HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-17 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • ~ColoD1hia-Quizze8 ~ -GerD1an -in J'ungle ••Martin B.orlllann~ DAILY PILOT ' * * * 10' * * * ' . . . . . . . ' . . YOL. U, NO. n, 4 SECTION), .U ,AGES ,~Tis t _he Day DAIL'( PILOT s1.u PhoN Sure 1tis a foine sight on St. Paddy's day lo ~ec the likes of Bob Bren- nan looking as Irish as l\ shamrock. Brennan, often dubbed the Lord Mayor of 1\tission Viejo. looks every inch tbe part in his dazzling green trappings that \varm the ~ockles of every Irish heart. Colombia Officials Quiz· • p. Ma11-Marti11 Borman11? _ PASTO. Colombia (AP) -fn.ycar- ~d German-born man was being brought ti,ere• rrom the ju11gles .. today .for fingerprinting and fur~her 1nvcstigat1on J ntn m-ag1rzin·e's clatnrthRt hc1T1tghrbe Martin Bormann. Adolf HilleLs ,hllfltcd deputy. Colombian police said the man. iden- tified as Juan Ehrmann, is not under ar- rest. "Mr. Ehrmann is under our prolection ..!I.Pd is being qi:acsttoned regarding h~ Jdeolity. ''said a police spok_esman at tb1s 1own SOO m11bs Mittth of Bogota. · PoliCf! said Ehrmann was "Invited" to come to Pasto to undergo investigation procedures. It was possible he would la ter be flown to Bogota. the cap!tfll . Ehrmann bas been living in an Indian villa~ called ''La Horm~af-&bouHOO .... tniles southeast of' Pasto. Jn Joha nnesburg, ~uth Afrlcn, Nn!I hunter Simon Wiescnthal salJ he rloubted thal Ehrmann is Bormann. "Every time-we get information that i\ prominent Nazi is living In R country with a bad climate and under bad conditions such as in a jungle, I am very skeptical ," he said. ' - "ln my 25 years experience tracing Nazis. I ha ve found thal most of them C1\005c rountrtKllk!""Paraguay, Chllrnd Argentina that--have climates similar to Europe ... Mfn like Bormann do not need to go into the-'jungle and live with an Indian '>'·ife." \Vicsenthal. who heads the Vienna· based Jewish documentation center .. was in Johannesburg on a fund-ralsfhg, visit. 1_he magazine invoJ~d in the original · tepor( Wits' El TiemJX? o( BOgota..'--'1 C.Olombian authorities expre~ doubts the man was Bormann. • Bormann was head ol th e Nazi Reich Chancellery. At various tlmerh~tias be-err-reported found in Brazil, ..Argenllna, Ecuador ... Boliv~ Md. PJru. __ Horst V'on Glasenape:. an Investigator Who once hana1cc1 the Bormann in· vcstigation, said in Frankfurt lhe best ln- rormaUon still J.s---1hal-Borrnann was killed escaping fl'om the chanceUe.ry In Berlin on the night of May 2, 1945, a.a the Russians closed in. • ' Board OKs Utilities' es WASHINGTON lAP) -The Price Commission today announced n e w, 1harpencd· guidelines for utility rates but. warned the nation that big increases will be necessary to pay for lhc service it wants . The regulations put limits on the rate or return that utilities may realize from increased rates, and added provisions re~ quiring them to take into account in- creased productivity and to absorb labor cos~ that increase more than 5.5,pcrcent. Also, the commiss ion n1ade pro visions to hand over final authority on utility t i bodies that come up \'lith acceptable anti- inflationary policies. Comniission Chairman C. Jackson Grayson Jr. said the regulations would require reductions [n some requested rate increases but not in others. He had no estimate or hoy.• much utility rates might go up u'nder the new rules .. But he warned, '"We urge the con- sumers of the nalion to realize that when you demand service , y.have to pay for it. You don't get someth ing for nothing.'' He said that four days of public hear- ings on utility rates made it clear that some large increases are going to be necessary to continue "adequate, safe and pollution-free services." Announcement of the new regulations n1eans the lempQrary freeze on rates of privately owned utilities will end on or before March 25. Grayson said the com- n1ission would take. final action on all of the 116 increases before it within 10 .days. On flnothcr subject. Grayson attacked _Agricultu re. Secretar.y-Earl--Buti for IS.. UTILITIES, Page %) Bra1ido Abroad With His Son LONOON. 1AP 1 -Marlon Brando and his 13-year~ld son. Christian, arrived in London today and took off again for -P3ris. The boy is at the center of a custody.....-case between hls actor lather and his mothllf...--Anna Kaillfi.- Brando "'ould not .discuss the cusl.od y case. ·•tt rs purely a private matter ... arrd I i101,.t believe alnyom ha51f rtght-ltr'PUl:ftish anything about it," he said. • \ • • , ' Getting Into -;la1l ·Proving Ha~der Than Getting Out • I Suspect Met ~+-+Y-iF-ls-While- • ~- Two 41.gainst One Bill Ficker's chances of being th e first America's Cu~ defender to win Long Beach Yacht Club's Co ngressional Cup were dimm ed Thursday when he accidentally tacked and forced Dennis Conner's Cal-40 frigh t) into co mmittee boat. Ficker abandoned the race after having. lost the opener to Doug Ra steUo of Long Beach. (For details see Boating. Page 20.) Getting lnw Jail Cell Proves Hard in County By lfOt.1 BARLEY Orange County Jail garb Feb. 22. Mill er 01 Ill• 0111y '"'' St•ff had been sentenced to. 90-day,t in jail by Mal)y of the more than 200 inma tes of Superior Cou rt Judge William Murray the Orange. County Jail spend a tot of and lhc 23-year-old Buena Park man was their time behind bars pondering the anxious to ,1.artj _ervlng that scptcnce. po~slblllty or escape. ' But jail officials pointed out they dld0n't TheY, would be intrigued today lO learn have the appre?priatc p11per wor«. Miller that a convicted drug offender is won·• was sent away and told to contact hls at- dtring ;f hrwiU ever be able--to get 1n-lorncy. and join their number. Miller went back to Deputy Publlc He Is SI.even Dale Miiier and he made Defender G11le l~ickman and the. pair hi1 llr&l attempt to don lhe distinctive tSee 'JAIL, P•&t Z) ~ • t • Preaching?- BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP J -A ,.Jr. ordained minister. who police -said ap- parently met his victims while preaching in ch urches and on street corners, wa!I charged today with five cou nt! of murder in the so-called "bra murders" along the Merritt Parkway. Benjamin Franklin Miller Jr., 42-year~ old mail carrier, was named in a warrant issued by Superior Court Judge Irving Levine. · Miller, who ls white, Is acc used of beating and strangllng.flve black wom en, three of whom were strangled with their own brassieres. "It is believed Mill er met his' Y.Jc.tlm,~-­ w ile he preached as a guest minister in ch urches in the Norwalk and StamfQrd area. as we ll as his 'street comer' sennons in the area.'1 said State Police Co mmissioner Cleveland B. Fuessenich and Sta mford Police Chief Joseph Kinsella. MjJler. who is marrlcct, and has one child . recently took a JO.day leave of absence from the Darien Post Office to enter a state mental institution. According to voting records. he ls a native of Aurora, Ill. • Orange Coast Weather· Prospects or nice weather at the beaches this weekend are pretty slim according to the weatherman.__ ~-- -C:Ow clouds and fog will dominate the Orange Coast scene. Highs around 68 rising to 72 inland. Lows 55. INSIDE TODAY It's spring and tht ' .swallows 11re returning. DAILY PIWT staff writer John Valt• rt· · views the phl!nomenon that made Sart Jwin Capistrano Uie "Jewet of the Mlssio1u ." See to- day's Weekender. L.. M, l t'lf • ... 11.. tt C•llloh'll• J Cl!,••!fltcl , H1t tomlc• .,. -,4 Crtuwerf ~ Dtllll. Hiii«• 11 at1lt1'111 I"••• -., fllMll(I tl•tJ F.,. fM ltKtrf JI "•rllt• 14 ,i..,. L.1,,_,,. n M•ll .. ._ 6 Mt•M• tt.JI I ' MU!llill l"ll!Mlt ft N•llall•I N1wt • Orl"tt CtunfY 11 lt11laJ1rt11l1 U·1' '"'llt ''"If' ti '""' , .. ,. ll'Kll Mtrlllh H·U T1M•l11ot11 JI Tltftllf'I tt·SI WMllltr 4 W1t01et1'1 Newt l)oll Wtri. HtWI 4 "'""'""' ,..,, • , ; 2 DAil V PILOT > F'rldiy, M1rcl! 17, l97l \ President Asks Congress to Halt : New Busing By FRANK CORM El ER WAS~IJNGTON !AP \ -President Nix· en formally asked Congress 'today to block lor a year all further pupll·buslng orders by !he federal courts while Conaress wrestles with I011£·tange pro- pos1ls to t!Qualile the qua!Jty of education 1D au schools. ---- Jn an 8,~word special message, Nix· en recommend ed that a mor11torium on new busing remain In effect uotll ,July I, 1973 -or untl Congress acts on broader Jeglslatton at some earlier date. The chief executive sa id ht il C{ln· vinced the: Senate and House hi\'e the constitutional power, under the 14th Amendment, to call a temporary halt to New Firm May Have Hughes Eye . By RENEE BAERT VANCOUVER (UPI ) -Howard Hughes' surprise visit to Vancouver mparked speculation today the billionaire Industrialist may be interested in a city firm producing short take-off and landing ~ (STO~I alrorall. Hu1hes set up headquarters in a $4,2()1).. •·week suite at the Bayshore Inn Tuesday after a flight from Managua, Nicaragua. The security f orc e surrounding Huahes' party was said to be larger than that afforded Prime Minister Pierre Elllott Trudeau on his visits here. The arrivaror Hughes, accompa!lied by . &OOut 15 aides, put this West ,Coast city In a state of e>ecitement. A local radio station asked listeners to 1ta~ why they thought lhc billionaire was in Vancouver. The answers ranged from possible interest in the Vancouver canucka hockey club to a romantic ln- lertst ln Bobbi Gentry, who is perform· ing In 1 local nlghlSpot. Most speculation howevtr, centered on his possibl e lntertst in a STOL aircraft beir\i produced by a suburban Vancouver finn, Dominion Aircraft Corp. Company spokesmen declined com· ment, but it was known the company bookt>d l\vo rooms at lhe Bayshore Inn on the floor immed iately under the 24 suites rented by Hu ghes on the two top floors . • further Court-ordered busing. In addition to calling for I ht mora toriun\, Nixon proposed a new equal educ1tional opportunities l8w th11t would chan nel speci•! feder~J aid lo schools wit h a large enrollment -over 30 per· cenl - from poor families . -'The limount of aid woul d total ~bout $1.S billion and would amount ti) roughl y S300 for e;i.ch pupil coming from a pOOr family. Before sending his lll(Ssage lo Capitol 11111. Nlron held a morn ing Whi te House conftrence wi!h the Democratic and Republican leadership of the Senate arid llOuse. The messagt w11s a (ollow·up tn a .-.... ---. ' I { • television-radio i1ddres1 Thursday nieht 1n which ht argued lhal hls proposal1 "would locus our effort1 where they reallv belong -on better education for all of our children rather than on more busing for some o( our children." In his message to eo;~ess. Ni xon argued ttil flilsl'ROi'mffen a ion s •rwould oot roll back the Constltutlo_n, or undo the great sdvances that have been made in rnding school segre gation, or undermint the conti nuing drive for equal rights." lie sa id ''this aam1nlstration mean& what it ~ays about dlsmantling racial harrier11, :iboul opening up jobs and hous- ing a.nd sC'hools and opport un ity to all Americans." ' . THIS IS VANCOUVER , B.C.'S EXCLUSIVE BAYSHORE INN Howard'1 Arrival Makes It Even Mor• Exclusive •-----Tbe~~fi~rm~~la-1ffitng Canadian....gOY.er'D! menJ. financial backing for the production c f ot the: aircrjft. One company spokesman OC k "ghtS T w said if no government aid i• fo rthcoming, l ' . ax oes : the firm "will nesotiate with a large American firm which is willing to sign to- day." 1----=---..---.-"-~~~Lt-All-on-Su Fro1n Page 1 . ' UTILITIES . • • Cockfighting is bloody~ brutal, crutl · It is traditionally ont of the biggest · and lllegal but it still goes on ln Orange early season track events in the United · alatements .,damaging to the slal)lli:ta· County and neighboring jurisdicti ons. as States And one o( the high points of the lion program." you-wHl--leam-in-thtrweek'rlonday-meet;or course. will be tht deterri'iln'itiOn Butz ~as been applaud ing rising farm Special report in the DAILY PlLOT by of the winning miler. prices and vowing to fight any attempts Sunday Editor Alan Dlrkin. -Mike Solomon, a Westminster Hi&h to co;Jrof them. Raw agricultural pro-The so-called gambling amusement in· School grad, fo rmer winner C'lf the DAILY du cts aren't under prlce guidelines. volves pitting two birds against each PILOT Miler Trophy in the Southern Grayson, 1 s k e d about Bulz' state-olher that have been fitted with special Countie,11 even( and nationally famous ments . s a Id he was 150 distu'rbed by steel claws to infllcl dealh . Men gamble mi ler, will present the 1972 DAILY them that he had typed out a statement on whl i;h cock will be the survivor. PILOT troph y, lo the winner. before today's news ronfe rence. ·Dirk.Jn explores the status of the prac-Among other features readers will find Reading it, he said that farmers should lice and tells about the men who raise in the DAILY PILOT Sunday: be expecteq to make the same 11acrlrics 'birds for this blood sport. Don't miss his -A Costa Mesa woman gets paid for as everybody else in the economy and Sunday Special reporL sending in her travel story for publication 1hould oot expect any special catch-up. Another Sunday article will tell about as "My Favorite Vacation Spot." Sht "The name of the game of catch-up is !he plight or an ordinary citizen tryi ng lo ~·riles about Tahiti. lnf\ation," Grayson said. figure out hi! income _lax . Jiow can he -Women'~ page presents 11 word and He added that should food prices con· when two out of three consultants can 't picture prof lie nf Gwenda Watson, wife ()j tinue their recenl sharp ri~ the Price 11grei? hr. Norman E. Watson . Coast Ccm· Commission would lak e act~on. ~~rly ~;ason track events in !he lJni.t.ed munity C~lleg~ D~strict chancellor. She JI .COl,lld do a num~r of 1h1ngs, he said . YOU section (Page C.l l, Terry Coville, bubbles with v1vac1ous volunteerism. ndudfng recmnmending-controlrttrthe--DA1b-Y-Pil:O'T West 01 angrCounty -. ceTBiller e s er own 1 gry Cost of Living Council or limiting the editor. reveals his income lax confusion. from the special viewpoint of a mothe~n amount of r a w agr icultural pr ice in· He got three different opinions -all dlf· "My Son Survived Leukemia .-" fe atured creases tha t processors and supermarkets /ercnt -on how much he owes Uncle in Jo'11mily Weekly. would be allo1ved to p11s5 along to con-Sam. "" -Jimmy Stewart and an old friend of sull)crs.· One of the lop spo.rls stories Sunday Is his . .Harvey the invi.sible &-loot rabbit, OIAN•I COASf .. DAILY PILOT TI>ti Ort nOe C0tll OAIL'f PILOT, w!"' wllkl\ ii comltl"f'f "'' ,. • ....,.,, .. ,, It. M lllflt4 ll'i' ffl• Or•• (0.11 P!Jb1!,n!119 ComNny, StN• ~ti• Cd l!IO!'ll t'I PVD!lllltd, Monclt.,. 111•911011 FrhJty. lot Co1t1 Mnt, N•""OOrl , &ttcll, Hunl\n910n l1~n1F-1tln \lellPV, L1°""1 &ttdl, lrvlne/S.ddlllbtcl[ •nil s. .. ci.......11/ £in J\1tn C.-pl1tr•no. A 1111911 ~.,lllf!<I/ <IO'ltlon la p{i11n1llH Stllll'dtyi end Sllnd1y1, ,...,. pr!11<I"\ p,tt)llll'\l"'I Pll~I 11 ti »II Wet! l•Y Slrffl, Cotti Mtll, C.IUornlt, tMH. ~o\ieti N. Wt•d PrM kl-'11 '"° P11~ll.i'lfl' J1cl R. Cu•hy Vk t Pf•llltf!I l l'MI G-••I M1M9.,- l~Olft&1-IC•tvil~ Efltor Th,'"tf A. M11rpht11, Mtllttlfl9 EO•!.,.. Ch•rl•• H. loo' Rich1 •4 P. Nill Auf1ltnl Mt.,.91111 141 .... 1 Offlcn CO.If Mtt•: ~ Wtt~ ~I'"" H......,, •••tt11 '1IJ3"1(t' ·t.ov1t~•r4 L"9-1 .. c11: m l'w..W: .&""""' Hlll'!!lflt!O, lltle'I: 171/J Saalh SilYltYt td lt,. C._,,,.: JOj HMll'l 11 C..ml'!I> A .. ! Tel.._ f71 41 641-4)11 C._.""-4 Ailffrtkl .. 642·1471 '"""' c."''' .,. •• ,...,. °' lat-... t~ 4•2·4420 ,,.,,,. """' Ot•• C-'r '""-1tist bound to be tne delalle-d accounl of !he make the cover of TV WEEK: Cover Southern Gounties Track ~1eet, the biR in-~tory previews Stewart·.~ re.creation nf \/ltational to he htld at Huntin~ton Be11ch his "HArvey" role of Elwood P. Dowd in High School Saturda y afternoon. tin upcoming TV special. Dad Hu11ts Lost Daug l1ter Despite Survival D ou~ts From "'ire Serviet5 AUCKLAND. New Ze11Janri -COnsidPr· .l!1S thr odds a~a.in.sl l'iUr'li.v.aJ oi a_young Anshrin1 woman missing 11 days now 1n !he wilds (lf ~ulh Isla nd , some ptople wnu!d call L. R. Kclh~y a fool. Hr IS hrr fa ther . l~e ~ct out on root himself Thursday . hoping lo find some tra ce of 2.'.l·ycar-old hiker i\l rs . .Roselyn R. Tllbury 11(tcr first fl ying over the isle 's rugged le rr11 ln. Shr fa llcd to rendezvous ~larch Ii \vith friends at a prrparr11ngtd spo t fin a hlk· ing trail and heavy rains ha\·e swept lhe region aince. nf SI. Patrick's Day -thought lo bt lu C'li,,. for rhe lris·h -Kelley s11id ht'll try not to ha1nper...othcr hunters.- "l "'I ii do whal I'm best 1t -keeping nut C'lr the way of lhe searchers." he rrn1arkrd. • "But if necess11ry. I will hire 11 hC'llCO plcr IC'I check one object on lbe edge nf 11 stre11m. which caui11ht my eyt when J was nown over the 11re11 on 1rrlval." he <.'flncl¥ded. Border Temblor Told ----t ----,,-1~0.1121 ~. 1'72,. 0Nftf" C•tt M !!1h"'9 Cll'llNl'l't'. Hr ,..... 1i.1t11, mwtr1111111.,. f!lfltwltl IN,,.,. SI' .. ¥tf'llU·"""" l>,t•t •'\ _, M ,..,.lie.. W1ttlwt 5"t'-1 '1+r• ltllltlen 4'I' ~'""'' .....,.,, A starch con troller s11ld thert is little. hope of finding Mrs. Tilbury alh·e. since she wasn't dressed for b1d weather. K•~.Y· and hi~ son rif lc hacl . IS. e:<· E~ CENTRO IAP I -lmptri•I County, adjacent to the Mertcan border, waa jig· glcd by an earthquake centered In Mex· ico. Stlamolo1i111 •t the caurom"1 tnstltu1e ·or Technology In Pasaden1 aaJd the QUAke Thuraday "illlered U on the Richter acale of m1pt1udo. The epicenter apparently w11 30 to 40 miles south of tho bor<ler In an unlnllablled are.a, lhey aald . l«tM it'-141 JllMltft M ;.I •I ,......,, IMtll *"" c... Mua, Clolffwlllol. ,....,..,....., "' ~·'"" t).tJ "'9fllllly1 •• -11 ~.1) "'°"'lfll'/'1 "'11r11ry 111a1ff11ttW11 It t ) mtr11111r. • press surprise at 1he acopt of the hunt 11nd icatlon or mm seeking tMir d3URhtcr and sist tr. "I had no Idea people would bt so con- etmed (or the safety of m)' daughter .·• said Kelley. Seftin& out on his lonely hunt on the ev1 t,n advance of 1he messaae, many observers wondered how Nixon would go about, fashlonini a buslna: moratorlum without risking 1ucces1ful challengea to h~ plan in lhe federal courts. context of cast law rather L'lln of 5tatutory law. "I propose that lhe Congress 11ow flt'· cept tht responsibility ind use the 1uthorily given to ii under the 14th Amendment to clear up the confusion The Prealdtnt noted that tht! l41h which· contradictory court orders ha ve Amendment to the COnSUtOUolf, unde.r -ere• an to est1bli.sh reasonable na- which school de1eg reg1tlon cases have tlonal standards.'' 1rtsen , apeciJJcally empowers Congress The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, "to enfo~c_e. by appropri~le ,1,eg islallon, is de signed to guarantee all ciliien, "the the provisions of this article. He went equal protection of the laws" and gi ve~ on : Congre$.s the power to carry out !his a11d "Unt il now , enforcement has bteu ltft other provisJons "by appro priate legisla· 11rgely to the courtJ -whlch havr: !IOI)." operated within a llmittd range of The proposed f!qua\ education;i\ n~ available remedies, and in the limited por1unities law wo uld bar any !itate or Muskie's Staff to Forego Salaries in Primary Worl{ By United Pre11 lattrnatlonal Sen . Edmund S. Muskie's entire ataff has agreed to go without pay throu1h the April 4 Wisconsin primary 11s a con- tribution to a tight flnancial situation in !he Muskie presidential campaign, a 1pokesman said today . MuskJe Campaign htadquarters in Washington said most of the staff decided to forego any salary altho ugh a few persons "who were only get tin g subsistence pay feel they have to get ou~ of the carfipaign a while." (See Page 4 for details of Muskie's Midwast campaign · 1wlng.) The spokesman was unable to say how miny workers art 11ffected and how many are leaving the campaign. He said some or those leaving would seek alternative employment and return to the campaign after April 4. The Illinois primary is Tuesday. ' There was no indication exactly how ~ious Muskit's financial problem might be but spokesmen deni ed the campaign was bankrupl. The WaShington Post quoted Dick Stewart, Muskie's press secretary who was with the Maine senator campaigning in Illinois, a,11 estimating 50 l'O 75 staff workers wert affected, with salaries ranging from $50 a week to annua l salaries of more than $20,000. Muskie's financial troubles were at- tributed in large part to his decision to reveal names of his Unancl sl con- tributors. "A 11umber of contributions came in from Republicans who asked lhat their nan1es ~ withheld," a spokesman at Muskie headquarters said. J he P-ost quoted'-Stewarl-aR~t1ayini the amount withheld by GOP conlribulors amounted to "hundred~ or thousand,11 of dollars. '1 Stewart denied Muski e's fourth place finish in the Florida primary Tuesday and his lesa-than-majority victory tn New Hampshire had anything to do with his poor financial situation. Legalized Bingo Wins Assembly Committee's OK SACRAMENTO l UPI l -Bingo would be legalized under legislation approved by an Assembly committee after one lawmaker declared that an alternative pastime for some women would be watching "rape, murdtr and sex '' on television. Bingo supporter! packed the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee hearing room Thursday duri ng more lhan 90 minute.s· ot testi mony on lhe bill and proposed consUtutlonal amendment by Auemblyman Leroy F. Greene ( 0- Sacramento ). Greene said ht had a list or 1,911 or1anizations playing bingo illeg1lly in Ca lifornia while polict are "looking the other way." He added it was "farcical" to ha ve laws that aren 't enforced. Greene appealed to the ro mm itlee to do the '!logic al thing" and legaliZe the game on a local optlon, charitable. non· profit basis. The-panel -unanimously-approved-ihe measurt.s and sent them to the Constitu- tlon1I Amendment Committee. ~ ................... ·-·- Everyt.hing looks loveller the · minute Marchesa ar1·ives • the elegant Italian touch by Drexel Pul • l1bl1, 1 commode or • desl from !his grtal collection in any room, and 1uddenly you have 1l191nc1! M1rch111 by Dre11I brings you this l19acy of loveliness from Iha Roman pal1ui of enturies 190 to ~rig"ten the corner wli1r1 you art, 1ocalily from denying equal rouc.aliona l opportunity lo any person because of race, color or nation al origin. It wou ld establish priorities for ap. plying remedies tll schools that are re. qulred to desegregate, "wlth businl'.l lo be required only as a ~Sf'Tc!Ort, nd1hl!•~--­ only under strict limi!R tiors." The legislation also would "provirle for the concentration of feder al s· hool-aid funds, specifi cally on the areas of greatest educational need, in a way .11nd in sufficient quantities so they can have a real 11nd substantial im pact in terms o( improving the education o( children from poor fam ilies." 15 Witnesses Watch Bo y Die 1:~ .. ~~~~I A~U~~~~en-age1 filabbe~e student to dea~ and wound · ed another in a subway ·station near _ Temple University after they refused to give him 21 cigarette or ii dollar bi ll, au- 'thorilies said. Police said 1~ persons witnessed th r stabbing, but would not aid the dying youf}\. His wounded friend was forced tc run to the street to get a passerby to taE police. Wednesda y, lhe Sou I he a 1 I er r. Pennsylvania Transportation Authority 11nnounced it would install C'losed-circuit~ lelevision in the sta tion beca use of fre- queol muggings and vandalis m. From l'age I JAIL ... went back lfl .Judge Murray to wt oul what appeared In be a bureaucr11tic log jam between the courtroom and the COWl· ty jail. They got a new dalr, March 14, and Miller aga in presented himself at the county jail. No di ce. Jail officialg knew nothing or Steven Dale r..1iller nr his 00-day jail term and they aga in sent him back to his law yer. "It's kind or like tryi ng to get into Fort l\nox ." Hickman said. "But I'm going to take Steve into C'Ourt with me again today .and may be he 'll slrike thi rd lime luc ky or have the luck of the Irish or something." M i 11 e r hOP&sJllo. Like bP · says. If he ha<i got-into jail in the first place he 'd only have another 66 days to serve. -- • DEALERS FOR : HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE -KARASTAN ' INT!RI 0 RS NIWl"ORT. II.ACM LAGUNA IEACH ' TORRANCE 1727 Waotcllff Dr,. ~2-2050 3·45 North Co11t H-494-6'51 . 23"t u Ol'IN ,llOAT "TIL' - ,. ~ n1Wt1'ornt l fvd. ,. . 121)1171·117t o,. .. Pr'lllly 'tfl' '''"'''"' l1tt1ta.r ... It.,. A""i..Je-..AIO-N!IO n.,.. Tt" .... Mw _, Of .... C.eltff 140·1 2'1 its ap1 No·,•en1 ~tar suffici and th tmmed Alth diseas Se1 -- Bil SAC State S introdu judge. t regardl prisone written Unde usually age 60 Sehr the req Judge judge i SChrad A P during plete h when h able to $32,213 Ba Fa MO store captiv t.,.,·o sk house Bul • high laden had " ""' Cont said t tered Pate garag C1ip R111a1aeth Ove1· DAIL'( ,lLOT Sllfl Phtlt Friday, ~1ardl 17, 197_,2 ____ _::5:_ __ =-DAJ.::=-LV:_:.:PJ_::LD:_T_,,,:; Saint~s Life Studied ~a1riesake of Mission Researched iJi Capo By PAME;LA HALLAN or tn• c111y ·1"11o1 11-41 San Juan Capistrano -tl1anks to the s· "O\\'S, the 1nisslon and Bing Crosby - is a 11an1e that is well known in (' ··· >r··· even across the c °''V, But ft\\· people know the Rig iO. ol the nanie "'hich has a story at least one person has found fascinating . lle"s William Chappelle of San Juan, a retired ne~'Spaper publisher, \\1ho !la:1 devc'.ed the last eight years to researching the life of St. • John cf Capeslrano, ltaly, an ollscure s1tint \\'ho 1''ather Junipero ·Serra chose to honor n he founded the 01issio n '· '~73. "He \ras born in Capestrano, Italy. a small village in the Abruzzi ri,1ountains in l451i ''said Chappelle. "He '''as the son of · a nobleman, the Baron de Capestrano, 1rl1" was killed during a mussacre in the 6ervice of King Ladis\aus of Napoli.'' After his father \.\'as killed, John'i tuto1'." were ~ ·ovlded bv the king. J ~ con- tinued his education at the University of Perugia \\'here he chose to study Civil and canon law. Six-year-old Paul Nilsen or El Toro '''as so taken \vith the concept of a greenbelt surrounding Laguna Beach, .and South I~aguna that he launched a per- sonal fund-raising drive. Paul collected $1.71 from his friends and neighbors. funds to go to,rard the acquisition of th e ~an d. l·le is shO\\'ll presentin g the money to James Dilley, (left\ greenbelt president, and f..1ike Schley, board tnember. "He was an apt student \.\'ilh a reten· tive 1nind, ·· said Chappelle. "\Vhen he \\'as graduated he \\'as appointed counsel iu the courts of theskingdon1 of Naples and v.•as one of the youngest to be so h0nored. '' In tln1e he \.\'as sent back to Perugia as a government representative and during his service there 1ras asked lo c1uet1 a revolt and make peace \Vith nelghborin.,; dissidents. tle \Vas captured by exiles fro1n Perguai. imprisoned in a to,ver, aud al one point was able to escape but wa'.> recaptured. Cli.ickens Facing Mass Slaughter In California Good Advi~e OAlL'I' f'ILOt 11111 f'Jlolo DEVOTED EIGHT YEARS TO SAN JUAN'S NAMESAKE Will i1 m Cheppell Studie' St. John of Cepestrano 'Go to Hell' Reply Backed "l~e was then chained in the depths c,f a dungeon, forced to stand in 11'haler "'here there 1vas no chance of escape,·• said ChapJ>elle. "11e became a missionary, receh'.i ng his te!igious garb in 1415, probab ly. to t!1e astonislunent of his friends,'' said Chaµ- pi>Jle. llungaty in 1456 at the then incredible age of 70. A national emergency drive lo rid Souti1ern California ch i ck e n s of _N~\ycastl~'s .dis~a.se \\"ill require th~ deslruclion o[ 1.5 n1illio1l birds, according • to ~talc officials. 1'he \'irus disease has been found in ATLANTA (UPI) -. Gov. Jimmy Carter. pas b11cked up his ne\\'s secretary lor his "very e!fectively worded" letter in w ich he told a 1voman critic of Carter to "go straight to hell." "1 have written some pretty hot letters myself." Carter told a news conference. ''I don't have any apologies to make or any criticistn . -. · .'' · · Jody PO\.\'eil, \\'ho handles press r el a-quarantined poultry throughout Orange, tions for Carter;had rep lied to a letter San Bernardino, Riverside. Los Angeles. \Vrilten by Ji.1rs. Edna Hutton of AUgusla, Ventura. Sa nta Barbara, San Diego and \rho condemned the governor as "'gutless Imperial Counties. • peanut brain" for not leading a boycott of Dr. H. H. Parrell of the st:ite Bureau public schools. ~f Anirnal Health said about 330.000.birds Powell received the letter 1rhile Carter nlready have been destroyed since the \ras out of to"'" and replied that "one of the n1ost exasperating duties of a governor is having to read barely legible Jette~.s front morons like you. l a1n happy I can at least spare the governor front having to respond . •·t respectfully suggest that you take t"'o running jurllps and go straight to hell ." PO\\'ell tonceded he \1'rote the letter and sai d Ji.fr s. Hutton had signed her Jet- ter "E. T. Hutton." leading him to belie \·e the writer \.\'&s a man, olher1vise "t probably 1\·ould have implied wh~re she could go instead of stating it in1· plici tly." It 11•as here-that, according to theological accounts, he had hi!;'v\s ion -0f St. Francis of Assisi, urging him to gh·e up his pi'ide an d worldly goods andentei· the J<~ranciscan Order. Soon. after that .he wa s released fro m prison. after the exiled Perugians ex· tracted a ransom, and he \\'ent to i\tonteripido to enter the Franciscan Order. Anti-bus Law Backed By AsscrnhJy1nan "He was reportedly a great preacher --~1ho, converted many peopple and recruited thousands for the holy wars. tlestabllshed many monasteries and hOspi tals i'n' Ellrope and 1vas asked fo r by monarchs who had heard of his .famea s a missionary .·• The highlight of his life , however, "'as the end. 11e had been commissioned by the Pope "Ht• 11•as finRlly canonized by the church in 1690," said Chappelle. "And though he was admired by Father Serra . who was also a Francis~an, he Is little kr:own loday." Really .Getti1ig. Into flis Part t0 approach various monarchs to raise RAL'r:IGH, f\.C. IUPl l _Some actors armies to fight the Turks invading put a bit nlore than others into their Europe. performance. "There was a great battle across the Bob Keiber hes a par! in the current Danube near Belgrade. John. stood wit:1 production of ·•\Vait Until Dark " by th1• ·disease -a respiratory aiment -ma~ its appea rance in the Fon1ana area in l\oven1ber. l\'larketing specialists said there \vas sufficient.J><!ul try for the retail market and-the ordir="ed slaughter "·ould havellO immeeliate effect on price. 40,000 people, 1nost of them student.~. Raleigh Liltle Theater that calls for hhn F t t d B I R hh SACRA~tENTO (IJPJl _ A measure fc.rn1ef s, \vo1nen and children, 011 to get stabbed in the fina l a~t. rus ... a e a11 {· 0 e1• urging Congress to adopt a proposed '"-palisades overlooking the ri'°r and The actor with! he knife got a bit car• . tibusiJJg amendrpen1 to the U.S. Constitu· 300,000 Turks, mostly slaves. ric_d away Wednesday night and_ ac.- ------------,10n-has----bee1,-4-n-tr 0 d u-c-c-d-b'". --'''11' aising his banner-of St..,--l<'raneis i:t cidentalty--stabbed -K-eiber-n---the11b;;..---=;l4 Go u SI s If Assemblyman Floyd Wakefield (R·South one hand and a crucifix blessed. by Pope doinen. Althou gh the outbreaks of Ne\vcastle·~ disease have been termed a nalional emergency by the U.S. Dep!. of Agriculture. the disease is considered on- ly dangerout to poultry and pet birds. 1-ves p loo· ts e Gate). Calixtus in the other, he gave the signal The play went on without intmuption ' -The resolution , introduced Thursday. for his "army" to rOll burning rolls of and Keiber even made hi!'I curtain call calls on Congress to support legislation l''Ceds, \.\'ood and pitch over the cliffs, before being rushed to Rex Hoepitaf ,. mandating that no public school student defeating the infidels. emergency room , where his wound was SANTA BARBAR . .\ (AP) -A bank The dead man was identified as Fran-be assigned or required to attend a Because of the un sanitary.practice of sewed up. " . Ii . oesJ10l..i:311!e..ilL • fects in humans, accord ing to Dr. John Philp. Orange County health officer. robber shot and killed himself apparently cis Dodge_n:..;.11:.:•..;22=.:.· ..;•~hC.os:!pC.it;::a.:.l ..;en°"'1po;lo:,yc:•,_. -fPa,;r,;li;;c;;ul:;;a:,r ,,,s;;co;;h:::oo:::l..::be::;c;:a;:us:;e:..:o::.f_;h:::i::,s..;rc;a;:c.,,c,'-_,l;;;e;;,;,aving }:>odies unburied , fe ver broke ou,,t_=lfe v.•as In Cine sha for Thursda because-his ietims-wouldn'Hake4Jmr--police-said'. · creed or color. \\•h;cli ofln c:·:-· -·-·-hr.11e01e<rin n1gfi s per ormance. seriously, police said. Investigators gave this account: Carrying a bag, the bandit entered a -. S W • branch of the Santa Barbara Nationa l , CllatOl'1 l'IteS ___ .:;ba=nI<~-~Thursday_amLbandeLmanag1t._1-11-Fr ti e ~ t 1-.___, f • James Canby a note saying hostages . Olll-. Te-::AJII tin-ell at ~UXllfY -0 -• B'll f B d<l were being held in a (learby store. • • I or u y "You've got to be kidding.'' Canby told him. SACRAriIEl\11'0 (UPI ) -Republican Stale Sen. J ack Schrade of San Diego has introduced a bill -\.,hich 1vould enable a judge to retire after 20 years of service, regardless of age, if he ha~ been a prisoner of war -and conceded it \Vas written for a San Diego chum. Under the Present system, judges usually become eligible for retirement at age 60 with 20 years of service. "Let's get on with ii,'' the robber retorted. Can'by took him to telle r Becky itartinez's window. ...,. "Fill it." said the h-Oldupman, puking his bag through the window. "I£ I'm going to fill it, I'll fill it for n1yself," said Mrs. Martinez. With hi s bag empty, the robber ~·alked out of the bank , got into a car and dro\·e a1vay. A teller pressed an alarm button and took down the car's license number. ·MARI( IV ' To the sexy • rm port economy _of the .. • • Schrade said he introduced the bill at the request cJf San Di~go r..tunicipa\ Court Judge George G. Crawford, 51, the only judge in the state.who would benefit from · · er.v.ed-w,WJiJb_-S l ....J:! J_,.;-•....,~~-1---t-----,.-----: Schrade in the A!Sembly in the Jal< 1950,,0J:Oti aee11,i1ig A PO\V in Europe for more th an a year during \Vorld \Var JI, Crawford \Viii com· B d 'D' M k plete his ~o years of government service ra11 . ar when he is 55 and under the bill. would be :~~i~ ~:1t~~.'t 1s percent .1 his annual Oii Drunks' Cars Bandits . Hold Family Captive MORAGA (UPI ) -A wealthy lurniture store owner and his family were <held capt ive for more the~ three hours whi'.~ two ski-masked bandits ransacked their house of $4,000 in loot. But one suspect was captured following a high-speed chase in the victim's booty· laden vehicle and officers said today they had "a good lead'' on the identi ty of the second man.- Contra Costa Qiunty shtrilf's deputies said the masked bandits Thursday erl" tered the home of ~1r. and r..frs. David 1'~. Pale through a door from the attached garage. . Free Oinic, Y G.et Y ot1th Funds Tht Laguna Beach Free Cllnlc and lhe · South Coast Y1'.1CA have been selected ~s=­ benefiCiaries of fund·raising activities of a youth support organization calling itself PLEAD (Place LcBrnln); And Education Above Drugs).' A ·check ror $200 "'as to be presented to tach of the organlzntions today to assist their \\'Ork for troubled )'out h in the Lagun3 area. ' ~·fary Stack Robbins wlll accept the check for the F'ree Clinic and the V t:heck will be accepted by ~trs. Susan ~llllette. -+ ' SACRAMENTO (UPI) -If S.n. Arin Gregorio ha s his way, convicted c'ru1iken drivers 1A'lll suffer the same consequences B!I Hester Prynne, the condemned adulteress in Nathaniel Hawthorne's book ••Scarlet Letter." Under a bill introduced Thursday by the San Mateo Democrat, persons con- victed of drunken driving 'vould be re. quired to display a big "D" on any \'ehi· cle they drove for the next six month,;. In Hawthorne 's book about Ne\~' England during the,.Purltan era, Hesttr Prynne was orde red to wear a scarlet embroidered letter "A" on her dress. Gregorlo said hf plans lat.er to amend hil-bill-so-therpenalty irnorso-punttlve. He said a one-month diSplay of the "D" might be adequate punishment. The "D", y,•hich Gregorio sug1e:;ted would measure eight by 11 inches, "ould be fixed to the front and rear of any vehi· cle the driver operated after conviction. The convicted driver also \\'OUld hav~ a bright red "D" stamped on his driver'.~ license by the court. Ant-theft Progran1 To Air on Cable TV An Irvine Tomorrow program on burglary and steps homeowners can take to a:uard themselves against theft \\'ill air at 1 p.m. Monday on communltY" Cablevision Channel a. Sgt. Forrest Lewi.• af the Huntington Beach Police Department "'ill be in· ter\•ie\\·ed by Professor· Arnold. Binder, director af the t.:c Irvine program in social ecolol)'. ' • • ' 2000 and 2600 V6 • • • Johnson & son has them all • • • LINCOLN e MERCURY e MONTEGO COUGAR e COMET e PANTERA IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUY YOURS TODAY! , . •orartgt: Countp•.t r amU.11 of Fine Cor.£"' ohns_on. & son ' Home OJ The New Car ••• ''Golden TO..Ch'' ' Mf IH trl'Y L/\PHI 2626 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA t.lESA • 540·5630 I . 4 DAIL \0 PILOT with Tom urphine Scarlet Letter For Drunks? SACltA~1F.NTO CAlJ,ING: Did you c11tch the newA Item about ont' of our northern state senatoni who has dec.ided wh11t m.uirit be done to tape with drunken drivers upan our hlghwayll and byways? l.abtl 'em, that'! what he decided. Senator Arlen Grel(o rio, a Democrat from up around San Mateo: has decided enough Is enough 1n having al\ these motorl!ts careening around the roadways after they've dipped too deeply into the Juice of the J,:rape. •. So Gregorio took a page from the novel or Nathaniel Hawthorne. who wrote about 1 lady forced lo wear a scarlet "A" because her aoclal actlvltiet had been frowned upon by the local Purllans. UNDEll HI S · MEASURE , !he good senator "''oo\d force all convicted drunken d.-ivtrs lo disphty • large "D" on both the li on! and rea r ~ their vehicles any tlrnc th ry drove within the next six month:,. The "D ... Gregorio suggests. should measur1! 8 by 11 inches. He tlldn'I say whether or not it would be scarlet. l~i:; lnw ·docs, however, rcqui.re that the driver's license of 11uch convicted boozers would be 1llampCd wit h 1 large red "D" (I) nu1tch the ones on the fr.ont and rear of the c11r. FAILURE TO display all these rmblems wot.lid mean another six month~ 1.f r:.rrying li:e "D" ~round on the old /;imll_.· bu1'.· ! t.liir.·~ li.:row 1\"hilt r.regoriu would do if ff'!• teliuw g~;! drunk again. Make him dl,1):11,-1 "'0.\!" Somebody might f•11ti!.'\i:e h11n ~01 01 distriC't attorney. Niyv.:1~·. tht·• i re probably ;:i lot uf 1oiK1 .,j'('.O ~.-Jitvt Gre orio's proposed r~·. ~·r 111 !,~!.nir . .t# ~ l'f..'ffl1l go far enough. ·:h:i_• r.i!;;ht frrl o!her labels sh<luld be lh~.~~ :"' :!:t !ront anti rr.ar or various ~!ll:t.. 'nr e:.:.!lmpie : , F'rlda't, Mm h 17, 197"' llouse Bro!1ght Dow1i A demolition dynamite lest in St. J..ouis collapsed an II-story section of the Pruitt-lngoe public hous- ing development Thurs~ay. The test was to deter· mine the best means of destroying the top seven floors of some olher buildings. Most of the 35 build- ings in the complex are vacant. Radical Publisher Dead? ' Blasted Bod:y T1ioug11t to Be Millio1iaire Italian MILAN, Italy IUPJ) -Gianglacomo Feltrinelli , a publisher whose triumphs ranged from "Dr. Zhivago" and "The Leopard'' to Fidel Castro's memoirs and Ernesto "Che" c;ucvara's . diary, was Identified Thursday as the man who ap- parently died trying to knock out the Power supply lo this city of 1.7 million . Feltrinelli, 45, disappeared In 1969 after police said they wanted to question him about unspecified crimes. It turned out later they wanted to ask him about a series of lerrorisl bombings. • His mut ilated body was found ·Tue::iday launched a nationwide crackdown on lcftw ing extremists and searched scores of home:: and offices. Police would not say .what they were searching for but sources indicat~d i1 was co nnected wit h al the foot of a huge tower used to relay most of Milan's electric-al power. One leg was blown off. lhere was a deep wound in one side and pieces of bone and skin wcro blown SO feet away. were 4:1 Fc!trinelli's death. . Scattered around his body sticks of dynamite. Police said. it took them 24 hours to identify the body because the victim was carrying forged identification papers. He apparently was the victim of his own bomb which he planned to use on the tower. T<'ollowing Feltrinell i"s death, pohce · Jronicotly, Fcllrinelli was as· much a putzlc in death as he was in life. A millionaire by inheritance. Feltrinelli took quickly to radical politiCs but other extremists wer ~ less than eager to em- brace his ideas. Rightwingers said he was a firebrand revolutionary at.d extreme left.wingers said he \vas an amateur political cam p follower. "I offer you solidarity and my ideas." Fettrinetli told a leftwing student Falls iri River Copter Blows u ·p; 11 -Xanks Killed SAIGON (IJPl l -A t;.S. Army helicopter {lying An1c:ica n soTd1ers into action exploded inlligbt today and plunged action exploded in flight to d a y and pl!Jnged Jn flames i11to the Dong Nai River, appartn:ttly killing all JI me n aboard. It was one of fou r American air- craft reported downed in Vietn:m and Laos. U.S. and South Viet.namese divers searched through the day in the river 21 miles from Saigon and recovered r.ight bodies. The remaining three was listed as 1nissing and presumed dead. U.S. officers said the chopper was lif- ting a ''Blue Team" -a quick reaction ground force -into a troubled area to help embattled troops al the time of the crash. The men v.·ere from the Jrd Brigade of the 1st Air Cavalry Di vision. Pilots rlying other choppers in the area said they saw an explosion aboard the UHi Huey and then the heli copter burst into fl ames and fell into the river. The U.S. Command said the crash came from '·unknown causes." The U.S. Command said another UHl helicopter was hit by small arms rire from the ground JOO miles east of Saigon today, wounding two Americans. It said an Air Force Fl05 crashed in Laos Sun- day and that one cre\Oo'man was hurt and onr. escaped injury. An OV IO observation plane crashed in Laos on Tuesday and !he pilot was reported missi ng. fn the stepped-up ground v.·ar. South Vietnamese troops fought their biggest single battle in nearly four months 'fhursday 18 mi\~s south\l:est of the fo rmer imperial capital of Mue. 400 miles north of Saigon. An estimated 90 men on both sides "'ere killed or wounded. Some 600 South Vietnamese Isl Division infantrymen foughl it out with Communist forces from mid -morning un- til sundown. Backed by artiller"Y. and .air support, the South Vietnamese said they killed 72 guerrillas while losing "nl y three killed and 15 wounded. In a report delayed unti l.lioext of kin could be notified, the U.S. Command said ao Army advise r was kil led on Monday .... ·ne.1 the Communists ambushed a thrce- vehiclc <..'Onvoy in the Centrjll llighlands. Jt did not give detalls. Tu11ney Tells Suspicions In ITT Case WASHINGTON (UP!) -Sen. John V. Tunney (D-Cali f.), believes it was "very suspicious" that International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. ordered the destruc- 1ion of documents in its Wa shington office in response to charges by columnist Jae~ Anderson. ITT officials told the ·Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that "several bags'' of docum ents were run lhrough a paper shredder for fear they might come into Anderson's possessio n and be '"misused and misconstrued." Tunney said it appea red to be •·an at- tempt lo destroy documents relevant t·l lhis inquiry ... "It looks ve ry suspicions and very bad." he said. "'Now we will never know It's a shocking thing ." Anderson pUblished an office memo. al· tributed to ITT lobbyist Dita D. Beard. which Jinked settlement of an antitrust case against !TI "'ith an ITT pledge tn help underwrite C<lSts of the llepublican National Convention in San Diego. !TI officers. Attorney G en e r .11 [. designale Richard G. Kleind ienst .and former: .Attorn ey General John N. Mi l· chell have den ied the cha rges. Kleindien_st told a group of federal judges in Denver Thursday night lhat the memo "'as "v"ithout credibility" and had "no relation to the facts." Atidience Wa1·n1., Cool Muslrie Visists l11diana Flaws Eniplansi%ed H:S-;-Birrlreontrol Unit organization nf¥._,J~ng before he disap-T -G c • R 11. pc~~~ • .-.:9::~; • ..nt11nlltoirttr~:soo·~1 '"-. --J_--(} et an1pa1g11 0 1ng slcad." the students replied. Feltrinelll be ca m c inte.roational!y farnous when he published Boris EAST CHICAGO. Ind. (UPI) -Sen. Muskie faces his next prirnary lest in Edmund S. Muskie paused near the pool Illinois nex t Tuesday. table in the Knights of Columbus bar and Before he gave his speech Muskie smiled when the crowd cheered. gathered for a few minutes \11ilh loca l The.a...he..walked..inlo-an-ad-joining--room ..-dignitarie!lvho--prcscri.ted htrrrwitlnrrcc··.-+----"' R T • D • t Pasternak 's "Dr. Zhivago" in 1958. How :~Z-TlTIS woolrl .!land for 7.Jg-7..agger. ... eport riggers 1ssen he got the book is still a mystery. He '~"' warn!"~ •II nearby molorists lh•I . followed lhc success wilh '"The Leopard" 11.:a lr!!ow ii IJ!<e!y to mnke· sudden by Ciiuseppe Tomasi di Lampcdusa, 1---~ 4,"m. • r.rrt>ction-ttrn , coul rt-t5t!;_ ______________ _;c.,_.~---:----:-------.p!liitot1lrntr€d"l>trntllUttiOUg1y-1n 1960. !.:·rtr,fi.I It• :10;11· t.'!!a!t!1. . \\iASHli'l(;TON (UP I) -A 1ircsidcntial cent of births to married women between After that, his politics became eve11 e-01n1nission'!'l call for univ er s a 11 y 1966 and 1970 were unplanned. with 15 more extrem e. l .'1-Hl!:.~f. 1\1' !1:1:c rl11.' fet!ow wh o iu·:ti tu;,,..,;:; Kltl' !h'.-1!: he H~.cl! to Uri ve. SI.ii~· lor V.,,•:-, I!( nays morr 11.ttcntion T·1 t;,c C•in\v\11 _, c i ~ht: lady !l!!llt to hint t1 .. 1n ~.·: •iu.:~ ~h1• l"" .. a vc:i !t: The road. ~vailable aborlil:'!\ contraception and ~rs:ent of the children unwanted by th.cir He became a personal friend of Castro sterilizl\~1011 encountered quick opposition -parents. Another study of unmarried and published the Cuban dictator'9- todny fro111 the U.S. Catholic Conference teen-age girls ''revealed that 14 percent n1emoirs. He also published the dia ry of and a ftw of the con1mission's own of 15 year olds and up-~44-pcr~ent...of 19-e.uevara.-Castro•rtormertop"-llootenant n1embers. year olds reported having had sexual who was killed in Bol ivia in 1967. .Sllf:;~.:-·1 np;.,f; J e t t er :o; stand fnr f.1~:~;: l!e•~l:'fl'Jl:IC Foreign Car. rn ad· ii.!~ t h~ ~:I" a le.I o! lrl~er:. Probably C;i!PW?r t!1•11; t:;~ c~r. Sul th::il 110!v~ the :;1 ..::,:t:i• m11-:·~ foHs -:ornr!ain th.cy e:i.n·~ ~<'c :!1~ l11:ic '~tl~in·s. Suggesting the reporl be trealed with relations." the commission said. "Only 20 "benign neglect,'' the Calholic Con-·perce nt of1these girls used contraception ferencc called it "naive in its assump-regularly." ti or:s and punitive i1• its recom- mer.datlons.'' Rep. John N. E1·le11born (R-Ill.), one of the commission':'! 24 members, said he \'l'"f--"110~ i.41C1.:I ';; •lrs~\n ft'tl .'11 i n l)!tl hopr.c! the report would not be Interpreted 111 u1:rl j~i~ ~'"ln1:r l; nf yesteryear. It as a prnro~3J "fb;it C(l11tr11cf!ptive devices ,.~1ruU ~0,· \\':I'S Ta..1..i. Give s )OH \l<trn!ng hl' sold lhrough ,·ending rno.chines in srhool corridvr.~. '' -(J i 1.he :llC!;i11.1ni"l'll <:onlfi!ion Of your fcltow niot<u\!!t 's i.:!u nkt'r. Ho"''ever. HI co1111nissio11 mt'mber~ joined in the report's reconlmendalion Jl'P.-STANDS f0r .Jnsl Plai n Reckless, lhal won1en be ullo\ved abortion on de- 'That"s '.Yarning flloi1gh. tnand, \vilh costs covered by pu blic and ' prJ·,-ate health insur<\nce and with govr.rn- tl'ic/u c::> --1\l/7 / __ _,, r" 1 1 Hoivard Huglies Must Come Out In Ope1i-Nevada LAS VEGAS I UPI\ - Before Howerd Hughes can reorganize his desert gambl· ing kingdon1, he must first drop his ma sk hf sccluslon ancf meet with Nevada of· ficials "face lo face," the stale Gaming Th e bar patrons went back to their tangular ca ke inscribed 11•ith a good luck drinks. wish in Polish . It was the sa me . when the Maine '.fhey topped that off "'ith lhree ''hip · Democrat "'orked his way throii.gh a hip hoorays"' and a salul.C for JOO years of larger crowd in the maio auditorium of life -sung in Polish. the building where he was lO spe,jk . Sen. Birch Bnyh of Indiana gave The Lake County Democrats. many ~lusk ie a "'arm cndorscnicnt and in· dressed in work clothes. pressed toward troduction, calling him '"a man 111e can him . smiling and shaking his hand. so trust.'' The 1nayors of South Bend. 11am- warmly that .one woman exclaimed in mond and East Chicago added thei r satisfaction. "I bet this makes him feel praises and told J\1uskie. "When you get real good coming out of Florida." the Democratic organization of Lake But once Muskie was on the podium County behind you. everyone will rorget and into hi s speech. the cro wd continued that Florida ever cKistcd." to chat and greet one another even during It was apparent. however. that neither his most thunderous statements. J\.1uskie nor his staff had forgotten lheir There were. however. moments to defeat in the Florida primary at the brighten the chi lly, dreary day in this in-hands of Alabama Gov. George C. du~trial city nn the edge of Illinois. Wallace. NB-INITIALS don't l u di ca I e a 1ne11t subsidies lo pay abortion c.'Osls for Control Board ruled Thursdav. ---C.:.~J.:::;._...,..;h!!~fu#l Nen·port Beach driver. They stand for .N~o~_gt1~1r:Jpc~.0~,~-~ln~s~u~rn~n~e~e~co~vge~r~a~e!.:oia~l~~~-1-1-~~~ 1-----Bl:ak~~-flecal-1houkt-be-prtnlcd-r1•coo1mf'n or rontraceplioo and 1·everse 1111 ~hr front 11f the guy's auto so sterilization. ·f--" he--etilfmHrving-frami-shows-..mo- reason why, the board's chairman said. Nevada was relying on the same handwriting experts that told ~eGraw· liill the Irving book "'as authentic. \ you ran re.:4d it quickly i;; yo"'r rear-view Tl'1o nicniti~rs .dissent ed iro1n the r1:1rror. J.11llals l'outd also ilc s11~lttUtcd rcc\ln1 mt:nda11on t~1t teenagers be of- lo· 1nean '.':o Brains. l!'!t 'Ill tile SHme fcrrJ special progran1s or birth C'OlllroJ, thing 1i:tlud1 n~ eontrarcptives. Wt:I. 1f:r iahel 1:1i.: f1f 1t11re1s ;111{1 !heir The rt•port, i:•sued Thursday by the <:nr;, "vulU !;•l 011 rvrt:•''T. \V !" 11!1 °1:1ve our C.:01n n1ission on Po pulation Growth and f;ivn rilts the 1\1nerir1111 Fult:re. ::aid 1he goal of Maybe JOU :to..tlc\ dn·p N-11 •• lur t:regot"io "i.'f11 popul;1tio1: gru'.\lh cnuld best be met ~ nole :i.ml ·,:•1't' hun (t'11~11d the n1casurc ::iy 1•lin !lnali11.:.: un\\·n~\led prt-gnancies. 10 add !'tttnc or your t\Wll \nh<'lS Tile c:on1111i~sion eitr.J a Prineclon No tr llini; 11•!1crc ol ;itJ nught end UllJ\ criJi ly study co11c!uding that 44 per· '/just asked who was pushing !' Pacific Air Circulating fl igh Pressure Syste 1n Cle<1rs ·Skies iii · East V .S. .. IJ"l.Wla.l .. l lOI0(.1i'1 C '"""~ ..... '°" • ..._ tN (Ml• •!Id W1flft "" .... ~ft '"'''" • "l•lY •\ll'llJ'lll'I ._.., e>rfltltlf'll ~ l'W lft AllQflf, •ltlfllly 11\d 1tw lrl1Tl•t1tl W"""-W>llu \Ill! MMMftMtl tl'lll ---. . • elllll 11i.ri1h· to t llltll St!VflltY of ti ..... l ft ...... ftloM low ti u . lf'lt l'Oltti.-1 Wtt l"-r ""1t• lnutd nt 1'""9 ~\lllvt t 1r ,,_,.,llwi ,.,.,_ •• • ..... ~·tvn ~ • ' }lughcs has applied lo the boar{f for permission to re~· u e the power struc- ture of his $1 illion collect ion of casino-hotels in Vegas and Reno. The board 01•crsees and regulates the legal gambling industry . The Hughes en1pi re lakes in 17 percent of Nevada gan1bling revenues. ··ft will take a race to face meeting to resolve the doubts created in the public's n1ind by Howard Hughes' \He style before the current operating setup can be chn~ecl. '' said board mc111bcr Shannon "Bybee. \\'ho rccornmenclcd the board deny }lughes· application. Nevada will no longer accept dealings with Hu ghes as it has in the past-through corporations. representatives. and letters ccrtiried as authentic by fingerprints and - hand\1•riting experts. said the board's L"hairman, Philip Hannifin. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Othvrry ol tilt Oafly Pilot Is guarant~ ~ ,~ ... "'"'"'-aMtfil. • _,.., J¥11,. Clllli6I,.,,., 0.. "'-'"'· f\1111 l._..._ l.ttUM H""'I ..,...,. . • - lt'earita' tlie Gree1a Pretty Shirley Frame, 19. of Denver. wanted something I litllo differ· enl for St. Patrick's Da;. Shirley is pictured having her face deo. oralefl with a variety of shamrocks by • paJnter al the Latent Image Studio. • :;n ha di. "' \\' . nt sh \Vi lo m th • O'll\I PILOT ,"r. ,,__,.._ ___ ..._,.- Alter11ative l11uye Tt•ina Reactio1a ' ' Jury Sougl1t Deat1i Penalty Petitions Out U.S. Port Closure Looms .. ' ' Fo1~ Davis 'SACRA~1t:NTO ~AP) -a rarn· pa lgn is beginning for 526,806 signatures in order to put thr death penalty issur on ihe ballot for all the voters next Novembfr. By LEW EUICKSON S . .\N f'RANCISCO t.>\P \ ·-A shu1dnwn of lllt lJ S. JXlrls loomNi It$ 11 pos.sibility today after the Pay Board trimmed " t\'111;<' in<'refl.se "·on by \\'est Coas1 longshoremen in endlng a 134.<fay dock stril\e. Pa.v Board refuses 3pprov al of lht' <'nn· lrllcl. In his Feb 24 colun1n in The Oispat chtr. Bridges also s;111d, "St8nd by 1(1 n1arch out AS a solid bloc along "'llh th e E~sl Const 1f lhc r:i ~· Board r t1!"' hr1c·).. nur nri:,011;-ited ~ettlen1cnt bi a5 nHIC'h /"IS Ollt' ('C.nt ," C~l eason's union ha~ not conhr111cd tl1c joint strike plcds(. SAN JOSE (UPI) -It only took eight days for attor!)eys tn accept the 12· memj>er, all-white jury in the Angela Davis murder trial, but the ~ess of finding four alternate jurors already is in its rourlh day with 16 persons questioned and dismissed. The constitutional amendment in· itiative was filed by lour state"'•ide organizations of law enfort'emcnt officer,s. and st ate Sen. George Lcukmejian ( R·Long Beach l. It is aimed ar restoririg ' the death penalty. "'hich "'ns declared un· CQnstilutional recently by the State Supreme Courl. The c nu r t ' s decision becomes final Saturday. ·rhere \\'<IS no in11nediale comnient from Hilrry Bridges' \rest Coast lntern3· t ional Lon~shorenl e n's an d \Var~housemen's Union Thursdav af ter the Pay B;oard in 1\lashinst.on ·lopped abou1 one-fou rth or tht'. I L \\1 U · s negotiated int rC"Jscs. Assembly Oliay s VD Bill Judge Richard E. Arnason called , today's extraordinary session in an effort to s peed up the selection or alternates ~ that testimony can begin in the murder, kidnap and conspiracy trial. ~or v.·as there comment fron1 Brid~ts' East and Gul r Coa.st counterpart . rrcsi· Oent Thomas \V. C.ll'ason of lhe AFL-CIO lnlernational Longshoremen',.: Union. Suppo1~ted by Gov. Reaga11 Boasting Arso11 Suspect Cleared LOS ANGELES (UPI ) -A CClnvicted 11rs?nist who boasted of srtting the Ba-relay Hotel fire that killed three persons was cleared of murdr r charges today after it v•as determined careless smoking caused the blaze. Miss Davis. who is a cocounsel in her case, sat silently T~ursday and let her defense team question the potential panelists. The defense used three peremptory challenges to exclude a Mor mon woman, a man born and raised in South Carolina and a Vietnam veteran. Po"'er Reserves Hurt by Blast LOS ANGELES (AP ) -An explosion that tore apart a city power department steam boiler has left the city's poy,·cr reserves "dangerously low" lo meet peak summer elcclri city d e m a n d s . a spokesman has reported. fJctective Phil ip Alexander s;iic1 Harvey Lynn Beagle II. 30, was cleared after three witnesses said they were drinking , \\•ith Beagle in a bar when the fire broke out early Wednesday. The prosecution used one challenge lo dismiss an Indian mother of nine. Some 130 skid row pensioners and \\'elf are cases were left homeless by the • hlaze which swept the sixth floor of the 7fi.ycar-old hotel. In addition to !he dead, six guests and one fireman were injured, At the end ot Thursday's session. the defense had five peremptory challenges left lo the state's seven. Three alternates have passed question ing for "cause" and are tentatively sealed. "It 's not critical now. bu1 it could br, later," the city Water and Po"·er Depart· menl spokesman said. If those alternates are accepted. the fir st Person to join the regular jury in case of illness or other problems would be black·haired Michelle Savage, 20, a ·reception isl." The blast ruptured a 600·ion boiler and rurnace and t:ilew apart a wall at !he Scattergood Steam Plant in suburban Playa Del Rey late Wednesday night. Damage was estimated at Sl5 million. Mother of Dying Children ' -Dropped Off Welfare Roll ' By JAMES 0. CLIFFORD for under the welfare pro- ,. ,.. SOUTH SAN F'RANCISCO gram . (UPI ) -The mother of three "This means we have no dyini;:: children, \Vho was given place to Jive and no food :in l!:vie!io11 notice before stamps." said Mrs. Collum . '"I Ctiristma s. has been dropped am entitled to a fair hearing f:·om fhe ...,,elfare> i·olls because with the welfare people within (If the gene rosity of persons 15 days. but I don't know what touched by her tragic story: that involves." "I \vas shocked,'' sa id Jae· A spokesman for the cou nty l'jueline Collum, 34. a divorcee welfare department refused to tvhose children, ages 12. 7 and discuss the matter unless Mrs. 7. have :he incurable Batten's Collum givee "her written disease. One daughter, Paity, permission." !J. ciied !n her arms last year. All of Mrs. C n 11 um' s that account goes into the trust." A welfare official !laid ald is n6rmally cut off once someone has acquired $EiOO in personal property. Mr!ii. Collum is also looking for a home, bu! with special requirements ..... it mu st be one st.ocy, located in a quiet, level neighborhood aild preferably near a park. The eviction deadline of April 30 wou ld have been ex· ten~ed on 11 mon~h·to-monl'h • basis by 1he . welfare depart · :,_..,"II ment:-but "that's-all-rhanged ~ · no\\'," the mother said. · i.1o re :han $24.000 tv ;:i s r.:hildre n have the Sysptoms of r~ee;t':'l.i by Mrs. Co!lu nt from the ·rare nervous -distase in- ~l!rsons syn1pathizing with hrr which death usually occurs pHsh!. JTrnrrvrr. the r.ioney is before age 20. Kathleen. 12, in a t:-usl fund '"' her ;ind Charles. 7. ;ire ;i,\ready ch:tr.ren',.: needs ilnd Mrs. blind, and Crys tal , also 7, is l\.aise1• Steel Collum \t•ou ld lik e it to be losing her sight pt:t'!Srrved "in cnse a cure is '"[ have received help and Stt•i ke Ends 1--"'""-"'0'wl OIL'-' _______ -.J.ellfil from l@_usa nds._raJ]g'-· _...:._.:.:..:.:.:.:.....:::.:.:.=..:...,----f-_:; •·1r no <·ure: Is found, thP ing from nuns in convents Ill ~1111c;<i. :ifter the children's '"omen in prison.'' said Mrs. rl~.:iths, \\Ould be used to set uo f.:Ollu1n , "'ho ·gr.ts $99 11 month ;;n orgauiU\lion of p<1rcnts ~·hfi r.hild su pport from the former have children with t h e husband. dise:ise." she said. She sa id <:1 !ieparate checkini::: S!ic received the nev.•s by ar.count of $1,344 Was opened r.1c:il t!1<i: !1cr h'elf:irc grilnt during the first wave of con· 1\'0i..:id t nd :~1::-ir.:11 l!. heca•.i~e trihutinns. of ··cxce:!s r.erc.G!!<i~ propert:v" "I h;iJ no iclea 1he heir shi; had resei•1f"d 'rorn \VCll· would rer..:-h this an1oun t and f ,,·isher!! ar,:.,,:1d th~ 1vorld. just u~ed the separate ar.count Thi ;ir.tion r.ieJns she no to pay off bills outst anding longer \•;ill rel'ei11<> 11 $1!\0 a before '.he trusl wile: establish- mnn th gr&r,1, to::l stan1p'5 "r eel." she ~aid. "But once !he !hi': u~e or a ~n1al! house paid bi!ls are paid. 1vhat '!ii left. in FONTANA <AP I -A six- week strike at Ka ise r:. Steel Corp. 's big Fontana plant E"nd· r.d ThursdaY after the United Stee!wor kers-union-3pprovert· changes in a unique labor· management b o n u s agree- mellL · r-1.embers of the striking union local voted 2,516 lo 49'2 Wednesday to accept revisions offered by the company in the so-called "long-range sharing plan " ·-----·--------------· -···· --· ------ "\\lp're not goi ng to !;ay an.vthing rijlhl av.•ay," Sflid Charles VpJ s on , ad - ministrative assistant to !hr fiery \\'est CoasL Eilevedore ~ss. Bul Bridges told his 1tOOO-men1ber uqion on Feb . 24 that the IL\VU and the ILA ha<i agreed that they \\·ould join in a nationY.•ide dock slrike if the Pav Board touched wage increases "'on bY eiLher union: · ··The joi nl pact provides that if the Pay Board cut s back nn either the lLA agree· menl or our agreement we both join forces and pull oul in every port in !he United Stales," Bridges t\'l"Otr in the JL\VU newspaper. The Dispatcher. The Feb. 16 contract bct1vecn the lLWU and the West Coast employers' Pacific Mar itin1e Association conlains language which permits the ILWU In ltike strike ;iction tvithin 30 days if the SACH .. \~1E/\"TO (l lPJ) -=The Assrn1blv h;i~ stvift!y ;ipprovrd a \'Pnrreal rh se<1sf. ('duct1tion bill i:uppor1ed by r.o" Ronalrl Reagan aloni:: \\"tlh a <'(l!llpRnion measu re to provide $2.18.000 in state assistance for . the courses. The principal bill. by Assc1nb[yy,·on1:in !\·larch K. Fong tD·Oakl<1nd l, \VilS sent 1n the Sena te Thursday nn a 511·:\ \'11tc rollowini:: <1 bri('f debate . Thr ap· propri<'lfion n1easu re. by Asseinb!yman I·'.. Rirht1rd S;:irnes 1R·San Diri;:o l, \\'RS t!.p· proved n1inutes later 011 .11 51\-2 \Otr Mrs. rong had cieclilrcd !hat thl'rl' is .1 VO epidcn1ic in Californi;i . pnrlicular l~' :1111ong young persons She stirred up a. hentecl contr(l\'er~.\' l;ist year v.•lth a si milar bill vetnrd bv C:ol'. Ronald Reagan. 11•ho snld he oP· 1>0sed the 111c:'lsure because il did nnt con· lain a provision that parents be nntif1ecl in advance nf a VD course :-o thar thcv co11Jd withdraw their chi ldren. · Easy Loading -JIORTABLE DISHWASHER-~· .TRADll\IG j ~~ "THE STAMPS TRAVEL :~: THAT REALLY VOUCHERS j ~.:oi~Jl SEND YOU" I • ,.. HOTTEST RANGE VALUE ~ ,..7. • ovr11 SYST~M • c .. -, ...... o~-h•du"-s1o ..... . • c ...... ·-·--........ . Cl_._._ UM Jl• ..... l0< ·- ' With 3 W.-b C)'CIM ~ Lift Toplt.,.k • Nonn.i Wnh-.. Oii. P•M i.1rt1• -d Hold o S~i.i Pl•t•w-•f S•ttiftv o ·~·In Soft Food DlatK>•M WAS $1'9.tS • ·-CMt ....... ,,, •• """""* ThtS \'t.1r. ~tr~ F<l11i: ali l't'Cd ht r' bill In 111·01 irlr 1h.i1 p<11·r111~ hc Tli1t1f1rd 15 d<l\'~ 1n r1rl1\111t·r ('If !hr bf'g1n111n~ 11 ( fl \'fl ··n111":;1' R11t the 111ea.~ure 11•01il d oo! rr· 'llltl"I' 11r1l!r1) 11\ipn11al or 1'0ll!\t'111 (!!fa rlnld 111 l:ikt· p:irl In !he c·11urs1·~. 1'hc lt·~1:;latt11n 11"1llllr1 l"'nn1r lcir;1 I :-1·hool hn;1rd~ It• ~1ffrr \'\) t'rlll('/llH\11 and In drrrnn11h' 1il 11 !1:11 !C'\1•! thr~ :i;ho11lrl hr l.1u,1.:h1 1'hr hill ,1ls1l .l ... SUl'<'.S lh ri t P.'ll'C'!l1S r,111 in.spc\"I 1n ;i!t·ri:ils In br u:;rd in tla• Af1rr ,,It·~ Fon~ srrurt~d l{ca~An '.s ~11p· port 1(11" lhr 1111'i1surr, shr. had lilllc· lr,i::1sl<111t·r ,ippos1!11111. \'<'!lni;: aga1ns1 tht' bill 1'hu1·sda.\I y,•r rr 1\~.srn1bl~·rn11n Eu!!rne /I f ht:1 ppit' 1 H· ('(li1l1 . ,Jnlln \. !!'. Cnlllc r (R ·Ln~ An i::r lcsl, R'nd Floyd \Vakefleld (R-Sou1!1 1;a1c1 . Cnll1rr ;ind \\'akcfield also voted a.i;:<11nsl BR rnr.~· 1ncasurr . 408..lb •• CapKky ~ REEZER · Uptlfhl c.n'f_,MC'• Let'• vou ·~·on'··~·· -Buy Food In le ..... ' M ltt2 IWCI • Tra vel Vouchers ... the "going'' kind of stamp.,. takes you anywhe re. at any time yo u choose! Savi ng Travel Vouchers is the fas test way to make your travel dreams come true! Sa ve these magic stamps for "fun" vacations! Tradin g Travel Vouchers can pay for part or all of your ticket costs! Here·s tlQW the Qregram wotk$: • ..... _ • ..,..._ ..... J .... -· ,_,_.._ .. _c-... , .... ,...,, . ' • 2 1 ..... ,,_ ........ • ""' tolkl flail• 'r- • te .. tlf.AW""'"' Wo:>Otllf!elfl . .... .1111 ...... w_,,....,, • .t.'C ,.t.111-11.s ,.._ Tll'lirl• CeftYe/ • l"oti·C:--Mell .. lfldll•• "' • J Your pa rt icipatin g merchants {see directory) issue Trad· • ing Travel Vouchers wit h each purchase you make. J You place" regul ar" or "Big Te,,u.Travel Vouchers in your •colorful redemption books. J Take your fill ed redemption book to your IOcal member •Exchange Bank (see directory), and rece ive a beautifu lly e,ngraved Traveler's Reserve Certificate worth $2.00. 4 When you are ready to travel, 1ake your Traveler's Reserve ·~ •Certificates to your a uthorized Travel Agent (see direc- tory), and spend them like cash! Traveler's Reserve cer- tificate~ can purchase 811 or any part of your next ticket costs. You choose lhe ti·me and-place, and you're otf on your trip! .......... ._.fRCH .. NT INOU!AtES INV1TEO. TRAvtlEPS ,_ESEl'll\IE, IHC. (i'1 fJ t1t>2200 ··-•a..llJ•IOl ......... 14IMI• • ""' ........ ,..,,.., ...... <-M • t1,,.........., ., ............. •71•. ., .. • ,.,....c.i.. ... _ .. 1e1 ... .-.... ·.-..-...... ,_ .................... "'. ,.....,,, ...... · 1299 11 46 YEARS OF . IJEPE-t<JfJABLE -seRV/CE ! GOLDENWEST & WARNER HUNT,NGTON BEACH Sales Only 842·5596 401 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH . . Service & Sales 536·7561 , _ . ....,. .......... ,. 0 ........ _.:.; ,...,..,.:1,.._ ..... _... . . ~;""::'! 1488 11 · I • • \ • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE • County Is ' Effort~ of Laguna Beach sc.hooJ dislrirt and city of· fic1al.!I to persuade the c:nunty to ~peed rnnstructlon of the • .\Ila l.Jigun.11 Rnult>v<\rd f?;Xlcnsio n, to JOin the htlnop d1~tricls of Arrh Rcarh ll~ii::hts and Top of the \Vorld, appe.ar Ln ha\'e hild the desired effect. ('ounlv ror1d nfficials nn"' arc cnnfidenl f1nanrlng nf thP cn1 1re prnJf'tl v.•ill be approved in lime for con· Alruc11nn th1i; yrar .. 1'hr jo1 n·11p hr111 hcen so rely needrd In lmprovf'. traff1r r1rC'ul.1 L1 on anrl frre prottct1on ~erviccs wi1}11n the c1t_y an d to permit b11,~1ng nf youngster.~ from J1ou 1hern hill arc,11'i 10 ·rnp nf 1he \\lnrld .1nd Thurslnn Srhnnl'i Ptihllr th~ru .'i~i on of lhe hazards of a !'c·hool b11:. rnutt ur and dn"'" ,;teep Nye11 Place. lnppcf1 "'llh an actual ride nn lhe hu s ror rounty orririals. arparenllv hel pe:d ml')ve Alta J.at:una ur on lhc priority list after ii had heen relegated to thr 1974·75 budget. ("ounty a11thnr1tlC!ii can be responsive \vhcn ap· prnachcd by munic1paliues with logical argument ~. A Ref;l!'ionable Expenditure 'f'he ap1>rnv.:ll of !he l;itest in a series of San <:lem - ente pier llntrancP. up,l!radin,I! proposal s \\•a., exrecl.ed swiftl y from plannin~ cnmmissionr.rs. But instead. lhe idea calculated to co.'il abnul $30.000 1~ seen wilh jaundiced eyes by rnmmi~sinncts ~·ho in the past have okayed such co ncepls only to see them gather dust. \Yha t is proposed liu s l ime i~ f'heaper hy far lhan prev10U!'i conC'eptli and involves finall y ridrltn,i:: the arra of ;in u~ly \VPJ\·era C'OnC'relr bunker huilrlin~ and rrark- ed stt.ps anct "'alls leading tn the passage beneath Lhc rail"•ay tracks Some arguments have been heard lately that the Legerid of St. B,.idget, St. Patrick Dear Gloomy Gus SYD:\"'EY J. HARRI S Lea rning lh11l Lr11p Y'air was upon U!'i. my younger . daughter Aliked for 11n ~x · planation nf !his ' {'UrJOu~ c11l,nrlr.1cal rustom . Sht s!np J>f'rl li:slcnlnl: "'h1h~ 1 was only h1tlf·w11y through lhe ~arth·~ orbit Now thal a Chtcagn docwr says i;ex curtails coronary rnmplit.:a- tion11t. we can induls:e In a.Hairs of -and for -the heart. -V. R. A. Tlotl l~<lh!tf f~!IK" •ooNlt"' ¥1•""• Ml llKtHt"11¥ ftl.oM e4 ltio """'."'· hft• \'lllr '" -· N Ofti&"'1 Ou1, 0111¥ Pltel. r.:l1lway w1U be moved eventually and the refurb1sh1ng \\•ould be 3 \\'aste of fund~. The relocation however. might take to years tn ac· ('Ompli sh. In the meant.Jme, the pier and beaches w1JI be v1s1led by 1l11llinns of p(?rsons. And $30 .000 for such " needed raptla1 1mprove- 1nenl project seems a reasonable expenditure. Incorporation, Not Merger ·rne decline in popularity nf the prnrnsal lo merg'.e Dana Point and f'apistrano Rea ch into the city of San .Juan c:apistrann ha . ., been steady and f1cnn it17e 10 re· cent \..-eeks. Only a fe"' day~ ai;:o Ilana Po in!'s t"i 11 zcns (nr Ar· Lion ~roup came oul stron)?ly in favnr nf annthcr 11llempl at incorporation of the harbor eommunily int o its ov,in city. A day later a poll of thf' membership of the l'.;ipJ · strano Beach f'hamber or CC1mmerce al so shn"·ed a waning interest in joining the mission community. In the Palisarles. fe\\1 members nf thr rom n1un1ly associ;iJion there are in favor of h!end in,i;: "'ith San Juan, either. ·rhe j11dgl)1e nts «ome aflrr mon!h ~ or 1nlen .~1ve ~tudies and public meeting:;; "here everyone has been '~·elcome to ask questions of officials of nearby muni· ... cipal ities. It .~eems. then lh::ll. l1ana Pnint i!'i nn the "'ay again loward an all~nut C?.mpaign In tnrnrpnratc. But f'apislrano Beach remains an en ig ma .• It may hecome a counly island in an area apparenlly moving toward local control. s ~Mf>..N, l'M Nol G-0\N' 1-\0M 'E,"' Senate Reconfi r1nuti 01i Every Eiglit l' eu1·s Byrd Would Curb .Fede1~al· Judges WASHI NGTON -A wholly llf'"' Cfln· r.ept is being projected into the .in- lensifyi nj? n<'tionwide fight against forced school businR. The new proposal s1r1kP:s rlircclly 111 the crux nr !his co mpleic and inft;:imetf issue ROB ERT S. AILEN -the virtually unlimited power of autnmittlcall.i• nfln1i na trrl fflr rrt'fltl· Frder~I jud~s lo is-firmalinn by the Senalc. If recnnfirmrrl ~tlf' 5Weepini bus1nf? by the Senate.. they "·0111d conllnue to Nfirls so I e I y to serve for another eight years. "achieve a racial Hnln1£'3. Branrle1~. Slone, Card n 7, a , Hughe~ and Franklurter are cited b~· Byrd as fnl'emflsl advocates of rhe policy nf 1ucl1r1al .~elt-re;::tra1nt Loder their "'1."e and far ·SJJ:!htrd np1n1ons and pr1n('1ples thP S11rreme l'nurl rnunr1a 1erl Se\'eral basic nper;:rlini:: rules. as !otlo"·s. TH[ COUllT 1c(u~rd !n p::iss nn j:ltl!11iral qucstin11i'. 11 deferred tn stal(' b;1lance." "To maint11in the financial inrlcprnd· Pnce of the judiciary. if a judge is nnt ron · .crimninn la~· .princ.1ples: 11. refu:-cd to lo pre\'ent the j11d1c1al en!nrre1nent of total nlf'rgers of cities an? counties".''' CHALLENGll\'G the unhmiled au!horl - ly of the Federal jud1c1ary is nol wholly ne\\'. l:=:::::..-•!!Jro~uo~d!,:·~thJ<,e .!!!fl,_ !.rut --------------"'an1Pft lo know ir 11 \\'ti.~ lru' lh11! wnrncn cnulcf propose to mrn on I.tap YrAr Day. tn~~1c::!rb fh~t d~!~: ,firmed he would be retirel:t at full l'_." __ en11nc1ate C11n.<;t1t11t1on:iil rulings_,,_ unle" afiMlutcly nct'rs<>::iry: 1l rrruscd In rule arry Ayr • lnrl.. WH1Lt: TH&.immed iate fnipa«I or Sen. uron n1nnt riucst 1nns: 1t defer red tn a ~e::irl.v A h:i1f tenlur~· itj:!O. Sen. Rnbert M L:iFol\ene. Sr .. R.-\\'1s .. wa.~e<l ;in 1n· depcndenl campa ij:!n for President with nne nf his major lssueS the imposing nf res1rai11ts on the unllmited authority nf Fedrral cnurls. T~is was nne. of !he pl::inks <W the platform of the Pro(;re_!sive rarry "nn wnrrn he dimpaii;?hcd in 192,4 ag<11nst Presirlent Calvin J_;oolidge. ACTUAi.LY. lOOENfl 11~idr~ there i.~ ~l' :oo~·itin n~ff~t~ Ryrd's far-reec;:hing prnposa! renters 00 .o;l;:it('s 1nlrrpre!<1t1on of 1ls n\\'n cnn· 11n Act of the SCoUlsh parliament, pas~ed lerms of Federal !hi! stormy fnrccd -busing contro\'rrsy. it s!1tu!inn anrl statutf's: and it stnclly in,. as fa r back a! 1288 !itself 11 Leaf\ \'el\rl i'ud •rs _by requi.ri ng lh~m 10 be rccon-;ictually ;ipplies lo the Federal judiciar~"s 1erprr1~d the rulrs i·nnt:crning "s!11nd· which st11tes ~I have modernized the '-' I I · h h I · .. 1 b · I •I firmed by I.he U.S. Sen11t.e rvcry ei~ht v11st Y encompassinf? rn c 1n t e "' o e In!!. o r1n~ a <11r su . langua_i:eJ ; )'C"r.~. If denied such Approval. \hey g11mut of the nation's affairs. "Ru! in rr('r11I ,l<'llrs," s;1ys B.vrd. "the "It is stalute and ord:iined lhal durin~ " - "Nnt nnh• nn Lf'Rp )'ear DaJi:·· I SAirl, "hut for lhr \\'hnlf\ vritr. A"nii .vou'rl hP . w lhe rei,Qn ol her mflsl,,blesscrl Mc cste wnulrl be retired wi~th~f"~I~\ £P~"Yt·-..~·~~-_,1L·h~i~<_1~·m~m"\'ca~s~u~(~ij~blu>-f'incrcas~c-1lu-ftdcral t•owi s h3 \'..c..Js;:i10rrui oi:--O~r<IM :.___~o~r-,~.~C!',;!.~yc;o~r;:!;;=no~w~n""•~s"';'~.~p:-.;f.,~,~r."':o~l--TI1lin(t !He rn"Erni'lf every !<lafe in fhe pnrlance of and justification for the rrtc h n( lhc~c \\'i~e dor!rl ne.r:. l'{_n\\' !hr · 1 union, except Massachusetts. requi·res the measure. 1·011r1s. a!'tlnJ:: undrr the prcm1.r:e !h::it U1e hn"' !on~ 11.1H• t~n l idt'll got ~IArf Prl ... One nf lhP nldn.')t lcRi;,11rl~. rcrnrrlerl in BrPwer. rrlAtr.• thsil SI. PRlrirk , hit\'lnJ: "driven !hr. frni;::11t nut nf thP hni;:.s.'" \Vil~ "'<ilklnJ;i alon~ thr ~hnre~ n( Lnus:h NP11I?h. \\hen ht "'"~ 1trrn~ted h.v ~I. Bridi;:cl 1n tear~. anr:I \\'Al't lolrl lhRI " muliny h;id broken nut tn lhr nunner~ nver which shP prrs1 dtd -tht 1Arlif's cl111m1ng the right of ··poppln~ ~ht question.'" ST. r ATR IC:f' si.irl hr "'Oultf ronc·prlr lhenl !hf right every sevrnth year. when St. Brirl,Ref fhrr 1\ her arms around hi11t nt('k <ind e~('l.iirntd. ··Arr11h: P.:ithr)rk . Je\\'I'\. I riAren"t 11.0 hArk 10 !he ~\rl~ \\'1th i;urh a prnpo.~111. i\!::ikr 11 one -yr11 r 1n f11 ur." I-Ip rcplirrl . "..llridi;:el. arushl;i. l'flUPf'Zt' mP 1hR1 "'ii)' ift11ln. Rnrl I'll ~11•r Yf' lrilp-yrar.' lht loni;:cst nf lhe Int.'" Rndgr1 ~ llfll)O !his. pPppcd Uir quesl1nn ln SI Patrirk himsr!f . "'hn, nf ('(lllrse. rould no1 ITIArry: .~n hr p.1trhtd up !hf' rl1f f1ruHv A~ bes!. he could with a kiss and a ,. n1a1de.n ladles of both hi_i:h 11nd ny,· t>S\11\e • h · ~ shll ll hive llbe:rly 10 be!!peak lhr man she ~ periodi c recof!ri('mation of statr: Jud~cs, The Virg1ni.:i lay,·m;i ker intends In srck Cn n.r:IJtut1on 1~ ". 11te1·er Jllu}:!.rs sa.v 1t 1~. llkes. and ir h<' refu .<:e!I 10 !Ake hrr lo be Byrd explains hi~ Cnn!iil.itutinn:il amend· rarl y enns1derallon nf his <imrndnu~nl h<1Yt ph1n,::e<l into 11hrit ;1rlm1rcrs hkr ln his lawful wife. he shs.11 bf' fined in the ment and its urgent need as fnllows: "'hiCh he deems critically essential for e.:ill it ·r.e\'olu1ion.' .Rut ~s Justice Carrl(l- lhr fol!ow1n~ reasons: 7.it ~ w1!iiely heir!. Jus11ces are not Cfln1· Sllr1'1 nr any pounds. a~ hi!i est.,le may be:, •j N_ .RECENT 'EARS lht _fi'Mrral Ttle f"Cife?Af~iudiciarv. h;i s pr1 ...... ..tr;il"d n11.r:i;.1nned f11 iriflkP 1trnl unm::ikr rule~. ,, e:rctpt if-he ('an----nmvr he-lrilfei""d)' 1 h , , •~· 1 , h c " cour s avf' as.~umeu mnre anu mnre 11 .. revolutinn" by casiing a:-irte re!itr::iint P.rasurc. in ar.rnru.:incc "'11 c.".'. ni;1ng betro!hed to another v.·nman." h' h , h ~-· pn"·er. PQwcr \.\' IC 11n11er I e \A)ns11111-and re,ca rrl for lhe other co-equal \·ie1rs of expediency or v. 1sdnm . NOT TOO U>Nlj 11fl('r this. in the 13th l'cntury. ~ si milar \AY<' .was pas~e<I ln Franc,, And in the 15th Ctntury. the rustom nf frm,11IP prnpnsals was lej:alizt<! in hnth the ~ol'erei~n ci!Y slates of F'\nrrn('r 11nd fieno::i. · AP-llftr A.~ tM4 , whrn Shake:spc11re "'Al'i Al !ht hriJ?hl nf hip, ,i:lnry, 11 pamphltl w11~ rlistrihuted in London. CAiier! "lJ"11·r.. ('nurtship 11ncl Matrimony," which pro· rl11 in1"d ' " , .. As nflrn 11s Lr11p Yrar rlnth rrturn, the l:tdics ha1·e lhe sole prr1'ilrizr rh1rin.i:: th11t !imr nr mitkin~ lnvp. r1thrr hv 1o1•nrd,, nr lnoks . .11.!rffl tt'tPm ._ srrm prnJ'l('r:' anrl . morcovrr. nn rTI<in wilt br rn!i!IM h'I benefit or rlrr_i::\' 11·ho rlflf'~ 1n n\' 11 \ pmposa t' "'i1b s.l!;h nr contumely ." Right fln, \\'(ln1cn 's Lib! lion was reserve<! lo lhf' PXf'culive. the branrhrs of lhe ,i:nvernnlent le~islau1r~. tht sratrs "~ th!! peoplt FMcr;i.I juri):!C!l-are !'oub!'t11utinc th rir l;\'OIG~'A \'TL Y. Se n. Ryrrt r1tr!>I a numl>f>r or til~nni:: 1nstanrrs nf aufl'JC'ritlir JTieddling'b~· Federal judges in lllCal af- fairs lhemsf'IVPS. Thi~ misusr ,,, pnwer \\'.ltS ,,wn 1rle11s or justire fnr rulf'.~ nr ]ill\', and nnl envisioned by lhe fournlers of this "too often thr hallmark of rhr mnclrrn republic. rourt ha s brcn the voice or pov.·er , nnt the "II is lime thitl we restored the halanrc voice of reAson ." "Thrr ht1\e 1nlcrfererl t.l'l!h !h,, nper;i- linn of srhool:!i .:inrl un1vrri;i11cs .'' hP in the _i:ovemment b.\' making Frderal judi:;es n1ore responsible to the people. ft L~ fimr !hr judiciary hr: m::ide. nncf' more. 11 <_;;Q·equal branch or rhe ,co1·ern· ment. r;~Ther than !he ~f'lf.::ippn!,,!rii supervisor nf every itspcct nr our coun· l ry~s exislcrlcr. "]'he pr.escnt .... systcm nf lifet\mr ap- poinlm!"nl , y,·he rchy it jud,cr i~ removitblf' nnly h,\' in1peRchmenl. is not in the !lest inlrrest of the country. The Rmce~s of l!ll1n~'t\ y 1mpe1tchmenl ·ones ool 11ns\\'Cr lhr prohletns prrsrntrd by 11 jut'jiriary 1,1·hich h11s esritblishf'CI itself ,115 ~ IN ~1ANY in~t11nccs. Federil jud~c" ;i.sscrts. "They hi\\C srl fnrlh rieta1\erl h11 ve 11rro}:!an!ly a ss u n1 e d the re~ul;111ons fiir the itdn11nist rat inn nl ''prerog;l/ives nf !,,rd::; {If !he ~1 1ddle S!<ite penal f;ici11l1r~: !he,\' hi11·e rli ct.:ilcd Ai;;es : nnlhinl:! in· our systrm rx is1s In tn local school hnrirds. and \n some .:.rras control !.hese JUrlges : 1hr1r passion!< nf thr h<i\'I" gnn r so f;ir as In ~11gi:c.r:1 lh.<tl lnc::i l 111omrnl are totally unrestrained, t'.\C'n hy gn1rrnn1rn1 hod1es make itpprnpri.:itinn~ J.hacol\Aeli\'e \\'isdotri nf 1-ellnw Jtlrl~c~... ,.r rr10n£'y fllr projects \''hic h tiic judges Such hiJ!'h·hRn<ted w1llfulnr~s is rrnrlini:: fer! il re nr('essl'tr~'· re spt"cl for the law. \Vhere onre ~·rclc ral "Only rerrn!l.1·. 11 Fedcr;il JUd ge rnurt~~. acted Y,"jth carcluLr.cslrainLand-cu:cl$r.ed-::i~~j\le ~hr~h:ctmrrn mnderiltinn . lhRt era appears over 1\<:; a loc;il officers, e1·en 11·hcn th is issue never cnnsequencr. v.'e nnw h:ne it jurl1c·1;ir1. had been presented !o the cnurl hy any nf "'hich~ arcnunfitble to Ill) nnr. hits run the part ies in1oh·erl. One Federal jurl i::e am<lk in as;::ert1nF: tls <111thor1t y O\er !he nrdered thP conSQhd;i l\<ln or thr schnnl A 111riesty V 1iacceptable super legislature. Under my 11mendment. JUdi!ts criuld serv' for a term nf eighl years. at the end of wh ich they ll'Ould be dail.1• lives of all Amerir11n;::. S\'Sfrn1 s or t"·o cnunlirs ;u?d one city. The late famed Supren1e Court .Just1rcs Unless this decision is reversed. "·hat is On Se pt. 19. 1924 in hi s first mi1}flr ad · drP ss in the ~:itsl, LaFnlleue hotly Al· IRckcd ·the co11r.!s nn the i;:-rnunds they \\'rre "agit inst !he poor and. Lhr weak .'' "Shnw mr nnc l'ilSC in which ··!lu! :c.dcra~!rt.5-ha~pr.~ed-h11m1t rights:· he thundered. "and ! v.·iJI sho\v .1·nu 20 , cases in v.·h1ch they ha ve d i~rri::ardcd human rights lo prot.ecl prop- er!~· .. TODAY. ·Tiit: is.suP is .s1ill human .r1i::hrs -bul this time ai;ialiist,. tile itufl'JC'r1111.r aurhnrit.v of Judcrs tn make ancl unm11ke rule~ at thr1r nv.•n pleasure, that dirccllv 11nd dr11~lic::illv affecl humans. spe°<"ifically rhildren ·going to schonl. Sa,\·s Sen. Rrrd: "'Thr cnurl ·rrcRled re\·oluti~n y,•hicl't bc}:!an in the S~premP Cnurt has permeitlcrl the Jo"'er Fedcr:;il coUrts. The flagrant abuse of injunctive pnwers nf Feder::i l distr1<"l Jud ges ~.:i s R,rn\Nn nvf'.r the last few yc<ir.r: to the pn1nt where. in rach secllnn of nur ('o untry, the dail.Y ll\'CS or citi?.cns 11re !;t1hier1 1n re.i:ulations by ~in.ele Frder;il dislrit1 Judi;:es. "ln. case after , case. local di.~trirt~ judges have t;iken 1t upon themselves to inle rvene in itreas set ai;1de by the Cnnstitut.ion for sla!e and local action. Th~ pe;opte nnhe United. ~t:llefi. lhroogh the ir pcJ\\'f:r to r;itify amendments .ln the Ccinslitution, .•hould be given an op- pnrtun1I~' !o exprrs11t thei r 1·ie\\·& a.~ lo whether Federal Jucli:e~ should be made more re.~ponsib.le to the pcoplt.. Now they are accountable lo no one." C.llfornla Fr111urr Str,·irr Onr LS..'\llf' !hP hhf'ri\I ran1r krrp~ tr~·1n~ lo 1nJf"C'f into thP rurrrnt IH'mnrrar1c prPs1drn1111I pnm11 ry 1·;ut1pa1.i:n~ 10 thp Eal't1 and Mii1\\·t~1 1~ lhr 1S."lt1l' nf 11mnr~1y for dr~f! dod~rr~ "·ho rlrd tnil ht'111•('('n lri;:l'I -itrrO.'lil'I lhP Ctinr1ri111n bo1·rlc r rxttrlly ~rr1rrl thP im11J;in11rion of tht Arnrrrr;in prnp!P. for 1tir simplt rtason lhsir rhty ;irt unarrrpli\blt. Ntv.·~11·rrk • ~1a1:Rr.int. tr~ing h;irrl tn ktrp lh111 1i1ful 1s!'lut from f.:id ing illl'AY silloi;:.rrher, rrern1lv dr1·01ed 1111 ('n1·rr 11ror.v ro 1he quest inn of ;imnest)' for "'"'"r rvaders." Doubts Ab.out Black Power Group ~rn, r.ror~r !\1l'ffO \'l'rn , !hi' prA1n r 11bera! ll'hosr lotti;:. lC1n_i: ·1·.10111;\\j!n ror thr Prrsidenf·~· hR.!1 ytr IC'\ 1~k1' off. pro(IO.'>Ni lo rollrfir Rurlirncr~ 101111 ~n1nr:<.t_1" for dr~r1 rlMjtrrs 1dl1n~ in Ci\n~d11 ::ind e!l~""'hf!rr. H i~ propnAAI. of c·n11r~r. "'11~· rnthU1illl.!ll1r.:ilh· rrcr1v('(i on 1".11mpt1~ .\nnthrr t• s' Sen111(1r k~l't P•'t'IJ"CL~rd 1h111 lhP~ younfl! n1Pn of !hr ·•mun!rr rulturr·· mo"'mr nt bf' •llO\\'Ni ro rtturn ~n1r 11nrl \\Ork off l~tr obli,;!Alinn to lkt1r ro11 n1 rr rintn.g i:nod def'(!' in l't0sp1ta!~. chn•c~ i\nd thf f1k r l\1EfTHtR OF TH&St; pro~I~ h;I~ Bu G<'org r --- Dear Gt<'rl!f' YoU rPp llrd t(I \\"nndt r1nc tha t rou didr,.f"Wf\lt .\'t'IUr o~·n Tetter-!-I dM't hf.l lf'Vf 11 Yt\U \\'f'U ld HA\'E '10 write tht ltlll'r~ 1n 'nur eoh1mn. Oft you Uper.'I II~ lCI htllf'\'f" lh<'rt h rrthltl11A113' nu11,. ltttrl'l"Nlmln~ \n,. Hqw> mtn,~ id~tl ck! YOU think the:r-t art ln the w"rld ~ ' I O."'· °" r 0. \\' .. WtlL -,.u'rr Ille Mtll.lhh mt'<tl!nc· and l ha\ttn'I e:'"'eO optned Ow. mail fr-rim 'twporl. l (:et lhRI -war l'\'Rder~. nnl drafl d1'1rij:t'r!I. Th111 , of enu ri'f'. 1~ A mr.alv· 1rinuthf'rl trr111. dii;honr~r through arirl 1h1·ough . :itub~t11u11ni;: s:l 1ttr rini;.: f?lorHicA· 11011 for 1ilrAi~hlfnr\1·::1rd old American u~::ll:t' -iiri.fl rloct1:1n11 . 11110 Rit1hrr . !hr l' RS · T \' cnr- rr.\J)(ITldrnt , ~lso lr1Ni tn Pump llfr \n1o 1h1J1 drad ll>ISH!\ 1n hi~ h(llir -lnl\g inttr,·1r11· 11·11 h Prr51rlrpt Ni~on rt'<'rnlly. Al'lkNl ir ht ~Clulrl ~r11nt ,11mnc~1~·. rtwo Presid('nt rrpht<I ~'Ith onr \\·ord -.. No." F\R Rl':rn\'n THE il':!iUf' of itmMSll', \\hlllt tht f'f\untr~· n1·rd~ 1~ for ~ r lllnkult rioltrlr1an \\·11h ttlc flU'~ 10 SPf'ilk ou1 rn pa11·prful IPrft\!'1 1n !'lupport of !he hun· rlreds of 1 t·1no .. 'f\ndS nr ynung mtn who 11n~"·rrtd 1hr call of t.ht dran bo:lrds by fltll injl' 1nto uniform The~· ~avr 1hr1r ume. rhC'1r Hve.• 11nrl thr\r hodirs In fi~~ll 1h,.1 h11trful "'Rr 1n \rittruim .and ) (" '°, p 1, n . 1nt1r N!Sf)Orl~ib1l111t' ~! of 1hr pr:Cf o( btif\S AmC'ric;in.•. Tllcst mtn ~nrl thf'ir hu111hrs nf'td rrslorl"d to tl'wn thf1r honor •nd d1~n"y ind l~r itcn11t rif h11vinl! Mrv@d lht'ir COOO\TY lri " fA Jlbful m1tnntr Thtr arr '"'llhln i? thP r•nk1ri1 Polit•· aam--t$ptf1;ill)• pre5idcntiAI aspirll'llJ -to •!>Uk uo.. \\'ASHINGTON -The nev.·ly or,1?an1zr<t ~\acJ.: Po"·er Ji,ssembly. \\"hirh may t vnlvr inlo " rAcls1 poli11c~1 pRrt ,\·. Al · trRrt~ Hftle op1imism on it3 prospttf! fflr !'IUl'f'f'.!t.~. • Thr 11~rndR Rdopttcl in thr rrcrn!ly cnnrlurlPd mrr1in~ ln Gar)'. lnrliitna call11 fnr thr mR11:h11Uni.:: C1f 1he blAck vn1r (\fl pnnc1plrs of ritri11I unity rirounrl ~uch J?MI.~ l'I.' rrpl'lrlltinn~ p;1ymrnL~ for J),11~! 1n1usllcr. R Sfi.SOO. s10.om-.lnJlfl'aTitl'Ed 1nron1r . ilnd fedtr11I ::i.ppnintme.nls propor· rinnalt 10 th@ black popul1t!illn. II wa~ widely nntf'41 JhAI bl•ck groups ol d1ffer1~ ne~$ of m.i lltAnrv •Tld differ· f'rll tllCli~ Sllct'Pt<ftd in drRfllng somt generAI pr1nc1plf'11 11nd agreein, nn 1be crtatio• of a niilional or~aniutioo. Tff1S UNIT'' "''"$ .f11r from unllullltd , T~ 1tfion1tl A~ilu1on--kir t h e Ad\'AllCfln1en1 of Colored Ptoplr g11ve n(llitt In &d,·anct ll ,oould f'IM C'Onrl<mt. " ~tJWlrflti~t or blM:k suprtm;11c:l!t dMn In ttw> movrmfflt l\fichlaan delf'gires, in· .. c.lud1nt mtmbets ol Lbt" United ~uto \.i.'nrktn Un1on. v.'1'1ked ou1 Thf:or-ftially.. tht Na110CU1I Rlack Polili~al AMtmbly • .,.btn ~nlvd. v.i l\ «lttl&t on.JU own beha.lJ u >Aell u 1n RI CHARD 'rlLSO:\ 11ni1 rhrnu$!h rhc rst;ibh!lhrtl r-ot i11c·a! ~rtie~. The srrong rhru!'il. ho"·r\'rr. 1~ !0\\·11rd ll. srpar111r black poht1c11I p11r1~ wh1rh f.ary·~ 1\layf'\r Rlr harrl G Hat C"hrr h::i~ r rrdict rd wou ltl bP formrrl unlf'S!'i 1hr '"·n m11.l!'r (W'lrt i~ sausf;u.:1orU .. · me.cl Ille. B l11ck -A~~cmbly's dctnands. • Jl'DG l\'f. R,. lkr prel1mrn;iry ;ii:rnda of 1~ Nst11on11I Rlacj.; A!..c;embl~'. thf'rr is \·r~· lillle hl.:f'hhooci tMt r11hrr lhP Rf'public11n or Democr111tic p;irt1('S n11· 11onally will respond ~1isfa;c1orily Fune· llonin.g a~ 11 n11ti nna r prr'f.Surt ~our rhr · As.,.embly l!i rxpccted 10 back <'anrh<till"" · lobby tn Congress. perhaps run 11s n"·" )hirri ~rl¥-CAodid3IM, -And IA-~f'nf'rJll rnndurl 1 1~rlf 3s the> political <1c:11on <inn of rhe bllu;k rM"e. Tht h1~lflrv of mov ents of lhil>I ~1nrl ls nol pro'mis1~. _ • ill\ilon~ anlt movcn1en1~ or cntcd lo ic And socb1t. or rv~n tAclAI !mt.' ha\.·r found 1hfy C'l'll'I opcrafe belier throujt'h 1hc t!IAblish f'd .major polil lc11T p:.n1f'ti A 11ooci rlr1'1 of br1""AM. but Jil!le rcAh.;m 11tt1tcix-d 10 the f\at~m~rit or tht Rt"\ JCMt JM:k.son, Mt or 1he or,i:itn1ztr.-of lhf: u:stmbly. that "the. l\to'i;OCr?l'° l'tlJ longer (:•n lf!lkr '~ rM' imtn•ed l"lult lht Rcpubhcw wrue ~ oil " • . . B'' ~IORt: REALISTIC measures. the l'lemocrals do not. in fact. take. the t\egro \'Ole for gr11nted . itnrl the Republican!'i do nor "·rile 11 nff. Rur H lhev dirl ~n tht v.·ork11ble 11hrrn11ti\'e doc!ii 1'01 Ile 1n thr form;ition of ri minor polit ic<1l part)' m.:i k· ing: iLc: onfy 11ppeal lo the 75 million tilaC'kS 1\•ho \'nle in national elr('· 11nn~. "·i1h !in!e pro~pecl or lining lhrm up 111 ;i s;olirl h!oc. Ttie cffrrt or such poh11cal mo,·rmr111 t'Oi.ild bcJ-d;sa.c:t.rnit-' In un+l ..... 11rw:j (~rnt the black \·otr 1'n thlll i1 w(lllld have les!'I pnlil1C'ill 1mpRC'I lhiln at prr.sent . H lhe pohttcAl S('Pf1ra11~ts \.\'ish An extimple. rhcy m1_t"ht lnnk 1n the laOOr movement 11h1c-h in prrs1drnn:1I PIN"tlon:s doc.~ nor blind\~ rono\.\· Its le1'dersh1p ·~(l\lf:: ASPt:;CIS of thr ~I ;1: r k i\<;.,'!cmbly 's progr11m ~rt con!'truct1,·r tf rhf>r lr;iirl to ~rriltrr voltr iurt1c1p11ttnn h~ the I~ 5 mrlhon potcntl<'I btack" \'Oftn: Rut lm m11mu :\m1r1 BflrakA . 1be. pool form('rly n11mf'd l.e Roi JOl"lf'S. is likely to h.1\I' d1fficul1 · s1rerin.i.r the nation11l \\'h1t r lr.:ide.r!iihlD WO aid.i.nl N.bc.llll figbti~ \1 hilr or <..'OlOl\1al rep:1nles In 1\friea. "'h1c.h ls ont:' of' tit!! f-a\-lll'ilt, projttt1. &pAr.11:~ scn:imrnl "'"" reflecred In the rrsolutlan oppo!lf\I! bl.Wng, 3S basffl' M • 'h" h1lse notion !hat hlM'k children :ir,. Un-'! It to lc>Arn uni<'~ they ,r,. 111 thf u nir,qo111nll P!I "·h11c rh1ldren.." Bot lht r~lut~ \l'f'nl fAtthrr 1h11.n 1h1u ft. In l'ffr.tr. ('(l('td('mn<'rl tnlt:rauon in onnopl' Md supported I/Jr quesuoo<d lclu th&t black rontrol of schnol~ 1n black neighborhoods "ill result In higher ecluca· tional qualify. IF Tf!E ALACK asse.mbty r.• lo be A ,nli11car ::icr ion arm it might .!IUccred ii\ achiPvi~g somt Qf the. unrealized goals or 1t..$ partisans. Rur ii! fut ure as a polit1c;1I party. If tha t is~ the clirCction 11 t~kN. ·~ not very brlgh! anrl <'OUld. in the enrl , damage. the ffl~t it-seckno serve. 0-A"'!Gl COASl DAILY PILOT Rohen I~. n·,.,.r1 . Pubt&hi:r 11'0"'1'1.5 1\rf't•rl, f;lhtor Alhrrt ''"..R'atr' • £rl1101i(ll r ooe (d!Jor Th .. ndHrir\ftJ ,,,.,,. t1r thr Oiailv 5!)lirt. ;Ueki< '"' lnlnrm 11™1 Jll!T'lli· l~I" ttlld"l"i h,· prr-srnt•"i lh1.~ nr•\--,f"I~• 't"'nl?T'lt :11nd-rom . men111n r'>n tnpjn or 1nlPrM1 .11M i;!c-.nihc1111f'r h)' l'!'OVldlnt A r(>rum fl')r lh" r\:;irt '"Tl r.I "'°r n"'•drrt' nplril~ 11.-id I)~· rt'!"f."'1'1111'11" I~ dlvftr,\,. \l"\\f""ll'llJ l"'lf Ulf!>rm"Ct l"'lb- 'f'tV"ro; 11nd •iw>k~mtn on lopiC1 eot 1ht d11~ Prld•) Much' 17. 1972 • ·WO ca hig sai I lh• da c\o par ru deV ttc lo clu and of t poi desi tha t safe \'('I) \en ad and fail stor far s ...... ""'! .. e f'JAIL V F'IL MT Controversy Swirls About W.Va. Dam D~saster ANIMALogic Ry JO ANN l.t;YTNE corpori1te headquarters nn ils name from the building Virg1n1;1 ... pr;ict11:es at other st~~ d(l nls 11 said lhe ro1npany "''fl S rlo1ni: 111lnl4'f'fi 1n '''If'"' tht 111iwunl nf "E"'W1"y kO.._RK ~ s-iu Park Avenue here . JU,!;l last d1rector v. The f' 1ev11 t n r \\1at1rr~ fl. Leahey, d1r("('tor 011·n"' t 1·er11h1n1: tt N!Ulrl in !ht w11ter bi-...h1nd tlul roMpany'1 N -As millions k It •-I · '''."l "rler··· '''d 11 ... ,,there the f ff f , .·,,,,. •.aid "• •.til l '"'' · " --• I d nd k-" of dollars nf aid pour in. con-wee · '"",l?an nck1n~ the " " .. n ('flrpor;Hr a airs o r "' n ;ircia 11 nas n~"''" 11: nPW s AJ: a111. a "'A.~ 11!