HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-. . Harbor I . ~oo~tors 1r · · . . . ... .. May • .,.;. ' c. ..,. .: l ~ •'. ' ~.. • • nt.:~gCase ._ ' ' , . , . . . ' .. " FRIDAY AFTEllNOON,-MA1lCH/J ~,-a:t12 . ' · -.:. .... -.. ,.,.. IKftoia.-•'N»ll ~ · · . .... . , ~ •' , ' : : I ~ ' ? .: • Ml&.'Y PU ... T • """ : 'Mnc&·~·MOTH&R REAi>s llLE'WH•LI WArtllleflN HC9itAL t' ~ .. Morrlmon ~lnlllln• Vftll ot'~a ~ .. Morf!"ilal · .. 1 ' ~ • • j l 1 • • ~ • .. ., 1 .. ' + • • .. • •• ·r t f;,df! B<;>y .. ~lings ·~-~1)1if~~ ~ . ~ ; ~ , ,, As' F amil,Y: Pr~y' s," .Hi~~,; . ~ ir ·.;· . • Vr_~ ' ' -...... , "':1'~ ' ..... ' 'ti.~ "" "I ' ' ' • . A time to live• 1 ..• a time to dit ~:~.'~~me f9 laugh ., ~: -~ 1time .to • -Bibte-iOspired 'fock. tune . . . , ·'. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 1 Of 11111 DtffY ,lllt S... I ~ ~ tt1a·'time and a Place ,~'aJ • ~ Jor ~II thlnp under heaftll, . ..,.,. ;,. =~ · fi1o the ,Bible hi: wliieh Mjk<' > ..,._ auer's ute is·lived.~ · . · , bas;nol ,..d lfinJt·~s.•. > t ~ iD." a co;ma ar, ,b;sta Me-f • lloopilot, with !)lad -~ •. E . ..... . ·~-·,.,_ ...... ~.-. ~' I • -~~-..-··"="" ~, :·. \1 •• ··ir. ;~ ' Mme wu ·Jan.~JO, ~ the ev-. '1 ~' T ; I '' ' .,. •7 ~ "' "wl's' ~· •y 1cOrMr 'lh SiOUri'· ·: • . . ts ~ • . ' ' ' :f.' ilutP<>se, perhaps, Ii ])est·i<fl Iii In· li1terpret.aUon, for lllil •lilly ·Of • f '1 foith and hope in lhllr trfaWy .,. ,affect difletaJt peopl& lo dlllennt ..,.. '"naere are signs my son hu the worst t1r1 ol brain damqe," l)'I Mn. Robert Mmilften,., ol 211'1 Arlfla SI., .'Newport 1~ saflered by the ~ dtl Mar RIP School ...,.,....,. and tliristian Qmlp11 Crusade -Involve .the Yilal 4 .. _., ... , • Stitt IN A 'COMA' • • Mika Miol4onhl- , . '. •.' ; I I , , •;1.'!\"fi.i'' ~·· ... ~,~·· ~,;;11mmlt . .. ...t • . ... -. "' ·..:iJ ·' ; ( ,·I _1 ( , , I :Hi~ 1'f use~iri . r • . , :By . S,1:1rytjse I WOUNDED -JelEE, S.D. (UPI) - ,._ 41111 lildlans -1houlillg "burn burn; bum" -climued a wetk of vr;. test by storming a trading post and mu~um in Wounded Knee, roughing up operators or the two firms and. making off.with .. $50;000 worth of Indian artifacts. Wounded Knee was the scene of the last clash between the Sioux arid the U.S. cavalry in 1890. More than JOO men, women, children and soldiers died in that battJe. James Czwczynski, a stockholder in the predominantly-white Siouz: Corp., which . operates the Wounded Knee Museum and . . Trading Post, said the Indians "barged in , lll)d roughed us up," Thursday night. Qive Gildersleeve, 72, former operator ol Uie "trading post, was knocked Iii the ground bi.it not injw-ed, Czwczyn1ki said. Czwczynski said the Indians tore down po1ter1 advertising the museum of Gen. George Annstrong Custer, leader of the -cavalry at Big Horn , and forced C.Wc:zynskl Iii rip dOwn a Coster poster. .. Tbe Indians arriffll by bus and car, ap- ~U.Y f~ nearby Gordon,. N.ev., 'Where ti/" Iii 1,000 bad been slatlinl a pro- 'tesl over tbe•death of Raymond Yellow 'lbuncler, an Oglala SIOOll, at the handa of whltea. lndlalBi charged that Y elklw Thunder, 51, was tortured to death last month by five whitea 1n Gor.don, 'Z1 miles from the reservation. 'Ibey illO demanded a congrUWnal in- -iptloo Into the death, and den\anded that cbarsa: against the five whites ar· relled In coonedion with the Incident be inc:relled Ii> murder and kldnoplng. The whltel are cbarged with manslaughter and false hnpriaonment. Alter two Cliy1 OI Dieel!Oii, local and alate\olDciaiJ W_., a&reeci to .join ' (Seo> INDWlli .... II ' ... . "NEW' SECTIONS ·ST AGE ENCORE Tbe -Home and Garden P., along 'with dally TV lop, will be mumg their ltCOl1d appearance in Saturday edJ.Uons ol the DAILY PILOT .tomorrow. , Longtllljt readers ol,the DAILY PILOT are .reminded that two old lrlendo -TV WEEK and Famny Weekly-have lllOWd to Sunday distribution and wJD not be Included In the DAILY PILOT-lotu\'def ...... ac use um \ CdM Boy Clings T~ Life; Fa111ily .(;lings to Dope I •• • • .. ., ,. . ' "Ex .:&it, ~..,,.,...-.;..;...;.. __ Not Shown . . • . In Co ty' M~y Be Qn1zzed By ~L~mKIN -• ' OflllD9l1Y..tii..1wt .BY TOM1iARLEv . of' ... DMff' '"" • ..., ' ' LOS ANPEJ:.ES -Four Barbot Area physicians whO ~legedly made large sup- plies or the narcotic Demerol available to drug addict Reba Vaughn may be asked to explain their actiollll to a State Board of Medical Examiners committee whe'n the , inquiry ilito allegations against Dr. ·Ebbe Hartellus of Costa Mesa reopens in 1May: · Oefeme attorney Matthew Kurilich told state hearing officer E. F. de VilbiM u the aecond tbr~ay hearing · closed Thursday that he may, bring the four doc· tors he named to the ·hearing room for ·queatiOning when the inquiry reopens .,May ,23, 24 and 25. • Mrs. Vaughn admitted during lhree days on the witness stand that 8.he tricked b o t h doctors and hospitals in Costa Mesa and Ne.port Beach into sup- plying htr with Demerol in 1988 at a time when Dr. Hartelius allegedJy w~ under close observation and cduld not sustain her habit. , , . . • Kurilich complalaed Thursday that the cue .against Harten.us could be con-. slderably changed If he can determine ·from "the physicians the extent Iii which Mn. V1Uihn got ber drugs from sourru other than her •year-old lover. Hirttnua of I!ioncler Street, El Toro, Is . accuaed of moral turpitude ·and un- profe .. lo)lli conduct. It Is alleged thai He ,lntroduceo Mn. Vaughn Iii drugs and en- couraged ber habit Iii. the point that aha waa eventuauy ~ttllled u a drug add ld. It la also alleged lllat he drugged Mri. Wanda Melendrez of Coata Meaa as a 'meana of achlevtn& a sexual relationship • with h~ victim. Mrs. Melendrez choke'd on her food and cUed In llecember of 11168. • Mra. Vaughn 1111 testllled t b at Hartellua j>teformecl three abortiona on lier durtng their torrid relatloruhlp. She .has •!to ~ifitd tbfit Hattelius Is the falher· 'ol "lier &-re.-old son, Jerry !Y.aulh!1. . • Mrs. V•ulhn told !lie committee that •he ~a~ deaperllte for O.merol In late !Ml Iii the point that she called doc· ton and told them ber father wu dying ol Ct'!"'f ood net<leci'ftiief from pain. · She testified that . oevenl phYslclaris «lied area pharmactea and crclered druggilts to give her quantltlea of Dtmerot. State ~colics regulations , lorbld the dispensing . ol narcotics and clongerous dl"ug1 Iii """°"' who have not undelgone an e>1ml111tlon at the binds ti the prescribing pllyslclan. ' The blonde, mlni~skirted witneu, who once fell asleep during the bearinc and on anoth_er occasion collapsed in tears on the witness stand, told hOw she' oiice used a man she described as "an old wino" to obtain Demeral from an unsuspecting doctor. She said she persuaded. the man to don Dr. Harteliua' pajomu, hustled him Into Hartelius' bed and told him to make ap- propriate noises when the ·doctor' from whom she hoPed to oDtain,.Dcmerol callest .at the home. · . Mrs. Vaughn said she had· told the physician that her accomplice had ln- ClU'able cancer and t~at the doctor ap- peared to be satisfied with her story of he~ dying, pain:wracked 1atber. • He gave · the willing, pajama-clad .patient a shot and then left vials ol Demerol with Mrs. Vaughn whi ch were later used by the shapely blonde for he'r personal drug needs. "But did he look as If he had cancer?" Mrs. Vaughn wis asked. "Oh God, he "looked. as If he had everything," rePJled Mrs. V,aughn . That comment 11topped the heiring for a run two minutes. · 1 O. Persons Die In · Heu.don Cras li ' . ' On H ighway 101 From Wire Services UKIAH -Ten persona .were kllled1 t~ day in a head-on colli1Jon of two cars oh U.S. -IOI about 13 mllea llOUth of Ukiah, . the highway patrol reported. . capt. Hayes Hickey said nine victims ditd at the actne. . Hillside Hospital In Ukiah said 1' girl ,about .... 18 die$i after. reaching .the hoapltlll Jn an ambulance. ' Hickey said one driver 1pParently fell asleep. ~e ~ld Ill.met or the victims were not Immediately available. 1'be highway patrol Mid .a noi:thbound . 1utilmoblle c~il)~ 1~ penoni collided with a aouthbound car with four oc· . cupants. • • 1 , The palrol 11ld preUminary fn- . forination Indicated one of the cars was In the wrong lane of U.S. \01, the major norllHouth hJ&hway In California. 1'be accident occurred 1boul 7:30 1.m. •bout 1IO milet oortb of San Francllco • l' A !JO.minute; 10UrRl and color movie on male homosuuallty -UUed "7 In a Barn" and characterized •• •;npUctt 'hard~re pornqgra~y" -w1a eon- fl~ated by .Orange · County llhertira ·deputies at UC Irvine Thunday nJihl during a forum sponsored by the G07 students Union. ' · The film wu not shown and no ll1't!lta were made. . · ~ depuu ... a.cted upon • wmiai Issued by Central Orallll' COantjr "Municipal Court Judge Robert E. Rlcldea who reportedly had no hesitation In lalu- lng the warrant after listening to an i.our.. long ~ped phone conversation. with two San Francisco pollCi! 0Ulcer1 who hid seen the Clim. · "The fillh.''has never been shown la Orange Couniy -It's thal poi'nojraplllc '.man." said Deputy DA Mrs. Oretta Seari thl.s morning. "The San Francisco officers were Wed I<> describe It In great delall," Mn. Sean added . "The moment he heard tho description, Ibo Jud(e luued the ordef The deacrtptlon was hllr roilln(. It's .,; orgy." · , ; . Tnday m~mber• ~.the Goy stuclenls · <Boe SEX 'FILM, Pap 11 , . '.o ran1e · ,cO..t I Weaillei" " ' 1 Sunshi ne aho<ifd lab ..., tho Soothlfnd Satufdfy, !Gllowtq the usual low clouds 'aod f'I olont the coast. Highs for 1 &be 1'tebnd are expected to be alightly wanner, with tempflratUrts of 80 lJona the , .coas~ doing Iii 711 Inland, ,Lowa ii the tnip-50'1. J ". INSmE TODAY . ' Southr.ind •lag• OJ><ftiltil• lhil week ra.nae from ShoMtpCar1 amt• B•• JOlllOO! to Rar Brod- burl/'I piny> unlh m..ic. TodoV'I W cekcndtr ttUI tlMotcrgocr1 • the porticuJarr •• ' . l • • S DAIL V PILOT S FDA Limits ' . Use of Lead ·In Paints ~ AP Dhpokbe1 The Food and Dru1 AdmhJ!straUon to-~ clay banned all except trace amounts of 1 .. d Jn paint by the end of 1173 "to mlnlmlie the health hazard to future aentraUons." I Over vigorous protests from the J>lint Industry, tjle FDA ordered reducUoa of lead in paint from 1 percent to fivt-tenthli ol 1 percent by the end of 1972 and to 1lI· bundredlhJ of 1 percent by the end of Jtn.- An eJ\lmated 400;000 cblldrtn IUfftr from lead polsontnc which can c:auae brain damage and dtalh. Flaking paint In pre-World War II housing haa bten kltn- llfltd u a major source of lead po!Jon- lq. Meanwhile, the Environmental Protec- tion Agency ordered an immediate halt today to interstate 11hlpment of pesUcider µgl!itered for predator control and began o,. recaJI of exlatlns ato<ks, · Included In the bin wu thallium sulfite, a rodent" pollon often mi.suaed to conttol livestock predators. 1 The federal government Feb. I barred the l!M ol polaona far predator oontrol on pUbllc land and In federal Jll'Oll'ama ex· cept In emergencla. . 1lie acUon by William D. Ruckelahaua todaJ, however, takes thue polllOnl off the oommerl:lal marker lnlmedlately whllo openlni action toward their permanent cancellaUon from the federal registration proiram. Ruckelabaua la ad- mlaJJtratar of the Envlroomeotal Protec- lklll Apncy. · !Jiie ldloD affecll It producll oon- talnlJll lour poiaonoul C 0 m p 0 U D d I : tl.uimD llllWe. cyanide, otrycbnlne. and IOdlmn mo~ace&lte.; common 1 y Jmowa u-;n la Ille.,_ alfedlnc lead. Dr. Merlin fa K/11oVll, .,i.tant ~ry of Health • • 111111 ~ Affairs In the Department 1 ol Health Education and WeUare. told a '· Senate Nboornrnlttee today that lead · pablt pollonlng reaul)a In 200 dealhJ an- l nu.1lY ind costa ~ nation $200 million a •': year in k>lt e1rnina:11nd care or victims. ~ FDA Commlill_. Charl11 C. Edwards · ' aald be 'may clotlde laler to speed up the . de-leadlill Order alter the lndulllry baa ~ J!l'Ovided additional Information by April T. ' "Conslderatlall will illao be lfven In late ' 19'13 to petltlonl for -of the Im-~date -a ~that ' the public beallh wtB ~eopardla<d and thlt tochnololical ty requires • additional time to meet the alx·hun- dredtba of I percent mulmum lead Jevel," he Mid. . The FDA llld. some ~Int companlts 1 have reported they ~ meet the re-qulremtnt ...... !ban lllo deadline. · -ir.naP .. e l INDIANS ••• •• the lndlana In calling not only for a con- gres1kmal inve1t111Uon of Y e,1 Jo w Thunder'• deltb, but alto a federal grand jury Investigation and Justice Depart· ment investigation. Capt. Fred Two Bulla, chief of the ~servatloo police at Wounded Knee, aald both lncidmla were under lnveallgatlon. .. ','Thinp are very quiet," he Aid early toc1ay:u'I'bey are about u. quiet 11 I've -them In a long time. We don't ex- pect iny more trouble.." · Two Bulla 'ukl ladlan• told him the In- cident Was trtaered when a 14-year.o14 Sioux boy waa "lflbhed by Ill• neck" by C.ywczynakl at th~ tradlila: pos1;wtdn ... day. . "It wasn 't the.it Intention .to come back lo lb' museum aller · vllltlng the · ba~ tleground," the Rev. Theodor Zutrn, ad-- mlnlslrator of Ille Red Cloud School and Mlaflon on the 11,000-member Indian reservation said. u1•m sure it was spon- taneous." About 12 Indians, Including Yellow Thunder's brother, Russell, of Porcupine·, S.0., attended a second autopsy T11unday requested by the American IndJan Move- ment on Yellow Thunder'• body ln Rapid City, S.D. OU.NH COAST IT DAILY PILOT .=~- Ttl• ore,._ c.Mt OAILY PILOT. _,. ~ b CO!Mlntd flll Ntw1·!"NI. II ,....,_. W tbl °"fltl (le1t Plltlll .... """'""'· ... ,..,. cdl!IOnl ,,.. publl1htd, .-.y ~ l<tld1y, ftt C-11 Mt11, .....,.,, e.ctt. H1111!1110ton lt1Ct1Jf1r.N1t1Jn V1llly, L.111iM1 •udt, 1n1rn-1Secldltllldl Md S.n CilrMnl•/ S.n Ju•n c..p111r1111. A alne1• NloMI «1111on " llUblitMd s.ti1rd1rs Md ,_.,... Tiii prirttlNI publl.t.1119 pl1nt 11 1t 3a W•t l1y Street, Colle MIN, C.UlofTllll, t»JL b\ier\ N. W114 Pr•ld.,t 11111 1"111111.,,,.. Jeck ... c.,1 • ., • Ykt l'T•ld.-il 11!11 &.MAI MfMlll!" n.011111 IC111vJI Edllw Th111111 A. M•rphi111 M;tfllllnl Efllot Q11l1t H. l••• IUcti1r4 P. Hill AMI..,. MM!lllnt lldt*" --~" ... :SI) Wiit '"' ,,.....,. ~ aeedl: -N.-.rt ._IWlrd Ul6N a.cti: m ,..,.., • ........,. . ..........,.., ... di: 1'WS Md't tollltYI,. .. C.....,....: • N1rt11 El c.ml!le a .. 1 , ....... 17141 642-4221 a ..... M•tWll Ml·U71 .... ~Anet, ...... .,"""' .... 49J..f42t ....... OfM1p c.itr Ct•._.... · -UJt .... 0r..-Cotlt PWflll'll!ll ............................. ..... w 1111""'1"""""' .... _,_ I t•4't c# Wlllllllt ....... ,.,.. --"' ..,,. """*'· ~. MW it N.......,, lllCft ..!::;::'">, '= 'Ct ...... """ .,... .-nl'll'f· St9le• at Front . AT&T .. Democrat·. Misdeed~~leged ' . WASHINGTON (AP) -lien. Robert Dole, the Republican natlooal chalrman, uld today the American hlephone i. Ttlep-1ph Co. a1pe1n to hive violated the )aw twice by agreeing to Install telephonu at Ille Democratic National Conv!J1tlon In Miami despite 1 · $U million outat.ndlni debt from the 1981 C011ventlon. ln a news COll,ference in which he ,presented a Republican counter-attack ,qainst cl1im1 the Internat.lonal Tel•phone I.. Tlfeiraplt Co. agreed to Underwrite port of this year's GOP • eonventlon In favor rOr handling iederaI 1otltru&t cues ·against the finn, Dole 11Jd or the alleged ATUf arrangement : "Tbil ta a V"'f IObotanllaJ oontrtbutJon to the Democrat c.ommittee from one alngle corporation -1Ubetantially more tl1an the $100,000 guarantee to Ille city of San pliio which bu ,,..,,. falsely alleged to hive been given Co the Republican Na· tionaJ Conventlon." "* * * Top Figures In on Deal -Columnist A 1~ for Democratic Chairman Lawrenct F. O'Brien scoffed at Dole'• chargtl. "It lJ -Y , O&vious the Republican n•· tional chairman la. attempting to divert p(Jblli altntlon ~ a m.ior ocandal tbal la ruclliR1 r1ght into the W)ilte HOU$r," Jae laid. ., '1Jt is veiy obvlow the Republican na- tional cl)a.lrman ls attempting to divert public attention from a m1jor scaodal thlt b reachlnc right Into the White Home,'1 he Aid. Do&e aaid. the federal criminal code baJTlnl conlributlons by corporatioru to polltlcal partlff or candidates includea a Joan 01 anything of value. '\'catrying a $1.5 million debt for four years aod then conaentlng to increase the 117.e of the debt with no auurance of rtpayment muat be considered at the very least a roan, ff not an outright gill and IW't.ly '1;91'Mthlag ol value' as defip- ed by at.atute;0 Dole sald. Red f'ox Folly'! The besl·selling book of mem· oil's by the IOI· year old Sioux Indian Chief Red Fox, in collaboration with journalbt Cash Asher came under fire today as a partly plagiarized manuscript. See -story Page 4. Fro111t P .. e l SEX FILM ... l''l)e deal u n j u a t 1 y discriminates qalnat all or ua who pay our bills on Union, who had planned to acreen tbe U-. or flnd ·our phone ur\lice cut off," film prior to a panel discussion on human ,added. ·. &m1allly, were planning prolest 1dlon • 'l'he Kanw · Republican called for pu1111c hur1np to Investigate the llleged Thursday night, 1,000 leaneta prolallns acreement ba:ame he taidJthe public i.s the ~izure w~~ prin~ for dlatri~tim ..utltd to -wbelber AM Vi<"1 its throughoul tbe campus ~y. Led by .. arranpmenl' wlt1' 11' Ile'moCratic Porty yeat-<ld Terry Oleson, a 111duate 1tu- "as.1 riak-or--u a poaib&e illvestment." dent and president of the Gay Students He aald the alleged arrangements pro- Doing their own thing with .their headgear are th~ members of Delta Company of !st Air Cavalry on patrol 43 miles east of Saigon. They are (UL) Sp/4 Kenneth BuUer, New Orleans; itJRl Pfc. G. B. Ward, W. Memphis, Ark.; (LL) Sp/4 Terry Manson, 21, Cowen, Tenn.; and (llR) Sgl Benjamin Strudwick, Durham, N. C. vide the Democrats with "an undue. ad-Union, union members were to meet at 11 WASHINGTON (AP) -dcilurilniat Jack vantage->egainst those political parties a.m. today •t the Gateway Commons to AnderJOa conlended todlf'tb.t.John N, and candidates that reel obligated to begin dlstrlbut'?n of the leaflets. Mftchell,,u attorney generAI, knew urly, comply with the law and pay their bllla." O!-also said tilal legal 1ctlon would Jut year ol a pledge al.ltPdJy made ~ Dole said the agreement between be pursued through the American Civil the International TeleplaM " T·•·-a AT&T and the Democrats provides tilat L'herti of Ccrp. to the RepUblican Na~ Con-the polltlcal party "simply will put up 20 ' es Union (ACLU). Jay Murley ' Second Sunday Package Offers Interesting Items • v:,ntion even tbouch 'be bU denied il percent of the utlmated $100,000 the Newport Beach, a director of the ACLU, .. Mitchell wu num1ng the Jie,ubllcan phone service at the Democratic Con-conlinned that u:ie body would consider Party from inside the Justice , Depart-venUon will co!t. acting Ju. behalf of the Uition. "This means," Dole aald, 0 that the ment," u.ld Anderson. Democrat!c NaUonal Committee is being Sei.zure ot the !ow-budget movie, whk:h "If he iays under oath wba("he said in advanced eome $80,000 by AT&.T added to hu been screened at public the1ter1 in the statement he iuued, jt will be the the $1.5 million that AT6T is forgetting San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chlca10 ind most arrogant eumple of perjury this and maybe forgiving.'' New York -though ~edly -u-commlttee baa ever' Hen," he Aki. '"'t"" • ,..-~ .. Anderson reteired to MJ:tcbellt1 Feb. 28 Dole spoke bitterly of his Own party's tions are pending in all those cities - statement which,ibe Justice Deputmtnt troubles, whlch are in the public apolllght fol!Owed a day ol doubt on whether the Aa Ibo aecond Sonday edition of the DAILY PILOT began to abape up today Jn the newsroom, edJton offered this preview of_ what readen can upect &In- . day morning: -San Clemente-baaed DAJL Y Pllm Stall Writ.er John V.alt.erza takes readers "Inside the wails" at tht Western White House compound. His "Suiidar Special " looks into the whys and hows o increased use ol the old Cotton Estate as a DH!eting place for those who qualify. -The birth of a baby, miracle that It is. ja_1harerf .in all.Jta intinw::y J.a *"° pages of pictures and stories by and of Jqlplle Reynolds, DAILY , PILOT it.If writer and brand new mother. _-A newly franchised young report.er, Fred Scboemehl, takes i close look at the vote as It will be seen through the eyea of the 18-year~Jds. ~The Elater Parade may not be ready for this. Jlboto layout reveals what some of the darlni yo•ng lnen will be wearing this 1prlng. -Travel page takes readers South of the Border as columnist Stan Delaplane talks about Mexico, DAILY Pllm Boating Editor Almon Lockabey offers a atory Ind photo on Zihuatanejo ·(Acapulco, It ain't) and a Laguna Beach ' reader writes a Jetter about Mar.atlin. issued to deny ICCUlltions tnlde' by the in the form of hearings before the Senate film wou1d be screened on campus. I Judiciary Committee Into the quallflca. -Women's pages feature a profile on co umnin that the settlement of an an-tions of Richard Kleindienst to be U.S. at-A preview of the first reel or the film Dorothy Dumke; wife of the cbanceUor of tltru!t cee aga.bjit ITU 1'81 IZ'flDled torney general. wa .. held by Vlce Chancellor John c. Hay •tote colleges. Glenn Dumke. by Mitchell Ind top,JT&T ofllclala. -New "'lOT,1" Page bu tandem Aodenon said tbM: C&UfOmla Lf Gov. along with several faculty members, a articles on repairmen out to chut you. Ed Reinecke .am h.ll .. aide, Edgar representative of the ACLU and Oltson. One story ls about tricky TV repairmen Gillenwaters, have confirmed that they Unw· n Covers After the preview, Dr. Hoy told Oleson and the other is on auto mechanics and diacussed IT&T'1 oommibnent to the con-that the film could not be ibown Thur .. the state agency which iJ trying to keep venUon with Mitchell last May at the day .. 1 .. bt Ind lhst a dcctsi'on on whe"·· them hbnest. (Pat Dunn '•. At Your same Ume the Justice Department was A "'" "= Service and You and the Law round out negotiating a seUlement of three an-CUpuricture the movie could be shown In the future this new, 1'involveihent'.' pag1 which tJtrust suits aplnst IT&T. would be made by Chlncelkr Doiel G. leads Off C Section'.) Mitchell was ezpected to teltify after ~;l!lich, Who Wll out of town Tbur~y ... n..~ Awanbr 41-, llr.IJ'ln Ahdiji-...,...' ·fop "1· #JO Semte .&\,!\' l'llANCllJCO (AP) -ii'" ..,.. the parade which will later inclu~e Judtdary Committee1 in~ ~ges by T~ Unton, tn a dr1ve to Dr. Hoy aaid µ,at OleJOn indicated thlt 011car11 Tqnys t(Broi.a.way) 1and Emm.ys, Anderson that Justice 'Department or-organize Chlnltown Workers, is of-the movie would not be 1creeped. makes the cover or TV WEEK. ficiala Commttted improprieties in the fering a new twill ln frin1e benefltJ ' Dr. Hoy made It clear that be did not -Newport Beach's own Jphn Wayne is IT&.T settlement. • -in 1 ur 1 n c e coverage 1° r, order the film confiscated and wu the subject of the cover story in Family The ~ommlttet convened the hearings acupuncture treabnent. unaware that the 1el:ure was 1olnc to Weekly. at-the request of acting AUy. Gf:n. Union organizer Rudy Tham said Utke place. . -Sparts coverage in Sunday's paper Richard G. Kleindienst, who asked to he boped the enticement of ''There had been some indication thlt will include some of the lateat in-answer Anderson'• charges 11bout his coverage for the age-old OrientaJ the District Attorney'• Office1 was 1oln& fonnation available on locaJ aid national department. Kleindieost'1 nomination to •rt will. gain new members to to step in," Dr. Joy exp I a In ed. weekend sporting activities.• 1 be attorney general ts befort the Senate. Teamiter ranks. "ln(onnation had been made available to -Classified section offers bargain (Anderlon's column' 1ppe.ars .regularly Acupuncture Involves Jnaertion of them," the vice chancellor 11ld, irt- hunters the most timely "'¥ant ads" on the editorial page of tht DAILY needles in certlln ne"e centers. dicaUng that he hoped to avokt an arrest (taken for publication by the DAILY PILOT.) : being made. PILOT up to noon on Saturday) and, or 1 .:..:.=~,jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm~;;;;;;;;;;;;;::~::::::::::=;;:~~~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;:-course, commercial ads from automotive and real estate dealers whose wares are papular with Sunday shoppers. From P .. e l MIKE'S ORDEAL •.• b~aln stem, literally the human body'• power plant. "ll lt's just bruised, he has a chance to ·recover,'' 1ays his mother, Lee Mer- riman. "But 1! not -tbat'g it. He could be a •vegetable' or a spastic," adds the stoical woman who has devoted her own tlme in the past to working with the handicapped. 'Room 118 list his co,ndilion u 1ulous, although it was critical after he wu ·fl Ung from the bike while riding behind a buddy. 'His friend wore a helmet and wasn't hurt so critically. The family, members of non- denominational Marinen', Church, now malntains a mixed measure ,of faith and realistic acceptance. The vigil for Mike Moldenhauer, who will be 16 in May, continues dally, in person and in prayer. His mother, his grandmother, or his stepmother spend their days in or near Room 116, waiting and watching for im- provement;--- They are shopping among long-term convalescent facilities, such as Downey'• Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, which _ S2ttializes in maj.Q_r rebabillll..tioJLcasu.;.... Mike is tentatively scheduled as B delegate to the International Student C.Ongress on Evangelism at Dallas in June. He helped organize the Harbor Area·~ current Christian Leadership Week, to be climaxed Friday by the Mayors' \Prayer Breakfast in Newport Beach. "It took one 15-.year~ld kid to start It and 15 adult businessmen juSt to try to keep up with him," remarks one local ex- ecutive. The Moldenhauer youth went to Mayor Ed Hirth last year and asked If he would prbclaim the 1pecial week, stressing youth Involvement needed more em- phasis. Mike visited school campuses around the Orana:e Coast, helping arrange a Christian Leadership Week concert Saturday nigbl at Orange Coul Colltgt, featuring the Certain Sounds. He organized pre-game tnsplratJonal prayer for Sea King athletes and rooters. He ut.bllshed weekly sessions that have drawn op to lO local adults to the campaa for cOcoa, dou&hnut& and c0m· munity devollon1. H1 aloo kept his gr1dli high. . - "He's a real strpnc ki~." sayd Mrs. Virginia Tucker, hi• school counselor. "Thia II aomelhtnc that h11 hll a lot of kids on this c1mpu1 very hard,11 she .cf. , decl, notlq lbat Mike rem1lna an ln- 1plr1tlon to many. Chlrtl maintained down the ball from l "He wants to be a doctor," Mike'• mother said Wednesday. "I keep saying: 'Hey. wake up! You're rnlsalng out on a lot of · valuable in- formation.' " "Even though he's llncoMcious, they say the ·subconscious is al"ays, working and l can't help but reef he knows something or what's going on," Lee Mezo.. riman continues. ;'We can always hope for a miracle," eays one nurse. "We can always hope , .. we always do." "There must be a purpose ...:. a reason -behind it," says Mrs. MUriman, stressing faith alone keeps her 1trong. The tragic aspect of the Mike Moldenhauer story-came to light after his picture as a delegate to the Dallu rally -sent a month belore the accident - was printed. A family friend called io .11y he might not be going and why. , Mrs. Merriman said .tbe ,famlly wun't orfended and In facr lu1preclated Its publication. ' , 0 So many people are Pr•Yin& for him ell over Ille, country -~·,. hid calla . from Montana and New Jeney f.-t!lat maybe lt'a a good indlcetlon. ~ And then Ille woman wtlo spenill her ... THI RNISH IOMll CA•NIT SHOWN Hiii COMIS NOM oua DllAMATIC ITCITIU COi.Uc. TION IY Dllm. ••• A SllMf ..... Y INDLlll Sll.lc:TIOll OI' DUl•N, WOODS AND "NISHllS. YOU AH SUH TO MT THI 1'111.lff THAT IACH .. Cl WAS CUSTOM ll!llLT POI JOU Al.OHL 1. • DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE .-KARASTAN. '1Ni1111 ' . NIWPOllT llACH 1727 W-llff Dr .. '42-2050 -lllt,\T 'TIL t INTlllOIS LAGUNA llACH MS Nerth Ctlll HWy. 4'4-6.151 "· , TOltRANCI 23649 Hawthorne llwl. 12111171-117' 0,..,,.., 'Ill t ,..,, .... ,_,I ..... Dwlt•• A..n•la AID-NSID -, ...... 11 .... -.,_ '40-116! dayt bealde the bed In "'""' Ill rtmembei'ed 10methlnc ~. · obo oon- 11dered pertinent to • Iba M I k • Moldenhauer atory. · "Two people here In the hospital bav• I --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rt.~ b<come Cl!rlaU1n1 bOcauae of him." J. • ' I , I ' ( ' Into laws n · doesn artist stock Goofy For In the are f:DdS U The , aga1ns loved they periali "To world, haired ics tol "Th target The suppre $100, "Th great, to. pla Disney said h dilficul terms The court book I activit Ca In Of answer. La Up Buildi ed up · building single-f tions to This . Jn Feb ; year 's with 72 Howe ' constru : year's month. The r for ·co pool, .w ';work. - IT& Rep test di . In $40 Rep Die Ing IS . le · bi Jun " ·Action Set In Mickey Moll~se ease SAN fllANCISCO (UPO -Arllsts who bin ~ed Mickey Mouse and his friends In undergroun1d comic books such as "Air Pirates" and "Hell's Comics" go into court today to answer a $5 million lawsuJt by Walt Disney Productions. It · seems that Disney Productions doesn't like the way the underground artists are monkeying around with their stock characters -Mickey Mouse, Goofy, the Three Little Pigs, and o!hers. For instance, h1ickey often gets shafted in the underground comics, the three pigs are portrayed as dirty ~wine, and Goofy ends up the intellectual of the bunch. The artists say they have nothing against Mickey, and some of them have loved him since childhood, it's just that they feel he's a symbol of U.S. im· perialism. "To Disney , the mouse is butter, to the world, oleomargerine. Dan O'Neill a long. haired cartoonist for "Air Pirates" com- jcs told a news wnference Thursday. "The olecmargarine mouse is my target in this parody." The Disney Cc~ration is asking for suppression of the comic books and $100,000 from each of 50 defendants. "The acts of defendants are causing great, immediate and irreparable harm to. plaintiff's business and good will, '"-the Disney suit said. '"The exact amount of said harm and damage to plaintiff .will be difficult or impossible to ascertain in 1erl'JlS of money." The defendants will go into federal court with affidavits from leading comic book lovers and others supporting their activity. Caspers Orders Investigation Of Cycle Battles An 'Investigation and confidential report to the Board of Supervisors has been ordered on the current rash of shootouts and killings involving motorcycle gangs. Board Chainnan Ronald W. Caspers of Newport Beach suggested the probe recently, saying, "I am doing this against the advice of my staff. I guess they are thinking of my personal safety. "Since J moved,to Orange County more than 10 years ago1 I have been impressed with the lack of organized crim~ here," the Lido· Isle resident continued. "But, during the past weeks I have been disturbed by the ra sh of motorcycle gang shootouts," he said. "Perhaps we should be happy they are killing each other but that, obviously, Is not the answer. We need a solution quickly." Laguna Building Up in February Building activity 1n Laguna Beach pick- ed up in February with issuance of 4.7 building permits, including six for new single-family dwellings and 21 for altera- tions to dwellings. Thl.s compared with 33 permits issued Jn February last year and brought the year's total of permits to 87, compared with 72 in the same period last year. However, valuation of the February construction, $260,507, was below last year's figure of $296,897 for the same month. The remaining February permits were or commercial alterations, a swimming pool, walls and fences and fire repair ork. T&T Testimony Rep. Bob Wilson (R-Calif,) is to testUy before the Senate Ju· diciary Committee on his role 1 in arranging the controversial $400,000 guarantee for the Republican ConvenUon ln San Diego. Wilson arranged fund- ing with l1T officials last May 13 ln San 'Diego. The San Diego legislator is unopposed ln his bia for an 11th term ln the June primary election. Beach Cleared For Park DAILY PILOT St•H ....... " Demolition along the Main Beach of I.aguna Beach continues as the city draws nearer each day to its long-cherished hope for a downtown vista of the sea. Business and residential properties, now owned by the city, are being razed for a seaside park along 1,000 linear feet ol 1><ean. The city bought the land on a lease-purchase arrangement at a cost of more than $3 million. Mesa Firm Named to Map Plan of Ortega Drainage Parade Entries Sought for Viejo St. Pat's Event The engineering firm of Raub, Bein, Frost and Associates, 136 Rochester St. Costa Mesa has been named by the Board of Supervison to prepare a master plan of drainage for the Ortega area. The project, estimated to cost $11 ,000, ~covers the area bounded by the San Juan Creek flood plain on the northwest, Cleveland · National Forest on the northeast, the southeasterly ridge line of the San Juan Creek watershed oo the Skipper Sailed, ' ' J ailed-.F ailed To Go to Court COQUILLE, Ore. (UPI) ..'..·The ~ of a yacht that sailed from Oregon lo Hawaii wilh the crew "partying" all the way and steering by jet vapor trails, has ended up in the Coos County Jail: Marching bands, celebrities and noats soutbeatt, and the drainage area boun- dary of the previously adopted San Juan -not necessarily in tQat order -are Capistrano-Capistrano Beach master plan beiog lined up for the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Miss.ion Viejo. . of drainage on lbe southwe~t. The event wilt begin at 3:30 p.m. The Ortega area consL!ts of ap-. March 17 at Mission Viejo High School. proximately 8,lKIO acres with steep moun-Parade participants will proceed south on tains amt foothills tributary to the creek . Chrisanta Drive to the Mission Viejo Golf flood plain. Club, w.here awards will be presented to winners in several categories. Fifth District Supen;sor Ron a 1 d Thus far, marching bands entered in Caspers of Newport Beach said the the parade include The Costa Mesa Color purpose of the engineering study Is to Guard, the El Toro Marine Band, the delineate local st.Orin drain ·systems that Mission Viejo High School Band and the wilt be requil'M as the area deve.Iops and Mission ~es. Celebrities scheduled to to proJ)cirtion the cost ~n a per acre basis. ride in the event are disc jockey Dick In addition,. he said, CllrSQrY llludies Whittinghill of Los Angeles radio station will be made to determine ' protective KMPC, who will act as grand maphal; measures that may be impI~en\ed in former boxing champion Sugar Ray the alternative to the conventional un-Robinson and Los Angeles Rams football derground storm drain system, normatly ptiyers Chrlie Cowan and Marlin found in areas having more potential for McKeevu. high density Wlldtna. Floati are.'being prepan!d fer entry in George Osborne, Cltlef1 engirieer of the the parade by' varioua school and civic C<lomlJ' f1ood " Coatrol • -will ,, .. ,.-11om. . . negotiate tpe srudy cqntract with the Persons Interested in entry in!onnation Costa Mesa. firm and pi:esenl ti lo board fI'BY contact the Mission Viejo Goll Club members for finil consideration. : at 831-1550. -r-- DAILY PILOT ;I Politlc•I Vaudeville Nixon Takes His ' Show on Road ' II)' WALTER R. MEARS MIAMI (AP)--President Nixon 's campalgnen have come up with a pollUcal vaud eville show that featlU'es musicians, comedians, pretty girls and politicians, all seeklng a perfonnance at the polls by loyalist Republicans. It played Miami Thursday night, with Lionel Hampton on the vibraphone, Red Skelton providing the comedy routines and Gov. Ronald Reagan of California beading the political troupe. Reagan, once an actor, was prompted to remark that he felt "a little like I did when I was bpck in the business and doing benefits." The political benefits are staged in search of1votes for an absent President who seeks re-election but has foresworn personal campaigning until late nut summer. The Nixon campaign showmen staged their first one-night stand in Manchester, r .. H., a week ago. Except for Hampton and hls band, the cast was different· in Miami, but the ob- jective was the same : turn out a crowd, urge out the GOP vote and seek a primary election landslide for the Presi- dent. Nixon got 70 percent of the Republican vote in New Hampshire .Tuesday, with liberal Rep. Paul N. McCloskey of California second at 2t> percnt and con- servative Rep. John M. Ashbrook of Oh1o capturing 10 percent. Both are on the GOP ballot for the Florida primary Tuesday, but only As hbrook is campaigning. Reagan and Secretary of the Interior Rogers C. B. Morton both ajmed at con- servatives in the evening's two campaign speeches. They said GOP defections All Media Show Set in Laguna The Laguna Beach Art Association's All ' Media Membership Show wiU open Saturday at the Caguna gallery, 307 Cliff Drive. More than 100 of the 300 works entered will be on display when the exhibit opens with a no.host cocklail reeeption from & lo 8 p.m. Winners in various categories were Harry E. Bliss, Herb Griswold, Ray Jacob, Harold Pastorius and Thelma deGoede Smilh. 1 Honorable mentions went to Jacob, Roger Kuntz. Phyllis &nllh, Harrison stQrms, Ruth Taylor, Also Wallace and . Andy WlajJ. The exhibit is open daily from 11:30 a.m. lo 4:30 p.m. and will l'llll'ihrough April 2. In the primary could only benelll Nllon'1 Democratic challengers. The program lncluded a band of mum- mers in feathered costumes marching up and down the aisles, a jw band trumpeting "South Rampart Street Parade" and an appearance by Debbie Shelton, a former Miss USA. Reagan came on with some one-liners for the crowd of nearly 2,500. "We were a little late in landing," he said. "We were delayed by the cross traf- fic coming in from New Hampshire." "There's a Muskie watch. It doesn't tell time. It just plays 'The Llltle Wh1te Cloud that Crl.ed.' "There 's a Geo rge McGovern watch. You wind it and Teddy Kennedy starts running. "And of course there's a Hubert Humphrey watch. You wind it -and you never have to wind it again." Baby-crippling Drug Reports Conflicting Orange County Health Department of- ficials said today they were receiving conOicting reports about an anU· depressant drug that is purported to cause babies to be born without arms, Dr. John Philip, county health officer, said h1s department c o u I d IOt take a stand on the dnig one way or another. Known as imlpramlne it is marketed in the United States 'under the name ••rorranil." . Earlier this week the Australian government warned its doctors not to prescribe the drug since It was believed to cause birth defects similar to the now- banned thalidomide. "We're getting conflicting reports from Australia," said Dr. Philp. ':Apparently the Australian Food and D r u g Administration has now reversed its earlier decision." "It seems that one day they are saying yes, and the next day no," added Dr. Philp who ls seeking clarification on the drug through Washington, D.~. TofranU, marketed by Ge t ·g y PharmaceuticalJ of the C 1 b a • Ge J g y Corporation, was described by ~hUp u 1 "nol terribly common" cl'!ll b u I "available." . The Atlltrtffaft IO¥et uwent said in; ltlally !hit leW showed the drug !Um la early rtages of precnancy ~ Ibo nerve !'Oil• which supp~ !ht limb&. It seems he missed a court appearance during the excursion. Sheriff Tony 1.arbano said Thursday that Charles Roberts, San Diego, owner of the vessel ''Windward,'' was charged with burglary and failure to appear in court. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • • • • Zarbaoo said Roberts was arrested in January on charges of taking two guns from a local sporting goods store. He was released after 10 days in' jail on his own recognizance with the provision be return late r for court appearances, Roberts, three other men and two women left Charleston, Ore., Jan. 14 for the 3,000 mile voyage to Hawail. "We had a Jot-of parties on deck," crewman Ron Coffman said after the · yacht was towed· into Kaneobe Bay last week. "U we saw an airplane we had a party . If we saw a glass ball we1cI have a party. The boat .carried no sextant or radio direction ~er. bu.t followed the vawr trails of HaWaii·bodnd airliners, Roberta said. A1tder1oa Aide l Brit Hume, 28-year old asoo- ciate of columnist Jack Ander- son. brought President Nixon's name into the l1T inquiry, re- laying a version of an alleged telephone call between Nixon and former Attorney ~era! John Mitchell. Hume said Nixon told MltcheU to make 1 reasonable setUement iii the l'IT case. CONTINENTAL MARK IV IN ALL OF THE 70'S THIS WIIL BE THE UNIQUE AMERICAN CAR! PANTERA by detomaso YOU MUST SEE THIS EXOTIC ITALIAN IMPORT ••• "PANTERA" ITALIAN FOR PANTHER •orange County's Yamav of Fine Ca<,. .. 2621 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • 540-5630 " I - • f 0AA. Y PiLOT frldl>', MW 10, 1972 ( n·raft Board l'ffllt!• W••lftf To Resume Kidnapers Free Hearings Auto Executive Orange Coast Smut-proofed · ON '1'1111: llN JE.\T-Only'f~ I recti•ed tJlll pocUI u...p tbe 11l'linl thal I dcmale 110, $21, or even 150 to lhe CIU...1 !or Deceut Uleralure, Inc., 10 lhe111ood lolU could continue .to ' 1\'11• lhelr campalan qalnlt Ill and lhe de.U. II w11 1 coo11denbie packel, lncludln( two pollcll'dl to whlch I could attach llllll1'I and -off lllllnc Gov. Ronald Reqa and Atlomey General Eftlle J. Younger to wipe out 1111ut hr calllornta. Alla there was a four-page Jetter from Chlrlts H. Keating Jr., who ii bead man of the Doctnt Cltbent. Ha founded tlllt body, U you'll pordoa the upre11lon. KEATING AUIO lerved on thal c<n>· trover111l P'OUP known a1 t b e CongrelllonaJ· ~ .. Oblcenll)' and Pomotirapby. II w11 the ouUlt wherein the majority ruled, att.r c!Ollly ltudYinc I great duJ al Olly atull, tlllt smut can't tnat you. Mr. Katin(, u you mJabt IU<JI, w11 With tbote commlJ1ioner1 Who llled I llealed minority report lllUtlng tlllt, by 1rolly, Ill that Ill cu too bouJe your mind and numb your body and do other bad tblq1. WAlllllNGTON (AP) -'lbe -Ive Serv1co told local draft boards today thoy may ......,. hearini the ·~ ol tboulanda ol youne men s e, e k In.a c1e1...-'"' eumpllona. Tbe ICllon tndld a three-month - OD auch bearingll before 4,100 local --DraffDnctor curtll w. Tarr aa1d the move. complttel a two-year ova'baul of tho draft llylllm. movtnc ~ frol!I ....... local -.to Prealdenl Nl>oo'I pOl al I nal1onaJ .,...... Wit.b Tlrr'a order, act1oo CID I» taken OD tho 12,111 men wbo at lul OOlllll on Jan. 31, bad pendlnc reqlNlla for penonal ·---dr•ll boorda oc appeals 'to 1llte and nallonal boards. Several tbol11and olben have applied, since then and are awaltlal action. Tarr llllpended Ill deferment hurinp on Dec. JO to .... 11u11e tba ortctnaJ reclaallleatlon lll'OPOllll that bad been crltlobad 11 uiilalr. When revamped ru1 .. were -in Jan. 12 be kepi the braka OD ao tboll Neldng deferment.I OI' eum[lllont could tab advantage ol the rlViled rultt. One ol 11Vanl new ru1a lllllOllDCecl to- day lloar with the end ol the appeale hilt lives a reglatrant who bu bit drift callup poetponed !or a . long Ume to recelvr --fn>m bit local ~ !or a r_.in. ol hit claulllcation proceedinp to bear clalnu for n· emption, deferment or CODldentlous ob- jector llatua. ChinaDema0ds Bombing Halt _ • In N. Vietnam roKYo !APl -Cl>lna demanded J'rl- day tlllt ~ Unlled Slat.o ttop boalblnc North Vlelnam and tllll all U.S. and ~ troops withdraw from lodochina "uncondJtlonally and before a set terminal date." It reiterated that "the Chinese people will do their ulmoat to give alk>ut 1up- port and usiltance to the Vlelnamese and other Indochinese people's great struggle." The demand was contained lD an oI- ficial slelement l11Ued by the adnete Foreign Ministry. It supported 1 March I North Vietnamese government statement that ' "airongly condemned U.S. im- perialilm !or II.! recert -bogs and a~ tacks on tbe North Vietnamese ter. ritory." The Chinese statement was diatributed by Pekllq'a Ofliclal New China News Agency in a broadcast monitored in Tokyo. 'TJNll, NanwUI' llenluU Chief .......... ,., Help _ .... Pollet nld Jlobert Nogrotte, 83, dJrec. tor of Jabor relations at· the to,000-worker Renault auto plant at suburban Blllan- court, was released at 9 a.m. by Maoists, who bad lddnaped him Wedneaday. Nogrett.e, a gray-haired famlly man who worked bia way up from 1 factory hand's posUlon, was turned loose by the masked young ¥aolsts on the streets ot a busy district in downtown Paris. Nogrette walked into a nearby sidewalk bistro and from a coin telephone called police to lnlorm them of his release. Negrette was selt.ed outside his Boulogne-Billancourt house e a r I y Wednesday by a group of Maoista who blamed blm for Ille dilmillll ol a number of eztreme-leflwlng oym- patbizm, and the shooting oul.!lde lhe Renault plant Feb. 25 in which Maoist worker Rene-Pierre OVerney, 2.1, wa1 ' --by"~ flttory guard. Tbe Maollb claimed Nmette, one ol !lie men Jn Chirji iJl lilrlnc and firing mnployea la the U m1ll1cn can-a-year nation1Udd !!rm, waa'Hl[IOOalblt for the -between ._ ....... and lebor and UJu indlnlctly WU to bleme for Ovmle)''• dealh. Ovmle)'!s lboollng, bit funeral 11- l<ndod bJ' .. eallnialed :lll0,000 -and ou~ lddliaping (i NO(Htte had become 1 national political affair in France. President Georges Pompidoo, whose tough atUtude u premier helped the beleaguered Gaulllsl regime to crush the lNe Student-Labor "near.revolution,'' condemned JJoarette's kidnap as ''an act belltlinf a ~try ol savqes." On bis orden lbe hunt for the kid-- napers wu submitted to the State Securi- ty Court set up for poUUcal crimes in tbe hot, bloody days or the Algerian war. on Pompldou's orders, French police branches launched a nationwide bunt for tht kidnapera. Over 600 detecUvea and patrolmen pressed into apeclal squads searched more than 7 ,000 houses in PariJ ak>ne in the past 24 hours. The government ordered Renault manager Pierre Dreyfuss and Interior Minister Raymond Marcellin to tum down the Maoists demand! transmitted via secret message1 -release of Maoist workers arrested after recent Renault di.sturbancea, and their reinstatement. The Maoists bad called on workers at the Renault plant to meet Wednesday to decide the fate of Nogrette, but the workers refused to hold the meeting. UPI,........ Free and Bappy The Michigan Supreme Court declared unconstitutional Mich· igan's harsh laws against marl· juana violators, Thursday and put into effect a relaxed law passed by the legislature last ye ar. The decjsion reversed the conviction of John Sinclair, rock band leader and one of the founders of (he defunct White Panther Party. 2GunmenBo~ 2nd Store Owned By Belfast Mayor By COLIN BAKER BELFAST, Northern lrelend (UPI) - Two gunmen bombed a paint shop In the center of Belfast today, the second attack in a month on stores owned by Belfut Lord Mayor designate William Christle. An army spokesman said the bomb caused extensive damage and fire but no injuries. Keatln( notad In bl1 letter lppealin( for llllldl, "I I~ tOme IOO hours 1 year on lllll-~aphy acUvttlel, givin( ._ii.1, wrltlnf ma,uloe artlcla and trying to inttreol otben such as you in thl1 lllhl .. 'l1>1a II ID amendment to the Jan. lZ rule tllll glvu 1 man 15 day1 alltt hit drift clelaUlcatton ii malled to HqUt!I a personal appearance or to appeal. 'Ille new rules aleo require llate ap-~s boards ana 1~ national appeals b6ard to give at lealt 15 day1 notice when a man ii granted 1 per10n1l 1ppearance, Prevlo1111y no penonal appearances were granled btlore appeala boarda. II llld the Uniled Stale1 "peral1ted in ctrrYing out wanton bo11ftling1 qalnlt North Vieinam in a vain attempt to hold back the victortoljJ advance of the Viet- namese and other Indodilneae people a." Another McGraw-Hill The previous bomb attack damaged a shop owned by Chri!ltle in the Protestant Shankin Road district of Belfast. The militant provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) klenllfied as members of the outlawed organization three men tilled when a "bomb factory" exploded in the Roman Catholic FaU. Road area of the city Thursday. You'n 'riven to conclude that bein(,. • cioae lo tho 1Ubjecl ba1n•t .Ubvlrled bis zeal for Ille job. YOU AUIO GIT the nolloa that the Another change permltt dralteea to Decant ....,p.il makinf _,..headway. brlnl ~ nn their bebaU before CUrrent U.S. bombings, it added, "only indlcale that U.S. imperialism II oinking ever more deeply and inextricably in the quagmire of itJ war of aggreaion and i.s pulling up • deall>bed ...... le." Biograph.y Questioned The deaths of Lt. John Johnson, 20, an explosives expert, Lt. Gerard Cros!:, 21, and volunteer Tony Lewis, 19, brought to 267 the nwnber ol laleUU .. in Northern Ireland violence. J,1111.~~ day, tho calllornia COUrl Jocaf boll'dl. o ,..,..... upbold ·the coavlction ol 1 'J'be new rul• alto l9qU1re: fOltl1i couplo who bad been oanlenced to -A quorum ot board memben to' be IOO dayJ ID durlDCI vlla beca-they pr.m durlJll 1 man'• penona1 •!> performed a "Dance Of Love." Bar pqrance. pea-bad paid 16 ucb fCO' Ille privilega -At !wt U minutet for each ap- of watchlni.. pellant's pramlltton. The limit lo to pr .. Olll Judie ,..mod more amazed tlllt vent baruament ol boorda but the board tho oouDlo admltiecl dolna ll than be WIS may grant mor• time. II Wllaf they did. -,\,,man's loi:al board -II well 111p- Auyw1y, I've dedded not to donall 110, peale boll'dl :... to live him tho reuoilo '21. ar llO lo Mr. Keating'1 anll-amul " for n.fecllon al hit c!uaiilcatlon nquut. camflllp becaue I feel perfectly life In. tho _,.......,_ o1 the draft rllht llere OD Ille Oraqe Coast. ' ~Iden! Nmm sit up the c1ra11 lol!erY Aller all, WI ha .. OD OID' aide Ora... [lbued out otCUJ)ltlonal ·and patemlty C4ttnty lliltrict Atlorney Cecl1 Hicks. delermenia and obtained permilalon to • pbue out unilergraduale It u d ID t delermenia llartin( laat fall and to estabiilh a UnUorm National Call pro- . c::ectur~ f<r ~uctfna: D)~ ln service. HJCU BAI NOT wailed for Mr. Keatln( to bring bit purity campaign to thil rqlon. Ha'1 (One out and dooe the job hi..,U. Hieb' oporatlveo have closed up barJ whlch feature youag ladles da~ w11Ue wearing on1y a smile. He hii eonfttcated fllma "hicb were felt to have fallen short of Orange County's tlandll'dt !or purity and vlrlue. Then only lest nigh~ some 350 people Wtre g1tbered out on the UC lrwine cam- [Jll.I, lllllouoly awaUing the tCreenJng ol 1 fl1m tJtled, "7 in a Barn. 0 Even tbe title ii enoup to c1use grave ousplclom. ANYWAY, THE FIJCI: never made ita appearance on UC1'1 allver tcreen. Sherlfra officers swooped In and con- llocaled the thing before the projector even got plugged in. Clearly, you can see that Orange Col& ty and our be.loved Orange Coast 11 secure from the temptations that Mr. XeaUng fears could do us all in. Cecil HJcb makes me feel safe all over, Russ Blast Recorded UPP~, Sweden (AP ) -An un- derground nuclear explosion at the Soviet Semlpalatinsk test field was registered today by the Uppoala Seismological Jn.stitute. Markus Baath, the lnstitute's chief, aald the blut'a strength was meuured at fi.l on the Richter IClle. Tarr commentec( 0 you can charac. torize tho pre-11111 Selective Servlca 11 a llate and local 1yttem with very UWe na- tional unity. I believe that the draft today hi rapidly being transformed into 1 na- tional system and that one of the major goals of the PreJident is being achieved by provlding a drift 1ystem with unlvll'lll equity aa th'e guklellne." llAl.Y PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE 0.ll"'J of Ille D~~ Piiot Is tlllNlfttttd Mtnee't"f'rlftt1 tr yw c» ntt fllve ,....,. ,..Ptr by t:• p,m,, C:lll Ind Your C911'1' ~ Ill lnlltht .. Ylllo c.1i. .... flkl!I ""'" 11• p.m. ktun11y •nd Sl.lnMy1 " )'911 fl ntt nalYI YMt CIPY &)' ' 1.m. .. twdey, w I 1.m. hlrldty, CIU •11111 I ~ Wiii 1111 ~ " ""'· c111t ,,.. "'"' vntn to •·m. Ttlfphones Moll Or111111 County ArM, ........ f4t@I North-I Hunllfltton lt1~ I rid Wlllml,..Mr •.••.• , •.•• , ..... ,..lt2t "n CIM'ltnll, Opllltr1no lucll, Ian J1t1111 C1pl1tr1no, Dt111 P'elnl, SIMI! utwie. U,11111 Nleuer .... .fftofat ' 'J'be "81emtnt aald: "The U;S. govern- menr·muat ceaoa to oupport the puppet cliques in the lndochlnete countries so that the peoples of Vieinam, Laos and Cambodle may oettle their respecllve in- terna.l questions themaelves free from foreign inierference." The Oiinese government and people re90lutely aupport the Vietnamese and other Jndocbinele people• Jn "their war qainlt ; U,S, llSfUlion ,-and Uliooal salvatJan," the statement added. Chiang Accepts Nomination For Fifth Term TAIPEI (UPI) -President Chiang Kai·ahek today accepted nomination for a fifth six-year term as chief of state despite earlier avowals he planned to retire. His re-election was a mere fonnalil)'. "I am advanced in yean now, but in view of the country's being in the time of criaia, I have no choice but to continue to urve my people," Chiang, 84, told the three HJ"'OMllllUves ol his ruling Kuomintang party ·who went to hil hlidence to uk him to aceept lbe nomination. The elecUon will be held in the National Auembly March 21. Chiang will be run- ning unoppoaed. Three weeks ago he told the aaaembly be wanted to retire and asked the body to elect .. another man of virtue and ablllty" as hi1 successor. There was 1nme con- fusion among local pollticiau whether his statement was one of modesty or he ac- tually wanted to step down. Chiang will be 90 before another six. year tenn is ended and his health ap- parenUy has been falling. He bas aged noUceably in recent months h1s usual firm step is more of a sbume' and on oc- ca&ions when he spe>te on television hll voice has faltered. NEW YORK (AP) -A best...ulng book of memolrl by a 101.year<11d Indian chlel publllbed by McGraw-Hill -the co_.y wllicb bad paid $716,000 !or the dilcredlled "oulobtograpiJy" ol Howard Hughes -is "being aeriOUJly ques- tioned," '!'lie New Yori Times aaid today. The ntir1p1per aaid "The M•molrl ol Red Fax" may have plagiarized up to U,000 wotdJ from a book written in lMO, "The Wounded l!nee MaSlacre: From the Vlewpotol of the Slous," by James H. McGregor. ·"An ..ientive inquiry by Tbe New York Tlmea baa lalled to produce any U.S. Crackdown On Orange Juice Products Starts W ASHJNGTON (AP) -Ruolving "" eight.year controversy, the Food and Drug Administration bas ordered makers of diluted orange beverage to tell customers how much pure orange juice i.! in their pniducts. Tbe reguletton esllbilsbes Io u r categories of orange juice products: Orange juice drink blend conlaining 70 to 95 percent orange juice, at least 20 percent from each of two geographic reglooa; orange juice drink, 35 to. 70 P..':" cent; orange drink, 10 to 35 percent, and orange.flavored drink, up to 8 percent. The percentages would be stated in in- crements of live in the first thrff categories, and increments of two for orange-fiavond drink. The FDA said it will publish new regulations Jater eovuning labels on orang...,.,lored and Oavored drinks co1> taining no orange juice. Beverages in all four categories must contain at least eo milligrams of vitamin C per six Ouid ounces of finished product. Concenlratea and powders could not be called orange juice drink blends. Fair, Dry Across Natio·n Praently, the government requires~ ly 11111ra1 pm:mtap lebelling; nol leaa tllln IO porcmt orange juice for orange • juice drink, not lea tllln Z5 percent for orangtaclo, and not laa than 10 per<ent for oraqe drink. Weather Warm in West, Col.d in East I \ .... , ____ .. -~-­rmJo--""'·tfw ' Jordan, Israel Agree in Secret On Territories BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -Jordan and Israel have rucbed a secret agreement in wblch King Hussein wW recover oc- cupied territory on the west bank ol the Jcnlan River and larael w1ll hep the Al'ab quarter ol Jerusalem, the Beirut new1paper Al Mobarrer nported today. The deal was worked out between Israeli Deputy Prime M1n1ster YJial Allon and a hlgh-ranking Jordanian-ol-\ llclal meoting secrelly near the porll ol , Agaba and EU1l, said the pro-Egyptian Al Mobarrer • The paper, which baa close connec:tlons with the Pa!esUnlen guerrilla inovemen~ gaYe thesa highlight.a ol the H}iartod agreemenl: Jordah wDI &Ive up Its clalm to the old city ol Jeruaalem but the Jordanlln Oag wiU be allowed to fly over the Al Aq11 Mooque, tho tbirll moat holy shrine In Islam, .. a symbol ol ll.! Anb0identily. evidence to corroborate the origins alleg- ed by Mc.. Red Fox, who says he is a nephew of Crazy Hone, the celebrated Sioux warrior," the Times said. "Nor could any reputable scholar be found ~ endorse the validity of the memoirs, which cover the crucial years of the Indian experience from the Battle of the Little Big Hom in 1976 to the present struggle on the reservatk>n and the emergence of a militant movement of urban Indians." A spokeaman for McGraw-HUI said the company "bad permission for going ahead to distribute the book" from lbe McGregor estate, that Jt bad permission to incorporate aome materJal from the McGregor book into Red Fox's and that the number ()f words it used was "nowhere near the number ol. words queaUooed." The spokesman also said the trustee of McGrea:or's estate "notified w; they thought they had a claJm.," but a plagiarism "suit was never actually filed ." 'J'be Times reported lilat auch a suit was filed in December. l McGraw·Hill bad planned to publish Clifford Irving's "autobiography" o( Howard Hugbel, but 1uspended those plans when the boot was called intc ques- tion. Irving was indicted on fraud ch'arges Thursday by federal and county grand juries. The Times said some of the same McGraw-Hill executives who hand1ed the lrYin( book al10 bandied the Red Fox boot,,.wbJch bas sold abbut 100,000 copies here and abroad and has made auther WUUam Red Fox tometbing of a celebrity with appearances on tr}evilion. Roman Catholic primate of IreJand Cardinal William Conway and Protestant church leaders called for prayers of mourning and for the salvatioo of Ul.sltr· 'Ill• Mosl Rev. G. 0. Sims, archblabop of Armagh, and Dr. Cbarlea Hain,-~ dent of the Methodist church, called on Christians to obaerve Good Friday u a day of national mourning, repentance and renewal. Cardinal Conway aaid be wiahed to be associated with the 1ppeat and called on Roman Catholics for prayers to "aave our country from Its present grave trou- ble for three days from Wednesday to st. Patrick's day, March 17 . The Ulster llelenae Regime~ targei of a number or extremist assas.!lnations and attacks, said S()me members had begun ~ to pull up :roots and rriove iway from lonely and vulnerable farmlands near the · Irish Republic border. March of Dimes President Dies PHOENIX (UPI) -Basil O'Connor, pres~dent of the National Foundation of lhe March of Dimes, a fund drive that helped conquer polio, has died at st. Joseph's Hosp.Ital at the age of 80. Dea~ Thursday was attributed to a heart ailment complicated by pnewnoniL He ~ntered the hospital Wednesday. 0 Co~r was in Phoeni:r for a March 20 meeting of lhe foundation's IC!enllllc: , advisory committee. Trauplaat St1ett11 .... _ Vincent Dobelman, 45, Miaourl's first heart transplant patlen~ <elves 1 ila from hlJ wife before leaving Desloge Ho1pital Thlll'ltla .... one ~onth alter hlJ o~lion. Dobtlman, 1 111.eJtcutter unlll io;t;,'d lo retire because of his hurt ailment said he 'feels good' and re- ported that his appetite i3 'lrtmendous'.- l I I pr .. a au Th ta St $7 &to Sir inj qu not bu .off s gi\ " ner ma the the cio ter the ... sh th• the G doo ma · fro Hi~ poll for all '"' ceU T ' p A ... ch lu a ol ho ~i au B d • lri 37, sh ha I ' R I .. -- ' Santa Rosa .. • Prisoners · S~eRoit SANTA' ROSA, Cll~. (AP) -The IOI prlsontfa:·'Oll the Sonoma ' County Jail's seco.JMLfloor broke out ol thelr dayrooms --- and i1mpa1ed In the corridors for to minuiu, amash!nr -windows, setllni 1mall flies and damaging cell doors, authdr!Ues 1aid. After the di!turbance ••as quelled Thursday evening , the Inmates were taken to San Quentin prison. Sheriff Don Strieptke estimated damage al about fl5 ,00I. . ' . One prisoner was truted at the thrft. story jail's di.spenaary for head · cuta, Slriepeke said, but there were no 1erloua Injuries. Tbe 60 men ·and 15 women quartered on the first and third floors dkt not tak'e part in Uie disruption, he said, bu t the women were taken to the sheriff's . office for their. erotection. Sherlff'a Sgt. Frank Bea:1 at the jail gave this account : "The dlsturbance began during the din- ner period 1n a day-room when felony In· matea who had been complaining about the food began throwing their trays on the floor and aalllJll fire to papers and clothing. · The men managed to break a "shat- terproof" gliu wlo4ow and escaped into the main cell-block area. Prisoners in 1nOtber dayroom on the &econd flloor apparently used a steel shelf as • battering ram to break through the door and joined the other inrhates on the central corridor. New Heart 'l'esi . Stanford Medical ~enter Thursday conducted ~n experiment in \\lhich actual heart patient Clinton Fayne, 42, transmitted his electorcardio· gram lo Manila in the Philippines and then to a satellite in space back to Stanford -a distance of 51,0()0 miles. Neighbor Youth Held In Fire Bomb Killings RIVERSIDE (UPI ) -An IS.year-old neighbor has been arrested on suspicion of hurling the fire bomb that burned thfee children to death as th ey slept Sun- 2 Dismissed Davis Cas e Jur y . Battle Rages On . SAN JOSE. caur. {UP!) - A tentative Jury was seated ' Thursday at the An&ela Davis trial, but the pro s ecutor 'removed two women "'ith peremptory challenge!. "We're halfway there," Albert W. Harris Jr., assistant state 1ttomey general. said as t"·o new panelists joined 10 persons in the jury box \\·ho earlier had passed questioning for ··cause." ~one woman seated during ~ the 1nomlng said she never . beard the phrase "black is beautUul." Judge Ricbarf E. Arnuoo recessed the murder, kidnap · and conspiracy trial until Atonday. wf)en the defense will have its first opportunity to dismiss jurors without a ·reason . There \\•ere nine \\'Omen and· three 1nen in the jury box · \Vhen Harris used two of his 20 Indigen ts_: Ma y Run Without Fee peremptory c hallenges. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Defense attorneys also -have fndigents can run for Congress ?OThe two ne\\' panelists in Cali!ornia without paying drawn were both men, the $425 flling fee. a three- bringing the count to seven judge federal panel ruled \\.'Omen and £Ive men. Philip J. Thursday. Russell . a computer company The court ruled after hear· employe, and Ni cholas I Gaetani, a former student, ing the case of Raymond C. llO\\' must undergo questi oning Chote, 46, an A n n a p o 11 s l for "cause" -biases or other graduate who calls himsell a reasons that could prevent a "beggar." juror from reaching a fair Chote, a Democi'at who said ·verdict. he wanted to run for Congras frid'I, Mirth 10, 1972 • TH E REAL -RGI; TheNi ere 1 lot of look elikes of Rolex. Others have •ttempted to copy • the Rolex pressure- proof Oyster case, the self·winding mechanism, the date feature, the day and date indicator, all Innovations of Rolex. But DAILY PILOT • the Rolex sl<ill, craftsmanship and dedicetion could never be'duplicated. The pride of knowing you wear the real thing is the pride of wearing a Rolex. Above, the Rolex GMT·Mastet. a 30.jewel self·windlng chronometer with date that changes a·utomatically at midnight. Special 24-hour hand tells time simultaneously in two separate time zones. Guararteed pressure-proof by its Oyster cas~ to a depth of 165 feet'. With matching bra~et. $275. •When cae, crown and a,cst1l 1re intact. SLAVIC:K'S Jewelers Since 1917 18 FASHION ISLAN D t' llO.LEZ NEWPORT BEAC~4.1380 Op~n Mon. ind Fri,t 10 1.~m·. to ':30 p.m. .... " § t\ J ~ :o I -~ 'l • I I . . • • • .. • ·~· • • "' ,1 0 •• ,, " •• 1 Guards alerted by the noise secured the door leading from the second floor to the main stairwell to prevent the disturbance from spreading, while C a I i f o r n i a l-ll~hway pati'olmen and Santa Rosa police hWTled to tbe scene. The inmates conlrolled the seCond floor £or 'nearly 9(1 minutes, smashing· nearly aU the windo\vs, burning clothing, mat- tresses and blankets, dan1aglng several cell doors anq t\\'O television mouitors. day. , Police Thursday identified the suspect as Kenneth Dwane Henderson, who lives about half a block from the hon1e \\'here a gasoline-filled soft-drink botlle crashed through a bedroom window. setting the room ablaze. •lenderson was arrested only 10 hours after the burial of the children, followlng seivices attended by hundreds of residepts in the ' mainly b I 1 c k nei'ihborhood where they lived . Angered citizens had offer more ..than $7 ,000 in rewards for infonnation • lea<Ung to the conviction of the fire bomber. ' The men replaced Mrs. from the state 's 17th district Peter Ruth, a young housewife but was too broke, typed up who told the court she "never his own petitions 011 a portable ·heard of Angela Davi~" and .. typewriter whi~eis~it:ll~ng~l•:·~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alice F. Evarts, a woman in park. He also argued his own her 20s. case 'lilCourt. .-! " ,, •' Two Children Slain; ' Police. Hold Fa ther BAKERSFIELD (AP ) -The bodies of h•"o small children have been fowid with their throats slashed, and their father has been jailed oo investisation of murder. Kem County sheriff's dP.Jlutiel say. The bodies ol Daniel 1'~usselman Jr .. s. and Daqielle Fus.selmin, 3, \\'ere fO\lnd at their hOme Thursday after their father, Daniel A Fu11elm'IJ1, 49, reported killing the chUdre.n, officers said. DepuUes said the children were beaten with an Iron skillet before their thro1t11 were cut. Several knives were found 1t ihe scene. "'nra1ido Wife 1- ' I Arrested . For Co1iduct I C AL'E XI CO (UPI) Actress Anna Kuhfi, former wife of Marlon Brando, hul been Jelled In this town on thel Mexican border for dlaorderlyl conduct, apparenUy the latest chapter in a k>nl and bltteri tug-of-war between Br.ando and Miss Kashfl ovtr custody ol their 13-Y,ear-<lld ·!!On. From Paria, Brando scoffed Thursday at reports that the boy, Christian DeVI, had been • kldnaped. "There is nothing at au , to . be alarmed about," Brando said in a statement, declaring the boy was on a scuba diving Vacation with friends in Mexico. Brando, 47, and Mias Kaahfll 37, who wse divorCed 'in 19'9,1 sharo 'cualody ol. the. boy ml have been1quarelllD1' over him·i for yeari.. Brando bu filed suit ogalnst her In an ottempt j to laln ...,,tcle CUJt9'1y. A' court IJearilC, ,to ,he held l Thursday, was rescheduled for today. tabor Files • 'Purged ' . . ' Aid~ Oaims 1 Investigators believed there was a feud bet\veen Henderson and Mrs. Ruby Jamison, 62, grandmother or the three vlcti{ns, according to Capt. Irv Cross. Mrs. Jamison was taking care of the three children in the absence of the.Ir parents, and was asleep in another room when the home was fire-bombed. She \\·as not hurt . The dead children were Cynthia War- ren. 9, her brother La\vrence, a. and sister Afarlene, 7. Thei r mother \\'as visiting their father , Theodis \Varren, at a county road camp in Banning, where he was serving 1 sentence for check fraud, when the 1ttact occurred. Warren was released early, the bala'.nce of his sentence suspended, after the deaths. Solons Repeal Voice Vote lJse SACRAMENTO (AP \ -·On a ~ vote, the state As!embly lias repealed its cen- tury-old practice of holding unrecilrded voice votes in committees. The new rules voted on Thursda y take effect in a week. and are stiffer than new I legislative roll call methods proposed Jast month in th e Senate. . . . But even if each house winds up with different · rules, the old practice of unrecorded committee votes is on its way out, Assemblyman John Burton noted: JCPenney , SPRING . PLA'NT PARADE YOUR CHOICE c PLANTS • Marigolds -assorted varieties • • Fuchsias -assor,ted varieties Tomatoes-ass9rted varieties IN 4 INCH CONTAINERS • Ageratu~...:.. ilu' Only Vinca -assorted varieties lN PONY PACK S • TAM JUNIPERS ' . L-Gro~lng GAL. 88¢ . 7" HANGING BASKETS CHOIC E OF COLE US OR ASPARAGUS FERN 2.22 .. .. - VISIT OUR SCOTTS REP.I ON SAT. AND SUN. IRING YOUR LAWN PROBLEMS Wlllichs MUSic City ·~· FULLY I RE.CONDITIONED -FUUY GUARANTEED USEJJ ORGANS . .. REDUCTION .. S.A.LE'! . l < . • t4!r'!':~"~!'~~ .. ~~~~~~·-~~· s1995 ' . ., HAMMOND DELUXE SPINET ORG~N OAK, WAS 92,155.H NOW ONLY 51495°0 HAMMOND CONSOLE AND .SPEAKER Cl WALNUT, SOLD NEW ,POI ll,711.11 NOW '51595°0 " HAMMOND PORTA·I· PORTAILE ORGAN WAI 11.l'MI NO W ONLY $1595°0 NEW MODEL WURLITZER WITH AUTO CHORD .SYSTEM GlltlAT FUN POllt l l GINN l lt AND ADVANCI D OltOAN PLAYUI • Wurlitzer Spinet • Wurliter Spinet .. Wlltllnle $699 $799 Hammond-Spinet ~rgan . • , '. ............. 11 .Jfl ..................................... . Hammond ' Spinet Organ W!tli .•••. ,.,,,.... ... $1,JJf .......................... . Hammond. Con•ole H325 ........ ,.,..., .. $4,141.... ... • ••••••••••••••••••• Wurlitzer Deluxe Spinet c~ .. ., ,...,, .. s1.r•1.11, •• ••••..• · •.••...•• , •.•..•. • LESUE SPEAKERS • TRADl•IN •' CLEARANCI SPICIALSI • Thomas Spinet . $599 • Lowrey Spinet $1249 • Kimball Console $1195 •CoM Spinet .... $399 • Hammond Spinet $699 • WURLITZER THEATRE SPINET WALNUT,.WAS f1 ,7tl, 1 NOW oHLY ••• 51495°0 WURUIUR STEUO ORGAN 1 MW llllllmM11ett In heme entw-t1lnmMt wltlt tfM r11lltm ef the ...... ~-, .... s109500 Tltomcn Single Keyboard $199 • ' ) • • " , " I H trU 1oI ~· .. n <If 't,l'f !1 ,. •• "'~ T)!\ ! • I ' .. • • • • DAD.Y PILOT EDITOJUAL PAGE , • All the . :Work «· Paid. Off . ' I ' Few aeuoiied ~lion watchers predicted approval Tutlday oi a ~l override contlnllance measure 11ut . before the voi.rs 'ID 'the Capistrano Unifl~l,5Cbool' two aub<»mmltleN -one to study geilll:ll dlltricl phUooophy, tbt other to evalUlle and retliw ~C · ' prosrama. Mem""'8 are meeUp1 1everal tlm11 a -th, vlalllnC the school& and talking, to prlnc!DIJI Pd: ap- parently loteod to leave no Jooae enc!J in their ·aa11711t • I• Dlalrlc!: .• An11 amonr-the opttmlsts, the slimmest ot.miJOriu,is wu the beat 1b1J cOuld dream.of. • ,,,. of the ocboot' •nle!n and Ila needs. • • Tho committee's. prellmlnary report la ~ Jiine I, 'will) a final rep0i'I in JJlly. Both Should be clltellllly ~ -..,d heeded ~ by the school board and the ~ 1dm1n).8tration. ,, 1 But 11 the laJllel began to emerge Tuesday nlChl a , phenomenal marlin developed and voters gave their {' blesslna by a S-i margin -a veritable landslide Iii 1ehool 1inance lasues. • • The ortglaal override passage two yel(l ago barei1 '. squeaked by, • . · 1 ThiJ time, things clearly were, reach in I· the cr\tlcal stage ~ ~ dlitrict )fith·palnful culbackl,predicled jt ·Brown .Act · Violati<i,u?. . . district tax revanue were to drop. « • Hunclrt!IJ of volunteers worke<l·hard for passaje. of the JDealUl'O. None worked' batder lhan IOOTU qi:IJIP. , scbOo) students wbo,par1ded, knocked on dl)ors,'plii>nO\I' voten, offered ,free rides to ll)e jlOns and free baby! .. ; . , Th· JnvlfaU.on w~nl out recenUy ·.to San ·Clem,ote dtJ·eouncllmen who are •elcome to lrlckin..:lhelr '40 aplect! an1t · ,jpln Chamber. of Commerce. Jelden iii a ,. retreat·jO Pabn' ~~· · ·, ·· · . lillill1. . . . ' All the work paid off handsomi!y. '• · Tb.-tdea·-th~ fli'st Ume11ns being lrled1n tclwn- la for ·the· cbAmber hierarchy, city staff and councilmen J. ti>. Bit In lelallrely faabion ,and dl&cuss long·ringe goals ·and ,problems affectiftg the city and chamber. ' . -· ·' , . ' . · ~du~µonal 'riotjµes · ,. 'Tbe•idea· Ia fine. · · · . Built ·is'llie possible p~ce of a full city council ·in a_ flr-j>ff city deliberating what could be pvbllc busi· ness .that Is somewhat distqtblng. . . . The most encoUi:aglng thing· that's lappened on the Laguna Beach 'educational scene· In some time Is the 20-member Educational Priorities. study GOmmlttee. : 1n111,i meeliDgs indicite that !he c'!mmlttee Is 1 good croas-section o_f the community, made up of P."ople who au genuinely illlerested ID the schools and wilhng The law -nferred to often in \)Iese Cblumiu - is clear: A quorum of a city council, meelj,ng to eyen discuss items of a public nature, mull be held in public •. to work hard to help the ocbools work well. .. They already have a 'plan of action an<!. have formed That means that If a majority of the council does participate in talka in Palm Springs late in April,vthen the general public' •bould be notified and welcomed and Invitations· should be iasued, accordingly. I -.. s ' [ , I Our Freedo m ' :r-A~--, · Dear . 'Se#aift,n Bas Reached Tragic Proportions' To M~e, Ri:se. • ~Has Shrunk" ~ ' t ~~ Gl09.iiJy _Professor ·Praises Laguna's Schools . Most p e op le wbo prate 'about tlfreedom" convenienUy neglect one of the ...... la! ~tion. of --ml. that II rrMdom of choice. If _,, -of cbolce ii low, or .wre)J lJm. tt.11, tbe "freedcm:' H .a.n· II virtUallJ m~-,. Ana 7 Fnnce, In I famously lru1lc re- mark, •once psrodled tbb oort o f false frieclom when he ob-' . eerved, "Both .the . ti' rich and the pior la Parll ire Irie to" .W.p under the bridpo at nl&bt." .'Ille B!Ulneu of the U.S., In Ille ~st, -lie -lne -'of choice,. al coOlralled wltb most E"'°"-8" -triOI, ..-ydung ·piopla were Jilralt-Jacnted by fllllilJ rllll; l!Jdal clau, and lacl< of educsllaaal opiior\unltlea. The rise of a Lincoln to Pruldent -Id have been in. concetY1ble la Ille ri&lcl bierarchles of the Old World. • A';14mia paper (not ·youn j' re- .... !nthuied abouj oiil>-'.'anlque . (oeitJll•) oqtl.U," -"~ ,. !Ue." Ami>tba and alpe ate· .-good food .,... the f!ali but ~ ~· lnmam swim agd dive hi cream . of amoeba oboip? • -Mn. R . .\,. S. .,.. ...... ,...... ,..._. ........ -"' ........... ,. ,,i ..... .,.., .... ,...,. " .......... y .... 'Pt .... · Because of it& authoritative 1ource a~d: i? J>e!'ttn1nce m.. tM ort'Ooina Laguna,&ach· school contr<>oeflJI, the follotpino}•U... ii printed 'in /Mii. Th< .,..Z~ °" letter kngt/a -UJGived lilW. iqlmJO<, · ., ..:..Editor 'J • .' ' 1 -• • • • Ti> the Editor. ~ • I blve.,been !ollowlng the newspaper reports of the board of eduCatloo's ac-UviU~ since I ' becairte ' · rNident of ~ Beach tJu:ee yean• qo. This Iet- 1 .. ..... ::t.... ter 11 wrtUen in' response fo:.:ate achool · 11me tbeorttlciitj~ we bad hi ~ ~· ·preildenl'' ~ <lfslre for iwt. boil not ~· praellcaJ-. !eeilbl from poreatl ......,.. .... tbe !or the ,,_ cllolee'Jlu -...,.,. ~te' of uie ocbools • ~~ci:s bj;'; ~ "!;*.,:: Wi~tatw.ae.ich as a home lechnqlogy. .~, ~ • , · ·~_/iiaDy -pliio ·the main 'We tend !O •Uilnt 'of .. ,_.,m".snd llOcldiDJ"*''"'" l!IO .Mty of the "iecurity"• u being .~ wl!09 liJ scllooll. llolli'm1 ~ llad; Previously truth they are just dttler.Dt tiido,of the been enrolled In pab(IC . ud priv~te 11me pole. People who lack llCurily, hi! 1-lchools m L<J• Angeles °""1ty, and 11 the certain basic .. have no real trlldoni :~ we mov,ed here they Md been ac- -for the f~ of choice 11· deilled ,'ll'pted at P111dena Polyteclmlc .School in them. They mUfl toke 11hat la-ott,...i, 'or -P~ena. After careful Inquiry I found, starve. • 1 . 1. ? -.;..~t &o my IW'JJl'i&e. that the publlc . · . • • . . • . ·school! In 4guna Beach offered a dlr· IN EUROPE, where all the land wu rlculum on 1 par with those of the best already. owned,. the peasanb"J snd Ille school! In Los Angeles County. Alter proletariat had no choice, and tberelare t three years experience at Allio, Thurston llO freedom. we lltYer develope\! 1 I and Laguna Beach High Schoo! I can DOW "peasantry" -1 1our farmers have always report that far my children and their 11111' WE OUR8ELVES have become been frtt men .-'beCauoe people could peen the curriculum and total learning lncreuklllY structured and hierarchical always move oawlrd and claim Dn" ..... experience Uceedt lit of my previous u- Wben I was a ,..th, a college educatloo Tills IS no Jon .. poaslble, and ev<n our pectatlons. meant far leu thin Jt does today; even a small fanners annot mah a llvlnf to-. , hlcb school dlplonu did not carry u day. , FIRST AND FOREMOST In a school I much ..,.ltlht In lel10ll of employment II . ;Of, .....,.,, 1 few taleoled 'Ind Ii-,~ academic quality. Slnco botb ll'Y It doet llO'I!· , • · g?wlve < -Wiii always move ' cliiiilren are Identified "men~ly gifted Our freedom to move and rlse has upward in any 10Clety· but we ahoul4 not minors" I realize that providing a hJ,gh shrunk 11 our soc!.U system has become -~ It' ·~· ,_ the' -'•--~· u.Uty cade-'· · I · · larger more Jmpersonal m ha bed mau:i ao umt~l~ , ~ ........ ,. 'pel'IOfl q a 1ua; curr1cu um 1s not ea&ily corJK>r'attve,· and .concemed wl~ .c~ .. to _achl~,Ye mol>i"'l' -Tho~ at the bottom accomplished_ for ~i~ select .group. Not .. .,... diploma degrees and union -.can ~ly ha.ii on to the lltUe lbey bav•, ; only ba•"my Children s achievement been carc1a •' • ' • wnUe ihetr lmuck!ea are beq•raPP<d by . of the htghesl',-but ·tbt!ir motivation bas · • · those lllgbtly abCWe them'-botli · aclli1g lioen lmpi'o~ed and any weaknesses they 1110llE AT• 11IE bottom today . -In fear· and daperiU.... The 'oal1 ·if. 'had have been ld!ntiflfd and sup- wbethtr they 'be blacb, Puerto Ricans, fective way to increaae "freedom" ii to pl'tmtnted. · 1 have no doubt that both or Apjltlatlllen wbltea -nuy ~ve the proyidt aecurti,. 'Children wiU•be able"to·Mlect a college of their -~~ . •. . • 1, '> .• Cl&J-.: , ~ · · '""'• ,l ... blve-~iJIO':no\ecrlhit my·.·~ildren's A Ms. as Good .. as···a Mi.,le li-IOncl,J have . been able tq achieve academically over a long period of time. If it were not for the dlo~ testing • · · • • · • · and the Oe.tiblt scheduling whli:h allowed . • 1 these chlldreo't. proceed at the~ own Wall Su,el J-blilhetr'l&Jiored.,For whill 'le are -..t rate, some of thtm wOuld have· been lost When the Democratic Party adopted .......,,... · wltb !be strictly lnler¥1 and left beblnd. poJH!caJ oonskliiat1on1, ther< sre alio •' reform measurOI for tbll presidential ill'~........,_,,_, ••• que~•---of·'-~ , !eel'-It did In ,,_ of .,........,.~ •~ "• AS A STUDENT of chlld dev• ..... ment l • .., yesr , '° . .,..,, en-por"-'•• poHti.cill representation and of i ' """' couraging brpader participation among .,n -;:.'"poll"~' llblllt In am sure tha .the board prellden~ r<al· bl1ck1, brown1, and females, wbO d::t.1e,~ ~ :e•~ Y • · tze.;-11 I do, that cblim. p!)W In spurts hl1torli:al!y bad been under-represented • , ., anil· '!Hu 11111 !bolt U II Oiilf by talttng within both major parties. This '"!' t!>e • IN-o'Nx ~ tty'•• to irrtve at an tbeoe growing spurts Into account that yeer, 11!~ advocates o! reform, to~ prac-, accePtible r..till~ e~ and IUUll •one ~Is .able' 'to D;l~ lelrning e1· ·' tlclng democracy at the grass ~'' form~ foi 1Ch0oa~ delegates to'na-perllocee wit.bin, a fonnaliaed 1ettlng. rather than merely talking about It. _ 11":!.f Ucal ,eonvt11tlool, )Ott hiring ~,{J:~ f::.chto~!::a:f. . But even the noblest aims sm:netimes go t' elpDfoyel. ete -npreaentJ ' decree. Ila" 1 way of raising expectations, falJ. socl1l IJTOIT..,. at least 'to tboie ·who Perlllps of equal concern In these Ins short of their goal, then leavlog otberwiJe ,.;;;;!.i have been >denied fr1111r1tloo and bitterness In their wake. represeolalton And perhaps 1111 the best lniubled times is the develoin-t of So II ii that the National Woni,n'1 solution that' pol!Uoal psrttu ud <:tU...Ship of our cblldrlO. Surrounded by PoUUcal Caucus plans to challenge the governments C. deYise • ~" the hippie subcultire, ~ Into con- Arllonl Democratic delegation to the ' ' tact with drul• In the community and puty'1 naUonal convention at Miami Ne!ertbeleaa... ", eVflO '' 1 P 0 •It i 9 1 atven• the iqlprusionable: nature thlt &ocb. dlacrimlnation,. u lt1 ii -. -.... di!-Vt . _, in- AL~ TB!: proportloo o f --delegat" Is nearly doobte lbal 61 • (D percent vs. 17 percent), II 1111 fllll bolow the new Democratic ~ ....,-ia a.at. women be given •••mlltlaa ln reuonable proportk>n lo f11e1r """' illtloa In the population euphemisllcsll1 called, II merely a Oumced toward a destrucllve "11 of We. disguised quota •fYlllm. And -·"P We are Indeed fortunate u..J tile ad- lhey are emplt10d on t"'l llde el -la mlnlstrotloo and teadlen of t..a\ma wlclel)I rtgardeil u ....,. .... iWorli. Boacb have been 1ble tO>combat lhla IDth q.-are a ~ 1nlwtitutt ~ Century pique of drul allulo ao el· justice Ind •»ty -!hlil r.r' fectlvely . treottna people • lnd!Yldaall -u mere atst!adoal lbotraclloal. · • . · (ID Arlloal, .. tircent). . . . AllUMING tliaJ on1J can c:a.cua ofllclaJ1, 1pporenUy believing represent the mt.resy of = tbal ilill a Ml. II M pod U a mUe, deem only llf'!Cb c-.1!1~ 19 lllll "8 o1 i111t D ~ ......... ble. Hence the bllck1, etc., conjuru !IP '*'" ol 1 ,... c!oaU.,.C.. -apollo l)'llem on a ~ acalo. .:s ....... ~ 1111 ftnen'• Clll<'ll, Whit lo -tJie m.,1-11111-• uW 11 k,_ffbllctty bltta i1 ~ o1 ~hie own..,.. ... por1--. t ....,.. be ""'.1111-. 11 • =' alh, .,._ ,.,. la • lllo aclllB. DOt be blrin deed I ~ ... , "14Dhwl tallf (llllrtlll. .......... klla ._ti llllUM. ' AS I AM IN dGll eoatact wltb poycbolaslsto ad pl~_,,,...., In the scbool1 1bnJuPoat 1"' ... u and · Oronge Coanllu, J ..._ ltll und lmowledge of a~..-_., the aertouo ...r all a.. arlllall aa ,..,. 11 of drul ..,. la llit ...... 1 am ..Ualled -"""" 11111 • eumnl admlnlstrotloa ........ -...1o an lboolute mlnlln11111 --~ -·-not Olli1 .. tlllJ ....... ......... ~ ..... --... l ' my professional servlcea to thti board, to heal whatever breaches have beee.., wrought and' to proceed with pursuing ex- ceHence in educating our youth. ~ Perhaps the fir,st step would be to ask fK!rieives the question, .Haw ~o we a~~ many y0Ungsters become thoroughly bored with' scboOl, but Thurston studenta are, on the other hand, notably en. thusiastic. 'This is i real achk!vement which deserves our ·full support. MRS. WIWAM TRACY _ ~ttn• from ..rta4tra pre wlapme. our schools! Bf reading' scores! College Nonna1i11 writers 1~ conve11·their entrance?· Insurance rates? Amount of · · ... meuage1 in 300 ioonil. or les1. · Tlie malicious mischief! Perhaps if we can '!l•pu~s t lae Nu•IJer ftoht tb condmle le'tit'rs to fit· tpaee agrtt on. 'some common 'yardsticks of To 'thf: Editor: of iliminatc libll U re1trped. AU let-jud.gmp!t then we can proceed with tbe ttr1 mt.lit il)Cldde .rignatw'1 ~ maii. business of educating our youth toward ing add1u-!> btit ~s may be wi~lv these.goats. · held on re-1· If rufficient •fason " · o b t R t tDill t •· I>-CLARA M. RILEY, Ph. apJ>Qren • Of"-~ ~ pu .. _... Clinical Prol--of M-•ic· al Jbh<d. . . .' .. --~ ' ~ . ·Psyc:boioa, Division of Child Psydiiatry, • ... .-~1-.. , ... ~ .... ~.Fachiat? and Jfuman Behavior, . Throogh edocstion, uijilp!e,_ ·~tion · , a College ot Medicine, UC, Irvine of individual dUfer~ces apt!,! ~lion ~· ': . of 1Hernatlve life styles ·oor leachenl B•lc• Are Taught seem to be effectively iiiDCulatiDg the · · ~ · .. , greater portion of our children against TO the Editor: 1thb: ICOUrge.1 ' I Want to express my warm approval of I was astounded by one of the stalbtlca In your March 1 front page article, "Recall Backers Get 113 OI Goat." The statistie l refer to· is the sta~t made In the arUcle's second paragraph to the effect -that the"' was "a group of aimoit .JOO Lagunans at the meeting in the city hall council chambers." This statement ii absolutely untrue. l sat In the last z:ow during the entire m~tjng and becatiile of my surprise at the poor tum-out, I made three separate .count! of the attendance white , the 'meeting .,u in progreu. AdUally at· tendance was 51 penoos, includlng·.1hose who left early and those who came late. TO REACH THE goa!J , of bllh . the teacblng methods now used In Laguna 1cademk: achievement and ~ dtb.enalilp Beach Scbools· and urge the school board the adml'nistration bas tffectlVe!t uUJlzed ·not to tum away (rom the innovative such method! as flexible scbedullng, methods develaped by our forward-look· SINCE .THE arllcle did nOt carry a by .. diagnostic testing and groupln( of various log admilitstraton and teacller!. . line Indicating a DAILY PILOT reporter kinds. It would seem that the bolrd'1 . I b8t. had the o;,.nili!lty .lo,observe had actually atleoded • the ~ I concern should be to what utenl the ad-many. ""-beln( ti.pt ln ·nearby assume the "11111" attendarice fiiure W.. mlnlotratloo and the teachers are fuUlll· communlllea u well as In Laguna. I given to the Pilot by some member of the Jng their commitment to· · teach our definitely feel that all ·Olft' student! ll't. "Citizens for Good Government" lln'ftl1p. d!lldren icademicelly and for citizenship. being toulht the" "butcs,.'' about which If thil' asawnption 11 correct, ;;;.;-the I fmd the quibbling about methodl which coocern baa been expressed. Reading and actual attendan, _ ce. fim• ... ,,;.; Inflated ,_, has been cun-ent of late in the. ICbool ~th have the hi&best priority, and other !most •-• "' board demoralizing to teachers and Important subjects are-;stressed in the a IOO perCent - a stratagem which student& alike and can only detrlCt from varied progranu. is certain!>" not commendable, since It our exemplary school system. It is my was probably used to create an Jlluaion of hoJl!'. lhal, this •chol\I board,nq\ be. the.I'"• NO TEACHING sys~ Is perfec~ but greater'cbmmuftlty support for the recall to" prWde over' lbe(inadv;i-teht '<lestme-....; of ~older metllods are very poor movement than may"acfually exist. .... tk>n of perhap$ the finest lcbOof",YStem in' that i they make zio provi!lon for in-J MIGHT ADD that I hAve never met in the nation. d!vidual differences, the tefclting iS ·dull Councilman Lon-, bUt bued on the-in- . • and . the Jlllpils 'beclnM · ctulte" d!sin-· ' 1'I'. J«S COME TO MY ·atten\i<Jll' tbJI. . tereoted. By conti'list; , millt Ila gun a fonnation . presented at the mee~ng and incleed the> ~ schism bat readied , atuden!J like l!Choof.' the oewspaper. •CCOU!lla conoenilng his tragic proporllilni. J would like io· offer /'.t tbe juniol high level· espec· i•"•, record to date, l dq'not believe a recal! IJ • • vuv· justified. ~. ... Another point of interest at the meeting • 1 w:as an· introductory ~ark made by ·s · l"I ~ Cbsirman aeo Whllllaey to the -effect . ec_ recy in-~. ,ngress thathei"Cim.n.forGooclGovemmenr• group Is not afflliatecl '!Ith the Vlllag1 • •· Laguna orpnllatl«l..Pezhops MJu .Whlt• Mhioelpolil Ti1lRme ' tramait.ed. • Uesey ta uniw..0 tlllt ~ of fbe prin- llalt congres111DOD Jike lblnp that·way. cipal ~ ~t htr moellng are well The -<I -1onai com-._ --•tee •-f . •-·-known membera ,of. Vlllop , _,.. - lttee Ing held ~~ ..._. ~ , -· ......,... mem~,., or IDB-~. !y .. _ , ·ii , flrey .. ~..:-; ••• m meet 1 -c.,..... ~· ·-;tlmt Ieglllatlon.allouJd be written name ,.~. ~ ••. • •.-~ IJUt year dldn1 dlfl«. mvcI> from the 111 ~ becsuae open meetings eo-and RalPh Benion. . . tllltes In preYloua· 1ears. A lladJ bJ -... eoa,,_ t. italte· up time · _,-1-bave been 1,reoldent (ff Lacuna Beach Congressional ·Quarterly; foUnd· that 111 '!111111w :to tJie galleries.' Others srgue for 12 yeah and i!n I rellellale--er, percent of the,commlttee sealons' In the ' U.I ai:iitii Is hindered by the need for with offir.es In Gonoi~ de! Mar House and Senile durlog lf1l ·were ~. ~""''-. I ~. . •. . In I public FRA •..• NK H. OOooR to the Jlllbllc, down from the II petcenl ~ recorded In 1970, bu! the same 11 the _!ltll . : , . Awart that moat persom are J>l'01lf ocore. Strice CQ begin keeping track of • llllT SOME COJIUlllttees dO h<ila thell' lo err in estiiila\ing crowd dzes. tM· open and clofed commltlft meellnp In lmline• ~ "Ja ~~and lk DAILY PILlJT M<'cked)><r10!ll 'Pres· !Ml, !'rpercent of the Mllloal i.ve beeii ·cjoiln't _, lo get In tbe.IQJ of .the • ••t 'r••v gMtiecl< "BO °"' llO" and closed -another indication lhil thlnp ·-··For -le, the cbl~ cleik of "almost 100/' lnclt.dlq tlJ'oH who didn't cl!lnge much !all year. •· the -EdtinaUoo -' µbor Com-floated ln and "111 pield'ir up. ptt~ , _,_ mlttoe;, which cilml ""'1 I (ff Ill lllS lioru. I'll anv <fflll, It -no throno. nu; ONLY THING different about .-C• 1111 1"11', told CQ tbal meeting . ' -J;;dltOT 1'11 was that . H came afltr Cooareao . In public cloem't slow de!ol !lie group's • • palled l\s lint reform act In l4 .1ears, pr9CMl!tqg1 at ·all. lit eolled the open-·• the Le&tslotlve Jleortan!JllloD . Act .of meeting lequ!rement ... ..., IOOCI role." lt'IO. Included hi that act are -provision• It mllht also be ilOled that many ·llllte for brlqlq <ommltlee aper1tlonl mider leclllliufes hold lllllll of'lhelr' c.ilnmlttet! clooer pabllc acnotlny. It stlpuloteo, for. -llnc(ln )lllbliC ind don' seem lo be lnatanoe, that all Senote COllllDlltee -by It. • • · · • mtlllnp are to be open -qcepl ~ · •la wblcb the final dnft of a bM•lo being TllS ONLY ~" occuloal' for ~-.~ •• Iha ... ,.. •·-closilW[ 1 commtllee meelinf sre those wu_,, °' _.,_ I are,....,.. oeu-, currenUy spelled oUf (or S-te bearinp " . or -a JDajorlty of memhera -to• .-When lt'I beofl determined" that ci.... -bultMD -Jnp, too, are teot!lllOll1 moy nlale to national eecurl- t. be open -m:epl -a ~lty ' lft•flmd to reflect -Jliiy '"' Ill Jn. valeo_ aplllll that ldei. dllldal'• .... ,,_ ar ~tatloa or Tiii: LAW'l llXCBPTIONI, obtiou113>, r-i malllrl l1rlpaltd -Ila! . hav1 been -.,II lo deleol Iii JllU'P<!'<i undlr qlher provlllono of 1ew·ar 111vern- ud the 11\1 relm1n __...._ -l!l<mt """1•tlopJ. 'l'bole . crllelli, ore vlrtullly no' lmpoct the !1rlt 1'lf 1beJ broad 0!J9lltlb to\be a-.!, admltlldl¥, , were la effect. Ninety-seven percent of but they'd 19111 Jn fewer cloaecl oesalons ~ commlllll ~ deaipaled u than sre ~•-under the present ltw's ... -. MUi9111 lut year ~ tbOoe at S! Jirotblonl. 'Ille pabllc'I tigbl whldt action, all ·• vvllnC,or 1ilJ.clraf· IO' bo9 ,Ill ~I la l!el>I eos. U.,, Wll lll• -wera bomd to the d Mull OVOJTide the convenltJa ~ ...._ bo1lo•1 -btl•I -..-flndln"°'kfllc~vate . j ' DAILY PllOT R~ N. Wrcd, PllbllMcr 'i';,..,., K~ml, Editor Albert W • .lote1 Editorial Pogc Editor ; ,. • • I • • . Michelangelo · · ~ .. His First Name , ' . Am asked. when' !he music to thal-·dualo ditty called '"1'11rkey Jn lhe Straw" firal cama ..i, .Jut Jir ·yui. .;, It wu. Good year, UM. Thal waa whoa: 1 •• TbcimU O.venport invented the electric motor. 2. The -.ailed autobiography of' Dayy Crockett' waa • published. s. And ---flnl perauaded by · 111 Itallm • lmmiCJ'onl thal ila. waa Nie to ut -.-. ~ •.vloualy thoulbt by•llllDY'a•loclf to 111- cite rape. • r ' DID I SAY Mlchelangelo'1 first name WU :Buonai- rotl?· RicUculoua. That was his last name, Dum Oum. In- clilentaJly, am adyJsed Micbelangelo'a brother'• name~· ~rtala Buonarroll. Almosl blll ' nqt quite.like Walla Walla, or Pago Paao, or Tlk Tait.· . . DIRECl'ION -Thal lhlilg 'called ,.... ·of dlrecllon has proven to be ·COllllderably j!,lronier among mm than womett. Or so conclude unlvenily ocbolan after testinl numerous stuC!eala. The lest, migbl• menllm, .11 nothlpl. · more thin that cbild's game callect, Blind Man'a Bluff.. The boys are better al il Almolt !Dvarlably .. Mucb belier. ' BOW MANY of lholle llUl'gical operallms known· u the face Jlft can a lady mulergo in one lifetime? FiYe ii about the limi~ saya ooe Calliomla plulic surge1X1. . IN LAS VEGAS, U you bel ,10 oo every llPID of lbe roulette wheel, you C1J1 expecl to loae ~ an hour, report the computer boys. \ · • . TllAGEDIES -No bell ever lolled more moumfUI' news Uuui !ht lien of the wi:ecked BrillJh oblp Lullne.' Salvaged Jn !Bit, lhal bell was hung Ip Lloydo of Loodon. Thereafter, whenever major . tra1e<IY-.. 1truct-a Lloyds' policyholder, lhe bell was rung. Earlhqaakes: Grea.t flm .. Train wrecks. Ezplosions. Peslllenco. Wbalever. Ding duel went lhe Lulioe belt Nolblng, not even DaviG Brinkley, signified 10 cynically, IO IOl'l'OWfullY.. • • . . THAT MEDICAL """'iallsl least apt to give up smok· Ing, surveya show, Is the psychialrial , . REMEMBER ilso, In a race between, a squid and an octopus, bel oo lhe aquid. LAST I heard the cost of • oack of U.S. cigarettes .In Sw"<leo waa '3 cents. 'Iba! Included 70 cent.. in tu. Pretty stiff. , Addreu mall lo L. M. Boyd, P. 0. Boz 1815,. N<WJ>Orl B•och, Calif. 92660. ' . Happiest American? Devout Housewives · NEW YORK (UPI) -M°'t Amerlc1111 an; happy, buflhe happiest of all ere very religious married women, ag- ed 11 lo 34, in lhe middle-in- come bracket. ' . -Young adullhoOd.11 lo U la lbe happiest age fl"OUP- . Thal WU the finding or a . ' telephone survey conducted by -Married ~'an· mort likely lo be hapty than singles. The unhappiest. of all are people -~es have been bn>loen, wbelber by divorce or ·death.. the advertising firm of Batten, Jlarl9n, Durallne " Osborn Ioc. (BBOO), in which 40! persona over 11 are asked 11• • • bow hippy would you saY you au· these days: very happy. somewhal happy, or not too happy?" Only about IO percenl . ad' milted being "not too happy." On the p<islUve side, the "aomewhats" outnumbered. .. the "verys," but the survey indicated most people are reaaonably conlenl wilh their lot. "Despile the fllCI thal many wonien ... robelllnl qalrill the cbalnl of 1 m a I e chAuvlnlsm,' !11.4 . percent or tbe. women llUl'Veyed claimed -Middle-lnc:Ome people are happier than -al 1111 lop or lhe bollom of lhe financial lcale. · BBOO unclertool<' the sul-vey as a guide lo lhe line lo !oUow in lhelr ad•erlbing. . . "Some recent · adverllslllg ancl programming which plays on the unhappiness of w_omen la off large~" lhe·agency·ccn- cluded. Hlf anything, ·we 1hould direct our efforts at the more unbaJIPY malls •• · ' "But one wonders ••• where are the all~ted. anemic, sick, guilty, the ~ ~ pie at the breaking point? ••. 'l1»e average American Rems lo be a reiallwly C<!lllented in- dividual." to be 'very happy' Jn conlrast F=======:;::;I I~ 28.1 percenl of lbe men ·, • • " Uie 1U?Vey reported. 11 tinb.1Pplne'11 ls 8p- proximately .nve times higher ; · an\ong 'nonrelillous people •• 1than among those who claim to be 'very religious.' " '"'" IUl'Vey aiao fooncl :· .. .. KIDS LOVE UNCI.E LEN · Saturdays· in The DAILY PILOT I See by Today's Want Ads • TO MAKE 90fT VOll!ES SI'RONG, u. thil Tmner Electro Voice-llike. There are llllo Atlu mBle lbmdl and a PA 90Und IJ*m.on we. • POWER PLUS: 11'1 ab here In th!I · 1!' 1/0 lllo lt'IO -boot. I.- than 150 houn .... -155 HP V-t ~ It ....... wtlh: boll - dual --llill -,,,-. .. -.... "'" tnilll' ... - -Jack a -ra11a. v.-: fm), Will lake: -· e STILL PLUGGING AWAY at >""If old f1pnrlterT Try •lhil DIM mod<! B. Good cmldlttoO b-'1l'J, ............ ~-.--.....;.---------- l • • • .. • • • • • , , F1jdjy, M•rdo'IO; I9n DAii. Y I'll.tr Z ' \ f • l ~EARLY iioua1OP~10 AM .EVBIYliAY. PRICES GOO~ MAR. 11 Iii.YI \' ' . .. . .. . • " • ~,. • f . . ~OLD · PRICE ~lASHING ON llOS'T ·~·TE'I) IHllS_ E!ER .YUNE NE~DS ••• DON 'T lllSS oun ·-· tlilBEATABLE',YALUES .... TYPICAL Of TllE PEAT BUYS YOU DEPEND OPON FROM WHITE f~OR' STORES! . -DNE ·DAY ••• SAIURDAYONLY.l ·H•RYI . PRETTY DECORATOR BALLBllNA LAMPSHADES Ideal for boudoir, dressing room oi;.young girl's room.12 inch shade · with lace and ribbon accents. While, pink, blue. C· COMPARE AT 1.29, 1.6.9 EA; ; ' MATCllBl. SO .Of BCHT • BUILT SPARIPl.UBS:· ~ .. · fA .. ' " .. -MISSES' FASHION LOOKS .. WITH NYLON RACHI TOPS 100% nylon rib tops for pa nts or skirts. Short slee~es, patch pockets, sea- son-spanning col11rs. Sizes small, medium, large. R!;. PRICE 2.91, 3.97 U. /s FOR UPll(l NOT AVAIUILE AT LO.C lu.tR' A JllRA#t[ SPECIAt PURCIASEI·-· . ·MISSES' Uili&L •s . . • MEN'S f AM•S MAKE. ~'SPUR'' JEA• , lt's·.t~e class ic-long1 lean fodk! 5 pocke~1~l1 llel • !00"~' a!d tr.(nr llemmjni.·1~% cotto11-il .• ··.ireel{,; black,. blue, bJ~~ze,.~b1te. S, M, l insellnls; ,'2~·38 wa ist sne · , ,. ,, -i. . • . • , f ·-!'-·, r I ' ' . I ' Recondi!Kined bf modern machine . methods; matched set for best per· formance. Fits most cars Uflder normal driving conditions. c . -. \ -. . Shiny ,crinkle . patefll ·manmade · Ujlpers. Self ·strap and •button trim. -Comfortable low heel.· · · Sizei 1o 10. Imported, ·bJack·or ·l1 ·· ' • . 'OUllEG. ' PRIQ:4,2 g· • ~ • OUR REG. PRICE 1.41 "SET .. SET · QF I . . . . WllC8R DB.IXE CllOME RfCIRIC HAii MIXfl . 5 speed selector for · efficienci.. Heavy duty chrome beaters; beater ejector at fingertip. 2 yr. over coun· !et· replacement warranty. #WSOO , OUI 1•G. PRICE 9.97 . I .. >lijiite. · OUR LOW PRICE NOW ... SllOES..Mlt lW&IUILE AT LH' IU~ll 11 JllWCE .. , .•. BOLD SAVl1S% RISLONE uomvE FOR · TOP ENGINE PBlftlRMANCE,· Millions ol motorists know. the • advantage! 'Redu ces friction, prolongs engine life. Stock up now for vacatio n travel s: # IOOQR OUR REG. PRt(E.1.18 -._, t • • STOii HOUIS: DAILY 10 ... TO' PM. SAT. ANO SUN. 10 TO 7. THflf'S A STOii NfAR rou osta 3088 BRISTOL AYE. ' SAN DllGO FlllEWAY AT llllSTOL ' ( I • ' • . . '\ . . ' ... .,;l!ll 1111 AllRHll'ltllic'lucl WlllllNCI .,., '''I ttl I',:-....... -- • " ··-· ·-•IUTllcmr• ' •••• ' ., ' • •• • • ' , I r ., , ' j ~ ' • i .. • \ , I ' l l ' I , ' I .. • .. • ' '°', DAILY PILOT l F•idq, Mltdl 10, 19n .Connally Hankers - Top Turk Charged On Drugs By Phll lnlt,fa11cli Diplomatic -Win . ' . For Quiet Life Foreign: Service ' Upgrades Women WASHINGTON (UPI) - Despite tbe apeculatlon-that bulZtl around him these daya, Treasury Secretary John B. Connally is hankering to return to private lift. NICE, !'ranee (UPI) _I A .,.!t. ~£!:'-MOU~.!.._ · LaoUan but a~·nst the ho.,,._ State'1 open-fonim group, ol· -_ .. _ bound 11\0ther three, {ictt1 with direct access to the Turklah aeo.ator and h1a cbauf· WASHINGTON -nme was Thll quest or w 1r·e 1 y Secretary of state's oflice. sat feur have been charged in when forelgn-.erVice officer duties Is one that had been down to draft a new policy court wtlh smuggling Into t.trs. Jock Shirley 'Would have statement distributed to aU "" France 32l pounds o f been u:pecled demureJy to br.ewlng for yeart. n\orphine base , worth $36.5 resign when her officer.bus-Jn the ·optiol\&1 two-week post s abroad just last month. He. said he plans to get a start wward that goal by foregoing I.DY active role Jn lbe election campaigns thil year -even h1I brother's race for UeuteMnt governor Jn Tex· as. ,,_inilllon as heroin in street band was aulgned to the seminars for wiv'5 offered In As Richard William&on, ~aales in the United State1. United Statea-.Embassy in Washfhgton slr\Ce 1902, wives chuir1nan of the druftlng oom- An examininc magistrate Waraaw. were. told in between helpful mittee, recalls it, the aPo ordered Sen. Dudret Bayhan, Tlme wu, too1 when abe and briefings on e v e r y t h J n g proach was one of how much 80, and hls driver, Ibrahim thousands of other diplomats' American from history to the government had a right to Jker. held at Nice detention wives stationed abroad were culture, that with them, the · require of a diplomat's wife. The only Democrat iJ1 Presi- dent Niron's ca·binet .spelled out his plans for the tuture In a IVidHlll(inl ...,.., Wltll a ' small ~p.ol re~ over lunch !" 1>1s·pr'vate Tr_, dining...,., , prison pending further loves-not only expected but also State Department was getting "We concluded that the :Bayban, sole representative quently 1nd g r a ci ou s 1 y . The question came to a head darn little.'' he says -that ii1?ation and trial. I obllgated to entertain fr&-two for the price of. one. government has a rig'1t .to ask of lbe rlj:ht'iin& 'Natlon'al 'Ji;.-: generally following-tbe bid of last summer when the wives she is a "private" person wlih tloa Party In ~ the Turlq,sh the ambaaa&d9f'• wlfe. of 27 U.S. diplomats issued a right lo "do her O\vn thing'' Serllte, wn tnvtUng 1 00 a , Who that was 'there, for ill-"refonn".eu,ldellnes, with the as she interprets the need. He "'"1fllod ll10fl ol bis ....... to~~ by umc IUcb ....,. u cUplomatic puspOrt Sunday ~ ., .... .-..... stance·, would forret t&e•nigbt department's approval, which The policy , shif~ at State wbM French customs o{[M:era 3-'f ·r · . ~ in January, 1961, when Hubert concluded that, like it or not, also focus new attentioJ1 on tb 11 Z a~ M~~~ ro~ 1 tt!'t;J::;.$;:,~~'":!O~,.~::·..A~);;:.1· ll."":;::,•.:::'·::-::;"'::::•:-:.i...::,:"~"-~"~"~""~::"'~.-:·~ .. ~ ~-:~~-:1nd ~r~~~ ~!=~uo~~~es du~~ h!~~ =~~e Pi'::t~e:l~~1 ~t:ri•n. a~ "pl&11" or ··~." but ltw•daarbe--to get ou\ of .... .-. ' ., __ ANXIOUS TD LEAVE John I. Connally ltllfan bor.der.' bwy wife (none of whom was that there was no getting recruiting and promotion Is In the car, officer• said, "Hi, neighbor !" invited to ·the dinner) was around lbe fact .lhat life in the claimed as a result. they found . 146 plastic bags _________ ___::__________ recruited for tltcben work? fortlgn servlet!: was a Word from an overse~s post Thi i.--., for.mer tluw tum Tau pYernor Hidbe~to-.Jnm hi> 'l'huur7 jell Uuouih Nii· on... flrot lenn, blll a1c1 oot fo.._ any p0'8iblllty lhlt he would Ill)' Oii after that m any containing the morphine bale, ·The Wa1h1natoe foreign af-"goldfish-bowl existence." or government that assign· .r a brown powder which ls, corr falrs community that uau ally Many younger wives did not nient of a woman there would Connally ackqOwltdged "It's verted into heroio. by a simple Plsp ute· Lin oers reserves its dlplomaUc skills take ki ndly to this continued not be welcome used to suffice a strange tbin1 ,for me to be laboratory process. -e for foreign nations ls currently fjffee;;;;:tl:ng=~or':=o:b~lig~a~tion~;;:;· :n:dEinf;;;q":;';:;'h:;in;;g;;;;the;::;;:;a:;ss;;ig~nm~e=1nt. :i1"'" that '•lie pla nned to Turkey Is one of the main applying them to an in-house • t~ ~:;!.'."'~:~~: f~~e~lu~~ f~P~:~~1::: B eilenson A ttacks fybn:!'d~. they have been bad· TR~DING : i)':jj ! ."Tl:IE STAMPS capoclty. • ~ be the 111'11 ones he bod Is extracted, and _ u.s. ·and , . The locus Is on wom.n -!y._ &VEL ' .. D .. · THAT REALLY mlsaed in· a lq Ihm. Fronch narcotics agents say salaried and lllllllarled. The -I m! ,_,.-..,_,.-"!:-.. -.. ._..,-., ..... ,.._ .... ,.-...... -.. • He llid, ,.,,,,.,, .. , that he Manellle in soothern France Re w lf freab dalermlnation. Is to put VOUCHERS : ~: SEND YOU" I A klntltlmo lrlond ud pro!.. 'I t!8111tf ...... rt .,...id dale! Tre &1 u ry is a world center of illegal agan On e are an~ndtopastuploitation and =~= . · 0.partmeat poUdea durin& bis heroin laboratories. the treat the Ms. contingent as/~;;;;;;;;' :;;;;' ;i;i;i~· ~ .. ~. ~ .. ~. ~ .. ~.:;;;;~·~·'~'~'~~·~·~"~'~~,~·~·~"~' 0. n e 8e•aeer•le tenure-bf tom.ct the cabinet Af\el' three days or intensive SACRAMENTO (AP) _ effect within another month to full-Oedl!led human b eing s/1 tleltet • e· f after the 11'7' off-year elt<:· queaU oning, lhe two men were Gov. Ronald Reagan has done 1 h rather than a! decorative ap-' U • .,e tlons. Whlll IDIDe mi gh t con-taken before the examining wo mont s. but Beilenson pendages. f• f gw .. ,t skier that to be campJ!ilgning magi&trate who heard the inore to make his welfare complains at how that c6rn-Under new regulations that u.uD ~wun, NJ po ce ev eo.ce or only a few pares with the rushed im· a ow both husband and· wife to •• lor N'-· 'I -·•·~'-he ··'d II Id I reforms fail than he has to II ....,.------.......,, he .11..1 _..., • • tes bef f 'I I make them work , savs the k I · b d h ~ ~ '"" -minu ore o r m a y 1 gl " position of the parts or the wor o. posts a roa w ere 1~ ws: """v•~.. ,.,..... authored Reagan's Welfare program that would cut costs. 1 ' •tr. an eg. Of . L·,..,·n B. Joh-' ~tbat •"-· .....,....,.._,v cbar«ing and ordering them e slator w h 0 reluctantly there are open'ngs 'I d Cmnall1 handled the t "0 woald bO .' pd ahape"' by ialled. Mrs. Shirley are one of 4-0 h a r d e st political quuu. fall, eor.i1l1 ukl Nlxoo. They were~ charged under an Reform Act of l971 . Altogether, the three pro-husband-and-wife teams in the with •typlca1 aplomb. would be blril' ~Mat. But be article of the French health But Sen. Anthony Beilenson grams total only $13 million of employ of the State Depart- -Dkt he see 1 n y added that uf RepubUcan code for "infraction of the says he believes that, despite new spending in the $500 ment and related agencies. ~Democratic ticket he could candidate wq starting wtth a legislation on narcotics or Reagan and his welfare chief, mlllion·plus reform, but In only about one-third of 1upport In NoVember? ''Yes, l dilldvantage. blcluae fewer traffic of narcotics.'' Robert Carleson, the reforms Beilenson .o;ays they trigger the cases are ~th mem~rs of can see ooe," he smiJed. "But vote were allled with the It convicted, they faced 'viii eventually cut California . about $20 million 10 matching . t!1' team !ore1gn..semce o!- the lmall:t' la a.wfully funy . lt'a GOP11 ' I penalties or 2 to 10 yeoirs plus welfare costs by hundreds of federal and local fund" and h.cers. Ho\vever, Mrs. Gladys a lon1 way off/' . 1 Comally aaid be wanted to fines of $1.000 to $100,000, or 1nillions of dollars. _will eventually ha \'e an i~pact Rogers special assistant for -Would he really tum HlilrD to prlviti JU' so he straight jail terms of 10-20 The dispute bet 1v e en 10 the hundreds of millions. 1 women 's atfairs in· State's down Nixon if he offered' him OCllld • IOme o~ tbe thinp be years. Beilenson, a Beverly J1ills management division, reports • Spiro T. Agnew's No. 2 apot on t.111 wmted for 11 long time. It wu the second .ma jor Democrat, and tilt' Republican "Mr. C&:leson saw \9 jt that that th1 number is incteasing. the GOP ticket ? u1 certainly 11rve do~ my part," be narcotics MlEuit ih southern governor is the sarrfe one they those portions of the-bill be She explains that u in a don't anticipate he'a IOlnl to iald. •1r•ve 1past 1 lot of my Fnnce in lea than 1 week. had Jalt year before they and the governor pushed were team of profeuors, the couple offer me that. I wouldn't want mature Ufe in public Kl'Vice Pre,viously customs olffcers 'Started negotiating ihe com-pu( into effect Oct. 1. · · .and aims for the belt pair of jobs, to answer beyond that because and Fve got a tot of sa tia.fac· !eiied a converted ahrimP promise. 84-paint reform which those sought by the legislature rather than the one most no matter whit l u y 1 It would Uon out of it. But now l'm ~t carry~ 93tl pounds of ultJ.m1tely became California -the true, fundamental challenglnr, with the wife only lead to more specula-· tirtd and J yvlnt to do some of heroin, worth an eatimated law. · ch·anges which would get peo-often Mlk1n& a consular or ad· tion." these other thlrirs." $212 million on the street in Reag·an and Carlesun believe pie otf welfare -8rt! not yet minlstrative post· 'because of .. tbi United States in the big· the key to liiolvlng the \Velfare in effect," BeiJenaon said . · its transfer potential. , · ge1t narcotics ilaul in history. problem is tightening eligibili-He said that Is the baaic dif-While the hostes•with-the-Fcc .Member Lashes ty. cracking down on lraud ference in VJellar e pbilooophy mostest role of the diploma t's and abuse and applying some b e t w e e n · Reagan and wife is not expected to wane, Drunk. p· J.an good business audit and ac-Democrats, and that the the obligatory aspect ii out. I Ii~ T ' couo.tability principles t 0 reforms really are going to Among other thir.p, there is Case Co v. era' ge ' welfare administration. '""k in spite or Reai:an and 00 longer a .,ction on the Su.Spend...,.)·. That's wha t tbelr originSJ Carh leson -not because of hUlband's efficiency report for ~ t cm -becau..e Democrat! the effecttveoeu ol ..-wile's reform plan stressed, and d nd 01... chi d ... WASHINGTON (UPI) _ 1 memo written by 1 lobbyist thole 'Ir tht ,, .. ,..., Gf the ema u1e I care, job diploma tic efforts, which ruled F d I Co I ( 'T • M ,. e ,...... pro-trai ning and birth control pro-in favor of n... wile whol e e r a mmun cat ons for International Telephone ()() l)D. y gram (hev now sav <1re "'" Co 1 • • J 1 grams. managed to teach math in mm ss1oner N i c b o I a s and Telegraph linking a respqns.ible for curbing the . .;;,;-o.-•· ;;;m·•;;;-;;;;,,;·-iiii;;;;iOiOm-iiOiiiOi,_i;;;;iii;iiii;iiiOiiiOiiiOi;;;;;;;;;, Johnson has cbar,pd the DI· ._,,000 offer to help un· spira)ing costs of welfare. Ir tional news media wUb 1lvirJI dvwrlte. the Republican Na· REDWOOQ CITY <AP ) -A But Btilenson says welfare massive COVera1e to President t\onal Convention in exch1nge cgram tdking drWlkS to reform means breaking the Nixon's China trip but falllnl for ~ J111tice Department pitals instead or jaiilJ' has weUate cycle by giving reci· to repaft the admlniltraUOn's droppi.ni an antitrust auit been suspended by San Mateo Involvement in the IT&cT cue. against the h u g e con-auperviaors. pienbl the tools to get off The three welfare, or helping potential .Johnson also _said that he glomera te. ix.pitals that bad welfare recipients to keep will announce "within the next Johnson said that the news ~ takinq drunlu arr es·, eri them from falling into the couple or Weeks'~ whether he media "He at the heart ol the by police do not have enough "welfare trap." \viii run lor the Senile from political process. n room or proper detoxiflcation Jowa. "Jt ts the newl ·media that facilities, county health and His original welfare reform The controversial JobDIOn, decide that thrr President's "-'elfare director Ge 0 r g e plan stressed those things: 37, beian his speech at the schedule L5 worth reportini Pickett told the Board of more birth control services for National Press Club by ask-but that Harold Geneenis Supervisbrs. the poor, job training for reci · Ing : "What do the trip to president of IT&T is not," Under a new state Ja\v, Dist. pients and free day care China and the l'l'llT cue have Johnson said. "And even in Atty. Keith Soren.son was centers for welfare children so in common?" covering the President, It is authorized last month to tell their mothers can get }obs, , Th the news medi\ -albeit police all common public He says those are the parts ' e fact remains," be said under heavy pi:euure and cqa. drunks should be taken to of the final welfare plan that "that this, venturi to thin~ trol from the White HOUN ,_ either Cbope, Penins:ula ""or will eventually re Io r m \vas principally -in purpose that decide that If Is t»Ot Menlo Park V e t e r a n s welfare , and he a c c u s e s a~ effect -8 television cam-'newsworthy' when the Prul· Administration h 0 s p J ta 1 s. Reagan and Carleson of drag- paign spedacular for the re-dent or his assistants meet .Those arrested could not in· ging their feet in putting them elec~ of President Nixon. with lobbylftl.and the heads of cl uda persons committini a into effcet. "Tlllf mOei •Jcnlllcut thine major oorparatlo~ to hear = driving, .or about to All thr · f B JI about tlle l;l'lrT cue la that It their special p!ea.U:,,." t a crime, ee o e enson pro- was ml repotted by one of the -·--~'fjiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiii~~~liii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigriamsiii""'iiii~eii~pec~ted~w~be in heavilJ manned Washington new1 buruua." Johnson utd. ;~ .::: th~~,~1~~ JR. ACHIEVEMENT"· · that in.mt of the report have T mt•llld the forest !or all the RADE FAIR deta iled descriptions of thou tod1y thru Saturday WATll HYACINTH 3 for s1 ;00 FANCY KOi Choose fro m Sout hern Celiforni1's l1rge1t 1elec- tion of Koi & Tropic1I Fish. SPECIAL GROUP to 6" Average Si1e- Ro9. $5.00 for $2.50 WARR LILY $3.50 ea. lllD -WHITE ,IHIC -YILLOW OPI N DAILY 1M .('l .... Tunday IMPOIRD FLOATING KOi FOOD The Duke Is Still King, At 641 ' Ho"f cap ~911!1 ,Wayne still be !he No. I Bo<-Office · Movie Star? With a prot ruding stomach, a double chin, and a '.'rug"? In th is week's Sta r Profile, Peer J. Oppenheimer recounts his impressions of 1he "Duke," collec1ed 1hrough a serieS of interyie\YS conducted over the past five years. And provides some cl ues to the personality who, in his · 22nd yea r at the top of the polls, beat out younger stars such as Cli nt Eastwood, 'Paul Newman, and Steve McQueen .. look for this revea ling portrait of j3I first magnitude '.'Star," in the cover story for the Ma rch 12th issue of FAMILY WEEKLY. 8 CHURCHILL'S MOTHER -Best·seu:r author Ralph G. Martin tells of one of the most unusual mother-son relationships or modern times and how \Vinston Churchill, under influence of his mother, helped change the world. 8 SECT ION TO SAVE -Marilyn Hansen Family We~kly food editor, offers a pull·out·and·save section on Easter holiday entertaining. It in· eludes step-by-step insturctions for Easter buff el All Coming Sunda y with the folks scurrying back and forth So ti behind the tree1." ..... oast .. ' The Senate Judiciary Com· · YIU , JIU ~m~i~tt~ee~u~ho~ldin~·~g~b~ear~m~p~o~nJ;o;~-~::==~::~::::::~::::~ ••••• 893-7105 14842 EDWARDS ST., WESTMINSTER Ol'I' THI" s.