! ...... ""·-·-· """' $199 OUI LOW PllCI PANTYHOSE 1lnl "-...... at"' ... .., .... l 1" ...... ..,.,. ... - , •ir1c1e r•rt t••t htfl ll•• tltll•t _ ....... -..... ........ -~ .... OlltMZll -,,, OW llW IVllTNf _ _,"'" system, narcotics treatment program. anU-polluUon cam- paign and transit system-or any state in the nation. · Goldberg points out that there arei more addicts on the street than when Rockefeller started the program four years ago, that mass transit everywhere is in . poor con- dition and .that "the 1tate11 waters are more polluted than when Rockefeller !tarted to clean them up." The Goldberg campaign bu not reaJly gotten off the ground. While he hu hn· proved somewhat his stuffy speaking voice. his staff ii hampered by infighUng, and his. scheduling Is disorganfud. "U he doesn't ltraipten things out pretty soon, the Democrats are going to blow this one despite what the polls say," an upstate leader said. · Ro ckefeller embarrassed Goldberg by picking up labor support uncharacteristic for a Republican. Recently tbe two million member state AFL- CIO in a disputed vote backed the gove rnor. RockefeUer has e 1 r n e d labor's backing over tbe years for massive building that in.. eludes much of the 'l1 campus 5tate university system, near· Jy five miles of road tor every day he has geen governor and a $1 billion south mall off.lcl building project in Albany. One boost lo the Goldberg campaign is State Sen. Bu!l- A. Paterson o! Harlem, the first black to run for the office of Lieutenant Governor · in New York. The Goldberg· Paterson combination may deprive the governor of many Jewish and Negro votes be bu gotten in past elections. Jn the senate race Buckley said be expected to spend $1 million in his bid for election. ~ backers believe the liberal an~ peace votes will be split evenly between ottinger and Goodell, leaving conservatives and the bulk of t be Republicans behind Buckley. our11 .. cons1 . ' ' ' Shop A ~y Day ••• Save Every Day ••• With Lucky Low Discount Pricing Policy --... a. I ' ' ' f """' " 0 ' , _ _.._. .... . I ,•t • ,, ,,.. - I ,, ' I -· ' • 0 • . . - ' " ' ' -~·-· OPENllG -GA_M.E-ERIDAY NllE AT , ' . WESTMINSTER STADIUM MARINA HIGH VIKINGS 1970 VARSITY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE . ; Sept 18 La Puente Home Oct 10 Santa Ana · Home -Oct. 30 Huntington Sch.There Sept. 25 South Torrance There Oct 17 Newport .There Nov. 6 Loara There Oct 2 Western Home Del 23 Anaheim Home Nov. 13 WestmillSter Home I ••• To Join .... The Marina Vikings Quarterback Club which meets each Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the school faculty cafeteria . . "' We will view movies of the prior week's game, sip coffee and attempt to formulate programs which will aid and support interest in our Football Team. Quarterl:?ack Club Members will also provide needed assistance for promotional activities as well as aid in faculty supervision at home and away games. \ .. " JOIN US WON'T YOU? Leon Wheeler Head Football Coach . Al WITT PRESIDENT, Qu•rterbeck Clu!; DA VE WATSON -Vice President AC RILLING--Secretory 'DON REHLING -Troesurer BILL HERNANDEZ -Publ ic Reletions --Weys & Metn• -- BOB WATZKE • BRYAN KERNS CHUCK DEWHIR ST • IR,V TUCKER LEN STANKE ----- • ' ' ' 0 •• • " • R ·- -Harbor Center • -~ -r • / I • .>o' Eastern Rites Coupte. Selects __, . ·-·inlCoup~ " Heinz Chapel, University of wu -· George. . · Pitt.!lburgh, wu the aetUn1 Travellns eut for t be )¥hen Thomas Rou'Hartley of eoremopy wu DennlJ lllrlley Corona de! Mar claimed Len-wbo aervtd as his brother'• nie Lou Kenarey u his bride. best man. Utbers we re 'l1le bride is the daughter of atiother. brother S t t v e n Mr. and Mrs : Thomas F. Hartleyi Kevin Kenarey,,~the Kenarey oi P I t t s b u r g 1'1• • bride's brother, Randy Straut- Parents of the benedict are man and Georp. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. A graduate o( the University · Hartley o( Ccrona del Mar. or Pittsburgh, the bride is a ~rs. ~elanie Greene WIS nursing student at UCLA. Her matron of honor. 'lbe bride. lmband holds ·a BA degree Wed her sister, Mn. Dick from Claremoot Men's Colle,e George and~the Mls8ea RUth and also ls a graduate student Am Monfoolh. <llrlstlne Bois' of business at UCLA. and Barbara Stormer to be Followini a honeymoon in 8 -h I bridesnaids. carrying the N..au, 11\ey will reside In . etrot. a· flowers at her 1unt's weddlnc · West Los Anplel. Disclosed ·San ~Die Hopeful Holidays ---· ·R-ome Janis Mari.e Evans and Pictured v Michael Alan l'<!arce ... plan-0 I um es ning to wed next June In the , .--'/.2. =~ e PANT SUITS AAuw· Branch Get-s -C~arte.r--First Olristian aturdt, Hun-Gretliog . cards ·that bring Jington.Beach.-----~~ ... .?!...~.-u ~J;:.,;aa:;_~SG• •of-.:i:t---1· News of the forthcom1ng ·~ •1~ "' e 1 n. g \;if~ event has been IJUlOUnced by offered this year by Project the bride-elect's parents, Mr. Hope, Washington, D.C. Receiving its charter during luncheon festivities on Sanir- day1 Sept. 19, will be the Weslminster·Fountaill -Valley Branch of the American AMoclation or U n lv ersi ty Women. Mrs. David M. Brown, se- cond vice president of the Calilorma State Division of AAUW will present th e charter and install officers at BIBLE THOUGHTS Cllrftt'1 "hr•.i1"'"' lelp it NOT t•u9ht in th• !libl•I H• ••id, "My kin9dom it 11of of th i1 world -!Jn. 11:361. R•v•l1•, tio111 2.0 cont1i11t SYM BOLIC 1•1191.1•;• with God, on• d•y i1 "•• -• .thou••nd v••t•" IP•. 90:4, 2 Pit. l :ll. Th• D•vil 12:J> p.m. in the Mlle Square Clubhouse. Mrs. Robert AvenaUi will be iftstalled as president or the new branch. Assisting her will be the Mmes. Otarles Flnche.r and Perry McLellan, v:lce presidents; Robert Brieae and James Marton, aecretariel, IDd James ERna, tre8'llrer. Other officen: include the Mmes. George F 1 ah e_r t y, par l lame n tarian; Paul Askelson and W. B. Stoenner, feUowshlps; Richan! Blllhaell, hospitality_; W. C. Barton Jr., publicity; John Newsome. telephone, and Roy sann. yearbook. and Mrs. Emmett E. Evans of Proceedl from the card sale overcrowded book~lvea. Huntington Beach. Miss Evans will support the hea1th·eivlng • .Costa Mesa FJ:ieods of the is a student at Hlintlngton work of the project, with Libr~ are ca.lhng for book Beach Hitb School. . orders to bt received no later donati~ to mclude in a Her fiance, !lOll of · Mr. and . than Nov. 18. Serendipity Book Sale now Mrs. Ma_rvin L. Pearct, also The Good Sh!p Hope painted being ~ for November. of Huntington Beach, is 1 by second graders, .bows the All outBTOwn, UMffited or ...,.aduate f th hospital ship s s H duplicate volumts may be e· o e saqie high L.~~ked for the ho. u' .lav.. opeA, hrou_ gtit to tht Cen. ter Street school. Serving with the Air ~ .... ,,¥ Lib Force, be is statioded near Chrlsbnas Child is a ~ait . rary or the Me.a Verde Tucson. of a Nfvajo baby, appropriate Library. for the newest endeavor of the • For _those unable to brine Hope project to bring teaching books-in person, Mrs. Karen and health treatment to the Gres.! may be contacted at American Southwest. U well 545-1019 to arrange for plck'11p as to Asia, Africa and Latin of donations. , America. . - . -· ,,,.-...... • Q_IAMONDS GEf;iSTONES ESTA TE JEWELRY. s....... c.... ''••• Di.,o fwy, 140-90'6 • ---1>1i119·''bo1incl--""i tliou1•·ndi-yTiri''-tRii; · 20) 1ymboli1t1 • LONG p•riod of tri· 11111ph of 9o6d o"9r •vii. His bein9 "1001.d" fotc.•1h • P•tiod of •xc.•11iv• •wil fighting good. Th• "Arm•9.ddo11" b.ttl• i1 • -fintl, m411iv• 1pidtu•I 1tru99I• b•tw .. n th• fore•• of 9ood •nd • .-ii, po11ibly 9oin9 on NOW. Study chairmen are the Mines. K. D. COoper Ind John E. Shultz, educaUon: Ray Lin- dow, community problems; Lou Whitaker, cultural in- terests; H a r o l d Maltierre, world problems; Leo Schocher, status of women ; David Smith, legislation; Je·r· rY Cannon, go1,1rmet: Ken- Wyse, party bridge; F. Peter Thela11der, home and garden, and Louis Fennillio, daytkne study group. Playgoers Celebrate Opening First Nlghters of Laguna Moulton Playholise w i 11 celebrate the opening of ''The Royal Hunt of the Sun" with a dinner party on Tuesday, Sept. Z2. Preschool Sessions Starting . -Now thc:ru::-L;-t SUNDAY · Chri1t ••c•nd1d from ••tth into • "clo11d" •nd W•nt to H••v•l'I •nd it to com• •t•in "in lik• m1nner" IAch l :;-t ll. At th• 1.cond coming of Chri1t, living Chri1li•n1 1h1ll b• "-c:1u9~t up tog•th•r with th1m IN THE CLOUDS TO MEET THE LORthN THE AIR •nd to th1 lt wt EVER b. witti th• lotd." f I Tti,,,, 4:15· 171. J•1u1 1h1ll "ot t•f foot on t1!1 •1tth •g1in, but th• 1•v1d 1hl/ ris• to i:n••+ hi111 "in tli• 1ir." Thi EARTH 1h1lt "m•lt with f.n.1nt ht1f" in the "d1y of th.-loN.I," i.•. •t Chri1t'1 s•cond comint 12 Pri. ]:10·12 ). Ar• YOU READY? Do you IELIEVE h, it divi11•7 H1v1 you RE· PENTED •nd b••n BAPTIZED into Chri111 !Jn. 1:16, Acts l :ll, &.I. J:271 . Vitif us •nd l•t Ut help you prep1r• for th• Judg• W1•11t D•y! Church of Chri1t, 217 W, Wi11on St., Coif• M•1•, c.. 92621. R~<l the Stars With Omarr AAUW, an educational philanthropic and c u 1 t u. r a i organiiaUon, is open to all women rraduates 0 f ac- credited colleges and universitie21. A<i:iiUonal infonnation may be obtained by caUlng Mrs . McLellaD"" at 894-3100. BACK .BAY ISSUE • • NEWPORT CABLEVISION PRESENTS A 50 minute documentary on the opposition to th• Upper Bay Land Exchange. Our cameras take you on location where Interviews are conducted with Back Bay homeown· ers, Waley Marx, .author of "Th• Frail Ocean" and ecolo· gists and wild life experts from UCI and Califomia Stat• CollecJe. In 1ubHquent telecasts we wiU present other views on this impoitant , ...... I Following the documentary, this wffk's City CovncH's study MSlion will be shown. The Back Bay Issue wll be dis- cussed and cilso annexation and the freeway. Next SH and hear your City Cou~ll at their regular ,mHt·_ . ln9, taped at City Hall. Issues discussed lndu~t Rc•nsllHJ . · for massag•-parlon and cabarm,J n...ad!IJtiC!ll.!O Important nw:ifters Involving city planning and qtdlstrlctlng. • SEE IT ON CABLEVISION'S CHANNEL (3) 1 P;M. -SA.TURDAY and SUNDAY e ''Tht Eyn And E1n of Newport BMch" . - CAU TODAY _ POR YOUR CONNECTION 642··3260 . ~ Participant., will gather .at 6 p.m. for a social hour and 6:45 p.m. for dinner at the Victor Hugo Inn. Hosting tile event will be the Leslie B. Weldon!, the B. Franklin Metzleurs, Miss Ann Metzleur and Mrs. Eleanor Christemen. Seated at the head table will be Mr. and Mn. Donald B. Vanderbilt, Col. and Mrs. William H. Bruggere and the guest of honor, Mat Reil!, director of the play. Reservations may be made directly at the inn until Mon- day, Sept. 21, at 4.94-9477. School begins on Monday, Sept. 21, for children of tbe Sun 'n Fun Creative Play Group, a parent participallon nursery school. Three-year-olds meet Thurs- days and Frl~ays while 4-year· olds attend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday sessiom, all from 1:45 to 10:45 1.m. The nursery school is a non- profit organization designed to encourage preschoolers I n educaUooal, emotional and physical development. Mrs. Lou1s Musgrave Is t h e teacher. Families from Seal Beach, Hu ntington Beach-, Las Alamitos, Rossmoor: arxl Long Beach participate. Additional lnfor:matlon Is available from Mrs. James Rehling at 43Q.. 4625. i( c )· I . For budclinc ballerinu, there-ii nothinr;-fuwr-tlwl.the dmc. footw.eat · and acce~i .. created by Capezlo, The Dancer'o Cobbler. :·W-r-- DTERT • QUALITY POOTWIAll POil WOMEN & CHILDRIN 225 I . 17th 'STRllT COSTA MISA 541-2n1 SEPT. 20th LATEST L.P. HITS! PACIFIC GAS & ILECTRIC Are You Ready Includes: Are You Ready'!, Hawr For You, St.a11olee, The Black Berry, Love , Love, Love, Love, Love, Mother, Why Do You Cry?, Elvira, Screamin', :When A .Man Loves A Woman. IRON aunERFLY Metamorphosis ' Includes : Free Flight, New Day, Shady Lady, Best Years Of Our Ure, Slower Tban Guns, Stone Bellever, Soldier In Our Town, Easy Rider {Let The Wind Pay 'The Way ), Butterfly Bleu. SPICIALLY PRICED BREAD ON THE WATIRS ITS A .JEAUTIFUL DAY EDWIN STARR WAR AND f!IACI UIT 14.ff -8..:TRACK ,~-~ CARTRIDGE U1t $6.98 TAPES YOUR CHOICE. 10F OUR CO~PLITE STOCKI $ Umited to 11111111~ Oii hand · 88 EACH LIST S4.tl 88 • GRAJllJ CITY ANAHEIM . GRANT l'UZA """" ..... Cehtt-.......... c". ..... 11 A.M ... t P.M.-0.U, ..... II A,M.,• I P.M. • HUNTINGTON BEACH ...... , ... .... ..... t:SI A.a. ... t :JI P.M. W, ~, ........... . ' .• • , -]fl DAILY PILOT • DICK TRACY TUM~LEWEEDS JUDGE PARKER OJI.AV, J'ASON •• 6ET ,.WAY FROM I'M NEYER TWAT PHONE! AFTER AU TME 6C11NG OM TROU!LE I WENT THROUGH JINK A6AJN, 1D 6ET 'tt>G THE M, THE WIWE ! LEAST lOll COllO 'VE POME_WAS TAk~JT! PLAIN JANE HE M16ltT HllN6 IP THE-PMONE! HE WAS O&VIOGSlY INTHRJI PTEO ! -·' ly ~helter Gould ly Tom K. Ryan By Harold Le Doux PICS:: UP THAT SYEJNGE. J"ASON! ... t WANT YOa TO GM: ¥OURSELF i: ). FIX~ TI-IEN WE CAN WTM f 60 TO &Et:' ANP GET A. 'j 6000 NIGHT'S REST! r By Frank Baginski • • -. s""*·Ai~""'" ~I~~ ... GORDO _ MOON MUWNS ANIMAL CRACKERS .. AN!> WE'I-~ RIPANC> TEAR ~tJD 8Ul'tJ AND- ---- .. PERKINS By John Miles I DAILY CROSSWORD ••• b(R. ~ POWER I ACROSS • l Churchman •. S Foamy top of 1 wavr 10 Ltt J. -· 14 Silindlt 15 Prt111on iti on 16 Busy as ·-: 2 words 17 Squ1ndtrtr: 2 words 19 Garment 20 Work ol "' 21 Footwrar 121 Formerly 25 Follow 2, Nick--: 2 words JO Surgical tool . 34 Dorri~stlc app11anc1 35 Frost I 37 Partakt of a m1al 131 0\0!n : Variant 39 Kind of ff hill Ye •2 •K dottn; · Ro111n •l A111erican Indians •S Observed 4• '\Ci ni!. ·-'= 2 words 41 Crea111 of -50 R1d h1s '2• 5Z Roo11 lo swi119 • -54 Mounlains of Europt 55 Kind of protector 59 Grand ••• fil Loun9 t 64 Ability to gu idt 611 Rlvtr of England £7 Among: . Comb. form b8 Rhythm Instrument sound 69 Brought tip 70 Lrgs: Stang 71 Nulsanct DOWN 1 Fish 2 Ooor sign J StlWttd 4 Ra iny d1y fund : 2 words 5 Omtltt in9rtditnl Ii Fltt 7 Rtmn1nls a Odor 9 Mtnact 10 Madt 11 barnyard noise 11 l11strumtnl 12 Stoct m1rttl characltr • 9/17/1 0 ll Wager s 41 Meddle 18 Mldt a 44 Attached ft lint papers sound togtther 22 Nirn 47 Gris over 24 With no fatigut~ wasted words 2 words 2b Kemloops or •'l Alas: Gel'!lla n stetlltead 51 Modif ies 21 "-·la !13 River of vista": Ontario Good·bye 55 Vtry untidy 2! Go In Pttson 29 Ralstd !i~ Timt amount or Pfriod a chttk 57 Othfrw is . 31 Airline 58 Fruit tmployte 60 Exclamation 32 Htrbaceous of dismay : plant 2 wo«ls Jl Not at ;alt bl Small 3& Exc ess iv e drinks • . enthusiasm 62 Disagrttmtnt ..0 Syrians' 6S US party: ntlghbors Abbr. 1,,,,.-,,,-,.,..-r.-. ..... ~,...,.,,....~,~.,....-.~ 11 ' " '"' I " I " '° ,, 'l .. .. "' ' " MISS PEACH -·-· IRA, -....;_..,,_ 'l'OU NIZ "~"· JEltK ! PEANUTS ' ' RIDE'"' lHE ·sAJIO iooo· WITH ME.'-1 P"YE"XPffllSES AtlD G!VE ')O.J WHA1"5 LEFT Cf Tl-IE BIKE" ")()lJ ~IDE By Men -rHe LaAST YOU ~ COULD 00 I~ 61VI! Al! , "' CHANCE 10 FEeL.. INSULTSO MFOICE 'IOU. Af'OLOG-IZE ••• By Charles M. Schulz .-------..., Sl/T lllf</\L l<EEP H~llN ~ CASE ~ S<lllEllilNS, WOO Tllfi'? Hlllol ll)ll HE E'vU 5Wil> IT ? Wtll, Al'TfR WE'VE. l1ifl'eD AIJD 8Uf21JED Al.JD t>Elt\Ol.ISHED EVE~>lllJ<&-IO\.iAT DO wiooo'fMEN ? TM: SRANGE. WOILD MR.MUM ' ly Charles •anottl By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson NOT!llN" UN•ess ' 'IOU GIUIT P>'YIN' $0 MUOI 1 ATTliNTION TOTH'MOVI~! By Roger BoDen M£Y .. MEY- OIJE. 1!<11.Jh ATA>IMEf • " ., . ! •: f1 I . ' ' ' ·-- DENNIS THE MENACE I ' I .... , I I l ' I ,I ' I I I I I ' I I I I I •:20 ~ 1:11 1 ., : I • I I ' I I I I I "" I I I I I • I I I 7:30 I I • I • I I I ' ' l ' ' I I I I 7'51 1 1:00 Ill * 1:05 uo - I • • l:lO .,.. 9:!0 I • ........ -(<) (!O) ' - DAYTIME MOVIES ID Mt'fit: "~tbll ii TOWfl" (writ· ern) '56-John'.Ptyne, Ruth Ro· man. fil W1lilin,to• WMk ill ltwil9 (C) 1:00 II Miwi1: 'Tiit Led.It" {mrs· !try) '.t6-Rob1rt Mitchum, llr· 1ine Day. oo•-(C) D C..•1111ty h lltlil 1Mr4 (C) Im Mnil: "'flit 111111 I Mttritd" (di1tr11) ··~Jot11 8t11nett, Ucyd Moli n. ?:OD m AR-NitJ!t Sl}w: "Ctldtft H1111b itf lldpl. "~"Ctirt haf" 1nd (C) "Clnt " tlMI ... Ctltbn." 2.:lO 11 ... /l lN Us 'Riii Dlf (C) .m (C) ......, C..petlen•" (west· t tn) '62:-MtUfMll O'HI ,., l flln lltlth. 1:00 n.,,. l ie "'"'" (wtstt1n) ___ •51 .... John lr.ltnd, Mtrlt-W!ndtrot, Lloyd 8rid1n . m "1lll 111 Litt" (drttnt) •5Q.!.. Ptul Oo\!jl11, Mont1omtrt ClilL . %:0011 "f'lwt Miits te MWnil\t" (mra· l ·)O D "f'rlltldt Cenrs ttle Iii TIWll'" ltrJ) '6J-Sophi1 Loren, Gi1 Youna. ' (comedy) • 53.1--0ol'llld O'ConllOf, Antllony l"trllina. Yvtttt Du11y f11ncy. Guild. Ill "I'll s.11 My lift" (111yst1ry) l:OO • .....,.; ,,...... (comtdJ) •lf-MithMI Whtltn, Ro• Hobert. •n--c.ry Clnint, .loin 1tn1111t. 4:JO R "LM ...,,,.. (COIMdy) '41- •Jt 11 (CJ '"nt Wild!•' C.." (llOI'· • 'nit Mtrl l f'lltllm, Vt~ Elltn, RtY· rtr) 'llO-Kirt Morris. mond l uff. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qua lity Printin 9 t nd Oepe ndel:tla S•rvlce for more than a querter of a century. Pll OT PRINTING ' 1111 Wiit U.UOA AYO.. NIWPOlt llACH-ta..Ua. ' . , ·' 1•..slll Wllllll ~~-ii { .. ·-.· \~:=.~-® =-----~ u.r.1,.,1,-.1.,..11M•.a&. •11111.••:•-.-~ -... , .. ,..,"" ....... ........ --·-· l!allllftlll•--- ... n.Cllffl-I NO RESERVED s~ ... rs 'IRflln•..s --U'\ -·-·--FJtEE PAJtlClNG T---·--NEW "DOLL r SHOWTIMESll . MOIDATTMIU FllDAT 7r0t & 1MI SAT. & SUlf. litoMI 7"'& ltsM (JD_ • 1-t !:LO OVER 1~ PAHA~lSiON• l ECliNICOlOlf FOR ANOTH ER WEEK •'t:I:;·= !!l• • • PUJS! Co-Hit ~eoy fiinda" ·,}ames Stewart- " CHEYENNE SOCIAL CLUB" I .. . .. Santa Ana Plans ·, ' > ·~ ./ MAJOR STUDIO FEATURE FJllD.t.'t NIGHT 9:~ P.M. PREVIEW ·"John Wayne's 'Newest Film" TONIGHT YOU WILL ·sEE Highest-Rating ~ . . -J'.Y. Di lly ,_,,. -PLUS-TONY CURTIS AND CHARLES llONSON ht "YOU CAN'T WIN 'EM ALL" - NOT SHOWN PREVIEW NIGHT - EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY RUN ((\'11\t1 ... f ~ TNf:ITf:I -~ 673-6260 Coron• del Mar 2905 East Coast Htlty. .1HEYCA1• ME . 1t1S111 nmr _ ........... ._ fultir!!!gJlrl_• ~-169"6 2 BIG "G" l"IC TUJl l S ' Jolln .W•yn1 '" ''CHISUM" ,,,. Jtt-l ommon In "THE OUT -.:rOWNllS" Ad\111~1.IJ Jr'I~ ClllM1r.,..-1k Cantin-lwncl•V 1:)11 1.m. KeUys Heroes P~n1•111nn ~o1 ~l1trn ''' l'1' I -.;; ShDw st;;f; 7 l"~M-. - Co1tt. Sor. & S•11. From % Tltu!'M11y, Stpttmbtr 17, 1~70 DAIL V PILOT _J A FEW REASONS WE'VE HELD DYER: "Excellent." "B tht k" II ___.. rea a 1ng. HO~ITWOOD llPOOID "S b II ,__,,,... .u per . _....-""'4N1A ••• ..... n. "Outstanding." "Incredible." -HUNTIN6TON ,NIWI . U""" 17 M•f .. Wlltl ''l'lllt CFlftl I•• ...... "Kii.LY'S Hl •OIS". 101'} pl\11 Jlffl ....... "EL COMDOJI" e 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COH.O. Ml\.t. PAULO Oll lVf IN -··-··-MS.JllJ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ell iott Gould RATED GP AH C•ler I ..... , Yill<tfll l"rf(• "CllY 0,. TM• I AHSH•I " e 101") , •l~I e ''ANGi i. UNCHAIN ID" NOW AT BOTH Cl~EMAS GEORGE c. scorr" KARL MALDEN RATED "R"-Sth BIG WEEKI ~1-J\S ·ll . Plus-Alan Alda and Ri chard Widmark in "MOQNSHINE WAR " ' I • ' -· '' • i --... \----, -------...-. -· • l~ # ---_.-9 It Dolll.Y PILOT . """"''• Stptt-17, 'f.!1 . . ' ' ~~ - Race Mtito r~et -· -,.;:;;:-. ' ~--' . . .~ am y A new metor, combitima two-cyllnde r•cina champi~lp has been ~simplicity witb the bl miJled >'lillo an all-pu~.... (eatures oLJoo n~ family outb!J.ard _ ol l 2 5 ed e batd'{ ~__....--capacitor horsepower and will be the te'fgnitlOD was an- 1171 llne ' • • ~r-OcEAtt, Tq~D ,PRESE~ •• . R* . leader in Evinrude M~oto ' ilced"'!a"itier: ' A neW 'v-4 e ... de elo~ A new version of the Uuy . lng . . IJigh_.. t ofiq u e Mate • .bo:"~ ~wo. horsepowc-•~ fi"' .J!l':sfi>O:wer, ia new to the encased·111 a new~-~ . . vinrude line. . corporates a .l'.t~~r. --~ ' lnvitatiQllS ·For his seventh year, C. P. ' _ ~ "Ed" 'Nichols will serve as e_x• Sen~· ·r · .. ~~::_:_:::::_~ee~u~u~"~d~. i~"c['·~·~·~i.s:cm:~··~·~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ei~~~~~~ 1 _ show manag_er • . ~I ach Yacht ~lub-has -tiSued invitaUOns for the 1971 Coniressiiofti'i Qup m a·t 'c h racing series Scheduled March · ._Two.iings..___ lortwo love·rs • • . bcSth rings \. $88.00 11 ........ ..., ........ ......... ;., 11 I 4K tolll -lteMe4I ' Ecuy crecfrt terms • student occounts. , available.• up to 12 months to pa,i BankAtntt°icard • Masier OorQ• "THE S'I'ORES-e ONFIDENCE BUILT" Esi1bllsh,cl 43 Y11rsr HAlllOt SHO~~IN9 CINTl:ll Ult "•"""' lift. CMte •M ... - OPIN MON., THUU. & P.11. "TJL..t P.M. Free • lPrl&-20-21. The Congressional C u -JI 'Re;gatta: if'a matdl race series involving 10 outstanding skip- pers from all over the worl:d·in a series of '15 individual matches sailed in Cal-40 --jlooJ15-:-EaCh skfp-pei drawS lots for the boat he will ~ail. 1be event was designed as a test of Skippers' skills, In- genuity, ---tesponsiveness and the efficiency ol crews. To the winner goes the gleaming silver Congressional Cup, deeded to LBYC by an .I.ct ol Congress on Aug. 25, 1964 .• The winner is also awarded thetr'aditional crimson champion blazer. Texans Win Snipe'Race HAMILTON, Bermuda <AP) -Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boswell rof Fort Worth, Tex., ·sal!ed flawlessly to victory Tuesday in the -second race of th e . Western Hemisphere Snipe championship regptta. Shifting winds caused two· course changes during the event on Great Sound. The Boswells took over the lead from Canadian Howie Richards after the third leg. Richards finished fifth, · now11 . For a limited time you can become a Charter Member of Centinela Bank's new regional office in Newport Beach, and get a free personal checking account for your entire life! Free Business Cheeking Aeeounts with minimum balance. _ _All accounts insured to $20,000 by the Federal · B~it Insurance Corporation. Services of Centinela Bank -. .o Qrive-in TV Teller Banking-Soon '.o Boat-in Banking at our 65-foot dock o Dock-to-Dock Bank Customer Pickup and Delivery Service ' • o 24-Hour Local Yacht Race Results and Daily .Fishing Reports CALL 642-1440 .... o Extended banking hours: 8:30 ·-spm Monday- ThurSday, until 6pm Fridays o Free Bank-by-Mail Service . 11J C111ti 11la Bea lk Newpor 1 Bead1.- Specicmts ~Mari~ Bankine Services -33)3y,wc-1-fdT,.oy (ii NrwPor1 ~) ~ Bood;GJilui ,i, 9?hl:IJ ""-641H121 -. ~TIRES~ TIRES ·BUY IN -PAIRS- 2 for $25 C71-1416.95-14 171-14/7,35-14 111.1sr7:3s:is- 6.sG.13 7.00.1 3 6.85-15 • EACH $28 95 2 ... 538 ...... '•·"--$1.Jllo $2.11 J*llM ~w.Air ,... _____ __, F71·15!7.75·1S M71·14t8.SS-14 G11-14tl .2S-14 G7l·TS11.2·s.1s . M78-1S/l .SS·1S 2 ,,; 544 EACH $24 95 EACH $19 95 EACH $2'2 95 UNllOYA&. ,COAST TO COAIT '. •UmlMI j WAllANTY ff • ...,, U•i••Y•I --. •••gu co• tife, e lhe• j' tho•••• b•o•'""' "H.l" o• "N.O ADJ'•. !Gllo IOI , / ooy «••on "'"°'" -.., °' '"ooi•oble Pllll""'9 ••"ill '"P<>lt lt er -koi on •II•'"•""° .. ri.. "'" '""•• '"' ..... ,;,. -.,.,,: ••••• ,. Hoe ..,;,1. ,..1 tr-,...,;.;,,, - "'" ... '"" •• ,,,_ u.,;. ' ..... 1 ... _; ........ , """" Plut Fed. (1. T11 Plus Fed. Ex. Ta.. ~•Im 1_. •••i•••!de.W-1 $2.17 to 2.23 per tire $2.47 lo 2.10 p1r tire , .. ,,. •• ,boo• ... hi<h - d d, . '" · do .... . ""'d'""'" a<'vol·.,1 .... J! . epen 1n9 on 111• P• "'I on 1111 '"' 1.11 dotoilt, .- clepenclo_n1 -. . ::= •-•'" .-ifi;. , -n1111 -'· ·..,i. •• , )~ .TRA=~~: ::DE:~~llf!~~=~ :'SERIES. /SLIGHT BLEMISHES FASTRAK G~BaT ' ' 2m,$4Jllll E7&U Plus Fed. EL.T1t$Z.35 l*tft + OIAS$.lllT 2 for $~6 2 for $60 f71..14/7.75-I4· G78-I4t-.25-14 na.15/7.75-15 G1.&-15/l.25-15 '1u1 FM. fi. Tn ,... tire $2.5.S .. $2.17 .i.,.ndi"I H71-.1lil .5S:14 H7l-lS18.SS·lS J78-1Stl.85-15 Plu1 F•d. &, Ten: ,., tfr• $2.93 .. $3.ot depl!ICllllf WHITEWALL OllL Y $2.95 MORE ' . ' Seaaitp Tire Stores ~here'l'J/.ere is more tban .rp.eets the ey-e ANAHEIM I CORONA I GARDEN GROVE I HAWAIIAN GARDENS I HUNTINGTON IEACI H61 I ROOkHURST ... ~ n 1601 WISTMINSTll 111~ CAUOM ST. 19411 IUCM llft. (AT lllKOlN) -. W. 6HI ' .. M.OU:S EAU OF IUOI) (IETM:Etl ~IOHEll &·HOA WA: I) M MllE lfOkTH OF MWi5I '35-1170 , 735.tOlO "~595 · W.ot27 SJ6.7m • • SANTA ANA . 1211 ' W, WAIMEl ,AYL (WMHU olJ..1RtStotJ 5!M646 ' ~ ' I TUSTIN ·1· 'WESTMINSTER I COSTAAllS~l-Sllfi:mmm 131 E. lit $T!llEn Wt$TMINSTEJI AT C(OA• -NEWPORT 'BUCH 927 N. n CAMlflO -!Iii AHO "D'0 ST.) f,I ILIXU E. OF Got.OEN WlSl) '5.W:.Ul - -193=3$21-~ IU-IASl--17tti ST .. -492·5541 -641-41)1 • ' . UR TOUI -~o• CREDIT ~•D OPEN 8·8:30 DAILY / 8-5 SAT. -1 ·- • ' -.,. .<"" • ,.,. - ' • •' , . • . -!· STANDAllD •RANDS •SUN- FAST . • · CUSHIONllD VINYL P,LOOR .COWRING ' • I A 12 PT. WIDTHS •WAllllAll~ • llYDALIPAllWI • l'UU llOLLS ~ . . ; 1'11.T IACKID • Al80llTm COLOM ' ' _,:., 99• . FLOOR .TIU •., "'LAllG• AL~ ' ' . •' oUlt . .... ~ ·OP' .... • VINYL-ASSUTOS , ;oon cMii eo11Ci\n1 -=-Ofl WOOP ~ ,· ,. •'!XTl!l!M!CY1>URAILI . , . . . ...,, A~~ . bECORATOR • DESIGttED SPECI RUM 2ooo VINYLCOT• · CHOOlll FROM · · · HOO DECORATOR COLORS R' INTElllOR .Olt l!XTllllOR LONG LAS'r!NG A WASHABLE ·P~NT. FOR STUCCO, BftlCK AND PLAST.ER CLEAN.UP WITH WA~R t\t CV.TOM co11oo•,.· 5 . ~, lflll¥"&.C0 ..... 'Tc e ... St'/COLO• • ' ........ ... .. ........... :•·: .. ' ., •·oJ!QUALITY . , 0 . LAZED. • p ' OIJNTED'" , ON ~AUD • ' r •-"!l'Pll" 198 IQ,"'· e·2' PQPULAll COLORS AND PATT!llNS . e Plll·TlllllllED • IWl-FAST COllP. RITAIL 6.95 -·-3!! GUARANTl!ED . 1.COAT · ACRYLIC LAT•X IN'nRIOR PLAT PAINT • 30 MINUTES TO DRY •WASHABLE •. CLEAN·UP WITH WATER • WHITE AND COLORS :,::. .. ~··· OUll ..I llNCS . ~- 009.mM. .. --• flCMl.eTMINCI 45• :::.; e A1.cm10L ANO WAlllJllQC!I! •-UPT04".X'I"· '•1/11111.neck --29!n. PAINT CO. d.11 ta. .11.61 e APPllOX. 11''.Xf"", . .......... . .. ' ~· .... ... .,. ...... PAINT ACCESSORIES ----... ~~~~~..-~~~ IQUAllT ,...._ . ....,. . · FllHllT·GRADf., 12" ~ .. ltlY-OWN · . llnAL CONTAINIR . ·--~ -tleU. . PA& ... IA. -·-·--°'"'1" I , ... OLl.D IMtCa IA. -1 -y-OUll N1ca COWLITI WITH • .... =QT.OUOI aeu. ..... mmtl!~-111111 liOOI' · !:'. · COATINGS ... . IAllllHAi.:niil ; Qli ....... 111 "NIW Nia ... 1CiN INTBRIOR ,HAHb-cARvlD • INAMEL · . PANEL DOORJ'· . HAllD HIGH·GLOsS · ,,.. °i! ·1 ' i: ---.. . ' . ~-.. ' ' I . IXIS I P¥ . ; . llCJD MalGN , ' IXTllllllLY DUllAllU · ' · PlllLiliiiiili"iiiiilOiiount , ICllUAAlll.I! · ' 'MAOY TO '1• . ; 9RIQHTUT WHITI AND A · • 11111.•IO Ill. v · · · .. · · · tt.li COllPUTI UNI OF COLOlll •IATIN l'1llllit . •FAIT -·~ ~-·--. ' OUll ··~ t=. ' . , ...................... /tlM l; 1lllLalOllL .... ._.:, .•. ti.It FAIT ~ I I DRY • ·re.. OUR •Mc• -IJLllC·TIX - ...... ~ •• ft ...... ,_, ... ·c • : • ,, C.,) ••• ••• SANTA ANA H ' ' I ,·, 1 "' ,,J 'I , ' " .. ' fl q> l • ., ' .. .. •,' ' ANAHEIM I ' ' I' -' l'A•AHNA OllAllAOA HIU. L PAIR OAlll I lt()U.T 1etM MUOA an,. Nt1 L.Otle 8MCN kV., I ........... ~ ............ 0.UlllSlll'I ........ /IUllMllK f/IOllTvtn l'AllK a ~ ---.. -"°'°"'..... -,. ... --· .. ·--.. ·-,.. .............. .... ,. __ .. _ --l'OllOllA-OllTAlllO VAll'!:l.f• LUA..... ·--·-- "" llPUL: &WD. COMdJI 0' PtOO A IROADWA'f -··-, ............ ....., , COM·~-WOOO£A/llD Hl&L• 01lllAllO•ffllTUllA ... Y9ITVM aWO. -Yll9nMD Aft. t ... ._.,,.,...c..,... e.wo-.......,.• ..._ Y ,_,,,.. • .O.UCll.U./lllTO•MK-.. O·W••Afl afj-UNI ' .. • - ·- ·• • • I ' --· • . . . 112 DAIL V PILOT lhur\c!IJ, $tpttmbtr 17, lfJ70 J .. ~· ~-. -.. ---· ' -~--. BnetW~r-~av.o-.-ite -. r ~ of .Cap.~ Surfer_-.... --·- - ::;--8y PHIL llOIS' -..... ., .... '"" Tbe poised young surfer JIOl1dltd ouJ LbnJuch the geoUy rollin& broal<en .. When llO.loolled lo !JI!> i>Utside and uw h1I wave cominfup the surfrlder readied htmielf for the kill In a iew abort aecondl 'be -was llldln& aloq in Ille -"'.-bk :url. ..... -'l'llln, ~. Illa '""°' •I· .. ..., .... _ ... he..., his ~ Mild .. bl I CGmplN circle and niinQld9vi4o rewnted lo their orlllnll jiaoUloo. -- ' ------ Gener_aUJ I SIO la not oat GI. tbe ..... e_astest maneuven: to accqmpu.b afl)p a surfboard. ,,./ Bui tt Iii~ lo be -·<1 the ·ravorite-movemenll of Mark •SUISe, 21. _ol san .Juan Capiatrano, a. vetena of the Orwe Coast area surfing -· Slllle '•(prGllOUbced SILLS-LEE) ha ~=i;.f'"~~ M ,_ . IM ...at'• lnceptloo IJ J'fl' ... and lte llYI lhll 1 !II ,. Ill "'"-" with 1· greater • ~--of accur~y on an er .. ·jllfljlltlllal. board Whi<b lie bu -- • • Wrig~t \Vilsn't W.or.ried . .. ... . ' A~o~t ~ Getting~Otli Win_ 1 . ... ' MJllNEAP<IJS.,W. PAUL (AP) Clyde Wrl&ht doeJll 't eare much about oo~'harda and llrikeouts. And Jbe Caliloinll Mf'll ace lellhlndtr wam1 much"""*' abool winlllnlI bla -. , Wrtlht held Jbe • Mlnnolot1 Twlrs ta tlu"ee lilts. Wedoeaday nl&ht' and won No. Ill, $.I. "The cnly thing a comeback award woukl mean is that J ha~ a horrible year Jut" year," lsid· Wright, .1-1 itO 11111 )Jul now •u and only Jbe second Angel evu to readl lhlt figure. · "I wun't wcnled about .-.-.-· • •.• uid WrlJlht. "I -I lliid a!S alarla lfll when I got lo 10. I .,..lol lltiw liooo 1.a the rest cl ibh WIJ and rMCbed a" . Wright struck out only --and _walked five. In <0nlrasl. MlnneW ~" 8'rt Blyleven sll'Qtk out 10, ~\udi~ ~e first sll: to lie a major 1eap ~ •hared by Joho HiUer ol Detroit and Ray Culp of Botl411. "I wasn't worried about it," ukl California ....,.... Lelty Phillipi. "Cu[p dill ·ll!o -t111nl to .\11 urly this ye1r and·•e beat hlm.J...l. I'·t.lkea a UtU. oqt "' lfou. ,,-. PIUflips said Wrlghl "dorlD't """'1 •bold sllllHtlta. He'! not i •\l'>li-1 plldier. 'l'lte ljJJJ"1 lllinl aboot him ta oon1t 194 • ..,.i ..._p. He's a pl ....... ·~ °l!J!'e'ering• pitcher makes A.,_I Rate avmethlng out ol•him," 8lild RlineY, "but he waa really buuJng if in tPere tbe first lhfee innin11. He wu hurt by a cduple of bpbbles too." ~ l,.eo Canlenu kicked a 1Jiow>i1er ta set up Keo McMullen'• NHCOrinc aia&le and Frank Quilici booted a ar....-.: and threw late to first as two nan1 scored. Wright gave up singles to Rick Renick and Ces .. r Tovar and ~ ~Quble to Geor1e Mitterwald. Tovar scored after his si1th ..... " .• J'} r;r-·· ""' *'·"SR .,. ., inning hlL on Renick'•~ bl1 ... lqtdld n::is '·"" forceout. 7;25 '·"'· .-;1,........ ... ..... Mitt.: ..... 21 Alllllls V5 w ....... 1:25 •.m. CALll'O•NIA •uur~·--· 1:u •. m. .. r .. ,., ···r•"' J:U o.m. Alomlor, » s I o TO'ftf, cf I I O Gonrt1ez. (f '4 2 I Glrdllll .. 11J: • t t • .,..,...,.,_,,.. .. .,.,,,., • ...,. __ ~~~~-Freg111J, lb S I O Kll~1 111 0 I 0 mistakii;if" ii.hi fiiPDPi. "ffe'Q S\_aft A.Jolww. If II 1 I OllVI, '1 ~ I I I u.wtna witbdtlt ....... when be let.I i:o ~~IH:-3b ~ : == ' l ; 1' ~ trouble. 1be amart ..a ...... r bas the con--.1o11n11-. rf J 1 k••1, , 1 • • .,._ ...... rf • 0 ""-Ill. "' I I . I · lltl@n!e and •bWty lo ccme In with the ••'""'-· " ' • MIJ"'.,.. • I 1 -< g"""' ,, .$pencer, f*-1 0 Q~ lli:I, ii' I ~nan a111, •.•••-· ( 1 o 0ttmJW1v, "' 1 I o o " Alex ~n slaJted 1Wrlght -to. ·a 1-0 ~=~·;. : : ~':::::'' ,2'0 ~· r r' l~d in the t!Unt with hil 13th homer and ov1er, 11 1 o fl •v•, 11 1 o the ···els add .. th med . C.Wrlolll. • ' I '1''6 ree unea runs 1n To1ti. v , 101111 • 1 • t the sl:s:th. Chico 1'uiz drove Blyleven out C•llf¥11I• aoo 111 1• -s Mlrwlftolt -1111 DD0 -I with a run-scoring •inak! in the seventh. E -•C•ntwo1. Qllllid . LOI -ct111ot111o '· "Thooo strj .. ~•"'• -li>ht ba•e taken M~I 7. 29 -Mfltlr\WN, N• -A. ~ ao;:vu1.> µua-llJI. S -GMi.1111. UPIT...-.. A CLOUD 0, DUST -Chica10 Cuba' third base- man Ron Santo dives to make a tag on Joe Hague of the St. Louis Cardinals In Wriglay Field oclion Wednesday, J<M1 Torre bad hit past Santo lo oeore Bob Gibson and the third baseman cul off a thro\v from the ouUield to nip Ha1ue. St. Louis won the game, ~1. [\she Full Pro As Hunt Gains ~aj~r Victo..,, .. . NEW YORK (AP -Arlhur Albe, '!iilfllllutlc, over 1· mUlilll d!>1lar taur •nd ~ over Che proepects of no open Ii-vii CUp competitiall m the near future, Ifs flaally -,lo turn lull pro- Uaslooal -playtr. Alht, Iha Nt. I rmaked American Jlayer; Chatlos P...U, No. I ud Bob l.ut:s:. No. I, signed five-year contracts • ..._,,y with Lamar Hunfs World ~p Teonia lour. "J Ml't sip_ for___the money," said Albe, Iha l'l•,....id' Nevo f,... ; ...i, Va., -colitn<I ._i.dt ... worth ..... than ......... ,.... • Dodgers' Magic Number For Elimination Now 1 LOS ANCIJ:LEI (AP) -ilformed that San Otego lefthander Dive Roberts snap- ped out of a 10.11me loling streak ont1 a week aao, ·Los An1ele1 man11er Walter Alston merely !IQook-hll head and said, "Maybe IO, but hi s stuff looked prelty dim good to me. I'll take him on 111y club." · The Dcxtaer• woukl like to pick up a 1efthanded pitcher, but they'll h~ve to dig deep to lure Roberts, oaly 21, away from the Padrt1 who 1tt 11 need of pitching 1hemselvt1. 1..os Angeles open.s a four.,1mt weekend series with Houston at Dodger' Stadium tonight, Allan F01ltr, 9·12, and the A1tro1' Jack Billin1ham, IJ-7, op- posing one another in the opener. San Die10 return1 home to meet San Francisco. Pat DoblOn, 12·14. pltche1 for the Padres agair11t the Olanta' Rich Robertson, 6-9. Robers' sev~n • hitter 1n1ppN the Dodgers' win streali at three 1traJ1hl and also ended a string of '111 Sa• Dttp losses in Dodger Slldium. "This is the place when: I got my fll'llt major league win 1nd it w11 &reat to pt· my first shutout here, too," Roblrtl uild, fMt shorter than the aver11e board:" A=rding lo Sihle, I b ~ U· pertmeolal vtralon wW aot be on the Open market until IOmetimt Qelt year, althou&h 1e.....i lop fllihl IW'fera <lndudlnc ,,defendlng world clwnpioa Jlol!. Amal) 11e .. i.... .. Ing dUlennt varlalloos <I the IWo-OU, model laldy. . . be too b~vy In the competition. . _'Of eoune tbe spectators like the bf&get waves better, but I'm sure }f -u.ey came to appreciate Ute smaller ciaes tblt &bey'd change their minds. ' ... AlrJwl'I, the lll)aller waves make It ~ 1o pei'form slonta," •dda Slide. A Dllive of Corona del Mar ,,... f'i family moved to San J uan Capistrano 'I' becaijR ~Y were tjred of bel111 hem-TJf:" med !ft, Sib.le is currently an art stu· ,. d<ol enrolled.at s.ddleback College. >• His eventual plani are to Co_)ltinue.asi1> .i In addition ·lo Jbe •lorementioaed 3m1 the f1v0rite ~ver the former C..... del IW 111111 IWU.-(~ an art major at ei~g_t"!iat< Ltal .M : BeacbJ or UC Irvine· ana then to em-M bark on 1 career U. 1 bip scbool art • SIWe, who wW be entered 1n Jbe young meoa' (lWI) dlYlaloa Salurdiy and &lmdiy II llunlhlP>a, wtlJ· be riding one of Jbe two-Ueg'lrlal boiMa r 1111> IDJGY• ""'r • • · surflllVd ls -ricfinl. both of -l!O euier, be 11ya. on the e:s:perimerifll l@acbtr rU11 Ai ,., ~· l!!lfln• " _..i, ~lldl ••• ~-. "I'll 11@.Jurtlq uolil tht ,,; they Ml: . dlf , dikll..si1 (fol deep lot' Ille and .'' · · pu1 Dlf lo .. Ii.'' · ' , j IQ the cq!l!Pl\iti'"'· HI sQ1, "~Uy the surf woa't ;Mets, Chicago Now 2 Games .. board .. - Behind l!irat...,.,__-ii- . By Aueci.ie. .Pn:11 ~ ls a bit of clayll&hl In U.. whfoky NaUonal League East race_todly, lh,nka mainly lo the pesky Moalreal E1pos and powerful Bob Gl'-1. Ptltaburgh'1 fmlt-nmning Pirates look ad•ll)lale ,.of belp from both thOee IG&lf:CeJ WedPesday to open a two-pme gap oYor both· Chicago and New York as the seuon swings into its final two weeks. The Plrales needed five pitchers - N1lltHI L ...... _, .._.. tltc1 ti 1 .,_. To w... '""' •d. .... .. .. , P'll!U•llt'llfl n Ill .s37 IS Cllk:toe , n 1' .S21 t U Ntw Yf'lt 1' 11 .J2') 2 ll ........... -Al .....,. 1, ~I 4 N• 'fO<I: J; A-y t, •lll~llt I, New YOl'll .._ SI. Louis :a. ..... ""' A! llolM 1, MorlffMI: .t.-..y 11, IMntr•f ... SI. Loui. .. ,,. ....... 1. l.. New Yon: .... Jil"' 'ftrt_ -Al __ flome I, Plllltlwgll 4, 0tiu09 •i A1"ff I, Jtlllltd"lttit 1, Pllflb11r9!1 3. · three qf them in_ the ninth inning -buL htlcl on lo wliJp Philadelphia, $-3. M••nllritil•, Montreal jolted New York, 4-- !, and Oifiion pl\thtd St. Louis lo an 1-1 victory over Chklago. MaMy languilJen ripped two sinale.!1 11'd fl double, •nd scored twice to pace Pitllbllr&h over Pb lladdphta. Richie Hebner also had three hits for the Pirates. The Expos heal ti!, Mell· far lht I!lh tlnie this season and 111....i lltlf ~fl~ place in the Etill Dlvlllen °" lttvt Renko's five-hitter. Twa of U.. hitJ were homers by Art lhJinlky; •caountlnl for bolh Met runa. SUNS•t SURFRIDER -The unidentifii!d surfer silhouelt :.11 atop b11 board during a typical Orang~ co.,1t sunset is characlert...,,li istic cit the competitors, like San Juan Capistrano's Mark Silzle •. si<t'1 who will be on hand this weekend •t the Huntington Beach maln•.ti .. td pier for the 12th annual United States Surfboard Cbampionships.;'ir4_~ " .:;... ,:"fi"Pv~ i!'JV..!> Cal Bop!;s S.ttm . 4 4 '"'''"U~ l,.. '""·""\,'"f. ,. ... ~" .. ~ ··~· M.Alllu, Cl l I • , • • ' A.Ollw•. •I I " 0 d • $1tr-I~" •• b lilt ' a .llGN(t-,llt I t Mc , t t I I S.ilouhi.n. ( ' l I e:'f· • . I •• Pacilic-8 GrUl Teams fl H ... r.lb 41 It.I , II 1111 M•iffo1kl, 211 4 I 01 If, rf ' I MDMt, p · 2 I lun,1>Ln11, I' I ' ! 0 CUnn, pl! I I 1 '•r1Nn, P 1. I Gr1n1, p I o I MtnltntJ, pt! I t 0 c 1111u, , , I e!Mllll, p 0 I J .Ltm!I. , I D 0 T ... h 31 J U Toltl1 3• ) t J r'lllllt\!rtlh 211 tit 000 -s In Top t es~ Saturdaj) l'llllMl411h1-100 flO 000 -l E -Sow1, H ........ DP -•1ttabutVll I, Phil•· clllpl\!1 J. LOB -Pltts!Nr9h I, Phll~lpfll1 10. 21 -A. on .... r, T. T1ylor, Mo1 ... Mltl. S..ng<1IL'"'-., .... HMMr. JI -D, Joll!lson. Golmblt, tltlll'ltr. $1 -M. A*i, Polek. S -Pot•. IPM••1tl•IO ~·· (W,11•0 ' 1 l l 2 I Gr1nt 1 111 11 Gl111ll 1/310111 Glb119n I/) I 0 0 O 0 J .Llmt 111 t 0 0 0 I lunnlnt (L,10-ltl s 10 s • I 2 Fr~""" ' J I I I J Savi -J. L•fl'lll. HIP -'V Moo11 (McC1rV<11rJ. T -t :M. A -t,O •• PITTSIV•GM CMICAOO .-,11,.1 11rllrllll Bl'Odl. If s I 0 0 K•nlno1r, u ~ 0 I 0 Jl~ltt, 211 J I I I flKktrl, 2'0 ' 0 0 t Htoue. llJ 4 I .f I B.Willl1rna, " ' • 1 0 Torr•. l&i ' :i /l I t1lc•1Nn, rf • t I D Cl~l.'d J 11 t Sanlt, :lb l I 2 I MtllnlMi. ;f----S _ l I Ptpf-. cl • I • I Sl-,c •11 ltn~1.lb '''' c'"il'f• 11 4 I I I Hunilllty, c l 0 I o Oltillli!,, l J t O••PPls.11 1111 11.Mlllt~, 11 0 I 0 II A.G1rrell, ,.. I I t t Gur1.p 1010 W,$mltll, pll 1 t 0 I Pllnl!lln. p • 0 0 • fo1tl1 ,, I n 1 Tot•ls ll I • l 31. Louis 010 XII GU -I (fllc19t D tlO OOI -I E -IKktr!, Hkllrr11n. LOB -St. l wll I, Clllc•oo i. 11 -Ni11tnde1, Crosby, Ht9U1. tlR - lllNTIOlll IU, J111to 11'), Torr• Ull. SI -C..r· .... By A1eoclated Pns1 Intersectional college football of major caliber unfolds Saturday for Pacific-I Conference m e m b e i:_s, · incJq_ding en- counters between califoi-nia's Golden Bears and second-ran:k-ed Teias at Austin and Nebraska at Los Angeles against third-rated Southern California. The Big Ttn provides tests ln three games -Michigan Slate at Wuhlnlton in 1 season11 opener for both teama. Oregon State and Iowa at Portland and Oregon's flying Duclu 1t flllnols. Stanford's Indians, elevated to the No. 4 spot off lheir sttrrlng triumph over Arkansas at Uttle Rock, has Its annual skinniah with San JOH State 1t PalO Alto, UCLA travel• eut to meet Pittsliur&h and Washlnglnn State hosts Idaho . ., " • •It II so 0"5111 (W,H .. I t ' I I I J C8Jifornia'I hoptt appear to be ll!m • .C~l\jiL 1\..1H1 ::rf: :. : : ~ ~ Oregon'• Tom Blanchard shot down the 3..;'ii".. l i 1 1 1 2 Bears, 31-24; and the national champion T~ GlblOlt. T _ 12:1t. ~ -211,1~1. ' ' Longhorns are 90lid favorltu in this, M•W YOllK MOMTlltlAL their flrst outing of lhl fall. ,., r 11,., ,., r 11 r1r1 Southern Cal 's Trojans ran •II over !JF•"~'it : : : : :!~r•1an ·~ ~ 11 i AIAbama at Blrmln1ham 41-21, 1 result th.T:~. rf j ; ; ; ~· h 'l f 1 th•' m1y have bttn uluted out of pro-. c 1111111non. 1b 1 • 1 1 10111-1. ' portkln. Coach John McKay was the firat :~:;-:11·, !lb ~ : : : :=:r1 1;:., ., I : 1 to predlcit that Nebruka, big and offense. tllrre11on, u 2 o 1 • L•t, • I t • minded, will be somtltting else. M1-.MH. D" 1 I • I I ()ly, d . 0 0 w.11. 11 1 1 1 1 H.._.,, d 1 1 • UCLA '1 Bn.iins, with a Pac-8 come. Jt,-;1:0,: 1111 ~ : : : ~'.!..':"':' ' 1 J : : from·blhlnd vk;tory over Oregon State, McGrtw, 1 1 1 I • Jtf<lll•~• • • t • 14-1, ... v "'" e@COU_DleJ the 1ame rug· T." ••• , ,,,, ~•7> ... ..., N~':. vn; ooo • -1 pd oppo11ltioa from the Pitt Panthers. ~~ •rttrt o.-~ ~ 7 to• Coaoh Tommy ·Prothro oonctdtd lhl -"'"' 'flfll 1 .-..,.., •. ,.---orttt. ••lri'f· Bruins' lne1perilpce lhowed but hl1 ~=--r.r:,;. 54...-., 1 n11. '' -'-1;"· 1 -quarterblick ace, O.nnl1 Dum'°ltt, con--·= tL,f .. 111 Ir ~~ .. , ·,· 1!--'f-nected Oft 11 Of It pana-~ lft )'..,U rlw I ' I ' ud two touchdowns. And With a c•m• •• ~w=:. t _ ,~ ... ! _ '1i.iL. 2 behind thtrn, the Uclana may tiava. lht jump on the M&sotHlpening Panthers. oreaon'• Torn Blanchard, who'ldn- pleted 21 of 38 paues for 2t4 ~ again.It California, figures to ~1''.frj>­ minent agalnil the Illini, while ~~ Jim Owen1' Washington Huskiu get-their first.game challenge against Mi(:Jitgan . ., , State. ~ -~ The Pao-I Skywriters ~lcklll ,~ Hu1kies to Onilh tow.man on lhl Aotem pole, a prophesy which angere!itbe playen ·add doubtless did Michigan ~e no pd. "~;'Xf Stanford's Jim Plunkett, 22 of ~ .. f,Qr 262 a1alnst Arkanau, abOuW be loo;,.l!Qh • for San Jose. Thi SPlf'UIRI opened wltb>a victory over UC Santa Barbara. · ~ ni Washington ~tata and Idaho ope'1tltie season with losses to Kansas and th!t~r Foree, which me1n1 both will be ~ to pt Into lhl win column. 