\ n1 tn tmversy slill swirls •round the dou ble doors of its me1n office ~·rrk befnrr 1 Pittston. wnuld tsilk nnly nn thAt !hf' "art of (;ntt lhtory," held off1rf', sf'nl tn rf'll'l\plln~· 5ho"'' htr l'IOftS In~" nfflriAl of recenl nooct which claimed -duri ng the daytime. Attempl.J In rrach Francis the telephone. fl()! in his l'lfflce. !he ~llr1bunon of thP 1-olh1pse 1111orn<'\'~. ~nd •~ "htlpinJ: peo-I~ mint ~who "''ou\d Ml .5111·e more than 100 live! in West Responding to a series of J. r·alamaril. Pius1on 's ex· Allh<logh he sai d he did no! nr lht dam tn 11 "nRtur11 I pie t"' find !htr~ ra nlHles." h11' n11nle 1. knocks. R woman did pet>k ccul l\'t' 11ce-pre..'!ident in know H 11ny t'1'ln1pany ex· di."astrr." is "no! \\'tthn1H Ctial·nunt' o~c1als are ver~· four d11y~ ]Ater. 11 televbi"'n ~~:iii"i~~~gw=:~:::;:r~~ Arou nd the door and. when re-ch;:irgr of administration. tculi l'es had J:,nne In Wesl sonle mt'ril." lie added lhRt tnurhy aho111 1hr1r slRJ1,·he11p nr\\'!i:nlRll. Jl nl l\lnr11ld. vi~ileri Buffalo Creek Hollow . quested , handed out thr annu;iJ eithrr in person or b .V Vir~inia. he knr"' or on one !hf' ri11rn hrrakage "'a~ "an ex· <iarns \\1hl't1 1h1s rt'po rter T11i1ighL Ar 111 co rrnplnyt's Resktent!I of the hollow ha ve report of the company. She telephone. "'ere unsuccessful. el!\e in '!"iHst"'n's Nr"'' York of· 1nu1rctln;i ry ex~rlence hfoynnct l'isitffi !hr In"'" or l'\\•iliRhl , look !ht kr.y~ In his jeep. promptly closed the doof when A receplion1st SJ\id Iha t fi ces v•ho rnuht talk either nur r('f('rf'nce structure or rit· \\' \"a , lhr s11e of an Ar1n<'O demanded hi~ hhn. ;1nd hc!ltl leveled seriou9s fie ha r g es q1>es11·oos werr asked. p I " I "-h d "' ~r•r.!)"r ·• s I r· I " d ... ... nd n· f "'·~~q~,.,, against tbe u aln MininR "-aamara was lue ony ex-a11111tl t e 1sas1t:r Ln nest ,.. , .If'<' on1pan~·s1tR·ntap am. n.1nra11111 1s nf'wSt'rf'W or t v .. wn in the lobby of the ecurive 1n towo -alt the Virjl'.1n1a or the company·~ in· /1 spnk.-srnan for r11tslnrfs Lhrt.e dayio Rfler lb( Ruffalo -4 1..r hours t\ef('lrt relea~lnR Company. which owned the buildlni;t, f"iltstnn htis removed olhers "·.-re "do"'" in West speer inn. "'arnin~. and safr~y cn11l d11·is1on in Danlr, \'11 .. Crttk d i~11sfPr, she w1u1 nol !hrn1. sla~·he11p-dam thitl broke1------------------------'----------'----------------------'------ • 1 CAAi' r" /PAI r FOR HllA ro Df!OPOV T.'., under preiosure of flooding and let ,11 w;tll or water ZO feel high cr1sh throogh. Ari•••h~.a 1p.cinl1 ;ood thru Mnrch 22. 1972. No 0..01., Sal•• {nap ~ur win;• oll you wool, we b.,u;ht It lnr our cv1tomer1). DE FENCE WEEKDAYS 9 ID 9 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 I• 6 Explo$ioru; ~which ~nm' residents beard before the d11m broke -and which they tonk to be dvnamite bh1 sts - did not cOm.e from the d;iim . said a company official, but fmm a smnlderinR 11la11 heap .iJbnut I.son feet downstream. Obtaining comment here from fhe Pittston Company. which owns tile Buffalo Mining (;('lmpany. is 001 eR~y. ·The company. which l!ttyl! it i~ making il1 ow n in- vesligations. cannot be reach· ed for public comment al it.s BUDGET CUT? I !IN~IMl!ICA!Q •• SHORTY'S FENCE SPECIALS WILL nLL THE CREDIBILITY GAP - l>OES \\.IE NAME )<IL~o'I S<&o t-t 1 ... NEAT ?RICES~ (C H_t:EP, CHEEP~ ~AP _/ '-----.....:~""------_>:-1-_T_H_E_l'-'Acx._AG_E_ MEA).J A'f..l '/1"\.\ 1 ~& o Yov 1. Facility 'Doomed By Flaws' \NCLuoe~ Po~Ts I \ ,..r:~:1-1~i..~~..J....!,,~~.:..i.-~~ .... ~~~~--... ~.=-t IVORY FIBERGLASS FENCE WASHINGTON tAP • -A ' study by the Jntuior_ Depar.l· __ 1~-1 menl indicates that defects i n a West Virginia ccill-waste dam doomed it.. to coh1pse. unleashing a nood which has claimed 117 lives. The study, rele11sed Wedn~- day, cite:fl A number of ' •' l f Never saw anthing like this beforT.fArtd rr1tt~.~--t----t govmint lind1 out. may not••• it again). Flbergla11 covering plu1 po111 and rails. 66c LIN FT. defect!'! in tht: dam which restrained water and sludp:e from Buffalo Creek in Logan County. Any one nf tht:m could ,, .. have caused the Feb. 26 collapse. it said. Prior to the collapst. the report satd. water rose lo within a foot of the top. spreading upstream to make a pool of 21 million cubic feet. "The dam. as constructed. · Wll! s!!!!P.!L_ nol st~ctura!!t -~ capable of witllslanding SUcl1 a high water level." !ht: study said. It was released by Asst. Secretary of the lnlerinr Hollis M. Dole in testimony berore the House mines and mining ·subcommitttt. ''It mu st be emphasized." lhe 1ludy s3id, "lh3t other dams in other .11rea~ mti y be close ln the point or railurl'. particularly in limes of high ntnorf. It is important In ~ develo p the e n g i nee r i n ,11; techniques tind legal authority to ,11vert any more di sasters." Tht reporfs iencrtil con- clusions about the dam. built and maintained by 11 division of the Pitt.ston Co., included : -"'From an t:ngineering point nf view. the dam was not. designed 11nd construcled such tt\at it would be oon!lidered salt: for the r~lention nr large volumes of water over aiiy i! 0 I I 1 \ PINE LOG FENCE 107 LIN. FT. The day of 1h·e ·rail 1pliller 11 not over. Thi1 goes up o 11x oo t e al our ence1 , an 11 ma • o horiaontal half logs. 0 ) I \ ! • '· • - 0 REDWOOD RIDGE ' & VALLEY FENCING 137 LIN. FT. Snug litting board a provide maximum privaey. Six footers and, as usual. include po•ts and rails {and our u1ual 0 0 0 \ I ' i I I ~ 0 " lengthy period or lime... \ -'"Foundations we re in· "....,c..\' G1torgio: Guarantee: II it brl!ak1. both piece• are " l PlNE-BOARD- FENCING 11 thl1 the one...,. used lo call '"JClutt?" A coat ol pain! and who knows what it co1t1. LIN. FT. COMBED CEDAR PALING FENCE I ?i~ FT. The palings are milled lo pro•tde an interesting texture. Six foot time. It's kid of homey tooking. . , I 0 ' 0 \ .. GRAPE STAKE FEICING · I I Always pop~lar. loolra better with age. fBut then 10 does good wine and c hffae. Lei' a forget the fence and haTe a party). ·I 117 LIN. FT. 0 I j POST .. \ j ' P.,rJO ltPltC' i=. RUSTIC CEDAR FENCING Rustic, that's what the landlord 1atd whtin th• lront door tell oil. Well. cedar doe• lost a long time. II '• kind ol homey looking .. LIN. FT. • 0 0 I -· - KELLY POST HOLE ll&GEL Wouldn 't let you get stuclr on the acce11ori••· would we. Thia will busl a hole In your adobe. • 577 • KILROY THE THIRD WAS J I 0 .L j ' NOBILI:S ' .. adequate and railed prior 1.0 1 1 '\Y \.?... 'c:.e.' a.nd during the total dam · ~ ' t> vJr' t.e."" fajlure.·· ~;::==i~-L{'.;;:=~~/~;~:·;v'~~;~;=~::::::;.~;:====:::=~ your1). 0 HERE- -The timounl nf "''a!rr ...... -------~OCl-~~-1::'::======~===='.:======i------, -~00-1i....1.m ........ 1---JL-----'-o...:---.,,..,=o-r 90'- far in exce.55" of the amount o Xa needed to perform '"' dam·s NYLON CONCRETE MIX function as an an tipollution REINFORCED fit ter. HOSE The report said melfinJ?" Soll. •o•y 10 wind. 'bu! snnw and r!llinfall were nnly nf •trono 'becft111• ol th• minor irri"portance in lht: nOOd. 11ylo n. Ira•• li1tin91. and Tht: report also di~counted two hol••· on• m eith•r the pnssihility of ""' explosion end. CThot"• an "Ak1ri•m .. ). at the d;1m . sayin.51 that !ht: explosion hca.rd by witnesses occurred -Iler the collapse t11·hen floodwater rushed into 3 burning refuse pile. Hm·ol<l Wilson Sets 3 Talks Harold \\'iliioo. thr formPr Briri.sh pnmt: mini"ter. will delivrr three speeches in April al Lehigh University. · \\'jJson__wiU_speak AprJl Lt.. 20 ~nd 21 under I h e university's Blawtt:in lecture M?ries. • ... f HAVE .. • ', RECEIVED Q LETTERS _._, .,.. ........... ··-... I .tf\oo'I wt .. , t.o It~• ... -•••1tt.o 11.... ........ • ... * _,,. ..... "'. "' ' .............................. ._ .,._.._, 0.-0 , ......... . '"' •···· &fl "" .,.. ~""" • .-...ir.:• liltl'I!" -Olltrl M Wlllllfl '""' I~. '•eull"tr, nt .•l'W,ir\1 f'f C.•• ·~· • 391 EVERAIN HOSE REEL Ju11 unr .. l lh• ho•• ond you're In 'bu •in•••· a11ache1 to the tap. Year ;uaranlee. {Actuolly. I o l•ay• ;•t lwo y90r1 oul ol on•.) 511 32 GAL . PLASTIC TRASH CAN Good 11ulf we ••11. but in ca•• yov bought 1orn•thin9 1ha1 llltn.d out lo bot lunk , here i1 If f\ ,f/F'<;.:'"' •ornethlnq lo put It i.,. -247 r I 0 \ ----- AMERICAN STANDARD BAR SINK Compare lhi11 pric e. Most guy!! sell the 60 lb. and the total coal ii; more. So. so'I• on this stuH you just add water lo. A b<tnu11/u l ••ainl••• otetl hor oink •~•·up . Whal you ~·• iJ whn• you 9et here. 2711 • \2 "x\2" RUBEROID BRICK FLOOR TILE Thi· 1•ftll y lt\o1r1 90'">d "" lh• 11'"''· •n•y to lay HI• 100. l et our guy• 91•' ypu n f•W ltfl•, !h•y won! to h•lp. Carlon c:o••r• 4) •q. h. 9 88 CTN . I 75c DELSEY TOILET TISSUE Stilt 'Tnl'I -''0"9· oti,ck up. th • price I• ;ood. TWO ROLLS 19c 9DRAWER UTILITY CABINET Th• huy•r Mad• n •ttGI. th1 • h otf nhn.,ti a buck, Wl!h th• •••·lhru phr •tlc l'lriiw•r• <7nd cnnylno honl'l11. 97c BLACK • DECKER DELUXE 71/•" CIRCULAR SAW I FT. FOLDlllG REDWOOD PICllJC TABLE Tiii• and ple•u,• t•ll all. I0 111 eoc1t 'Tn thl• sn•, 2488 SPUN GLASS SWAG LAMP Com•• 1n CpY1+nl. Gold. 'lnof c, •• n. lrtr1• choln. bit ~tli• lnr f~ l (th llqht, J7.7 DlllV ~ILOT L. /ti. Boyd l iI1 25 Bu ys ·· · Wife Flowers? Here's a report of a study on Standard and Poor'1 Regislfr of corpQra1Jon directors and executi~es. Int.ere.st. Ing. Harvard has turned out more or same than any other university. Yale i! ,;tc00d. Princeton, third . However, among these sn1uy profeMionals. the list of company -'<>ns-in-law is longer than an y other category. Susptcted that. Now it's con- firmed . Shortest route to the top is matrimony with the boss' daughter. YOU'V~ SEEN that little princess 1.t:lephone. But have you ever $een a little prince telephone~ No. \\'hv is clear. It 's the teenage girls. those t1rincesses, who make their marks with -~ that instrument Boys leave footprints. And fingerprlnta. But no phone prince fiddle de de. WILL BET you some unspecified prize you can't find a citizen over age 90 who overeats. Who, in fact., ever was particularly fat. The medical boys say they're beginning to thin,k that's the common denominator among the ex· tremely elderJy-lhat they tend to ea t lightl y but regularly. CAPITAL -Did f s.ay Car!Kln City, Nev., was the smallest or Lhe state capitals? Not anymore. no :1ir. Am informed Juneau, Alaska , now is number last. Number second0to-l1st is said to be Montpelier, Vl. Number third· from-last. Pierre, S.O. Carson City is number fourth now. Q. ''WAS thert: ever a real Aunt Jtmima?'' A .. You mean Rosalee Hall? Yes , she died five years ago. AM JNFORMED only one out of every 2S husbands hereabouts ever has b:>uihl his wife a .Jl9~er. Wait, skip the bridal bouquet, that doem 't count. The florists, who undertook this survey, described the situation as an American tragedy. In Europe, they say, one husband in five h!U!I purchased flowers for the ladyfriend. WE MAY tell time. but the earliest clock., tolled It. With bells. French word for bell is cloche. Whence cometh our word clock. ROMANCE -Jn their romantic.adventures these days, the Norwegians are said be more conservative thiin th& Swedes, the Swede,, more conservative than the Danes. Such ls the claim o.r student nr Scandanavian love life. No- body civilized, contends he, 11 as uninhibited in amorous undertakings as ihe u·nmarried Danish blonde. Interesting, if true. JUST .w AJT, cost of a haircut is expected to go lo $fi tn the next dozen years. Addrts.t mail to L. M. Boyd, P. 0. Box 1875, Nt w- port Beach 92660. • 1--~V~nited &tions 5-ets~­ Environmen t: Issues UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Environment in (AP) -The United .Nation11 Junt S..16 . ._ _ _..._,,. "'ed-a-br~-he.y-eall-l01"-<suclt-4hings-a proposals for national and in-100 .stations 10 monitor air ternatioflal action to'save the pol/utlon around the world: 11 world from overpopulation, U.N. advance warning system pollution and plunder. against harmful man.made The proposals. entitled "An pollutant.!: a to .y e a r 1 __ _.,Ac~l'°ion Plan for the Humah mru:atorium on commercial· - Environment ,'' ~re intended whaling. and international ac· for adoption al lhe U.N. lion to preserve different Conference on the Human 11pecies of animals. plants. in- 11 Receive Top Grades Eleven students at La Pai Intermediate School in Mission Viejo have been honored for receiving straight A's in all courses durin11 the f' a I I .11emester. The eighth grade students art Maureen Ambrose. Cynthia Chain C h r i er, awn Mat.son, Cathleen Murphy. Romney Radzavage and Amy Sciar· rot la. Seventh graders making all A·s are Marguerite McNeely, Kendall Richardson, K i m Richardion and Sandy Wood. sects and micro-organisms. Conference Secretary· General Mauri ce R. Strong of Canada, briefing delegates on the action plan, said hi s secretarial had drawn it up after consulting 116 governments. He added !hat it represented the most thi:il wall politically realistic at lhe mo· ment . The document said th e world's population would dou· ble lo 7 billion by the year 2000; modern technolo~y wii s increasin tht llulio mans surroundings, and the planet'.~ resources were being used up. "These pressures." I h , document declared , "canool continue indefinitely without placiii'g the future f"!f< iall mankind in serious jeopardy." Pacilic Goldfish Farm WATIR HY~I NTH 3 for $1.00 FANCY KOi Choos• Ir om Southern C1liforn i1'1 l•rg•sf 1tl1e- tion of Koi & Tropic.ti f i,h. SPECIAL GROUP 44" to b" Av1r•9• Si11- Rt9. $5.00 for $2.50 WATER LILY $3.50 ea. 11:10 -WMITI Pl"K -VILLOW IMPORTED FLOATING KOi FOOD rh..,, 193•7105 14842 EDWARDS ST., WESTMINSTER . 0'' TMI SA" 111•00 ,_WT .• .tt 101.111111 Wltr Hiii 1CltsA f . OUEENIE By Phil lnterland i , Lo,1al1le Lion • , Frasier Finds Glory, ff ,appiness ' _, .. , ....... The biggest hit south of 01sne.vland is ~ toveablt old non named Frasie r. whost floppy tnngu" ;ind stiff·lcggeri \1•alk n1;Hle hun look like a c·nm1c strip c<1r1cature. Frasier is kinjl; at Lio n rnun1ry Safari. a 487·acre nprn ;:iir zoo ·on \\•hich 1.4(1(1 ;:inimals and bi rds roam wild and fir(' war ched hv rour1.s,1s frorn tar.,. · "Y.nu ;ire now entering the riomain of Frasier ;:ind hi.~ f;unil y:' drrlarrs a h1~ brov;n sign Wllh yellow letter inj!;. Wh1\l' Frasier ma" look co rn i c -hook·cul e in the youngs ters. he·s also a family ma11 many Urnell over. h;n·in_g .,ired 34 t·ubs lh s aj!e is £'st1n1atcri 111 17, \\1h1ch in ~man terms is lhe equi\"alent n( 75. from Colorado saying. ,_.We h11vt vnled io adopt Frasier !l.'I our mascot." Ch i I d re n write for sna psho ts. Frasier's fa ce or name adorns T-shirts. burn per stickers and v21rious father-of· the-year trophits. \Vhcn he arrived Al the Orange C o u n t y zoologi cal enclave. not far fro m Disneyland. Frasier was a skinny 2 5 O · p n 11 n d un· dernourished has.been from a Mexican circus. I ":0.1ostly out of pity we nursed him ha ck to health wilh ex· tra vitamins and good raw meat -never dreaming he'd become a father of the year and such a corporate assel," THE BEST ''Ho llen hit flf ltJLk falling in front nf a beginner \\1ho hasn"t learned to stop." Old fn\k ::. y,•rite him ran !Cl· !ers a skin~ what vitamins he takes. A unit. fron1 lhe J4!h Aernspace F'nrce 11 n out~rowth or . the old Vi'nrld Wa r II Flying Tii:ers -1vrites r.eadership ·, po 11 s prove "PP11.nut~" is one of the 1vorld's rTlO!lt popular comic stri~. Rt:ll:d it daily in the DAILY PILOT. , ' • • • ' - Here they arc-our expert s1all ol 47 people who will pamper you a nd -if you like -help you brush uo on tennis. physical fit ness, r1quabat1cs, dupttca1e bridge, yoga, art, and cooking and nut rition. To pamper you even more, we also have optional maid service \vhenevcr you ~van! it. Our location. directly on the Back Bay, is next to Irvin e Center and Fashion Island. Ren1 s for spacious "1un1or·one" apartments s1arJ at only S 170 and include use at all our sports and social lncd1ties. Al the f~111y stalfed health spa. for example. are sauna s, cond1!1on1ng room , whirlpool and paddle ball courts. We-also have people who do nolh1nq but k0ep our 7 lighted tennis courts 1n perfect playing cond1t 1on . 7 sw1mm1ng pools crystal clea r and our lnnrl scaperl tiround:-; manicured Other fac11it1es include shufileboard . croquet. nl1les of bicycle I rails and a huge putting green. The apartments, ol course. arc all sparkling new. w11h carpeting, draperies. G.E. k1!Chrn nd a large pr1 va1e patio or balcony. Choice o11~1• Count• '"""' or 1un1or ones. one or two bedrooms. or two·story !o~vn houses. For your convP.n1c nce, we have our ow n ~ourmet marl..el. dry cleaner and t bcauly sa lon AU .parking is covered and reserved. with elevators to all floo rs . Come v1s1t Park Newporl today and see lhe 47 reason<> you·11 be happy here. (Actually. the figure is closer to 60; some • • < I ,A,h•O'l 1,1 .... d of our key people hke telephone j,...,,....,,,,_ ___ operators couldn"t be in..the picture..) P~t•hc Co•~• tto.r • We 're at the in tersection or Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills Roads, just north of Fash;on Island. Telephone (714 ) 644· 1900 lor renlal lnforma1;on. ·Park Newport Apartments on the Bag • rt'caUs Jerr~ Kobrin. a t.ion aild is rheumatle and nld . ht Countr y Safir1 vice president. \.\'hips !ht hPll ol.lt of thP you nit Frasier, nO\\' a respectable male Hons." s<1 y~ PA! Qu inn, 37:) pounds, takes his status 7,oo\ogica.\ d\recior. •·Th • "'ilh regal disdain. insolently lionesses in the pride also lounging about on grassy knolls as king of-his seven·, _d:::o~n~")_.:l.::ik:.:•..:':.":..Yc.'"-'-'_l_se_.'_' __ lioness pride. )· CIT YDUft TflADING TRAVEL VDUCHERS AT Th• Eo,r• l'l11"'bh1• H•atl1>9 • Al, fo111Utlot1l•1 Ul6 Ht1•1>0rl ti•-·• N, .. p0<t leKll His stiff ·le):lged walk is rhe result of rheumatism and his funny face. with flopping tongue lapping against chin. slenl!t from v.•cakened jav• I muscles and lack of leelh. ··Although he has no !eetlL U"'L.r"'-,..,~.,_r"U"""" WANT A LITTLE LUV? Try Connell Chevrolet March 23rd. 2828 HARBOR BL VD. COSTA MESA 546-1200 ... , .. • • • A - I Sc ots Make Bid For Oil Ri ches By JOHN CONNELL Scotland rece1v1ng full oil c11.1111111 1c1•11C• ,,,.111ttr s1n1t:• rev.tnues could abolish all in- GLASGOW -ShoUld the come tax. British Treasury or the Scot--An estimated t h ree tish people have claim to the million barrels of oil a day hundreds of millions of pounds would give a Scottish ex- in royallies that soon will start chequer 800 million a year . accruing from the great new and that a further 400 million North Sea oil strlkl!!s off annually would be spent by oil Scotland's northern coast? companies in taxes and the With well over 150,000 Scots purchase of Labor and equip- unemployed and Sc o t I a n d ment. almost at the top of the league -Ignoring the savings to in the United Kingdom's the balance of payme.nts, an regional idleness statistics -annual oil income oi $1 ,200 just behind Northern ·Ireland million would mean a -rise of -the question of who gel! one-third in the Scottish gross y,•hat from North Sea oil has national product. . become of crucial importance It is just slowl y getting here. fhroug h to the Scottish people The Scottish Nationalist! how much wealth lies of£ its and a breakaway group calling northern coastline. itself the Scottish Labour Par-The main object of the Scot- ty have argued that all state tish Nationalists is to stir suf- revenues or royalli~s from the ticient regional interest and Aberdeen seaport should be feeling on the oil issue to get a paid directly to· a public oil major revival of the question corporation established l n of Scotl and's relationshi p with Scotland. England. · The Scottish National Party, Whitehall insistence that lending to recove r ground North Sea oil belongs to the after a series of recent set-United Kingdom as a whole backs, has made effective has not deflected the Na· points in its "Scottish oil '' tionalists in the least. campaign . It stirred the Scot-Scottish . Nationalists argue t i s h L a b o r MPs at that unemployment there has Westminster to put down a been constantly above the barrage of questions to the British average -Scottish per- Chancellor of the Exchequer. centages have ~n at least Jn a recent St. Andrew's double that of London for Day message, William Wolfe, many years -and the Scol- chairman of the Scottish Na-tish party maintains that a • tional Party. said that oil level of 10 percent idleness royalties could make Scotian~ will soon be reached if "'one of the most prosperous Whitehall doesn't share the nations of the world." "economic cake'' with the He added: "There has· now north. be ed . •--tti"sh t r · The government's reply lo enprov 10..,..;u e-. t Jt " ritorial waters oil rields on charges or regiona ueg ec is that they have p u m p e d s uch a massive scale that millions of pounds into public ·even a Tory minister has said ·wOrks prog·rams within recent they wo,µld be worth more months in Scotland. than 2.000 millions ($5 bil lionJ,r;u:,;:n L:::r1::nr1:in/ annually for many years to1 1 come." Scottish National Par t y headquarters here backed up their campaign for Scoltish oil royalties with the following observations : -A financially independent 2500 sq . ft. bag SJ77 Give~your mixed dichondr1. SAVE YOUR TRADING · TRAVEL VOUCHERS FROM IU• RoH HoirfJoo4s O.Sit ll Ap1H1r1tl lo11,h111• 411 I!. nrM1 SI., HtWPOrf &••(II ~ A"'10llllCing-. .. New £ver#tm.¥ !1Jrf1?-iees! DAILY PILDT , NEW EARLY HOURS I OPEN 1o ·AM· ··EV ER Y DAY-.PRICES GOOD SAT., MAR.1.8 ' . I THE • BOLD PR ICE SLA SHING ON MOST WA NTE D ITEM.S TH AT EV ERYONE NEED S ••• DON 'T MISS OUT ! UNBEATABLE VALUES ••• TYPICAL OF THE GREAT BUYS YOU DEPEND UPON FROM WHITE FRONT STORES! . ONE DAY I I I SATURDAYONLYI HUR YI WING TIP STRAP 'N BUCKLE SLIP-ON SHOES FOR MEN Quick shine antiqued manmade uppers, wing tip styling. Hidden gore for snug fit. In black or brown : sizes 7 to -11. NOT At.LONG IU.CH OR TORRAMQ STOil$ 44 90 DAY FLEA COLCARS .. FOR " DOGS .AND-CJTF Protect your pet from annoying fleas. Collars give effective p10· tection for 3 full months. Secure buckle closure. COMPARE AT J .98 c •• BOLD SAYl2t% TRIAL OFFER BOX OF 8 MODESS TAMPONS ASSORTMENT OF -wATERING SPR.INKLlRS A. 2 Arm Soi~e Sprinkler 8. Pistol Grip Nozzle C. Fan Spary with Shut Off D. Ad1ustable Spray Nozzle r. Plastic Soil Soaker YOUR CHOICE 66£ WHITE FRONT 8E BOLD SAV!51% LADIE FAMOUS MAKER WESTERN JEANS ' ORIGIN All Y SOLD AT 6. 9~ You'll find a famous label on the back pocket of every pair! We can't give the name •. but you'll recogn11e the famous fit and quality. 100% cotton in·!asi.;on solids and patterns. Sizes 8 lo 16. Not al l ong Beach or Torrance store s. • • ' . . .. . .. and grass lawn the fa s!e~! 1 _ --rnorilnhe-wesr=holtd---1-tllGHOHORA-..-... _-. __ ,__ '"" ''9••h. Apply "Y L·'WN FOOD 11 me of year for the most ~ "1>.•anred" lawn on 1he block! ! ....... --·--... 5000 sq. ft. bag s2gs T hese fi ne dealers feature BEST Plant Food Savings: AREA WIDE • Ace Hardware Stores • Builder's Emporium • Build n' Save • Montgomery Ward Stores • The Handyman Storeii • True Value Hardwa re Stores • W. T. Grants ANAHEIM • Lin-Brook Hardware 21 44 W. Lincoln· • Payless Drug 1660 W. Katclla • White Frant Nursery 2222 S. Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA e White Front Nursery 3088 Bristol Et >ORO • C:reen Thumb 23782 Bridger Rd. .. FOUNTAIN VALLEY • Lin-Brook Hardware 17200 So. Brookhursl • Woolco 16061 Brookhurst FULLERTON •..Ward & Harrington Lumber 3-0t S. State College Blvd. GA RD EN GROVE · • Hasty Lawn & Garden Supply 10351 Garden Grove Blvd. • TG&Y Home Center 12491 Valley View • Two Guys Dept. Store 12100 Harbor Blvd. • Ward & Harington Lumber • 77crt Garden Grove Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH • Two Guys Dept. Store. 9882 Adams Avenue LA MIRADA • Woolco 15300 !\.1irada Blvd . LAGUNA NIGUEL • Niguel Harware 26CXl7 Getty Drtve NEWPORT BEACH • .I. C. Penney'ii Fashion Island SAN CLEMENTE • Bay Cities Hardware 106 Del Mar Avenue IUSTIN • S. S. Kresge 500 E .. tst Street SOUTH BEND COMPLETE FRESH WATER TACKLE A~ mat che d ladlP. for )ou r nnt fishing 111p. Two piec' fin,r glass rod. spinning reel and mono- fdament line. OUR REG. PRIC E 5.97 97 8E BOLD· AVIOVH20" ALEMITE CD2 ADDITIVES OR GUMOUT CARR· CLEANER AIP.m1le oil additive add~ yea1s uf belt.Er perlormance...to your car. Gumoul ~leans ca1bure.to r and fu• I I ne. 011tcms. 410 1, 4111. 7J0'. OUR REG . PRICE 98'-99' • c • -"' STOii HOURS<llA llY 10-AM T-0 9 PM• SUN. ANO SAT. 10 TO 1 • THU!'l A WHll!IRONT NEAR YOU! 3088 BRISTOL ST. . _s_1n......Di1g0Jreew.Ly at-8 rJ1tol -.- ,\ ·~ MEN'S FAMOUS MAKER POCKET TEE SHIRTS I a•s label in every sh·1I. ~OKhine wa~hib'e co!ton: rolors: 1zes S M I XL. Slight irre~ulanties w1U not al1ect wear. COMPARE AT 1.98 fir ~ERrEtn NOT AT lOHG 11.lClt DR TOl RANCl STOlllS c - 1 ~ CHARGllT ... WFCRlOITCAI O , W ' • IUUM(ll(UI ~. ~ Al\tllOllOtll ~- , -"~ \', • WISl(I CllM,l CAii ~ \ .... -·· ...... • ... :.:"': ~ M-tU Mt CM•1111(tn tff~I ni111 - .. , l I l ! • i I I I • • • . . ' • • j I I : • - ' OAJLY PILOT FA,UIL\1 ClRC:t:S " ...... -·--··-· "lost one in is a rotten egg!" Ftiday, Mart h 17. 197/ bfl Bil Krnue 0 "Mo mmy , Silly iealled yov o rotten egg I 11 Drug Use, Sex Come To Middle America Industr y Seeks Toughe.i:-Labels (JlJCAt.:U ,( i\I' ~ -Sn1 11.JJ tov.•ns sti ll rl<itJri~h 111 1111ddlc An1er ica bu~ :s1nall·toY.n kid' \\'ASllJ '.\'0T0~ (AP ~ -'rhl' i;:1or1da Ci trus {ndustry sa~s prema rtial relations. publi.Sher, reporter. i>alesnu1n that \11beling sta ndard~ fur "Jn our l"las~es.' he adds. ;H1d press operation of the ":;f1n1c kids Jiave been asking weekly ·roingamoxie ~i•rror _ "'atered orange drin k prudu~·t:; ([Uc~\ious on thOie subjects reels young person's nltltudes issued last \\'Ct'k by the Fuvtl I ve ru:1·cr hc:lrd frurn hig h are ··definitel y freer." and Drug Adn1 inistraH011 <irt' 1·11c· r u r a I t·un111111nllu!' t 1 1 .. Tl · "'\ .,deq11"le to "10·•1· ''" lltt• "i!' !00 s UuCl\lS. 1er(· IS SOl11!' \\'h I "" •• " ~ "' y slrung uut !ru111 the 11111~ 111 1 1 h ·· · en }Ou ie<1r a !4.~ear-1 "'ntass '"ltfu s1·011" a1•01•" •"11· 1 rug use 1cre and n1ust of l at Id 1 h 'II 1 · h --.. v 11 ~ .. v aJ·e v1u1isl1h1P,. !>0Ulhc1·n Ohio to the whc::i t-comes fr<im Duluth.·• 0 gir say s e ~ eep \\'ti sumers surrounding these field . .; ol lhc Dokdllis vnre apybody she wants lo . . " produt'ts." -·• od L. tient Wilson, pri ncipal or T · b I serv= as a m el 0 f b b b . omgamo:ue · as a popu a· nod Sita••·. ..,,, 1·ndu•,\rt• A . 11 t I' ig school 1n Jefferson. 1:1 1· f 2 ooo nd t'k ' 1nencan mora ty -the con-'d ion o . a J e similar spokosmaii. told a ,,,,,., ,.0,1•• · 1 .J.IJOO.re:;t ent lown in southern !\fd ... science v. tlch banned booie \\' ' l west lo"'tlS. there ' s ference ils nn.~1tion was based <ind built n1011u1ncn1s. ·ist·onsin. llil)'S, "'Those kids almost no evidence of head on ·,, 11,·111·~0,1w1'de c•nsumer "'ant to learn <ibout thlnis tha't ho h' b k .v Now, the i;miling 1'J\1heuds 1 s ps, pornograp JC o o sur\'e.v. "ho d p' led 'd I b i11ve ine;in1ng· ri~ht l"IO\V I stores or X·rated movies. e 1c 1 ea yout un don'l think they're too UllC · 'N d A The industry ilrgcd FD.'\ to l l/Joua:ondo of calc11d"r c·o•cr~ c;ary T•nn•r a 1971 h1'gh L' r I u " fl'Sll·d 111 the past. \\'hen Y.C • u e r go ur\ ier in protecting COn· havt the ~ame hab1 1s, al -"'en! 10 \Vashington, I). c. las! school graduate said the su1ncr rights by arnending its litudu, dre~s and hangu11s as )ear ... they cou ld care less absence of open immora!Uy published standards. Th c their urban peers. about the Lincol n ~1emori<il." stems lron1 !he I.own• ll B f'lorida Citrus Cornm issiun ) Only it t<ikes longer to get Tomgamorie, Kan .. straddles small ness. 0 U l) ces has already voled to file ob-them. ''Jr so m e body does jel'tiotJS to the FDA standards ··changes hPrc II a pp e n ~ something bad he re, it's a!I and lo ask for a public he<l.rinA s101vcr than in thp bi.: ci ty ··\\'lieii 11,,11 ltefll" over town before lung," he Teac1•er i{ the an1end1ne11ts ::ire 1101 hut !hey still happen.'' sass says. It 1nadc. the Hcv. Larry Bremer of the fl l -'l •fJf!.flr•Ol.fl !1i1·l "Herc you don't tu:lve thl' Shay,· said f' DA c011,. U111tcd Church of Chri!lt in SflJI slie'll !1 I et~ P anonyn1ity of the big city ." Fl ELDBROOK iU Pl l _All n1issioner Charle:: I:;d\rards r-.1crrill , a com111uni1y of .J ,000 Long huir and mod d " k d I k f Ill ,, d I ress elementari· school teacher has \ s as e \VO \\'ee ·s ago or a in norlhttrn \Visconsin. IC I flllfl 0 fl s te are everywhere. conference here to receive the Carl Van der S a n d 11 n . IVUllts to ••• '' The gynuiastic coach at been suspended for tacking results of a surl'ey 011 con- l "l[fU~ u1dUS\!'\ II 0 \\ e v' r. Sha\\ :-aid. 1i1e industry \\:J.t shocked last Vri!Ju)' lo learn thal FDr\, \l!thout \1a 1ting 10 see !ht· .;ur\'l''' r'e s II! t 1, puhl\!iht'tl 11s nc'w :)t:u1<1urdi;. See the best in men's we d r for '7 2! The best se'" le clion in town for double knit slacks .t nd sport coat s. Remember, th • best ii .i lw.i ys <!I t )~b l v,. L1d1;1 N•wport 8e•cti juvenile court worker in ~11·1·· Ne11; Ulm. Minn .. high school pictures of naked wo1nen on a sumer identification or prod- riil , says "Kids here 1h111k ~ could snap his fingers fi\·e bulletin board as part of an uc1s t·on11nissioned by thl' r.f~~~ Th~f oi~n~!~•d a~~ :r E!i~'\i~tx:;~:;,::::f;~~:~;;~ ~~~~:? ~~7",'he 30 •• :~e:,:: ;:~:::1~0 !~:~:g~l:il~~·: :·•ouol~ ::~i':~~::~i:~~~.;r c~~·l-;.;;;:;;;:;;;:R;;;:A;;;:;;l;;;L, ;;;:R;;;;O;;;:;;A;;:;:D:;:;:;:;T:;:;:l:E:;::S:;::;;::;::;::;~ Torrey Spurted Oil 5 Years Ago LONDON f AP ) -The Tor· rcy Canyon now ti five years deod. }ler name sUU haunts all those. who reaf that the 1node.m world may pollute itself out of exislenQ!. J.~ree lo\'e is gett ing 1nuch bl 1· bl I Thus it soon became clear pro cn1s. 1quor pro ems an< spokesman says. "As long "S tnunit y tool\ the action this 1nore cominon .. ·• I b · b I • that action by Britain alone ong-air Pro c m s a:; the hair doesn't \•iola\e ' the week against l\lrs. Irene Riley. In Shell Lake, \\11~ .. a coin· h I " I' Mu<h II & 19 "1m to 5 would not be enough. Wilson 01ny\\' ere c sc, savs an1 health and safet y. v.'e permit it a l'eteran of 15 ~ears in educa· -pm $ d h. munity or 1.000 aboul 75 mites Thompson. t6 , a 1'un1·or .0 1 1· . 2 50 On March 18. 1967, with the seas calm an d ·the weather clear. the tanker's red and hlat·k hull crunched Into the $even Stohes r~ks off the tip of south1\•est England . an 111 successors turned to · b r 0 1 b " to be any length .·• ion. ALL GOOD STOCK . l t' I t' hr h soul o u ut . r..linn.. the Tomgamoxie High Sch o o I . A in ern1 1ona ac ion 1 oug Hev. "''iJJiam !lorn or !he New Ulm fat her says. Fifteen of her 25 students ALL AT 1 PRICE t,. eil. an offahool. of the Unlted Ne-Salem Lutheran church feels Pam says only a srnall "lt"s harder to raise a child did not sho\v up for class tions, the lnlergovernment 1 k' 1 percentage of the high school 1101v than it \vas for mv \\'ednesda)'. and parents said U·LOA_D U-HAUL While They L•st 1 . . mos ·cc s still are busi· on the 1p·11 I " b r.. ar1t1me Cons u Ila ti v e r Pl s use c rugs u I parents. You can't tell the1i1 thei· v.·re bo.vcot ting the 5th 0 arm ... Perhaps the y are n1orc eve bod k b t rganii1tio11. IMCO ill the in· · d lh•m".'., Y nows 1" ere to ge "'hat to do or else. Thev'it do and 6th grade class to protest ___ _ ti upen nun ed about sona~ ... terna onal parliament or ship-th ' !he ·or else· and you \\oTi't like the suspension. Soon the Torrey Canyon's 118.000 tons or crude oil bega n spilling into the .sen and drJf- ting 101\•ard the l1 ol iday coast of Britain and France. A \l'eek later she began l.o bi:eak up, her plates 11•renched <tr1art by waves and the grind t1r steel against granite . ~'lore . or her thick crude oil spe1ved into the sea. spreading an ugly . ti It d 1·be ings . . • inarriagc, sc:<, .Jcun Ncibargcr -o t" 11 e ,., ... p111g n1 ons. s e 1 rations ' it. Officials said the students are necessarily slow since \1·ere passing the p h 0 t 0 s· decision. a r ( e c I in g in-p f 1. N around when t.1rs. Riley found tentat ional· law must be eop I e ul e\VS them. They said she tacked rat i fl ed by me m her 1hem on a bo11rd and told the governments. children to 11Tile an essay Its blggesl achievement so Le w • v • D la about then1 . fa r. completed last year, was 1inons in isas e y A poll of 1he class was laler to work out tr3ffic·separ8tion . taken, and the students agreed schtmes for n1ore than 100 they should be removed. busy waterways. Thu s tlie risk From Wlre SerVlccs rwtrs. Riley told the district WANT A LITTLE LUV? Try Connell Chevrolet March 23rd. 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 546-1200 Acliou b11 Britain c1lo11 e wot1ld ta o t be e11u1111l1. of tanker Cfllllsion is reduced. Utah Gov. Cal\'in L. that she has been under attack Next in importance is an Former Beafle John Ltnnon Ram):lt.on ended months of since the start or the ex- agreement to limit the size of and h.!s artist wife, Yoko Ono, speculation and anoounced he perimental ·'free class" began I~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::!::~==~ the tanks into which have won a month's delay in a will seek an unprecedented in the fall . 1~ ___.__ supertankers are divided. The deportation proceeding in New third term. "Your children are getting , smaller the individual tank. , k If nominated and elected. he too rree and i·ou are "'·or~·1·ng \ 'I or on charges their visas ·11 be th r· ·' the less oil will be spilled if '1'1 e irst governor lo about it -they might outthink expired. se e J • b hro\1'n stain 1vilh shiinmerinJ.( the hull is pierced. rv niore t 1an e1g I years in you -be proud of them.'' she fingers in rainbo\I' c.•olors at A third point of !he prcr The Lennons sought a two-the state's history . said . the edg~s. gram. still to be ratified . is a 111011th adjournment. The governor. :>8. decided to Critics of the class said the Brit.ain. t't1sting aside lhe m u It I m i Ilion-dolla r com-. 'rhcy said they \\'anted to announce his candida cy on the prograrn lacked discipline., niceties of iuternational law . pensatlon scheme that may be .~eek cxpun~cn1cnl of a rna ri-basis of polls co n du cted Mrs. Riley said the purpose brought in t>Qn1bers to com· operative by 1974. juana co11\'iction in Britain thl'oughout the state and con-was to he lp the children to plete the :-<hip's destructlon Thi1 plan, finan ced by levies fron1 Lennon's record and to AP H...,. F•11u.. vcrsations \l'i!h Democratic think for themselves. 1 and ignilc \l'hal \1'as lert.of her on oil in1ports. u1ill provide up clear up the matter of the IRELAND'S DEVLIN political ~eade~s. • The district suspended ri'lrs.1 eargo . A hugC' colu1nn ot flame lo $30 mUllon to meet the cost custody of Yoko's child. Riley on grounds of improper and bl ack s111oke signaled to of any 1lngle oil spillage. The • • • • 'frumpcter Al IJirt savs he·s condu cL I Britain arid 'other n1arltime~~-.Tieo;.:rr,ey Canyon \vas .es,~l~fn!!!ia~t~ed~-:.:_,::::;;;::::...:::::::.;._:;:.'.~::!..!....-.A<1'cS1>--J • • lost 26 pounds aftCr u11-The teacher said she would 11---..,,nnlri'entre'immenslty oNhir t\:lVe COS ri7un an ~•x-inon °"' Collin and ecgoing.abdonlinal-.su1<ge1')'"1t nsu lrher :ittorne danger !hey _r:lf.:cd -and still 1''"rance $14 million. for civ il 1nuslc producer Ron Kass the r..led ical College o f ,.;;;;;;.;;;;;;,;;.;;;~;;;_,_,_,dl ·face. Pollulion in its wider context disclosed in New York they Virginia in Richmond in a last-• . Brifllin's ~first rt!actll)n 111s Wt'll be .up ·for discUsslon ·at . had · been married . I a s t dilch effort lo reduce. -• '6~ Grand Opening expressed by !he then prime Stockholm in June at a Uni ted' others accused or defying a weekend in the Jamaican "f reached the poinf \\'here "'-S 1"E C I A L minister. Jlarold \\'ilson. Will Nations conference 011 en· ban on parades. _ resort tO\\'n of Ocho Rios. I his operation y,•as pre\·enlive • -~1o-tl>'itll" -r 'I . '1'·· ~ I . ... . ;..'! • .-medicine for 1ne," sa1'd H'1rt. s2 OFF ·,~, .• ","' r riw-Utll 1tler&l-1telwn-10 vironment:--Ttre-ttnited-StBter 1• ..... ....u.e v 1 n • ..,.year"'.'Vlu "~e-tlidn't want people. prote<:t tl1c COa·sls. 1A·ill be pressing for a global member or Parlia1nent. and n1ak1ng a Int of fuss so \'IC just y,·ho iveighed 333 pounds \\·heiJ. Every lanker pa s si ng agreement against polluting h_er codefendanls \\l'l"C al so did it quietly," the nritish ac· he entered the hospital Feb. No'ah's Dog Groom'1ng through lhe l::nglish Channel, the oceans rin cd $39 for parading 1n tress said. 21. one of the Y.orld's most con-Part or the task of \l"Orking Ne\V.fY Feb. 6 lo protest !he She dh·orccd her second ··1 believe it v.·iJI help me Phone 642·9823 gestcd watcr1\·ays. \\'<lS a out details may be passed on s~ay_ 1.ng of 13 Lo .. ndonderry h u 5 b a 11 d, singer-coinposcr live longer," the 49-year-<Jld 211l NEWP01tT 1Lvo .. cos1.t. MESA I b B Hirt said. Oller E~~11r .. M1•c~ 1•. potential Torrey Canyo n. The lo 1r.1co. which next year has c1v11ans Y r1t1sh army Anthony Ne\vley, in Santa 1__::'.'.'.,:_:::'.'.'.:_ ______ ~~~~~~~~~~= risk of colli sion 1vas even a big Cflnference of ils o"'" in-lroops on Jan. 30. ri·tonic3. last August greater lhan the risk of !ended to \vork out a total ban 1--'----...:...:.:_ _____ :::::::::::..::::::.:_:~:::_ __ _ . str;inding. on sea dumping of "all noxious >4 : WARREn BEATTY HE HACKED AN EMPIRE our Of WILDERNESS ... and YOU ADD mortE WATER ••• BECAU/E WE ADDED LE//. Why pay for water? Yougeto ·l S to l concen· trote with: . . """ --You save up lo half .. ~. thecost,beco1.1se ~!\· we leh out ~ 'l" _ t\ the surplus .... ' water ! ... Orlv voo• "· Cost w~st f'i\'TSE .,, ll etac sa~t Park. 1-!0LT 7511 Merl Coste QUlllT Sttve Wn• • 1J52? STICK "· V~lle POPI VO(P _,.I '"' !.trtt l tRU8 Fred C.osti " ' D Jo•" L. ~ewPorl 1972. Su n;;, NfW Mn .. M•r "~" ...... sl he Mid e ergerOl'I. OitK IOl"l- Shipping. however. is an in· an d harzardous substances." lernational business. The Tor· So lhe Torrey Canyo n set rey Canyon \\1aS built in things 1noving and the world Virginia. lengthened in Japan. :ts a result may be cleaner owned b.v A111cric;1ns lhrough and safer. But as the Torrey a subsidiary based i n Canyon itself sho\ved. the sea THEY f~UGHT THE WORLD TO H OLD IT! GOLDIEHAWn Trewox Rug Sh ampoo. It's the s1Jper '°ncenlr.ote (Others ore os litt!e os 2.:! OZ.$ J .69 Su••" L. N~wperl ~ .• Bermuda;.crewed:-by Italians· makes its oWJt"lawst ahd·nb I .a~d registered as Liberian. A ternational body can eliminate Dutch company held salvage huma n error. · I · "' ' PilUL newman ~ ;g.,.- . ia REllD·mtCHaELSllmln -~ -- Sumetimes a Great Natiorr = RICl!ilRD .111ECKEJ.· unoa J.IUISOll ·ll.lfF POnS ...... '• • .,.,,. "'' • r ......... _..,.....,.~•·"~·-'""''"" l..:::."'.'"'."",'.:": .. 1 '~·.:,"7"::::::;,'."" l!JJ:..!.~":':.'--" ' .... , -.. ... . .. ' .. , .. ,,.. .. . ... ~ ............ ,,_ .w ""'~"-"'"I I-'"' .,,,.,,.,.;.l -·fi·-·~·oM ·--·'""' j ·--.. -.~ "SOMETIMES A GREAT ~OT ION" NO<T'lon.tttdlor 2 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST SUPPO RTING ACTOR -RICHARD JAEC•El BEST SONG · A·I t11~ C.n11dren " CLINT EASTWOOD "OH! OF TKE MOST U(l!IHG fllMI YOU'Li i!! TKIS Y!ll!" BROOkHURST 'lOOI 11$9 W. BAll RO. 916·1112 SOUTH COAST 11 681 SUlfflOWlR COSfA MLSA 119 336~ -a ... ,.~•·• STADIUM II DRIVE · IN AAIELLI ·ORANGE 639-88>1 PAULO DRIVE-IN COSTA MESA 545 3313 rit'lltlCrt f•r· ~t Ba.'~ VILLA ORANGE 171 i . Gl.ISSELL ORANG£ 539.5730 lA HAHA DRIYI· IN LI HABRA 811 -1802 81.ACH BLl'll.& t' k (\to in (Oollar1) I SHOWING NOW! ' GERT FRO BE , ROBERT WEBBER, SCOTT BR~DY r.oo~ toi ffiJ.FRAnHOVICH I /.,'V\.Ctiv OUlrtCV Jone; Vlrotlr n ttnd 0 ll!'Cled by RICHARD BR OOHS O.s.11,tivteo t.-,<COl.UMBIA p,crui:u.;5 !;;R:;;_!-"._:.. .. -~::,.~:::"';--._-.-.~1 ~g: "BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE '' 111 46 oz. $2.95 lQn. Surv .,.1 •• ".1 96 oz. SS.49 ~ndH~~~. ~;..;.J"l{i'-~f-<Ren*'-618':-ffie---1-----1-~'erme"l Forw1rdl 7 lo 1 J. Car Wax DemOnstratian Saturday, March 18, at lmp•rlal Hardwor•. ln°Stor• Demonstration of All Tre- wax Products • • WMEn YOU'RE WALHED on ••• YOU nEED TREWAK! > V1nyl"floor Fin ish. Ifs detergent re s1stonl. Self polishing. Slip resistant. • rrs the high gloss shine fhot losrs, & lasts, & lo'.>rs. I Pine ., ,............ '18c 27 ... __ .............. s 1.69 ~6 ......... -......... $2.9S HARBOR VIEW CE NTE R 1614 NEW MAC ARTHUR BLVD. • lm,.rlel Cr"lt • Mester Cl't•rge • lenkamtrl<•ril OPIN t~6 MON....IAT-J 11·f, lUN. • " '\ Ruth II. C.0$1• Me 1912. Surv s1rurd•v. Funer•I interm•nl llelll·!ltr Mt r, Olre Es•titr E A~e .. (.pr M 1r<h 16, A. RIM S, H•rbor B•De<IWIY A w f.21 B Coron Co11ta 110 M B 179 c 3S Ne ·c • s For The Record Marriage Lice11ses ff•lll"\l•rv It HENA:HCSOM-~OPP -en1(~ Chrl~­ !lan. 31. of 208'h 20th SI., M'wp0~1 Ae1ch 1M Judith Ci&ll. 14, 1:11 29•5 Ellt1mer1 Ave., Co,r1 Meta. AR DIAE·HUTCHESON -An! II on v Antonio, JJ, of 19131 Maono!la. A.pt. 31<, Hunllnoron 8e1c11 and Wjnnl!rM Ellen. S4, of 19fl7 M1ono1!1. API. 11-C. Hunllng!on eeacll. TOOO·FOA:AEST -Mlcllael Rev, 1•, of 33"4 Peovllo st .. Dane Point and J1nl<e F1v. 20. ot llto• P~ulTo S1 .. O'n1 Point WACHOLOER·LAZORUK Myron ervci!, 19, of 319!3 S. Coast Hlgnw1v, Soulll lallllnn ar>d Marolynne K.av, JO, ot JltlJ Sooth C~st Hlg11wav. South L1gun1. MOOA:E, JA:.·WHITE -Henrv .t..llan, 11, of lflfi Pl1(tn!la, Cosra Mtsa 8nd Leeh Olene. 11. al H&! "••kv!eW, COl!I Mesi. CROWNOVE R·JENKINS -Larr V Euffl\t, l'O, o! 7111 Ma I n , w,11mtn'1er 1no Colleen. 1'. of 7151· ?ht Street. Apt, 9, W111tminS!er TERA:ELL·BREEZE -Ciarrv Llovd, n, ol 13601 Arltona 5 tree 1, Westminster 1na Aaaonna Sue, 11, of 13601 Arl1on1 Stree1, Westminster. SELLON-CAROOFF -Dalt "1", ~5. nf '17 Lido "•rk Drive, NewPOll !lta(n ~ml Sumi Cirl(e, J.6, ol 611 LI Veta Park C!rcle, As:>-1. 6. Orange. NUCiENT-0.MALLEY -H~bert ~eton, 13. of 159 West ,w1ne!een1h si.eet, Cost• Mes• Ind 81rtrar1 .6.nn, 13, 01 l59 West Nlne!eenm. Coste Mesi. ROTH.DEA:INCi -Wiiiiam E:dward, ,s, · .,, 115S1 8rookttun!. Apt. 9S, Hun- llnoton e1ecn and Parl Vlolf!1e, •7, cf 375 N. New Av~ .• Mcnterev P11rk IBUNDEL·l-i.t..tL -Jack lhurlbv. l8. ol 1122 Vista Del Ore, ~ewl>Q•! lle•cn it nd Patrl(ll .6.nn, tt, of 11?'1 Vl1t1 Del Oro, N•w1>Qrt eeach. OTTO-NG -~u11ell Jame.. n. ol 11'3 W. Biker Slrttl, Costa Mesi and Merv Chul·Mel, 18. ot 1135 Hvde St., .-,,t. 11), Sen F ran(\sca. PALMEA:-CONRV -Wiiiiam Joseph, ~1, of !llMl S. Sulllv1n. APT.8·'· San· t• A•1', 1n0 Jan, 20, or 112 Hanover Drive. Cast" Mesa. VOOA:HIS·HORN -ChrlS!ol>i'ier Leo,., 11. of 7019 Pomone AvP, Apt. 0 . Co111 Mesa and Carol Jo. 1,, 01 711 Wt$1 ltth 5tt~ef, Cotll Mes&. PATSEL·f'IAU ER -Philio Wiiiiam, 1•, nl 11&61 OCPlnvlew Lene, HuntlnQfnn 8ea(h end Anne Therese, 1l. of 1035 Santi Irene Ci•(lp, Apt. UO, euena Perk. . -. • . . . • Irish Lass From Co sta Mesa County's First 18-21 Juro"r 8y TOM BARLEY Of lllt D•lll' ,.001 Still SANTA ANA -Shure an' wouldn't ye be after knowin' that the first under-21 juror to serve in an Orange County Superior Court trial would be a bright-eyed colleen with the corned beer an' cabbage han- dle or .Susan Flanagan? And wouldn't it also follow, if ye gel 111e meanin'. that ,this highly intelligent lass with a name and jacket as green as the Ould Sod itself would be linkin' hands wjth a judge by the name of John Flynn while Paddy O'Donnell himself took their lik eness? There's no day like SL Patrick's Day to tell the world that Susan Flanagan, 19. Costa Mesa. thinks jury service is as vital l.o the hitherto barred 13- 21 age group as a sprig of shamrock i:<1 lo the March 17 dinner table. "l'n1 enjoying it and l wouldn 't have missed this ex. perience for the world." she said . "T think it's very im· JXlrtant. both for the law the defendant. to get a few younger faces in the jury box.'' Susan is the first of what will be a flood of under 2ls lining up to take seats in the jury boxe3 of the county's ·superior and m u n i c i pa I courts. Judge Flynn took tiTne out from an exchange of blarney with his green-clad visitor to c1Jn1n1ent that the advent of the 18-21 ju'rors "is a long overdue and welcome in- novation in our system of justice.'' The Santa Afla municipal courl juriSt hasn't had them in hls courti-oom yet. "But if we can get a few in our ju\-ics or the caliber of Miss F'lanagan then J 'II be a very delighted judge." he said. Susan's St~ Patrick's Da y is being speilt·with her family at their Costa Mesa apart- ment. I-fer father. William. is a maintenance operator at Orange Coast College where Susan is stud ying. "It's my ai1n to teach ' " JUROR FLANAGAN MEETS FLYNN THE JUDGE Co5ta Me5a Colleen is County'$ First Juror Under 21 e d u cationally ha ndi capped children," she said ... That's something I've wanted to bec~me involved in fo r <! Ions time." Susan's working on !he first civil trial of her two months or jury duty and she'd like more duty and more time to give her considered opinion of th e American system of justice. ·'But I do feel ," she said, "~ha t lawyers, especially when they are addressing juries. should use more lay language and a little less or the legal terms. I think we 'd he able 10 make belter decisions if \.\'C had h ct t er con1n1unlcation "'ith f.hc1n." Our system or justice .. is a.s fair as "possible," she thinks. "Lawyers are monopolistic, but, even so. n1y own liiniled experience tells me people are basically getting a fair tri::at." Susan has never seen the land she'll be honoring today, but she hopes the opportunity ~ill rome before to(} many n1ore St. Patrick's Days have passed. She's well ,aware of present day problems the • ' CAil Y l'MT JJ ay sa e. ' • r1 -un Short and long shifls, baby dolls and pajamas. All, easy care cotton/ potyesler blenrls !hat never need ironing. Pastels, nre !t y prints. Misses' sizes and extia sizes 1n lhe group. Sale. • ! ,, ay. ' ,, I ,I • HOL T.t..·LONC. -Wll+lltm Stu11rt, 21. ol 1111 Elden, Coste Mesi 11nd Mell.,d• Merle, ?'/, ol JI! Princeton Orlv1. C<nll Me11. Pilot Given $ 7 5,000 In Suit Against TWA flicti ng a troubled l.ullai>ll-llllal.J.-----11-~-j;~ y..,s knit shirts. QUIA:T·V.-,N DERLOW -W•lllam Steven, lJ, or 1JSn Edwercr,, Wl!'Slm!n11er and Ol•nt Louise. 19, or • 13572 Edw,,rds, Westminster. • STICKNEY-8A:OWN -Ronald Du~f\e, 19, M 16JSS Siert~ Stree1, FD1Jn!lln Vftl!~v end Ellrn Lii, 18, ol 1616 S. Po~lar. Sanlft Anft. VOl.P 111-Sl. JOtiN -Ivan L !ttl~. 1~. -"f-1.llOJ-8e.wlay-ik-G•<den-C.ro'" ftnd Letll! Jean, !9, of 1792 161~ Stree!. We11m!ntttr. STA:UBLE·WIGGEA:S -Mow a rd Fr,crrlc. 11. o• 2611 E 161~ Street, Coslil Me•• ~Md Vivien O•rltne. 20. of !)GI Susttl L•n•, NewPOrt eeacll Death Notices HOIEllMIG Joan L . Hoernl11 , 311 Vls11 Suer!e, Newpar! eeach. D•tt ol 11ea1h, M1rc11 JJ, 1~72. Survived by hu~bllnd, P1v1 E. Hr:>e•· n<g. New11<1rt eeach; p1renla, Mr. and Mr~. Merle Oavls, Illinois: two bro!he;s 11n11 one 1ls!rr. Servlcts and lnterrnen! will be held In Chlc1go, Illinois. 8•111· rlergeron. Coror>• <!el M••· Forwardlr>Q OlrKtars. / HOl!RMIG Laura Hoernlo. 318 Vl1t• Suerte, Newpnrt 811(h. Date ol d111h' M1r(h !~. 1~11; Svrvlv9d bY lither aul E. Hoernl11, P1!1rn1l 11r1ndp1renf1, Mr. Ind Mrl. Paul O. Hoernlr>g, l1!1no!1; ma 1 er n •I f ranlllPlranh, Mr. and Mrs. Merit 01vls. lllnol•. lnttrmen! w111 ~ held In Clllc&g~. llllnol1. !11lt1-ll e•11eron F'untral Home, Corona d•I M•r. Forwarding Ol•t"C!ar,. HOEllMIG ~us1n L. Hotrnlo. 128 v 1111 Suer1~ "lewPOrl l!ta(h. 0111 o! death. M11r(h l~. 1971 S11rv1v.o by 11th1r, P1u1 E. Hoernlg; J11tirn1! jrtlldP1ren!s, Mr. 1"11 Mrs. P1ul 0 Hotrn 11 1 m1t1rn1I •r1ndp1rnn1f· Mr. 11.:.d Mrs. Merle Oevls, 111 o! ! l!nolt. Interment, In Chlc1go, !lllno11 . 81llt· -&~Fllftt'rlt 1 IO•• '· (O• O"&'"itet-Mer, Fol'W1rdlno Dkec!ars . KOl"l'ORO A:u!h 8. ICoUorO. 1lN W1s!mln~1tr .t..ve., Co1t1 Metl. Dele of d11!h. M~rch 1i, 1912 Survived ~v many !rlends. Services. Se•rird1v, Marth 19, 3 f'M. 8&1tr eer!leron Funeral Home. Cororia del M•r. f>flva•~ lntf!rint 11 P1dllc View Mem&rl~I Pari< B~llI· fr11eron Funeral Home. Corori1 del Mer, rectors. • RIGGS E~ttier E. ll:lp11~. 86, 01 601'11 Eleoonle Ave Coron• 11~1 Mer. D111t or dee!~, MeiCh 16, 1971. Survived b~ 'on Charles .&. Alo11 Gr1ve1ldt Jervlces, 1:30 p,m AT Hirrbor ' f:l:est Mtmorl1I Per~. Bell aroedwev MOr!uerv. Olrectnrs. ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCWFF MORTUARY t21 E. 17th St., Cost~' l\1esa 6464888 ' . BALTZ BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673-1450 Co1t1 Mtsa 641>-242.f • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa LI 8-3133 • McCOR~OCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Llgunit Canyon Rd. 114·9111 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemeterv Mortuary -Chapel Probatio1i Ordere....__ For Thief SANTA ANA -A man ac- cused on hjs arrest or taking stereo and TV equipment valued at nearly $1 ,000 rrom a Costa Mesa home has been placed on proballon ror one year after pleading guilty-to lesser charges. Orange County Su per i or Court Judge William i\1urray approved the lesser term for Dan iel Harvey Spirlock. 23, Palmdale. after noting that the defendant had been held i:i Orange County ·Jail since his arrest Feb. 3. Spirlock filed the guilty pica on misdemeanor b u r g I a r y charges shortly after his CO· defendant. Johnny H. Williams . 32. also of Pa lmdale. pleaded guilty to .sec on d degree burglary charges and drew a ·one-year county jail term a·nd three years pro. bation from Judge Murray. Both men were arrested In their car at Mesa Verde Dr ive and Harbor Boulevard Feb. 3 shorU y artcr the theft or the CleCtrOrilc equipment from in <1pa rtn1en1 at 284 Cab(lilo St .. Costa Mesa . All the equipment is again knowing the griej and tragedy that seem to have heen woven into I he very structure of the r a b I e d Emerald Isle. GET YOUR TRADING TRAVEL VOUCHERS AT WANT A · LITTLE LUV? onne rchevrolefMarch-l~. 2828 HARBOR BL VO. COSTA MESA 546-1200 NEWPORT UNITY CENTER OF CREA JIVE LIVING 1827 Westcliff , Dr.,. Newport . Beach seRING CLASSES BEGIN WED., MARCH 22 Cell 646-5181 for Reg ls)ralion Class Schedule ine lud•i: Psycho-Cybernetics • Hetlin9 Oemonitrtfion Pre yer Therapy • Mel•physicel Bible Study Betw een Ad ult and Ch il d • Ou if Smokin9 Open Forum evtry Tut5d•y 8:00 p.m. For " Crcatjve tltov.gh,t dial 646-7757 3$00 Pacific View Orl\le Newport Stach. CaJltoraia 144.271)11 • PEEK FAMILY i~~!~vered. 'COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME 7801 Bois a A Vt. 4 We11tmin!ller 893~52:~ • SMITHS ' MOJITUARY 117 Malll SL Hunllngton Beacb 53'-Wt TAKE A PICTURE WITH THE EAST£R BUNNY Now -CArousel Court 5outh (oast ?laza- ..... , • Combed collon. polyesler/ cotton. The neat knilis boys ne veih.Bve enough of. Rlbbtd or pla~ in.lots of styles, pat!erns , colors. All w1sh1ble . Stock: up while 1hey1re·on sate. Sizes s to 20-. - • """'--."":'•.-_. . ~-. Save $21 on this 5 piece Mediterranean style dining set. • Sale sea Reg. St09. Set Includes 36 .. x 48" x 60" octagonal tsb!e with one 12" leaf and 4 wood back ch1ir1 wit h wrought Iron accent tcrolt work:. Ch1irt are uphol1te red ln black s~pported vinyl. All pieces have a bl1ck fin11h tubular steel frame wJth aelf·l evt lll'lg ftoorglidt1 . 8•1t prlet• llltcllvt lhhl t1Nr•1y, JC Penney The values are here every day, • Shop Sunday' noon to 5 P .M. at th~ following 1toru: NEWPORT BEACH, Fosh ;o, l1l•nd, HUNTINGTON BEACH, Hun!ln9l•n c,,1 ... c~~r9e if! . ' ' ., -...• :~ .. • ' .J - ' ' ... - ; - • ~ ~ -~--t 4 "' ,.; 4 " .:: g ;;: ~ ... N ... • TREMENDOUS PRICE l · wh~n yofl add vp ovr i11di~id11•I t:l1$co11nfs-yoflr savihjs Jr""' f,-.,n:. r11tl11v.1Jy. Th,.s• sel•efrd f'"11p1 ,,., srn•f tK11t1plu. And brc11vst w• c.an "''-let llr~••·lov•ly aof1$ & /ovt1 .Jt1fs in Dllr f1ctor1 w• un '1ff•r eKtr~ .saviit/s fo 20% I .. • f th~ CAMlNQ' .GROUP.I .!--;n ,_c ~i ~_;:w -~-· ~,, · • .) .. :, ..... ;;.,:i:-·.~ ,,,.,.. "°' f:1~~-s>m-;~l-a"i2:g·~~ ~ 5 i~-=i~.i -ll.:;i !!.'6 Koe "~ o. s • t.3 = "' .. b. 4.1~1; :;a ·ic=~m .. .. _e>Mlllil .111 • • llrtpr•s1w• 84* .Cf.fStffft sof. ;;, "'"'"" /#fifff, . .-.1,..t--ilfserl' ~ockl#il fMI• """ '"" t•/11•, .,,.,,, '""'" .. . ......... ·=· ·.~ •. ·.,,. ·~-,,;.~-' ...,.-~:~~;~ ' . .. .,, -'"+-· ;;,-·'j' ~-o:;. «I • >.<'Cl...;;:= -4) .::::w 1-.Mio·--I=---~ ~-~•~e-~---~c-~S " -0611.1....,~-C ..::. iso -... -:ao--!!I ~-;.,;;...c •oc::::oa5:'Q~ .2 -5 .:S ~ . ·1449 ~~,j if pvrclr1std "s1p6rafely! , dr8t11~f /cally dti~p tvfl~rf ..•• I Tne r::tYID~~:Jr '1'HJCll".~ tt"\-... .{ ·'" ~ ' . d'I , . • YOU GET: /Ji.sfin1v_1"slr•d sp•1116/; 8-foof r1f111 .J mafch•tl 'hllll•s (e1ckt1il, sq11•r• lt1Xil/on•I afota/t com'modes}, /.. 1m•tf tab/• lamp1. Jilli~ MONDAY thru FRIDAY 10 to 9 SATURDAY ID to 6 Sl*DAY 11 to 7 HOURS: FREE SET UPI FREE PARKING FOR HUNDREDS OF CARS! 3 posi'lion 'PIECES -. ..::r~•..>r •. ·L ._-.,.,,_ -'~--· .. -'-.... RECLINERS! .... , .... , ... --. · · • ·9".'"'1·.·co·u·· n't Fur· nit·.·· ·-~~;.-~ ~ 1~59 if pilr,ira.1n YOU G~T: aep1rate/y I Conftmpot,ry •l•1._a11ca! 'Yt'cfori•' 8:.-foot sof4 2 f l•n top t•bl•& (,ock+.il 6. ~nd) /ovt1!y t1bl• l•mp qur Price~ MllSr Be Loww... I b,cause we buy from leading manufacturers, plus manufactvrinfl beautiful furniture in our own Factor Yj and sell d ir ect lo YOU . 'WJIJ ~!!<1r! Tr> SA~E.• YEl.rEr Hl-8ACk • •. '#.ash.able tr,1111 1:11 ,11stic: tilt·bac~. lilt· up feet rest ---D F c ~""""" 1'' : ' ', . 'p ~'"T~~i;tf '*''*"" __, BUDGET PUN . -. ure: -. . ,.,. •.·· )..:..}•,.,·\./'" -7 SfMnish BHutitq r•v•rsibltl .... t.. •xquisite colon. "' 505 SOUTH MAIN Between First si. s and McFadden! ~ NT• I NA PHONE Kl 1·2563 /' .. , ~ - •. • --• ..-... .,- • .. _..,. __ ., ... _ . .._ ....... "' ... BEA ANDERSON, EdHor P'rM•Y, Mlrdl 17, lf71 P'•H lJ ... ' -.- Wedding Comment . " . .. . . -'labeled ·\All ~ Wef --- ~ ~ .. ' /"' ... / sane and sensible weddiJJg parties come flllly prepared to be lo"·ered Into the lake on a submersible platrorm,. Please for~ give me for suggesting that there was anything strange about this. I lost my bead. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I ,realize you 're not a travel writer but I consider you a friend, so I decided to ask for some help. My husband' passed away thre~.months ago and J"m just now coming ou_l of my grief. I'm making· plan.. to go to Eurepe. lt wlll be my first trip abroad. can you awe mf! a few packhlg guidelines and some travel hints? It would mean a great deal. Thanks very much. -MAlDEN VOYAGE . DEAR MAIDEN' Tiie cardinal ralet for uy trlp-art-tbele: · (t) Tlke haU 1s many clothes as yoo thlet ymr'll Detd and twice aS much mo1e7. (l) U ..you don't• wear It at home, don't take tt t11 a trip. This goes for fancy ex· tr;ru-er a skirt or dttt1 tbat'1 a1mkl1e too tlgltt. (I) Never put a bollle of ANVTUING . • l .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. ... . .. .. < . . . -. ' . • ' ' • Balloonist"Gives Girls a Lift T okin9 o moment to become port .of ·nature .•• listen, watch .•• feel; let the wl'nd carry you. Life's -· " By CAROL MOORE Of tfle Otll'f '11•1 St9ff For a guaranteed lilt ln Hie -an escape to sheer wonderment with the sunny wannth or breezy coolness caress. Ing the face -J~n Russell Piccard of Newport Beach recommends the ex- hilarating tug of a hot air balloon or spin- naker. "Ballooning is the only sport where you're not going anywhere, not concerned with actk>n, not hurting anything. You're completely free ... a part of nature ... drifting with the wind: It's beautiful," she said. And she hopes a children's book she has had published, "Adventure on the Wind," will give young girls a lift, too , and cut down on the future divorce rate in this country. The fictional, Civil War plot involves 14-year-old Maria Stein who Is torn between her Quaker mother's hatred of war and ber father 's involvemen! with Union forces. When he dlsappears in bat· tie, Marla and her grandfather uSe a balloon to sm-vey C.Onfederate trooP,s and attempt ~ behind enemy lines .. GIRIJSH GUMPTION "Few books are written· about girls who do interesting and exciting things," said the pixie-cut, blonde mother of three. "HopeJully, this one will inspire them to eip]Ore many areas of life beyond the eventual settling down with husband and children. "I ·beUeve in women being able to ac· complish what they want in life without worrying that it will destroy a rela- tionship with their men. "The writing of this book became a sort of .symbol to me of what I could do besides raise a family. I'm already con- sidering a sequel. two other books and maybe scime poetry." . Literary effort arises from her Pennsylvania childhood, 25-year mar· riage to internationally known balloonist Don Piccard and hard-learned conviction that humor buoys people through life. SEVEN DAVS • For instance, "the week that was" last summer when Ms. Piccard received her AA degree from Orange Coast College, final divorce decree from Piccard and acceptance notice from the publisher. She subsequently suffered the South Shores Sailing Club's hepatitis and, with characteristic pluck and persistence, had only the tumor removed when breast cancer was diagnosed. Married at 16, f\fs. Piccard talked briefly but frankly about divorce at 42 : "It's a battle for survival and lesson in humility that teaches you just how much JOO can and can't do. You lear,n to accept A Breeze limitations and set.nc\v goals. "Social discrimination makes a woman reel like instant minority. A n1an con- tinues his job and lift>style but the womnn and children have little say, are uprQOled and struggle to re-adjust. HLonelineSs is a shadow thal causes Author Joan Russell Piccard says fellow balloonists "are really lit up" by the breath.taking excitement of a launch. son1c di voreccs to dale furiously, tr ying to find fulfillrncnl and actc11tance. \Vhen I \\'as depressed. l tried to find something to laugh about . My girls 1verc a big help." It's Not Nice for Mother Nature to Fool Po.isofl Penned In u·nlikely Places \ • ' l • • I .f DAIL y PJLO' Wom e_n Job Hunters:-Remember the Oyster By CAROL MOORE ~ .... 1)41ty "•'-! ~!flf \\'omPn might find C'f'IU l'tt~ ~m·PTnrn,.nt -Orangr Count\ 's f1'~tr.o;t grn.,.,1ni;: "1n, du.!itry'' w11h a work fnrt t that 1i; Vl Ii pr-r- cent female -11 gold mini' of penp\p. nriented opportunitie s ;ir11i paraprofessional Jnbs Bu! ™essa Duh1nsk~·. sta!r 1!11m;ln Resources Development m a n p n w !. r analyst, cautions th;U. a Jnh out nf !hi' trad itional '>'"omen 's sphere mav he L~e an oyster "Remembt-r hnl'.' uninvihng vnur £1r~l ovster lnokf'<I ll 1akri. a cultiva!Prl ta!!e Ho\\ever 11 ran be quite Oe!eclah!P after the or1g1nal shnrk: and onrP ~ou '" sv.allowed 11 , ~nu .... an! more ' ~tiss Duhrn~ky. \\'1Jlian1 /l;1r!. rflunrv personnel d1rec1nr and 0111 e Z.tnk" .. ~.-ninr administrali ve anal ysl de~r1brtl rarC'f'r criteria during a JoQ ~1arkPI fnr \\ nmtn. seminar spnnS-OrP~ b_v L"CI \\'om pn ·s Opportunily Center, From Page 13 • • • Lift Typical n f ballmn1~ls, though. Ms Pirrard prefers to concenlrale. on uphft1n1t ex- perie.nce.s. Like the' lime the family drove ;icross country in an air· conditioned hearse.. towing their balloon and basket 1n a trailer. en route 1o pro-- motion;! exh1b1ts in Europe. Or their third trip abtoad when they launched frnm the l25th anniversary celehra t\on of Tivoli Gardens and the "front 40s" of fr en c h chateaux. And she's enthusiastic about many other fresh air in- terludes: -Tree r.i1mb1ni;. "Everyone has fhe urge ·b11t few aduHs admit it. nr appre ciate the op- portunity " -Ballooning. "As t he ground falls awa y and lhe world gets li!lle ;ill of a sud· den. 1t"s beautiful 1ust being alive. It's a rre,11t1vP ex- perience. !nn. laking pictu re:s ~tS~~f lops ~nd ch1mnt>y She shares these fasr1nat1ng episodes and pictures durin ll: ch ildren 's lectures al bonk fairs. hb ra riei. and eleinen!ary gchools. -Sa11lng ··r.ty newest. ln,e: The munJ.y employts some 4.00l v,•nmf'n 300 l)f \I )}om l'arn si.fJOO per mnn1h nr more . i\ls Zink' said . One·third nf ro11ntv ;nOi; rire ta!Pgnrized as clerical "Out thitt isn 't all !Hin~ by numbers: snme 1nvn!v e ~upervisoral and lechnical dur 1e~ anrl rhe classlficrition even 1ncludP~ rh~1h1IJ!y "orket~ in the welfare depart· mtnl ·· ALL Kl:\OS Olmmenltng on lhf' prnnune.nce and rli1erslfy nf .... ·nmrn 1n gl'Jvernment. she. Ml<'d !ha1 rhe. chief probation officer is a 1~·nman and the former libra rian and r11x Pol!ect nr .,.,err Jemalt RC'.•1i:IC't1: the .,.,omen hired for social \\(1(1-; .:ind heallh·r(lntcd 1obs. the. coun- 1· ~ d1staH payroll inrtud es 411 sherllf's rlernJl1".~. 14 data proce!Sors. sJx ad· m1111~1ra111;P pnsts. four attorneys. 4 l'f'... .r1on;:il plannPr&. 1wo each criminalists. acr:-'luntan1~ .:tnd estate adm1n1strators and one chem1~t. .. "Concern for regional plawung 1.s grou.·. Ing phenomena lly and the iob is a natural for women who are 10\'0lved with !heir community . demonstrate leadership a~ 1·0Juntcers anfl wan! a challenging vnca· li on .·· ~1s . Zinke said. ShP .llso recnmmend,.r1 t ra 1n1n~ 1n husinr.ss adm1nistraUnn <>inre a variety ol izn1·ernment jobs are budget-oriented OLDER Ot:~1ANO "Mature .)'ioman applicants have 8.n ad·' \ 11ntage betse lht }' are dependable. have made he option to work and art ll':SS concer ed abnul child c~re ." ~s 7.inke added '"If ~ou ""'ant to parlicipalr. in a working environment. presr.nt ~·our&elf as a qu;liflcd 1 name nf !'l'l!l- tion 1, not a woman seeking a man·s Job." ~1iss Dubinsky had st allsllcll showing ""'hat the working woman 1s up against nationally and cha llenged the counly spokesmen's pride in equal pay si nce l •·women don't often get the ume .)Oba cu men." Jobi such .u dentaJ assuitan t. recep- tionist. hy11enist. techn ician. If you don't mind making false teeth. there's aood potential ." Oubins>y .. 1d. "While mechan iza tion has removed some jobs. it has made It e1.!lier lor wom!fl to enter lhe labor marktt Mc1u1s I here is less 11rd11ous. physical work ." Of the JO million women who have jobs In the United States, 10.3 million havr C"lerical position! and 4.4 millinn are prn- fessionally employed -38 percent of lhPm as te11chers. "Howe ver, there are four teachers pregently in trainin~ ror each job operi- 1na." Misll Dub1nskv warned. -Busines., machine and small ap- pllance repair. ''An expanding field where women '11 superior manual dex- terity should come. to 1he fOT'I ." After describing cnu nty job.~ 1111 el· ceedini:ly diverse but 1Rmrnt11hly taken for granted , HRrt stressed thal prac· lically all are open 10 womefl. ;, And ""'h11t wlfh uro pcpulation grov.'\h. lrss money for education , fewer special1s1 and counselor Positions and more family mobility and school closings. !his career is definitely on the decline for the neil 5 lo 10 years." ~o;ie ~l'lnomlst. dietician. nutri· flonlsl. "A good field from 11 bad cause. Large demand from food processors and utility companies but m11y be filled from !hose now employed by secondary schools who may be phased oul." ~ -Libn~rian . "Still a shor1age because of fhe unrealislir requirements of 1 mash!r's deg rtt. Growing dem.1tnd from research Industries. Not bad if you enjOy repairing lhin@is. binding And cataloging." "We. ha ve eliminated sot limitations fro m job descriptions where\'er possi- ble.," he !laid. "Unfortunaltly. there ar1t still unwritten s111ndardl'i that will taktt some block bul'iting and !hill Mifl labor m"rket is disgustingl y ('(lmpe til.lve." Like !ht pr i\•ale l'i~tor. Hart added, county ji!Overnment ill finding ils persnn· net role changina to more of 11 v~icle for social actl~sm arwi chang e "beyond just suiting ou r needs ." FUTU RE FRO~'TIERS As !or other type jobs, she hid these comments · __,. IRR EPLACEABLE -Doctor . dentist ve ter l n a r i a n , sanitarian. public health technician. "Best opportunity outside the customary women's sphe re. Keen competition but there are new openings. plus all the Cringe "People orient ed services are aJ.,.,•ays on the increase . So far no machines can beautify woman 's hair. wait a tablt, hand-finish laundry or make a bed," Miss All thrtt ~pe;ikers sui;tesled a shift In tai. moni es to jobs that rquire lots of peo- ple. sueh as eeological clean-up. Your ·Horoscope Pisces: SATURDA Y MARCH 18 By SYDNEY OMARR Aquarius g e n e r 11: 11 y is gregarious, but natives of th is ?.Odiacal sign are not easy lo know . They are sociable. have many friends but keep a part of themselves lo themselves. These · persons a r e: pro- gressive. inventi ve and stub- born. Some famou s ftquarians include E11rtha Kill, Victor Mat ure and Kim Novak. ARJE.S {March ll·April 191: Money situation is em- phasized. You pay and colle ct debts. There 11re apr to he c.hanges in basic procedures. Be .sure yo!J are quoted cor- rectly. One who does much t.alking may try to put words in you r mouth. TAURUS (Apr il 20-.May 20 1: Nf\\' deal ncrur~ at home bas.e.. Y {)U c;in he happier . Emollonal satii;fa ction is dut Know \\•hat it is you .... •ant - then go after ii. You receive meaningful compliment from npposit t sex . Entertain and be entertained. (~EM I N ! 1Ma.\' 2\-.Jurie 20 1: \Vnrk quiflly. Maintain 1'111' profile. Kr.ep C"onfidential mal· lers confid~nt~;i l. .There are some restrictions, but they Only Promise empha sized. Don't mix money and friendship. If you do, both could be lost . Caprlror a figures prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ac· cenl is on special 11.mbition. Plan ahead. Broaden horizons. , Don't cre:ale ob!lacles for your.self. You get gree.n light from one you respect . There is room for you at top. Start your clim b. Aries may be in· votved. , VIRGO (Aug. 23-SepL 22 1' New approa·ch needed where acquiring knowle:dge i~ con- cerned. Strive for nriginalit.v, independence . Gain show n through reading, writi ng. Ap- ply lessons. ExpreM your~tJf . Your views will be heeded - and appreciated. LIBRA !Sept. 23-0ct. 221' Settle issues with m a I e , partnr.r f\1ake d~clsion con· cerning finances. J?Oal. Rise abo vr pf'tty differences. One 11•ho aidtd in past can be: relied upon. Aqu1rian play~ im- portant role . Follow thrj>ugh on hunch. SCORPIO IOct. 2.'J-Nnv . 21 l: Ass6cia tio n with onf! who share11 your v\f!ws. Build on solid bast. You get support from surprise source. CAPRICORN I Dec. 22-Jan. 19 !: There is chRn.Re . travel, variety. Bring forth creative resource~. You ace<1mplish, bridge generAtinn gap And win affection. Pe rso nal m;ignetism rise~. You can sell anything. Peop le wttnl to be:\ieve you. AQUARJUS 1J an . 21}.f'eb. 18 !: Obtain hinl fro m Sa11t - t11riu!l mess age. Home and d o m e s t I c re.sponsibilitl!! · dominate . Strive for harmony "'!thin fam ily circle. Glft purchase """' would help set sta~e for gr11nd reconciliation. , PISCES !Feb. 19-M3rch 20): F'orces tend now to be scat- tered. Don't promise: more lhan you can de liver. One wh!) ene<1 urages otherwlsi is misin- formed . Som t techniques need refining. Talk<1!11•e relali\'e should be toler01led. not ,heed· ed . If TODAY IS '' 0 U R RTRTHDA y \'OU are drawn 11'1 people wilh Prllhlems. You aid the underdo2 . Ynu are svm· pathetic. sensiti1·e. e v· t n poetic. Feeling of restriction wlll hi" liflel'I : '>''ilh CKtober in· dicaled 11s A kPy month . You'll be: going plRces. doin~ things. I'm more compellt1ve "'hen J'm al !he helm.'' A rOI'.' of trophies is starting on the shelf anrl her sabot is named 'lellow fo..1cnace in honor of htpa!itis. "Sailing also offers a real 1----aea o uie 1me or rene\1'.1 . "\'ou must be trust.Jul enuu gh of friendshi p to enJOY com· t:.,.. .._ uttimarr.ly prove beneficial. Sneak P .. revie.w of Sale Not 1n Seri.pt Pisc" person plays pcnminent • ·~=~-~~-~~-"----'------------------------;rnle. Protect yourself in OVlrl!'h~~ SfWfffranG/iearing Cenlcr \.V il/ spon sor 1\1arcu!i \\'elby scri pt autographed b)' Robert ''oung cltn"ctles. Stre.~s versatility. Don 't insis t. chide llr cajol~. 0 i s p I 11 y humor. Cooperate wit h on~ whn is close to you . Lei other11 take initiative. You rln bellt now in · rtJle or attenlivP l'>b- server. Your lime will ·come. !-IAGrITARIUS !No\'. 22- 0ec. 21 1: Be practical. Steer cle.ar of pie·in·sky schemes. \\'nrk at steady pace. Keep heall::bi; resolutions. R e n e w Stud.v of ja .... ·. h i s t n r y , mcdic in~~Pl--+----­ readin2 -and wriling. an Auct1on Unlu111Led. Everything from Soup to Nuts. are (left to right ) the Mmes. '\!alter Frome. Ronald CANCER 'June 21-Jul.v 22 1: . at n_oon .Thursday, lilarch 23. in the Newporter .lnn." Schag and Roy F. BrO'ol.'11. Income from occupati,onal ef· pa·nfonab1e: silence." • Taking an early look at one of the_auction iterris, a forts gained by accepting --~e-s~'ltiility -this area .is A Toast lo th e YMCA Alr And Mrs. A. II'. Mcrrcady "ill host ' bcnelrl cockta1l party in their Laguna Beach homP from 6 30 ln 8 30 pm Friday. March 24 . lor lhe South toa!'I '")IC . .\ ~frlready 1~ cha1rn1an nf the , ... ,. 1.u~ta.in1ng member~hip drive Donation& lot~ party >re $100 per couple • .. Peering Around . MRS. ARTHUR RECH E of Alan1eda 1s visi!ing h e. r da ughter. Mrs . \Villiam D Joyner of Balboa. in con- junction with attending the re- " cent state cnnft!rencl"" of the: Daugh ters of th e Amefican Revolurio n in Anaheim. White--trt-Sot.tthem-e 11 · . ~1r11 Heche will visit her new- ly married grandson. Willi11m Joyner fll of Cost a Mesa, and his \\-'ife. She 1s a pasl regent of Copa de Orn Chapter of OAR in Alameda. HlSTOR'' BUF F'S v.·ill lour htsronr "'1lliamsbur1i1. \'a .. ;:1 nd \V ash1ngton . D.C. Monday. April 17, through Swnda.v. April Z.1. on a field trip lecture !our ~ponsored by Pepperdine L'ni versity·s new women's ren· tl'r Center directo r, Mrs. Ma r· ~arrt Roley. \\'iii lead the l!roup. Betrothal Revealed 'fhe engaaement of ~-hss Ocbr;i Jean Clark to .leffrev f.harl<'.~ Allyn has bt.en an- nnunrrd by her parents. Mr and Mr11. \\'alter r . Clark .Jr of Ralboit lsh1rid . Allyn is the son of f\1r. and ~-1~. WilliRm r.. Allyn <1r Corona del Mar. Thi' couple .Rre graduates of Corona dcl f\h~r High School AH~n at· lends Orange Q');ist rolleJ!e. .Ju ne 17 rites itT the Luthrralf Church of tht Master , Coron,11 del ~1;ir, are planned . Who Cares? ,.,.,, l')lhf'r OllWSf)tll'!"r In thf' \\·n rlt! r11r,.~ 11briut your rom- mu11!ty likf' ynur rr.mm11111t,Y f'l gl)y 111"\\'l!MP"r dOC'11. Jt I thf' DAILY r"rl11T. ' ... · MANSFIELD'S 8th ANNIVERSARY SALE! ENTIRE REDUCED! IQO's of L-~--l'.-~IJJ.E .. H--~­ a t ALL 3 STORES ' Alt f0UJl'M/\N \llfl0'5 O!fO Rl\TOR Ollo'f(TFO l,f(l~'I \ /\lif l)Nlflllf!Y O!lfllHNl lll lil rt1RNtrt1li~ (/\IH rtllLY ~fl[(TFO J(J (Jl'fl\JF A .. m ... R .. n· "Ef P'1 l~ .. CD i9"'·~~§!0:::1'.;:;:fai ~:·f :;·;;;.;[:;:;;::::;:!:::;.~,, tt<l"lll/f 1r~1r~1t/R f'lf\NNINb /\I NU lHflfi(,f lff<M\ CfRTAINI y1 • • • • B '" " I SU ...... ..... ·-' "" .. . . . .. • • . ' ~ Coasta l Socio/ Calendar Clu bs Foe us on Speech, Arts t;1;>nera! ;ind 1nc111txir~hlp rnt'Clin~s 1.11ill be the order nf lh(' day for ~Orne. Oran~r l'oast i:lub:l \\'!'dr\l'sd,1\" ~l arfh 22 A spri•ch eu.n r est, rlt•rniinstra1i!\J1 ~ iu ;1rt l.l!1tl i:;;1rd1·n111g ;i nd ;i new ,:l (l!> . .; ill rrep:ir1111! lnr <'hllt1h't'fh ;lr'!' a!..;o li:ilcd on tJ1c a,;1."Hd,1 of con1n1uruly <1l'l1 11t1es tra trorn I l a 111. 10 l r m \Ir$ l!a1 I\\' L'mhe~, st ate pn:.sidc llt 11 Ll1 be thr nnn•,rt d ~ui.:::.t. Rivi era Club Ne w Cl ass A ne11• s{'ries or Preparat ion for Childbirth classes will bt.>~in at JO R.111. 1n the Presbyterian Church uf the Co11c11ant, Cos ta l\lesa. Clipped Wing• Toa stmi stre ss '1 rs. Alic<' C'h<'n. ill!lllnr nl Jln11 lo Paint l.and~r:ipl';i ill Ancil•nt l'hinc-~c 'J'cthniques." 11lH g11c a p a 1 11ti n ~ dc111ons lrat1on In lhi• 1'r!':it111· Iii ing :-.t·ttion of !hi· Hi11er,1 ('lub <ll 1n:::o <1 111 iu the t.ou1l' or ~!rs. 1\rllne H<1kcr. Sj'IOnsured by the A1neric11n Instit ute of Fa1nily nelations. /hf' cl<1ss "'ill rneet eight \1·e1•ks for "'on1cn only. Thrre 11 cc kend nlcetings 11•1ll be sehl'dull.'<l . for couple~ in the hon1t• of the instru ctor. l\1rs. John \'on Eschl'n. -1'he Los Angeles Chapte r of Las 0 I H s 'f11a~1 h11,1 .. ~~ ... ., Cl ub's annual sµct'Ch t<1;ll··~l 'v.·ill bci;:1n .:11 7.30 p1n in n it• :-.tc rcur·y Sar1nc.:s <ind I .. ;,11 3 uild1n g. ll t1 11t1::i.:1u11 B, <11 ti Par lrerpnnt.<-. !hr ~ln11'~ .u'": COtllHl<'5, I ;t'llt' (: I' a 1 I t' .. , C 'h n rlt"~ l'nl.111.,i..1 . Th1111i.1-, \\'nodal! :.ind \ t•h11.1 Bnli n 11 ill prcs('n l a ~pct•t•h from a singll' word. FV G ui ld tfhc third i.;1·n<'nd 111t•t•1,11:• n! the Fount:ii11 \';i!IP.V ( 11111- n1uni ty l!os ]l1l:1I C:uild 1\1JI hcgi n al 1.:10 p 111 "' 111!' hn\pJt:d 1\ 1101n111:il 111:.: r11t1l· ml!!('(' f1ir !ht• il'Ll\ f'l1•1.:l.<l'I t.! c[ficc·rs 11 111 be !1u111cd. GOP Wo men The r-.tc~il \'1•rcle li r pu h!'1·1~ \\1omr n·s Cluh. Fcder;Hrd 11 tit ha1·<' 1ls annual n1t't11h~'1:.!1 1p • • Blahs 8eoten Th<: DAR Col. \l.'1lham !Jaughtcrs of the 1\n1"nl'an Ht'l'Olu11on 11• i l I n1rct 111 !he Balboa ho rn~· of ill r:;. !'.::1r! li. Corkcll at 12 :30 p u1 .. \lrs. Hni;e J)orr:l nC!'. lC'C· !11r1•r 111 :'rrncrie;i n tUl\urc and l1i<;tnr~. 11 ii! spea k on !he St ~u·~ and Stripes. C offee Meet F ~ n r c n c c C r i t 1rntr1n Si'J'\'lces' execu ti\·e director an d l'itll'1<l l workl;.!r, ,\fr.'>. Kate ['11111·11 ;ind J\1r~. K :l re n Big1•Jma11, "'ill be the ~p~akers du1·111g a JO tl .nl. n1c111bership ctoffrr 111r the ~1csa Circle in I he home of l\.1rs. Robe1 t S11ekel. ., .! •.• • ~I " 6 I ,,, ... ..... •: I f ' 1 • •., .'. . .. I : .. $I :. ~"" 1, .• ~· :t ,a,.,,.,.••''.,, ' • I " IJ "I Ttlt PhOIO !\IillCrlciTlllcbla~~ \1·ere the t·orncr. ~hr \1c nl lo a lypc\r riter an d \1ro tc a book -"!lo\\ to !-,ay ~·r-:s l n l~ife." The subtitle Ls·'.\ \\'pn1an'!. (;u1dC" !1 RcJt1ng the 'B lahs.'' \'i11Cll f"JI herii1c T:ai1Tia:n around Harbor Club in Ge rard Bastiaanse. Le ctures UCr s Town and (iown com· munity lect ure series fro n1 8 to 10 p.111. in the Fine Arts Village Concerl ll c•ll 1vi1! feature '"'o spea kers. Dr. Arthur l\.1ardcr wi ll talk of That Hamilton \\'on1an: The Story of Lord Nelson and Lady Han1Uton . Politics. Propagan- rla and Airships is the title of Dr. Henry Cord r-.1eycr's talk. CofC Women ~1rs. Doreen M a r s h 1 11 , former Ne"•port Beach ~1ayor a nd lhe chamber's f i r s l Woman-of-the-year. will speak 1 1 on the c:r<ind Jury when the Ne"•porl }!arbor Cham ber of ContemP.oraryfu~niture • ) .<:! ' IV,!,~;a,,9 CON T tM P O HAH Y 17837 BEACH BLVD. HVHTINCTOIOI llEACH Ju" N of T.111>1:t1 & AtrllB From Ii B ln1er (llmmunny Hos"''~' - 2 <1"•1.-; S Of S•n di(!9~ }.0 36Sl or 8•1·1919 WE EKOAYS ICJ-6. Mon. & Frl. n • Clipped \Vings. United Alr Slt'Yl'ardess Atun1n11e. CUSTOM BIKINIS mix 'n' matc'h' SIVIK & •ilK ptlnh & 11licl1 (fmplele lltlC~ Allire l ik;,,-Hall (DYtr-UPI m•<lt M viwr ifl>l'Cllk•lilfll ISLANDER BEACH FASHIONS 12l-23rd SrrMr Newport IHCh, 67].1511 ANT A LITILE LUV? • 2828 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 546-1200 • BA BIES • CHILDREN • ADULTS Big sno COLOR PORTRAIT • • No Ag11 l imit l imited to one Portr1it per subject Ml!l xi mvm two portr"it, per fa mily on Sp ecial offer • Group rates av1il ablt Sa tisfaction Gu aranteed • SEARS LOW PRICE ! 99¢ PLUS Sh FILM CHARGE Studio Hours Daily: 11 A.M. to 7 P.M •• Soturdoy 10 A.M. to .S P.M., Sunday 12 NOON t• 4130 ,,M. !S ea rsf llA•I, •Ol•IJ1.ltANDCU, Mondoy Throug li Sunday, March 13 .. 19 (OJIO M1\0 3333 ldtl&I St. TorroM1 22100 HowthorP!t Blvd. l111n1 Pork llSD lo Polma Ave. Or111g1 • 2100 N. Tustin Blvd. l1"1 lto<h c • ...,, ... 4.SO lo .. IH<h llvd. 2100 N. l•flt IH<h 11.d. Sonia ft Springs Alltemlr• 13330 (. J1l1g1oph Rlf. 2SOG Ctmn1anw11hk An. '" '" • . . LEGAL NOTICE Pl(TITIOUI aVllNllll JOl.l,MI[ ll.l,T•M•NT loll-!flt ... ,_ ,, """" ...,,1,.." Lt.'GA L NOT ICE r 1 ~· DAI LY PILOT i !; ----·---------~---LEGAL ~OTICE Lf.G AL NOT ICE li~1 .311 Wt.SI .,.,,..,fl ,Sl•ff t "" ln1Dt<IOr Oi.tty• II f •I D•JfYI \Ull l!•IOlt tOU•T 0,, THI! JllOtt M•YOtll• f llvrQtll SJAJE o .-(.1,L1 ,0•N1.1, PO• er.rt MVff'tf '~· L110lff TM• COU"'TY OI' O•ANc;I' ( .. rt • Utltn llrlct Nt A•IU41 Voll119 P1W•l'o(I ... D lD t 0,.10r!•"'9 N~~~E A~ll O~~~lf"I ~ .o: EllCE :\'~.,~ tttyle• t lKl<WI pl..Cl"l" ~.)t l'O JltAN\f C lll Of PEltSONAL PlllOll• °'~;;"'"DI.e r (•IY llfll llOOO•! 11 r~ .. EltTY TO COM,LETI' OECEO•NT 'I lnllfoJ(lor (1,.:0,. 11f!lo!ll A(;N[[l,l,ENT JllOt r. lt fn M~•-• £•!~1<' '' OO"IAl D ll COL EONOV~ Cl••• J•mm•r M itrom•r Ot 1••••n Cit •'· u,11., l , Vou11q ... 01 1(( IS lr[l[llV r.TVl'N 1n.i Ph "" II Co1'"'''" I •rcv!<I• O! '"" Voh"ll P,~ n<• Na l! 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(lft~; l••l\t RC}l)e ••1l>tl 1~''''' '""''' fl rn,nt \I•~"''" ,.1.,rr''<~l\I \loh 'lll l'r~lf>cel No. J: C4ml><lll•'9 U•tt.i 0<1YW1 )!_ 1no .... 1.Jfl .. ~\l/t! 11 .. , ~HI ffllul•t t lt (l•Oll l)IP~m(I• OI• Xiii 1'1 CM1f'l1 /l,'.l<,I\ ' It.I '"~ "'11•1'1 ''' i>oll•n9 P!,>ct f'I•• i>O•I MOD•lr V•ll•~~1tn~•~10 ~~It'll J"''' \), 1•11 """~·"""' !~ l Rtn e••fun Roo."I O(I) Wt>I 111~ )ltfrl ••,J ''"" 1 ... .,1, ,,,,.,, I t fol ~:·~• l">Pi'Clor Ee11111 W<r•'~'' l?>c 11 .. u •• '"• '' '''""I ''"" '! r;~r+ ~•of Ju01'•. lll'Ohll• !l t><ll ·•"•I llrlll •-~•·''' '''"' " •lh·ul• "'""• C'I•" II•• M""'"'""" L~• ·~·r • ~,., t<J D• "<'" 11r1 r~"' •• ', {1••~ Do•o•~• II Pm~"'" t•fr••"IJ I• "''"'" "'·'' In• I •••n~• ""'"I"~~ 1t•·r•r,1 ~ Vo••"ij Prrc1n(I No l) tr.mpr1,.no •0, ,,. , ., ., ., <•Ovlor •if<l•OI\ "''("'"~ lltO ~I I M"''" ''· ·~ ,. Polli!lR Pl~<• w n'""' "-"""' ll!lO wn1n°t r A•t '"" ! TtAcn•,,· 1.,ncn •OOl"f h"PfCl<I' MllO•l'G ~'""°' JtJO~. Alll'" $ Soul•e\ Cl•'' S!Pll• .t.o.~'~' Ci•r•: Polo• S<1ot•~ Vo11"q "'""""(' Ne l • '"'""' """' •H <>lat' ftt<:l•OO """''"'" 0/1 Polli"9 P l•ct E~er~n R"' S, l'IGol bl)! Him ltroo Sn oel CM"U' l)uri>ll"' •oom! lnU>f'CIOr All•~ c;, c~""'"Wrl JllOq• l in.ct J,..,,., Cltr' 0 0<0•!11t 0: R~pp Cl•<' D•!a<t • V•nO..W1"~' \11111011 Pt~lncl Ne JI H'"'1>r•\t•o ••aulA• •IKl111n Ptl'(1n(I\ 0•• POUll\11 Pl .. <• Pon·o·•~ ) ( fl u Cl 4C ole•trl1l Mil t Pon•ol)~ Av~·'"" !n1 Pt<IO• Mar~ Ann ~(~flft~I Jvda• !)oll'<fl M t1•,.~ll {lpro· N1d!"t Blac~ Ci.ro· .Ja<<rufhn G P~~lr~ • ~, 1• ca, ' ,,, 1 111" \ ·h O•r~ I \' . .. ,\ ,;••I ''"· • r , • \AMl)f i A (;l!t £ '-llll)ll{j 101• W~•• V•"~' Blvcl Al~•mb•• ( >l•'b•fl•f "'01 l t l (11 )) fh U•~ p bl·•· •'<l <'••··~· M•"" 1 If ·,, 19 °' • 1.J·:t ;., I •. \llTICf: NOTI CE OF ~llLE OF ll lAt PllOP E~T Y AT Plll\lt.t f' ,t.[£ No A 10\lt " " "•tt-•. " I '"'"n' (<"'I I !I>• ""'' r/ I ' '"• S "·'· Volln11 Pr~in(J No l6 <0'"'"1"11Q 1 <'>f rfgulOI •l~•·o" P"f'""'' OJJ I( ...... "l( ·~· .... ''""" ~· ('\1~···· ,1,U I•• ,•P !!,, [ 11 •1 ~ ' , ""IH lo: I "' I L l 0 •I , PolllnQ Pl~rl Fel<1ntr R~)•O~"C• Op,, ,1 "1 4Gt•"~f), 1l0l Conlinf"l~I Av~""' , 'I•,, .. " .,,. , ,,, Ii''' ln1PeClor: Alic• s (Oll'l'~" (!t• '"'"~•I ""I '"I .•• , .• Ju<IOA. l <~V""" Fr~''' l'•M 1!1r V" ·M '"' '• "• .,.l\,t(I In !"" 1 • .,.~1 "" •' .... ,, ..... ~•·<'• {0<1•! ft""' Clf•I< Louloe A F•ul~ner · Clffk .Jo.,n llfdnt ,\•' '' ' , ti, ''"' ' ' \' " • 19 'l "' I' • ~!!'""' P,.i.!1 11>.11,;;1 ,; !5Q .§(_•\ l'''I> ,1 N~""'' ll··••h ••.!ufl"• •I·~" t ou .. 1v o• O• •n<1• S•·''" nl l.•l•IPo'n•• A I '' uh• 110• .•'<I "f'! nl • ,1 o~c~,,.,..,, di '''f ''"'" "' tll "~ "''" ~II tn4 '·~"I I H• ,u•a ,. '"" I I' ,,I I"• ·~·~If· ''' •.1·U '1•<••'"'CI I>•· "'"'' '"" bY <'flrr11• nn ~• '-'" "' ~"' "''"" f·"'~' "'~" m "' ·•"· 111 "" •1> ""'' nt '~"' "•("~•rl! ~· ",. '·"" nr '"'"'' "' ~·u '" oil u .. ,,.,,~,., •r~I "'"""'h "" "•d ·'1 M' (Ou~tv r f O•>~q•_ ~1,.1r ~I \.t•lo ·-~. t10•t1tUlM ·' n••••·l'*'i "' •ol'°"' 10 ""' PAR CEt ONE 111 11 I • , • l C DAILY PILOT •. Bucl{s Test Without Big 0 LOS ANGELES !AP J-The National 8a1ketball A1soclat1on season. which I: · :J ne1rly six months plus 1nothtr month of playoffs. can tum around on just one injury to a key player. Last year, It was tM: Los An;eles Laktrs' Jerry West, who tore knee Ucaments late in the se11on to end rus team's ch1mplonshlP1 hopes. This year it may ht the Milwaukee Bucks' Oscar , Rob<rnon. The veteran 1uard, second on the lGA's &!: ~ se··ina liat, wori't be witb the 8ucb tont1ht whtn they mt.et the t.Uea hue In their tin.al meeting of lhe . re&War season. Robertson is blck in &: ,,-;-_::kee, rc.:~:.i: !or the pl1y0Us. He pulled abdominal m;,;.:-:les in a game htrt Feb. 4 ind left the game. and the Lakers came from behind to win. He's played in only 1Ja of 20 since. One of the six wa s against tbt Lakers ln Milwaukee March 11. Robertton was occ1slon11ly effective on offense. calling on the exper ience of 12 years in Utt NBA to make up for his lick ot mobUity, bul Post Easy Wins UCLA, Cal State Collide for Title PROVO, Utan t APJ -SaJW'day'a NCAA Far West realonal basketball_ playoff wUI feature the same cast as last )'ear's-UCLA va Cal State (Loni ~ach~ -and .Long Beach coach Jerry Tark1· nJan would jwt as soon play last year'• UCLA club. "I would rather play last ye1r '1 twn," Tark1ni1n said 1fttr his 49trs eased by San Francisco, 77-5S, afte r No. 1 UCLA had demolished Weber State 00.f)S, in Thurldly n!ght's firslround sames. "We could dictate the tempo of the &ame against the likes of Sidney Wicka ~ Curtis Rowe ," Tarkanlan said. "but thl.s year's UCLA team destroys people and ln order to win we would ha ve to play the belt same of !ht year." Long Beach, ~3 and fourth rated, {fl! 57-M to UCLA !art year In Salt L!ke City In the NCAA rea\onal. UCLA, 27--0 for the aeaton, setkl its eighth NCAA litle in ft1ne years. UCLA wa1 never threatened aa;ain.st Weber State, whlch dldn 't score untir li ve minutes had elapsed in the game. Henry Bibby, who scored I& points and Larry Fmner. who hit 15, shot long range jumpers to "Offset the lack of offense by All-America BUI Walton. Walton, though grabbing 11 reboundl apd blocking five shots in the first half, finished with four for the game, com- pared with hll'l 21.3 average. Walton 's understudy, S.foot-11 Swen Nater, took over in the second half a Iler Walton drew his fourth foul and hit 12 points. The nearest Weber came to the Bruins, who have won 42 straight over two seasons. was 13-7 early in the game. Bob Davis led Waber. 18-10. with 16 and re11er ve RUey Wimber ly scored 14. Long Beach stumbled to a 33-22 lead after a raa;ged firsl half. in which San Franc~ hJt only 22 percent of it! shots. Ed Ratleff .and Chuck Terry paced Long Beach with 16.,.-apiece. ·Mike Quick led USF, now 19>7, with 19 points. USF turned the ball over 20 times and shot only 30 percent for the iame. ht couldn't keep up y.•1th the Laker au1rd1 on defense. \Vilhout Robertson, the Bucks wlU start Lucius Allen and Jon f\1 cGlocklin at auards. with Wally Jones in reserve . All three sboot well but they 're not in the Big 0'1i class IS a pJaymaker. . / The Lakers have won three of lhe four meellngs between the NBA 's two win· ninges~ teams thi! season. Including 1 100· IC8 thrllle.r a week agb ill Milwaukee on a frantic last·mlnute comeback. Another Los Angeles victory would be a giant step for the Lakers toward 1 new deci sive factor in a ga me bel"'etn the NBA seison winning record . They b.a\'t tea;n$. Ber.ides ltls 500r1ng. playmak1ng , won 63 games. five short o'f the record -and defen5e . he din keep the L<ls Angeles w1::1 se\'en to play. fsst t>reak under contMI bv rcbn:.indinJit ·rhe Buck5. a deliberate team despite on the offensive b:>a rd or by cuttJng off their youth, win with rugged defen se 11nd th" first pass to a guard . an offens e buil t around Kareem Abdul· The Lakers will hav e !he home court 3d· Jabbar, the NBA 's leading scorer.' The vantage in an y playofl niectlni; with Lakers have been !iucce!sfu! against Mihvaukee bCcau!i" thr Bucks can do nn ~1ilwaukee when they 've been able to more than tie the ir seasoo record . and speed up the tempo . Los Angeles already has clinched the Robert.son, when health y, can be the seaSDn series. liAROLO (PIEi TRAYN OR DIES. Pie Tray11or Ex-baseb all Great, Dies PITTSBURGH fUPI ) -Harold Jostph "Pie" Traynor. judged the great!$il third ba seman in the history or baseball, died Thursda~·· Tra ynor. 72. collapsed in the apartment of a friend . Police administered oxygen in the ambulance. but he v.•as dead on ar· riVaJ at Shadyside Hospital of an ap- parent heart attack. Traynor .. who batted .320 during his 18· year ma jor league career. all with Pit tsburgh , had been hospitalized for ulcers and circulatory problems in recenL years. A nalive New Englander v.·ho became!! favorite adopted son of this city, Traynor is survived by hfrE; \vidow, Eve. Traynor pla yed third base for th e Pirates for 15 full seasnns. from 1922 lo 193.5 and parts of three othei's." He managed the team from 1934 to 1939. Ballplayers "We're not a strong outside shooting team, and when we fell behind in the first 10 minute! it dictated the patttrn we 'd have Lo follow -that . being catchup basketball," said USF coach Bob A P1•0 Rest Stop He played on the national leagu e pen· n;:int winning teams of 1925 and 1927. and played for the league in the first two All- St;:ir games. 1933 and 1934. Set Deadline On Strike Vote Gaillard . He called Long Beach ''the-second best team on the West Coast" next to UCLA. Portland TrailBlazers' Si dney Wicks pulls himself a\\•ay from an unid entified Golden State \.Varrlor after action under the boards at the Oakland Coli· seum. The \\Tarriors won 1 107·94-.. Tr;:iyno r's batting average dipped below ,300 only twice and he hit .366 in 1930. He '''as named the ,!:realest third baseman nf baseball's first 1' O years by a committee or baseball writers in 1!169. Twenty-one years before. he had been voted into baseball's H;:ill nf F';irne. Tarkani1 n sald his team would have to do three.Jhlngs to beat UCLA. "Rebound, play a strong defensive ·-!:.aame and have i reat outside shootini," he sa id. MIAMI-<AP J -Major leaaue basebtll UCLA co1ch John Wooden. whase players will decide whether to strike turns have won 29 NCAA playofl 11m ... Star_Player KOs Opponent Born in Framingham. Mass .. on Nov . 11. 1899. Traynor Acquired the nickname ''Pie'' as a boy. A friendly priest v.·ould buy the neighborhood kids lreat.s after their baseball games. Everyone asked for ice cream except for young Traynor, who aJ"·ays said: ''I'll take pie. father." Irate Coacli Says He'll Resig n within the next two week! ind Baltimore Oriolu superttar Brooks Robin.90n says, wis dlsappointed in hia le I m 's "We'll do what we have to do." performance. The dazzling third baseman said, "We weren 't sharp," he said. "I think however. that clubhouse poll11 arnonc the maybe we were looking past Weber State. EVANSVILLE, Ind. rAP1 -A star George Gervin. lanky 6·7 sophomore he may play fnr Eastern t.!1ch1gan. but Eastern. Miciligan..Wa~SJ.Wnelld~!J:aiLancLl.b nation's SIXlh-~M1epended-3&--0f--MW-8n8'-t--wtll------·L---p ... ---- I doubt that we had the respect for 24 major league teams should not be W.eber that we should have had. I was termed · a "strike vote." for punching an opponent. his co&ch an· leading college scorer. \\-'as immediately resign as coach after Friday's game." oug11e.v, ac es nounced his resignation. and Akron and suspended for toni ght"s game with Ten-The highly fa\'Ored Tigers from Roanoke pulled upsets to drive into the nessee State for th rowing a he yn1aker, Nashville led Akron 40·28 af halftime. bul ~--~.-!/. <;;T.,.~m~vo~;;r,'l,it· C.:e-:mo;:;;;a;;t -;o"-th;-;e:;;rs;-,-;l;;o-,,i.'ased~'lriftrourbenctr.'' Weber coach Gene Visscher had empower our player repree:entatlve to do planned to stop Walton and 1ive Bibby whatever ii necessao before tha March h 'd finaJs•in a ~·lid semi-final round Thursd&y knocking out Roanoke"s Jay Piccola. the Zips finally went ahead at 4: 15 left 62---l rc1 to Lead nilht of the NCAA College Division The incident came with 7:23 In go in 61 on a long shot by Bria'"n \Ves tover. The lJ basketball tournament. the game and Roanoke leading Eastern Zips remained in front unt il the final 40 31 deadline," Robinson said, "whether it 1 e outsi e shat. The Wildcats; did, and tht plan backfired. ~ :~~t~~.ment, to e.:tend negotiations or "We-went into . the game hoping Bibby . Top-ranked Tennessee Stale was am-~1ichigan 81 -58. . seconds v.•hen Lloyd Neal made a layup bushed 71 -89 in overtime by un heralded Jim Dutcher . in his sixth. season as for the Tigers tc. put them ahead, 67·66 . In Swi1n Meet wouldn 't hive a good shooting ni~ht. he Roblnaou ls the Baltimore player said. "I really didn 't think we could stop representative. · Welton the w11y we did." Akron and Roanoke knocked off No. 4 coach of the Hurons. announced that Eastern Michigan 99-73. • G ·n " 1·11 ve pl lo aoai·n Akron·s Larry Quarles theo made a ervi w ne r ay r me " · · · free thro w. lyiniz the score bu! mi!'ised his "Our main objective is to atlck together Walton injured his left knee in a fall as a eroup," he told Mi1mi radio station after the game was out of reach. an d -· WGBS. "Our big item is out pension plan, Woodtn didn't want to t1ke 1 chance on W o_oden Co.ac h of Ye ar ; ~-which we want to keep at the &ame further injury. The 6-fool·ll r~head was relative level I S three years ago when the okay and will play ag11inst Long Beach. ::. current agreement was signed. The cost of llvinl bu Increased 17 percent. since ucL• 1:1, T W•••r (:1,. T that ttrne." i:1rmtr ' i.1 11 Oftv~-' 1.1J 1' Wllln ' 2 J 10 Ven Oyk1 J &.I Beard Leads Go l f Pla y frlnk: Cashen, &Mera) manager Of the W11!1n 1 !:J , (&optr J 14 ; American Le1gue champions. s1\d a ~:e,... : ~; 1! ~~~l. 1 ~l : players' strike might possibly shut down c11rt1, J 1.1 ' w1m~r1r ' 1).