\N DllGO l'W'if., "' IOLOIN WllT ... IOUA • Eau 17th St. at Orange .ESA GENTER SIDIWALK SPECIALS! WOM!N'5 2 88 CLOGS ROf . to $12.91 .. .. .. .. • DRESs -SHOES 'a"'sANDALS 2.88 2.88 WOMIN'f U.s: KEDS TENNIS SHO ES CMILllllN'f SAN DALS l!Of. to $5.99 ' .UIOJtTID WOMIM'S 2 HANDBAGS Ro1. to $12.90 . . . . . . . . . .88 Whlla They LHll CLOSING OUT ENTIRE ST OCK OF PRINCETON PLAYTHINGS -VA\.UES UP TO $17.9S - 1/2 PRICE All<> ' MATCHBOX CARS 3 FOR $1.00 HOT WHEELS CARS 2 FOR $1.00 PLUS HUNDREDS OF OTHER JTE(!IS 223 E. 171~ ST., COSTA MESA IN MISA C•Tltt 1414414 MAITlll: C'f&ll:M ' ON E RACK 0'. BOYS SUITS AN D SPEClAL GROUP OF MENS SPORT COATS REG. TD $49.SO WHILE THEY LASTI •10 EVERYTHING DISPLAYID ON OUR SIDIWALK TABLES ••• 1/2 PRICEI LEON'S MEN'-5 SHOP 227 I . 17th ST .• COSTA MESA IN MISA CEN!'fl -LI a.2393 ........ """' • i•··· ALL ~Ln ,tMAL ' I ' SATURDAY MARCH 11TH • . · The SHE Shop DISCOUNT DRESSES LONG Reg. SKIRTS To $35 WOMEN'S Reg. CAPRIS To $20 UHL ON Reg. TOPS To ,.o • DISCOUNT CRISS SHOP -SHE ' THE . SHOP . ' I 26f r. '17th' ST., COSTA MISA ·39t ....... ..... ,.111 ......... , .... " ( ,, • • . I I l Frldll, Mom. 10, 19n DAl\.Y '1lllf I ·Military Says It W.ill Treat Its Alcoholics Agency Really • WASHINGTON (AP)-In a dlvlduals seek treatment,·said The seven-page directive, One event that's out, be November, the General Ac-treatlnj and nhobmtat1111 Screwy change of policy, the Defense Dr, Richard S. Wilbur, the signed by Secretary_ t •.1 said, Is 'the prop blost tradl· counting Office said the low alcoholics as tt doa drul De P 8 rt men t now says Pentagon's chief medical of-Defense Melvin R. Laird, t Ion a·J J y thrown for cost and easy availability of UJen. alcoholism in the armed ficer. urges also that the services paratroopers after their f1tsl alcoholic beruages u well u "===::;:=====:; Wilbur made public 1 Pen-"avoid pracUces which tend to jlpllp in which they are sup. 1 social life ••centered around "' WASHINGTON (AP) -It forces la to be rtCOgnized as a tagon dlrecUve spelling out the encourage or &lamorile ex· posed to drink themselves activities where the eatensJve may seem obacure, but the dtseue r<qulrlni trutm.nt new policy ond Instructing the cesslve woe of alcohol." under the table. use o! alcohol generally is H · federal lnteraatDcy Screw and r.tbabllitalion. nther than armed services to establlah 'llJ'hil ls not a temperance Homver, he said promotion p e ct e d ' enc our 11 es Thread Commltlee lltl. rllbl punlsbmeot. comprehensive programs !or movement," declared Brig. parties and other .OOal events alcoholism In the armed in. No Imler will alcoholism the treatment of alcoholics. Gen. John J . Singlaub, deputy would continue to se rv e services .. Althoogb It meets only twice by lllell be considered a bar He estimated tbal about 5 assistant s e c r e t a r y for alcohol ~cause as we know Tbe GAO said the Pentagon, a year, the committee helpo lo pro-n, a reuon !or de-percent of the military popula· alcoholism ond rug abu>e. ts pereent of tile users don't lnstea¢ of pu n is b Ing bold thlnp together. If it nylng security clearance or tion, or ~about 15 O, O O O 0 But we will try to abuse It." al co ho 11 cs, could save KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN Saturdays in The DAILY PILOT makes a mistake, u it did i disrniuing a man from the servicemen and women are deglamorlze any social events In 1 report to C.Ongress on thousands of careen and at reeenU~ it cou~ create,··~:::!!:':!:::::::=:::'.!::~::=~.....:serv:::.:=lco::_~pro:.:.::~=ded:.:.::~l=b=•:.....:ln-::.._~a=lcoho:::=llcs::::.·~~~~~~-=tba:::..l=•bu>e:::~•=l=coho==l~."~~~.....:•=lcoho=:=u.m:::..=ln~the::..m:::lll=tary::..'...=la=sl:._l=•asl:::..='=120:....:m=i=lli=•n:....:a~y=e=ar:...:by~================'==" masaive mlschJef. ,- Despite itJ see~ingly obscure function, the paneJ, known around the Bureau ol Standardl u ISTC, is serious about Its work. In essence, it watchea the development of all kinds ol screw.fastenings and advises the governmtnt on Its !lndlngs. There's one inember of the committee from the Bureau of Standards, five !rom tbe Defense Department and 21 !rom Industry. · There's JlQ office, n o secretary, and the costs are slim. The committee gets involved tn such technical stuff as size and pitch of screw threads and it keeps Its eye out for new materials that affect standard- settlng of tbread1 , a spokesnJ.an for the bureau aaid. It wants to make sure that what the government buys to screw in will fit well with whatever it buys to screw on. "Screw -thread standards w!ille they appear obscure and unnecessary, are an integral part of every day life, ranging from simple screws aod bolts lo light bulb bases, connectors for oil·well drllllng and pum- ping equipment and precise optical components," t b e bureau said. 'nW: life of the committee goes baclt lo 1918 when Congrtsa established !ederal comm~ on screw-thread standardr. Tbe commlmon - waa lot« abolished, but the Jnterageney panel came into belnr ln,1141 lo do the job. Tbe laat meeting waa Jan. 241 But It waa a spectal .. · .swion, because somehow, oomewbert, somebody had made miltakes in tables in a handbook OD scrtw thre.ads . "You can believe these er· rora caUlld rul consternation ~ manufacturers," one olllclal said. Prairie Dog Loses His Big Fight OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) - Skippy the prairie dog at- tended a meeting of the Oldabo111a House Agrlcullure Committee but failed to im- press lawmakers conslderfng easing restrictions on kU.li.ng the !uzzy rodenta. Opponenta ol a bill allowing farmer• and ranchers to pollOn prairie clop borrowed Skippy from the Tulsa 7.oo and set him looee OD the table In the committee meeting room to dramatize their case. Skippy cautioualy stepped out ·of his green cage sniffinR and peering at the 1 Z legislators. But the committee, made up moetly of farmers and ranch-en who consider the prairie dop pmta beca111e they eat grau ond dig holea In pasturea that are hazardous t o Uvutock, voted 11·1 to ap- prove the bill allowtng polsoo- ing and sent II lo the House noor. ' . ' ECologilta argulng qalnsl allowing pol1onln1 the squirrel-lib b u r r o w I n R anlmall oald 11 -woukL upoet the IOOlocl<ol .balanee and could mun eztlncllon !or tbe black.footed fem!. Tbe rare !emll feed Oii ~ dop, and· allvlromnlQtall• lald there· are OGJy 50 IUCb lemta believed left ID 'be ,,...1c1. Bui -lald Ille ..... tbe pralrla dop HI ca- 30!1 -. • s .. fl!e IM• In mu~t w • 1 r for 1121 n. Hit ••~ ledlea lft towft for double bit •loch 11\cl sport. c .. +1. R•m•mber, · th • be1t i1 el w1y1 et 14'1 Vii ~. N1wptrt h1ch !Ma ......... atUtlM .. .._ ... cmd tlM .... .w... tluwota .... wui...~ .. ... w.u.-..., .... . I 14" EICLISI IUD llDWEI WITI CATCIEI The food hand mowei. lull optli adju1tmon~ and we glff you the catcber;(Lalt woek we almost gaT• the whole mower away.) 12•• mCD'LAD IDTAIY llDWEI WITH CATCIEI Mad• ln th• Wfft. by th• gur• who !mow what thoy me doing. Tough lour.qcl• anglu. -· , to mow c10M to wall• Cllldpiam-., .. me D' LAD FIDIT DIOWWmC&Tclu Tbli II tho big ol tho higgi ... the we JOU .... tho pn>l1Ulollai gardeners UM. Fully adfu1ta.ble. up top control1. MU-propelled. 13788 IDTAIY llDWEI CUSS CITCIEI Yoa could lat tho 1tuH hi-all onr Gild man ~·think it'•. 1Dowing green or you' could ho neat Gild bag tt, 3'' IDLL-EZE IUDEDCEI It does Iha Work U you do tho pulhlag. IB~· Jbcrt'1 what you sal last "'"k. when do I got on• ) don't push?) • 148 me I' LAD EDCEI -U..1 product -tho ling. u b1 .. u. -9th11r-1M1l ....... 11oi..mad. r. r ..... u,...., to ~' -1• lor trim .. edge. 57•• 1111i O'LAD EDCEI WITI CLOTCI Sam• eong, onlt thl1 ha1 a foot elute to di-• tho hlodo. ,Foar.qel1 anglllO. Groot ell Ibo <iragL 6488 • ~ BOTABY POWEi BAIE 2•• BUCI AID DECIEI IDTAlt JIDWEI Now here COIUI tho OU with DO nol•• qo fwn ... DO fllllng~ no loolln'. 11'• fuko, I cilcin't P"f tho o1.dr1c: hllL) ••''·- IDWIOD UICllC BUIET Joli acdd ,.... -hang thla IA plac11 ,.... wOulcln't ..... think of. (Now you Jmowwhrwabop him locbd IA tho closet.) 67' COUID LllllC .. E IOCI Ci.m-J; llod. G-. and Tan.•m'cloar. I~ It tan't ao bad. It' a painting -h llttl• a-that'• tough. 50 lb. bag 69' WILD 110 SEED Gift th1a 111d! to yoar birdie and ho11 -k tho cot. 5 lb. bag 27' .. PllE llEL TillC 5-th. all lour 1ldn. you lmow tho Uno. l .. .xl2"x4' .......... 55• l"xl2"xS' ..... ' .. '. "' l"xl2"xl' o o •''I'•• I 77' l"xl2"xl' .......... JDlll llllJYILLE 15" lllOLATIDll f'llll thick. !ltt ,botwMn' th• 11ud1. foll faced for -.apor, barrier. heat. cold. and IOUlld i.nlulati'fe. " ' 2'' 50 1q. It. roll PLASTIC llEETllC You can wrap a floor. a ~lee:• of furniture. a ttle chair. a amall :t\""'· a bagol. a p •· or nen a bortL 12'x25 ' 2 97 ' ' • • I ~ ·' ' ' l • • • ., ,. . -· DlS Blushes Nmv, Too Much. Tax Held Out °"'"" 1ci.c. MM!lllll" kt'ric:it many taxpayers. will not WASlllNGTON -To the bother to •tart claiming Ill chagrin or the I n t e r n a I those extra exemptlona to Revenue Service, too much bring their wilhhofdlng into money ls being withheld for line with their tax llablllty. It income taxes from t h e can be a difficult job to figure paychecks of most American out just how many exemptions workers. to claim, and more than a few ms ordinarily would like to employers are not anxious to have everybody paying in just .. help. a bit more than they ultimate-All told, if withholding ly will owe In taxes. It makes averag~ 10 percent above collection much easier. what it should be, more than But at a time when the ad-$7 billion will be temporarily taken from d is posa ble minlatration i.!I looking to the personal incomes. The tax-tai: cuts enacted I a s t December to heJp spur tbe payers will get It back next year in the form of tax economic recovery, the refunds. overwitbholding is a distinct However, that $7 billion ls embarrassment. more than all the individual Hollister Shakes, Rattles and Rolls Laat y e a r a substantial tu cuts combined in last nUlTlber of taxpayers -year's revenue act that ad· especially those with two jobs ministration economists have or in Instances where both been hoping will cause con- husband and wife were work-sumers to loosen their purse tng -were underwilhheld. strings. To correct this, the Revenue Even with those c u t s , Act of 1971 authorized a series b e c a u s e of the new of changes in the withholding withholding tables many tax- rates, which IRS put into ef· payers opened J a n u a r y feet Jan. 16. "· paychecks to discover more HOLLISTER (AP) -Earlh- qu4Jlel by tlie"li'lmdreda each year ratUe this tree-shaded fanning town. But not the folks wbo live bere. · "I wouldn't p.1t a vase on a windowlill in thla town, 11 aaya H o 11 l a ter's sak>on-teeper Mayor Eugene O'Neill. "But on the other band, everyone here la oo uaed to earthquakes we just forget thorn a minute or IO after they happen." O'Neill aaya that when a roller b I t 1 , cowboy-hatted patrons on baratoola In his Garcia Brothers Saloon llY uDid you feel that one?" then go back to their cold beerl. Holllalar la near the ln- teraecUoo of two active earth- quake faults , the San Andr.,.1 and the Calaveru which cuts lbroUgb town. Huodredl of earthquakes here each year are strong eoougb to be meuured OD the Rlcbter ocale, the u . s . Geologic Survey 11)'1. Relidellll feel one about every two weeb, bu t selamolog!N say Holllalar may go UMhaken for months only to be jolted by a IW&rm of ID1lll quakes In a week. "Some call this the Earth- quake Capital of the World," 11ys cat£Ie rancher Marvin Barria. "But there'• no fear around bero from oarthquat.I. We're sort ol ll!Od to them. We know they're going to come and there's nothing we can do about lt," he says. Tucked lo a valley 100 mllea Intimate Searches Defended SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - '!'be -!ding judge In the trial of "SOledad Brothers" Jolm Cluchette an<i l"leeta Drumgo, haa defended tbe ID- liJnala oecUrlty-searcbea be autborhed. Jn a courtr:oom. removed from that ol the Soledad trial, Superior Court . Judge S. Lee Vavurb &n1wered questions from attorney Charles Garry. Garry rep"""°lad Berkeley attorney Elaine Wender who waa accuaed of coolampt of court Jan . 25 and haa not been at the trlll alnce. When asked by Garry what purpose was aerved by having women "drop tbe1r panties and brassieres before coming Into the courtroom." Vavuril aaid tbat he bad been advlaed by security guards t h a t women have been known to conceal explosives on their -- aoutheaat of San Franclaco in California'• rich midsection, HolliJter grows sugarbeets, walnuts, pnmea and apricots. Tbe tallest buildinJll along quiet llreell Unecf w I t h magliolla and sycamore trees are three stories. Both have been condemned. Sclentlsll traced a path of cracked curbside and uneven lawns to mllke the line where the Calaveru fault atrelcbel through town. City Manager Jo 1 e p h Talboti 11y1 no hospitals or scboola would be built near the fault -the designation of an earth crack extending downward, forming the boun- dary between two r o c t masaes. Basically, the llllllOS grind back and fortb during quakes, easing the earth's, lenlloDI. Perched right atop the fault on Slxlb Street JI a rambling grey frame boUse wbere Deb- bie Nunez, U, llves with her mother, llalar and three brothers. A thick cement ntalnlng wall out front bU a gaping crack, tbe ooce-stralgbt fence is crooked and \be sidewalk looks u U a strongman wrenched one slab 1ny from another. "When there'1 a bJc ohe, I get a little acare4;'' Debbie admits. Her HolJlaler.born mother, Rena Luberto~ tl)'I: "I don't care about the fault one bit. I'd rather live here where my kids can play and roam around than In a big city where they can't." Debbie says the television 1Wayed the other day In a quake that read f.5 on the Richter scale. Four days before on Feb. 24, 1 quake that was , about 15 times atronger, at 5.0, sbook even the oldttmers. Mayor O'Neill aald be was on the bar floor, fixing BOme plumbing, wbeo be felt It and saw whiskey 1WBylng In the bottles. Annabelle Hall, a cattle rancher's wife in Palclnes, aouth of Holllalar, wu tslking oo the lelepbooe. "Tbe bouae started swaying and I could aee the catUe com- ing down from the bill Ill of a sudden," she said. When her son later rounded up the herd, be discovered a gaping split along a gully - about a half n)lle long and three to four feet deep. The new rates are suf-being taken out than before. ficlently steep, however, that One Commerce Department just about everyone will be economist estimates t b a t paying too much to the personal disposable incomes fWVernment as the year goes will be at least $1:5 billion on, unless they take advantage lower this quart.er because of of a new privilege of claiming the new rates, and could be additional exemptions f o r much lower than that unless witbholdlng purposes. nie ad-more people start claiming ditlonal exempUons cannot of those added exemptions. course, be used when tar: Consumers' confidence bas returns are filed next year. been improving, though only 11>e problem is that, so far, slowly, and they have by no few individuals have adjusted means gone on a spending their withholding. spree. IRS, for example, found that Retail sales have been flat fewer than 20 percent of its since the end of the 9<Hiay own employes had done so. ·wage-price f r e e z e last The overwithho1ding Is November. worse in the lower·income so m e w o r r i e d a d· brackets. A wage earner,mak· ministration policymakers are ing $5,000, married with two wondering w h e t h e r the ' children, no outside income overwithho1ding might n o t and who does not itemize his have something t.o do with it. deductions, could be overwithheld by as much as 175 percent. . Someone with the same circumstances making $15,000 probably would have at least 10 percent too much taken out of his pay. If the taxpayer iteml7.es . deductiom -say, for medical expenses, interest charges on a home mortgage and real estate, and state and local in· come taxes -the overwithholding b e co m e s worse. For those using the standard deduction, t h e withholding rates come into line only for single persons with incomes over $25,000 and married tax· payers making over $.11,000. But It seems likely that ·-t:I * * Many Omit Tax Break SACRAMENTO (AP) - Many Californians aren't tak- ing advantage of the special 20 percent tax forgiveness ele- me9t in their state personal income tax returns, say1 state Controller Houston Flournoy. Flournoy said "many tax- payers are failing to claim the special tax forgiveness,'" ad· ding "it's unusual for so many taxpayers to overlook an item which could reduce their tu: liability ... Town Divided > Hawk Ruff"les Feathers ' !IlGllLAND PARK, 111 . may be no choice but to shoot (AP) -An elusive red-tailed the bird. hawk that bas been swooping "He's too smart for tra1>3,'' from trees and snatcbing hats Licbtwalt said. "Evidenlly, has dlvided this community in he's been caught before. He Chicago's North Shore. stays away from them. Even Police and some residents, to shoot him might be di!~ fearful of children being in-ficult. He flies a wide and ex- jured, want the b i rd tensive range, usually hitting destroye;d. other residents, the same spots, but his times who have fed the predator vary." from their back doorsteps, Lichtwalt said he's one of protest the death penalty. No several persons victimized by injurJes have been reported. the bird during the last month. Michael Lichtwalt, animal He said the bird dived from a warden of lligbland Park, said tree, snatched his fur·trimmed Ge La ded attempts to capture the hawk leather cap and dropped it ntry u have been futile and there about a block away. The Long Beacb.Qrange ~-----........,.--~--....--... County La D d I cap.' Coo-l -~----~-1_0_ 0_0~§ tractors' A!socl.ation h a s J named Lee Gentry as their 1971 ,.Member of the Year.'' ORDER Gentry of 7141 Rutgers Ave., , Westminster, ls president· elect of the chapter. '9autlful Stick-on LABELS SOIT·SELL SAM . by Marvin Myers YOURS ., .. TODAY! ~ 80$5 1JW» >f 1lJ mE /11"1 VACATION~ ~~1 J{TO) 1lJ" J'OOL/' \ I I Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Order For YourHlf or 1 Fritnd- May be us•d on env•lopas ., t•turn 1ddr•s1 labels. Also vary handy as identification lab•ls for rn1rkin9 p•rsonal it•ms such •s books1 r1cord11 photos, •tc. Labels stick on 91111 and may b• us•d for ·m•rking hom• c1nn1d focd it1ms. AU labels •re print•d with stylish Vogue typ• on fJne quality wh ite· gummed pap•r. "!,·-•-•-::~~~~It::~:.-:.;.· ... -.. -.... -.---,, Ce1111 ,...._ C1tff. f2a6 • I I I I 'L----~~L_~r-~1~J1~~----J ' • • ' ' • r1 ay sa e. ay, a ur ay, un ay. 20%offall W0111Gn's uniforms. " Tak• a big 2cw.. off the price of every single uniform in stoc.C. Easy care fabrics, mostly ~iron. Shifts and pants uniforms: White, pastels. Misses'. women's and junior sizes. • ,l ·~ • .. • . ., ' ,. • • " . • 1 . ' " .. ,• • ,. .. ., " ,,, . .. ' ' .. "' • ' • ' " ···~ " ... , . " " . " ., " _._ . ·•·. .. ' .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;" . • 20%off all babies pajamas and nighties. Infant and toddler 1lzn In the cutest atylea, tailored or frilly. Sollda or prlnta·ln the group for sizes 1 to 4. Boy's flare-leg dress slacks. TexturlZecl pofyeoter, Ponn-Prest• to need no Ironing. Hll favorite sty._, neatly tailored "1th wide l*lt loopa and JNntem pockets. Solid&, patllml,llzeo 6to18. JCPenney The values are i.e. wery day. ' ·-- Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. 8t the following atorea: ' . .. ' .. .. , ' • ' . " ' " ' . • : .. ' .. '" " • . ,. ~­.. ' . • . ' • '• . • • • ' . ' ~ NEWPOflT BEACH, Fashion Island. HUNTING TO~ BEACH, Huntingt°" Center. a..,ge It -1 ' I -I ' • ' L • .. • ( For The Record • I B11LL ..=;ADWAT . MOllftl.tJIY If .........,., 1lolll Mea • LI Mm ' . MeCIOllMICX .l.AGIJNA llACB ~.tJIY 1111'-.~M. · -• PACD'IC~ MDIOllUL PAlllt ra.Ot.ry _..., ,- • Dime, Fete Tustin Moms Win ·$1,soo ANAHEIM -The Mother's I Auzlliary lo tbt ~ Boys' Club bao -tbe , '7,IOO ... cepllonal -~ la tbe !Ith anliual' Dlsneyi..d Com- munity Service Awinla prQ. ll'lUll. 'J'he fnlUP WU cited dwiO( an awards luncheoo here Wed- ne..day f0< lurtbering tbe recreational opportunities cl more than 400 boys, I to 11, throogh tbe boys' club. Ma!11 of ti. boya, Dllo<yland Awards Cammittee spokesmen noted, hive only one parent. Graoll totaling '37,$00 were County Tightens Poli~ies SANTA ANA -New pr<>- cedurea for refunding local parlc fees in aituations where park code reiulnment.· are later m<t by tbe donation of land, have been approved by the 0ranl<' County Board of Supervilors. Flftb Distrid Supervi!or Ronald W'. Caspers of Newport Beach said tbe'pJan. aa outJin.. ed by tbe county's Local Park Coordinating comm.itt.ee, is • "further extenalon of the board's previous approval of the )ocal park refund con- cept." Rules adopted include the following : -All reque.sta for refunds aball be addrwed to Director ot Harbon, Beaches and Parka Kenneth Samp&on, -Parka Department stall )!lembers shall determine that the refund requested by a developer for a liven number of lots carrespoods with the amount of fees on deposit in the county's Local Park Trust Fund. -Parb land donated must meet requiremenb and be ac· tually accepted by the county Board of Supervisors. -Sampem is to report &n· nually to the board the number and amount o f refunds ll'Onled. DeveiC>pen, under tbe CGlllh. ty code are required lo -e r.ur acres of parl: land, which may• iliclude adjoining ochool p~ or the equivalent in Vl)ue for each 1,000 &fl:' tidpoted resident. of a pro} eel: Santa Ana Firm Hailed By Agen<;y awarded to !t Or1111e County ' organlutJon& in tbls year '1 prOll'lm. It iJ Dtsneyland 's way'of ncocnWng coinmunlty service troops and helping ti-l?OUPo continue their p~am11. 111e exceptional s e ·r v i c e 1ward is the top prize. 'Ibis year there were 30 Sl,000 gr1nta to aervlce groups, in- cludlO( three from tbe Orange Coast. A total of 309 orgaoha- tlons from throughout the county were nominated for the awards this year. Orange C o a s t reclpienls wue the Huntington Beach YMCA, the Dolphin Club of the Women's DJvision of lhe Newport Harbor Oiamber of Commeree and the El c.&mino Real Women's Club of Dana Point. Executive Director Richard Collato accepted the award for the Huntington Beach YMCA, which was singled out by tbe selectJon committee or its surfing ·classes initiated last year. More than 700 youths took advantage o( the Clasiles last summer. 'Mle Ne wport H o r b o r chamber women rec e l v e d their Disneyland award in recognition of their o w n DoJphin award! program. 'M1e organization searches out little known youth groups which benefit the community and recognize them with Dolphin Awards. Mrs. Pat Zebal ac- cepted the Dianeyland Award for her group. Mrs. Carol Scallon accepted the $1,000 award for the El Camino Real Women's Club. The Dana .,Point organlzatfOJl wu cited for its dental Ilea program aimed at children frotp needy families . Attorney Renamed To Board ' SANTA ANA ~ Attorney Rodger Howell, until Manday chairman ar the Citizens Dlttc:ftktn F i n d J n g Corri'- mi1s1on, was renamed to the adviaory body Tuesday by ~ o1 -a,uper~J1•r1 . Chilrman Ronald W. Caspers of Newport Beach. Howell, • flnt and o n 1 y chairman of the commisaion, a citizens' a~visory ,body to the Orange C.OUnty P.lann!Qg , .., Department, ~w a 11 "ger- rymandertd'' out of Uie fourth supervborlal district, Caspers explained. FoUrth District Supervi!or Ralph Clarie of Anaheim said he would name a succemr to Howell next week. NeW offlCer! of the com- misaion elected .Monday are Mrs. Dorman Commons , Fullerton, chairman, and V. TUSTIN -The Arthur Michael Keyes, Orahge, vice Youna and Company of Santa chairman. The three other ex- Ana hu received the 1971 .ecutJve committee· members Guggenheim Award for art, Dr. Richard Baisden, oulltandJnr wvieo from BIC' Leliion Helghll; Be c k y Brothers of Oranie Cqunty, Baumann. Orange,1 and Since the~ Big Brothen ~Thomas F. Morrissey, Lemon agency wu founded ,; Arthur Heij:hts. Youne and ComPany ~ con-. ' --~--~""' -· Collhnila ~ucled •nd· prepared the 1n- n1111I audit f~ of cllarge, in .t addltloft tO OtlM!l-contributions. Suit Filed -•• r PUJ; rAIOLT · COLONIAL Fl!lmW. llOMll -~· ... .............. _ • llMITllS' M<lmJAllY "'""* .. au....,_ ..... ; . LEGM. NO'llCB < . STARS "1dne1' OnmT fa -ol llie world'• -• ...--. Illa column la -ol tho DAILY PILO'l'I -f ,__ I • Blf• Brotbei's Vice Pre~dent JlllllOI Declrir of Laguna . Beach received the Cou1jer Award, ~ agency's highest indlVidual service award . Outstanding aervice 1w&nt1 also were presented to Blg Brothen board members John Ilyt of Newport Beach and John t.waon of L a g u n a Niguel. Volunteer Honored ORANGE -Beverley Kelley of Oranre Is the 0ranp County Easter Seal Society's "Volunteer of the Year." She was recognized at the society's recent volunteer ~ quel for her ellorll on beball of potleota at tbe Ol'(aniZ&· tJan '1 center for · crippled chlldrO'n and adults here. Other volunteer I W I T d I lftlll to Wendt Se1er, James Calttlla ll1d Russ SUiton all o1 Oo1ta ·Meaa ; Bruce )loldennan, Garden Grove : Bob Harp,' Anaheim, • IJ!ll Katblem Harklna, Oruce. Bida Slated . SANTA ANA -Bldl wtlJ be oponill April I for the asallnl &Id llll'lplnc of '"""'" ..a llldW111 at Or1111• COunty Alrporl. l!:lllmtted COil of lhe . rroj- ed la m.ooo which wil be pold from the airport'• en- terprlle fund . I . In Barking SANTA ANA -An El Toro couple have been sued for a total of $38,500 in damages by neighbors who claim they have perslatenUy refused to control the barking of two German Shepherd dogs. Robert and Carol Gilmer, 24876 Jeronimo Lane, claim in their Orange County Superior Court action that the pets owned by Michael and Andrea Aucoin °bark most of the day and night."• . ' The Gllmers claim that the disturbance bepn last Aug. ti and CQfltlnll'lS d e a p I t e numeroua protests to the Au- coinl .. about the behavior or their animals. Admissions Still Open FULLERTON - A few spaces are atll1 open for fall adm1sslon at cat s t a t e Fullerton, accordlO( lo Dr. Ralph Bigelow, dean of 1d- ml11ions and records. Aboui 1,200 openlnp are open Jn the upper division transfer category and in. the lint time freshman c1tegory . Lower.,ttvlsion tranafer aec- tions are closed, however. The. graduate area U: open to 11! degree categories O:cept achoo! counseling, a p e e c h pa thology and )JOycbolOl)I, Dr. Blfclow said. . ~ .. t A . ' . i ~· ' i . t I .. 1 . . . . .. . . . J \ DAll.V l'IUl' II \_ I • • • • today; the w~y you loo.k, ~e way you . live · 'f you, the sen8atlonalist . Bore. Backl.ss. Sylphy lit+lt holtor dresses to pour you,,. self into when the sun shinu. Or when the sto" ore out. Put pne on. It clings! ft glidesf ft'1 curvy! In assorted ruini-print1 or splashy fforols. W oshabl. Arnel,. trioceto.te or nylon, S,M-l. ~· Cross-ti"-. bod, 22.00.-8. Ruffled nod, 22.00. Moil and phone orders invi+. ed . Jun ior World Dre,..i. • it's at the hroadway • ANAHEIM 444 N, Euclltl 17141 llS·l 121 NEWPORT 47 Fa1hle11 hl•11cl 171 4) ... 4.121 2 HUNTINGTON IEACH 1111 Ecti1191r A~'""' 1714 1 192·lll t OkANl;E , 2J00 N., TQ1t!11 Sfr•tt 17141 HI.I ll I ClllllOS 100 l.•1 C."I ... Mel 121)) ....... ,, SHOP 10 A.M. to 9:JO P.M. MONDAY TH~OUGH FR IDAY, SATUR.OAY 10 A.M. le • ,,M, SUN DA Y 11 NOON le 5 ,,M, . . I ............ ' • ~ • ~ ~- i • f , s ;;! > .. ; 1,, ' ' " ' ' ---._.. ~. t11ffiq11• fOltl ll'•lr•r •-. 1--_,., -• ¥ ..... -•• .....,,. ••n•l•J ilf••rl• •.• ~ • ...,. ., ~ .. ,,._. .,.,... ••••••· ~ , I 6/ANT RECLINER SALE! • • .111-IN<H ·$0PA ' 'ROUP f"CLUPES: 8-foot·sofal matching love •eat i spanish cocktaif.'tolilel end or · corner table to match! table lampl picture I-( choice· of scenes l . . 3posl•lon ' RECL•ERS! HOURS • · MOlllAY thru FRIDAY 10 to 9 • SATURDAY 10 to 6 SllllAY 11 to 7 r . -.......... , ..... ,i.tic; tilH1ock,_ lilt· ., foll.rest ~ FREE SEr UPI !Jliifi ....... . .'---~: ~ ' ·~.:-a-.. . tlte -~ g1g~g11 8·19'9.P mAl.TWUUY ... lilmH-flH ·~ llllG SIZf llATTillSS U9MISPl•G ·-., KING SIZf ·3,j88·' . l /JyP.F.C.~ '·A~.s- 135,,,, if ~~ Sil1 .... .,... Our Prices -MM'S7 Be iower ••• because we buy from leading manufacturers, : plus mc:inu(acluring beautif.ul furniture in our _ · own Facto~y and sell direct to ·YOU 'llJll Jl/$TNAVL '10 M~E.• . -- OPEN SUNDAY 'TIL 7 SAVE • .:: ~-~-c •,• 50_5 ·SOUTH MAIN ~·::~~::.~· SA·Nr A -·ANA '21 ' PHONE Kl 1-2563 ~ • 0- ~- ' • • - - 2:~·ia ~ • "-J~Ll(J 51:.-£ -, ~:... 0 F p! t frr n , , ' - - - IEA ANDIRSON,· Editor ,,,..,, ,_,. it. ·wn· ,_ '' '_J • ', .~ , ..... , ..... W S..., ~ CWll ._, i Sclenfists~· .r.rale f ' • I ·saa ':Fwr' ·Felines , ·How cOaJd something u lovable as a lazy house cat be qullty of causing blrth defecta•in hUman babies!' ' • Felines may not want to be culprits, but nature hu made them prime ~ers of the p~te toxoplasma gondil, which . causes toxciplasmosis and ·may lead· to aerious birth. dtlects if con· tracted by pregnant women. · .The parasite also thrives in raw, red flesh after an animal is alaughtered and lives until kiJJed by heat, drying oi prolonged freezing. • . ' . "The.feline.digestive system.provides an ideal.en~nt for development of the oocysts which are excreted intact and fastidiously bUried.in soil;sand or litter box," the National Founda· lion-~ of Dimes said. · • . 1 1\Alter• a tw~ to to'ur-day incubation period, ooc)'2!ls become ·infective for other animals or humans for an undetermined period of time." !IAW ME'AT Cat may become ,relllfected by eating raw meat, mice or other anlmaa or by comiqg .iDto contact with other infected cats. The cat will ,be able to tranamit the,infectlon.for about six weeks. Oocysts may. be viab)e for ,as long a sa year, the National Foundation Sala, but how 'long 11\•Y survive is not now known, , Toxoplasmosis , is a common infection in .man and warm- tilooded animals and often ts not noticed. It may resemble the com- 'IDOD cold or infectious DIODODUcleOsis, but its danger lies in the damage it, can .do to an unbom child. · National Foundation stattstlcs show that an estimated one- fourth of Aplerican adults and children have antibodies indicating . a put infect1011. which mates them immune,.· but the pregnant woman sholild take no clW!ces that she IS iJI this minorjty .. , ., • SIMILAR DEFECTS ; • Birtji defects are similar fo tl)ose caused from FUbella: 1 mental retard~n, damage to the. eyes;~ears and heart or ~com· binations ot these. 1 " · •. - :•studle,11 indlcale,that approxiµlately one out of every 4,000 newborn babies shows detecllj due to prenatal infection. About ooe in 1,000 appears to be normal, although 'tliey are infected. "An unkliown proportion ·of these de~elo~ setjous neuro- logical problem& later in life as· a result of congenital toxoplu- mosis,". the foundation added. · 1 A blood test.must be made to determine if toxop)asma anti· bodies are prealmt. If antibodies are present, a ""man may be presumed to be immune llld incapable 'of infecting her unborn child. ' ' ' If no antibodies are found,,Bhe shoula avoid raw meat and contact with •cat excrement, and 11 second test is recommended later In pregnancy for poalble stpa of infection, the foundation said. . · PRECA\n:lOHS . : Pregnant women shoul~ . talte these precautions,. the , N .. tlonal Foundation ad-d: 1 · __ L • . -Have a licensed veterltw:l&D cb-the f=r. peL . -Hat all -t to at !wt 140 de~ throu out when cookln1 at borne. When eating.out, order all food done, . -,\..id pttlng a new ~ dllrinC pregnancy. • -If a cat 11 In the bom.hold, ~ .IOmeone e1ae the task ·of empi,tn1 the litterllox dlJIH, 'l'bOle do1111 the Job should -wear rubber J:::,t;d 11111 ttfo co,.talnen In rotation, permitting eadl . to dry J betw-••· · . -DilpaM ·ot llUer' bJJ illclDeration or 10me other method wben » om e11e will come /II coatac1 with u. -Feed the cat canned foods and good commercial cby cat foods. -Avoid dloing in !lie garden If there II any libllhood that a cat has buried lii feces In the area. , -Avqld pettlnc cata or holdlnC !ham when vWtlng an- pther bouseholcl. 1 • , • . ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: I w;u widowed ol qe 51. That was 12 yean ago.· My llllblnd left me very comfortabie. I had a biJ hoose, no· bills alld bis Insurance program wu a ~ one. J7cou:JC:t have mBlll(ed very rucely if I had had the pod ,.... to say no to my children. My two llODI were left substantial swns by their father. They also were ie1i a fine business Wh\cll they ran Jnto 1be ground within three·years. Shortly after they lost the ·business they t$lked me into selling my house and IooniJig them ,the money ao they could go into a new· business about Which they knew absolutely notlilng. . ' My old.,. boy's wife:begged me to come and ·Uve• witb !IJem. llbe made It .sound wonderfully appealing -said my ix->ce wOl1ld add a beau tH.u I dlm~i<ln to tbt liVes Of !bell'. children. I was flattered• and quite pulled up, to be boqest with )'OU •. Within two months I ·realized I had made a mistake but I bad no money and no place to go. Whal litile money I had wls 'tied up in the new business. In other ' • words, I ain · now deiiendeilt on my children. r My advice to all widowi iS 'this: Don't change your way -of ·living if you don 't have to. Hang on to.Y<JU' mOD(!y. Hang on to your hoose. Let your married children make their own way. My husband would turn over in his' grave if be could see what hai happebed to me. -I am - SAD AND SORRY. • DEAR SAD: nut yoa for Ute autobiograpb.lcaJ essay. You've offered a post-graduate COlll'le .for widows in a.e ~~y leSIOll. · D~ ANN LANDERS: Five Of us nave bad coffee togetb'.er I D e' a r I y every, inoming for a teniwDe.:we 8ll live on the ·samei street a!,ld :we .meet ·a~.my house about 10 a.m. ·I ·h11ve-110 children and I love to bake cOtfi;e cakes and cin- namon rolls so Jt's nO trouble. The prQblem ls the woman who moved nµt door. I Invited her·to join our groop three months qo and now l'm'sorg.}'w know bOW -women are, Ann -we talk about this .one ~ that one, and J don't ' '•I •• I •I • ' care what inybody say1,, we all enjoy a litUe gosolp. This new gal .. IO seU righteous she makes me sick. No matter what is said ahe jumps in with, uwere you there? can you prove it? 8'"' do you know it's true?" , After all, Ann, we're j111t •• bunch of boUJewiv~ who like IO kaffeoclatch. We aren't festllyJna 'before a grand Jun' or anything. Since Mn. Right""¥ joined us. oor mornlnp arm't nearly .IO Interesting. She only ·show• up about twi>momlng1 a. week but it's two .too milny •. How can we/ get rid of her? -COFFEE DEAR COFFEE: I llove aa ldeo·yonr problem w1U oolve lllell belwe IOai· y--aouadl teo dell for ..... ' DEAR ANN LANDll:llS: You•n .inJ>. ably think I'm' cruy w!Jen you read tbll. I Fashion Choices / Dou pied • Members ol lhe Oran&• Coast Mothers of Twins Club will present 1 fashion show with a double purpooe -fund-raiJing ud fun -on Saturday, March II. The Edgewater Hyatt House In Long Beach will be tbe setting for tbe affail'., which will begin with a noon ooclal hour. Included In the fublon show will be a boutique and ensembles from Penney's, J!OMie Sumi and Hansel and Gretel Children's Shop. Serving as mannequins for the. Festival of Flowers will be twins ol all 'liges and their mothers. • Ticllets, at 15 each, may be JXll'Chased from Mrs. Cllarles Davidson, chairman. at 53!1-7681. R<Dectlng on the pl1111 are (In mirror, len to right) Dalene and C!1rista Law&001 2~. ' Ears letter and you could be rfgbt but -thing has been on my DliDd and. I don't know what to do about tt. A certain relaUve Just 0011 I h • daylights out o1 me. I can~ stand her. If I die before she does• I do NC!r want her to attend my funeral. I get mad just thinking ol the satisfaction she'd· get 11 lhe oolluts me. No one knows I have tbese leell1111 :and I doo'I want to r""I them. Is there any way I can arranp 1n lldvance to bep her out ol lbe dnUda! Pleue think ol ~J so l CID lieeP at night. -LOOKING AHEAD DEAR LOOlt!NG: You cu 1tate la :roar will tbal yoa wut a private -.. -lnllMlom ... ,. lbt tlte "put1" ,.. -• .. be -1 and ..... -1-.. -else be adlmllled• ·Now 1et -sfeep. , Oasis Waits at End of Trek Palm Sprlnp lltlll Is a ·ways off, decide Mrs. Dwight Gick Qeft) and Mrs. Coy Watts as they head for the desert resort which will be the destin· Ilion ol tbe Exchange Club and Ex· , dangettes In May. A Desert Safari dinner dance will talte place Saturday, March 18, In the Balboa Pavilion to blio ctn the journey. Tbe trek 11 an annual :(vent of the ~chance Club. T \ • · Looking Over Fou r-leaf Clovers · Lagtina Beach Garden Club members and guests 'will have greenery on their. mind·s during a St. Pat· : rick's Day luncheon card party that starts at. noon ; We!lnesday, March 15. in th.e Woman's Clubhouse. Lucky Mmes. J. William Devaner. aeft) and Gerald B. Hanna know that proceeds will go toward land· ocaping the new Laguna Beach Library. Clubs Turn Attention to Art A blrtbday party, musical lecture, art !bow, fashion &bow, 1peakers ,and regular bu.sineu meetings are on tap for ar~ club memben next week. Xi Xi Pi A Jl'Oltam on tbe ideals of Liberty and JuJtice will be ,e:resented by Mmes. Jim Mc- Grath Qd Al Parson1 to the Xl XI Pi cbapier o1 Bela Sig- ma Phi at 8 p.m. Wednesday , tomey. Marcb IS. Secreta ries 1'be Harbor Area Le1al Sec· retaries will have t b e i r !ifth Birthday Basb !>'ginning at 6:30 p.m. f.or cocktails Wednesday, March 15. in Francois' restaurant , Hunting- tnn Beacb. .Speaker will be Cecil Hicks. Orange County di!trict, at· Symphony Guild A musical lecture on the psaltery will be presented by Mrs. Marion E. Bartoo for members of the Anaheim Symphony Gui!~ during its moroing meeting Wednesday, March 15. tn the home of Mrs. Donald Tageart. Mrs. Bartoo taught herself on one of the ancient stringed lmtruments she lound In 1 second-band store. Women '• Club A lectur~emonstration on handwriting analysis will be presented by Rose Marie McCa rth y, certified grapboanalyst, to t he Lake Forest Women 's Club at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, in tbe·Lake Forest Clubhouse. :coed's Work a Model Jr. Ebells Newport Beach J u n I or Ebells will host b o a r d members of the 0 r ~ n g e District, California Federation of Women's Clubs, Junior Membership. at 8 p . m . Wednesday, March 15, in the Ebe.ll Clubhouse. :For Career Programs Diane Hon. a 17-year-old ·E<llaon High School ,.nlor, Is earniria class credi~ while ob- iaµtitlg money for her college education, tbanka to the work experience program at her IChool. ·But ii modeling an educa· £i.onal expe_r11nce? Tbe ·picture sketched by television and movies of a model's life is one of standing patlenUy "in rront o! bot llghta and pfiotographera at $100 per · hour, alternating with :starving ~he figure on a liquid diet, which doesn't quite fit Diane's case. Her most recent job, for u- .lmple, she ·considers a triumph in her· three.year modeling career.' The statues• que, brown-haired coed spent ail: weeks to~ing auto shows from Anaheim to Portland, promoting Toyotas. For her, this assignment could become a vehicle for saJes and public relations w,ork. "I would 1land on a turntable with a new car and give a five-minute talk on the good points of the product," sbe said. "Then I would step nff the turntable,· answer ques- tions that people might have and paY out li~rature and travel bag1." Diane had to keep up with her school work in the four <;lasses she is taking, said Bill Ridenour, work experience education coordinator for the Khoo!. · Diane recalls that she went into modeling almost by ac- cldeat. She became interested in .modeling during a charm course abe took at the age of 14, then competed in several beauty cont.sts. GLAMOROUS POSE -Edison High School student Diane Hon poses for photograph. She receives work experience credit lor her modeling while earning money for, her college education. What are the requirements for a modeling career and the aacrifices a model m u s t with it." her &r•des, whlcb are hl1h. make ? • Acc:ordinl to Diane. the modeling a1ency f~st looks for a distiactive feature, aomethlng about her that Is Plam for the district con- vention, ,state convention and a future! joint board meeting will be discussed. Art Show Registration for an art show, sponsored by the Foun- tain Valley Arts Association Saturday, March 18, in the Mile Square Golf Club must be submitted before Wednesday, March jjj. Southern California res!· detlts may submJt works in oil, watercolor, ink. pastel, charcoal, engraving a n d acrylic. The display will be open to the public from 2 to 4 p.m. ., Winning entries will also be on display at the awards dinner dance at 6:30 p.m. \ Chris ti an Club The Newport Beach Chri> tian Women's Club will meet for the monlhly luncheon at ll:jS •·~ Wednelday, March 15, in the !\irporter Inn Hotel. A 'Stretch and Sew' fashion show will be 1 special feature -'>f the meeting. Ruth Cllkin, composer-and author. will be the afternoon speaker and Rollin Calkin will do 1 baritone golo. Beta Sigma Phi Xl Pi Pb! membera and their husbands will joln olher cbaptus of Beta Sl1m1 P!ll Wednesday, March 15, for a tour of NBC studios and ·taplrur of the !bow, Hollywood Squares. New offictrs will be elected during the chapter's mettina at 7:30 p.m. Wedne!day, March 22. Ill the home or Mrs. Sidney Fisher. Mrs. O. I!:. Cherry will also preaenl 1 pro- gram on the Golden Penon bl ,OUr Hearts. t Yfvr Horoscope Tomorrow ' Sagittarius: Answer Mess g·es r SATURDAY MARCH II 87 SYDNEY OMAllR Ariel i. aided In acblevlna objocllves......through dealing with Cancer. Where long-term 1rr1111ement1 are concerned, lheae r.odlacal signs make an ei:cellent team. In personal relatlonablps however, caution must be exerciaed. Cancer ia more conservative than Aries. WJUle Cancer might want to settle down , Aries might want to move ahead. Cancer can make 1 fine home for Ar ies, while Aries can serve a.s an in· 1plr1Uon for C..ncer. ARIES (March %1-Aprll ltl: Accent ii on achievement. Some of your fondest desires can be fulfill~. Sqjttarlas plays prominent role. Look beyond the Immediate. Ce- ment bonds of friendship. Discard rumors. Go after !ac- tual Jnfonnation, TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Obtaln valid hint from Aries message. Set sights on goal. Review ambltiona. Make room for yoursel( at top. Those in authority back you. Be con-- lldent. Accept added reJponsl.. blllty. Career booot i.. Indica- ted. GEMINI (May %I.June 20): Round out projects. Finish - stress universal appeal. Don't put too much trust In otbera. It la your own style and con- viction that provides ingredl· ents for success. Write, pub- llilh and advertise. CANCER (June %!.July 22 ): Check Investment procedures, opporturllties. Daring move, baaed on original thinking, Leo can play prominent rol!, Be creative. Refuse to be dis· couraged by those with little vision. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): COoper1te with Cancer perton. Tboughu cent.,. on partner- ship. marrilge. legal papers. Hunch is apt to be correct. Share knowledge. Rise above the petty. Know that by giving you also will be in position to New Cure For Caries The New York .St1te Depsrt· ment of Health has launched a large-11cale public heallh pro- gram to test the caries prevention qualities of a new clear plastic adhesive sealant which coat! the pil.3 and fissures of teeth, particularly molars. receive: VIRGO (Aug. ~pt. ZZ): Your natural abilities, in· clinations . are lput fo con· atructlve use. Y<il ai:e pra1Sed by peers, You have reason to be happy and sociable. Restrictions are removed. You experience greater freedom. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. ZZI : Creative juices flow. You can impririt own style. Accent! on love and childrtn. Changes ar! be.neliCial. You Come aUve. There is a new vitality about you. Penonal magnetism draws opJ>Olllte sex. You're a winner. · of communication. E1preu yoorsell. · SAGmARIUS (Nov. :is. Dec. 21): AdJuatment Is made, Jn .domestic area. You are.. ac· Uve In connection w i t h neighbors, relatives. Messages should be answered . You may be rtt:ipient of gift. U con- ciliatory gesture is made, ac· cept. CAPRllXllN (Dec . 22-Jan. 19):. Drivt bard bar1ain. Refuse to &:IV(""lip something for mere promise. Prct~t possesaions. Avoid tendency toward .lt}f-deceptlon. see in realistic light, One w h o whisperi sweet mthina:s has SCORPIO (Ocl. 23·Nov. 2tl : Just that to offer. Emphasis on home, end of ,., matter. value of property. AQUARIUS . cJan. 20-Ft:b. Deal with older persnn. You 11); Ltlnar cycle at peak; take can learn from experience. Initiative .. Make a ntw start. Gemini and Virgo persons WeJCome co tit a ct 1 and figure prominently. Open lines challeng~s. Brighten sur- League Bids for Funds . ' roundlll&J. Purcluiae apparel. Your tlminl la on target. Be confident. Answer call of op- p0rtunity. PISCES (reb. Ii-March 20): You attract persons who con- fide their problems. Be symo pathetic, but donj~ become in- extricably involved. Message will beaime clear. K e e p something in reserve. Being discreet now can result In ultimate gain. IF TODAY IS YOUR Bl.RTHDA Y you are intullive, a natural teacher and poet. You harmonize especially well with Cancer, S cor pio, Capricorn and Taurus. Home environment improves and November could be your most 11ignlficant month in 1972. T1 fllld oul wllo'j llicit~ lo:>r """ 111 ;;',:! •I• jov•. or tr $¥d~l'I' Om1rr'1 I, Krll H!~ flJr ti\ •llCI Of'IMIJ," jlflfl 11rr1~!1'11t 1nd '°'J5 !!"' to o""'' ifrOICIOY. '1Kre11, !lie 0 \Y PILOT. IG• 32«!, Gr1nC1 Cf!ll!rtl S .. !~, NfW Yor•, N.'I'. 10011. • The' study, aupported by a contract from the Nation1I Institutes of De.ntal Research and conducted in Rochester, will continue for four years. The 1im? To show that this treatment, combined with a fluoridation, will prevent a very hi&h percenlage o f caries. The Opera League of Laguna Beach is hoping for another grand slam with its bridge marathon to begin after all registrations are in Wednesday. March 15. Ready for a marathon or fun are the first registrants nett to right) the Mmes. Edson R. Tamblyn, Adrien C. Pelletier and H. Donald Outmans. Accepting registrations are the Mmes. Perry E. Wright, Robert Burnside and Fran~ Hurl· but. BETSY BIARIOWER Betrothal Revealed Mill Betsy Bearbower and Gary Orgill" will ucban1e marria1e pledges in summer rites. 11\elr parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bearbower and Mr. and Mn. Frllllt Or1ill, an or Costa Mesa. Miu Bearbower ii a senior at Estancia Hi1h School. Her Hance Is an Estancia graduate now 1tt1ndlfw Golden Wiii C:.Ue1e wbera lie plays vanity buketball. Students Cooperative ANN ARBOR (UPIJ -Men and women students at the University of Mlcblgan will 11hare the same rooms in an off-campus experiment that started last weekend. The co.op hou~e. called Xanada, has 64 resident students, 29 of whom are joining in the experiment of · mat~ a.Qd females sharing lhe same room. It will conUnue · for two wef:U, when ·a decision ~n ·ex· tendiiig it will be made. years, with men and women living on .the !lame floors but In· uparate rooms . This is believed to be the fir!t time any group ha11 an. nounced publiclj it w i 11 establish coed rooms. Xlnada House is unlversity· approved, but is not under.the jurisdiction of university ad'· . minl1traton. J.Jniver1ity ap- proval rel•tes only to the ba.bltability of tjle quarters. David L. Mussey, a1o-----------11 sophomore from _ Urbana. 111., said the trial is not beina made by ". bunch or hippie freaks trying to break down morali ty standards." "°We'.re just normal people tryiq to learn how to live wlUI memberi of the opposite sex," be llid. Seventeen of t h e eJ· perlmtnters are men and 12 are women. Some of the TOOrM will be shared by two men · and one woman. · The pa.rticip1nta drew room· mates by drawina nlmes. oUt of a hal. Some, whO didn't like their first choice, put the name back and drew until they clme up with one they llbd. All tbe studeni.. range in ap from 18 to 22. · • Several UofM dOnnJIOrleo have baen coed for aev.-11 l lDTIQUE fd•fl1 ~ A 111e1t 1111i11111 ~ 1ter• with 1 Wett• 41..fwl 11l1ctlott 1f 'fu11 tleth11 1 1111 •tc••••ri•• 1t me41tt ,wi11t. Com• 111 it at , , • ALSO CARTOONS . AIJ S.111 75c ·~ .. "If. you are 1uccuaful, you aoon liltd that it la· no 9 Io & , Diane stresses that for her, modeling ii a means to an end-a career in• nursery school education. Already, she teaches part.time at 1 nursery school and her ttachers rep0rt that her work has no affect on And. although she Is not due to graduate unt.tl June, sbe'a being permitted to take Iwo classes at Orange Coast College whlle completing her high. school graduation re-J---::;jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiij;:;-:;--·quirementa. I · .. BLANK . , PAMOlls MAU ..• ,.,.7. "· ; / •,_'1~1, llN• SID , · ~ ~··i job. !l'ltty ttU you when to.-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==~~======~I "'!*'I and Wiier-ever l°" 10, 11 ~~~"!1th~ .~ng ::~. TRADING.li ........ l ·THE ONE I =:·~~ .. tqe ; TRAVEL : ·:YOU CAN GO ~ ~ :'1. U:U~ VOUCHERS j ,...:. j PLACES WITH I ~tof sJ,amour~ ~~~~~~~~-·-·.··.· .... ·~·~--'"--''°"...,•""'-..""_,,'".~.--"~· • • Jlt .. ACHIEVEMENT ' WE ALSO HAVE FULL AND TWIJll SIZE ....,;, lllANY LOYll.Y COLOIS TO CHOOSI l'ltOMI . . .. ) I • 0 Mi but, In tod Flo '"I to." slngl gOOd it.,, came deckl birdi He over ner • it wa rest wOOd Mil Dal Hisk JW!t !30, SA Whitt 31-0, club incre agree The maj follow Marv· the A Mill tiOllS $105, Janu Ho Wed. reneg are wblch o! rect Tbe o! I Autry word Angel The , camp . ~j Ir~ Aid. • FridU, M1n:h JO, 1972 ~AJLY PILOT JS Downtrodden SC Faces . ~1;1per Bruins GLENN WHITE Sports . Editor Mitchell 's Gamble Pays .Off ORLANDO, Fla. !AP) -Bobby Mitchell gambled and won -·this time - but..pro-golf'R grim-eyed high rollers were in ·1Jot1 pqr~u.it of the drawling Virginian tod.aY iO the second rourid of the f150,000 Florida Citru~ Open golf lournament. 1 1ttitchell, who.went six under par with-a gambling birdie on the 15th hole at the windswept Rio Pina,l' Country Club count, had an early Iir_st round 66 Thurs. day; and it stood up for the lead all day. But Lee Trevino was just two strokes. ha.Ck at 118 and warned: "The putts are starling to fall . I1ve got the right speed &nd I'm beginning to make 10me, j11Bt Jik~· l said J would." GaTy P)ay~r,' the South African who always ranks tis a major threat, w11 another stroke back in a group of • b•lf doze n al 69. So was veteran'Tommy Bolt. Jack Nick laus, 59-ytar-()Jd Sam. Snead and Mastera ·champion :Charles Coody were in a-big bunch. at 70. "Actually, it was a pretty good. round By Auoclaieol •P .. u Four yean 110 they .,.,.. the Trojan Qirlz Kida, Soutbero Calljoml1'1 .,..1 .. t f1!.siunan baol<etball teom ever 1nd one that seemed eerl#in lo end · UCLA's stranglehold on the Paciflc-t and national tit! ... After four seasons ol victories -but no UUes -lnjurlu, and an overdose oC UCLA, the. mnnonia ol the Wllii Kids . wjnd up their college bukftball c1reers in _t.os AnieJea l!>niabt with noU!lni lo , of goJf," said Njcklaus, the only two.time 1 • charnpion lhi1 year and the man who just toot ovtt·Arpold Palmer's accu.stomed · spot atop the all-time mpney-winnlng Ii.st. "E"'.,~n1 coll!idered, J'fn not too , 1 disappointed." · i hope for · eicept second place and a meuure of revenge . Of those five freshmen, ~°"'y klrwards Ron Rilty and Joe Mackey will be starting. Monroe N~.and Paul Westphal are Injured and Bill Taylor Ls a substitute. If the young, relenUess Bruins make USC victim No. Z6 this seam, Oley could drop the Trojans as far down JS a tie for third. Washington, now tied with USC for second, visits seventh-place Wa!hlngton I Stale toallbl. ind orep State, 1 ~ unknown quanuu .. at tho 11ert of the , weekend' cani altord to be ·cartleaa · 1111nst 'lvub~g1on State 1en1111~ ·'!'ho QiQi1r1 have a O!M!Ple of autalandlnc p&ay.n In center Milt• Dolve llid,auord Dan ' Steward and coold ·be •tbuper at home than 'they ""Were ln a 103-t2 kllS 1- WashinKton in SeatUe earlier !& the gamea beck, villts wlnlm Oregon season'" ~ve made a ahambles of ~ toolgllt ml hoat.s tho Oucka Satunlay confonn<e race, llld USC coach Bol> night. Boyd caU.11 t.htm •it.he lolical favoritea to UCLA..,.averagtng t&.a points per 1ame. win the NCAA championship -a super to opponents .. 13.I, •has the CQnfettne911 team ." . ,eaSon. . leading 1COrer, rebounder. a..n.d (ifil4 g01l UCLA begins lt\l quest tor Its litth percentage, shooter tn center Bill Wallon~ .... straJght nationlll tiUe next Thursday Oregon Slate dol!ln't have to ,!Je,tOlif that Ot'igon '1 0.11 Po~ record la decep- tive. The Ducks liave ployed 06U a pair of aames that didn't count in the _(!Ql.o fereoce: stand.In.gs, and won.thml,botJb whose sl.ltistics are 14.2, 1•.R And .S&J\ night in •Provo, Utlh against the winner Reserve forward Larry Hollyfield is sec. ff S:aturday's Hawaii-Weber St.alt game. ond tn field goal percentage with .593. Washington, which vaulted into a tie for The oopllornore-iaden Bruins, virtually second by edging Orqon Stale 71M9 tut U'I Ttltflltltl · T 011ight in Colorado Anteaters, Injuns Open NCAA Play By HOWARD HANDY eventna: for the rlgbt to represent the °' tM oa11y 't1et '''" ·west at Evansville, Ind. nut week. PUEBU>, Colo'. -UC Irvine maku Its The Evansville touqiament for:: elaht third appearance in an NCAA Westem _...•regional champions will be staged Regional college division blsketblll' Wednesday through Friday night. tournament here tonight against the host ~ wa!I pleased that his Rivenida Sou.thern C.Olorado State C.Olleg1 Indians H1ghJanders we.re made favorites to. win in Tartan-surraced Ma~sari gym alt with the tournament hert1but added a..mte al S,000 partisan home town rans qpected. caution (barring first round defeats bY, UC .RlversMte, the pre-tourney f1vorite , ~ or both UC schoola): meets Seattle-Pacific in the opening Possibly on the basis of our nconf game at 7 (18-8) we should be rated u tJie:, tourney SCSC a~d UCI have had a laynfr o( favor ite. Bu t lrvine, because of !ta tou,ab almost two weeks since their last regular sch~ule. rates a co-favorite., role. ~ season game and altitude may be the dif-are Just is. good as we are, Goss uid ( ( th · · f Thurf(lay nigh t. erence or e v1s1tors rom Callfornl1. Wl1ei h inded that '"· Not making excuses or looking for a . en e was rem 1.ua Joss, but racing reality, coach Tim Tift Highlander s had won both lamd commented following the Anteaters' sec--bet~een the schools (93-91 and ti.a?), be ond workout here Thursday : didn t back off. "There are three thing~ that could 11f- fect us Friday night. The rirst is the altitude (4.69S feet ). The pla yers were pretty tired after both W()rkoul.11. "The second thing and one that is almost as important ~ .. ~~] fir~. is the home town crowd. A ,~rowd always helps the home team . · "The third thing is the noor. We have to adjust to the Tartan surface and it is a new expe'rience for us. UC Riverside Puts Snub Palmer, the defending champion, matclted par-72, but was far from dis<oor1ged. DANNY LOPEZ (11.IGHT) AND ARTURO PINEDA TRADE BLOWS IN BATTLE OF UNBEATEN. "Southern Colorado appears · to be a very supple te,m that is we 11 coordinated . I have the feellng they are a good shooting team and are a fun· damentally sound., group. To Banquet Special to Ille DA.IL Y PILOT "I still·didn'' bit the driver like I'd like to." be uid~ ''And J didn't maki!·one, single. 10Ular)' putt all day. But with 'a good n.lnd tom«row I'd be right back·in It." \ Chria ·llkrler, 1 bfg, non-winning Tex· an now playing mrt of Florida.., wu alone in lfC.'OOd with 1 t7 that Included only 21 pull!. He rolled In 1 peir of birdie putts in the 28 foot range in the closing-hoies to moVJ!; into contention and one-putted. four of the last five. Mitchell, Mw 29 and.a pro ~ he WI! a 15-)'ear-old boy lnDanville, Va., w1s a strugltng regular f1>r seVttal years on the four until• he broke through with a 22- under·par victory in the Cleveland Open last year. He had il five under par here when he came to the 15th, a par five dogleg and decided on the gamble that paid off in a birdie and the eventual lead. He had to hit a high, lofting lee shot over trees just to his right to cut the cor- ner and reach the 14th green. From there it was just 1 six iron to the green . The rest of the field was hitting fairwa y woods from the 15th fairway. Mitchell, two-putiid for lbe easy bird. Dale Oouglw, Tommy Aaron, Babe Hiskey and' Jerry ,\bbott alJo hid. 118, . jU!l two slnlltes bock In the . .-for I p),000 first prize. C.vs Paying Price Tonight~s Laker Rival S ~ill a Gigantic Loser LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Cleveland. Cavaliers Are paying the pr,ice.of the· Na- tional Ba~tball Aaaociation'1 way of ex~ pans ion. The Cavaliers, who face the Los Angeles Lakers here tonight, have won only 11 of their 72 games but still are six ahead of their final "Win total in 1f70.71, their fi rst season in the NBA. Their losing record, parallelled'. by every expansion team in league history, can be traced to the NBA 's policy of allowing established teams to protect all but .• few pl1yers on th~ir ii.man rosters. Though there haVe been exception.!, such as,,.gticaeo.'1 Jerry Sloan and Phoenix's Dlclt Vu Andale, uauolly the e:rpanaioo list is pretty thin. 1Short of waiting for a Lew Alcindor to graduate or a Connie Hawkins or Spencer Haywood to jump leagues, there 's little an expansion club can do except ask its fans to be patient while it builds a team with draft choices and trades and tries to catch established clubs on bad nights. The Cavaliers: are m u c h improved over last year, and might have a much better record if Austin Carr, their NO. I draft choice, hadn't been injured half the season. Their record i~ belter than lhosc of the other two second,·year teams, Portland and Buffalo and they're only two vic- tories behind. the . ,Oel.roit. Pistons, longtime NBA member!. White Sox May,.Strike; Set March. 31 Deadline Carr will be in the starling lineup tonight as will Rick Roberson the ex- uberant e~·Laker who recently set the team single-game rebound record of 25. The Lakers have beaten the CavaJiers twice in two tries this season, but got a sc1re ii: Cleveland Jan. 5 betore winning 113-103 to etretch their record victory 1tre1k "° 32. They won one more game before flully losing to Milwaukee. The Lakers enter tonight 's game needing to win nine ct their last IO to break Philadelphia 's record of 68 5eason viclories, and needing to take six of seven here to surpass Milwaukee's mark of 34 homecourt victories. They open the ?USA playoffs against the ·Chlcago Bulls here March Ill. SARASOTA. Fla . !AP) -·The ChiCJ1go While Sox voted unanimously Thuraday 31.fl, to strike unless the major league club owners come up with u acceptable ina-eaae for the playen:' current penaloa agreement expiring March 31. The strike vote was .the first taken by a major league team thit spring and followed a to-minute meeting with Marvin Miller, the executive director of ~ Major League Bal!ball Players AMOC.iation. Miller oak! the coot of •the medica I por· !Ions of the potlAion pla• had ...,. up $10S,OOO IMually and the owners in January had agreed to pay the lncreaae. However, he said, tn a meeting Wedpes<lay in Tampa, "the owners reneged oo the agreemeot Ind il18teld are willing to pay an over1n mo;a , which ii $17,000 Ieaa than the llHlual coot of the medical pion that baa beU in ef. feet lhe lalt three years." . The Ownetl met in Saruota1 Wedneaday and John Gaherin1 who negotiates for the ownua was present. Miller uld the strike could take several fonn1 and could be "no work after March 3L" or "they cookt talte uery Saturday afternoon or Monday nl~t off -or refuse to play in .,,-other game 1ehedul- ed for national t.levlalon, Including the All-Star game." . . Miller, who has 1wqn more than •t3 milUon in pllyer bil!nefttl since liking of- fice Jn 1111, chaged that the owners· by reducing their * ..,.. "dellber1tely trytn1 lo provoke a players' llrlke. 10l'h1t'1 the Oftly way you can explain that kind of MptiaUng behavior," Miller Aid. Miller •nd Dick Moa1 (he legal CQUnsel for t~e pta1en IUM:tation, are in the mld8I o! iheir innual aprini training tour In wblch ihey vioit 111 14 major Iea1110 club&. Tb< White So• were the seventh le~ on their flioerary. Playoff Plans Western Conference semifinals between the Los Angeles Lakers ind the Chicago Bulls were announced Thursday by the National Basketball Association . First game, March 28 in Los Angeles ; second game, March, 30 in Los Angeles : third gArne, April 2. afternoon, in Chi~ago : fourth. game, April 4, in Chicago ; fifth game, April 7, in Los Angeles, if necessary: sixth game, April 9, in Chicago, If necessary; seventh game, April II ln Loe Angelos, ii necessary. A~gels Skipper S1niling YUMA (AP) -Aa befiia the monqer of I buebaD teem half owned by Gene Autry, oeldom ii beard a dlloourqlng word from Del 1\lce of the Colllornil An&elJ. So far at leut. The Angell left their Holtville irainint · camp !or Palm Sprinp Thursday, Aid Rice WU smiling. "We bad an uctlient two -U o! lralniq Wider porfeel COl!ditiono," he llid. 11Thll ll the beet •utber I've teen T In lllY ~r major leque weer.• The Aqell, Wbo •topped smllln1 soon ofter !pl'infl lralnln1 lut yeu, w.to to Ieove Pllm llprfnp Ind open their Cac- lul Leque uh1bltion oea"°" bore today apln$t the San Diego Padre!. ' Ricil'Cl1rk, one <II thr,. pttchoro oloted to work i• ihe pme commented. "Team morale la far htpor than It wu Iaat yw." One player who la feelin& beilor very day is Winston Llenu, a third bueman- outfielder who bit .408 fll' llllt LUe City laot year and isn'f on the A11gel1' prt1taaon r0&t.er. Uenas, trying' to •nmuroge the American League team fo make rOom for him, haa "'11111 I hnt bat llnct training camp ol!'!Jed. He bad three bill llftI drove In both runs Tbun day aa his team """ an lniruquod 11me 1-1. " PINEDA TAKES THE COUNT, 11th : Straight KO For Indian Red LOS ANGELES (AP) -Danny LOpez, 121 'ii, of Los Angeles brought a battle or unbeaten bantamweig hll lo a sudden end Thursday night, clubbing Arturo Pitteda, 124~. Qf Mexicali, Mexico, to the canv11s In the fourth round for his 11th straight knockout. Pineda . who had staggered his younger foe several timq. in lbe second round, went down under a left> book at the end of the fourth, fell over on his a.Ide 1nd was counted out. He hid Atver been Doored hefol'!. . Lopez·; ID·year-old brother of welterweight contender° Ernie ''Indian Red" t.opei. oponod a cut over Pineda'• J eft eye Jn i~e third. Bub Pineda, the World Boling 1Councll'1 nlnih·ronked ban- tamwe!Kh~ rallied 1nd forte<I the pace until the abrupt end. l.t was hll fir1t 1068 ·r 'in&t 13 victorleo, "Bobby (Warlack, an 11uista.nt coach for SCSC, who played with Tilt at Pep- perdine College) tells m~ their defense is the best part ot their game. "They appear lo be well drilled fun· Oamentally." - Tift isn't th~owing in the sponge, however. "I( we can play with any semblance of orginizatlftn •ind dl.Aclpllne. it shoul d go right down to the wire before a winner is determined. "The only advantage they may have will be In quickness, 11 he idds. Tift, tn namiftl~his atlrtlng lineup for tonight 's game, llJted Steve Parker to open at forward in place of UCI'1 third best all-time scorina: star, Bill Moore. Moore (14.,);has: been bothefed with 'a leg lnfury and after a brief acrtmmage workout Thol'!day, took himael! oilt of the action With ~ noticeatile lfmp.1 Phil Rhyne (l!.2) will open at the other forward with freshman Dave Backer (15.1)' at cenler. Troy Rolph (If.I) ml Ed Biirlingham (10.0) open at the lllllnf spots.t ., f BilrlinaJiam'has looked like he did in the. UCL tournament• 'When he l•lned MVP honors) in workouta: here and Rolph has been shooting iwell and re9Cting wtth cat-like quickness on the floor . Freddie Goss' Riverside '1qt1ad holdl a pair or victories over UCI but mu.st . get past tough Seattle-Pacilic in first round action tonight. UCI meets the boat actml. Should the two Southern Callforni11 teams win opening round clashes in this mining and farming community at. 4,195 feet elevation, they would meet for t.be third time this year in the finals Saturday PUEBLO, Colo. -UG-Rlverslde coocli Freddie Goaa and bJa Hichlander baai<et» ball team snubbed the city of PueblO and Southern Colorado St.ale Colla... - Thurlday night on the eve of the NCAA Wewtem lleglOual buhlbill - here. The affair was 1 pre-tow-ney .. banquet attended by about 300 fana ...i boootera of this Rocky Mounialn conununlly' In which the regioul• wlll be played. AD four partk:ipating te1ms were Jnvited ta atteiid, en maue, and no lndicaUon "or a switch was made unUJ lhe last mlnute.. Goa! did show up for a portion ol the banquet, silting at the head table. but Jett early -before he was introduced, The. entire UC RJverside team wb con.- apicuous by it.II ablence. When Goa! loft the room, he wu uked tf there was any reason for his players not beln1 there. · "~o, 11 WAS: the terse, aingle word replJ. ,from the former UCLA star. Stan Overall, sports information direc- tor ~or UCR, said: '1You'JI have to talk tG .coach GoM. lt's just that he didn't want the ldda lo hear '°'"e ol the thinp tbll will·be Aid here tonilht." Doug - aon, :1n mistant CMCh ·at UCR, told thl uaernblage 11 8fl0kesm111 for the •Highlanders : 0 l'd like to introduce our teom but it ion 't hero. . , ••we came to Colorado for one thing. To win the regional tournament." UC Irvine, SeatUe-Paclflc and host Soutblrn Colorado, c:oachel and p)ayen 11\ke: listened lo the rtmlJ'ka In -dennent. ' ' •"f,-~-· Lynn Figh~g for. 2nd; • Czech Keeps Men's Title CALGARY (AP) -Proficiency in trac- ing figures has decided one title and his set the stage for vlctory In a tee0nd event at the World F.igure Skating Cham· pionships. Ondrej Nepela or Cr.echoslovakia...tuc• cessfully defended his men's wOrld cro"'1 Thursday night, pulling together 1 solid free·s kaling performance Wl!h a previous top exhibition or figures for a perfect ordinal scdre o( 9.0. And two Rossians -Serge.I Chet- verukhin and Vladimir Kovalev -who were 2-3 after the figures, took the silver snd bronze medals. A similar sttuatlon Is 1baplna up ln the WQmen's singles, which will 6e decided tonight. Trixie Schuba of Austria his an in- surmountable lead after the compuJ90ry figures , with Karen Magnuuen of Van- couver and Janet Lynn of Rockford, IU., fighting il out for 11eoond place. John Pelkevich of lhe Unilld Slatu, filth •lier tho compulS11ry Il111rea. finiab· eel fourth Jn the men '1 atMdings "Ith 3t.O ordinals. Nepel1'1 fret·sk1llng performance was marred . bowe!'er. by lw.o 11Jaht slips on 1 pa ir of triple jumpa lbot·.,,....i bJa pro- gram. The Olympic gol~ mfdalial skated near perlediy oiler that Ind W1lfd msrk.t of 1.7 lo I.I. Nepela oald, "I did, thl• year, quite • well. I think ·! did.my besl,.wbal I eoald do." . He uld he ha.m't mode any plana for the future but 0 nu.t yur we have the world'• in my home town. I don'I rean, know -but I'm (eUing tired." . · Cbe:tverukhin •ll'ffd. ''Now I'm happy and I am tired. It w11 the very best el my skating career." Kov1lev WIS the hit or the Mil-«Jt crowd In tho Calgary Corral. Early in hi.s program he swept crou the ice to a roaring 1top inchel away from judge No. 3 -the U.S. woman judge -and stood smilinl at ber u tho crowd applauded . ''The program has been 1et that .. .,.,. he said t.ater. "The rink Is relaltvely ..,.. row ao I ume very close. Normally, I don't come that close." Did he especl11ly pick out tb• U.S. judgel · "Oh yu, au re.'' The 11r1tqy ""fked. Shi ''"' him a.a. out of a mutmum of m pninll In ~ artlatlc lmpreaalon and technical mer~. In tho women'• compubory event Thurlday, Mias Schuba akaled to the ltld abe aaid !he would need for a ....-! do!enoe of her world title. Shi bad a perfect ordinal mark rr..n eadl of the lline lud1eo for a l.G icon" Mias Lyon came bac:t on her final two figuru to !alto third pllct wttb 114.0 ordinll1 as compsred to 11.1 for Miu MllJIUSleD. • '1 I t ~ • i j ,. • • F-. M11<h 10, 1972 Speru ·I• Brief Kings Tied for Third; ' Kentucky Makes Playoffs I.OS ANGELES -Bill P'leU turned on his f"IT!'lr !Ao All#)•• ttammat•• lo score thrft 10111 and one 1ul1t in leaa then four minute• or the third period ThurldoY nlc)it. 11 tl\t Philadelphia 1'1yera cltfuted the Klnp 5-3 and moved lnto a·tle for third place In the National llocl<ey League West. • KljOXVILLE, Tenn. -Xentuclcy edit<! T-11~ Tlturlday nilf!t to dal!ll a share ol the Southeastern Conference Baaloetball chl!llplonthlp with t he Votunl«rt and I berth In the NCAA tournament X111tuclcy and Tenne1,.. flnlohe<I the Muon with identical lH conference roeord1 , but the Wlldqti will 10 to the NCAA mlH.all playoffl al Dayton, Ohio, Ma~ 11 by virtue of btalln1 the Vob lwiC6 durlni the "'lalar JUoiiol. . The conference tltfe was the 21th in the le1endafy career of Kentucky's Adolph Ropp, who hu reached the mandatary rallrmuint qe of 1IJ and probably w11 cl)~ .hl1 beloved Wlldc1l1 In hi• lul nllilar 'IUIOll i•m•. • . . TE)(PE, Am. -Former Wellmlmter Rich all-round atblelt Eddie" Bane pilcbod Arizona Stalt lo a HI ..,._. m.-"-ball victory over Oraop County ~I Cbapman Colle1• Tbur1-!faY, A diminutive lefthandtr, Bane pvt up lllll !Wo hlll and a pair of walka wblle •lriklni .Ut ,. ... batter1. He performed on the U.S. P111 American Games dia· lllOlld oquad laat 1WM1er. \. ' I.OS ANGELES -Ed Ratleff. Cal Equity Fundinl InltmaUoaal Tennla Tournament. Orantea atopped Grubner, th• thlrd- ,..ded Amtrtcan tn the fteld, M, M, whlle 11-... top.aeeded .mo., the forelp enltlea, had to •trual• to down Fjllol, 7-', M . Others In the quarltrflna!J Include top-. seeded Stan Smith, Hawallan Jim Oeborne, C1lff Richey, Tom Gonnan, P'ranct'1 PlelTe Barthel and youn& 'Jim CoMors. Connor1, 19, dtfu.ted Ion Titjae of Romania , J.7, M._ "2. Barthel ecI,ecr orasll'o Tom Koch. 6- 3, 74. • DALLAS WlmbledOn Champion EVOlll!i Goolalloni of AU1tr1ll1 and Ammc1'1tffn·ase1en1atlon Chris Evert ataye<I on thllr cnlllalon coune In the Maureeri Connolly Brinker International Ladiff teMia tournament Thursday nlght with impreulve aecond-round victories. Milo Gool11oni Olllled Helen Gourlay ol AUJtralla 1-3, 1-', and Miu Evert of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., blultd Val•r!e Zie1entuu of San Dleio M, 1-i. Bnmble Hall and Windy Way "111 he1d the field In the 110,llOO InaucuraJ Pace, fud-off feature Saturday of 1 lklpt hameu raclntl mee11nc. Bramble / Hall, owned by. Richard Stal~y of Loi Ana•iea. menlly paced 1 1:11 mile II Bly Meadow1. Wendy Way, owned by Franlc Lucich of Delano, Cllif., won ILU,441 lul yur. ;t'he newly fonned Southern CaWomla Racine Aaaoclation b 1ponoor1n& the meetinc on the renovated ftvwt1htha mile trade. Also entered tn the Inaugural Pace are ,Korkl• Woollen, Bye Bya Mu and Maids .Million. . • Cow Cod Baul Corona de! Mar's 14-year old Mike· Bullard displays the re- cent cow cod catch made off Catalina Island while aboard Art's Landing Channel !Jland boat. ~late (L<>ni Beach) guard, Is the coachea 1D1anlmou1 cholse tor most valuable P,!1Yer tn !be ,Paclfflc ·oa1t · Athletic ~•aoctallon. . Tbe ti-foot-'. 195-pound Junior from tiolumbua, Ohio, 11 one of three playoff. bound 49ers n>eel~ all-IHgue recopt-lion. . . . Tiie ltom li1to H forward Chuck Terry on the flrlt ltam and H forward Erle McWllliaml OD the Hv1-man 1econd Vik es Await Title Tiff; ·Eagles Edge Mes~, fu3 ldrn. . - 'Ibe fir1t team allO l11ted University of lie Paclf1c'a 6-10 <enter, Johii 'Gianelll ; UC-lanla Barbar•'• H forward. John lchool ; 6-7 Chrll McMurray of 5an Dlelo E lla:. Ind W JfrTY , Pender of l"J'e1no Tiit aecond Item: &-7 Michael Jackson 1,1 Mole Adolph, both of IA1 Ancelea le; "Jim '~cc:u .. and 6-2 Jobn Er- ll!Cll'I, both 'J. Unlveralty of PacUlc and lclfllllama. • • " . ;NP, YORK -Mike Quarry, the liorld'• No. 2 llaht huvyweJ&bt, attempta •.aolldlfy hla ranldni and move toward a ' ~ -he batUt1 Tolt!my Hlcka ln the fHU!ro !~round bout at Square Garden. , 1 Qliarry, 21·yw'i>ld from Anaheim, trtumplii over Andy Kendall a!Mf _Dupree and hu won all of hl~M , icorina II lmockouta. . ru.a, 21, teachel maltjple handlcopped in Ithaca, N.Y. and la r~ed by the World Bozln& AMoc:latton, atopped nn cute ln the atihlh of • llUe lifhl last Oct. by chl!llp lob Foller. •r ' Jmow I'm In for a totllh flih~" ~ 1ald. "Maybe 11 tou1h 11 1 liave iltr had." , ' -1 • '..• . WASlllNGTON Spain'• Manuel llraatea ·upset dork Graebner and lonwll•'• llte Nutaae bancy edit<! falint Flllol of Chile Tltunday in ad-,..., 19 the quarterfinals of the Qa,llOO " ' • Bally Falls Short '· Marlnl 1 Hilb'• Vltin&a are ln the driver'• Hit of the filth &Mual Hun. tiJ1lj.oft Btlch blaebell tour n 1 men t .fol1owln& their l~I conqueat o f Wt1imlniter Thurod1y ·afternoon In a on .. lnnlnc it1nt. ", cCodi !lay All1111'1 Vlk .. I0111bt to a 1- all . ltVin·ln,nln« I t In clo II with \l{e1tmin1ter Wednesday; and ThtD'tdly'1 action wu a contlnUJUon lo determine one .entry (Marina) In lhe tourney final• Saturday. Tht 1011 1ent coach Frank Munoz1 Lion• back to the diamond today 11alnll Bolla Grande, 'which ellminaltd Foothill, IU. tn other taurnament action Estancia and Cplta M.,. opanad the flewporl· Mesa DiJtriet ~t at c.cita Me11 Park In nocturnal actlOn with the Eatan· cla Eqle• deaJtnc lhe Menna a 5-3 dalut. . , Wlnnfnl pltcber Brock Pemherlon 1cnred the wiJ1nJnC run /Or Marina tn th• tifhlh lnnfnl wflen he puncllad a OD6<lU! •Incl• to rtchl field, 1lole aecond and then IC«ed wtien· Scott ' 1Vlldennin•1 lillleld. bounoer rllUlltd tn .the Llona' ellhth er- ror of the conte1t. Pernberilm 1truck out the final batter afltr We1tmln1ter put I ]llfr of rwllW'I on baae In !He bottom of the 1tan11 with two out. Coacl1 Ken Millard'• E1tancta nln• qualllie<I for a cbamplon1hlp' berth Satar· Gauchos Sufi er 3-2 Loss An eifhlh·lnnlng rally fell a run short llld Saddlebacl< Coll•I• dropped a W Kission Con!ennoe baaeball declllbn to 1isiting Grotanont Thur1d1y. The lou waa the Gauchos' 11th in 13 dlts thls season and ran their MW:lon :ircuit mark to 0-2. Down S-0, Saddleback scored a run In ':he seventh on a two-but error an~ Qary lacksoh'1 atn1le. Then In the elaf!th, a one-ba1e blow by llik• Ma ... a walk to Stan Llk and a llfle-out error ran the score to 3-2 and vith runner• on HCCnd and third tbe ~•cho• had • eolden opportunity lo ICore more. But a llrlke out and a fl'OWld out ended he lnn\ni. Groumonl acorad Iii flnt two ?11111 In :be lnllJaJ frame and added an unumed tally In th< fourth. M.., pitched wall lo dofut, •tr!iln& out five and •alklnl lour. Tho fraalunan rifht-handar allowed jU1t four hit.I. Siddle back retums to acuon Tuesday. facln1 boat San Bernardino. • ,..llltllt lrl hHlllNcll {I) "'""' J ••• Ct~llrt, cf VID:ll'Y. If M1r1111n, " 11' .. trr.r, Ill '°'*""""· rf w .. 1. rf ........ Alt•••• c •t1111t •• ... ,.tc, • .,, "'"' Jl,tL•l(,tl l I 1 Jell•Mlft• 211 J 0 0 1 C•rtN"IW. 3 I I 0 Jtltr1',lt J0 1 0 I l • • K.uter, If 4 t o o 1 ••w1.-11111t.• t 1 1t 3 It OJtcll.'611,lll 4 I I 1 ' ••• A.tltc+1r1. • ' • • • 4 t I f l ttt:l(IWfl, rf t f f f •otONtlllrlftt.t Jtft Cll'""'"" Ml ' ••• M ... ,1 41 1 0 Jt t ' I Tetlll Ji I J 1 • • • aDCI Ill! OIO-J 4 t Ill! • ll•-1 J • day 11aiDst the. win.Der of tonitht's C.Orona de.l Mar-Newport Harbor test when it came. from a three-run defi cit. Tht b.ij; item a&alngt Mesa wu the bait oo balla u Estancia loaded the < ba1e1 on free pas111 ln the filth lnn!na, and then cleared them with a fielde.r 11 cbOW. and two more waJks. Jim Po1tel went the distance for E1tan- ci1 on tbt mound, UmlUng Mesa io three. hlto. Mark Schrupp scored twtce for Meaa with some nifty baserunnina. "'-l'ffll C1tl W .. hrllflltlr !fl t•r llr'tl Mir hl'M lrtJW!!, 2'11 IMtn... ~lb 1 111.t-"I,. ,9fl'IMrttl!, ' I t I lrlillltY, cl J t 1 • J t I o $1!!dlu. l H o o o e IOOO 'TINIJ•.• o oeo 1•rf J , Wfll1. c J Wlltl.,-mlft. cf l Acd!MllM. 122 a.If 4 1 11 I 1 2 Ell/l'IOU, 19-rf J I 1 J 2 I o l ltktlty. 1Wb 4 t 0 1 Swan ... , Jt1 ' I OIJt\11'11&,c 4 1 21 WllMI•• H 0 t 0 0 Neil111WS, H ' t I 1 ''""'~ ti ' .,Mttf. rf.. l o I I T1U11r, rf 1 0 I 0 .... ,,,,, rf.lt ' 0 I • l1trntn1, 211 ' l a I I 1 I 1 Udlri1fetl, ltt ! 0 0 0 ICYllr, u 1 OOOMM'rlt.P l0 2 1 C1l11. ... I 0 0 0 Wl'llft!'Y" • .u 1 I 0 0 HUii..,,, ~ 1 t o I H111,1 11111 A.lblr1, !II I O 0 I V 10 ID S Tet1\1 ll t 10 1 M1rll'lt Wf1'111ll'llll r ' ' °'° °°' " -,, ,, ., soo oe-' 111 • ' I CUii MNt IJJ l1t1nel1 U) •llrllr91 6ol41!'1, 2'11 l II 11 t $cllull1, hi Cleft, 311 J I 0 0 O'lnl, 11 Ctlrl•lt'Mn. 111 l 0 1 l ll:~ullle, lb Mt..,,., c .t o o e roe1111, ri klll'Ui., cl J f I 0 McCIN ry. t l"O.j, II f 1 1 0 l"ewtll, Jb 0 11.-.... .. J o o e 11ntttt, Jt l"ttertol'I, rt 1 I 0 O HIY•· tl C1 l!lwtl1, rf I e 0 0 1.tttdotl. rl ""-rtl""'' ,oee "~'·,, 1 . 0 0 Tt!lll lS .t i I T1t1t1 • pie 1eo 0-2 a m ll -s Baseball Standings ·' MllllON CONl'lll:INCI Cltrvt Sflut~wls!l•n &r&tment [':"";' I n lrl\llrlllf'IO Cll1tte'I ll:lvlf1111t Mlf!ll Ntt. TllUn.111'1'1 Sw.t Gretlm6nl j, St*lll&lct ) Cl!NI J. ro1loin1r .t w ' ' ' ' ' • • • ~lhwttt..-" L Sfl11 lll"IWll'dl• I 111 rllrlll 3 • 0 0 f I G 0 2 I 0 I J 2 I 0 ' o • e 1 I I I 1 II l I 1 II I 1 2 ~ e I ' ' ' L • • ' ' I I ' ' • • • •• I I I ·~ ·~ • Cllttft'I 7, 1111\'trlllle 1 '' IM!lllt. ... r'ol:ntll) TIMlllY'• •• "'" s.lllfllllM:-It S.n l..,,edllll Seult1111111!6l'll I! t !v1r11t1 Clllffl'I It il'llorfter Cltnla t i CroUIMllt Bu~ Swimmers Trip Foe ll7 CIUIG lllEFF Of "" ...... ,..,. ..... M•U Greer capturtd the 100 and 2l!n fmltyle avenll to Ind Oranp Coast (iollqe to a tltller -1M1 awlm vie> lory ever vtalllnf LA Valley Thuraday. <i-DOlltad -1*11 of I0.4 and (!$l.0 lri !!It IWo IVlllll. Tiie lllO time WU !JI• ••Miii bell merit tn Ille stat. thla IOalOll While the 2tlO docldni WU the lburth top 1tata llmt. Hil pnvtou• belt( -.11.0 and 1:11.1. )'be l'trei.' Bob ........ alan had • ~p .-. wlM!iw Illa • buUerf1)' ti! !:21.1,•-bellbJdl-4mtlloof• ... • ood. , lillal inarp el vlclol7 '"II!" havo •• been biqer had the Umen and Judlu not stood up et ·tbt llO-yord mart In tJll 200bretllalrolio. At that point OCC'a Mlkt O'lr!an and Neil Richey were ••lwo. Valley'a lob K•l'llll' -the firll to nallae Iha error amr tht l11dln1 nlnuntr1 ~ ind be eventuallY won the event. Rlchty pliced llCOn<l &nd o••rlen waa fourth. Othw -. for OCC wva Dou1 Moon In tht IO free (21.l ), Dan KMtt In the JllO JJldo (l:IU) ud Dick J-In the 200 btcll (2>1U). OIJltr top porionnanca ...,. prodllctd by John Cttpantar <......i In tho '°° btck) and Jim Bellman (top rtlay lap). Valley'o Jim Wllleo had f16tklnP ol 10:11.4 (l ,llOO lrtt) and !:OU (llOO frM). Both were the fourth beat markl In the 1tate. Coast Area Trackinen~ Record Nifty Marks Multiple winl by 1prlnter Joe Weddle and hurdler Richard Loni• 1parked Foun. lain Valley'• Barona to an IOl!-411! lrvtne J.e~iue dU1l me.el vJetory 11 prep &rack and neld action 11w league hoetillllea bqin alJ 1crcm the. Oran1e. Coast area Thuradly. V1nlfy 14IMll (ti) f4'1 c.t11 M- IOI -I, Mlil!ltlf"IOr4 (Cl 2. Mcrol'llt-(I ) J. 1 l!lckll1 (I ), Tll'M: M.t. Dt -I. Glrtll 11) 2. Dliamet {CJ 3. l.acl'Cll Il l. Tlnw: JU. MO -I, M.cl .. ft !Cl 2. l"oWl!I (I ) J. l KIK ll (I I. TIMf: Jl.I. --I. W.1-1 Cl l t. l1vw Il l J. H1irr (C), Timi: l :CM.4. Mir. -1. A.tw1r111 (l l J, Go(l"ldc !Cl J. Ho!~ fly !Cl. Tll•'ll: 4:•·'-l·Mllt -I. /lr.J M-.:l M" fCI 11111 T, ObWl"9 (Cl'-J. o i.w•"' IC·L fln'll: t:tu 121 HH -!. !tow.II (I!) f, Wl~tr (I J J. twe~ Il l. TlfM: 14.1, 1• l H -I, Hl,lflflt'1et'd lCl t, W!ldlf' (I!) l. M ... (I!), Tl,,..:'°'· .i.111 11:111'1 -I. ldl..._ Tll'nt; .U.t. Miii ll:fll'I -I, l!dl-. ThM: .J:..0.1. HJ -1. Tr0111ll Ill I. teHIN (I!) 2. Mc-~·~ II ), M11tf!I: S-10. LJ -I. CllUnt II!) '· Mc"ll~ (!:) J. rour· Clll fC), Ol1llM1: .... il'll -'· '-"ltullo IC) L ArclllNlcf (!:) 1 H1m1t11" ft ), Htlthl: 11.._ f" -1. TlfMltrmen Il l t. Jolll\JOll IC) J. Gr1vb Cl ), Ol'1111CI: !Ml4. OllCUI -1. Creole IC) l. Tlrnrn1r•""' Il l J. J111nlflt1 (I!). 011!1111:1: 1-.A4. OM 1•i-1111 CUI CM!• M- !Oe -I. $111•1'91'1 (I ) J. leuclllr jl!J 1 GrMl'I 11 1. Ttme: 10.r. Z20 -I, loc.fdllr {I!) l. G,_ (I ) J. Atr1"b (I!). TlrM: !5.l. ... -I. llllll"'9 (l!J J, H•lftl'l'IOllll (I!) J, C11dwtN !l!J. Tlm1: 1:21.t. l:nll -I. Jt11"lfllt, Il l 2. "•lit! tC) l. lll'lnl~ .. , fC!, tl1M: S:JJ.•. UO HH -I, GI,.. (I ) l. "" s9COnd or ft\!1'11. Tlm1: 1a.e. ,,. l H -I. Jellntol'I {I ) J, LN ll!l .t Molt" Cl!), Tl"": 14.•. llG •ll•Y -I. ldbori, Tlfnl: l:Jf.1. HJ -1. lf9Wll 11) t. Hlr'Mlrldc IC) .t Noli " (I ). Hllllll: $-4. U -l. Gr-(I!) I. Olttrlclt (l ) l, ltMll! !Cl. 0!1~1: 11..._ "II 'WI; WIMI (CJ I. Slltrrol'I (f ). M11tl!t: J.O. sro -1, Meff Il l 1. i"ll'U (C) 1 Onn11111t (C), 0!1t111CI: '1·2. Ollcu. -1. G"'m1Mrl1lll IC) ), Dontflltl (C) I. l"•rrlll Il l, Olll111a1: fft.1116. ... lfl-CU) ('21 Cllft M- 11» -J, Allntll fl ) j. Vll''"9 (CJ J, Ch1"9 II!. Time : 1a.t. 116 -1. All""1 11) '· vtrlt'll ((} 5, Chll\I (I). Tll'M: 20.0. fi'9 -I. Lley (l l t. lhl tp (Cl J. M1reort ll( (lJ. Tl,,....: l :JO.I. U20 -I, Stttlfl (CJ 2. Sl'l'lltll f() 1 G•tleDlltr (Cl. TlrM: l :J l.I, 120 LH -1. Cr1w111111 (l!J J. Ill•) OIMll !CJ 1!1111 Jone. Il l . l\fM: ,,A. 4& tell y -I , lllllOll. Tlfl'll: "-'· HJ -1. Olrw'lllly (1 ) 1, Wl !lf (C) 3. f!Otltt fl'). H ... hl: S-1. U -1, fllll l urwlc1r (I ) 1"11 M•"""" fl ) J, °'""II fCJ. Obt111t1: 1M. rov -I. tld!trd"" IC! I. Gier91ttt (l l J, ~·If). Htltlll: M. SI" -I. roevtlll (l!J J. Gerrmn !C) l. OISt1r1 Il l. Dl1t1ftt1: .,_,, Vlrl/f'f MIHltll Vitti CAJJ (7J) Iii MldlfY . UIO -I. Swl Vl'Y (() J, Lav-t (M ) J. wei.r (M) T!t'nl: 111.~ no -L SWIVl'v f (J J IC!Hn fMl l. ICl1rqs1~e IE). Tlm1: n I , MO -L ICIOI" IMI J. L11re lM) l. 9 Kknwn (!) T!o•1t: JI.I. QO -I. M. Mower fMJ '· I Ul'N {f l l, M . .\11•~ fM). Tl'!MI: 1:,..1, Milt -I. •r,11erm1c11t• !M) 2 GIOllf'IS CM) l. I(, M-(Ml. T 1111 : A;U.t . • ·~ 1·Mll• -\, H•rf~ (I I I. ClfltllllO !~I S.l rewn!I J Tll'!'lt: t :.U.1. 120 MM -I. l 1•l1Wt1 II ) t. M, SIMNrt IM) 2. ll:lc:h1rf1 Il l. Tl!l'lf;: U., Ito Lk -1, l1"11etl (l l 1, t . lTedlllrt !Ml 1. M, Sl&dlltrl IM). l t"'I ' ~J. 11: II -I. I Mi>lll ll : '4.1 ~ .. 11.r.~ -1, M Hlon vi.tr l ll'lt: J;U.S. MJ -I. Wlltl-11) t. Gi t" fl!I s. l l1rt (l'I. H1t1~1: s.a. Ir Lf1 i:" L Klnoii.ov It:! 1. '""'"''"'• cM1 J. swe- ll!Tl Oi 1. '· M1,,., IMJ 2. ¥1111 !I I l. NfWlllrl'Y . lll MI ; 10,,,,.,, ,;~ °H.~h~:''lf!f" il l f, Mc:K•lvlt 111 l. M1utw oii.~;;(11· ~~114 IMl J, llll"dl CM) 1. W..Mf'I' fl l. Oii!~: j"'~i,.1111'1 Ill I. S.lldi: fl ) J. $111ftlt , M ..... vl~'l\1r'l\l1"11-. Ti:::-iJ.&. Cl,\Mn lMi fi~ Wtlll lM) I. ,.It(~ IM), Tl~·-,1· W•l1 IM) t. Cl tllof'I CM! J. Hl+cltr'llr {M), cir. ~i;..!; ~rf:r"'ltkl fMt J, W1l11! IMJ J.l llulll ~ 0~1• -i. Tl llt l' IM) 2. McC•rt"'1 /Ml _ t" Ill" (I . T1me: I: ,, . l.J r,~ -:-1. IN11111 11e1111. •u111111 !I) a. s11- • "WI ""· ' Jto ~ '°'.' I il'1rllh11 (I I t , h tyvt IMI I. Sii-). ,,.., !4 ••. ... , ll:tll¥ -I, Mluloll llltll l Tl!!lf: .wi.J, Ml 1 •1flv -I, Mlttlon lllt o. T\ .... · 3:5.1.$ H•~~M7 ~' Crl..,.r II') a, w11111 (Ml . s. tll)i {M). LJ -I. w1111 {Ml I. lt!Yut !Ml 3 .•• , .. {Ml, Olst1nct : n .OllJ. •', i -1. Cttmlt Cll t S1IV111 (Ml s. r.1e11trl" 1 Incl; 3'-f\li O!~i.rK1:1 J,.01:~ (II t. ••Y• Cl ) J. Mtt.uol(t (Ml, • t>!1c111 -. Met.volt• IM) 1, llttcktl&rm (I ) S. ev.111 (I!\ Ol1!1rtct~..!.'..l:lJ~ Mlukffl Vtt .. 'f>'1 ;;'j 11 f"'" ' ,JOO ,-, 1. Hu111v fM I. •1rc111r (Ml J, ,,1..,..,. ,..). !Tlf: Ill.I ' Jl'I Tl I; ~tll'I' (M) t . l lrtN!'ll (Ml 1, Hllltv . ..... '~··· T'"° -1• 1. J-s Il l t. W1!1t IMI J. L1rles 11!), 'flt: :2:1.1. T''"' -, I. Cllllt \Ml f, l •edntV fM) I l t n (M), '"'' :lt.O. 111 ( 'M . Tl"''· 4. • J~1 c•1 -1. .'f't <»l t. l lrclltrll (Ml 1. o·c~ MO ll:tlll' -I. M lion llltle. TIJ"ll: •. J. M\11 Jttl1¥ -1, M1U1flfl Viele. Tl-: J:• 1. HJ -I, C1tl111 IMJ J, S-CM) l. MMl't Ill, HtlOlll: Mei ~ -1. urlo!lij\'I J, l l•th•l'd tM) J, T•llltW91" If Oltt1nc1: ,.. . v -I. Smltll l I 2. l lrd\Ariil IMl 1 O'CMl'llll (M). Hl kll'll: 11.t SI" -f, Hlc-t'I' IMI t, WUI"'"" !Ml J, ll:eun (I J. O!"l fttl : 4 1"'· ' Of -1. Wll"'4:ii' /M' t 11'11'*' IMl J, \'1111h'U"1 <Ml. ortt1nc1: 111-1 TJ -I, lurillll ( j J, Wood Il l l. H1lft!TlllNI (Ml. Olllfncl: »·SY! • Vlf'lltt • .... ,,. 17,l (GI Mlf'llll 11111 -I. l rllo CWI 2 ll:•ft9• (\Ii i .I. Hlrllflll IM), Tl1111: JO.I. 220 -I. ll:tllfr (WI 2. HtwkfN (M) l l"erler fW), Time: n.e. 440 -l, DYfr !WI I. Ll"ll•rlll (W) J, C1m111ttl, IM). TtrM: SI. , a10 -l OV1r (W• t. lltld (M) t. llDltllt• IMI ""!' ,,.~. M It -·1. MM"IYll (M) I. INl'l'"I (W) 1, rohl!ll,a {MJ. Tl,..1: 4:Jt.1, 2-M llf -1. lhrllll !M) J, H1rr1n (Wl 3, lr,.,,ldc (Ml. r me: 111n .2. I~ H .. -, Oontlo IWJ I, Tur111r (WI S. lllnbO IM . Time: u .1. 1 fJH -I Tl'l'Klr 'Ml ). '111ltle :M; 1. llll'Mf 1~40 •1"1:~ ~~·. Wt1ltl'"· Tim,: '4.4. , M!lt 111v -1. W•lll'" Tl1111: 1:2S.l. HJ -1. Sumr1l1 IW' t. lM (Ml I. Thotn•IO" IW\, H•l11111: H U -1. G1'6111 (M) I. L11rewlld fW) ), ..... ..,." fWI. Ol1ll11CI : •fYi ' il'll -l. C~rvo fWI J, Grlltllt1t1 !Ml S. C•ftrlllY IMl Mel01'13: 12-4o. sro -I, "'°" CW) t . Jell/IMf! (1,1) J, MCCr•• (Wl . Ol•I~ : J2~. ... W..tlni CUI ~:\.,,~rlN 100 -1 lltcl111) !WI t. (Ml 1. Lf'oW IMl. TIOM: 18.L DO -1. Nllrlell IMl I. Vtlhr (M) S. Gklotll,.., IMl. Tlmt: 24.•. '611 -1, lltldfE IMI 2. Nlt!Mn !Ml l. Grlvelln (MJ. l lrM: 1:31., !ml -I. M"""l<ll fW' I "•-(W) J, Mor"tlltl t IMI. 111'111: J:ll,4, Ir. HM -1. T•ell (W) I, fllf'f!" (W) J. •tlllllll IM , Time: ''·'· I ~ \M I. Tlltl' IW) I. M1••ll 1Ml J. ll•llkl" IMl.Tfl'M!: IU • &IG •etav -l , MttlM . l •m1: 1:11.J... "' l•l•tteM (Jll Utl il'-11111 V•lll'I 1110 -1. TllomlllO'I (Fl I. Si.ftllW !I) J. Krtuflll' (f ), t lrM: lf .,, 11111 -1. IU"1HY {I ) t. W11'81'1 (I") 1 SllftllW Ct l, Tll'M: lf,4, ..... Ma -f. Guttlll'r•r Il l t. Wi tt! (I ) 1 '" Ill. t 11111: ''"·'· •I , 12211 -1. ll11m1n (I!) I. Slremlllrf f .. rollr<t tl"l. Tlro\9: S:Jl.I. 120 LH -1. •1l'lllll' II ) J. Krwtrw 11"'1 I. lllemllll!I ll'l. Tl-: 16,I. U> Jltlll' -!. l"'-llln V1llrf. TllM: 111. HJ -I, H1naen ii!) I. Zeek Il l l. ~ (I!). Htltflt: S.,. U -1. l1t111tl II!) t, l-'!'11 fl ) S. llfllt (II. ObltfKI: lM. rov -'· C•1wf0rll fl!) l. • ...., Cl") s. IWllllll (11. Hllll'll: 1M. , tro -1. Scl!llHllO !l l 2. lloNl'fllrl Ill') l •1tc1i: {I ). Olt!lfttl : 4"'Yi. !See TRACK, Pllt lll • ~ Quarts NOW~ • The~cat. Theoronae-m.t iour 'tbat mt .. "1' uqulek U I W. la-'I In-Puuycot Mix and 8'r!Y T-maka It purr-feel All< for Imtut Puaycat Mix 1t your f1vorite food or liquor .atore. 1l>fat4l'uslytlt sl-' ... d S2.,S to: Earlyl'llltl~t Ol-P.O.lm: l7t,MapliP1aiD, Millll. '5),,, ..,__...,.,..__. .. u:.1u...iy. • ,.,,, • WLf TIMD DllTIUD't ca., LOUllMUI; Im .... J I r I ·~ T13't T~ w ~·~1 .. ,. ,. l,ltl (L,1.11 ~l!lo ., Tl:r.;' ·~· u Jl:•,11 '·s~ ~If w*l ~~ ·~ fl l 3 •• '·'I.I l lH'.f .u ·~' . v 1-s'J 7j "~I e:J.,. .... 3. (; •• " '· T •• >." I I' ' , . r , D41LY l'ILOT Jf Track ·Roundyp· • • • TheA~P~lmerMethod Women'• Golf ... 3 Costa Mesans Prep S~m Summ~ IC..-!nm Paco 11) ., ••.. ,.., .•..• , _. f(?!. ~:A l J. C/lttr1 tAl J, K'f"ll ~ ~~ 2. C111W1 (Al 1. I G;t.!i':•i';t"""' '"' • 'r.1 '~·11,\-'"' • I I f,·'!j~ j:y °"" (Al ~ l~.it;=r,1f.1~°1ii't N~ IAI la HH -I. "ICkJOrd (Hl I. Ht!! .... (Al J. C1lllt IM), Tlmt: lS.I. llO lH' -I. )ff"lfK (Al f, Plckftre IH~Cllfft Ut), Tl!IW: tlJ, Mi llttt¥,,-I, AM.~ \lll'MI! ... I, Div.it. lli4l -I ... 111,,.,fl\. Ht hf'M Tr~~ 1'wh'En:~"t~· Stt11t (Al a. 1~U ;; \Ai.'"!f~:i.~~.~ .. ~,..,. fAl J. ' ... -.. 11ti'\'\1'"~1 •• ~.-· -I. ,,., II' H11. GorlM!I !AJ a Ht rlllfrl IHJ, UllllMt: ~io·­...... ... 11.,,.. IUJ no ANhMl!I ~.1::.,;...1 .111':'1{'~,/~/)J, MuFHl•r !HJ 229 -I, , .. ,...... HJ J C i.iw:t IH~, Mf'~.'H/• Tl'"': 14,j, .,._ ' r.r." (HJ, Jr,,..C:~ 1\~/.2,' ArlltHI IHI 1 . -I, W1llooJN I.I) 1. LIOY\11 00 f. 1,.uc.ur lHl. Time: ):31.1, HH -I. M!Kllwl!J 00 J Sell!llMll CAJ J, l.rnolfl (H). flmt: 11.0: 12CI LH -I, ieion'lell '"I ' Mlllditwltr (HI :t. MUW111y IHI. TIM:' ,,,,, , 110 llt!tY -1. Hunth'lt!&11 8.!ttll Tlmt : 1:•1./· · '"HJI ~ -I, &*'*111\d (H) 1, CltlOrtllltY "' ... "° tlllrd. r.•ltl!!: ~·· • ci~J :-..... 1.1HF>"'ll y ["\· I. l:tlN IH) J, .,.., 1l111tt, 1M . C ~V -I. A.tit.en l*iJ, ArMld !+4} I. II IY CH), Ht ; Ml. S -1. MllndtY H) t. TWlolo (H) I. Drtnlnt ~HI. Ol1tt1Kt : 40-11'11. CH ~ H111111111i.. "("! 11) l.rttll'-•i!O -1. KtWlfl/<111 (tt) t. Ttc.llt U Oil~. "•tte11 IH). Tlmt ; 11 •• Oo -1. Tklltti Oil t. IC1wt 1t1.1clll IH~2. "°'fir (HJ. Timi: H.I. -), Trt lllOI' IH) J, MHdltll (HJ '· et1tr CM). Tl-: l:tl.t , l»CI -I Wft!ttktt CAI I Jel'l11M11 (HI). A&Nv (H). llnlt : ):I :1. UO LH -1. 'If fwtl (HI 1. Kt ll1y 11-11 3. ''''°" fl-I ), Tl111t : 16.1, 140 ililtY -1 1-!Ullllntlfn lttd1 , Tl-: J0 .3. 1-!J -1. oe-•v (HI J, Miiii( 11-1) :t. Pit tfl~. Htltlll: .H. U -I. T11rrt1 IHI J, Mldlllll IMl :t. LPl'lllfirl CHJ. 0111tllCI! 11-1. t i/ -1. lie t "*'f Cowcllll 110, KtrlY fHl 1"41 AP!dtll11 IH). Ktilt lll! 1-4 ,,. -I. L.nNrl IHI 1. 111!11'11 (M) 1. /It "'1rd. O!i ltntt: !1·11.'J. v .. ;:I N....,.rt f1U O r1 llO -I, Ami" !N J. 'tu'11n l1M1lltm IL l l. l l lll Y fl 1,~"'" l"-bCI :r:~; MllM r l L lltrlot 111 1. Cu 1....., flt T 1: ~ -1.~oeu11 e'11.'ltl11t111 CLI J. U~fl!'l. TJIN: I, -1, llullv I , Hutll)ll Ill I. P,91 r IN\, Tl,...: : ,J, · -1. Crou 1 i1~. l t llfl!I !NJ l . H~"'[o'" !Ll. Tl1T11: 1:.U,~. "-'II -I, MoleMI f,.I t , l u!Kll ~: 't:f:'.~~' INI lkllool r-111, MW -1. H I fNl . Sltw•rl IL Ji Strltklll!d /;r.TltMj· ~(.6. 1• LH -I. Stew.tr! I L~j P'i•!titrtv ILl l. t.rK1 fNl, T.,.,,.: . "' "'I'" -1. LMr•. T rnt: 4S.71 Sir. 1llw -· 1. N.....wt. T rrr.: ): j ·-1, JohnMl!I ILl 1. 111•1 V11dt1 t ~II IN!. H,IOlll: t'· JJ -1. H~111 !Nl 2j lt(llll fl ) ~. ""btH flit}, DI' •Mf! 1,,. -I. Gul'llltr-CNl 7. Ol1!111l1llo IN) J Tl.ldl:tr fN \. 1*11111: IJ.fl. St ·-I, Mtl•111 IL\ 1. 01k1 IN) l . DllllY Il l. Ot1111tCjfj: J2·l'll. Ntwffrl ul r 'i' LN •I ~-1. H6"t /NI , CMedo INI ), W,. u !LI. T111'\t l 11 • -1. HoeM CH) 1. McCune !Nl J, W~~ :~t.T~I i11/i.1i j· 00 ... !Ll L !Nl. : l· . /~ 1. HI :1 .. Jffi f , Sl\trl"f IL) 2. 'l,;.t..,. on. IMt : J:,.•. "1 HH -1. trout f I I, 1!:1cll!I' 1N1°1. ,.rttll1 (Ll.•~"lf: '·\· llO LH -I. l!sr .r !Nl . P~rftt!t 1Ll1 Clll•INl.Tmt:lj'· --..e 't9!1y -1.N_..t. lmt: 1:41).G, U -1. ClllMe (NI 2. C•11111Mll Ill i MOMI !Nl Ol'l'llC" 11·2. . ,.V - 1. MV.rt !Ll 1. P'MI" /NI llMI 1111r1J Hr .. 111: 11-6 '" '_ I Mtlv,;.i.I n.1 7. Ct••,...1111 00 S. MU111tlll (Nl. Ol1l•11Ct: U·llYt. '" •IWMf'I 1 .. 1 \HI L.,.,, ·~ 1. M~lr&v I H ·7, ,1t tc11 !Hl J, rtDll INl. t lll'lf: 0 .. ' -1. Muir..,. !Nl t,, Wllrl' !LI L Limlf'1ill IHI. Tl'"': lt,o. 6'I -11 Wik\' it.I J, l(u,,.,.•!ftlll CNI 1 JG"" IN). TIMI: l :ll!., ·1 -1. Ml1111r if'\J . o · .. 1r1 CNl S. _.,. fl. 1. Tlnlt! Jt .I. nt lH -1. l'ullllfftlde 2. 11ur111wltl tl I >. lt!Mtnfltli (Ll. Timi: lS.•. l.M •tt1Y -1. ""'"""· Tlrnt: .. , •. "J -1. "!,~ri,~' lffl t. H•r111«1 HI ('tJ""_!.'dll. ~~ li.\'·1. LI~ !NI J WI .... !Ll. Oh1t~' 1 .. t l.!t . 'l'V -1. lilt"<I' !NI 1. 1-!t rll'IOll IN) .t. ""lltt lNl. H~•~ir,!l.t. CtlM CfJl l~I LM Al1t11I,_ l(VI -1. lo\11~'· ff'\ I. Grf'tr (LI J. J . Tt!llt tC\. Tltnt: 10\. i -, !\rter ft. ' M!llt !Cl !. J. T CCJ. Tl""I~ '!·'· -1. Cew (, I t. fir-" fl ) ), W!iifCl. T!mt: ll.I. ..._ 1, 1t111"" !Cl 1.-Q111111tt1 Il l ~· Nn IL\ Tlll'ltlj 1:6'.1. ,..1 -1. vetvr 1 li..l t , we~ IC I L l flter fLl. TllM: 1:14.1. 7,'o\Jlt -I. L-1 I\~'· nt11na ICI J . ~11 (LI. 'Tl..,.,: ''1.1. Ill MH -1. WYllll !Cl l. ktlr!*ler (L) i . Ltt1611rit~• Il l Tl'7\f: u .e. 'Ji I.I-I -11 fvt~lck fll \· Trtcf !Ll ,f. llr8tder LI. Tlll'lt : 11 .. lt<tltv -!. C-. 1191 Ml•. 'Tlt"e: At.I ' 1-1~ lt'lt v -1, Ctrlfll Ml Mtr. Tlll'lt: l :ll.6. HJ -1, riUil Of>nW !Cl tlltl G. l(,;.m (CJ 1. r.11111111 Ill. 1-1•1•11•: ._,_ U -1. GrMr (LI t. IUl'tll Ill J, • ,, .... 1ci ~··'·~="·I If -. \'•Uflhll I '· 11tlt r Ill ), ~trklr !ll Htltllt: 2.f. s~--1. l . T•ll !Cl t, ••own (C l l . C~h Ill. liltt~fl(I: J1,.1.4r, IKlll -1. 'htl ... !Cl 1. J TM I ~: f;.f,1_11 (Cl. M:llMI rtc&rd), Olt11~. C•M fftl 1J.'f ... .ll111tll .. 1111 -1. Mt rlU uJf. Ot't"•rt !Ll 3. Wl\•"11\ 1r.1. Timi! 1ft,A. no -1. Dev-ILJ '· WltNn cc1 J. W'J2t" (C). Tl"": 14.li • ~ -1. ~r.,::rr ~) 1. Ortll (t;l) l. 1~~ J'. :1.,.,::::1J :1 i~·1,...1n1 Ill a. lrvcb 1(1 TllM: );lr.1, \fl\ HH -I, M""" 1r1 2. ltlmtlnt tr fl S. M ttllrll. Tlll'll 11.1. 1» ,t.H -I. MhWll (Cl 1. ltlmtlnotr Il l 3. M tfl!rll. TIMI: IS,1. · Me 1t111v -1. Cor-dtl M1r. Tl · l • J • l(J·_' i 'M'ttllll fCI I M1llt11 IC\ S. --CC&iiHtlthl: M . . U -1. 11 {1.1 2. ltrl., ICI S. "tt~liiln \Ll . llltJKI! 1 · -..v -. M. i'i'-rCI lf'l'«lll Ill S. 1'1111 nll,..., M1f1 1· 1 • · s~ -1. 01r11 t1 GE-cc i s. M~tt 1CJ. Dllt111~•~· >·(,. , I -1. Ml c I 2. GrHt111 (L f.tuet'llll (L 111nc1: tA.O._ CllM f'll Ill 'f -Al•l'lltlt 'D-' 1. lrWft ll'r\ 1 Ctrfl CCI I. "" 1Mr I ), Tiii · I. , J -1,?.,. .. "?f:) t. ~tll1lnor lCI l. C•w~n.t~11 !Cl. 'fi';,.11: to 0. , '60 -1, MIWll IC) t. t .ri\lllWft ICI •. ·-"' ~:ri· """ · m-'I IWl!I j t~ McGH (Cl l . Gl IL . Tl ! : .1. i. ~~r -:-tii:l'f'i.t~~I t. Hl-•nn !CJ · i. ,.~!I./., -I C1ren1 IHt Mi r. Tl : jf,ji, -I • IC! I HllM!I ICI l. I ( • I : -6 , -1,1.i.'-"f! I/' ~-w'fJ." m a. "'"'"'~" 1CT:;'?i 1, -IW:~: .t1 . WfttllltMtlr 11 1 ffl) 111111 Vtrtll'f' 109 -1. Wlllhl!t ISi t. l d'!lit rt11 {II t. ,.Ol'lf fSl. Tlll'll: ll~t. ' Dt -l. lfwaNll llJ f, Wll!ttlll ()) l. MM4 Il l, Tln'll1 n.t, .... -I, H1l'l'ltl IJ) 't. K~ Ill 1 lltq' (W). TJl'lll: 3f._Z. NI -, 1. Ht rrtll (I) 1. OMWNrll JI ) 1 $1111'\tv IW), Tlll'\t: 1: .. 1, Miit -1. GtMf lS! t, ,._ (W) Alv1r1r cw1.1 T1n141 : t;a .4. >Mlle -I, 'CIMlll'f' ISi l. ltkY CWI l. l"tllf"I {WJ. TitN: ll:tl.l. 1• HH -I. Gll'l'llr {11 t. W. ISi a. Stlvllll ISi. l'hN: 1J,t , IN 1.H'"-1 .... ,..l !SI t. GflmtI ISi 1 Wtllll !SI. Tll'tll: 19.'- Ltl llltf -1, 1t11tt Ant. Tlrnt: U..... Mlle ktllY -J, s.1111 A/ti. Time S:ll ,I. HJ -I, H~t ISi' t 111-ISi :t. '°'tlll!IMllMI' IWI. H•t: Soll. U -I. ~'tilt <Sf f, Crtwtor111 IS) a. lfttrd1 Ill. Dl1t1ri<1: 11·11, ~V -I, 'L9'1i Ill t. Ll.lll'tl (S) S, ltWt'\ (l l. Mtltlll1 I .... '" -I, Nlclt'f ii ) t, Mtltl!ICI (W) J. kllrlllllf I I. Ol1t111ni .JWYt, DlkUt -N& .ntc:U1, , ....... ti!' (111 1111) , ......... ... s. ':V1;;.~ l.(S~.~T.:: ~t~,. t. Kt llll fll , no -, 1. lllwt rll• ISi t. Dunktr !S) S. OttJell ISl. 1'1.,.1: '11.t. 1Wie -I. CllrO!lt nlDll IS! 1. lllMIM {$) 1 Sltv .... (I}. ThM : \;)1.1. 1.no -I, Ovlttlt IWJ l. V ... l Ill 1 'Mt.,....._. 111. Tlmt: J:111.1. , na HM, -1. kett II ) t Mtnhllf (Sl l. Howlt IWI. Timi: 17.1. UO Llf -I, J.n1111 il l t. Lept! Ill S. St111! !Sl. Tl.,.t: 1•.0. n o 1t111v -1. S•"" A~•. Time: l itt.1 HJ -I. l"tr•tr CWl 1. M1rall1H {S) 1 M1y1t Ill. Htl,111: S.10. U -Wv~ 15) t. Htvtt (I ) :t. K1t111 111. Ol11tne.: 11·11. "v -'1. v ... IWl 2. C111mo (I} 3 •• j.ltYfMll IS). Htl•lll: 11..0. SP -1. IC.vrrt ac:h ISi t. P'rtrt (W) J, lltylm !SI. Ol1l111tt : u.3'~. Dlac:111 -I· Ho DIM:lll. CH WUll'l'lll\otllf C•I !WI Stfllt AMI 100 -1. J.tY !JI J. Gtttt~ (W) J. Torr11 IS). TlrM: lt,I. lflO -I. ll tf ISi t. Tlll'rt1 l•I 1 Gtlttft !WI. Tl-: u .e. "° -1. s1111n1r cs) t .Olit CW! l. Tr1"tt•111 fW!. Tlmt: l :Jt,I, 1»0 -1, C"""llV ill 2. Mtrl1t IS) l. 1"•111« IW\, Tlmt: J:ll.O. 111 LH -\, Cllflllll"""' fJI t. M .. I-CWI L Ht rrl1 ISi. Tlrnt: IJ.L •• lt:tttv -Wt111!111111tr. Tl1111: •.s. HJ ~ I, t rytnt l•l t 1'1-IS) 3. Cl1rnt111 fW). Htl1M: S·t I U -1. ltt¥ {SI 2. C1nn111 IS) l. VOiier !WI. Oltlttic:t: lf·l. PV -\, S._ IS) t ,._. II ) l. WIU11m1 fWI. Mt 191\I: lM. S" -I. Slbl'tr .. ISi t. l't lt rM (SJ L McKlliflll (I). Dltltnct : 411. VAISIT"f U111YtrliW Ut l Ull t .... ltNfk 100 -!. DllW•On CS) 2, llllSt (U) J, Fl<tl'~I IU). T!iM: 10,, '11(1 -\, l rt<llOl'tl (UI 2. P'rtmt (J) J, C&ltttl !Ul. Timi: ~··· UO -,f&rtclfOI'• Ul I. G'ff" CU) ) H~ll fUJ . Tlmt: ft, . ... -1. Grtlll (Ul t Adolel'l IU) l. Cllt!ttf IUI. Tlmt; 1:01,0. Miit -'· ll:on IU} 1. Gon1tl11 CSl ), ·~~r;i~: i 0l: J/;r.t\s,;~1 . ..s0.1tor1 rul , Gt lYI " IU). Time; 10:).1.1 ' !~ HH -I. CuMD fjl l· McGoua (I) J, VtrOtrllt rr IUI. Tl"' : 1•.1. llO LH -\, Otwtlll fSI 2. (OIM:ll l!il J. Mc0-11 CSI. Tl .... : tl.2. uo l:•l•t -I. slddi.Nck. Tl"'" ~Ju. lltl•Y :: U11lv•t11!f, Tl-: J:~,;1:... L C1n .. 1v !U) 1. CD!llM (S) 1 M<GOOJOll fSJ. Htlaf\1 : .J.I, &lo -1 (';rttll IUl 2. 1.0olol'I (U\ f U -I, Prt1IOll tUl J. L•1•r (S J. '"""'" !fl· 011"""': 1 1-1~. PV -, COii iil [SI t. RIOllWI CU) J. k\ol !UI Hl lllll: 1).t, I I I' -I. EllQK91'1'~ tSl t. Mldtl ton (Sl J, S<ll\lltt11 (UI. O"tt11et : "-'"'· 01$Cllt. L Ml(lllltlOll Il l '· Jl'71tS (!i) l Htl'lllrd CSI. Ottlt11tt: 12'-10. . o .. u 11lvH•llv OJI IM) S1clt1-.e111 I > 100 -1 51..dOw•I ~II t. "'" .. ($ • M~ft~I i'k,~~·~I 1t1·1. Mllclllll ISi J. /l.r•vt •SI. Tlmt: i.2. IUI > "' -I f ir! 1•1 T. Grffl'I • Citerv (\Jl. 1-: 1:J1.1. !3'11 -1. Jtll•l11 (S) 1. &r1n1011 (Ul > r.el'l11tot1 ISL Tl~: f:ll.l. ( 1 LH -I l(nlciftl I ) 2. lti'N SI :a, otiho" tS). II"'" IJ.1. 120 LH -1. l(nlgft! 1$1 2. atrrt Cll {J1 l Nt lll!nl. Time: 11.ft, Tl Mo ' ll:tlt" -I. Slddlebtrt, mt : 1'lll·-I. $ull1Vtll IS! 2. 1'~111 II) J. Hofl"'tn 1JJ, H1l11hl : ~I.. I (SJ U -1 M•tcl>tU !51 1. S•Nlo\!1 J,~~ll~•~. (1/i~l1ttsi\'. ~~. IU) t. •r~1~ ,c~h.~:11:hU.1 1 ~:°K11b4ir 1u1 i ,1tob••"''"' 1s1. 01111ncr1·,•,•?'l-.... • ts) Oltflll -. Fwllon . .,... ' •bft¥11"' !SI. Ol1t11Kt: 1 · '.. c .. Uflllvtrll'Y II/ 1'11 StlllltMdl lilO -L N!d\111 (Sl 1. 0 . Mlll'rltlll IS) J s M11rrllll• !S). Tl .... : 10.s I llf'I' -· 1 NICllD'I ($! 2. 0 . MllH tlll 151 3. FllMJ 151. flmt: It.I. ISi > 660 -\, c;1llH01 (51 J. H""'°' • "l'!o tSJ. l !mt: l :ll.J 1 _ 1. Crtw19rd !SI 2. Achor (U) J orutltt Il l Tlrnt: J:•4.1. 'ue LH -1. •••v~r (S) J. MUl"O ISJ l. C•rllft1t CS\."'tlnw: lt.t. Tl • 4'CI l'l.1!1Y -I, S .... lt&lrt, 11\f:. "Jj -I C1r111111i.1s1 i. Lt u••"' IS) s wor1111!ee1 (Sl. H! a111: i.i. Il l 1 0 LJ -I, NlcMll ( l l. l 1tvtr · fl~!1h tSl. Ol1t•ntt: 1 .. tv.. PV -1. 1;1r~ (5) J, Gt rflt !Sl J, h\';.b1.:'1'.0_.l·,~fnt~1 ~s\°'f.· Jtd•ion CSI '·o~~~!.st~ .. ~~~r'i1:1 ~~t\".-,. ttl s. Mt rtlntt IS). Dl''l llC:t : IJ.t, YA SITY Or111H !Ml 141) SM C""""'lt 100 -1. Frvt !5) 2. Ltontrll (0) J. Hulhlv (0l. Tl"": !0.2. no -1. Fr'ff 15 ) 2. 1lu11 !Ol a. Adtmt (01. Tlmt: J).6. U(t -I, llUll (0) 2. l lktr (0) J, """'" IS). Tl mt: ii.). MO -\, V11-! 10 1 J. Ktllllrltk IOI J, Hur!Dul !Sb ""'''I 2:tl.6. Miii -1. t ltC'o' 0 ) 2 .Nor!Ofl CO) l . l"tttf" (SJ. Tl1111: 2:01.,, Miit -1. Otlltt'I' 101 J, fflll'ton (0) l . Pllltl' IS>. Tl~: t :)l,7, t·Mlle -I. Slldl IGl 2 Llmlit U. !SI 2. Alld4'10ll \S). f!'711: lt1l 1.•. no HM - . DllY•ll IS) J. Ytullt (01 I, V1"'8rk11tllll' 10). Tlrnt: 16,, IN LH -1. Hink.., 10) t. Ttrry l•I J, Ytv/lf CO!. llmt: 21.1, TJ -1. llH'-fO) t. 0.111 (01 S. """'-(0 ). Obltt'IC•: J7-I"' . "V -I. IMnt IOJ t. kl111bltl Cll I. /Mdl11 fO). Ht lt'll; ICM. .,. -1, l'tltfMI\ {0 ) 2, MCClllltoclr; \t. 1. Hlt'llfM!I ll), Olttt nct; 4> ,,flf"".;c,\fi~-ro,~0b~,::.:..~m ••• ,, ... _.. °""'" 1111 1411 .... ( ....... tt ). 1ro11T..~"i'~m!~\.~•-"r1111r IOI tt0 -I. fl'.UW! (0 1 J. P'rtMr Il l 3. ""ltf' IOI Tlfl'lt :~1,•·i­t1:r$i1°J.T~.ff:)t1~1u1rl ISi I. na -'1. 1111r 101 t. MlftM 101 a. P't,tllr t•I. Tllllt: l :f1,lc 121 LH -1. Oil.,.... gl J. Jtl'Wttoll 11) J. Ortlr 10\• Tlmt: U.•. 4411 Jl:lllV '-, Ol'tl\ff, llll'ltl 4 ,1, MU• lltlt v -I, Oflllfl, Tllfll.: ):JA.6. ' "J -I, TllJOn (J) 1'. "llllllPI IOI J. ••rt tSI. Htltl'lll J.V • 1,:-_ 1., .. ,_I <O/ t. VMlllf&t fS ), ... ...,1111"' I ), D .. 1nt1= "°''"'· l"V -I. l!"Vl111 fOl J, Klrt19111 10) a. M6rll" (G). Htlttii: M. SI' -I, 0 .. ll'f (D J. ~111r•t11 f$J J. cn1111 101. 01111""1 .-.w • -., Scllrtm IS) t. Clt •k (0) '· l!n1r1m ! J. Dltltntt: 110.1" TJ -I. AITlft 101 t lurdl IOI J. Elltnhol"' II !, OllllllC:t: Jt.lt. V•'1lty L~ UI) If.II lrtt ICIO -I, 0111m 1\1 1. 1!1rl !I ) 3, S'-11 Il l. '!mt : 101. llO ->1 Coll1n'I !L t. Gv!llrlt (1 1 l, Allil"'°" LJ. Tt1111: j°' 4'0 -1. G11ltlr l• f I 2. Jullt " fa \ l , "lllf\fr fl I, Tlmt $3,t . . "' -11 Julltn 111 j· lrlollt !Ll J. C:1,tro II . 'TlfTI": 2: I. . . Mlle -I, oet..c• Il l 1. l"rlck!l1 !LI i. cor1111 11'l:-r1m1: .,,,.1. 2-.Mllt -I. Wtbtr !Ll l1l\lltkll fl) J, Wllllt m1 Il l. Tl'"": ~:111 1. M!!'~HC I) L 10t~~=1'fl L \l,,..li 16.l . Ito LH -' C1re1n1tr (11 t , Mt•~ 1113, K11sMtetdl /Ll. Tlmt' n,~.l.i -llt ltv -!. LIOUftl lttth. Tlmt: d .!. Miit ltlltv -I. '~'; Tlmt: J:ll.1. HJ -I Al'l'!tlllll l . Nflt"' CL! .1. G<~l'llll,;i, !I I, ~Ill : J-6 --1: '11Utrla11 Il l !. Ct<EHtn•er !I J. Orl1~0H !\l· Dl1t111et: lt·l'j · ' -'i MeN• r (L1 J. HtllHll r l 3. Sw .. ntv LL Htl1111: 1Ml. ~I' -I, l lnltV Ill t. "*'" !I I l. W1rrt11 Il l, 01,ttri<t : O·ll. OIM:UI -I. 111111'1 !LI t. itiull iLl J, Mu11tltlr4 !LL Olsttri<t; 12'-J. OH LMIHll !HJ IMI l rllil 100 -I, MlrflJ'llr fl l I. COllntll (LI J. .~tr·•• 1a1. I'"'' 11 o no -I. Mttr ,,., (L\ i. COlll'llll (l) :i. °""" 11 1. Tl'""' n .o. 6'0 -1. lrtekmtn lL! t. Wt!ltu f~l.J.: tolt1 Il l. Tfmt: 1:321. t:,'i -I. Vt-/itlltk il l 1. 'ft rbtll (I ) 1. !XI U':. '-1i . .,l.~f~ 1ili1·~. Ct~ ll 1 J, Grttne.r* 1a1 Tllne · t.I. no )H -1. ~htrll !LI 7. C111 !L) >. Fl~v L l. Tlm1: 11.J. llCI fl1v -1. L11un1 t 11e/\. Time: '''°i'· M. -1. C111 ILi 2. 11.0lf'lt ILi J. I . McMll'llll ILi. Htlo111: S ... U -1. Mt,.,llllr LI 1. HUtfl IL\ J, HOl'rl• 1a 1. o:s:~: lt.,"41. 'Pl{ -l. t u lltl' ILi f. Htric!lrJOll ILi ~. l 1r1 /Ll. Ht lel'tl: t.6 SI" -' 1. Dt~kllllll fl I 2. i!r1lo IL 1 J, Sllloktv Il l. Dl\Jt11ct: .U.J'A.. Olt(UI -1, Crt l• Ill t. 01fllcwl1t ILi J, Wlll111t !I I. Olt11ri<1: 1116-4'~. "' L ....... 1 .. ,,.., \H\IJl t r .. 100 -1. Vf"''' II t. S!Tt"' Il l ), 'J 1\1. lrM: 11 .J, 1 -. a 111ow1v (LI 1. l tr1l11 fl ) l . IM ILL Tlmt! 70.I. -1, ·-11\0 !l l J. Gt ll-•Y Ill ), ,~u·~ i'_L \-:Ji~ lLV··';. llOblnMlll (11 l , Mt Mll !Ll. Tlmt: ]•:If.•. 1211 LH -1, O"'ur• Il l 1, V•r11s ft.1 3. lrYMn (LI. Tim•: 16.0 Ult l1llV -I. l •tunl A .. IKll, Tl ... t : 4'.•. HJ -l. c.,.1~ ILl 1. Am1cle11 !LI J, l mM 1\1, "41lolll: s.I>. LJ -, ltno Cl ) 1. Omurt lll l 3. our"" fl l. 011t•1K1: u-5. f'V -1. Weoll fl l 2. ,...,, !l l ~. ti& A111Mlt11 Ill t nll S11t11¥ !Il l. ·H11o111: 10.•. 51' -1, W. lll"Wv fl,l l . Cettt m !ll 3. ""Tl""'' 11111. 01,11w: ••·11'. OT -1, 'Wj tt~lev fLl J. Colftm Ill ). C9"fl'lr fL , Olltt llet : tf.j, Women's Athletics •lr11' VtlllYUft lllftrMl'lllt llk lM9" Wllf"'IMftr !Cl IJJ Uli ...... lltr Mr\lor I IWI -).1. ~u1111r 1 1w/ -,.,. ;.~.=·, 1Li1.J:"J.i!· Hllllltl ...... Ill au VIit ,,,. ~I: 11=1 = , .. : "'""""'' \Hl '-ti 1-2. Fl'llllmtn I HI 16'1 14. C•lt Miii (It ) UI •-11111 Vtlll Y ~"' ! !B ::::: 1:1: ~I fP'l WDll t-0. Fr1111mtt1 I !l"l -2-&. *t!'M~1 ~~ d.\1 ,...._« Jurilor I f!l WM 1-1. ~I I ii) le.it 0·1. Frt~ll"''" t !l!l won 2·1. CllM ftl !fl II Mttltlll StnlOI' I CCI wen t·I, Junl&r 'I !C w1111 1~. ' ~-fCl-'-"· F'"111'1'11n I !Cl _. 1.f. Ct"'"9111 ... Lt•t• Mt rlt11 flj!li """'!ti V1r1llYJ M! won , •• , JS.11. IUrill!!' 1r11tr !Ml !11~1 O·ll, O·t . Ha rlt 1• aim .. flllllf') t.;11111 111 UI TVllH~ V~r,ltv \ weri r· Jllfllor 1r111r, !l -14. Se1111r l ti M> f ' lllllor I I -1·1. w11tme ... ILi .... I.I). '""'""~ (l) -J-0. ' ' COUNT YOUll O.UJI The Rules or Golf allow you lo carry 01117 14 clubs, Doft't risk a penaJty 'by c:arryins more. It's Very e11y to accidtnt&Uy ttow an extra club (w hile tryina: out a new p\ltttr. for example) ud tbtn foraet abo ut haYins it in the 1'11. So make a point to count your duba bdorc eYry round-especially before coinpttition. And count once apin after the round . Tbae dars when so many player• are u1in1 caddln carryinc two· hap. o r are sharias satt cars_ it's &JI too 11.sy to ·accidentally sli p a club into the wrons ba1. . :.;:o ,. tu.11........, ..... - THERE'S A WRONG wAv ANO A RIGHT W4.Y TO PRACTICE GOLF! l t ,rn the ,l&ht w1y from Arnold Ptlrntr'1 Nelfltt. "Pr1ctl~." S.n,d your rt-etuttt, ttc9'her will'I • .ttempM, rtti.trri •nv•I0'9 •nd l oe. to Arnotd P•lm•r I e/o ttllt ntwt,.,.,. Coast Area Tennis, -Tw for Low Net Two C fllghtera and o B Women'• Golf Club Utd fN" fll&httt In lht Calta Mesa Women 's r.olf Club tied for the lowtsL three-game net dur- 1111 Febru1ry-Rulh Schllll111. Betty Walthall and ~tty Brown all turned in scores of 211. H11ul Websler took her ewitomary le1td in the A night for the women'a 1olf club's most recent cros,, county event . with Betty Stlv1 Me stroke behind at 29. B ·Flight •clion found Betty Brown In first (28',1,), with Del Gustkey and Marlon Voa11 tied for second with 32!1, Nlna Daniel!tn ' topped off the C ru1ht with• 21"'· followed by Shlrle1 J1ck.90n at 30\i . Seerlltt club, M11:11ie Waterman. and lda May ~rriaktr C'l~ed 14 pars In Ille A fll&hl, with Oli n Styg and Marat D11vlson one behind for stennd plact. In the combined 8 ind C fllghl.J, Edlth Marks and Vlralnla Beals .shared first plact with 13 pars. Ruth Whi t· taker cam.e In second with 12. With a net of 8~. Ka thy Br11i,J\1lord became Mtadowh11rk women '• 1 o If club'5 player of the month of Februtry. In 1 low ntl event, Lllel Murray cJtpturtd cl11ss A honors with 11 71. BM~ Barmaci netted 75 ln t•ke first place Jn ch11u B ,and B. J. Wella"«t turned In a 71 for the elm C •ward. Bit Canvon Virginia Lambert won the February Ringer in the Hun-Making the m<>!l pars in the tinaton Seacliff Women's rJ(llf A claM of the Big C11nynn Club. cl1s.., A. with Cheri wnmen'11 11nU club 'g mnst re. Ttiomas In second place. Liz cl'!nt tnurnament was Ann Brandenburg, Helen Cllwden Holstetn, just •head of Doris and Patty Schottmlller lied for Ulve and Elinor Hol11tein, who third. lied for second. -" Pat Penewell won fir111t In In B cllM, Pet Burlingham class.,B. with Evie Rice in sec-and Evelyn Earnsh11w tied for ond lind Betty Peterson In top honors with P1Uy Gall1 nt "l/'" ''"'• Yttt.v C I \ill MtrlM 1.!0; M ..... ltlty -, MtrlM, Tl11111 ... ,. M111 1m'i.-,~·~J~~ t:.:t H•~: 1"'rMr-f'' s(~ ~'r, \"~~ J:~, ;,r, -/· C1rcl..,a1 (1111 t. Kl• !Ml i. Ol'll" !'lflo Tl1"1~r··· ,,~1'i~"2. -;.,~. IM1'.'\'fo"' ~J .. qMll'IM JOI)'"'~ l'-ll:U. IM ,, NN11 11'1 .. Ocl\l11tr (,), Tlfftt! JI. .:.<rtM'7'\ i ~J::::i~1. ,~, ... ~ JI.!,_ - , ... -l .. 1•"11911 !,, t. 1't fitt 4 fMI J, l lcll 11'!. Tl"": 1:~>. lt.1 ••c• -I. lclll IMl 1. r:'i\~1:r ("") J, Wt/llllrvll Ill. TllTlfl ii I re.ti -I . Mtrl~ fM\::, I r._ (I') J, S"'lkwo II'\, TIMI: I: ..L nl ''" ll•ltY -I Mtf 111, TllTlft ''"·" .... ''"· VI M•Y Ul"'I 14t\<iil Mlrllll 1'00 Mt lll!Y lltl1y -, M1rl111. Tlmt: J:OJ.I. l'G(o "'"' -1. •*er '"' 1. 1c1-r111 !Ml l. s. w ... ,, fM . Time: l:ot.I. IO<I 111<1. Mlt:I ty -I. l'rt .... (Ml L H1trhM •Ml 1. fllt l W""1 (Ml, .,.,,., ti'\, n-; l:N.J. JO l'rM -I, Hlr•IY !'/ !· IL Wenttr CMI J, MtMtrlllll (, , !,..,.: ll.O. IOI l"IY -I. Wllllml" \P'l I. Horr! .... IM \ J. M<Ctrltlf IP'\. lmt 1,tf.J. !OO Frlf' -\, Hli" \1'1 't, 1•11,,.Y IMl 1, M11'1C1trl11t ! ), T """: J1,t , C100 l"lff -I, • t 1,.1 1. ft:!Wlr• !Ml J, $, W!llllf (Ml. ~l"flt : ':Jl.~. 10ll ... ,. -I, ll:Kllllr. IP'I l. F1rr1lt !Ml) l rlc:kMll IM), T "J'I! l:l't,t , ll(o .... ,1 -I. Wit .... IMl 1. 1'•111'11 (M) ), l!YIM Cl'l, Tl""': 1111,I· *I l'•M ltt!IY -1. 1'1111111 11 Vllltf, Tl,...; l :•l .•. ... t l11. Yt ltw (40 f:NI M1ttl'I ':GO Miii'-¥ lttltv -I. Mt1l11•, Tlmt: 2:0l.I Jiii\ ,.,.,. -l. Ctllllll•llt !Ml j· Ml,.. rill II') 1. NtbOll l'I. TllM1 J 1 I~ 100 Incl. MlllllY -I. Ar,,..,,tr !Ml 1. M .. .,. IP') l. Or.hi"'' l'I, mt: 1'1:'J'''' -I. 01•1 Horr?ttl I"'· McAt:llf> (I') J, Mtltl'llll t,I T '"": 1t.I. JO ,tv -11 Mllllftll 11"1 I. OthJntr tl'l J, HO'"'" {Ml, Tlrlll: If.I, 1111 "'" _ '· cy1Hn1111 tMI t . M<Adoll f_.I l. MOIW I'). Ti-: _9\l l se t.ae• -1. Mtrrln IP'! 2. _, • (Ml li.. t 11n l,l. N• T\mt . '° •.••. , -, A,, ... ,,,.,.. cMH '· MolJMU fJ) ). t it" !Ml. Tl111t: .I. )"tit l'rtt lt1lt f -!. l'tvnlllll Vt ltY, Tl..,.: 1: •• 6. JC Ten~s ' Golf,' Gymnastics third. Virginia Stevens ltd the comlna: In ltCOnd. There wu hnnor -winners In the third oo C class competlUon. cl11ss. Theresa Finizza and Those who netted th e loweRl Or1"'' c:Mtl' 1!'1!... ll"'il s.. ..... June Doyle tied for second. scores In 11 n odd-holes event in ~.,".""'1 !SI tf:'&6111t't111 un '"'· ..,, Tin Whistle winners were Rancho San Joaquin 's most ~11111 (!.J 11tt. ldlll\•••t·l. w. 1r111r S) hi I ve ~ I I '-'• '4 K1y MMer. Cheri Thom•• and recent women ·~ cOmpetltlon M:: 1 lsM ~"' 1 ·•· .. ~'· .. ldhlfl 1:)ft'tt11vr:.i: Gr11• !. M. IUI !Ml 72, dtf 1"11111111 {C) 71, •· June Claflin who tied fnr first were: Betty G1lla&htr, first C••v n, .. ,. 6 -:. o\ i, .... t 1En11.,.,,, (l l ,U~~· Gtrci• II.I ~11 J.•m 11111 7•. Ott Wlll!klludt 1ci "'· in class A with ~ polnts each: flight (40tn ); Jean OSkea, sec-1t!:.":.:.."°7Ai'~£'L. (SI clff. 11w11. 1 ~'; ~'."f~u:;~n 'it.'11n1. to Gr11'8 Ill ~'rvr."?J1"lt·";Jr.1f"C1 ~Sil ll. M. Jackie f'1tz1erald in c\au B ond night t38 J; Maxine Cr~V:'1Yi'f.1!'~~0 1 ••Ill wllll ""-'·~ 111~ 11 ) 11111 ... i.1, w. '·'· 1C11111r1c-M u, 4lf ~Urn"""" 1c1 with a 31; and Be tty J ohnson Strickland (41\lt l: and K ty ivc-•.,.lffl' 101 c111. "'1t1"'-6't1111 Wt rll 1 1 11111 a.... i.1,J.4: -4·•. '°' J.1. ( Le II ('" is •·•. a-J. su"°"' rl!i 1o11 e-•1 w011 .. 11 11111 44, ..,_11tk1 fJ ) in class C. ut w er ""Va ). Ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, J.I. WH!lftllltltr Olf,711 114.lll Aqlltbll h A Dtlllllfn L-hor11 -1. s11r1n 1w1 t. Marc Ct Day wlnnl!r WllS H••o •flCI "''-" 11 1 1011 to 01~1• M1111t1e• cw1 J. to1u1c11M 1w1. w1nn1111 El Toro Koy Moy. w~ nelt~ 1 l l. • ROOM ADDITIONI 1"41 Wtlllri 11\I 24 . ).I; !Ill. T1mur1 1e,r1· I U 1 •IU .,,, 111C1 Ay111 IL .. i , ...a. ,."•ti •~tr(l)I -t. JIN\-cw1 t. .,. S I t k fl I i h e KITCHI N llMODIUN• ,.~uuct •"41 s.11or Cl ! ie.1 0-6, H ; 24. sc1·~r •. ~~1 L Mt""" tw1. w1""1"' Three cliu A players tur~ rern prou oo r1 n t e • PATIO I CRl l N ltOOMI I la~ tl&ru -I. ,,v.,,.,, IWl 1. OrlMI ~.. I I' h I fl t first night of the monthly L•••• 11~T111)1~1{1~l1 11 o r1n•• Hio11 111• -Ku t1111 1w1 '· eu n ;J pers, s ar n1 rA t Ith 77 1' d Bo s ntle• rwi 3· Sk-iw i. w1n111,,, .c.•••·11.u . p1Bc1 ln the El Toro women's eve n w a · ru Y nt Mtrrvl!rld !LI Iott to L'j'" I ll '~' WOl)ltvn1kr !Al J, Ht n.r11 fWl. Wmil111 (75 ) WOn Sf'COnd Olght rom · ~:\ t': .;~=:~ ,':6~1 ci11 llln1en ,_., K;•,•.:.1:-l· "'l -1. Tomer.ii• cw i t. golf auoclatlon's last mnst petition: Vivi•n Troutman w<>n L•vkl CLI illd 1.11 l!ltt 1.,1 -.. ,; Holll'ltt iw i . 11u""'~ iw >. w1'"'1i,. part event. They w~re Carrie 1"' .... 1e11r•: 1.u . H the third with a 78; and Anna F111111 cL1 1011 .... -.. >. ,_.1 11111 111,,., i: •-cwi t. CNv11 1w1 t. eeton, Jllckie Abraha m s and ,.1. Adcock 1w1. w111111ria 1e,,,., j·• Ge Let Shetler and Kay Leutwiler '' .. ••-. _11 tLI 1011 ~·'-'"' -.. ,1 All·rou"41 -JtMtari 1w1 :n . ne Wiison. fed f f h 1 •· 1.1. •"'"'''" v1111y , ... •1 1n.11 ,._..,, H 1 B k d 16 t or ourt c au uunors 1 11111111" • , , , e enc ur e ma e pars t rotll••tll'l·P1trkk (L) 1rllt with .. ont oru -1· J-t ( 1 1• I I B f f. t I with 76s. MeKto11·M!llt r 111 1.1, ,.11 11,1 G•uu· 0·11rv1n1 11') J. Tll(lfl'I~"" (t i. 1'11n11: n • c us o r 1r1 p acel ;;;;;o;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; •1rnod1 •·l "'· 1·'· honors while Fran Bes tic Ill · Ht-Schirm (l l "'°" ,_., 6-1; SPiii .. Frte E•. -I. S111f1C11rt (Fl 1. JOlllS , • ; , , • ••. .. .. ·---'',',,!-o,;::::·•_"\·. ·=:·';., " pars) captured top 110! In ci... TR ADINO :.·. i' . :.· TH~ ONES U t 1111• flJ\'I) (fl •• l/i .. Or1111Mi Hlldlttl fl') ). Grlltl fl"l • Ol/Mllloo c play. N-ptrl H• ....... Ill) { ) l llt fldl (I'). l"elt1H: S,t. TRAVEL . THAT GIVE y~ --~ ' tl!!tlet HJ'" btr -I, O. lrytnl 11'1 t. 9--Jl•fl o. • • Ftrbtr (N)""t:11!. M1tt111 ((1, 1·5; (!II. Thfl"'Mllon ,,,, J. J!lnlt IPL l'ilf11ij J.I. 1.1111un• ,.;:; l!n : • E111111"' tE1. 1-s: "°" w1111.1-l1 -•·t, t ar111t 1 -1. McK1v ,,, t Os•lf1• VOUClllllS :: ' :: •TRAVEL" I t'C&11ner IN) Wliil ... , won J.5, · IF\ J, Tllem-;Oll fl'). t1ln": 4... In I llmillr e vent l l thf ut"nm1r1 !HI won .. I: -.... -.ltlllh-I.'"""'-("l 2. MtK.y' 11111m !Nl Cllf. H111D11 !El, .. ,, 1 _~,~·~·~~:·~~~E~'~l~h=•l'I~'~:'.:.::~~·~ ••~·-~~·~··~+~~M~ .. ~·~-~··~..,~~·~===~===~'==~·f·~·~··~·~·~·~·~·==~~!:!!!!! M4•111t l!l ... II. • n .. I I · ' ._ • ...,.._ ..- l tllll !Hl WOii 1·J: ......,. .. I. N1l11t r !NI W&ll .. j' ....,. '"l. O'll:tlllv !Nl won .. ; WOii H . ...... It. Mt~t'I Ind McMt llOhlon fNI dtt. Nlsbll ~nd ArrtfldlllCI• \IEI, .. Jr oft t. Sltwt•t •"41 Stuat•I !I! , ..... lie&!! •nd LYOll !Ml w., .. J; won 6.(1. Ftn. Vtlltv 101,,fMI Lt our"" llnt .. 1 Edel IF) 11111 ID SOftll<d (l \04; lo Grobe !LI I"' 1e Jt .. ln1 ILl M ; 11 Dlltrlno !L1 .).4, Vt $1,fl'llol iFJ loll IM. '1· 0-6. U . Nl!lkme" CF\ 1,1 G--6, -4, M , 0-l. O'A~n• !Fl loaT 41.~4, it.I, 1-6. Peul·OYltl IFM:.1 M Tr1m1nto11. Tholl\'"°'1 ILJ M . 2·61 le SlllMl11111- •tc1m1n Ill M , IHI l rt.t'"""Clfld.LttlfkO (I'! 1611 I .. , \ .. , u . ) .•. Gelf UnlYlll'lllY ltlt ) UGI) l rH M1rr11 IU/ l7, <11!1. Omtr• !I ) Ml. G""l>I• IU IS, 11111 Htni9'1M (II tl. ,1torn!sori (U) u. 11111 C1n11lnt (I J 11. WtlNlll"• IU) •2. IMI Ctrlt11n Il l lt. Halr11vd \U) Jl , IOtl l urlOll Il l '-4. Hem, !UI SJ, '"' VIII•··-Il l s~. Mt rlllt ln l (16) Wt""" -ltmotrt lllr IMJ 11, IMI te Ktvlll ' 7(. , ... Im (M) n, loost te C1r111 CW! 7t, I· I. M, 1110 fM) 76, dtf Conley (W) U, 4-0. TtVID< IM) 14, (Ill Hu11t1111 {W) M, .. •• siurtlllfl IM) JJ, !ltd Holl IWI n. J. •• t ltt'1Clrk:k CM) a,~ Groll! (W) M, il- Mt l1ftt CIUjU Cllft ~ I C1rnotr111tr (M 61, 81 Rtcldcllff (Cl 7', I.fl. Most Wouldn't know . star·t lear·~ing helicopter mechan1a. You'll get paid for it.. THE SC OR EB OARD But if helicopter mechanics isn't your bag, you cm also. learn such skills as electronics, medical specialization, auto mechuies, administtation and finance, and heavy-vehicle drivin1. And still ... ua lttltf -1. ,.,. Cltml1tlt. Tllnt: fllA '6.f. ~~ l'lfv~~!