'The Oregon State-Iowa and Nebriska- USC eamq are night c:ontestt. Freak Accident Kills Driver ~1i• ~ w~x i:!lr• •l:(.ifi SAN DIEGO (AP ) -Spetdboal !a!~'!r Tommy "Tucker'' Fults said the lif!ifbn IJliy OOUJ'H here WJI hl1 favorite and had tol~ ertWTntlft and oppo1t1ntl, "thil'Dtily ~ear In lbe aold cup." 11~t) FUii" drfam endOil Wadllesday~ he wa1 toaMcl out of hll uni · hydroplone ail4f klllecl Ip 1 ln•k · t llNd "*" in Jbe .fNI lo alp. I JUll felt .---tlle-l'laylac bef«e 11 aa lndepend<al, he • limt'• recent announcement of a Wld ehN_.,wWil' »-&ournament tour • lf'1wlfll11 <1th< wwld'1 lop11layers, Jlayed • bli part ill bla decision. Roberti hurlld hll first major league lhllP.t--Wecm-t1y nlsht, blanlcin1 the Dodprs, 4-0, before 9,053 Dodger ltadlum fau. It left Loa /.Jlgeles on the verge at ellmln1Uon from the race in the National Lea&\oe WOii. nie Dodgers' ma1lc number for elimloaUon ii now one although they still Jead San Francisco by l \~ sames in atrugle for leCOlld p~cc. 4 More Lifters Disqualified only. momenta after lhl courie w• . ed lo pracUce runs. FltsLon the waler In bi.I Meet Pj.y. 'n Pack's Ll'I Buliard Fulta, 21, of. SAlUe, Wish ., was falally injured when ~boat buried ils right spon19n. under 11.Wake while in a· sweeping. tam, pltChcd 'Ille articlllate anil out.pollen Ash<, who '-eljll e-.t man over dlrttti011 of .... r.ts the kU' "ls 1 move in the .mtli dlree1*1ii." flit aim hid aid earlier he would not !1 qabl fer tbe United States in DavlJ • p play unJtsa !ht competition wu op<.'D ~ -la· highly unlikely. I 1ppridato everYlhtn& the U.S. Lawn _; 1'11111 .._.._ hal dint for rne,'.! .. be ' Aid. "'11111 llllJ )1111 ""'" loo slowly for me.•• Lolln& the three YOUl1& stars .. a biller Now to the lotematlonal Lawn Tennis Ftderatlon. whl\111 hoped to strengthen Its poslUon with a ,LS 1mUUori tour next year. -tr · $AN DllGO LOI ANGILll ..,,11 "'4 11trll,.. J I 1 I Grt1Nlr~'W!11.s1 ' 1 o • ••••Met•.lf '10 ) I I 1 J.uNtrl1, c 4 l t J 1 1 I W,Ptr~..,, lit 1 t I •l llKllCO,rf 4 It •1 110.rwy,)b) It •lltLetMw1,,.' •• )11 1 11.vtMll,d ) II f I I I MOtlltf, ~ J I O ll.Llmt. I I I I ~tcltf""'-• 1111 I I I s1---. 0 1 t 1 T•~ •II' Tll1l1 U J D SMID'-.. ll?M-• L• Anof• -.... -t E -Grtblrlt1Wltr, Llfftvrr. OP -kft Ditti I, Let M!Mltt I. LOI -Sift Olllo t, Lii Anftin 1. 11 __ 0. lrow~. C•r'{IPbtll, Glrvtr, Hll -G1t- "" 121), SI -RODln, MWfi'l!I, I' M It 1 11 II SO O.ltobtrh 1w.r.u1 • 1 • I 1 It Motll'r (L.l.fl S.lfl t • I 0 I ll.L4ttl'llt l •lf) I t t I I Stf'Clllet\SOll t 2 0 t1J Tl"lnf -1;11, A!ltfldlM• -l .tsl. ---· COLUMBUS. Ohio (AP) -Tbe CUii of olne disqualilled competitors In the WOf-ld Weightllfllng Champklnlhipa ,were to be reviewed todly and insiders gavt them llttle ch•nct oi teptntnc their medals. . "Whit they dec'6ed here will stand and ll will have 1 pod effect not only on weightlifting but other sports u well," a meet olllcl1I predicted Wednelday nl&htc Four more lifttn, l nclud lna feathr:nvelght champion Mecis\av Nowak of fo land , were disqualified WedneSday night alter !Iv!!: compctilors, among them fl yweight winner Sandor lfolczrelter of Hungary, hnd been stripped of their rib- boiis Tuc>day nlghL All ...,. dllrted with liking the stimulant phenyletbylamine be c •use urine apectmen tl!ltl tlbn after the com· petition showed poolUve . The t7·member International W•i&J!lli f· ting Feder1Uon uecutlve committee heard protesis today from the Soviet Union, Polaod, H11n1ary and Japan, ll)e naUons-whose Utters had-been da. qu11ifled. "We11 lilllen lo Jbelr protests but we expect the decisions to stand," Clartoce John5t'ln of Detroit.i IWF president, said. lie said the origtnal voting on the di,.. c(ua lifications was unanimous. Johnson adinltled the requirement for tests of only the top thrte [inishers in ---------· each di visions -an IWF rul~ under fire here -needed revision. "The.y all should tM' tested.'' Johmon said. "But we caTlllOt change the rult.1 until 1972. an Olympic year." Joe Dube. a super heavyweight from Ooctoe11 Inlet. Fla .. and the only current U.S. workl champion. said, "The guys who finlahed fourth probably yere taking it too. 1'1ey are jusl as guilty as the nm tllrff. Wby ahoukl they not be teated Ind then be moved up to the champkllllhlp'! ''I don 't take It (the stimulant) but most or the boys do/' Dube !aid, "l don't need It. 1 get jacked Up enough without It. Dul ll's not fair for the boys who don·t take it," he aaid. vlolenlly and threw him out. ··' His heart w1s still bettln1 when ~·-a ... rived _aLScripps...Memor-111 Hospiti\,W1 doctors said he WL'I clinically dead~roin the instant of the crQh with a .eiered spinal _chord. "An accident like th1l wouldn't 1gain in 20 ye~," Fults' teammate l..arltn •id. "When Ute wake h.it be h<lpless, ROI mo.vina 1111 "'l'U&h lo ei clear it or put his life support l)'ltem U9e. Thi\ coaldn 't hlppm aptn." His death, however, rtsullf!d in a I saving drama. Late Wedncsdoy, with the consent { the met.r's \\'lfc Susan, Fults' kldn s "·ere transplanted to a man and a -·Ith none. . ' ,... dasl tootl palg A ~igh Lea1 ,Ana ·Bow M; . "!!Ji quar &tan Ar 11)1·~ .,Deni l (145 . Si: . e. n U ,. per:h jour. ~opem ~w~ f,t~ ·' ,Y.," , WI ·one tallt ,,,.. . .,.. -:1 "wist seoi• 1od· .\ ITh (clud 'tact -defe lighl Jlanl Tt Galt gua1 cone prac /ens ' Ji· .but _VIN co« atnr with ( I (.; .,jja! •\;:' ~c •'er f. iden ·~· Al 'by the 'can "JI· ''1 "1ul! ,-.a)V bell• II' ~ell 1l1tre c.abo· In '"' 'Ir· .. , 'w i;eve '· Bal Ne· De Bo ,~e .,,~'~ b, ~oMI Oal ·r. b~fil 1,i:iu ,,. ~ ,1;1 ''"""' ., . '" • ",.. • , • ' ,• . - '·-~ • • ' • iMD, Saints. Dt>-Bat tte --~~~~~~~~-;:>".,,....,.,....-r."-~""--':......,~~- By ROGER CARLSON w~· crew 'flth only Junior Ugh entl- J Of .. o.i,,. ,._.Steff Dave Nanry (6-3, 115) b~kilii-up the Two ptrenially strong and bitter rivals 3er1lor-oriented line~ clasb IOnlght in the opening salVil of prep . Mater Dei ~~ size, a,veraging l&Z tootball 1ames for~the 1970 footbaJI cam· pounds _JIU'1>ffe(Pive slarter. palgn. jlow·eve,r, Santa Ana comes into the , A near fuO house is expected to vl~fracas With an even larger first team ac. highly touted Mater Dei of the ,\rlgel\13" cording·to weights handed out by rival League and Sunset Leagll$-l'iviT Santa coaches. 1 ~na square off at I o_.'..tloclt at Santa Ana Coach Tom Baldwin's ouUit tips the ~Bov.•I. ~ , scales at 113 pounds per with lac.tie Bob Mater Oei enters the match loaded Reyes (MO), guard Charlie Walters (210) • wit!t depth and possessing a veteran and center·Clint Huff '(200) forming the ....-quarterback in Bob Haupert, whci's bulk of the Saint line. &tarting at the helnffor the third year. With Ufe addiUonal size, .. however, And , Haupert is complement.ea by Baldwin is concerned that hla, team lacks tl}ree eq ually dangerous running backs in the quickness and speed which Saint ~nnis Wojtkiewicz (180), Rocky Simpsop teams have been long associated with. 1 {145) and Don Roy (190). · "This ii the biggest team I've had here Sii: Rniors dot the solid forward wall of but l sun think we're am&Uer than Mater Dtl. And we're pretty 1low,'1 be sa.ys. Woods doesn't buy Baldwin's coocern ovtr lils\eam'1 problems and it worried about his defensive ciew, J, c<mlingent that has only four seniors~in the starting eleven. Going ror Santa· Ana in the running dep3f1ment are backs ~!onty Floyd (5-10, 160) &nd Kirk Byon (H , 170). Baldwin also plans to use split end Walter Mead (S.%, 180) in his running attack if the situation warrants it. _ .. 111!1 J. "''""' Itel Gttllt! I• DI 5191- 111 Melt ltJ Haolftrn.n 210 K9!1'1Ptr 11$ o, Hlftf'Y ll'O H1.,,..rl lo!$ Sln'IPIOn llO Wtl!kltwltl: 1M llo~ E M!M T W1l1t1 G HH ..... rlnllon C Hull G W11t•t1 T Rtn' IE Rottl"'SOll Q Brown a ~loyo a 8.vers I ConltY 'Green Oilers Face Top Test I' Utl Bo8s Observes European Poloists _,_In La Hab r' Boasting one or the top running back.! • ail to mp-roviSe n-the sch<Jrs history but lacking ex· ,• perienct, Huntington Beach's Oilers will ,journey to La Habra High Friday night to :: open the 1910 football campaigp. L fhe running back in question is Garth Wise, who coach Ken Moats calls, "one of rt~ premier running backs in the COUn• 111"' I r . Mse operated at quarterback for the .. Oiiers last season but has switched to ta1Jback on a fulltime basis. At 170 1 .,.mds he gives the Oilers added of· ~ f ... ve maneuverability !Secause of hls ~ng eiperience. ::At this point we·re hurting experience w~." Moats cpntinues. :·we have 14 seniors of the 61 kids out for the team arxi•only five of them are starters." . " ,The st.S:rters who played last year ln- ''clude Wise-IDJI Twigg, an offensive tackJe at 200 poundS: Gilbert Cerda, a -defensive guard at 165: Tony Ciarelli, a ti1ht end at llKI: and Arnold Ruiz, a J1anker back at 160. The Oilers aren't without injuries. Galen Gilliland, a potential starting 'guard, strained a knee on the first daY of conditioning drills and hasn't bee11 to practice since that time. lie Is an of· fensive guard and a defensive tackle. ; Jimmy Martin will open at quarterback but Jacks experience. He was the junior . varsity signal caller last season and ac- cording to Moats is a good thrower, strong and bas a lot or '])Otential to work with. UC lr\•ine water polo coach Ed Newland feels European youth is in a rut similar to their American counterparts. . "They are worried over their programs In Europe because the youth want to sit around and do nothing. "They. also have a difficult time im· provislng to meet any changes because they have been told what to do and bow MOWAaD MANDY lo do it for-Atleh a lon& pefiod or time:· Newland observes. While Newland doesn't profess lo be a philosopher, he does have definite ideas on life in general and its application to- the European countrie.'I be recently visited as coach or the U.S. water polo team (Spain, Germany, Yugoslavia and Hungary]. "Over there they call the coach a trainer and he does everything including getting into the water to coach during practice. When a game come.'I along, hpwever, a political official runs the show We Must Learn to Cont1·0] Our Own Erro1·s-Akins · I Laguna Beach High head football coach .Mal Akin.'l figures his charges will have to ,.~rn how to control their own mistakes ·'before they can expect to overcome the '1..os AmigoS Lobos in the pre-league open. •'er for both schools Satu rday night at Gar· i den Grove ltigh. ,1, Akins says, "we were quite impressed ·by their (Los Amigos) performance in the-recent Garden Grove football "lcirnival. ~;:· .. •we scrimmaged them last year and ,Gutscored them then, but the t,am we 1'"'-w in that carnival is a different one , believe me." \\'bile admitting that'-os Amigos ls a 1Well·balanced unit with no one particular <!strength er asset, Akins is vociferous ~bout how well his players must perform in Saturday's tilt and thrcugbout the ')peason. , "We'll have to stop our own mistakes 11nd play decent football before we can i:;tven think of stopping Los Amigos," Akins CC1mmenls. "I ~·as very disappointed in our scrim- mage last 'l'i·eek (against Estancia). There wasn't one sparkling part of our game evident in that scrimmage.'' -Akins is happy · about one thing though -the recent pick up in gridiron interest at Laguna over the past two weeks. He opines, "the whole program and the Interest in it is rising again. "\Ve have about 41 or 42 kids out there on the varsity now compared to less than 40 two weeks ago. "AJso. there's now more thin 100 kid s in our total turnout for all three teams (varsity, sophomore and freshman)," he adds. Mike \Viezbowski, latest in ·a line of Artist football aces, has been filling in admirably for the injured Telford Cottam at fullback. The latter was sidelined two v.·eeks ago with a heel injury. which should keep him out of action until about mid season. '· Major League Standings 11 AMERICAN LEAGUE Ea1t Dlvlsioa w L Pct. Baltimore 96 52 .649 New York 83 66 .557 Detroit " n .514 Boston 76 73 .510 ,~eve land n 11 .183 n~Y~shington 69 73 .469 \\'e1t Dtvisl0tt 88 60 .595 33 68 .547 79 u ~ .53• S& Ill .397 56 92 .378 53 93 .383 .... .,. •• _lb n' , Wlsl'll,.,.l'Oll J, ltltlmort I lotl'Oll J, Htw Ylltll 1 11:1 Cktr.tf 6. Cllwl ..... l 1 , CM~ 11 K1nw1 ClfT, 2, rt in (,<'). Otlltll!d 4. MUwu1ktt_I "I , ...... l. ~llllltSOll I h 1• T•Y'18- GB 13 1h: 20 20\lo -%41,i 26 '~ 7 • 29 32 34 IC1.,WI Cll'¥ !l u.,ke-r l •ltl " Mllwt..,.." (QoWll-lrlt ._,,., nl11!I -I++" A""" IM.,,,.,.., 1._UJ..-l-MlllMIOll-(l"Nrv-»·111 ''\' o.t"11-tHl•fO 12•121 11 C1ew11 .... (MtOO.t!I '•1tl. nftllt lfl• hMfi ll"lftr1 1"'111 11 Hew Ylltll IKll\kll WI h1 Only fllnft lldtfdlllH, NATIONAL LEAGUE Ea1l Division w L Pct. GB P~tsburgh 7<J 6& .537 Chicago 77 70 .524 2 New York 71 71 .S23 2 St. Louis 71 73 .477 9 ?..1ontreal 66 112 .446 131h Philadelphia " 83 .443 14 Weil Division Cincinnati !M 57 .623 Dod1er1 80 6& .541 1214 San Francisco 79 70 .'530 14 Atlanta 73 71 .4&1 21 Houston · 71 17 .480 21~ San Diego 59 91 .393 34\I W ....... 1y'1R-.ft1 ""°"''"I .,_,... Yt<t! i l"ltTlllll•tfl S, l"Ml-.ttt.ltil I St. Louis I. Olk ... I Alt1"'' 10. Sin Frend~ J Clnc;lllfl1H I, Houlllll'I J S.n 01'" " Oodn<1 0 tM1''' ••-1"!1'111Nf91> IVe1l1 l·U IW IElll1 U.fl ti l"l>!le> .i11pi,11 «iSl>ort .. u 1 • .,1,111 SI. LllUll lllltvu HI 11 (Ilk -(J~AAl"t l f · "' -~a.ton-tamin•"-"'-'1:" 11_ .,....,_ tFHlet_ ,.,,,, "Jtllt SI" Fr11'tlK:O 1•ot1trhtn •'l II Sin 01$ CDollwl 1t·14>, 1'111111 Onlr •-Kl!MulM. and does the substituting. Its strictl y a politi cal situation. "The man running the team doesn·t stay around for practices but he is a man who knows the personnel v.·ell and also the intricacies or the game," Newland Cl· plains. " • What was the one thing that made the biggest impres'Sion on Newland~ "The facilities they have for soccer, basketball and water sports. "In Barcelana lSpain) where the Euro- pean championships will take place this month, they have .the best lighted poo~ I ha ve seen. There 1s a 20 x 25 meter div· ing pool that is 16 to 18 feet in depth ; a SO-meter swim stadium six to eight feet in depth ; and a warmup pool 20 x 30 meters." Newland also revealed that team mcm· her Bill Leach of Newport Beach was ar· rested in Yugosl avia. . "He was snapping pictures o t everything in· sight and when he returned to the hotel they picked him up and said he had been too close to a military in· stal\atlon. "We got him out in about an hour and the civilian police were very apologetic but the military group wasn't as friendly. He got his camera back and the charge~ were dropped after a young lady that one of the players had met talked with of· ricials." • Painfully he remembers being sick on an 11 1h·hour bus trip from northern 111 southern Yugoslovia and v.·ould just as soon forget this incident. "We ate some raw hamburger in Germany and I am sure that caused the sickness." One member of the Yugoslovian team Is hopeful of attending classes in this coontry. He played for his country's Olympic team in 19&4 and 1968. "He is 28 yea rs old and is a coJlege graduate so he doesn't have any eligibili· IY remaining. He says he has talked to coaches for the past four years but now he realizes he will have to send grades for acceptance," Newland says. Currently Newland is on deck at the UCI pool at 5:45 each morning for the first of two pre-school workouts daily. In the afternoon the team trains at El Toro li1arine base where a SO-'in.eter pool is available. Along with assistant Bill Jewell, Ne1vland is looking ahead to start of the college waler polo season. "We do mosl of our workoots before classroom schedules begin. We try to have them ar· range labs for Thursday and we don't practice that afternoon." he says. He is extremely happy to have Jewell as an aide. "He is the first ex-player to come back to help me coach and he \\'as sought by a lot of other schools. He is reall y adept at teaching swimming strokes and will help immensely in this capacity." · DEAN LEWIS AU•UST snCIA.U [!)~ry)[Of!][A][ '71 COROLLAS HERE NOW! WA.aONS, l·DIS. COUPIS AUTO MATIC:S-& 4-SrtlDS ~ VOLVO nl._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIMO $2950 • I DEAN LEWIS -2162 TOYOTA CORONA SEO. Service, P•rt1, & locly Shep ., ... 11.-.,.. ,,_, .... Now Open Until I P."!• Mondey NJaht1 I I v.., w... 1vo•11•1 1966 HARIOR-ILVD., COSTA MESA 646-9303 1967 ' ~ $1195 . :.s,;;.· -~o::;r:an::!ge:O:co:::::u•::;IY'~•,:Lar:,:r::•:;st;.:•::;•;:,d,:M::;o::;•t:.;M::;o:::d::•:.:m:.T:.;o~y:;:ot:,:•;.:an::;:,d,:V,::o:,:l'°::,::De;:al::er~-.:.;·:::-::-:-::::-:::-::-:-::::~:::-::-:-::::-:::-::""'~J --. ·- -,;>' _, .... .. , ' ~ -· ·-~ ~ ·'- MONARCH DUO -J\1atc r Dei Jii,::h's quarterback Bob IiauJ)ert (left) and tailback Rocky Simpson \form the heart or the J\1onarchs' offensive attack. liaupert ran for 624 yards and six touchdoy,rns last year while passing (or 718 yards on 33 completions. Mater Dei has never had a losin,:: season in its lg:. year existence . The 1'.1onarcbs open their season t°" night (8) at Santa Ana Bowl. Westminster Harrier s ·wi11 Although il only ha11 one letterman back from its perennial Sunset League championship squad. the \Vestminstcr High cross country team v.·astcd no time getting untracked \Vedncsday. beginning the 1970 season with a 24-33 win over a . helter-than-average group from host Long Beach Millikan. Despite being beaten ou t for 1hc top in- dividual spot in the varsity competit ion, coach Jack Hedges· Lions managed to sq ueeze in for six of the ncxl nine scoring ·spots and the victory. Millikan's Bob Shepstone made it across the fin ish line fi rst in the 1.9-mile competition with a 10: 18 mark. Shepstone had to hustle to outnod Westmi pster senior Kevin Coleman, \\'ho was given a 10 :23 clocking for the run- nerup spot. The latter is the only 1969 lct- tennan on the Lion squad . Another Lion senior, Dave Miller, a , transfer from Fountain Valley. zipped home with a thjrd place lime of 10:32. · Rich Hoy (fifth. 10:41 ), Mike Braunstein (sixth, 10:411. Bob Dietz !eighth, 10:55) and Jeff Young (1 0th, 11 : 04) were the olher Lions in the top 10. Defensive Systerr1: Key To Marina's Game Plan l!1arina High's varsity roster lists only 45 membe rs, but despite the relative small turnout, coach Leon Wheeler a~ pears to have employed a near complete two-platoon system at the Viking camp as they prepare for their sCason opener with La Puente at Westminster High Fri· day night. \Vheeler 's defensive system. a phase of the Marina game plan that he considers vita l for victory over La Puente. feature.'I possibly 10 players who aren't in the starling offen sive lineu p. The front five conSists of Tom Stacho"•sky and Dan Birdsall at the ends, ~1ark Rehling and ejther Ron Fairfax, Dave Jackson , or Mark Howard al. the l:.<!cklesl ··and Bryan Kerns at middle guard. The backers are between Rich Schaefer and Dave Rilling and Tim Jennings and Nick Vorono. Wheeler's secondary consists of Gene Taylor and Don Faulhaber at the corners 81ld Rod Brown and Dave Campbell at the safeties. A bright spot In the Marina ofrense ls the assurance that fullback Joe Ven.- timiglia will be starting after a minor shoulder injury hinted possible disaster Cor the Vikes. \I/heeler's chief concern ls at tackle where his depth was depleted by the loss of Steve Abbott (195) for the year because of surgery and John Rel!<!, who cracked a rib. The latter is expected back for the se- cond oulMg against South Torrance. Another tackle, Gary Essres, is out with a bru ised knee. Wheeler Is hopeful he'll also be ready for South Torrance. "I think we can score. It's' defensively \\'here I'm really hoping our boys can come through. . "As COr La Puente, well I _expect they're pretty much the same as last year. They're big and lhe have one ot the best linebackers in the CIF. He's really something. They're going to be an experienced team, too,'' says Wheeler. The li nebacker Wheeler was referrinc to is Dale Duncan, a 205-pounder who doubles at offenSive !uU?iaCk for the War4 riors. Duncan is the only two-way man oa coach Mike Quinn's first unit. II .Duck Feet Fins Reg:-$8.95 Skin Diver Fins-$8.95 Cressi Fins-$5.88 Masks-$1.19 to $7.95 Snorkles-95c to $2.95 Beach Floats -$4.95 to $14.95 Kick Boards and S~im BQ_ards Wilson -liunlop -·oavis Bancroft Tennis Rackets Wilson T2000 Steel Racket Strung Nylon -$39.95 Pensylvania Xtra Duty Tennis Balls -Doz. $.1.50 Wilson Xtra Du!Y Tennis Balls Dozen $8.35 -·- Slee~ng Bags $14.95 to $71.95 Back Packs -Day Bags Ground Cloths -Sierra Cups Canteens -Mess Kits Swim Trunks -WamHll lackets sweat Suits -Wann-up Suits Basketballs -Volley Bans - Footballs -Baseballs -Soccer Balls OPEN 9 to 6 ' ladies T enms Dresses Men's Tennis Shorts & Shirts COllYerse Tennis Shoes Mens -$7.75 ladies -$7 .25 1 O Speed Bikes $59.95 to $225.DO 3 Speed Biles $48.95 to $79.95 Single Speed Bikes -$39.95 Tires -Tubes -AccasSllries Closed -Sanda s • I • .,~ . • • -,..__ ---- .. ' 2f DAILY PILOT-• _p!9o~leJ11s .. Pl!!g!!e Newport ·Coach 11a ... line -· ,,,., ... a11o-·pt ·-pd 'lllllY rece.iven. Yeu can't dilcoun1 a-tblnga. ,,,., -,..... ' "We cat kUled o D pau deleose ~-Matlr Del in our~. , "But our ....,.. pl'lblem ts E a. You -lf1 1IOI I the bell -lbal -H'.1 Ille fOlm that makel Ille mJl!U. lbal --· "Yau CID GUtplllf I 1um but mate four -·· -ud ;ioil'n --- 0, II llyl Jolmlon. Marmla& !be Newport mlnl-_,.xrary will be Mite Men (H), Bill Wlllttord CH), Grtf Amlel (S.7) ud either Phil Metq;er·or Taras Young (both I-It). The olienalve 1et backs are even smaller wlth haUbac.k:s Rldl Simons (H) and Mll:e EuterliDI (H) II ant l n I Mon, ' To compound the problems atNewport,Johnaon aay1hi>_ i.am went lbroqb two - prlctlceo..Mondly and Tue .. day. "I don't think tbele boY.• are beliii moUvated -ly ... nd I think that's 1f1Y ·fault. lf you're not vf!r/ good yOu bet- ter be preUy desperate. or you're in trouble," opines J-. J-r<ealb liJa fin\ meeting -· biJ coaching adveraai'y, Dave Holland ot Corona del Mar. , "Holland wu in the junior high ,Y1tem when I wu at El· Rancho and he worked with the wtlghl teams occasionally, When I fJrst met h1ni he was involved with karate and be WU breaking JoP ' with 'biJ handa. So 1 don't want to me11 with him," qulpe JohnlM. JoMaon fiCIJtts to uae seven ot: his offiml~starters defensively with Grant Ge].ker (220) '•nd Terry _).ibfltton (~IS) forming tiUlk of the defensive ,____ ' SALE! Senik Out, FV -Rancho·Serie~ Li~/ D~Jight!.ul ;· 'Mustangs T F M , . 8 .. ll . . Dilemma !· C • led · wo at en in a way A Ed-._ _ . npp t oon __ Colla~ ... Jllah'• hopes ror victory ovef Katella High in Saturday'• 1179 lealOll opener have tuen a 1evere setback wlt.h lbe realization t b at startinf. quarterb8ck Robin Senit ]I ddlnildy out of Musta,. pluo. ' "Robin ii out for thtl 1ame and fronklJ I don't loot !0< his return -be!lft OUJ' leque .,,..... with iolqnolia (Oct. 2)." Sl)'I c:oadl" Mu MlJler. Senit -• -injury ln the MellDI' s.aturQy scrimmage with LI Serna. With Senlk out, It -'the quarterbacting dlAl<a to • pair of junion--a 1lngle minute ol vanity erperieoce. Slated !or duty are Joe Artliur (5-41, 110) and Flip Darnell ~. 170), both righUllnden. "Obviously this dlana:es our plans considerably," said ,: Miller. The Meaa mentor Wouldn't go ihto detail Con· cerning lbose c b a n ' ' s • however. Arthur has had a slight edge . In the passing game over Darnell in practice but It's not ,,....., wi..·n get 111e starlinc nod from his coacb. Miller upreaes concern over Katella's passing game, especially the deep patterns to classy aptit end Rob Conrad. "We have to c~ Conrad. They lite to throW lo hint deep on the play action pass and he's really a fine receiver," aays Miller. Miller's worries don't stop at that point. He's also concerned ,, ) with the Knlghtl' tunning at- • ., tack and the winning tradition -. .. at Katella. Mesa has an all-aenior line- up. offensively with the excep- "!< .. · Uon .of the quarterback vacan- " 'cy. (;~ .,. PlllL IUllll any or his playen. may --out thrOWlng on ot, • • ...,. ~ lt9fl Says Piekfotd, "lt'a good to first down." A delightful d 11 e m m a The FOIDllain Yaltey·~ be rr .. lronrlnjurles becaUIO-Most 'lllielYlObe cnuclting pers sis at Ellison l!Tgfi - '41amitos prep footbfll series we'll haye our handa full with the plgstin if the Barona do go School, home baae for the hu been tightef than two .fat Rancho. We expect another to the .air is M, 1f5.:lb. senior Charger football te1UD that men in a hallway the put two close. game from .them. Ken Shibata, who wears will journey to St. John Bosco Rasorw with Fountain Valley "'Ibey're smaller and ·much glasses under hiJ helmet. High School of Bellflower Fri- havln( enjoyed a slight ad-laster tlian UJ and they have Shibata will be backed by 6-day night for an opening grid vantage each time. two f In e quarterbacks in O, 180-lb. Rict Power, a eflC()unter. In 1911 coach Bruce (Rob) Dill and (Paul) Shane starter at defensive halfback Coach Bill Vail hu virtually Pictford'1 Barbns hosted the and a pair of IOOd ends in who will aee plenty of action 1 complete starting lineup V1queros at Huntington Beach (Gary) Gonzalez (tight 'Qd) calling signals· and at split returning from last year's HlP and came out on the live and (Mark) Rogers (split end. neophyte eleven that finished end by a 11-14 margin. • end). So we upect our ~n--The starting split end, and the season with a respectable And, Jul aeuon the Barons . d~ to get. a ttal workou.~ for most likely target of any 4-:J.2 overall record and a third energed from the tussle with thiJ urly m the season, he Fountain Valley aerials, is place finish in the Irvine an even more suspemeful 15--adds. junior Gary Hernandez (5-8, 14 decisioa at Garden Grove The Barons will be running 160). • League. High. out of the IOUd set T olfense, Working in the aolid set But his dilemma is who ls to "lbia time around the series which is a variation ol tile behind-Shibata will be start at tailback where Jim rttur:m Friday night to Hun· famed Texas Wishbone T at· halfbacks Bob MCKenzie (S.7, Moxley held forth most of last Ungtoo Beacb's turf and tack. Its) and Steve Mohulsld (S-7, season. Pickford !etb fortunate to Although tlia~ type or of· 150) and !ullbock R 1 ck Moxley is back and running have . t'IC1ped from I as t fense is more prone to ac-Hartsfield (Mt, 112), the as well or better than ever. At Saturday'• scrimmage against commodate a tolld runnJ.ne.af.. squad's second leadJ.na ruahef 185 he is listed in the starting Santa Ana without injUJ')' to tack, Pickford warns, "we in 1969. , lineup and probably will re- Ed Anderson (5-9, 1$5) and main there most Of the season, Matt Mobulski (~7. 140) are barring injury. also 11lated to see an ap. "We have two other backs preciable amount of ball-ear· looking real good at the posi- rying ~ty in the Baron tion this season," Vail says. backfield. "itocky Whan was · a Up front the stalwarts in· fuJlback last year and also a elude tackles Bob Walker linebacker. Hoe is waging a tor· (195) and Mark Stopher (Jt(I), rid battle wih Moxlq-for the iame," says Eads, "Brea is a guards Bill Kiristlnat (180) starting spot. Stopping Brea Whi~ Key to Triton Hopes One iJnporlonl key to a SUC· cessful San Clemente High football Opellfr Friday night at Brea. (8) ls stopping Wildcat speedster Tom Teeple, ac- cording to 1Jiton coach Tom Eads. . . "Teeple ia one kid we ean't let get loose. He is a 9.8 sprinter with · fine moves," says Eads. Teeple, a S-10, 16S,pound senior, earned all.Orange League hoDors 'at a defensive halfback spot last season and is rated as the top Wildcat playero by Brea coach Phll Oram. "It ihould be a very tough well-coached team and they 'll and Jim Hostetler (175). "And we also have Bob be fundamentally sound. center Kip Morris (185) and Smith, another f u 11 back. "We look for more of 8 run-tight end Vince McAuley linebacker returnee, working (175). -at the' same pos.ition and it nJng game, but they arc well f\fcAuley, bitten by the in· could be a lhree·way battle all balanced. Their quarterback· jury.bug in the past, hat been season." can throw and they have some called the most improved Jerry Hinojosa directs the good recelven. performer on ~ F~ntain Charger offensive .unit with a "Usually in a first game the • Valley roster by his coach. full Jeason behind him. team that makes the 1t1ost mistakes" will end up on the short end. We just don't know what wUI happen," adds Eads, a former assistant with Oram at El Rancho High. San Clemente will open with eight lettermen in its starting offenaJve lineup. Nine of the 11 are seniors. Eagles Change Offense, Loaded With Fullbacks Coach Phil Brown has lhree " ::r.::.."V:Q:-.,. ______ .... __ . E....4m;.-:...= c::-=..:-:= .... ""'.:.. .. -... .:... -: --·---·---=::.. ........ ..,...-~""::.."'::"-' -:=--0:-"?., .. ~':I.."': ::-.: ::"': =-:.."'::I' .. ---.;: ::t.:"-·------.. -;. _...::. :' ... "" ..=---: ... -....: =-= ... _ .. ______ ,.. __ :: ~ ... ":':"' .. ~ =-""'=-':"' ... "":::: .. ____ .. ____ _ ___ ,, __ ---··-··- FRIDAY AND SATUBDAY ONLY . SEPTEMBER 18 & 19 A·I USED TllES Al.MOST IEW rm-OFFS Doormat Teams of 1969 Collide Saturday Night C.enter Bill 1ttadden, a II> pound junior, split end Dave Sharke, a lS>pound senior and quarterback Keith Gibson, a senior at 165 pounds are the three non-letter winners. Gibson · started the firsl game last year but suffered a shoulder injury and sat out the rest of the season. men working at fullback and a slarter from last year at this position working at tailback as he prepares the Estancia Eagles !er the opening football encounter Friday. night at Tustin High School. Brow.n ls happy to have five such outstanding backfield candktates in the Eagle coop. "We have changed our of- fense quite a bit thi.5 year," he adds. "It is much more adap- table to our kids thi s year us- ing a slot 1-fonnation. "On defense 'A'e will use a basic six·man line." • Whitewalls • Nylon. • 4·ply . • Blackwalls • Rayon • Radials All tires. have been inspected and speciOlly priced for this event. Some pairs and sets available. s10 • Whitewalls • Nylon • Blackwalls • Radials These are selected used tires that are as good as new. Some are new car take-offs, some ·are high tread trade--ins. All have been checked and priced. for quick sale. tuaJly get into a game, you don't know how the kids are _going to react. I'm sure lhey will do all right but jt is too bard to make such a com· par1son at this lime. 1•1 think slddlel:fclt is a much improved te4m this season. They have good backs IDd a great deal of speed." Up. front the rest or the starting lineup includes guards Nolen Boyer (170, Sr.) and Dick Anderson (165, sr.), tackles Bob Burges (215, sr.) and John fl.omero (220, jr.) along with tight end Tim Duvall (1!0, sr.). ''There is little to choose between the .three men at fullback," he opines. "Bob ConkJyn played middle guard for us last year on defense and has looked exceptionally good. "Bill Wagner was hurt most of the season in 19§9 and if he nmains healthy, could be the top man. When the Eagles move to defense, £ive player; will re· main on the field and work both ways. On tm forward wan it will be L e e Friedersdorf, Cal Shores and Bob Kaiser. Jn the secondary. qu arterback Curt Thomas and Conklyn will remain in action. 20 MODlla Gaamteed hlleless Blacknlls DISCONTINUED SAFETY FALCONS Any Size Listed 20 Monlla Gaaranleed TaWless mllenlls DISCONTINUED SAFETY FALCONS ,_ Rust1.ers, VCI Tabbed "We also have a transfer f r om St. Monica's High in Santa Monica who l o o k s good." The tramfer ts John Dixon, a 19G-pounder who is the heaviest of the three. "We are really concerned about Tustin this ye a r , '• Brown says. "They have a great deal of depth, good size and the ability of their persoll"' Del seems to fit a pattern that could be tough to stop." GS0-13 750.14 11s.11 800-14 82S·l4 77S-15 s12 Plus Fed. Excise Tax of 1.65 10 2-.l7 and old trade-in tire c,~rJ"· S 14 . 65°'13 750-14 775-1 4 800·14 82S-14 77S-15 Plus Feel. Excise Tax of 1.65 to 2.17 and old trade·in tire Jim Schultz, after starting at fullback and weighing 145 pounds, is waging a batUe GriUitha at the goalie position. with Mark Tenin for the Fiye players are currently startini tailback spot and In Polo Tournament The Eaglea won last year's opener from the Tillers by a 19.0 margin with the offense &COring twice_JU)d the ckfeme 24 Monda Ganmteed Talleleu lllchalls 24 'Mll!!tl liumleed Tubeleu nllnllls once. Ca.; waging a battle for 'the other -;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; three st11rting spots. They hr /I REGENCY FALCONS s 15 Any Sir• REG!:NCY FALCONS s 17 elude lettermen Lance Norris COMl'Llll TUNE· UP! Compre1!9nsive evening programs toward ·· · Bachelor of-Science U.ted 6S°'l3 77S-14 825-14 · SSS-14. 77S-IS 81S·IS 84S·IS Plus Fed. Excise Tax of 1.65 to 2.53 and old trade-in tire Any S11• Listed 6S°'l3 77S-14 82S·l4 855-14 77S-IS -SIS-IS ·84S-IS Plus Fed. Excise Tax of 1.65 to 2.53 and old trade-in tire and Master of SClenee 36 Month cmnteed 36 ..... Glll'lllllll degf!'eS Pmliu* Blacknlls • Prndu* millWllll 6yltemadc.ctyn1mielnstruc:tionllgiY9f'lbpMouMitlftdfnt IMPERIAL FALCON 4·PLY GOLDEN FALCON 4·PLsY 2· 5 faculty or pr.c;tlcing scienllttf 9ftd •nvlneen hoklint ......., s 20 ::::!r:.m=.m:~....::.=.-. ~~1::;•• ;OQ.J3 69S-l 4 735-14 1c11nm1,.,,.....-1....ic,_. ..... ,.,_.ma. ~r.Ji1• 775-14 82S.14 BSS·l( 885-14 ............... ,, ..... .,..... .,......... 13s.1s ns.15 s15-1s 845-15 ..................................... 7 ••• --1-1 --0650-13 735-1( 775-1 4 825-14 885·15_9CJO..J5_9JS.15 --~~---· SSS:-14 77S:-ISBTS-IS §iS=fS Loo_C.....,....,. ••"'-CounlYCoollr. Plus Fed. E<ciM Tex of J.78 lo 2.96 GtNuM_OCM111btginOct.2latLoeMaeM~ ... I P!us Fed. Excise Tax or 1.78 to 2.53 and old trade-in tire . s.nc1 coupon '*°" ot phone tor 1ntorma6or:. • d Id .~ · · 1------------------•Jl,_,.;an o uuµe-1n hre 'Pt1alum i. ow d~. No lnd111try·•icl• l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~§d~m~u~•~""'~""~,...,~~-~·~~·~~~~~ • f I I • ' ' ' • . • • _, - -, i:---- ~ . ""'· _J Engines! by Deice Hou/gate Professional road racing in this country ha! succeeded at the expense of amateu rism. Now coines ~ fellow who has ID idea how to help the amateurs make a comeback. He is Pete B_rcick, a former,,."Hriver, race_ car...designer 8J)d one of the bright young menAehlnd the early success of racing figure Carroll Shelby. Brock proposes that the Sports Car Club of America sanction a pro-am series to segregate the paid profes- 1ionals driving factory-backed sports cars from the earnest CUS· lomers the pros have all but driven from t)le race courses of North America, Broc k manages the BRE Racing Team of El Segundo. His main responsibility is to prepare Datsun production cars for SCAA racing. This weekend at Ontark> his driver Jbhn Morton will be out tel finish a BRE Datsun ahead of two similar factory teams. · They are Porsche, 'bossed by foNner grand pri~ driver Ric~le Ginther and driven by Alan Johnson (with Elliott For})es.Rob1n- son JI in the backup team car) a.pd Triumph, manag~ by Kas Kastner 8rid driven by J im Oittermore. All are based In the Los Angeles Are.a. c The result or their three-way battle will be some wild, highly com?ftitive. racing, but at the same time the so-ealled amateur C Production class lhey domiruite will suffer from the dropout of men \\'ho know they can't win against the factories. "SCAA really doesn't know what to do with us," Brock ex- plained. "\'le run for the factory to develop parts and techniques ror the little guy "'ho races our equipment. But the poor guy ls discouraged fron1 competing, because he can't win against us in club races. Race Within a Race Proposed _ · "1 propose a pro-am series next year at a selected few race r ~ourses -Ontario l''ould be ideal -where we woukl compete ~~ the C Production class, but we wouldn't race for poinQ toward natlonifCbampionshlp. Only the amateun would earn points, ·;:and .so we really woukl have a race within a ... ract for tem. ;;-_ hey couldn't lose." ~ To make up· a legitimate circuit, Brock would join with Bob ~\harp, the Datsun factory driver in Connecticul, Triumph teams '.t'of Kastner and !\1aryland's Bob Tullius and Porsche leams of ~inther and Floridian Peter Gregg. ·' They would ask for expenses to set UD • pro-am circuit at tracks which annually dra"' large crowds to amateur races. Brock proved-this tYPt. or compellUot1 h.a• pulling power when he experimented "·ith tbe idea for a charity race •t Kansas City, Mo., this summer. •l fhey drew 13.600 on Saturday and 43,IOI Oft Sund1y at Olathe Naval Air Station," Brock sakl. "and tbe commltet that staged the race raised $3-1,000 ·for the ·cuy•J pbilhannonlc orcbes- lra." Kansas City "'ants the pro racing circus back, Brock said, Jllnd be could see a nalional exhibition circuit that includes On· -1ario, Elkhart Lake, Wis., and Lime Rock, Conn., next year. ~ "We ha\'e to work out a comp.romise so that our factory •'teams stop hurting the little guy," Brock said. "This v.·ay we would make onr sporisors happy by running only where the .•··· cro\\·ds arc larji!'.e, and "'' "'ouldn 't be competing against the people "'' should be helping." r I fJ11ta1·io Etalries Nenr Record The factory dominated C Production class may be down nn entries for Ontario Spce<hvay's road racing inaugur.al, but the $25.5 n1 illion stadium still holds the rest of the drivers spell· bound. With a week to go there v.•ere already more than 450 entries, and the total was rapidly swelling toward the record 518 1et a ye ar ago at E lkhart Lake. Ontario may revive amateur road racing, whether the pro- am coincs to pass or nol. "lotorc11cl\st V•e• Bead Jn a sport not ashamed of· the fact that many of Its stars ere hi~h school dropouts. motorcycle racer Jim Rice describes himself as an intell<'ttual rider. By that he means that be uses his head. not the 5eat or his pants, to tell him when to take chanct>s and when not to. , This ,·car Rice's head has outguesse<I mosl everybody else s heart The 23-year-old BSA factory rider from Palo Alto ls on the b~lnk or winning bis first American 1\-tot~rcycle Assn. c~am- pionsblp. •th 1· Rice went into last weekend's Sacramento race '1''1 • s 1m 13-polnt lead over Gene Romero, determined to 10 for victory and let the polnts fall where they may. Rice figured he still bas t"·o more chances to cam the N~. 1 plate for next year -this Saturday night at Ascot Park in :;,;-..,.Gardena and Oklahoma City Oct. 4. ,, • · HJ',•c been riding to win, and lately I haven't been finishing , Ri ce said. "What success I've bad this year has. been due to my ability to finish. I like to think my st.tong points are careful preparation of mv equipment and using my head during a race. "Some guys just J!:O 011t and run and take the breaks as they come. If something should happen to them, well, that's. racing. t like to be as prepared a.s I can possibly be. If 50me!~1n1 hap- pens during a race, I don t "'ant to take any chances. Code An1011g C11cl.e Riders Wild riders who appear not to care for their own lives, much less the lives of the other competitors, are legendary to two. wheel racing, and they arc still ranging across the land on the national circuit. -. . ~"' "We have sort of a code among the riders," Rice said. "Wben some guy starts endangering li ves, we say something to him first. IF he ignores the advice, something usually happens to hin1 in a race.,. \Vhile not calling the freshman phenomenon. Dave Aldana, rttkless on the track. Rice pointed to_the nashy Latin from '."Santa Ana as an example of a rider "who started a little wild ~,and settled dow n." . ·~ "I was interested in drag racing," said the $30,000 a year ... rider, explaining ho"' he began tlis motorcycling career. "[had built up my own car, but I fou nd drag racing frustrating. The guys with the most money to put in their cars·usually won. "I gol a bike for the street in 1965. Someone talked me into going to a scrambles race. As r watched 1 thought It was Cool a nd J could do it as well as the guys I \Vas watching." ,. .. ,, The rest is history. Rice was an insta nt winner. In 1968 he was Northern California champ. From there he rapidly moved up to A~fA's expert class - the championship trail of motorcycle racing. ' , This year he has \\'on steeplechasc11 in the Houston Astro- domc and at Peoria. Ill .. nn. hall·n1ilc tracks at Atlanta, Read- ( s.t;;ing. Pa .. and San Jose anrl on the one-mile dirt at Santa Rosa . That's quite a diversified record. even for a potential riding ~champion. .-. A-rea-Sports-(;a-lendar - T•itfll FOOlf!.111 -hM• .. ,.. ¥1 M•ltr Del I t '-1111 AM Sowl UI, flrld•• ~!ti.II -Hur.l!nglOll lltll(h II L• H1bf1, (ctrOM det M11r ~I HewPOrl H.,-bor, L• '"'-'""'-¥1 M•rl.,. 11 W1tf· 11'1;.,,.,llr, Wt'llmln1t1r "' L&lt~ ti v111r1n1 Sttdlum, Edi.on 11 S•. Johll lloKO. EJll!I<.. •• Trnll!'f. lt1t1t:Pla -"'*"""-yf.