(1 1• ' m1jor' league b1sebaJI -or at least crlp-~:111::1•111 ~ ;:: 1~ ~~1;1~ ~ !~ ~ , pie it -for the year. ~~:;:~ ~ ~: ~ ~~!~brook c M o "l know some owners who, if the Mot J ,., 10 McG•rrv : ~ ~ NEW YORK J h \Vood h playerz ao out on strike, wUI close down F••n•11~ 1 ~o • w1111~m1 o ~ o -o n en. w o the a;ates, wait untU next &eason ind then To1111 ll i•n '° re1 11\ 12 4 10_1'! ll made cha mpions out of sophomores at .. ___ •• ,_ • ., .. .,., ,..,,. •i_t_u_a_tiMl,_"---~ ~~! 2i .u _ 51 UCLA. was selected Thursday The ..,.. ""O<....:...~ ---• .. otlt!'Cl'·aur-= No11t·---~~~~--~rs~r re illlgeti s etfilll August A. Busch Jr .. owner of the St. AtttM•n<• -"·'°°· 11nm1red. Co h f th y · l9/t 72 Louis Cardinals, was quoted recently as ac 0 e ear in · · saying he didn't are whetller the players L•11t ... c~ 11:1 T si" ttr•1K1 .. • ~n T' Wooden won his fi fth coach-of-the-year walked out or not. Terry 4 ,,, 1• lur~. J 1.1 1 honor in a season that he wasn 'I supposed McOon•ld J 1.J 1 Jont5 1 2·• • I .. The owners have thrown only one pro-Gr•v J ~o ' 111n1~n1 ' 1-! • o. posal on the table in 2'i1 months." said !~~,1~1•mi ~ t~ :~ ~r;:'1~~ ~ 11 1! The Bruins' Quiet Man, \vho lost four of Robinson. •·tt Is not acceptable. When we 5!tvtrt1 J 0.1 • loro l o.a ~ his starters from last year's national come to March 31, we 'll do whateve r we ~~~ ~ ~ : ~!~~~~ : ~ : ch11mpi ons. \VOO the Pacific-8 tl!!e and 26 have to do and what Marvin MUler tells ~~11~1,v : ~ : ,...,i.rw1n 1 o-o 2 slraight regula r-season games \Vith Ter111 ll 13-;o 13 ro1111 ,, 11.11 " basketball babies. w." Miller, an attorney. is the head of the players' association. About half the teams had reported player votes. The Boston Red Sox became the latest Thund1y. All have given their player reps the muscle to apeak for them at the bareaining table· "I th1nk," said Robinson . "it will go rleht down to the buzzer ." Cashen retained his optimis m saying .. I don't think we 're that far ap.rt. A strike would bt a drastic move and l doubt 1eriously if it'll come about." LOllO 111c11 JJ 41 -Jl "The m11ster does. it e\1ery year a dif- J1n Fr1Ml1ce 22 " -" f I " 'd d ' h r&111 1eur1 -Lone 1t1c11 u . ~.ft Frt P'ICll'e 11 cren way, sa1 an a m1r1ng coac . Feulld &vi -N&oot A!ltMl ntt -lJ,Jll Skier Killed At NCAA Site WI NTER PARK. Colo. tAPI -David Allen Novelle, 1 20-year-old downhill ractr on the University of Utah ski ltitm, w1s killed Thursday during the NCAA cham pionships here. • J ACKSONVILLE. Fla . -The day started wlth the marshal picking up the rirst two drives thal were hit off the lee. featured a rain . delay and ended with Frank Beard talking about his e11rs. Beard. who has been hampered by 11 serious ear infection mos t of the season . co nquered wind and rain "'it h a four- under-par 68 and the first round lead in th~ $125.000 Greater Jacksonville Open golf tournamerrt Thursday. Tony J1cklin of England hrad~ a group of seven at 70 Also al that f.igure were Grier Jones, ~·Jb Murnhy . ./. C. Snead. Jim Witchers, George Hixon and Jim Hardy. · • Defenseman Carol Vadnais scored nnce · and added lwo assists Thursda y night as the Boston Bruins got goals from eic:ht different skaters ttl trounce the Los Angeles Kings 8·3. • TE!\f.PE -The California Ani.:cls erupted for fj\•e runs in the firsl inning. and went on lo a 6-1 exhibition baseb11ll victor.v over the r..1ilwaukee Brewers Thursd;:iy. Nclan R.vnn \v!lrked !he first four !n- nin"s f:)r the · Angels ;:ind allowed t.·lihvri11kre's only run. Lloyd Allen fin ish- ed \vilh five scoreless innings. Both were. wild. with Rya rl w81k1hg eight batters and AJ!en four . but the1Brewers failed to take advantage and sttanded 14 runners. . • PULLMAN. \Vasb. -Washington State Un iversity head b11sketball coach Bob Green wood fi ubm1t1ed his resignation 1"hursday after coachlng the Cougars for one season. l'iecond chance. \Vith 74 seconds \cit Larry ~Specia l lo the DAILY PJLOl11 Hai-ris got e chance to put it away for thf LEXINGTON. Va. -F' r es h m an Tiger s. but n1isscd his free thrJw and dist;:ince . star 1'homas Bnughey paced time ran out with th e score tied 67-67. coach Ed Newland's UC Irvine swimm ing Quarles' t\\·o free -throws in overtime team to the first day lc;:id in the NCAA kept the score locked 69-60. in the final college div ision sv.'imming championships second, We stover .. a S:s junior. made a being staged al Washington and. Lee layup on a broken. play giving Akron the University with a victory in the 500 71-69 triumph . freestyle Thursday. With 7:28 left in the . Roanoke-Eastern UCT scnred li4 points in the first of Michi gan game; Gervin elbowed Piccola. thre.e rlays nf competition with the ·Piccola ber\l over and c;ervin walked to Universit.v nr Sou!hrrn Fl'nrida in second the sidelines. As Piccola. from Har-place with 53. San F'ern;:indo Valley State Co~te e was clnS£' behind r~bur.g s~i~Rlened-up;--Ger-¥i1t--'"='='-"'"-="-=""-''--~ walked acr.oss the floor toward him ;:ind Boughey. a lnw-he;:iderl b I n n d ! hit him Oush with a whisU ing right hook. youngster . ~·on I.he 500 in his best-ever Piccola went to the floor unconsc (ous. time of 4:47 8 with te!l mmate .Jim Fergus lay sprawled for two minutes as a doct'lr finis hintl fou rth in 4:53.0-also a lifetime and trainer worked over him. and finall y best effort. was helped to the dressing room. He Boughcy thus successfully completed recovered later. the firs ! leg of his attempt lo follow in Other players were restrained and dur· the footsteps of UC l's aH·time premiere ing the uproar among sorne ~.000 fans at swimming star. Mike Martin. Mi'!l(in won the brutality of the incident. Jim Dut-the 500 as a freshman . his fir.St of 16 clier. in his sixth season as Eastern NCAA gold medal victories . ~1ichig;:in coach. took the public address Tn today's competition. Boujthey \\•ill microphone. and announced. "I am very, swim in the 400 individual medley along very sorrv th;:it. this happened . Those in· with anothe,r freshman teammate. John vOJ Ved will not play ap:ain.'' Sutton. Also ejected was Gervin's teammate While Boughey and Fergus drew lhe Lindell Reason. a 200.pound junior from praise oJ Newland for their efforts in the D:?lroit. another black player. Reason. 500 freestyle, the Anteater medley relay hQwever. landed no'blows. being restrain· team established a school record or 3:41.0 ed . in placing third. Dutcher added . J'When the lime comes The team w11s COfllJ)Osed of Frank when you can't contrQl your players . irs Gardner !back } .. Jirn Cooper I breast 1 time to get out of the game." Mike Carnahan 1ny 1 and J ack Dickman~ Gervin. who scored 2 points Wednesda y (!reel. as Ea stern Michigan defeated Assump-Carn ahan bette,red his finish of a ye11 r lion 93-88. had netted Z1 befo re the In· ago in !he 200 individual medley with a cidenl Thursday night. second place finish In 2:01.4, Newcombe Rolls Past Net Foe CHICAGO Austr1ua·1 Jo hn Witnessu said Novellt. 11 sophomore from Salt Lake City, hit a tree as he tried to maintain his balance after his left ski can1e off during the downhill race . The accideni. occurred about halfway down the t.3 mlle-<lownhill cour1;e. We Ca11 Win Without Blue--Williams tiewt;<Sfnbe, who won the ChlcalO rtop ll!t yur on the World Championship leMb .. tou.r. Wll eliminated bv Tom Okker or · ; tht Netherloftds -Thund1y-nlght IJ! tllr • s«ond rowid of !ht IS0.000 Kemper • lottrnatklnal tennis tournament. Newcombe. coming .off a knee injury .. that sldeJined him half of last year. was • dJIColiroJed by hit play even th<>uah Ok· • lcttll'Ofl by7.e,M . • In other quart.rllnll matches. Ken RONWlll tkfuttd Charier Puarell. &-J. ~ H. W aod Arthur A.lbt downed John • Aluaoder. ~!. 7.f, M . Sevt11IJ>.setded Marty Riesien defeated No. 1"-<led Rotor Taylor, &-7, &-l, 7-!. , 1 Novtlle had just gone lhrough the Joth 11te on lhe courst:, a right to left turn. Winter P•rk Sid Arta is about 67 miles west of Denver. Novelle was the son or David Novelle or Paik City. Utah. and Mrs. Joann Guscman of Salt l.ake City. NO\felJe was second among the 75 .en· trant.s In tht downhill race. The 'rem1ln· der of the racers flnfshed the course 1fter lhe accident . ski area officials said . The run was Novelle's first ot ltle day but he had been pr1ctlcln1 at Winter Park for the past two days, the offici&ls >aid. • OAKLAND (AP) -Vid• Blue found II Impossible to keep 11 ·1traight fact but swore. "I'm serious." The 22·ycar.()ld pitching i;t11r of lllt Oakla nd AthleUcs announced Thursday he was leaVing fia.se.baD, for a Public i-cla- Unn$ job, bceautt A's owner Charles O. Finley won 't offft more than '50.000 for lhe coming season. Blue ca lled the figure , which Finley has SIUck with sin<:< Jan. !, "unf,lr l\Jditd by existing standards Jn baseball,·· And hi~ 1t'or1K:y. Robert J. Gerst. w11nls a $92,500 contract offer as a rev.·ard for Blue's great 1971 se3li0n. The American League 's Most V~~ble· Plnyer. dressed in sports shirt . slacks and sneak ers at the ncv.·s conference here. s1ld hr would go to work for 11 ster.I products company in Los Angeles is vlce president ln charge of 4)Ublic relations. Blue noticed some lncrcdulou1 laoka on the faoes or r4!por~rs 11nd photogtaphers . and Cracked up laughing at that point. But Finley, et his inciur11~ ofrlc~ in Chicago. 1t:trned lo th1ok Blue was sincere. - . "J have lo aS5Ume the t he is,·· t'lnley said, and repeated what he had told Blue by phone. Wednesday nlghL that i5Q.llOO v.·;is hi5' final offer. .. Should Vlds have a change of heart anytftne in the ne11r future And decide lO return tn bascbaH. we would be ex· tremely happy to have him with us." the owner 11ddcd. · Most A't. pJayr.rs In spr in11: lrl!linJn~ tt ~1esa. Ariz .. sl lll think Blue will pi tch this yc~r. "I think he'll coma back lo play. ~le likes to play ," said outfieldor Angel ~1anguaJ. v.·ho wits to have ~n Blue's spring training roommate. "Now he't just confused." . M11nager Dick \Villiams said. "We hate to losr hlm.'' but acldE'd, "We can "'in this thJng without Vida Blue.'' Jf Blue's ,hold()uf Rctu.ally becomes a retirement, the A '1 w\11 bt coun\ing on new pitchers Denny Mct..Ain a.nd Ken l~olttman to make up for Che loss of the ~s11tiont1I lefUu.•nder . Blue, In his flrsl full major league st~~n . received a Sl,750 sAla.ry la.st ye1r. He hid a 2.4·8 r~rd , a J.82' earned run aver1ge. eight shutout! and SOl strikeouts. t I 5 r I " I h I i• 2 p P' I h ' h n ' K • A b. " '- 0• ' •• " ,, ' "' ' " ' IS) " t ---·"E '" N;, ' '" ' • w ' Mo •" ' 0 H I. H 11lr •• !Tl , '1~ •• '" •• " ~· Go O• :.~ •t l'I " ··~ ... " ~· " • • i· • "' --• '· . ' • Tars' Hogsett--Outlegs Oil City Hurdle Scoreboard Ace GWC Gals 'WinPair Kelch Foss ' I Win Honors J.11ck Kelch anrt Tom f"ll!ii!'! were accorded Rustler of !hf' Vear Mnors In b11sketball .11nd wrestlin~ 111 Colden We11l College's winter sporls award! IMr>quct Thursdlly nlj!'.hl. :Jolin l't0b1e waJ ""mt<i lhe 1'ft.Stling ·capta in 11nd tea m- mate Pat Bunno wll!I selertPd llh thf! m~t -impro \'fd ~~Uer. Foss and 1'1n11.'!, HUUard received award~ ror 10 or more pin11. Joe Croom W!! Vrt!M Clip-' tain of the haskelball team. , r '11M,J, M•rd\ 171 197l • DAlL'f PILOT J -I Sa11tiago Miscues AidCdM By HOWARD I. RANDY 01 '"' 0•+,., ,.lie! '''" f·h·e gift runs in the fourth inning ga v, the Corona del t.tar Sea 1\.1 11~ .ba~ball team br·eath1ng room and rventuall;.i prtn·rd to be the. margin of drl· rcrcncr a<; ctiaeh T o m Trat::er's iquad hflnded San· llil.lo?O H1i:.h an S·.1 dcfe1t 10 non·ll'aj:!UP Artlon nn !he w1n - nrr·,. diamond Thursday. Th£' J!;ime w;is the final 11ilrnfup 11Jt for thP Sea :Kin~-; bcflirr :-<lilr11n~ lr\'ine Lfoagl.le v.·;irf;irc TursdR v aflernoon ;it hnnu~ ;i,e.;:iinst '1.0~ Alamito3- ~·irh .c.;:im,. timP 111 l 15. (Airnn11 rlel f\.1a:r finished lh" nnn·lr11s11r srRl'lon with a :. i rrcorcl 1nrludin& Thursday·, vlclnr1·. Boh' r11lilH'I', 11tartlng on !hn tnnund for f'..oro na. plfchPd pPrfer1 hall for 3Z':'I Inning::.. HP \\!ii.~ fourhed for a l WO-(lllf. lf!llY 1n the top of I.he fourlh ,,,, il pair of s1n~le.~ and A walk In itP1 the stasc for the Sea King uprising. TO FASTEST MILER -f'c('rl i;:i Ordar ~hn11s nrf \hr DAil ,-Pll .O·r lrPph\' "·h1rh annualll' 1s a \,ar<ierl to !hP f;i slc!'I n11lrr al the Soulhrrn r·o 1 1n1 1c~ trilrl.. mee!..'J'his yr~r an exc<>pt1onal!.v ~uifl fielri u·ill vie lor lhe <l\\'i\rd \\'hen the meet 1.s staged Saturday at l--Junl1nglon Beach High. In the boll!llll oC the fourth . ~1alcnlm Opf\11Ur skied a b.1ll in front (l( lhf' pl;i te that JPll un tnll rhed hf>t1\'ef n l hr f' r 11·nulc1 -IM> (!riders and wt'!nt fo r a ha:w hit. Reed .l flhnson fnllo"-'ed 11·111• il ~1nglP. In lrrt, hi~ second of three h;u;e h1~i; for the da 1 • .i11r1 ;iflrr 1h;it 11 was a Slll· cr11s 1on of !;;intiai;:o miscues Top Soutl1land P1~ep Sta1·s T1110 sur ccss111e bunts 11'ere mishandlerl. allowing, lhrP,.. run:,. In rrnsii: the plate. A h;:iJ L· . hrnui;:ht 1n ;:innther and ~1n~!P~ hv ,lnhn Anrlrr111s anrl &nr1 r';:irkPr :ircnunted for lttP fifth unrarncd ru n of the inning . At lfu11ti11gto11 Spil\.efest ('ornnil r o n I i n u P rf it; nn:::l.:111,i::ht 1n !hp fif!h \l'l lh ;a ~1 nt.)P hy Johnson ::inrf "-'alk rn ~trl'P ~l;:itL Scntl Cameron fn lln11·rd "'llh ;i twn-run doubli'! tn deep lffl ;ind came homt' "!' Andre"·::: ."t'cond sin l R~ PHIL RO:;iS Al 50 gi1·en possible crack" rll 01 •h• O••IY PHai sr~rt 11mrndmenrs 1n lhP rernrd Five mrPt rrrnrd~ will br iri boo~s are the 800 anrt mile .!le:rinus JPOf\11rdy l'l"hile l\rn rpl;iy, nther~ coutrl noiti::ihlv b" Vlnj! Se:irh Pnly·l! ""J.::i1nr" erlirsrd in !';i!11rcl;:i~(i: fll~t 11n· nny;il. 1he rlPfendinc. Sou!hPrn nu::i.l runninJ!, nr the Sn111hrrn Cnunf1f>~ ,('harnpinn iii a tnr- Cou nlic~ track ::i.nrf firlrl meet he.:i1·y r:ivnr1lP 10 annex !he al. Huoti ngtnn Re;:ich H1i;:h. large sc.:hnols 120 highs crn"'n S1art1ng lime fnr 1111 ficlr! fnr lhc sPrnnd str::i.1~ht time r vcnt prelimin11rie.c; /P'>;r luriin .c. 11·1th hi s 14 n ht's1. !hr i;11mr ;ic; lhe shnt put. whi r h "t;:ir!~ .:i t 1 thr mrct rrcnrd mark set 1n ri.m.1 , pl11.c; 1hr Hlfl.yard dash l!MiSI hy Sf!nt a Ana's lsa;:ic lri:::il!t. "'i ll bP .:it 11 f1.n1 . ('url is. ThP first fin::i.1 .i~ !he .<;01<11\ rto.val v.111 hr r·hallcni::rd hv schnntc; lv.'n milt> at n(lr)n, Nrwpnrl fl.:irbor's· i\1 ;:i t I (Pat 11ri ng Cost:i Mr .~ 11 's Hnc:sc1l (14.J. 13.41. rhe l;itff>r O!~"·;:ing t \1·in.~ -l 'nm 1 ~:22 .11 al~n hci n~ one nf thr i>;irl.1· anr1 John r~:2~.ij1 -~g;.11n.~t p1ek.~ in the large schools 180 th~ li kes nr ~!. .John Rosen 's Jn"·s lt1 th<> 111iif' Whf'rt' Jhp !)AIL\' PILOT \till ::1,11ard 1!s perp<>r11;il lr0rh ~· !n 1he f;i:-1r!it ;i!h)Pt<> amrin~ !hf' fn11r r;:irr~. ~-:1 r·:i10n 5 ·r;11~ (' n l trill 14 1:; J 1 ha~ an rxrrllrnt "J'I· por1un11y nf ciippini:: unrl r th r rneel rrrnrrl nf ~. l'.l R turr1rtl 1n hv South Tnrranc:-r s IH>c·kc1· li n1lrr~·fll'IO 1n 'f\'l i;::imr. Mnt1::ij:;n ~Cflrl!!d s 1 n ~ 1 ~ 1narktr~ 111 the sixth anrt ~P\lenth fr:irne~. the last corn 1n~ nfr rehe:f hu rler Paul ('.r>na~y. R.1,e.h1 hrh1nrl h1n1 al t I 'I 1<1 , G.1hr 's t:d Arr1ol.:1. l'Pn!Pnni;il holrl ~ ttiP ~1 i ~;~1~ .. 1~~. meer rernrrl in the 41{l rf"l;:i~· ~.r;;b,;:, "·hit:h the Ap11rhrs set in I~ ~v~:,:.1 •• 1~ Rnrl thf' Aparhrs' ident ic;1 I :~;.~~·~11 ,clnckini; thu.~ 1<1r in ·72 ;iffnrrfs ~~~~~~. ~ lh 11 " I k I "'••••·~·· ~~ Pm ;i prr. y urrrn Ct';ll" · :i ~,, •• , 11 1 lhru: own rrrnrrl \1 hdr r11nnn1~ "''n!·r~i'.~ in the Jari;c...schoo.ls.Jti.v'CiS.LWIOOll-___ ....,_,,.,.._..,._,....,l!'--.-.--,.,.---,1 As fQr lhP shot put. ('rr!i [ll ·~ r••-·· ,1 ToQl.-Koppcs. i9.: IA.S.i-;ind-E~I --+!''"""t-.'1--lttltrrRobrrr-!+<frrrl! G11jnn·.~ Rill l\uchne l!l .2fi1 . ~1·:1~ rnur1h in the i;t;i re in the The q11in1rt nf mrf'I st:::inrl 410 last spring <11 17 .. 1 ;ind ;i ;irrj~ 11t11C'h h::i1·" verv ~nnrl i::nn<i d;:i~· wirh a pui:h on Hun rh.:inrr~ of f<lll1n,I! , hy !hf"·-t1ncton's nne·luro O\'ill rn11lrl C I I _, IC'~..,., .. r " 11.:inrl.v rn~i; 1'1.~ R rr.:iu,I' r .. 1m~· .. . I I ~.-.tr~ " n1 anagrrl a n;i!1nn::i i;r.ai;nna """'"'! • Prep •·st of fi7-6' i anrl ;in.v j~h .. ..,.,, "';~ l.J<; ... ... lti-•• ,i;1111il;ir pcrfnrn1;1ncc in the r • ..,~·11 ... 'b 11 • O~"~'' '' '" .srn1'11 !lchonl:'I r::itegory ll'J "'""""'' '" 11·a~·s,i.de irirlud' the 120 "hich gt?t him undl'r lhP rnrel ~r::inrl-hurdfe~. 410, mfle . 4-40 rela•r ;1rrl of ~7 1 by \Vhittier·s Bill 'and shot pu1 . • S1n1s in '69. h 1 c"~"'Y lb·r ,·:111lt hi m pa.~1 t ,, 67 n1Pr l .... ~., i. ~1;1nd::i.rd e1ccompli shrd h v. """'~' 1~ Tol•ll Sunn~· Hilts' !)ave f\1urph_v ""' Co111plete Ti111e Slate, b?rk. in '!>Ii. Nf'\1·por1·,. T1::rry AlbriHon h1l 11 c11rPf>r ~st nf li!l-~ 1n pl.:1r1n~ .~econrl 1n lhr ;r;1.:itr in '71 but hi~ currrnt tw>c;I nf 1;2.1 doesn't li~urt' In pl :ire him J rln~,, lo Murphy'i;; rtrnrrl in th<> !ilr,l!'.P. ~rhools rl ivi.~inn. . ·Record s for HB Meet T"r lJING TRAVEL VOUCHERS GIVEllll AT ••• ,.,..,, ' in ".., ··~~+- • l" " ... ,,.,.,_ i 1n.,,., _ <,...,, ·~~"01• ..,,,. '"'"• I •O om, L~'O" JCh~ol~ ''"'I '!IAv .A, H Ei!hcr Tom Knvarich nr Cl!lclr lwrso11 V.W .• f'e11ocliie/A11dl u i I.. CO•t• l'lwy .. NIWJIOrf •••i:'t B11cn;:1 r ark 11 :~:17 !a:\! ycRr1 I ~~~~~~::;~~~~~~ or Rnry Trup nf ~issinn Ray 11 r nukl 11 ppro11r h the mr.rt 800 ~j) rrc·nrrl nf 1 ;;,(},Ii ~rl b)' Lon~ E ~..)> RP:irh Po!)··~ (;rrf: .Jonf'~ 1n 'AA FR Ez in ''" Diegn 1 U U on '711 SIGMA THREE ~ s .. u!l>!r" c ...... u,, 11t ec~•a1 ··~-'b"u~1o-.c:•h~··''-''~'i"ll\."re"m""'"i'i"c'~"~":'"cb'i'"'~"cl.cl---,,;:;--;,;;.,,.;-;-;;;-c;;:;---;i---t ~~ ·~~;~•1 ... ~1.:r~··f.~~i!'.':° .. 1, Only nthf>r rrcnrrl !hal I.~ in AN lSTIMATl ON !'i<.I ~·~ "1 q 111 ~1 ... , 1w1>1tt•••I ''"' a11y rf'lll rl;:inJ!r.r of hrin,ll rraS· A BUROlAR ALARM 10~~0 -1 Sil 1' GrM 1~"·~ 'Lii ,..,.,,, Pd J;r; !he mi]P rel111·. v.·herr (I,, ..... .t.. '11'· ""'~ "' . 3 21 A . i.. .. h FOR YOUll lNI u .. n•• ... """1 r~t>V•*' 1...,. •• ,, ... 1, 19., San1.:i An;:i s , . rnm,J<J 115 IU.S SS .,1 1 .. ,, .... 1~ '/Iii ~ l>ul'I<!" (konr•"• ii ch:ince of hP.~tin.c \,en- '" 1 1 " , Lea.1• or '1urth1s• .~~ ,:;:;~ kv•~!•• ,. ~ h••• ,,,,_.,, tr nniat ·~ :1: 1~ I nf '69. The '~""'" Anel. l'M. S · h "" h d • 1-------------, •ao low hu•nl•• -1, 1, ,_ 11 .... , , ;11n!.<; a1·r not ,,..-Pn pus e .I .~rrinusly y~t_:__ _ ~ / 1;~ ....... ,. .. ";"~·. 10~} ,.n ••l•y ''·'· ro"t•~M••I, u;,.o I "•'• '"'•~ J IO I. <•nt•,.~l•L 111' IH_,h 111"'~ ~.In, fl:~y.,•IM "'""'" /(,..,,,1,,~1 !~,.jl l""" '""'" , ... ,.;.' !0'1 1'~1• V •Hlt '""''°"' 1n1 'k~I ""' -!I-! OtY• Mv•n~Y I\"""• ,.,,,,, 10~ Gauclios S tu11ib le , 9 -,) ; • ROOM AOOIT10NS e KITCHEN REM OD ELING e PATIO SCREE N ROOMS lt1111U . f." !ill •. -- CALL 557.5333 for Information KIDS LOVE UNCLE LEN ~·•• Elli"u 't' SATURDAYS IN "an•.r ca..,0•1111v, ""t~t c;il'8ai:88j'j l THE DAILY PILOT 1'our11ey Aftio11 Next !..--=~~==--;;; DAVE ROSS PONTIAC Lease or .Buy All Models AZL:SA -S addlehrirk ('nlle:~e hil ... a few d;i,v.;, nrr prinr to its parlir ipalk>n tn lhf' Full~rlnn .J(' h:;iseball lnurnPy O('X I wef'k fnllowtn~ 11 ~3 ~rt ht ck ;it tile h;inds nr Mii;sion l..on h:rence le11rfer Citrus. The (~;iuchos drnpJ>('<I 1)(-hinfi In 1ht fir~l lnnin~ 11.·hrn Citru~ t~it@if ,_,ilh 11 thrC('-run homer ;inrl lh" host,..; ne ver lri1 1lf'd AflP r lh11l &nit ,Jnh~nnt!~ "''RS ;i hr1izllt spot for S1tddleh11 ck with hts :t'IB-fnn! hnmer 1n the first 5lRn7il ·'' J. ·/:r w " CON ,.l ltl:otCl --. ·~rt\!Oot W L T G9 ' ~~~/l;W~I••" ' ' • -I I ' '•~ ll•""•'IS<~8 ' ' ~·'""''' l " l ~i..n~ ........... ~1 l ' l ' ' ll •Y,•tlll• ' ''' ~·l!(fl~bll<' ' • • l""'•'!'•'"• )(tltt\ E'""' '· ~,, .~.-· ~ '''''J (;•e"-"""' ~ !'1W .. ,, .J 11':-T't " ~ ,.,,, .... ,llO , ., ... ,. ;)& ()!hf'r r;aurhn Frnr1ng r~mf' on r.rei; Kesslf'r's finuhlr folio"•('(! hy Tnm Rerrt's n1rt-· prflrlUf'•n~ sintzl" In the fifth .:ind Steve A.~hcraft'~ r h I. b;:i:«e hit v.·i!h melo Camarena ilb<iard Suldllb1ck 111 '"'~--,., l•' 11 lot>a~,.... I~ ""'''~"· Je f1Jott tt7 ... .-.r-....... ,." 'b II ic:~1~1~· n .... ~,.~11 '" '#If•!!•--,, Mo.,•• ~ ll••t •. ~ "'"'!!••<; ..... ( T"•oT< .. ' ' l • ' l I C1!rv1 .. ~ .. 11 .... " " ' W•;c_I 1t "• M v•O 111,11, le •• 01~'"'""· .. M•~r•~ •! .... ,,,. " t "''I' • ~""" " ur~t' " »1111.,,,,..,~··~ • ' '~·u, ,. let•• '"' 1,,~·~ ... ,.~~1·.,,~· '" ..• ••• ' I ' ' • ' ' ' , ~ ·~., m ,., "' - Tt'lny • '" l ' I ' I • • • ! ' " • ' ,• ·"' , t I ,, • I ••• DAVE ROSS '"·~' PONTIAC 'l 2•10 KAUOl llYO ... ,All Oki YI .. .. C:OSTA MIS.& •••J Ph. 546°8017 "'"" 0111111 1 ll4"'1 I Wl!lf • 1' 4 ._ fO 11 tt Jt"" JIUNDA'f'; 11 4.M. TO t , M • Top Croaker Catch' • Rock .Cod Still Pace Sea Action , !lack cei _,,., conU1111• at near 1lmit nWftMn I• r aJtJltro fitil!n( Ill< •lnttr 1ehttlult trem tht Or1111t c..11 arta'• four la11Clll(1 wtUt War"'•r 1'ater tem· JMr•turts premlsitl1 a Jeod rvt1 4lurl111 the col'(lin& •Jtrb1:1 aJMI IUl"M'llf l"l'IOfttJ\J, 'Ille 4ally rock co4 1,..tal eut •I !>1111 W >i a r f Sportfl1hln( 11 rttum!n( with Jlmltl ef reel reckfl1h, co" coi:, ~acie tM 1almen peuper. nll.! Mlt ltavea, at 7 each merninf. 5urface flsftilll en l.1'11 half- tlay heat that ltav., at Ifl Is lf'od\lc in&: fair actlen e " ?Ntktrel, hasa and somt llallbut. 0. wetkend1, the hill· flay boat ltavta at f:SO and -·· Dana Wharf ha• installt4 • ne" phttne number t& o&ytr northern 0rl.ftlt ceunty. Tll• null\IMr Is (Tit) UHIM and is a d.lrect line te tht lanct_ina. Art'I L&ndinl r ep er ts warmtn1 waters with tht half- day lloat brin(ln( "' maek11el .l:nd tOmt bortlt6. Harbor City's Kay Ito ~•fl! and Torian ce's Jack Yuoka and Kauumi Morita dis· pl'lf th• r~ctnt catch ol 10 1potfln croaker wltlch the y !!lade while l!shinr out et Art'• Landini. It represents Me of the bln~st spottl• hauls for one boat tllUJ far In 1972. "'M\Js ts a &btM!I 111n that the "at.er la warm.Ina up al'l4 that lisilln( will pick up." a lllldin( 1peke1man tcld tht DAil. Y .PILOT Thursday. Gymnastics, Goll, Tennis Summaries Brook8 .Top Oiler Star flM.-Slu1rt IMI ••f. lll'tkfY·.kt " .. .. "'·. c ... ,,. ...... (Mlt• IMI .... Tut lclr· SuM! fCI "'' t"1, 6-4. Sports Calendar Alamitos Harness Entries Limits llf rt.M::k cM. ha ve hetn taken rtctntly "" boat.! eut of Art's with We«rtud•y's trtp brl!lflnr back 301 roc:k e&d aM t3 cow c&d f&r 2:f :Passenttra. Thursd1y'1 ~fish -toll.ls in· eluded tl1ht r6Ck ced, 13 bass and ene c1Plai0n. , t>a vty's L6cker repom • ltrjt cltch ,,c rbck cod. anti macktrel with 1t1mt hats and S'11)pln. The rock cod boat Thurs41y ha4 It pasaenitra and made tl'lt run 16 San Cl.tmentt l1land . Tht It fishermen 1111.IT lt...C• -illttl. $ftt "'II•. bf~• ht <-k ••• k --• C!•llfllf'lt. An 11 ... ,u,1• SIMI. Cltllfl· """' 1111C """" N)C 1;1JU and tr1t w tc1 SIJCll. . 4?-call°" tt•ss, the. lar&llt In =•~r':tt!111,:-V~:.i11 thi Mllhtlorhood bf 25 -pounds. °"'"'' • ....,... 1M. Htrn Davey'a o~atla the tt1ek ::;.:-s!::~'1.'.Gw.~1~:::1•r1 cod spetllt dally. teavlna at 1 Skrll;llM CJ\lfl l.S. Ot1tlfltrl "\' ._... Of •uly L.,11 Alfltk IM. lr11111r1 wl•"' ""'"'c":/· Uon " Wed .. -• Sct!Cfl Ntlt fJ, i'tlltYI 1\li hl l thf: trip t& Stn "'"' t111•1t Cl.tm!ftlt Itland tthtft It J•r•Y 0&11 CP't1r111 1s . H•r•ll•' leav•s at mltlftl&ht. 11ce"e tAC• -. ~ m.11 •. l'•~. Tht h&lf-dty Mat luvt s ., • c1111t11,.. All ..... flurtt f.HN. T'il ~aily 1114 at a i .m . Jl'h4J noon c111"'"'' •••c• "'*· 011 weektnaa. SI S. (Me(Ome111l 4191 T•rJ*:t Mtrt !Wl1P't6r•I *' , Tht McCulla>I ht&thtr~ t t H•1tl Ac• tCtr1r11Y) J9 UuntlJl .. •n J• h J'! oa1111•v cit•~ 1wirittrl ,_ n •"" ~ elC tr report Sll•r OU Ill. MMI -tb&I! fllhlttr fOr rock c6d bn ~~.:!~111111~~'~.~~::~·1 := the an.a•y .b6at tftat l&a vts ~ s-.cru 1&. ""' -.. -dally-at-a. .. ---..,., "'"" "it tl'I TNt ll: l&et-rJ l»ll THiil& lACE -6nt m1!1. ,., •. ci.111'111'11. All •HI. f111r1t '""· 'THo cl•Jml11t •rlc:1 MIOlll. Harness : Jll6t ''"• IWl111t re1 l"1Hn1t111 Drtt"' fHtolll I Raci1ig Results S111"rt11to Tt u ILtCMtf l Jtrry Wll.-n fMtl3ltltllt l ~tffr Mll11 (lltlttl '•ntMtl :Otr.111.i) 81wn.1111 &•14111 1w11111rru) l l11Cll111 J11t11t !C6'!f'tr) Gymnastics l . -. COSTA MESA 1750 Ntwptrl llvd. 645-3.400 ANAHEIM (714) 2636 Lt '•Ima Avt. Near M1gnt!l1 121 ·1900 (frtm L.A. dl1I 21 :S.860-0458) OUTDOOR TENT SALE!. THI •RANT •OYI 11 one of the only 1uthorlzed Coleman repair. 1nd w1rr1nty 1t1tlon1 In Orange County. Bring In your old Coleman Appll1nce1 and we'll rn1k1 'em good 11 new! THRIE DAYS ONLY ••• MARCH 17·19 * Frtt wuktn4 ,, .. lo Eaoapt Country with every Coltman ltnl purch11t. * Repair of all Cele1111n 1,p111n1t1-no labor oharr•· 8x10 COLEMAN FAMILY HOLIDAY lllt ,,,w Hol•dly Tenl lrolTI !tit 1re1t1st "'"'''"!Ill QfllT fl utdoo r9 metf'lt 11'10'1 c1m&1n9 e 111s ur1 !o r yeu. Thill tougl'I. tiurl&ll lflf'lll w1tll tkt ir t ll fll·wl ll t11111n Will tll l'lfl In the lttl of l f'I Y weatner yeu '7'\ly e11count11. V11Ut Stl.13 •••• s53•• lb'I YllUI Me.ts ............................ , ... "''' ...,...,. tt?Jt ....... "' .............. ,,, ... ke fl"M 'tnl .,, •• fl 'l'l&rt 1l••1u•• ~u• ~· •&· ~llif'""f l~1n Ct ll•!ll• U111&1~• II • 'n• 1 ~1 ! T"IY "'"'''"* 1•1 "''"''~''•to• 4' "•l'l.i I tin! '"•ult 1fl• l•~t "*'"" 10 '•I ~l•O ft•lt•~I Ultl !ll!u•tl ••1.-••t "'"'''~I '~II &11! ""11r111•11 "'"'''~' ~••nt e•~I' '"'"" •' •• •9e v11uo HT.t3 •••• 17911 htt Vlluel111,J3 ................. , .... , a.4• llt.U th'S VlltUI 1125.rt ...................... Sef• '"·M COLEMAN 9x 12 FAMILY OASIS 111 u•I') \1zr '""'''1·t·t~ 1.o~t '0"'111 1• "''" aPI ~· T•~t• 'O · ,.,~ul C.8!1..,1~ '•l•u•IJ t ee•·• .,.,,., ~11•1• "'v•«~• .. , .... , "'"" ll""l ·l•l••t Uf"0"(• .. l~f l'\l ftV .... ft ....... • ••• ..... ""·"lg 911 ltll V..._ 1111.13 .• , •... .,, ........... fH,N 1h13 V•IUt f111 ,t3 ....... , , .. , , .. ••t• fl 19 ... . it : ; I ' l ' I liill ' ' , \: " \\ " I I '. / ' 11 t lre11t ley1 Mei the Me1t Ce111,11te Stlectlen ef Colemen Camping i41ulp1111nt I• ·1 COLEMAN 1Oxl3 ' . AMERIOAN HERITAGE '• ' • li•r.• JLCD.leman:1 .un.:111:.l1JlL'i.t.t!JOtLOJ.Jl\e...oJ.d.. rel LtbJ .. ..stu.J.g11t__; -•-------- w1 r1 elb•'I If"' &f ye8T erv "'•' Th e~• ~hJrdv r.~nv1 ~ c•""'' wlt ti • Vllue 1111.80 •••• $89 88 1110 V11ut 111.00 •••• tP'teor se11.~upoo•11na ou•!•dt ,,,,.,,., o•ov•d~ 111 1ne £tor101 tPI C(ll t nd l"l!l l tl room your l•1T11ly w ill 11•~d . Ttt"~" t11n1 & "'''°' dur1bl'f COft!Tructed fro1"1 httVY 7 Ol. Ori· T ilt ~ !•- b•1t; with double-alilc"td ltO·ltlltd 1t11111 for g•ealtr Sl1b1hty IF\d rtt•!ttnct lo waltr. c ......... ·-........ 2 ... _ ........ 425 \ • Vt!Ut 111:11 $ II COLIMAlll CHLIR 16 •UARTI V11Ut 122.U s 17•• .... ' ••• .,.,.,ft ERi -BACKPACKERS eclt C0"1bo Pick. 119 ind Fr1me • WlfOHT-4 ••·•Ill[ 15" t St"• U.I . M.1.0f 'Jlt.t.Mf • l•le COTfON IAG • COVEJ\l!O Zti-lltlilll • l'llllADfJ\ llA" • • ltDl llOCKf.Tt • 2 lARGl lrlAIN COWAJltTMlNTI • Zt,. 'IRID OMDIJlt TO l.Owtlt 111 OI' IAG • COTTON IACK IANDt • C1111' SJw_ •. ·----· ••••••••• _ Sl.29 1 Orl? Dilil( CHIPJ , .......... S 16.11 DtlMu 011111 hr wtt~ or wit~nt sida 11,,., $4.91 .. 'I '.1 - • ' .. '" • " " " • u ·~ .. • " " .. 'll '" " " jj " M " "' " .. "' • u f. " :1 !P '" " " " "' " '" " ,,, 'll ''" "' .. ". ... .\ .. " " " " " .. ll " ,. " " " .. " " " .. ~ .. ll :~ • H .~ " .. n " n ' ~ .. .. a " " .. 'N " " " .. n-" " n. .. I! fl. .. .. "' " " M " t "J .. II ,f, ~ " • • .. " " ff ' • " " II " ! I' ,j ' I tl 1 " ~~ ,. ., ,B , ll· .. a· ff ' µ1 f ti ,. u ' ,, ~ ' M 0 H C •M ' lG! e M ' n ' ,, ' '" ' 12 l • n ' a ' " ~ ti ' !!. t R ~ ff 'I " • " "' '" .. ,. " " Ill ' n ' II u !' ' • \ JC Basketball Log .. '" " " " ~ u 11' n " .. 'll '" " " « .!toulla Coait I • !lo t~;y~ ... tr•I~> ,,, "' 'F.l' Cl ll llll!Yf r !Mii i' nr• M8!11tt ·r' " ff ... I, Jin iil' ........ ,,_ ~ - •• " N " " •ro tt " .. ~ r. ~ H II " ~ '1 " " " "" " r. 1; " " ~~ • '" ~ .. •M " " " " ll ·~ " *~ " ,, ~ • " " .. " " ~ '" .. .. •' " Ii • Ii " ,, .. " " " !I .. " ll " " t; " • ,. " •• r, " " ~ ~ " " '"' " n .. I' ·~ ;J n " ~ • •' n " ' " ~ " ., '" ,. '" .!l " ~ " "j 1.1 ij ~I ,. ,, ~ II " ~ •• .. " '" ' Tl " II L,11 .. 1·00· • 11 c;o•t.,. Wu • .. '~''''' !!4 LA ~Ulf'W~t fl L•CC 1.S UCLA l<•ol'I It q,o Mo.,oo I I L.A f.il 'D!I'" t!G Gell!.., Wfll 11 \,.,,, ••·~•·t...ct '!l.I Mo1v1urti. 11 C:11mo•on i~ r·1110fn• :? ~~~~·· ~ ~:~;;:;:.c11. ~ g~~~~1;11~011• Ll Olt 11 ''err•d • LO<'o fl.••'"' ll Lo"' llttc~ •• Lit. i!.'tll1tw11t I] LI)<'' ll•1t~ CC 11 ft51 L• ~r R•ll 1-<e.,1:1r 1• UCL• F rM~ ., l .. >ll•fi"• IJ c.~iden WtJ! 7<I Cvnrr!• "' LA !.rlu•~we11 11 ~~v sc F ro~~ S~ E~!! LA I~ R•o >Ion!!~ ~J l ._ H1r11D• 1r1 Golft1n Wu! 6l (y~r111 .. " tt .. ;; .. tS1 "• •• >M " " •l "''" .. ..,.,~~ O.S Gnl<1•11 Wt1+ It (YC•IU! lC• LA Srit.il~.,tll 11 l •CC •• E •~• L• sa A•c Ho,,<111 LA ~eln~Wt$1 l\ ~~I Sl~lf ILAl Fr ~ c1.~::\ ..,..,,.+r• :~ ~:1~1v•.d,~.' ••'I 102 {•11"0"\ 11 ~1111e .l!t·0••1 1n2 St " O•!'l? ~TC. ~· uci:: ~re1~ •l Comrie" >~ L.!. Vel•111 11 r.r~"tl•I• 11 LAC( !1 f ~!f L .. oO l{•e Mo,,de '' LA H1•tic1 13 GN<1~11 We•I •1 Cve•en II LA(( JI f~~t L.6. ~' •111 i-;~11110 !1 L• ><1rl>&• \/1 G11lo•n Wn! II (VD'4JI •OI Hol!lle ~ s ... l!••111•dlf'CI ',I ~ ..... •~· (Y~rf~\ 11 ~ T 1 f! ll C.i•!,~f.~~ Fro!~ ~· '"""''~ JV 'I vll~rle" •3 we,t LA 41 E l C•,..1~e ., Or•f'CI• te••I = ~'::;,_ I• M!'l"rl!t 1' $111 (')l'n" MUI 1' G"'llit" W!•I 61 CYlll'IU 10tl L.-. SOtJlhWtJI rt L.&.CC 71 E11! LA l? L.t. ><••bllr 110 G11!d•11 Wf 1I 73 (Y1>••1• 14 L.t. s....,1nw1s• U LAC:C 1• EA•f LA '' LA 1'f1r1111r "" 111:1~@1'1111! '"l r.11"''' r.01•• '' Sl "lf Ml'<l•C• 11 Fulltrt•~ itll••lon I! 01 \ /., 'N ~ " • " " .. " u ~ ii ~ :! " " " '"' " " " •ro '" " " " u . " " " ., ll tt u " " .. " " • " .. " ll OT) 11 IOT' " " ~ " " " " '" !? .. " .. ,., .. "" ... .. " .. "' ,., ... ~ "' "' '" " IM "' '" " ~ ~ '! l. " 1l .. ;1 " '" " '" " " " • " " " " " " " r. Co11f Prenee " " ~ ., " .. .. " " .. '" " '' ~ '" " " • (OT) ., " ~ " .. " " " • .. "' <M ~ " ., • " •.* " • .. " " " • " " .. " ,. '' ClCL,t, F•"fll :~ M•. ,,,, Al'ltnr"e 1011 *· ~~~~:ff:~ll'IO •l n~, ... ~ ... 7' $tn • Ant 11. tf' i ... 11 ... ~~:,, Tecll C 1 St n J1c!"'l'O ..., ll:tw,111!1 @6 •1ier.-1r .. G•M-1 " .S•n lern1nll110 11 C~1ff•• 11 Sltdlllll•tlf •• Slkit~w1111•11 tJ ll:lv1tr1<llt 11 •11t••··" Ii \\•eum&11! lll SI " l•rn1•d•"lf!t t4 (~t l!IY " 5tdd!tllfcl 7' S.u1~wt1•1rn .. .. • n " " ., " ~ Oren.IT!t"'I Ml•t (Mii St~ 011t9e Mt .II a1ktr!fleld ~tft 01 .. 0 Mt•I 1'1,1t!erta11 ~II OlettO ~1:10~1t>':ri~1•• "''' L,&, Golden W~1l l'UlltrlOll rl 5.,1,1!~w11ter11 n • ~•ttltb•'k IJ Cll•u• ,, (~•ti•• 101 51" '''"t rt •"ll 5t 11:1ver1l'!lt ., Ptl~tr JO Sa...l~Wtltlrll ., ~tddltb1,k 'O c11ru1 tel (~111,. 10 ltlver.11"• 11 \•ft ll••nl•d•~· 12 Ptle"'I' " c;1.,,.,,,, ~3 Ctrrlte! fJ A"1tte1• v1111~ ·~ ..... ,, l • II lttH!ltY ~6 Mlr1 (•!II .w. II••~'""' "3 Mlrl (0111 ff St0dlt b1ck '1 .511111 ""' 1fl l'ullert~ .W St " llfr11t'llln~ 11 lll:lvt r!ld• 6t s~ft ll1r111r<!l l"e 6.~ (ltru! ~! (~•ff,,. 61 Se<Jthw11tt r11 Ioli 5•'4•11•&•,lL 11 11 1•~1'11111• 15 G•n••"'""t lJ ~Aft f!•r11t •l•ftO '' (l!r11• )~ C~t!lt• ~1 Soul~w•11er11 11 St~llllO•CI< 11 11 1., .. 1.,. U Gre•l"'C"' Ill' AlU"""I Jfl El Ceml .. 11 t~ &1r1!11W I• UC.I F•o~1! 61 s .... ,, ""' •••trt1dt tt<I C:SClll !"res~ n LI.CC 17 fOfltOC~ 11 LA Vi ii•• I~ Ort"'lt (OI J! 90 C.ltr\11 '9 Mirt (nslt ~ Cvo••n ll l .t. Htrtior 01 C.eldt n Wt ll ll OT1 A' S•"''' 111re1r1!0T1 11 I 1111'1,..t r ~-Cltrut w. S..U!1!we1t••" 11 ~f"' llU,.1••11111 1J S•rMlt lll (k •! C.t1111"'""1 ,2 ,,,, ..... , 10 {11•1!•Y 61 Clt•v• 1111 Snul1!w~•!••11 '1 Si ft lltr111r8l11C II S11l<llt!llC~ 11 G•etl,..llft1 .. llAl{ltr .. r Sl C.h11t1v §) Ill" l'fM'I" ''" 11r111r•1ne !t llit1.. M""d~ 11 ll•s•~e .. 1 JJ Mt . ~111 Afl!Of'll9 11 "'''"~ 80 Fullerfti" 90 Cl1•11\ •,, l!ll'll llfl(I\ 1'8111m11r I I S1nt1 ll1•N rl ':, "t~':;Y•r 11 lll••rtlll• 17 C11rus ll S1KJl1!wtst11rn •1 G••umo<>t fl S1d<ll1beck !t P•1&m•• u c~1J1•v A. ( ltro! 16 S!!lll~wf~l•r~ I~ r.''!11m!!f'I I~ Stl!dl•bttk ,oin~wt1llf'll 91 ~In 01i1n NTC ff J~e;,and!IUA-. " -~·" '61""' 11 l'ulltflllll 1tt Me•cfld 91 St~ Ol119n Meu 6' Mfrrln I' Gren'T'I'!"' Al l!l~e•,ld• !4 ~'d<llebtc~ " "•l&mt• •• 5•11 ll••"••d•~o Mo C~1ll1v M (l!•UI 61! c.roumont f2 l!IVtl'lld• •• ~t6tlltbtc~ .5 ~~ICl""lt -. 71 St n t1r,,1rdl~~ 4~ (1!41!~v S6 CU•~• ., VC I Resulu V( lt VINIE ff ,ff " if • I\ " " " IOTJ U ,. " •• .. " " • " n " g " '" " " " '"' II .. " " " " .. " " " " " " " t: " " " • ff ·~ " "' II " .. ~ " " " " .. " " .. " "' " " " " ~ .. " ,. " " .. ., ' " ,, " IOTJ •I " " " • • " " " u M " " .. " " " " •• .~ " '" .. " " " .. ·~ " " " " n " • •ro ,:; '~ n " !OTJ 611 ~ " ,, " .. " .. " " " '" •• , . " ~ .. ,., • '" ~ " " " " " " • ~ " ----;l·l·- Citrus ~1 l;a<I l4 "-I l'l••c• 11 '"'""C•ll 1t 1•11r 01 LA S1111111w~!I Je C•rrl!"'' ... _ DeeRWell Ranch in Palm Springs. One qf the Nations finest investments. \\'hen vou think of reil esl•te 1n"es1mel"I\, thrnk of Deej,\Vell R•nch .lnd r.ilm Springs, YoM'c~" o\o,rn a superh new condomi1"1111 m or ind1v1du1I residence 1n th.t l iabled l,uid of Sunshine. [l"l lOY i! .is a perm~nenl hnme or .l ,rle..ser1 retrea t. H's 1he e~~1es t • .. v.1 y in 1he wnrld tn save money, And the nH">•t plP~.;.int ~ P.1 lm SprinR~: "''here !'U ri~h1 ne h.tlhl"s 1he air ve.ir-.irf"lunrl. DeepWefl Ra nch pr1\.it.y is ma1ntd1ned "''tlh .t \.\•ailed ~ecur11): entry . [njoy swimming And tennis or rela\ 1n ~tc.imtl"I~ 1her.1 py poPls. All yours with- out v. nr~, ~1nce l:io1lri1ni;: cxt~nor .ll"!d )i!rOtil"lrl m.t1nten<1ncP is prf"l\•!(ied, But hurrv! Over S5'11 m1lli(ln worth of DeepWell Ran ch homes hdve c1 lretdy bttn 5o!d. Only 1 11 t1m1 1tes w11l he able In en10y Deer\A/eH ii:.tnch investrnen!, 8e one oi them! 1 & J Bedrooms, 2 Baths. from $51 ,950 fee :sfmpl(', DccpWcll Ranch .• ~ ... -...,.., """11Ull -..._.. ..... ~ ·1~.;,. ••• ~. \\ n1• for c.omplete 1niorm1t!Of\ l:•s! P1lrn u,,, Of' Onve .If OtepW!U l aid P•lm 5pril'g5, C.11!,orn11 922'2 " '" '" " " " " ·" ) • • INTlRST(ll TIRl Polyester Cord Plies Glass Belt NO TRADE-IN NEEDED • ea • Plus Fed. E11 . Tn11 of $2 . .42 P*'· fire NO TRADE·IN NIEDfD WHIT!WAllS ADD $2.9S MORI 6.50-13 .$ ONLY ea. 7.75-14/1.50-14 SPORTS CARS & VANS $_ TIRES for VW's ONLY 560-15 Blockwills 561J.14 llukw•ll Only $15 95 111 S•urrity flrt l11'u1~ ft lh l1r •~J r10111 tl• "'' ,.,,1,.~1 ,.,11our1 ,, ·~" wlolt1 11!61~ ti 111 iroc ... II 1111~ ,_,1111, ,. ... , . -, .. ,. .. ,,.,_ ,i11,, plu• rec' f, I~• el \1...'il le J.).27 ••• !hi ·ea. ---!------..75.14 7 8Ui - .14 1710-15/815-15 $ WHITEWALLS ADD 53.00 MORE F78-14 H78-14 ONLY ea. Only 521 45 Only '2545 ,1..,, '•'· E1. Tn1 $1,$$ to $1 .10" P•• '"' llep1111!1119 o~ 1i11 3 WAYS TO CHARGE G78· 14 $22.95 G7B· 15 $23.45 ]JamtolJLJ -ANY SIZE! Tubeless Whitewall or Black $ WESTMINSTER 71 3~ Wt1t111l"1ht 111•. GARDEN GROVE Wtit"'i"'''' 11, ••.. HAWAIIAN GARDENS 11,73 Ctr1t11 St. HUNTINGTON It A CH 1·,, 11 l11<h 11: SANTA ANA 63S-1170 ... 19~3S21 .•. 193.Jlll 8!S·0227 S36-7l71 !31·!700 H7B· 15 $26.45 l71· 15 21.•S ll BEJ "'·" 2245 ,,. ... 2545 (71-14 (;71-14 11a.14 ,,1.1s G71-IS H71-lt J71-14 M71·1S J71-15 2845 flv1 ,, ... f1: Tt~ of I \.9) '" $1 ~Pl' tirt, WHITIWAl:L ONLY $2.95 MORE ------------------------- 1211 w. w.,,,., .............. 540-1'46 TUSTIN 1J1 r. 111 Strt1t , . , ..... , ......... S44·943\ COSTA MESA· NlWHJll:T IEACH J22t17th!U ••••• , ... CORONA 136 w. 6th St. , . , .... 642~131 Tll-6010 • IUY) IMOCK AISORllRS >• ... , .... , .. , """ ..... "11 ~ too IJ.tl -~ ... '" 70< 4th l1r '"ly • '· ' I • J ft DAiL 'V PILOT r•1rl~• -,.i·t~ 17. 1971 ' Ficker Slicke r e d ,• Rastello Takes Cup Lead • Southland Yacht Lineup SOUTHLAND YACHT\'G CALEN DAR ' ~OllTH COASJ CORIN· Spring Serif'.~. r11l.9maran~ Sa n Ole10 By ALMQN WCKABE\' DAil T 1"11..01' INll'" l!flttt "Ficktr Is Aulcker." wAS the sitiling of tM t:ongression.al Cup. . -. catch phrw in 1J70 when Blll FicJter o( NewPort Beach Jl\Ol\'M down All competitinn nn his WRY In succes~fully defendln~ lhe Americit 's Cup "Ra~lelln th~ jli~nl killer." w,11it ,11oothfor ,11ppropr1ittt han- dle that boned thrnu~h lhf' ~pecl;itor nl'.':el its the 19·year nld Doug ri,"l~tcllo U S G , ' • • , .. •' ... ' . • •• ,, " ' " . ·- • .. " . •• . . .. • .. • • .. " ,• .. .. • '' • ' "Ficker is sicker," WRS the hurriedl,v ro1ned phra~P. Thursday when fhe 44·ytar--0lrt l'lrchitect losl his flrsl two matches in Lhe eighth annual PHru--'fitJ c To Cheerio Barry f';:ibtr'11 Cheerio '>''::is the PHRf winner . 11nd J. 1-toore 's Sequoia won the MORF di vision 1n lhe first race of Voy11,eers Y11cht Clul>'s Massey & Mldgrt Srries la:iit wt.ekend . There was a lot.al of 52 ea- tries in thr lwo divisions. Trophy winners were: PHRF' -t 11 Cheetio. Rarr~ Faber. RCYC: (2 ! Puff .. Jf'ff Stone. RCYC; 1:1 1 Ransom . D11ve ·Delo. V\'C: I 4 1 Sancl11Ary. D. Novak. VY<:. MORF' -(I ' Sequoia . .I. Moore. SSSC-: 12 1 Beho 111 . Boh DRrnell. VYC: I :o Rig Maggie. M. Harvey. rM Y\.: (41 SkippinJ: Ovrr. D. Hughe~. V\'C. Stlphomort from 1ht ho.~t I.on,!! Reach Va1;.ht \!uh h;u\ded Ficker ha~ rirsl fe\ er, dt'feating him hy 41 seconds in , thf' tlpenr.r. Ficker went 011 the rrili1:;;i1 list 1n the SC('nn<1 ra~e whrn he fl)rced Denni!! Conner nf S::in pie,:.n info :t C'fllJisin n with the 1·nmmiltet hn;:it In pre-r.1Cfl: inJ? maneuv«?rs. F' i r-k e r '>''ithdrew. Aceordin,:. tn ohstrvers on lhr cnmnli!IPe ho;:it. I h r mishap oc<'urrC'rl tlli Fi<·k<'r lri('d In lurr Conner a!I 1he.v hnth ::ipprnached the windw::i rri enrl ot. !he starting line • on st<1rhnard lark, F'ickcr's jih wpn1 aback. forcing him nvPr nn1n the hurd<'ricd port tack. Conner rirsl 1·nllirif'd 1~1ith Ficker and lhen both yachts r::imiTied into thr eommitlee bn::il. MranwhilP. Raslello con- linued his nawless r::icinJ! ::ind rmrrged one nf thrrf' ~kipper!! who won lhe lr rirsl threr m;:ilf•hei;. The otheri; were ArJ:yle C;:i mpbcll l}f R::ilhna Yarht Club and Tf'rl Turner or A!lanla . G;i;. Yacht Club. Rastelln defeated Cv <:illert of H::iwaii in hii; secon·d m::itch ;:ind took Don M;:irl in of Van· couver. B.C. ln the thirrt. Whitewalls 4-PLY NYLON CORD • Oual Tread o,sign • 4-P!y Nylon Cord 95 • Duragen! Tread Rubber SitB 6501d l •·J l-1 1.,u wh :•,..,~11 . c-lu, 11.15 ~eel. E1 . T~1 1~d •x- cl>1"9• c11i"9· L1•9e• 11111 1 ~1 1l 1bl1 •' LO"'Ol •1bl• p•ite1 775x14 825x1.f $21.88 $23.53 $25.98 F".E.T. s2.21 F.E.T. S2.ll ,,£.T, S2.4l 855x14 lltl.-~--=-~ .. ft,£ F.E.T, ~-v-s2~1• CAMPER TRUCK TIRES and WHEELS Sup"r Sin9l• Duplex 10· 16·5 • 6 PLY FORD ·-CHEVROLET G.M.C. -DODGE 2 TIRES 2 WHEELS ' • - Cambell. lhe U1ree·llrnc Al!. American !ailor fro~ l 1SC and former Cnnl!rtss1orial Cup w1nnrr harl lo cnme form br· tuoo 1n all thret of hi~ racrs 1n ma Jnta1n Rn unblcm1~hec1 rPt'Ord. H~ bea t c:raham •'pt,1•. J11nlf of Australia b.v -ti seronrts afrrr trailing at !hi" ~tar!; drfealrd Widnall by 54. sscond~ after trailing at thP !llil rl 11nrl ;al the leeward m;:irk, 11nct nerratcd ConoPr hv o n r minute forty se<'Or'\d.~· <1her B \'1r!Ut1i1y CV('O Sll'lrl. 1'urner·,, v1rtonr~ <:arnc al the expense or (;11lrtlr 1n !h<' rirst r11ce. \1::irl!n 1n the ~cc­ nnrt ::ind Jim Davern of NP\\' 7Raland in the thirrl. Thf' thref'·WRY ti(" hrin.c:s up ;1 kev sit11111ion In 1()(l11\ ·.~ matches in whi{·h ·rur·nrr mret!\ Mth R::i ~t cll<• anrt <;a1nphcll. ff he lo<:.CS !O hnlh ynungs1er5 the der1rl1n~ male~ could comr Oown to ;:i hc::irl-!n· he;:irl h::i!lle bclwern Ra.~tclln nnrl Campbel! on Salurci<1.v. Rul 1'urncr 1., ;:ilv.·;iv!i to hr rcrkoncd with in rinv v;:icht ra<·e. and this i.<:. hi~ lriurih 1rv at 1he (Ani::ressional Cup. Jlr i<:. the current occ::in-r;u.:in.c: ch11mp1on or lhr world 1n cru i!iini:: hnals ::ind h;:i~ won na· tional anrl \\'or l rl rh;iin- pinnships in scvrr;il onc·dc.~ign cla s.~c.<:.. Still 1n !he n1nn1oi:: ;i~ f"Oli~I· ht,. spoilers arr> fnnnrr. the worlrt eh::imp1on Star s::iilor from S::i n Oie.en. and. 1:r;1h::in1 Nrwlanrt of Au~fr;:i!ra . I-nth with nnlv :n.<:.<:. rach. Thr ~l"rles rnnlinues today v.·ith thr~ !iel., nf five malchts and a s1m1lar fnrmat on Satur· da y . Wind !! 1n Thursda~·11 r11cr:s r11ni::rd from 15-IR knot~. ~fcre arr lhe r!lce-by r11ce rc~ult~ i:inrl rinaJ st11ndings: SE RIES I --Qinner def. \YinrlAll, 41. stts: O;i vern def . M;irtin, 5~ sec~; Turner <lei. 1':111rt1e. I m if\. 21 ~et·:ii: ramphcll def. Newland . 41 sr1·~: R;i stcJlo def.~ Fic ker, J ·\il SF:RrES II -Turner def. \1art1n. \·02: Newland def. , Dai rrn. 2 S2: Campbell def. \\lirlnall. :'14 ~ecs: C.onner def. F1c·k rr 1 l1SQ 1: A::111tello def, 1 :ill<'ttr. 2· 111. Sl-:R IF:S Ill -Turner def. n iivf'rn . 1 4fi : Rastello def. M.:irlin. 5!l sec~: Newland def. (;11lcilf'. I .Ofi : Fif'ker def. Wi<"t -' n;ill. 1 :in; Campbell def. Cnn- nrr. ! ~1 S!::inrtin~~: fl 1 tie 11moni;i: i\rg_vle C;1 n1phelL R::ilboa YC: Doug Raslello. L.11ni;i: Re;ic·h \"r·. and Teri f urner. Atlanta \'C. J.n: 11P between Oen· ni" (ionncr. S::in Diego VC, 11nd 1;rah11m Ne wland, Cruising Yach! f luh of Australia, 2-1: lfi l tie between .J 11 mes rJ;i vern. Rn.v11l New 7..e;il;ind YC. ;:ind Rill Ficker. New York YC. 1-2: !Ill !ft among \V1lliam U'idn;ill, Corinthiiin ''C. f\.i;:irhcthead. Mas.~: Cy (;iHPlte. H11v.•aii Yach l Racing Assn .. 11nrt Don Martin. Roval \"ancouvcr YC. 0-3. · Our Best 4-PLY NYLON CORD TIRE General jcT-AIR®-m BLACKWALLS • f.:amous Dual Tread Design fl • Ou r.::iqen91 Trea?. Aut>qe r • Contoured Shoulders $ 00 W~!l•w~I~ SJ.Oii mer1 '"' ''II-'' &•tc•.,•11.· ~•u1 l1 n F .~ T. l1•ov in•_s •llfl wtolltw•llJ • .,,, ... 1e•e u •·,.,~1·1el1 11v1•9l , OUR PRECISION WHEEL BALANCE Bids Out For BYC's Easter Race The R:1lbo11 Y11 cht Clu h hAl! isiiuect bidl! for ill! tr11d ition;il E~~ter Rega ltR March 2.l-26. The event usu11 lly draw.~ A he;ivy turnour of cl:i sses rac- ~larch. ll'rll New~r\ H1rbM RALROA YACHT Cl,U~ Oan11 Pnint Rsce. fir5t of !i6 Seril!l!. Saturd11 y. RAHi:\ C 0 RI NTH I A 1'' YArHT EL.UR -SI P::i trick's Oa.v Regatta. Al1 classel!. S~turtl11v 1.• S 11 n ti ;i y: 2!'i- F'alhnm " Buo\• R11ce. PHRF. serond nr'An~elman Se,.ie~. l..tt~ Angtle8 -I.nor: Re11t'h t .ON(; AF.ACH V A C H T c:LUR -F'ina l two clay!I or Cnngression;1J Cup. F'rirlay t: Safurday. CA BRILLO AEA(;H YACHT c:LUR -Spring Scrie!I. all C'lasse8. Sunrl::iy. Sant;i tt1nnlca Ri11y U'IND.JAtt1MER ,, AC H Tj f'LllR -R.ound. CRt.9lina l RacP. OR . MORF , PHRF', Or~t of Mtit' Cameron Jone.~ Srrie~. Saturrla,\P. ing on inside and outsirle ----------1 C't>u rses. Outside classes 1.1•ill st;i rl from tht usual area off the Balboa Pier. lnvileri clnsst'.~ include Ocean RRcing. PHRF', MORF'. Tornado. Rhodes-.t1. PC. Soling. C;tl·2R. Cal·25. Coronado-25. Endeavor. Ex- ca libur, Shields. Luders-16. Santana-22 And Ca l-20. lnsidt classes st11rf\n,i:: nrf lht BYC committee tower will bf' lntern11ti<lnal -14, Thistle, Snipe, Finn. Metc:Alf. Lido-14. Kile, Flying Jr. and S11bot. Other classes mav be cstahlished by entries "of fi ve nr more boat.s. Comiln/ U'eol/1er f-l••V •unV•.,,. •oci•v. L111ht v•rl•M• ~1ln(I< nlQM .. nrl onornlnq ~OU,. been'"• J Inc w•~I •n «>IJ!~w~'' j tn 15 ~nc!• In •"•'"Of'"' '""•Y .. '1!1 -'8'U'""Y· ..-1q~) , ......... o\11 c ........ 1 ....... ~·•!ur01 '"""" lrnm j • I• 1'(J lnl,...., ''"'l"'r•!Uf"" t•ng•" ''""' <\ ,,. 11. w .. 1.. temPl•••u•e sa. .'tr111. itf,-,011. Tide~ I ~ltlDA V ~•tnnl'I ~·c~ ~•CCnl! I~~ r1,.1 hlah r .. ., I""' ~&<""~ "'O" ~.,.,...n low 1n.1s n.m. l.t •.01 ~-"'· 0.1 S1,TU1tO•Y IUHOAY 11 :?1 '·"'· 5:11 •.m. n :nJ o.m. s.• • :<) ft..... ' 1 r"" .,1an 11.•, 11.m l.1 F"5! lftW •·"20 •.m . .(!.~ ~~""~ hlQn 11 :57 11.m. 1,J ~•clll"ld l~w . I I~ 11.m. I .• su~ •1!<!, A:ll!l •·"'· I ll• -·0711·"'· Mno~ 1t lN1 l :fti •.m, , ... t :(l!I ~.m. Original Equipment on '72 Cars! THIAN \' ACH'f-Cl.UR - Sabot lrivitatinnAl . Saturday & Sundav MALIALI YACHT CLUA - MISSION BAY Y ACH'1 CLtrB -Ltd.,.I~ Invitational Saturrl~y k SunrlRy. ~()M~S(") ~ \11-1-, !fl J: ;;;.. ~ !<: 77'AG€-" <:?ome in and look 111 the '72 Thompson Herirage Boat Line and receive A FREE SET 0F LITH0GRAPHte REPR0DlJeTt0NS 0utof Boaring Americana 1\u1hen1ic .Pricele ss.Sui1able for Framing Available 0nly 111 Your Authorized Thompson Dealer {;.....,P <r> •"~ !'h~O LJI' ''t°I'" 1r•P ;<!I ....... ~ .. ~! SPEEO•MARINE .tO J W . CHA,MAN AYf . RADIAL TIRES! -wiDE-GLAS~ELJED---Genera RadlalPly Calibrated· WHITEWALL . General Calibrated" Jumbo 780 •Glass-Belted For Long ~lleage • Potyester Cord Body For S1reng01 • Stylish YVh itewall For Tochty'll> Look $ Blackwall itfld ltrger 3•t~ avt1ft11ble at comparabt~ phce.;. 178-14 F78·14 50 •11.1~ Tubtl~,, w~11ew~11 P•ui lJ.M ~.E .T $25.50 $27.00 $30.00 F.E.T. SJ.52 F.E.T. 12.71 ..... $32.50 F.E.T • S2.71 JET-RAD AN • 4-Pty Rayon Cord Belt • Famous Dual Tread Des ign • 2 Rayon Cord Radi;;it Plies •Stylish Slim W'1i1ewal1s ER78·14 .FR78·14 GR78·l4 GR78·15 HR78·15 165x13 $37.50 $33.50 $43.88 $43.98 $47.88 $29.95 F.f:.T. 12.42 ,.E.T. 12.77 F.(.T. $2.IS ,.E.T. $2.90 F.E.T. U ..16- ,,(.T. S2.1 0 Complete BRAKE RELINE ~ $ CAN ADD MILES TO YOUR TIRE WEAR! BEAR Do,.,·+ 9•mble 0" i.,.k,, 11. .. 1 pull , • , 9•81-..• 1 .. ,1 •pon9¥ , , , "t'"cl lll!"'riinq. 5 1,..p ;,. 11111 b.111 w•y Yf'!I t •"I •"ti ltl OU• '"'•~•tt tj'llciof;,h ttli11t lh1 1011• wht,..11 "'" yr u• c•r , , • 1n•Ol'!CI tl tu"'' ""ti cvli"d"" , , • •dlf q,.,.111.., lovcl1ou- lif. f!o;tl , , • .. .ij., .. b••ktl '" lull conl•t.I • , , •ntl i~1p .. cl ""ti • .;. j11J I +h , '"'''91"C¥ br•kt . Tht11 yt11t C•" 1+op '""""""•••. ,,,f,ly. Come In Tod,.y! WHllL A.LfNEMINT & •A&.ANctNo •1:aYJCI: VW TIRES ,,loO-IS 11•1J•te·1 Ill•(-' ~(, "•'&"' 'e'll bfl!!V S1695,., 11.U ' .,, ..... ,.. .. "" C11m,.ct Alll«f'k•• t•tl {,.h• t.li "('l ' r, .. t•11 ..,,1lo ,;. t.011dit1ol'l i"9 •11d '"'' ter.ie"' h•1t. SanlcAmtrlc1rd M••ter 'Ch1rg1 TAKE YOUR PICK! USED TIRES ONLY 'LOTS OF ,NON ·S~ID TH_~D " $ 595 (II.,. \l•t• .. lt!(;fl ....... ., Don Swedlund • i • COMPLETE CAR CARE Since Jgs~ Houri: 7:30 to i :Oll Do lly P'HDNE :. 540-5710 • I 646-1033 .. -, • • 1 l , ! • • .. , 1 c i fl p la c ti a ce yo ing I pr ne 0.7 w dis is lo • cat N and lhe inf! Ph A Wh eco the coc one col CPI kno t,1•jt if t in ~ the t ing • >lgn • • M l 'und <la i .,~ • Will rate . • • mer • elec •• c-...-~··beii ? Prf' . cha j an I ' 21,, r ,,,.Nov I A : : t-;1x j j ,. I l • I~ 8 ,. f WlC : iy sl ., w five ~.· l cont l ·· 1 ', r pres ! I Gro . ~ miss 1 ihen r unde { miss l ~ ' ·! s 1~1in ,c.cnt or 2 ~rl . 1firs1 ove mar yea T ~" llhl lion 11 ill in I Dll l V PJLOI ;J.( ~, ~f01aey'1 Worth • -• LEGAL NO'MCE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Pt\.T lll0\11 IUlllfllS NAMI tTATIMINT LEGAL NOTICl!l ll lCTITIOUS au111o1111 NAMI ITA"flMINT !vlltWlllf H llOll (I at! ... butlfltll f No -Mo1~e Pl1a se II ,..., lllU1•11nnt "'""' 1rr ..,.. ... ltu1lflf.U I I MA•!( tNOVSTa1tS -Ml TVMl.- ltTIS (°"11\lrv, HU~!l111tof\ 811<1'1. WllH1m T. M\Jtl. tll$ Ar1ylf, Hu• ti"''°" ll•C-"· JIM"' M Treltlllffl. )4U VII lot" J~lllf (1pl,tr 1nt .. .ul . -.. Excuses Accepted 11111 &ullflftl I• 1111111 CPl'folrti• rt I G1"1r11 ,..,,,..,.,,11. Jtn M. Tr1111,,.,, T"!t 11111"' ... I tllM wl.., "" (CICf"!'I' Cttr-flf O•t flll> '"-'"l"f "': t"lfl. 21, lt '1, llY ••~1t l1 J. M1aa•• 0t11111v Ctulll'f ' By SYLVIA PORTER The honeymoo~ ot Phase ll 's controls has passed 11long "':ith the ide~ of Marc~l971. No long~ can there be nor can ~'e pcrmil an y excuses _.hat oor cost nf living is "bulg- ing" now only because prjce increases were bsnncd during the Phase I freeze of fall 1971. No looger , can there be nor can we permit any expl ana- tions that th e sharJl pace of rise ln our cost of living now re- flects only a ';catch-up" of price hikes postponed from last year to lhis. No longe r can there be nor can we permit ·such justilica-3 hons for depressing inflation "i! news as "the co n t r o I ~t"I machinery is still ~ing set up," or "the poilc1ng organ1za- .,lions are not yet enforcing the ' cont r o Is vigorously," or "there·s not enough man- power ·• These excuses, explanations and justifications v•e Could a c· cept for the first three Tnonths ~1tf Phase 11. ! And you may take for J granted that they \.\'iii all be .. " trotted out when t h e l • • • • • cumulative Consumer Price Index for December·JRnuary· F ebruary becomes a.vail~ble next "'eek. You also may be sure the February index will show a big bulge, a rapid catch-up -or whatever word you "'ant to use for a sicken· ingly steep increase. In facl, you must be prepared fnr a blow in the next CPI deJX)rt. The starlling 0.7 percent upsurge i n "'holesale prices in February dlsclosed one W«k ago today is a gr im harbinger of v.·hat is to show up in retail prices. ' . But thret months of bulge or catch-up is enough. Now the "countdown" days and months ror th€ success of !ht batlle against des trucUve inflation which we began with Phase I and Phase II are here ---right..-now ~ --- As one source close 10· the White House who is hep in the economics sphere as well as the JXJlitical sphere said over cocktails the, other evening: "Don't you even try to write one of those 'how shocking' e-0Jumns when the February CPI comes out. because you know belier. But 1"11 agree v.'llh you that we're in trouble if the ra te of rise does11:1 slow in J\·larch. Keep your eyes on the figures which "'i!i be com- ing out irl" A}>ril. They'll be the '6Jgnal." M.v friend puls it in easily understood Jangoage. To eJaborate a bit. the pace or . ;ise in prices must begin to ~"ind do"'" now if the annuill ra te of inflation is to fall '-'merely belo"' 4 percent by election day. The pace mu~t ~n.Jo_wiruLdown..rapidty if President Nixon is to have a • chance of hitting his target of an inflation rate down to the 2\, to J percent range by ..... November. ! And if there is one scenario ' N ixon does not \·ant when we ' go to the polls in November, it , i~ a still stic kily steep rate of f "'1employmcnl PLUS a stic ki· I)' sleep rate of inflation. W.tJat. I.hen. about !he effec· liveness of Phase ll's pr ice control policies? "1 think they are im · pressive," says C. Jackson Or11 vson. t he Price Com- mjsSion's c hairman. To ~ocu­ thent this. he points out that ander direct Price Com · l. :issfon controls today are: .. PriJik up, Califor1tia SAN FRANCISCO r UPI I -Tbe sale of CaliforniA "'ine increased 15.4 per- cent in 197l. A cecord total ·or 226 ntilllon gallons. The \1.'ina Institute re- .ports that 1971 wa11 the 1f1,rst rime sales havt gone over the 200 m illion gallon mark and the i;1xth straighl year of record sa lt11. The grtatest Increase 1yas in sales of table wines. \fhlch gr!w from 111 mil· llon galjnns In 1970 to t38 S'lllion gallon$ last ye• .. in inc.r e11sto rtf 24.S percent. ' "Almost 80 pC".rcent of the Jte.ms in the CPI ; "100 percen{ or the country's ser\1JCtSi .. 85 percent of all relJiil sales; ·•100 percent of all mall11fac-. tured items ~ app!lancts, recreational goods. new cars, tractors. other fa r m In· struments; "100 percent of 1111 "'ho~ale rir n1~; "100 percent of all public utillty firms. t h r o u g h regulatory bodies. already set Up; "100 percent of all health ser vices: "75 percent of all insurance; ··100 percent of all processed foods." And Grayson is enco)Jraged by the fact that of 1,570 Cflm· panies with sa les o f $100 m ltlton or more a ye ar, :x;o hav' signed firm pri c e agreements with the Price Commission. and, of these. J 17 have pledged to hold their price increa.ses to 2 percent or less in 1972. U,I Ttlltt!lllO No D1ist Here LEGAL ~'OTICE ,11t111vit11 0•111tf Ce•!I Mi re" II. II. 1•. ll, ltl? (!1•11. "1•1 0111¥ ~11111. l, 10, "· ••t·l'2 "u~ll.,,,,. 01 1n1t l'f!W'1,111!¥ i,,, .... " Uttl lt71 01 11~ ,.11111.l-"'"-------------- •Mi-12 LEGAL NOTICE , '* LEGAL NonCE 11KT1T1ou• •u11111ou NOTlCI TO CllDITOIS Nlo/111 ITloTIMINT IU~•IOI COUIT 0' TMt fU,.11.101 COUlftT 01' THI l ilt le ltowlnfl ••••lll'lt •t• dlllll9 JTloTI a .. Cloll,01.N!A 1101 ITATI 01' CALll•O•NIA .. o. tlu$1ntH .,; TMI tOUNTY Ofl OlAfolOI TNI !;0UHTY 01' O•AMll WILO 0 Al$. 1111~ l lu~lll'll LIM, Ne, A '1tw Ne. A·111" L•"-'nl flt•ch, (1111 l•I•!• el MILOIED f.. HOLDltft. NOTICI 01' NIAllNO 01' ,ITITION l•Uf~I G1111111on1. l ll'l't l h,1•11114 "lie!. 010c!11". '01 "ICIATI OP WILL ANO flOI line. L 11~n1 811c11. (t ill •lf·IJ NOTICf: n Hllll'f' GIVIH~ !o '"' LITTlll Tl$TAMINTAlt'f' 0•~·~ $1~•·11•. 11111 11~1·• L•- 1rtdl!Ofl ttl ,,., fl>o•IO "•"'911 llf<td~nl Elfl lt et OON-.LO E. WITIIEltMAN. L1eut1• It•(!\• (1111 [--------------11111 Ill Mfl61\I 111vlt1t c!altn• ••1ln1t ll'lt OK•t•td. Th" flu•ln~ll h &f'lne c..-.UC:ttd 9v • LEGAL NOTICE 11111 Otttalnt •ro rH1..,lrHJ II lilt 11\tm. NOTICE 1$ HIEltEl"t' GlV'N !l\fl ,.,,,..,.""~· • f---------------fwlll'I ll>t t11CflMf'I' ~ .... t111t1, lt1 1111 e!llc1 Ellriboth M. '!Ilk l'l•I ll!HI ,,,..,,, • l 111rvl G•tl11nlf! ol ,,,. Clltk el lilt ll>owt tt1llllH toun. 01 JMllllllf\ ltw" l)fO!llll ol wlll 1,,o Int l tll t" 01wld i •ll•totl THI .. .,...... "'""· wllll Ill• M<•U•'' ,...,,m ... ,,.,. .... ,..,tl!tWlfl" ... , ... f<ICI I& Tl'I "•""'"nl tit""~-.... eeu..w NOTJCI TO Cltl01T011 ~6UCl'Mn, le TN UM!ff"llt-It 110 Ntw· wf!ICl'I Ii ,.,,,411 le< tu•tr•er ••rtocull •I, inll (II•~ el O••t1to C""ntw ,,,,. llt"""'"I lt, llJ"lllOlt COUllT 011 TMI llftl (tnJer Or .. S ... tt MIO, f<l-p(W"I flttch, l!'ll l tno tlmo UICI nl•c• n! "•~rl~• tnt lln llw 81vr-1v J, Mldlle~. 0111Ul'I' IT ATl 01" C"Ll,.OIN!lo POil (lllkt<nl• '1~, whkl'I I• '"' pl•ct of 1111,1 l'lt\ tlt•n ••! !ttt Ml•<" JI. H71, 11 CO<J,.!v (lt rk THI COUNTY 01" OllANOI b!,osll'\ltl Of '"' 11t1!11r1!t"" !ti 111 rn1ttt" t:JO 1 m., In tn• cou.ir_.. ol O~nort· Nt. A·'1tU perltlPll,,. lo I,,. lll•lt el 11lt CIKtdl"'· mt n! NO J 01 ••It coutt ti 100 Clvoc "vt l!ttlt<I O••"t• Cii..•! Ot ll'f' E1tttt ol M.AltGA.lllET G. W01.. TEltS, wlthl t1 '-,,_,,,, 11t1r the tl'll lllUlllltl · c;..,11, Orl~t Wtl!, lt1 1111' Chy o! St1>tf M•t(fl ), l~. 11. '" 1'11 ~ct1sod. II°" 11 thlt nollct. -.n1 CiUlerf\lo NOTICE IS HEltlEAV GIVEN 111 ,,,, Otlltcl ,tbn•··~ "'· \'71. O~tto M••Ch •. ,,,, cre<!Uctt OI !nl l!ICVI n•me<t ttctd,nl Jel'ltl I! HolOttrt w £ St JOttN 11'1•1 111 pe~1on1 hl Ylnt <l1im1 10111111 !flt Eitc1itO. .i thl W111 ef thr ,.;.,,,;Y (!••• ' lild 41«11<1 nt '"-' reQ\llrll<I .te Ill• t ... m, 1IW>Yt nt"'H t tCtcl tnl SILtM I. ,.ANKLIN ST4.TIMINT 011 AIANOONMINT with ll•t nKIUl•Y YO<,l(ht rt. 1 .. ,,.. 11t!k t •o•t•T N. WHITMOltl O f •••• ltl~ St•HI 01' US! Ot", t"l(TITtOUS ol ,111• clerk of !ht •b•v• trl!llled court. ti ,,. N1w,.rl Ct•ltr Ot .. 11111• ,... (1111 Miii, C•llf••fllt IUllNISS NAMI ,. Pre11nt '~""' wlll'I !ht "KtJllfY Hew, .... •••th. Clllltrftf• tlUI.. Tll: 1114) .. ,.,tu "'' tollo"''"' 11r1onJ ~ .... tbiNll!lfttd vo'""'''· lo fh• 11Mtf1ltntd 11 tl'lt enlcr Tll: ''"l ...._ .. ,. .,".,"'' 1.,.. ,ttllltnor '"" 1111 ot 111, nc!lllou• &u•I"''' "'"''' of 11\1 t ltOl"Nl'I, M,Ckl_NNA. FITTING. All•lf•IJ .... I JUCWIW '11blllftot .Ort n•• Cold O•llV "•ltl•. (Hll:ONOf.k Ell!.CT ION t(S, •I 11•• Suite A, 1•100 Et Tw1 . llott. Lt•un t "ublllft HI Or111•1 Cot!I Oo!tv 'lie! Mirch 1G. 11, 11, Ull U.-11 Rid Hlll. (1»!1 M111. (1Ulorflll '211'• Hln1, C1ll!or1111 '2l.n , .....,"" 11 '"' ,11c• Mire" >. 10. 11. 11. ttn Jl,J.JI '"' 11~111oui 11utlne11 n1m1 ttlt,,ld '' ol 1>ys1no~1 11t Ille 11nc!tfllt111d In •II mil· t llOv• wll Oltd If! Or•"I• C-ty M ''" !>lrll'ltll .... le tht tlltll el 11ld 41tct· LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Ot<•"'°"'' "· ltll LEGAL NOT!Cll: Cltnl wlll>lfl tnu• mW1lh1 1lttr "" llr11 , ---------------i---;;ftfi----------1nlor l •llC•t lO«., tnc . , Cil!l11rnl11 In the ··clean room' at RCA's industrial tube divi· '""11<"'"" e1 ,,,1, t\011c•. 1· NOT1c1 To c1ir:o1To•1 '"'" J1 1• 1t t11 Hiii, ce,11 M•••· , h f 0111111 F~lltulrv '9. lf12. NOTICE II HE l.lfl"t' GIVEN 11111 CITY Nt. A fHOI Ctlilt1•nl1> tl&H s1on plant Jn L.ancaster, Pa., a tee nician trans ers """'MONO M. WOLTERS NATIONAL 8ANk .• n1llot11I to•n-ln• IU,lltlOlt !;OU IT 0' THI: Tnl1 bll1•nt11 Wll con4l11Uld "'.t or· a nc,11\y manufactured target for a TV camera tube E•e<utn•"' th• wui 111 1J10<:J1110 ... """" Ht•41 ouice 1oc 11t11 •1 tTATlf o, C•Ltl"O•N1-. Po1 Ptt•••~n !ht ltlo\lf n1mtd dtctttnl. o00 N. lto1b11r¥ Orlve. l1vt•lv HUit. TMI COUNTY 01' OIANOI O•v•d EPlttln. to· a protective storage tray. The ultra·clean r oom Mtlll:NN• & PITT1N• c11110< .. 11. ,,., m•d• '""11c111on " '"' E11t1• .i Gu., l!L1t1c 1t MlitESELt. i•<••l••v t d l f ll• th t b • 1. ly; 01"'11111 W. McC1r1tM l"IOf\11 -.41m1..i,1r1!0< ef N1HW11t l1n~1 O&e:ttsrt. thlt ilol•mlnl preven S LIS rOffi ge J~ 00 C U CS re Jn3 Jl10I II Tttre ltt1•, lull1 A '"' 1>1rml11l tn lC tltllllhh 1 llr1ncn cttlc• Nolle• 11 htrtbV tl~tn !o Cttf111~" ot Cnuntv (l•r• 1>! ~· "''' tlltci wl!ll o •• ,,., c-tv ""' \\lhich \VOU)d a ppear boulder·s ize to the lfV vieJA'er. L1t11ft• Hiii•, C•ll,...ftl• nui in "'' vlt1n11r •I"" 1,,1tr11ct!Ot1 01 l l•ch '"' 11>ov1 ,,,m.., 11n•d•nt '"'' 111 F•1>ru t•Y 10, un. TtU IJU) Uf.Jl4t $!reel Ind Ml[A.f!IW• l &ultv1ro. NfWPOl"I Hr'""" hl Ylne ct•lm1 111IP1JI lh t l•lt • 1$411 ----------'"'"--------------------l.11ntrftt1f I ... l•ICVllll" ltach, Or1ntt Ct11nly. C1ll!Drf\ll . Such dK..,tnt ••• '"°ulrf'O te fllo !l'lem. "'Ith l'llt Na. ,.11bllo1>1M1 Qr1n1• c .. 11 0 1Hw l'•fot 1ppllc1tlon w11 tiled (,, 11\t Plllc1 ol 1111 11\t ntct•i•rv Yll\ld>t", :11 1111 oltl(I ot l'ulll••"-d Or•n11 Co••I 01llv M1r'11 l, 10, !I, '~· ltn S.t -n •••lon11 -.omlnlur1!or ef Nt1lon11 •~nks. '"• Clfl• 111 !ht 1bovo t n1ltlt11 caurt , e• M••~" ). re. P . 1•. ltl1 ______________ ,w C1!1lort1!1 SI .. tlloom lt)t, Sin Frln· ID Prf\lf\I ,,,,,., w;Jh lilt t<l tf"l'V l---------------r lKO. (1!lfornl1, to~. 1t I :00 p.rn. Oii YO\ltht11 to Ill• uneltr•ltnft •! I"• of II ct M1r<h I. ltll. el H.o,IO LO W. N-.SH, 101 S. Old.,, --------------[ CI TY f<l"TION"l IAN IC Orlvt, l 111 Anttlfl. (I ll!, t(l(l)6, Whl<I\ l•lc=="'°0-7'CC::::""7:C-:CC:::'.:=::7:-Short Economic 'Setb.ack' LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ' SU,.•t1110lt COUIT 0, TMI ll!Mlerl C. Attlldrv. Ille ploct nl builn•u ol lh• u"'"•"l•t1fO In SU,.lllOll COUlllT (Ill CALl,OltNIA. STATI 0" CALll'OllNIA POil Vl<I "reslllttll &-Tru,i Ofllctr 111 m1tt1r• Pt•l1ln!n1 !e !II• 11!110 ~ 111" COUNTY Ct" OltAN•I THI !;OUNT'I' 01" 01.ANOI .ioct N. lt1•Dll•Y O•IYt Ot<tC11n1 .... 11nlf\ lour m""lh•. 1f1tf ll!'f ... CIYlt c..,11, O•I ... W11t. Ne. A n11• l •vtrl'I' Hlll1, (111rernl1 fO'Jl~ 11r11 publlt•tltn ol thl• Mii'•· S•"t' -.,,., C1Ht••Rla OltOIEa TO SHOW c-.usl P~lllltnttl 0•11111t ( .. II Olll'f' ,Hct , Oiled Ftb•u1rY tt. !t 7") C111 Hum .. r 1'011 CMANOI 011 NAMl M1rch 11, 1'11. 7111-11 Edw1>rd E. Mlke1ell O•JOIU In !ht Mll1tr o/ lh• "°'"PllCl!lon el JIM· AOmlnl1trilor ot !ho tUMMONS IMAlltlAlll MIE AU.LIA SAMPl!t.lSI fer Cl'l1nt• ol LEG" NOTIC• Ellllt 01 11lt 41t<edtnl, In •• '"' marrl1" Of Ptl!li(ll\tr ; Worth It for Cleaner Air? By DEAN C. MJLLER NEW YORK !UPI• There's .an economic maxim that' siys: "You can·t get som,thing for noihing." l l applies lo anli-pollution m easures a s well as anything else. Jobs and corporate pro- £its will suffer. at least in the short term. And here are some gut examplee:: PPG lnduslries, Pit tsburgh. a nnounced last May 21. it would suspend som e pro- ductioff operations al Its Barberton. 0. chemical com- plex ·by the end of 1972 because it couldn't operate them econom1c11Hy within en- \'ironmentat ·co n t r ·o I re- Quirements. It was done despl!e recent expenditures oi $10 m illion to meet UK>se stanclards. One· tllousand jobs were in\'nlve<i. On January· 12 . Weyerhaus er Co. announced it "'as closing dO'o''n tts-sulfit,--pulp plant-tn Everett. Wash . because it was no1 economically fea~ible to make il comply "'ilh pnllution requiremer.ts. Som' 330 jobs v.•ere on the line. Simpson Lee raper Co. blamed the high cost of satis- fying new environmental re· quire ments for its shutdo1vn of an 8()..year-old pulp and paper milt in Ev,reU. It employed about 750. Olin Corp. closed do"'" a soda-ash operation in Saltvi!le, Va. bccaus·P .or pollution prob- lems aftP.r spending $18 111ilHon 10 comply_ F'rom ~14 lo i47 employes were incolved. Kennecou Copper Corp., the nation1s largest copper pro- ducer, \viii spend mote than $100 million to met federal air quality slandards. according to Its president, Frank R. l\tilliken. /{e said the govern- ment and public are fooling .. f.cde1·ul polhr· ti••••· st n '' d n,rd• t111111 price curs 0111 "' ll1e ret1rl1 oi pe<>ple u:lio • t1c(!d t 11 e~n1 to r ·dolly actlcllles." • them~ves if the)' believe I hese costs c:.n be passed a long to con s u me rs . p~ties that c n' uc al a profit within prevailing price~. sai<i.. Milliken. have no alternati?'"e but to close. l\cnnecott operates smelters in Ariz.on11 . Nev11da. New Mexico and Utah . One of the dourest com· n1cnts ahout the effects of a riti-pollution measures came Feb. 25.-from Richard Gersten· ber_g, chairman of General J\.1otors Corp. "Federal pollu- tion standards may price cars out of the re11ch of people who n ot ooly v.•an! them but ne_eQ ht1mo. tu.. ~ N1rf1• W, Nt1h HELEN M. ICf•NS lfld lttsioaNl ... 11 WHEll:l!.A.S. 11\t IPPllCl!lon cf JIMMl l I01 I , Off ... OrlYt FllAf<l(tS J. kEltNS A?-.l l" S-.MPIEltlSI for Ch1nH of n1mf JUI ltt A"•tlll. (1111. ttfU l o 1111 ltt1PPf!dtnl; ~lt ... NCIS J, th'm for daily activitiet'." "'' bttn tul'f' 111•41 wllh ti>• cl••-of thll SU,ElltOI COUit 0' THI Allttlltr ,., Aiml"ltfrtllll" ICEltNS . (ou•I. tn41 II 1pp11rlt11 ltotfl 11111 1•· STATI Oii CALlllOllNI-. POI •fft 0( ll'>t ~llllaf\lr Ml lllld 1 11<1tllioll (~ Gerslenberg told a Chicago Jtica110" ·tfl•' ••141 •111111<,,,1 o.11r11 111 THI COUNTY 01' OltANll Publ!ot>•ll Or•,,•• Co111 O•l!v ,.11n1. c.onln• vou• m1rr1111. You m1v 111• • aUdienC,. hlVf'htt n1me1 C"~nf~ IP,,,. tfflllOIOd Ne, ilo·nlO FlbfUl rV Jj, tM Mi rth l . 10. II. ltlf Wflllen fllpOl\11 wll~lf\ lhlrl'f' lli¥J t1I ffll t111nu \1 J INNIFEI. JOLAN SAM· NOTICI 0, HIA•INO 0, ,ITITION Ut·7' OA!O 1nit thiJ 1u..,,mon1 !t 1•rvti ~ rou. Whlle much o f what industry "e111s1. 11011 •N 01to11 o 1••tT1 H • 11 vou 1111 10 tilt • wr1111 .. r1111&nse NOW, THEllEl'OllE, II 11 "t••bY T•AfolSl'llt 01" l"l•SONAL ·""O"· LEGAL NOTICE withl11 1vc" tlm,, ~our Otfltlll m1.,. M is saying js · defensive ·in nrder!MI ano t 1rec1.., m11 111 ''''""' 111-llitTY YO COM,LITI 01ctOllNT'S entt•to ,..., '"' u1<1tt m•v ,,,,., • II.lit• poSlure, and SOme of JI ex-Uroilecl !t1 "l"t ltid. mtl!tr of ch1ntt M -.OltllMl!.NT NO,.CI IHVITINe llOI monl con1 tlnlnt lnlyncUve tt elhfr orll"'I ntme1 IP~•· IHl'!l•e tbl>Y• Ofllllltll tour!, e ,1.11 el DONA.LO II. COLt:GIOVI. Clln(ttt1lflt 4llvl11er1 or "'""''y· ll>fll/111 11.ggeraled Jl does under11core 1 .. O.p1rtme"t l 1~ereo1, locllHI 11 100 01,,,,,. Nellct 11 nertbY olven •hit th• 80••d "' •upp0•r <hilt c1i•llld.,, (nlld 111~wt. ,,. the point that the cost of Civic C111ter 01 .• s1 .. 11 ""'· t•lltor nt1 on NOT1cf. rs Hl!.ll!ll'f' GIVl!N 11111 ~~1~:.1 :: 1~~.;,::•• cC.::i:'.un~;.~:~1~!: iorn1v1; 1111. to111 .• ..., 1UCfl omtr ,,11 .. . lilt 11tll 41•• ol April. i•n. ,, '"' ........ of "fllll• tit . CtlettOYI, e~KVIO• ol ,,,. .... "Ow •• II Jw II m•r l!t •••nit<! llY !h• cou•I. Cleaner aJr and Waler ha! tO t :)O !l'C!(I(.-I.In., lf\tn Int l!'ltt1 10 lftOW 111111 of Dcln1kl •. Ctl~fO~•. hli !lltd rlll~•to ~II ·~ t I r lh "'~··Oii W~ m'K,!Oll· It Y&u Wllh !r1 1•tk ll\I lfYltt o/ 811 II• be paid by someone And "the t1u11. If 111v .,,., h1v1, ....,, tt'I• t P· 111rein • 1tttltl0<1 t~r 1n 0111tr 1111110<111"' :' 0·-. r1i ";' 1:1~ ie"•~•d. 11141~ ~' ,,,, tnrn•• !11 11110 ,...,u,,, rou ll'lou141 l!la 111 I · be h Pl1':1l10fl tor d'lllllt of P1Amf1 ll'lou141 r\Clt incl t lrKllllD 11>1 p•tlllontr ._, can\,l•lt 1~Y~•a :1 cor:l••ci "for tur"l•hln, ind 1,,. promptlv 111 1'11t 'l'OOJ• wtlH1n rtlJOlllt. If consumer a ways has en t e b4r e111\ild. '"' i1rm1 ''· 11'1• ••r11m1nt ma~• lly st 111,,.. LI•"' c,,11111111,., 1" '"' com· 1n~. m•v "" !llHJ °"' tlm•. t be th I , d" JJ IT \IS FVt.THllt OltOEll!.O 11111 1 dt<:tcltnt 1,, hlJ IUt!!mt by 1•ecutln1 tnt ' Dited A!tl~•I ,] 1'11 One 0 ar e OaU. ITCC '!J CpP~ el this or41tr Ill tvlllbM(I !11 th1 tlllvtr!ni lo Olllt & (oletrovt, Inc., 1 m~nll'I' lhtaltr II Goldi" W1Jt (1111111. Wllllt m e _" ~t JOl\tl Qr indir ectlV through h~· her Ota .... t (Olll 0.lty ,llOI. 1 nfWIPllM!' OI COflYl'f'l l\CI •nd lrl n1!1• ol IMl•OOllll flfCH>-H(unllnil,<>n lioc,,, Ot lnDe C O~" I V ' Cnun!Y Cletk · ' . . ""'(fl cFrcula]Of\. prlnlt.i 1M PUbllll\ed 6t n ; "" " t I! 1 alUorn 1· . LISSIN & '0Lf'f' Prices lower stock d1v1d ds i-111o ·c11 -1 c , ,,., c t , '''" •< 1>t '' 'ar••' ~•11 • such blci• 1h•ll 1Ht ••c•iv•d in'"' or11c• • fl • Y 0 °" 1 111• &\Ill Y 11 II«~ er Olk• & Cole11rov1, t11(., I of 1111 Olotrlct Purcl'lt!• -.01111 ln 1111 Attlll"M1• II LI• or less employment. Or~, · '•" ,'",1111•,,•1 Olll~nl•. lll'IC• c1u1"'1111 1or1>111"•Hon, •et1r1nc• 1o -1c11 Aomini•*•lllan l ull'llln•':° uio · Adami 161• cr1v1t11 Av11111• •ae Mt or nu• W<t11 .. v1 -kl 11 mldt l&r ll1rlf>tr Pl•tkular• •ncl '""' Ttf"fl"tt, Clllf111""l1 ttHl A governm ent report r,cleas-:10~ 111 of thf711111 1~1 •ti tor "'' '"' thnt •nCI 11,,,, 01 h••rlnQ · '"' 11m1 ~:ri;~:~1• c:1,.:: 111~1~':~ 0~;~;:·.noc":..';,'1~: T11110htnt1 121 11 11'""' ed March 12 whic h analyzed ~'"'H •• ~: .. c1 o~p~~~!111i:"' hll 11t1n ~•I lo• Mlrch )I. l912. "t::ID ly rtat .iova u '"' 1b0v1 ll•ll'd.llml in Al!lll"tllJl ftf' ,,,~;:(" . . d I · J..ch 111 lhf s 1 C 1 1.m.. '" lhf ceurlrtom ot 0101rtmtnl "'" f1<>1 td ltoom of 11\t Admln11trit10n 12.000 plants tn 14 in us r1es 'O"ttd F bt 23 itn""'or 1111' No. J a• i•ICI cou•I. "' 100 c1~1c C•nttr l ulldl,.... '111>111111<1 0•11111 ,.,.,, 01\1Y Pl114, estimated the cost of air and ' ' · · tt••« Oriv• w111, In th• Clt• ct s1n11 .._,,,, E<Kn bid mu11 contorm •rid IH Mlfth l, 10· 11• '"· 1111 &U-71 I . I J "AUL M. OILLAMAlfO, t 1Ut11rnla, rt spnn1iv1 ta this lnvllatlon, 11\o pl1n1. OTI • WAier pol Ullon ~-0 n r 0 Attorntr 11 L•w ., 011111 Mirth U. Un. 111tcJ tic11l11nL and 111 otlltr Oocu1"1nn LEGAL N C&:. between nOW Rnd 1978 8t about filt7 Cr1l'llfi1w -...... , IUlll •A WllLlloM IE. SI JOH", comprltl"t I ht ptr!lntnl <°"lr•cl · . I I A Terr111c1 c11111"'l1 tlJlt t ou,,IY ci.r• aocumtnl•. c..,11t "' Iii• C0<1!•1ct NOTICI Ot" SAL-a TO Ml•MIST $J2.8 bLlhOn d 0 a r S . J)" Anoi'wey '~r '•tlllaller IAMUIL A. OltllNaU•• Oocumtnlt ftl f\OW on !lit 111d OPtn ta 11001.ltS Proximately 2~300 of the Tttap""" nnJ "4-f'lll Hit Wttt ViHtr •1••· publlc 1nspKl!0<1 In me ••It ofllc•t e1 th• Nolle• h "''•bv 11v1n 11111 •11rt11ttH · uJ Publlilltd Ortntt c;01 11 l:)ellv Piie!, Al~tmllrt, Ctllll•"l1 ""' Owntr "''!I m1y IHI 1Jbt11,,.., by verlttl er bld1 wlll Dt ltCllY~ to< ••I• te 1111 pJantS Surveyed WO d be CIOll· l"tbr'llery JJ tlld Mi rcl'I I te, 11, 1'11 Tll: lflll IU-JU.S wrHt•n tte<Nll'SI tlklr•11W IO tht ,urcl'l•t· t1ltM1f 'l!lltr .,_ Pill tot-lfle-llM d be I !h's ••I and 1"ob . ' •M-n "'" ... "'' ,.,., "•tffltftlll" -IM A1 ... 1 ,, '"' Olllrl(I"• Mld•IH. ""IP<Tltf\I Wllkh "'' llf'~ft 6tc:l•rtlf e c ause o I c _ ttl!Mli.Ncl 0..14>11 c .. 11 O•ll Y P11o1. " i.oo. ,.1vm1nt •-•nd • 1001. ,.,,.1111 " '"' Plff<I• ,, tilt to•'' C9"1• losse~ woud n1n frtim 50,000 Mtrch n. 11. I•, ltn 114;·71 P1r10rm111C:• lond wlll bt r1ci11.rld 111 th• munHv t o1110• 0111r1ct· t 125·000 ·,t'estimated LEGAL NOTICE Cont••<.,• ''''''°d· ~EHICLl!I; Fl•• f•~c-. 1•t2. 1Vt 10~. O ' ' · LEGAL ·NOTICE E1dl ltli lft1H Dt rn•t• out °" fll• Pit•<•·"'""' l\11lan\ol!U1, Int. ~lllM p SAi i 0 ~-r-111:!...bOuACl...ln-t~-MI ., -), l"O<"• s.ltlif.11 w...,,, ltM ........ --'"' ltlEAL ,.D,l•TY iloT ,ltlVATI IA.LI 11>kJllClll0111. S•I• bod\ w!ll bo O•t~t l n41 ...,llllClf tost of instituting such con-Nt. " U.IJ! NCTICI ~:."~IMI ANO E11<n bit w.111 b• t (ConlP tnltd bV • rt•O •loud lor ""'''''tel ll1m1 •• 11,..., trols, a non productive .item in s11111•lor court oi 111t s11tt of t 1Jl10r11l1 ,.LACI Ofl IALI <••lllltt"' <•lft1••'• c1>tek ••~11111 10 '"'on '"' •ro1111•to.e1 torm 11 11:0D t.m .• ror In~ COOJnlv of O•ing~. .,, 1,,, 1 11 Ownt r, or ••tl1!1ct11ry Aid llonCI In l•v"' T"ur.tell•. Mtr'11 311, lt1J 111 11\t 801r4 ~.ost cases. wou" r·-rease On '"11'141"'· Mori" lo>, • 1 t .m. '"N OwN•, 1xKu!fd b• '"" 111ot•• •• ltoom 111 '"' Dl11rlc1 Admlnl1tr1non ,., -_,. "'-111 1111 Maller DI 1n. E,111, el THOMAS t Ille .,...litl o1 OON-.LO GERLOCIC ft! · Eow-.110 SPIN OLE, oecri•td. : lJ ,I: 1 c 1 M CA tn ' princlp1I •lld • tlll1!1ctarr •u•rlJ' como-l ullt l,,,, 1310 A4l1rn1 Avtnue, Cett• M•••• priCCS, CUI pro l • SpUr tm• Notice IJ hrrtbw t lYtfl lhll tho un. !~Uowln•"!!:i,~• wll~~= t•P:::d to l~ll I~ tny 11 turetr, Ind ~" l mollftl ~Cl Ian C1lilpfnl1. Al! blt 1 m111I llt t~llv~r•t !!> ports, slow down exports, 4leri19net1 will u11 11t prlv•I• 181, .,., er Ill" 11 . then ren Pt'•cont noo,oi cl "'' bid. Tll1 tilt tUlct o! tl'lt "urcl'l11lno A1tnt Al ,.,. lower the Gross National 111er rh1 )Otl'I t1v of M1rc11, un~' 1t 1n1 f~1;~ ~~c:!'1'11r L•thl. SIN '" ,1011 cf'IKk "' bid tMWMI 1"111 Dt tlvotn •• • •tio~t 1nirt11 Prl"' •o '"' llm• "'' "" lllflc• o! Poonelei ter, Lyfl(h & fluchin1n. l-fl tkl,•PMI •?xll. 1 H II. MOtC<. Ht•d 1u1r•ntH lltll !M lllllelolt wlll ••.c~t1 tlll 1111 a111nlf\I lo bf elltl~lt fir CO- Producl through 1976 and hurt 11• w111111r1 f11vo .. Sul•• 11no. Lot Ne Jl·Y•?l 111 1111 11111 Tabl• COnl••CI II 11 bt ••••ted •o him Inc""· 1l4l•••t1an. h .. • b I 0 f .11n1e11s ceuro.n11 fOOU tOOJMr af Lol ·1 · 1 11 1 P ,,., H ti to•mll1 wl!h tnt CW1tr1c1 Oocvmenll """ P•0110111 •e•,.,,1 •f'ld '°"''"" 1 ... l e COU l'Y S a an~e -.n iele;, $1111 ol (1llfai'"'11, to Ill• "1111111 ~-; 1~~·i,,~:. """'~' it11 Otnt, ti will pro~Jdt !tit l~flly l:loricl or bon<h 11 ttructlon1 tnllY bf llllll"tll II tllt Payments by $700 mlJllOli 8n-l "d btll,,b!Odtr,. 1nCI 1ub!M:I !6 ct1n-l "p "ti I NI S SIM J"'5 IPldllen llltrt l" wl!flll' lln t1y1 t ill< Purcn11lnt Otpl. el IM Ollltl<I It tt.. hr h 976 llrmt llllfl ·b.,. ••Id Su1>1rltt cour!. •II 1"1 -owtrmi t 1 ••· · nolifl<1Ulll\ nt the 1w1rt af '"' canlr1d 1oov1 1dtt111 F"" .ci!llllWlll ln1Wm1tlnn nually t oug I . ritll\I, lll!t 11111 "1"tere11 ti 111!41 4lec:e1t'4 1-cu1 ... 11 S1w Ill'"' blllocle•. Of" ln1tKllof\ ••!Nlrtlmtfll (llh ,,,.,, . it !I'll liml cf Ol•lh '"" Ill !~I rlllht 1111 1-l!nc:IO Llfl Truck . l,90No (1p1dty WACll ltATlli ltnbtrl C. Motrf fll•l J)•.JIS•. A dL,ma! prospect, YOU say. ind 1"1u 111 tni t th• 111111• 01 '••Id •-S11rf1c1 '1111 ''•"· ,.,,.. I•••• with Puriuant 10 111, L•bor Cod• 111 lh• sr111 8!d1 mu,1 ·bf 1c<0<1"1111,,+ed llv 1 Not necessarily M ate r i I I Otc r1 •rd .... , 1(11/lr•• bY O!>l•ltlO~ ., !1w .u~ ' o! c11uorn11. $0Ulhtrn C1IU0<nl1 flulld\f\t Ce•IUle!I "' (1lllltr"1 Cl'lkt m1dfi • · JJ l or ol"rrwl11, ethe r tn1" or In 1Ml!le" la l-....rll tr•" &M C0111trucllo" Tt1dt1 C o 11" c 11 1, e1v1b!1 111 .,.,, to••I Cetntnufllh Cllllt. .. cl a.mage from air po utan S 11111 01 11;.i dtc:t•itt. 11 1111 um, of J-w.,• l•11ct>e1 Au!lt lN '"" tanit•u<lla.. Trl'Hlei c1111nc:11 Olttrlct, or C••"· In .,, ,.._, net II» a lone is estimated at $16 te11h. 1n •"" to 111 11>1 ce•11111 re11 ..,,. T"• l'lllOCl1 win bi •v•ll•blt "'~ In; or O••"ltf t&unty, 1111 t1111 Board al '"'" 10 "'"'"! ol th• lof•I 111tt ....... ,,11 Plrtv •lluitt 1111 111 Cou,,tv or O•lntl 1111cU1n •t r11»0"1lll• flulln~1• ht)U I • lrui!ers 1111 llCtt!tinto.CI lht t tntrll cf"c•1 1rt lltl K<t111•tt. OtP01lt1 ef billion per year. And that 51111 of t i rllornlt, •••!lcul•tlv tftKrlbtli lilt 1111<• Ill tl lt trier •o •M tlm1 of••••· Prt vtlllnt '''' el ••r ctltm w1111 for •vccenlul 1!111C1111 will Dt 1p1>tltd It ""' doe 't ven fi re in our 81 iouowi, 1e-w:i: Tl'll1 1111 11 htllf tt.t"'"'c' me rltllh of ••tl'I <f•tt or ,,..._of W1rllm ... n•td.,11 111 nu•Cl'llM pr1c1. O!twr tttMlll chect1 1nd / . gn e ~. . Y lot It, Tricl Jnt, City of "ni h,irn, H1 rUor4I Fln1t1Cl1! Cor1111r1tl0<\ I I .,.tclllt tho (tnl••CI whlc" wlU bt iw••d· 11r (111'1 wHI M <t t11tntd wU~ln 111111"' Inflation, Jobless Rate Here to Stay? heallh or aesthetic enjoyment c ounly or Or•~••· 5181, a• ,111,0,,.1 •. 11s11~• 01 •Ku•tfl , .. '"' tr11111• ~:er•, • •d lh• •ucttsi1u1 b!tdtr. 1nci '"''' ,,,. ••v• 111 .. 111. lle1•t of Tru11 ... · ,,. I ' "J 11 pt• mao 1 .. bock 1(11 , Plltl H & 41 1 .. IKutltr l trttmen •••ClllH 11 ~•llint rl!ls •rt conrilflll<I In 11ld IPtCI· ctpt111C:1" al lll•h bld1, wl'llcl'I wll! bti 1111 0 l e. lilt olllct el 1111 COUf\ly <tcord1r of illt 00NAL0 GERLOCK 01' lllS MOf\rOvll, lkttl0<11 1d<>11!tcl lly tilt f111rf, 11\!1 II A•dl J, Utl. coun tv. C11111 Mos1, CA, 11 O~tt1r. on 1!1• •I t rl tlsllttl Mlow· AU ex111n11• ol carl•I• t nCI remtYI) ert Commonly knewn ttd•~n; 4 2' St(rtmtnlo. CA. 1111111 S1tr1t1ry ,of I~•~• Any clllllllteillH'I t\OI enllclpeltll ,..., tlll r11-lbUlty of Pu<Chltl". J ,..,cent Ftrnhltt LIM A111helm C1lllornl1 I'll~ No ~1 !111 W , lhM 0" Jvtv ll. 1 ~' b•lew !bled 1"1n bt 111lt 11 lht current Ill•• Ill wilt be tot<IH It •11 l"'°"flts Ttrmi 01 111~ '"'" tn 'iiwtul mo~tv of 11\!1 11111 ..... 1n1 '"ewlt1t M1r1ta14I Flntn• wttt ,1111 lor !ht appUc1>1>lt tr•CI• t nd wr11111 v1llt r•llll 11111 111 ,..,,,.,. <lrll mi ·Unlllll ·St1tu "" (lll'll•m•llon ef 111e, tlit Ce•11t1••;1"" 11 llC~IHI •••IY llltl:f c1111lllc1llDfl In •!Itel wit" '"' 11W>v1 •ccomll•n!et bit. · or· 111rl cltl'I tlld b1l1nce ~vlll•flttd bY Jinuttr 1', ~12· , llsltd lr•""-' CllU"l'llt. II '"" r1tn 11Jlt41 liW •o••41 r111rw11 1111 ''•"' te rt lect no11 llKu•to bY M11rl••t t or Tru11 Ottd O•TfO; Th•I ''*" ~•¥ 61 M1•'1!. I n. bl>low ••• "°' cur'"'' or •rt rt v11H1 b' tnCll&r i ll 1:1tt1 or to walvt •n'f' 1•- 0 ' on , .... P•-rtv IO IOlt. Ttn percln! DI HAll tt"OltO FINANCl "l l1f)Or •trH m•n•• 41vrlno ""bidding Tim• •tt~••tllv ... lnlor .... t ll!'f In lllt •lttlfll , 'Sold ut t mount bid IO bt lltllll!l!HI wl!h bid COll:,.OltAT ION o• ,0,,,,,11t!llH'I llmt: iuch rtYl>IO<I• thl ll -.11 mllfllllt l lld ~ulpm1"t 11• 1e1~ 1,, • Stock Offer By JOHN CUNNIFF NEW YORK I AP ! -The lvro persistent d n mes t 1 c econom ic problems in the United Stat's are inOalion and unemployment. v.·hich invites lhe (]Uestion: Are· lhey permaneat as pects of our wonderfully we 11 Ith y,. rC!ative\y un- regulated economy? To some extenl the answer already has beeo given in regard to inflation. 'whiCh now has been · reduce~ f r o m something above 6 percent to only 3.6 percent -but only through the use o f eX"· traordinary means. Wage and price controls, that is. were enforced by government only after It hAd dec ided I h 11 l conventional m eAns were · unable to cope with the problem . ( now re·maiTis to he seen whelhcr inflation will r e· • pear afler the elimination of conirol5. tn fact. it remain! to be seen If conlrnls wlll be ellm inated .- Meanwhile, nobody c R n claim that the ~rcenJ rate is evidence of great success. If maintained, It would cause the. riollar Vi b' devalued in th' m1rketpl11ce by 50 cents in about 20 years. Lf;:ss radic11I n1easures hav' betfl. used to deal wlth unem-ployment. which persists partly because of 1 peculiar. lrol')ic situation: The number of jobs Is rising, bul 10 is the numbtr <ii Job· seeker~. One !!'hool of lboUllhl -ond It scema \o b e ... 1 l ldt ot oll,tl to llt In w•lllnt •~d ... 111 l'lv : Ron•1G II. l tbowf. Aten! j>t_uift.lidu.ea.._i.1:1_.,;l...a.l..lllt-btlAw..U..SN •n "•' I• ~CeotiJtlt 1111..<:.0"-----p;i.ndtn -tl.fb'UCS !hal ther ~·---------------j 11rTtC•lftir.r111t 110,-ti•llreflrct~•t ""Aaow•-o--v•NT••• ,1111 Anv 11,,11h w•U••• v•c•H011 ,,,. omrriun •v Cflll'•• Ol•t•ld rn1k11 no Um t 111~, lht 11,j, PV~ll<•llPn "''"" '"' A Prtlt111H11 c ... ,...,111" w.enOn ., ''"'' ~'"" ;,,,11 llt 1~ ell ,..1•1nt11. w•llltn or lmllletl, Ii t~ ti.. a ~erious mis match between lntelcom lndustries' public tJttar111111 0, 1~11. 11Jt w111 111''' '"'" 411uon 10 111, .,.1..., ihiec1 w•~· K•'••· ,.,,;. cOlldlHon 01 •nv llem. d nd 'h t ·1 I r 200 OOIJ 01ted Ml t(h I."" LI•"'"""'' !;A tfftl Pr•nliCIJ 1"111 "1>t emplovtll In con!ormlly "••mt nt In 11111 mu11 bt m1a• wllhlt1 skills and nee s. a a 1 o fer ing o • common o-.vio IC. 1,1NOLI! l'u11n1htt O••"f• to1•• o~uv P11n1. "'"" Stctlan u n .i .i lh• ceiuornl• LilW>r flv• work1n1 t1Y1 '"'' t\Otlo:e of 1w•••1 won"t be. resolved until better shares was oversubscribed at "dm1n111r11or of mt·~'•'• M•'i" 11, 1t11 71)·'2 Coe1•. • 1ne1 ,.,,. 1,...,, m1111 111 r1>rnevtt ••llfll th• h d . DI •• 1~ dtctd•"'· All11>llon !1 Olrtclerf la ,,,.. ,,OYllilH'lt ol (ollHt C1mou1 .. llrnt DI 11111 •t¥1'1'11tll. coop' eration is a c h i e v e d $5.00 per s are, un erwr1t,rs POtN01xT1•, L.'l'NC" a 1ucH-.NAtt LEGAL NC11CE L~IWI• coa~ ~tenon 1n7.1 cor.crrn1na NOltMAN E. WATSON reported. l y: Wlllll"' M. Pfl,,ltJlt• tm•llYmtn! ol 1por1ntlc11. It rtQ11lt11 StU•. flotrt ti Tr111!t,I between e d U C a I 0 r S and d wr'll be d to •21 Wlllhlr• 11v• .• 111. nM NOT•c1 Ot" T•UtTll'l SALi c0111<1c10,. or 1u1><ontr1dot1 em•iovlni OPfn " Ml•(h lO, "" • 11 :00 1.m, I Procee S use Lt• ""•ti••· C•~I. tOlll N1.. JJl ·IS l•ldtJmen In '"' 1p1,.,,11cuhl1> ac:-1141: lta emp oyers. r etire debt and for further ""°'""'' ttt .111m1115'tr11., o .. M•v '· nn. 11 11 ·eo "'·""·· cFs cu~••ion te 1p1>1v 111 '"' •PP1l(1b1• 1a1"1 'ubllll'lld O••n•• Co••• C•11"f Pillll. This ,year. for example. col-d I d k et "9t-OC SE ll:VtCE COllPOtllATION • c11Uornlt 1ppr1ntlc1"'l• (Ofl'lmlltt• ,,, • (lrtlflt•ll M•••" IO, 11• 1'1' 1Jr-7J p r 0 U C a n m a r P~bl!11>1d o.,,,,, to111 ou1., 1'11111, ccrPOri tlot1, "' du!.,. ~1>~l11tll<i T•u•t•• 01 approY1I •n!I 11.1111 nit •atlo e1 ••· Jtge g raduates 11rc again ct-development. The Santa Ana· M•r(f\ lD. n. 11. 1n2 •••·n unde r an!I ov••u•"' to O•et c• Tru11 P'•"tlce• ta 1ou'"''m•n u•H .... 111t cen-LEGAL NOTICE pecled to meet a rather COOl b d f" rod recortHI A•rll n. 1179, I ! l11.11t No. Irle!. (Ofllrt(llM"I m1v bt rN111lr1t I0[---------~-----11.Se 1rm p uces 'com-U71•. 1n bOOk "'°· .... , 270. of 0111<1•1 m•~· tOfll•!ltvll°"I IP 1110•1n11c1~1., NOTICI 01' T•U•Tll'S SALi. recep!ion f r o m recruiters. mercial product~ d e r 1 v e d LEGAL NOTICE 11co•ctt 1 .. '"' ~nlc• 11 '"' ,..,,,1, P''9''"'l. c°"t11<111r •"" 111«.,.,••~ctor1 UHDll c1•0 o,. T•UST although surveys clo show thal front space technologies. They NCTICI 0, IALI 0 , ~:~1~~~;1, °.!-,Lt~n:~L ~i;in;r,;1~,'~'~v~~ :~!11t~:." .... =,;':'v,,w~;.,5,~c1\~111~. ·~,:;• 1~~ L!:11 11'J;::~~ .. lhf'ir chances \\"ill be better pr., vi de e c 0 l 0 g i ca I llAL ,.o, •• ,.,. AT,. .. ,.,, ... ,, IALI TIOH TO HJGH!ST 91001• l'Oll CASH torm1U0<1 ret1llY• lo "'"'"'"'•'11•• NOTICIE 15 HIEIE&Y GIVEN: that t•• J t · J ~.i Nt IW, U6<1 l11Ytblt It llmt ol 011• In ltwllll meney "'""••d•. contttCI Olr tdllt 111 lnt1111rl1I WESTWOOD ASSOCIAllS. 1 C.1)lfttrt1l1 nan as year. measurements. opt1ca cvue 511.,.,1or cour1· 11 m, It••• 81 Ci!lt~fl!t 11 1111 Un111'!1 Sttt•~I 11 lilt soum Front 1t.iat10111. Sin "''"''"''' c1t1!11rnl•. or cer1011r111111. 11 Tru•tt•, er l11Cc1ttor i\nother a rea 0( jil re ti l reading for aUloma!,ed malJ to• It'll Counly ol Lt! l\nttltl. l!nltMflCI lo '"' 011n1t Cllut11¥ Old OIYll iO<I ti A•Prtn!ICflhlll i!1nd1rt1 Trut!lf. Ill" 511b1Ul11ltct Trv•'•'· •ll•IUll~t • · JJJsJ "d In th1 M1>!1t• el tht '•1111 111 LLO'f'O tourthflute, (llY el Stnl t An•. Sll!O ti b•1n<" o!tlt1•. !1 tf\e Ottl:f el Trust tJl<~IOlf l'I' concern is for the c hronica lly handhng and co o n avol • MC.KEE ~ENN, .~. LLOVD ""· Fl!f<IN. (11llDrni1. •II rltht, ll!lo ·~ ln,,.t11t ,.,,. 0YUt1rn• 11111! l!t p1ld '"' wOt• lltCHAll:D w. CltOl'T AHO LOltllA INE: uncmploi·cd \\'lirl,' it is ance and navii:iat ion equlpment ·-· LLO'f'O FENN, Oec•11t1:1. ~tvtt to •M totw ""t "' 11 ""'"'' 1111 H•to1mtct _In ••c•u 01 1n1 rteu11r t•v'• cttDl'T, H111b1nc1 •"<I w111 ,,,.. rtcor•M d' • , Nolle t 11 ht•ebr llYt~ fhtl llll 11,,. 01tCI el Ttu11 !n lht ••Nf•IY 11tulltd h• wot~ •ncl II '"' 1•1• fat 1vtrllm• el Ille -.v1u1I :rt. 1171 In floetlt t)lt '''' 11', bclif'\'ed. i:1rc hcyond the in-for supert11 nkers a n C01t~a1ner aeril•nt41 wlll 1111 11 11r1~111 ''''· on 0, 11111 c0un1J 1nc1 Siii• t•K•lbtt 11 : t•ft!t i11~e1v1t. • 1n11r~mtnt Ho. 'I"' 01 0111e111 1t1e11rl1t. fi uence or the economic cycle. ship~ flltr l"f *" dlY• nl Mirth, lt1l. 11 lhf All It'll! <t tl1ln lend ll!UllP.d \~ 1111 HolldtYI 111111111 Ill haflCllV I fl(ll'f\lz.., lfl t~t tlllee ., Ill COl.IMY llKeritr 11 .. , of!kt DI "°'"alCI M (owil'I, 111 AVltlut I S!t lt ti C•ll!etf\11, COl.llllY II Ot l ... r, I" 1111 callKll~t b1•11l,,!nt 1•rttm1t1I Ol'tn•t ("-'l'h, (1tlf0f'11l1, 1f\d "''IMtflf Th 1 ' h th The issue of treas ury shires RHO!ld• BP.t<h, c'1111"'"'' 90117. c;.,.,,,; c111<•lDtc1 11 1eu ..... : • •OPllc,bl• ie '"' 11111c111_, cr111. 10 "'• Nllll<• of Ot11~11 •NI E11<11.,. •• a JS, even W en e was tfle fir!!. public offerihg by el L111 Ano;iet11, Stitt el C1llfornl-. 111 fl'lt Let 1'& of Tr1c1 HU. 1" Ill• City ol' cl111lllctllon llr lyi>t ti wor•mtn Stn lllltrul!lt# •ttort!H Hovem .. r 16. ('C0110m~r expands, t h e j r Jllt h11t ind btll l:llfftr. ll'ICI •~bllcl !O (Pill M"1f , II •t• Mtt recOrCIHI ltl t mnlovf'!! on tho ••Ol•(I. lt1l In floel 1"'9, ,lff .. ,, lf\1trum~t1t Jorltines remRin poor. the compAny. Underwriter!!" con11rmtt10t1 "" 11111 s.,p,,10, c-'· 111 lloeii 11,, P1t•1 t ta 11 1r.c1111lvt, n .11.11 11. m,n41.,orv u11on '"' con No, um o1 Seki 0111c1•1 1tteort1, wn1 were led by 8 J l..erncr and tPll rl•M. 11111 11111 1n11•111 o1 t•lt Ml•c•lltMau• ""•••·in ,.,,, efllc• 01 til t 1••<•11• •e wiiom A c0<1tt1tt !1 •w••dtll. ,,11, "" Tu•Nl•Y· ..,,,11 n , 1f12 11 11 :to B!Rcks and teen-aoers. for • · · · . 41K••Jtf 11 '"' '''"' of !111111 '"' 111 11\f c1111nll' 1tl!C11tt• 11 •••t Coun,.,: •"" """" 111 •ub(llf\t••<•ori unc11r "1m. •D "·""· 11 th• m11.. '"'''"" t' "' Co. Inc .. Los Anj!:ele~. and 1n-,1.,1. 1111. •NI !nt1,,,, m11 ""' 1t1111 e• l ll• 11r111 14141r•u """ ,,,.,, comm°" ••¥ ""' 1ru thi n ••'O , .. ,,,.1 11••~1111,,. W•Y••"••u1•• """''•••• c em• 11 n, • exRrople, have joblcs~ rAtes cl ded Proctor Cook and Co ,11t dect••IMI ,,,1 1caul•tc1 bv -••lion t•,11111111111, 11 1n•. 01 111• ,.,1 ~,t,..rtv ·~o· ei e•• 11em w11•1 ta 111 wo•t m1n t11rm1r1y t11mH : '1elH< .,.,. , , 1 •," -far above that Of &dU11 Whites U ' . • flf llW 11r Dlhff"WIM, llhtt lh1n Of If\ It• dtl(fl!ll41 tboVI 11 IUtPOr!ld I~ !If>: HOJ •m•lll~l'!I Ofl 11\f t~tcul1ttn ti lhf <Oft• MOflftfl Co, IKllHI II 1)1 llrool!,1M1r1I Inc.. Boston, end Edel:iile1n, dl11or1 to fh1t of ••It! tke•ttd. 11 11>1 lt41woo<I Av1n~1. Co1•• MU•. c1111ttnlt I••<•. Blvd .. 1 .. Ill• cltv o1 .,,.,,,Im, c-"' et no m atter v.·bal the condition Ca "'II d Co San ~,,0• 11"'• e• ttt11f. 1n •nt t• 111 "'' c••"'" ..,,,., H_,, 0r1111f', s1t11 .i c1111., .. 1 •• •' IUbllt •11t· B 1 k mpv.:: an .. . I" ,,., l rfffr!'f ''''"" In "'' Cou"IY tf Tilt llllllfflitMd ''~'"' lllKl•lml •nr ••tt !Ion. la tilt l'lllMll bltc11r ... (01"" Of the tC{)nQm~. a C CJSC(). 011n11. Slllt of Ct ll!orni11 111ttlc11ll•tv ll•bllllY ler t~v l11ctt•tcl~IH ol !ht ll!t el (Al.lllNTlltJl !P•Yl blt 11 '"' ll"'t of 11\0 !t1 !lw!ul jnh!cssness is usually double 4111c•IMd ,, 1011ow1. 111;r11: 1dd1tu •1111 ofht• c.,..mon 111111n111..,, 11 c1rptn11r t• H ""'n•v •• 1111 v11111t1 s11t11 ., Amr1 lctl I h. T " ''t l~lt•tlf I": tt1r, 1hlw11 "tttln. For•m1n · tOt ~r hpo1• '"""@ 11'1•" ~1,hUI 1N rltlll, llllt ind lnttrJ,11. (WIYh'N 1!1 ~ lhal 0 \\' llt'S. e e n •a g e Lot 1 ef lrt(I Mt, 14111 •> "' M._ S1li 1111 wl!I bf m~t~, DI.II WllfUlul cl1n !Hc1llttt1 tu,rrvltH , t •ct 11 tn!I new Mlct IW 11 lllllltr 11!• Otltl I" ""' unemployment is triple the d A rKor1tc1 ;,, a111>11 1u. '"•••1 '•"" • o• ctv•"•nt er w11r1nh, ••11•111 or 1m11tr~. ~m111t "'"''· 11.MiWttv 11111111 111 C6"• ""'''· •••tt A gellcy Ml1t,il1ntt11• MePI lfl lh• eUlct ., '"' fPltltlnt 1111•, .-otltHllll'. e• .... UIOlitlltl: ftllll\"t~ tnll Sitt• C1•1crlDtll •I 10111w•: figure . . (0Ut1!v lleco•O•• of O••~~· CiwnlJ. cutr1 r1r1t1Ct1, lo 111v Ill• rtmfl"ln• ••11>· l•tl<l•trt. ten•••t t r c°"ll•u(lltll' J OolS All '"•I trrt11n 111111 11111111d 1,, '"' bl h r $1•1• gl Ci .. CotflmO<ll~ k/IOWf\ •• lotll (INI ,,, .... ti "" tlfltt •ttufld by .. 1. •LtCTlllCIANSt '''" ,, (1lllor11l1. Cout1ty ,, Or1111•. The pro em, I ere o re, ap-· Mlt1nt1 Avl-. l u•nt 1'1••· C1Ufernle CIMll el Trv.t. 10-11: \11,6'1.0ll. wl!" 1 ... Gtn•ttl ''''"'Ill ll.4t (II' 11 Cell• Mt11. itKtllltd •• pears to be sociolog1c1.I. In Irvm·· e S•lt IMt r•11 wlll ltt IPllll l"ftl'ltr wtlll ltllll lh•r ..... Ill .. ,~l~ICI 1 .. ••I• net•, Fe,.m111 111,l 1a11ew1• LOI , of TllCI NI. llU. •• tl\t llllt• V..lftttt""I :to ,,,. ••ltt .,_,..., ttw•t'IC•t, II 1ny, 0...,.,. fl'I• !lfl•\I ol 11141 Job1n1vm1n' '·" thOWll Oii I m11 •tCOftH Jt1 bltll "-o.li Ll.c a I anrl @ducationsl owneo ~, ""' l!.11111 o1 M•••••fl ,,,,n Deed of Tru''· ''''· <"•••tt •"" t•ltin1•1 IOD l"t••• 1111•• 4• •nt so of M+ic•ll•,,-1 ""••,· rRlher lhan economic. Teen-t1r1T11 of ........ , .... In llwlv1 1'1Wltr ol ""' Tr11stet ""' " ..... trv111 (l tl!lt Forsm•r •.•• '0C010t GI' Or•ntt Ct11ntr, C•Hl9ft1lt . el 111t u .. 11,;·s11t•t .,.. c011!1tmttl.., of llY u ld pt~d ti Tr11t1. 5u.,,F.,ltlii.•n •.11 CfM'l1mOrll'I' ~-11-:0 '" W"' wtl- llP:ers. have been vicllmi~ by The Lambert AgelJC)' of [11t. iii 61t,-U-t11 .,.. 11111"'• twfotM•t ""Tli.1 11tnt1fcl1•' unetr 11111 0..41 ft/ Jf!Urnevm•n •,. s11t11 . tot•• Mt••· C11+10t"I• '''" lh . hi r II n of h ft\I' nQlt lttUftd tty Morto•o• ... l•u•t Tr1111 "~rllofllr• •~tCUIH •/'Id tlfllv••Pd llOS: ~aid .. 1. will bt m•d•. b .. 1 wll,,tut · e growing sop s ica o Newport BeAch anll(lunccs t e 0"" O<I ,.,_ ~,1111,, .. 1a ,,1 •• Tt~ ,.,,,,., ,, "'' unc1er111""' • wr111,,, 01e11••t1t1" r~, ow.,.r r1u•1r10• '"' ,,1v11111 n1 ,,. cn~tn1111., w•"•~•v, •~o••" ., 1,,,.,11,., technolop;y. bl:.cks by !he O""nin" of new offices at 2081 DI 1mou111 bid te flt lltoo1Htd wlt1> "'· o• 0e11 u11 •"" O!fll1fld "' s11t, •M a ltt""• 1nv •""' 111 1t!C11 or •e wtlv• tn'f' '"••tlln• 1111•. ""'"1"' "" '"" f b · I l h t"~ ~ 91ct• or elfttt 10 " 111 M1Hnt 1t1d wit! wrll!tt1 NOtlu ti Dt•1un •lld llKl•O<I i. lr••tul1rlllt1 tr l11forn\1 litl•• In •nr bld'W!l'lb1•11C••· It \11!tl¥ "'' lndtblt6nf)t move o USL(ICSS o c Business Center Drive. Irvine. 111 'l't't"""'° 11 n.t 4for111111 e111c.1 11 .,..,. 1.i1. Tiit lfPl!lt •1!•nt11 t•u•l'd ••kl N1111c:1 ..-'" ,,,, bld111n1. T111 CW11r1111• ,,,., n&1111eu1.., tt• ••Ii o'"· Jtoc1o.i•1,,. lllt ,., suburbs. The advt.rtlslng • ge n c .Y !ln'I• '"'' 11'1• llr11 pvltJl(t tlt<I "''"' ..... "' D1!1vtt tNI 1191.llM •• J.111 le Ill wl!Mrtw hll tlll fllt I H!•IDt ,, ., ...... ncl Mllt~tu 11 1111 Tty"'' ~"" et th• IHtlll!"I t•lt-el u lt. •Ke'11H ,,, '"' c1111nl'I' wlotrl "'' ''"' loll~ln• 11\t 4111f 01 O!"'ftlflt •' 1tltl1. lfV>fl Cf N led -~ ••It! O•N. •o:l'l'•t1Ctl It Is problems such as these speclali7.es. In consumer 11nd Dat ed'''·,., 1m 11r°"'" 1, 1o<11H, t10A10 OP 11tust11s, •ft•'"'""*"'· wr111 1Mut.11 •••vlMlt "'".i"' h d I I I b lid' H1,1tf! C. ~t1111 01t• M1•ch t, '"' COAST COMMU N/TV •M !M 11no1hl Jtifl(.1111 Ill lllt t1tl• t ti.I now raw ncreil~ ng RI-,m" nu act u r to r u ng -.11m1nl1!1l lDf Wt!'> wm (1"$ SEIYICI COi.ii. COLLlGl. OISTJllCl, N(\ltfd "' ••I• DIM! '" wit tD.IJ'·"· tentioo from researchers who material accounts. J~owever, .1ont1Vtect e1 "'" ttt••• •• t~li T1Q111e 01 1,,.. c...,,1,, ""''h 1nttr10,1 '"t •ton ''"" Mer 1. it11 •• ftf 11ld dt<tffnt fl'f' Slll<On 01t1rll~-. Cttlt Mttl , C1!\1tirl'11 .,.,,vl•tct 111 UICI Nt!t. oncC!: thOtJ$lhl economics AlnnP. nwnC'.r f\1ark Lambert 8aY5 Af1!11i "'· c-•~ .,,,,,,,., Stc••t•"I 111 N1•m•" 1. w11,.,. DAT IO l'eb111-,.,. 11. 111t . would provide the tnswers. In· l~e firm is how staffed to pro-u 1 ••tJtVt • •utl'ltrlrti s1t111h.1rr s"'''""'· w1sTWOOo ,t.S$0Cl.t.t1s, lltffn41 ••• 0i. C• "211 Le.on HP. 1f·l1'~•· ...... at Tr\1Slt1'.I II 'V<ll frv1••e mv111lon was required [or the vide ad~erU1ln,:: 11 gen Cy ,An.r1>1¥ ,.,. A•'"1•1t11"1i.r C.T.A. "61n1~111 i:"" A,..11 ,, "". i oe 1.m ev ~•r•I G we.o1w1r111 . lnOaUon problem. It .teem& sen•lee for msny other ty pes [ "1.1"1o"tc1 ortn'::'~u•t 0 ,0 .. 1110,, ,1.1111.,.111 0r.':.!·•J:., 0,1,w •uet. ~U:.~.,,3:~ O.•no• cttti• 011,v •iipl, ~1.1"11,!::,1•1o;~:.-:·~:,~, 011.., .. 1.,, called foi:.ln regard lo Jobs. of clients. M1rct111. u. o , 1tn •l2·n Mtrc11u,11. '· 011 u 1-n M1•c111t. 11, nli ",.,,'-'•ref! i , 10. 11, un m-11 ' \ .\ ' • 22 DA.IL V PILOT s UCLA F 01·ecast: Opti1nistic • COMPLETE-NEW YORK STO~I( LIST LOS ANCELES <UPI • The na11on s econon' \~ 111 boom tills ~car v.1th 11 rl'<Ort! gross national product rcco d corporate prof 1!~ dec hn 1n;: uoemp1ovment and 1nf1Rt1on la ... 