\ "111• Rlliy -I, Ortllfl< Tlrntl ~~tlflll 11 t, "tC"ir1' 1t111M:f f-11111111 get paid for learning. -.,.. · 4:ftj'~ 1. P'orl'lll•n I",, "!Iott 'O! , •• ,,",'•~~1,•,~ , s,r. • UJ • IMtl R '' I.I " ~ • 1> "' "'" .,,.. ~ • T"'l\t-SI.•• LSU·Mtw Orl1tn1" 1 ' · ,,.,,.; ' · Otllt S!. 11, Tr1n1\lfv1ftl1, ,.,, _,, U -· S•!"' IOI 2. L_.rcl (Ol l . Ctllltl 111-tlH lt Sltfl .K t ...., !'trr1fl ISi. lstt ip:;t: 22-J. P'vlltr!Oll n , Mtfltel;l! u f J -1. 111~11 10 > J l:u11 (0) I . ltlllMrt "' HelL11 7! "'""''i\f,n ~nt• •••Mr~" UOll•r• 10 )1 Ol1!1ri<t: '°4, FOnllllm e ,_M llttt111 tA lie H 101 , Cenlrt 11111 63 "v -l, "''"" 10 1 l. ltt!IWtf (0) ~=ii·-", t ..-.~'.. s111t1 le• 61, A..,.r1~111 lltwr '° I, l'ttl\UI 10). Ht tt lll1: 12.(1. ., n 1lll~IUllin atNNll ....... 1. ,Mtcl'lltt.t()!'I (0) J. Mur.tly II""'' .. A""'"I\ u lollOll '· Htw Y(tl'k (,Ito) I {0 1 ), Mollf!f (ll. 011t1ncl! JO.J, •lldtr 1111\ i;eJ, Mllil, Sl I! Mlnlll!Mlt 10, ClllftDD IA! I Ol1tus -I, Mvrtti'f IOI J, Ot&l•y AltlNl'rll 01 , 0..,1' 7l "llll&urtft J, Ntw York f!O Ill a, Mollmt 15), Ol1l•~ce: l:M·7,.,, St " l'r1nt!Ko I, Oakland J Ju111 ... v'""' Al .. llflc CM" Ctllltf'-• Chkffl IH) !, Cltvtltncl J Ort111tt 1111 Ul > SM ci.-11 ,Int J111111f 100 -I. Fr1111l1y 10} l. 1'11111'11111 (GI O!lty •tmlJ Kl!td/l'.fll J, Vt uttll IS). TllTlf: 10.1. Mlrvtfl'ld .M<.!=l11tn:itn St ~lrt1I J, St. ~:..IJ 1 tXI -1. Frt11111Y (OJ t. l"t!SOll 10) V'l rtl11 I 14, w1•1 l'or11I 15 Ol'l'>lllcltlllf\lt J, LOI Anttl11 J s. Y•U'lhl (l ). Tlmt: 2• J, OvM 73, Nwlll Ct rollnt St. '° "'" "-' ac:llfllul .. .. -1. Ml)lt• (0) l. An!ltr14111 Ill ,--,-------,-------'::;:.:..;;:r:..:;::;::::::::_ ___ _ ), MtfnlrCI (01, Tlmt : 2r1J.I. Miit -I. M lltr jOl 1. W!lll1 (0) J, Ttffetl IO J. Tl11t1: :OO, no HH -I. Wllltt ISi 2. O\lciUltll CSI ), Kr11M !SI. Tl,,..•: lt.t. 1• LH -1. ltt1,1w (0 1 t. Ot1utlt1 IS ) J. Wlll111 IS !. Tlmt : n .•. *1 ll:~tl¥ -1, l>r1ntt. Tlrnt! •..i. It Rtlt~ -I. Stn (ltfoltl!I, Tlrn11 ,, J. HJ -j· Tewnttnd !0) '·Hint Ill,, lllddll ! ), Htltlll: W. LJ -I. Ttwnttlld JOI t , klloltr COl l. l trten fO l. O!Jtlfl('t: •1 Where? The Anny Reserve. Think of it as a swap: a little of your time for a lifetime of sL::ll depending upol). the requirements of your local utrlt. Here's how it works. First, you·pick an Anny Reserve utrlt near your home. Then, you take a short tour of active duty- bCtween 4 and 6 months, the time depending on the specialty you select. You return heme atid go to regular meetings . Then you can apply for further skill training. It's the kind of training that'll put you way ahead in civilian life. And all the time you're-going to meetings and getting training in a skill, you're also getting paid for it. While on active duty training, you get about $300 a month. DAVE llOSS PONTIAC Le.as• or ,luy AD . Models ... WtJPt lllJ n\ lllL • m 10 UN, Hlncflll ltkl 1111 eltotM kn"9. "ttirv e• Iott Ins ~ Plus quarters . Plus food. Plus medical care. Plus PX and commissary use! We think it's a pretty good deal. So if you're the kind of guy who applies himself, any of the skills we oft'er-even helicopter mechanics-will let you t~e off. Out of si1htl 11le Army R111rw. • DAVI ROSS PONTIAC , '-lie I .foot trMtl • C111r bruth. lrlm trMI, c ut f\ttwood, bulld ouhJoor tumlture. Saw moMV I • u. tl.ltllflf ........... Alk about McCulloc~ 11 NEW low price chain. MASTlll SlllVICI DIALERS •••N• ••on IAllT• ••• HAm IA~D • IUYICI L W. llNll Tl. & lllPL. CO. IUT1 - -IM. 16lt I. ,.,. It. IJJ,1111 MlafJt IAllTA ANA • 'iAMt.I; A~A CU.II DTI HAIDWAll ·•· INOX INIUmlAL SUPPLY tit I . llW1t , , .. 1ttt I • .,..; A•. 147°1611 147.fl 71 COSTA MllA 'HUHtlNeTON HACH .... ••••••••••••••••• ~ ............ 1 .. 1 ....... 1 .................... . I • • • 6.10 A""y n~rvt CfWftlfttnd Attn: Mr. lfnlder 2345 11.rninea Road Santa An•. ~lf. t710S Phf'lnl.: t71•l S«-!M10 OCP • i • • I • • i I -HAllOl llft. • PAii tllff _,A MBA .... --TON'M IUILttN• MATU IAL. INC.. ION'S MINl·CTCLI cm 1171 fMllJ*t ... ,..... . •. • ... ,_JJA!• --""· m.11 n · Ma.111 1 I • • I I ........ 1••········•••••1•······································ Ph. 546·1017 _... r MT1 ~Witt 11• UI. ft""' P.M. .tulflAY1 11 A.M. 19 t ,, ... •I ........... ... --111:1111. OIA•ll 1111•'1 HllTA.L & -' C111 • 114 ··-Ul-"11 I .· .- ) ' • - .. • ,. ., II ' J . • • .. .. ' ' •• ·; ; . " ' ~· • • I I .. .. ·1 I • ••• . ·. i !jJ il&ILV PILOT •...i.r.11...i. 10, 1972 I : Weekend Cal.endar Outboard Champions To Meet •• ,~.. f •. ,. ........ ~ ·N IWPO.RT . HARBOR YAIJIT CIJUB -Sprlni Gold C..· Jl.tplt&, all clwes, -y~Sunday. • . VIWAGDS YACHT CLUB .. -I..,wa. l'C" Race, first of Muaey liOrit8 for MORF, r Sa .... y. .... ~ .. ·Lol(llffth i si.!IL BEACH Y A C H T ,• CUJll , ~ EliminltloM 10< . NAY RU champloMhips, .,~ams, •Seara, Ma 11ory 1 1 O'Doy. ~ BUO~NNEER YACHT ; CLUB -Inverted Start Race, ).-PllltF under, ltft., Saturday ;:, &em: Me*• B11 ' XING HARBOR YACHT CLUB -Spinnaker Serl., No • I, Malibu Race, MORF1 OR, PHRF. CA 11 l'ORl'l I~ yACHT CLUB -Aucapo laland nee, OVerton -series No. 3: Point Dume race, Matt Walsh Series , (MORF) No. 3. , Saa'Dlep OORONAOO ¥ ACHT CLUB -1 Spriftl Seriefli all Cl.anes, S.turday I< Sunday. ' Ntrth • '"'•"" ANACAPA YACHT CLUB - strlnl Series No. 4, 8unday SAN WIS YACHT <;LUB - Lido-14 Regatta. SUndey SANT A BARBARA SAil.- ING CLUB -Warm-Up SprJng Seriea, sunday. ' • • Top outboard racina drivers and champion water skiers will join this weekend in testing 1972 boats and englnf.S on the Colorado River at Lake H~vasu City. The results or the tesll will be pa.ued on to the boating ' pubtlc by the sponsoring Powerboat Magazine. f SCYC's -Lyle Aw~·~ed A variety of highly supervis- ed testi wJU be <0nducted by Bill Sirois. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla ., 1_rro..71 wlnne.r• of the Outboard W o r I d Cham- plonshipt al Lake Havasu Ci- ly. Other• participating will be Jimbo McConnell, fretih from victory al the Parker Nii. Hour Enduro last Sunda y; Johnnie Sanders, D e n v e,r , Colo., In hot contel)tion at ~. Webster Service rrophy • ~ Jim Webettr Perpetual TrOphy for the ye1r ·1rr1 was ... •wanted •to H1rri11 X. Lyle, ~. e t er a n rau commlttM ehilrioen fi>r the Soatbem ' Caillonti. y 1chtlng Aa!Ocil· • l!Uo. . ' .. ' ' 'J'he PfQl!ntatlon wa.s made __ attlie~MordlmeeUngolSCYA •. by· tAmmodore Bob Leslie In aicornJtton of Lyle's ~meritor• tenlce lo SCYA ~..... • prolonged period or rtlm<. ' Lyle'• blue water Clf'flU ~ in'lt., Utt 11me year .lie·all11hrltb Joehua Slocomb ¥> Spray .. .,, .. :Hb MrYice to SCY A in- ?clUdea ~· 11 judge ad· : vocn,: ••tar ·more years than :~·Clft recall," uid Leslie. Jp ..Wition to aerving 111 .rat;e.commlttte chair m 1 n LyJe baa attmted Ill regattH ~ liil·llrricoa mlpt be )!Mdad., He. haa ' re!"IF<d P'OlllP! decisions on, ap- cl. .... commJU.. rul-1,nlllfvlna r11<!"1 "'le1. He •• ·1 • lteQharr Lead8 . . ~ , I ,. .~pe Regatta 1 . -.:t. ~WATER, ""11. (APl v ,Su Diqo Kipper . Jeff ~.ailed lo v!ctor'f this ._. ai,il ioOt,,tbe,ovenU lud ah 1nr1.11I Mid-Winter lleptU . " ' ~ Mice.• I alio' • OI. ' sa .., tth and fell lo ,... 4'111. polJUon overall 1fter two lioya' · of oompolltloo I n a.atwater Bay ,ind tht Guir al. Me'zico. A weak', 5-mlle per blilir;wlnd aiowed tht pace for 33 _. In the competition. • po.rlty d9ully ......,, LliM ._arl•W. ~ .......... """" .... ~ .. "9Wt --,,. .., " •• ,.. •• , J .. ,. ....... '" •II•••• ......, .,. s.....,.....,. Hlflt ....,., """"' '" .... cO..tl.I ~llur•t r....,. frWft SJ te It, ''"""' ~ r•not frorTI n to.U. W•t.r ~two~. .. -• . ftllDAY • ~""" ........... 1:17p.m, '·' 1..w ""' ............ 1T:SA p.m, 2.J 1 IATU•DAY Pti-,:t'l!flill ' ........ , .... '. J:U•·"'· J.1 Pll'lt ................... l:tt:lit.m .... 5 hcMe 11'911 ............. 7:1'1 '-"'· ... . • • • tUllDAY 1 Flrst)1!1ft ,;, ........... 1:1'1.111. S.S ,,,.., IO'W ............. 11:,, •·"'· 1.7 has al&Q strved stveral terms Parker until a breakdown in on the SCYA board of dlree-the final 45 minutes, and Jack tors. Oxley, Long Beach, OWC and The Jim ·Webster. Trophy Salton...500 veteran. was dedicated in 1958 by the Engine11 to be tested In the Newpart Ocean Sa I J l n g performance trlals include the Anodatiori ·In memory of Jim John1nn Stinger . ll I s.: Webster, for many yeara 8 Evlnrude Starfl1te 11.5 ; prOmlnent rn em b·e r of-Merc~y 140; Chrysler 130 ; Newport Harbor Yacht CJub. OM'C .s I er n d r 1 v e 130; The de«I of gift specifies Mercru1ser 111 : Chrysler- tbal the individual stlected to Volvo 130 and the Berekeley receive the award shall be a Pump 330. person who has made an ~ats to . be put . through outstanding conb'ibution to the their pacea include S1lverline, ~rt of yachting. It is not Su Ray, Avenger, Chrys.ler , necessarily preaented on an . Starcraft. Gl~stron, C h r 1 s - annual basis. -Craft and Re1nell. PN!!vious wlnnen were Drivers will be joined by Alonzo o. Jessop. San Diego, water skiers Mike 1958: Lowell North. San. Diego, Suyderhoud, Petaluma : Ricky . .,,. M c Cormick, Independence, 19S9: Richard Fenton, Mo.: Lisa St. John , Fall River Ne,wport Beach, UNIO ; Henry, Mills, Calif., and Leroy ~rague 111. Newport Bta~. Burnell, Bethel Island, Calif. 1963: Pat Dougan, Newpoi:t. The four will pal! judgement Beac~. 19'4; Jerry Driscoll, after skiing behind certain S.n Diego. 1~: Leste.r types of rigs. }'feule1a. Newport BeaCh, 1967; The program starts Satur- steve Crosby, Newport Beach, day at 10 a.m. and Sunday at 9 1tS8 and Bill Ficker, Newport &.m. and will be conducted Beach, 1970. both morning and afternoon. ! Massey Series Set To Stµrt Saturday V9yagers Yacht Club will launch it.I 1172. Maney Series Saturday <.ttb the Lllpnt "C" race . The, Massey Series, limited to Midget Ocean Racing Fleet (MORF). Small Yacht Racing, Fleet (SYRF) and Pacific Handicap Racing F I e e t ( PHRF ) is one of the most popular series for yachts car- ryi(tl thOlll i:.a~inp. ~blished Jn 1987, It an-. nuaUy draws tome 25 starters in PHRF and more than 2G in the MORF-SYRF dlvlSion•. First 1tarl Saturday will be al_12:10 p.m. for the MORF· SYRF boats. The PHRF 1lart i. acheduled for 12:15. Completed entry fonns for the aerie!'! should be received by VYC today. but la te entries wlll ,be eccepted at anytjm< during the series. Yachts entering late will only be eligi- ble 'for lhe races remaining ,arter the entry ls received. CUTTER CRUISER IS HERE!!! • JI' ,llH tnilerftle . >•• · • 100 11111• cr•IM ,.,.,_ l'llCID FROM ....... N9'I · · • · · · · · · · · · 1:Ja 11.m. 4·• Jletplntf Acc:emectatlofls fer 10. S...., ..... ,,,., ,, .. , l :Jl 11-m. ~.7 temple!• G•lley . PrlYlll HN41 a. $15,795.00 SMwtr • ns 11.p. Cllrysltr M1r..,. Sill! . lllllf ,,,. 1.11'1. .... '1:1111.1'1\. Eno I.-• All F\b9rgll11 Mull l.4"111d! mM•. MteMt 111.11111 J:J7 •.m. , ... 12:5' -.111. cun1• Mew~T ni w. CNtt Hwy., S•ltt 1 ~~~-~· ;;' ~ .. ~-~ .. ~~~-~·~...,.,., --11r C.111, ""' f'HI "'5-41tl ........ ! 'GIANT Ei ''1ANSl.ON c::*:s ;& SKI SALE . • at ' . . . ' ONE WEEK ONLY THRU SAT., MARCH 11th ALL SPORTS ALL STORES DRASTIC REDUCTIONS! HUGE SAYINGS!. WE MUST MOVE MERCHANDISE TO . MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING ITEMS! '"" .... .,.. ...................... ._ ................................................................... ... ". ,'JUST ARRIVED THE GREAT ADIDAS 'sPORT : SHOES • • •• • .. . COMME LINE COMPUTE SIZES Super Siar, Gtn11t Rot, C1d1t R. llllllel, DIYis Cup, Monte C1rlo, ~pl1, S1tvrn, Super light, Rod l1Y1r, Slutttr, Vilftft1, etc, ' 3 SUl'll SPORT SHOPS • ....._ A•, 11t L 4ttl l1 7·1711 •N~ .. I I........ 171•ffll I .... ,... '-'-· #27 P•h'-WeM M4·1111 --· '-ih.,, ,,,..., ... l '"· 10.ttlO, 1"" .. WM,.'"'""· 1M, let. 10-t S.. AM·MllfliM1 Met!. & M. f1l0-f l11et., w .... n. ....... lctf, f1J0.6 lANIAMDKAll MAITU CllUU -- UNIRO.YAL ZETA JOM INTERSTEEL TIRE Guaranteed 30,000 Miles • CLC!»SE -•. OU:T. · Tubeless Slight Blemishes . 8. 1. k .11 GLAS· BELT .' .ac wa l • l. eolyester Cord Plies Glass ea. Belt . ·Plu1 fed. b. Tax )I TIG1l,. ~t. !IS ·of $2.42 per tire .,.·1TMC.~ NO TRADE-IN -r-o f .. ·NO. w .. ~..i-W 1,..l""' .. ;...• TRADE-IN ,wc-.IP~ NEEDED "'"'ee•MI- !i..111 t:if~i.i. NEEDED ~-·" (..,,_.: WHITEWALLS ADD 'PIGM'f S1(1DS v.·tTll ~~ '2 95 MORE TllPGLA • 1ANtll~'.) wrosl\. .· ~"""" ..... 1· ... ~"tt11i:a 6.50-13 ....... ~. ~·-....tw ~~·-~ ..... \ $ ' ' ! ; , FASTRAK E78-14 BLACKWALL ONLY SPORTS CARS & VANS i· ea ,J ""' fff. f•. Tcu SI.fl TIRES for VW's 560-JS $1395 Bl1ekw1lls • 7.75-14/7.50-14 $ 560-14 0n1r$15'5 • '1"ice1 11!111 fed, f•. lo• (If $2..$4 "' $3.17 pJ" tlfa ONLY 1'1111 1H. fa. TeJ1 $2.JI 825-14/800- ea. , . WHITEWALLS ADD 53.00 MORE 14/710-15/815-15 : F78·14 H78-14 Only 521 45 On/1 52545 071·1• $22.95 071-15 $23.•5 H71·15 $26.•5 171-15 21.•5 "llithl •1111"•,:.M• •11mh.!1•1 whlth 111 M "'"Y offed perfor111e11«o. h"'Y tir•. c•"'-• Unl,,,,.t fOClll .. coetl wemonty. SIT QUtOt-STO' ACT10ll TIUD DnlGIC OF 11Jl1'lllJ ANY SIZE! Tubeless Whitewall or Bi.ck ' UNIROY:AI. · 4PLY -POLYESTER " $ ONLY Rerr~•·45,. ~-._ eaeli , g~:: ·2· 245 I ~~\~ i· 5,451 ~:t11: 2845 17•14 F7a.1S M71-1S ~ • 171-IJ J7a.15 I .$ ....... ""''-'· &.. l••of $1.f2•"9 Sl.H ,., tn. • WllntWAlL ONlY $2.95 MOil ------ LUii ·& OIL VECIAL ANAllTM IKI ......... , • .. _. .......... 615-1171 WISTMl~TH ·11H w,,_,,, llW. ... ltWft1 GAlDIM OlO'll '•Wn .... •Nr·M .......... mmf• HAWAIIAN G4ROl!lt t1t71 Cln• St. 16$4127 MUNTllllTOll lllACll 1''11 •-M! ... .-536-7Srf SANTA AMk111N.-........... .' .... ~ I SAlllA A11A 1nnr. w-A"-........ Sll'Mll l\1Sf1'1 111 L hll-.... ., .... : •....... J444a1 COSTA Miil• -T llACll 11t'1. 17tli It ......... Mt-4111 , cOIOllA .,. w. '"St ................... nuo10 WI ~ nl ll R """" INI ••.••• 491.5541 ,, I I I I Wamin g 'Devices " ' ~.~Optional' l 1 • I •: ·)VASHIN~N (AP) -~• Department of, 'r.ransport.._t r, bu backtd away, -at Jt 1t ~temporarily -from .Its pro-".: · •to require a~totnobile~ anµfaclurtl'I lo p r 6 y 1 d e :rafQ~·Vthicle w a r n I n ' '-1Cltvices wtthian new cars. • l r: . . , , , ·1 • I , In.tea~, -t h·t-del"tlmeql' ~utd a :new v~hl~{e-s,afel)' Jl•nd4n! s~Wng . out de~gi\ f~turea· a n d performance1 )e~els for such warn i n gt '.iltylces offertd a·s . optional '1 ,..~u\pm!:nt. The standard will o int11 efff!tt Jan. 1, 1974. , The d~parQl1ent prowsed Jn ovemtter 1970 to· requ ire, u tandard motor vehicle equip.. i ment, warning devices to alert · approaching traffic if a vehl· . cle .stalls. ' The new standard calls for a ·reusable, triangular sign with reflective a n d fluorescent material on. bolh faces and legs to enable a driver to aet it ~upon or near the roadway. • Ill a: cl: I--Ill a: w a;. :I Ill w ::c ..... .J .J cl: lii Ill. Cl z 0 Ill Q 0 0 Cl w ::c 1- :::i cl: ·o w ~ ·Z :::i ~<( ~·a: gm .o .~ Cl . w ~ .J .J cl: <( . .. - Seeing's Believ ing Goodyear Tire Company's alrsbip Europa takes off on maiden flight at Card- ington, Bedfordshire, England. It is first flight. by airship in Britain in mOre than .20 yeai:s. Europa, assembled i!l Britain, is ·192 feet Ieng and has maximum speed ~r 50 mph .. (/) Cl) r· N ·-1 I.. O.< c \ . ·- 0 0 0 c m ... .. ' , tn tn w cc: c c c( 4. -N > .... -0 I . . w ·z 0 ::c Q. " 'Freeze' Extended , ... 15 Days WASHINGTON (AP) -The Price Commission says ir will announce new regulations on utility. r~tes next, •«k, but mean'f"hjle, It's ~eeping the freeze on an extra IS d'ay,s. ''11\e . freeze on utility rates was to have ended today, but the commission Wednesday ordered an extension to March 2S. . Olmml'sSJon Chainnan C. Jackson Grayson J~. u\d the extension would allow lld- dilionlil time to implement proposed chanaes ip rules governing rates or publiC utU- l~leS and regulated transporta- tion. · · After hearings Jast wee.k, a commission staff member said commissioners felt there was , strong evidence siJpporting the contention of electric and telephone uUlities that they need large rate· hikes to catch up with rising fuel and equip- ment costs and-higher interest ratts. :..J w w I ·m < > r-r- -1. :i:r m, (/) c: ,, m :U · ~ > ·-:D Ill • .... g > I: :u >' c -.0 •• >. r-· ·r-: -1 · :r. m. ,,. O ' o · c (/)· o . z : Ii). (/) I . al. <· > F ·-I I __ ;r, m· (/) c ~ ':U Ill c ;: z :u c (/) ,.. c a: ... -Z N c "' KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO r f • -·- Frldo), Mart! 10, 1972 DlllY 'll.OT JI I ' •, ~ Be;lieve It or ·Not~· .. 'Dollars ·Accumu·Iate By JORN CUNNIFF N~W YORK (AP\ -Those fellows !@_.worked-out the elaborate theories on the com- ing of the cashless society failed to understand all the Jactors involved ind now some of their Ideas aren't worth a plugged nickel. Credit cards •nd checklng accounts proliferate, but so also does cash. The t h e o r I e s apparenlly tailed to fully appreciate hu- man nature, the tax collf!ttor's avariciousnesa, the taxpayer's elusiveness, the coin col· lector's acquJsitiveness, the vending machine industry's appetite. the riJe in crime ... You could go on and on, bot as the Morgan Guaranty Survey muses , "The l(nited Stales h11s becf>me, if any. thing. a more Cash than ever society. " . There is more than $6. 7 billion in coins circulating, or more than double the amount In the early 1980!. And the nearly SM billlon in bills is about $23.5 billion more than in 1960. Morgan sought the reasons and came up with these ex- planations, which remind us of some startling changes that have taken place in society - changes that m o s t of the forecasters failed to reaignize. -The price of silver rose, making many coins more valuable for their metal con· tent than for their f1ce value. Since 1965, an estimated $2.3 billion in e o i n 1 has been removed fro m circu\11lion, forcing the mi'nt to produce 'millions or new nickel and cop- per coins. -Hobbyisls and olhers ha ve removed ooins for myriad other reasons. The Kennedy half dollar and the Eisenhowt.r dollar have sentimental value to man y people, for example, and probably n e v e r will be used as currency. -Local sales taxes ha ve risen . Try goi ng to work without taking some change ·with you. The cha nces are that if you leave without Coins you will come home With Plenty of them. That old 98-cenl price, for example, becomes $1.05 with a 7 percent tax. It means that whereas once the storekeeper needed to refund you only two pennies, now you must come up with 5 cents in .coins or the storekeeper must give you. 95 cents in change .. -Toll booths have appeared Reagan: Aerospace Decline Level s Off SACRAMENTO CAP) per year during lhe !alter part Gov. Reagan sa.ys by 1980 of this decade," Reagan said California 's population will in his annua l Economic ~port jum p to more thin 23 million, Wednesday to the Legislature. requiring builders to slap The Republican governor together about 1.2 million new 11lso said there are ''strong in· 'f>ousing units . .dications" that the decline In "To meet the h 0 u 1 I n g California 's aero s p·a c e in- de:manda • ol this tncruled dustry ha.r halted. popu1ation, we will requlre an Reagan said the decl ine average. 2,40,000 hcl.LdN unita caused by "readjustment to • • • .. 1 : ,. • ' lowe r levels of fede ral spend· ~11 lng on high technology proj- : , 1·1 ects has been painful.'' : . Cha.r.ges : , ·;. ·But "I am hopeful that fiscal .< • policy during coming months ··on;·: ·v· w· s ... ! ~ ";"' ', will be designed to stimu!ate a " moderate t x pa n s ion In · · . , 1 · ) ' l aerospace so that the tens of • • I ' . >I ! th!>usanc:IS or highly qualified ·,D·.1·'. ".· _p';'•-.4." ·.· .. ' technicians, sc I en l i s·t s, ~ W ·-englneersandp roduction . , ,... . . workers. . . can continue to NEW. YORK (UPI) -Jl.1ilph make a major contribution lo NPr's charge that rt he the state's future ." Volk-a,.ag en : is '~the; moat Basing his comments on hazardous car" in gener:al d11e1 data from the State Depart- !orr t-he toads•h11s ·been branded ment of Finance, Reagan said u · r •. •,1 n a c e,u rate' and that because of the state's mislt.a®'g" · ~Y ··Roadc :ind. th grow : 1 ~rack · magl!ine. -Continuing emphasis will. '. on highways, bridges and tun· nel.s all Over the CoUntry. ln or'de.r to lf:sseft the ~. plicatlons of highw•Y. tr~~; a vacatloo ing family . ~r I businessman i! li ktlY t o reserve a supply of coins before embarking. -Crime. In in lncrf:as"lng number ol cities · the ma!! t r a n s p o r t a t i'o n. system demands exact change _in order to dlsco1,1rage robbery of their dr1Vees. ·The coins are dropped : Into 11 I o c k e d repository. Th~ driver carries no r(loney, --Sales of the ve nd f n g ma chine industry rose lo more than $6 bill ion by 1970. "Not onlv does it take coins to work the' maCh'ines, "·notes Morgan, "but the coins are then im· mobilizcd,·which reduces their transactiol)S xelocity." .. And what _about thruie bil~? Inflation h1S! bee~ a· ma)or contributor to the average in· crea~ 'bf about 8 percent.· a year in the volume cf paptr money. But, says Morgan. tax evasion is belie'ved lo be a •significant factor. "There ii a· strong suspicft:ln that some people r-fron\ gamblerS: and racketttrs ~to white collar' professionals ud blue collar moonlighters - receive -payme'Jlt in castt 10 that there is no l'ecord." Addln«: to the demand ,(pr bills Is the fact that much u:s. currency is circulati11g a,brOa"d. Sorrie of these dollars are used to conduct trad'e. Some are used ii\ doP.e traffic. SQine are hoarded by people w tr• distrust ,the ir .~wn currency . . ' ' . . Solicitor General"E•win .; Griswold tells Se nate Judiciarf Committee that out-of-court settle'.. m~nt involving Inter· natiOnal Telephone and' Telegraph Corp. and; J)IJtice Departr\lent was. better bargtin for gov: ;; ernment than if case •· wa:s beard by Supreme Court, Settlem.ent h11 ~ become controversial. Publisher John Bond and be put on rapid transit writer John Tomerlin called aystems. · · · . AGT S Jd . " on the crusading Nader to -"We Intend not only to 0 :. .,. retract his report on "the prevent .lhe spread of a:lr Beetle." p:>llutlon, but to reduce pollu· Tomerlin's article, to appear tion levels sign.if I cant I y In the April Issue cf Road &:. throughout the· slate-.'' · · Track, accuses Nader of• -"We are continuing to ln- ·quoting expert.a on automobile. "\'~ligate the feasibility of safety out of context and oC elllabllstrilig . large. capacity making the most seriou11 ac-desalter plants on' the cusatk>ns a g 11 Inst the Califomla coast." . Volkswagen and then failin11 to "California has c. 0 me 1back them by evidence. through t he n at Io ii a I Road and Track. s a y s economk' decline of the past Tomerlin and its staff ex-year-and·•half with a firm 1amined the available crash economic foundation which statistics, the rea:ults· 011 con-. wjll suppOrl ·ra pid ,, n-d ... trolled experiments. 'Ind • the1 !dbslaatial · growth iJ\. tho. most qualified ,engineering future," he.said. 1n1lyses available, and con· "With an aw1reness of the eluded the vw Ml only Is oot needa of the people of this abnormally haiardous bdt also state, we will be able· tO"in1ur, thllt its safety performtnet that California r.emaiis ~ compartt quite favorably with nation's leading 'state," he other oanso( the size. added. 1 ', I ' ',., . ' GG$ $h0t'.tqe .Fear~d ' To' Dou glas; ST. LO UIS · (AP ) -Mellon· nell Douglas Automation C6. has announced it acqulrtil / AGT'' Manageme~) ~y.stems, Inc., of S e a t t I I, W11sh . ,, AGT Is a software company specializing in computer: ~ gram-, fo r t1usiness, edocatr instlt4tlons and !JllUlicipal go..,.nmenl3. • W)llia~ t 11·: :ortliWe1n ""· president of the St:. Louja'Com- puter servi<;es firm , said AGT wa11· · acquired for 81t1 un- disclooed 11nount ol cash . ., MIMt:1 ts! 1 divisiott 'Ol the McOonn,ell Douglas aerospace .flrm. ' . . . ' · . • ' ~ ~ ,. Utilities Reject Customers . , 'I ~ ' I • • By LINDA RUBEY V. Perry and Co. Developera There Is .no assu rance that In Columbu11. Ohio, estlin11tes 1n adequate 1Upply of natural lhat 111\-electric homu: cost 10 au will tte available to meet percent more to build than the demands of consumers gas-heated houses because of next winter,, .SIYI Henry the additional Insulation re-Eckhart. chairft'an of the quired . Public Utililit! Commission of NEW YORK (APl -Fears of 1 severe n1tur1\ gas 11hort11ge nett winter are fo~ Ing an Increasing number of gas utilities to turn 1w1y new cu1tomcr1, putting iome tM»ne builders in a bind. Some 11as •utilities In ohln'. Michig11n. Pennsylvan\1, New Je.,.y and W•sh ington, O.C .. have curtailed the ule of Ntural gas to new residenU~t customer•, 11lw1y1 the I a 1 t user• to be cut back by utilities . In thtse same areas. the: home builder fices tht dileJI)· mo OI bulldtnc l iiome lhol c11n coe:t more to construct and to he.at, or ,ostponina: con- 1tructlon until the I • short11e eases. c. V. Perry, preslde•l f c. Once: Installed, electrici heat Ohk>. CID e<ist two to four limu Branche~ of the federal more than gaa. according to government, other a ta t e gas company eslim•~ utiUties commlsslons -and gas EI e ctr i c u t.J.t I l I ea companies all echo a conctm a~know\edge that tltctrlclly Is th•t the Unlltd Statos could more expensive.In many 1reas Cace a critical shortage of 111 lhan gas. but maintain It i~ In the next two winters. generally a more efficient "By 11nd large . the prt:Stnt method of healing. · home own,. probol!b'J ilnl In Ohio-Dayton PO..er and aoing lo b6 au~ bf !\It gaa !Jg!Jl Co. and ·Toledo EdiMn shortoge. l!yt jl ~~ 10\ve Co. -both gu suppliers -th< problem llit I u tu r e received permis1\on·F:tb. 17 to homeowntr ~I~ trill be,'' put ll freeu on fl e w • spokesman for · l h 1 cualomui, Including res\den· lndopondent Natural G • I llil uwa. AlaoclaUon ..td. , \ r %ft DAil Y _fn.Df s Fn"'1, ~1rth ID, lt7Z . - Kaiser to Raise ~Half · Sl1eet Prices I . ; OAKLAND (AP) -Kaiser llumln.i.m and C h e m I c a I i:.rp., the nation's t b I r d larsest atumlnwn producer, tars It b raisins, pricts on H.~ rt/llr.tb L MOTOR HOMES • SALES • RENTALS 11 ft. to 2' ft. UTI l.INll :IALIO~ACI ARROW ' ' ~TID OM THI NIWPOU hUWAY. JUST SOUTH OP ~I SANTA ,ANA •111WAY. fA.11 THI M'•ADDIN TUIN OH. TUIH LIP'T ON VILU.6L 'jrAY. ' ·:.o ~.----,,, . N •• '. Mcl"AODIN > .. ~ IDINOll'I c .. 1411 S. VILLAGE WAY ~sANTA ANA, CALIF. ' ' s.. ( • ,, ' .. ' " • •• '' •• • ~ . .. .. " • " I • .. •• •' • • MEDICAL BLDG., HUNTINGTON BEACH 7 Sult••, Schodulod lncoin• •1980.00 Mth. Solllng for $1 l0,000.00 Courtesy to Broke rs C:-.1 Jody Mceolrdy 21l • 143-4IOO RE: !-19UID_ATION SALE UNITS & S.F.R.'s L.A. AREA t Properties Apprei11d et S 180,000.00 !Your• for C1sft -$142 ,000.00 For lllfo C-: Jody McCordy Zll ·Mf.5'51 Co urtesy to Brok1r1 :,Wowd you pay an extra ·$5.21 per month for :Full New Car Maintenance? Thnt's all the extra It cost with a Johnson I: Son Full Ma.intcnan~ Lease on any of our brand new 1972 ~Mercurys. Just think of Jt .•. no more annoying repair ; problems •.. no more unexpected expenses and best of '811 • , . a beautiful new full size Mercury Marquis or 'r.tonterey to drive in absolutely perfect condltlon at all :times. Find out for yourself all the ~nefits and pla!!ures this fantastic lease program provides on all our Uncoln- 1-,.1ercury Product&. .:can BUD BOWEN at 540-5630 . • TODAY! ~ ' .. .. AUCTION : 24 Bales Genuine Handwoven .. , ' .. .. PERSIAN RUGS and other Orientals Rugs, Carpets & Runners 4 loln Sotookl IMl11cl Slxnl 4 loln llolihaNn IMlxc<I Slxnl 2 loln ljloonH llolalcl Siik locWc<ll 2 lolH A,._ IMl•c<I Slusl 4 lolH C-t k......,. IMlxc<I Slxn l loln l""i. I Ml11cl Sbft l 1 1o1e ......... IMlrc<I Slresl 2 lolos K ...... IMl•c<I Siznl NEWPORTER INN 1107-·• ..... Newpon '-lo, e..11,_. SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2 PM Vi1win9 I: ln1pecti on from 12 noon until tim1 of •uction OVER THE COUNTER ~ . . .__ ... Complet~-New York St~k List ) -.. ..... J ........ C-.Oll. t· r • d ~~ ,, .. , " ~I . •• :1.. - f - ' ' . f • ' ' • \ ' ,, -,1llld0 1'72 ·~ IWLY"-", I I ) • .. . .. ·~ ,. $EE ·.IT TODAY ' .ORDER IT . iODAY • • • . . . • GOLD -DU'itlil $ / , llli'CUGE .INCWD5 . : FREE VINYL ROOF . ' I Unique, deluxe whHl(covers, white tires, d,eluxe. pl,Nted·v_inyl !r~m, ~arpeting, S~~ c1el qold dust•r str1p1n9. Plus · st'\ftd•rd l•ol. oquip. Ord•r lodoy ·!qr.only "2199. or choete. f;dm e• ler91 selectidn ~of spe-o cial '1ate:1pficecl'Ou1t& in ·itock ·nady for· ' lmmedi•t• Delivery. 1 ' ' • ··RA~D ·~~-__.._ (72 ;,PLY~ CRICKET · • j I I ' .. NOT ·A~STRIPPED C1'R £ci•ipp41d ~ith. •~tM11Hc tran1.,. r1clki, whm1w;,n r4ldi1I ,1y tir11. p/frrit cll•c • .:bt,~H. b11e~1t i.m;,,,ck l ·J>ifliMI •ffft· '-to coil .,.,.. llf1JI• 11111 ... tt.r11.\nnfil~ti111 1yiteift..\AN' ..... ...... ""a...-..·peck•t•·."·4~162l17417t ~-209 ,S~. 60 CHRYSLER -2-·DOOR • • J • • . . . VI, . ••~.tic, power-steering, eir condit1oni1t9 ·._(NYE .801 le •";:•79···. '.64 DOD.GE DART 6 cyinder, stick, radio, ·heater IOVE 764J.. 1195 '64 PONTIAC GTO '4 speed, VI. A reel hct rod. IUL791 I •595 · ~68 AUSTIN American ' STAKIN• YOUI CLAIM Yhit H1111tit19t0fl l11ch Ct,ry1l1r/Plymo1.1.tft •nd pick up your 111fN 111 th1 "P111 for Gold" cont11t 11ow. Evlryo111 who 111t1r1 wint • 1r.plice of • .Tw1nty Dolllir C1liforni1• 9014 pi1c1, • . . ' .... ' j,. ' ~-. t f' • • •' ·). SOLID SOLD You tll•Y wh1 th• flnt P'ii• -I00.1h1r11 of 1toc• 111 the 1till •<• • five, nu991t-yl1tdi119 Yellow knife Con1olid1ted Gold Mini, end • 1972 PlymCH1tli Gold D111t1r, MOal WAYS TO ITllU IT llCH Or yoy niey b1 oiie 'ilf 4 "s•cortd .priie .,;iiln•n -wilh 1 1972 Plymo11th 6 olcf ·0111t•r. •-toni.tf '111lts. 1. No purdll .. neces...,y. 2. AH .tmcillm9d prl1• Wiii tie 1werdtd b'f rendom dr•wlnO '"'"' ·er1trles tubmltfllll. No c•sll 1ubtlltutlllnl for ,.-rut. 1 Conl9SI OPell to 1tt lk:ttlald driven, 11 ., .. ,.. or ok!er. -L '°"'"' c!Ops mldnlglll M1rdl 31, IJ7L 5. Vold '" W1shlr1910n, Wiscons in, Mb.aurl, 1nd Wllfl'I pr.-lllbli.d by Ir#. 6. Wl1111tn.1r1·tr1bll tar 111 1t1tt Ind locll fllln. 7. Nol 1Ugfbl1 tor flfllft 1r1 tmplo.,,.. llld..Jill:S d~lt of Chrylltr·Ptvmoirtll Dlvl1lorl1 ) lb dt1le,.._ ldwirtltll)g 191f'!CM, 1nd.Vlwsil Slfvlc•,' Inc. ''72 SATELLITE BRA~D NEW 'CHRYSL!R '72 NEWP.ORT-,ROYAL · CUSTOM SEDAN NOT A STRIPPED CAR 4 DOOR "HARDTOP NOT A STRIPPED CAR . .. ,,_. · NOT A STRIPPED CAR.· . let equipped with 111 YI, A11tomatic~Tr1M.,~PoW1r .Slffr- htt. R1cfio, Wftit• Well ·nm. Jintitd l&l11i. C.rp1ti111:-',Yi•vl lfthirior, Cll.H4162CI06/llJ ·111t 1q11ipped wit h llt .. Yl,.1uJom1tic t.-1111., pow1r11tMri119, recllo, f"1111ot. c.onttOI 111im:1r,.ti.tecf 91111, vinyl 1icf1-111olcfi119 .. · . ·l·PH43G2Dl0?167i·, · ,· $ .. 3-..09_5 I. • • • , • ' '67 FIAT ' •so SPI .. ER .. Extr11 Sharp! Li1711' gree.n with black tcp, '4 ... sp,e,d, ,.11dio, fieet· ;··1995~ '65 FORD CUSTOM 6 cylinder, •utom11tic,.' radio/ hfff .. •r. I FEA7 I l I •29:5 '61 MERCURY COMO : 6 cyJ;nd•r. ~.IFW9~~] . '68 · MUSTANG FASTBACK J • • ' •• ! .• Vt, eUtom11ttc:.. n.dio, · heat.. ISWM962J ' · •· . i ' .•. '3'' .... -~.· ., ·.: ..• ".t :·;~' . . . . VI·, ejr .~Ond .. eufqm1fic, .r1dio, · hHl•r. IRYE.4271 . . , . •495. '65. COUPI ·:DE VILLE . . . Full ·factOfy f>'W•r, ltctor} eif" cond. I PBP91l I •• , .. . " OPIN 7 · DAYS A WEJK UNTIL 10 P.M. ' • • ! •• ALL ADYDTISID CAii llll!llCl'l·10 Pll!ll SAi.I -,.lLL.~~~UX .... 1 • .._ .. ._I. ..... ., .... N d l •. Llttfie:.tr If. .... 4i~"'1rt f"'9 .. felt. .. . COMl 111 ......... -MAT• llO.-.UM.HBL . . '• . • • . ' ~·,~------... . ' ' ., l I ... " ' ' ' • • -• I • ' ' A·· .(0111 .ple .te, ·f u.;·de .~,~·~ .... Whete .. ~ I •· • . • • • t .o l ' ., ... ' ' ' . . '· J , • ' ... ' ) . .. , ' ' I , , . . .. . ' . .._ ' ) . ~ ' ~ . . . . . Stage,: Curtain '-: Gt)iri g ' . . . ~ ' ' ·1 ' This· is th~ ;,,eek thot wos for Southlond. stoge. · Two . 'Uptown openin'gs' of Shokespeore orid Ben Jonson fovorites are followed by • Roy Bredbury world premiere tonight. ond the Sundoy ond 'Mondoy perform onces-of the rock-opera "Jesus Christ Super- stor" in the An'oheim Convention Center. Some coll it socrilegious.' Morly. wont> it 'bonned , buried ond forgotten. But "Jesus Christ Superstor" • .;ontj!UJ_Bs.fo. pleose ho_rdes of ploygo<!rs ond moke mil· lions for its outhor ond producer. Regulor. theoters .in Englond, where·the rock'<>pere wos born, refused to book the opere. " Result: first public 'presentotion wos in on Angli· con cothedrel. Highly .irregular becouse the opere'.s music by Andrew Weber is solid rock ond Tim Rice's libretto ·doe_s' not concede the divinity of Christ. 'i -Robert C,off, right, ploys;Jesus with Potrick Jude os Judos. Seots •for the performonce ronge from $7.50 ... ''to $'4':50 for·the.J·p.'m. Sunil~y mofrnee·on'd the 8 p.m. Mondoy show: ' . . , ' . ' ' . . . . . ' •• ' • • t Frlclaf, Mal:<~•lt,• Im I · -:. , 1 \ • • • ! ' A Vietnam veteran bas wrltlen two seniHutobJo,opbical playi Ilia! have become hits on mid oil Jlioldway. IJOvld Robe ·reveals his theory of 0 06jectivtty" 'and • bow be . dtal1 •with the war 1saue m Pap 21 of Today'~ WeetmdOr, . -~ _,A..- Ool'N'- llll#ml-' r.ie•lll•• t.tc . Gllteto- '-·· ' & .... , • p .... . I ' P11ull°K ...... ,... .• 'hio• P•fl Pip• . . . ' • ; . j I 'T •• ,-. . ' ' • ,• . ' ' ' , • .. • •• I "' . ' ~ • ... .. /' ~ . • ' . ' ,, ' ' . ' · · Guest performer 'MichaOI · Strong , reveals . . ' . ' . . ' . ' '. · ' to Keith Christman of Costa Mesa, right, the powers of "Dandelion Wine"· in the eaiifor· nia State, Fullerton world premiere of the play. ' Written by famed science fiction writer Ray; Bndbliry, the, play·wltll-music. opens to- nigbtaad rans for nine performances-through March 19 In the · Laguna Llttle Theater, . ' II ls, an adaptation of Bradbury's short stOneo boot which Wis.what happened.obel eventfal ·lllD!mer u young Douglu Spaulding 'it'OWs'up. 'Keith, Christman, who.plays Doug · SprUldlng, iJ a sopbomore at ~an'cia Htgb l!cbool llld'the '!"'·Of the Kermit G. Ch•ist·, mtnl. • I Bftdbury, the author of 300 sho~ stories and 14 books. ii participadt, In CSF's guest artl8t program u playwright·artist-teacher T!Cull are available at the campus box of· , flee by callinC 870-3371 • ,. --..-- go ••• Up 1 -' P~d.>Y. Mri 10, 19n DAll.Y PILOT *' What to tlo ••• ·' '.\', ' ,, " Richard ,Clramberlliln, far left, stars as the towering. poet-king' In Willlam<Shakespeare'.s "Richard.Il. • The Q!nter Group production ~ ed Thursday night at the Ahmanson Theatre. Chamberlain, known u TV's "Dr. Kildare,'' received inter- natiOnai aeclalm for bis pcl1'trayal of Hamlet on the-London,1ita~.'Thjf-· play, directed by Jonathil!i'lll!lllet. will continue -through April\115. Unresolved lnfillelity . ls. t h ,e . cause of comic conflict· in'the •lives of John Schuck and Marian Meteer, left, in a scene from "Volpone." The timeless Ben JOl!BOR comedy ,1 ' • ., I ls under the direction .'of:Edward ,. Pu.one at the Mark Taper F<irum i ' tbrough·Aprll 23. Tickets '-avalllble at most agencies. ' ' ' '· , ' " • " ' ' • . "'. ' ' . . .... • • • • • r , Fr1d01, M11t\ J0,1972 teFun ' . Activiti . MAICll • MARCH II \ p.m. On March 12 "Byny1 of Rural France" will be ahown . 'nlere Is no admiuion ch1r1e. • • ' Coul Colle&• audltortwn, 11111 Plllroilto RA .. C.. Moll!. Tlck!ta, l2 for 1dull1, $1 19' t!tlill .. .i Ille dllr. •• IJej ~T -~ ~tr1 presents ''f'ireblrd laitt" "1 ..,,....., W 1111 clb'eclion of Henry Mof· ftl It l :a ,.m._ "'*1· Matd\ .. ie. in the Villa1e Theater lft -· Tf<Uto fl -' rw Art& Box otric" 833-M11. ORCHESTRA CONCERT -LoJ Angel" Phllhannonk Orchestra 1t 8:30 p.m. Saturday. March ll. In Crawford Hall , UCl ca mpo1. Gerhard Samuel conduct.ins and Martha Argerich as 1ut1t pianist, sponsored by Oran1e County Philharmonic Society. Tickets, •t50 for adultl, $l for stu· MARCH II Mlac!lt1t • , MARCH 11 ·II COMf~DY CLASSlc--Jean Giraudoux's classic "Madwoman of Chlillol" will be presented by Newport Harbor High School students at 1:30 p.m. March 9-11 in the school aud i- torium . 600 Irvine Ave.,· NewpC>rt Beach. Dirtcled by Kev in DQremu1, it will benefit St. Jude's Chlldrens Hosplh11I. 'l'\cieU are $2 for adulls, $1 for students, available at lhe door. or by sending, stamped. self-addressed envelope to Boz 4142, Newport Beach 92664 . MARCH 10 . II OCC PU Y -Or11nge Coast College . 2701 ralrview Road, Costa Meu. will be producing "The Strpent" by Jean- aaude van Jtalie, directed by William Purkiss at 1:30 p.m. March 1().Jl in the college auditorium. There is no admis- lion charge. MARCH 18 -JI WORLD PREMIERJ.<.: -California State <Allege at f"ul1er· tan prewnll warld premier of Ray Bradbury's own play· wtth adaptation or hla book ol short stories, ''Dande,llon WiM," at 1:30 p.m. March 10-It In the Little Thutef on campua. Author Br1dbury 11 guest vtl1t of the 1971-n seuan. Tickets, '3 at theater box office. 870-3371. dents. 646-6411 . - MARCH II -II AIR ir"ORCt: SHOW -An Air Force space exhibit will be shown at Fashion Island . Newport Center, from 10-5 daily, March 11 -16. The exhibit iS sponsored by Fashion Island Merch111nlc;' Association. in cooperation with the UnltM States Air Force. Air f'orce personnel will be on hand to ex-pla in the displays and answer questions. i\IARCH 11 . ArRJL I PLANl!.'TA lllUM SHOW -1'eS!man Planetarium at Santa Ana College , 1530 W. 17th St ., Santa Ana , will present a special show, ''Six Seconds LefL Over," each Tues . .11nd Thurs. at 7: 15 p.m. through April 6. Show will e1plain the origin or our calendar. Admission is fret, but reservations musl be made. Phone 547-9561. Ext. 314. MARCH I! FILM L.J<.:C'TURE -Dr. Clara Hill will presen t a film lec- ture aeries, sponsored by the Bower 's Museum of Santa Ana, fn the auditorium of the City Hill AMeJ in Santa Ana, ~20 N. Rose St. Comfortable theater seats ahould provide audiences with more comfort and viewing ple11ure. Fret parking Jn rear lot. The prograrru all will be seen at 2:30 ROARING TWENTIES -Mu1lc from tbt period of Georre Ger1hwln and Geor1e M. Cohan will be p.raented by Ute .. Golden ·wt.t Community Chorale, dlreettd by Warren Peterkin, at 4 p.m. Sunday, March U, Jn the new thfattr on the Golden West campus, 15744 Golden West St., Hunt· lngton Beach. Ticiels are free, reservations may be made at lhe campus. MARCH II -17 FR~E CONCERT -Golden West Symphonic Band, direct· ed by Thomas Hernandez, will play at I p.m. ~farch 1r,..11. in lhe Golden ·West College Community Theater, 1574-4 Gold· en West St .. Huntington Beach. The tiro1rtm will Include Csar's Bride" by Rimsky Korsakov and "Bluebells of Scot· land '' by Arthur Pryor. Admission is fret. MARCH 17 BRAHM'S CONCERT -''Johannes Br1hm'1 .German Re- quiem'' by the_ Irvine Master Chorale and 'Orchtatra under the direction of Maurice Allard will be prfiented at 1:30 p.m. Friday, March 17, at. Garden Grove community Chureh, 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove. MARCH 11 TRAVEL Fll.M -Newport Harbor Kiwanis Foundation will present John Goddard, narratinc b.il travel ,film "Kayaks Down . the Nile '' at a p.m. Friday, March 17 in Oran1e In the Gal'leries YOUTH CONCERT -c.uJe..ta ata•Mr SmohonY Or- chtslra will pruent two 40-~ CllllNrta 1t 1:4611•1° 19:.11 1.m. Friday. March d7. In the llullttqtai INch llJ&hkbeol 1udllorium. Sixth grade .tudeni. will 1tteild fnim Nt..,..-t• Mesa School Di!trict. Tick!ls are available lhrou1h schools attending. MARCii II ' FILM FF.'!TIV AL -Ortl! Skin Divina Club will preoent an underwater film festival at 8 it:m.-Frid•y. Mirch 18, in Girden Grove High School audittirium, U272 Stanford Ave .. Garden Grl!ve. TiCkets are $2.50 at scuba diving ahopa, at the door, or call &75-2031. MARCH II OCC CHORALE -Evening C.Ueae Chorlle Group, dlrecled · by Richard Raub. will perform 1t 1:30 Sundly, )lardi 11, in the Orana:e C&ast CblJeae •udltorium, ~1 fl.lrvie• Rd:.t C'.Mta .Mesa. Ticketa, '2 ror adult.. $1 for 1tudents, at the door. MARCH ti OPERA THEATER -Th• w .. ttm Opera Thealtt ol san FrlllCIS<O wJU .. pr<SMt "Cinderella." Mlrch 21 in Or_.,e Coul ColltJ• 1udllorlum, 2701 Fllrvlew Rd., C0.14 Ml.a. Tlc:keta, 12 for adulta, II for stud"!l4. Mission Displays Relics MISSION SAN LUIS REY -Near downtown Oceanside. on Highway 76. On exhlblt will be: palnttn1s, wOOd carvin11, metal work and fabric, lrom early mission days , Marth 11 and 12. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OC -16.IO Adams St., Co.!ta Mesa . On eihibit during resular bwliness hours, oils Md mi1ed media by Tony Marsh, throuth March. TRANSAMERICA TITLE CO. -170 E. 17th SI .• Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular business hours throu1h March, oils by Herschel Yeager. DOWNEY SAVING'S -3611 E. 17th St.. Colt.a Mesa. On e.1· hibit during regular bu,$eaa ~. watercolors by Clarence Sorenson, oils and acrylics by Gordon Andrew and Mark Cllboun, and oils by Lloyd Dunn, tlu'llugh Much. ' CORONA DEL MAR LlBllARY -420 Marijold Ave., Cornna d•l M11. On f.Jhl~lt thrnuJlh March during regular librlr)' hours. :lltik by Andrea Lin11e; and American Fie.id Sfrv. ice display. CllAUJ8 i;AU:.ERI~ -1390 S. Coast Highway, Laguna JJeach. Hours: 11 a.m. to S p.m. daily. On exhibit Feb. JO-. March 19, recent paintings of Jan Kaspnycki and Bob Peck. JACK GLENN GALLERY -2.831 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Hours: ll a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. On exhibit abstract paintings, by John ~lem Clarke through March 23. CALIFORNIA MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY- 700 St.ate Drjve, Los Angeles. Houra: 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. daily. Space Museum Building. Yienna Gloriosa , prepared by City of Vienna emphasizing city's contribution to scienct, medJ· cine, arts and music. Creative Austria . prepared by A~ trian federal Chamber of Commerce; through April 2.1. GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS -2300 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa . On e1hibil through March during regular buti· neu hours, oils by Mary Long. _ CROCKER CITIZEN'S BANK -2300 H1rbor Blvd .. Co.!ta Mtf.I. On e1hiblt during regular busine.u hours, oils by Joenne Bone, through March. LAGUNA BEACH GALLERY -307 Cllff Drive. Laguna Beach. Houri 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. dally. Members' multimedia e1hibit through April 2. SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS.GALLERY -UCI campus. Hours : Tues. -Sal. 11 a.m. -3 p.m., ctoaed Sun. -Mon. Maiic trick.a exhibit by Barbara Munger, Aluts Smith and Ann Marie Titus, through March. , Cha uncey the cougar nuules Pot Derby NEWPOAT llAJl.BOR ART MUSEUM -2211 West Balbol Blvd., Newport Beach. Hours: noon to 4 p.m. Tues. -Sun., cloeed Mon. ln the main g1llery ,a live . multimedia e1hlbit by the San Francisco PerformanCe will include ecological ind performance-oriented art. All aspect.a of "modern com- munication will be uaed. Opens March 13 lhrnugh April 18. BOWERS MUSEUM -200l N. M1in St., Santa Ma. Hours: Animal Actors: Method ls Medium JO a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tues.-Sat.; 1 to 5 p.m. Sun., and 7 to t p.m. Wed. and Thurs. Two uhlbiUona: traditional African culture through M1rcb 2S and P1lnt.n of the Weal. tltr6u«b March 28. · By ALEXANDRA JANE CONST~NCE f!llf'hflM S:ci.11c:e Mi.11uw 1.,111u Pal and TeC Derby, whose animals perform in film and TV. don't consider themselves lr1lners. "We don't tea ch our an imals ;• to do tricks, and we don't believe in changing their natures in any way ," they say. ''We don't own our animals - we merely share our live.11 with them ." They begin that sharing by trying to establish a rela· tionship between the animals and themsel ves "w hich is blsed on our adjusllng lo them ," according to Mrs. Derby. 11We become a lion or a bear or a wnlf. We become thelr. pride or their herd or their pack. "Then they are able to relate to us as they do tn one another, and we are able to use th is rapport to encourage their performances in motion pictures or tele.x_l slon." Much as a melhod actor will use his own memory to stimulate an emotion for the cameras, the Otrbys set up a situ1Uon th11t will stimulate a nnrmal behavior pattern from the animal actor. -' . r I I ~· ' : ; ~·-· .. ''Ir .. • " I Clyde, o ioguor, ploys with Ted Derby a Thief,'' and Wall Disney's ''The Love Surf'; • Nehani, one of the fP\V wolves tame enough lo wnrk in show business. He has ap- peared in "Las!ie". a n d ''Gunsmoke.'' fection' lraining, because all too often the affection people express toward a n i m al s , quirkly became disillusioned with affection c8 n be indulgent in a way that does as much harm to the .11nlmal as ex· cessive punishment would. ''Our animal family quite literally· regards us as parents, and we use discipline in the same way that real animal parents would. But we never discipline in ways which would not be entirely natural to each species." BecaW1e of their deep con- cern for the preservation of wildlife, the Derbys refuse to buy or accept animals that have been taken from the wlld. "To do so would only en· courage further commercial exploitation of exotic species,'' Mr. Derby says. Today, the most important aspect or the Derby1' work is an ' ambitious new program that they call Orphans of the Wild. For many years, they have given a home to an imal "orphans" a n i m a 1 s originally purchased by others as pet& or circus performers, but who were mistreated , starved, or abused to a point where they were considered unsuitable. · \~ On the Derbys spacious 300- acre ranch in the Santa Ynez valley, these animals have found a permanent J:w>me. The ver'y first one to come into the Derbys' care was Sweet William, the btar. "Willy was with a circus.'' Mrs. Derby states. "and had been so badly mistreated that one day he attacked his trainer. SADDLEBACK INN GALLERY -In tht Saddleback Inn, Santa Ana Freeway al lit St., Santa Ana, sixth annual · Roond-up of Cowboy Artist.. On exhibit througb March 21). No admission charge. Singers Secure Golden Grammy 0CC GALLERY -2701 Faiview Rd .• Costa Mesa. Library eJ:· hibit Jn reference alcove. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-11 p.m.; Fri., to 5 p.m. ;Sun. 1-5 p.m. On elhibt through March 18, M posters by American 1rtists from Paris Review Mqulne. CAL!FOllNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS -2700 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meaa. On exhibit durihg reguJar business hours, st.Jtchery, weaving, batik, and othtr crlfta, by Donna Frei· berthlustr, through Morch ll . SECURrrY PACIFIC -1116 E. 17th SL, Cost. Mesa. On U • hlbit during regular bus.ineas hours, oil paintin1s by Pell)' Ruaaell throu1h March. The golden Grammy Award, above, given for excellence In the req:irdlng arts, by the Na· tional Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, will be presented in ceremonies to be aired on TueJ9ay, March 14, on Channel 7. The star-studded tipecial, hosted by Andy Wllll1ms, will be telecast live from New York 's Felt Forum. Grammy Award nominees in the Rec<>rd of the Year category are Isaac Hayes for the theme from "Shaft"; George Harrison for "My Sweet Lord ''; James Taylor for "You've Got A Friend''; Three Dog Night for "Joy to the World'' and .Carole Kin& for l'Jt 's Too Late." EVERYTHING IS. DOWN IN PRICE! Thin91 er• 9et+in9 cheaper ITlienk Goc:f), we're 1elli~9 9or9eou1 lettuce f~r 10c • head! Sante An• celery for .10c bunch! Or9an1c; Coachella 9rapefru1t 6 hr 21c! Oran4•1 12 ... fer $1.001 and "'•"'J, more item1.•t th••• !Ow price• thet have mede ou r 1lo9an "Werlc:f's le1t Pro uce , •• World's Lowest Prices" com• true. Look •t th••• 1peci•l1! ' OYIR lOOO PIOl'LI WllKL Y SA YI WITH THIH· COUPONS! In Our Pruit De,t. In Our ,,._., Sh., In Our v.,.ta,I• o.,t. • • • • • • • .............•... ·-· .......... COACHILLA • lwery4ay Lew ,.rice • GRAPEFRUIT • • • CARNATIONS • 6,...25C • • • 2.,.,, '1.49 • • • • e Ne ceu,.n NtN-.1 • • Llmlt--6 • With Thl1 Cou,_,, • •1 •I •••••• I I •• .,:!:;•;,-r.,.. • CELERY • • • • • • • • • • Or .. n Per U1 ly • COZZA uoa . • "Werl4 '•1n•ut Lecel" ASPARAGAS • • 29' L~. • • Limit-$ Lk. • Wlttl Thlt Ctu,... • •I•••• I• 11 JUICY VAL.INCIA • I This attitude toward their work wilh animals has put Pat ind Ted Derby at the top of thfir profession and has won them approval from both film tlirectors and h u m a n e toelelieA" all over the world. It t.as also brouaht the Derbys 1rkf their acting "family'' an impressive list of screen crediU. The Derbys, who 1elt suc- cessful careers in s.h ow busi ness lo go into full -time v.·ork with animals, quickly became disillusioned wlth con- y en ti on a I animal-training techniques and decided to "Our relationship to our animals is based on un· der:\tanding , respect, a n d trust. We feel that this Is love ij~iijjiiijjjiiiiijiijjiiijjjiijjiiijjjiiiiijiiijjiiijjjiiiijjiiijjjjiiijii expressed in its highest sense. l ~ • Our f•tnwt llw Mink 8 ICllERG • I Al ..... Siu • • LITTUCE • ~ .... ~ • • ORANGES develop a new method. -----------1 Among the Derby stars art: •Rijo -a700pound Slbtti1n liter -who has ap- pnred· nn "La1.1ie," but who Is be1t known as the g1soline company 's "Ti1er In Your Tant"· They cAJI tht result "rm• r~:;=:;=:;=:;=~~~"\ pathy tra ining." "No one could • love animals more than we -.: do," Mrs. Derby says, ''But we don't call our work 'af· • ch1Uncey, the cou11r io1;;o;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;I L I n co l.n ·Me reury com· ~: e $""1 Wllll•m -• MO- peund American bl1ck be.Ar, wllo lw 1ppl!lrtd In "It Tikes SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH 0r.te e • ...,., fl.- ..,..tt~ •' r,.,1c.r NII .... ••tMltli -=,. .. ;;;·~~Cl ... ~.;=. ..... Wl::;:,=.:,c""1::::.=~==.=ll • •o••••••s e MAINTINANCI lllYICI e tlYI POODI !'!ISi.PS e LIYI PLANT1 ... • . l'I W. WOLIOH; COITA MllA (tff ,.,,,.... 111.1 ... ,.., ..... ' tn"I Qf.7711 ftH All.tlllt, NUNTtNOTOfll IUCM .....,. CO•tt PUU °""' CNtl!t 1111 Ht'# Ludrl''ll '-..... f11"1 .... , •• , ,_,... NMl21 ' RAMONA --- Ul#'IMM'I .rAtm..,.... Nf-UIT #lit SAT.Ms& llThlfMS· 21• AIR.ll 22, 2J, H, JO MA.fl, 7 , ..... 111.--.CM. .,., """""t•eutn .......... ,_... .. ---* ... "'* RAMONA•mNL ... "~ J'MiitiJ" --- THI WIST~ ~INIST IOOKSTOUS HUNTER'S BOOKS POI 120 YIAiS-SINCI 1151 Loutod Al FASHION .SQUARE IN SANTA ANA ........ (714) 543-,3-43 H,IOO ..... l P.,orlMocn H,IGO u ...... ._,,.. Cri IAR•AINS •ALOlll OPf:N ft'ENINGS 'TfL I P.M. l. • I "* hell • fant11tl< Fla"' m a ~ GN<I Sl11 Llmlt-5 • Llmlt--6 • 1.lmlt-12 Lb. • • With nl1 C.u,.n • With Thlt Cau,_ • With Thlt ceu,_,. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COUPONS IXPIH MARCH U Th••• r•1t•urant1 demend the fine1t for their cutto"'tr1: Th•t'1 why thty f••tvre N.Wpert Pre411Ctl Petrtnl1• thernl L & I PeM Servtce with ctf1t•r_i•1 Jn c.r .. flna lla~io, larlH & Colasco; AMtlles, l•lbO; H......i's. N1wport; Tllo Archs. Newport: Th Nslitl'lftlll, Huriti119ton letch,' tnd over lOO oth1r1. How ebeut your c•llin4 us? .l · fN~~w~~ 2616 New,..., ... '-ti .. th P•l-'9 "IS Year• of Produc• "Whtr• quautu u the l'Mto Hw" Ordtr of th• Houu" .... HO lll'IUff INllll'lll'll • Nil » YIAll. r l I ;. -' .. ! i ~( ·~ ,, ., .. , ... ' ! ! "' ' . -- -F'rld.y, "l1rtft 10. 1m DAILY PILOT JS ' I N I WEEKEND EB 0 UT. ' Bj, NORM STMLEY ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERT A/NMENT SCENE ·~ 'SADLY HAUNTING QUALITY' Bobbie Walters MEADOWLARK COUNTRY CLUB LARK ROOM DINNER SPECIALS Choice of So11p or Stied B•k•d Poftlo or Ric• Piltf e Gerlic. lrtad a .... ,.v• • o •• ,.rt WED.-Top Sirloin Stealc THUR.-Prim• Rib Fll.-Seafood Newburg SUN.-Lobster Tail ENTll TAINMINT -W......, tin S.H9f $2.'5 $3.10 $2.'5 $4.JS The Only Ones .... sw...,--. IUDDY l HELEN-Wed., Tliw. l S... l1nqu1I F1ciliti•• up to 450 People 16712 •U.HAM AVINUI IAt W.,....J - HUNTINGTON IUCH 17141 146~1114 121.~I S•Z·1f!i4 MARCO$ AND THI LATIN MARKS TRlO Fri. nd Sat. Nltllts ., .... ,.2 ..... 547 W. 19th STREET COSTA MESA 642·9764 ,._ ________________ __ . ' • , •• Bobbi Walters Several months ago, while hurriedly clearing out of a restaurant to kiep another appointment, we caught a glimpse of a young entertainer as we were passing through the lounge. Even in those fleeting moments we detected something special and ex.pressed the hope to return soon for more prolonged listening. By the time we got around to checking up, un· fortunately, the young lady was appearing else· where. Then word reached us the other day that she was back so we booked the first free evening to fuUill our thwarted intentions. WORTH THE TRIP It's a good thing we made the effort. Because the delightful songs and guitar of Bobbi Walters, at Reuben's Costa Mesa, provided one of the most pleasant interludes of music we've heard in some time. Bobbi's earlier engagement here, we were told. was so successful she has truly been brought back by "popular demand." Now that we've had the pleasure of observing her close range, and being held captive by her forthright charm, it's easy to understand why her fans demanded more. She's one of those rare female performers who seems l-0 embody a mixture of girlish simplic· ity and full-blown womanliness. As a result she projects an intriguing artistry at once both guile· less and worldly. Watching her you're also drawn somewhat hypnotically to the extraordinarily expressive face. Often there's a sadly haunting quality -as when she sings "Eleanor Rigby" -then suddenly a broad and contagious smile shifts the mood as she breaks into a rousing "Sweet Caroline." ELOQUENT HANDS And there's the hands, always the hands. Whether artfully strumming the guitar or held in a state of arrested motion, they speak their own elo- quent language, punctuate the beauty or the sad· ness of the moment she's singing about. Following one set during which Bobbi gave commanding renditions · of "Wedding Song" and COUPON ~~ SAMBO'S OOES IT AGAIN l COMPLETE HAM STEAK ·DINNERS 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 $3.70 VALUE FOR $1.BS The Fun Place for F1mlly Food! 3001 S. BRISTOL SANTA ANA Offtt' GoOd Men.·Tll•rs. ••~1&n11.1t1. Not ¥11111 for ...... , ..... o,.. 7 Deya VIC GARCIA DUO '"· ""-s.t. Ced.Nilll .... rt ........ w .. ldy Hoon: 11 :11A.M.te12:11 PrlHy •ff S.t1rdiry: 11 :)0 A.M. r. 1 :JO A.M. S111day1: 4:00-12 MIDNIGHT 9093 E. ADAl'iS, HUNTINGTON BEACH 962 ·7911 Phu btv1r191 and 5 % •• ,,, fill MINU, I, DISI RI D • , , PIATUlllN• "MARTINI BURGER " ......... ..... _ ···-· •.... $1.50 IA Mertl11I Oltcl o IMIMh,..rl 2 FOR 1 ••• FREE DINNER ONI 1'1111 DINHI• Wttt1 11\t ,..-ell-el Ill)' -..I 911 t1M lftllll 1.llC"' lla!llM'. l'rllM r• t11 lflll •111 Is U.tS. S""'9y flll'fftll TJIWt. .. ,. llf9 cet111M lltc"Mry -JUST COMll • . ,.. D111c;l119 To Tho lobbv t...111 Trio e Coclrt11l1 Coff11 Shop Op111 6:JO A.M. to 10 P.M. W1~1! l1d1 e Color TV e Golf e Ftt11lly Rites rQ"\~~;.~~ e HUHTIN•TON IUCH ll6•14JI ' ' "Do You Know My Name,'' among other tunes. we had an opportunity to meet this comely young lady. What emerged was a personality as captivat· ing off stage as und~r the spotlight. Like many o! today's bright and diligent per· formers, she bas assigned herself the formidable task of a step by step climb in the entertainment business. Surprisingly. her ultimate goal is to be- come the featured vocalist with a major band or musical group. Born in Gettysburg, Pa ., high school days ger· minated her first interest in music and led to etas· sical guitar studies. It was later, in Detroit, that she started exercising her vocal chords. DETROIT DEBUT Her initial public appearance was as a sing· ing waitress in a place called the Freudian Slip. The Mo tor City also witnessed her debut as a solo singer and guitarist in one of its best·known cof· fee houses, the Wisdom Tooth. Next came three years in folk clubs and res· taurant lounges in Ne'f York City and various towns in New Jersey. During tHis period she aJso took up extensive studies in the steel string guitar, piano and ukelele. In August of last year Bobbi packed up and headed to California to expand her career hori- zons. Since landing here Orange County appear-' ances, in addition to Reuben's Costa Mesa, include stands at Reuben's Fullerton and the Moonraker near Orange County Airport. ' UNIQUE TALENTS After our brief chat, Bobbi went back on stage and demonstrated her unique Wents with such numbers as "Let it Be," "Gypsies, Tramps and ' JAZZ SUNDAY JAM SESSION LITTLE LISA 130 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA St pa/ricks Day BASH Special ... dancip)in tk ~unter Room Reuben's 4M7 M•cArthur Blvd., N•wport Be1ch THE UNDERGROUND FEATURING DANCE MUSIC BY JASON CHASE Nightly Wed. thru S11t. WAYNE GABRIEL IN THE LOUNGE Tuesday thru Sat -9 p.m. to 2 a.m. SUNDAY .AFTERNOONS MARK DAVIDSON From.3.p.m .. on SUNDAY CHAMP.AGNE IRUNCH II to J LUNCH e DINNER COCKTAILS e DANCING ·-- Thieves" and "Me and Bobby McGee ." Highlight o! this set. though, was an extremely impassioned and moving version of "One Tin Soldier.'' Open seven days a \Veek for lunch and dinner, Reuben's Costa Mesa is located at 15~5 \V, Adams, near the intersection of Harbor Blvd . ..Bobbi \Val· ters dispenses her particular magic Tuesday through Saturday evenings: weeknights from 8 to I , and until 1:30 on Friday and Saturday. Wondrous Oyster Bar Before or between meals. when you develop the craving for a small appetizer or light snack, there are times you have to double your guard if food is in eye range. We came upon an outstand· ing example one day last week . Enjoying late afternoon cockt'ails at the Crown J-Jouse in Laguna Niguel, \ve soon took note of the nearby oyster bar. The appetizing array of seafood goodies quickly made it mandatory to order some· thing. FRESH OY STERS Several orders of fresh blue point oysters on the half shell later it became an endurance contest to see if we could stop there. As other items flowed forth to customers from this wondrous ni che in the restaurant, we were se ized 'vith an overwhelming temptation to discard plans for dinner later in the evening. Even a casual perusal or the Crown House oyster bar menu is enough to lead your eating im· agination into uncharted territory. For example, it's not going to to be easy to bypass things like poached cold salmon, in wine. or fresh ~ushroom!I stuffed with crab or oysters-both offered at $1 .95. We rated our blue point oysters a notch above sensational but still wondered if we shouldn't have tried, at the same price, $1.50. the fresh cherry· stone clams on half shell. Or ma·ybe the oyster slew or steamed clams at $1 .95 each. TREASURE CHEST Going on , there's a veritable treasure chest of delicacies to be explored in this annex to the briny deep. Others include combination oysters and clams on the half shell, $1.50; Beluga Caviar, $3.95; Continued on Page 26 I !Jr . Chinese Cuisine '"'" COf\1BlNl\TTON B:AMBDD LUNCHEON PLATES I FROM $1.25 TEIR&CE COMPIZl'E DINNERS ••• FROM $2.95 ·1\ -,._ Featuring Tropical ptlrlkl X. it Oriental Cocktail Lo\lnge OPl.IN OAU.Y ll AM·ll 111.M CLOSEO MONOA'I' Iii -;1 ~~-.· tf- p HONE •••• 645·5550 153 EAST 17TH ·-COSTAMESA ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST DINING & NIGHT CLUB SCENE F•ituri119 CHIP: LAllllY P:LIMIN• IN THI.KITCHIN Wlttl .... A.114 hcttl111 P-4 MIXOLOGIST IOllT CALO AT THI IA.It Wttlt lrpTotlw Gret SWINGING SONGSTlllSS GlllMAINI W1tti D.c: ... to tti. Ill M .. • Tri• I \ Lunchefln Dlnn•r Coc:klall1 P ... SAO EN.~ 13i S, lfu,-'Robles • 115·i005 ORANGE 33 TO\''" A 'Ceuntry • 1541·1303 WEEKENDER Continued from P•ge 25 smoked salmon, $1 .50; cr,acked Dungeness crab, on Ice with mustard sauce, $1.75; shrimp cocktail, TDRR}.!\CE 24 Del Amo Fashion Sq.• 542·1177 Sl.50; crabmeat cocktail, ti .65: chilled &eafood ••\!E5s:=:=~~~~=====~==~I ' combination (shrimp. crab~at and lobster, on let-tuce bed with cocktail sauce , •2.so. Real · • • , Cantonese f11od eat here or take home. STAG . tftlNlSE 'WINO 111 2 h i pl., Newpo rt BHch ORl~le a-9560 0,.. , ... .,.... hlty 12.12 -M. -4 ....... J .... . ' A guid1 to th1 best in 1nt1rt1inm1nt ' . • .. ISADORE'S ~ Baysld'e Drive • NeW?ort Beach Yr AMERICAN HEAD BAND • • REUBEN'S-NEWPORT - '• 251 East Coast Highway· Newport Beach Still more are fresh artichokes stuffed with crab or oysters, $2.25; marinated herring, in sour cream , $1 .25; scampi a la Crown House. $2.75; oysters Rockefeller. $2.45i cioppino (clams, scallops1 shrimp and red sn appe r in a tangy Italian sau ce)> $2.50, cla m chowder, cup 50 ce nts, tureen ,1. We derj ded that ii you got carried away in ordering from this bill of fare , to the exclusion of a Fine llalian Cubine CoeJnalls . 232S E. COAST HIGHWAY •7J·IJ,7 .... ,...,.,.. o,_ D~ty I P.M. te J A.M. -Cl....i M•11497 W• WIN .. ClffHI Tw• W..b OUT IN' regularly scheduled meal. the lou wouldn't be loo great. You wouldn't soore points for a balanced diet but the feast would. account for a memorJble departure from the nutrition. guidel/o.ok1. ' . · . . . . Our best advice, though. i! to take It easy at the Crown House oyster bar. U ·you are in the restaurant you shouldn't neglect the opfortunity to enjoy the superb lunch or dinner you'l also en· encounterd here. Located at 32802 Coast Highw•y. corner· of Crown Valley Parkway, Laguna Niguel. the Crown House is open seven days J week for lunch, din- ner and cocktails. And ye_s, the fabulous oyster' bar will accommodate you all week long too. Matteo's Hosts Society · New members ol the Orange oOuntY '·wtne and Food Society we·re recently honored' at one of thOse 1 feasts bespeaking epicureari gTat\deur. Scene of the gala festivities and celebratioli was Matteo.'s superb Italian resturant in Co~na deJ Mar: ' L1..·• - A BOU .I ;;'· aal•d) and cannelloni verde {chicken·stulfed .cr1~s) with Bolla Soave, 1968, dry while. wine. • . ' . . , ... . • MAIN COU~SE , . ' ., ·PolW i.Ua Tebet (chicken , mushrooms, red pep- ·1 ·-·~:i<>Jlalini' de vitella (veal rolled with. cheese, . spiflaeJt.; prosciuto ind fresh mushrooms) ~nd iuc- ., • c.hini_)titur-1. emade up the main. course, ~ith Ruf• , lino Riserva pucale. 1966, the accompanylllg wllle. Dessert was Coupe alla Mama, a ·raspberry cream liqueur.concoction served with espresso. The appropriate finale was Sambucca Siciliano, an' anise flavored Jiqueur sprinkled with coffee beans. Mailre d'hotel Bern·ard Rigoglet gave a well· informed dissertation on the wines. Chef Alex en· tertained guests with a .discussion of the culinary presentation. . Wapda Jordan, Matteo's vivacious owner, join- ed tl)e crowd after flying to the mainland ffom Hawaii . She had been in ,.the. islands for a :rather important development in connection with her bus· ine~. ··" · · *MOM &. APPL£ PIE ,_, 1.-., Y.c.tl•• M•rc• JI ,.,,. Al"'ll I 0 Chef Alex Llcudine's taVish souvenir menu, handsomely printed on parchment, began with apti- pasto and aperitifs in the attractjve. downstairs lounge. Guests then wandered up to the elegant dining room for dinner. , .Matteo's, long a favorite for ltJ.aian cuisine in West L-Os AngeJes, and among Orange ~ounty's top estauranls since its inceptiOn a year ago ,U,. corona del Mor. has just launched a third si>ot in Horio)ulu. Loca~d in the<'Marine Surf Hotel at Kuhio and Sea· side St .. it opened to a capacity throng of 200 with the lieutenant ~governor. among notables attend- ing, . .. . '·' • THE MOONRAKER 18542 MacArthur Boulovard • Santa Ana *MICKEY &. DIANE • REUBEN E LEE 151 East Coast Highway *ARMSTRONG BROS. • REUBEN'S-TUSTIN 1513 Tustin Avenue· Santa Ana *SCATMAN CROTHERS • REUBEN'S-COSTA MESA 1555 Adams Ave.· Costa Mesa * BOBBI WALTERS • REUBEN'S-FULLERTON 501 North State College· Fullerto n *TWIN PIPERS ~ • .I ,''!!':" '>t-7,~ .. , ,1~.-rril' .11 ... ·.;.;1.,)ot :i , j • .. "'. . '•tJ ftN•s -LAGUNA.-.iH(LS , ' · -·2400l Ave de·la Carlota :·Laluna Hills *JOHNNY SHERIDAN DUO ' , .. • . _REUBEN'S AIRl!ORT ,, I • ,• > 4647 MacArthur Bou levard· Newport Beach ' • * DOUG KENNEDY ... -+·. ... ' " • ., • t •• . REUBEN'S-SANTA ANA 2313 North Broadway • Santa Ana *SHANNON . ' ' " THE BLACK KNIGHT RESTAURANT DINNER • COCKTAILS SEAFOOD BAR ENTERTAINMENT LUNCH 11 :30 TO 3 Open D•lly 10 A.M; lo 2 A.M. Now Appearin9 · JERRY 'LAMBUTH DUO 330 EAST 17TH STREIT COSTA MESA 50-7791 For Advertising In OUT 'N ABOUT P~one Norm Stanley 642-4321 A first coui'se of fres h cla ms Araganato and scampi Griglia was accompanied ·by Verdicchio Secco, 1965, a fru ity white wirie. 'Th'is Was fOllowed by saJata tagliata alla Matteo (hfr~·~ oil~vinegar Wt<londay Thru SattorNy Nlthh PAX Sunday Night>-Open Jcm SHsloo A•~ .IAN DENEAU TRIO Moilday AINI TueMay Nl ... h . . M0.10 COMPANY • LAGUNA . "CLUB 21 " Men.-Prl. 4 te 1 GARG~NTu'AN DR INKS DANCING NIGHTLY OPIN IWVIN DAYS FLEUR.DE LIS 1460 S. COAST BLVD. ; 'LAGUNA BEACH //} Wi Premise v .. Goe4 l<eJl:tfuraril · '. OO:•t •nd AMERICAN CUISINI TROPICAL COCKTAILS POLYNESIAN MUSIC Fri. and Sat . Nights 8961 ADAMS AVE . (•I M•anoli•l 968 5050 In Corona deI Mar, Matteo's is open nigbUy for dinner except Mondays,·at 2325 E. Coast Hjghway. , ·· &T~s!f'SlilRr·· I •. r IUTAUIAHT 2Z•I WEST COAST H1GHWAt N(WPOltT ·•LACH W':~"1 ·~ Cewttry't ........ St. P....icli:'t hf ~le•. fridll'f, M•cll 17. N•tlrlhtt i111t lrfah 111nic ell 111.,.. • tlie•~ :~ tj.Je& &/f/N/a TM[ CUISINE Df CDlllAl AHD NORHlfall ITALY urv~d baysl6t II\ N1¥1p01"t 8eldt every evtnl~1. M2·78SO 3131 W. Co1st Hil!'w11 ""''"'"' --...-_,, -·-11 .... 1,. .. ... "'"' • t.-dl Dflrllef. techlU. --· HUNTINGTON BEACH . . • ~~~~~~~~~! 1.:::;:----:N-=:~1-:h:-:t::ly-::D:-in_1_1_e_r AP,::N. RICK ' ROl..INS ~;;,;;;,,;....,,.......,,.~-""" ,,,,~,,_.. Specials $3.95. w .. ...., "''" s .. 11ay 1''30 10 1 '30 DINNER AND APPETIZERS FROM THE ORIGINAL AWARD· WINNING DON THE BEACHCOMBER MENU OF HOLL y. WOOD. AT LAST IT HAS BEEN TIAN,Sl'ORRD TO OUR • • CORONA DEL MAR RESTAURANT UNDER THE l'ERSONAL • SUPERVISION OF CHEF Jl"1_MY LEE . . , Dl,NNER 5 .to 1 I ,p.m. 51/~QAY CHAftlPAGNE ,BRUNCH 11 lo 3 3901 E. COAST HIGHWAY c-na del Mar RtservatloM 6 7 5-0900 TALEJtf,, WRAl~ •OO MAIN, BALBOA•PENINSULA PLENTY OF PARKING • ......__ .... ,tlt:RS' •''' \,\\ u ~ <;. ~ ~ . GOURMET DINING OYSTER BAR • COCKTAILS ----·-ENTERTAINMENT " SUNDlY llUNCH s.r¥N ft•• 11 A.M, t9 J P.M. ' ',l)."NQUIT ·,ACILrTlll 317 PACl,IC COAST HWY. HUNTINGTON llACH .. OPIN 1 CAYS .. 5.36-2555 ... Q. ~~·, · RESTAURANT . . LUNCH·: •. DINN ER COCKT "-ll-S . $.EA FOOD-STEAKS-PRI ME RIB . . . JNT'ERNAT IONAL ElliTREES t'bMPLETE DINNERS F-ROM $2.75 • "CHEF" CL.AUDI'S MOCISl.'siilCIAL ~ - CHAMPAGNE· STIAK . · · c \<"'."'.' $3.ts-$7.50 ,..,. Two ·'Ji' . Cheic• SiHel11 with Glt11 of Ch till'IP•tllt ~· · ,. -.. ' ' -· < i.1.. "!~D.,c~, Nltlllty t p.m. "· " H•ppr H!IW 3·7. P""· . " • .. , Priv•t! l •nqu•t Rooms Avajl1~lt 2645 HARIOR IL YD. COSTA MISA .THE B ULL AND BUSH: YOUR FRIENDLY lllTISH /.ll~ • :t , • Proudly l"rt1 t nts For Your Enjoyment During The Month ..,f M•rc.h. SAT., MARCH 11-THI UGGAIMIN. Hippy, C1rt fr t• Music. • Song With A" Irish Fl1•or ST. PATRICK'S DOUILIHIADll flJl.t MA•CH 17 -MAX AMDi»ILIUA. ' Tuttdt'I thru S1t11r41y, 1:30 to 1:]0 , , 1 • ,.letwtJf\11 lrhh ltlltd1 111 the •wth ... ttc "''""'' . ·I .. . .. . 4AT .. MARCH 11 -THI11HA•M1fif . B RANDI~ BRANDON DUO nm..ky,..... •• 11:11 -........ ,. LUNC" e OINMl l e SUND.AT l l UNCH 11 ..... • 1·.. ,,, .......... __, ... . 3210 COAST HWY. 111 c,...,. v11111. P•rtw•rl LAGUNA NU5UIL 1 ... Vf1H ... 1 ;11 •11• er I.1th 1¥•11!1191 •11 .. el\fe,< thi1 1v1pi1i•111• 1 c1l•Dr1tle11 te tt.1 Pthe~,S..l11t. • , SAT., MAICH JI -THI DU •U•AN 1110 · fft!..,--tk 9reat--1l't•IM;,, .f ~i1h, $cot+l1h, E'"llitlt & A"'91ic11\ Mvtlc '' tftlt f•111a111 ''"" ¥i1lts tu fer th\ ~~t timf. • m W. l ttlo St., C:..ltl M-"·· 646-H JO \ ftMEftA. ltE!ITAtiJtANr .Conlln0nl•l '-Cul1lne '1 Cotlctofli . StrvinQ Lunc¥on and .Dinntr Mondl:itl'..throuoh SatUtda11. Closed. Sundays ·w. •r• loc.attd next to the M1y Co. in South • Coast Pl111. Jll l I . Mtt.I c.... ..... '140.JUO · 'oscA• • G1rrti.11e11 wllfl A ... r11111 Tllll" Crib l .. J, S.l.ICI ~11111 • ..-\¥1*1 • .,.... ... AMO ... JI SIUC:T DIMNH INTlm VINA HAOME' • DUO E11t.rt,if1J111 i I • . . • " . . . ·-· • f/ldaJ, -10, 1972, ; •. tlAIL y "tiOI' It' . ~ . ._,.. __ ••tet•t•li ..... 'Cat' Her. Pet Play By TOM TI111S Of 1M Dll" f'llet 11.tt When Tenne,... WUilllna surfaces at two different the1tm nut weekend , hll workJ will be in the hands of two dirtctorl who each have a quarter century In the theater to their credit. Profl~ 'In last week'• col· umn w11 Marthella Randall, dir .. tor of "Night of the Iguana" for the Costa Mela Civic Playhouse, whose ex· perience has betn •massed primarily on the Orange ·eoast. A newer name, but ·none.theleM a veteran in the ttieatrical ranks, b Jean Koba, who's currently putting the final touches on the Hunt· ington B e ac h Playhouae'a "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." . Jean ls directing her first • 1 play locally. after starring In "The Big Knife'' at Westminster, "Life WI th Father" in Long Beach and "Waltz o( the Toreadors" at t h • Huntington playhouse. atatlo1i and "'"""unity theater However, her back.ground ii In the Chicago area fGtloWed. rich with •ctml and dlrt'eUna: "I conducted 1 ever a I credits I n worbhop. fo.r two different movies and televla.ion u players' groups In Chicago, well u the and directed all the one-act!, stage. . along with several, full-~cth A f· t e r plays," Jean uys, "but my studying a t' the Pua· forte wu primarily acting deq.a Pl1y-ainct I feel that Alex is really house: aomt the director in the family." 25 yearo aSo, When'.the Hun"••ton Beach Jean nearly ..... ,. signed a con., Piayhou.. called on her to tract with a major studio -direct ~Y for the 1971-n but marriage Intervened, and auaon, ,the only choice she ahe elected to move.back eut submitted was "Cat on a Hot with husband Ales: (who will Ti Roof,, follow her act, by , dicecUne n · "Catch Me If You Can" Jn ' "J w1nted lo1IO 10mething I M.aY at Htmtlngton Beach.) felt I would have a 'feel' fOr," "WE MOVED TO CON· 1he explains. "lt'1 a powerful NECl'ICUT where we both did drama; · giving each actor a, summer stock," she r~alls, full measure of emotion, arid "Alex directing ind acting, the director his a wide range while I was the reaident o( 1ituatlona. a series of ex- Jeading lady . ., C.Ommercials plosive clim~xes. on a M1Ma<:huSetts televl~ion ''EACH TIME I GO· through p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;""I. the play I fed that Tennessee SOMETHJiVG'S NEW Willi1ms had.ao.much more to AT THE VILLAGE •NN DANCING THUi. THIU SAT. FIOM t ·r.M. ' ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY COINH OI' PAIK AND MARINE IALIO~ ISi.AND '7l-4SJO aaY, but not · enough time tO uy it," she idds. "I find that the confJict! correlate with loday'1 happenings -the possibility of homosexuality. the rebellious attitude toward parenta, the escapes from reality and the half-truths we all hide behind." Master Clwr(lle ' Performs JohaMel Brahm&' 1'German Requiem '' will be pre.u:nted by' the Irvine Master Chorale and Orcheltra on .Friday and Saturday March 17. II at 1:30 p.m. The Friday performance will be at Garden Grove Ccm- munity Church, and Saturday evening at Plummer Auditorium, Fullerton Junior C.Ollege. · A newly organized SO-piece orchestrt. will be making Ila first ~appearance with the 100- voice Chorale, under the di.Joee.. tion of Dr. Maurice Allard. The nucleus of this orchestra ls composed of the Chamber Orchestra of Orange County, founded by Frieda Belinfante. and , has been augmented by 'interested s e r l o u 1 in- strumentalists. The · Gennan Requiem has beef). called the most perllOnal musical ellpl'ession Brahms ever Cilmposed. Ticket information for the Cilncert may be obtained by phoi1ing 63J..8570 or 548-6o49. Actress Set HOLLYWOOD (UPI ) Susan Dey. the young beauty of television's "The Partridge Family," will make her mo- tion picture cJebut at MGM in "Airborne.'' which s t a r s Charlton Heston. ,. Live Theater "Mother Earth" . Final performances of the original rock-ecology music11J will be given tonight through Sunday al South C o a s t Repertory, 1827 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, 1t 8 p.m. Reserva- tions -546-1383. Japanese, Sufferi~g Portrayed . "Gl'Jld W•tch," the story of a Japanese-'Amerlcan fam jly tn the month!: prior to 'their in- ternment in a • concentration camp during World War n, opens next Wednesday, March 15, at Inntr City Theatre, lllS "The Serpent" Orange Coast Col\ege'a slu-W. Washington Blvd., Los dent production closes out Angeles. with performances tonight and Academy Award nominee Satrlrday at 8:30 in the OCC 1ctor ("Sand Pebbles"l Mako auditorium. Admission free. and TV-film star Nob u, "Dear Uar" McCarthy h!id the cast which Da vid and Betsy Paul stage also includes Elaine Xashikl, a two-eharader show for the Richard Kato, Clyde Kusatsu, Laguna.Community Players In JoAnn Lee, Serena McCarthy, the Forum Theater, Festival of Arts grounds in Laguoa Irvin. P~ik and M i mos a Beach. Last performances , .Yash.ima. . tonight and Saturday at 8:30. Chicago playwright Momoko Reservations -494--0743. lko wrote the stark drama and "PenolUll . Appeara~" A comedy of Old-time Hollywood opens Tuesday at the Laguiia Moult'on Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road , Laguna Be a c h , Performances March 14-18. 21· 25 and 28-April l Al 8:30. CUr· ta in 8:30. Reservations -494- 0743. "Nlght ti the lpana'' Tennessee Williams' drama set In a Mexici:in resort. Cost11. Mesa Civic Playhouse. March 16-18 and 23-25, al 8:30 in the Commun ity Center auditorium, Orange County Fairground. Reservations - 834-5.100. C. Bernard Jackson, who laiit s\aged ICCC'a _long runll_ing hit "One Js a Crowd," will direct. Co-billed with "Gold. Watch'' is a Cilmpanion ~ece, "Thert IS" No Place for a Tired Ghost," written and directed by Mako and performed by members of the East-West Players. Performance1 of both plays will be given Wednesdays through Sundays at 8:30 p.m. on an indefinite ba sis. A matinee on Sund~y at 2:30 p.m. Is also scheduled. For in· formation and tickeU. phone Inner City Theatre tiCket of- fice at (213J 735-158!. HOUSE OI' SEAl!OOD NOW OPEN FOR WNCH 11 :JD te Z:JO THt. tllrll Fri. Ni9htly Dinner-Cocktails '4 to 11 p.m. Sunday 2 to 9:30 pmLclos.d Mondays Discover - Disneyland , Hotel's New water World · 1814 N. c-t Hwy.' !El Camino .Reill> SAN CLEMENTE ! 492°6571 CONTINENTAL CUlSI E ·• SEA FOODS CHARCOAL BROILED SfEAKS N" .... ~ liNt NORM PA~TO DUO 0'91 Delly ..... tin M. -1 I A.M. t9 I A. M. 0,.. At 4 P.M ... s.t. -4 .... 1670 Newpert mN., C-M-641.atl MAGNIFICENT ADVENTURE IN FRENCH CUISINE . PARIS .INN tP'NMllllLV kA•olM'S} Exclusive lut Com• As You Are Dinner Niqhtly 6 to 11 Enterttinment In The loun91 Our J\:ltch~n Under The Dtrection of CHEF MARIO LE FRANC COCKTAILS e CLOSED MONDAY S01 W. JDttt ST. NEWPORT llACH 675.0lDO TEMPLE GARDENS Qflt-leSS Rui.uretd RICKSHA COCKTAIL )l;~~~~~E ............ , ~tUrin· Exotte , Troplc:al Dl;tnk1 lunclteon I: Dinner Di lly IU,,IT LUNCH ll:Jt.1111 M.Uy thru 'rWay • 1Jll Al'AMI Cat Harller) COSTA MllA 140.1U7 MO-HU "'"''~ ~ ;t Proudly Pr-b the "NOW SOUNDS" ef DEREK • TAYLOR . . GutterlttN-..lltt Nlflttlr Weot."'"' a .... ' STROLL ORANGE COUNTY'S MOST UNIQUE A'ITRACTION 1'HEIE'S NO ADMISSION Shipyard Inn Restaurant \\bnderful gourmet·aealood In a cbanning 19tting over- looldng the Marin&. Coclctalls tuci In the -nton Sail· ' ...br'1 Don at thewater'I edge. Luncheoll IDll d!Dnet dally. Dancing waters Show Nightly Th• lnt8"l!ltlm!aDJlamoos pre1ent11tioo. which combines lights, water and music in a . 11lariou1 spoctllcle. ThiM -MCh 9\'llllllg,JJO, admflllkm. • • tsu~ an .JJ . \ I: . ' ......... -...:·: Lovers Ill-fated ',.-· I ~ . lll·lated 1e .. r1,. Rlcl>- ard leymer (Tony! and N1t•lle WM (Morie) oxch•rito "'°"k ....i. dl"9-ln•- from ''W"t S 111 • Story." The .1w1NI winnln1 film d1111e will "" "'°'"" r.....i1y, Morch 14, on Chennol 4. ' .. .. I . ' Marb,te ArtUacts The lifebmt of hD' zaw •·· e 1J11111I ~-ti. QueeMarf •• ,.ad .... ~ .... tlio...,. ' 'l . Arts-crafts ~ 'l~lclLfs tlio porlodlc:- ~ ~QGand.-........ wlddllljlo · plaoeon1boHabol'1- \\bdd wJmf.Bruww •• .ancl 1imi.,..._c1mo. . " " I t ••• • JJ~. ..,..~,' . • CHAMPA•NE BRUNCH Aca,.lco Style Choice of 4 fntr••• SUNDAYS 11 A.lit.· I P.M. -. ZUO W. c:... Hwy. Nw,..,.._. 141-1171 ), I SHOPPING PIAZA 18 Ecdl'na Bmt1quss TRAVEi.PORT 11 Airlines/Tours Airport Coach Rent.cars , CONVENTION CENTER . ·RESTAUIANT ROW FUN SPCll' 30 Meeting Rooms 2Ballrooms Superb·Caterlni 6 Specialty Restaurants Water"Ytbdd/Qilf 6 Cocktail Lounges . Dlutdq' Ent 11..i I 11 _. , '1•1 1 I • . ~ .. . ..... 1 ,, • h • • •.- ·" • • • M DAll.Y PllOT '"""· Mardi 10, an ~ , Tv IDGHLlGHTS ,. , !,_IC (41 10:3-0 p.m. -"Wtl!are: Not Well, Not :f'alr." Tlmt1 columnill Art Stldtnbaum hosls and · ~hrrates a look 11 tl>e Califqmi1 well.re 1y1lem . :ne 1.llm document$ the errors, abuses, loopholes l!ld l•r•I. lechniul nawt in our welfare 1y1tem. - ' ' , F.ridoy Evening l Saturday Morning - TV Spe~ial ''W ears Green' w~tern _Germans Express - A musical ulute to st. P•trick1' Day in "Dona1d'1 Dublin" .,\th Dooald O'Connor 111 holt W\I\ be prt1er'lttd ll I p.m. Thurtd~y, M•rcb 11, on Channel t. Next Is Trinity C:Ollege, which has Ont o( the most ii· lustrious roeter1 of alumni in the wor.ld , To walk on the greens of Trinit.Y is to walk In- to Dublin's golden age. Yet, as at modern universities today, the pa 1 t is mi1ed wilh the present when the Wolftones, the most popul1r group In Jreland, perform. the N1ti<m1l Art Gallery to focus on the bronze statue ol the famous lris)f playWrlght, GeQrge Bernard Shaw, This famoos JOn of Dublin don1ted. the money .from ''Pygmalion" lo help support the g1llery. They also visit the Abbey Theater, a typical country · village ·and a castle. Musicians . . .. Art on Posters The musical journey 11tart1 on the famous Ha' Penny Brid~e which 1pans the Lleffey River and is the life blood of • Dublin. A montage o( tfte city, allvt with it1 people, sets the scene as Donald 1 I n g 1 ''Dubli!I'• Fair City" in t~e background. From the college l h e cameras will Wilow O'Connor into Merrion Row. pasl,Parlia· ment and the Leinster llouse, the Prime Minster's home , to On busy .. bustling O'Connell Street, Donald 11tops for a chat with a woman peddler and , after an old fashioned Irish jig, talks with various citizens of Dublin. * *IMPORTANT MAJOR FEATURE. PREVIEW, TONl .GHT AT 8:45 THIS YEAR'S BIGGEST CAST "DIRTY HARRY" will show at 7:00 and J 0 :45 ''.SKIN GAME" will not show toniaht Honored The seventh annual award presentation of t,be Academy o( Country and We111tern Music ~ill take pla~e M o n d a Y , March 13, ·Knoll's Berry Farm. The awards ·honor ri"luslc artis ts for their achieve ment• in the pait year, with awards to be given Jn 22 categories. Highlighting lhe ceremonies will te a two hour variety show beginning at 9 p.m. halted by DiCk Clark , aU:r of ' 'Am er I c·a n Btodsland." Performers appearing include Lynn Ander30n, Kenny Rogers and the f'irst Editioo, ROger Miller and ~y Clark. ·A pre-show performanct""will be given outside of the John Wayne Theatre on the Weep. ing Rock stage beginning 1t 7:30 p.m. Stara include The Hagers, Tommy Overatreet, Red Steagall &nd Buddy Alan. Tickets for the event sre ava.ilable from the Academy ol Country and Westera Musle office a.t t21S) 4&7·1211. Congratulations Ed-. Nixl ••• and congratulations too, to the Orange County Press Club: Th< lfl!•I works of the pioneers of G e r m a n Ex· preMlonlam -The Blue Four -are an display now through M1rch on-the-mall at Fashion lalaod, Newport Bea~h. The es.1cl1nl:ly reproduced lllhocr•phl from the collection at lhe Paaadena Art Mustum repr*nt the significant con- tributions of artists Paul Klee. Wasaily Kandinsky, Lyonel Feinln1er and Alexei Jawlenst)i. They were called lht Blue Four of early twen- tieth century e:s:pressionis m. Wllli•Ql Acee. director of the Pasadena Art M.U!eUm - a wofld leader in con- temporary art collections - 11:lected the work.s from the Galka E. Scheyer collection, cons.ldered by ~ny to co nt&in th~ world'.•. finest assemblage or paintings, drawings and lithographs by ola.wlensky and Kitt. · Among the 20 subjects selected for the People'• Gallery trlosl1 are Klee'r '.'Maid of Sa :s:ony,'' the Jawlensky lithograph "Head With Open Eyes,•• a n d "Delu1eu by Kandinsky. In a:injunction with The Blue Four exhibit, People's G11ll!ry has jointd the Pasadena Art Tonight, March 10th, Ed is to be honored by The Orange County Press Club at a dinner at the Sarita Ana Elks Lodge. . ' · During the 11 years Ed has served as News Director and Director of Community Affa irs at KEZY he has also served Orange County • • He has served County, civic, community. and charity groups on a voluntary basis. His involvement with Orange County goes far beyond his outstanding work as a newscaster. His abilities as an MC ,. Director, promoter and wrjter are well known by the countless groups he has assisted. . ' AH of us here at KEZY and KEZR fm know how well .this honor is . deserved. We are very proud, Ed, that the .Press Club has seen fit to honor you ton ight. ' And we are very, very proud to have you as one of us. " ' • • - • • - • •• • \ • • • • ' . \ ~ .. .. . ' 'HOLY ONE' Paul Klee's Artwork Museum to make pouible vlslts tr> the museum 1t no charge throu1h6ut the! month of March. ___ .., '•I~ --..... •< ... ,...... t·::U:a':t'J. 1. ........... , _ ..... , .. • -~· ""''" -·-·-.... 1111 STARS · l)'Clrie)' Omarr II ont o1 thl wprld'• ll"Ml llOd~ ton. Jiii oolumn II ... ol Ibo D.llLY PILO'l'S -· !atuns. f'.__ ____ __, • • • • ( J • -----· • DAVID. RAii, VllTNAM VITlltAN AND WlllTElt, HAS TWO HIT PLAYS. China Lost And Found By Terrence O'Flabmy largely on the belief that Mao All of the speciil procrims would wln and the U.S. would be stuck with a aovemment ln on the subject of our new-ezil! on Taiwan. found frlendsltip wtth China The decisio n caused the four have covered much the same men to be drummed from the historical ground using the State Department at a time same film, but the most when S 1 n a t 0 r Joseph enlightening one ao far w1s McCarthy was demiioa:lng ltis NBC"s "China: Lost and way throu1h Waahlneton poln- Found." ting his finger and crying In a surprising sequence "Red!" aubtitled ''We Backed The Service. Davies, Emerson Wrong Dragon," host John and Ludden were articulate Chancellor introduced four and impressive on television. It Is one of the ironies of the former members of the U.S. diplomatic game that their State Department who were reeommendations were not on government assignments in followed until 2S years later. nd ft w Jd They seemed to be free of any China during a a er or bitterness over the shabby War II. treatment they received. It rr1du , Mmh In, 1972 DAILY PlLJr 11-. , NATIONAL .GENERAL . THEATRES - as tht old man or the mount.in ,. Pili• Sn.c:tt r.ulir SKI Sllort "Gat Hol" Sun lntematlonal Productions Inc.• • Wt1oi.1ome F•ffllly Efll.,.,Mi"tment Alwys A F·AMILY TREAT! HELD OVER -Hlllett411 Otntr•t Tl\""-- Veteran Writes on War It was their responsibility to was an unusually pertinent ex- study the rising Communist ample of State Department movement under Mao Tse-myopia seldom discussed on tung as well as the Nationalist tfilevision . Chiang Kai·shek and then The greatest irony was saved recommend which the U.S. for I as t "''hen Chancellor o~ should back. served that. one of the moat -H1t111ntl 09"1r1t Tll11trP - SOUTH COAST ,LAU 11 Cllll M .... 1,,tl ~2712 W ... !MYS1 J :M. '7:0D &-9: .. 111. a t""·' 1.oe. i.oo, s .... 11•' ''". POI PULLllTON 1"11ll1rte11 • tu-41•1 By WllJ..IAM GLOVER , "The Basic Training of Pavlo o\ Hummel." NEW YORK (AP I -David His follow-up offeri ng . Rabe neatly ducked the jitters "Sticks and Bones," -joined that usua!IY afflict first-time "Hummel" in tandem display theater winners. at off-Broadway's p u b 1 i c He was ready with a second . Theater, 8 n d on March 1 play. When it turned out to be u p lo Broadway's Golden a hit too, Rabe remained im-Theater. mun.e to any .intimidating Critics generally have laud- tens1on about be1_ng able to ed the plays as evidence of the turn out another piece. On tap emergence of an important Is a third opus, and if lightning new talent. Both works derive should strike, there's a fourth. directly from the author's "I'm very pleased to have had so mu ch work done before all this happened," the husky Io~·an mu ses. "I feel a tremendous security, I feel In- sulated about having a little time to try something new." The 31-year-old Vietnam \'eleran was propelled last geason into the limelight with .. overseas duty in 1966 with a hospital fleld unit, though he insists neither is even ap- proximately autobiographical. In "Hummel," a medical corps draftee ls killed by a hand grenade tossed into a ·brothel. Jn "Sticks and Bones," the protagonist returns h o m e , after being blinded physica11y, Wiii DAYS: 1 .... Sflow s.,im 7 P.M, Coltti11••• Sltow 5-NrHy fT0:111 I I'·"'· S1111fff ""9 J ''"'' UfCtAL KIDS MATINll htllf49r -J , .... WINNER OF 5 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS . ' ..... , ....•.• , inanalanjpakula production "lut~, portOWtioft• 1ec1Wcob• Iii: •Olli---"""-~ olinneyleisurt ~ ALSO -IN COLOI Cll JENNIFER O'NEIL -GARY GRIMES "SUMMER OF 42" WARREn BEATTY and GOLDIEHRWn in . ''Cl:)" (Doll•,.) NOW! GERT FRO BE I ROB-EAT WEBBER I SCOTT BARD~ --.. rn..tFRRnHOVICH , ....,.,QUlncY JOnES Wntletl rd Directed ttv RICHl=IRD BROO=_HcoS ___ _ l>stf•butl!d b'{C0LUMe1A PICTUAES JRl-..::..~..J.:_ ~1 ' e~ "BOB & CAROL & TEO & ALICE" 111 . • Jn a masterfully edited seg.-outspoken member& of the menl these four informed House Un-American Actlvltiesl---------------------to Confront a family totally 1'1 feel less intense now. t specialists, all fluent i n Committee during the years blind psychologically to both regret that. I think it's a sign Chinese (John Ste w a r t when our unfortunate Ch ina him and the war. , of being gently seduced by Service, John Patton Davies, policY was being decided was Rabe went to work on both comforts and just being back William Emerson and Ray Richard Nixon whose po litical plays because of the massive in this life that's not alien to Ludden ) told the story of their career was launched by a detachment about Vietnam me." mission and why they recom· campaign based on the Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers events he noted among people The two plays have eased mended that the U.S. should 11tatement that his opponent II. di 'h Rabe's own feelings about lake a favorable position wa3 "soft on Communism." upon his m itary sc arge. f Vietnam. but not brought toward the Communlsls -a,_::.:::_:::.:..:::.:::::::::::::::::___'._ _________________ =-- But for the first couple o dec1·31·0n which was based h d surcease. ' post-GI years e returne to ....:~:;;;;;;;;:~::::;:~~::=;:;;;:;:::;;i~~=======~:---1 studies at Villanova and a1 stint of feature wr iting on • FIND OUT YOURSELF r:.w·~~;~. A~:' :.:;iP'~~~ WHY EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT· around to a Jot of producers. None was interested until the Publlc.'s Joseph Papp. His third script, 1 1 T h e Orphan" and a "pretty com- pleted'' drama, "Frankie" are now under consideration. "I think the process of writing is objectifying. Once you do figure out exactly what you feel about a situation. you can live with what you feel , in-1 ~~==:~~;;.~!~~;~~~;;~~' 11,.d of having il posse'3 you. 1 i LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Ac..., Aw•nl No.-i.tl•• For led M•IMI Su,.. .~'~;,~~. "SHAFT' Pim .... s_,1•ehl Det.ctl.,. INf'Y 1111ett •••hi I• .'.: J1i. ...,,.,., "Llttt. Murderau .... -c ... , -(ll Zubin Mehta, Mu1ic Director GERHARD SAMUIL.-Conductor MARTHA ARliHJCH .i. Fiory Ar9.,1;ne Pienist ONI PIRfORMANCI IN OU.NliE COUNTY Satul'Wy -. M•ch 11 -1:30 p.rn. UCI -CU. Wl'OJID HALL ' Tlck1tt -14.so Stud1nt1 -S2.00 Tlcklt Int.: Or1n11 C1unty "'hll1rmonlc Socl1ty 201 W. (Nat Hwy., Ntw,.,,. hech, 646--6411 Tlcketl AvaUabl.e at Box Offlc~ £~NI Wl'O~'l l EACH · a l thP t·ntron(t' to •l'i• f ub.,1,n I le t .1• OR J 8350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ' .......... . I ACADEMY NOMINATIONS GENE HACKMAN FERNANDO RFf ROY SCHEIDER Ill CO-HITI ctlllMA.J&MlllAllll "SKIN GAME" (PG ) fOIWTAHl'IAllH H•AT.. llOtllMAMTC* _.,_ ... ""'.-.. ....,. .... ,.w """8 .,...1rvn• ( "G ) .. ..--_...,_.,_ .. ,.,_ C"t'51."" r ' ~EDWARDS THE ATRES & ·111e .. ·2"4 TOP A TTUCTIOM· James Garner SldnClalne ••M;::"• (1JACADEMY AWARDS GEORGEC .. SCOIT 111~• ltr-. l1.1fl1rH11 . I ••Ofl ,l"tlWIJ •JJ,.ftl! ~-s1 .. 11 11 h!l • Oll.,u Vof!llf;;J, .... . PHHl '4US7J 2nd TOf' ATTRACmH NATA.LIE W000.901CRANf "808 & CAROL & TEO & ALICr' NOMINATED 6 TOGETH~R.l"OR. • a VI JO F.OW/\Rl>'-i CINEMA VIEJO ... II ' .. ' ' • ~ • I ciint EaltW'OO" DlrtyHarry :.00 ~A.llA-·TtCl'HIGCll.OOl'•---•ia..w~ IN THE OllEAT TRADITION • 'Ol"Af!ttftlCAN TH!flLLE!fS. ''DOLLARS" -.. m..tFRAnHOYICH , Wrlttat"1 a'ICI Oirwct9d CV RICHRRD BR00HS ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING llST ACTllSS ·JANE FONDA Ji"'f OOfilA.lD .mflllfflRO'lrlll .... ............ 'kl • ._I ln~ilitthat\a U..r SUMMER OF '42 I .. •• "> ,, ,. ' ·-;. I ' • · Boys J~in . W aY°:e on Cattle Drive ' • i."i I. ! .. 1' ......... ~ • DiuJ or a Mad Beutewtfe (R): story about the cdllin- : tegrailon of a New York at.. torney'1 marriage. Ricliard Belljamin portrays the pom- JIO"' husband. C a r r I e ' .. Snodgr<a plays the bor<d wlie W'fiClcller NDiiiiiATID POI 8 ACAHMT AWA.IDS IXCLUSIVI °".-~· OIANOI COUNTY ltlSlllVIO SIAT INeAlaMINT STAITS MAICM '"" -~~--~ ~ r .DllD ---{!f fn9 HI 70 o. r r · r 1 • --{INfOUJff ll ' . I I > I • ---. S IA/////M I .. -. . - ----,, S14il!U+' J .. .-'11'. - screen . ... OHlu ....... .,. 11 ..... 9:• """ .Tld:ilh tlM 1¥1lllllM II .. , L ... 11y &~Ml!IM4 ,.,_ .... =~·' ......... ~de c .......... ,_._.Mtw -e.-"HOSl"fTAL" (~I AIM e "TMI l"AltTY" NI ....... l"W 4 'AuMmy AweNt "SUNDAY, ILOODT SUNDAY" ••--.es.1 .......... ~ .. ,. ... "1'1rrll ,,..... CIRlll,._.. (a) .. "V .... 11111 ......... C•I :·,,oo finds an affair a tern-._... s.--1...,. 1..,.... --rary anti&te. "HOt IOCK.. C•l'I .I'." ..... "'"'"'" Hotpltal (PG)i George Scott "'"''"'' C-"Y a,... ~· kW" portraya banl-drlnklni doctor, I-~~==~=========~~~~ who copes · with an unsuc· ceuful marria1e and the emergenciu of a n un- derltatfed. overcrowded, bil city holplW. Pick Your Own ··''Oscar' Winners Kl•t. (R): Jane •Fonda portrays aspirlnl actreu turn- ed prostltul<. Unable I o establish real relationships.she regards her buSlness as a The DAILY PILOT ... in cooPeration with 'Movieland ·wax form of act in g. Don Sutherland is policeman on M~eum ·and South Coa&t Plata No. 1 and No. 2 Theater•, bunt for a rnisalng frlind in offers reader• the opportunitt1 to partici~te in a mition· thil murder mystery. wide poU to select popular winners from among officUJl Dirty Barry (R): Sadistic "01car" nominee&. Week'1 vacation for two in Honolulu plain clothesman portrayed by and a plact of 'honor at "Luci" Award! BanqUe"t at Stars' Clint Eastwood ~es a Hall of Fame await national winner. Twtntt1 pairs of movie demented murderer m story of . . criminal violenCe. pa.s1e1 given weeklt1 to tho1e voting at South Coast PLaza 'SUit (R): Detective story thtattrs. Clip out ballot below: of brute force and violence in r-- - - - - --- --- Harlem of~ fo~es. A tough I Mar" an "X" in box in front of your selection; 1 Blaclt datecUve " after the Vote for-only one person or film in each category. Be J Malla. Richard Rountree and ... t . 1 t •< d ta d fill · Moses .Guon ·star. •. I swe o 'compee ·-wor s tement an in your I Tiie Party (PG):. Slapstick name, address and phone number so you can be con- comedy occurs when disaster~ I tacted U you win prire trip or show passes. All ballots I prone Eut lnd~n' aclor ls In-must be mailed to DATh Y PILOT or placed in theater v1ted accidentally' to chic I · · · · Hollywood party. Peter Sellers I .obby ballot boxes. by.nudntght on Saturday, March 25. I atanl. Somellllq Btc . (PG): Dean I Best Aetor I Martin becomes involved in plot lo .get a woman for a , . D . PETER FINCH f "S d Blood SUnd ,. fugitive in exchange for his or ~n 8Y Y ay. I famoua gun. Unfortunately she D GENE HA.CKMAN for "The French Comiection" Is the cavalry colonel's wlie. D WALTER MATTHAU for "Kotch" I Poot Civil-War •western com-0 GEORGE C. SCO'l"f;fe1< "The Hospital" ed~er of 'I.I ( R ) : I D TOPOL for "Fidd!U on the Roof" I Noatllgic return to early war ' yean depicllnl' three teenage I Best Aetres~ I boys awakening . )o .. romance ~ 1 and sex. They Wh\le ·away D JULIE CHRISTIE for "McCabe & oMrs Miller" I summer at an. Eastern shore · resort planning c0nque11a. , 0 JANE FONDA for "Klute" I • Senaltive Hermie fall• In love D GLENDA JACKSON for "Sunday'Blolidy 1unday" I with ~uU!ul Army wile .. Jen-D VANESSA REDGRAVE for"'Mary, ' ' . ruler 0 Nelli and Gary Grimes I Queen of Scots" • \ •tas:;nday Bloody Sui.iay <R>: I D JANET SUZMAN for "Nicholas and ~xandra" Glenda Jackson, Peter Finch, and Murray Head star In slory B !If I •-I 1" ol handsome young sculptor I . est ot OK · P""'ture o a7.l and the two people in love " · . with him : a aensilive, •uc-1 0 A CLOCKWORK ORANGE" (Warner Bros.) r======:;;ll 0 "FIDDLER ON THE ROOf" (United Artists ) MOVIE RAllNOS I D "THE FRENCH CONNECTION" I · (20th Century-Fox) RJR PARENlB AND I O "THE LAST PICTURE SHOW" (Columbia) 'YDUNO PEDPLE o "N1cHoLAs AND ALEXANDRA" ceo1uniba> I I I I I I ftrt ..,_.. fll fflt n!Wlp 11 ,. ,,.,.,. ,.,.....,,,_.......,,,.,." .......... ,,,......, bptftWcM19'M I WHY I VOTED FOR THIS FILM (25 words or less) I 1 ..•.............................. : ........ ,:1·········· I • . . ... . .. . . . _. .......................................... . \ --------I ............... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ... '•(Rf ..,.,n=r::....,,.111 I Name ............................. Phone ...•••. : •.. I ,..,,'*" ...... l------•----IUAddress ..••..•..•.. " .......••.................•••... 1 ® .• _.,;_ City .......................... Zip .......... .. Vilill.illlft •"" '--- - - --- - - -~ - •--Moil ... ll~t te: "0.C.r Pell," DAILY PILOT, P.cl, lox ••-•••••••••••••••• .. •••••• 15'0, Cost-....Meu, C.. '2626, er 11,., In leWly ..._ at ••.!!.._":,:~ South CM1I Pl111 TIM1hlra •l er •2. lria191 lfrMtnoor _.._.. .... _ • Sen Diep l'reew1y. ~ I " , • \ • Piiis Ina Bl•'s "OK AMY smr· ' • ' ·• "Where's Poppa?" .................... a.tM 1-c, .... _ s..-, .... St.Mt J:M ' Let the Swallows· Fly You to Hayv.a,ii ! Join . the KEZY / 1190 .Birdwatch. • ' • : • ~ J . . ' ""......,21 On Sunday,,March 19th, the Swallows' on the Mark Den is Show which will ·be return to the' Mission at San Ju·an ·broadcast live and direct from the Capistrano. . • Mission at San Juan Capistrano. To win a w_eek in Hawaii:··········•-~---..,-··: In case of duplicate cor· -free-just estimate, COUPON·" . 1rectanswers,theGraAd their "Exact Time of 1 1 Prize winner will be de- Arrival ". Tell us thel ltermined by a drawing HOUR and the MINUTE 1 from all entries with the of.the Swallows "touch-l Exact Time of Arrival. down" and we 'll fly yo~ -1 Use the coupon for your and a guest to Hawa11 ·1 es.timate the "Exac~Time of Arrival''. of the 1 ETA (Exact Time of for a Su per Va.cation. swanows·at Capistrano win be:-Hrs-Min. l Arrival). The winner w i 11 be Nilme1---------.,--~ Mail or bring entries to announced on KEZY I 1 E R 119()., Sunday, March 19 Addres's---------• KEZY, 1190 • Ball d., between 8 ~M and 1 PM ------.-rhon ' ' l Anaheim, Calif. 92805. I All entries must be at the KEZV studios by I . SPM, t,larch 18, 1972. I --------------------· I • .. ,. • • -.. ' • • -: : : : : : : : : " l 5 e 10 ll l5 l• 17 d l8 • 19 I 20 2 22 • 24 25 rT 29 2 :rz I 338 e 34 A 42C 44A ' I • 1 ... • ~· ., •t t . Frld,y, M•lth 10. 1'172 DAILY "ltf Cl -DICK T,RACY GASOLINE ALLEY -ly Dick Mi.-·' .. . , TUMILIWDDS lei 1tm:RV1ew . 'Mlll.t! &E OlMPl.t:J'f Wllll-001 A COOPl..f QUfSTIOOS AllOUI~ 'HORSE:~ MUTT AND JEFF J&FF, l HIR.!O JOHN BONO "TME GENEAL.OGl6"T "TO 9l!A~ MY l=AMILYMliTOR.Y/GOOVl!R ANO &&E IF ME HAS "THE i!All.CH R.EAoYI FIGMENTS NANCY AFTERJ: R.EAOIT J: "TOL.OMIM 11'· WoULOBEO.K• ."TOT.ILl..YOU FOl'l:.3,000 WWU.,AAlll TMI l»ID•BUAl!ID LIQ! "'<.:. / 1111, )}! ly TOlll K. Ryan I CAlff H!'AR 1HEM, MI~ 1HEm1HERE "A--.. .$3,000:TO HAVEMYFAMILY HISTORY LOOKED UP? By Al Smith No,11.000 "TO MAYE l"t" LOOl<&O UP AN0-2,000 "TOMAV!l"T" -HUSHED UP.I GORDO y0U Lila H.A~WOR!<? By Gus Anilla . I HOPE. THEY'LL ~ SLUGGO .'-,-,-..J PO IT FOR ME. ANIMAL CRACKERS I By ROfJlf ...... i BOUGHT MEA : RING-FOR MY, ~ BIRTHDAY ,...:,:·;;.tl'f': -- !DAILY CRoSSlii(t.<;;~~,;,WERj"" ACAOSS •S uvit :;\\ii I YtafMa, .. ~le Solved: ' bY lht loot ••• l Pl.,,ty /(1 UrJt.whl,. 5 Small duck condlt <9';."~lc~ . 10 Pierce wlth SO Bld:·f'!rtflx · a d-r lZ klonrlng 14 Object of in ~nlc .,..hip 54 s1y1, lS Mert Inferior al)loniGM1t 1'Voto 5B-1*1i 17 -p-osequl: 59 Zoo •lotl· L191\ 60 Dig with tttf rinrJ'1il l i.JlltJt.J rr·r-~; n01'~~n r·lrJAn •~Ll:I~ ;1 11n11r; i·JflnA1J1 1r:inr1 n1 1;Jn r·.nri n1 -.,,r-,r: r-1r1nr. FH-nnrnr: nnnn,1r • r~A11r:;r;n !·J• 1•1r 11 1 ~ll Jl~t·•~ r_,[.;), n~1~;~ f.iC.:l!>iri ,,1111.-. 111 11 . u 1•r itJu ·~•;r,r1r1 ru11·~•1lrl ···ii.·' ''L ri 'l'1 ,,uifl • •·1 j• I~ ,111; I l· • ·IJ J,•·1-·n 1111'11 I fli·H llf.11 .ol-Jl! 11 ~f 'l• r·,u • .. nr~r111 ,,1 1, IL 1 it4i4u LU1l<JL~ dtclarttlOll snout 3110n2 11 Actor who , '2 Greater 7 Smattdlnghy: 39 City: lnfonnal played Charif• 65 Stiff tlllr var. 41 Roadway Ctlan 67 Ostful: Rare I Anglo-Saxon tOllflKUng: 19 lnt'J Ak' 69 Pl!it&lnln; lo lowly ptaple dlff!rent Transport lrlsh 9 W.1!1t body of l!vt!!ls Assotl1tl01: 70 "Old E'9r _:; ,All~lllj At!. U ~,.\_ Abbr. -": ~, .a: Z Ms 4& Untrustworthy 20 Mat11ed: Fosltt •WJ 10 lttli of 1parts Pttson 2.words n Plcks&it . t1111Jpmft ._t "41-Scotla 22 S..ethlng thll 72 Fili chestnut ll ~o(le's lrlplt S~ Senlinels sMrts 73 Chic-: Amer--crown 53 Bullring 2.4 Managed ic.111 actor 12 Ovd1 stndt6e • plrtlelpant 25 Keep away 74 St.agnant 13 Pl1.1sanUy · 54 Stnds forth rt Toward the swU1ps: Var. ·gentle SS Entttta.lnmtnt ocean 75 River of E. 2.lHavlng 1 good form 29 Popular gare Ct1'1!11nY knowledge of: 56 One of a den flowrrs: 2~vrords: ~ c~aory of 2 words DOWN '' 11 ljtoriial • • 11-.U 32 Finely puMf. . • ·. 2J -.. 51 Adlling '" lttd lava 1 Ced's rilllttt., AlfC!!rr ll) ) •hlne 33 BflrlY cine's 2 Esteem 1 •ltr. Z 'ft'ds" • product cc>11ndes 3 End!,ied • 28 RUlh put 61 Small child: 34 Away~"' 4 Tillng a ". 21 lbu • lilse slip Var. ti01N:2words longertlmt, 3DFacilitalt · ·63 Slleoft.crd 3' Llctnsed ffJer 5 Afll)roxlmately 31 Beg.at Byron's 40 Tributary of S.16 US, In 35 Stripped 11.allan villa the Elbe ""lco: 2-31 City of Russia 6' Ril" ~2Cltyallndla 6Abs01!Mt '8-1.: 66Yn «Aclphw leavt:Abbr. Coob.m 61~-A.im l ' / PEANUTS ~6fi.rrMfirW-ooi.lN· FOR iHE "TWl!'IET ' ,) I· I_' ~_J • ~ 1!:!!..i ...... LL--""'-=~-' MISS PEACH PDKINS • ) I . Ml'~~ IWV A S00.0. FOii: Af>N 9111:1- WMO &Nff M1M A flMJ~! ) I6 IT 11flllt 1H.-r j<l:lO ~PHMll"S HI.ti~ 11;~FIC MEMO~ES ¥ .-· I .. By Charlls ·M. Schull 'ly Mel I By Jeltn Miiis I ; . • ' ~ .. -- •• • • . ,• .. f •' . ) ' l . ' ' .. :... .~t DENNIS THE MENACE I • ~ l\OJll 1 wNllA C)R(lf 'i«IR ecn"S ? 'bl 5'.IC ~ Q'ClMIN'?• l ' ' I . • ludlnt Eq'i11....--· 1•~DIT10NING FullYJORY AIR ,C fAC'; ~ SAVI • • • • ' ' . ' i • v ' Atlas Service Department welcome1 •nd honors ~ all Chrysler Corporation ve11 rcles requiring service 8nd wari:anty work, regard. · lus of where car was purcha.,. · ,ecf, We honor Master Char .. , Bankamericard, Carte Blanche, American Express and Diners Club. GIANT USED CAR SAVINGS ••• 'ASlr AIOUr OUR FREI ·TRIAL EXCHANGE ·ON ·USED" CARS. '70 CHEVROLO IMPALA SEDAN . VS, aul:omatic,. air·conditioning, power. steering, ra .. d.lo. heater. white wall .tires. vinyJ.root. <393BEV~ •1·995 ''70-. IMPERIAL U IARON VS.. ·e.utornatle. air eondJtionJn:g, JlOwer steering, E::; brakes. J10Wer Windows anct seats,. radio. , w,i339s . '65. CHRYSLER -. NEW• YOllllR . V-8, auto. trans .. • radio, heater, .P:s., P.B., 1Power w~'lts=4> '69· ·FO•D: GAL ~ -~ sclo 2 DOOR HAiDTOr VB, automatic, radio, heat.er,.power,1teerlng, J>OW@r brakes, wlllte wall•W:es, ·air COndiUon.lng,.vinyJ._top. --(¥r~~7,~1195: -~66' PROWLER CAMP TUILQ Fally·equlpped With stove, ov.,,, Ice box,. slnJr, di· ......,__bedi,,etc. (FB5548) ·•595 I '6J>--VOLKSWAGEN IUG Rad.lo and heater, 4 s~ trahsmlssion,. ni~ car. (XIZ833), '67 CHRYSLER . __ -NEW -YORKER. 4 -Dll H. T. \18, .. automatic, PQWer ·steering Is brakes, rad.lo, heater, air conditioning, vinyl top, Power·wlndow• ·=~;995 , '70 MERCURY -·-~MA119UIS-COLONY P-'RK. ' ,.. . Wagon., 1\'8, autornatJc. radio, beater, power stffr-ina A: ~ •WSW, ·air cond., rooLzack. (33250E) . . ' ''70 PLYMOUTH . rFURY 111 1 ' \18, automa.tic,,radlo~ heater,. J>OWerateerlng, white '\vaUs. vinyl ,top, air;condUiohirig. (644APZ) •-18_95 '6'9 DODGE -DART GT 2 Dll H.T. . VS, automatic, AM-FM. radio, heater, ·power steer~ Ing & brakes; •White walls, ·air <ondltionfn& Vieyl -w~~~l :595: .f • , • ,, • • ' • I 1 ' • i I • • • 't • • . . Fully sy11thtonizod "'"'5.. 170 \ 1 'CID economy iriil.int. emission ' control, self adjusting broke• 1fit'sin'j)lt machine. 2K91V150029 1a•1ilNAn D1UYm•Y ·auND NEW . 1972 TttUNDERBIRi> • • . • • • • ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' . j 2 DOOR'HAR!DTO.P ' ~ 460 CID V-8. lull power, foctory $ air. auto. trans ., AM/FM stereo, tintod gloss, clx. wheel, Micholin tim, high bock bucbt -pow-·-· S.. # 2J87A123913) '65 MERC. WIL ', . COLOllT?Allt , . VL caito. ~s.. ~.~ f"ctm'r Aa. Uh net. (OYZ729) • • • ' -. . . •..-TRUCK·&·CAMPER ·~KING~· THI ROAD CA.BOYER Eut. with sto~e, si~.k. ice,o:z, etc. #2509R.Y. ON A Ill" '72 FORD PICKUP -• • t • • CUSTOM STYHSIDE . . · COMPLIR CA'MPlit PACKAGE. ' . . "·.,$ . . . .. . .. '1 I , t • /, J ' Frldq, Mirth 10, 1972 4 $poed ..... 1600 cc "'9· bucket stats, emission . control. · 2R1°0W148407 IMMEDIATE DRIYEIY , Not stripped but·equippe d with auto. trans., belted tires, color · koytd·racing mirror>,.bucktl sea11. ' 2f01l TS1>'152 • '11 .,, ...... .,. ......... 70 11Den4e • ·~ Al•tlda. DAil Y Pilat f1 0 ( I I I \ \ • ' DAILY "LOT Frl d!l. M¥C.h 10, 1972 Everyone Het Something That Someo ne Elie Wenh -DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED . AD·S 'You Can Sell It, Find lt ,Tr1de It . With a W•nt Ad ·The Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange ·coast -.Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results --------_..,,. ...... 1 Gener•I Gener•I G.nor.i General 0.nerol 3 LOTS • LIDO IS'-! Spacious Mediterranean home on a single level , with nicely land ocaped, walled yard. Z Bedrooms & a convertible, pane1ed den, cozy formaJ dining room . Light & airy liv ing room with a bay view, & 3 car garage $114 ,600. , BAYFRONT HOME With spectacular views o! main channel & jetty. Super paneled den with stone fireplace. bookshelves & wet bar. 3 Large bedrooms & 3 baths. Formal dining room ; spacious, en· cload yard, large enough_ for a'pocl. '164,000 IRVINE TERRACE Attractive family home wilh OCEAN VIEW; has 4 bed.rooms, pool, lovely landscaping; open & apacious living area, immaculate thru· out '92,600 ' HARBOR INVESTME N T COMPANY RULTORS "SINCE 1944" 673-4400 ROOM AT THE TOP ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'liiiiiiiiiiiiiii' iii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii11--coi\wMNNIEEiRss- L~:~~ ·t;:.::~t:-:,~:,,,,"':, MACNAB IRVINE DESPERATE l•ndtlc1P;ng, •, d•k lor• • RecluceCI $1450.00 front and ~ar, concrete Now priced beolow market block wall and Ioli of lret• F I N I R H O M E 5 value for lmmedi.Jte Ale , . , give privacy to the pe.tlo this beautiful 3 )lear ollf 4 and rear yard. March till& \Ye ire happy to announce that our 10--~ettipg bedroom home features 2 wllh an interior u aparklina staff with our Joyal friends produced. just baths, large family room, 81 the e" 1 -" 1 rior. Large under two million dollars in existing home spacious built·in kitchl!'n , alep-down IV Ilg r 00 m, fireplace, doubll'! carqe, elKtric kitchen. largt din&· sales last weekend. J patio a.nd forced air hl'!at. inu re•, nl.REE BDRMS. Jonn Macnab S28.500. Thia won't last at •ntl 2 BATiiS are &u pr~ this· priCI'!, See It now! ,.,.,,.,.,,, ••00"'"' '"" •• .f I N E R H 0 M E S 546-'640. :~/~~1!~~ ~b~t!a;:~ ~~ BIG VIEW in BIG CANYON The Top _ • huge carpeted Intriguing floor plan overlooking fairway. FAMl.LY ROOM on the 2nd 5 BR 's -4 baths -FR -2 firepl~ces . Ex- floor, This la tops In living citing open design . pdced al a low $35.500. MAKE THOSE DOLLARS COUNT I COLWELL PROPfRTIES. INC RF Al TORS 2;>0 E 17th S I C .M . 646-0SSS 549 -1910 Evenine11 Call 642-7t18 1_,C"'"a_r_me=--,-1 ~W~lth~A-' View· $47,500 Look ing lor a tara:e yard in J-larbor Viewf J-1 'll r r y tn see this 3 b«lroom, 2· bath ho mP, whirh ovtrlook11 Sharp triplex -room to build another. Good rental area. Call Lois Miller 642-8235. $68,llOO. DOVER SHORES-SOPHISTICATED SPANISH Strikingly beautiful. Private courtyard - sparkling pool. Sweeping VIEW! 3 BR, DR, FR, garden room, sundeck, high beamed ceiling. A graceful residence. $139,900. Laszlo Sbarkany 644-li200. BIG BONUS ROOM Huge kitchen, formal dining room, 3 BR's, 3 baths. $66,500. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 p.m. 1915 Tradewtnds, Baycrest. GLAMOROUS LINOA ISLE BLUFFS rllV()rile "Bonila" 1 story Private, Fu~ & Cozy. 3 BR.'•, 2 balht It: super patio. Underprlced at $39.SOO • e • WHITE WATER VIEW Build your Dream Home on thit interesting No. J..aau,na location. $16,200 -Tl'!rma. l-!!--:0'"'"_,"""_"'""""""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"I the mountaln11 by day and General Oener•I the Hehts al n 11 ht. 4 BR, 4 bath w/beach & tennis court. Has sJip for 45' cruiser + speedboat & cata· maran. ONLY $169,500. e •• SUMMER VACATION No Luuaae - A Swim SUit Play A: Relax Sparkling Ch ina C.Ovf' 1-------... ---------1 Cul-de-sac location Is gnat J BR. -·$21,500 $29 500 to• chlld,..,. Sevon fruit 11> Bat... Near New..;, rt · ' ~ o-1-· 4 "'--' • trtts, water softener, Hta. Elem. School. 2 Car ... ,... • ..,,,, °""'rm11., ., car1lt _ Juie yard. bath•, den, entry halJ., rear Rlf-cltaninr ovtn, atrium Call 573-*1 142-225.1 EYff living rm., natun.1 brkk outside of master bathroom, fireplace, bu ilt-ins, b r k , mlm>red wardrobe doors, S29.500. 962--5566. lol11 or cement and brick associ ated TARBELL flh'.)~'f>''-' O<(l'l.LTOI.:'> :· .' w f"lt"'' t.71.1 1>1>1 0-rol 0-rol LARGE FAMILY HOME F11hionable Irvine Terrace. 4 BR., 3 baths; separate dining room. Red ' brick country kitchen. 3 Frplcs.; sep. _den & family room. Triona Bergin OCEAN VIEW -OPEN See This SUN. 1-5. Full ocean view. Pri- vau beach. Corona del Mar. 4733 CORT- LAND. Only $57,500 . Paul Quick WIST BAY -BAYFRONT OPEN SAT. & SUN., 114-0 W. BAY, 1 to 5. Pier. Large 4 BR .• 4 Ba. home on 42' cor· ner lot. Great potential & room for expan· lion. '199,500. Charlene Whyte VIEW -POOL -LUSK Harbor View , 4 bdrm. Spanish. Asking t871li00. Lovely decor. Call for appointment. You should see this! Jim Muller OWNER LEAVING TOWNI Must sell 4 BR & fain. rm. home ; lge. rooms. Xlnt Harbor Highlands St., conv. to schools & shopping. Submit offers. $47,500. ''Chuck" Lewis .. BAYSHORES -PRIME Near sandy beach; 3 generous bdrms., 1~ baths; large living room next to front PA- TIO. A must see. $59.500. Harry Frederick SPECIAL DOVER SHORES HOME 3 Bedtoom, extra Jge. family rm. w/ample room for pool table. View of upper bay from many rooms. lmmaculate. $93.000. Eileen Hudson work arr just a few of the extras. Don't mlu aeeln& fh l11 unu!JUal beauty, ~ 546-2313. , -0 Tl!L Hf.I\!. '"'\.'. r:sTl\TLRS TOWNHOUSE . LOW COST -HI GRADE LfVING. 2 Big bedrma. 1% BA'a, au l'!lttt bltin Jdtch, vacant and re•dy for oc· cupancy. Located on Fair· view Rd. Full price $17,995. Newport •I F•irvitw 646-1111 (lnytlm•) ROOM FOR POOL TABLES $33,950 Tw1>:11lol')I home in north Costa Meu. Featu~a 3 bedrooms, /t1mll)I room and huge 19 x 25 rumpu1 room wil.h rough plumbing ln for wet bar or additional bath. Has FHA •pprai11al for $34.000, and owner wants to sell in Man:h, im. For 11d- dl tional information, pleASI'! phone 546-71313. COUNTRY STYLE Ru.~tlc ranch home o n mauive lot, lrg 3. BR, ldt!!nce w/all mod con. ve 'e nces. Xlnl MOTHER- 1N· W SPEClAL &: room me unll3 for retire- Also, charming 3 BR, 3 bath Mediterranean at low, low $134,500, for Happy Bayfront Living. OPEN SUNDAY 1-S -•106 Linda NEW GALAXY DRIVE HOMES Final opportunity to own a n'ew Ivan Wells custom home. sµu t,ime to choose your decor. From $89,200 to $1~1,000. Furnished model OPEN DAILY 10 a .m. -5 p.m. 2006 Galaxy Drive, Dover Shores. 646-1550. 6 BEDROOM IAYFRONT Dover Shores elegant living. Room to play. 60' of Bayfront -pier & slip. Country kitch· en, spacious billiard room -FR -gracious formal dining. A great value at $179,500. GLAMOROUS VILLA on 2 levels. Beautiful pool -privacy -3 BR's -2 baths. OPEN SUNDAY l·S p.m. 263 Ocean View, Newport Heights. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO-- SPECTACULAR VIEW AND HORSES TOO We offer three llk acre GenUeman Ranch sites in the hills overlooking the Capistrano valley. VIEW from the ocean to Mt. Baldy. Smog free -freeway close. Horses wel- coi:ne. $21,000 to '25,000 per acre. Torn Queen 644-6200. BALBOA ISLAND COMMERCIAL Quaint charming "Carmel type" commercial bldg. on Marine Av e. Now leased -room for 2nd unit. $62 ,500. Harriet Perry 642-8235. CINERAMIC BAYFRONT Cross your private-...Pridge to New port's most dramatic bayfront hOme, open 21h story win· dow overlooks your pier & slip and the pa- rade of passing craft minutes from the har- bor entrance. All this and 4 BR, 4 bath, PR, game room and study. OPEN DAILY - Yachtsman's Cove -1&41 Bayside Drive. Don Todd 675-1935 or 642.8235. BAYFRONT-TWO LOTS Sandy Beach -Balboa Peninsula. 41"ge livable house now on property. Use as is now -tear down later !or 2 new Bayfront homes -2 .slips permitted. Owner will cooperate on financing. Asking $235,000. Please call Mrs. Fay for appt. 642-11253. MACNAB·IRVINE Realty Company 644-6200 642-8235 Herbor View Center 1644 M•cArthur Blvd. ' 901 Dover Drive NEWPORT BEACH PRESTIGE DOVER SHORES AREA Dramatic builder's home w/2800 ft. of lux- ury Jiving. 4 BR., 3 Ba., !am. rm. w/vaulted ceiling & bar. Elegant thruout. $94,500. Belle Partch sklng $52,350. Byll!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ly. F NEWPORT WATERFRONT,$91,500 OPEN HOUSE :Z.5. 3812 CHANNEL PL., on Newport Island. Custom built for owners. 5 BR. apt. over gar., 5 yrs. old. Pier & float -4 baths. George Grupe 424 (Open Eve1) #'!.-I _,,.,. \outh (-oast --Swimmers Delight Gener ii ' SNUG 1'1ARIOR 6 BR'a e s:a!IO; S:.000, PlellJI'! call: 64+ll50 Chari-R. Lo1111 REAL TOR SINCE 1950 The Ta119erlne Kitchen Will •bliDJutely de-light :you! A protesaiona.lly decorated 4 bedroom home with a Great Family room. Thl'!rt 't ~ shlll carpets to tickle your foes &: 2 fireplaces to warm the-m. A be•utiM pro- fessionally landscaped yard, compl:f!lf, with thl'! 8.8.Q. Pit &. a Boat A: trailer area . .\ room for a pool! A prestige Newport Beach ad- dres.• with a C.Osta Ml'!M price! Only $39,SOO! Call 646-TI71. -O'THE REAL '.~ :CSTATERS ~ UvinCJ in ttiis luxurious executive maruion with 3,:im sq. fl. of comf6rt ~ distinction. 5 bedroo ms. 3 baths, FORMAL DI NING ROOM, separate family room, and THREE CAR GARAGE. Better see th.is at onl)I $58.950. By aflp't only. Exceptional Home in ColleCJ• Park 4 nice bedrooms. l % baths. Oinln& room. large llvinc · room wiih brick fireplace. FuU copper plumbing and ·brand new paint. Very nice yard for )IOur garden, Pri~ at only $31,0l). with a 714 % 30 year loan avaUabll'!. Please call today, DISTINCTIVE HOME In presti ge Monarch Bay. Gated comm. View, :i BR ., F'R. home. Poot. wrap around deck. Med iterranean architecture. $100,000. Bob Yorke $25,500 $28,900. ll you want Privacy -11 Sparkling Poo1-a iieparate Recreation room -Some .fruit trel'!s on a huge lot - and .a llome with a O'actd· tnc Fireplace -And fOU (tQn'l want to invest Vt:r)' much $ $ s. llke -NO DOWN U )'OU'rt a vtt, and LOW DOWN' if )'OU~ not,' end )IOll want • LOW PRJGE, like only 118,!IOO - and )IOU want Cotta Mesa - Then wt: have what you wanl! Call UI at 646-7171. Anchor your dl'ftlTlt at thlt address. Sh1~ape 4 BR, -===:::~~~~ 77 EAST BAY FRONTAGE Outstanding property on main bay. Graci· ous 5 + BR. home with formal din. rm.; green lawn . sandy beach, pier & slip !or Igo. yacht. Bill Bents NEWPORT BAY VIEW Giant two-story with quiet location. Up. stairs suite Is Grandma's. View. 3.000 Ft.: 3 other BR's .. formal dining & huge en· cloaed yard. 172.500. Fee. Bill Com stock BAYCREST BEST ·auv DellJlled for comfortable living & quiet mtar'tainiog. A floor plan that makes sense. Cell lo see this excluslve. $'17.500. Bud Austin . --Coldwell.Banker .... ,.. ......... 551 NIWPORT CENTER DR., N.B. t • $45 DOWN GI Ol'!llght ful oovered patio. 3 hfi!roomii. Plu~h avocadO shag carpeting, cualom dra()('s. fuU dining room, lfellRhlful covered patio. 