-.f'-lllil '4 11fY II Hunl• 1,,_,1oro llt1c~. Sa11 ClllfT\tttlll 11 llt111. IJ"ll¥tr111, v1 !le¥1 1t ... u1111e 11 M1tilol\ Vlelo (111 '' •1. Crou cou11t" -11\H\lll\tltOfl ae1eft, l.19111'11 8t~tlt. Safi C1-!t '"" M~ll ~ 01 1 11 I.O nt ll llth t.111'1 t1'¥11111cMI fl), M'rlflt .. l• Pwtltt. NtWllOrl H1tt1or ., Full1rt011 fbe4.) II l tlfl. w.i• ,.IA -l.Uuna •ud! •t I.I Qulntt . Hu.,11"111'0!'! I MCll ti 1'"- IW!.'T\/NfH II l :IJI,. Cull .MUI t i MMl't L••-taurMV, W11tmlfl1l1r 1not'Marl.,1 11 Afltlltlm .M IGU""41Yo CorOM dtl M•r, C~!I M .. 1 l fld H-· POrl H1rbar 11 EUl l'ICll llff 111'11 Cff lour ...... f1H I I l:lJ). ,. .. , . .., Footti.11 -1(111!11 ¥1,Cotll MUI 11 N-..ort H1rbor, Llfl,lnl l 11ch n lat Al'l'llfllll 1t Ot "*°' G.-Mir• C.I• •I lffdl.iildt t i M!tllon V!tlt Hltft, Goldi!'! Wt1• ., °''"" Ce111 Calltff, Mlt111111 Vltla ¥t ltctoltOKI! 11 JA I OWI (•II ti I 1.m.I. Wtltr ,_GIO -Nt"'.o<'1 Hltbal' 11 (onlflt dtl Mtt "'1tMl'l'ltfll, C~ll MIM 11 MOOf'' ltlfUI llKlrM,, W11I· ll'llntlt• 1not Mltlfll 11 .\Mlltlll'I ltt tour111tP11111t, Goldtft Witt lflVlllftoMI 1, ..... a.a.Jo < -- \ -- "~ .,, ''" •' I ' . ':.~. . ,,":,-~ ' *7# / I • • • • c\nti-ki ckback i;;aff'ty c l111 cl1 ' • HrliC'al ~c ars a:-o:-011re 8111oo th tra n~· 111i ~:-o i o 11 , Io n;: life e ~a\\'tlu...;L rjcclion chute (lire(·!~ 1lu~I a\vay fro111 you ./ • •. Thursday, Seplembtr 17, 1970 CRAFrSMAN 7·1n. SAW Compar~ the•e Feature" • Side-ejection sawdu1t chute • No load 1peed of 5800 RPM • Wrap-around baee plate • Blide Viewin1 port • Develop1 l Jt JIP SAVE 8 12! Hegula1· 144.99 • 88 SAVE $27! Craftsman Heavy Duty Router Kit Sold Separately '76.45 49ss e ''lot or develop11 1 HJ• to trim, he,·el, make d o\·r ta i Is and tenon joint~ with ea~e •Built-in ~11 i 11dle lock for fa st hit cbangct • lncludes edge guide, c11se and:! c1rhide tipped h it• #250;8 SAVE •10! 12-Speed ----Scroller' Sabre Sa\\r llL-•1·1'11 • Regula1· 49~8 '59.99 • l2-..11eed d i11l control for c ulling mo~t n1a1t ri1ls · •Top conlrol knol1 10 turn hliide wi1hout lurninJ saw • Blade turni1: •utomatically i n tt!C, lock11 for i;traight cul; includes II bladf"I! and edge guide #:?6ij -~ tllCM .. t .. 111 "" Companion 1/4" Power Drill 311 ~e ar~ Lo""· Pric<' ! e :?:JOO RP.\l \1·ith huih·in trig· Je1·iock • J/6 HP; for light i;hop wo.rk #11 20 3/a·ln. Electric Drill -- s .. ,, 1699 Low Prier! • Oriti~ woud 01· n1e tal • 1200 RP~1no-load 11>eed • 1/4-HI'; f)in -type 1pindle lock #1112 Orbital Sander-Polisher • ~1uhi.purpose 11a nder for the .. R e1ular 119.99 l101ne h1111Jyman 1788 • ~o-load lipetal of 4:?00 orhit.~ per mi nu If". #258:? SAVE '12! .SAVE 12! Sabre Saw Re1ular 119.99 1788 • Oevelop& I /;; lll' • J/:?-in. stroke • 3;;00 t1lroke1 per minute • Buih-in 1aw· d1111t blower #1722 3-Inch Belt Sander • l)e,·elo p~ l lt ,, • Stnds up to J300 •urf11ce r~el ~ n1inu1e •With ' 3 alu1ninun1 oxiJ e be lts. #22112 Re1ular 144. 9.9 32'88 Ask About Sea,. Convenienl CredU Pion• ll.llNt. ••II' fl IAdll, JtlAl)O <•N09• •••• , ...... , °''-& IOfO t.M 1•1111 MO WI 1..-1 .. ····--·-··· '""' cMlt ,_,..~ ....... CG#JON Ml •·1Jll, "-J.J ,11 MOltfW'OOI ... t .JMI ,IAll,Rl'/t~ut.li';A .. l)l.O, «1¥11M ...... 11 !MOU-Of l •fltl Sf!., Nte"'' ~1' thra1111'1 l•twfft t:~O ~t;io '·*·• Svft"•r 12 N ... i. I '.M. ., ' ' "IMN 61.f·tl• It.Ht& -at ,.Ult •Att.MMt. 111-JJH , JSl .. 111 JAH'flff ...... '"·'-11 ~Wtf~ l11a:W111eM., 1'-.t MMM1 .... . '°"""'" Ml·llll , ¥1lUl PO l·Mt.I, ..... ,,. 'l'llMIM'«." ...... ~ W '- ·-,.. .. ~ I 0 0 0 I 0 \ I 0 \ I ' \ -.I : ._ .. :,,>' ( . '~. ,~·~\Q~' .1. -fl> ft:"\,, •••••• j I•.,·.~ , ' . e.0·1m~rt..~ . .,..Blilf , ... ).pW scOf\ES! ·.HIGH PO\wOtf, Get Dleftty of ptin1 help in Arnold ~ P<11lmef's booklet, "'Tee st.all •nd .f1irW., Woodi," wrftten ·ex. J ' \Cl\llivelr for readeMI of thft coklmrt. A copy is )'OLlfl for 2.0C: and . "'• stimp-4,,s&ll·•ddtasM •ilwllQPf $11'11 to Arnold Palnler, c/o , ~. UliS newtJUIJ)et. ~_. " :f'..;:·Is • Third Time 1, " . . ,~ . , ...... r · • ., ... " ... ~··. Uons' Charm? •s•• . ·~· . ~-,, ' ~There's· an old· adage . that talks about the third lime being lhe chann. time, The Lakewood Lancers have beaten Westminster's Lions J J~, last two years .in pre: or;:l!:ague football openers and "tkm'coach Bill Boswell is hop-. IM the adage doesn't wor~ for John Ford's t-.ancyrs ·Friday ~-.nldlt at .Veterans Stadium i11 •:b,Rg Beach. ':!"cl .:ake'wood thi.nks it can turn ~~ ,ttiCk for th'e third straight ·time ·but \Vestminste:t. ·which - will ha\l'e a definile physical advantage, has other .ideas. Boswell says, "we'll try to establish some sort of ground game but we'll -go to the air i(- we have to. "Wt feel we have. ;i fairly good defense and that's why we'll be using, more ball con· trol." Wesbninster ent.CrS tlie 1970 campaign without any . in! juries. which has prompted Alamitos Racing Results LOS ALAMITOS tlll!SUL Tl w""""'· s.,.1. ,,, 1t11 ClN r 1nol l'i tl FlltST .ltA(_f , ),so ii1rd•. Milden 2 'l'ear oldl. Cl1lmlnt. ~roe 11.00. Walch Curl Go. (Ll,himl 7,6/J 1.00 ! . ..O Lute' ICrosbyJ ' 10.llCI 7.60 Bob'l Anct!O!' !R11blnion1 20.0!I f jme; .11-6/lG .• Sq1!d><1d-FIY '11oy1I, Troohy Sni tch· er. SP'Hdv Sin 81r. SECOND ltACt . 350 Y1rd1 . l Ytl• old! 1nd up. Clalmln•. Pune SlfllC . Double Don (Herl) t7,IC 1,00 1.60 Piigrim 81r• ~LIP~lm) ,S.llO l,60 ke'1 A Re<>ue!I !ild•irl 2.jQ ·Time: .11.1110. , Strotchtd -Wl1•t Lutk, C8"do 8fY 8~r .. le1'' Go Som, W!How Gold. OQ -F'!nlslled lrd, di1qu1llfifd t. pl1ced las!, ., ... ··~· ' Boswell to comment, ··we ~t lf1<n~TLY oou•LE, f .w.1c11 ha~n't been hitting ha,rd c11'1 G• 1. t . Doublt D•n, ••'-' 111.•. ~ ~u· e . et. eDOU&h to hurt anybody yet." THlllD ltACE . ..00 v•rds. l vtor oldl ~-~':·.,· myersJ .y· Although &,,well realize s a ~~1ct:~';;.;,;11!~m!~~1:0~;" s?.:'1.to-1.'..o >itt •\.• • · team like Lakewood will h -c11111 B•r (LIDll1m1 J.10 1.10 • ~ 1101• Coo {1'ern1t) J,60 1~·G· ·. ..d c · 1· · making mulmlin). use, of its 1nc11.n. :;: ' rt . oac l pa,.;ng game and end sweeps " '"''"'" .••J -· hC knows llm.ost apy, ~am l'OUltTlf II.AC&. ,l~ ~•rcls, 1 ve1r ..,,_ . ., "JI h IOU h t' t · old1. Cl1I.....,.. P11h 1 S2100. · ,6 ... _ WI ave a g 1me rymg Liii• Stan 1...,d11,1 . , l.IO 5.00 5.,., .. 'O ,.1,' 0 t• to crack open the middle of 0ou11r.Aoaln' !l"trnerl ,_,o '·'° ~~~,pu_IIDJ.~ IC the ~io• d~ens;ve·waJJ: ~11:~1 ~1~;~;~~"'11'"'' '~·.20 w ll'I,•• Two virtual "midgets·•. John-:--st••1c11i!d :-sierra B•rbit . 1111 ltun, •n~:tJhiversity High' f 0 o.t b a 11 Johnso n (6. 01 218) and Bart Pocus Prince. --. . . ~ Red · F'rankhouse · (!1·9, 2QO), hold · 1'1 l'TH 11•c l!. i;o v~rds. J ve'lr olds ::~c!t Jerry man IS One dO n th d f · d ond uP Al(ow1nce1, PurJt 13200. 1tiwho thinks his team can w e e ensive guar 11et1c~i~ger 81• iw~hc~l 1.60 !OO 'so h spots_ while twp of the team·'s Rebl!1 c111r11• ~Mio orl T.10 J . ..o ;.~ on a winning note in· 1 e bigger lads, Deano Aldridge Fir~• Dl¥1 .10,tverl ~-60 e.Crejans inat.igural grid game 16, 260) d G J . . tome: .11-111c. ~illi Soys 'R_epublic Friday ..,, ·ai:i . ary enn1ngs No 1c••1th•'· ... h (6-3, 221) are the Lion tackles. S!llTH 11:.1.cr;. 350 v~rds. 1 ve~· olds. !;t\ilt\t at·li1ls!ion·Viejo H1&•· DCspite ttie facl t11at Mike r18;m1"~··Pu,., snoo. •e> ~e·re very Op l i mis I i c Dodd (183) a.nd Jra Thorpe l!e Sur• Kid !Pernen aboUt this ball game .. The kids ( 175) are email defen sive ~1:;r:!~~dver'~,~~:::: · art excited about it and ·~ager ends, _they art no1etheless Time: .11.(110. 7.10 l IO],?!\ •.60 1 . .0 ••• • R d Scra!(~ed -Pr~9""rous Q11e1!,"Tr11e lo play,' says e men. unusually tough and quick and Grii, second An1e1 . .• , .. "Both teams of course a re sf)ould be.abh(to ctiii:llenge 01>- t1fttexperienced and v.•e look for posing speedsters. on sweeps Saine errOrs by both sides. It and off-tackle thrusts'. -4bould be a pretty low-scor~ The -Llon ~ary' includes garU. : · · , \Vatt Madq ' fit!) and ''We scouted Boys · Republic Doug Milne ( · t, I ) "at the last week.eild clnd although corners and 'Kirk Harris. (5·9, .1tt.e9 didn't IOOk good, I'm sure 159) a11d Terry Young (~9. t,!Jleit staff had not wo'rked l51 T a( the safeties. · ';~1h their kids vel'y long. I'm Expected to generate an of- •'sur·e they will be improved fensive si)ark .for Liolls is ~ever lhe strlmm·age. They junior quarterback J e f J have good potential. SiemenS (6-0, 174), who will be • 1·~we really· didn't it!t too trying to replace t he :;,ech on them. Their scrim· graduated Eddie Bane af1 er ;,~ didn~t fast very long and movipg ·over from defensive U EXACT.I., J ·l l Sur• ki. & I · 5!ovl T~t Vil, ·••Id 10 .St. SEVENTH ltACE. 110 V~•ds. 3 Ytar ol~ anti "P· Allowences. Purse MOOO. Viii~"' Prince !Adeir) 11.'IO I.)() !AO Mois~e !Wtll'! 1.10 1.M Mr. AdtQUl1t !81nk•l 1.00 Tlrnt: .I S.,/1 0. ~<'•IClled-Clabbtr Red Ro(k, Tt~fS_ 'l'rt cer, Cra1v $1<Y. • EIGHTH ltACE . .00 v1rd1. 3 Vtlr ol~ end uo. Cllliml'l'lt, Purse !•.O. 110<~" Mick tO•evtrl U,20 !.10 J.10 wi tch Ell (Ad1ir1 · 7.00 1 . .0 Dlvld"'1d'I 81r \Crtolbvf 1,20 Time : .20-1110. A110 ran -Geronimo M1vor. ~~.clow M•~. A!!infr1! p;ed. A Gofn' Min. No !CfllClltl. - NINTH "ACIE. J)O v1rd!. l year aldsl b•e-d In C•llt. Cl11mlni. f'u'1t 11..00., Lille ledV ll<lllr tCro1bvl 10.00 1.00 l.001 Count Cl1r1n tSmll~l l.20 1,60 Lt0!1',,0lt l (All.llrJ . 3,201 ,T!rnt :. ,11-1/IC .• Al!o ••n -MIOMV Moon. Lltllf P"· ct~!, $!lent Sct-n1. Stl•lv D11111sl1. Go 1A1t1 Jet, S!1rr1 Gu~•evvt. 1'1n'' Mirr~. Scr~!ched -T~nv HOii, ~ had pro)ll~s with 1he cn~d (fullba ck), ~1.i 1 n e ..c'.-11 n·t er· qu arterback · Cll· (tailback) ~nd Maddocks "dillllge," adds Redman. · (win gb a cl;) .a·re Siemens" ,... Redm1:_n will . o,pe~ wi~h-nine backfield counterparts "\''hile :J11nlors and a ·pair· of Steve Olesiak. (6 -4, 187) and '·19~· in ·his starting Steve Grassb~l!gh 'IS.ll ." lfi.J l;" ~Jineup. 1..efi · lack1e · Floyd art the top Liolls on the -·1· ·-· left -··'"' Jobn ,, E X.t.CTA, 11 . \.1111t LI., llMr a ·-ns1 ey auu 5 ucuw • flanks. f . C•~n! Cl1raft, 111• "'·"· •tiaefer • are the .Jone ---------------------~-~morei::. · · ) -1n, )h• ·,bac:k(\e]d, ·To'!' · · -,V;1ker will AP<arllead th~ SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myers TrojlllB at !he · quarterback politlon with Ed ·Call and ---- George Harney as the running ~ becks ·and ·Dave .. One at ----------· ~ c fu~ck. Red,,;~p ''tlllli:i, th; 1· l 11 1 ~YI lrom the t.idelinel. splil ':tiitla.Bill .Ridi!le arid Bob Pat- terson will :shuttle. back and '"forth to the Aidelirms. • • .,.,,, a.-· b,l.ic. )t!Jl'also. lietd II , ~g'~m wllb ooly three .· . . ~ ', . . .· ,._$.f'!Uor:i: and •one .. 1.ette.i:nun in •«t starting offen11ive lineup. . . . . i:~esa· Fe~ ........ '~~,[~illll~',!!l!l!l!l!'~ -.. ~'-r~------H -, ~. ·.:::t~:<w::::~~~~~~~i:::,~:,:· ~ :. 'The Costa ?t1esa H LI h ··booMen club wllJ feature a --!'kickoff tirea~rii\-Saturdify 'mOmlng ih anllclpa'tkwi ol. the )fustangs' 1970 football opentr 1h~at night wJlh Kate.Ua Hif,h. The feed on -the MIN Cl~ . ... pus runs from l.a.m, tO l p.lJl. . • • _ _._ ,;;:,i:';:',~ o1°t~ ~ES-flYf. x-. Ji(()f1 .Wt7/lf5i~Ct.:- • -<\Lit for iclulta _ond ~$ ctnti _ •. for children. F-or-furthcr informalion call ~Its . Sch~pens 549·1206. ~)IOLPftS' MEmm,·;;;l'r;;;-AAKE Jtllr /T'J ~ Tiit-6~0f!fP R~/' ' • .. . ' .. ' • ' . . ....----~ -.~ .,, • , - -. I . / •• LOCAL No ,.t~tr 11•wipip1r f1ll1 Vcu mor1, •v"•ry d•y, 1boul wh•f1 q oi119 011 in th• G r1•f•r Or1nq1 Coo•t th•n tli• DAILY PILOT. l1bor 01y,.spaci•I: All Union M•mbers aelm it· ........ tad,,.FREE by sh o"f'ing current c1rd. \ .... _,..-- Feat ure Ric•: Tha $25,000 ''Go Mi n G o" with KAWEAH .BAR LC)S ALAM'ITOS w ~~.T. o~ DISNEYLAND ON K ATEL.LA ' I D • I , • • I l I 80% MORE MILEAGE RUGGm 4-PLY NYLON CORD DEEPER, WIDER TREAD WIDE''18''·SERIES STYLING (ComPll'~ 11-.d on our own Long Miier) SILVERTOWN CUsTOM SALE PRICES Sale Ends Sept1111ber 30, 1970 BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE BRAKE RELINE . . ' ~ ,' • S,.del Lew friC., .;....' $ .... . 7.00-13 5.80-15 ' C78-1 4 (6,9S.14) £78-14 (7.35·14) F78·14 & 15 (7.75-14 l 15) G78-14 •15 (1.25-14 • 15) H78-14 615 (8.55·14 l 15) J78·16 (8.85·15) L78-15 (9.00-1 5) (WN!• Ollly) 95 ALL CARS· UO•ctpl D_IK) 1 .. .,, ··--·-~--- •• ,J "cuA1tANfi1: T'l'lt 111111111' .n..:, n-.. '.~'""' "' Y•Yr c•r '" ffllt•ntfff i.r llt.toa 1'1111:1 • · . \117 '"~'" u1et1 In "9n·c•m1T>tn:lll ,..,..,,..,,ctr Mn'lca, Sl!tulll l'!lt ll11Tnp 1111 •r _, tot! •w•l!>f 11111 ,.,led lftfy wm bt r111llcR •I .,. CM,..,...,. trlt llnlnl a"' tnlr • "'"II 11rvkt c~• .. tt l•r hoo1.111.111on, W1"tnlJ llmltd '9 IM!k !" ~,. ,.rlfrml111 •rttl111t 11r¥kt . • • Regul•r Sele Price Price . F.f .T. 25.75 17.11 1.96 25.15 17.U 1.75 25.80 11.11 2.17 26.85 21.81 2.25 28.45 24.11 2.44 31.15 21.• ~60 34,15 21.11 2.80 . 38.85 31 .U 2.87 45.10 Jt.U 2.87 Al:L MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONORED • BB ·-· JONES :f~RE SE VIC-E - ' • 1100 N. TUSTIN AVE . /OOt/tbf!h'IMlp 2049 HARIOR ILVD. tat layl __ --1---~~ ORANGE-==. ~-~ ~COSTA MESA--- 646-4421 PHONIS 532·3383 "BF(•oodrirh / M ... ,~s o• LIPllAVlll llADIAL Tillll ..~01111 ,,~ sHDw• ,, "'°"" M TlllM_' • • n D b• •• n • le ic T C< ~ p i< b •• a I! ' • • b w A g k p ,, " • 1: fj ti I' I. 0 ' ,, i ' • t t t I I ' r I • p ,, ' t l • ' ... . . -..... ·~ • .-.. I".' . ' ••• • ' ! . •• .. .. • I l • • .. Tlll""7, S1pl1mb<r 17, 1970 . •• .. '· 17 LEGAL NOTICE LfXlAL · 1i<n1C£ ~ NOT!? , -· .. _.:_ ClltTl,ICAff ., •u1•ISI, CIJll"K.t.TI ... .:.:~ifi?' ~ ~ 'IC'rll .. UI JfAMI -.· r1CTll~ ,,,,,...,-• ' CJllTl,ICATe ., IUllNUI J1-............ fc:H c:wt!f'I ... l1 ~ _:-,.,,, Vftllet1llMllll .. -"" IMy 'ICTl'TteAll ~· tiktl• • 1111$lllt'.J 11 f>Ql •lvu °'""'\ <~11,_.-.-tii""""-.,..-J:IO'I l h1• ., ; •. -r-;, . '•• ,• •' ... I I'" ~ ... ... • ••• .. . . . . ~ ••• • "'" ... r l~ 4; ;-l•· ••• 1;1 • I • t • • ... ·'' . . .. . ' 'TM llllderl*"" .. nrtil., ""1 .,.. N~ it-ell,. C.)lfttnlf, lll!W 1M _lie> ~ lt.ctlr."~11111, ~ -ouctlllll • auslllu.I '' llllOI W11l1......i, t1tl9u1 firm '*"' ef Outrtt tMn:• 111v1:.I· tlllW• tfrft'I 111.-".JIOATWWl!I 1,..,11\t, C11lftNll.I, ~ *" lletll1'111,»1m lfttl'll Ot4W tlld •'MI Mff ll•O'I J1$ co.,.. VEITf,\llltT 01110\I, ,,_,. l1'14t..Mlf il ""'"" ofVAHTAOI ON1 tl'NtJlll~ IS ....... ., ... foti-rn. ........ W"*-' '"°'"'"' ... ...,._ .. no....r,,. ...,,,..,.,,, • l lmllM 1'irto>tnril1 •Ml .,.., •IJI 11'"' MIMI fn f\111 ,·11t1r.itctt ti r.iff.iu ett "*"* lfl Ill~ •1111 •ltep • ,.~ . ,~ ' . .~ ..... ~ • . . -ii ~ el ~ ·~Int WM:'\,, I "'-'t.llll' . • -,..-1, t-11'• YSil , "'"'-,..tMS 111 full 11w 11tc•· "' ' !..•r l. ·s.u~.,..., 1011i Ore11t1 .,..,, 1. ·,,.,, N•I"' ~"'*"-"'"" _,.,. '~-.,., 11 i.ti.•: -- ' IJ!ll...,., .O•t'lM• C,Jifctn't ,.tlJ; 1'1rtr11il, UAI C111Ut1ell AY"eft&lt, l >J' . .:...,H -CtMi:1Lhftw· ,,.,.. . K'. 01w1, -·u.M1 l.,1ri. of.I~. AllMI••· ~c1lllitnl1 ..,,..-,, th •. °""""It', J, Slcll. lll001 I!~, Otlfltl; j:1tlforfll1, t?U7,~ INlfn .,,,, Mrt. IC-"' Ill, IC-,,_ • lr¥1M,_C.lli!O'~~I l..U G.m 1 l"ltCt ,M.q. ~t Ql;NnwM Orlvt. Hloltltil\flM Stl'tll; •1¥tl'ilel9, Cfllli.rflfl nsodl ), IC-.... • "" "' • • ' hkll: ·e.01tMlt, """'· Th.tldo.r• •·. o.'(ld .G. T1-Mfl. mr .... , .t.Nlllill'I. C•l1hlf111t ~111111..,, a.r 'I!. ,,111d1 -S\rffl, ·Ol'IV• s.11.c11 .. ,, C•l1fwnl1 flllt .. l ltnlfld 1'1t1Mfl ..-c.,._, (11~11)1<'. ttl'N, toolc lnduCllOll flnf "Vt· Vtrn • I!'. Cltff, UM l!'•ul M.....•t9W11. l!!?'•u11tr, 1,..,.1~~ l'!NIF~ Ct., Int .. "21 Eaff Sli u:..n """"Iii' S,1t1 10of,' l.·t't•nlll Ar<ll Fry, ~1~ ..... 11nvltw SI!'"'' A~ll'lut, Me..l.iiOO', C11llor11!1, t12,., Ctllfo.rnll fllUJ J, Mr. "" """· 0r•l'l99· Lltm S. G(0.1\1/' • ..:11 L•n<• •rdlUct s. '$mllll Ir. 10l5e Clll!llf 11. 0<;n.o1r, 11311 .,Jr•.IWC.• SV wilo4 Wa't, .1,..ll'tt, Clllf e. L•~-t, AYtnue, .• Dtlwnq. Ca~l••nl• t'Ot41: · •t1•H•wfr, CaH•rnll ft* f. Mr. 2'201 Adanls. Mliit'",Vltlt( Haro~Jlli JOltPll H.· Gell(, Pllthln H•1f OriYt, t,\N, WllllllTI ~cotli. 1lf l.11t/ Ind Ftff M, MS.&nh•".._ "'1i'!~i...; p • Stt~le,._, Conn.cll<UI, 06ttt, Jos• J, NOrlll LIM l lll(l'i, Ctllhlmft 1. M • 11ownl"!.AVfl'IUI, nll 111, -· . ,.,..w, ,7"1 Or<l'll•• NO, '"· M,., E1fW•'' ICUllM. 1"1 $ante ltun<ltll, !st •rtt11WMll, 5Coi.t1 ML"'' \ •lv~r:lldi, C•Jllckn!t t:",,4,,Gtfl Gr~• A¥t11u-. Hunl11111tfrl Pttll, C1llf0t. If · ltonnl t' G. Jlllld!, 241&S Pll•I 1111• 1'41~1 P1clllc COM:! Hl1llw1y, Pacttl,, t.~r. NOrlfl&n Wllka, 717 ~ Mlulon Vltlo. Hu1f1 •• T!lll'l\1"1n, Ul~l Jlt!THdt:. Ca1U1r"(t, lrvln1 • .,kt, Coron1.1111 Mir, Ctllflfni. f, Mr1 l llH"lnclt W•Y· 51"11 An1, Jll'll-5 . M.O., 2Ul, +111111fc, L•nt •e•cll. M'I, Wllll•m ICVl'IM· "°' 1'•111• •utllll'IO'I. sot 0.11111 A¥tftl.lt. C-1\I Cl111t~ ..... ._ HUnllf>tl'trl ,.,,., C1 llorfll4i 1 -H I Mir, Jtltltrt It,. (M k; 1011 e1r. Otlff S1~tl'l?lb.; t, !tit -. IM. Al.II $'9-. 112fl C111tfll, I Caperton, L111C.11$,.t, ·lil1rlPYn C. Frln, Albert w. AnC111'$0t1 C!tr, C11t,...nl1. sin~ MarlHll AY1t111t. Corona <lltl Mtr, Glntr.l Jlartn1r 01ttd SeJilfl'll• ,f, lfrt " •lcNord M. Gr1b9W, 2'61 An1 VliUi !>•tt•of Call!ttnll, ~ Atblrl W, AnCIOritn o.rio.1. H-Hrt ltadl. 00-k J. o~,,.. Coun"": G-11 "'""" , SlcoH. lll002 Wl\lttwtod. ,,.,,,.., IClllllllll on s.-111'1\:=.. .. ,.10, k l••• ....... • Sl•hl •..C..Uletnlt. 0•-· Ctull"": A. Heillo UH G.an'llnl l"L1c1, AMhtl"', Nall'"" l"ubUc In 1rwl ffl' i.aloil i111f, On s..ttmbltl' '4, lf11, blfer1 -· MattlltW M. si.rm1n, 134 klll1h Hiid•, ,1ri&:111Ur '•••••r..i Albert w, Aillltrslll'I, NolltY J111•llc In tlld . for 1111 Sr AMMlm, C1Hl01 N1 illtWn to 1111. ~ bt t11t ltll.111 Wlllle °'"""''"" ,_.,._. Alber! W. A O.led.Alloust U. lt70 · n1m• 11 1ulr.ctlbH II Ille wllhln, In-1cnciw11 t1 ll'lt II k Ille ~ •· OOITll'llC J .. Slco!I ~1'\111'11111 a/llf 1cknoWIH'1tc1 lie rllKV!N IWlmt 11 wl!Krlbed If, Iii• wllllln Klll\Mttl A. Ht ln .... ~~r-t. slr11Ment11/lllll &CAMWlldlM lie u STATE OF CAt.LFCllNl.t.. (0FFIC1,t.L $'!ALI 1t.1 ~". ORANGE COUNTY: · Chester Ferre ll S1llsbuN II <OFFJCU1L S!ALI 01\ A111.u:1t 14 lt7~. Htorr mt, • N.et1rv N:;:1n-Pu~'lc • C1llf1rnl• crit11er Frrrtll Stll1b.,,., Publlc' 111 In( f~ !.lld St1!1, 1Mf'M,,1llr l"rlnc l»I Oll!c. In Nollf'I 1"11bllc:. C1lli.rt'llt IP"ired ICtntvllc .... H•lrt Ind l)or.11.l!C J. Or1np1 Ce1m.l'I • Prlnctlll Olflc1 In Sl~U 11.MWn IP ""' II be !hi ·~·:•t~ M• Com,.,lnlon E•rlre1 Or•M• COU!'llr wtlo$I NITl.S 1ro wbJCrlbocl to 1111 w11111n O<:Tot:•r ,, .un ,,\., co,.,mlutlln E•rlru 1n~rum1n1 ""' ~lcnowled1H the~ IJl·I l"lltll~ed Orin" CN;t CUllJ PllO!, Octcb,, J, 1'11 e,u1M lte "'"''· •···embtr 17, 2~ 1/ld ~!ckr 1. t Publi::i.ci Or1ro1 c .. 11 D•llr f'I /O FFIC!'°'L SEAL! • 1,71 , . t7 .. ·1C St"""'ttr 17, 14 '""' OcHIMf" t AT!llt•l t,1. \'lllkl~s ' ifi'Q ' 171• NO!trY P11:it1c · C•llternl• FLOCKS OF BRANT FLY OVER WATER AT AL TATA BAY NEAR CULIACAN, \IEXICO. LEC;AL NOTICE ~~;:!~'c~~;: in . ..J,.EG4L NOTICP; MY Comro1Ts:;ton E1'.•lrll ' l":IMU • T --May 12; H)' ._.._ WH~T'~ IN-- OUTDOORS? W ate1·f owl, Dove Ple11tiful Publi~fltd O.:.ntt CN~t 01\ly Pl!el, · ClaTll'ICAT• OP·•IJSINISS soP••l>Oa COUaT OJI TM•«, .i.u,usr 21, Sutembtr 3, It 17, lfl~ . f'ICTITroU5 ,NAMI •. STATE 01' C:ALll'OaMIA l'M U'2·10 Tf\1 undtri:ltntd do.; <trlll'I 111 15 ti"· TMI. COUNTY 01' O~Nel --------------1 duCTl~t I t\IJIMJO II l'.0. ltx 211, Mt. A n11e · /l.\ldl'll~ Cf!), C:tlllornl1, Ufldlf Thi lk· MOT.Cl 01 MIA.IMO 01' llCOND AN LEG~i. N0'11CE tlfl~I ·· tlr"' 'fl&mt of DAN A PfNAL ·ACCOUNT AMO •lf'Oa:T -------~-.,,,,,,,,..-...,,.. OJST•ll UTORS. and 01•t 11ld tlrm b 1xec1JTao1. ".TIT I ... ( NOTICI 01' Dl~SOLUTION 0" <orneo•M' ., the l"oll1Wln1 .,r:oh. ""'651 ALLtlWANCI 01' $TATUTOllY •• 1 l'AJllTNEf:IMI• 1Nmt In !UH lflll elttt II ra :dtnca II '' ECUTJllX'I . •cOMMllllON \ Putllc nohct b Mt•'.:.Y 1lwn lllil ltllow:: STATUTORY ANO IXTUOltOI~ Jemu P. v11r!fllnrrin,.1nd WUll1m C. Ot!I Turner, H•lJ $.in11 .IJIJl1, F6U11· ATTO•NIYS' 1'111, PITITION I •'Jfurln!llO~. lit. hut:"1ort do I 11 I llln V1l11y, C1~f. > . APl"•OVAL 011' ADVANCI DIST•I• • busf!\fS$ und•• th• 1.t1ltl01JS tlrrn n1m1 011ICI Avt.al M, ,, • TIONS, l'ITITIOlll . I' 0. • •nd o:YTt of W1r1J1111t!On lnComt C1l1Turo11r l'OtNTMENT 01' INllVIDUAL ;.~P•fl!f~. tt ]471 VII Lide, c11 .. of STAT E OF CALtF,OllNLA, t•USTll, ANO "!'"'°" I ~y Jack Anthony 111 Mexica11 I-Iu11ti11g A1·eas The deep sea fishing prospecls for the remainder of the month are excellent. Albacore are reported 2~ · 30 miles off Point Lonia in San Diego 1vaters and a good bile is under way near the 60 mile bank. The longfins arc being very cooperative for boats runninc out or all the landings along !he ccast. • Landing operators report very J:ght loads on all boats which makes for ~ood fishing and lots of fish per passenger. The albies are averaging better than i7 pounds and the big ones are still to come. . Private boats also r<:port some large schoo!s or bluefin tuna in the channel \1•atcrs, bul a bile has not developed as of yeL. The niyslcrious albacore of the Pacific could \\'ell provide Cx. ccllenl angling for SouthP.rn Ca lifornia fishermen \\"CU inlo th e month of Oc~obcr. - fi'i 1•et•1·,,cl~e1·s Ycllowluil in lhc 4 • 10 pound class, kno~·n as 1''irecrackers ha\•e invaded the ll'atcrs Iro111 Dana Point so11lh1rard. Exeelleul fishing ror H1csc sinall but \'Cry game fish is ·On tap fo r all aug- Jers rlshing out or local landings. "' . Party and private boals from Ne\\·port, Long Beach, Dana Poull. Sau Clemenle. and Oceanside are all getting into lbe. •Cl· ton. Veteran harbor arr.a anglers Phil Grt>vshock, George Lo- baugh and rhil llcdlund boalcd a number or'yello"·s "·hlle anch- ored off 0:1na Point last \recl;end. The "'Il ler con<!itio11s are good and the fish should slay 1round fur a "'hile. 1'hc ye!hi1rta il arc biting bait, jigs and fea· lbers and are n1ixL't:I 1vl1h good sized bonito and barracuda. \'e/101vtnil llcrb!J l•'isl1·off It's going to be a toss-up \vherc lhc skippers \\•ill be heading this f 'riday as more than 7.:>0 anglers "'ill be on hand to fish tl1e ~rbr Day, marking lhc conclusion or the 19i0 Yclfo1rtail Derby. • 1he Coronado Islands arc loaded 1ri1h big ycl!o1,·s. ,\lbacorc are reported as close as four miles off North Island \vith the better fi shing being on Lhe ou~sidc, antl lh<' big, yC'Jlo1~fin tuna will be found ain1osl any,vhcrc. Bait is exccllcn' and the waler Is laying do111n outside. Jll111•llt1 Act.i1111 Laol.:s r1•a111isi11g Tbt total n11n1Ui:r or splkcbills '1eigbed in at lhe Balboa Angling Cluh this year is approaching 60, and according to Peg- jy Hitchcock of lhe anglin;: club, this v.·eekcnd sbo1dd add a! Jeast fi\·e fi sh to the tohd. The marlin are liCaUerrd all o\'er the ocean-as boats art picking up fi sh one day at the Slide and the next day efl lbe \Vest End. Il ·s just a n1attcr of being ia lbe right place at the right lilne. O\·er lhr "eekcnd J oey Anuger or Costa ~lesa v.·eigbcd in a J;»S-pound marlin caught near lhe l~ mile bank on a flyer while (jshlng aboard the boat Bae11ruda, and Randy \Vood , also or Cos- 1,a i\lesa boaled a I.SS.pounder ne11r the Ti n Can fi shin;: on the Vegas. IA>ct1l A11gle1• Louds Big T11110 1 The local broadbill champion, Ted Nastzgcr of Nc"'porl Beach took top honors for the Anicricun teasn entered in the No\a Sco:ia International Blucfin Tuna fishing tournament. Nctzgcr·, ~atch t.\·eighed in at 6:;o pounds. The local angler already has three broadbill 10 hi~ credil 1h!s season and fro111 the "'ay he is going he could set all kinds o( individual fishing records. For informali0t1 on Slnaloa hunting. bolel rcscrvallom, efc .. write Enrique Fllcti o :az, Slnaloa Slate Touri~l Bureau, Cullacan, Sinaloa. ~lexice. Bv GLF.NN \\'IJTTE 01 1~1 DtflJ l'ilel 11111 Cl 'LlACAN, Sinaloa ~~tex .) -\Vave after 11'a1·e or dove zc:imcd overhead, spme com· ing so close ii seemt;d that you could club thern just as easily as you could ~hoot~ them. There were so many it \\'as a simple case of selecting only the choice shots -and then at tin1es af!er you fired an Cl'en r,3sier r1ock of targets would \vhisk over your h~ad. Sureh•: it appeared. lhe sea of 11·hite win;::. purple 11nd n~ourriing do\·c \l'CUld ne\·er run dry -the f"Y \\"'S dol1e:I wi \h then1 . 81•1 af'cr two hours of incredible shooting. the sea became a ril'er. the ri1·er a stream an:i the stream a lricktr. The "'arm sun "·as slipping OL't of si gh t. Nothinl{ I had ever ~X· pericnced h11 riti ng dove in California cou'd compare \rith the • ~h'lctini:; just completed ncqr this :viexi can city named C11!ii1ca'1. ''cl the Mexica n touri.0m d'.:'ot't r!men l offi cial "'ho in· \·:ted we to hunt 11·as lamen- ting the f<ict it "'as the end of the season and there weren'l more birds. lt \\'as more th:in the im• agination could endure : more birds thsn \1·hat ~·e hid seen! B1·t that's the story he stuck 111ilh. "1e 11·ent ou! lo the duck and goose shooting areas, loo. There "·eren't a lot around. "except al one bay "'here several flock or brant \\·ere obser1•ed. \\!alking up one creek I flushed six or seven ducks, they fle\V close by but I ble1v the shot t using a single shot shotgun). In view of the 75-<legree 11·eather. it seemed incredible that any 1vaterflO\\'I al a II I r11w .. orr ~N~fl· Ct~"" ~I CrAnl•· ~1111 ORANG! COUN Y· . FINAL OIST•llUTIOH ' . of Callletnlt , did on Tfl,; ISlh ' di~ of On Au1u1! u , 1'10, DcfO(t me, 1 ~Ollf'I In the Malttr If 1111 E1t1te ol M. C . would still be in the area. giv· you have a man lo go \\'lth1 5.~1e;n:i.or, 1'10. ,., lflu1u11 content, Jlubtlc ln end l« u ld s111e, ••r.on111~ STANCE P"ll:1D04.PH, oec.ii.ad. . d I dl--a1... lht 11fd ····~•rsl'll• tndt•Pllfl'ld 0111 Turntr ktHIWn II n .. t1 be TO THE SUPE•1c1t COUJIT OF TMf ing an ir.dication that siories you , retrieve an c ea n your 11e;-... ,,,.,. Their ,,1111.,.. ,, .. 1rrn1rs th••••~ 111110.e n1.T1e lJ 1ub<.<r!bed •• sT ... TE OF CALIFOJllN IA FC• THI': of s!;ies dark~ned \11ith game g11 m" But you provide. the1111.re:n "'' w1th111 1n11n.H11tnl ind 1c1inowied1N COUNTY OF OJIANGE ,..ND TO l!'ACH · -· , . ~ ci 'd !Millntti In lht' lu!Urt will be con-II• 1.·e-:uHcl 1111 Ulflt. · OF THE PEii.SONS HEllll!INM'Tlilt birds during No l"e m be r, transportation tmo!l hunting 11..dN bf' J,,,_.,_ vt1rll'llf!lton.w11o ww1 tCFFIClAL. sE.t.LI · NAA\EO: ,, IJc "' r.d J ! · · h' ho • d -, fl"'' ind"llbd).jl111• 111 lltblUtln 1nll d•tls J1 1n l . JtD•I YOU "'NC EACH OF YCU "~:Li::•-::emucr a . anuary mus IS l'.'ll in an ur 5 rn,e O o1 thr 1;,,., •Qd receive t M monlts Noter, l'ubllt • c1111ernit take notice mu Annt"' F · .,,. indeed be accuraie. Culiacan). P .... ~11 10 11\e t1rm. l'rlncl••I Ctf,,• In ecu1r111 of 11111 111av .. ""11"...i 1st1i., 111, Further J\OflC• JI MrebY 1!vcn 11111 Int °''"" Coulll'I Hied llMIOn I kcor.11 '"' FIMI A-I \\'i!h the continually gro"•ing For $20 the guide thro\rS in ur.d1rtklned will not t. '"•e"~lbt1. trom r:.r comml5ilon Explr• 1nd "-'' of !,iftcutrl•, Pttltlln t.r , 1!1'115 dtY o" for In¥ obl;o1lltins lr,curr..:t ·t.\1i'ch 2, U7) AtflWtntl Ill SlllUIO<V Exowlrl1'1 Ctll'· number of hunters roaming lccal land transp:>rt <1t1on, a ,111 wun.,.,, c. w1rm111J1;en; 111 1" 111i own , l"llblblltd or1nec c~t 0111v Pilot. mt~s1on 1ncr s111111w, 1nc1 r m-.i..,.,... the rnlalivelV. fC\V Sh:>Oting boa! and I motor r 0 r ll\lml or In Ille nllfll ot 11111 lirm. AIJIU~I 21 . 1111 S..ltmHr l. IQ, 17, Allornl"fS' F•t:S, Portllt.n for N-tl ..t ' I DATED AT lCO N. Neweor• 11¥d., lt10 · · liO'l-10 Adv•m•· Dl11rlbul1G!'V1, P•llllon tor A,,. areas le~ in Cali(omia. places waterfo"·I shooting. ~!'::•~" le•dl. ca1ifor1111, ,11'115 1s111-d•v ""'"""'"',"' 1ne11v111w1 T•~11 .. , '"" r.i1. I I t. · t • •Of SePl!l'l"et•, lt10. • LEG'L ~OTICE tion fQr Fln11 Olllrlllltllon, •nd ffl•t t~ ike CU iacan Can an IC!pa e a 0~ean and frtsh \\'atcrt J;1me• P: Wt•l'l'\ln•.lo" . ' llNrl/l>!I on s.&111 "llllon1 1111 1i1Mn HI fW ·g r or nin1rods in the . • . AAA h l'.'l!llam c. W1rfY'ln•;011 Ill I' t.illlJ Ille '"' of .Oclober !,. ltJO, ., lht P!our ,, ml ra !()fl ' . fts,nn~ are g~ ne_a r . ere. ,uDll!hod ' Cr•~~· COi)! 01llY Pll~t, lttll'ICATI o .. AIANOONMENT •~».A.M., 111 Ill• COi.i,,_ " OWll'i-near future. Only 1.500 hunting loo License for -angling 1s $1 SePl(mber u, 01~ 111• 10 CE 0, PICTITious NAMI ,.,on t l o1 rhe Sli~••lor cMWt., t11t ''''- licenses were issued last year for· three days J Put1u111t 10 .se:tlon .:iu1 • 01 •l'I..,• ~i1Yc·~o;~1~1110~n~"' .~~.:f,l'l",1:"':, · LEG'L NOTICE Colllornll Civil Code, !ht undtr~o1n 1 ' In S1naloa state. C 1. c•n 1.5 about l" hours ·~ . , dots l>trtbY cerlil¥ lflet 1tt"llv1 is o1 "'''•II "'non1 .,tnr,r~tod ln Hiil ut1l1 T .. ~ ·r t . l u la .. II lh lo:• of o1rlnt5s A11111 lO nH ht m•r •PP••• •nd 1'111rd, OO, tut: nla""J !Ce.n .l\'ln er --r1'om-MeXICall by train. about -'NOTICI"' 01' OlllOL'.UTION cJ~ ilolt\i by;'j~l~1 UN!er !fl~ lldlllcus DI /tel· S.•IM1Nr 1', ltlO climate there IS an addeti at· .1 I O 01' •A•TNl•SHIP tlrm 116m1 of si~run111r1. l lnder I.. co. w. e. ST JOHN · , . l ( f l I 100 ml es from I le range Jlubllc no1k1 11 11ereb'/" 1\""n 11111 1(11111 II !tan VII l ido, N1"v11ort 8etcll, LATM Coun1V C!erk ' traction. Its trop1ca · n ~c • Coa st are.a by auto or 2\~ G. Fowler ind Lind• Pht1h1r1, h,,r11e:ti••tc1111.,11;, ,.,..~, end 1&10 Norttt 1i111n 115 S.::: :11":..'~l:!t. l'OU can see pnrrols Oy1ng A ., 'I 11,1n1 ttu1 l11r-• uMer Ill• llC1J1tt~s fl•lfl S!ttet. sint•.""'· c11uerno• ,.;on, wfll~h Ln ,.,....._ CtH._,1111 ,..1, hours by eronaves ue "~XICO n1mt 11111 11¥11 01 5t•lctj¥ P061er~. at 1?3 ~u:lniu w11 11rm1r11 com.o•ed 01 !ht llMlJl .rf ab:>ul ocg l fro m TIJ'uana M11n st .. Cl" of !'4untrntten •each, ~oun. tolloWI~• ..,.'°"' w!llf.• n1m•~ In tull 1nd Alfe•rt'rl tor htcvtrtx ~ Although tourism people are Je · ,, cf 0~1nJt, s11te cl C1lltorn11. d.:1 en 11111c.s of rM Ldtnc• ,,.. ,, 1011ow1· l'ubllihi!d Oren" Ceail 0,1,.,. ~,.it.t 1 hose the latter and "'asjtht tth ~., of Au.u.t. 1'1t1, '' "'Y'.,•1 . 1 H.tnrr 1 s11Ts•~"'''· tSl7 1un11. s.,IM\bt, 11 ,. 14 u10 18,.; promolin" waterfO\\"\, dove C coruent, tfl~•cMI lht 1111 ,.,r1n1r.:~·11 •rd Nt•::JO<j · 1~1c11, c1lUorni• r.uo . , • .,.. • d ·t" h-"" the slale or flabbergasted when lilt; plane 1ermln11t !heir re l1tlons .•• ''''"''' Tllffilor• •. l lndtr. 13t2 l•v Firm LEG!.j, NOTICE ·~ an qua1 s Ul.Ollng, . · (I 111er11n. 'l'laca, s1n11 ""'· Calit•r"t' m~1 Sinaloa b:>!lsts fine deer hlln· left and arrived on time O s1111 llv•ln's,; Jn ,.,.. tutute "'1~1 bt ~tn· . Hirolll E. 1,111"'•n•k. 11~1 l frcnmont\ " ' . 'id the minute) G~cled 11¥ Ktllly F,.:w ler, w~ whl ''" 1'·"-1 Ctlolt, ANllttm; Cimornie tUO. NOTICI 0, T•Unll'S IA\.9 • ting. The.re are also WI . 11!Kh11111 •II H1bllllle: Ind ~t:ll:· ot '"' OMed A11<1usl 11 ltJO. TIUST NO ... H ' ' '· · gua arm a d j I I 0 There are three. fli tthts a t1rm _and ••c•1¥• •II mO<lltl ""''bi.. 10 H•rotd E. '"'JYtnek on oo-2. 11111, 11 .•l1¥en ~ ur .. cy..,Ja r. 0 . I ""'tirlfl. . . 'r.•l!"it!l ?;ll• & t"LUSICElt 1 ,.,1\. Flrst Alflericln T11i. 1-.1e• l\\·hiAlt tltey sav is very tasty) week rrom LA lnternal1ona Furtll•• neuce Ii "'"""" 01v111 11111 ''"' 11 .. 0,.,.. 1. Nii:er c""'''""· 11 1111S1 .. , 11>¥ ""cort1111 o-... .. •. . . ' .. C 1. undet$1IM<I wHI not tt: rt•JHn•.!>!e, lrori; 1,.11,1"'15 11 Lt\' JOI Tr~ t XK\11..:1 , »' RALl'M' IC. rab~it , coyote, Javeltna and 1g· and T11uana lo u 1acan. th!•~,, on tar •nv (bll1111~~· IOIC'me •. iiri ""•M•., 111, s11,, IENWAJIE '"' NANCY e. ll"NYUiJI": U.na. · Advantage of leaving from llY t.lnlla l'Nlll•r1 ln htr'lwn ~,.,,. 0' ln LN Antelei.. c11;1, t1u1 •nd recorded IA.lrcll i, lffl 111· ....,_ •· . , ,.,.. n1rr • of tllt llml. T .. Ulf Pitt ll5 of Offlcl•I It-di If Ort,,.. .One hunting license ($19 .201 , T-10\\·n lS lhat your CUS•OOlS DATEO AT Munlln1ton •••<"; '""llsllHI O••n•• c01~1 01;11 ,~01, C6Ullf'l,.C1llforni1 onll 1ursuant J1 tNt • gun Perml.t !$16). i·ou r d ·1nimigration checks are C•tllornli, "'1' 1'111 di~ 0' St1'ttm0t .. AUll/$1 21 •n• sep:tmbtr 3. 10. 11, cor111n NO!kt o1 Oef1ull 1nc1 ei.~ ~ an 1t10. ' · 1t10 · 1.01-10 sen ""'llHldot ~1eorlltc1 Mav JI, I 111 transporl"tion and you're all g"nerally much faster than K11hv G, Fowi~r , ao11c J:lll3. l'•tt Kl ,,, Qffki.r 11 ., "' " l'ubtilllfd Or"'" Co1sf 0111¥ ., tor, Or1noe CO\Hlb will ,,..,.,. •nd "'' ... set. they are in La Pai ("·her~ Y~!l S!•tem11er. 11, 111~ n-:1,.10 LEGAL NOTICE i.ald Oeect a• Trust Htl al Pllbllc ell<tlflt U-"-r current !:nv the are put through the routine ·1'1 tcr u sll.. 1•vt1u1 montY If ,.._ Unlftf '~ 1· ) J,;EGAL 'NOTfCE p :nst' 511111 of Amltl'lc1, 11 tllt m1111. Ylost license comes from the C<ln· you leave fro m Los Ange es ·I c••Tll'•CATE GI' 1uuN1t:s~ · t<'ltr•nu to tti• F!rot A!fttrlc111{"" · And you avoid that ghastly l"ltT1t1ous MAt.tE ~ 1nsur1nc1 Comp1n~ bulllf"' locll ~' sulate while the gu n permit . . . sult!ltlOlt TtJ:,~1 ,0, TM« Th• unG•r~l•n•d 11,11 cer:ify ht 1~ lh• M11t1he1s1 corr••• of Fll1h •• "" has to come. from a military problem of· airport parking in STATI! 0., CALtFO•HIA l'01t conductlni 1 tu:tn•<• 1t 21n w. c1r11m 1srre!:ts In rh• <I" ., S1n11 """· h I g by Car to cat-TMI! (01,;<NTY 01' OltANOE Pl .. Sf111l1 An•, Cilif~ml1, IJtv.M lfl• CtUl~rnll fl! !hi! rl1HI Utt. Ind lnl1r1J1 official at Nogales, ~fexicali or I e even you o Ni ,. 12,41 , llc•ltrows tlrm . """' 0, 1. 5 Qo1wP1<e.1 ro '"' now ~•Id wnc1er o.od 01 Tij'uana °and can onlv. be ob-ch the plane. NOTICI! 0, Nli!A•INO ofi . l'l!TITION '?QUll'Mt:NT Rl!'~TAL5 1nd lf\U 51117 Tru~r I" "" pt~~rly situ•!" ""' .... A d ·1 · l"OJI .-N 'Oitnlllt A p,. o 1 MT IN• lfrm 11 comp1~ed of tht follow l"' '''~"· Counl'I •NI -Siii• d•.crlbed 11. ~ tained after the license has It all sounds great.· n I JS. T•USTll o• Tl'nAMINTAIY w11o,, 111m1 in·f~ll ind 11ace 011 rt~ldenct Loi :u In t 1oc:• F of tr•ct He. •it •• , ed I f !he time. T•UST TO ,ILL YAC.ANC:'I" 'Al'TI • If IS fcUow1: . .riown Ort I ""'" ,,......, rtclnlttlll in been i.ssu . • .mos 0 ' Cl. c LIN ... TI 0 N 011' PElllON JIOoblrl lludl J. Smllll, 211J w. llac• 20, PilltS I Ind 1, Mlutlt-You can also bring in your Below are huntlng dales and Ol!S.ONAT.IO '"'"Wt\.\. , c111ton Pl., S•nt1 An•· c1n1or1111 "'•P•· '~~ords of 111d O••n•• Clllfll'· · I h · ' of LOll;l!nA M llOCHA Oiled S...ltmbtr 2 ff7t Stld s1!1 win ti m1G1 wllhov! covt"'"' own shells-(up to S 0 ) •• llmits for Sina oa unllng. Jo e~1•1:,. · ' • ~trl 'J s,.,i111 · er w•n•~tr. u"r1s~ ., tm1111111, ot,•• he f S&JITfMll!JI UH ~g~~CE IS .. EttF.l i (;IVl:;N Tl'lll Stl .. of ~tllorni1 . · !hf 1111•, POS~tH'on or tm:ll!T\br1nees '' llO\\'eve r; in 1 case O w~n• wl"• '"" 1•,ur111r,, d'v~. is '"'"-'I' ,.,1,, M'HLO','/ h•i 111t<1 htre!n1 Or•~•• covnr1 !l&tlsl'I 1111 rtm1lnl11a l'rlnctri.t su""'•M i:holgun ammo, ~fexican stuff "' ''" 111111111, wlmout 11m11: J111u1 P•llllon for •~ Orc'er 1•P•ln t1111 11'H! ,e1:. on se1t1. 2. u111, betor. ,,,,, 1 1i111rv on lh• note ~curH 111 s.114 01111 ot Trust -~ d d Jlllkt~. Cor1I 1n~i.:,, 1<>11 korPIOllo tlonltl' 11 Tru:ll!e 10 fill lht ~'''""" c1~S· Pu~llc In ellll fu ii ld si.tt, P•~tnally Ip , wit: 13,s:IO.CO wlllt· in~ 1'11....,. is \'ery guuu an COStS aroun wllholtl 11,.,lt. . ~d 1;~ !hf O:.:c•;,,,110~ 11 !ht U.•llfl:f IP~Nred lllot.lrt J, Sll'lllh 111-Wn hi l'fte ~ fr1m Mart/I I, lftJ 11 l..VIMll 111 ..ir!' 13 25 pe box for 12 gauge OC:TOI!• ltH Ctllfo•ni• link d";'"''" In th• will to N lht ..,_ Wl\0$11 Mml Is IUO:>::ri~lnote t09if,f\et with fffs. d'lll'Mt, .Intl · r · While wino d0v1, 1S Nr di,; Mourn-•cl 11 t•uiti=10, ret.,rn<•. to wlllCll 11 lo 11111 wJ•hfn lnstrvmeni i n<ll tllPtnsrs ef 1111 Trun .. incl 111<1t'-... Guns can be renJed in 1~1 dove, ID •er 111v1 'u•Pl"t delve. S lfltd• "'· f\lrfl\er "'"kul1rs, '"' 11111 N'I• 1<tnow1tc1ttt111 ho exKIMll 1111 H"''· ~UIT1$ '' m•r ri~va 111ten 111 .. 1ncM ~Mt• f. SS d per llr•I Atmtd'llo, 2 Pt• dly1 Snl•· 1·,.... •ncl l'llce o~ ""1rl111 !ht :wm1 "'' \OFPICJAL Sl!AL) cmner •rid llO.lllr of s.&ld nol!, Wl!~ Culiacan or per ay · rel. J '"" d11; co,ote, wt~ ·11m111 ~ •. , set for Octotitr lf, 1•11. 11 t:» '·'"·· r..,.,.., IC. Htn,.,, ... 1"t1t11lit, 11 1r0¥10tll In ulll Oelll -' Your license fee gives you Jl•<cocn. wllhcut Hmlt: S~unli, wllllol/1 in ll\.t coumoom of 0~1rtmenl N1, 3 ol t:ol&rl' l'u~Uc-C:llittr"i• Truot. , , lifftll; lll1Tlle•1n1kt1 Ind Corl! ..,.kl!I, ~lid cOl/r'I, 11 100 C1¥1C (.,.!tr 0rl¥1 l'tlncl•1I Ofll~ In (hi1ed: Aut.llSI l1, 1111 ~,<> carte blanchc to h Un t wftllOltl 11m11. w,.,1 In Ille Cltr of S•"" An•. C1M1ornll. 0,611,. CIMll\tr l't•n AMl•ICAllll TITL• , .Ii C'•ery!hi·ng bu! 1·aguar -a .;,,~ StPttmt>or 15. "1'0. 1,1r Ctmml:.sion e~elru INSUltAMCI COMJIAllllV i. NOVEMl•JI 1fH w. E. ST JOHN. NOY, !,, 111'2 Ir .•En• A. MOLLIMl&CIC >! Special $40 pennit is required O!IC~S, U oer dlY trom Motldt¥ lo Ccunly C,tr•. Pu~lls.llt<ll Or1n11 Co.:;t O;;ily Pilot AUiS!lllll SICnllfY to Pursue !he bl·g calS. And Frld1y, 70 S1turd1,1 t nd SundiYll IOl!KLll• & OWYEJI Se11tmblrS.·IO,•lf;!t, Hl'O' · 1"3.J'O Publ!:;ttN Or•n" CNM D1Uy PUeJ Geest. $ HI' d1¥; Cr•n!, S Ht 1111: 111' Wll•hlrl 11¥>1 .. S~ll• JIJ Se.-llmtler 10, 11, 21, 1t10 Utl,.,10 guide fees are higher because Mu1111 ..... 10 P!r d•ri w111~ win, "'"'· l11 •-•Iv.. c1•11.,1111 ,..u . .L.,"•• . ,.....,....,... 15 H r d1v: 'url'lt llovt, S "u <1111 Tll• (1UI tfl.n.. au,..,. l'tV~'"'"' LEGAL NOTICE I '# you have to pack into lhe .-rm1dltt~. 1 01• d1v1 S<1ulrrer, l eer A1t1rn1vs for Pt1 it11111r .. llllOTIC:a TO c•••iw•s mountains. n1y; Whllt !tit lll!t. 1 1•1m,11 •dult l'ublls.lltd Orin•• COllll Diiiy PllOI, SUl',lltlOlt COUltT 0, T... SUl'1•101t· COU•T 01' Ttll mtltl 111.11"'' S per OIY. Selllemb!ir U, II,,., 11~ ln4-7I STATI OP (ALl,OaNU. l"Ot ST.I.Tl 0, CAt.ll'O•NIA l'Olt .t The tourism departmenl OECEM••• "" ™'COUNTY OP OJIA••• '"' tCUNTY OP OU.NO• h . ! I 'lh Duck,, lS Pl• dlY fro"' MonlllV lo ·G NOTICE N• A-66'53 N• · IMHJ puts untcrs 1n con ac \VI Frld1v, 10 s11ur<11v1 1/ld suPH11•s; LE AL e,1,1, •f L..ms;n eddJ' oactntd !UMMONS s: roved gu''des For 110 daily Ge.Je J ''' dlY: CrAnt. 5 "'' 1141' e · · •AUL • IONS•• co ''' · ~ app ' 11 dh' 10 •tr dllf' \''hilt wt"' dl\¥t I' :ial2' , • NOTIC IS HElllE•V. GIVt:'N lo If\! . . N IJCT , 1'sv pe~nd~YI PurP1; do¥e, s 1ir dlY ; C&•Tll'lc'AT2-01' IUSINl'SS C•..:lllors •! 1111 11laY1 ntmel llt<:ede"' INC., l"d c. w. HESTER Mino bl.ISl~I ~t S tt"'ll<l•trY · Quell, 10 pe.r tTITi.oUS NI.Ml! lh~t Ill Ptt!.l~I h1Ylnt.cl1llflS 1g1l"sl l~t IS NORTHOATE, I LlllllllCI P.1n'""'"""', B11•• Flsl1i119 Cll11i<-Set The Southern California Bassn1asrcrs "·Ill hold a bass fishing clinic at Irvine Lake Ibis "'~kcnd. The clinic is bein;: held lo lplorm local bass fishing enlbusiasts on the. proper "·ays lo catch "8ss. Dee1· II u11t Seaso11 Grows• "• ' , . 1'1 u ld lll1<tc1ent 1r• re~ulr..:t lo tilt ff'lem, P!1ln!ll!1 Vs. PATSY J, 5Glft:I ILQI 111y; Vllld lurktv. l lemPO •N: Tiit 1,1nd1r1l1n~ dllS ctrlUY Ill ts with lh1 QICll~trv vowch1rs, In !flt ofllct SORO, DOE I thrl)Ulf\ DOE v, lnc1Uii¥O ,..,,.,.1G!llo. 7 Per d1y 1 Htre. S Ptr div. ccnduclln1 I b\.15'118" 1t n• W. 111fl SI, or !ht c!tr' ef 1111 ·~·ye tnllllff (OUr'I or ' SQulrre!, l eer d•v1 Wiii!! 1111 dttr. I Co$!• Mesi, c111rorni1, under th• 11 ,1'1$,nl W.tm ;.111'1 1111 ntcn;., .... Ccf1nd1n11 •" ""''O•ll"l'I C0¥011, w\t~oul 11'1'1111 fjCTJl)OIJI fir"' nlmt of ·(1) KAll,ET ¥OYChlr~. "!flt U~dlrlltned If mt oflke l'•OPll ' 01' • TKI 'TAT• !IN' Shonk. wltf\out llmll1 JIJC(OQ/I, wltl\OUI KARN,VAL ANO (21 .JI I. P CAll,l!T If .llll All&r~tY• Donlld E. Smlllwotd, CALIFOl'iNIA . . , llm!t1 l1u1n1, 5 l'l!t dlV, . SEJIV CE INI ttl1f slid tlrm 11 C61'1\M11d lil1 W.stellff '0rl¥t, Sulll Nurnblr 204, II Ille IM,'o'I Mltlfl o.f""'lllt.: " The group of experts "'ill ans"·er indivktua.J queslions 15 Well as giving demon5lralions on lbc many different bass ang· ling tecboiques. Ru11down Offered JANUAJl'I" 1t11 of 1111 followl~• ptrson, who•• ""'" In Hew.or! ••~cl! Cillrornl• 17,,0 Wlllcll II Yeu 1r1 lltr'lllY dlr"'" to fllt 1 Ouckt, 1J ,., ll~Y l~m Mendl• to lull ind plier of reslftntt Is 1s fol.'9WJ : 111~ "tlfc•., ...,,:1111" 11 11'1• unee~s!i~ed In written "!Ndlnt In rtlJllClnw " tM l'rkllY, XI S1turdtYS tnd SU"d1YS: l"t!ltl' 0l¥ll ·Klllt, 2210 S!flll' $1., Ill mitllft ""alnllit II 11\t inhtt el Still ¥trlfled COll\Plllnl II .Ille •bOVt ~ t;ome, 5 '°' d111 Mi.11111.en. 10 oer dl~I Cos!• MIU, dtcedtnl, wll&ln ,f<111r ""'"!ht Iller tllt •l1lnllllt wlln lh1 Cltrk of IM 0 ... 