1 a 8:'A"ri.1> Ce <!la &lo, • ltOMt: TAE •fMENTS ACNE DANDRUFF rt ur1 t"'. "'' t "'~"'·" .~ ,, '"'''''"'''''\~ ,,, 81 lt ,.flt 111~. I I (Jf,t,f P l"'dlllf'I( T~tt• • nO 'o nt ~ t r "~""• e• "'tn I w~n• o • •"~ V~ll .. 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P ~• •OC .( 1111ot 011 nu m& Oii lacc110n• h •c•neAO emc•t 0 I !'l'IC C • l6 0 !JCll •A ~ "'"" • cu• loCr •••~ c "'' ""J c~ec~ at~ Hr • 0 O•ncl ulf to Int l• P m~ ti Q B a'•~tlG\ ". '" HAIR TRANSPl"'NTIT OH ll(Ot DISE1'Sl'S -TUMOlllS DEll!MA&R•S OH "CNE Amerk1n Ot•m•lolotr Ht' th Servocr 701 t..11Ctw-INcl \. 1Ce.......S C• t OI J '" ... Jone!. REAL ESTATE INVESTORS GUIDELINES Ntmf Add ~H c ' " :;::::~~;:::::::::I Mo~ n Y pub en on "' 1 0.)I S.'V ING o •• , 111\IESTMEN r de~ ~10 GI\ lle~Uy TUI I IA)( S><E Ll ( I! rem1 eve yo,_. " ~ t i I'd n II f \~Ollld l <>OW n UC1 ~q ~ ~ II f M~r~ MOTOR HOMES SALES • RENTALS 18 fl to 28 ft UTE LINER BALBOA-PACE ARROW LOCATED ON THE NEWl'ORT FREEWAY JUST SOUTH O~ THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY TAKE TH£ Mi::FADDEN TURN OFF TURN LEFT ON VILLAGE WAY 0 N fO N(;[tll > • ' u " • ""' on l>TOCI< M• ~f ~llllE o~ V <>U •• • >C •C• IN}UOIC n ~ J t• TltllEE 1 .. 110 I 1\Utl lf'MI di .. n1 ttncl II 00 It Real ty Enterprises U11lo11 76 lld9 2662 H11bbcrrd Mad11an Olllo 44057 -·-·-. l U'\fl 11 I 111 f nhl Sh r1n al.~r ,,, J(I DS-LOY-B- UN CLE LEN Rt~ •Hh •I Yf IA tr dtl r 1111(111 tns I l~lll'fl~ Miit W f • M ' • ' " '" P Cl dO NII lncludt ••'• or m1r~u1 mt Mdown or <•mm u en NASO L1 st1ngs for Thursday March 16 1972 558-32 2 Saturdays '" MUTUAL FUNDS i~~~~: ·.~ 1411 S VILLAGE WAY Th e DAILY PILOT -:.~.... _,,z7;:m. _.. ~ !:i~ "::J SANTA ANA CAL IF Bnk of NY 1 Fo a.,.nQ ~~ \ldeVMn 16 9n Jbrel Fnd 1lllll1l l0 81 1nc U I '' B11HDI 1 l~~===========::~~:::::::::::::~='i N~w Yo li UP De • T ass '"ju v Int Inv stJ '1 Bnk1T 21• Thlt anriourc.ttn'lent • nel!l'l1 an olle 10 1efl rior a 101 c 111 on of en otte to buy any of lheae secunl N Tne offer s made gnty by Proepectua. $50,000,000 NEW ISSUE IDS/McCULLOCH Ill EXPLORATION PROGRAM -1972 A L m1ted Partnersh p Olf<tr ng subscr pt ons to partoc oate 1n • lax she 1e cd o and gas e~olo a on p 09 am P'OQ am oa11 c pat on m~y ~ aOPOrl oned .-mono lh ee I m t ~ ed partne .ih s:iso gan zed lo perm t 1 o~ t>7i ty n 11 local on and 1 m ng or nvestmcnls M n mum subscr p! on ot $5 000 s comPf sed ol t ve un 1~ ol l------l-•1-:00G-eiten-w1t~!10n!tl t1ntls--itV1'lrlable_,.,,..,~e,..t!'nl~t­ $l 000 Tn ~ Olter ng s ava lable on / to persons n h ghar ilA b atkets (W th certa n other m n mum requ cments). Send !hC couPOn !Of curre1"11 P'l'osoectus to r------~----------------, W I ~,.. E Ch che "'(IDS l!ep) IHCrO N B o~d.,ay So~f, Ano '12 106 11 1 ~1 541 5601 Sef1d tti" currenl 105/McCu tocl\ 0 E~ooa1onProgf1tm -1972 P1ost:1ei;tus tg 11 )llii:;:;il'\ e ' I I I I I I I I I I Jn•r•lnn D vrn ! fd I :;;rr re• ]11c I Sr rtc'~----------- C ,,, _____ sr~1e~--'-'P--- l'hon ,...,.. • .., 19, ~-------------------------~ \Vou ld 'ou p.1 y au cxll a ':i.11 pt r nrunlh lo1 Fnll l\c11 Cai l\la111l e nancc? Thfll <i; t1[\ 1!t ('l(IL \ 11 r I I 1111 I' lf tn~r t1 f.: Snn f 1l1 f\1111 n1 nan r .,r , 11 nv uf n r h rru111 "" 1() :l fllrrrn"~ Jll"! 1h1nk f 11 nn 11,. 1111 , nc: r rr~11 I 1 bl Ii \f'l"C! 1\ \! n ~ r I I I f 1111 R I,. I II ltf' \I If' 1 v :'1 1 ~ l J s ! ~Ion! r \ to <11 1 t \ ,,... f ! nn I 111 :'II 1111 time ... t ncl u• ir 1111 tit lll'nr11 nnd 1 l,.t1-.11,.~ this Inn• , ... 11 I • c 1 ., an p 1 ~ d1;1; on di u 1r Uncoln 1'fcrru1 \ l 1 r1 rt~ ca.11 ncn AU\\f'\ 111 Ill 1"0 2111 HA.P.8011 Bl.\10 COS7 A MESA • 540 5630 D b<I Arod .~t<IDfC (p llJ I SllV>' Furnr '°''°'Com I il l S1B1rd( lS. n C•• on Mulu~ Dodo(• 166 ''l i J•nu~ Fd Cll trl SPO'CI ~61Jl•IB••Clll olO f und A o o edbv~De• F \1 11 JUJJ.li;" on 19 fU sl'CU ll tTY l'OS BanM 05d ne N.0,~0 Inc DREYFUS GIP Jol!n>n 16'111690 Eou >' •u ~II B•••M Dl I 0. Fa 1) lS I• S? ll:EYSTON!. iRV''' I •• 'JG Bl n nd 20 Tllu \dl1 O>I Lv P !0 9 S Cu B 91J100J 11 F 091 t1B1u~tl'IL ll M~ ~I> , ~11 So n,m I 41 9 1' (u1 8 ) 70 11 11 Bl 5ELECTl!'O FDS Bl•• l > Id A•k EATON & ""'' e• '0 ,,, Am Sh OS "B•YU~(11 50 Al>t 0 l ll l 7 t!OWARD CU•I I( l,.<1l 9 l• ODP Fd 111 1110 Btl NI> '1 ADMRA LTY Ban Fd 1010 II (llH I<? 1 1 18' Sp Shl lllt1956 Brl Fd 1 6 C wll 111 l 'l1 Gwn F 6?9 ltl Cu .. S ? IS'lB SO'nllnt f ltlOIJ Bt F OI 210 lncom • B.1 ~ )C lncmt 111 I l1 (u\J S2 1 61 1 It Sen IV f' 161111 l4 Beckm 2d nu n I ! II 9'l l SPtC F 11 10 7 19 Cu SJ 9 f1 10 '2 !hom k fl! (I) 80'C1flf\0 )I) Adv.... s n I 6 s c~ Fd • •J I "I Cu•• S• '~ IN $HAREtllD Giii' Bttcl'!Ar " ... ~~· Fd 1 ~~1Ene1d 11 67l AP<><> ••'Ill 6ll Com •61 5 Betol'I ll)q A u ~ Hl 511EOE Sf\ l9 •91t•t Poo• ~11 615 En P 11111/Btldt n l'IO Ar.f: r d ~•0 6 JIEFC MGMT GIP Knc• Ill ll! F • Fd •50 I Oaed.:tH lDQ "'I~• 111 H SJ Eor. G 996 09/ll(nk Gii I Jll1•6 Hot> t09 ttlB &HI .ii Apn• Fd 1U 60• EoY l'r l/O Sl ltn• I'd 18' 159 Le•a l 611 lllB:m i(O 6ll Amc•aF 111 tS Fl'l!l1'm t O'ltt1LeIGtn1un .. P1teF11 llll •SBl'd• 1 .a Am DY ) tl92lJOJ (Qf Gt 1•11 5Sll.e• Re r. 1618 9,5SNEARSON l'DS B! .. c11 1 10 "'"'EqY 601 6f1EunT 121 Lby Fd 7C!l7c "•Drc lCt t ll tte (poll~ AM EKPllESS E"merq so 170 L•t Inv I ts 919 h>c;Of!I 1tl170tsa:~cpt ~l~ FUND~ En~ q, J 1 J 1 l • G w & '(I SI nvt 1 6 l ?t ("~ ~ O t h FQu F 9 8 O 11 l "' (aD n t5 • j Sh Oe&n f 7'1 lt :tt Btnout p In '"fOM 956 O•l F ~rlld 1'9 J6'1..rlP F'na •10 Sdt Fii 1 JJ l U :·~~eSY! I~ k~~~'" •IKI o ~!~mo ,•,uDe ~~ ou ~z~~ei sl~!"'"s., r:u,•,••,,,B~Jlnd J? !>oc.-1!~o of7 1'D(;LTY c,.nao Jn1•J07<a nv Jll!J<lo!Bac~Oll A r. I" 6 9) 157 GROUP (~p 0¥ l)Sl JS) TI 9fflOllB •lrJn .. Am 1 v 19~ s ~~ Bnd <1~b 918 oat Muvd 551\S!ljVtnrur JU •:l•B s1 L~'"" ..Ao >--AA"' • ;, ..a<llti ~~-.i. ORO...A.l-a1 . Smlih-l---l$...l~~ IUW ' /o ,.N l Ol C on~ OOJOUAla J67 t6SB &GJSl ll 5•P.utBtl ANCHOR rv $Set ,,. Am eu, /<l'.l 1nSo GtnF HM! 1 19Bobb t Br~' GllOtJP O~•t 8 0 e .. a tttb 1 ., sw, ,,., t •• 0 1 Boe no c .0 l'I• E•• 16 ?• llt l lllhen IO l/tSw lnv G 815 tSJ&Osf(I 2! r ~ •w Oii r.,. ! J&J H'OCI 1"i\on1 tl• 1011 Sov In lll! •SI Band lndUI r; ""' 1 '91 Fund 11 It) >.\~qn( 1169 39 S11ec • 911 o 6 BookMO 111 ~'!' 9 6 1v Mn hn S81 6JSSTATE IND GRP Borden 11'0 V•n~ '5~01 Pu n 090 t M~ Gw !U .IJJ Com FO 51' 'JJ 8or'1W 1 ~ W~ N• I 8 1 S• e" F S Ot 6 •4 Ml.SS CO 0 >'fS I S •• i .. Bo m&n• n A1 \>I T e ~ 1 68JO1l F tem S ti t I v" l\o•I EO 1 )6 .,,,•,~ r I I• J ro F NANC At.. ndO F ' •• 9) p O<lrl '1\1 1)) BostEll 1111 IPl!DGRAMS Mas• F I ll2 l 1 s ~If Fm I u • ,, Bou n1 ,,, tlOUt:MlON F" O•n • 6l s Ill MASS FNCL SI~ e sr ! J) ~\ 61 8 •n If Jk I no "' ~ t ) 6 ~) ~" nd • l • ii MIT 13 111 I• "3 STE:•DM1'N FOS Brlft SS I 10 ... 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I ti ,, 111 •!•r,~· ~~~y li H•I lo 9:111 A d flfOt !M 1f N!::!ei J Thur_sday.'s C1osing Price -Co1nplete Nr ,v York Stork Exchange Li st l Market Stumbles Despite Surge NEW YORK !UPI) -Desplle a buying >u rge lite Thursday the stock market cJosed lower fnr the SP.Cond co nsecutive da y Tr1d1ng was moderat ely actJve Shortly before the fin al bell the Dow lones Industr11l Avera~e wa!! off around 11 point at 936 11 Slandard & Poor• 500 stock index (ell O 27 lo l07 48 0£ !he more t h11 n I 750 ISS Ue!'; CfO!i!Slng the tape decline!! led advances by about a 300 issue marsi:1n l•!M NII ,---------------- (k•t l H tk Ltw co•• Ckt .. " " " q '" .. " "' "" ' "' "' "' " • "' "' "' ~ I ,., '" • • " " ". " ... " "~· "" ""' ,,. '~ ,,~. " ,,.,, .. n, ''" March 1'71 s DAILY •l\Ot ''"'0 p •• ~ 1 0.0. I "'~" !'I '~ I • • ~ ~ Ol '·~·~r ~~ l•r.• • ~ , <• • • • • 11 ~""" -~'"""'"~"' • " • • • • . .. 0• • . " • • • " .. .. " " , .. "' ' • ' '" " ' • .. •• ' . ' , .... ,{ " . lU " . '" ' ' " ' .. ' r o-• Co111plete Closi11g Prices-A111erica11 Stoel\. Ext·hange Li ~t '""' York Salea \lnh1111e "' ' '" •• N• t~••f Ht~ Ltw Cou c~~ •• L•w C"'•• c~, • ' ,~ •'" " ... r~ • r n ... • • • t~ (np " .. '" • • '" • • '"n~tr w '• ""• .-nq '·~~-~ .. ~ ... ~. • ' 4~ )l . ' , " ' ' . ' " ' . , .. "' I} •• ,. .. . , .~. s , ,,, 1n 1r .. ~ 11 . lt 11 .. ' ~. n • • ' ' . " 1•1 )~l· :~: " , .. " . ~ 10 • ' • a It} " " , .. " • .~ o n .,o ~ '" " . " ' ""' .. •1 ~ No10 .I 11 • l .. • • • • u M• Oki I \M ll<>U~ ~ " ' 1 11 • ' . '" 11'1 s H 1 " ' !I~ Mr (.ot:' " • • • ' ,I "' -··-. , .. . "' fl II • '" ' ' ' "" ,. .. " '" , '. ,,. •• l .. • 'I" ' .: '" ' " '" " ' " " . ' "' ' I' t l ' H 1i~ '" • • ' ... ' • '" Brief·~ • f.n~ I •t•ett!fr • • ,,. .. • • " • • .. -• • • .. ' • • _,. ' Cl fo \ ELAN I) -Arlhur C Mt Krr 11nrl Co h11~ obt111ntd • !iilll>-hcen st nn 11 prn!'elll~ In n111kt ~ubslltutt n11tu r11I Ii!"~ frn m \\ he.3sor 11nd ( n ,,f D11rl 1ng1 on f ngl11nd y.h1ch b"' 1 prime hf"t nse for lht Bril 1J11i\ ( 11s t ounc1! s c11t11 I~ hr rich gRlll pr 0Ct 8!11 • ' ...... ,. """" 1'111 S R ll R1 II Yittl1n~hou~I' F lrrlr1r tnrp h11s ordutd fl vr nutle11r rl'aic- lor \f!JllSt'llll to t'O);I $15 m1l1 1nn from Combu!iilion En1trneer1nir: < nrp or """ Vnrk Thrv v.1\1 hr ~111t 111 f'h11tt11r1of\l:ll Tenn. Ant1 JAill ht 4drl1 ~ei ed !fl domP~!lr r u 'I n m e r a ti "e'un.s oou~r dur1nt 197~ GOLD DUSTER PACKAGE INCLUDES FREE VINYL ROOF NOT A STRIPPED CAR '71 4 door, 4 1pt.d only. 1763 miles. Bodv 1lrip11, radio, whifa wall rad ial ply tir1'1, p/fronl di1c br11k11, bucket 1eah, raclr. & pinion 1taarin9, coil spring 1u1pan1ion. flow thru Ytnlilating 1y1!tm. I 175DFCJ 6 cylinder, 3 speed stick. (692· CC KI. 5695 .. • ALL AMERICAN ER !! SEE IT TODAY-ORDER IT TODAY ••• At Huntington Beach Chrysler Plymouth """w_l _N -A-G-OL_D_D_US-T-ER-! ---.o.-.. G-o .. -----· '72 SATELLITE CUSTOM S~DAN NOT A STRIPPED CAR But 1quipp1d wifh lll VI, Autom11ic Trani., Powar Staar- ing, Radio, Whita Wall Tir11, Ti11itd Gl1t1, Carp1ting, Vi11yl interior, IRHiJ,62C106115) WIN SJOCK IN A GOLD MINE! STAKING YOUJI CLAIM Visit Huntington 81•ch Chry1ler/Plym11uth and pick 11p you, entry i11 the "Pan for Gold" e onl11t now. Everyone who 1nf1ri win1 1 1replie1 of 1 Tw111ty Ooll 1r C1liforni1 gold piece. You m•y win ih• fir1t pri1e -100 1har11 of stock in the still I C•' tiv1, 11u9g1t-yielding Yellow Knife Con1 olid1ted Gold Mine, and 1 1972 Plymouth Gold Du1f1r. MOIE WAYS TO STRIKE IT RICH Or you m1y be one of '4 11cond P'iir. .. inners -wil t. 1 1972 Plymo!Jfh Gold 0111ier. •CDnlt•I R1,ues. I. No purchase nece,sory. 1. All unclaimed prlz!I will bi! 1w111·titc1 bY rondom dr1wlnQ from en1r1es 1ubml1tfd. No c11ll 1ub1!llu!lon1 f(lr prlz9'. 3. Contest open ro all licensed dciYers. 11 ve•rs or older. •. Conlnt c1ose1 midnight M11rch ll, 1tn. 5. Vvld In W••~ln;lon, W!scon•ln, Missouri, 1nd where pro. hlblled by law. 6. WlnMP,S are llabte for 1111 1la1e and IOCll 1ues. 7. Nol t ll9illlt fOf' Pl'lillf ar1 11mployftl ana IRS depenawits of Chrysler·PIV~lh OIYIJlonl Ill Ot•l•r., •dYtr'lllif'lll lgffCie$, •l'olt Visual SH'Ylces, Inc: . 4 DOOR HARDTOP NOT A STRIPPED CAR ll ut aquipptd with JI I ~I, automatic tr1n1., power 1latring, radio, rtmota control mirror, tinltd glau. Yinyl 1idt moldin91. ( PH'4 3G2DI02161l $3095 CHRYSLER DEMO. '72 Imperial LeBaron 2 .DOOR HARDTOP . 440 VI, dual air conditicrning with climalt control, lint1d' gla11. 11lagu1rd 11ntin1I, h1adli9ht dimmer, Power Windows, Rea r Dafogg1r. AM/FM Sitrto, Liathar lluckat S11!1 with P1111n91r Recliner, Viny l Roof, Clock, El1ctronic lg niti.on Svslam. i:VM2l·T2C-104272 ~2 000 '67 FIAT 850 SPIDER '65 BARRACUDA FASTBACK Extra Sharp! l ime g ~een with black top, 4 speed, radio, heat· "'· I VTTOSl I 5995 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, heat. .,. INRFl 56l 5395 '70. PLY. SATELLITE WAGON '65 FORD CUSTOM '65 CHRYSLER 300 2 DR. H.T. '64 PONTIAC GTO 4 speed, VS . A real hot rod. IEBL1q1 I s495 ·5 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, heat- "'· IFEA71ll s· -- '67 CHEVY CAPRICE 4 Door Hardtop. F.actory air, VS, automatic, power steer.ing, power bra kes , viny l roof. !ZSJ546) 5 795 '66 OLDS CUTLASS CPE. VS, automatic, powe r steering, radio, heater. I SL W752) 5595 .. . ~._,, Factory ai.r, powtr .brakes, power st eering, vinyl roof .. 1 ~MN4_98 l $ '69 TOYOTA 4 DOOR Automatic, factory air, radio, hea +e,. IZSRJ SJ I 51195 '65 COUPE DE VILLE Full factory power, factory a ir cond. IPBP98J J 5895 ATTENTION CREDIT BUYERS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEf( UNTlt 10 P.M. 1. New ht St11te 2. Sit.rt •• 4ow• 1t9¥1Mltt J. um. er -cMit ~. Short TI!M •• Jolt COMI IN AND St:l US. CREDIT MAY I! NO PROILIM HIRE. ALL ADVEITISID CA~S SUIJtCT TO Pll:IOk SALE ALL PllCES PLUS TAX• LIC. • l IOINGEI HUNTINGTON ~ BEACH t CHRYSLER· ~ PLYMOUTH.H~ °YQ "WAll:NEI ------~ L.ok fer TN lh1e • WhlN Sit" ' I LOOK FOR THE BLUE & WHITE --SIGN , ... u Shak onet Cha natur grow ·Not Coast of th could scrip lelev· that The Rich a No • nians 'Cham Theat Cen GRA Gra tour · Nol Only Falk.a fake aense nor th script in ·su Tom ganlen f\Dlny Queen, Miller' --part-u Centu Eliza Jater. PROO Whil tllanks the i partlcu Arnold ' his tori Richa . Jn s season, ing. It 'thing" safety Shakes produ half. The CRO By scene sign Ifie tf It isn entire In a J1ck . whose crown As the it.le hard closing the • ~ ... • '. ' . .. lhu"'1.,, Marth 16, 197Z DAILY PIUIT J$ •• A Complete Guide ••• (Where to go • •• What to "' ••• Dr. l(ildare Grows Up-- Richard II - By GEORGE LEIDAL ot 1t1e D•lly l'lltt Stiff ·Unfortunately, one cannot view a Shakespearean perlonn~ce by teevee'1 ottetime Dr: Jtildare -.R i c h a rd Chamberliin -without remarking with a natural inc?edtllity 0 ?\fy, how he's grown." ·Not Jong ago, Chamberlain,·the Orange Coast's bid for interpreter extraordinaire of the Bard of Avon's works, proved he could breathe new life into the stodgy scripts. That Chamberlain did on television as a Hamlet unsurpassed. But that was television, the cynic a.aid. Then there was a Seattle production of . ' Richard II. Now, fortunately for southern caiifor.' • nians there is a Richard II starring ·Chamberlain gracing the Ahmanson Theatre stage in ·the LOs Angeles Musie Center unUI April. GRACING Gracing is the word for this directorial tour 'de force by Jonathan Miller. Not that he overpowers us with splen- did sets. A rambling, yet impressive, assemblage of bared boards -all askew as was Richard's kingdom at the begin· ning of the 21st ·year of his reign -is at enCe Rlvenspur coast, lofty Westminster and a Briatol castle garden. The 1torm.Jossed playing surface Is. one auspeds, no serendipity. Placid courfyarC:l of the Old Minion in San Juan Capistrano awaits arrival of swallows Sunday. Swallow s t o De scend on Mission By JOHN VALTERZA And the visitors to the old mission and crannies throughout the area-is in short is acknowledged as California'!"> oldest north\vard migration that takes about 10 Q.f 1h• Di11, Piiot s1111 the Village of San Juan ~ii.I probably out· supply this year because of a severe surviving structure. days. TThhe ble~d is unll iqlue. number lhe Chifping birds throughout drought. Theories abound about the scientific Romanticis ts, however, still believe in e recipe ca s or: the celebrat1'on. But, long before the·11· presence became f h · · t 1· · £ th J J r h Th nd I t. d r1 · b. ds h. rea son or t e p1npo1n 1m1ng· o e ess empirica reasons or t 1 -ousa s 0 iny, a ing Ir w 0 Parade!!, carnivals, businessmen and an institution, the birds have found their birds. phenomenon. migrate to Argentina and back each IV"ommuru'ty leaders dressed ,·n peri'od ; mud, say the experts. year. .." Other less sc1e.ntific theses are plentiful Some say a Franciscan friar genera. _ An old Spanish mission that grows garb. and a rel!gi?Us procession ?f Apparently, the flocks ~ave returned on as well. tions ago chided 3 local tavern keeper for \ Jt -adds atreqgth. Fosters a movement of the play lb.at otherwise would make hriis-artistlcal~nd-aoa<lemieally-toond production a drag. more charming with the years. Span1sh·dr~ssed mission studen!S all 'Ylll th~ same day (Sunday this year) for cen-Avionics' Engineer Joseph E. Portnoy M;Jining the sw~ll~w nests and invited the- -Children from that mission's take ~lace mt~ smaJI ~ommun1ty during __ tur1es~ ---• -----oLLos_A.ngeles_believes..t.he.birds!..annual"--.bird.s._Jo..lhe..Missian. ~---------• ath<itf IR!Cit-wlferenundre s o(------the-F-testa~las Golondrinas-(fea~the-But only in tlielate19"20sCJ1d ilie re.tu_m migration ls triggered by the changing Others later believe the birds' migra· ~ES Only the rich costumes by Gabriella Fallt set the period, believably in 1397. No fake grayatooe castle walls are needed to sense the drafts of the interior scenes, nor the outdoor chill. They live in the- script and the richness of language Miller preserves by selective, textual cuts. The actors, most of whom are equally matched to Chamberlain'• skill, project the rest for an unusual understanding of the poet-king whose weakness brings bis kingdom down about him. The evening, hardly an entertainment in · sum, does offer moments Of mirth. pioneer San Juan Capistrano families swallows) ,and the annual celebration of of the swallows become an off1c1al angle and length of the shadows cast by tion is triggered by changes in their food have received their education. St. J~seph s Day. . phenomenon. the sun this time· of year. suppl y -bugs. · -~d a song that eve 1' yon e Whtie the folks .will ~robab_Jy set Since then a popular song has honored He believes the swallows can discern Bugs are plentiful in San Juan this time remembers. r~rds, ~he sma ll b1r,ds might hnd the the species and the Old Mission has won the changing pattern of their shadows of year. All that will merge this weekend as the go mg a bit rougher this year· its place as a foremost California through the seasons. They oiWnd to disappear late in October Jewel of the Missions accepts the flocks Mud -the basic material the birds use historical landmark. ·rhe shadow pattern ' flattens in early -just about the same time the birds of swallows as it has for generations. · for their nests that adofn eaves and The handiwork of Fray Junipero Serra March, he says, thus triggering the head south. Capo Plans Big Parade, Pageantry A cast of. thousands is expected to take Ballet Mexico Folklo rico to Music Brings Center -Theater Opens One Man Show Proving that the mood of rebellion cur- rent in today's youth is not new, actor· mime Raoul Franck will call on the works of such revolutionary thinkers,· Tom Toner and· Lee Q>rrigan as ·the gardeners, are the prime example. '111eir funny moments within' earshot of the Queen, bridge the 500 years th.at but for part in the weekend's celebration of the Miiier's interpretation otherwise would return of the swallows to San Juan -us-from-the-humm-warmUt-oH4th-c;8p1s rano. past and present, as D.H. Lawrenc~ Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Tagore and Rod A lively program of dances ranging McKuen to illuminate the ideas that have from ritual huntin ceremo_n)!!s o -~~"'l'!'liy.ated..e:eneralions_oLfi:ee_spirits,...ln---- Century England as viewed by an th Elizabethan playvnight nearly 200 years And all e events are free . later. On Saturday, starting at 1 p.m., streets PROGRAM While we're on the subject, many thanks to the Center Theatre Group for the informative program n o t e s • particularly USC professor A e r o I Arnold's account of Shakespeare's hist.orlcal accuracy, or lack of it in Richard II. . In short, this closing work of the CTG season is in some respects the most dar- ing. It iacks the ribald style of ''A funny Thing" the cleverness of 0 Sleuth ', the safety ~f a reprise of "C&ine Mutiny". Shakespeare can be a bore. For some this production wu, many left alter the first half. The value of seeing this Richard JI is akin to completing a lengthy, difficult book and knowing you understood what you read. CROWN By the time the unnecessary pieta acene unfolds , you understand the significance of Richard ·11·1 crown, even tf it isn't worn once by either king Jn the entire three hours. Jn an ·outstanding characteriiation, Jack ·Ryland is banished Bolingbroke, whose motivations 1o usurp Richard's crown are left uncJear by Shakespeare. As the Christlike figure ; of the dead Richard is brought before him In that closing scene, Miller's direction drawa the answerleu question too sharply. Admltf..ily bits o! tho· Christ parallel 1 are in the BJrd's work, but tht literal Im· agtry, although the most dramatic rno- lment ~ the production, metbinu .pro. tests too much. I Again, partly because this Richard ne'er wore the crown that burdened him ... A ....... Bolincbrot•. cum Henry IV. rso eschews. I will be closed to accommodate more than 200 entries in~ annual Fiesta las Golondrinas Parade through the main thoroughfares of the city. Custom-carved trophies depicting a monk, hewn from hardwood, will be awarded immediately following the parade. Other entertainment is scheduled in the village through the rest of tM day and evening. On Saturday evening a Salud Al Presidente dinner honoring celebration president C.P. McDowell will begin at a p.m. in the El Adobe restaurant. Tickets are on sale at the restaurant. On Sunday it will be the Mission's turn to celebrate with a procession of hun~ dreds of costumed youngsters. a pageant and period dancing on the Old Mission grounds. The events will start at 1:30 p.rn . Admission to the mission is 50 cents per person. Chorale Voices Ready to Chime A spring concert will be presented b1 the Laguna Festival ChoraJe Friday and Saturday, March 2f.25, in the Laguna Beach Art Inltltute Gallery. 'tile 8 .p.m. performance Wil] open With Gounod's "Sanctus" sung by te11or Joseph Wood, followed by Faure's 0 Requitm." A balanced program or late 19tb ctn- lury and modem duo and lour part ·har- mony by composers Verdi, DavJs and Randall Thompson wlll complete the COii· cert. Ticket!, at IJ.50 !or adults and 75 centa for 1tud111u. are available frGm chorale lnembers and at the door. .. Actor appears in "Los Parachico•," 11 traditional children's dance. Rosalinda Torres, dances in "Fiesta en Veracruz.'' \ cie nt Olmec civilization to the spirited his one--man show, "Some Rhyme or contcn1porary folk dances of the Reason," opening Thursday at the Hollywood Center Theatre. Veracruz fiestas will be presented by Franck, recently returned from tw(J Mexico's Ballet Folklorico in the Music decades of living and working in Euro. Center's Pavilion March 21·29 at 8:30 p.m, pean films and theatre, subtitles his It contains those numbers which have show, "Proverbs and Protest." been top favorites with the male T~ show will play Thursdays through Sundays at 8:30 p.m .. Tickets are now on thousands of tourists who come to see t e sale at the boxo(fice and all Ucket agen· company in its home theatre, the Belles cies. Artes Theater in Mexico City. The program will include ''Los Pa rac k:icos," a traditional children's dance of the last century. Also. a new series o( dances entitled "Chiapas" reflecling the folklore peculiar to the Mexican state of that name. The dances depict various courting and wed· cling ceremonies of the 1,oque and r onaltcca areas of Chiapas. Other works are "The Olmecs," deal· Ing with ri tuals of the earliest Mexican culture, and an imaglna live dance con· nected with the famed paris;h church at Tonantzintla. Two rousing dances from other p:irts of l\.1exit'O -"Fiesta In Veracruz·• and "Jalisco"-wil l return in the S. Hurok at· tlractlon wh ieh features native musicians from Vera cruz and mariachis from J alisco. The Ballet Folkorico will also bring its most popular work , the Deer Dance of the Yt1qui Ind ians. Th e Yaqui are self. governini;: and live In a remote section of -Sonora, This ritual dance is performed by young boys who are trained from childhood to take the part of the d~r in these dances. The company of 75 dancers, singers and musicians t~avel with a staggering wardrobe of. atithentic costumes. WEEKENDER INSmE FEATURES Friday, Marth 11;. 1'1% UCI graduate leaves ·campus and does what every young man should do -spend a spring in Paris. Daily Pilot staff writer George Leidal takes a look at a French Jiterature scholar who tumed on to drama. See Page 26. Gulde tu F11n l,3ge 2$ Tn the Galleries Page !S Out 'N' About Page 26 Intermiss ion Page 27 1\-tarUyn Atichnels Page %8 Movie Gulde Page 29 Live Thtattr Page 30 Rtcord Rtvlew Page 30 Terrence O'Flnherty Page 30 . Tickets are :iva ilable from $2.50 to $6.50 • agencies. A n111tinee w:Ul~be:_:S::l•~g=ed~•::.I_. ___________ _ 2'30 p.m. .March ' 28 DAILY PILOT UCIGRADUATE • ir OEtlftGS LBJD.U. tM .... ,Ir •0111 ..... ~o mGr« wlU lht ptJamaot'lld fi1ure of ~):_e1r-<1ld ~1mr:1 Nf!rwD04 "--~"l!d rteitin1 Kin& Rlehard 111 11 cpenfna solil(). quy while jomplr1.1 rrtl)f In • ground floor apartme.nt In N~wpnrt At11ch. ''r-.'tH\ h1 !hf ~·in!tr of 11ur rl1~c·nntent f\IActe i;:lorlnu~ .sun1mrr b\ lh1~ sun ol 'll'lrk : · ;\nrl ,,II !he tloud.~ lh.11 lour'1t u1)11n ou r hnu~P In .rhe deep b0Yl n1 of the u1·t·tJt1 h11nt'd 11111!1 :.:1n1·r !hf' ~111nrnrr •1f !!1711 ~hC'n '\nr11nM. '111 rhrn ;i Frrnrh l1l rr;:itur,. rn:i· JOr at l f lr,1nr '"lurnC'd (1n \1) drama", /hi' 1·nt";:il And JUmprop1· 1·xert:L~r h11·e btrn ;:in 1mpru !unr part of h1~ life. \nr"nod. ~ho .;1arrl·d a~ \lun:1 Lisa in· lhf' rrt'rnt l('t dran1a \\IU"l..:-hnp pro· du!'l1on of ·Fortunr and \h'n ~ l~rcs" lrft lhe H·.rbnr Arra !h1.s "''rrl. f11r ("1nt1nued s1ud1r.s in Frani.:r .\'rxi f.111. h1"11 crirolt at l'C Rrrl..Plc1 1n a ma.s!rr'.s drgrce pr~ gran1 in drarna . ·rhf' ,1·outh frnn1 Sru·atoi,.::1 1.~ a111011g aboul ~ L:CI ~tudrn11; \.\•ho h;ive l'l)m· plelcd lh('Jr studlts \.l'll h !hf' ('nd vf the winter quartrr. F'or N0rwood. co111ple1 iun 1Jf a du<il nia· jnr in Frrn("h 'l iter11111re and drama at UCI. ··1s just lhP hcginni11.i,:." 1 ··rm ohiicssf'd with !he ult« 11f becont· ln_E a scholar." Norwood s;ud . '"Lr;;rning i~ !hf> erealrSI fcclln.i,: [ t'Xl)f'rJf'JICe." The. a\·owcd l'Xl~l1'nt1ahs! w h 11 ll I! pursuit or !he mon11•nr hfl.~ uut in(·luded usr or drugs or s1•nsual lhrtlls n1ore Cl· C'itin~ than eu rhng un wilh a h4.ok by his f11 vor1lr Vrcnch author, M;irccJ Proust, plans a spring in Paris "J:cll1n~ to know Gnth1c arrhitrcture belier." Hf''lf .study, frequent ttieatcr1; and hr11.~h up on hi.s m.:i.stcry of .spoken F'rrnth. ThPn. "!hr tutlrsl ;ini.:rl" of a sixt h grade produc:t1un in l!UiO who h;:id :ii 10- ve;ir I he a Ir 11· fl I hiatu.~ before :.disrol'cring·· a new Jove o/ lhc;:i!t'r. will IX' back at a<'li ng. ~1 ore prctisrly. Norwolld \\'i ll be work· In~ \\"ith his Aincriran Consr rvalory Thealrr lcath1·r f'h1ll i11 Pruneau thi s ~un11ncr . l'run!'au \\'ill dirc!'l Projctl Arlaud in San Fraru·isl'o. "It's a grnup encounter thcattr -nn nn1atrur lralning ground.'" Norwood C'Xpl;iins. Last year. NorwuotJ "''as une or lwu UC I drama student s to "'ork with Pruneau at lhe ACT sun1 mer !raining congress al.so in San ~·raneis{'O. Besidl's his r'tspect for as~c1ale pro- tessor Robert Cohen al UCJ. Norwood crediL, hi.~ ACT Congress experience for his greatest growth in acting skill. 111 the Galleries ' Yu1111g Actor H~uds· lor Pc1ris 'Learning is th. greate~t feeling t experie'1cf.' Thal sununcr experience included da ily sessions rrom JO a.m. to !i p.m. working on acting. dance movement. mwic. voi~~ produttion. spel'ch. cirtus lechniques, 11.trnbl ing and rl'ading mu.sic. Norwuud. \.\'hose firn1 ~cling voice pro- jC{'ts a sensi tive brcathiness. says his singing voice is or a llua tlty ··1 only innict on n,1y showt•r." . His least fav11rlte dirc(·!or expCrienced lhus far, is lle rbert Machi1 .. the New York visitor to UC/ last f<1 ll and director of ··.\!other Coura.i:e" in which N0rwond l1cld down a hil rule. as t/1e regimental t•lerk, W1lh M;ic·h1z, 1-1110111 Nur"·ood said "ex- pccli'd .student~ In pcrlurm like Equity actors" l'ame l.nt!e 1..en\'il "11 w.:is ii nice rling . work1n.i: '.l't1h lhe.ater history ln a compaC'l. fj\·p.fnnt fnrm. ·· NnrwOf'ld ~;ud . Of the two UC! productions Norwood llitld the '..lf'ortune" c;i,1;t enj<>ytd 11 fee.l ing or en~mblt "11 unity th11l was J11ckin11 1n 'Mother Couragt"." he said. Unli ke lhe right-ria1ed regi men set dnwn by M11chit, Norwood -l1uded ttlt: ··1oose. ca:sual " dirl!<!ting style (Jf UCl .iludt.nt Mark Sirinsky. "He didn't criliciz.e . .. when an actor i.• turned loost like tha t, j)l tru11ted by a director it is eaJ1ier 10 come up with Sl)methjng good ." No1·"·ood. except for the sexual pri..r cl1vltie11 of the cbaracter. admi~ he is a bh of the passive Mona I.is&. Like the .Jnhn Herbert character whose J1enl11ttvity 1s percei1•ed by others as we<1knPs.~ arid 1\•hose beauty ts a liability and not an asset, !\'orwood 5a}'.!i he 1s reluclaol to 11ubje<:t hiro,self to the "dog eat d(Jg·• world of the profe53H>oal the ater. Jullt all Mona 5ensed the impend lnt tragedy of his rAilroadtd confineml!nl in the boys' pri~n . N(JrwOod says. blunlly, •·r th ink I'd get ki lled up thl!re in Hollywood ." Instead of the "plunge into the chaotic miasma " of .'litruggling talents. Norwood prefers lo recall the Tennts!lee Williams imagery or a "cool damp lawn and 1 wh ite crt1 nt! in migrstion. I like the com· fort of a momentary solitude,'' ht said, ::idding that'.!i what attractll him to the thought of teaching. Paris ·or him are bits of Williams' characters, too. he adds. Williams is Norwood '5 favorite AmeriC'an playwright and his UCI aC'ling credi ts include that of Aaron de Ch arlus in "Camino Real." F'or Prof. Cohen, Norwood staae mana11ed a production (J( ·'The Mobius Twist." completing bis theatriC'al credits at UCJ. Unlike a Williams character, Norwood sets goals for himself. His goal this summer is to translate in· lo F.nglish an "obscure French critical work by 19tb century clauicist Funcl· Brentano." He looks forward to teaching dram11 al a junior college ''possibly Orange Coasl." He deplores the urbaniU1lion which has spoiled the Santa Clar& Valley ol · Nort hern CAiifornia where he grew up with hill parents, oow retired, in 8: "big house on the hill with a vltw of the vall llv ... like Chekhov 's Cherry Orchard·. ;. he add~. •le also leaves behind nearly five years of 35-hours a week studying that earned him a 3.342 grade point average for the equivalent of two bachelor's degrtes. And . for the handful of Orange Coast theater enthusiasts wbo marveled .:it Norwood'~ interpretation of the Sl'K'iety· lrndden Mon11 in ··Fortune·· thi.s winttr, he leaves us with the Mpe his talents will bt seen again htre someday. Multimedia Art ,Performs NEWPOR'I" HARROR. AltT ~1USEL1i\-1 -221 1 \Ve.st Balboa Blvrt .. Newport Beach . Hours: noon to 4 J'f.m:-Tlrrs.-::-sITn.:"" closed Mnn. In !hi! main gatlrry. 11 til'E' multimertia cxh1b1t by the San F'ranciscn rcrformanel! v.'i!I in<'lurle e<'oloi;:lcal and perfnr1T111nl'e-uricol ed ;irt. All as[>C('ts of modern rom· f!lUn italion will be used. 'l'hroUJ:h April 16. LAfi UNA llEACJI GAl.1.t-:nr -307 C'l1rr J)ri\'('. Laguna B<':H·h. Hours ll :JO a.m. lo 4:30 p rn . daily. ~!embers. mult1- mrrlia exhibit through April 2. ~CHOCIL OF Fl 1~l-.: AHTS (iALLJo:n Y -Uri c·<1n1pus. llnurs: Tues.· Sal. 11 a.m. · 3 pm .. clo.sed Sun .. ~Ion . 1\1;:i1!1c lrit•k.s exhibit by Rarbara MUnger. Alexi s !-im11h and Ann M;:irie T11u.~. throui::h Mll rt'h . CHALLIS GALl.t-:JtlJo,:"i -1.190 S. (00.1st.,lllgh'.l:i.v. l.:iguna Bc11:rh. Hours: 11 a.rn . to 5 p.n1. t111il.v. On cxh1b1t through ~1arch HI. rc~:l'n l pain!111g.~ of J;in l\:tsprzycki and Bnb f'rt k. .IACI\ f;Lt;1\'N GALl.l<~Hl' -2631 r:ast l'o11st Hij:!h"·ay. Cornn11 dcl f\1ar . !fours : IJ a n1 . to 5 p.n1 . dail .v. On exh1bi! ab stract painlings by John t'lr rn Clurkc thrn11gh Marth 21. ~1e,o;a. On exhibit rtu ring_ regular busines~ hours, oils anrt miii<I' media by Tony M11r~h. throuJ(h M11rch . TRANSAM~-:RICA TITLE CO. -170 E. 17th SI.. CM.tit Me~a. Qn exhibil during reJ:ul1r bu:iines.! hours through March. oils hy Herschel Yeager, OOW1\'l-.:Y SAVINGS -:100 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. On ex· hib1t during rCKUlflr busioess hours. walercolors b,v ClarencP .SOrcnsoo, uils and acryl ics by c;ordon Andre"' and A1ark Calhoun. and oil s by Lloyd Dunn. through March. Gl.F.N lli\Lt.: Fl<.:IJt~HAL SAV INr;s -2300 Harbor Rl vt1 ., Co~l<I ~1es11. On exhibit through March during regular husi· ncss hours. oils by Mary Long. l\1All 1Nt:RS SAVJN<iS -1515 Westcljff Drive. Nl!wport RC'ach . On rxhibit durin,ll business hours . w8lerOJlors b.I' ~;t11A·11rd E. JohnSf1n. Sl-.:CURITY rACIFIC -19fi !!:. 171h St , Co.~l.a Mes.:t. ()n f'X· hih11 <luring regular business hours. oil paintings by Peggy Russell lhrough March. ·Mariachis Make Music ' . . lavish costumes, plumes and masks enhance •uthe'1ticity of the lnternatiolia l Ballet Folklorico. ·11 • 'De1ert City • Plani'. 'Fiesta ' r,t1sJe11, 1111r 11110 end eel· orlut ntt'11bir. wttl b< the · ho,lloro« ••tlon dur!na tht Pltrh Sprin11 Dese.rt Fie1t1,._ March 17·21. A day-long Melican fiesta presl!nted by the Mexican Colony Club of Palm Sprin1s takts place Saturday. March 18 . It will be staged in lhe Palm Springs Mall beginning at noon. Admission is free. Tht fiesta will includt authe:ntie Mexican food . dances, games marichaiJ. d1ncing f(Jt adults and lhe crowning of the Desert Fiesta Queen al 8 p.m. O!htr evenl.ll during the week-loni;: fesli vi tiei; will M performances by the -tnterna· lional Ballet Folklorico nt Mexico. It presents a musical l\istory of Mexico, featuring dances or the A7.tecs, M1y1ns and Cnatlicueh. complete with lavish costu mes, plumes and ma sks . The f.olden Knlghts. the U.S. Army's crack, w()rld· f;imous Parachutl! Team. will drop from the 11kil!s (If the California desert f(lr 1 highlight of th~ 1972 Dtsert Fiesta Week c e I e b r 11 t ion honoring Mexico, March 17-28. The Golden Knights will bl making t h e I r spectacular jumps int() Angel Stadium nn Saturday. March 25, II AP-. proximately I p.m. and aga in on Sunday, March U. 1lso at one p.m. Where to Go, What to Do Cal: State Looks at Black. Culture AIARCH 20 -24 BLACK CULTURE WEEK -California Slate College 111 Ful· lerjon "''ill nbserve Rlack Culture \Veek. ~larch 20-24 . on !he collrge campus. Events "'·ill includ e Afri~an Daner .sho"" J.q7.z pcrfnrmancc. and Co.~pE'l singers, for full schedule call CSF Activi ties Office, 8i0·:121 I. lon presenL• world premier of Ra y Bradbury's f')wn play- with adaptation of his book or short sl.orie:s, ··01ndellon \Vine." at 8::io ·p.m. March 17·1!1 in the Litt le Theater M campus. Author Bradbury Is guest 1'rtist of lht 1971-72 season. Tic kets. SJ at theater box office . 870-3371. MARCH li-2& 1\·IAKCH 17 OESERT FIESTA -Palm Springs .11nnual desert Fil!stl F'Rli:t:; CONCt:RT -Golden \\lest Symphonic. R;:inrt, dirPCt· will Feature Mexican-stylt> entertainment, March 17·26. Pro- ed by Thomas Hernandez, will pla.1' <11 8 p.m. 1\i.:trch 17, ~rams ;ire available: at Palm Springs Convention and Visi· in the Golden \Vest College Communi1y Theater. 15744 Gold· tors Bureau. en \\'est St, Hunt ington Bcaeb. The pr01?ram y,•ill incl ude l\1ARCH 17 • APRIL I Csar'., Bride" by Ri1nsky Korsakov and ··sJucbcJls of Scot· Pl .• ANt:TA RIUi\1 SHOW -Tessman Planetariurri at Santa land"' by Arthur Pryor. Admission is free. Ana College, 1530 W. 17lh St.. Sanl.a Ana . will present • MARCii 17 , special .show. "Six SeCf>nd5 Left Over," each Tues. and RR A H1\1~· CONCl-.:H'I' -•·Joh <1Qne.s Brahms' Germ.:i n Re-Thurs. Rt 7:15 p.m. through April 6. Show will e:xplAin the qulem" bv the Irvi ne M;istl'r Chorale 11nd Orchestra under oriRin of our calendar. Admission is free, but reservations lhe d\reclion of Maurite Allard will hf' presen!et1 al R:Jo· must be made. Phone 547-~561 . Ext. 314 . p.m. Frid;:iy, Mar{'h !7. at (;a rden (:rove Communif.y Church. MARC.H JI 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove. FILM FESTIVAi. -Orcas Skin Diving Club will present an -, i\-1Af{CH 17 ... underwater film festival al 8 p.m. Friday, March 17. in TRAVl-.:1. FILM -1\l'ewport Harbor Ki"·an1s Fnundalion will f iars!en .rnye High Scbool 11uditorium......U%7U.lanfru:Uve., pre11ent John -uoddarct:-llarrattng-hlr tt.Wt!lfilrn "Kayaks-Garden Grnve. Tickets are U.SO at scuba diving sho~. at Down lhp Nile·· at 8 p.m. f'riday, M;ir ch 17 in Or.:tnge the door. or call 675-2031. ~st Colleae auditorium. 2701 Fa1rv1ew Rd .. Costa Mesa. ~1ARCH It T1cke1s.•s2 for ;idulls. $1 for s.tude_nls. at the door.. OCC CHORALE _ Evening College Chorale Ciroup. directed i\~A_nc.H. 11 , by Richard Raub. will perform at 8:30 Sunday. March 19, YOUTH ~ONCE RT -Calif~r n1a C:harnbcr Symphony Or· in the OrAnge Coast Colle:gl! auditorium. 2701 Fairview Rd., chestra _will present lwo _40-m1nute ~oncerts til !1 :_45 _and l ll:4~ Costa Mtsa. Tkkets, s2 for adults. Sl for students, at the a.m. F,r1day. March 17, tn the Huntington Reach High Schnol d audit(lrium . Sixth grade students y,·ill .:ittend from Newport· nor. MARCH It· U Mesa School District. Tickets tire available through schools attend ing. i\IARCH 17 ROCI\ CONC~~RT -Rig Brother and the Holding Compan.v. lJl(lpi11 anrl Redeye will be presented in concert 11t Cypress ColleQ"r. 9200 V11lley View SI.. Cy prrs.s. 8 pm M:trch 17. Ad· missi(ln S2.~ .:it \Vallich.~ ~1usic Cit~·. Mutual ;ind Liberty..., aQ"enc\e.s. and al CyprP.ss Colle~e Bonk~tore. l\fARCH 17 -19 "'ORLD PREl\-1lERE -California Slate Col!cgE' al Fuller· f'lNI:: ARTS Wl=:EK -Orange Coast College rine Arts Wttk ~chedule will include jazz performances, experimental thea· ter production!'! Rnd art. exhibits, March 19-25. on lht. OCC campus. 2701 Fairview Rd .. Costa Mesa . MARCH 21 OPERA THEATER -The· W!!slem Ope.r11 Theater of Slln F'rancsico will presenl. "Cinderella'' at 7:30 p.m .. March 21. in Or.:inge. Coast C.Ollege auditorium. 27B-Fairview Rd .. Cost.I Mesa . Tickets, 02 for adults . $1 for students. CALlrOR NIA i\-1USt;Ui\1 C)f<' sc11::Nc1<; A.\11) INlll.:STH'' - 700 Slalf' f)rivc. Los Angeles. Hours: 10 a .111. • 5 11.rn . £la1ly. Space Museun1 Biulding. -Vienna (;lorius;1, prepared~by City nf \'ienna rmph<1sizin~ city's ('Onlribul iun to s1·iencr, medi· cinP . Al'L~ ;ind music. Creative Austria . 11rtp;irc1l hy Aus· OCC Delves Into Fine Arts . --"'"'"~··" IT'S SPRING! __ J!_!an lede~! Charnhcr of L'o111rn l'l't'" Inn ' ~ RO\\'J-:Hs 1\IUSEUi\f -~>002 N. f\1Rin St.. Si!nta Ana. l/(lur.~: 10 ;:i rn . to 4.30 )).Ill. Tucs.-Sat.: I lo 5 p rn . Sun , anrf 7 to II pm. \\'f'<l .:ind 1'hurs. Two exhibllions lradilinnal Arrican culturf' fhrough i\.·larrh 25 11nd Paintrrs of lhe \\'est. throuJ?h f\·l;:irrh 2!i Cl \'IC l'ENTEI! f;A1.1.t-:1tY -Newport fl rach C1\"ic ('rn!rr, Hn11ro; .. \Ion -F'ri. ~-5 f1 .n1 . On exh1h1t mixed med111 !ihn1-1• by Nt"''fi0r1 ·1larhnr Hii;:h Srhnol sludent ~. S.\llOl.EHACK IN1\" (;ALl.1-.:RV -In !he Sadrllchal"k ln11 S.:1nt11 Anw Freeway al Isl St.. Sant;i Ant1. ~1x!h annu;:il Rnund·11 1) oT l'•lwhoy Arti.st.s. On exhibit thrnu,i:h 1.111rch 20. i'oo adn11.~s111n ··hal'J.!l' OCC 1;ALLE1t\' -~'70 1 Pair\ir~· !ld .. l'osla .\1r.~:i. Hnurs: ,\J nn 1-'ri . 9 "111 ·~ p tn. In !hr Art t:cntrr. pho!n rlf·hinJ:S :iinrl phntriJ:r<1ph1t ~ho"'· by Lee Frr1 dl11nOrr anrl .rim /)inr. CORO\"A llt~I. i\.IAll LIRRARV -4:..'fl f\'l ill'l~Qlt1 .<\1•f'. ("orona rl rJ \tar. f)n f'.\hih1t through 1\lllr<"h dunnJ: rrgular lihrar\ hour~ BA!lk hy 1\ndrr:-i l.inglr. 11n.<I Amrnr11 n F11>Jd Srr\'· icf' t11.;p!.1.1 fttt.:SA rt-:ltUt·: l.lllHAfl\' -29!i9 i\.1esa \'prrlr J)n1c f·'.a sl. ' Cosl.:i \h"•a ()fl r~h1bi1 riurin,1; rri;:ulAr hnurs ntl paintings by [.;.i ~.s11• H110 ~l)n 1hr1111~J1 M;:irch. COST ·\ llt-:s" I 11\H \R\ -513 Crntrr Sl . ('n.sr;i \fr!;;i Oil pa 111t1ng~ h~ 1:1:1111·1~ n,der on Px h1h11 dur1n~ rci;:ular libr:iir~· hour~ th 1"1tith \l;irrh A\'CO !'iA\ l.\!;S A\/t LO.\\ -l'ilfl Rr 1.~lf')t St ('O!ila ~1C'sa. On exhih 1r rlunni: rr.i:ul11r hu~lnf'~S hl)iir~ !hrou.a::h ~larch, "ii painl1ng~ h1 f,,.rtn1(!P \l;it!OC'k.~. · FIRST NATln.\lJ. RA ,\K OF' OCC -Jf.i51/ Artam.~ SI ('ns\d • J t will be a.....w.te.k...d.e.'lflted.J.o-.d.v...Aich...Big...Band-will-pul~lh.. lhf' 11rt.s. cap on the festival with a two- Or.:inge C.:oasl Colleri:e will rondu<'I 1!!'! first annual fine Ar!.s \Veck. March 19·25. ··"'e"d like lo invit e e1·eryonr fron1 lhE' community In .~lnp by the l'a n1p11s during the \\'1•rk and t11 ke part in the fc~th 1ties." said ()r. Robert B. i\loore. OCC president. "The 11'f'E'k 111itJ be full of excitement 11nd good r111crtai11ment." .\1nsl of the e\·rnts will be ft·rr althou.a:h !leveral ~will re· quire an admission fee. ·rhe l'.:impus will hf' open In lhr p11bl.ic IQ view and ltke p.:ir! in ·11 m,vriad of fine arts ;11·t1\ 1lir.~. 'l'ht' \1•erk "'ii! bt topped of( h1 lhr rourth 11nnu;il OCC Jitzi. hour concert. The Orangt Coast Com· munity Chorale will kick the week off Sunda.v. March l!I. The 7S-votce choir will be in concert at ~ p.m. in the Auditorium. On Monda y entertainer Ha r· ry Babbilt will moderate 11 panPI discussion e n I it I e d ··fine ·Arts 115 a Career,'" al 8 p.m. in lhe audit(Jriu m. The panl!lilll5 will ioclude top pe.r~nalitie.~ in the field . TueAd11y !Ml'lrt'h 211 will be hlahliti:hled by 110 appear.11nC't of lhe We stern Opera Theat er of Ssn f'r•ncisco. The com. pany will perform the opera li[ree.n. l·:n~ r rn hi P re sli v A I srhedu led -···-·····-·-·······jilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjiiiiiiji]i 111 fnr ~·larch 2J.2.S in !he occ 1 I' Aurt11orium . THI WIST' ~tlifST IOOKSTOUS lhi:h srh(lfll~ ~nd colle~e!i 1- frnm "''''°'"''· N'' • d', H·U NT ER I S B 0 0 KS '' An111n11 ;inrt Ore2on will rnm. 1Y. J)f'te tn lhl" lhrre-d11 y 11ff1ir. ' ! • • • • • • • • • • ENJOY IT NOW! • SHORT sr.t.SON • ASPARAGUS • fR[SH, TASTY • 29C lb. • • Lln1lt l Lin. With Thi1 Ca~p1111 •• ••••••• • Gl,t,NT Sl?I: NOW. I YOU SHOULD SEf 'IM • • • • ICEBERG LETTUCE 1oc ea • •• • a • • .. • • • I • I • I I 8 I I I I I • • • • • SINSl•LT PRICrD Daffodils Renaculas Carnations • • • • • • F!~ 1.49 • • l1rry, Lht1lt 21 • NO COUPON NllDID I I I I I I I • I I I I I I LAST 0 , THI GOOD ONll I • • • r ~ MINNOLAS : 1 oc lb. • • • COACHELLA GRAPEFRUIT 6 ,., 2sc • • • • • Ll111it 4 • With Tith C••1t•11 • I I. I. I I I •• GmlN• LAIGll NOW • OUI ,AMOUS 8 CELERY • • 10C IUNCH: I Limit '•~• 8 Lll'Jlft 6 Litt. • LT111lt '••• I I With Thi1 Co~11•11 • With Tlllt c •• ,... I Wltlt Tith C••ite11 I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I COUPONS EXPIU MARCH 22ND On S.:t!urd;i\', M~rch' 2.~ .11t I ,.; Pm. Ruddy .Rich and lhe Bud-POI 120 YE.A'S-SINCE 1151 I Th•s• restaurants dem•nd thit fin•sf for th.ir cus tomers: Thal'1 why th•y fe•• t ture Newport Product! Patroni'l• th.ml Dllmo11's. 81tlbo•. VlltGtt '""• l•lbo•1 loc•t•d At I Alley West: N•wport, Vllkl Swtden, Coron• d•I M1tr, ne C.ve, Seut~ la- SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH WANT A FASHf0N SQUARE I 9'"' '"do"' JOO oth•"· How •bout yoU< <0lli"9 uol IN SANT A ANA h...: "Orm•g• Countu'1 Fnst•st Growing Product and Flcwtr Organization" o,.... C•v•ty'1 ti11nt ..... ri .. •' T,..,1c~ P.l1h •4 G1liffitfl e .44)U.&llUMS • MAINTINANCI s1•v1c1 • Lin p;ooos e llWI ,LA NT!i 111 W Wll.tOH, C(ISTA M!S• 11111 ll•lrwl,,. llf, .... "', "" ilotllollll> HUHTIHGf&N tlilo(.W •""••• te Ht• 1.ll(ll.w"1J ''""' • I LITTLE LUV? Try Connell Chevrolet March 23rd. • ll11 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA • 546-1200 "·'~ te;~'.o;;~:;~;,::,:::.d. ·~ ~ N~!~~~!"k ~~.~~~~E IARCiAINS Ci•LOUI ~ 2616 Newport loulo-d .-t~o P .. t ... to , ...... •7W71J •1w11a 67S.•2t\ OPEN E\!EN1NGS 'T11, 9 P./tf, l "35 y,ttr.t flf Product Kno w Ho"''' 1 "Whtrt quaUtu b 'tha Ordtr of th• Hotul" • 1 I ' . ~ .... , r ,.ii,y, !1.trfJ1 17 l?n O,AJLV'TllLOT .27 --;~---- Bull and Bush Wishes 'Top O' the rforning' 496-5773 499-2626 GOURMET DINING OYSTER-11....-R-•--coCKTA1tS- ENTERTA INMENT Tue1c:l•y tl1ru S•turday, l :lO to t :30 BRANDI E BRANDON DUO ------- Th11rtday Foshlo11 Show 12:15 Open Seven Day1 LUNCH e DINNEll: e SUNDAY IRUNCH 11 o.m. 4 p.m. •:JO a.m. • 4 p.m. 32802 COAST HWY. (al C,_,, Vatlsy ~•nrwayJ LAGUNA NIGUEL mITLf.1 MEXICAN REST AU.RANT "FINEST MEXICAN CUISINE __ li'LORANGE_CQUl!l:[~"--- FOR YOUR DINING & DANCING PLEASURE MARCOS AND THE LATIN MARKS TRIO Fri. and Sot. Nithts 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. 547 W. 19th STREET COSTA MESA 642-9764 THE BERLINER ·German Fami~ Restaurant & Deli Famous I-or SAUERBRATEN wHh POT A TO DUMPLINGS EVERY WEEKEND IS LIKE A SMALL 0 KT o·a E RF Es T -Eoc:h Friday Dine and DoKe To THE BOYS OF AUSTRIA EACH ,S ATUROAY, DIFFERENT GER MAN BANDS PLAY FOR YOUR ENTE-RfAI NME NT DELI 'JOODS TO GO La19e Var iety of Cold C11h •nc:I Br•ad1 LUNCH MON. THRU P:RI. DINNER TUES. THRU SUN. OPEN SUNDAY FROM l P.M. ON • BANQUET FACILITIES 18582 IEACH BLVD. •• tlltl ii Town & Country Center HUNTINGTON ftEAal '6B0 5BOO D tOWll , cou~r•• cl1nno Bull and Bush Pcrha11s there 's a solu!Jon to the tra~JC' problem currently besetting England and Ireland. ;..1a~ be !he t"·o l.'OUntries should io!lo"· the exrirnp!e set by their nath·cs "'ho now )l\'t' in America. Hcg;irdlcss of differences. the ~nglish nnd lrish can come togf'l11cr her€ in the spirit of harmony and go~d-\1'i\l The san1e \\'ay Barbara Streisand and Cln1ar Sharif can get on amicably as n1ot1on pic- ture co-stars. An excellent illustration of Anglo-Irish ~ccC1rd \American stytc1 is nn tap this \\Cekend -and next weekend -at the Bull and Bush 1n Costa ~tesa . A lypical BriLish pub transported In these shores if ther..c ev<!r "'as on<!. the Bull and Bush is tossing an all-out celebration for St. Patrick's Day ton1gh1 and tomorrov• e\'ening. Jn these festivilies. a:-: during those coming up next v;eek. htlle d1st1nctil'1n will bi! 1nade as to whether one's boon companion is Dublin or London·born and bred. And there 1vill be about an l'l'Cn inix- turc of both types on hand. As should be happening on both sides of the Atlnntic. This weekend 's doubleheader salute to lrcland's patron saint 1l'i!I be obsi.•r1·rrl 11·it h considerable music and i;{lng -al! bearing a strict lrish flavor. to be sure and begorra. ~lusic tonight 1vill be provided by !\tax and :'l'lclissa. tlvo romanlir balladC"crs Whl'l scored big hits with Bull and Bush aud iences during several past ap- peara~. Thei r beautiful and authenlic Irish ballads should be recci\'cd doubly wrll nn fhi" occ:ision. LILTING S01'G Ton1orro1v evening. :'\larch 18. the Beg- garrncn 1vill s!cp into thr entertainment spntlip.ht as a St. Patrick's Day follow-up . This quartet of \illing song stylist~. all of 11•hom hail origina!\y fro)Tl Belfast. North Jre\and. has also \\'On the plaudits of pub regu lars in recen t engagements. Next 11'cekend. Saturdav, r-.·Jarch 2~. the Bl1ll and Bush \\'ill prescn't the loc:.:.i! dcbuJ or the Des Rea gan Trio. Their music 1s rcportrdly a rousing mixture of Irish. Scottish, English and Arncrican tunes. A "'ldc range of beer and 1.11inc 'at this merry spot includes everything from · arf 'n 'arf to mead. In belv.1ecn arL ncarl.v three dozen other possibilities from the ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST DINING & NIGHT CLUB SCENE Fe~turinq • CHEF LA RRY FL EMIN G IN THE KITCHEN ----w ttll New-And hclrinq-f o-od-- MIXOLOGIST 8088Y CALO AT" THE IAR With ExpT01ive Grog SWINGING SONGSTRESS GERMAINE With Do11c:l119 to the Sill MolO Trio CONTINENTAL CUISINE e SEA FOODS CHARCOA!c-BR011'EE>-~·EA!f • NEW DAILY SPECIALS SUNDAY THRU THURSDAY POULET SAUTE SEC ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF, Au Jus CHICKEN JERUSALEM BABY BEEF LIV~R _ HALIBUT STEAK . . ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCKLING Now Appeori119 NORA\ PANTO DUO Open Dolly Mori. thr11 Frl.-11 A.M. to 2 A.M. Open At 4 P.M. on Sot. 011d Sun . $3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 4.9S 1670 Newport Blvd., Costo Mcso 642-8293 LUNCHEON BUFFET 11 ,JO A.M. TO 2 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY IN THE BEAUTIFUL CA »-IBE ROOM '$1 75 MENU, IF DE-;l r:tD "MARTINIBURGER" PJ.,1 be~e•~q• •11d S ', 11!11 la• FEATURltlG IA Mortin! ond o homb11rgtrl 2 FOR 1 ... FREE DINNER $1.50 ONE Flil'EE Ol~rl!ilil wl!ll l~t purcl\•u nt ·fny "''" '" lllt m~nu t•ttPI 1oo1rer. Primt rfb '" 11111 l~I i• u.•s. Suno•v 111rou9h Tll•"• tty. Nt coupon 11ec111•ry -JUST COME I ,o 0 1nci119 To The Bobby L~110 Trio · e Ct;ckt1d1 Coffee Shop Op1n b:lO A.M. lo 10 P.tA. W1t•r 81d1 e Color TV e Gell e F•mily "-ll'"' ®&~.:~~~ HUNTINGTON IEACH S36·1\21 1 L'S. En~land. lre\;1nd. S<i'l!!~u1d, J)('n- n1ark. Spain and Austr<iha By 11•ay of food there's gC'nuinc pub d1n- 11rrs featuring such goodies as Briti:.h ~aus:igl'S 1bangl'rs1. steak and kidney pie. Cornish pasty. k1pprred herrings, Scottish n1ca1 pie and sausage roll. Open 'fu1•:..day lhrougn Friaay frun1 4 to midnight. and un Saturday and Sunda1 frnm 2 p ni. to 2 a.n1 .. the Bull and Bustl 1s loc11ted at 877 \\' 19th St., Costa titesa. Co ral Reef lt"s unfortunate so111e people tend h> !'l'f.lard 11·hat's c::lllt'd "hOll'( fare" 11·ith ,Jisda1n. Further. it's bt'cn our observn- t1on that those so 1n('lincd express an even s\roni::er aversion for <lining in restaurant s 1icd to n1otor hotel.s. A bad expcricncr or 111•0 c1Jong the line docs1,.t niean you hal'e to aulomalically rule out all such rstabtishmcnls. To do so. in fact. is to risk losing out on !he chance encounter 11·ith a truly ~nc 1ncaL Ancl displays a conspicuous lack of adventurousness. Oinncr one night last w cc k dcmons!ratcd the sound value of these convictions. The restaurant th al' s operated 111 conjunction 11•ith Costa !11csa'.s Coral Reef rnolor hole! prol'idcd the proof. Of'F'ElllNGS Like sin1ilar spols in the area, this place has had its ups and dovvns in recen t years. Bpi thcre·s no mistakini:: 1he evidence that po1nls to a current high for the Hecf's offerings. i\.1osl uf lhc i;rcd1t-. assuredly. i:Jelongs to the effective new n1anagemcnl team that's taken over as 1he restaurant's operators. United as husband and wife, Claude and Jill Flovd net fine results with their business alliance too. Up until several n1onths ago they were Out 'N About NORM STANLEY associated 11 nh the J),~rb~ rc:.l:1uran1 111 Costa ~tcsa Foll1l11 u1i:: ri hrtt"I :;n1uurn in :\or!hcrn California. tht',I 11t-re pro111pl l'd 10 return 10 Orang<' L·oun!~ h.1· the 11p· purtunuy tn l:ikC' l'hargr 11! lh(' ('or;1l Ht't'f Claude and Jill a:. !hi' H1·~·r !l 11c1\ r h!'I rind hostcsS·l1Hln;1gl'r. respt'<'!ll el1 :1r- q11ircd a 11iet• 11(\rk1ni:: nj)1'r:it111n frorn !Ill' offset. 'fhe rest;u1r:in1 ts rl'!;1t1\'t'!.1 ~11i.ill -seating roughly 5\l pa1rons -and lt•nf!ti itself 10 1igh1 c_·onirn!. :-:i11L1'H SE1\S .. In keeping 11 ilh 1ilc nan1£'. d(•ror h\111-, lo11·ard 1he South S1':1S 11r l't1I~ ncs1:111 111011f. And i1's rather n11ir1• ~t1i.;i:;1·sti'd than given direr! sl;1tcn1c111 thniugh .i l11t of en1bell1sh1nc11!s. Aclunl trapp111gs an' 11•11·, !hankfulh', and the sparse orn;in1cnt<it1nn lc ,11·('~ :in O\'er-all ~Itek 1111(t 11ntlullcrcd <ip pearancc. l'hc booths secn1 unu~uatl~· large and cornfortablc. and even !he f(•11• 1:iblt's and chair set-ups take on ;i grent1•r dt•g rt'l' of 1nti1nat·y 11·1th lhe individual di\ 1dl'r~ bc11vecn thcn1. Anyo111· l·:1ught 111 !he cross-currents of rotnilnl'r during cl111n1·r, ho11·cvcr. 1Yould probabl.v l1kl' 10 h:111· ill" illu r111nat1on d11111nt'd just a b11 lo11cr "Claude's bill uf fare covers !!lL' r;1ngr frutn sea food and steaks to international cntrccs. All arc served 1Y ith a lust·ious rehsh tray aOd a choice of soup •1r salad and po1 aL0 or rlee. The rn L·nu lciuls off 11•ith thrrc hnusr specials. They arc 1ninutc steak. $2 l:"i: pri111c rib au jus, S.1.n5: cha1npagnc steak 'choice sirloin aeco1np:'lnicd by a gl;,iss of chan1pagnef, $3.95 1$7.50 for 111'0 1. S-\NDWICll Sti\1 annthl'r standard fca1ure is the Nc1\' York ste:1k sand11·ich, serl'ed nn ~;11'hl to;i•! 11 ;th Frrnrh l11e' c111rl green ~:il.1!1 ~I :! • 01Hl1~ 1111 tu 111111 i· 1h.111 :!U other f'n\r('O 111•.,'<thti1l1l'.~. lhrrt ~ h11•:uh"l 1t-;1 l.cutlet, 1'<•111Ur\ ~auo t'. S:!: 7j. 11'.LI \l,i,ktt s1uffed 1111h '•':llnod a11d 1nppl'1l h1 inn£zarclla ch•·1·~·· ~:! ii.1 l\·11 hl'I ui· r1h~ Mnra Rora. ,·; :!' h,·, 1 hro1 hl'tt1· ,i.:rlell fll'ppcr and 1'11:1111 • "I:.::, \dd111.u1,d ~1·;1 \,),\d pri1.,pec1s ilrf' rain· h•lll t1'111tt .tn1u11•!·1~1· s:i 25. :ibalont', :1rn11•11ll11 •· ~J P:1. t•n:-fl't"I\ 1'c:1llnps, S2.85; 1"1.:11,11 t1h·! ,,r s11l1· ~:! H• l'11l.111c~111n .-.l!n11111 d1•l·p 11Jt·d 111 •'~;'. h;1t1er. s:i 2$; 1\lhiLdl!11: I, !.-,1<·1 1:111~. S~1 :!.'1 In rh1, tlt·p:1111111•n1 th1·t'l")ol :ilso :i C'(ltll· h11!ill;,1n 1'1'·' l1 •11d pl11r11·1 -shrin1p, 1'.r:11!,1p, l11h·.11•r ;ind -,11\1• --1.llEl !'r1u11 tlu· hn11h·r t'!llll('~ 1•huppf'ci s1rlo1n '!•' 1k. h\';1r11:tl•l' S1 !1.i t11p ~1rlo111 steak, ~\ Z.i \t•11 Yo11•k 1·111. l.\S 2~. 1cr1~·n\...i ~it·ak, .\1·\1 Yod, \1!1l<1k;11. SS :is. pcppC'r ~lt•:i~ \~·1\ \·ork. ()r\l'}!•l pt•ppcr~. 11111~hH11;n1' :1111! t11ppcc\ 1\·Jth cheese. ~~1 :ri < (1\11:11 .\ "!l';lk .ind loh:.h'f 1·011,1>11 1-. offered al ~5 it'i 111 ,1 r.1 r" sho111 ol t·ntrr1' Hill!\', nur !11·0 nrd1·1·:-: 111•111 111 tht· prunr rib housr spe< 1:1! l!nppd~· this lt•d 10 as . rnu ch harn1011v al the conclusion of ct1nncr as 1n !he beginning t'nn-.idrring 1j1c pricC". !he prime rib L'Uls lll'l"t' 111ord1 11al1'l.\' grnerous. Sri tarJ.;f'. n1·111:dll'. ii 11'11s nct'l'ssnry to ask tor ;1 "peup:,· !i,1g" to t 1ke hon1c the left- 01·1'rs. Anti rlj'l'l·r 111i11rt !he ··d og g l I!! h.--ig"t'1tphen11,111 111 this ca.se The qualify nf the 11\l'al 11 as n111eh too good lo pass on to any old 1111111. 1Se1• t ·c>ltAI.. l'a~1· 281 l ••••••••e••••~••••m•••r : MR. MIKE'S : THE GOLDE N BE AR 306 OC~AN AVE., HUNTINGTON BEACH PRESENTS-MARCH 17.18· I 9 • HOUSE OF PRIME RIB l!I • Due To Your O verwhelming Response ml • We Are Repeating O"r Ii : 1th Anniversary Special : • For Four Additional Nights ~, March 20th thru 23rd . •' LINDA RONSTACT P.LUS STEVE GILLETTE Coming March 24 thru 26 SEALS & CROFTS FOR RESE(l:VATIONS CALL: 536-9600 \ = c •• :~~~'~ ~~~ ,.D:~~ER $2.25 :· • Ch•k• •f pot•IOft -er--fic:•---cRefJular-Sl.•51 .tf!t;~;i~~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;:;::~~---- • v~11a Mond•v rhru r hurW•Y, Marth 1~2J ~ tF'flln~,.,LS' D'fl!)' • "''" '"" '"""'"· ""''" ""' '"'"' ""'· Ill Hti. ._,(( ff . I! 209 Palm, Balboa . 675-5773 ·• I /· Iii Ill lh• B•lbO'a F~rry l~ftd1n9l • •~•••••••••~•••••••••m ~~~ Special COCKTAILS ui.i.a1 Qualby Open 7 Duy.~ Nfl1i"e Mui.am f oo&, --VIC-GARCIA Week Doy1: 11 ;30 A.M. to 12:30 Fri. Qnd Sot. 11 :JO A.M. to 1 :JO Su11doy1: 4:00·1 2 MIDNIG HT DUO From l as Vegas Tues. thru Sat. 9091 E. ADAMS. HUNTI NGTON BEACH 962 .7911 • I I ,, • ... dancips tit t!tc Hu1{f er Room 1{e\.1bcn,·s '4 64 7 MacArthur Blvd .. N ewport Beach NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BUSINESSM EN'S LUNCHEON FROM'\i.so Scr~ed From I I: JO ,t., M. For 011, Speeiol Early llrd Frlo1teb Complete Gourmet Di11ner 5 to 1 l".M. -$2.9$ HAPPY HOUR COC KTA IL l"RICE~11 ;JO A.M. I• 6 P.M. CBe,t v~1.,,. ln N ~wpotl 81 ~,hl CoPllplcle New Gourmet Dinner Frol'l'I -SJ.95 s,, .... d w.·~ Ou• F~,...0111 SP'""'h s ... 1~d Fc••uril'Q Efl!re~1 Sur~ A1 p.,,.,., Rib of 811( M ~l •y11•n S~r mp. Ste~~ & lobsr,,, p.,,.., Slc~~, .DA NCI NG B,30 P.M. to 1,30 A.M. GR!AT LAS VEGAS BANDS MARY WEBB DAVIS FASHION SHOW Fdd1y1 12:30 lo I 30 PM NOW APFEAP.ING EVElilY A Y P • PLE Brougl'!t B,1ck by Popular Dem"nd 1617 \'/~STC L IFF DRIVE NF.WPORT B ACH ' • • •• • • ·I ' DAILY PILOT Fr1d111. Mll'(ll 17, 1'172 NOW APPEARINCi RICK ROBINS W•cln"doy thru Su.ndoy l :lO to 1 :30 IUNDAY IRUNCH S."•411 ,., ... , ....... ,. J ..... IANOUn ,.ACILITllS J17 P'ACIFIC co•sT HWT. HUNTING-TON llACH OPEN 1 D'°'YI Sl6-2SSS We rromlse-You Good c~r~£ •nd AMERICAN CUISINE TROPICAL COCKTAILS POLYNESIAN MUSI C Fri. ind Sat. Nights f 'ro11• l,n1te 27 COflAL • • • Al once juit·v and tender. 1,!lt' prime r1h h11d been r o ,11 !' t t' rt \\1i1h ennsumm.11te skrll ActnmpAn1cd hy a spicl'd peac:h half, B"i \.\'t'll ~, in· divldunl con 1a1ners nf the natural juices anti hor!icrad r'ih sauce. lt wits . al~• prnperl)' rare as ordcre(l Jn the chulce bct"•een soup and sal ad one nod wrot 11> e<1ch The flrs l v.;is <1 tas!y edition of navy bean \\hde the crl.~p J.lrC'en s<1ald -scr\l'd fJn 11 nicely chilled plate -provr-d <1u1te sat i11faclor~ \.\i\h 1he tangy Caes Rr dre~.~1n~ Prinr lo the start of d1nfl('r, a su rprise treat turned up in thr form of a small sh rirup c()("ktail, it's not l1s1ed on the menu but comes as a bonus with e\•ery order. In the ad,ioin1n~ l'orktail louni:e there·s entcrtainmPnl and dancing ni~htl.\, Monday thrQugh Saturday. from 9 a nl. to 2 a.tn . Banqu::t faciJ111cs are also availah!e' for club IU'oups Hnd private p<1rties. 1961 ADAMS AVE . (a t M1gnolia) 968-5050 The Cor11I Reef i.~ locatPd at HUNTINGTON BEACH 2645 /l;irbor Blvd.. Cos1a flilesa. J.unl'h is ser\'ed, Mon- • •M'S SPECIA~LS --"~1 d"y lhrough Frid".'· from II .. to 2:30. !)in ner hnurt arc S:~O 111 in. Monday I h r n u g h :·:::rved Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursUa•1 I) Thur~day. and 6 in 11. Frid;iy Pa!i l and Pre ~cut dinn1rr include salad, g11rlic chl!ese toast. (I ;ind Saturday. Closed S1Jnda\s. choice of baked potaro or rice Hawaiian ~il l~-::::::=-:_:::::::0:==:::..:===========---=c., RED SNAPPER,., •• , ••• , ••.. ,.,,. 1.95 \'!SIT 01.ll JAPA .~ MAHI MAHI ..................... 2.25 • ® TOP SIRLOIN .................... 2.45 ~\ CHICKEN BREAST HAWAIIAN., •••• 2.75 " NEW YORK STEAK ••• , ... , ...... , 2.95 '!'he Ora nge Ernpire chap· t('r of the Studcbakers l1r1vc;:rs L'lu h \\'Lil sho\v their automobil es v•hich r ange· from antiques to the turrent model al Knoll's Rl'rry Farm from 10 a.n1. to 4 p.nl. Satur· day. !\larch 18, John fl1a r· q11a rdt rnay be co ntacted for further information. 774-0600. LOBSTER TAIL .................. 3 .95 m 1 ~f-1 KO ,. Orot19• Coun,y'1 LorfJHf STEAK AND LOBSTERS,,, •• , •• , •• 4.95 ~ St. l"otrick's Doy Cel•brotion. , l.unclu:un JJinncr Co1,S..t,11!~ .•.. '. '. . ._D. 0. • d Friday, Morch 1 _ 1'.\';.\IJI '{.\ 1 ,J ::i. J.q~ g,,11~• ·; • i!IJ·;'U05 No1hi119 but Irish music all doy. "I • ll!i.\",!,LJJ '{,,\'.JJ i.. L •,.J11T1\'• 511·JJOJ ltit :; • .lc•l,c Co1u tl1ghway, Hu111111gton B"act1 !213) 5-'l ' , l"l us The HIGHLAND IAGPIPES ~~~~~1~,,,~ic~he~or~1~·~d1~·m~ie~r~·~ba~n~qu~e~rs~~~~~ ,;:::;;;;;;;;l;;';J-;l;E;;;;;;B;U;.';'~;';l ,;";'A;''.:'~;;':;;;'ri;;' ~ .. ··;:~;;~;:;~;;;.'S;;.;;c~:::;~;";·';;';";i ~,~~-.-"" __ ""-_-.""-~_""_""_""_""_~~1 FOR SALE YOUR FRIENDLY BRITISH PUB r .~ ~ _$1\V\)f}' 1 ;..-:,; · ~a1 rc Pro udly Presents For Your Enjoym ent ST. fl.ATRIC K'S OO U r:ttl:H~J\.D~R TONIGHT, FRL, MARCH 11 -,\!AX ANO MELISSA Be•t1! ful l1i1h B•llad' On th. •i.:!h~n:;, ~•nnor 111•1 ••If• . ""'"'hi~•" """ OI ~u"'1•• "'"n' ~ Playwright, Brings "\ Her Show to Coast This secn1s tO be a vintage seaso n for origln11l malerial on Orange County slaReS. South Coas1 Repertory ls mounting a brand nf'w play th ls weekend . loc:.•ul cnm. munity theater actors Bob Pa ver and Joe Del Rosso are having their scripts produced by the Santa Ana Community ·Pl ayers. and nei:t weekend the St1n C 1 e m e n t e Community Theater joins the lineup with an original of 1ls own. TOM TITUS Intermission NOl. that .. ObJel't of the GR me," which opens ne xt Thursday at the Ca brillo Playhouse. \.\'ill be a "world prcmil're" as the others are - it's been staged l\1·ice in 1he last couple ye ars by Los Angeles County j!roups -but ii will he the nr~l Orange Cou nt y produc1 ion of thC' com- edy by a pla.vv.•right "'ho is no"' a San Cle·i1en le residcn!. Ilene Phinc has a hanrtful nf play~ to her credit -two nf "'hic h were staged several years ago in Westminster - but "Object" is clearly her favorite. and lhe one that seems destined for t he grea!est success. It won plaudits from both public and press in its first lwn outings in Diamond Bar and P a 1 o s Verdes. . Af'l'Ell llAVING FOUR ol her originals staged b y various community theater grou ps. including the one-acts "To Stand in a Shadow" and '·A Ticket to Paris" by the Westminster Pla yers. Jlene came up with •·Qbjecl" and submitted It to the Diamond Bnr Players. v.•ho deal onl y in origin11ls. "After reading nbout ROO manuscripts, they chose mine.'' she !BYS. "That r e a 11 y gave "me' en· couragen1enl." The Diamond Bar pro- duction Jn 1967 was well recei ved. and then loured to March Air Foret Base and Chino Institution for Men where. Ilene JX)ints out. "we had a capt ive audience." After a bit of rewriting, the pla y was staged again for the Palos Verdes Playhouse. J oAnne Applegett. president of the San Clemente Com· munity Theater. picked f\.1rs. THE BLACK KNIGHT RESTAURANT DINNER • COCKTAILS SEAFOOD BAR ENTERTAINMENT LUNCH 11 :30 TO 3 ST. PATRICK'S OAY SPECIAL CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE Sl.95 ALL DAY Now Appearing JERRY LAMBUTH DUO Plline's script for her own group and decided to dir!'Ct it herself. "I like. somelhing new and fresh." she explains. "and I think the public does too. This is a hilariou s. Cast-mov· ing .comedy, one of· the best I've read. It's the battle of the seXes with a new twist." Ilene. who currently is recuperating from 3 series of heart a!tacks. has another play on the drawing board whic h she may or may not start on after th e San Clemente run. "It depends," she says, "whether or not this one goes anywhere." RACKSTAG~ -South Coast Repertory has R pair o[ "preslige productions" in the works .... one ls Chekhov's "Uncle Va'nya ." opening in two weeks : the othe r is the West Coast premiere o r "Pueblo." the dramatization of the infamous ship seizure incident. set for a f\.fay 12 opening .... Workshops in acting and musical comedy ha ve been organized by Anaheim 's Ana· Modjeska Players. with the first sessions ta king place lh i5 week .... Austi n D. Peay in· structs the acting claslies, with Bonnie Crandall in charge of the mu sical cours~. .th ose wishing lo sign up should ca lJ Mrs. Cr11ndall al 635·3412 .... The Schehera zade Plavers will present a "story thcaier" production of "The c:olden Goose" throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties. beginning Wedaesda y . Renata Florin. a Golden West DINNER AND APPETIZERS FROM THE ORIG· INAL AWARD-WINNING DON THE BEACH- COMBER MENU OF HOLLYWOOD. AT LAST IT HAS BEEN TRANSPORTED TO OUR TOMOltltOW, SAT., MAll:CH 18 -THE ll!GGARMEN 1-4eppy, C••efree Mu1it •nd Son'J With An lri•h f-11 •0• • ·~·+ ~;:.71~:1J.p1'.':..,(~ 330 EAST 17TH STREET t ~ . \::. •11~n~• • vo:~11u1 COST A MESA 548-7791 Coll ege itudent. directs the show. .i nformlltion is 1v1llable at 539-7696. -CORONA DEL MAR RESTAURANT UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF CHEF JIMMY LEE. Su11doy Cha'"po911e Bt~11c.h 11 A.M. to l P.M. 3901 F... Coast Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR Nightly Wed. thru Sat. WAYNE GABRIEL IN THE LOUNGE T-uesd a y I hr u-.~R h-----9-p:rn-:-lo-2-:.t'."'"11~1.-- SUNDAY AFTERNOONS ,~1A RK DAVIDSON ~~ro1n 3 p.nt. on SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH , 11 to l LUNCH • DINNER COCKTAILS • DANCING NEWPORT BEACH 642-4298 Vi1it u1 on one o• both ev .. ninq1 11~.d enjoy thi• 11111p•t 011\ telebr•!Oon to the P11 !,on S•<n t. SAT., MARCH 25 -THE DES REAGAN Tll:IO f:n1oy .the qte•t melodit1 of lr>ih, 5,.,11i1h EnqJ,,~ & Arne••<•n Mu1i, 111 lhf1 f•mo u• qroup vi1i h u• for the I •11 l •m~'. 877 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa 646-9930 i .. --------------- --.. 1 I Now Appearing Tues. Nites Only II I BOBBIE GINO !_ BOUSHARD LANZI _I ·I Cal M ... ~ 1• -21 I' I T'1ader su~~:.~~·"' I l 00 ~ m. RESTAURANT LUNCH • DINNER COCKTAILS SEA FOOD-STEAKS-PRI ME RIB INTERNATIONAL EN TR EES COMPLETE DINNERS FROM Sl .75 "CHEF" CLAUDE'S HOUSE SPECIAL CHAMPAGNE STEAK $3.95-$7.50 For Two Live M11sic-DancinCJ NiCJhfly 9 p.m. "Happy Hour" 3-7 p.m. Pr ivate Ba nquet Rooms Ava ilable 264S HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MfSA 545.9471 • • · [ftfeflll~Q••al ~:~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Mi~sion ~icjo :Inn 1, "·-:-= .. _·:·.= .. - 1 I l /.k . Chi11csc C1risinc · Planetarium VEAL CU TLET SWISS G~rl'l1hl'f! w11~ T~m·to, 4VO<UIO, 5,..;!.1 Cn•~••, 51u<1 8ord~llh1 A.MONG :ZO SELECT DINNER ENTRE£S VINA H"RMER DUO Ent1d 1inin9 l /'71"' CO!\IBINATION T 11 s BAMBOO LUNCHF.O N PLATES e s . tory ' I [ FITOM ~1.2; I I, ~.11T1('£ll,.;E COM~~'i[[J ~d~i"ERS Do lhe changing dales o! ., ~lj fll'ir ntal Cockta.ll Loun,i::,. Easter confuse you? Fr.:iturini:-Tropif'al Drinks A new publ ic show is OPEN 0111Lv 11 ,..M.11 PM scheduled for Tes s man n CLOSED MONOAY . I -I· ·, mi-. l;·r=·-,,.._.,,,____ rlrJ::=-·t1-~~~~1:ri~~tc~' ~I~~!~~~·----understllnd more 111bout how Ul the calendar originated. ~. ~ H And you 'll find out just ho.,. ?' ' P O:\'E. • • .645-5550 accurate !he monthly calendar ··•" -15.\ EAST 17TH .... COSTA MESA really is. \\~(")~ ANCHOR INN HOUSE OF SEAFOOD NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH 11 :30 to 2 :30 Tues. thru Fri. Nightly Dinn•r-Cocktails 4 to 11 . p.m. Sundty 2 to 9:30 pm-Closed Mondays 1814 N. Coast Hwy.·!EI Camino Reali SAN CLEMENTE 492-6571 TEMPLE GARDENS QflNi:~B , RlCKSHA COCl<TAIL ~~.~.~~.E Fri. & Sat. I to I f t>aturing Exotic Tropical Drinks R estaurant lunc heon & Dinner D•Hy -- IUFF'ET LUNCH 11:)0-.1:)1 Mond•y thru Frldty 1500 ArAMS (•t Htrbor) COSTA MllA 540· 1'3l, 540· 1'23 MEADOWLARK "Six Seconds U!ft Over." is ll projlfam \vh ich "'ill ctplllin the origins of the calendar and will lrace its history from societies who kept lime by the moon to .the Julian calendar ol the Roman Empire. Luncheon Oinn•r Cocktilil1 PARTY TIME ! 3 Nlt~il ltf 1111,. Alt '" T~• Sltlr!I ti ,.~, for Olnner ......... llolOt And Dti.111 PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT JOLLY'S TAPROOM Presents FRAN MART~N TRIO SATURDAY NIGHT 700 E. IAY AVE. lit.~BOA COUNTRY CLUB LARK ROOM DINNER SPECIALS SI NCE THE OLD DAYS MAGN IFICENT A DVENTURE IN FRENCH CUISINE P_ARIS INN IFOllMEllLY KAllAM'$f Exclusiv• But Come A$ You Are • II C~oi t• of Seiip or S1l1cl A•\ecl Pet•lo er Il ic• Pil11I • Gillie l r••cl B1~e1 •9• • 01111rt WED.-Top Sirloin Steek THUR.-Prim• Rib FRl.-S•1fcod N•wburg SUN .-Lob1ter Tt il lNTlltTAINMl!NT .:.... WH""49Y thr• Sw"f•y $2.U $3.10 u.n $4.35 The Only Ones .1.1 ""''' ''"'M' IUDDY & HELEN-W•d .. Thur. l Sun . l111q uM F•ciliti11 up to 450 P1epl1 16712 GI.AH.AM AVl"fUI cAt Wtl'lilef) ' HUNTINOTON llACH 17t41 146.1111 1211) lfJ.1tl4 I ' Continent1I Cuisine Coclct1ll• Strv1"0 Lunch eon n:nd Dinntr Monda~ £hrougl'& SoturdaJI. Closed Sundays We •r• lec1ttd next to th, M1y Co. in Seuth Chttt Pl•t•. JJJJ 1. l rl!fel c.... ..... 14a.J14f • .. .,. • .. Your Gulde to Movies TV DAILY LOG \ . Grizzly's Life Screened Friday Evening Saturday Morning MARCH 17 MARCH 11 I:~ B D 0 ®.l mi m Ntn 6:00 ({l TY I Cl•SSIOOl'll 0 @ WI!• Wffd Wtit i :llJ 0 l l1d; llperlencl m Th• fllnblon1s . m ltl's Rtp • m t Dt11m ,, Jt111ni1 7:00 fJ (I) $u11rite St11edtf (DJ n 1ry Minutes 't'lttl , , • 0 ll§l m Ot. Delittlt fl'fl HodtePodCt Loda:• O (J) Jt"Y lewis Sflow 9 MIJl>t"l RFD OJ Tllundertllrds m a A.111• m s."'*'" 1:30 9 1111 the Cll)tl 7:30 fJ Duity'1 JrtltloUM 0 Movie: (C) (SO) "Malor Dundtt" 0 m Deputy D1w1 Conti, {vos) '65-Ck1rlton Heston 8 C.mpus holilt rn-o moo -~-®J N1m1 ot tll1 li1m1 00 TV I Clt,.,.1)(1111 m Andy lirilltth Sllow Q Movit: '1idtt11 r1thom1 Dt1p" ti) HtllllJ tnd lht P111ltuor (alh) ·4g -ton Ch111t1. Lloyd I This Wetk Bridges. filrty Mln111e1 Wllh , , , l@'J Untlt Run Wtndtl1ust m lrotlltr lutt C@.l lireen Acres m Movlt: (C) "nit 11111 lttoon" a:l Ou1!0 en P1ti11e, (~dY) '19 -Jean Simmons, 06nttd CiD Ylctor\1 l1m11 Show Huston. 1~ IJ (IJ 0 er;, Nun l :O!I 0 (ifl l up tunny 9 NYPD Gm Woody Woodpect•r @ Trvt.11 or ConHquencts O PoPIJ• ind Frltndl I]) Dnpet 1 O (])(I) F1111ky """'°"' 0 Wb1t's MJ Untf m A.M. MtYi1s: ''Swlu Miu" (coml fl) I love Lucy 'JS-l1urel 1nd Hudy. "T1r11t, S.1 (Et I Dre1m of Jn nni1 of Chin1" (dr1) '66 -LYlt T1lbot, t d' f't of'· I Note: Th'3 movie guide U prepared by the film$. committee of Harbor Cou.11cll PT A. ltfrs. Harry Mellor i.! rrresidt nt a11d Mrs. Bruce Nord.land is committet chairman. It is intended as a reftrt nce in .dttermining suitablt f il m 1 for certain age groups and will apptar · weekly. Your views are a.1tv solicited. 1t1ail them to Mo---------·--- vie Guide, care of t he pous husband. Carrie DAILY PILOT. Snodgress plays the bored \Yife * who finds an affair a ten1- ADULTS pora ry antidote. Boysinlbe Band (Rl: Seve n Dirty Harry (R): Sadistic homosexual s g a t h e r to plain clothesman portrayed by cele brate a birthday. The Clinl Eastman pursues a demented murderer in a story unexpected arrival of an old of criminal violence. college friend touches raw Dollars (R): Warren Beatty nerves and after flirting , dan· robs millions from criminals cing and pot smoking, a who ca n't report loss of their truthful di scussion of their stolen goods . Goldie Hawn is tormented lives erqerges . A the Jove interest Mystery· tragi-comedy starring Kenneth C<lmedy. Nelson. Five Easy Pieces (R l; Son Diary of a Mad Housewife of wealthy musical family (R ): Story of the disin-leaves home to be com e friends Stars Jack Nicholson and Ka ren Black. · The French Co nnection tR f"' Suspense mystery starring Gene Hackman and Fernando Rey. Brooklyn police deter· lives move in on the A1nerican connection to F r e n c h • American heroin ring in a ch ase story of violence. Hospital \PG I'. George C. Scott portrays hard ·drinkins doctor. who copes with an unsuccessful ma rriage and the emergencies of a n un· derstaffed, overcro\\·ded. big city hospUaJ, Klute-tR l. .. Jane Fonda portrays aspiring actress turn- daace K.id tPC) Legendary friendship 6et14·een the most Infamous and amiable of \\1estern oUtlaws who flee the country and take SUndance's bored school teacher-mistress to Bollvia vdth them. ~an~ _ robberies and gun fights amidst humor and pathos. Hot Rock '1PG I. Ro bert Redford, George Segal and ~Zero Mostel portray a bunch of thieves in the hunt for a famous gem . Comedy. Tbe Skin Game f PG 1 Quin- cy and Jason are pre-Civil \Var C<ln men "''hose game is a phony slave. trade. Jason weeps when his master sells him , Quincy then rescues him and they move on to fleece the nex:t toi,1•n. Then one day Jason can't escape. Stars James .. Garner and Lou Gossett. @ A PubUc All1lr/El1etlan 7Z All nt Towne. tD Hlslal"f 11 ~.rt 1:30 I) CI) Se:oebr·Got tegrali6n of a New York at-, itinera nt worker. Lives con·----------- Sometimes a Great Notion (PG l: Saga of an independent Jogger's fa1nily in toc!ay's Northwest as it undergoes the rigors · of sibling r iv a Ir y, strikes and father-son con- flicts. Stars Paul Newman, Hrnr.v ~,onda and Lee Ren1ick . @ll l'ue11t1 d• Amor B ®J m ""k l'1nt11t1 8 Rt1n: ~Luc.k ol tht 1rith~ 0 Gene AlltlJ 7:3D E Circus '"C11s1r's Circus" O ®@ J1tkson '1vt Htl~'WOOCI Sq~1res 9:DO O H1rlem Globetrette11 Mo\111: (2hr) "Reil Glol'f {tdv) (I (@) €?:) Tiit J1l&on1 '39-Gary Cooper, D1vid N1vrn, O Movie: "Slv.111 D111111s" (adv) ({I To Tell !he T111th '5!-Sabu. lit• Baion, (() I Dre1m ol 11111~1• O 00 00 Bewitched O Mill!on $ Mavle: (2hr) "Top St· (Ji) Ctrtoon Cuniv1I ctet Alt1ir" (!Om) "51-Su~~n H1y I O Movit: ''Western Union" (adv) w~rd, Kirk Dougl~s. '4!-Robert Young. Dean J11aer. m Ho11n's Ht1ot1 (ID Ap1rt111ent Hunter's Sllow (Et (I) Dr1anet ml Cint tn Su C.s.1 I Wtll Stftlt Vluk 9:30 f) The H1i1 Bur Bunch Tht Course tf 011r Timtt 0 ®)ID l111ie1 Reel Unl•:iitd W1r1d @J Tiju1n.1: Window to !ht Stultl 1:00 8 (I) D'H111, UJ. Tr11su ry (R) O @ lid,villt B @) m ~ntord ~nd $(in 10:00 fl I]) Ptbbles .1nd B1m111 l1mm 0 (I)@ Q) Tile l rady l uncll (R) 0 ®) m T1tt 1 Giant Sltp QI Andy Qriflilh Show O (])@ Curiosity Shop Q) Thi V111ini1n 10:30 0 (J).".rchi1's TV F1111Aie1 fitl (ij) W1shington Week In RtvilW 0 Rol1t1 liame @X) E1n11to Alonu PrtsenU O MIVie: (C) "C.rson Ci!)"' (wes) GI!) Nino '52 --Randol~ So:itt. 1:33 (J ®J @D NSC Frid11y Movir: (C) @ liosptl Slntin( Jublltt (Zhr) "Ooublt Pity" Two one.hour ffi B111·Lin1 sermenb eomp1i~1 this Wo1 ld Pre· 1:00 l!J ® S1brin1 mitre· O ~Mr. Wl11fd 0 00@ tE The P1rtridge Family 00 Reil EJtate lttnlals m "MERV"-Rose Mvrie, O @ lonrry Quest * Dom Deluise, Frank Et! Luth• Ubrt Avalon, Mario Andretti. t.;;) NCAA .11stetball Carol Lawrence, 11:30 6 (I) Josie ind the Puurttts H. Guardino. D ~Th• lu11!oe1 0 00 Unu!ol Link m MeN 01illin Show f.) USC/UCU lirmnastits Mttl t:(!) (ij) Fl!m OdJ5stJ (D Mo•i~: "lmp~lse" (mys) "5&- 9:00 1J 00 I ;PEt1l~ I CllS Comedy I':· Arthur Kennedy, CoMllnct Smi!h, lots "Mtah" s11rs Al~n Alda al':d Wayne Ro1ers; ''Oh, Num !" 5f1 rt\ Su~an fos:er Ind P11 Ctrro!!; "Sln. Alter noon f l1s" stars Mlc~ele Lt1 and Ruth 12:00 B (]) Tht Montees Bun i. (J lmll.•dt 0 (}) (!) !ii} ROGm 222 (R) (jJ Movlt: "lipstick" (dra) "63 - tJ) T( Mu &it.11 Pitrre Brice, G1or1i1 Moll. @: Tht Vlrrinl•~ O 00 (l) A111eriu n lltndstand Tht all N1!.1tht Hamiltor1 Jot Frank & Reynolds t :30 ffot1fl aH Ofnist L1Slllt art Ditk 0 FREEDOM NOW From C111k"s 1uests. * Raci al Bias-Ill Health G Slltfloc• Holmes Ttttllrt ----~~ison~Record:-By.Jt.1-aver lm.!t!tl"J k-0 Flndint Tru1 Fretdom Christi an ®! Unclt W11do Sc1enc1 Fllm · 12:30 eJ Cl) for Are fllert (R) "Colum· fJJ CIJ (() (E Thi Odd Coupl1 (R) bus tnd ls1b1H.1"' An 1ttount of !hi D "''"Walch John fullmtr events thll lad to Spai"'t dtt1sio• (!)The Bill Cosby Show to back Columbus' historic txp!or.1· @II U Gata t1on.-. 10;00 R m m N•ws 0 foeus '"Cimpfira Girls"" A loo~ If 0 ffi (Il t1!) l o•i Amerlcin Style what the Cllm~IJ1i Girls ~ave to offer 0 Caundl Otbt!t }(IUng women. @ Vib11tions 0 Antell W1rm·Ufl EID Soul! @)Sports Adkin l'ro.Fill all Luthi Libre 8l) Un l'obrt Htlllbrt 8 Rocky Ind Friends 10:30 I)({) Don Rlctlfs Sllow Q Clttll!·U~ "Bomb SQuad" 1:00 f!I 00 CIS Chlldrtn'1 FWrtt Fesd· (Jlt S1n Diego P1nlft-1m1 val "ll lind Bird" is• Ru~ln·m1d1 . m S.l1rl to Mvt11lu11 film th1t tells the touchin1 story of (ijJ Vlbr1tions • boy"s friends~ip wi!h • blind pink €E Ata rment1d1 11tlie1n. Oleg Jarkov st11s. €D Dr. Simon Locke 0 tm HW Clllltft hAelb1R 9 CfHllrr• The1tr1 Cll.1mpionship Fln1l1 Te1m' lo bl 11:00 1J CJ \11 @?) m News •~nourictd g On step Beyond 0 An11els B1seball lht California (i) M htl Dillon Anaels meet the M1lw1oket Brewus O . , Nl"llfl in P•_lm Springs in I~• third of. feur e Mov •• "Kiss of D11tfl (mys) ptt•SllSOn 11m1s. '47-Vk:tor ture, Bria~ Otmlevy. 0 MIM1: (C) "lllrd of P1radlM" torney's marriage. Richard_1 te ntedly with waitress-drinks Benjamin Portrays the porn· and brawls with new hillbilly Are you a Unitarian without knowing it? 6,. Do you believe the Bible 10 be an inspiring human docu· If ment, rather than the literal '\~:ord of God'"? ~ Do you believe that min i~ not condemned by the doc· trine of '"original sin," but is inherently capable of im· provement? A_ Do you believe the deve\op.menr o( character 10 be more t{ important than the accepting of rel}gious creeds? · • Do you be lie"e the purpose of religion is 10 help us live this life nobly and constructivel y, rttber thaii, to ~mph•· ·size the preparation for an after-existence? The Unita rian an5wers are affirmati"e. Join with other religious liberals "'ho insist upon individual freedom of belief and the use of reason in religion. SUNDAY SERVICES · 10:30 A.M. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 1259 VICTORIA ST., COSTA MESA 646-4652 m Tnrth or Conuqutntu (adv) '5} -louit Jourdan, Jiff -m -F1ihlOM In Stll'lni tucllte R1ve1s Challille1. O.b11 Pa1•t..----1 @ Tht Advoutes (!)News Nick Cart11 Efj) Doln' 11 ~ Lo1t f" Sp:lct al Curiosity Shop 11:10 m Movit: "Night FrtlJlrt (mys) '55-Forrest Tucker. 81rb1r1 Britton 1:30 @ Stetchboot (j) Mobile Homt Show 11:15@11 Clnem1 34: "Yen1r11111 tn el D Science fiction Thtatrt Cl1to" 11:30 6 (]) CIS lilt Movit: (C) "Arou nd tllt World, Under tht Set" (sci -ti) '66 -Lloyd Brid ges , Brian Kelly, Sh!Jley Ea1on. Q ~ID Johnnr Carson 0 MOvlt: "Olt F11h!ontl ~1y" (com) '34 -W.C. fields, Judith Allison. 0 (}) (j) a) Dkt C.vUt Sl~e A!· ltn is 1uest host. (iJ Ni1hlm1rt m Ta Tell tht T1irth 12:00 mMo'lit: "Tension~ (mys) '(9 - Rithard Batthart, Audrey Toll!!. 1'00 ~CJ0Ntwa 0 Mol'lt: (CJ "Bimbo tht Crttl~ (dr1) '6\--Cl8uS Ho!m. O M11'11: (C) ''St¥tll Men F111m Haw" (wes) '56 -Randolph Seott. Gill Russell. ®J Movie: (C) "Stl1l1t A11g1l" (d") '52-Rock Hudson, Y~on11e DtCtrlo. l:JO m Atl·Nlj11t Sho!f: "Action In Att· bla," ''Tl'lt Wtl1," "Tiit Whtie Trulll" l:JD 8 (C) ''Till Stt1n1ff" (wts) '57- 'Jotl McCtt1, Viralnlt M1yo. 3:00 IJ (C) "Laurhin1 Anne" (d11) '5' -Mtrftrtl loctwood, Forrest Tucll1r. W DEllUT Tht Mothers·in·llW Eve Arden shrs. IE) Movit: ''Greld in ttit Sun" (1dY) '63 -Je1n·Paul Belmondo, Uno Ventu11. 2:00 fJ Dusty's Tr11ho11M @ Mn!e: "The Stnnrtr ef Ill.et· moor castle" (my$) '~Ktrln Oot. 00 tnt1mttlc1111I Hollf OJ Soul Tn in (!! Clnt '·' 11 Tardt @: Ltnd ol the Cianb m Jonny Qutsl 2:30 fl lnsidlf/Dubid~r G) Tlll1 W1tk In NIA 3:00 0 C8S Coll Cltsalt O CelehdtJ BowHn1 (iJ F11 Dul Flicks B Movit: "ti1111 ltll~ lwes) ·53 - Geo111 Mol!lromtry, Tab Hun1tr. Ql Mevt.: "Tiie Lan1 N!Jht ef 1943" ·(dt1l '62-Bell11d1 let, Gino Cftrvi, m Miltll:ona ti l'Tolf'U ~ J1cksonvi111 Oil•n Coif (&Spotts C~1tltnp J:30 0 (]1 fl) IE 're BoWlers Tettr fhe '80,000 M1lltr H!th life Open . m Succau Sto11 m Winp ti Advtnhlr• Expect more. Expect lo meet & highly Ll'ain~ 5taff \1•ho are ex~rt In tht fitld ot con1patability matching. If all you wanted \1'as another date, you 11·ouldn't need ur.. At Discovery our goal is to matclJ you v.•ith peop](' you \\.'ill be truly compatible 11·ith. Disco\"Pry si;eu it together. PJ-IONE Los Angeles, (2131 387·3393, Oranie Co. (7141 83S·68S5 r-:------------1 :======================/,! . "diSGMru,. })[\·Ilion ot ~·~ionll &odolor lu.t ;111Utl.lt• I I 3700 WIJthfn Blvd., Suite 6S\1; Loa An1ele1, Ca. 9001D J Fo r Advert; .,:,tg :,. One City Boulevard w .. ~ Otl!lft , Ca. 92&&8 ~II " " j Yet. l w•nl to ~nit out U DllCoY~ h relll)" that dllftttl\t. Gl91 II Out 4 ., N' About .1 ::: 111.tottrlluon .~no ~,11,.llon. Tor &111&1• >:duta 21•. 'I Plione Norm Stanl,e"' 1 ...... 0 " ,;,,. I J ] Pl'.Orlt But. No. I ======6=4=2=-4=3=2=1=====jL ~"'_:3 _:d:ed_:3 ~~_a~·~~ _ ~ J ed prostitul e. Unable I o establish real re1ationships she regards her business as a form of ac t ing . Don Sutherland is policeman on hunt for a missing friend 1n this murder mystery. The Party !Rl: Slapstick comedy occurs when disaster· prone East Indian actor is in· vit ed accidentally to chic Hollywood party. Peter Sellers .stars. Play Misty For ~1e (R); Jessica Walter portrays a beautiful but psychotic woman in love with San Francisco disc jockey Clint Ea stwood. Mystery. S u mmer of '42 (R l: Nostalgic return to early \var years depicting three teenage boys awakening to romance and sex . They while aw ay summer at an Eastern shore resort p I a n n i n g conquests. Sensiti ve Hermie falls in Jove with beautiful Army wife. Jen- nifer O"Neill and Gary Grimes .star. Vanishing Point (PG l: Stars Barry J\'ewman as cx·cop. ex- race driver-who speeds from Denver to San Francisco u•ith po\lce in pursuit encouraged by blind Black radio disc jockey against hard rock musical background . MATURE TEENS AND ADULTS , Butch Cassidy and the Su n- Cowbo)'S !PGl : F inding regular CO\Yboys unavailable, John \\'ayne hires band of 11 to J5-year-0Jd boys to ~Ti\:_f catlle 400 n1ilfs to n1arket. Sa~a of bo~'s growing into manhood and their encounters with brutality and re venge on the font ier . FA~IILY Fiddler on tile Roo( I G): Story of life in small poor Jewish village of Tzarist Russia. Tevye. the milkman \vith five daughters. t;:ilks over his problems with God, while his \\'ife-Goldie and Yente the Matchmaker see k suitable mates for the girls. Stars Toool (Ind Norma Crame. On Any Sund ay (G): Bruce Bro\vn. \rho did surfing's "Endless Summer" brings to film the beauty, danger, joy and hu mo r of young America·s motorcycle craze. Done as semi-documentary. S l e v e _ McQueen and pals ride in sand dune shots . Pacific Vibrations ( G f : Surfing Him by John Severson. * Tlie letter immediately after the title indicntes the rating given the picture by t he A1otion Picture Code. The Code And Rating pro· gram ,na y be found on one of the motion picture pages. MAJO R STUDIO rtltlflIW SATURDAY, MARCH 18 8:45 p.m. A \vack.v. nuttv, zany comedy starring L.vnn Red· grave, Victor !11ature. Dom DeLuise and John Astin . From the Direclor of "L 0 V ER S & 0 THE R STR ANGER S.'' I <?Kt:;t( t •DWA~D S l I THEATfllf ' Jehn W.i vn•~ "THI COWBOYS'' Wilt Sh•w •t ':45 end 11 p.m. "SKIN GAME'' Wtll Net "'"''""•0•-' ,,.,, .•• , • •·0~1 1 .. · ,· lie Shown F're.Yi•w Nigk+ ........ ''"' . ., •. ,. ......... ,.. ···•· .•. · ... , Mirlij~ irn~~ij ll ii~rnij ~omi~ ~ii~ iwl!r~ ~o~lilfanij 1,ij~irl ~~ill ~lul1n~ ~o ~en Jij~~ Mirli1 i1i~ir~ ~ijnli mini ~ilijn ••0011C1~1· oo•tt•t~ u•u~"i.•••• ' ~.~!~iMJ [11~ f11j ~I i1111iil .,, f1mis ~I fAillii .... i1111ail1 .... :Jlelfilt(:n.~ ... i.r111r-11r111m ,ft~,;··, I ..._ . •I I"( ·• -••oc;o ........ !•OUMf.,. .... _,... 'llG~~' f1im ., __ ._• lltl--;r=+ THI ONLY' ORANGECOUNTY • ENGAGEMENTS STARTS WEDNESDAY ** · MARCH 22 ** •' DAILY PILOT 20 GEORGE C.SCOTT WTHE HOSPITAL" DWIARl88 -:i:t,--::.w--"t.i.":':J; C~ CCI.Oil .._ .. ,,._ Al.SO· l'tttt 5.iltl't ti "THI PARTY" STARTS WIDNESDAY MARCff 22 A MARI/ l!YOELL FILM et~~ :x;il' ~rcYr \'.a111tr Bros. A K1nnev r.omp.iu'I~ IJ! '""" ... -.. . ., •••. '' •• ,.q .,, ' '; ••• .,,.,,, ·•~·••-·••O'""·''""''"' l.,.,. IOP '"'l(f!OIO James Garner Skin GRIDe WINN!R I NOMINAllOFOI 5 ACA DfMY AWAID$ .,. BEST Art SPKIJ.l · lf5T SON:; OlrH!lo• HHCTS "All Of llLllVllfl" . , , . , WALT DISNEY"''""''"' ~~ Efill OlliillmHH:Ji8 ,';m, LRNSBURY ""' TOffillNSON m,iW A[ JRfff rniCsoN --;;:-· --1 ,,. ... \.!.';',\': ' ,:;:, L··~· . I -~ 1/"'·<ii -? -,,-. ~ft .A/, -~ r · · · •1-·. ·· ' ". ..,) ' .. ""r. ~·-:it,; I' .:,,~ ·~' -.·. ~-·-----· .~ _ .. .,.-... _ ·-..... ' . ." . . '""lo'•'" ""'"""'*WOy ltO WA.LTOISNNS WAlTDISNfYS "THE IAREFO~T EXfCUTIVf" "IN SfAICH OF THI C Sit • • •Rot.H 9 <V0. OT l.~~IS • • •••.co•••""'' " "'" <>••Oo ,._. l&?·t .. 01 • ...... TlHOTON I A(:OI You don't assign him to murder caaea. You just turn him loose . •!Al P•~'AVISION' TECHNICOl )Fl•· V•I"·'' S;~s. A l<.tl"ll"ll '1' .:0rni:i111y 2nd Outstanding Hit At Both Cinema1 James Garn er Skin Game I~ ~ARBO~ SHOH'IN C[NT!~ "EDWARDS HARBOR ~~:A2 ~··•o• I CVD •r \lllLSO~ Sf, -~asu "''' i 4f ·M7l WARREn BEATTY GOLDIE HAWn I ., r.J I~ . in ''$'' (DOLLARS ,I "~·.-:-ff '!>I m.JJ'll80~0VICH Wr•l\<!1' V>C1 (life(~ CV RICH~AO l!AOOKS ·2nd Top .omfdy. ~ ..... \11""4. ·-, .... "BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE" Hi HAllBOP SHOPPING C!Nl(lt EDWAR DS HARBOR :.:·~~1 STARTS WEDNESDAY MARCH 22 HA~BO~ I LVO. AT WllSll~ ST i:O!TA Mi:IA 6(6·0~7l 1 l.~lllS SOUTH 0, $A1' DIEGO fWY. "WHAT'S UP, DOC?" WINNER l~ICLUDlllG NOMINATEO 8 ••• BEST PICTURE PHlll "O'AN!ON.PROOUCER BEST ACTOR '"''HACKMAN BEST DIRECTION WILLIAM""""" BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR ROY S(HflOIR JCAOIMJ AWAlOI "THE NIFTIEST CHASE SEQUENCE SINCE SILENT FILMS!" "·~'c 1,,,,,,,,,,,.,~,,,.t,.1-t 2o1~ Century.Fox ~rt1ent' THE FRENCH CONNECTION IN 7HE GREAT TRADITION Of AMERICAN THRll.lE~S. • C!!.OA BY OHUXC' ®o ALSO THIS lST ARIA SHOWING or . (, . '. ' L Partne1·s Planning Lee l\iarvin and Paul Newman discuss pl an to raise !iOmc easy cash in '·Pocket Money," a contemporary \Vcstcrn prod uced by John C. t~oreman. 1'he film !icrccnplay \\'as written by Terry !\1alik. Game Show Viewers Richer Than Fans of Soap Operas Live Theate1· ''Personal Appearance•• This comedy of Hollywood as It was 1..'0ntinues tonight llnd Salurday at 8:30. with ad- dit ional performances l\1arch 21·25 and 28, April I at the Laguna '-1oullon Playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach . Reservat ions -49H143. .. Nig ht of the Iguana'' The C.Osta Mesa C i v i c Pla yhouse production . of this Tennessee \\lilliams drama plays tonight and Saturday, with f i n a I performances March 23-25 at 8:30 in the Comn1unity Cen t er Auditorium on the Orange C.Ounty Fairgrounds. Reserva· lions -334-5303. "Cat on a llot Tin Roof" Opening tonig ht for five weekends, the T e n n e s see Williams drama wil l be staged • Frida.ys . and Sa t u rd a y s through April 15 at the Hun- tington Beach Playhouse, 2110 Main St.. Huntington Beach. with an 8:30 curtain. Reserva- tions -536-8861. "Oil 's Ice Cream Suit " This original play makes its debut this weekend, with perfor mances tonight through Sunday and March 23-25, April 5, 12, 19 and 20 at 8 o'clock at South Coast Repertory, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Reservations -646-1363. "Object of th e Game" ~n original comedy by the San C I e m e n t e Com muni ty By Terrence O'Flaherty features to be presented by man who made the claim is .. Theater opens Thursday for . three weekends, March 23-25, Pink Floyd ,Casual 'Meddle' Relies on Sou1id Effects By DAV ID STERRJTI' c11ri.111" tcltlll:• Monnw s1rv1ce strumental repelitiousness . Plus an annoyingly studied Jn. The blue-and pinkish jacket slstence on being just a little of "Meddle" bears a picture of shocking around the edges. what could be a whale with The persistently trouble at· circle ts of wate r superimposed mosphere of many of the over it. ''Brain Capers" lyrics lends o · Id be the disc a strange sort of I r it cou 3 depth, however, supported by show-tune atmosphere makes '-1r. O'Sullivan li ke a sort of lri!'ih McCartney. thal seem Paul Him:stll, Gilbert O'Sullivan (MAi\1·2 I. Takes Trip Side. two of "Tbe four of photomicrograph of some one· a firm rhythmic sense and a lied · I · Us" is the long title song - a ce an1ma s aga1rst a fair amount of sheer rock • suite in four sections about a vag ue , amorphous energy. Mott still bears background. watching. trip across the United States. It is likewise lmposslble to Brain Capers, Motl the Hoo-The usual soft loveliness of be sure whether the Pink pie (Atlantic, SD 8304 ). John Sebastian's voice sweetly Floyd songs on the record are l"I If complements the air o i about the outside world. with • 111se which the lyrics o t ten On his debut album, Gilbert nostalgia that mal'ks most of ostensibly deal. or about the O'Sullivan presents himself as it. and the raunchy New landscapes within the heads of a likable singer with an easy Orleans section ( t i t I e d the talented quartet. But they voice. and a penchant for "Lashes LaRue ") features KIDS LOVE ONCLE LEN MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPI.£ Tilt 110/K lno 8' l~o ltl•"\IJ JJ !O W"lll #lfllll •"41! !,,_ aii•llO'l•tr oJ ..... ,. (~IOI •"*'"f 01 tho,1 CltOl.11'1, -------------------- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,~ ...... o ... ·-c ..,_ .. ,,,.... ....... •"' """'-'''°" resound with an imaginative so ngs ranging from neo·Dix· some jaunty piano by Macl .':===:::;:====== depth rarely encountered in leland ("January Git") to sen· !-rock. timental balladry ("\Ve Will") Rabinac, better known as Dr. With the help of the unusual to Tom Lehrer-style joke John the Night Tripper. battery of sound effects and ("Permissive Twit") to rock Side one opens with a start· synthetic noises the Floyd with '5(J's-style sa x infections ling bang as fl..tr. S. waxes M••·•~ .... 11 ..... h ("Thunder and Lightning"). •·~·i•""' ere move from the eerie unusually heavy for a couple r..,...11, .. ,.,.., • •:Jtr.a. pastoral instrumental "One of The constants are a quiet Irish llOOD' coi.oR W,·1 an u n 0 b t u s 1· s of cuts, but Lov in' Spoonful 1 1 1 These Days" and the gentler , r v e en-"TA 1s JIOM ctYPT" PG timentality, and a smooth smoothness soon prevails. +"otACUlA "'s 11su1 "A Pillow Of Winds" to the flOMTHIGIAYl"IG S\l."inging jazz of "San Tropez·•l;=======================.I ~~~~II and the comically exagerated ~!'~~'~ 5~~ country blues of "Seamus." c1.1t·•· 49• S'd ...................... 1 " 1 e two is one long piece ,.. ·~;' t, led O,o•o IM.,l~""· •ll•I. iot. h•. 12M it "Echoes," an extension i 11G 111u 1 r th Fl d' I' ... 11 ... ""•IC•t .. o e oy s ear 1er "Atom 11-1 .. 