540.1m. TARBELL 2955 Jlarbor. Costa Ml'!aa CAN'T f1ND IT? * WllL BUlLD )IOU?' dream home. Have staff for com· plete home packqe:, '0 i Tl IE Rl:AL ,'')<'. ESTATF.RS 2200 sq rt home with /onnal dininc rm. The ,Capttln will love the maintenance tree :yard with 4 patlo area•. "Flrtt mite will rtlllh the mocJerrt pile)' adjaol'!nt to the family room with flrepl. Landlover ot )lacht1man , - thit liPflCioUs• home located 1 ml . from the bkJt Padf\c mu•l :be 1ttn to ht apprw- dated. Redllttd to $43, 700. • COATS · WALf.t.cE REALTORS --JJ~41~4141- Pu! your cooHde""" lo oor $200 DOWN 49 )'tars ot quallQr cuttom 3 bedroom, 2bati townhou~. J •-111!11!1!~!!"!11]11!""'•1 (0,.•n Evonl"t•l home bulldtne. Pl~h <;arpett A dr•P'-• LUXUlllE ! ! See e xa mple of product •t 2006 GalllJ<Y, Dovtr Shores. Ivan Wens & Sons • 642-2511 • I I throUlhout, b\lllt·in rtnet A OVfn •nd retrirentOr. Oom~ Huae Vtew• Patio Deck. l· munily pool A: clu~H:. , Bdnn., l Mluxe bltha • $21.,000. Mutt bt: Dd. Call nothing but the Belt lhniout. now. Set ~l Vl1ta Caudtl, In the Walker & Lee .Blulf~ c"1' . CURT OOSH, Rtaltar Rtalhn -• • 21110 ll&rtxl< Blvd. &42.6472 613-3'63 Ev ... ~Open 'fif 9 PM 1 ~ W, Cout H.lahwl.)' I I . ) HUCJ• Family Room No Down to Vets You bargain hunters trturt tee tbll Mesa Verdf" bN.ut;y. New carpe:t, beautifl.11 PalOt Verde atonf: fireplace plus huge 30xlS family room. Priced low tor Mesa Ve'rde! Walker & Lee Realt .... 2790Harbor Blvd. ~-Optn-'tu 9 PM E~CmNGLY DIFFERENT 18 thh• outatandin& 5 bedroom home with 1') dtirrte v:lew of the. ocean. oftr ~ Ill· feet of living areL Cuatom dtll(ned and • ·built wltlt fl.nest materials. 3"' bath .. , Cu•tom tieated · p oo 1 •. JH • u t I fully landtt<Ot>«I Alklna JJ!0,000. Call lor detaJJ .. f73o.8S50, I O THI:: R:CAL ' '"'\.'. CSTA TERS WE WORK HARDER .. Do You Want Better Than -Th• Best Servlca In luying or Selling Your Property 1 PLEASE CONTACT US TODAY OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11 TO 5 BRAND NEW townhouses on the water with a large private dock -3 large units. Ideal fa.r someone who needs fast tax write-- off. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, wet bars, fireplaces, patios on water. All carpeted and draped and ample extra parking. 2 blocks to ocean: $1200.00 per month income. $169,500.00 with excellent fi: nancing available. The lots ~lone are worth $100,000.00, P.(EASE CALL TODAY- REALL Y. A HOUSE OF BEAUTY- Exquilite custom decorating throughout. Large master bedroom, 2 1ddition1l bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room with floor to celling fireplace ·-builtin bookcase and breakfast ba r. Separate 19nd lovely concrete patios ofi dining and family room, fantastic yard for children, room for pool. In Newport Beach only $36,900 .00. · PLEASE CALL TODAY-, ' . LARGE POOL AND COVEREO PATIO Beautiful a trium in the entrance to this exceptional 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, large kitchen, family room, breakfast bar. Huge , walkin closets, cathedral stone fireplace. sprinklers front and rear. OUtdoor lighting, electric gatage opener, lovely area in set· ting of big trees. Newport Beach. ,$48,500.00. 881 DOVER DRIVE 6 4 5 •4040 N EWPO RT BE ACH General ' Look to • •' ~LEl\D41.E FEDERAL i for a Home Loan and Escro':" Help In Costa Mesa 2300 HorbJ BoulirYDrd 6"42-4711 U ~ l()U f: ·. ti()Mf:S In Newport Beoch THE l'IEST HOMES ..... . .SOO Newpon' Ce• Dr • 64'h5300 ... IN THE !IE.ST AREAS IN CORONA,OEL MAR : A D•lightful Hom• 3 bedrooms, 2 bath on Hazel Drive with can· yon and ocean views from · delighUul sun porch. Super large mas\er auite and a great central patio area for entertaining. Perfect home for a co~ple who travel or have a teen- , ager. This is a 'like-new home in a quaint old . area. The price has jus~ been reduced over -CONDO- . SPECIALS Sevf!l'ltttn 117) to choose from. $22,fiOO. to $51,500. From nothing down to :you nam• 111 * 11155 YELLOWSTONE $5,000. l i PRESENTED AT..$1.4,500. e PHONE 675-6000 FOUNTAIN VALLEY OPEN SUNOAY u~ICtl: o=nas CORONAJ>Ei.MAR•6'5-8000 NOON -DUSK "Montert:y" model Tiburon. Shag cplg .\ wet bar. S.l4,450, Hurry and 1ee a $6CXXl Upjradtd beauty. 2'443 East Co11t' Highway, Corona del Mar . MWVERDE·546-6990 * ONE STORY 2850 Mesa Vttde Drive, Cotta M•sa 3 BEDROOM BeautUul VIiia Pacific, 2 blloth, ni~ crpt1 i: drps, prlvatetPAtio, dbl gar. Pric· ed right al $.11,SOO, Hun:v to NEWPORT BEACH· 846-6400 '• -1649 We1tclUf ,DtiY*, N9wpqrt Btach . . ' ------·----------' • '-aee this one! Gener•I ''ON· HOUDA Y IN NEWPORT''. Check Ust: 1. 3 bedroom1 and J'e<ftation room, or 4 bedroom,~ 2. Family roo.m witb flrtpla~. · 3. Nut.one AM/FM \ntercam 4. Custom cabtnetrY, in FR and kltchtn •• P.S. A Cuotom l'1>C>I tin't ao ·on finw:r about ,.,. beautiful --Only $511,SOO. Call ..... ,171. 'i -0; THI~ Hr.AL '°" J'".TATi-f<S -------$23,900 4 IDRM + PoOL No t down Wm• avallable. BtauUtully dtcorattd:, 2 ~nw • .fl bdnn., a11 lwcurioo1 kitchen, dlnll~ rm~· central noor plan, brti. 540-1"'1 .... ' TARBELL -Ra~. Colla - ON THE WATER Excltbs 111y vtew • 2 Br, 2 S.. Condo 1'19,500. TED HUBERT ASSOC 3'71 Via Lido 61USllO ~norol • LARWIN • .. < r • .. , , '6M405 ANYTIME Take Over Loan lalboa Isla d Under $215 Mo. G n Only $22, 900!! Topnolch 111.!~ocallon, on- SENSATJQNAl. PRICE, ly ~ block to llleiuard' TERM!S LES.SSDOWNTllAPNAYMENT10%'.'· b@ach. Feat~~ 3 bdr., 1%. blllhs, tinted glus, central ''Notth Woods 1 -"''"I'!" fam· al I .......... r condltonin&, huce ii.) 1rr>orn with open btam storage and 20>t24 double ,vaulted Cf'!illnc. Cradd\Jll rarare. Zoned Jt.2 and all brick tfreplace.. 3 http Btd· atrneed tor 2nd Wilt. Onl)I ......,. JVSI' REDUCED! $71.500. cat\ 67a.«i6o ~ •T>- Ca1l 1ut 660303. polntment or come take ll /Ill;!' I I Iii \0\ . . COWGE PARK Jook durlnr our OPEN HOUSE SAT OR SUN 1-5, 310·Rllby, Balboo 111. . -D TH!: Rr.i\L \"'\( ESTi\Tr.r<s , .l'HA·VA . * MOVING ToW Uvlllf In COLLEGE NORTH * PARK. 3 b,edr'OOm• lup Owner movlrw tD Jdaho - !amily room addll'°" wtth MUil ~II --2 , 1!f1: bar. Extra W'P ~ rtory In Mna Vf'l'de, IArge With ....,..n:lal heoter:, 2 , ' bdrm.. Mpol'll• dln!OI 1 bethl..Wttb extri '-' bath IOI; l'DOlft, den, 21it bafht, etream 'P.001 a.re,_ Prime location kitchen. Oymiaed lol with neat: ~I& A: llhoppfrw. No room tor tJOOl. NO DOWN -to VE'TlH""" clowo1 ID PAYMT 1'0 VETERANS, ~· CA!L IH-23p &nd~a!VA a.,....ia.t. NOW. J>J1c... only 133,!IOO. !'&II -(Op<lo Eves.) [~I •• t: . ' '" u. ' ' , " c I ---- ... ,,.,... £Ml!.NOIQ l tp;AI. NOl'ICll • ' • • • LEG/Ji N<mCl!l ~ .. . • DAILY PILOT • ''tf' O.lly flllol, «>n ... Dtll'f lll"'1 ..... • •• • I ' " " ' . ,, . BEAUTIFUL BLUFFS The most elegant end ualt, Dolor11 Model; ••f-Ofi"{ed in thiJ newer Bluffs orea, Decorator'•, · wn home.ririced below cost. Hurry • owner ' "'must sell! 9 750. · · ~ • I • I, WATERFRbNT ·OPEN HOU$E · • . SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1 TO 5 • ' i 'Please call for direction1 to thiJ lovely home. " Private .beach, good llWhnmlpg; allp for lge. ' ;;'.boa~ & the finest private eommualty. •11 ,500. • . .. CALL 675-30qcl . ANmME Ji• ' I . . .. ........ ·....,......., .... ,.., .... ···••l!I•. ,.., ...... ,. , .... Al ....................... . ... • ., ... ,.,II ....... ..._. ~ ....... tbl11 ..... ..... II .,.,., DAIL1' Pit.OT WANT An • .....,. ....... .,.. .... ,., ................. .. ................................ ,..., .. ..... , ' I ' HOUSES FOR SALE • (2 IR. & Fomlfy Rm. er Den). · 28011 Java Sea, (Niguel 'Terrace) L.!'I. •JIU,' '411,lieO (Shown by Appl.) '10' A-.dil.s.. Corona de! Mar. . . · ~. '°"'IOO (Sat & Sun !~) •• Bueoa Bly, Newport Beach . fl2.ms (Silt & Sun 1·5) ' . (J lledr-l atO Ruby, Bllboa Island . 67MS50, '71,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 221 Milford (Cameo Shores) CdM &f4.6200, '89,500 (Sat & Sun 1~) **2226 Channel Rd. (Balboa Penin.) NB 833-0700; 644-2430 . (Sat & Sun 1·5) (J BR . & Fomlly Rm . or Oen) 4818 Cortland (Cameo !Dds.) CdM 673-)362 (Sat & Sun 12:3M:30) 3070 Trinity Dr., Costa Mesa , · 549-3996, '2'/,950 (5at & Sun all day) ' ~ Galizy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB · ' " . &t,6-1~, '89.~ (Daily,IG-$) 2313 Redlands, Newport Beach 6C-8235, '"·500 (Sat & Sun tz.5) 835 Presidio , Costa Mesa fUS.0303, $32,950 (Sat 1·5) f09f~~· Circle (Corona Inds) CdM · '61HOIO (Sat & Sun I~) (4 Bedrooms) 325 Cameo Shores Rd., Cameo Shores 673-1515, ..$79,900 (Sat & 51m) . 2100 Vuta Laredo (Early Bluffs) NB · 644-1133 . (Sun Hi) **1140 W .. Bay (Balboa Penin.) 'NB IJ33.lJ700, $199,500 (Sat & Sun l~) • (4 Br. & F•mlly Rm. or Deni 24S Tulane Rd .. (College Park) CM $33,500 (Sal & Sun I~) 2801 Alta Vista Dr. (Eastblufi) NB 644-0776 (Sat & Sun) . **227 Canal, Newport Shores ' 673-8550, $49,950 (Sun 1~) *1712 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shoras) H.B. . 673-8550, $115,000 (Sat & Slib 1·5) 202f.Gaiaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) N.B. • 646-1~, $120,500 (Daily 10.5) t;i69 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) N.B. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **507 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach ' · 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) . lil641 Bayside Dr. (Yachtsman's.Cove) '1'.:dM, 675-11135 (Daily) ·29 Augusta Ln. (Big Canyon) NB 642-8235, $87,900 (5at & Sun 1·5) 16751 Sall Rufino, Irvine 833-0700, 644-2430 (Sun 1·5) *4&n Tremont (Cameo Shores) CdM · 833-0700, $140,000 (S at & Sun 1·5) (5 Br. & F1mlly Rm. or 0.nl 3~ Kerry Lane, Costa Mesa 1545-8000, $34,500 · (Sat & Sun) 2230 ,Valia St. (Eastblufi) NB M4-110Z, $67,000 (Sun 1·5) 2llOe Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 846-IS50, $151,000 (Dally 10.5) **309 Evening Star (Dover Shores) NB --~. $169,500 (5at 6Sun1~) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (l Bodrooml 3¥11 ViJta Caudal (The Biufis) NB MU472: 673·3466 Eves. (Sun· 1:5) DuPLExES FOR. SALE nc Ooldlnrod, Corona de! Mar l'l3-86IO 979,500 -(Sat & Sun 1·5) WA'rlE IONT LOTS FOR SALE tt1'U llllJllillt Dr. (Yachltman'• Covel om. .m-• (Daily -....... ................... ' -owNER-'"IEADY-T~ SEU" ·THIS ONE· All wrapped up In th11 nice TWO STORY 4 bedroom, S 'bath, HUGE 'RU)fPUS ROOM that will take a pool table; 15uiltin kitchen, largo yard .till accommodate your 311 !obi boat, and a spacious feellni.prevails thn!out. •............•..........•.......•...• $39,900. WALi' ,TO THE IEACH? . WHY NOT!! . CORONA DEL MAR 2 bedroom, 2 baths, fireplace, cute mOd~ kitchen, picture ·win-· dow1 · with enclos~ side p'a~o, GUEST 'QUARTERS over lhe garage. ONLY ONE BI;OCK TO THE •BEACIL .... ' .. : ... $49,900. SEE rr .• TRY rr • IUY rr , . TRIPLeX B.uilt In range and oven, dishwasher and dis- poeal, carpets and drapes. 2 Units . have 2 bedrooms. • 1 bath: 1 Unit bas 2 bedrooms, l'h bath w/firepiace. Each ualt bu 2 ell' r::!!: :t=~~dB~~v; ~-......... ' ................ 75,000. . WOULDNT rr IE WON.DERFUL TO UVE ON IALIOA' ISLAND? CUTE BALBOA , ISLAND · beach cottage, Z bedroom, I bath, FIREPLACE, front patio, one block to South Bay. Only ·: ... '32.'500 . TOP.SEY TURVEY ON IALIOA ISLAND THE CIRCULAR STAIRWAY leads you up, the stairs where you will find the living room, dining room, 'kitchen, 1 bedroom, , 1 bath ALL CAltPE'rED . Downstairs, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Great ldea . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . f/9,500 • A"4tl#-Slldd ,. ' A.~ .... ,. .. r-•-.m REALTORS : '. . 644-~o '2128 .EASl\CDAST HIGHWA:Y. •CDRDNA DEL MAR, CALI!!. • C. 'F. Cofeswort•y I Co. Realtors EASTSIDE 1N the winter when it,driales -or In tile • twnmer when Ii siJzle&? When . iJ the bOot · time to buy • home with a nrimming pj)Oi? :c::w! We ban a terrific buy In ·• S antLtamlly room home will! booted 6 filtered ~I. quiet Eastaide •location. High • uaumable VA loan with · low interest. . '33,500. WATERFRONT On Jlf\vate Island community. e' bedroom bome that iJ just right for the water oriented fanilly that loveo to entertain. With a.JitUe allerinl the dock will take a 50' boal Call for an oppolntment to inspect thiJ one-of-a, • kind home 6 be!t of all, you own the lend. $2911,000 . * Eastblllff Office • 640-0020 llilySicle Office • 675-4930 ~ ... * * * * * TAYLOR CO. CORNER HOME AND INCOME Good investment -excitingly different. Easy yard care. Center of Corona ·del Mar. Nice home & charming apt plus mbre. Vacant, easy to see, ready to move into. See today! "'Our 27th Y ur'' WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realton 2111 S.n Jooquln Hiiis Rood NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 . Gen•r•I -··· ) _ .. _ r::::i .....__· .,-"· ~ w .. . I ~ CHEERFUL ' .. ·$ll;9Mf ,, . ._.., CL-Brllh• • c'-llll -,,.., JR: EST A TE ••= --Newport 1111 .. a open •pooe -V-lacatioo. Kini $23,500. PARK. 4' Bil 2 Ba., kl• --2 bollla, Tbi$ ts an oldie bat a aoodit. c:ben bltnl. FA' beatlnc. lM!'W famU7' roo01, all electric Tht cul.Ht home tn the carpets, larre ~ yard. builtb:I kitchen. New; .bl& ..... Old . -SpaoWi AIJdU( !J9,900. nylOn cupe~ Water ooft. -with"" tjle.root, WARM & RICH ::'~~ •• ~-= ~. thick pl•• te J' On fflthland Dr. 111 NewpQrt, 5*>.1m. waDe., )rick f I r e p l a c e , lila!' new 4• apaeX>l&a bdnns 4 botd,..oc\ lloon and •double family rm., '2\0 bo!ho.' 1detacbdll prt11e. Jt'1 vacant Slidina l\ul wall o'b>kl a TARBELL .. ~ ........ r111t1 in. s.. _ J>C!Cll Manr ... ... _ ............ ....., .... tfu \Jl.-t.ui.Jl;.-.. be 291611.-. O>ita "''"" kind? 5~ •tO. ~ (I(; ia,aoo. ' lllboo Ponlnsul .. CALL 6.0 '''•141' W ~ -BALBOA Peninsula Mme. •' --~ Quiet, near bay, nice .,.._ llALTY Ca1J •533-6169, 56-lSU. ·Nt111H..,.r1 , ••• Offke l·cc:o1=1"'."'-'.p"',"'r1c-'---- IEACH mATE 5 + Family + DIM ~NL'( $24,900! "'".. LO""'RS B&rsaln! Barra.in! Barpin! ,._ Y" Paneled li..,._ room. Used c· QllRMS, 2 ba., Spacm Jiving nn with cu1torn trpl + formal dininc. Cptl everywhm. $33,500. ()pep HoWe !M5 Tulane Jl4• J"'t liil<d, thot 'hard'-to-llncl, i.iCk !lftploce. Family Wp S bedrOom holM! room.. lpad-of KNOTl'Y localed only 1" mJie from .PINE? Formol dJnlnc, Gour- BY Owtier .. Best in Collert Pk. 4 BR, 3 BA. Top cond. Sell at appraisal. 540-&17&. tbe ocean. Hoge tam rm., met kitchen. FIVE big bed-CoroM del M•r torn.i<dinin&', marble entry. ~. WAJ,..K TO OCEAN! '""'"""'='..,,..,="""""".,. way with att'p down living Unbellevablet JUlt the low OPEN DAlt::Y 1..fv ; rm. Thia a:rtlat-owned home price ao -Call now 66-0301 603 PoinHttl• ha.\ uniqQt -wood panels and Now tiniahed A ready tD many band carved trttlures· move 1nto -Sharp l bdmi. that ca.a be )'Oilrs for home plus brand n e w $43,000, 'You niust see this owner's unit .with 21*nur. home to briieve ltr value!· a famU,Y rm., 2 bathl: ''iioiji_ ................ 1 frpk. F.A .... t: bltno. • COATS ,. carpeb. A -p- & ·VA APPRAISES 1or..,. -~~LL~c;! AT. $(2,500. A ~c~~~L:.!.. home i...... _ ',.... '""' •·•er·-for Idaho and -~ "PM'f Eventnt• ~ plua 2 bdrm. rental A 'furn. • . H2-M$4' e mut1 .eil thia 1parkling 4 guest roor'· Xlnt tocattna. • . bedrOom 2 story Mesa first clau cond! Owner IJla1 . Verde home! Separate din-help finance. Asking $67,500. ~ .. i: 1o':"!:'th !.,,,.i;~; MO~GAN REA~ TY -'="""_,,_------ pool..00 '!'For detaih, call 6W, . 675-6459 546-USt (()pea eves.I * 'OPEN ~·.. , MeNdlth· Gardens UVE WORK FREE! SPECIALIZING IN 1~AGE1 P-Jl~'r.M.Oi.'° 5 IR. 3 lllA s...nct. too ~ ., be true? • -~ .....,.. . Cider 2 bdnrl.; 2 .... , - $47 900 Thb lovely 4 bedroom '. ,; Pi'aMrt1i· , . ' nii; -ed lamlly nn • • townbouae hi:>me ill ' fully "' .. -rl"" 1 Xlnt.horne kit pOtenli.f Elepnl, __ ...., ""~-~ equipped and modem bullllri • :......_ ........... •• VERY l'RIVATE ~llon, -,_ .... fill~ ~ ne ~ kitchen, 4 fully carpeted · -.g911R11f& ,,. .. to elementory """"-port. bed,..,_ 2 batt>a and Rear yan1 wtth 2 ·,.no.. 4 ·700 MARGUERITE l tennta «>urta, beoch and enclosed doubl•raraee with tommercta1,'Re.tdential ='li~~··f.!,.:;":: Open Sat/Sun. 1.S ' ahoppirc. FeaturH formal automatic gf.l'll&e do o r &: Apartments ls Freshly painted 2 bdrm. on ••·•-• t ~ .. ,, I I ln&room. Walk lo schoo ' 2 lo J "·~ .... ~ roont,· 1epara e opener. £->1o.:o:uen um1 1st srade tbru Jr. ColJe&e. comer R-t. ust _..,....! .,,. a Jn u t paneled family onered with. u little u 149 E. Broadway, Costa Mesa Beautlfl.ll Landacaplng. state $37.500 :room, and 'front patio and $2,350. down payment. Full Cor Fullerton A ~way entry, aeparate laWKlryroom DON V. FRA,NKLIN couriyud. Sltuoted on quiet price on1, $23,<oo. 642-6591 and much ,....,, Ple8'e call REAL TOR ......, with·exlra privacy. • COA&TS 1oc1.,,. $36,'50. * 673-2222 * r.r •ddlllonal womuo11on FANTAmc -a11 coRTL~lllD and .... -ID "'· WALLACE CamOO' Highlonds ~·-S.!11313. REAL'l'ORS VALUE Open s,i;Sun. -_,5 .. 46>44141-~ ... -........ and'"'°"' ' I I I l!:JM:Jo _ lh; 1~ ,... 3 , big c:::::::;::~::=· '=-=-== !!··•-me• -..a,1-.1 ' n.....n Eveni"lil · .:-: .. IYllU .,.~,.-.. • , Goner11 """' beo1roomo. 2 batbo, 1am11y HARD TO PLEASE ~"~ -=-===;-=~~==-====:.1 .l.D'l'.! OF~LAND = :!! ~ fJ~::i ah':': U aO, this chann.\ne home 11 3 Bdrms;t B,a.ths, C&mlly "°; 1 -o~T HE REAL ·"' ESTATERS ------------------~ • Want to build! Let.us ahow FffA..YA" TERMS FHA/Va · terms avail., csr for you. Value Is wr:lt,ten all IA yc..,..15 VIEW i PoOL you Ill lbat ta •vailobl• · · · 3 Bednn + lamlly nn, Jorie ......,, -Jmr Int over tis la,,.. When we say Salisbury ~ ..,...~ i.\ ~ ac .•••••••..••.•• $16,llXI double-cu pr. $2S,OOO. , · loan. QUaed at $!),950. Call it'• a bup.in, ~ w Waterlron~ ,c:Ustom home,, 4 bedroom. & den lac ................. SJ0,000 S.58&0 (open eveo.I prove it Five bedroom<, • ,, '1 or 5 ~ms. 5'h )>atlil. To~ quality Cll' I ac. view ..... : .... $31,'ISO $27,500. · ,• • pl"'' Jl90l 4 «Ml'8d patio 315 MARINE AVE. 6'1J.1362 pet1n1,,driperlu, wajlpaper 6 _fixtures. View ro ac. · .......... try 1125,IJOI) 3 Bedroom home, 11( bath, ·1~AGI I ror ONlll' $37,950. Call BALBOA ISLAND .from moat. rooms. 87"1ot, spactous yard "1th 32 oe. .............. S32>,IJOI) bardw<>od !loon, double ..,.. --~ · ....._ 111.ano: you Asktd For It bllautlfql gardens. $240,000. c.';=AJ!~~;!., .... Nortbeut Coot• Mesa. ilJllili!ll'HI -new, ""'"· .ll 9111 GRUNDY, REAi.TOR 31501 c.mino Capistrano 'UNITS -... 0 . .,-.,....,.LET ~1ilbite 1iji@ you;,.. asked"' for. Formal ~ San Juan capi.ltranl> lo $69500 ..... 11'!1'1 ""'"~ • ··-dift. rm., den, 3 ba., 3 ~ · 1111,,.ra lldtl. it LI,,.', Isle 4'3-1124 on \0..,. l ' · ' 3-DIN:.POOL · ---l!ll. """" """ an ~ 341 llyslde Dr., .sulie •1, N.I 6!5'6161 Rooltor Slnco 1965 I UNITS Flll!SH on tho !cit. Not leuehnid! 179.fill. ' '!'!l!!!!!!!l!!i!1!!!!!!1!!!!!,.,,.;·;,,,,,!""-...,!1!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!"""!!!!!~1·-"'1iiiiitn~-$19,99.5!! · · MARKET . . 409. Cortes Circle . LOVE IT Comer location. $100,000. ~n S t & Sun 1 S I . Roy McC•nlle Realtor Perfect .tarter · diilet! 'Bl&'' FRE~ painted' lnllde and • • • .. I . -~•1 livlile room. Formal _, out . , . " • nlverslty Roolty -==-=;:;:=;;;:;;;;~ forrel It -dellahtlul Blulll 13IO N's:' ~Vll., C.M. 3 hup> bedrooms. Secluded Re rRESilinaly move Jn. 3001 E. Cat. Hwy. ~ 2 STORY' HOME '.Gr·--t va1·... 3bdrm.,2\0 bath,,on~ Onlypallo!ll~lo·~.poolean! -deu "3 and 2 bedroom THE VIEW YOU~E 1 Eutaide C.M. BeautiNl 3 _..,.. belt, in aecl.uded ilia. When ·~ movei..... duplex .. ptllne Nfwport re~ ALWAYS WANTEOI 1 bedroom, 2 bath Mome, den Eastslcle ~Juve town -Juot .,,_ C-2 VACANT ,....,., -MMm3 • ' ta! sre• ... • .1!'1;9i0: · r...k Harbor Viaw Hills 4 + dlninr orea. Expanded 'h -a wolli a....,. 125'"292', on m.ior C<>ota " PETE ' BARRffi bedroom•, den. 211 bauiL ~~:2 :;tu!: i.ovf~1~-. 142,rmC.ORBIN Mesa •!reel .,....,. your . REALTY. ~~un~.~ ~: Frahpalnt.Oon'tmJulhla. built-to .1 .. "" klldien ' • ~.1$e0,000_'""':: ~2·5200 b ...... u.. 644-5386. * * * * * * nice used brick flr.plaoe RTIN . . OPEN DAILY. 14 • Sll,000. located 1n .,.i.1 cul-de-sac MA 11.-.por1 a.n..i.. P.ool ~ 4'1 Custom •Hol!lft sou .. .11KsPUll 2.sa.. -. Eastsld< Channer. Spotl<a 2 snd only· 2 ,. ... ·old. V.A. ' • ,. . . . . ..,, . 0 •v· .. ~ <&l'P<led Can build ,2nd ,~room home. Plenty .ot or F.~.A. tmlll Jll'ked: at ReAL TORS t ~7N2 ~t Plur S ·Jure ' bedrooms, 2 D ~ 2 ai:'cr~ · umt: Walk io·mukeb. room tor cain.per A boat. only $32,150. call tai:tay -. G•"•T J ., .fiJrvi.w baths, built·ina, ... fireplace, EutQle i CO.ta Mesia . Call: Pat W<hi 640-1400 CT • • k • .._ 6'73-IS50, , ~ ,1 • Uid '2 car prage. ·Bel.'*ful. • aetllJ'll'• :wl\th. Scetiic Propertiea 61S-572i .Gue.at ~a. WI??° .,l"P· ~n • .a--a~::.n..-...-.1u ,., .. 11 ~ ·•·•• tr 1ow H t • ~u -.uuy~......... .,,., --lots of patio and pool are~ llnft'nnc: ~-.i ' e e I , OPDf HOUSE Sal a. 'SUn LoW,, down. urry, & b&thl: ao.e to .ctliDols <and • for•fun and parties. Auwne $65,~·-Price includea the Br owner-325 Cameo~ ;o ,THE: REAL ."\.' ES1ATERS thll,,Prioe ·it wW11ell tut. thoppine centen. 2 milel1to (anytlrne) mA at nn a nlonth or no Jand. 1tlST)' on this one! Road, CdM. 673--J.Si5. Ex~ :!:ii~~J.: =~,~~m:. Walker & Lee ::-110'."' w/Vlow.,' HOUSE FOR . SALE -. . o-r· Will -• '-.YEIYTHING •tt _ n~i . b ··~ a. 31> BA. 179,900. , . TO MAKE"· --· ~·er IDiY '"'·-Real-· . Lachenmyer k .. 1it•J' • By Owner . for smaller ~-~ . 'I ~ one!!1 .... •• " •, ~ mo IW'bor Blvd. at Adama BEAUTIFUL_ location t ml Newport Blvd., C.M. l:.Ule (1l!IO oq. tt.J 4 l!r~ ·131.a!O with -t; u-E1iJOyahle IMllc in 1llls w lk .' & 'L 545-0465 Ojlen '1119 PM ""1'.Y• 5 ~·· 4 ba, S lrplc; 1116-3928 · • 54&-.1483 2\0bothhomelnSondpoinl<, -...._ -call ..... llfill 'Dutel> Haven ,. ·er · . ee , Ag<int67S-7225Hm 2 ml..,... lrom S. C»ut lodoy. QiI1e1' home. Tlllo home > • '-• • FiilR UP.PER ANXIOUS. Several 4 br ft:. •• LIO. T-·.&.lel P)ua. LMlW n>Om with ,..._ pride ol mmenblp. , REALTORS -voiue, prime loc. 4 BR, homes. lmmed. iiccup. to'° ¥'!""'"' ,_., ~te.dlnlnr oreo, llre-l;l·if·' 1· ~ . To'.,. u to buy. Priced •t 2790 -BIY11; at Adalm 2"11A Oil brtlrio I< lamlly days. Ajo!nt '1S-7225 Hlll. YOU Slw'em Up! pl&Ce, ·COU11try kitchen with - - -l3T fill CALL sn.ano. MS-HI! ()pen '" 9 PM ....: ~ .. Ille .__oin hunter suP-2 B 2 "' I. ~ ~ 1 family room, ·ahac ·carpet . I ' · ..... ~ -• r..n. r., °"·• poo, $22,900 Each! Ina ~ Pollo, tu11y .flXIR UPf'IJt ,:-~~~--(~n:950E··.:.) ·~.!,!srbo<llIR View. Aa<nL DON'T CALL UNLESS landscaped, ''""" yard. 1 H r...... EASl'SIDE COSTA MESA 3 ~ -vr •••. ••r•- }'OU'RE WAlTlNG FOR A block lo elementary ic1looI tfe~ ...... ,. bedroom i.ome, ~ Coste MoM BAllGA1N! A !>Oii ol 3 and 3 """"blockl.to..., A • Find l!Oon·udfbonus·~-·· -.... eel .... _____ , ~ ~ ~': ~-l's~="'=: mult came~ the nwbt IDr . $200 DOWN _. ..... one! bafh>All to. 4 -· 2 lath Call,_ -K>0303. -) • the lint tiril@, 5 bedrooms. 3 •. 3 _....., 2 both town $1J,fill. Walk 'to obopplnc. •$Z2,500 Fiii l'flce · • , . . bathl, 15 x lSO' lot 1% boule. ' Plulh carpetJ • 50'x130" R-' lot. Hurry, ... SOQ for. tbia modem home with "HUNTINGTON HARBOR'! Goryeous ma,Jesdc bet,111)' in Fabulous Huntl nat:on Harbor. Thla renwbble model ~ witb pride and command• your ~ veillptlon. Only l!I0,000. ftlI tetms. M7-«J10. O . THC Rf)\! •......J. E:ST.\Tc o,S IROADM06it ' ' llAUTY ! Bil, on nz land In Irvine. Lovely lenol, lamlly rm. I: ditl. nn. Call now1 $42,2511. ; $28, 950 ·· bioc:ks lrom l!arbcr Hi drapes -~ btillt·in brlrv your paint· -• &net ;o•• • · ps bullt·lns ankle """r> Cl RCULAR P~ G ... t lamily home, Im-"""' . • o v e n one! lmqlnallonl ' . ' °"""· ..W., 3 ~.. 1'111&' ,cUoeuhr and· lloor to NQ down,G.I. tenm -low macu!al< .. Wp bed>°'""" rO!rl&'!ralDr· Commolli'1' 1 · -, botllo..famllY rm., den,.,. cellin( maldlq <Ira..., down mn-vets. Lowi)o bootle A tnie dellcht ID "'· Priced pool A ,dub "°lJ"'·, 121,000. ~ try boll, beoutllul ..torlor Wp dea A lwnlly l'OOOI ~E'S:~~ :r~~$49~T .... cali i~ik~r&1ee >Ji'<·~ ·=.~Slt-.o:I*L ~m:.;J: 1n1i,.-·lll<•,.... a.lovely NO DOWN 1oon "'II> _,. o1 1163 patio. t.oW maintenance 2790 H~ smt. at Adami Sharp 4 bedroc:a in ~ ioc. per month. Call r109il yard. E1eaMt . nr.,il&ce. -Ojlen o 'tll 9 P.111. tlon. Vay -W IGNTS w fka . & Le Primo 1acat1on. se-1>;». I-UNITS ..-aa.i -°'""' ,,_, eo• older oot· . I vr e $35,950•f'ool Prime-.l!lnt<:M>M ... Plua,lb.,q l:>b...., .... .,,. -· 3• Bii. Realtors TARBELL. --.Oloto-W1itDE Attract! .. 3 -· liome. -and -"' build ad-l'!ltllinal , umta. J1rm. •••• $21,750 !INCLUDES 8-ANS> . ' ..._.. 2* botho, ... lac ........ ~-~. Mo -1'lleed at ... -....-llY ..... 1-'lot. -Opel> Eve ~ tar' ~ 10!1 -;:r..;;,,_: Juot Oii -. CALL l6ft!' t.-pico In llelrilltal ME S A VE RD E ' =... "°"';;i :.n., ~ Uo11<1 • 111,JOO. WOa't 1ul -..... · MAGNIFICENT -1m11t1n kl-. -"""' IALW llAY PROP. Can only •tart to detcr1bo ....i..r. ll«alll7 ~ CaD -<oi-n i:-,) * ta-Hf1 * this llbulouo 2 story, 4 Bii., 1nsldo " .... Patio. 116 yr. CL~E TO IEACH ! BA. home W/l>nn•I dhl -· P?ootlp --~. ~· 4 IR .. 1-•jlll J ... ~ area. UP!lr*ded-1, •le< !e-11111. --I ~ pr·-.,..... and all ol fllft rm, IA. ,_,,, -· Tm111S this sit> on • pn>!ealonal17 '°!'L -lnL 0 ...... Wftll1-· ~ped comer lot w/o "'UliOi & LOVELY $8.-Prlac, •'l'• , R~ . ,.,.. ... .,. C\lllla poo1, • lllllW, o.ota -4 aa.. u.,... p • r Ir SS7-tm ~ 645,.1564 Dlck ·llfts Reolfy, ~ c • W.stT9llil ....... Din ..... -StiPi TO HACH BIG w ...... W/beom cdc -.., VII 1n1o t1i11 S lllnil'1 fll.; -1!11· It. e ~ IR. • $2f,. e 1)1~,l!IOJ llll. brldt lllJik. 3 8'\. 1• TARBELL -., 1• Ila "'"'°' wl!b ta.• · llntnlo. Nr. -• -3 BR., 1tmJ9 no., I bottw; a.I. J'llcd -.,.. 11'/lrs l 'H~ll.P=1-A-..,-.-,.----"11..,.. a*"'...,.. .. -,._ --Wb, l'!fbll, ~ nc. potlO...._lu)'llw mo;1miiat Br., 2 bo. 1W1m PoOI. i-i --. Call alt P OOl:RVIEWDIG 11.E. --. C4LL NOWI! ..a. --f4t.1111. • A "°" -Id ,... "°" location.' Apit. 61S-1118 IHllRW••D llEAL TY ,... •I« -°"" CAlWODD IUAL TY ilOliiE llUliillii• ll'lldi .. --t Hm --II. r.'I. CdM Joe. Hm m,1215. * -·· * OPDI uoua: - • L I ! I i t cu co H v 'N• ! ~ kll I I . , ' rrsrsr I I _..,_ ·1~ f ._ .. "!' ~ · 1~ , . ]~ I~ --.... C•I• -Coot• -..... o-IEJ4..! L£ ·-~~ . ~~ -. 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ciiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l;;~§.::§:~:=~-1*1iiM!iiY~~liH~..,~t:k•~""':;;:-;;-.·::-&;;;;; ,.-·-IT'$ HERE DESERT CRESr ,Cll!.% ........ ~ * DRIVE IY * ~ By o-.r _ Beeut OrJtln•I Ownor TIIE NEW Own your own lot · Dim DO& PllOHE us F!>R MORE .•--_. b" 11 otterirc thJ1 l bdrm.. 2 Viking Oron9ewood Col~ CLUBHou~. NetoraJ 451 . CA8lll LO $1200· DN INTDRMATJON ,bcJmll, 4 b<llll, new aubn both I< family~ modern 24 x 61 Ho Pools. 13,990.tq l'J290 -:l-fl drpt th r uout. home, w&lkfuc . di.i. 10 ~ tbl1 beautltul new Fnee8tochu~a 1 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, built-ins; forced Air beat, hardwood floors ; overalud double car- age. Walking distance to all shoppinJ. 4 Bdrm, 2 Bath, lq lot on 9 g,... · '!1Wla St, be.tell. Need• h t Et.ROIGE REALTY CO. cul~. ()wQer says 462 J'ortnal din rm, 2 lfory IOrJle,:mlnor rtdeooJ'; lo !;le e c:-~ a P. 0 . BoX e..Gr JUST $34,000 "dunlp It .. He wanq no WATERFRONT DR hom• W/o&lbedral "'"'""" made ebarm\'C •• ~.llOO.: ap1t!trano o. ..... Hot Si>rirc•. Callt flq\llty.A~a11M.tyats:tJ,tm.. ' -• l1lc tarn rm w/brk:k tpl, Prld., ot·Ownershl · (iJ , (71.<t J 32M444 pt,ym"1tl of $199 ~ mo tCorner of B~ah•rd) prlv•CY. rear yard. VA-m For' • rticufar •l·---er ~·th , ··-•011LE HO"'E ---------includtt all' Nt&r Truk 11: fl'orn here you cart pacJc<)'OUf n»ney dn; $290. mo. or take .:....:.}~ UU)' \ M ,.,_ Ha.rbot. · lunch and walk tot~ beach. over /ow-Int CI lo.n. $41,D \ .._.. ~:~.'·~:'u~: PAGEA,..,T I' Brtaht A cheerful ldtch/ F.P. &.lbmlt your term•. ~ ., , l-..1..... " 33413 San Juan C~k Rd, family 1'l'l'I with Core~ ,..1931 or ~101. . e._,qii': ':" ..... ,..rm. ntx\ San • .tu.n Cllplatrino Jll,00, Rfll:fuccd to $29,951). It _ 11 -I 1£e, dtnmtrm.. V~ lgt. _ 714~140 • '493-ll:i8 531·51H 1=1 Ut·5HI 11500 dn. .. -I ,...... FOR RENT-· mstr bdrm .• bath, with 2 ~-~--==-- "!'""!!"'"!"'lll!!!'lli"!l'--1 """ -., on VA '6 15 a BeaulllUI end clHo. TNJy mor. 'bdrms. • ball\. »JI Rimingo -'#513 : 1 HuntlnftM' a..ch mo. incl. taxet. trahness that you~ .ei~ thi1, with an ocean view, for Hffutlful patio kltt hf'n, * 1ee. Thia 3 bedroom, 2 bljth $47,500. model fully equlpptd with PROBATE SALE 3 BRM•.., 2200., M .. UI' U home In HuntJnaton Beach. Englund RHI E1tote wet bar. dlshwash.,, De· Shake Roof Beauty Verde Jane. F 0 r ;,,.. ROSES .. ,. Red, "' ,. E .. ry r0om '"""' with 31! Thall& "'4-l<ll3 luxe· plu•h ••ar carpet & -. (C Mallltu & much more. On Eastslde-...... lion. call-· Pini! Y.now ··-n..1meu. OnlY $225.00 pe' WHALE OF A BUY s.1. $13,"5 Prlcol ' VACANT 2 STORY REPO 5 1 • • • • Bannlnt) month. Ca.l.l M)..25.SS.. 2 Bdrm. Own-your~wn apl. Includ~ set up&: del. any· 3 ldrlftl. 111. AU <!an bf: tffM from ~ ZIOO Ill· ft! On. a .bi& mmer . Hid I I 1· Cl wh• .... In So. r-ttt. .BR l B.A. Try $36,(l(JO, W._ kitchen window. From thia lot Df!U' the beach. Most ot ' poo ' pr v. pa 1(1. ose '--'" ..._... Auume 6'9 annual pm:en.. Rn.tty, 5*-7il9. ' ......... kl~-hen .....,., th! ho H to th 1n ahopplng A: beach. Hurry tqe rate GI loan with Jow I ~=,=..;.,..;.:,_c:.;..,~~-1 • ....,... ~ •¥-can 1 me open.a o e on this Onf' •t $19,500. monthly payment of only MESA Verde f Br. Owner enjoy ~ loveJy view• of 1400 -r it patio. •creat for 49S-2800 tr 1151 per month lncludln& ti'Ul lloduc<d to $31,.,.,, No bloomlne '°"'• trull bear-•nt<rtalning I< per!ect for CAl'.'E COD * · · OPEN SUNDAY 12·6 · UNIVERSITY REALTY . JOOI I. CNll HWy .. c.....,. def Mir '1USIO c •• ,. MIN eapistrano MOBILE HOME * Wlckshiro Houst 24d0 $12.350 Populllr Front Kltchrn 010. de! with huge J>4'nlr)'-. In· elude,; upgn.d<'d c1.rprt11, dra pes and appliance.!!. Slot up and delivery anywhere In Southt'rn California. eapistrano MOBILE HOME PAGEANT 3341:\ S11n Juan Cttrk Rd. San Ju11n C11nistrano 714r83()..:(140 1::i~~v: t~~-, 1:=: 557-WL atiawbtnin. Thia is a best otttt -must be 10ld! Owner &n:!doua. • Bdnm. + ~ dn. VA. wt Elm Ave., iJ¥ ~· and srowinl lots of Jclda. Submit )'OUl' , -~ •--th! •-r It' BY Owner· 3 Br 114 ha alw.rp, adult occup. ho~ * hqe \tam:Uy:" rm., dlnlni _.o.COUTtoW'I: PAGEANT RESALES .-xt: I one uic ore I w/w crpi.: bltnl,.·~ 1~: featurln& -4 Br, 21h BA, lam 8442 FANTASIA rm., ! bathsl New England ~ l.AIMU. CHI. &one. Only $28,000. Full sn950 54S-399S. rm 4 tonnaJ din atff, ln . Cape Cod, pl~ture window!!, .....,_....,.o-- 33413 San Juan Creek Rd. l 2'. 20' & 24' \Yldth11 San Juan CAplstrano 44', S2' & 60' LENGTHS 714/830..3140 • 493· 112R Late Model Home.• DAil V PILOT n 1..__·..:.~_!._·~_ .... _ _,nil OPEN HOUSE Sat l~ 116 Hard to find, CdM triplex. 418 Staward CAU.. 615-1225 H t . R ' Home & lnv11tm1nt RHlty 3425 E. Cout H~·y .. CdM DUPLEX. Wf'sf C.M. Lrg. t'f'l r lor. 2 Br I'S . Close to l'11·hls k bc-h. Gmsii; inc S29.,/mo. Ou1Rr11.nrlln~ in- \"rstmt. $32,900. Pvt. PIY· ~IG-01711. "NEW" 20.UNITS ADULT APARTMF.NTS lJ4 E. :m"ll ST. COSTA MJ:SA \VEBB, BKR 642-4005 PRIME 4-Plex 3 Rr .. 2 811 .. Inc. ~700/mo, No dn VA. $82,~. N. CMIR .Y!esa . prlce. mao· ' · thetal'(1ily ·rmyouwUltind (W/ofNeWlandS/of shutters, built-I n ON the beach, Lagun!-w lk & L BY Owner: Xtra Lr& 4 Br, 2 a pool table (included in Telbert) dlahwuher, brk, $31 ,950. Royal~. 2· hr, 2 ha con-8 er ee ha, corn. lot. Rm for boat sale prlcel and "eon. Really lo\lely .t bedrm home 846-0604. 5824 W. Edincer, dominium, huge patio deck Vikin9 Model Home GREF.NLEAF MOBILE HOME PARK :i..17-6151. In S * P•rk 17511 Wh itti<'r A\le., C.M. 8 UNIT -Walk to Behl REALTORS $2f,900. 643-6459. \len.ttion pit" with fireplace on the cul-dwac ot a tree Huntington ,Beach. with surf, sea &: coastli~ « 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adama D•nll Point for your I am i l Y en-shaded stl'f!et. New floor tile "'" view. Elevator to J>OOI & terialnmtnt. Lei'• lff this In entry A kitchen. new crpt bea ch. CoMkler 2 yr l~e 54S-9Gl Open 'tll 9 PM ACROSS FROM BEACH Ir: allurlnc homt ,toda,y. in llvin& rm Ir: dining rm. at .$625 futnls~. Asking Custom Home -HARBOR. -llxOO CALL WAYNE FONG Pride or ownenhlp •howl 141,llOO. 537-451~. •ft 1 • 0 1y $25 950 Ex-.M091L .HO~, 2 KASAllAN "all.over." Priced ri&hl at POLYNESIAN wknds49!>-J992. n ' BR. delwc xtra•, 1'mlly REAL EST.ATI M7·"'4 l30.5llfl. All tmna ~van. SEnlNG Blue Logoon Villaa Sb.arsilbedroom,2bathwlth puk.0wntt,494 -925 o. . -... * WITfl~GNIFK.'ENTPOOt. FORSALEi:RENT I ri H -Evenlnp: -" 21851 . comp ett p vacy. u1e u• ~~~~-----.._ ONLY $35,900. :AIL TERMS 2 Br 2 Ba nr beach $47,500 ed brick fireplace l n DoVer Shores I illlii .. ,..,.. .... ., ..... , OCEANVIEW. or a.awne ' 5% % lrltetest. 3 Br 3 Ba. ~ vu S65.000 . IP8.Ck>ol llvl11K room. Dutch VA Xtra &harp and clean! Beat 2 Br furn -rent to June ao ·doors lo ddl&httul patio DOVER SHORES No money needed, 9eller Franciscen Fountains locale. Cloae to ocean, on Call 499-2'Jl6 to 1tt. •, with lot1 ot concrete. Short 501 Eveninl" Stat Lane Pl.YI all'eoillL Ji'tnt paymt ~the $u qU\H eul-M-uc, A musf·see ~LOE LAGooN REALTY walk to schools •nd 1hop-Open Sun. J2.5 July ht. 3 BR, b1Un1 elect ( Bedrm. -3 .Baths. 2«JO ICI for pooJ lovers! Call 842-4466 30804 s. ·Coast Hwy. ping. Low down fllA fin&n-Beautttully apj>olnttd 35M ~ dbl en. di.hwahr ft, :fontJ.~r model home. Once BY OWNER, charming 2 cine oUered. *JUU'e foot home on water ranee, ov ' picked as "HomMf·tbe-BR, home in Emerald Ttt- Brand new 3 bdrm. Bren t .1-~~---- wood #615 loaded with * LIBERTY 24xM 1 &: 2 BR. s110 M. S16 M dn. extra5 lncludlng porch, $11,500 700 Pa.Im, JIB 847<1957 skirting, awning,;, land· Beaut. Shag Carpet Thru. "-ot• \for Sale 170 l'!Caping with sprinklers Ii: out. drape.!!, applianct's. In-.;..._.i._.,., ______ _ moN". eludes set up &:: delivery ,VIEW LOT $15,150 Complete I anywhere In So. Calif. Lovely.Newport H"" i g ht 11 . eapistrano eapistrano ~'.t~,~~ cul..t.-uc. so MOBILE HOME MOBILE HOME PAGEANT PAGEANT 33413 S11n Juan Creck Rd. 3341:\ S11.n J uan Crrt>k Rd. San Juan Capi111rano Sll.n Ju11n Capistrano 714/830-3140 • 493-1128 714/m.3170 _,., .... adjacent to private swim· lam rm.~ new w/w crpll, Month'' in Home maguine. 11:•11 E1talt, mlna beach. Spacloul Fran-dtps, .trplc, fllll rm • / Most oot.ta.nding $53 900 __ _ race w/view of Etqierald Gener-ti Ltt clscan We entry, 4 Bdrm., ovttmed dbl ear, Jrr tor. I.ad worth every cent. ' • EASTBLUFF Bay to Dana Point, large iiiiijiiiiliiiiiii I ~-----.:~~;\ Evcninp Call 64l--7.:i:: 3\1 ba., Formal D.R. walk· Woy below mldl $»,ll!!O. See Lovo\Yal4 BR. 2,~ hpm!, Ip fonced yard. 144 'S OO , =:"::""-.~"'.'"---\I F~RWAY LOT- In bar plua riluch "-·Of· todoy! . . • LARWIN • !Drm dlnm1 or lam rm. of94-4.102. BY Owno" No down -VA. l Acruge for ••lo 150 213-FT. ftred ' at 0 $135 000 Peter If · a I I \ e 1 e c kl t ' h • s BY Owner -3 BR, 2 BA, fam yr old. 3 Br, ~ ba, 2 frplc's, COUNTRY or small I.own 2043 Wf!1tcliU Drive D 0 b b •, Ji t ~ 1t0 r • ~ 4405 ANYTIME brkfst/dlnlns area, new rm. Custom Inside &. out! Cl'ptl/d~. dbl gar, 1 blk retl~enf. 1 ~ Acres, roll· l 64&-nll Open 'tit 9 PM 6'f3...9M.1JB35...5164. t6J.447l (-)-146-tltl OCEAN BREEZE shq crpt, ~Uo11 front 4 Atrium· f!ntry. Uniquf! 1torll' bch. $47,500. Fel Simple. ing h\1111, ovt>rlooking lllk<'. ' ''Biggest Backyard -· Sharp 4 ·Bdrm." 1; family, rea:r, 1lumpstone .walls for trplc. Bit-ins. Sprlnklen. 642-7523, M~. Lewis. Smog fN"e. Low !11.xe~. All East lluff incl. dininc rm . Bltm, 3 prtavcy. LndACpd tor min Nr. schools & shop' g . utll. On pa\181 l'()Untry roHd. In Town!'' "' ·''lST OFf[Dllll"'.I SPANISH bath•, w/w carp 4 ·dralJ'•· malnt. 'By owner. 644--0TI&f $.10,500. Call 897-7949. S~n Clemente Close 10 Sun City-Ca.n~n Laa:una Nlguel Golf Counil'!. $29,500. Gd lenns. Bkr. 671-3M(I. CO/ THE REAL \~ I:STATERS And Its attached to one o( the IUftll Owner JnU1t •ll Spanish Completf!ly block fe~. °?"'n ~t. 4 Sun. 2801 Alta SAVE S6000! N. Laguna ~ Lake & fuluN" Lake Perris, aharpelt 4 bedroom homes desip with double arches, Hua:e cov'"· patio for yf!ar Vt~ta Dr. ' View, 3 Br., 3 Ba., fam rm., B ~HOREf ~IFFS Term11. 714/61'>7·2905. C H r".A On the market today. Only New, EXCLUSIVE Bluttl tiled roof, elep.nt entry ~entertainment. Ample 3 Bedroom,~ Bath, rtew\lhq 2 frpla., pool, 4~k, patio. ~lc,wn:::... n~·· c~tBa;; BUILDERS & DEVELO.PERS OOSt wy . ..,--r. 1% years old. It you'w front row liltin&. hallway, Cf'lltnl Coor plan, room .for p:iol tn ttm park-~t.:a and. modern kitchen Xint parking. 3,900 IQ. ft. wallpapef,"1' Pi bbq, oceari R-3 Hl:rlse, Oceanside c.1 ione. Approx. 100'x 126'. ' . ~~~~ t~fs l~tlt~ c:i= TutefYIJy deconted split ~~"~ ~d~.o;,,: ~:~ A aood buy for ;!,~ .. =~ ~ LOwner 494-MNI 71.1 vw. Pvt. ~h.' Many xtra. li::r v17~1f ~P 10<" ~~2~~. Prim<' locatk>n. · 11 •-lu L.-level end unit. 3 Spacious };k7 -•,500. 1 42 -2561 QUICK p-sESS. hom• -·· ~-ch. Onlv egune gue Immed. Occupancy. Appt s' 11q t. s 15·1XX) W I N T I C executive v .. ,. at ""st. -"""~ .... _ ....-. • only S42.oo:>. 644-11t3R or 1ng1t•r Real Estate es ey · ay or o. Only $42,:.:x> Hurry, call bdnna., 2% bl.'1., a beaUty. Mqnolia at Talbert. H11J1.. Near Adam.a 4 Brookhurat. 4 S2'7,500. , · BY OWNER: Monarch Bly 493-<llBB eves, 133-l&ll, Ex'f. Call Wlif!eler, 532.2200 Re•ltors t gu...2535 HURRYll tington Beech. Ir: f&mUy, 1% ba'1., w/w Roberts & Co. ff2·5511 Terrace. 5 lge 'BR.a, 3 BAs, 2'lll Ssin Joaquin Hill• Rd. . · bl I · .. --2838 d.YL, A~rtment1 for ••le 152 · THI: RCAL 'fZ f:STAT!:RS •. <.~· . . carp. " drapes,· t· ns, GOV'T. REPO'S fam rm. pool, ~· 1.u.1 Newport Cenll'r 644--49\0 t~ , d.lshwahr .. ]Nltio. All terms. . , 1 xtra1. S79,5(X)496-4016.. .•*ON 'IRE BLUFF** OCEAN VIEW ""'-A -'Al C: ;~ii f2 f.f' Only $23,500. ~::ill!i.~.· ttn, , ¥¥J.s<atua, ml~pri~ , SPA,!IKUNG 6 y~. o Id 3 Bedroom. wry elopnl, luiJ ... rs ttennOB ·ursf t)i' Q!'JI II --x-$49,950 or rldlculou.I otter .. curtom buUt, 2 BR· i den,i •llbtf!f'ra.nean Park i n g Just West Of Tha MESA VERDE t' really 2 IEDIOOM ' iHYE"=tco. KASAll.IAN . .2.'lflll Java. •. Soa'. 'Owiier. ;::,~.""'·"''""""'1 •• ~ •levator, priv bea c h ; Wolfern Whitt H"!"/zo .. nt MAGNIFICENT R I E M7 ,..,.. .f96-•r•• ···-· -.. ria,_ .many o·.., "11 e .t· La.guna. · Panoramic cx.-ean view 1 mil'· ...,. to deacrlbe CONDO Ul4J045•4095 .. ' 11•1•· -~ ·~~ '""'"''· Talkina 155,QOf, 164.ooo * n•: m..ooo . lot, caii build 22 unll.I. llD"" ~ this fabulous 2 story 4 BR. ! 2414 Vista Del Oro 3 I poo1· BEAlJT . .rel.. 3 yr old, 3 Lido lit. ,t b~.·'ISl.3 La . Ventana, Gr .. n Man1ion Inc. dot, etc., 26,28l 1q. J.~· View ! iBA. ~ wtlDr'illl.11 'din Newport Beach $2500. totaJ. cub needed to PB BR, adjoins new H.B. park. BAYF·RON~·VIEW .. , San.cltn'lentt, 714-496-4345. C or Dana Polnl, Cotlon Patnt, 1 .'Otta, u-.ted thl'uot.lt, elec ' --""':;;,c::,,;:l':..':.:ANYTIME:...:.;:.:;~-take over tbJa ftlA lo&n. $23 900 Near shops, llChoola, oc.'eeri Pric'• has l""t :.;,_n •-•·• .... · tmet1ry & C,1.tallna, 25% down. Total l naau I . Ideal starter home for )"OW1I • Ir: ......... _. RN.I Eitate slore ..,, """' ...... u ... -s J c Lot1/C pt 156 car door-nen and all or THE MOST vOl.l will lov "'L.'-.._lhl ""'" all"~.~ to -·,-·on •n uan. apJ1trcno ry • price $132,000 . ..,.... couple. _. aanl-ntlrtd . .&' • •• e uua ~"' y No' 5 Art (213) 439-JTll 3 ~.,..""~ ~;AN • INVESTJrfENT DIVISION this alt.a on a pm.h!i1Jonally For the leut, in this tine 111,IOOl J';P.' Will-p a.II p.lntecl 3 BR. 1"-BA home . . . ,· this SJ>llCious, 2 Bn .. den ··OPEN HOUSE* .f Cemetery lots, JO yrs old, ' landKaped corner lot w/a area. 3 Bdrms., 2 ba., Um./ tenm with u Jltik a1 $1000 With bltln R/0 and uPll'f.d~ ' BR, 2·BA, lll!'Wly palntf!d home w/dlnine rm. i: wet ·· • SATURDAY 1.5 P.M. Fully 11rtdscaped. Beauf : .·huge 20' x 40' cuatom pool. kit., l ·dy. Conipl•I)' re-down. i:IW. it won't Jut. ed. thl'Uout. HutTy for thil ins!M I:. out. Nylol\ slut& bar; entry courtyard w/ Take Avf!ry Parkway ott view. Leaving ftret.. Less o -.THEREAL \"'-ESTATEHS '1 • •.. 1' Dick Be.rs Realty 962-2421 decor, New carp.. dripea, 1, one! Exceptionally low pric-crptr, prof J~pd yard1, fountain, }ft. patio on . ~ nunp to Oliva· lum right u) than ~I. 83S-5082. , IY OWNER piln1: vhlyl 111e;.i.. "manJ. ed at 123,llOO. 'Subo>ll ,.... cov l>"tlo. nr "1Fm achoo!. fl. lot: 3 I"'•'!""' " J,ido 2/lfl'l2 ~ 1-" Luna Dr. ' Commerclol I · cured yanl." on a happy "'nn• can S40-85SS By owner. 133.000. 962-3128 Nam hay, vlow. 1 , .-Bi:Tl'ER '.l11AN NEW! p 151 R·3 Nr. Newport s..: .. \a;nv~ 1':..~:.~';f.~ ..,.., " ...... fl<m pr!v. ffl.4471 ';qu """'111 SHERW••D REAL TY PACIFIC SANDS m,150 OPEN SUN. 12-4 J .. t l yeu old. completeJ.y' -::;;~·~·P~ .. =rtyo;;;;==;;;;;=-; 11ss· x 620' Lcvcl. $1.80 Sq, Ft. : Xtn. 1,. Jot, cukl ..... c. All por1<: No"': low leuehold " CLOS. E "' OCEAN 1111114·11rookhon1, F.v . 3 ·Ba. 2 BA, N• beam • 241 VIA GENOA t1..,...n ·~-~aped. Work SHOPPING CENTERS WHloy N. Teylar Ca. ' custom IMturea Incl new •1• ::'~150.• very fine value 3 IR + 2 IA HUGE HOME ' achoola. By owner. 53tf..8129. bowaRll laweoa JR. :..;,,.,,.-:~·c!!:'m':;': ~ m ,ooo to 11,250,000 RHlhlro coDd, It prqe door opener, &ff..lll.l BroHr Anytime Owner ......... - . .aw·--51.! % Irvine . wlC• 6'J5.45tl2 rocim, tWo bath, l•-e sen. NEW to a Years·o1d 2lU San Joaquin •lills Rd. H tlo, f IM•-$20 S00 , .......... ~ ~v.tll'I' "' •116 v· Udo -• ' N Newport Center 6ft..4910 U&e pa pro ......... .,. • • t...... di ·. · •·-n -"· 1a a.rate family l'OOm, u..,..d. orth & South Ora.nee Co. V ~--t ..,, !<NI P'Mlnt•ln V•n-Uk NEW · I t ...... ., nuw ' rm., 1.a1w.iY y 00N O CE I JOO' 1 .. ,., 'ft2 try •• ~,.a ~"""· ,_.. e ww cr p •·rm., den, 4 Bdrm•, :itra FAMIL . I .•• 3~JJR.,3%ba,denA ed carpets thruout. ALL Xlnt1pendables TuShelter Cl:l I of, Xo>;i,"'" Drive by llXI KtrTY Lane FORMAL DINlNG area, -~. OW:rsized: rooms or just J"ettlnc started? '.f11en playroom ........... $89,500 TERMS! Ct.JI: Lee Mohler 541-5155 paved alley, 348 E. e 54S-.DJO --OWNER-builtin RIO,~ flqattme lhruout. Brk park like yard, be sure .to we thta Vf;RY 5 BR. l ba. strada corner. ONLY $.11,000 PERCY H. GOODWIN co. Rochf!llter St .. C.M. Short • CHOICE -LOCATION WANTS. o· UT•. ... .. "buUtln -&B-Q. 138.500. .....1313. 111 H SPECIAL 2 bdm., 2 ,bath Pool .1 ........... ;. Sl25,000 FITZP.ATRICKIS walk lo 11th SI. Jhpna .. cntr. i Near aclo>ls, park Ir: shop-Submit )'OUl' terms. Call Brook hu r 1t 1 Fountain townhouse at a vuy special LlbO REAL TY INC , Capistrano Valley R.t1Jty 1 $21,750. 673-9509. J pin&'. Newly decon.ted 4 Price reduced $1,500. below U7~ · Valley.. price of $30,500. Great 3377 Vl8' lJdo, N.B. 31501 Camino Capistrano EAST 17th. STREET Mountein, Dettrt, i Br., 2 Be., comb. fam ,-m .. fr Gov't appraisal. Nice 4 BR. SEYMOUR ,~REALTY, lnU . rreenbtlt location A a 2 car 673-7300 San .(uan Capistrano COSTA MES.A Resort 174 kit. New crpt, bltn elf!C 2 BA. elect bltil'll, crpta • Bt&ch Blvd .. Hunt. Bch. prqe, toll t -L-100--N-o.::rd:.::..:hoc:m::e:. .. -3~B-R-. 2 4f3-J 1a4 ~ Ft. tronunc 17th St. n.nge " oven. Double drpo, Unbeatable price for "Hl··HO SILVER" lo 2 "-RHltor Since 1965 Sll5,000 cuh down **BIG BEAR LAKI __ .. ·"" •'» _,. ~-CALL TODAY . BA, lat t, pe1.1U9, n_ Jo I •~ 6~ •700 N-• a tax deduction,. Try 1ara~. y,,,......., ;!'"• -·"'"· 4 ._. .. _ -ba lcony view. Nea.o 5 BDRM. RANCH HOUSE' nca nom cs, Biu . •.rv ~ ' Xlnt fi,..ncin&:. l&19 Corsica If ~rh m""ak'e1"1,e •• !!, atowaa:: OPEN HOUSE .SAT 1 .. 5 playground , beach, tennis Capiatrano Estate, 2 Acres. thll cab\n-ln-thf! w 0 0 d s · Placo. Call att 5 · pm "'~ _, •. 1"62 CARMAN IA LN kin 17 9 50 o • SHOPPING CENTER Comp!. tlnlshrd only 18•900· quire. No down payment ' . · court. Ai r ' · • ,.. car gar., barn, corrals, bl& OR start w/a secludf!d lot I 540- 5789 · 5!1•5111 <=J. 531·5111 and owner wW pt.y your N/Adama I: ~rookhunt Owner, 673-6514 tree1, pool. $160,IXKI.. JO Satellite storea. 10.7% Cap for only $~. and W..E'U.. [ VACANT 5 BR. clottng cooho. Balanc<' Is GLEN MAR SPICIAL ,.· "SINCE l9l6" SMALL UdoHam•onchoice OLE HANSON CO "le, ».73 •pencl•ble on BUILD· a cab in on lhal lot I NEWLY paint~. Pick your STRATFORD 2 it)'. Colonl&l, lt11 than rent. Thl• Hun.. 4 'Bedrooms, 1"-bath. comer lot, Onl.y $Sl,500. m s. lCll. !An Clen:ttnte down P«.Yment. fOr You! Call Ro111 ·(714) · own carpel. $3,850 down or 4 BR, 3· BA.,' ~-Ji-.; rm fuWton Buctl beaub' II only fireplace, patio. •Su p_e r 1st Wntem Bank Blrft. KEN· BRrrrINGHAM 1 T~~.I ~~~. 5.16--1738 or write>: Spenct":r 1 nlA·VA tGormE•M· w/rt'plc. Form dil'I 'rm., $28,950. Hurry call gu..2535, de.an, near 1Chool• A: shop-I Unlvenl~ Park, Irvine .:__,;.:R;ceal;:.l.:.or~•~675-ll.CC,-=123~-.i Tustin Real EAtate, P.O. BolC 2828, ---' Jiii---Fam rm w/wtt bar, sbq ' ~~ 962-5031 Days ~1~1 Nfthh SPARKLING! 3 BR, I% 'BA;i---------Re•ltOr1 6444111 Bl& Bea.r Lllke, Calltom ia. 1610 W. O>t.1t Hwy., N.8 . crpll le drps. 3-car aar. ....uupu-35' Jot , No. Side, Tracie 1 O~ER selllrc, B taut COM Highway frontaa:e. 3-1 YUOCA VALl.EY on the ·REALTORS 642-462.1 Btautlndtcp'dba~kyd., K.ASABIAN RED' CHIN.A??? Broker. 67S-4i756. Tultln MeiuSows model 14, land I: bldgs. Mesa. 3500 rt. cit.'Vatlon. 11' I Ow /ft---ht Fruit trees le sprnklm. Real Estate 147~ Beaut decor 3 BR Din -Agl'nt. 67>7225 H.I.R. a-Wal"' Jo~ua -, ,. Y ner u-.vra r Xltn. Ira petto: w/ueed ---------tSure! Evenonptnklinen ... Me .. Verde Fam rm. 'Open 'hou·~·~ ...... ' "'' .. ~ · ' Unique 3 Br .. 2 Ba + studio. brlck Utt ru. 4 planters. SA' VI ·$2IUIO PCX>L 4 PATIO fer elepnt you and your ruesll will be Duple:r"/Unlts Yl!ar round living. $3,350. > R·2 lot w/w cpt, ahuttera. _ ._ r" • entertaining, 1ourmet 80 enthr,Jae,d by this pent-BY Owner, inusf'aell. Xtra w~kends. 838-1015 ••le' 162 Tmn1 (7141494-745.1. ' I Frplc, $27.500~ 6f6.M73. CUl-dM&c. "3,500. _............. Four lMare becfnna,, l bl.tbs, kitchen wJth built·ina, ~ly house ' v\eW they'll nevtt Jp 4 BR, tam rm·. crpta, W•stmfniter 5 ACRES nr. Vall Lk, wtr, '1 (AS-IS). . • .DIRTY 3 DAILY ~ PILOT f&mllY. nn., Ul!C home. rtt.t yard wlth Po o 1. nqtice. i bdrm, % ha: In drps, 2 -ba, frplc, Inside H.B .• Beautiful eJCtra J.ce. 3 scenic. $4500., w/$45. On BEDROOM ·~ 000 -Near beach, \llcantl $39,000, MoJtthl,y payme:nta $225. Turtle Rock Hille.'. coui'tyard, sunken pa.Uo, full DRIVE IY Bi., 2 ,Ba .. 2 Br., 1 Ba .. mrn.o 8 to 10 AM. ~ i Drake. In 'Me;· dei M-:'. CLASSIFIED' ADS 'CiEsT REALTY Roberti 'l'·~· ff2·5511 -e· 'red 'h.11 ~":",;.!'I'::~.'=-'::.'. 9092 ENLOE WAY ~·~~.~.;:.:.~~ ~ai;a.: ~P_M..,.c.••=-'-' ----- ' VACANT 4 BR. REPO F9~ .ACTION. • • GOVERNMENT-I •uum• ·my GI loan ot (Mo•nalle nr Moy'i St.) sac 1'3,500, Own" 842-3276. RHI Estoto I N, • ., car·pel, pelnl. $24,500 .. ·c· ALL '642-5671 • UNITS wanlrd. Haw bu,.... Exch•n.. rn I 1.;:;;"~';;~e:;};:~·;:;·;;:;--;::;;;;;:;;.;;:;f;'t::;::;:;;:::;;;;;;;;;;::;:;::;:.~ll;;AIL;;;;;;Y::;:;PJ1Dl';;;;;;;;;lor;;;:;;•;;cllon;;;;·! I OWNI D , · · , l;::l31=:,000:::::.·..;M::1:,~=5l::Oc,·~--3 BR, 2 BA, covered patio; 1-;;==0.:io:;:;;;;:;;;:;;:;=.I ·~ .._... ... N nu • VA l'f'~ REA1.TY Newport. Bl•ch" crplLd.tpj, d~hwshr. Ju111 for ctuplexe1 Up to Ip units. r• ' • T~ A homes. tow Univ Parir: Cent6 • Irvine reduced lo $25,500. Drive by I =A..;"';cn:...1°"6:...15-:...1..:225:::~·· H:;.rc.'n_·== 1 ~ No points or Escrow Call Anytime, 133-<mO' * DUPLEX * and call us for mort. lntm. DLX Dana Point duplex. t' CifilQ"O J\,,' -f) 'C ~Q.• IMS. Gov't P13J clolinsl'!!!!"!!!!!!!""'!!!!""' ... """"'"' I Strttt tO attttt'. LovetY-, quiet / ~ L:ARWIN • $49,900. 33.952 Sliver Lantern. I . p~ J.'Q\l~J. 'ft J;l(/"v coats.Allprico....,.....C&ll FORaaleby.-r,l!ttutl ·r.a!denttal A 'rental area, tlfl405 • , ANYTIME 1 ~W..:•;:..bb:.:.·.;:B_.IU'.:.·;:..111:...2~..:90S_·== I The ''Punle with the ••ilf-ln Cltrdle -BR home, Fam .nn • """"" Jlrttt !l'Om ohahnel. Beach Home -Apt. 149.500 t' CREST REALTY Formal din. rm; on ll'ffh· 3 Bdm~. 2 bli. eam uoU. ~ Ste .. lo ocesn In NoWf)Ol'l ••ecwronoe ...,... of th. .. -"' .... -...;..""-' ' . belt. 833-1043. I l -J 1:mri O~/Agent * 67>0123 ,..., "'°M•Jed _., ... / VIRY ANXIOUS! 1 -....., •---L Oven Jed dbl. Ian&•· . -. ,.... t •-· f f --e-pool h H -. ~ 165000 ~·iiiiiiiiiiiiil.mm Income p,_r1Y 166 _.to orin ovr . , ~ut. me-. tavy Ne~~rt Beec~ Re•lty I ' I Ii l'SAKTE ·CI I ::"•:.r.~BR;.2 .. ~·fl~ Jt!EA~"EACH 261)Newport l!1>. 615-Bdl6'2 ~;~·~:•• 125 ~·--~~~Brdm I I I Hou11ewUe's pridf! 4 joy. Ente.?Wn rvw ' tri"ndtl near A !n'EAL at $34.900. 3 rm, ---------r111X vi. '""'IQ..,, p • • • • • XJnt nbrhd. Sec. Sale. the beat lf, In this: terrific 2 Ba . Cu'10m dtt0r, m1ny LUXURY MOBILE fttmllhed •Pts In top cond. • w f * c· ·--21 * ocMh aide value. OU·11rttt .,.Ina, Iii' livt'C ·""'m1 up-HOME Never a vacancy. Sl.1,000 I I IN El*Wlll OI I i' ·c~l1"!r1' REAL ESTATEl42-tl21 ~.r.:,:,~~~; ::.'. ';'",.':!/''8~"~; J IOO "''fl, Ip !Iv rm. di• down·~.:o~· I r MIREDITH HOMll .....,. onJ.y ateps awoy. W-1055 ' m,denw/we!t...2BR.2 , • New !own! 4 BR. din rm., "'*-3·bdnn. Ooor plan, .iiiiiiii __ ..,....,ii;;I bo, kit " ..,.. '"I'· w/w * Century 21 * EXCJIANGE 2X Unil Apt. Compltx In Coata Mesa for 40 to 60 Unil11. Sp•rling lnve1tment1 Call JJtk, 833-36M .. - YOU'VE always wanh!d 1. picluttaque cottqt In thie desert, twa bed room 1 , aaragc, (ru il lrMs, 4 mU~ from SUn Clty le Cal'\YOf1 Lake 1n Qu•U Vtllty. ~fu a Co~try Club. What can YoU tndt1: me in Coda Mt• area! 67S-70'15. fam. rm .• JIJce new! $C2,7'0. w1tb fireplace• tn the muter BY OWNER -HARBOit cpta thfll ·OUt, •Ir cond. Ttr- 1 "OTAL 11 · 'Jnd nce,patlol<much,,,..... ' • llXl62 CoJrat• Cir, Open Sat bdrm. • llvln&' room. "'nd• , VIEW 4 Bedroom, F .. a ·, i.oi:.ln exclulve •dull park, I ' I I I CMH:ution ls Niiiy Wort-Mr.: M2-4521. ·•. • ltRlf to CO*)' faml!y Jiving. Jmmed. occup. VACANTI SJC Qwntt _ 49..\..fM.~ TR.A.Of; 4 Bedroom ltarbor REAL ESTATE 642·1nl Vlow hom•, 1 .. land. ll,000 derful. My h und ry Ju•f · S.auttf\Jlly decorate<!, A S53.1!IO. C•ll ~1122 01' • • .. -.,.--,-----.bauglit .,,. -buttoMmHf>. INCoMI l"ROPERTY bani to bett at 1n,ooo. U·5l 641-113'. 1~· Mobil• home, encloM>d I p E T C I Ji i ·• . ,.It Duptox6 1271!00431:000 , , U caMna, rurn.. I• Adull e c i... ,i,. ""id.Jo ......, .. Pl.... '41,Jm.S75,ooo . ~O /tz,tt, NICE ...... 3 br. 2 "'· Din. Puk , downtown c. M. l I ,. I , ..... :r::t.!::01:.J;"~. 10CRm R~AITT . REAL ESTATE ;;ap;,,";;:':1:~~!,--~-MA-1-9~-F-Ul_WE_R_d_b_l _ex· 11-G-S final home. By o W n r . -.,Adult ........ In Foun.. ... ~$'t'j;~($'UIH$1N I' r \' r r r I TOTAL payment $15111tte4-tl'll~ e,... sl9-0m lla.5llfl. l'rlnc. only. t•ln Valley ..... &42.u!O or ~-,_ ~--612-<U&. !JM.1361 • •.•. m .. _. io-ml ,. 1·· I I I I I mo.~--111-·~<l'NN-YOUMJWN,EXEC. l!UFF •en·'===--=-....,..._= ~·~~ A •• l IS ntor tho bw:ll, lup ...... Ain. oa b<:och front l!O" E.m' L Lusk • °'" • BUDGER Elcpando, lMO'. 10 GIT ¢t<ISWll yard • ,._ cwntry Jdtchfln. 1._~ ~· Owntt will 8A., la/ft' MTL. 2' frptca: ~. ldn't cond. Must be. moved. SCRAu • -ANSWIU IN CIJASSIFICATION .,.,. Only llUllll. • Gn. $4i.500. 21111. 211A. pool, oq. II. 161.000. -ll02. $8500. . ---~~~-~ .. :!_!·~·~~~~~~~~-~:!-~'.:!:~~~~TIN~~ ltMerta & C.. MWSll -· Jllao, -. llell !Ito old •lull !2131 tilll-31'15 ' I ' • I 1 6 Unit._ E_astb1un-equity tor UNITS In 2 BR 2 •· h It 2 Newport or Costa Me• • ., ,.,.1 un 1. )IN:. .,.,..,, old. f'ully r.arp. &: dr1.l)e'd. , ..,c.,a.,11 "6'<""· .. .,..••,.0.,'.,61,.•,.·8,.'34...,· ~I Covered parkiq , 86\ k)Ca· 1: Uon. $150.000. Re•I E1tete WentM 114 ' 5 ,050 HAVE CASH BUYER 7 • For • to 5 Bdrm, homo with -····a=m Cl .. llC. • 21 Unlf·Nr. Shop'g. 2 Ir 3 BR, 2 Ba. 8231 Ellis Ave HB. $Ol M MT·~7 Call~ a Slve! I pool or mom for pool. La· gun11 Nlaucl or Ml&&k>o Viejo. ..... Sell I.... ol4 llull Btlll 1111 new liull j • • • o.JLV l'tLOT • W~NTEI>' R-2 lW A R.4. Lots A lllcrt"lt. 714.ft&.f.414. Stonl'1 Buikte.n A R11:alt nn. ·------- .. Apts. ,_ , , ~ Ajit.Unfunl. Cost•~ Li..-~._. . C.taiMiu -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;I iiiJP(J,,( i, BR.. 2 BA. lam • LRG. l BR, dupl!x. frpl, rm 'dbl .car $235-mo. tlee. 2 BR. 2 ba. ""; .. ","' 127> be1,m ... u .. prlv patio. ""'"' LI VE LIKE A KIN~ . Rei~ . --NEW NEW NEW l"M C • "TE 3 BED 4 BR. 2~ bl.,~ pt, •·•• S396 pa'MUng, ~ Cp~, drpa. 187 a....a-. p 1 ' •• "'" A u,.... ~ · •SR. ~ bat.hi ....... i,m 2131 SI Sl!IO. Adult.I no At ... ~, ric•sl sruDJO a~ w/tull kit ~ ~ VILLA llVJW ROOM, 2 bat b home, 3 BR., 2 ba. home•• JD)/335 pel11. M3...\J17. ' Ft.IJ\t4UllED-S~ ~·Inc. utll. Rt.ti. l..oi;-tJreplace, dbl. aar., pAUO, ., BR. 2''· .. _ •~ .... ..,.. ........... _ ra.lne B<lhk• Sttrft-RJhi Coot•-• ....... •FOR RENT• - HARBOR ·VILLA APARTMI NTS $120 to $150 redetorattd. Nf'W •hag j BR.'•ttC-A; ::·;:;,;,;:;LARGE; 2 BR, newly •vn~vn.rr1.,,.n..c.u .t!M-!858.1 ' ... 'J• JUST' Jt'J]l/JSl!i-;0 crpts l ~ Av~U, M•reh pabJ-.1. wa"r pd, ear.,.. * POOL S Lido I le · • F•mllles Wol como l TH ES E AR E TOPS,, • 2629 H"bor Blvd. . 1•t. 12:'<1 per mo. 30I Eaat ' red h·11 Good Joe. Pr Iv• c y . * E"'CLO$ED 1 . (10 2 BR, 2 FU UL BA ) , If You . Pr•for Cu l•I [ llil ......... ll:d -Broadway, C.M. I JJ~/mo. 548-0051. oA:RAG•s-.unan.rtanMW 1 Br niew • Spcelal cabinet 11paee L iving i nd P rivac y. _,,_ ' ;-...~....,'7"" 'lf'"'!"'c ' • lDck garacrs w/Ja 1tor • ' Servlna Newport~ta Meu 2 .BR. 1" BA, gar. Sharp, * CONVENIENT J.JdOi uu nr ti.y, .Adultt. '"° e Jim eril e (;ndry Ii: Patioe:1 1 l 2 BEDROOM 1 atta. Over 500 nnt.11!.s avail-REALTY nu~ •1. retr:lc. 1180/mo. TO AIL BEACHEs f ~ Plt,~'2>\)l'llO. ~ • • DIW·Disf>oMl e On1~1 • 2111 obi< """" Our IH 11 115.00. Univ. Pari< C..ter, Irvine Phone 64 .. 2'l51. FROM $135 'MONTH !HWPO<t INdl · • l)oop 2'color ..... ""' wlpatlo, oompl ,.,....,....ied. 1-------.---We guarantee. tervl~ or C&ll Anytime, ~ 2 Bdrm, c\rapeA, Cllll)ell:, e Spec.ill.I 80Undprooting crpl, bit · nd LIQUOR LICENSE )'Qllt monty back. Fair? 1860 N~port Blvd .• C.M. blt-ln1. gar. Nti pttt l child. ADULTS PLEASE LIOOlfllle tpeet.e bl.)I \fiNo. • Nr. San Ol~ Frw, HI!· New ihq gt 1 ·ii\$··• Or11no-<)n Salt ,...,, now. Can 646-392" Eves. 673-4S71 1 -•--h ~ -.. 15 ft to bf" ch 11rps. Lg11: Pool I: nnry rm. .... ....., -.una ·-c i;.u...mg Mgr e\I~. VILLA POMON~ .... ~~. lll"• a ' bor Bl\ld & school~ Convenient to Mop'g, Aaj, LG>kl Jul.II' -Publlc Pr11:m· ,Bllchekw-In C.Oronll "4-1 Mar. S.ntl AM Heli htt PHONI! 642 20l f~llflMllbl,e •dull 0'1b' $200. GAS Heal. Gu Cooking lo Yaiiview Hospltlll ln back ~ -Food Or CndclailsJ Furni.ahed with utiUtiei pa.id 4 BEDROOMS 2 BATitS. LAGUNA NIGUEL 4 bdr 2 . . , :r--:: .. • S 1'Uttl incld. Ynrlt 61$!-4704 11.nd WATER-All palrl. of Farrow Riiy al 262! Har· S18,500 for Sl~ year roon(I. llUl:e living • family rm, ba., live rm 6 dining ~a. (llflt Pomona. Ave.) ~V,Qi ... a.rt fl I: "~· Month to Month $180 bor Blvd. Ph. d1cyi 5.S'7·9049 Call Wln11on. Coll"£l 2 Bdrm HouJll!!, Sl50. WiU ar-pluAh crpt1. mank:.ured yant family rm, frpi, bull,l·ins. ~ ... !~:.... u~,r., R. ~~d.. ~· BACHEIDR apt, new ~ptt. •22 Hamilton, c~ or eves & Sun 546-9081. ... I f213J 272-4249 cept childmi 4 pet1, Has and aU hullUns. Xlnt reai.· · .._._.. .ui • ,_ ......, !rOW WEEKLY t s l 50 I Yrl Stt Mu-It M H ba .. 1D Chinchilla'•. 16 cagH. fenced yard, pat\Q, garage. dentlal Atta, S275. mo. ~~~d~apei, f~ncf!d tm" ~inj dep. Adults ont)I: RATES es:foo/wtnttr .~ y. ;:_2062 n , 0 n """'""'"""'"'""'""'""'"""'I 3 Bdrm " l250 -~-•1 u• "24 1-evetl ·~·-••· ...,. """'" · no pet1 ••• •-2080' N-porl l lv'. ' ,.. , ~ c o n d I l I o n · Any N .nOUM.. . • .... arp. \JIU ~ -,..._.. mac. $310 mo. lat, tut and · -.wu•. • 67>2778. · -uonabte olfe• oc-pt-•. ew Cll-.tl, fireplAce, 2 ~t •-'""4 c"· I• U-.. ~· « -~ ·~ ~~~· =~ I 11•1 •-.2-611 SMALLBacbeli>_ r,IWimpool, °'ELUXE Call • ""'l'ekf!nd• or after 5 bafhJI. Wet:tcltff 11.re11. · ~ u 21 pm, 567-1485. · ' 185 1 BR kldatpett OK OutstandinCJ ---STUDIOS & 1 BR'S. ' 1 blk ocian. $IOO/mc. Util APA'RTMENTS .APARTMENTS noo utll pd sld•t• OK Ocean View . . Av••• ...... .,. pc!. 210 C~r. 541:-1131 or AJr Cond • Frplc'• • 3 Swim· .,,,ir. LADIES ~dy tn W~11r . ~ flllt 5 c~o (200 mi ~-•-H Ith g 3 BR, 2 BA •.• · ••·" • ..,......,. l tOl'f', Trudy's F11111hHlM, 3.33 ng ~ cpui . · • 3 Bd / d -· 0 T .. ~ G , B'I 2 BR. 1% BA ....... , • S I I •-1110 C Plf • • Full ~tch:... ' ' ""O'" ' 111 n....... • ea ' pa • 1180 t . t?ltl St., Costa Meu. Si\ghi/c;pl1 Sl20, gar. 3 BR, 2 BA, Montlce:llo Con. rm.1., w w carp .. r111pe1!. Apt1. Furn. 360 e 'Heat JIMI OECANFR. NT apt. 1416 W. ~nn1J1 -..nl • ame • I· (ALSO A'VAIL. F'URN.) 64&-0385. :.~~~121~::.Chga~4~id~i~ts do Pool , wtr aoftel14!r, '":'1$Si &Nar:~ALTiall General •.Laundry Ya.ciJjties ~an~~~· 1J'· ~~he':~ llard n;'°~DROOM 'New adult g •rderi ~pt1. S .. AL 1. 1 •-dohw1h•, $22S. 5 46-1765, 4., •731 • Free uti!Jti" "t FROM 1165 151 f:. i ts t. 646 UH m L app 1ance repair or St:JO 2 BR 4·kid111 OK ~'i7-.1W,1. ' ~ e fue liMnS pref'd. 1213) fi98..3627. 'Jl1e. IUneu fore~ Mlf'. Of. M 2 BR kki11/pe/1, J-J.B. 3 BDRM 2 bath b nt In LAGUNA NIGUEL 3 BR., 2 • l'iY~ •-mald:iserv .• ava.il. lBR. one block from beach, MEDITERRANEAN NEWl:. y DECORATED fen welrome. ;,:ia7-0020 or S140 2 BR kids/pets C.M. _._1 .d .. pa r(ld u. · .. :· Ba, Jiv &. din atta, trpl, •Phone seryice Avail April lit. S.125 mo. VIL "'GE BEAUTIFUL 8'21~757. Canyon 1et 2 BR., kld1/pet11 ca.,~ 1' 11 1' 1 • • 1 I.JI\ GDOUNDS OK OK. """ '"""' yd. 12.15 b ,_, ... cptt, d·"'" ...... lold New Conc-t HOLIDAY PLAZA Jl3>.-0IOI dy, 675-S.164 eve. " FVRNITURE Dellw.ry Serv. Elltab 3 yn. Tnlck. !Quip'! I-' • acct111, pe:rmltl. $3300 cash. Sf>7-7o.12 Aft 5. Sngls/cpl• 2 BR CdM. mo. 646-1434. gar, sprnkln, view, paved . -..-DELUXE Spaclowi 1 BR. • * Sl«t Mo. Util' paid, On 2400 Hnfbor Blvd., .C.M. -10 Minutn to Ocean Walk•· bch 2 BR CdM < BR. l250 Years lease. •torage .,... In• cam· FURNITURE RENTAL lum apt. 113.5. ""'"'pool. b<ach, 't Br.-Mo.. In 41 557-ll03! -Gu Heat & Stove. Water · .., · per-boat. Jmmac. S285 ma -Ample parking. Adultll' _no today! 1 MJ-.2!181. RENTAL OFFI..,;c. Gar. Rec. Rm, l.Aundty Rm Sngls OK 3 BR kid1/~f1 C.M. Wesl·•icle Av11.U, now, 683 ht, lut & dep, 495--044. pets. l96S Pom0na Ave. CM > . OP~ JO AM ro 6 PM l BR. S140 ~11 OK 4 BR kid1/pet1 H.B. Senate St. •!?>--0166. ., Month lo Month N.Wport1 Heijht1' 2 BR. $160. $16.5.· S17S lttYMtment . 220 m..aao AGENT 3 BR, 2 BA TOWNHOUSE, Ligun• N iguel • 100'% Purch•R Option l BR dllplef, ,J;:rpJc, Beam . * NEW· * Hacienda de Mesa ,,~Op~po~rt~un~lty!_ __ ~ MONTICELLO Cl W . cei.lings,11Cedar JHtne!ting, 2 BR, 2 or 3 montha only. 160 \\/. WJllOll, Apt 1, CM -2 RENTALS l:llO/mo. Ph. S.....121 • & n' SPACIOUS -4 BDRM 1.110 * kl•~~~ Pvt patio. IJ,)4. 336 E. 20th, 1175. :bM'Clay ...... L EXCHANGES. lnVft,tment• 4 Bed, !reohly palht.,,. Nice 2 Bath !am rm I t v 645-1317 .. C>JI. ~-* .Y.fli..I• NINOS BRANO NEW' I ·& 2 BR • We Wllers. HOme ,, I • Mega v.~. , .. 3 BR 2 BA II, ' w w d1> II, * 24 Hour Dellverv • LA FROM $1'30 crpts " -· 2 ha.tbs. 1230. ''"': . · • d....., bltrui fenced ·-...1 • ., .a-Unfu • ~" '··-1-·nt !t<alty .,.,. .,._ • -1 1 J d · ...,, · ..,. ... .,, i 1 BR,, ...,,..at, pn·v, patio & ..,... , l'ft.' ·-I d . u'"'"' '""" · 11',,...'""'· · •• .,c, g 1v rm. 1n rm., · •"" ......,,,___ .. -....,. ... Near ahop11, enc e1e ~Y' to Lean 2• _4LSO fucd yard .. S225. 540--0190. _ ~... glll'q:e11, built·tl'lll, enc I . mo. v~. ,,.,....,.x.tf ~ •. ~,..._ pool. Middle11.g@d re 1 p •-ck •-.~ 2 BR, 2 ·B. A APTS -· · · · -· 3 Bed. home, O>Uege Park, 3 BR, 2 BA MONTECELLO Mesa Verde £? ~~. only. SUI mo. Super.C.Omfortable-Quiel patios, attractive lndl!Cpg. f 1st TD L ~Ice shag <'rt.iii:. S240. mo, TOWNHOUSE bltns, cplz, --a.iii-2 BR. 'l!leC bhria;di.Jpl, cpts Near 1 NewpC>ft· Back, &y. AduJtll only, no pets. 1970 ,, oa ns CENTURY 21 drpe. 5" .. 2126. SHARP 4 BR. 2 BA home. NR OCC· ••• ,., u d I 0 . & ' drp•. heated p 0 0 I . GIS • Wllu ,Paid. Mo. to Wall•ce St., '.,_ 0 80 I . -~6%% INTEREST 4 Br. 2Ba, crpts, drps, =~i~~t ~:rs tomo~~te~ ~~ WN.1~~nCMSA ~~ ;.:.tch~~ ~ s ~ . = "qk. $l6S' m'o . MC~[&dr~ns;~,~~e.. _646-_2200 __ . _____ _ •nd TD Loans REAL ESTATE 546-9521 Yan!. 1175. me. '"'" Av.U· an Apr. 15. -· B•llioo' lsl•nd 2324 ~:Ay• • '615-41)12 IAY MEADOW AP'l'S. ' • * MS-7609 ... * 540-3058. B I 1 2 Br, beam ceilliljs, prlv pa· LA~DLORDSI 3 °R, 2 BA. bl~-. _,,, •Ibo• 1, •nd BACllE;LORS Only' BR, ·.~~ ·~--·. -~~ ~-. 2 *' *''$1_70 .· *'* ti I ell I -· . I~ Int. blw.d on equity. t~ Alto NEW 95% • ot 11tle-price ]03111 ' S.ttl•r Mtg. C.. "2·2171 545-8611 ~ H.-. ..... 2L>!". I~ •· • ~ .,., .. ., Mi11ion Viejo . • , ·apt. FJJm. Utilites. Pd. ..... ~ ~&.t.c. ~ J~•., ._. ~ o, rec. 11. ., c osr:u gar. We Specllillze In Newpor~ gar., t'l'l<:I yard. YeArly I_,._ _______ WATERFRONT, 1 BR , 546-797:1: Qr 3Q7 Me11a. Dr .BR;, 2 BA,1trpl. no pr: p)O ~ Br:'-~ .Ba,•ne~ly ·painted. llge. Gilli heat, cooking A: Bca'ch • Coron·a del Mar·• , le1111e. $.ni. per mo. 67J...5134 SPACIOUS Span\M'I home in ground Door, prlv patio. CM . • . " mo. Adult1. 615-.4131 Bltns, cet/Qrp, enC'J ~tjo. wlltcr all pd .. All adults, no Laguna • & Dana Point: Mili:slon Viejo on Jrg. oorner parking, \nq 400 s. Bayfront · . Nr ~hi• A:·shop'g, Children pet11. From $1 65 .• Otir Rental SerVice 11 FRtE 08nl Point lot. Lrg fam rm. 3 BR 2 Apt: 5. S75 BA.CHE L 0 R for ~1pi1tra:'° ~ OK, no pets. 880 Center St., 317 W. Bay St., C.M. tn You! BA 2-Car gar, $275 ,;,n. . . petm1tMi;at tE:'pant. Incl ulil., * New : •165 * CM, ~ or 5!'S-2682. Call~ Nl:J-VIEW RENTALS NEW 2 BR, 2 BA. ocean O'>tr.'1074 helw 7 • 2 en, bay•view, garage •ti>1· No hlpples no p e I 1. " ...,.,... n am-a am, $225. ts ·mo. JeUe. 673-6900 it•o IV'£ll. ' ' N~r .Dana ·POinl Marlnt1.. bl Apt;J Uftfvm 1 ~ • ~ Apt.,Unfu,.,, 673-4036 or ,494.-3243 view, 1tow, re.trig k vac 1 1 _ I S200 496-4191 or • e e.ves. da,ys. · ~ liq. ft . l Br. ·•,Pl., ·1ge.. dbl. I'!':---. , . FREEl l · um .. · per mo. · Na __. a..ch • 1 WEEK .FREE! * wanti-obe1\ elec ra,,. k ~fl~,,. Ge~ral L ndl d. _ ~.. w,.... l•lboo Penln,ul• Bach. ""dee,, no ld toh 175. -~ •·~ ~ · '-;;~~~~;;:;::;;~:;::;:;;:;;:;;:;;:~;;:;;;;:;;:;::;: ~ or a-vw.ners Fountain V•ll-v ·~•r:.,·•·-·8"\lc ept. 8o&t 1. We. will refer tel\Mt. 10 you · e By .t~ ~a -1 Br furn BA'YrnoNT • Yearly. 1 BR. Lrg Ba~ UU, t BR. Sl.S. 2 g1111.ging eh.ii. 1... priv. 8 FREE ol chartte , , • M·any 3 BR Ii den, dltl rm, 1rg •II utd mcl $140. Gorgmtill view! Furn. Util BR $l!G. Adlts. "642-DJl. · p&.tio. Mgr. :wzz Camino Heuw ftttrnhhett 300 dl'!litable ttttanb on our bckyrd. Nr 11ehool. nn ptt11. ALA ·R•nt•ls • 645-3900 pd. Adulti. s 2 o o Im 0 , *'"WINTER l\AT!S1r Capi11trano. Apt. 10. -;::::,,,. .. waltlnit ll1t. • AV11.il •115. S27S. 962-5369 e FArillly Wanted_ 3 Br lrg 673-67ro. AHntc rurn· Studios ~ll5. 1 Corona ·ct."1. Mar 0 1 .~ G-r•I ALA Roni•'• • '45-3900 . fncd yn1; encl ........ · ok. BAY v;,w 2 B• .. 1225. uttl BR:• ll25. Adulto. "" ..... -¢ ·v·1sta Del Mesa SID 4 nn hse, kldi/pet" V&RY .CLEAN 4 BR. hoirie Huntington Be•ch Sl6.5. pd. beach. pil!f, prk'g. 21.35 Elden, Mgr. Apt fl;. • I 81 BR mobl hme 1ngl/cpls with bltin1 Ii. ltc f~ yd ALA Rentals e '4.S.3900 Adull11. 303 E. Edgewaltt J. ATTRA~E film Ir,:, .... ~-·""¥ •i , t · , • 1'150. pvt hme CdM for $265•per mo, FA JES lmmac. 3 BR., 1J4 baths. •SMAU. 2 .BR, 1 BA, nr m .-2866. beem .ce:il, 2 BR.. New crpti · " V~ion year 'round, tn die beautiful Back lay of S120 2 BR mob, kid1/pet11, CM · ONLY. Call &geflt 546-4141· Bllr111. Room for <:•mper or bl':ach/park, Garage avail. • S25 WK 1' UP-On Ocean • ;ho~tnt.i:~k.S.:.S~:~· --->1,~,, within' 1i:i1y accei1 to bu1ine11 shopping J]!lft. 3 BR kid11/pef1 N.B. CHARMING 3 BR, 3 BA &: boat. S225 Mo., le11se. Ctpe/dl'pl'I, stove/r:efrig, All Lo".'°IY Ba.ch·l ""Br·~ll .pg., S 2 · • " 1 1 ' ~ ~ 0 ·~Mf·e1ni.rta i_'lment centers cs well ot ridi~g, ilables, Bachek>r pad!! 1tart "' SM den home. Many xtras. Ex· m . REALTY 1 year ~-Util pct. NO M11.Kt itel'V1ce-Pool-Util pd 1 Br $130 a: ... & S?50· Lup. _ I....,...._ 0 bik•ll'Jg thin;: 0 ,,d white sandy beeches cf the 8111• 979-1438 AGENT ciuMve Newport attll( $450. INVESTMENT CO p~ 557-3400. • CaH Ei15-<87~ • Pool 6 terrace. Ideal for 1 6 J(BR. ...-:;.1& Unturn. 0 w-, "y I . . . . . Jncl rde r A t 646-1456 • ' ha beJ no chiJ.tren 1993 Pireplact11 I pri• pa·tto., O r:ot1fic, · cur oll·• ectr1c a partment with bu1lt-1" . lalboe Penln1ul1 ga ne ' i · (714)645 ·4085 4 BR, 3 BA, fam'. rm., pool. Z BR nr beti.ch &: bAy, prk'g, Ch~c~96.\l;r-' •Poola Tenni. Cbntn't-i Bkflt rario•~ oven, d iibV(c 1her end refrigerator will be o , 1/2 Ilk leach Heu1e1 Unfurn. 305 Back bfty. Kld1 0 K . lndcy. adults. 11:"16 w. . . _,·Sea Lant, CdM 144-J&ti d~ig'ht: lask in the sea. oir c round the pool or !Oin Corona del ~Ir Halleluja 2 Br $150 utl pd S.1.liO/mo. 7-4 day•, 540-Sl2l BalboA. SlTO/mo, 673.-4526· SHAq.P 1. Br. Pool. Nr, · !MacArthur nr CoAlt Hwy) the fun i" ·the ripocious recreotion room with billiord NICE J. BR Fourplex. Fully f\Jrn. Child A 1mall pet l)k, '140 •• utilities paid. Ye11rl)'. NU-VIEW RENTALS · 873;4030 or 494-3243 Coron• clol Mor . 2 BEDROOM HOUSE . StO\lt, refrlg, Cl&rpe.111, dNIPl!S, yard, S2151mo, Util p.alrl. NU.VIEW RENTALS 673-4000 or •~-3248 2' BR Frplc Hom!fl ! 5o\1th Lftguna. -well.furn. Garage. Nice yan!. Single• & 1ma.U pet con1ldere<1. $250. Jilu:v1EW RENTALS 873-4030 or 494-3248 L ido Isle 4: Bdnn., 4 balh Mme, din. den. living room, S6SO/mo. '\'tarly leal'.e.. 675-2908. · Nowport a..ch Winter Rental 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath triplex w/ftplc. 2 11pt1 from .beach! Sl6.5. U 111 I 1le111 paid. Avall11.blP. now. NU.VIEW RENTALS 67J..4030 or 494-324R Z BR. hoose nr11r !hf' h1!11<"h. 'tU July lal. SJ3S mo. 67a-Jot34. • * 2 Bdrm, l Bath. furnlsh· ed homP.. No . pets or children. $250/mo. Helen N!!w1on Realtor 494-MU ft'• alwa)'IJ the rlicht time Ii. alw·a;ys the ri.-hf place if you want RESULTS C111l 642-5878 A place that ad locflll'! Crptl .. t. ' jrlJ1/pet. Hu....., Mr. Hanna, HOME like 2 Br duplex, · ~s, u!!,l~ Mpd. No pel 111· table-1 1 ·oncf "'ymnoslum. l oY'is h londscoping ond ft I S d .. , 3 BR ho · t Id' ti.al Auwts. 100'! on ro v a , ·1 • • ,,.u .t & eclude Jumrfn Jacki 3 Br S155 BR. & 4 • me11, 111!11.r quie rt'!I en . 11.rea near S48--0336 -:-Pr·fvate Sundffk d011cihg "fountaiM . will surround you ond welcome Really lovl!ly t BR dupl@x. Cookie Crumble S90 nr wtr bellCb. Yearly lease. JOO Mo beach. S215 winter. 673·3780. , 2 BR z bath upstatra du lex your .guettt when. yoi> liYe a t Vista Del Mesa. Co ri>p Jete.ly J'edecorAle.d , Litt'! Miracle1 4 Br S~ -up. Agent 548-1290. FIRST floor duplex 3 br 2 STUNNING l br, furn d Sl60. ...... ' ~ R. ~~ !__1· 8 • ' ' 2 hr unturn nss. S5(I dollars' ..... rpe""" • .,. ~ ..i:;nc • FROM S155 1tove, ttfrig., cpts, drpr. pl, drpA, Piii, ocean vu LOVELY HVH, 3 bclnn, 2 ha ba, a.II xtru. $400 lse. w/ad ~55.10 ' pnae, Comp. bltni. Bftut. i .. . • Ideal fn•ccuple.-IJJt5. HELP·U e e SJMJll Carmel mod•l. lg• yd. 1972 213/m.7173 lntlacpr. 'm)! prctUd $25ll 545 •. 4855 NU·Yll!W RENTALS •WE have a large se.lecUon Port ·Nel80n. 644-503.'i. Corona del Mar 2 BR. Trailer, $1.10/tno. Utll. mo. yrly. Avail •11. 0 67J..4030 or 494-3248 or 3 and .f. bedroom home1 BRAND Port ti · 00 1 paid. Mature penonl! only. t" HVH"°. w4 bdrm.o 00 3,';' b•,, FURN APT. $145-util fl&id. Call 646-1809. _·__ ' • '.~ 5 ·~"'di 0 3 BR, 2 BA. Cu11tom home. that can be moved into 7Z ~ bl Oce N '. •;; !'~ So. of hwy, ~inlng rm, prl. almOlt lmmedla!ely on our ram rm.~. 2500 ~k 1.0 C:~ o pets. Furn,. B•chelor &. ,1 8r11 ·tlili•p , A.Ii. patio, maMlve trplc, open Rent .Option plan , Houset:Furn.or •view, · · ••pe~i•lly ·nice. 2110 beam ct:lling, d ishwhr, SHERWOOD REALTY, Unfur n. 310 Cost• Mesa Newport Blvd., CM. $425 · monthly year rental d~pl. S.150. per mo. 11.17-4141. 540-ISSS BEAM celllnt _ Quh~t il BR. Super deluxe duplex, bal· 2 Br, 1~'1 Ba, 2 sty w/p.Atio, 3 BDRM .• l11t den. l 'ii hA. Balboa 1Penin1ul1 Casa del Oro Lrg single ,.1y. rum. Nr cony w/retty, vJew, partial· n r }"a 11 hi on t 11 I and. Jo'ull crpl1 ~ drape11. Dbl BAYFRONT chol ALL . UTILITIES PAID tverything. $134.50. S36-M.14 ~~'d Adult11, ne pets. March/Sept. $215/mo. 213: prage. Lrg fe~ yard. On · • ee S BR, 4 Compare before YM! rent • 1 BR 1 "tio ,-.,.'-;-;-=· =c-=--=--o-f'.,- 782-1155. ~ Mesa 3 ml from beach. B~. Piu k Slip, Summer or CUAtom ~eligned, !H..turing: w11.te~ :d, ~135• :e~r"::: *~•LA~GE. 2. Br. dlfplex. 962-9793 yearly, Furn or Unfurn. • Spacious kitchen with in· CaU 67)..5134 · ptlvale patio, garage • 2 Br. frplc, stv &. re.frig, gar, · Owner, 67~~. direct lighting , .-..~-;Iii.-separate g u e 1 t room patio. Blk Ra y -P11rk ,3~DRMCondo.1t,;baths, C el e s. din' BEAUT.rURN •tDR ba 1~" Ch'.ld-Petok."'"67' '!!OB. hlt·ln,., 11hag, dbl encl oron• d Mair parate earea . " ' wf th.i .. _mo. Call -~ ,;;;;.;.:;;;.:;,.;;.;;;..;.;.;.:;; ___ •Harne-like •tunae Hta Poot. Adultfl (w/teen okl evn, 673-.l687. ' 1-2 llDIM. FUIN.•UNFUIN. . ADULT LIYiNO NrwrollT IACK IAY IJIYINI at Ml~A l ' * Do~'t Miss The Best * 1 'Bedtoom,1 a~th 2. Bedrooms, 2 .Baths HARBOR Vll!w Hills, view. 4 garage. Patin. No pelJ. rnDN'P 2 Br. Me. $215/mn. e Private patiol· No fl'.eb. _$155 -\lP· ,60-952). BR $500 Month. $225/mn. 962-!J627. , Yearly. Util incl. AduU11. no • Cloed aarqe w/starqe 4VA.IL Now 1 & 2 Br ~rn. AGENT 644-4848 3 Br, 2 Bath houJll!!. Wll.lk to pet!. Nr, Alber180n'1 Mkt. e Full lenath m~ pull. pool, ''f"C. rm, gd loc. No .. Cent'ral ~ir con.ditioning & heati.ng Wt\'l'CH the., 1un11et fn J}IJ11 • 1€banniR« fireplace&, 3 spaeiou1 floor plans execu.tlve 3 bdrm. Ocran Costa MeU the Ocean and ktl!P your 673-8936. man chldm, .no petl. ~. Blvd. duplex. Adult11 nrtl,y. : ~nusual l';rge closelt & .storage on patio ~o"'. .Aa'ent 675-49.10, ·•,2-1wlliuning JKlola, therapeutic pool, saunu ;--;::-;:::"7;.;;:-"":'7"-::~-11,.':""'"'.''.:.· !1235~.~Ca:::'.'.'.ll:_>JO.fil"'.'.:"'."'.'o'.:.. -Costa Me11 • Klng.rz Bdrm11 , LEASE 3 Br, 2 ba . Custom VACANT 2 BR $260/mo. e Poot · Barbeq~ • aur-Dani Point. Bit-in f'lec kitchen. Oshw11hr; Children, pell! bJ<. Swim-~G. 1 Br apt.I fr-om Jl25 un. rou~ed with plush land-e SAVE'$$ ON RENT! e ;;;;c;;;;"'°;;::;:n::;::::oc;;::-,; I A .•·Gym, 11.illiards, driving range, putting green BRAND New.Deluxe 2 Br., 1 .• AD utilities included · crpts Ir. drps. Frpl~. Priv11.!e ming pool. A11k for ·MR. furn. Sl35 furn. 2.Br. nicety l!Capin~ . Manager needed • I beautiful P11.tlo. Top rond. Clbit to SNJDER. 962-44111~2107. furn U5A. 1887 Monrovia Adult living 11.l lf11 best oce.Jn ·view ,uhitJ. A(llt cpl., 11Chooh1. S26S/rno. Call Belle • ,. 4 Bdrm 3 ba 11 , .. _ Ave. No. 3. 548-5470. Larae 1 BR Sl75 no pe'• lite._ duties 673--0507 673-&\ill lAI. ., ., Vu'A l1I'IlJTIES FREE ' 'f'• ' ' · rm., J11rge kit. and dlning Condominiums 365 W. Wlleon 642-1971 Huntington 8"c:h ••NEW 2 Br, 1 Ba area. Fenced-in hack yd. Unfurn. 320 .* $30 WK. & UP* Townhou!!e w/pool, Mesa Must leave !It.alt, 963-1087. Verde. Bltnl, cpls, drps, Co1t1 Mesa •.studio It l BR Apt1 fnCff. p11tio. gar. ;~: Nr LARGE 2 BR, downtown, 3 , e Rooni $15 WK &. UJ, schols. !145-:1169 ~ . blocks from bellch. l ~· 2 Ba, cpt1, drps, • 1V &: Maki Service Avail WEST, SIDE 3. "R. 2 "' lam 5.16-.133:9 blt-1na,,dshwhr; 2 pool11, db. e Phone Strvice. Ulil Pd· o '°" house, $235. 546-3710. e All ma1or credit ca.rdl nn., Jta•· stove, Jrg fencd yd BEAUT. .l BR home, frpl. 23 w/pa.tio. Kldll, petg OK. Jrwely !)l'ltio, blnck to 1chool . 3 BR. 2 BA. priv blllaony 76 Newport Blvd. 5"·9755 OCEAN VIEW UNITS fol; rebt on weekly, monthly i: yNrl)' basi11. ln Harbour Pi.cine, a new communlly or .11tudid' .t:· 1· BR unil• in 'Ba., farced air. beam ceiJ., dahwlhr, thq. $ 2 4 O • ¢-7769, I ; ' ; CLOSE lo Beach, Irr. 2 Br .. 2 Ba.1 open beams, frplc, tiftna, D):"A • M'~ertle. 6u.im "'" 6'JS.$ll. UNIQUE chllteau on lla.y:skte Dr. 2 'bdnn.·• den. rtining niom. AdWtw-omy, $37S Mo. AJtent 675-400o. ~. •U1•tt11111 a lnf•H•rtMll . " S230. mo, Jmrnt"d ..,,118. 5.1&-.1777/S.1&-1366. nverlnok11 pools A: rte 11.rea.. Thls Ad Worth $5 on Rent "" S19S Mo. Mike 543-3869 eve11• Oilldren A Pet Secticn1 -.s88tl A•k "" FRANK. 4-BR ••. 2 BA. n; 5.1!.., Huntington Boodl Unboll•v•bly BHutlf\11 Huntington Haffiotiri.'FtimtA: 11 GRE'AT•VIEW 2 BR, ... Unfuln·renti'8 include bltn. Ff7No;, blfrw •• su~kl, pnoJ. kitchen appl's, iwall·to-wall SDI up. &U-634.f., 875-5204. , crpt'g, drapuie~: 0011.t slips 2 BR, '2 BA, trplc, patio. Jor . lt.~. ·ma.id 1trvict, bltnll, S235 pef mo. Call thf!Mlpy pools. I: loc11-tlon 1 appl 673-81 511. I • ·• '65~} ,Warn er, Hiintlngton !leach • 714/147-8526 3 BR, carpel.I!, drapf.'I, lrg. S * . .\..,..!I VAL D' ISERE Gudt.n Apts, utillty room, enclosed patift, Irv ine P JCK OF THE CROP . Sun· Adullll -no pet11. Flower.'! pertly fl!nced yrd, 1rplc. ' ny 11parkllng clean, wAlk to everywhere. Stream le $225/mo. 646-2231. uNQrERSii'y PARK · beach. 3 B~ lrg patio. encl Waterfall, "5' pool R~. Rm. * • 3 BR. 2 BA , fenced yml 2 BR. 2 hath, den ••••. , S300 rlbl gar. Man,y 1 xtru. $240 Sauna, Sgl11!2 Bdrm, Fl\rn. It double gatllgl!. $230/mo. 3 BR. 2 Bafh, atrium , • S.1.15 . mo. 8J8...7954. UnltJrn. from $138.' SEE JT: Call Fred 546-5880 or 3 BR, 21,l ba., Jam. rm. $325 3 BR, 2 BA, ww.ehtt/dryer, :klOO Paraom, MU8'10. blk from beach, .lmmed. OC· =~· .:c.::cc.....-.,.,,-o-o-='"-::1 X < cup. eau · nf: 846-1361 or $~Penthoutt,, .oc:eanVie.w. 2 213: 592-1361 tor more; 'de-blk11 to be~ Br, 1,Bia; Stv tail•. .l -ref.·673 7, . • 5< .. 2646. 4 BR .. 2% bo .. lorn. nn. l.150 otov•. rotng. Pool & "" llOO ·C MOVE 1N Anow..nce E*~~~t~:¥~~ES try the Penny Pincher TIJRTLE ROCK facitit~11. SlOO. 962-4161 Sha~~~~"n:s ":'.""ctlo-nPool 727 _ y 0,t.._,_ l fvd. , 642"671 Now! 4 BR. 2 ho .. ram. nn .•• 1.160 Nowport llo•ch --·~· ~ ,.;;.. ~t:"'~"BL' ·~ 4 BR. ~ bl!., fam, rm. S390 Fum. il. Unturfl 16 2 Br, ~·~ ~· , • .,.. 4 BR. 2% ba., fumlahf!d. DELUXE tfl'WMoWlf! A con-From tJ35/mo. Up AT YORKTOWN . , • Yf:lll''I l'.ilse ........ $400 do, JS00 1t1 ft, 3 bdnn. 2 bft, 17i E. 2'lnd St. e su..3645. • J».o411 We havf! .non tenn bltns. cpts, ~ ftpk:, rr·s different! 2 bedroom, L ... W~kly R.t~ .. turn: renta.11 ·~•ii. rede-eon1ed, pool. Child~. wood paneled th r u o u l, '4S~D~-l II\~· peta weltorne. Z car prase. PrlVl!l.le co•u _ ... _ apt ' -IJ50 • h -·~·-' -•---' •=pool /r " MCUt. wit .,.uy--Garqe, lau,.,. 'facnttles. • fadlidet opt. Open Sal A Sun. O...W. Cooplt o•]:I mo.--· , ""'' I · 9 6 ! -l fl 1 41f1l... nso. 2ia0 ::t. · • Fr8 .uDUOM • • Univenit:y Dr. VIM.a Bahia. LGE l br. •pf, PFI-· ~ e .Ff" ~I~ • 1 • • , ~ fum $1.IS. Ad\&111. • T.V. A'. ft"6d ....,. ev.U. 2 BDRMS., bltn. Walk to beach. Sl90. ~e Cotis( J1ea1 Eelate.,Carl : 644-tMS. DELUX duplex, 1 BR, bltmi, crpts, drps, Non-drlnken, 1185. &'15"50~. lJARGE l BR Apt, ftta. privacy, util Incl, ,$1.M'.I. pt.r mo.~: 1219) m.-16351 LRG 2 BR. Bay -· Fl'jiC. .......... Bl~. ~ .,.._, ' C.ot•Mno - The f911owi"I rentals i re open for pur ln.,octlon lhls wMkond, ''SINCE 1Nf" t~ wmern Bllnk 1.\ldf UniY'tl'lllly P11rk, • Jnilnf' D•y• IJS.0101 Nltftts Townhoute Unfum.. JU Lndry, pr . .Quiet. Nr e ~. 2 'BR In e.xcellent..J locl.tton, N rt ... ~ mrinA. 1!122 Wallac< No. B • --' M v~-pt ~~ ••po -· ... o-, c --·~·-· 54&--«UI. FR.EE Uni. fum t. BA. IT bu 111-J n 1 , i 1a r •I e , CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT (J llodrooms) *2480 UnJventty Dr .. Newport Beach tea-1874 '350. Uni. (Sat & Sun) .... UNIV. Part, lease 3 Bdnn., 2· Be.th, mtu111, nr IChno1I 132S/mo. 491-11111~ 644-<lU. ' ' W h I t e Eiepftanhl" C>Yer· Nnrilrw YoUr t.ou.e! Tum ttw.m btlo "CA!H" -MU the,,, thnl D8Uy P 11 o t 0111tfied.l4W&'ll. 1 NEW. Eulblult To-... BAQI, Siii. all ~di pd. Prt heh."""' Sit>.~ llMlt SI. ·cuJ-<1._., a'""'-11l0/mo. • -~f.! ~·A TMVUS.ue *°llDI 3 BR. 2% BA. !lop, ...... potio. Qul•t. °'""· 8rJ1J1 5.111-31'1TYW-7m/MJl.1Jlll. -· I • blt"f' ws. 213: 361.~t. st)i. Nr, ~ ""~ 111' MO~iill6;1.1ar. hidl ,I; ~UNFU=-RN""'-,~B-1\-.~l-Od_lo_A-pt, .. ~ ........ -; .. ....:.::;:.::~-:: .. D .... I .... Un!Um. tii m.21118. ' · .... al!ol/ • .-... ....... Crpta, "'"" nr "'1""'1 ·~.; i11el.t111TOI., IANTA ANA ' ..J,. • •• "1Rlf19fl:o 2 ' BR. Apt. , --1511 ~..-. , v-r pool. No cblldrtn, 91l ..Ptlf. '"' .-. .,.. "' ..... c.i1t ,_ &.lboo 1•1-Utll. pald. mot-?m·B ,_ ''OlrlJtmu N""""'" Quiet ••l 1bhr-eed I & 2 bod_,;; 117-0116 Adull f.Mn; ROCIWY 2 BR .. , ball !(IMr MopleAve. sq..j8U. ' to.._IA!Ytli-:..U..,, 64UIM2. I f ~~~<'>0 '>00<>66<><><><'<><> """"'· Drape~ -,,..,,.,, I 81\ -lllO/mo. a.. • '""' """" ... cul>" In • "•""""'1 ""'B"R"", -,.-:-... =""'±:"'"·""· -= -Pl;ofe11l1,,.ity Ma ........ , hll·ins. 2 Doort mwn the wtr pd. Adulb. "' petL No DAl~Y PILOT du&lllod ad ~ ..,., 1 , , , So. eo.,ttoa Mgmt. '9. be<dl. y ..... lw. -chlldftn. ·--· ! coll -' t.llll lit' JilJt b'<~"""'!!"'.~~~.-.. . --...... t , ,I c I .(2 'T A 64 * s 2 B ·BA 2 B .11 ·"" Cr rou 'les I Jllvi tor Ne "Sc bll ~ 1· 2 G ' Yr ' I• For flY I . , . -• .~---.. 5 r.w.,, ~"" 10, 1•n . DAJLY•'1LOT I~ .__I _·:.:=_ .... __.Jl~ IAp:,_,'·-Un..,.,..fu_l'I'..;...·· __ us_ ~· Unfum. JUApt. U...... JU Apts.. Apts., Guell Hem. 4U Rentolo Won!M 4M , •i,c,,.. .. ,_,'-•,,.Mnl------~1 NoN;;w;, ... ;;";;r1ti1o;·o;;cll;;---NNo;.;;,..;;; .. iim~:ir;"'.',--1 l'um. .. Unfum. m l'um. er IWum. .m ,_EX_CL_U_SIV_E ___ -.-,"" .. WANttti' by 'S:.i,: I ... aR ON FRIDAY WHY paa., · O c.to-. C~o MIN ,.llml -'•• e .. utllul .~um, ~ll•"""1l. un--· NIW'J RTIRI ----..;..--.---~1 vlow. pleaoent 1'ome ••· lutn. Yff'ly i.e. ""-'· Pon't v.-orry about weekend houae·~rk. 0100.e the Ven- dome and have a brllht new home! Theae e1,-.y.to-cue- for garden apartments haw -:'-3 bedrooms. lockable pr- &&es. your own fireplace. THE VENDOME 1345 Anaheim Aw:nue Call 642.2824, Mn. PhUUJ)I ' BRAND NEW 2 IR Bronze Medaillon, encl I P', crpfJI, dl'Jlfl, bit-Ins, prb. dh1pl. 12> AlMrt P l, Eut- aide, $165/mo. Gu &: water pct. Olildttn ok, no pell 642-0563. Quiet & lle•utiful 2 BR, 2 BA, w/w drpg,. blt· ins, di&h/w, marble pull· mans. F lair, lg rm11, la: c:losets, enclosed &Ill'. lndry '$170. Adults 548-1098. No 'pe~. e BRAND NEW e J,..arge 1 BR apt. Bronze me· · dallion. Crpts, dl'ptl, a:arb. 1 disposal, Slna:le car ear. Gas & wtr pd, $150/mo. 642-0563. * LOWER * GOLD Meda.Ilion, front 2 Br ··Patio, encl gar, laundromat. Adults, no pets. $15.S/mo. 645-3515 or 642-6499. * 2 BR, 1 Ba. Garden Unill. Shag crpt'a;. drpa, dehwhr, 'J>Btio, beam teilinga, fill~, ~. 2650 Elden Ave. i37-3125. ·4169/mo. SHARP unturn 1 br close to O.C.C. & U .CJ. $140 mo. 557-7768. 2 BR, 2 BA. Unf. ApL, S1n Adults, no pet.. Pl ~nter .St. 642-SM8. 2 BDRM. 2 BA, adults only, 'no pets. SlfJO. mo. Mna 'Verde 540-64)3 • STAY HOMI ON THr EXCITING =·~-ce;i-~·.:::: !~~r<-ple,ru.m .. WI. IKIND. I ir;r ·~19. 1.17 .... •1. ~1 ~ilSPb"""""N~·s.-,1r~1.-,~1-.-.u~a • RMlt•l1 to Share GO wint 3 BR, t BA hot.lat No. WQULDN'T YOU?'/ PALM MESA APTS. SllAREMy W•lerl ront ~~,,':,'":;..~:~.~.~ It's all here for you to enjoy -Saturd1y1 1nd Sundays &114' all week long, too. f/50,000 health spa, 7 swimming pools , 7 lighted tennis courts, bicycle trlili, putting green, sbutneboard, croquet, Sp1dous Junior _ l's from $170 monthly, plus 1 or ,:!·bedroom plans Ind 2-stozy town houses ' with 2 or a bedrooms. An with electric kitchens, priv1te balcony or patio, carpeting, droper>es . Sub- terranean parking, elevators, optional maid service. Gourmet fqod. market, dry cleaner, beauty salon on grounds. See beautifully· fUr. n11bed models today, 9 1.m. to 6 p.m. Other times by appointment. Just north of F11hlon Island• at Jamboree and Son Joaquin HUis Road . Telephone (714) '644-HOI for rentol lnt.rmotlon. > PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS on the, bay Apt, Unfum. BRAND NEW e 2 BR, 21;.t twnhst, 1400 sq. 11., cptz, dl'pll, b l ti n I , wallpJ pe r , pool rtt facllitlea. $295. IM Am.iSQS WI.)'. 675-1380. associated eqoKr~~--R(AL70RS 202S W B"lbr-1 ~'l.J~t>J FUN IN THE SUN' Home w/dock. man ltl«> 531-1';75,-. • ~ .!!!O_ '""'. • -SI r o I t h t , ..,,'1""'1olo.ll TWO proffllaional h!males Minutes to NeWDOrt 1 . .-c;h _Unbelievably large apts. becorator furniJll. ed. Huge Pool , jacUJJi, elecLric built-ins, shag carpets, drapes, sauna & more! ADULTS-NO Pm SINGLES .. . .. .. . $145 1 IDRMS ......... $155 2 IDRMS ......... $175 U""iml1hocl Apia. Avolloble l'rom $10 i. $lS LESS. YOU'RE RJGHT- THEY'RE UNDERPRICED! -1561 MESA Dlt., Cosio· -. 5 blk1 •. Mi-iii'' llvd. ·Jittk I <bdmt rum ~ or NEWPORT """ Buslneosli or 11pt, vie OdM ot Mrth. professional man to ah&re Approx sm. mo m.8015: prf'1tip Atta houst Ir pool, 11.10. ~1502. A CCM'IHtlNT MotOl'P'ING •WN:J CUtOr ,Ott THI' CAL ON ~Hr 00. F'!f .,. od ln w-'• WorW Coll Miry Both 642-5671, oxt J30 . . To Sin 50 Oh Hotir Hatsl I '.ii 9497 SIZES 3A-'O "" 1lf,..i-11fr.."1' ... Everythlnc about t h I s prlncUt ii a dettlhl -the fit and O&rt, ~P pockets, the quick dp-up-and·ao! Whip It up in a a:ay atrlpe. or prlnt. Prlnted Pattern 9491: HEW Women'• Slze11 34, 36, 38. 40, 41, .+4, 46, 48, 50, Siu 36 ~bus! 401 taker l 1/8 yd1. 35-in. SEVENTY·nVE CENTS for eacn pattern -"11.dd 25 cent11 for each pattern tor Air Mail and ·SpeelaJ Hand.l- ine; otherwise lhh'd-clan dellvuy will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Martin, the DAILY PILOT, 44.2, Pattern Depl., m West 18th St., New York. N.Y. , 100U. Print NAME. ADDR.r..11 w I t h ..... -tnd 8TYLE NUJllllU. SEE MORE Spr l n1 Falhions and cf'loOW· one pattern free from ne ... SprJnc·Summer Catalo&. All 1lu1! Only 50 ctl\lJ. INSTANT SEWING BOOK Mw today, wear tomorrow. n. . Tll'ST A NT F"A SH IO N BOOK -Hundreds o t luhlon taeu. u. LOOK 10 VIARS YDUNGIRI No cream, om or coaneUc Retail• under = ' (,,/Aec. 'Bwoi. Whip up a. pretty, new hat ln a color or print you love. ONE HOUR HATS perfftl for m.kkl(. Leu than " yd, tor each. Soft turban. chlf. fo n-1 c a r r ha t a re lubionoble, ll&t ....... ,Pll• tem • 'ltm : adju1t1 to all 1lze1. l!&VENTY·mz CS1ITI fM each 'pattern -ldd 2:$ ~nt1 for each pattem tor Alr M•li and Special Handl· Int: otherwiee thln.1-dal1 delivery will take thrff weeks or more. Send lo Alice Brooks, the DAn. Y PILOT, 105. Needlecn.tt Dept., Box 183, Oki Ch!hea Station. New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name. ~. Zip. htten Nom~r. N EEOLE CRA F T "72! Crochet, knit, etc. l'rte dlrectkMw. SO cents. NEW! lalWll Maaam&. Buie, fancy -.. . pat. 1'"11, $1. -............. _ .... -..., • dol!alW lo mu..n. loetut --• leemb~·p1_,-. $1. ' 0>mp111o ..._ ou ·- .. man than 100 attta. "' fl. ooa.,11 ........... $1. ' ,..~ ... --eo -- -·-··,._Iii -ftl_, Qolll loot I • Iii conta. ~ ... -·.u,... 15 iloautllul -· Iii cente. A C.mpletoly Now Concept In Cotmeflc1 ~e'Wliat marlj .J<a'I can do tor ,.., • .i , More than JUI& a owe Up. A new akin care ~ far 1 tho WhOl• lamlly. '"'~ DRISSMAKINO • AL TERAtlONS Sptdallu In Wedcllnp, QUJCX SERVJCEI l'OR APPT 54' 1441 Call WIL!JON 891' .ml or SJ0.1413 ~ . '#) µgNllD 24 HR. CHILD CARE '. , . . · $12.IO woek por chll4 \/\EBA '"" 0,/1 Aoy - AIM..._...._..... au:dlak .. ,., '#IU. •••••• IUllMM .._,......., AM h It ftM S4W3H Oil 133·UH 2111 L he St., Sulfo 121, I.A. (Behind O. R. Hun Chtfaler) LOST ,.bite lonobolrod m t,,,_m) -y tr d .,... Cool• --rall-11. • I ' ..... . . --. .. , . .( I » • • ' • I •l ·' ,,. ~ ~ ~---~,~1 -~----~-1 .:11--;;-;;;--~~~.;~;11---1~ r ... b; 1 •. • 1[H] ~-. , , ...,.,.1 s.m-, Palnt1111 A , Help Wam.d. 1 .. P 711 P.,.m.ngi111 ---·•••)Oleta • • • • • • iiINGs by • ,Lt 'ATTl!NDANT < tpee~ Jn computem.t TA'n(Dl • · SOfllS I -ftec!t., plumb, fence, Htl~1 INT/EXT i paJnttnc. Guu. Ji'or l&ra:e apt ~nplex. ~18 or •ectc· lor •J"'lll bulWeM1, ~~· 1 •~. ct~ th, in1llM carpentry jl.lnt work. Reu. rat•. Clll Biil, ov.t:.No JeQI \illr•. p1,,., Sor retn d.11 631)..tdT. '"tr)', plum~;-wtrtn&.:· -et:. ~. • r ~-evtt. .-APIJbt 31421 Cout Hwy., l.l _..._. 1t.;.1r ' ~~~di~. yr TOTAL SERVJCF.I co. Platter, P•tch, ~ t.acuna. ' ., Parlf !38-3545 Plumbt • l'&l•ill -'Carpenlry •PA1?i PLASl'ERING 1' APAR'NENT HOUSE I" e e · e • • e Dec. Rtt»lt -lnlt ....... All types. Fn!e,e11imate1 MANAGER.. 2) unit.I -1'" ' -~iaia Jt.palr ' , • C II •~ -"-1 " •··• I, Wuher, ~. Dllhwuher, JACK T-aulan&-'RtpAir, H1ull ng a • ....-uu.w -....,,.a .rroeM. '31:11<.1 retU,J1U! • l>ll9m&I Etc 1'l'M Elt. remod., a&llt •. JO }'!'I exp.1"°....,......;--..,----=p"'lu-m-.bi"'ng~-----' 1tat~ .'e,lf))@~nct and • GV.AJtAN"f'EEo * ~ Lic'd. M"y W1.1 Ce. 5'7-«135. Yard, a:arqe, c l e a 1:' u p 1 , Wary ttQulttmen\1. )'lrltei ~IMI-EIKtrUI J\ernove 1:ree1_. db1t tvy, SAYE on H9me .Rtpainl. Oustfltd Ad No. 99, .DaiJ..Y -•-"",. -~...:.---...,.,....--I Skiploader, backhoe. ~ ,e,1. Jlt?oting, Plum-Pllot, P. 0, 8rut 15&'.l. Co.ta I · E-·-rc•• WORK: All 14.T~:J666. htni. Paintin,, InstallationA, Mesa, Calif. 9m&. auLD •care experieneed .l ~1 n lU# -i.11 '-,,;..,.,,,-,-,==-.== Haullna-. .All work iuar. 1--1'0--~------' ~ndabie weekdaya. Jn-k\nd1. JI.ls tit,,,....__ Llc'd lr1'rRA!H Ir Gar.ap clearHlp. 'm.-0.1T2. AU . A111istant Bocb' """"" l• failt to $ yrs. Lune~ .\ trui. F.la est.~-db•· Fr& •at. Anytime. Mgr. Apply In pe_rlOl'I IO •, -cb. F~ yard. Off ,.-• ..r..-'lll .. fa ~ .... 1 P.LUMBlNG REPAIR 'Theodort Jtob,iu F.ord" -J~ San ~.Fwy. N' ~· """' ;)M-i1I.)' No job too 1mall. Hirbor Blvd., qi.+. Mffa. Cout•Plua. 546-1487. AL'S<iARbENIMG' r:: Work •. rot~lllna:. yard * M2-3128 * ~ Mile1 'r>evore I !Jr ' 1--,,,y,....... --~s."'t,-:-Sc"'hool--:-~.-Jor "1ardtnih& Ir ....na11 • IVIP ~ e•n-up. CP1'E Pl.,UMBING det11il~. , .... , I ...,. 1_.._., . · ,_ -n Move Ir haul. ~1 . •• open 7 DI.ya. f A.M-7:~ PM .,,...seaping lefV-..i,~ -• 24 hr. servlce. ~U61 BAB y SITT ER 'nfft'.!M'. · Profeuioritl t e ·a c h er•. 56-5191. sf:rvtrc Newport. HOuHCIMni'!I A:ooflht i .. Re:IJl()Mible grandmother "' j • (:hlidn'n 2 lb ·6. T'raNp for ~ .• Co.ta. .. MeU., Do~ DU'l'Oi M«irrt Sf!rvloe-for ---------collea:~ ri"<tor .;ttinr 2 lml l ._ .... ldll care .\Pf ''to 10. Shcftl, w~--'N. . noon, wt~. A ~ar-pet ~"I'_·. Guy' .. _ ltooflna:. * o;~ boys,. 5 ·yn, " "·,~mo.'• on • GEN. Yard: ~ ... r:. ew cle&nln&. W·lSOll . ..,Jtte. uu my own Wt'lfl\. t'ICClll'IOna momu.5,. f!'MI. OJ11 i'Ri p E NJ N s u LA • tawr-:, i"~eni~, lnatalled Anti Sotl Cerpetsi . 645-2780. 548-~. Balboa Penin. Pt. fi'7S..4238. ! 1 Sabyalt f&dl' time 5 day• a & 1J!,,1rea. Tf'ff• • ~b1. After Cle•nlnti ·sewing/Alteraikwtl . BA s vs 1 TT E'J\ ~. ·M. ·ftn~ mother. ~ "•11-.ped.~ ... ::....· remov~. oENERAL Homecluhlna. • 0rea-•lrl--_ AH;r;u;,;; before and after 1ehool. 8 yr OVfr l )ft, lld& W. Ocean-/t ~ ,.,__. ~ Exper. Tun."" ThUn. Bch nni;.;d'~ suit yoo old boy, Pnrl • Stanhope. 8'0ot., ~J.,.,._y rd ~ner a~M. $19 a f»i. 835-4670, . Call Jo * 646-6441. N.B. 640--0416. Cl;IJU>~c.nr" .Chr t-1 I I a n ...., ... ,..ett Yarcl '\""., •• ce aft 6 · . ~~-,,---.-==•I BABYSJT';I'ER -Mon thrtl-· home,, c:ratlw play, craft•. ·cap ·~t Me~ Cleanl!11 Service Alti retiont -642-5145 Fri. 12 pm to ~:30 pm. S35 ' ~ Gttld attention uo JtecommHtdet By~ak•la ,..,......., wi~.. F'-, -Neat, accuntf!. 3) years eicp. peir· week. Call 645-047$. N,._..., ...... ~t""f.t, ,.._a, .....,r f!!C. =,,..-°"'"--...-~.---..; 'r"-,.,.,..,, ••• •••••• •· Lil,__. Raict. ·• Comm'li 5'8-4111. T•leVition Repair . ._ ·Beach An!I. ~. Ja•·-G-_.Ah!'I'. , . --....:.· _.,. -----~===~~~---,. 1, MY. lbn«, vie.. Md•(l\Jia .I: ~-...... --~ I 'f BABYSJTI'ER, ljve-in llffd- 1 ~ C.M. A&e1 ·illfanl.te 5. Complete Yard Mai~ ncome •x. B~G yOOr "bl,k/wht TV. We ed fcir J school aa'e chi,ldren l'l'nled yard. 64~7951. ~ tenanct.. Free es!., 66.-0347, CLARK A: Toner Ta X ' fix 1.t Jo~· ~20 or leM, ~-ln LAguna Bf!ach. Call aftf!r 20 Wk qr ~ i:no. child.or in-sfwUI&. ', · . 1 Strvlce. ,2' YEARS ·~xp. In 1:d."! pi=e~ubep ~ ~1~1~ 7 pm. 4!M-12SO. faJ!t. ~· .2340 ~ Ct. LandlCape Maintenance area, Penonal 1ttV1ce in . 962.-5593. BABYSITIER -2 children, CM Ml-65.11 By Japu>f!lf!·G&rdtner y(,Ur ·home. Call :Joto appl. --===~~--P~ninsula area, ln your ' . " • RH!den~mmercl.al 546.:?"m Howard Oark It * BLAINE'S TV * Mv\e, Ph: 675--3809 aft 6 1 Ciipet S,,Vlc:e * gc7-:')Q,(_,( * . John T~r. Servlc~ All Brandl PM :::t!!! A.=: -rr--Aulbor1zed Magna~x --·-=·~· ~-~~=-7-- 1 ' ~:s""'?!t '°Up""""" P,!.IRADISI PROFESSIONAL Tax Known 1..-honesly54().4'1J ' .· BARMAIDS Cle~."=tt& Drf.Sham-• GARnt:NING """"" In the privacy . of r=1~1 ----'--~ N•ighborhood beer !NU'. La· , ~·.tr.if ScolchlUanJ (Seil "we Do l:_vtryihln&! your hnmt-rMOll · S 15. : I guna • N.B. Mn, Attu 12 'RJil'al:danti) . .Deaftuen ~ , Pl~ CllL ~· M1-2329. -CERA--Ml-C--.-.,--.,-w--&: noon, 494-9151. :-fi·.,:r-J.'::·!e';!;' !hll! * 549·~015' * !'.!'"I"'. . •• _ -"model. Free "'· Small BEAUTICIANS _,«I day "'!'.~..... 21 ~ T.t jo~ welcome. 536-2426. &. night work ... 267 E.11th St. ~t1. S&v. )'OW' money : yn:. ~· ..... _ "1<tL··' IRONING, my home, Santa • · .CosfA Me!A, ~9. ask bY''iavlnc m, extrf tri ps. *LANDSCAPING* Ana Ht• are•. SJ.75 . hr, for Bobbie. ~ Wil:l c1un livihc nn., dinltw flew •laWM" ~ .• dc!cks, brins own ~ni. 5"i?-'M71. [ ~IMM Jlj 11 -~Bo~a-t~R~,-pa~lr-m-an--~· ·Ir •. ball Sl5. A1JY mt. dellai\I, cl~p. State llc'd, L•ndsuplftl. . . f Perm. JO' b, fr\noe benditA. u40. """"'$Ill. d..rr is. i,s bonded. ~1225. . . ~----~ ·~ yq.,.exp ill what counts, not · . , P R 0 F E S S I. 0 N A L 111!'1Jll!1ffl•111lr••'lllll!i!! C111l (1141 '3.17·2501., I.Ake method.·.! • v.'Orlc mylelf. * Bob 1'Lawn ~rvltt * SPRINKLER SYSTEMS In-Job Wentld. F•m11le 702 Arr0whead '·M'arW.11:, . CiCJOd i:et. 5.11~1Dl. Ct'lft\P I e,t ·e Laf" Maln-1hllled .at a cut r&te· pr\et! ----....,.----BOAT Ya;rd·l~bo~r. Mu11t be tena~. Home, C»n;~a1 w/l yr. Guuantu. Frtt DAYWORK'. ~I Of!an-ne1t In appeunce. $2.~ per ,, C•rpertt.r . M ·Aptl. ·MJ.-2185. est ACE SPRJNICLER CO ing. Reliable. Traruiporta· hr. 644-4545. ; 'uRDI Oil s~i,L.''., GRASS GllOWIN_G ~GAIN! ~-· . tfon. 541-0467. "54.1-7006. aav=s~~- All '~ W~: bit.~. CUAip, maln, ·Cfll'h A: .ret., * LANDSCAPING* NEED help at hnmfl! .We Age 1G;14 to deliver .papers 1 P,a n e·J t ·remodel, ttnilh, .caUJC &;. H G·a rd e nti n & ' -New lawn,' 8;rlnkler have . Aide• 9 Nurses • Jn the Dana,.J>oint, San Oe- • .tr&znt,,~; ft:c. ••· Ms.G.VIB .. ' 1 S.n-4446 Hoo11ekee~ • C.Ompan-mente areu. , CUSJ'OM Woodwcak -Pwl:-PRO~'QIS[()~~·GUd~, SPR~ inltalltd ·1..· kma •Homemalc:en-'Up-DAILY PILOT I hie. 'Fcirmki! en.·1 ~. tree ~ Pfun:i"I·' IPrtilk· rw!W Iawne:. Trees·&: 1hrubs -joh'-n_, _54_7.,;w __ ·~~~--49l-44lll , ' ·~isu",1':: ~·, I>IDurk&, =· =~ ::~~P-removed. Free e11.. ~. H•~P W.ented, M &. F 710 BOY 18-19 yrs of age car '"('" M•sonry Accoontant ." Bkkpr F/C nece11A. The'atrf! wnrk. Ap. txP. JWnpldeti .... , cabinets, IL•s Landal:ip~. ··Tree · · • E · F ' ply, Su,rf TheAtre a.ft 8PM, ... 1 al Yard 11!'modeJI-xper.· thru 1n. 1tm11. ~ • ftPairl ma.int' Furirlture remov : "•· LAMPMAN * * MASONRY ·Mature rri11.n or wnman 121 5th St!, H.B. \ reflri~ .. Reu. ~. Truh' .hauling,. ~t cleanup. Licensed &: lMtJttd pref'd. sfnall but t-xpanding 2 Brothen &-sister need , ~-IRI ,. __ ....-., ltt1>4h' aprinlden: li'fl:..1166. Bk>ck Brick, Concrefe N.B. · finn, Salary com-babysitter in •Lakeview Sehl w,w~ '' ~·-•· ' • ' . fR~~S410NAL.' SeJ.Vfni .. NB, CdM. Irvine mM'\Ur&le wa/ w/t>xper. Dist. Details ait 5: 3 O. ~E .,. tdtu, 'dvicj a nd Japaiie~ Gardenina' Service * M4-1895 * Pen11ion trutt &. hol!p. pl11.rls MZ-Jm. e1timalei. All l charp_fOr FrH nt. * 6+6-0619 M,A s 0 N R,Y Enlerprlse11: PAkl by co. Send re1urilf! & BUSBOY & HOSTESS ~ii a heauttflll .job'at a·"41. EXP .. Ha'!'~lU,. c;;~l'lf!r bri~ block, 1tone, concrete diary requireiT.t ntw tn Box Exper pref'rt. not necf;SJI •ptjtt.. 66-5073-, · Complete ,pi'df!nill& ltl'Vice Pl~ Est. S 4 1-4 9 5 1 1726, NewpOri Beach. Ca.. .,,pply ITI Pfil'90n ~WORK, no ;JMt too Kamalani •. 646-467'-5Yr1ltr6. Accounhlnt-Bookkeeper, F'/C A'LLEY' WEST Arritu,: ftUCll\Jbk, 'F r·ee Lawn 4 iard,~aif\l.f!>'lance .. , Bh.ICK.;.,BLOCK A .thcu P&.L. 2106 W. OceBilfr ·:NB Eltim. H. Stutlick, S&Ml15. · Clean Up~ oipendable 4 STONE WORK : . Ca.11 ,642-.1472 * 675-lTI4 • mii ,._..,t ' Cot\<ftte e,..ftitiieed< ~ MC>--0929 "' ' &16--0915 ........................... -.1-~.~C~A~S~H~IE"'R~-- ' !)«n, patioa. d~lveil , CO)(PLtTE ' lA.Wn ·~•nt1 Adm Aut. Sh lo= Newport Beach fll'J'!t seeks: l!tltwaJka; Don. &U-«i\4. 1anterun& service. HauJiz1a ST.UDENT MOVERS with :~:~=i~n S550 cashier: I to 2 Yelll'I or ex- PA}J_os, • walbo drjv~,·w~ I: q~up;~Jtm·.:~. va n. "-~··• -•eap<, call -Ex«. ~·y-A.nahelm to S100 per: P leaSant penonallty &:. 'nt la hl"Hk ... .-AJd>ENEtt \,,&R:.liu-\.."fl Ability · to deal w/public 1 w wna, saw, -;-rr• ~~~,c.i)~ G ' . , anytime 1·4 2 -2 58 3 ni Sec'y-Spanish Helptul $600 netttU!llty. Xln't eo. benefits. l'l;movt •. ~I 86&8 for est. • bper., . . .J'rft Est S4Wl.S2. • Sec':Y·Per30nnel S550 ~*·CONCRETE WORK * *~~7373 * . Recepl·So. l..a,guna S500 6#-l25R: i..icEN~ -AND ~D GARDENING SERVI~ P•lntlng & er. ctftrk-Hospilal SSOO --•c"oc=K"'T"'A=IL __ _ 1-_p1CK·O& WAILY 5• 1111 C!.EAN-tiP. TllTM Paparha111lng Ml' Camora-St"eo S58S . WAITRESSES / FLOOR , ··wark a: pat.kii, . • ~646-7824 1 e INTER. &: • Exter . Paintint. Med RecepHonist S42.5 Expe°r. Short cmtun1es', size1 dtl · • Id I k Ll 'd • r Re'-Re P. T. Typist S2.50 hr 6-12 nnly. Oriental Or Poly-. v.e1"1Y1 . • e '!' • 1 • Japane11t 1 ~na .~ce c • M. '-"· as. P. T. F IC Bkkpr·l..ag $3.50 hr neshut preferred. nor over. 1Lic'd A~ 645-d.. Alao CleilHlp. F;ree Elt.. nte,. Free ll!'lt. Chuck, Class Analyst $600 <:All Don ·The Be•chcomber, Cpntr-• """'°29'"1t 3 I'>'• ... 1Hlll09. . -NEWPORT he1wn < pm & 6pm - ~ ....... .::.... E :...: .. te EXP. J•pane1e Gardener • HOUSE PAINTING • · Per10nnel Agency 675-0900. ROOM, ~..,n1, lt.U< .... •· r-m-~le Yard'Sf!rviL'I FREE ESTIMAT~S 133 D D N 8 ====~,,_,.,..c~7 nla 4 lil.u••"'I 11o ... 1, or 2 '-'-' ...,., C "'""" · over· r., • • COMPANION light · hlWk, · r::-"' ,,.,.,. , .... ..,_& flit 548-M5a eves all alter 5 PM. 496·.JUDD . 64• 2.~70 · ~. U't. • CeMtruttton. ,~·~, · ·. meal11 for elderly woman, M7-15U. EXP·Elt J"ap.nete Gardt'her PAINTER-SEMl·RETIREO Llveinlout. S200 mo. Begin '--"""'=:::-,-,=-=~o:ou=-" r-mpi..i.. ·yd ,.rvico. N'"I REALISl'IC PRICES ADVERTISING 3/1' H.B. !J6'l..9621 ~-9943. '" :Alldlllona * n. .. -~,. ~ ' CLEAN WORK 64>-125.> ' ~ c;erw\ctt &: -... ·uC.. "Relia. Free f!.lt .'M2-Ct9. · Great opportunity tor highly COOK,, IXPER. -~1 ' * -• -. ~nTO COSTA MESA ·jJ4:.412J ' . 'No Wunnz'.. motivAtfd, highly -·1.kllled Sauce Cook w/flne re1taurant •·~ · " * WALLPAPER * secttt8.l'Y t'o work intO broad· ""-•• ~ N-' Bch-Lquno• N .... ~ · ~ . . . J "'I"'" Call <..nel, HM" Vacancies eolt ~! '™"""' Lawn Mowlhg A, , Wfte n you call "Mac'• er r""pons1b1htie1 at Ill· 644.1700 .. :: ... ~ ~ = / Comp: &!rvice · 548-l44.f 6'6-..EE ~~ew;:incy~~Ri~: -~c~oo=K~. ~E~X~P"E""R'":- Qaultled Ad. • • DAILY Pn.0T tor action! PAINTING•HONEST initiative, A;l!l:h requiftd. P /tlme. Must be clean ·lr: l·hiiiiii!iiii•ll•iilliil••liiii'iiii!ii!i-;I CLEAN.· GUARANTEED Call .• l .3-1670 ne:111 ..• Apply in peraon t'lnly, , .. , , , 1 wnrk. Ll~aed A insured. Surf & Sirloin, 5930 W. Co8.st * * * . * *,~61_:1-S=H~O·=~-~~~ AF.FORD inllalion--Join th~ Hwy., N.B. • P :R.OFESSJONAL PalnHilg Sh&klf!f! SucceM G r o u P 'c =oo='°'K= .. -,-.. -rl"e_nc_<d-,-cl,-e_m_a,,_1 e l ... .----..;..-~.,..---------.. 11ntor • Ex'-r. Rea90nable 546-4252. (hnte1t now on. ~ • • r : s "" prtt'd. Pioneer Foundation. JJ,ates. 557-7455. . 53114511 .. Trader's Paradi$e. lines " times doU~rs· APT MGR,S -. 52 Unil11. Xlnl ' .. PAINTING I PAPER~G, opportunity Jnr ex,p'd couple COOK wanted. "Atlply in 18 yn in Harbor~"'· Lie<& willing, to work. M-4-m. · J)e'tM)ll . between 11 A 5. bondf!d. net•.11 turn...6'2-2351. · • . · · SPB.Pett.1 B(nder,: 6~ w. Y0t1 1upp1Jr' ·tfle pa Int. ASST. BKKPR • s.u.· Juan CM. Hwy .. N.B. Room1 painted· SlO eA. Al80 Capi&tr:Ano• locetion, New COSMETOLOGY lnttructor n-tnior. Call'540--700i. bide. 'WIK ·perfoim P/R. l'lttded.< FuH or l>l\.rt time. PAINTING. prof. All ,work A/P, A'/R 11 typing. Sals.ry 498-9436 or 558-3855'. ·a:uarn. Colof 1pec·lal l 11t Com'mensuri.te With exper. '"White Diji\llnts"' opet· 842-(386, 547-U41. COntacl Mr. Bo r I i n , running your b>u•l' 'Turn PROF. Painth:w tncl roofs, 493-4582. them 'irlfo "CA§r,. :. aell ~st. ce.il~ Llc ~ ins.· ItAILY· PILOT tor ictlori! thm thnt Da_Uy.1P 'l lo·1 l'------.-------_;, _ _._._,I Fite ett~ '645-:5191 , FtU"bf!at·ftsults!f6CJ..5678 Cla1111Uiec!. 642-5678. WILL "l'rldt'lld•, _,.,,J;;=::;;;;;;;;;:=:;;:;;;;:;:;:;:;;_:::;:::;;:;:;;:;:;i::;::;;::::;;::::;;::;.;;::;;::::;:;:;:::t::::;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;;;. , .,..~ -Land -oear. «JO val• -Trade tnr 1'11111.Daeda -.Cir Proper· • bnat er TT '45-6.DD, J0.211!1. l'Ncle DltlhW rm. Ml, B<d· -llt11Win, dbl.• King l ._, r.v. tor Bar .... mt .. !/ IT3-1lllll I ~te-*i­rmi. r ... -.... u '67 c:odU, 2 ~. in. """ Lad ....... -· 1111 ...... Trd :r.£iher KsL. ~ ~I W/ !,!a¥r'~ toR limm camera w lblt.atD utht. metu " foctis. -· KA VE illl< S br, 5 ba.· J>OOl tinm'e, · . LaCanadl, ' equ,ity a!k A/or llk An .. ~Md Jot ror Newport area: .4 or 5 ll' hOme. AJent--m1'225 Hm i.fuCTiPLE zont<l r~ '" Lquna ttevtto~. ~ · "''· 188M· I< Sll3M @q1dtl"'· Trade l or both IM home; 1ptJ1, or comm. ..._ ·YES, 'we havt bUi:MA. AM ... .,,.nil*'>!i1 Sl'ri.OOll1"'Jt planlat.ion •I: small cltfte ranch in AtLStralil FOR Cl.I. -A£', 615-7225 Hiii HAVE Grtat Otne, I mo. old Ions eattd -AKC ,....._ female. Trade for . ' LllU. • f!r(.J$m .. ocr. n l.li}Mi} """" ~1f.17 ,., --dirt bike. '615-1'!9 l · ....... ,,, ! .... . :· fiifn*»•-ot ~ ... Nlj zll ... I ' ' lll'wstttrt····· .,..,.._$ .!IM .... t .. * ' •• • .. • ' " ' • • I .... " I ' .. ' . ... .• I I I " l . . . . .. • I : .. ' .. "'' . .. . .. ): ., .. " .. . ' \ .... ' ' . .. . ' . Are ·~ciLi .. letting· ·Cash · ,. ' .. . . . ~ ,, . .;. . I, ' • . . . " . ' " ' Slip 'ThrQl.gh Your Fingers ; ' ' ' . ... ,; . : .. .,$ee ·1i. You:'"'1'-Any .. ·, · Of The5e , Thi~gs A . . " ·.· . '~ . . . . DA.l:Ly · PILOT . I '. . . " . . . . . . , . . , . \ ' . ' ' ' . . ... .·:'W·ANT~AD : ~ ' . ..,.'\ l :~ ,., .. : . . •• '" --r . Will · Sell "Fast! . -... .. • . . 1. Stove ' 2. • Glllllr ' . ... .. .. . 3. Baby · Crib 4. ·11actrjc Saw. · . 5 •. c'an:t"r• ' 6. W11~r -, . , .. 7. Oultioard· Motor · 1 •• Steroo Set " 9. CouCh 1 • ., • to. CIMinat "· il-Rafrigerllor'· · · · 11. Pickup ruck f3. S.v(fng""~cfiln• 14. Su~rd )5. Mo~hlna ·Tools. · 16. o rihw11hlr1 •• 17. l'\ip'jiy 11. C.abln CnilMI' , 19.-Golf Cort ' . 20. • l1roinet1r ~1, -· t,oll~tl~n 22. Dlno119 S.1" • , ' ·23. Play Pan 24. ,BOw!ing 1111 ' 25. ·Wif•"r Slcl1 _ 26.: Fr_,-. 27. Sult .... . 21. Clock " .. ., . ' 29. l lcycla 30; Typowl'ilar 31 .'a.r.Stools . · 3l. Encyclopedia, 33. V1cuum Cleaner -~· Tropical Fish· · 3S, Hot Rod Equ1.,m•1 :i6. Fila Cabinet 37'. Goll Cluba 38. Starllnt SH- 39. Victorian Mlrf'!lr 40. lladroom s.!t" 41. Slida ProJ..,toc · 42. ·LaW'n Moww· 43. Pool Tabla 44.·Tlras 45. Plano . · ~Fur Coat', 47. Drapa1 48. Lli't1n• 49. Hona • stl. Alrplana .51 •. °""" · · 52. Exercycle . 530 R1r•,8ookt1 .. ~ 54. ski .... ,~ . : ":1 l't itlh Chair 56. Coins , , " •• • 57. Elactrlc Train 51. Kitten , .st: 0 C1aulc Aute 60.,CoffM Tallie '1. Motor~·· 62. · Acc0<dlon , '63 •. Skis 64. TV Sot · 65. Worktianch, 66. Dlemoncl ·Watch 67. GO-Kfrt 61.1 ...... 69, · C•mplnf T;allor 70 •. Antlqtie Puml\1!!'9_ I 71. Tape ,lt-rtlef . 72. Sailboat< ... 73; Sflorh Car , .74. Mattr-·lex Sftl• 75. lniooal.I S ........ t 76. s~i.,un . n . ~le. 11: Dart~ .. 79. P.unchlnt ~ ~; Baby Ctrr:'•; ., .' · U . Dri1m1 • 12. .1tina st' Doak ,, U. SCUIA Goer · • ' ' • n...~ ilr ,any . ~r ntra .thltifl .arot111( tti,e ' .._. I -r-. . ·can be hlmeci lfttO cCllh . wlt4i '"II ' j\.' . . " • ' ' • ·D'Al'LY PrLOT -YiAN :t~AP.:·. -· ' . , .. . . ' • ' . ' • • . ' . . . ' ' ' . ' ' •• I' ' • " .. ' . . • '· "l ..i.'1 P.ori ~~ :J.ust · ·Sit·'.~-rh.ei.1:.-: " ;.. ·-Dj•i ·~-"··' ... .. . . • . . .. • ' • • • ... ' l • 'I " ' , .. • " " • :~ i: •' •\. ' .. • I' ,r I l ' ' J• ' ' • ' i I '. I I ' -' ' I I I j ' l • • •• • • ,.___1 __ :_."_;,,_ 5_ffiJ1 ~ _{._ ... _,_,_. _fill I~· _._,•_1_\_· ~J[ll) l.__-._ ... _-,_ .. ___,l[tJI l.__ .. _Ji_,,_"•___,•l[IJI .... I _ .. _ .. _·_.,_· _.l,l~l ,..I ..,.,-;...,.,.,. .• ....-,-.,;:1~·1.,l-·_•_•·_·_·__J .... , =--· & '?lo "''' w-. M & , n1 ............ M & , n1 .......... M & "711 Help w-. M ... " 711 A1•ll--Oar-Se.. 112 M•-11·-Ill TV, RNlo, "'"~ COUN'fl:Jl -u PM.i fJodt., lll"l'r-l Needed iiiLlif1c SERVD: Sto""" Atteodan1. REFRIGERATOlt w.-.. BLUFFS noo Vllta °""""" ;If AUCTION * S...... D ~~ ~ '"' ... t=· :: .. ;; ......... W:·ete':Z mmi"~~T~c ~g:~~~ECK ~"':~;.. ~ .:. ~ ~ ~:.:. ~ ·~~ =:. :::;.,:;;..."."~.~~ l'R U>AY ,,.;P.M, ~ ... =""'~ :,~~ ~r ~· Tit W.. ltib 6 life carp• n try , FABRICATION + SHoULJ> -HartJar, C.M. Salea A Service. Char-Ron'1 SXIO, 1 matc~nr Oriental MA"CH IOTH tne d._htan a;.,, w/S yr Sit. om. M-. tnle'rviewt, • Fri, . Mar 10, HAVE Pft.EVIOUS EXPER. . Acapti"I Sttvk:e station. attendant Pt· . 646-mt). \ leak c~ ,_, u .• 2 blk Unclalmtd •klrqe fr fl m plct\1" tube 1 1T llart• 6: CPLE, elder .. 'me! cl~' JT c..J1 e.1'18 or f13..UM for JN A ~R q s p J. c E JN. . Applk11t5on1 fer: timt, Eva. a wk-end11• Ex· K""E'°""N~M"°'O;..,,R-E~-c-o-m~h-.· I cnrilfie tbt1 US e..', bet.n bot· Orange· Co. Yan .\ Stonge-. IUYief' ... No 0l11lt1rt11 chars• unltl, C.N, JIM l fr. d~1t appt -.... DUSTft.Y. 40 HR. WK-DAY 'per, only. NNt. Inquire 2590 wu¥r/drytr $150. Ml,flaa: ri~ l90 ~ 1f,\-Aavlland l Int or CA.Mt-r• tqUlpmf\nt. If paikt within !10 day•, N nG + $25. mo......., )'If. "·•·Ute. KEEP tm-·nt .f,,,J, u SH t,F T, APPL y JN CUSTODIAM Nf!Wporl Blvd. CM. wa1tier1•and ' Ket\rnOil"t' elec. dl.11hf'1 ~ .. Kina~: linens, bl.gs. Offk!e deska, chairs. down" A ,36 m0nth.i. in ~y. ...... re-.:1-lt..tt. _.~ N • ..--~ ~..-.N !' " S60 h nd elttt hl,_nk., •-. 1ut, complt. tt•~. hnxf',I., <a"'· ~r • 11 • We ... liver " •st up'",.,, pau•. ·-·, .,..,\ .. o 1'ouMwtte..• mother. Earn r"'"""3U • EDLJ;R IN-Graveyard-itt ~VICE Station Attenct uryer ettc • ruar. a t<..... rrd lei ""' ""---. ' •• i pt!!'tl. Jtnom 104, 1101 E. da •--: ttme~ Min ... JO DUSTRJES tNC. 21 l)l Full tli:ne;.,111• mechanlca.l'. del., 546-8612. S~. Mlac.' dit'lt1 'plc'11, iners, · fl' •ltt' box 19" l '8.~r. RC,\ 25'' C(lfl- Cha -On ! "!'-.-· · DOVE ST NB (•---'ailve,r; ete. Good 'bo>'A il •pring" & mattrtllS, !>drm tolf.'11 lrom •~75. 19" p .. ,an, "I•· ... SAr&h OcMritry Jewelry, ·• · • ~ted Slartina: 'Salary Recent al exper. Ne11. • KENMORE -Repa1rman t b k •·• di ~ " ' tC'fMB bun OC Airport ••-&.-"--th men'J1 IO)'ll. 1J1:inl blk~-tnin, M 1'. un ;''11• vaM, ChmnlOCOklt trom S 3 I$, CRYSTAL 'ILTlltS ..-i.f. · · · l. ._.,. P•r ,..... Apply 2590 Newport Blvd., haa waftr/dlyer/dbbwuh-dunebt.ai~a. can\ etc. nitr1at'raton,, ·wat~rs &: ABC Color TV, 902\ Atlanta, !t: C..ound floor opp, Wit.I KITCHEN Helper, ovei' 21, PRE-SchtiGI-leach er, -.J. C.M. ers, 1t1arn. Sf S.: S 211, GIANT GARAGE alf'l'eOll, T.~. 1, n:fr1geit'fll· HunllnaJOn Beach. ~ ftf Jot' an allanmea.t I: tHt t.eeh. fiQ'd, Jtt.lian Dell l.8514 h!'rnoons. Mll!lt ' M.ve ex. Call Mrs. 1tadner SERVICE Station Help. eic-K.'5-'?Q), ,..) or«. wash~ni: .l MUCH I==="=---~~. )Jodem wtll ~ppe4 pl&nt. Beach Blvd, H.B. prrience a.Mier Male r& 337.9100 CW' -.ea per. Full 1: Pffime. 990 E. ELECTRONIC Oven . Fineosl ' SALE MORE! 1..$1• or stuff for TOGETHER. stereo; l S' ' in 0 ~ea n' I tit:. cau L"iASING HOSTESS quintmenb!. Call 131-.lJl!O. Qiut Hwy., N.h. Quallty-Lowe11t price. Stand Ar!,))irniture-Swap Mtttehr Monarch 11pel.kers. GMrant rn 1'57-"' '""1' FtJ. N~ Bead! 6rm -PIOfF(S$11111•L SALES-INSURANCE STOP SMOKIJ;G The F.uy & coo1<w.,. incl. 67J..MIO"' ~~~.,:1"~";· WINDY'S ·AUCJION :';'"~::~·;..~~.;,·~ ;, trooix lnc. 490 ·•Vlia ,Dfl .~,. hoiteu tQ Ahtl:#-• unR .~ .·.<150 . W~l:earn SlOO..SlOOOa.mo. 644-4157• SAt. Sun. 11(tt-12tf1 ~. -49T-'JIM, Aak for Darlene ;4. Norte, OcffrWde. M-aptstathe~Fff· SALES POS'ITION 'f 39)..G]:l. RJ;<X>Np. Applhtl'Cf'.a I: 828 MALABAR. OR. COM~BROWSE AROUND Guun. l DENTAL a'' l 1 l •n t ~t penonality ._ Ulet 1'.rrvr TV'1, l\JU. & de Iv" d . ·rRVJNE TEftft.ACE :M>'l!i\.1 N~wiiort Rlvd. ij•;-8~1~.~~~Wh~t ~Adm~.~1 I Chairside, full time. 'Min 1 ezper, req'd. Xln't workin& ' nttnL y ti lllAYI· TOP ' Dunlap'•, 1815 New p 0 rt AC!"OM h'Om. the ~hind Tony'11 Bldg M1.1 '\1 . lta . ! • yr exp. ln G. P; ~. condl, I: lL'O. Mne:fita. · W£ QFf[R·. • (}.. ~ _l · TllPOlllf Blvd., C.M. 548.-7780. lrviM. c . Club 10 to 5 Cosht Mt-sa . • 646-8686 ~ ihape .. Nice ' maq, ! Be ·alik to take Joqd ·X·~)'S. . Call 6"-3251 wkdya 'llllll•IUft[ 'dfil llSllMIJI APARTMENT-SIZE L'JiG BtW""' S50, Aquarium OPEN DAILY ' fo 4 ~~1:1'~_,..29%J-D Mendoi.s think on lier feet, ~ . 1 &.U.373.1Sat1; sm;. DVllMftlt SroVE ** •:n. ~ • SA "' .... ,...,.._ it quicklY, :ready tri aqcepl ex· .• New ~ar _ c.M.11111&-,....._.t.AMy 548-0488or~ tank.a .I: ~ulp, Nt:w Su11. NSUl,/ AM /FM I ilettol~~~~~~~~~I '•' panded•dutlei. ~lary open. LIVE-in ~uple, NNpOrt • Complet.e Trtlninc YM'l a..,.....,.. 61. be:8!" · manlcUri~I\ baby MPX • new Sl:l!l.95. Am·I( [I Huntlnttnn Beach al' t 1 • ·Beach. Expd. Refs. Good e tnaurance Prorrim PUJSfEXCESS J;lefee • .,... J1U Dll P..t GE portable di.ll:hwuher, xlnt lt~m1, dog hou1f, books. hll.x..udor s.peaktf? 12" ~. I : 1- 147-· 'bet~n 91: 5. 7-~. «iok; f73..2339 before I oi' ... p~ Vacation · COMMISSION , Drift,~ ,IU-1Jt1 1 cond. i100. dinette ... chrs, BB,Q, power 15'' mid h!.na~. 3" super frM to You • DENTAL ...... ~.tant. Exlf,d '. f_t s.. . .•'Faemry lnc6ntivei . * ~I 83.'\-31195 *• mowers, .yrd '~"· A fum. 1wttllll'--$299.9:i a pa 1 r . : chainidt. .• Orthedontfc . or. LYJ(CH Cook, exper, SJlliii. e Management Opportunity Lea.din& 1ft.tk>nal M. needs 2 BRAND NEW Ga.mn11c Sat· JtIDque lo Trea~urN. •10212 BSR-McDnnald :u~x com: .3 LIMI, 2 TimM; $2.00 fice. Hnlp •licb tl'ei.. 'dinner house. NeAt, clean; • S.Curlty ·' ,•idltionalqualifif!d lite and TELLER Iler nt range, S91'1, C1dl Malka! Or., HB-.-.6211:. J.>l~tf! WibA~ •. dus1 oover, . •,,· -•-. , • 1 • N> drlnku. N.B. 613-'""' 1 •.Annual. Bonu11 . ,Al:H Qent11.in e>n.nae Coun-a.fttr s pm 96.'--3709 GARAGE S«il~: W~n·11 ShuN' M-75 cartril1g~$Ril. FREE to llWVV'I hnmf!:, 11m11.ll :.'.~I --~RAPE RY MAN, any age, 'to ~~te g111ur.1CITIONS. tY·to enroll the bmToWeti of' ·HOOVER .P~ Glide, Dial-clothl!a 1s 10.1• · jew~ry. Complete .. s.ysftJn ott ~111 1~ 11hnrt h&.lt;d .. p11rt · 'l'errltr hou VA f . a.. Ja.rse mortg&gf! lending tic Xln men'11 clothes sml u11etul S299.~. U.$.A. $ r t' r,. o pups. 8'10lt ~h1wlre St., WOR.KltOOM ware lie work. Mwt type ' _., ·"' ' hHitttuHon in spedaJ ph11ns Comi;nerclal Bank Experience a-ma • t condition. Mehld Items, ra&<r. ·10y11. Equipmr.nl W1u-ehouse, 179 H'.B. ·' St.wtna • pre.Wnc. exjer. &: fin ·JBM,, Pref penon w/a. Ace 25 or over prelerttd ot· tnaun.nce dm,cned e&-. .. M8-Til6 * Jn Garage .nr Via Jne:lesi a 'E-: .17th: SI.; Cost11: MeM. !WAYED blk f'OCk!lpnn, h11.s 1, trnea:: ~h ·Drapefy, 900 van.·551--0242. HJgtrSchool t:ducation Sale1 JM!d•lly tor them. .Mint months n!q!Jited C11mer111 & '· on Via San Rafa,tl. (Ntw &4:>-24-42. all ihob! k li<". I yr old. ;; W. 17th st. C.M. MAID WANtED background pre I erred Equip!'"•"• IOI Wflrld~ l.q:un111·n1111: ROOERS Silvf!rv.'Are, Quttn Ge.nil~. Prtf fem a I e •, '~ ,_ bl · g,c,3000 Detitt to ,IU«eed THESE permanent cllf'H'_r { 714) 446-712 I ~: ~I~ •. AIMm . •rf *1r * SECLINO-.AMElll:ICA'S J)Ollitions otter all com~ Aak for Mr. Mendonca .. MAMIYA C·2 21.i T.LR. POWER !Ml:a, Delta jointtt F.li1.Jtbetn. Serv\ce lor 11.,~-~128-1. ___ ~-~ ·\' Exptr .. Nice. atmosphere in MAINTENANCE MAN MOST PRISTIGIOUS b!nefita and attractive itDck· w/135 mm lem Ir: case, S95. with molar &: st.net $50. Hol Twfn berl~prf:ads, like new, SMAU. Be~l,.. le Dl\Jmal1an 1rvine complex. Call Mr. LARGE A p AltT MEN T AUTOMOlfLIS options. ~~ii':'li~;""""'1;:'!""'!)~ II ,.':""-~758~· ~··~·=,-;=--.,~-: 'wlll~r lank $25. l..argf! GE lvi>ry, Gt!ol-te W!lshingfon. mixf"d puppy. Vrry FGd • Goodman fQr' •wt. 540-1165. ~ ~OWi.EDGE. APPLICATIONS & • . JF INTERESTED TELEPHONE SaleL Top R.O LL El FLEX, RD!lei~ i::elri&erator S175. Fn.,mt~. 548-51~ wirh ch.Udr~n. AU shots. EXPEIUENC!:D -weM.a --OF ELECTIUCAL PWM-Pl~ Call, Mt. Kramer a.mmiuions and OOnu1. Ap.. Magic, Jtolll':i 16 MM fnew), mouldings Ir: lotJ1 mor@. 115.1 DINING k powder room 54Wl78. wanted for deJnlna;' m\111 BING •' Ml.SC. "'woRK. INTERY~WS 6.15'.-02l60 For Appt. ply in .penon <between 9.00 AU xlnt 'cond. 67S-7260. Broadway, CM SAt-Sun. Ilg-ht tlxturts from Vlll1.2e e"'t."'\'°'cte""°-:,.-,-..,-m-,"1"'•-do(o--,-.t ·I have. own ltanl-'Varioua O\VN TOOLS. ST AR. T 'nurrlday, arct:,_1Mll I: Fri-And 12!00 noon at 1B8:J. Bolu. Furn~·re DROPLEAF lltbl~ .\ cillllln1, Ill home, Nl':W S3(l both. ,,.. Olrt. ve"' 11.tfeckorilte. I·; j • I i>.11 -.1.i • ......i -· 0 dli.y, March 1""'1· l pm . S'LESMEN ""' 110 I "2-;,• " .':1 • o. •-;'l th ... ••'""C r••, '_,,M . HOURS JO.f.;,_JO, until 5 pm" tit Miu fOntiae "' Ave~, Midwl,)' City •. • •ate top 'pool tahle,' ~ pc ... "i 1909. Frff to·good home. 968-261ol '~ 1dar¢h iO. Call, ~191! or .adti M6-fJO'J.S. ··-·i h'-.pSll=t.' ::'t"' Need' men-wtwi are ~ady lo TELEPHONE so 11c11 0 r 1 3 ROOM GROUP drum M'I, elec 1UllAf', -40 BROTHER Sf'wlng Mad1lne, 1if1 6.. . • ·~tor appl,•""--. ·· NA'n.IRE woman to cani tor· loe ~ I iNG.. learn the car busineu 'Md w&nled for · eve wcrk in AtL·NEW watt amp " fuu atanrhtrd fully auto .. re~ ihan S mo11 VERY Sh111mni m~lum tiM , 1 ah! willing tct train. Mu1't rultar end thl much more """"' i-,1 EXPP;RIENCBD 1 •.~men two cblldren,.atea 13 A: 15, 3 13600 BUCH' IL YD., have aood penonality, be alrport area. MURI hllve l'URNITURE J>I ibt .5 ~ M · . · old, ~l ror bea.t Cllah otter pupp~s rrilf, 1 will. mli:, ; cutter, /WI or_ p&rt time. P~ to c ~m, Mon.Fri, "~t, W!STMINSTER Jntu8t:ed in a future. dreu traniq,. Call Sue, 833--9470. t, tu. 968-291.4. MO-tut. MO-fSU . 3.15 to J2.15 pm. No cookina PR.OJ'ESSIONAL PH 0 NE wen, aalesmlndl':d. Bent!fitll: WAITERS con1i1ting of g pc bedroom BEDSl:'~t.U>. S(t : Book o l.6 lb Wa1hf!r &; Dryf!r, "*"'•"'·rn=E"E,..,.to_y_ou-.-,",--,--ol"'d !., lfectory or ~~•1,· ~~ SOLicrroRS,evenlnss. Demo.,·iroup inA., guaran· croup, 7 pe living room ~fet,Sucrochet1f!d pict~re ~r M!pAl'lllf! unil11. SlOO !!t"t or Cock!-a-poo fr:malt! Gt a !~ EDLER INDUSTJ\IES TNC. ~a .. ""' ·• nqu .. ~~all Good Call 5fS-M\. teed J&l(!lry plwi: commlit-· rroup I: S pc dining met. ..... s pper, 1.wrt mower"" be1t otf.er. Color T.V. S.10. R'nod ·homt'. 646-Gm.' l,i .HAS !MME'D. OPENINGS ~Jl?O. aJtrr C pin1 PIY· aio111. Unllmit-A incomf':. A,._ Exper .. Oriental or Polyn~s-many olher Heyn•. 217') B Antiqul': furniture 645-57~ . " P"~FESSIONAL ·• "'¥ .. i·" t '" 2t ALL FOR$-...... _., D CM 0~2100 . ' ' . *II Wk ~d Cock.a-PM pu ... FOR. ff.EI.NFOl\CED MATIJR.Etxper'dwomanfor nv .. P 0 i:t• ply in Pmion. UNIVERSI· ""' preerr=.,., or ov~_r. . . 1 ·i. A-77• .,,,..,,. r ... · ·...,. · BABY GRAND · ..- 1 PLASI'lC W 0 R KER S , hou.ework. 6 hrs 011ce: a. solicitor • nar:-Point, S&n T.Y OLDSMOBILE. 2850 CAii Don The &.1.cheqmber, -.. GAR.AGE SAlt in lhf! Bl11ff11 . WurHt?.er. X1n·i Cond. Sac. plei ftt: t,~'\~me. 1, TAPE WRAPPING. Q)M-Wefk. Ref'• ........ d • own ow~enlte, C.piltnno-area. Ha"""'r Blvrf., Costa Me.u . hetwn 4pm I: 5pm. 675-090n. TERMS-Al.SO Moving. to apt, m Ill n y ··~ ..•• ";...1.7 •v"• 1 • "' ·' • ·~.. m. n ,._, ... own ~·,., _.., -"\Mio LARGE I I If _, • PltESSIO~. MOLDING I, trans. $2 hr. 557-9910. n~t ..a • ._, "j p . .._.._~ WAITRESS for coffee lhop. g'Oeldie11 mu111! to! 10 ·lo 4 ma f! Cll · A r.-"', " ASSEMBLY OF · AERO-. . · ~ ~ n UM.. """'"" SAi.& LADIES, 1':.,xP'd 20 to over 18, exper. Apply in LAY·AWAY PLAN P.M. March 11 t. 12. 2179 ~.\K1:EE Producti . lfnr a yn1. Vf!f'J m~Uow, llke1 peo- SPAcE ' COMPONbn's. MEN, fnt~ ~work . in -~lf65 betwten 1:09 .l.m. 45, Full A pUt time. pert0n, blwn 10 am I: 3 pm, Vista Entrada, N.B. heAlth1er, C'ltllf\f't, wr.111\lhltr plr. 54~7 all fi ••PLY IN PER8oN, 2101 fac~ spl!Ciallting\in hish and ,nnon. Bttptrnma. Childrf!ni MeY Lanes, 1100 Su-'rior, TRADERS • you, R94-l!'!S4or.89'2--ll6.'\. BEAUT t r U t-.:. IA-.. 'DO~'~ ST NB 1 .... --. quality, cy-etully ·rfta~. QUICK order Fry Cook. Skfta, Tustin, Cotta Mesa, ..... G1•nt O•r• .. Sflel ; . . ' . .'"'~"'""' t ... ~ ....,.,,_ tom wood pied ls c:M. FURNITURE Fumiturt1 ~ clothlnl{, hike Carpet for SAie hy fenWe ~·fl: With papf:rs to f' from 0·S· ~) ' i · _ ;3ork ls avjllle':.r 'lioth JICOIJ.; = 1;:~":!: ~;,r =·Re~;:~~ M: WAITRESS 202 N. Broadway, S.A. parts, car tires &:: .mucho CArpet La~r. Call good home. 64+4658. nBERGLASS: Chosiper .manulacturilW-A-· 1inllhiftl ' · ' 'thrU"Frt only. Exp. p/ttme. Apply Surf &: RJS.1305 . Open 7 Day.z iOOd m_\lc, 242 E. l!tth St , * .. ~2086 *Jr FREE to 1ood home, A mn ~1 :DPI'· 1X,e'r only. AJll).y '. ~· We ·are"loolcitW for Rut E1taM c;: ..... ,. .. SALES..P/TIME Sl_r~in, 59.10 W ':'t Hwy, NB COMPLETE walnut home ~ Sllt·Sun. 9-5PM, OLO stuff, mutt •II, lmn k o Id m a I e 011.ctishund .Qldl. s; .P.'l&'~tli., CM ... , -~· :rffponsible help, New or spul~, join the. 5:4.S9:4$, All Day Sat $2.50 W~ESS .dining . rm. f\JrniAh ingL Liv rm, kin·g GARAGE &lie· SAi -4M braM beds, cvnival. glass, wlpepeni:. 9fill.-174A. FOU., P./Tls,., m ~"' t • We Jm"J1'!r men ~ 40. Company tha s .rrow:tns· 1f per hour. Ask For Liz. Cal· . Every._ Sat. N1gt}I >U pm • aiu bdrm, dining table & Ca.brillo, C.M .. (nr J~lne :A: peln~s. etc. ~1886. bOVAB~ Purehred 8Prin1f:r trne., 119 .«JCJ» JleC, Sonlt., '1 tlm~, )oe.itions ~doOllno~:rhave: a bee.nee, Fair Employment Agency, lntt'rv1ew S:30 PM :iiur11 &: cha(rs, Wlllnut ba.r w/ llth Op. Wffl.clf Plzl Furn. BlG Boy rolling bbq W/Ad-Spe:n1'1, /lO ·months; Nf!eda Sa. I a r 1/Co11\ 111.. Full# a.re ' . ·vall. S2.!iO pu.hr. . $49 905 No. Euc~d. Suite A, FrlCdMir:ve:a. 1001 8a)'Bide Dr., fonnica lop .I: m.00111 RCA retrig, ~· .. toy11, camp. jW1t1.ble ltelght 24." viii, 'l!Je~. 