11 rrou:~ tien, j per monlh t Qu1~I, I~"' Ollfd Aut~t 21, 1t1fl tll'JI ,ubllcano" 11 1~11 ~Gtlte. entlt!N Cfl.lrt, In the oboYo tnllllfllll •c""" Currently ln•ine Lake is giving up so me giant bass In lbe six lo eight pound r:las!. Norltte rn varte.ty, and it "·ou ld be a good time for local angle.rs lo gel out and learn from the. masters. For morr informaUon on the clinle phone ~·15.20. Ynll l,11/<e i\lore than a $1,000 1vorth or tagged fi sh "'ill be released Into \'ail Lake prior to the start of the first public rishing ~contest C\'er held al Vail Lake. The conte st gets under \Vay Monday and runs for on~ ,yoar through Sept. 27, 1971. Althou:;h the tagged fish. ha\•ing a \'aluc or SJ to $1()(1, 1vill be feature of !ho Rononza. there "'ill be an ou!Slllnding array of a"•ards on a "'C~kly, monthly a nd annual basis. Anyone "'ho purchaSes a lake's fishing perihil has an equal opporluni!y or 1vinning valua ble prizes or cash. With the closing or the early coastal season Sunday deer hun.ters will have lo \\·alt t\VO \VCt'ks for another chance at lh:!ir prized bucks. Here is a 'n1ndown on the remaining seasons. all starling Sept. 2ti: Northern (including former eastern Sierra and por tio ns or the norlh\\•est seasons) through Oct. 25. limit one buck forked hom or better. No rthwcslern 1Hun1boldt and Del Norte cocinlie.'l ) - fh reugh Oct. 25. limll two bucks fcrked horn or b~ttr.r. Species tagged \l'il h special Buucrricld Country color coded tags are bass. catfish and troul. The orange tag is \VOrth $100 Nor:heo~tcrn -l h r o u gh and might sho"' up on any one of thr three species. Oct. 2:>, limit one buck \vith All fish must be checked in at the bait and tackle i,:hop ror Antlors of three points or bct· 1 tag rc1nova l a,nd proper fotlTl!I (il!ed out. tcr. · An annual gold pnss 11•ill be prc:;cnted to the ;"tnglcr ca!C'hing L;:te g c n c r a I (primarily the hea1•iest fish during <'&Ch 30 dn,v period. For more lnfor111a· Southern Californ:a and the l Uon on lhe fishlnfbonania phone (71~) 67fi-4611. "·est slope of the Sierra) -/ 1-----11!.liOSHAPIHG ____ MANICU•I ... iiiiiiiij' Tickets ou Sul e CTI. I Season tickets ror Sad· lJ rie MEN 'S HAIR STYLING dleback College's rh·t home. I ~:?·:r~f;: :r :~~.~:~~I C(J{l· '"9' o C'· . ; ,, Season rcser1·~ scats arc S7 V l -0 f\.0Ul "'ilh season general admission 1 1 .. Uckets priced at 55. Scats for Individual games are SI.~, SI 2 ll1<k1 Wttt ftf lrwkhu,1t for milllary personn<l, 75 9568 HAMILTON -cents for junior and Mgh HUNTINGTON BEACH ~hool sh.tdcnt• with ASU cards and 50 cents ror children il'!!'!'!ll!!'!'!ll!F!llO!llR APPOINTMENT CALL 962·1960 under I:&. 1: 11wr1111., & ,,te•r 1 .. enllltt '"' • '·"'· through Nov. 8, limit one. buck fo rked horn or better. The Department of Fish and Game reminds hunters that all bucks taken in a one-deer district must be lagged "'itb both the "A" and "B" tags, and the "B" tag mail-In por· lion only sen~ in lo the DFG. This means-' a hunter who ha:i taken a buck in the earlv coastal season will not be allo1ved 'to take a buc k in the Inland late-season areas. div ; Wiid !vrlle'f,, ltll'lllOfl''t" Htre. s Pait• O.· IC11• °"'" StP!tmlltr H 1170 b...Utllf •Mll\$1 ....... In 1111 '°""' \IUllllln ,., dlYI ••lt!t11. wllf\Ollf 11 ... 11; COYOtl, Siii• OI Clltlorni• Arttl ~II . TEN ...... •lllr tl'll sen>lco.,. r~ .. •11 ...-011. r1a:con •~d 1lt;llf'lk, wlllloul llmll: Ort"'t Countr· ,• Uf . s. wmrnon1, If Mr¥• wllllln t11f ..,_. l111t1n1, S tHt d1r. On SfPI. 2, i•Pll, belort mt, 1 N1!1rv . ~!'= crf,..~J1::!c0:...nt ,..,,.td COlll'I,.,, or Wllllln THllllT.Y -~If lllJIUAJIY" lfll l'ubUc tn ollll lor 111d •St1r.. ""'"'111 911111111 ""-'~ , :oorvlll t1H'Wtlore. .Dv<kt, IS"'' dtJ Mencl1¥ !o Frldolr. , .... , ... P.ior Dl¥M Kilb lcnown 11 tr.1 "" l'l'estftlff t'lfi..t Yw 1r1 llortby nollt/ed ltll! Vl'lla( Y• ?II S,,lurd;,ys •ncl Sundtvs; G~·;o, S ff• I bl 1111 lel'llln whoa n1lfll 15 11 H ..., '"-' $9 11141 • written 1'1$il0ntl,.. PllHI"'• \till d1¥1 Ml/d"'n. 10 "" d1r; Purple dove, ~~tlkoct 11 tlll within 1Mtrv111111t opd ~~_, llftl llldl, C.""""' nNt Plllnt11!1 will l•k• 1~1 tor ~*""' S iatr d•ri Greuu twin, S It• """1111 ictnowlldtff ht ••OCUIN !I'll HIM. T ... 17111 646-"91-, l'nlnn or dll't'tfllft ffmlnlllt In '"" ,,,,~n~. 10 per 11•¥1 Here. ) ttr dlYJ !OFFICIAL Sl!ALI . Al'lirMY fw ......... . ""'""" C911'1•1alf11 IS •rill~• illion J11bblt, w\llllVI limit; COYele. ll•«OON ,.,,.,..,. K H•~ ' blhhttlll Or .. c 0..llY 111111 cortlrld, ., .. II a...iv .. "" ceurt ..... 1.'HI S•11t1•. wtlhou1 11,.,111 11u1n1, J "'' · Not••Y ioutill,-C:tlllltl'nl1 ~ln!Mr to, ';'1, 14 11~ OCllOer. 1: onr oll'llf' rllltl """'""" lft tM .,.,. dlY. ..,,,, ''" ,rlncl"I Offlca In IJ70 lMJ.10 C....Plilnl, "' ·or1n11 Coun!Y 'I'• llM' "* .,. Mvla ., ... ,......, Grouu Hen, 5 ff, monm: Quills. 10 M1 Com,.,Lullrt IE•,lr• ,..,..,.,, ~--.. -·'--Ill!' ~ wltlll "°" ••• d1y: Hirt. s ... dlf t Jl•bbfl, HOV. 2.~. 1m -1~l.U...l;o ,.,.... ....... flll• Wfllt!MM. SMll ........ •YllllOltl llmll1 C1y1t1. ••tCOflll •1"1 Pvblislltd °''"'" CN!I 01 lty Jlli.t, ........ -""*' IHIMll .. tilM ..... D;uok, willlO\ll llmll. SOlltmbtf :i. 10, 11, '" 1171 1"4f.1D NOTICl .TO , •• '°"' INTll1tn•o lN ...... Ill,.,.~ ... tlll .. I wrw. JlllJllL H11 THI! EST.tr.ti 04' JOHN 0. l'Urw.A.H, "'°""'"IM -'91!W, "' ••111111, wllhcul !!ml!: •11tltsNke: LEGAL ••NNCE 0.CNllCI. O.llcl M•Y !, tf10 ': Incl Scor .. lon, wltlll)U! !!"'II, 1'"'11 Notlcl 11 llll'tllr 1l~tn; W. E. ST JOMN, Citric MAY 1t1t Tt 111 Hf'llnl lntltl'tsled, Wlll!l'ltr 11 I~ J1ntte M. C .. 1~n llltbtill, corot1, ••t<ll>Ofl, J11t-,..,.. crNillir.. htll'lt 1 ... tets. or 111 .. iseu, In (SEALJ 11e~n1•1, Co•1 1na1eo Ind ~ion, CEJITll'IC:ATI OI' IUSINISI 1111 tsl1lo. of John O. Fu1m1n, dtcH~td, 0.U"" ,Ct9r!c wltlloul llmll. l'ICTITIOUI lllAMI I wh!Uf 11•1 ldllrHI WIJ 51. Mt,..,.I lt ec-WAlSWO•T,., lllOIL • CltAIL Tiit uncttnlt"ed dots cer11f~ ht I IC[:O'. SI. M11"t"t Pl1t1. Otl'IYll!t, Ntw 1117 W~llft Dfl¥0 con1111ttln1 • lbu1!ntu 11 11f~ Letan, Jtrs.Y. 11111 ltlttrs ltlllmtnt•,., 1r ot N"'"" •Nell. C1lll9r!IM co~I• Mt11, C11!fcrn11, urMFer "" 1drrilflltotr1llf!I M\it ac1n 1151/fd te Tlf (7111 ..,.,... ltdltlous lfrm' n•m• , •I TOT f·IEM Mtn111nor Emlt I. Suthon bY Morr11 """"""'fer ·l'lllflllttt MANUFACTURING CO. 1nd 11111 wll Ceun!Y Surre,.t1'5 Ca.wt, 1 Cl),lrt 11 coin-' Pubtl)lilld Orll'IN Cotti o.llY f'HM. llr"' 11 um~, ,", _!I:.•. 10°11•~~"',,,•1~~~: "''"" lurlllll:fltn 11 th• Stall ..t Ht• S.lfl'llbtr '-10. 17, 24.,lflt 1...g1 whase n&llHI on u Inv' let.. ~ Jrr~tY. -11 11 laTlcWS: , Tf\1 lt!h1wlr>t 1.n.1n Is tnci•atH la or .LEGAL N~ "'I Fr1ncls M. GU~n. 2$.!l V!1 Mtrlna, ho!dln1 "'"n1f ,,_,,~ crf TM uld l----""-'"-'"",:v;...""~'"-""'---· tlew.orl l11c11, C11llll'n1•. ftc..:ttn•: . T .. I .. • 01tecr s .. ,..mller f , 1'1D. Ectull1~lt Sa¥1Ma • LNn A.$tttclallen. , SUf'lllOa COUIT W TR I Sl•"' .,Fc:~:nt: t:~. Cflinl'I:, (11¥ If Ortn••· Ort /IN C11111tr. c.11-lTAT• °" U.L•oa1111u. '" On s..i.mber' ,, 1'70. btftrt mt, 1 lornll. TNI COUfllTII' • ......... 4 INSTALLED CHAIN-LINK FENCING • ,.., ,.., l'ublk ln 11'1d for ull 51•1'· Th•t fll• Vndtrslll'IH ••Ira It r1tel>r1 1111. ~ .....:.... 1 lry ll'l'Hftcl FrellCll .t~ <t1.111n lllt,111• 1tr...,..1 "'"°""""It Hiiiei lllt tlO'TICI OP 'ltlAllNO ... •ITf'TlllllN ""°"' me to be I'll "'10/I' wPloM clltlmh) tlld II rtlTIO\lt ftllt CllllttM It ~CHl l'ftOUT• W WILL Ml• .... =n ri tukcrlbcd 1t 1111 •lthtn' r1q!"ffd fr~"' ll'lt St1i. Ill C•1t•nl1 II \.lnll' TltTAMINTAlltY lni!~I encl l(k,.Wled•td I'll 1•1C11tff 1111 .111!1, lll lt w1llr1 llttors tal11Mft11tV E1t1lt "' AMf1!1E L. Sl~S. 0.. Ill• .,_ • or ., 1dnt\n111!'f111n lll VI "-luv.d. CNWO, (O,l'ictAL SEAL1 AU -MN IMYIM clllllll •••INt 1hl NOTICI IS HEl!IY G1v•~n.t J05""" E. Olvl1 MelClol\I ., In lntlrlSI lrt us. llllll'f Ind OOUGLAI c. StMMONI I'll• fllttlll I Hol•r)' J111bllt. C11lle111l1 wlal'll/lt .. Mlect I'll wtll ~II m.tl 11tltlM , lw "'*"' ef Wiii ...,. Prti.c:ll'.tl 'Off!~ In flvf Min .. netlcot "' IUdt obloctlon le !MU1ntt «-.lrii.rt T•IMIMllN te .. O•llfltt (*""" rhl --II' _._ lnliltlllM 19. • ......... ,, reftf'tMf .. w!llc:fl It ',.,..._"' MV Cfl'l\ll\ll5*1 Elll'r lltl<llllll ......... 1 .,....,.. If, ""' -.e.. ''"""' 11rtkvllt .. '""" 11111 "" """' ..... J-21, ltlt flttt, 1...:1'1 llfllcil t1W$1 If •"'"" to 1111 •llct el !Mlrlne ""' ""'' M1 111111 \!It Jlubltt!llCI °""'" C..11 Olllr Pllfl, --1111111111 1111 ,......,..., .-YT ., Mr 5..itmblr 2S. ""' 11 'illl •.M.• J11 Slllle!TIW 1.. 17, 14' 1111 OCIMll'" 1, H•ltlsl whom tti. cl•lm I• """ 11 IN !I'll cwrlrflll'I ti 0.•rl"""' He. ' ., lt7' , .. ,.,. .ureu I• 1151 .. 1M~• wf1hltr1 s.1td ceurl, 11 tOI Cl'lk Center D;tloe DI.TIO! "'""""' II. ltN Wnr, rn ~ Cll'r., '•"''AM. C1llflt .... Msi•. lmfl •. l\ICllOtt OtlfllFI S..len1otr L lf1t. ' Al E•tculll' crf tl'll W.' r, ST JOHH. 1!1!111 If JlllJI o. l'urt11t11 c:-tr Cltt,, ·Wlle ·C.rts?, , , (0.CN Sll) •1tllNlll• I MAffe ..... Ult • ........... •w1 PJl!ttlil. I, Mt911 N• •tftot 111w1110111'•• In the . ••rhf-tOtt-ltlV+-.,.ttr~t•MMu..._ nity lik• ytur C•fllflllllfllty 4til'f t1tw111apor tine. U'1 +II• DAILY PILOT. . . • ("""'""" It uw ,. .... ~ °"" .tl-....._...-. ll'llrlr .. MiML .Cai......ieU!!''!'•--"'-~~~ ... ¥! ......... m:N 'hti~ttm ...... -- l"lilllllMlll Or11111 (fill b10y l'iltt, A"""'9n flW ............ AutuM 17 a 5-tlll!Dtl' S.' II. 11, P.ell'1'ild Ort"ff CMlf Dt11V NI"" II,. ·~,. ,...,,.., .... 11. 11. "10 ,....,. •, ""'---><.. r -'· / ..... , /-<' U DAILY PILOT S T ~urMf1y, Stpternbc:r 17, 1970 .,,,,. ..,..,-... ~, Year Money's Wonh .--<: _ __,.-;-. ____,. __,.,;9>mple!~New York S Dow-Jone$ Mn,:rli~~ ~VE E __ CO_CJNT~R / ~~·f.:r*=-::~~ .. ,_ .. ;;. ..... ,_:.:_ . .,.-/ ocl(List - ... -. ,,,.---~ .... ,,,,. ... .,,t""~ • • •:, .. l.W C...Clt, IMH ¥fl 11 ¥if ll U t 1 ft_!,. r~,tll ~ -~ NASD l latln91 for \'/edn11d!y, S"eptembtr. 16, 1_!! _.,A_ . :r;~'i ;;i Lh~ 11'~,' ~~: f 1 t: ;;;.!*,~,. \'; Bae./~· / 7 el=lr-~ce_:"n~ t ..,,.:;!"l!•:!l';ti::.,,=:!-~=-:.:;;•~·~"'"""•4'°' --1 .. =,~· ,Jd • 11 Ill! ~1 I~~ ,f,-"':'*' i 1#~! a-1m:;"" "; '11:11 • ............ >;io:-lll:.~::::"''113"~-';,.r;::lll:lll::=:ll~O';i;i,..,,. • ..,,...,Zl ....... 1 ~f.t!;}~1 ~,,lf"1,. !"' !"',•,~,.•.Vi hr1m1li"' .J1 3J 1'" 1 \~ 1ftt',. ·1,JS, ~.TWi\'~it !).,.....-11 d U 4 ·~ 1iil T ~tlt~I f.'olf Jl)J It~ ~'I '/,:£'+ tt t~l:.--8' By SYL~A PORTER hmt. For IO Uie losses l'ritr ;,...;--hitf ....., ::"!a.-1:1~ l: lll; Jj~\ 11\lo · • l::nJW ,J"I ,,J ~~ ~ll Bvi :+'1' P~"~!tr'.ft ,Y ~ llf ...., '"' ~ •M Al.II,. Mt lit .._. aw A;o;;it'. 1 • .o .. 1 .iJ ,,., 31 +IA rrtn ~11 1 • • 3'.to Uti • -\\ "' {~ 1,21! ,. Wbe her of the mos pcl1)U)ar glamour Mrrlll'•I r l\1 '" . " • 'J:.'t IM ,~ ,.~ m: .,, + l\ 1111~,.: ':::. lo~ 1r :"':968e ha~e =r s ft'ictied to 97 J>:"'CenL -;~ ::i:.~r.:A~ t~~t ~~::,· t:..Jst;, l.~ W!18;:1:' ~ ll'* I~ =:~c! !! ui.. Jt ~::i:;11 i: ln!~ t:ii:;,1r c1t" n I ~ ~l,i -=~ ~$w :J l: 1 ,,. INt' 1ffft =s}; Tt~Ef' ~.'A "'~ .. ...-"' • and of the most popular ,~g0_.,nc1 '4Jlto ..,, """ ""-"" t!:/."" ~-1,:; 11• '"' g~ "' l "" •t.":1.l c. 'I iitl JE~•1 s f l!i Allwl ""' u :s1 J1 -1t 11;:,~w.rlt "tr k~ ~I" nJ ~ U TriF J!l.2.S I' market, 1 solid fact Is th Ute funds to more than 60 percent! I~'•'••"''•'"',,...!' 1'1,1'"'-••" t\~~.,, ,•-, , M .. fll ~:: ~~ i!! ~~ :~'i:.!'J l~~ !.lo~ 111i1·~ c~ ':7 ;to :r,~~J'· tft 1l 1!i~ 11'm 1~ +lU ,., S!t• • it, .ti• ·~ -ti rei rrr:\l:' Dow.J ind t I .t k i.on. _,.c:f. ~ •d•fl .... 11v. H'Vi G11lt 1111 •» )\(i R ~:tr 'I: n"'"'~ Tll n'I' '" ,~. m Alf It ·'°' llO 1J~ Ii 111!1 +Yo trt!IE~• f..t0 Ii 30\o\ f{" r.-i, fflfKO 110 -f OOH US 'J•OC: But the Dow does· give p; Of Stc11r1t111 A~oll(;1:71d 31~ ~ Ark MoP ~ 13Ji Civr0d11 1~ II<! "•:.-~ $1J1-J •• 111111 _(;• lO ~ AJ lndt,j9frlt-' JJ ''" 1 • -~ 1•rk II 11 " nt; !ml \lo \\ -J•r 1'09 ~ av tr age has back 21 pergpecth·e and 80 herl!'J }'our i''."~rln~·.n.:~· ~'if!'•w 12U 'j1· :~"':. M ',.,'l? 2v:4' s:r.i;:;; •P )II~\ ~\a ttW,,---1!~ ~ ~~ l~~ ... fl' 'F.r: 1 ~~-~·~ .. ,.~~ .t :::: 1~~ It~ +.:: :il1111!n ~ e,. ? ,, ~~ tt :n~:' Jil: • ~ l"rt'en the May hc>ttom kin 'M<, .... .,. ... ', ,",' 0e-~ .... 5~! :-t " c 1111 ~°"'"" '" ·iv. Trl'IC.111 I Alllft'IOC • 11 ill• iii~ l f\\ -11 ~'•'• -"' ,, , 1 i.. 11,,. _ " •,P•t DI•'" ' • ran g· ·~ '""t._....... ... Pl! IO ,.,,. ... Av 0 kl '» S\4 "f.!r. (p l \.\ llov C..t ,.,. ;" j•~MOb \ "~ Albtrl"'t 0,)6 IS ·t· 11 ~ + " •• ... I ' 'l" I~ .... ~ l . warrants at least the :::,~~·~fl.iii,· •• Of ~'"1~~-~,111 ili~ 1:"••'!'. At J~ :m M 1"' s j" "~· S1gv u 1 r co P• :J\11 »ol'I .tiluMkl f.XI 10. 21 , 21h 11h iv ',ir1i L 2.f !l!l' • 1 1• istt +: \:i 111r0 1~ ,, I.. ol.& <\ lflM "'°Wh1ttt A I! _, \I "" I~ l•io H Uhwn p \4 lh<111 Ho -'I" ·~·~ l',,","• fl! lh AlcolMIM .» 2t IJ\l "11 14tt -.. ~A t'.11 •t 2G Wit' ~ U V pfl,JO spteion l11,j&_l Wiii:' low ··as hit ' •1 •" Of• Dw :.C~1!, =~ : ... IE:~~ .:~ ~ 1·~1..'•~t1t· ;~ !" ~l:mEP .u ~ ... i~:ri i: ~\II :"' riJ! Fd w ~It All~• .... J fl\jo i119 11\li + t I 011 1" ,. •• )1'ti • -v. ~!~c,r.;o-thf:s """t snrlng And~surt).rTr MAltK•T' °"""' ·~· ...... btOffl -·Am ,~rn ,.., 1\, "''."' ,, ,. .. +roo .. .,. l-'1• l'l! Sctl'ln hi ••• $"' Ut1ll« IW • Alllll C• .10t ~ 7\1 11'1 1U +... • pl\.I 7 .,ll ., d i\ -"" ~ .... "' .... ...-,... ' I •• 1--39c ....-., c....... (•llttil or A <;r"' "Ill JO'. Bl'l'ltn J • .....,~~ "°''' It• &ll t\.O Sc\ Cltlr l;\o, '" u l'I "" 111111 nm "'l"'l.llf t '° » 2' ,.,, 21'\li +lo i°' 1 N 151 1H1 11l\ 11~1i -~~ lrff• I'° .e_ justifies an anM"aisal Of how .,,,,.JW "° J IOld fbkll !·'" A M.Odkl' u l•h Bill"" n 1 "°""'' GI iv. '"'"' k Ind JI~ ~,... 8" fo\CG,H P4 114 " llil.IOCll lit J ' SI-"~· 3111 • ~-CllU Ill 1'.lt 11 ~ lfh ol0\1 + ~ btl ., I rr-· J937 38 4 13 s, i. \lr. "' ~ 1-1w"" 1"' J 1•v, 1·c1 $911, 'ln. 1i\4i I ~""" ?Z• 1u "'1" ~ l.l1 tt JllQ'""'JCM• »loll + .. c!m P•l ,. 1t 21111; )l!jo n +"• 1 ~ • ... Uu:s beAr m arket ma)' rank In • " 42 ,B• m nc1 s S\.o luck Ml 1 • tr111>1>1 H '° ~I nwei 20,,.. 1t •\tlfclO'I 1,~ lot ~ ltlt ~ +~ co1 "' ,1111t 1 1t JOii '° :111~ -t' I=' dtn • ke 7 hi !933-42 ,,, 41 ' ~ trk ti· :3u ~rl.i : ~:. f{\6 n~ ~~f~0 ·' .:~ I~~ ~i at' ~J'lt ~l? :1=ri' ;?: 1 ~ ~u ~ .. ~~o~:, 1~ 'It ~, ~ ~~~ _+!? =·~ .. ·.J ~J. ~: ,.mar t story. I 19~5 -23Gi 4 gri1~ •• ·~ I l\.'t 1.H'll p 11'1 1~ Sfll cm11 Sh ~~ U• PenP to!A ;1\IO Alt/Ml PO... n 11\i 11"-lt'h Coif lllf 1 3' 1~• 1~\ ·~· -!1' ;1 Mttin Wha1·s more. a :second 50hd 1~-3 13c, 8 Computel' ',",',,. "", ls " ""' f.• 1''"' 11i.. teni;1rn ''• 'I) u11h sL1t 1 • 111 A[1tc1$1r 1 .o » 2~ 1l'• 2•11i + l• coii tn pl• 1s • "''" .a•_. '°"' -i:. un "'° / "' I " J\1 Jn YtH nl tl'll Ill i~c G~ 614 4\.0 Ulll Incl 1'.l\111) A OCISll• lit 11 7 t 'i 1 :. COit " llt1 Ill 2 111• 17h 1n. -.,. oocirlui 1,12 • fact IS that the. hig..___.ade -l9" '7 ll\'o JO , •, ·~~ 1-1,0, 71 29 Mvdl Aln j Jlt •¥~n uo •• •S \111 LO 1 11'1 A 111 Chl1m1 IU lS 1.+o l•I~ + ,. 'II 1 -10f Wt 'a l Oh + \.\ ,,, !' ,,..6,_ • ,,,,,..~ 09~ 21,.t 2~•m•01JY \\. Sl1tnltlh jlll W Y•M•S• U\ol~A PC-30I. so l'li 1th un-\,( 1111 tll 11 ... 11u ll~+•t O<~lYA • ... • bond markets also have re· l957 l9'.' 3 Bolt ,., 11-> ll• \!Id G11 '!ii '!'' ~1111 M 1• '"° v1111on s<tr. A1e:111 1.to " ,, s1\li "~ + '411 !°""Ci•• 161 ~1 n i it, tt + 11 ..,.kllnt; ,_. . E 8001111 c. 1~ 1114 nd NIKJ J ... ",. s 1 , .. WM>! lllt lf't\ ArnflSl.ft I... • 21 2' 11 ..... otyPkt tit "1 1•1• Jlt.io 1• + \\ r•~" .. J.. bounded f(om,....lheinfr lows in 1960 J7l fi JO e,!!' ,',"• ' u~ tn1xto o ''' lj c11 w11 13'4 11-. Wld•w P 1s 1 &MeAc so l4 lDh 10\.t 1Ma-h ol5oOll 1 71 1, 7si, 151. 'I'~ -'• r• 1.60 eeps Ye w"' II.It I •nlrtrd 2:W. I• 5'1NE 1~1 :M°"' ~\i W•llf Bd U\1 l \t A"mtt Et IJI 27 1 .... 11~ llf) , embln I >;r, ff 41\1 -44'~ .. + Ill r111d 11 ti !'• J une-. •""th·thi1s 1rhe.i orces the 1961-62 27~ 6 e,•,•,•,u,,•,n )1\lt ,, 1n1 cont 11• 6"'i 5ou11 G• ~~""!JI~ w 11.e"* M'I •vi •m£t 1112.0 1 ~ ,..... 3'YI _.,.. lmbE pri ;ro 1 1 n, 41 111 •t'h -14 ,.1111,c lH ?""'.' II JI~ '"""' In l... •V. 5w G•Ci> 14 ""' W1tlltW 2\li _,~ ""' Ht•I nr .. ltl• ~ 361,t • '4 Ofnls.1¥ «I .. 'llh to\4 21 1tnJltwlll I ~ SUSP.:ICl<m a e worst IS 1965 I J --;. I ~i llrwn Ar P.~ I\, 1n1 BW•h ,,, Ji.. ~ .. "YIS~c 1• ~ 15 W1ill HG 'f ' U\li A/1111-1 plJ jQ .. IOb ~ 1'Yt + lit omtSOI pf fO ' \}II, U\'o ,,., t \;. Gr1t1tw I SI • •-~ nd W II SI I I l t ~ 0 p , &•11111 Bt 1•1' 11 111 Mu1•l1 l'O\'I 7H~ S•1t~•w •s. S\'o W1111 RE ~ ~l'I M lrflltr '° 51 ~ ""' .,._.,. ~• tmWEd t'IO 1, 1~ w~ :Ull v. Gr iYOt• 1.10 ' ,. __ ,..ot:11i 111 a rte n eres 1006 ~";>rt, 8 n at1cnts BucktV •t• 1" lnl S~1 7014 21~ Sl•""fn 70,. 211-'1 W•1 rr 6\, :;, AnlA!rlln M 360 20\t 1• Ul-1-1' rnwl!:d "'I' 4 1011'1 lfl\) lOJV. -Gt Al.P 1 JD ...-1 ,"' ratCS have come do.wn and are /967·6! 13"o g 1~~~1111CPS ''~ SJ:: lt1I s., Ill 'l1 1;\l ~l!n 111~f,~ }';? Jt~ rt:i:,,:• 1:~ n Am B1k.. 14 12M-121'1 12~ -Iii mwE pfl.4 21 21~ 21\~ 21~ -V. GtNorlr 1 ~ •• c c ~~ 7J,.. :~1~ I• • 'l SI Pr It Sit 91,1 ·~ well'M M. '/ lJ\I •• , ....... 2 lt f lt 31\'I ll -~· -'Al Oll'IW Oii '° '4 ll~f ltlli. 111. -\\ GtHoNel< 1 '° ~.head1nglower-althoughthe 1968-70 371;0 18 c~r~~: Jl~n1,111 Soutn 21i.2 t s1r~w c 1 1J ~j w11t1t P ~~ t~Am!Wn 120 tJ 2' 21"' 29 +1 om11111 1c1 110. 111. 11\.t lt~1 +•,GtN~D111 .o ' Pf-BURGH (UPI ) ~ C IJ " Jacobs F ''• 51\ '1\l'JK t w. 1't ·~ Wttn NA •>4 j (\ Am C•~ 120 JS '' •1 .tlh + ~. CPmn f 111 •P t '-OV. tt>Q +ti.r. Gt Wu! Finl •:.down pattern "'111 be gradual •~.;i -n c:::~" M 63 66 JMuln c 6,, llo ~"M~I ..,. ,,_ ~, w"" M11 1 11 Ar1n111 i is ,,.211, 2Jto '~•-l•Cont Miii• I 2 ls.lo 1J~ 1P1 GIWnUn!• tt d ' ed J / l hie " -/ ' ( th t' (on M a 6l •• J1tn> Wit 1\• r.1 ~r•llO Ft l \t "" W~t~ P"ll !"" tili Am t.1'11 .<l}I> 3 l\ii •l'I l\11 " COMM.Ill Jllo 10f UI• '"' 7l\:o + '~ GWUn lltl U • .. .an JiU us as a 1g n· \Viii ther e be any change a! m1n1-...,mpu er sys em a cini'ad l.'• 31., J•l'llfi F 31 ·~ 11.,, ta<no~ u~ 1n win• wi '" J\1 Ac111111 1 .o • 2Jl'I tSl1 ~J\o Cotor•cC• ... JO u1i 1J ii -"GIW11hl~ .so l I --'be IJth I 'S • (111M10t h1t l6•iJ•m1ov '''>10 1,,.,..e II 11c~W K PL 1r-.1111ACrvSu1 l t0 50 M'1 1'l1 20 ConECll,llCI lot SlU :ll :D G1Nf!Cin1H ng o money pr=es a r a resu t VI 1s & ump ure can monitor patients 1!) a c10 s.,w ,., 1 J111. Fd• l'" •\t r •• "' • ..., so·~!"' w•o1w F 11, J .ti111cv•n i.u ,.1 :12 JI J1 -•1 c0neo1 • .it t n n 11 -1~ GrHn.s~ 17' r k '• -a a f (to 1n1Ai p , Jlo JllnJll Pd ~1 ~. l •lfdlt ~.1 •\~ W•leM C¥ Jl"4 fl ADIJtltl JOt 1' 2t._ 2ll4 2tlf fl\i (onEdl• fJf 5 2 31 5, ff _+ '~ Grevh<Klnd 1 mar e""', ...., n e smg 0 Investment portloll-OS or the hosp1ta! 1ntens1ve care unit c111T(~ 7~, ,1, K1111er s• ••'• 0 1tt r, ccm 1 1\-i vronv E J"' 1111 .tom Oll•IVen ,, 111 "' 1h ~Fooll 11• 111 3'\4 "" 35"!1 + 141 Cironer-:tt ~ .. money .......,_,i,,s bull markets. h d ·-II •-1 (frr D•\I • •n 1Ctl1$1 pf !I 11 .-.ou11 ,, ...... u Hh 111\ 11\') -~ Fd pftSO I u •• u -+11\ Grum111nc, I •', ,. ri·-"1"n" ,·.--· avallablllty ol s rew est 1nves""11 WI uo:: ar and a lert nurses to any '~',',',,' ~"· '" 'lfio K•lv•r 11 11~ .timEIPw '"' 110 25111 2011 2.z•-\ll onFreklht 1 SCI ''~ Jt\'I 2~·~ +\\ OlfLIHld .-., ~ -U< b •·t h/ h "l' 12~ Ktll G•n Jli •U1 Am E:nkt 11 "'4 :!0\6 30'~ :)(I~. + \I on LHtlno 11 6\• 6 ,l, + \~ GlfMOh l IGfl ,.., --more alanced '-"' ~en iZ -changes in their condilion h as aK c. t 1 ti. k•r•m J 1v. Am£•" Ind " in~ 1211 1~ + ~• corin1t0 1.1• :111 2111 21 2t + ~Gulf 011 1 SI _ ~It and a decline In lt:s coeds! grade bonds and quality st-ks ",',',',,ce1> p,, 1•, Kta• T ''' '' .tiG1n1111 50 •1 i• 13"'1 1• + ~" !""' P-• t " JZ"'I J211 lH• Gulf Rnrcts -"" b d ] d • b ( 1~ 161/o Ktl!ell J J>1 AG n!11 oil t O 21 2•'i 2l1• Jt'4 + 11 onPw oU,SJ Ull 59 59 59 / '"!""' 11110 ~~ ate es.o;ent1al lo a sustain than in many years. E ven . e en eve OP e Y Ctn VP:. u•. 11 Ke11w<1 201 .. 11 • Am1-1o111 ,0 1s 1~ ''' 101• + '• """w .,,, so 1110 '°''• 5t'~ 591~ -r,u rs lfl.?O I<' J lock W l ho El Cftl•nli ?'1 2'l Kl'llll E 9•, 10'~ MUTUAL A Homo 1,60 273 591, SI Silt -1\'o orirAlr 2S11 150 fll 9~1 ti•+ \1Gulf5!1UT t' -1i. 1eoovery o s prices. though to ... r aled bonds no es 1ng use ectr1c Corp, Cft1•1 o ,,, •~ Kn• Fib 111, u•. """HofP ,, ts UI• 321~ n~ + i, conc1n 111.. JU 42ti n •11~ -1 GuHsu 1115 DI .... .t .. (hm LtA ·~ • ICttJ Cut ,,., IJ•i .timlnvfs1 50 lt 11\11 11 II -1) Cont Co• 22• lt • tu + 'i G~lr.<flnd .JO u , Anlo.a tnlrd solid fac_t IS that longer yield the recoril 9\~ to the hrm announced today. c~!', ·'"'''' ·~ s Kt••t PC 1u. •'• AMrtC1~ 110 1'° 2:1..., lH\ m\ +11.1. con1 ,, t '' :n n~o Jn. GulfYI 1111•0 .,.-c .... u 12.,111, Kint 1n1 J, 1,, AMrtch! DI • 1 tP , 91~ tu. 1com1"'31 t Jt~~ Jt lt ·~Gulf.N Pn t1 •• Jnstltuhonat investors a re 91 percent returns of mid· A change 1n a patient's ~~~11~'\' Ji u Ki,,., £1 • • s "'"" Moltlt• lt• 1•1 "' •~ :_ ,, ontM •• 1t "'• 1n1 "'• +'• o111'W D1s 1s the b de I ••· J th off I h h IOI llO ~Irk Co l~ ' .! FUNDS AN1tG11 7 11 11 3t\1 ;)9\1 )t1.~ +;• ont 0 I loll SU 1~1 2• 2• -~t Gulhln Ind .. ..,. again en 1he1y1ng :SI loo d"ed~ une. ey er re urns w JC ""ndition would sel ·of[ an ",',',",, "' 95 100 MP vor ·~ ... Aim Pl'loto 11 101 10,, ,.., ,, oni 011 .i i " 31 31 31 +1 • .. ., (II 1'1 I'> K•thlr 1" l'• ' °"' sr•' +'fl• onl ltl 10 I~ 1V• :tz1~ n· •• -arket and I y are a are •ery high by all h1stor1c ''', "'' ,,,, ,,,, LMC 0~1 1• ,, nDv 111 1S1 11111 ,. 1 , , 0 , .. , .. ,,,. , , ,,,. • ' '" ' alann in a central nurses' f 11lr u A n'• n11 Linc~ 1n 1l '; :io • Am 11111n1 1 J 11 11 11 on!!...... 8.JI -, u•·o· 15, • 3, ~1 + v' M1c~w11 '?O With cash One mutual fund standards and whoch compare 'I" .. , -1, ,, •• t.ano Rt• 3~, > Am $nip IO 1 u·~ ii·~ 16 ' -'• on .. """ 1 •w • • • H111Prt 1 60• t t h u fjo,15\:-•"' Wd '' ,,._: A Smlll 190 lJS 11 jSll l!°l'o+l'o =~t~j~1 1 3 :P1 ~1 '.f.',; ~,~',;=J';M11!1bu<l1 Q5 •,'j• reports Jt expects lo sla!5h its favorably with the long term viewing s a ion using I e mm1· cl.~~n /:11 111, I' 1 •"on ,111 1 ~ Am!.eAfr 10 '6 4l..., • 1o1 .ui1 -H• oooer TR 1 1 ll>• 1511 1~1 1-11mt111 1s1 h I 29 I I I I C1t•• Ml 111, t Ltrwn M 11 11'> Am SllS I 112 J6 Uh H;~ OPt!•nd 110 1JO •• d\ii •• +1 1(1mm P11> 1 , cas rom percent o 1 s growth rates or stocks com P u er sys em, a c11rion 11-11 1 L~&e1 ... Lo 21 2~ """'"' DI• 1s ' ,.\l ., -"• 0~01191 j! '" 3,,~ lJ 131• -1\~ M1111111nd 1~ •' to , I · n.. C!Int Mtr I'~ f \G L~ COiii ~\lo 21' IN VESTINO 1...i1t"' 31' 'ot Alll Stwll A 21 us, 11\4 1 ~ + 111 -IHI 1 s 1,1.1 tll i.& Mincllmft " assets to 3 "I percen In IJl'C There WIJI be a new -and Spokesman Said The m tnl· (llnton O "' fli L~!wr G 1,'," ',', .COMPA NIES ,',",'"cNoA lr :i ,, ll AAS~_s.,1 '· 210 "i', "'i·· ll.++ •0 or!!tl'hl e 11> 16'1 5" 261.t +111 Htl'ld H•r 1? • ~ I k 1•· d bl ph c1o .. (1> ll''I 14_'~ lewis IF NEW VORK (AP) "' .... ... .,, ' 0 .Q•1 ~-wGW 'SGt ,. 171 11, ,,, -SI HIOU C• H ne.... cw wee s. a no uo::r, es1ra e em asis on computer a lso could be Cot11• o 6v. WI t.lnc 1A11 u\ ",· -lh• IOl~·n• ouo-I~~ r,::,i: ~~~ l ~I ~~,sr ..,, M ,,j I" .~, •)"I -\\ oront11n .n 11 ''"' 13 l•'~ +H• 1-11r«!Vrt 1 " which has al-ady cut 1/s cash J ty both • ~--k nd ed I CIQIL co .so u LOlliiw 6~, 1 • t•llons suoPllOd b'I 1 , , -w J • ow~1 com s 3'• J•; •1; H•rr1s '" , r ,.. qua I in "'WI' s a connect o other computers co1Mr E 1~1 1.,. lD11 c1t.. ~~~ p, ii.c Nftkm., Auoc:r. 111vcn Jt ~J/ '1;; t:~~T 2~ 12J1 '''" '~" '•-11., o• lide11 :io 31 11•, i••· 1.-. -i• Kt-.ce Ct 1 ~ lrom 17, to 13 percent, is plas. bonds. tn the bond markets, in the hospital, "~rm·itting 'E'•""",,', 11v. 11 "4 ~°',-•",'" ,','·' ,o.,,1o. .11on "' St<;urlH•• 1n ... r11ou or..v1· A ww /.lS t'lfO' ,Ji,~ 16r,• ,,!!• -J~ PC 1n11 110 u r,1. 2W? ,"1:~ + '' 1-1111sMrx eo I"' Ion l•lo 2SIOi M~d r;o:o •• ~' De•lttt. Inc, ••• Mui 111 f ff AW/'°" t$ i2l0 -., ''"'° 1 W.O 6 ... w -'h Htf\I ,&1 1 NI :. nlng further re. d u c l I o n :s ; 1t"s renected in 1 n v e s t o r the. hospital to develop totally ~e11 ,, f l• ' -11',"•,.,:i.:. 1~• Pr1cts t t wt>1Ch ""'' 3 42 1 n Aw 1r,1 1 u iloo 1:111 :.w. lf~++"" !rtc1n1J,Fln 1 • 11 1 1 . 1-11w11 e1 1 l' c.., .. ( l ll 31~ ~'1 Poly • tfte$f stcurlltr1 Stoo;k 15 1111 n Am z-'' f"" U'! 1 + u """P"'n I O l2 " 1J•1 1' /'llYt• "'lb I others are acitng s1miluly preferences for bonds rated A computerized patient care and ,c~~ ¥:1\ "'"' ··~ ~~11~·t ''~· 67 COlllll II••• blt!I Se!e<t ~ ~l ')1 Al'neroii'~ '° ' 1 ~t 1W ,,~ r· row<:ol 1 011 3'5 '~· 13-lo 11'• + •• H•Ul!lne nd ho the t k "•'•'·'','!i ,$::::1~ ~ i.1 ~.,.. '°H;I (bid) or bou;M \/It Pv 61M •u AmoTltk ~ 12 lll'o 121: 12'~ -0 ~,"!••"•'~-111,, '•'• '1~\· ~~,, +t ,•.HCA Ind l"" So how does the bear a a \'C. in s oc i n ( o r matlon management ,•,m. ',',',~ " M c > ,.,~Odl W•1t1J.Or 1n" 11t1h '02 4 :i. AMF inc ·" 1 • H ,,~ Ji(~ • ~ ti ... , • Htct•Mn ur bl I ·~ A1 •noi; 1f l l~! ,,,_ •, ',''• •, ·.-lllll 11 JO 11 ... AmfK • .. "' Jl'Ai 31\lo -I 11 or,,.• 13 13~0 i1-~ 1n· \t Mtlnr HJ l market which be" an I n market! n's d1scern1 e 1n the system " he said Como A J14. •v. M'' "'~0 ,, .. _ t " ,..,n ,.,, , ,. , .. AMP '"' ~ 11 , 4 ''l'.t 11u • u 11>y 1 11 1~~~ n 1 \ -1 Mei-,11,, • " ' I ' (mp Cm t t M, "{;" ' .. V. Actmlrt lly Funds J Mncoc:t 111 J ll Am-cor Jll 11• 11 1114 _ '!t. wlll••n JI 11 131, l3'1't ~ + ~ H~Htt tnl 40 December 1968 and which surge toward the b ue chips The total mon1tor111g system c~: !f'i:. •'• •'• ,.,1 i'°"'' 7~\i. 2~, Grwth .J SI •n J011nu11 11.tl on ...,..1,.., 2~ 1 JO'~ :iot~ 31._., ~:i'ri8~n1111.10.J 2: "r4 2: 1 i "' ±. \l He1111tPd1 1 quite possibly culminated 1n The.re will be an end lo the consists of :several patient ~,~·,'~~ f 1 ~~: ~·,~_r1.~ !! ~ 11~ I~~ l ~ J'° Ke_:~"ii "'"'71' 151 ~~.n ," 1.,t 1f',, ,11~ ,•,\, + ~,', urtlH wrt l 1tt 111, !l'~ 1 11v.. -1 ::::i1'! c1:, ' ., -'j"t J1 .. uv "'•'',1'~AC1Wflll •115 0. l "I i\1 11U11'1ArlcIIHoc:kl "'+ (11rtW,A f l 2~ ,..,,, !"'-'' ,., May 1970 rank ~ cult of "puformance· in care units, each one serving ontrTd ~ ,,~ Mtdl( "' ,,,, ,,•, A1111111d 1 15 1 °' ., 81 11 u H ,.. •--•••• , 5' '''0 2•\\ 1"'° + "cu11er 1-1 1 1• ~i u•. 11'~ 1 '• + •i. Hemline ll'! Cont 1 ~ IU \ltd M'• II • a ... ~ ' 1Sl.4o u Jll• Cvc:Joos 1 90 1 151., 75'~ 1S'• -v, .... ~ tt>C 7~ .. Jn' duration, as tht longest mutual funds •• and again a between SllC and 12 pat1ents c-~~ .. t. 16~! 11 ~"(~ti In lj;~ l'~ ~w~~ F 'a '~ ~~: Kt I JI f :1 :.=c~p 1-n ,i ftV: ill"! lfl~ +~. CWPflUM , '° 1 D-59V. ... ~ st\~ + \~ ~=~ti:.~ lit a • cilnce the 42·monlh slump o{ return to respect for .the e:ic· . Each one IS program1ned by ~g~~ sy, 14 ~ ~~31~H C• :~o ~~ ~l~:1'F'", : JJ ,: li c:~: :? 1; lt 1; ff :3toCi~:~~ Jn l! t!ia frJ i~ :.. v. ;•n•uwr 7Sa ~ • ''' ~' + ''o ~~b~!~k -•~o 1938-42. This one spanned 18 penenced professional money the phys1c1an ~~~'~,, lf1~ 1:1. ~~1~ G()•~ M~ ~r~ ~~l~u. 1~: it: ~~: ~{ !U :i~ ::l rv5~B~"" 100,102v.lf1111 ll•11t ii :~r~ 1J~ ft ~l. ~\Lll~i = ~ ~~T~~:1~~11; m onths manager The go-go fund with The mln-eompuler contained ~;::! 't: ,,_ ,.'~• 111 .. VIG u lJ'-'I Am o ... 1n 11 tu c • 54 l~t •<111 Arc11• 10e 2s lf!• y 11 l "'_ '• '"'~' , 11 11 31u, !1'~ 311 + •• ~cb•rt 120 I prof · h / c IM l!i.tll 7'1 '') Am~r E~PIOJI r'O~t l ' 331 Art•• 111 2 J """ \i ''\I . tt• Pt0ct11 214 U 12'k 11 + •\ lfo•rnWil to if.s1nsaneprom1seso It-in eac UnJt IS a sma l c~~~~t~~ r"t,.~~ .. '"• s•,51 C•pll 115 11Knlc•b '"'liAte~Otn l 11~5 200 ttt'lj +na 1ycoC11 1U 6'614 1J'o Uh-'tl ~off fleclrn In depth also a s I.he: and . b I I l h ho. ,. ... , u 1 16 lncme 111 t a. o<nl'k Gt J» • ArlrPSYt 10. ''' 11 i \i r:•co 9u 7, 111l " 61 I' Molllt'l'I"" n • 1L& now .o v 1 o us y 1n orma ion processor w 1c 0,~rv L?..,\ ,,'" ,?\' •110~1 co1 1:i4 1, •nve,1 , 90 • 6J Le~ 1.r•~ 210 ' ••1•111 DS '° 1' 1 n• ••"'Hvf 5e1 1v 1 2f''" s·~ -1 • .,o11t1. 17oa !i'lttpest since ~ 41 percent borderline (1f not a ctually 11· collects and ana lyzes the o0•,',', ,o,", ,,. ~ M"""' P• 11 11.: ~~: l :t • u ~·:e,~·:11 'JU 1~I: :rmcosi ,.,'l'! '46 101' 1V• 10 • -1• 1w1nPL 1 H •• :1~ '" '11.ro :t '' 1-1011ws1111 ''° crash of 1933-42 This one 2s '2s~~~:; 1~~1~1 Am EQ1., •16 •54 L\'•t~1~ ,u 5 o1 A~=r PIMI '~~f1 2•~1•11 g:.L•101• dCl1t•1 "1"''\• ,...,"lomeit11t ,.. legal) acliv1t1es is dead. And, srgnals from each patient The 8',',',,",', n 1 > At~\ T,., ... ,,~Am Grrh 1 2, J 1j Lie nw •01 ... ArmttCk 111 .sot ,.h :Jtl• JtV. + '".,,... ce ? · .. w,~ l.11\• Jl\lo + \' 1-1--..wi l JO .ra •• , •• ~r-1 Of the Dow tt t t\o M .,,, .. , • "'m Inv • 11 • O Line 111! I n t » Ar~'"' > •• 21•• 2119 + ;, lmarP Clj II I to l1l\ 11'"' H®'I Ill 1 70 M:l..I "°"" ....... ~ say I , good r1dance ' patients name, 1den/0[1catlon 01w Mir 10" ,,,, 19 'v.t • • ... 2 nu n i• 29 to-'' fit M111l 11 ll 23·; n•, n11 +,." 1 1 •• •• Mote~ M 5' j Aim fAUI 111 I S• Ll~g l 10 : H Arv n lnd 1 :n 20lo llJ\ It'• +Ill till At ..$0 •u ?llo 11•• ?711 -V. H~ 1~ tn,. J ones average There also will be an end to of the monitored s1nnal. !he ~f~ !~ 610 ~Mot c1u.., 110,,: •,., ~~~0,01,•,,.~0•5 261 L~tids.•111·:,.,, .. ~:hl1t1,o•,o,,1 JJ 31 ,. 2n~ JJH,-+' 111ee 1n1 20 611 '} ,1, + •, ~ .... ; OJ lh !lo f r. O IM 1 "'0'•30 Mwltor "'"' v llO ... l .. '''" '''~-1 ·~ 1nn11r1 te n 11•, H•o 1~·~-~.1-1-~,"',!', -·• course. e w .. ones /he c1o ll of the "~rsona111v v alues of ots up~r and lower .. !, .. , ,",', ·~ ''• ,,\~11u E' 1 • " Cap11 611 'sJ C1J>11 , 'll And lrew 1 ••; 1:• lb tnnMlq pl l J 11>1 u • u •1 + i . l-'cu••" • NO'f NOT h f ll ..... ,... '""'w 50 I 11·~ MVP• Lr ;? .•• ; G•wlll '35 10 25 •lvl ll s; 12 JS AHd OG I 20 •! .,. •• l •t 3' ~ 1, Oennvlh l ,04 259 •'· .,. ~1. Mou'F pf•'~ • •verage ls · 1 e u kod" in Wall Street with his alarm hm1ts and its current 08,", ',,'",r 1•'1 11 ' r<::c 1nc1 •, ';., lr1C!l"le 1 0 111 L~Tft Bro 1~~2 11 ~ Aud SD<! 110 ',,,_. ,.,,. 2,11 -'• Dtnt1111.,1n 1 1 n•, ,,," n•; + •1Hcu1F g!'1 •~ I h bloodb th th 11''19\o 'IJtrfq C 12 '>1l' FO Inv 155 1 21M~9n1 In 2n l 7J A1dTr1n 05o 11 I~ 1'1 ?\l -'o0enltGr 1 10 1 l•to 1•'1 11'1 -"HCl/tF 0123' a.\story o te a 15 arrogantboast fromh1sown r eeding are continuously,.".,•,•, 121o 121 • ..,1t&r1111 1• )•vent ll l6o10'•'"Jnn•11 •:ll ,n .tirh!llflll l"' • 1s 1••• u +•,Dlf1c;o •"' 1 J11.1111i ll"•-''l-lou•""''° J Hlo 'l•rC1r 11; ,,; I 4 POiio Fd 7 21 I ti Mtss Fii ___._ .. 10 )t Al!C!v'EI I 3' Jt ~I 2011 10 I Ot5,TDIM Al 11 U•~ 1' 111, _.. ~ AoustNCis 10 LEG 'L NonCE youth and bnlhance -and shown on a v ideo d1spla.y !?1,!;" ,:: 1• 1,u Nt•.1a CD r , •, ••ooc11 114 11J 1v.&11 r.1n to 11 1• os AtlC Eo1tj •1 2 ff 11•1 !5 +2 Ott di• 1 '"~ 11, 18•1 11 11~1 + ·~~ow John 2, .... ..._ ·~ ,\, •,:1 NJll"•11• IS 1) A$llO!I )ft4))Mtn Tr uo;1•2'All lllcl'IU!12 :!ft JI ,,,_1,l')efEClofSJll 1 n 1J 11 Mown>•l 70 surelyth1s too1s goodndancc. monitor at each patient s 08::\rv~~.,cM • ..,., •.&J 16~ 11 A•t Hou•hton Metrs 'ol!o l .. .-.1111cl'I 01_1,11 i21ll ''• "'~ •1·~-Yi or1 steet 1 " 1,.1 ,,., "lllbbrd 1n, , ••• ' .v.'.... .,, d • 6" 6\,; 'lt! Lib 26-'o 11'> Fund A t • 5 111 M&I~" t!J fJ.I Arl Ille!. 1>t J 2 t VI tllt t 7•r O<!~!or 2f 1 llll U'~ t'' +t.+ HUCIBIY 1.20 C:lllTI ICA In sum. investors should be U<;l.ISI e. ..~~1n.,L. I 11. "all '''"° I• ' 191, Fund B 6 13 1 n Merill FO 11 )/1. II Allllt~ oil 10 IJ 411~ jj.\I •5 + '• 0!1IFlntn .,, 3 11 10•0 10•: -,, Mu•h H•I id • l<ICTITIOUINAMI I ........ ~ 11°"i 21 ""P~! 21'·· s•oc:k J ~'10MIC1Ai M~ •M !OfAn11Chrm 1 312•1~'• 21 8!•ml n!lllO ••JJ'o •l••Jl •..1.1,.1-1u"telu'n n •' '"' undrrt11~ ctot1 c...01"' "" ll '°"' coming out of this m uch \Vhen an a arm sounds 1n Oowl• DB "" 70 Nat ~t 11 1 1 • x1 c. • 11 , JJ Moo11v c~ 1 ttt u 12 Art•1 Coro JI 2•, 2\'I ,.. _ , , 1,,.. snom' 1 21!! 11,. 11 ""' 1 + ~• 101111oPw 1 40 :lutll"' • b<ltlnetl •I ':IO W \lldor11 SI, h Drew loll l' > l ~•1 Sn'"' 1 7•, Bab•on I °' I Oo! MooaY'! l I 63 lj 71 A!l1 D Pl Uk 120 1•'• '''I Hl~ .,. •, Dli! ril OI 7'I 1 15,, U 1!•~ + \'I 'llfl' Bt• 60 coi••M, ... c.r11orn1111n0&rtNitlc stronger, saner-and more the n1urses' station, t h e,",?,",',',', i1·~19•,,,.~1 ·11.,,, ,, 1111(on 11.is11•sM1F-F-<J 763 23.-.Totnclll•,. 1•1 1'1 1t,+•ooic!oP11tn •• 011,111, 11,~ 111 c~n1 1 1• -,_,, < o G ~· d d I t I e w 7~ I:\, N~~ GF. 11·~ l!·o Be•1 ICnT l u 1 ll MIF (.ti, 'St ''6 Auror1 PrOtl 11 ti~ t'• "I + » §l•Oold 41~ f Jfr, _,9,: 5"'~ +•~Ill ~en oil~ •flllflvl rt.,.. ,..,,... ... """'" "' '1 <• moderate Jn our dc1nan s an compu er vpes cu E1 Pt1E1 u" u .. Ni N•ir. , " 10, Be•~ c.1n s u s '1 Mu us G_y 10 01 10 7J A~ n ut 1mo1 n •1 J 11 •1 _,, 1010,.11i ·'° , 17,~ 11,i 1,,,, ,, 111 p,,.." , :to 11>1f tn11 ••lit tlrm 11"'"'~"'1>1 Ille rt t I t nd Ell>• SJvl I llt ,,.tth•n F ?t1'r·n•, 111eor Fa 55' '0IMu Om, '" •IS AWt•C• '°' JOI 1 1~, j'J 1 Po $~' lll!nthm ,, 7, 12. 11 , 1., +• 111 Pw ol1CI ;,.1iw.1n1 '""'"°" """""' "'.,.. '" 1ut1 c:icpectat1ons. pe 1nen 1n orma ion a e1du e.o '"' 1t.. 1~ .,1 ,., J •• Bono•t• 5 3, 5 14 ~u o~ 1n • 11 t ts Av co ou 20 JO lj " ~ •• §'l1"' •I A 2 3 ,,.; 1,, • 27, ~ ,, '"'" C• .-.m :.tMt11cetlfrnldtt>Ct l•1,toll!oW11 starts a recording of the E,•,~!'.,e J l'oN,~11 11 31 l • 11111ons11111•1 uT ~~•1 l>t1111,t111 A¥er ... Pa .10 j 101 ·~ 1 1cnc~u 7 1s, 1.,•1,. .J..-•t'INAC•1A • ~ ·-W •l o--' "w 11 ~ 111>1.ti ~~« 1'• l '• Bott Fan -t !S IO U M~t l t>I lit lnAivn1lln 2'llo I :\~ U1 lo, , l1Mw"' ,,,,_,,•1_,•10,,,• ... .., ll'C"'fttC,.~if ~ c-•• '.,"'.'!. ......,in. ""' c "'''· -t. 1nlormal1on 1t has slored. ',',',,'..,"' ' 1 • '" • • o ' .,E:A Mui 111 •" '""" !''-" ' ff u ..,_ 1 ' ""' .... ' ~ ,_, , .. _ ~· -• • .. I' t" 10 la>I g,1011 '1 111 N", '"" OJS O" A•-P O ·~ 1•2 •• '" ~--+-, Oln ,.ll\CI 1' I" " f 'I .,, ..._ '' "' ""' - ' ..... 0 , OIL •• INTI.•$ •'1 5 • loll'ut 0 11 11• 1 • Btlll(I 51 11 H ll 07 I "" -· • '" • 1 OfvMtt l J#" .. "·t 7?' )l ' + 1 lndJ•n H" Ht .. 01fred kl!lembt• 16 1t10. , • giving the phys1c1an a El c s"' 1 2·1 'llP.ti c.•~ 16,, Ht. 11.iuot~ c ..... 1.. M1T 1nvu •, .. J a. A.11K ou n1 22 lit. 1~ 1m -11 i,,p1...,~, YI 0 111, , ... ~ 1.,{ + ,• 11'1d Hit pr,·~ ..:. O ll111er Mootn WttOLISALI WAltlHOU51 permanent record o( the ~: ~:fui 51'~ SJ,1 NII ... ,c; I » •'~ Bulle• 11 u n SCI N•~11::ur , fl'!., -&.-Oor....Mlt1 111 1 5,,~ s1,, !7•t -ll• IM&l•Pt. l ;~ ·~','!.~,~~.1~11, OPIN TO THI PVILIC f mPS 011 ,j , 1' ~IV Pu5~ 1111 II ' Cana" 11 H 70 07 f!onO • )1 16 B•IK• W .56 4J 1f>1i It \) u•~ + '• l)omF•d ,,. " "• ''• •' '"' PILMDI J _, ..... ...,,,~ ti I' ' 'u:l ... •t 1 1•~ C/Vld 3 J1 3M o••• '"i"!•ktOllT 65 ..S 71••-•1•"+Donnt ll•¥H 'l lt•.1• '"'"'-'•!""","-, ., on s..t 16 HJO btro•• mt • Mat~<v $S d pa en s progress i::;:" 11~ ~', 1;,, 8i:.~ ~~'t ,~·~ 1~:; ~~'""vn~ ,; IJ :~ ji Cir~ih 1;; 51 ,111 GE 1 ,.u ,11 1111 2,iG j, 14 ·-v. ~~~~~i7wi!2 f~ 11~;t \f,t \~~ + '• l:Tld ~';f 35 Pullllc In Ind 10< ~tld $lilt O.•IOlll llY an up Among the SlgnalS the En"•i 8 •1 o ~·, DP! Sten IC ', 21 llulM fO '" I 06 Pl 5Tk ! rs ~ ~ ,~~~~n~ ~ 2 • l~ l~t le I + l'lo Oover (o _70 1 31'.t ~'llo 11,; -+ ,. Int Ind St~ 2 .c•::r:_~~O:,~~!in!T:~':.;;1~ computer might record are~;:, .. ~:,," (.; f~:gr,;,~"~p 1:~ ,;: ~~11.~, :~ J~~ ~~~'r ~12 ''I •,::t~·~Y'~ 1~1 11'• 111~ 1l''l +1•t: ... ~~ ~~g 31l ~i:; i~ ;;i•-it l~~~' fu& fl!. r,tte, !~.'."o-~n~•_u':'.~ i nd tc•~wlede the patient's heart rate • ~:1~1t l~~ 111, 12'1 o..,.., N., 31~ l'o C1>1>ll Inv 'It 11' ~el Ci'(ft, ~·~i ~!. :nk \, 2 II" 11 n,: :1~~ 4!Jl! :+-t! Or•sttnd I•~ 110 ,..,, ~ ~ '"'• _-,, lntllc ~IAl >" ~ n •·~~ ....-•~ -""" ' ',,", 1 ! •,·,~C•0•,,, 111'1 ll''i CaP•I Slit 5 Sl I OJ N!_~"'w ,•0 O>,. ,., ~ t tb 011 1 511 11 35•~ .. ~, ,, 0f.ir11tr '"•"O '1 U ''I 3•\\ l••• + •~ 1,~~!t ~,•00 ' kCOfil=ICIAL SE:ALI e I e C t r O C a r d j 0 g r a m , Fo'o 'f.,t! ' ~ 11"' 13'~ Cfnl S~r 10 OJ ID ff ~w Id ll 2j n Ji' ll•rlt Cit JS 61 '°' ff1. )ti ~ ttJJr •f > I JlU. 31 llV. + •l n.~'•" ,• Ml"'K H•ntV I b l d F ~ tl1 4-.,>1D1t Br •O•o•l\IJ Ch111t1111111 Fund1 ~rw "' n ••l)ll,t•lc Int; to Ill~ II II\~-Ortrl111C1 l l 111~ 111>. l"~+!\1n1r 11'('.'.10 Not•,., Public c111torn11 heartbeat), arteria O O F~.;,;;:: ,~:: 1) ~:~ :~~ "• •'• llK ltn 1021 111' N!d.ios'iri l it 1" 1111 Ml• 1t 10~ lO!l IOV. + \' Rul\a'"' '#I "' 11•0 "'• 11·~ -":B,Mr: ':luc" •rlnt;IHI 0tr1ce 1" COMMODITY pressure, mean venous b lood F1tiqrl'l1 1-.. tt. P•~to co 1; 3~ , ~~"'si ! :t ! eg N«••ti u ,. U fl •'"Ml "1 i ,,,, u~ ,,,,, -·~ o.";10~•d k'ttl 111 •;~ ·~, ~~ + •1 1~1,.,.F, Jf!ll ..; O•l tlPt COll~I¥ F$1 Bo•t '°o•,'o'o>',' ~·,,~,•, -, ',", 1,•; t...CO<'t 6 1t J Jt C.:n,•,~, 's4Z 6[~ l:n:r~":tt:I! 32 n:: y~ ~~l•'o ~ ~ O•,•l"et1! S >~ 11' 1tui111•" l?T 1..1.-:::: :n•,~0•00~ O ',~ , Mw Cammi"-EKPI~• pressure. body temperature F,,",•.,•,•,1 ._, ~PKI , 4 112 °"" ~ ,, u Dllf '" m 1 ~' ,,._ ,. + ·~ n " ...... ' 1•n l'• l'• "•'~ .. 1-1 .... ,, ctia•• G• Boi t1001 Fdd 1~~~·.~ :~r.G-: 10 uu ~:""' fft: ~~·-l'~<Ju••nt •11511 1 511,~ JO JO•\ .,!"1 1ndu1•1 "" ~1111111~: ~r•n"' (a1st 0111¥ Pllol, FUTURES and rcsp1rat1on ~~"9FP 1 ~~: 1f;: ~·!~e~I. " 1;1• ,!:: ~~~ f ~ : ~1 o~e t"ms 11 e• ,2 69 1••t Flt• 1... 11e, "•"" ''~1 ,, -~~ 8""Vfll't J.,., '''°"' ,J(;1 ,~\ ,~:~~+Ii,' ,~l 1£fi"'',! "" .l@oltemlllr 11. i• t na Odot1t1 1 1, Almost any sensor can be For11 011 1~'1. 111, "~trl u.1 ~·· ? • F 1 6, :ie 611 D'Nell 11 d11 o ec m1n ...-6 1 75\~ '11 + 11 ovmc Ind , 11 '"' '"' M"" 3"• •!'~ LEGAL NOTICE 1111-10 TRADERS -nnccled to ll>e si stem, •','::':•.'•,,, J l '' Dreri,, T ~, 21'· s~~~d t 11 111 1~ DP11t11~ 6 lo 111 Beet Olck :io ,,, '!'" 31"" 311~ + }• D~111Am :io. 'o A J'• I~'•-'• tnt Nltk I ·o ... ..., G 111, >D'' Pa E~p·~ 1•, .,, Si>oet• l:l'I 1 ,. o~ .ti•M "14 'n llHC:hA• 75b Jl 11, 10111 11" + • ~ F • n1 P·" 1 •o •' \Vestinghouse said ''"'' ,, J'> •'1 Pa ~w 1~1• '~" cne"'ti 11 ,,1115 Dre S•c ? n 1011 BflcoPtt so 110 !"' 11'1• ,,,, +~ -s;· -•ni P•o ...+ • J' 1 6 '>enn Ptc I • 1' > (ol.,.,,IAI PK' F~d 1 UI 1 '6 Btlltft1 1 «I I 1 :it 25\,\ 15't EllleP th .10 1 H•~ 7?•~ "'-' tntl R~lof CIRTIPt(AiT! o' l llSINlll, SEND IN THIS COU'°N Frn-rn E: 1 "• "'fcil ~•t t'• 1.. Eoulw l .,, J n P•ul R~w ~ liO 1 '1 !flO"lli-1 '°" I lJ:it I~~ 1S'>lo -~Ii E•xo C• '° 1 it•i ll \'t ""' 2 1no 5•11 •«I , ,tCTITtOUS NAME FOil INfOllMATION F,',!~,•w,_,, ? tl1 P~lr~llt ~~\1 l••~ l'unct t St 10 4 Pe"" Jq 1 jl 1 71 ltll How .. t• Jtlt JUo 3'\~ Tl Et1I Alt \.I~ 202 1511 IS IN :j:" ,: '"' T .. T l 5 ' " ,_ ''' '· I ~ •• 1 > l P~Rll! r.I JS S• G•wlft $ Ol '" Pt Miii l I l lf &rll lll!ft'on 2' I~ Ill I~ +'' !''' GF .t'l'I tt 1tl' 7I '''' +>""-ln!TI. T ofC ' ·T~f UnCll!f"I·,~ (11"¥< ... tt.,... AHDOUlWlllL'f nl A I F••l':IW A ••1 Dl>•I ~' "'·"" 1 .. -~m '°''=Phll• 1121 1l'.i&B1ml1Co1 1 11 1•'•17 -•.,•llUll/le JlJ\1 IJ'~•··· c,ll'llTAiTOIDI .. «11ti,P bulltlf111t 1Jl2W1rner.Mun u.,.,.,. .... It MWff"' Gll~C'f\1> :V1 tlo PftoTon '1 t i.. vr"nt lto ,?;Plltrlm l '16I S•ltl'ldl1 l to St U'l1 23\i 23 \ro -\) •IKOdt • 1• ?to N'I ii•~ 66-l-+,ln!Tl lllf!-14 'tlr..Ton Betch. Cell!Prnl" undtt lhe lie NIWSLlnll S.1YICI", 'f•• ere Ml tlttlllt oll G1rtn1 I 1!', II<. Pl<>l!rtn •l •9 c 1 Grt~ l O 5I lo SI Pint 51 f ~I t tl Bendl1 of l 1 .0 lt\\ •o E1t..,Yt 1 '°' 4' 1,,, 2'\ 1'>~' ' 1T "'I C.50 :11mn. firm ... ..,, o1 Prolt111111111 Auto of'''" c•ll• G.u s...., 130, u Port• MK u •., n c~ms e t1 ,77 164 P,1on ~~ 1~llr' f~ Bt"fllC• 160 11 •1 ...,, "'• _ ·~ Ecn11n Ml .J.2 2~ 1,,\ 21:, 131, _, 1n•TI.~ e? • ..... !tit •nd lhtt wld firm II com•010d pl NoM G Al•ctt 7 2•~ Pro r.011 l'• l•1 (with "'B 1 1, I 1t lon ' B~1 oft JCI 1 n il 11\lo n 1. -~. Ec•ero J ..., 11 2t•1 ,,111 ''" + ,: \"'r~ 01 I ~foll_f.,ol!"san;--nimt ln l111I •••••••••••••••••••• flliPHONl G Klnt!le Po ?>t,Proo Alf j'r j'• c Ill!( 111 t.SJ;>l1n In'' 1005 Bentl SP1lSO 120 7t'"' :191\ 2t""+\,,dfson l r111 l Ji 21~ tt>\ 'l'>l.'_1 .. nTTrifN 1 15 G Lt ll\jt 51.J\,PrJG MI" ;. '•c .. A 16't ll PtlteFu~nl Btngutl Its . S'I S\ !'G&G 10 tl u 1"" 1s"+•'n!Utlll 'IO I ncl ol1go tll r11IC1rn<o 1• '' lolJoWll .,.,OU ANSWERIN" IUREAU GRI f )I 1 1 a•. P"bS NM lJ , U11 C~P'''' 5,. ''' to•wlh 'iO ilj~G t3 11.,1111 In 1 ''• ''' s.'> 'l tMu1lc ot. " ''' 0,,', ''' "Int U!1I • Hol111ul R TIC~, 19'~1 ltodtrltk Ln .... •••••••••••••••••• .. Giro!t l } ,~ PybS 'IC 10 1 It . C;;;;;D Bd ,., t '6 ~ E:~ ·,!,',.",'• BttklY Pho 1•2 11 1·~ n . +•to 1,KMI Allot ,. s•, J'• l'' + '•'","•'o:,',' -l-l unt!ntlon 8th C!.li_ '11.U 835•7777 Gllltn 1 1Vt o>ybl•~• 1 111 C m Flt a l t t Ol " H~ ' Bttmrc Cort ti 1'1 1'~ J'I tlll Mel •10 11'~ 11 ~ 1 1~ +I ' t '" O••Od 5•"' 11 1m ,,._,,. •• , • , •••••• , ••• , • • • • c'l"'en 11•, 1• Pu••c• ,to,; ,\, 1 ,~,.,:,~ 3 " , 11 ~~~ f,~~'~ : M 'tt Bor'"r su 11a., •• n •1 211, 22~ +'• lli'1~,r:, ~:.,, :f u,~• u 11 u·. + ,; 'i~::~:is'fr 1 ;; 'M~mullt TK11.• (';f~ln W "'•l 1:i.: , .. on:/ u 1' CDftcord 10t•1Gtolp,gyC"I J " t l6 Q hr.., • •• '"~ 4' • El "'G 0 '5'• Jll+~e llttf Jt•T• ef Cttlfofnlt, R. J, O'BRIEN g~~ ~~~ J,, ~" P'tfwY Co .,, •I Ce1110t I~ t JJ 10 71 Pu•H•n 1 ,1 t1• B,',"ok O• ti JI 4''• .. \1 "''" + '\l P:llr:~; 110 fr "~i !!'• lj'• _ ,, •o:Z:I!'\< 0 A Orl"tl COUftf'I' Good L$ Q 1 r ' Conti tAI 10 t •r Pu!ntm f und• 1 rJ onn ti l lJ 1S 15\\ E:m E:l ... ,,1. 2.,. -''•-•II G 1 ll n~ $NI-• ,, 1910 bt'erf "'' • FAIR Cilldwv c r1 ~·~ o::i1(M ,.} 1c Cont Giii 1 51 165 Eaul! ~" J (It lllH L•ug I 11 "'~ 11>1 1'\0 • Emf1 .,'\ ,:, 1'i ~. "·· ~· + \) law1PLI ilD c ' 1\ R:l s I :I s~ (o•P l.d 1l U 11JJ Geor• 1121 13'7 locllHR l6 26 51~ :5Tt1 SI'• !'"~Al 90 so ' .... »·~-~•ow.PS¥ 1 '• Jolotwr l'J,rllll( !" .na lo• ltld S!t!f AND ASSOC.. INC. lg"::: k 1~ 11•' I d oi.. 11 11\t Cn!v C•• 10 :ID 11 n Gtf!I • ). t SI Bl\11 Bflt , 20 • .a-. '0'~ ...,.0 + 1\ "':Ii,., ·, 10 10 21'. so .SO•~ -+ ·~ ,..,., l-'Clft lt \ltt'°"'l!v IPl'tltM M•lmul II T1 ci':t ' I f f > 1 lho•o " ., ll,', ,'•ooo C "" '''• C•n WDlv vnawt ll iMom 110 7 111 B1 .. , If B•kt 111 1J"1 1t1> ll'' +1'• f mo 0,0 I>• '• ,,'!'