1H 4 •••4-• •••1'4• ft rt M th S . " . h "IOTCM"\'" ca 0 er u1te Wit 'lOVllS' OTNll s IANGll$" PG words. Their singing is as calcu latedly casual as the Beach Boys', and the sur· rounding sounds are as pro- vocative as they are perplex· •••••••••••••••••••• ing. ''~1eddle " Pink F I o :y d (Harvest, SMAS-832). Brain Caspers • • If you watch Carson. Cavel! David \Volper Produclions. responsible for a greater num-30-April 1 and April 6-8 at the or Griffin you are probably Included in <1ddition Lo the bcr of oDnoxious conversation Cabrillo Playhouse, 2 o 2 unc!er 50. over 18 and a. films already seen on TV :ire killers tha n almost any other Avenlda Cab r i l 1 o, San y,·oman. If you watch soap silents, out-takes (flubs ) of the man alive : Art Linklelter. Clemente, "'ith an 8:30 curtain. operas, you are certainly a stars o[fstage and newsreel JAi\fES GARNER is getting ~eser;'alions ~92-0465. . .. \\'Oman and under 4-0. If you films, screen tests and the s4o.ooo a show for his new Who s Afraid of Virginia Mott the Hoople generates watch game sho11Js in the f2.bulous collection of sti ll ~cries. Dav id Janssen is get· Woolf?" some real ex citement when • • • • "THE GODFATHER'' : • storri11g • • • • • • • • • (faytime-you arc likel)'.Jo be photos used to.publlcizc nearly ling $45 000 -each plus a Edward Albee's classic con· the players enter their most ! MAR LO N BRANDO : BUENA PARK ORIVE·IN 50, live in the city and ha vc a 50 yc:trs of major 111ovic!'i . perccntag'c. James Stewart temporary 'drama presented u n i n h·i b i t e d I y m a n i e larger income than a sot~> Penance Th r 0 u g)i Con-g~t $35.000; Jack Lord gets by the frvine Con:imunity moments-as at the end or opera fan. If you watch foot· fession: A tearful speech was $J 0,500 for every "~!awa it.. The~ter opens next .Friday for "The Moon Upstairs" on -AND- ball Oh television you are two-m2.de in Oklahoma City last Five-0" and Chad Everett is f~ur weeke~ds with an 8 "Brain Capers," or in the song ·:" "WHAT'S UP, DOC?" !: • • • STAR TS WEDNf.SOA'( and-a-half limes more likely lo mon th by a man who blamed unhappy because he's getting o c.lock curtain. Performances that ends the album. And they l>•nk•mtric•rd • m•1l•r clt ••g• be a man . If you watch golf television for destroying con-only $IO,OOO. In case you're Fridays and. Sa tur d a y s have a sense of humor that 7 f11hion i11•nd, n1 wport c1nl•r 644·5070 • starring • your income is hi gher than if versation and family lies. for wondering who Chad Everett thr?ugh April I~. at the UC shows through occasionally. : BARBRA STRE ISAND : you watch only footba ll. And if drug addiction anQ the genera· is. he's one of the doctors on Irvine Humanities . Ha 11 But this most Dylanesque ol • and RYAN O'NEAL • ~f1~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ 1~~~7J~io~a~~ lion gap. Everything but death "Medic2J Center." Frankly, I Playhouse. Reserva tions 547-:~tk~~~l~a~~~ i~r~3;;~td i~· !FOUNTAIN YlllEY DRIYE·IN! w~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 _u_d_t_a_e_•_._u_n_ro_r_t•_•_a_~_~_t_h_•_t_h_~_k_t_h_u_·_re_A_L_L_o_•_•~~-a_w_._~1 r'~7~a~.~i~~~~===~~~~~~~~~:4r=====================1 . sn•r smoN•s~ • ~~:i~~dtheb~bov~:i;~r:sr~r~ \I • f p• k y 0 =••••••••••••••••••! organization• ror the gu idance ttl• IC our Wll of sponso rs who tr y not to G ~ waste money selling denture i CHiLDREN'S MATiNEES pasle lo lecnagccs or diaper> THEATER to dowage rs. . MGM Othe r notes from My Golden l're.isu ry of Publ ici ty Re· P---"' leases: wil~,,.on Presidential Thought of The Month (from a speech by Don Durgin. NBC network president): "I think television 'Oscar' Winners Sl.00 ,., Ce•l••4 !I ) Ve4tt 11 Mu• lo w;1• ,., .. , !11 l lt,llA TUl ll . l: ::!:l!'.11'tl'lck°i/,, .. I" l . "PAllC IN NllOll PAik 'fl) 1----lby-tne-ettf.H)f-lhe-deetttle--wil~ no longer be the grandson or re.dio or the newphew or mo- tion pictures. Te.lcvl'iion "'ill b<' its own man, usini; television's own tools." Okay. Durgi n - come clean. \Vho's lhe father ? "Where's Popp~?" The DA ILY PILOT, in cooperation with ft..1ovieland \Vax l't1useu·m and South Coast Plaza No. 1 and No. 2 Theaters, offers readers the opportunity to partici pate in a nation· Wid pull -rlJ!~'lecrpbpal<fr--wlrrn'"lrSfrom.among oJfiCiht "Oscar" nomtnees. Week 's vacation for two in Honolulu and a place o[ honor at "Luci" Awards Banquet at Stars' Hall of Fame Q:~it national winner. T wenty pairs of movie passes given weekly to those voting at South Coast. Plaza theaters. Clip out ballot below: l•"".OI~ ••• ..,,.·io•r~1 •11 •O'O c1rv., ... 11 "'"" •• wr1~ , .... 11•> Cliet f01••0041<•l0< "OllTY 11.t.llT" II ) Plu /J•,.,. Go'"" "SklM GAMI" !PG) • SALLY STRUTHERS, the actress who plays Archie Bunker's dau ghter in "All In The Family," has only three prior perlorming credits: as a graceless dancer on the Tin1 Conway Show, as an un· derstudy of l\1argaret O'Brien on a roadsho w production of "Barefoot In The Park" and as a bov.'ling alley pick·up in "Five Easy Pieces.·· The entire fi lm archives of MG.!\1, the mosf styl~sh a~d • dist ',. t1shed film studio of them .. ;1, will berome the baSi!i i or a ne\v series of television EXPLORE 'THE WORLO OF S•ILIHG Jock Nlchel1011 "5 EASY PIECES" -Al'° - ,.THI I OYS 11'11 THI e AND" lotfi Color -1 IJ •• ONNA CORCORAN· WARO BONO ANCES OEb>n GYPSY Special Saturday & Sunday Matinees l & 2 PM \,",f," 18 & 19 IOTH R-Show Shirts 7 P.M. COMINCi NEXT WEEK "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" With Sn• Cot1ftety & J iii St. Joh• "CAT O'NINE TAILS" -----------.. I Mark an "X" in box in front of your selection. j Vote fo r only one person or film in each category. Be 111<1 HAllBOll SHOPPING CflfTtll E DWARDS HARBOR c=.2 HA••o• at~D. AT W1uo11 Sl . COS'TA •£IA ''1·051J I sure to c,omplete 25-word statement and fill in your I ·•~T7c=w:~:·;~1 ~s::·~··°')" I I name, a!ldress and phone number so you can be con---·--~-.. 1c. ---------------------'II tacted if you win pri~!? trip or show passes. All ballots J must be mailed to DAILY PILOT or placed in theater wr~nfR, OOl.OfN ..,11 . "1 u u J Iobby ballot boxes by midn~ght on Saturday, March 25. J 1 llllLll JOUTN OI' Mii DllGO fWY. ou•tt~ '~-· '"""' 4 l.Ut 1111'0 l•TI. •N M •SS<ON v•::© I =-. '.ff~ -I· 17IO & ''''"'· SooloAoo h!Wij~~ I D PETER FINCH for "Sunday Bloody Sunday" I 0 GENE HACKMA N for "The French Co nnection" _ 0 WALT ER MATTHAU for "Kotch" I JO 6990 Best Actor I I I I I - \ .... ~OONAL ... Hot .. At. .. \ ' See and H~ar How Otha"rs Found Freedom From:. INCURABLE ILLNESS A PRISON RECORD _ RACIAL DISCRIMINATION THROUGH PRAYER An eic:-convict, • black pianist and others tell how thoy wore healed • through Chrlst i1n Science. KTLA ·CHANNEL 5 Friday Night at 9:30 P.M, -· as the old man ol lhe mountain f>lus Spectar.ular SKI Snorl ''Get Hot" Sun International Productions In~.• ' Wl!ol1som• F•mlly E nlertainmen1 A1tM11• A FAMILY TREATI HElD OVER -H•tlon11 OtMr•I TP1e1trt1 - SOUTH COAST PLAZA #1 COlll M•s• • (7141 546-2112 W11kd1y•: J:OO, 7:00 I ''00 $1t, 6 S11n.1 1.00, J,H, J.00, 1:Df • ''°' -H1llon1I G .. 11r1I Th11!,1t - FOX FULLERTON Ftllltrloo! e J15·4141 MIRA.MAI SUI Cl1mtn1t e 4'1"'654 I 0 GEORGE C. SCOTT for "The Hospital" D TOPOL for "Fiddle r on the Roof" Best Actress I D J ULIE CHR ISTI E for "McCabe & Mrs. Miller" I I 0 J ANE FONDA for "Klute" D GLENDA JACKSON for "Sunday Bloody Sunday" I Io VANESSA REDGRAVE for "Mary, I Queen of Scots" I O J ANET SUZMAN for "Nicholas and Alexandra" I I Best Jtlotlon Picture ot 1971 I I 0 "A CLOCKWORK ORANGE" (Warner Bros.) . I 0 "FIDDLER ON THE ROOF" (United Artists) I 0 "THE FRENCH CONNECTION" (20t h Century-Fox) I 0 "THE LAST P ICTURE SHOW" (Columbia) 0 "NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA" (Columbia) 11 ' WHY I VOT ED FOR THIS FILM (25 wo rds or less) I . . . . . ' ............ ' ........ ' ............ ~ .. ' .......... . 11~~~~~~~~~~-11 ...................................................... I I I I I I I I \ omin~t•cl lot 2 ACIDEMY AWARDS llST' SUl'POlfllC ACfOI • llCMAIO JAICl(l 1111 SONt "AH Hi1 Clildrln~ ! ..D.d I CLINT EASTWOOD Wetkday1 6,4 S Sot., Sc.in. Iii S ' "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" I . ' ............................... ' ................... . /Name ............................. Phone ........... j I Address .....•..• : , . • . • • . . • • . . . . . . . : ........•••.... I Ci ty ........ , ........ , . . . . . . . . Zip ........ ,, .. 1.....:. - - - - - - - ---_, ' Mll il ballot to: ''Osc•r Poll.'' DA ILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1560, Cost• Mo11, C•. 92676, or drop In lobby boxes •I South Coast Pl•1a Theaters •I or •2, Br istol Street near j San Citgo FrHwly. I • ••• o .. ,. ·-· ,, . .... .... ,, ,. ' ••IKWlll Joh WofoO'> Lo IHI "COWIOYS"IPGI ""-... ........ ........... 11 1 1••1 li t UMtr 11 Moul~. •lltl rerMlll) IOllillflATID J •<ADIMY &WAIOS "IOMlTIMll A GllAT lllOTIOI " (1101 fut••••l•••tk• Wol!Or !PG) "Pl.AT MISTY fOI Ml" (I I ·-~···,. ................ ~II 1}/} ,, .. , ... ....... .... (• .. -.. ~·~ 7011 (I J lolo4tr 11Mtll11 Wit• ro....,t (I) irlCIAl 1111,-.•tMUlf We<tl• I Mtlyfltlllt Mt•I "DOllA!S" 11! r1 • ...,.. .. 1.w.w "IO• & <A•Ot & TID I ALKl"tt1 •....... ....... . ... ,.,,,_ .. ,,, t.ou ,.,,.., ~ ... ,_ aOOOT COltt "TAllS 110M CITPT" (Pl) Pl11r'OIACUlA MAS llllM fl OM TNI GIAYl" (I ) ·-....... " ..... •. • \0~1111 ~.., .. ,, .. ,, ......... ,.,,. ..,....,IOI AUO•YAW&ns "IOMITIMIS A lllAT IOTIOll" C11rt1 f11tw"'/Jtuke ••It., (Pt) "l'U.Y Mnn ,01 Ml" (I} .......... ... .... .......... 141•Htl 11 00 Pll (A,ILO&O II ;J,.fJ ... 11 t oW1•PMWt (tl 1. "WM IUfK ll"' 111 ~ ::~~~ ~v:::s•.:t,,vx•; 1's1 • . .I. .• SWIZZLE STIK Proudly Presents DANCING NIGHTLY-Wed. thru Sun . Featuring The , .• Danc e fo fiddl e Dance scene from ''Fiddler on the Roof" \Vh1ch opened this \veek at lhe Cinedoine 21 . The Norman Jew1son productioii stars TC\pel \\'ith Norma Crane. ~1ol!ey Picon . Leonard Frey and Paul Mann . It 's the story of life in a small "Jewish town in Tzar1st Russia . OAJLY PJLOT Jl Michaels: Mimic at W ~rk By CY~"IH.JA LOWRY XE"' ''ORK f AP 1 ~1ar1lyn Michaels thU1ks of her-self as a singer 11nd an ac- lress. '\\"hen she started singing ill nightclubs, she caut1ousty ad- ded th!' tag of con1ed ienne. After A BC ' s mid-season r,eplacem ent ser1ts,"The KOpy Cats," r-uns il6 course. it i~ certain that as f11r 11s the public is concerned. shr 1s a mimir nr "imprrssionist," which sounds grandP r Currentl.v. ~·oung '.\.1 is s ~11chaPls 1s \\'Ork1ng In son1e fast co1npan~'-Ru;h Lil.lie. v.•hose 1m1tia!lon of President Nixon 1s suhtl~ de\'astin~: l~rorge Kirby , ~·ho l'an1c imi- tate anybody from Mae \\'rst !o Lotus Armstrong and Pettrl Bailey: and Prank c:orshin. 11·hose spec1alt1es arf' Rurt Lancaster and t\irk Douglas BOBBY RAY TRIO SUNDAY BRUNCH-11 a.m. to 2 p.m. steak And Eggs $1 .so-Luge Bloody Mary 1sc . Ca"'nera Shutters 19022 BROOKHURST STREET ' 11 "It has something to do 11·1th the eye and the ear." she st'l1d. ··r ve al\1·a vs donP it. and t alv.·ays think ·about 11 as an ex· erc1se in acting." Oncf', perhaps. ;i keenly hon- ed impression of snme famous person 1r11s ennug-h tn a11111.~e the crowd ~ S1nrr !rlrv1s1nn and more soph1s!lcillcd <Hl- <hences. impression1s1s n1u::t build cnmedy linPs rarrfully into work or . as r..1ar1lyn does, add mu slc I HUNTINGTON BEACH 968·5022 ' ' 'r;~==:::::;=~::=~J . Clicking at l(nott' s Nightly Dinner Specials $3.95 TAtE~1kWHAtE 400 MAIN, BALBOA PENINSULA PLENTY OF PARK ING I 673·4633 Real Canloriese F11od · e1t here or t.1k1 home. ST AG -EHINESE-CA51HO 111 21st pl., Newport Beach ORiole 3°9560 Ope11 Year Rrou11d Dally 11°11-frl:e114 kt . .''tll J e .m. l/u1 FLING ~'"!:l ENTERTAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS A WEEK DANCING MON.&TUES. ~ * HAP HALL DUO * La"y Lak Wit~ Gfn~ Will+. on ,.,. Slni::c.r WED. THIU $UN. •.• ~ For Ear,ly Risers i'1d l;;1te Pl1'fer1 Open 01il~ From ·6 A.l{i. to 2 A.M. Rea·r-Mes·;-Th .. iater s~ue::; -Costl Me.a 145 I. 1 fth St. Jint eff Newport llYd. OA·I~ SOMETHING'S NEW AT THE VILLAGE ,INN :DANCING THUR. tHRU SAT. FROM 9 P.M. ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY CORNER OF PARK 1'ND MARINE BALBOA ISLAND 67l-4Sl0 ,. ' . Fine Italian Cuisine Cocku&lls 2325 E. COAS-t HIGHWAY . " 67J·826T 1t ... nt11tleM . Open Doily S P.M.,. 2 A.M. -CloHd Mende'f , W1 Wiii ie Clottd Twe WHkl For letter Vecotlon Morch 28 thr11 Apr II 1 ti Wednesday Thru Saturdoy Nights PAX ., , Sundoy .Ni9ht.!.opt• ,,_ SeUlon And JAN DENEAU TRIO Monday And Tutsdoy Nights ) MOJO COMPANY • LAGUNA "CLUI 21 " Mon .• Frl. 4 to 7 GARGANTUAN DRINKS DANCING NIGHTLY OPl'H Sl!!VIN OAYS 1460 S. COAST BLVD. FLEUR DELIS LAGUNA BEACH flltEE '41tklNG IN REAR -.-There.'.IJ be a b1i; shoot-out 21t Kn0tt's Berry Farm on Sat· ~y, March 18. when trigger- happy cameramen descend on .the grounds for the 6th annual Daguerrlffltype Day. For the tvent, Knott 's pr(}. vides unlimited photo-taking opportunities sparked b,11 a number of attractive models in period costuming. Representatives or the var- ious theme areas at the farm will include ladies of the gold rush and tum-of-the-cen~ury eras. exotic gypSies. Mexican sen-ors and-senoritas.and lots of old Ghogt Town personal- ities. Models will be on sets from 10 1'.m. lo 4 p.m. Amateur and profession;il photographers are invited f.o participate and enter contests which feature three cat.egories. with each in black and v.•hit.e. ~Smm color slides anrl color prints. 1'he categories w11: bt': Knott's Personalities; Fun 11t the Farm: ;:ind a new ratcgorv, Photo Journalism la photo wh ich tells a story . I In order to be eligible for prizes. contestants must reg- ister with the Information Room Saturday Entries must be shot during Daguerreotype Day and be received b.v Knot~'s Public Relat ions office b.v April 17. Contestants may sub- mit up to three photos in each category and rlivision. Additional infor mation anri guidelinei1 "'i ll hp .:iv;uJable lrnm Knot!'s Information Room or from Pub!ic Rela- tions, 'To1111ny' Ticket Cut for Student O:incert A s soc i a t es in association with KRLA and Sound Image, lnc. producers o( "Tommy" the rock opera nn"' rlaying at the Aquarius Theatrr. have initiated a stu- dent rush policy f0r the 4 p.m. Sunday matinee nnl.\'. Students who present t.h~1r i;tudenl. identific<1tion carrls at the box office one-half hour before show time Ca n purchnse tickets for $3.!iO ------ Nomln~l~d Fo• 8••1 At!or Gt'Or9! C. Seo!! '"t;OSPITAL" (G P! Ali.o e "THE l'AllTY" On !hr /1r"I sl10w of the series. she dirl 1mpre~s1ons or Rose mary Cloone~·. P a 1 t i Page. E11rth11 l\1tt , Connie Francis, Judy Garland and- perhaps her grratest triumph -Barbra Streil;and . She has a trained voice, one \\•it h a range from coloratura soprano through alto and she ii; comfortable "'1th everything froril grand opera to country. western. . . 'There tire comparatevely fe11' . v.·nmen in t h e 1m· prC'sslonist field . Edie · Ada1n ~ . _.:l: ' I . Even Ell iot Gould migh t take a second lo ok. l.+'1 .not Barbra Streisand bu t Marilyn Mic hael s, impress ionist. had surh ;i v.·1rked impression St~plefnn 's "All in the .lnd I 1m11;ited them-they R.oJcalL Ehzab€th Ta ylor or nf ~-Jar1lyn f\1onroe that she Fan11!y" role of Ar chie sa1d!caughtthecharacter." Rlla HilY\\'Orlh abandoned 1t \vhen th£ film Bunker 's 1''1[e. Edith \Vhen she 1s hu1ld1ng an im-"People with marked speech star met <i tragic death . "l'd never seen the show pression. she studies the sub-rharacteristics or 1ndividuaJ i\1iss Mirhacl.5 will tackle and there~";';.' ;:"'~"::;'<..V,,,Lo~ra,.1'i:rh~_,j,,cc"t~l~ro!lm"-;::"'fi"'lm!!·"-'•-'o":r."-:;'w"-h"'c'"n-4~est11rP=Belle..Da\US..and.Judy.. ____ .. Rnyone.prelefably female . it over tliere." she said . '·t possible, frnm an audience Garland are g n n d ex· \Vhen she and her costars usually was 1\/orking 1n cluhs seat. amples-are much easier to \\•ere shot1ng "The l\opy Cats' on Saturd11 y nights. An~'\l'a\·, ShP li:;tPn.5 1n rernrdings nf do Thar~ the reawn James 1n England. the prod11rrr Rich LittlP, Frank G0r:j._hin their 1·nire . Sometimes 1t Cagney .. l1mmy Ste wart and v.·anled to do a sketch with -and Geor,t:e Kirby, 1vhn had doesn't \\'nrk out "J'1·p ne ver Ed Sull11•an a1·e done so of- Marllyn imitating Jean seen ii, imitated Edith for me, been able 10 ca tch Lauren ten." Po111011a Fair Dal es of the 45lh Lns Angeles County Fa ir will be . Cha1~Iie. Cl1apli11 Sta11d s i11 LA . Sept. 15 throu~h Oct. !. lfti2. The sculptor "'ho, in bronze, 11•orld's greatest Film en-Carl Romanelli . com missioned i\'e"' features w\H he added th immortalized "The \\1orld's terf.R i!Jer. lly Marrin Hersh, nwner of e lo the al\\'ays exerti ng ex-f B · · position and c·o mp et i l J v e Greatest Stage Entertainer.'' Jolson 's bronze statue in his Tat . uild1ng. culm,_m_,amte-•.,.•~--- cl11ssif1cations will offer some the late A! .Jotsorr:rm-oeen-f;tmtlrarsinging--po!e Oh one -r-ampmgn-mnttvated , cu"' E1stw00d In his bl91•1t hit "O!RT'Y MAll'RY" & "SKIN GAME" (PG) wl!h J1m11 G1r"!r $2.10.000 in cash <l\\'ards and cnmmissioned !o similarlv im-knee occu pies an impressive ·fact that._ I he rnmed1an s name Premiums. said a spokesman. mortalize Charlie Chap\iii. the ';antage point beside a 30-fnot. wa~ still .. ~issini; fro~ 1.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;_,;i,,_,_,_,_, _ _, _ _,_,_, _ _,_,_,'il commemorative monument at Holl.vwnnd ~ \\!;ilk of Fame. -, his grave site, 'H illside Romanrll1. a native "SOMETIMES A GREAT NOTION" (GPI 111111 Cli11t E11twtod "l'LAY M,ISTY l'OR Ml" "T~• Fr•llCh Con11tct1011" (II ) ... "Vi"lthln9 Poin t" (II) NOMINATED FOR 8 ACADEMY AWARDS lncludin9 "Best Actor" & "Best Film" TllC MIJllSCM Pl!OOOCTION COMPAi« -·· A NORMAN JEWISON FILM "FIDDLER ON THE ROOF" ..... ", TO POL ~""""''""n...t:lw!!>t NORMAN JEWISON i.-.......... JOSEPH STEIN ............... d...,....., -.................. """. JERRY BOCK l)"'Cltor ..... ...,..,,. ... bt SHELOON HARNICK , ..... .., .. ,,. -'to" ... ,. ., HAROLD PRINCE J GJ==-~ Unllld APlllN· I • r.1emoriaJ Cemetery. L 0 5 Angeleno, is the progen.Y of a Angeles. fam ily of se ven generations of Charlie Chaplin 's four-by-sculptors. For l\\'O centuries six-fool sculpture, fittingly, the RomaneJ11;; of lta~y have will stand at the outer en-won world-1v1rlr acclaim. Hls tra'nce of the ·Tafi Buildin g, father. Carlo Romanelli. was Hollywood and Vine, the co r-the f1rs1 or lhr. f;im~ clan to ner legendarily regarded as emigrate to f'.al1forn1a at the the most !arrious In the world. turn of !he centur.v. The cooice of the ~ulptor. -:t~~~A~~S~~; TMf CITV JI! · O<o";• • {71'! 631 7700 J ~ 50UTM COAST ~l•l• OjNtt Co••o lo\010 • (71'15'01111 r ... ,.,.. ~NEWPORT BEACH -at the .;ntrance to the fabulaus lido Isle OR 3 8 350 •• "" ........................ **;;--.ii • .,.,.,.-.;;.-. . . HELD OVER 18th RECORD WEEK 8 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS ~:,~~, .• '"THE FRENCH CONNECTION IN rHE GRE"' r rRADITION OF AMERIC,AN THRILLERS. Seeond ~oture -'" "THE DIARY OF A MAO HOUSEWIFE" WEIK DAYS Ive. Show Storts 7 p.111. CONTINUOU5 SHOW SATURDAY ANO SUNDAY ftom S p.m, ''II.A" ot 1 P·"'· & l p,111, only WINNER or 5 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS doftcalcl IUtMrlculd in a1 ala1 j pak•Jla production klut• t'On""\'c~e l!ch~ co'o,~ @ lrO"" wO'~'-' b•G~ , ~ o'\ ~net!! 1~re ~'"'"'' ALSO -lfl Color -Ill) Jennifer O'Neil -G~ry Grimes "SUMMER OF '42" SATURDAY ANO SUNDAY MATINEE ONLY . at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. "THE A EXPEDITIONS" Aduns $1.75 Children 75c ' -... w1 w1r1 sinl(lna faster ... • "',,. fhlf W•VflS Wlfl 35 .f .o::_•:_t --·-'*bo11e • - "'. .. mor1 inti more~'/< fins e.11tt1ng th• ware .. ---THOR HE AHL EXPEDITIONS You must see RA! An astounding true ·life adventure for the whole family! Saturday and Sund1y at I p.m. and 3 p.m. ONLY Ad11I" SJ.7S Chlhl 7lt STARS s.~rt ,,.v Omllrr is on ... ~r lt'I' 1 r>r lrl ~ ~rr~t .J.$frl))('-- l E:'r$-~I i$ rnl11mn 1s on~ of thr" DAILY PILor·s areat fet tures . ... -- -. • I ' • BR/tND NEW 1972 NEW YORKER BROUGHAM, 4 OR . HARDTOP QUALITY USED CAR TRADE-INS SER. #" Vl29112Bl20-475 ' '65 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER V-8, euto. +r•n,., r•clio, he•t•r, f'.S., P.B., Power Window1, Pow. er S•th, Air Cond. IPCK3741 5595 5995 '67 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 DR. H.T. VB , eulornotic, power 1te1ring & brakes, redio, heeler, air con· dilioninq vinyl lop, power window1 & door loeks, till wh.11, ''" IUJB3741 s99 5 '69-DODGE DART GT 2 DR. H.T. VI, eulomatic, ·AM-FM radio, ht1f1r,.pow1r •l'!!!i-!IS &: br•k•l.- _while wells, sir-·eondftlonin"jf;-Yinvl"lop. fYOC319) - 51595 '70 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill \18 , •ulom•lic, r•dlo, h••ler, power 1teerin9, white w1ll1, vinyl top, •.ir conditioning. 1292APN) I 51895 I '69 CHEVROLET • CAPRICE 2 DOOR V8, euto., 1ir cond., powtr 1letring & br•k1f, redio, htel1r. whitewtlls "in11I roof. ( t I 7BNEI 5169 '68 CHRYSLER .. 300 COUPE VI, eutom1tic, .iir c:ond itioninq, power 1l••rin9-br1k11-window1 & 1•1+11 redio, hetter, whil1well tires. vinyl roof. (WPP652) •14 '64 FORD SEDAN 6 cylind1r, •ir conditionin9, r1dio, h1•let, whitew.111 tir11i, llWAl56l 5595 '68. IMPERIAL SEDAN Vl~•11lol'fl•tic,---•ir-conditi01iin9, power rleering,' powerb.1ke1, r•dio, he•t•r, whit1w•ll fir er, ,invl roof, !XOK546) 51695 '70 TOYOTA WAGON 4 cylind1r AM-FM redlo, he1ter, ""hitew1ll fire1 drive it end yor.1'11 1'11\"et let 90. 1401AZW) ' 51A95 \ • • • ALL NEW ~ ·: ·,. 972 ht . STATION WAGON NOW ON DISPLAY :::ND TRUCK & CAMPER CABOV!R SHELL CROSS COUNTRY CABOVER CAMPER SHELL Tile floor, light grain woo• panel ing. ON A NEW '72 FORD PICKUP CUSTOM STYLESIOE COMPa._ETE CAMPER PACKAGE $ ' FULL PRICE .I . . BRAND NEW CROSS COUNTRY CABOVER CAMPER SHELL Tile floor. light groin. wood paneling. FULL PRICE $ BRAND NEW ELDORADO Com er, full~ self tonloined, sleeps 6 •. __ $ stove;sink, gos/elet. refrig, ihog carpet, drop es, plenty of closet spate, woo d pone ling. 7 1 # 12024 7 SAVE 11' SH4WN!! CABOV!R CAMPER Friday, M•rch 17, l1J72 ANNOUNCING FORD'S ALL NEW URIE .. DAILY Pl LDT 3:t l8oocc .~~~ •• Q~ DISPLrr-A Y~~ fortoble < 11 b ""4·011-lhe-floor" Thrifty. - , ...... . ~ ' ~ + OfAL!R PREP ARA !ION. OROfR NQW • '71 CONDOR COAC 27 ' MOTOR YACHT SLEEPS 8, SINK W/WATER PUMP , 60 GAL WATER TANK,. PROPANE RAN GE/OVEN, WITH 2S GAL. PR OPANE TANK, GAS/ELECTRIC REFRIG, 5000 WATT ONAN GENERATOR , FUR - NANCE, FULL BATHROOM, STEREO TAPE SYSTEM WITH AM RAO IO, AIR COND., 390 V-8 ENGINE, 70 GAL. GAS TANK. (170DQC) IMMEDlATE $ , DELIVERY · FULL PRICE • • • I • :J<f Olll V PI L~T __ _ DICK TRACY TUMBLEWEEDS 6 ''1f. MUTI AND JEFF ofl,SHES DOWrEVAOE A NICE THE" QUESTION, GIRL! MUTTI WMAT POES SHE" LOOK l.IKE? FIGMENTS IF IT ~ A SHAKE IT \\CUI> ME '\'tXJ .' NANCY W ILL YOU PL EASE HELP ME C,0-RRY ONE OF MY BAGS?,.,,,,~,,.~., /,,, .11;11; • 11,'I' ·.SURE J j, • --·----·- -lDAtLY CROSSWORD. :~·~y .~A. POWER , .. AClll OSS l SlttVI Pll't S"-·- chance ! '': 2 words 'Wading bird 14 Nerst myth· ic 1I king 15 Coins ol Italy 1~ Typr of lyric composition 17 Coffin stand 1& "My Frltnd . -·" 19 WotJnds wilh tne teeth 20 kosr vital fluid · - 22 .Automoilil rs 2• Aff lr1111Uvt reply : 2 words 2~ Estlm1trs 27 l ird; Lalin 29 Rrp1ir with nrtd!r and ..... JB Possesstd . 33 Nott<! A.111rd· can hostess: 2 words 37 Only JR TM Rim l• Bt 11tn1tr nt 40 Shish -: Mf'1 t dish •l Public lodg· Ing hi>use~ 42 "RD1Jtr1-· ··- -!": } words .. C Conducttd 45 P1tisl1n lri«KI 4' Passed quickly 47 Fl lnc.h • "49 C1us1 to SffllW 53 El1sllc 57 SOU'ld m1dr whll t slee ping 58 Cht m!c,1 compotmd 511 Bt in!I nothing mort thin wll at Is speclf!td It!"-- Instant": V!fy Quickly: 2 words &2 Shrt wdrr "3 larQt birds 114 American cartoonist b5 Movrs ahou! Mi Russi., "nay" ti7 Mirlti DOWN 1 Hack-drivt r 2 Prlll:llM:livt of P"Oflt: R1r1 3 Withdraws abrupt ly 4 Sprcial mrrcl111ndiS llllJ r vtnls: 2 wl'.>fdS Ytstttd1y's Puzzlt Solvtd: 317'72 S loloslrm J2 Som rthln11 lt1dfor th1t is owrd b Commt1ci1l 33 Buckrt rnlttpri&t lt-Whitt•l1Htd 1 Otfrnsivr Sfl tlglt covrrln11 35 Baik, r.9. 8 Brvr1111r Jb T1kr to cOUtl sam11lr1s: J7 Deprrssin11 2 words 40 Joinls of lr9s 9 Ont of 1 42 .A ll: Prrflx Srmilfc 43 E•1ttly ~oplt suitablt 10 N1fT1tivt 45 Sic~ peoplt potll'IS C7 B1oidt r 11 Roll c1tl cs Host ltt pawH 12 Riom ti l'ofnf 50 Ol 1 color ll Promontory 51 Etfacr 21 Plun11es 52 Frrnch 1ml(Jity in!o w1t1r SJ U~o11rs 1J G1,•t 911· ~ W1y out rlr1 Island SS Spanish 15 Brow 11!irmallvt : 28 G.l.'s, t .g. 2·words JO Tr1mp Sb Slt1df1sl JI Bi9 n1mt in bO French b1srb1ll dirt<tion 11 , . . , ' J I ! l'EANUTS MISS PEACH fofURE Poc.Tor<S Of A.M ERI UI ~ffr 1-if'-.f". PERKINS By C~tsttr Gould au RCi LA'R'f ! •. By T~m K. Ryan URIAH HEeP HE AIN'f '-----'·fig, By Al Smith YEAH, BUT Wll..L I BACKUP AT /'LJ..? By Dalt Halt by Ernie Bushmiller ~,.,..,,~ l'Jt.1.5,,,..,,,_L-.., -AND W~AT W!L.L. WC. FUTURE POCTOtrS 00 IF ~CIAL IZfD MEDIC"'f SUOULD eve~ COME TO Tl.I I~ Co...INTlfY? • GASOLINE ALLEY Push.Rufus! Mean' 8ec~4 i~ P1Jll in'! ' ' MOON MULLINS .<Pl ·! • "TA1~·r A FIT Nl~HTOUT FOF> M~N NO~ 9e;.s r ." J.,.,. >' ..... ,. , ANIMAL CRACKERS Lt:r•s SEE. ... I 'VE HAD M4 LUIJGH- Mq NAP 1:; c)(rr OF T HE W/.I.( - 0 0 ly Charles M. Schulz By Harold Lt Doux ==;--===;====' MISS JOYCE? THIS IS 5.A.M Ol'IVEe'.L)"' IM TI-I E l015&V ! I 'M ME~E TO PRIVE '!OU lO Tl-IE ~OSPITAL'. ly MtU NO'TMIN(; -Wl'L.L SIMPLY liO ON DIFFtllfN'I: PR•CTICIN(; 1ME S•Mt • Ml(;H Lf YEL-Of M!DICINE' •s w• DIO NFO~E... BUT JN SOii! OTMf" COUN1'1r!. ly John Miles c " I By Charles Barsotti ~----..,.---, Ht\NG ON/ ReiNFoRce-;.;.-->--. YJ$ .. 5t~ DCW6· MeNTS aReoN \ ; Ji-JgiJ<JYI 0 0 Arriola By Ro9er Bollen . SMOOT !-r..iERe.'s NOrnlllc;;> -ro cm ABOOr . THE GIRLS '•Gutllll wbat. Herberl-l punched nuL $85 "·orth of cbance5 and WON ii~" DENNIS THE. MENACE 0 " • • • • , • Frld1j, '-1arch 17, 1972 OAIL V PILOf SS I • Everyone Has Somethin g Th at Someone Elie Wants DAILY PILOT ·CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad The Biggest Mark~tplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results -· .. s.i. I~ I _, ...... -.. '* ------.--.-11.:=;;;;;;;;;~ 9eneral iiiiiiiiiilG-e_n•_r,,., •-'------General iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ELEGANT joiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .:.eneral General UNl()U~ tl()M~§ THE BEST HOMES ...... ' •. IN THE REST AREAS CAPRI LANE. Herc's a duffer's delight - snu ggled on Mesa Verde'!-i 16th fair\vay. 'fhis lo\\' profile adult ho1ne has minimum main- t enance and maxin1um privacy. Quality ap- point1nents. spacious feeling and plenty or glass and greenery. It's really unique! Pi'!ESENTED AT $68,950. e PHONE 546-5990 ~~~-~·;l>'·~~~- NOT HING COMPARES. Pr1ce-\vise and fea- ture-\vise. 'fhere's nothing in the Baycrest/ Dover Shores area like 1227 Santiago Dr. 4 l3edroo1ns, crystal clear deep \Valer pool, cozy den-family room \Vith arched fireplace and a pro111enade deck \Vil h .l!n-_honest t9 goodness o·cean vie\\'. PRESENTED AT $67.ooo,. PHONE 645-6500 UNl()U~ ()ff IC~S CORONA DEL MAR· 675-6000 2443 EJsl Coas1 H 1gh\~Jy, Corona Del Mar MESA VERDE · 546-5990 2850 Mesa Verde 011ve, Costa f\1csa NEWPORT REACH· 645-6500 1649 Wr,tcltff 01111 r, Newporl Be3ch Daily Pilot Classified ORA~~E COAST'S BEST SALESMAN •• Gener ii Genaul ae.~~,:! :.~,~~~~"'" WE WORK HARDER home situalcd on t..'Orrlf'r lo1 on quJ<'i slt'C'C'I in choice t.lesa \lr•rdt• nei,i:hborhoorJ. F'eatu1,·s v11ry shnrp <'On· d it1on lhrom;houl thi5 2700 ~1uan-foot hon11' \\•Ith larJ!l• step-doY"n l <inuly r a om . V.'ilh fil'f'plac·r and Y.'C'! \J:1r. huge n1aster sullf' und formal d1nin.i:: roo1n. Pri<·1•, S.'i6.900. ~'u1· 11drt111onnl in· forn1:111un and ap1xii11tn1c·111, plra.~c phouP ;,.1G-2:J13. Newport English Tudor Estate 4-Family-Dining OXCE IN A LIFET..i{~tE~ Fron1 o·urvrd 1trive fo slain glus.~ cnl ry -!lupc'rb! Ciani living roon1 \\'ith ludor bl.'un1s t'Vl'ry.vhrrr! ~Tassivl' hl'irk fircplacl'. f orma l din!'. Cro\\"ll gounnrt kilrhen. f11.n1ily roorn. 4 huge hf'd· roonn•. ::iECL.Ul)EO yanJ. Cl.Ost_; TO BA 'i' OR Bf_;ACI\! l..o\\·rsl prlel'. !'}er tu c'{!rnparr~ Call no\1· 645-030.l HlRLS'I L 01.SO~ '" !?£At.TORS FOR THE OUTDOOR FAMILY Bloc·k 111d t fc•iu·ftl. Corner Lo! on a l'lll-dt'·Sllt" "'tlh Boar and Trnilrr AtTl'SS. 1'1\0 story 4-BDRL\T, 2-Ra1h Ho1n('. \\'ilh living rm., Fan1ily rn1. ;ind bit-in bar. Just the hnrnr Cor !hr lively f;1m1ly. UI"'· (.'Oi\1PARABLF: for S::l:Z,500. Do You Want Better Than The Best Service in Buying or Selling Your Property? PLEASE CONTACT US TODAY OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 11 TD 5 BRAND NE\V to,vnhouses on the \vater '"ith a large pri\'ate dock -3 large units. Ideal for so1ncone \\1ho needs fast tax \vri tc- off. 3 bedroon1s. 3 baths, \\'Cl b<i rs. fireplaces. p<itios on ,,·ater . AU carpeted and draped a1.1d an1plc extra parki.ng. 2 blocks l_o ocean. $1200 .00 per n1onth 1ncon1e. $169,500 .00 \V1th excellent fi- nancing available. 1'he lots alone are \vorth $100.000.00 . PLEASE CALL TDDAY- RDMED AND JULIET \Vou ld be happy in this cha r ming split level Condo1niniu1n 2 Bed- room. 1% Baths. King Size J\laster Bedroorn suite on upper level c rystal chandelier in dining area. l..ots of builtins in lovely co1npact k itchen, All outside maintenance. (~real clubhouse \\'ith S\\'ilnn1i11g pool in Costa l\1esa. Only $22,950. Please Call Today. Open I-louse Saturday I to 5. OPEN BEAM CEILING .<\nd large brick fireplace are just t\vo of the thi ng s. that makes th is home exceptional. 3 Bedroon1s. J!'l.j Baths. l ... arge dining r oon1 covered patio, beautiful landscaping. $29.500_ Excellent financing. Costa A1esa. Close to .schools and shopping cenle rs. Open House ~unday 12 to 4. Please Call Today. GREAT TAX WRITEOFF 6 Units \\1ith good iJ1come in beautiful do\vnt0\\'11 Santa Ana next to ne\v library. Can be converted to ti offi ces. 2 story building ne'\'- 1.v painted about 6000 sq. ft. All have outside entrances. Exception· al \Vrought iron decor. You 1nust see to apprcc'iate. S67,500. Please Call Today. · FIRST TIME OFFERED Beautiful near ne\v Eastside Costa' Mesa 2 story 4 Bedroon1. 2 Baths. Large Kitchen \Vith eating area + for rnal d ining area. F'an1ily roo1n, all fenced. floor to ceiling fireplace, Beautifully decorated. Very quiet cul-de-sac street. $:35.950. Subn1it all offers. Open House Sunday 11 to 5 J>. tvl. Please Call Today, VERY PRIVATE Rear yard with 2 patios, 4 large bedrooms, 3 baths, large living and formal dining roo1n. \Val k to schools. l st grade thru J r. Col- le ge. Beautiful landscaping. Slate entry. separate laundry roo1n and rnuch more. Please call today. ~36.450. GREAT 4 Bedroom & family roo1n. 1 :JA baths. Close to school s and shop- ping centers. 2 miles to the beach. Builtins, \Vall to \Vall carpets including the kitchen. O\v ner will trade for s1nuller home. ()nly $3 1.600 \Vith excellent assumable loan. Please call today. LARGE POOL AND COVERED PATIO Holats for Sal• General SOL VISTA Skandia niock-1 \\"1th Hl'x3J' ht·.:ilrd pool. "4 Brt. Ov1·~~1.· 1.J li\IUg•lnn1lly nu. LiJ,::h1, chet>ry and 11harp. Priel'd 1·ighl al ~:tq,900, BIGGEST SHOWCASE l..ari;t> 5 ll+'droo111 in 111.11·111 ing area or \Vf'~ln1111sh·r. D•· Ji~hlful 111t1•nor 1ll'cora11ng 1w 1·du1all'd \I 11h 011ldoot /lvi11g, \..011• it1!l't'('~! lt~S\M tl· abll· 10;111. SUBURBIA PARK l11ullal·ula.tl' 4 IJJ•th··~in • 1101111• on eo111cr lo!. Prt1·" rr1lur r d 10 S•ll,!lOO. nnd 01\t111r's 11e11 hon1c is nhnusl rr"<tdy. 10', ()ol\'ll and llSSUlllt' i;··~ \'A loan. Tr1·r1 fi1· ntirhuod. 011,. lllilr fitHll 0('1':111. VIEW A vlM\' hon11' 1tith n RE:ALLY outi;landing v il.'11 ! A n1ar· \'elous 11·on11u1 dl'si~n1·d kill'h U1al all 11·omen \1·oul1I lo\'I.'. :: Be1!l'Ot1n1s '''ith a niuslrr lx'dnn suitf'. C11ll for a night appo1nt1nl'nf ;uni really fall in lovr. JIURRY~ The first one "'ho. st'l'S lhill 1vill bu,v it, S?.8.500. on 1'"11/\JVJ\ l\'llh a n11wh lo"·"r pril'f" on l'O n· vcn!ional te1111s. • LARWIN . • 968-4405. ANYTIME 112 MILE TO THE OCEAN Shn rp 3 bedrootH homl' only .i years old i11 11 a I k i ti Jo! 1tl~tan1•c lo th<' bcat.'h. i\lodc111 built -in k1lchc11. large tlouble garage 1vilh alley ace<>ss lo exceplio111.1lly largC" yard. Only S23,500 11·i1h rill\ or GI ll'nus. This 1c; 011 la11d :,.uu O\\·N ~ II t':tn'I last Joni.t 104.~ \\lcstcliff Drivr 616·771 1 OP<'n "til 9 P.,l _ ...... General MACNAB-IRVINE FINER HOMES NEW LISTING -UNIVERSITY PARK ·3 BR.'s. <.:onv. Oen single fn1n1ly ho111e. :!- story LR. 1r open Uc~1111 ct>1l111g. t :orgl•Ous pool -landscaping hy J)i<'h 11Pr son. 1'ou1 Queen 644-6200. · PIER & SLIP FOR 30 ' BOAT Ne "·port ls\cuHt. :! Li i~ :.! IJnlh a!tr<1{'ti vc h o1ne filC lllg rl;llbo;1 ('O \i.'i'r . l•';1bt1J011s hlll'hCll. \'<1cant -:\lu <:I Srll -No\\· li slrd :ii S/9,750. J\lr s. F'ay tl4:2.-82:\5 . BIG CANYON HOMES I. ·I 13Jt , r:-n .. l)I~ .. 2 fireplaces -on choice t·orner Int. Sfl7.800. ()p1'11 Sat .~ S1111. 1-5 p .111.:: !fl «\ugusla Lane. 2. t .. 1r g1•' ('011ntr,\' K ili:hPn -4 Kl{ .. l•'I{ .. Ult. IHH\ll'. 2 brick Jirepl:icc:-. $87 .900 Open si·11 . & Sun. 1-5 p.lll. #29 1\uguslH L;111e. 3. 5 l~R . -4 balh custo111 hon1£'. Brcathtak· 1ng fair\\'ay vie\1 . $158 .000. J·:.,clusive .<\gents for P.<\IR\\'1\ ,. 1.crrs NEW GALAXY DRIVE HOMES l•'tnal opportunit.v to O\Vll a ne\\I Ivan \Vell! l'Uslon1 hon1e. 5til1 lin1e to choose your decor. J;'ro111 S89.200 to $151.000 . F'11rnishcd n1odel OPEN l>1\ll.\' 10 a.in. -5 p.111 . 2006 (ialaxy Drl ve. BAY VIEW HOME 847,500. Large 4 BR .. 3 bath. \Valnut panel· ing. Palos Verde.fi rcpJ acc. End of quiet cul• de-.s at'. V./\. tern1s. Lois E gan ti44-6200. BALBOA ISLAND -PIER & FLOAT Little Island duplex or single fan1ily . Le s! th<111 5 1n in . to .Jettv. ll nn1aculate -fa bulous locat ion! $155.000. "rorn (Jucen 644-G200. • TAX SHELTER? Shelter inco111e 1\•hile you enjoy ra pid appre· ciation. equity build-u p and life on Newport Bay in ne\V 4 ll R .. l•'R. hon1e, slip privileges. 21'(, do\vn. $110.000 fi rs t 1'.D. 11,1.ir;., I point, :::o yrs .. S75 l .:l01n10. ~79,050 second1'.D. 8'h'.lD, 25 yrs .. ~6:•7 .1 4/ino . 'l'utal price $236,350. OJ='l·:N IJ . .\IL'i' -ltH I 13a ysid e \Jr1\"e . 642-8235 or 675-1935. OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO VALLEY 3 elegant homesitcs of approx. 1 1,~. arres each. Ocea n.' valley & 1nou11tain vie,vs! f~n~ joy country li vin g at it s fine st_ A peaceful Jo- calion yet c lose to the S.D. F'ree,vey. $2 1.000 & $25,000 per acre .. Joel Sn1ith 642-823.!). liliiiiiliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .... iiiJ""""""~~~iiift l APPROVED BY VA ......... ~ l 1-11.'·l·l-ll . EOR PARAPLEGIC Beautiful at rium Jn the entrance to this exi:cplional 3 bedroorns a nd 2 baths. large kitchen. family room, breakfast bar. Huge walkin closets. caU1edral sto.nc fireplace. s prinklers front and rear. Ou_tdoor lig~ting, ~lec!r!_c g~rag~ op~Qe r, lovely area._J.j""-'""'"l·-·--t~--4 ting 0C1l1g trees: Newport Beach. $48;500.00. DOVER SHORES BAYFRDNT •~~--t---,,\-very special Macnao= rviilc l1uy. "'p=,e-r~&--1----Rambling ~ bc-clrooin lhn! Coldwell, Banker ti111~~'81i~P¥~1 "'" ''''" '"''"""' ,., • \Vhl'elchair. All 3 spacious BAYSHORES ·OPEN HOUSES You are inv ited to previe\v 2651 BAYSHORE DR.· SAT. AFTERNOON AND 2622 VISTA DR .· SUNDAY AYrERNOON ~1ary Jl arvey CAMEO SHORES · VIEW , OPEN SAT. 1·5. 463~'rRE!IONT. While brick \Valls. beautiful pool. 4 Bdrnl!i., family room & billiar d room. Sl70.000. C;iro l Tatum EASTBLUFF ·OPEN SUN. 1.5 915 t:l·IES1'NU'I'. Daisv fresh. 3 BR . ne\vly decoraled hon1e. Large poolsize lol on Ctll de Sac. Bike to schoo ls. $45.500. Harriett f>avie!i THIS CHARMER · ONLY $Sl,SOO The Bluffs. exceptionally nice 3 BR. condo \V/large patio overTOoki.ng greenDelt. Loads or extras. Near pool. !\lary l.ou Marion LARGE VIEW LD"o \Vithin \va lking distance of go lf course & near finest beaches. Desirable family area. $11.500. Edie Olson · BEST BUY · BAY FRONT 3 Bdrrns. 3 Y2 baths. den & din in.I! rn1. plus separate sumn1er house. Spacious front ter· race & pier &float. S l 69.500. Kathryn Raulston FANTASTIC LIDO VALUE · $159,500 Replacen1ent cost of this lovely immac. hon1e on 3 lots, \Vith sep. children's 'ving & 4 Bil's .. would be $250.000. Make offer! Gene Vreeland HAPPY ST. PATRICK"S DAY! c:clcbrate \Vith a nc\v ho1ne. 1\ LUSK '·Sand- piper" in !!arbor Vic\v liill s. 4 BR,. famil y rn1., 3 ca r l{arage. S69.500. Cathryn Tennille LUSK HARBOR VIEW HILLS Corona del J\·lar. 4 Bit hon1c \Vilh specatcular harbor vie'''· I >ecor~tor carpeting & drapes. 3 Car ga rage. \Va ll ee! courtyard '''/pool. $67.500. l .aVcra Burns BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 2 Bdr111. & fan1ilv room. 2 balhs: double .e:a- rai;{C & side yard boat & trailer storage. Kn ol ly pine galore. EXCELLENT LO CA · TION. S64.600. Al Fink SO. BAYFRONT ·PRIVATE DOCK New listing • choice So. Bayfronl. loc. 4 Bc1rms., 4 t--baths, fam. rm., d in . rm .. pat.lo, priv. pier & float. J\1ay be used as duplex. $199,500. M. C. Buie • 833.0700 --Coldwell,Banker 644-2430 ~ 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., N.B. bedrooms open onlo palio arra. Privalr garden srtting front ;ind N'ar. VA/FllA ICl'OIS, $30,000. t"ull pricl', COATS " WALLACE REALTORS • 962-4454 • Open Evenings A HUSH-HUSH Ir's a dream! T1\'0 slori!'s l\'ith 3 huge bedrooms and a delightful farnily I' o o rn , 1nakr lhi!<; a decorato1-s delii;:ht. 0 u 1 .<:I a n rl i n & fl'aturf'<: aN' the plush carf}l'tin~. cushion vi n y r floor covering. p.iln~ vrrde fircplal'f', watrr softr.tll'r, S fruit lreei:. J!:Rrtlen al'f'9. shady patio, 11nd thr bonus of a hidca\\"ay for boar or camper. Sf'f' i1 -Try ii -Buy i1 for a lo1v $35.900. 5'16-2::1.1. General * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Call to see our fine selection of lu xury hotncs just completed in this prestigious area right in the heart of Ne\vport Beach. Gu a rded en- trance into tbis area \vhere you can enjoy '1 country club atmosphere. Customized 4 & 5 bdrm homes plus ......... S87,900 & Sl58.000. ''Our 27th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors General -·--------THE BIG PRODUCER Th(• lughcst polential i1u-01nc lo value raHo in Corona dr.J ]\flu'. A cluplr.x "'ith 2 lnl')::"c 4 bcdroon1, 21 ~ l-'l11l1 l1n1ts close lo park, lrnn1s & sclv.iol. 107~ do1vn shows 11µ- pro.x. SUlO/mo. Rfler prin- 1·ipal. u1tcrcst. lax &. in- surance <'It Sl'hecluled t't'nt. ~uilahlc for O"-nt!r occupanl or investor $79,:x.>O -S7950 do11·11 pay111cnl Call 673-8550. 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road VERY PRIVATE NEWPORT CENTER 644-4910 * LINDA ISLE * Rear yard ,vith 2 patios, 4 ~al General SUNSHINE '& WATER I v.ru.I hreakfasl on th '! ::~~ J i':,~~~~c;·,0;01:ia~~: Wet Your W~i.stle! Hammer & Paint bayfront 1crrace. 'I h,. ingrooni. \Valk to sc:hool~. If you l1ave bc'rn \\'R1'1n~ for Equals-SAVE! charn1 of "Frrnch Country" 1111 grad(' ihru Jr. College. a . CUSTOi\1 BUILT Hon1f• design 111 a jet S<'t selling./\ Beautiful land!>Caping. Slnte with lots of natural .. "'ood, $22, 900-$24.,000! supcl'h 3 Bdrn1.;~ 3 ~3 ba. enlry, se parate laundryroom b!'arncd c::iU1ccr.r~l1 C1'1hng.~. '1 'Your choice of TllREF:~ 1·1uillo1n dc!ilgncd hon1c "1itJ1 and much morl" Pll'allc call b!'drooms, a dining room, a \Ve're loaded "•itJ1 'cn1~ 2·3 l\f'll 11JannecJ living at't'll: today. $.1G,450. ' · fnn1ily roon1, SK\'LIGllTS bedrooni fixrr upp('rll PLUS plus fJier & slip. ~ p;1111ry, :u1d built around 11 this ALL TILi:: Ith<' ""al OPEN SAT /SUN . J.5 SPARl\.LINC: hl'a1ccl & ~!uffl in living room und •34 Linda Isle Dr. ~~ffl~~I fillrred pool. Then Cf'ub kitchen. \\11nt a r-omhn! (* ~ ;:~71~~0~;,,:, N~:"" ~~·;:,, ~::ti;~, 0;~·,~~~; 0 f. "';'Ill -~~~~~~~~~~! Beach Acl1h"<'~ nt only t'l'ilrng! Call no\\' 10 ~11\'f' ;-A11@ 11J!! ; $."~1.000 \I ilh 10'( rJo"·n! -6'1a-0303. " 3629 E. Coast llwy., Cdht FIXER UPPER \reW it and reap. l\1 inor fix- up t1nd paint gavl's SSS$. (;N'S! for :oilartC'r home or 1---------- in\'f'SlmC'nl. :i Bedroom and BUY LAND ANO KEEP ~·p.'lrntc family l'()c1m local· IT -LATER IT WILL rdonqt111•t11'('('hnf'd l'ul1tr· KEEP YOU "''ll', Lot~ 01 mon.1 for ~t ovrr one·half Ar.ft. in N('W- a,1111_ r11mJ)('r. ~ ull /'ll"IC'r port 'Bt'ach. A ver; fi ne! $21,150 ll'ith le11Tll'>. hon1r !Slit $31 500. Call 540-1 ISl 10ritn rvC'11.' ' . ' IOPEN HDUSE~SAT. 1·5 I~ CARl\fANIA l..N. N. -0r Adam~. E:. or Rrookhunt. Evening!!. Call 646·8406 Ju~ !or you! 4 BR, 10~ BA. ISLAND DUPLEX fr-.1, bl !in~ + flilll<'lhur: &. 3 Bdrm. k l·Bdnn llPl.,. boo.kr.l\lll.'. ~lnt l~Jsc-pg. ,\ Sundt'ck. llandy To shop!!, patll). htrucnlC' C: 0 0 P" r -markets & beach. 962-5031 •"-7 ,~, -... KASAB~AN ~ ·;;;o5io- RTI1 Esr1te 147·9604 Pyramid Exthangors- v I Olli.\ I L Ol\O\ " R{A/ TO~l North Costa Mesa A l..c11u1iful 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on s lar"R:c rorncl' lot. ti ~llO\.l'll 11.nd lookll Hkr a model home on a tree-lin- ed !tlrN:I. Only S.10.900. Call now !or rnorc d e tails. 546-2313. \0 THE REAL ''"'-ESTATERS ' • "' 1. r" , " * 675-5930 * 112 MILE TO THE OCEAN S.hnrf> J b!'droom IM:lrne only 3 yl':irs oltl in 1,•alklnl: cli<1t11111•r to thr l)l•ach. !\lodC'rn bu11!-1n klh:llf'n, lnricc douhle itoral?C' '"'ith alley aCCf'!li!S to exet'p1lon111ly lal'Kt' yard. Only S23.fl00. ""Ith FllA -Or GI tcrn111. 'fhb. 1.,. 1>n land you 0\'(N! ll run't IZ\81 l-Oni!', Walker & Lee rtF:ALTOR.S ~ti \Ve!!lcllff Orivr CLOSE TO BEACH 6'16-TIU Open 'til 9 PM Large 3 BR. 2 ba. duplex 1---=~==""",-- \Yith 3 hreplace1. S55.00>. BA YFRONT Cano I front kit ... •• • S20,!XXI Charnil111t 3 Br, 2 Ba. Condo. George Will11mson Poot. p1f'r & 1dlp -Si9.~. Realtor TED llUBF.RT k ASSOC. 5~70 64S.1564 347! v,, Lod<> 61>-i500 2 Bl'<lroorn.~ r·ach uni! 11•ith ne1v carpel<: & drapes, re- rcnlly pain ted insidr. <)111' uni! has roverrd patio and frncc<l yanl. Sprinkltt,\fron! slip. Entrancing D~ys ide paliv. J l:Jll's. den. Price $122,500. May he purchased furnished. MACNAB-IRVINE Realty Company & rear. Live in onr. le! the ~ other one help \Vilh the pay- n1cnts. Call uo1v lo find coin· fortabJt• liv1ni.t! 644·6200 642-8235 Harbor View Ce-nte'r- 1644 MacAr-thur Blvd. 901 Dover Drive COATS " ' WALLACE REALTORS ~546"'4141~ (Open Evenings) CAN'T FfNDiT? * \\ITLL BUILD you r drcan1 hon1e. Huvc i,laff fnr c:on1· plelc hon1c pal'kagr. Put your conridc11<:c In r'IUr 4!} years or quullty CUSIOlll ho111e building. &or example or product al 2QOG Galst'<)', Dov!'r Shor!'!!. Ivan Wells & Sons • 641·2511 • "ON tfOLIDA Y IN NEWPORr' CHECKLIST: I. ,i bellrout'tl!I anc l rt•crcal,lon l'oorn, or '1 lx>droom1o;, z. }"atnlly roorr1 with f\l'l'- rilacc. ::. Nu1<1nf' Ai\1/t'.._I inh•rcutn. 4. Cus1on1 cabinett-y in t"R an1I kitrl11•n_ P.S. A ('USIOm Pool. C11n'1 ~on forrvrr 11houl lhl1 ht·nutl!ul homr -only $58,500. Call 64&7171, Beach Estate 5 . Bedrooms $24,9001! \\'O\~'! \VlJ/\T A VALUF.! Birc·h panel in giant li\olnit mon1. ftt'nl u~d hril'k !Irr .. 11111.rr. l\.not1y pln1• fan1ily rootn 1111d hi£. loo! F'nnnl\I dlnr, !'i hu~r l"'dl'Oom!I. ,JOit H1 h<'nt·h. Don'• "·.iii -••all 1101v -645-0JO:L IORISI I. Ol \O\ ,. ntA1rnl:.'1 Tum unu~td 1urmi1 Into quick ca~h, call 642·567~ NEWPORT BEACH General General IRVINE TERRACE SPECIALS FOR THE FAMILY 4 Bcdroo1n OCEAN VIEW home \Vith infor· 1nal open li vi ng & dining & family area. Very spacious. Acce ntuated \V[t h n1assive stone fireplace. llea tecl poo l. Low 1nain te11- ancc garden. $92,600. LUXURIOUS ORIENTAL HOME 4 Bedrooms on the front ro\v with silnply fantastic Bf\ Y & OCF:AN Vl ~\VS. Forn1al dining roo1n . Dra1natic sunken llvlng roo111. fo'arnily room. l·lcatcd pool 1n Japanese gar- den. SI 87 ,400. DREAM HOME 4 Bedrooms, also on 1h e front ru'''• \Vit h BAY & OCEAN VIEWS. Comfortable living roo1n 'vi th bookshelves. fireplace. \\•hlte paneling & \Ve t bar. Vie\v side fain tly roon1, large e nough for :i pool table. J ... ovely en· f losecl patio 'vith fountain. Jo:legant thruout. $180.000. General HARBOR COMPANY REALTORS "SINCE 1944" 673-4400 CdM CUTIE BffiER THAN RENT .'.'"\ \\1th tl•c<' pool & l'Oclt11 for Jncon1r oni1. To be t·l·(lt·•·· orutrd &. ~ltl ftl S4'1,i:,O, fiqy tlfl\V & !lllVr! Live· !hr li11' of l11Xt1ry In thl'I ·: l""'h'l>111n, : hnH1 ron. 1f11n1111IU!ll • .iit~I S1f'f!~ In pool and 1,;lut.111111~1· :! 1•11r 1:nrng,. \11 th ally cn tn. N!'l yard 1\r1t'I< or r111l~lfl" lllllln. tar11•uc..-. All lh lr; for $21,51'.(1, ilf.t-2311 • • I. ,~ •• I .1~ I~ iJ ' ' ' I ~ ' i ' i· ;J6 DAILY PILOT Frld•r. M.uch 17, 1'172 [ ...,..forU. I~ I -"' .. I~! • _ .... I~[.___--... _ .... .;._· l~I Gen1raJ General * DELUXE TRIPLEX * .. EASTSIDE 1-3 Bdrm., 2 baths & 2·2 bdrms., I bath. L<>- cated in prime rental area. A beautiful own· cr's unit or \\•ill carrv itself for investor look· ing for tax shelter. \tacancy,. factor nil .. Only · 16 months old. Income $645 per month . CHILT ROBINm REALTOR 644·7951 ti.Hp tkk ho11d., dlrctory with yow thh w..iie11d es yo11 40 kollM•h1111tln4. All the locetl•ltS ll1ted below .... dHCrlbed h1 4reote-r detail 1t., •d•erthl1111 etM• where i11 tod11.,·1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS: Potr9ll'I lh11wi119 ope11 ho111e1 for sole er to rent oro urged to lilt suck J11formotlot1 111 thll coh11n11 Heh Frld•y •11d Sot11rday. HOUSES FOR SALE (2 Br. & Family Room or Den) .#26 Beacon Bay. Newport Beach 642·8235 $64,900 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedrooms) 1001 Dolohin 'ferrace, Irvine 644-2770 1Sun 1·5) 4733 Con land /Cameo HJ ds.) CdM. 833·0700 $5 7.500 · /San 2-5) **2226 Channel /Bal boa Penin) N.B. 833-0700 rsa.t & Sun 1-51 · 2651 Bayshore nr .. (Bayshores) N.B. 833-0700 $77,500 (Sal & Sun) 915 Chestnut (Eastbluff) N.B. 833-0700 $45,500 (Sun 1·5) (3 Br. & Fa mily Room or Oen) 433 16fh Pl.. !Newport Heights) G.M. 642·5200 $39 ,950 !Sat 1-5) 17646 Rockrose Way (Univ. Park) Irvine 642·5200 $33.950 (Sun 1·5) 1927 Sec rest (Laurelhursl) Santa Ana 642·5200 $27,950 !Sun 1·5) 7161 I-fell Ave., Hun tin gton Beach 846·0604 $36,950 {Sat 11 :30-4:30) 25~6 Greenbrier Lane. Costa 't.1esa · 548·1168 (Fri-Sat.sun 1·5) 1424 Sa nti ago Dr. !Baycrest) N.B. 833·0700 $77 .500 (Sat & Sun P.M.) 2313 Redlands, Newport Beach 642-8235 /Sat 12·5) 2036 Galaxy Dr .. IDover Shores) N.B. 646·1550 $89,200 !Daily 10-5) * * * CUTE BEACH COTTAGE "ON BALBOA ISLAND" • Get ready to spend the summer here! 2 bed· room, l bath, F1REPLACE, front patio, one block to South Bay. Only .......... $32,500 . "ONE, TWO, THREE" CORONA DEL MAR TRIPLEX Built in range and oven, dish wa~her and dis· posat, carpels and drapes. 2 Units have 2 beclr9oms, 1 bath: 1 Unit has 2 bedrooms, l 1h bath . w}fireplace. Each unit has 2 car· ports, maintenance free yard and pool privi· leges, and from UPSTAIRS BALCONIES .. A VIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... $75,000. NICE, AND READY TO GO "OWNER ANXIOUS" All wrapped up in this nice TVlO STORY 4 bedroom. 3 hath, HUGE RU~US ROOM lhat will take a pool table, builtin kitchen , large yard will acco mmoda te your 30 root boat, and a spacious feeling prevails thru· out. !l's onl.y ................... $39,900. "WALK TO THE BEACH" CORONA DEL MAR 2 Bedroom. 2 baths, fireplace, cute modern kitchen . picture windows with enclosed side patio, GUEST QUART~RS ove r !he garage. ONLY ONE BLOCK TO Tf!E BEACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,900. CHARM, COMFORT, VALUE "IN THIS ·ONE" IN HUNTINGTON BEACH. 4 Bedrooms. FAMILY ROOM. used brick fireplace, 2 baths. builtin kitchen, close to shopp ing, schools. Jr CoUege & freeway. Only $31.500. ~ ~~l~IES REALTORS 644-7270 VIEW· VIEW Oiie of lhe most elegant homes in Corona J·lighlands, with 180 dgeree view of entire harbor. Ideal home for one o~ two people who would appreciate the privacy & luxury or this 2 bdrm . & forma l dining rm. home. Price iust reduced to $79.50Q. I ll2_ CALL 675°3000 ANYTIME Genar•I General C. F. Colesworthy & Co. Realtors BAYFRONT WITH a private sandy beach. Spacious 5 bedroom 3 bath home with powder room. formal dining room, famiJy room plus large 2 bedroom apartment over garage. Asking SIS0.000. RAVISHING 3 bedroom, formal dinin g room , and famil y room. Ready to n1ove in condition. Sur· rounded by lush . green grass and beautiful flowers: and a pool to ielax in . For only $48;500. Vacant and ready. Call to see. Eastbluff Office • 640-0020 Bayside Office • 675-4930 General General PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 71 Linda Isle Drive Beautifully decorated 5 BR .. home on lagoon. Hu ge mstr. BR. w/beam ceiling. frpl. Lge. Ji v. rm . & family rm . Formal di n. rm. Secur- ity System. deck & boat slip. . . $230,000. For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, Please Call: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Baysid• Dr., Suite 1, N .B. 675-6161 General Starter Home! Near Beaches '$19,000! A LOT FOR A UTILE~ Per· feet 1tarter home with big living-room. 1',onnal dine. 20x20 t'Ati11LY ROOM ALL IN KNOTTY PINE! Cabin kitchen. CW df' sac lot. Jog Ill be&ch. Walk to 5bops. Call now -645--0303. IORISI L 01.SO.\ °'' REALTORS TWO ON A LOT GI NO DQWN Better see this rare valU(' today: 3 bcdnxun plus 1 lx'droom home on R-2 Jot. .3 bedroom now vacant and ready for irnn1ediatc oc· cupancy. 1 hedroon1 rented at $120 per month. Kcf'p as .. General GREAT 4 Be(;(room & tamllyroom, 1% balhll. Close to 11Chool.s an'd lhopp!ni;: cente1~. 2 mile!! 10 tho beac-h. Builtin11, y,•all to wall carpets lnclutllng the kjtchcn. Owner will lrade tor 111maller hon1e. Only $31,600 \\'Ith excr.Ucnt A5- 11;umable loan. Please call today, EASTSIDE Attractive 3 Bedrm, homf'. Zoned ancl room to build ad- ditional 2 units. Firm , , .• $25,750 1 INCLUOES Pl.ANSI 400 £.17" ' C.M. llW!Jlli,:. r ental or use as Mothel'-1n----~~=--- law house. Only $24.500. $27, 750 \Von·t be around long. NO DOWN TE RMS Walker & Lee Re alt on 2700 Harbor Blvd. al Adams 545--0<165 Open 'Iii 9 PM SWEET & LOW O\vner trans. 3 bedrooms, fan1ily rm., with fireplace, den, built-Ins, 2 baths, brk. $27,750. 962-1373. TARBELL OPEN l!OUSE ~ C°rf.enbrlar L8ne Fri·Sal·Sun. l ·l P.M. VA or Conv. lcrm5. "Spain" n11 College Park, off of Prlnr eton1 ] BR, 1%. BA. .ramil)•, dining, cu11t om decor. ln!crrom. Boat ac- cess. Prime'1ocarton, quiet. Large kidney shaped pool, ~f::~~ar~g':.ne:~:1 v patl\I and rn1111y olhe r features. 5-18-1168. 3 BR, 2 BA Freshly remodeled, pninterl, decorated, & new carpeting. Large living &. dining rms., huge ma.slcr BR w i I h fireplace.. Alley 1:1 cc e a 11 _ Quiel eastside s r re e t • $32,500. CALL e '''·2414 ~~ Nt•r Ntwporl Po11 Office O\\'NER leaving C;1l1fornia. Will sell 4 Bdrm hon1e on hug(' <.'Orner kil for only $26,:il!l. Sc<' !his today! Vogel Co, R!trs. 2052 Npt. Blvd. C.r.1. 5-18-9346. BY O\VNER. 3 EkJ-,m-.,-1-,,. bath. family room. plus 15x30 den, orar school & shopping ccn1er. 111,950. Drive by 3125 Trinity Dr. or 1&1\84 Brookhurst. phone J.19-ZJJI. Priced, is thi.£ charn1i11g Huntinglon Beach north Costa ~1esa honie. 4 ----"--::..::=::c...-4 Br. lam rm, lorn1al din rm, bdrms., 1 ~. baths, covered WHY RENT? xtra lrg !iv rm. Pool size patio, \valking distanet' to \\·hc.n you can own this 3 yard. $42.500. Realtor schools & shopping. Qy,•ners bedroom home & bath y,•ith 54&-1698. bought new homl' and ask· payments less lhan rent. MESA ~'1 Br. Qy,·ner ing only S29,500. No down Owncr an"<ious so submit all trasf. Reduced to s:n.soo. No VA or low down FHA. offers. Full price $23,000. Gl dn. VA, 1616 Elm Ave., terms. no doy,·n terms. C a I I 557-6151. Call :>16-:>880 ( 0pC"n Eves.; """""'· ""~-~~~~~ BY Owner: Xtra Lrg 4 Br, 2 SHERWeeD REAL TY ba, <.'Orn. lot. Rm tor boat. 4Jm HERITAGE 18964 Brookh"'"· F.V. l",900. 64W5'. ~ REALTOffS Balboa Peninsula ~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I BY Qy,•ner; 3 Br ., l~t ba., !! BALBOA Peninsula home. w/w crpts, bl1ns, xtras, Jm. * BUILD ONE * Let us sell you this aprx. 1· Acre site which can be split. Build on onr. keep the o!hcr for horses. When horse.~ arc no longf'r wanlcd. sf'll the f'xtra silc and rcalizr a profit. All you-s for SJ0,000 Or ask about our other Parecls from $13.!100 FITZPATRICK'S Capislraoo Vallef Realty 31501 Camino Capistrano San Juan Canistrano 493-1124 Realtor Since 196S COUNTRY ESTATE Quiet, ncir bay, nice area. mac. $27,950. 5-19-3996. Call 538--6169, 545-3543. East Bluff College Park LOCATION. Quality. F:le- gance, Value. &e this 4 Br .. :l Ba., 1925' lx'auty. t'inesl in College Park. Near schools. college, shopping. Sell appraisal Owner 54(}.837f, •I BDR.i\1S., 2 ba., Spacious l1vin~ rm. y,·ith custom frpl + formal rlin in~. Cpls l'\"Cfy\1 hl'r<'. $33.300. Opcn HousC' 245 Tulane Rd. Corona del Mar OPEN OAIL Y t.f 603 Poinsettia A PLAZA "K" THE BLUFFS 4 BR .• 2 BA -2 STORY Near pool, lowf'St mainten- ance area, sunny & bright Quick possession. 1\'),900, \\'E AL\\'AYS HAVE THE BEST LISTINGS /t't &-st ~~ .!3&! :' · r c:i lly .,,..::. (4 Bedroom) *305 Kin gs Pl. fC liffhaven) N.B. 642-5200 $58,500 {Sun 1·5) 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. * * * Ranch slylr .l or 4 hedroom homr "'ith rC'cn>atiOnal roon1. family kitctwn, mas- sive raisrd hearth fircpla1·e 1G_•_ne_r_a_i ______ 1 ~G;e;n;;e;r;a;;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 and sparkling enclosed pool. •'DESIRABLE IN .None o!hrr likc i1, cOmC' <111d HORS see. S52.1'i0. NO\\" finished & r"arly tn move inro -Sharp 2 bdrm. hornr plu.~ hrand n r w n1vnl'r's unit \Vilh 2 Bdrn1s. llr fan1ily rm.. 2 baths; fJ"plc·. t'.A. hr14!; bltns. ra.rpl'ls. A terrific properl y for you. 2414 Vis!a ()col Oro Newpo1i Beach 644-113.l ANYT l!\1E TWIN "TRINAS" -2100-Vista..Larodo (Early Blutls),N.B:~-- 644 -11 33 !Sun 1·5) 2017 Port Cardiff IH.V. Homes) N.B. 833·0700 $62,500 /Sunday) 325 Cameo Shores Rd ., Corona del Mar 673-1 515 $79,900 /Sat & Sun) (4 Br. & Fami ly Room or Den) 245 Tulane Rd. !College Parkl C.M. . $33.500 !Sat & Sun 12·6) 3429 Sea Breeze (f-la rbor· View Hills) CdM 644-5386 $72,800 /Sat & Sun· 1·5) 2725 Albatross {Mesa Verde) C.M. 105 Stevens (Sandpoi nt ) Sa ntB Ana 54fl.169R ~42.500 {Sat & Sun 1·4) 644-7270 /Sat & Sun 1-5) 423 Fran cisco tOff Irvi ne) N.B. 646-3255 $46 .500 (Sa t & Su n 1·5) 18751 Sa n Rufino . !Tu rtle Rock) Irvine 833·0700 $73 ,950 1Sat & Sun ) 1707 C.inrtlestick Ln. (Baycrest-} N.B. 833·0700 $72/iOO !Sat 1-6) 2622 Vista Dr. (Bavshorcs) N. B. 833-0700 $57.500 /Sun 4633 Tremont (Ca 1neQ Shores) CdM 833-0700 $140,000 /Sat & Sun 1·5) 2024 Galaxy Dr .. (Dover Shores) N.B. 646-1550 $120,000 !Daily 10·5) 1369 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) N.B. 642-8235 /Sal & Sun 1·5) 29 .1\ugusta Lane <Big Canyon) N.B. 642·8235 $87.900 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 19 AUi;!usta Lane fBig Canyon) N.B. 642-8235 $97.800 (Sat & Sun 1-51 **1641 Bayside Dr. f'i'achtsman's Cove) Cd!! 675·1935 (Daily) **227 f>nal St.. Newport Shores 673-B550 $49,950 (Sun 1·5) (5 Br. & Family Room or Den) 2006 Gal>xy Dr. !Dover Shores)'N.B. 646·1550 $151.000 1Daily 10·5) **309 !'vening Siar, {Dover Shores) N.B. 642·8235 $169,500 (Sal & Sun) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (1 Bedroom) 201 l Vista Oa udal /The Bluffs) N.B . 642·6472. 673-3468 Eves. {Sat & Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SAU (3 & 2 Bedrooms) 129 W. 38th St.. Newport Beach °642-5200 $63.950 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedrooms ~ach Unit)· 7J4 Goldenrod. Corona del r.1ar 673-8550 (Sar & Sun 1·5) WATERFRONT LOTS FOR SALE ttt641 Bayside Dr. (Yachtman's C-ove) CdM , 675-1 935 (Daily) . ..., ***'"' .... Wilte(fr•11t . ••W...,,,• 'Giiimi .EVERY WA'(" . .1>. '-"IIDl!!!.--i.-9!!U1;&'12'J. <•==•l '•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;; __________ Thii; 4 lx-droom home is w;iit· . ·DUPLEX--bluffs site beauties Xlnt cond., conv. Joe. 1·2 BR., Brand spanking nelv 3 bd- 1-1 BR. N~\V carp. & p~int in rms., 21.~ ba's.: view prop-- frQJlt unit A bargain for ertics. Lavishly decorated I• • ing for that lucky buyrr. !_.o. FHA-VA TERMS cated in choice Hu,ntingron QUAINT COTTAGE Easlsidf' 2 Bdrm. hArd'A'OOd homf' on hu~ corntr Joi. douhlr detached g a r 11. g r 'w/room lo Cll"pand. Vacan1 -Ready 10 show anytime~ $19,250. Newport •t Fairview 646-881 ! (1nytimeJ OWNER ANXIOUS 3 Bedrm + family nn, large Bcacti loca tion 3. minutes double-car g~r. $25,000, from the beach. This hon1e $27,500. 3 Bedroom homr, 1-~ bath, hardv.:ood floors, double gar· age. North_cast Costa lt1csa. 6 UNITS on ~ acre lot SG.9.500. is reAI sharp thr,oughout. And the Pri'ct> 1s only $29,500. CALL 847-GOID. FULL PRICE a UNITS IS $21,500 Cornet" Jocalion, $100,COJ. F11A. Jn fact, f'vC'l")'One Roy McCardle Realtor qualifies. Sharp 3 bedroom 1810 Newport Blvd., C.i\f. drramcr \Vi1h open beam 548.7729 c:ellings. near new carpets & drapes. id~aJ lOfaljon. Great $25,500! fenced yflrd. T<Ylal payment No DOwn-:-Move In a~ low HS $168 pct n1onth. Nn down to Vets -Low down \llhy fen!. C:ill! · "" "h"'· ' ""'""m•. 2 Walker & Lee bath!'!. secluded rear living room overlooks the park . Realtors like yard. Luxurious shag 2790 !£arbor Blvd. at Adams carpeting. Prime area, walk 545-8491 Open 'til 9 PJ\.1 CEDAR CITY, UTAH 40 acres. 10 stalls. starting gate, hot walker. 8:ic35 mobile home, fenced & cross fenced, 20 acres planf('(f in alfalfa, 2 wells, nrar ski re!j<lrt and airporc -RRICED at ONLY $77.000. "C" Tl'IOMAS · Realtor 2'24 ·w. Coast HY"Y· 548-5527 Newport Beach Eve. 56-5643 Million .$$$ View or !he Blur Pacific. Plus private beaches. G r ca t family 5 bedroom, 31,: ba!hs + heated pool . Over 1000 sq. reel of Jiving area • Cus!on1 r<'ature~ lhruout • Bl!·in va·cuum system • l\arastan w/w cpts 1hruou1 • 41-:i ·yr,q young -Call now for d~tai.li; $150JlQO. 613:::sa5o. to move East orrcring beautifully lmprovcil lrilevel Republrt home for immediate-sale, featuring 5 spacious bcdro0m9, formal flining, ov_crsi;r:cd ran1ily room. full builtin. ki!Ch v.·/ ca!ing area, 3 ear gar. Prime r-.1esa Verde location. Now reduced to $49,900. See to i;hops, park and all - ochool•. 54<).JT.!D. · Maloney's House ls ~==$=3-3~. 7~5=0== No Baloney Harbor View Montego 0'1f' nf tho very bc~t loca- tions in lla1·urJ1' View. Large rorn<'r If)! with large side yard a11CI rro re s s l o n A I landscaping: outside ca.tin~ area with view of lhf' can· yon bf'low. Lu~h carpets and drapes. ~ today. Full price $49,000. Call 546-2313. NEW LISTING RESIDENTIAL INCOME New deluxe Jourplex with . 0111er l'luplrx • on one prop. erty. CloM'd Ra.rage!! wllh RC<..'f'Sll from allf'y $135,00l -OTJIEll CHOJCB IN- TARBELL 2955 1-Iarbor, Costa Mesa It ls gt·cat. inexpensive & hiu 4 Bdrm + Family Rm ;.ll possible r i n a n e i n g Owner se.Uing. Family room available. Very clean, 3 with used n a l u r a I brick bcdroonis, 2 balhs, New "'flrcplace, den-cozy & warm. $209. PAYS ALL carpeting, fireplace & all 4 bcdrms., oversized master new gas 1inc & copprr pipe. bcdroon1, patio garden with A must to · sec a! $31.000 -pass-thru to kitchen, brk. Only $23,950. Quaint 3 bed- room home-pn large Joi, private tree sharled street. Submit FHA or VA terms~ Brst hurry! Call 646-7171. $3.3,750. Call 545-8424 fopcn .eves}. $30,500 SPANISH ELEGANCE Own<'r art'<k>u!!, S p a n i s h drsign, beautiful thru-oul". air condiUoncd, wet bar, lante fami~v rm + fireplace. dining room. 3 * $25,500. * Near We,tcllff Shop~ Real sharp 2 bedroom plus den. f\.1ove in on credit 11 P· pr0val. Nir-r large 101, rlouhlc J:aiage on paved allry. ac- ccss for boat and trailer. \ Lachenmyer Re.1ltor .baths, n 11 tu r a I • wooP 646-3928 Evei: MS-9"16 ~~t brk. I H.SOO. LUXUR[[[ ! ! TARBELL TARBELL Adan1s at Magnolia. l·luntinglon Beach GOLF COURSE Reduced $5,000. Ownl'r anxious! Ekautiful 4 bedroom home with formal dining, study or den, with large master bedroom suite. rant~tic view. Spanish de- ('Or and luxurious.-$74,500. Call 5t5-842-a <open eves). Hugl' View ·Palio l)('ck. 1· Bdrm., 2 deluxe balhs & l'o111gOOlia. at Talbert, nothing but the Best thruout. Absolutely Terrific 1-·ountAlrt Valley . ,Ste 2011 Vlsla Cauda.I, in the ------~~--I Bluff~. Call: <I Bedrooms rtrcpla«' Cov, Patio V f: ST M· ENT PROP· ERTIES. PETE BARRETT -REALTY- BR~:~~~R CURT DOSH, Realtor 3 BR. on FEE land In lrvlnr. Cusioin ·carpets & drapc11 Walk 10 1chools 6 642-4353 GORGEOUS 3 BDRM I ~16.900. Bkr. Jim S.undcra • M6-0li04 (!I. B. ) t .Ovc)y lanai. Ja.mily rm. & 642-6472 673·346.! Evc111. din. rn1, <;t.11 now. $42,250. 1130 W. Coa!!I 1-llghway iilKL?1 ~1~~~:~~1~~~ _ J -Llka. to tnide? Our 'JTader's A, £09d want «d t& a i'OCJd Paradite colu~n ls for you! lnwslmtnl 5 u""·· 5 di\)'! for lj bucks. --~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ' Clo~ to Bcn<'h Close to shopping Price $28.750 t.l. Call 847.fi010 ' Warm and lnvi~ng l:i< lhis clfl'!lom 5 BR pool home In Baycrcst. Quality ff'atures thruout -wHh loL'\ of wood paneling -Sracious living room, hr<'plaec - separate family room, """ pensive pafl('ll'd w nod bookshelves. 4 baths, huge palio + decking. A must sec at $92,j()(). Call 67"..-8.""lll. $47.000. &. pric""' to 11• E I · MORGAN REAL TY •. Wllh _'-"" SC . XC U.SIVC 673-6642 675-6459 PREVIEW·PREVIEW 305 ORCHIO 3 BP.. 2 baths, formal rlin, rin. + playroom or oUice at home. '15 Ft. lot. bii; patio. S64.500. Open /or your in· spccrion Fri., Sat. & Sunday aftf'moon. Univer$ify Realty 3001 E. Cst. Hwy. 673-6510 . -----· BEST VIEW IN LUSK 2414 Visla Del Oro Newport B!'.!ach 64'1·1133 ANYTl!\IE * WOMAN'S LIB * HARBOR VIEW HILLS She can bc fr('(' in Easrbluff Ocean. harbor, peninsijht, ., bd ___ _ ___ -,1 rms .. 2 ba'~ .. family * FORECLOSURE * piers· thr. \\'Orks! '1 BR, 21h k.I I I I I I 1 c i.. • <"vc , n "Apple Pie BA, ram rm. $72.800. Open C dll. .• Spa cious 4 Bet.rm., 2 ba's., J-S S;it Sun. 3129 Seabreeze on JOn - clean, fresh, new shag carpct"g., rcdecor. 1 0 644 light & bright -A colorful .n. 1vner, -5386. h Inside & out. Close to shop.. ome acmss '"safe" street ping & fr"'Y's. fast possess. OPEN house Sat & Sun. By from your private park _ .Lmv down to all. 324,;;oo. owner. 325 Cameo Shores Mr. Shlgeyuki "prcerfs" !he MORGAN REAL TY . Rd. 613-1Jl5. Exec u t iv e greens. At $4'1,750. It spark· 67}6642 675-6459 home w/viev.· 4 BR, 3\2 BA . Jes! P lus _ a "skinflint" PRICE REDUCED ,S:C7'~.900~. 7.0'-o-~-~ 1easeholrl. makes this our VIE\V-1106 Sandpiper Dr. best value. Call EastbluU 3 BR., fan1ily rm., 1% baths. c-~i d·" 3 BR 1 1 ·i Realty 644·l13J AnyHm•. Blt·in kitch.; trplc. Scchtded ""-" u '-""· . fi!:e am1 Y .. patio. Good Eastslde Costa rm. By owner. $55.300. for EASY TO SEE appt. 644-Jln. (Always look111 greal) Mesa location. $33.?SO .. Call: 673-3663 548-0TIS Eve!. ANXlOUS. Several 4 br BLUFFS, at tr a r dee. associated BROKEA5--REALTORS %025 W Balboa 67J0 J66) Best Buy In Huntington Beach Lovely 5 bedroom wilh S\vim· 1ning pool, t'aniily room, Covered Patio, New carpets and drapes. All this for only $37,950.00. Call 847--6010. 5 LUXURY RANCHES 1',llntridgc ro t'allbrook • 5 Acf'f'S· ro 500. $17G.OOO to $1.45 Mil. Mai: n if Ice n t hou~11. grounds, pools & loeatlons. Phone for phoro previcY.'. Pacific Properties 673-8498 CORONA OE L MAR OUPLEX 3 BR. fronl & 2 BR. rear, on rxlra ~lzc IOI, So. of l/wy. See Thi~! sss..m. homes. Immed. occup. to 60 Townhouse, on green belt, days. Agent 6T:>-7225 !!TR . secluded area. 3 BR, 11,; BEAUTlF1JL location 2 BA, ~ncl colorful patio, nr story. 5 br, 4 ba, J trplc. pool, $32.500. Open Sat/Sun Agent 67S:-7225 HIR 11-5. &14-2915, 979--1970. SUPER 2 Br., 2 Ba .• poo l, El Toro great Harbor View. Agent. I ~--o::,_.,,,,_,,.,, ___ _ 6T.r7225 HIR * * $27,500-NO DOWN •* _ - ---VA or $136 mo. FHA .. 1 Br .. HARBOR VIEW HOME flir cond. Open houst' Sat. R.:. 2 BR &. den. 646-4846 Sun. 241 32 t.endisvlew, El Costa Mesa ·roro. M6-5500. BY OWNER Fountain Valley 5 BR (convert to 4+hugc STRATFORD 2 sly, Colonial, mRStcr) 2 BA, tam/dining. 4 BR. J BA ., Lrg. liv. rm. Xtra lge lot, cul-de-sac. All w/frplt'. rorm din. rm., custom features incl new air F'am rm w/wrt bar. !!hag cone!. & garage door, opt"ncr. ITpli'I & drpl'!. 3-car gar. 1-fuge pa!io, prof lndscp. ~aut lndscp'd b a e k yd .. Very sharp al SJ.4.500. Fruit trtts & sprinklert. Drive by n~ Kerry Lane X!Nl lrg patio w/11scd brick • 545-8000 lire' ring & planters. CUl-<k-- VACANT 5-BR-.--~ac. $43.500. tnoo Apricot NF.\VLY paintt'd. Pick your _c_;r_d_•._96&-__ 26!16 __ . ----I own Cflrpl'I. $3,850 down or ''VA REPO'' fllA·VA "tt"'rmS, --GEM•~-$28~450 with $8+o rlown. 3 1-IX'rlrooms, 2 b,.th!I . WI'. h~w 1610 W. Cha!lt lfwy., N.R. OTHERS. WALKER&: LEE REALTORS 612-4623 REALTORS 9tJ8..3,171. OWNER ANXIQUSI cB-:-:Y-:0-w-.,.-r-: -,-B-r -c--o-od-o. Assuml' 5\.11 % Loart. Ownt"r S.2!"1,;iOO. \Valk lo schl!I. MIJP will carry 2nd. 3 BR. 2 BA. Sq . P11rk. Golf C. f~ishlng. 2 New shag carpet and no-wM Club!! & pools. Ab!IO\utrl$-no noor Ole. Bit-ins, fireplact', m11.in1. 176'19 l..(IS Ja.rdinc::s From "Chrl!!tmaa Ner.kUes" IRrge covr:rt'd pAtio and W. (n4l j!,7--8~. fenced yud. Prlnclpttli'I only. to outgrown Levis. yoo can 549-0674. BY Own r. 4 BR, I~ RA., tum "trush to cash" ln a 1.:..:.:..:.;;_c.._______ f&m rm. + big kilchen, DAILY PlLOT cluslfied ad Tum unu~ item$ into qulck $32.000. 11926 ~h St., r .v -·ellll &fl...S678 cash. all 64.U-. .• ~ ZU/379-6771. , , ·--~ ..... . . . . . . . l ~ I -"'"'"· --~ I -,.... l~ f -··· I~ I ---I~ I _ ... 1~;;;;;:~ ~;;;;;;;;~jl !ii;;;;;;:;;;~1~;;;;;;;;~ I~ 1.H_u_·._,_in_g'-1_0_•_B_ .. _•_h;__,1H un tington B •ach Huntington S.ach L19un1 B•ach Newoor t S.•ch 528,900 "Wliat A Buy!!" WALK TO OC EAN 3 UNITS <"f'nl11r nl t(twn. rs· • • • • • • 4 BDRM + DEN Lnokin~ ff'lr" h111<g!llr1~? l!!"N' O"'nl'r n111 st .'-"II En•l'y h;i\1 11 1:<~: 4 htdr<Ylm~. hugt' 2000 SQ. FT, t't-1ll'nt rondl1ion . ..J'l!rMlttlll, 4 +· DIN. RM. ril!"1\C'1111 pt'tlhlf'm11 ff'lrc·r~ NEWPORT (n C"f'f!tn1I !itw'll' rlru1 :1 ktl<'hl't1 , phi~ A fAnllly 111·1>11, r;i•in~. 211 rnn! rr.ir !1\ rn.i:, 1'Wi1•1•rl rn !It'll Al.I. TERi\1S. ,.,,, .. I ht•r\)fil!TI, fl•'f'flllh 'f', II! only $.11 .950. A'n<I th11f11 + F$2A6M.soo' R. M. h.1·r11.rtha11d-but.!l'r u t• t t ". R 1v1 ER A Shnwi;; zoorl ~Pf!Od11hlt. Tr) 0 \\'!ll'r h•11\'irlJ.! Al'f'1' -Mui<:! S.'IA,.'llO full Pl'IN'. 11-P.JI! \\'nll !o·\\·11.ll i·1tr1>Pl!1 _'l.OS PADRf;$ REALTY CO. Conr1fln1inu1111 li\'11'11. \11 th!'.' brk.. b111l!.l.!1s, S 2 ~ . 9 ij 11 _ nol t1U. hf'AVY i:fi11kr rOflf, l\~1)..()6(1.1. t._ l'Cnl('I\! rll'l\'t"'ll)'. tl<'\'l.\lni: t>ullrin r 11: u.llt'd.rbric k lr pl. "17 s .. C'~"1 H_...,·y, Bark Bay arf'a t1vrdooklnt TARBELL f,rli·1"!'I' Mt :-\p"1!t•'<''ll(', llu111111i:,u111 l;!.t·i•i·ti $1500 DOWN J RR 2 RA Rnri l'l'Al ~hR1'f1: \'.:ir11n1 -rrAd)• f(lr l'Jlll••k rins~r1t1don, .'irllrr 11ox1011.~. \'A -"" rln11•n. or nru.' !oRn. 11.·it•t .v11.r·rt , (•1r11n 1n1rrior. ~,. !nd11y, l' 1llage Real Estate 531·5800 ( r.::i 531·5800 BEACH MANSION 1111£'1' .car<lrn kil(·hl'n Fh·r kinJ; ~i~.t hr-rir·n1.~ Mns~h·r ston,. firrp) F'l'll'!llRI ri1n i11g .:tl'f'/l l\'Rlk-in .:tnrl "llJO.v 11111~1! «;ir llf'f~ <'lnr! rlrsli:nrr ri1'1l f'll'lt, ~/i(l(l() pool Rf\<1 pRfiO Rl'f°:I. 111Rl\I' lhl!I All irlf'<i.I hon1r rn1· tfip .c1·114·1f1u~ bnsl. O\rnrr is lransf,.n·rrt_ r:11s1 . n1os1 .~rll in · !hff'P ,,.,..,.1;;s: ~4;"9110. Roberts & Co. 962-SSl I LIKE NEW 4 BR . + 3 BATHS $32 ,500 !\'~;\\' p;iu11 in & r-.11!, NI-:\\' \\'illl-ln·\l'llJI ~hR£ Clll'p<'.'!. f'ORMAI. f>JNJNt; 111•r11, i·hf'rt•y hr1t:hl kit1·h. 11·/h!1111 1·/n + di!<h11·shr ~ Xl11t 11rrR \\';ilk lo llC'h(\(\lr;~ ]!'~ \'Af'A;\~1' Anti \1;iiting jus! rnn vri 1 ·~ Cil.ll s.41-12:!1. :-;r:Y1\f()Ut1 nr:ALTY. 171 \1 Rr111•h Rl v1t., !lu111. Rr"h. nLfl \\'ORLn CHllTl:\<1 in 11 Ii .1 ,. nlrl tinu~r. ] Rr.. fnrn111I rtin1n2 r1n, f11m rn1. ·2 B/\. frrlr . .~hR\.;P rrr:1f. hr11111. la11rl!'.1'il,[llnl.!. <'lnsr In ~«hnnl.i; k hPllf'h. (_;l'f';:fl fi11anrl1l£: r.1,.11 ~111r. 52i;:.::oo. Orr11 l1nu~" Sat ,\· Suo. fl14:l \'rroni1·A. !lfil\-2?~~~. 011-"rlrr. NEAR the BEACH &>11.11tif11l hr;i1Nl A11<1 [1lrrrrrl pool. 3 hrrlrrinm~. 2 hRlh,;, nf'll' pRint insirll' Al1<1 OU!, V11r::inl ! VA1 F'J!A, nr a.~· ~UJllP :i•, r, 10<111. Qui<'k p<I~· ""~~ino. $."::i.~. ('all ~42-4~f>6 In 1·rar ,v11.r1!. plush h\!1<1.~t·Af)- 111,i:: 1rn111 11.nn h11.rk". 1·1 rr-: ()\\'N~:n ·s l\lU~J' !'it'.LJ., ('All Nnu.• •. 842·2Jl!i. SWIM POOL 5 BDRMS. 01.1 nrr n1ov1'. ;, Rr1l1t'IOt11.~. ~\\'1111 Jl!~ll, Xl/'11 pulltllRJI h::i.rh~. hui::c r:uri ll,\' rootn, 1h11·k i>lhil.I! 1'11 1'f'"lillt;. (','\· fw11~lvf' dr•'f'>!':O.linn~. No dn11 11 1rrn1s, hl'k. S.\i .000. ~.1:,!-fil:!lJ ' TARBELL 2 hll!hs. ,Xlnt ln<isi'J>St: suo-49-1-811.t'i, ~94-.iOOO__ hr11.ii11tur Nrwpnr1 Rr111·h. 11111 , l'11ll ii-17-l'l.!1 , 3 BDRM.~ & DEN H,.~·111111 nrportunily r11 fill'n St-:Yl\10UR P.EAL'l'Y, 17141 l,i\·. 1·n1 \\'/frpl. opP•t• to A hon1r for l<'~!I than r·f"nt. flf•<i1•h Sh·d~ Jlunl. s~·h. pali<l, pa11f'lrr1 rlc.n ort n1od. 4 !l\8Slrr t1iir ~droon1~ \\' hlfn. khM1. c-1!.rp .. rtr11 pe11• hu)l:t 11•11.lk·in 1·1o~f'1~. :I h11 lt1!1. FOURPLEX B.<irll.v \n rlN'fi or y11r'd 1·1f'an-~·1oor-tl"l-rci.i lhtg lir('plii .. t' •n · ' I h f !'"' ""-" J:!'l'fH·itlu~ livln<> 1mn1, w v.: S1ni:lc s!ory 1 brrlrn1 unlll'i. up nul 11 rr11 uy nr ,.,.,,,, . .,... ,. Xlnl rf'nlal 11rr::i.! Fa.nt<istir MISSION Rl-:ALTr ·194--0731 •'t'f)tg k •'U!llm rlrJ)!I ihroour, A~1 /l-'M intt'11'(1m. Rllin.!I In· pri.·p of l"lnty :J50.rKM>. C11H SAVF.!N:-L.11runt1:~-P11n~ i·lurlt' dil'ih"'.ihr. A~·rt!I of 961(.4•141. r11m1r \111'11·. :i Ar, :i R", 111111 C £1'f'f'O gi\'Pi>I fl Plll'k·likP ,,,_ REST REALTY 1'01. 2 frph·Ji, pool. rtri·k . n1nsphPl'f' '" thl'l'il' 1111i.gnifi. .,..,..., __ ..,,...,..,...,_! pllllf1 .• Xlnt parkin£. :\.~ ~· i.'f'lll hn111p11 pl.'icl'd fron1 SHARP 4 BR. ft . OwnP1' 494-AA74. .~~'6.:F.111. 10"t,. rtown -ln1itl <:ORN~;R horn" in hf>llutiful '1NV1TINC-4-RR-. -2-AA , NIY"''~ 11.5 low 11~ $2t <l. fl"" ,cpl1· l•m '''' <'l'P\~ rll'"" ino. in1•lu1lr• 1111. Morlt'll'i S!IRIJRFllA PARK. A~~un1f' " " . ' ,...-. rt1'pii S'!6 900 494 10Q3 <w ol)('n fron1 10 lo R rt11ity. (Fol· f''l;1s1111t: 6 '~ GI 101111 nr flR)' Rl.~792 . • . . -. lo""' l1vinf' !o ~Illa ll'itt'Wll . LO\\' rio11 n lo NE:\\' t'flll· _;_ __ · ' r>h·N·li<u111! l'ii£1ll! In rhr 1·r11(1••••' floo •,,,.,·,'". Laguna Nr'gu•I " " '-" !lloclf'l.O: OJ' <'1111 ~(l.;i14i, • LARWIN • • DJVORCF.F. MUST SF:LI. VILL..AGI!: R~:Al. r:STA'f~:. Jf;(ll Bl'Rt'h Al\'rl ., 96&-4405 · ANYTIME or Lease CiYl"'n V11!lr.1· • • • • • • !l1uiting1011 Bf'li<'h 'BY <)~'~lRkP ovPr H12h!11Ms 3 Rr, 2 RR. IMMEDIATE r.vn1nrs.. nn P:>:ii;;tinE fr\~;. \\'/srp "'IR f., DIR, F'l'pl, $28,600 . loRn . rtf'guJ11 r S·ll','.iflft. ·rakf' NEY.' Ctn. V11<•Rol, $34 .900. POSSESSION f41 .. ;ot'l, Nrrrt $RROO Down. 53i -7ti01. -----Seein9 is Believing 11rn!, tellSI' or RUY thi.~ Inv-No ('1'1>rli1 t·hecki<. ~920 BY 011•nr1 " l\.1on;u·ch Ra~· Pl~ 4 hr-('lrMni honif'. Rf'Nutl· 111<k r.., .. ,J11i'k. Ti>rl'R<'P, viPw, ~ AR. l BA. ... 1111([ wh:it yo11 l'f'f' Is NPl'l•port BParh Rark Ra,v! .Ju .. r ofl Tus1in in be11.ur . f11I gnlrl sli1H: 1·11rprl~ 1111<1 Irvine lam rn1. 3-cer ir11r. ponl , un- i 11 · I t · I · I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I rtPr 2 yr.~ ntrt. m11ny xtr;i,i;, rrs 1 y p8Ul {'I tfl1Pt' nr g11·P Nt'"'port Rivi'°l'il, 1his honie "1novr·fn·ahili1.v." l79.500. 496·4016. Lorat1011 1~~~~--------1 Now .o:howin,R: ~ brfirno111. l A!..L TF.rtr.1s AVAILABL.~:. l.0('/1TlON Lido l•I• hath~. lf'!Tl!.7.M f'ntT'YY.'l\Y, Call us rit:ht 110"· .. ~4i.:?:'i..15 LOCATION ht'auL . ...,·/v.r 1•1 .... 1, & GOVERNMENT OWNED }'I IA k VA rr[JCl~'>r.~~rtl Tnw11ho1.1~r~ I." hon1rs. 1..11'1' r1own. No pnint~ or r:i:.rrri11· ff'r!C.. <:ov'! p11y<; rlo.<>in.t:" 1·n ... I<>. Alt price ranges. Call 961i·444 I CREST REALTY S EPARATE-MA!Di - GUEST QUARTERS 2'.:/)11 ~l fl ~llll!_lr .~!Of'~', l'OC'llr! In .~fl<ir<'~ i\1ov,. in th1~ S111n- n1rr Rn<l 11vr. lr>unc-r or ju~1 rn,ioy th,. hr11cn. (';ill l\~2·44li/i VERY ANXIOUS! Rr~H1 !. pool h1nf'. !lr:.11 ) r;hRkr l'l"IOf. ~ RR. :I RR , ~ var ~ar, 2200 + sq. ft. l!n11s1'11·if<''!C. prid<' & .l<l)'. Xl111 nhrhd. S;i,1., S11lr. * Centurv 21 * REAL ESTATE 841·8821 S111w1· f.:t1~11l.v llfln1P 111 Vill11c1> PRl'k, ,vo1u· 0'-''11 rP1'1'C:atioo al'<'R & ynur 011 n rt'Creation 1·,1n1TI' A fr11 s!rpi; to wilfP. 111dr ,i::rPenh<'lt, ~wi1n n1111g pnnl~ & !rnni ~ C'ts. :i RR .. 21-.. h11 . plui; honul'i rn1. J\111~1 .'lrf' tr-. .:t.pprr(·111IP, Ofrrrrrt for• $~9.:ill). lnt'lurlin~ !hr 111111'!, 1Job 1~rHil, - --1~leal!ur "SINCE 1946" 1~1 \\!eslrrn Bank FUri g. Unil'crsi1y P.:trk, I1·1·inr Days 552-7000 Night1 OPEN SAT/SUN. 12·4 ,. 241 VIA GENOA cif'OOr111or rtrapr.~. ~ 10 n *' BAYFRONT VIEW ll1·rnl., Ai\1/~'ivl intPrt'fln1. rl ish11·1<hr . .t. bl11t~. Al.L plM!l-Pl'irf' has i11st het>n rl raslir-nrri r<nt1"'uni1~· wirh ACl'f'.~ All~· l'PriU(·e(\ lo S!l!l.500 on o f l'olling )?J'l'rn. Swin1min2 rh i!C. spari0u!C. 2 BR.. df'n pool, pultin2 J,?t'et'n. Jnads nf honie 11·/rl inin1Z rn1 . f., wPI 1 .11nimitit !I, 1·otal payo1Pnl ol hi>.r: 1>nrrv (:ourtyarrl 11· 1.,.,~ · I " II . · . ~•n pPr mo. !n1· llnf'~ 11 . foun1111n, lgP, PA110 00 . "° :i Brdroon1, two·.~torv-t1'(1n1 ft . lot: 3 t•ar £111"1'1;1" & Lirin $26 ?'1() rnll . I. -. N ·!h No1·rl h11v viP11-·.-· . , o11 l v1nf! i or · · 10 ~11nt.:t lsa hf'I Avt' .. follow bowcma, loweon JA. •eolt019 :\lll li Via Lirto li7=>-45fi:l BRyfrnnl triplP.x. 3 RR . 2 h!L Pa . J.1'11>.l;P ]a_nfi $120,000 Baylr11111 4 RR + fan1 r m :1 h11 . P\rr & ~l io 11!17.;illl LIDO REAL TY INC. :t177 Vi11 Lirio. N.B. 673-7300 siJ('n~ lo 111orlf'l or i:11ll :)40.5147. VI LLAG f~ RF.A l. t:.~111tP Pxrlui;;\l',P sale~ a2rn1 , Newport Beoch · ... * ADt?RE-SS * , nu·rSTANfJING Be~t of Ev•rything 2 Slory homf'. 3 AR. l RA, 11•rnt 1n10 t111s .1 hrtro1 .. 21~ riinini:: rm .• z frplcl'i., lnw Count) 111xrs. lmorri;sil'f' en· try h111I inlo 2200 sq. rt. homf'. 4 . "l.ARGF;" hc>rl- rooms. 2.t,., h11ths. "\.ARC;F:" f11 mily -rtinio2 1·11n hi' for. n1a!. Loi 79' 11·\dP 1'.!0' •lf'Pfl, 1·n1 for pool & or hrlal. [n llt'f>A Ollf' h\t)('k ll WA)' pll\OS to builrt SIOO,OO'l. horn,.~. This is a ~tf'al at $46.500. For a 2:1"10rl invr~tmt'nl and your f.:tmil./11 ~~I futurt', )?f'I in now. h~. Oxfr1r1~ n1r.rttl. Lovrly int. loan. A.~killj! S76,:..'lll !<hR~ rRrpt J?:. hr 111111 fu 1: KEN BRITTINGHAM 11·a1lpRfll'rs. p;i'.1<'lrrl hn1n1~1 Realior • 675--01 23 1·ni. 11•/sl'p. Af'w1n£ rn1. [)hl. -~--~--~ s hrlr o·losr!s, n1 j r r or r d LIDO Nord hom'". ~ RR . 2 n1~1r. hRth. ~p;11·ious 11111111 BA, cii ni11~. lcP 1(11, h::i.lc:o11y ;u'<'ll 1•/hll-in l:MS RRQ & 1·11·.,..., N f' 11 r pla.vi1"nur11'l. pl11n!<'r l1c-h1s. rrrn1iu111 hPa!·h. lrnnlll ('Ot1rt. $7!1.;;l(l. I'll'\\ lrn•alion, Alt f or 0wtlf'r, f;7~:ii4. --------IMMAC. .~ RR. 1 31~ AA .. ~uth p;:itin. Owr1,.r ,11nxiouJ1. P,-·icrri 10 M"ll) B k r . 6iH7.i6. -NO POINTS- ---~~--. 3 BR. Z BA hnmf' nn L irto No Loan Committee l\'11111NI r1·om owner. C11 ll (i)red hill U11 i1'. PRrk ('.rnll'r, ji·virw fi i.1-:l3J2 Evf'.~. \Vhf'n you huy !hill r u1'lOm t•11.-11· 7\·ny1trnr.-lt':::=nR211 -~==-0-"-~~~~~1,-nupl~ t1n Nl"~•porf "l~1ulrl. -•---------.-•iMesa Verde ComplctP 1'•ilh pif'r &_ llo.,.l. RF.ST -h°uy-i~-Jlun1i11i::ton * DOWNTOWN FOR ~11le by o11'0Pr, flp1111 ! 4 Miss'ron V're'o Owner will r;irry l~t T.0 . " E\q111s1IP '! h<'<il'Oflrll II' rlr-"R ~ f I lMllOO Brh. ln1n111r in .t· "II!.;: RR. " '"'n'"· .:tm rm k. 11~. 1;1,.hrrl 1n11un111 inrl't'~ r·11hi11 1.' N :? BA. ~·Rnl rm. i\l~n~ \tr;is, rr1rmRI rli11. 1'1'1, on grPPn· J RP.. 2 RA , 112 yr~ nlrt. Vif'W CORBI • lnr R·R·Q rtrti r11l('rt11ini11.c. hrlt. R.~1·1043. lol. Cusrrn rlrpit ,t. <'01>1'n£:. ,\111.i;l .~f"f' 1':1 11 nnl'r"111 rr. ;\111ni1·urrrl ld~<'PE \l'ilh hf.111" "" \rnn'! l11s1 lone. $~.700 hy L pa tlo. fL,,;900, 0 w•n r . s:-i!i:l n~rrwli nr.. ll.1!}-!1.1611. ini:: 11v01·ado !rrP n11 an n.::i aguna Beach MARTIN '11\tlf'I', ,;:97-i 9-1!l. $ QUICK S WE BUY HOMES ~:; ;· \<;;J'f.:J \.\,' KASABIAN BUY of the YEAR lot. s:n .. l\00. ('all .lt4:l·4~tifi. . -----~-----1 .1!i WALK TO BEACH N•woort Buch l11ufJ\tPJ a r::;,~'.1 v~:i::~111.;·r.txi r~~~~i1 ~I,; ::::::::=:::::::::::::::::=::::::::-: OPEN-SAT:-;SuN:-1.5 --· -ki!,.hcn. rnt·los1>d vif"w rlr rk. HORSES 8aycrest 8e11uty OPEN 11nus~; SAT S.· SlTN Thi~ fll 'P1nh1111 nrnprrty, Thlll'J r!l!hl _ V.'ith 11 nlllil-1707 TRADEWINOS !>171 T\O~'llh~1 . l R~ I.· llririMl ll\'l'rlMkln" v,·,.,o .. i~ "'"ol•. I I ' l BR 2• h h .. ' " " ini;:-11rlrirrs~ of Nrwpnr1 111m11r11 ii r . .. 111 111 ~: hn111l,1· n11. Shiny t'lf"11n . v.·on·r 1Rs1 Inn<> 111 1.11.=. . k •· · • 1· · ., "-•' RrAr·h~ H11<e fa rniti· hom(' sun ·pn u1n1 ni;:-nl). 1v1ng R";iu1 p111 ln I.· .v::.rrl. Qllll'k · f with S betlrooni~. scpa1·atr 1·m. o~rrlook1n£' fltlll . F:xtr11 REALTORS 644-76'2 !11 Orll Rr111!~· · l '" ~ pos.<. ~·u11 r1·it'P $.'l1 ,9l"IO ,..AfJ/,an, rlrn. srpar.:ttt' fainilv room. l~P. k11rhc n area. Rt'duC'rrl ~l'par°"re rlinin2 l'Ol"ll11, AND In · ·""·....,," ~::t.f)(l(I hf'ln1-1• aflpr.:ti~11 L 4 :i:JO-lti:?fi___ ESTAJE i;;PpA rlltP 1.01.,.11 1 \1·ith :i Walker Really 675-5200 H11£P hrdrm!C., ;: h111J1~. f11n1 TOTAL PAY .. ENT REAL hnri<Pl'i st11nrlin.1:: rr11rt y. Thi~ tt'{li Viii l.irln, N'p1. Rr11.rh nri. PXf'<'Ulive hornf", Var11n1. m 11~1{! L:trnnryr P ~r. npporl11nity rlopi;;n't prr~rnf s.~.:lOO. CRll 9fi,1t-4~41. .~Hi2 fl"t' ll1rl. ('n!!ill:P ~!ylr 4"1 "'"3 ., If ,, Tf :• -,;~'H ~1'1~:!16. 1 ~f' vcr.v o r n. you i·an CREST REALTY h('lnlP nrRr·!hf' hf'll('h. l,11,r~r 11.fforrl Sfi7.!l50, 1'M:-1tt>r givt> Only 129:500· for ·,; Nr wporl frn('rrl .1·11orrt. 1·niJnt1-y kitrh· LUXURY • VIEW u~ 11. f'.it ll. Shown hy Appoint· Reiu·h 11rlrtl'l!,01!C.. W11!k to thf' "fl. Onl,v ~11\,:illl. llt11Ty'.! Al ! · I •· IMAGINE S11n Clemente VETS S:t:LLJ.:R Rl:TIRTNr. RMucr-rt pl'i""· Mul!I J(rll !hll'i N>11u1Hul 1•u.~1on1 huih 2 RR. 2 RA hnrnl'. All Ol"W llhllt.: cptg th1•1K1ul. ~ilup,trrl nn 11' hnll' rrolf t·...-.ur!tr, Rlliri l'JU\Af' .,., l'l\1•11. hu,i::r kh. A 11"11•,..l;v h11rk,Y11r(\ v. ll1'J n~· rruir fl'l>P.c . ComplptMy Cr11t'NI for l"dva1·y. 2 o·ar Q:ar" l"IPl'll'ir door. ,..ull pri1•r S:.>9.~«t .. p;iy11hlf' 11i nuly S196.Z1 prr n1n 1n<'I. i '?, in•. 1'hi~ hron11" I~ ~pntlrs!C.. C'llll to,.;. 11ppt. 'l'hl~ .... ·oo't 11•1. Bl11.ir &. .ll"nkln.~ Rl'it lior~ 1100 S. 1::1 ('an1iron Rral. SI.· I 11 ~I 4!12•!\Rll --SHORECLIFFS- Ry o .... <n~t'. 4 Rr., 1 1\11 .• frplr. ri1·r:c. t111 rrpl A 'W!l llPllPf'f, i a" hllq. tl('f''ll n ""'" Pvt. 'rwh. Meoy xtr11. lrnmf'rl. Oi·rupar1cy. Appl only $.UJtOO. 64~1'.'JI or 493---0lAA evell, 1'13-1611, r:xt ~ill <l)'l'i. FOR-~th"Y 11w1lf'r . .1-~2 Rsth, !111')?1" li vint: & l11rnily Rl'f'M, npw ~h11.,:: ('llll'pl"tior:. l)('f'llll Yit'"'. $42,000, 49"2-.171R. ---------S•n Juan C11pi1tr11ne MODERN ~PAN!Sl·I ('harn1in11: thrf'I• hf'rlroon1 . F11mily 1'0l"ln1 homt'. Sna1 kl· ini rlean wi th up_gr11rtrrl 1·f'<l 1·11 rprl!1. .lusl rii;:h1 1n 1~1 VOUl'~11 _go with .1·our nR11· Spani.qh h1rni1urt. Ris:: h11r·:: ,v11rri for 1•hilrit•rn :< p111.,1• -nr p!111n1 lho!W' l'l'£"f'l 11h ]I'~ you'vt' lwf'n "'.:tnli11t: 111 tT·y. ONLY S:tl ,CKXJ FITZPATRICK'S rapi~11•11n<1 V11ll"Y n ,.111ty ::1;..o1 (~an1hlfl ()1 pi.~1r11ril"I !\1111 J u1111 C11 nisr1•11 1lQ 49J.1124 Resltor Sine• 1965 Tustin --------·-RED HILL RIDGE BY OWN ~;n . Luxury ho1nl', viPll' 11ilt' nP.llr Tui;;•in· J-lillll R.:t<'QUf'I Ch1h, 4 brlrm. :I~, h11 .. T11.m ·,..m. rl<'n, rlrh1'\:t kit1·hf'n, rorm11 l rtininz r111, 1n11~lf'r s11i1,. 1virh Mr. Atl<1 Mr!!. h;irh.~ k <1r,..~~in.1t rms. s11un11 . .1 l'll-r .carag;., 11 ir i·onrlit\oniru:: /, rnur h n10l'I'. Rf'lfµ<'rrl lo S71,;;nn, ~6-1 2:14: eapistrano MOBILE HOME PAGEANT INTRODUCES • THE NEW VIKING ORANGE· WOOD 24X61 PRICE WAR $11,995 2 RR. Crn•Pr IOl!'h., F.:t.111 1·n1. Cl'pts. App1i11.11rr~. nr!'~. ln- 1·lttdP.o: SCTLJr I. f>F:l.IV · F:RY AN'i'WHF:R.E JN SO. CA lJF. ON DISPLAY AT 6 OF OUR LOCATIONS VIKINGS Largest Dealer ALWAYS FIRST WITH A MAJOR Price Breakthru! "" • "'"'""' "'"" eapistrano R~1n~~~~1'· [JI) MOBILE HOME lSO 40 ACRES. takl' fnr only $29 mnn1h. S72Sll prr 11c rf'. 91*1.fll147 Apa--rl_m_en_ ts fO;.-;-.~ 151 Co1t11 Mes• 1.1 unit!J on Ea!JI ~id,., 546.:::i:i~ 5.17. \346 C:•m•tery Lots/Crypts 2 Tffi~. HARBOR MF:MORJAI. rARI\. IS6 REST $3.'iO. • Cl43--4l00 • Commer-ci ~--­ Propeirty 151 First Time Offered Coa~t H1vy, C.orooa rlel Mar ·' Con1mrrri11I k rl11plrx S!l5.oon owe TD(n'7'1'J'7~ East 17th Street ·•C-01t11 Mes• Jn1prnvrrl Commf'rT1lll 11.:l"/,. Sprnrl3hll' $1 15.000 fin. Rf'alonomic.o:, 'Rkl'. li75.67(l(I -------ror.1 Highw11y frnnl:'<2't>, C-1 \11 n<l ,,,. h!tl2.o:. Agf'11t. li7.l-7m H.l.R . conc1ominiu"1s for 1111• 160 PAGEANT 33413 S11n Ju11n Cr•ek Rd. ilakl' SA f\ DiPl::O r~vy to S11.o .lu.:tn CrPrk n rt turnoffl San Juan C11pistrano 714 /130.3140 or 49J.1121 1 HP11rlqu11'rl l'I'~ for All ART SHOW • MUSIC. REFRESHMENTS SUN., MARCH 19 "When the .Sw•llows Return" An /lrl'ivity of ll .. ". ,..in11111·i11I Duplexes/Units 1ele 162 n LX Ui11111 Pnint rl11ple.x $49.!150. 3.1952 Silvf'r l..11ntl'rn Wrhh, Rkr. fi42·400:i -- UN ITS 1\•11nt'"~· H11 vr b11yl'r11 for rtuplPXl'Jt up to 1£f' unitl'i. A,i:;l"lll fi7~1225 HIR. ~- Income Prop•rtv 166 BUILDERS LOOK f"lrxihlP znni11". ;ippr'l'l:-c: 1,,_ 11r rr, !LR., hui\<1 ro .111ur rjp<;irP. Prirrd r'i j!:l11 rno.~ t1 ,. 11 , fll'l'I' OOoi111g mrnl only. ht'111:h. R:ob@rt·S & Co. 962-SSl 1 Mon<1tc.h Ba,v &_ heach. l"iOO 2 Rl';DROO~I $2!1,:ii:xi .:l BR.. 2 Ba., Windsor {;L,F:N ,\'lar •1 hrlroi. 2 h;i , sf]. fr. of 11norf. t:ln ... ~ t.· li]I'. ---;;;:;;:'::'':'7:':"---l:i BEDROOM S.'ll .500 ~unrr .•.•.•...... $22,6/'lfl. "NEW" 20.UNITS • 1\41\-2:-1~1 • REO CARPET R@altor fnMrOrtTARL~:.4 BR. h<'ll1\I', fll'rk_pfi p II I i n, 1'11.~1(1!11 rll'RPP~: <•!n~r to hr-111·h S.· ~l'h(ll"ll<>. Frj'lll' .• v./11· r'Rl'fl. 01111~. f;rral n1> l ~h hors S::.1.!l~O. !lli2-107'.>'1 n11orr/Acr11! " h .1 /I lux1 11'~' home with Int~ "'I C11ll 545.5AA0 !O-n F:1•"~' J RR., 2 R11 ., 1 .~!ory Tihuron, <ll'flpl'<;, ('il.!'f'l('f111$:-. 111 t -111~. r l ~~~~;n;~-l~~~l'l~;r;~r ;i_s;~~~i ~:~·~~~11~ii'~.~1.1xiou~ 1)1'.'lle'r ~-fMiii"'·~·~"~•···~~~HIRIT~~-~A~Gl~I 4. an:: "i~; 'R~:: Viii~ ~~ .. ;~: \. II L' • 499-2/i()l • ~.. ..AlTOltt .................... S27.9:ill. '"' l',I' rnl'J:r _--,,,,, . ...,°"''fl: :l RI\. 21,, SM ., VillR P11cirir. PERSONALITY .1 RR. 2 RA. fami!.I' 1·111. 1 Mi . fron1 hr11r·h. ;..rr11.~. Pr1>~1i£" 011·nr1', R~kin£ [)rrnr111r1r 111'"11 . R.1· $:'12.!100, ·1'· wb~ .................... sn.;,no. ~~lli:l';W _...il-:'O't"' ~o. r.o~~r """v. JQ(/IU (.A{'.!JNA, C"-1 ... --------~' ... o l•,.~C-NEW DUPLEX ----llf'ar flu' ~•n·f. !<t'f'.': thr hn11t!I; 1 STOR y el~s.'I fronl \'icw 2rarinuJ1 living. ~ Rrtr•r11. up. hon1r. Bali'flny in Ii\'. nn :i rtoivn. Pil'k ynor •·('llor~ & lw;.io1 <'I n~. rrplr, wpt hRr. r . J. HORVATH REALTY OWNI!."Tt -HARROR VI F.\V 4 Bf'rlt'fl(lm , r~r lllnli. J111n1erf. ocrup. VACAN'l'! S:l.'l,7:il. Call 644·772?. 01· 644-8134. ~ RR . 2 Ra ., H11nl. Cnnr., • ..... ' •...•.•.•••• ' $21 .!100. ., Rrt.. 21, R11 ., 1'ih1Jr'fll1, •....... , .......•... s::o.:ilf). 2 RR., 2 R11., Hunt. We hav• more Marina, S51.500. ADIJLT APARTMF:NT~ 114 t:. 20Tl-I ST . f'OSTA MF~SA WEBB, RKR 642 .. t!!Ofl rRTME 4-PIPx .1 Rr .. 1 Rit .• l11r.. S700/mo. Nn 1111 VA. S62.~i00. I". C(l<'.:!11 i\1ri'la . ~),;1-fi1:11 , ----- 2 Tri-'Pl"'Xf'~. 2 hr .. I h11. f'1'. Nr 1\•port Fk'h.. t'lr. Nwp1. 1-larhnr Hi2h. Xl n! t!I)( ~hf'l!Pr. 01\-'llf'I', ;1411-9tjf'l;o,. f)J.'.SF:R·r ('l\E~ ()..., n ynu1· n""'" lor t :nlf. C'LURHOU~F:. N111ur· 1111 111'11 Pnol11. Ji'rr(' r hurt'. $.'\!l90 tfl S71'111 ~;1n 1·1<11:;" Rl'11 h~ Cn. r .o . ~~ ~ l~sl"rt ttor"$p1•l11,:t:~. ('11.l1r. '11.(i .l°l!l-"441 • . .. Al\IF:RTrANA :M• .\fl!'. 1 RI'. 2 h•. t'fllll rt1·p.1r. rrfl'i.t;. rll~· posAI,' rlit•\•ithr, 1·11hl" ·rv. 1 .11 1ul1tl'llpt'rl 1•n1· lot Ar1_jil<'l'll1 <·luh hr>u~f'. 2 .v1· nlrl, 1\t1uJr P11rk in :\.IC'. n .... •nrr lravin.& Calif. 49;:.::1;,7 35 Ft:-MObile Hom• RE~/' O~'FF:R. 641i·31M &11 6 rl\1. !OsW' \tnhi1P homl", ,.nrl;ri r11b11na. !-'urn.. 111 AcluH Park do"'lll<'"'ll C . '.II . ~ll-:'91!1, ·------~-NF.\\' Mf"l(ln 'li!l, U'\:"'.\ 11•/11 11 1"\;h'A.1; 1nrlr11:. R'\:.Ul Cll\~«1111' JXH1·h. 1 RR. 2 RA in :1 ;;i111r P11rk. li,1/i-:.02'1. :1J1 -fl!'.1<14 041l V PILOT J1 - Mount11in, Desert, Resort 174 ** BIG BEAR LAKI Nl"t'd • 111.x l'l!"rl1u·1k\n! ·r-ry ~hi" r Mh111-10.1ht 'A' n ., A 11 . ('0111rl . f\n1~hrti Ofll,v s~.P51'1. OR ~1111·1 "I ll! J1'"1•lurlMf IN for 11111) l9:1ll, 11.nrl Y.'f:'lJ .. Rll\Lfl " 1•11h111 nn"lhlll In! !I'll' you! C'11!1 nn~~ 1114) ~ :,;1&-11-:s nr 1\n1r· Sprnf'fr R,.111 E.:r11 1,., r 0 . Ro' 2!12.l. RIJ: R1'11r l.:o.kr. <'.1.l iforn111. -·------PAl..\1 f)(-~M'! f'onrio., 2 Rr .. 2 R11 ~ rtr n. 1:rt'11t v1l"w ~· l(l(·al1fl 11 f'1un. nr unfurn. 7 11 /.".1~:1()14', ---- R••I E1t11te Exch11ng• lnveston Move 112 On The Up! F::-.\·h1111gP 10 u n11. 111·in1f' F:11~t~irtl' n1n11r,1· lll~k~I'. :\ ·' Rrl1•n1~ 111rh f•rPp!Rrr~. ,t1Ji:,,., .l h111·h. quar'!PT•. fll('ftmt .~1 rr Sl'!,f,00 (lf'I' y t 11 r . Sl\!'l.:.t'tfl. l'eet [11~11, Ge11er1I ~-------~ ~ ~:1ehR11t;r f'ntVIJl.l rl PI f\1111· ri1111l1":-.. '!. I Rrlr1n . 11rli11.f'l"nt 1(1 Mtllplr!f' J h n r p i I\ i •·r11t<'r. lnr"'"'" 13:1() monrh, S42.'..00 .\li-'T'i h;111" Sll.flOll rq11111 111 <'~IRI" '"~'"rl R·I Int in l\111lua.Knn11, H11~'11ii. I NV ~:~"l'Ml-:NT !)!VISION Income Property 16' l!Ann Tfl F INn r(\l'l)nR fir] ~·1RI' 11'!1'\lf'~ s1:-i.00"1 CALL : 615·7225 Home & lnve1tment Re11lty :;42:> 1':. f'r1<1 .. 1 llll'y., CrlJ\.1 ----------- ' Units E•stbluff 2 FIR .. l .h.11th unit~. 2 .Vfll, n!rl . ~·11111' •"ll l'P. I, rlr~fl('rl. r.ovl'rt'rt ·~rkinJt. Rf'.'.'11 lrtea- rinn. 51~.ooo. ,'"16-!600 TRAD~: 4 Rrriroon1 H11.rhnr V1r"' hon1t-. fef' li.nd. !.Hi.onn "'1lHI~ lnr• \INrl'~ i o Nl'Y.Jllll'f or Co.•IH Mt'Sll . t·1111 644 .n :n or &1·1-111:1". R•11I Estate W<1nted 114 NEED ~hRt'p fl11olr:-., CrlM . "' Clran 1 Rr I lo1·N11·r 11.re.t. c11,.h Ft11yPr SAND CASTLE RE·AL ES'rATE _...__,_7~S-·~'~0~5~0-{ ~ I .11,eun~ Rr.:t1·J1 , ·-......... ! tt .. lflt. ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil TR.IPLE·x :DANA -Pt;-[ "'""''' -II • J SHIP SHAPE COND. "-;-----~-~~I :i.2 Rl1. 11~ RA . siurllo l~fll" • 1 f11t'n . N,.11 "Pt.~ rh'ns. Alt ins. Nr11 r !)11n;i r1 1l11rhor. s.r. i~.4.:ill'l. 111', fl\\'11. POINT REAL TY .~4\~ t.'n11i;1 llw~· 0111111 Pn1nt •01~1 4~t; .. \T);\ ---7 HOUSES S -7 Brlrn1. f., 2 -I Rrl1·111., fixrr uppr1·~ 011 2 fl..'l loll'i. $87:i. mortthly 111<'flme. 179,500. f;F:'N.l'lJ RY 21 fi1:l-177! -----12 uNrrs in1-. pool~ 9 ful'ni:rthr<l. P rP1'11i11 rn (~Jttll MP."JI lorit!ion. Ouf of 111w11 ·-flwnt-r."6~'/1~ .il:l2 .. 100. Prinerp<il~ <'lnl,v fi:.1-95511 t'V<'!'- :\,\1 A ff: R ~'RO NT -TAX .'IHELTF:R. Oo.·k .vot1r ""1111. ll""'"~t-.'\ nrv.' uni!,\, /llR. f'11ll fnl' r{pt111I.~. r vt. OWJ1f'r. 7J4 ; 67.1-lt24!t J U.°'r C:~ompl;i~!-2·0(:'1~ tripll"Xf'.~. 22'19 Fort!hMm Dr., C.M. R lr1 r-0>1·nt' r , :i.4.1.fi1111 rvP~. 21 Unit-Nr. S_t,op'g •. 1 k l .RR. 2 R11 . .R2ll F:lli~ Ave 118. $420 M 1\47-l.'1:"17 Lots for S•I• 170 Coast Hwy. Cor. C·I '""1". Aop!'n:11. 101'1'~121'i', t.rvr.I. Primt l11!·111ion. ~1.~2.flOO. W•sley· N . "T 11ylOr Co. R••ltor1 2111 ~"'n ,Jr11111uin Hill!<. Tlr\, Nf'1Ypnrl f'l'nlM" R~~-~9Hl Bl•5ine1s Opportunity 200 CAN \'OU INVEST Sl j to ~1~r1 )011r """'" h11~il'W'S~~ Thal's .:tll i1 l11 k'"ll to hl'mml' 11 SHAl<L~:.,i-: rt1strihu1or i, t'R~h Ill on Clll1'f'rll 1°.V, ilri V<'l'llsini.:,. \Vio ""'ill t1'1til"I .''"II. f\•1 l1r111 ! 1<> i:rvowth. YH11 ('An l'Arfl 11 frl'I' r11.r I.: Pn,111,I' 1:.r11Pro11!< rt>rirPMl'nl l'w>tif'ritit, 00 IT NOW! C11ll !1'111-5:15:.1. -· _______ , flEl.()('flTIN<:. [)1>Jtlrr In srll r.~111hli~hed 01ulti-prn- <i1•f<'i':-mA+'fl'lf"--Of'-if!.~m111H 1--- nrrl"'r hu.o:i ne lll!, Nfl n1;u111fR1·!11l'in,c:. Ruo It In ynur "" 11 home 8 frw ht)ur.o 11 wrY.k . Sl1'lulrl llf'f .\'flt/ 11p tn $10.00'l P"r yeH.r. N,.. !i11hi1ir1P.<. Al'lkint .i!i.l'l(lll, C111J '.'"16-llM!i. 8 11n1 to 5 pm. ·---F"URNl'l'URE Mlivt>ry l'lf'I'\'. r~r~h. :I ,1r~. 'l'rurk f'.'quiri. J.. llfi;'I~. ,r, fll'l"n1!rl!. $l 100 (';i~h 5;17-70t.! R.rl :,, -~-~ BARAF.R !o:hnp. Nrw pnPt Rt·h. J.:.\. 10!'. 2 !'hit \r.~. Tue11. lh1•11 ~Ill. '.\.-5. ~Vl ~l:wi. ------~--~ Money to Lo•n 240 1st TD Loans 6'1' % INTEREST 2nd JD Loans 8':4 inl. hll5f'<l on .-quity. AIJn Nf.\-V !15% nf J111lr·prire IOJ'in!'t Sattler Mtg. Co. 642·2171 545.0611 Se1vlnJ: !'!11rhnr 11rra 21 yn;. .1 LOTS N.F. .. •irl" r iu'lf'lr;ima Hill. 01·ii11i.i-I'. J~.!=IOO r~r·h in- rl11df'~ !ll"wr-'t· I. 11111il!rJ;:r'fl11nrt 11 t11ilit>~. $.l,()Ofl riown. SHIO pt'r rm. All 1:11 ... h or tr11rlP [ 101• s . Cn111d. Shop PArl.v " 1Mkl' •. vnur pick. r M n,. iiiiiiiiiiiii I~ RJ7-i;."!40. Houses Furn;ched 300 R·l Nr. N•wport IS.i'xR2fl l/vt'I $1.AA Sq. Fl. We1l•y N. T •ylor Co, Re11ltors Cost11 Mes• :I BR 2 AA. !1hll1'p, hutlflns. \111<·11.n! ••. , ••..• , $710 /Mn. 4 RR 2 ~A . f11n1i l,I', plu~h . RY O\VNER -.i BR , f11m rn1 , li;;P frni·rrl .vd. i:arR£"P. ,t q)f) rtn, 5.16-4168 eves. or II knrt~ *BY OWNER* S.l:t,:lOO rark l.irto To11•nh11usl' .. ~ RR. 2112 BA. r11110. ronl. 517-5fM6 I Ol'CI' rl in. arr.:t .. 1 RR, 1 RA. i·i1rJ')f'I. Only .~74.900. r·p 1~. rl!'p~. hl t11~. S39.:il0. Ask for r>.:t vr 1N-.\100 or 641i.-7::.f;?. ~7:'1·1!172 Clo~rrl Sun. R7ri·14!17 .---SEST RF.Acii-RUY•- A STF.AI.. 111 S~4.!m. :; Brl1·m., 2 B11 . Cu.~rom rlP.ror. m11oy PXll'il.~. :in· !ivint: room. upprr h11y eul-<IP·Slll', larJt:P lor. 2 patlos. By nwner fi42.1fl5.'I. I UNIT • W11lk to Behl :tl 11 San JnAttUln I fi ll.~ Rrl. l A. 2 RR. Sl !O M, SHI f\1 rln. Nrv.•po11 (·P11!rr M4·4!110 7fl!'.I r"'1n1 , 1-IR ~47-:1!'157 -----1f1·JOIC:F. lnt, IOO'xll.Y, R-2 H~vl' AAmeth11ljz ynu W:'<fll In CrlM l 'riplf'x , ni~ Vll'W, 2 pll.V'"rl 11Jlry, J.I~ ~:, Call us anytime. larwin realty inc 968·4405 546-5411 V111·11 n1 ........... $27fi/Mr,. ~RR :I RA, 11 11r """" lmmar. Prinl ........ , , •••• S.16.'i. l\.1n. C~ll 54~A421 ~O()l'n evr!!. ~ SOU1'11 C:OAST RF.AL TORS. $©~~l~A-LG"B~5" The Punle with the Builf./n Chuckle O ~eorrnnge l11tr11rs of the lour .scrambled wo1d1 bt1· low to for m four sirnpl1 words CULBEK I I 11 I I' I T URBE , I I I I 1· f I H A Y 0 R ! Taxi d river's story: ''.A wom-' I J I' I en jumped inlo my ceb •nd _ _ _ . . $&id: 'To ths materr\ity ho .. . B E C B 0 W .1 iu•I --'." 3· ii I I pita!, You don1t have to hurry. 1-...,, 1 ,,....rl -Jr.1-iJr.'-iJ--i Q Comnlet• ih• ch\ICkle ~oo!&d hy f!~lng 11'1 th• mining words yov d1v11 lop from step No. 3 btlow. ~ PtlNT NUMBfRED I' ~ lfTrEQS I{ I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I I I I I • I I I I I ' SCR~M·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 700. ' ' f'ind 11~ " \:H>tter buy th1111 thlll rlf'l\ghtful bf'at':h houM" f urn unul'il"d ilf'm~ into qiuc k Ii u.·r ·11 huy it! Ount iit 1i ca~h. call &12-567.lt Yll? Cl,111ut.ifitrl 11.rl• cin it Rr. frplr, hltn!I, wall< f.O ROC'hl'!lltr SI.. C.M. Short well -r 11.ll NOW fi4 2-!ii71!. hr;irh, pool. own,.r f;~4-6344. Y.Al k In 17111 81. Jihpna;. (!lltr. blk. Imm best he11.ch. 11.1 !------·---- M I---·-~ $21. 7:il. fl7l-%09. 'l .~roR Y gl1111"." fMnt v iAv 111.nu>, RRlmr1y ln 1!1•, r m ()vt>r rli11. 1111"11 .. 1 RR , 2 RA. hl"Am (•lniz. h•plr . \Vl'I h~r. epl,OI, rlrp~. bHn~. S3M. mn. 494-;i200 or !Yli}-7;i62. S~l.:lm. B11lho11 Ba.y P1'fl~l'tit!it • fi4.2-74!n • OEL!VHTf'ULC.Y dt>cnr11trd :i RR, r11m "" Dln rm. I H11rMr View Hlim.-s,C11rm.rl modt'l. <"lo.o:P tn pl\rk. FN'j :l!lmpl,., By owner. 1951 Pr,r! 1 Chelstn, Appl p I e 111 t ro . 644--129.\. I av Ow-Jlf'r .l & f8.mily. 2 bath~; !lunken tub~ Jtlll'f'l'"n hitlh, lovely l!ntry t<'rdrn. np~r M .Y AM. n1J..t1,...."r. s.~.ono. Oprn him~ Stm 1-.5. «--'.~. 2:n2 LJll l..indit Pl. In 1wport Hel9hl1 By.mo.<nrr • .1 RR. 2 BA, l11r~"I ri-1ln, 11.llldn_i $.'\7.000. Me RNilAntl! Avt., N , B . ~45-<Si>2!1. $Jt0RF'~"' 4 Rr .. :i A;,-;;;I ~2('111!q ,0fl. l'Wlm l ltnnf!I. I A.a:tnt 111;,...i~ UfR HELP! An.vmu~ a\1!111er, 2 Br., J b11. 'wim pnol, pxt j loc. A;tnt. 675-122$. HJR. Moont11in, Resort Desert, ount11in, Desert, Mount•ln, De1•rt, ~---- 174 • Resort 174 Resort 174 "M11 kt' R<'lnm f or 011,1. Now-Your F•mily C•n Enioy A FOUNTAIN OF F\JN IN PALM SPRINGS All th• •dv11nt•9•' of true P.lm Spring' living in luiiury condominiu m~ cre•t11d in th1 unique C ountry Club C onc111pl. El"9111nt unit, of I +o l b t droomi. All 0 el•ctric., fully equipp•i:I lt:itch•r'll. Priv•f• petio. All rooms of 9•nerout d imen1ion1. w.1k.in clo1et1. lush ltnd1c11piri9:' All privil•ge1 to privete c lubhou111 •• , tht mo1t compl11t11 '"C.r'f\•fien 11 nd heo11lth f•c.ilit i111 we've''"" in ""Y P11lm Sptin9 1 co!'ldominium. Swimminq and th11r1py pool1. T•nni1. Billi11 rd,. And mor•. Furnis htd model, op8.n d11ily' •.m . until der~- $21,500 to $32, 900 Built to ltst. rl y '' •• <:lf'11.n nu! 1he ;i:;11·112e. ,your· ll'!lsh I~ <"AST-I \\'il h • 0 .All.Y PILOT Cla.ss1fir.d Ad . -The following ranlal• 11 r e open your insp..ction this week•nd: HOUSE FOR RENT \ (3 8•droom1) Wc.cil Sirte, ('(l~La ~1ei1.11 fnr RANCH CLUB ESTADOS CONISOMINIUMS '~.4$ Nettlil l•1trb. w-.. ,..._ ,.,,.,. .. , C•llftt1tlt tJJ6J 1714) Stl-1141 17141 JJ'l.Jll'I R4 2-28 14 12 1 ~. llnf. <Shn wn by Appl.\ . '••' •• ''"' ' ••r. •ltC-llhl .. •• "' w ......... ... U11it• 51;11 A••ll •l:ol• M ..... 1,. ._;91tt ,._.,..\, v;,;1 Se""· w .H , 'I• c~11 '~' 1 .. f ... "'.""" 3 I ~ 360 Apfs. Furn. 3" Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unf'um. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Aftl. Unfu•n. 36! Gen•ral l.ANOl.ORns: \''1Ur IW"XI '"""'"' mAy hi-nn nur. El Toro 1 Art . f"ftl'"'" .vAM. S17:l waitinr Ji.<il. CAii us for tret'·,-.n-R-,.,-,-,-n-,.-1-,-, . .,-.-.i-R-,..-,-2 mnrHh. Fir:c! .11nrl ,hu11 , Av11.il ll!!Nna: M>rvh'"• All., "p;u·iou" v11.rd l>.'lth rlt'l1>.', IM2-~2:1!l 11/T . S!l!'I I RR hmf'. kirlo; OK 1-n\'f't'"'1 p111in. '$~S mto. Houses furn..,---- s11n. Al\8'1:C rpl!I c M. rm~ .l~7:t Unfurn. 310 Sl:t.'1 111ton,. nn lril, kiri~ J'l"lll ---------- $77,50 2 RR rn•1 hn1P, \'Ill'. Huntington Bo•ch $11'1(1. 2 RR unl p<l , kiri"' ~111 1 ----------- Sl-4.''i 1 RR kit!:c prl:c C.M. C'ONOO. h~ nwflf!r, :i RR. 2h AVl\11. lmmt'rl. I RR, F'rp~r. ~1;.tt 2 art util pit r .M. RA. Nrw 11h.11a: 1·rp1'2. rlrp1< Cln~". ,,, h!'a<'h, rt.ops;:. \17() 2 Rn pvt u11il N.R. ~-IO.'llllf)'l/)f'I', Pvl p.lllH'I k _21 '.l/4.~:'.'!Ml_ .. _,_._.•._rol_I•_,_,._ $1f'.(I 2 BR fpl hlr1n k1\ rn1·/ 2-r11r 2;11r. Wit hin w11lk· Condominiums !1&*1 '°"'"'OK r .M" in2 thAlllOf't" In ~•rk, Unfur n. 320 $175 3 BR kid& Pf"l!I, g;ir H.B. J.r~I•,.. rhurrhfo• A-•Mp'1. 1---------- 3 aR. 2 BA sn2l11 OK C.M, Nn ·y11rt! wnrk, u .. ,. nr ref' Costa Mei• $26.'I 3 RR rin lirh, N.R, IV'IOm /.: 2 Ira pool~. Vl"ry ---------- .i BR hnrg r11.nch, l'iarn11, 11h11rp. 5:11>-11179 3 Rn. 2 B11., <'J'!I•, drp11, ---hlt-ine, t111hwhr, 2 pnole ,.clh. COITlll!I •Wr. h•Ve • lsrre :;tll"c!Mln hnUllf'. $~:'! . .'.'>46-.17HI. Rent·A·Hous• •7t·l4JO nr 3 11M 4 ~Mnm homes -----·---- \\•e Sp1"<"ial174! 111 NtY.•port ttu1t c111n he tnn\•M lntn Laguna Beach LANDLORDS! 11.lml'l~l immf'f'l i11.tely on n11r 1.F>;ASI':. ("nnlfominium n..111 rh Rf'nl-Optinn r>l11n . 11 p1 .1fi0'1 11q. r1.21r1. Rf!'.•. BtAch • °'"1n11. tffol Mi1r • SHERWOOn RF: A LTY, Ira liv rm. J, rlin 111'f'11 . 2 lr.11 Ll.Jun11. e k D111.n11. Pnint. 540-ISSS Our Rl"nl11.\ ~J'\·ice i.11 FRF.E hathrm's, lully rrpl ~nt"" l---~NO FEE 11h11~1 w11.~h,.r/riryf"I' .t '"' Yn11' NU-VIEW RENTALS 67340?.(J or 49-1·32~11 FR-EE-11 Landlords-Owners "f!f':NT V.'IHl.1': YOt ' RUY" 1·r·fna. :t.:.x25 petin. On lhP lh111 lnvrly :i Rn 2 Biii hnmr, •>t'f'!Ul, \1/ri1P ~· r 11 11 (' i ~ rrno •Prf y11rrl. rlhl 111r 11.nri {'.a1·an111£1'°, !f.lliO f~11trlf'n 11111ny. m111ny :>ilr11111. V111·11 n1! c;,,lVf' Rlvrl .• (;11 rtlf'n \.~IY'l\'f', 1:ll"l. ,.,..r n1onlh. ('11 nr <'11Jl ~l.~A-4!.11. W• ,,.,.,1.1 r,.l,.r '"""i:1nr11. 1" ·''1111 Roberts & Co. 962.SSl 1 F'RF:~. nf 1·h11r!l"" ••• M11.ny -------Townhouse Unfurn. llS df'•ir11.hlP 1 .. ru1.n!11 "" our .l Rf'{, 2 R111h + [)(on rir 01·1----------1\"~illns: ''"1 . r11'f'. Rl1-lni11. Xlnt lnf'ittktn Huntlntton Beach ALA R•ntels e 645-3900 .S:tlfl/Jn(I. AIM h11v,. \•11 r11 . -----. --11on r.,,1t111?• nn ('nlor11rlo ~ Rn. 2 BA, h·pi.-. 1111 hltnii:, VERY f'T.Jo:AN 4 Rn Mm,. Rivrr, .Sin wk. ('11 11 96Jl-4i1117. pt•ol '1 rl"e f11(:il. Sl!l'l. 1-----+--»...1ltf_hltins~ · ' . : n;T-1'\~1'.itt"'lfAV. for $265 pf'r rM. Jo'AMll.JE.<; J Rlfrm hnn1r. 2 RA . 1·rpt~ I.· __ _ __ --.----·- ONJ.Y. C'All 11.gt>nl ~141. r!r~. xlnl 111'f!11, Vf'ry (•lr11n . San Ju•n Capistrano. rhilriN"n ,, J?f'lll n k . . . . Baycrest SX-.0/mn. !ll.C j -'64 3 0 nr NF>.W 2 Bf!. p111 t"1, kHrht>n 9AA-~l4 • \\/llltr1io:.. 11h11J? 14/w t. ('11.cJ BA,'CRF~ $:19!>/rT'""'· :I Rr. . .. . ' rlrp~. rlnuhlf> a11,,.,,RC', $111:, 71..r R11 . lri: n/R. F'IR. Vi\C/\NT 2 AR . $2fi0 pf'r mn. n1il. Adllll.~. 1':111"!1 QfiWl!li. h:plc nvr~~.rl kir. Al&n Ol1lf1.ren. JW"I"' 01'. Swiin-D I U I . 350 • • • · 1 • k 1 M up e•ts n urn. 11vail. ~·11rnulhf'f1. ~2-4;,R!I. m1n,R" J)Ol'I • "~ nr r .. 1 ---'--~·-·------~--~~-: -Snirlrr, Pl''l-M71/963-1107. Costa Mesa Corona dtl Mtr -------~-1\>IOOERN :I Rr. p11r!\1111ly,l----------- fOR IA-11.!le • Jrv1nr Tt>trllrf". ru rn., hllnll'.. Xlnt Inc . 1 Bit Duplf"),., p.1r1ly furn., 8r11111 . :I Rf!. rlin. rm., 2 Luirls11y Ln. S23a. 96.11-11971.. \\Alrr .~· i;:-11rrlf'nf!r furn. bAlh~. 3(1' hvi111t rm .• 1"1m-f'ii,-2 Rn •·rpl~ f'!rp~ fpl l\ri11l l• only, no pelt . pl PtPly r,.h1rhi.""l""I 14'/IWW httinc. J,;i,1 .• OK. fll"<lr1•' ' ~~..::.'l-1_. ______ _ r:i.1nt. ,,.,·11llr11.prr, rlr111"'"1'1. Rnt·A·Hovt• 97t.141G 2 Br.. 112 RA , a111r. !\1"111111, ! u n n y y ,. 11 ri ""' 'h 11 2 -• ~, nice ~h1',R". rPfri.t. $1 60/mo. <'.:ttprt1ni;:. C nm r I ,. ! "I;. NO f EF.! -4 Rdrm · t ?.iO: • rMrlf' M2-29f;I •fl\'lllf' rvvil . nut111rlP rirP"-•· Rrlrm . s.'\oo: J Rrlrm . S:Z:{;1: --------• I * $12!).-1 RR Lik" ™'""· ing rm it :dV'•WPr. $4~ prr r:ATl-.L .A 8"17-6()1>1 . . Small P"I f, i11l1101 nk. 197.~ mn inrlut!"S prnl ~rrvlC"f' /, 1i;.:i~r1f'~r. f>l:l-.'1:11.1 rnr 11ppl . Irvine \\'i1Jt11 r f", Apt(". 491-17fi'.l. ~ fi r._ i ~ hti""-\,\ 11-.:-~-~111·. . Hu;tington a_ •• ch i\11.~~rlrl ryrr/h'rr1.<"r nr-UNIVF:RSJT\' PARK IMMA<'. "x. lrJ. l BR. 2 RA . 11nn.11I Nl"lli' <·rpt~ .t rl rpii:. 'l RR. 'l h"th, d!"n • ..... l.100 1·r•~. drp~. bltn~. lri::. lnv,.l.v Old Cl'l:-.t. ,111 h!kll ti,.m .l RR . 2 R111h, 11tT1um .. $.1:1.'i prii ·, )llrrl. (;11 r + huar "--h. ,,,,,·, 011rrlr nf'r fnf'!. .l RR. 2'-t h111., f11m. rm. S.1:5 -'·' SI"" R , ·e" ,,...,., pr" 2. ""· r~p. n1 1-rt " 67:,...:;,;ft,l ~RR., 21~ ha ., r111n1. rm. s::t;,n 1.,..,uplP t l\rlu li~1 . l'f.!-.12ili ==='°""-""""".,,--.,,.:--TURTLJ.: ROCK HARROR V1,.,,., Hill!', \.leW. ( 4 Rll. 2 ha ., lllrn. rm .• , S.'\M Wf!stminsttr RR $.t,,"ll ,\lnn1h . 4 RR 2, h1' I S.'!90 A(';V.l\'T fi1t-4JM'I . t ., 11m , rm, , • • \\1,. hll\'P 11hnr! lf'l'm 2 Br. 2 hJockll In hP11.rh. :IOO furn . rPnt11ls 11 \'ail. Gnlr1rn1M . Cnmnii. del M11.r. !\'n p!'lll. fii:\.-Jl.~2i. ------Costa Mes• • Tl .. 111 Tr1>.11t• ! Ar, <{fl'IV ... rf'tr1~. kit1' pr1•. l1!1I rwi. s1:r1. ALA Rentals e 64S -J900 1.l11l1-,11'ild, - --'ll,.ol!o r "fi!N('f': 1946" Nf':\\', rlrl11~r. ,o;in1:lf' .~iory, 2 nr .1 bPr!rn111 .• 2 A111 . hlln~ .. f'l'pt~. drp~. k •d~ k Pf'!~ o". Sl!Wl. \\'11!rr pr!. 9151 & 91:l..') S1onn, R!l:l-303i. li!J 360 --------Coron a d•I Mtr Cost• Mesa Coste Me•• ~ltA r.r l Br. Pool . Nr, ------------1=========:;;. Cosf1 Mts• e Sl'I \\'I\ '1 UP.On <X,.a,, e Ln\"•ly Ra (•h I Rr.Rnnm" M11ul ""r'11· ... r~~·l-U11J pd e (:~J I fii~.117.t(I e H0-\1t:-llkl" 2 6r -duplr~. qul l!l tf'J11(1f'nt111I 11.rra l""llf hf'11('h. S'l1!> ""1nt,.1' li7J li'r.tl. ALL tr111.rrw .. c; rA1n <"om p111·e h•!nr• yno t'>!'nl • ("1111rom n .. ~I:'.~. fe11 l11r1nl!,': • ~p11cinu~ kit1"htn wi1h 111· t!if'l"('t lis:htil'I€ • Separatf' c1111'.r 11 rl!11 • Homt-111.:1! 11trirage e Pri\'ll tr p111 tMl~ • Cl~l!fl 1:11111.1, w/.•ll'lr•tl! • f"ull len&;th marble poJI. m>n e K1ng -1z Rd r~ • Pl"!OJ • B111r!M!Qllf'.11 • 11Ur- rnurn1fl'f'! with plu~h IAnd· 11raping Adult Hvinit • l Ire be5f L111"¥t 1 RR $!Th l!l'n ,f11ES FRF:lo: :!SS \V . Wilson 6'12·197J LIVE LIKE A KING At Budget Prieosl f"llRNIS._rJ:;f\- UN t 'URNfSHJ:f'l * POOLS J>ho~)ll, ulll prl. No fH!L~. I Bf! 1.111lur11. ,:twr l l'Pl r1i.;:., DELUXE Arlu lr•. l~ ~t on t'o \'I "• u111 •11rt 1o1'<1m11n n n I> . APARTMENTS :'411--0:136 $! lf'l/1un. Ulil 11)1'1. ~Th-~'rl.'1. A1r f'o11t1 • Jo'rplr"8 •. \ Sl'oim· 1 Hit s1-,,-,-,-1.1/l-, -r-,..-1-. -,,-,-. 'l nn . I';;;1i;;;;-11p1 .. (11"1!1111 m1 n.1: Pnnls • Jf,.11trh ~"" • I'll('"· i<1Pal '"" hi1 rhf>lrir, no \ 1r.,. Pool. $:13.\ Or11nat T1tnn l'I C\1" • C•me &: 8 11-"hilfl/~te 199.l Church St . C't1'1~1 P.nl Jo:. 111.1 .. , "14-48-111, 'llard Rnnm, ~~~'lfi'.'..~ Costa M•sa l J\t:DT'!OO\t: ---------f''ROM Slli5 ON FRIDAY OCEAN VIEW UNITS rnr l'"llt nn 11rrl.:l,v, 1Hn11lhly l.t yri!.rly hA~i.•. In H11rhnur r11rllir . I. nf'w ··nmmun11y of ~t11ri1n J, I RR l1ni111 in llun11 na1nr1 lh1rho11r. Vurn k t lnfurn r~!i!.I~ rnt'lllrl" hhn k111·h .. n 111ppr.~. \l'illl·ll'>·Wllll t'AMJl.Y 1'i\\f' :i Ar, 2~ R11. nr OCC. Cll.rpnrl + i;1rir. 1·rpr'.1:, rlraf)C'J'l"ll. Mat 11tip11 Int• lf'A~r, m1utl ~rl'Vi(•r, Lrlflr}. No pe!ii:. S I !tO , I 1.1 .1 ~~:)94 1 1rr•py pnn .~ n;;·11r1nn ------- blk trnm ~111·h . lmmrrl. N.'· I RR C11rport. f"rh. J'!illin. 111p. (':'II 714· MS.1:\fil nr Ctpl.•, rlrp~. i1lt ~l f'r . r"'~JI. 21~: 592·1.'Wil f(lr more d•-11f1ul111 nnl~. No •·ll1ltir .. n or r111iL~ .. ~~----~-pPI. '11.'l/mn. :>111-1.'\22. i':A'R'C:ro: h11 rh. n•11r 5-rt.~. 2 AR . 2 All .O:::ruf11(1-- S1n1tll" •dull n\•f'r 3\ r,.f~. Crr1~. rlrp~. P"tin. rnru . AAl-llOlt!I. I 1"h1lri nl.:, fi,\f>--01!lfi ----------' 2 RR~RA. u~r:-:.\-pr.-.,1.'iO°. l ido lslt AduJ1.11. tll'I pets. 820 Center MEDITERRANEAN VI LLAGE 2400 J-lrn·IW'lr Rl\''1 .. C.~i . 17 1 4 ~ 5.'l7-ll020 . RF:NTAI. O»~·rrE OPF>:N JO AM TO fi rM BAY MEADOW APTS. 2 Br, hr111m <'"'•l!nr~. pr1v JI.Ill · !io, l't'C. l11<:il .. clnsed aar-"l"· (;a,~ hrA l, l.'Nlkint II ""111!er 1111 prl. All adult1, no ~·~· F1'l'>m Sl65. 381 \\'. 8111y SI .. C.M. ('111 ll £~6-007:1 BRAND NEW_2_B_R_ ArYln1." Mrri111ltilln. t>n<'I a•r. 1·rp1 ~. r!rp,,, hH ·inJ, E•rh. rHii:p. 120 Alhf"1•1 Pl, E11~1 1<1'1'" $11'~ mn. r;11~ It. ,,.,.,.,t>r prl. ('hildren ok, no pt'ls ~2-0.i6.l . ____ _ J RR, 2 RA , \1'1111.: tn ll<'hnf>111. '1hnp'R I, rhu r rh PJI , $1:;9/mn, 1oii; f':1 C11m1nn .. Apl. C:, s,.,. ~I 1010 El C111m1flfl. Apl ~or r111ll Ont· lif', '.i.'Vt-fl744. .-BRAND NEW-• l.11ri;:f' I RR 111pt , R1'(!n7f' m f'· rl11.Jhnn, Crp1~. drf!i<, .s:;11 rll. rli.•pn~11l, S1 n,:I" r il.r g11r. (:1111 & "''r prl. Sl;.11 mn. 642.ff.iti.1. -*-*!110 ** :i Rr, 11,., R11 . ne,,.,·ly p111nt,.ff, .RI tn,•, *'Pl '(11·ri. rn1·I p11 ti"'. Nr s:r·hl~ It. .~ht'IJ'!·i;:. Chilrlrf'n ni.::. nn r'f'I~. AAl'l '"""'"r St., ('~I. 642·l..140 nr !1411·2AA2, HARBOR GREENS • 2 l\edroom & D•n 11;, Ba er 2 pr ull Baths MAMTf'r 11b:op hf'dmnn1• ""'high hl'•m 1·f'llina:ii:. l•rlf' lh·ina i""l'lm "' fill.~ nr 11'"""1 ~1rr11na hr,.pllll f"f'. Cnnv1tn1Pnt li111n t!ry 11rN1 11ff kitf"ht>n. F:n rlr••f'ti p1f\rl,,. 2 !'\\·i mmin,li: ronnb. ,111uni'I, N"f'r,.•llnn fac1ht1t>~. 546-0370 NEW NEW NEW VllLA RIVIERA • JUST f''I N l.'\ll ~:n Families Welcomtl (10 l BR, l FULL BAJ • ~l"f'<'il'll <'Ahinc1 llf>"l'P e ].(l('k 211r11gt>' 11• IE Jll'l r • Rm rf'il e Lndry t. P11.1icll e O/\V-Oi.1iipn~111I e Dr11pes • Df'f'p 2 l'Olor llhlll!,' <.,:pig • Spf'1•i111I ~uM!prMfina: • Nr. ~n Di .. i;:n >°N". H11r. Mnr Rlvrl & !lt'hr:<tl~ (;A)\ llf'AI , \,11~ ('nnl.:111,1: 11nt1 \\'ATER-All (lll irl. Month to Month $180 622 Hamilton, CM .\;et Mgr-\1r, '1 Mr~. Hohiin 548-20'2 * ENCLOSED GARAGES * CONVENIENT m Al.L Rt:ArHJ.:s , SI. M1·:'.i8411, 1.100 Nnrd h11yfmn1 . ,,turl111 ---------- •l)llttmrnl. SUb-let, $200. 2 Rr. 11t11tiin 11r1. • NF:W • 2 RI' .• I B11., condo ""lpcwil. Cpts:, rtrpR, hltn~. p111rif'o, gM, Mt M I ~!!!!!!!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!!!!!1!!1!1111!1!~ Vt>rdf', nr schl1. S 2 0 0. :,.tf>...3()6!1. mnn1h . fi7;,....i92'l. :'143 R C11l'!ri!lri St. C.M. li4'J.39.t1 2 RR 11pi!.1"il'.ln~ •pt, Crpt & 5"11 the nld .stuff Buy the r!rp.•, $1.l°i m11. FROM $135 MONTH ADULTS. PLEASE VILLA POMONA PHONE 642-2015 f11till r omona Ave..} ~_._w_,_1_,_11 _______ I fi?:µ.14;, ,..,.,11 J, wkntt~ MORJl .F: hi'>m", I RR furn. - Nr ntw. r.ido 111'f'i1, M-11r Apt. Unfurn. 265 Apt. Unfurn. 365 h111."'· Arllt.1J. Sl90 mo, General Gentral 67'.t-:11126. -·------------ LOW WEEKLY RATES 2010 Newport Blvd. Costa M.141 642-2611 STUDIOS & ) BR'S, .AVAii.ABLE e Full kltrh,.n • llr111 .. r1 ponl • l.11unrlry f111•ilih~ • F'rre 11tili l1t>s e >'rre. Jin,.n~ • ·r.v. "m111 it1~"1v,11v•il. • Phont llt'rvi1"r 2 RR 111pt At'r'(!"~ from hlll,\' hf'h l/19 lhn1 fi/19 only. $1Ml. mo111h. fi7:.-07.11i. ----~ RR~;;-hlork from N>11ch, 11 v11ll April 1111. Sl2.'i mo. RJa-(1\01 fly, fii5-~164 PVI!, s11 r,..util pr!. ~miill l:'ilh .. & N,..w port, •rlull. 1>~2-:~.1. Newpert Heights 11p1 nr. Sln~le c1.~:AN 1 (!r 2 Rf!_ Afilt.~. Ill'\ prl!I. 1..g;. kit. Sl'l5-$1 50. 2'121 ~:. lli!h St., N.A. 646-1801. * $JO WK. I. UP * Apt. Unlu•n. 365 • Studio ,, I RR Apr .• e Room $15 "'K k Up. Back Bay L'.lV.. 1t,_.ll.ta io-.&rv~e--:A ¥..U--:<1Nr-tn:rimur.--rBR:"""r-Ri\, e Phoiit ~l'\•icf'. Ulil Pd Vit>w, t'rplr·. Su n r1 1!" k , • All m111.ior credit c111'rl1 J-lrAlrd pool $220 mo. 2:~16 Newporf Blvd. 548-9755 !l4R-4M:l. ' Thi.• /vi Worrh 15 nn Rf'nt .---~-~--- Childr.on ,i. r"t ~rtinn Capistrano l••ch Unb•lievahly Beauliful VA!. D1 ISER~: C.111rdr n Apl.11. Adultll -no J>f'tll. J''lnwer" t>vPrywhrre. Sfrr111m k \\'Atf'rfall , "5' pnoi Rec. Rm, Slllun1., Sil.' l·'l Rrtm1. F'11r11· llnfurn. Imm :11~. Sf';E IT: 2l'llJO r iirMn11, &42-"670. 1 AR. f'urn. 2 trR rln.•rlJ:, QUP('n ~17.1" ~. prh: drt>.1111in.1: I'm, xrr11 Jra mom~, Pnrl g111r "' ~•nrlllJ:I". At!ulrs ;;'nly, no prl•. Sl:i.1 n1n . 20JS Fuller ton, C.M. $100 -MOVE IN Af1ow11.n<'t. Shii<l.v 1':1m~ -l.a.\\'n -Pnol Ch1lrlrPn'11 ~tinn F 111·11. &_ Unrurn 1 k 2 Br. From Sl.'\5/mO. Up 17', 1':. 221lfl SI. e f>41-JM5. H OUDAY PLAIA- nr.t.11x ~: Sp;11·i(!U.• I Rr.. furn 11p1. Sl.1!"1, llr111rt1 pnnl. Amplr p11 rkin,li:, Ar111ll.~ -nn pf't~. 196.'1 rnmnnil. Av•. t'M 1.f;r. 1 hr t1pl. par!. rum S1:!5, fu rn $1.l.'I. Adult~. J.nrlry, g11r. Qu if'I. N r mrkr~. 19t.l WAllACi! Nro, R 51R-6.)1 11. F'l lRN R111·h,.lnr •r'· C111'J11'1rt t. lnrl ry. Nr 1t,n1f2 & schl.•. .'1119.:ill -+ rlt>p. 9!1~ 1'~1 <"itminn, Nn. I, CM. :~6-ll-1°:il. * NEW -$165 * Nf'11r f'>ftna· Point M11.rinil . ltflO 11<1· fl. 1 Br. 11pl., i,R"l". rlhl. \l'Ardroht"ii:, rlf'r r•n2t> I.. rl"hi2., sh1£t1111ri(' r•pt. BM! i::11r11(ing J1 v111 il. l&t>. pr i\'. l)lltin. MRr. :ia.122 Camino l111pi.•t1·11M. Apl . 10. Ceront del Mir ~ ON TEN AatES l • 2 Bil. F urw. • Unhlni. FlreplaC*S I pr!v, patlOI. Pools Tennis Contnl'I Bk11t. 900 S&a Lane, CdM &C4·l6ll (MacArthur nr Collst Hwy) C1 lAT'!MING 2 Br .. <'rpl.~. rlrp11, r11ni.;:e k rttri;::. Loc11fM nn l'lf'"Arl sirif' nf h1>.·y. l.ra. pAfin. Ht>~trf'l .11wimm1nR pnnl k i·arpnr1. ,\II LJ/il il)('lurie<i •I S250 per inn. fi42-11400. • • • LA1·2• 2 priv1tf' p11.lin. ~1"pAl'lllf' R:ll1t•I h11tll. S1.151mn. 1'7.'1-.lfilli. Rr rluolf'X, ,R'llt'll.JI! k IY)f\111 W / C11.H f'Vr11, ----~ Vista Del Mesa ~ -21- APARTMENTS l BR, 2 RA .......... S23.'t. 2 BR , 1 1~ RA .... : ... $180. (Al-5n AVAIL. FURN.) New adult g•rden .Apts. 151 E. 21st. 6411616 *NEW* VILLA NINOS ----------S f'A CI OU .Ci RR , e 2 81':0ROOM "1th '1n1::I,. g!lrl'IC" lnr s 1:i0 Roy McCardle Realtor 1!10 Nrwrv-r1 Rh rl , ('. \i, 541-7729 (ired hill REAi../'\' FURNITURE RENTAL * ;i on~" ru1'f'h11se Opnnn * Wide SPlt>CtH"ln- $tyll'·Color:_i. * U I.four De\lv~ry RACll Sl~. 11 vl 1/1, 11111 utl pr!. pri p;111n, flUif't, llf'\l•l.v furn. "" sl'lnpa, Ari 1 t,.. li7.1-20;,fi, -·----~-~~ I RR . t'urn, J<:11!tr~irlP, lr.R'. rrl'l('('rl p1t lin. ,..rptd, ('l rp11. ('1 1". All 11til !11<:. $1<111. per onn. fi>t2-fl400. rt>rtfomr11t1>t!, Cpr.•, rlrpii:, hlln.•. rf'friiz . $1.ll5. GR~ I.: ""'•Irr pr1. Nnn rlrinkf!r11. 1'7:)..11 lfl. $'12!'1 monthly Y""l' rent11.I SuPf"r r1Pl11xe tiuplPx, h11.l- t•nny l\",i:elly view. p11rH111t- ly furn'd Adults, no pet111, 67:\·44!'i'l. -------\\1ATCll !he 1111n11rl in lhiA f'Xr<'ulive 3 l:lfll'm. Ocean Rlvrl. fhiplex. Arlult~ nnly. $~50 Mo. Alitt-nl 61.5-49?.0, 64»00l0c. -~-~-~ UN JQU1': <'hAle.11u on Bsy~frle Dr. 2 l><irm. l.t. cW>n • f'!inlnr room. Adult11 only. $:175 Mo. A~Plll 67$-493(1, MG-00~. 2 BR. df'n, 2 811, r,.modf'lrrl duplf'X , t'''P'"• rlrl)'!;, hltn~. lrplt", ft'rW'f'fi y1'rl, pl'lv111e h<·h, S:12!'1. 67'.J·l;.16~ .. CRJo.:AT VJE\V-2-BR-. -. Frplr., bltn'I, ~undPrk~. pool. $100 lip. 644-6.144. fj7;,..:;204. Cl.OSE to BPAC'h, lrlit. 2 Hr .. 1 S.., f'J~n tM-11 m~. frrtlc, blln11, J.W·A ~111rguente. 67~1i nr ~T.')o..177'\ ~P,.11thnusP, ~AnYlf:W. 2 b/kJ '"' l:lf'h, 2 Ar. I Sa. Stv l "'· !134731. • & 8 ON~.'~;!~.~ ~~·.~~,~-~~~,U~~~~ .~~~D5 g ''''"•"'• l•o'"'" •• ;;f-/M0~~1·r· a ... n••v ,.,_............ O 3050 5. JllSTOL, SANT A ANA 00 If, ••• HHM 9' J-11 c-rt ,,.,. I & 2 bedroofl'I SS7·0Sl6 Adult living 0 00<>-0~<><><000 ~0~00~0000~~0 00 Professionally Managed by g So. Counties Mgmt. Co . ¢ ~(')~~ 0<>0000000 t,,ARr.r. 2 Rr Mn~t1,. Hnmt. 11rl11ltil rtnly. S1:\.'t nw\, plu' utll l!IP.•. :\4~!¥.1~ 2 BR. k'!wf'r, ftrtpl.11ct, p11.tic'I, blOf"k P'rt'lm 17th SL AvAil <C nj, n4~ 64.2.-!ru. Co1fa M••• \\'F.:S1'8A 'I 70 f\',.w I hMrnnm rif'luxe 11111111 111pr1 r?'flm s1M. 114 F:. 201h SI ., C.M, 1.Rr.. 2 Rr. I\., Ril. 11h11.f N'J'!t, hll 01n11, f'rTilt:', pr!\. PAllfl, l"nrl. i:11r, 1 blk wl1l11. 11.10-R°M d a y I, fi.1~34ft .. \ ..... RF:DUCP.n roont ft'lr Apt \hH111aPr h;tr 10 uni ! apl 2 Rr. A1hdU1 nnty. Nn pPI~. M.C:,..3515 . I RR R11 rh,.Jnr """'lll!•V" rPfnir.. 1•rpl11, rlrp~ $\;..o. t>lf'r & Wt lf'r rid. 251.) D F:ltit"fl Allf'. 5'1.\-lfi57, EASTER SP"ri11l : 3 Brinn .. 2 P.1uh, Mt"\'I! 111'1"' • p1,ymt>nt~ 11 1 ~rt liu. SIS.'i/mn. Call 9fi2--0fiif). I.RC. 2 AR IA' 'p111tif'I, Qolf'I, lrp!~, rlrp11, 5lt'IV~. l"Pfril, 1111r, 11dul111, .no .pe ts . 1'-l6-17AA. *fo·"w"'N""H'"'o"·u-'"s"'E_*,_ 1 'l Ar, l 1,, Ra , r pt rlrpii;, PAfin. ,A,rilf!t. Slfi.'i. 126 F.. MP1ody 1.n. !l4A·5_qll6 nr !'1411· 17!'11, S170-2 1"hildren 111.:. :I Rr. l\ h111. lrwlry, t'J'!l /rlr p1 , rlllhwhr, nn P"I. 56-:tns. 2 Ar. 2 8111 Sturlin. fully <"f"Pt'd S. rirp'rl, pot>:I, $140, 681 No . R Vlrlt"ri11 . e WIT.<;oN GAR!)F.NS e 2 AR, ln RA, rrptrrirps, end p111tln. $1 ~. 647-Ml l I Rfl. Stove, RP Jr i i •• Oi!l hw11~hf:r, Crpt!I, nrps.. 717 .l111mr•. Sl:t'i. 51()...fil.\\. 2 RR. I. rl"'"· 2 hlllths Sllmf" p11tiri11, All for S1<t!i II ti :..o. ~>46-t\31 2 Liu"ffP Rr 11 p111. P11. tin. rh ilt!r~n .t itng ""'Plct1me. C"111J :146-16111. ·-----------Dana Pelnt NEW tri-plx 121 2 brt, 2 M. \\'/hltnir. n-pl, t!rp~. wa1""r prl,. vif'w. tn41 4!t3-il.l0, ~'i-:'ill:il. -~~~-~~--1.ARr.~: 2 FIR. 2 B", blln!i. Of'\\' crptii: k rlrps, b11.lcony. $17!1 mn. R:17-.1!'1'27, ~17-517.1 . East Bluff NEWPORT BEACH Villa Granada Apts. f(l11r bedrnnm8 \\'i!h hl.lN'lrt- le~ 11hove k he.lo\''· Gr11c~.!I li\·1n.r k 'llliM ~11rrnund1111 f(lr f11.m lly \\•il h chilrln!!n. Nr11.r Ct'lmn11. riel M11.r Hil!"h Schnnl. f irtpl•ct>, ""'f'I ber & huilt·in kitchl"n 111ppJi111ncM1. 835 A MTr,,os WA y 64-4·2991 Colrlwrll. R1nk1>r k Cn. Tl.111n11.gi11~ Ai;:ent 1 & 2 BDR-MS. - 1-'11l ly C•rJ)f'tPt! It. rl r;i Pf"d Criv,.rNI p11rlc in11t" 1111111.\ r.•11 k ll'llfl'r p111rl F:16 Am i.s::ri-~ \\'11.v. l\'8 '75-H!D 0 -···; .. , ..... f 'lJRN. k UNt'URN', 2 BR. !"rom $:Jli.i Ar>Ut.TS ON f,Y F'urnit1n·,. Avitll,11bfe C • r p P!.~-rlr11.Pf>.!l.rfillhll·11.sher tll"•lt>rl ptinl-uun.ii ~·ttnnis rto r rnnm.(1('1"11,n \'lf'ws p111t1n.~-11mplt p111rk1ng S,.rur1ty Gu11M1. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC Tll Of'J<:AN AVF: .. H.B. t 7l4) 5.Yi-141ii Orr npPn lQ 11m.fi pm Datly \\'!LLIAl\1 WALTERS en . WHAT DO YOU WANT IN AN APARTMENT- HuQ:P wiilk 1n 1• I n•• t ~ ~ Oi~hWllShfon;'.' SrparAlf' f'ilfl· inJ: 11r"A'~ rnol.•~ Rr.11u11lul l"nvh'l'lnmrnt~ rrir 1111 th1~ 11nrl n1nrr, st• BAHIA PUERTO 2Slln 17th SI 1111 flrlll\.l'll rr , H.B. All rf'm11 inin.s:: nnt brlrm unil11.. $110. rnnnr :=1?.fi.:im!i IN Rf'~11tifl1I J'l11rlc nn OC'f'lln ,,.,11h !l hnlt', .1 pi!.r l;'l!f 1'1'1111'~ ... 20 x YI 11"1\'Ply 7AFt. 2 A111 mnh1l1> hm. tn rrli11 ~I' 11dult~. $22.~. rorr mn.. in· f'hJMii; ut!l.•. 11462 f'~Mh(' rN111t ·H11lh w•.v. :>AA-A1171. lnqulr,. 111 nfflrr. NEW I, 2. :1 htf'frnnm~. S11'. $160. S185. ""'II( I o At'OAl'l\\'I)' II PtnMy's.. Ill'· ~21-1144. .. ····-~· • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NCYl'ICE ---- LEGAl.,NOTICE ------_____ , LEGAL NCrrICE LEGAL NOTICE ~ICTITIOVS •USINl!!S NAME STATIE ..... I NT • T~~ '"llnwl"t Dt•1ori 11 dolnt hUll"IU .. CALl'-OIHlllA SLtOING GA RAGE DOORS. ll1! N•vtd1, Cottt Mel•· Ct hl fl61~ f tt 11Cl1 Cuv C•mPt.,•111, J l JI Ntv..i•, Co•l1 Mt1•, C1lll Th!t bull~n 11 btlng collCluc!l'd b~ l11divlrl11tl, F'••l!C'" Gv• c~mot"•ll• Thi• 1r111m1"' littd wl!I! 11>, Ce>un1Y (I••~ 01 Oran11• Counly "" """""'" fl, It/] llv B•vt<IY J Mlddo~. DU>UIY (ountv (l•r~ 1"161M Pul!ll•ll•d O•t nt• (o.1\1 Oao!v Pilot. M~rll\ l. 10. 17, ll, lt1' U l.n 81: LEGAL NOTICE l"ICTITIOUS IUSINEiS NAME STATl!MINT IO!lo~h•v ~roon 11 doln9 bu1ln•n THE llALO COW l EATllEll SUP Pl Y, 2Sltll NtWP0'1 Blvd . Coill Mt lt t2h?1 -ltobfr! Mot~ S.09"l!O!n, 7l'll W. Ot•tnlr~n1 , tltWDtlrl B••(I! Thi• busl"eu h otlno eonoucttd DY •n lnd1v1oual llllbt•! ~•9t~n•n Thh st111mtnt llltrt with thr Counrv C•u~ ~· O••,.ge Counrv fl" Mt rth I. ltl ). llv fltvtrlY J. MtdOO•. D111utv County fllCTITICIUS IUllNISS ~ICTITIOUS aUSINl't NAMI STATl:MINT NAME STATl!MENT Tiit tollowlnt ••'"°"' 1rt dOll!t Th• loll11Wln1 P1tt<1n1 ••r o~lllt butl"t ll 11: bV1l"*u 11. THE tlJPf:llMAlllCET, 411 1'0111 ~1 , OtVElt5tftEO ENTEllPA."ES. 1110 CO$!• MtM. Ct ll!. ,,.,,, P. 0 , eo~ 4M• Loetn .O.vt...,., (0<!1 Mt 11, C1lllafnl1. lrVIM/NlwPQtl, lt¥1M, C1Ur. '1f6.I, Dtntalloy 11>e., Ctlllornf1. lllO LOii•" Mlchtt! w. Mullin, Ul 20111 S1 .. COJI• Av""''' C°'rt M~11, C1U10rnl1. Miu, C1lll. l11l1 bu1lntt1 11 bf:l11t conouctld Dy • William f . f1wc•rt. lilt PO!'! CorPO•t!lDfl. Se1borM, Ntw-t lltatll. C1ll!. OEN1'.0.Ll.0Y , INC. Tnll bu1IMU la 1Ml1>1 c-c!llcl bY I Jo•tph M. McGllllcudllY· I"•••. P1rl11tr1nl1". 'l'hll llllt mf n1 ltlfi! Wit!\ lh• CNl!IV M, w. Mullin (!t r• ol Or•no1 (Gi,Jntv on: ~tbru••1 lt, 1hl1 111!emenr lllltd wllll Int C&unlv 1'17 B• Btv1ri. ), Mt(l(l(I.;, 0•1"<11 (!tr-!II O•tnvt C&u1'1¥ on. l"ebnJ1ry 1". Counrv Clo•~. 1'11. BY llevtrlY J. Ml dOQ.c, DrPVtY Publl!J'ol!O Or1n11t Co11! 011!1 M••Cll J. 10. 11, 11. ltn LEGAL NOTICE ll'ICTITOUS liUStNISS NAM[ 5TATEMINf l'llllt COllnlY Cltt~. P!tof, .,UU1 !«).II Publl""ed Ortnrtt Cot st Ot!IY Pll<ll, Mi tch J, 10, II, 14. ltll 5:1.J.71 LEGAL NOTICE lh• follcwint P1•1on Is doin1 bu•lntu l'ICTITlous aUSINISS NAMI: iT.o.T•Ml'HT II! The fol!owlno 11er1an It dolnt bu•lnr:u HARBOR TOWING CO .. t }) .0. W11t 11: 11111 St , Cnst• Me10. C1U1ornl1 , ltOBEllT ZIEGLER I. SON, 101~1 llobet1 8r'Ver Lord. 111•1 Wlnd1on9 ICtlu!n Ltnt, HuMlntton lle1Cll. CircJt. flun1ln11ron B••cl!, CoHl.,..nl• J1me1 e. !ltol•r. 101•2 l<eluln L•"•· Th,. bu•lntu 1, btl1>9 (Oncluc!ed by •n H1111tlnolon lle1c~. h1<1lvld1111. Thi• bu1l111u la bel111 conout!td b1 .,, Robert II, lMd lndlvldu•I. lhlt stotrmtnl llltd will! mt Counl• J•m•1 I!, Zlttoltr (1.,~ nf 0•1nQ1 Cou11rv llfl: M••cl! I . 1971. Tllh 1tal1m1n1 llltd wllll Ille County !Iv !ltvrrlv J , MMll!ox, OtllUIV CcunTy Cluk nl 0•1n1t Coo11tv on: Ftb. 1l. 1tn, Clf rlc. , 11,,4 (lt rk, fly flevtrlv J. M1ddo•, 0111uty County •t'3tJ Cit•~. • l'ubl01htrt Or~nqo Co1!! OtllY :,\1~;,; Publ;>M<I Otang1 Co••I Ot llv P!IOI. f'UIJt ·•·:':":":.::":·c'c'·c'c':.::'c'·-'c'c"_.,-----I'."~':'~'"'..'."'.:·~'~' ·:.c:"::.· ~''.:' ·-'~''.:"'.... ___ :•~::::·':, Publl!lleo O•u•• Co•11 D•llv p11or. -F11!ru1ry 1J, •nd M1rc~ 3. 10, 11. lfl7 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 41J.n NOllCE TO CllEOITOlli STATEMENT OJ" AllANOONMl!NT 01' LEGAL NOTICE SUPl!lllOll COURT 01' TN~ USE O• flCTITIOUJ IUSINESi NAMI !------'--'-'-~-----! STATI' 01' CALlll'OllNtA f'Oll Tiit lollowlnt ot rso" 1>11 tbe...,.,ned lhl •ICTITIOUI IUSINl"lt. THI COUNTY OF DltANGE utt of ill• lklllllMli busi11rn n.,... NAMl SlATIMINT NI. A·noll H.O.ltBOR TOWING JI t}/ A W !Ill! ~I. Th1 lollowln1 Pfr'°n 11 dol"I EJ.1111 of MAUDE (LAltA SMITH. Casi• M•it . Call!. Otct11ed Tl!~ lkt!lloui G!Jll11t1• name r1teutd le NOTICE IS HEllEllY GI VEN 1n lltt al>Ov~ ""'' file<! In O•a,.111 Counly on r•rdllorl of Ille tbOVt nam!'d dl!Ci!Orl!I Ftb•ua•v 11, lt11, 1net 111 ptr1on1 n•vlnp ct•lm\ 10.,nu tho ~A118011 AUTO BODY IN(., A ~•ld dKtdfnl ••t raqulre<I lo lilt 1"""'· Callrornl• coroor1!1on, tJI W, 1111\ Sr , w.1n !~t ntct.,•rY voucl\t,., In !llt n!lk e Cos!• Mt•~ (•Ill "' '"' d trk or IM •b<>~t tnll!led cou•!, nr Tiii! bu~int1• ""'' tonduCltd bv ' 1n 1>rt1tnt tllom. wo•n th• nt r.t1•••v Celhornla Co'""'"ion. voucnrt1, lo rne una•tJlgnrd •1 9111 Rct>t•I 8. Lo•d \V•l'lhl•I Blvd .• B'vt•IV 111111, Call!ornl• Prtsln1nl 11: JiG.O.PI! SHOP. IOt '7r>ll $1 .. Newoort lltltll, ICJl!y G. Dtvlln, 1(17 tty sr .. Nt•l>O•I BttCh. 1'hl\ bu1lne11 11 btln, CO<'ldl[(ltd bv •n 1na1vlau11. l(flly G. Otvlln 90110, In cert ot Wm J. C.usac:k. wl!IU> 1, 111e olece ct b111lnen ol lh~ undertl1ntrl In f'ul:ltll~td O•~n9• Co~1! O•llv 111 m1rr1r• iierTtfnlnt re lllf •1!1tr of •~Id Maren 10. II, 1~. Jl, 1'11 T11l1 •l•!ln1tM llitO with illt. Cflllnt'/" Clerk nt D••nv• Cou11ty on: M1rch 1, nn. llv Severi• J . M1adoa: Ol!l•.otr County '·"'' Cl•rk. Pllfll, " llJtJ Publlthtd Or1nv1 Co1s1 011t~ Pltol. Muell 10, II, to, ll. !i'1 6•1·1'.I &ll-71 r1e(edtnt, wltllln tou• "'""'~' l!!tr tht ----- tl•SI pub!lc1Uon ol 1hl1 11orlct . LEGAL NOTICE 01t1d~M1rch 11, 11'7. Clinton •• 5mUh E•tculo• or !hr w,11 nf tno ftbOvt n1mtd dtceoirnl '"' flCTI TIOlJI &UUNl:ll NAMI' STATIMl:HT fellowing p~,.on It doint bu10ntn LEGAL NCYl'ICE l'ICTITIOUS aUSINl:lil NAME ITATEMENT Wm. J, CU,illCIC Attornev 11 Ltw •1: TP!• fOtlllW[r\I Ptraon 11 dOIMP bu1ln11s till Wlhhltt Iii.,. llevtrlv Hlll1, C•lltornll l'011f 1'~: 171l) l11·H'1 AUorntY !or ErrcutO!' Pul:llislled 0••119t Co.i1t D11lv 1'1\ol. Mircll 11, 1~. 11. t nd Aorll 1, ltll 11'·11 1'ME SCOTSMAN I "111 CLEANE ll5 L ••: CO!N LAUNOllY, 111 C E11t 1111'1 SI , Tll"'VEL,t,ND or T Ill AVE l 14 NO , Co•l• Mt••· •11111. U.,.A.. Sul!• 103, •3"11 lllrcri s1r1rr llodtrlck ll11 in Mtcken1lr. '611 Aloll1 Ntw1><1rl llr1c1'1. Ct. tu.II Or , Hu11t. Betc" J11c~ Lovt, 1.i1 5t1crr11, Coront ltl Thlt t>u1lnru I• beln1 c<>llCl11c1H Bv •n Mt<, C•. m2s lndlv1d1111L 1111• bu1l111n 11 btln• colllluded by t n llTICE ltoclfrlck lltln M1ckrri111 incllvld111I. LEGAL N Thii 1111rmrn1 IH•1l W•tll tllt CDU1'11Y J t ck L&Vt ---NOTICE TO ClltEDITOllS C~r-DI Or1n111 Counr. ""' Fe~ lJ, 191]. Th11 1!11trNnl fll@d wlll1 1111 (Ollllfy SU,.ElllOll COUAT 0" THE !Iv lltverlv J . Mtlldc~ 0eP<J'" (llUnly Clerk of Ortntt County 111'; "">rllt f'I' 13, STATE QI'" C.l.Ltf'OllNlit. flOlll C.l trk, lt11 11¥ lltvrrly J. MtOdo•, OtftUly THE COUNTY 01' OllANGll I'" l.,.1 (ounlY (l1rk, No. A-IUU Pub!iShe<I O••ntr Co•1I D•·!Y Pl\ot, l'IMM Ell1tle of ERNEST PAIGE. Orcea•ed. February ZS. Ind M1rch ). 10, 11, nn Publ11hed O••n•• Co••I 0 •11¥ Piiot. NOT ICE IS HE llE BY GIVE N to 11>•1----.:F'i,-.LN<n1C'E __ ._._'·-"1_'_·_•ru_._"_"_·_·"' __ M_._"" __ '_· _'_'·_"_·'.".":'.'" crf!d•!o•• 01 !hf above na~ decl!Or"I 17J-71 th1t •11 .,..,..,.,! h1vln• Cll•rl'I 1oal11•I the LEGAL NOTICE ••Id decedent "'' tr<1ulrrd 10 1111 111~.1==-•;<;ITT'iOiuO.:ITT .. tt---J---c'=LE~G~AL~~N~CrI'l~~C~E~---w•lh rh-nrc~''"'v vouch•••. in !he ol!lcr r f'tC TITIOiJS auUNl!S of 1nr d erlc ot tnr tbovr r ntllltd courl, or N#IMI: STATl!Ml!NT .,ICTITIOUI aUSINl!SS 111 O•flr"' rh,m, witn lht neceu 1ry Thi fallowlnl Pl'rlDfl 11 dol1>1 bu1lnt" N#IMI ST#ITl:MINT vovcner1. to 1nr undtrl•Qnrcl •I Ille ottice '" Tht toOowln1 Pl•'ICtn 11 clolnt bv1i~n ('f hr• 1tl!ornr•1. Levi" ~ncl P.-.r11 . .0.1· KEEN 9 (J1LO!NG SPE(!.O.LIT!E.5. 11· 1ornv• a t Law, fl41 Cl1t•lc Avenvt. Lon1 •U Newpol'! Boule<o<••d "E", Nlwoort NElL'S Alt(O, 1'~ W, lflh St,. (OJll Be•ch, C•llf(lrnl•. wl\lcl\ 1, !I\• PIAt• of 8r•Cll. Me••. C11U, t'617. butlM!• of !ht uno•"lontd In ~I! m•tte•s How•rd MOnl•QUt 1(1on. JJ11 A•bulu1 No ll Wlm•lllrlmtt, u J Ct1>!h! SI .• ri•r•1lnino I~ !h• nt~i. ot 11lcl O•crd•nt, SI .• NlwPO•I 8t•tl\. Coll• Mt1•, Ct lll. I w1thln lour monlh1 ~!!•• rh• hrll P!lbll~•· T1111 b<ialnen ls b<ilnt <onducloMI bl' 111 Tnll btl1ln1u 11 1Ml11t <Gnclucltd by tn 11nn ct 111!1 no!llt lndlvidu$L lncllvldu•I. D•ltd M•rch 1. 1911 flowird M. Kttn N1;1 I'. Wlmtth1!m•r. WANT TD CLEAN UP ON YOUR CLEAN OUT? FOR FAST! FAST! ACTION! CALL DAILY PILOT CLASS· IFIED DEPT. D I A ~h,111 Pok••• 1n;1 ll•ltm•n! llltd wlfll !hf County Thl1 J111tmtnl lllod will! It.. County E¥tcul•I• nf 11\t Woll C!tr~ or O•lnGt C<>unly ""' frb. 73, ltn. (!••le of Or1n11 .CouM~ 011~ l"tbru•rv lt, I: ol-1116..1.bOv• .nemto dtcei:ltnl_ BV -ervrrJy -J ~M8ddflr•OeD!JTr' C:111mrr 1rn:-· er-B1~1·r111" J , Ml"ddl!i7"' OlpUIV ·-LfVIN AND POl(llAS (ltrk. Count'/ Clff~. Jinorn•Y• ,, L•W , UtJI "'"" lUI Cllrk Avr, Pvbllthtd Ori'191 (Olll Otlly Piiot, Publl11\ed Ott nvt Co11I 011ty Piie!, Lont BIKh, Ct UIO!'nlt M•rrh 10. 11. 11, JI, 1'12 '"·12 Mt tCll J, 10, 11, 71, 1t1l S.U.11 Tll: (Jll) 4tl·ln7 JillO!'MY• lor t:11e~rrl• LEGAL NCYl'ICE LEGAL NOTICE PubllJhe<I Or1ntt (O~JI C•llY l"•lct, M~•Cll 10, !7, 1•. JI. lt17 ~j1.17 l --------------· l-------------- • NHd domntlt hof)i 1 A cook 7 A bartender 1 Y Olfr wor• b dano when yo11 rood 011r c:lat1lfled 'Ktioll. Nn10 /l!nl your uiork i,, rloue, f'11Jn11 yourself! Re.od Rnnrr·s Ark r11 the DAILY PILOT S1111day comic.~. NOTICI INVITIH!i 1101 Jl1f a10 ITl'M NO. IH NOTIC• TO Cltl:OtTOll l N0Tti;£ rs HEAEllY GIVEN lhtl ••ti· IUPl:lttOlt COURT o~ TMI' ltll 1>rco0Jol• wit! br rec•lvl<I bY Ille CllY STATI 011' CAl.1,0ltNIA 1'0" ol Con1 Mt••· lo wit: Tht CllY Coul'ICll. THI: COUNTY 01' O"ANGI' I P.O. Bot !MIO, 1>1 lh• (llv ol Co1!1 "'41•1. Ne. A·"'1t (•ll!0t11!1. on or bflar• 11\t hour o1 11:00 E1t1t1 of WILLIAM LOUIS NlfLSON. 'am .. ar 11 1aan rnere1Utr 1s pr1ctlc1bl1, Cecttlt<I. on Wf(lnrilltY. Mircll lt, 1t1J, In !he NOTICE IS HEltEllY GIVEN to lt\1 I Ce>uncll Ch8mbet$, Cll• H1!1, 11 F1!r crNlllOfl al the obavt n1mNI dccldtnl o r;v1, Co1t1 Mfll , C1lllorni1 for the th1! 1U "''"°"' h1wl"t d1lm1 101!n1! Ill• turni!Ohin• of LAllOA .. EQUIPMENT 1'0 11ld dtctdent •rt tHUlre<i to 1111 ffltm, Al!ATE THE WEEDS AND ltUBBISH ON With Ille r>e<;tUlfY vouchtrl, In TM ofllct I SELECT EC V.O.CANl LOTS WITHIN THE or 1111 tltrk of fl'lt 111<'1w1 enlllltcl court, or (ITY OF COST.O. MESA. lo 1rt11nt lhtm, wllh lht nlCIHlrY Addlllon•I 1•h of !ht 1P11Clllc1llDn1 m1y vouchut, lo tho uncH•lltnf!d 11 !ht olllc t b• Obttlnrd 11 ll'>t Ollltl of tht City ot ht< 11t0tn .... JAY W. HENOEltSON, Cler~. 11 F•lt Drive, (0111 Mo11. Union ll•n• Towtr, IJlh floor, t!O C1l!fornl•. BIGt 1110uld bt •tlurned In 1 NrwPorl C111t1r Orlvt . NtwPOll lle1cll. ttlled envelOPI. iden.llf\1<1 C<'I I/le our.lnr (1lllornlt "'60, Wl\l<h 11 lht Olt ce ol witn rhe Bid l!rm Numb•• ind lt!t Ootn· b\1111111• or Int 11ndtr1l1ned In 111 ml!l1!'1 lno Dalt s>erllln!nt lo the e1t1Tt nl 11ld lll(edtnl, Eitll bid lhtll 1pecl!y 11th tnd ev•rv wllt!l11 lour months 11trr tllt 11•11 11ubllct• l!rm •• ut tortll In 11\t 1peclllc1llim1. lion ol 11111 ""tier, Anv ""° •II ••crp!IDn1 10· rho 1Dl!clllc•· P•ttd M1rcll '· ltn !IOl't mu" be clt1rly •lttrcl ln Ille blf> MElllCEOES C. NIEl,SON •nd 1111uft to 1tf lortri 1ny lltrn I" 1111 .O.dmlill•tr1rrlw or 1111 1sr.i1 speclllcotlon• 11\•il bt 11round1 far rr· OI lhr tboYt n1mtd dtce<ient, ltcllfln of 1111 bid, JAY W. Hl:NDl:lllON Eich r.10 •hell iel lflrln tht run r11m11 Uftllft ••M T-•r, IJI~ •IMr nd I •II N""porl Clllltl' Ori•• tnd ••sldt~Ctl al •II le'l"'"I • P•r1 t_t N1..,..t •••th C•lll nut lnltrtl!td In lllt pr0pa.11 •• prln<lo111, In Tt l• ln4) , .. .ff.JJ ' I <••~ of corpor1l!oni, l...:!vd• Ill• n•mu of AllotMT fw #l•mlnl1tr11rl• tht Prt•ldt nl, Secrel1•v. Tr11111rtr •nd Publl•hld Or• c st Dilly Pll~t, I M~n•O~• 119• 01 Tiit C•IY Ce>uncll o/ !ht (lty of (OJU Morch 10. 11, 11, JI, U11 •'1·12 1 M111 ruervt1 rile .:..,r lo re!ect •nv or LEGAL Nemer: Otted M1rt11 IS, 1tn I •II bids, Publlslltd Otan~t Coa1t Dtll• l'llol, NOTICI: TO ClllDITOlll ' -------------"'' M~rch 11, ion. ,, .. ,, SUP'lltlOlt COUltT 01' 1'ME ~:~~~~~~~~~~;~:. ...... .,;;, ... ~~=~~:~;;;~;! 11'ATI' 01' CALll'Oll:NIA f'Olt THE COUHTY Oii O•AHOI ORDER ,::1, J. Ht. A 11944 1 0 0 0 J Est,te 01 WILLIAM tlOY COllll, l lid known •• WILLIAM Ill. COBfl, ••'fl known II w. II , COBB, 1110 •nown II It. w. COB!!, Otct•ltd. YOURS -~. TODAY! Personalized • " ., . ' Stylish Beautiful Stick-on LABELS • Efficient Order For Yourself or 1 Fri9nd· May be us•d on enY •lopes •s r•turn •ddrtss l•bel1. Also very hondy '' identific 11tio" l•bels fo r markin9 per1on11I if•ms 1uch as books, record1, photos, 1fc. l•b•l1 stick o" 9los1 •nd rn•y be used for merking home conned fo ,d if em1. All lab.ls are printed with stylish Yogut type on f ine qualify wh it• ~umm1d p•ptr. NOTl(f IS HEltEllY GIVEN lo fM crrdllart al the 1bovt 111mt<1 dKedent th1t all H•1on1 l\1v!119 cl•lm1 111ln•• !ht 11ld dKKltnl ••t fe<iufred la lilt "1em, wllll Ille 111ctn•rv '°"™"· ln '"-otll<t ol lt!t cit •-ol 1111 •ll<'lve 1nlltled Cdun. or to ortstnl rhtm. w!Jll Ill• ntctHl rY vouotllrrs. rn 1111 ur>11eril1ntd In ct rt o/ J1m11 L, ltubtl. Jr,, AllorMv 11 Ll w, 101 Vii OP«to, Ntw!Klrl l!ttch, C1Ufor<1l1, ''"°· Which 11 !llt Ol•t• nf bu1lnt11 ol Tiit vndrri!tned 1 .. 111 m1trert ~•rte!nlnt lo !ht 111111 ol 111d decfldtnt, within hlur montllt 1!1tr lilt l!nl pub!!CI • llOtl al 1t1r1 norlc1. O.lKI ,.tb•v•rv 11. "71. {II 01111 Cabb /t i ltlcll1td Ctrvel Sim~ Co·E•1c11tor1 OI 1111 Wlll ~I 1111 lbovt ntmef dKt<lll!f JAMii L, •U•IL, J ... AlltrMr 11 L .. Mii Yl1 O..rl• H--· l11cll, (t ill. flUI !JU) ''l-4111 Allll'fllt f« Ct·l .. tc•ltr1 ~ulllli.hft Drt ntt 0.11 Dilly 1'11(11. M•rdl J, 10. 17, ,,, U71 .k!-tJ LEGAL NO'l'IC>. ·-IUPlltlOlt CO\Jllt 0" THI Stl.TI O• CALll'otNlill 1'011. THI COUNTV 011 OltA1'1GI Ht. A•'2JH HOTICI O'° MIAltlHO O' "fflflON f'Olt .. ltOaATI: 01' WtLL ANO (OOl(IL AND 11011 l If Tl Ill TllTAMl:NTA llY E.1t1lt of IClHNl'TH W. HltNINOl!ll, Dtc:t11ff. NOTICl IS HEltEIY CtVlN !!'!ti llOlt H1l11l1191r. 1'111 filed 11,r1l11 1 "llllo!! tnr arobel• ti wlll tlld (odl(.11 111(1 1'ot l11v1Me of L•ttttl Tt1l1m1MttV to !hf 111t!tt-r. r111renc1 to Wl!l(h 11 m1t11 Ir.it lu•thlf 111rt!cvl1r1, .,.,, !~fl lllt tlm, l'ICI 1111'' ol ~,1rl11• tht 11mr n•t M•n I•' tor "'"'11 •. 1t n •• , •:• • """ 111 111• COlfft•OOl'!'I ol ~Ptrll"ltnt No. l di 11!0 court, ti 109 Civic Ctn!., Orlvt Wfll, ln !tie Cit'/" o/ S1nt1 A111, C1tlter11!1. 011ftf M1r<11 IJ. ttn. Wi lllAM I . SI, JOH,,;, County Cl«• llttNf, ~lllN(I t lllC:IC, INC .,, Mlctltll M1c•ll'ltft llM C1!\f1" Ptrtl l:ttl l." A"tltt, (l llftnrll ... , TM: UISI in-11u ATWMrt Pw1 Pefl"'- Putlll"'" Ort"" COtll 0 t •1¥ fl l!!)I, ~~...,,,, Mtrtll 11, u. 2'-1t1J. n..n I -~-- D I R E C· T -- 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 • . . • • ~~~~~~~~~i':!!f!!!f!!!f!!!f!!~~~~~~~~~~~Fr~ld~17~,~M~vt~h~l~7~,1~97~l~~~~l*~~~D~A~ll~V~,~ll~D~T~J~9~1 Ir .,_ ... _ ][~ i ~---Jrti[ .. ., ... _ ... _. )lt] r ....... i~1 .__ _ ... _ .... __,)~ Apt. Unfvrn. :l'5 Apto., Apts., Gu11t H-415 H;.;::u;.:nl-Int::;.:;lon;;;.;;:.l_o_•cll-_;~I Furn. Ir Unlurn. 370 Furn. or Unfurn. Jl'O *PltlVATE ROOM* I ~~'.!:!!:~~~~--l~cr0:,::,:.~M.;r:;,.;:------;c:::0::,:;,:.;M.;;::;,.:-,----·1ror amhulatory pel"IOn. Good WALK TO BEACH rn00. nice chttrful •urround. Brand new l-:Z-3 BR Cpl., in11. ~S~.'~r~~: ll5 tsih '= THE EXCITING * cau r>4.8-4Thl * -$;'.1ALL Gutst Hon1l': Santa 2 BR w/aar. Crpts. dl'pg, A1u1.-C11.rdiil 1 ;'ro\'r Ar'1'il. ~~ny,ch~~~nn. il~v;·, ·~~ PALM . MESA APTS. r.~1925~;11 M~~·IO, rldrrly. Sll'i/mo. 962-2811. --FUN IN THE SUN '• PVT Apa"m'"t' tor .<eo;or MOVE IN TODAY cill:el'n~. mt;it~. n1 A 1 11 From SIJ9. Kid.'!' w«-l<:ort1t' llrf"'iC'I'. k e h 11 u c t «' u r. 2 B" all xtru, pool. Minutes to Newport leach &t>-911!. 847-3669 or 968-7510 U be!. bl J ( D to f · h -------- BEACHBLUFF APTS. Sp!ll.c :Z &i: 3 Br. 2 ha, Pool, Pa- tio, D/W. 8231 Ellis M7·222!1. * BEAUTIF1JL brand new I & 2 BR apls.. Ne1r bell.Ch! 1003 P11lm, H.B. SJS.-5012. :Z Br. Apt. Closed )i!;llr. Crpt", drp!'I, child. t1:maU pet 0 .1\. $l4'1'mn. l\41·2940. Irvin. PARK WEST APARTMENTS I Bdrm. From $160 l Bdrm., 2 Bo. From $1'5 3883 PArkview L.tine Irvine. {Just of'f San Diei;o Fwy 11.t Culver :Rd) n teva y arge ap s. ecora r urn1s • BOARD / C11rt , La undr1. ed. Huge Pool, jacuzzi, e.lectrir. built·ins, shag c;ooo m"LI'. Semi s200. P1·1 carpets, drapes. sauna & more! sz:io. i 1,.B-Wom"n S.'\l-541 1. ADULTS--NO PETS Ront•I• to Sh•r• 430 SINGLES $145 1 BDRMS. $155 2 BDRMS. $175 Unfurnlihed AptJ. Av•llable From $10 to $15 LESS. YOU 'RE RIGHT- THEY'RE UNDERPRICED ! 1561 MESA DR., Cosio Mo" 5 blk1. E. ol Nowporl Blvd. 546-9860 GENTLEMAN wllnt.~ "·orklllJ:: "-'Oman, 23·:15, In lil'I' In li1rcr Oan11 Pt>int tlllm ... w rion1. In l'XC'h11ngl' /or hflu.~1·krrf"l­ ing. Pho~ llfl R PM , 49.1·4.-:.r; GIRL 111•ill Jh8rf' 2-BR 11pt wf'l ;:irlt nr muplr . At't·l'~~ from Goldf'nll'f'.~I Coll. l.ll r'('nt. 1194-1.~29. ~HARE-T\1y \V7!,. r r r(I 1-;-1 Homt 11•/<iock. rn1u1 ."'.O.f,(} ~ ~. $1 f.O/n10. St r 11 j ~ hr _ 675-4.t'U. __ _ \VJU . !ChRJ'" 4 hr°ho111r -w/!'t>"lp. µrr.~on. -~~: •. Rrookhurst 111 B us h 11 1· rl . r --~filili~ F~;n, or Unfurn. 370 9"l-'7H. • Ap1rtments rorRtr11 I.... \VANTEo:r:oorl r11rth,1 .roul La1un• le•ch ·-Cost• Mt•• In sharP. funky 0111 llot tsl'. _"'" __ ,;_;;;:;c, ___ l••--------1 Cl<'!lf' lo ~at'h. H.A. <'all VERY large 1 BR, 2lx17 tlv A t Unfurn. 3'S Sht11> ,., Chitrlil' ~1~2141 rm, open beam ceiling, -~P:...,·_________ BRAND NEW ----r. rRL "'A nttd 10 ~PPk ,,, tireplaCf!, dishw_ asl'ltY, gas Newport •-ach h 2 A 1 I • u. From •145. Dishwo.•h•-, •h•g ·• Art-r Rp . 11• !'lllmt-. l rllllge oven, refrlgerator.1--,,;,,________ • -h S250 mo incl ufil. 494-4023. BRAND NEWI «'arpeting. Wlllk-ln clo.sets. 1' ild ok. Call G:Ul-7767. ADULTS ONLY PET OK Forced •ir hf'aJ, extra largf' G1R CIO: .. ha,... -hf'11f'h -;-P'· COAS'IUNE vie:w, modern 2 - BR 2 BA bltini dec:k 1 blk DELUXE 2 BR-$18S rooms. Beautiful game room , NPl.'.·porl &:ach AN'a . Call ' ' ' · o h sh -1 2 B · healed PDOI . BBQ·s. enclo.~· 61.'-6R'il. beach "-sho~. Adlts, no s w r .. "" "·· 11., 11w1m ---~-~--~~-' ·~1 <"• ~,..,. pool 557 2125 20342 Santa ed ga~11. quil't 11urro1~nd· Gar•'"•• for Roni 'JS pe s. 1 .ru • '"-• ..,..... • -' -jn"'!'I k cJ05 .. to tthopp1n<r., __ ...;;• _______ •_ An11 Avf', • .,. ~ • 1· l•gun• Niguel Adult llvinit nO e>et!'!. STORAGE only. S20 pt'r llKl ~,;;..---"-----.INEW Spaciou11 Apts. E.x-EL CORD.OVA APTS ... • Cntta Mf'!'I& ('Jr Npt Beach. LAGUP(A NIGUEL elusive location, nr 1hop'Jl', 2077 Charle St. 64 2-4470 548-8251 fir 548-141l'i. Ap1rtment1 Jo~rplc .. air/cond., pool. etc. Ne-at }{arbor & H11.mllton SI. --- Call Abou t Our New 6 1'1o. 1 BR, $185/mo. 2 BR. 2 Ba. .STORAGE only. GaragP, nr. Lease Program Availab~ S245/mo. 675-49tl Bkr. Airporl , Si ii mo. Now. 1 BR SIS( 2 BR, 1 :& SEACL!FF Manor 28r. l ~'t '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'"'""""'"'""'""''°-__c*>_:• 979--084.~ "* SI87. 2 BR, :Z Ba, S196 per Ba Studio. Pool. Cpt1, drps, V DR-IVE BY F.XTRA lrg-s~Jl';~ month. hltns. $160. Ask about our 147 FIOWf'r St., C.M. 1 BR. 1tall, EZ ll CCf'SS, S30. n10. 29041 Alom• Ave, 4.q!)..4272 rlisco11n1. 1525 Pl 1renI I 11 F'urn. 81'111 ln<·ation in C.M. S4A-2407. Office Rent•I \Vll O NEEDS AN Ol"F'ICE?'?' You cnn M.vf' ~nl'!IJ1 nl lulJ_y sra!1'td ottic."f' win l"Ott n r r t n I /l'qulp/t1alar!,.A. Spa"" 11lso Al'll ll. by rlay ,,,_,•k/n\O. Jl.1 o n · Fri . 613-~jl}, DESK --;·,.--.,.--,-v-.,-ta-b_J_e _l.'50_ I mo. Will provide furniture 11t S.i 11"10. Ans"'·erlng 11ervltf' 11.va1l11.ble. 17875 Beach Blvd. 1-lunli nJl'IOn Beac:h.~2-4321. nF:Slf Sp;H'I" 1\v11i1:=-s1:i p,._r ~ln ltlPRI lnr fl l:,1111,., ln,. /'Ir , Xln1 !or l!l.Vt H11r't)l')r HI .. C'o~1111 \ltt.1 . ('a 11 Saundl,.'Vlr\, f:.l ~-0217 UF~LUXJo: 200 IC\ /I. olfif'f' ,;uirl', lS"lf-lfl. Corona rlrl :\1111'. 11r l\HI ()fr1.-r . Sn1u·k ~hnr1 rnv111r p11rk1n~. l':tftl-"t11fl11111·~ Rkr h7.'j...f)700 OJo:SI\ ~l>A C'I' -'\';UlllOle .$50 1Y10. \V II I provld~ furnllur.> 111 S5 mo. An.~11'l'rln~ .11ervtce itvn~lablf'. 222 Forest Ave, l .ll)'.:Unfl Rrach. 4!14-9466 Bu1iness Rtntal 445 :-iTORJo: for ,.,,111 (II' !ro11~r Sl'il f"ln•. 1000 ~ri 11. 11,pprox. tR11 NPwport D I v l"I, C.111 ~'14~-349. ---TI F. FACTOR,-,-- in Canllf'r)' ViHllJi:f'. 32 N"!1il 11hop11 1uH'\,.r I mor. fi 11'!1 425 .'l,()1h Sr N.R. 64:.-.211\7. UNt JSlJAI. 1~1"-io --m-"<1-. -.,.-.1 llbo\'r your hu.'"iness. 615-~ !Hn A~rnr ::_ _____ I Industrial Rental 450 1500 Sq. Fl. $2SD Mo. l\t(l(ltrn hldit" .• Jo:rtlnJt"f'r SI. Nr. t'rwy .. Sn. San111 An11 \~'11.J.•111·orth Rf'll] E111afl" <'A LL: 6.19-4210 WTU. 11ublc:a~ llf"w OF'- l"IC&-WAREHOUSE spare, SlOO 1no. 5'1!-1647 o r 64~7. -------N~:w dtluxe M-1 unit11. l ph, pnwfl.r\ 17.1.l Monrovia. a.l'.l.]14;.: ll~-979R l"VI'~. Rentals Wanted Lido Isle Al't. 5'18-2682. _646-0920ccc--.:_•c'..:.'"c:..:·"::c:1:;~·---I Office R•nfal 440 CAREER 11'('Jm1111 w/renrlll *CHARMING * DELUXE 2. BR.I 2 s~' _o_._._._,._0_1 .. _____ 1---------..:. proPf'_rty l'l!tt!Whl"re Wl\nfs 3 BR bfoa ed 'I' fr I tri-level, \'1ew, II'. . * EXCEPTIONAL * ARCHITECT, Enginel'r, f'\r. qu11 1n1 houaf' t. y II r 11 , ., m Cl!!I 1·• · Pc. 725 Domingo Dr . Offf,., 444 Old N >1 a . h p I Carp., drapes, etc. Adults Single, J. 2, 3. Br. Cordova a l .. ..,.; . Pwpn l.11.gu1111. ix:a<" l'lrr.a. tt l"t ooly. S30D Month. yearly. 1_6c4c4c~c.:c00c· ________ • Linda . Open. 49~225. RJvd . !if'e to 11ppret'111lf' Eic-:Z btr & 10tAr11gr. New in Call: 613-3663 968-2505 Eves. Santa An• ---lf"r. l"ntr11ncf'. Sll1 n10. 11r,,a., 11•/Jt«'al1y IW"WlpaJ)('r Huntington h•ch ~8-~. OPEN. JCJl.l, \Viii lrAH right plitrf'. associated BROKE RS-REAL TOR S 202S W Balboa 613·366) Mt•• Verde DELUXE :Z & J Br, l Ba. , encl g11r, $150 up. Rtnt11J Otc 3095 M11ce Ave. 546--1034~ Mission Viejo FAMILIES WELCOME! SINGLE STORY South See Atmosphere 2 BDRM·2 BATH $1 59 z. $164 mo. Carpel$ and Drapes Air Conditioned Private Pll.tlo11 e OCEAN VIEW-From .$1.,5. DESKS pat'eAvail. S7j p,,r 1 Br furn nr Unlurn. CASA Mo. lrltal rnr R. t:.~!a 1 f', I n~. Pl.A YA. 141h ,,._ Walnut. «'I C:. Xl nr 10(· 1!138 H111·h()1· ff.B. C111I ~".G--S.167. Bl, Costa r.1r~11 . Ca 1 I A PT , P-ooliide-11paciou1 SaunderM>n &12-(1212. Bun)i!;alow. Pvt patio. SJ:,O LITE m11nufill'turini:: 11rr11 . mn to right 11.dult~. 84~1.12:'\. Total 1880 !IQ '1. \Viti rf'nt 1111 or 'ti. Ne11r (;oth11rd &.· Ntwport Beach F..riingf'r, Air eond/crp!d. RESORT LIVING Call 842-15111. ;__~~ Bay View Officts Delux.-, 11ir-condltiolll'd p1·rrrY lrf'.'f'~. hird~. gaNtf'n, f1rrp!llCt' 11nl"I ll•A Vlt'W. Rtady l"f'(f'r,.nce~. Writ' rla.'l.~1f1rrl A<I Nn. 2911 OAILY I'll.OT, P. 0 . &x 1560. Co.~1A r.11'1118 , C111if. ~ So1.n Rllyshorr ·hnmt, 2 cats &_ ownert nl"ed 2 bdrm u~ furn 11pt (If 00ul!I" b~ April 10. Annu11I le111«". Balboa Pf'nn. fi7~MRO nr 642-77A1. (;oJng 1\11•11.v +:Rster Wt'l'k? Lldo 11.re11. -SOc~aq.-fl , _J'am_il)'_wantJ_to •~ home!---,-< Realonomlcs, Bkr. 675-6700 nn R11lboa lsl11nd, 3/25-4/.1, e BRANO Nt.:W! 3 Br .• 1Y2 JtEATED POOL -ha ., "Jfory-~. -sti11g. --€al'J)!'lrt-k-Sforage -FROM $135 bttnt p11tio pool garage. Nr. &hOol!'I ~71 ' ' Nr. ~. Coa.~t Pla1:i . HIDDEN VILLAGE Newport Be•ch PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 2.;oo South Sall11 (enter 2 blks W. fl! Brim.al, o[f W11mf'r on Linda Way, IOUth lo Y.'. Centnl) Sanra An& • 546-1525 on thtt . bay South Logun• e OITICESi-- 11' O k"·-• G d JOO k f,{XJ 1q. ft. COSfA I 8 ... ..,..,... • r en Jl.1ESA. C..11 646-2130. Apartments •.. and H't l===~~=~~~=- tu fine I hbo and CORONA DEL f.UR. Furn. • n, ne ;. rs A/C, sec'y 1ervice. S75 mo. prestige living In one lllX"Ur· Aitrnt. 675'.-1225 H.l.R. iou.-i package, Thti!re 's $1 350 Sq. N. office Jor ll"ll!'IC, million In •'l"l"~11tkm ••. downtown Co111a Me 1 a . 11wimmtni:-, tenni.~. billiards, 642-4230/673-4626. 67:1-5016=· __ .!._. ___ _ TWO prorrssional feml'lles !'leek 2 Rrirm. furn hou!'f' or 11pt. CdM nr north. Approx. S22'> mn. ~Z-9015. ·RENT A L--;o;:-J~oe--.-.J-o-ly-, -, RR 11pt or hoose furn. S46""'106. LuxUl'j' apartment living OV·l -----=------erlooking the water. Enjoy * BEACH LIVING AT ITS $750,00IJ htalth ape,, 7 swim-BEST'. _ , .Ler1se l BR. 2 ming pools, 7 lighted ten. BA. elev. lo beach. Adults. nil couru. plus miles ot no Pf'I!!. From $350. 31755 bicycl~ trail~. putting, •huf-CoAtl H"'Y .. Soulh Laguna fletxiard, croquet. Junk>r 1·~ ** 4~2835. hl'alth clubs, A11un111s pro- ihop, Indoor goJr driving 11'1 a breer.e .• Hll your Jnr. Ienced, storage. C.M. items. v.•ifh tlM". use Daily Roa111. campf'r• l"tc. 5[)C Pf'r Pilot Classified. 642-3677. ft . $8 .50 minimum. 642-6560. range, clubhouse, etc. from $170 monthly; alM J '---'-'='------1 and Z.bedroom plans 11nd Apt1,, CUiiom decorated lrlnrl~11. J;iijijjijijiji;jjijjijiillijiji;jijjijjiiiijji;ijijij[ J 1 Z. 7 BR. Furnl.~hed & Un- furnl.•hed. No Jro11 ~e Tf'quired. * * * * * * 2-itory town hcr•!'les. El~--Furn. or Unfurn. 370 tric kitchens, prlv11te patios or balconies, carpeting, dra-Co1t11 Met• Model1 Open Dally 11'.t to 7.l ~-------------------..1 peries. Subterrane11n P11rk· ;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;;;;o ing with elevators. Optional maid 1ervice. •.Just north of Fashion Island 11t Jamtxir- ee and Sl!n Joaquin Hills OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS Trader's Paradise Road. Telephone (714) 644-1900 f0r rinlal information BRAND NEW All Utilities Paid 20102 Birch SI (nr. 0 .C. 11ir- ports, S. of Pali1Adet Rd) 1 It :Z BR f"rom S1 55. Priv. p11.Un. Billt11rd rm. jacu7.zi. Nr. UC Jrv lnt-. J\1gr. 557-,..246 NEW 2 BR, 2 BA 204.12 Sant11 Ana Avf'. {11 f"ro1!'I from Sant• Anll Gnlr Cour1l'J 111'ated pool. Mgr. 979-1268. WATER View-2 BR, 2 BA. 11.pprox. 800 sq. ft. D/W, SIC oven, crpfd. drp 'd, Jtar. Deck. Skip tie avail. Yearly lease. 7li:67J.-824.IJ 11ppt. tt NEW** LA COSTA APTS. I & 2 Bedroom • Built·ins • Sh&g 1!arpcl~ • Dr11pe8 • W11lk in closets e Swimming Pool • Bar-~Ques e Enclosed Garage All Utilities Paid Adults. ~ pet11 \\falking distance to shopping cenlf'.t. 3S4 Avocado St., C.M. '42-97DI * * * * El PU•rto Mes• Apts ~· * * * I Bedroom Apt•. (f.'11ort Uving fflr Adults only.) NEWPORT BEACH 16th e t Irvine or &12-3170 Weitcllff Riviera Spa.ciou11 1 A: 2 BR. Bltni1, YES. We h1tvl' ban11.na11. Anl1 r1rpet!!, .nral>f'11. h.-11tf'rl pool , niot spendable! stn.ooo rn1ir Nr 11hop R: 11re1, Adull. pl1tnt1Unn It Mnall rat11.- A11.k About f'l'f'I' Rfl-nl r11nch In Au!tralia FOR C11.I 1800 We.~tf'lirf Dr .. NB prop. A~. 's1~7225 HIR . .. ,.,..,. * * * OCEANFRONT: "4 Br 3 Be. OWNER , ri'-1,-.11-2 New. Custom dr.oor: Y.'am. .. : Grana 11 ,1 ll - preferred. No pets. Yrly. 111y view hmt, 2800 Ml · It. $60() mo. 67.1.-8561. nwnn !'OSI S&f.~. "4 Rr. ~~~~~~~~~~~13 Ba. ram . rm, for Duplex ; or hme. CdM or NR. L~-----ll ,.l"-~'~"~·'~'TI-"-.M-·~·M~·-~--ltentals 11· l~.000 R-1 lot in fllntrldgl'/ t-BEACH-YEARLY t $1 3'1 &. up Incl. ulilitil'!I, AIMt 3 Br. 2 Ba. 1 houa1 from furn. Pool A Recreation Oceanfront. WW CAl"pf/!1. 11rea. Quif!t Environment . (ittplace. bit-in~. ttfri~. orr s~el Jmrkina:. No Chll· Really nit'e. S26.i mo. 1809 dren. no pets. W. Balboa 67l-mt Al~ Garage~ l"or Re.nt '••••••••••••! P•Mrlen11 111'1!11 plu11, for htll.ch hoiJSf' nr 11crf'11~r . Rooms 400 7~ N. "M11r11;ueri111 AvP., ----------·I Alh11mhr11 , Calif. 91801. WANTED; Middle llil'11 - ""Oman tn .ch3rf' 2 RR * * Duplex Dana -P1 . 41 .5l"JO. Dupl,,x, CdM, W a I le Ing C(luily Sl9,SOO. \\'Ill fredt for d islancf! In s!'t(lp'a;. f'rre IOI, T.D.'1, or ~: up to room f.c boarrl + fl'e in r K· Sl0,000. Agl'nt. •• PRIVATE :Z Br .. 1 Ba., 19~1961 Maple Ave. cpt/drps. bltns. r ncl aar.. Costa Mesa t'h11,ng, for ('llrl' or f'll1f'rly • 552-7407 .. patio. infant ok. S 1 7:;,. 54~3708. 2 APTS. 1tep1 from beach, 3 Bd , :z Ba. Uppu. S300 year- ly. &tlom sum It wlnt. 6't:Z· 133l or 64S-074:Z. NOW!!! * OCEANFRONT Deluxe 2 BR, 2 BA, trplc:, encl a-ar. Y~arly. AduHs. no pets. $26.'i, 673-1990, 213:~1171 . ** WATER.FRONT super tleluxe 3 Br, dtn, 3 Ba . Twnhll'. $450. Piu It Ooat avt.Jl 714: 673-824!t. Appl. lady ronv11lr.~h1i. No lllling.. 2 GORGEOUS orf'llnfronr a SPACIOUS e Lite mc11l prcP'lrlltion It lltr. lot~ in Sht>ller ('ovf', C11I WtU-OtsiJT'led Apt! 1 le 2 BR. w/ Terraets. houM'krt'pins:. Nn •mokinit . Val. S.16.000. TrAl1r for fo'rom Sl40 . $275/mo Rt>l't . rtq'd. Writl' n-11umt Or1n1f' Counly inrnmro. to: &x 724, Coron11. dr.I RIVT>:RA ReAlfy 499·2Ml'l Shag CP'-S. drp11, Q.Utlflt, I J I I f..1iir. ra 9262.i. l l00,000 ,_ri TD. 110.ooti pon , acuJ!?., ~nc gar. '"" Quit! Adult l!vln:i: COMPLl"t'F.LY furn . l.Atf' int"Omf'. ~lid ~c1•url!y. MERRIMAC WOODS cooking. Very cltan lfixlO \YANT: 1..argr APT, 11hop'g 425 Mtrrim1c Way, CM room. Adjacent Q: 11 r ll ll: r . <:enter. offitt or ?1?? HACIEND-' Priv p11iln It b11.1h. M11tut'f' * Rkr. ~1·646.q + HARBOR f'mplOyt'd m11n S1~/mo. Ulil 2?-w Arrcs l~igh Dt:!!t-rl tn 2.tt AVOCAOO STREET !..· l!nt>r'lll furn, 7>4S-044.i C11nyon , North ~lopr Slln AdUIL~ only e No Pet1 ~R~ OCC Cookini:: k Pool fi~brll'I /\11!'1, for t'Q. for r 11r 2 Bdrmi. Av•ll. privileet~. ff'mAlf'. 2 ~ 17 nr ·~ Mu!I rirlll M:IOn. OCEAN r R. 0 NT yr I y Deluxe J It. 2 BR.. Pco1 Wf!stminJU!r Ave. 11fl 6 pm MA-2429 11ftrr S:30 P1"1 . apac:ious l br •Pt. best pt1M Cuqe. Diahwshr. Ptld utU., _w_k_d_•~Y-•·------~ What do YQU hav,. to trade? nr l>etch. Adults only, avail !t'R.OM S150. ~lXM LG ~111.11 lurn •ll'l'l'Jint: rm . IJat ~I here -in Or1u1~e ~ 1. $ri<I. 645-066!!. Coldwt:ll , Sankt:r k Co. Clr11n. qu lE1 , pvl enl &: ba th. County'.1 l•ra~!it ~ad trad- lines times dollars l DuptPxPB + l-on·a l1:1t, C.M, ;;or.1 total f'qly. Ex· rh11nJl'~ 11.ll nr pl for TD'11, t'lrAr mtr limio, 1•11mpr, auln or :\.4 Rfl hmr. Agf 546·5580 N'PT J\1'11.rh 11uplr:\' . .1 BR. 2 h11. r1. unil. Sfi!'1.000 Y•I. 1'11kr-21 tn 27 rr. tr11 vl'I trlr. 11~ p11rt rlown. Owner/Brok· rr. 67f>.096R F:ve11. 7.Jo:NJTll COLOR TV, 23". TRAD f: F'OR ANTIQUES OR ANV1'1 11NG Of' VALUE AT APPROX. St~. • • 646-0520 ... 1" l\f' <'On1m 'I lfl! on Kil· tf'ltll , fi .G. GnU C, \('Jt P11.lm 1)(>11. ~'> At' dev. rN". lll.IW'I. 11111.h. Tr11.d!' Fflr R.E. in 11.rr1t or ~ 644-1411.i. :l ltomr:11 -5, 4, & 2 SR Of't % llCl'e, gm11s $7000. ~II 1.~,000. F:qulry S~.000. F:11!1)' T?ntal-. Wtl1 tr11rtro Jll"l'.lpttt)' •r 7 9M-0177 8.'l.1·9122 rREJo: A: Cll'llr -C.olf CM.Jf"'I' Int , Ct-nynn Lakr, SA500. WANT : t'lxtor Up))('r. l!Om" ()r Apt~. 1t Bkr. 547-646!'1 + SPARKLING .1 Brlrm t'lt'lml', mo111 P-Xt·lu11ive ~.A. ~trN'I . 1126 Shamn RoAlt, \\1ANT· lntome proPf"rfY nr ·:-~. + Bkr. ~7·646~ + ~&at hiUTl\\'Al'l' AVAii• •ble. ~cha.nae rnr pmff'~- 11loru1J c•rfW'nlry. l"t'mt>nt nr l.\lld.1t1·11pln.c st>rvlrrs Allrr 71 wttkda.vs. aJ0.91~1 YE ARLY-dlir. lrt 2 Br. 2 Ba .1--'-'l':.:':.:"':!•::'""=-:.:As:c•:..":..' -I IAdy !',4~'\ 1nc post. 642-3678. N' bch. hill bltin,1, J U . J200, $ell it!lt items nDW! ()11 • , a ~PUol Cltuilled * . * * ' * •* * 21.1~387-22:57 nr 1'1-4:64).6671. 6'.~2.;_561;:;;~:..N:..o:..•..;l_:_ _____ ;;,;•:;:...;64;,;2.:.:;5671...:;,. _____ ,',:'.._. _ __;:_ __ ..:.,: _ _:,__;:_ __ _;.:_ ___ _ !. ,_ '-• -. 40 OAJLY PILOT ,, [ .lr'1 I ....... f .... llSJ I~-·-!~'.! -*~-1~ I '-'"·· v J[Il] ·ll--_ ..... .i._, ..... _J [Ill[ . ,,,_,_. _l~ 5311 iL• ... ,.-.-;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;55:l;1G ~jjj•jjjrdmomnmi"l_. .... ;;;;;1p•.•,;•,,•in•g•&••••• i Help W•nlod, M & F 71 0 He l p Wonted, M l F 710Help W•nted, M l f 711 ~~fo ~!~ -<:1 l MWINf, GUrot TOii. ltil P •rsonal1 "'-'5' C:Al OH 1Hf GO ;o· fij;;lj~ ,~ . OIOCOVt;R OlSC0\1£ft\' f ind \'OliRS~:1.>· ln f.pm'Me Call now -f',I) obllption 1114) 8:1~ t'21.1) 387-3393 f','ATTONALLV flF.COCNl7.F~n LO!\T, Roston Bull VI('. DJUTf'll SI .. Rl!wll.l"d. 646-mn. T1>rrjer, C.M . • P"epe rh•nging AL"SGAnDENJNr. .. L ~-~~W.' For •n •d in Wom•n•s Wttrld '"""'"""' Sr: ll<K -.:,. f J l1Yf' a1n"d"'"l"I: k .1m~1 1 * SA LE * Chl'm. E.nJ:;inf'~r 1141< U • ) • ~· Call Mary Beth 642·5671, ext 330 1111\d:tr•pln( 111"1'1.'IN",, ridl r vp,.r J'i11nl &:, V.'llllfl<!pl"f l\f'MIJMlllnt/Rkkf)f JSOO Sepa ra te5 Lo.ok L " ... .... (,. / /(JJi: O'.: • I"-. . ·-1, 1 ..... =-i [, • I I'll \ '' I • 9040 SIZES 8-1 8 i., 1Tf ,...; .... 1Tf ""'1'~ Ar-h111lly lt"J "II nnP hu l thi" """'"l!:.V Mprlni;i rtr"'"" h11" lhr ~PPllf'l'llf'~ lnok lh~1 ·11 np11 r1<t 1n faJ<hinn r10~·~ Com. bin• .vilirls, .!!lripr~. r·hPC'k~. P!'1ntrt1 P111trrn 9040: Nf:M' ~ill~PS' Si:t:r~ 8, 10, 12, 14, ·J6, J.1, .c;\7p 1'2 (hU!lt ..11! tAk,.., 1 yrl . l~i11,: .111;1 yll". (~nt1·. ,.;f;\'f:NTV-,.'I Vf; <·f:N'l'S lnr """h pA rrrrn -11t1t1 ~ f'Pnl.~ rnr f'llf"h p1111rn1 fflr Air M11 il 11nrl ~f)f'f"iAl Hiin<lhni;:; nthrrw1~1> lh il'fl-<"l~.~ll rlrlivrry "'fl! tiikP 1hrrp Wf'f'k~ nr mor". Srl\rl to M 11 r 1 11 n \1;rir11n. th• OAILV rr1nr. ·117 P1tlll"rn n..p1 .. 212 Wr~t !Rrh Sr.. NP~ Ynrk. N. Y. 10011. Print SA,\tf:, AO- ORF,ll~ "'ilh 7.fr , 1(1ZI': 11nrt !'T\'l.f: NllMBt:R. io;r,F, MORE Spr i ns;: ~·~.~hilln!'l llnti t'~!CP 011"' 11~1- ll'rn fr,.r frn111 11('~' !'pr1n(?· Sun1mrr CA!aln2 . All 1(17.r~! Onl)' ;,o crntJ<. l'NSTANT S~:U1 JNf; ~OOK ~f'~' tror!A_IY, Wl':Ar rnn10l'll'IW. SJ. lnst1111I rit ~hi1111 ROOK - Hunt1r"t1' ()f fA~hifln f"ct~. Sl. Pon c"-8·42 i: t .... • • -'• ,,, .. - 7270 Y1111 c11n'1 111·,, w1thnut ii - pM'frrl lic-hr-anrl·~i1")' pn~htl. Tr11vrl riizht t+.n_1 summ,.r In !hi~ 7.ig-7.112 poncho whh l11<"y puff-11ti!rh l»lndR. U~P knilliFlJ:' worsrrd. F.a.'y to 1•1'llf•h1>r, P~•. 7'rin: Oflt ~i,,,. firio; 11-11. Olhl"r-fili( lf'.;-42;- ~,.;vEST\' ·t'l\'J.: C:J.:N'r S lor r;rich p;ir·rern--111"1<! 2!> r·f'l1I~ fr,r r11Mt riatlern for Air l\1ii il Ar>rl Spf'ci11I H 11 n d I i r1 g; fllhf'rwisl thu'fi-<'la,~ dPlh<t'l'Y ~·ill 111kr fhrpr. -w""t'lc"~· or n1orr. $r11rt lfl Alir• Rronk~. !hi' nA rLY Plt.01·, 10.'l Nrrrll,.rr11ft l)ppl., &x 16J, Olrf Chrlsr11 Sl11finn, _ Nrw Ynrk , N. Y. 10011. Pr1nl PACKAGJ.: fmrn "Any rh1n-'\. Cqow" in Vk. MAl"i~ AVP, R"I. 1111, RPWilfri, ~:lfro. ~1~ rv~. S •r vlnr "'• 111·r J')llln1 lna: It rtry w11ll ·F.:.""·SM"'.Cnnitr loWitl HAPPY ST. PATRICK 'S DAY N• .. ~rl. Ct!M , r.n~t!I f.1eM, rnn1r11r1nr,, LA>• • us lld\llllf' ~ flo..-rr ."ohnrr,, "'"1or.hf_I._ ynu. r>rrnro111nr ~VAJl11ht,. ,oilt Se<-"y.PuN'huin.E -S55(1 May your fife be filled wi~h iha mrocis _ _ F:xrr. SN-'y-AnA.hf'!m to S700 Pl"!OAJ.EM T'rl'gn11n<'y. CA11-LOhi: Rlut J>"rakee! f.sf)f'rl .l11p1111f''"' Giirrlrrlf'r 12~00 PM. Pf>1n(rif Cnlor. 516 S"'"Y io;PAni'h hflplut SliOO hdr•nt, I)' n1 p II' hf' I Ir RJ-.:WARO Co111 pll'll' \'11rd N-rvu.-e \I'. IJIJh l-i't., CM. 846-0571. Sf'1"y f'rr~nnrr S5.5(1 l1'""~n11tk'Y Mu11~,.hna:. All(lr. • • 6-4.).-010. • • ('1111 :J<l6--0124 R nl .A nr \·1.:t.'llPr Chlll"j:;I', Cr. Clrrk-~Jo!lipllll\ s,,r,oo during KELLY WEEK nnn Ii: Adf!Pllfln re!. AP· r..1"1•f'Hnmrn1~d By ·r11k11l.ll r A I NTING' ln1,.r/~x1,.r. Mgr C'11mt'rll -S1.-r~ $58:) C'Al"!f-:. M2-4~36. Nurltl'f1-.,: ... -.• : •. f'rr,.·,.:11:1. \\1~11~ . 1,1·11!lhM Ii mlMr MM Rrcrpr1on[s1 S~?> and evermore ,-1-rOnoLlcs--~,-,..-,-lY-""'_"_" I j[J•J GEN. YAni CIP11.nup. Nr " r"r111rs .111 pr11·,,~ you cfln 11.l-P. ·r, Typi~• .~'2 . .lO hr _ KELLY SERVICES f'honr 542-7217 nr wrtle P.O. _ Instruction_ . !11wn"'. l!prinkltr,, in~l;rillf'rl fort!,' f'ree e.~L Re I a •• r . T. J'1C Bkkpr-Lilg S.1.51'1 hr K~ll'i Girl Kelly T ec;~nic.al Rm.: 12%\, COllll'I f..f•.'!11 . ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;:;.; It repi11rl'l1. 1"rtPs It. "'hrull"' _,_,_,._1_1 .. _._~-----I' C Btlokketp!"J S7111') Kelly M•rl.:efin9 K.Uy l •bor I..__, ... _ .... ·--~181 I Ivy ,.-h11·pPd flr t"er1\()YM . No W.tJ!tln~ Ll>~lll SrN'e"w"p"'oRT S61lfl+ ~·· t>.ij2~~ Thea trical 580 ~r~~~i-ll:J3.i * WAL LPAPE R * ____ O_R_A_M~A---· I • Rllh"a Lllv.·n Serv1rP • Whl'n you call "1'1ilc·· Person nel AQancy ,-+!} • U • ) • C n rn p I" 1,. l.Jh•,.n -~111n· 54.li·l•fM 646-1111 833 Dovar Dr., N.8. /~'7~·~":,..~-~~c;'=~~~~~-c-~7.~-;;:=:I CI Alii!"J< lnrmlna:. :.ire Ii thru Hi. TerhniqlJf' in ).10T!ON rlCTURf:S, T.V .. J, rnt<I· MERCIAl..S. Lin11t,.r1 rnr'flll· trn11n~. llwri•. Cnmmere1al ,.. P.ATNTING-PAPE:R"'iN"(; 6'41·3870 Help W•nt ed, M &. F 71 0 Help Wanted, M & F 71• > nr /\pr~. f.~2.-2()6.~. lntprinr f,,xt~rlOr Found (free •ds) lSD t"OUNO m.111• r on rt J •, rnenl hy w•ll-krlfl\\'11 rrn. 1·1l11ri":Oa l lll11r k, alx>ul 6 11\0., /f'l\ll:ir,ruiJ Cn11 rh. Nf:"'MRT \w1n1ty 1'.!nif iintl N'"'fll'lrl 6EACll. 1714 1 M~:"..17 . Rh'll, Co~I~ Mr1111. 616-2:"167. ~hooli & Jllr;i~p r11ll f.t trlentify. instructions 57.S RI .AC'~ r11hhi~11ppr;,·~ )n hr ---------- ,\'Ouru:. h1111 whirr ri p 11n •~ch lrnn 1 p~11 . Fnv11rl :l/J;. nr. At111 rn!I l'lt'l'iflo\. Mr'!R Vf'J'dP ~rPll , '.!jl!}j r en1))11 , C.M. :H;).-77111. fOUND. whil,. (;" r m II n Shcphf'rrl · ~.vmoyM mix. fn1I. Ha' h11tl pupplf'.•. 71~ \\'. M11ple in 0 r 11 n 11: r . 11.19-.'4'.YI. rNn-. -A~i11.n .~ rnn!', rm L Harl 7 puppil'!'l. Vlr. 17540 \l/11lnu1 St. F.V. EASTEP. & Summrr VRf'll· lion. Srhon! nPt'd~ 1·!111;~ 11 rlrlvrr who "onrk~ w,.JJ 1,1•/chilrlr,.n ;r12r.~ I: -IO. 646-3706. [ ................ J~ Accounting EXT', ,J11pan•~~ C:arfif'nf'r. l.1r. lnr. l;Uj1pu11rf'd Comrilrte Ya r ti .\t1110-1c;\11 H;uiis f.42-45511 1r na11cr. _r ree l'S!. 6-1;:,..{)347.l INTER 1i_ Exrr:r p41inr :lil.'i-;.100. . .~ . ~ lllj?. _ -L1r d It In.~~ Rl'fs. P.ra.• . 1""™1M'l'IP" \i11 intt'l1Arl<'e rii lP~. t'ret' e'SI. Olu('k. Ry .T11p1111CY {;;irr\pnr r li'l:'l--Ol\09. Rt'~ldrnri;:il-CnmmPrNal ~-------p A INT I~(;_ H O .JIJ 1-: sr ___ *_:_R_:c47..:2f144 • CJ. F'. .<\ .'Ii. f;[JARANTf:ED GRF;F.N .l\.fA~fON v.·nrk . Licensed &. l.nsw·ed. (;11rrlf'nlns;:_ f.t Yarrl Miiin-fl7S-.l74Q. !r11a11C"f'. · JOf! EI mer, ----~·------- fi4? J ll7 !YOU suppl)'.!hf' pA J nl. __ ..-_.___ ___ Rooms p11 lntf'fi SlO f'il,, Also AL'S [.;r1nrl~r11ph11:. Tr I! e Pxrer1ar. Cl'lll f"l'I0-70.16. ;:mo~""' ,_l'lrrl rPmilrlrl1nJ::. PArNT1Nr.~~l~ I ra_sh haul1ns;:. lo! ,.l~;inup. j:;uArn. Color !< P .. c·f II I J s I f',_pp.'.'...~r spr1~1~l~r~6~. ~42-4?J:6, ~T-l-4<1!. C OST A-'MESA 5~82 1 PROf'. p,.Wttlng ihd rnnr~. Newport Rt·h-LllJrUM Niguel ACNlU!ll. rt'il. Lir l: JOS.: COMPANION (flr f>irlPr1y 1;r"11 .t l)pportun!ty for hi~hly lllrl.ll. LilP hio;kp'i.1~ & r:ook - mnt1valPrl. h1~ht7 llk1llffi init. Mu:oil hllVI' 11wn ('Ar It .'i:f'('rPl;rl r_v 10• ~~r.k 1nto brollfl• ;rihlf' 10 f1 tiVf'. &flarv OfM"n, '•r ?P~pf'U\1"11h1ht1t!I 111 la~I · Rrr'.A l'rr(rl. ~· 1t'14ci. p111·,.rt Nt'1,1•pnrt Rt'1H'h 11d· -- v•rti.!linJ:: iigrn<",v. Rr11in~. Contr oller to Sll,500 ini1ia ti vP. Ii. sh ·rf'QtttrM: Df'grPf'r F:DP r '(l"Jf'rlrncl'. Call 833-1670 Rl'lf"ll:·alf' lo Lii~ VPtR• A /P CL-ERK.STENO-C11llrMr11. Sch,r,:irtt C.~n'1 nfc. rl11ti,.~. he-1.1·v Air p ·" ESTCI LAIH . · rr.~nnnl" ftf'fley It phonP Mnt;rirt~. Sh nr ....,.~ IV 1.11 D NR rl .. 1 . ., .. . "l'f·• "~'" 1 r .. , Sf'Pf' wril ~n~ prf' n . _nul 1 rlfll Ma-2770 nl'c. Sr;rirf1n2 &II. S42;i, f\rar --_ ------__ n.<·. A1rpn1;1 . Call ~1 rs. COOK, EXPER. PP!l'r~on, .\i7-7~.i0. P timP. MuJ<I hf' r lf'an k ANSUlERING ServiCT, u:prr nr~I. A~ply_ in .~r!W'.ln onl.v. f'" " , 1 " f Suri l.i S1rlo1rc, ..,_q,;o W. Co11sl pr!' n. "u no flN'f'~~. 1•1Ull H N R · ~ hi' ii hlP rn 1~·01·k an.1• hnur~. wy .. • · · C;ri tl 6-1&-JIOOO. COOK, E-XPER. .AN"tni:, 8kkpn11;, T:n<P!I, l.Jlwn ~lfWi•ln~ &-}'TM ""'t .. 64.'~:i191 . f'in.:tnt'il'll ~itmt!I. Re11.11. .Comp~ ~rv1r• -----,.. ........................... ;:Si\uc·f' Cook w/f1nf' rf'llll'lurant ' "NO-. "0 -1" y,11-, .. -•. ,:-. 17-•hi.,---c~':__:""""~54=26~•---J----C _. . ~-. P ROFF:S~OKAL f'.:i1n11nt: ,ASSEMB'ERS rx pPr. C11U Chef, J-la.n.~. 002-;a,.1. " " , .,...,... 11Pilllf'.'!:I! ihueT!tn.t: ,.,..rvice• lfl!l'r It Ex!rr Rc11sonallle' ~ M4-1700. St ,, Wr~tm!r1.111rr c.,\1 . S, Appli•nce Repair Al."() Clran-un. >'rPf' r.,.1. I Ral l'.~: !i.17-74"'.';. PPrm. ,,,_ Tl'mporAr)' --Co'---oc-~o--~- Calir. 1~1 N::it'I. &12.-1660 r,r & Parts • 54~29 11.rt ~ PM • All~" m h 1 P "IP r r r l r -COOK-Nursrry School, ~1on, ----------f'ATNTJ NI.. tn1 I.: l'SI .. rf'l'I.•. Mrrh11nir11J devict:'.'I lit .cuh:-lhru fri .. ~ .ctm-1 pm. R,rply _64_.;._m_,_~I~ fi.-c~-~-OiJ<munt Appli.:inrt Repair F.XPER ,Japiinr!'ir C:ilrd~r riifP"ii, 'work ~11\fntrl : ·l..clcal 11.~Sf'mhlil',. I n I ,. r Pr P t '!fl ClllSf'ifi!'rl "rl no, l~. SNIALI. y ni;: Iii!' Rrv.•n {jnj:; -\\11111h,.r, lirv. ,._r, Dis hwashrr, Cr"mpletp yr1 J<rr.•1rP. Nrl'lr rrf.~. lir. Phil. !l9'1-86!H. ".'·'1-~rmh°ty rt r'11 w I n I:". r/o, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box f'nunt! l\.1arfh ll!h V11• J, RPli11. f'rrr "-~!. "42-i.1~. --~ -.;;-...-'h,-. · · Oispns11I E!r. r·rrr F.~1. -------f'Ar?\'TINu /. J'<\t't;t11rll. SPf'rif1r;riiifln prin!J<, p;arlJ< J.16(), Co.'lta ~f';;.a, ~21i26. Orang,. &_ rril_ Pl., 22;,1 f'dJ.A:R/rN'f'f':f;o ----...-5<11\.fifi!J4 JIM"S-Garfipninz. C'Omp!Ptf' 111 ;,..~ i.n H11.rhnr,~l'.f'll. {..ir ~ li!'lt. 1 Yr. prrvi(lull f'lf'f'fr'fl cOQKs:-;.;(~;-ovrr-iT Ora~_•_Av.'.:.,~_M_~· ___ B•bysitting l11wn J, yard carr, clranup~ .. hnn~Prl. flPC:o> rurn. 6-j2-2:l;;f;, mPrh11n1r11! 1111J<*':mb!y "XJ>t'f'.. rli&h\\a~her. Colony Kitr~rn. fo'ND IOjitf'lhl'r: Srhn11t1~(1t I, -"-·_'-_Yii"l_:____ Sol rlPnn.i:-tr_rhnlQtrell, 27142 Or1r.g11. H~·y., Sitn rnorll• frmillr.,_ Vi r . In-CHILD <"are t'!Xperil'nced & PROf'!-:S.!-ilONAI. Pla st•r , Patch, .R.ep air Juan Capi,.fr;u'lfl. Apply in 1/ianapoh~ J, Rctl Rlvr1. li.B. d~Pftnd11.ble: w.er.krlay.'I. , Jn-J11p11ne.~f'! GarriPnlng &-rvirP · --TELONIC pc!'son he-I. 2 p._n1 . k 6 p.m. ;,Jf4751. --• f t 5 J . freP "lit. * M6-0i19 *PATCH PLA.'ITE:R.TNG __ ~-----11 n '" yrs ..• unches k ,11 ry~ ,. "'•m•t•• INDUSTRIES INC. CPLE."olrirr. "'"" rlc;in 11 .,NO G & hit rl II kl snR"k F' o ~ Off EXP JI ' C. --' • ,..-,·· rrt' · " '" " r rry w r I) y •• . ... "ll. P.nCt' )'lln•. . . l'IWJlllUUl . •A n 1rnrr c !I ...: ~.,. unilll. r .M. JT."1)..2 Rr hott.~f' rrn. V1r. llril I.· (;nlr1rn ~n Dirgn F"·;v. nr So, C.ompll'll' gart!cnif),I: SIJ!rvicc 11 ~ ~·1 Lagun• &e ecl't + s~ mo. No yrl wk . lilf' ~~~~LR. 1117-.olfi04 • Cot1.~l .Pl111i1. ~6-14117. 'h'.ar:iall1.11i. f..lfi....1616. Plum~lng rrp;riir~. RPf'i; rf'q'ti . Nri. fF;MALF. r.rrm11n ~h!ophrrrl ~tmaking Exprr. L~wn r11rr "t, ~;CONO R!'lOf"r sf' r ,, 1 1.,.. Jo.;q11~l 011pnr. ~nipl,..yrr Pf'!~. \Vritl' RMm 104, 1107 pupp,1-"lf'fll\~r. Vir . of hauling. ~·rt'I' t'!l1, noiini'I 0,...n~rl S.'1. M~itl E. Chi!pm11n, Orang~. G 1rl rn A n!lw~r f)hclllf' A. Lii:ht M>rtelo11n11I work LAruna ReAch 4~161 or 54>.W.'t G£RL, .16-:1>, pl-timr. 'Rl'atf m11 il ~ tyP" IPttt'n lor blind man. !"1:16--6666 GIRL to v.-orlt rttimr tn ~h mar~('!. Mullt tM" 11bl!' to "'ork Sat k Sun.· "45-1058. GIRL for li11e-ln aec'y- housrkttP.tr fnr tn.veling- husines.!lm11n. 64P-:156ti. GRAPHICSr r o rl u r 1 Ion A~~i11111n1. Ne;ril, t'le11 n It fA.S l ~/p1u1~ Ill'~· Alt:rl uU ,.-rarr~r •n work w/min. 1"1uJX'r:v1~inn. Jerry, 1n.4) 642-~~2 . G~U~A~R~o~s~. ---I PATROLMEN p,.rm11nrn1 i'l!'l.'i,R"nm,.nl. C.M. 11rr11. Mil. PXp. ft!'~irA91P.. Full It pact tim•. Prtom. pay. Lile in!I., Rori11,, Po11.irl vac. Appl~· Suilf' (; :,21 No. GrAAd, S.A. HATilDRESSER Sa n Ju11.n C;ripn. Xlnl npporlunify Nrw Sa.Jon. 49l-0040 Mu~I hAvP knnwlPrigt' in (l'il11· minll It rPIAINf ill'm!I. Man- at:rri.11! nppnrtunitir.~. Salary plu.!I hnnu.~ k l't'nf!fil!I, C11.ll ht'!wrr n 10 I :; :.."'1-93'5."I .. Pl c· ·.•o ,,711 CUSTOM Cabirlf'I Makini;: k ••• ~,, ' AU-T O . .,rypr ·• • ..M . ,..,,....,, · * "'1":'~'"' .-: 1inl'i'I min. S12.;-.,o. 1'rrvirP • DAY man, f'xpt'r. in minor Nllmf', .4ftt1M.o; ... , Zip, r11lll".rn -------~ Ro111 Wnrk. Pa~. Room SALESMAN •'''"'""'· ~MALL whilr f!"m. rtoi::. \•ic _,_.. "-~ Z1 LA "'N, service, Pxpcri€'ncf'<l rhf>:. S.1.:ill. M~sll"r C.hri:. "t™"-itp. Union Sraf1on. 3928 A.,1111. f'N'I' 'Est. U"f0-5 9. E C N ~ F; o !. J.: ( n A ~·T 'i2•. 111 H11m iltnn k Pomnnii, -ii rid rel I 11 h 'I t . t'ref' RIA. Rlue Chip Stamps. i~·~°"""'-'~H=wy~·~·=C=d=M=·~~- HO.~ESS. daytlm«, hr .s 11 :.lO rn 2. Apply in pe~n. Bf'lw«-n 11 a..m. k 11 ·pm. Rlat'k Kniihr. llO £. 17th S1 ., ('.M. :148--04,JJ. ( C•r pet S•rvic• 012 rr'IX'hP1 . knll, Plr. frrr -~l._:qi}2--0AA:'I. _ ...... ~ · "~rrm1llP:or. 96.\.-l ; 1_:--..'19-:\161. 1•·;rinlrd hy ""''" R~1V.' Oea1,.r, DENTAL A11sistant. F.:<p'rl rl irrrtionic. :ti rpnf~. f'NO: Sm::ill whl iflni;: w11\'y JOHN'S Ci:11·pr1 .it UplWJIJ<rrry !'AVE On hOmr rPpair.~. FrrP Sri! NP" It llllrrl C11r.i:. Pr•-f'hl'lirsirfr. Orlho<lontlr of--H-OT-EL Maid. Will train, A~ Ganeral Servlces t h • 1· H R h ' Nfo'.W! .1n,.-111 n1 ,\t11rr11n•P . h~iff"rl rioz "'lt::in "'~1!1 It Cl t'11n"r•, E x 1r 11 P,.I . Roofing: plumh. p111n1. "r !Tllln ~·11 impnrtru r11 t ire. nlgn c 11rea , P}.i• rn pf'rM!n. Lido !'horei, R11~1r, l11~y knnt'!I, ~I· ritrll. lJ"IOk.'1 like Cnck•r Drj.io;l)Ampon ~" ~nlrh· Pl.UMBfNr.; C 11 r P,. n 1 t ."; \n~liilllllionll, h~uhnA;. Wnrk PXf)f'ril"nr~. SmAll :V.!r!'l 962--240.i. 1>17 Lldo P:trk Dr. N.B. rern.c. ii. .lip11nirl. 54~4J22. gu;rirrf t ~il RPtardantl!l. Gion'l Hr,mp Rrpair. Yllrrl .iru11r. ll1!l--Oli'2, f'r,tTI', i:::rwvl 1,1·n1•k1n.i:: N">nrl i-DF.NTAI. All.~isranl, 2 )T!I ex-HOUSE~EEP~. . , , p. • "'11 1' Ari I H 11 i r I ------"-• 11 I .;...._ hfl~. Cont;rirt Roh Crf'1•1rr -r.r-... •• '"· " P ,, (;RJ.'.AT 011nr · P11ppy • .\.4 "-"'grfllSl'tll 11 t'flnr "·ork Ii 'T'rPP "Rt'mov11J , ft HR . Pl•imbin<> I.· periPncl". X-ray!!, in11urirl{'t'. J' F · 'h ('rfl<'hf'I • OYPJ' 26 rll'11i2n~ n1 I 2 hrighteneMI ! 10 rninu1e. "" ,.. "' 111 Crrvirr Mnrnr~. '2l'.lll \\1. C "~I""" on Y-r i. fri '" Ml. WM.ti mo.~ fllr1. V r. .1rt! f.t • !l11ulinS?:. C111J J ~ r r y , F:1t'rtrical Rf'p11ir '· .,_ os1a Me;<111 . .....,... oo~. ..,·in<low~ Ortf't' a ·mo. lmn m.11k,., Sl , Or11n2r . C .M ,2m Su7.11nna hlf'ilch ror white ciirp1>r~. ti"'6--!t7:16: · 61~·275:1nr'1>42-1401 .. ~r Strf'f't, ~n•-". An;i. DRAPF.RY -CARPF."T .occA11ion111Jy. Musi ht> ln~111nt .,,.,,.. ..... Rook -rl. .l41L'l7:l:!. $.:tv11 your mnnPy h.v ,111•i n1: TOTAi S"RVICES_CO__ P l U""INr.-n· "~P -IR.:.-Jtt'\..::171. F:-;...,.r · rlf'N'lr111or 'Y"" ~.:;· lhoroui:h. S2.:il ""'r hr. C11Jt lr~rn hy p1rture~! P11r1rrnio;. ----------111r Pxtrii lrip"'· \\'ill clt'an ~ · r: ~· ·. · ·"I' 1 • r. A Aulo •· '" ,~ ,~ · ,,.. SI. -~'OUN O Whitl' SI. Rf'rn.<1rrl. livinJ:" rm., <lining rni. & tl.umhe.-P~1nri::-C~l"pf'nll)• N<ijflh ~.s~~h DETAIL MAN • ~n ror ilrlivt> lllnre. Xlnl 841-1987 hrtr nnnn e r ('001plrlf' ln~1 11n1 lllfl R•lflk ~;;n ~~la Mf!sa 541-~17, h11JI $1:'1. Any rin. i 1.:io, 2:'P_::._~_:~~r -ln~~·JROO. --~~2-.~1~~---_[)rf;ril) V\\'".11, l)lll•I he rxrrr-_l'lr11w .-+~n1. 4!!2·2254 Mi-a;)!)6 llf\ ,l pt(!.~ -mnrl' fh11n 100 iill~. -SI. ___ r~tu•h SIO. Ch11ir $:i. Jj yr~ .. TllJNGS hy MooMP, Lt . r)e('L. COLE P L UMBING IPn("f'rl, niu~I flll\'f' knflwl-E x per1•nc•d M a r i-,;-; HOUSEKF.F.PER----o;;r. C'omplrle .4 f,ch11 n ~k -l.IT'J'LE l.11 hr11t1or PUJ>PY. 1111 rxr i~ wh11.f l"(lunlll, 1n1 phunh, rf'111·P , lilf', inlllln!'l., 24 llr. servirr. r..1~111'1 f'rlj:;"• of t1rJ11-il)ng .• App\y in ~aintar. Apply, in per· Livr -in Pvl. rm 1' b•. $1. hlArk. 111111,,, Vir H111•bnr & 1nPthorl. J rln 1,1·ork my~elf. ca/"Pf'tllry, pa int. $45-()1!20. Roof' Pf'fJ;On only. -· son, Rl'autiful hnme G1l-~. t-~~I CA N'.LWD RJ(__ 111 Jlirr~'. Rur ~""'"~ -!"Ilk·. Vietori11. llJJ-l ll~. f ;oort rrf. '.1:\l...()101 _ CAnPF.NTnY ~r : 1 n 1 1 n7 . ing;_ Or.Ja_n.Qe.:Al.rt.o.:.Salt.s BASIN M_AR IN E H-o l f S-E K"1o·~1-1ER" ~:::-. • n r ... 1;, 01 12 . .ctlze....A.lchanJ1. . .+i1':f-i;.M'k=;;,,. t<·•--t-;-~E*M~-.. r ClrJiiil"""'. t'PnrPnt-:-n-mn11*'r PtC"'."'"Si'ffiITT'r ·r:_ c,u_,; 'R.mfin<". · ..-,.;i ,Fff'PYAR":u..,,>=--+~ .. ='n1on1, Pritct1r;ril Nun;e~ • FULL T IME ? Ynu <'lln r11rn $!<WI tn S2f,fl 11.'l'l'kl.v p1111 tin1r Ii sfi!J kPrp lhAl 1mpnr!An! JOh RI llflmr 11~ wifr I,, n1fllhl'r. Rf'rnmP io SYMRRA"f:TTf: ru~tnm­ fillr<I hr11 1'fln.~111111nt~ ii J1 • ~1'1ll-~'.!il:t11r i21."lt 7'l~-1~2 1'l t ,,,._..,.-""''" I -;r -'" 10021 G11rdrn Grov1> Al.. (;.r.. -· · '"'n ~-1·l11 "·IP.~~. vir Lllgun11 Cyn. prof. Satisfa"r tion xu11rn. iii joh.~ ok. Allh 641H>44~. Olrrr!. I d'l n},\' O\\'Q \o.'ork. ---...-129 Bayside Dr. LivP...in Or nut. f.rod P11J ifll: Q11llt ftMk 1-tfi p11t1rrn11. :ii Rd. 4~7:tlll. lo11·p:<.I prict'S. f'rer r.~t. 64~27/l(I. 5-18-9.'iOO. AVG $.'i hr ' -Shnw S11.r~h New port Bea c h .Jn~. J..:mp!oyl"r Pay1 F'•I' i·rllHJl, lost 555 962-0672. Hau ling I Sew ing/Altera i'i~ns Ceovrnrry Jewrlry. Nn in· --------H1>11.lth " . ~~Amily Can! ,\111't1111n1 Qulll """'" i -~ii '\!hi, eollei'r .• rtr t!~iv. Min.j • EXPERIENCED e A_i::,.ncy, 1805 No. Broadway. 1i'nt~. \\Ill,!. hnynn mnrnl'l'yclt> 111ho Carpenter ~fAUl .• rNG. Clran-uii, lf1('11J ~~ L~" 2{1_ 1!97-:t1196, .li46-94.1.~.1 MARIN~ ~ECHANIC S.A, Quill• /nr Tl>ft11,,·'• l,h ·lnr -rnun<I p11r~r in Iron! n( LARGE OR SMALL movr", exp"d co I J ,. 2,. O~ESSMAK 1 NG l'!l7-K"l64. Apply in prrson Mi~l 1:1 hr"utiful pallr rn~. ,'JO CnJ<t.:i MP:c::i Ari Crnlrr All TypP~ \Vnrk; Cur rlonrll, .!l!u<IPn1. l..R. trurk P..r11. & -BAm'SITTE'R. nr1>rlrt! f)('.I B11~~n Marin". lnr. ~H=o·-u-~s=E~KE=.,,,=,.~.~R-,-,-,-,-,-,-. i·riu~. plr11!'<e rf'lurn 111 lf'l\SI rhe Pi\ fl" 1, rrmCll'i,.I. fini,.h, : ... 'W-JM6. ALT ERAT IONS <"ll!lion11lly ·In my hrunr .1 ,1;~~ys1clt' Tlr.Nr11.·pnrl Rrh Wiriower 'fl// 2 s IT\ i Ir -GUA-R-ANT EED-T O-papPr~ & Pf'r~MI lrl'm~ fr;rin1p, r·ppair,-, f!lr. 962-196J. Yard, garat:r. r I e ~ '! 11 ~ ·• • Sprri;rilize in \\lrrtt!int:.!I. E\'f'nifl2": t!AY.!I or 11evPrAI Factory_ chlldn>n. you'*"r womM LOOK INCREASE f'l"lnt;iuw1'1 11\errin, Or ,.,.,n. CU~M ·woor1work Panrl· Rl'm<lve ITf>f'.~. dirl, tvy. QUICK SERVICF:~-· t1ay11. 642-8009. EDLER · INDUSTRII-:S INC. f'M'fd . :J<1~121 or :1113433_ ~~ ~·~.:i~~~~~o0~~:!e:~i~ BUST LINE _ ~;~7~~·ner ror 1~w11M. ~,~· ;:o~;caDu~:"·h:~:::: -~j_i~~n e .r ~ b~kMe.[~ ~~~~~f"~~f~ oo~v1 ;~;: t~riJi . 1~~~~N rori'~N~~G6 ~~~~~KEZ.E~m _ ~~~: -Rt>11'1 il• unt1Pr S25 Nn ,.xrrrlSf'. 1·rram 11r cvm GRF:Y lrm;rilr r11r , 6 n1n·R fi75-7R1.1. LIGIIT J-tauhn.i:. Yarrl k Alterations_ 642-5845 · CdM aN>a.-.Rrf~. Fi7;....l-160. PLASTIC W 0 R KER S. lkautif.ul l:iome. M2-.9606, Cati IA'll-l)C)N K•thy All', Cutfom B;.t 11111, hu11hy 111 il. Ln~I \\'rrl . --fi11r11.2P Clraf)..up &. Y11rrl Nr;rit, llr.r.uratr. 20 vrar~ rxri. BOY S TAPf. WRAPPINC, COM--- .1:91..0771 nr 7i.":O. 141J C111l \\'lLSON J/l.l/72 "t Mcrlirprr11nean EXP. Rernndrlini;:, rahhlt't~. C111'P lmrl).,.Sl.i !J'lfl. :148--0112. • • · ·• PRF.SSION MOLDING It HOUSEKEEPER -l' 11 r f l-;======::lli==t!~"'~'~-O~n~1 ... ..;"~':.. ... ~'~-:0~.1~1;::1~ Vill112P nr lhf' ('flrnrr nr rrpair.c. n111 in1. F urnilure TRF.F.-\\1-:-k-t f ir Tel•v1s1on Repa ir A2e 10-14 t(l rlt'l 1vr:r pa.Pf'r~ :A'SS'E:MBL'' OF . AERO· timt, :\ lla.y11 ~k \n 11 Jlarhtir f.t f'll ir Or., C.M. rPfinishini. Rrii~. f\4&-4224 . • · "'1 • I'll 0 1 ini;:. _ ~n thP. D~r:i;i, Poinl. Si\n Cle-SPAtF: COMPONENT:::. l 'i huron J-fm11.: ~·.v. CAii 11.lt YA RN-N-ST U FF MiNOR -t.nmf' l"l'Dlli r~. Plum· .v::11·r1 tr11 ~h. 2Ar11.1:P rlran-up. RRIN('; .vour hlk/v:h1 TV . m!'.!nTP 11.r,.11~. APPLY JN PER:::ON, ZlOl 7 pm, 9li&-0!49. • Knit-C•oche t-Needlepoinf Weavin9·Ma crd me·Ru9 M•king C.:ill fi?;i-59;YI. Movr & haul. M~5863. w .. fix 11 for $20 nr Ir.~~-Ex. DAI LY Pl LOT •.. -,.,-,,-,-, ----h--1--hini;: -riirp!"nrry -p11 intini:; , OOVE ST .. N.A. {11cms11 HSKPRS F:mplyr pa.ya ftt. "' , . (. •• I !I nu t1 ,;ay -roofin~. Call~. GET rirt or th11r· unlligh!ly r!url ini: picturr I.: mi ... ll!nt: or ._'.!!'l4120 /t'flm 0 .f . Airpnri.~ fof'OrJrP Allen Byland A,cen- Vnrr1. f'ln trolrl rh11in 111----trash k dchri~. nea.~. r111r~. hrokrn P'lrtJ. 9S2-J59.1.· CASfl rN on rut)'rnt TV ,.,._ 1116-B E.· 16th S.A. liirhPri 11) l11r,l;'.e 1·r.cl n11Hy C•ment, Concr•te ---------FACTORY: S. An::i won<! Frcf' f:si. ~~2ll. . * BLAINF:'S TV * . P,ublicity! Yflt,1 r:11n_. h_ero_m; P•-""",I• pl•nl h•• -,,,,,, ~·~ ,,~....._ P"""drr-puft !YPf t.1111. u,~1 -__.__, , -l_ .......... " .--_·_~:_:_"~'"o",~'·=~·===~-in ro~r11 Mr~A . Plf'Rse ~all F'Rf:E 1rlr11~. 11r1v1ct 11™1 Hous•cle a ning Sr1viring All Bi'11nrl" 11 SHAKLEE D1~lr1nutor. nprnin~.!¥-tull t. p/time. HOUSEKEEPER. •.11tim11lr~. All T ch~rir for Authori7..t'rl Ma_c-n111'n.x NO\\', 1,1•/NO 111.ri;:r in-Will TrAin. j4{)....0036. L' · "'!;'>-2.1·12 11/trr " r.rn. OOMf-.. s·ric·. ,., k 0 ,. 1 ~ ""•· ,11 , "T 1v1>-1n a rla..v:or. English H ---i11 11 hl'~utirul jnh ~• 11. rrAs. ...or . w n "nown l)r ,~,ne~I)' . ....,-. . 11 "' m r ~ 1 omorrnw~ k" OURS l 0 .. 5 LO.c;T: f'rnrtlr minilllltT'T\ pri('P. "'i;l-:.,07.l t r II fl~ p 0 r 111 Ii ... n ' F:s-r·r -Produr•~ f'o~' Thf'' Con-FAST Growinl:' Comp;ui)· .llpea lnJ:;. Plf'3M.nl Wfttkin;t « ' MON SAT .~!lvrr t:r~y 11111.JP. A fl ll' -------• . Pf'ri"'l{·t'<i. Goort r·rff't"l'nCC~ I. . l'f'rrl<'rl or Tnrl~y." Polu-rlt'E'rl .. ~ . fi-R Women Im· mild. ~~·~l.iO-c. ~--- ' ·' "' "Snonflt'r"". Cll1lrl1·rn.c pr-1, CEl\.fEJ\'T WORK, r10 JOh 100 · 542-1617. CF.RAt\11C ril,. fl!'"' ,(. tifln...fo,tl"P · Cll'Anf'r~. t.ov11e ~l'_{fdiatel~.:..,.n~=JI : Ni 1 a iNSOMNfACS fnr resl!arr:h Classes Now Form • m11~1 hii\"r h~rk. Vir. ~1r~ii mall, reuor111.ble. Free ~~Clraning Sl'rvire rrmArlrl. rr,.,. ,,.~,. Sm111! (o,.mPfir~. ~·ortrt Suppl•-M gcs ~._.~.. pi'ojec1 on ~leep rli~Mers.. IDg ~ i\l11 r. :l1fi-77M. Estim. lf, Stullick, ~1~~. Ca.rJ)f't.<1. \\'inrinw..:. Flmr rte. joh~ wf'1mmr. ~242fi. mrt\r~ Sin<"f' 1915. 1-'1111 or * F'EMALE -TA.PE SHOP 21-5.l yr'!I. Goon Pll..V far 5 2731 E.111st Coast H wy., CdM 673.5961 $100-R-EWARO--\\'lNTER Raff'!!? Cflncr,.te R!'.!sil'I. k Comm'!. S4S-4ll l. :Jpholst•ry p/1irTir . f'REF: !riunint. HELP: J~j 11nr1 ~10 shill~. ·wk' 11turty. 1111-9.193. e)lt !;)3. ~ (·,,,,,,,,Sh~ ,_ _, ,.. M , ., nonr~. p111Jo~. ti r i 1· es , Call NO\V: 5'1!!-5~1. Some rxperirnrr In r.:ir =>-6PM wkday11. • • ··JlnPrn, •~ .. I"•-• T\VO J;rirlir~, rrliahlf', t!.....,n--.-----s fl I I Rik ''" ~irlrwa.lk~. non. M2-8514. ...... REUPHOLSTF:R NO\V I.· C 'TAI .v.,,~JES-. p,·,, "" tll'Ck J<lllf'S. Mu.~! bf' l'lj[· INSURANCE, SALES ·pay" "11111 r . · --------rlahlt'. Own tran11pnr1a rton ,,, • " Al\.• ., ,. I I~ m1u·k'a:~. f"l.11h1f'.• 1ai::. • CONCRETF, WORK ... f,.12,-26;"1 · : SAVE... C11ll f'U' rrce 'Ofrll'r!'l fr,r f 1tllrr Rn1~h . ~rP~~iY• It kMWlt'dif'llhlt>. LrAm in~ur11rl('p llu.~ine11!1 p/ rerson.tlt I Perion.is J~ ____ 61h-P92!l. LICJ.:N~F:O AND RONDfo:D --;i .:._____ __ -----F:.o:timlltf!. 642-l!IOO. f.!8c11n11 iu'ra. $1.f\.l J)l"r hr + A~k for M11r-Jr11flnr 111: limp f'VP!'I 4 wknds. F.ilrtl . -f)ICK OR \\'ALLY :i-1" 04•:1 Dedic a te d Cle.a n ing -mm. 4-R PM d, 11 y . 1'7!1 E. 17th St. Co1'itl'I Mr~11 wllilt> learnlnc. run fimP LO~ 7 t!oc11 -1 hr112lr lti· ,-., •" rolor J..· J i'Of'kitprn. hlk I.· ~~l~OOR\\r~-;k-k-p;n0;. *\\IE DO P.Vf':RYTlllNC; .. 1 lli•l 496-fi?.f;1 , ~2-7.il1. FEMALE Help Ratuin>rf f;;;. ~'hen quAlifierl with•lltlllrll.n· P erson als ---·--·~~~ tan. l\111lr~. MPs11 rlf'I ,\1'1 r. t1ri~11w~.v~/,~i rlP11•J11lk .t. Rf'f.~. F'rrp r!ll . M6-2R~9 Employment CHILO C11rr ~ f"fl.1, Mnn lighlmachin~np,.rajinn fN'. FULi.\" 1.ll 'EN.<:\~:n Personals • 530 c .t\1. Rr11nu·n. :1'16-61!1~. Lir'rl It honrlrll. f.4~112f'. 't.AOY wAn1~ hfru~rclf'11nin~ thru F'. M w/nPw m1lnuf11rturin2 m. F arm e rs In s . G r ttup R _ _._. H"--' S: I lr I _____ ...:,____ --·-k " t "' r1. .<\lurf' wl)mAn. lntf'f't'~tin" wnrk. xlnt <:nn-540.JB•• M L ' Pnow, ... ,, i..,,u · ri " ua 1"1 • • rRF.N'Cll "' SU'EOISll Bl UF'POINT s · Ch 'ld C ~·nr · r •. \Pf'r. nwn rans. 011·n IT11ni::p. !l61L9110 ::i ft 6 ..... '1"1, r , an1 Spiriru~I Rr11d1111: Cl\l'tl rt:11-\I \Vh : '~ ' -• ' 'iamPllf' 1"11!. I ar• S:l.:'i(l, R47-J6..17,· . pni. t1iriom .G42-lll77. I' 10 A'I 10 P'1 Arl I a.~.~llt:f', ar s y ... u r lf'T'ORI f'yf'rl l f\.1e~ .. Vrrdf!' Income r.. J ob Wanted , Male 700. -,__ -F-~Y COOK-EXP_E_R__ INVEST IN . . ,. -". 11r1> on ...,1.,,,,_. BO'' ••• J' •r • lcn-rl y ' ,. , .... a1-e11. '1 ... " "· ...... 11., -CIVIL Eni:inr!'.!r11-Drsigl'lf'lit. YOUR FUTURE ;i~ 1~~1~1~~~'.~~1 ;;~~. ~:1 :1 1 R'~~oo • 97~1[1!t2 ·• h" t n1,,' I~. v i t'. · S ., .. ~ · S • --· SCRA·M· "LE·T· S ,, O!'Afr~mlln >.1n·1 op-Rl'lia.hlt', ni1P. wnrk. Clr1111•r1tc, ·1!12~~1 .'16 0 I . II D;{ill· Pilot C111ssif1ed A good WAn! 11.d IS • good fi 111 ! ,. r I G fl l t1 f' 11 we s l. ml ey I ax erv1ce ' .. f)Orfunilif'~ .,,.,;n. Counlie~ ll11pl.v ln p,.r.~n 492-~.1 1. I ·\rl. 612-.;678 invr~lmcn/ R~2-2264. --. NS ERS .lr;rirlln.c lltth -"r11vi~ion COLONY. KITCHEN full flr f'l timr. BE YOUR OWN aossr Men or Women • CA.,llC<llN DtC. 11 ~ )~,;,It "t~ 14.11.21 .35 I S-65.75 ~. Al.f.S 1-". :t rl11 y wk . X1n'1 •J~rr11r..:Jl)('Al.l.Y • A' W. f"llJ;l'ill(>er.•.' R11uh, ·Rtln , 3211.H11.rbf"!rRlvri r11rr, 'f)lay raril. Mf"l';ii V!'.!rtit ,._.,.,. .&hrrlule. f'mi:u I. Al!l!n<" \ .16 <.o.~IA Mesa 11r1',11 , :M&-046!1. l\1111Jrrl On Rl'(ftl"I'~ Atwkll' -Rt'hut -lloa'r.v -nochesler, CM. 54i.11z:i. : FiiL L OR PART-T IME \\'.A. io;MtL,.:Y. C.P,/\, Cnhwrb -WORK THERE SALESPEOPLE Le••• A Y elJow Tul C•b Contractor ROOM At!ditions, F.stirnl'ltP~. pl.:in.• k ta,\'t'lUI. s lnJ:;lr or 2 111or.v. I.~ T, Cnnlltn1r tlnn. Jl~1-lfl11. Arlrfition~ • Remorlrlin£ r.t'f\\'lck k Son, Lr;.. 67.~I * \>4~Z17n .I AC I..; T ,11 IJ] A '11"-Rt>f)ll il', rl'mnd .. "ddlf. :zn yn t>xp, l_.!r'd. M,y WAy Co. 547-ll036. Elect rical EtF.n'RlCAI. WORK. All kind~. Rig llr llmAll Llc'd "' In~. t'rA' e!'t, ~&-0211. ~erdening COMPLETE L111vn J.. aarrlttnln;! 51'rvicf'. lh11tllf\R J. clN~up .• ltm. ~g..(W),'t, .JAPANESE GART"IF:Nf:R- f:xJ)t'r. Fre't E~t • :v'l'\.7.17:t • 6.12-2221 Anylimr Mf;.%fih l';v;i rlrivrr'J< ~tory: "Aw,... CLERK T YPIST Exn!Uent Mmmissinn sphl. CLARK k TClnrr T 11 x m11n jumperl into my eA~i 11.nrl PerMnnrl. Tyf)(' 50-60 Nf.:l..SON REAL F:STATE. ~r.·~. 24 YF:AR.<:\ f'Xp. in ~irl: 'To lhl" mo11.lrrnity bo.-· I::XECUTTVE ~1.~ll;,. 16\11 Bol~Chic11, arl'~ PM'll(lnal l!f'h'ia In 1111111 .• Ynu.rton "r hl'IVI' In .hur· rERSONN'F.L AGENCY llunl. Brh.' .""llr. homl'. ("All lor 11.ppl . f".\", 1 ju11r .WORK :rJIERE'," 410 \Y . CM~I Hwy., NR ru=-LL~-P-/-T-,·--•. -----1 A!k lo• Herm•• ~uili-II ' -6<1~271fi ~ "" ms::: m 1 • -· ;.t!>---77:l."i, ll~ward Cl.11rk k RESPONSIRl.E young ,rn~n trrw>., no ~p. ne.r . iiiiiioli ... Oi;;;ii;iiiiiii ... iiiol ,lflhn T11nrr, "''=infg \\tt.k·rnrl \\or.I<. p;r1 1n. SA. J Ary IC n m m. FuUer · nttrl • b COMRO Cook l ·W11.lll"f'11s, p R.n FE s~c;J 0-N-A l. Tax tuit IW" 11.ny JO s. ~~Pf'I': Apply Rit:hAni'll Cot-Rn.i sh; !162-Mllt ~,.rvice in !hr ririv11r.v r,f f;42-MZ2, Ask fnr Grr.ll'.__ ,,.,. Shop, SOR Man, lfR F1JU. timt «XP ~f'rvire ~13 . \·nur Mmt--fo1ns! $ I 5 . ~DF.N'r n""'111 "' n r k Mir N'tdM~ Chevron Sra. ~1 j .. ~. fH!l'l-tinll'_. .~. ~8 u 1 b r u C 0 M M ER. C 1 A L Ar1 iJ<t 2'".'' ~ •• , Hwy •. &JC. "I W1tnlP11 . G<li:.it opportunity, ~--~--~v"=':C..--'-----TNCOMF: T11x Rl't11rns Ry f'ridflY. a,ller l2. 6<1.4...f~ _ Rl"u~h lt-tlrring i ~~fP-Up Grot'r11J Offil:f!' Puttlic Arrt, Rr11~. Hnme or J ob W anted, F•rriale 702 "~"'rn1111 t: Srnrl n ~ t ii i I,. n Glamqro u 1 Spot S475 Off)No . .i4()...,r,.i26. NEE~ hf-Ir ·"1 hn'me? ~ rt'llum,. ,,.. Clfta!dfird 11<! .. rn. 8f' 001 fronl in fhl"Jlf' .J anlforiaf hAv• Airtcs • -Nur"i~• • ~ r/n Dl!ily Pi~1 . P: n. cori:i1•01.111: 11.tfi~io;. A t'hllrm· fRVlNE PERS°'"'1El_ C Bml I~. eos1 ... Mf!~A . C11. '"lit pcrl!On wlll Slf'p into kry SERYICES ~:A.GEN::v APT., OffiN' t'lnJ:". Cpt. llnu!lrkrrperf • .omp11n· .y~ , , h 1 , r inn~ • J(TI011'1ll,lll.k~S -LJ~ !14l.>'"· -.~pn\ rlf'alJl'IJ' "'II pllOJl f' t4.' !ihAmpooina:. flnor' !ltr!pj)f'rl ;lo -66S C0,\1MUNA I. r!l'n!1tl of c. lr'TI('fir11~~ hanrl in ll'if' off\N',, Ll'i;: .. $1'r:.'y /Cll la111 In S700 & WAXl'd, ''""" rst. j1~2-199R. hn, !';47. 1. rl . Id Call 1\18.r!On M;in·n. A.t'-2700. Co•I Cl•;k ·~+ E .~r&RIENCEO ·IN ™'" ~ ~u n~ P'nrtn "' rn-'-' ....,.,.., lands c•pln'g OO~IESTIC \rnrk Sr~ch 1111 nf~ t-~P-front k. hack. nrnni~ & Ol"nnil( Perginnel SPcr ttllry to S.'125 M,. rl 11 A. t Iv ~. r rl'111;ivf' Airrnry, 20~'2 ~flchel~n Dr., Gcnel'\1 Offl<'f' S.QJ * LANDSCA P I NG * AN"•!! nleu t'. ~-}..."6il) CRll 1r,.i:r11ir1o11n ' l1ff' 81ytr <mly. lrvll'W", Jo'rrf' 1t~tt P~ilimis New l11wn, l'prlnklrr ll flrr t ,,. ~AA' GENER t' o 'f ICE "' r.. 171h 1•1 ll'Vlnt:t CM ___... _ -· l;><o-1 "· ,.. A ~ F · , N.ft '>('!' Call for Apl'l 541·1311 _, ;-..~l-444#1 O>'J'ICE f!clp! il'mpr'lr1'rv' f.t1r.10"°. lmmrd .ning. 642·14}0 GAllOF.NTNG-SEnVICt=; -.~LANO-SCA .. PING.. .Al\.\' ii ~untln~ 1111xtt, .t !<'. 11'11 • httf!7r . .ttll ynur r.x·ptr. raJ'd. 646-n72. Cl.F..AN·UP. TRIM Nrw ll~'M. Sprnklra:. di"{'!.-~. lrvUvldu11I , ~.lZ>S. 1tem.s IR>·llh ,.itM!, UM OAlL r J.'ul n"tUlls art JUSI & phant • ~782& • clunup.--S, .. 1,. llc'tt. $36.12%;..I Pih« GJl\NI~. 64~~-P1Jot Ot:tttli~. -64-2-!!67&. Put 1. ·ll!tle "~L. m )'Ollr c~ awv · 64i..567t • • • . DAIL V tlLOT 4 I •d 11 1 -I~!----·-;;;;:;:l [JJ]~J I 1~ ..... ,_ ... __,J[JJ] I H4!p w,nlodi M & F 710 Ho(p Wonted, M & F 7IO I~ ! __ -_ ... ___,, .. ·__JI~ I I~ l~_""_d·~·-· ·___,J!~l [ ·,. .. '""-· J[EJ 1~ ... ;.:.o-; •• 1:.:...·~.";' ;::;I"-*;;} ~~·."~;.1;::;;~;'";' ~';~;;! M lsc:•ll•neout 111 P f1no1/0 t 91n1 126 Dogs &54 Bo.ti. Sail Antiques UO Furnltu,.. ... LIVE-IN ho\l~k~r IO cAl'f! RN.FULL TIME l..ARCEST atri ot MW I Wr ppr1lally ttinbll"d PA· 3PM-llPM Shih l'lld Nav~ and Oriental ru;:s tleitt. 1$712 Minmar Or., t'or Chirge-Poslilon In Orange Co. Mnn·•~ri 2·6; SalMa. l>tw:lnl' 1/Zl:\/._,T.lfi22 Apply Jn Prr!IOn &lt 9-4. Shah 'n Shah, al23 Lon1 Beach Ho!pUJ11rl. After--Huntington 8e1cfoi So, r.taln, SA 5.\T-1712. l'IOOll l'lr ev~. ht-fort' Sun.· Conv•ltsctnt Hos p . \\'ANTED 10 buy. l ~6! ~1ALE Hdp -fr?frr ('(l\le1i1:e 1111 1 F~orid1 Ave. Swedish Rot11 l r• nd s studenl , full Ii m,. I J'I 11 r ! H .B . '47-3S15 Chrl1ttru1.1 Plate. 644--4AA'i, tim,.. Appl.)' in perMn. htwn SALESMEN-Appll1nces t02 I It ·t, KENTUCKY rRJEO Nl'i"fl nu~n who 11.rr J'f!Atly tn CHICKEN. 693 $n. CAI. lrarn thr car bu:uneSJ llnd MAYTAG W11Wr f-K~n-Hw~" LaJ:Una Bneh. art-"'-'1lling lo train. Mus• mnr,. t'1N:. dryPr. S60 f'JI.. MANICURIST-Mt'm'll Hair hl!ve ~nnrl prf'Sl'\n,.Jity. ~ N~e WA11hcr & Horpoi.rl1 Desi;;n. C91'0n11.MI .f.1Mr. PH illlf'n"llfl'ft in~ /utu~. flrf'i'!S ,.fl'<' tlr}.:r S4;, "It, t'rij: 49-t-8209 e\lf'S & Sunday11. \\'Cll , s11.lc11mirn:lrrl. Eir.(lrlils: refr1g. wi!h r r n's ·! op MECHANIC-Mat;N' PXp'd, De-mo .. J;:-m11p ins., guaran-frPl'Zer $65. 546--8672. !/O's, 0/El's & tr11.ns , rlii.t lr,.rl 1111.larY plus "riimmis· WESTrNGli!JUSE elf'<'h'i<' fate. t5·41'1 + pt-r hr. Exp'd :r1lnns. Unlimired inrome. Ap-rangt. 36" nvf'n, new, neerl only 11.pply. 644--t545 ply ln Prrson. UNIVE'RSI· $179totfer. K,. Iv i n,. 1 ,., r Anchor Marine .Rf'pa lr. T'" OLDSMOBILE, 2X50 uprli;:h1 fr~,. r.,. r ntw, Harbor "Rlvrl ., Co11la Me1;11.. S179/offt'r. 4!¥.)..()074. MED. RECORD SALESMAN to ·"I Hom-K CLERK -"""' r t!!nmo~. Sears. Ory,.r Show f'Xhibil !IJ>llfl!, Sales Sn11nd New, N,.vPr Us!'rl! Full time.. Hn1pil11.I roding f'Xperienc-f' ne<'f"Sllary. Good In! Volt) 642-195.'l expe-rieneP requittd. Apf'IY rommi5'io". P'--....... ., .. ·~~~ r.-t ff h ' Mon lhn.t Thurs. 9AM·4PM. '"'""' ~ °""8 0 er-j(rtAI ll)'. F'OUNTAJN VALLE\' for appointmtnt. COMRINATION w .. sher · COMM\]NJT\' HOSPITAL SA\VYER'S Hom,r nrrd.'! rlryer, "lf'etr!c.. Philrn, new 1noo Euclid 111 W11.mrr m ll tu r" w om,. n f n r mnd. S150. ldeAI !or an J11r.PI. 979·1211 houst-kf'l'pi~ & pr111r, nuni-.i.\7-Z'/40 ing. P/tim,. ftt l'tliet "''Otk ......-. ,.--,,--~-~~~ t\!EN ()vcr 21, p/timr ,.ves, 5 .:>1vVE Ir refrig., look It . . In !ltllrt. 64&-«716. pm on. Apply in pt"rson, MP work likr the day they w,.r,. 'n Ed'1 Pbza Parlor, 410 E. SEAMS'J'RES.'>. l'Xprr. lor AAld. S.'"JO f'ach. 7 13 O 17th, CM. !lllil f(lfl in Ln,.,g Reh. West1ninsfl'r Blvrl . MEN over n. p/time ~veis. 5 Congl"nllll "''Orki~ roncls. REF'RIG-fretzer, ~irle by pm on. Apply in per.!lln, Mf' Top pay. i?lli ;;97-M71. ~idt. Coppertonr. Xlnt mn<I, 'n FA'l'A Pizza Parlor. 16.).12 SECRETARY P /timP law C.u11r. Likl" new sm, rerms Beach Blvrt. H.B. nf<' H11.rbor 111rPa. Mu~t hf-fi92 W. 17th. CM. NURSES Aides, 7 11m·:l pm. skillffi 1 >' pi" 1 ' Wrirf' e KENMORE -Rl"pairman Exp!r. pttfd. Meu Vt-Nil' Chlllllifird arl nn. :t.1.11, r t o h;is Wll:.'!hf!r/tlryt-r/rl.i.'!hwitsh- Conv. Hosp. "61 Cenltt St, Daily Pllol, P, 0. Bnx 13fi0, f'NI, iruarn. ~ 4 6-5 21 g , c.~i, :>48-~i Co~la ~PSA, ~ 92626. 839--7620. . OVER~s=E~A~S------s"Ec·vT RAIN'E_E_ RECOND. Appli11.n1;r.~ k Yl'Yl..l f'll.n rlisrovl'I' 1 he TV'~. l{Uar. & .d e Iv' ti . MOr.E JOBS THAN P EOPLE f;isr\nating glemo,,,u11 worlrl Dun1ap'11, 1815 New per t All skills &: profr,sslnnll of husincs~ Co. will tr11.in • Hijh~ W&gl!!I • Lowrr ·Blvd., C.ftf. 548-7780. Jtal with pleasant m11nMr It upr:nse1' • Tax ~nl"fits s::ood appearance. $400. F'RJQIDAffiE dry,.r, ne"'·· e Free. Transportation Call JrM Bmwn, ~ AVOI', ~rn: 31,; yr, Nor~!' CALL 541--4345 w11.shf!r. Make !'If ff! rs . MOVUlC Sa.le.! .H®Mful Qf 1urniturt, all aood condition. 54;..36;8. 4 Spanltih ban1ool11, xlnt ro~. "5, f'11 •• C11ll ll.~ bl-for• 10 am or alt -4:30 pm, ANTIQUt Fr. Prov. Mfa., chall', P1111t1d brocade, OOwn C'UShions Sl50. 545.2132. Davenport, ·9· exttllenl condition.' St.50.' Paid $600. 642--04.!M c._11 alt J pm. ALMOST Ile"'-' kin&·•z 'bM /rt. he11dknArd S70. • • 615-8214 ... TWIN hfod studkl eouches, rompltte with C'!QM'"ltr rablf', Sprt!11.ds, bolsttr11. Ml--6697. * • 8' f"ri'nch Prov divan, Sl 'TS. Btack & white TV. s,tr,. Good condition. 673-0252• •. SOFA, lll"W ~· and love ~!!Al. bcith fur Slj(), 11 t w i n 1 niachine S25. 968-7910. DRUM TABLE. Xlnt rond. D8rk wood. S30. "'"""'' 7' Off white xl.n't oond. 64~170. vinyl I""· f.'Ouch, ct l l 6' BM. Divan Brnwn rwH'd si1. Hand lawn mo'A>·er SS. Mz.-8661, GARAGE SALE 121 V1l1nci1 S•n Clemente 492.7243 S•t. M•rch 11 ONLY COAstitl AgenC"y Scrvicf'1 Guarantr,.rl 2790 l-farbor BL al Arlllms f;45-fi68a. GARAGE Sa1e.-Sp(lrt ing Until 1>mploymP-nt llcC'cptrd PHILCO washing m11rchi~. f'QUip aU types. a ir mm- OVERSEAS SF.RVICES SECRETARY. lmmedia.tr "bout· 4 yn ·old. Runs 2oorl. pre!110ts, tools, <' 11 mer a Ui17 F.. 17th St S.A. Suifl' ~ opening major chf'mical Sli. 5"&--0757. "Quip., htloKli. l'll"l" 111~ rompany, Good 11hrlhnd b pliallCf's, 111.wn rurnit11rf! -k PART -Timf.l-Sf"ettll\ry k typim:, skiJ~· nP.~ssary. Tup GA~ tanste. Wed&ewood fTlll!IY mort. Sal b Sun. Ji Public Relations. Sat I.