644-U"l4,. Brulh 9112-fMll. · Helrwo;i!lf, 1m ~~ -, · gear boOlal palnlina t!t SM 552-1909 K§ GARD~QS Hetper: lttp f:·· c.~. No ' phone eat14 • \ s~;;·LAD.Y exper'd. ·WAl'FE~ :~rth :;:~~:r; TV~';~ . ~ VIA .'uoo SO~D c. ---f1ectrlc Typ.writer f -. ac!'1 boy !Or Sat. werk. Pol-:>--ue. ' '""' . • llte•I llfllfe Weitkenda. 221 Marine, Full ch&:. S days, lunch I: hlhld goods. 979--0562. Fri. A: Sal. turn LEFT onto S45 *' · • 648-SMI Na Miii...... · 11iblt' Summer work. MOLD POLISHER L1cen1lng Couru Balboa, Ii,11.nd. din~. M,uat ·be exper. I: Lido Tale. Hahld. · · ltel)\l, MltceR•MOlli ·· i ·· · · · · · 962-l&l2. . Only expe"d cavity finilher Full ulea tra.iniftl' procnm .have local rJg. Gd 11pot !or Ouallty Designer ;xard eQP/ furn, ;Kine · bed, • want.II'·'' ' .. . liiiiiiijl I GELCOAT n--I ...,_ , need apply.· ~ __ -no COBt. Manaaement -op-SEAMSJ'RESS-Some exper. f/time. Capable man ofily. Furn. &, Acces·s. plnw pbng, ete,rf75-o0192. . . - -_ -Pats, ............. • •• · • ·--~· '"nr-• PMC ~S131 Gothard '#O. portuniti@S. Alie -for Mn:. pre'l'd. McKibbin Sa iii, Call The· Goldtn. Bull Fashionable N.B. home. Llv, WANTED t ii 1961 Day1. 16.'1 J;>la f enlla HU!1HnofM.Beach Jones for lrdiirmation ,a.t Jr"ylne, . 11.ndua. c .omplex.. lam rm; m11tr bdnn', &: SAT. llth. 1,747 ~nta Ana .. o , U.V i A•MAzoN Parrot vel')'·•·'M.. ~ Avenllf, c.o.ta Mtta. NHd E~ ._. __ • ? ~ ,8f2_.568f, , 540-:3684 Restaurant, ,El TOio, A Uk guest bdrms, Conti!mp A; Ave • fat, €abrU1o-ln alley) ~;. bn~ Is l).PR1, •1 r ~!~r !~de 8 mOt.'old, ' ~ -r ·~ GP~~Preo:r~,!;!~ ManyA~·;.:=t~-Tatben' RMltors· t SECRETARY :..:O.Oke, before 2 pm. Period. Week days I.ft s It ~~i:i~l~•~·o~'":"..~~; i~ •• r1s.W~N;;r,~1 . 'lt;:..,..a H. ~~· .. ·· ot '/ · ,_._ _ _, tive1'eam an estimated S4D - ----· wttk end~. &45-0022. l:>.'J>lwrlter1 &: mlpc .. , 1 DOLL HOUSE ... ...... 4rf' 1 ovt'f IPll':il. Over 4 0 · a ~ or JnOft. Earn xtra .~~ We hive an Immediate oj>e:n.. .WANTED: Dlthwuher, bu8-5 DRAWER che11t S 2 5. GARAGE Sale: Sal,· g.2 o0. e 543-, )395 e , . ~. , JJ(HI Oonn;)'brbok, CM 846-A'J34, caah ~•have fun, too! For LARWIN RIAL TY in& for al) exptt. ~ecrebu'y boyg., Cooks I: Fountain Matching 9 dr c hest · ...t c... ""' 'IJ GIRL f'RIDAY · 'Deta.it.:'.Call, ' ' JteNle Div. ot Larwin e.o. to ~rk in our corporate men. Must be. ne.i.f' Ir: over w/.mlm>r S.15. Nite stand ly. »15 !-t We)'tlridp YI,' MU.iul lntfru..,.,,i 122 -__.:: Ma.ture, ver111tile wlkillowlr , ' .,.: p S..7D41 :2J.S62 Brookhunt Av .. H.B. hefl.dquerters. Qu11.lified ea~ 13. Apply In penion, Mon. ST.50 Kingiiize turq •. &ral N.~. Din,~ lbl, •ludio, ~. . : ·... , . ·~ ' t i KITTENS Se a J jf n I~ I f!dgt tJl ~ aper. ~ n'lfldern , NiMI. 2 aw-..,_, IC (n~} 54S-6Cll I (213) 592--ltll didB.t~s ahould have at leall't .thn.i -Thura. 2-4, Farrell'• 91>read $7.50. 67~.aft S. boMin( !*ti, bther mite F.ENDER cu!tm Ni'Yttb •mp Slarnaie; male I ·female. i ~al ofc ~ ll} p~ ~.· OPPOR'JVNITY•lor two ~U 2 years recent rtlaled f!X· I« O'l!am Parlou:r, ZJlll SOFA,. Pli.tsh velvet; ntver itemw. $400, ~ta~ler gullar Pape!"lll, $2$. 54-0-5 415; I including sh. . · ~QJ Construction eXptt,. ti.ml!, ~ hal 1:5-per. 'Preferably in the con. Brookhuni st., H.B. u~. Sl40-. , Match in 1 Jewelry 115 SDI A l'!lke ' w~a!and $45. lb-3873 \~~ Se.Id rnuzne to ~tiftl ILc;I f'. Al• ~ Spuiih tai.e Salamen. letter than ~ction industry k must WANTED mature • , ex-lovtse&t 'jg(!., HHll.ck chair Dl..utONDS -Buy .. Dirtet Xlnt cond, 536-6101. 1,l~PUR""''°'E7S~!~~~M~ESE=~Kl~TTEN==sl I ro. 331, c/n .Daily .Pik>t, ·~~ avetag~ COl!'m~ mm· po~~ 1.ppropri11te PIQenced IA.le1 .h1.dy. Lani, 185.-Cockttil tables ~ea,* WHOLESALEPRICE.S * Pl•not/Qrlani 126 $1S•e..Clll11.lt'4·pm P. 0 , Box 1580~ a.ta M'etat ~ ·can m.U50 pany paid m ... medical · aecretarial 1kills including 15 Fuhlon Jsland, N.B. Lampa $21 ,_ 531-6281 5fi1..f892 Ca. G2111. ' .. ,...... ............... .,.L 'I'ftm~.~r .,, mt.J:I· abj.lity to take dictation. WANT E D· hnmedlately, . e : . , Dana Diamondil &-3090-. *-HAM~ ... n .. 10 ' , ...,..,.."' rL(W'Ul"nc. LAST chlliice. for truly _Orien-u-chl' ~ ll' · , · l""'f1" YNG Abyulnlan· female, SSO: GIRL for llw-ln ~!· __ n,rmN AGDiCY: · ~ ~~ .Wet. ~ .r"r:i 'Alis ill fl 'perm11.nent ~ition· car,>et W.yer,' experienced, fAI China, closet, bdrm set, ...., nery ·· ORGANS Alao ~ Abby ~Fence hqfl- houlekeeper for tre.v~.. NURSES AIDES na: · ~ ' P a •·provides 11.n opportunity lfl 540-l371 llv~g rm tables,. campher LAmE, MIU., b 1l J LL , ·-m &. oldtst Jn West Jlf!'I' kita $4. 6t6-8:?2l5. busioeam11:1.6fl5-358&. • All Shi·r1.. talk 11 over . .,·• usoc::Hlte wHh Amerk!a's WANTED, :forei<n cal' che·•, 1ilver. e~7-fl-.· PRESS JN ONE hi -• ~ .. ..._ . __ __ ___ ___ ___ ...._ ~ .,.. '"' • ' 1 Pf'tt , All --"•I• N-... u.~ "-• ~ HELP Needed-Work tor .. · APf)ly in Peraon ~ le'i.~~ng com mu\\ I ty mechanic, Coata Meu area. EARLY American matn w/Jott: o( attach. Befort;;i bu)'-tt;;ut";" try i'...,,..====------ 1 younelf (or ua). l!art time . Huntington a..ch REAL Eltate, •leima.-'n ~r. W'-offer11libergJ 642-5l331 · hlde.--e.-~ rouch red A: 962-0950. . .PEN?'{X, OWSLEY. CO.' OBEDIENCE cla• to .tart I or toll lime.' noo:.saoo pt;r' ·~on.v•lf!1cent Hosp. wanted full i time. M~ . ~m-ot.binetits, as weY WEIL establi8htd Insurance gnld tweed.' Vi-ry:1d cnnd 892-3314 In thf: Newport Beach, J'\U>· to start. Call :for ~ppt. • 11111 Floritl• Aft. . Rt:altur, 66-3434. u ·above avence com--Aa:ency de'sirel w om• n . $125. 83J..9374. Miac,:llanMul , '11. 1m2 Beii~·~I .. s: nj Kat~lta lrvlne atH, Wed, M•rctt ii, • 5.1&-19lll. · , • • · • · , H',11, .. MT·3SIS ltEeEPT!.· ONIST' How would ...,..&n,. " . •-' the -··5 ~ · · •· · 7·30 pm ~n to .all ~• I i._ ~ween. qe _..., ... ui: 9• green quilted 110fa. Aakini STEREO Vnctalmed 1172 Datly 10·9, Ml lo.;&, Sun lU ~ · ... ..,, ,,..,.. HnfTSEKEEPER.."" Cook, ex-E AS S ·~ )'(!U like to won:' 1or -. ~' • a·e c re t 1. r t'IJ J d U, t I e s ,. · · , OV•r 5 moll. M&--4928, • • ;;, Li~-in Pvt: rm a::ba. OFflC i SI TAn,. thf!. fufellt .,8'l"'Wlilr • lftl 'ntue Apply Immediately lhorthand /.. dicta~ ~:. $15. ""e ·.~·2 G1ttnrd\aet. Auto turntable, MA.IQ~ ~D OJlGANS * SHERRY'S, POODLES Beautlful home:to-8806." . Mll!C. ,d~Ues including di• estatl!' 4 Investment oo? 'tCNPor·~~ l:>eR.t: per. req'd. Send ttl!Umtr to i1'm'"IH air 1Ullp4}1Sfion1• pea ke rs Frozn S395 Inc. Allen. Conn . . . * mentJI '. • purchue . Young modcern co-wnrtters MISSION VIEJO CO d N 278 ~u Pll tPO CORNER Unit !Win bedi, w/cro11t·over.1ystem, Hamino.,d • Wui-utur, ~tc. ~pERi. PUPPY SALE! H.,cPRS Emplyr payl fff, entriea. Fifina A will welcome )'OU UOIJ, . . • a o. ...,. y o . , cov. ba.ck re11tl:, tM!'w coven. AM/FM/MPX rtdlj) -,\ AIM Hal' pa I cb or d I It ...,._,, • Up. ALL. t"qLORS. Georp Allf!n ·Byland. Al., ,.. -e ......._, v,-, ,,. -. Call , .. , Marl!"-.. ..,. ~ • ~T LaPi.z .. Roed . Elox lSfiO, Costa Mesa. Calif. ta,... dtc. k. Still '--nd new A Plant'lll. ~21MR. " 1-A E 16fh •A -" ~-• ~• -·--· "' ~ • Mies;o,, Viejo Col!L Ex. oond. $100. -1945. . ~ ..,. -·<A• 17'=-=:---,--,,.,.....-,1 cy, \JU"r , ·• -.. ~·omCE assistant' fof ·' .eo.JtaJ A'aency ·' .(1.f~} U7-'oSO WOMEN-1his-ladle1Ellm guarllJ'lt~. ~Id. for over GOUL.o 'MuStC CO. AKC t ctutmp, kennel bred Sft-0395· . QJ~trltt. Pn:f. ma~ . 2790 Harbor Bl at Adanui · SJ.SS per hr. Servlce eslab. NICE maple bed &: matchlna:: s.100, pt,y off bllla~ ot SlM 2045 No, Main, S.A. Silky terrif!n:, I wk s. I I' j I ~~SEKEEPER •. live-1~ lady for-pt/full time. RECEPtIONtsr _ Offlct: ·!:quit .Oppor: Employer Fuller Brwih c~tomen. ::;;; S2S for both . or take over I mall 541--0681 \"** Sinct 1911 S1~$200-S250. ~art env1te room; J chil~. ~ 493-M67, t.u a.m. manager tor an Im a I SECRETARY Mr. Levine, 962-0.ft&. pa,ymenll. Credit Dept., PIANOS** olfGANS ,,,,10,,am,.,,..""'=""'"",--"""" wk._ Jtl':lett~•· f ·Otu'HODONTIC Reception-hQspital, N.Bi are.11. Salary , $5l4-$62S WOMAN FOR ~SIZE bed with h@ad-n 4.tm«i0t. Kaw&.!, Steinway, Lowrey, GERM SHEP, 6 wks, AKC ~lf . . . . . ist'J.a.etary. Min l yr. to $600. Send tt:IWnt. Write, FOUNTAIN VAU.E'l APT. CLEANING -.$5()~!9'!.'\ * LIDO PATIO SALE. 2215 Via Allen, Baldwin, etc. From Free ob e d e. s son 1 · INVm •N exp. 'ft,q-. . ...,..S..vi., 0......., ad No. 297, Daily seHOOL DISTRICT LARGI COMPLEX San Remo 10 to• pm S.t. sa up. JlENTAIA wlpurtho,. M:H.037, C..t< Pilot P 0 ... ..~ ,.__,, MUllt be 'thoroughly ex-..i-DESK, ~ • d\8.ir Hu and' Sun. Mar. 11 &: 12 RCA Dililv 10.15 • · ' ' ~'llL 12-5 Meu.. YOUR "''"''RE' ..,.... m;ndod ;n11Mdu41. • ' " , ~x ~. -• e-.· '""""""' , ~-;-50 ~· . •_,,,.=~~~~~-.rv 1 v Send J'l'!IUIYllf: to-p .O. Rox Mesa, ~· nUs, ·~ m ~,..;(, ""' enced in commercial clean· fonnlca top, $45. C a 11 stereo, IOI& ".btd, · ehll.lrt, f IE LD'S ,p IANO CO. 'SUCK 1:1/• ferrutlt, 15 r'IV)I. ;.... 11 .. o. r.-.... CM ' ' ;•' w.p.m. in&· M&-5847. taban auto wuhe.r lt.mps. 18.\l Newport 81vd, AKC, •'I sho'-. I 1,5 , Full or p1ttme. a·E YOUlt o;tNN BOSSI Mener•W ...... \.,.,. A Yellow . Toti cob · • • _,a -':t'~-~e. · · Apply IN PE.RSON at the C II ••• •-• Du I •·• f ( 12 ~ . OVE'RSEAS Receptltnlst corner of Talbert I:. II ,,_.nu FORMAL dlnlnc furniture P ex """"· re r1a. w Oo«ta Mesa 714/645-32&1 6415d99'7. MOR!:J'OBS,THANPEoPLE .Lite typing Newlanrf StreetJI, Fountain YOONG man wanted foc 1ull pooo +new, $13.li. ~~l~~~ee~!_:m~t WOUL~ Y'O~ l-°"1 p=u"'c="'£.ue==p=fES~.~A=R=c- All lldUI .&: profeaiml• PERSO~EN"(;Y Valley, Ca. No later than time-..emploYment in amall Call .~; aPPfiance1 Movlnc Musi BELIEVE 9 wk1.'$1S. Ulguna Pet Shop. e Hlaher wqTes e .. ~-~ 410 W, Coast' Hwy:, NB ~atth 13, l!T;l. _ftfa.11 ,,.puts: •ture. Expel\ CHEAP, HOUSE FURN 4 l!MI ~l . · _ }'REE ORGAN LESSONS° 491-5."ilS or $4-1971. ex,penMI e u ~~1.a Sulle H ~•m• . "---"y/Bkkpr'.F/C 497-DiO or. apply .2 7 .f PLAYER PIANO. · · tll lonJC aa you like! No 1'11· :;;;;;iA'lft'D •tuc1 •\Free' Transportatk>n _. v ulllt~ .,,_ • BroldWI)', Lquna Bch. . • * ~wn ~ *· WASHER .• GE P,I\. qu white istratkln. N"o obll'&atlon • .Jut "W;'I".· " .. I""~~ PllPll· "' Call k,ii !App ,.. ;CALL '541-43Q boint ~=.r. u-.,. pq· EARLY American . maple r~ wqewooif 40" $416, Come Mond&Ys· 7:30 pm, service, groom)ng, tt1nn1 • • E~ll.• 1311 ' · _, .. ,. ., h Ai>"relri& 10 c, l<>e.~r COAST MUSIC * M6-<l8l9 * ....... Service Guan.nt~ I Call 832-1950 ir~ J utch, nz.* -~ co.nd. $.15. 2'J) !lee r..n;e, nice, '642:2851 ADORABLE Poodle, hlack, , . ' Un\tl @mpioyment accepted ~ "' ' ACME P~ ... .., •• • V -.-..... 40" S.'JO Ca. /Mot m&I . 8 lo old 'r. 1ov1 Alto !or n.m..n OVERSEAS SERVICES eu· ·n • 1USl'IN AGENCY NEW ., H . ""'' w • TQP PRJCESJ'AlD FOR ··-·· w • • • .. 1,., E. 11th St • • Su'! • .., IOi., erculon, Wl"Ol.Wht Dallun l:J., nr new noo nr St in '_·.;. I. H ..... _ nume. $25. 893--4211(1. U-JOIJS M ~. 1 e • Sec' fBk•-11/C Iron dinet1' ae~ occuton.i -21.H CmJti t<I · e "N' ~ •mmo••m ~~ •• :,"': ;:~ PART• Hm<' cool< ~ntO<l. C~ta Meta -... ".. · .;;;;: ..-.,. Anllquol • chain, M4sUI. CM .. "'· , "'" ; PENNY · =•Y CO. , S!.,"!,.:''!~.' Z!r:,'· : ~ coffff ahop. ~tea~ Exptr, ~f· lVillqe Inn, tlr a.t.'Wfr: ctt, LARGEST ltock of new &: BEA~hol.ale ftlmlture -ta· ~ .. ~ Vo I c '°CREATIVE p l~y th 1nl 1 ~broken, SlO. MS-4818. oppcr. tor~ ~.flOD' 'BalKJ& l ·' · NOw lnte--'-1-. ... Clll m-1950 taan. • modem, :11.nt corw:t. Mlkf; A"• m'*' •land . s•o·v,.·'slnk' _, __ ,._ .... __ ....... AKC --,1u1n ~·-. *tit lttJ't. 3133'W. ODut PHOTO~. retail •• ~ ..... ,,. .ACME PERSONNEL tMNan,JoandOrif!ntalrur Call Yd ... l' ~l.,ft\J\ICI Lil . ·~• •v !Tl ..--- " N. ..... -~~ •...., , -~ .~-tn 0nnp Co. NOii-Fri i.t; • /f!Oll-.n, ~;tlJI. PA sou"" .,..,m, L • K ,,..,_, &4.i1991. , M•let.!30 A up. wy, · · ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ~l)dk'e nee. u ·~ ~D1y Time 'uo• •,.. ur.m..-• $1.l M. Shah 'n hh, IJ"l,1 PAIR antique twm br;all ~ •tdnt ba11t pick-. ' * -.em· wk. Wartfch]IQlition. ApPly SECRETARY. So. Miln, SA ~T-1212. beds with box 1'Jino l ' up, Leblanc e I a r In ftt . ROCK-s:i-CHORD electroftic ~~~~~--~~t ... (' ~~ Z~ ~· Bu-L.-y Mllll tak• lh ... n'I ofc du•ea. ANTIQUE Cht,.,,..,...., spool m•-· '400. 516-38211. *5,147. • :,i;,0 ~J~;.':""· ~"!f.~!'.' ~ AKC, _......""' """"'"'"" a8V Nk:f:' a~ in IMne. LARGE wMk be h ifW q'.I PHm;OOJWlRl!:R .., -· • _..,.. Saa.ry °"""' Coll dill b<d, extel c • n d . Gare,. Sale 112 "!' • .. w yti=LB=RAN=-=-=-=-s"'i "'d.,--,tl 119"9!1!l5. -. Muot ~ -·-•·· &....sy In •et•n Mr .• GOodmuJ for ·-Oimplett, '1150. Call cab l kit"'~·"""""',.._ =· . ~~-·'tllul ;:...:•,,BASSET, ope.y<d. AKC, . • ..... ............. ..., .....,.. r --f15..1355 }'OUR famUlea m 0vIn1 . dtr, l)l.00 .nw,,., ~ &: l)lld. ' ti'""' ; .&M.____-Btwn k. wht , 3 frs. old m. a:,eirillK«I I: ~"¥bit -•1a r · furniture. tooh. entiques, 10 vnl. Bt• 1 t fl r f es o.,.w •• ..,..-.,..,9117 . • 111 -,_ •PP I Y. USS• Ad-A .. , ' ft!ltVIcr Station AU<ndont. WANTED to boY. 1 og 8 ml11C, :f604.2lillll Ensland, \16.<1774. Sportl"t Geo.It aG ~ · · · · IG«f', Mcm-'l'tfo· • Cetta Miu Salesman fUU time flcht. Swedi1hRors tr and1 H.B. .. u,:;;;;;;r--:;:;:--;;7:::-:::-:1.;.:;.;;..;;;;:~;:.;.;;.;..._.....;;;; AKITA puJlll, rareJmperlal . , meelliank~ ~r1f~.1Top Crlltmu Plllte. 644-4Q7. MOVING . Mle. Ca. m -r • ~Rl'LEX • wafer •lri. doca ol JAPfth . ~ 'Equal°"""'' l:m~ wqt!8 to rlctit mM + in. R.oc:lmw, Ollnete1 spin. whl . R~~~G-t:l8;::;~~': ~~llp, ~259 "°';w':"~ ifmo1dCaJ·~~~crU\ce4 at ** 548--T'f'.** IUl"&nct A -pd. VJ11ettlon. Ap-Han trees, PW.O 1100111. Call trom Ji. lo z . Don't miu Jl. Wttkendi. ·r $.'I>. 1 673--n"" .rt · .* WELSH Tmitr •• i mo, •• 'iws FOR ACTION. • • CAU '42°1671 l JllY'•l-0.emtft Slatt;o,,, !04 biwn It A¥,4 PM 645'111~ 'f1'l Lok< Me, ·n,e. BAR l -IS'. D1"'tte °"' ty R di.\ Hl'1 m.te. AKG, cb.1111. Black .l S. Cout Hwy, L.B. ANTIQUES, cttlnll, cut stl~a!, . ' ' ' a ' ' Ian. SHIO. Ml4M1. I k GARAGE SAie. movinr . be~ fttf~, Dryer, tic. :St•rM ,. . U61----~· -----1 SERVICE St a Ii on Al· porctlaln+ rum lurt, In.In !!I Odda It ends. · Fun'llture, 962-2101. · " ,.,. · 1 :··. · ... ·· · · H tendlntlmedlanic. ~ftt 4 clockl. 17M185 *>me 1ntiquew. M ANW!tte TYPEWRITEI\, IM8 r'rlOttt:I MQ10R.0~ 23" color TV orHI ""'-r IJ, married. l'eliab&e. Cirtlt, H.B. lf6..3792. S.. Sood cond, SUO. w/~~\ OOod ~. $125.l 'R"'E°"G-."""ll-QHA""'-lh-.,-.,-m-.,.-.1 So1ory -App[)" .. W. _Appl.,._la_-,,__1 __ .__IOl_ GARAGE Salt Marcil Uth A t4:1-'M.l0 ~ HM WOf\ ovor Ill -.l -~~ r! MAYTAd Port '· a. • dryu 12th, 1.U pm, Pl,_ JX)'W' BOY'S Htln'Y Blkt. In ex• ZENITH cabl,..t blick, A. IM bbo~ In 9 rm's 0( •JM"aka Room F<r--Dad--t.nnd II@'# condo IAO/mab -table, dothe•1-mt.c. Jal ceUfnf conftitWHI whUt> i:.v. 23 , In $45.00. 11howlna. W\U ae.lt for Im• dy" •• el••n out tho olltt. -Edinau Ave:. H.B. l*-19!0. Cltll w..nee 'T•lophone 1113-llts3811. 5l.\.1S!ll Ult l!Mo i:lalnt. prqt . .JGUrtruhl&CAllf !'fl.AR new a,utomst lc SU?fDAY.Mtrch12th4"9pm. , 11" ..,J:-loffm'1' BW TV tnSUSANSml1tt•1*ll:" ...... wHh a DAILY PIIDI' -l50 11maI1 c .. 1t ~ Dbl. tio<I, hlthld lie'"' I HOU!ll H1111tlotr! Waldt ttte boauttlul cumri\ cabinet Inti tnhJloi • ._,.. 01-1111. -1411. t• 111!. Mlle. 1111 aa,t I.II .. N.1. OPllf IIOUlt -w/-.... !i:l-11111. M-•.lle.1. ~ ! . • I ' • ' J .. , • ...... ,t .• ~-·-· • • . . . . .. ~·~ B.,.,i.~ .. '56 WE PAY TOP AUSTIN DATSUN t70 A-.1~ JAGUAR 970 ,t.uto4, Imported 970 MAIDA SCIAM-LETS RECREATIONAL'. I ANSWERS VEHICLE SHOW CORVAIR 140 h.p .. 0:4 drive train, front end comp. $500. -.106 Sports, Roco, Roda 959 VW Base~ GT roupe, fibre- 1tu, liO~ comp, PoncM eng. All or .sep. .tfl6.2574. CASH '67 Austin· Healey = Blk Interiar-, 8rtltah racina'. NEW rreen. Over driye, White '72 DATSUN Pickup ,12 DATSUN Pick'up '72 DATSUN Pickup $69.95 /mo. MAZDA· ROTARY'S Today thru M~ 21st Casket -Women-ullh -Mort thi.n 35 Varietiel ot Otp&d -ATOMIC Campen i: traill!n now ClvUlzation i• ft!ally won-lhowltw ~on the Mall. dtrful, A(y laundry just HUNTINGTON CENTER bou&ht an ATOMIC butto& Beach A San Oleao Fwy 1mallher. Cycles, Bfku, ll' Alle:n Bolt with 40 HP Scoot.rs t25 outboard • trailer withJ,.,,=,-,.--,.,.,..,.,.. ...... .wino)> !3>0. y,.. With HONDA YAMAHA putthate, 60 HP outboard, SPRING SALE need• rep&lt. Ml-12!M 1912 YAM CT2 1159 WANTED: Aluminum Boat, REG. $619._ SALi $1". Greior-Alumscra.tt. • HUSKY 250 5 Speed Jn Stock :WS.-0175 aner •. AGGIE HONDA, SC. «-6141 l.363t Harbor, Carden Grove 1 8lk. So. ol G.G.,.n-,.y. 636,2:l33 *Marvin Pearce*' f!lotor Homes ' Sal•s • Rentals 558-3222 1---EXPERT Motorcycle ttl)lllr. ltn S. VIiiage Way, S.A .. ..... , P.,w•r "' Any makie, work iuaran-. IMMACULATE 25' u I e . · · teed, free eattmatll. From t LI sl 7 Trucks "' 1970 DODGE 108" SPORTSMAN 3 8eal wagon. VII, automatic, lllctory air conditioning, power lt l!'er ing. Low mlleage. Clean. 1500BHF) $3699 ~ , ' . ID• tlMd ..,. ,A ~ J\111 Cl.11 UI f<c: fret ,.timJt-. GROTHCHEYIOUT Mk tat S&Jel ' M- 112l.1 1Bfaeh BlVd. Hunttn.rton Bei.Cb 1(1-6081 IQ l..mJ WE buy all m&kn or dean used aporU cars, paid for or not. Please drive in for fn!e appniu.1. NEWPORT IMPORTS 19 Ft 1/0 late J.!70. leu td S Mon thru Fri Co ta 1 ner, eepll , every ac-rhln 150 h~ on BD.ick 156 hp J I Berry 646.-~ n c «UOry, 1970 1tlll under Priced valid thru 3/13/72 3100 W. CoaJt llwy., V-iwit.hOMCdrlve.F\lhor N~ Bl,d NB ' -48I warranty. SU.800. Cal l DAVE ROSS Newport Beach ""'· Bllt tan!<. ctu.i t>at-•. , . . . . 675-5167. •''" 6 pm. PONTIAC 642-940S tmet, Ml lnatrumenll, full l9Tl 650 BonnevWe Triumph, DODGE Travro Motor home 24M Harbor Blvd. WE PAY TOP DOIJ..AR ~. many extra1 . Xlqt oond. 4,'(Q) ml. $1395. 1970. Z1' Like new. 900J mi. Cn5la Me&a 546-8Cl17 FOR TOP USED CARS Trailer hu front wtweel ;ii.ck 1971 Honda MIN. blkt, brand FuJJy .elf-cont 'Many ex· U Your car I.! exfn dean, • Pde ran.. Value' 1'7200. new, wll.I tor tU9.95 ••klna' tns. 548-7825. •• Rf" us tint. Win -l4100. All l'tmo. l!M. (l>-U!Oor6!6-l317. BAUER BUICK n4/Ml-1000 , MINI-bike, 3 ~.p. Brlus .Ir. Tr1ller1, Tr1v1I 94~ 231 !:. 17th St. -a:· 1961 oms Craft ExP""I Stratton $15, Honda 50, elee. e ARISTOCRATS International Harvester Costa Mesa M8-TI65 8'de walll. Well cared for. $2195 N•wport lmpom 3100 W, Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 BMW IMEIAT[ DELMRY 2002's & Bavaria's M 0 ~ • SEE US ABOtrr Over•••• Dellverv CREVIER MOTORS 208 w. 1st St .. Santa Ana 13$.3171 Ot.iller. Maey :xtru,·kl hn. t:ric atarter: '$15, ~y REc;REAnON CENTER IMPORTS WANTED IJ>vt owner days . f213) bike•, bo)'I am sirl•. $10 • NEWPORTS ROY CARVER I Orange Countie1 Automotiv• !!xcellet1C:9 5 91-111 01 , eves (714) each. M?-S9CXI. . e AUTO-MATES ' ftC. TOP 1 BUYER & t5'5-8715.. '71 Ya.maha Enduro lore. ne Abo, .evf!l'a.l used ;395 & up 2925 Hatboc Blvd. . BILL M·~ ro· YOTA , '"' w, WORSHAM TRAILER SALES Costa Mesa 546-444-f nJU:..1. Ii' Claulc Stephefl1 sedan Lf:S& than 500 ml'· War. 2709 W. 17th Street 1965 El Camino, auto, 283 )8881 Beach Blvd. w/moorlna. New p.o.r t. ranty, Comp! . w/ca.rrying Santa Ana (714) 531·2595 engine, R&H, chrome mags, H, Beach. P~. 847-8555 Sll ODO •• ' 137· -iequlp, Beat otter ovtr~$5(IO. . ROY CARVER I • • 1'-u pm, --· &f'-6801 aft 5pm. IDEAL trailer 15', glee-pi 4. near new wide ova.I ti.res. WlLl.. Buy you r car paid for 1 ftC. flS..50&3, 213/&214515. ,-$400. Sal, Sun, & Mon. 277 tonto covl'r. $9 00 . 24·73 or no1. Call Ralph Gordon 2925 Harbor Blvd. II' GLASPAR cabin cruiser 81 PAN head. Cbmp. chop-' E. 211t St. C.M. 548-7271 Fairway Dr, C.M. 548-1862. 673--0900 -54g..3031, 1970 Costa Mesa 54M#I l tniltt 7S Hp outboard ped, lood cond. S1D> or 1969 OOIXiE • The' fineit. Harbor Blvd., Costa MesR. top cond.' ~: 9HJ Pirr ·trade Jor van. 491 i::. Utb, ~ Service, Parts 949 custom van in So. Calif. For ' • Dr .. H11nttncton Bch. C.M. aft 5. Mow, go, work, play. Call Autos, lrylporttd 970 14' CRUISER . 1961 F,..;u;;;r 'II KAWASAIQ 250, ,.u or .'!!!!>"I:!! '°' doiall•. <93-14'5. ALFA ROMEO ''9 ~rtln& GT. o.<rry cond. • loo many xtn to ll1t! trade for:::~ l4. ·~ a· ~ '67 Ford ~ ton P.U. Ranger i, . . Must sell. $ITS. , Ca 11 Dana Yacht Sale• 496-#t5 ~~1" camper Special. Auto, V-8, Alfa Romff • '(O., _646-06 __ 27_· ----- 1<' RUNABOUT. MOTOR A 1ll72 BMW R/75, 1511 CC · l$ i:s· P/S, «.000 ml. V•ry cl•an DATSUN (tlVJL.ER. EXCELLENT Falr1,.: luaqe rack. tCOOI . . $1995 646-5524. roNomoN. ••• ••••. boot. et<. ~111 · OPEN SUNDAYS ~-'69 Chevy % Pickup, camper l 969 n•TSUN 116!1 u-. °""" erw-%25 ·~511YAMAHA End""' 175, '. Buy, Sell, Trad• Spec1>1.-co~. auto. P'-"" HP . ...,_c · Call 5"..sns . -e-S2375.. or bffer; wiU trade. CORTINA 3 )'far o~ end lease POCAL LEASING • INVESTMENT CO. (Slnce 1913) A Fine Selection . OF NEW & USED JAGUARS , • 1914-B Meyer Plare Colla Meu. e 548-1155 Rm Dat51.b"1 '67 .t door. New l:lttt r /h automaHc, Good cond. $650. 54&-4478. "Speclalbin& In Quality" BAUER '71 LEFTOVERS Bulck-Opol.J•guu 234 E. 17th St. Colla Meu. 548-7765 FIAT '59 Jaguar Mark 9 BRAND NEW 616 4 DOOR. !SN,A-63743) $1995 4 Or Sedan, Auto Tram, ---------1 Slee! Bell~ Tires. Excep-'69 FIAT 1.24 ' tlonally w•ll car«! tor. Spyder, .yelloT( w/blk inte..,. $1195 Immediate Delivery ior, 5 apttd. N rt I Its $1795 •wpo l'lpG * FrH Test Odvo 3100 W. Coa1t Hwy. * Factory Trained N•wport Imports New-Beach Mochanics 3100 W, Coast Hwy. -~~64~2~-~''°~-5 ~--I* We Nud Your Newpor1 Btach 1960 JAG. Sedan. Trade 642·9405 Needs work-Best offer * Gigantic S•vin91 1971 Flat 850 Spider, low C11ll 644-8008. · m i I". Mus I .. 11. HUNTINGTON BEACli ~,~':-"'",._ or 21J/213-931t KARMANN GHIA MAZ·DA 1966 KG . Clean, xlnt oond . . JAGUAR Ile•! otter 61>-5068 "' ' 0, I--------wk ends. 1968 JAGUAR, tan, XKE ~l.969=~c;o=LD~K~arm-a-n-,~G~h~;. Cou~. Xlnt cond. Very Good Condition Call 644-5fi67 AM ONLY $1175 * .t9l-l445 Autoa,_knporl*! 970 Autot, lmpot"!Od 970 17331 BEACH BLVD. 'ti }-1i\e So. ol WARNER I 842-"" HUNTINGTON BEACH 970 • QS-2800 979·-4TI~ or 545--~J. Goodyear POlyglus Blems. =-==...,--:~-=c-= AU i izet, )Ow prices. Hl '59 CHEV Apache 36' utlllty JI' NAVY WlfALE..BOAT lit $50 taket It! SmoJI Molxneyde 175 . Mln>-Blke S:,O ........... 4 DR. SEDAN il3'. l.S doWll. U16l lltf-"' iftCI. IOT, liciftlt & iflttttll M ....c,...silklr:,61N$,(nl\pritt I $2ll6J ' irlcl. 19~ .. lic1111t. ,,,,.., "~el ,tr<tn!Ogt rolt 1 i.tS"· TtlOI de/11'1'1111 ,cic:t S3 142. ... I I • ··~·: Jackers $34.50 pr. Bridee-body, 6 cyl, 3 tpd, $795. NOW ON DISPLAY atone RaCll'JI Tires, Racing 536-3917· Sales Selvice "·.;,,.~. ~N"'A~VY;,....,WH=ALE""="'eo=A=T ·n Sumld !!00 cc. 7000 ml. ht $50 takes it! Xlnf «md, : DESPERATE! Sllck1 A: Indys. 1950-N~rt. FOR SALil:· 1971 Ranchero Parts Bod,y Shop cM 66-lSM fully. equ i pped. Ca.II COAST IMPORTS * ---·· Sacrtftce,lllSIJ. <M-3193. • 1~-.,,==,,......,-'"'""~ •n 4 Clutom mar 'Whttfs, 1 15" 14' JOHNSON elect 40 hp, HONDA. 750· SlOOJ. Good aluminum B" wide. Fit Ford mver trl. $150. Good cond. condJdm:l. Call btwn 8 am..C ot Chrysler or adapt to VW. ~lt5t, m:-G5f -•~m.,. -.-==·,....==-·I 4 for $30. 675-1345 eve1. ' y AMAHA llO CC WEB E R CARBURE."TORS, 642-0697. , 1000-1.~ W. Coast Hwy. '68 FORD· 250,~auto,•360 V-8, Newport Beach 642..()406. ~JO"' Blue Book, clean u a $1499 pill. 548-0981 aft 5 '67 Alla Romeo Spider, a · 154 GMC Pick-up ceptlona.I. Lo ml. Orig ownr. !75 54S=6517 Dy 547-5832 or eve M&-2439. IMta, S.H "' l1Z '* l6l-«!l3 <31 DA. 110 each. 641F1582. AUROftA 21., · FIG sloof, I Speed Stfneray '62 Buick V-8 eng. alum. 1956 Ford Pickup. Radio,. · FNt, lhap I: Joided, SieePt . $tO.. * 613-dlM head, 48,000 ml. Incl auto Heater.' Auto 292 eng. Very AUDI A u I o m a I I c transm.isalon. (YCMlll. $999 Price valkt thni 3/13172 DAVE ROSS PONTIAC , 2480 lJarbor Blvd. Costa. Mesa . 546-8017 '72 DATSUN 510 Big Sedan. 4 speed dlr. Vinyl Roof. Undtt 4,000 miles. 2-4, belld,~bls cocllpit. Grftt •• Montea 2IO LtCroa, trans. Run cond. 644-UO'l. good cond. $400. 646-6716. --------'70 1 DOLS AUDI R • H + wsw. FuU price 2 Door Smoke Belie with SZLl6. Can finance all. 'N.B. dp. Only Sl.50 ft! Ask $JtS ' 1424114 '53 Chevy Pi~. Runs .per-;'~~~ Family Mobl .. Hemes '3S AutosftwS.J. :~i96!:15° or best offer. Catamaran. Ovenlll Jqtb 35 ,t, Moltlle Home ~----~'{ ~ 1 ~·;s"""Fo-rd77\\,..,...ton--=Pl<"'k"'·•-p~Long,...-(#234128) Call 494-6811 aft Blue Corduroy .,nlit!rk>r. 10 am 546-8736. White ilde ~all titts. AM/' ~~=-=~~~- FM. Aud; ow ... r'• deUght. '69 1600 Roadster {6068IN). ~··s, be9m Tot. $U85. valu-BES"l' OFTER. 4M-3180 an a bed, $300. ..U lor l5()0. m..J5lS oft T PM. · 54:;..>157 ~: -. 7 -,~M"";.~;.,.-H~ ... -m-,.-,--~MO= -""'....,.1q_uo_•_/c_1_._ .. _1c_• __ 9s_3 -------- SABOI' No. 980. GQod cOJ'lo 1930 Ford coupe wtth V8 flat •A,uto Leasing 964 didoft, $150. A!IO 3~ HP aJj. RECREA'l'JOHAL Vehlde1 head enginf!'. Best otter. . $2~5 DON BURNS' PRESTIGE PORSCHE-AUDI 1 eaDled Yamaha outboud, for Rtnt from· $15 to Sl90 546-4054 aft S or w~kends. ~ ..sioo. lte tMll. pft' :-eet. Jlu• 'le per mlle. -~~~-~--LEASING SI • to I ou I * 1940 Plymouth, n e w 13631 Harbor, Garden Gmve * ntJSTLE, IT, No. 194. .HJlll,' • utr exp ttl dial halt Ju .. 1. ,_ ~ -1 ra or, ery, runs ~ "'-· .... ,~ · 1, ... e~rt, for 1 Blk. So. of G.G. Fnvy. P1hrfrsl&u on wood, w/trtr. ~1•• ............,'"'' wt'tl . Make offer. ~767 ·:.:: ."""' S ti-' ........ .,__ 6J6..Zll1 · Baraaln! 1 113-~. SCHOOL Bua Motorhorne. ~Vlft&S • a ... aeuon • .-.=• • SCHOCK ..... a.-antique 1unµm1nc, x Int Dune Buggies 156 vice, ~· lC --------WE LE'.ASE ALL POPULAR TIME FOR like •-m«h co•<!. Rnd> h> "'""'· DUNE Buggy -hao 311 Ford ~ MAKE A ~MPETI l(l>.11!6 ~'"8.ach 1300 « ott.rm.l1161. t'hg. Shori.oed Fon! lram<. ~E IU\n\'s. T ~v · QUICK CASH •=~--=~~-'* FOR Rent 'Tl Mo\vrhome & It. Iona. spare •..:. l90 o' Call Malcolm Reid lo• THR. OUGH A KITE No. lCD. S'lOO. IJktr aleep1 a tully equlp'd $%0 oiler. See at 242 E. 19th, CM further detalls. ""'· 6'J5.,l.lOI a1u pm 10Tll wk• BcmL 612-l!l.51. -kd•Y•· THEODORE DAILY PILOT ~()pal~~·~Bll~.~l~•·:._~~~-1--;;r;;;;;;u;;i;;;;-iiii;:--~~--~~--~. SABOi', ...,.,,,.,,. !brrh. 30' Strnmllfte1986. '68 < ,,.,. Dunebuggy, roU ROBINS FORD WANT AD '..new mut/Aill. Xlnt cond. Excellent CondtlM>n. bar, top, side curtains & tow , 2060 Harbor Blvd. 642 _5678 M6-65M bar. !33-9292 lOam to 5 pm. Costa Mesa. ' 642..ooJ.p $125.~ ~-~-~-~,,,,,1 ~~---~-~ 14, Enterpri.e 497g t'lclng Autos, Imported 970 'uto1, Imported 97l Autos, lmpGrt..S ''0~ Autos, Imported ch1u, family boat w/trlr. 16511. 13.W852 •. P-CAT Jio. 2;9. fUll race equip., tarp stor,aae bax on lrlr. 11.100. f7H'4l. AQUA.cat an<j TraJlet. 15511. Good condttlo<\- * * *· 494-5J.81 *** CATAMARAN, J....1-t' hull• $100 e M.'>-35TI • loots, Sllps/Doct.s '10 DOCK Tie Up. Prtvil. S70 mln. S.il pref. Wtr/elec, .'13 E. F.diewater. Bal 1.· 871·2*. CHOICE slip for 50' to 65' boat. Slip is 21' wide. <n4) 61~. BOAT Slip, private com- munity. Nwprt Bch. .. .. fin....1361 .. * DOCK tie up, prtvil, $70 min. Sall prer. Wtr/elec. :fl3 E. T.d1ewate:r Bal. l-171-2866. SLIP for al' boaL Peninsula area. Water A elec. avs.U. Ph.~. ·------~ - WEIKENDl!R SALE 9' w/tollet room $1495 8' aide dinnette 11195 JO' lmt kitchen $1550 ll' •lttpt 6 SI63S U' lt!U-contalned S21$5 4 1pd. dlr. AU chrome wheels, hardtop &: soft top. J!:xotic red exterior, black bucket Btat&. Sacrifice! Take small down. Call MS-8736 . 19n Dat1un 240 Z. Blue. Auto, mqs, AM·f'M stereo. 6,000 mi. $4D1. 67>-7348. Wll.L Buy your car p&ld for or not. Call R.aJpb Gordon 673-0!DJ -549-3031. 1970 Harbor Blvd .. Coata Mesa. CALL 642-5678 FOR ACTION ••• '1600MODEL '70 CORONA MK II ·-Lt ...... _,,, Wllitt siMo Wcilla. """"""' (7otH) *1991 '61 CHEV. COIVAll ........... ~ .. Vtryde., ,ltw r11ilt19t, .tittlltnl ct"4itio~ it'CllilJI SCOTTS CAMPERS 914 N. Harbor Blvd !lutaAm "' n'. Open -c.m,.,.. Shwe ,,-Ovtl'I., ~ "'°' and The Datsun 51 O Wago.n. Five big doors. (More doors per car than a lot of ot er imports.} Gets loads in end o~t in a hurry. Other interesting specs: ~Overhead cam engi~i. Up lo 25 mile~ per gallon. Safety front diac brakes. All· vinyl upholstered interior. Full -synchro 4-speed 1hift (automatic cipticinell. It's more little we9on than you'v• ever FULL EQUIPMENT -EVEN HAS AM/FM RAOIO, '69 CORONA . ....... ... Automllic .._... ........ ~ ....... .Ortt ....... 1739.&DQ •11·95 '70 Opel •• ' ,...,.,, .... " ,....,.. ....... --.., ........... (115d4) *2191 '69 llMCOLN lCNfTllDfll W'l1h w ,_., kl IKt .... Cfllll .. ......... itrt • ..., ... \'illy!,.,, low~ *et YVIWl6 '71 Squarffcick ......... $2499 4 1Pd., R1cl io, H11t1r, 1tc.,.#l !fl, _ 70 vw lug ............ s1499 l597AF-YI. '69 vw ................ $1399 A~to. Tr1n1 ,. lt1clio1 H.•+•t. fXWY409) '69 VW Ghia ........... $1599 W1 htYI li 11th1J/6f'1 t1 choo11 froM. IYNN2791 '68 ·VW Conv•rtlbl• -. ..... $1399' '11th1r '61'1 to choo1t frotr1. l t16COQ I '67 VW BAHA 1119 ...... $1899 IJJGllll '66 VW Purple .......... $1199 ' Sp1cit,I. ISSSIOtl • BUSES AND CAMPERS • C3l 1970 MODELS (21 1969 MODELS C 1 I 1968 MODEL ee 1965 PORSCHE . s,,~599''.'. · • VW TRADE. INS , • '70 Tayofa ., ...... ; . : , : ,$1899 L~w mil••· 14lllSWI, . \, · '69,Flat .: .. : ........... Slttl R1c.111f ptilt• 1¥1rh111I. f Y'5247) • ''68 flat '• · • · • <I• " I • • • • • $1599 ' IKTFttJ\ ' • '6.8 . o,.i St,tl,-Wogo11 .... $897 I Retlle, H1•t1r, l111t•t• r1c.~. lew •I~••· IXUKI • · 1 '67 OfMI Kodett .......... $599 (VHY7161 I '65 CHll,lac: ............ $1299 I • I c. ... rl . .,_,~ ll«)Gtlll ~ '67' Toyoto .... 1 •..•• , •.. $1"9 I , 4 Dr. Avtn11tlc. *''"'" R•Jl11~ "''' 1!1l11!!ZXH•lli ' J&rae .-.. Hu -A ......... _._ -... •• llllO. Will COtlSicln "'b tllt!tl .U "' tnde. :i31.<l!IO. 1511111'1. M. "--' t «~ho r ft , J'oUntaln Vollty. · '67 Town &.Country ...... $1~99 St1tl111 W•t•"· Chry•l1r'1 fin1tt. fXT&l64l expected. Driv• a Datsun . , . th•n d.cid•. . . See Our Complete. Line of 72 Datsu'ns • STATION WAGONS • PICKUPS '(HICK IVERSON 2 l 4 DR. SEDANS e FASTiACKS e 240Z <LIMITED QUANTITY) . lllllO O Tho -o.mwr., -... ~. --··-ca..,.tt -1111 -· Clo* M-1• «IOJ. t GO<?O SHO.Wi DIJYI A ,DATSUN • , • THIN .,.C:IDI. , j970 14o;.,;.; · 11..i: 445 I, C-Hwy, _2845 HARBOR BLVD., COST A MESA-.s.4_.0.-6.-41iiiii0_.t1L....:'::;.:~;:;:~:,;,:' .. "~-i:i .. =t:=•';'~·h..J • ' • ... - ' , .... .. --·· ........ -·- r,;• ... Man:h 10. 19n • • .... " I ' t I ' - OAJL V PILOT fl l~ ·.__[ -_ ... __.· I~ I._·-_' ... _ .. __,)§) I -..... 1§1[ lr;;i ' Auto• for hi• . l!!J ...... u. • • = ·-· ......... "' .-. ""'""... t70 YOWWAGEN ' YOLKSWA&IN '68 MG MidgeJ, 4 1peed, n· ---.. -.... ,.. ---·-------·J----_,....._ __ ;;t~~t condition. 540-"'13 ALWAYS WE ·HAVE ·e. vw. --.. .,.. '61 VW CAMPIR whla.. WW riecept. any n!&a. """· ...._,m .Im Port 2 Te Choou ,......, ' ·n Mldg•t. Glaoi.r Wltite. A Fine Selection Wntbar'M PL NB. Ji'ully Equipped rMdy ta p , r&.h, reek, 4,400 mi. $2,195 or B•autlivl uud Porschee •c v:w ~ Sedu, your choice, Thia weeftnd Wl'Y unMfue il clean. "®. only or offer. 540--7047. NEW & USED • to chooM frem, '•r '67 MC/MGE XInt oot>d. n" .-·OPELS· Example: radiaJs 4 top. r._..1 Otter. '70 914 .. -"Specializing In Q">llty" -. 673--4734. BAUER I Signal o~. _Appearance "'""'°""--. '68 VW BUG, lo rnL Good cord. '72 !Jcenoo. 11911-6'U989. . 1960 MGA. lood condition, group. 5 spet'd. Tuned ex . 66,IXXl mi. $42'. Buick·Opel .. Jeguar haust. Pin atripina:, AM/ M~ -~l ~~~ .. !'!' ~· C.111133-3495. 'fl4 E. 17th St. 'M. Hntoo glus. Amon_·can '63 ,.. .. •-~~. -_, Oun. Costa J\1eu. $4.l).7765 '~~ Alter l. 60-21M. ' MGI ma&s. new ftl.dial tttts. Brltiah Ra I G BJa k _;_::.:::_::_;==---'68 Opel Kadette 1ta wagon. 1tainl'M lt~I Interior treat· c ng rttn, c 1967 VW SquU"!bl.ck:. A-1 SJ195 Good cond!Uon. $695 or Best ment, rear window defoger. Interior, wire w~ls. cond. S850/be!t omr. After 1966 MGB con v er ti bJ e., ~•~ff~"--.:__64.:__IHJ~758~~---I Ponic:h, strip, cocoa mals $795 <I pm. 642--tlM. 4i ,apd.. dlr. Hu had kwlna: BILL MAXEY (!)p]rygn6J WHERE YOU BUY ON YOUR OWN TERMS Beautiful condition. $175. '69 Opel, R &: H, new ,t1tt1, •565. $3StS" Newport Imports '66 VW Sqbck, new-e,.tne, care! Excellent condition .Must !ell J• rare Classic JOO 494-6360 11.'ttk days. mufflt-T: PRIVATE PART).'. '66 912 COUPE 3100N~.:_....~~aHchwy.. . ·=krs, clu*tch, 1 owner67'J'•" wthnloutill ._· __ :._akePYt"l". !!'...~~~ SL Roadster, Seriou.s · ln-MGB '67, IO'A' mileage. Im· 546-1284.. ..-,..,··DC ..,.,... ,.,. 'tOiJ iu.ni.,. , OoJ ..,... quiri~ only. No 1rades, maculate. ----.----5 speed, Signal yellow wilh 642-N0.5 t> ''6 VW Camper 546-8731; or 494-liSU. * TRY US • YOU'LL UKE US * 18881 BEACH BLVQ. HUNTINGTON BEACH 847-8555 . ------ ---------· -- 644-8867. * nl4l 833-&119 * PORSCHE Block · int•nor. . chrom• TR 250 storeo, Micbeli ... smi. • 646-9249 •10 POP Top Cilm•"· new Dcilly Piiot Claulflecl - '68 Mercedt'a Be-nz 250 SE OPEL \\·heel.I. New radia.I tires. hW"Kl&!" al"arn\, ·lln rtrlping, '69 VW tJui. Sl.275 or best of. l>ynqta1 Tires, rou.st teU 0 15 IST Sed. Air\ aU x t r.a s , PORSCHE 914 · '70 16,0CIO AM/FPil, coco mats ({'62. rebuilt erigine. Supe{i,>ior fer. Good cond, runs thi1Wftk.i29~0/offer. ORANGI C AST I ~f¥=he.ilfls, 83.l-1670 0 r -=-----........ -mi. Good rond. Radial tires. ACMI. cond, SlGSJ. sJG.4478. perfectly. 644-6J.47 64Z..1838.• SALISMAN •• 642-I!tl8 .v.,_ '70 OPEL GT !mJ. 644-6016. $2795 ---"-----~11ver blue "l\rith beige, ac· '68 Porsche 911 '68 912 COUPE Autos, New~ ',980 980 Autos;New 990 -,.~uto-1,-N-.-.---990=-A~u-lol,-~-~--~HO= . Qui.CK CASH Cf;ptionaJ1$y lc1 7 ., 9 .,, 5 .. SportamAtlc, Xlnt F..arth olive with Black inter· · Cond. 675-7594 lor, Chrome: whet!l!i, radial l1 · '67 912, fact air, 5 epd. tires, AM/FM, coco mats. THROuGff A. Ne,1woopow.rteoaslm, HP.~_rts 42,000 ml. xlnt condition. Special thte wttkend (VZX· " $3950. Ca}! 642-71112 1 98lJ. DA.llY PILOT N"64'""2."94Bco5ach '"' ~ h I ...., 1-$3795 $3i5°* * ~4'.-*66) '70 91 lT COUPE . Put a little "1oot' in your Pastel blue with Black in -WANT AD . , -v1, _ ••U ,~-b•"bl•s '61 ?or.sch~. rebuUtt c;hrome . • no " LA: "" •!UM! wheels black 111 I e 'r i or' ter1or. 4 speed, chrome for "bucks", Ca.I.I Clasailled ' 557 2127 ' 1vheels, AM/FM, coco mats, 642·5618. mlllly extras. -27 000 ·1 Cl ' Cl ' , m1 es. ean. ean. Autos1 Imported ?70 Autos, Imported ·910 New Poniche trade--in. <SOS. . . .. t et . t ' "'"" '" :. !;'1" " BBN !. $5695 13631 Harbor. Garden Grove 1 Blk. So. of G.G, Frwy. 6.16-2333 O'f'ER 25 Clean, Reconditioned, & Gu•renteed. PORSCHES 911 11-912'1. 914'1 1957 to 1971 NEWP ORT IMPO RTS suxr \V. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 64,2·9405 WE WANT PORSCHES HIGIIEST OFFER AVAILABLE DON BURNS ASK FOR GLEN 636-233.1 '70 Porsche 914 - 6 cyl, yellow w/blk interior, 5 apd, stereo, 25.400 $4995 Newport Imports 3100 W. Coam. Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 TOYOTA '69 Toyota-Coro Hardtop, 4 Speed, Radi Heater, Shitrp. 100% Financ- ing Available, (ZLK52SJ • ,. I ~'Chevrolet fits easily into your wallet'' 'NOT STRIPPED 2 Coor, 250 eu. In. 110 hors•· pow•r. • -cvli ncl•r •119ln1, AM p111hbutto11 r•dlo, whit• 1ide w•ll tire1, d•lux• whtel cow•"· ' ORDER TOURS , TODAY " -$244~9 " ~ ; '. . . . WANTA . . UTILE LUV? . . . HOW ABOUT CoNNELL CHEYRolET MARCH 23RD. • BRAND_· NIW . " 'L0ADiD, •• •• '72 VEGA. .$ •o · H.'P. o:h. c•m, 140 en9i;,1,. AM push button r•dio, disc ·braR,~, door edge· gu•rds, he4vy duty r4diator. 1257576 1 -" tq6 I HATCHBACK , . · ~CHOOSE FR 0 M VIRTUALLY GET OUR TOYOTA DEAL BEFORE YOU BUY! .EVERY MODEL,· COLOR, AN.D. . . . . OPTION GROUP ' MANUFACTUR- -ED! ROW UPON ROW OF NEW '72'1 MUST GO!, . I Dt4A Le.wi& -TOYOTA lilf!l ll•t,uis ~,. m.t•n Toyola & Jaguar 0ea1er Authorlred· SA.lefi le Service 900 S. Coast Highway Laguna Be1tch 540..JtOO '69 CORONA· $1595 Automatic, air 739AQC Sant• Ana Toyot• Servi~ dept. open 7: 30 am 'tU 9 pm Monda.v thru Fri· r day, PHONE 542511 417 W, Werner, Santa Ana ·n Toyota 4 dr, air cond .. tl.000 ml. 11100. Day 4*2!12. Eve 5864189. '61 TOYo;r A Coro'* Oflwce """'....i rood. $749. 5«;...6868 or 645-1735 '1(1 Cororw e Must .ell XLNT COND. l)~/O&r * 89.~ * TllUMPH '69 Tl.-6 Roadster 4 spd, dlr. xlnt mnd. s.,u,id l"'!d w/eMtic black lnl (01._ . CQTJ omllli down! Surlllcel W\11 llMnce pvt. pty, Call 546-813& aft 10 Ml t94-68U. ·n TR6 Burs'. new paint. O/dr1vt. AM/rM Rid. S46-Z.llS. ' I 2828 HARBOR BLVD~ \ CO~A Ml!A · • • NIWCAlS UHD CARS I I 1 • 146-1200 146·1203 .. ) • ' l • ,), DAILY PILOT "" I' ~-I :~ lti I,. I . ' • ... ' , ' .. f ridlrJ, Mri JO, 1972 ' • ' .. ' . t '. ' • ' •· : .. " THIS • ' . BRAND '.NEW ~12 GMC 3/4 TON with 11' OPEN ROAD Fully sell contain .. cl cabover camper. "f 25021 80 ) ' BOTH FOR ONLY -' i . $ .· MANY TO CHOOSE FROM 1971 MOTOR ·HOME · 20. h . fully s11lf cont ained Red-i-K amp Mot or Home, Automatic, power steering, power brakes , generato r, roof air conditionin g. Used lo w mileage. ( 165 589 ) • • I . $ ' . . ' FULL PRICE '-. , . . .. 1966 TORONADO 1969 DATSUN 510 '69 ALPINE G.T. 1969 · DATSUN ' • VOLUME SAVINGS ' I EXAMPLE SAVINGS . ; : ... 'BRAND NEW '72 OLDS CUTLASS Loade~ incl. etJto, trans., ·power steering .· •nd br•kes, va engine, etc., etc. 11011121 . ,. ON OLDS! DEMO~TOR '72 OLDS 98 LUXURY . SEDAN . Air c.011~itio11int, tilt·t•I• w~eel, AM-f:M ,,,,.. '"ultipl1:11 r1Jio, pow1r • w1y INf, ,-w.,·.!e1r lockt I: trunk op1n1r, ·vinyl 101f, c.ru\11 ••"h-91, $~258~.'c ,-:r -......... $5467 74 • Auto1r1•tic, r•dio, h••f•r, pow•r 1fMr• 1nt •l'Mf br•k•s, •ir col!d .. vl11yl roof. l (116174} I S1d1n. Equipped 111c:I r11dy to dri"'I l•dio, h••f•r. IZAJ56'41; hom• tod~y .. I YRF90l I 1600 .I OADSlll LOTS. OF '72 . HqND~ ~9.U~~S . • LEASING? . - I 5795 '$975 · · ;·5937 .$795·: 1 ............................................................................. ... LOOK! NIW 1972 OLDS TORONADO I ! 1966 CHRYSLER 1967 BUICK SKYLARK 1968 CHEVROLET '70 TOY d TA El•c. t••f, wlrtd.•wt, Joor loc ... vi11yl tOp, AM:FM tf•too r•Ji .. I ' • Nowport, "VI, •utom •flc, r•dio, h••f•r, pow•r 1f••ri119 I br•••1, f•clory •ir, 1427,l 1 I ~ •' '.' • i ·:~·· I .·•• IM"A'·~A ~Vl,J, •utOirtrifo i'•1t1ftli,s1io11, r<111~io, , lt •• •.. \.~ ""·i • ' .J "o ~ ' _,_!;fl I Al':...J • h••f•r. ITVF5l7l .2 D4 H:T.'.A:ft' ~'J':";· Uto., P.S., P.I., ... . .... , "4iie.: .-litJ~~o~ ~Xi}ist i 5675· : . : ~1295 • J • ' ' ' 1969 BUICK SKYLARK 1967. OLDS WAGON · ·1967 MUSTAN G 2 dr, H.T. Autom•fic, r•dio, h••f•r, conditio11i11g. CZDH286 ) 1968 OLDSMOBILE -DELTA 18 Coup1, r•dio, ho.tor, •utom•fic, •ir cond., w1'tit• w1 JJ1, ."inyl roof. fW P8- 661 l -- Visf• Crui"'· VI, •ufom •tlc, rt dlo, h••ftr, pow1r 1t•orin9 &: bra'kt1, f•cf, •ir co11cl ., roof r•ck. IFOZ4115) . 1969 OPEL WAGON \ ' ' . ' R•dio, ho1t1r, 4 1p1•d tr•n1lni'11iO'n. Exco llont 2nd cir. 1Yc;>cl 07) . ' ' J 1po.J fr•ntm i11io11, r•dio, ho•fo~. !6101FQ l $795 . ·/ " , 1969 TORONADO CUSTOM Full powe r, f•cfory t ir, vinyl roof. 142· 17651 52795 . ........ -----·· --·~ -·-·-.... '128" MOm .:.-:-.. l...C • 12.M Mhl Nr y_. ' . 1967 OLDS DELTA • WE LEASE All POPUl,4R MAKE ~RS . AND TRUCKS c.,, •.••• , •. h ...... ., ...... w.. w·. INTER. · ·._,SPE·:c .1· A·l·-s·· · 1i•ori119 l br•kt 1, vi11yl roof, IWPI· 66 r1 .:r·;.~1398 ,~ .r ~i ~ . ·-RENT · A GMC -CAMPER . • ' •• J • • ..., 1966 PLYMOUTH FULLY SELF CONTAINED ••• , •• h ... ~~::~~.'.~:.......... for FRIDAY $ ,,9 +. br,•k.,. CTRA7761 '" . ', ' $ATUR DAYS ·:.95. ''$795·· .. · _.: .. : SUNDA~ · • ..001~'.3 ~~s ' ·--··-- • ' COSTA MESA ~ FIRD · 300 MIUS ARI •REii : . 540.~9640 . · .. ~-.... ·-·-. ; .... _ ·-.&:."'' -........ _...,.,_ •• 1, • . -r I l .. ' ' I I f'I I . • ' ' '1 • ' I ' • • ' I I ! -'· . i ! t • . ' • .--. ... l I . ··--·-- ' ) .J rrlday, Marth 18, tm e• DAILY "1.01' If, 1§1 I -..... I~ _1 ___ ,.. .. _1§1_,~-~~':rt;.: -~·~.;.·~I@! I _._ ... i 1§1 l -·-l§l I -. ..... l§J I . ............ 1§1 "' A...._, 1°"'""" '711 -. UM "' -· u... "' l!lml :::: ,,. A ... UoM f90 -· u... ''90 Autoo, u ... VOLllWA•IN 1U1C1 ~IMLIAC ~I·'""' " ·PONllAC ---rOtmAC .,.. '67 YW '61 lllcll :'. l9&1 CAiIAC 70 Cllfl'v • l9Jl-· PONTIAC U70 GTO ..... a • 2i!,. ~ "':;. H:J:: Splll't Wiiem 4 nr lloidlot. ... • 1• rwNmur 1n .-'2;a. · -l''!wuills Available, _H ____ Coup•.d1Vllle . V·I, ~.vi"-'',__............ lfti*""UIL GUltll PllX UQIUlllL . $1UDS:-,.";.,.. ,(VllD4U. . .,._ Slo.!os. Tiii ._, aulomatlr, laclocy air, 'full -. HT MOP£ -.... i.u.--. 1-7 .. powef, Vll1)'1-. (VZL217). i'oww ~ r......r» ' llAllOl!fAL Ir "" -""· Cood. (W> -Kel1y Blue -prico $3250. Oond V-1, AulD TnM; (Ill, 14'1.:U ,. • _,... e • V-1, automatic, ""'"""' a ' •.. '62 r;t"Hawk, ..... ,.-.,, rTI· •IJ·-~........ t-AFUi.-. · • 'Ill-· 2 dr, air, amii.. ··-·~Sia Woe ,.,..._, ,,.._dlo ·hm-ai:" • v.a, "Jllom&tlc, factory air Pwr atci, pod~ ldnt ·1 'llJIM.;-•J f£UH Tmy A-......, --tacll. -,v.a, -dllw, U. "'"'1. •" ' ea er, <»nditlonlnr. landau top. 1ran1. PJO, .rt · a, 1m , , . 1•-, -•J -•· ..,. ~· •-.r~ __, nw ., 51a wblle-11 -· vl'll'I roof. (•~) v-n .. ••·-Book -.1~ .. Price .ftlllt.,!hnt wm• . ~. ,.,..~ ··--,-c:;;: ....... -w . -...... (tlSADE) -·~. =..,.,™-_N_•_~-===,----~Wy. • D:AYE ,oss Mis.cwt Hwy. FORD . ...RC"'Y ~--pricellm t>rlcell695'. T·llRD 49«-ALW}V\' ~ ~!. :~ ,197t nn111 'Ill. M8:UllY l'llJ. PIS. • -~ • $l299 ~7 T·Blrd,comptnsbed, • ftl'l>I, '\ -CO.la M ' 5!&-8017 ,, ...... CW-r11"9 . air 4 dr., lo ml. 9llO/be1t ...iJ. volld tllru 3/13/72 Price valid tllru 3/llm HT, portholes. Wlll<-\ .,... ' •'1'!"9 '1 ... •pa--·' l ittttt,-.... . DAVE ROSS ""' reu. otter. MMl81 'A ...__.,111_.....n 'It COUPE oe v111e tuxury w ' • nr .. Sed. v.a, -· , .......... ,....... i;~oss ..,.NnAC 1730 Port weatbournO Pl. nnw ..,___ 'equip'd. AM/FM -1'idmf a1r: ..., -..-_,, alt c:oadltlooq, ',,...., ,...., , ' rvn11AC . rv , . Ii.ii. I f 9Petd tr an 1111I11 lo n. OF · tac air. $2700. 567......,. Irwin wbUe witb aaddle to. power st•riJw, power 2«l Hatbor Blvd. · G(CJWOOJ.~Blaellook NEW&.USED .• ~.Q>e-lown,U:.fllll terior(~)p&95. brak.,, landau ofop. '66 Mnfant GT :USO~Blvd. OoetaMesa • !MG-8017 '67T·Blrd,Fl&Jl..-,F ... Price 11386. • • . IUIC~S .P"'" 6<N-\DL .µIO/otler. Tanmy Aym Cbevy (llOAQCl. Dlr auto. PS PB air cond, Oolta._ 54Hl!T '68 Pontiac Catalina 4 Dr. tulle cood., See 10 ap-$999 ; "~liliw~tn ~· 11>2319, 611 )'Ill $2699 a ..... heart 1195 (TEY 510) 1969-All£BlllO· Auto, pl b, p/1, air. lOnt pre<;!ate. '*-2352 · ' · IA ER • M 916 s. 0out Hwy., ,. · · ; • r · will llnulce. Pvt ..,.Y. Call • . • ' , """-ww trade. 6~. · • -'tORINO , .Price va1ia11'ru,3113171 . . ' · ' .CA ARO ~ Bdi Pr!,j, vallil tlvu 3/13172 ~ '!! 9 ""'· 49Ulll. V-3, autOmatio, fact.if air ·* '63 PONTIAC Sta Waaon, • • · PONT14~. .Bul~.o,,."~Jatu1r· • 494-TIW516-9961 DAVI ROSS '66 Muatanc lS9 V-8 air, <»nditlonlng, "'"'"f ,.,... cond ition xlnt, l500 AM/FM '10 TORINO Waaon. Full DAYE ROSS Colla.!!!.~ lllh,SI. ..._ms· '!~ !,"t,~; CHRYSLIR l'ONJlAC , auto, xlnt U..1 t. 'mech tni. landou top. (!'DCAO~ rod, PS/PB, 64&,<212. -·~ "'~ xtru, '• ...--"'1"""" Alt S ~~ ."~-.u---bl...... Cone!. Very clean .• Orfa. Kellyblue~p.tMI, pty, • • 24111 HutloN!lvd. •n 511ylarli ".-1PB/Ps, pm. ~·· -~~ $900 r.r ick aale Auleli, New tlO •·-· New , 9IO Ooota M<aa 546-8017 air ""'4.,' Aiiiio. Very '68 Camaro .. cherry 1970 TOWN & · Ooeta M.,. Sf6.an7 ~Via Lido t..i NB •. ,. · - lm VW (type 41 Wesfphalia cleon, Lo ml. Ghw .... $900 ·u...ai;: z -· 4 opd •· ~ ~:: =·~= ,m.-Oll2. . ~ •. ~ 31um" .c;f.!ll ~er-M lc helln• '~· s~ !1-'IUI.-1111-· COlllTRY WAGON 2 Liter SPRIN'r .PINTO . nMUsrANGfutb.ac_t, ·;n I ROSS f. ,adfala-Hemp Jnata • Iba& . . .... ,.,,., • "19 ~. Roll;y Spt, ~ . m;w· ,7211 m;w • a,uto. at.;. }11, p fb, • • Nni\C -AM/F!.f-Jh"ny many 'l'l ~ ~-~..,lea..1 ~1 qti4hlle, air, Jo.,. 9-:Pi n.;..r. V8, automatic, . Sff,f5/ITIO.'. , , ~ A,Jd/FM ~ 11,000 _,._ MM'Harbora1 • ...a, ~'·~-S4M1l34 • ...,.., ""--..,.._ V.,., mt1i11. ~ _, olr condltloninc, lull mile• Prlvall.~ 12.lt!I!. .....,. ~·• ~ 5. pm.-". -~ ...... tmM. comole, . cHi\iOLIT . '· nck (5.39 3 )'Ur o_pen end lew 6'1S-Siso. ·-"'; • ;. 9*... 54H011' 'If BUS. '811 reblt Mc1ne. ~ p/a,•'V.a, w/w, · S: 1aai:"' · ==&,~I iii; AulD. New• braki1, ,'68P_/Bt~ln W~ IJlcP/9, . Mml-oalnper, N"" iialnL pl>. lo ml 497-14119. 1971 ,"'.,.Vrollt . $3999 (Since IJlll) . •bocks, battorr, -· • •= • warrty. e new tires. Ve-ry clean. •n CENTURidN convert. air ,,,... ,,. 1914-B Meyer Place . motor a: trans. Belt ofr. new, ~ ~,000 ml. $16115. 614-1411.'. <»nd .. am/tin ··-· -El Callll..O . Colta Mea • ·-"~ 613-2490. 518-0TSS. Price valid thru 3/13/12 ' ~ _,...l.:liU --,="""==,---'67 vw BUG -· Wt whl, loaded. Cuatom, like new. 7,1100 actual DAYE ROS. s .'ts FORD LTD 2 dr: u._;_, '68 MUSfANG ·~. • v.a. • • 111,'HI. SPORT . XI.NT COND! "AM/FM, belt 11,CO> mi. $4195. ~7263. miles. ('l6262J). a-.-.. _ • .__.... P/S, P/B, "~ •"" mL i.•'I $2 9t5 PIONTIAC ---• Inter. 3IO ..... auw. ,....., •• • o:tor. Call aft 7: 30 pm. Art '67 Buick: RJVlera, 1'..ood<dl • • ; • . · · Air coild. PS ,. PB, !WI. v.ry clean. $1495, 49S-803I. :1;r, 11111$ IH&al49. . Fl&Jlalrt.poW<r.Taj<e°"" Dovtd J, Phillps :M80HarborBlvd. Vl/>YI ~. t!J\ted' p&,;1. 49>-9138, San Clf\af""· l • ~t°"'r' "Ill Bela<"':" Bua. 49,000 m! .. payment.a. 513-7290 aft 5pm. Bulck·Pont11c-<>i!OI <Joela Meaa 5!&-8017 $1195. 637--056 aft 4 '6S XI.NT v.oa· olllo ' . 1 owner, iir, tznu· racfn&' :61 BUICK Le Sabre $100. u 310 Broadwl.Y, Lquna Beach '67 Imperial. 2 df. HT, •W.e1e k d a YI, i n"y t ~me bnkn t5,000 ~ ne"••;'e:i COupe. lf-8, automatic, fac-~aden. Xlnt rnecti. cond. ii:. , 4!M-l04? silver/hick roof. Every xtra weekends. . ' ~· I OWneT '$'150 ~ tory air conditioning, powtt> $1350. ~1313.att 5. * .557-7063 * )'OU can ima&ine -like new. 1968 ToRINo GT ' . . atttrlng, poWer brakes. '70 El Camino · $1850 ~ 1730 Port 390 4-v • Vtn,t top. '811 MUsrANG ·fully ,equip., <"28AQXl Kelly blue book '68 BUG RUNS GOOD, '69 Electra 225 n-~-,. H-·~. A·~·--w,..:....-'-Pl. NB . • .• auto, p/1, air, aood .,,..,, $815. . prlre $2780. LOOKS GOOD, IS GOOD, A ~ ~ "'" .. _ -·~ • power diac brake1; Am-Fm ~ $2 99 B ARGAIN AT 4!0'K limit!<!, Factory Air Cond, V-8, (973EIU}. $2395. u'~ ...un·y••= N-......., M"" " 4 ~~ T A Nu. -~ ~ ---· . --"' .... OLDSUOIJLE "111 516-cllAMPERTT. -·-. Xtnt = Equipped, <YQAlll> my yres 111111yY' statton w.,.. Loaded. seo. preclatet Prlv -· ~ . ..,. Price valid itttu 311.1112 ~ ~ T A Ch ~ S..t, $tn. ._ Mon, m ·~· n.t . ltl-Ull. ' . • ---oLDs oeu.. a 4 Dr cond. 17,000 ml. Finac. ommy yres ny 911 s. Oout Hwy; It. C.M. MS-7271. . •' 'WRECKED ' 1970 'For~ -v mu. local. DAYE ROSS Avail. Pvt ply, 642-15.16 -1-Beach • '5-Chryaler 300. P/S'PIB. Falrlane, 351 vi. &Ir ""'1, ortclnal :';:Air, ote. 111!5'. PONTIAC pm.· 946 S. Cont HWY. •n'4('5*996T :n&:. Rad. Air, 4 new tires rib, p/s. Both 1tde1 nnn 545--83. 1 · ~Harbor Blvd. '60 vw van new trans, Laauna Beach 1971 EL CAMINO 350, turbo $1415 aft 5 nun le Fri damaged. $695. 5f9...211M , Costa· Me.. 546-Ml7 clulcb, brb. " ...,....,.. 491-TIW516-!1161 -· air cond. ,...... .......... Sat-Sun. 614-4689 '63 FORD 4dr lwdlDP 61 Old1 Luxury _Sein 1970 p ntl lluM perfect, p .: tr ro tic •ro BUICK RiV!era, 1n1I pwr, dlfc:I, brand new Michelin CONTINENTAL Galaa!e· lmmac CXlnd PIS, A·l cond. • . -0 ac point job. 1795..515-4fil tan & ..,id, $3350. · tires. 13,<m mL • 131115. , • A,uto ..:..., ISOO •• ~ '68 ows FIS, rlh, po, one • Grand Prix '65 VW bu.a, shq t pta: 4 • • 645-lal * 645-39M m.-ll80'cir &t&--131i., ~ 19" 1lllNM11 art 6 pm or•wkrm. owner. Cttf w/blck int.. Extra ~lean, low mileage. ""°" panelln. 1!iOO eng CADILLAC · '811 Chev Impola atattoa ,. llil Ll!JWU' '68 Torino Squ w~ 9 -$1150 * ~291'-c1ro.J1HF1 -. 557-~-• . . --n. . Radio, h. at. ••• . .· coinitr' .. AL ... . • PLYMOUTH -_, ~ "--P/S, P/B; air, RMl/,30;000 , 1 .' $3,495 '"'71-VW-~BU--G-,-W-~----,. aulom&~ trana, power • orlc ml. A-l· """1. $ll00. Dqvld . J, PhlllipS bmed ext.uat, xlnt c:und. LARGEST 11"erlng, air condltlonllJC, . · 11rril.'536-43T3 ...._ ''7 PLYMOUTH lul k p I e>Opol $1'1!15 ,_,,,... ott.r. 5.1ihl4lll . 9ELECTION OJI Phone -4 DLR.. V-1, automa~ W:tmy air •n • hid LTD oo u n·t r y Mod!tied lor hlah · 310 ~~Beach CADILLACS IN CHEV¥staw...,.,•ts,FllQJ .-. 1lill power, Squire ADP.!!f"'.Llko!""" -and , 4114-!04'! ~· vw Bug, air caad., ORANGE COUNTY equip'd,Jornl'a.0 JP,ntci>nd. JIOftr windows , power 15,900;.u'•,MUat!lfftoa~ appearance! :&'~·.!:,;..Pvt. pty. SALES.LEASING Must aell !mmed. Be1t of-aeata. ndlo, heoter, whlto --· 830;-l149 . , r ~: 1911 iJO•Mllt AUTHORIZED fer. Days: 546-0154 evel: .....U tires, vinyl !'°°1• new ,65 GALAXIE hd top .lr · "' "If SUper Beetle, AM/FM, ' •SERVICE• 1131-2815. · .truia.. (~. P/S, P/B, . l · .._;_ i..; '69 Fury III Ccmvmlble. ~. v.a, u/omatic, W:tDry ::·~~a~~-' of-Nabers Cadllac -..-...... 111>. " mn... ean 133=2339. ~~. Redlwh• 1DP • Int. a1r ~. 1uU power. .....,.. ,,J111J J1ARBOa BL.,. 'ti4 EL~' V-1, 1tick. DI ~ WW. Air le Power PJMl' windows, power '&5 BUS'181Jt:!C, Holley ~. (X)$]'A MESA tfti, 'fttilt eiw. $675. .. ' _.~ Price ~1"·thru. 3/U/TJ ~~c.:: Chnverti!':,, $1.«IO. f'l5.1'3B. teats, n.dk>, he a t er, ~.c:::r..::· $1358, '!':540-9100 0pon Sm111Q ~~!J·*.-, DAVI ROSJ-· Call--; ..,.."-:-··-·la tell It<', ~·~, landawlop. 1 NOW 15 THl l'IME TO GO All ~ AM ERICAN! AMERICAN ' MOTORS DEMO. SALi NEW MANAGEMENT SALE· .. ,........ . J 111<, Ml, Y•I, .,. .. 111••~ 11<1 • .io, '911" "'·L .. ,., ,..._.. IMI, elr, --..... -............. Vil.... _ .............. -. ......... -.. 1 'nAIU ... Mlllhf ... _.,1.,, ........... W.k.--'•• .................. ___ _.._ .. _...._ twUO!ltMK.A2(1'11tll)<l1' ............. WIO~S '1111MMT .... • .. , ........ ~ .............. _.,_n..,....... ........ ,..., ...... INL M-I C.Nt ... '72NIMLIM "''" ....... "~ 51999 ,,.1,i.1, ••• & lie..... " ...... ,,... ,..,., __ we.u.. 499 .. ,..... . .. ~ • .-..... $599 ......... ' $491 ohlfl. WAM 112 outo. IOIQ0222 , ........ COl:TIN4 ~.~ '12 '~ ~v~SJ599 ....._,TQfNI , \ , · . '61 Sedan DeVlfle ·~ CfllhlfOiet lmpa1a, PO~C P/B, P/S, bucbt .e.a. Factory warranty M.VW."'"fp&int,)ow Gorpous,fullytuxiieyeqtrlp. •tomafic,,new tires, .,oo i"MAnffarb.rBiw. 1965 ~;-Ford new tires battery~ (96MQZ) l'eilY ·!llue Book •n1A¥1U1ur ....... ,,.n 1 ~. xlnt a:nti.Hon. tied·. IDChldbic . AMJO( ' c;ondition. $900. After 6 call °'*"~ 5'&-ln.1 ~~ '-'1,'!UPe: $550. Orie'· ownft. $6'l5. 8'7-58ql. p '"1l&$2899 . , , .~:;,~~;!°:!~:~:l~'. $19991 , ::_";;"·~ ~ 191 1575. • 615-33$ ........ Factory Air of 613-ff · ' PONTIAC .......... , '68 VW camper. Factory ........ $21195. MUllS '.63 Oievy II atatlon .,..on_ '111 Ullo01n c.m,, 2 dr;'B~ '15 f'.<Jd 4 dr w_, low • equip'd. '10 ftll• New tn. l!m Coupe DeVllle ... ~t Good~ .~· ::.,,.n:-~6"--Sl.81, ~ xlnt ~ $SS5. 'M PONT , LeM&nl Corrv:, ·Prto& wUd tbn1 Ul.3/tl $2100. 615-635.l • Michelin U-. 12.IOO mL S-lll9 r , 1730 Pat Westbourne l't, , . . Lota of ~ but ..,..i D~Y· ROSS '89 VW camperc ready to ro $6650. 64,5..~ • '65 Chevy ivan, ~ C)'I autb, NB. 68 Foi:d Lm 2 dr, ~· cond. SpOrty car. $315. ... r'C°NTIAC 12195. ~-'.-_.. · aOod ·tlr<I excel con4 1'150. air, ,""'141 lop. %1,llQO/ ml -%131 evea. 2480-Blvd I d ~ 1: rJ: 1: n J: r:, I~ 1~;1 r ~J .· 1 ' Phone-DLR. ~-~~':'-~!: 54>-4551 '.its,30 !,' . --JIJ.t-or . ~1'"·~1 .. ,. Lffiul ·Olili..--"'15 °""-. siMnT 1969Ha ·rav. ~ •• ~ k nd'-'· -·~,.-.t ,,_ '1 · •over teul; $JSl. £all ·~~ ._ .. _, '"" GTO ~ '-~ ' J. -' ' 646 '0261 W&-PlllCllDITCllKI '61 VW ..,-.,,..c • -· * &l;tEJi, *. '61 , Chew lmit!I• -· :;;;;.:<'" -bles... ' </h,.~ c:GDd, nu 1lnl A -waur ad ii I -· . ·- AM./FM. 1999. Daya '70 Cadillac Coavertlble 4 ch:':>$153.' ·!56!f519·.· &G-6611: Call O..wt!ecf A brtul. Great ere. l725. inYl!ilb:Dent I , 1.;;;~~~~~Do~l~I =f.~9~.:~u~··~·.&~Sn~.t~o~6~~il 675-0930; ... 548-474.1. J1'ulty loaded.. ,.,,. ....... ~·Chevy ~.,.·~,_ . CORYAIR t a-'INI. '61_ vw , .. 494-"'60 * l489S ' .. aJnr ....B:.· _, ... ,.,""'1 -· .•mp1rilfi ml lA"...._,iiiiii:li1m;; .. ;;;;rtii..r'iill"6ffii ,.-. Imp•-m Autos, lmportld m Autoo, lmpo- • ml. ~· Must ~11. 162 Cad. All .extras, xlnt bomt'.\ -~!. ··-~~ •63 CORVAIR: RuDI &'OOd. Make Offer. '962-1712. cond. l"'OWIM!I'. AYMust -for D&rlene.Gwm , .. 11-c crpt. $225. '89Camper,_GJ:eatoond.Xlllt "$396.Ewa r~·, •70· QIEVY Malibu,·,Auto 5'5-3451 ~~ · 675-1181, .. ,.... ROOm For Dad-trans, Pill, P/S, Air oond, • COUGAR · d y.' • •• c I ea n out the Xlnt CODdition. 5'J..«S. '65 VW Buc. Radio, heater, -. ....... -!a·QSH '• NOVA, air c:GDd, PIS. •ro Ooupr XR.-7, Full,,,,.., pod ahape. with a DAILY P1!Dr $1.195 « -ofter. air, Z,000 mL $7100. Pr!v. S«l-6flit'J)LR. Ouslfted ad. I \t :963-_'8! i ' P1't7. ~. iri ~ij.!~oiv . ~-""°" "° '--"'°" ~, ,A1110o. u,..,. "° DEAL BEFORE YOU' IUY! SA VE ON EUROPEAN DELIVERY ''7 PLYM . Modilled ""' hlah perfoqnance ai;I . ~'. [5ti-7m/SIOll. NEVER ON : SUNDAY! ; l111" ...... An But I flW ' . , Of Our Low Low E~Y. I'<'-'! NIW '7Z IUICll SllYLARIC , 21llior c.ulil. JIWl l:lfl. V8 eftttln•, radio, heater, · llelW tlilio;11aiir t1$ -tllaUoq, Ptua loodl of 1t 1 ..................... ~ThilG .... tCarTodq. ' - -~ 1 -, '65 YW $9UAREIACK _ .... · .••• , • , flff . GrMt .._.... c.er, ........ , m. · '66 -CAPRICE ESTATE WA60N .••••. $111 All" Cor!IL, '"" ,,_.,. (IVQ DIJ 70 CHIYILLE 396 SS ~ ..... .' •••••• .$2388' .-... ,..., ,. .... ...,..~Rold-... n.-'69 RllEL SST 2 DR. H.T. .. .. . • .. .. 1249 Mtt. Miiii wllk ~ ""' 1'1111..,... CXYS •I • I l'lXERl -....... 'M t, I llDlds: I $ll'IO. I:: '51 Cbt\ly ., -att3;30- lllW '7Z IUICI U ~ , ""'*'-----·---heo,\!!r ..... lltr full -Buick. LuxtiY 81 Mldart for IOCh a Low Price. 52798'' s359033 s43f5n '59 YW I~ .................... JS411 .. ,. ,...,... ..... .,., •--'. IGJR '"' ~ I '61 FORD CORTINA ............... $788' MrC....4.,_. .... ._,l lYDl'•I , '" ¥W 0 DllUXE IUS ............. $1~tt '&7 OLDS, DILMONT n ....... ._ .... · 1"'' (1 AMEll~N • : • r • lillW',,, llUICjl UC1IA ZZI Un~ Low ftklid I.or ant of Amerlel.'• mmt 1.-.... ---·-a----ctotllerotru. Onlel'Youra N-• . . . _,, ................. ' ... ltD • Sth & Wolnut Hlall .......... • ~ • ............. hit ,._., ,..... W • "' trr .. Lk. 41' CTQ.. ' '61 OPEL RALLn .......... •• .. -. •tOIO aw-....... ,... ................ Wlct "'· ~ '69 POP TOP CAMPER ........... $2 99' La.•MM. • '69 DATSU'1i 2000 ............... ft Its ""'Jt cw-....... (19 ..,, f ' t . I 1 WW' DILllXE IUS .......... : .. ~;f Ml ..... ..._...-;r .. •lllfht""""' lllt. Uc.o• UY. -• . . ' . .I I • ' .. I .. 1972 COUPE DE. ··VILLE Very I.ow : . FOR THI S . .. ANNIVERSARY · SALE ,WE HAVE • I LEASE A BRAND NE W '.72 SEDAN .DE VIL"LE . ! Mileage Exec. c.ar $ 6. 8' ;. O· 8 FllClozy lir c:oadidoala«. >iayl roof, lull lealbel interior, AM·l'M •tereo radio. power 6-way front ·•t adjuater, power door'locb, tilt~ .-ing wheel, . . , THE LARGEST SELECTION "OF NEW CARS IN OUR ·IDSTORY • Fully equipped with vinyl roof, AM·FM ,~adio, soft ray glqa, full powered 6Way teat. door edge guards, automatic climate control air conditioning, tilt & tele atetr· ing wheel. (203269) $} 75 ::nth ...., W... lamp IDQlliton I lllADT ocher cleluxe Cadilloc emu I abowrooa · f..U.. (SER. 188224) -r -"70 flMtwood . ANNIYIUAIT ........ Leath.. .......... -.... d .. J h1di.;d.W ...... ss6~6 -"" -a. W ,._., facWy air ccwd!tioni•1o AM.FM . ~ -,._ ..... lod<o, ._ dwo 36,000 mil-. (612ADK) SAU l'llCI . ·1 - ' • " . ' -11 "7o El Dorado · .ANNIVll$Aa" . • Fi...i.t pola~ i_,. •" ... ditioalq, foll IHlhtt ;,.,..;,,. s4999 1"111 poww ecrm ..... t.. A}[..Jl( ltereo mllltlplss: radio, tilt " 1 l teleeooplc llerlrin1 wheel, power door loch, ,.dded top, m1ny , :o!h.,·delou •mu. (928ACL) IAU PllCI ' '70~Coupe Devtlle ANNIYIUAllT 'F"'°" '/z "odi!""'m" ·""" top, lo~ IHlha "''"'"• .\J s43 3 3 power ind. door 1tob, lilt I telacople 1teerio1o flereo, molt ,n -.. omu. (716ASI) SAU PllCI } . •,: ?O Sedan De VIiie ANNIYlllA•T . F.....,. ak ............ t.11 ..;;.. oqtlpmOI~ iwJdol lop, s4222 dodt a ~ iaterior, .... .All.fM ndlo, tilt &: te1e1copia ~ -., Ll&hi s.11oo1, ,._ uuk look, oic. (25210) SAU l'ltlCI ?O Cadillac · . • ANNIYiDAIY ' C..-6blo.F"'°"'"""di_'_hld~, $~996 :black interior, black fWI lea._:;.,,l>Wt."" Fp.Ii!~' , , .~~'. door lockl, lotded with e1tru .. 1111 liilMd." .fl99911) llJlllCI. · · ~. r.---~ _,...,., ·f.i.~(\ , .\ 169 Sedan De VIiie . ~ t'. Focio.,. "'<Ondltmoior. foll pow"• my! ,.., ,._,, l SJ•5~·s ·;, leather Interior. ltereo, tilt I ttleloopic liemint. door locb, . ~ liaht 1eatiML Local low aUleap I e:itra <:lean. ('YZU97) SAU NICI ~ · ·. 168 Jag~ar XKE . ·.a~N1V1UA1T U..u1iM 2+2 ,.,,.. uqoi•ilo .... boil' w/pl<Ub Eo&Jioh s3444 Saddle leather interior. Factory air conditMlnin1, auto. trlllt., • ,AM.flat radio., chzome wire wbede, low mile11e I UUe Ot <oodltioo. (WAL69S) WI PllCI 1 • I .. Ef ~0 , '.'~l'/JlllAIY Factory air c:onditioniq. full Jeath1r interior, padded top, fill SJ·22 2 p:>wer, tilt II ttJlescopic "!"hee.l. 1tereo, door locka. radial tlret,.. · . elc. All clllue extra• ud lhowa the ultimate in care, (VQ9*) IALI n1c1 .. Anniversary Special~'":.. " ' ·' Luxurlouo Cpe. Only 9470 Ml ... Factory Air Conditioning [xquilite Firemist fmiah with full leather interior, vinyl~ top, full power, AM-FM aiereo muhiplex., prem. Vogue \yria, tiJt Ir tellllCOflic steering, door Jocb, twilight ecotineJ. power . trunk opener, de, de. Absolutely ohown>om !rah. (522C\1.0) 1· 24 MONTH OPEN ENO 1 . 168 C(!ldillac Coupe · ANNMDA•T De.hue hardtop cpe. Factory air conditionins. power ateerini. $2666 ·brakes. windowa, tilt & teltKOpie stetting, 1icnaJ 1eekin1 radio, 11~1try interior, power 1nten111. Alaoy delu1e e1lraa. (3S6ASH) SAU PliCI • .. ... ' . .4.nn:ioermry Sal. Priced ._: . . . 168 Sedan .,_Ville . ANNMUA1T 0 ~UI Firm.i1t finilh. iactory air C(U1di1ionin~ full power, s2444 , " Yinyl top. Full letlher-Ui.terior, till l ieleacopio 1tecring, • .~ I .. ' ,_ ' LARGEST ' SELECTION ' ~- OF LATE MODEL <;!DILLACS ••• 11enO, door loch. etc (WID004) IAU PllCI Con•ertible. Red e%terior, with white top and malchio.I w6ite katber iaterior. Full poWtt, faciorr air cooditiollillg, tilt·tel• wheel, ater.,co A~~.FM. ra4io, powt:r door loch, etc. (UTB739) ' . ANNIVIUAIT s2111 SALl'PllCI . . . , 1 71 .Secla'it DeVHle ANNIJIWAliT Factory air"cooditionill£ full power, Yi:ftyl top. Lanuioua clo1h $6222 l leatHer inlrir, tih &: teleacopie lleerinJ, ltereo Mil/FM, · door loclu,. twlli&h't eentincL Extremely 101' loc:al mileaae. (867CXW1 • SAU PllCI 166 Coupe De ~Ille ~ • f • . ' • I ' ' " • -.. IN Fall'power, fl;Ctorf air condi1klain&. tilt·tele wheel, ,AA[.fAl .. .·.,.., ndjo, .m,-1 .... ,Jodo l ........ -.. (58H(n0) . · .. Qrange County . ' . . ' ' .. -. ""i 16i Cadillac De Ville ' AiiN!Vlua•r -~ U:11ior ~~.foll powtt, ''""' "'.,;;,d;i;,.. $ 25 5 5 ·• 'lq, tilt/tde1 :oJ!ic llllSin1 deel, .Ul-~I rad to. etc. (YCT209) SAii Plld . • ANNIYIUAllY s1999 · ., ,.., ...... "· l ~ CHQI~ "mN'fPRY.JN .· ' ri6i O~ds 'uxu,Y.Sedan SOUTHOON ''CAUFORNIA v;,.,1 ... 1, full.,...,.,'",...,."' ""'d''~''"" •il< _.., a: ... ' ·"Au Cm·Sirbicct to Prior Sale ~wheel, power ~4*·1ocb. (YNW276) • • • ol •• ;\ 'r '':" •• ~Sale~ Eft'ecti1' lhn. March SI,, 197% '~·~ ~ • :l I,-----.--------------- ; SAU PllCI Yeur Authorized Cadillac Deal•.: SWYinj 'the, °"fn1• ,Coaat Hcidlor Araa • .,0 • . •• . ~ •• ( ····~ ·-: . ·'. c., .. ~ -I _. ~\) . . . . '' ..... ' .. ~--NABER -S · ' ' • • • ' • ' '' • ' ' • ' I ' .. ...---------------. ' · NABE~ LEA.SIN~ , ···2600 Harbor Blvd. ( '-.,\ r ' "'' \' • ' . . . . . ,,, -- · · · · · · · · · · · · · Cost&., Mesa·· t. LEASE DIREa I . I . ........... DellYery • bcellent hl•ctlen ' ' ,_ l'lcbp·-'-•ery .... Ctin WNleLweC..loftw# • ......... 'iJ.4~0100 ·. rf ' I ' • -.. ~ t '• . .. SALES DEP . : tME~ OfEN --.-:-·--., ...., --c..ilhc ,.. ..... -................... - ~ \ -· ...... ·C1.._ ... 1111r. ..... IO".('"" ..... , _. 41 ~ 111Lslll _,..lclelu. I . . '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . ' -. . ' . . . ' . 8:30 Alf to 9:00 PM ~ dila· ~ 4_M to 6cOO PM ~t; an~ S~ •• f I c I .. \ ' ., • .1 ) • I • • ' ~ •• -' ...;t_ .. __ WE · APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS -.. , 2FORI 1S·ALE -. BUY ONE OF THESE CARS IN THIS BOX ANO TAKE YOUR PICK Of A ON! (1) OOL· LAR CAR A TTHE BOTTOM OF THIS BOX. 1 ST COM~ 1 ST SER\'Ell. ;70 PLYMOUTH ~~~1~~, \1-8, oir condilicwi, JIO'#ll' slllriig. f'ldiD. Maw. 3" AGH '70 CHEVROLET SEDAN v.a. 1a1to. trorli.POft' stwWv. Nd'IQ. )..,t- •. 312 BSQ ' \ $14-8 CUSTOMSOO V-8, outo. trans .. power 1teering, rodio, hector. 312 BSQ $1.488- T~KE YOU~ CHOICE s199DOWN 11" is Im! dn. pym!. 1•6 it !Oral "'°' P\'ll't-ind. tox & !icenH & oll (GfT'(irig ·s46 .A MON. TH =:::.";k.'Sf..r:i ::: • .,_ • ~~;:%ANMJAL PElClllTAGf U TE ' ' ' '61 TEMPEST ~'""') $ .'61 FALCON WAGON IM "~ ''63 VALIANT ~'"'I Sole &tis 3/U/72· 9 P.M. -. EACH PLUS TIX &' LICENSE I I . BARGAIN CORNE-R· CLE.ANEST TRANSPORTATION CARS IN,TQWN · '65 Plymouth '66 Pontiac ! IAllACUDA f TO • v-i, auto. tron1, paw1r 1111rirtg, radio, h1at1r, V-1. rolio. '*"-'· Mlitlwoll lirt1, luD vn,I inttrior, :69SIMZ i.kttllOl'S..r•MOt ...... XSfl230 s2sa fUll ' s3·aa FUU . PllCI PIKI • SpHd lfllllS. bigo 4 (yl. q)w, diK brak e1, heater, bud ti 1eals. vinyl illl"ior. muth ...,.;h l!lllfCI OROfR YOURS 100.+.Y. fA(llTllS THllUOUI U.S. • • '., - '71 VEGA •~""1. 'March lD, l m llANONIW '72DART ' lilWM witli ~ _..._ • tri, hit~ INK.k 11111. ~,., ... ......,,. ......... '1lhWI ...,,..,_ GtS•l• trn.tdiNH;.,.(.,.W IJll-. hith •lllpHt pGIM & 11a.1d1ftltil ,_._ ()lllOil YOU.S TOOAY. 5208800 i~f~e $199 DOWN DAILY PILOT 4z "" ;, ..... .,...., ........ -...... "" $66 A MONTH FOR JI 111, Iii;-oNI ell t lirry .... t'-111 on -. 1 ro1M .,. ..... _ Dtl••W ,.,...i. ,,,Yt 11S1S w:I. "'' & MONTHS uc .. M, AIM,!Al 'lltfWl~GI l.+.Tl t .t ) '!\, ·CllTOI Vll It COUITll~ . ' SEE _.D DRIVE • THE FAMOUS . --· "COHiii'' VAN . BRANDNEW '72 DODGE TRUCK • ·$2288" $199DOWN S ltt 11 tol!ll ch. pymt. 173 11 Iola! mo. Pl"l'l-$73 A Mo.NTH FOR 31 lml.<u.!;nou &oll<0"'1'"""'"'·'" , DPJM'. trtd•t !fir 36 11111. Dtlw'rtd pymt. 'rct MONTHS S2127 ind. lolx &. lic111M. AHHUAL rf•CDI- • ~ TAGI ltATf 10.0•% $199 DOWN $46,A MONTH ~~~:~s ................ -.~ 148' ''"" yl inl!ritf, m11tll. much mart. PllCI . 4t 1 IUI. '68 ROADRUNNER 2 DR. H.T. V-1, ""'· ""''· '°'"" o<, $688 power 1tffr~. rodio, ti.tw, vinyl roof. rUll YXT16S . Plltl '67 FORD Sta. Wgn. S 199 it 1otDI '"· pyml. S•6 i1 ~lo! mo. P'l'.'llt. irM:I. lo~. !ictmt & oll tDf'l)'"'ll Ctlorvel DI! opp!' cr1di! lor 36 lllGI. Otltrrtd pyml. pritt S 1 ISS incl. It• I. lic-AlflUAL l't•CEHTAG( 11.0f% '68 CHEV. Eamaro '69 FORD Galaxie $788 lOOHT.V-~0.to ..... •lo<l.b<<ood. $!88 V-8, autv. ll'Dlll .. paw« 11ffting, full F"1 pOWtf' ''""irog, pawtr br11ke1,. radio, • y-...i. m.rior, Mktt,ttatt. vtJ7 .. ui. -· hta"1". ZBJ 673 'Ull RIJ' .-r .T"'f ~---PllCI . '69 CHEV. NOVA '69 DODGE VAN . '69 CORTINA , '86· PLYMOUTH .._~P_.;;_~t_~-:_-:._ ... _.,,~_·~_· ~-·~_: $_6_8_8_.:_:~~+-:.._,~_;,-:;_~_~_ .. ___ $_8_8_8_.:_~:+~-'r_ri·':'"'_ .. ,.,_ .. ;_:.v_··· ... ""_"'·_"""_ .. _$_9_8_8_._:~: . ' 4 opool ---· Mloof-7'°ASM V-1, euto. Irani., pow1r 1t1tring, radio, htol1r, PN41E62119442 5388•~ll PllCI . ' I '69VWBug ' . . '68 .PONT. Firebird ' ' _,. ... ·~ $688 ····"'"·"'"'""""·"""'·"""' $888 'spttd, lhtk ~ifl, ,,,..111, """ltr, ~1 .. ,, 'UU stetrint foci air tond whit! tO'f'trs.. ""'1 inltriof. hi bock bucket Mab, XT.N33B ' PllCI 633 srO . ' • HKI I • '69 CHEV. Pickup ~~::t" $988 "" (4800791) 'IKI I \ ' I I 4f DAILY PILOT ''*'· -ID, 1'72 , ......... 'f'&to .. , IS ALSO PlllC• UNDER $2000 · AHD PINT~.:J~DIS ---'PR•AIATIOll CHARMS , , TUT •IYI! PINTO . SPRINT! I • .. • •• ' . · NIW 72 .. G'ALAxlu ' 'NOW DISCOUNlD UP TO ·'901 . ....... WllllOW mcua )..• C2JllHl44041J C1 011r. NIW '72 MUSTAN~ NOW DISCOUNTID ' UP TO •soo s-~· f2FOZH1117JI) fZIGJ • , • NIW '72 F213 PICKUP . . . AND;NEW 11 n. CAMPIR. • • • > ".:' • • I • ' ' NOW HIU 1 I AND RUDY l'OR . NEW· '72 TORINOS · · NOW DISCOUNTID ur· TO •u+o. trens., reclio, t 100 Gvw plcg., ·spt. cu1t. call,~ ~ · 1 Picl up· is Cust. Styl•sid• with l•O-VI, •ir cond.,· ·lllt.1f 60·o . l imit slip •d e,.l -61.Sl, 950:.:16 Tir•s, Au x 25 ,11:· o\ ' ' •• I ~ • .-• DISCOUNT . IMMIDIATI DntVIRYI -?88 "°" WI ff DOW fuel , ton k ond mo ... IF254RM65267 1. El Do••d• · · ShownH .C~mp•r h.os 9os/ofoc ,,f,;9, monomoi;c · IJft' 'PRICI 1 '766~ toil,+, ch•+••u reng~, color cord -drapes, me ttr••• , · . •, :1 •• i ii''" · It's Pinto's . Newest! HI etc, ISTKS52 1. T.Uly dlx, pl<9. t hrou9houtl ~· PRICI 604~ 15 ·CAMPERS NOW AT SU"Ei ltscOUNTS! mcm . . s ...... (2AJIN ll Jl61Jr·f 10:41r .. • • ' • • ' ' ·•' ' • • " f • LEASING"!ll SAW ON LOW loi!ILIAR . e Pll DIMll J\IODILSI • 7Z LTD HD TP . - . 'I 02" . FM '. 400 V8, A/T, pwr. steer. A discs, 24 MO. Mo. _,. __ ' . WAS·H~ ALL 1971 DEMO. A:~ ;;EXEC. CARS MUST GO A. T SUPER DISCOUNTS! air cond., rUlo, tint 1Ius. : · OPEN· END , · •7z GIAN TOllNO HD TP , 9414 am VS, AIT, pwr. 1teer. Md diiics; .._ 24 .:&-t'O ?\lo. . ' ' .... BEAUTIFUL. SHOWllOOM"fRISH, MQO•Ls .T'HAT STU.L CARRY ' BAL· ANCE Of NEW CAR .WARRANTY: HURRY FOR atr cond, radio, tint. glau. 1 ' ''" OPEN' END •n r1NTO IUNAIQUT · • • , ' ? > · . .ifl.'.al 2000 oc Ena'., A/T, disc br~.. _ •. ...' 24 .MO. ·U#,1 Mo. WIW. 'accent rroup. OPEN END WI.~ ~w,;.,-:.-J~;. s:r:~.:~TIS. • l.T.D. • Galaxie • T.~Bi~d -: Ford Wagon Sale! ...., .. c•·••• tr-. '61tln •11 M1 .. ~rMfl.flinl.,.,2 ... &4 ._ ._.,,..& ••• M ,.. ... elr-111---•·w~rwtt. ........_ ~· EXTRA ·sA:VINGS 'ON THESE! . ' ~ ' . • T·BIRDS . ' .". . · . • GALAXIES . • STATION WAGONS · • TQRINOS OUT! • MUSTANGS • LTD's MAVERICK-PINTO SALE! . . . . ADVEITISED PRICES '72 Ll_CE~~ ,!~~ . THIS ,WllKIND ONLY EXAMPLES 4 1p•H1, ) 1peff1, lt 70 +. lti2'1 a aufonri•ti& '""•'•· Som• witlt Yilyf roofs. ' EXA. MPU·. '71 FORD. ' 10 PASS. ' · : • • ~;';;;.(;";;;;;11 • -;10 -MAm"~-~:~ m. ~~r;i·~~)···· s.1.3 .. _-,9.G.~.11~ .. ·~.;.~.1r~. · .Ww 51696, ' • ' . . '' ' • · A~U..,.tlc, AM-Fiii ndlo,, rid 1"1'M Inferior, wide ovolo, .'JO FOID CUSTOM $1396 .,, v.w: CAMPO .. $22'96 \~~),..,. window, -~ lnimoculote -· 1:·7i11'iM:ii11R:1c;ui;1YrCANC:·Wi1~$~1i:a·:.9:".6;-;;-:;U~"==;:i=. :_i'.11:. -=,:.=•=.:s.1:"::0:":9~6 =·.Y!~".":"~~mll... =.1~~. . . I . MAKI OFFER ~~.'('~~:UH. pod ·----. (357VL1) -• Good ~ ( ) . , , .Le .o.. ,ALCO.. s99· 6 . (tJ!)S08'!) . ., . • . - HARD TO FIND criY . OP COST~· MESA LWa ..,..-: -_Q.,.;~~~~~to .. ·' .·. , .J----H-A_l_D_TO-.-FIND-~U~.~--.-LO·.-.-.-.. -LU-G-1 .... ~;.,;.-·I '71 !;~;o~~~~ ... MAKE OFFER . l-1E TAX REFUND DUE? ·72 !:~;;~.~~. " MAKE" OFFER mlles. ell lft'Vl<ed. . . WHY WAIT?. . "'"•·•..;·~ ,../, '61 V.W. IUG Loaded. Good miles. (XSR931l tilt wbl., .ur-'FM. P-~ 1 . . er, 4 Spd., air cond., eood · air cend. Good mUest · $1 096 ~·:..r.!!.D~~Ds~~lr, s2· 39· .6' -BUY NO~ •• PAY: LATER ;·~.T~~!: ~~~.e s1· o· 96 ;·i~~:U."1!!t!'.':~."' $596 -mil<L (ZLH735) . • . . '66 PAllLA_NI soon $996 mil ... (YDD720) . -. . - . (PI'r484) . • • ·----------· · Vl,raute;.,RA:H,P.S.(air·cond.. '. ' l .l!o""''m' _______ _ ·101u1cK11.1cruzzs MAKE · '"··'Ar~LAN• · ·s1296 ·'O{~~•ood.mn... · ' · !'v~~~~:·~.··s149·6· ~::t~t 1t.r. $'1696 f:.::::.111~. ~.r::;..t"J1.r::ti: QFF!R ~~~~~·~... -'70 COUNTRY· SIDl.N WAION' . $2796 ~~,w/vlnyl root. . good mU... -. .' ,, I 16,000 i1111let. (329EOI) (,ZNy5T7) -t ., · ' • ' , 10 pau. Full powtt, air cond., , &..._.,.,,,., ·. '. , ,' · (2'JlZ5o8) ~ , •---------------------roof rack, good mil.,, ' •----------~----'""!"---.--.. I t• . (429.BJ{K) · · -· -I ·\, TRU CK SALE! '67 =~~~~ f1096 . ·~STANG SA~E!' • · M..,·:to c•~•.H ~ '61 tin '71 •1d1k. C11pa. ._,,, .. 11n.,l:li _. M.,y techMlefrom.'/2to11 . ..S l/•t01tL ''4""8 '71 ·•1... .,.~.....I.._ ............ _ - - -':...;.._·......:..._ ~t.-..~---· 't • ~ ~ • -~----------Z+Z ....... 1p. ~wltlo4 •i• ... lil!e.••11•11w1ot..i•1• .. lc ...... EXAMPU: '64' FORD 1h·TON PICKUP . OUR PRICE .$796 SALES DEPT. HOURS . • All '° ' ....... "' I AM TO 6 PM SAT 11 All TO 6 PM SUN HARD TO FIND ,USED ., , , .· . . ·· ' " '71 Y.W. 7 PASS. WAGON · · · '65 ~UST~~~~•"TOP, Radio, heater~ 2 ·t.ne paint. 'I.lb new, Under 1,oOo milei". Au .. m1tlt relfk., ~...,; ~lllD6 14l (541IDJV) ft\AK l OHiR ' ... ' .· '_OUR PRICi $896 I 7AMTotPMMON _ :.- 1 AM Te 6 PM TUl.fll .. . . ~ _,, __ PAI-TS DIPT. ONLY I AM to l PM SATUIDAYS . , I I . I I } 7- J6.. .. -~·. , . ' ---• • • 4 r ( TedaY'• .Flul VOL 65, NO. 70, 4 SECTIONS, '48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. • FRIDAY, MAl!.CH ·10, 1972 TEN CENTS ' . • 3,000 to· Participate Ill ' Capo Fiesta, Parade~ ... • 'w.JiY ,1Uft ' .... '~ ' . I ·, ' "' ~Al:L SAND SAN JUAN·:C?lll$:TRANO'S ~ UAI, FllST~~.,AllADE', . IT'S. TIME..l'Otl • · I Gr ..... . ' .. ollllSkll ,~..,....~~·~!M!l,lolnShiP~ · : . '. •"' ,.. • I~ f ' . ' > " ·~ r , 1 lJl7'.! r ; '\ l , • . · • ' • '. : I . J .~ ( ; ) ': • 'J : • -: " ., J • '! , ' i ' ' ' ' .,, .. ~·.;,, ,.· ,. . ,,.. .. , ., .. , . . ' 'ex[#ic.it .Pctrito' ·.: ~Chatnhet:· Poll Shows . Most .' f' e ' . > • ' ' • ! '° ; J ' '. , ~ , ' ' I' ) ! • • •.l • I M0vie SeizeP, · · ". .. ' ' .. · . · · · : ·· · : · · i~uc .:1rvirie · Against Capo ·Annexati:on I By ALAN DIRIQN Of ... 0.llt' P"9! lltiff A '!N);minute sound and color movie on male bomosexuality' -ti4ed~ '7 in ' 8' Barn" and· characterized fa s "expUCit tiardjOl'e pornography" -; was con- fis.cate4, by Orange C.O~ Sheriff's deputies al UC Irvine Th rsday night dllfing •a forum sponsored y . the G&Y StUdents Union. The ~lm was not shown arf no arrests · w~ made. ~ l 'rti• deputies ac~ upon j a warrant 1;.W!d by Central Orqe County MuDflPal Court Judge Rober! E. RickJOI who, reportedly hid no besilalion In !1111- lng tilO warrant after Usteninflo an hour- longftaped phone conversatlOJl with t\¥0 Sia Francisco pbllce officer•: who had seen the film. ' ~ "The film has never been" shown iJI Orange County .1. it's that parmgraphic, man." said Oeplily DA Mn. °'"1ta Seara this morning. -A "The San Franci!co·olfleer1 'fU't asked to. describe it in great detail," lln. Sears added. "The moment be fleard , the des<riPtion, the jud~ Issued the order. T1i_t description was hair raising. It's an ·o~" TOday members of the Gay Students (See SEX FILM, Page ;1 Curtain Falls On 'Okkihoma' The fillaJ two perfonnances of ''Oklahoma'',~ f~acale.musical 1 lhoW , presented by San cremente High ·School-otudents, .will be beld toolgbt and Saturoay In Trlloa Center. I , Spokesmen for• the large' pro- duction said many 1e.1tl still are available and can be purchued at the box office Immediately belon each a p.m. sbOw. Special riser aeaUng bu beeo ad-. '\Od to the auditorium .to" add lo the appeal ol the production. ' Mrs. Marian Sykes, U'le achool'1 Dram• 'llepartment bead, urgtd rosidenil to attend the "'-· Proceeds from the produclicln 10 toward next )'Car's annual musical -which lnvolvea ocores ol ~ &om tllt drlma 11111 muolc deportmenta. '. .Ab'nelation of\ Dana ?oint 1 n d Capistrano Beacti. with the city Of San Juan Capistrano dropped lC¥er ~ P!:OO- ablitiy late this week as the Capistrano Beach Chamber of CommerCF unveiled resuUs of a recent poll of its members. \be major!IJ ol • the members ll<ho iiluned poot.....i ~ would rather not merge with the mission com-'llllll!ilY • Tbt ' sampling Was taken from l 12 'memben •of ·the cbamber,'buf IW than lialf the meml>en retuned ...... .,.,. Pm:o11lqeo·mowm: -35 perteDI !mind IJlll'ling. -percenl were oplast it. -10 ..,....m were undecided. Addlnc to the pall IJ'OWlng over the an- nexation· Idea tllil week, Dina Polnt'1 CitiJena for Adloo group also toot 1 membenhip poll 11111 a strong majority fa...-. • ..,. allempl at cttybood for Dina Polllt. • Argunlenta In reoelll. -againl! ... nexlllon have loculod oa the coutal orientatlqn ol Capillnno Jleacb 11111 Dana Point .. oppoood to the inland oriontallon of.San Juu. Groups In bOth communlUes bave been Cave-in Kills 4 Boys COLoGNE, Gelmany (AP) -·A cave dut In au:oll pfl -of here by I~ boJa ooUapoed on them 'lbunday, kiili.,-all !Our, paliOI r~. "shopPing 8iQund'1-for benefits in ·IUr- round!ng cities. In Capistrano Beach earlier thi! year Officials from San Clemente presented details of their city government to the Capistrano Beach ·eommunity Associa- tion. ' That association remains somewhat neutral on any anneu.tion at this pofnt with a consensus favoring perhaps sj}ecial service districts Jn the county to upgrade Its serivce.s to Capistrano Beach. Biirglar Hits Clemente Home A burglar pried his-way through. the front door of a San Clemente resid'tnce Thursday evenllig and ransac~ a bedroQm, before ateallnl: a gold and pearl necklace. Police said the euct value of the crou- ahaped pendant and chain was.,.not fm. mediately determined. Mn. M. V. Hlll told olficm ahe diocoYered the brukin at 1:141 p.m. when she returned holll< and foond the front door open at the residence located It J8I Del Gado. The l>w1Jar apparently pried the door open and dumped dresser drawers out -a beet and the floor before oltallng the piece of jewelry. ··.New ·T·extbottks • ' · · Panel. AdviSes Scl:ipol. OfficWls f\ special advllary panel to state school and will •be asked to re"'1! ..._led olllciala met i-.., Tburaday at !be modillcotiona to tlie document. Weotarn Wbfle -to draR .,.cdellnea The Slate Board of Educalloa will for -1a-. "'-1IOl!I indUde flnaUy ,,. on the report in • meetlnc 1nOfe mQDhui1 Cll Miiiican , • American ne:rt November, said Dr. Elaine Stowe, c:hildra, \iai:k beroel and south Amer~ coordinator ol the San Clemente talb. <en lflerablre. She added that the •-.. In-The ,<Olllllllttoo ol ft mom~ began tended only u a "gutdellne le local Iii aomlnar to detannlne coutenta ·of • dlstricfa and there will be no ;1~1( 1 I~ llale report Wedneldl)' al tht •uperlmpooe tht llale'• framewlri:' iin • Phi-I eompound. • · local oaencfes." The report ollerfnl -;!ii~ • ll'be ~ ii the flrll attempt by·the i., tbl-wm be....., lor M~'i lllllc tol!uild a ftamework o1.-. wllldl : bJ May 1. panol aldet eeltl. • eoold be -le 11111 Ind~-* lor About ,_ edllcaton wDI -In l'Jll~ ,..ding materlala, ahe , . . Ille -assembly ,area. Awards will Include 1weepstakes trophy for the most outstall6 ding entry, commercial tropby for the best commercial entry, and first and se- cond place tropbl., In each of 41 categories. The tropbie.S, designed especially for the .parade:, depict a carved figure of a monk holding a'swallow. This yeu's Fiesta. llosla are. Mr: and Mrs. E.M.: "Larry" Hernandei. Parade qiairman ii Tom Winget. On Saturday evening at I p.m. will be the Salud al . President• honoring this nae's pre.\dent, C.P. McDowell. The din- ner dance will take pla .. at the El Adobe arid tickets are available by calling the ·restaurant or Mrs. Judy Beus at .w.. · 3424. Sunday's acUvJUes will ·bt:Cin with a trill ride through Jlancho Mission ·v1ejo, led by trail boos Gibert Arulm. 'nle annual pageant al Mission San Juln· Capistrano will take place at s p.m. and wlH feat!p'e a dl&play'of old Sp~sh1 lwJexlcan and Indian dances presented by the chlldren or lhe Mlsaion School. 'Ibe pageant, which Jeatures the cor- onatJon of. 1 king and queen from the eighth grade ~lass, ls held In-honor or SL . Joseph's Day which ls the clay the swallows retw-n to the mission. Special entertainment, lncludinf aquare dancing exhlbitlono will be held I/le clay or the parado. Ali w .. k long, be1innlng Monday, March IS, ·re1Jdenll and merchants or the clty-wm be dreaed bl Spanish, Western or Indian costume to set the theme of the·Wffk's actlvitles. ·A contest will be held among downtown merehants to ue which hu the best decorated window displ1y. A balrleol man In town contflat also wW be heli:I cfuro irtg the week to aee which reaklent bas grown the most dis~sbed beard. /· . Sioll.x on Warpath 400 Attack S. Dako~ Trading Po~t . WOUNDED KNEE, S.D. (UPI) - About 4-00 Indians -shouting "burn, burn, burn'~ -Cllma1ed a· week: of pro-· test by llorming a. trading' pool and museom in Wounded Knee, roughing up operaton ol the two firms 11111 making off w.ith $50iOOO,'~ of Indian artUacta •. . . ' Wounded Knee Wll' the tcene of the last duh betw .. n tbt Sioux and•tlie U.S. · cavalry ln 1890. More than D ·men, women, clilldren and soldier• died 1n that bat\lt. JllllOI Czwczynakl, a lloclcholder tn the predominanUy-whlte Sioux Corp., which Strike.IJound, Firm, Crestlite. Worker -Claims · operates the Wounded KJi .. MUIOlllft and Tradinf Post, said Ille Indilns "barled ID and roughed us .up," Thursday ntihL CJlve Glldt:nleeve, 72, former operator or the trading poll, was lmocked to tbt ground but noi injured, Czwczynaki lald. Czwciynaki said the Indians tore down posters advertllln& the museum of Gen. George Arrnatrq Custer, leader of the Cava)ry at Bl& Hom, and forctd cZwczynskl lo rip down a Culler poster. The lndlans anlv~ by bu1 and car, ap-- parenUy from nearby Gordon, Nev., wbeni IGO to 1,000,hacl -alqinJ a pro-n• ··-·"JI\.;. • , . )} ll!...l... teatowrthedeatbol~1y.u.w . ; ,,1,',.•~~~t~,:,~i;~_.eatel;\eu:,~J.Ul.• · ~s:·n·=~~·i•l.~bindl., • ' " , .. f> ....... ID M1111la&1-'-· , .·"•· ~.i '"I• , 1 i .. ~c""l• t YelloW ?lwmr, . ''~1 --~~ -.. ~#..... .. ..... :. told police 11mday lour 1liektlen Co~ \ Tlieii Ilia .... n'll a """'llllllllllD: liiiliiwif ~ 'lJOjie '.... . ..... "8 ... .CJlp 11111. • • • • """ u. ·=~ ~ ---~"""""---• . -Y. ' • .. . I fliol, -·· .o.u,,,.... ·-fllrUiene& Ii"" ~ -· : . .; ' ! • ' Ja81i' . I I i.-Iii .. ' .. 1.. ·~-.;; · ~~··~ftl!Drled•lhl11rlb' Woman · elf . =-:.1o~ i~ '' """ by__.of,U..~iJ!liaP ,ol , ,,, ., 11 \ I •-• 1'·"-1..1:::2::'.en't,' ~,. • Opl!iallnf'Engfneef•· r.A!'blcf.ltie 1ourt11: , •, • • , , , ~N -..... ~ .. day. ,, J : ' . ... ' • • Bo~.fn'e· nd, . A '•er: After two day• of mHtingl, local and J . ~ state offlclal1 Wednesday agreed to join , ·The wo~ w•s quoted b)r. po~~ · 11 • · , , , ; , the Indians in carun, ,not Otlly for a coo- 11ylng the loor1men did not llhlalc1lly· .Po""I'on·.· ate ll'!nn" gr .. ~ lnvuttJaiJon of Y•llow harm him but ,lald'•a man oOu!d,l,.i Iii. _,,,,, .&~ Tbunder'1 dealh, but alao a lecleral grand throat 'Cdt 'for wh8t: you'rel dolrig:~· Thei · · : • i \ · • ·.; ( Jury fnv111U,1Uon and Justice. Depart.. . • · . By• PATRIClt BOYLE . • menl iDvulifraltoll. men then left the Pier~area ap.ttment. · 1 ot.111 ..., --1 . ea..,. -.... -'Bull•, -••-• ol ••- : The uliloo, 1'>caJ iJ ·w1th b'e.idq(larten ' A' woman'• hilt ~ • .-ii\i!IOd ,l!Y 1he re1.::.u~~~I Woand;d'K:..., .. ~ ln-_~ta. Apa,,iasued the o~ to strike 11-ol ber •. ~· Jeni durlnc i both incldentl were under lnv..tl,ation. alter negotiations for .new wa,.1ncrea... -'""'ta klu, IOd to thi! itabb!ng •arli "'nlinp are very qulet." lie 'lald ........ !bl~. -n,lng · ol her boyfriend at' bis fud ·---'' and fringe ben~lla'broke down ... l.agima llOICh home. . . ' . · •1· u~y are abOut u quiet u !'ff ·The flrin.'1 ~oiler waa a 5.$-percent It walllll Imo"° 11 lbe ever IOW>d.lier ;::':"'mo~·~~: We doa't U· r~, whlcll apo~ a&y 11 '1n teeplnc contact Ieno. · · · '!Wo Balll'aald lnaiaiWli>ld him tbl 111- witb .federal gui~. 1 The ~ a,m. inciclent. •I .150 WOOdia!'fl cl~ent ,.., triu•recl whao a J+.JUl"Old n-~d Drive ·foal Thoma Alton 'Etoll, IS, !lie SI ho " hbed ....... · -· ,.. the operilinc en1itleen, who l~ot' linger' of'hla rig!lt ~. Deatl1 cut . .oux . 1 "" , I'•• ., ""' neck" by gei\erally operate all ~ plint•s lar1e off· when lie, tried to block .the '14-lnd\ ~~ at the trailing poet W- machinery, ll"Jd!PDc •· IJgbtwelsb!, butcller knife, and 1atar l!JlllUlatod bJ, '"II W&IJl'I theJr Intention to come bade material In cO.crete . conltructlonj' doc:tora. Medical olllclall at South CoU1 to 1lie muaeum alter vill!lng the bat. member• or the . Twnaten. Union bave Community HCllPilal ,.id ~U also """ Uegmmct," the Rev. TbeoClor Z!Jerl, ad- also ~fused to "°"'"'the plant becauae ol tlluied a_ llab w~ In llil cll..t, bbl that mlnlolralor of tlie Red Cfoud SC:hool and the union picket line. his 1lernum, or bi'ea.11 bone, 1topp0d the Mlsalon on Ille , 11,000-member Indfaa .The only other poli~related Jncident knife blade bef<re it readied ,any vita,! retefvaUon,utd. ••1•m ture It wu·spoa- thua far In the strike ll>voi•ed that phase organs. • . . ianeou1." of Ille labor dlsiiute earlier th!a w .. k. Offldala releued . the man . from the Resldenil In qearby houaJna tracil hospital lollowln1 . trea)lnent , 11111 he cqmplalned of heavy.trucb ~ked along declined to preu char&ei ogalnot t!i; Camino de IOI Mares -i rip whJch had woman. Brawl ,IJurts Students . been driven by Teamsters wlJO refUHd to The entire affair led one police otncer enter lhe plant. · to remark, "None of II would hive hap. SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -Four 111>- Crestline San. Clemente Pr .. ldent -Ken-pened If ahe would have kbaed him with denta were injured, one With a minor llab neth Teal said at the start of the strike her eye1 closed." . ·. Womtd, In a brlwl between black IDd f!lat .. 111pervilory peraonnel -id ru,n !M Police ..re f~ inf°"'191' o( 11\e 11aJ>. Mexican-~ 11udlftll wlllcll fon:od operation d1rlq the labor dflputa. bing by doctors In the _ _._ of · the ciolinf Thunday cl San Bernardino He added tbat beca111e no ,,_,le ihe .._Ital ho lled UlhoriU.. hen Hlah School. Ol!lcialo aid the melee ID-malerlal could be moved ouWde the · ·-• ' " ca • w vofvlng 1bout 1110 llud-brob olll •t Ezell WU brought in. Ith ftotli"'ta ' plant that some '":"jor projecta.ln the In a conv-Uon with police at the -'-..,--"---"'-'' ____ ..;........., ' '1 • llollpital, EIOll told olftcerl tbt woman ' • · became lneenaed. after he ldued lier and 9 Persons Die the 1ena fell 1rom lier •Y•· They be1an •fllllng 11111 llnldt each otljer. wber$. . . ' apori Eaell left. the room, Joe ralated.' In H -..1 -C l When he returned momenta 1a1er, the eu.c.«Jn ' ras t woman alieaedlY came at hlm1 with the ' 1 knife. He 'partially blocbd lier 1inpi 'On JI. ighway. 101 ~':~;.;: ord:'~ ~ ..= _f .... liel -. A pa•lni auto' otopped for· E .. n and too~ hiql lo ~ Coat Community HOIJ)ltal. ' ' ' • Police made no altempil to contact or aCJOll the """'" alter EMii dee-to brine.char ... ·aplnat lier. ' . We•tlter · Sunshine lhoulcl take °'" t11e Southland Saturday' fGl1o'l!iDI tlle , Ullial low--·11111-i.ra1on1111o 1--. c:out. Hlgho for the weebnd aro expected to be aUahUy. warmer with lemperallirea al IO alOfll the COi.ii riaJoc to 79 inland.· !Awl ii I the mld.-'1. • z DAILY PILOT , Road Grants Round Out City's Plan This wee'i'a approval by the county road deparlmenl of b i g b W I y im- provement grants -which lncluded San Clemente -will round out a 1ong-stan- clln& plan for improvement of lbe clly'1 North Buch recrtatlon area. Anoouncemenl lhla week of $48,300 wort~ --pf grants to redo a triangle of roadways in the area ends two years of city attttnpts to win county blessings for the project. The pl1n1 for the roads, Boca de la Playl, Estacion, and Pico, were rejected a year ago by the com.mitt.et that screens gr1nt applications. Bui City Engineer Phil Peter ll\ls year won approval wllh argumeola lbat the lmprovemeols would enhance ac:cm lo the public beach In lbe area. · Tbe clly-rec:epUy !nalalled a new park· lag Joi for lbe beach and alao awarded a Eate for a conceuloo building. Tbe counly &ranl Is matthed on a I0-50 hula Wllh local 1aaollne tu revenuu for the projecl Yet anolber county-assisted road pro~ ect already had won approval last year. but lhroUlh lhe paat 12 monlhs city staff have ~ down spec~icaU001 lo brln( costs to a ruaonable level. Al ...., 11 the project -a maj« Im- provement ol El Cimino 1IUI -11 badseted, the roadway betw-Pico and C.mlno C.piJlraoo will be resurfaced, and bicycle palhs and emergency ~arklng lanea will be ln1lalfed. Tbe project will coal ..,,e lbao $100,000 Peter .bu reported. · Removal o! old -IUlrd ralll Will be included u well 11 aome construction of crib walla to koep fallin( malerlal from blUl!a from cJotilDI tralflc and <Y· clelanea. FDA Bans All Ex~pt Traces Of Leild in Paint 1'Nm AP DllpolcMI TIM Food and llrul Mmlnlalrallcn to- day hlnDod all ucept trace amounta of lead Iii IP.!":' by Ille •1111 of 1'13 "to mlnlmlae. Ille heallh huard to future 1enerat1ona:." a-v1-a proteela from Ille paint lndultrJ, Ille FDA anlmd reductlol1 of lead ID peiDI lr>om ~percent to ft...taolhe .. 1...-by 1111 11111 .. 1111 .. lo .. hundredUls of I percenl by Ille end of JflS. An -led 400,000 cblldren aufler lr>om leld pol.icrnlni wblch can C11111 lirliD-... and dealh. FIUin( paint In (ft-1'1114 War D boualnt hll been lden- llllld u a major oource of ltad poiaon- ID&- Baseball Signnp Slated Saturday Prellmlnaty funcUons for younptars Jn. tareeted In two aeparate youth ba1tball pnlll'iml will take place Saturday ID San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano. The final day for 1lgnup1 In lbe Pony League program will start at 9 a.m, in Buc:chelro Field In San Juan behind ol~ ca~ !Hlh Scboot Tryoula for reglalranll lhen will be held March 25 and April 8 at the same field. Reg~tra· tlon fa $10 per boy with a maximum of IU for youngsters ih lhe same family. Slanups for Coll Will< allO will take place Saturday at the llll'le time and place. .. ln San Clemente, tryouts for the San Clemente Little League will start at 1 p.m. at Vista Bahia Stadium. The trials are for boys new to the program. A baaeball glqye,.rand ~ ~ultable shoes an necusaryJ,lpokmne)f said. The function wiJI I aft about two (lours. OIAN•I COAST IC DAILY PILOT 1Jlt °""le Cid DA.ti. 't PILOT, .... wNdl ti ............ N-row, It ....... W ... Or...-C..sf l"vtllhtlllll ~-...... n• .,"'°'* .,, PllMllMll. ~ "'"""' P'rtltlf, ,... C..fl MHI, .,....,. aMCft, H"""""'9n hedi/1<-11111 \11tr.y, LifV'll alHft, lrvlnt/ .... 1.-.a Ml S911 Cltmeni.t lllt JIM!! c.,91,..... A tkllie Ntlontl •in. .. ........ SllUrdlfs ... SufdtYL Tiie """"""' ,uOlllllTfll Jlllnt 11 ., a w.r "1 ,., .. , C.• M ... Cllfenll. "61'. ._•lt1ri N. W.M ,,.. ....... .,., "*'"'*' J•tk R. C11tlrt Vb .......,..,.. "" Gttl«•I """"' n .... , J<..,.n """ n.,.,., A. M..,W .. M--Qarf• H. L." Rldiml P. Hell ~"'*""' M"*litw ....... s.. a1a1 .. OM&4I lOI Nortti II c ...... lul, f2'7! --attt M.t1 -WW .., SflW N~IMdl1 -,.....; ..._ .. ,.,, ...,.,.,_ lt9dt1 '"" ...... .......... .......... , ..... ........ 'Jal J' I ln4J 14Mll1 • Qutn.4 A4oad1tas '41.sl11 s. c ...... Al ..... :M&T ,.,,,. 711 .... .... ~ "11. Orweec cwr MllMIC """"""· ... ... ........ ~-. .......... "°'""" «' M4*1'liliMCb _.. ... , .................. _ ... ....... ., ..,,..,, ..... . ___ ...... __ :: .= ::~~w •:r-:t~ ....,.,, lllfll•ry .. "'-""" ............. T Frl4u, MW 10, 1'71 . " Union Covera · A.cu puncture IAH FRAHClllCO (AP) -'l1le '~IA 1 drjv to_ GfiliiilOwa Worbn, lo GI- --m lrilll• blllllll -Jn1araace covenge tor acupuncture tru!ment. Union organlur Rudy Tham laid he hoped lbe enticement of co\rerage for the agM>ld Oriental art WUI gaJn new members to Teamster ranks. Acupuncture involves insertion of needlea in certain nerve centers. City League Rejects Ban On Fireworks Safe and aane fireworks are ftne in mott Oran1e County dUe1, Cl>rlatmu tree aellen ahoutd have • longer aa!u period and two mayors have been named to lbe Or•D1e County llarlJor, Beachel and Parb Commlaaion. '1bese were the results of principal ac- tims taken by the direelon of the Orange County League of Cities Thursday nlpt Jn OniD1e-- The directors: -Voted II to 2 to reject a propoaa! referred to them by lbe county Board of Supervisor! which would ban the sale of fireworks throughout the co~ty. County f'ltt chiefs lut week voted overwhelm- ingly for a complete ban of any type firework!:, sale and sane or otherwiJe. -Said a 14-day limit on sales of Ohrlatmu treu alJoutd• be estended to 35 days to coincide wilh normal shipment dalel of the trees. -Approved· !he appolnlment by league Prealdent Robert Finnell of Placentia of mayors Walktr Evans of Sin Clemente and Don Fox of Brea to serve as league repre:sentaUves on the county Harbors, Beaches asd Parka Coinmlaaton. A 1971 1tate law ezpanded the commission membership from five to seven with two to represent the cities. The other five are named by county supervisors from their varloul dlatrlcta. -Approved Ille appolntmeol by Finnell of former Newport Beach mayor and 1971 I grand jury fomnan Dorten Marshall to the county Clllz<m Dir<!'lion Flodilllr Commlaalon and Ille appoqttmenl of Jlck Turi< ol HIJ1)tin(tm Beach ~ lbe couoty Human Relations Commlaaloi>. TWA Confirms Tai.ks but Says ' No Ransom Paid Bt u-!'fen 1-..iloul TWA h&s confirmed that it negotJated with an u:torlJonW over 1 #"mUlioo de- mand to reveal where homhe allegedly had been planted on Its jeUJnen, but lhe company's president aaJd no ranaom had been paid and he lielleved lh• threat had 1'run its course." Meanwhile a number of airlines around the country were plagued w i t h anonymaus but apparenUy unsubstan. tiated lhreala lbat their plenes had been hoobytrapped. The government called lhe heacla of 29 major 1irllnel to an emergency meeting today to map out President Nl1:on'1 new order to prevent air travel terrorism. Transportation Secretary John A. Volpe met wlth the airllne executiveJ leu than '24. hours after the President handed down ordm aimed al freeing lbe air lndualry from bomb threats and ntorllon. The new regulations direct every air carrier to prevent or de~er the placing of weapons or explosives aboard tts aircraft: prevent or deter unauthorized access to its aircraft; tighten Its ba1gage checking procedures, and Improve the security of Its cargo and boggage loaclln& operations. . . Lifeguard ~ppijcants ·T~ Compete -4.ppllcantJ tor possibly 15 seasona1 JUeguard poliUons for the city of San Clemente wUF participate In gruelinl tall March II and 11. 'The aMual trials to telect the summer group of pard1 wlll atrttch over two days with appUcantl 1cheduled for one day of teatln(. The euminaUOM will Include: -An Byard swim race from the shore to a buoy and back, -A rwHWJm.rescue ezertlse In- volving a 200-yard run: 2'JO.yard swim and another 200-yard tow of a Hvis:Um" through Ille surf. -A 400-yard run . a fOOsyard 1wim and another run for the ume distance: in ra'pld sequence. -Briel, prellntin1ry oral interviews. Top candidates elected in the weekend trials then ' will undergo the traditional Easter Week training uercises which m. volve swimming ind rescue workouts. lectures, more tells and oral interviews. Some of lhe lop candldattJ will be plac- ed among the summer ranks and runners-up will become alternate guards. Starting wage for the seasonal position Is $3.06 hourly. An applicant can qualify only if he ls 16 years old or mare by neit July l a"4 ellher • student at a high school or a graduate from one. A driver 's llcenae l& mandatory and lop physical conditkln is an absolute requirement, aald Ufeguard Capt. Phil Stubbs. Application forms for the position will be available starting March 17 and can be obtained at ltfeguard headquarten. 3 Men Charged With Death Try In Cycle Incident Three men arrested early today by Buena Park police art being held on charge& of assault with Intent to commit · murder. Pclice allege they ran down a motorcyclist with their car. Inmtlgators cautioned that they had no reasan to connect the attack with re- cent motorcycle gang slayin~s and shootouts in the county. Police assert the incident followed a 1hauting match between the cyclists and a passenger in the car, officers said they were told by witnesses. The victim, who is reported in utisfac- tory ooacflljon today7 •L ~County Me41<albmtr, lt-11. biW.,, II, ol 2512 West Ave., Fullerton. Delaney lost a finger from his rght hand and suffered numerous cuts and bruises. · Jailed were two brot.ben, Rudi J . Cox, 22, and Hans D., 29. The older brother lives at the Fullerton lntemaUonaJ Hotel and the younger at 864l Commonwealth St., Buena Park. The third suspect is Danl'el Campbell, 19, a transient who police believe has been living with Rudi Co.1. Investigators said today that victim Delaney was riding his motorcycle on Manchester Street near Stanton Avenue shortly after midnight. Witnesses told police that after enaaaing in a yelling bout with one cf the suspects Delaney attempted to 1peed away and was run down by a car. The car trio roared away from the aoote and palice later spotted the damag· ed. vehicle in the rear or 86.10 Com- monwealth St. The suspects were ar, relled In Apt. 10 ol lhe comples. 'Speed Limit Slashed A reduced SS miles per hour lpeed limit has been ordered by the County Board of Supervisors for a major portlon of Laguna Niguel's Crown Valley Parkway. The change from the present SS.rnlle- per·haur limit goes into effect within 30 days. lt affects Crown Valley Parkway between a point 1,2:00 feet north of Cbaparosa Avenue and 200 feet north of Forbes Road. ·Second Sunday Package Offers lnreresting Items As the second SUnday edition of the reader writes a Jetter about MauUan. DAILY PILOI' began to shape up today -Women'a pages featurt a profile on in. the newsroom, editors offered this Dorothy Dumke, wife of tht clwlcellor of preview of whit reader• can apec1 ~ state colleges, GleM Dumke . clay momin(: -New "YOU" Page has tandem -San Clemente-based DAILY PILOT articles on repairmen out to cheat you. Staff Writer John Valtena takes re1den One story is about tricky TV repairmen "inside the wa:ll.s" at the Western White and the other 11 on auto mec'hanics and • SEEKING ANOTHER TERM Newport'• lob lodhom Badham to Seek His Sixth Term As Assemblyman Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (R· Newport Beach) toclay announced he will seek election to a sixth term representing the 71st Assembly Dl!trict in Sacramen- to. Badham, 42, ia a l~yeat veteran of the Legislature. He said he will run a "aincere" cam· paign based on hlt uperi.ence, which Jn.. eludes lbe chalrm1Mhlp of tbe joint legislative commlttee on atomic develop- ment and space. The stanford graduate abo is a member of Assembly committees on Way1 and Means. Revenue and Taution, Governmental Organization and Is a rankina member of the Assembly Water Committee. · Badham pledlea lo continue lo work toward a umore balanced economy and to curb aoveromeot 1pencU01 and 00>- tralization, "I wilt continot my tron clad belief in local control and will apply it in all decisipnl I mu. Jn ,.._..11ng lbe peo- ple," Badham Aid. Two Countiaiis Die in Crashes An Orange reskteot wu killed nnu. day •l&bl and I Buena Part youth died ol lntR~ TI B''wd lliit If ... , t8I Orange County Coroner's Olllce ,.Id to- day. Jerry F. Pfeifer, 41, of 105.11 Orange Park Drive, was killed when his car spun -off the roadway and ltnJck a tree al Olapman Avenue and Crawford Canyon Road at about U:25 p.m. He died of head and internal injuries, tbe coroner 's depu- ty said. John F. Sanford, 15, cf 7422 Walnut Ave., Buena Park, dJed Thursday In the Orange C.ounty Medical Center of injuries received when his bicycle was struck by a car last Saturday at Beach Boulevard and Azalea Drive, Buena Park. .. Columnist ~ips ' . ' E~Nixon Aide WASHINGTON (AP)-Columnlll Jack · Anderaon contended today that John N, Mitchell, I! attorney gmeral, knew early last year ol a pledge allt1edly made by the lnternaUonaJ Telephone Ii: Telegraph Cc rp. to the Republican National Con- vention even though be has denied It. "Mitchell was running the Republican Party from Wide the Justice Depart- ment," said Anderson. "if he says under oath what 'he said in the 1tatement he issued, it will be the most arrogant es:ample of perjury this committee lia1 ever teen," he said. Anderson refeJTed to Mitchell't Feb. 28 ·1tatement which the 4usUce Deparbnent issued to deny accuaations made by the columnist that the settlement of an an· titrust case ag~ JT&r'l' was arranged by Mitchell and top IT&'!' oUlclala. &nderson aald tbal Calttornlo U . Gov. Ed' Reinecke ml' bla alde, Edgar GUlemraters, have confirmed that they di.scllssed JTlT'1 commitment to the con- vention wllh Mitchell last May ol lhe aame time the Justice De:parlrnent was negotiating a setUement of three an- titrust suits against ITH. Mitchell wu eapecled to lelUly after Andenon durJog hearinp by lbe Senate Judiciary Committee Into char1u by Anderaon Iha! Justice Department of· ficlala committed Jmproprie:Ues In the IT &T settlemenl The committee convened the hu:ril\is at the request ol. actinr Atty. Gen. Rlcbard G. Kleindieoal, who llked to answer Andenon's charges about bis department. KleindJenst'1 no,mlnatlon to be attorney general la before lbe Senate. (Anderaon'a columri appears reculafly on lbe editorial paf< of lbe DAILY Three of Four .. Clement-e Grtuls Plan College Nearly 15 percent ol ti>e San Clemente High School &radualea are IOinC on to college, according to a report compUed by official! of the CaJ>istrano Unified School Dlalrlct. Since 1167 three out of four gr1duatt1 have either gone to jllnior colle1e or • four.year college ac:cordlng to prtnclpal llornl 'hJ!or. Ano1ber ataUltic found by the ochool staff ,as pvt of an accreditation report was an enrollment jump from 9111 to 2,700 since 1968. 'J'he teachinr staff has hi- cr.ued from 38 lo lot. The report also points out thtt llnce 1987, 1,939 have graduated from the school, representing 96 percent of the seniors enrolled during the period. A preliminary survey of 410 1eni0n this year shows that 271 plan to attend col- 1ege, 111 are looking toward • technical· school educaition, 56 plan to find a job, ei.ght will enter military service, and 50 are undetjded. PILOT.) Anderson's comment.s, in answer to question! by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mau.). brought on a political alc:lrmlsb In Which Republican Sens. Mar1ow Cook of Kentucky and Roman Hruska or Nebraska asked that Anderson not be allowed to continue his testifying about Mitchell. '"This committee shoulc! not have to llsten to this PolitkaJ diatribe," said Hrwska . Cook said, "lhe former attorney general can speak !or himself." · Mitchell denied Thursday as "total11 false and without foundation" a new m.· timation that President Nixon wu IJI. volved in the government's decision to drop the antitrust suit against IT&T Brit Hume, an asaociate of And~n told the committee Thursday that IT&'f lobbyist Dita Beard quoted Mitchell as telling her that Nixon ordered him to "make a reasonable setUement" ot the ITU case. From P .. e J SEX FILM •.. Union, who had planned to 1creen the film prior to a panel discussion on human sexuality, were planning protest action. 'lburaday nigh~ l,000 leaflet. protestin1 tb.e •elfure were printed for distribution lhroughoul lbe campus tocloy. Led by 26- year-o~d Terry Oleson, a 1raduate stu- dent and pre1ident of lhe Gay Studenta Unkm, union members were to meet· at 11 a.m. today at the Gatt'way Commons to begin dlalrlbulion of the leafiell. Olam alao nid lh•I !e1aJ actlcn -id be pursued lhrough the American Civil Ubertie1 Uolon (ACLU). Jay Murley of Newport Beach, a director of lbe ACLU, confirmed lhal lbe body would cooaldu aclln& Jn behalf ol the Ullion. SeJiure al. the Jow,budget movie, whJcb bu been acreened at public theaters in San Francisco, Los ~eJa, Chicago and New York -lilQugh reportedly prosecu. tlom •re pendlnJ in all lh0te cllies - followed a day of doubt on whether lhe film would be tcreened on c1mput. 'A preview of the first reel of the film. 'II•· ~. by YIU Cboncellor John C. Hoy along with several faculty members~ a repraentatlve of the ACLU and Oleeon. After the preview, Dr. Hoy told OlellOll lhal lbe film could not be 11\own Thur1- d1y nllht and lhal a decision on wbelbe!: lhe movie could be shown In the Mu,. wooid be mode by Chancellor Danit! G. ~rich, who was out of town Thurldq night. Dr. Hoy said that Oleson indicated that the mavie would not be .screened. Dr. Hoy mode JI clear that he did not order the film confiscated and wu unaW"are that the seizure was · going to tc.ke place. "There had been some indic:alion that the Dllitrict Attorney's Office was golnc to step ln,"1 Dr. Joy explained. "Information had been made available to them ," the vice chancellor 11id, in- dicating that be hoped to avokf an amsf being made. Hou,..compow>d...111>-"Sundu-Speclal"--lha.atall agency..wblch-l-.teyln&-to-lleep-- look$ into the whys and hows ol inCreued them honesl (Pat Dunn's At Your use ol lhe old Cotton Estate as a -ling Service and You and lbe Law round out place for those who qualify. this new, "Involvement" pqe which -The blrlh of a baby, miracle lhal It leads off C SecUon~ i.!I, i! shared in all Jta intimacy in two -The Grammy Award• show,· first in pages of plclure& and stories by and of Ille parade · which · wW Iller includo JoaMe Re7nold1, DAILY PILOT ltlff Oscars, Tonya (Broadway) and Emmy1, writer and brand new mother. maltea the cover of TV WEEK. -A newly franchised youDI reporter, -Newport )leach'• own John W1yne Is Fred Schotmehl, takel • dol4 look at lbe tbe subject orlhe cover atorr In. Femily vote as It will be aeen lhrou1h lbe eye& ol Weekly. the 11.year-olda. -Sporla coverqe In , Sunday's paper ·-The Euler P1rade moy not be rtady wlll Include aome of the Iate1I In- for IJ!la. Photo layout reveala what some formatlcn available on focal ud naUooal of lhe darin( )'OWll men will be 1'earinf Wffkend aportin( act!YllllL ll\la oprlD1. -Clwlfied oectlOll offers borpln -Travel P•I• ta.ke& reader1 South of hunten lbe moot timely •woiit odl" lbe Border u columnbt Slln Delaplane (liken for publlcallall _, Ibo DAILY talk& about Mexico, DAILY PILOT PILOT up lo ,_ .. lloltWay) and, of lloatlDI Editor Al~ Lockalley offerl 1 courl<, commercial adl fronl automotive THI IUMISH IOMll CAl!lllf SHOWN Hiii COMU l'IOM OUlt DUMATIC ITCITDA COUIC. T!ON 1Y DltDIL • , • A SUMIN•LY INDWS SIUCTION Of. DUIGN, WOODS AND l'INISlllS. YOU AH SUH TO MT THI MILIN• THAT IACH P11p1 WAS CUSTOM IUl~T tlOI YOU ALONI. ' DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE -KARASTAN 'ltd. NIWPOltT llACH 1727 Wtotcllff Dr., '42-2050 -NltAT 'TIL·f INTERIORS LAGUNA llACH TORltANCl 345 North Coast Hwy. 4""'551 23649 Hawthorne llvd. • 12111 n•n7t o,. ....., ·~· ' rtctc•cccl I....., Dcat111n A ............... l........,ID ' -Toi -M"' <I --Ht-UU 1lory Ind photo on z I h u I I I •• J 0 and r .. 1 tltate dut.I -....... .,.. (Acapulco, It lln't) '"II' Lli\lDI Beacll popular wllh ~ illoppora. 1-----..,....-'-'-------------------,----------'=-- ~ I f I \ ' • I 20 04Il Y PILOT ' SC Flldcy. Miid! 10, nn Kaise1· to Raise . Hali Sheet Prices OAKLAND (AP) -Kaiser :Aluminum and Ch em ica l ·Corp., the nation's l hi rd ~largeal aluminum producer. 'says it Ls raising prices on ·M~fw.m;.. MOTOR HOMES SA}fS,,_ •,. R!~~LS UTE LINER IALIOA-PACE ARROW 1.0CATID ON THI NIWPOIT f lllWAY, JUST SOUTH OP ,THI U.NTA ANA fl:llWAY. TAKI THI McFADDIN TUlN Off, TUIN LIFT ON YILLAGL WAY. "'° N > • 1 ~ AN ESTIMATE ON A IURGLAR ALARM IDIN0£1t i 10R YOUR ·IUSINESS ; • .. MEDICAL BLDG., HUNTINGTON BEACH 7 Suites, Scheduled Income $1980.00 Mth. s.mng for $130,000.00 Courl••Y to Brokers Contoct: Judy McCurdy 213 .143.0100 RE: LIQUIDATION SALE UNITS & S.F.R.'s L.A. AREA I Pro perties Appr1 ised 1t $180,000.00 Yours for C•sh -$14'2,000.00 fo< lofo Cootoct: Judy McCu..,., 213 .149.5951 Courtesy to Brokers Would you pay an extra , $5.21 per month for .'Full New Car Maintenance? ~That'll all the extra it cost with a Johnson Is Son--J'alb 'Maintenance • I.ell.Se on any of our brand new 1971 'Mercury&. Just think of it .•• no more annoying repair r problems ... no more 1,1nexpectcd expenses and best of all . . . a beautiful new full size Mereury Marquis or Monterey to drive In a~olulPly perfect condition at all . times. Find out for yourself all t he beocfil'I. and plea.'l.ures ' this fantastic lease program provides on all our Lincoln· ' Mercury Products. ;Call BUD BOWEN at 540-5630, •.. TODAY! 282' HARBOR I LVD .. COSTA MESA • 540·liAll AUCTION :24 Bales Genuine Handwoven •. PERSIAN RUGS and other Orientals Rugs, Carpets & Runners 4 "lain Satouk• !Mind Slrnl 4 lain loldlores I Mired Sim l 2 lain 9-n Uolokl SI• htc:IMed l 2 laln At,han (Mired Sbnl 4 lal., CootNct Kero-I Ml1ed Sln1 3 ..... l..ir. <Mixed Slnll 1 lale K ....... 11 !Mixed SIMI) 2 ..... K-<Mix ed Sbnl NIWPORTER INN 1107.,........ ..... Newport -~. CellfOmlo SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2 P'M Vi•wi1'19 A ln1pectio11 from 12 noon untll fi me of auction Aocttooer: COl. lEll ROSENllUM T""": Ca1h or Chee~ • • -· ' ' j" • OVER THE CO.UNTER Complete-New York Stock List - w \ -· ~ Devices ~tional' • 'wASlllNGl'ON (Al'} -Tho 117 Ii bnent pl Trampona 1 tion 1 ,_ .ltec:Ud away, -1l eas ........ ily -from 'ita pn>-,..i to ,.qu;r. autmnobile ~8dutet to provide ~ warning. ~'filh11l-W1. -.: 1 ....... th• dq>ortmtnl. -1 ,,.... vebicle-soldy ........ apeUirc ool dealgn ifl tw fll 1 n d perfGllftWe .!' t1-i!s fl"" IUCfl. • • r n I n 1 <loriOei ollend u oplionll .. ,,,,,... ,,,. .llaodard Will ~·-olfed Jaic. I, 1'74. •'E 'l'IJe .-pnipoKd In • ~ IS711 lo r<qU!re, II IClacldanl motor vdllcle equip. -. •aroi.ol devices lo 1lert lppt(9-traff1t if I vtm. cle llallL The -lllandml calll lor 1 • -· triangular lip will> ·-· ••d ~ I molorill oo bolh .-end I le&s lo .... bl< I driver lo Id n . -ar-tlco "*'"Y· ' • Seeing'• Believ~ng_ . Goodyear Tire Company's airshj' Europa takes off on maiden flight at Card- ington.-Bedfordshire, England. is first fli•ht by airship in Britain in . more than '20 yeail. Europa, assembl io ~itain, 1s 192. feet Jong and has maximum speed of l5<> mph. ~ · ' 'Freeze' . Ext-ended 15 Days . WASHINGTON (AP) -The, Price Commission says lt will announc.a new regulations on utility raw ntil week, but meanwhile it's keeping the fr~·on an extra 1!1 days. Tbe .... fretze ·on utility rates was to h1v~ ended today, but the ,,. commiuion. Wednesday ~~er~ ,an utw~n ~ Mareb Comm.iulon thaifman C. Ja~ Grayaon Jr, uid the extension would allow ad· ditional' time to implement proposed chln1es in rules 1oveming r11te1 of p.ibllc utll· ltles and regulated tran1porta- tion. After hearings last week, a commWiob staff member said commissioners felt there was stn)ng evJdence supporting the contentitln of electric and telephorle uUliUes that they need l1r1e rate hike! to catch up wlth'rislng·1uel and equip- ment.costa and higher interest r'!les:. • All ~E GOOD SONGS-BY AL THE. SUPERSTARS • KWIZ1480AM RADIO 0 • ' . . ' . -0 c IC ~ ,. ... N -~ 0 0 0 CJ Ill :::c ... .J .J c • 0 -Cl c IC • :E ·C a: • '· c: ·- 0 0 0 Q) ~ i... LO ::> CD -~ ·- I , I ' I , ! I I I • w :E c( z "' 0 w -a: c Q c( - a.. -N • > ... -(J ) . w. z ~ a. :.J UJ LLI I ~ <C w a: 0 c z c ~ z > ,.. .... -I :::c m Ci) 0 0 0 al < ~ -I :c m f/I c: "Ill m , :xi ~ :u f/I • • > .... r-. .... :::c . m Ci) O ' 0 o · f/I o' z : Ii)'. tJI· ~ > ..... ~ ~· m UI c: "Ill m :xi f/I ~ :xi f/I ~ c •. "' .• .. o · ·> I: I ·-·. 0 KWIZ 1480 AM RADIO ~---- • Frldq, M1rd! ID, 19n DAll. Y PILOT JI Believe It or Not, . . . Dollars Accumulate ' By JOllN CUNNIFF NEW YORK !AP\ -Those fellows who worked out the elabor8te theories on the com- ing of the cubJess society failed to understand all the factors involved aQd now some of their lde"as aren't worth a plugged nickel. Ci:edlt cards and checking accounts proliferate, but AO also does cash. The t h e o r I e s apparently failed to fully appreciate hu· man nature, the t&l collector's avarlclousnes.5, the taxpayer's elusiveness, the coi"n col- lector's acquisitiveness, the vending machine Industry's appetite, the rise· in crime ... You could go on and on, but as the Morgan Guarlnty Survey muses , "The United States has become, If any- thing. a more cash than ever society.,. There Is more than $6.7 billion In coins circulating, or more than double the amount · Jn the early \1960s. And the nearly $S4 billion in bills is about $2.1.5 billion mort than in 1960. Morgan sought the reasons and came up with these e1- planations, which remind us of some startling changes that have taken place in society - changes that m o s t of the forecasters failed to recognize. -The price of silver rose, making many coins more valuable for their metal C<ln- tent than for their face value. Since 1965, an estimated $2.3 billion in c o i n 1 has been removed f r o m circulation, forcing the mint to produce millions of new nickel and cop- . per coins. -Hobb)'lsl! and olh~rs have removed coins for myriad other reasons. The Kennedy half dollar and the Eisenhower dollar have" sentimental value to many people, for example, and probably n e v e r will be used as currency. -Local sales taxes ha ve risen. Try going to· work without taking some change with you . The chances are that if you leave without coiM you will come home with plenty of them. That old 98-cent price, for example, becomes $1.0S .with a 7 percent tax. It means that whereas once the storekeeper needed lo refund you only two pennies, now you must come up with 5 cents in coins or the storekeeper must give you 95 cents in change. -Toll booths have. appeared on highways, bridges and tun-- nels all over the country. l.n. order to lessen the com· plicatioils of highway travel, a vacationing family · or a businessman is likely t o reserv«i ·a .supply of coins before embarking. -Crime. ln an Increasing ntimber of cities the masa tran s portat io n system demal)ds exact change in order to discourage robbery af their drivers. The coins are dropped lnlo a I o c k e d repository. The driver carries no money. -Sales of the vending machine industry rO$e to ,01ore . than $fi billion by 1970., "Not only does it take coins to work the machines," notes Morgan, "but the coins are then im- IriObiiized., which reduces their . transactions velocity.'' And whi\t 11bout those bills? Inflation has been .a major conlribu!or to the average in- crease of about 6 percent I year Jn the volume of. paper money. But, says Morgan, tax evasion · is believed to be a slgnificanl factor. "There is a strong·susplclon that some peo'ple -frt?nt gamblers and racketeers to white collar professionals and blue collar moonlighters - receive payment in cash so thl)t there is no record." Adding to the demand for bills is the-fact that mu~h U.S. c;urrency is circulating abroad. Some of these dollars are used lo conducl trade. Some .are used in 'dope traffic. Some are hoarded by people w h • distrust their own curre~- " Reagan: Aerospace Decline Levels Off SACRAMENTO (AP) - Go v. Reagan says by · 1980 California's popultition will jump to more than 2.1 million. requiring builders to slap together about 1.2 million new housing units. "To meet the housing demands of thi1 increased population, we will r~uire an · avfrage ~,000 ~ unitji . ' _Charges On VWs . ,, . . _,Di~puted .. . NtW Y9RK , (U P!l -l!alp~ Na~er's .. ~h•rg~ t~at ·• t 11 ~ _VOlMWager . is "the . most. hazardous C'ar" in ge.rlerlil use on the.roads .has been. l:frarided as ' ••jn·accura.t-e and. m1!1eading" ·b"y . 'Road and Track magazine. Publisher John Bond and writer John Tomerlin called on the crusading Nader to retract his report on "the Beetle." · Tomerlin's article, to appear 1!1 the A"pril issue of Road & Track, accuse,, Nader of quoting experts on automobil! safety out of context and of making the most serious ac· cusations a g a I n s t the Volkswagen and then failing to back them by evidence. Road and Track s a y ! Tomerlin and its staff ex· amined \he available .eras~ slltistics, lhe results. or j:On- trolled experiments · aild th~ most qualified engineerinl analyses available, and con· eluded the VW not only Is not abnonnally hazardous but al.so that tts safety ptrforma~ compares quite favor abJy wlih o~f can or, the siu·. per yea r during the latter part of this decade ,'' Reagan said in his annual Economic Report Wednesday to the Legislature. The ~publican governor afso said there are "strong in- dications" that the decline ln Califomia 's a e r o s p a c e in- dustry has halted. Reagan said the decline caused by "readjustment to lower levels of federal spend· Ing on high technology proj· ect!I has been painful." But "I am hopeful that fisCat policy during coming months will be designed. to stimulate a moderate e,xpansion in aerospace so that the tens of thousands of highly qualified technicians, scie nti sts, engineers and production workers. . . can continue to make a major contribulion to the state's future ." Basing his comments on data from the State Depart- ment or Finance. Reagan said that because of the state's growth: -Continuing emphasis will be put on rapid transit · systems. -"We Intend not only to prevent the · spread of air pollution. but to reduce pollu- tion levels significantly througllout the state.•( UP'll ......... Cit~• B•rgaln Solicitor General Erwin Griswold tells Senate Judiciary Co mmittee ... , that out-of·court setUe-. . ment involving Inter-· national Telephone and Telegraph Corp. · and Justice Department was · better bargain for gov- ernment than iC case waS heard by Supreme Court.' SetUement 'hu become controv~rsial. , AGT Sold To Douglas -. "We are continuing Ui Jn. ST. LOUlS (AP) _ McDon· -vestigate the leasibility of nell Douglas Automation Co. establishing large capac ity has announced it acquired desalter · plants: on the AGT Managemen,t California coast." Systems,· lnc., or s e a t t J 1, "California h as come Wash . through th. e n at Ion a I Aqr .~ A 5:0ttware comPIJ!yl! economic ~line of the past spec1aliz111g 1n oomputer pro;. year-and-a-half with a firm grams for business, education· ecoMmic foundation which inslitutibn.s j and muriicipal• will : support rapki _. a n d govemmtr1~· 1 ' ' substantial .. growth in the WillilOn · .R, Orthwei"n ·Jr .• · fiiture,'' he ·sal<t. ' president or the St. Louis com-- "Wlth an awarenes11 of ll?f: puter 8'rvices firm , sakt AGT' needs of t!'e peopl~ ~: this , .. was aCct!J..ir8" for ;aft · u• state, we .will !:Je able to.1nsur.e disclosed a.mount of caah . 1 that C&ltfom1a. remains the MDAC ls a division of th11 nation 's leading: state,'' he McDonnell Douglas aerospace: added. firm. .. ..::G:..:a=-· .:.;:,S:..:.h!!'tflfl,;:;;.;. · ;:...;: ·:..:::· R.;..e__;fi'=-~i::.;a~r:....:e:...