._ 211,",, H1 1,i -Ill ITE Imo .,, P.-n to mtt 1<1 llt TM Pet"°" "'llOH 1649 Wntc!Jff Df, ll • ••t •C u• 1•·='='="='='==-====="====='==,I''" WO•I y111~1•1 1ovt1I l ~l t.Y ot ntCo «I lll 11tt 11•1 11'~ t •1 E"llhM/n 40 ?!:! 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H,. lldldl kHflf llf ll-Oltt t4 •19Wirtt --. .,..,.. ""°" 111 ""' •!Id ho• 111·,,,d a nal-11.ii ~111 RY can be cf· 1t1r1"r ,, ts • 01 "'"'-1 1 II c-lllLI II'!•~ llO 1,. Sil "' -"',.""i\l\j( 1 ,0 't ri1. ij\? '• :+'. •, 1 '" .,. .. •P. •1 NU"' -1""" ••" to11twt· "'" G•Oll• s.tti u~~ c.~ 1.0. 1. c.,1uPs 1 );I "0 1•) u·~ 11 ,.: , ,Ji :O J Jf" 1• • l I.ii"' .. 111 t11!• ......,. •" •«Vff'lut.1rn 1u~• •hllll' It Au.II"' l!Olt El ~trtlM ftt tl\'C AHJ I' 6JJ 11• \' 1111 Lint I':~. ("tl L• l!t ! 11 2flto 20W • •"' r o 1'10 , > \ '• with ltlwlltt"* In t r"fl"' 11-Htw lltul. (rL, '-'•In Y•lln'. '4!1111tt"'' n1M. C.lld S..I ... 1f1G. YOU OR YOt ·n nocroR COll'I 51 , ¥. "·n f/ICOll'I I,. ~ "'' SW 1 .. Ull .. U'1 ... !\ I'!_ ' lerrtd .... acfltll ftklfl • ltd iliWl*"d • Ph1ti.11t. AU\flft G•Tlll"d A I • $pf s 1 •i1.., 9111Scw1 ... 1• n« ~ l)'• + ,, --· • CAN PHON•: u~ "hrn )"OU t";r!ll ,..., I U l Yllt!S ~ 111 trtftlU .... 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"'" "•.,'",,..""-.,,~ ~ ... ~-2,,.-., ,"",, \.!!$~ ptop,le re'" on U!I t or thclr H•rtlO!' 1; W•tll Mu 10111f ~~";5 ~-;l Jo,:~,~,, J,,-1o11 1n1.!"' ,; ~· "lfil'=l:ctf-C1flro 11t .. 1!•41vw.n11. ''"""'"1"1--..... ~ 1., ; H•,,..11 •·1• • w~11111n G!:ii" -" .. ., ,,., /C 1 " • "' + \t r .,.,-• now1tdffcl 11e ute.vMd "" '""'· heath. nttds. ·Tf "'t' com!! H•c l"' j· I I ! '" I ·" j•1• 11111.,Hv 1 _.. ";.-, " :11• -., • , ,.. I 1 ... 111 ,,.. Hitt 111 ruit. •• 1-,,.,.. C°'fll(IAL SIAl,,1 h l'eq\lflll for d~.hvery service !:!!!II Git' ~ .. I .. '" tl.lo UMft I to '!I " .. ,, 1' -... •11W!W M •'1 tt t .. ti tullon ...... 111 l'llM -Wlftwt •• ,. '.-••• "'" !:~ .... --·-•·•••m•rl ... ,. • ,.. .... , •• ,,. and char"e lccoun{I. i:l:;'1~ 1.J 11' ' ~w ·,~ ,., 111~·~·~:r :II ~: n.: rs~.·~ -.. <:~..,_-~:ft '1 'u" 'u'~ ',',ii ;':' ........ ' --wr111 worrlllll. W-WIMll ..-...,. ~ 7 fi.W111.leltll4, ft1w11Mt ~.•ti\ •44·1070 a I.a:. 111 ttw: , u 'IJ 11 • ,. I t10 11, I \ NU! !"rlnclNt Offl<e I'! p•t• LIDO ~'RM"-~vm.: • , .,;:Jn 1tii:111 , ~r.-l ••Wt 1~ ""'t " re:'~!"1 \ :i ~1 ~l?t~,lhfrRltlltlf, *'-""' ....... ~ Or-. Co..ol'lllr "' a. lfnll "'~' 'i:,,;,· "flfll W!ndr • '-'HV 2M 2' fl~, ~ 411• .. A I '.JJ: 61 !f.' 111' I It"' •ltworr. \11-M lllnkrlllk'r • "'°"" M# C-'RIOl'I ~ JI! ......... .. o I c 111 ' w .. 1 Ind 1• ~'*"..., XIII n ''• t • -Ill " r•n TM " '• l -\• i. Mr ,_...,Itta .Jer ttM iJ:: 21, 1111 1 IS fl'( t i • wlllll'tl'I! 1 4 l t.11 "" \It 1 IO 1 '11t ~~ ~" -I) ~ff 4 I •~ 1\1 1\ t 'toll ... Ill lflel .., M' •i.r.!.., 1f'-:r ,,.c.::;~ .... ·"";o,· .JteuttL~ .. ~....,-... "'..,L1111~·t?~ ll l ~-IP, •rrOlti:. Jf-..--4~ ~Mtrr~ '!f'• 'Y1r I!:: z-,··:::-~~~ IWMI ·- "' "---------------------"" ~ _,, ~ fl'ltl t w ~. d I! I "' r· 1n 1ii , JJ1 ~"* -,, 110."'1 I lh 11· -\l I\ "-------------··' I"'"""' J W0f/11'1 , M •Pl" ,., \\ 11' l\i + It tfl Dv~ ' l\t 1' "' -4' "''WW -lla.l'IM .... . ,. Jffarket I • -... ... ---' • l ' I DAit. V Pit.OT MOSCOW (API -Defenso Mlnlsler Andre.I A. Gtecbko returned lo Moscow ~Y.: 1fter a three-day inspection tour or Soviet troops ..... thO Red Chm... bonier. lie" Ibo vblted Mongollo. · .- The olllclal """ .....,., Tass said Grechko WU fCr': companled by AleZ fJ.j Vepishev. general ol : the 1rmy, marshal of the · aiP force. Pavel Kutauhov aoc( othtr deleDM olflclals. • • • -~--~~P ~:!"'""'""''=''-o'"°'"'""'~~~-:::_c cr.====>"""""""'~"'°'""'""'~"'!''°":""~~~"f"~~·.,...~tF-,.,-,~ ... ,..,,...,,C!",,,.,~.,.....,,-.,....~=---~--•~-~---:,...,...,-~-..,....,.,-~--,"";:.~~~~ :.:.tY-,,,...-:z...: Auumt' monlh! "3 ~R. JIU crp Wl'l)rk &17·8507 ~ HOUSES FOR ~E ~SES FOR.SALii -. HOU.sis FOR SALE •• _HOUs~s l'OR SALE HQUSES FOR SA_LI; ~-Foli..SALE ' HOUS!iS·FOR SALE ~~~R~ALE & -•.I_, . .. Oiiiml __ IDOi~ .~!._ _ _11111. ~-_ 11111· !.."!'!II ~ .~11•• I"! M'!1 Vtrde ~-·Ill! -~-..!.._ ~~~====::.!!~r-;T~. --l'W;j '" /_. n /} ~ 4 BEDROOMS Y11,$You Do Qu1IHyl ·~J ·L1Hl BEACH BEAUTY .. MESA VER~ LEAS!'/OPTION 5 B,!;!,R~m.it0!!~ xlnt oJ..inda .Jj[e 528,500 , · 1 22 500 · " · / ~OUN YrCLUB . This 3 bdrm. 2 ba, townhou~ gtreet to street 45 Ii, lot. -· ' I · ...ur.itb 631/. % l RI~ 11 delirutt:ly the best buy 1,11 B~· app't only. PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES Narii• -'"'"' -FHA/VA .-;'A BIT Of HilWAll . ~"' 14 oan .... '"' ""'". lot us prove ft! NO 00\VN tlo Jn Corona·del 'Mar! Encti?nt. cheerful' tett1nr for•a ba~ A~il. (In a lease I option-S9 7.090 tor Newly listed-u;t, • 60; perfect for the faJl\~ ·~I. Excellent ~=;;;~aft; P~~~ ~ :!~!-ifu~ =~ il'IJ; ganlr,ni ~W. SpaC. 4 Sharp 2 yr old home_....wtt63' PY home in •thi.i beautifully< · b8.ais at $325 per _month with ~.~m*:~ ~aces~ ii~ wbo w ants a ~ious y.oateifront home. 4. to park, schools~ shopp~. tucked,N'"'back in betv.·eeii. bdrm, hc?,tnt w/!ormal D.R. bedrooms, ·~~a~ .. l>ltl\S, appolo~ 3'bedroom 2!~ ~th only $500 option n\Ol'ley. $75 Cd~f. with ocean view. Extra lge BR., 4 Ba., pwdr. rin. Lge. liv. rm. Lots of used brick, family 41'1:.-trees-then add 20, side & ~:"'.'nn. Fine h,lmily Uv. great ~n and a large borne with all l;he bu11t-1n s. Per month of rental amol.!,Jlt LIDO REALTY INC. & den; 3 ca,r gari!ge_. Beaut. patio/gardenj room and heavy shake~ ?Yard• 1,.: garden and pi.... ing. $79,500 liveable patio. YOU can·take !!Ox Ul ft: lot w1Ui large COV· will 'apply on down paymt. 337 Via Lido 673-7300 deck L dock. By App'l. H ~ "' .....,. .. oVer this VA ·loan ou this ered patio for ~ family. · il option ro purchase is ex· ======-----1 ~ urry ·, owner a rea area, Then, with \h; .. C"''"' EXPANDABLE hased Call "' ~J DOVER SHORS:S-property, Sl.89 per mo paYs 514 % loan available to the erc-lsed within 12 months. · . cozy ~m- . For information on all tOts & homes c · ~ feeling add 2 extra rooms Brand new 4 ~""· d•n ~. all, ~.900: quitlitied. buyer. Pr ice Under market value at ,pact, 3. Br. on lg. su,nny lot. CALL BIL • ~ . * .fo:-a ,total of S bedrooms. "' ...-c 2313 $52 500 Ownr 675-2643 • : 1 L GRUNDY; REALTOR We_l}a_ve an opening to: an then aii together you hav'e garden nn w/ bar. ,Dra--COATS $43,950. all 546-, • $27,950 with good terms! <-' '_ • • • 133 Dover Dr.; Suite Jr N.8. 642-4620_ .... _expenenced professional ihe neatest home· package .matic 2-stY living rrn~w/_ • • & See this onr NOW! Kuntingf9f'I Buch lCOO l•""!'!!!''!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!"j'!!!!~~~~!!!'!~!!!'!~I man or v.'Oman. Exceptional • ..... t · balcony. I beneli""' Cell 54"424 '\'• ...... '"' a ong tun .. OPEN · 1.5. $108 000 WALLACE. 'PE.ws· nYANIA DUTCH Gener•I 1• ~rll .-~ 10ao ~o i_ncome or crecht qua11-410 M . St ~ REALTORS nn, TRANSFE!lRED Ow.ner tranalerred Out of s_tate- l-J;ee-hia lowly·-home._ at: 2200 .A~ia in EastbluU On spacipus-corner-1ot \Vi th 4 Bedrooms,· 2% batll.! famil,y room with briclt fireplace fonna.J dining area OPEN HOUSE DAILY Priced to sell at $47,950 R>Bltun ''Our 25th Y••r In the H•rbor Area" 673-4400 . f1catiDn! orning, ar -• • FAMILY GONE -OWNER Nichols Real.· Estate "Our 25th v .. r.. ~'4i="'~ . .-. .man., )>ome. wltl · WESLEY N. .On.id" ou, ... :-on tneir · PRIVATE & SECLUDED TAY 0 e HOUSE OF beautiful 4 bedroom. 2 story 1't W'5tern Bank Blili. \outh Coast L R O. home. Fonnal dining, large University Park -·-Realtor.--iami_iy_A.2400 sq ft of livlng Da)'. 133-0101 'Night~ NEWPORT CENTER DOUBLE GABLES ~"'~r.'·~o;~ 546-9521 -DISTRESS SALE $795. Will sell all or part of Il 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road NEW LISTING , l---;o;i:64i.4~49'-'l"O"· _...--~'I Aothelitic storyOOok-costom. .,-;;:t""=·====== IPopl.ilar "C&rb'bridge" model. WESTCLIFF Paneled master suite & farn~ 3 Bednns, 2 -be.ths on one a~5.at !he-corner of Fair. Total cost to yolrto move in: ---- view Rd. & SontJ:ower; near Vacant.-!I bednn, 2 -bath · -- new LA Tim .. Bldg, and home w/dbl• oar ........ Most For The least VOit Rubber~ cov patio w/brick BBQ. &x· $37,500/ Acre cellent Costa -!desa location. Here's a bargain special like CASH YOU MUST HAVE 5 JN the kind v.'e need more of. FAMILY 1? QU~FY. 3 Bedrooms, Jar~ country Newport Exelus1ve With: style kitchen and big eating •t 646-1111 Newport nook with lovely green car· pets &. large KID STYLE back yard, Assume 7%. % Fairview FHA loan and. have pay- •I Exceptional value~ 3 BR. & ily room. Cheery fireplaces. Newport Bach 1200 level -i' NEW shag carpet- fam. rm. home. Liberal Copper KetUe kitchen with er-___ ___ _ _ • ing & bcautifullY planted terms. Assume lge. 5~%· built·ins. Half acre-ior pool ._BAD4ET1V-IEW£? atrium. $31,500 Joan; Owner w/carry some or guest!!, R-2. Price reduc-:tUI '\Ill e Red Hill Realty paper_ S48,500. ed so take advantage. Call Bluffs charming I-bdrm. & Univ. Park Center, Irvine NEWPORT HEIGHTS 645-0303 den, overlooking major' Call Anytime 833-0820 VerY sharp3BR. 2Ba. home FOREST l OLSON greenbelt; maximum pri·1~!!!!~~~!!!'l~~'!'!I on lge. ct1rner loL $35,000. _ vacy. Perfect for single per----___,, Quick possess. son or cou-Ple. Vacant; Iike lrvlne 1238 IRVINE TERRACE !ni_:. !lf!!1tors 2299 Harbor new cond. Near shopping; ~ ------- Freshly redecorated 4 BR., ASSUME A 2 pools, dbl. garage, elec.. NE\V 3 BR. 2 Ba. ?o'ledalli!J:n Past wrought iron gate entry into ·enclosed brick pillared -courtyard to.gor~us "OLD WORLD CHAfilt":'=3lifge bdrms. + massive living room "'ith cozy brick fire. place. 12' breakfast ·room. Sliding glass to private, en. closed patio. Few block.s to beach, Must sell! Value packed at $28.600 w/FHA- VA terms. Call (714) 962-5.595 FOREST l OLSON Inc. Realtor!' 19131 Brookhurst Ave. Hupting ton Beac_!'_ (enytime) f ho Lg opener_ BluUs lowest rost • home by Ayres, at TI-IE am. rm. me. e. t;arner -._24 SOO 1 ,1 01 (anytime} lot. Room for pool + play .,, ' ' 2 10 $26,500, ' RANCH. On ~nbell. G.I. NEED ROOM , WE SCOOPED .. COA.Tr area. Prop, vacant. $49,500 ft.IA 11'\AU asi:umab!e loan. Owner . MESA VERDE -~-OPEN'EVENINGs-o:a .. _._ ... ._._t--=~' . !'8,4.ill • -TO.BREATHE? ments LESS TIIAN RENT, 646-8811 and only $154 TOTAL! Prie- ed 3t $22,950! Huge 4 bedroom and "Fam-VIEW-VIEW-VIEW &. 2407 E Coast Hwy On this 3 bedroom, 2 ba!h [fist ~\ ·52ll Chablis SJ2-§35S Near Huntington State Beach I""""""""""""""""""~ I ily Room" electric built-ins Overlooking Newport Center. WALLACE Opposite MacArthur B1vt1 home in beautiful .c Q s t a -E -tbluff -12.42. 3000 SQ. FT. in kitchen' Beautiful plush Costa Mesa, and beautiful REALTORS • Mesa. 4rge pool size back n '1 H . 3 Bedroo_ m, 2 baths, fami,ly Open n~1·1v new .......... ;A_ Go-"-••'•w Newport Harbor. T_he even. -546-4141-yard \\<ilh boat or trailer ac. "'!. IJ -~~ ··---"--Onl 16 300 dowo and IMPROVE YOUR Room woth ""place, form.at of the golf course. Owner ing,Jights are like a seventh c ..... ,...n Evenings) CeS:S. y ' ...... v· t ~1 Oro . dining are!f, huge Jrv1ng room 328 Al•-out of town. Submit on heaven. We!!_ kept, three 'low monthly payments. Call __._ is a ur: . . OUTLOOK' I · 2S SfY --ISO $2S,5(11) price aml-.take over _bedroo~ .. -~ J!!llh home no'v •••• J1111fH~ted. 546-23lil Newport Beach ·&t+TI33-· - -· . ••-· ---,·a·p·~s~·oo··~ a.5~ annual percen'""e rate wilh Fam/Rm, Din_ Rm. IT:'S-Att___ l•~!!e --Enjoy.-the...'.!hypnotic'..'....view.. _ ___._,RUm u. ·. ~-~-m. .- ""6 nd Bl Ki HOME & I! from this luxurious bluUs Easily converted into 4 add I. Newport Heights comer of Beacon 1 short block from Cliff Dr. By Owner $36,500 Spacious 3 bed!'QOm 2 bath, living room wilh fiftplace, large diniilg area O\fel'IOOk- ing lovely secluded Janai, carpeting, drapes. built-in electric kitchen. Garage off alley with electric eye open- -er;--NiceJy-·tandscaped cor• GI Loan with total payment£ a I elect t. Lar&.e SPANISH · · * EASY TO OWN * ... bedrooms & 2 baths -of $153.00. Livi,ng room is located abof'e INCOME oondominium. 2 bedrooms, W. lk & 1 garage which oUers privacy Split level -4 bedroom -3 333 CATALINA \1S baths and closets galo~. ONLY $36,400 a er ee and unsurpassed view. Cool, baths -.l car garage -TWO homes on a corner lot. SEE YOUR REALTOR _Wall to '!"@!I_ storage. 2 Huge Try this for sighs -Main· Immediate Occupancy quiet patio and rear yard Jargefamilyroom-formal One3bl'droom&one2bed· FOR YOUR BIG FREE mstr. suites + guest room tenance free pool at your VA·FHA & Conventional area.' Excellent schools • dining room, 2roo Square room , • , each with indi-NEW<;:QMERS KIT & bath: ballroom size fam. front door. Only $49,500. Call RANCHO LA CUESTA Realtors 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 549-9491 Open 'til 9:00 PM near shopping a n d only foot home, beaot*'1Jy situat. vi dual fenced 'and land sea~ rm .. view liv. room. Walk or 613-8550. AYRES Homes Since 190a minutes to the Dunes and ed in one of Mesa Verde's ed yard. Both recently redec-Cost• Mes• 1.100 bike to all schools. Reduced MODELS AT sandy beaches. Priced to most prestigious neighbor-orated and in excellent co n-to $48,500, might lease/o~ BROOKHURST & ATLANTA VIEW sell at $5.\000 with very hoods. It's a must see at aition. Live in one & Jet your lion. OPEN FRI,. SAT. & 968·2929 • ~1338. som::Jo~~lie8st :u:~: M~~~~~=J~, Rltr. ~~~~~; price,$41,90(}, CaU ~~;a~~~~~ents. 8 . ..... ~~~~~e~~~· G73-65l0 ----1 ,...,~ll~a!!:m!!.!!.S!!p".m!!'!!'. !!!!!!!'I ner lot. 6464032 Westcliff home, 4 bedrooms, 646-055a----r=ves:-673-61lt c· . 1 ~ ,. VACiAN'f 3001 E. Coast Hwy., Cch.'Vf Irvine Terrace 1245 dioing room. family room. Q eswort y .1 . · k ·-BY OWNER · D·R-OP"E~·D-WlfH· 548-1444 b 'J ,.-OVe·Jn qu1c , 0\\'ner v.·an~ r . u1 ton quiet stree_t by arch. SWEET & LOVELY fa st sale on large 4 bed-WESTCLIFF AREA llect for :wn fanuly, 3 Car In ~ttractive neighborhood. room with family room, for. 4 br, frplc, all bltM, w/w A THUD!! TO A Macnab-Irvine garage · sboP •. base~ent, Ideal tor appreciative people. • & Co. mal dining and kitchen nook. crptg, spr4'1ders, pool-sized NEW _ 1,;0W PRICE green house. min mamten-Being located on one block Sparkling Pool REALTOR ShaKe roof, large patio, shag yard. Near all schools & ance & more & more. CaU -Freshly redecorated thruout. w cl'U ho · A ail f lo appt t tong street makes this 4 K ll·built M H' hi nd Ncv.•port Beach OUicc carpets and many extras. est 1 s pp1ng, v or r 0 set'. bedrm. 2 balh home a ter-0 esa ig a s 1028 Bayside Drive · Just reduced to $37,950 for immed occ. PETE BARRETT RLJY rific place tor children. The home . on cul-de-sac_. Adult 675-4930 fast sale. Call 54()..1151 ONLY $38,500 Li ve gay & Sunny -the most for yo\Jr money -2 bedroom and den in desirable ]rvine Te1Tace. Now only $39,900. Realty Company Christoph'' Columbus · price is right at $31,950. The occupied 1 3 & fam.ily ml. 2124 Highland Dr, N.B. View 642•5200 terms are good, so call now Large 6 ~% ~A loan to Rl LOT WITH SH •t · · 642-1611or642-9996 • lot "" ••• , yoo make ;t ... um .. W•ll.pnced. GUEST COTI4GE er1. age * TERRIFIC BUY * Aa_far as.Y.!!U can see miles _ _ (Ope Eveninmil of ocean from th•~ ootstand-RETlR-r--TD~ BEAUTY -)'out-home. __ !)_ -~<c;;_ •£1iLT~s LoVable 3 br home in prime ~ s; • Ol)ly stepITo Ocean Blvd. A Ing 4 BOOnn home. high on Never bet--have we •-o ~H;;;::;;m:;;, I 545·5llO .----N....,,.,,.,rt ~a. t.oaded with u'"' """"' beautiful level building site .... .,... a bluff with an elevator to able to present such an im-PAJJL9WBfl'i l'llll'C .... ....., with 30 foot frontage grad· • • • • • • • • • I extras! Priced to sell fast .::;==~ r swimming beach & cabana maCulate channing home. CAB.Jl(AJIAIC ~:= uating to 36 feel in the rear 2 BR. Home: Custom blt; at '$32,500. Buy direct & Coron• 'del Mar 1250 Realtors hoose,plus 33'1anai&play Loca.ted in f!C!LLEGE aa&loTTC with a comfortable 2 bed· hardWDtii-nn:exceptionaily save. Open daily, 1512 --·---- h>om with pool table, beam-PARK near all grades of room guest cottage with view v.-·ell-kept ; like new wlw Priscilla Ln~ 646-1355 (Ov.'J\. 7682 Edinger 842-4455 or 540-5140 ed ceilings. Many other ex· school & o.c.c. Three Bd· 1093 Baker, C.1\.1. 516-5440 OCEANFRONT situated 1n the far rear. Live crpt, drapes; covered patio. er) tras & seller will clll'l'Y fin-rms, 2 baths, BIN Kit. DI DUPLEX in the cotlag(' and build MANY Extras! Lrg fenced -D~O"V~E~R~S~H=D~R"E~So-- MARVELOUS VIEW 2001 Bayside Dr. Beaut. shake roof I-sty. 3 Br. 4 ba. 1vaterfront home, xlnt swim- ming beach. Newly 1-edecor. $175,000 SHO\VN BY APPT. Bill Grundy, Realtor 833 Dover Dr., N.B. 6424620 NOT BRAND NEW BEACH-$19,950 anci.ng. All this in exclusive Rm. covered breezeWay and EASTSIDE d ho · th' yard, on extra 1rg lot. Good C 1 b 3. Arch Bay, South Laguna. Dbl. Gar. Freshly decorated, . Older hvo 2-bdrm. 1 bath your ream me in is Eastside Joe, CM. Ideal for SACRIFI E SALE of a U· Hurry &. call Amy GaR ton new cpts. & drps. Noth.ing to Rustic 2 .bedroom and den units on R-3 Jot. Owner may prestige area. Call 673-8550 retired couple. 548--1642. Jous 4 BR. 3 Ba. home at 675-3210. do but move in. Full Price p~us family roo~ home on a carry first trust deed with • • • • • • • • • I S77,500 land included. \Viii 642.t235 67S.3210 $29.950. Under IBA I VA big COf'ner lot w1_1h room for substantial down. Priced at .• OPEN DAIL Y'l-5 .e consi~~:~~~o5n. Not new. tiut only 8 yrs. young. Fantastic value nestl- ed among 2-story homes val- uecl at $35.000. 3 BR's, 2 foll baths. Goum1et kit. w/Jatest b/ins. Cloud soft shag car- pets. Just take over existing Joan witl1 payments muCh cheaper than rent. Better h111Ty! Call {114) 962-5585. . EXECUTIVE RANCH TYPE • ThiR lovely near new home. 4 Jge bdrms + tam. rm. + formal dining. 3-Car garage. Yard separate from pool . area -beautiful heated pool -Park &: schools close by. Just $69.950 -To ill.!ipttt phone ·~nn. O THE REAL "'-l.STATERS TERMS. that boat o~ trailer. Lot~ of $57,500. 'Til sold! Assume 6%% VA M. M. La Borde, Rlt~. \~ood paneling, _l~e birth Call: 613-3663 Eves. 548-07\S loan. $1 48 Per mo. Redecor. 646-05.55 Res: 548-l:z65 flreplac(' over s1~ double BAYCRESr Newport Heights ""'""'""""'""'""'""'""""'I car garage, There s much 3 Br. W IW cpts,. drps, Im-• __ med . ...,,.,c,.ssion1. ~On~_ly ~,. 3 Bedroo1ns, 2 baths. each -more. Please call for show: ..,....... "'"' FOR A KIN·G · "-d I 'COMMERCIAL BU 9SO. I984 Federal Ave. ·. · -• , roomy unit, on ....... rona e ing. 546-l3l3. GOOD Y 'can: Patrick Woocl, 545-2300 Mar's smartest street: Best 2 Adjacent parcels of C2 II H I Nea;ly new 2 sty manor. 4 of everything. Will rent for Jots, each 66 x 300, (1) with • Bi aven, Rea tor BR, 2 Ba, beaut decor. Lge + 1t1:1V1 per month. J\fust commercial tenant, other DANDY DUPLEX Fast occupancy! 4 Bedrms, 2111 E. Coast, Cdl\I 673-3211 country kitchen w/all bltns. mall~ppointmenl. Ju s t with 4 ren1al homes. Front large family room. Sunny Seeing is Believing! Frplc of Italian marble. $S9.500 2 are used as commercial. ONLY 2 0 breakfast area. See this now! 3 Bedroom, l %. Bath-2 car Chandeliers, lge living 4 6'f3.6S10 Buy one or both for futures EMb ERALD BAY $ 8,5 0 Jean Smith, Realtor garage. Enclosed pat io. din rm overlooking 22x42 u:~~~c:::1~wy., Cdl>I appreciation. One priced at uper ocean view -beau-Wall to wall carp et, h&f pool wilots of decking. Inc. Realtors 346,000, the other at $66,000. ti[ul, large home w/every FURNISHED DUPLEX 2 646-3255 Completely 'fenced. FHA Ocean ·view from ballroom SHORECLIFFS 19131 Brookhurst Ave, 2656 & 2664 Newport Blvd. extra & the best construe· bedrms, each side. Garages. assumable loan. $23,500 Full size balcony_ A beautiful ?t!orning Canyon Dr, CdM Huntington Beach tion-inleresting&tlexible Live in one let other pay Price. 811 Darrell St, home for only $55.000 or 1'.fost desirable fee land PLAYHOUSE room arrangement. Owner expenses. Income now $250 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 548-7128. trade locally. homes. Priced at $65,000, FREEi ! will finance. $145.000: pr month.·Call 645-0303. Large 3 BR. home ; being 2 BEDR. house, by owner, CALL '-". ,,,.1,14 Exclusive with, Jn addition to thla cottage FOREST E. OLSON 1210 1 NEWISH DUPLEX • )ll<sil\ <rb< :J\rnlt1• • "Please ca.II for oor picture FOREST E. OLSON painted & cptd.: lge. fenced close to shopping and 9·\;f~ llll'Al.~ sho\vpiecc with' LARGE fam-1.,...,..,-i'~""o;;;;;;iiii;;; ''"""!"'!!!!'~!"!!'!~~!!!!'I brochure ol CW'l'l!"lt listings" yd. ~or the children. Alley school. 540-9148 •+•-----M ily area, V.'alnut paneling, I' I 5·1 pl Fl' I I' entrance for boats & trailers. -... ..,._., "-U1'19lfJ A"""il • You'I ·"' Y 1p I REJti!EMBER P q.1 1 Inc. ReaUor:ii 2299 Harbor ..A.~ buy? •~J ACRE3 brhouse,zoned REALTY 175•11,2 ~ snug Fireplace, and modem Such a low priee, $28;950 for CnMtlNI,..._ -!!>""'" R-4 . E. Side, ' -~ Ntar Ne•port Po1t orrlct slep-saving kite h en, the 546-5990 •UOh a beautiful • Bit & MAMA . b --... ''I' ' Oceanfront DUPLEXES 131.500 ·~186 NEWPORT HARBOR VIEW HILLS children'• ptoyhoo"" '"'""· -+ .family wUh fre'Bh paint, aJ1 -All sizes, shapes & prices. Sale or lease option • 3 br, Could use for mother.in-law. -new Jong shag color1ul Always want~ a home like 833-0700 644-2430 TJ1is 3 Bdrm. home, located Good location & priced to LGE. R-2 lot w/oldcr-house. HEIGHTS family, 2 ba. Yicw, prof lnd-Seller anxious and is willing ca.rptg & the clincher _ lhfs -3 Big Bedrooms, 2 in prime area • new carp. sell! !\.fay we sho\v you Only SIS,500, Ownef'/Bkr. DUPLEX scpd. S52,900. 644-1121 rt f GI FHA baths, dining space in-Kitch-& drapes: 2 baths, partially sOnle ? Eves. 61:J-3031 or 673-9215 to pay pa o or -~=I.~.::~~$ en -llardwood _Ooo:S -all 71/2°/o LOAN 1 {yrn, Better hor_cy on 1his MORGAN REAL TY e EAST SIDE-3 br 3 garage. 2 bed. ea. Ga.tagcs, room for 2 UNITS-Lrg 2 BR home, + buyer's costs. FULL PRICE mo. Open_ Evenings CUTE AS CAN BE T\\'O bedrOom "Doll HOWie:' Quiet eut-&Jde Costa Mesa near St. Joachlms and ~ ping, Priced at $22."ISO and $2800.00 clOWn ~nt wUI take it Subject: to an nu Loan with--llSS· mo. Pl1"" menL WIJY RENT! _so. near to sho_PJl'lng in West~ and no Joan charges, for one as or;lly 2 beachfrOnt 673-6642 -67s::64'59. -$24;000. -Ea$y-tikms, By trailer and boat. Newly dee-huge brand new 2 Br & den $Z6, 7 50. cliU, and schools near b:Y· this lg, 3 BR ranch JiCifue on homes in multiple listing! -GREAT owner, 646-2985. orated inside and oul Near ~~c:::~ ~ ~~y wa·lker & Le~e '33,500 -PbOne 646-7171 to huge 90'x1Da' Jot Compl re· As~ng $65,(Ql. -----Harbor HI. $29.500, Phone -!-- Iniipcct. painted, ne~. d~hwshr, .J.gc CHIL T ROBINET! ~~~a~:.!llk~DJ~!!!aped Mesa Del Mer 1105 646-7171 to inspect. Balboa Penlnsula 1300 Rellltors t-cov'd-patio-.l""'°r~n·•· REAL TO 5--0128. 00 k ,,.,.-p-ijo-3 Bd _ [£ASE "PTION 7682 Ed;ng" _ pl. &: B-B-Q. Owner will al· l 1hc ba. ~me~ E~tertai~~ ·~ --OWNER , 842-4455 or s-ID.a140 lo1v $500. fo~ crpts & drps. NO DOWN TO VETS size family rooni. Ootible ;Rp~~~l~~:~D * 3 CAR GARAGE . .. ;;iii~ ...... ~~iiiiiiii~j lnµned. poss. Only . hoMust ~30this1 3 BR, 2 BA garage. Low. low down FHA DECORATOR'S HOME 3 BR ho "XIOO 1 L 5 Bedroom 3 bath-Try $46,500, F $29 500 me, -" iv nn + J.gc .l. Beclm1, format dining + ---· · · me,"" ot. ge. -=Sq ft 'd f at -IX IT UPI • din nn bltns dble gar Jgr tenns. Only S25.500. Sh 1220 patio. Near prlv. tennis club, ""'"' · ., w i e orm en- o THI: Rl:AL '"'-l:STATL:RS Bring cleaning gear, paint & PERRON 642-1771 fenced ' yard' nr UCL "you. -THE FOX CO. large 1amily room. $350 Newport ores boat ramp, bay &. ocean. try, front living room with gardening tools + "TLC." own the g~nd. $25000 REALTORS 673-M95 J~1onth -Sincludingith. Reagardltcnci:. *SALE~ $45.950, mf asterat d~tcnlt>lace, separal te 2 Story, 5 bedrm & formal La he 'R1ty' $2 ean m or JI{ orm I ng room, argt! dining rm. 2585 Sq_ n .. Sa nta 3 BEDROOM c nmyer • 9,950 ' , or lease w/opHon 4 BR., large den -$57,900 modem kitchen with all U.P. Ana J-tghis. F.a&y-to-bu.}'! CALL 646-3923 or 56-3483 Excellent area near schools, Exceptionally clean 2 br, fam graded bltin delUXe appJi. ho · S · bed 646-3255 rm, din'g area, blln kitchen, &nd ti Se Al~,~nings 2 BATH Pereyda Reel Estate Buys ~~9~~ b~:o~e Jiv: 1~ ba, w/wcrpt,ArPI, fl'plc. Near N.H.Y.C.: 4 BR.. extra :: bircl:~ ~S::r!i,1a!; 2 llouses on I lot $22,000 · wl ti f Met• Verde 1110 Nr ocean. Ready for imlned R-2 lot. Only $71.500. · h 1 bed &Nl-lllO • . --tH lo $16 1ng room lb exo C-ire-·occ.494-369Sor645-0095. MARSHALL REALTY sel"VICe pare' arge - ,_._._ Herdwood Floor s 5 H::: :~~to! S~9:: place, family "'6'm, gl~~m. ON THE FAIRWAY 67M600 ANYTIM.E rooms~ti::~k in close~ GE RIE~ Fireplece $22,500 4 BR. 2 Ba. home· • ing built·in kitchen, ish-Custom buil' 4 bedrm lam. B h 1225 upgra " ...... ity carpets Realtors ,, ... w II .. C rdl RI S28,9j() ·washer fly ~ bl . · ays ores drapes. .._. e s-mc a it, trs. Oceanfront lot s46,000 t.~ ,.,.,;. T bell room, ~ g fireplaces. ----------r.91W:larQo,...Blvd,..&L.Adama.1jzil=m -1810-Ne"'"f)Of't--Bl~M. ~~. .ir.:tr....J..l.>Y. ., -....lhJ.s.J:ie.autifULhome....over CHArulUNG_ope.n_bean;d_ W~S!_ BAY AVE. ·1•9•11111••••r.1111111 Walker & Lee 5'15-0465 Open •UJ 9 PM Ii 548--7729 Eves: .644-0684 ~-l't' ' Sl3.000 VERY SHARP --4 Br. 2 Ba. ,. look$ tho 17th fairY.·a,y o1 ceiling, 2 br. lg. Iv;. rm. CtUunUrii new 3 lXlrril. 2Da. p:_•ll $22 750 . LIDO WATERFRONT ALL lO% DOWN Elco, kiloh" d~hw .• lndry. Mesa Verde Golf Course. b'pk. $36.000 6% 642-1'05 MedltetTaoean •IY1•; Block tUZf (-) MMIP l?aymenta ie.: than ~nt tn-Af:!TS.-m LIDO NORD BRANO NEW Hurry _ call agt.' M&--1G98 rm. 2 Patios, Dbl: gar. -6~ assumable loan. By own. _ Itom ocean & be.y, Builder's ..... elude eVf!J')'thinr. Very a.I-NOW REDUCED TO ThiJL>ov~r Sfiores Ivan Wells * OCEANFRONT * . carport. Encl. ye!. litany er. 3036 Java Rd. 540-«m. Westcliff 1230' -home, top quality, O.lux• 4 Bedroom l' Asl;Um< Joan. : yn .. oven. ing JiJ patio, dryer r ul.hl l'I 962-44 OWNEF ba, for ir; all. J'rplc, rear y. take o loon. ISU67 H...11t -Hair -!\:_EDEC Waterl """ 644-<!Zli -Fount. -TO\VNJ- spacc, ,bltns. over 2 ln rea Jront. A"um $25,S. TRAV At• r Jm1nac fea tur< HAFF ---- 1\ssume ba. Bit stpd y goon s $31,930 BY 01\'I d~cora loan. C 1'29.000 La gun Lease Love! Avail s June o upper ldtchet erlooki "'"'' age & cilitics rompl( china lOG si( Tennis so on COU!I j Easy; shoppi \\inter lease . sale. 499-215 time. PAN• ~ Bedr Hills I ocean ou tdoo glass. & SC VE ..... R 11 1~-9'17~ 2 Loi l .\lodern 1'pl. bath. build, I ~nder 642-l2i *Bl .,34,600. *Po 1 Ne w, PLACE *o Tiny h• ocean Bl I e ~ .Permru $j,9jQ cxistir or 494- '.i ACRf RaO<:h l other 'V/ $1 clear linanc 4M-81• RE Ni Hoo -Gene1 -* I SHARI RMI tractive home near beach. $150;,000-Xln! Terms home '_VJ~h View hag 3180 sq. * DUPLEX * trees SEE rr ~6902 Bestel, $63.500. < . Bill Grundy, Realtor FHA ApPraisat $31,.fSO _ .l»~foot dtttt ll'O!'IJldHOOm .! BeautUul units. s car ft. of hvmg area 4 &dnn11 UI. Wutinlnster. Bt1Y.IT! 2l9l ClubhouM Rd. BY Owner.3 br, llv rm, din 83.1 Dover Dr., NB 642-Q Asking $30,990, Min. doWft ' fo;• 0001 Spadoul ·bedlioonlJ, aatl&'t• A utllif,)' room with 3\i BA. panelled ·ram rm wi B1lbN f!~lniu • NEED --?o1an or woman Teit.1 J>rof~ui0i'lally 1aooscape0, rm + lamilY nn. '2 ba. tif'w FHA. 0Wt'lfr transf. Mua~'•-·-- 00.n J~urious thac cazpet-a> 1t..1ronling: on execlkmt frPl c & "'et bar, High be3rn. $85,000 eStale salesman -sales or family home, PAik>, shuffle-JUJ:ll & dn!:i>tll. Walk 10 all * Exclu1lv. Llstfnt * sell! Call 84'7-8S3L tna.' -1.wimmiog_beacb......Onlts...at'\\ ed ceUJng living nn., "COi.in. George WJlli•!"~ rentah:. boa.rd.-4 BR 3 BA famUy +~ ~his ~ shop'g. ( $~·~· Balboa Pe:~ln. Lovell. custom \VON' liomt mcm 540-Jnt Tarbell l'le\\'IY furnished. lry" Kit '"1tirkt'itlfrea. Rfftt.r ~ .:-:--~Mn•:11:r-j~,lty. -fQtmal d~~ rrpt ~; -.J oan!:' -h11~ly..:.bom~-+.:Blt;;o-!1Ai Bill Grundy, Realtor S1>3rkllnt 11W1mmim: pool. 673-4350 64S.l~ Eves. 300 ll1arlnr · 6~000 Ju°" \\'af"d, aid'. 6t24816 .. ' . - -. ba., {Am, rm. Si.fl'K:tctK. RfAL EJTAll MART OIDA111L.,~~ ~ !..~ltAD. £33 DoVer Dr., N.B. &&2-4620 SlOS,900. ~! J . \VtJ·d, Real. rvr lhat llrm unrier $50 try Balboa Island t~or "-" nd 10 ·'U _____ .. t.umt fhObse ... ~1tc0E1.c1obPUoants $67,500 lhrtcl Jor.es-_...u,. • ........ '""''"""""""""""""".,ll.'°'!'.::".C61~~~1;,,~,~o~pon~_!!d•~il'.!Y'.:.· _ our PENNY "lNCHER. ...._ fUvuuu in o cas 1.u•u a a1 y t Louis Briw Rcallor ---'-'.::..;===-· ..-. DaDy Pilot Oasstfiro Ads tn... clock, dial 642-5678. Dimeo.a-tine .Ad!l 6n ,,1o.l7 ' 6-T"~UO Say )IOU u w It tn the DAILY PIWT! \ ' -- A\.1111 I t ar F1 Hot Cl.au! ~\ --..... .... • IJ 3 l'~SAL• RENTALS RENTALS RINTALS RINTALS RENTALS RENTALS --• ..., Buch--.. Heu ... Furnished H,uHI l'umlthed Ho· 111 ~ H1uo11 Uefuml..... Apls. Pumlthool __ • ' _..$lOOO Rlftlalo to Sl!a-. • 'l.' ........ llMclt 2115 0-ral -~-~...,Mar ml No•polt _... · GllNowport llNch IELOW MA,RKl!TI CIRL 24. child 2,,.. ...... ! RENTALS/LEASES 1145hckc s Br, l~ BL.fall' ' Bl\. 2 Bl. -...: -me• G.I. loan, tolal """"' C.!( home .......... UNf'UliNISHED , Patio. ~qlt ok. " ...... · Joe, -: .... monll>I> 12'8. SUbmlt down. 1100 •Iii Inc lo fncd yard. • .ico. 3 bdrm. 6 ...._ rm. Bluo -w MUI 11 catp.. .V.P'•. ' PIS lllo. S BR, 2 BA, etec kll, like PC'!. OK. Any hour be.tore hol'M. OU.tom decanted, $130:-2 ~ ~ Ocean. l lfue. 61"';>-5992 DU Cl'Plt. drpa, la:cfCOV' Uo 10:'1'J AM, after 1:30 PM ~!_carpets, nftplaoe, b11t. Bli. l>uplex. Sharp~ "\ •-2 tir-cho~.aru-walk ·*'? w/brlclo""BBQ. -. ..-. exc. OCWLY\~w. 41--... -· Wmo., ;rar . .,_, Sf?-8501 Evn: 968-1171 WORKING &irl ~ desires Jeue. Ref. reg. $.150 1*. -mJUc ewq. roommate 1o ahtre 2 bt apt, , FVRNISHED l\EN'TA13 w/aam~. ~) blk to bch. 2 Ddrm. ~l VictOria. Beach. Cotta MeM ltM S~ ~ ~llpl.:ri ~804.e"t .3,Nancy,days• Exe. Ww, llreplc, A ~w ftte~ $290~·~ Aft 6 598-38Gt. --· ..::ineWe-sand;-teue---RENT-OR-LE~E b=z • ==-·Jtl..~· SH ARE my, e-1 era n t $275 Mo S BJ\ 2-BA, &ia.-to JboNI·--*2-br-dioice ~walk. to $11,500 waterfront home w/dock. Charm 1tudto, deck w/ooran $230 Month bei9.ch42'J¥mo., Yftl" leue. Asllume existi~ &% l1lA Man, 3IMiO )'ti. S150 mo. view, ocean side of hwy at Nk:holt ll••I Est•te 673-1844,~ves •. · • Joan. 2 Bedroom, 2 balh t ti75-f331. Woods Cove. Lease .. St&-9521 3 BR. 2 Ba. cpt&, drps. !rpl. yrs new, elee bltn i-a.nP, WILL Share 1ge beach home S135 Mo. SHARP, Sharp! a BR,. X1nt. DeluXe du~. ~ on oven, beautUUl wood bum. lrith woman 25 +or couple. MISSION REALTY 49'-0'l31 rr So. Cst shop'c, Cpts, _ltpe, J\Hltw.~1'81 ing fireplace, shingle roof, No smoktn. Mrs. Fenton 985 So. Cout Hwy, Laauna Drp1, Bltns. lo nu. la or ·· - patio, cpts, drps, ~ 6: 642-9933 or 673-2UO. • oq:AN front home, 3 BR. be opt. $29>,. Rd req'd, Huntlngten IHch )COO dryer included · )'Oar down MAN Or wornan-sl!-r 2 BA. Avail. Nov.1..Apr l. 540-'1123. MEREDITH Gerde-rw-, 4 BR, will handle. beautiful Corona del Mar Belhke Realty $2858 I 1..0VEL Y · C.ondo., Mesa 3 BA, farn nn., form din~,. '·fJ! ,nzt. home. No smoker•. Verde Caunlr)' Ouh aft&. 3 ail' cond., auto iprlnklen. •'I'''~ II $125Jmo, 613-4169. S.n Clemente 2711 Br/2~ ba. pool, pvt, patio. $.150 Per mo. Unfurnished. 62-4471 ( => 4oJ OOLLEGE girl needs 1 or 2 $313 mo._kw. Adlta. No 968-3S51, . 1 ~==-.,,,==c-7":'.'.'."'"_, .. L!g!;';iris to share apt w/pool nr COLONY OJVE petJ. m.eo2I., 3 BR. 3 BA, din nn., crpt1, O\VNER Des~ratt. • br:. 4 . a: Harbor. 646-3166, 2 S:o ;:.;~~~Y 2 BR.•. tae yd SlBS; 2 Br. drs>s. ~ sq ft, rir l:ich. ba, formal din rm, 2500 111 ft 64&-S3J.4 Wllt. frplc, Jge patio $150; ~. Bkr. MT-8531, eves m all. sei) lam rm,. brick LADY to share lovely 2 Br . for mmied cpls, infant ok. 96U365 fl' Oakwood .. ~ a new way to live hi Newport Beach lA QUINTA HERMOSA "Modem Spanish" 16211 Porkslde Ln. Mgr, 147-5441 FURNISHED MOOELS NOW OPEN Lush landscaping, cabana, cove"'4 c:owt-y~rds, sunken swim'C pools, BBQ's le foun- ta1J1S. ' . "THE ULTIMATE IN APTS" I BR's--From $150 2 BR's-From '175 All util. incl. Furn & Unfurn. frplc, ~ ~· kit,$4~:acy ai-~ C.M. W/Same. Nr. DvRI•••• Fum. 2t75 646-S2a 1'HUNT="'· ~.~-~--w-.-.. -.. -.,-, -3! rear Y . , . ing : or OCC & S.D. Frwy. 545-8729 2 BR/BA: Crpts/~. Yrd, BR. •«n, (Stt ad under take over nice low int GI _NEWPORT BEACH Xl t •-$1651 ~ loa". ""'I ~1931 °' FEMALE Teacti.ir1 des~s -pr. n """· · mo. class ·No. 1405.) '6"-42Z1. ........ ~ 135.5 E. Balboa, 1st nr duplex Avail 10/1 381 E 18th st OA"' ....... ~ =1. room. mate to share apt, Call · • ............,.. ........,.,. wntr/yrly, 3 br, 2 ha, ha)".. :No~~3;,!6U-8029~~~,_=..,....-l•:-'.i"'iit"rsa::-A:nbiO;:I aft.s PM. 673-1489. OCNn all xfru.wshr/dr')T, = . • • * ·• Br, 2-Ba. All bltns. Huntington LADY to · share waterfront icemaker refrig,' gare,ae, ~DO wlixx:i:: 2 ~:~!!· (.'hildnn wekome. Call befr -Harbout-~14:05 sm, apt. with same. NB $90 frplc, &and shower, pr, pe. io, .... l""' .... .,... 12 noon 846-C229. It's fun, lino •ei8hbon and pre1tige living, all in one luxurious package; That's Oi.k· ·woOd Garden Apartments in Newport Beach, just minutes from Balboa's Bay and 'beaches. • 1 There;'• a'/• million doUB? Clubhouse with party room, billiards room, indoor golf driv- ing,range, m'en'11nd women's health clubs, saunas, tennis court:11. reSiaent tennia P.ro and pro ahOp, and Olympic size pool. All this, and much more, just steps from your professionally decorated apartment, each with -private balcony/patios. Air condition· ing/fireplaces optional. Newport Baoch . 4200 ~ntilon loat,ft ·- ilEW 2 Br, 2 Ba, fully crpt'd, ** 2 Bl\, 2 BA, iciot. 1 lrg liv rm, elec . kitchen, child. S185/mo SJ&.3101, sundeck. Close to beach & l=""°~=F=lori='da_A7pt_t.,.,..._,,.._ slxip'i· $200/mo. 3510 e APTS/Royal Hawaiian. J\.-farcu~ Ave. NB. 673-1464 Pool. rec. rm. F/M. 23) mO: 645-2406. . dshwshr. Owner 213.mn73 l level $175/mo, Cal 11-=========-I REDEC & L n d s cpd ----------1 Open 81!-t &: sun. lm-5950 aft 6 pm Fountain Valley 3410 WaterfronT3 BR~& dock for * 3 BR, 2 BA. Crpts, drpll, ~ * NEW BAYFROlj.T 12th St. or 219 !Sth St., H.B. 2 BR's, 2 Ba's. 221 19tl'i St. BACHELOR..· Utll. Paid, sale. Uc, or lsc option N!wport Beach 2200 RENTALS College Park. $265/mo. LOVELY 5 br home w/lge 644-4221. 549-2534 fenced yard on 'cul-de-Sile. Lower Duplex. S250 winter * NEAR-OCEAN\ * rental. $.330 Y~ly. 675-0236. LINOBORG CO. 5.16-2519 DUPLEX-Upper: Lge 3 br, 2 San Clemente 4710 • V II 1410 ba, gar, $275 mo. Lower: 3 Fountain a •"Y'---br, 1 ha gar, $225 mo. Both TO\\'NHSE-L"OO sq ft, Lv on oceanfront. Will consider Houses UnfumlshW ON The market again! 4 BR. ~· drps A b 1 t n_s , Oilldren ok. $?15 mo G9ner1I 3000 3 ha, Collei" Park, $255 mo. 1_...a ....... 1649 278 Hanover Dr. 645-25.Sl. w 15 .. uener. ov;i-• BEACON Ba.Y cozy bach. apt, ,~·Jkitci,en fac. patio & pvt ent. ut . paid. $105 mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba vu 112 San Diego avail 'Iii 'l·l t 73-7535. open ".Sun~ pm Leue $190 OCEANFRONT 3 Br, 1~ ba, 548--0442. 2 BR 1• ba, kl unfurnished. Avail mid-Sept spaet', ' •1' t to mid..J'une. 546--1093. • 832-7800 VACANT 4 br/2 be.. Frplc-3 BR 2 ba, cpt/drp., sty, fncd crpt:s/drps, bl.tins. $250/mo yd. Re[a, 1st It last. dng lse opt 5~ Oakwood Gordan Apor11"<nl• tip-lop end, nice cpts, drps, =R~E;,N.:,T=A7'-L~S-. ----. -I ,bJtns, cpts, drps, tin rm .~=~~=~~-- 0\'tt 2 car encl gar, streets WATERFRONT· 3 br & den, in rear, park grounds in 2 ha, frplc, washer/dryer Jront. Only S3liOO dn, dshwshr, fenced yard. dep, req, $195. 5t!}--9000. . . $Z10. 3 br + family rm '+ DREAM CO'ITAGE, unfum. 4 BR/2 BA: Bltins, covered 2 ba. Fenced Yard, double 1 hr for rent, Pteue call ::O~/mo ht 1 last. gar., refrig, stove, crpU, ,c646-~:;7937~alt~5~pm~.---1===·======1 "'"'t:t'~-TREND 3 BR, 3 bo. "°""" rm "'al La....,. S..ch 3705 On 16th Street between Irvine and Dover Dr. {714) 842-8170 1..--.tadlo, lAJBedroom...._Pandahd • IUltmallliM. 1161te1111. l•·e&'tll OccapancJ ....... .,. UUr 11 ...... ,. cov pat, gar, $250 mo. wnter _,, <ll 774-7465, m-1oos _:;;~=:..· ;U::;nfu=m::;lolt=-=--1 AT The Beach! 2 Bedrooms Generel JOOI beautifully furnished . Assume conv morg. . $25.500 0'>\'net 968-7440 TRAVEL 1st ClASS! Winter. :§13 Finley. 213/693-6220 Winter lse. $1~$1~195 Some ulil. pd 548-2379 . VEN DOME THRU June •11.rurn. 2 br, 2 --'..=:=..:..:=.:..:.::__ for In-law, pets, kids 'ok, ··---- ba mobile home. No SCHOOL $250 mo. 540-l543 DAILY PILOT reporter and 2 BR, 1 ha apt, Balboa. 1 blk . IMMACULAT-B--APTSr children or pets. Bayside SPECIAL wife want to rent or lease I==========-========= from beach, no pets. $185 mo ADULT and At a reasonable pricel Village, N.B. S200/mo. N In-ch 3200 small fUrniahed or unfwp-. yrly l&e, Util paid. 968--1193. FAMILY Section 6-~•Sat or S•o. LOOK AT THIS•. 3 BR, 2 ewpor ,.,.. i.shed hOUSe in ' __ ,.,_ Can-Gener•I 4000 Costa Mesa 4100 A " ~ "l Immac 5 BR, 3 BA, custom ~·"~~-'-~-~-~-=-.., '-6~.... va ... v.;t, .... · Close to shooDlng, Park leatul't!s. Best area. 2 Br ·+ den, \\'et bar, 2 Ba, 2 Bath home. Stove, carpets. • LIOO ISLE-4 BR. 3 BA yon or other O.C. cllnyon 'REMMlKABLY 2 BR, 1 ha, bltrui, dshwshr & CLEAN 1 Br. $120. 1 Br. ii\' Spacious 3 BR.·1, 2 ba HAFF DAL REAL TY firepl, gar, laundry rm. drapes, patio, Sl6S /mo. across from tennis crt, area by December. VNBELIEVABLY TV 500' fro S300 S130. 2 Br. $150. Util pd. * Swim pool, puttgreen ~2-4405 palio. 9 mo. $225 mo. 4091,~ GRAB THIS FAST! playgrnd, clubhouse & day•, 536-l195 ~es. EXTRAORDINARILY yr!~. Ma?Ti~ °::i~Je o; Adultg no pets. KI 7-1155 * Frpl, Indiv/lndry tac'l.9 38th St;-NB;-Home-Finder.s-645-2951 ~$650 mo. i73-7489 or * ~EW 3 _BR. HOME * _ . , _ BEAtJTJFUL ~arecr girls. Also immac OCEANFRNT: 2 Br Duplex. 1845 Anaheim Aw. ,.,,.-- ,,·ssunfe FllA Joan. 3-Br, 2 ba. Bltns, trplc. Nicely Ind. scpd yd. centered w/ a la· goon style blk bottom pool, $31,950. Eves. ~1-5570. BY O\vner-3 hr, 2 ba, freshly decorated. As.sume 5%. % loan. 0'>\'11Cr will take 2nd. $29.000. ~ aft 6. Laguna .Beach 1705 $185 at the Beach. 2 Br, 1 ~ ·•• l-=~-------1 -. .s:m ~QNTIJ -. -l.D!JMre Garden Apt1-_bachelor unil,-pvl-entrance. Winter .• $200/mo. adlts:-OOS'FA· ;u-ESA --.... &42-2124 ha. Child O.K. 1 BDR.i'd unf. house $110 mo. PLACE ltEALTY ~9704 Pu green, waterfall 6: $125, · Yrly. Adult only. 112 213/795-3018 Blue Beacon* 64S..0111 832-7800 Prefer elderly couple. No FOR IM 3 br, 2 ba, ocean , ewrywbere 341h St. 67S..7860 days, DELUXE 2 Br .... \Vestcllff * 2 BR._ Oceanfront* $150. 2 br, fenced yard, gar· pets. Near l7th & Irvine, )'U. hse S275 mo. t!M--2250, m. b~ c6cc13.-:,,:,24:,c73:,,c"~'"":,.,...-~-~ I Joe. Pool & bllns. Adults. $225 -9 Months lease age. Children ok. Water & ·NB 64&-3362 or 543-4969. 4!M-94n. i BBQ's, Sauna., WATERFRONT w/yler & $210 mo -no l.se. 64z..6714 .• REALTOR '7H3;;o gardener paid. BAY VIEW·BLUITS 4 BR, l A-2 Br. a1ao Sin&J. float Jor lrg boat. 2 BR, 1 I b TELE-TRENO 2~~ ba twnhse. Fam area. S.n Clemente 3710 $135. See it! 2000 p ba, turn or uni. Lrg deck OCEANFRONT-De uxe 3 r, WJNTER·lge 5 br home on beach. $300 mo. 7201 Seashore Dr. 642-3529 2220 lrpl d pool I · y t · 2 ba, frplc. Avail 10/1 S:OO , crptg, JW, . NEW 3 BR, 2 ba on golf Rd., ,642-8670. Between w VleW. r y or winter. 7053 FOR RENT Lea.se$375.833-0523. course, Fam -·rm, formal bor&Newport.2BlkN. 3601 FlnlCy. Appl only. moyearly.673-- 3 BR, den, Penin. Pt. $325 d' . Atri Frpl Adi ts, no pets,, 833-1134 or 421 O 4, BR den Lag, Bch. ;650 Bltl'll!i, Drps & c:pts, IM, -m • .!!;l:!':~------· I C::.::!::::.:_.;.;.:;:::_ _ _;:c;.: FOR RENTll 1, 2 &c: 3 BR Apartments thru. out Orange Count.y, Rangina !rom $69.50 to SISB.50. rum or unturn. Ask lor JODI. 132-7'00 NEW DELUXE 2 BR 2 BR boo] Cd M $293 Newport Holghto 3210 "' • rm, •m. '• ""'fro $28 Wk . 613:-8249 Nowport Hgta. Newport Shores Hal Pi hin & Assoc. WANTED: 2 or 3 Bdrm $295 mo. •~im Luxury Single Apts. Comple MESA MOTEL DUPLEX. Lrg 1 Br. Furn Lease/Sale Furnished 4 BR 21ni ba-lhs-.-,-"'°'--le-a-.,-. Realtors Home in Newport Heights --• maid aer_vice, house:w s * $25 WEEK & UP • apt. New Ors & drapes. Lovtily Beach Condo $300 ...,r m<J. .._ 675-4392 Anytime She DI.st Immed. °': by end C~1nium 3950 linens, all Util, heated pool, Kitchen, TV's ·mater service. ~:f",-~~ ~~~1~ ~e~:; 2 Ba. Blt·in range, dsbwhr, shag crpts, drps, garg. From $175. Nr S. Coast Ptaz.a. 540-1913 6-r MS-~ . A·VAILABLE Novt. 2 BR. 1114 bathli, carpels, drapes, sm montb. 545-8424 Agt. ,wail Sept 15 for lease. thru w•"to~-Real Estate 6T:N331 -~~==="=7---1 of St!pt. Can fur_nish ref. SAN Sebas . billiards, restaurant, cock-Heated Pool .. -June or longer. 2 BR, 2 BA, ... LANDLORDS! I CaJI at or write P.A. . han manor• taib. 646-548-7165 Owner. upper with living, dining, L.---------Vacancy Problems Ended ?-.1cDonaid 1521 \Vt!sbninster LelSutt World, New, many VILLAGE INN 9681 WINTER Rental-Spacl<>us 2 kitchen areas main fioor ov-B•yshores m5 PREE supply of qualified Ave., C.M. ~~9. lease for l yr. Laguna Beach 49f..9436 COZV TRAILER &: CABANA br, patio, trplc. Adults, no (Offa Mes• 51D0 erlooking bcautHUI po o I. -"--------tenants at no cost to you. 32 _ BALBOA INN \\'inter.J-14, Bayshore Pk. pel11. 646-7602. I ;;;;;;;,,;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,1 Large 2 Car port plus slor· 2 BR Home. 9 mos lease Ask for LEE or OLA University Park M D pl Unfu 3975 Balboa 675-8740 122 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 1,,;LEAN:.:;;:"""71.:.o:.;i2""B"R-. A7d"'•"lu'°.7no I' a""' & complete laundry !a-$350 I mo. on Bayshore ·--=;1~3~2~--~~~--1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;~u~1;,•;•~·~~~r~n~.:,-!= I"""""""'"""'"""'""""""'"""'"""~ $95 mo. Open Fri: & Sat. * * * * e.~ D '\IC 548-6330 1: pets. Lrg kit. $l~Sl50. 2421 El Puerto Mesa Apti. cilities. All beaulilully & ri . . FOR RENT! I For Rentals in Urlivers.ii)o DELUXE 3 Br. 2 bath crp. HOLIDAY PLAZA __ ._::<21::3:;>_44:.:1:..-::10::16:___ E.-16th St. NB &*:JSn'.. * 1!" * * C"Ompletely furnished, linens, I • T 2245 <, 3 & 2 BR Homes in Or-Park &c: Turtle Rock, Call: drps:, frplc. & gar a g e DELUXE S""'clous 1 Bdtm. SAIL INN MCYTEL china, etc. if desired. On ly rvine errace N rt H ;..s.15 1 .. ~ • WINTER RATES 1~2 Bedroom Apt1. ange County. Rentals start. ewpo e,.... area, c ose Furn apt. $135. Plus util. Corona del Mar · 4.250 Sl30 up incl. utilities lOC. steps to private beach. 4 BR 3 ha, Bay & Ocean ing at $l2l.50. Furn or Un-to shopping and sc~ls. He a 1 e d pool, Ample Wkly or monthly or 3 Qay Tennis court & 2nd pool aJ. view in Irvine Ten'. $700/ furn. Ask for BONNI, , -Call alter fl pm 54S-839a. perking.-No ·ctilldmn--no stay. Corner 28th & Npt FOR RENT Also furn. Pool & Recreation so. on propcrt~ \viii\ gorg-mo. 132-7800 • f BR. 2 bath, unfum. or part. pets. 1965 Pomona, C.M. Blvd. Adj ?tlaTlna. FURN AP.T CbM. ~a~~i:rt!~~1:';,~ coug landscaping thru-ouL BW Grundy. Rltr. 64246f0 * ----------$350 mo., lease. 67H758. 618 HEY Look Here'. ~ hr-S126,' pool, spacious, a-Bachelor Bright & Airy, All 1959-l96l M pl A Easy access to super mkt, i========t:::: PENNY SAYER Acacia CdM. dults. Ideal for bachelors. a e ve, .,~ th · uG. Quiet! 675-5752, 540-2266 • ·Costa Mesa shopping, etc. ~_, mon • Corona del Mar 22SO SHARP 2 BR Home, Fen~ RENTALS Bachelor Apt. NEAR 1993 Church S4S.9633 \\inter basis, Will conslder·1----------; yard, patio, BRING the Kid-lat Western Bank BICli.. EVERYTHING. IN BEACH l BR tum, $150 incl utll, * lA blk lo ocean SIZ mo &: l!!!!!'lAlao~'lG~.,...~~·"!l~o~r~re~o!!t!!l!!'I lease . purcnase or outnght $200 mo util pd. 2 Br hse. Nr. dies! •115 / mo. CA LL University Parle Apts. Furnished AREA. $100/mo, HURRY! _, d' 1 Ad 1,_ up. incl. util. I R-· t Ad t•· • D 13• •101 N' ht F nd "'2951 ~· gar, !Spas&. u "" ,.,.._,.,. Se I CdM ORI.EANS APTS. sale. Adults on y. =S. mrkt & restauran u..., QUICK!! IY -19 s Genrer•I 4000 Hom• i ers -.r no pets, 64Z-23Sl ---=-:::.=•ccv.;;•c;w.:.• =.'=.· _ .f.19.2152 AM or 837-0791 any. only, no pets. 673-8936 Homo-Findora 64S.2951 l'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ~I=:!:'.~'----...:!~ 2 Br, 'crpts ·& drps, pool limn . 3 BR. 2 Ba. tnhouse .... $340 J 1 F 4100 BACHELOR APT, de!irable H 1~~·'==~=~=0-:--I Bolboa _2300 VERY CLEAN, like new and 4 Bdrms 2% baths $350 us or Coste Mes .. •-----Joe." Girl prefered, $110/mo. Alld75•1~1 ' no ~;,!°,· of wy. ADULTS ONLY PANORAMIC VIEW · 3 bed ·• •••• Call 642-8400. i ..::.::..;."::.,.=·;."..,..:.'~-··· -~ 2 & 3 BR. Avail. Private pa. 2 M b. c:.o;.;..c;.,.______ VACANT is this rm 2 Bdrms., 1 bath ...... S28C1 COMPLETELY Furnished! .o::::..:::.:::::::..____ NOW 'I bl ~ •·!or m, pool 'ndiv lau""-' fa~ ~Hr:::;~ wil~~xpa:iv~ ~ ~~;e~.~~ ~~~ ~~tinP~~~are;r ~ 3 :RJ1~~ Eas~~~ Single Adults ~~~ ci:anpa~~rU~tiJbrJ~ L~30.1 N:'!eu~P~ri>i\1e~~ :pt fora~:n.·e Ref~~. <Nr'. Oran~ eo:~ TuL ocean & city view. Indoor-June. 2 BR upstairs, tum. Families only.· Call Agent ark-Ce 1 . lS 675-2562 s-t· aft 4 30 Dr. 5'1S-54Zl ;•;;1;;>46,,.;1;;;6·!!!!0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I tin at lltb St; nr. Westclill). outdoor living with solar $300. ti7~1971 546-4141. UruCall·v. p•Myti nt:!'~ .=ne South Bay Club t. a whole "''.S-1914 3TI B 'Woodland' ' ::.::....:::.;::::::_____ 4300 :l ,;:::=:==::,=====lif.ii:ii"i;";;e.;oi;:-J,;;:;;'2>; ...,, me o.>.>-VO~ r ·r "' · -' * LRG clean Bac helor, BIL--glass. Beautiful landscaping WAU< t be • 1 2 _.;::::..:=;:,;c;:....:~"-'-new way o 11 e designed CM. I -" se\/Cral patios. $55,500. Lo'do lalo 2351 · 0 ac,., arge yr TOWNHOUSE, 3 BR. ~ just for single people. It's . . adull over 35. Sl~ util pd. '--'-'--------- 1741 Tustin, 0.ta Mesa Mgr: Mn. Canon. SG-4641 old home in a. nice a~a. 4 BA, nr Shops. No pell. $300 fun living with warm, dy. WATE. &FRONT, Winter lse PIX>L. 54~2407. 1 BR. On the Bay ------BR, 3 BA, fonnal dining, $225 yearly $2'75 upper ex $130-WI t -.,.,~~~-,...,=---I 3 BR 3 Ba, air-water home: tam'I • .,~ mo. 83J..-0150. namic neighbors It's a · ' ' · SM 1 BR, all util Incl. $120 n e,1 Lo'ke Llvo'nr Jn 'Y.,ir 1 y rm, ...,...., per mo. • tra lge 2 br Z ba lrp1 •lee 6-•533 furn., $450 mo. Coats & Wallace Rllrl. $750,000 Oubhouae wt I h . ' . ' ' mo. Cle~up dep. $30. 23351 ___ _::.:'~:....:=~~- Bill Grundy, Rltr. 642-4620 9GZ-44.54 Irvine 3231 he.alth club, saunas, swim· ~r~~~ ~~~:·~ke ;x~ Elden, CM att'5 pm. NICE 1 Br Apt: Peninlula ~W~ ':i<?s~~· ~ '•~! . .A-Olan REAL ESTATE Moy. R"ight In 'I1JR11.E ROCK-LEASE. 4 ~ing pool, party room~ bil· Ira.. AdJts, no pefs. 6r;)o-J062. ATTRACTIVE 1 hr, util. Point. Yrly, "No Pets. when we ca,n rent you one 1190 Glenneyre St. Balbo• Island 2355 BR. 2 ba. dt'o 'g/rm, liards, indoor toll dnvtng ttl . paid. ~fature 11iggle pel'&Oll S145/mo * 675-5055 tor $1<0, 2 BR., oew.'• dee, --t d t i rt A~p co Aptl, attractive, p . ~ tM·9473 549-0.116 WINTER-Bal. Isl. furn home 1 BR. C&J'pets, drapes, ence lam/nn Atrium, patios. Nr. range, enn s cou s, pro Pool. UUJ paid, Garden only. $105. 642--6197. LOVELY Bayfrnt apt.· at10 crpt/drp encl patios, spec 2 Lots.Victoria Beach Oct 1 lo June 15. Sparkling 3 patio. $9B/mo. IT WON'T 11 chs-pool~prb, $325/mo. lh51°P1•00 1 ",~,d~~1ennis P1ro. living. AduJts, no pets. 1 BR Furn: w/w, elcc stv, Winter $175/rilo. Utl ·pd. grnda ~ iPools! Ad,ulb only. BR 2 BA ts LAST!! 714/833-1467 ng e, ~room ux. I BR-$150 drps, nr shop'g. $U5 820 gar. Yrly avail. 673-6790 . 2283 Fountain Wa.y E, (HU. 1;.Jodern 1 BR house, massive draPes· all ~ P~~vi ac::; s' Hom•Finders 645-2951 :========I ury apartments with all the 1800 Wallace Ave, C.i\f. Center St. 4355 bor, tui'n w. on Wilton), I lrpl. Also guest hOU!'.e l •2SO/mo'. 67,,,o• !. · C L' • C d I M -r• modern ronyenlence11 avail· ~~"-'"'------Belboe lsl•nd I bath. Vu Irom paUo \ot to • . ......,.. 1 , OUntry IVlftCJ orona e ar •~ lihle. Furnished and unfurn. $25 Per Wnk & Up * DELUXE LG 1 BR * ·.::::::=,. _ _;::;:: QUIET ADULT LIVING build Steps to beach. Priced 1010 So. Bayrlont: 4 BR 3' IN THE BEAOI AREA! 3 BR. 2 Ba. house. Luxurious ished · Bachelor & 1 hr, TV&: niaid Quiel, gar, adll~. I BAYFkONT: 3 & 4:BDRM 1 8' 2 BR.' Shag 1'Cfpts, hlfna, nc1e' land al at $39500 be. waterCront home & 2 Br Sharp 2 BR. Stove, rclrlg., new carpets .. no pets. 2nd ' se.rv. avail. 450 Victoria, 2452 Elden, 646-2763 SANDY BEACH. ·91n.6(1S po61, beii.u't. lndacpd. $150 6 ~2-1~2 0w:er~gent ' , 1 ba garage apt. Dock. $150/mo. CALL NOW!! Blk. from Big Coron a MODELS OPEN DAILY C.~f. i'"'URN Bachelor near 17th SL Eves. 6'll-S299. Sl70 mo. incl alf uW. Adult. * BEACH HOM E * ~B=ill=:G:;'":;:00;:Y:;·=Rl=':!'tr:. =='64>-4620==' I Home-Finders 645-2951 Beach. To right tenants • 1D A.M .• 9 P.M. 1 BR. furn. S14i> Aval! Oct 5. shop'g $$ mo ilicl util. . ;~Y~~i &f6.-09'19 3 Bednn .home in coun._, $235 incl. some ulll's. Also 2 BR unfum, $145. Avail 9/25. Call 646-7582. Huntington Be.ch .:MOO A · ~34.600. Only 850 ft. to beach Lagun• Beach 2705 .. :r Sallsb,....., Realty t73-1362. RENTS FROM A It Se 18 "-u-A t --FOR rent 2 bedroom duplu:, * Por t1fine Laguna* ------atmosphere. Good schools & M•~ va pt . ~-.: '""6'• P 1---------1 di I New, view home . $M.SOO 3 BR, 1 Ba redec, ocean vu 3 lots of 5hoppg. Avail now a.t 2 Br. 2 Ba Nr. Ocean. $150 to $350 H, 1846 Placeritia. Newpo~!_ Be•ch 4200 ON BEACH I · very c!earr, m m e a e PL.ACE REALTY 494-9704 blks to Crescent Bay. Avail $230, per mo. Families only. $275/mo. G.H. Robert&On, Furn Bachelor & 1 BR. . • =~ioni.!,~ r::·!~i Oct.June $225. 49-Hi&l3 Agent 546-4141. Realtor. * STa-2440. NEWPORT BEACH ExceptioMlly nice! LG 1 Br: Bltins. pallo. Btw: e sing· le apts from $16S S4S.!M9l or Jack A)"!l'I *ONE OF A KIND *" 880 Irvine Ave. Below rental value! Bay&: Beach. Yrly $16j/mo Tiny house "'ith spectacular General 2000 General 2000 Gen•ral 2000 21lo Ne .. 'POrt Blvd, Of. AdulL'I. 61s-f781 aft 4. • 2 BR Furn. From S285 547-&1n Bkr. ocean view. $27.500. -Irvine & 16th L G l BR Ad I ts • 2 BR unfum $260 NEW ·2 BDR?.t. Beam BETHKE REALTY/ e NASSAU Palms 2 Br R u ls, no pe · Carpets-drapes-disb~het eeillnp. 'WOOd paatlinc. All * 494-2858 (714) MS-0550 apt. •'urn & Uni. Pool, ping. Yearly. 675-8592 heated pool.a.una-tennis rec •features. $165. AdulU. 1p!na!!!~~~~iew~lol, s1111-o Jil,, _ f)-C ~Q.• som BAY CLUB ~E.~'st.st~;wns. -,-B~R-..,..:~::.'..::.::Z-080..:Ba=l-~-.-p~,~nin :u:;;a~~':~. r:~·~~ws~ S5.9:AJ F/P. As!rume bal. on -~J."QU-~-~ 'bi pq.-_~ • sua-mo. QUIE'L.2....BR. u\ll ~-~·.:.l'r lsc,, SI Si> mo. ~~n.·~:~~i1. HARIOa--GU. ENS ""'""'• Joao. Bkr. 491.1210 The:Pllf7.le willt Ifie luill-ln Chuclle APARJUnlJS H"'"' pool, Crpts. dl'Jl', -6-'""'-'-"16-· ----GARD>:N 6 sruoro AP'l'S or 494-6632 eves. lftUt • • • dshwhr. Adult only, no pets. OCEANFRONT 2 BR. gar. HUNTINGTON Ghorrotl09 '9tfen of tt. .,.-.... ..,..?.'L:"-.._..-..... 2295 Pacific A"·e, CM. wshr, dryr. Sept 151h to Bach.1. 2, 3 BR'1. from $110. San Juan Capistrano 1725 . J ACRE EstateLand or H0!"5e Ranch, w{.nlce view, adj. I other esta e parcels, $35,000 IV/ $10.000 dn will relea!le dear bldg site fO't lOOi;:t. !inanclna:· .Bkr, 493-1106 or ~iWIOO. RENTALS Houus Furni1h'ed Genorol -* IELL RINGER SHARP .2 BR home w/yard. BiiofOa•y. $135. nus \VON;T t;AS'f'! Hom0-Flntlero~2'51 SUG-U1U pd. Bachelor apt. A"idl no\i/. -J Broker. 534-6980] f'GI' Fast results •. Ct.11 "'n'ie Hot Line" Dally / Pilot OaJ1:stlled .,.,...':":J:!':::S ...': Live where the fun lsl"•'-~-'-~-'-,L-'-'ao-"-L &1_5_2-4_'.-" .-.,-,-B-,, ,'"oc""EANFR15lh s22a0·.N57T~1.2;1, 3 .. ~ PACIFIC ~~e~ w~. C.M. ""& 7ll OCF..;~ A VE .• H.B.. - I P A Y ~ 0 N I RENT FURNITURE '"'"· sm. Pool & carJ>O"· • BR's. WJNTER RENT· mo 5.16-M87 • 2 BR. ""' $150. 1 hr. """ _ _ 'lW6 Placentia, St!e mgr No. Al.s. 673-8088, Ofc. open 10 am-6 pm DaD.1 Sl30. O'pti;, drps, bltTll . L I I I I I ll ?.fanaged by POOL! No cbildrtn. na pets. * DIRECT TO TENANT B~UTIFULLY £urnished R~~~XE APT W~mo \Vll.UA?ot WALTERS CO. 325..J E. 17th Pl. CM 24-Hr. Dellvtry bachelor s.8-1098 * 613-2677 * ""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"' ~8-27J8. I C A R R E I ii lOO~ Purchue Option Quiet adultll No prts I---':..::::..:::.:...::..~-NEAR lluntlncton Harbour B;,E;;A:.;UT~:.,.N""•w-2,,..--:B"R:-:'1>,-..,l•-xl £ I I I' I Complete 1 J!iR Apt u Ba ..... OPF;N 12-i Pi\t, Sat It Sun. New Triplexes. Quiet are:&. •pis. Bltns. ...... t .. p1'1v. Low 81 $22/mo. * WKLY·lmdy apl. "'" XQi \V. Oceanfront. 2 BR. 1 _ ~ .. l -~ -·-KJlcb. •K wk ~4a AMa .... g , 1 BR. lum. and 3 BR. patios. Xlnt FAide loe $11). SG-DllJ Mlntmmn "' ,,,.... 1 11.1n~ • -''"nb'-..Jse. $225/nlO . .>tO'"'l::uo· llT.i P..nd up, chlkl/-t ok. • & •P 546--0-IJl ,... 1'dlts. See it 356 E. 20th St. I I f ' * WIDE VARIETY . LGE. Like new 3 hr. 2 ba, (2131 592-3>23 ... M&-3559. S 0 f U C . CUSTOM FURNITURE r ; \\''K. Motel Bungalows, heh d11plex. Sc.indeck. gar. LG Bachelor. Util paid. Near ~~D ~:w~~ •J!i:11:: t-1.--.1-TI -irr-t • A good Idea ofter gettlng RENTAL sips 6· APTS S30 wk/up. Sept-June S2.l0 a.19-0844. s Points. Sing)• female over Berper 646-5476. 392 A 381 •-~--'--~--'-'--' ma"ied1 let nature take fttl 311 W. ltfh St., CM, MS-3481 2376 Newport Blvd. M!-97S6 BEACON Bay-Winter tt~ 35. $97.50. Ref!.&: Cleanincl""W"-ood=:land=..:Pl_,:·~~-~ I R U D " E E 1 -. 9 .. 0 • Fum I Br I. B.che'M tal-lge I br, compl. ni.m. t...c.d•,;,•..creq=·.cm.22"-"-J-'9'-. --~ LRG Ahy 1 BR. w/W crpt'c, •-";-.;;.-r-.;;;,::.,;:.....--1 _ 2110 Newport llYCI,. C &pie. UX!Jmo. 673-8203. 2 BR. Raot. Adu1l1. drps. slbvt. ~utll nn. new I I ll I I o ~i.tt the d!uckle qudlcl 832-7800 1 BR. Fum. Sill. Call 2BR.yearlyormonthq Beaut/Quiet! UUJ Incl paint. Adlls, 110 petl . . . L " . 'f'D'J ::J.~ ~ ~ .=-.· ~-1 br, fm:ed nrd, bltns, 548-1733 312 E. 18th st.: Block to beach PXl/;no. 1767& Cameron, $150/mo. 646-8373 .. PRINT ···-··ED·~·· ,.. 11 r I' r r I ....... d..... AD .iw .... C.M. Call: Anita 673><210 .:-.. :;;":..:6:;;121:;-,._,--.,.....,...~1 MOOEllli_2Jll'. <nit. -w "Ul'f!DC" u;nii;iw pe.kl, 1 BR 1i1pper, newly redec, r'~..1 2 Br, 2 Ba tum, crpta..drps. GE-kitchen, •n-~lo1•d THfSt§QUA•ES ---• _ • _ · _ • Tll:l-TRIND AdJt1 only, NO fitts. $140'"'+: Adut , no P,el!.-..:Yearly. dttl_,,,., KO dliktftft ~-arqe:,=-neii'==l:i\f!I. $145. 6 ""tSCIAMllEO G-ANJ,J()s~VRE1 lllTEIS I I I . j I I _ OLOEB_COUPLE to assist 10 &: elec. 6424IH4 aft .5:45 642-0807 or 67S-859'J petL 733 Lake. 53&-0275 or Adults, ~ E. 20th. ii;• ··~ • • _ _ • • managing 12 unill for put Nalural barn SWAPPER? 2 BR nr Octan back-t>plx _s:i&..3100-'-'--""'------r.11~t-rtrults art: Just a~ ... ' T .. 111 ok no .... Ph -· ,,_..._,,, Pa-•1ot" Sl:loi:. -ly. Fbrn w/w opt BUSIE.~ m-~tplace In caU awa•. ! Ca'' •-._, .... SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICAnON 7000 ~art&pm. · ' D.il,PU:i'oa .. 111:.d ,,S~'6tos1.21~m1m. •d•.Ch<ekt,;;;,·.1 now ... ~"~ w ,__ - - e ' ' :1 ,1 ll , . .• •• \ • • _, - ·-- I d " • • .... , ' I l I --' ---; $ • • .. "?--" . _.,...,--:: I • -. ' St DAILY .PlLOT • Thursdly, Stplfmbf[ ·11; 1970 ~ • . .I-• iieNTM;S RENTALS -" RENTALS RENTALS . R~"l!STATE -•,,..;...jl.--~-~'""!!-~~,;;;;;;----------~:-~.;;,--"""'!~-~ • ., ~ Unluml..... .Aph. Unfumlohod Apls. Unfurnlthod-Apia. Uilfuml ..... -1 _oe"'°'"'" .r;.:•.:..I ----,.,. ~ MoH 5100 1.:V1no S231 ''!untl,,.;;; W 5400 R;;;; for Roni 5't5 OfflQ Rontol 4171 ' :,. 11~u11:l'l 1.&rp delw<e . i · ~-BR.-pi>b. """'bl..., C()bl;E(IB-Or "°"'"11rsm• -.uoo-Sr.ttoOlllce:-allo 2 B1t;111 BA. GE kikh<'"· NOW JEASING. <lilld"• ol<, No P e". Bal. bl. Klt a TV rm,..W.. 600 oq_ ft. ~ $90 a $ISO. 2 car.pr. adu1tJ, no pera..KI New, Jam1b and adults wiits $130/mo, Call S3Wl65 $70 mo A up, 6'1:>-3613. CM 646-2130. _ _,..,,..,... E . 16th Pl. Sj"""32. with tolal ...,...tloa club 1 BR Tw-. pOOI, ..,...., Molei• 9 -"·-* NEWPORT JIEiO< l cLEAN , BR. ,11 YBA ana ,_..... ~ ~ • s -· ...... lilhw. _.....,., . _ ... ·"·--~ i1:....,,,,.. ,S!Udio, Dl>ts, !lJi>s, Pool. hdrms J'""' $150. Nr. lhoj> paUo, 1140. 54$-101'. -_£_~ S"7 ftVI" * 6'S-1601 • WmiOng Q:M pref. $145. ping, golf. scbooll. Just GORGEOUS 0 c ea n Vu: $6 '""NIGHT lip. Pl wk/UJ>-2 Furnilhed Suites. 64&0496,......-liOUth of San Diego Fv.y. on ();::luxe 2 Br, refr $175 A l SUNNY A~ MojeJ...-%m Coast Hwy, NB. $125/mo. ~ ..CW.ver-Dzo~'l33.. ~ . ...Bltns.~53&..672Q_ -N~.-w-p-o·r -' ;--Oif+,;;:~Pbo~""~:'.645,~~~;::;;ll-------' • 2:o.n..1BAdupl,cp~bltlnl, PARK WEST "BR •-""' tlo J 54°....u:: -! '1oFFICE Spa-ava'I!, ,,-:..ppl'a. gar 1 dill. ok, E ~ . ""t'", e ....... pa • aun-1 ..:.:::~..:.;:·~~· ""-----" ,'iiide SISO • 64._.416 eve APARTMENTS dry lac, Carpt, A<Hta. $135. **--WEEKLY ]Jates. SEA N~ lieJ.C:h, 20 4 ~ '642-2'm. O\vnedt111~ ltt~ by 841-6692. ~ LARK MOTEL. 2%0l Westcl!U Dr. &15-283'. 'The Irvint CompanY 2 Blks 1rom beach. .New 2 Newport .!3.lvd, Costa M-. COSI'A ~~esa-New oUioe, J Br, 3 ba, crpa, drps, bttns:1 ~~~~~!:'J!!:'J!!:'l!!:i:!~I ~ 00 &Jr, yard, pool, Play area.1· Br. Apt. Crl>':!>·~~ F..!!°• G H -srou .. 02821floor, ~Imo. _, S210/mo. 54&-8393 aft 6. East Bluff 5242 ga.ra~. $165lmo---uest omet _ v-u-or _.5100 Am Cond oWce 1-m sq. ft. 1 BR. Unf. ~ts, 1 drps, e NEW DELUXE e Sa nta Ana 5620 PRJV. Room far Ambulatory $60 per mo, 2435 E, Cout heated pool, Childl"@n ok. I ;;:;;;:;;;;;.;;;;;:;;;:;;;::;:;;;.1 lady in llc'd guest home, See 126 Mont• Vista Ave, 3 BR. 2 BA Apt t~ka~· 1• Costa Mesa. Good food Hwy, CdM, 675-2000. <'c\f Inclspac.mastersWte,dm VILLAMARSEILLES served family style , l"'='="',-""'"""""',-,,...,--1 rm & dbl prage, auto door BRAND New .. ~, NEW DelllX 2 Ii 3 BR. Cpt1., opener-avail. POOi a: Rec. 1 ,°'=~='~·~'="'----Industrial •Drp1, Bltn1, Xtras . are& SPACIOUS ELDERLY Guests, ocean Property 60IO \Voodl!nd at Tu.still, C,r.J. -. FROM $265 • 1 & 2 Bdrm. Aptsl view, lovely home in 1:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;,ll 6T:i-2150. 865 Amigos Way, NB Adult Living Laguna Beach. 497-1686. t 1 BR. AI) utll pd, $150. Managed by Furn. A Unfum. Distress Sale Adul15. infant ok. 3 01 WILLIAPit WALTERS co. Oishwasber.colol'eoordinat. Misc. Rentals 5999 Will sell all or part ot u ·Avocado 548-7442 ed app.l.ianee:I • plush shag ----------acres at the comer of Fair- . . PRIVATE VIEW carpet • choice of 2 color ENCL, Storage Garages for view Rd, & Sunflowtt; near ~cl BR, •'•·~ Pool. ULril 2 Bdrms., 2 baths; carpetl'!d schemes .. 2 batbs .. stall rent, CM. $1D mo. Jnq: 1959 new LA Tim Bl""' d pd ose~ M uu.zo, ~ ~'::n~ dmped, bit-i ns, disbwshr. ahowi!rs ·• m1nwed want· 1.faple Ave., Apt. 5, O.!. Voit -RUbber. es """· an • 1 onrovra. · Upstairs. $235 ~fonth. Min. robe dOOl'S • 1ndlieet llgbt. 113>-NI"' 2 Br. Blios, garg, 1 Y<nrloase. \ tng ta kl1<:beo . ""'•klut REAL eSTATE · $37,500/Acre Jncd yard, HURRY! &1• ••'50 o bar • huge private fenced Genera l CASH Bl~ Beacon * 64S..01I1 > ' ~ patio .. plush J'.UIUSC&Pin&' • ------Ed Riddle Realtor 1 BR. unf. $150/mo. Pool. -••± •a.a brick Bar-B-Q's . larp beat. Income Property 6000 646-88ll Elee &: wtr pd. Adlts, no '-=========:I ed pools & lanai. l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll pi~. M""' Maoor. i<H· 3101 So. Bristol St. MOUNTAIN= WHs1m Ave, CM. -7405-Coron• dol Mar S250 <II Ml. N. of So.°"'• Plaza) LAKE RESORT I LRG 2 & 3 BR, 2 Baths. Santa Ana Frplc, bit-ins, crpts, drps, PHONE: 557-8200 14 sharp unil! (with kitchens) .eocl gar, palio. 546-1034 .. -nosUed in TALL PINES. ' ~ Large CUSTOM owners unit _, Br. w/ carport. $115. Wa. .-t -· ..., -· • overlooks BIG POOL and ter pd. NJJ. schls. ~ Laguna Beach 5705 sundeclt. Walk to stores and "A" Placentia. 6J6-4U}~ ON TEN ACRES LAKE f " h. OCEAN VIE\Y Lr g or ...,s tng, boating, $140. 2 BR upper. NnJdds...oc l=A-·2 BR. Furn A: Vnfunl Bachelor, 1 &: 2 BR apts. ,l!l1vimming, A WINNER at pets. Util turn. Avail Sept. Flreplaoes I priv, pa.tr.s I Furn or unfurn. Crpts. drps, $140,000! CLEAR, owner will :xi. 642-3375 days. PoolL Tunis. O>ntnt'l Bkfsf.. bltns, patios, w a I king finance and TRADE tor -DELUXE-3 BR. 2~ Ba 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-Ml distance to town. 100 C1iU beach area home. HURRY! J)tudio apt. New crpts; & drps (MacArthur nr. Coa.t Hwy) Dr., Lag. Bch. 494-5498 w I k & L hliM, $100 per mo. ~SI 705 & 707!h ORCHID AD ULTS ONLY a er ee 3 Br. 2 Ba. Crpts, drps, 1016 2 Bc:lnns. 2 baths with su~ Vnfum. studio $175 ulil. inc:I. 20U Wes_tclill Dr. El. Camino Drive. 01. deck, $235-. Al.SO• 3 Bdrms., (2) furn studios at $135 util 64&.771.1 545-3868, eves 6~ 3 baths. Carpeted, draped, incl. Ph coll, Dwyer 213: Open 'ti! 9: 00 PM * DELUXE l ~ 2 B.R. bit-ins. C.Ov. garage. $325 437-6204. NEAT, clean, local l\fobile Garden Apts. Bit-ins, pr1v. 1.to.: min. 1 year lease. V2 BLK TO BEACH I Home Park Pool Tec room patio, heated pool, frp.lc . . From $160. New l &: 2 Br. etc Spend. $13 'oco alter Adults. $145 mo. 546-5163. , , 115-1050 a POOL. 2175 S, Coast Hwy. $75:000 down. ' 7% 0 n 2: lge br, new crpfll, 1% ba. W mei' I CL,& 499-3929 or 497·1630 · .Ba Jan c e. Wally McCoy, l>ltns, encl patio Ir. gar. Gd --NEW-Ocean-15lde Ap~. with 675--0116 anytime. toe. No pels. $159. 644-0962 LRG new aPts 2 BR. 2 Ba on pool ..• frrim $160 month 6 UNITS Eastside Costa EAST side .. 2. br, 111.1 ba, Marguerite, S. ot Hwy. PLACE REALTY 494-9704 Mesa. 2 BR. each Nice crpta:, drps, bltns, refrig., Bltns, cpts, drps. $250. pool, Good rental· area. ~~~ts. 646-66lil -~~~ ,,. RENTALS . ~mid Exch ango r s . LRG 3 BR. Crpts, drps, pool. * COROLIDO APTS. 2 Br, l -~Apts:. Unfurftfiltid 6'r>8800. ~- Family & 2 child. 2214 & l lh BA., frplc, dbl car.' Rentals W;nted 5990 (2) l\l·lA lots. Production Pl, College Ave. ~ port & large Pool. $185 & up. Newport Beach. 673-7070 or 2 BR apt-bl!JU, aPt!'i. drps. 673-3378 642-2045 Cl ean. Inquire 1552-A LRG New Apts, 2 Br, 2 Ba, l----~----- Corlander, 546-5268. on l\farguerite, So. oi Hwy. RENTAL FINDERS Business Rental 6060 $175 UTIL. pd. 2 Br, 1~2 ba. Bltns, cpts, drps, porch. Frt • .To Landlords Pvt patio. See mgr 339 $225. 548-7983. \\'EST Side of C.M. across --Gtbrillo;-Ph: 54&>81m--2l3R.-l'ii""BA-:-wood paneling; US.Ol l l from-serv-:--dept Theo -~~-~ bltns, -rpts, drps. frplc, 4JJW,1ttti,c-. MllO Robbins Fortl, could be sm. Newport Beach 5200 $250/mo. 644-1687, *A NEW SERVICE* part hse or oflice or coffee ARK NEWPoRT .. care DELUXE 2 sty, 2 BR & den, Properly Management ~~-isnr.:'ts of park 'g. tree livg·Ovrikg the water. 7 2 BA, ~!Ins, crpts, drp!'i, by STEPHEN'S & KAYE pools, 7 tennis cts, S750,{Q) frpl, paho, S/Hwy. 675-2747. Call 645"0122 STORE OR OFFICE Spa. From $175 to $450. 2 BR apt. drps, garage, 600 or 1200 Sq, 1''t. Parking BaC'h. l or 2 Br. Also 2 .sty Water & gardener paid. YO~NG \Vorktng coupl e Reasonable. 64&-2414 Tuwnhou_ ses, Elec. kit. pri $150. Lease avail, ~2146 desires: 2 Br unfum ap~ or 2630 Avon St. Ne--rt house, crpts, drps, bl bns, ' -... - Jl!ll. or ba.I SUbtrn prkg,pot I 2 BR 1 BA Apt Avail fncd yard, pvt garage, Ap.. HARBOR BLVD front. 19x37' mald ser, cpts, drps Just N. Oct 1 • $200 per ~o 700 prox. $135-$150 mo. Have 2 v.•/restroom. 2110 Harbor of Fashion I~ at Jamboree N~~s. 675-1874 • cats & toy poodle. 64f>...1665 Blvd, CM. $200 mo. year's & San J oaqwn Hill!'i Rd. 644-aft 6 & weekends. Costa lease. 548--0783. 1900 tor leasing info. ,-&;!.,-;; Island 5355 Mesa or Huntington Beach REAL ESTATE • ON THE BAY area. General .. oy waterfront activity to. LITILE BAL, ISL WRK'G Couple wants: 2 Br -'==="----- gether w/ the 1paciousne.ss on Grand canaJ. Waterfront unfurn, crpts, d r a p'e 8 , Office Rental 6070 of lwcuriOUs apt, convenlenc-Boat dock. 2'h BR, 216 BA. builtins, fenced yard, pvt et w/ the atmosphere of a Unfum. Avail Oct. 1 $350/ garage. Approx. $130 mo. SUP:ER-DELUXE QUALITY pvt home, Lge den, 2 BR, mo. yrly. No children or Have 2 cats,& toy poodle. 1·2-3 room, up to 3,000 sq. 1 2.BA. fr,>lc & Jge waterfront pets. 673-0207 646-4fi65 afl. 6 & v.·rekends. ft. office suite9, lmmed. oc. Ntio, $650. 673-8414 CHAR.\11NG upper 1 BR apt, URGENT, Want garage for cupancy. Orange C n t y. 2 Br. unfurn. Crpts. dr,>s, un(urn, yrly; Ma.lure furn. storage. Hunt. Beach Airport Irvine .Commerc. patio, pool. bltns. $160. adulls; No pets. 6'73-1503 or Costa r.1esa are a Complex, adj. Airport er clill M A ,., 1525 9li2-265.5. llotel &: Restaurant, ~ 'SU anor p...,. San Diego & N'pt, Fwys, P!acenUa. 548-2682 a s k Huntington Beach 5400 MATIJRE J'..Hdy w/sm poo-UNCROWDED PARKING alxrut our discount. --di · he!'i 1 BR f t UPPER Duplex, 3 BR, '2 ba, ./ FRESH-AIR e WIS urn ap LQ\YESI' RATES Cpts, drps bltns, v•alk to Walk 3 bl.ks to Beach! w/tie-up 1°!' sm pwr boat, Owner/mgr.2172DuPont Dr., ~ub: Jse, $ 2 2 5. Beaut. big 2 br, apts. wfw Yrly, to $l7:1. 642-!]91. Rm. 8, Newport. Beach. ~. crpts, drps, bltns except 0 LANDLORDS e 8J3.32'l3 Courtesy to Broken • ' re(rig. $150 &: $155. 1 child FREE RENTAL SF;RVICE 17.===,--..=='°-I • BAYFRONT • ok. No ••gls/pe~. ·~111.1. MEDICAL . DeNTAL " .,, JJ<r Broker 534-6982 Sulles avail. Best location. LUXURY Apts. Starting Near Oceanfront. Oceanview Xlnl parking, 1'1odern facil· at $375, e 642·2202 sundeck. Smogfree. Newer Rooms for Rent 5995 iUrs. Immediately available. LARGE 3 Br 2 Ba Custom dlx 2 Br, bltns, cpts, drps, YOU'LL Be snug as a bug & BAYSHORE CENTER Apt. Near iioag Hospital. lndry. Nr shops & pi er. $165 happy too in this upstain; 601 Dovt'r Dr., N'pt Beach $225 mo. 642-lm or Adlts. baby ok. 536-2131• studio BR. Lots of prlv. + , • 175-&0SO 0 64&--6927, Agent. $125, 2 BR, Cpts. Drps, full home privil. w/pool. • • 3 BR. 2 BA. Unfurn, Crpts, Bltns, Garage. En1p. Jiidy or college gal ~5 -•Ill 11 a..& drps. blk to ocean. Yearly * Aft 4 pm, 847-3T17 * 546-6740. $275. 673-8088, 2 BR. Near Ocean, Frplc, c"o"z~Y=Bd~rm-.~l~iv~'g-,-,m-.-ba~tti, HllLGREN SQUARE z BR. studio, 1% BA, crpts, patio. Crpts, drps. Adults. pvt ~ntrance, Rea!IOnnblc, 1900 sq ft Dclu."e Offi~ drps, nr Hoag Hosp. $185 LINDBORG CO. 536-2579 Kit priv if d<.'51re., \Vomen Avail. [or imml'!d. lease m mo. Adults. 6fl..43$7, 642-0596] BR, refrig, bltns, crpts, prof. Aft 4:30 pm 518-2759. ono ot cities busiest shop. YEARLY $200/mo. 2 BR, drps, pooJ, near beach, $W \Y_ORKING Or college girl. ping centers. Will divide. new carpets per mo., adults, no· pi1'15. Kitchen & home pr 1 v ~.. music, paneling, 109 & ll3 '18th St. NB. Tradewlnds, Realty 847-8.ill. $5(1/mo Rl!f. Morn. 548-3909'. crpl!, drps, 1'1ax. park'g &: 1115-l B RIO C ts ..i...... -• ·main! 710 E 17th St, C.1'1. l BR garage apt. Ruga, drps, . r. . P • ... ., .. ; "* $la per "'eek-up w/k1t· 1.tr B~m 213: ·651.2700 collect re frig & stove. Yrly $120. kid!'i, pel.6, sngls, students ok. chen. $30 per v.·f!ek-Up Apl.S. J :.::..:.=~;;;.;'-,=-;-:;:;o;-- Adw", no pet., m-1319. Blue Boocon * 64~111 MOTEL 54S-97S5 DESK SPACE a BR., 2 Ba. Off the beach. e l BR. NEW! Fireplace. e ROOl\1,!i r~or renl-'Ai block 305 No. El C •mino Re•I 122 35th SI. Yrly $300 mo. Near Ocean. Patio. Adults. 10 ocean, $16 a wk & up. Son Cle rn•nt• For Info., 540-7573. UNOBORG CO. 53&-2579 2500 Seaview, CdM. 492-4420 ~~~1~"':~B~',2~,!; Fountain Valley SllOFountain Valley SllD DESK SPACE gar, adlts $175 548-3708. 222 Fo rest Avenua ** 1 BR. WATERFRONT-Laguna Beach BALBOA BAY CLUB APT. 2JJ~ 494-9-WS $400 mo. CAii 5-18-2'211 .mo UPPER 3 BR 2 BA-3 :adulta.. No pe_ts $300. or fumiabed ~ .. ..,.._, TI¥E FOR 9U1Clt .CASH lHROUGH A DAILY PILOT * NEWPORT tk-acb--rngdern/dlx offices. Alr/rond." Htd. Priv. bl. 2iO!rW. ~t Hwy. UP to 3600 sq ft.-Oeluxt,--.lr cond, crprt., drp& Jn com- puter centl't bldg_ 646-7425 or 516-60&) -~-WANT AD NE\.\'PORT offices crpt & drps. occon \'le\\'. from $75. Call O\•:n<!r 11 fl 6. 675--4641. . ' C~merclal * City Centl!r Block * 18,134 Sq Fl. Commercial Jn Lido a'rea. 100% Leased Spendable &: ta." !'iheJter 15~" Return. Asking 5X Grou Rea1onomics Corp. Omlmercial Bkr. 61:>-6700 e STORE Bldg fur We ~98 \V, 19th SI. Bethel Towen corner. 54~1768 agt. Industrial Rental M-1 SHOPS Costa Mesa nr 16th & Po- mona, 1350 to 2100 sq ft. 3 p h a s e power Ir. heat. 645-0991, eves: 673-6809. AllST llllS! - ~=­c L. A 5 s I F I E D 6 4 -2 • 5 6 7 8 -· Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See ·If You . Have Any Of These Things A --------~- DAILY PILOT WANT-AD I . Ston 2. Gultor 3. Baby Crib 4. Electric Saw 5. Camera 6. Washer 7. Outbolrd Motor 8. Ster.O S.t 9. Couch 10. Cl1rlnet 11. Ref rigeraitor 12. Pickup Truck 13, S.wirig Machine 14. Surfboord 15. Machine Tools 16. Dlshw1sher 17. Puppy 18, C1bin Crul11r 19. Golf Carl 20, Barometer 21, St1mp Collection 22. Dinette Sat 23. Pl1y Pen 24. Bowling Bi ll 25. W1ter Skis 26. F reezer · 27, Suituise 28. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31. Bar Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. Va cuum Cle1ner 34. Tropic1I Fish 35, Hot Rod Equipm't 36. File Ciiblnet 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorl•n Mirror 40. Bedroom Sat 41 . Slide Projector 42. l1wn Mower 43. Pool T1blo 44. Tires 45. Plano 46. Fur Coi t 47, Dr1pes 48. Linens 49. Horse 50. Alrpl1ne SI. Orvin 52. Exercycle S3. R1re Books S4. Ski Boots SS. High Choir 56. Coins S7. Eloc:trlc Tr1ln S8. Kiiton S9. Cl1Hlc Auto 60. ColfH T1blo 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 6S. Worlcbon<h 66. Ol1mond Witch 67. Go-Kirt 68._ lrontr 69, Camping Trilltl' 70. Antique Furnltu,. 71. T1po R-rdor 72. S1llbolt 73. Sports Cor 74. Mottr011 Box S11tr1 7S. lnbolrd Spoodbolt 76. Shotgun n. S.ddlo 78. Dort Gome 79. Punching B• 80. Baby Corrio'° 11. Drums 12. Rifle 13. Dosk • 14. SCUBA 0..r DAILY, PllO.T. WANT-AD be tumed into cash witli a Jhese or any otli1r extra things around the ho- so Don't Just Sit Therel DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 • • ._ ! i " I ' I ' i I i ' i ~ t ' I ' ' " : l ' ' -' ) I 1-Wlla )-YOU 1 a~·frnl nits. c. rec r indu: yown cry clc nted. r smi . C.l\ l'664- 'il l tra ·Lh_'t)lC' ifJ $250- .. Old't l ave cl l °'' 2,000. ndo c '"' c • 1 Arre 1 l:m. fo 1 flnanc€ ' fcres1. i11-on ~ ~Fania i>P Po E -di\BIN t¥,~'.: C,1.11ey: ~12-126 -;== ~. E. ~ 'ifANTE l-iquor ~unge [ ;,. tf,f\ILU; ~ IUStr f FIN. .,__ ~sin• t Oppo ('CTI nage on: C ublic 'd, 1arE' vesh ppt 0 [ TF ,L. ! yow t e hn r SUj Hd 4) ! 1on. 'f l ON ail al ""'" me I -< tenl.i tinefit :f1li"irt l;18lil .----~, ·~ th j ( w i .' I '°"'· hfneti1 yo 2 /21{ ~ ws1 " L. I Coo •.RE F)ntiu •f l. 0 lit!M-J ' 1111! ~ 1_"'' .- J ), • -_, lhursday, S.tplt)llbt.r J7 , 1970 ..-: DAILY PILOT 3. * * * ANNOUNCEMEllTS * •nd NOTICES A NNOUN CEMENTS •nd NOTICES ·-"---- SERVICE D IRECTO RY S!RVICI DIRECTORY SERVICE DI RECTO •UBS lo •MPLOYM NT J OBS & EMPLOYMENT ~tM~-i;.en•nc• '555 G~ ... 1 S.rvf;;;-'612 P'h.;bln-;·-6ltO Jo~n.~ Wotn. 7100J ob1 Min, Wom. 7100 ,..., -Wh•ddy• W•ntt Whodclvo Gott SPECIAL CLASSI F ICAT ION F OR NAT URAL BORN SWAPPERS Spocl•I R 111 5 Linei -S times -5 bucks AUL•l .:..AD MUST INt'LUDI 1-W,._1 YN ..... Mr. tr.-. · >-WMt ... •lllf In ""'· . >-'!'OUll ....... _,., ... ,.,. ....., 11 ...... tll•trtlNl!t. ~OTIUNe f!Olt SAL• -TltADSI ONLTI To Pl1ce Your Trider'• P•r•dlse Ad PHONE '42-5671 lrnl duplex: 3-4 Br/ nils. Sandy beath. Xlnt 1c. 1"eCOl'd. Trade for T.0 .1, r industrial. Eves: 673-5299 y 01\·ner. Nwp t Bch duplex ry close to ocean. Always nted. Trade $23,<n:t equity r small office bldg, N.B. i r C .. l\.f. Principles orJlY. ~~1~-5556 ~r 213/388-7156 8 Units, good rtntal aru. $38,000 equity; I ncome $13,500. For house, commer. cial or hone ranch. O\YNER 675-62.}9 Comn1ereial Income proper- ty, free &:-'Clear; nex1 10 Sears. Val. $65,000. For unit!, hou11e or beach prop. O\VNE:R 0615-6259 ~'!!..~~ e.1."°"=•:c'o.'---.;."°;;.;os "iiiAT CARPENTER-RAIN .. ,.,,.'""•"•"· PLUMJl•Nc:l. ALJ; 'l"(PES p ET e b b It FREE I 6f6.5219 Ra.in,y tealOfl here IOOf\. /__ u Hr, Se.rvl _e.. ~ wnny ra ' _ F(ffnt.Reu!fl68..2'208 ....... FREE~Jl\tATES lf'l)'/~·ht, V\c: J.M)O blk, r .---~ I II Gto~ Ave, 6 f 2 -( 69, · • C.blftltrn.kfnt. __ '5=5":: Remodelln&. teDC'fl'bidj:., \Valer. ~.ters S60 _ nsta . ~ pa.inUne_>.1en'l repairs, Cartiqe du;J)OA.I $4.;, lnttall. ===------l·HUNTINGT ON" BEACH _.,.,. C.blneu ~ Sh<lvin< R<aa.~Xlnt-....... &124ln. ALL 11.<"JJ;S_REASONABLE ~~~T:; F°::te~ ~ POWER SQUA DRON'S * 494 -0602> * Ed's Cleanm, service Call J im Gltnn, 715 Owens Brookhun< H.B -· BASIC BOATI NG ---~LI. -l\11 WI<>-~t .. H.B. 531lo6608. ' ...;, . a puppy EotlltS ~ "I 1JW dOW1 Floor Care. $1$-0m HOM " REPAIRS • .L owner Identify vicinity of Huntington S.•ch -' · Plumbing.electrlcal. $1.50,y-. Pla«nlio & Viclorla CM High S-. _cAltl'ENTRY H1ulint 6731 6"2·2155 " 612-0.100 &46-8505. Rooms f2t·lt.122 MINOR kEPAIRS. HD JH , DRAJNS Plugaed? Dralnlna: St•rti"9 c--, t:C-.ncf TOC" Small. Oatrinet la pro. 1 .N.T. Lawn Se rvi c e . slow! Expertly cleaned $B ·PAIR <>r-1how pigeons...t "rust __,., llPi • et her cabtntta. C'""a.ra&e clea~ups1 hauling & ~ · C'Olor, 1 black. Found vie So. ••ch MoNley th reuth 561175, U no answer leave· ll&ht movini. 5 41-516 l, 2• hr .erv. 53()....38M. Coast Pla:u. 56-1'101 ask Nowm ber nuc at lt$.2JT2. It. O. 531-3729 ' for Bob. Now in Newpor t Bi•ch Andetlon HAULING $10 A WAD HAI.F~rown \\'hi1e ca I. Beautitul Girls Tnt.ined Qua.I Conalr, cupentry, roo. Aean up. Ttte Seh'. Gen. Collar Y.i th btll. Nr. Vic· in HoJ,ly11,'00t( to finr, all home imprvmnts. Prunlnc 646-2528, 543-8043 LESS' 'l'HAN S9 SQ. Jo"'t'. loria School. MS-9691. MASJ AGE YOU No job too 1m. 1'"lft est. y AR o I G fl r . c 1 eanup. Free plan service, add-a-rm. 2 -blk. 53&-1059. Removt lttelll. Ivy, trash. gar. conversions. Licensed .. Lost ''401 11 62nd St., ......,... w, c-•·. b•ck"--. 962 ~·s. 30 years in home bldg, Ph: ::.:.::.;. _______ .::.;.:; Coast Hy,-y In Ne W p ort * REPAlRS. remodeling & ... _ UUI: -01 .. .\fll ~13. valuabkl diamond Shores Center. £n41 StZ.9532 patios. No job loo sm.il. MOVING. Glll'q;e clean-up & .... 962~740 . .. brace.let w / .cov'd watch, Noon to 3 a.m. 673-5t17. li1e hauling.. Reuonable. GEN L remodehng I: ma1nt . Heirloom, Btwn Hunt , OlITCA.bl.S Al.SO Fine Custon1 \VoodYo-"Ork Frte estimates. ~tr.oz. No job too •ma 11 - 6MD , . Restaurant Management TNinees Not A Jab -A C1rHr Out1t1ndln9 G rowth _ Grants, one Of the nations largest chains is expanding ln the restaurant business. Over 100 men and women have been apeg_intea restaurant manJ1ger last year. 19p..-mcome, excellent company benef1ts ... plus -better than average income whlle training. Ad- vancement fo mavagement' comes quickly to tho se with ability arid \Yillingness lo accept responsibilify. Harbour & Stal B e h. Do you write Poetry! Marine, Residential, Comm'I TRASll & ~arage clean-up, 7 Uc'd/insutttl. 675-8183. ... GRANT PLAZA Generous rn·d! Singer, .016 Re member what you can do Dave Gt5--0044, 5.i&-423.l dayi. $10 a load . Free est. 6960 HUNTING TON BEACH Iron wo od , Seal Bch, withlho&escrlbbles$$wise. Custom Cabinets, remodel Anytime, ~1. S._w_i_"9::_ _____ _ 431-2371. SONG\VRJTER'S 1r; n:pilr. forn1ica \\"ork.. . Brookhurst at Adams LOST Sept 12, black male \VORKSHOP Reali. Rates.. 6-16-5219 Housecl1•ni"1 6735 ~=PE~~r Fas,~~~~rai7r: Hours 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. D•llY poodle re.d flea &-choke col-(Son I wt 1 t e r · a artists REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS dressmaking, alteratlons, 1~~~~~S!u!nd!'!!•~V!'!!l!O~A!'1'.M'!!!!.~t~o~6~·p!.~M!'!!. ~!!!'~!!!"iJ Jar. U c. tag. Vicinity Stater .,.,·Orkshop) Seminars every, * CABINETS. Any i l?.e job SO. American . Lady offers also children·s clothes. Ven •i: ___ Bros. on E. 22nd St. F-&mily Thur 7-9 pnl . For info call i:; yrs exper. 54H713 ·service lo cle an houses, I SI 1 h'"! Job's M1tn, W-· 7100 &ick over Jnr•. S4&-673'' olt. Al "ota.L"'97 btwn 6;30 '19:30 ===========-I Ironing. "'°Pping, E.xpcr. reasonabe. mpe s 1 18 Jobs--Men, Wom . 7100 ....... §'·ill trade 2 BR/2 BA Home ·, fi:plc • ...drP5, \V/jV. R~ if:! S25G-L.8 . t"or '69/'70 Cad. l · Old's. """ v.» -:: . . S12 I.: up, skirts SJO l up.';;·-~·;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; S Reward' pm . C t C c rolo .1..1.AA cocktail partie.•.. Bu~_1ncss 67,1849. I• PAL!\1DALE 3 ACRES .,::.·..:.:::.::::.::·:______ ·'-'-----------1 emen ' on -prople or lam1hcs w11h0ut ~ A/ R Clerk $4$0 36S' Sierr~-liwy-f11 for more-1 8 pP.f .. bl~~. ca'A:.~f1.'I:~ PALM READINGS-"OONCRETE, All types. Free children. S);)Oav. 4!W-74SO QUALt'I'.Y nu.-v! __,.,ah.,.ayi. Heavy dCsk. ConectlollS. A:tsll: CARRIER BOYS WANTED ~ 835-1548 J"ernote hi-desert acres. Pn "Sil!lOn.•• Male,rSlO re\.\•ard. Cards I! Sand Readings est. Sa1ving, bl'eaking, haul-btl11·n lP!\1 & ·6Pi\t y,•kdys 'l'anteri. Oressmakine -ily to . reconcile. -Xln·L _co. w/bldg w/acttss. •• H.e has no """i-. but ,._.s Help In All ?>tatters ing. & Sklploadlng-. Service only' alteratione. Key Say. 1763 benefils. O\VNER 646-8558 ou-. <•< o":'7"2.··~~ ,.., ·10 AM·lO Pbj,""7 days ~ & quality. MS..8668 Bob BAY . & Beach Janitorial Orange Ave., C.l\I. 64;)-1.292. Nowr,d '" v......-.n 213-·. 697-9272 La H.:.bra O kl Alt I ' 'ULLY LICENSED •10RE Concrtite patio for Carpels, wlnd0\\'8, !loors, • ressma · ng-era ions Per1onno A111nck for t"-Re'sld'I HUI Ton Vie1v I Ac. WST Tan golden retriever De · -d to •ult , .• , • ·~ r Jess nioney. Artlslic setting. etC'. Res lt Comm c ' I · ing • .., · 133 D D N DAILY PILOT ave clear 2 br 2 ba Condo t, Orange Gr. Pasadena. 2.000. \Vant dup!X triplx, ndo or ? N"'PI area RJ ard Co. Rltrs S.16-1550 best Redlands Joe. Jor late 11,•/11·hite markings on'"head ........,_ 646-l.\UI. Call Jo* 646-6446 over r., • • model Cad or Cont'l or flea collar and EJ'". choke Lie .. call J\1ax al &14.-0687. 642-3170 Dana Polni •. San Juan down on income prop. collar. Vic. Hell & Spr. Announc ements 6410 CEMENT Work or all !\ind~. JOE'S CLEAN SERV. ~ta r•tion1 -6'2-5145 Capistrano and Qivnr/bkr., 833-3916 ingdale. 846-3679 Reward. Free est. \\'e do Eve1-ything.Res It Ncaf. accurate, 20 year ... exp. ASLI~I (:•{:\>! Oistr-hl'lp dem Capistrano Beach. ~ * * * * BLACK beaded coin purse * containing rings. C.~1. arta. FREE 636-0314 Con1n1. Free Est. 64:?-7~1. 11·odcf11 No. l <'Xerciser & Conta~t l'ilr .. Seay at DECORATIVE CONLRETE NEED Your ho me or apt Tile, Ceramic 6974 introduct' exciting, n e 11· DAIL y PILOT J eAL ESTAT E f Gener•I industri•I Rent1I 6090 BUSINESS ond FINANCIAL Business Re11,1lrd 546-3811 M rs , Foster LOSI' Vic \Varner &: DRIVES-\\'ALl<S-PATIO clt>ancd? Do try Ne11-p:>rt e CERAl\llC Tile ~rork or SLI:\1 GYl\I J~'T BATH. No C.\LL OON. 642-8514 Services. &12-1224. Plastering. Call af1 6 pm, ;;f·1~1'C. ~~ri1 Graham 30~~.'i:~m~:~~ Basic boating course * CONCRETE 11"0rk: t,.'\tios, llfC'Ka Cleanini Service eves. 536-2426. · ~-~ · ___ <92M20 offered to the public drvYo'l.yli, eic. L icen s ed . Ca rpe1s, 11·indow1, noon, etc. --~--ATTE NTION by the Balboa Power Phillips Cement. 548--6380 Relit & Commc'I. 5-13-4111 TrH Service 69IO Need (ull timt' & par1time CARPET Cleaner Letd Man i='OR lsr • 5300 sq. It. prime - Newland-Siamese male, red fiea collar Ii infected eye. 557-9302. 6300 ..:::_.:::::::::_ ____ _ ----Sl'if. tan shaggy dog 11'/llea Opportuniti1s Squadron. S a i I as \VOUI.D YOU BELIEVE , --doormen· & runnen;, Call Stl'am lllasttt Carpet welt as power boat-Contr•ctors 6620 I'll Clean Your Home for .. BOBS TRE~ SURGERY !'llr. Da,1is at >&Q...763:? be-Cleaners, 147 E .. lltn, C.C. ~;,,are h s e space-all/part. i\1EAT l\.IARKET & DELI. 1vine Ind, l\1r. Bullard Next to Hunt i ngton J6-80Jl Harbour. 3200 1q. It. i~I. SHOP OR SfORAGE ~2;;;13::,r::'9.:.>-.:.24::«.::· ____ _ ( IN NB_ $65/l\10. GEN'L Contractor wants ·~ * 5-43-0044 * p11.rtner. age 3G-50 "'/gClOd l;R Lcase--Flreproof 2 story ref's .. S1000 Invest.. req'"d. '" 64:2--5471. J..Om'"I bldg-Ml. 3000 sq. ft. -::::;;:-:-:;:-:;:;::;;;::;;;=;==: SriNB~:i67eves. R -·:-~---· F Mon.Y to Loon 6320 ~:i;-· "0o 1st TD Loan ! A TTENTIO N • BOl[[)E~-----•~-~ Ao., Jovel. '"mpl. '"''··· 2nd TD Loan 1.t m. !or 10 units. 01vnrr 11·ill Term~ baHd on equity. ltJi~~~l loan at 7\i"' • in-~~~r!:luarbor att!4~~ ' $22,500. S•lllor Mortgo91 Co, ri,.on Real1y 6'12-lm 336 E. 17th Street ( * $16,150 * ---"Fantastic buy I.:. !enns~ Mort ga ges. colla:t. Vic 20th & Tustin PLEASE call f:46-5612 Rel'o'ard S i\f Female German Shepherd ~·/fl~a collar lost nr H.B. State bch 9/14. 962-4006 Reward, SIAJ\1ESE, Fem, c o c o (!ars I tail, wht I body. S20 REWARD! 5-4&-oo37. l'·ng •·ugh!. Star11·ng Blue Chin Sta1nps is ba ck offer1n:: the same t11•een 9 l-II am. i'ear or tuneup a bop """ * THE RE;\10DELERS "* r · f'"ine Quality 1'rt'e Service. &1:rt316. 7 PM Mon .. Sept. 21, Free ests -100'/0 financing 194~I03 * 54()...3198 111 A-1 TELEPHONE Soliciling ..:.::_::.;::._ ______ , every Monday nite Kitchtns. garages \VlNDO\VS _& \\'alls washed. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT . Full ti~1e, no esper .. nee. *CASHIER/ for 13 weeks. At Ne-w· c-a r p o,r 1 s. C c.. mp I e t c firs. stripped. -ilea led & ·-~-1 mm e d1ate e1nployment. COUNTER GIBL * port Harbor yacht Remodeling.. 11·11.xed . Free e~t. 891·1834 Job Wa t ed Men 7000 1869 Ne11·porl Blvd, Suit f" 7 to 3:30. i\1on thtu Fri. Call Club, 720 WeSt Bay Quality Contractors 61'2-3660 day or night. 673-3090. n ' .. Costa l\1esu 548-5.iOJ , ?>.!rs Pennington, 833--0600 SCRAM LETS Exr ·2037. be twn. 7-5 PM. Avenue. New p 0 rt MY \YA Y. quality home ·--.. -AUT0l\1081LE l\1ECHANIC. Be a c h. Bring note-repair. \Valls. ceiling. floor~ lroniJlg 6755 •. full 1hne iv/class A smog CLEANING \Voman, tYo"O I '" · b t II 1· & fool G""" &-hr days wkly, or one &-hr.· book & pen c i·l first "c ... o lO oo sma . \VILL DO IRONING · --ANSWERS i~nse o11·n s. ""'"' nite. Any questions 5-l3-l494 $1 25/hr College Park Area. 'ta 1· 1 s a I a r Y • ma n Y da~, 4~~~r. + tnnip. 111.IN Gray female cat vie. call 6 73.1855, ADDITIONS, L.T. Constnic-· · 5;.7_9705 beocfi~ .. 847-9710 cos -· of Corona' highlands. tion, single or 2 s~o~, pla11s, IRONING IN l\tY HOME Canopy -R~cC'r ""::' Focus -BABYSJTTElt, Jlghl hskpg, in COASTAL AGENCY 67.5:-3838 Cl-IURCH Choir s_i ngers est&. layouts. 84.-lall. ·-----IN·-C~Mo --$!-:25'/hr---De11u1xe.-=.,-C.:URSE.... . pleal!ant Laguna Bcach A member o( CREEN-Pii.h'of W""'"ryenow ..ne.eded,.........OpporJ.urulJt-----f..Q. · * 54S--6970 * A ~ idea afler 51ct111.1g honiC'. 