=~· . . Utilities . Reject Customers . . . ' . . . . By LINDA RUBEY NEW YORK (AP-) -Fears o( a severe natural gas shortage nut winter .are forc- ing an Increasing number o( gas utilitiu to tum away new customers, putUng 10me home builders in a bfnd. Some g11 utlllll .. In Ohio.· Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Woshlnglon, D.C., hsve curtailed tho sale ot natural 1a1 to new residential cuslon)ti'I, always tho J a s t usera lo be cut ba<k by utilities. In thete um! areas. the home builder foces tho dllacn- m1 ol buUdlng 1 home 11111 ean met more to COMtruct ·end lo heat. or pootponiog con- struction until the "I 1 II shorllg• eases. C. V. Perry, pr .. ldc~ol c. V. Perry and Co. Develo~rs In Columbus, Ohio, estimates that oll-eled,rjo hom .. c...t to percenl more to build tban gas·heated houses because of the addiUonal insulation re- quired. Qnce installed, electric neat can .cosl two to four Umes more than gas, according to gas company estimates:. Electric J til ltl e1 oclmowledge that eltctrlcity I! qMlre expensi-.:et\n many areas than g1s, but maintain it. Is 1enerally a more efficient mdliod of healing. · . In Ohlo,-Daylon Power and Lighl ·Co. and Tpledo Edison Co. -both gas ouwll•rs - -i•ed permission Few. 17 lo pc.it • · treue on n e w ctJltomers, including ruiden· tlal use.rs . ' There Is n6 assurance that· an adequate supply of natural: gas will be ·av11ilable to meet the 'demand!! ol COOSUmer8 next winter, A-Yi Henry Eckhart, chairman of the Public UHlltles Commission of Ohio. Branches of the federal government, other • ta t e utilities commissions Md 1a1e companies 1111 tchQ a concern th1I the United SLtti. could face 11 critical s;hoM.age ol 111 in tht next two winten:. ' "By and Jorge, lhe pre .. ot home owner ,probelllJ , iln'I (oing lo be alrlcted)J lie< gu shortage, bu(,!( "lloll't IOlvo tho problem • the I u t \J re homeowner oertainl.v wlU be.'' a gpokttman tor t h 1 Independent Notural Ga Aaoc:llUon Mid. I • ' I U' ... ~· ' • • • • • -• • ' SC . . • Friday's Closing Prices-Compleie New York. Stock Exchange List Sleek Leaden MOST SHARES ' ' •• ~... .. ........... ~---·······••llli••••••l:-.;;;;.;;-;;;;;;;;---1 ..... ... ... ... C~I =~:Cs:~~ .~.1t'n'·i1'lf~ ='=~-... in"~~ ~J --, ~ C~.-':; W~~---;)·,-; i= ~ "'~· =, -1 ... _ ~8~-_: ... 1:= Stocks 1.Take Dip· 1 17t ~~· 1i:'-"~~fll ,_,:t: "' ~ :~~=~",:a ~ ~~a·!.;; J ll'Ji ~ · ft s:ltl "'-' '! '6 " n l't-\lt WMll 1111' • #: "' "-'~ .... "'·-. us o, .. \ .. Jl ... ~ ~-"' WMtlW .ale II ... lfti 1• ... "" ... ''"' .......................... ! ' USO'' iii! , Jt M n.. M + ~ W... D9I I I "' f'\,I; t W -\io ..i ... ·, i':~. ~.!l! i'ie :._:_:_,~. In Heavy_ Tradm" g ::::::::~:::::::::::::::::, : ~i = .~ : i~ = ~ ~: =i~t~: :, ~'ff: ? ::~ .,. f~ ,. tlS ~IYC.11 ,M 1~ 21 ,_" 11 + ~ Wel!tll'&' I 6eo tJ •1¥. 0 \• t!'li6 -Ml '', ne·· . _i ~ ,.... ... ul~t ~t= \~ ~"' '~" ~\ii t tt :-.:~l\l .i!t-# ,~ ~ !m: = : !!! {; CMl.I Mllll lft ( .... Cltt, US '"°' .M '°' X1/o JN t"'i _ ,.. Wfl!ffi"•... I • •,: '! '° :ii It us snwtt 1 n 1614 HJo i. ~ ""'!. ltf ?• 1110 Vt 'a -,.. '!" ' 1 \lo+... 1=.,,~·1 1• ~ Im H~ -:: us '1M I 1... lU U\o. ,,.. " :--'~~'t1 -~ 1 ~ '1'io = ::_. "' !!" I l~ -'* ( ' 1N 1"' -utoNc-1.w 1" '4\o\ ~ .... +1 ;in: ,. _ 14.-1~ il" u" t ~ NEW YORK (UPI)~ The llotk market regis· t= 11' 11\'i 'n !J~ -.. U!lll VIII ,,,. "' 1111 11\t ''" !! ~ ... ' .. ~· 6' ..i • ~ -t1t. tered a Jogs Friday 1-f1irly heavy tradinc on the !...~. A -~~1 ~ ,-mt =1" ~:1L1 U::t:U' ': 1~ t~ 1~ ~ ~ =o~·~. Jt = ~ ij ~\6 ""' ~~ =111! l.Jl ;;.w,..,. -'ll • 10" H: 1· :'.. U 1. ... 1 l.~ to ~ ,. .... *--•t W11 Un.,.,. J -1'1:~' 11'11 11"' 1~."' + New York Stock Exchan~e. ""'*"r• • 114 "" '"u111•oll ,-4 1'1.1 '"" it"' 1"' -11o w11 u• """·" i l "l 1 "' .. ,;;;::: W Ulli .., + Sb rt! bef th .• , bell th Do J 1'·~~ . . ' t -\'o UfllvCH .llf , .. 11 ~ '"~ " --Wll ~' .ti4.M • ~ "'-......,. ,~ 1 ,".,. •,• .. • _+ o y ore • c 011 , e w one~ ~.:~;;r,il,.:~·",.1 ~~ "'• ~ =t.. ~~1:';111~~.o .~ ~~i ~'~ ~~I' .. +~ ~ .• ,/i!,'.1~1' ,!Ill " 'U ! "'$;··· Industrial Average o! SO selected blue<hi~ stocks . "" "' , , ~;;.. Ill ] I ;' :.,.im. "M"' +· .• ·••••• I ,, M ~ n· .. U~l.I I! .Ml .. s,.. ~. "' 5 ' WnWf• , ~ • -• 20-\li .. was o f D'IOre than four rvijntJ at 938.59. landard f' °" ,; "' '" .... -t " u s M ,1p .o111 17 ,,lli U\lo '''" "' " w,.~,,. 1 11 t r:-, ,.111111 • "" I ._ "USM on.it , Ml • )II _.. "'...,,..,, •• r I 1 1 1 1w.; 31"' & Pool"s ~stock index wu doWn 0.80 at 108.34. ''!!!Iii --.,._ '•"' ', i'"' "'u11h '"' .~ u '"" .. -. •~.,"' w"' •i't ' '~ "' • \.'t """ li '4 .:..:'• , •• ,.. "" ' -,. Ul•ll ,. .. l,'7 l't -H~. l•rn '-4"1 -"=hlllo ·ry .ON · .... , ' 11"" 11"" 111ro ···: AnaJysts uid the setback was a combination '•'u""" ... 1 11 ~ oi. ,..l~ -+ ; ""'"" ._,_. 4tt u ' 11"' -'-• "11~111 1 C 11,1 1"tn~ ! ..... : 3$~ -. 1 •w ,,. l 1n ff1'1 u ul'-, "'" c ... 1 .~ ll ""' '" "•""'. . . I" .. 11 -1 t , it"; itv. ~v. .. 0 profit taking, normll Friday selling and a dis-ll~ :It; ; .~ t~ ;r·· t ~ ~==co'° :~ n;t ~~ 1~ = s' war. ... i 1 ' :;: •• i '"" d 1; ~ •7 -ii quJetln" news b1ckcrround. The dollar has been ,rw ... GI .n ,, h'-u • -"""'" C•• 1.1G ' fllll4 ~ "'"' + 11 ;, •1 -• 110 " " " + • • -"' c ... , ''° 14.i. 1.n.. \Jiii,. -"' v1.c:...., '"' ..,., 1· fl is -~ J · ... ' 4 n v. ·~ •" -under pressure abroad, aJttiough the pressure eased r~'"' cor• " ll" 10 »"--"-v1c1c-. .-.o ,,, -. 1•11 "'~ ··'"":;: • 1f " ._., :J. 'llt'fi' ''i ... 't .-: v.~ somewhat today and this has promn•ed fears .of 1 -U·V-~:~y;: i .~ ,:ft I'~ lt:? l~-. 1 t: :.. t,U,:' tll 1 tt 2 = ~l -""'"' ~ t'.lo UAL Ill( ~ f: <0119 .. \/, -'t VtE!' pfl.t• 110 I 1U lll -1\io W~ "?-h -11'1 1 " -,i. ™"2 '! . ._ 'rt» •z."' -_·,, new international monetary crisis ... Afso, the whole-H",'~'1·•, i' .. u ~'" -114 "' ,,,. 1111.n 1110 10 104 104 _, w 'kl ti• 1 1ff1 '• s, -'u's 7h. 7~ .. ~ u It 0 ~ ff -'lo 111 I!,-pf7.I! 1150 1 10Jllo 1011• ,. ,, , W tb If .1Jllo f - 57 'i ... ':"" 'iE"~ -v. saJe price index climbed 0.7 percent in February. uG• r. i'. 2 ' " u .. 111 tt&fl ••J. 1•1• n11o 1'11'1 +1"' wo 0" c44 "" S :.': .. \!Ir ~ ,11'11, ... 1\.ii -'A H:.,,$gi~·· tt1 1•1A ... '.-'" llt =1~~:s~::::fi ~= i;,,.. u\~=::=~~·2'.' ... ~ , • t·=·~, f 3"" -,.:1 ........ ,. ___________________ ol•• ?," )IM ~ -40\lo I-"' Yor~ 41 ft\\ nu. n11o -.., w~Co f'ta ' -~.l l ... 1•111--~=1~~-··" H"1 " .Ml• "It;~~ 1S~=~~~L:"t1 1·.:. ll 11?t 2't;: ;?~+~:n"qi.1~te'1't ~ ~ ~ ~+~ifl 1i 1S'" 1·~ n;.:..· .... ,r ... 'H1• 11/: ,':~C·,::~ .. ~i~··~,~: •:.~: ~ ,.a:·~H~11.,.'Thi' tt ttt fm :!:~wnia .. 11 .• i ?"" ~ 1,...-t\:z~l:. ... s. se ~ l,\l~~ 1Qll""n..,n ... ., •" ·'!f. '=Jit +~i••GSut .60 w1t1N 1t \.ii '"'.:..:"u"i1"'1.• •'"1"'......,-" -W·X·Y-l-.,,,1,.~,. .-11 111 ~11 -'lt tt V. Hiio 21\lo -.,. 1vbrM L 'I 11•. ' = ~ T!;§ul/'~~ .i: ~ \;» •im"" 'ff\lii !2 VO H::O.k::>i~ f1J ilit ll\4 Sl • . • . W1chC1> I ?O 'J '5\~ ._.,.., U llo + "' W '< I'S 1.l6 ll 1 -\Ii i,~ ~~ .:_.I.ii '1 u r,'1 it"' r,~ = ~ Vlfl'M t,4 T-&G Of tS .,_ + 'ro UOCll *"·'° ti .,_, 4.!\'I n= ; .. :.' \.,, Wld'I .n.20 olO 11 70"1 11 + V. :.~·.~ ·~ t3 ft 11o 10.. 10'1 --1IJD 1~ 14\ii 14"' _ v;, -T-"TH lf.JJit ' \I\ I"' I w. .• U11 "'( Cp s tot U'li '2 u --., w1d1Rt ..... '4 J.lh l•"" J.1~ , . womeieo ... .._ ,, ,3\io ii" -~ l"i' ,',"'t UQ'~ ,','•"+···01.,,1, ,., ... ti,,.,_.,.._ ··~+••l'•'•u11 iG ~ .. 111"'+'"'u""•'-'·'1 , ~ 11 11 w •• ,,,,,. 1 11 ,5,,.. ,._. ,~-l•woo0.c •• 1, 11.i.1 »i.. :i.-1"'1· .,. -.. , .. ,._ .., n Hli tt"'--u. U11klrlam .ID "' ~ ~ .:..·;,., W•lkrH I.le• J ~ ""'" "'"° ·+. I~ woolwlh I'° U .. ..., ~ ''" -}tf 1 3' v. ~-"'l'/ta11 1 .1e lt'-"" 1t ..... ~•ttOfl to \ii""-" unl~••1 .1e w ,.,. 11\1\ ''"" +.14W1ta111' • f' i4'1i i..,. i'"'·"~ w:::l'1 0,,:,. .l .... 6A +l;' 12f: ~ :J"-~f:l:::~1r:, I U II .. 1' +"'t••~ .OI l !" ~ 43 +~U11lrov1l"t 11,106 105 l= W1111~11r•·l Sn n m:t -"'~n:r1 A\l"n li J1h 1 jh''-'' "Hv. J114i lJlj .:..:·lei -'.to ~~ .. u llfl J!tl" ,.::~·•".,· !Ill ,·1••. ~ fi~ ~Mt .. ~ ~~~':r 1~ IR ,..lS ~ sw. ~·~ :::!."t:~!· rJ ,.: .: .i: ::;:. ~,,,flt,se• H '~~~ i1e1.. '1 ='.,.t. ' " r. lt -" •!WY wt $; 1 1-j -""'• 1-u1111 9,,,.. 1 1 11 lj -"" w,,.. ~-' ,. '""' U\t llli' . ,, ... Ct :.. ll! 1• 1411'• 1 "' -I~•. 'j t1i 51'1 t~ +'Ill T.... .olO )I ~ ~ 1 »• '1•. --,. u .,.. ,.,.. I 11 1 l't -+ 1~ W1rN Ct .6tl 1J J~ 1a\1 1i\ot _,,. 11.lrt 11!< " I"' l:I"' ····• • Iii ll\11 l2\i -:i. Ttellllkllll Ct lfl ts 'Vt -l'i1m • ~ i .. Ulllt ~.,, lt6 IN 10 1014 -Ii. WtrllC ltll.JD 1 JI-:M4 ~ -" Vntl SO 1.• ' "-"•" , .... • • ... ~!v. ~m ~ _+ ~ ,rar; ·"' u """' , .u ... -.. , . . .. 16 un1t , , .. , • "" ,,..., 11"' _ "' w.,,,,,, '·"" , ff"" '"' ,...., ' "' 1 .lt ''" .J.i ~ . •. •• ~ -VI -.-. .. \.ii .. ·-•" 11v. .... l1V. -Vt "" 1t ~ " 'Vt -.... -1» 17"' 11\• 1116. -.... Wtr11c.m .)~ ,.. Miii d d -1--...... ,.,. I " Jtt1 . •• r . 11 )11' 3:Pi ~-Iii Tt .t• 1 Vt Wi 1tl4 ..... ~ •• 1. Mt p lb:-1 tl:1lt:!; t~ H,.,. 2f ""'Iv. trnC 1111.U ''1 I' u -j"' tltllt •It u., +\ I' " ~·i ~ -"'Tt lt ll (II n1 "'' '!Ii Ii .,.,, ltew•IM ,.. 1•. + ~ U11ll ll'lll .JO I ,,\II ,,.,. lt\11 -"Wtrl•m 1.10 '' .. \I, Ao -"' ••r• ~w· •,• " !.~ ~·· ' .•• I "' "" " -'" t1m11lt\ ,,. ti U"4 14 + "" = n~ + "' UllJ n•k ~ r. -r,:-"' W1r111-1 IJ .. ,,... .. "' lftlth \.«I ti .T... -ll~ . 7 11\lo I..._ 1114 1 V. Tlftl'lt(t 1.lf JS0 1' 2 -V.TI ri ~ -"11 .... 11 t 1t _" Wll ll Gs 1.to 1• 'U\4 J•~ l.... ... Ill'~ 111 .1' JOI Ult · -• 111 3t*t 2'\li ~ l'Mi TM!llK wt A l!W "" lilt t !rn tfl '· 41 ••. ' ..... t ...,,.. • ''' ' 1~ 1~ + -W•ll'ISH . .a. II ltv. 11... I'll -"' •¥•1•~!td 1w T!>t An&cli t•<ll , ... ,., • •• J211f t•1\.\14t 11"'TM111ttofS.JO l1 t7'11i t 7\li t1111i :+'\i.1t11111U1 , ti ,, ... U11Nuctr ,. Complete -Closing Prices Ameri~ Stock Exchange List \o .. I I I \ .. • • • •• •• • • I • ' SEE. IT TODAY ' ' -ORDER IT TODAY . .. . GOLD · DUSTIR ) • .. PACKA5E INCLUDES ' ' FIE!-VINYL ·ROOF NEW NOT A· STRIPPED 'CAR , , . S..ulppff wtth •utotn1ffc fr•'"·• r1lli .. •Mlt.•w.tll r1lli1f ply ffm. ,/frowt 4111 lw1k11, Hcktt •••ts, rick & ,1n1011 1ti1r- ' . • \ ·1 ·.l f · •• AT~ •• ·HUNTINGT·ON BEACH .. ·c.HRYSLER PLY•OU,JH: '72 . SATELLITE· CUSTOM SEDAN NOT A STRIPPED CAR . . • , ' I I ·w1N · A GOLD DUSTER! WIN STOCK IN A GOLD STAllN• YOUR CLAIM 'SOUD .OLI MINE'' Yo11 moy wh1 tho fint ,ti10 -100 1hore1of1tock 111 tho 1ttl/ IC• . • ti'f'o, 11v99ot-ylolcllr.t Y11low K11lf1 C0Molidot1d &old MIM, •nd • • 1972 Plyrnoutft &old D111tor. MOii WAYS TO 111.IU IT llCH Vi1it H1111th19ton leoch Chrplor/Plymo11th ond pick up ycu1r 011try ht -tfto "P111 for 6olcl" conto1t now. EYoryoM who 011hrs ·win1 o 0ropllco of o Tw1nty Oo Uor Colifor11io gold pl1c1. -o, yo11 MIY M ,,.. of 4' McoM pri11 wi11111r1 -with o 1972 Pl'(ll'louth Gold Dwtor. -contnt ltulel. f. No llUf'd:ltH MeftUry. L Alt UMlalmM prl?• ""' bt IWtll'def "1 r11ndorll dr1w1r11 ff'Oll'I entries tubntltted. Ko c9'll l\lbst!Mlont tor pt1te. J. Contest Oflen,. Ill' llceriMd drlwni, ii,.._. or old1r. <L.COlll9Jt c)l9et mldn'8111 Mardt ~1. lfn. 5. Vold Ill W•llllnvton, WIKOnsln, Mb.sou<'I, •nd wlltrt ,...._ • hlblt.I by llow. 4. Wlnntr$ trt,lltblt for 111 ltltt and 9'al tax-. 7. Not tllel• tor print 11'9 .mp~ Incl IRS • .,.,...,,_ 1t O!rylltr·PIYmollftl Of¥l&lon1 It. cfNltn. ICl....nMl"'11 l(llnda, llld ·VIMJll llnJc", Inc. ' ~ '72 ·FURY Ill 4 DOOR· HARDTOP NOT A STRIPPED CAR BRAND NEW CHRYSLER '72 ·NEWPORT ROYAL NOT A STRIPPED CAR · FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING lri~oquippff ·wit~ 311 VJ, Auto:m1tic Tr11t,1 .... Pow1r• Steor- T1t1. 'Cell ,,,... 111, 1 .... iew thni ••nfll•t!111 t~tn. All ' ' f • ·1"''' ltt•li•, 'Whlt1 Wall Tir••• 'Ji'l'ltff-'&1111, C1rp.tint., Vinyl l11t itquipped witlt J 11 'VI, 1utom1ti1 tra1u.,· po~ ~erlllJ, radio,,r1mot. c111trol ft'lirtor .. ti1dff 91011, •lnyl 1iil1 ~ldi1191. Equi,ped wl~ 1uhm1tic Jr1n..,, 400 Cl, VI. Vi11YI 1i41 1Jtold0 11191, r••r tpttk1r, 70 '11Jtp Hff•ry, J 1,...t wittdthi1ld wi· ,.,, ,....,,, 1t.1rl119, p~•r iiltc,brtk11,. tintM ·91111, whit .. will tir11, ra,io. fight p1clra91, rMot. ..,..,.,, tnlrror. EIMfni1tl1 l911lti1111 1y1t1tn. (.JCUJ.M2C-1020JJJ th•t•<f••tWw ~ ~ ......... , ••. :.#4C41$21tl7417t .S]Q95 ' ' - '60 CHRYSLER 2 ·DOOR '64 DODGE DA-I •' Vlinder, stick, radio, h11t1r 10 , 1 4, .. 8 . . · '.1'~5 '64' PONTIAC ' GiO · 4 speed, VI. A reel• hot rod. I EBL791 I ~595 . ' ' ' '68 AUSTIN American 4 cylinder, aufomatic, r•~lio, heet- er. IXAU437l : ' ' ' ' ' . IMo;lor. CRH'4162.CI061 Ill IPH4JS201021'67) ,- '67 flAT 850. SPIDER . : ' Extr1 Sharp! Lime green wifh black top, .4 speed~ radio1 heat-••· 5995 ' '65 FORD :cusTOM I 6 cylinder, automatic, r1di01 heat- er. 5:271.31 ,:1 :5. . , . , ~ . . • t ' ~ •' ,..., ' . ' ~ '6·1 MERCURY COMET . 6 cylindor. llFW9541 •• •99 '68 MUSTANG FASTBACK va, .. 1pttd; po'wer stitering. ra- dio, hHler. IWCS506J · . . VI, eutomatic1 -redio, heatar~ .ISWt.4962) . •39·5 '66 . MUSIAN~ VI, ai·r co:n~.. •utomet\c,· radio, heet!i9.5 •: :, . VI,. 1lt. co9'., Avt.lll1tlc, Pitw1t St-· int~ Pow•r lr1k ... HIMIY!'ltll't 1;.cl11l ~, .. ilfS'"' '65 COUPE DE VILLE Full f•ctory power, factory aft cond. IPBP9131 •595 ·•1095 '895 ATTENTION <lREDIT BUY~RS OPIQI·: 7 1DAYS A WllK UNTIL 10 PA IJMlwll ... 1.-.tM .... pc; I Tl.Uttlit•ll .... '4,_,,,_ •lelf • • j , I(. COM11• ....... CUllT UY. NO PIOILIM HUI. • ) - ALL AIYllTlllD CAii IUMCT TO Plto• SALi ALL PltCD PLUS TAI ' 7 ., ' ' r I • • . ' ( ho •to Iron Mo alJO but B s ol • ol A Tb r.: . . . .. -. . .. • • _lleaeh • EDITION N.Y. Stet*• .. *'' ' .VOL. 65, N0.•70, 4..sECTIONS. 48. PAGES --. ORANGE COUN!'Y, CALIFORt.irA· TEN CENTS --------------------------------------'--------------·-·--------~-. ' '. ' < • ' • • . .1oux . a~c • . ..:. 't . -.' ' ' , J(iss ~rt!JilPts Stal)hing .. ' If ' '~ '~. Lagunan's :f;~ng~r ·.C~t Off in Sk~rrnish By PATRICK. BOYLE ot ._ 0.11¥ Plllf lf•H A woman's hot temper, Ignited by the loss of her contact lens during a ~~onate . kiss, Jed to the stabbinl!t early this morning of her boyfriend at his Laguna Beach home. ' It wls not known if she ever found her con.tact lens. . • The 2 . a.m. incident at 150 Woodland ' Trash· Ollicliil · Qrive cost nomu Allen Ezell, 2S, the firlit ftDger of his right huid, ·nearly cut cilf'wlitn . he .tried lo block the 14-inch butcher kolfe, '.and later ampuiated bf docton. Medical officials •t South epa.t cOmmUnity Hqopitai said Ezell a!Jo sus- taioetl .1 stlb WO\lll4 in his chest, but' that h11 &tel'J\l'.lm, or ·bteast bone, stopped the kJiife l>lide before it reached 'any vital ~gans. '. )' . , .Trial . Set for Executive ' ! • .i. • I • • In T~enag_~r's".·Sex Case . I ' , A. Sou1l1 Lag\m.I trash company ex· ecutivp .wbo police. 1iiege tricked a atar-atriicli te.nager inti> a sexUa! rdationabip with the suggestion that it c:Ould be the 1tepping stone to a movie career was onkrojl iochoy lo l«e trial Mal 2Z, in Or..,.."Oiunty ~rlor j:ourt. Jud(e William MlDTtY te\ that date and an . Aprjl 14 • prelriOJ leui6n f0< Thollu 'l'rtlUI. ............. ,.. """' owns the sooth 11....,. oJ, llflPiiut'" !'Alli> pany .. The same date~e acbeduled fot codefendant Eugoile J_,.jj Jr., 351 a ,wesU.iillr.r car ~ • "1 ; ' . Balli pum ue ~ WW. npl !'(Id le:: pel'ftn1on. r • .. 1• . 'lhlUa ~led iodaJ ,lhat be woiiJd ~· a non-jury trial wtien tile caae ta ~lo the t'OUriroam May a _.n.q. !oflll'l'ly aald hia .,..ual 1'ifl . lie -lldored oa that date: . . • , : • .Both men · wm !lmlted shortly af!er . ' ' they lllegedly posed es movie prod11e<ra ~o a.17-year-old girl. who· said 1be was perauaded lo join t!>ein for impromptu . tests in the beck seat of 1 car parked at Newport Beicll'• Palhiot\ bland. · . · · PoUoe Slid lbe told them ibe was per1lliiled lo 'joJn the' deleoitants in ... acia deslgiied, she liid, lo.test he!' re~ ~lo ailliallonl tliat "'1P.t '"°'l<eivably ......... ~~tf~-vie,. • ''!liljl ~~.!No'iid;!• IJ[loa ball." 1 a·a wtre i.-DliiM 11 due m1 r~ cm ... ~· ·~i..io answer .,..,. lllll-.. . -idati .. illri<llYe • . '.~ iliirint • ......... '~ 'i u.tar1nii 'Into' ~ file'1.~ two '"'9· ' • ·She must i)90iface trial tAprll M and I ""trtal ...ion !lm:li SI on allqatioo• lftlt 'ible Uiniteniil .. '"'' pnierecutiOa WI-•in oomt Ullo'fGiloWld"'ber home Uil repeileil•tbe -~. ' • ' } ' I ' .' •' ' ' Thl-ee Seized .in: As$amt · · 01'.l County Motorcyclist · Three men arruled early today. by incident followed . a shouting matcb Bll<lla Park police are being htld-on bel-the cycliats, and a passenger in · charges of assault with intent to commit the car1 officers said they were told by murder. Police · allege they ran down a wltnessea. motorcyclist with their iar. Tbe rictlm, who ts re~ in'u~fac, Jnv..tlgaiors cautioned that they had · tory Clblltloa today at Orange County no reason lo connect the aitack with re-Medlcal Cl!Dlor' Is llalolcl M. Delaney 3Z, cent ipotorcycle gang slayings a~ al -2512 Wat Att., Fulleri6n. · ' .sboo!Oub in the county. Police ..,.rt the Delaley IOI!• a ilnpr rrom his rght hand and -lllllllerOUt cllts and Police Employe ~were t.o bio!Jien, Rudi J. cox. Ii, and )Ions 'I>., •· The older, brother u ... &1 I-. ri6rtan lnletnatiohai Hotel Hit From B,ehind ~::.,."'= a1 .1111 ·~"!lh . '!be third ~ is Dlniel CIJl>pbell, B ,., I Off" . It, I tnnlielll. wbo~ beileve haa y. t... ye e . 1cer -n.tos wi111111111 CQl.·19vaUc•ion . • illfd, """' lhat1 -· DlllneJ WU A Laguna Beach 'Polb lleplrtmonl • rlolal ldl _.,,... Ga llm;bealer employe ...Wned nliilor bajlrlll Tllan-lllNal 1IOlf l!lm!m .A ... MartlJ alter day·nenlrig when his sioppod ~ = w--. 111111 palloo -11111 after was olrucit from behind bf I police ff· ID a "1lms llou{ -one ol the ficer ~ another motorcycle. / alll]llCll Dll•IJ ~ • to .speed Jnvestigaiors said Norvin A. Croy, 10, nay Ip! -.,.,-"1 a eor. .. the dej>artment'• newly hired recorda 'Ille car trio roorecl -lrorn 1he supervisor, took today off with a bodl1 ..... and po1lco law ljlolled tile dama(- llWOllen ankle. The impact of the hie ed nblcle II the reor ol• 11311 Com- motorcycles wrenched Croy's ank1e, u moriwulth at.. The IUIPICtl wve ar- officer said, but be sustained oo oibir 11>-rutod lo Apt. II ol tbe oampll&. juries. Damage to ~ two vthlclea wu,. minor. The incident occurred when Cloy, going Th. { • Ca homa from work at 5,15 p.m. Thursday, e ts m r' atoppell for a pedestrian in a cfouwalk in ' front . ol City Hali at 505 Form Ave. House Probed .. Motorcycle officer Arthur J. DeLuca, S3, allO ...... )lome,'~ behhodCn>y,. • . '' • ' . bui\y~~d~-14~~ , Lapna-policoanlnmtlplq croufaa the street police aaid bO to the theft ol "9 bl clalbq and a vaeumn alam on &i• brake. .. ThiJ. .cauoed . hia , • c~ from a parbd auto and ,the Joa moioreycle io •allde aldewl)'I ind'alrille dig1q ,a .bur"g)lly ol.tt91 .. cuh fi'Qm • Croy'• motorcycle. ~= aid Hull ~ -· ~ llJll illddtn ·Valley, parl*I bitr -in the lllO blocl< ol Foral A-,."*'-l&y ev"" Ing. -• _ ........ nl,baun lafor, pollDI mkl ti. wiloOlrea eor 11H been entered and the llJ!1dl llolen. Antiwar Drive Starts SAN FRANCISCO (UP I) -A c..,~\on ol stlldent body praaldents and lamiiie1 ol American pr!-. ol war ...-.need Thunday a drive lo obllln pledcea from political candldalel f• a clofllilli dolt lor . withdrawal lnm Vietmm. Cllled , ''Ca-Ip 'ft-Bring 'l'bam A-How,•• the ditfe innlws an a.,.......t to pro- •lde campaip volunteen only lo - candldatoo ~ Iha llllt Of the ... 111i. . Johll H. Boerlje, ol flt Cln)'tll Acra Drive, reported the IOll ol . the cuh Tbunday ......... Boertr..~polk:e he left lllt -Oil ' tile --bl Wt11t lo bed Wfdnaday nJMt and 11-_,.the .......... lnvtollplon llkl lhieva apparently tnlnd Illa ..... tbroucJa aa uniocited ""*"· • . ~ ~ Olficllll r.ftaiod the nan from the hospital following lroapnent Ind he declined lo pmo cliar,., against the woman. The enUre affair led one police officer to remark,' "None. of it would have hap. pened-11 she woula have ki.osed him with her ~yes closed.!' Police were first informed of the stab- bing by·doCtors ln the emergency room of the hospita1, who called authorities when Ezell was brought in. . ' In: a conversation with police at the hospital, Eull futd officers the woman became l.nCenaed after be kissed her· and the lens fell trOm her eye. They ,began arguing and struck each other, ·where. <°pon Ezell left the room, he related. When he returned momenta later, the woman allegedly came at him with the knife: He partially, block"'-.her single blow and, after discovering he was wounded, ran out of the home and called for help . 9 Persons Die Jn Headro.n . Crasli On 'Hi C'..'..;;_ lOl r ,. , , . 8·~Y ... ... .,. ............ - UKf<\H -Mine •per.on,. wer .. killed llJ< ., Jill• ._ -flfo iwor,Cara oii. u.s.•·-IS·mD••llllllll'ol .~ the~ ,.iz.l.ripodal .. ' • 1' ' Capt. Haye. Hickey uid eight victlnii died a) the scene. · Hilllide Hoopital in Uklah said a 1ir-I ahout'.lf cfted. alter raacllillg the bO.pltal in an ambulance. · · ,Hltitey "1lcl one drivei 'appmoily fen asleep. r ' • ' • He ·aaid na~s ·of UJe ·victims were not llnmedial<!ly available. · The Jilhway· patio! said a northbound automOblle Catrjlbf fiVe ·persona collfded with 1 IOllttibc:Jlma' car· with four oc-, cupanll. . The patrol aald . preliminary in- formation indicated one of the cars was in the Jm>DC lane of U.S. IOI, !he major llDl'llHouth bipway in Caillomia. The.accident occurred about 7:30 a.m. about 150 miles north of San Francisco. Candidates Set • Laguna Forum L8guna Beach's 11i:1 city council can- didates will be asked to discuss The Preservation a~ Eobancement of Our Village .Atmosphere" in a public forum lpoDIOred by Village Laguna at I p.m. Tuaday in city hall council chambers. ' Eacll candidal<! will . speak for IO mJnutes, then will be giyeti a two-minute rebuttal period, followed by quesUons from the audience. Plrlicipatillg in the firs! candidate forum of the 1172 electioil will be in- ·<Ulllbents Chariton Boyd and Roy Holm, Ind candidala! Harry Lawronce, Richard Clrr, Mn, Fr4ncet Haller and Mrs. Beth Leeda. • Mrs. DOrolh'y Musfell, candidal<! for cl· ty clerk, and Mrs. Margaret Morreale, candidate faf city treasurer, also have been inv(led lo speak. : '' ' ' '' J '\ • '' I , r ;ftef,I, Bo••:: " . . . . ' .. . , : : . , . , . '~ I' f r ',': , . , :.. , r · '1 ' ' -'' '1 ! i . Lagw11n Leroy C)l'ilds· seema . ..to be having: th~'l>est bf·l/'lngs ~r·'!le •fl·· · ~erved :IJY h!'"~cietaJYJ'aula.lsovelady, ils.o' Jifesldeht of:tlit ~~~ ' ,· ness :~cL!b'ofess1?n~ 1club· of· L~guna· Beach: He. is on,e}df..'~~.~ses · to: Iie:honored •at t~e .club's,.Bosses .Night Dinner, ~arcll 1s ·at tlie · · · -Airpbrter'-rnn· at.6:ao.: l\O•ettatio;ns /nay. be. JI\ a de by ,calltn_g .~94:~3.' . ' . ·..,:. . ' .. ! ,f • ' I ! ' , · ' ' l f 1 • ·Jaek. Allder~on . Contends.·; . •1·1 1 ·,· · • ~ ·. , • • . '• ' • • r J · . . . ' ' ;Mitchell ·Knew IT&~:·D~al· . ., ' ''. I ' 'WASlllNGTON.(AP) -COiumnist·Jack . An!!~n . <>>n~nded ¥•Y· thai ,John N, ·Mt\chell, :as alto\n~y general, ~~ew .eai'ly 'last year of a pledge .allegeply. ma~e.bf the International Telephone Ii Telegraph 1C<rj>. to the Republican National .Con- . ventlon even thoug~ he has denied It. ' . ' .. ,Hospital Expari~ion :Gets Lag~'.1 ·~~udy : . . . ·The sOutb•COil!lt 'COmmunity Hospital's Current ~~r'pan.9100 •pilolrirlv will/ J>e: :0. plained by Stanley Oppegard, a .. tstant ;hri'spllal adnilnisti'ator ,-it'lfie-Widtiiii1ay bl'epitfast· "!~ of ihe Laguna Beacll Chamber of commerce. The administrator will ()\1tHne..plans to meet the hospital's need!. and .. ln$Wer, questions from the auiUence. The 7:45 a.m. m..~ing in the Hotel Laguna is open lo the public. .. ' I .~ .. J j """Mitchen wai"runiiliig"Ule RtjiiiliUcan Party from· ·inside the -Justice Deoart.. ment," Said -Andenon. 1 • , 1 1' \ ,, "If hi says uljder oath ll(ha~ he said \n the statement he baued, it •iii be the most arrogant example of perjury this comm,ittee has ever ·aeen1"·be·aald." · • · Anderson refl!rrectto Mltctietl11Feb:21 •tatement which'.th; JUl!ice Department issued lo deny accilaatlooia'.n*le'b1 'the 'coltimitlat that the' settJement of an an- lifrust ·case aialnlt lTl/ll nr1arni.oc1 by Mitchtil and lop ITlcT ollldala. · And~ritoii ;.id that Callfm:lill Lt. Gdv. ·Ed ·Reinecke •and hi.' al4e, ~ Glllenwaters1 have confirmed that the1 discllssed ITlcT'trcomll!ltlnl!nt lb Ille COi> vention wiih· Miicheil iaot~May• at the same time the Justice DeDartment wu negotiating a settleritent ,/Of1-tfiree aqf tltrust suits against ITU. · · MilchOii was. ~·~ lo ltllify a~ , Anderson ~urillg hWiltgi ;llY :the Senate Judiciary COmmiUee inio c11org., b7 (See PROBE, Pap 11 I Sex Movie S~.eized at UCI • • ' . ' •. , Deputies Decide '7 in a Ba~ii .·;won't ~·on Campll' By ' ALAN DDUaN ' ~~ lh• !Um. 1. · • : ... '. I · • dent ai!d ~ildeot ol Illa ~ sliid.nJ °' .. .,..,,,...,..., "The fllm-bas;neve·r been=' 11 Union,unloridle~wse to~~~-iit1-~f · ,J. JIO.qUnul<!.IOUnd ud, color~· on 0ra...,County-it'•<lhat aplilc, 'a.m. iodanat \l!i Ga~ .. maJe·bomoaexuailty -UUed 7 in a, -"saltllleplljDA "!ofn Seari beglncljllriboU.,~~~ .. , .Barn" and ~haracl<!riled as ''explicit I lhll ~q. .,,~.I ; ,. _ 01 ... .i.,.1111~~• hard...,. pornography"' -wu c:on-1 "".lbo-~'alf~..,.._..., be ~~ • Cl ~led ~ Orange County Sherlfl'a 1 'ltl,de)erllle V" Jll'dl 'l'elall, tes, ~an Liberties Union ( · U). Jay ·Murley <if -,...Ilea 1t UC lrvb}e Thuradaf Dlaht •idded . •"!1ie monltni lfe -lleard the Newporl ~oc:h, 'lodincior el the llCLU .._ a "'""'1 ljlODsored ·1>7 the ,G•11 I cMacriptlon, the llldge IJlliid tile ord•I· -ftrmed \hat' the 1JOc1r •ou1c1 qona~ Stlldenll Union. •. ___ ,_ 'l'ht ~pttc>i wu liair raliJi11,.U'1':an acting in beliatt o1 ti>eillion. , Th< film wu llOI tbown and no '"""' Ol]y.:· . Seizure 'If Ille low-1/Udpt movie, whic!J were made. . ~,. .TodlJ members of Ihe Ga)'"Studenll •Ital bee1J IChel1ed at Jlllhiic theawi In The depulles • ..,..._ a w.-rant Union, ·11bo bad plannell, lo acreen Iha San Franclaco. !lo* Anaeles Chicaco and laued b7 Central O.U.• County lllln prior lo a.panel dllMaion on hum• Ne1r York ., lh(loiP,reportOdry .......,.. Municipal Court hqe Robert'!. Rlekles ...ualiiy, w'" plamilng prolesl' ,.i1on. tiona •1' pendlrig ill ail ti-ct11ao ... Who nportodly bad eo beaitation mllou-1 Thunday nii!lt, l.9" lea0ets'proifttlnJ · ~oliowed a dA)' o1· doubt on whether ti*. inc the warrant aflor _.. lo • lllF'l 1 ille telxli!e '""" ptiilted fer' dlattlbulion film would be -'" -... \ loo( taped pta. z 1 i .. wllli' "'°I; 1 ltw«lpoii.llracmjlu!_..,.1W ~Jill'.,-~~ Jlrt'~ Rl~ltle llrat nol of'llle NII' $an rrucJaco polb ..., ftL~ I y.....W 't,rTJ -Oi.on, l lfadual<! lilt-(Seo la l'ILll, .. I) -...-t > " ' . \ • I \ I • • 2 Employes Of lfuseum ·~ RougJ,ied UP. WOUNDED ·KNEE, S.D. (UPI) - About 400 Indiana -shouting "burn, burn, burn " -climaxed a weet of IW'G- test by atormJnc a tradlna poll and museum ln Wounded Knee, rou1htng up operators or the two flrn11 . and makiftl off with $50,000 worth of Indian artifoc:ta, Wourided Kneie was the scene of tbl lut cliab betwftn1he Sioux and lhe·U.S.• cavalry In 1890. More 'thin 1 300 mm; women, children Ind IOlillera died lo"'' battle. James Czwcaynalll, a atocilboldor ln the preclominanUy-wblte Skiux ~ .. which operaiea the Wounded Knee MllMlllll and Trading Post; aald the Indiana "bar&ed Ill and roughed ua up," Thursday nlght. Clive Gtldenleeve, 72, former operator of th~ trading poet, was knocked to the ground but not injured, ciwezynskl old. Czwceynskl 1atd lhe Indians tore down posters advertising the museum of Gen. Georse ArmStrong Clis~er, leader of the Cavalry at Big Horn, and forced Czwczynskl lo rip down a Culller poster, The Indiana arrived ·by bus and Qr, 'Ap- parently from nearby Gordon, Nev., where !Oil lo 1,11111 had -•lllin& •pro- te•i over the deolll ofl .~ 'l'~llc!w Thunder, an O,lala Siowc,.at the buda of whites. . "' .,..,. ... ~ Clw1i4 -"Mill .. i i ; II, WU tarturld to dulil lul ...... "1 n .. •Iii Gordjll, 17 .. .._11IJ mfieJ1ir.1:il.. ·lllllP~ .-.: • *"E IMI· 8'Ji ' "" reotad~ ,.,.. m. ' be lncreuad lo -aad tlcloaplas. Tbo whltee •e dlolpd With • mllnllncllttr and lallo lm~1 .. 1. Alter two da11 of meellnt•, local m4 ala!<! officlal1 Wed!IOldiy qraad iO join fhe lodiana" lli eillint DOI only fer a .... ·;re1aion1J lnvlltia•Uoa of Ye1IJ0'• 'l'lltmd«'• '"""Ill. bul also'. fedwal .,.., jury inve1U,at"'8 and Ju.llcl I!&pono ment inveatJg1Uon. . ' C.,pt. Fr'ed ,.;., ' Bulla,. clllel ol the leaervauon police at ·woUnclad x.., uld both ~1c1en11 .... unaer 1am1111a11on. ','1'11lnp In...,. qUI~,n hi uJd *11 today.·''Tbef·1r1•aboat u Quiet u I've seen them In i lonl 1tlme.i We don't 91 .. peel 'any mon trouble." · , • Two BWll ·f-'toid him lbl·ID' cident wu lt1gOnil ,..,.. a ,..,_. all llioW. bo)i was ."l'lbbec!"' lhr-"-"'1 ~Id ·at llle'tndJni poat W-ela~. : • "It wasn't' their intenUon lo come bo<t lo , the mllleUlll tiler vilitillg the "°"" . tleground," thl,Rev. Theodor ZUern, ld- mini1tr1ior ol the Red Cklud' School 111111 Miuion on the 11,0QO.memher lndllD reaervaUon fald. ~'I'm sµre It wu 1pc& ~~" ' ' ' ' Brawl Hurta Studenb, ' I SAN BERNARDINO (AP) .,: r .... ltlJ. denta ...... IDjlred. • wtlb. -- -· in a brawJ lllfwMU bllck and Mule~• I Fl1 'ftlcb I- the <iooq :=.., ... ..._ Hl"1 Scholl. ...... -.. volvl!JI aboql llllt ....,..., "'* ... al ._ with flltltpll. , ' I , I t Or•••• ' ' . 'c ... ' • • • • ll. ~ I 1DAJlY PllOT lB SllKING ANOTHER TIRM Newport'• lob lodham Badham to Seek .... His Sixth Term As Assemblyman Allembb'-. Robert E. Badlwn (R· Newport Buch) today anJIOUllCOd he will ae.sk elecUon to a alnh term repreeenting the 7lat AN<mbly Dillricl In Sacnmeo- lo. . Baclham, c, Is a 11>-year nwan of the LecbJa!llre. ' Re llid he will nm a l!slncere" cam- Plllii baled oo hll espeience, whlcll Jn.. i:llllla the chalrminlbJp of the joint Jeclolatlve co~lleo oo atmnlc develop- ml\OI and apace. The Stinl«d graduate also Is a ' mmiber of, AN<mblr commllteea on W111 and M-. :Ronnue and Tautlon, . Gomnmenla1 OrJanlsatlon and II a ~mber al the Aaembly Waler Badhain plf>dges to continue lo work toward a "mere balanced economy and IO curb BOVmunenl BpeDdil1( and cen-trallzaUon. ' "I wUJ c:ont1nue my Iron clad belit! in local control and will apply It in all decllklm I make In repn!<lltlng the pea-. I p1e," Badlwn l,lld. , ' TWA Confirms . . : Ta1k8 ,hut .Says .. ,, No Ransom PaUl ' I ;.,o-...,,_,.~ I · Abol~lllltlt~ld Wltb ID al4rtlonilt over11 IZ Ian de- mond lo mMl wbeA bambl alleplly bad -plutld on Ila jetllnera, bul Iha· compony'1 preaidenl IP! no rlDIOm liad -'paid and be believed the threat bad .. nill tta COUfle,11 Meanwhile 1 mnnber al llrllnes around the~ ! .country were pl1gued .. w l t b ._ but apporently U111Ubllan- tlated threall that their planol had been boobytrapped. The government called the heada of 29 major llrllnel lo an emergency meetln& today to map out PrMklent Nilon11 new order to prevent llr travel lerrori1m. 'l'faMportatlon ~ John A .. Voll"! met.with the alr"'1r:~vea. l• i!iiii 24 ~ afl<r the·, ban4acf dowi\ on1 .. aimed at freelag ·Iha air lpdUltr1 from bomb lhreall and atoi;llon.. , '!'lie naw regulatlolll direct eVffY llr carrier lo prevent or delar the plaCJna of weapons or exploolvel · aboard lls aircraft; prevent or deter unautboriled accea to Ill aircraft; Ugbten Its baggage checking procedur .. , and Improve the oecurlty of Ill cargo and baggage loodfni operations. Cave-in Kills 4 Boys COLOGNE, Germany (AP) -A cave dug lh 1 cool pit !OUthwett of here by four boys collapsed on them Thursday, killing all four, police reported. OIAIMI COAST ' LI DAILY PILOT 'Tiit 0.-.. a.t a.UL Y. PIUft', wl'llt ...,. ................................. _ ... ~ ont ....,..,,... °""'*"· .... ,.,. .............. Mmi°IY tfwwlllll ,_,,, t1r Cllllll M-, """"*' lledl, N~ ~i.tl \'1111)', l....- 819Ch, ll"flM/$lddllllck .., S.l'l C111Mnt./ fall JllM Clphtraria. A •~hi "8Jcinll 9lltlan h ~ s.twdl'J'I ..-id Sund.,.._ TIMI~ "'1i&Wl'"9 """' It •t D W .... .. ! ltrMt, Collll M .. , Qfltornl1, '»"- ... lto\t1rt H. W11d Pra1"nt •nd Publl~ll' J1ck It,. CMl1y Vkt ,,.Id ....... 0-tl #.ln.ttr n.m •• K.,.,n ..... 1\omtt A. Mwphlftt .._ ........ Qotf• H. L-li.t-1 p, Hon Aai.t.ne ~ ....... ...._ __ 1ZJ ..... ~ llalll1t u.-PA ... m, tl'll --Qillil ... : • .,,......,"""' ....,.,, Mcti: a» M..,..-t llllllm!I ~· '91dt: 1"'S hid! 11Mwtr; Iii °"'*"9111 * ,..... ., CMlllM Rell , .. .,._ (TI41 MMJJ1 Cl ................. MZ.1671 L..-. .......... .,'" •• , T1l4•1 4f4.t4M ., ___ ., 1m,. or..t ~ Mii••; °""'911f, Ht -• .,., .....,.,...., ......, W W' .,_trftMl:lli:lt lltnl!I ":* ~ ••••• ,,, -..... ...i.1 ..... !!!l'".=:'ii =~ -Ir"....... -· "·-;:El __,.-..,.......,...u . ,., -ia:1m ......... 1 SEX""FltM ••• w1. held by Vlcc Olancellar Johll C. H01 alOaC with MYeraJ faculty Jlltmbers, a re-llllft o1 the ACLU Ind OIMon. Alllr tho ll'•TitW, Dr. lloJ '* Ollodii lbal the film -nol ... lhowa '1'1111"• day nll!rt and ,jllal a decialao OD )'holllor tho movie could bl lbowo In tho fllluN would be made by Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich, who wa1 out of town Thurlday night. Dr . Hoy said that Oleson Indicated that the movit would not be screened. Dr. Hoy made it clear that be did not order the film confiscated and wu unaware that the seizure was loin& to t"'ke place. "There had been some indication that the Dl.!trict Attorney'• Office waa golnc tu step in," Or. Joy e:rplalned. "'Jn!onnatlon had been made avallable to them," the vice chancellor said, in- dicating that he hoped to avoid an arrest being made. The preview performance and Dr. Hoy's decision that the film not be shown turned out lo be lrrelevanl to the con- fllcaUon. The preview wu held al S p.m. Al aboul 4:111 p.m., the llped pbooe call with the !\ID Francisco olllcen wbo bad .... the movie In the Bay Citjo bepn, ac- cording to Deputy DA Seats, and about an hour law Judge lllckleo alped 1be warrant. The 50-minutt preview wu still going on II Irvine II !bat Ume. (" Mrs. Seara uid Ille wu not W<inned that tho tum bad been banned by the vice chancellor. "We bad in our pouesaion an advertiaemerft that the flirt WU IOinl to be shown:' Mrs. Sean Mid, esplainlng that under the penal code Ibis oerted u probable cauH that a mildemeanor - the showing of a pornograpblc movie - ..., going to be ccimmltled. · "I am sure that even If th!: vice chancellor bad decided that tho fll'm WU not )lOfllOll'aphlc, tho judge would bave iuued the warrant," Mn". Sean: uld. Mn. Sain agreed that no member of the -· office, llO Jnvetllg1tor with tho cl!llrlcl attorney'• office nor Judge Rlckleo bad ,... the movie. Neither tho lherlif'1 department nor the DA"• ofllce w11 repre!enled at the UC! pr.view. . . 1 .. other than tboM at the preview, nobodj In Orange County bu aeen it to my knowlecf&e," Mn. Sears 11Jd. The film wu made lut .summer for $1,000 by "J" Brian of San Francisco l.Dd Jim Farqubaroon of Lot AnC -· company II called Vltruvlan ctlonL Petltiom Laud •' ; Modular iSchool Study Progra:ms · ••• p .. ,..,,.,5 I llMrfDI J;J11 a..-of Lapu Beath v.lerl and •1l"fe!lll , ..... preoepled to 'tlii lt!Miol board thli week. The lllnaturu WeH on documents which read, ''The undersigned supports the .award winning modula: and team teaching programs at Top of the World and Thurston 1Choo11." The petitions also urged the board to ..U all oece,..ry federal 1f81111 ·to contiJlue ~e innovaUve lylleml at tho}"" IChooll. City councll csndidlte Belh Leells, high' lchool lludent Peter DIS.ndro and local physician Dr. Eugene Atherton presented the petitions to trustees. DiSaodro said the total 2,171 signatures broke down as follows: 1,324 registered voten, !St high ICbool and junior high JCbool students and 303 Top of the World atudenll. ~Atherton 111d the preRntation was the llral'ln • lel'iea. The parpole, bi uld, is to "raise the level of conaclouaness in the school di.trlct." NEW SECTIONS ST A.GE ENCORE The ·new Home and Garden Page, along wilh dally TV logs, will be malting their second appearance In Saturday ediUona of tbe DAILY PILOT tomorrow. Longtime readers of the DAILY PILOT are reminded that two old friends -TV WEEK and Family Weekly-have moved to Sunday · di.trlbuUon ind will nol be Included In the DAILY PILOT Saturday package. .............. - \ OAILY PILOT SMff ""'"' • I S•nllejl,...,,: ,_. . , Harbor Doctors ! • May B~ .Quizzed By TOM BARU:Y ot .. """ ""' ,,... . LOS ANGELES -Four Harbor Area ph,Y.alclans whl:f11legedly made lar1e sup. :. ' pll,;. of the narpotlc Demerol 1v1Ulhle tO 'dnli addict ROba Vaughn may be utld to explain their actions to • Stale Btard , . of Medic.al Examiners commlll,. lrllen the lilqulry Into alleptiorus eglinet Dr. Ebbe Hartelltl! of Costa Mesa reopens in May. Defense attorney Matthew Kurilich told state bearµig officer E. F. de Vilbiss as the second three-day hearing cloaed 'll>ursday that he may bring the four doc· pear~· to be utiafied with her slory ol her dying, pain.racked ratfier . H~ gave th willing, pajama-clad p.atltnt a shot and theA Jett vials of Demerol with Mrs. Vaughn which wert II~ uaect by the s~pely blonde for her . ' penonel drug' needa. "But die} he look as· If he had cancer !'' Mn. Vaughn was asked . "Oh God, he looked as If he had everything," reptled Mrs. Vaughn. 1'hat comment stopped the hearing for I [ulJ two minutes. From Page I Ion he llll!led to the hearing room for PROBE quettioninf when the kiquiry reoppils , -• • • -May 23, 24 and. 25. • . Mrs: Vaughn admitted during three Anderson that Justice Department of. days on the witness stand that she ficiab committed impro'prietles in the tricked b o t h doctors and bospitals In IT&T settlement. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach into sup. The committee convened the hearings plying bef wllh Delilerol In 11118 at 1 Ume at-the request of acting Atty. Gen. when Dr. HarteliUJ allegedly wu under Richard G. Kleindienst, who asked to close observation and could not sustain answer Anderson's charges about hls hen habit. department. Klelndienst's nomination to Kurllich complained Thursday that the be attorney general is before the Senate. case against Hartellus could be ~fl-(Anderson's column appears regularly siderably changed lf be can determine on . the editorial page of the DAILY from the physicians the extent to whJcfi P~.) Mrs. Vaughn got her drup from sources Anderson's comments, in answer to other than her 50-year-old .lover. questions by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Hartelius of blander Street, El Toro, II ([).Mass.), brough t on a political accused of moral turpitude and un-skirmish in which RepubUcan Se1111. professional conduct. It is alleged that he Marlow Cook of Kentucky and Ro~n Recycled Trash Bags introduced Mrs. Vaughn to drugs and en-Hruska of Nebraska asked ·that Andefson couraged her habit lo the point that she not be allowed to continue his testifyinl was eventually certified as a drug addict. about ~tchell. Jackie Washburn, secretary to the Laguna Beach city manager, examines trash bags the city may buy and issue to residents under new waste management program. Bags are made from recycled paper and supposedly sre stronger than plastic trash bags . It is also alleged that be drugged Mrs. "Thia committee shoull! not have to Wanda Melendrei of Costa Mesa as a listen to this politicaJ dJatribe," said me&M of achieving a &exual relationahlp Hru&ka. with his victim. Mrt. Melendrei choked Cook said, Hthe former attorney on her food and diecJ in Dece.JD.ber of 1958. gen~al ~an s~k for himself." .. Mrs. Vaughn has testified that Mitchell denied Thursd~:· ,,as totally Second Sunday Package Offers Interesting Items • Hartelius preformed three abortions 00 f~lse .and without f?undalio~ a new ln· her during their torrid relation.ship. She t1mat1on that President Nixon was in- ha.s alao testified tblt Harttlius is the · volved in. the government's decision to father of her S.year-old .an, Jerry drop the antitrust suit against IT.T. Vaughn . Brit Hume, an associate of Anderson, Mrs. Vaughn told the committee that told ~e committee Thursday t~at IT&T she became desperate for Demerol In lobbll,'St Dita Beard quoted Mitchell u late 11118 to the point !bat Ille called doc· telling her that lllixon ordered him to tors aod toid them bu father was dyiJW ''mate a reasonable setUement" of tht of cancer and needed relief from pain. rr&rT case. >,,, the second Sunday edition of the DAILY PILOT began to obape up today 1n the newsroom, editors ottered this preview of what readers can expect Sun-' day morning: .. , -San Clemen le-based DAILY PILOT Staff Writer John VaJterza takes readers 4'insfde the walls" at the Wesf¥n White Flouoe compound. His "Sllldof1,~~" loob ln!o,lba11bys and bo!'I of'~ uae Ci the o)d Cotton Estate as a mttting place for those who qualify. · -The birth of a baby, miracle that it ia, is shared in all its intimacy in two pages of pictures and stories by and of Joanne Reynolds, DAn. Y PILOT staff writer and brand new mother. -A newly franchised young reP9rter, Fred Schoemehl, takes. a close look at the vote as it will. be seen through the eyes of the 18-year-olds. -The Easter Parade may not be ready for this. Photo layout reveals what some of the daring young men will be wearing this spring. -Travel page takes readers South of the Border as columnist Stan Delaplane talks about Mexico, DAILY PILOT Boating Editor Almon L<>ckabey offers a story and photo on Zlhuatanejo (Acapulco, it ain't) and a Laguna Beach reader writes a letter about Mazatlan. -Women·•s pages feature a profile on Dorothy Dumke, wife of the chancellor of .state colleges, Glenn Dumke. -!'.lew "YOU" Page has tandem articles on repairmen out to cheat you. One story is about tricky TV repairmen and the other is on auto mechanics and the state agency which i:;; trying to keep them honest. (Pat Dunn's At Your Service and You and the Law round out this new, "involvement" page which leads off C Section.) -The Grammy Awards '!how, first ln the parade whi ch will later include Oscars, Tonys (Broadway) and Emmys, makes the cover of TV WEEK. -Newport Beach's own John Wayne is the subject of the cover story in Family by Pt.II lnllrlalidl Weekly. -Sports coverage 1n Sunday's , paper will Include some of the latest Jn- formation available on local ud national w~·aporti)l( 'a~uviu... , • > -Classified section offers barga~ hunters tbe mi;i,t ·timely "want ads" (taken for publication-by the DAILY •PILOl!i1" to ni>oli,--y) lllill; ti coum, commercial ""*'from llllllilollve and real estate dealers w1lbllll war,..· are popular wilh Sunday shoppers. Death Ends Coma ROY, Utah (AP) -~verr years alter she was injured in an auto· accident in ~.Nev., Ruby ~ane Mi~Lsea. 37, has died without regaining coniciolllneSS. The woman, who died Wednesday in. Webu Memorial Hospital, wu the mother of three sons and two daughters. She testified lhlt ,.verli pby11ciarui called area pharmacies and ordered druggists to give her quantiUea ol Co. rrect Bud.get Demerol. State narcotics regulations forbid the. dispensing of DlfCOlict and dangerous drugs to persons who have nol FigtUJ.· ,es ,Listed undergone an eUminatioo at lhe hands or the prw:rlblng pbyaidao. " . The bloride mini.Uirted witness who Due lo typographical errors, incorrect -fell.II'~~ it.r\!'& ~ bf.Fl'!&~ on 'ftgil(ri Thur!<liY 'ipl"~red In • !)ally a.Other OcCUIOii coll1pled ID te1r1 op the , Pl!OI al:counl 'of a'Ni:ent tag\ina ~ach . wilneu stand, told how she ance ....i a UnUled Sehool Board dlscu,.lon of lhe m&n she described u "an old wino" to 1972-73 budtet. Dt l ........ _.1.. The OOard was presented 1 recom· obtain meral rom an --r-....... g mendatkln from Superintendent William doctor· Ullom ind business manager Cbarlu She said she per84aded the man to don Heu to begin the next fiscal year with a Dr. Hll'telllll' psjamu, bultled him into $25,000 '°"rve -m ,000 leu than a Hartelius' hed and lold him to make ap-$100,000 figure agreed to by trustees In propriate noiaes when the doctor from October. whom she hoped to obtain Demerol called The account erroneomly reported at the home. trustees hid orilered a $1,000 reserve !Or Mrs. V111t1bn aald ohe ilad told the next year,-- physician that her accomplice had in-Thb year'1 'oodget carries a $50,opt curable cancer and that the doctor ap-reserve, not $150,000 as the account said. l ' , • • ~ f THl N.IMISH IOMtl CAllNIT SHOWN HUI colils NoM OUR DllAMAnc ITCITIU Coi.1JC. TION IY DRIXll..,. A SUMINliLY'INDLUS a&.ICTION •OI' DU!aN, WOOD$ AllQ PIN~-TOll AH SUH TO MT THI NILINli THAT1 1A~~ l'llCI.., cyptM:IUP,T,!'OI YOU.Al..,.• ; DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -·DREXEL: -:,..HERITAGE ,-. KAR,4,STAN 7td• "· INTlllOIS ' LAGUNA llACH 345 ,Nertll ~ ljwy, 4'4455 I NIWPOltT llACH 1727 W-!Hf Dr., '4W050 _.....,T'lllt PloW1_,....., 't!U a• Au• 111 At~? _, .... -----·- ' • • c I, j ,. . -:r • • -,._ -----·-..,-~··-·- -~~· ·:sadil•ett aeli_ ........ -,,, ... . • · . ~ ' · EDIT.I ON • VOL 65, NO. 70, 4 SECTIONS, 48 P>:6Es· FRIDAY, MAllCH 10. 1972 JEN CENTS . . ' . ' I ~ • ' . . ~ ~ . ·tJ CI -u ni.t ~· to Set Own C.ourse Restrictions , I • UC lrVlne "audemlc unlta" ~ ICboola, dapartm<nta orl Jll'ogl'IDll -will be lot lhl first time allowed to dnw lhllr own ' ro!.S reganllni 1tudenta taking <'our ... outside their major fields of study. A.socia:te 'priifessor Rnbert Cohen ·of lhl drama ci....-tment at UCI lflUealed ilf( . ne1lble "'b~tb requirement" ay1tem when the faculty senite',Thuraday v~ted d~ lhl,Q>mm!t.tee on Edocatlonal Policy's ~~~Uon. • pr, O>bai'1 inollon; · allowlnc each • .. . •"''I ..-• ...., ·:... I ' ' • ' aCadeinlc wilt lo creile·lta own breadth nQulremeall oubject to appro•BI of the udJ: AcademJc Sedlte, carrJed. It will al· fed llie dUs of, lfTl .which enrolls next fall. ' I • ,{ -. ,., ' . Tlio educational policy committee, c~ft!d by P[ole1,s1>r' Jay Mart\n. recom-~· repliclllg !ht w..i breaath rule wlili ii: JU. guideline. , · · • • tfflltflr1call)r1 tlie:w-.3' requirement is i holdoftr from the.days.when UCJ bad on-. !y I COiiege.of Aril ind. Sciences. . · Under lhat .P.I~. a sh\dent wOuld •m<ll. In a ma')ot field of study. 'lben, he would talr:e additional courses in three other fields of study actOrding to the ratio ol g.. 3-3. In 'ertect students at OCI have been require to comptete a major, a minof and ' two Sl!bminors in order to get a degree.' ' ·With Thursdl,Y•s senate actloh, all that llOw Is history. · · · The c o m m 1 t t e e recommendaUon, defea~ by the bate quonim of faCult'y, menlbers pruent, wiiuld hBY• required· , ' . ' .itudenta lnllclenoes to taU 12 coorses 1n other achools. Students ln all achoo.ls Qtber-than sciences would have been re- qUired to take six science courses. Dr. Cohen ariued 11a1nat !ht propouJ noting *bat drama students, for example, micbt &iin I "breadth" of leariUng ex- pe~ more _ J~ane to their Heds by tatillc aomelbi(lg oll>er than m ICi- lllCa coune<. Profesaor George 0. Roberts, director of the prosram in comparative culture, •Uuetted hla and other programs such as IOClal ecoloay and computer sciences were "diaa'lminlted against'" under the ~ or.~ proposed IM rules, .. Since ,-thole progrllDI do not carry department ·or school atat111 on campus, they ban not been COYered by lhl !Jreadth requlnmeot. Alt.hooch Roberta' aubliitute riiotion fail~. the program• may 1lDder Cohon'• approYed plan, dewlop lhelr own breedth )'\l]e& Physical SctellCOIJ Dean Frederlcll Reines said he ·hoped the facWty adloa was_not.a move toward fragmentine the campus into enclaves. He suggested lhe Cohen motion wu contrary to thl original Intent or the br~ requlrtment -to create a universlty~or diver1t areu of study. from which studenta would be required to sample prior to study from which students Would be requ'lrejl 111 ...,. (Seo BllEADTH, Pap I) ·F·reeze MitcF,:ell ' ~ied,! Says·· ·Extension Ol('d Planners Ask Construction Ban Continue 111 ASHINGTO~·(AP) -Colwnnlat Jact AnderlOD 'conlenOed, ~y Iha! J~ N. Mitchell, ,u attorney general, lmeW, early last year Of a pll'lle allegedly made by Ille Internattonal,Tetephone I< Tetqrap)! ()(Ip. to ,l!>e lllplbllqn National Colr VenUon even though he has. denied _it. "'Mtldlell w11 running the Republican By JAN EDWARDS Of IN IHHY Pl•t ltlff A recommendation to extend the present 90-day freeze on ·constrµction in Irvine for U5 to 180 ·da)T beyond the · ' present March 28 expiration was ap- ' pr<ived Thuraday night by the planning commission. covered by law or thoroughly considered by il.s planriing commission, said Fleagle. No 'powers 'or aaditional functiom are added or subtracted froin those of the plaMing commission and its staff. The preview commission documenb the merits or ' problems of a plan, the staff studies tffe I ind use 'and Utt Planning r• , , commission judgea how·the plan Uta into the overall.citf plan. · ' Irvine Comp&ny planner' R l c h a .J' d Reese, who wu in the 'audience, pointed out two advantages. The proposals the planning commission reviews will be of a Higher quality thin it wOuld Witholit the preview 'group, and the group's .'apinion might "prevent arbitrary decisk>na due t.o !ht fatigue syndrome.'' · The commlaslon also conddered ·hlrln& a prdessional planner, now retlted, whG would guide th!m through a schedule of critical ronsidentions. AppllcJtiona from professional planners ln the community are being 90U&ht. P-1ty from lnaldo lhl Justice Dewt- llllD~" aal!I Anderaon. ,..Jf be says und~ oath what ht .aaid in Ille llatement ·he -Wuod, It will be lhl · 1111111 ari'opnl oumple of perjury tbla ®DUD)ltel bu eYw .een," be ukl ' . • Andet'ion referred to Mltchet!'s l'ob. 21 Spec;lfic ,1oal! to be achi~ved during the building permit freeze were included in the recommendation to the lrVlne cur Council: .. -Adopt 1 muter plao . forr:k and Passion Kiss? 400 Indians etatemeol!wblcb Ille Justice Depor- isauod lo ....., IC<UJI-made by pie column!S !bot the aetlleinent of .. an- Uliuat caR .aplnsl i'l:l/r WU amnpd , i by~ and top ITl/r offlclals. f . AnderlOO llld that Ca1lfornta Lt: G<W. . . . SEEKING ANOTHER'TERM • n>.!N0wport'1 lelt ll1dh1m : ,., , recreational areas. •. . -Adopt a master plan for city drainage facilities. . · -Form a list Of critical considerations,· with or without the help ol. a planning staff. , . -Hire a,planning staf.t , 1 -COnsider creation of t &1 development. . Laguna W onian Stabs Bo y friend Hit .Museum By PATRICK BOYLE .. Of .. Deltr f'tllt , .... By. ~~p~ise . Ed ~ ind ldi aide,'~~, O!U!:liW ...... bPe t1•141 dllll' I dliCuiaail ft'fll"• • 5 •• -lodlll -. vintton · wtth MltdleU 1111 Mp at Ibo · P,review : commiuion . fOr stud y.i n·c e(llh<tic lmP'!d ·of ar<hjlscta,. deaignora. a;nd, civll:eneineers ·~ act H a ~J'1!CO~ meodlnl hoclI prior ~.,!llv,*i>me!lt .-! _."' 1111...........,-Cound!. 'l'l/l Ame tblM the Jlllltice , ~ WM , ~ t' , 1 ,1 r I!:.:::=. ~:.T·: Ai: ·;~bJyman ~ .... ._..to. --,· ;;;;-~~ ,durlnc liitrllP by ..... -~ • ~ Roliirl ,Z! '\"!°'I"' '(JI. = ~":,...": !l ~owm ~);~ 11•-r¥,'l)e wlll fldila ~ linproprietlla' ID the . ~ 'llod!r!o:li! I alD!> l'!<'":'V"'~llng triT ..uJlmeiiL ' , . ' , . th< 7Jal -bly Dtatrid In Sacrallllll-.... _ comn>i!l.e 'ened tlis ..... ~ •• -'PC , CCIDV -.... to. ,. . • • . . . • , ~ ~1:1e.:t'w11o ~eo:; Jlac!IW". o ,.'U.·1·10--. •.tteran o!:the ~ Audei••a chariM . """11. Illa . LeplaFe· · . . , 'I · , deJli!U1menl.· KJelndienst's nomination 'to .. He ;aald-,Jle·.wlll run ,1.; "iincere~' cam- 60 iltarney ...-1 ia bdoro llie Sliiite. PalP .~ P.. :'\isr ~ .. '..rue\~ Jn. (~•column.~ replarly , clud•· U.:; ~ c 'tbe ·joint dlj :_Ille odllortal .Jiii' of the· Q.A!!cY lf8111ait..·.......m..-on .• ~-~elop-. PILOT.) , --Mderlon'a cornml!nla, In .....,.. to --~IOOI by Sen. tdwant 1M. Keanedy 'l)f .-'greduate also' Is -• (J:iiMaa.), brouglll oo I potltlcal m6iil'bei\ of ~bly . '!!"'""'i!eeS' op ll<irmiah In whlCh Republican . Sens. WaY,1,lftd M._ Revenue and '!'nation, Marlow Cook of Ken~ ml Roman ~ Org~-·and is a Hpun of Nebraska asked !hat Ande!'loo l'IJ!klll1'men!ber of !ht Assembly Witer' llOI' be allowed to continue hla leaUfylna Coinm11tee. , · •tii!ut :Milchet!. · Badbam ~ to coutinue to .work •-. "· ~ard a "mn. lwlancwl eoooomy and J'oaquin Board .. 1J opefu.ls S"peak ' , ~lne candtda~ nmnJng Jor the vacant 111t .. lhl boanl of truatees of lhl San JJ>iiluln Elementaty· School DtilriOI: will ~at Del Cerro Schciol In Aegyn Hilla 'fljeaday. 'nie meeting, sponn..i by the 001eer-r.;;1> ... t-Teac11er -ttoa, wlD liepl ~r''" p.m. in the nwHI~ roam, :M3flZ llegina.. . ; (:andldates ln•ited to lhl meet inc lo- cl,lijle Robert Acres, Judllh -i>i..~ llj!lly, Norman Ginab"I, C. 0 ~. Dora Lee, Vincent McCll!lolllh, JNeph Petenon and Roger Ramaboltom. to curb .......... t',rpeMlll(-and .,. .. tnlPtkm. "I will, cootinue my Iron clod belief In *coalrol . mid :wm appl,y tt In all I mab>ln repnoebtlng1he ~ BHbamllld. '· • ' AD iwar-Imve· Si11rts . . l~gean Hills JiomooWiier Group EyesR~g Pipes .. . . .3be muimum t•-11i11 -~. alter J~ ~-'9?& db' .. torney, WI tlie Jqoier~ ~J is, --'Thomao A11ao 81111, SJ, !be and the more nceplJOM grao!ed 'oy the~,...,,,_. of hla rlalJl)lom, .-fJ cal .etty counoll -Jfle ~ lt1b legally. • off wtien be tried kl lilad< Die I'4ncll The "-11-iatelldable r.t_u limg•as . botcbor -· and lalOr amputaliif by Is reuonable, said Ericklon ''[ would doctors Medical Offioials If Soutb"Cout say 1111' dayi· 11 wUy ·c1e1..lib1e ubdir ~Ii' Hospital iatd Eloll a1ao .,.. the ~ fOO Ila,., I' ' ' I ' lained I stab Wound to his .,.,,,., bot that : PrelenUy, neaily' !very exeepticin r& · hi.s sternum, or breut bqee, stopped the ' ~ueat brought.Id the 'council baa been ap-knife blade before it ipChed ~ vital pro'\red.' In neirly evtry,case developers organs. liave ·proved ecorioniic 'IWdship, 'the Officials releued the mu .. frog1 the c:Ouncll'• only legal "ailety Yll••" In the hoSpltal followinf treatment aad be ball!llni pemlit mor.atortum, Epck!on declhlod to preas c11ar.., qainal the uld. • . a-::•=°;~~! . ~~ntire.affatr led ..,._police offtc<r . : J ' •• j. ' ' 'J • • tea by I ' lrlMllf, .,.. ~ museum Jn Wounded Xw,r ,,.. ... ., opora!On of the hro llrml and """'*' off wllh' !501000 WOrth of r,,,dln ll'llfactJ.. Wounded ,ltllee "¥ the sane of lhe last Club bet-tM Slow< and lhl U.S., cavalry in 1880. More thin 8 men.. women, Children and llOldlers died 111 lhat battle. Chairman Wayne ~ llllfll!ested ap- proving drainage aod park ordinance. as a "q'\lck and dirty" possibility for re- taining control over' growth. These 'interim laws, he poinled out, ~uld 'easily be changed as the city's 'Fll1n .·Q.n Hom9sex~alify ".;·. •' ' I' r 1 · James Ciwczynakl, a stockhol~ In the pledomln!inU,.wlttte Stoll. Corp., wblch op0ritu'the WOllllded KDM M......, llid Tredl9f Pnlt, said. the Indians "blf'led ta and I~ UI up," Thurtday nJ&hL ' · Ctln Gllderateeve, 71. former operotor of !he trading post, ""' -..i to lhe ground. but not Injured, Ciwczynskl aafd .. general plan is <leveloped. Commissioner Harry S h u p t r l n e agreed, saying they "must not postpone growth" any longer than is necessary. But to meet the city's general plan deadline, it may be nece ssary to have a few such laws serve an interim purpose on the books, Shuptrine ~aid . Confiseated· at UC -lfvme'. . : . . . Ciwczynakl said !ht Indiana ...... ~ poster1 ad•ulillnl lhl muaeum of 0...: George Armltnla&, CUiler, leaCler fl IM Cavalry at Bti Hom, and farced· Czwczynskl to rip down a CUiler poster. After much discussion, such methods were no longer considered. The six com· . missiooers present unanimously declded that .Clt1 Manager William Woollett, Jr., Tuesday-will pnsent to the City Council the alternatives for creating a tempor:ary _planning staff. • "Thole professional planners would assist the commission in establishing new planning and zoning criteria f o r regulating Irvine's growth. A new aJternative is the me of a devektpment ireview com mi s.s ion . Tustln's C.Ommunity Planning Director R. Kennetli Fleagle explained its use in his city. . Tustin'•: five-member _commission of design experts judges plans from design, , estbetla and other viewpoint& llOt M~ther, Girl, 6, Killed in Home By ALAN DIRKIN Of .. DlltW' """ '""' A 90-minute sound and color movie on Jlloale bomosexu~Uy· -tilled "7 in , a· ~am" an4 characterized as "explicit, hard-core pornography" -was con· nscated by Orange_ County SherJfrs· deputies , at UC Irvine Thursday nigJtt' during a forum" sponsored by th~· Gay, students Union. · The film Was not shown and no arrests were made . 1 The deputies acted .upon a warrant Issued . by Central Orange Co1111ty. Munlcip>I Court' JUdge Robert E. Ricki•• who reportedly had no hesitation in ilsu- lng !ht warrant alter listening to an hour-' 9 Per~ons Die .. In Headon Crasli' On ffigfiwa y 101 From Win llervWr KING CITY (AP ) -A mother and' her UKIAH -Nine personi were killed to. . S:year-ol'd . daughter wi!re slain by an day in a headon i:Ollision of two Cart on aaaailanl . who attack~ ttiem tn lhlir U.S. 101 abnUI 13 mil .. aooth of' Ukiah, home 1f' this Monterey County town, the' highway patrol reported . police 11id: · · ' Capt. Hayeo Hickey .. Id elpt vldllna '!'be ' ~t attoniey't ollice said the died at tbe l!Cftll!. ~· Patri,cia Ann, .AJleq. :II, died Hillside Hoapltal In Uk)ab 111d t girl TIM'ida'y of multiple slab rimda to the al>out 11 died after ·reaching lhl hoopltal tono and her daughter, Judy, was in an ambUiance. atrafll)od. • ' . .Hickey said mo driYU apparently ftll Tbe ... Uant broke in lhrough the rear asleep. • • . , . • doer of lhe Allen home about I 1.01. and . He· said 111-of'tbtl'IJCUllll,_.. ~-On! atlaqled to strangle -f.year-old lrnmediattly lvlillble. id." ".._~tt_ .. _,, ~ Jtllldlls, 111d Thomu Kenan. the . The hllJ>way fi!lnlt. sa .. llOf"l'IOUlll'l district attorney'• admlnlatratlY< usla-l!ltomollilo ~f·fi,. ~ eollldld1 lant. with a llCIU1!'!!!"!' car with .lour .... Gu')' !Iii' II lbe 111irby 111lme of Mrs. ciipanta. · ' • · · Alltn'• plrtllll, wllo called :i;oute. -' Tbe • pal:lta·ltld· pre!ITJnary ... A thin! c:hlJd, ~' Allon, 7. was 1ormatlon led' qoe of tlio cara 'wu !OPol'ted to ban slept lhrouih lhl It· lo the wrong fane ol'U.8. tOI, lhl major 1ac111. nort!Houth hll!!w•1• Ill Catuorn~. , Kenan uld his Ofllce and KJnc' City , i Tbe 1cclden&-0oc:eut{ed about 7:111 1.m. pnl!ca .... COlldUcUnl lllt'.lmsligltlon, I about IN ..U. oorti'ol llao Franclaoo. ~ -·-r:. • long taped phQne connrsatlon with two The Indians arrived by, bo1 and cir. IP" San. F:~iaco ~~ ~n.~~~ ~"° bd, :,'.~uloo ~"';'.'® ~=~bii'... °:'::'tni ,";;;. ~een the film. . . 1 • • • test over the death of Raymond Yel'°1' . "Th• .film baa neYer ·been. ahown .ta. Th1111der, an Oglala Slow<, at lhl hands of Orange County -ll'a lhat· po!llOIJ'aphlc, whites. man." said Deputy DA Mfs .10retta Searl' Indians charged lhat Yellow Thunder, this morning. . : 1 • • 51, was tortored to death !all mootb by; "The 8an Francl>co ofrlcers were uked fiye whites In ~don,' 11 mll., from tbe • to describe it in gteat detaU,'1 Mn. sean· reserv'aUon. added. "Tbe moinent be beard I the Tiley also dOmanded a coqrualonal ln- descrlptjon, the judge lasJl«l the order.. •eotlgatlon Into the death, and demanded 11'1e descnptlon Wl.!I h11r r1Uiln1. It's an that charga a111n1t the five whJtea arl orgy." · ' · • rested In --wtth !be Incident !>; Today members of the Gay Students Increased to murder and lddDlplng. Tbt Union, who had plaoned to acm~ lhe, whites are dwpl wtlll maala"ibW filin ptior to a jlanfJ dlllClllSloo on hilman • and tatae Jnipr1-f>t · 1e:ruility1 were planning p-otest action. 1 Thurad1y night, 1,000 1e1net1 proteatlnr• the seizure were printed fGr rdiltribulion. tlirOughoot the campu1·1od1y"Led by 11- year-old Terry · Oluoo, a 1taduate: It°' dent and preaklenl of lhe -Ooy Studeota Union, union members were to meJtlt U1 a.m. today at tbe Ga~ Commons to be1lo dlalrlbution,of the ~b. • . Ot-also .. Id !hat lqal 1•!1111 -d be .... -UnuaJi the~ ... o.u. Liberti•• Union (ACLU). Jay Mucley of, Newport ·Beach01 d-'of tbl ACLU, confirmed that the body ---acting I• bebatt of• the Ulion. . · , Seizure of tbe lo•·tiudltt mhle. wMchl his been screened at pibllc thtlters In, San Frnctsco, Loi Anplel, Cblc110 llld New York -thoulh reDQrledly pr-~ lions are pen,din& lo alt i-. cltles ;- followed• day of dol!bl1 on,~r.\hl: Olm ,woullf ·be 112-.d ao ,cam..... 1 1 A preVllW of• jll! , flrit n!I( Of \l\e l)lm; wa.. bel~ ~ Vici Cloq'"8at Jolll C. ao,: •lonJ wltb ~ .fClQllr .1 reprUlnla~the ~a.11 " . ~o.. ~.:i. 4•i illht .... lbtt • declllnn the ..,.le CIMll!f Ill silo~ In ~~~!'~ adlJ Jilght. .• ,.; _r '. , . !Jr. Hoy 111d thal QIUOll -lbtl' , ... RX mlC. hll<ll • • . w ..... r . 81D>shlne < lbnuld lalio over ti. Soulhland Saturday, lolloWlnl the uaual low cloudii aild IOI aiong the coos!. Highs for the ~ are expected to be allghUy wanner with temperatures of II along tbl coal! rlainf to 10 Inland. Lowa In the rpld-iO'a. , ' JNSIJjE~~AY So•tlllmlcl 11oQC OJldillfll !Illa wt(k range from Shaktap1Gft and Bfft JomOA lo llGJ 8Toll- burv'1 plo~ with mwlc. Today's W<Ckbd.r telfa I tlllalariocN tll« Jiii!'-· ) ~, ....... t .. .. --.. . --E ·-•• --ll ...._.,_. ' ,_ ,..,. "" .. _,, '' .. _ .-.. ': I Oolll y PllOT JS Use of Lead • In Paints Fnm AP Dltpatcbet Tbe Food ind Drug Administration to- day baMed all except trace amount! of leod In paint by the end or 1173 "to mlnlmlta the beollh bawd to tuturo cerieraUons." Ov• vtian1U1 protata from the paint industry, the FDA ordered reduction of lud In paint from 1 percent to five-tenlha ol 1-t by the eoci of 1172 ind lo aix· hundrtdtbl ol 1 percent by the end of tm. An eallmlted 400,000 chlldren auHtr from 1ud polsonina: which can e1u1e brain dlmqe ind death. Filling paint in pre.World °ltl!' II housing bu been Iden-' tilled u 1 m1Jor llOlltce or l<ld poilon-IJw. MMDWhlle, the Env~onmental Protec- lloa Agency ordered 111 immedtate hilt lodoy lo lnttratale shipment of pmicldea reglatered for predator control and began a recall of exbting stocks. Incltided in the ban was thaJUum 1UU1ta, 1 rodent polaoll often mlauMd lo control livestock predators. Tile feder1l governmenl Fob. I barred .the me of polaona: tot predatOr control on public ]llld and In fedmJ prosrama es• cept in emergencies. St"le• at Front 'the action by William D. Ruckelshaus today, however, takes these poilol)S off the commercial market immediately while openlnc action totrard their pennanenl concellltlon from the federal reailtraUon program. RuckelWua ls ad- mlitistrator of the Environmental Protet::• llon Agency. Till 1clloa 1ffedl It products con-taioiP& four poiJOOOU1 c o m p o u n d a : lllllllum llU!l1te, eyllllde; atrychnlne, and atum mononuoracetate, comm o n I y known u 11lOIO." Doing their own thing With their headgear are these members of J;lelta Company of !st Air Cavalry on patrol 43 miles east of Saigon. They are (UL) Sp/4 Kenn eth Butler, New Orleans; (UR) Pfc. G. B. Ward, W. MemphlS, Ark.; (LL) Sp/4 Terry Manson 21 Cowen Tenn.· and (LR) Sgt. Benjamin Strudwick, Durham, N. c.' • ' ' . In the acltoo lffoclinl lead. Dr. Merlin K. DuVI], uailtant oecrellry ., Health and SclenUllc Affairs In the Department of Health, Education and WeUart told a Senate 111bcommlttee today lb.it . lead palnl paUonlnJ rNUlt. ln'100 de11hl 1n-;...uy 'lod COiii th• naUon PIO million a )'Ill ln JOit earninp and care of victims. FDA Commlaa.loner Charles C. &:!wards laid be IDiy decide later to speed up the de l'l"'rc order after the lndualry bu - pm1ded ldclltlooll Information by April CdM Boy Clings to Life As Family Prays, Hopes 7. . . F,....P .. el SEX FILM ••. • the mme would not be ICl'..IMicf. Dr. HO)' mode lt clur that be did not onftt tbt lJlm colillocated and .... qps IN tut .IJM11 Mul'e wu. pin1 to ta.ft Place. 'fl •J \ 1 ''Thon hod been """" lndlcallOn lhat the Dl!lrlcl ·,\ltorney'I Of lice WU IOlnJ •tu dip m.n Dr. Joy explained. .;intormalkm hid been made available lo UlllD," tbe vice chancellor uld, in- dlcallng that he.hoped to avoid 1111 arrest being made. Tbe preview performance and Dr. Hoy'I decision that the film not be 11bown turned out to be irrelevant to the con- liacation. Tbe· preview ,.., held al 5 p.m. At about 4:111 p.m., the tapo4 phone Clll wilh the San Franclaco ornc.r1 who had .... the movie In the Bay City be11111, IC· conllnc lo Deputy DA Seara, and about 10 hour later Jud(e. Rickles aigned lhe :warrant. The 11).mlnute preview wu 8llU golnc OD II Irvine 1t !hit time. Mrs. 5eara alld ah< wu not Informed that lhl !Um had been lfonned by the vice choncellor. "We had In OU! possession an advertisement that th'e ·fllM was gOlng to be lhown,'' Mrs. Sears· !lid, explaining' that under the penal code thls0 served 111 probable cause that a mJsdemeanor ..... the allowing of a pornographic movie - wu going to be committed. "I am aure that even U the vice chancetior had decided that the !Um wu not pornographic, lhe judfe would have jS.!lutd the warrant," Mrs. Sears said. Mrs. Stars agreed that no member of the sheriff's office, no Jnvestlgator with the district attorney's office nor Judge Rickles had seen the movie. OIANH COAST ~ DAILY PllOT Tbf °'"9 C!Dllt OAll.Y ,l\.OT, wnft ~ .. c:onlbbil "'9 N ... l"NI, .. _,..._ W h Orl1199 CMlt Nrilblllnl CO!ftpeny, s ... ,. .. 9dltlllll .,.. pub1hflld, ,....,. ........ Frldty, for c..ho M .. , Ntw111rf a.di, tf1,11tlnflolt ·~,-ounl11rt Vtllt'f, ~ ••di. 1l°'lffltlllddllllldc MCI :Ltri Cllrntnlt/ $In J111n 'Ctpltfrll'A A t lnol• 1'11'°"91 .. ,,.. It ................... .,.j '"""'"" 7119 ~-· IMlbtllnl "'"' .. •f Ill W..1 ... y '""'· c. .. MM, Clilfflmle, ,.. 1!:1lt1rt N. W•M '1'9*"' 11111 ~ J .. 1 R. c.n., VD,,.. .... , W 0...1 Mftttr' ,,__" K"vft lflllt 11i•111•• A. ""'"i•• --Cli1rt11 H. LOot llc1i1r4 P. Nall AMlltn ~ IWltws -c-.. --~ ..... ..., ..... ....._, "'ctu :a'""""'...,....,. ....;:: :::',TIJ::t.·=.... -~·••1 :1 ..... ,c...... ... '"'"' ''' m41 '4Mh1 aulM A•a1, a '4W11 ._Cl 1111 All .... , u• Ttl1f•111 4tM4H · ,,,., °"'91 a.t """"""' ... .... ...... rllwtt'tfllN. --., ...,.....,. ,..,..... N\' •• , ............. ,,. ...... ., .,,.... ..... .. -.: ~~'l.~"-'C:..­ :' -..... -· " -":.'! -""¥1 ""'""' ... """""" IUf """"""· . • .•• A timt to Jive •.. a time to die ••• "a time to laugh .•. a time to cru ... " -Bible-inspired rock tune By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of ... DlltJ ,. .. , '"" 'lbtre 11 a time and 1 place and 1 ....,... fiir all things undjr hi!ann, •ac- cording to lhe Bible by which Mike .MoldeaNuer'1 .Hie J1 Hffd. · • Jle-has not reed It in st days. 'He ' Is in 1 coma at Costa Mesa Memorlll Hospital, with head Injuries sutfel'ed in a motorcycle-picltup truck coUIJlnn. The time was Jan. 30, in the evening hours. 'the place was a busy corner in Santa Ana Heights. 'l'lie purpose, perhaps, la best left to In- dividual interpretation, for this story of a family's faith and hope In their tragedy ma7 affect different people in dilferent ways. "'Ibere are slgns my son has the w<1rst .sort of brain damage," sys Mrs. Robert Merriman, of 2227 AraJia St., Newport Beach. Injuries suHered by the Corona del Mar High School sophomore and Christian Campus Crusade leader involve the vital brain, stem, ll~rl!!!r t.be human body's power plant. ' 0 lf 'lt's just brui sed, he hlis a chance to recover," aays hls mother, Lee Mer· riman. "But U not -that 's it. He could be a 'vegelable' or a spast.ic," adds the stoical woman who has devoted her own time in the past to working with the handicapped. The vigil for Mike Moldenhauer, who will be JS in May, continues daily, in person and in prayer. lfu mother, his grandmother, or his stepmother spend their days In or near Room 118, waiting and watching for im· provement. Mike is tentatively sche<luled as a delegate to the International Student Congress-on EvangeJism at Dallas in June. He helped organize the Harbor Area's current C)µistian Leadership Week, to be climaxed Frlifay by the Mayors• Prayer Breakfast in Newport Beach. 11lt ·took one l>year-old kid to atart It and 15 adult businessmen just to try tG keep up with hlm," remarks one local e.t· ecutlve. The Moldenhauer youth went to Mayor Ed Hirth Jut year and uked U he would proclaim the special week, stressing youth Involvement needed more em- phasia. Mike visited achool camplWJ around the Orange C..s~ helping arrange a ChrilUan Leadership Week concert Slturday night al Orange Coast eon •• featuring lhe Certain Sounds. He organized pre-game inspirational praytr for Sea King alhletes and rooters. He eatablisbed weekly aeBSlona Iha! have drawn up to iiO locol adullll lo the campua for cocoa. doughnuts and com~ munlty devotlona. He ailo kepi hix gr1dea high. "He's • real atrona kkl.11 11yd Mrs. Virginia Tucker, hla IChool couneelor. . "Thia II aomeiblnc lhll bu hit a lot or kld1 oo lhl• c1mpu1 ~ery liarcl," lhe ad- ded, nolinl that Mlke remolna an 1n- splr1tloo lo mony. STILL IN A COMA Mike Moldenhauer His fr iend wore a helmet and wasn't hurt so critically, The famil y, members o f non- denominational Mariners' Church. now maintains a mixed measure of faith and realistic acceptance. They are. shopping among long-term convalescent facilities, such as Downey's Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, which specializ.es in major rehabililation cases. 14He wants to be a doctor," Mike 's mother said Wednesday. '.'I ~eep saying : 'Hey, wake up! You're m1ss1ng out on a lot of valuable in- formation.• " "Even though he's unconscious, they say the subconscious is always working and I can't help but f e ei l he knows something of what's going on/' ~ Mer- riman continues. "We can always hope for a miracle," says one nurse. "We can always hope •.. we always do." "There must be a purJ)Ose -a reason -behind it," says Mrs. Merriman stressing faith alone keeps her strong. ' The tragic aspect of the Mlkei Moldenhauer story came to light after hi.!! picture as a delegate to the Dallas rally -sent a month before the accident - was printed. Margaret Heuck Rites Satqrday service.. will be held at 2 p.m. Slturd1y I~ MCCOnnick Laguna Beech Ch1pel for Margaret Heuck, 2229-0 Via Puerta, Laguna Hills, who died Wednesday at Mission Community H<ispltal. She wu 7l Mrs. Heuck is survived by her husband, George o. Heuck ; a son, Kenneth Heuck: doughier, Mrs. Betty S.n11erslleld; one granddaughter 1nd Ihm g r e a t • grandchildren~ 1 A native of UUnoi1, abe hid Uvecl In Qrange County for lhe put I~ yura. Leqae Ag~ . , Uni.On-Covers- Acupuncture ······--··-·····-· ~--· , .... +--+··'···-·· .... ······· -----·-·--···"·" • SAN FRANC1BCO (AP) ~ 'lbe -v• 111 • *"" 111 ...... Qlloolon Wm!Dn, ii d- .:Wlat a--In ftlllp beoellll -ln1ur11ce covetate for ,..,.._. lnatment. . . I.Inion orpnl1er Rudy 'l'lllqi eoid he hoped • the · eaticemoiii .of coveroge for the 1gkld Oriental art wiU gain new mtm~ to Teamster ranks. Acupuncture lnvo1ves inled.ion of needles In certain nuve.:talerl. """"' Pep l BREADTH· •.. pie prior to beJna 11ven a dearee. Hlvinl loat ltJ quorum by 1:15 p.m. Thurodly, the faculty .... le filled to let • on . the reduction of artde point 1ver11e nqujremenlll from 2.~ lo 2.0 lor juniol' college transfers whO would not hive been eligible fer admission ·aa freSbmen. 'That matter will be taken up. at the April 13 faculty senate m e et In 1 • However, ·Dr. Patrick Healey, who said the approval of the statewide faculty asse~bly was needed, said he would pass on to that higher body the "sense" of the Thursday discussion, The handful of facu1t)r remaining seemed favcrably disposed to the lower· ing of admission standards for tw1>year college transfers. _, Healey said the meuure would not materially affect the n\DDbers of upper Jevel student who might want to enter UCL The measurt, however, would provide the same basis for admission for all in- coming oommunity college graduates, re· quiring ol all a 2.0 or 1'C" average. Irvine Talk Set On Unification The e.ffecb of unHicaUon on local con- trol of Irvine area acbooll will be discuss- ed in a general metUng of the Univer1Jty High . Parenti, Frlenda and Faculty Organization at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday In the IC.hool'a mulU--purpoae room. Attorney Paul Tonkovich, chairman of the Irvine Cooncil for Education (ICE) will explore what may happen to local aintrol of schools, taxes, busing, quality of education, sports and other ex- tracurricular programs. The Unl~ralty High Madrigal S'mgers, directed by 'Don Trevino, will entertain al the J>FFO 1-1on which ii open to the public . " " • ·~~~~~~~~~~---f • NEW SECTIONS I,. • 'i l"li\ ~ ': i .·~ ST AG]? ENCORE . . The new Home and Garden.Page, along with . dally TV loga, will be making" their aecond appearance in Saturday editions of lhe DAILY PILOT tomcfrow. Longtime readers of the DAILY PILOT are reminded that, two old lriends -TV WEEK and .Fa.milt" Weekly-have moved to Suoday distribution and will not be Included In the DAILY _ElLOT Sllurday package. · Fireworks, Yule Issues Studied ' . Safe and sane fireworks are fine in most Orange County cities, ChrJslmaa tree sellers should have a longer salts period and two mayors have b:wl n•m~ to the Oran1e County Harbor, Beeches and Parks Commlulon. These were the results of principal ac· Uons taken by the directors of the Orange Cotmty League of Citiu Thursday tii1bt in Orange. The directors : -Voted 21 to 2 to reject a proJ)C¥1aJ referred to them by the county Board ol S!Jpervi.aors whlch would ban the sale of flreworb throughout the county. county fire chiefs last week voted • overwhelm- 'lngiy for a eomplete ban of "1Y type fireworks, safe and sane or otherwise. --8ald a likiay limit on aal~ of ' Christma~ trees should be extended to 35 days to coincide wit h normaJ 11hlpment dates of tha trees. -Approved the appoinbn!nt by leagui President Robert FiMell of Pla~Lia of mayon Walter Evana of San Clemente and Don Fox of Brea to serve as league representative3 on the county Harbors. Beaches asd Parks Commission. A 1971 state law expanded the commission membership from five to seven with two to represent the cities. The other five are named by coun ty supervisora from their various districts. -ApPI:oved Qle appointment by FiMell of !onner Newport Beach mayor and 1971 grand jury foreman Doreen Marshall to the .county Citizens Direction Flnding Commission ai;id the apppJntment of Jack Turk of Huntington Beach to the county Human Rtlations Commiaslon. Second Sunday Pac.~ge Offers Interesting Items A.!! the second Sonday edition of the DAILY PILOT began io shape -up today in the newsroom, editors offered this , preview of what readers can expect Sun- day morning: -San Clemente-based DilILY PILOT Staff Wri ter John Valterza takes readers "inside the wills" at .the Western White House compound. His "Sundar Special" looks into the wtiys and hows o increased use of the old cotton Estate as a meeting place for those who qualify. -The birth of 1 baby, miracle that II Is, la abl!'ed In all Iii lniim¥f In two pages of pictures and stories by ind of Joanne Reynolds, DAILY PILOT ,staff writer and brand vew mother. -A newly franchised young reporter, Fred Schoemehl, takea a cloH look II the vote as it will be seen through the eyes of the 18-year-olds. -The Easter Paradi may not be ready for OU,. Photo layout reveals what SOln't of the daring young men will be wearing this spring. -Travel page takµ readua Soutlt of the Border as columnist Stan Delaplane talks about Mexico DAU..Y Pllm BoauAii' E4116r Alnioll ludably off.ts a story and photo on Zihuatanejo (,\capulco, it" ain't) and a Lagu~f~ach r-..d~1,writ"' .~ /et!<r ~tiout Maz;tran, -Women's pages feature a profile on Dorothy Dumke, wife of the chancellor of state coUeges, GleM Dumke. -New "YOU" Page bu tandem articles on repairmen out to cheat you. One story Is about tricky TV repainnen . ) Cave-in Kills 4 Boys COLOGNE, Germany (AP) - A cave dug In a coal pit southwest of here by four boys collapsed on them Thursday, killing all four, Police reported. and the other Is on auto mechanics and the state agency which i;; trying to keep them honest. (Pat Dunn's At ·Your> Service and You and the Law round out this new , "lny:olvement" page which leads oU C Section.) -The-Grammy Awards show, first in the parade which will later Include Oscars, Tonya (Broadwa y) and Emmys,. makes the cover of TV WEEK. -Newport Beach's own John Wayne Is the subject of the cover story In Famlly Weekly. -Sports coverage In Sunday's paper will include soine of the latest ln- fonnatlon available on local 111d national weekend sporting activities. --Olanified section often bargain bunters the most timely ''want ads'' (taken for publication by the DAILY. PILOT up to noon on Saturday) and, or course, commercial ads from automoti Ve and, reaJ estate dealers whose wares are popular wilh Sunday shoppers. S. County Man Eyes Orchestra · ,, t' Plam totorganize a 5addleback VaJley • Orchestr1 are now being formulated by Laguna Niguel music instructor Donald Tiffany. • • ' Tiffany, of 24925 Via Larga said he hopes to get a group ol mUaicims together and begin rehearaaJ for public performances by the end of the month. "The response has been good, .sc far." said Tiffany. "I didn't realize there .las this much Interest for aomethin1 like 'this in the community." Peraoos interested In joining the orchestra may call Tiflany at 830-M&t . • ' l 1 .. THI l'IJMISH IOMll CAllNIT SHOWN 1tn1 'ciotila 'iilo~·0111 DW.Anc ncmu COUIC· TION IY DUXIL ••• A SBMlffLJ IN~S,,. SILICl'ION. OP N, W!IC!DS AND l'INllHD. YOU AU SUU TO MT THI l'lllJN6 THAT IAC" .C WM C M IUILT' POa YOU ONI. • DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL:·-. H&RITAGE -1 KARASTAN I 'ltd1111 . ' INTEllOIS TORllANCI . LAGUNA llACH MS NorthiG-Hwy. ff.4.455 I 23649 HIW!llerM 111111. 11111 Jla.111t 0,. "'°"'Hit ,.,ra•ss.t ....._ I '41'•" A11l•t1 ~1.......,.111 _, .. _ .. _ _, __ .... llU I • QllJ'la molntailled down the hall from Room Ill lilt hil condition u aertous llUiouch It Wei crltlcll after be ~ ll1mt be tbe bib wbile ridJ1I( behin4 I llalld1. Dr. WIUIJm R. Eller of the Lutheran aiurth ol lhe crou. 1.qana Hills, wW oflldata at the oervlcas, lo bl follawld by llurlll 11 !I Ton QiloMf. I...:_.:__ ' ·1 ' .. ·-' -- ·• ... ..,_ .. .. -· -··· -··-·· I All the Work Paid _Off • • row aeuoned ~on watchers· predicted 1pprovai' Tueadly of 1 ~ override conUnuance me1sure put before tht vbt,ra In the capislrano Unified !l<bool District. , . . , ' Aj1d llDOllg the opUmists, lbe lllmmest of m1joritles wu Ibo bell Ibey eoulcl drum.of. , · But u tbe tallies began to emerge 'l'Uesday night 1 phenomenal margin developed :and voten ga~e tbeir bleaing by • S.f margin -1 veritable Jand&lide in school finance issues. • , , , Tbe. original override passage· tWo years ago bar91y aquealiecf by. · , , , T1ii& tilile1. tbings clearly were reaching the critical stage iii· tbe Climict witb •painful cutbacb predicted If district tu revenue were to drop. ' ' · Hundreds· of volunteers worked lilrd for pusage of tbe meuure. None worked harder than seores ef high _acbOol ~ents who paraded, knocUd on 4i!ors, phoned voten, offered ~ rides to . the .pQlla """ free baby· «itliDg.' -,. • ' 1\11 ;111•• work paid off hand,so~y. , ' f • . Eaucational Priorities • • ' Tbe 'most encouraging thfug tliat's llappened on the Laguna Beach educational seen~ in· some time is the 20-member Educational Priorities, study Committee. : Initial meetiJ111' , Indicate that1 ~e coBUnittee is a good cross-sec,Uon of the comm'!nlly, made 111> of people who ate (epwnely mterested In 'the schools.and wjlhng to work bard to help the scho'!!' wt>rk well. · They alre1dy have a plan Of, al:llOn and ,lj.ave fomieil :i • ' . . " ' . . . ' -·-- two 1ubcommlttees -one to study general district phUosopby, the other to evaluate .and reYliw existing Pto(rams. Members 1re meeting several tima a month, , visiting the schools and tllking to prlnclpab and 1p- partotl7 Intend to IHve no loose ends In lllelr analyaaa of the ecbool system and Ill needs. ' 'l'IHt commilte4l'• pnllmtnary report ;., cllla-June 1. witb a final report in July. Botb Sboul'd be carefulll' reail -llld heeded -by the school board and Ille district admtntslntlon. Brown Act ViolatiQil? . . ' . The tnviiatlon wen\ .out rec\l'llY to SIQ. Ol_emente city c:ounclhneo who Ii"• welcome to ·kick In tbelr "° apiece and join Chamber' of Commerce ·le1d0rs In 1 retrut to Palm sPrings. • · · Tbe Ide• -the first 'ume ii Is being lrfed 'In towo1 r is lor:lbe ch,mber hierarchy; city stiff and councilmen • to/ sit• ln•.Jeisql:ely tymon .and· discuss Jong-range goals ,and P,robleJ!lll· lffectiDg the city and chamber. "i'll'e idea''is fine. · '&i ii iB the possible pr8sence of a full city council · In • far-off city deliberating what could be public busi· ness that is somewhat disturbing. ·The law -referred to often in these columns -ts clear: 'A quorum of a city, council, meeting to even discusa items of a puJ>lic nature, must be held. in public. That me1ns that If a majority of the council does participate in talks bi Palm Springs late in April, then the general ,public sholjld be •notified and welcomed and lnvita\jons should be' isrued accordingly. ' ' s • • Our Freedom To Move, Rise Dear'· :·GlooJ;Dy ·Gm 'Schism Ba Reached Tragic Proportion•' ) • Has Shrunk .. . ., . Most people wbo prat. 'al!®I ••freedom" conveniently neglect one of the e11mtll' jncaqdWom of frtedoGa - OQll 111111 II 11'1 ... , of -If -·' _,,_II ~,_ ..... .., .... tted, ~u. 116 eedam .. II olfen II YirtUally "Tr:.~e;rance, in • famously Ironic re- msrk, once parodi«I · this 10r1 o I lalae llftdom -~ ob-served, "Both the . rich and the poor lo· Paris ~ free to sleep -the bridgOI at nilltL" '!be --of •the U.S., lo the ~. wu its 1enuloe freedoin of choice, 1 11 contrasted with D'IOll European countries, where )'OUI!& people were .tral(.Jacftt.d by family rl!lk, 10ciJ1 class, and lack of educational opportunities. The. rise of a Lincoln to President would have been In- conceivable in the rigid hierarchies of the Old1 World. / BUT WE OURSELVES have become fncreaslogl)' lllructured and hierarchical When I was a ;oulh, a college education meant far leas than it does today; even a high school diploma did not Cl1'I')' u much weight lo t.rml of employment· u It doei -· Our freedom· to move\ and rise has ahrUnk u our IOCial system bao become l1r1er, more impersonal, mechanJl!d,, corpgraUver and OXiCOntOd wilh credita,. courses. dipfomu, dqroeif and • union cards. \ mda:. AT THE bottom today - wbelher they be blscks, Puerto Ricana, or Appelacbln whites -may have the Professor Praises Laguna's Scho9ls A 1-pope1" (not ,.ar.i ,... ctellJ mlhtt-.S aboUI '"'" "llliqae (-) ~ .. w!lldi: "boQina -Ille." -ii. cit6d alpe ire ' ..... food llor Ille 11111 bat -----·-.of imoel>a aolpT • . ';'. ' . . -Mn. R. A. B. n.111-. ..................... ... t ..... "·IW"=•·· .... __ ,,_, __ ......... Becauae of it.t authoritative IOUTCI! and ill ~ in 1M ongoing lAQlll1a ~A .school conlnlN•"tl, the 1oilavlinfrl -u pr,inl<( lo fl<U : Tiie """'ntlc oo! !Cler leftgl1'1'ot toalv<d ·fl! illU 'ilutllnl:e. I ~ ............ -.""'"'-..;..."--.-V ' .• ' • • . '. -Ecf:ilo!' , .. _, f1'0m ·~ ........ ~. To the Edit~""• ,. NOrmoU11 wn~r'r ·~\convey their, -,, .. ~ " • "me,_, 'In 300 ~ 01' lei~ Th< ' I have beeii following ~ -speper "41i1 .fo jcom!cnot l<'turo to iit 'spoc• reports of .the boml al f ........ '1 ac-.,.,,;. ·~ lllifl ii .... .,,,.d. All let! _.... ... 1 ' , 1-l.-s~111tt1rt " tm,,.... ad W1CJU. ... '' ... ~ ---"' . ....;. U..-.:tr ........... llod .. for - j>aat, liul.DOl the same practical freedom, feedbac:t !iOln Jlll'tllla ~ the for the1reedomiil choice bu been -pr'fllil llalo ol the ..itooli. ly ratrlCted "11 our rill1ll ihcatlorial ~ ~--•-~-and •·•"-de .... If --wi. ·I, . Beacjt,ao a home ;~. ·"'.-""'.-.' · over'.'.mmJ" .... mltiii; the main ' deciding llt;IW ~tlte 'l"llllY:of the We tend to think of 0 tnedom' and ICbools.· Boehm•' ''blld -viously ~~=gdlfl°':.":°'.:..ia7: been enrolled 'm,J*bllc and'.'pr1vate ' ~Rh education., 0 exiiiip1e!ir-i1IO. of individual d~lereoce1 .and a provision of' alteroallve life 'styles "II': teachers seem ·to •be elfectfveiy inoiidating the greater pbrtion of our dtildren agaiQit tbla 1COOrge. ' same pole. People who lack security, lo a schools lo 1.os· Angci!ea o.ioty, and at the certaio basic-. have no rul ~m Ume we moVed hen they bad been ao-TO REACH THE goals ,·<JI biih _for the -of dl>lce ls denied ceptedatPaiadena·PolytedmleSchool ln academic acblevement ltnd':ciU-oblp them. They miilt take what Is Clflered, or Puadeoa. Mler careful Inquiry l found, the administration bas eflect!Vely utilized ~--· · • · IOllleWbat to my IUl'Jl'ile, that lite public such melbodo 11 lltxlble 1clteduling, ·~ .e. • . • • scboOlo lo Laguna -ollerecl a cur· diagnostic tooting .nd grwplJW ol varjou• IN EUROPE, where all the land was rlculum on a par wltb those of the best kinds. ,It woiil~ oeem Iha! the board's already owned, the peuantry ancl the schools • In Los Angel .. County. Alter <encern ohould .be to what .eztent lhe ad- proletariat hid no choice, and 1thereroni three yean eiperience at Ali.IO, Thurston ministration and the teachers Mare tulftll· no freedom. We new developell a and Laguna Btach !Dgb School I can now Ing their commitment . tO leach our 11peaaanti-y" -our farmers have always report that for my children and their children academically and for citizenship. been free men·-becauae people ooUid ,peers the currlculum and total learning l finCI the qulbbli1ig about melbodo which always lllOVe omrard ud daim new lind. experience exceeds aµ of my previous u~ has been current of Jate in the' acbool This Is no fooger poalble, and even our pectaUona. board demoralizing te ~hers and omaJ1 farmers ~ mske a living to-, studenla alike and can oo)y delt~ from my professional services to the board, to heal whatever breaches have been wroulh! ·itlid lo proceed wilb .JIUflUing ex-oellence·lo educating our youlh , v many YoUncatera become thorou&l>IJ bored'wltb -· but'""'*"' -are. on Ila other band, =:,lilJ, ... lb!lslall\c! Thll lo 1 real -- which. d_,, .. our full ~ . ..1. . ' l MRS.'wup.u.t TKAct ' Dl•anbe•' the N1111ti.e. Perhaps the first step would be to alk ouraelv~ the questlQn, How do we assess 9Uf' .cbooJa? By reading scores? College entranct?? Insurance rates? Amount , of mallcioua mischief? Perhaps if we can agree oil' some common yardsticks or To ihe Editor: -judgm~' then we .can proceed with the i ;.u ulolmdld b.!'-lit Iba llllilllcl tie••" s ( eclqcatq our )'OUtb toward··-1a ...., .... ,.... . 'atry' and Human av , ____ ege <JI Medicine, UC, Irvine ball coundl cbambtn." 'nds llla- 1\' ~ 1bsolutely untrue. B IC A T uaht I Sll·ln the tut row durlnl tl!t-8111rt , ., • re •--,,. n.e.Ung and beca ... ol my IWJlile al To the Editor: the poor tun>oul, I made three 11panle I ·wabt to express my warm approval of counts of. t& atteadlrn .wbllt tht •the teacblng melhoila now uaed lo Laguna meeting WU 'lo ~. AduaJJ.y 11· I tendaoce wu It pel'IDO( including -Beadi Scbools and urge the school board who left early and ~ who came late. not t.o tum away from the innovative - melhods developed by ocir !orward·look· , , SINCE TD ll'llcle did DOI cmy a by- ·ing admlniotrators and t.ochers. fine in~ : PAIL Y PILOT repqrter da J FIRST AND ·FOREMOST In a ochooi I our exemplary school oystem. It ls my 8i ooune a 1tw talented and ·I(· u~.academlc quajtty. Since both my t ljope thai lhio school board 1191 be ,lhe pne NQ TEACljlNGrsystem ls' perfect, bql, crmi.. .~ · ·Wlll alwiys .,.,,.. cJi1!4'en are ldentiHed "menfally ,gifled • · to;pre.otde over lhe lnadverl'!'l deotruc-· ~ ot lhe,oider methodo are very poqr 1 have had. the CJllllOitunlty to oboerve ' had actuaD7 llendoil 1 the rileeti111, I rnapy· clauel behfl taqbt.. In nearby usume the 11100" atlpti:lance figure Wiii commWlltles u well ao tn t.guna. I given to the P1lol by aome mmnli<r ol lht definitely feel that all our otudenla lnl • "'Citizecls for Good Government" grwp. being taught the "basics," about which' I 11 ~ _,.,,ptlon fl correct, then the concern bas .been espreued. Reading and · actual littendaoce figure wu inflated by mslh have the blghe<t priority, and o~ almost IOI! percent _ a otratqem which Important subjects, Ire otreased lo the la certa1o1y DOI commendable, 1ince 11 vlrie!f pnllrlllil. i ' WU probably uaecf to create an -of greater community support for the recall movement tbae may actullly Ulot. ' ' upward, in any ljlCiliy : but·we should not muiors" t resllze that providing a high t1on of perbapo the 11nest school 1ystem 1n that they make no provto1qn .1or ~I make It 80 bar.I lor 'ljle ordinlrf. pmon quallty academic curriculum lo not eully m the naUon. divldual differen°"'''the leacbi11& Is dul . to licbieve moJJ!ilty. Those at the bottom accomplished !or this select group. Nol IT HAS COME TO MY •llenlioa lh•I ~ ~p~~ n:J.iu!U La= • Cln. ltare!Y bani on te the llttle lheY have, ooly hn my children's acblevement been Indeed the preRlll schism hai reached. otudenla' 11ti school. • ' • wblle.lbeir lmockles are beloc rspped by of the blghesl, but !hell' moUvafion bas lt••;c pro-~'--. 1 would ,.,_ to ·•·er .. the junior .,... Jev;f _ ...... those 1Jlib!ly -· them -tiolh acllng. been Improved and any weakneoses they -..---on -...... -•· in !ear and, ~ 'lbe-only ef· bad have been Identified and sup- fectlve .,,ay to lDcruae ·0 freedom" ia to plemented. 1 baye no doubt that both provlck.IOCUrilJ., children will be able to· select 1 college of .. \ their choice. · ' I MIGllT ADD that I bave never met Councilman Lorr, but bued on the Jn. lormatlDn JiN0111ec1 at the meeting and the ...._ accoanla coocemlnl ble record to date, I do'not believe a recall Is justified. . . . . I hne iiso noted that my children's friends have been able to achieve academically over a long period of time. ; _11 It were pot for the dla-llc teslfng and the flexible scheduling Wtli'cll allowed these cblldren te proceed at telr own nte, 10me of them Would hive been k>st Secrecy in Congress .'.: · Another point ol lotereit at the'meelinl WU ID inlroductory remsrk mode by Chairman Bea Whitllaey to the olled that her "C!tis"1a for Good Government• group II not aflUl11ed wllh the VUlap Laguna qanlzatten.,Perbape MIA Whll- ~ ii '"'""'re that three of the prln-.clpal opeakm lit her meeting .ore well lcnown 'lntmben of Vlllqe Ltguna - oarnely Mn. Loil J.,,,...,, WUllam Leak A Ms. m . Good"~: a; Mile · wan Slnet- When the Democrstlc PlriJ adopted hfwm meo...... for Ibis presldenttal election year, It did .. lo ltopes of ... couraglng brooder oartlciJ>atlon llllOllg bl1ck1, browns, ind femalts, who hl1torlcally bad been uncfer.repr'eleted wtlhlo bolh msjor parties. This wu the' year uid ldvQcatea 0£ reform, ID< pr..,. tlci!li democriey al . the gra11 nt<Jll,, nlher than merely talklog abwl it. Bui .... the ooblell alml -llmt• llove 1 w1y of railing UllOCllUons, !al~ inl dtort of their pi; then le1vlog ln11tr1tloa ll!d bl-·In their wake. So It la lh1t the National Women'• ' • IN ONB sENllk. tryinl io arrive al an accep!ablt racial, .-. aad IUllal , fonnUla -for dtooolng delqat.s to na- Uooal poHlical .......,...,., for hlrll!i ' '°'"' mnenl eotllloYes. etc. -. npmeots ooctel progr•; it feut to those who .&\Iii left behind. ' ' . AS A STUDENI' of child development I am sure that the board prelldent , rtaJ.. i.,.: u I do, that c:bildrM 11'11! la IPUrla uid ot.qw and .that"fl !I onlJ' by talclng these growing spur\s Into account Iha! one Is a1*, to maltimize IMini11& ex· ~' within a IOrmai1*d .setting. This Iba Lquna Beach -have ao-ccmpllsbed, lo lad, to a remorkable degree. I ' Minneapolis Tlibane ' The number !I!-' _....,.1 com- mittte meetings btltl betilod ,cld.,.t 4ioor• laot jear didn't diller, much 'lroin the tallies lo previous· )eatl.', A otliily 'bJ. Congressional Quart.rly found ' tlut JI percent of tlie committee -. In the House and Senate dpt;l111 lfl~I"" closed to the public, d""'l from the 41 percent recorded In lll'IO, boil the ume 11 the 11169 score. Since CQ begar. keer>IDI !rock of open and closed committee 1lii!ettiip tn 1153, S'I· percent of the --.... been clOIOd -another lndlcallon Iba! 'tlilocl didn't change much laot 1esr. , • 1 I J l transacted. • Mal\ congreSSll'eD like tblop thll ... y. ·Some committee members, for lnlltance, Cantead'tltlt leglltalloa lhould be written In private because open meeting• ,;en- C9!1r11e Congressmen to tui. up wne· .playing te the galleries. Olhen •riu• the! action ii hindered by !be need 'for • -.VinC formal pnic:odurea in a P!'~llc setUng. , 1 BUT SOME committee• do hold their bullneu meeting• in public; and: It and Ralph -· l liJ~·-t ol Lqima lleocb .foe.a,..... and om a retl -t. broker, with <Jlficea lo Col'oni del Mar.~-. FRANK H., CANKAR Awart that molt per1om art pronf to 1:rr tn e.stimati" crmod ~.,,, tht' ·DAILY PILOT cMclud ~Pl''" •~t. They gu<trtci. "BO or llO" atid "1lma1I JOO," •f1¥ludlng 1110H !Mo fiootcd ln and oil! 'plctillf vp. pcllo tiOfu, ln onv ~ ll .... no tllro11g. .-lditor -po1111ce1 caucua plsos to challenp the Mlsool Democratic delegation . to 'the party'• n1tlolial <011venllon at Mlaml otltenrile would have been denied representaUori. And perh1J» II !1 the best -· jbat poltUcal portas, 1nd IOYernmeDll, ea devise. '\ ' ·NevertheleU; " even · ' ~ p o s i t 1 ' e dbOrlinhtation," u it II IOlllOlimea eupllemlstlclllJ' called, ls merelJ a diqulled quota ·l)'llem. And even '!flen !hey ut emp~ on Iba -of ftit II widely ftllud<id u ,...,. ... a """"'· qaolu lnl I poor -fir.- jaalice and .-UIJ -tltlt ts,· ""' nitlinl _ ... lod-11 rlllMf lhlD I'm.po of equal coocern , lo lbese troubled times ii the development of cWlooihlp ol our chli.on. SUrrounded by the hippie 111bcalton, trough! Into COii' tact wllh drup lo the community and given the tmpresiionable nature Iha! ddldren line, ddldml me eully iJl. 0.-.d towlrd 1 destructive way of Ille. We ore indeed lorllDllte that the ad-' mloistrallon and ltacben of Laguna Beach ha•e been able to combat lhil 20th ~·ptqae of clnti abale se ef· TD ONLY THING dilfmnt 1bout 1'71 wao that It came liter Concreas passed Ila flrot reform let in :II yesrs, ·the LqlalaUve Reorganisation Act of , 1970. locl.uded lo that act ,are wovlslon• !or brinllbu! committee operaUooo under closer publlc scrutiny, It sllpulalel, !or lootsoce, that all Senate committee meetings are to be open -except thoee · doe1n't ...., to get In the .._1 of ~ busine11. For example, the clllel clerk of the Houoe E<tucailon 1nd ~bor Com- mittee, which clooed ool7 • ol Ila 191 meeting• last year, told CQ Ilia! meeting In public doem't llow don Ute group'• proceedlngo at ell. lll coiled the open- meetlfig< requirement "1 fft"f. good rule." It might also be noted lhll many otate legislature1 hold moot of their committee meetings in public and don't seem to ~be OIAllOI COAIT DAILY PILOT ' Belch. < ALTllOIJGll THE projl<rUon o f Arlsona -dejeptes ii nearly double tba1 ol t• (II percent VI. 17 percent ), II stllf !ell• below' Iba new llemocntlc ro- qulremdtll that -be 11 • • n representallon In -..-iion to tllelr ....-uoo Iii Ille popula119D (la Arllool; llOJ percent). caucus ofilciall, apporentl1, believing tbal a Ml. II u iOod u 1 mlle, deem that u J111""t1 ....,...ble. a .... the proposed challqt. The cillue.. "7'tbe _.,, ClllCUI, compounded u H Is of ptrl publicity bllla and part .--. demand thlt ........ be cul 1o .. tbelCtioa, lliOuldnotbt- 'l"lt ol pniporUon. But neither ...... fl "" '/ • 11 mere llstlsll<al abllraclloM. · AllUMINO tltat . on1J ......, can reprueat the lnlerelll ol ·-that ...,. blect1 •• npr-tbi ...... of bllcts, etc., majurU .. YllXm of. • ... lyllenl .. a -ICale. 1lba& 11 woi'lt, die lmpllcatloa that man ls blc&lltltlo ol -ioc 1111 .... llll' row ...,..... II a JesHban.Dallle, ~ deed I lmidlnteataUJ dellumlDllod, Yillaaolmanlihl. lecUvely, ,, AS I AM 1N Clote -wit~ PQ<llotoclots1111":'.J:!,idance couuelor1 In Iba lcbool1 Loi MPlel and 0r..,. Oomlliel, I 1tave !hi band lmowlodp of a ........U.1 •llN or the serious and aft~ crlllcal _.,..c. el of clflll -In tho ........ I .1m utlalled rildD myself that Ille C1!1'fent ac1m1o111r111on bu kept ins a111e 1o ,n ai.oiute minimum ....., Ltguna Besch 1todents not ooly on Iba school .,-. bat .......... Illa cblldno IOlly be. l • lo wblcb the final drill of 1 bill 11 bell!& writ"'11, or those thlt are votlng 1e1sklns, or lhooe a ms)orlty of memben vot. to clooe. -bullneu meetbtp, ~,~re to be _open -except wbm a ...,...uy VO!OI apioll that Ides. • THE LAW'S EXCBPTIONB, ol"10Ully, have been enouah to defe1t Ila Pll•P!!"1 and the lflQ reform ---vl r1u1Uy no lmpoct the !Int ,.., they were lo effect. Nlnety·seven percent <JI the committee ~ designated u bu1lneu Mlllonl !ut ye1r -thoee at which lcllon, lllCh a votlnc « bllklr1(· tinl. wos talcm -weh boned to tht pulllfc wilott balloa1 wao be I a I • bothered by It. ' THE 0NL Y J!lllifiabie OCCISIODS for closing a committee meeting are ~ currently spelled out !or Senale bes o -w'het! 11'1 been determined t I teotilllOIQ' may ralole to asllonal securl· ty, tend to reflect ·ldver1ely on 1n t.. dlYldual'1 cltaHctor or reputation pr reveal m1tlerl cloolgnaled con!ldeotlal under other provlalon1 of law or l"•em- meat ...,.i,uoiu. Thole criteria lh brolcl ~ to .be abused. admlltedly, but Cbey'd riilult In !ewer closed oeuions than ars poulllle under the present law~• ope!Hllded provtslons. The public'• rl~ht to -bow Ila bulineM ii beinfl -duc:tecl moot override the convenlenco .............. find In -ltjal lo fl'IVlle. ' • Robert N. Wted, l'1l&llllltr Tllontcu Kffllil, Editor Albfrt W. -, Edltoriol 1Wc Editor no, edltorl•I -ot the D111r Pilot teekl to lnform aN. IUmu-' late relCkra b1 P.ft'ltnUns U.11 ne.'IPAper'1 opli,.._ aDl -.. montuy \OI\ toptm. of In~ •• •IJrtllka~ by pft.oridln1 a ,.,_ tor: the-d~ ot·our r tsd1n.' opbolono, 'and lit< ...-ttac the dlw.rw v~e. ot lnronaMI • .ervmi A.nd •t»ktlmtft on tOlllet of '"" day. · Frid11, lbrch io, 1m t I - eRoit , C11lf. (Al') -The 101 the Sonoma County Jail'• out ol. their dayrooms and rtDl in tbe corridors for fO mlnur.., .. uhlq windows, .. 1t1ns 1m11l fires nd dlmogln( e<ll doO<I, 1Ulhorltln Alter 'l'huttd1y e llklll lo San strltpekt '75,000. disturbance was quelled nlng, lht Inmates were eotln prl!on. Sheriff Don ated damage at about One prl Wll treat.cl It the tb- lloty Jall'1 ry for btld eu11, Strltpeke aa but there •tre no terloui lnJw'ltl. The ID men .'ind u womea qu~ on e first 1nd third Ooon did iiot like put In the dlaruptlon, he llild, but the were taken to tbe'1heriff11 oUlce for the protection.· Shtrlff11 Frank Beau at the jail 1ave Uall ac "The dlltur nee bqu during !he din- ner period In dly·room when felony ln- m1t11 who ha been complltnlng 1bout the food betl"ll tbrowtna the~ tr1y1 on the floor IDd 11ttlnc fire lo papera IDd clotblllf. I The men~111ed lo break 1 "sbal· tarproof" window IDd Mclped Into the main ctll-area. ~ I ll10lher dayroom oo the llCOlld 0Joor ,,ppateDtly uaed I lleef abell u 1 bl~ nm to brelk tbtoulh the door and ~ the other lnmates on Ibo e<nlraf ..,.n<!Or. Guards ale~ by the noise secured the door leading from the second noor to the main stairwelf to prevent the disturbance from spreading, while C a· 11 to r n i A Jlighway p.atrolmen and San~a Rosa poll.,. hurried •lo the scene. Tbl'lom1tu'co11.trollod lbe -noor fa< -.ly •90 l"lnutu, amublna' ne1rly all the wlndoy., burnlnr clolblna, mat· truau IDd !'l,lnkets, dama1lng ,.veral ctll door1 IDd two televl1ion monl!f>ra. . . . Two Children Sia.ill; Police Hol!J Father Arrested For Conduct • CALEXICO (UPI ) _I Actre11 Anna Kasbfl, former ! wHe of Marlon Brando, h11 been jllled tn tbls town on the Mexican border for disorderly conduct, 1pparently the 11test chapter tn a lona IDd bltw; tug~f-war between Brando/ 1 and Miu Kuhfl over cuatody of tbetr 13-year-old son. I From Paris, Brando scoffed Tbunday at reports that the boy, Christian Devi, had been. kldnaped.. "There i5 nothing at all to . be alarmed about," Brando aald In a atatement, decl1rtn1 the box w11 on •1 ICUba diving VICllioo wllb l ll"lenda tn Mexleo.' Br1odo, 47, Ind Miss KublJI 3'/, who ,... dlVon:ed In 11169, Ihm C11S19dy of lbe boy 1nd hive been qlllrO!llnr over him 1 for yun. Brando bu llled, suit aaainst her in an attempt to gain complelt cuslody. A court burln(, lo be held Thurlday, wu rescheduled for[ loda)'. . . I Labor Files New Heart '.test Stantord Medical Center Thursday conducted an experiment in wh}ch ac.1ual heart patient Clinton Fayne, 42, transmitted his electorcardio· gram to Manila in the Philippines and then to a satellite in space back to Stanford -a distance of 51 ,000 miles. Neighbor Youth Held In Fire Bornb Killings RIVERSIDE (UPI ) -An l&-year-old nei&hbor bas been ~e.sted on suspicion or hurling the fire bomb that burned three children lo death as th ey slept Sun- day. Police Thursday identified lhe suspect as Kenneth Dwane Henderson, who lives about half a block from the home where a gasoline-filled soft-drink bottle crashed through 1 bedroom window, setting the room ablaze. . lnveaua:at.ors believed there was a feud between Henderson and Mrs. Ruby Jamiaon, 12,_grandmother or the three victims, according to Ca.pt. Irv Cross. ~trs. Jamlaon was taking care of the three children Jn the absence of their parents, and was asleep in another room •'hen the home was fire-bombed. She was not hurt. '11le dead children were Cynthl1 W1r. ren, '· hlr ·-""-'· .... = ......... 7. 11lelr -... .... _., -lfamo.,11 a ...,_Jn Bannlbr. w11er< fie WW -OD; e .......... lor dllC:ll ;lrAUCi, when the attack occurred. Warren was released early, the balance of his sentence suspended, 1fter the deaths. •lenderson was arrested "only 10 hours after the burial of the children, follo wing services attended by hundreds of residents in t]c mainly b I a c k nei.~hborhood where they lived. Anp:ered citizens hid offer more than f7,000•in rewards (or information leading to the coriviction o{ the fire bomber. Solons Repeal Voice Vote lJse SACRAMENTO (APl -On a 66-0 vote, the state Assembly has repealed its cen- tury-old practice of holding unrecorded voice votes iii committees. ~ The new nMel voted on 1bund1y take effect Ill I WeOit ~In~ !bu new l~Uve roll~ \II"~~ fut month Jn the Senate·. ·. 11" But even if each house winds up with differentr rules, the old practice of unrqc9r®d_conlmittee votes ls on 1is way. out, Assemblyman John Burton noted. JCPenney SPRING -PLANT PARADE YOUR CHOICE c PLANTS · • Marigolds -assorted varieties • Fuchsias-assorted varieties 1 ' • Tomatoes-assorted varieties IN 4 INCH CONTAINIRS • Ageratum-:-Blue Only • I Vlnca-assorted varieties ' I IN PONY fACKS - TAM ~UNiPERS · 7" HANGING BASKETS I . I 'Purged,' Aide Oaiins SACRAMENTO t AP J - f:•w Growing 1 ~AL. 88¢ CHOICE OF COLEUS OR -ASPARAGUS FERN 2.22 Recorda that would hOvei shown bow many t I m e a Caliloml.a'1 labor Jaw enforcer ! wu cit.cl for viol1tloi the labor code. hal'e betn roullntly .. pudged" one or bbl 1t•f1[ mernbers aays. \ Wllli1m C. Hern, director of th• 1tata Department 0 f Industrial Relations, Ill'• be'1I been cited "1t lout It Umn"I IO< llbor codo vlolatlonl. But lltte L 1 b or Com·, mf•loaer Geora• Mlllu Aid ~ rn. from tbe lllvlllaa ol Labor L 1 w --where Hem'• dl1tll>• would blve been! ' ; VISIT OUR SCOTTS RI,. ON SAT. AND SUN. i \ IRING YOUR LAWN ,ROILEMS I . 1 UCPenne~- Jhe values are here every day. 24 PASHION ISLAND NMOAT IEACH STORE ONLY STORE HOURS: Sat., 10 1.m. te 6 ,.m. ,....,,,, 12 te s ........... -deitn!yed -:..= &.J11p taken .,.,, ........... ____________________ __ • 2 Dismissed Davis Case Jury Battle Rages On SAN JOSE, Catil. (UPI) "'- A tentative jury · ~'IS seated Thursday at !he Angela Davis trial, but the pro s ecutor removed two women with peremptory challenges. "We're halfway there," Albert \V. Harris J r., assistant stale attorney general , sa id as tu•o new panelists joined 10 persons in the jury box \\'ho earlier had passed questioning tor "cause ." One woman seated during the monllng said she never heardt the phrase "black is beauUful." Judge Rlcharf E. Arnason recessed lhe murder, kidnap and conspiracy trial until Monday, when the defense will have its first oppartunity° to dismiss · jurorS without a reason. There \Vere nine women and· three men in the jury box when Harris used two of his 20 Indigents May Run Without Fee peremptory ch a 11 en g es. SAN FRANCISCO (UPll - Defense attorneys also have Indigents can run ror Congress 2QThe t~·o new panelists in California without paying drawn · were both men, the $425 filing fee, a three- bringing the count to seven judge federal panel ruled women and five men. Philip J, Thursday. Russell. a computer company The court ruled after hear· employe, and Nicbola1 . Gaetani, a former student, ing the case of Raymond C. now must undergo questioning Cbote, 46, an A n n a p o J I s for '·cause" -biases or other graduatt: who calls himseU a reasons that could prevent a "beggar." juror from reaching a fair Chote, a Democrat \Vho said verdict. he v.·anted to run for Congress THE~EAL ROL~ There are a lot of lookalikes of Rolex. Others hive 1ttempted to copy the Rolox p.....,r•~ proof Oyster case, the setf..winding mechanism, the<lato feature, the c11y and c11te Indicator, all innovations of Rolex. But • DAILY PILOT § the Rolox skill, craftsmanship and dedication could never be 'duplicated. Tho pride of knowing you wear the real thing is the pride of wearing a Rolox. Above. tho Rolex GMT·M11tor. 1 30.jewel self,winding chronometerwtth dote that changes automatically at midn ight. Special 24-hour hand tolls time simultaneously in two separate time zones. Guaranteed ' pressure-proof by its Oyster case to a depth of 165 feet'. With matching bra~et. $275. ' 'f •When CUI, crown 1nd eryst111re inllct. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 Ii FASHION ISLAND llOU::IC NEWPORT BEACH-644-1380 Open Mon. and Fri. I 0 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. The men replaced ~1rs. · from the state's 17th district Peter Ruth , a young housewife but wa~ too broke, typed up who told the court she "never his own petitions on a portable~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ heard of Angela Davis," and typewriter while sitting in .a AJlce F. Evarts. a woman in park. He also argued his own her 2Qs. case ln court. ' . FUU y IE.callllJIONEll -FUU y GllWNTE£ll I USIJJ ORGANS HAMMOND DELUXE SPINET ORGAN OAK,' WAS $2.15.S.OI NOW ONLY 51495°0 HAMMOND CONSOLE AND SPEAKER Cl WALNUT, SOLD NEW FOii: SJ,700.IO NOW 51 ·595°0 HAMMOND PORTA-I· PORTABLE ORGAN WAS $1.111.00 NOW ONLY 51595°0 NEW MODEL WURLimR WITH AUTO CHORD SYSTEM Gll:IAT FUN '011: alGINNIR AND AOVANCID OR•AN PU.Ylll • Wlll'lltnr Spinet . . $699 • Wurtlter Spinet . . $799 _ ..... REDUCTION SALE!· • Hammond Deluxe Spinet Organ w ... "'· w• SJ,221.H, MW •••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••• Hammond Spinet Organ M.......,, ... Sl.Jtl.H, MW •••• , , , •••••• ,, , , , , •• , , , •• , ••• Hammond Spinet Organ WM ..... ~ .,. s1.m.H, ..,, •.....•••••........• Kammond Console H325 Wftti ..... rltJtti., _.. S4.1~1.00, .. w • , , , , , ••• , , •• , , , ••• , Wurlitzer Deluxe Spinet C...it:• el tlirM, ,... SJ,1'61.eo, ........ , •••• , ••.••. , . , . , •• Wurlitzer Console Organ W•hlwt, w• $2,121.ff, •w • , • , .••. , , • , , . , , •. , , . , , . , , , , .. Wurlitzer Console Organ 41001. wm SJ.111.H, .... , • , , •••• , , , , •• , , , • , • , , , , • , , • , , , 51995 5995 51495 53795 51695 51895 52595 LESLIE SPEAKERS . WURLITZER THEATRE SPINET . . • TRADE·IN• ) CLIAUNCE SPICIALSI • ~ Spinet . $599 • Lowrey Spinet $1249 ·.' • Kimball Console $1195 •conn Spinet · . . . . $399 • Hammond S,llllt $699 WALNUT• WAI $1,7'5, · NOW ONLY ••• 5149500 WURUIZER STERliO ORGAN • MW lllm•....,. In hont1 enter. t•lftmtltt wtth tftt rt1llllft el ftte whtl• tnheltrL ' T1iolna "Single Keyboard $199' ALI. l'IANOS .UAIANTllD II YIS. ·--free ..... .. .,.. ....... • SOUTH COAST PL•ZA COITAl!llllA 3400 BRISTOL ST. • PH. 540-2130 • AT YOUR DIPAITMlllT STOii OI' MllllCll . ., . I I ' .. I • .. I : f ' . • • • Huntintton .Beaeh _Fountain Valley j • I ' ' • • • • Y{)L 65, NO. 70, 4 ~ONS, '4.t ,PAGES ORA NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • • • N.Y.· Steeb FRIDAY, MARCH ·10, 1972 . . TEN CENTS Harbour, Cit·izell . Sues • ..{ • " • • .. ' j ' to _c.-B_lock .Church Tower ' : llun~n Harbour reslileot Arthur , Kmx, fllOd,_ stijt to4aY In ,otance Coomty Superior COurt Iii an eff°!fll>~l - structlon of the 17·story '"" ""'llllan · tburch aeiiior citizens ~w•. ' . fllox,,in a prepa,!'<\I staiemen~ .said be la answering a public eball-burled by · attorney ocµe· Bush,· legal &unse)J!or the: ch<u'cb\ . . . • • .. .. ' ' The suit ~ a writ of. manclanim to bait churcb . construction fo the. grounds Illa! tile tawer vtollites olfy' zon1iig laws. , -I .: ~ The tower n...,. obQve the city's three- lti>rl' belgbt limit,,, \ Kmx ortlJnolfy ~ llUil agohlst the Ci· I)' 'ofl!untlngton Jleacb, but In I bearing today before Judge Lester V a n Talenhdv<, be was .order«! to . nam~ lbe Cl)oiicb, '!'II tM .,Iiy, u 'the object of hla iillt. Al>Otller''*ring will be acbtdbled. ! City~ aNIDCihnen; on1 a split ·4-3 vote, granted a conditional · aeeptlon for the lol\'tl' a year .ago. Liut oioptb lbe niJnOri. · I blOCk the COIJiltjl' lried to sto lbe Y: .... ,on ' ·: , ' P . tower, but lost ogain, even though City AllOrney ,Don Bonfa said, In hla opinion, the conditional exception was not legal because no hardship was. shown prior·to Its grantina. , Blish, former city attorney for ,Htm- tinglon Beach, argued that becatu the eburch bu relied on the prevk>us·,ex·' ception for a year ~ has spent money on plans for the· tower tt1 is too late to legally stop• Its coNtruction. • He told councilmen that if citizens felt . the to\fer waa Illegal , they, not tM coun- cil. should sue. Kmx did. . Kmx ls>o1 member of the HOME Coun-. ci~ .which has publicly oppqaod con- itfvcUon "of the. tower. The chW'Cl\ plans, to build tt near ' Adamo Avenue and 17th SlreOI in I r<sJdellUal ·&rel., • Some councilmen who opposed the tower, said 11\<Y wO\\ld not be ogalnst ii In another location. . Knoi stopped a propooed l'{lulil·l"il!lon c:omplu.,.... Hunljnaton Harbour with a 1lmllar suit In 1971 . A Los Angeles firm wanted to crtate 1 marina with ' I high rl.. h O I e I , 1partments, restaurants and shops on Pacific Coast Highway, next to Hun· tlngton Harbour. · The city l!'lnled 1 «iJldltlonol ez. ceptkci wltboill proof of hai'dahlp for the tall bu~ Kmx filed wit and stopped the Jll'O-·· ·:If tlle city Is l!'l""l~ to l!'lnl such vorlances u Ibis ond iJ not cballenpd In • court at lhis .time, then no citlztn can ~ joy lhe prolectlon that shollld be provided by the zoning laws," Koox said of hi1 churth suit. Those who voted ln favor of the ex• cepUon for the church were Mayor George McCracken and councilmen Donald Shipley. Ted BarUelt aod Norma Gibbs, It waa opposed by Councilmen Jerry Matney, /J Coen and Jack Green. . ·Election Sought · · • • • l " · ' ' -f \ • I · t I ' • • ' • _, • r ' ___ ._1._1" • , · • ' • It ; • , ', . DAILY•r1LOTrw-,IW'R .... ~ ' • • , • , , ' • ' • • : ' I i ._, 1( , •. " ' WRITER 'COVILLI, KllCEltGAllTEN •l'ATHER 1FQI! 1A' NIGHT; ?RIES. HAND, AT FINGER PAl l)l:rlNG , . · With !Thor-oPrleo, His Cho,..e fOr•tho 1 .. n1,,.,.New1mon Learns AHut World·of 5-Y9ilr-old • · 4 • • ' t I · . · • · , t •· .' , I ' " I f · '-Suhst·itute~: ·.Fa th er l)ahbles Repor11r ~i~ge~_-pai~ts~ 1fJa.ys ~ome; Mmkls Clay , , . . "-. _,} ' I l \ , , • . By TERRY COVILLE ,Bob Landi, the pr'lncipa! at LeBard, has great whit. parachute and ran ut the Beach Candidate Fight,s Parking Lot , Rlcbard Belyea, a candldato for Hun~ lngton Beach Cily Council, boa filed suit in Superior Court agalnal tbe city to fon:e an election ori the propi>oed downtown m\lllklpal parkJna lot. Belyea promiaod laat week that be would ,..k legal action I<> make the,coun- cil accept. a referendw;G p.e.t it 1 o n regarding the parking lot concept. · The petition, siglJtd by 4,311 regiJter<d voters, was submtt"ted to the city council Feb. 7. It asked for an election to estab-. liih and-ordinance requiring a tutu.re elec- Almost All Lead Bann,ed ' F Pr; £,qin ~ " 'i t •»"'. ' ' ~ it !1 r l,,_._...,..11 ~> 11 1 1J r . ' .......... t 10 '9~4 7 ' -' M•1 1Dt ' uy boJmod an nee~ trie. \1111owdo o1, . laod , In pijtit I»" . ...-of . Itp "IO ~ ~ ..... : huord I<> 'luiura •eneraUona." , . • , , I, • I , , Over vigorous protest. from the .paint1 Industry, ·the· F'DA ordered iodudlon IJl loa~ln palal tnnn I ~·to flv•-· of 1 percent bribe.end of 1171 '11111 to ollt· hundr<dtl>I o I . percent · by the· •eacl of 1973. . ! .Ah .estimated>· 400,000 chndr.,; IUffer' from lead· poiloitiag whlchi can cau11 broln um,age ond deotb. Flaking point In . pre-1\'orld Wor ll housing has beeo Iden-. ~ ·1111 inajor ·10Urce'ol11eacf poilob- ing. t ,Meanwhile, lhe· Environmental Protoc> tion Agency ordered an lmmedlaie Ult • today to ~rstale lhipmirirof j>oot1ckWa register«! for prtdal<>r control ond'began a recall of existing ltocb. !Jon before bOnds could be sold I<> build the propoaed 13-ocre downtowa . pirklng lot. ' ' . Coomcllmen deadlocked. W on •whether to accept the Petition. CllJ Allorney Don Bonfa said the ,,.utlon , "" not · le111ty binding, but 1dded that Its legality' could be tested In court. The pellllon was circulated b y downtown auto dealer Robert Terry, whose attorney, Arthur Guy, Is handling Belyeo's suit. -<Terry hu disclaimed a n y coll- nectlon with Belyea or Belyea's council campaign. City ofjlclals have planned to cleor out five cltJ blocu laclrii the oceon, lor a parJdnl lot In connection with lbs Top al lhe Pier r<development pion. Downtown property ownero have fought the clly pn> posal. Some councilmen who oppooed the pell· tton. claim It could kill cbancea for private downtown d'vel,,pment which ii now being dlacuued. No date hu been set ror a htaring on Belyea's suit. JS,0001 Names Needed Ref eren«Jum Begins ' '· ' ,Vall Drive-in ,. ! .,, ' ... ' . ' . . Trucker B~gllis 60.