4 mo old baby & tst Snellii;ig &:-Sntlling Inc. head, 14". Hunt Beach soloist. 644-42;)j C•rpet Cle1ning 6625 n1arr1ed: Let nature. take lts 1trader 8-5 l\1on.Fri. $17J T he Wor ld's L1r9est area. Call MZ-2696 S ERVICE DIRECTORY * IRONING *~ CURSE. ino. Lisa !'11un58t. 49-1-8'168. P rofe11ione l 4 rifOS. Striped calico kitten Glenneyre & An ita Laguna Beach. RE\\' ARD. 494-2386 ---l\ly Home,$1Hl". E 1 tS •· B b '5S0 :~ ~ Pick Up &,Deliv. 54;,..764: DENTAL l_C'chnlcia~ lit'~ks BABYSITTJ::lt. txp'd. pat'I m p oymen efYICe . ~-yslt~i~g ~~-. V IRONING xlnt 11,·ork al my luilt/partd t1n1R•. ,or~ ofh('e timr , in cxchan;:::r rnr rt'duc-27grH•"•bo","°s'1,"dl .. c,,"A>IQ.<055d•m• - CARPET ho1ne .. Pr1et> ngh!. 5-13 W. 4~1806 11·ho hal'e to work I.: don'"t -S~-EAM CLEANE D \\'ilson C:\1 :>iS-{)211 --come. &12-3630 COCKTAIL , STEAKHOUSE CHILD Care for mothers I . .. PI'C CrTC · e e I' r n cc 5 '1n1: program pluli 11mall in- m nt to lr11.ve thC'ir children .,_ \VAITRESS ted r e P ersonals 6405 just any11,•hcrc. \\'a 1 k i ng REASONABLE RAT ES 6llO Job Wanted, BABYSITrER -for 20 1110. I\ E \V OR ~a~ AN ~rG l:! ---------distance 10 Pomona &:. 541-0807 L1ndsc•pln1 ____ ._ Wome n • 7U20 hoy, lite hse1vork. liv~in. 1 .... - . • • p Portafina Laguna l..oc. Trust Deeds 6345 ACE REAL TY 494-9704 * FULLY LICENSED * \Vilson schools, 64~. Renowned Hindu Spiritualist Advice on all matters. ADA)1S & l\-1agnolia, nr Newland Sehl. f'ncd yard - good lunches, 5-_days. P ick up no laler than 6. S20 pet' 11,·k. 968-73.')9. NG CARPET CLEAN! Spotted areas hand cl before & after shampoo to assure removal of al sible stains. For fasl. anteed service. Call 64 NE\V LAWNS, r~seeding, HIGH School Sr desires part Beach. Call bet\\·n, :!-6 PM, r o Io -tillnng, renovatinr. BABYSITTER F'or I a r g e ---.. ~ good pay NB ~4 J2~9 RESTAURANT e .._una 6200 SEASONE D ~~··:•:_:9:_:•:_____ $40.,000 l~t TD, ba1 $35,000, • 9~'0 all due 1o Yn. on vie1v d\BIN & full 5 ac. S3j()O, r,statf! land. San Juan Cap- l;mall do11·n I S30 per mo. istrano. 15-'}t Discount. Bkr. ~eat choict> land-A Terrilic 493-1706 or 494·8100 j uy! rrec maps.. \VritC' 1 ~A~NT.N=o-u~N~c=E=M=E~NT.T=s~­flobcrts, Box 431 Yucc11 \'alley: or local c 11. I l an d NOTICES ~Z-1~2. F ound (Free Ads) 6400 I ' -· Love. l\1arriage; Business Readings given 7 days a 11~k. 9 Ar.-1 • 9 PM 31:2 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente'. 492-9136, 49:2-0076 Single • \Vidowed • Divon.>ed Men&Women CHILD Care, my home, any houn, Hot lunch, Lge fncd yard, Nr ;\fcNally sch!. Will transport. Mrs .. F.udge, 548-3834. ••n«i ing I pos. gUar- ~-. DIAi\IOND Carpet Cle aning BaCk to School Spec 1.1 300' $15. Free Est. Rerair-Jnstall. 64> 1317. st'EAM Jet carpet cle aning. wide By ClarKare, r:iation • service. Frte eat. 642-40SS . "'5 - EST. 6'7S • 66IO land. 5198 , Cos- hotti'!, n er, anup .. I! S I. '" cgng. anup. llr.6 .. ICE .. 11th, \Vork Exti. ullng ner. ....... "' T nups, '"' '6-5800 !ST odd -- I • lawns. !:S Ex· By n. . •• not ...... Pilot I ..... clean-up. 897-2417 ., lime JOb, classr..11 end at • ramily. Good \\'ith children. 846-0932. noon, havl' own Refs. req. Ci\! 557-9826. r1·ansporration, ex p. in Limou1in• Servic• 6815 sales, \Vinrlow d r c .11 s i n g , BABYSlTTER-Li\·c-ln. Ca~ ---responsibility or store "'hile for 8 mo. hvin boys + !Hr Airporl!, Harbors Manager on vaca1lon, light hsr11·rk. SIOO n10. s1;....o~s2. An)'\\'hPre. offi~ exp .. have references. Banking Rates, 40c a mile. r-.I in. ,. Cnll bC'twecn 8 11 .nl. alVI j mi '11. 24 hr rcsv. 83().240•1. p.n1. l\loudey lh1" Friday NCR PROOF MACHINE -546-<380. OPERATOR MAID SERVICE 6125 COPY AND IDEA \\IQ;\1AN Exp'd, Apply in person Adverlising. editorial, house N EWPORT C &: S l\1AJOS AVAIL. im-organ brochure. Vast exp. NATIONAL BANK medlaleJy . Re fere n c•s. Freelance. &x 291 , Ll&lJn• 642-9873 or 642-9874. Sch. or 499-3224 Superior &: Placentia, N.B. AIDES -Jor convalesceoce, rankin& Painting, elderly care or family care. *TILL ER/CLERK P1perh1n9ing 6l50 Homemakt'rs, 547-6681. Part time. 30-34 hrs per \\'k. B 1> 0 K KEEPJNG/secrelar-Top v.·ages. Exper, pre rd. HOUSES. "•"'"· boa ts , iaJ. part/time job wanted. Apply or phol'll!!; lsl Western flacpoles, an yting 968-2078. Bank, 16932 Goldenwe1I Dr., cvery1hin1t reasonably Hunt. Bch. 842-1741 PART Ii me optometrists painled. for free estimate receptk>nisl I asst. Tut!s. BEAUTIClAN-•Hgh pcrcen-&Wr91:iZ. Thuri1. 675-5397* laft', good working sur- No \\'ai1tin~ DAYWORKE R roundm,11. Follo1ving re- * WALLPAPER * Experienced. ~1.o68Z quired. 847-9164. . BROILER MAN, undcr 30 When you call "l\lac" . ·-Prtt w/sleakhouse cxp . 548-1444 &16-lTU Job W1nted, .. \VAJTER, under Z:i. w/gd PROFESSIONAL Painters • Men & Women 7030 steakho\111e exp. A p p I y : Quality JmalC'r ia ls . THE OCEAN TOAD. 103 N . ------\\'Orkmanship. Beach 1·crs. 0\1IDDLE Age couple ror Bayside Dr, N.B, or PH: ~IO~J() reduct. of rent, will care for ..,._..,, LO\ VEST Pi:ices! Hi~hc.~t home or ""' 1vhile you 're BARTENDER Part lime $30 Quall1y! Ap!s. res'\ & al'o•ay, ••• w!ll !Ith are .,. shift ,, I.he Blue "'" co1nm'I. 20 yrs cxpcr. pense11 w/widower. 673-9904 N.8. 646-4871 or 8•17-4128. 67>-7730. BEAUTY SHOP for v.le or FALL 30 day special? lntr.1·. Jobt--Men, Wom. leue. AllO stations for l'l! .. nt. It £xter painling. Free r st. 7100 3416 Via Lido, N.B. 67;,..1330 Lo<ol ref's. Lic'rl • Ins. . Call Chuck, 64>-0809. Betty Bruce * PAPERHANGER * ACCOUNTING m i66 Gxec Recognized Authority Prior Instructor 646-2449 HOUSE Pairiting, interior & Cl ERK Agenc'I exlcrior, exper .. ""' • fut, reu. Rers. 491-1516 ... 20 Hours P1r Wffk l\1cAdams Painting Se rv. Permanent part·tlme J)OJ!i· 410 \V. coa.,1 •hvy .• ·N.B. Inter. I.: Exler. Sp!!cial rates lion is now available In our By appoint. -on apt11. &16-3&l5 Accounting Department. Job ·Business DPP!lrtunity YOU SU PPLY THE PAINT re.quittments include heavy $10 Per Average Room filing, some typing and 10 • Free F.sl. . 5,j7-86:l.8 key adder. Attractive frlnae E.~tt• tneome for men or -benl!fll5 are-&180-available. y,·omen of any •ee. Pl.rt or PAINTING -Ext..-lnt. 18 yrs. Apply In per110n at !hi! e111pcr. Ins. Lie t'ree e.~1. run time. Hleh earnings. Accou~I·. Ceilingi. 968-9126. DAILY PILOT Pleasant dignified work, ne"lble hour. . , . Perfect for lST Oa1s Pui ntJng &. Peper men with Jobs or \\'Omen 11anging. '"' Est Coll 330 ,\Vest Bay Slreel, y,.·lth """°' ""' children. 54;)..34Ii9. Coal• f\1csa Tralnll\i provided. Contact Ask for l\trs. Greenman or COLLEGE Stwlcnt.s, 3 yrs Call 642-4321 for an inlervlew Herb aft. 6:00 pm. •1044. exper. No drinlrine. BUI or CAREIRIN Steve, 54S-4549. Accnt Cle rk RI AL I STATE * PAPE RHANGING l..ite accnt bkfr., typing. Call Lcra.ine, We11cl1H Pt.rwonnel ()penlnit• for youn1 people It PAlNTING. * 968-242.1 Agency, 2043 We1tcllff Dr., wantln& to make • minimum P l1tterlftf, Pitch, N.B~ &45-2170 of Sl,000 per month ind who 6llO wUI work and team. Need RIP" Ir Assistant nol IM llceMed lo apply. II * LOOK * ''" .... lkensed, .,..1o1 " PATCH PLASTERlNG procram 1vailable. Exe<!· AU types. Fm ••timatn • A.T • lf'llt lralnfftl procratn, CID . W540-W5 "am whllt >'P'I learn. Call Walktr Ir: Lee. tnc.. !Wal· l'lum~l"9 -* THIS * tors. SU-4U5 and ask for ~tanapr. 24 HR PLUMBlNG 2.-. Job openlnp, run Ir part * CAR WASH HELP * le R!.~IODWJNG time, De2(1ble haul'!. No f!(P . ~lany Opt.nlnp.--'U.ILl part !Sl"l-9641 net. Ai::e 19-35. \\'t' train , timli jOb!J. l loc11tlonll", PLUl\fBINC REPr\m Star! 1oday. Orar11r Count)'. ~I ETRO No jOb too 1mall $3.00 Pf:r hr. CAR \VASI-I '"" JI arbor • 6l2.J12S • Call !1;,&-2870 T\-11'. Gr11n1 -Rlvd. C.l\t. . • -I -- ~94-2700. COCO'S -REUBEN'S -COMP LEX - 4617 f.1acArthur Blvd. Ne\\'J)Ort Beach li\'TERV!E\VJNG f.·ION-Jo'RI 2 TO 5 Pi\1 e COOK e NO EXPERIENCE NECE.5- SARY. FULL TIME, PAR1' TUtlE, DAYS OR-NIGHTS. COCO'S REUiEN'S -COMPLEX- 4&17 l\lacArthur Blvd. l\'eY.'port Beach INTERVIE\VING P.tON-f1tl l TO S Pl\f Over 17 yeAf'll e BUSBOYS e DISHWASHERS * * COUNTERl\fAN, 18 yrs ., over. Contact r.fgr .. ARBY'S ROASf BEEr. 1942 Edinger Ave., Hunt. Bch. DELIVERY l\tAN -youn,. neat appearing.· I" job 11,•/growing corp. Must have gd driving rec. Apply: 2221 Fairview, C.l\f. DENTAL Asst. 1vanlrd 11•/min. 2 ye us "" p .. ....,,. ...... dcnti!!lry~ Im x-ray ~ caU alter 6pm ~. DENTAL Secretary-exp'd. -ffipll!'-Oriented praclitf!. H.B. 847-1~~ am. 968-S782 pm. Dental Hya:ienist p/tlme, specialty practice bch area. ~-~ Dept, Store ·EXPERIENCliD· M EN S CLOTHING SALESM A N APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE, ~RD FLOOR THE BROADWAY N1w porl 811ch 41 fASHION ISLAND Newport Center . An equal opponunlty employt:r ~ •• DISUWASHER - CrtW)'ard lhllt. Apply Ill ~n. The Coltqt CotlM Shop 562 W. 19th St, CM. ~ DO Bob)'~tµng' 0,._'l'kl or htly. S.A. Hel11\ta arq, *-5'1%1!1• . Sell ldle ltemll" 11.round yOur OOn'e tor ca!h, Call 642-367B l'IO\\' • \ -:. - • ' I . I ' . . I . • • • -· '-, ·- .. -~ • .:=.. J •• .. I . . ~ •' ,. • ~ ... ; • • " I ' I 'I' ; : ~ ' .! .. . ··' .. .. ,. ,, ~ I- • (• . ". '" " '" ,, ' . ' " ···, •,,. >. " /, " . " ... ,,, . ' '" ,,.,. ' ..... " " '• .'··· . " ~-' .. l '• l .. . ... ;_.., ;-· , . ,, ~ f > ,, •.. • .. .. ,, .. !'!'": .. :t ... ' •l !• ' :· '" ... ·- ~ " 1 .. I ' _l _ _,,,. \ " \•:· 2 TIMES 1';. ; 2 DOLLARS " I ' !Any Item Pric:ed $50 Or Less) Pi1i~I1 Y ou1·self A Pile Of Pe1111ies (01· Eve11 Dolla1·~) Penny Pinchers Dial Direc:t for Details 642-5678 Pile Up Profits North County, 540-1220, Toll Free DAILY PILOT · PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS . . • •• --. • I ·\ ·' ( ! ? I ' ' \ I • 'c ... ,, ~ ... • • " '.t • ~' :W .. \l . . ;)., ~ ~'.'-'• " -' '-. I ;~ ·-;-, • , • , - • • • • ........ --·· t ' •e-• .,. •••• ._~.··:. ' • I •··· ., .. fw ' lltilrsda1..._~17,lfll70 -OAIL-Y-pf T -e• ~LOYMINT .IOIS & IMPLOYMll'!T JOIS & IMPLOYMINT 'JOIS & EMl'LOYMIH'I' •1tCHAHDIR l'Ott (lllltCHANDIS~ Pplt MlltCHANOISI •<>Jl SALi AND TllAus , : ..... ,..,-. 7100 Jobi M..., .w--7100 ·Ji .. -N!Ooi; w-.-7IOOJilioi -:wom. 7100 . ~LI AND ~ _ SALi_ AND :rT!ADI _ JALI· ANO TllADI MERCHANDIH FOR FREI: TO OU • --+i . •~EGAL TRAINU • • '""'llvN .;_ ...,.__ IGOO 11-'ioltl Gooola 8'11 ~!.-.... · 1110 Ml....n--BEA UTIFui. ,1' ~...iiro • ; Ex.C. hcNt-h 1 ~' Sales · .. • -· ._ -~" Jcltlen 1' • o&d"l---H + ~°""°""'' TO $5'0 ,_ TRA,. lNEE :mtT ~vincial-.tw'!> Bdrm •=ST .,11 our ro1i..11on ot 1 ~Wlnd.,r. Hllc1';o<k, * 'AU'"nON * H_.broite• ... ~.&.!.""' ,• -bOloiuJ. Gd XJlo't oppor. w?Vii; tlilO -· -_ '"'-"" .............. ..,_~ ..... --a~....,,_....,.. \'('aJ..,.........u.,.-. ..., ' -. ·;.,.+........,,1---;.; I ~~·t~~·· . finn1 P.Jeaant ~-• ..., -~1n · ~.100: 6ocu cb&lr in1.3dQ'll MS-JG ' ~'x.Lnt Cond. s.n..ms. . l'KtUAT, 7i•.P .M. ~~~-· ......... ,...:._ ~ 9119 • -Salary oond. G4 .,.,.noa. Call""' A way !or a bigh.scbool gra uale 1~-'t' ...,,. 110 .. , SEPT. 111\1 - Optn. • N.wl*t 1 -~ ~~~~ • to enter 1he newspaper bus1nes$ . .. ~~mar: ;:; ta:'; <hir• S.&e " 1112 Sewint Machlnes 1120 ~ ~~ 1tt=~ ~:::~~~ pu~t ~ • Personnel Jllency . W, w:::::&t 211 .&iita ......... A.l'LY Pl LO'T .. dfnttte tet "~5: Twlft bed G~ Sale: Frl.S.t-Su.n Old TOYDrA Knlttl~ ~fach. 8' iltl"eO, c.olottd TV" ster. 3 mo&. Partly~ trained, ,-133 Oowr Dr1, N.B. #.M, '. ll'i -~ h'a_.~; N1te stand SlO. mtmlt,DMoon'sl;>f:ncb,Old )lC"'r used. ~!. ,p.rlce. eo combo, Niec bdnn sell, ~achlldren.N~apxl , 642-3171 uy,E..1.n ....... , , ... " , , , • • , • , . . T96 lcbJl Pl,•C.M. 548-0';l58 •. ~wtll')','"Dllhes & ·Que , TflA'.F.F ~ Mach. &t Cheats, Bunk beds, Divans, hom e, fen ced y a rd .....,.selu!ePer .. • • . • · .•. _..t · -• ' iiJRNftiiRE returned from decorator Uew. lill.,JOeel · oil"·~~ MIUresaes. Sewirc iuachlne laf--449a. -. 9117 ;..- Executive PoaltiOft-· OOllJIUion for elderly ~~ 1 ,-. This b~~y IUCCBIS~Ul l~8!m8Wll{l8pet' ~~ d~ iudiet. model ham. Dr.. c_dM Coom.)\ of Commodes; New velwf BRIG HT .. eyed blackV ,, ·' r Licensed in R.E. Under 40 ~CdM. Ocean Vl~. .ltll opening for a~ine~ m tb~ cucµ!~tioD u. ~idLft cancellatkm. Marcuerite 6: Inl9t.~,4~ Mui~ Spanish occulonal chain, C®k. a .'*'· Q~J•<I: yeazs1 Gl~Exl'f'llentposi-LOC . aal11alarea· ~ec ppJ1cant wiQ, r~ed1Ve a Spiaidib'':Medltern.nean Dtv.• ·oi .JMtr-da. 1125 Stttetary chairs, Desb. houRbroken • ..YOUfll. AU '..• tion'(or ~t ptniln. Wri~: -Man J't'/sal@ abil to U.ber_ startiDC saiary ... :regularly s~ ~ed R' D FURNITURE ITAU4.Pll Prov. oak a -Rolls of new c&oets. ww. Ahota. 9602 ~ Dr., •• Daily~· Box M.-l088 2211 ope~ new t;ype car wax. raiae:s, honut opportunities, and mapy frmge 1144 Newport 81 C M. match. chair, am. organ, I lJKE NEW, Fenaer baa ers dryers Stoves Reffi('a H.B_. 968-5650 , t W"t JW.bof. Btvd.,1N.B. 'civ~ ~~-F~ 11re::-hai ~. 1., ~ ~ ~~ Y~~atiOU$,.. P!lid..:ar9Ue_ e\.'tr:r pt_te •Hl'9 ' 'M>men's .I: 1lrl'1 dothet:, t;JiCE i:;.mr•k,ers. ~r ard mucb 1 more! 1 ' LOVABLE · Yd . ti ma I e CO!'lpletf reaume. If yoo: can • . ". irfsu~~oce_and. a .c~1t union. He ... wil('a.[!O be Wed., Sat, • SUn, 'tll 6 ftdwood. 1taln, milC. Items. :c WJNors AUCTIO' N Cockapoo black w/ l:l'e)' qoaJllY, we wui · ... tact ,...~ANfC, -IP e ar· . Wo••d¢ a;~pmP,111))\ car ..with oersobal use se;;;---1 It c. 318 63ni1 St .. NB. All ~., TRUMP"T FOR SALE · pawuilky hafr,.talt,dookad, for an1riunedlete app'L exper. Shtthari Foreip Car prjvileges. ' t 1~ "I • ut~ do nlemporary, Sat. 1 • , Xlnt cond, 540-2100 loves children a:d WJlcb dog ' ELECraoNtC ..J.1-&a.1es-Repair. &n-5133 -· • -.1. li' '. ; . '-~"'1• ha' 'a '1-' ~d-. :urqu uoi;:v:i:. ~~bl:r.dT REAL~ Whtie 'nw!y • ·OLDS Trum-t. COME BROWSE J\:R.OUND l-828-6089 D! 836-Cm. tn7 , man , -maae.._~~·d H. M•negemenf Trn.$651. . .npp C,!Jl \ISt ~ .w, Ve .c ean r1v-cushions.. nearly ne': $l75. Lu_t. Mlle.-Ite:nw • Some w/~ *Silt• !W;i.51Ji6 ~75i,, Ne~rt Blvd.. LOVABLE •Frie:ndl=:orarc• . , ' W WrighfK l7'l(q NewPor;: 2 yrs. college 2-S Yl'i. work m_g__r:~fd. have a highi ~bool ~1ploma and --Matchi~ lo\~ seat and AntU[Ut'S. ~o F'!"'-FRI 6: . _ Behind Tony a Bldg l-lat Is lltripped female WI alwJ .~. lm\td ,CMl . . ·• exp. must be married, ca.1t -sbou1d)e ,reasonably clear of ,military serv--t!fiair available at local M~N ONLY lO A?ol:.4 PM. )l'l...i a Orpns llJO C.S~a P.teaa • 646-8686 g mot, rqod w/ nds • '· , , If~ ·~ , Ann: Westclifl ~I iE_e draft. Hours are. genorally 11 A.M. ~ st0tt. ~20M afte:r 5:30. 645-llBl. 387 w. ~No. 30, OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 permanent home. <stS.2907 F~~r.torl.aun-Age~y. ·~We•tclitt Dr., P .M. with some Saturctay overtime,,.---. C.P.t . · · 1·' • ' SALE REMODELlNG, Houseful or ~ 9117 ;~ ,.(ry ~-Drr. ClelUUJl& store, N.B, &tSf2no -'.l . ,. , ~, " ~ t:ADY Kenmore dryer pi, TR U N D LE Beds. lx>ok.. • furn at modest prices, incl · , San ~nte: Must!do. a1· LOOKING If you l\ft qu~Jtf1ed ·and are mteresled 'in Oi:_tho q~n-sz Mattress ahe!Yft, heaters. bowls, PIANOS •·ORGANS Quasar color TV .69 modei PYRAl'\tUS &: Thise!\need a i ttr&tions;.-;ewing lip'8\e pay. . ~OR learning . more abOut •Where this -training S2a. 1.ta\chlng blue couches . I th ETC E"I'C! Famout: ~ at tremen. $J'IS· Late model GE aood noll'!e together , month rall,..etC. ~ salarr &: Pl'!J'-WORK?. leads, come -to th9 DAIL¥ PILOT office, 330 w / ': 0 r n er ~able S30. =-~ c ~0.7es ~'f. 334 A: i;tous .savina:s! All with our wuher & rerr11 · + 500 old Spaajel ~aa!e.1. Great it sharinc. Call 2J.3..944.fi019 How would you like to .put WUt Bay Street and-ask for Mr Hardihg in 1 Chll!-.all' i:m rooler SB. Sm. v· to · mt 642-0205 e).'tluaivc Coa,&t Muaic Will'-usable hahld Items with klda ·pod watcbdowi • -~ for a,ppohltment. ~ur name and qua.Jlfica. the Circulation Dep8rtment. . . ·~ ~$1:. Port. T.V. 125. ic_na, ' . . r~ty, Reuom.ble. Alao, 2 -BSA 642-2515 9/18 ·._.I<!~ FEMALE • l'yplng-lnvoice~ ~ ~ the hands ot 10.!_000 . -~· •--• -GARAGE Sale: ".O!ltehold ORGANS from $;50 chop.pert, all custm. 2188 RABBJTS -New ~ inventor}~troJ EXpei\ -finns in -pie next few weeks . , . . LG. diltrfssed pine hutch goods: Plumblf'lit: Eltt-sup-. PIANOS from Si'L-Canyon Or, No. CrC.M-. -. whl buck & CaUf .-doC, _, Ph• &&W471· · for $10.0()1 Our pubUcatlon Jnh--Me W6m.. 7108 Jobs ~.1. W 7100 coat i4QO/askin, $200,. 2 plies:• Hnnh\'art"; Tools: GRANDS from $695 bref'dl~ &tock A: 7 ~wmies \!' •• •· 0111y. " . AJi will be pri:ited and ,mailed ~, n,_ -=1--::t9"• ,_om._ nmple bar stools s3. ea., 2 Pa1ro·1urn; Glass...,·art 714 Bank tenna, Ttade·ins OUR 1:11GGEST sale! Blkinl1 Pkg dcal.-&iz.;3039 9/19 ~ ~ Frt SHAMPOO GlRL: , to thousands of prospeeti~ REAL Estate Opening for SERVICE STATION maple night stands SS ea., Larkspur Ave. CdM ' -Open Sundays lZ.5 $8, cover-ups Sl·S8. Back to SOMEBODY pl tf.k PLY IN PERSON : Balboa'·~~. If )'OU ne-ed • qualitit'dsalesrttan.,Workoi:i A'ITENDANJ,... fu~I time• maple dbl bed w/spr & FURN.,•Clothlng, relrig .. oil Dai!ytil 6 -Frttil9 ~\\lear.Frt~t &S4~; ·black poodle e:;,tty e;: Bay Club Beauty Salon. 1221 job, don't delay Call now fabulous Irvine Ral)Ch. Good mechanical. Sharp man w'lo matt. $35. 6-9pm, 54>364S paintings. hseh1d. iteMll, • HA OND Anything Goes, 3 0 4 ·' he's friendly healthy & \\ \V. Coast Uwy.,tiB. so you.r name .,11;,n•t'be left poteriti&J -. .mple tiOor time. 1"'ants 19od OJ?l>Ortunity. PERFECT Cond lSXS9 ', baby things. antiques and MM . organ-U22-}.farinr Ave Ir 326 At~ needs Jove 548-1389. §/18 ~.\ FULL charge housekeeper & out lna:ime unl1mited, Call Lee. .Smog license prcf'd, Neat d 2 Cptn Jots of other goodies. trans., w/guitar, ~jo. etc. Ave, Ba1boa Island. · ' ' .. cblld ~ of yr old child LEo1sco PERSONNEL Ra:iJor, 8ppearal\Cll! nee:; ,ALSO -c::. t~~t $10>, set 41.:;_gGgo"J•at 673-6625. --Al• revub $588, warranty, NEW 7 I V . 3 BEAUTIFUL little'! kittens I Will •• 1 e Red 'Hill v .... 1t · n<>i1 lime. man··",( 1 t ·deliv., lessons. ga ansco &U' black or gray. M...tNor 1~ . dally. necu to ive in 2 J\fANAGE,RS GUIDE, 833-0820""' ... Y 3J , .25911 • rPP Y o buy! 962-3553. FA.llJTAS'T'J(! Bargallis· ·on • CABLE, 'New-4l" COMOle pressure paint pot, dbl per1lan father ,;;;;--. I d nights wkly&: when parents (n4) 530-303> · _rry,,, NC\\.,,Oft" Blvd., Suede ' leather iteins. piano wal w/bench •-del hoses &. 1 roller coater, cost nct-hborhood 557~ travel. Car provided. S90 Univ. Park Center, Irvine ·c .M.. .. , BE4UTIFUL Velvet sofa, 3 Some like' new. 9/18 SAT. . • . , . •oa ~ . $500 Sacrifice SDI. ~2628 '6 . • .... wk. Call 644-2389 J\lAN To work part time in RELIABLE live-in sitter for SE;RVlCE Sta. Altt!ndanl. overstuffed chain;, sm vinyl 1-4 pm •. am Blaclclhorn St 6 ~nly. List pnce ..,.,s, Olll' or 213/592-1821. FREE Kitlens-Da~Hng Jong ~ ' ~ roLU-or PART TIME rental yard. Neat in ap. 2 sp:.1-age childttn. Un,ved , exp e r i e n c e d , Some couch (8 nto old), Lovely NB 644-(835 A1 6 pnce $699 356 A haired bl w/whltt. pa.W!I ~ , Earn up"to $5. per hr pearance: WW train. -~vail mother ok, $1S wk. Before G mechanical exper. part dinette set. dre&M:r, lamp, , t pm. GOULD; ~IUSIC CO. ~~he bumper, ~ m9tes, 1 female hoQaebn*: r-FULLER BRUSH 546-574_ Thurs I;: wk enda. App.ly; J!n, ~. • timt>, >lO PM. FOUNTAIN misc. MOVING . 646-4331. SOFA, Chair, dng sel, color Since 1911 ilr Delight. Ne~r bttn ding. en 6 wka old. ~ gn s *·* FRi COOK** P~ i::;~~S:~:~~!· ' Reata~t ~~u~i & ri!i!if~ ~'. ~~:i~~C:Or:.ta~~~~~ ~:~~ I:;,i~t!~~r~,:r:.· ':n;· ~ ~7~~n.* S.A. ~. ~.K~ ~~~ t lE:n only ~ 1,c1 ~me . time, Sa11'r&A!»kn.f, also vaca-Also trai~. 847·1879 SERVICE Station Salesman beds, refrig, washer etc. Sat mach. Sac au ;~653. I Beginners ~•n Cl••• G P~I. . :~ a~tlr~=e ~luea:~ tion re e -fl or Wayne '!'URE 0 COCO'S · · 1 til if P?\f 212'1 Union CM ~1APLE F•ame mifl'Or, bar ENRO NOW 3 LIV rm cha, in·. t ·ot•A-a•·, .~1403 · 9111 •--ho Sa J · MA ept;ndable wanted. Salo'.ry .& ..... mm. ., "'"' •• .....,... .J\,olUA; • n oaqum bai...-itt9rwanted,J.6 P~l5 Fash-I Isla d ,..-P.10VING _unusual ba.r &. bells, rocker. pictures. Cius starti.rig Tues .. Sept. Occ tables; Swt!e p er~ :-c,.._~--.,--,--=l Golf Course U:JB on n 16001 Beach Blvf,f. H.B. • . 1862 Pla Lill 22nd, 1 p.IJl, 6 weeks COUl'M \Vardrobt!; Misc j t'em s. 5 Darting pureb, red ' mutts .-1 CUl•-r n.... days \1;k for 2 boys 6 i: 7 my SEWING Pow•r -··hi.... dining rm set, db;treS2d , m16{". et::n · comer p--~,,1 3 -·•· 2 ~ ~ -· " ~ ho V kb " ,._.,. "" map!•·, bdrm ,.,., WM•-,. '· '642-8907. SU HAMMOND ORGAN 536-4465. acL _.. • .,....,., Newport Beach me ic. Broo urst IE Cst * INTERVIEWING * tors Ex T .. ..... · female. '1 wka old Hwy, 962-3597. -~~ ~~·~::"~'. relrig. Retionable. &&-0768 NEIGHBORS moving -STUDIOS, 28M E. Coast HOUSE FULL of Furn 1: 646-2739 9/lB ~~ ~ fJ' 1~~0:=--,---....,.-,-~ **FRY COOK, days. Apply M:ECHANIC-Exp'd, O'A'TI IUSBOYS 4001 "F" Birch, NB. ~r KING-sz BED: Finn, still-Garagesal~.Sat&~n,19th· ~a9Jo.Coronr del ?tlar. ~~~s se:~ ~D:fi:M3CMl18p·m·~ Long-haired kitli!n11, 1 I I i • t 't in J>t!rson, The Cottage Cof- j~ fee Sboe. -~-'!'· !_!th •SS C.l\f. ,.,., tools. Xlnt opp'ty for right 0 .C. Ai.JlM)rt . packaged frame. $125. It. 20th, Bal Dominga, 8-IG-4m bJack 3 tortoise.~ l man. Riehf;eJ~. 19th ~ -DiSHWA_ SHERS ST. -JAMES PRODU~ONS -,l'\lt'!~.,!2!iJ,...!1""'ly_l)l!ne! Eutbloff, N.B. . n u r-s--ww. o ro --' Newport, CM. Casting ror sin;ri..; & .. r=.xi. •• Gl-G ANT I C ga r li.ge .-_-1'1 SAtE-l;t FlREWooo~for-sale. $oll:50 -1.):I; · ' 9n11---1-1 ~m~~J:f&'dal,.s~ilni~ MEDIC.cl RECEPT. APPLY IN '.PERSON erlertainen for bookings, }.1 UST Sacnf1:e-O>m~lete Sale-Everything! Fri 1hru Big-Piano & Organ Sale ~~kdS~ ~a;~~ ~~v·(t 3 Puppies eft.-2 b~wn. 1 YD exper·.req'd. ,Send $400 , •78 Fashio., Island, N.B. recording & mgml. Send' house.tu! of ~1sh Med1ter· Sun, 847-732-L.J7~ Marken WgoARDmg'SonBALDRJGHWTINNSTOWUDa~."" 688-0846, 111687-7~. black, llnl 1 _ mlxad i breed ---·,;;,wn; ,........,__._ ... _..._.., ph9to & dclails lo 2311, S. El ranean furniture, Ca 11 Ln., (Beach .Ir; Slater) H.B. .,,.. olJ;;> 21-B PP•~ CM :.-.. ., .. el'lu awo."' ~u, uauy-·Nt~'N:B.-ofc'r,-pleasrurt RES'l'A1:JR:ftNT-tldp;fema1t'. ·c <.e·mo-·'l,;,-,af--Sa'n·'"'~m"'ente-,. .. 1-•. •••• N CM ,., "'"' "" p RS · o.7"' AW, • I Pilot, 2211-W. Balboa IDvd, worlring cond. Need expet, part time, .over 21. Ph. alt Ill" rt .I-le IO'I GARAGE We: SOla;c?iilrs, ....,...,.-ewport, . . '"""'"'" ...... M E ! Prtbl .ceneratDr -&lz:ot76. S ~/17 NB. • Call MISI EJizabeth, 557.fi12'2. 1:30 56-1686. snJDENTS, Part t Im e. 1i1ATCH ING Sofa and chair. dinett9e Rt,4m~~h,. ~~sc· .. ~~; A$E'9/IJC ll u$l,_.OO ,.°""", ' __ ,:'°'111 1 2 AKC Persian 1 ' red 1 I FORMING All Girl Trio. Abigail Abbot Penonnel REG: <Nurse -Apply in Janitorial work from &PM. Sofa ma~s info a bed. Need sun. to , -wu .,.,as ....... , _BRAHM-BACH PianO, Baby ' ae . us ,..,.... • tortoise abell 2 yra. f 1 yn ,_ -w w · Must live in Mission Viejo recovering, mu1t sell! $15 N.B. 675;-8089 .Grand. ·N~ aome w<rk. nesa. &12-l23l eves. ""----to ....... 1"''--' -ho-· \ Restaurant work. Need Pop ·~._ncy, 4'.JN • amet, peraoh, Country Club Con-, f ho h ~ -11 f r n:c ........ IJ.Jo:U """ '. Plano Player l Guitarist. Sillte -211, Santa Ana. valescent Home. 20362 Santa area, own transp. $2. hr. or 1 · ..,,.,......, 'a t 5· --·-$425. Ph: 64&-ll76 G.E. Elet."lric dl')"er $45. 83&.-4493 9117 '~ ''ever 21. 613-2663. A A Sa ta A Ph: 549-~· J\1EDITERRANEAN llO[a, 8'. Appll•ncH -1100 8'xl2' olive K&rastan rug, 2 _,..,=-,,,--====.,.. ~:.r MEDICAL Asst., • sec'. na ve., n na . crushed velvet;. never uaed Television 1205 mo old. New $125., RI.I. for a~ }.to old Shepherd/Husky ~ Glfi•.1 . .fri~ . abililies. 1 ,.c:"_,644-0 -1 99 *SALAD GIRL* TELEPHONE Sl45:Matchingloveseat$95. """ANONOWD I E RS-' TV. 1 $75.546-2267. makidl•e~~.:-~:~1!'..-lo .. ~~ ~ Plush o ces, b""" typing between .,.... oruy. Must have good preparation 5J6..8337 A W•sher & ryer S A ...... or . nmaz na: . • ,...,..,,., .,..,.,.,..., r--' ~ft skills. Beach area~call Lor-experien~-:r.ton .. 1hru, Fri. SURVEY WORk BY EASY ~ price r 11d u ct Ions On M.B. Tennis Club ch!:~r days. _j 9/18 ,.:..-.,, aine, \Vestcliff Pe~nnel *MEN or WOMEN* 7-3:30. Call ~Mrs. Penning-JfTDEABED sofa, xln't cond. s150. *** Eves: 89U40.'i Warehouse .&: the rtOoi-memtienhlp. $475 +NEEDS loving home:am af ~-Agency, 2CW3 WestcliH Dr., Turn Ume into S$. Set your 1on833-0600Ext~7. betwn. JN YQ.UR OWN. Naugahyde, S!IO. Occas. chr models. Fully guaranteed. tr~m!er fee. 642-241 3, feclionate mixed-bretd fem ?"-N.B. 6'5-27'lO own hour!, part or fUl.I time. 2_5 ~~-naug. $25. 673--4126. h."t::NMORE sh Auto washer, Roduclion up· to $150. Phor!'I 545--05-48 . puppy, sll shots, ~3351. CRIL COOK morn 1 n& Call 962-7559. ·-~ -.. ·11QM~; · LGE. Medlt s,!:yle din'g rm Xhit co! . ~\lesti~hu~~ 962-7181. Seats Roebuck A HllLCREST Park 1ami!y / 9/18 j shift, Mon-Fri. UC lrvine. Y1' MOTEL MAIO *SALAD GIRL* AV.ERAQ.,E ·53 lable $45; D~tte set&: 6 ~~~~;, ~~i.ce> · ;i, Co., Ada1ni at Magnolia,. me~bers~ip. avail. swim&: 2 HEAL'M-IY blk 'kittens to .. Part or full time, :r.ton • .thru Fri, 7-3:30. Call eh's $t5. 545--7645. l-18 . . tenm.s child. & adll..:.Jact. for good ho ha bad hots 'i-;', By appoinbnent 8.13-69'.l!I. Call 494-9'36 Mrs. Pennington, 833-0600 TO S6 . PER· HR. BEAUT BLU/GRN WALNUT FR.JGIDAmE Waaher & elec \VE CM top prices for color Info. call 549-12i'.> l!,tl-T ,:· ba;., t1:..m1'. KAIR Stylist, manicurist, Ex~2037. ~twn2-5PM. PLUS ·IONUS-Rallan · Jv'ng/rm Rt tbls-<fr>'..t!r. Both x111t cotvJ., $75 T.V. ,whether working or * ADULT Walker: • 9/18 ' ma~~_!~alHe ~ FHemaf1 e) NIGHT WAITRESS SaJll!I , 55 TO .51 O. CALL lamps. 646-0683-~:711~110&. ,,J!!2ra nteed · not. Call for ext. 557-4292. Man-madt! fur coal; 2 1958 TO 1~0 8 1 ; Exper1e'"-"""'· air un ers e DILLMANS e O'I -J'fV""OV• __ Rugs; 12 Tiu-curtains. . . "' unse ~~ • ., ::~5l. Fa~Jsl. N · P · 801 E, &Ibo& mvd., NB MANt;L~E':~NT -MISS ~A y Office Fumlture 1110 REFRJGERATORS · Large HI-Fl & SterM 1210 546-1438. ;::a~~";,~!'! ~t '~~· . '~ NURSING: OPPORTONITY l 5.46•18' _66 . Refia'd ·Ux&O. WDld . "-'-selection. U;, $.tS & $55. FISHER , Stereo w/cu ~ SWlM!tfING POOi, 18' x 4' to Rifleman. 545-3648 9/18 .. HULL &. .DECK lea~ RN or i.VN, 11-7:30.:shlf~ for •n-articulate man \vith ~ ....,_ 64&-7820 .. ' , -. s 5' dtt•. Surface type, See U.i/LiWiij;j?=JWbi;;;:::;;;;;;;;;J __ _J • ~. assembler. Apply Jn person ~f ., ·-$89.50 .~ ~·d wood arm 'G.E. Eltttrl~ dl')'tt, (i. . tape: dttk/beautiM C'llbinet re~y ior Ult ~~nojlLOVE,l..Y-White.-bl~yed '!-i. 1665 Babcock. C.~I. ~ SUPEitVIIDR, RN or LVN, • .. ~tiativ~ and maturity, . to rotary C&iin,. $29.SO • We old Xlnt cond S75 or ~ ..$200. ~. aft ~ rr.Alc cat 6 mo old. Box i Housecleaning,pa.rttime,2-ll-7·30 ahitt:. 1 ~independently with *TER •• T~:~~~'Or~::~1;! have ftie largfft llll!lectlOli !or.1asdryer.·~K:> $600. ROiiUtB Pro(ess~BEA~ntiJL black mink ~';'!~ned, 531 -46 27 .~~ · hrs dn S2 hr. 4 das wk. Appl~: Pai-I< Lldo ci,J · . ..support tro.m ?'lgm_L ot used o1nor fUrn in thill · Tape ·Recordtt Model 456 . .._, •'-• 3 •-m , ..... _. ..,,,,_ ,...,. ......, A national o,..an1zation is 1er;o-& c&rivas "cover. 2 Dr Re'..;.. wlsen<>•ale · .._._ • uc • '" w'""' •~=~-~-----1 0• • Cook eve meal. Weitmont vale1l'f'nt Center. -166 . . '"' area -... ,._ ...-Like ?kw;-.$300. 642--1391 · ""al·-~. •·u $915·. GERMAN_ S_he'pherd It ~\ • ... k, •' Ed;nger a. • Rd N 8 m .aearch of a married man Perm. job, fringe benefits. 'Mc MaiWi Desk bottom fr eezer, fl5. .. ""' _,_ """ Rhode n :.._l»ct .. • "" Flagatup " · · 642-8044 ' ~th a good education and/ LAKE ARROWHEAD ?.1A-l!IOO Ne__. BlVd 53Mi01G; Q;-77,84. C & &73-4531 !MU\ 'WUl!i" mixed • ~ Bushard F.V. M/hb.ve car Nuning ' or:m?18i:b8.ckground who RINA Cn4) 337-0629. ...:~ • MAYTAG .Auto_washe_.r. _Xlnt . • .. rr:.'u'l!!....t SURFBOARD G k 7' puppies. G7>~ 544 ~ 821~ • EXPER. AIDE 7-3:30 ls economK:ally disturbed. .,.._.,..., ~ , r···-· --down rail. ~ov~ -.-.j. 6'i Staward Rd, CdM. ' 9'19 ~ HOUS.EK'"EEPER : Lite shift. Apply Parle Lido Con-r • • •WAITR~-.Exp"d. Apply WALNUT desk 30 x 00 5 Cbnd $35. dehv .l guaran--camera Nt!w Kodak'if: lG AKC Collie fem trkolor, I . . . -": -"" Surf 4 Sirloin, ;)930 "V. dra••r, 1"·--w 1·-. teed. 847-8115, 546-8672. ' . -, yr lo e'" L "-"-t duties 'SOme ,_.......,.,..ng, ...,...,,,,; valescent Cenle:r. 466 F1ag-This 'fs i catee'r oppor-._ , ... ,. "" MOVJE camera l6mm Bolex M-50 847-2393 · v ., pe .wi.v•u• o li~1n plus salary. College h' Rd NB 642-8044 • Coast Hwy., N" B. Swivel cbair·S31. Reception new cond. 3 lenses --mp' · Hawaii! 646-6:12 . §/l!l •student OK 545-0376 ;;ER "CouPLE to ~ssist }fei~Y _in~r!at~~~~~ WOMEN for Trottcr '11 room furnit11tt. Corne r Antiques 1110 outfit. makeoffer493.-35t1 · NJe~~°::~~o~;':~·~; l BLACK ,female puppy G f HOUSEKEE:fER -Mature managing 12 units for part meeting challenges Bakt!ry & Snack Bar. See group, seats 4• side chair ROLLEIFLEX, F3.5 Teua.r, $69 5' x r $43. 7' round, fr-wk:a old,,, long ~ and • W(>man lo care for 6 .,.. old dat'ly. 1<1rs. Raupp, 234 Forest and 2 tables $50. 548-5508 ANTIQUE excellent cond.,· $75. D•-1•-d "1 s.~1•.;.. """" AL!::A small S15";f&Cl. ' ""if... .r• rent. Teens ok, no pets. Ph: Ave, Laguna Bch. -SHOW & SALE ""J• .... ~ ..., "'' ..... '""""'"""" .. ~·· OoY; 3 to 6 pm wkdys 642-9520 aft ;; pm. Office Equipment lllJ 546-6380, ~1195· .evu. _ GO cart _ 2 seater, xlnt FR~E ki~na 1 wka old ~. 675-7l67 aft 6· ORDER TAKERS Women-A Wary plua substant~ SchOofs-lnstructlon 7600 ' Long Beach Sports Attna -c.'pnd, new tires, 4 cycle. '(&rious kihd~ aoo; colon ~ HOU~~PER L1·ve-m· 'rt •• d al'f'--' Ocean .I:: Long Beach Blvds. C-rfl .. ...,_ __ ... _ •-n..;a.,... l S-tt•• ~'". 847-5024, • ; ~· . ~ • • gi s, over .1..:1, ays or eve1. comm. to a qu I""' man· -·· XI.NT Underwood Forum · 100 Anttque Exhibita ..,... , ~· -a•_,,~ ua "'" • ......, .8panisb , ok. mi.rt love Pleasant "'Ork from our leading to a permanent gales rrs YOUR MOVE elec $150: De11ks $00: SwlveJ Lara:est show i'n the West ~2943 ~~-~ese, ltlmian cl'lildren C3 girls, 3, 5 & 7). Santa Ana ollice. No exp. or mgmt. career. INDUSTRY CAREERS chair $15 a: $20: 8' sgl lile, Sept. 17-18-19-20 LUGE~9 nun, matchlrig sERvrCE Station equip-tool• ae "'"' mixture S wkl . _.~ Warl<irg inother. 646-2676. nee, Salary $1.65 per hr. All lnqUiries and intervie"''j; nuo~nt fixture $2; Thun-Frl-Sat 1 to lO num~n. Xlnt corld. lncl etc, ciga~tte I.: coke m&· vtry pretty 96)..9836 9119 , \ HOUSEKEEPER _ Practical Call 547-1323 before 5 pm. will be held In strict cok-t>OoNI $3-$5, Flies, straight Sunday 12 to 6 comp.ete acl!H90rles, $1!i0. chine 642·7387 641-8806 ND good home for 3 ~autilul , f. nurse, mature lady. 11 pm · OUTSIDE· SALE.S .' wages fidence. Send resu_me to Box AIRLINE & TRAVEL chairs. 1882 Whittler, Unit 548-0438 eves. -• ' 8 wka old~ atriped klt- 7 am a~MS-6716 unllrriite<l dependini: upon #107'1 Santa Ana, Calif. v. CM, 642=34o8. · S~fc~ring~~:no.--1J~\: * 2 Su~ co~. A~M3AT~~ J:.:.:. ~~ tens 543003, ~ 9/19 HEY GALS ·Incentive. Call 548-4343 9'17()2. e OPERATIONS AGENT ELECTR. Calcul. New Orig. finish. Shipped to San Make ofter. • $1:40. 842-8343 --ENGLISH Bulldog ·maJe,-3 PART Time, mature woman equal oppor. emplr. it11F •TICKET SALES Tosca.I mod. BC-12J1. Apec Francisco durinr gold ruah, Call 546-MSS JAKE'S Continuous swap yn old. Papen.~ after 1 We med 10 lhup pls. full to welcome· new~ SALESMAN Position avail. •RESERVATIONS Electrostat dry photocopier by clipper ship. MaU of· •l'\tEN'S golf cluba, lilje .Meet Buy-seu.'frade 177 E pm, 54&-5134 9n9 or part time, Age 19-30. No r.tust have car Ir; type\\Tiler. oUice job. $18,COO. per yr. • AIR FREIGHT-CARGO mod. 171. Must sell, a/sac. fer. S hown by app'I.' new, bq", c:art .& balla. $50. 18th CM 642-S666 • BWE eyed ltitt9o pt 1lame1e: ·, exp. nee. Call 4954-098, after -1:00 pm. Must have 1 yr. of direct e COMMUNICATIONS 60-9173. . 1' 646--225;8. &1~341-1 9 am-6 pm 9, ~ "12, nylon Qval braided 4 1 gtfty ""1es 1 1 calico , \l.. $3.~,0 per hr PBX RKJtf,, sales bkgrnd. Ages 25.-35. •.TRAVEb 'A.GENT THREE 4-dra\\-er' Jegal·sbe '*tB.000 Oriental Rug-Royal Mo'...i•~-~. -mg.-COpper 1r;-0t1ve -coior: female ....... ~9 l 9118 Call Mr. J'ensen 956-21n Good l)'plrc,-PBX Ui>. Can ~h: AirliM Schools Pacific Illes, Xlnt 'cond. · Kennan 12x23. Will talte l600 Almost new $35 962--1593 3 DARLING kitteM plua HOTEL tpraine, WHtcUflPffsonnel· ~~ Chrlat'mai· 610 E .17th, S•nta Ana 644-GMO Belli Offer.* 673-5822. *JACUZZI whlripoo1 lik mothi!r. cat. 2· striped l LagQDa-~ Rnort Hotel AcencY, IMS Wieetcltff Dr., nicinq pm time. Sarah '54U.59' REMINGTON Electric Type-PLANNING to moYll!? Yoa'U ST~P & SWAP new. Cost U>O; mus't ae~ ,g,rey , flutl,y. 5-fS.<15.12 9/18 • has.,..qienliw for e:nergeUc N.B. 645:2770 Coventry hiring now, NO~ I SCUBA CL\S.SE8 wrllUJlnOdd-23o top condi---fir.d-anLamulng numberi.of..-~01 --$1!AJ.,.-67J:.3154-(~) 2~MO;-old-ldtWta.--amr- mm -1nr "°"' ded<, of· $3 50 PER HOUR -no de!. .,... trainl'"" Form!"". Heated Pools. lion. $195. 492-0139 · homes Jn' today'• ctaailled "113 Newport Blvd, Cll!. .. · · · · pleti?ly .,...;i 4 .., __ ' i· a. ~ wo k part -• For lnl'o PH:• 841-6388. _ * 6'So.18l& * · (next to Tony's Bldg Mat.) T9 T~AKA SURFBO~RO ed. 962.Ql92 , 9118 '~4 itt, • t"nlitil r, MEN AND WOMEN ' -, , '°°° fU'mlture 8000 UMd furn· Stovll!I· Refri&'s• a.a.de in Hawaii, aood cond.l,-,===-=-.,-==-1 J day,-part ~ ~94-ll96. toll or part time, ages 19 to SALESMEN Part Ume with Plano JHllons in your ~urnifure & M.iac' ' only $50. 6'15--39l7. ADpRASL'E 6 wt old' kitten ~ HOTEL MAID. Experienced. 30, neat. aaressive and car. Leads fumlahed. Work home. bper. T~chcr. ' ''It we don't hlv~ whit ycu MINK atole, autumn haze, all blk male It lt!male look- ' • part Pint'_ days. LIDO wilJh:ig to work, We train, any 4•hn, averqe $100. per Call ~2094. -PM GO ~-want, we'll pt it.for )'Oil" luxurioua·skinll $1COO value, ~ fOr 5.f.8.0813 9nB SHORES HOTEL 673-8800. 547-7781 547.7182 ~'d~ 1lJI. Call 'Mt-8136 aft JEAN Daiei Studio -oil MUST !! 11 MM~" Howell model $350. 968-2055 ' · "~RNYAJ_U>" 10 wka olCI PHOTOGRAPHER W led p&Jntlng c~ss now forming. ' -! Me, -PJO, 311" round marble UNUSUAL foreiin. paintirca = cal~pherd , c:,1l'e8 1--*i'H· · ;_,Amational. t8t1tm SALES, with .. Sl:im-Gym, you Wed morning. 644-4905. grm f.111 IJUDC SALE top coffee tbt Pho~ copy art objects and ;e,~:elry ews. 1 • maken, top salary. fiiihiOri" -cat1-ttm.,what-y.o u!..r.e. .. MERGHANOISl-F-OR--=--!![. --.,..... ~-.l\L macb Prot; type etec. belt · 544--4563 after 9:30 PM LOVING, Beaut. Bladt il ~ , _ f9':: bkgnid .. pretd. 835-3501. ;::i6c:1'~~ ~. SALE ANOi TRADE J W~•re ~.~ oUtlet ,0.. the nitton'a l•r.. ~exeacl5cf. 1-;::;;:n J.NrIQUEl>lrl'g'""l'ln_....t&ble & t:,!.t~ ~·•---t i ~ -• QUALIFIED Cbuple, mind "' ' -· 1 t fu nitu I bxJp&1111 matt Ir • 1 S90 30'' au ranae •$25 6 · \ · _. to provide lel'Vlces in ach. SALES Carter unlimllcd for Furniture e6oo · •• r ,. rent• .corp. ' 30" iq. ·sl4e,'.tbl, 1 tall !bl ~rs $15. 10124th St., N'.B. FREE -Beaut, J>UN1 bl.ck • ... for apt at Hale!crest Club. ~. preview direc-l. ''f'l''Sparilsh?Sofa""'"& tove Seat .. $lit a.,. ~~~ &60~n·~l~:C. ~~ 3'.l' Schwinn, .rront •nd back ~~-Id~ w~ .,tm ; '-:~ • Must enjoy children & tors, hostesses. PREVIEW •LIKE NE\Y _ Oval ex· 8' Spanish Sofa & Chair .......... $109 •Ht S48-9'713 ,.tr 5 &nytlme shocks, IUoe new s.io . ~~="'· ~=----• Youth Proa:ramming. Infor. PROIJUCTS 545-3767. tension lablc. 6 chair:, 2 8' Sofa &: Chair .. , .. , . -.. , , , . , . •, $St• aet wlmd11 ' 6"2-4809; ... 1 LOVABLE Black femako: IRVINE PER.SE>NNEL 56-7506 -• SARAH CowenJr.r ~ne-e-d • leaws. pad, Mediterranean 1. pc. Corner Group . : .••...•......... $99 . FINEST PilETAL omce dtsk chiir :!M Ji.;;~ okl b"f!t *;~ -sCD\·llf'•-·""'NCY iy;:_._~ I: ambltk>n ladiea fC!_~t~ lfMQl'l: .-distttssed finlah . Orig. COii( ~ Gt.II Sol nl -. ..,s h swlftt q:i.· Studellt des; ! I 1 Ll'\.vn...w-r...JL ' may ~lfy )'OU ~an xlnf NO lnvestmetit. -WO !Tl}': '""" Sa.C.f150;Pt1:-61~78'79-.,,!!"' as o y ..•....•.•.. : \ .... • e1c COLLECTORS ITEMS drawen $25 541>-2529. 2 Female Gennu Shtpherd fFormerly Abilities Upllm.) pos.ilJon with majOt' N'pt. 83>2583, or, ~7--4627. ew1. 2 lpte Seats .-: ... ,. ~.::.; ... · MS e•ch~ N..,,.....tl l·I _, ·-1/8 Collie to 'Io o·d home. TRISH HOl'KINS "'·~~'!'.~~,-SAVINGS.AND LOAN 6', Jlrt.uxe wbiir R gottl 1 9''Sofa · .......... ., .. : ............ · .. $7' Byc"'if~"~••t On!)< Mia<;_. -W•nla<I MID 518-51<6 ··, 1 "" \ 488 E, 17th, SUlte 2'Z4 C.M. M6-tl61D For ~ BRANCH MANAGER drewr & 2· commbde1. 3 5 pc._'Dlnette sets, ll'r'Bntique-white :'~ J . Newi!t a.°.ch•~l . 2~.:o~. 1 -~ pt \1 ':. 642·1470 • Restaurant Savinpi and i.o.,0· Auocia· Val~ $900, &t'll to tugbes1 hfgb baek ch airs ................... ~ Mt ~ LARGE Famll,y would like to man dop ,J;m . 9~ ' ., J.C.-PDfmoo..-~ 1.-.1 L LH ~ht:-~~~ ~~iliiOW,W~.Apt N6lDlraS~~~ .. ~ssers •••.••••..•••. '3!1D•Kh ' Thlacoug :worth buy a ~.· '4aKlttena.2.arelou1Wte.i~ Fubkm lsland Stern Wlleeler available for a wtll quali-JAKE'S Ctmtinuous S'flnliP •-._ ~--.~ ................ , ...... ..._._..___. '-'.!~ 1-Wlffi purchlie w --midev-~ Perpian·~.1---~ r;ed s.v;np """ L~ •' """'· Buy-Sall-Trado. u1 Bookcase Headboards ........ -..... $10 ... CARPETING FREE TO YOU 67..-lii!. --..,. l/JT 'HM 8 Mt tllne pos1rbfavall· N I . Branch Mt.nate:r. E. 1$1h, C-)t 612-r.666 Chest _of Drawers' ..•. ,., ,--; •.. $2t •••&-"' . Sii:pt. onl7 C40 )'di n1U\) (l) ·KUCK Jo..d (If jr'awl. .1:·. able In lhe beauty salon_ oW ,.terv .. wing E:irmtent ~161 '-rid Mnge SLEEP Sera, fOAm nib~r. Massive· 5 pc. twin Spanish C.A. Pase 64>-2'.170 -C6IU ·; • -YOO -l\4ll • ••1 beneftts M.i1*mm two ,urw brown tli 2 bol BR sell $l9t ~ t YR old temhle e 846-900! , 9111 • e HAIRSTYLIST e *· H0511SSE5 * .• ,...._;_ ,,..,.,._ walnut;,.,;;: m. ~'. 5 W 1' ~mBpR ... " ........ "...... SSt oi!!SK.. 1.i.;;lv.=;;;;_-.,d Shtpb<n! 64;.im 9117 :1-1Yd•01-1op ao11 You PART TIME ,.. ~. . • IIOUSE SALE •1 pc. -an Rt •• •• . . . •• • . . • •• • • • Medlt. 43" x 11''. ~rha:na F~T. J'.&offy kitten11, .,,untd lulul lst come· ht . APPLY JN PERSON 1o·Of' ,_rt.l(:olar call PcrlOn-All new lumi.shiflP C&1I S pc.-beaut. modern walnut BR 1e( •. $12'. eoorbl.1 'tupportfd'. MalcltMa A trlfMd. 54S--f81S-ftl!:t-839-~ 91n , _ __._ ; ~24 Fuhlon st, N.B. •DDtY nel, (213) m..556l anydme . -1944125 __J Walnut ..p0rtable bar , , . ~ ...... , .. ,,. $25. lib/tbl '500. ~· Blu/srn 3 Mo. okl &bortbaired brown 0 .,. ... _;"'"'Y •••• ,.. 1 -'t,y I -.• ~ plaid qualif1 oola. lllO lint\. N-~ -9/l! ~ "" ~ ~~ -= 1 -~·•:;:•;;;•,;;P;i;~f' .un';;;• ;;;;;';'-m-'P;;':=;>~;;'i I __ 1~5~1~£::_. ~C..~s~t_!l~fwy2'.::.,._!N~-~B:.... SECOND COOK wanted for • MOD£RN R' 90fa sso. THE USED ntDUIJUR[ FACTORY T'TS-4542. ..¥ ...... ' ~ r.e tr t 1. needs work. JA!':rt'ORS. Exp'd. Fu 11 R.fSI'AURANT·Now taking home for Sr. Cltl!cns. Nedr new. Evenings or runn S' WIN(;..Baeked dlvenport SMAlL Black poodle femal,e, ~ tili time, nigh!J:, C I: S }.taint. apptlcaOons for full time 41»-9458 "~kends 61&-8371 . 1115 Harbor ltiutev•rd, C•••• Met• aood cond. iai. ~ f'ONter: very trlendty. 548-29-1"'1 9/t8. DOC: Ship. eow.. Id 5'rv. go..gm. DISHWASH&R.$.-No ono SERVlCE St&Uoa attendants LARGE ~ fa..JaQlu, --.MJ7 like l'ltW, mt.ke oll er. 3 Adorable k!tlt!M tree to "'lchqprt.n JUie. otedl a * LOTMAN * undtt-11 need apply..,.I ru1I Lpl.-ttme.. Al'• MobUe.. lamps, bookea)Cs, deak, cr,.."llt 111 ;• f;l:tl. ""••••·I. I>Httt -Raie 4ilf'les, $173 pod.bome 5U-6933 9/.U. ble )'Int. Ma.U l /lT Jor UM!Cl Cits. Apply COLO~ KITCl1EN, 321l Servk-e UOO \V, Balboa IO(&•bed lt ptlio turn. I 0.... ~ vaJIM!, ~•ct eettinr + RABBJT lem1lt COPPf!I' •tin nu; QUIQU.11. YOU CALL. • 2100 llt'rbor, c .M. ltarborrelvd. C.M. Blvd. N.B. ... • ~ -·==-"~~ M!rvln: per SSO~f13..2356 wtth hutch. $f9.38M ·'" THE OtitOa:k 1'00 sru. ---1 ·~ -, ·- . . ' -------- , • I ---~ ,. DAILY "LOT fREE 'TO YOU burst.1:-Stpttrnber 17, -1,70 . TRAHSPORTA-TIOH~ TRANSPORTAT)ON -----_,........ .-. .. . ,.__ ... TRANSPORTATION ,..-TRANSPORTATION TIANSPOllTATION -TRANSPORTl<TION TRANSPORTATION,.. TRANSPORTATION --------· --~ --··--Mototqclot 9300 DIHIO ~i" tSU Imported Autoo 9600 1m,..,.tod Autos 9600 Fl.;.;m;.:;po.;.r;,,;tld;;.:;_:..A;;;u.;.;o.;.• _ _,"°°,.....r'm-oo_r1_od_A~u~tos...,~Moo-·I----=1i~~~~~~E;:J:I S•llbolts _,.,~t010 Mollllo Homot -me '" very A LL:'NEW4 PRE rm 6 "'ks bottle fed ~---Inv.miry Sale t-- - -..;l; .-.i. lll'I~ '""" • .,, Sh"""'H" "'FIAT _KAR.MANN GHIA PORSCHE ·-TOYOTA .......-..::W-W town1 J111tT plus, neYer In - , , N""• loU ~f -· ffQl'I C • C•ncral 2'x51 •!2'11 ""'° -~ fr r'O'A'Tt • -ll. -•~&. 11 &l"-a-J~li-Si717 TH• dirt, 5000"ml, make offer. '64 CONV'l'-.ng ·l Int '70 Ta-a 911 'T' 0 ----.... ,.,.. • . 10ru1»t...BllAIU!lllllll4-1 ... ' . Adult~ or older ehildrtn All ,COLORS SlC,700 e ~nlvenat 24x53 343--0813 m.7096 91~ FREE DEMOS •1S313 $9900 e 0w-1od Mo. ~-.~ V\V &nd BUglY S500" up A11!/F!\I radio. ssoo . Demo! Exac:dy-981'-m' ... dependin& on e.nglnc choice. M6-21..l6 speed, AM/Fl\I, chrome ... t FREE , To qual i f ied' frlced Crom $1195. \Vinter 11(,r ~ •602 SU,900 • • home-very affeeUonate Rac'"A'"p'a~N' ""'"E1 DS Gene~H~~~~- , ~emale ~itten. 