(J,ay ~ntenee For Eggnaping Eqnaps Moauel ~ bopn ....,,. •r ' 111• !beater 1'lll t.. •"-"11111111 to ~ oboul U,01Jt'.1!11111-iioedid lo llrlill the llauo befo.. volll'J Jn tllo form of I refenndum. 1 ' The 1lgiiaturas mull bl .Ubmltted lo the clly clort before April I, -the ordlninc:t -.,. Ibo prvperty on Ibo south aide ot Warner . Avenue between Euclid Street and Newhope street ,... Jnl<> effect. If the ,, ... ,...., are presanted to• Ibo cily clerk by the deadline, the ordlnonco will be auapended lndallnitoly. The city dork will hava 311 uy1 to verify the peU!lool and pr-t them to the city council. At that Uma the council must either reverH ltaelf or·the Issue wlll be dacided In I generol election I<> be held IO to 7' day1 followinl !bt council'• declalon. °' "' ..., -'"" Ibis idea ·tbol dads ought to experience sheet began I<> shake. Call•me poppa -temporarily. the jays ol. ldadlrpr&a, with )tbeir sons The object was to bounce the balls· in Iti was a whirlwind ·affair, just one ,and cla,vgbtn. . ' the air and not let them hil the aoOr. I blcluded ' In tbe'· bu wu lballlum. sulfa to, a rodent polaon often miluaod' to control livestock predaton. Ing I -rterm In °°'""11 cOuntJ Jail today for hla roli Iii .n ea dlverolon n111 Iba! 9"11 !lie 'Hlllft)I Penny' Company of Fountain Valley . ,produce .volued ot '24;000. The ell)' .....,II opprovecl tha rezone Tueoday nlcht duplle an appeal for a rtlloatlnl by the boopital• I D d, homeowner1. . Homeownar1 and •bolpltaJ offlclaiJ CIP' • pose construction of the theater becoUN ol the notae, traffic and crime 1beJ believe wlll result. 111ghJ,1but I got to play father ·to a cute So 'lburlday .. night the younpteri ·ducked as one shot past my head. little Coed In the kindergarten: at LeBafd liauled' their fathets to the classroom. We ended the night's activities with School. 1 .Lindi IBid I could) be a 1ubstllute dad squiggles. yes squiggles. A squiggle Is an Her name " . Theresa Pr!-She's 1 becl111e 'l'titrele's 11ther Was out of town odd line drawn by the teacher. Each Child ·-,• tmineu. · ' gets one, then child and dad, mostly doll.,A little shy, )>ut ~1 afraid to let me t put 1'IY clumsy 'fmgers ln the middle of So I ;jOined the pwp til overobed °'1il!'• draw.a plclure from It and writ. a lier finger painting. ; llludeota. Four~ teachen bad lltor'y,; 1 , · r t total cootrol1of1U1 ·fao·an tiour and a half. Tbunday's squiggle was a curviftg V, , t , . They put ,. Ulriiup the iime paces the like 1 shark'• fin. Therese drew a whale Po' .z;,,.,, JJ .:.,.,#!:trv --....., ay. leaping out of a ponc11n1<> a frying pa\i-~ ue1u,~fl ,/ We ~ -tree play 'IC!lvttieo _ wttb rq,y help. It drew one of the blgest flaprpalDllnc. >' lmlldlq blocka, clay laughs of the night. I E .. ;,,e_ -~ -y: .... :m ........... p&o,q .... Ind --Finally, the ad& were allowed I<> limp • ..., n.aua K,.W, Ibo -......... jlal .......... ·1. out of the classroom and grab • """"· . • Ono clod, wlio llld be rov. to cllp cookies and Jello. I took two coolies, TIJUANA, Mexico (UPI) ~.A woman found sbu! to death OD the .oullklrta of EllMIAda Jan. 3 has beea Iden,_ aa on l!:I Segundo woman allegOdly llllOd by her buabud, who hanged bililaelf TueadoJ whil1·1waiUng trial In Los AnJleles. The identity of Elsie E. Sheppard, $5, Was learned Thursday following a ~ lnvOll!galion by Baja California otote detectives, the FBI aod Los Ancola ' ...,_, ~ fer the toble where they Thereae was better behaved, 1he !only <Ill out -.,._ . · took one. Anotber dod, "1blll hla brutb strokes The object of Landl's experiment Is I<> 111 1 Piece of , white p.q., odmltted be draw teacher, cbild and father clnser -ed -pt1m 1111 llnt -together., It worb. Everyone enjoys oruand.' kindergarten night at LeBard. I did.' And lllere -Ed lttrlnl ..itb bis IClll, I'm not a father, but little ltlda are airta. He Jl!AY looll all proper ond official really neat. In fact, they're the neotest wiion~'I ..,a member fll the city things In the world. The federal governmeot Feb. I borred the use of poisons for predator <!ontr<il on public land and in federal progranui e:1- cept in emergencies. · The action by William D. RuckelahaUJ today, however, taket: these poiaom qff the commercial market immediately while ..opening actJon ' towa rd their permanent cancella\ion from 1the federal · regislration program. Ruckellhaus. is ac:l· nilniatrator of the Eovlronmental' Protec- tion Agency. The action affects · II produda con- taining four poi.Jonous c o m po u n d ·1 : thallium sulfate, 1CY.•nide, atrycbnlne, and sodium .mononuoraCetate, c·o m m o 'n"l y known as 1'1080." In the actiOn affecting lead. Dr .. Merlln K. DuVolc uoillant secrelary of Health and Sclenliftc Affairs In the Deportmenl of Health, F.ducatlon aqd WeHare, told 1 Senoia aubciommlllee todaJ !hot lead paint poY«tlng multa In • de.llbs an- m1ally ood colb· the noUo.n l\lllO mllllon 1 year In loal, earnlngo aod caro ol vlctlms. . . 'The . Garden Grove truck driver wu alao ordered by Superior Court Judge William Murray Thureday I<> mal<e ratttutlon "not nceedlnl •10,00011 u pert of' the termi laid clown In' 111.i lht,. year• probation. ·: • ·The sky ,fell on the 'Hemy Penny dellverymon lul Dec. 10 when Foliilloin · Valley, police cioood I lonJ1 inveollgolton by accusinl him of siphoning off mall)' of tlie eggo he waa auppooed 'to dell\ier to sl<>r" Ind' ouUell In the Los Anaeleo ' . . aru. · , . .Chavez,: 2S, pleaded> guilty I<> Jll'ond ' theft ebarpo .. Ha odmllled Illa! be bod sold egga to cu11omen for lea !hon tllo ICbeduled price. Ind bod ........ the dell· clency by allerlng poper ..,..k In hlo b:uck Ind ID the>Worebouoe. · •Inveatlgoton 111d Cllavaz llOld more than 124,000 -worth of eQI in I tw .. year period. · · police. • Autbor!Ues said her hulbond, Henry Sheppard, 65, confeutd !hot lie shot ·hll . wife In November at thtlr ·1pal1ment in El SeJundo. He said It .,.., an accident that lioppentd wbile he '(•• wortlng on a Plannlilg c.lmn1oslOn, bat you llbould ... him -bla hondo dipped In purpla .......... I 1111 down with 'l'llereoo. to play wllh clay. htrtod to -Ill)' eoofldenct by agreeing that Ill)' -ol clay looked like a oea bone, like I aid It.did. Sex Movie Seized . at UCI ttne. . ' ' L 1 'Y I .. Vrtion Coveis After free poly, we started the dance.. v ... should ... a bunch of blllklng dads bowlnc, 1Job!iq ond Kipping to an old ' •platio -· 1lle ttdl llailied 10 nlpt. · DeputieB' Decide '1 • in a Barn' W on't Go on Ca~pw . ' . - Acupuncture · ' . IAN FRANCISCO (AP) :.. Thi Teamsters Union, In a ctme lo orpnize Chinllown Wortera, 11 al- ferlna a .... l'lrill in frinp b • -- -In 1ur1 n c e coVttare ,or ~ acupuncture treatment. " , Vnion <Jl'(!aniw lludJ Thom4old he bopi!d the enllcemeot • " cover11e for the .....,Id Orlellol ort wtll pin new mem-to .1-mlkl. Acupuncture Involves inler1llll II """""la cor1a1o-- • ,,,., tliey lnlcbt out lbls big, •bite l'l™l!uto. Sor9t " tbt -""" rudy 'to Junlp ·ot-tbol pOlnt, IMit Ibo ·lelcllen Aid no. Pint the klcla drollcl . ...uad the cbute, trnllbed "' ode .. tie •11atc1 tt up Ind ....... 'l1lm, llllJ lloW I llfP, ad u !lie ....... coW ..... " ..... -..,,.mblecl under Iii cllDte lor new posJ. "'"" before tl!olr ·clf•\IOlli """" lower .... boom, •• c:tmf. ,. • Dtcls .......... lhllr'iieids of!. Then the IMdlor Invited Ibo fathers to Jll'lb the llll'Odllte. That'• rJcbl, the same -?be tlds bowled ond .. -- ... ---• Ibey bolllled up Ind ....,..., rapidly-~ U-. A JiOU11 lff~11d •mll1 .._ &-.d . tine """"" -Into Ille 1ll!ddle of the ' BJ ALAN DllUllN Of .. Det!Y,,,... '"" San E'rllldoco police offlcera who bad yell'Old Terry Oleson, 1 irlduale 1tu- ,... the film. , donl Ind pre1idoot IJl Ibo (loy Slud<nta "The film hu dover -llliliWn la • · · Ora!'f.8 County _ It's that ponlOll'aphic Vnloa, 'l'!i"" -· wen.to mMl at ii man.' IOld Dapuly DA Mrs. Onlto Stari 1.m. today at .tbo~""'1 Cclmmon1 to tbla ....... ,, beila1-otdie loollell. t. '"1'11111111 frotiCiJco -· .... -. ~ ...iijlll ll!l!lld =z:~~ll.~~-: be . . ielJc'!'.tlYU · • ~!it. ~~ ~. ( . •x Muilb ol . ~ P. ~. N"eijo;t' ' of tt9' 4CtU, ' i'J" , .. ·"· l"!lr-~; 11'1,ao ; ·""'~ !¥·~·~ ~ iloMJd~' ""!;._ "-r ·~ G a-· l<llli "' •w " Ibo 11-. . Jb;"r .:"'w 1 1""' 1~ Illa ' -· o( ... low·buclDI mo•le, ~tH IJlln prl... to I ~~-lluqm ' has..,_ aHlld II JlllOIJe tbea~s Jn -~-11 ' .... _.._.. -~~ San ,.,.,,..,., Loo Alrplfl, Ollc ... Ind ~-ly, ,.....,...m.,.. ,.._ --· Ntw ')'i~dlollP miorledlJ -· 'l'l1uncloy nJCb!, 1,000 leifltls protatlnr llono ore bt alI lbost dllos ' - 'Ille seizure wen printed !Gr·dlotrlbulloil followed 1-da'y o dbubt en Ir~ t11o 'lbroucboul 111o •unpua lodlJ. Lad bJ • · _ Cloo 81 FIUL' .. II ' , • I· " • • "It Ian'\ that we're against drlve.lna or bullne11/' ul,d Ruaotf, itl just that we lhink llie cou~ll has violated the idol ol orderly planning In Fountalr: Valley." Navy Man Imprisoned LONG BEACH (UP!) -A )'OW11 NIVJ steward has been -..... lo -yearo •I hard lobor for the shooltna death 1111 year of a """"" stewn In the lobby of 1n enllated man11 club. Jayme T. Dy,' ZI. a PllilJppa. notlmal, pJ-.i guilty Feb. 21.to voluntary manataughlar before a pneral cou.r!·morUol ot the Lone ~ Nova! Slatlon. We•tller Sunshine should take over lbe Soutbland Saturday, followlnc the uaual low clouds ond f"I •Ion& the c:oatt. Hight for the weekend are expected to bt tlllht!J wormer "!lib ltmperolw'et ol io •Iona lbs coast rflla( I<> 70 Inland. LoWI In the mid~'•· IN8m ll: ftD-'Y • =·..:.:-= --. .,..., ~ " .. -.. -::: =-.: -. ...... ... , .... --. • I DAILY PILOT H FriUf, -101 1"2 • (',.._ \ Harh·or Doctors NEW SECTIONS ST A.GE ENCORE Plan • By TOM BARLEY Of .. DIWy "'"' '"" the inqulry Into alleptloOI 111lnst Dr. rear-round Operatio11 Sparks Controversy llY IOllN ZALLr:ll ........ """ '"" Convarolon ol Crell View and West··. mont tCbooll to year~_arouod operation beginning July 10 has stirred controversy within tbe ocean View School Dlltrlcl. George Logan Mon?y 11lght. "l will not • everyon~ Jn the dlstrict wa1 contacted a be loo impreued With people wbo come least four times abou\ the meetings 1n later and put tbe~. names on a petition _ .!fowever ~r1!U..1'.tuu:lday ntahl ....... oppaslng something. t6ey ought there might have BeE'n i;.. School officials 5'Y that numerous in-regularitiN in the way the actual votlna • formation meetings were held and tjl1t wu conducted. sCbool officials denied I~ LOS ANGgt.ES -Four Harbor Atta pbyljcians who allegedly made Jars• oup- ptla ol Ille narcotic llemtrol available to dnii lddk:I Reba Vaughn may be aaked to ezpllln their aclfon1 to a State Board of MtdlcaJ Examinfra committee when Ebbe Hortellua of Cotta Meaa '-'°pens Ill May. Dolen.. attorney Matthew Kurlllch told atate bearing officer E. F. de Vllbhla aa the aecond thre&day hearfni clooed 'l'hllnday that he may bring the four doo- tora be named to tbe hearing room for questioning when the fnqulry reopeno May %1, :14 Ind U. McCloskey Drops Out More than a dozen parents met 'nlura- d>y night to finalize plans for clrcillating • petlllon against year.around schools. They also raised quesUona about pro- -"'" u.sld In the lchcokonducled election that abowed 75 percent of the ptrents at the two acbooll favored year-- around achools. The deciJion to begin a two-year ilot program lri ''conUriUOus leanung", a e two schools was approved un1nimoul!y by diltrlct trustees earlier this week • Adult• ·Identified 18 Sus~ects Still Held In Wake of Drug Raid·s ' Jackie 'Onassis Bl.ackmail Told NEW YORK (UPI) -Jacqueline Kamedy Onwta aays frfflance pbotosrapber Ron Galella tried to blackmall her, but under ..-.es· arnJnaUon admitted 1he bad not reported It to pollco. Defenae atto!M)I • Alfred Julien pr<llOd Mn. Onuehl Thursday• about tho aUaaed threat, wblch abe uld came JD Ille form ol a Chrhltmu card, and tried to prove abe did not take ft .. rtOlllly. Mn. Onwla replied. "No, air," when Julien liked whether she reported the threat to pollce or lederaf alllhorillea. Rock Bands OK'd Eor City Festival Rock bandl may be allowed to perform durlaf the annual Hllllllngton Beacll cl!Jwldi featfval, acbeduled May 11 ai Murd1 Park. CltY recreation and Jllrka com· m-. cledded Wed-ay lllcht to lei tho festival committee make tbe final deel•ion on the atatua: of rock bands at tbe Murdy Puk event. Commlalonen aid Ibey were not oppoo<d to tf>e bandl. The featlval fl lfJOllSOred by the Hun~ lngtm Beach Coordinating Coimcll allCI lea~ boolba, acllvlila and dflplay1 !ram all seclon ol lbe communlty. !l'a a day·Ioni · evan~ . '..4.&1entee Voter • "ltlf/bl I ,.,1,1 1'~ 'A1'tt. • 11 Ballots Offered ~-·-·Mil/Ill'~ Ille'>\!!! llWllllilpoJI Ohict!On 11'9 -avaUa ' aj ' ~ Hunilngton Beach city clerk'•' . +nY -who·~ to be 9111.oC,llle ell)' on April II may apply fn peraon or by mall to tbe city clerk, PO Bos llO, Huntfnclon Beach. After March lJ, auch voters m1y pick up tbelr appllcatlon from the clerk, vote Ille lime day and return the absentee ballot. Any letters to city clerk Paul Jona l!llllt be •Icned the aame way the voter Is nclstered and obould fncluda the reaaon for being abaent and tbe addreaa to wblcb an ablentee ballot should be malled. Slots Still Qpen. ' . In Baseball League A few alofl are still open In the Ocean View Pony.COit Leagua for boyo IJ.11" who w1nt to play summer b11eball. For infonnatlon on the league, phone 111-12411 or SU-3:141. Tryouta for noys 15 and 11 wlll be held at t 1.m., March 15, •t the leagua field, Graham Street at Hell Avenue. The women's aU.l.iliary will a1so sponsor a bazaar at the field, March 11, to raJae fundl for tbe baseball Jll"Oll'lm· New and used Jtems will be aold at the all-day bazaar. •• DAILY PILOT --.. Mn. Vaughn admitted during three daya on the wltneaa ttand that the tricked bot h doc!Or1 and boopltal1 fn Coata Mesa and Newport Beach lllto 1up- plylng her with Demerol fn 1111 at 1 time When Dr. lfartellua allellCfly wu under close obaervation and cOullf not IUltaio her habit. Of Campaign MENLO PARK (AP) -Rep. Poul N. "Pete" McCloskey aaJd today be would end hil CllJl!paigo for the Republlcan presidentlal nominaUon and &eek the p.rty'1 nomination in Callfor(lla'1 newly c:r~ted 17th O>ngressional District. His New H~pabire presidenUal eam- paign, the antiwar congressman said, achieved much of his goal which was to ••try lo demomtrate that there was a substantial number Of ·Republicans who would oppose the conUnuatiQn of bombing In Southelst Alla." "Show me one educational advantage to year·around achool1," Aid Lou Garcia at the meeting held in a private home at lllOl !Wtherford Drive, Hunilngton Beach. "No one can," be contlnued, "Becauae there are no conclualve atudies. Tbote diltrlcts that hive gone to year·around schoola did to because they were so overcrowded that they really didn't have Ten of 15 adults aod all e.lght juveniles ureated Jn Wednesday night's dnii raids in West Orange O>unty were repcrted still in custody today. of marijuana ; Jeffery O. Farrel, It, 1146i Santa carlotta St., sales of danaerouf drugs and Diane M. Wagner, 28, IOUJ Craine Circle; sales of nareotlcs. • Also arrested and charged were Cr~l,i W. Baird, 19, fur sales of dangerou• drugs and marijuana ; Steve Madrid, lt. under the infiuence or alcohol or drugs ~ Kurlllch complafned Thursday that the case agalnat Hartellua could be con. siderably changed if he can determine from the. physicians the extent to which Mrs. Vaushn got her druil! from 1ourcts other thaD bet SO..year-old lover. a choice. "But here in Ocean View we do have a choice," Garcia uid, "and we shouldn't switch to year-around achooll until-we have sound evidence tbat It la a good idea." Ball for the 24 suspect! averaged betWeen $5,000 a11d $10,000 with one as high as su:iioo. Arraignment proceedlnas began Thur~ .Uy fn West Orange County Municipal Court 1n Westminster and are conUnulng today. Westminster. ' Jordan Ray Ahrens, 11, Santa Ana, saJes of dangerous drugs, po11e1slon of narcotics, resisting arrest; Michael J. O'Halloran, -24, Costa Mesa, salea of dangerous drug1 and Ronald Rqis Buru 25, passeuion of marijuana, passes1lon of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous drugs for sale, possession of marlj u1t1a for sale; Benjamin Wayne Shrewsbury. 36, possession of marijuana, l?f>Slelllon of marijuana for aale, J)OSSe&slon of dangerous drugs, possession of dangerous drugs for sl.le, 1ale1 of narcotlc•i Michael Joseph V1ccarlno, %1, of Ana· heim, warrant for uler Of dangerous drugs, .-..ion of dangerous drop, J)0:9RIS1on of. dangerous drug for ate, 1a11 of narcotics. llarlellua ol lalander Slreet, El Toro, ls •ccuaed of moral turpitude and un- J,lrOIWlonal conducl. It 11 alleged that he lntroduced Mrs. Vaughn to drugs and en- couraged her habit to the poinf that she was eventually etrtllled 11 a drug addict. However, McCloa:key ~Id. he would allow his n!me to remain on primary ballots ln 10 states aS a "symbolic pro- test" against continuation of the war. McClosky said the "harsh reaJJty" of his ~tuation is "that yoo cannot rua a creditable presidential campaip without large l11Dll of money. Garcia, who llvea at 1711 Rutherford Drive In the Glen View Sc.hoot area. or1anlzed a eampaign to defeat y~ar· around operation when acbool officlals conducted a vote In his area. But at Weatmont and Crest View Schools, whlrt there wu no organized oppotltion, year·around acbools were· ap- proved by margtna· ol 75 percent and 11 percent, reapecUve!y, according to tchool 'Ibose arrested In Huntington Beach and the charge1 againit them include Emmett'R. Alaniz, 29, 8101 La Palma St., grand theft auto. possesa:ion of atolen properly; Ricky M. Curr!.,., 21. 11382 iloJ>. caster St., sales or marijuana and other dangerous drugs ; David C. Fanner, 19, 15191 Fantasia Lane , saJea of marijuana and other dangerous drugs, possession of marijuana ; Robert Iv era:, 11, 5112 Sblelds Drive, sales of narcoUcs and other dangerous drugs, sales oC aubltanctl; in lieu of dangerous drugs ; and Alan Selvin, 18, lSSQ Waite Lane, aalea " dangel'OWI It fl aJao alleged that he dniiged Mra. Waneta Melendres of Costa Mesa u 1 means of achJevJng a aexual relatiotl!hlp with his victlin. Mrs. Melendrez choked on her food and died in December of lllSll. Mrs. Vaughn has teatllled I h a t Harttltw: preformed three abortlona on her during their torrid relaUonihip. She hao a1ao ie..tllled that Hartellua hi the father of her '"year~Jd aon, Jury Vaughn. Mn. Vaughn told Ille committee that ahe became desperate !Or Demerol fn late 11111 to tbe point that ahe called cfoc. ton and told them her father wu dying of cancer and needed rellel from pain. She testflled that oeveral physicians caJJed area pharmacies and ordered druggista: to give her quanUtles ol Demerol. State narcotics ·regulations forbid the dflpenslllg o! narcotlca and ding......, drup to peraono wbo bave not und....,.,. an eumfnatlon at the hands of the preacrlblng physician. The blonde, mfnl.eldrted witnaa, who onee fell ..-durlllfl !be beartnc and on another occask. collapeed tn tears on the wltneaa lland, told bow ahe once u!ed a man lhe delcribed u "an old wino" to obtain Demeral '-.. llDIWlpeclin( dogor~ .,j\ I I ' Sbe·aald abe --the man to don Dr. Hartellua' paj1111111, hulilecl him into Hartellua' bed and told hlni to molla ap- ~..._._!hi dc\clor from wlioftl abe hOpid to obtain ~rol called a_t the home. 1 ' Mn. v ••!llm aa1d a11e hid told the physician that her accompllce had ln- cur1ble cancer and th.It the doctor ap- peared to be 1atlllled with ~ atory of her d1'4>1, pain-wracked father. He gav'e the willing, pajama.cJad patient a abot and then lejt vials of Demerol with Mri. Vaughn which were later u!ed by the shapely blonde for her penonal drug needs. "But did he look u if he had cancer?" Mro. -vauc1m wu asked. "Ob God, he looked as if be had everything," reijlled Mra. Vaughn. That comment stopped the bearina for a lull twn minutes. Fro• PGJe 1 SEX FILM •.. film would be ICl'eened ·on campus. A preview of the first rttl of the film wa. held by Vice Chancellor John C. Hoy alon1 with aeveral faculty mernben, a repreaentative of the ACLU and Oleoon. After the preview, Dr. Hoy told Oleson that tbe fllm could not be abown Thur• day night and that a decls.lon on whether the movie could be shown in the future would be made by Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich, who was out of town Thurlday night. Dr. Hoy uld that Oleaon Indicated tho! the movie would not be 1creened. Dr. Hoy made It clear that he did not order the fUm confiscated and was unaware that the seizure waa golnc to lllke place. "There bad been oome Indication that the Dlltrlcl Altorney'• Office wu gofna to step ln/' Dr. Joy explained. "Infonnatlon had been made available to them," ·the vice chancellor Rid, ln· dlcating that be hoped to avoid an arrest being made. The preview performance and Dr. Hoy's decision that the film not be shown turned out to be irre1evant to the_ con· fiscation. The preview was held at 5 p.m. At about 4:30 p.m., the taped phone call with the San FranciJco officers who had seen the movie in the Bay City began, ae-cordfni to Deputy DA Sean, ond about an hour later Judge Ricklea signed the warrant. Tbt SO-minute preview wu aUU going on at Irvine at Iha! time. Mn. Sean uld she was not lll!Onned that the rum had been bann&r by thi v1ct chancellor. •1we hid in our iq1111k>n an advertlumtlll that the filrl WU aollla to be shown, 0 Mn. Sun uld , uPla1nlnc that under the ponal eod1 tllla llrVad u ~bable Cl-that a mladtmeanor - the lhowl111 ol a ~apblc lllOYla -,.., going to be committed. · HJ obviously don't have that money," he said, noting that be bad about 1 $45,cm. deficit from the New Hampshire campaign. McCloakey said be would file hi1 nominating papen for the 17th District at the San M;tteo County Q>urthouse 1n Redwood City later today. McCJoskey, who garnered 20 percent of the votes cut in New Hampshire'• Republlcan primary Tuelday, aald his showing -coupled lrith tbe ID percent for CoOlervative Rep. John Aahbrook of Ohio -indicate 30 ~cent of the atate'r Republicans are finding fault with Nlzon Administration policies. Alhbrook campaigned on veater fiacaJ respansibility within the federal govern;- ment . officlala. School ofiicials now maintain that the deciolon to awllch to ye!U'around achools jn thole two areaa is final. .. The people who felt 1trongly enough about the lmle to vote about it have been counted," aakt acbool board president All-year School drugs. , Those arrest in Fountain Valley and charges against them Include Dale A. Ekstrom, It, 18171 Santa Marla St., aalea ,Youth Injured, , Another Seized In Beach Crash Fprces Summer TWA Confirms Program Change Talks but Says J d Ru] Tha proposed full llW uae of two A If.year-old Lona Beach youth Is In u ge to e Ocean View School Dblrlct plants will No Ransom Paid Htisfactory condillon today 1fter he. Wal force Huntington Beach r e c r e I t 1 0 n hit by I truck Thursd1y morning Jn Hu9-- leaden to alter part of their oummer lington Beach. On Taped Talk prosnm. By UaHed Prell lll&enlUoul Recovering at Huntington Be I c h. When Weatmont School chlldren atert TWA "'" confirmed that It negotiated lntercommunity Hos pita I from facial In- A rul" la d Mood b the f"'""l"l?!er aystem In July, the city with.an utort1on11t over 1 $2 million de-Juries is Skip Hamilton of l350 llebra st. ing ue •Y 1 Orange will hive to drop iii summer recreation mand to reveal where 'bombs allegedly Long Beach. •, County Superior Court Judge Byron K. T k fnto · McMillan on whether 1 taped interview proll'am at the .achoo!. , , ., • bad been J:>l.apted on ill jetliners, but the . a en custody on charges af felony with one of three accwed ala•en of a "Wo have all-day prosrll!llf, ff"Om 11 colnpany'' 'plo.ident aald no ranaoni' bad hit and run, felony drunken dmbic ~ , am to f ·M pm in •'-mnnm•er" es ..._n ~and•-'·"·yed ... thr~'-• pouession o1 marijuana 11 Tm~~ TUIUa •• w -1ltK-"9 --=-Wl, .i?i:... ..;:::_,. ~-...,....,~~· ~ ~ ue usuc l.Util f~ lllK..-. _,. ... __ ~ -.,_ nw-111 :0-/f. '"nJn ........ ' ' Ill< I '(I i.tbun, 11, of IOfl Gtttysburf -nri,e,"' -.~. and par1' ~ '" • • ·• •·· · • "MA!llMhile··a aamb* Ol>ojrl!ni'1'tnlulit H!lnllallm -cit. • , · LloydiL. strong, 11, of Santa Anl, ••• 11We WW probati1f"'~& it~nt'a thi coUntry '1 were pl1}ued wt t ti Police 1 reported th1t Hamilton w1J not properly advtaed of hl1 eonaUtutlonal all-day program to Pleuant View School anonymous but apparently unlUbatan· •landing on the left 11ide of a parked car• righl.s. argues defe.i;pe attorney Robert which hu not bad llllllmer: 1dJYitler, 11 he tJated threats that thelr planes had 1:1een· on PacUJc O>u.t Highway west of Golden· Green. uld. '1Then we will use our nonnal after boobytrapped. West Ave. when he was hit by a truck. · The taped conversation I n v o 1 v e • ar.hool program at Westmont." 'Die government called the heads of 29 Police claim the vehicle left the scene, Strona:'a questioning by Frank OJ:. 0 Wlth only two schools aoinc on the all major airlines to an emergency meeting racing north on Pacific O>ast Highway. andaboure, wistant chief tnvesUgator year Pl'Oll'•m, It wOn't ,a1fet1. ouf 1um~ today lo map out President Nixon'• new Lotham was spotted driving tht truck fOr the Dlatrict Attorney's Office. mer recreation plan much," W.orthf said. order to prevent air travel terrori!m. baJf an hour later by Seal Beach police. strong, telephone operator Kathy Crest View, the Other Ocean~ View Transpartatlon.Secretary John A. Volpe They reported he was driving erratically Yeaw, 21 , of Orange, and Mark W. school switching lo all year Status, has met with the airline executives less than eastbound on Warner Ave. near Algon- Lenlhan, 2!), of Garden Grove, have been not had a summer program in tbe past. 24 hours after the President handed down quin when he stopped and got out of the indicted by the Orange County Grand Worthy said an after achool program orders aimed at freeing the air industry truck. The Seal Beach po.lice approached Jury. might be started there. from bomb threats and atortton. him and took him into custody. Authorities claim they were involved in (-....:.---===-------~=::..:::::::::::.::::..::::..:=:.::::... __ ~=::..:::.:::.:::~:..::::::; __ _ the June 7, 1971 murder of Seven.Eleven Market all·nicht clerk Thomas Grove, :a, of Tuailn. He was killed during a holdup. Jladham to Seek His Sixth Term • As Assemblyman Aaaemblyman Robert E. Badham (J\,. Newport Beach) today announced he will seek election to a 11Ith. term representint the 7lst AMembly District ln Sacramen- to. ~ Badham, 42, ls a 10.year veteran of the Legislature. . He aaid he will run a "sincere" cam- paign based on hls uperience, which in- cludes the chairmanship of tbe joint legt.slaUve committee on atomic develo~ ment and 1pact. • Tha Stanford graduate also fl a member of Alsembly eommitleell on. Ways and Means, Revenue and Tuallon, Governmental Organization and ls a rankln« member of the Assembly Water Committee. Bad.ham pledges to conUnue to work toward a ''more balanced economy and to curb 1<1vernment spending and cen- tralization. "I will continue my iron clad belief in local control and will apply it Jn all decl!ion1 I make in repreaenUna the peo- ple," Badham aald. Bands Pulled In Irish Parade 1111 l'l.IMISH llOMll CAllNET SHOWN Hiii COMU PllOM OUl DRAMATIC "rrcmu COLLIC· TION IY DIDn ••. A SUMIN•LY. INDLISS SJLICTION. Ofl DISl•N, WOODS AND PINfSHU. TOU All SUH TO·MT THI FllLIN• THAT JACH PflCI WAS CUSTOM IUILT FOR YOU ALONL DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEl -HERITAGE -KARASTAN "· . • JVA5HINGTON (AP) -·lrtllJ eyu wn tllrfnc ancrtlY at the l'Utqon today becauae two mWtary bandl ...,. pullad INTERIORS oiit of New York's St. Patrtck'1 D11 NIWJIORT llAC:" .,.-adt. ,. _ LAGUNA llACH . , TORRANCI Pentqon official• flld .Tburack; 111117 1n1 w-.ttllff Or., 642·2050 '45NtrthCNotHwy:ff4.61•1 2364' HaWlhornt llwl. • • "I am IU'-tbit even 1r the vice ' chancellor. bad. deddad that tht lllm -':J:mocraplllc, the ludn ...w.t haw . i the wamnt, 11 Mn. Sart uld. Mn. Sean qrled that "° 1111111blr or the -· olllct, ftO fJlvallplllr with the clfltrlcl atfOmey'a offlca w Judp •l caooellld the appearance of tht balllll of -NllAT 'TIL' 11111111·111t --·~1' the North American A!r Dlftnle Cem-"•'•••••" ,...,., , .. ,... A•aM••• ·~~~ "''' mand and the lrd Naval Dlltrlct hecw • , -'" -...,; " --" .. "" ' ; l\lcklea had -Iha ... v1a. • tht parade bad becoma "pollUcal ID !_--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ nature.11 - ' I w Dole said Tele the telep Conv mU to sing) than San to ba tional As Law cbarg "It tional public Iha! Roust "It tional public that . House llol B In Co The Los beer. aircraf a trad In fa publls separa the WO The million down in 1971 gallons the Be favori gallons wine booze. s 0 • Al DAILY In the previ day mo -San Staff W "'inside House looka . uae ol placeJ -'Ille ii, fl pagea ·o Joanne writer -A Fred'Sc voteu :ii-~ .. of the thhl ? COASTWISB ~ "Anybody Home? It's Your Census Taker . , .'' Miami· Hookup GOP Lodges Rebuttal On Democrats, AT&T WASillNGTON (AP) -Sen. Robert Dole, the Republican naUonal chairman, said today the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. appears to have violated the law twice by agreeing to install telephones at the Democratic National Convention in Miami despite a $1.5 million outstanding debt from the 1968 convention. 1 In a news conference in which he presented a Republican counter-attack against claims the Internationa l Telephone &: Telegraph Co. agreed to underwrite part of this year's GOP convention In favor for handling federal antitrust cases against the firm, Dole .said of the alleged AT&T arrangement: "This Is a very substantial contribution to the Democrat Committee from one single corporation -substantially more than the $100,000 guarantee to the city of San Diego which has been falsely alleged to have been given to the Republican Na- tional Olnvention." A spokesman for Democratic Otairman Law~ F. O'Brien scoffed at Dole's charges. · "It is very obvious the Republican na- tional chairman ls attemptil'lg to divert public attentk>n from a major scandal tha\ Is reaching right into the While House," he said. . "It i.!I very obvious the Republ ican na- tional chairman is attempting to divert public attention from a major scandal that Is reaching right into the While House," he said. Dole said the federal criminal code Booze Drinking In Orange, LA Counties High The 8.5 million residents in Orange and Los Angeles counties quaffed enough beer, .~L"'lf and booze last year to float 22 aircraft carriers, the Beverage Bulletin, a trade journal, reports. In ract, the magazine added In its issue published Thursday, if <:;atifornia were a separate naUon, it wou1d rank 10th in tbe world in alcohol cOOsumpUon. The magazine SAJ~d re than 194.5 million gallons of al I were poured down thirsty Soutbem lllomia throats in 1971, giving a co ion rate of 22.I gallons for each man, W<JI18D and child in the two COUDUes. i B.,er911e Bulletin sald beer was the favorite, accounting tor 141.4. mllllon gallooa, followed by ZU million gallons of wine and !U mllllon Jall<ins of hard booze. ·1 barring contributions by corporations to political parties or candidates includes a loan or anything of value. "Carrying a $1.5 million debt for four years and then consenting to increase the size of the debt with no assurance of repayment must be considered at the very least a Joan , it not an <>utright gift and surely 'something of value' u defin.. ed by statute," Dole said. "The deal u n j u s t l y discriminates against all of us who pay our bills on time or find our phone service cut off," be added. The Kamas Republican called for public bearings to investigate the alleged agreement because he said the public is entitled to know whether ATl/r views tts arrangement with the Democratic Party "as a risk-or as a possible investment." He said the alleged arrangements pro- vide the Democrats with "an undue ad- vantage agaimt those political parties and candldates that feel obUgated to comply with the law and pay thtlr bllla." Dole' said the agreement between AT&T and the Democrats provideo that the poUUcal party "•imply will put up 20 percent of the estimated 1100,000 the phone service at the Democratic Con- vention will cost. Nixon, Meany Hold Surprise Breakfast Meet WASmNGTON (AP)~ President Nix· on had an ~minute unannounced breakfast meeting today with AFL-CIO President George Meany, the first face- to-face encounter since Nixon received a chilly reception at a union convention in Miami last fall. A White House spokesman confirmed the meeting in response to inquiries fro~ newsmen, who saw Meany driving from ·the executive mansloo grounds. Joining In ·the meeting in the family dining room were director George Shultz of the Ofllce of Management and Budget, Nixon's chief llsison man with labor, and foreign affairs adviser Henry Kissinger. Kissinger'• prosence Indicated Meany received a briefing on the PreQSenl's re- cent China trip, but deputy proa oecretsry Nesl Ball oaJd be bad "no In- formation" on what was dlscu:aed. 0 There was no agenda for ~ breakfast," Ball said. Second Sunday Package Offers lnte~esting Items ' As the second SUnday ediUon of the DAILY PILOT began lo shape up today in the newsroom, edJtors offered this preview of what readers can expect SUn- day morning: -San Clemente-besed DAILY PILOT 61aff Writer John Valterza lakes readers ••inside the walls" at the Western White House compound. lliJ "Sunday Spedal" Jookl into the whys and bowa of Jnoreaaed uae of the old Cotton Estate as a meetlnc place for those wbci quaUfy. -The birth of a baby, miracle that tt Is, Is ohared tn all ils Intimacy In two pages of pictW'ft and stories by Ind of Joann. Reynolds, DAILY PILOT staff writer and brand new mother. -A newly franchised young reporter, Fred'Schoemehl, la!< .. a cio.se look at the vot. u II will be·...,, ~h the eyet of • the 1a.yqr.o1c1s, -The Eullr Parlife may not lie reaey for lhil. Photo layout Hvesla what 10J111 of the dartat -men will be wevlnc lhla oprlq. -Travel page takta reaclen South of the Border as columnist Stan Delaplane lsikl about Mmco, DAIL y PILOT Bolling Editor A1nion Lockabey offen a llory~and photo on Ztbualonejo (Acapulco, II sln1) and a Lqwla Beach IUder writes a letter aboUt MuaUan. -Women'• pqes feature a profUe on Dorot11J Dumke, wile of the chancellor of stile colleges, Glean Dumke. -New "YOU" Pqe bu tandem articles on HpairmeD out to -t you. Ono llory ta aboUt tricky TV repalrmen and the other is on auto mechanics and the !late agency which I;; trying to keep them honest. (Pat Dunn'• Al Your Service aM'You and the Law round out thlt: new, 11lriVolvement11 pace •hklr'J ltllds off C Section.) I -The Grammy Awarils show, llnl In the parade which will later lncludt Olean, TOllJI (Brooclway ) and ~ mWia the cover of TV WEEKl • Pr1dj,y, llarth 10, 1972 H DAILY PILOT lJ Indians Attack Tra<!ing Post Group of 400 Sioux Storm Museum in Wounded Knee WOUNDED KNEE, S.D. (UPI) - About 400 Indians -lhoullng "burn, bum, bum" -cllmaxed a week of pro- test hy llorming • trading post and museum in Wounded Knee, roughing up operators of the two fU'JnS and making off with $50,000 worth o(!ndlan arltlacls. reservauon police at Wounded Knee1 sald Sioux boy was "grabbed by tbe neck" by both lncldenls were under investigation. Czywczynskl at the trading pool Wedn ... "Tb!ngs are very quiet," be 8Aid early day. today. ''They are about as quiet as I've "It wasn't their intention to come back seen them in a long tJme. We don't ex· to the museum after visiting the bat .. pect any more trauble." Ueground ," the Rev. Theodor Zuern, ad- Two Bulls said Indians told him the In-mlnistrator of the Red Cloud Scbool and ~ci~den~t ~w~as:_tr~i~gg~e:'.:red~w~he~n~a:_:l~4-!YW><l~~ld~--l1>1tislsS>sioonn .. oa the 11,000-member Indian rtRrvaUon said. ''I'm sure lt na tpon-taneous.•• About 12 Jndlans, lnchldln( Yellow 'Mlunder's brothtr, Russe.II, of PorcuPtne, S.D., attended a se<:<>nd autopsy ThundaJ requested by the American Indian Move- ment on Yellow Thunder's body Jn Rapid City, S.D. Wounded Knee wu the sctne of the last clash between the S1PU% and the U.S. cavalry in 1890. More thlll 300 men, women, children and soldiers died. in that battle, Jamea Clwczynakj, a stockholder in the predomlnatlUy-wlllte Sioux Corp., which operates the Wounded Knee Museum and Trading Post, asld the Indians "barged In and rooghed 111 up," 'nnusday night. Jack Anderson Contends Clive Gildersleeve, '12, former operator of the ~ding poo~ was knocked to tho ground hut not Injured, Ozwciynsld asld. Czwaynskl said the Indians lore down posters advertising the museum of Gen. George Armstrong custer' leader of the Cavalry at Big Horn, and forced Czwczynskl to rip down a Custer poster. Tbe Indians arrived by bus and car, a~ parenUy from nearby Gordon, Nev., where 600 to 1,000 had been staging a pro. test over the death of Raymond Yellow Thunder, an Oglala Sioux, at the hands of whites. · Jndjans charged that Yellow 'nlunder, 51, was tortured to death last month by five whitea in Gordon, rt miles from the reservation. They also demanded a congressional in- vestigation into the death, and demanded that charges 911ainsl the five whites Br· rested in connection with the incident be increased to murder and kidnaping. The whites are charged with manslaughter and false imprisonment. After two days of meetings, local and state officials Wednesday agreed to join the Indians in calling not only for a con- gressional investiption of Y e 11 o w Thunder's death, but also a federal grand jury investigation and Justice Depart- ment investigation. Capt. Fred Two Bulls, chief of the Police Eye Role Of Key. in, Theft ROCHESTER, N.Y. (APJ -Police speculated today that two men who stole 1336,300 from an unattended Doyle Armored Service truck Thursday used a dupllcate key to get into the vehicle. They said an employe of a tey shop told them he had made an unu~al duplicate key for a customer two hours before the theft. Deteclives said the midday lbeft Thurs- day wu aC?>J:DplisW>d in four IJUnutea while the -k driver and auard were Jn. > side a nearby bulldlng of the Eastman Kodak. Red Fo"" FoH11? The best.selling book or mem· oirs by the 101 ·year old Sioux Indian Chief Red Fox, in collaboration with journalist Cash Asher came under fire today as a partly plagiarized manuscript. See story Page 4. Zumwalt Offers Soviet Suh Aid WASHINGTON (AP) -"From one sailor to another," wrote the American tG the Russ ian, "I would like you to know that we are prep~ed to assist in any way we can." The American, Adm. Elmo R. ZUmwalt Jr., the chief of Naval Operations, was o[fering bis Russian counterpart, Adm. of the Fleet Sergei G. Gorsbov, the U.S. Navy 's help in aiding a stricken Soviet missile submarine adrift in the North Atlantic. Zwnwalt's offer, and one made aepara~y by ~creWf of,,S~le,'fY~ P. Rogm, were refused J>Oli~ly hy the RmaiaM as they assembled a rescue armada of 10 wanblpo, tup and supply vesaels OD the high Ras about ISO miles · northeast. of NewfouniJJand. Mitchell Knew IT &T Deal WASIUNGTON (AP) -Columnist Jack Anderson contended today that John N. Mitchell, as attorney general, knew early last year of a pledge allegedly made by the International Telephone &i: Telegraph Q rp. to the Republican National Con- vention even though he bas denied it. "Mitchell was running the Republican Party from inside the Justice Depart- ment," said Anderson. "If he says under oath what he said in the statement he issued, it will be the most arrogant e1ample of perjury this committee bas ever seen," he said. Anderson referred to M.itChell's Feb. 28 statement which the Justice Department issued to deny accusation,, made by the columnist that the settlement of 8.n an- titrust case against IT&T was arranged by Mitchell and top IT&T officials. Anderson said that California Lt. Q>v. Ed Reinecke and his aide, Edgar Gillenwaters, have confirmed that they discussed IT&T's commitment to the con- vention with Mitchell last May at the same time the Justice Oeparttnent wu negotiating a settlement of three an- titrust suits against IT&T. Mitchell was expected to testify after Anderson during hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee into charges by Anderson that_ Justice Departmeiit of- ficials committed improprieties in the IT&T setUemenL The committee convened the hearings at the request of acting Atty. Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst, who asked to answer Anderson's charges about his department. Kleindienst's nomination to be attorney general ls before the Senate, (Anderson's column appears regularly on the editorial page of the DAILY PILOT.) Anderson's comments, in answer to questions by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy {D-Mass.), brought on a political skirmish in which Republican Sens. Marlow Cook of Kentucky and Roman Hruska of Nebraska wed that Alldenon not be allowed to conUnue bk testlfytiig about Mitchell. ''This committee ohould not ba,y• to Usie~ to ~ Politlcal diatribe.'' iAJd Hruska. Cook said. "the former attome1 gene.rat can speak for h.imseH." ?.1itchell denied Thursda:· as 1·totall1 false and without foundaUon" a new m. timation that President Nixon was in- volved in the government's decisW>n to drop the antltn.lst suit against IT&T. Brit Hume, an associate of Anderson. told the committee Thursday that !T&T lobbyist Dita Beard quoted Mitchell u telling her that Nixon ordered him to "make a reasonable aettlement" of the IT&T case. Cambodia Chief Resigns Post; Protests Cited PIJNOM PENl.l (UPI) -Obq !Jene the Cambodian chief of sllle, bowed Jo. day to two days of student unreal and resigned, handing over all power to slllnc Premier Lon Nol. The student unrest wu directed chiefly at acting Premier Gen. Sirlt Matak who has carried on the duUes of that offlce while Lon Nol recovered from the crip- pling stroke. Despite the unrest, government soUJ"Cts said UJn Nol offlcially named Sirik Malak as premier today -and students proclahned "we wtll rMlat to-the last breath; we are against any trick of Sirik Matak's to seize power." Cheng Heng, 56, announced over Na- tional Radio 1hat he bad'lilited to nsolve Internal difficulties which thrt.atened. the stability of the country and that only Lon Nol "has the capacity to lead the coun. try." One group of 2,000 atudenta declarecl Thursday they had "abaolutel1 no .. ,,. fldence" In Sirlk Malak, a re1au.. o1 deposed Prince Nonidom SJba~ ,.,,. day, the student aetlvfllei •,........, enaqonctd Jn their ocllool h•Y•llll ~ hannen readlnt: ''Lon Nol Y-. llllk Matak, No." IMMEDIATE DElilVERV . • • • CONTINENTAL MARK IV IN AIL OF THE 70'S THIS WILL BE THE ' UNIQUE AMERICAN CAR! PANTERA by detomaso · YOU MUST SEE THIS EXOTIC ITALIAN IMPORT ••• "PANTERA" ITALIAN FOR PANTHER •o,..ae CounlJ(s Tmnnv of Flnr Can" ol1nson & son ! ,,l'f, I 282e HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 640-KIG - v • • •• • I • -f DAllY Pl~OT FrlaJ, MltCh 10, Im Draft Board Fre•~• w••·••• ' ' l .,__ . ' To Resume l(idnapers Fre.e Hearings Auto. Executive Orange Coasi Smut-proofed oN THE SIN llAT-Ool7 1•-::rr 1 roctl•ed thla pocket tlft<IP tbe urgiJll tlllt I doaate '10, Sii, or eren l60 to the CUbens for Decent Literature, Inc., ao these iood folks could Continue to Wlf• lllm camJlllln qalnJt su and the devil. II WH I con~der•bl• packet, lncludlni two· po1tc1rdl to whlch I could 1tllcfi 1tampo and Mnd oU 1111inl Gov, R4nald Jlelfln and Atlomty Oenfnt EvtU. J, Youncer to wipe 01111111ut In CalllornlL ~ there w11 a four-pqe letter from Charle• H. Kutlng Jr., Wbo II head man o! tbe Decent Cltliena. Ho loundad that body, II you'll pardon the -111ion. KEATING AL'lO serv,.i on that o6n- troversial group known as t h e Congru1ionll Commission on Obscenity and Pomosrapby. 11 w11 the outfit wherein the majority ruled, 1!1er cloaely studying a great deal of sexy stull, that ·mnut can>t hurt .vou. Mr. Keatm,, u you might guess, was with thoae commll1Jo11en wbo Wed a heated minority report 111trllng that, by goUy, all that aex can too boggle your mind and numb your body and do othor bad thlng1, WASHINGTON (AP) -The Se1llcllve Service tcild loeat draft boardl today they may reaume bear1nl the apPqla of thousands of young men 1 e e k I n C deferments or exemptions.. 11Je action endsd a tllree-month lrffze OD IUdl hearlnca before l ,!Of' local bosrds. Oraft Director Curtis W. Tsrr said the ,move completes 1 tw~year overhaul of the drall 1711am, movinl It from a state. local focus to Presideot Nixon's goal o! a naUonal 11stem. With Tan'1 order, action can be taken OD the D,411 men who at lalt couDI OD Jen. 31, bad pondlni requests for penonal appear1ttce1 before draft boon!a or 1ppeata to state.and national boorda. Several thouaand othere hive appUed since -and are awaiting lciion. ' Tm 111apeoded 111 deferment hearlna• OD Dec. 10 to r ... vlluete the original reclual!lcallon pro-I• that hid been crltlclzsd 11 unfair. When revamped rul11 were ll8Ued In Jan. ll he kept the brakes on IO tboee 111k1n1 delermentJ or exempl!ons could take advantase of the revlled rulu. One ol 11Vml new rules IDDOunced fo. day along with the end of the appfata hilt gives 1 r111strant who hu hll draft caUup poatponed for a loftl time to ,.,.ive conalder•tlon from hll Joell !>Oard for a reopenlni o! hJ1 claal!lcatlon proceedinla lo hear claims for tx· emption, deferment or conaclenUous ob- jecfor status. China Demands Bonilimg Halt In N. Vietnam TOKYO (AP) -Cllhia damanded rrt· day that the Unltad Slaloo llop bombing North Vl-m and lhll ID U.S. and , alUsd troopo withdraw from lndodilna "uncondttJonally and before a Mt terminal date." It reiterated that "the ChlneM ~ will do their utmoat to II•• alklut NI>' port and ualttance to Ille Vletnam111 and othtr Indochlneae people'• peat strugale." The demand was cont&Jned in an of- ficial statement t11ued by the Cbhiete Foreign Mlnillry. II supported 1 March I North Vie-1ovsrnlnont statamsnt that "•troogly condemnsd U.S. bn- perialllm for 111 recent 1>omblap and a~ tacks on the North Vietnamese ter- ritory." The Chinese statement was distributed by Peking's Olficial New China News Agency in a broadca1t monitored id Tokyo. 117 GEORGE llllPA .. PARIS (UPI) -Maollt. lddnapors !reed I -Ult latomoblle factory ... ecutlvs today aflJr Iha Frencb '°"""'" ment turned down tllelr --far 1>11 roleue and wlll'llsd It WOll!d crack down on the radical.!. 'Tl*, Nervoue" llonault Chief Phoned for Http NOelllfTI Police Hid llobert Nogrtlte, SS, dine> tor of labor relallolUI at the IO,~worlrer Renault auto plant at suburhln Blllan- court, wa1 releaied at t a.m. by Maol1t1, who hid lddnaj>ed him Wedneaday, N01felte, a gray·balrsd !amlly man who worked his way up from a, factory hand'• poaltlon, w11 turned loose by the mlllked young Mao!al• on Ille atreelll of a busy dlstrtct In downtowa 'Parll. Nogrette wall:ed Into a nearby aldewalk bl•tro and from a coin telephone CJlled police to Inform them ol hJ1 releate. NOlfetle WU lllzed onlllde his BouJocne-Blllancourt houM e a r I y Wsdlleedly by a pp ol Maolall who blamed him for the dllmllsll of a number o I etlrem•leltwing sym- pathiun, and Iha lhooU., oulllde the Renault plant Feb. 25 In whJch Maoist worker Rene-PJerre OVerney, 23, was ihbt c1eod by a factory 1uanl. Thi Maollta claimed N01totte, ·one ol the mea In chlrse ot· blrJni and firing empio,u In the l.t m11UQn Cll'l+Jear natlGnallaod !!rm, w11 rs-Ible far the tenaJons betw.., -a-t and llbor and ..... 1ndlrectl1 -to blame for OVerney'a death. . . Overney'1 ahocltblc. hll funeral at· tonded by an ttllmlted IOO,ODO ]lel'IOM and IUbMqUettl llldllaphlJ ol NOltltle had become I nllloaal pollttcal affair lo France. Pruldent Gsorges Pompldou, whoM tough attitude 11 premier helped the helequered GauUilt regime to cnuh the lie Studen~Labor "DNNeVOluUon," condemned Nogrette's k.ldnap as 4'1D act befitUng a country of savages." On his ordera the hunt for the kid- napers was submitted to the ,State Securi· ty O>Urt set up for poUUcal crlmu tn the hot, bloody days of the Algerian war. On Pompldou's orders, French police branches Jaunched a nationwide hunt for th!! kidnapers. Over 600 detectives and patrolmen pressed into special squads searched more than 7 ,000 houses in Paris alone in tbe past 24 hours. The government ordered Renault manager Plem Dreytuss and Interior Minister Raymond Marcellin to tum down the Maoists demands transmitted via secret in.Mugu -releaae of Maoist workers melted aftv recent Renault disturbance•, and their reinstatement. The Maoists bad called on workers at the Renault plant to meet Wednesday to decide Ille fate of Nogrette, but Iha workera refused to hold the meeting. Free -4 B•Pflll .,,_ The Michigan Supnme Court declared unconsUtuUonal Mltb• igan's harsh laws afllinlt llllll· ' Juana violators, Thursday ud put into o!lect a relaxed law pa1Sed by the legillature tut year. The declaton reverotd the convlcUon of John Sinclair, rock band leader and one of the founders of the defunct '• White Panther Party, • 2 Gunmen Bom]j 2nd Store Owned By Belfast Mayor By COLIN BAKER 1 BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) - Two 1W1J11011 bombed a paint allop In the Clllltr O! Ballast today, the saconcl lltack in a month on stores owned bf Bellut Lord Mayor designate William Christle. An army· spokesman said Ille -~ caused extensive damage and fire bul IO lnjuriu. Kuttng noted In hll letter appealing for lunda, "I lpOnd IOIDe 900 lloun a yur on antl·pomography acUvlllff, giving 1peacbo1, writing· mqUlnl ar1Jc111 and !:l'l"f to lnlueat othm IUeh 11 you In lll~,.!!f.ht.11 You re rtven to concluda that beJn1 so ctoae to-the subject haan't subverted h11 zeal for the job. • Thia if an smendment to the Jan. ll rule that gives a man 1S daya after hll dralt cla..Ulcauon II malled to request a perional appaarance or to appeal. The new-rule1 1l10 nqutl't 1tate ap- pealt boardJ and the national appult board to 11~1 at leut 15 days noUce when a man It granted a personal appearance, Previously no peraonal a;pearanca were granted helore apputa boards. YOU AIAO GET the noUon that the Another cqe permlta drafteea to -Decent ll'OUP fl makin, llOll11 hsldway. brlnl wltnalles on tl!etr behalf he!ore It said the United States "persisted in carrying out wanton bombJ.nas qainlt Norlh. Vietnam In a vain attempt to hold back the victorious advance of the Viet· name1e and other Indochlneae peopl.11." Current U.S. bomblni•, it added, "only Indicate that U.S. lmpertalillJ\ II atnkinl ever more d .. ply and lnmrlcably In the quqmlre or Ila war of aggreaton and 11 putting up-a death-bed struggle." Another McGraw-Hill Bingraphy Questioned The previous bomb attack damalsd a _ shop owned by Cllrlstle In the Prololtant ShankUJ Roacf dtatrlct o! Ballut. , The militant provillonal wing ol the Irish Republican Army (IRA) 1dlntlllad as members of the ouUawed. organlll.tsan three men tilled wbaa 1 "bomb factor.y" exploded In the Roman Clt.hollc Falla Road area of the city Thunday, The deetha of Lt. John JGlmaon, JD, a exploalvea upert, Lt. Gerard =1, Just the other day, the Callfornl1 Courl locaf boards. of Appeal uphold the conviction o! a Tile new r'u111 also requlr., youn1 couple who hid been sentenced to ~A quorum of board memhen l<i be 500 ·clay. ln durance \'lie bec1U1t they pr.-durJni 1 man's peraonal al>' performed a 11Dance of Love." Bar pearance. patn1111 hid paid $1 each for the prlvilq~ -At . Jessi 15 minutes for ...,h al>' of watching. peUant'1 pmentauon. The limit II to pr• One Judi• 11e111sd more amazed that vent haraument of boardl but the board the oouple admitted doJni it than he wu may &l'ltll ti>ore Ume. at what they did. -A mln'a.\o<ll board -II Will u al>' A1r1Wa1. I've decldsd not to doilate $10, pesll bolrdl -to II•• him Iha -121, or '80 to Mr. Xelttng'1 an!Hmut for rtJect!on ol hit CJaalllJcalton'reqllllt. campoi,n heeau11 1 feet pert~ hie -In the two.yaer overhiul of the dralt right hn on the Or1111e Coalt. _ ~ Nbron 'Ill up the -"'"'"7, After ell, we have on qui: side Oranp '1'hlaed lllll• occupational •pd ~t\y County D1it:tci{ Attorney c«ll Hlclcs. , ~de!ermenta lino! obtain~ permt;,ton to . ~pbue out undergraduate s t u d e n t HICIB llA8 NOT wallld !or Mr.. · delermanta 11ar1Jni wt fall and to Keating to bring hi• purity campaign to establllh a Unllorm National Call pro- Uiis region. He's gone out and done the C'edure for inductlng men in service. job hlmaelf. Hicks' operatives have closed . TflT , commented, "you can charac· up bara which feature you•g .ladies terill the Jft-1969 Selective Senlce aa a dancing while wearing only a smile. He state and local 11ylttm with veey UWe na- has conllacated filma which were !ell to tionaj unity. I believe that. the draft today have fallen short of Orange county's i~ rapidly being tJ:ansformed into a na- 1tandarde for purity and virtue. tiona1 system and that one of the major Then only last night, some 350 people goals of the President is being achieved tiiere gathered out on the UC Irvine cam-by providing a draft system with pus, llWDusly awaiting the screenin& of a uni venal equity as the guideline." film tiUed, "7 in a Barn." Even tbe title is enough to cauae srave 1uspiciodl. ANYWAY, THE FIJCI DIVI? made lta 1ppearance on UCJ'a 1Uver aeen. Sherlff'a' ofllcers swooped In and con- fiscated the thing he!ore tho projtclor even got pl,ugged Jn. ClearJ11 you can see that Orana:e Coun- ty and our beloved Orange Collt ii aecure frQm the temptation s that Mr. KeatJng ftar1 could do us all in. Cecil Hicks makes me feel safe all over. Russ Blast Recorded UPPSALA, Sweden (AP ) -An un· clergrouod nuclear explosion at the Soviet 8emlpalatlnsk test field was registered today by the Uppsala Seismological Institute. Markus Baath, the institute's chief, Slid the blast'• strength was measured 1t 15.1 on the Richter scale. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dellvtry of the D~IJ Pilot Is 1uarant1td Mtndly.1'rlll1y1 If YOU ot not r11ve )'IVt ""' .., •ia •. 11'1,, Clll 111111 ,...,.. ctfr Wiii .. woutM " "911< Clllt .,. tlkll'I ""'" 11• ,,,.,, .. tul'Uy llMI l .... y1 If "'1 .. Nt l'KllWI • ,..., a,, '1 • '·'"' .. fllNty, .... '·"'" ....,,.,, an •1'1111 • dllV w111 M W'llllf'rt ,. ""' Clll• ........ lllltll 1t '·"" Ttltphonu Mosl Otll'IOI Counly Ar .. 1 ....... , "'2--021 Nort11.,..11t Hun1l111110n luch •ncl Wlllmlnslfr ................. 1•1221 $en Juen C1pi1tr.,-.o, D1111 ~olrlt, South U(iUM, Ll;Ulll N'9uel •.•. ..,...,. The 1tatement aaid: "Tbe U.S. 1ovem- meitt must cease to support Ule puppet cliques in the Indochinese ~trtes 10 that the peoplea of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia may se!Ue their rapectlve ln- tornal quullom theltllllv11 free from foreign interference." The <lUnese government and people resolutely support the Vietnamen and other llldocbinese peoples tn "tbelr war sgalttll U.S. aggreaalcin ,and rational aalvatkm," tbe ltltement added. l ~. - 'Chiang Accepts ' Nomination For Fifth Term TAIPEI (UPI) -Presidenl Chiang Kai·shek today accepted nomination for a fifth six ... year term as chief of state despite earlier avowals he planned to retire. His re-election was a mere fonnality . "J am advanced in years now, but in view of the country's being in the time of crisis, J have no choice but to continue to aerve my people," Chiang, 84, told the three repruentatives of his ruling Kuomlnlanl party who went to his ~dtnce lo lik him to aceept the nomln1Uon . --... . The election wW he held In the Natlonll Aaoembly March 21. Chiang will he run· nlnl unoppo1ed. Three weekJ ago he told the auembly be wanted to retire and asked the body to elect "anolher man of virtue and ability" u hll successor. There was some con .. f\Jsion among local politicia1S whether hi s statement was one of modesty or he ac- tually wanted to step down. Chiang will be 90 beCore another si:i- year term is ended and his health ap. ·parently has been failing. He has aged noticeably in recent months, his usual firm step is more of a shuffle and on oc- casions when be spoke on television his voice has faltered. NEW YORK (AP) -A heakelllng book o! memoirs by a IOl·year .. ld Indian chief publllhed by Mc<lra•HW -the company whlclt hid plkt flU,ODO for the discredited "autoblolraphy" of Howard HuAb• -ta "belnr lltl'lously_ q .... ,lioned," 'lbe NewYoriTbnol tald today. 'lbe lllWlpaper tald "Tile Memoirs of Red Foz" may hml plqlartsed up to 1Z ODO wonll lrom I book ,,ntlen In IMD, •""'-Wounded Knee Maasacre: From tho Vimq>olot of the l!IOU," by Jamll H. ~. ' ·~ -1o11a1rY by Tiii Nsw York Tbnol 1111 fatlod -to 'prodla any U.S. Crackdown On Orange Juice Products Starts WASHINGTON (AP ) -Resolvinl an eight-year controversy, the Food and Drug Admlnislration has ordered makers of diluted orange beverage '?. te_ll customers how much pure orange JUiCe is in their products. The regulaUon eallbUahes I o u r cate10rl11 of orsnge juice products' Orange juice drink blend containinl 70 to Ill percenl orange juice, al Jessi 20 j>ercenl from uch ot two geographic reglona; or1111eJulce drink, 35 to 70 per- cent; orange ilr!nk, ID to 36 percent, and orange-flavored drink. up to 8 percent. .Tb• percentages would be stated In Jn. crem-o! five in the first Ullft categories, and inCremerits of two for otanl•!la-drink. The FDA said It wW publish new regulallona later governing laheh on ...... -and llawred drinks .... talnlng no orange juice. Beverages in all f~ categories_ m~t contain at least 60 milligrams of vitanun C per six fluid ounces of fmisbed product. Concentrates· and powders could not be called orange juice drink blends .. .Fai~, Dry Across Nation Prelently, the eovernment reqwres on- ly 1eneral percentap labelling; not_lasa thaA 10 pw..,t oraap jus.. !or orance juice drtU, DOI 1-lhan 25 percent· for ....,..., 11111 DOI 1-than 10 percont far .._ dr1nt. Weather Warm in West, Cold in East Jordan, Israel Agree in Secret On Territories Temperatures T~tturr9 1"11 11rKJ.,lt1llon for fM 2+l'IOVI" Ptlrlod lncllnt ~I 4 '·'"· """ Uw ,,,. Alben• n ' A!Dvlluerwe 11 '1 ,ll!l.nt1 SS lf f .. ,~ " " '1ftllo 11 16 .11 111r1111• $0 '' MClll9 . ~ tt T llldnnltt .(J It lwllri 11 It .OS '"'' 74 jQ " !' ., . ,, 10 4 ,. I ~ n f! .. ., .. " u Ii 211 • .H ~ Ii: c.u1 .... 1. --~!§~.! ..... , ___ _, -~=­r:m---'·=- 11rldieltd ma:dmumt locll~iw;lueect : aurbtnk J.S-JS, $fl!'~ "'kl .ff.Sf, t/:lJ. lr,;ful:"fj.i£'p, m ..,,~"fr. :;: l:~rt'fflct ){~. ='~,~~,..~ :t. V S S BEIRUT, Lehlnon (AP) -Jordan and ' • umm.r" Israel hive reached • secret lfl"'t'Dl'lt 11 TME ASSOCIATID PllSS ff · ill OC- F1fr •M ,,.., WN!hl~ was ni. ""' in which King uaein w recover !::~ "" 111ttw1 w.., "'tll """ cupied territory on tbt west bank of the _,,. llDfthent • ..:;"' 1"1C1t1c Jordan River and Israel will t~ tbe ::· c.i'C. '::' .:.....~11: = Arab quarter of Jerusalem, the lnJt 1 frMt "'°"""'I,..._ It elto IW«fvC:ld MWJpaper Al Mobm'er reported today, ~ '::: =:. -:=-Ylrt1n1• trl9" The deal wu worked out between -''!:::. ---•"' !lraell Deputy Prime Minister Yip! ~!ltl"lmt ~-= '::':"':':; Allon and a blah-ranting Jordanian Of .. ••mPtntG •v """ r1ti. w Ctta11. flclal meeUng secretly near the ports of tr1t ~11!~ ":.._ w. .... """ '"' Aqabl and Eilat, II.id the pro-EgypUan M ,11rtv mtm1111 ......,.""" or ss Al Mohlrrer. :0:.. '=.,.'"'l,.::i::· -.,_ · The paper, which has close connection• c:i:.::•:~ ':"4',... ~ with the Pale~!_1!~~hguerr1Utithemovem~ ... ,, .,..,.,. .....,.. ..,. save these h'6 ... ae ts o rf'jOI'~ -t ' _.,., .... ,.,.,. ....... ... ...... qreemen : .. """ " " -" n -... Jordan wUI llve up its claim to the old Wllf! ....... nMt'" ., 'Tiii • ., ... ,_ wetwe "• s1 wltri mWlr•hi 111r1; · · " .. """"'i"'t,:''ll::i.". 'ml .... cfllnct . ' ...,.,:1.ii ti " m " •11 '-':"· l;J:, "t;:,: .... __ _ ~":::.. ... '""' Mhwt., .. ...,.. city of Jel'Ulalem but the Jordanian n., Co---• ..,--·•-• wilt he allowed to fly over the IJ Aqh -·-vv ~-~.-Moeque, Ille third most boly shrine In ~1:....:-:., •: ::: ~_,,,, ..... • a .,.... OI ita Al'lb Xfettty. - evidence to corrobcrate the ori&in& allea:· ed by Mr. lied Fox, wbo says be It a nephew of Cruy Hone, the celebrated. Sioux warrior/' the Timea uid. "Nor could any roputable scholar be found to endorle the valldlty ol the memoln, wbkb cover the crucial yeara of the lndlan eaperlence from the Bittle o! the Little 11Js Horn In 1171 to the preaent llruqle on the reservation and tbe· emergencs of a militant movement of urban Indians." A . ......, for McGraw·H!D U1ol. Ille compiiti "had 'ponn!eaton for · gollig ahead to &ltrlbute tile book" !rom Iha McGresor utate, that It had pennltslon to incorporate some material troril. the McGregor book into Red Fox's and that the number of word! it used was "nowhere near the number of words questioned." The spokesman also said the trustee o( McGregor's atate 11notilied us they thought they had a claim," but a plagiarism "suit was never actually Wed." 'lbe Ttrnto reported Illa! llUch a suit W'5 Wed In December. McGraw·Hill had planned to publilh Clilfcnl lrvl1g's "autobiography" of Ho"ard Hughe1, but lllS)>ended those plsm when the book wu called Into qu• lion. Irvin& was indicted. on fraud charges Thursday by federal and county grand jurl ... 1'le Times .said some of the same McGraw·Hlll executives who handled -the lrvtn1 book alao hlndlsd the lied Fox book, which hu sold about 100,000 copies here and abroad and hu made author , WllUam Red Fu aomethlng of 1 celebrity with appearances on lelevlaloo. and voluntec Tony Leiota. 11, .lo 267 the number of !atalltiea In N · Ireland violence. Roman ClthoUc primate of lralllld Cardinal Willlam Conway and llioi.sw.t church leaders called !or pray1r1 ol mourning and !or the salvation ol Ulllar. The Most Rev, G. 0. Sima, arclthllbop o! Armagh, and Dr. Charlea Hain, pnalo dent ·or the Methodlst church, called .., Cbristtans to observe GOnd 1"rldl7 -.. a day of nallonal !DOUt'Dlnl,' repentance 11111 renewal. ' _ . , CardlnsJ Conwl)\'sald he wl~ be uaodated wltb tbO •-' and .. Rom1n Cathollca for prayen to 11 .. v1 our country from lta present 1r1ve l1ouo ble for three day1 from Wednllctay to St. Patrick's day, March 17. The Ullter De!anae Rqiml\nl, tarp! cil · a number of o:tremw 111a•ntt1on1 and attacka, said IOme members had btfun to pull up rootl and JMve a~ tram lonely and vulnerable !armlalJCll'mat tho Irish RtpuhUc border.- March of Dimes Presiden~ Dies PHOENIX (UPI) ,_ Basil O'Connor, president of the NaUonal FOW>datlon of the March of Dimes, a fund dtlve thtt helped conquer polio bu died at St. Joseph'• Hospital at iiie qe ol IO, Doth 'n>Ul'ldsy waa attributed to a heart allmtnt complicated by pneumonia. He entered the ho•pltal W-y. O'Connor was In Phoenh: for 1 Marcll 20 meeting of the foundation'• IClatt!lc advllory committee. -Vincent Dobelman '6, 111uourl'1 first heart transplant paUent, r. cel\>N a kill from bJLwlf• before leavlnJ De1101• Hoepllal Th~ one montll atter bis operatlolJ. Dobetman, • meatcutter W!W f;;;::i to nttre. 11eca-ot. 1111 beart aliment, 1ald be 'feels good' and'-i; ported that 1119 appetite ts 'trenen~ous.' I ' To ~ M 1.,, DI ott Chi real ... for ~ ' • , . . ' ' • I • oor -. Coinniunications • Huntlniloa Blach Chicano leaden and adililn\. atralon ol lhe Huntington Beach Union IDgb School D!t- trict ~Uy )lave a communlcationa problem: •. llelleao-Amlricans have been uking since lut Ocloller lo baff a q1!111fled Chicano appoint.a to Ii hlgb level adllllnlotnllYe j>Glition in the district. 'Ibey be1len It la lmpera\lve that someone who ~ lllllllllff to the educational needs · ot Chicano chil~n bold ~ ou""11orial poaition In the distrlcl When the poelllOn ol uliltanl 1uperviJor for business services w .. r~Uy given to a non-Chicano, the Mexican-Americana called foul . . 'Ibey claimed . the district had opened and filled the position trilllout notifying them or· colllidering two ChicanlJI who· bad been mentioned •to the distrlcf pre- vious to thf opening. • · · Scbool .offidals uy they advertised the J>!>Sition· Widely and attempted to interest a. Chicano candidate by ~ntactine•. the llwcan-Ametjcan Educators Cielring noose in V.enlura. · '!be Chicanos and the scbocil· administrators need lo work closer ID dealing with the educational problems of the minorities, because 'such ~roblems do exist. Estabilihing .an alinospbere of .. muluai good will would be a fine place to 1tart. , · ' OfficilillS were 'Remiss .. ·MI'S. Doris Crowningshield, a housewife In north Huntington Beach, tan be viewed 'in two different images: A Joan of Arc, baltljng for the rlghis of the oppressed, or Don(~a?) Quixote, tilting at windmills. lier fight waS' over a large mound of'dirt• piled be- hind her Heil A venue home. Her opponents: a private property owner and some. city officials. . She claimed the property owner w.. Improperly dumping the dirt and creating a dust buard for sur- rounding neighbors which included two nurseries, 'Mea- dowiart 'Airport ud • IJlller park lllll of' eldVly residents. City officials determined that the property owner bad every rlgbl to pile the dirt, because. It wu comld· ered a $1oekpile. Officials did, however, admit that the owner was remiss in not keeping a water truck avail· able at all times to keep the dust down. ,The dumping 'bu, flopped now, but the city never . did IOl'C9 U!age Of a Wller lrUC~ and the mound' Of dirt ls still there, leaving inany people to wonder what will happen if a good rain or a Santa Ana wind hlis It. The city's response to a citizen's request for cor- rective action was less than satisfactory in. this Instance. .. Boy C.004 Girl Mechanics · Women's liberation activists bav~ somethlnc 111 al': plaud, the Huntington Beach City (elementary) School District for, although. they may not be aware of ll · Gisler Intermediate School hi s undertaken to teach an eighth grade boys' cooking class on the assumption that b<iys; as well ., girls, should learn to cook. Tbe experiment is interestinJ because boys are not traditionally lnterestOd in cooking at that age and schools are traditionally even less willing to teach it to th41.m. · But the class at Gisler had proved the hit of the ; school. And · according to principal John Wyatt, it isn't filled with sissies, but with the popular guys and the surfers. -Wives of ·the future, rejoice: Your hubl>y will no longer have an excuse for not having a good dinner ready when you get ho.me from work. If be attended GISier Intermediate that is! ~ And husbands of the future can rejoice, too. They're already teaching ,automotive repai\'.s to girls at Crest View .School. H • • Our l!reedom To Move, Rise Has S hru nk Dear Secretary o f' Ag riculture Scores f or Nixon Most f. e op I e · who prlte lhou\ "freedom • convenlently neglect one of the euentta1 pnoooditiont of freedom - and !hit I.I lroodom of choice. If -·· -ol choice Is low, or ,...,.1y lim- ited, the 0 freedom" tt olfen 11. vtrtuallJ ~rfance.ln a f..-Jy Ironic re- mart1 once parodied Ibis oort o f false freedom when he ob- aerved, "Both the rich and the poor ln Paris are free tO sleep under the brldgea at night." The greatness of the U.S., In the. put. was,-ill a:enuine freedo~ of choice, as coptruted with most European countries. wbere~young people were Jtrait-Jacketed by family rank, IOClal class, and lack of educational opportunities. The rise of a Lincoln to President would have been in- conceivable in the rigid hierarohie! of the Old World. Bur WE OURSELVES have become Increasingly structured and hierarchical. When I waa a youth, a college education meant far leu than It does today: even a high school diploma did not carry as much weight in. tmna ot,employment as it does now. ' <>wt• freedom to move and rise · bu shrunk as oUr 10Cial system has become lar.ger, more impersonal , mechani.red, corpo.rative, and concerned wllh credlta, courses, diplopias, deg~ . •nd ,vni<m cards. . r • --· . ' . TH!lflE ~T 'THE bottom today -' wbelhlr 'tbey be blacks, Puerto .Ricans, or· App1lacblan whites -may have the' . ~Gl~y Gus \ Butz Eme.rges as Farm · Belt Hero ' . ' The 81D1tington Beach City ~c:il lie<!is Laugh-in any night '-' ·<.ven if it doea get .an X-ratlng. •, -C.T.S. WASHING TON -out where the tan corn and votes for Nixon grOw there is ca~ for pollUcal ·rejoicing. Pres.ident NixOn's cho!ce :. as secre.tary o f alficulture, Earl Butz, who skinned by· fOC\ conllmiallon in the U.S. Senate by a lt-44 vote owing ·to ' !arm -tent. Is doing much better ""' ...... .:....... ......... ~ .. than hii worst ~ ~ -. ., .. 1.9._.... .... mies ~ and e.1· ,.. -,..... ......... 9r"" .... ,..... pected. • •. t 1 Butt ls emerging, • not .. the champion ume -iciMr.-i·wo hid ID Ille ' ' . .'!..ti\... ~di111;! paat,fo •• t,iul~~cbolf!<~...!!_U!: • bit_. qi' 7 ~ i.t' • r Willll '• ee !-~ a. a1 the spul:esman and· or or· ly reatrlcled "',our rl.lmg educat1""'1 dlnary liv.tock and feed grain growert •tandarda and ,_.,the demlnds ii our new -••.-it~ ao Jillportant to Nixon's techhology, t 'I cont....,.,.....,.I iD>-. We tend to ' think of "~'~ and -B&ti,._.pt<4a~ WU eelebrated as a "lf!Cllrity" u :being •PP.Olil"' when' In dlaaatroua .,olltD;l: !llTor 8nd r eleelully truth 'they are just dilleniol -!If thO seiud UJIO!I by Sen. Jlll"bii1 H. Humpllrey aame pole. Pe0ple·who.I~ -.rtty, in a and other farm. stale lesders to - certain huic -have no res! freedom . Nixo1f1 Insensitivity to the lnterem of -for the freedom of choice is denied the common f&rmer. His ·agri-buallless them. Tbey'mlbt·take what· ls offered, or concerns and his OrweJUan forecast of starve. the demise of farming a! a family en· 1 1 ter1J(ileraroused strong Sena~ opposition IN EUROPE, where. all the land was amonc farm.stat. Republic/Ill/I. BUT BUTZ IN AcnON ls dmerenl from Butz the agrariaa theoretician, and Iowa, Illinois, Neb~aska, Kansas, South started 1 gover-~ com buylnc ;... Dakota, Indiana. The only state Nixon gram to push up prices, ind increased loat in the area once known as the farm loans for ho41lng and rural '!"Iler 1n4 belt was !b!!!tphrey's state of MIMesota, sewer project.. 'M\i'i 11 tn addition to tht Some analysta trace the farm defection billion dollar. bonanza to reduce acrea&t from the Democrats to the statemenls of planted to feed ar1lri1. . with a.keener sense of the pollUcally pro-the Kennedy-Johnson secretary of . 1 pitious than mlghi have been eij>ected on agriculture, Orville Freeman, who too.k_ NET FAllM i'NCOME in 1m It tbebuisofhilserviceunder-thenotably lhe cooaumer view. Freeman expressed: estimated to set an all time unpopular· Eua Taft Benion. ~ grauncatlon that farm prices were fall· record al 100lewbere belwtJt!ft 11'1.t and Pemaps It i•·hocause But. thinks'Niloo . Ing. Prelldent J<Jhnlon ordered the $17.7 bllllon, but Buis says thtt lan'I ts such a great President and delerves to military \oibuY cheaper cuts of meat. A enough. Farmers have' on the annge on-- be rHtected lbal, he ii taking ouch a high ·level of exports wu discouraged. ly 75 percent of the dlapoaable -ol politically ~ICUcal, Course u secretary .., other people and lbould have mare. of agri"21llure. , ~RY BUTZ is taking the This ii tha killd of 1"1k fannln llaye Whate... lo, k. He bu defended the been wallin& '1Jiear throqll • hi'o ado maaamrtlll fl ..-.. , .. ,, t...,t r '1fM .. ••:' ~·--H• 1IJll&tld in federal pl)'ll)Onis .. to larmljjl wu . Amet'lcan -11111 -llO ...... loMit • once accused of drivliig out <I! buaki!!as:· . IJel bolt deal on food of any people In economic problam bal a IOcfa1 - This !o9k some doillll becox ~et the ' ,. When the price controllers In Farmen have tiatenod i1u to Ibo ...,,. buren wa1 -very itick)' a~t ·~~·l!t ·Butl , .. ~ Wbitli~SJe ~gan ~ scout the idea plalnta of conaunaer1 wblli u.tr 1 on prenllod under 1uthorlif • ' iitiillP ';ol'1lii'li' ~D...roea~ on the hoo.f. ~ stw:e •I the C0111W11er'1 doller bu ...,. I•w and 1s a re.ult an addlttOnal blllioQ Buta jWOteated a went before Congress down . will tie' flowing out to places where tbO to isserl Illa! conlrols would be a great Now they are, b11blrilngl to hear tht tall com grows. mlltake. lie probably headed off price kind of talk Ibey 'PD hill a ......., of . , ~trola oo livestock. agriculture Who otior!'I to ba lbefr dwn· THaB AREAS happen to ibe ,. , '1111m •ina: money like a drunken pion ratber than a cUlembodled 1pU1t la Nixon earned In 1961, and w could so sailor," ·eutz recently told a pl~ of in-Washington see ... 8" llil picture. easily defeat him in,1172. No ~·there iefvjewer1. He persuaded the President Nobody e1pected fhll lrom SecrtllrJ were other reasons why Nb::ontsq\Je8ked to rel~ $109 million for a rural elec-Butz and' It is miking the ~armer through In 111111, but DOI the feat ol tile trillcatlon rnjecl; be taJked Illa Glli<e ol camp1ign Ill the-tlfec:IJv1 ill a_., prilria.r)' causes of h1a victory was the manaa:emeiit and bQdget into releasing crucial time in Pnmdent Nlsan'a caut- 1\lpport be received from farmers in $55 mUUoD in niral COQHfYIUoo funds, paign for rHlectlon. } already owned, the peasantry and the proletariat bad nO clM>lce, and therefore no , freedom. ~ never developed a ••peasantry•• -Cilr f.lnnerl haft always been free men -becluse people c:ould always move onward and claim new land. 'Ibli ls no ion(er' possible, and even our 1mall farmers ·cannot make a living to- day. , Of course, .a , few talented and af. 1 Sh<;lwing of the Heart· Is . Not ;E~sy I lf'U'ive .. penons• 1 will alwayt. move . .. upward. ln,UI soclely; but1'1e'1hould not •· '!be business of the.. poet, It !u\s ~. make .It so h~ ~or the ordinary person said, j'ls to move the reader 's heart by . to fl:cldeve moi>iJlty. Thole at the bottom showing his own." can barely hang GO to the little they have, I do not know who said this· but It Wh!'e their ImuCldes are being rapped by bold! in the mind like a burr. All ktnd! of -~'.lllgbUy above them -both 1dlng -· -.. in lMr and desperation . The only 1ef·' ~gs bav~ ~n fectlvJ. way to lnc:reue "freedom" is to :said about the ~t provide security. and bis function , from Aristotle and ,_,,_....,,... •. ,,...,...,,, "'~'°'· -yield be' favws. 'Ibis Is lover's ilcense. f I liofi ' • Usu8Jly Jt""'\I 'fecognized' as IUCh, by aJl f,:1 Charles Mc parties. ' t . ~ fl"'o1.. -.4 In the orctinary lniercour11 of· life, yu.;...:_;..· ..., ... u..;..;.:..;;.;iu~~-·-though, we fear to acknowledge faeilnga • . · of Jove and like. The yo1Dlg ban put Into wu that I could oot have spread thaf · .our lexicon the useful word. "ribes," giant fit· of tears ~ver the years; into co~ short for vlbratlonl. l'hele utst. You can vulaive relieving little apanru: But no : I sit next to a person. You feel Wd vibes, was brought up in 1 culture where brave as clearly as you can diJcem he· is wear· little men did not CfYr not under any lng an unsuitable jacket. Aod ,luck can ' In one.of ....rai I~: "Just why II it I like y0u 10 much'? ' It 'wu a ral'I time that calcullled nm1rk dldn'I t•kt care. of the rest o'f the evenlna. It ls no impoalllon on 1 poraoa to force him to talk quite ,..ioOllly of bil l lmmenot charm, and how • can11 aboul. Airpor t. DestrU:Ciiven:e~s Loncimla t o Ellol and Pound. None beats thll no-non· ten1e job deecrip- tioo. The poet can be one whose con-- cem Is openly with circumstances. Anything which can be throw you'a perl()D wbo It. vibrant tn the tied up with manhood has a great power eiad right way. You will not, of course of moving. Thole ,critics of machi.RDo, be 1ble to conceal from 1ucb 1 peNOn the advanced lady libbers, can and will that you like him or her, and your man-- tell you. ner will exceed what poUteneu requires : In the world if publllhed dllcourae, whether It be -our leader Mr. Nix•• or the dollllll In U., social llCl!oo. the heart is .. ldool abOwo : Perhl,111 thla 11 one of ihe ru-lot the poputarlty of the sportln1 p1gea, when ·.u, ii nUed emotion lw fJ!lilll ,.. full!Jlllia blroel. Even the qat., thOae Uoy printed J'ellllta of high achoo! ~II 1ame1 In. fir-of! placea, can be, f!lled with paa!On. ' To the Editor: I • Orange County Airl>ott Is qain up for public discuuioo,. with ·the eod of Air Weal's lease, and H< Ume and aperience ever can ~ach us anything, We ' must "<O•:.i:::J~li . .;.,i;;.;,-..;.:: _ _;;.:.i learn now trom1 tho.. who have auffered Lttteri)jrom rtadlrt art' totlcomt. 10 much before' Ui. , Norn>allr-.iDrflm '"°"Id COhll<V lhtir Many yelf• a'p the, late Gunther Lese: • f'l'!CS~t• rn 100 100rda or lt11. Tht lng1 ttce 1 prclesldent 'Jd attorney for Watt ;:.9~~"4:f J:'::;:,;:/~'ft:i OiJney or oee to tu years, wu 1aqhed ten must include iignoturt and mait- oll the fioor of• 1 Weal, Loa• ,Anceles ing addreu "1<I ,.,,,.,11"!'11 fH wilh- Chamber of eom-ce meet!n&· He· htld °" ,.q.,11 If 1Uf11C11mt ,.., .. re1lired long before lM flnal ·lmbrCIJl.10 is opporen~ P0<trii wiU !IOI bi P"l>-o.,,r L. A. Airport thll the time to !tglll lishtd for home and lllld wu theo, DOI. tbeM ._. -' many years liter when 1irporl penoanet l1ugh 11 cltlr.elll' ancubh. Gll!Jlber '- Ing offered bis mqnlflcenl lepl' brain. trithout ca:apconl.iGa, in order to llClll'8 apinst what hu become for .tbein I belllall.way ol llfe. • THI OU> IA YING •united ... Nod, dtvtdod .. lall" ii tho alary of El Sesun- do, Wl1lldltlt11r, Ptaya del RtJ 1 1n11.-and Walls (and It could blp. pen hers to Colla Meu, 1-. El Taro, Ntwporl's-b, Santa Ana and Tusta) -too many tnteresis, al loo la-11)1 alrporil p on their own ~ W11,Yl, with Dille re1srd for leslllty, or retpocl IU' -Ille. dlplty, and prop- erty fllUll. .::.. - . Ml tllnaCb a form ol -11111 ...,. !trial. d-..a uae an Im- ....., -ID order to pt out -to '° lo wmt -.. llmpororlly out ol lhe ..... to - -la WI ti their br•fll lllil NDity; 'l!ut tbeJ inuat return, because ft ' ii lm~le to sell their "'""' -· Tllit II equltabief . JOHN SWINBANK c ........ ... TO"lllaKdltor. ~(Mpl),l·a-ol condemnitlon lo iae of .,,,,, eompellton (Son!l"Ana ft ...... ) and oow fol!! I --write a llllOr o1.......-11on to • the heart, often bruised. as in Cllristina Rossetti or Elinor Wylie. Or it can be a bitter nge of the mind, as in the late Yeatl and the early Eliot, which gives upon that most terrible of visions : That the world is heartless, and the artist heartbroken. CRYING IS FOR 1isalel ; as, for that · matter, are all thole things we call the t.nder feelings. When In hot purjliit of some. morsel, we will atoop to such niean stratagems as buying 1'0llel or ofc'1.lcis, or sending bijoux or ·even cribbing a feW lines from Browning to accompany them, Since folly 11 permitted ln our sexual more!, we may even go so ''-' as to aaf we wlll kill ouraelvea Uthe laily doea_DOI but wll1 you e•pllclily say: I like you, or love you, and whatever thal might lead to? ' ' . I KNEW A FE!LOW In. Europe who wu widely regarded as the perfect di~ ner companion. He wu an artist 1t thl1 aort of thing. Like such artist.a, he was more than 1 bit disingenuous : but tt· worked. Before the soup was over, he would inquire earnestly of hil comp1nion, THE SHOWING OF the heart Is not a thing American men· do With any ease. They have dlfftculty In weepl1111, too. ¥et both thlnga hlfe been wldeapriad, If nol populor, at v1rjoul times in the history of 'the Engllah-'1'9kbig. In my adult life I can recall RfJPi~ bUt once. That was in the preaence of a doctor. It waa con· vulsive ; and once itarted, 1as~ the bet· ter part ol an hour. An ancient wound had been opened. Thil ~ response was my comment. Death Penalty Dilemma · CalHonila F e1ture llen1ce When the Callfornl1 Sup"'me Court enunciated tis emphatic decision that the delth penalty la "crud and unuaual ~--B• 6""911 ---io..,;i101<nlshmenl" and t b e r t f o re un-CoutttuUonal under the atate11 basic law,' I WU DOI aabamed ol this weeping. The relief waa too lmmeme. My only guilt Dear 0-ge: It created no 1lmplt solution lo a moral rve written' you three tbnes to dllomma that bu disturbed many peopt. 1et you to tell your public that for a very long lime. ...,.S. hollltmAde cllicbn IOUP 11 To many a llym1n'1 point ol •lew, the the beat bad-<old homl nmedy "cruel and unUIUAI" decillon -...i . known. Why latm'I you printed hosed rslher heavily on the procedllrt1 In- my leti«tf • carrylni out a Mntence ol capital punlsb- MJIS, G. 11. ment. .. :the dellya and .._ that In- llw Mn. G. IL: deed keep 1 convicted penon dangll1111 In ..Btca• 1llJ' _.....,. aid It a penonal hell beyond the Intentions ol didn 't wort.,that'a why. Ho ndlbed the basic penot l1w. It on his cheat tm. ntabta running Society gtnerllly accepis Ill rfihl to and hi 1Ull Mi bis ..i.t. kill In Hll delenae either of the lndlvidnal or the group. '!bl moral dllcmla lies ID • the use of killing for panlllft, retaliatory pol'poses. WHAT A GREAT MANY people feel about the 1bolltlon of oapltal punishment Is that the abolition llhoUld not stand alone. If the de1th penalty 11 wrong, it should be abolllhed ; but along with !hit e1ci1lon 1hould com~ a re1tructuring of th• entire penal codt to meet IOC!ety's needs. We muat~t ,ome, effective meam ol mattnc Ital crimea unac- cepllble to the ta. 'lbil obvloualy ii nol eaay. Many feel, In fact, that the abo)ltlon will only !tad to a oofttn\nl of 111 srade1 ol punlshmtnt. Rehabilitation iJ a beautlM pl and In all mercy Wt must strive to reach It. But an early stop In that.Jong Journey ii a realllllc and lnlmsne effort to tchle" an tftlCliff proflCllon of 11! men's rigbl lo Uve and lo be 1ec11R in thtir person. THE MOST IUVmN<l ol literary forms to many readers •1 diarla and publishec! _ _.nee, where the divealed heart ii shown. 1 We tend to' bel1ne a -when hi has suffered, and bu admitted It. Or when he h~ loot deeply, 1 n d a<knowledgea 11., Winners lllitilfY m; but they are dull, ""181'1· Who ~ler than Ike Elsen-r? Bui the the •"'9 •bole hearts .,. -.,. publicly 11r1n1n1 1nd gettillll bn>kon and domnedl We feel for them and love U-hie ... they are one of our own kfad. DAILY PILOT Rol>erl N. 'll'eed, l'lll>Hllltr Tliotndl Xttoll, ldllor Albm W. Boin Editorial Pogt Editor The edllorlol -or tht Do11J Pilot. ttek1 tJ) W'orm. ani1 1\trmta lt.te rrtdcn b1 Sft'lt'ftllnr thlt nC1W1peper'1 cnifnktns and com- mentary. on tolpin ol tnttrft;t and •laatflcanoo. by P'O"lctins a forum fM the tlC'Prl'itllOn ot our """"'" oplolons, an4 lo< ~thic tho dlvenc vlewpolnt1 of lntonMd ob-- 1orvcn and 1poket1Ma • top6al of the day.' Friday, March 10, 1m • • , -· ! I ' ' Santa Rosa ,. \ ' P-risoneFS-t~ -• S~eRoit .. SAN1A JIOSA, C~f .. (AP) The 101 pr;-.· on the 8oooml County Jail'• •eoood floor broke out ot their d.oyrooma and tldlPt&ed In the corridors for IO mtrail.., omUhlq windows, settln& liillllrrtm-and-dlii\iilri( cell doOrs, authorltsu 11ki. Arter the dilturbance was quelled Thurtda,. evtnb\i. the Inmates were . taken to San Quentin prison. Sheriff Don strieptke estimated dam11e at aboUt f/5,000. One prisOQtt w11 treated at the thtteo atory Jail's dllpensary for bud cull, lllrltpHOiild; bot thtr• ......... atrlOUJ lnJurla. The IO men and 15 ........, quarteted on the first and' third floors did not i.M part in the disruption, he laid, but the Won)tn We.(t taken to the '1berU!'1 office I« tbelr prGltctlon. Sherltr1 Sgt. Frank. Beau a( the jai1 · 11ve 1thll account : "'Qll -ball« bellan durin« the din-.,... Period In 1 dly-room when felony in- matoa who had been complaining about the food bagan lhrowln& their lr1y1 on the !Toor and llltlnc lire to papas and dothln&. The men mana1ed to break a "lhat~ terproor' rlw wtndoW and ucapod Into the main cell·block area. Prilontra !rt onolher dayroom on the ucond flloor 1pparenUy usacl 1 steel ahelt u .1 .balterlnJ ram to break through the.door alld joinOcl lhu,lhet Inmates on the central corridor. Guards alerted by the noise secured the door leading from the second floor to the main stairwell to prevent the disturbance from spreading. while C 1-I i Co r n i 1 Hl,i;:hway patrolmen and Santa Rosa pollce hurried to the ...... nie lnmat., controlled the secolld floor for nurl}' tO lmlnutu, nnashin1 nearly all 'the windows, burnlnt clothing, mat· . treue& and blankets, dama&inl several cell door1 and llfO teltvlalon monitors. Two Children Slain; Police Hold Father llAKERSFIELD (AP ) -The bodiu of 1110 11m1ll children have been fourtd with their li)rool• aluhed, and th!!r falher has been jalled on lnvea\iiation of murdtr, Km> County lheri!l's ~epuli., uy. The bodies of Daniel Fusselman Jr., 5. and Danielle Fuaelman, 3, wtre found at thejr borne Tbul'lefay afler their lather, Ddlll A ,_..,..Iman, •:!•~ llilllnl lllO "dfllreli--. ' ' . ' ' I>eput!H aald !)It chilClten were bdlen wttli II\ lion iknlet bel<ll" thtlr lhroata wm cut. l!everal lllilv9I were Iound al ' New Heart 'l'est Stanford :P,tedical Center Thursday co nducted an experiment in which actual heaR: patient Clin ton Fayne, 42, transmitted his electorcardio- &ram to Manila in the Philippines and then to a satellite in space back to Stanford -a distance of 51 ,000 miles. ' Neighbor Youth HeUl l ·n Fire Bomb Killings RIVERSIDE <UPI I -An 18-year-old Henderson was arrested only 10 hours neighbor his been arrested on suspicion -after the burial of the children, following of hurling the fire bomb that burned """'Services attended by hundred s of three children to death as they slept Sun· resi dents in the mai nly b I a c k d1y. . neighborhood where they lived. Anl(ered Police Thur. sday identified the suspe. ct citizens ,had ofr~r more than $7 ,000 in rewards for informaUon leading to the as KeMeth Dwane Henderson, who lives conviction of the fire bomber. about half a block from the home where 1 1asoline-filled .!JOft~rink bottle crashed through 1 bedroom window, setting the room ablaze. JnveJil&atora believed there was a feud betftel'.I Henderson and Mrs. Ruby Jamlaon, 82, grandmother of the three vlctlma, according to Capt. Irv Cross. Solons Repeal \Toice \Tote lJse Mrs. Jamison was taking care of the SACRAMENTO (AP) _On 1 66-0 Vote, three children in the absence or their parenll, and was asleep in another room the state Assembly has repealed its cen· when the home wa! fire.bombed. She was tury--0ld practice or hol ding unrecorded not hurt. voice votes ln committee!. The dead children were Cynthia War-The-new rules voted on Thursday take ren , 9, her brother Lawrence, I, and sister t.1arlene. 7. Their mother was effect in a week, and are stiffer than new visiting their father , Theodis Warren. at legislative roll call methods proposed last 1 co12DtY road clltlJ! in .Bannl.ni. ~here /le rnonth in the Sena,~. 3 .. • .. -....... wu llt!fnl a Nnt.iw tor etlCt' lrlud, But '9d: II e•ch muse wl.nds up with when the 1tt1ck occurred. Warren-WIS released early, the bi lance different -fUles, !ht old practice of • of hl1 sentence suspeQded, after the unrecorded' comptlttee otes is on ili way thelC;ne. deaths . ,. .. ~ ~ •·i-r~-~· Assembly~an ~9bn~ur'9A-noted. 1 ...... iiii;;;;;;=;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;o~~;;;;f;iii:=~~;;;i;i;;;;;~ Bra1ulo Wife Arrested For Conduct CALEXICO (UPI ) -! Actress Anna Kashfi, former, wife of Marlon Brando, hul been j1!1od Jn thls town on tbe l Mexican border for disorderly conduct, apparently the latesi c~p~r in a long and bitter tua:-o!·war between Brando and Mias Kashfi ovec custody:! of their 13-year-old 10n. From Par!•, Brando scolled I Thunday at rtPorla that tl>e boy, Chriltian Devi, had been. kldnaped. "There ls nothllli 11 an to . be alanned about," Brando aaki in a stateft)ent, declarina: the boy was on a acuba dlvlnf vacation wlthll lrienda lb Mellco. 1 Branclj>, 47, alld Mia Kaahfi :sl, -.Ibo wore divorcod:ln 1111,1 1hart clutody of the \oy and have been quarelltng aver him tor year•. Brando his flied suit against her lh lln 'iattemptj to galrt compj•I• cut>dY· A, C<JUrl hearing, to IJe. held ! Thundl.>'. was resch~ed for . tlldly. . I Labor F~es 'Phrged,' . . ' Aide Claims '. JCPenney SPRING 'PLANT PARADE YOUR CHOICE PLANTS • Mari9olds -assorted varieties • Fuchsias -assorted varieties • Tomatoes -assorted varieties IN 4 INCH .CONTAINERS • A9eratum-Blue Only e Vlnc:a-assorted varieties TAM JUNIPERS I.ow Growlnt 1 GAL. 88¢ IN PONY PACKS ' ~ . 7" HANGING BASKETS CHOICE OF COLEUS OR ASPARAGUS FERN 2.22 • VISIT OUR SCOTTS RIP, ON S ... T. AND SUN . IRING YOU~ LAWN PROBLEMS . . ' f~dar. Ill-10, 1972 OA!LV ,!LOT § 2 Dlsmlued l)!!vis C~e J _ury __ Battle flages On THE REAL RO LEX I SAN JOSE, Ca!K. (OP I) - A tentallve jury was sealed Thursday at the Angela Davis trial, but the prosec utor removed two women \Vilh peremptory challenges. "We're h~fway there," Albert \\I . Hanis Jr .. assistant state attorney general, .said as two ne'' panelists joined 10 persons In the jury box who earlier had passed questionin' for "cause.'' One woman seated during the mornin& said she never heard the phra se "black is r beautiful. •I Judae Richart E. Arnason recessed the murder, kidnap and conspiracy trial until Monday, when the defense will have its first opportunity to dismiss jurors without a reason. There \\'ere nine women and· three men in the jury box when Harris used two of hls 20 peremptory cha I le n g es. Defense attorneys also have 20. The two new panelists drawn were both men, brlnging the count to seven women and five men. Philip J. Russell, a computer company employe, and Nic holas Gaetani, a former student, OO\v must undergo questi oning fo r "cause1' -biases or other. reasons that could prevent a juror from reachi ng a fair v.erdict. The men replaced i\1rs . Peter Ruth. a you ng houseu'ife who told the court she ''never heard of Angela Davis," and Alice F. Evarts, a woman in her 20s. Indigents May Run Without Fee SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - tndi1ents can run for COngrtas in Ctlilornla without paying the 1425 filing lee, a throe- judge federal panel ruled Thursday. The court ruled after hear· ing the case of Raymond C. Chote, 46, an Annapolis graduate who calls himself a "beggar." Chote, a Den\OCrat who said he wanted to run for Congress from the state's 17th district but was too broke, typed up his own pftitions on a portable typewriter while sitting in a park. He also argued his own case In court. FULLY RE-CONDITIONED-FULLY GUARANTEED USIJJ ORGANS REDUCTION SALE! The" '" 1 lot of took 11ik .. of Rolex. Others hive attempted to copy the Rolex pressure- proof Oyster cue, the self-winding mech11>iarn, the date feature, the dly arid data lndlcltor. 111 innov11lona of Rolex, But the Rolex skill, cr1ftsmanahip 1nd dedication could never be ·duplicated, The pride of knowing you' wear the reel thing is the pride of wearing 1 Rolex. Above, the Rolex GMT·Master. 1 30-jewel self-winding chronometer with date that changes automatically at midnight Special 24-hour hand tells time simultaneoualy In two separate time zones. Guaranteed pressure-proof by its Oyster cue to a dapth of 166 hlet". With matching b~•t. $271i. 'f •Whtn cua. crown and Cf"Jllt*l are intlCI. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 ii FASHION ISLAND JIOl.ZlC NEWPORT BEACH-644-1380 Open Mon. and Fri. I 0 a.m. to 9:3 0 p.m. Hammond Deluxe Spinet 01"9an 51995 Wahtut, wes S2.J25.to, "" ••••••••. , • , •••• , •• , • , •••••• HAMMOND DELUXE SPINET ORGAN Hammond Spinet Or9an ,......._., •• Sl .Jfl.M, •w ....................•......... 5995 51495 53795 51695 51895 52595 OAK, WAS $2,155.00 NOW ONLY '1495°0 HAMMOND CONSOLE AND SPEAKER Cl WALN"IT, SOLD NEW 'OR $),700.11 NOW 51595°0 HAMMOND PORTA·I· PORTAILE ORGAN w~s st,110.00 NOW ONLY . '1595°0· NEW MODEL WURU1UR WITH AUTO CHORD SYSTEM OllAT FUN 'Ol llGINNIR AND AOV/INCID OROAN . '~AYIRI • WurUtzer Spinet . , $699 • Wurllter Spinet . . $799 wltll Lttllt Hammond Spin•+ Or9an Wltll ..... rftrtltM, w• s1,m.oo, ....................... . Hammond Console H325 Wit• •llh. "'1tfi-. w• M,241.00, Hw •••••••••• , •••.••••• ' Wurlitzer Deluxe Spinet ClleMe .f .,.,.., ._ SJ, t 61.H, •w , ...... , .......... , , . , .. Wurlitzer Consqle Or9an W• .. itt, w• SJ,JJI ... , NW , , ••••• , •• , •• , •• , , • , • , ••• , , • , • Wurlitzer Console Organ 41001, ... sz.110.01, ................................... . LESLIE SPEAKERS W• Cll'ry • ,.,,.,. ... Miid ...... new •nd Vied l.ellle 1,..1c.,._ . Come In •n• hNr anr el them. Flt1 all rukt of •rt•nt. ==~~D 519900 ONLT . • TRADE·IN • CLEARANCE • IPICIALSI ' • Thomas Spinet . $599 WURLITZER THEATRE SPINET WALNUT, WAI l1Jt5, NOW ONLY ••• 51495°0 WURUTZER - STEREO ORGAN • MW llfmenalen In Mme ..,..,... ••lllmtnt wtth "'" ,..u.., o1 '"° -·-· • Lowrey Spinet S 1249 Thomas " • KlmbaU Consolo $1-t 95 . Slntle •Conn Spinet . . . . $399 K•yllMrcl • Ha111111end Spinet $6H . S 199 • AT TOUI Dtf'AtTMINT STOii OP · MlltlCll- .. ,. ·' ., _, hi all b>I .~ hiJ er Iar " "' 145 ca • ' • ' .. Tedal;,·'• Fbud --. ~ - • N.Y. Steeb VOL 65, NO. 70, 4 SECTIONS, 41 PA6ES ORAN6E COUNTY, OALIFoRNIA ' N TEN CENTS , Downcoa st Annex Looms as Top Council I ssue ! • By CANDACE PEAllSON Of-~~, .. Annexation of>the ~ between Ciorona de! Mar lantf ·Laguna Beach· to Newport Beach and what llhould fO on that downcouf land Is JJl'l~·to•be perbipc •Ille biggest Issue in the city eounc11 elec- tion April 11. Two meetlnp ·of candldata Thurlday -one at Corona 'deI· Mar HigII &:boo! and drie befort .the Harbor Democratic Club at City Hall -brought forward a .variety of reapopses on the issue. Paul Jlycko ff, ~ candidate In tbe F:ill!t District, told a group of 40 student& and adull! at CdM lli&h School that he has "mb:ed-feelings about annexing the pn]perty, but if Jt were a part cf Newport Beach, I would have no high rise onit.~1 '· •• • one of Ryckoff's op1>9nenl5, Harvey Peut, told tbe .uine: audience, about ,a tlilrd ol whldi JoObd old· enough to vote, ·that,"..-81loii oi·thot ·-rtY -should be subject ·lo a· vote ol .llle,people." Both P~ and Rycot(, are .running 'againsl .lncum)leiit lll•J'.i>r .Ed Hirth, who ureect "that be fort "•l'!Yorie can judge that area; be should study what has ·been pro- poeed." Sevent.h District candidate P, D. "Dee" Cook made a aiJnflar call for study today, after . telling the ~strong HarbOr Democratic Club· audience that in areas already in the city,. "I see no need now or in the foreseeab'Je future a rtaSon · for any hi.rh rise on the waterfront any- where. id Newport Beach." Cook'i opponent, .,John Store, .made a fiery speech a'ainst bigh rise to the Democrats, calhng it "rows of concrete giants· staring seaward."' Tlie meeting at. ~ ,High School was confined . to the three Filth District can- didates. -All canclldatea had beOn Invited to l!te -1< ·and Black's ictloo dmo puzzled Democrats' meeting: SeconQ Dlttrtct in-glaiice. from the other clJl\lldalel. cumbent .Don ~Mcinnis, runnin& uno~ At both meetings, the candidates were posed, 11tas not. there.· Mator-Hli'th, . ubd .questions" on 'Blc!i . Bay develop- re~~ the )city at a 1LeliUt' ol. meat, lbe ~Pacific <»aat freeway Ciliee ·meeting, was introduced ii -route, police helicopt<n-aad density. abstentla by James Berkshlre. · A fe~ of Rycoff's responaes were DemocraUc club Pfe$ident .John Black, somewbit _Jn1ccurl!;te, bowev~. _ himself a candidate for Dernqc;tatic ' He aaiil that the "councll failed last nominatfon-.for' ~ iA ~ 'Jlth, .• year, \o uk. for federffl ~Ip" In studying District lff:k~ to... oppose. ·R~. J6hn · development plans of the Back Bay only Schmitz (R-Tlistbf ·introduced absent' 1 a few minutes arter Hirth explained he Jim Crane Is fhe third candidate from bad 1one tG Washington but the city ~ad the Seventh District. · -· been de{lied any aid. -~ne Withdrew from ~_,r~J~-1\y.colf also 'said the councll-ba&,lack~ • U.S. Gets Lead Out { FDA Bans 'H.eQ lth Ha zard' in Paint . . From AP Dll;.tebet The Food and Drug Adininlltration to- day banned all etcopl lrace ·11l1lo1Jirta of lead in paint by the end of 1973 "to minimize the health hazard to future a:erieration.s. '' Over vigorous protests 'from the paint industry, I.he FDA ordered reduction of leadJn paint fnim 1. Percent to five!tenttis of 1 percent br the end of 1972 and to six- hund~lhs o 1 percent by the end of 11113. . "3 Teen·s . An est1maied-.OO,ooo . chlldren ouffer fN>m, ~ pollouing · whidl · c1n cauae ~,~,and death. Flaking paint In . ~World War II h\>qling.has ~n lden- tified ,U 1 majbr 19uree of lead . poison- 1rig: . M~wblli, the EnVironmental Protec- tion AgenCy orcfeied ari immediate ha1t todar.'to interstate shipment of pesticides registeted for Predator ·control and began a recall of existing stocks. l!i.;l~ed in the ban was thallium .. · .Ulfate1 a rodent poison often ,m.Gused to control livestock pMators .. ~ federal government Feb. I borrecl the use of poiaons for predator ~ntrol on public land. and in federal programs ex- cept in emergenci1¥3. The 8ction by William D. Ruckelshaus today, however, takes these poisons off the commercial market immediately while opening action towar4 their permanent ~llation from the federal (See LEAD, Pose Z) East.etn Bank . . ' ': p~. Wiltc h Like Hawks . :A ~..t.~ ~:1,,.;;~ .... _~t. :~;,~~~.~:~~-.~* : In Pri~'Rate To Make Hike ' t.mpllna plpoa tethereof ~ ......, ,Ml · . ~lY>,'f\venlng ··aollvity and; reallied ·-_ ~ •. : ... ~·: oril~:: ~ ~ ·~J;~=t Pint":;;;~-=: :;;.: •. s ~,... -..~-y ov··•-' ,"'I' . · -',..... ,. • oecond "'··-eommercial bank. said to--~ 1 "''1"'.--... ~ . tM ~ IUlplCta a.t -.a . <( lil;lilli:t ._ palloo ,_._.Jiii' <Iii . 1 JIJ>oilet_anl ' ud >. PllJuides ~~ prlmo ~'!!,.':'teto ~'be, to-t 1111 .....,. llrll. all ....._ a trio 61 .llGlll; , · · • • · . , . ~-lr<lm ..,, ,_,_, •n percen _....., "1w1lbl thojll 'rill trapping plliol' SIL tRicliird ·Miner said' .the ef(ectlve Monday ••. fakona without •• llcenot and llao out of !>IPii>.wlft a· litlie loalher ,,..i ·attached The ......_....,t 'l'arked the firat seaoon. , to a'l!I pound lfOi.td !ll' a.filhing•llne. -upward turn of t1Je prime rate since last . The·.Jouths, two .boys antlja girl, we?e Fifteen marea o(tbe same type of, line July, w~n it moved from 5~ ~I, per- .deWMll, then releued peDding prO-enclrcled the pigeon,~ to police. cent in-. short-lived reversal of a decline iecution under the state Fiab a. Game . The P1-was turned over to the city from a high ol 111 percent in 1989. Code, which usually involves a fine or ~ ~mcen. Most other cornm.erclal banks in the probation. Tbe r•taUed falcon aaUed oU into the country have held their prime rates at : I ! ·-} ) -: I I . ·;; ·. • ..... '' DAIL~!tt.OT·lttff;r--.~ 1 M1q •s· i.IOTifER 1t1:t.QS'1tliLE ~1L'1 WAITING. IN '/IOSPrj'Ai: ' ' , ·L .. Mtrrlma n,MOlnt4\nt'Vl•ll.i t Coate 'l-·"!:''1"!'11\ : · .' . ' .. -Licensed falcon-hunter Bernd. Niaber&, 1UDRt. 4% percent since late January and there were no immediate reports today that ' McCloskey Dropping Out they would boost their rates ilnd follow . CIUbank's lead. The prime lending rate Is the interest charged by banks on short-term loans to big corporate customers. Citibank's rate ls one of the most sensitive in the nation~ because It is One of a handful' of "floating" prime rates adjusted more or less automatjcally by a formula pegged to money market conditions. ;•••' ,, :'f1' '\'f"l~I:''' ,J' '.I 1 ' '1!·1 , I \ , •• '. J f 0 H;•· "1 .caM-~ n ~({(J.iin8s .'.iQ~tff:e .. ': To Seek Seat in Congress • • ' J ' : • • • • ' ' • ,~ : j •• I . I ' i ! .. I ._ • As Famil y Prays ,.llop es MENLO PAR!\ (AP) -Rep. Paul N. "Pete" Mcctoskey said today be would end hia campaign . for the l\epublican presidential nomination and seek the party's nomination In California's newly created 17th Congressional District. His New Hampshire presidential cam- paign, the antiwar oongressman 'aaid, achieved much of his goal which wu to "try to demonstrate that there was a substantial number' of lleoubJicana who ~Id oppose the contllllalloa of bomblnl Iii Soutbeasl Alia." . However, McCloskey ,Aid, be would allow h1I name to mnatn on primarJ bl1Ilol5 in 10 states ., a "symbolic pro- ~t" against continuatiqtl ol tho war. ' McClosky said the "harsh rullty" of his situation is "that you canbOt ru'I a credltable presidential Calnpalln without large swns of money. ~ "I obviously don't have that money," he said, noting. that he had aboUt a '45,000 dtticlt from the New Hampshlit campaign. McClookey said he woold file bla nominating ))aper> for the 17th District al the San Mateo Coonty C-OurihouH In Red)'OOd City later today. McCf!>akey, who garnered Ill percetit of the vota cast In New llampehlre'a Republican primary Tueeday, asld his ' · Union . C'We r• ' • • !' ( Acup_un.cture . • SAN FRANCJSOO (AP) -The TeanUterl', UDloo; in a drive to ~ Grgaabe Chinatown Worten, ll ol-• ferlng I De1f twist In fringe beneflla -ln1urance coverage for ' acupuncture treatment. Union organizer Rudy Tham asid he hoped I.he entieement of · cownse for• Ille ~ Oriental Ir! Will pin ..,, mem-to . T~ranlu. I· ~ ilvolV .. inlortion of -lo certain """' centen. ... -.... showing -coupled With I.he 10 percent for Colllervatlve Rep. John Ashbrook of . Ohio -Indicate 30 percent of the state's Republlcus are finding fault With Nll<on Administration policl ... Alhbrook ctmpalped on gi'eater fiscal reapcinalhWty Within the federal 1overn-, men!. Detroit :Gun Battle Statements Wei,ghed D~~ Authoritiea ara 'ftllldnl o atatementa about the realon· lor a of police bulleta wtlleb)efl one W111111 County deputy dead and · .tlJree other men wounded, one crltlt;olly .-• The ..,.nre occurred early ll'buraday when ·a apeclal police unlt Interrupted a card 1amo attended by five oU-<luty deputlea and I friend. Most other banks, including first-rank· ed Banlt of America in San Francisco, adjust their rates administratively and less frequently. There were other e c o n o m i c develppments today : -Wholesale prices of food and a wide range of industrial products climbed an over-all ' tilne-tenths of · 1 percent last month for the sharpest rise in a year, the aovemment 'rewrted. · Pricea of farm producl! and proceseed foods, 10me of which are ez.empt from federal price controls, rose 1.9 percent and prices of industrial r&w materials . and manufactured products went up five-- tenths ol I pereen~ said the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The over:all February wholesale price rise, generally a signal of rising con:- IWDtr prices later, wu a little less- aeven-tentbs of 1 percent -on an ad!. juated baslt for etpected seasons! price changes. On the 1euonal buls, the ~ crease was the largest 11Ace December. • ... A time to live ..• a time tg 4Je· •.. "a .time to laugh ... a titnt to CTtl ••• " -Bible-inspired rock tune By ARTHUR R. VINSEL or 1111 ~PY l"li.t ,,.,. There is a time and a place and a purpose for all things under heaven, ac- cording to the Bible by wblch Mike Moldenhauer'• life Js lived. · ~. He hH not read It Jn 39 days • He is ' in a Coma at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, with head lnjurte1 suffered in a motorcy<l .. plckup truck collision. . The t~ was J.an. JQ, ih the .evening bours. The place was a· busy corner l:a Santa .Ana Heights. The purpose, perhaps, b best left to In- dividual interpret.ation, for U\il 1tory of a .,Sex Movie Seized at UCI familJ'I faith and hope in I.heir lrl(edy may affect dilferent peoele Iii dilferent · Wlfi. , • ~'There are ,al&nt my ,IOn haa, tile wor1t . sort ·of brain damsp,",1yt Mn. Robert , Merriman, of ZZl'I .Valla St., Newport Beach. . ' Injuries· iuffered bii th< CIJrona' de! Mar High School ' l<iphomora and Christian · Campus Crusada ·leadtr involve the vltal · braln item,' literally the •hl.iman • body'a · power:plant •. : • · • · "If lt'.1 juat bruI...i; he tiu a chenct-lo ' recove~.'' ,siy1 hi~ ~ 190ther, Lee Mer-. riman. · _, ___ ;, . 1''.Btit lf nOt -that's It/ He Could be· I '·'vegetable' or a sptsilc.'' acid's the stoical . _. .. who bu dev~ted ber OWi! time In ' the past to workllltwlth the bandicapPed. The vigil for Mike · Moldenhau!r. who . Wiil 6e• 16 . in Mai'1 conlinuei dally, In · peraon an<ti iri prayer. · , Hla mother, his grandmother, or his atepmotber ~pend their days In . or netr Room 111, waiUng and wal<:hing for Im· pnvement.. , . 1 Mike ls tentatively ldledulod 11 a .dele1ate to the ,)nlemallol\ll Student .. COocre~s OD .Evanpl1 ... al Dsllu in 1 f'-C June. Deputiea' ~eeide '7 in a Barn' Won't ."!!-' 01:i . all.J P"' : a!~~ ... ~~'."' :;~~~·i:: ' · · · ' cUinued Frl.i':;·~yon' Prayer ' a. ALAN DllUIIN San Francisco police officers w~ had yell'Old. Terry Oleson,,• ~aduate atu-. Breakfoot ln.N~w1>9ri Beach. . .,. ••..., """•• , ·~~film. , . . dent and president of the Gay Students . "It .toot one a,yelr:old ~1to start It _,:A, ~cOlor '!!•VI~ Oil. dr "nfe. g:ty~ ~r-·Ibo~ Unloo,.unlOIMnentben were lo<meet-af 11 : • and is '.odull 'bu~ _juit, to ~. to nwe. -UUod ..1 ID I man~ said Defiuty D~ Mr1 = ~ a.m.' today at the Gateway ~;to • lle.eP l!P'~th.blm,"Lf'llli¥U one loc&l OI· :e.:n' ~ rri 1 ~' ~ ,..a:1P!!: thll inormn,. ,. · 1 ~·begtrrdbtrlbutlbn ofitbe lelflets.: ·' ecutlve. . • ; i • l::tV ~-filrt ~ -ihertff'I ''Thelan Franclaco offlcersw.r. asked I • ei-alao1ald11batqe1al 'ac\i1111 wodld "~~~:ltnhaUll' :~ ~ = dtpQu.i It UC ·Jnlno 'llllradaJ nigbl to dnerlbe tt In great detail.'' Mn. Sears be ptll'.llled through Ille American Ct\>tl < ,. -lW 1 k · In d~ 1 1....., .... ,-by tho Gay· ·added. "'Ille moment he beard tho • Liberties Union (ACLU).lJay·lilur!U of , ~volt.he~·~ ·.;!""'en! Studenta Unloo description, I.he judge tssued the order. Newport Beacn~ • dll'!C!Or'at'tbe AC!i"U, • you • ve · The descrlplion was hair ralaing. lt'1 an confirmed that fhe bOtly ....id conaldor • pllaoil.' · ' · · '...: .... 'The film was DOI •hmm and no arrest.I orgy." • .. •ctlng ln bebatt of the Unloil . . MIU ~I~ ocliool campusee ""'"'~ -e made. Today mem~1 'Ol I.he Gay Students -Seizure of llie'Iow-budtl'I · w!lich Ille ~· Cout, helping m .11111" • The deputltl ~ -a wirrant Union, who had pllQllled to scr.... the !lu been screen«( at Pl!bl!C s In . Clirlatlan ., Leadership Week concert 111111111 by Central Orange County film prior to a paDel dlacusllon on human . San Flilnctaco, Loto'Anae!S; d SalJlrdar.•Ii~t ~t !)re!)ge ~ast Coll~e, Mlmldpal Court Jlldtw RObel1'il. Rlcklea ,.,.uauty, were ~prolelt aclJon. •New . YOl1i ~ lbOup ritltl1tdlJ> ' fe1litmc tlio·Certaln SoUn4s. 1.,., who reporledly Wm beottatloo In las"' Thuradty nlfbl,),•~9~ lions arc JJOildllil il\A'lliolt ~ ... llt-1 ~~"' lnsplrallonll Inc tile warrant illlrlllleolnc lo on boor-the seizure were Printed fer , '-· a"dof et.deollt•llr.......,. ~ fw ~ athletes ud rootar1. -. . .-,..,.,. -'fllh ""' lbrouCllout tile.._. IDlllY. by II:' . 111ee m P'llM, ht' *> · · , : 1w , ,... 11 "i I t ' ' I I • a 1>91icy M the Upper Bay. The council does bave a 1tated policy on the Bay. It was recently revi.f, but doesn't mention exactly what devdoPo ment should take place. Ryckoff alao suq..ied I.hat the city should "keep alert'~ on the freeway Issue anclsend representllivea to meetings like the recent Little Hoover Commission. Hirth spoke to the commission. Ryckoff said he feels the entire Back Bay should· be an· estuary. Pease and Hirth have come out for "oompatlble uses," although Hlrt.h added l1IOle _wouldn 't.Jnclude.hornee-or-lndustry. -- TWA Tells Bargaining On Blasts , By United Pren lm«natloaal TWA· h•• c0nflrmid that JI nefOtlated with an extortk>nlst over a a mllUon d&-' mancl to reV.al where bombs alleged!J had been planted on Ila jetllnen, but tho company's president uld no ransom had been paid and he believed the threat bad ''run lta: course.'' Meanwhile a number of •lrllnr.t around the country were plagued w I t. b anonymooa but apparently UJ11Ubetan- tlated threal! thet their planes had been boobytrapped. The government called the boada ol It major airlines to .. ---imc . today to map ,out. Prooldan\'~•a •. , ..,i,r to ,....ea1 ilr tni~ .... 1-. Trana]iorlatlon Seciotlrt i• A. Volpa ...._the ___ .... M "'"'8 -1111 Pr 1ll1m liooded din • orderl llmed at freo1Jic the itr lntlllllry fiom bomb threall llld - The .new ~ dlncl ...-, aJr carrier to Jlfffllll °" deter the pJacJne of weapona or nploolvoo aboard Ill aircraft; privent Of' deter unaut.horiaed accesa to JI! aln:ralt; tighten lit "'"*8 checking procedurea, and lmprovO !lie eecurlty of its car10 and baa•I• toadinC operations. ·President ~. C. Wiser of Trans World Airlines said in hJi formal statement that '.'TWA bellevea tho bomb threat that cauaed the litUltioD bu run itl coune. There has been no contact with the ex- tortionist •inc• Tueaday and no raiioom bu~ paid." ~ It was the fin! odmiulon by the'llrlino • that contact ol -. kind had been made -the unldentlfJod u\Ortlonlat altboqb IOW'CH said Tueaday night thal -nesotlailons "' in progreas: • In Grand Rapids, Mich.. the FBI Thuraclay arrested John Foster, IO, Ben- ton Harbor, on chargeo he telephoned TWA today demanding '2$,000 to reveal where two bombl were hidden. The FBI would release no other detaila ~ would not 11y whether be wa1 auspectad of beinl the same peraon In- vol ved in the earlier extortion attempt. ( Speed to Be Dropped The 1peed' 1Jmtt wW be reduced to lO mites per hour on Pallaades Road in 30 days. The rodnctlao from tho present II miles p<r !lour -ordered by the county Board at Supervlaora. II affects the aoc· lion between Red Hill Rood and Jam- boree Blvd. •' . Col!9t Weatller Sunahlne abciuld tata over the Southland SaturdaJ' followina the · uaua1 low cloutla and q ... the coesL Higba lot Iha _.. .... are upected to be IUghtly warmer1 with tempentllra of • llooC the coast rtaq to 7' ~ ~ the mld-50'1. ... , JNSm E !J'.ODA 'Y S01tll\!mld 1tooe opcniilfll thfl r w .. k !'ling< from S"4kf1P<ar• and B•• Jo010• to Rau Brad- b•rJ'• ,ptoy with '"ll!iit· ~u·• •Wtekendfr telll l"'°kfVHr' the partlc11lari. l. M. "" 1 ....... ,. (...._..-I CMnlflM .. C.ln )I C.-•"" " DrMtll ...... 11 ••ltwlll ,... • ,..... , ... ti .., ...... " MwlMJFI II ._ L-.n 11 -I -INO --. :=:=, ·,~ • 11 .... ...., ...,.. 1t.1r =--·:: -.... -. _. ..... , ... --. ... ! DAILY PILOT N Fro• P .. e l SEX FILM ... -fllm would be &c:reened on campus. A pmltt of tbe flrll reel of the film wa. held by Vice Olancellor John c. Hoy .... "1111 -f"'8it1 _ ...... ...... ~•lift of tbe ACLU 11111 OIOIOD. Altu lbe preview, Or. HO, told Oleaon that the tum could not be shown Thura- dl)' nt&ht and that a decision on whe.ther tbe movla ~d be shown In the future would be made by Chancellor Dutel G. Aldrich, who was out of town Thursday night. - Dr. Roy said that Oleson indicoted that the movie would not be acreened. Pr. Ho1 mada It clear that be did not order the tllm confiscated and was unaware that the seltitre waS going to Wee pllce. • .. J St1pPJled Drag2' • ' • Harbor Doctors May Be Quizzed· By TOM BARLEY Of .... Dlftt' l'l)ft '"" LOS ANGELES -Four Harbor Area physicians who all egedly made large aup- pUet of the narcotic Demerol available to drug_ addict Reba Vaughn may be uted to explain their actions to a State Board or Medical Examiners comm ittee when the inquiry into allegations aga inst Dr. Ebbe Harteliw or Costa Mesa reopens in May. Vaughn. Mr1. Vaughn told the committee that sbe became desperate for Demerol in late 19&! to the point th1t lhe called tloc> tors and told them her father was dyln1 of cancer a~ needed relier from pain. She testified that severa l physicia111 '"Ibere had bem 10rDe lndlcation that tbe Diltrtet Attorney'• Office w11 tolng to step in," Dr. Joy explained. "!Jllortn1tlon hid been made avlilable to them," the vice chlncellor wet.. m. illcatliig that be hoped to ovoid ID mesl . DAILY .. ILOT ll•ff ""-NANCY SMITH, MISS NEWllORT BEACH, SP!AKS AT MAYOR'S PRAYER BREAKFAST More Thi n 300 P1roon1 Turnod Out for Event This Moring 1t lr1lboo Boy Club Defense attorney Matthew Kurilicb told 1tate hearing orficer E. F. de Vllbiss as the second three-day hearing clotied Thursday that he may bring tha four doc· tors he named to the hearing room for questioning when the inquiry reopens called area pharmacies and orderea drugg ists to give her quanUtits of Demerol. State nareotia; regulation1 forbid the dispensing of narcolia and dangerous drugs to persons who have noi undergone an examination at the handS or the prexribing physician. 1be blonde, minJ-akirted witness, whf once fell uleep during the hearing and oi another occuion collapsed In tears on th~ witness stand. told how ahe once used a man ahe described u "an old wino" tO obtain DemeraJ from an unsuspectinC c!octor. .. betnc llllde. The JlrOVleW performance Ind Dr. HO)i'• declllon that the ftlm·nol be shown -Mesa turned out to be lrulev1nt to tbe con· fllcatlon. The preview was held at 5 p.m. ~t Principal Denies 300 Residents· Attend Mayor's Prayer Meeti!lg May 23, 24 and 25. about 4:311 p.m., tha llpod phone call with tile, San Franclloo officers who bad teen the movie In the Bay City befan. 