4 mo. Gray, MOBILE HOMES 1~1:'3'"=po=rt=:;;:::==·a==.,==-=1::!=. 8,!!': ~ MERCEDES BENZ 'mLL YATES DEMO SALE VOLKSWAGEN "FRIBIUtlER" DEMO '70 Corolla # 3324 $1694 • ;nYf:r tipped w/whlte . : SbOts, Utter box trained . 2700 \V. Cit. Hwy. NB M:>.2244 I~ No. !:farbo~._G.'t ~ $&1846 9118 2-4' Islander, F .G • ..Aux. * 531.8100 • ; FREE To q•al hom• • hijjh galloy. lfd. + maoy 'I"'· 1 e •••••••• ; 'blocked fentt, female dog -sl,p!I. 4 red. $600 to 1359.l : 2 yt'&n. Very beaut l f u I make offer, &lip avilil. ·THE MEADOWS 1 JJ.alamute & Husky, \\'hite .897~ll ext. 5022 wk dys. or (In tht Irvine :113-~4 eves. : & l"'Y· All 1Shol&. Go:K1 orange grove1) : watchQoe, lo"'Ts children. 26' SOLING '69 Olympie cl. Now renting spaces -; ·"96-6398. 9/17 Abbott North sails. Lots of 1tfulll:Milllon Dollar I *•ARJsro-cATS" - (2 k.Jt. xtru $3950. Courtesy 10 Mobile Home Community ~ns) nttd homes. Call broken. 112 \V. 'Coast Hwy, • 52~~ acres of fun Jiving betott 10 or aftu 6: N.B. ~l. e $300,000 recreational, !JO- AUSTIN HEALEY 1970 F;.t 124 5,.,,,, Cpe. 1---------·I Radio, heatt>r, special ex· AUSTIN AMERICA ,,..,,, pin '1ripin<, radlal Sales, Service, P3.rU J.mmecllate DeJIYel')' All ModeU _t1rtuµort 31111po1·1 :, 3HIO W. Coast Hwy., N.B. tires, :ow miles. $2795 537-Tm CaU Collect 9625 Garden Grove Blvd. lil'U'VU"M • THINK "flAi . ' .. ST~.. 37' AUXILIARY SLOOP con-cial & cultural center, full l'P'°'ETS=,__•~nd..,."L"lv=e"'s"'T"'oc=K•I verte<t 6 metu. Well m11.in-time, in park servi~·cen-llonda '68 talned k in ~cellt'nl con-ler. Scrambler very clean, Lo "FRIEDLANDER' M2-!M05 ~1784 CL125A '59 SPRITE · ~ets. General MOO ~!~.io -"·N!: C.all 646--026"! or lztl) e Daily Ii""""' • free ocean mi's. $325. · ~ ... ¥.. *' 516-36&4 ,,. Red with hlack interior, <f breezes, surrounded by or-, , . . speed radio, heater dlr. 11751 HACH lHwt. Jtl 893-7566 • 5.17-6824 NEW-USEP..SERV. FOX, RARE. 7 mo, gold col- lar, hlk legs & ears, must sell-leaving country. Art 7:30. 549-2163. ~ats 1120 PURE Slame&e wealpoinl · lemale kitten .f mo, had ·shots trained beautiful cat $28. 6'll-6716 tiOtis 1125 ADORABLE 51i mos. old .AKC miniature black ,f11male poodle. 333 E. 17th St 646-0142 IFUL Black & a:cld AKC reg'd 2 yr old Gennan Shepherd female'. Must 9ell. Call Jim: ~ eves. REPOSSESSION-1970 41' ang" grovei: Ir mountains 70 Suzuki PC90, s~t/d1r!, (0\vfsos) Take small ,down. Erickson sailbott. Bids aC-: • 7 min Crom world'a 1~sl 641e~s .... ~~n 2008400 Alm'. .. ~ $32A .. ~·. \Viii finance. Call 494-n44. cepted thru 9/25/70 C.Ontacl shopping center (Fashion ....i;>JJ, -.. ~" Bob Goodwin or Leonard Island) c,vi . '59 HEALEY " NEW FIAT liiorgan 714/673-2500. •Championship lawn bowl.I--======= 100, 6 cyl. Ovenlrive, wire 1970 ISO SPYDER COLUMBIA Defender., 29'. ing green Auto Service ~ .,wheels, lonneau cover and Ali 'Colors to choose trom. Sleep9 6, lnbrd, full racing, e Small pets allowed & P•rts 9400 convertible top, Make offer ! $2335 + Tax &: Lie.~ man.v xtra.s 646-6047 or Enjoy the above from .... 892-2970. AU models to choose, 494-7735 $81.50 pt1r·mo. • V\V pans. trans axles 1965 Austin llcaly $prtte • California Spart· Cars FERROCE!\lENT Hull; H-28 14851 Jelfrey Rd . &. bodyparts. Xlnt cond thn1-oul. New 901 E. lat, S.A. ·542-8801 fonn: v.<Jred, ready 10 con· CSA Fwy at JeUrey Rd. • 642-0443 • I llres, r&h. soft Jop & Ion-,69 F" 124 C cretl'. Must sell, make offer. offramp) VW E • Good C d neau cover. Lt green w/blk lal' pe 63~. CALL COLLECT ;11~~43 • on • top. $900. 962-99-13 Exotic red with black vinyl 2?' FEATHER Sloop. frbgls 714/531-8105, 714/530-2930 1964 AUSTIN HPaley Sprl!c. bucket seats. Low miles, has 01,,,.d. musl sell. SlS95 or 714/83Ul585, mJBG0.5210 Trailer Travel 9425 ~ cond. $625. Ph. eves: had excellent care. Sacri· 1......... ' ti-12-3109. lice! IXLY235) Take older mok• offer. 67:>-J.193 or · 531-5363 e '68 NORTHWESTERN e * S * car in trade. \V\11 finance RIVER SPECIALS 14· Travel TrailC'r 1960 prite private party. Call Pa't dlr. COLUl\1BlA 22 SLOOP. Incl: New 12' wK!e homes, slighUy Small, Easy To\\-'ing Besl offrr. 494-8629 aft to am 49-1·7506, ~noo. head It galley. Xlnt cond. damaged.Perfectforthedo. $550 * &J&-7588 ----------:..~~ M!il qu ickly! lt-yoursetfer. Original sell-, ing price $li000-f100). Reduc. U'U'Vl.l'W BMW JAGUAR WANTED: Self conlained .. =~===,.:==~-1 • 25' 1'Ril\tARAN Jim ed for clearance $4000-$5000. e J\KC POODLE PUPS Sm. Brown design. Partially blL · BAY HARBOR travel trailer, pvt. ply. with --· ----· - ca.sh. 6-9P~t 545-.3648. Authorized Dir. JAGUAR l\faify colors avail. litoving Offer. 962-5.3.10 eVr!!. 1425 Baker St.. Costa ?.1C!\a 'A'&nt gd homes. $25 l up. ===-====== 842-.3561 or 846-5096. JU!_t So. of Harbor Blvd. &. lnm>o-e::-::.:::-::-:;--~ I Power Cruisers 9020 San Diego Fr w y. (7141 UPS-G r eyhound le 540-9470. shepherd, 6 \\lka old. $5. Call SACRIFICE • 24 ft cabin ·968-38iQ. cruiser 185 h.p. big Chrysler e AKC Small Toy Poodles g lilarine. Ju~t painte tl e '55 Nashua 8x28 $1500 e thruout. Perfect _Sha@: all '59_ Venu9 •44.1795 10x46, _j~· 1 femal~ S50 around. In water now . air cond. $2995 e '64 10x5:>, Reduced price $2100. Call 2 BR. living rm EXPANOO, EA UTJFUL Gennan -',,."-7,,•30_,p_.m_,. ,. ......... _,=-.,·=,-:I new cpts, new refrlg, #SSOO Shepherd J\ofust sell, :r.toving, u3 Partnership 32' Ctiris $3995. ·'1 ~ mo. art 5:30, 543-3789· Craft Cabin Cniiser, .twin CHAPMAN '" •·1EL0 •-="""' _SaJ ...... s...,,,.,... Parts--HE·a-..·nu..-RTERs· TRAILER SLPS 7. All r.lodcls lo Choose From ,..,.,.,. ,.., $89:; '• * S48-ID'14 Service Monday '!ill 7:00 P~I The only authotVcd JAGUAR · ~ Sat 'Ill\ Noon dealer in the entire Harbor •68 NlMROD. °"1""~· Slp' '· ,.OAST IMPORTS ....... Stove, icebox, ding table. "" . S5H5. · 5'18-4156. ·Of Orange County Joe. 1100 \V. Pacllic Coa.'lt Hwy Trucks 9500 &12.(JW!i • !"t4&4529 ~------11 ~~~~~~~-1 1970 GMC 1500 PICKUP '69 Bl\·l\V lfiOO. \V h I t e 1v/sunrool . S11!58.!"i2. Call 548-2722 CORTINA Complek: SALES SERVICE -PARTS BAUER BUICK IN '69 280 SE, 4 door sed. FuU pwr, air cond., elec aunroof, priv party. Prioed lor quick sale, ?.Ir. Brandt. Days only 83J.-09.ll or 644--4261 . '61 Z!O SEB: 4 Dr Sedan, sunroof. All red ·1eather/int. A..\l/FM $800. 548-Z!U ext 191, 962-5490. MG ......-.n. ~THINK a"'!" ''FRIEDLANDER'' 1l7M l l:ACH tHWY. HI 893-7566 • 537.6824 NEW-USED-SE RV. ~ MG Sales. ServiG.:, Parta Immediate Deltvuy, All ltlodm J1rtupon 31111port~; 3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.E. 642-9.i!S MG.17'if '63 MG Midget Radio, heater, dlr. {GTY851J Full price $699. Small do\\•n. \Vill finance private party 546-4052 or 494-6811. MGB e PURE ·BLOOD MALE lk.rew, fully equip. slP!I 6; MOBltE HOMES· LA4,!RA3~!'°R837P7UP25S >iln'I cond. 838-5550 12Q6 N. Harbor, S.A. COSTA M~~A 231 E. 17th Street 1970 J\ICB Convt. Low miles, 548-7765 1vire \rhs l, lug rack, ton-' WITH CAMPER '68 Cortina GT ~ ,..., --4 9Al\.f-5Plif, 544-4748 aft 5. * TI4/531-8105 * ;o_.. WATCH-[)(X; AK C Jl' CABIN Cruiser Glass. '63 12331 Beach Blvd ., G.G. ~rman Pinschcr. l\I. 2 Evinrude 100 hp All/elect. * 714/"JJ0.2930 * 291 engif"IC' heater, deluxe cab, fiberglail! tire~ \1•ith ~~~=~~-~-I 8 foot cab over Kin~ of _yrs. 546-5206 ?ilany xtras! $2400 firm. oy Poodle puppies 1dor-.tble. 64~13. ARC, . apricot. Must sell 1966 . Tolly Craft 26' fbgls, quickly. $75. 846-5096. lmmac. 125 hr/full equip. LLJE, Male pup 10 v.ttks, $7<XXI. 54~1936, 644-46&t xlnt. breeding $40. 20' CABIN Cruiser • Glas.Ii, 646-4592 deep V, 85 Johnson, trlr. EG. Gemian Shepherd $2,400 Of' best offer. 962-2159 pup!!, 6 wks old, $85 -01&1es, 30' CHRIS Craft s e d a n ... $6.:i femalff. 84G4'1J!) _ cruiser, i:d cond. Spaciowi, Triple Wide Cornell Road Camper. Stove, rclrig. llillcrest e Flamingo erator, 20 gal. \\'alcr lank. Paramount e Universal natur-c1.I \\'OOd with lols or Barrington e Broadmoor Continental • Star General • Hillcre~t CHAPMAN MOBILE HOMES 12331 Beach Blvd., C.G. * 714/!"i31).2930 ..... room. • $3295 Seri::l 58744 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 1600 ('ngi llf'. 4 speed, radio, (YNB!J.\81 $899 BILL YATES VOLKSWAGEN 32852 Valle Road San Juan capistrano 837-@Xl~lll499.2261 DATSUN 1--------Yorkshire Terrier equip'd S3500. 675-6361. puppies AKC e 67~5. 1966 Tolly Cmf! 26' fb:;ls lh'I· Tripi• Wid• ·Cornell 2850 llarbor Blvd. -re RANSPORTATION mac. 12:i/,hr, full equip. ContinC"ntal •Paramount Cosla·l\fcsa 540-~ ..,. DATSUN ..,.. ----1 ,:1~7000:;;;..:".::8-:..':::';:"::.· .:".::',..-4::68::1=7 Barrington • Universal ECONO. LINE Van-l'l1ust sell. •-I & y h-9000 -· Tro. I •··· h••d }'Jamingo e General p I I h I vv• " •c ts ,,,,,, Jan, s ccps , .. .,, .. , ane 1ng, c1•p , up o . , "'. d . The,._ •1 .. .. ·> sink, slove. Slip available. Bmadmoor e Star AMfl''M radio, ma g 5 , ut:a er in ....:l:tf I l:1t1es '67 JAG XKE. 2+2. air, ne10.· neau, loadC'd! Pvt prty. P ircllis, top condition. $2995. I '°I"'=';·",..,._;, ,..1;1"===== ~9866. . OPEL KARMANN GHIA , _____ _ '68 GHIA }i'irt' rngirie red. 100~; ran!)'. <VZZ086) . $1755 \Var· 68 OPEL Station \Vagon 102 hp eng. New paint. SU9.i 642-7319 aft 5 Pl\I PORSCHE PORSCHE '67 912. Nc1v radials. chrome \\'his. AM- FM S/\V .· New engine. S300J. 673-4530 d a y s . 673-2976 all 7 Harbour V .W. ·" "'· AIR ... '"'"· ..... Ai\f/Fi\f. 19,000 actual n1 i, IS7ll BEACH: BL. 842-4435 Bes{ oUer. 557~13 dyi;; HUNTINGTON BEACH __ 614,5630--eves/wkiid!!-. - 32852 Valle Road San Juan Capistrano 837-4800/493-451V49!J.2261 '44 PORSCHE 356 SC COUPE Balboa blue, chrome "·heels. radial tires, conrourse con- dition. Lie. XOG991 .. $3099 -•, CHICK IVERSON vw 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA lifES/. ·'63 PORSCHE 'S' coupe. Agean Blue fini~h. Al\t/F~t lJGF. 9721 BILL YATES VOLKSWAGEN 328.12 Valle1Road San Juan Capistrano 8374800/<19345111499-2261 '67 PORSCHE 912 \Vhilr. \vi th black interior. AM/Fl\f. exceptionally good running. \VYG945 $4295 Check our deals 8 OTHER DEl\108 AT BIG SAVINGS DEAN LEWIS 1006 Harbor, C.l\f. 64&.9300 BEST BARGAINS COME SEE OUR SELECTION OF JIMTSL~t:bNS ' IMPORTS 140 W. WARNER SANTA ANA OPEN EVESo & SUN. 546-4125 REPO! '70 Toyota M•rk II Loaded • Factory air, auto- ma6C. Just·over 2,000 miles. Saci-ifice! (642BQD) Take trade or small down. WW finance priv pty. Call Sid dlr. aft JO aril 54().3100 or 494-7506. 70 TOYOTA'S CHICK IVERSON In ""'k. Immedio1o dolivory. 1970 HA= BLVD. lif!l 'l~is --~STA MESA ~ m.tm '67 Targa 911 L•guna Beach . . 900 So. Cst. Hl~•Y '29;000--mdcs;'-5-specd;-.mags; 494-7503 · -3l00- Al\tf}~J\1. IVCP·12-ll ---'--=.:;..::.:..:::.. BILL YATES '67 Toyota VOLKSWAGEN Radill, he.ater, excellent transportation car, dlr. ITZA970l Full price $699! Small do1vn. \Viii finance private party:-546-4052 or 4946811. 32852 Valle Road San Juan capistrano 83i -4800/ 493-451V 499.2261 '61 PORSCHE CABRIOLET ·Hrrdtop, gleaming metallic silver, with brand_~-~ in- terior, chrome wheels, ra- dial tire!!, AM/Flit radio, Lie. \VY\V 215. $2199 CHICK IVERSON vw 5<1!>-3031 ..:xt. 66 or 67 COST A l\tESA 1970 HARBOR BLVD. '70 911 'T' Df'n10. 3400 actual mile!!. 5 speed trans., AM /Ft.of, n1ag wheels, emerald green 1\•ith black interior. f#101\66l. BILL YATES VOLKSWAGEN 32852 Valle Road , BIIJ. MAXEY !:rl§IY@!T!AJ , 1Ul1 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Bo•ch 147-ISSJ I mt N. of a.st Rwy. an Bdl '68 Toyota hrdtp. Am/Fm, 4 spd, xlnl cond. Lo mi's. Orig owner $1400, 673-565S TRIUMPH ---------[ 164 TR4 ROADSTER British racing green wllh electric overdrive. Excellent concl. (XJV827) Sacrifice! Small do1vn or lake Ira~. \Vil! f.innnce pvt. ply. call ~1aury dlr. aft 10 am 540-3100 or 494-7506. s'" ,,.., c"'''""' V:OLKSWAGEN-837=4aoot~s111.m:mr---:::__ __ -----I :~'·.:"·.. . FRE .. E Sacrlfice..-1!M.·7856 . J1illcrest • Cambridge , handcraft "'OOd Int. Xlnt : ZIMMERMAN ---t;:o=';":::-;=";':'=,:=~~f..-ui~C~H~A~PMAN 'mech cond. Must see to ap-2••• HARBOR-BLVD Spo-'Skl 8 ··ts 9030 M BIL -ROM'ES-precialf'. 2037 Harbor BIVd, ---1:.11n. .:.11io • --~ .'69 911 'S' '60 PORSCHE Cabriolet, 1600 '68 V\V convt. Outstanding l:oi N. Hiµ-bor , S.A. CM. 642-2801 ask for Ron. super, \Vith1rard top. New cond. Best oUer. 543-8458 or ~sic boating course 1~v~~!,'~~;~40 r~ ~~ * 7t4!5.ll-3to.5 * '6 3 EC tJNOLINE~herry '69 DATSUN WAGON c:::~u~~eh~e~ontfi~ng~': Demo! 5700 actual niile~. 5 engine, new clutch, ne\V 673-6830. '63 VW GHIA ffered to the public ing. sll'eps 4, elect. starter, 10X35. a\vning, skirting, cond. r.tust ~ec 10 ap-del. Radio, healer, 4 speed, siJ('ed tmns., mag 1vheels, lires, new paint, A~1/FM, '69 VW Bug -Custom in.. y the Balboa Power running lights. A great run-red"'OOd cab .. nu paint, prt>cia1~. l\1ake of f er . Overhead can1 cnginC', 4 e!e. A~l/FM. Special factory just like ne1v, can be seen terior, radio. Green, xlnt uadron. Sa i 1 as ning boat. $495. Ph: 96".;.35~ S3500 furn, $2700 unlurn. lo 536-4o.la. sp('('(I radio, low· n1ileage. $ equipped, Ycllo1v v.•ith black at 2089 Harbor Blvd .. or cond. Pvt pty $14 75. ~ ll rent. 548-6910. '58 FMd P.U.-1 ~T. 6 cyl, nt'w S""'ci8.J interior. Sacrifioc. 1099 irlrrior. ( •301221). phonC' 64:;_1""" 9am to 6pm s.16-filTI. -.. e as power boat· 1;.· SKI boat. lnbo11-rd. ,.... ,,. :JO'-. ng taught. Starting Excellent for lhe cai."Ual '68.Gold J'l;ledal ~ x 43, 2.Br. pain!. rebll eng. Can be tXTG566). Ta~ ll'ade llr CHICK IYERSON BILL YATES -'66 V\V C'A:'lfPER, &d cond. l 0 " 'I 'I 'I I I I $ I I " " 'kj .... or fisherman. S300 or 1 . ba, JlOl', clw!I, awning, seen Texaco station 19th ,t, small down. "1ill finance pvt VW SAAB $1800 or best o(fer. '.'f PM Mon., Sept. 21, " '"~-., H r ' ak f OLKSWA,._., "'" ·~o , Best olfer. 2l3: 63.'J..773&--!~~',,ii:.-'~t _oa 9SP· 1a · e er. Pl¥. Call Maucy d!r Ftfil,lIJJQl--:-,=,,,.-!,.!.!..,,.--:,..-+-'I . ,..;1\1.-j--:-".'..;;~~-:'--.-J~;:::;:~-~~-~~==J---t---t ee.·ery Monday n it e U'fO""J,JQU • ,., F d p U 5225 49-17506 ft 10 :~1g.3031 Ext. 66 or 67 -~r 13 weeks. At New· 16' Class ski boat w/trlr. nu ~ or · • or · · a am. 32852 Valle Road Authorized Dealer '69 RED VW Bug-black int, • ,,., 1•-,, •-·t oe w I Y NE\V ?ifoon g x 40, 2 bedroo1n * 673-Gm * -.7--0 DA-T-SUN. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. San Juan Capistrano "·1 .. , • Servi-• p,~. r/h good -• Cl Of ~rt Harbor Yacht .... lJUOl $2100 1975 \V 11 C!\t COSTA J\;1ESA .,.,_ .. ., ·~ ' conu. ean, • :eiub, 720 West Bay painted. Aft 5: 531-7968. · 8 ace. · '&l Corvair Van, in xlnl cond. --. ---837-4~/493-4Jll/499-22GI Sonct Coupes in Stock fer. Before 5, 549-3343, after :.&venue, New P 0 rt 548-3687 S79ii. or best offC'r. 4 Door Sedan. ui;ect $1799 full '66 GHIA e .67 Porsche 911 . 5 s.pd, Or11ngc Counly's Ne\\·est Dlr, 6, 499-37•t9. ~ Bo•t Tr•llers 9032 l0x45 KIT w/screen mt. 642-9873 pritt. \601AVA l dlr. \Viii Xlnt cond, 66,000 mi's, COAST IMPORTS TIME FOR ~ea Ch. Bring note-$2,900 cash or hst olr. AJlt .~=-=~--=o-c-c-7 1 take tTadc 01· rinane<' pri-l owner. canary ycllo\v cxtt'I'· ._,_ -k & Pen C ,·I 11·rst prk. No -.I•."•" "~r..-'61 Chcvy-.,:1 ton, R' bed & I I bl k . . $~5()(). 833-1331 "UOO .,.. .,...,...._,., vale party. Call ~~16-40.'.i2 or or v.· th ac vinyl inter· QUICK CASH '~te. Any questions \VANTED : Trailer for 15' 1'R°"o=o,,....,&,-;,R,.....,°'1-1,,,,.,..50,,,..C"•"'b-,._,.-, cab-hi c11n1per $6.jO. 491-68l l. ior. tonncau <.-over. Has ho.d '70 PORSCHE 911-T Coupe: or Orange County In1:. 11 6731855 boat. Good <.'Ond, like new . * S42-.'l817 * excellent care. (SQX t22) 5 spd & l\1any Xtras. 7400 1200 \V, Pacific Coa.it lhvy. THROUGH A • • · 642-3692 · 8\\'n., skirt. ri1ust be moved . DOT DATSUN mi. Pv1 ply. 673-0693. 29 · ~ ... 64,, .. .,,,,. '63 ~'ord P.U., au1o, long S1099 full pril.x·. \Viii finance 642.()106 • 5'16-45 DAILY PILOT FREE I -------· •OP co ....... ,,...,,,..,.,. bed,\~ ton, S475. OPEN DAILY pvt. ply. dtr. Calt l\Iaury aft 1969 Porsche 911-T fHE QUICKER YOU CALL, _ • Boat Rentals ,9031 10x43 ANGELUS w/cabana . * 494-8490 * ANO 10 am 540-3100 nr 494-7506. Xlnt cond. 1-753-0010 THE QUICKER YOU SELL WANT AD S.i600 er bst ofr. Adil Prk. l ·.-1~963~c=f~IE=v"R"o=L"E=T~6-,-·yl SUNDAYS NTINGTON BEACH WER SQUADRON'S :. BASIC BOATING :~ COURSE :::.tuntington Be•ch :~. High School ·7· Rooms 121 & 122 • rtlng·S.pt. 14 •nd ch Monday through ... ; November FOR LEASE OR CHARTER , 000 Down, 5 yrs b&lance. ·~· 1'1ybrldce Whttler Cruis. ·!er. Sletpa: g, Completely !'m»nditioned throua:hout, .. 'i970". MJNT C 0 N D. :XTRAS PLUS! Make offer! .o&ys 5,19:8978--'};vesr-wk· ~endl'l 893-8't05. 1.\. CHRIS Trl-cab FB. ·59, 2.5 K\V. "-Uto pfJot l30W radio, RDF, Fathometer. MoWi!r, 2 heads. elec p.lley, Ol.000 84G-5t).jl &M-4221. QA ,.._, ... No pets. 64&-2556 SAILB T }'or rent, ........ •:i.. =::si'=======~ paoel truck. Good cond. S4JO $30 pe-r day, \1·kdys: S.W per S.1;>-29-tJ. 18835 Beach Blvd. Huntina:ton Beach 842-7781 or ~o.o442 dy wknds: $200 per wk. LeS10n., incl, full equip. ....... ..,. Motor Homes '215 ========= 30' Dodge bus.~95~;, eonVt'!rt. Mobllo Homas '200 to motor .home. Sips 6. All racil. 540-8059 btwn 6pm & 9pm. ·,- Jffpl 9510 ---- 1!>;7 c,,. .loop. Now lop. '67 Datsun ,Sdn overdrjye, V6 eng. headers, ~ door. 4 speed, fix cn1 up. roll bar. taC'k, IOIV 'OOr, dlr. !VVRSlll $199 Full draw b.1r. 48S PQsi-troc. PrirC'. \\'ill finance privalt' \Varn hub!;. $2200. &t2-2143. parly. ~'2 or 491-GSU. I Selling Your Mobile Home? Motorc.yl:les . 9300 '.53 Jeep, cqn1pl rt'-blt. SJ500~ '67 DATSUN \YAGO~ or best offer. Call: :>4>125.'l: Radio, heater, auton1atic, Lie We Will List - ---UJS-462 $9::.0 , 9520 HARBOR A:\1 ERICAN 1969 Harbor Blvd. 64&-0'lSI New '70 D~un '67 Oalsun sedan-35,000 nii . HOO OHC, Pickup with camp. r&h, 4-spd, good cond. St.JO. New C•rs Advertise -Appraise - Sell -Arrange' Financlni at no Co8t to the Se.Iler. Marry · Buym;~Vaffing;--- er. Sale price s~ dlr. 962-0016. ~r.a..6'll!l8J._W11L1a1<...carJnl•· =======II 1rad.. Will ""'""" pri"1' ENGLISH FORD WESTER·N MOBILE HOMES 2 BSA Choppers, 1 w/moldt!d plltfy. Call 546-4CJ2 or tank, flake paint, extended 4!H-68ll. j;;;;.:;:;~:.:~~=;:;~11 chrome frnt end It sm e '7tl 8' Overh<'ad Gampcr ALL NEW ENCLISll \\'heels & lots of. chr1n. Sips 4 * Xln1 t.'Ond FORDS NO\Y JN STOCK llfake offer. &tl-a3117. SACRlrICE $000 DRASTICALLY 650 Triumph ChQpper &14-6.'i!ll aft 8:30 pm REDUCED Rebuilt, Sacrifice! $a51J *1970 V\V Camper - fully TO CLEAR 673-7637 cqu1pl)(!d, poi:1 top. Xlnt 1#.RGE SELECTION 9800 New Car s 9800 New C•rs 9800 New Cars - HAS • Cabin • inbrd 135 HP, Gni.ymarine. 8ayshcn Parle "1P U-9 or 646-3441. ,·.:..'i;;;;;--;;;-;==-= Llce!\M:d Ir: Bonded 1970 TC-90 SUiuki w/bumper concl. $3395. 546.2568 \'O QIOOSE FROM Tlll'"Si. •fiiinn,1ir. -~21~. ~ Only 500 mt 196'7 FORD T'ruclc & C.Sbovl"r Theodore ARRI ED AT ' -· ' 9011 -., Cam,.,.. SI"'"' <: x1"1 am· ROBINS FORD A"•htlm ltONDA 305 Scrambler. ).1nt dltion, 4934G77 Zlli() Harber Bl\'d. • after 4 PM GOOD BEACH VAN 778 condition. Call Ken 646-4629 '64 DODGE CA.\tPER VAN Costa :P.lesa 64UXIJO -"i!t!:=.-:=:::::--:::::;';'::::l~-...;:..::;,~~:::;==11910 RONDA 350. 1j00 mlle1. l\f.AKE OPFER 49J.-3511 116 -Er4;1lsh 1-''onf Angl b1, ""20' Sloo~wood ked '>oat. -* REPO -*. __ "'1nr. $750,_ !': ••CAMPER Shrll 36'' ~Int. body. new ti~. In So uth Coast -' Ueeps 2. •67 UNIVERSAL 24x60 (213) ~2'17 lle.ight \\'/lg. cargo dr. SZ'iS \\'Orklng r.ond. but ncf!ds 137.70.19 2 BR. 2 blth, Landsca,pcd. '10 YAMAHA u; ~uro, 4 for longJW'l'l truck ~1200. !IOmr. repair. $1!!0 837-4907. • 20' Soop • In adult park $75 mo nlO old, barely broken In. 1 .. VW C•ri'lptr $1000 "-'ood kttl ~t. SlttPI 2. CHAPMAN · Incl helmet $495. 673-755& 208 4ll'd St., N.B. !~e of!tr. !3'1·7039 FERRARI MOllLE HOMES· * '70 NORTON Comma~ '69 Fon! Van Camper. 13,.;ool--------- "!:'°' .. WANTED ** · _..,"-!Or..Jfarbor, S.A. Xlnt cond. ~tu11t stlt.-$1200 i~lil~r~,·~R~ff~f~. ~'~";";·;;;'';;;gl~, ri;::i~F~E=R~R~A;:;R~l'!~~t---t---::::;;:;;:-1 !'" .i:..w . .rPER S"ArtBO#\T. -7141531.Sll)J ~'*'Or~ ot!tt~29T-i1 •--C.tl &16-.IB ·• e t970 Ke\\"asa.kl 90SS •nee CounlY'• onl1 author • * n.tPPER No. 423-l'te•l 12331 Beach Blvd, CG Xlnt cond * $260 Dune Buggies 9525 lzai dealet'. ! l'lf' \cld1, Red w/whltl: deck. 714P.i30·2'93o • 592--1821 or 346-2628 --------·I SALES·SERVlC&-PARTS ' '28.l. &G-oaoi. =·1=-o-=o..,..,.1wc--.2""'~-..-.2"'n"'n.;;-2""'"b<"°.· J--.__,K.,_·•"'•"·ua'""'k,..1 ~"'°""cc=--.'--1001 V\V' PAN ENG & 31~,!".p.~°':!.~h"'· t B h 494-851 0 I l•lboo 20' flxld K"I llmtol'1f rm. laun<h'Y rm , lmmaoul•I• Condltmn TRANS FOR"''" 642-9'05 :>tfl.1764 303 Broadway, ~aguna eac . r..~.~.,..:.~:::::::::_ ___ ,~·~· ... ::.::·~°""':.::::~r~!l6&-6:::::=1M~.--J-~....:"~r"°~~~~9-"'2T:;:::::.__~---•~64~>-0""-H~l*e---~A~•~'horl:::.;;tt<1:::..~Ferra:::.:.:""~o..::::""'::.J'~r.. .... ,.,..,..,..,..,..,.. ... ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,...,,, .. ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,....., --·· -,_ ---~~ '---~~-- rRANS~RTAT!ON --'."'!'!;~-"'1!!_;__~ VOLKSWAGEN -·--- • ·---. I ........ r ---' -, .... i.')_t::: 1 ThundoJ, -17. f970 • DAILY PILOT • ..,. TR-'HSPORTATION , TRANSPORTATION • TRANSPORTATION-TRANJ PDRTATION ~NSP_ORTATIDN TRANSPORTATION TRANS~ORTA!IOH ~NSPOR TA T I OI\ I l,Tporled Auto1 '600 !!"ported Auto• '600 Used C•n 9900 Uoed Caro 9900 Uled C•rt _, 9900 Uled C•r1 · 9900 Uled C•ro 9900 Uled C•ro ':t i _,.L:,63 VOLK.SWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN --IUICK -~~moLET ~CORVAIR M~VERICK l'ON11AC -~MILER:aftl: '-+-i "'-,!,'!:!!>-"'1''-"''!',''+'1165-G , '66-M4 _ O.:V.it M""" ""''· ~o .......... liOO·IUe ...... -, -'62 RAMILllt',' ·1---.• VB, dir (448.Ah'W) $199 ·ruu ~utomat~. VS/po.,. steer· 673-1967 t.qulvalent motorcycle. ' 4 Door, 6 cyl., automa~ -auto.radio $550, pvt. party payment• or wUI trade for 65 GTO I' Sedan Sedan priee .. Small down, will fin· ing, radio. healer. (FF~) ---6<&1007 aft 5 pm 4 SPEED power ateorlng, radk>, ~t-'1· an<e privote.....,. 546-«!52 $1099 · CORVETTE or. ILFrlll~ ,", Great transportation hlly, CASL.6.14) .; ~= Skyl•~ '°""'· BILL . y ATES 'G• VE'ITE FB-'67 ... , Rolb MERCURY • 642-&173 • BILL y A T•S l l.ll0'7o _Wammly. Road ><ady AM/FM. Air. c1 .. n. Low VOLKSWAGEN """""Com ........ 41,1 ..,., •'GP MONTECO MJ(-3.il 4 VOLKS"'AG~~·-~ i, I: fully ~nditloned. cwAk. VOLVO-book> $1350, will ~sell for 32852 Valle Road . Desperate, n1usl' sell. $1995. Dr • Fae/air, auto/trans, '69 GTO convt auto, P/S. 1fW ' O~l I-''-"-,;..;;..,:.:;,.. ____ I Sl.300. Can flnal'lt'e. 675-4537. San Juan ~pis\rano Before 12, 6'l3-zj77. Scorpio R/ll, P/S • P/dlsc br'ks, poe, tint ela1s, console , 328.~ Valle Road \ ~""'!.f· $882 $1599 ~!~8! .. V~~ Harbour 1 V.W. HUN~GTON BEACH 18711 BEACH BL. 842-4435 { '63 VW ,+ . ~HUNTINGTON BEACH Low miles on ~lit engine, '63 VW Bult-Cherry cond, new clutch. new brakes, paneling thru-out. Tuck & radio, perfeet Condition. Can roll int. Big tires, chrome be · seen ai D!9 Harbor rim1, nlee paint job. Maire Blvd, or phone 645-1982, 9am olfer. !l62-96j(J, "6pm .,---''58 YW ./ '70 Beige VW. Sedan; Pirelll tires & Chrome rims. $2000 '69 RED VW Convrt. XI.NT COND. $18® • •548-4231* '6.> V\V Sedan, not sqbck ·or istbck, J500cc eng. fm, ~farine Band radio, gd cond. $1050. Pvt pty'. 545-8624. '66 VW. New eng, & tires. Good cond, $1.000 Qr best o(fer. 642--0186 '&l Karmann Ghia, Xlnt cond. S725 or Best oiler. 51:>-6.519 or 962-1782. Original blacL finish •o'ith a>ntrulirlc red interior, Lie GBV71~ $38 Down $311 down, .. $29, 78 for 24 months. APR is 21.5% total intereat. $141, · Total cash price $738. CHICK IYERSON YW 549-3131 Ext. 66 or fi1 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COS"rA MESA !69 VW Sedans t ...... .._ ~ • ''8. Rcondlviera. all P?v.-er, 837-4800/493-4511/$2261 'fi6d~~vEIT327 E, .f apd., new• :t.i1~~ ~~ 1,'!'!"'c. ln I ().it. Good pM/~tust a ell 83~~~=~·~:1: 1: ,.. -.... -·-air ., iood tlftl, '69 CAMARO ra 1aa: ; yellow w/blk. '""""· .no-_. MS-6123. <" . : THltl $2995 833-2842 lnt, Must sell, oUcr 6'J5..3i160 '68 ?.fen-. Cyclone 2 Dr. '£'"Bo ·11 d b , ·--YO' . -nnev1 e, ra , p .. , p.s., · • ;. , JUL e 1·67~Rndlv !Mior.a1-a 1111 y8,<fspei!d,aJr conditiouing. hrdtp. 390 en;:, 4-V. p/s, all'cond,nu tltt1A:ballcry. T·llRD .··_:ti. x ra~ ,;vuu ~ • us se . (WYB 9'2) dlr. Win take COUGAR p/b.-colllOle etc. $1573. $825. ~l or 642-8861. . ;-. $2195 646-4569 ' 11. 6·t&-8554:" ./ '68 LE MANS: Xln! --... * '69 T~Blrd. 2 dr La~1· "FRIEDLANDER" 2 dr. Demo.. *' $2694 * 1:1111 l •AC .. OCWY. JO 893-7566 • 537-6824 NEW-USED-SE RV, ~ VOLVO . '70 Demo. • 1536 $2950 Check out: deals 1800 F Cpe for~livery. Ovetwea.s del,.Specia1ist. DEAN [EWIS 1968 Harbor, C.M, 1)t6.9303 Autos W•nted .9110 WE PAY TOP CASH _ _;_ :;s _ · "" _Oil!' in~ bde: at fjna!lCe pri-,_ COUG _. n '-"UIAI • 1 C &DI" •c' 1 , va~ ~rty •• 54~ or , .. , llllo, Pwr. steer .. • '68 i1e~ Convt, Beautiful l\Tany xtras. Fully cqulpped. '. , , :. " ~ 4s.1.SSll . brakn; alr; auto., stetto. grnJ£0ld, All ell:tra.s, $1250. $2195. ** Aft. 5: 557-8825 646-0284• • ,, -1 61: MT.lijjiii;;-s;s 1 -::N:::ew~· ... ~-~$'="'::-~·.,.....,,~~·. "'j;-431° '"' 1", eo 1 '''"' T-•11m -81s Cooil:'!!t:, '66 CAD conv. E1 Dorado • ., WI Q U '66 MERC CONVRT. Beaut Xlnt co~~"t ~:::;: ditio!],_ Nu tires. •Ail(..,;fff all p'wr, climate eontrol, Fu1a~·,;;c·.-..-u.,,mt-o1rl--,DODGi-~-H"''en,gnld-lU-xtru:.s -$1.~•*-t&JsntieJ, c ~t , • :. ... AM/F~ ate.reo, Cl\ll~ C?"'" (NOS 392), Mutt Sell!" Will G46-43?0. • 196.1 TijUNDER.8ilP1 tm, tilt &: fele. ateenng t· 494-7744 * $500 * . ..-.... 1 whl, zu ide-rnatic twil tte 1nance, . 'ti6 DODGE VAN: R/H Xlnt MUSTANG . ··MILER 847-0:H5. •11";,· !Jeni, $2160. 6(2...2413 or 1963 Impala Wagon: 43,000 cone!. Gd. nibber. SlOSO """ 5'5--0548 mi 327 V-8/Auto. 1 oWner, FJRi\f. 546-7820 .f,g CAO 4 Di'.· sedan DeVille. ~P/B 4 Nu ~lass '66 MUSTANG '68 REBEL VALIANT ._:::~j Aqua f~m_11t: air, stereo, ~.:ai;. ....., .,,. tilt-tele, .enti.nel; 16.000 mi. ~;,,, * ~.,33 New u .... , ss100 ..... 130 '67 BISCAYNE IMMACULATE 'Sf. Cad., V8, aulomatic, air cond .. fg,000 mi's, n pwr. ?'Int poWt"r steering, radro, 'heat- cond. $1500 or bit oh'. See, er. tVFC437) lS30 Newport Blvd., C.M. . $8" e '64 SEDAN de Ville -fuJI pwr, fact air, AM/tM. S995. 962.-5751 after 5 wkdys 196'1 CADILLAC Coupe DeVi lle $12 50., 1961 Continenlal $215. 675-lSM BILL :YATES VOLKSWAGEN 32852 Valle Road San Juan Capim'ano 837-4800/493-4511/499-2261 FALCON '6 ~ }'alcon Squire Wag. V-8, air, xlnt1cond. $800. :>18-).12l tief/1 P,M ' , FORD TOP DOLLAR V8, Auto, Radio, Heater, PS. 2 Door Hardtop, VI, Auto., __....._. -~II ISRC 5811 "' 1966 VALIANT 6 '-. l·I na:H, P.S. Landau Top, to U < doo I ,3 1 $999 Bucket Seats fA506551) 8~ ma ~ r, a r BILL YATES $1199 5',000 m•., 3 ""w 11.., lllt • ""w lire• aod .,;.,. part ,i VOLKSWAGEN BILL VATES 8"1 offor, m"' "~;, . 5'1G-1548 or 646-633:4. '<l :. . 32852 v.i1e Road VOLKSWAGEN IT'S B<aoh "'""limo." ·1 San Juan Capistrano 32852 Valle Road gC'&I selcct1011 ever! ~"I : 837-4800/49l.4511/499-2261 San Juan (:aplstnmo DAILY PILOT Classifld1 l\iUSTANG '69 Mach I, 351, 837-4800/493-45U/499-2261 section 11.1w1 • lA;; for V8, air , 4-lpd, disc:/brks, I ==========-========::ii CLEAN USED CARS p.s:, posi, stereo, 1port. New Cars 9800 .New C1r1· ·9~1 deck, air scoop S 2 8 5 0. See Andy Brown 6-~-4ljl) ext 35, nite-642-2886. -l '67 V\V CONVRT. Beige-Nu brakes. XJnt cond Sl.250 ....... , '68 VW BUG Several to choose Crom. S1T:i0 for used urs & trucks just with automatic (YCY961). call lll for tree estimate. Automatic trans. Ai\f/F~1 All are under either our GRO.JH CHEVROLET . radio, healer. 213: 926-Hl62 100~;, used .car \varranty or 1 I 1---l-"7"---.;-:,--.,.,---1-naw-caJ1-warrant)l!.--Ask' f~r Sales" MaM&tt _C:AMARO ·~~-El l~~m::.''::'a~""t;.: THEODORE ,69 MACH 1, """ Sac. YOU Alt';/ ' •68 SS 396 auto AM/Fl\f mags. Tonnee.u cvr. $3,800. ROBINS FORD Cleanest car in town. Has ._._,_·~:.:,·.-, 1 ,i. ' ·• ' cc•<> •388 -u-~ Bi"d, eve""thing. 1~v1. P I y ' di!ICI, vinyl, c on s ol e, ....,.,.... · -OGJuuc • ·J gauges, air shocks. $17:.0.'-··~=,,..CH=E=\7' =s~;.,-"'-.. ~Sl-n~W~g~n. Costa Meu ~-14493. 213: 592-.2418 R/H, p.s .. Good <:ond, ,1·ant 642-0010 '67 Mustang Conv. BurguD- '68 CA.MARO SS 350. Grotto smaller car! 54>-7826. "'66"""c""'.i""axJ-,-e-500=-co-,-,""".,..~.1 dy/wh. top. VS/289. Pwr · ·, ; Large Selection Harbour V .W. ::': .'!~: Of YW Campers, mu BEACH •L. ,..:.," .. ,...,., KI 9-3331 VaM, Kombis, HUNTINGTON BEACH WE . PAY• CASH Buses, New & Used 1.,, vw. "'"'u.nt '°""· I mmediote Delivery New vinyl ;,t•rior, 0000 FOR YOUR CAR CHICK IVERSON mals, &m lack, Holla fog YW lites, ctc, etc. i\1ust sell. . Make off~r. Call 546-9770 549·3031 Ext. 66 Or 67 days, 538-5567 after 6Pi\I. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Ask for Wayne. CONNELL ' CHMOLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. 1'67 vw ,,, COSTA MESA 1965 vw BUS. Ne.w ·engli'iC: Costa Mesa-w .. m R&H, Xlnt. Cond. $1395. Aft 6 pm. 1-,WE="P'°A"Y"TO=P'"""DO""tu..,"R'"" 545-3509 FOR TOP USED CARS blue w/blk vinyl top .-·· autom,pwr strg,R&H xlnl. •Ir. Al\1/F:l\1 radio deluxe COME F/equipt. $1000. 49l-3723 COMET $995. Private. 494-3415·~ . interior chrome dash-wood steering Ylheel w/w, new '67 Camaro, 6 cyl, Xlnt cond, '66 Ford Country Sedan Sta· brakes & tires top condition 3-spd, Buckel seats, $1300 '61 COMET tio .• Wagon, P/s, P/b, air, $1.300 M6-4Z7<1 or best offer . 646-0766. GOOD TRANSPORTATION Xlnt cond. 673-4.281. · ' .... '' '67 EL Camino, plum. tolor.1 _________ '66 Galaxie conv, autom, pwr xlnt cond. 40,000 mi, P·~·· '67 LINCOLN Continental, 4 strg, XIJ'.lt, Pvt pty. $995 or '65 l\1ustnng. Jmmac. Orig RIH •,,10 .___ ...,.,:.. owner. 59,000 ml. $1)(). Aller '73-2356._.. ......... ............ d~. Blk w/ blk \jnrl _to!?! best otter, 494-3415. 4pm. §lf>..oll!IS. _ --~------1 air, stereo tape d e Ck. 1964 Fbrd Ga1axie. C1ean, e '59 CHEVY SEDAN cru; .. ....__.,.__,, -w -"ial 1970 302 Boss, ~ mo old, lo ..... --..v .. uw '"' ''"' low mi, Auto trans, PJs. ·· $100 d b-' .. •-RUN S• tires, eltt hj!adrel!lt & $595. a48-5067. mi s. ' wn, .......... ~ S50 ** Aft 6 Pill: &t2-Ta90 special eustom passenger I ~~-~------~1~300!~------·---- A · 1 '61 Ford Ga1axie $150. Runs '69 M tang 351 ,. r ·57 CHEV. i,s ton piek-up. seat. prestige owner ex-1 us • a , ="";:::':::::.::=::::==1--!$250~.~·~*~61>-5283~~--~""";-,.-,-'-c=-,--~~ 1'70 MACH I, lo1v mil~nt -. '69 Fairlane, PS, auto, A/C, condition &. 5 yr warranty. . CHEVROLET CONTINENTAL -:~.'!'~~-~!w .!~ .. '· M"" L,., 1 "• '°""Icy-MUSI: .,_,,, •.rouoo SACRIFICE. 548-1784. *SNEAK PREVIEW 1971 . MODELS .. •. " :-· I! Retrnhments, Prins for the whole f1mily TONIGHT 7:00to11:00 pnf $119:> 673-2514 e '65 VW SEDAN e • 646-7741 • * '62 VW BUS $79J, 642-6606 '68 V\V, beige, slick shif!, R&H. xln't concl, SL?QO. 646-4370. '67 vw VAN, new engine . U your cu .la extra clean, Needs some body work. sec us finl $1200. 494-96!H. BAUER BUICK '66 V\V Conv., yellow $350 or best offer. 640-<317 234 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 548-7765 ™PORTS WANTED Xlnt cond. $695 ecuti~ car. $2550. 1624 'Anti-good, p/s, p/b. See aft 6, p/b-dlsc, pis, vin. roof, Evening:s: 673-211i6 qua Way, NB, 642-9980 _2857i°':tn10 :c';-Acjpail ,c'A, c;;.""~·pj,.; I "1:;';:·19';2"-=P=vt='="'=·=61'-5030==:;·= ~1959=-::;Che;;:cvy::::!::,-ta.:tlo;.:n::::w::agoc..,·~,.,-l .;;.,;-;c"o"Ni.;TO;'L'".-Li'.,:::,:::,=..,'-'=a:-1 -:a::n I '67 FORD Gal. Auto. P/s & P/b. 390 cni;. Lo mi. Top Clean. $350. economy pricc, $800. 'COnd. $1475. Pvt 548-6432. 846-5753 or 847-9164 * 644.6178 * SANTA ANA:{, ' PLYMOUTH Orange Counties '66 GALAXIE Cnvrt. Auto- '59 VW SUNROOF TOP $ BUYER e '65 IMPALA -JIS, r & h, '70 itARK Ill P /S JIB. Pvt ply: $895 or R/H 613-4525 Bll.L MAXEY TOYOTA Original owner. Make oUer. 7 mot old. 2000 mi. bst ofr. Must M!ll, 675-8406 . ·:1 Lincoln-twercury ' ... ~ '6j VW bus, reblt engine. SllOO. 499-3650 10 to 4. 30800 s. Coast, s. Laguna. 968 ,._,.__ to u· . · lB88l Beach mvn. <Ca!J~~968-~3'Kl~I~. ;;--,--,-..:..-l=~O~N~E"o:;:wntt;;;;:;;,,;6;"""";;:;;;:"~= l'W>iiiRii>Ra;;<;;;ro-:--;;e;y YES! l ... .,....,. au ma c 1s R Be h Ph. M?-15&1 -'69 FORD Ranchero, very only $1400 SamolW>•. Call ~·==ao=. ===== • 63 Chevy CO RV AIR gd. ·amd. '"'" 6 ' 00 '70 PIYmoulh Cuda, R&H, 441).6, pogitractlon, hvy dty suspension, $800. Take over pnits, "-5·2S mo. 646-M6l 4:3l)..6P:-.t. 1301 Tustin Ave., Santa Ana " ' '1t Thrff minutes from three frH w•ys '63 YW Bug 536-3107 HURRY! A-I L , 9llO w· 54<>00Z!. e 'fil VW ·Sed~Xlnt cond. u 0 ••••nt CICJOll --'69 Road Runner. 383 eng. 4-spd, map & ~ tires, tape dcck. $2Cm or ~I ofr. Mul'il sell. 80-5430 aft 6: 30. 547-9183 ' .. · ... MECHANIC SPECIAL Llc. OKC-812 $299 "'--= Auto,, radio, beater, V8, ·pow. 'M Cot:· l\fom:a, a~to, good '69 Ford Ranch . Wagon. New paint, Offer. ..__ er steering. (JBT72G). condi!JOn. $323. Ph. 846-2981 PIS-stereo/radio. XI n t CHICK IYERSON YW 64&-8021 $599 '-=a'='='="'="=· ====='-'='°=""=l3000==· =83='"',,'"'=·==' * '65VWijUG 'tr 1· n•w .... xlnt oond. gd ,;,..,, BILL y ATES 549-3031. Ext. 616 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. $!OOO. _,, • '""''--VOLKSWAGEN NEW YW BUG All M•kH--All Models 3215' v.i1. Road COSTA MESA i $55.89 pr. month A"tomobil" • Trucl" San Juan_Capls1raoo "Where Service &rl..4fm/493-45ll/499-2261 '62 VW ,Bug $147,71 down lnclud .. itakes the Dilference" LATE '66 Imp. Spt Cpe--.VB. Radio, 4 speed; excellent oon. tax & Lie. Open End .diHon. dlr. Full price $699. VW LEASING Orange Co .• Newport Beach 27,500 mi, air, pi:/pb, 1 pr 4570 CampUs Dr. n 4-540-3825 pty owner $1250, 67>-1380 fB\\IM881) Small dov.'n. \\'ill AT '65 Impala & S. 2 Dr. PIS, finance private party. CHICK IVERSON U1ed Carl 9900 P/B, $1150. 54fi..f052or4M-68ll. VVI 1----~~----1 "''"",....c_a711_1133-~3971~6,_,....,.,- --1-~',6S-YW~-1-.. 10-HARBO"-"LVD; AUJOMOJIVE '65 Chevy Impala 4-<lr hrdlp, CO~A MESA 326, ·VS. fac air, auto trans, BUG "' Xln1 oond. 84H381. Am•rlcan ...... wld• tiros, '66 vw REFERRAL SERVICE custom metallic pain I '"' 'h L$10o-OO-'-. =~~*~~,__&12_-54_7~61 beautiful lace work. YPU-'G;; V\V Bus-Good <:on d The revolutklnary \vay 901. Y.'freblt eng. $ll95. 642--0880 to sell your aulomobilc. Seve:ral other customized "'" ... "· 642.-8l67 eves. \\le have buyers waiting! V\V to choose frori1 ,68 vw CALL NPW 642-4431 CHICK IVER$0_!11 WE BUY 'IW, CARS 549-3031 E•t. 66 or 67 s eba k ~-~ 1970 1-IARBOR BLVD. quar . c ' 2100 ""'"°' "'''· .. ,,,166 WANTED ru pay lop' doUa· for your 100% Warranty (\\ITF 171) IUICK and ask tor Ron Pinchot. '66 EJ Camino, Clean, Rwu perfectly. 53&-6746 Between 8 Ii. 4. '66 Chev Ma1ibu, auto, r/h, fac air. $850, Must sell, going overseas 67>8813. '61 Chevy Bel Aire 283 cu in. Good running $75. 310 W, Avocado, Apt 9, Mr. Hayes '62 Chevy Bel Aire 327· V8 R/H Fae. a ir. Runs good $250. 548-7545 '&4 Cbevelle Malibu SS Auto trans, RJH, Jo mi, orig. owner. sr;i0. 644-2356 aft 5 VOLKSWAGEN loday, Call $1788 519-.1031 Ext 66-61. 673-0000. . , 1951 BUICK •eus ~ Nice bcld:Y. tires, · ·Good running. $125. Har. blown roct. $250. cau aft ........ 10. eiown .... $350. Harbour V W '673-6434 .~. 3. . • ™· .,,_2151 Call 64&:4970, ~ • • ·61 Riv~: FJpower; air; '62 CbeVy BJ1Cayne, 283 eng, * '70 p. Top Camper 18711 BEACH BL 842"'1435 coMOle: ~2.000 Ti\1-$2.100~ Ji:T.:-Mt, GoOif •twg,-5299 . . Lo ml, s.v, '"' S4S.1240 HUNTINGTON BEACH 5&7·7979 ·"1"e!j'wfcend \ Runs £00d! 64&-0946. FABULOUS WEEKEND SAVINGS on these OUTSTANDING VW CAMPERS 'lt Fwlly 11 p111cl1ble top, betl1, 1to"•· iw bolf, we llf thr1 tu*'· reclio., ~1el1r, lew, lo• "'ilOI, A·I, Sh11p ! 1x1x.1111. '61 Fvll c1b1111, ~cllo, h••*•'· w1llf lflr1I 11Ht1. 111 tlM 11lre1. 'b tell111t met.li•~•I to!'lcl1ti•1t. I P'ftl!il.' 'lT Full t ebe111, retl io, ht•f••, fwlty t •l'll!'l t 1quipp•cf. Ool'l'f t11l11 thi1 01111 ITIV·6141. lae Berlottl'• T&M MOTORS Hll GAIDlll GIOft ILYD. Aol ...... -·-SAUS OPIM IUNOAY PAm,sn"c~ TU IS., THUD .. Tl\.L l :ff 1)4·JU4 n1.1111 cv,aL et.....a ' ~ COSTA MESA· HONDA • SEID UNIVERSITY OLDIMOSIU nso HAHOll llVll. ~ I JAGUAR 2 +2 1970 OPEL · G.T. '68 JAGUAR XKE • s, •• c1. reclio, h•eter, 11111bur1t yellow with bletlf vinyl interior " 117 1 BKTI l ow mil••t•·· I own•r b1euly wilh 011ly 22,000 rnile1. Chrom o wir1 wheol1, 11clia, ll••l1r, 1ulom1tic trenunln ion. J u1t immetulete. ISYW8011 $3295 $ Prestige Cars at Sensible Prices '67 CONTINENTAL COUPE 2 Door h1rcl top. You'll ju t hev1 to ••• thi1 on• lo r•ell y b1li •~• it. Full power, •let. heed re1t I recli11i11t pe11. 1eet, 111!0., 1ir to11cl ,, otc~ •le, Very low mil1191. tYW561J) $2895 '69 MERCURY WAGON M1u1ui1 lfetiN ••ton, Full pow•r enJ f•cfory 1ir t onditio11i119, 1t1reo AM.FM re41•. l•etl M wilt! 111 equipfllllll, low tnil••t•• I aw1111, fie· tery w1rr111ty 1voil•ble. IYWT7tll $3895 '68 BUICK SPORT WAGON VI 1119111., 111lo111el it tre11tmittl•11. retll•, ~••tor, pow11 d111i119 1"4 pow1, b11•"· vi11yl i11tenor. pe•tf tell 9eto wiMow, f1,fory eir tlll• tlitio11i111. Flewlen . IVHF I I JI ' -$3095 ltaecl1fer, Briti1h ,.,;11g 9r1111 with 1uede 9re111 l1•lher inl•ri•r. You wa11't fi1ul one "''"''' ... 1pe1cf, r•• dio, ll11ler, chrome wir• wh•el1. IYU M962 ) s3595 · Excellent Economy Cars '69 '0PEL LS. Sport coup•. ltiy'io. h11t1r, 4.,p11cl lr•1u~111ia11, -, -'1395. '65 FORD FAIRLANE 500 . F1lf1 1111 500 h•rcltop. VI, 111t0Melit , r1clio, 11111••, pow1t lle1ri119 I hr••••• immecul1!• ton4ifi9"11, IPIZl-411 $895 '65 MERCURY WAGON Calo11y P•rk w19011. VI, eutomttic, redlo, 1111111. pow-1r tl•1ri119 a., bi••••· eir co11cl., low mll••t•, I ow1111. (096ASGI "$1395 '66 CHEVROLET MALIBU M..,l;\i~ 2 Dr. H.T, VI, 111l•1t1•tic, ro4io, lto•••r, pvwer ttM1l119, l•w 11iil11. IYPW1)7) · i I I ";-.-.. ...-.. ';-... ' ' ' • I ' • ,J -DAILV PILOT . . Joe /JeJotti ~ AllTHORIZED e SALES e SERJ'ICE • PAilTS WE HAYE THE BEST SELECTION OF BMW's IN ORANGE COUNTY • .1600's • 2002 • 2500 • 2800 • 2800 cs • All Colon . •AA Models • Immediate Delivery ' :ci1· .. : ?"iP- ~. Tlio BMW four-cylinder engine acts like a six or eight. It's smooth and quiet, turns out 114 h.p.' at 5800 rpm . Cruises at .I 00 ' mph. _ -~ls_11p_!o _30 mpg. See Lt.M 1'-«)TOR~ for tho free b o.o k I e I, "33 Reasons Why BMW Is Better." ·-'67 YW CZWL-lfll Ntw V.W. color, All bl•ck intorior. '68YW Rodio, h••f•r, funroof. ~ool SIMrp! '67 RAT Cpt., r•dio, h••for. Good tir••· Rid with bl1ck b11ck•t 1•1h. fTRY-0161 '68 FIAJ . 150 Spider 2 ch. rfllio, h1•tor, "Itri 1h•rp! !WTZ-6161 168 YW !l1dio, h•1ttr. 4·1P•td, n•w tirt1. l l•ck witlt r•d inttrior. (WIJ·0271 '67 YW CAMPER R1cl io, h••t•r. w1lk thru 111h, fully ~395 $1295 ~ oqvipped;ncl•din9 ic• box, plu• rn•nv, rn•nv oxh11. Fully •neJ011d cob1n•. lrnrn1culot1 condition. SAVE • '66 YW a1dio, h11l•r, whit• w1ll1. low rnil1191. ).~I •h1p1. fSVY-199) , PLUS A LARGE SELECTION OF VW BUSES, ALL COLORS Wo hove a financing pion lo fit your budget. Come in and talk with ono of our e•periono· ·..i counselors. AllTHORIZED e SALES • e SERVICE e PARTS T & M MOTORS OPEN SUNDAYS _ --~ •1 hden Grot• Boulevard 1/2 Ilk. E. of Beach llvd. IJ4.2~14 892-5551 • I I .. .. . .... • ' . luilttotab Oii the comdry. Sii ONI TODAY AT JAMES LTD 1514 Old Newport alv.I. C•t• MeN '42-0MI . . ... . . .. . I .. -• • ----- ·:·-1 .. z.1- ' "Lead.er In The Beach C!Ues" ZIMMERMAN 2145 HARBOR Bl VD.· 540-6410 \ Bl _G ·SE~ECTION OF DATSUN . Pick Up . 'Trucks ALL COLORS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DllIYERY I ~ . Ughtwe!ghl·end!lroof ----·MlSUtf -65mp)i. 91lce!Olary· The "klnil""' Ibo e . ...i .. engine. 5 l!Pd.. . tube frame~ Pod-Forde. "Leader drtiZ's~.e Be~ch -u z -u ; -!:' ; a ~:.;'!'!:.° ~ ZIMMERMAN ~ 2145 HARBOR BLVD. SEI ONE TODAY AT JAMES LTD - luilttotab Oil the DDUllJ'. S40-6410 -BIG SELKTION . OF DATSUN Sta.lion Wagons ALL COLORS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -·-··Leader ln The Beach "lies'' - ZIMMERMAN 214.1 HARBOR BLVD. 540-6411 ' • - . . . -. -. ~ c ~ u .. + 0 ~ ... ~ " 0 >- ~ .e ,, .. -~ ~ 0 ~ -" < -, B.J.- SPORTSCAR CENTER 2133 HARBOR COSTA MESA -·-H you own an irn· ported car and need , service, come see us at B J Sports Cars. All new serv· ice and parts facil~ ties. We service ALL imported cars. * • * ••••••••• FREE OIL FILTER With Every LUBE & OIL CHANGE. To The First 100 Cars With This Coupon Imports Only -I•••• 8 8 ••,I * • * SPECIAL Pront End Alignment . ' Announces. H 0 N D -A- IS HERE! HONDA -~600 SEDAN 75 MPH -4 1poed tr11n1mi11iOn ..:... front 1 disc: br11k1s-full ca .... peting. 40 miles per gallon. 3 ~ WhHI ~alance THE >-acw & c 2'. "' le ~ -Tire Rotation AR T ff AT • o~ ,. . ~ II-->-~ ~-i !y-·•--::::-Fo=-=R,.,._AL .... J-NL_L_Y_,_EVERIB_ODJ_ - 5 ~ z 111 ~· $14.9S TR·IED -~---- ~Ci~ g ~ c.D iE g ..... CIC TO ~ ~ z ~ 2 Rog.' Price $22.SO (i ~ >-Imports Only BUILD ~ ~~ . . ' !~ -·- BILL $1395 JONES' ....... ft,W.~~- . •. .....,_, .. ,,_ B.J • SPORTSCAR CENTER 2133 HARBOR COSTA MESA 540-44f1 - Corner Of Htrbor & Elm.-Servlc1 Entr11nc1 On Elm UNIVERSITY SALE.5 e SERVICE . COSTA MESA 2150 HARBOR ·~VD. .• 540--• I ' • J • -I • ' .. 1 re P< bi th Ai le1 St ro or re th le. G1 in af th [>J or " in •1 bt fl, it;; I ·~t Pl ... "' b•