1c- cordln1 to Deputy DA Sears, and about an hour later Judge Rickles signed the warrant. The SO.minute preview was still aoio& on at Irvine at that time . Department Favoritism Mrs. Vaugh.n admitted during three days on the witness stand that she tricked b o t h doctors and hospitals in C0:5ta Mesa and Newport Beach into sup- plying her with Demerol in 1968 at a time She said she persuaded the man to doD Dr. l;Jarteliu.s' pajamas, hustled him intO Hartellus' bed and told him to make ap:. propriate noil!les when the doctor from whorw. she hoped to obtain Demerol callf!d at the home. : Mrs. Sean said abe wu not informed that the film had been banned by the vice chancellor. "We had in our posstssion an advertisement that the filM was going to be abown," Mn:. Sears sald, uplaining thll .-tbe penol code thla ..... ed u probable caUJe that a misdemeanor - the 1howtnc of 1 pornographic movie - wu 1otnc to be committed. "I am 1t1re that even if the vice chaocellor hid decided thol the film w11 not pornographic, the Judie would have iuued the warrant," Mrs. Seara said. MJ:o. Seara ,qreoil that no member of the aberlfr1 office, no lnvelllptor with the dlllrld 1ttomey•1 office nor Judi• !f!c:klel hid &aeD the movte. : ~either 'the aherlif'a department nor the DA '1 off Jee was represented at the UC! preview. "Other than those at the preview, nobody In Or1nge County hu -It to my knowledge," Mr1. Seara aaid. The film wu made tut aummer for •.llOO by "J" Brian of Son Fronclaco ind Jl.m· Forquhol'IOD of Los Angel .. wbooe co-la Cllled Vttruviln Productlonl. Both prod.-s were 1t the forum 'l'llun- dly night to dilculi the movie ud bumon MElllity with I pone] of legal and Pl1dlololic1l profealon1ll. -The .a...., lectunl bllJ WU pocktd with lhout 11111 pen0m 1t 7 p.m. when tbe llftl!liac -·----pllce..Tlaen • Oieloo fnlormed tbe 1udlence of the vice chlncellor'a declaton. A diJcuAlon blg111. ,._ ID !lour llllr tbe MW'I !fop•~ lftl'9d to "'"a.:, .. -., ~-... --~ IV~ft· tr\91w:r IJ'OUP Wu pllnnlng•to IQ .. 4""' !ilQy the film deaplte !Ir· Hoy'1 ban. An ,Andy Warhol movie, "I, a Man,'' lW:lielnt lbown to -irn>iip In tho IOdll lclencli lecture bin: "We uted If we could UJe their projector," Oleson uld. today. "They were favorable, but it wun't worked out. It would baye been unlikely that we would have lhown It but ,. a lfOUP decision wu never mtde.11 Dr. Hoy ultl that hil ·declJlon to ban the film wu baaed on tha fact that It was betnc lbown to the publlc. "It wu not suitable for a general public audleoce1" Dr. Hoy uld. "In checklnJ with J>lO- f.,.lonal crlilcs, there 11 DO question that thil has been cbar1~iled 11 npllcit bard-Oore pornography."• ' The Oyer 1dvertlllni the movie had lllpulaled thlt no one under 11 would be admllted. • Aaked If he felt the movie could be 1hoW'll to a restricted audience fol' the Cost> M"a High School prl1elpal Don Achziger today vehemently denied that he bu favored the ac.bool's athletic department over the fine artJ department in the matter of budget allocations .. ''The 1tatement that I don't 1upport mua.lc is totally unfounded," he said. "We have 1Iven them mpre support this year, lnclucung money, lhan 10 the 14-year hJltory of the school. Two yeara ago we boqbt choir robes that coat 12,000 and band uniforms that cost over $7,000 and for next year they will receive a~ pro'1mot.ly '9,000 In equipment replace· men!, ouch u lllllrwnenla, rism tor the cborll ""'1PI llld 10 forth." Achlziger'1 remarkl came In the wake ot a Wednesday evening meeting ln- vOI~ aome 200 vocal and instrumental muaJc student.a and their parents to pro- test Jack of funds / to transport music IJ'OUPI to off-campus pe.rfonnances. At the meetln(. It WU charged that '7,000 hid been 1llocated for lransporta- tJon to athletic eventa and only '2,000 for all the rat of the school's 14 deportmems, the music groups receiving onl1 f/111 for tralll]>Cirt.aUon. AclJb:it:• Aki he WU "truly &bocked'' by retortl of the meeting and cr!Uclied the -. Involved for taking iheir complalnta to the ptlrellta. "FIZ'lt al all.'' be ,aald, •11 think any ~~11t~~r·t Mattllfdldei Blast Set Off assistant princi~l, Tom Jacobson, who More than 300 Newport Be a c h when Dr. Hartelius allegedly was under •-· h f hool bud busi nessmen and women were cautioned '"' m c arge o e sc get. · clase observation and could .. nt sustam· "The budget n t· t th f' "not to substitute ritual for reality" In ""' a oca IOns or e 1ne her habit. arts department were given to Mr. Van their religion by a Baptist layman at the Treese (fine arts chairman ) at the begin-fourth annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast Kurillch complained Thursday that the ning of the , school year and he as a at the Balboa Bay Club this mOl"J!ing. case against Harteli us could be COD- deparfment chairman has the authority Fred Smith, the featured speaker at the siderably changed it he can determine to spend the money as he sees fit. Ap-annual event that highlights Christ ian fro m the physicians the extent to which parently he didn't see fit to give the band Leadership Week, stressed the need for Mrs. Va ughn got her drugs from sourees any more money than they received." personal involvement with God. other than her SO-year-old lover. Aclulger said that out of a total achool Smith, a Texas bll!linessman and leader Hartelius of Islander Street, El Toro, is budget of approxiinately $100,000, the fine in national Youth for Christ :mOvemenls, aa;used of moral turpitude and un- W department received approximately headed the list Qf promine11t speakers. professional conduct. It is alleged that he $11,100 to cover auppUes, textbooks, field Earlier, Superior Court Judge Lloyd introduced Mrs. Vaughn to drug1 and en- trips and other needed Jtems. Replace-Blanpied Jr. offered a reading ·from the couraged her habit' to the point that abe ment of mu1ical instruments, he noted, Old Testament and H. Wallace Mer-was eventually certified as a drug addict. Mrs. Vaughn said she had told the physician that her accomplice had in· curable can<:i!r and that the doctor ap- peared to be satislied with her story of her dying, pain-wracked father. He gave the willing, pajama-clad pa lient a shot and then Ieff vials of Demerol with Mrs. Vaughn which were later UBed by the shapely blonde for her personal druf needs. "But did he look as if he had cancer?" Mrs. Vaughn wa1 asked. "Oh God, he looked as if be had everything," rePlieJI Mrs. Vaughn. That comment atopped Ute hearing for a full two minutes. .. " cornea out of a separate fund. ryman, president of Avco 'Financial It Is also alleged that he drugged Mrs. "Apparently they spent all the money Services, read from the New Testament. Wanda Melendrez of Costa Meta as 8 • set aalde for field trips in the first ~ayor Ed Hirth closed the program means of achieving a sexual relatlonshlp Badham to Seek · semester," said the principal. "We all urging people to "serve God by serving with his victim. Mrs. Melendrez choked have to live within a budget and learn each other." on her food and died In December of 1968. ··, how to allocate our money." Nancy Kaye Smith. Miss Newport Mrs. Vaughn has testified that Hi's Six' th Term· .. Achziger said he would prefer not to Beach, also addressed the gathering. Hartelius preformed three aborUons on get lnto any discussion of the relatlve saylng she does not see God as a her during their torrid relationship. She .. merits of athlellcs and music. "I feel supreme being. has also testified that Hartellus is the As Assemblyman"~ both are very important," he said. "He is my friend and Companion" stle rather of her 6-year-old son, Jerry _ · said. ' "It should be pointed out however," he '" added, "that transportation money is the The program also included an ap-A!.semblyman Robert E. Badham elf only support from the school for ~ar~ce by Ichthus Team, a youth f'rona Pqe l Newport Beach) today announced be wilJ athletics. Otherwise the programs are singing group fro'll St. A n d r e w ' s seek election to a sixth term representing just about self-supporting. Money for Presbyterian· Church. The group sang LEAD the 71st A.!.sembly District in Sacrameu- athlellc uniforms and equJpment comes several spiritual songs aod closed with • • • to. . "America the Beautiful." ' B dh ls ~'~~:.Associated Student Body funds The &Mual breakfad. is spo••••ed b regist{ation program. Ruckelshaus is ad-Le ~., aturm, 42• 1 lG-year veteran ol the "'uul '"' money raised by the 1tudtnts." :1 """" Y gi..:ua e. ~ v: 'There has been some friction betwi:en 1Di:e~Newport Harlior JUniOi" Otirl1ber1'o( .ministrator of the Environmental Protec-He said he wiU rqn a .,sincere" ca"'- the music department and myself," the Cotrimerce. · ' tion Agency. paign based on his experience, ·which a. ~Aid. "~...;-bovo crtlldaecl . • • The action affecla 19 producla c!oo-eludes the chalrmanshle of tho Joint rnt.~.ft.\B;/,O::;.ii£::\t .~EW #J:l;,'Jti(JN§,,1 1 ~'7llft~.Y:°~~. ~ '~:fi":" ;:.~:,u1ee on atomic devel'.·,P- -..i...i.. aiV· IOdlurb:'i'ilonODuMacettte, co Jn ih o n-1 )t "'"'la& n:.f:I many off-campu1 perform-1 known a1 "1080J' The stanford graduate also ls a anc .. ! not put on ooe program during ST AGE ENCORE In the action affecting.lead. Dr.-Merlln membor of Aaatmbly committees ·on .MAMMOTH, AriJ:. (UPI) -Four mllUon pounds of convenUonal erploslve1 have been detonated here in what wa1 believed to be the bl11e1t manmade blast in history not involving a nuclear device . tchoo time in over three years, not even K. DuVal, assistant secre~ of Health Ways and Means, Revenue and Taxatl(llf, . at Cbriltmu or.. Easter. I feel our .The ne. w Home and G. arden Pige, along and Scientific Affairs Jn tht Department Governmental Organization and 11 .~a 1 itudents are missing out on' part of their with dally TV Jogs, will be making their of Health, &fucatlon and WeUare told a ra~tin~ member of the Assembly W1tir The explosion Thursday by the Ranch .. en Exploration and Development Corp., waa designed \o crush a small cop- per ore body and leach It from other materials through. a percolated solution of acid and water. The actual pumping of tbe copper solution will not begin until Allgljl!. Mule, L. Anderson, Rrealdent of Ranchers, said the 1hot 11was extremely successful and Jeu rock than expect~ W¥ ejected from the blast site." educaUon when tbey aren't able to hear second appearance in Saturday editions Senate subcornmittee today tb3t lead Cotnrruttee. our musical groups on campus." or the DAIL y PILOT tomorrow. paint poisoning results in 200 deaths ID-Badham pledges to continue to wort W~th regard to a statement that he had Longtime readers of the ·DAIL y PU.OT nually and C03tl!I the nation $200 million 1 toward a "more balanced economy an;: told a music teacher the community are reminded that two cld friends _ TV year in lost earnings and care of victims. to curb government •pending and cet>- would be upset by cancellallon of an WEEK and Family WeeklY~lil ve moved FDA Co mmissiooer Charles c. Edwards tralization. :: athletic event while "no one would to Sundaf distribution and will not be said he may deci4e later to speed up the "I will continue my lron clad belief in notice" cancella tion ol a music program, included ~ th.e DAILY PILOT Saturday de-leading order after the industry bas local control and wlll apply lt in all Achziger commented, "I was simply pa ckage. provided additional information by April decisions I make in representing the peo- remarking that ours is an athletically 4 '''~~~~~~~~~~~~;;7;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p~le;,;";lll<;dha;m;aa;id;.;.;;;;;;;::---:.,• oriented society by noting that for every • good music program on television on a Saturday afternoon, for example, there Will be three football gimes. I'm not &aylng there shouldn't be more music - that's just the way it is In our present society." Gfegance . • -. purpoae1 of a dlacuaalon on pornography. the vice chancellor replled1 "Thia raises another question. Do we have restricted audiences. I hope we do not. It rail!les the question of how open the univer1lty Is. If this question had been faced by society at large, we would not be in the dilemma we are In." F rom Pagel Ted Lindauer,-director of mental health services for the Los Angeles City Unil~ed School Diltrlct, who was to have betri a member of the panel discus.sing the movie., expressed h1a anger. OIAHICOAIT • DAILY PILOT t ,. MIKE 'S ·ORDEAL ••• He established weekly sessions that bave drawft up to 50 local adults to' the campus for cocoa, doughnuts and com· munity devotion&. He also kept hla grades ~. "He'a a real strong ldd," sa}'d Mrs. Virginia Tucker, hil llcbool counaelor. "Thia II oomethlna that bu hit a lot of kids on this campUJ very hard," ahe ad- ded, noting that Mlke remains an In· apiraUon to many. Chula malnlllnecl down tho hall from Room 116 list hil!I coodiUon as serious, although it wu critical after he was Dung from the bike while riding behind a buddy. His friend wore a helmet and wasn't hurt ao .crlilcally. The family, members o f noD- denominational Mariners' Church, now maintains a mixed measure of faith and realistic acceptance. They are shopping among long-term convalescent facilities , such u Downey's Rancho Loi Amigos Hospllll, which 1peclalii.e1 in major rehabilitation cases. 11He wants to be a doctor,'' Mike's mother 11ltl Wedne><lay. "I keep sayJna: 1He.y, wake up! You're mlutng out oa a lot of valllable In- formation.' " "Even thoalh be'1 UllCOlllcloas, they llY tbe 11tbcolllclotll II alw1ya working llld I ""' help but lee I be knows oomethtzti of whit'• IOinC on," Lee Mer- riman continufs. "We ca1 alway1 hope: for a miracle," sa)'I one nune. ••we can always hope .•• we alwa)'I do." "There muJt be a pur-poeJt--a reason -behind U," ,.ya Mrs. Merriman, •troaainC !•Ith olOne keeps her 1trooa. 'l11t trqlc 11pect of the Miko Moldenhauer atory come lo ll«hl •tier his picture u • c1tlec1t. to tbe Dlllu rally -lent a month bolora tho 1ccldent - .... printed. A family triad ctlled to 11y ho ml1ht • ' i ~:~~~·~~ < < STI LL IN A COMA Miko Moldonh1uor not be going and why. Mrs .. Merrlman said the family wasn't offended aoo In fact 1ppreclated ill publication. · "So many people are praying for him all over the country -we've had calls from Monllna and New Jeraey -!hot maybe lt'a a good Indication." And then lhe. woman •ho spend.I her days beside the bed In Room 111 remembered aomethtnc el8e lhe ..,,.. ..,.ldered pertinent to thl M I k e Moldenhauer sto11. · "Two people bore In the holplial havo become Chrlltllns beclllle of him." ,.. .J ' I THI Fl.DUSH IOMU CAllNIT SHOWN HOI COMU FIOM OUl DIWIA'nc ITCITIU COLUC: TION IY DlDIL ••• A SllMfN5 LY IND USS SIUCnON OI' DUl•N WOODS AND P!NISHU. You' All SUH TO MT THI l'llLIN5 THAT IACH rtlCI WAS CUSTOM ,IUfLT l'OI YOU ALONL . DEALERS FOR:· HENREDON -DREXEl - HER ITAGE -KARASTAN 6'.- INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coost Hwy. ~51 TOflflA NCI 2S'49 HIWll!orne II~. l!llWPORT llACH 1727 Wlltcllff Or., 642-2050 OPDI N IDAY 'TIL f Ulll J71·111' 0,.. ...... ·~1 t ,...,._..., ,...,._. ._.,.,,. A11•A:11 AID-HllD -Toi .... "'"' o4 o._ -=-m.1~ • ' .. ' I .. . ... .. · ,• • . . . .. • •• • .. -: • ·' -; ·' ' ' •• ·~ ..... .• • .. rl Ii w co m hi m it a la co co ca w or re el llll re to (in • • -. - - • • DAD .'Y PILOT EDITOIUAL P A GE ·Meet~ng P i'.~k N~e~s-. ~ . ~ . City ll.ulaier Robert L. Wynn )(~ will preaent councilmen wlfh a '8 million Pld.ap of parb and pueos Iba! be thlab Newporl Beach should buy from the ~ of the U!e of bonds. · '8 mUJk>n, should the filures be approved by lbe council -and the voters -includes funds for development ol thole parks. • -ThiJ aeemt loglnl since II apj!ears ii will W impo,. alble for the city to come up with the money for develop- ment from other sources. . P'unda for parks normally eome from the buildin11 excise tax, an account that also pays fo r ' fire stations and librari~. A recent projection of income and out- flow from that fund over the nest 20 years forecasts a ,2.3 million deficit. . Since fire stations always seent to take precedence, II would be wise to have the ~ark deveJopment costs paid for from the bonds. ' There Is no need to make the issue more attractive to the voter by biding the development cilit figure from. him. · Since the· package presented by Wynn.only includes park needs already In the pro~ ~eneral plan, it. would also seem sensible 'for the council fo schedule a separate bond issue, on the same ballot. to 'establish say . a $3 million reserve' fund for par)µ; .not on the existing.J li~t. Only a Billio~ D~llars ; Leave it to an engineer to get•to the-nitty-gritty of a matter. . ... , As some environmental activists were soaring higher and higher with the rhetor"ic about pollution in Newport Bay, Ne'\'JlOrl Beach Public W<irks Director Joe Devlin has. Jtrougbt them -and all of us -back down to earth. . ~ The .latest urging of some ecology spe~kers is that the city rebuild the storm drain system to keep street run-offs from reacliing the,bty, . ' ~~"l •IOd!ld lllle a•bllf·bld lllel.: Z-.llloUt sludiel>to deter'mlne bew 1111 .a ~-tlllM ~ are U.e not been CQl!lleled; ll seeml tW'dnma m111t be a 'coniiderable contflbutor'to·lhe pf oblem of. boy pol· Julio~. , SO why not plan to re-route the drainap waters? Devlill came up With a billion-dollar stumbllns blodl:. ''The cost of such a project would approach 10 flgU're.s, 11 be calctilated, adding 11it would probably be cheaper to move the harbor.". · People deeply concerned with our enYinlnment can only be commended for their concern. There P"'b- ably isn't anybody in Newport Beach that doesn"t want to see a clean harbor. , Bu~ until projects now under way to ~vide some lnforma\jon on what should and can be dOlle are <»m- pleted. we'll 'do better not ·to muddy up the. waters with extravageht claims ..;.:: llid solutions. . ' "Upgrading Ga s Statio~ NeWJ>Ort, Beacb cound)men Mopday night are ' .ICbeduled to -adopt in· orifitiance that· places a~d!Uona! contrl!ls on the operation o~ gu stations. The prol>OIOd otdinanoe has met resistance from sta.tidft operaiors' 8.11#· from at lleast one councifmah whp feels the ,proposed controls would be unconstitutional. 1t .is a fact of ntodern .urban life that individuals. and businesses are subject to the "standards of.the com· munity1' subject to sorrie controls. And always the sins of a few bring rontrols for the many. · It also is I fact of life that service stations have long been a concern that has bugged citizens· ind their governments iri a great many communities for years. Again -the sins of the few making prob!•'!" for all. The city has studied, revised and restudied the problem about long enough. Reasonable upgrading of the service station requirements is in order and"i hould be given a trial. Consideration should be given to bard· abip cases. '• N Our Freedom ·' Airport Leas~ Again (fp for Pulk Dlscusrion ' I To Mo ve, Rise Has. Shrunk • Most p e o pl e who prate about- ufreedom" conveniently neglect one of the essential pncondltions of freedom - and that II -of cho!Ce. U ooe'• freedom ol choice II ,.. low, or 1everely Um- lted, the "freedom" II oflen II virtually ~Ff.nee, m- a lanwiisly Ironic re-mark, once parodied Ibis -o f false freedom when be ob- aerved "Both · the . ' rich and the poor ln Par111 are free to aleep under the brid&ea al nighl" lb< greal...,. of the U.S., in lbe put, was ita genuine freedom of choice, as contrasted with most European countries, · where young people were 11trait-jacketed by family rank, social class, and lack of educallonal opportunities. The rise of a LIDC1lln to President would have ~n in- conceivable in the rigid hierarchies of the Old World. Btrr WE OUllSELVES have become Increasingly structund and hierarchical. W~n I w.u a you~. a college education meant far less than it does today; even a high school diploma did not carry as much weight in terms of employment as it does now. Our freedom to move and rise has zhrunk as our social system has become· larger, more lmpersonaJ, mechani?.edl. corporalive, and concerned with credit&, courses, diploma" ~grees and l!i!!OIJ. '. cards. , THOSE AT THE bottom today - whether they be blacks, PUerto Ricans, or Appalachl,an whites -may have tbl Dear ·Gloomy Gus 'Save What's Left of Our WaiUng more than three minutes for the Newport BeacJr..~ity hall switchboard to answer ta hintia~ Ing, inluriathlg a.id downright ' ' lou!y public retaUona. It happeoed to, me twice' last week. ' To the Editor : Orang~ ~ty A,irport is again up for Pl\l>l)c dlscilp~, with the end ·of Air , West's ~-Uct..if time and.experience ' · ~ can teach us anything, we must 1ear8. now frbm those who bavi suffered 'Ill mact. before,t11. · Lttters from reader• are welcottu. Mai\y_ye.:i ago the late Gunther Le. , NormaUt1 ~teri s~ con"eJI ~r , -N. C.'E• Ing, vice pr~ and al~y for Wait ~uagu·m 300 ·IDOnll or ku. Th< ,.. ,.,,.. . ....., -, --• ~forcloae to40yeara, -laughed 'i·nvnt:to.'c0ndem1 .. IC1Urs to liJ l!>CIU· __ ,.,, ._. ., .. wwwa a • ..., off the Door of a West' U::>s ,Angeles or.,elttnlflGN. libel _u reserved. ~U· Ut-t ..._. •,...,. • ..._,. ..,...., ""'· Chamber·· of Cornmirqet,m~g. He ~' ~¥~1iQnature and~ l ,. • ' realized tang be!<xe tbollnol jmbr1111io 1119 ~'hlif""""r mav be ..,.u.. ' • " ' •'). ..... L. 'A. Airport thal ·llie'fliilt lo fight ll<ld ""~~lj\ilat ~· 1Uffj¢ent .. '!'!"'.· · · for llOme aod land was u,.;. DOI these b •7>JJdnnt 'Pwliv 1Dlll Mt i....p.b- • aaD!O -i?.I, -we hod ID lho-l!fllJ' ,_.. 1itir Wbea ob~IOI lilli&d.. · '' .Pill', .... but~f.;ho'pr~ -.!:,.... ~at e1-..· 1111a111L Lea-. Ql' _,.,,,-c ice·-"'actli> '-• dlerecf )lls ma~ificent '-at brain ly reitrided · our rising eclucaUooal """"'-' . ~· . -• · • some ""1slraints on new Ion llaDdanls and•b)i the demands of our MW 111...,..t, ..._..jon, m order lo secure dutgn , before it J1 , cut tn· ~ete, technology .• ,; • . . =-~~.~e 19' them a ~yalf~our~.All We leod tJ· t¥.nJt ol "lroedom'' and 7 f'"l ' '. ~ ,' we:cao ljlggesl lot the \r .... now 11 "aecurity" as being wpJaallet, when in THI OLD SAYING. "Unil.rt we stand a lot of tree! and vines. , llUth they are il!'I different ~ ol, the divided we f~" 11 ji.. a1c1y ~ Et 11egun'. KERMIT DORIUS AJA' same pole. ~eople who lack secunty, in a do, Wettchester, Playa · del R ey, certain baS1c "'Ille, have no real freedom Inglewood ind Walls (ahd it <oold hap- -'for the !reedbm ol choice II denJ;d pen here to Costa Mesa, Laguna, El Toro, Wl'aO•e oee ... FNtttt ' . them. They must-take what 1S offered, or NeWP.Qrt Beach, Santa Ana and Tustin ) . starve. ~..:... toO many interests, all too Jate-to,tbe N~. the ~it.or: .. . airports go~ on their own destructive Council Prob1b1tl .Blte. ..,.Traft 4 Near IN EVROP£;,!where all the land was ways, with JitUe regard for legality, or ocean Front" -DAU..Y PILOT, Feb. 29; alr.eady owned, ;the pea.sanhl and the pect f hum Iii ••-• d E if I t ~•--tetartat had ~no choice, anc1· therefofe tts or ID e, ..,..u.y, an prop-' ven were no a Ul&C enthusiast, t"V erty values. lhi-5 would certainly stun me. Wbot:e · ~peasa~try~·_: !:, :rs t':!°:i!.,: And through a fonn of concentration ocean front is it,? Hasn't ~vely Newpcrt camp living, citizen! can use an im· 1but off enough of its water ti'ontage been free men ·-because people eould aglnary piH ln order to get out -to go already? It's lime our councllm111 pve · always move onward.and claim new Janel. to work -or temporarily out of the area, 1eriou1 'thought to a revenal of this Thi~ is 00 Ioneer polaible, and even our tp save what• ia left of their hearing and policy, before someone else from state ot' small farmera cannot make 8 living to-Sapity. But they must return. because it . federal comes ln and does it for them. da~ .course,;-'a l re"'.. talen~ f.nd ,g. ls ~mpoalb~ £0 sell their lovely homes. Yes, West Newport frontage people gr.essive .. ~ns. ... irtll---alwa~ move ,-Thil ~ eqwtable? JOHN SWINB. ~ANK ~d a lot for their property, but should . uPward, in aDy 90e£et'Y:'but' we sliciuld''rlot 4-0 or 60 people shut off ·IO much beauty make it 80 hard, for the ordinary person for all of us? to achieve mobility. Those at the bottom "'iit of l<L-r-•ter As your editori.at of March 3 put It: ' ha ., ...,,5W -'-' "Who owns the cotton-pickin' aand•." can barely hang on tO ttie lltUe they ve, whife~ir knuctles are being rappOd by , ~To . Uie Elfitor"'. ' \ -s: J.,Glb\aSQ, those 'alighUy above them -both aetlng The Versailles Apartments: adjacent lo • , S.W. GRASSO M 11t u A bout the '1'' '(9 the Editor: In your editoria1, "YMCA in Need of Help" (March 3), you refuted the myth that'..the Orange Coast "Y" ts "shored up by rich backers." An even more preposterous myth is the executive dlrec· tOr's .-unption that the "rich'' image is coqamOn belief in our community. HaY"-.• parliclpated In the .excellent adul! ~ program al the local YMCA for dl~ee feaJ;'l1 J have bad oceaslOl'I fo, •1yt1 mliterl'Wkh countleu !Ji. di..~memben and noo-memben), ..... ..__ ..... OUlol ,~y:: ....... ~.,.,.. 'ntl .,;;- dltled ~"rt wealth" has never been men· u~ IJr aiisumed'by any ol these people. MORB J TRAN A m)111, it's. an. excuse pel1lllraled by Ezecull"1 D l r a c t o r MtahJJI to disguite aome of the real reaaona bahlnd the financial .dilflcutUes ft the Orange CoilC YMCA. In fact, ex- ecdltft . &Ollons and declllons, pu1ing undef the Jguiae' ol "economy measures" ~ve, ol late, antag~ and allenated many "Y'J members. . • F.U... tor •pport I IWirft, ten\_, for ex- ample, rualted ,Iii .the ~ of an ' eatimltcMI' • ramm. from tt-.riinks of the ''Y" faithful. lnltexlble atutudel reganfJog., the use ol 'poota and handball courts '!ere intolerable to many ~tbers. Lut moath, witb no attempt to IOURd out the members, the 1 steam room in • tht b!alth club was done aw4y with and a saoma aubatlluted. This injudicious action is already resulting In some executive club members' failure to renew their t ieo y.,;rty membershtP, THERE PROBABLY iln't a "Y" ln Orange County thai dOes not feel sOme ~ of financial pres.sure. Tl)ese are, alter all, trying times. But the fll,000 }~~ w~~ to~:!1:~;f~!~·1is e~ · ~:~1!:sr.~~;ee or~~~t=~~e~~h ~ -- . ~Yide securi~. on the skyline. 'Mozt people are ex· s • · c heard are--negatife. lt.Jl..:UQUSu~l for a , , ' . A Ms. cu ·Goo<l,'.as a.Mile . . . .. pressing, their Ojliniono:.All •U.,.t we have • ecrecy in ongress building project lo elicit · .0: much lay I architectural aiUcllm, and I\'< II lo be IO " uninimous in disapproval. "!-' ' It II lruly llllforlunale thal ~ out.of· lown developer chose aucb l)Qge tradi- tional building forms that are ao out of character with the community. Mr. Sc~tz has a fine reputation .lor quality and integrity in areu where he has previously bunt. Too bad thll .also didn 't extend lo a desi&J1 thal II bldlgeoous to our city and thlt does morrjustict to BUCh,a beautiful building site. Mlanea,.U. Trtllae · tranaacted. ni. number of congre~klllal com-Moatcoogressmeo like lhlllll ~t way. WoD-Joarul When the Democratic Party adopted rekrm meaturea for UliJ f,rtsldential election year , tt did IO In hopes ot "': couraglng broader participation' amona blacks, browns, and female&. who htstorioatly had ~ under-represo:nted . '!lthln both major parties. This wu lbe year, aald advocates of reform, for prac- ticing d<rnocrac:y at the crw rootl, rather than merely talking about It. But even the noblest aims IQllielimes ban a way ot raising eapectaUons, fatt- ing obort of their &oal, )hen leaving fruatratloo and bitterness In their wake. SO II II thal the Natlonal Women'• Pollllcal caucus plans to challenge the Arlaona Democrallc deleplloi> to. the pany's natloDaJ COllYOOtlon al Mlaml Beech',. • AL11IOUGB TBE pn>partlon o f Arllona Jemale delegat.. 11 nea~j ifouble that 011• (SI percent vs. 17 percent). It 1tlll falls below Ille new Derpoqallc re- qulremenll that "°men be gJ v e n repreoentatlon lo re-ioble proportion to their representation ,In tile population (In Arllooa, II.I percent), c.ucu. omctat1, ._..uy bell•vlaC that a Ma. 11 u pod' a a mile, deem thal • percent unaccoplable. Heoce the ,..,....r cballeop. ' "lbe challenp by the women's CIUCUI, ..... Pounded .. It II ol fllrl pabllclty bllll aiiil part 1-.i -thal womeo bl cul In on the aclloo, lhould oot be blown !JI! cl Jll'lllOltioll. But oefllllr lllDald 11111 ' . .. blithely· "'""'1f. For whlt .... we ilre not cneerned 'irllll1 the 1lrlctty intem81 · polltlca) ~allons. there are a!lo the brooder pbDOaophlcat questions of ap- porllonlnr polllfeat repr-.tatton mid ..r dlflmlog. potWc,aI responsibility In a den;'OO'IC)'· ' IN ONE SENSE, trying to arrive at an acceJ)table racial, etbDlc, and IUUll formula -for cboollng delegalb lo na- tiopal poUttcat conventlona, for hiring government employes, etc. -~represents 1oclal progrea, · at tedl to -who othenriae wootcl have been denied repmealaUon. And perhapo It 11 the bell ootut!on that Political portlel, and governments, can de~. Nevertheless, even ' • p o 1 l t I v e dtaqjmlilalloo," u II la -' eupbemlstlcally called, 11 merely a dtqullld qoota l)'llem. And eveo - they are emptoytd on the side of w!lat II widely regarded· a .....,... 11114 reform, quotas are a poor subMltute --fOr genuine juatl« and -1117 -IMC II, for treatlog -1• M lndlvtduoia rather than 11 mere 1tatl1Ucal abltractlonll. . ASSUMING that only · women can represent the lllterelll ol women, thal 01111 black• ... npreaeol U. lnlerelll of btacU, lie., OO)juns ap -of a apoill IJlleq • a -.ride 1eate. 'llhat Ja -tbt lmpllmtlm thal man 11 .... ble ct tr........UOC 1111 own ..,. row 18!1·-t la a --· in-deed • ~ cfdlul•bed, VU. of meakipd, ' IN VISITING the models, "e were ap- palled to find thal the p.-it buildings are only ' the be« inning and that many more 'ire plaMed. In our opinion, that whlch"ls atr<Jdy built ta enough of a disaster. To build more of the same woold be a crime. We can only hope thal IOllle!hing forces a ~e ol plana before additional construcllon ls 111>- dertal:en. MaJbe Newport Beach needs an -at review committee lo pta<e .-~.-. ••·Geo1"9e~~~ Dear George: I've written you three times to get JOU to tell yoar pabllc that . gOod, homemadt eblcMI IOUP ts lho best hod-<Old home nmedy Itnown. Why halren't ' JOU printed my telun? MRS. G. H. Dear Mn, G. H.: ' --1111 ,......,her .. Id It didn't wort. lbat'1 wbf. Ha rublled It on hll Chell -1llihta runoJnc aod be 1lltt has his cold. -I mittee meetings ·held· belrtnd doled doqtli ~ committee. members, for Instance, last -ar dldil 't dill r idi '--~ 1.,_ . eon~ that tegllllllon 1hould be written . i" e ..JD llOlll .,. • tn --prniate' because open meetings en-lallles in prevloUJ years. A '!udJ by courage Concreamen lo take up time Coogreaalonat Quarterly found U1a1 ~-playlila 'lo the aallerlel. ou.m argue percent of the committee ,...too• In the that action b hindered by the need for House and Senate during .1171 were'Clooed oboervin& formal procedures in 1 pubttc to the pubttc, down froni lbe tl ~rcenl aetting recorded In 1970, but the same at,tbe ta · score. Sloce CQ began keejiing track of B\IT SOME committees do hold their open and closed committee meetlnl:s ln' bualheas meetings in public, and It 11153, l'I percent of the sessions bave been doem't reem to get In the way of the closed ~ another lndicattoo that things bwliness. F..-eumple, the chief clerk ol dido~ change muc~ last year, the House Education and Labor Com- mittee, which ctoeed only_ I ot Ill 113 TBE ONLY TIDNG different about meetlng1 lul year, told CQ that m..ttog 1971 was that ii came alter Congross lo pabllc doem 't 11ow dawn tbt group's poaed Ill first reform act In 24 yean, proceedings i t all. He called the ope!» the Le&llllllve Reor1aollallon Act of '°'"Ung requirement .. ,....,. ..,.i rule." 1970. Included In that act _,. provl1lon1 II milht allO be noted that niany state for lrinllol commllteo operatlollll llnder Jaal1t1turea hold-°'-~ commlltee clooer pabl!c ocrullny. It 1tlpalalel, for -uoi1 In public and don~ seem to be lnJ\anoe, that all Senate committee bothered by It. meetingJ are to be open -except those In which tbe ffnal draft of a bill II belOI w11t~. or thole that are voting aessioN, or thote 1 majority oC members vote \o cloee. "-blalin<lt meetlnp, too are to be O}llll -e.ce111 when a ma/oilty votes oaainll thal Idea. THE LAW'S EXCEPTIONS, obvloualy, have been enough to delut· tlrpurpooe, and the mo re11nn .......... ~ had vtr111atty no impocl Ille 11111 JW lbef were In effect. Ninety-1even percent ot the conunltlee meellnp designated as bu•lnea aeulon& Jut year -U-at which actkll. llllCh aa volJnc ..-bill-draf· Ung. waa taken -...,.. baJTed to lho publlc wbooa bu11De11 was be In 1 I 'l'llE ONLY juatH!lble occasions for closing a committee meeting are those currently spelled oul ror senate hearings -wben It's been determined that testjmony may relate to natkmaJ securi· tx. tend lo reflect adven ety on an tn- dlvldual11 character or reputation or reveal mattero deelanat.;d confidential 1nder other provisions of llw or govern- matll reauJatlons. 'l1lote criteria are broad_.. to be abused, admittedly, · bu\' they'd n1ult 1n fewer closed sessions than are poaalble under the present law's 'opelHllded prtti1!0no. The public'• right to a--Ill bualneas II being con-duded moal override the convenience ....,...-find lo wotkln& In prlvote. r S~nity'· ' . deficit reported . by the O.C. "Y" might welt have b<len avoided had the !Upport of so many membera not been wlthdnn because of a 'lick of tact and COD- sideration on· the executive level. The skill and dedlcatloo of the "Y" staff Is indisputable, and It lo Indeed true that the YMCA needs member aupport. But so, too, do Ill members need !be 1111>' port o1 tbe "Y" Let'1 llop "= blame, and pul ~ where It real)y • llRS. DORIS O ,s~,~~~'8.- Tou. .. ..._, ~.., .-..·-....... da~t~!'::.~ the ~ t:".=, ~ sqµlrre ts on lho Irvine pftiperi,y. For many yean we mve ..,U.. N muc.b enjoyment ,'from w1&cbfilt : them cavort on the -1!ed end_..r lawn. · To us, the life of an animaJ ii more Im- portant tbim a, po~ of grap tllal can eully be repiaced. Let's all help save the lWTY creaiuru. M. MOOl\I M._, t lle Bplrre~ To the Ectltor: I do not waot you Ip kill the Utile aqlllr- reta. Why don't you capture llMm and move tlien\ to • d!fferant area "' !be1 don't get hurt. Thank yoo. ' " GLEN .llOOR& Ap I -To the Ed itor: . Recenlly (March t), I wrote a letter of condemnaUoo to one .of your competitors (Santa Ani Jlqia~) and now f-.t I 1hould w1Ite a letter of commendation to you. ' _ All far u l cao ucerlain, your paper prinll the -while tt ta 1llll -(not three or four diJs later) ; in ildditlon', you 1ive us unbiased news covera1e. Thanke for canylna oil the true Amerlcail traditIGil ot lolormlni' the peo. pie. ., MRS. DENNJS.LOWllY ' .. 'Quotes ' Geerae Benml Rlaaw -11A peu1mlst Is a man Who thlnkl everybody· 11 n11ty as himseU , and hltn them for It." • Mn. Normu ft c..._ r~ model, etOoe m...,..., u1llt -"A W'\!"an lhould not be• limited; lho bas a dl'.lve to e•preH herHl.f but lhl m11 nol know she baa talent unleu allo ... ts II out and cutUvatea I~" OUJfeS COAIT DAILY PILOT Rokrt N.'Wnd, l'llblllAw TAoma JC.fnil, ~di"1r AlbfnW.Bok1 Editorial l'oga Editor The edltonal pogf of the Dllll' Piiot seeks to infbf:m l nd stlmu• late mt.MI'S' 'r frt9CnUnc thts ' ncws(Vllpef''• opln5"1 •NI com--11\C'ntar)' on. t.ia: ol lnterert and 'l1tnlflcan.ct, ,bf' prov..Unc • forum f()I' the exprt•lon or 'our ~ opinions, a.nd by f!C'ntntlnc t"- dlvcrse vlewoo'nts ot lnCblmtd ob- •crven •nd spokmne• " topkl o( the day. Friday, March 10, 1912 • •• l • ' • I • • • •• r~dl1. Mltdt 10, I 9n DAILY PILOT l( ·Santa Rosa : ' ,. . .. ' . Prisoners ....... ' f StageRoit ' SA!rrA R06A, C1IU. itJ'.l -The IOI pr1-1 oo the Sonoma ' Counly Jail'•. 1ecood Door broke out OC their dayrooms and iamp&aed hi lhe con-idora for to minu~s. miashinc windows, settinc small Urea and dlma1Ina: cell doors, authorities said. After the disturbance l''Ss quelled Thursday evening. the Inmates w'Ue taken to San Quentin prison. Sherltr Don Striepeke estimated dam a1e at about f75,000. One ,..ilooer wu treated at the three-- story jall'a dllpenwy !or bead culs, SlrleplU llld, but !hero.wen no ..n ... lnjurla. Tbe • .... . and a ...... quarfend .. the llrlt and lhlrd fl/JOra did not llU, port Ill the disruption. ht 111d" but tbe wanen were taken to the lherlll'• omco !or tbelr ~·· . Slieffll'ISil. Frliik-Be1:1 at the jail aave .. thll account: ''Tba disturbance btian durln& the din- ner period ln a day-room w~ felony ln- matea who had been complaining about the food began throwing their traya on the noor and aettlng fire to papers and clothin1. · Tbe men managed to bre~k a "shat- terproof" glass window and escaped into the ruain cell·block area. Prisoners in another dayroom on the aecond flla;or apparently used a steel •hell u •}>•tl<~\DC ra111 lo br.U throogh the»t_lnd Jqined tht other Inmates on the .central corridor. New Heart 'l'est S\anford.lledical Center Thursday conducled an experiment in which actual heart salient Clinton Fayne, 42, transmitted, his eleclorcardlo· gram to Afan · a in the Philif pines and then-to a satellite in space back to Stanford -a distance o 51 ,000 miles. Neighbor Youth Held In Fire Bornb l(illings . . Davis .Case Jury . --__._ ___.___ -- Batt le Rages On SAN JOSE, Calli. (UPI) - A tentative . jury .was seated Thursday at the Angela Davis trial, but the prosecutor removed two women with peremptory challenges. "We 're halfway there,'' Albert W. Harris Jr., assistant state attorney general, said as t"·o ne\v panelists joined 10 persons in the jury bo1 who earlier had passed questioning for "cause." One v.•oman seated during the 1norning said she never heard the phrase "black is beautiful.'' Judge Richarf E. Amason recessed the murder, kidnap and conspiracy trial until Monday, when lhe defense wlll have lls first opportunity to diamias jurors without a reason. There were nine women and· three men in the jury box when Harris used two or his 20 peremptory chal lenge s. Defense attorneys also have 20. . The t "·o hew panelists drawn were both men, bringing the count to seven · v.·omen and five men. Philip J. Russell , a computer company employe, and Nicholas Gaetani, a former student. now must undergo questioning for "cause" -biases or other Indigents May Run Without Fee · SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Indigents can run for congress in California without paying the $425 filing fee. a three. judge federal panel ruled Thursday. The court ruled after hear- ing the case of Raymond C. Chote, 46, an Annapol is graduate who calls himself a "beggar." ' Henderson was arrested only JO hours ~easons that could. prevent .~ . . . Juror from reaching a fair aft.er the burial of the children, following verdict. . . -- THE REAL ROLEX There are a lot of look alikes of Rolex. Others have allempted to copy lhe Rolex presiur&- proof Oyster case, the self-winding mechanism, the date future. the day and date in dicator, all innpvatlona of Rolex. But the Rolex skill, craftsmanship and dedication could never be.duplicated. The pride of knowing you weor the real thing is the pride of wearing a Rolex. Above. the Rolex GMT·Master, a 31).jewel self-winding chronometer with date that changes automatically at midnight. Special 24-hour hand tells time simullaneoualy in two separate tiine zones. Guaranteed pressur&-proof by its Oyster case to a deplh of 165 feet•. With malching bracelet$ 27 5. f' "Whtn case, crOwn ind eryst1l 1re inl1ct. t:ll•rt• Acc-IJ l11vilM. Amttcl.911 C•itnu h'*-\-'Clnl .... *"" Clllf'I' "'· SLAVIC:K'S Jewelers Since 1917 JlOJ.EZ _ 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH-6>44. J 380 Open Mon. •nd Fri. 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. Guards alerted by the noise aecurtd the _. ludlng from the aeoond floor lo the main ltalrwell to prevent the disturbance from 1preading, while C 1 11 f o r n I a Highway patrolmtn and Santa Ros• police burrled to tbe ...... TbO lnmata controlled the second floor for nearJy to mlnutea, nnaahlng nearly all the wlrfdows, burning clothing, rnat- trtuU and blankets, damaetng several cell doort and two tele:villon monitors. RIVERSIDE (UPI ) -An 18·year-old neiahbor hu been ~ed on IU!picion of hurling the fire bomb that burned three children to death as they slept Sun- . day. Police Thursday identified the suspect as Kenneth Dwane Henderson, who lives about half a block £tom the home where a gasoline-filled soft-drink bottle crashed through a bedroom window, setting lhe services attended by hundreds of The men replaced Mrs. residents in the mainly b I a c k Peter Ruth, a young housewife neighborhood where they lived. Angered who told the court she "never citi7..ens had orrer more than fl ,000 in ~rd of Angela Davis," and rewards for information leading to the Ahce F. Evarts, a woman in conviction of the fire bomber. her 20s. ,, I - Chote, a Democrat who said he wanted to run for C.Ongreu from the state's 17lh district but was too broke, typed up hia own petiUoM on a portable typewriter while sitting in·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ park. He al.so argued hia own case In court. room ablaze. lnvestigatora believed there was a reud between Henderson and Mrs. Ruby Jamison. 62, grandmother or the three victims, according to Capt. Irv Cross. Solons Repeal Voice Vote Use Two Children Slain; 'Police Hold Father Mrs. Jamison was taking care of the SACRAMENTO (AP) _On a 66-0 vote, .• • v~RSFIELD (AP) _ -e bodleJ of three children in the absence of their ~ "' Is d I · th !he state A"embly has repealed its cen-two tmall ch.1Jdren have betn found with paren , an was as eep 1n ano er room . t.belt tbroeta ilubed, and thelr father has when the home was fire-bombed . She was tury-old practice of holdink unrecorded been jailed oa InvestJ&ation of murder. not hurt. voice votes In committees. Kern County sherifrs deputies say. The dead children were Cynthia War-The new rules voted on Thursday take 'nle bodies or Daniel Fusselman Jr., 5. ren , t, her brother Lawrence, 8, and, · I I M I Th · lhe effec, t In a week, apd Ke st.iffer than new and Duielle Fusselman .• 3, were found It s s er ar ene, 7, e1r mo r was. -\ their holme Tburlday "1,ttq,.thelr f,ather,1 visiting their father , 'Mleodis Warren. at legislative roll call methods proposed las\ Dan~::etlman. 49,.J~ killin&. a equnly .rii~d c~ ii) BaMlJJc.:l!'here h~ month .in the Sallate • • tbl • dl'Oeln taii. . • ,,.. ••Dti a ... DCI lor ~ traud, .. J i9ut~ lf\eacft(ho\ise Winds'11-P:"Wltl1 -~ li)l b ~ ,...._•ten w.bea. 'tbe attack occurred._ ' differ.ent ruh!S , tfie old practice of with an lron skillet before their throat! Warnn was released early, the balance were cut: Several knives were found at of his sentence suspended, after the unrecor4ed commltiee votes is on its way. the iCepe. [rm•••diiea;;;th;;s;;. -------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ou;;;tiiA;;siiseiimiibiilymiiiianiiJiio;;hniiB;;uiirt;;oniinoiiiOtedii .... Brando Wife ·Arrested-I For Conduct CALEXICO (UPI) - Aclrw Anna Ka1hfi, former wife of Marlon Brando, h-. been jailed in this town on the Mexican border for disorderly conduct, apparently the latest chapter in a k>ng and bitter tu1-of·war between Brando and ~1lss Kashrl over custodyl of their 13-year-old son. ·I From Paris, Brando scoUed Thursday at report! that the boy, Christian Devi. had been kidnaped. "There is nothing at a.11 to be alarmed about," Bra.ndo said in a statement, declaring the boy wu on a1 acuba diving vacation \vith1 frlen~s In Mixlco. 1 Brand9, 41, arid Miu Kuh!Jl ~' \.ho Were dlvorcff. m 1961,1[ &ban CUllody ol lhe boy and ha•ebeon quareW111 oV.r him[ !or yean. Brando has !lied 1ult 'ag1lnst ber lln ln"attempll ~~·'\:~:~'.1," 1o ~h.1~! Thl!l'l'fiy,. ""' resclledultd !or toc1ot:1 ·' •· , I I Lahol' Files 'Pm:ged,' ' . Aideflaims SAC~ (AP ) - Records lbll woold llfvo j J ahown bow IDUJ ti m • • Calilomla'a l•bor law enforcer WU dlad fOr Tiolatlng tbe < labOr code have -routinely "pudpcl" -ol hla s t a II aitmbtra. .. ys. William C. Hem, dlrtclor of' the stale Deparlmfnl o f t-..i Relatloal; 1111 he's .,.. cltld "•t leut 11 tlmu" !or labor code v1olallona. ' ' JCPenney I SPR,ING PLANT PARADE YOUR CHOICE c PLANTS • . Marigolds -assorted varieties • Fuchsias-assorted yari•ties • Tomatoes-assorted varieties IN 4 INCH CONTAl~IRS • Ageratum-Blue Only .. • Vinca -assorted varieties IN PONY PACKS TAM JUNIPERS Low Growing GAL. aa~ 7" HANGING BASKETS CHOICE OF COLEUS OR ASPARAGUS cFERN 2.22 VISIT OUR SCOTTS RIP. ON SAT. AND SUN. IRING YOUR I.AWN PROILiMS ' But lltatt L •~or Com· ml,.._ Gtors• MW.. 111c! ....-, flleo from l he tllvtalon ol Labor L • w E:lrforc:elMnt where Hem's· JCPenney .The values are-her-e every-dav-. -.. --kl havt -24 FASHION ISLAND STORE HOURS; .-hive -destroyed -NEWPORT IEACH STORE ONLY Sot., to •.in •. te 6 '·"'· a routine ""P tal<lft •vtt)' -Sundoy, 12 to 5. Wallichs Music City FULLY . RE·CDNDITIONED -FULLY GUARANTEED USEJJ. ORGANS .. _1 HAMMOND DELUXE SPINET ORGAN OA~ WAS $2,155.IO NOW ONLY 51495°0 HAMMOND CONSOLE AND SPEAKER Cl WALNUT, SOLD NEW 'Oil $3,700.00 NOW ,595°0 HAMMOND PORTA·I· PORTAILE ORGAN WAI 11 .. 11.11 NOW ONLY 51595°0 NEW MODEL WURLITZER WITH AUTO CHORD SYSTEM GltEAT ,UN FOi llGINNIJt ,AND ADVANCID ORGAN 'LAYl•I ,9500 . REDUCTION SALE! s1995 Hammond Deluxe Spinet Organ W1 .. t1t, wm S2,2Jl.H ... w , , , •• , •••••••••••••••••••••• SCJ95 H~mmond Spinet Organ ...... ..,, wm Sl.ltl.tl, .......... ,, ••..•.•...•••• , . ,, ,, , Hammond Spinet Ol'C)an Wkll Hte. ,..,._ W. Sl ,7Jt.OO, •w . ,, .. ,, ,, .. ,, .. ,, ... s1495 s3795 -Hammond Console H325 Wltll ••t•. rltytttM, •• S4,241.H , uw •...•.•.. , •• , , , • , . , , $1695 Wurlitzer Deluxe Spinet Cltllce •f ttw., ... SJ,161.H , HW ••....••••.••.... , • ,, , .• s1995 Wurlitzer Console Organ W•l111t, w• SJ,JJl.11, Mw ••••••• , , ., , , •• ,, •• , • , , , , • , , , , Wurlitzer . Console Organ 45001, wu SJ,111.H, MW , •• , , • , , • , •. , • , , ••. , , , , , , • , ,• , , • , s2595 LESLIE SPEAKERS We urry • cem,lett Mfectlen at new anril UMd LttUe s,..ac.,., Cemt In aM heer •ll'f . ti ...._ 'It• all rMkl ef ert•n.. WURLITZER THEATRE SPINET WALNUT. W,AS 11.7ff, NOW ONLY ••• =~~D s19900 ONLY • TRADE·IN • . CLEARANCE SPICIAUI • TholMI Spinet . SSH • l,owrey Spinet S1249 • Kllnball Conole $1195 51·495°0 WURLITZER STEREO ORGAN a new 1UrM1111eft In hOffttl enter- t•lntMnt with the rMllam 9f the Whol• ..-cheltra. 51095°0 . Thome Slnl)le Keyboard ·SI ff • W11rlltnr Spinet .. $699 •C01111 ~net . . . . $J99 • W"!'~ Spllllt .. S799 • Hei11U1101d S,llllt $6H AU. PJANOI HAIAll1llD 10 YU. ........ frH .... .. ,.. ..... SOUTH COAIT PL•JA COSTAMllA 3400 IRllTOL IT. • :PH. 541-2130 AT YOUR DIPAlTMlllT STOlll OF MUSICH • ' , ; • ~ . . , .. .. ' . ' r-~· .._~-r~-------------------------•&.i1 .... -..-. ...... -. ......... ~ ... -----.-- ' i ' . • I b • .. b ' ' . . • Orang-' Coa-si ·EDITION , -~ • ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I • I' ' ' l ... l l ' c TEN CENTS Mesa Athletics· Not Fa vore d~· S3ys Principal ) . . . . . CQota ·M ... High Sc:hool ~illl Don for• -year-Ibey wlll r<ceive 1p-A~er toda~ ~Uy denied )bat proximately •.111111 In equipment replace. he bas favo~ tbt 1Choo1'1 athletk: ment, web u tmtrumentl, risen for the deportlneiit ov~ lhe fine w deportm<nt cborll -and .. forth." · to the molter of budgel llloclt!<>m-· Ad>hdgw'1 nmarll:s Cl!De In the wake '"111t ltalemOni that I deb, aupport al: 1 'Wlillleodoy.' eveaJi>& ~ ln- JllUlic ii fotally Unfounded," be.Aid. "We • vo&pnc IOlne *'vocal and mstnimenta1· have 11·~-them more llll>llOf\ Ibis yur.. ~ ~ ud. llielt poreots·to pro-l!ICll"lli'i mooey, than lii'. lhe ti.year tOif lick 'ol . fui\cfl lo ' ~1115[10rt music blitory o/ the 1cbooJ: Two years llfO we ~ to cill....np;s pOiformonCls. boQabt cbolr -\bal•°'l't,$1,IJllO Ind "At -lbe mielbi(.'11 wb'~hariod Iha~ -unllorma .l!"l "'81 over 17,000 and 17,0llO· bad been llloc11ed tor-tr1J11porll· lloD to atbleUc evenla Ind only 12,0llO for all the rest of the achool 's II deportments, the music groups r.cetving only l'/80 for trlDSpOrla.!lon. _ Acblllger llld be .... "truly shocked" by rotot14 •ol 1be ,1111!elJnC and: crlUcil<d the teachers lnvolyecl . for taking their complalnli· lo lhe· parents. ·"Ftnt of all," hi 11kl, "l think any proi..t meelini should hlYe Invofyed the po.-concerned,• eUber. me or the assistant principal, Tom Jacobsoo, who r --.,.. • • • Park Plea Voiced . ;, ·Estancia P~pil:s . Turn to Po'iitic~ ·lly· IUJDI NIEDZIEIS!<I ' Ol lie~: ..... '""· . . A group . ol Eatancla . High . chool lludei>ts· Is calllni an gov..,....11.aden • lo will them ln·lbelr ·bltu"'to pr ... rve the · propeoed Fairview Pork . 11 · 1 wilderness area. ' · The pt8y for· government leaders was 1hnouriced today by Michael Landino, ad- viser to the 29-member atudent Ecology committee. A booklet describing their "Wildernes.s Po,k J'M~" ~-llready_ been l<llt to AaRmbJymon,Jlob!lrl ,lf. Burke (R-Hun- ~ Bet~) ,and to· Gov. Re81an, ac-cordi1ta· ,to, ,J ,Mdloo,_ . · Olbei-1 ·act111C111led to receive the pro- p...1 incluile ollic:ials at tbe state Department ol parks and'Recrealloo, the Orange Coanty ~i.nnJng Comµi~ssion, the Bciard . of Superylaors, an4 I o C a I legislators. "We'fe trying to get more peop)e to &ee another plan, one that is un.Jque and not just aqotller-run al U>e. mUI park," Aid I'.andlno ibi>ut lhe ~en! cam~ .• Tbe ,280,acre 1i~.-d~Wed -1111\'PIUJ by . ' . ' ' . -· tbe llsl~. is C)lm!!ltiY under 1atudY , by Project 80, a special city councll·ap.. pointed ComMittee.· ·· · Landlno, however, believes that citf of· ficials are Intent on -extensive -develop. menl wllhin lbe ·proposed pork Ind ·1nterid to plact at least two major, 100-foot wide (See FAIRVIEW, Page Z) Is In cl;.,p Or the school budael ' -•n.1111 to cover .. ~ tall!oob. llold · 1'The .liU<!aO\ ,.11oca110111, for , Ille· llne 1'1111 and othet .""""'9 lteml. llol>l•ce-aria d.Plrllneftt wele ·given 'to ,Mr. Va -ol mu1lcll 1-11. be ililod, rr.... (llae.orta ohatnnan) 1! the~ -out.ol 1 .._.. IUlld. • , nq ,iir lhe ICliool year inif'he • 11 a • "AppueOf!y they llP!ol '11 the .money d~ ~I!'· bas tbe.~ii!l\OI:!~ . set .isfdol'fclr' ftOld lripo -ln-,the · !inl to 8J"lict:llle -Y u'he.~'fil ¥ -..-." 11ltl •tlle1 piinctpol. l•we 111 ]llrinllyhe'dlcfll't 'see flt to iive 'lbe,J~Di! ' •haft to llvt , WHhJn •a budiet Ind learn ,Uf ,~monty ~an they reoaiV~."1 .~ 'hbw tG allocate our money." AcllllC"wil'tha!'oulo!1.~lc!>i!il A.h.igeriM!d be ,~ ~er·not lo ~;~t;ma~li'~~ '; &~l .. \~ol~tbld~~'ot_~-~Il1~v_el ar, uc rect1v 1· iner1wi ~ ·-• euc1• m111 m-. 1ft. -.... ,.•.--1• ••.. both are very important," he said. "lt'should be pointed out however." he added, "that transportation money ls the only support from lbe school for 1tbletlcs. Olberwlae the programs 11" just about sell-aupportfng. Money for athletic uniforms and equipment comes out of Alaoci1!ed !lludent Body funda whklJ llirnoMy railed by the studenta.'•· "There bas beer\ IOl1le friction betweeft the mUJlc department 1nd myself,• the ISee-MIJllC, PalOJ ~ TW-A -Tells Bargaining On Blasts BJU .... Pn11-... TWA bu ,codlrmed that Jt necolJAled with 111 u~ ...,. 1 $1 mlllloo -. mand to reveal where bombl •ll•edlJ, had been planlod on Ila jetllnen, bul the compan'y'1 prealdent ukl n6 l'llllOlll bad been paid and be believed the lhr'"t bad 0 run if.I count." MWIWhlle I number of llrllnea ll'OUlld Eff ect8 .Seen . . ' Union Covers . Acupifnct_ure ... Almost·All Lead Ban ned ' the counley wen plal\led w I t h lllOll)'ll1PUI ·bul -rently unaibollll- lilted threats lhll their ptu. bad been boobytnppecl. ' If .. Rail Strike .. ~ T~o,,D~Y,s . -~.J,IUlDI:~•f·· Of ...-o.ar ,... ' • " ! t '. A "aurpriae" rail ,t(ite called ~ SQutbll1I Pidflc LiDol II*, DAaii!I Ii' predlded 16 haft ._ *1leell .. lrelglll' boabd ·for ·e1g111 Droop CouDI)' cities '"ithln one day.· r • : '~ Tomd luctley, ·a 1poblman for the Southern Pacific Lqs An1e1e1 office: lllid lbil morning lhal· lhe -~ woul4 affect "a tobetanUal numbertt ot rail-served in- dustries -·Jn HunUngton • Be1cb, COltl Mesa, Buena Park, Ajiabelm, Slaoton, Garden Grove and Saqta Ana. "The fi~l day Isn't going to klll anybody1 but if the strike goes on it cou1d become serious within 12 to 24 hours," Buckley said. Switchmen uneipectedly called the atrike at 1:30 a.m. today, 1ta.lllng trains throughout the west 111d snarling com- muter traffic in the San Francisco ma. A spokesman fOr the railroad said It ncelved no warning of the w•lkou~ whJ<!I, Is aupporl<d by other railroad workers who are refusing to cross picket lines. Source of the dispute, according to of.. ficials from the United Transport Union, Js the "elimination of switchmen's jobs contrary to a national agreement made Jan. %1." . Buckley said frelgbl dispatched to Orange County . before the -walkout will _ 11ti.ll be delivered. "Once a train gets out lt.s terminal, it must ~eed. over ill . normal course," be u.ld. • ID Orange County, the strike Is a - pected to a!fect Southern Pacific's Sonia Ana line which bi'inp ·~~17 IIO carloads of goods llllo OraDP' Coant, each day. Brancj\es ol the Sula Anl 1lnl run to COsla MeSI Ind Hunllngtao - The .Sonia Anl line, ~ to Buclf)ey, serves a aum'* of , larp Orange County warehouses, ~ tb:eD\ J, C. Penney. . •Cargoes with perishl!J!e fr.tllbt·wlll be iepl mo'ling with supervlaory pmonnel, iccording to the railroad. So ·far, no talki between the union and management an acheduJ ed on the dispute. IronJcally, the major strike was caUHd by tile elimination of onJy 20 1witcltmen'1 jobs. Union officiafs said the railroad wu uaignlng the switchmen's yard wort tn "hentlng" to brakemen u an additional brateman'1 duty. Mes~.!~~ye~ ' ' . ... ' Soaked,...Ediily· Nobody'U Vf!ff lllppy 11 lpcQlnt tu Ume. " • , Realtor Glen D. Queen, 111 Mor· ~ rlltown Lane, Costa Mesa, bl perfllpa lbe Ullhapplest ~ ID town, with just 31 day1 belon tflo rel\lrn-!lling dtadllne. Someone swiped his 1m flnancl1l ,_.a Ind recoipls 'l'llitlday blrgllriling them right oul of Illa --ll""""'.....:PI<;: keel ID his OWft prop. he . bal to lllrt -hom acntdl, ht-told pollce ID 1ep«lllt1 bur(lory. • f 1 ' o • I ! I • ~~- For _Paints · 1 : ; ' t I ', I, 1 \ ... , .;;..e .aW4tli• " ·- .The _Fpod J1ld Iq """TE~tc>-' .., .,.. 411 tll!'llilw ;;11 oei ..... '""" "' • -...... ":'It. ~ tbe 'bellth' -!mini 'to-fUlule generetlonl " . , I . . The 1over=-nt called the beoda of n ' m1jor ~lines to 111 •-c•llCY .-ins, l0d1y ,to, mop •out Pnoldtnl Nilon'1 aew _clnler·lo "" .... " lrivtl tenlllllill. '1'nmp<irtab ......, Jolm A:Volpo aitt 1'1111 the tkllDe •ct clufi • l!M!a' ~ 1ioun after tht ~---don-...., -Ii ..._1tit llr lllM!I .,:...........,_ • ' . -~-~---ol .......... , _____ Ml Over v~l'OUI ~';,..;. the palDt · ,.:..,,~' ibe FDA· oldei-ed' reciJct;oo ;,r ' &lrerllt; ,....... ... dolat-~ ~-, .. lead In patot !rcim I ~ to -!II' . 'end • ...a ' • • .. • ' • \ i ' .... M.ft ...... oflpercentbytbe oflf12.uu.to1ii· .~··tl t'i . .-;>,fl 11''•fi'1'•\\1I • ;1. l.1.'i, '1.1i1, bundndths of I perient1by ·the1 eod ·ot· MIKl'S MOTHER'RIADS;l""I wfllll WAITING IN HOSPITAL ~- M OSkey Ends 1973. ' · "• •.r 1LkMarrlminM.illlllMi V!tillat:-Celfj'MnlMo-lif ·--r Ali estbnated '400,ooo 'cbildrtn aurfet ;,·• ti. 1 1 :i·.r·;; {t' · , . ' ' , • 1 •c '-"~ tromleadP?iaoo:in&Wliic:tican 'caUae :.. i.!;1-• 1 •• ·,-. ·11 •.,,·1 , •• 1 • .... ~:" ~. Ch ll braln~e'and 1dutb.°Flakingpalntin . , • \, !; I l'-./' 1 '\ !~ _,' , ; ,) I ' ". ' Nixon a enge, ,...world Wor _n bou•lng-hu been Iden-• (3'"' (I,' M" ':tB' .. : IJ "6' · 1 • 1~-. ~: i' "L 'f'' lilied as a ma)Or sou= of lead polaon" . , -. 1 ·'I. c -"Y;''. ,_ _' : I 'iJllllgs . to . 'I ; n ' ' . ing. ., . . •V:' . .... I •'I-II ' . . II .cc;, Opts for House Meanwhile, the Environmental Protec. -. , 1 · ·, . .'. · \.. : -, j t ; ·•r....; . ~ ., 1 1 ·,, • , tioo 'Agencyordered .animmediatehalt •. '. .'~.:~:~.".',..' f"0,•:1r:.f .!,'t't .:'1·,,'.1 n, , .. r'1',· i ~, MENi.b PARK (AP) -Rep. Paul N. today to.ln~rsla~ shipment of paatlcldeo ' A F ·1 ·'T' ~-' . -"''· " ,, ·a· t,(, J - "Pe'"" M0CC1--•·y --•d •-'-.be would recisleiedall 1'°~,~eda~-~trol and bepd '• 'fl '.1 nm-*' ~> -. • •• ' ?.ny;•a ' "' np:nC!' i,eo WAI: ... ...,._, a rec o e.wo,mg •~· \· , ,q 1 ' . i '.JI &o; . ,• ~·f , ~ ~~l ~,} .i ·U · ~-1 end his campaign for the Republican Included Jn >the ban was thallium ·· 1 ·, • ". .. , , • • 1 • • • 1 -• presidential nomination and leek the IUllate, a rodent poi.IOlt often misused to . ' · · , · . ~ t , • 1 : "' • : J ~ t ....;, • • • r party's llOlllinlllon In California's newly control livestock predators. ' ~-_ •• A time , to ltue ... , a·time· lo die ' !1rDily'1· fallb .11111'""" bi theh'it'qedy created 17th Concrenlonli District. The federal govermnenl Feb. I boned ••• "a ti"" to laugh .•• • a time_·to may •lllecf ~lllerent Pe6pfe"ht :dllferent the use of po1ao~ for predator control on ! cry • , . " • Hil New Hampshire presidenl!al cam-pu blic land and '!' federal progra!lll H· -Bible-Inspired rock lune _ ways. , ' ' · · , · · · . · paign, the anuwar eoagreuman laid, ceptinemergenc1ei. ,• ,.· · . , , _,,,. J '"'11iere,aZ.e1lgnszpy.JOn.hu.tbe.worat ~ achieved much ol bis · goal wbich wu lo The action by William D. Rucke!Jlhlus · By ARTJllJR II. VINSEL -sort ol briln damap,"• 11ys Mn. Robert '1try to demonstrate that ~e wu a today, how.ever, takes these poisons off or"'-""' P'lllt ltfft , , lt1erriman, Jot 2227 At~l\I' St., ~Newport aubBtantial number ol 8'pu Ileana who the commercial market immediately There ls a time and i •place ;'iztd a B h . would~ the contbalatJor of bombing while opening action toward their . . eaf ,. · 'I , . I ·• in ~ Asia." permanent ca~atlon from tbt federal · P\U'l?OSe for all things under tle,ven, IC-~Inj.urles suffered l)y ~ O:J°Ol\I dtl Mar Howover, McCloslrey aald, he would reglstraUon program. Ruckeisbaus la Id-cording to the : Bl_ble. by 'Th/fl' .. Mike High School IOpboinbre Ind . Cllrtltlu ollow bil nune to !'ellWn on primaey • mlnlstntor of the Environmeolal Protec-Moldenbauer's.li!e 11 hved., ' , ~!"" Cruaicle 1~ ''r"'I"• the ·T!lal bdDla 1n· 11 l\Alel .,-. "symbo1Jc pro-lion Agency. -He-)IJl1 .nol rttd ,ltrln" It illY•• ' : • br,•.tn, stem, lltd•,llv, the, homlll, • bod•.'• . lell"IPIDll-tloooflbewar. The _action affects It -products con-1 ,~_,,!•M : TI'• '· '~UWtbe "banh1:eaUty11 d talnin.gfourpoispoobsc o mpound 1:. ~e 1 ~ In 1\.co~a ,a ~ .,e.~ p~nrier ·plf,nt.~r;t1 1 .J t: ·' bit altuillaa ·la "lflllt ,)'OU cannot rua 1 U..lll1nn ..Uate, cyanide. strychnine, Ind "jemolial. Hosp1\a), '1l!~1~>'lpJi/rl~1 '"U·ll'1 jusllliml..i, Jle .tum11'0ban<e·to cndHabfo~caropol(llwitbout -monolluoracelate.common l y •.IJfnd In a .mqlol!i;y~-1Nik' · ·.., •. Atl 'lil •iMI!.:.' 1,·..,1 M ' 1ar1e ilam tl ~· known u "lOI>." . eOIUsiOn. , , : · , .i. ~ " , • r~ / · ' ~ ~~fir' .11' er-"l~olrilaullJ ,do'n't We that 1D011ey," Intbeaction&ffectlnclead. Or. Merlin The:'\ 1.i.: . J .• ,.. 'o'..w LlA' ,_1.,.,. r •. •fL . ·,,..~, :'!" '' · . he aid, illlllll,lhll be bad -•bout a It. DuVal, auiatant -etary of Htalth . · tmoe ·was an.-· m-"."', ev,..,. "But ii not .,...u.,1•111~ .lll!c~'!>e 1 "5,• deOclt fnln the New Hampshire Ind Sclenti!lc Allain In the Department hours. 've1etable' or' 1pa1llc," odds.the lloical -Ip, ol Health, Educallon ~ Wellore, toldi a Tbe place was a busy corner In Bini! wom1n who bu de•oted ber own time In McOod:ey aaid be ~ file bil ileoale aubcoDUDJlt.e today that lead Ana u.••hts · •c .... , to •••• Ith•-~--·•~-__. --papen for the 17th IJlstrict II paint polaoning .results In 200 deaths Ill-..... . ' I ""'..... ·--w -.~ .............. the S.. Mateo County ~ ID nually Ind COila the nalion mo miilklo 1 The_ purpose, perhlpo, la but'lt!po ,Iii-•The •Vilif'for•Mlb --· who lledw<!od City later today. year in loal eamlnga and care of victims. divldu1l lnlerpret1llon, !or this story of 1 wlll be ll In May, conllnues dilly, In ' . • · · lJerlOD and~ Jn Pr•Yer. Sex Movie Seized .at :.uCI . "--· ~..f:=~~i!i~.;. ' . . I ' ' • ' ' )Iii.; , la Wrt,illvejj' • aCbed~ II I ' • • . " ' • dellJlle • to Iii!'· IJi~~ ~ D . . . D _: ..J -'7 . B ' w ' £1._ c . . . COaiJtU .. E•....U• 11 Dlllu ID eputtes e(;l.(W in ·a arn on t . 'b:fl 'on : atnp.ru ·., J~.ii.ti-s ... ~ u. 11ar~ Aiu'; ,.. ' \ ':! ' ' ' I • ' 1 • , '4 1 ~ ' I ~:\' r I i. ' ' ' ~ • ' I 1 ~ Qailt1an Leldenhlp Week to bl ( ., AUN DllWN Sin l"rucl~ _polke -·· who• Wd -YW'Y"' T~' o~ I ·&rl\ll\IO!e .... • dlmued l"rldl~ 1111 ltla~' i:r,~., •,•.~-""! -:"the fllDi. <dent a..! -1dent of the Gay lludoii\s , Bre¥!dt ia'N a.ti! '',,I A kW•_. 11111 colclr -cm "111t 111m ba1 .._ been -., II 11ulall •uofoll-bets wen fomaafifll "Il toot -11---..ld kid to 11art tt -J._ ~.. ............. ""~ "7 ill I Or-County -ll'1 tbat -lpllic, ' c , •-;:;;. ~ d:"acl.rb.d"; ·ap11c~ me.~-Mid Deputy DA Mn:cir.tta Sean I.ill. tor111 1t lie lalewoy C<l~H/10111 lo 11111 IS -......... l"'!--lo b'f lo -· ppmosror!fiy" _ WU con· this momJna, IMil!n 41atrlbaiJOo Of the lelllela. I lretp up 11111\flP, "'rtillln!'°"" loelll""' flloted by n...-COuolJ Sherill' "The S.. Fruc:laco officers were •Hed Olnoa 1ije..W lhal 1e111 ·• would ecutlve. -lo Ila-; lflhlln Ila bqpgo cfledfn& proeadlaW, and '""""'" the IOC1Jl'ity of Its Win 1nd blic111 ioldb'I( operations. President F. c. Wiler of Trllll World Ali'Unea Nld In bit formal llstement tblll ''TWA bell..t. lhe bomb lhrut that c;&llltd Ute altultloil 'hu run Ila ooune. There bis been no contact with the u - tortionill since Tueaday Ind no ,_ -c-pald," • It wu the Ont llllmlulon by lbe airllno tbllt contact ., _ kind bad been made with lhe unidentified elllortloolJI altbouflh ....,.,.. •kl Tlleoday nllhl tblt - negotlatlooa re_ ii ,.....,.._ ' 1 In Grand Rlptda, M""'.: lbe Piii Tburaclay orreoled John F~. 40, Ben- ton Hortioi-, on cberg11 be ~lepboned TWA today denundlng '25,000 to reveal when two bombs .....-. bidden. Tbe FBI -relwe no other delllla, Ind would not lly wilelber be WU alllpecled ol bolnt the ume -i... volved In the eulier utortlon 1ltempt. I Speed to Be ,Dropped The speed llmlt will be reduced to IO mlla per hour on Pili-Rot4 in IO ~yo. The reductloe ll'om 'lbe present SI miles per -'lliil -by the county Bolrd of SOpemeon. 11 allectir the Me- llon betw .. ll4td RID Roo4 ml J1111- boree Blvd.1 • ' .. ..... . we ...... Sunshine llloald tau · °"" tht Southllnd sa-7• !Ollowln( tht UIUll loW C-IJld ""' alop& lhe COllL 111*"8 for 1be ........,-11'1 upected to• be olllllll; 1'lrlllll' I with temven-ol II alq the COii! rilln( ·to II -. Lon Ill the J!Ud.18'1! t J I ' v•_. _,,.,' to describe II ja1 ..... I detail,• Mn. SelD ,,.., •--' ,>"-·~ '!be A.,.irlean ci,jf 1 :n-·"oll"+ertr 1'111h,•• lo"Ml)'ll' ..... it UC lrYinl 'ftmadl"' ....,.t .-. !'Tiii -be beard 1111 ~•"f".\CLIJJ. Jai--,Murlef ol Et! ll!rtll ~·= ..W 11.-bt ---~ ... ·.~.,........by . G07 -.... .... '""•· lllued 1be .order. 'II~ Be...,~_._ of~"""· Pl!Otialm,,tl1I '• ,....., "-ill , ... --The 4iodllfllaO wui"bllr rolling. It'•.. ~:.i ~the""~ would-.... " ~ -...-• ..--· -· · INSIDi T08A 'l' Sout/lla11d •too• °"""111• tlllr 10tek ,,.. from s~ alld B1n ;.,,..,. to /!Or llnid- bul'JI'• plov wlt11' .,.,1c. Todav'• WHkflld<r kl1' tlleotergocrr tlif pcn1iciilars. w~~·· nol 11\0P _•n4 JIO ll'nllll ..-gy.. ' ' " aclln( jn blhlll .. ,f» \Jllibn,' . ' ·~ ~ .,_. • --• • ' = -Today members of the 01y Stodentl ~ill\ll'e ot the lo~.,.,. 11411if1 , lllllro ,_ •ICbool c._ u....i The dt!Jul!ta IClecl -I Wll'rlllt \Jnion, Who bl4 ,. ...... lo"acretn till 1\11 bten .... -r.:::ic tlllii.,, JI tbe ~ Oloat, MJpilrC__.,,_ I -"1 Ca*ll °'-Comly ftlmprlorto~pailldlM=cm~ S..F~,IAI Cbicqo .. ~ ~aillfi ..... - Mmlldpol Coor! JarllO Rollert E. lllckln sexuality,"""_... ICllon. ' Niw Yori: -tbouP ~; .,._ , SolUlUil lflllt Ill~ -O>fltce, 1rbo ,..-tldlJ lrod JIO beottatlcrll 1" lllu-Thuraday ru,bi; l,OllO ltlflell}nleathtl tJorio aro1 ,..UO, ID ~ 1i1ooe Ci111o '-feolftlf .. Certain -in& Illa ,,....., Iller Ultlalnc to 111 bour-the ,.,,.,. wen prin~ !«: ~ lolhed, a ,., douk !!fl ~/Ill lie •I P' oJ ~ ..,,,..tlonll iOlll llped ,._ _ wttll 1111 tbrolcbouttlta~ ~l,..i ... 'r, (~ ,MJ~} I' "I i.""'-'¥1U.-.. 1l ·, ' r ' 1 ... ~ '"'r.t-~ -.,,..,.. • • ., ' • , l'J :' 1 1 -· .~ ........... ·----· ., • I I .... Z DAILY PILOT \ C 2nd Biggest S•pPIJN Drt,1 • 1 ; I I PoljceEye • Bank Raises -·Ilynamjtas Harbor. Doctors ----......-~-· ' ' . . ' . Lend Rate • • Di~pqsition MB:y Be Quizzed Pnm AP D11,.tcllea Finl Nallonal City Bink, the nation'• llCOnd blq .. 1 commercial bank, uld to- day lls prime tending rate will be · IJ> eneaed from 4ll percenl lo 411 per<enl eflec:llve Monday. The· announcement marlred lhe first apward 'tum of tbo prtJne ralt since last July, when II moved from 511 lo I per- cent In 1 1hort-lived reversal of a decline from a high of Ill perceal in 1911. -other oonmwelal bena In the country have llald their prime ralea at fl! percenl llace Illa January and tbon wen no Immediate nporll today that llley wwkl hc!Gll thetr ralel and folknr at.1baDt•1 leld. The prime leodhil rat. ii Ille lntenel ebarled ..,. -.. abort-lerm -lo big Olpcnle ..-., Clllbanl<'a rale 1a.-o1 Ibo --n ln Ibo nation, beeaual II le !1118 ol a :handful of "floa!!nl~ ~ rat<s odjuated mor~_or leu automallcally by a formula peued to .._ marbt condillo"" -other -· lncludlnc lint-nnk-ed Bank of America In San P'raneilco, adjust tllolr rales admlnlltraUvely and leu frequenUy. There were other econ om I c deve~lbday: -WlloleaJe prlcea o/ food and I wide ranp of lnduslrlAl products climbed an over-all nlne-leotha of J percent lul mooth for tbo sharpeat rile lo a yw, the .,...,,.,,.,,1 nporled. Signups Slated For Recreation In Costa Mesa SllKINO ANOTHllt TlltM ~1 .... lli<lham Badham to Seek His Sixth Tenn As As8emhlyman Handllnc tbe criminal cue againll a C.sla Mesa ll)ln whose shed yielded M 1UcU ot old, unstable dynamlte•ia turn- ing out to be done just 11 sLna:erly as removal of the cache Tuelday. 1be high nplollv., -capable ol blow· Ing UJ> with just a good hard jolt -are now ltored stcurtly somewhert in the city. Police aren 't saying where. Tho contraband blasting materiaJ 13 oo badly deleriorllad that nitrocJycerlne Is se_g>ill( out Of .JJs Wood pulp bue In I jelly-!Jke form. Authorillal want to cletonale tbo M ono- pooad llllcka In a 11111\y nmole pn but tbo d1namlle la key evidence apln&t Jama P. Marab, n. a •U-employed trucker. But II they blow II up, tlloy may blow up .tbeh' caae t<o. · Ildacllv1 capt. Robert Green said IJ> vestfiatora:~are aaldnf p.e rm I 1 a Ion through IJ>e,courts and tbo Diltricl A~ torney's Office to dllpose of the delicate STILL IN A COMA Mike Moldtnh1uer Fro111Pqt;1 MIKE ..• dynamlle. • The RipPly conf.lacated from Mmh'i prayer for Sea King athletes a~. rooters. rented home at •t4 W. Bay St., would He !!tablls~ weekly ~IOns thai By TOM BARLEY Of .. Daffy "'"' lttff LOS ANGELES -Four Harbor Area physlclana wbo allegedly made lar1e sul" plies nf the narcotic Demerol available to drug addict Reba Vaughn may be asked to explain the.Ir actions to a Slate Board of Medical Examiners committee when the Inquiry lnlo alleplione aplnat Dr. Ebbe Hartellua of COsla i.r ... ,...pene In May. Defense 1ttorney· 1'faUbew Kurillcb told stale bearing officer E. F. di Vllbi.ss u the second three<lsy hearing ;cloled ' Thursday that be mey brlni the four doc- tors he named to the hearing room for quesUonlng when the Inquiry nopena May 13, 21 and 25. From fa11e 1 FAIRVIEW ... have-auled -wldelprud-d&m11E""if 1c-have drawn up to 50 local adults to the •--·-b"-· ft-•·rt E Badb ft cld4111ally trluered by curious children · IW9CUJ ..,u .. n nuUll:' · am (I\'" or even a &harp earthquake. campua for cocoa, doughnuts and com-roadways through the wilderness area . Newpcrt Beach) todiy announced ht wW "It depends 00 how it's stored," notes munity devotiom. He also kept his grades "This will most likely dwindle our pro- 11tek electJon to a a1xt.b tmn representing c 1pt. Gre high . posed wilderness area down to a few the 711t Auembly DiJtrlct in Sac:rame. ~~· cootained wJthin • lmlll, vHe's a real strong kid,'' sayd Mrs. areas, if any, and develop the rest like a to. cramped apace would ienerite ll'Uter Virginia Tucker:, bis school counselor. manicured city park Wilh buildings and Badham, G , ts 1 lO-ye11 veteran ol the uplollve force than 1 quanuty detonated "Thi.!1 is something that has bit a lot al concession.!I,'' he said . · .• LeciaJature. in an open field. kids on thi!: campus very hard," sh! ad-Neither Landino nor the students He uJd ht will nm I "aincere" cam-"Whltever we d~e. we want to &et ded, noting that Mike remains an in-believe the roads are necessary. One of paiJ: hued on hLI experience, wh1ch in-rid ot Jt before it caUlel UJ any more Jl'O-1piraUon to· many. the new roads would run north and south, cl " fll< CbaJnnaJlllllp ol the joint bltllll," C.pl. Green added. Oiarll mllnlalned down tbo hall from and lhe other east and west through the lqlalaUve commlllee OD alomle dewlOJ> a--e Pollce capt. Bill Savap didn't Room Ill 11111 his condition as serious, park site. ' menl and space. · muoh like tbo wlgnmelf. but removed although II wu crillCJ! after he wu "We think the traffic can be routed The Stanford lfll(uala afao ii a tbo M-pound polenUll bioctbuller to fbo flung from tbo bike while riding hehlnd a around the park without cuttlng through member o/ .U-bly commltleet on undlaclOoed llor11e afle bel:aufe he la buddy. . it and still ably serve the 125,000 We.vs and MUDI, Revenue and Tauilon, tra.lned Jn nploeivt.11 wort. Hi.! friend wore a helmet ud wun't residents O>sta Mesa expects t.o have by Governmenlal Orpnlzatloo and ii a Marsb, meanwhile, Ill free "" 112,GOO hurt IO crlUcally. 1990," !be student advisor said. rlllklna member ol tbo Allembly Waler bail ~ a Mattb :Ill preUmlnal')' The family, members 01 non-Aside from their efforts to block future ~ hearf:na m·i arbor Judicial Dl.ttrlct Court denom1natlonal Mariners' Church, Mw road construction. the stud~nts have pro- ReglstritlOn fo1 a full ll1te of Costa ~ ~es to continue to wort on a cbarae of illegal polltlllon ol a-ma1ntalna 1 mixed measure of faith and posed to di vide the }and into three key Meu Recrealion Department iprJna ac-toward a ' more bllanced economy and plosivea. realistic acceptaiice. activity areas. UV!Ues hfgfnt March 23. lo curb IOVll'lllllMll apanclln1 and cen-He bu denied knowledge of II, "Ylnc The wilderness area is suggested To lip up, Costa Mesa residents traltatlon. • • the dynam.Jte must have been there when 'I'bey1 are1 sbofacilpp1i.ng amochng llJoong-term between Estancia Pond and the Santa Mrs. Vaugbn admltled during three , days on the witne.u stand that she ! tricked b o I h doctors and hospllala In Costa Meaa and Newport Beach In~ sup. J plying her wlth lleintrol In 111111 at a time : • • when Dr. Hartellus allegedly was under : close observation and could not sustaio i htr habit. • Kurllich complained Thuroday ·lhal tht ! cue agalnat Hartelius could be coo-l llderabty changed If he can determine : from the physlclana the extent to ~ch : Mrs, V141M got her drup lrom sourc:ts : olhef than her llO-year .. ld lover. • Harlellua of Jalander stree~.EI Toro, la i •ceuaed of moral turpitude . and ... i pro!eujona] conduct. It Ill •llOled that he • lntrodUced Mrs. Vaughn to drugs and en-I couraged heri habit to the point that she : was eventually cert.If led u a drug addict. i It is also alleged that he drugged Mrs. i Wanda Melendrez of Costa. Mesa as a J means of achieving a sexual relatlOri!hJp·- with his victim. Mrs: Melendrez choked (In her food and died in December of 19U.. .• · ldrs. Vauflhn has leslifled th a 1- Hartelius preformed three abortions on - her during their torrid relationship. She has also testified that Hartelius Is the father of her 6-yeaM>ld son, Jerry Vaughn. · Mrs-. Vauabn told the committee that she became desperate for Demerol In late 1968 to the point that she called d~ lors and told tllom be~ lather wu dying of cancer and needed relief from pain. She lesUlled that Mveral phyllciau called 'area pbarmlclea and ordered 'J dMJUlsla lo give her quantities ol c Demero}. State n11eotles regulatlou .• forbid the dispensing of narcotle1 and , dangerous dru&• to persons who have not • ! undergone an et:amln1tlon at the balldl.; ()f the prescribing phyaician. ·r:: From PGIJe 1 .. ' .· lboald ro to the dric center, 17 Fllr "I wtll contbUe my Iron c(ld belief in he mowd in liX months qo. conva escen 1 ies, su as wney's Ana River. It would remain undeveloped Drt •-~ 't and ch loml CODtro.I and wllJ ~ It in all Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, which except for a bicycle, horse and hiker trail "' ~ween p.m. I p.m. Mar d--'-i....---'"-1 ....... ializes in mai·or rehabilitation cases. system. 23 and M-~ •• D··I tr ·~-•• -· ~I -ln·n]l'Utotiq tbo ~ ,.. .• MUSIC ... ~ lrom~I a~.mHto. •l-.' M•=... ~ .. so pie." Beclbem Nid. . R D t . t "He wants to be a doctor," Mike's The t9'o part-nlcnic areas would be ~ '7;.._ ··-_;__ andp.m .• ct1':.'u"e.~1o· be ec · epar men mother said Wednesday, located at the north-south opposiles of the principal said, "because I have crlUciaed :, ~ .. ~ ............... , 'I'-themfornotperformingonourcampus ~. altered are bechm1ae brldp initrui:tlon, ' ' aeep llyin&: 'Hey, '!fake up! You're park. One would be on a plateau and the - _.,. MU _.ntw leeml, hlaln-,.,... P.., ,1 Offers C' --ses mlaalng out on • lot of valuable m. other on the lowland)>Orlloo of the alte. for our student... The choral departmen~ nJnc end edYaallCI art: for cbUdren and • Ul3 formation.' " Students are planning to incorporate a which gives many off-clJl'lpus perform-~ • Multi, bUaa lmtructloo and a clllldrm'1 SEX·. FILM • • "Even though he'• unconsciou.s, they children's play are1 with each of the pie-ances, bas not put on Olle program during ;., drama worbbop. ~ • I C le R! .J• say the .aubconlciool ts always working nic sites. Designs for the project are school time in over three yean, not eveD _-:~ ~ -· cilllr' idltN:llbn , ro,.:o; ,, . l' • , ,· n JC ming and I can1 help but feel he knows already under way at the Estancia High al a.rutmu or Easler, I feel our •• i' J111Cr1D and .Utdlerj •iduJ1 clnlW!ng' film -d "' ...-...t ca campus, '"' " · ''"" ~ '· soJl1ell>ing ol w)lat'a ping.on," J,oe.Mer. . Scflool ll/dustrlll arts depar!Jpent. · dof -allm and trim and olhC A preview ol the lirat rael of Ille film Motoreyde flm, tt•a flmo lo n• •em rlman eontinuea. · . . O\>tiooal fur the park-picnic 'area '!'ould 1tudent.. are mlaalnc out on pert of lheit<) ~R •a.. -¥ol up! "We cu a1waythope hr a mtracle," be a pond for birds and other wildlife education when they aren't able to Mat ~-SS<i.ktlitti 1-· ' .... . I• ::mt~~~•I ~~~dll.~~~~fae~>:>b ~~-~the~~al \f,1 ou;,~m~Jt~:~':"ii,.',\htll·~-1~ and Ji,=.:; a tiny ~,l!llllto• '"". 'lteGf .. ACLUd-~~1 . .iC:",. ' '"liitre'm~he'·a ~ ttlalllll Only the·thlrd area, the cullurak:om·' ·~ "" .,..m. eo<>p pro-Alter the pnvtew, Dr. Hoy told Ojaon :Country, a new riding area In Trabuco -hOblnd it," H,S Mn. 'Merrtn!an, munlty complex on lhe east side of the !old · a mualc teecber lhe community -;: Nitpborhood proarams will be ado that tbe film could not be lbown Thw'fo Canyon. 1trea1mg faith alone keeps her atrong. park, would ~ntain roads and parking wouJd be upset by cancellatk>n of 1n.,.; minllw.d , by ezperlenced nerutsOa• dlJ alPt 80d thn • decWon on Wfletber iJnltructor G~en Coffman, 'a Costa The tragic a1pect of the Mike areas under the student plan. athJettc event while "no one would 11! leaden al JO playlJ'OllllO!a tll<r acllool the lllOfle could be abown in the fulure M.,. nald&lll with 21J fllfl o/ riding ex-Moldenhauer story came to llgbt aller hlll The culturll-eommunily ·area would notice" cancellaUon o! a music PfOl'llh •. ;, beclnnbl& April ,). Sport. days, com: would be made by awicenor Daniel G. perlence! ~ ~ver 111fety equipment1 picture u a delegate to the Dallia all contain an auditorium, ~n archeological AchziJer commented, "I wu 1impt1 peltllon and apeclal events will hJlhllghl ,.Aldrich, wbo w11 out of town Thursday bow lo nde m dirt and sand, and bow to · . r Y ahd art museum, bolarucal gardens, an remarking thal ours Is an athlellcally-,t each week. Jti&ht. ' 1 tackle 1 minor hllL -sent • month before the accident -amphitheater and a community center oriented IOCiety by noting that for every •·: aitldren may re1later for the Dr. Hoy s1id that Ole90ll lndlc1ted that 'lllere Ja no 1.mtniction fee but class wu printed. for indoor and outdoor recreation. good m111lc profl'am on television on a .;~ planrollDd prosram from a:JO p.m. to the movie would not be screened. members will be asked t.o pay Sl.50 1t tht A family lriend called to aay be might Students ftTe unable to determine the Saturday afternoon, for eumple, there ·i" 5:30 p.m. at the Adami Balearic Collep Dr. Hoy made Jt clear that he did not gate for insurance. The normal $3 Escape not be going and why. . acreage for each of the three sites. Lao-will be three football aames. I'm not · P1rt, Conlca' Part, K 111 .y b ;o o t t. order the film confiscated and wu '»untry riding fee will not apply. Mrs. Merrim~ said the f~y wun't dino, however, estimate! that the saying there lhouldn't be more music - Paulirtfto, Pomona, Vldorla, Whittier unaware that the seizure was goin1 to Coffman says the fun starts at 10 1.m. offended and in fact apprec11ted its wilderness area would consilt of 60 per-that's just the w1y It Is in our pruent and Woodland plaYfl'OWld•. There ii no "'!'e place. and conUnues through 3 p.m. lllders muat publlciUon. cent o! the land. society." ~ rt(lalrallon fee. 'There bad been some lndicallon that bring helmela, prolectJve clothing and iiiiiiiiiiimmmm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;iiiiii•iiil;;;;:::--• Further lnformallon abllut Roenallon the Dlatrlct Attorney's Office was 1olng booia. If they bring their own blkea, they Department acUVillea · 11 lYallable from tu altp in," Dr. Joy exp I a In e d • · must be fitted with 'ilericera and spark 834-6'03. "lnl~Uon had been macfe available to arresters. them,' tbt' vice cbancti1or "•Ald1 m. · Prospective clasa members who do not NEW SECTIONS. ST AGE ENCORE The new Home and Garden Pqe, along with dally TV lop, will be maklnl tllolr second appearance In. 8aturd1y edlUons of the DAILY PILOT tomorrow. Longtime readers of the DAILY P!Lal' are reminded that two old friend!! -TV WEEK end Family Weekly-have moved to -dLtlrlbuUon and will DOI be Included In the DAILY P!Lal' Salurday package. OWINCOAIT DAILY PILOT dlcallnc that be hoped to avoid an 1rn1t own molorcycl., may nnt bolh belmela being made" and eyelet at Escape Country. The preview performance and Dr. To get there, take El Toro Road to Hoy's deci11on that the film not be lhbwn Tiabuco Cinyun and go ontrhalf mile turned out lo be Irrelevant t~ tbo con-put O'Nell Park. flscatlon. The pr~vlew was held at 5 p.m. At aboul 4:30 p.m., the Japed pbone call with the San Franclaco officers who had IMO the movie in lhe Bay City be1an IC• cording lo Deputy DA Seara, end iboul an hour later Judge Rickles signed the warr1nt. The SO-minute preview w111 ltUI going on at Irvine at that Urne. Mrs. Seara laid Ille wu not Informed that the film had been banned by fbo vice chancellor. "We hid in our posseuJon an advertisement that the filM wu goln( to be &bown," Mrs. Sean said, up1atnlnf that under the penal code thla served aa probable cause that a misdemeanor - the showing of a pornographic movie - wu going lo be committed. Dance Production Set At Costa Mesa High "Ancien Aueourant," ancient and modern, is the theme of a COlta Mesa High School danoe production scheduled for 7:30 p.m. March II, 17 and II In the achool's Lyceum. Dances will range from an In- terpretation of the Nine Greek Muses to everyday acenu found 1n modern life The ~roducllon t.. open lo the public: Donations are •t for aduJta and so cents lor students. 3 Teens· Nabbed Police Watch Like Hawks A red-tailed falcoo c I r c 11 n I a fat lempUng pi1eon tethered amid mans aet In Newport Beach'• Back Bey area waanl lhe only .Individual walohlng tbo actloo 'lllunday evenlnc. Newport Beach poll<e awoopecl in on Large Maninade Blmt Set Off MAMMOTH, Arlx. JUPI) -Four million J>OODdl ol eonveatlanal ••IYU have beeb delonalad here In •ha.I was belltved to be the blqeat manmade blaat In history nol lnvolvlllJ a,nucleer dlvloe. . Tiie •IJllooloo 'lllund•r by 11ie Ranch-.,. ~Ol'Jllon and De..-...1 Corp,. lrU deslcned to Cl'lllh I *1!11b cOP' per on body and leach It from otfltt materllls throuP a percolated IOlllllon of add and W1ter. 'l'bo actual pumping of U... c:opper ..._ lrlll not IJOgtll unlll Aq"'t. l the scene first and nabbed 1 trln of teenager1, charging them with trapping falcons without 1 license and also out of 1eason. The youtha, two boys and a girl, were delalned, tbon released pending pro- leCUUon under the Slate Flab " Game Code, which usually lnvol... a fine or probaUon. Licensed JllCO!>hunter -Nlaber(, of m Relearn Place, Colla M111, nolieed !be early e•enlng acUvlty and reaJl8d what it wu. Ho cootacted Officer Mike Mcl>oo<xllh, wbo found and slopped a pickup ti'iiU corrym, , the teenap iuapecla a t MacArthur Boulevard and P1lindu Roed. Patrol 5t1. Richard Millar nld the plieon wore • little leaY>er .... 1 attac:hed lolll..J\i pound 1"llht by• fldolq~b!e. Flfleen 1111n1 of tbo Ulllt type ol llne encircled the p~, aeoordJDr to police. 'l1le pl(eon ,,.. IUrned ovtr to tlw el!J • humane olllcers. The fed.tilled llleon nUed oil Into the IUllltt. • THI IUMISH IOMA CAllNIT SHOWN HUI COMIS PltOM OUI DIAMAnc ITCITDA COLUC- noN IT DllXIL --• A saMINIOL y INDLUS SILICTION OI' Dnl•N. WOODS AND PINISHIS. YOU AU SUU TO MT THI l'llLIN• THAT IACH PllCI WAS CUSTOM IUll.T l'OI YOU ALOlll. . DEALERS FOR: HENREDON .-DREXEL -HERITAGE ,-KARASTAN NIWl'OltT •IACH- 1127 W-Uff Dr., 642·2050 -NIMY'TILf "' INTERIORS LAOUNA-llACH1--~---?0llU.NCl•--- 345 North Coaal Hwy. 4f.W551 23649 Howthtmt 11¥11. UUI m-1m 0,.. ....., '111 t ,, .................................... , ....... ,,, _,._Toi-~ M ~ C..., Mt-1W \ ' .~ I ~· ._;,. ,. "'! , "'' ., -; . . ' .: .. ~· ... ..,). '~ " ·,,,a ' ,, • ,. ,, I - • • "' .... .,,. ·~ .. 4 .. 'J ' •• .. ., I , : I I i , • I j ,,. •,i ·. . .; ,, •' ·~ . . . .. .. '·' " f .. c• ,, ~. . . , ., <i ) ' I > f ~ ". • ·r: ., .. I .; '1 ! f • ' l • I • . ' DAD.Y PROT EDITOBIAI.. PAGE ---e ouncil~ P lays It-Safe - , ... ' Colta lieu ~y soon Join lhe ranks of Anaheim and Buena Pll'k wllh 1 major lels ..... time. altractlon "'hlch will .allow sports·mlnded Individuals lo ·~uy their recreation.''. ... The Four Seaaons Village, proposed for a 40-acre parcel north of ihe San Diego l'reeway and west of Bear Street is a blockbuster. It will cost $:10 million and will be second in siJe only to the nearby South Coast Plua. Among lhe many attractions lo be Included In lhe complex will be a waler skiing lagoon, archery and tennis altracUons -even a dry land ski slope, along with ·a 500 room hotel and motel faciliUes. Costa Mesa city ~ouncilmen, .who Ibis Monday lnili· ated a commercial zone 'change to allo• its construction, have ·approached Ibo; development P,lans cautiously. . Allhougl) lbe. project bu lieen louted by architect., bank~ra, and economic research uperts, the council 11 concerned lhal lhe project could not be financed. before th~y firm up the commercial zone dlanse wilh a second reading. Since lhe success or failure or the project Is de- pendent on lhe developer's ability to alttact major leaae- holders to the complex, Costa Mesa councilmen have acted prii.denUy by cllllng for a special zone. Thou@ lhe Four Seuons proposal is unique and '"> ex~itlng, ibe 1"?8Sibilily of failure does exist. U it occurs, . Costa Mesa will not be hurt by it. _ · Students Against Crime A group of Costa ·Mesa parent. and youth leaden has•taken the best page from lhe "Crime Stoppers Tex(• books" and applied It to 9,000 elementary school child- ren. TM studenis for Crime Prevention Committee be- lievesltbat crime can be reduced, provided youngsters are taught their '.'rights" and "wrongs" early enough. ' , The fears'. lo a large extent, are jlued on lhe novel· ty. of lbe Four Season pi:oposal. It bu not been tried allywhere in the United Stiles before. ' · ' . . . u lhe project were to .fill 1.hrough because of in· adequate financing, the City of Costa Mesa could be saddled with 40-acres of commercial properly lha~cpuld be developed In a hodge-podge manner: Tbe· alarming increase In shopWtlng ainonfth• Very y9ung indicates that the comman<lment 1thou shal{ not steal" is not getting-through sufficienUy from 1 l!'e · l!!lual efforts of families, churches and schools., , Tbt;i committee has just concluded a poster contest which involved. each one of the 9,000 children. They. were asked to .sit down and·compose their own thoughts on shoplifting with crayon and paper. The council, however, has moved s'wifUy and built a safeguard into Four Seasons Village zoning. ¥embers of the planning staff have been directed to prepare a new commercial-residential zone specifically for that project. This would limit the city's approval lo Iha! specific project, and ·nohnake the site available for other uses. Councilmen are intent to '(slip in" the new ·zone I Our Freednm " . To Mo ve, Rise Has Shrunk Dear Gloomy Gus In answer to M. K. G. (March I), the only people w~ are undemo. craUc are' ~ who do not vote. ' -Pe....W T. C. B .. , Most p e op I e ""1» prate about '1freedom" convenienUy neglect one of the euentlal preconditions of fmdom ~ ' and that ii freedom of choice. U one'a T1lll ....... rwlllcll .............. -__., ._ ef .. was••·.., ,.. .......... ....., .... ---." .... • lreedmndcbolcell Jow, or aeverely llm· ited. the "freedCl1l" tt offen ii virtually meanln(Jeu. Anatole France, in t famously ironic re-- mark, once parodied this sort o f false freedom when he ob- RrVed, "Both the aame theoretical lreedoqi 'l!e. had In the past, but DOI. the same practical -_ j. • for the frM:liiim of choice 11.a.J>een acute- ' ly ·l'estriCliiii' by our rising educat19nal atandarda and by the demand.I of our new rich and the poor in Paris are free to aleep under the brldgea at nigbt.t', The lfl'Ulnea of the U.S., In the post, · was ita genuine freedom of choice,-as contrasted with moot European countries, where young people were •tra!Macketed by family rant, aocill class, and lack of educaUonal opportunities. The rise of a Lincoln to President would have been in- conceivable in the rigid hierarchies of tlie Old World. technology. . We> tend to· think of "freedom" and "security" u being opposites, w}>en In lruth;they are just dUfetent encla ol the '8Dlt pOle. People who lac\. security, In a certain balk:' aente, have no real freedom -for the fieedom of choice ii denied them. Tbey•diust take what ii offered, or starve. · IN BUBOPE, where all the land was already owned, the. peasantry and the proletariat bad no choice, and therefore no .freecloPJ.' We never developed -. 0 pe8santij'1 -our farmers have ahraya BUT WE OURSELVES have become been free men -becauae people coWd Increasingly structured and hierarchical. always mote onward and claim new land. When I waa • youth, a college educatian This is .no. kmger poaible, and even our meant far lea than Jt doea today; even a small farmers cannot mate a living to- high llChool dlp!orpa did not carry as day. · much we_lght in ~s of employment as Of courR.. 1 few talented and lg- It does now. .. · --will ~ Our freedom to move and . bui igress1ve t--""'na, . t1ways move hru k our social system has~me · upwa~, in an:t Scidety;· but we should nOt s n as . make 1t-so bard for the ordinary person larger, !'1°re lm~I. mechan~, to achieve mobility. Thoae at the bottom corporative, and concerned with credits, 1 h · llttl •• ha ses diplomas, degree. and unioo. can bare y ang on to the e >''ey ve, co~ • while their knuckles are being rapped by • 1· those slightly above them -both acling THOSE AT THE bottom today -in fear and deaperatlon. The only ef· whether they be blacks, Puerto Ricans, fectlve way to increase .. freedom" ii to or Appalachian whites -may have the provide security. A Ms. as Good as a Mile . •' Wall Street Jomial When the Democratic Party adopted reform measures for t)ils pre1ldential election year, it did 10 In bopea of en- couraging broader parllclpotion among blacks, browns, and females, who hlstorlcally had been under-rrepresented within both major parties. This was the year, said advocates of refonn, for prac-- Uclng democracy at the· grass roots, rather than merely talking about Jt. But even the noblest aims aometimes hive a way o( raising ezpec:taUons, fal~ Ing short of their goal, thee leaving fruatraUon and blttemesa In their wake. So II ii that the National Women'• Pollllcal CaUCUI plant to ·challenge lhe Arbona Democratic delegatioe to the • party'a national conveoUcm at ~ Ml.aml 8*11. ALTHOUGH T8£ proporlioil o f Arilooa lem•le delegates Is nearly double that of 1111 (12 percent n . 17 JIO"'""t), ii 11m fall• below 1be new Ilemoc<Jtk re- qulremenla lbal women be 1 t f .. n npreaentatloo In reasonable proportion lo their re)IMmtation In the populallon blithely Jpbred. For while we are not cooCernecf .'jrilh !lie strlclly lntemll poll~ eo111deraUons, there are alao tho ~der phll010phical questions of ap- portioning political representation and of diffusing polttlcal nsponslblllly In a democracy. ,, IN ONE SEl'ISE,. lrylng lei arrive at an acceptable racial, ethnic, and aexuat formula -for choosing delecates to na· Ilona! polltlCal eonventlons, for hiring goverrunen~employe1, etc. -reprtoents soc;ial prosrea, 11 leal\ lo< -who otherwise would ha,. been denied repruenlation, And )>ll'hapo It Is the bell aolutlon · that political parties, and IOVerDlllellla; Clll devise. . Nnertbele11; even ' ' po a l t I v e diocrlmlnallQn," u ii 11 -eupbe\nlollcall called, 'la mm!)' a disguised quota oystem. And even when Ibey are employed on the side cl wllal 11 wldely regarded u Pl"'l"'ll and reform, qUolu .... a poor ·-for ·-justice and equ1ll1J -!bat lo, for treating people u lndlvlduall rather !ban 11 mere llatllllcal a~lcll0n1. . (in ArilOlll, IO.I pertenl). ASSUMINO Iha! only women can Alt.hough prizes, patches and money will be awarded to the contest winners, the real idea behind the project was to get the students to think about crime. · The efforts of the Student. Against Crime Com· mittee may appear almost loo simple lo have a lasting effect. But ii is a good step In lhe right direction. c Airport Leae Again llp for Pu61ic Dls C.Urioa 'Save What~s , Left of Our Sanity' To the Editor: Orange County Airport Is again up for public diacussion, with the end · or· Air West's feue, and .H time and uperience ~ ever can teach us an~, we must learn.now from thole who have suffered • MiUhox Lettt"s from readers are we~. not take steps to ask politicians to do for ·the people they represent what they promised lo do when we voted for them. Wlll the city of Colla Meaa place this Issue on the ballot and let the voters ~Ide, about tbe freeway? The election will be here IOOll. Please apreu younelf before it ia too late and \he freeway becomes a law to which we muat all bow. Show your interest in what is happening for a mighty ·fine group of efderty citizens and prol<cl them before It is.too la!< to help. Thank you . estimated ao lamtllu from the rants or the "Y" fallhful. lnllelible atUludea regarding the -of poola and handball courta were lntolarable lo many Olhen. Last month, wltll no atWnpl to IOllnd out the membera, lhe ataam room la Ibo beallh olub wu -away with and a sauna 111botltuted. 1bil lnjlldlcloul aclloll Is already reoulllnr In "°"'" -.., club memben' lalillr. lo ,_.. their t• yearly memberabip. ao much before WI. r Many years ago the late·Gunther I.-. Ing, vice president and aJtomey for Wall · Disney lor clooe to 40 yeara, ,. .. laughed off the floor of a West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce meeting.. He reallred long be{.,. the final imbr01lio over L. A. Airport lbat lhe time to fight Normallt1 writ(ra shoWd conuq their imasagea in 300 worda or 1t11. TM right to condense fdl<rs to fit _. or eliminate libel i& reserwd. AU 1tt-- ttr1 mwt incituU: aignature and mail· mg addre11, but names may be with- held on ""!"'II if IUf/icient ""'son is apporent P0<1q/ l&'ill. tlOC ,,._ pub- for home and land .WU then, nol theae tnll'IY yean later when airppft,_peraonnel IH&li at cillROS' anpiab. Guntlier Less- ing offered his magnificent legal brain, without compensation, in order to secure acalnlt what bu becOine for them • hellish way of life. ' THE Oto SA YING-11United we stand, divided we fall" ii lhe sioey of El Segun· do, Weitcbester, Playa del Rey, Inglewood and Walts (and It could hap- pen here to Costa Men, Laguna, El Toro, Newport Beach, Santa Ana and Tustin) -too many interests, all too late-so the airporta go on their own destructive waY', with Utile regard for legality, or respect fl!J' human life, dllillty, and prop. erty values. And through a form of concentration camp living, citizens can use an im4 .aglnary pass In order to gel out -to go to work -or temporarily oot of the area, to save what Is left of their bearing and sanity. Bui Ibey mllll retllrn, because It is: im~ible to sell their lovely homes. n.ii il',.,eqwta1>1er ··• • . . JOHN SWINBANK ·v . Put lt t o a Vo tel' To' the Editor: Thank yo\! for printing my letter to the atate Division of Higb1J•Y• regarding the tale highway situation · on New)>!lrl ~van! In Coeta Mesa, which Wm · mMD the removal of. aver 700 trailer homes and eauae more ~ 1,000 people to be without a place to go, I had lalked witll J. W. Greatbead, district rtpt.of· '/lay-LI quote bis reply: "Reference ts made .••• to your letter expressing much concern over the future reli>catloe of mobile home occupanil that are Involved In finding · appropriate replacement facllttiel for mobile home ownen and occupants who are displaced u a reRUlt of the Rroposed freeway projects. OUr Commlllllly Environmental Factor Unli has rOCenlly completed a full-time, iw .. monlh wtgnm .. t to study 1hil problein. While we do not have the final , answer to this complex problem, several poalble aolulloes will' be elven further lludy. Pending solution to lb.- problems, please be lllW'e\l lbat we will adhere to our pollcy lbal 'no penon wllo Is dilplaced by a hichway project will be required lo move before aocoptable '- lag fldUU. are avallable'." I, Pws AIL the 'J>00Pi. Involved, -what CID be plnid by Ibo clty cl .---· •• 6eo,.P ---. Dur George:. I've "'11ten yoe three times to gel you .to tell your public that good, homemade dlld<en IOllP Is the belt baokx>ld home remedy known. WbJ lllvm'I 10IJ prl1lted my letters! • VIONA BURDICK li3hed. · · · ~ " • M1 tha A bout-t he 'Y' · c;.;,la Mesa mov~g and r ~~img. ~ T°o ~ Editor ; move the freeway down to the boundary " In your edJtorial, "YMCA In Need of line at 15th & Newport :pw}evanf and Help" (March 3), you refuted the myth that the Orange Coast "Y" ii "~ up pouring tbia traffic straight into Newport by rich back en." An even more Beach, which cannot accept a freeway to preposterous myth is the eiecutive dlrec· 'destroy that city. The Irvine Company tor's usumpUon that the "rich" image js with alf Its land, which could solve this commoe belief In our community. dUficully very easily, sits blltbely by H1Ylng participated In ••-excellent watching the outcome. Ne~ is only •~ big enough to coetain jllll 90 many adult fllnea procram 11 the local YMCA le, and thal is alt 'So wby .Ja!n the· for over three yean, l have bad occuion . ays ~! , · , to dllcuaa "Y" matten with COUQUeu m. Is quite evident Iha! the COiia M-dlvlduall (momi\en' anl' D<IHl>eDlben), dty councllmen do not .. ant qJ. more mOll cl whom l!ave dropped In and out of trailer courts. Tbe trailer owneri· bave "Y" activities . ewer the )'111'1. T11e ..,.. paid heavy taxes all their lives and are called "Y wealth'' has never been men- now elderly and w!!'t the aecurttY.. of a ti-or asswned' by any of thele people. ' trailer court and neomesa to a lbopptng center which is vital to their ~t7 and NOBE TRAN A myth, it's an excuse safety. Something should be done to atop ·• perpetrated by E1ecutlve D I r e c to r th.ls freeway before it can destroy what ls MlihlJa to d1'gutae aome of the real Jell of Costa Mesa. The lands already ,.._,. behind the financial difficulUea purchased by the 8\ate. Highway Dlvl1lon •t tho, O!'.ange CoUI YMCA. In fact. ex- ~n be re-sold and the land ,used for the icutlve ~.adlons and declai4>ns, passing purpose for whJch it was originally under: Uie tulae of "economy measures" designed. have, of late, antagonlied and alienated · many "Y" membera. · WE SIT BY AND let lhi1 alrocity Failure to 1111pport a swim team, for ex. become law right.under our eyei, and do ampla, reauited In !ho realinatlon of an • • ·Secrecy in Congress . ' ' MJ:uea)IGlll Trtbne The nmnber of congressional 'COin• mlttee meetings held behind closed dqi>r1 last year dJdn 't difftr much from p.e tallies in previous years. A study by Congressional ~rly found Iha! • percent of the committee aesalonJ In the House and"Senate during 1971 were cloeed lo the public, down from tlie 41 percent recorded in 197G, but the 1ame 11 the 1999 score. Since CQ begar. keeping track or open and closed committee meetina:1 in 1953, 11 percent of the susioha have been closed -1notber Indication !bat tllings, didn't change much last year. . tranucted. , • Motl amareamee like thinp Iha! way, -· commlttee members, for inllance, COGteno! Iba! lePlatlon llhould be written In private becaule open meellngs en- courap Conireamen to. lake up lime playln1 to tlie 11Uerlea. Others · argue that 1cUon Is hindered by the need for l>boervln1 formal procedures in s public aettlna:. BUT SOME committees do hold their buaineH meetings In public, and It doesn't aeem to get ln the way ol the bullness. For esample, the chief clerk of the House Education and Labor com. mlttee, which doaed 00)1 I ol Ila 11.'1 meetings lall year, told CQ that meeting In public doeln'~ slow down the group's proceedings at all. He called the ope... meeting raqulremenl "a very gooil rule." It mJcbt also be noted that many alata leglllatuna bold moot ol lholr committee meetings In public and don1 aeem to be boliMred by It, THERE PKOLUILY lln'I 1 "Y" In Orange County !bat -not feel - delfOO of flJllDClal -Tbeat aN, i after all, lr7lni -. Iii! ·die tIUGt defidl re~ bJ lhe O.C. ~!Y" .mflbl well have been 'avolded hid tht llilPPOrt ol'Oo many memben.nol ._, wllhdrrn because of a lacil ol taet and ...,. 1JderaUon on the uecuU•e lev.eL • The 11ldll. and dtdlc~on ol ·lhe "'Y" staff Is lndlopu\able, and It II lndied true that the YMCA aMda member aipporl. But so, too, do Ila mamben -tbo IUp- port of the "Y" Lei's ~ "bnqlnary blame, and pul I Wbere It really bolooga. MRI. DORIS O'BRIEN S•M tAe Spirr,ttt. To the Editor: Viha1 a ihaiiii 1o ...... 1n ,..., flrll s.. day edition -tbo plot to diolioy tbo IC)UlrreJI Oii tbo Jrvtna ~. For l1WI)' ,_. we lllve ..,U... IO much en~ fl'olll wlldlJnC !Mm cavort on tbo -fled __.lawn. To ua, the life ol an an1maJ ii mon tm. portant than • patch cl -. Iha! can eully be replaced. Lol'1 all belp •ve Ibo furry creatW'll. ' M1 MOORS /If•-&lie 89•frreb. • To the Editor: I do not want you to kill the UIUe oquu. rel1. Whr don1 101J capture tbom and move· them to <1. dWM'mt 1n1 IO t.bq don'I pl hurt. ' · Thank you. GLENMOORB •.· "". C••••in .. t ..... To the Bdltor: Recenlly !March I), 1 wrote a letttr of condemnation to eee ol your cmnpalttoro (Sanla An• Rqllier) and now feel I should "'11< a lelte< cl eoeunenclation i. you. ' Aa far as I can ucertain, your-ptper prints the new1 wbU. lt 11 1UU news (not throe or four days later): la addition, you 1lve ua unblated newa coverqe. Thanks for carrying oo the jruo American tradition "' lnlonDln& lhe -pie • MRS. DENNIS LOWRY OMMICOMT • DAILY PILOT , TBB ONLY TBING dlHertnl about lfll 1111 that it came alter Coofrea passed lta first i;efcrm act In 24 yean, the l.qlalatlve Reofglllization Act . of lflO. lnclllded In that act are pl'OYl1lon1 f.., lirlnllng .commlltae operatleel uoder cloaer pabllc acnrt!ny. It lllpulatea, for lnllance, Iha! all Senate commlttae meetings are to be open -except - In whlcll the final draft of a bW la boin( "'11ten, or those that are votlntl 1111ionl, or thOse a majOrtty Of members vale to close. House buslne11 meeUnp, too, are to be open -except when a majority . votee 1eamst that idea";"'--T Robttt N: ll'tad, -·"·•-THE ONLY juatUlablo occasloes for ,_ ... _ cl01ln1 a commlttae meeting are those Tllo'""' KHllil, J:dl!Of cumnlly spelled out for Senate hearings Alben w. !4ks -When It's been dei<rmlned that 1'1tlmony miy relate to nallon1l securi· Ediloriol Page Edilor ty, land to reflocl advtnelron an !..--. ' I ' dlYktual '1 character or reputation or The «tltori1I pa~ or the 0.1 I tte d Piiot acek1 lO Inform ind 1tlmu'4 reve1 ma r1 eslgn1ted eonfidentlal h•ta readers by prttentlnr fjh undtr other provlalonl' of law or g<lvern. ncw1peper'8 op•nk>M and Clucu1 otnclals, apparently believing repn-Ibo lnteresla of women that that a M1. ii u good u a mile, deem ml\)' blacks °" represent lht ln~ll of ~I a l"!cnt unacoeplable. Hence the blacka, etc., coaJurea up v1o1ona o1 a :1' pr-cbal~ . -opolla """" '"' a nallomllde scale. The challenga by the women;• .....,, Will& la -Ille lmpUcalloo that mm ·.I complll!lldod 111111 o1 part publlclty 1iU11 1. 111capa111o., lnmcendq iu .... -ml ,-i llncore demand Iha! women be ,_ oelf·lnlereat ts a leaMJlan.noble, m. MRS. G. H. Dear Mn: G. 8.: Because 1111 reaearcber uld it dldn1 ""rt, 11111•1 wbr. He nibbed II oe bis c1*t tint nightl .-Inc and be 1UU ha !Iii cold. THE LAW'S EXCBPTIONS, obVlously, have been enoup to deleal Its purpose, and ljle lflO refcrm meuures had Vlrlullly JlO Impact lht..flnLyeat lhey were In effect. Nlnely·leVOll pe.....,t ol the committee ....u.,. dellsnated 11 bualneu •Ulom lul year --al •hlcll lcllon, ltlds-u votq or bllklral· Ung, WU taUn -were banW to Ula public w-baolneaa waa b a l D I mtnt rqulaUons, Those criteria are lm"nltry on 'oplca (}( lnltrwt br....t -.P·to be-abllaed, admittedly;---••••"-..."" ,...,,,.1,,, • -but f"-fd result in fewer e'A ........ lesslons ror ~he txprt.11\on or our ~:i .. _,-1 IVOCV bpfnJOnt, Ind bJ PttMftllfts than are poaalble under Uie pruent law'• dJVt.rw vltwpot ntt ol Jntorrnitd :I cu1 1n .. u. -· -no1 be blown -a ._.._il1 • .._IHd, ; i oat cl pntp0r1lee. But neither lbould lt be vlolee el .......,, I ~ )l'O'flsloel. :rile public's <laJ>I '"""" •nd , ... .._ "' ...,... lo ""°" oow ill bualness is belnc ...,. ol the da¥. , duclod must override the eonvenlenct Friday, March 10, 1972 ·1 ...., .. ..,.. !Ind In -~I In private • • I I • I Santa Ro sa ' Prisoners _~· r S~eRoit • SANTA ROSA, Calif. (APl -The 101 prisobtrs· on the Sonoma COunty Jail 's 1econd noor ~rolce out of their dayrooms and flmJN!led In the corridors for to minutes, amashtni windows. settln& •m•I! fires and damagin1 cell doors, authorities 11aid. I Alter the disturbance was quelled 'rhu·rsday evening. the Inmates were taken to San Quentin prison. Sheriff Don striepeke estimated damage at about '75,000. !-' Ono .,.,...., WU treated •I the three- llory JaJJ'a ~ry for h,.d cull, 8trtopoQ aald, bot ihere ..,...., no .. rlous lnjurJot. Tbe IO men and 15 ....,.. quartered oo the fint incl third fioora did DOI Illa port In Ille disruption, ha u td, but the women were taken to tht 1heriff'1 office for !hair protection. Sherlff't Sit. Frank Bean at the jail save tbl1 account : •iTbe dlaturbance began during the din· ner period In 1 day-room when felony in· mate. who had been complaining abOut the food began throwing their tray1 on the noor and 1etUn1 fire to papers and clothing. The me n managed to break . a "shat· terproof" glass window and escaped into the main cell-block area . Prbioners In 1nother dayroom on the aecond Oloor apparently ustd a lteel &helf u 1 bittering ram to break through the aOor and jofned' th'e other inmates on the Mitral corridor. OuardJ alerted by the noise secured the door leading from the second floor to the main atalrweU to prevent the dlrturb1nce from 1preading, while C a 11 f o r n i a HI11:hw1y patrolmen and Santa Rosa pollc< burrled to the ...... Th• hlmatet controlled Iha H«>nd floor for nearly to minutn, 1m1ahlng nearly all the windows. burning clothing, mat- treues a!ld blankets, damaging aeveral cell doors and t~·o television monitors. Two Children ~lain; Police Hold Father BAKERSFIELD (APl -The bodies of two amal.I children have been found with thtlt throats aluhed, and their father has been jailed on h;1vestlgation ot murder. Kem County she'rlff's deputies .11y, The bodies of Daniel Fusselman Jr .. 5, and Danielle Fuuelman, 3, were found at their home 11rursday after their father, Daniel A Fuuelman, 49, reported killing the cblldre:n, ofllceni sald. Deputies sald the children were beaten with aD Iron ikillet before their throat11 were cut. Severa l knives were found at the tcene. Brando Wife Arrested For Conduct 1- CAL111XJCO (UPI) - Actreas Anna Ka1hfi, former wife of Marlon Brando, hu betn jailed In lhls town on the Mexican border for disorderly 1 conduct, apparently the latest chapter in a long and bitter .tu1-0f·w1r between Brando and Miss Kashfi over custody1 or their 13-year-old son. fi~rom Parl1, Brando scoffed Thu rsd1y at reports that the boy, Christian Devi, had been lddnaped. "There is nothing at 111 to , be alarmed about," Br1ndo aaid In a statement, declaring the boy was on a acuba diving vacation "'!itbl friends lo Mexico. Brando, 47, and MiJS Kashfll 37, who were divorced In 1919, aha"' cp11ody ol the bof and have been quarolllnfi over htm l for years. Brando has filed l suit agalnsl her In an allempt to gain <Ol!'Piate custody. A court ,heaHD(, to be held i Thuradiy, was reteheduled for today. Labor Files 'Pu.rued ' " ' Aide Oaims I • New Heart 'l'e1i t UPI T ........ Stanford Medical Center Thursday conducted an experiment in wh~ch actual heart patient Clinton Fayne, 42, transmitted his electorcardio· _gram to Manila in the Philippines and then to a satellite in space back to Stanford -a distance of 51,000 miles. Neighbor Youth Held -, In Fi1re Bomb Killings RIVERSIDE (UPI) -An IS.year-old neighbor has been arreated on suspicion of hurling the fire bomb that burned three children to death as they slept Sun- day. Police Thursday identified the suspect as Kenneth Dwane Henderson, who lives about half a block from the home where a gasoline-filled soft-drink bottle crashed through a bedroom window. setting the room ablaze. Jnvest11ators believed there was a feud between Henderson and Mrs. Rubv Jamison. 62. grandn1other of the three victims. according to Capt. Irv Cross. Mrs. Jamison was taking care of the three chiJdreo in the absence of their parents, and was as leep in another room when the home Was fire-bombed. She was not hurt. The' dead children were Cynthia War- ren . 9, her brother Lawrence, a. and sister Marlene, 7. Their mother was vi11iting their father, Theodis Warren, at a county road camp in Banning, where he was serving a sentence for chetk fraud, ·when the attack occurred. Warren was released early, the balance of his sentence suspended, arter the deaths. Henderson was arrested only 10 hours after the burial of the children, following services attended by hundreds of residents in the mainly b 1 a c k neighborhood where they lived. Angered ·citizens had offer more than f7 ,000 in rewards for information leading to the conviction of the fire bomber. Solons Repeal Voice Vote Use SACRAMENTO (APl -On a 66.(1 Yote, the state Assembly has repea led its cen- tury~ld practice of holding unrecorded voice votes in committees. The new rules voted on Thursday take effect in a week, and are sti£fer than new legislative roll call methods proposed last month in the Se~te. Bui ~veo. il each house Minds up with lllfferent rules. the old practice of unrecorded committee votes is on Its way out, Assemblyman John Burton noted. SPRING PLANT PARADE YOUR CHOICE PLANTS • Marigolds -assorted varieties • Fuchsias-assorted varieties • Tomatoes-assorted varieties IN 4 INCH CONTAINERS . .• Ageratum~ Blue Only • Vlnca-assorted varieties TAM JUNIPERS low Growing 1 GAL. 88¢ IN PONY PACKS 7" HANGING BASKETS CHOICE OF COLEUS OR ASPARAGIJS FERN 2.22 VISIT OUR SCOTTS llEP. ON SAT. AND SUN. IRING YOUll LAWN PROIL I MS F~daY. Mardi 10, 1972 OAJLY PILOT I 2 Dls ml.-d · Dqvis Cme Jury --•. --14-. +----·---......... --· -·----·---1 Battle Rages On THE REAL .ROLEX SAN JOS E, Calif. (UPfl - A tentative jury was seated Thursday at the Angela Davis trial, but the prosecutor removed ty,·o wOmen with peremptory challenges. .. We're halfwav there.'' Albert W. Harris Jr., assistant slate attorney general. said as t"·o new panelists joined 10 persons in the jury box vtho earlier had passed questioning lor "cause." One , woman seated durina: . the morn.ing said she never heard the phrase "black is beautiful." Judge .Ricbarl E. Amason rece!sed the murder, kidnap and cOll!piracy trial until Monday, when the defense will have its first opportunity to dLsmiss jurors without a reason. There were nine women and· three men in the jury box when Harris used two of his 20 peremptory c h a 11 en I es . Dercnse attorneys also have 20. The l \l'O ne\1' panelists dra\l'n were both men. bring ing the count to seven \\'Omen and five men. Philip J. Russell. a computer company employe, and N i ch o I a s Gaetani, i rormer student , now must undergo questioning ror "cause" -biases or other 1easons that could prevent a juror from reaching a fair ·verdict. The men replaced l\1rs. Peter Ruth , a young housewife who told the court she "never heard of Angela Davis," and Alice F. Evarts. a Woman in her 20s. Indigents May Run Without Fee SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Indigents can run ror Congress in California without paying the $425 filing fee . a three. judge federal panel ruled Thursday. The court ruled after hear- ing the case of Raymond C. Chote, 46, an Annapolis graduate who calls himself a "beggar." I There ere a lot of look alikes of Rolex . Ot hers have attempted to copy • tho Rolex Pl'l!SSUr&- proof Oyster case, the self-winding mechan ism, the date feature, the day end data Indicator. all innovatlons of Rolex. But. the·Rolex lldH, crafblnanahip and dedication could never be'dupliceted. The pride of knowing you wear the real thing is the pride of wearing a R.olex. Above, the Rolex GMT-Master. a 30-jewel self:wlndlng chronometer with date that changBI automatically et midnight. Special 24-hour hand tells time slmullaneously in two separate time zones. Guaranteed pressure-proof by its Oyst~r case to a depth of 16 6 feet". With matching bracelet, $275. 'When c1ie, crown ind cryst1J 1r1 inl1ct. clltrt• "''-ti ln•llMll. Alft~ltft IE•ll'rftl l tnllAmtrkaN -Mlf1W CM,,. tit. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 f 8 FASH ION ISLAND f' RO LE% NEWPORT BEACH-6'44-1380 .. Open Mon. end Fri. I 0 1.m. to 9:)0 p.m. Chote, a Democrat. who aaid he wanted to run for Congreaa from the state's 17th district but was too broke, typed up his own petitions on a portable typewriter while sitting fn ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ park. He also argued his own case in court. FULLY RE.CONDITIONED -FULLY GUARANTEED USEJJ ORGANS REDUCTION SALE! Hammond Deluxe Spinet Organ Wal1•t, •• SJ,221.ff, .. w ••• , , , ••• , • , , , ••••••• , • , , • , • s1995 HAMMOND DELUXE SPINET ORGAN Hammond Spinet Organ M...,_.,,,... S1,Jtl.H , Mw •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5995 s1495 s3795 51695 s1995 s2595 OAK, WAS S2..1SS.IG NOW ONLY 51495°0 HAMMOND CONSOLE AND SPEAKER Cl WALNUT, SOLD NEW FOR $3,700.0I NOW s1595oo HAMMOND PORTA·I· PORTAILE ORGAN . WM f 1,111M NOW ONLY NEW MODEL WURUTil!R wnH AUTO CHORD SYSTEM OUAT P.UN ,Oil HOINNU AND ADVANCID OllOAN PL.AYIRI Hammond Spinet Organ Wttll ..... ,.,.._, .. S1 ,7Jt.IG, ..................... , • Hammond Console H325 Wltll ee1t1, rll"tfllfll, •• $4,241.ff, ••• •.. , , •• , , ••• , , , , , , , • Wurlitzer D.eluxe Spinet Chelce •f tllt11, we S2, 161.M, ••• •••• , , • , ....... , . , , , , •• , , . Wurlitzer Console Organ W•1••t, •• 12,221,f f, ... • , ••• , . , • , •• , , . , , •• , , , , , ••• , , , Wurlitzer Console Organ 41001, ._ SJ,l lf.H , H• •••.•••••••••••..•••••. , •.. , , • , • LESLIE SPEAKERS wa -rr .__,. ... Mloctlen rll new •NII WMCll Llllht l11Mken. Cemt In •1141 Mlir any el tMtn. Flt• 111 MIU II( ffllftl. =~: $19900 ONLT . I ' • TRADE·IN • CLEARANCE SPICIALS! • Thomas Spinet . $599 WURLITZER THEATRE SPINET WALNUT, WAI $1,795, NOW ONLY ••• 51495°0 WURLITZER STEREO ORGAN a new Cll('"9Nl•n In hem• inter~ t1lnrtttnt with tht rulltm •f tM whale •rch11tr•. • Lowrey Spinet $1249 · Thomas • Klmllall Console $1195 SlllC)le ~ Wlll'lltHr Spinet '. . $699 •Conn Spinet . . . . $399 Keyboard • W'!!'.:, Spinet · · S799 • Hamm••d Spl11et $699 Sl 99 " ) , . •