· Sun · lialary. Xln1 fringe benrtitS Holly, yellnw: :W'.', JtMd 11m-!i ·pm. 1807 1-lighland mru il"f'd. Dan" r"' i "' k irlPal wnrkina condition~. •'Ond. SlOO. Phone 673-2639 D · N R o•o •782 Harbnr Call Mr Hulvcr1 r1ve, · .. · ,,.,cr-u . · . ' Cttll tor 11pp1 , fi..1..l-777S. An FRIGJDATRE 14 <'U II rros! Tl~: 526-3002. Equal 0 pp or run i I Y top fN'E"ter. xln·t S 7 j, ANTIQUE rocker, dlaiNi. PART rime donut maker, Employer. ~;isos. 673-0633. trunks, 2 man li fe raft, l'fiv· Will tridn, nites. Appl.Y --;.,,=~ ing ta."nk. and other skin- * AUCTION * * PUBLIC NOTICE I ~ro ,, 1 _ P'I Brfnrf! \'OU bu.v )"CIUr p1•nn r" A ... , '' nr 1'111:~"· ke iurr Ir l'l'f' us MARCI-! 11th f B I S I t ' Rrpnuf"!lt1ion..~ ' BAn.lm.ipl. o r t s t u ion ci.et1: bdrm lt'lJ., f'IJ\"an!, fc<r 1h,. beat '"r\'ll"f' in ~ulhrm C1'111,.,m H\ m11;1tnsse11. maple rliniri~ uts, bunk hf'd11., rhiur11• At Lowest • k c 1 T v D iscount P rices .,pg 11, o or ... i;lrl'f'l\11 . e.lect Pye-lel'Pl &t()Vf', t'f'frl~· COAST MUSI C "'r&lors. watthrr~. rlryrrs Ir SERVIC E MU<;H MORE : 133!1 Nl'wpl'lr1 Bl "' Harbnr WINDY'S AUCTION en"". ~1"1111 S42-2.li..°'lt 01>"0 "'"'"'' 17 to 'Pm cori1E Rfl0"1SJo~ AnOUND 20~1,, Nrwpcit1 Rlvrl . *HAMMOND ORGANS Behinrl T"'ny·11 RlrtJ: ri.1"1 '111 COSIJI. Mf'~ • 646-F.686 LAl'Ji::l'"-1 k nlMst 1n \\',.st OPEN DAii.\' ~ t(I ~ All mMf'lll, N""'·llM'l'i SOUNOESJGN -GARRARD St>fo!'fl ~n,u blty;~ivf' ~111 " Try. COMPONEN_T 5'.Y~El\f, PENN.\ ~~i1l_4P.\ CO. 1 p~r 11 . 1nr I _uti1 n i::: 11:'..'i:Z Rrllrh Bl., 5'.. ,., f'll•l'llA AM I f M 1' M Yl'.X I u n " r 01\ily 10-!I, Sii! 10..fi , 5'un 12.fi "''" "11.rk c;i.rmrl2r pl111Yf'r. · --· l "''"Y ha$ .... r,.n~x !1rw"ak",.r11. WOULD YOU Ga.n·ani,pr"'le1111i"'n11l BELIEVE lurntablr. 1V1mplete w/hi:i.~11. fR.F:E ORGAN LEi'OONS tlu.<tl covr r & rli11.moncl •a11 ]l')n.1: II)< yC1 U llkf'! No rt~- 11rylus. "vt'rylh1ns:: f u I t y i.!!trarion. Nn obt1s::arion. ,Just guar. Ct!mplPte 8yslf'm sold Con11" l\loi1cl11.y!I i :~ rtm. fn1· $.197.AA. pay off 1m11ll h11I COAST MUSIC t1f $184.77 nr small m(\f'l1hly 6-12·2851 J'lll.Yn1n1s nf S7.:itl. U.S.A. MA.JOR ~BRANO ORGANS StPrM F..quiJ'! \V11N"hrluJ'.f!. F'rnm 13H:-. inc. AJlen -Conn. 17!1 F:. 17th SL. CoslA MeSA, 64!)-.2442. H;i,mmond • Wurlil7.f'...r, er<'. Al.!11' H11.rpsichords k STEREO, Unclaimed J~72 Pirll'l('l!I. GinT11·rd sel. Auro 1urntr1hlr, G()lJLfl MLT5'1C CO. Jllrir Auspension A p e 111 ·k e rs 2().IJ Nt1. :\.fain , S.A, 'A'/rrns1'·over system. :'l47~1 ** Sin~ 1111 AM/Jo'M/MPX ro\rlin k - 111.pe:'deck. Still hr111111 rw-"'' & PIANOSttOflGANS tuar11ntH'd Solrl fnr nvl'r K11.wJ11ri. Steinway, H11.n1mt1nrl , S300. pay off bal11.nce of $120 Allrn, R11.lrlwin. f'IC'. f"mm nr tRkf! nvl"r 1 m Jllrl J S2!15. RF.NTAL.<;; 310 k up. payment!!. Cre-rl.it 0Pp1., Dsi,lly lfl..9, $11.1 10..fi; Sun 12-5 711/89l-05<ll. FIELD'S PIANO CO. lR.1.1 Nl''<''POrf Rlvrl. FANTASTIC FASHIO_NS~ Ct1!1lll Mf'!'ll. 71~1 645-J:?il Nt-w !t near . ntW df!sitner P IPE ORGAN .SALE-<'lnthl'.~. Annu11.fSpring F'llshinn Show. Ht1mr k Chur<'h Morlf'I)< lrt1m Sat M11.N"h l!tlh 11).2 J lt1 :'t'l ranks. lns!allrd or ASSISTANCE LEAGUE A& i~. Savr fi1 7 ... THRTFTSllOP Newport Orgent \ 505 :gnd SL NB .1:46 Prort11elion Pl., N'B SHAG CarpPtin.i" for sale 72 64~·1530 · square y11.rrls rif br11.hd nP.w Sewing M•chints 828 while nyhm sttag <:3rprring , 111 ,. trf'mt-nrlou.• u vin,1::!!. SINGER Consolr ""./stool. Prier i11 nnly $l.1Y.; pt'r yllrrl. 500-A Sl11.n1 nr_~ll' z1g-'/':ai';. Priv111,. party c11 11 !l.17-4239 Sun. nnly. fi73-56:;6. El Tom. TV, Radio, HiFI, Stereo •, 1 SERVICE STATION REJo'RJG., 2-c!r ., auto dlvin1i1: k fish. 2,.11r . hr-fo~ !1:30 11.m . ema P. M 1 d o-1 · Adam~ Avf'niJP Donuts, 9089 en Wlln f' . ,,.. ary -t •~ tiefro!!I. V~ry clf!'an. rlriftwood, hsehld furn, fllX· HF.AVY old oak <'apr;i.ins · centiv,., Hospil11l · lc life in-• * ~9060 * • r rcist" equip, mil\C, 41!1 m <I S2) h c -.-..-----------.,.--.,.-Adamt1. H.B. 962-8971. ~~-...,27 <' · · at eac · om-1972 ZENITH t.. RCA colnr ~urancr. -~,, . .._, . s~•"'S .,_ h. 2 Ha.m illon, C.r.t. ~'> So'll &. ....,._ 12· D 1~ 0 k PLUMBING St'rv1cf'man r:.1U\.O wasuuig mac ITK', m,ft,... :'l.' fllwers ""'· a sel., 1111 clearance prlce,,5. 16" mus! be f'xper. Gd 1>11.Y t... SERVICE station 11.ttendant )'I'll old, Xlnt C'l>nd, S75. sun. wine cah11'll'I S25. ~arhlf' top trnm 127:;,_ 111 .. fMm 12118 .. k. __, IL'A2-J 7l:\ Pt-tim•. Eves. ~ wk-end~. 67H726. GARAGE Salf': Bunk hf'ds, S25. 2<14 Monlp V1.c:t•. C.M. l!l"' from $119., 21'1"' from wor in,;-oo ..... s. "'' · · Ex,.,..r. nnly. Ne11t . lnq.llire F.42 9866 SO ,.-HEATER $8 Tablr f11.n Sii Custn"I sterl"l'l.1!pf'·.Tlkl'r!I, -· $3&9., 21 '' fmm S-159 .. 23'' PROFES 1 NAL Phone 2.i90 Nrwpor! Rlvrl., C.M. Hoover vacuum ~ll'I Stan. Modern r.ustm office rle.c:k, 7 7' D,raprt1. 43 yffli., 160 Imm s44i::., 25" '1'flrn $475. ClMilicitor -~~n~ Point, San SERVICE Slatkin Salesman, vacuum Sl5. 545-3041t S!etl cabinets. Micromrter t'rf:'nch ple11tir;, Off wht. All "'"/,l yr p1c-tu r"' tuhl'. 1 emente, '-""p1strano 111rea. Apply i,., ,....r.oon, 200· w. It cllliJll"rs. M,. 2 n ,. 1 i <' r--.. Work· in ynur own homl'. ,,.. Furniture 110 un ''"""' l'teavy conon, Rr::irly yr p11.r1.c: St M>rviC'r. C11!1h !IO ·Best deal in art!a. Phone Coa~I Hwy_, ~N~·"----~~ rl"C.'Ordloa; fa~i'I. · f'tc. 008 fo hanli!; wfhrdwr, S:iOO. nr term~ .. v111\. ARC' Colnr 8.1:15-1465 between 9:00 .1..m. SEWING m11.chinf'-opn. F11.<'-3 ROOM GROUP AlAba.ma. H.B. ~.:.-Uphnl yllw N" u It 11 h .Y rl"' T'i, 0021 Atl11nto\ 11 t 'uid noon. lory f'Xper. 0 v er In r k, ALL NEW BOAT a.ncho~. kn i ! t l l'I J. rocker S!IO. Bnth New Cond . Magnnli11 . Hun! 1 n;:: t n n PUMP lJ1land.S 11 1,.1 man, speci;il nP.cdlr, 11 in .i:: Ir FURN.ITURE maC'hine, stereo, furniture, 640--053St. Re::ich. 968-3.12!1. C.M 5 rl ~ h nttdle, womeM wr11r. Ro. rlinlng set. 11pinPI pi11.no. etc. COMPACT pain! !!prayer $20. s7;. ro $100 Tr 11 rl * -In lln".TI. . 11.Y~. . I'll. ' I I 1608 a.~-k CM Sat k Sun 12-:;, ~"'2 Soml! nflf"!. Top w11.i::e. .JC· n<'. '!'''" · · · {.'f'n)<i.~t"i(li:" of I pr hf.dmom ....,.,., 6 P.,(11;ris M::i int> M.ttl'rir!il, Allmo,r11ncr fnr )''f!Ur nld ('l"llor Phon,. 673-723.1 ror "PPL ~744J. ;!T'O\IP. 7 pc livin,1:: mom Aract>n11., Mialon VI e j o · lRO amp-hour S25 ""· Lar2e 1·v ~r1 w/J'l11rch11.c:r or J111y. 'ITTER k 5 d. . t R37-5.'ll2 . M I I ~ '72 "-' h M I Cnck::1pnn. r .. rn . 9 mnnth~ t1lrl . H::1~ 1111 st.rots SlO. f'.15-1609 .~~-·I BF.AC.LE pups, AKC, 7 "k"· Silvrr rn1nl., 1=rry t,. 11·h1.. 11.ls.i n·i-r'<llflr. ~:u>'lfi. ------~=~­N()R\\'EC.TAN F.lkhnunrl .... 6 wk.•. 2 n111.lr!'. Xtnl for !iho1t• or J'lf"I. Al\:C l'<'i;:. ~71 . 2 Br11utHnl m 1 n I " r u r p Pf'l<lfi!r~. 9 \\"f'rk.'! n!rl. l\11ght turn 11\lvrr .. )46.41<1.l. 'f. f.R \IS HF:T' :--6---;,k-", .\KC .f rrr o hrrl \fll ~!t1n.'! \•fp11t·C'h11se 612-6037, f.11'!'1\, ~-INAUZER f'l1Jp~. ~rrvi1'E', ~nHn£!', !rrnis. • 1146--0839 • :-== 1 \\/EEK nld Chihul\hu11 pu~ pie~. S20. 2 Trrripoo!il $10 l"flch. fi42-41t1F, 5.14-:tAA5 afl fi. ----DARLING POODLE Pl!PP\t ii WEEKS OLD $.1.i. Fi-42--1818. 534-:\AA) ,~--~--MIN IATURE pnndle~. wks .. AKC, 3 silver, l whit r .. k\"\-2~. 2·Prrk-11.-Pnci Pups "'" 962-M!Jfi. /RISH ~t'!leri;, AKC, f'ham· pio n lines, fi weeks old. ~39!).1 * LABRADORS * ~7-<17M 2 Black AKC Toy Pflflrllf'.~. 2 m11'll 11111. 1 m::ilr, 1 ltmale. 5.11-2-t:'.."'.. TF..Ac=u7.P~T~.-,-P=Md-c~1.-.~8 \l•k~ nld 11ilvrr s:io. 642-4818. :-l.'l4-:l88fl Aflrr fi. ADORARLE bl11 rk ,_, ta,., mini.:irurP n11<'h~hunrl, 2 ~ .. Sj(I. 4~1-74~. ·~~--• • • !RlSH Sto!lf'r Pf'dicrr,. Pllf'I~ • AKC. 5'19-lfi12 nr ;1~21:-i. 909 Boets, Sail $-ll)"Yl f"'llllTY \M Cl1111\C 46' f\!'ni•h rno!M MllPr. ~U er ..,.,t1•1~r1· tra<1r for •malkr 111111 .. 1..ihht boat&. c<uih or!:' :.;1 1r ~'·ail . \\ila.11 1 . 71tlfi \µjT\i nr fi~. -\huT•rll' Cnron~<1o 25. \:1111 1Y!Jlr! Ch• nC'l' bf'IT\i t1.1 n~lrrrrrl. !1 1 &iZ-39M 910 Own A New VW Every3 Years ••• And R E'C E pt 1 0 NIST : Ho~ :s w;infl!d my homf!. group pc 1n1~"'~'~'~·--ll~@.@~~~~~~~j urra..v "'re . mrrtr ...... xcs n<'w ,,.,011 or ororo a. uld ..:... 1a,.. tn k ror • Malure. wnman,over 35. BEOR M su·1e ;4 c !ii or lSJO~~·~·~ch~·=-"'~~~JIW;~·~·==={;·~-~·~·~1~.=======-hfn<wf;~ITT,f;-i,i,;;ii;C';ii<d~ 1-----1-~r~~,·~~~,,,;=:~ro~w;;;iw:~.~'~,~·;~.1il.;;::":;~:;~~!:=:::r-""ll~:""FOlt""S . ·. rlntWl!nl, baby tum .. fllJP.c BAHIA Cnrinthia.n Y;ichl _C_O_LO_R_TV __ $20. nvrr ("08( 'c:a:~ ~~~. r.:_3.~iJ estate It investment ro? STOP SMOKING The Easy TE RMS-•LSO -nll11.r, bathroom at n k ~ • Cluh family meml>ersh1p for Mo1ornl11-Zenith. Al.c:n, u!'ed ev er Fay .YoonJt modem co-worker-" Wtt.)' &: f!llrn SlOO.SlOOJ 11 mo. "' i;tove, sm refrig., sleep !IO!;I. J1111lf', big rtisrount! Mu.sr TV's . SlQO up. TM'S TV.~ Mi ~ed P.uppits·$10 will weloom,. you. $400 '192-4.211. · k many more ~iell. 3060 ~rtl . 673-666.1. 11111 NE"ll.•port 81., C.f\.1. • 5'17-:lR:il • Call .JP.an Brown 544'HI05.i SUPER npportunity for pllf't LAY-AWAY PLAN Killybrookl" La.·CM. LO\V . HEAT. cookwAr,. set. :i'!ll-3'1!13. T "EACUP POOO-CES Coas111I A.&,ency timf' "'"CTt>tarilll wtyk. Thp MlSC. Household ilerns from .oitainlf'!lll sr,.el, Mir! hnml' c R A t-:T SM A N Lancer A-KC rt'.':'.· S7S • '.>47·:\1151 2790 Harnnr sr11.1 l\d11m11 kl :t TRADERS itilvtrware 10 " 12·x16~' "' s= k 1115 h k 12" , .!! i 1.~ t.· !iih11.rp pPrsonali ,. "enwi ""'·'· la ,. e11~ . 11pP11 "~· . · "' 11. Y • 856 RE AL E fi-A--,.-E must. C111JJ The.Exec. o · .e. FURNITURE carpet "'·11' nz. pA.rl. Sa•-1NEW• j.J()....69:jj wlllnu1 eahineL•, po e11.ch.H ·-"-'-'~'~'------- SALES: Needed, 1 full 673-54.iO. 202 N , Broadw•y.· S.A. ~:lon~n~'f.1"._646-3714· 2234 !Ox4!1 ANGELUS tM1.ilPr t.; 646-fi'l.il TWO P.0 .A. tyl>'! J'l(lnics. ti~• "people . for our !0.\-1305 Open 1. Days c11b11;na. Ntw <'a.hinl't 11ewin~ CO!.OR-1V. OK S~ nr offer. RM'.! roan marr :;!" k Founttln Villey Office. ~ ALWAYS TOP l MOS old . Berkline rttlll'll"J' APT. SALE. furn it u ""' · marhint. I ;in1 l!ick k have 'Ml60 Srii.tf" Av". CM nlf 011k 2eldin~ "'/bl11nkPI 4 6' •. C 0 n t •ct Bill Hao1s, l·C:iiJ. TEMmAIY rost S200 take 185. Span 110fa f'li11tw"s. odds i e.nd~. Rest 1n se'll ,., t1"ncr . f>46-S2&1. 5't. Sun.-1111 r!;iy. 1111 :>:?II <19~173. VILLAGE JtEA.L ES· l:J· ASSfSNlllENTI A: love-se11t rosl r.oo takP (llf.en. Sal morn. 400 A1er-CR 1 B & m I 11 r ,. ~I: wkdys. I ·,-U-SA-'""N-S7. m-t-'lh-,.-,-hl-.,-,-,.,,---,.-..,, TATE, Sll·SIOO. ~Mi r~t ... tect.r ·~~i~·s o:sl l!~4C: ,:::: ;; rimae Way, Apt l.1. C.M. Ency<'lopedi11 Brit11nni<';i k SANSlll 2000A RC<'eivl'r. ing tr11inin_g k lesson~. Cost11 1-----~.-----YM'I~ !ht4 '(9tl ilfHI.. _!l.'>7--57·"""·~·~~~~~~ (lfher~: 1962 Old11 Cull11.11s. •xtnr Conti. $20(). &16-7049 bet MC!!!\ 549-195.l • Rul Estate Carter No fee •v•r. ·J.Jn Ow,._. Hand. l'!arverl coffee table FA BU L 0 US Mod,. I· s :l45-176ll. 2-:1: :in f'l.m. New or rxprrit'ncf'l'I, joi,., thP Driv•, trviM. IJJ..l-<'051 S.1.'iO. t11kf' S18.'i. Crystal Clothin~ Sale.'. Nev.· k Used. -==~,-~~=~~ ·com••-y lhaf'• gmwin". If •1• !::imps rosl S911 Pilch take s;,o Si•• .. Ii . l'-·I Diamond, TEAK dinin11 tablf' MxJO", MOTOROLA COLOR TV '~"' "' t:">rlends tG 89". ~ rnnd. z.1··. * Sl:iO you ti~ nnt have 11 JiC'ensc. TELEPHONE Sales. Tup for PAir. Kerunort w11.shf"r Balbo.-Lsland. Sa.1-Sun·Mon ~. Slirli~ glasS tfoor k • :-..1j..-JCll6 * check on our a.mmissions and bonu~. Ap.. S70. Gamf! table /. ~ tub 10.:-. pm. ~~~;,~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~ •ly In no>rson he1ween 9.00 <'hr11 111kP S295. Ask for framr. 72x80" S.'lO. 67f>-:w!7 . $49 ,, ,,~ GARAGE Sall" • Tii.blt?s, 11nd 12:00 noon .:it R381 BoJs:J Gip.i::er ~'1,(}-6920 ·Lam1>9-, !.&-Boy, T 0 Y s , SHAKLEE Products (for 11. l ][ 1 R1•I Est1te Licensin1 Course Full salfl'll trainirtt: pro.-r,11m -no rnst. Ma.nagemenr "P- portunitifl'l':, A~k fnr Mr:'\. .lnrw11 -for information 11l M2·558l. Tarbell Realtors 10 I . • f<.euben 3 Pla~khou.je Now Jn1erv1ewing For HOSTESSES & DISHWASHERS Apply Jn Pi:rSC!n Bc1~·ren .':AM .\. 5Pl\1 6060 Warner Av1., HB 1Corner-Sprin;dale k Warnrrl Reuben j' Costa Mesa Now intuvltwJn.i: Day Time Busboy Apply In Person 1555 Ad1ms Avo . Costa M1s1 E<t'ual Qppor. En11'to.vrr i\vcllu~. MidWay cttY. · . ~B,;c,&~J~-~F=u=R~N~'~1T=U7.R=t~ Trike. Twin btod, Bric-a· hf'11:1thier. <'lr.anrr. "·r althier free: to You you, ?.94-2564 or R9'2-316.1. ~. ------~ TELEPHONE 'n hi r I r i:i r ~ ~ t.:. 1st Sr .. S.A. hr11 c. Antiques, Sal nnly, ~ wanrNI lnr l!VI' work in Open 7 d•ys, I to I •: 4i>t 2 Goldf!nglo"·· Jrvint. QUALITY "''Omrn'z clothing, 3 Lints, 2 Times, $2.00 11.lr""r! 111rPa Mu!<I h11.ve Dinr"" i'!r l ~. rr" Slili _ SH G kl I' ~izr 12-14. Xlnt buy~! :'.33 E.I ........... . ,~ ~ F'I IN taC' I!, 11.pp 11.nce11, 1• lransp. Ca.JI Sul'. R33-fl470. &\vi' S26.~'IO -}'l'.)11 p;i_v S.19.50 housrholrl items, mu r h tllth ~I. Ap!. C_,_C~.cM-·~-- TRAVEL Agency managci' Box !!Ptings 8r. m11t11·esses mnfl'? 2210 Ruui:ers Or, Singf!r Sl'wing Mii.chinl' n~df'd for R'T'OWing Newpon S39.511 C.M. Thuf'l!, l"ri ' Sat. 9 SJ.;, Model 2:19 FREE to C"oorl h n m ,. , Weimar::infT. Al<C r r £!', Gnod 1t·fk lrl~. r..rrs rNJcl. 1>7'.H2AA ~9-1220. RPach offiN", Minir'num II WHTLE THE\" LAST! l\Jl'l. e 64fi-19l\ e v. ~ f'xn.ariencf'. ,o;;,. n rl {".nor! TV '" S:?5 It 11 ~ SEARS ZIG·ZA·G SE\\'TNG " MUCH MUCH MOR"' GROUP gar"~ sal,. • Sat. rf"!;Uml' tn Cl11ssifird Ad No, · r. MACHINE WITif CABINET -Com!! in k brows!' -nnly ~-4-Low p r I c I! " . Pur,.brr(! ToY-Pnncll-;;- Mu111 h11ve J?()Ol"i hnrnr. ~42--122!1 340, e/n Daily Pilo1, P. 0 . Everythin11: must Ji:n, 2495 S50. &t_~lGO!I. Box1560.C.M. KINGSTZEhM<'Oml'llet~ Cres!Vitw Or. NB. "'' r11.tr11.o h,.11clh,,11rrl. Vi1AJTRF.SS -Oinin2 rm t!!x· Rayshor<'. per. full le PI I i rn e . "Vf!rylhing 2 yrs nlf1 . SSS.50. EV ER y TH JN G '°"'' lntervi~I :; pm. rinsed nays 54~947;, nr eves. 644-4071 GIU'11.g,. Salt? JlM Cnuntry Mon/Tul!s. Bahiii Corin· ==--· ·.-------Cluh. CJ'ff . Sat. fl.111:r. 18th g thlan Y.11ch! Club. 1601 CHINA closrt, non· mar am!! Ba~idt> Dr .. CdM. tahle. fl 11pM\stert'rl chair. -WAITRESS l\•lllnu1 finish Stl:'I. 2972 EXJ>. p/time. Apply Surf " Roya.I P11.lm Or, Apt A. Sirloin, .59?.0 W Ci'!t Hwy, NB .i.i7-Zi·10 -Ou.iity Desinner WAJTRES..o;;, nV!:r 21 , <'X"Pf'r. " Apply in pcrson, 1768 Furniture Ntwport Blvrl .. C.M . Living room It hrrlrooms. De.c:k k file11, mu5T .c:rll! Wi\NTF.D . nurst>ry ~0022 • 640-1207 salcmir.n. I yr ""Pf'rience '" S<>. C•lif. Apply ;" WAREHOUSE-SALE pr,rson. Ueyyrl'~ N11r11'!ry. Carp!"! remn11.nts It Md lo! 2038 Nrwpnrt Blvd. C.fl.1 . flnor tl\I" -helow <.'Oi'!t. 3737 \\'ANTED: Relillh1e ol<k>r Bitch, Suite ·c, Nr10.•port Bett<'h wnm11. n for l'hild r11.rl' • my hnme. 5 rl11.y11 week. 8:\9-974:t F'OR SALE Sill., 2 couches. t>Vf'~ French dbl hef'l ~a!lhoard At fnntt·qu'd . patk> 1wlng, pinQ: pona tbL 232 Vi" Genoa, Lido lslf'. HYDRO.boa!, gnlf c I u b 11, hdb.rds. drps. kid11 games. misc. Bl!sl offer. 19'16 Port Cllm:tY HR 64'-8385. HANGING hMkt-!t. lerns, v1rlety ni111oit plant!!. Fri· 'til~ .17~ E. ~!her, CM ~2!l,; GARAGE Sale l''rl A: &t 10-4 furn, clotl'les, & mi1c. 313 Broadway C.M. A~'TJQUE 1pool. berla. Othtr beds. End tabt.1, LAml>!. Ir misc, <t.11 CC'lldenrod. CdM. Jowolry 115 DIAMONDS • Buy Dirt.ct .. WHOLESALE PRICES • Ditf\3 Oiamnr"111 496-3090 M lst1ll1nHV1 111 Wnman WMI~ w/salrs sbll· ity. Ovf"r ~. Steacly jnb. Apply In ·pm.on Anthon.v Shofl' ~Nice 3401 E. Co11.st Hwy. CflM. WOM'EN -girls • ladiei Earn SJ.SS per hr. Serviet'! ~111.b. J.'uUrr RruM cu~totnf'n:. Mr. I.Av'"'. 962--0415. EARLY American tof1 $7~. ~lid birch hutch, tli11ing rm \hi k ctirg $300. All ln xinl ---------1 .o < ~" CAR TELEPHONE WOMAN FOR APT. CLEANING LARGE COMPLEX 1t1Wlt be thoroughly ~ri­ enced tn eonunrrdal ch!:M· Ing. (l()lld, 96&-4..., llrl :.111. ~channel GE S800 OANlSH m<>dern, P ~ r. • n • • Pvt Pt)·. 67>82311 ,.. rlmp lt!11.f 111bl,., 2 le11 ve1. Sl10. Xlnl cond. MT-9444 . HOQVER upright Dl•I..().. M11ric. l)OWPr 2Hde, likt: RURNT orang!' contemp. nl!t", SlOO. 548-7116. couch. 10'. CUS"lom bll. Pd S700. Make oh'. 348-736.11, 'RS VW p&t111 -40 HP 'nC:I"" sm.. rmnt end seo .. trM11· ule $~ .• p.n sir,., !'.If' lll S300 .. 492.~j. Coll S46-S025 .e WOOL PRESSER, "Xl>'d, Part tlm,. Newport Be,.ch. CIU6~ • KlN~ SIZf; BED * Bn.nd New S~. A.tier ~: 842--176.; or fi46...~9L \\'HITE alum. J)'lli(I cov,.r ur The fash!lt dn.w ln the Wtsl I x 40· w/18 \11r:1. Buyt r ••• JI. Dilly Pilot Oucified it1Jtm&11lle .\ move SJOO, C.U AC!. S12-lm sti-256.1. __ _.._ ____ _ BABY furn., Rl'('!intr, Sofall. ~, Rf!aglf' t.. Husky pup~. 5 Liv. rm.. f::im. nn., N wk!. morf'. 64&-:i1:l4. • 962~tM • --PL A y-HOUs"E~-10r~oo=o""L~E---. ""m"-aJ.-•".2cc-y---,---,,-,.,.,,"'·"o. Jo'nr M ii' fixllx6'6" 675-6774 f'Vf'.~. 11111. Sl5. k Cnckapoo. fem. Ii mn's. Gd \Vfkids .. }57--88,17 Misc1llaneou1 Wanted !2! Cats. 7 mo'1. m.:Ue h 120 fl'm11le. Domei'!tic lonli!: hair. ----------.~ho!!I. 6-1'1--07-111. WJLJ, buy copies ot: Tn1l' BF.AGT E f I I Id ma11: .. 1959, Argosy m11.11 .. 1: · ·-__e_.m!~r, yr o · 1~ .. 9 "-~ 1~,9 rer 10 "''""' ,.,,me. "°"'""" C<:"yo,,.., miur.. ..,.,._. 962-5l2S Sq• m::i.2.. 11ny. N111 l 1----~--~-~~ Wildliff" mag., ""Y· :i49-l790 GERMAN Shepherd mitll", Ii •fl 6PM. mos olrl. F!'ef' to good home. ~6-126!1. WA NTED In hu,v 1 9 fi 81 iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S w ,. ti i 11 h Rn r s t r 11 n d s l 1 Christn"lttl! Plate. 644-4687. '1·~.-,-.. -,-... --_--.~ll "'-'.i Mu1ical lnstrvment1122 . ,.... GIB~ON ~1ANOOLT N rl .. 111\(', likf" ~w. nvrr :-ii Pets, General· yr~ nld. Principals . only 17;(1. 644-4047 . 150 General .-, • 900 11' Bl RCHCRAFT It. trlr . S!511. Zi ;vinrurl1> s:.O. 204:1 Mnnrnv111, 'f.1. Boa ts, Maint./ Service Boat Clranin~ 11nrl Srr~p1n:: U/"l lnsprrtlon. ~ll•a::e . C11ll !or ff'f'>f' E~tin1 atrs 774-4:M2 Ahf'r 4 rM Bo.Jts/ Marine Equip. 904 RAIT T::ink~ S2~.9:'1 hl'latini;: ll('('('f;,\. j fi~h. lllC'klf' I df~­ f'OUnl' M5-61AA, :i."i7-Ji077, Bo•ts, Power 14' Glospar Boat with 45 II.I'". M,.r•rury Pn· fZinr , 11nd lr11.ilrr. Ttir J'!rr- fl"rl ~ki nr fishlnt m11t . A nnrr In " lifelimt hu,,·. F'lr~1 com!" first 3f'rvr. •CW9272. $595 ~ l:.11 , Hr. f;· rlnr. ff'C BILL BARRY PONTJAC·GMC·F IAT- 11~1 SI. 111 !;.A. f'wy.1 2000 Jo:. l.!!1 SI, S11:n111. An1 5.,,,.ll'll'Wl • ,\i' OWENS twin rn;. Suprr po~·rr.... tup f'f)f'ld. LoJ11rtiM .,. 'f'lrr't, l'f1'Uio. V11lur Sl7.:;(l(l. S 11 <'r t f Ir r S12,5(rl. fi7.l-6AA.t 25' f11 1rlinf'r, ,Ip.• t Nr"· f"lvr"I"'!. Xlnt ronrl R4>~1 rl!.C:h t1ffer l'IVPr S2.')()l'I 111k,~. Pulls • .akil'rs. 675--Qll;Jfl, 1 , 1~1 2 · f1~i;:I.•, .tlrrri-2. l1sh t1r ski, 00 Hr f.vlnnlt!I' I.· trlr S1 5!t."i !JSR-7 137. BRANO N"EW I~' F"\hfllr-,:-111~ twi111, ('U~t hu1H lnrl r11nopy. _ ~lithns: 1oi. SI l;,(), >lt\-'i.Vlfi, I W ANTED: 12 14 f l tiber;Ju."' Mat A: tr11tler, 11.,.1n hp rnn1or. &46--7132 More Tha n $59 A Month H&Rl'S HGW IT WORKS; .. Nnw'rnu·can dri\'f a new Volk.'"'1111''" "''e.r y three yea rt ... -..·[th ,.aJu11b!I! acldit1on<1I ~cr,·ice btne(it~ that co&t you nothi ng ... and th e "''hole p ack•JZt' J l }'Ou r ' fnr .!I 5'}.1'J a m o nth: ''011 ma~e nnl)· one in11i1I down p a1 men! or .Slfi~.07 rlu\ st,rtl' tax: 11.rid lic;cn.se ... then lifter rhree rear• your <1cl·rued Cf'!Ui!r in r o11r Volk- 5"'•.i.:en ,.·ill ~Jmos t c1::rf11i nl yscrr\O' "'your rln-..·n P~rmcnl nn another f111h ulnu~ Volk'"'l- i:en! The in1ri::r1r} n f Ch ick l\tfv1n and Gfr- drn ~1 r•t VW •1~nns behi nd )our "~59 -A ­ M n,.,th"' l'lu h m r mhrr•hrr . l tlt t:,JO\' 1'tlt-: R•;"·•:t-ITS 4)1•' l '.\R t•\\'.'\f;[.'. s•11r fnr much Ir•~ than ir ""'·riuld ('03l }Ou rn 11'11\r 111 cnmrtJr;ihlr1 ar ,,and lh" Ju"· monlh ly Pit)'mtnt 11f ~'J-~? (11~ n~ht into }Our budget -.rnhour ll n)' •train. Ori•c tfl <.hie!.. f•'CrV!n or G11rdc n \X1c~t VW 1lii\ "rc ~ .. nd fn r fut! de. tJ11ril\ ... ll-nd lnnk ()\'t r our in\CrHnrr to fi nd a c•r rn ~un r our r 11 rticul-r tt'(1u1ttme n13. Or. drr nnw 1n )'Ou r chntc:c o! cnlor1. -, hi\ o ffe r \ul:iief"11 11 )•1ur c1Jr 'h"'" 1ni; lair ..,.r .. r Jnd rtar a,.,d n•) m ore 1h~n -.a 000 rnde! 11r rlie eod nf th1; d1rrr re11r j'll'r1od. Ot:n'' ind tl"u_i.:h dJ11rm age would he correctt'd at rf!l~ntt• h ie (bar)l:e. On 111ppr11,·11ol nf )"1111r .Ct"ll<I 1 rcd1r thr ro1a l dn. r rmt. ;, 5265.07 pJ.l\ \l<1ft' lllX n( S 144 . ! i 1nd :71 lic tn\r fee of 5.i 1.00 ·1 r'!'~I monthly p}mt. ,, .S'i9.'i9 for ,\() mo~. in1 I.~(! c1rf') 1n,1:: cl'i !tri:e!. Ocferttd r r rnL rrict' .S2~ 1·1.·9 inc!. JH\n ual pe:rccn1age r11te fl( 9.~ I. If \l')u pre.fe r to pa} cuh, fntal price is .S2lJ4 1)8 incl. all 1.ues & 1?7 2 lice n.sc. ,~····~····· ot'-t ... , ..... ,~,. ..... ,...... ~ ............ . 7600 WESTMINSTER AVE. WESTMINSTER 893-7551 ., t ' • , 42 DAILY PILOT ' Friday, Marth 17, 2q12 MAZDA ]~ .___[ r_ .. ....,_ .. n,.~][i] [ , ,,.._..... )ti] [ )[i] .__[ _,,......,_ .. _ ... __,][i] [.___.'"_'"'_"~__,)~1'-k _.,,,_ .... _ .... __,]§] [,__•_''""'_'•'•_)§] HUNTINGTON BEACH 8oet1, Slips/Docks flO Cempers, Sale/Rent 920 C•mper1, Sale/Rent 920 Cycle5, Bike5, Sc0:0ters Trailers, Tr1vel 970 94~ Trucks 962 Autos Wanted 968 Auto1, Imported ~;.;;.;:.:~-~~,.;.;1 ....:...:....:...:.;_,~~~'~_;__;_~~~ MAZDA BOAT SLIPS N~·port ~ach ~.m,1 B .. 11, S,,_, & Ski '" 1'4' Gluspar ~tarathon, 65 hp ?o!ercury. Ski & fish. Bait tank, U'aile r $95Cl. 646-2634. Camp1r1;Sal1/ Rent 920 '70 A1"GELUS self-cont 11' cab over camper. Sl~ps 6. blu inter, rt'frig, 1ho11i·er. toilet, Hot & Cold water, 2 "'Y likes. \VIII sacrifice 97S-88~1. ~153. VACATJONEER It's the BEST! ~ "'hy~ SCOTTS CA~fPERS 914 N. Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana '72 GMC Truck-Camper BRAND nt111 1972 GJ\.1C 11 Ion P.U. Fully factory equipped, Including v.s engine plui; beautiful 8' cabovrr can1per !hat slef'pll ~ix, ~rial No. TCEl428506819, WAS $5063.21 SAVE $1164.21 FRO~I STTCKF:R NOW $3899.00 & Tax, Lie. & Doc. Frt' RECREATIONAL & VEHICLE SHOW Today thru f\la1Th 21st to.tore than 35 \lar1eli<'$ of Camf)l'rs & tJ·a1lc·rs now shnw1n.i:: h'<'f' no thr J\11111. JIUNTINGTO:-.' CENTER Brat·h & San DJC•g1• fo'"'y \\'EE!\ENDERS Spec1<il lot f\lodrl rriccs:: Sc·o!I.~ Can1pt"rs 114 /'\ !fart.at; Blvd. Sdnta Ana or LEASE for only $115.50 mo . ..,,..,,,....,,.. ..... .,..,......, open end 36 mo. lease ------Bill BARRY * Fiberglass * * Gem-Top * Fits '68-'72 El Camino 5225 or Offer GMC-F IAT·PONTIAC (1st SI. al S.A. Fv.'Y·I 200l E. 1st St. Santa Ana 558· lOCXl Call 837-5003 'liJ K;i.1scr Jerp Van. l'l It's a breeie. ,geil your milri1. aulo, rt d r Iv f . uems ~·Ith ease, use Daily ( 8 ' x 6 · x I 3 · f $78.l. 11 1 Pilot Classifif.'d. 6-1.2-5677. 47~51\111. Autos, Ntw 1-------~ 980 I Auto•, New 980 Autos, New 980 'TIS THE SAVIN~~~ALE SPECIAL 1972 GREMLIN AIR CONDITJONING IS STANDARD EQUIPMENT '70 Rebel Wagon Powtr Stt•rit19, Auto. Tr•n1., Fin, Cer, mu1I be 1e•n to •ppreciet1 it1 vtlue. (229ANCI '64 Pontiac Bonneville Air Cond., Ai.to. Tr1n1., Eirc1ll 1nt Tr1n1· porl1tlon. ltl9J64ll '69 VW Squareback Wgn. Auto. Trtnl., Ai ~ Cond .. und1r 12,000 originel '"il11, "''"' condition, M111t bt 111n. ! ZVZ566 l SAVE '65 Ambassador Wagon V.8, Awto. Tr•n1. fNM00981 9'15 '69 llu 1q1•11rn11 2 Z:i0 Sportsman. VITy clean. & N'liablt'. :"f"\\ rt'Ar knobby !ire, F 1Jlron. 21" front \\heel, nc1v :'11X handlebars. $·175. -firm 54·1~1. "6'1 KA\VASAKI, 3,000 nules, e ARISTOCRATS e NE\VPORTS e AUTO.MATES Also, S('Vl'ral us!'d $3% & up \VOR~HA~l TRA ILER SALES 2709 \V. 17th S!rt'CI Santa Ana 1714) 531·2595 :::Jl (;{'. 8('S1 rood. 4."i hr. '72 NO~IADS Best SIOO n101o rc)cl,. in Ca11fo1·n1a·.11 <~Rf>:ATl::ST to"n. 97~2•10. value? }.4 '.J()' .,-1-Suiuk-, -!lfl. .\1XSetup, SCOTI"S CAMPt:ll~ borrd Ln l.51 .5le.p, ror15 ~2.) l.,. · I larhor Blvd. /)l'.lll!'h<'rl. Imma(' Gr(' g 1,..,..,..,."',.",.".,.",.""!!!!,....,, &14-227fl. '71 Yamah~ "0 " .\IX .• Xlnl AIRSTREA:'ll "fi8.30' ~·in .. .uii lntern<1r1onaL alt/all ac· rond. Portrd & many rx· Cl'SJS .. \lint L-ond. Scr ... 1rcd, Ira~. Ask fur Dan, .')4S-09J;S. rt'lldy rtt roll. S5SOO/ollr.r. "AA Honda 90 Scran1blrr 1600 m1 . spark arrc~trr, l1kr Ot'\\. $225. 962·0816 '6!l KA\VAS-;\°KJ-100--cc:rlin Pl'1 011ner. 673-0445 . 673-j2S·I. '----Auto Service, Parts 949 hike. Xln1 f'(IOd. 1-Ktl orii 4 ·-c-.,-,-10-m-m-,-.-.-.h-.,-,,-.-1-, .. m1. s_~""~· -"-"""'-'-· ----alunllnum g·· \\'1de. rit Ford "iO Hodaka Ace 100 good or Chrysler or adapt m V\1.1, <"Ol)(f. Slj(). Call 644-1847 ask 4 for SJO. 61.l-13'1.l Pvrs. for Chris. "j!J V\I/ bus trans axlP $50 or ~71 Honda CB 450 f\37,JOO b:st of!er Alter ;; pm: n11. Xlnt Cone!. $7j(J firm. 642-65&'i. 6~6-l 45'1. GOOD\~' E-A-R--P-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-, '70 Kay,·asaki 250cc. Bes! ol· Blcms. GSOxl.l 129.95. All /er . Call Ken. sizrs, lo\1' priers. Jf i Jackers *" * 518-7637 * * $3-1.50 pr. US, Anson & ----·----1972 250 CC HUSKY, never raced. * C11.!l :i.16-1995 • '69 Bultaco 250 Pursang & '69 K11wa~ki 90 dirt. Both good mnd. ~7-1919 aft 7pm. ---'71 Honda, SI.,. 70, ~ mtlei;. S29S 646-0097 ---Motor Homes 940 13631 1-Iarbor. Garden Grove 1 Blk. So. of G.G. Frwy. 63£i-2l13- *Marvin Pearce* Motor Homes Sales • Rentals American i\-lag11. S1 5.95. Buy 11cl! !Tade open Sunrlay. 19:..0 Nev.·port, Cl\!. &15-355-1. Titt City. *WANTED* Nerd 2 gd. mnrl. U.S. mags. 6-in. wine, 14·1n. d1amrtrr lo lit f'ord hol! pall£'rn. 536.4305 a fl 5:30 p.m. Protect-a-top Pick·UP CO\'t"'r Ii' 01' R' \\11dr- bcd. $85. 204:1 J\1onrovia. CJ\1 Auto s for 5'1• )§] Antiques/Classics 9S3 1940 FORD ·J::..xc£'1trm-ror"i. -$850 or hesr offer. R36{>672 ----1949 MG • TC. Good body. Runs. Make Offer. 846-95?.i. Dune Buggies ,56 558°3222 VOLKSWAGEN Du"' B'"l'· 1411 S. Villai::e \.\'ay, S.A. Sll'f'el lri:al. Top, lo'~"bar in· RECREATIONAL Vehicles _d_,d_o_d_. _16_9_7-i._ .. _2-_26:_i_l. __ '6l for Rent from S75 to Sl!lO Trucks per week. plus 7c: pcr mile. '72 3/4 Ton GMC Slerps 4 to 8. Offer expires June 1, 197'l. 546-02!11. 2!1J5 Bristol, f'.J\1. 1971 Pace Arrow mo!or 2--1". id reps fl. Air-c<>nrl. 4 K\V i::rn. f\,000 mi. S!l ,!l.iO. 4!l4-~430da ys/evrs , 962-17fi:1. 1!172 G.M.C. 1·amper tnu.:k w PS. PB. radio. 3 spcrd 11uto. 1rans .. i;:a ugrs. T. ~la.~s plu~ Jon& y,•icle htlx. WiU hAul 101,i' r·amprr. Serial No. TCE242.%0.1857. $3395.00 Rf:NT <our ·i1 El Dorarlo -motor-hQml':---Slf'f'-p-rff. iul!y- i>clf·contained. Reserve OO\Y. MS-9513. Plus lax. tic. "1 rlOI'. Irr or J..EASE..lor..on.b'...l99.Jno. open end :JG mo. lrasc Bill BARRY ' Trailers, Travel 945 AIRSTREAYr Tr a i I er! 19'-1962. SJ4:io. 2 2 ' -1 9 6 4 , _!_1900_. -"-·'-_31>16:_. ---- GMC-F IAT -PONTIAC 1ls1 S1. 111 S.A. f\l:y.1 2000 £. t.~r St. San1a Ana 5.511-HIOO Sell lhc. old stuff Buy the F11st results are Just a phone new stuff call away . 6-12-5678 '64 I . I WE PA y TOP llOLl.AR nternat1ona >"OR TfJP usED CAM TRA VE LALL that runit l1kf' 11. lop, plus ht>auti!ul 18' houAI' U your ~ t.• extra clean, ., I I It' us ......... t. trat er th11! ~ <·6mp etl' y 8Al1ER BUICK FIAT • '69 f!A'f 124 Spyd<'r. tnp !'Ond .• low miles, \\'rekend ~pecial. $1895, 673-6663. 11t'H con 1111nrd , TH.IS W~EK'S SPECIAL 231 E. lllh SI. JAGUAR $ 1995 . CMla M•sa 51~116.\ -+ t1u.:. lh.·. & doc. lee •OLR434.CK:i27\ Bill BARRY GMC-FIAT- PONTIAC I !st SI. at S.A, f""Y I 2000 E. 1st St. Santa An11 5.18-IOOJ • IH. \.\'ILL Buy your car paid for ---A-LW_A_Y_S __ _ ()r 1101. Call Ralph Gordon n1~ -54!}-3031. Hl70 !!arbor Blvd., Costa 11esa. ---Autos, Imported 970 ALFA ROMEO Alf• Romeo "' "0 " ~ 0 A Fine Selection or NEW & USED JAGUARS "Spec1alii1n,1: 1n Quality" BAUER Buick-Opel-Jaguar 234 t.:. 17th SI . I ·59 JAG XKE 2-+ 2. :\1n' Jntf'rnational llano~sler ~'l.Af"'O c•6nd. 19.000 nrij!. n1i"'. Rl::CREATI0:-0: CENTER Chrm 11ire Y.hls .. air ('fln<!. ROY CARVER Inc NO\\l ON DISPLAY au1o trans .• an1/fm Sll'rrn ' • Sales Service radio. Al! lthr inlrr. S.i9:ic!. 2925 Harbor Blvd. PartS Rody Shop 64. tW 1 Costa t>tcsa 546-4444 COAST IMPORTS !--'""':.....·.:.· :c·_'_l..:.'-.:.::6:.:2_· __ _ 'Zl9 Ch(V. Pick-up -4 spd.. 1000..1200 \\'. Coast 1-ilfv. KARMANN GHIA i-:hort• b<'1i, rl('\V hra~£'s, Nf'wpo11 &1'.l'h 542.Moo --------- rehuil! V-S rng. $37.1.00 ------,--~-$975 :;.1;,....20&1. ** $1499 ** XLNT CONDITIO!\ ')8 r "Ii p · k U T ·k '67 Alfa Romeo Spider, rx· :l-IR ·gi;2 ' 01 lC p ! ru1. ("rptional. Lo n1i, Oriit 01vnr ----· --'·---- cond, must M'¥. 0 ap-oy 547·5A.i2 ()r f'vP ii4&-21:19 ·59 1-\armann Ghia, AJ\l/t''.\l. prccial£'. 830-1282: nuto, 20,000 ()rig mi. 1 Auto Leasing 964 AUDI. O\\'nf'r. Sl49i 540-:,S:'!.l HAS OVER . 100 Rotarys in Stock Brand New '71 's Left Over St""r. =s~A6J<1:: Pili~ 111...'< k lu·rnsr --... 15 ROTARY DEMOS SAVE DEMO SALE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HUNTINGTON BEACH MAZDA l --~~-'-~-1~-=---~ "1\ Audi, Sunrr !lO. Sta Put a !True "loot' in your .,1 " '" Ii:\'.\\ Br;u·h n 1·11. y,·agon. 4 111pd. A~l/r'.\t Levis . sell those bauble~ 1 Rl01·k Sflutt1 of \\'arorr radio su!)<'r car. !\lust !ell, for "bucks". Calf Oassilied ___ _!1~'·6' 6_6 __ _ Try our lease exf>('rls for Savings • Satisfa~tion . Ser- ~9:Z-RS3t af1 n. &12-5678. ~ o vice. AUSTIN HEALEY A""u"""'t-•• -. 7lm-p-.-,-1.~d-~970 Auto" lmpo•ted \VE L~ASE ALL POPULAR '64 Austin Jlralry :1000 l\1K 111 1971' J\1AKES AT CO:\IP£TI. blk wired inter. f'ully TIVE RATES. . rqu1p"d Good rond. 1 ()\Vner. Cali ~falrolm Rctd tor \lus1 sell Sll7i R30-.l~. fu rther detail.~. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa ,\fesa 642--0010 • Austin Jlealry ·:i~1 * • A.~kini: S.iOO * * &J.)...)j29 .. BMW '72 C11d Cpe. DeVille, gold l---------- ''./whl ,.;, "' ""' ;,,., IMMEDIATE DELIVERY f> UJl,y llUIO. ~9. · Autos Wanted 968 WE PAY TOP CASH tor used Can It trucks, just call us fCJf' frtt Ps.timates. GROTH CHEVROLET Ask for Sa.Jes P.fa.nqpr 182ll Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach &47.fi087 KI 9-33.'ll WE buy all makes of c]C'an used sports cars. paid for or not. Please drive in for tree appraisal. NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Coast ·Hwy., Newport Beach ON 1972 Bavaria's SEE US ABOUT Over5eas Deliverv ·CREVIER MOTORS 208 \\'. l~! ST.. Santa Ana 835-3171 AutornotivP. Excellence 0 ROY CARVER, Inc. 2925 liarbor Blvd. Cnsta 1(\"esa • :>46-4444 -DATSUN 642-9405 ·n 2402 ----------11\til.k 11•hrels, Special !ires. 4 11\tPORTS WANTED ~!)<'('cl. At'.1 /FJ\1 rartin. 6576 Orange Counties mils. R79Dl-f. Ahsolurely TOP $ BUYER li\\e neY.·. $'1495. 18881 Beach Blvd. H. Beach. Pli. 847-8555 • • GIANT SPRING CLEAN UP • 1972 CELICAS PICKUPS • LAND CRUISERS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SAVE SAVE BRAND NEW 1972 CLEARANCE TOYOTA $ Per Month FOR J UST 41 MONTHS 970 Autos, Jmported 970 ~utos, Imported BILL l\1AXEY TOYOTA ~EY IUYS F 97, A I I · d 910 +4rn1 ' u os, mporte NIWPO•T IEACH 613·0900 lirt • .S3·S4 Co"'plel• C•'h pr k 1 i1 12175.14. incl11d11 <111 !1r11. 1•72 lie, fr1i9ht, d11 ltt Pflp t nd dtliYttV o'I 1ppro~1d crtdit.. 01!1rr.,d P•Y'"t'll price ;, S2725.b7. l"clud1t 111 fin1 nc1 ch•r911, l1r11. 1972 lie., fr1 i9hl & d!t. pr1p, Nothi"9 "'011 to buy. Annut l P1r c1nl•91 11.•11 12.64 ·~ BRAND NEW 1972 CLEARANCE VOLVO 142 STA MESA DAT UN '69 1600 Roadster 4 spd. dlr. All rhmn1t' Y.•hrrls. hardtop & ~oft top. Exotic rrd e:derior. bl11r·k burkc! seals. ~11rrlfirr! Take small down . Call 546-87.16. '72 DATSUN 510 ... ·Big Sel:lan. 4 sJ)<'cd <'llr. Vinyl' Roof. Under ~.000 1niles. R & II + Wil\1'. Full pril'C $2136. Can finance a!L I #2.14.1281 C1111 494·6811 afl 111 Rill 546-f!T.l6. ~--·II '69 Rig \Vai;:on 4 ~pd. dlr. StronJ:; runnrr (Y\VS 9041 Small rio\.\•n will t11ke tradr call 546-11736 af1 10 am 19'1-tiSl 1. I LEASE a 1!172 Datsun Pick up. $69.9.i/m(l. or buy.I POCAI. l.EASIN(; k IN- VEST:\11-:NT CO. 7-i-18-\J.1.'i. I ~DATSUN-5i0-\Yagon.I R/11 . Fae. 11ir, Top rack.j 12.;m n1i. Perf oond. S2100. 644-6248. ---~~-~ RF.D D,111.~un "67 4 door. NP\v hrt!s r/h autom11.tic. Good c.'Ond. $6:,0. 54&-4•118. $97 DOWN $97 Per Month $9 ~ JS lht. 10!11 down pyml, $97 i1 th t lol~I "'onlhlv pvml. indud inq l•r & '72 "'· And fin1nct. ch•rq•• on •pprtivtd credit for 60 moH .° Defe rrtd pyml. p•ic t it $5,917 includin9 •II fin•nct chArqt.1. •~~•• & '72 lie. or H you'"''"' to pAy c11h, lull c <1 1h price ;, $4.ll].45 incl. l•r & '71 lie. AM•ual pf'rc1nt~91 r•la i1 15 .42 ~ •. ! t 426]44.25•Sl2 l. OVER 40 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM • 164's • 145's • 144's 1800 ES STATION WAGON ORDER YOURS NOW ! 1972 VOLVO 1800ES Station' Waqon THE TRUE SPORTS CAR FEEL FUEL INJECTION, DISC BRAKES, DE FOGGER 145 STATION WAGON i:uel i11j1Gt1d, tin ted 9l11u, •1 1r window defo99e•, .,;nyl i~terior, 4 w~eet d i1c b•11k~1. L --' ' ' --·ii '69 Dalsun P/U. RIH. 111r.I Also c-11mf>('t !!hell w/1cei box. Call 64!l-t380. '61 DATSUN sta. wag. $600. or offer. 164 4 DOOR SEDAN b cyl. fut l ini1ct1d, 111 r 1~I l111lht r inl1 r. Pnw~• 1let•· in9. D1fo991r, 4 wli11I dioc br1k11, M ic~1!i n r•di t l lir••. • 642-40-12 • FIAT '72 128 FIAT .TRADE INS DOMESTIC & IMPORT USED '61 FIAT Appr.oir. 40 mpg. l)(TJOOl I S1•S '70 TOYOTA SPl:T. Sll95 ''' YOLVO 1225 !SUX7J l ! S••• ~ this for openers? The Datsu n 510 Wagon. Five big doo rs. (More doors per car than 11 lot of other imports.) Gets loads in and ou t in 11 hurry. Oth er interesting specs: Overhead cam engine. Up to 25 miles per gallon. Safety front dis c brakes . All . vinyl upholstered interior. Full synchro 4-speed shift (automatic optional). It 's more little wagon than you've ever expected. Drive a Datsun . . . then decide. BRAND nrY.' 1972 FIAT 128 2 DR. SF.DAN. Motor lrcnds "rronomy r-ar of 1he )'('111.r." \.\'inner of 7 11.u1on1otive i'IY.'11.rds through-Ou• Euro]"l('. St11ndarrl l'QUipmcnl In· eludes: 4 sprE:d tran.11. rlldial tire~. ft . disc. br11kPs + many extra.•. &rial No. 128A0775008. .,, VOLVO IZA04271 s11•s '') vw 5595 .,, OLDS CUTLASS !WQ066•1 51 l •s '10 CHEY. Air, Auto., f0ZIA0A ) 51StS '65 MUSTANG-(JKS IJ r I 5191 DtAN LEWIS ~~!!:!,~,~~-~ See Our Complete Line of '72 Datsuns e STATION WAGONS e PICKUPS 2 & 4 DR. SEDANS e F.ASTBACKS e 240Z (LIMITED QUANTITY> GOOD SHOW! DRIVE A DATSUN ... THEN DECIDE. 2845 'HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 54_0-6410 • $1976.80 t tax. Hr. & dCI<'. f('(' or LEASE for 011\y S60.50 mo. I open rnrl 3'i mo. lease I Bill BARRY I FIAT·GMC·PONTIAC 1 J15r St. l.t S.A. fwy. I 2000 E. 1 ·t St. SAnra Ana 5:;1.1000 . . . . . ORANGE COUNTY HEADQUARTERS TOYOTA·· VOLVO 646-9303 1966 . HARBOR BLVD. nrf" " 1 ·, ~:.': :·.·; COSTA MESA ·· . • ' Fr1d11. M1rth 17, 1172 DAILY 'ILOT . AM~ .... ~ )~I [...__._'"'"'_"'•__,]§] I Auto11 Imported ............ l §l:l._~_""'_ .... ~l§J 1[ .......... ,. ]§J I .___I ._ ....... _ .... ~!§][ ...__ ._, ..... _., .. ,.__,!§] l.___·_ .... ~_·""__,l§l ~I _., .. _., .... _,. ';;J§J;;I 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Used 9901 Autos, lm~orted t 70 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, lmpomd '70 Autos, Imported 970 Au!01, lmporlM 970 Autes, lmportM '70 --"'.:"':'.-------------~1 MAZDA MERCEDES IENZ OPEL PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN .\t@rced,.~ B"n-, ' HOUSE or IMPORTS "The Residence of Mercedes-Ben z" Now Offering rn.. L11.r.c,..~1 ;.\iolPel1on of Prev1ou~I.\ fh• nPrf ====---1-------·----------·----------OYElt 25 1966 \"'1 w """' ISM ""'' '70 300SEL 6 1 11 ~11nrnif, l "nriau Tnp, f 11IJ} F:qu1ppt'd, IP11seo avail· ab!r , Authoriied Dealer '71-2BO-SE 3) CnuJ>", F'ully Eq uip~d, 2 tn <""h"'1~f' fTfim . Avthorited Dealer :;~1. 72.'il MG 1968 Opel Stotion Wagon SI ,29S l~.nm "''''11"1 m1JP.!I, 4 "r""rl tran11m 1 ~inn. -'lr cond1'1C1n u1g t \'DG 91\S t 1969 Opel Rally• Coupe Sl.395 Au1nn1"11r tr11n!lmt~~1on. Ex· tra cl•an ~ZLK 70<!1 1970 Opel Model 91 Sl ,695 L1k• n•"'· 12.noo 11.ctuA.I m1l!'s. 11. u ! nm 111 ! i c tran'i.rnl!· su•1n Oi~~ BR ll David J. Phillips Cle•n, Reconditioned, mag "hi•. liN>ralass ll'nd ers, ""\' 1nt,.r1or, '"'Pf: dttk. & Guaranti ed. !>fit nttf'r. ~f!I>-5556.. PO RSC HES 'TI, ... ,. ~UJV'r N>•tle , AP.1 f"!-1. 911 '1 • 912'1 • 914'1 ;iclnt Mnrl f"\l"~p. mu:!'! ~f'll. '" 1957 to 1971 s,.. r r i r 1 r .. Sl450. oftl'..r. NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W, Coast H\\')'. Nf'\\'J'IOrt RPI.Ch 642-9405 WE WANT PORSCHES HJGJ·n·.:IT nf"f"ER A\"All.ARLF: a-47·9~!1. 4q:\-40~. ·~ \ln\kS\\'AiPO -Cleanl"91. tmoothe~t n.innina; !tlt'k· 11111~. in tn ... ·n! SIO!t~. 673.-469:> -------196.1 \1\\' Bue;, 19flj en;. Good rnnrt . ~VI C'i'l ll !;";".; 7257 ·~\"\\'"fl ~rJ.: ~"<1an n~<1.' p.:ilnt l"h, 1n! rlt>il n, i;roi t"OJ;. S\100., 4!12.2;,12. ·~ \'~' • U-.!i~ than SO n11lrs nn rPhlt Jf«l l'lnt . Exel. ronrt . $8;..fl. MG-MM. VOLKSWAGEN Sff!!.RP '17 W 1 8 I u t ~qu~back. radi11 tires, AM/f"~l Makf' o I It r. 548-4743 or 67~9Jl. '65 V\V But, Jtadio, htiat1.r. 1ood •h• Pf'. s.tn-i410 OLlt '6.\ W ': X'Ll\'T CONb., ltt"'' mtlf"9, AM/f'M $I 1 ~. 6734506 a!tP:r 6 Pl\f. '66 \1\\1 • SMan. Xlnt ('find . Many t JCtrA1. 83.q....7ri t8 Altf'r 1 pm. 213: OX S-3109, i to 4, '6!!1 \I\\' .:amP6 ready to 10 $219. ... Phnn,, M0-6410 DUt. "68 Bu_q . NHd5 1u; bod~· \1ork. Rnn5 _iood S.too •• 67.)...\161 •• ·n V\\' Sundial C;impPr. l'f'frig .. tntlf'1. f1bf'.rtlass top. S.1!!00. jJJ-.3221. VOLKSWA~EN ·53 V"', ne\" '86 f'nr uie . run1 fJ'ft!, mus! st!l SAcrillni S-t5l\ Inquire 11 no A Orrh1d, Cd:.1 ----~----~ ·12 \"\' SL"S. lar salt or ltast i..A"a.Jt paymn1~1oor.. df!tltlrfil'>l,, nn do11·n pymn\. Call 114· 4~--0202 f'1't~ ·n w · super Bu1. yt-llo"'· amlfm • 673--0116 .. '69 Pop top campl'lr £xctl cend. Ne1\· ti.r!s. 52.~50. • 6''"""'66 '67 """ BUG R!!blt •nJ., nf'M!a bOdy .... ·nrk. S4~ ~7~123 or l!i7~5M ·n V\\1 SquA r ,.bark , AUloma1ir. A~1 /f"l\I. JnM. Call 6-l0-17~1 VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO '70 VW IU$ GIT OUI VOLVO Rtd ~. l.Aa!htr I"""°'· ~ D· ·L 11•-11 color m~ yeUM\'. '4MAGM. '"'" rv $1195 YOU IUYI '70 CA..11,f P!:ft. pop-top. Xlnt rond. 17.000 ml. Finac. Avall Pvt pt)-. &U-1.J.'i6 >m · ~ '67 VOLKSWAGEN f:):ctll tnt r.andltlon~ A~f 'FM Btsl 1>tf~r. Call aft 7:30 p.m. A.rt "6-IM.l'I. '10 Pop Top Cun per, N•w D)'na1l&J11 T~s. )t.1nl cel'ld.. ~1ust sell Utls "-·•6::. $27T5. 54 V1' ON !:UltOPUN D~Y ~w.Lt!DU W YOLYO . 1986 Harbor, C.?.f. Autes, U1N 10 Trenspe"-tlen Spec leis $199 AND UI" lt'k)~ rLnancinJ'. AV&lliblt, Ate 13 to lOS SL Models · 10 tn .-hrvi.~p lmn1 190-280 SL Model• (7 14 ) 523-72SO 1971 ;o.1r, \11r1~f'!, 6.000 mlJl"li, P;>;('rllrn! ronrt. :'<1ust lf'll. ~2.::.00. \\"1r• ll"h,•J.~ in. ~rl 499-37i1 -.f!'r :'\ pn1. AA :\tr. .\11rt.e:•r, 4 lipt'Prl~f'X°­ CP)IPnt condinon. j.10--0213 DLR. Buick-Pontiac-Ope I 310 Rro;irlll ;.j\. Li!.i!llnil B!'~Ch 4'.1 1· 1017 ALWAYS-DON BURNS ASK F'OR r.LEN 131'9 :'" l=lut . 4 spl"ffl, I "64 Bu;:. ntnF "'"f'll. Sunroof A\1/f \I r;1r11n. run~ a-ood. $425 nl' makt nff"r. $1.100. ,; li"t-2492. ~2·.3.361 • • 1971 \"\'' 7 Pusen1•r Bus. 1 011 nt r S220l'.l .. Call rh1.1 ~. ,113j...427~ ~ vu--b-.,-.-. -,,-"-,,-.,-,,-h-. -" nrt s. 1•Pt)' rll"an. run1 ex- l'f'L SMJ. 675--0747 M2--ll~. VOLVO House of Imports, Inc. A Fine Selection nF •7J914·----l ·5.1 W ', nf'""' tlr~l. pa.111t 4 4. 6,oo6 m11P~. Ar.1 Fl\1 rar11n . upMl. Runs good. J3j(), 117;)...7j2;; Still und•r \\"111'T"i'lnty '11 J --------- "flli Bua Sunroof. nf!"' X!nt cond. Xtra. 54g_2~20. 11ltt r '64 VW VAN 1700. SSOIJ/bst otr. 642-1294 P-lM.IO Veh·o. S1.1per Che1 p. 16~1 Pr1ctm !er QI.I tek 51.lr>. t96-320'.! _.I! !I rim. Autli. Sates-Service· !9"r+ .\1G :'111rtge1. JZ,000 lillles. Sl JIYl New & US ED OPELS 24,l100 m1l11!, 1mn1acula1e Autos, Ntw 980 Autos, New condition. ho Autos, Now 980 6Sfi2J l\1-'l t1r'h"¢IPI", Rtll't')I! Pk. Along1ide the S111nta Ana Freeway tit B"~"h Rll rl turnflff IN BU ENA PARK ·rn '?':.O :o;r. Fu ll~ f>tlu •p :Xtr11. f'lf'lln 0rUi:': QI\ r\Pr,' rrir <>rj fnr llTin1rrl ~,I,, n11·n<'t' IJ"i!llS /;\:>-()(122, 64fl..-1:?1}7. lii.\-lfi:1Z MGA 718 :'\!GA. 11PPrls body & in- terior 11 f"'lrk . S 1 lil'I • hl2-11:ifi .. OPEL '68 Opel Wagon $799 Sh11rp l\;1rl1"' \\', \\'all~. \\ 1r.9.1:2 '"Spec1ahz1ni: 1n Quality'' BAUER Buiclc-Opel-J a9u1 r :?~4 F:. 17th SI . rost::i .\1••11 :'>t'l 771i.i '67 Opel Kadette 4 Spri. Suprr Spec111.J 1 ICO· DTXl !llS ~~ 2100 H;:ir hnr Bh n 64.l O~fi6 Authori1ed M.8. Dealer 52l· 72.'I(} 1~71'1 Por•<"ht 91 t. Signal Or;i.ngr>, lfJ m1"s , A.\1 1F~I r~rtio; tnnt"d 11xhaust, radial r1rP•. Arrear'lnN!'" rmup ~.'.Z-4?11l. -----~~~~ 19 70 Por~rh• ~1 ~-6 . l"nh.,J1r1•11blt amnunl ol f'X- tr'l~. IOI\ mll''l!;f' \1u~t Sf'"t rn "Prr•r1a1~: 67.)...21:18 or &17-l,l:!"l!t -----------TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT FRITZ \\"ARREN'S Sport Car Center • ORA\'(";F: rnuNTY'S LARGEST PEUGEOT ·10 P orsche 911T Strr<>n. i\laj?s. Priv11lt PAJ't)-t, I i!O E. l•t !'I . S.A. 547·0764 nrrn Sunrl;i.y -*--P'O'"EU_G_E_O __ T_*_ 1 °'"' .,,.,;so. '" ' -J:..l~.:i.1 :1:.. WANT AD Autos, Imported 970 ·,:;q OPEi. \\'11 gon: 4 ~prl. FU:·H, f:ronom1ca.I, Good rnnrl . i:i;,o. :.4~2:'1.iR . Autos, Imported 970 A! k'111 "~ S2.29!1. •No. ::ia.15\ FRIT": \\"ARREN "S Sport Car Center •DRANGf: C' n l" NT;·' S LARr;fq 710 E !~I !oil. 3..-\. j.li-'1764 PORSCHE e "FJ: POR~HE !HI Targa e Air-Nlnrl .. mag 11•hr•I~. j 1pd S3, 1:i0. C11.ll : ·87~.13.11 ' RENAU;,T I BY Qv.·npr· "6~ R-16 Sta "'rn. air . Rar110. Cltan, Bar1a1n.1 SlltYI. :;;J7-Z1l'>. TOYOTA 19i2 Pnr•rhr 911T 7.'«1 ----------nul•~. A,\1/f"\1 r~dt"l,j GET OUR rhrf'lmt rime. manv othf'r 1 extrM, COCOil bro1~·n 111:h1 TOYOTA DEAL , ''" '"'"'" "3-4070 '"" 1 BEFORE YOU BUY! r.m. I 1%4 ~.i6 C \nupP. \1n1 ronr!., 'f\ l , 11 hllt "/lnrp~! >!:P""" 1nl. -£41l Wl\A i\""" n1n1or_ 1120_i_:r S.'\M!O or TOYOTA * * EXAMPLE BRAN D NEW 1972 CARI NA h,.~! nfl r-r .. 12'2-.l1.>7. NO DOWN rA.YMlNT ' 56674 /mo. ' 2 o~ ... , !..d ... ;,.,,~d•~ .... ~•·· ..,.11 '"''· ,,,,+,d 91~"· • 1~eed. b •Jt~ftl 1to l•, 4 r·1I., ~tm• '"9 '"'' + '"•"V "'~'' e•t.•1. Otrl~' V"'J" !1>do y. . INCREDIBLE . NO DOWN PAYMEN T ( WITH Free ) Maintenance ''' Mo11rh Br.11nd N•w 1972 ,l:!.12 Sed<'!l'I {9100005 1 with Au+e/'1'11.+:c. Tr1I'!~ .. Mic h". li " R,,d iel X Tire s. Ro!!d io. H~et, Rec.li"ing S1o!1ts WITH 12 MONTHS OR 12,000 MILES OF TOTALLY FREE SERVICE io oludio g oil & liltu ch a ngel. tune-ups, elt. $85 .50 is your Toto!ll Monthly P .. yrnen+ ;,,eluding tax & '72 lie and in- cludes a ll f inenc.p ch arge~ oo approved credit for 48 l"!'lonths, Delerred p.tyment pri ce i~ $4 I 04 with .tnnuel ptrc.tol'!l19e r•t e 14.)6 or if you pr l!!fer lo p.t y c..tsh the full pric e is $3096.50 including tax &: '72 lie. CLEARANCE IELOW R£TA.l l llUE IOO K OE MO NSTllA.TOllS '67 R-10 fUOMl211 '60000 '71 R-12 "'"' 12490 00 Lilllt J et1. H-,,,.,, -auldn 1 i t! ;,. 1 eo1. 111• ii 111 hed +hi} lilll1 t~1 rri1 t111. '68 R· 10 1wnou1 ' '70000 <ISP 5l1c~. C:&H . '68 R· 10 '""~'"' '89000 ,t.ulo T,,,.,,. 11~-l i o & H11ter. Mol1191 le J S ..,i1,, p1• 911, '69 R-16 fY<Vllll '149500 R•dio, 4 1p11d. '89000 1990 00 s7o ·R-10 IHlllOJ '1280" '70 R-10 ITlllNU 1129000 l w "';1•1. 11.&H.-. ~f'il · '71 R· 12 "'"' '2190 00 l ew ,.,;1 ,,. ll~dio. 4 Sp. ll t eli"'"9 1teh. Mieh1!i 11 ti1~1. '71 R· 16 """ 1289000 R.4d i., t •r, Mit h1 li111. Auto. Tr1n1. Reel. S •~•. '71 R·16 """ '279000 S11 11 Re el. AM .FM . Aule. y,,,.,,, S11h. Ji ;, -011d S~''"· A 5incere Word No"' that the dnck !'1 rike is over we are receivin~ da ily ~hi pn1ent s nf '72 model car~. \Ve. musl therefore clear our decks of used cars and '7 1 demon strators. This is a real oppo rtun ity fn r ynu In pur· chase at unbelieyable pric es. Jim Slemon:c; 2201 S. MAIN • SANTA ANA • '57·5242 orlN: l :JO 'TIL' W•DYS .• SAT. 'TIL s . OPIN SU NOA.Tl ~im e'lemoni r h, lo" m1l•::i.g,. $1675 . • 644-0027 .. j ·R> TOYOTA Cnrona 4 dr. ls! $:JOO. lt1.k•s~' 9 tn !'i, 11rttr 3,' I M~:-,565 :.¢-7707 '69 Cnro11.t SpnntPr, xlnt cond. must ~ell, mAke otter. 5.WH691. 19i1 l'r'l.Yota -s.roo mil f!.!1 1970 . .t:"ln~·~. ·' 27.,000 mtlf'.i ~19~ f'i'l f'h 64:'>--t.,46 TRIUMPH Spitfire 51999 l"l:Rrt10, Tonnt-111u I F RITZ \.\'A RREN"~ Sport Car Center I • ORANr.E: cnum·>.'·s I LARG EST 710 E. J.~T SL . S.A. ~7-0784 np,.n Sunrli!.v * TRIUMPHS * I ' '71 CLOSEOUT I SPI'fF IRES AS LJ)\V AS S239!J GT-6 SAVE SS00 1 FRITZ \\1ARRF:N'S Sport Car Center ORANGE Cf"ll !NTY'S I LARGE;;-f I 1 ;1ri_F;._ 1~. s.,, :><11~1£11 ! '57 TR-3 S200. Aflrr :'-! ptn, ~-69i"t2 I '6 7 TR Spitfire 5899 BRG. R.:ir11n Tooneau VCZS43 I FRITZ UIARREN"S Sport Car Center • ORANG E COUNTY'S I LARGEST 710 F;. 1~1 S!., S.A. ~~7.071i4 VOLKSWAGEN ; '68 VW BUG 1tJI(!. dlr. H"·' h11rl ln v1ni: c11..rr '. F.xcf'llf'n t ronrh11rrn lhnM"111r. T-.k, 11mall rln\1'n "'ill hn11nre Pvt. Pty. Call !\.16.AT.U; nr 4M~1 I. MUST ~11 i;inre rr1hu:ffl s1ro '60 V\V Van, nu rra.n1 .. rlulrh, hrk~. Ar: tt ~r111!nr Rona perfect. $fi!):.. ~1.~:11~. _ 1 1 ·~ Ru Rti·t'llt l'ni;: .. tr;in,, (~ • '"' !'\1"11' p ~ 1 n I Cu11tnm intPr S!l~ ffl':....:l-Jn,;, '52 VW BUS ·1 J :i1ak.r Ofl•r -6#-61"Tl'I ' . . l 'hl'\ rokt VECiA • WACiON TIME CHECK OUR GREAT SAVINGS NOW! Excell ent Selection BRAND NIW '72 VEGA , LOADED. • • • ·•o H.P. o.h. e•m, r•o 1r19 ir1a, ~---~--·· !!trtt....-rJ~"· .----" --- brakes, door edl)a guerdsi he1 vy duty r1di•tor. 1257576) l!Ob l .. . • WANTA LITTLE LUV? Cl1oic.e of Colors HATCHIACK • HOW ABOUT CONNELL CHEVROLET MARCH 23RD. '72 Cutt•,,. C11•. VI , furlt•~vd,,. .,,,,It. 11e ..... •r •I••""'' ,;,~ b r ~k•1. AM .FM r•,ie, d1l111• w~l, t ev*"• .,..hit• ••tl1, •ft , I I 11 • t I ~ .. $3875 2828 HARBOR BLVD. ,COSTA MESA NEW CARS-546°1200 USED CAIS-546· 120J • •• : . • . . • ': • . • ,. ,• • • • . . ·. • • ,. • 1; .. • • ,, '? ,. " J :I ' ' " • ,. • • '• .. -" '• • • . . '• " :~ " " •• '• " " :• • '• .. '. • : :-'•' '~\ .; • • :· . --_k • • • ! • • • • • • • • . . " '. • " • • ' : J ' " ' '! ' " " • • if Jl .! ' ' ' f4 j)AJL Y '!LOT •~•day Y1rc" !7 !q?:~ ' ·THIS ' BRAND NEW '72 GMC 3/ 4 TON with 11' OPEN ROAD • Fu!ly ~io:H contained c.t!lbove r t C'Jmf)!r. 12502180 1 . BOTH FOR ONLY $ MANY TO CHOOSE FROM 1971 MOTOR HOME $ 20 ft. fully self contained Red -i -Kamp Moto r Home. Automatic, power steering , po we r brakes. generator, roof oir conditioning. Use d low niileoge . ( 165589 I FULL PRICE 1966 TORONADO 1969 DATSUN 510 '69 ALPINE G.T. 1969 DATSUN Au•o..;.Hc.,-r-•4;., loe<1fe•,---11ewe• t••••-' -1•00..-o•os-rE• " __ .. S!den, Eo ui/!ii ~d ~~d re edv I<:> drtvt 1n9 •"Id brek1i, t ir tO"d. "'"YI •oof . ~ed1 e hte loi1. f l.A J 5~~! ' tp••d ''"'"''"'"""· •ed•e. h1a•1r . 11 1617•1 hom 1 tod1v. (YllF9 0J I 1ZJV786 ) $795 . $975 $987 $795 1966 CHRYSLER 1967 BUICK SKYLARK 1968 CHEVROLET '70 TOYOTA N•wporl. ve , 1uto melit, rediti he,ie•, ,,, tulo.,..~•·~ "•~111"•11•0~. , • .il 10, IMPA L"' ll.ed10 d"d ~1<1 !er. IAICH9l ll powe• 1leer<ng & brtk11 , f,.e lory '"· ke<1 !1r . ITVFSJ7 l 2 Or. H.l. Air Ci-nd .. "11'"·· P.S .. P.B .. ('2 763 11 "1dio ""d h,,.1~'. !XSVSS ?l $595 $675 $1295 $1 195 1969 BUICK SK YLARK 1967 OLDS WAGON 1969 DATSUN 1600 1967 OLDS DELTA 2 dr. 1'-" T. A11 lo"ldlrt 'dd•o. ~~"'••, v,,1. c.,,,,,, V!, •ulo,.,~hc. t ~d ·o. <I •l'ttd l '"""'""'~M. •dd•o. ~11t1 r Ceupe. ll.1d 1 ... he~I••. <1ufo., Jl O"''' JlOWI~ \lfl'l ~g & b1 ~\!1, WI••', ~~· ~11!1 '-IH''"'"' 1!ttl"lj &, b td~tl , f<1cl ·!4 0]4 ~1 1te1•1n 1 ' b·~~e1. ~invl •oof, {Wl'B. cond•••o~•"1• IZDH256 ) "'' cond., •r-r-1 ·~e~ ll'.OZ41i5 l ll6 1 l $2195 $1595 $995 .. $J ,J98 ' > 1968 OLDSMOBILE 1969 OPEL WAGON 1969 TORONADO "''). (96(, fl ~MOUTH DEL TA 88 CUSTOM SATELLITE Couot, ·~do, ~,,,~r <11ulor""<1 f•t "" R•J•o, ~l dllt , 'I 1p1ed lr <1n1mr111on. to"d , ... ~.+e wtll1, winyl 1oof ! WPB. ~Jtel!1nl 2nd c1• l'l'QC80 1) J.ull JlO'"'I <. ld tlo1y "" w1,,yl roof. 142· l\dd to, h1 <1!1r. 111 lo"l1f i~, DOwt r 1!11r· • 66 1 j " 8165 ) ing & br1.11. !Tll.A776l $1445 $710 $2795 ~\ -~~--~·$795 ... . . ,,. ! • • - ·I • VOLUME SAVINGS EXAMPLE SAVINGS BRAND NEW '72 OLDS CUTLASS lol'!ded iric.!. <'I ulo. lr ttr't~ .• pow er 5iee rin 9 «nd brak 11J, VS engine, P,l c. .. elc. I 10131 2 ) , ' ON OLDS ! BR AND NEW '72 OLDS 98 CO UPE ~~~'o•y "'' tond 1 1>e.,:~7. t>Owf • 1f,er·~g. ,.,, • .,, . d"r br e~e•. r., .... , ..,;~-1~ .. 1. t.I! •!••••r1 ... ~,.1 ,,..~;;, 1rdt w<1ll l1re1 . 1481 005 1 ~~~~~~-~ _ QllANGE COUNTY'S LA RGEST HONDA INVENTORY LOTS OF '72 HONDA COUPES LEASING? LOOK! NEW 1972 OLDS TOR ON ADO [let ·~~; .. ,~.j,.,.J, doo1 lo~~'· v•~vl t~,. AM .~M iter ~o red•o. ~ r co~d '129" MON TH ,;:,:;., WE LEASE ALL PO PULAR MAKE · '. CAR S AND TRUCKS WINTER SPE CIAL S RENT . A GMC CAMPE~ , FULLY SELF CO NTAINED - " for 1FRID.A,Y '' $ 5 SATURDAYS SUNDAY . ENTIRE 3 DAYS FIRST 300 MILES ARE FREE! COSTA MESA I ' .. • ' • • • • r nd.,, Mardi 17, 1972 DAILY PILOT .f/J [ AU1os for SM l§J I .,,,., .. ,.,. l§l I .,,....... l§l [ ..... ~.-. l§l [.. ............ l§l I Aul ........ Autos, Used 990 Autos, U1td 990 Autos, Used -------BUICK BUICK '63 Chry1, V-8, A.T., PIS, 1199 990 •utos, Used 990 Autos, Used· CADILLAC CHEVROLET 990 Autos, Used FORD ------- l§J l ............ I§] I .......... ,. l~l ~~.-;1 990 Autos, U1ed 990 Autos, UMCI 990 Autos, Used 990 PLYMOUTH STUDEBAKER '&! Chrys, 2Dr 11.T .. A.T .. P/S, Air, P /Seats, Sfl95 '68 Buick ALWAYS LARGEST SELECTION OF CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY SALES-LEASING AuntORlZED '67 Chevelle 396 S.S, '4 spd, •M~ ... _, G 1 . u.... 2 d new tires It mA!.&S, very~ cO•v a ax~ ........,, . r, ' clmn. $1300 or best otter aJt auio trans, po"-er s.1.cer1ns:. CONVERTIBLE '64 Valiant 1-.62-G_T_H_o_w_k-, -.,,-.-,.-,-,0-..,,-.1-.-.-.66-T--B-l-nl-.-lo-w_m_il_c_&(_C, V·8, I ownrr, 55,000 rn!'s., Pwr s•-, good ti-, xl"l 1· ·' f II wr "° T·BIRD Sport Wagon '63 Galaxie, 4Dr, V-8. A.r.: P/S, $395 6 54~7ti7fi 300 c.l. Good cond. $000. 1968 p.m. • trlun1ph 250 Trophy. $450 or r/h, $425. 536·9G6:l. ...... '"" nu ires, air, u p ., tran!I. $300. alt 5 pm 1n~:'h problems, priv. party. '65 Rambler Sta \\'Aiton SZIS '70 Cadillal' Cpe DrVillc, f'ull Power,. Air .. P .'S, Loaded $4295 '70 Mavel'ick Sll9'3 '69 Galaxie, 4Dr, V-8, A.T .. PIS, Air, $1499 ALL '68 & NEWER CARS SOLO AT WHOLESALE OR LESS Mesa Auto Sale!! 46S E. 17th, Costa !\1cSlt 645-4.144 AMERICAN American Motors ,.,..-G remlins ""Hornets .....,.Matadors """Javelins VAmbassador1 Huge i.1ock or '7I 's & '72'1 Big-Big $avings Harbor American Home of Convenient Payments 1969 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 646-0261 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS FOR ACTION .•• CALL 642-5678 R,adjo, Jfeater, Power Brakes, Power Steering, Tilt Wheel. Luggage Rack, Jo'actory Air Cond. (XNB868J. $2095. Tommy Ayres Chevy 946 S.' Coast H"')'. Lagµna Beach 494. 77441546-9961 '60 Electra, red conv. Good. S225 or -0lfer. 0 w n er. 833-88J2. '69 Wildca1, 2 dr, air, full pwr, xlnt ·C'Oncf., sm. * 644-59TI * VERY CLEAN '64 Riviera Must see to a ppreciate! 54~10&! alt 6 p.m. '64 BUICK Skylark Completely rebuilt 548-7368 QUICK CASH THR8UGH A WANt AD DAILY PILOT 642-5678 A Fine Selection OF NEW & USED BUICKS "Specializing. In Quality" ··BAUER Buick-Opet.Jaguar Z'\4 E. 17th St~ Costa ?tlesa • 548·776.5 '69 ·Electra 225 limilcd, Factory Air Cond, Fully .Equipped, (\'QAll6) ~VICE ­ Nabers Cadillac: 2600 HARBOR BL., COSTA lllESA 540-9100 Open SUnda; 168 Sedan OeVille Gorgeous, fully luxury equip- ped( Including A1t/}'M stereo. Factory Air, ol course. $2895. 642--0918 """ Tommy Ayres Chevy 1--c_A_M_A_R_o _ 946 S. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach 494-TI44JS46.9967 CADILLAC '67 CAhtARO SS "350", disc brakes, rally spnrt. whe<'ls, 4 spd w/only 40,000 mi. Ab- solut{'[y likt' nrw, Sl ,300., pvt parly, 492·3878. ·~ CA~1ARO, like new. ~Z7. ,69 CONVERTIBLE 4 spd. Sl,595 or best oiler. fi73-176S. Medculously maintained. Ser---------- vice f'C(:ords, \Varranty, every Luxury op! ion. Pvr ·CHEVELLE I P(y. $378.5. 675-7497, 675-197'Z. '69 CifEVELLE \VAGON '68 Cari Coupe de Ville, ha!'; }'uU P"T. $2200. r very! h i n g. ln mi. :>40-9695 or 557-4240 ~;~~~~arp, Musi sell! -~C~H~E~V~R~O~LE=T~- '71 cou"" d•Villo. Gold. "'" '70 Chevy Caprice top. $6499. CaU i-1 er s.h 645-4040. 4 Dr tlardtop, "'bite with Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 Blaf'k Vinyl Top, Radio, !!eater, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Factory Air NEVER ON SUNDAY! Concl, V...8, Auto Trans, (191- A.FUl. $2695. Tommy Ayres Chevy 946 S, Coas1 Hwy. Laguna Beach 4!l4-774·1/546-9967 '70 Impala.Sta. Wagon CHEVY '69 Imp. • Dr. best oiler on both, 893-9&12. V/top, alr/cond .. auto, full Ask for Dan. power. $1;)5(1. Owner 71•: 1 ,-,0=F=~..::.:c::1=500--v-,--673-4533 •. o.u a , .... auto, · air, full pwr., 545-9251 or '67 Impala 2 Dr. hrdtp, lull 979-4nO besl cash oiler or pwr. air, auto. Very clean, ,trade for??? l\o1ust sell 644-2951. 1.8.oR::O::N::co==.7'-1-8-8-i•--Ty-,,.-. '70 Impala gbld w/blk vinyl Spec, Prep. By ~ord. Many Ip P-S, atr, $2200. Xtras. Orig Cost $5500-Sac. 968·:!608. ~ll. 673-3690. "67 Chevelle SS 396 4 ~II. LEASE a 1972 Ford Pinto. Very Clean. SlOCiO. ,..a ~ro =1 b POCAI #U<J·J" mo, or uy. , 847-3810. LEASING & lNVESTh1ENT '&! CheveUe 4 speed,. Best CO. 5'18-11.>J. offer. "62 Ford Cortina, S200. 8-17-4177. ' • LINCOLN '60 El Camino 3 • s Pd '68 Conlinrntal. Silver w/blk w/ovenlrive. ~. 1 owner. landau top. Full po"·er * * 673-1'!'2" aft 6pm. w/air. Like ™-"'"'· Must '61 CHEVY-$200 sacrifice, besj o!ter, Good CQ!ld. --· _675-6860 c°':::.>-.::30SO=·c.... ____ _ •s1 Chevy-Runs Good MUSTANG Vrry Clean • e 548-1474 --------- CONTINENTAL '&\ MUS'fANG hrdlp, 6 eyl, standard trans, blu ~·/nu paint. tape deck & Ftvl '71 Continental MK Ill recC'iver. Daughters car. 16,000 original miles, luxur· Must scli! 9 7 9 -8 & 41 iously equipped, with all the 646-0155. extra., includin'g Speed. Con-1 ·.~6,~~M'-,-.,-,.,-.-C~o-,-... -.-V-.jl-, trol, Mercedes .Trade 1n, A/C, auto, p/s. Sl6!f.> or Authorized best offer. 54{)....2924. PONTIAC '72 Pontiac Firebird Brand ne\v J9721''ireblrd. PS, PB. radio, heatC'r, WS\V llrrs, elee. C'lock &: many, rnany cxlr&s. au!n. trans., 1-enter 11 , t"Onsole, Serial No. ~02'~522807. WAS $4091.62 SAVE $700.00 F'ROl\1 STICKER NOW $3391.62 + Ta. .... lie. & dee fee or LEASE !nr only $99.07 mo. open end 36 mo. lease BILL BARRY PONTIAC·GMC-FIAT t lst SI. at S.A. fo\\'Y.) 2000 E. lsl St. Santa Ana ~1000 '67 Exccutive.St11 \Vagon, full pl)\\'('r, lilt v.·hecl, luggage l'HCk, Air rond., AJ\1/Fi\1 radio, New brks. C'.ood 2nd car. &-low "·holcs11lc blur'book, s1o;i0. Sl.1-1137. Convert., '69 Custon1 V·8. 1\·ht \V/wht lop. Air, PtS, P/8, Tape det·k. Lo mi's. Seti for M.B. Dealer 523.7250 '71l\1ach1. red. 351-4V, auto, __ w~·-~~boo-~k._644:._:_--'77-'69"'-. __ loaded. Pvt pty. 7 C . '62 Continental, all power. 97·9-0589 196 atahna 4 Dr HT. PB, $400 or bc!1 offer. Leaving PS, P"'r. scats, P"T wtn· for the Islands ncxl weC'k! 1970 MUSTANG <BOSS 302L "<lows, air, VT, nu lil't's, 646-3632. Xlnt cond. S2400. &i;,...3673 Clean $915. ~3226. '69 ConL xlnl cond. 1apel-'-"";_:;";_:;5·_______ '68 Fircbird 400, 4 spd., deck, all pwr., nu tires, OLDSMOBILE r/h. posi. tracl., G'ood priced to scH. s 3 1 a a . conrl. SI7>9;,. G+l-2920 673.-4588 1966 OLDS Delta 88 4 Dr. '72 Pontiac Ventura 11 CORVAIR sdn. Very clean local, Brand new ·72 Ventura JI 2- WE'RE CLOSED SUNDAY BUT OUR PRICES ARE .. LOWER THE REST OF THE WEEK ------· __ . _ original car. Air, etc. $895. dr. Fully fac1ory cquipJM'd '62 Corvair, eng ine CQmpl. Firm 545-2083. including 6-cyl engine. Ser. r<:'built, 4 ~.·~~clutch, '69 Gutlass Supreme full pwr. No. 2427D3Ll.050.17. Factofy air. PS, Beautiful -":.:"::"::c'o:·w::•::llc.:1::12=5,,_.61:.:c:><i..:::182:::__·_1 &. air cond. $2150. WAS $2958.94 · ''"''" •·hlte with <addle 'In-. COUGAR . 892'5928. SAVE $500 GET THE BIG DISCOUNT Right Now At Terry Buick Lowest Overflead In So. Calif. LISTED IELOW ARE IUT A FEW OF OUR LOW LOW EVERYDAY PRICU ~ue:n~7d~·i~~l~~."~Est~~!E & disc brakes, s359Q33 radio, heatPr, etc. Big full size Buick. Luxury and comfort for such a Low Price. NEW "72 BUICK SKYLARK 2 Door Coupe. ~1odcl 3327. VB fn~inr, rndio. healer, ~lted lir<'~. tlow 1hru vtntilation. Plus loads of slandard Buick equipment. Ordtr This Great Car Today. Nf'ill "72 BUICK 1'LECTRA 22S Un~lievably Low Priced for one of America's most luxurious automobiles. Turbine drive, power steerini:. power brakes. Dozens of other extras. Order Yours Now. $279896 s439572 tcrior (257BSY) $2695. -~·nol\1 STICKl:":R. T A Ch -------.,..---1'60 Oldi;, good t ires . ommy yres evy '67 Co,gar .............. 199; P/S.PIB, PW. R""' greal NOW $24S8.94 946 S. Coast f{\vy., Laguna Sch 494-7744/541).9967 • '70 El Camino Radio, Heater, Auto Trarui, V-8, {973EIU). $2395. Tommy Ayres Chevy 946 S. CoMt I1wy. Laguna Beach 494-n441546-9967 '66 Chev Impala station wagon. Radio, he a I er, automatic trans, power steering, air conditioning. Phone 540-&114 DLR. Loaded, vinyl lop, immac. S300 or offer. ;;57-9305. ·+ Tax, Lie & Doc Fer Orig. owner • 494-5356 or LEASE for only $74 mo. ·10 Cougar, loaded. st';i00. St.>e, __ P_L_Y_M_O_U_T_H__ Open end 36 mo. leaM: at 1463 Dea,vlllo Pl.; C.M.'" BILL BARRY tbehioo "'""Y"'· '70 Plymouth '67 XR·7 Good Cond. Full pwr.. air. $995. Ca 11 646-6485. Superbird 25,0(X) actual miles, under --------,-·I warranty, V-8. Auto Trans., '65 DODGE Coronet 2 dr. Power Steering, Ma g sedan V·8,'automatlc, clean. Wheels, only 500 of lhese $550. Call 968-74'{7. made each year. d I r , '64 Dart GT 6 ps '4 on floor, ~crifice at 12395. Will con-' · sider trade. DODGE runs good. S475· 646·3242 days 557-4540 afl S * 833-0737 * PONTIAC-GMC ·FIAT (Isl St. al S.A. ~·wy. I 2000 E. 1~1 St. Santa Ana 558.JOOf) 1968 Firebird $1400- Call 544·855'1 afl 6. RAMBLER '63 RAMBLER Yiagon, 1 owner, good cond., R,'1.H, W/W ~w paint $395. ;,,iS--0963, 837-7494. s~. &16-344<1. Stll the old &tuU Sell idle. Item:. now! Autos, UMd 990 Autos, Used YOU CAN IE HAPPY TODAYI PRICE REDUCTION ON ALL CARS IN STOCK LOOK ••• BRAND NEW '72 COUGAR !"••''""' wtlfl is1 v .. llftlLna, av!\. t1a"'·· -ff 1IHrl11t, ,._ er tllK br1kn, Whl!IWllll, tacttory air cencl., t111tlld 11e11, ,.,..., t1.iw1 ~ ''"'"'· ISOMlll $3677 BRAND NEW .. {2 MERCURY MARQUIS 2 Or. H•rtlo,, •2t CID, V•I, IU!f. tr1111., ,wr. brtkt•, .-. llttriftt, WSW hr•1. con~•nlt11<1 ,,. .. ,, Ult wMtl, tact. l lf c1nt1., rMll, Hnletl 11o1n, ,._, wlnHW1, Ylnrl ,..,, iSUJtt. TODAY'S PRICE $456, '72 COLONY PARK WAGON BRAND NEW 10 PASSENGER J ul! pew1r anti air cont .. WSW'1, •2t V·f, tilt l!r. WllHI, ,,... c11<11ro1, l11M•1e rack, Dilm"r 1v•r1ll, "MIAM ''''" rtdlt, rtmoll mirror, tint 1l1u, pew.r doer la<kt, cn111 <IUnl•'t' r44e ~·· ,$4.$'41 TODA Y'S PRICE '5175 Since 1933 · Sth & Wal ri'ut Huntington Beach '!la Impala SS. Terrific buy. Xlnt conrl. Full p w r. 49+-fi072, 494-()}94. 1970 Nova • :n.ooo miles 19TI Toyota . 8,000 miles $1950 each. &15-1346 '71 BRONCO 4x4. Xlnt cond. 8000 miles. $3460. IN OUR 536-6588 '71 VEGA. Auro, 110 HP. 13,000 mi"s. Like new. ~1895. offer. ~8-0371. 548-4073. '';,7 Ranchero ·~ 390 eng. Cruisc-o-malic. P/S, Very Clean. 846-4339. Autos, lmpo rted--970Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 9~0 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 USED CAR OPEN SUNDAYS OVER 150 NEW & USED VW'S TO CHOOSE FROM '70 VW BUG '66 FORD WAGON .... Co;mtry Scivlr•. Full Powt1r, Air Cond. rRYP l<llll '68 FIAT SPIDER Nrw En9IM, Clu!ch. CXEY 6201 '69 OPEL KADET .. $1450 ... $188' ....... $788' ... $788 '70 CHEVELLE 396 SS ..•.... , .... $2388 ... UIO., P.$., P,8 . Vinyl TOP, Road Wtlfoel1. tl!l!Oll '68 FORD CORTINA . ........... ... $688 Air Cono., •Speed, 111111• Gooot (YO .. D201 '66 VW DELUXE BUS ........... .$1~99 lie. lM OS)(. '69 POP TOP CAMPER . . . ~ ..... . $2399 lie. HS AGH. '71 VW DELUXE BUS . ..... $2899 Al• COM. I.OW mlln. 81lga WllfQPll brown Int, lit, uo !IZV. OPEN SUNDAYS LARGEST SELECTION OF VW BUSSES & CAMPERS '70 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE 10 PctSMft9•f Wogo11, Full Power '3266 Air Conditioned, lmmocu loto 1 OwllOr Ccir • Low Miios. H11rry, Wo11't Lost the w .. •e11d. '65 VW SQUAREBACK ..........•. $19t Gritll ffCond Ctr. Lie, ll:FF t71. '66 CAPRICE ESTATE WAGON ... $111 Air Cond., Full Powrr ISVG WI '69 REBEL SST 2 DR. H.T •..•..... $1249 Mel. blllf W/bfl\ l•ndtu loo, lull POWtf CXYS l6a!, '59 VW BUG ........ . . . . . . . . .... .$411 '67 OLDS DELMONT 88 ............ St9t Full -· rMIJo, air conclltlonlno. Lie, •JI CTO. " '68 OPEL RALLYE ..... . . ...... . ... $950 Chrome whttfl, rtclno tlrlPt, ek. Lie. WEG ... . ,. '69 DATSUN 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11 95 &pa/11 Gtr llNdV IO 00 1205 7'1J, USED CAR DEPT. 1971 CADILLAC Sedan DeYille Beautiful Cordove b1own e •lerior with cloth I l1alher interior and vinyl roof, Full powar plus facfory •ir cond itio11ing, AM-FM plus f•clorv I hack tler•o t•pe. Just an imm•cvl•te automobile. ! I ti6CH8). Blv. Book Price ii $6490, -$5699 WE'RE HARD~~ TO BEAT AT And that's the way we'd like fo talk to you! A men-to-man telk •bout prices, quality end service. We th ink you 'll find everythin9 you've wanted in • used c.tr right here. Sill Jric•I lfftc:llY• ltlrll MIMIJ ,111/n "69 OLDS CUTLASS Cpc. Auto., radio, heater. pmA'rr ste<>ring, rally whN?ls. <3.1677911· 02435). Blue Book Price $1910 '69 V.W. BUG Bl uE' with black interior, RAdio, hf'flf- rr, 4 speed. (YOE848J. Blue Book Price SI335 "68 CHEVY IMPALA 4 Dr. H.T. Automatic, full f!Owrr, factory air, yellow w/black lntt'r• ior. (XJV920), Bluf" Book PrlciZ $1460 '70 GRAND PRIX Full po.wer, factory 11.i r cnnditinn· ing, vinyl ronf. (216ADE:J, Blue Book Price $3720 "70 COUGAR H.T. $2799 Coupe. Yellov.· v.·ilh black in lrrior, Vl,yl top, "'' <•md., full """'"" IOF'91H504346>. Blue Book Prier $2905 '70 FORD CUSTOM $1999 4 Dr. Sedan. Full power, raclnry •Ir. vi,yl top. (882EACJ. Bl"° Book Price $2365 .'69 FIREBIRD Full powrr, factory ftlr condilinn- in~. vinyl lnp. (373CAOJ, Blue Book Price $2480 "69 DATSUN 4 DR. SED. Aulomatic, radin and hrlltrr. (YCR80J), Blue Book Price $1370 • '6S CONTINENTAL 4 Door. full powE'r, factory air con- ditioning, vinyl top. (NRN835J "68 PONT. EXECUTIVE H.T. Cj>c. Full power, factory !Ur, Vinyl top. (ZZX7QIJ), Blue Book Price $1695 1. • f$ DAILY PI LOT _, " • -CADILLAC · NINETEEN SEVENTY-TWO . . . ON DISPLAY-READY TO GO 1972 Coupe De Ville Very Low Mil••tt E:r.ecutlw• C•r. FuUy loaded with full r.owf'r, ractory air conditionjng, A?tf·FM, power 6 way seat, door '-'dge guards, pow('r door locks &: seat back redlner, tllt-telPscopi<' r;tN>ring whef'I, twilight sentinel, lamp monitol'8, bumper impact 11lrlps. (205166) $6687 ~ ir,,,...,..,""'..., .. "'~""°"""'""'"'"...,""'""',..,,"""""'""ic:::""':::-""'-~-. . ' z::-..-:... ~ •' [~l972 EL DORADO : CONVERTIBLE LESS THAN 4,000 MILES l. Full leather interior, full power. factory a ir t.:ond1tioning, e· JXJ"·cr 6 V.'RY seat, floo r mats, \VS\V, Ai\.I-r l\1 stereo, door ('dge guards, po .... ·er door locks, tilt-telf' v.•heel, 14;'.ht sen· linPI, Jrun1l rnonitors, 1~·er trunk Jock, bumper irnpact strips. {'109207) $7987 ~ . -' LEASE A BRAND NEW 1972 COUPE DE VILLE Fully equipped \Vilb vinyl roof, AM-FM stereo radio, soft ray glass, fuJJ powe red 6 \Vay .seal, door edge guards, automatic climate air conditioning. lilt & tele steering wheel, l\vilight sentinel. (Stock •3453) ONLY '70 Fleetwood Bl'ougham. Leather Interior, vinyl top, dual individua l power comfort 1eats, Cull power, factory air condi· tionlng, AM-FM 1tereo, power door lock&, il'Ss than 26,000 miles. (682ADK) '69 Coupe De Ville Tapestry A leather Interior, £ull po\ver and fact ory air conditioning, tllt·telescopic sleerlng wheel, Al\·I·fl\1 slereo radio, power door locks, twilight sentinel (YSL,... 346) '70 Coupe De Ville Factory air conditioning, vinyl top, full leather Inter· lor, all power Incl. door loclul, tilt .l telescopic &leering, stereo, most all dlx. extras. (716ASI) '69 Continental Mark Ill Vinyl top, leather interior. fu ll powl'r, factory a ir condltioning, ti!L whttl, AM-FM stcrro radio, 11ower door Jocks, f>O\\'Cr trunk opener, eli·. 1084DLlJ . ' ' '70 Sedan De Ville Vinyl top, leather interior, AJ\1-FM radio, power door locks, full power, factory air conditioning, t1vilight sentinel, local 1 01vner car. C097AGA 1 '69 Sedan De Ville Factory air conditioning, full po"·er. vinyl top, tapes- try & leather Interior, stereo, tilt & telescopic steer- ing, door locks, light sentinel. Local lo1v 1nilcagc & ext ra clean. (YZl..8971 '70 El Dorado Firemist paint, (ac101·y air conditioning, full Jeathrr lnt('rior. Full pol'·rr t>quipment, AM·Fi\t stereo multi· plex radio, tilt&: tclf'scopic slel'ring \1·hccl, po111'r dn(11· locks, padded top, 1nany othl'I' deluxe rxtras. j928ACL 1 '68 El Dorado Factory air conditioning, Cull leather interior. padded top, full PQ\l'{'I', tilt & t elescopic wh~I. stereo, door loi:k$, radia l ti1·es, rte. All dclu.\'C xtras and sho11·s thl' ultimate in car('. <VQH044 l ~~.:~. ~~ ~ • K ~ $175 PER MONTH 24MONTH OPEN END ANNIVERSARY $5666 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY s355·5 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY s4333 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY $4444 SALE PRICE ANNIVtRSARY $4222 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY s3444 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY s4999 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY $3222 SALE PRICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL CADILLACS IN Orange County CHOICEST INVENTORY IN ' SOUTl-IERN CALIFORNIA Sale Prief's E[fcc lil'f' Thru J\Tarch 31, 1972 \ '71 El Dorado Jade green firemist/green paddPd top/matching lapl's· try &. leather interior, full power, factory air, til l 11·heel, AJ\1-Fi\l, po11·er door locks & trunk opener, Llghl sent., clc. f423837) '68 Cadillac Coupe Deluxe hardtop .<:pc. t'actory air conditioning, pov.rr sLeering, brakes, V>indo\\·s. tilt & telescopic sttrring, signaJ seeking radio. tapestry in lcl'ior, po~·cr a.ntcnna. ?<.lnny d tx. xl.ras. (356AS Hl '68 Sedan De Ville Gorgeous Firen1ist finish, factory air conditioning, full power, viny l top. Full leather interior, tilt & telescopic steering, i;tereo. door lock!!, etc. (\VID004J '67 Cadillac Convertible. Red exterior \\·ith \vhite top and matching "'hile lcathrr interior. Full po\\·er, factory air condi. tioning, tilt-tcle wheel, stereo Ai\l-FM radio, 1>0wer door locks. etc. (UTB739l '71 Sedan De Ville Factory air conditioning, full po11·er, vinyl top. Luxur- ious cloth & leather interior, tilt & telescopic steering, stereo 'AM!Fl\1', door locki; twill&ht lentinet:=.Extremc- 1 117 IO\V local mileag~. (~W)' -· -+ -. '66 Coupe De Ville f"ull po111er, factory air conditioning, t ilt-tele \\'het'I, AM-F?i1 radio, vinyl top. cloth & leather interior. (SBH020) '68 Cadillac De Ville ConvL Leather interior, full po11•er, factory air condi- tioning, tilt/tel~scoplc steering lvhecl, Al\1-FJ\1 radio, etc. IYC'T"209) '67 Sedan De Ville I . Vinyl' toP, leatbef Interior. fiill )10\ver, factory Air !'onditloning, AM-Flit radio, till telescopic steering '''heel, etc. CUOL081~ ANNIVERSARY s7444 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY $2666 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY $2444 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY $1999 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY $6222 SALE PRICE ANNIVERSARY $1444 SALE PRIC( ANNIVERSARY $2555 SALE PRICE ' > ...... ANNIVERSARY ~222 ;• SALE PRICE Your Authorized Cadillac: Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Ha Area NABERS . 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN NABERS LEASING LEASE DIRECT Immediate Del ivery •· Excellent Selection Free P)ckup and Delivery . ' - ll'r11 Loan Cars While Lease Car Serviced Four and one-h1lf acres of total authorized Cadill1c facilities dealgned to better sell and • service Cadillac auotmobiles. 80 (work st1ll1) and 45 factory trained technici1 ns. 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM M-on. thrn Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and S'u.n. ' ' • -- " . • • • /lrwiay. March 17. 11172 DAILY PILO T .f'l '72 WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS B·IOO VAN 1n9' "'~•"bo1• i.....,, d1.,. bool-eL 10 111 ~M"I' <!u!y "'" r.nl-t>. '1 Of!'CI ol1tr...,,1nr, R plQ, <ll•nl ''"""''-G'*"tl!llr G18•1S ,~,~ '"'"I'"" tonT•ol, mutn mu~n mor~. IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY Sl9911 1011ldn.9yrn! '17111\!0lol "'o • pyml. "''I. 10 ~. Ire.en" & oll>o•ryOflll fl111rgn on op pr rrtd•l lor 48 lflo•. Otlerrt d p,tttt. ' P"'' S390710 ir1r.I tn• & l~tn!t. ANl<llJI( P(RCfNIAGl RA ff I 4.48 "•· $199DOWN (8 I 1Al 1V60119}9) $2788 ,:1i~ $77 15 A MONTH TAKE YOUR .CHOICE '70 PLYM. '70 CHEV. IMMEDIATE DELIV.ERT - EULL PRICE -·$199 DOWN ~·::.::·::::.:-:.~.":;:~-::;~~u~~· $39 A MONTH · 70 FORD · · FOR 36 MONTHS s 1 q~,.1n1nl d" r r"'' s 1q .. 1n!n~ ... ~ p,..,f 0<11:1, la•.\ l<C•~1• l nil ("''l'"ll t11cugo on "llP'. crt1lot Jn• .l~ mn1 o~­ ;,,.•d ~1"'' P<(t S1Ml1 '"''· '"' & Ii. rt<11t .4.N"IUAL Pl~(INT .4.G( R.4.1[ 11 7S ', , '71 VEGA $199 DOWN $43 A MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS '65 Plymouth BARRA CUDA v.e nLOto . rrnn~. power 1tee1ing. radio, heeler, 69 SEMZ '66 Pontiac GTO ' V 11, rn~rO, hen!fr. wl\,lewoll hr~\, f11ll "'"YI •"'~• ~• boK••I 1~0•1. reor seat 511toker. XSP2JO 72COLT FACTORY COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE! COUPE ,.....,...-~ 4\il•en"o 11 ••1•.r o••·,. bro lr1. I• .,, ~<••1 ,.., • ''"'I '71FORD500 $199 DOWN $46 A MONTH FOR 36 MONTHS $148 8 1 ~ " . . , . fU ll "''" "" '""'"' ~.) , PRI(( MIG PM ~,..-1. "" IO• '"" ... ~" ·~"1 nq (•llJ'~f\ ·~ 011(11 rr •o.1 fo· 36 -rn,. Oefr-••i 1.~• p• •i 1gss·~.i rn~& •-« A•if,JA_ P/Or!'F •{.I 11 n~ ·• UAND NEW l....;..I """' .,,,,..,.,old -·~ ' "' h•o• botl ""'' ~•0•1r, ...,1 """di·-· (OJ'•"'-"'"'"'" Gt1.11 '""' '*"'\\•tl'O <O<"trol '"''"'· h•Q~ ll''PO<I P"l"I I. """~""''h more OllDf~ YOOR~ TODAY. FACTORY COLOR OF YOUR CHO ltfl 5 2088~ PRICE I I'~" Ill~ dn ""'' lMI ",_,.,.""' P1"'' ""' lao.lo(t<1 .. -oll(OH'f"'4!""'Qfl""-' ''""'' lllf l • ,.,,,. 0•!"''"°''''" Jl(I $'\I\ ""'I 1<1• I. I""'"" •"INJAl 'II( Ill T AGI I• II • 9 l ... s199 DOWN $66AMONTH fOR 36 MONTHS CUITOI VAI S ITC OUITIZT SEE AND DRIVE THE FAMOUS-• "COFFINlLVAN--·r- BRAND NEW '72 DODGE TRUCK looded w1rh ~·nyl bf'roth ~I\. he-orer, [781 !4 FACTORY COLOR OF YOUR CHO ICE! tire'I. w1ndshreld wos~rs, rhrechon 1ognols, full 't.~ -~JI • ~myl inr.,mvchmuch mort.Orcler'r'Gl.lr'I Today. ___ _, --3 /1 $2288 00 IUll ,.J(( $J99DOWN '71 MUSTANG $199 DOWN $73 A MONTH ~~i~s '68 ROADRUNNER '68 CHEV. Camaro '69 FORD Galaxie · $288 ~~\~, $388 ~~\~, '67 FORD Sta~ Wag on '69 CHEV. NOVA '69 DODGE VAN '69 CORT I NA '66 PLY M 0 U TH ~;;::_·;;·_;· ·"_·:·_:·::.._: .. _.·: ·_.::"_.::;_$_5_8_8_.:_:~: +-:_;:._;~:_«;;;_; .. ___ $ 88 __ 8_.:_:~:.+-:-~· ,_.::_·:,<;>_;:._"_"·_ ..... _ •• _ .. _$_;8::;__;;8_8_.:_:1: 'i.pttd rroris .• rodoo. MGTtr, butter ltoh, 71GASM V 8 outo !Inn\_, po,., er sltt1>ng, rocl•O, heoier, PN4 1E622 lq44 2 s38·8fULL PRICE '70 FORD Sta. Wagon VI ''""' "~"• •• $1688 OUll •• ''"t'''O· ,~ •. to'•.'\"( "'· ,_ 11~ st• ''''' '68 PONT. Firebird ' • '69 CHEV. Pickup $888 ,.;, •I I(( ' . . • ' "BUY A FORD" AND . PICKUP CAM PER SALE! NEW '72 F253 PICKUP AND NEW 11 FT. CAMPER Come In and Te~t Drive The Two Newest ~ Better taeas From Ford! -COUR IER . PINTO PIC KUP The New Economy Import The Smart Looking, Smooth Riding Way To Be Thrifty! • ROBINS EVERYDAY VOLUME DISCOUNTS SAVE YOU MONEY! NEW '72 GALAXIES NOW DISCOUNTED UP TO $90 FlOM 1 WINDOW STICKER S.r.:: f2J5.IH 1440411 11 01 5) NEW '72 MUSTANGS NOW DISCOUNTED UP TO Picku p i1 Cust. Stylesid1 with 360-VI, •ir cond., •u+o. tr•ns., r•dio, 8100 Gvw pk9., spt. cust. c•b, boot, l imit slip •:ic le, T-Glas1 , 7:50xl6, Aur 25 gal. fuel t•nk •nd mort. Stk •574. El Oor•do Shaw. nee Camper has 9•1/eleC ref rig, mOnom•tit toil~t. chateau r•nge, c:olor cord dr•p•s, m•tfrets•• etc. Stk #859. Truly dl1, pkg. throughout! $ lT ~ 0, .. '.:::=:):__;D:::::l:::::SC:::::O::::::::::UN:::T:., STATION WAGON FROM WINDOW STICKEi Ser. 7t 12f01Hll17l61 (2501 57770,,0 15 CAMPERS . AT SUPER The Newest · "LiHle Car" Has 60 Cu. Ft. of· Carao Space! NEW '72 TORINOS NOW DISCOUNTED UP TO PRICE THEM SALE PRICE DISCOUNTS! $6171.60 • • • YOU'LL LIKE THEM! flOM WINDOW STICKEi Se,.:: !2Al8NlllS65) (!0441 L-EASING., SAVE ON LOW MILEAGE • PRE DRIVEN MODELS! •n LTD· HD Tl' $1 02" ~00 VB, A/T, pwr. 1tffr. &: discs, 24 1¥10. l\'Io. air crind., radio, tint glass. OPEN END 'n &RAN TORINO HD Tl' 302 VB, A/T, pwr. stttr. and disc.s. 21 MO :fi ;,f:;:Oa~lu·N~"~o3!f$· OPEN .END 2000 CC Eng., A/T, dlse brks., 24 MO. W/W, accent group. OPEN END 15 PRE-DRIVEN MODELS AT SAVINGS LUCE THIS! WI LEASE ALL PoruLAR MAKES AT COMPETITIVE RA TES. l.T .D. • Galaxie • T-Bird • Ford Wagon Sale! -y to ch110 ,_, '65 .... '71 Models; Sport _,., "'""""· 2 dow & 4 .., •t111p1Ir11~1n1. M ,.w•, 91r uetlltlo•llftt. Worraatln nallftJe. WASH .- '72 UT! '• LICENSE FEES INCL. IN ALL ADVERTISED PRICES THIS WEEKEND ONLY ALL 1971 DEMO. AND EXEC. CARS MUST GO AT SUPER DISCOUNTS! BEAUTIFUL. SHOWROOM FRESH. MODELS THAT $.TILL CARRY BAL· ANCE OF NEW CAR WARRANTY. HURRY FOR EXTRA SAVINGS ON THESE! • T-BIRDS • GALAXIES • STATION WAGONS • TORINOS • MUSTANGS • LTD's MAVERICK -P INTO '4 1p11ch, J ,,,.,a,, 1970 to 1972'• Ir 111tom1lit. m11d•l1. Sem• .,..jth ,,j~yl r1111f1 . EXAMPLES: EXAMPLi: '71 FOkD lD PASS. 'o';,·u''i" 'pR'"'1·c";E; ·-'$'"3'1 6129 .. cm6•..:_-----l~---~H"'A""R'."'D:""!T""O~F~IN~D.....,....., ........ --i-'1Rt,;M.~oftl!".v',-,oo-r-. -$1AQL ~ii'!:!>. vini'• rnor. '70 MACH I 428 COBRA JET 71~~~s~'"'· good mil" I ilf 7 0 7W;c'£tf,"'· •ood milos • · Automatic, AM-FM radio, red wfred interior, ·wide f'lvall!, '71 FORD CUSTOM $1496 I'" V.W. CAMPER $2296 Wi~2~8'/n""' wMAin~ow.KgoodE Omil:.,.•Em"'R'culate thru·ouc ·~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-----------• dooc. vs, automatic, sundial. 4 speed. radio, rr '71 MERC. CAPRI $199 6 j '6' DODGE 500 HT $1496 power steering, good miles. heater, recond. engine. 4 speed, R&H. chrome Coronel 2 dr. V8, aut~ .. ' {357VLJJ. Two tone. Good miles. (YEW848J '66 CHEV MALIBU SS $896 trim, good miles. R~H. P.S., vinyl roof, good V8. 4 ;peed._radio. h~a~er, <218BNP) miles. many e.ia.ras. CYXB871) HARD TO FIND CITY OF COSTA MESA LEASE RETURN •ood mil•~ <XWY9<oi MAKE Off. ER IN COME TAX-REFUND DUE? '72 ~l~~t~~~!.·~,~~:~ .. USED-LOW MILEAGE '71 FORD CUSTOM 500 4 DOOR V8, radio, heater, automatic, power ste<'t"ing. 2 to choose from. Good miles. Well serviced. WHY WAIT? ~~~·.::·:~:;r:~:~:'"'"·.;"." MAKE OFFER '68 V.W. IUG Loaded. Good miles. CXSR931 J '67 FIREllRD VS, ~&H. autn., P.S., lo\v miles, vinyl roof. IUOG260l BUY NOW--PAY LATER '66 FAIRLANE 500XL vs: auto .• R•H. P.S., air cond., new paint, good miles. -. , ITBM825) · -~896 '6' TOYOTA CORONA 2 Dr. Hardtop. Radio, heal- er, 4 Spd .. air cond .. good miles. (YDD720! '66 CADILLAC-H.T. '6' T-llRD LANDAU $2496 4 d~. H.T. Full power, radio. hcate_r. air condition- ing, good miles. ( 1056801 'H ·MUSTANG H.T. '71 C:OUGA,R. ~R7 . -.HARO TO '65 LJD 2 D.R .. H.T. Good miles. TUii power. R..ir VS. 11.uto .. R&H. P.S., air '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP conditioning, AM-FM. tilt fJNO cond.. good miles. Au tomatic, radio, heater, •w-hee_•._i.._n_d•_•_· ---------(WJ_G_560_) _____ _..iiiiiiiiOll-. gQO(I miles. Cru:D6M) $896 DeVllle. Full powoc, fact air, Gold w/vinyl roof. !SHB004) Auto., R&H, P.S., good miles. _(ZBZ508J . . TRUCK SALE! .. Many to choose from. 1/2 ton and 'I• tons. '64 th,.. '71 models. '67 V.W. SQUAREIACK Radio, heater, 4 speed, good miles. (UJY5371 • EXAMPLE: '70 FORD EXPLORER HARD TO FIND USED Cudo"' pickup. Vt, 1ut11m•tic,.r.df11 •. h•••v .. 1110J l'l'lil•1, ""'•rr•nty •"t il tbl,, 1121t&CI '71 Y.W. 7 PASS. WAGON • ________ M_A_K_E_O_F_F_E_R _______ -' ~5.'J~~:''"· 2 MAKE "oF'F"ia" 6,000 miles. MUSTANG SALE! Many to choose from. '65 thr11 •71 models, C011pes, hardtops, convertible and , 2 + 2 fastbacks. Some with 4 speeds, also air conditlonlnt and automat;c models. EXAt.f.PLE : '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP ltacHo. h•af•r, autenitfic, air co~d .. 9oed mile1. IUGS097l OUR PRIC E $996 SALES DEPT. HOURS I AM TO ' PM MON·Fll I AM TO 6 PM SAT 10 AM TO 6 PM SUN I PARTS-SERVICE HOURS 7 AM To 9 PM MON 7 AM To ' PM TUE-FRI I PARTS DEPT. ONLY 8 AM to I PM SATURDAYS ' • l ' " l l . . ' I \ 7 • 7 I ' " • San JClemente Capistrano YOL. 65, NO . 77, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .. Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 TEN CENTS U.S. Can't Qtiit Vietnam, ·Top Admiral Says The U.S. can't get out of Vietnam -al least not for years -and can't get out of the world at all. Admiral John S. f\.fcCain, commander Of Ame rican armed forces in the Pacific, said in Newpo rt Beach Thursday. "The enemy in Vietnam is prepared for a protracted war." McCain told about 200 members of the Orange County World Af· fairs Council at thP Ncwportcr Inn. Calling commun ism "a, pervasive in- fluence throughout the entire depth and breadth of the world," he described a Begorrala "strategic is land'' policy pfacticed by all nations, n1ilitarily and economically. Admiral McCain commands all U.S. Armed Forces in the Pacific. including the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the world 's largest naval wm1nand. Strategic islands, McCain said, are "point~ on land or in the sea from which Russia tries lo project military, political, econoiTiic and psychological power." The U.S. must gain footholds. in these areai;. he said, because they are often lmportant trade routes or stepping-off . OAILY PILOT $1•11 Ph1i. Sure 'tis a foine sight on St. Paddy's day to see the likes of Bob Bren- n.~n looking as Irish as a shamrock. Brennan, often dubbed the Lord MayOf of Mission Viejo. looks every inch .the part in hi s dazzli ng green trappings that warm the cockles of every Irish heart. Retired Trailer Dweller Buol\:ed on Assault Charge San Clemente police Thursday night ar- rested a 64-year-old resident of a mobile home park \vho allegedly held two house guests at bay for a time with a , loaded pistol. Theron L. Bartholomew. of 101 Ocean Injured Youtl1 Wi11s Big Suit ONTARIO (A PI -A young man left parlially paralyzed after a traffic ac· cidenl in nearby Montclair has been awa~d~d more than $1.6 million damages by a Sa! Bernardino County judge. court officials said . Superior Court Jud~e Richard C. Garner made the award Wednesday to 19- year.old Randy L. Savage. He suffered brain damage that left him partially paralyze<! on the left side after a vehicle he was driving was struck by aothcr c2r. Four other persons were injured in tlie crash. Atlorncys for the dtfendant. William Van ~·Iarl!!. a 24-yc;ir-old pre-med ~tudcnl al Pitzer Collcl!e in Clnrcmont. said 1' is doubt ful VPn ~1 .. rl,. 1vill br 11blc to pay because he had a minimum nulo In· surancc policy. Poets }fold Reading 'l'he Laguna Beach Free P~Ls wll1 hold • free reading at the Four ~fuses Theater, 302 Avenida Estrella . San Clemente Saturday at 7·30 p.m. ln addition to work' from the 36 PfX'l'3, music and food will be prov ided. There will be no admission charge. Drive in the Palm Beach Park. finally was subdued by the two alleged victims. Police said the JO p.m. i n c id en I stemmed from a phone call made by Bartholomew's ailing wife to a relative in \Vhittier. Officers said the woman was worried a b o u t her husband's vacillaling tem- perament. Later · in the evening, Ed~ar Griffith, a relative from the inland city, and a companion arrived. Police s a i d Bartholomew asserted:v welcomed the two men into the residence and said he was going to check on his bedridden wife. But instead , Bartholomew, a retired Navy man. returned with a .32-caliber automatic pistol and ordered the pair from the residence. police claim. After a few moment s. Bartholomew a!:sertedly placed the weapon in a pocket with his hand still on il. The two men then subdued the man. Officers were called and they booked the retired man on charges of felonious assault. l\1rs. Betty Bartholomew. the man's wife, was hospital ized after the arrest. suffering complications from rec e n t surgery. Lone Gal Ca ndidate 'Il ca l Sharp Cookie' Judy .Beggs, candidate for clt.y council In San Juan Capistrano, made a point for women's lib Wednesday. The only woman running 1g1lnst seven m2n for the office pulled out 11 parcel when she was lntr<>duced during a "mttt \he candidates" nlght. ''I'll bet l wa~ the only candjdate asked to bring cookies," she said, handing them to the cha irman. points into w.irting countries. He used the small island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean as an example, saying it is an important controlling point of the route to rich oil reserves in the. middle East. The white-hai red admiral likened the free world's innuence Jn the area to a chain link protecting the islands and countries. He said the linkage "must be kept intact." Russia's influence and power are grow- ing throughout the Indian Ocean and Gigi l\1editerrmean Sea, McCain said. He pointed to Russian aid or personnel in Cuba, South America. India, Egypt, Singapore, Africa and Asian countries. "There are four powers that face the Pacific particularly -Russia, Nort h Korea, China and North Vietnam," he said . ''and thank the Lord those four don't get along." Numbers of Soviet missiles ha ve in- creased from 225 to l.520 since 196~ and the Sov iet fish ing fleet, much of it "also spy ships," is 4,000 strong, McCa in said. ''Things look very serious in Cam- bodia " and "Communists ('{)uld take over any time in Laos," McCain cautioned. But he emphasized th11.t in Vietnam. although the economy is a problem, both !he South \'ie tn amese army and govern-. menl are "outstanding .·· l\1cCain said South Vietnamese farni produ'ction is on the ups,ving and that Americans are becoming ' · m ore advisory." He contends that while U.S. ground forces are being reduced slowly, bolh air and na\oal power must be increase4 and maintained for at least lwo years, perhaps 1nore. ·'This is a con1plcx and unosual war and we cannot destroy any part of it." r.1cCain said , "unless alternatives can step in." , He ap.ain called for lhe U.S. to remain alert throughout the \4'orld. "If you don·t believe Cominunist s \1·11nt to dominate the 1\'orld, it's no use discussing these 1natters," he said. a Spectacle Of Herself • Ill Clemente Pier Crowd Hoots Boat Near Whale By JOHN VALTE RZA Of tht O•llY P'llll 51•11 Gigi. Sea World's California gray whale released from captivity -early this week to fend for herseU, <tn>Pi>cd ln at the Sa n Clemente pier Thursday and made a spectacle of herself. Then she headed north beyond Dana l>oint on what her former keepers call a l'lignificant push nOrth toward the Bering ·Sea . Sh'e was reported~ swimming north toaay 8lT le1surely pace in t e compan of two other yearling whales. But as each day in the odyssey of Gigi progresses· controversy surrounds her chances· for survival. · Navy experts said Thursda y afternoon that the 27-foot-long, radio-equipped ~·hale, has a 00-percent chance of making it . But few among the s('{)res of onlookers at .the San Clemente pier Thursday give her a chance despite the. pledges by the experts. The relaxed, sometimes capriciouii: mammal, arrived at the pier at dawn and immediately started drawing a croWd . For several hours after sunrise she tolled just outside the surfline and swam in slow _circles, coming close enough to the downcoast side of the pier that at times she touched pilings. But all that changed at about 11 a.m. 'when' a 'vis"sel'from Dana HaTbor arrived with San Clemente High School Marine Studies Instructor Phil Grignon aboard. By then a crowd of about 60 persons wtre personally involved with t~e mam- mal and the sudden "whaling expedition '' was greeted with hoots, catcalls and oaths shouted seaward from the pier. "Get out of here. dammit, and good riddance," said one angry woman onlooker, shaking her fist. At that point Gigi , apparently flustered by the noisy vesse l abover her, headed away from the pier toward an offshore kelp bed and sulked there. Grignon and the vessel gave chase amid more hoots from the pier, then !he beleaguered observation craft left the area. Things settled down again and about 45 minutes later Gigi made a final pass at the pier, giving onlookers a unique view (See GIGI, Page %) {:.r {:.r {:.r Whale Eati1ig, Reports Sliow Gigi is eating, her mentors said thL~ morning. And that's the best news that has been learned about the famous behemoth since she was released from captivity early this week. Spokesmen Rt Sea World In Mission Bay this morning said that Gigi '!II airborne trackers saw defi nite signs of elimination from the \\-ti.ale during her appearance in San Clemente Thursday. Today1s edition of 'the chl'se \viii be done with a lh:ed-wing aircraft instead of a helicopter. The. switch 1n crart-means that the ~lentlsta from the aquatic park and thf" U.S. Navy will °' aLle te stay airborne longer. Of grave concern to the researchers is Y.hether Gigi is expe1t enou~h In her new. ,strange environme:1t to find her own lood'. Apparently. she Is learning Josi. WAS GIGI , THE CIVILIZED WHALE, L COKING FOR A HANDOUT OF SQUID? Here She Moseys About S•n Clemente Pier While Scientists Debate the Issue Bra Murders Suspect Held Self-.ordai1ie.d Mio.ister Seized in Easter1i Slayi1igs BRIDGEPORT. Con n. (AP) -A self· ordained minister, who police said a~ parently met his vi ctims wfiile preachi~g in churches and on street corners, was charged today with five counts of murder Colombia Probes German Nati ve- Review Declined PASTO, Colombia (AP) -A 72-year· old German-born man was being brought here from the jungles toda y for fingerprinting and further Investigatio n into a magazine's claim that he might be Martin Bormann. Adolf Hitler's hunted deputy. Colombian police said the man, iden· lilied as Juan Ehrmann , is not under ar- rest. "Mr. Ehrmann is under our protection and is being questioned regarding his identity," said a police spokeSman at lhi11 town SOO miles south of Bogota. Police said Ehrmann was "invited" tti come to Pasto to undergo investigation procedure:i:. It was possible he would later be flown to Bogota, the capital. Ehrmann has been living In an Indian village called "La Horntiga," 1bout JOO miles southeast of Pasto. In Johannesburg. South Afric1, ""Nail hunter Simon Wlesenthnl said he doubted that Ehrmann Is .Bormann. "Every lime we get inform11tlon that a prominent Nazi is Jiving in a country with a bad climate and undtr bad conditions such as In a jungle, I am very sl<eptical~' he said. "In my 2S yeari experience lrscing Nazis, I have found that most of lhtm choose ('{)Unttles lil<e Paraguay, Chile. ind Argentina that have cllmates slmllar 16 Europe ... Men like Bormann ~o not need lo Jt:O tnto tht jungle and live with !Set .BORMAN, P11< II tn the so.ca lled 0 bra murders" along the Merritt Parkway. Benjamin Franklin Miller Jr., 42-year- o\d mail carrier, was named in a warrant issued by Superior Court Judge Irving Levine. Miller, who is white. is accused of beating and stran gling five black women, three of whom were strangled wit h their own brassieres. "It is believed ~1iller met his victims wh ile he preached as a guest minister in churches in the Norwalk and Stamford area, as well as his 'street corner' sermons in the area." said State Police Co'mmissioner Cleveland B. Fuessenich · and Sta mford Police Chief Joseph Kinsella . Miller. who Is married and has one child, recently took a 30..day leave or Swa llow Scouts Begin to Arrive At Capo Mission The annual swallow watch has begun in San Juan Capistrano. "Scouts'' have been flying Jn, one by one, all week with the major Oock due liOmetlme Sunday. Every year crowds of people gather on the slde:w1lks outside the mission en· trance. scanning the skies for a black cloud of return ing swallows on March 19. But during the: past ten yeiirs the tiny bird!! have been coming In nnall groups which ire harder to spot. As the crowds . of people have grown, the flock s of birds have become smalle,r, Anyone who doubts their 11rrlval, however, can ask a resident who had the misfortune of watering his yard on the night or the: 18th. He'll assure: you the bird~ exist and hsve: bc1;un their nest-building -prob-· ably under the. e1vts of his house rlghl outside hlJ bedroom window. absence from the Darien Post Office to enter a slate mental institution. According to voting re('{)rds, he is 1 native of Aurora. Ill. Miller. was taken this morning from the Fairfield Slate Hospital in Newtown to the Stamford Police station, where he ""as booked. He was then taken to Brid1?eport fOI'.' ar- raignment and was held without bond in the Community Correctional Center to await grand jury action. The murders occurred between May 3, 1963, and Aug. 22, 1971 . The bodies or the five women were round in woods along the Merritt Parkway in the Stamford area. Orange C:oast Weather • Prospect~ of nice weather at the. beaches thi! wctkend are pretty slim according to the weatherman. Lew clouds and fog_ will dominate the Orange Coast scene. Highs around 68 rising to 72 inland. Lows 5.1. , JNSmE TODA.Y ft'1 spring and Ou1 swalloww are rcturnina. DAILY PILOT .c;taff writer John Valterzo.. re· vitws l//e phenomenon t'1at made Sa11 J11.a11 Cnpistro110 !lie "Je wel of tl1t Mlssions." Set to· dau's Wcekcndef', l . M. IOY• I to1lln1 It C•UIHnl• - C1tHlflM U ... C-!C• )4 Cro1t-t1 >t DRiii! NOll<tt II t•li.rlll ""' t ~IMllCI 11•1) ftt l1'lt •tctN II Htfl!M..... U """ Lt .... rs U 11\tllWI • MINt lt-JI M11!111! l"Y!ldl II: H1111n•I Nnn • er.,.. Cft!ltr'-11 lttl1H1r1111, JJ,tt ........ ''"'"' 21 '""' l~lt si.c' M•"-••• n-u '''"'''"' ,. Thtti." )t..11 Wtllfltt I '#9Mf11'1 N11n 11-lt WerH H"" 4 ........ ... .. '> DAILY PILOT SC - POW Sto1·y Goes Untold -A1111om1ce1· A Los Angeles r11.dlo ant1ouncer active in tM nloveme nl to win freedom for Americans held L<ttptive in Korlh Vietna m Thursday assailed the media's handling of Ute prisoner of war l POW) issue. Speak i~g before the noon n1eeting ol the Saddlcback Valley Exchange Clu b, Emmett Cronan of radio sta tio n hllS' c.rifit•ized both the abundant r.c"s coverage of persons not in sympathy with the PO\V movement and the la ck of ne"'' coverage for PO \V-related matters. ''The media in the U.S. has not been telling the story,'' Cronan alleged. "They haven't been telling what is going on.", Cronan. who also took a few verbal swi pes at Preside nt Nixon Jor ~is alleged DAILY I'll.OT Ult! t'llot1 RAPS MEDIA POW HANDLING Bro1dc11ter Emmett Cronan •• Price Vnit Action Utilities Given Sh~rp Guidelines WASHINGTON i AP ) -The Price Commission today announced ne w , sharpened g1.iidcllnes for utility rfltes bli t warned. the nation that big increases will be necessary to . pay for the service lt wants. :----..... 1'he regulations· put hn1its on ihe rate -0f return that utilities 1nay realize from increased rates. and added provisions re· quiring the1n to · take into accou nt in· creased productivi ty and lo absorb labor costs that increase more than 5.5 percent. Also, the commission made provi§ions to hand over final authority <ln utility rate increases to existing regulatory hodies that come up with acceptable anti- in!lationary policies. Commission Chairman C. Jackson Grayson Jr. said the regulations would 1'equireTeductions in snn1e requested .Fate increases but not in others. He had no estimate <lf how much utllity rates might < go up under the ne\v rules. But he warned. '·\Ve urge 1he ron· .~urnr..rs of the nation to reali ze 1hat "'hen you denland servi ce. you have lo pay for ii. You don 't get something for nothing·." He said that four day s of public hear· ings on utility rates made it clea r that some large increases are going to be necessary to continue "adequate. safe and poll ution-free services." County Jurist Tlieft Victini An Orang!' Counly Superior Court, judge who is well actuatomed to the presence of erlminals In hls courtroom found Thursday that he had at least one in his parked car. Judge J. E T. "Ned'' Hutter of Nc\vport Beach was 1hf' victim of in1 rudcrs who removed county 0111n- ~d tar<' record'crs and casettes from hi s .'.luto, parked in the base· ment o( the Orange CounlJ Court house. Sheriff's officers valued the' loss 111. $73. The equipment \1•as o.n Joan to the judge from the cour1 ad· minis!rator and the cc..unfy law l1b!'ary. Arts a11d Crafts Meeting Plan11ecl ' Mu sicl( As l<:s $1 Million 111 Excess By JACK BROBA CK 01 rtlt D•lly Pl'9f llftt County administrative star r mefi'\bers got a j~lt ·rhur~day when Sheriff James ;\Jusic k asked for $1 milllo11 n1ore over the current $12. l 1~!1!!on spendJng pro· grarn . On \\'cdnCfa;d<1v. !lie first day of budget rrv1e"' heririn~~. Coun ty Planning Direc- lor Forest Di(·kttson asked for 11 boost of $4'.!6.0UO in his proposed budget. · On :-01u:;ick ·s list the biggest Increase is $.131,000 for operation of the main C()Unty J<'li!, pushing the annua l ~pending figure for !he facility to slig htl y rnore th an ;4 n1i!!ion, Jac k of ac tion lo help Americ an prisoners, ma de news in December when he recorded Christmas messages for the prisoners from their fa miHes. Cockfights, T.ax Woes: An nouncement of the new regu!alinns Tneans the temporary freeze on rates of privately <lwned ulilities ""ill end <ln or before March 25. Grayson said !he com· n1ission woul d take final action on all of the 116 increases before it within 10 days. On anottier subject. Grayso n aHacked Agriculture Secretary Earl But z .. fo r statements "'damaging to the stab1l1za- tion program ... San Cleme nte's city staff will n1cel soon with a San Clen1ente J·ligh School counselor to work out compallble details for a student art and craft sale proposed fo r the business distr ict. Triton counselor El Louise Nugent ask- ed cou ncilmen for permission lo plan the event as a means of introducing stl!denl work to t~e community. The sh<'rlff also requested five 1d· dit ional dep uties 10 palrol the Dana Point H11rbor area where he antici pates ad- dlli<lna! enforcement prob!en1s during the su m1ner month.~. Musick predicted that his departmen l \viii have to handle 39.500 incidents during the conl ing fiscal year, up 2.500. Cronan played the taped greetings over the air and then personally tried to slve them to the Hanoi delegation at the Paris peace talks. The tape s were refused by the No.i:th Vletna.mcse. Read It All on Sunday Butz has been app lauding risin)'.{ farm prices and vowi ng to fig ht any attempts to control them. Raw Agricultura l pro- ducts aren't under price gu ideli nes. Concilme n said they endorsed the idea and asked City Manager Ken Carr to help \\'Ork <lUt suita ble details . Other intreases sought include $254,000 for tra ining; $266.000 for increased pat rol, and $75.000 for"'" crime in· vestigation. 0th.er spending boosts requested total about $60.000 including those fo r the county industrial farm . the Theo Lacy bra nch jail. court related cos ts and juvenile in\·estlgali<ln . The radio announcer claimed that the major broadcasting networks and nem· papers had virtually ignored a recent boo k by a former PO\V, but were not reluctant to give coverage to anti war groups and celebrities speaking ou t against saving lhe PO\Vs. "Jane Fonda on a television show had the audacity to say the prisoners are liv- ing in a virtual Hanoi Hilton," Cronan said. He was critical of the Presldent for, during his recent trip to China , failing to speak to Chinese leaders a b o u t Americans held prisoner in Peking, some Oxkfighti ng is bloody. brutal. ~fuel and illegal but it still goes on in Orange Cou nty and neighboring jurisdictions, as Council Hope£ uls Set for Second Forum in Laguna since the Korean War. E. w. Ralhbun of San Leandro, the "The presld_ent who asks lhe.se m'en to owner of JO acres of prime Palisades land do a job should at least have brought up intended for annexation to the City of San the issue in Peking," Cronan said. Qlemente, will be welcome into the city "This is _an issue of dignit y and -as Jong as he pays the price. humanity," b"e added, "and it is an issue The fee, city councilmen agreed this . that can only be solved by all people week, would be ;12,000 for the privilege working together." beh. d G Cronan urged . members of the Ex-of merging the acreage 1n rant's k 11 Plaza Into the city. change Club and other Saddlebac Va ey The Local Agency Formation Com· residentl. to plan on Laking part in a mission (LAFCO) recently approved the Memorill Day rally he ls setting up at · annexation" after hearings marked by the Los Angeles Coliseum. Several strong protests from groups in the performers have offered to take part in Capistrano Beach area, fearing high· the POW rally, billed as the "100,000 in .density apartment development. The ~lay Demonstration." matter next moves to San Clemente for "This is one demonstration that even , hearings. the liberal media are going to have to The _issue. facing councilmen Wednes- pay heed to,"·Cronan said, noting lhat ·a day was whether they should, as oc· POW family from each of .the 50 st.ates casionally is done , waive the fees. will be present at the rally and that The only councilman in favor <lf not former POW Nick Rowe will speak. charging the $600-ln·acre levy was He said free tickets for the May 29 Stanley NorthruP., who also serves as demonstration may be obtained by chairman of LAFC. \writing to him at 406 Wilshire Blvd,, Suite Rathbun laun ched the annexation effort ~-..6l!Wirull:UlllO!llll'c~a._mi~l.'------,after-he-..feHed-to-wi:n-ft--!one-change frem Homeowner Wins City Reprieve On Paving Fees A San Clemente man planning to build a home on a lot that faces l"'O separate streets -at the front and rear -this week won a reprieve from a high price tag vor unusual paving of a section of one of lhe streets. John Burrell, complained to city coun· cilmen that costs for the paving advised by the city starf were extremely high because of the sma!I size of thejob. Several contractors, he said, quoted him double the usual prlce to install a patch of paving on Avenida Junipero where it now is a dead-end .. That road touches the rear of BurreJl's lot which will actually be servi ced through Avenida Trieste. Councilmen Wednesday agreed ihat Burrell would pay for thepaving later - if and when land farther up the hil l develops. ORAN~I COAST SC OAILY PILOT Tl'lt 0,..l!llf COllll DAILY Pl LOT, with wlllcll 11 cOl'!IOlMCI f1'11 N_,·P•Mt, If J1Ubll11!td by tll1 Or1n11e Coasl Putlll~lllng company, St~· rite 11d1llDn1 f rl PllbllsMd, Mon<!..,. thn11,19h frWi.r, tor c.ott1 Mf>I, New1111rt 8e1cll, HU!\!lnglot! 8~/lfFounl~in \lt llty, l1;im11 8N~h. lrvlnt1.std<llebiU: and .Sin Cle~nt1/ San J111n C1pi1tr1no, A 11n111e rpglQnlJ .a11iorl k pullU1 llt4 S1 lurd1ys ~ Suect1y1, Tiie l"lntlfltl P11ll'l1llino pl1111 Ii 1t lJO Wnl B•~ $1••e!, C091• Mftl, C1!11or11i•, f21H, Jlob11I N, W11d PrnlOtnl IN PUOlithlt J1ck R. Cu•l1y Vltt Prn kl.,t ..wi o.n..-11 #Mn19tr Thom•• K1t¥il """ TI!ol'!llt A. M11rpl.in1 Mari..111no EdllOI" Charlat H. Looi Riel.1rd P. Na11 r-At.1lltar1I M111-.lng £dltott S.. Clt111•11r. Offk• JOI Hortt. El C1mi~o ~ •• r, 92,71 Oth.r Oflic• , Cost• Mn1: m war fl•Y 5!rMt N""llOl't· 81Pdl: ml Nt woort I OUltVlrlf hlll'lll"SJIWI Be.di: 1711S flMcfl loulr.ot rd UOUM 8Mdt! m Fort~ A_y- Ttf.,.... fn41 64:t.4J21 ; Cl........, Ach•rthl11t 641·5671 S.. ~•te AR o.,.,, .. -.: T•I•••••• 4tJ-4420 Ctpyf'lohf.. tt11. Onit!M COt\f 'uttlttl\lflt CMllP11tty, Ne ,,..,. 1tori.t., l!l11i1r11~. fld110r"ltl nut1u or 1cflll'l'flt~?t lllf'tltt ' l'NY .. ,...edllctd .,..!"*'! apcl1! .... "'"' ... « ClOPY'fttif O'#Mr. '""*"' cl1u lll"fltt• otid t i N~ IMdl .,... co.,11 Mft•, c..11w 11ta. lu~i... J1Y u rrltt u '' -!Illy:-oy ""flt U.1$ fti!Wt"'l'l'1 M11111ry •••lll•tioM ".u "*llfl•r. I ' county planning commissioners on the acreage which now bears the county label of commercial and professional zoning. The landowner hopes to build expensive apartments on the acreage forming an "L'' behind the shopping center along Camino de Estrella. He appeared before city offi cials in San Clemente ·several months ag o to obtain prezoning of ihc parcel-labellng it R·2-G (garden apartment) if it were to be ac· cepted into the city. -But councilmen , aware of the con· troversy in the Pa lisades, refused to grant the advance zoning. lnslead!itttt1ibun \viii ha ve to pay his $12.000 and then t.ake his cha nces on ne1,•; zoning once the land becomes part of Sa n Clemen le. Northrup has argued tha t the fees should be reserved only for annexations of questonable value to San Clemente., · "\Vhen we have land like this that will round ou1 our boundar ies we should be glad to accept it an d waive the fees. If some of the hi lly land were to want lo an· nex. !hen we might cha rge the fees there ," he said. F1·0111 Page 1 GIGI ... of a gray wh ale who seems unhurried in her apparen1 northward migration. By then officia ls from Sea \Vorl d and the Naval Undersea Research Center ar- rived. J\lomcnts later Gigi hightailed ii ro a reef to the north. Radio !racking devices 8nd spotters fron1 a Navy helicopter kept ta bs on her course. At about 2 p.m., with the fog moving in steadily. Gigi headed past Dana Point. She still lingered of( the Orange Coast today. pinpainted by bleeps from he.r electronic hackpack. The appearance in San C!cmenl.e filled an overnight gap in tracing her whereabouts. "\Ve think that the dislancp she covered in one nigh t Is significant," said Sra Worl d aidr. Roger Steve nson. "It's too soon to be sure alxlut her chances but it looks good at this polnt," he sa id. v...:~ling ln 1he dAylight'hOu rs is natur~l for Gigi. who is not your average wha le. She has spent a year in captivity. swl mmi n~ in circles in her Sta World t11nk . Some e~perts be.llev'-she hasn'I. learned enough to survive ln the sea. Others believe she'll make it. But one thing ~·hlch might hurt her chances significantly, Stevenson said, is curious slghtsers pursuing her In power boats. "We. have a frightened "'hale out theri with large bo~t screws churnrng Above her. ff she i'P.t~ 100 close to 1 prope.Uct euerythtng we 've work~ hlr 11 lost,'' he said you will learn in this wee k's Sunday Special repo rt in the DAILY PILOT by Sunday Editor Alan Dirkln. 1'he so.called gambling amusement in· V<l!ves pitt ing two birds agai nst each other that have been filled with spec ial steel claws to lnfllct death . Men gamble on which coc k will be tfie survivor. Oirkin explores the st atus of the prac- tice and Lell s about the men \vho raise birds for this blood sport. Don't miss his Sunday sp·ecial report. Another Sunday article will tell about the plight of an ordinary citizen trying to figure out his income tax. How can he whfn two out of three consulta.nts can'l agree ? early season track events in the United ''YOU" section (Page C-1). Terry Coville, DAILY PILOT West Orange County editor, reveals his income tax C-Onfuslon. He got three different ..opinions -all dif· feren~ -on how much he owes Uncle Sam. One of the top sports stories Sunday is bound to be lhe detailed account of the Southern Counties Track Meet, the big in· vitational l<l be held at Huntington Beach High School Saturday afternoon. It is traditionally one of the biggest early season track events in th e United States and one of the high paints of the meet, of course. will be the determination of the winning miler. Mike SOiomon, a Westminster High School grad, former winner of the DAJLY PILOT Miler Trophy in the Southern Grayson, a s k e d about Butz' state- ments. s a i d he was so di sturbed by them th al he had typed out a statement before today's news conference. Reading it, he said that fa rn1ers should be ex pected to n1ake the same sacrifics as everybody else in the economy and should not expect any speci al catch-up. "The name of the game of catch.up i~ inflation." Grayson said. He added that shou ld food prices con. finue their recent sharp. rise. the Price Commission "'ould take action. It could do a number of things. he said , including recommending controls ·to ..I.be Cost of Living .Council or limiti ng the amount of ra w agricullu ral price in· creases that processors and superma rkets would be allowed to pass along to con- sumers . Fro11a Page l BORMANN • • • an India n wife ." Wi esenlha! who heads the Vienna· . . based J ew ish documenta tion center. \\'as in Johannesburg on a fund-ra ising visit. The magazine inv<l!ved in the origina l report was El Tiempo <lf Bogota. Colombian au thorities expressed doubts the man was Bormann. The spr ing show and sale would take place either in the Del Mar or Soutp El Ca mino Real busi ness areas , t he coun selor said. Student artists and craft esmen \\'ould display their works in booths. St. Joseph 's Day Royalty Picked The king and queen of 1he annuaJ $1.. Joseph's Day 'celebrat ion in Missl~n San .Juan Capist rano have been chose n from the eighth grade class at Mission School. They are Ga ry Sanchez and Renee Laceuague, descendents of old San Juan families. The children will reign over the -festivities Sunday, "'hich will begin at 1 :30 p,m. on the ~lission grounds. The clay of costumes, traditional da nces. and pageantry will also mark \he return of the swallows. Members <lf the royal courts are Tamara Porter, Loretta Rymer. Dlane Vermeulen. John Soto. Hector Aguilar and Mike Hallsted. " The coroner's division wh ich l\'8S tacked on to Mus ick's depa rtment more than a yea r ago \\'ill need $569.365, Musick ! said. an increase <lf $R2,000. The sheriff had one bit of good news for the administrators. If he is allowed to hlre 15 permanent cmployes as back·up personnel, subst ituting for extra help and !'ick and vacation relief, it \1•i\J save $37 .000, he estimated. Capt. Bill \Vallace, ja il supervisor, said he expects an eig ht to 12 percent increase '!n in.mat.f!S durin g the co ming year to a dail.v average of 950 compared lo lhe cu r· rent 900. J\lusick aga in urged approval at $1.8 nlilllon f<lr completion of the un fi nished fnu rth floor or the main jail. Board mem· hers vetoed this expenditu re last year. Missile Trails Eyed VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE (AP ) -S"•irling missile exha ust trails highlighted \\'estem skies Thursda y nigh t after the Air Force launched a re·entry vehicl e frorn this coastal bas<::. A modified f\.1inulen1an I propell ed th(' vehi· cle over the Pacific Western Test Range, a spokesman said. No olhcr delails we.re available. Counties event and nationally ramoul!I mHer, ill p1esent-the-tm-f>A·It·l'-l----I'----------------------------; PILOT troph y to the winner. Among other features readers will !ind in the DAILY PILOT Sunday: Developer Wins Tract Map Okay In San Cleme1ite San Clement.e developer, John Dougl ass .J r., who has battled for months for swift approval of a tract map launching his housing development. fl nally won f ·; t okay this week , providing he pays fees \\'ithin the next rew days. Douglass, wh ose plan s last yea r §Ur- vi ved a months·long battle over access across the ci ty's golf course. lately has sought concessions from council men on when he cou ld start the pr<lject. to be called ''Presidential Esta te s.'' Councilmen, however. have decided that until I.he city staff wor ked out al l phases of the plan checks, grading could not beRi n. But Douglass convinced the panel this week that the only thing left would be the paying <lf fees and fu rnishing of bonds and that would be acco mplished bcfnre week·s end. Thus. the initi11J phases of the project -construction of about 60 condo miniums -Jjnally \\'iJI begin. Eventually, the tract will invol ve several hundred units in a planned com· munity as well as estate lots on a, ridgeline overlooking the links and the Western White House. Capo Beacl1 Man Held in Gro\vtl1 ' Of Pot Plants A Capistrano BP.ach man whose thumh· was the wrong kind of green, even for St. Patrick'!\ Day, was separated Thursda y fro m what Orange County she.riff's of- fice rs ~ai<t were a dozen heRlthy and thriving plants. · Otficers claim that John T...oyd Hale, 34294 Victoria St.. was growing a sturdy crop of mtiriju aoa on a lot owned by a landscape supply company. They 5aid the illicit vegetation has now been. removed from the landscape:. . !~ale was booked Into Orange County Jail on chargts of possessing marijuana and processi ng marijuana for salt. A woman who allegedly tried to pre· vent the arre.!l t or ~rate In the Victoria Street home was cited by deputies· for in· terferhlg with officers In the performance ol their duty. ~:~~ ............ ~ .... ....... , ... Everything looks lovelier th e 111i11utc l\larcl1esa a rrives • • • the elegant Italian tou ch by Drexel Put• table, • commo"de or• desk from this gre•t collection in any room, and suddenly you have elegance! Marchesa by Drexel brings you this legacy of lovelineis from the Roman J)ala11i of centuries ago to brighten the corner where you are. ~----------------------------~, I DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL HERITAGE -KAR ASTAN NEWPORT BEACH 1127 Wtstcllff Dr., 642·2050 OPEN •RIOAY 'TIL t INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 Norl.h Cout Hwy. 494-6551 TORRANCE 2364' H•wthorno Blvd. f21 J I 171-1179 OJ1111 f,\doy 'tli t Ptofeuloflof l11~lor DMltllffl A•olfoill.-AIO-NSIO Plte11r Toll ,,.. Motl 1f Ora119r Cov11ty 540°126l I .• • %2 DAILY PllOT SC r ,ldilJ' Matth 17 1972 UCLA Eco110111ic F 01'ecast: Optnnistic COMPLETE-NEW YORK STOCI( LIST LO& ANGELES !UPI! - The nation s economy will boom this year w1lh a record gross na tional product record corporate profits declining unemplo\ ment and Inflation fclw&rcl 8 F &n~tl M O Ot mtlolOl) \I HDMI lRliATMENTS ACNE -DANDRUFF ,.,, ... ,,'. '" t '"'"'' ,, '"''''""''''''~ Ill '' .. lit '"~. 4 I fHol•f 11 f'Ollt' lhtt t no ant mo t ere;; ut llomt I II men I t Wint 10 KOVll ln! you IOI '" mKllc.i!Oll$ lft•I """t p O• Id e1te-c:r ~t IOI' mv DI Mis Your tOmplt•lon t llCI Kalp w !ttl tlPO!n I UA fllf llYll'ly T!>l1 Wll M p row too -or VoUr purcll•~t pr (t wl 1 b« rt.hHl!IKI Amer''" Otrmttoklty Ct lo• 1641 L••••-!'011• D I t ft<:lo1e lk •nO ~ • •mPKI u 1 lddrnsKI tl'vllOPi to SAMPLES ol AOC MEOIC1'TEO CLE1'"1S ING "A05 t I pu ( .. l \t Cfr!I !ci t 11 tMQI ACNE 01'NDQVFF BULLETIN pu1 AOC )( TRACT Oil: ~•crm• on (pro en anal I) •tkheacl 'movtrl D entlo•1 U to tath • t It 1 t~I m•nl I< P u• 50< e~c~ lo m• I nQ (tick de1 •eel k ~ell 1n check UCL4-s highly respected quarterly t conom1c forecast tndlcates UCLA Graduate School of l\lanagemen t econ om 1 st s foreca st -Continued d e c 1 1 n J n g uncn1p!0)1nenl fiom the 1971 ave1 age of 5 9 percent to a rnte of about S pet cent b) years end -A record $100 b1lhon or 9 6 per cent 1ncr.e,ase 1n the lJ S gross national product to a le\el of $1 147 tr1Jhon -A rise of 6 5 percent of the J967 base in 1ndustr1al pro ductton v.h1ch will more than erase lhe dechnes since 1969 _ ~ould increa se corpor11te bor ro~ ing and result m a rlse in shorl term interest rates Inter est on three month U S Treasu1 y bills will fl\er:lge about 5 percent th s }CBI comp!lred to l11st \ e11r s 4 35 pe1 l:ent Howe' er long tci m inte res t rates are expected to remain at abQut 1971 s le1el or 7 3:> percent UCLA ec onom1sts said that of the 9 6 percent increase 1n gi oss nation~! product 5 7 perccnl \\Ould be real output or goods wh1I 3 7 perLent will re~resent tonl1nued inflahon The number of Jobholders in -An increase of $14 b1lhon I in C<Jrporate profit« before OVER taxes to a record le' el of $95 1 THE COUNTER b11l1on -A rise 1n the Dow Jones industrial average O\ er lht> I 000 mark for the first t11r1e -r-.1odest boosts of 1 9 and ~ 3 5 percent respect1velv tn ll1pr1unt1t "' lnrtr e11111r """' on1 ti 11>ptor mt el" ' 1 m trim ~ASD 'r <ti <It not l11c1u<11 reffll tr m1r~up mtrkllOwn or comm 11 on NASO Ltst1ngs for Thursday March 16 1972 "'! 1 ' . 0 Cll Ol'I ,.1,.. Ntl I \t .. NM I tPMh I H .~ Ltw (ltH Cllt (Ml ) H tll L•W ci. .. '"' '•M ,,, , lcr.tmt 11• "" J ?• !I , !' -• "' "" \lo YOllll: CV"!-l'olOwl\I t t'-llmNYJN 10.>f • 11 1F1U•I~ II '"' N,,. Vo ~ Sloe~ C~U\ll'ft (II M .. Co •• 11 • tlot l •• Fl Vtlh "° ClltA e NW ) lai.. lt l )6> 1 'tlWl< !M S11t1 lldll Ii ti! l"" l t11 Cl\t (hOc:,~ l'Oo 6J IC t -. llZ o F ~<ll&M 'O (II M llCo ill I ll 11 • 11'1-'• "''" F ci. -A /I.-(llt~Ol'I lo.cl )I ~·It »J )jl -'jfF Yl1 ~( ~ .. I' 1 ... It CM1Pll \ °' )I .. I 'I .. -I" f.'1 "¥,'• ~~ ~ 1,(111 (ti .)• 1 , • Ftm nQ • .. , ,·• '•'"'' ..,11, J ... , 1 .. ·~~~c .. 'c, U t 11 o o '-""' ( 8cl • !J J 11 -Fl ' ' l 01 "° l'f • )9.__ lo (II omo .0 111 11 l • l'' I "~"~" ~o~ 1 1 I ~ ll 11 ~/'Iv ,, oO •• JJ~. J • I . '• "I ' II 1oi. 0 • -0 >-• II v11., ... • IS • ,, • p "' ;. : 11!' 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'" , • " HA II TR4~S"LA"ITAT ION SK IN DISEASES -TUMORS DE~AllRASION -AC"IE Amerlc•~ DtrmtlolotY Cllnk1 Htlllh Servi<~ UOJ LakrwDOll 81Yd LlklWOlld Cl t07U lntc me lllt\ Bui tHni tl lier Trtl'1P t nl• Ion O •tfll 0.rmeb<AS!ol\ ..., HI LO•S .. f\clrull n W1rls fl P>O 1$ \ [1 Ec1r m11 ) Moe< O H•es 0 5k11 C11nct 0 Oftt D" I "'~ lo ==:::1 K~FW!.fh I MOTOR HOMES SALES • RENTALS 18 ft to 28 ft UTE LINER BALBOA-PACE ARROW LOCATED ON THE NEWPORT FREEWAY JUST SOUTH Of THE SANTA ANA fllEWAT TA KE THl McFADDEN TURN OF~ TURN LEFT ON VILLAGE WAY 0 N IDl"IGEll > • ' u > < 558-3222 1411 S VILLAGE WAY SANTA ANA CALIF All sectors of the American econom:/ except net exports will contribute to bu~1 ness ex pans1on 1n 1972 the forei;asters said They prechcted that con !1nued bu s 1 n es s expansion REAL ESTATE INVESTORS GUIDELINES MOii n V PUb t i! on w h TAX SAV l"IG IOe&• l"IVESTMENT oae.is ll'IO on Qeety l US• TAX 51-!ELTIEQ lleM~ eYe von~ 11fHKI 11 RE shou d ~~ow "' vd ng e feet R E h I an STOCI( M• kel FREE con liU l l'IJ ft re be Ytf WSlllll(C) )~ For THREE '""P ' l1sue1 tnd dt 11111 itnd SI 00 10 Realty Enterprises U11lo11 76 lld9 2662 Hubba..W Modlson Oklo -4-4057 -·-( u~to1n Ta lor ,n I !:th rln1.ak~r M \\t I 1. A 'l• • ~•n h Al'd I rl~ IC! "'. I\.IDS LOVE UNCLE LEN Saturdays 1n The DAILY PILOT Th!• •nnour'ICement 11 netlhef an otter to tell nor 1 sol crtat o n of •n offer to buy lny of lh-aecu11t GI The offer 11 mad• only by PrOlpec!ua. $50,000,000 NEW ISSUE IDS/McCULLOCH Ill EXPLlllATION PROGRAM-1972 A L1ft1111Mtd Partnership Offering svbscnpt;ons to o•rtic1~e 1n a sax :she)lered o I and gas BJrDlorauon orogram Progrem oart c p.1tlon may be apoort on.ed among three I m I ed oannersn p1 organ zed to perm!! ne111b1l ly n 1llocat on ind liming ol rrveslmen!s M nimum subscr pt on of S5 O'JO 11 comorised ol five un ts ol Sl 000 cech w th ltdd tonal un ts 1va labia lri nc•emen s ol Sl 000 Th s ONe11ng 1& ava !able only lo persons in h gher li lt brackets ("' lh certa n othel m n1mum requ remenl$) Send the ooup00 !OJ current Prospectus lo ,-·-------------------, w 11 .... 1800 N 927De E Ch ch1iler tlDS Rt p I l raadw•v S•,.1t An• !71'4 ! S~7 SbOI S9t'ld the current IDS/MvCullocl\ O t E1tplor1tlon Progrtm -1972 Pr09C)eciut 10 N''""======== """' Crty tat• Zip._-]'"~!for! D ,tn,fitd S'rv1ec' Inc Ph ,~u""..i 8~• ~-------------------------~ Would you pay an extra $5.21 per month for Full New Car l\'laintenance? Thats all the 1>xt rl'I It cost "1th a Johnson &. Son Full J\ia1ntrnanrt: Leas.~ on Any of our brA nd nt'w 1972 l\lcrcurys Just think of it no n1orc Rnnoy1ni:; r('prur problems Jl(I more uncxpttted cxpeni;cs and best nf all a bc-nuttful nf'w full size '.\1('rcury }.tarqu1s o r l\1on tcrev to dil\e In i'\~olutely f)f'rf('('t cond1!1on 111 1111 times f ind nut for 'nurs1>lf all the bcn<'hlc; end plt'asurrs lhlll fn ntastlc le11 st> proQTam provides on au our Lincoln l\lcrcury Pi oducls Call BUD 80\VEN Al 540 5630 ' " '" " MUTUAL FUNDS 12'1 ~ ~ ~' + Co ~ o~ l 11 l• 1111 1a • i11• o (.en B• 1 ,, l ~ s ~ .1. r em .. e •O !6 611 61 6 r.,.c .. b e to lJJ l• ll• J• CrnSo v oO •I ?6 1 16• h• 'Gnc,. ~ l? 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D ,., I I -'cl>to'! • ti!!'\ \~! 1! 1~• , Ill• 1 1~ 1 1 ~l,,.ln' '•u • I' • «• °" '" ii-'l 1• 4f \ fl • •) r-, •"' "'"' l>ti l•t~•• 1 lrl(.l'oft "' 1 tl"lt I 111 )11' i 11 o M fll,1 lfllfcl'oo. rtl .,.,,., I• "«I~ 11 101 • 11)•1 ,, • "''" ll 1l • 1 ~ 11. ,,,_ ______________ _ • , • !'~·~ " 1 1'1on.ey's Worth . ~ No Mo1·e Pl1ase II 'I --· LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE SUli•lllOI (OUIT Oji THI ,l(TlffOUI •USINISS '011 lfAM• ITATIMINT Tiit LEGAL NOTICE fto.TITIOUS IUllllfllt NAMI •tATIMINT 5T4TI 0, (,t.l l,OilOOa Tiit ro1to111rnt """"' t•~ ik 111 11 THI COUHT'f' OF Oll:ANGI bvilnt'l ~1 INLAN D INVE~IMENT 5EiltVl(f~, NOTIC:t 0~ 7:~f,t.ltlNO AllOHA, l'-'STANT l'ltlNTINO, ... 2111 OuPlll'lt Odvt Sul!• 0, l•vlnt ' •• 'i"YI TO lOlltOW MONIY 8tktt SI, C~!1 ,....,,, t7tlt. WlllJ"n Gtrtlll Htt111rlc~1 1100 E11! •• 0 , ... t"XECUTI OllOS 0' TltUST 1!!0111 l Etworlllv Jr, f0l1 •tlldt ll Folrh1v1n, No 11 StMt An1 A\'t 1.t Hfl!•O, (.1111 11111 ll!JlllltH " ~lnl COllllV(lt-(1 bY Ill lollowl!MI •••11111 11 dOlflt lllut!llllt Excu ses Accept~d Ellttt or ETHEL &LAND STRUVE t\1 Dov!r 0 l'hl>et. fOJ1 lltl>d t 11°'l.Vt , U hw:llvtou~I ETHEL II SlltUVf lkt E"THEL kol!rt Ct lll W!l!ltlft Gt•lld 1-ltf'\dt!(kl $TllUVE 0.Ce•lt<' N I I be! fu(;I O by e Tll11 'ttTtltllnl lllfd Wj!ll •lie (lloll!V NOTICE I\ Mfl!EIV C1VE"( T~~· l '.bll• neu t nv ~"' 1 Ctirk el O••n~t COUMV °" M••dt I Jt1' w1m1m l!u111!1 •• ••9<u•or ot l"t win 01 Oen.ertl Ptrtneitfl!p 8v, ltv•rlr J MtOd•~ o.~·~ Co11fll)' 4llJ •IH:lv"n•ml'd Ot<tO•M , "'' tllfd fidltt L '1w ... !llY Jt C Cltt~ h1•1ln o Pttlllon tor lt•Y• 10 bo"o"" Thl1 t1.i1m.,.1 llltd wltll 1111 ou11tY l'l'\OftfY •nd IO '-'-"H•I• d'tdt of !r1111 Clt r• OI 0<1no1 Co1mtv Coll M••c" IJ ;,-ltl(o~~c::., l'ffT't' ,,1.,1nc1 •o .....,ic11 11 m10. ~· lurt11er nn •v l t vt'1V J MtodO~ OtPll'Y coi-n. ,., Civil Ctntir Orlvt w11t, By SYLVIA PORTER T he hont1) moon of Phase II 's conlrol1 ha~ passed along "'·Ith the ides of ri.1arch 1972 otrtlcul8•• .• ,..., 11111 1111 11..,, ,,,.,, P'•"' iv Cltrh 511111 m I t 80 t ( th of l>ot t1<'Q 11\t '''"' 1111 bttfl i.tt IO• , IUU 1 I • ( Iii I '21tl "A mos • percen 0 e Al••cll 2• 191' •• t ;JO • m In lllt Pvb!ltl!~ 0••1tef (N d Dtlly l'UOI 0~~1· JI~~,· ... I\. Jtem& In the CPI, cou•••oom 01 ooo1r1m1nt No l ot ~Id M1•c11 11 u JI •"" Aoru 1 i•n 100.n CPI/fl •I 100 CIVIC Ct n!Or Otlv1 Wr,t, I" "\00 percent Of the ('0Untry'S ltlt ( ty o! S111u A.111, C1lll0•11l1 str..,1ces:4 011.0 M••c11, nn LEGAL NOTICE Pubilllrl'd O•t1tO~ Ctt!.I M~•cll IG 17 1~ l1, lfl1 DAILY PllOt 2{ LEGAL NOTICE 1'4CTITIOVI IUJIHISI NAMI ITATIMJN' T~• lollOW•MI N•Hfll ,,, d;olnt bwlneJJ ••· MAllllW: IHOV$Tl!I~$ -Ml TVMI, 1t11S CO•tnt1~. H~~•ln1•on 811t/t WUll1m T Mlltt, t n& Atl~lt, Hu,.. 11"'1"" l11ch JOl'I M ltfltlhe'> l'36i Vii Stn Jy1n,. CtolJlfl!lt At•Cl1 Tiii• ov1lnen It 1Hi111 eon.,11cttd ltv • Gtfltrtl p,,.,.,.,,11/a JOl'I M, 'rtllt!h•n r111, •tt1•""'"' 11J1I "'"" •llf Countv Clt rk vi Or•ntt Cou11tv rn l'•lt 21, 1171 llv le~trly J. MldlOll Qt-.,.ly C1u11r1' Clerk Cnt1• "''"ft I' H•t1 OlllY Pdtl, 3, IC 17, ''' IJ w E St JO><N. 1S.. LEGAL NOTICE l'tCTITIOVI I VStM•IS "II.~ perc,nl or all retail ICElHEc:--i;;~o~1••); NOTICE TO CltlOITOltS HAM• STATIMIHT No Jorm:er can there be nor sale,s. Al OtlltYI II L•w iVl'fllOI COVll:T 01' TH f IVPll!tOlt CDVll:T 01' THf T~ to11ow!t1• '""0"' '" d4ll11• ' -Sulll Jlf it.•te Fl1tllld ll C.llltr ITATI! 01' CALll'OIHIA l'Oll ST.loll 01' CAlll'OltHJA ,011: l>utllltU 11 n we perm1l any excuses "100 percent of all m;inufac-•• HtWPOfl Ctllltr Ori•• THIE COUNTY 01' OltA.HGI THI l;OVHTV 01' OltA.HGI WIL D OATS •1•'"' 8l11tb1rd L•~ .. th r I b I d I II Htwport ltlCll CIUfor11l1 t,u.t Ht • 71"1 , Ho A 112U L1eu111 lle1tt1 C•!lr at our COS! 0 1v1ng IS" u g -lure tem!i app ances, A.l!OrlltYI for E•tcwlOr E1Ut1 ol M+lDR£0 f MOLC El!ER HOT!Cf 01' HIAllHG OJll l'IT1l10H L1urvl G11p1rortl •II\!) l h,1to/•d ing'' n ow onl) bec.ause price recrea!Jonal goods, new cars, Pyoi1,ht<1 or1t19t co111 0111v p1101 o~ct11t~ Fo11 P11:01Ar11 ot11 W4ll AND ,01111 l•11• L11un1 ~:•cr11~·1~1 ebl•lll L•~R h f Mtrtll 10, !I, II, 1tn 6:)1 12 NOTICE IS HEREllY GIVE N lo !hr Llli TTl!ll Tl!'llAMt:NTAltY 01vid 51b110 u • • a ' banned during trac tors, ol er arm In· c•!'dhori 01 '"' above n1ml!d dt(ed""' E•t•I• 04 DONALD e. wiTzERMAH, L1qunt 11e1c11, c11u Iner Se were s trumenls, l---------------l 1111t 1tl 1>1rson1 ht vlnt tl•lms •11ln1t tllt Oectts'°" Tt\11 tiu1ontt1 11 bflnt t0!\duc1.a by • the Phase I LEGAL NOTICE 111d oec.Otnt ••• •~ulr.O 1" 'If 111ern NOTICE ts HEREll't' GIVEN 111.1 P1rtn1rt11lp 'lOO pt.rcent of a ll wholesale , ---------------1 wltt> '"' neceutrY voucl!e••· In th• 011tc1 EUi•b•Tll M Fro•~ h•• lll•d lltr•ln • Lturv! G•1o>1•0"1 freeze of fall 1· o! !ht clerk ol '"' tb<We tntltllld coutt or .,.r111on 1or orobatt or wlU •nd for ltnrr. Otvld S1b1ro11 1971 firms, IUI 10 PttltM 1111m w!lh tht MC•••••v lt itimtnla•v 10 Pe!f!joner ''''"""• 10 This 1111emtnt fllo!d Whl! the Coynt'I' 00 r II 11' HOTICl TO Cll!OITORS VOV<ht'I to !lit undt•tlQ1ttcl t i UO H1w wtoch Is m•Ot 10, IYr!lllr Pl•1ltull t1, end Cle•k of Ort ntt Count• 011 Ftbtut 0 rv ':' No longf'r "I percent 0 a p u l IC SV,lliRIOI! cov•T DJll THl 00., Ct1tttr Or Sult•"° HtwP<l•t 8e1ch, 11111 the 11..,1 •nd ,.11,, er h•erlnt '"~ ltl? ev Bfvtt!v J M•ddo• to>u v can !htre be utlllly ftrn1s t 1h r od u g h s ;~~ecg~NcT"vL~~~~'!1r1~~1t ~!\~;;1•101 91~6:° Yni%~~,l~n~~ 1tnh•111o~~~t.~! :•;• .n!'. b~~" ,~:' ~:~r~:~ ~· ~~·.r~' '°""'v Cltrk ,,~~110~'. nor can \le regulatory bodies area Y Slit , Ho A nou oerr.Jnln11 to 1111 e11ue &! ~•Id oector"! meni Ho J 01 ield '°""• ,, 100 CIY1c Pvbll1htd Dr~n•• co111 O••I• r'rmll ..,..._., p E•!flt or MARGARET G WOL TER5, wllhin !out mon!ll1 t iter ttif !lr11 011blk1 Ct1tle• Orlvt Wt•!, In IM (llV Of 51nt• M•rcn ), lO, !/, l • lt l1 553 II '<>"J ;J)-Oet••'"O 1uin or !h1J nor.ce it.nt, C~ll!o•nOI e_ x p I an 8· "100 percent of all health NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to '"' Dlltd F•b•111ry 19 l9n 01Ted M••Cl\I 1t7' (red11c•1 of lh~ 1110111 n1m•d drtedenl John E Holdere• w E sr JOHN, t1ons t ha t serv ices. 111.1 ,11 pet1on1 n1vlno c111m1 t<Ulnu 1no E•etutor or the wu1 01 "'' C01J1ttv er••~ the sharp "75 r'll'rcenl Of aJl Jnsuranc e . llld dt<:l!'d~nt 1" rtqulreO IO lilt lflem Ibo"' n1mtt1 decedtnl SELIM S l'ltA.Hl(LIN STATEMt:NT OJll it.IAHOOHMIHT I'~ woth lht ntcess~ry llWthtr• In 1n1 olflc t ltOllRT H WHtTMOl!E •If Etlt lllh Strttl OF UiE 01' l'ICTITIOU$ pace or r tSe "100 percent Of •II pt'OCeSl5ed Of lt>e Cit•-OI lne tbovt 1nll!ltd COU•I, or '11 N .... i>Orl CtRltr Or , 5~111 ut (O•I• Mtlt, Cillltr"" IU$1NlSS HAMf: LEGAL NOTICE r I rood " • •o Prt1ent lhrm Wt!h Int n1ctu1rv Htwport ltttll, C1IU1rlll1 ttHt Ttl C114l 1112 21•' T~t tollowln1 o>er1on1 h•v• ebtndontlf Jn OUr COSt 0 IVIJ1g flOW re • S llOUtlltn lo lh t ~ndtnoned 11 !h<!. O!f•Ct Ttt (114) '10-0ollt A/ltrfttY '""· ,trl!lontr t~e Ult ol lllt tlctlrlout b~1lneu nlmt ( I I h " r A d G d ol hll 11torn1v1. McKEHHt. & FI TTING, t.lt••M• f•r l!x1cwter Publlst\t-<1 O•IMQ~ Cetll Ot llY Piiot, CHROHOEK ELE CTRONICS, ., J\6f ]eels on Y a ca C ·UP 0 n rayson IS encour a,ge UPI Ttlt.-ht" s 1111 "'· 2'1~ E1 Toro Road L•o~n• Publh~•" • Or1 n11 Co••' 01lly Pllo1 Mtrcn 10• !I, 11 , ltll tl9 n RHI fltll co111 Mt s• c1111ornl1 •2n1. Price hikes postponed from by the facrthat of l,S70 C{lm· Hl111 C111ornl• 914.IJ, w111c11 i, '"' 1>l1ce M••cl! J 10, 11 14 1tn $6&1' Tne tlcll!lotli b111lntu n1m1 rere,.eo te h I No Du' st Be1·e of bu11n,s1 of lht Ytl(;it nl•ned In all ,,,,1 l!>OV! Wll lilta If! O••nte Ceuniv Oii I lh panies wit Sa es of $100 1tr• o>erielnlnt to '"' e1111t 01 111~ oect LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Oecemlltr ,., ltll I St year 10 IS mtJlJOn or more a year, 560 dfnl wHl!ln tour rnonlM1 1llfr lllt 11•$1 5ol•r La1H1t1!or.e1, Inc I C1!1!orn•t N I lh be nor In the "clean room' at RCA's tnduslr1al lube d1v1 P~bllCll•cn of thl1 nOl•Ct HO"'''"'"' .. 0 Cl!EOITOlt• ,,,, '''9 Red Hiii, CM!a Mt••· O onger can ere have signed firm pr 1 c e • 011H1 Frbrv••v,. 19n NOTICE 15 ME REI V GIVEN 111.i c1Tv ~ A 1 u 111 ce1+rornl• 91 1.u can We permit such 1ust1flca· agreements with the Price s1on plant In 1,anca s ter. Pa . a tec hn1c1an transfer~ 11:1.vMOHo M WOLTE R$ Ht.T10 N"'L a"'HI<, , n111on11 ~•nk lno su111iR10R cou•T oF THE 1 ~, bu•lnen w~• toncruc1.a DY , tor. I f I d t t ( 'fV a mer [Ube E~eculor of !l!t Win et I UOC•lllcn wltll HttO Oll<t1 !oc1ltd I f STATE OF (AltFORHIA 1'0411 ooro!lon hons for depressing 1nflat1on Comm1ss1on, and. of lhese 117 a Oe\v Y manu ac ure arge or a c a '"• e11ov@ n1me<1 dectctent 100 ,. Ro-bu•~ o r1v1 eever1v HUh, THI! couHTv 0 ,. o••HG1: o~v1t1 e .. 11 e 11 I ha ve pledged to hold their to a protect ive storage tray The ultra·c!ean room McKl!NHA .. FITTING c11otor1t11 1111 m•de •o•llc•llon 10 '"• e 11~,, 0, Gu't' ELRI CK Mlt(ESELL, secr1rirv news as "the c 0 n tr 0 I ·~ Orv lllt w MCC1rrol! Ret\Oflt l AOml11l1tr1Jor of H•tlcnt l ll•nkt 0P.Ct••MI lh•~ l!l ttmtnl prlCe tncreaseS 10 2 percent Or prevents dUSt from gettlng On the tube's fet!na 24100 II Tar t l!o~• Suitt A !or Mrml•1 on to t1tlbll1/I I br1ncrl"o!llct Hotlc1 11 ntttbV 9/von to crt'dllon or County Cltr~ of mac h1J1ery JS slilt bemg set less in 1972 \Vhich \VOUl d appear b ould er·size to the TV VIC\Ver L••un• H1111, c1i.1ornf1 t2Ul w, the v1c1nlh 01 '"" 1n1e .. ec11on of e1rc11 111, •bcvt n•mHI dettden1 111 11 1 11 Februerv 10 1972 r no, •or "the policing organiza· ----------'-'-------------------I rt1 11141 1>0.3410 Stree1 •nd MecA•tllur Boultv~•d Newoorl 0o,.0n1 111vln• c1arms •••ln11 tht 111-a 1 u11 "7f' Al1orotYI for EKtcut"" l e1cl! 0•1n1r Coyn!v, C11!!ornl1 Suen d~tdenl 1,~ rtQul•HI to Jiit 111tm w1111 ~II• Ho 1'1lt0• Publl~ll•d Or~n1~ Co11t O•oiY l'llol eopllc•!lon wts filed Jn 1~1 office ol tllt lllt nec•u•rY •ou<ll•n In tne oUlce o! Publl~l!ed Or•n1ie Co111 Ot l!v Plltl. lions are not yet enforcing t he M••<h l, 1~ 11 ,. un $6•·1' 11111on11 Adm lnl11••1or °' H11.on11 lenlu, the Cler~ of !he at>o11• tntltlHI court or Mtrc11 3 , 1 a 11, 1• 1911 J1112 I I " Sh E • 'S b k' 5$5 Ct llfcrnle 51 Room J9:1' Stn J'r•n to or11en1 tt>trn will! 111t n1ct.,ervl----,.,,-,-,-,-,,-,-::,.,,=---- w•t filed w1lft lht D••"9• Cou1ttv on C On t r o 5 vigorousy, or ort conomic et ,ac tlJtr c1111orn11,t110A,1r1oopm onv0Yche .. 1otneunder,,~neo1trneo111ct LEGALNOTICE "there's not eoough man· LEGAL NOTICE M1rch 1 "" 01 HAl'l:OLO w HAS11 •m s oor11n CITY NATIONAL llANK Drive, Lelr Anttle1, Ct!I! 90036, Wh!cl! 1t•l-~-~~~-,,,,.ccccccco;:;:""~ " SUPERIOR COVl'l:T 0~ THE Robrr1 C 8etudry !ht PIKt of by1ln1u of 1he yn<ltttlgned In SUPlltlOl COUltT 01' CA.ltPOltHIA., power .-# STit.TI!' OJll CA.llFOIHlit. FOil Viet Prt1ldtnl I. Tr11.i Ol!lctr 111 mt11tr1 1>1rl4!1t•no 111 !ht e11tt' nl t•ld COUHTV 01' DIA.HG• These eXCUSeS, expJanat10nS THE COVHTY 01' ORAHGt: IOO H Ro-bvr~ O•lvr dectdenl wrth1n !oYr m.,,,1111 tllt r !ht tot Civic (tnUr Orlv1 Wttl, ? Ho A 11111 ll1111rtv HHl1 (~lllorno1 'l'OllC ""' publlc•t!on or !lllJ "otlct. 51nt1 Ant, C•Ulorn!t and JUStd1cat1ons we could ac· Worth It for Cleaner A i·r. ORO,. TO SHOW CA.US( Publ lsneo Ortnot Coal! Otlly li'llo1 Otltd Ftbrutr• n. 1971 (tit H11mlltr FOii CHANGE 01' HAMt: Mt rcn 11, nn 70. n Edw•rd E Mlktttll 0 U4tl -~pt for the first three ffiOnUlS In th~ Mtt!et c, t~~ Aoollcetlon or J IM Admlnhlrtlnr of 1nt SUMMONS IMAltRIAGll MIE AZALll. SAMPEl'l:ISI for Cl!tntt ol LEGAL NOTICE E11111 of 11ld lf.!ctdenl In re !Ile m1rrle1e 111 fllet!tloner; Of Phase fl N~me H1rold w H1llr HELE N M KER-HS 1rn:I ll:eso>eno..,11 W><EREAS, lht ~Ppl c•tlon Of JIMMIE llOJ S Otde" Orlvt FRANCIS J KERNS ,And YOU may take ror it.ZAllA S.lMPE RISI tor chtnoe ol n•{l"t 7tol Lot Anttlf1, C•lll fOOU To !flt Rnl!<mdtnt FRANCIS J. •rante<I thal they wt!! all •-By DEAN C. MILLER Va because of poi'"llQn prob-them for daily activities." h•1 been ou1v 11110 w1111 1nt tltrk 01 thlt su11el't1011: cov1T OI' THE Altff11tt «er Admlnhtr1tGr KERNS e ~ W Cnurt, tnd II tPoeering from said tD ST•TE OJll CALIJllOl!Nlt. l'Ol't 9Ht OC Tiie ptll!l-r ~I l•ltd I otllll&tl (-t d I h I h lems aft~r spending $18 Gerstenberg told a Chicago 1111ca11on 11111 s110 10111lc101 dts"tJ 10 THI COUNTY OI' OIA.~Gl Pubtltl!ed Or•~t• Cc111 Dtoiv Piie!, cerni,.., ¥011• m1rrltve vou ""~v 111~ • trot e OU \\'en e NEW YORK (UPl1 -t d hive lltr ~•mes ch•n•l!d lo lht O•OOCl'd H& it.71UI F1bru1r~ 25, t nd Mt rcn l 10 \J, nn ....... 11.n ,,,,,.,,,,e w11t .. n lhlrly cttv1 n! !llf cumulative -Consumer Pr.Ke There's-an economic maxim million to comply Fr om 414 ° au ience n11m11 111 JE HN1i=e 11 JOLAH SAM HOT1c1 oit HIAl'llHG oit "1:t1t•OH ' '1' n d1re tftu 111., 1ummon• is •ervtct on vou 747 en'tployes were incolved. While much of 1'.'hat industry PE111s1 l'Olt 1.1r1 0101:11: o 111: t: c T t H • 11 vou f111 10 111t 1 wr111t n ••soonw Jndex ror December-Januar y· lhal says. ''You can't gel NOW TME REFOllE, JI •S l>trebY fl!ANSl"llilt 01' PEl'l:IOHl.L Jlll!Oll LEGAL NOTICE within 1ucn ti ..... , vovr dlflu!I m1v "' h t h " Kennecott Coppet Corp ' the Is .saying IS dcrens1v' in ordered '"" d"ect!!d 1n1t 111 Dfrlon1 In ll'l:TV TO CDMl'llTI Ol!CED•HT'S •"'"tel •nd tl1t court m1y tnlfr I ivdo· February becomes available some! ing or not ing nation 's targesl copper pr.. posture and some of 1t ex 1er~s1H1 r~ '"• t•ld mil!•• or c111nu of AOl'tl!EMEHT HOT 4 ct: rNYtTIHG 1101 ment canr11nln1 Jnlunctlv• c• othe• ord1rs fl JI I t /J t 0 ' d . n1rne1 fl>Ptar bl!!ore 11bo~t en!ltlq Court E1t1!t ol OONA.LO R COLEGROVE Hotltt ls htrtb• gJve" lft.r 1111 INird 01 toncer"ln1 division or P•-•lv tPO~)tl next week You also rnay be app es 0 an l·po Uh l n 4ucer. \\'JIJ !ipend oiore than aggerated. 1t does un crscore In oe111rtmen1 J 111ereof 1oc1111d 11 100 oec••sHI 11 c 0 ~ 1upoor1 thlld c11s1cov c11110 1u~00t' ••· measures as well as anyt 1ng •i oo million to rnet federal air the ' point that the cost of civic Center O• sanr. An1, c,.u1crn!1 on NOTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN 11111 br~,!'1~1' :: 1~~,.'::11 c~';;t~un11;r11~1:;'!, •o•nev1 ttes to•t1 1nd 111ch o•h•• r111tt sure the February index Will else Jobs and corporate pro-• 111e 1 11~ d•Y 01 Aor11, itn. et 111e l'lo11r of Phlllo R cci"lttove E•tcuior 01 '"' 1 !J 'Ow , 11 ,. elvt 1, m•y bt or•n!td b• 'h• coYr• b l Id quality standards, according cleaner 3lr and v.•ater has to t 30 o'clock • m rn en 1no ll'lt•e t~ 111cw "''" or Con11a R coi~orov,. ~"' 111ed re •;~ed b•)t0 .!: ::~,, in,::'; 00 wi m ~°". 11 vou w1111 10 se•k 1111 1ov1c1 o1 1n •I· ahow a big u ge, a rap fits \\•Ill suffer, at least 1n the F k II b d b And the ctu•e II •nv !htv he•t. Wiiy !ht ... ll1r1ln . Ptllll on for •n Ordtr •uthorillfll UP ' ! 3 1 , d b!: "' Ill tQrnfv fn ll!lt melttr, VllU lflllUld do 10 calch·up -or whatever word &hort ter m And here are to its president, ran , e pa1 y someone oht•llon for c111nge 111 1t1me1 ih<>uld "or •Ni dlr.•<t11t; rh1 oet,tooner To corno1ttt div dAp.i t '' ·, s.t~le l 111 • 'd I e P•cmDUv so th•I vou• w•!l!tn rt1POns1. 11 M1l hken He said the &'OVern-consumer ahvays has been the boll lrt n!td 1111 lt•m1 of .... Avreemfnl m•d• bv :,~~~no ofll~~ ·~~ • ..:~he~'s"~n ":h~·nc....'.: •ny m•Y bt !l!i!'d on I/mt You want to use for a sicken· some gut examples: men! and public a re looli'ng t b th 1 d t!y tT is FURTMER ORDERED th11 • decedenr 1n nrs 11t"•mt bv ••Pcut1n1 11td 11 Tl! 1 1 0 Id w 1 cue 1 0 ,,.., Au 11 u 1 1 1 3, n11 one 0 ear e oaCI, 1rec c~v ot 11111 order bi! Pub!lsll•d In 1111 dtltverlnt 10 01~1 .a. CDle1rcv1 inc, • ;t'" ¥ •e •r ' O "' ~1 0 1 9 wuu1m E 51 Joh" tngly steep Increase -PPG 1 tndustries. P ittsburgh, or inihrectlv through higher Or•n•~ Coa~t O•llv Pilot, • ntw1o•o>er of convt ytnce ind ,,,,..11er of oer101tal P•o!). ~ilnoion Beien, ranve 0 u"' Y' C011nlr Cl~•t d J M 2 ~ · ' d 1ener11 clrcyl•tlon P•1~1.a t nd PYbll!ned ftlV dl!t•lbed •• 1'1t •llattl of c•o•lt1 Cal °'"''' LESllH & l'OLEY In facl, you must be announce a11t ay I, It prices. lower slock d1 v1den s 1n 1h1 Clry of cost• Me11 county 01 •T«k 01 Dlkt 1. coieg•ove tnc 1 01 s~:,h ~11~~,1":1•1~!:'c~:~~~~~~t1,;'1;~ Allorn1y1 1 1 L•w prepared J or 8 blOW In the would SU9pend some prG-•ff'ederal polfll• Or !CSS employment Or•oge, In lht Stile of C•llfornlt once Cl ll!ornlt coroora!lon rererenct to which Admlnisr,ar 0 ,.. l ulldino lJIO Adim1 160f Cr*"'tfll Avtnut d ti l I It ' •tel'\ wee~ 4Dr loYr (I ) tuctess1vt wee ks 1, m&de !er !Ytlher o•rlltult,., 11\d in1t Avtnut Colli Mtit , Oranit Counl•. Ttrrtnct, (llllffftl1 ttJ01 next CPI deport Tht! startling UC on opera ions a l; tfota s t '"II ,, a ,. d. A go\!emment report releas· pr.or 10 !ht d•1• above Jtf !tr fht the Urnl and olltt al he••lno m. st mt C•hforn•• ind •helf bf o~ne>d Ind oubk Ttltthtnt UUI 321-41,, O 7 percent Upsurge 1 n Barberton, 0 chemical com· d M.Orch" 12 which analyzed hrarfno of ,:,Aid ~ppt1c1Uon 111< been 5ei '°" Moren 31, 19n ,, t ~ •v '~"° i lovd 11 11'1• •OOvi ita!ld llm i In A11or~tr1 ltr ,1111lanef I b th d ( 1972 Nifty IJf•ice f-ftrJi OUt e " Htr en G Scovtllt • m , 1n !ht <OUrl•oom of Otpt rtmfnt !ht Soa•O Room ol !ht AOminl11r1t1on 9ni OC ""I holesale prices in F'ebruary P ex Y e en O 12 000 plants in 14 industries Juaae nr thP Su1>1•lar court No 1 01 a•d coun !l 700 t ivic·C•nt~• 8 •1d 1 Pullll1hH1 O••n11 co11t D••IY !"+•01. d I d k lod b .,, uld 'I operate "' II•-r-••c" ··l ' Oo!ed Ftb 23 1912 • ' , ,, .. ' • 11' "' Mttell l. 10. 11, 21. ltl1 "4-'2 1 1sc ose one wee ago ay ecaus e CO n ~ ..;; ~ -'~ "' e stimated the cost of air and ,,.,0 c o"vt W•11, n 1~~ tv '" •nt1 na e .-c11 b•d mu11 cont orm 1nd '"'1:c::.::::_:.cc_.cc_:.___,-_:.,,,,,,.,co---' '.,,-·gr~ ha-• g-e r-w~•l 1-5-Jh-ern-econ-orn1·c=a Jy -..,·11hin eo p-ople , l<•'lt" , • • 1 ••UL• '''''"'"' C81Hcr~•• ,.,oontl•• 10 11111 1nvn11•cn, 111e pl•n• LEGAL NOTICE " a uu ruin r 0 "''I ·•l ,. • ic; Ii , ll'atel)'1 pollution CO n tr o Aito•ll•Y 11 Ltw " ' O•ttll Merch u, un sotcll•ttllon•, and 111 c1h•r dotum1nh tto .show up 1n i:etait,prices. vironmental cont. r o I re· d th f r between now and 1976 at aiXJut HJU Crtnllh•w •iv•, sw!t• tooA w1LL111roM e St JOMH, com11rl1fno 1 n , pe•tlnent con1r.c•l--,-=cocc-c=--::=co:o--:::c:::-;;::-- -r l nee em jJ A torr•nc• Cllllflrl'll• ttMI Coun!v C!t r-d<N:urnepb Cooltt ol 1111 ConJrtct NOTlCa 01' SAL.• TO HIGHIST • Buttrre;emonthsofbulge or qu\remens. ii f itf ,.,, 1326 billion dollar s P·1.narn•r'iorl'ttl1iont• SAMUtELA G1t!•HaU11:• oocum•n!•1•t """"on111111t11-n 10 1100•1ts •ratch-up Is enough. It was dope des pite recent dn !J act v . es. ' prO);lmately 200.300 of the Ttllpl!a ... UUJ u• J711 101• Weil VllltY l tvd Public lml)lchon In lht 1•ld clfltl1 of li')t Nonce !1 fltr•oY o!vtn 11\tl ieo•tt•ttd l I ' I ( I I I ' I ' • ' 1. f"' Pubhl~td Otlfllt Cot'! 01<!v Pii ot •1n1mbr1, Ci!Uw~I• 9110J Owntr t nd m1y bt obt1lnlld by vtrbt l or bid• wtll be re-ce!v.O lo• s1le lo th!! "" N ow the "counid-Own'' days expenditures oi SIO m1lhon to ~ p lants surveyed would be clos· Februu..,, 23 i nd Mirch 3 tG. 17 1912 Tt1• 1t111 Jt• sus wr111~n ·~ut$t •dd•enHI ro ine Purchas hlq11111 bidat• 01 th• 1011ow1,,. u•tlll t th st d d 0 e r h t d b •"""11•1 for lltlllltntr lnq Attn! 1r 1ht O!,frlc!'1 tdd•t•• ~uh•mpnl wlltell n,1 b~fn Otc!1rod and m on ths for the success of mee -ose an ar s n • thern selves if the:r belie ve ed be,cause o t is cos an JO 411 12 Pyti11s11t11 o ron11 coa11 o.11v Pltct, A so--. "•vmeni Bond '"" • 1<1010 111 ,p 101 1 0 ll'lt nwi,t, 91. lll.!..WiL!.~"'----I~·~ the battle against destructive thousand Jobs were involved. these costs cao be passed losses v.oud run from 50,000 'E~·"-~·~reE--M!·~~..!!~.'!...2~·...!.!!2~--·-·· ' D .,te.~ond'"wltr"1r!'nofr""'itrt11 mtrntr-rtontQrtmr,,d 1 ---J ,;---i:; U-1'\Lrl'fV! Contrt(!or 11ltcltd VEHICL ES F1re f rock, 19•2 111 '"" l---ll-..illflaUon. wh1cll-we-began4'olitl'1--4'R ... Jaooar11-!3,-Weyer.tleu5t m~·10 ·c ·o".n ~ u me rs. tons OOIT, inst tttalni LEGAL NOTICE Eecll bid sn111 be m•dt out on '"' ""rce .... ow Automobile, 1919, Pllttto" i Phase I and Phase II a re here C-0 announced 1t was c losing th t 't d Th tudy noted that the NOTICE 0,, SALE 01' 'Form 01 Pro11t1111' bound rn ••th 1e1 01 1 Furd Sta uo ... w,,.,,,, 1966 V.f Properties a can pro uce e s ltEAL Pl!OPEl'l:TY AT l'RIVATI' JAi.i icec•llt•t•oni s110 b•dJ w111 "" ~e"ed 8nd Publlctr -right now down Jls sulfite pulp plant in at a profit 1vi th 1n prevailing cost of instituting such con· Ha: A ~1151 HDTICI! J~~rME AHO Each b•d 111111 b• •ccomo1nl~d bY • reaa tiovo '" '"''~"'td 11em1 '' 1os1ed E II W h be t S d t " cer!llltd or c11ll•e•' tlllck 01,lb!t to HI• on tn1 o•~P<llHI to•m 11 11 Oii em . As one source close to the ve~e • as cau se 1 W'l prices said Milliken, have trols. a non pro uc tive l em in, Su1~•·1,0r c;ur1 1°0 1 '"' 51att 01 C•11 rnl• PLACE 01' .,.sA 1 L,,•, ,, owner, 0, iath facro•• Hid Bond In t"'flr T~v•idtv M••th 30 1 , 7 , 1n int llo••d h not econom1cally rea~tble to b I t Id increase or • oun. 0 •anp• o ... Thurid~V Mt rcl1 .... 11 I m I th 0 fed by '"' 6 Od'' ~J Roo O! •he o .. 1,1c1 AdMlnl"r .. 11on ,, White House Who IS hep In I t no alterna!1ve UI 10 C OSe ITOS cases, \YOU In l~t MMT~r ot l~t €11Ale of TMOMAS 11 Int ~•1mae1 o! OON.l LD GElllLOCI< :ronc;oilwtn;; ,e~:~lui!actory turet~ com1>-BYll';lnq lJ 1 0 A!ltms Avenui COllt MIJt, •· econom ics s phere a s well as m ake it comply \\ 1 1th pollution Kennecott operates smelters in pr~ces, cut profits ~pur Im· EOwA, RO 5"1"'DLE. o,'''11•d, uJ1 Mon•ovl• Co•'• Mf11 CA '"~ anv •s turrty •nd .,, •mount not ieu C•IH11rn1 1 Alt bid, .,,u 11 be o~11v"" ,,. • the political sphere said over requirements Some 330 JObs A11Zona, Ne1Bda, New Mexico ports, slow down exports . .,::,~~;,':,.,;•;;~· .. •;,~; .. ~"'.~,;'~,";,;~;::;'~~'~:;· •1" "'"'"" '' '"'" :~:;,·~~ :;:;';:'.!.J'~~;.,•.,'"; .. :~ .:": ;<;,:,,~";;,~!.!"',~:;';:•:;: ::::;'.:: ::: I~ cocktails the olher .,eo1ng wei e on the line and Utah lower the Gross NatJOoal ;:;,~,';~ ;:'.:.::~.~\~:;~\ ";;;;,:'.,'. ::~ ... ~:;~;:·:~: ,~"~'" ~.' :,~,"~; .. '""'""""'""' """ ••" "K"" '"";• '""'"' ,, ,. """" 1., ,_ "Don'l you even try to write Simpson Lee P aper Co. One of the d ourest com· Product through 197fi and hurt 616 w111n1ro 111vd Sul1e 1100 to• No Jav613 1219111 "111 1~ti1e Conrroct 1' u bt ~w••d•d 010 "'"' 1", ccn ·~''1r.cn1 c~oi•1e 1 ,.. b I r A ti'! c ll!o I 9'0017 co "'Y r Lo• !orml!v w•lll !Ill Cantr1C! ocumtn • t nd r01>0•1 lorm• •rod ~-.. one ol ibose 'how s hocking' blamed the high cos! of sat ts· ments ahout the effects nf th~ counl1 Y Ii a ance 0 A~!,1,;, 5,!,t ~~ ~•llfcrn'11, 1~ the ~1011,,1 1-8 ~'d"eoodn~':~1 ,!~6'!.~ ;""0'· H'ad w•ll o·ovldt the 1vr11v bend or IH:lncis a• 11ruc1!ons m1• be ob1t1ne<1 11 '~' I h lh F b r I I ' I Is b $700 mtlhon an b , dd d I I t Ho 91(1).1 I f •r>ec•!ltd lllfre!n wl!lll n ''" dtY• •fret Purcna1l1'19 Oept or lht Dl,trltl ., •ht CO UffinS W en e e ruary yJng neW e nvtrOnffif'n 8 re• anti J>O )UltOn meaSUre S Came paymen Y •Ind ,~I b e,r In JUbCl!'C Ollccn 1-Powe rmahc 81nd Saw S/H S.55tJ MO!lf•cl!oon cl !ht IWlrcl at tllt (Gn!ricl lbOve 1dO•es1 For t ddlllcn1t lnformt tl!ll'I i Cpl I b I r I h Id r b r R h d (' l II through 1976 tlrm•r en bv '* d l uPl!rior cur! • 111t 1 Cut-ctl Sew I t>e rl IPPO!ntment tt U Mt comes ou , ecause you qu1remen S or I s s u own o Fe 25 rom IC ar rers en· nua Y r111111 11111 ano 1n1••e~1 01 16rct dt"C1111!'d 1:ent1o Llf! Tr11ck JJ>OH• i;i piclty 10 1ne 111ode• Rc0 r~1cc111on , en •> 1 ,.. ,,St ' kn.I' better Bui I 'll agree 8(). r old ulp and pap<r h h f "ene al A d I I ay •t 1111 11me ot de1th •nd 111 th1 rrvM 111t 1 , 0 WAG1: 1t.a.T11 t ""• an yea · p erg, C airman 0 lt r ISma prospeC 1 YOU S 8nd lnlttnt lhal ll1f eJllte ol Jlld 1-SYr!lce Pl•lt1 2••3' two lfd91 W Pursuint 10 tht ltbor CCOt of !he S!tlt 8od1 mutt bt t cc,omptn•HI b~ : \\:ttlj, :YOU that we)"e in !roubl ~ mill 1n Everett It e m ployed Motors Corp • F'ed'eral pollU· Nol necesBarily. Mater 1 a I dece~1tt1 11a1 •coulrNr bv ooera11on 01 11w ~1'(,11 111 , 1 of c111torn11 sou•htrn C81Ttor"'" fl u11dlnG crr11~1: to~~ .i:::;.·~~m'..~~ cou::. Ith t r d l I bol7 rn d d f JJt t c•olhtrw•1eO!hert~tnor•1t addllloolo _, P•J """·f0-1ructkm-Tred11·Cavn-ell 1 Pl'l't • 1 e rs e o rise oes n sow a u ,,., 11on stan ar s may prtce cars damage rom air po u an s !h , , id ""' 1 d -11 1,.1 , or 2-wiirM llt nches Bui lding 1nc1 conitructlcn T••dt• cound1 Dhtr1e1. or C11h In en 1moun1 l'\Qt less 1n March.-Keep-your-eyes-on ..... Olin Corp closed down 8 out of the reach or people who a lone IS estimated at $16 d•8a1h~ In '!nd to =~ i11e t~•l•ln .~;;·Pc• 1p!~i10~~1,e:.~~.~e :~:i~:~~' 11!:~. 1:, ~f Oren~· County lht 1110 801rd 01, :::~k!c ::;c~n~ 0~,·:: • .':~~: bl~e!:~.~8":: ' " r h I II b h h d A d h I Pfr!V •l!u•te In! he CoYn!y 0, O•~nge Tru1Tt•• ~.. ~s(e•I• ne.t th• ~tntr• 111le 1gures w IC 1 WJ e com· soda·ash operation in Saltv1lle, nol on!y \\'an! I cm ut nee b 1lhon per vcar n t 8 5!11~ o! C•lllor~I• p1rl•tYl1rly descrlOed Ille olace el ••I• pr ier to the !•mt ol •II• preY&l!lnp rite cl oer d•em WIOel lo• !YCCtSJlul b!dOen will bt IOPlled lo 11\t t fl.1" 11 out In April They IJ be the d 't ' r g in your ~ tollow• tow I • Thl1 ule LI lltld to flllorce Ille rlOl!h of ••ell c•tll or tyPt of workm1n n••d~d lo Oll•thlJt or!ct 01/ltr ctt~tll chtcks •nfi/ l!i Oe.!=!1 even [ Ure I Loi '8 Ttl~! JI~, City Of A.n&helm, Htr!ford FlntltC•l l Ccn•ortllln I I extcu!t lht CcnltlCI WhiCll wlll bt IWl td Or (llh wlH bl rtturntd Wl!llln fifteen r iJgnal " heaJlh Or aeslhetJC enjoyment Cou~lv of O••not STile pf Cehlcrn<I , t !llOnee of ltCured Ptrlv 1r>1lnt Ur'ld~r 8 ed th e lu<Ct -sful b•Oder t "O !htH Prt divs 1!1,r !lie 801rd ol Try1IH1 ~e· I I~ ~My friend puts Jt 1n easily Inf ati'on, 0 ess 0 le. :ht 0Ulc:c1 lht COUllty reco•Ot r of lt•d DONALD GERLOCK OF 16J5 Mcnrovl• flc•!lon1 •llopltd by ,~. llot rd, t ncl '' April s 1tn l J bl r Ir • P"' mp In boo~ 101 o•t•• d & 41 In J~urlrv •Oretmlnl t•tc11ttd w l 1 h valtong raltJ 8rt contained In ••Id SPICI crot11tct Of nteh l>ld1, wlllch will bt on ~ndersfood language To ccYntv Ct1!A Mr11, CA At deblo• on Ille at 1,t llitcd below AU e~o'"''' er e1r11ge 1nd •emov11 ••• Com Iv l<nown td<!r~n , 1, S&crtmtnlo CA being Sec•eM•Y ol 5!tll An'I' ,1191111,~11.,,, not tnHtlpiltd Ind the r1"tl>01ttlb•llfy ol Purcti1srr1 J at rtent f f :iibOra(e 8 bit. the pace Or 'Ftrnht;i;o~,,..f Anehrlm Ct lllornll Fill No •11 On 15S lll""'an JulV ll, 1t11 below hl!fd lhAll bt oa!d at lht c~rrfn! tilts I~• wll! bt tddi!'d to 111 l mOl!nh rJse in ~prices must begin to Stock Offer Term1 cf J11t c1111 ,,.. t1w1u1 monev 01 •nd •11•1nmenr •howl"• l1irttcr~1 Fl~~n wi ge •~te~ ror '"' 1p1111c~blt Tr•de .~nd 11n11u v•lld rftt!! 111e1 I•• permit e•rd R H S ? !hf Unl!ed Stal11 <on ccnlltma!lon cl !•It c!al Corporulon 11 ltCv•td 0• v .0 tllnlloc1tlon In effett wllh tllt 1bovt ltcomPtnlu bid I Wind d own now If the annual ate ere to tay. or 08•t Cl lh And blllnce e~ldfnced r,; J1nut •Y )) ltn hsltd Trt<lf!• Covn<ll1 II tny ,., •• ll1!1d Tht lotrcl rr1ervei tilt ri ght IO re1ft!._ ~l'r'irte of tnflation IS to fall nete 1ttur~d bY Morrv101 er T•u1t Deed O"'TEO Tllr$ 1'1h dtY 01 Marci!,1912 btlow-i--nm~1....-rr111erlf WJ~b!-tlf'-"' wa1o1 ....,._, t , ~•rcl1• below 4 pec" .. nt b 'S_o_Ja-Ottl' "" 111e-iir~90 se1d Tflrll!Yel"~rwr _....,,0•,;0",,R~to:'"'AHet iat>o• Agreemrot$ aurino mt b•Odlno time, rH,,u11r1,rv 1 ~· 1".'.~m11:1vm~~' "1t 0 '",?,'nrn -.--'--!IJ • ___ -···~-'"!:'--W ~moyn1 b•d to bt dt~OJ•!ffl wllh b•d ' er conllructlo~ tlmt tYCh revl1lon1 111111 ,ma i;,8 1 1'j .~u 0 111 n 1~11e' 1 \telection day' The pace rnus t fl •d• n• 01,,,. lo bf 1 ... "'"""' ~nd Wl!I !Ir lllon1ld II Ltbowt Ate/II l>f (CnJldettd • Pl•I OI '"• below tl1tN1 An •• Wl'llrt I <Ofld 0 COis By JOHN CUNNIFF pand1ng'-a rgues !hat there IS bt •ec:elvea 11 the •fc•e11ld olhc1 ~1 ~nv L•BOWE & VtHTl!l!SS r'etes Anv l!ea!lh wtll••• vacallon 0 ,.,.. Commynlt• Coll'te Ol1ttlct m•he1 ~o , ~egJn lo wind dO\\'n rapidly Jf flm e 1u" tne llrtr publlcellon h~rtcr ind "' l'roltuloft tl Ctr•111t1011 motion 0, ollltr 11eneH1t tftttl bl In 10 euerao!te wtllttn or !m•llld 15 lo tt>t • ~'PS1dent Ntxon is to have a N'EW YORK !AP J _ The a senous mismatch between lntelcom Industries' public 11t10" d11e c• 111t nn Witt "1'11 srrrtt dlrlon tc 1he 11e1 0 ..., 11utt1 w•t• •<•l•i AP. ccmHllon c1 any Item '' r Ot!ed M~rch ~. 1972 l o1 •n•tlt1, CA ftOH P•enllces Jhl ll be emoiovfd '" eonrorml!V P11men! In lull ""~Jl bt ""ldt w!thln c ance of hitting his target of 1110 persistent d 0 me St 1 c skills and needs and that it offering of 200,000 common DAVID K SPINDLE Pun!l'h~d D•1ntt Coe1t oe11y PHot, w.th section 11711 01 Ille ciutornla L•t>or llvt workln1 d•Y• 111" not•ce 01 1w1rd. -1nflat1on •ale do" n to Jhe d Ill be hares was oversubscribed at Aom1n.11r1rcr 01 rl'lt t s111, M1re11 11, i.n 111 n coor •nd 1h1 1rem1 mu11 11e r1move<1 trom the .......,_.. ' " economic problems in the \VOn't be resolve Un Uer S ~! s~!O decrd11tr l.t!en!<Olt Is O"ec:tHI to lf>f prov.sl0t1J ol Coll tte <'.tmP111 ''time cl lull Ptym en! ~ to .3 percent range by cooperalion is a c h 1 e v e d $5 00 per share. underwriters i-01HoEXTER. L YHcH 1 avcHANAN LEGAL NcncE L•bo• ccoe sec110,.. 1771 s concernine NORMAN E WATSON United Stales are inllatlon and t d l y w11111m M '•!ml••'"" rmPlovment ot •P1>rentlce1 11 rtGu!reJ Sect¥ llo1rd cl Ttu1t•~1 November between edu c a Io rs and repor e '" w"'"'" '"', '" "" ,0,," 0 , '"'"'" "'" """""" " "'"""""" •m""'"' .,•~· M"'" ~. "" ·" "• m nd 1f there 1~ one scenario unemploy"ment, which tnvJtes I P)Oceeds will be used fo Let .1on9e111, c1111 t0011 ,., u1 1s 1r1desmen In •ny •PPren11c,1111,. oc 0 360 1 1 e mp .nyers ~ t retire deb! and for further AUornty1 for Admlnl11r1tor on M•v ' un ,, 11 oo t. M, CFS cuo>~ll"" to •Pol• 10 1111 APo>llc~ble !&Int MP~b~111~td11 o;:,~'1 Co 11 °11 Y Pno•. on does not w11nt \\'hen we the quei;Hon Th ear for e ample col d k 1 ttt1 oc SE RVICE cDRPOitATIOH 1 C31i1crn11 •PP•entlc11hlp comm111e• 1or, cer1111c•t• ~ c • ''' 12 to the palls 1n November. it Iii Y ' X ' • Pr O d UC t an mar e Pybll1hfll Or1n1e Co•O Dtllv Pllo1. co•ocri tlon •• dYlv iooclnttO Trustee er •oorov•I •nd llxlno the r1110 er •P- Are !hey P e r m a n en t lege ,graduates are a~a1n ex· development T he Santa Ana· M1rc11 10, ll n, un ••• n u"d" 1nc1 ~urJv1n1 10 O•ed 01 Tru.t or1n11ces to lournt~m•n us•d on the con LEGAL NOTICE 6bll st 1ck1J ~ stee p r11te nf aspecls of 0 u r wonderfull,Y led I me I a rather coo! r d recorded .. Prll 11 1110 I S ln1t• Ho, ''"' Confrt CICrl m1v bt ·~•wired 101---==~-,,..=-~~-,,.,--I PLUS · k' pee 0 e based 1rm pro uces com· 11116 1n book ,110 P••t no 01 0111c11r m•k• l1N1trlt1ti11cns ~ t PP•en11c1t111, 1o10T1c• 011 Tl'tVSTlt:'S SALi mp oyment a stJc 1 \\ e a I I h y., relatively un· 1 eceplion from recruiters. mercial products d e r i v e d LEGAL NOTICE Reco•d• in tnr oultt 01 the county 11•oor1mJ CQfltr•c1or •nd 111beonlractor1 VNOl!I! 011:0 OF r 1tv1T teep rale of 1nflat1on I Id m y' I h h d h lh t h Record1• 01 O••n•e county s111e ol th•I! •!so com•IY wltn Stttlon !7716 ln Til' n .11s2J r cgu a e econo a I oug s urv!'ys OS ow a from space technologies T t>y worice: 0 ,. SALE OI' c 111iorn1~. wtLL SE!LL AT ,u1L1c AVC· 1111 1mp1oyment of •oorenr1cr1 For '"' L1111 '''"''·•• ha!. then aboul !he effec-To sorne extent the answer their chance.~ w il l be_ betier pr 0 v 1 de e co I o g 1ca1 ltl!"AL ,,_0,.EITY •T il"llVATI SALi T!ON TD HIGHEST 810DE1t FOR CASH 1crmatlon ••l~n~t 10 •1H1ren11tes111a NOTI CE 15 HEREBY GIVEN tt11t ness of Phase /l 's price th I I d H1 1w "14'4 101v1ble 11 !lmt al 1•!1 I" 11w1111 money 1111tdard1, conrr•ct Dirertor 01 lndo"r!11 WESTWOOD ASSOCI ATES. 1 Ct lllo•n•• already has been given In an aSI year measurements, OptlCa CO e Suo>erlcr Court' of lht Stitt of C•ll!ornlt of tht Unltl!d S11tetl t i th e 5oYlh F1onl Jl1IMlcn1, St" Fr~m:l1co C1ll!orn!1 or corllOfl llJlfl, •t Trysiet 11r SYCttJSllr Control pohctcs" regard lo 1nflat1on. which now A nother area of g re R I reading for auto n1ated mail for th• CoYnty or Los Anoeits Entr•nc• te t111 or1no• CoYnl• 0111 01v111on 01 t.oorenr1teM111 s11n<11•d1 TruJlte, or sue11r1ut.a Trut1@, Pu"u'"'' h k ( d In tht M~l!fl ot Ille EJ!lle of LLOYD Ceurrhou!f, CllV of Stn1• Ant St.it Of br1nth ofUc11 to lllt OrlMI II Try11 e~tCY!td by •it t in the,1• are Im· has been reduced r O m concern JS for the chrqnically handltn(Z and colt1s1on avo1 ·MCKEE FEHN •k• LLOYD M FENN, ce111orn11, ell rl1h!. 1U1t 1no 1n11r••• co.,. o vertl..,e t11111 boll P~•d ffr won; RICHARD w. CROFT ,,,.0 L01t•A1NE ,..s sive," ~a\.S C. Jackson th' g abo1•e 6 percenl lo I e<I ' t ·1 s d navigalion equipment t k11 LLOYD l"ENN lf1c1~s~d v'""' •11 '"d 1tew held bv 11 undtr 111d oar1ormt11 In 1xc1Ji 01 int ••1u11r d•Y 1 cll:DFT, Hu1b1N1 ind Wife tnd rttor«•d SOffiC Jn unemp Oy W:JO I • ance an Nollet IS nerebv t lVtn Iha! tllf Ufl• OetO Of TrYJI /fl I/It Dt~ttlY tltutlld In work t ncl I~ the tAlt for Ovrrt!me of 1111 Auoutt '1t lt7~ !It llOOk ')Bt Pitt 21', i!fljyson. t he Pnce Com · only J 6 percent -but only believed: are ' beyond the In-for supertankers and container de riro1ted w.ii 1111 ,1 0,1v•t• 1111 on (It 111d cauntv •"" s1111 d@scrTbHI 11• cr•tt 1nvotvtt1 1t1sl!'umen1 Ne ltt!f 01 ort1c111 1t1eords lft'rssion's chairman To docu· h h h r f h I ~h efltr 1111 2011l dt•"' M••ch, nn. 11 lh• All !ht ! Ct rlt!n l•flcl 1llu•t1e ln !ht HollOIYI IM•ll.,. •II h1lld1y1 ffCOllO•Jt d In lflt offlct ol lllt County AecorO.r llf I roug t e USf 0 eX· fluenCe 0 ! e economic CYC e lpS office 01 l.t1told M, Cowan 711 Avtnut 1 Stitt ol C1lllornla, Counly cl Ort .... ~. In lllt e<olltcllvt bl~f1/1tl111 101 .. mt nr Or1nff COl/1111, Cl lllor1t!t, 1nd PUrtvt nt •nt this, he points out !hat traord1nary rneans. ThRI \\'hen the The issue or treasur y shares Aed<ondo flt~(I\, C•ll!o•nlt mn Cov"lv dt$C•lbfod ,, IOllOW\ l llP llCtble 10 !fir -~rllcul•r crt ll, to lh• Hellct ot 0~11u11 '"° Eledlen !(II d d feCt p C J~, e ven '3 Jh f SI ubhc ofrer1ng by OI Loi Angt/11, Slelt al Ct!lforltlA !II tnt Ltt 170 Of Tri tt 1171. If! lht City OI c1111lllctllon fir lyPI Of workmt1t Sell lbtrtundtr rtccrdHI HovrmMr 16, un er 1 rlCt' om· W41ge and p1·1ce contrulc;, economy expands I he i r \\ S e Ir P Mthtll ~nd beil b!dotr •rid 1ublttt 10 co111 M111, '' Pt1 M111 rt cctdtd In empJoveo o" th .. orolKt 1111 In eoo1r tHo P11t '42 1n11r11mtnt mission controls toda,v are Jh,• t ''· were enfor cer! by fortunes i·em"Jn poor the companv Underwriters ton!l•m•tlon by ••Id s~oerlor eovr1, 111 Sook 11,, P•••• J to 11 !nc1u11v1. 11 111~11 11e m1n011orv u110n th• c11n Ho, 1>1'1 01 s11d o u1ct11 tttecorot, w111 " " I d b c J Lerne and tl'lt r!1M. tlUt •flcl 1n1ern1 Of ••Id Ml1<tll1nt0u, M•ot 111 th• oll!ct ol fht lrac!or re wllom 1 lon!r~c• !1 •w••de.:t. ,,n, on l11t•d•v, A~rll n, itn ,, 11 oo government only after II had Bl d f Wtlrl! e Y ,, r d•c,liHI •• 1111 11m• 91 dt elh 1nc1 111 1~• Cou"lv Rl'terttr 111 11ld C•u~!r 1n11 uon ... •II J11bcct1!r1oor1 undtr l!lm, lo AM 11 1n1 m111t 1nt1111Ct d f rPrink Up, Calif ornu1 'SAN FRANCISCO 1lJPl l -T he sale of Ca!tforn!a w ine inc reased 15 4 Pf!· cent m 1971. a r ecord total of 226 million gallons "' The Wine fnsUtult re-, 1wrts lh1t .1971 "'a s the ffrst Umt sales hav, gont ov•r the 200 mllllOJlla!lon mark.and1he sixth straight year of rtterd sales. Tbe areatest increase "./11 ln salet df tabJe wf.nes. which 11rew rrom I JI mU.. IJon aaUon.o In • 1970 to !al nlllllOn sallons lut ,..,. Ill lnet,USt ol 21.! percenl decided I ha I Conventlonnl Rcks an tee n -agers, or Co Inc , t.o~ Anjleles. and 1n· ,1,111, ,111, i nd !nte••st lhll '"' •t1ttt 01 Tht ,,,.,, 1dd•tu 1nc1 otntr commc11 111v not 1e,• th•"' 11111 1e11er11 11rev1r11n1 W•v••h•tu••• Morltate c om t, n.,,. exijmpte, have Jobless rates p C k d C 111d OKtt1ed h•t acoul•Hl bv 01ttr1t1on d•1lt~111on, II •~• 01 ti!• re11 P'°"''" rites of Pt• d••m w11ts 10 •II wortmJt1 formtrty n•mtd Pecll•c w • 1t1 r,.. means \\Cre unable to cope 1 eluded r<>c tor. ,oo an O. 01 ••w or oiMrwlsr. otl'llt tfl•n .., 1" •d· Mt!rlbed tb0v1 11 ou•11o•tt d 10 b• 2'05 tmo1ovH1 on 1h1 1xec11t••n or 111e to~ Morto"t co, 1ocart11 11 111 erookhurtt far above thRt of adu t \\hlles Inc. Boston and Edels tein, 111110,; 10 '"'' o1 11111 oecr•J~. 11 1~• itt11wot0 Ave1tu1, C••'• Me11, c111101,..11 l••ct 81vd , In tM• e11v o1 An11111m, counlv of wllh the problem nn matter \\'hll! the c on<llt1on S 1'!' time 01 011111 in end 10 111 111t c1rt•I~ ,,,.,. Hourly o r1nte s1~1, 01 c11110.n11 11 l>U'bllc •ue· ,Cam pbelJ and CO Rn rran· retl orol>trly tllut!t Jn !ht County 01 Tiit \lndt •tltl\lll T1"111!~t dltctt +ms 1nv Allt lion, 10 IM• hl~tll blOdtr lot "4VI ft now remains to bel seen of the econom\ B lac k CISCO Or1noe $!11t ot Ctlllorfll• Plrhtult•IY ll•Dllllv ror 11\Y 111co .. tctnet1 of Jiit llttt>I CAll.l'INTlllS: (lllYlbl' .. IM !11111 Cf 1111 In lt'll'ful \\ hC'ther -inflaflon \"'I) re· JObleSSneSS lS U!'IUA1Jy double deicrlbed 11 loll~ to wll 1ddr•l1 And otl!tr Ctimrnon dt11f,,,.t10l'I. II (•l"Jlt l\ltr S. st IWlntV of !ht U11lttd 511111 ol Amtrlctl A .,.., 1n1t1t•r In 1nv 111(!wn lltr•ln Fortni•n 60c per"""' fl'\Ol't 1111n hllll•'i! •II right 1111, 1nd fflltreat, cc.t1vtYed ie pea1 a fler the chm1nat1on of Iha! of whJ!es. Te e n ~I g C. Loi 2 01 f••<! Ho 240 At oer mto> &110 111• w111 bt m1df bv1 wtthovl c11s,111t111on IYH•v+,eo. r 11e •P 1 t nd 1tow hekl bv 11 111td•• stld Dttd lP 11\t Controls. fn fact, II remains to uneniploy rnent j~ trlp!e the r1cai-d1ct 1" book Ill 1'10,1 1 11111 t or coY1n1n1 er w1rr1nrv. ••01e11 "" 1m11111M1. o>neum111c ~ntr. pr°"'''' 11tv11t In CoJt• Mi u. ,.1~ Ad A Mftt•llt ntovt M1111l n lllr olllc, 01 tllt re11rdlne !Hit, pOll,JJIOfl or t n· LAIOllltS: Cb\lnly Incl S11t1 dtKrllltd 11 101\-· be seen U controls will be figure, -""',. • gency counw R•cordtr o1 Or•~o• county, cu..,11r1nc1J, •o P•v ,,,. r1m1t ... 1nv 11•1 ... l11>0rtrs, •~n•••I ft' c0nttr11c1t1n Jk5 All tn11 c1r111n 11nc1 •ll~•ttd In 1111 II · le<I 514Tt ot C•, commonly lt.1town •s llnJl el111I 1um ot lttt nott lttVr1d by t1ld ILICTll:l(IAHl1 Stitt ol Ctlllor1t!t, cou111y 01 Or1n11 e mina The problem, therefore. ap· Mlr•nc1• Avtnut. l u•n• f'l trk, C•llto1n11 0 1.a 01 Tt1.111. ta.wu i11,u 100, wun 1n Ge1••••! Fer1f'll tn 11 " cuv 01 c11•• M•••· deJC•lM>cl ,, tl-1can\\•hlle nobody c a n pei:1rs 10 !) e sociolog1cal. s1rd 1nu ttu w111 bt 1a!d tottth~r w1111 ttr111 1nereon 11 Prov!d.a In 11111 nt1!e, 'cremtn 10 •1 1011ow1· Lot > ot tr1c1 No 1111, 11 I I 1 '~• olt1rt \'\ lnttrtil In 1~1 1Ald 11ro11trlY 1dv1nt1s. U 1n1. und•r !ht term1 ol 1•ld Journ1~1n1n t 11 1hown on I m•~ ricord.a 1,.. boofl. 9', cJalnl that tht 3.6 percent rale p 0 ! l t J C·ll I and eduCatiOM&I fl l'VJne o.....nH Dy th t flltlt of M11t11rt1 Ftn~ Otfll of ltust, IH1. cht r•1t •l'ld t•-1es ltOOl'Elli ~lfl '' •ftd .Ml ~I Mt1c11ttntoU1 M1111, I• evidence or great •ucces• II lh Jh T n 'ftrmt of !ht Ille <•Ill 111 ltwlvl mtntv "' 11\t T•Ylt't • •M ,, ll'lt !•11111 (ftlled Fvrr'!'ltn ',. fftOrclt ef Ort ntt 1;eu1tly, C1Hlornl1. " ra er an cconom1r ee ·.. of 1,., un1110 siittt °" con!l•meli011 ot !Iv ••flt Dttd 11 Tr11ll Jub,,etrrm'" 'j4 Commonlv known 11 .., W111 w11.a... maintain~. JI '-'OUld cause the 11gers have been v1ct1m1zed by t The Lamberl Agency of 1111, 11, "''' c11n t nd 11tt111C1 1v1crrttttd T11t °'"'•llcl•r• vMtr 1•10 °"" 01 Jt1ot11tvm1n • 2' St•rtt c11111 Me1,, c111111tMI• 9 u 1 1 d II •• d I d I lh h ' r by "Ott M<Urtd ..... Mori.•tt or Tritt! 't•u1t ll•rttlOfllrt t.•ttllled •lld iH!lvtrtd ••DI ;. $tld ••I• w!ll bf mtdt, out WlllloYt o ar to ~: ''a ue n e th~ growing sop ISllCal!on o " NewJ>()rt Beach announces Lhe om .,,, th• ,oro11tri• l(t 101t1. r1,.. 111rttn1 1e '~' vnat rtltntd , wr1111ft 01e11r111on t~• ownt• ••,•rve1 th• 11rlvlt•ot o1 •• <11~•~•"1 or "''"'"'v. 11111••s1 01 ''""1td, marketplace hy 50 cent.s in technology blacks by th• f rn I 2082 "' ll"QWlll l>!d: to be tl@c!Otlltd wl111 blO 91 Oflt Ylt •ml Ottntlld IOI" $1lr, •!Id • fttlln• l'IY •nd •II bid• ... " wtlll'l 1ny ,.,,~lflt 11111 IOSMnlon "' ~n. ' Opening 0 ne w ,0 Ce5 a 'lor..., o!ltrs 111 bt In Mllln1 ~nd will written Nollet ot 0.!11111 t"d Ettd l1111 let lrft tulftllltt M llllOf"ffttll,!11 In 1nr bid Ct.ilt'lll•t!ICfl, I~ 1•1ltlV ll!t llll!tbttdnttl '1bout 20 years move o( business to I he Business Cenler Drive, Irvine l:tt ,,,,rvecr ,, Ill• 11er•,•ld 11111ct ~· •n• s.u. Tiit IMfl•1l11tiH1 t•u•.O 11rd N011<• II' 1n Ill• blodl111. T111 C1'11r111er 1111v "°• ••cvrtd 1v ••Id Oetc1, 1nc11101n1 111• fee b b tlmt 1l!er !tit nrsr Jovllllttlle<'I f\trtof t lld 01 Olltull ind EitCl lOl'I ~ St!I to • wlt~ctr•w ~r, bid '"" I lltrloitl Of .tJ dtYI •!Id l•llfOM!I ol lllt T'1,ltltt 1..cl 111 ff\1 Less radlc41! measures hat\'t .!iU ur s. , The advertising a g e n c Y btfM• 0,,, ,,. ,11, • r~•rt1fll !ft '"' ceu111v Wflt•• th• r•al 101tow1n. fl'r• d•tt '' o~f!lflt o• •111. """''' <•efltd DY ••tf om, <Ht11111tti bet:n U.o;ed to dciil wuh It Is problems suCh a s these S"""lahzes tn consumer and 011eG .. " "· 1i11 •ro11111v 11 l1K••11t. 8DA1to 0' r-11u1r-1t1, th,~111nc1tf, """"' 1111tr111 ••O'Mld '"''''"· ,.w.... .r. Mu"' c "'"'ft Ottr-. M1tdl 9, It" COAST COMMUNITY •l'ld lflt 1.1n11~lt1 ,rlncl•ll 111 n,j ""'' u nemplo)'mtnt, which perslstt th.at now draw increasing at· m a nu f II ct u re r bullu1ng .-.o.nrniatr810, "'111'1 win '"' s11tv1tf cOitLI, tOLllGl 01~1t1cr, .. curie b• ••Id 0te.i1 10 wn sn.-0 7 .. 11 , Partly because of a peculiar. tenUon from ttsei1r'ch1rt. who material a ccounts However. A11n~,lfll 01 "'• e11•11 ••••lit Ttustee ~•11t1 c°""'~· wt.., 1n11f-.1tllt•fOI!1rom M•y 1, 1•11 •• OI ••Id Ot<lcltllr l!lv Sh••on Ob•rllnl(, Cl.It• Mitt . C1llf0f'n1• ••llVIOf\t !11 111d MOit. Ironic situauon· The number once thought econorpl~$ alone. o wper Mark Lambert MYS A"''" M crw•~ Au1a11111 SH.t!t1rr 1•1 Herm1n • w11a1111 OAT!O: l'tDN•,., ,,, 1tn of jobs ts ~·in•, bu' ao •· !he w•"id -v1dt 1•-an"swers fn' tb1.flrm 'is now staffed lo pro-1t1 A~•1111• 1 Aut~ortttf s111111utt Sttr111rv. • wesrwooo AJIOC••trs, IQ & " '°° -,...., !!Cl Rt!IOM• •••c~. C• ff!'7 loa11 Nf! lt·IH:Slf.. 1!1111rct 111 Truru1s tt tvct> lrutl~I number of Job setkers noV"atlon was required fbr th• YI advertising ag en cy Allffll•Y tllf' •-"'1~11,,1,., c.T,A, MAnz•ll• Oern) A.w11 i. 1•n • 1 Oil "'"' Iv H1i11 G w0o.ltw11t1h, 0 hool ( ho b d I " I ( t '""'" I ILll .. ut •1111 He, l~I •u 1111n1 Stcr111rr ne sc o t UJ!; I -an nflauon probltm. t seem .•e.tvice or many other ypes ,uDntl't" 0,.11,1 Ce•it 0,11y ,,11,1, ,,11.i lftM Or•ft•t Cit.at o•i1v r,r1tt, hMJ~ o'•l'lft c .. 11 Dirty "11•1. ,.'11~1~ W°':1! C6UI oe11r •11-. II &t~a to be e.r· called lor1n rtgard to jobs.~ ,. of clients M11et. ''· n , 11, 1tn •» n Mtrt11 11. 21. J1, "" n.n M1rc11 10. 11. "" "1·'' .,..., • • • " m n t -- ' I I l I I I I • I I ! - ,,~ f -- .... -- ' Dl\JLY PlLDT ~ Friday's Closi11g Prices-Con1plet~ Nelv Y l)l'I\. Stoel\. Excha11ge Li t , ------------ • • Stocl{s l\love Up As Tradit1g Lags NEW YORK fU Pll -The stock mark•! cl~sed 1rre1ularly r11gher 1n slackened tr1d1ng Fr1d1y Lell d indicators pointed upward Analysts sai d snmii parlicularlr strong 1"l.d1 v1d ual iss ues accounted for the rise 1n the D the bl ue chip seg ment of the market fl.1ost said 1 e seii; s1on v.as a \va1t and see affair with many in vestors on the si delines Ho,vever advan ces and decltnes v.ere almo"t even am ong the more tha n 1 700 cross ing the ta pe ~EW VQRI( {VOl1 -Tht lfl OW 'lf i show! II• 'l)tk' 11111 lllv• '~"" o !tit mo$t and dow11 ht mt1 b11td en llt•t"" !If cn1nf11 on 111• Ntw Yo~ S O<'.k l!•C~lntf etf•d tU of ~ umt Nt ind l)'l't"(tn ••• c1'11n1t1 • t !ht d lltr1nc1 l>t!Wt1n ves , d•v s clt•lnt 1rlct l ft<I l!l!l~V! COJ•t 11 Cf GAIN( RS Na ma " • • '"' • " " "' Pel lllt mf Uo l l MovC1> 11 U11 t 7 1 SA••S! 1• V• fl J l'er DI 1 ,1 V• 111 • ~e Ct n 11111 Ufl ft J !l•,tll(l!I! Ut IJ IU,..,. (Oft 1 GA.( (nro 7q n1onO& l corr11<J1 sci ii(;,~ 'c ""' ~5(0""'t0 •E•rll•""f' 1 \Jn•cnlffl ' ,.,., (•,.,. •Ii. 9 G tn W 1 ,~ 'I • • • ., . u~ 1' I '"' E•-1 10 H• '"' Curt 1 Jn nv• fl l!Y~r• Mo~ ll ti c (fl 11 14 o ... , fWJv• • (In (II ,, ; 11,w " Sii I 10 il)o! ll G•Ct11~1 t a.,.T .. T w< 2(1 W• It F I 6fJ ' .. " . '' En~ •&u, F U"1~t•T ~~ fl G bt•I l'l0¥ 15 u .. ""''' ,, ' • " ~' '" ... •P• " . " . > • " ,. ' ' ~­,, .. 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I•• • w' ·~~ \~· t onn•r• w , """" l a 1~ l" fl '" " Fin Briers 111 ' " • " " ' . " • ' ' •.. ,. .. " • • ' ' . » " . " . 'I "'' • "'__,~. ,..1,_f 6'io-• "' .. ' . , ,,.,_ ' " ~ • • '" • . " " e l11dl1111 flpl lot1 AMARILLCl Tex Prochen1to Inc sa\" 1t ht il granted lhe CrnvJ Indian nil t1un a ~ix n1onth op11on (n huy n 35 000 acre r11nch In Mon. tan11 for $3 5 m1lhon The dtal would lnt:lude leases lo 92 000 11dd1t1onal 11cre3 e 'lire l'lc1111 Af\ HON Ohio B J Good11ch Co hil!J completed 1 1n11jor expan!1on of Its tire pl.1101 ln lhf' rh1llpp1ne1 lhJt has lncreilsed cap1c1ly about onP th ird the co mpa ny !lald ~1ond11\ e ll<'lt1l 0111p11t RIC II M 0 ND V• Rrvnolds Mttl\!1 Cn en- nnunc•d II!! 11lum1num redur.- tion sme!trr al Uina\1Pw, W•~h w11! retu rn lo full pro- flucllon 1n April 1ddutt ¥1000 tons annu1lly to currtnt out • ~il GOLD DUSTER PACKAGE INCLUDES FREE VINYL ROOF • NOT A STRIPPED CAR '71 4 door, 4 1p11d only. 7761 mil11 . Body 1trip11, redio, whit1 will t1di1I ply tire1, p/front di1t bra~11, buc~1 t 11ah, r•c~ l pinion 1l11rin9, coil ~prin9 1u1p1n1ion, flow thru v1ntil1tin9 1y1tem, l 17SD FCI $_1595- 6 cyl inder, 3 speed stick. 1692- CCK I. 5695 • ALL AMERICAN LD·· ••• I !! SEE IT TODAY-ORDER IT TODAY ••• At Huntington Beach Chrysler Plymouth '72 SATELL ITE CUSTOM SEDAN NOT A STRIPPED CAR But 1quipp1d with l 11 VI, Automatic Trani., Power Ste.,. inq, ft1dio, White Well Ti""• Tinted Gl1u . C1•pe lin9, Vinvl i11t1rior. f RH4162CI061 ISi WIN A GOLD DUSTER! ·WIN STOCK IN A GOLD MINE! STAIONG YOUl CU.IM \li1it Huntington Btach Cllry1ler/Ptymouth ind pidi: up your entry ;., tht "Ptn for Gold" conl11I now, Evlllry ont who 111ter1 win1 1 •replict of t Tw1nty Doll1r C1 1i forni1 gold pi1c1. SOLID GOLD You m•y win th1 fiot pri11 -100 1htte1 of stock in th• still ac· tiv•, nu9g1t-yl1ldin9 Yellow Knife Con1olidtt•d Gold Minot, 111d • 1972 Plymouth G!Jld Du1l1r. MORE WATS TO STRllE IT RICH Or yo11 m1y b1 on1 cf '4 ticond pr i11 winners -with 1 1972 Plymouth Gold Ouder. •Con!ttl Rulfl. I. No pUrcllau nKes111ry. 2. All Ul!Clt lmed orJrts will he 1w1rcled by ranc1om dr1wl"9 from entrits submitted. No c111'1 •ub$t111,111DM for prltes. J. Cont~! open to 111 tlutlsftl drivers, II Yllr5 or old•r. •· COt1tnt tfOsn mldnlQl'll Mardi JI, ltn . s. Vold In Wesl'llngron, Wiiconsln, Ml1oourl, end wher• o•o. r.1&1!ed br 11w. 6. Winners 1r1 llabl• tor 111 Sl•!I end 1«11 11xn. 7, Not 1/lglO!e IDf' prltea er1 emp loyees •nd IRS d1pend1n11 ol Chrysler·Plymoull'I Dlvl1!on1 II• 1111!1r1, adver1isl1111 111e11cl1$, •nd Visual S1rvlc1s, Ill(. 4 DOQR HARDTOP NOT A STRIPPED CAR 811! 1qui pped with lll VI, eu!oiT.1!ic l r1111., pow1r 1!11rin9, rad•o, remote control mir1or, linl1d 91111, vinyl side moldings. I PH4lG20102167l - . CHRYSLER DEMO. '72 Imperial LeBaron 2 DOOR HARDTOP 440 VI, duel air condilioni119 with clim1!1_conl•ol. linled 91111, 11fe9u1rd 11nlin1I, h1edli9ht d i..ime•, Power Window1, R11r 01£0991•, AM/FM Stereo, Leiilh1r Bucket Se1h with P1111n9er Recline r, Vinyl Roof, Clotk, Eletironic Ig nition Sv1te"'. ;i;-VM2 3-T2C-t04277 $20 00 '70 PLY. SATELLITE WAGON '65 FORD CUSTOM '65 CHRYSLER 300 2 DR. H.T. Auto., VS, factory air, power steering, power brakes, lugga9e rec~. I ZRUJBJ I 51995 '64 PONTIAC GTO 4 speed, VS. A real hot rod. IEBL791 I 5495 '68 AUSTIN American ·····--~-- .. cylinder, automatic, radio, heat-, "· 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, heat· e" IF EA71l l 5295 '67 CHEVY CAPRICE 4 Coor Hardtop. Factory i1 ir, VS, automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof. fZSJ54 6J 5 7 95 '66 OLDS CUTLASS CPE~ Factory i1 ir, power brakes, power steering, vinyl roof. I NMN49S) 5695 '69 TOYOTA 4 DOOR Automatic, fi1ctory air, ri1dio, h .. t ... IZSRJBJ I 51195 --~MJu. '65 COUPE DE VILLE F.ull factory power, fi1ctory air cond. I PBP98l I 5895 ATTENTION CREDIT BUYERS OPEN 7 DAYS . A WEEK UNTIL 10 P.M. I. tNw le St• 2. Short 011 do" ,..,... J. Uttte er M ..A 4. SHtt TI• •• Jelt, COMl IN AND Sii US. C•lDrt MAT 11 NOllOIUM HlltL ' ALL ADYllTISID CA•S SUIJICT TO P•IOl SALi ALL P•ICIS PLUS TAX• LIC. IDINGl.I HUNTINGTON fi: BEACH t CHRYSLER· . PLYMOUTH .H ! ~u WA•N£1 ~~~~--·-=+-~~~~ .......... -·-""' • " LOOK FOR THE BLUE & WHITE SIGN , ' • -. L-guna Beaeh EDITION VO~. 65 , NO. 77 , 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . -' . . . -• • FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 '· Today's Final d N.Y. Stocks TEN CENTS Board Chief Eyes Way to Cut School Deficit By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHI. Of lti1 ~llW l'llsl lllff Laguna Beach School Board President William Thomas Thursday night proposed a multi-pronged program aimed at eras .. Ing a $135,000 deficit that was feared to develop in the school di strict's 1971·72 budget. Meeting with other trustees in study session, Thomas suggested that next year's reserve funds be slashed back to '50,o<io. Trustees had antic ~pa tin a: building reserves to $100,000 next year. The $50,000 reserve level would be the same as currently maintained .• Thon1as also suggested slashing $66.400 in expenses not directly related to educa- tion, such as building maintenance and purchase of equipment. The board chief also suggesled raising permitted override taxes in a numl~r of categories in order to generate another $18,600 in revenues for district opera- tions. 01.he.r board members offered no com· ments to the Thomas proposals. -No action could have been taken anyway bec&.use -0f the unofficial status of the study sess1tn. Trustees, however, are expeeted to take some action on the district's finan- cial crimp next Tuuesday during official session. Faced with rising costs, the board hopes to find enough dollars to maintain current levels -Of education in Laguna public schools. District BU3iness Manager Charles Hess commented on the financial statiJs of the school system after Thomas of. fered his suggestions. "I'm a bit hesitant to use the permissive overrides, because I don 't think they 'll bring us the amount we need," Hess sald. He added. however. he will study the overrides and present nis in fonnation to the board Tuesday. Permissive override taxes, Hess ex- plained, are used to fund various elements of the school program -such as junior high program, the educationally handicapped program and to make payments for health and welrare benefits. By beginning next year with a $50,000 reserve, trustees would be reversing an October detision to enter the 1972-73 fisca l,year with a $100,000 reserve fund . The $66,400 in ruts in the non-ed uca· tional programs, said Hess. would hit hard in the ma intenance and operations portions of th' budget. • Ill ' Gigi Draws Big Crowd Mixed-up Whale Comes to San Clemente By JOHN V ALTERZA Of tll• Diiiy "ll•f $l1tt Gigi, Sea World 's California gray whale released £rom captivity early this week to rend for herself. dropped in at the San Clemente pier Thursday and made a spectacle of herself. Then she headed north beyond Dana Point on what her former keepers call a iignificant push north toward the Bering Sea. She was reported swimming north today at a leisurely pace in the company of two other yearling whales. But as each day in the odyssey of Gigi progresses controversy surrounds her chances for survival. Navy expe rts said Thursday afternoon that the 27-foot-long, radio-equipped whale, has a 60-percent chance of makini,; it. Claims-He M isstnted But few among the scores -0f onlookers at the San Clemente pie r Thursday give her a chance despite the pledges by the experts. The relaxed, sometimes capricious mammal, arrived at the pier at dawn and immediately started drawing a crowd . For several hours after sunrise she lolled just outside the surfline and swam in slow circles, coming close enough to the downcoast side of the pier that at lime! she touched pilings. But all that changed ~L .about 11 1.m. when 1 vessel ·from Dlnwlfarbor Hri•ed with San Clemente lbgti School Marine Studies Instructor Phil Grignon al>oard. L D • d b L By then a !'fOWd ol 1bout 60 ponon1 1 ar.wver en"n v orr werepel'IOlllllylnvolvedwithtbemam· ---~::..=,;.. __ : __ ~---~--M~-,.J..-------:a~!~~.;~~~~a=~u~~ Citinf official transcript. or a Laguna Beach Cit~· Council meeting, Counci lman Edward Lorr today denied that he had misstated the position -0f attorney William Wile<1xen in responding to charges leveled in the Lorr recall cam· paign. In a letter to the press this week. Wilcoxen stated that the councilman had "not accurately statedrmy position.'' "Mr. Wilcoxen ," Lorr said loday ''states he didn't want to become in· voJy.t.dJn tbe_ques tion of legality o(_coun:- cilmen's wives' expense being paid by the city while at conventions. I would have to remind him it was his friends Jon Brand and Joe Tomehak who did this in their £arefully planned attack leveled at me oo Jan. 6. "Next. Mr. Wilcoxen sent a letter ot denial to the city council which was read into the public record. I quoted Mr. Wilcoxen's swnmary paragraph, "My opinion is the same as that e'Jlressed by the city attorney.' "The city attorney's answer, tr an· scribed from the tape recording of the meeting, is as follOws: "Question from Mr. Tomehak: 'In your v1~w then, you mentiflned earlier that yo'.I felt there was no.thing illegal about thib procedure ; is tnat c-0rrect?' "Answer by the city attorney: 'that is correct.' "Now ll seems Mr. Wilcoxen is at- tempting to backpedal his letter of opi- nion to the counc il with a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo. I have no intention of getting into a debate over the legalistie- terminology Mr. Wilcoxen uses. "My official response lo the recall charge stands as correct and accurate quotes taken from official pub Ii c records." Jn his Jetter this week, Wi?coxen main· lained he intended to support the city at· tomey's view that reimbursement of travel e.xpenses is a policy issue to be decided by t~ public agency involved (i.e. the council), not to express an opin- ion on the legality of the matter. Colombia Officials Quiz Man-Martin Bormann.? PASTO, Colombia . (AP) -A 72-ye~r· old German-born man was being brought here from the jungles today for fingerprinting and further · investigation tn'Pif a magazine's claim that he might be Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler 's hunted depuly. Colombian police said the man, iden- tllled as Juan Ehrmann, is not under ar· reat. "Mr. Ehrmann ls under our protection 11nd is beJng qu estioned. regarding his identity ,'' said .a police spokesman at this town 500· miles 90Uth Of Bogota. Police said Ehrmann was "invited" to come •to Pasto to undergo Investigation procedures. It was possible he would later be flown to Bogota, the capital. Ehrmann has 'been living Jn an Indian village called "La Horm.iga ," ·about 100 miles 80\lthtast of Pasto. In Johannesburg, South Africa. Nazi hunter Simon Wlesenlhal uld he doubted that Ehrmann Is Bormann. "Every time we get information that a prominent Nazi is living in a country with a bad climate and under bad condlUons 'flUCh as In 1 Jun&le, lam very skeptical," lie uid. "In my 25 years experience tra cing Nazis, I have round that most of them choose coun tries like Paraguay, Chlle and Argentina thal have climates similar to Euro'pe •• ; Men like. Bormann do no( nttd lo Co lnlo th< junglt •!Id ll'l't with a.n Indian wife." Wiesenthal, who heads the Vienna- based Jewish documentation center, was in Johannesburg on a fund -raising visit. The magazine involved in the original report was El Tiempo of Bogota. Colombian authorities expressed doubts the man was Bormann. Bormann was head of the Naii Reich Chancellery. At various limes he has been reported 'found in Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. Horst Von Glasenape. an • lnvestlgator who once handled the Bormann in· vestigation, said in Franjpurt the best in- rormalion still is that Bormann w a s killed escaping from the chancellery in Berlin on the night of May 2, 1945, as the Russians closed in. Russ Waive Charges Against Assailant WASHINGTON (AP) -The State Department says the Soviet embassy has made it known It does Mt Intend to press charges against a 17-year.o0ld girl who poured blood over the head of a Russian diplomat Wednesday. The higll llChool student poured tht blood over AJe"ander F. Domakhin, a secretary In 'he em· b3ssy's cultural section, during a diplomats' rectption at A m e r i ca a Unlvenlty, the Stile Dtparlment u id. .. oaths shouted seaward from the pier. · "Get out of here, dammit, and gOQd riddance," said one angry woman onlooker, shaking her fist. At that point Gigi, apparently flu stered by the noisy vessel abover her, headed away from the pier toward an offshore kelp bed and su1ked there. Grignon and the vessel gave chase amid more hoota from the pier, then the beleaguered observation craft left tl')e area. Things settled down again and about 45 nilhuterlater 6igi-made a fina1·11ass-at the pier. giving onlookers 1 unique view of 11 gray whale who seems unhurried in her apparent northward migration. By then officials from Sea World and the Naval Undersea Research Center ar4 rived. Ji.fom ents later Gigi hightailed it to a reef to the north. ~ Radio tracking devices and spotters from a Navy helicopter kept tabs on her course. At about 2 p.m., with the fog moving in steadily, Gigi headed past Dana Point. She still lingered off the Orange coast today, pinpointed by bleeps from her electron ic backpack. The appearance in San Clemente filled an overnight gap in tracing her whereabouts. "We think that the distance she covered in one night is significant," said Sea World aide Roger Stevenson. "It's too soon to be sure about her chances but it looks good at this point,'' he said. ' Lollling in the daylight hours is natural for Gigi, who is not your average whale. She has spent ,a year in capti vity, (Set GIGI, Page %) * * * W1iale Eating, Reports Show Gigi is eating, hef mentors u.ld thi.<t moming. And 1hat's the best ne~ that has been learned about the famous behemoth sine• she was released from captivity earlY ~ this week. Spokesmen at Sea Wortd in Missi on Bay this morning said that Giel ·" airborne u-ackers saw definite ilgns of elimlnation from the ~hale during her 1ppe1rance In San Clemente Thursday. Todf,y'a edition of the chase will be done With a fixed-wing aircr1rt instead of a helicopter. The· swttcb 1n craft means that the scientists from tbf. aquatic park and thf: U.S. Navy will Dt al.le to stay 1irbome longer. , Or grave concern to the researchers Is "1hethl!:r Gigi Is expP.11 enough ii\ he:r new, strange envlionme;it to find her own food. Apparently , she ii iffrnla& !&1~ I~ ·- OAtLY l"ILOT S:•fl l"~ctl• Begorrah Sure. 'tis a foine sight.on.SL Paddy's day to see the likes of Bob Bren· tian looking as Irish as a .shamrock. Brennan, often dubbed the Lord Mayor of Mission Viejo, looks every inch the part in his dazzling·green trappings that warm the cockles of every Irish heart. Price Panel Tell s Sha1·p Guidelines on Utilities WASHINGTON (APl -The Price Commission today announced n e w sharpe·ned g1.1idelines for utility rates but warned the nation that big increases will be necessary to pay for the service it wants. The regulations put limits on the rate of return tha t utilities may realize from Increased rates. and added provisions re. quiring them to take into account In- creased productivity and to absorb JabOr costs that increase more than 5.5 percent. Also, the commission made provisions to hand over final authority on utility rate increases to existing regula tory bodies tha t come up with acceptable 11nti· Jnnatlonary policies. Commission Chalrma n C. Jackson Grayson Jr. said the regulations would require reductions in some: requested rate . ~creas.es but not In others. He had no estimate of how much utility rates might go up under the ntw rules. But he warned, "We urge 'the con- sumers o( the nation to realize that when you demand service, you have to pay for it. You don 't get something for nothing.)! He said that four days of public hear- ings oo utility rate! made it cle:ar that ao~ Jargt Jncre:aaes are: going to be necesst!ry to continue "adequate, safe Ind 'j)OIJUUon-fret at'r'VICe!'." Announcement ..of the new recuta lions I means the temporary Creete on rates or privately owned utilities will end on or be fore March 25. Grayson said the com- mission would take final action on all of the 116 increases before it within 10 days. Swallo'v Scouts Begin to Arrive At Capo Mission The annual•swallow walch has besun in San Juan Capislrano. "Sco uts" have been flying in, one by onC!, all week with the major flock due • sometime Sunday. Every year crowds of people _gather on the 1idewalks outside the mi ssion en· trance, scanning the skies for a black cloud of returning swallows on March I!>. But during the pait ten years 1he liny birds have been coming In small groups which •re harder to spot. As the crowds of people have grown, the flocks of birds Jiavc become smaller. . Anyone who doubts their arrival, howeve:r. ca n ask 11 resident who had the misfortune of watering his yard on the nighl ol lhe 18th. "I'm recommending th is program for one yrar only," said Hess. "Next year, II no nr1\' income is generated , eithe r through 11 tax override or an increase in' accessed valuation. I'll be back hero saying we'll have to make some cuts In the education progra rn if we are going to maintain lhe plant.'' Hess said that son1e $80.000 in repairs and alterations alone arc needed at the tSee ERASE, !,age 2) ers' 'Mi11ister' Met Victims . ' Preaching BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) - A selr- ordalned minister. Who police said ap- parentl y met his victims While preaching in churches and on street comers, was charged tod11y with five counts of murder In the so-called ''bra murders" along the ~lerritt Parkway . Benjamin Franklin Miller Jr., 42·year- old n1aiLcarrier. was..named-in-a-warrant issued by Superior Court Judge Irvina: Levine. Miller. who ls white, 1a accused of beating and strangllng five black women, three -0f whom were strangled with their own brassieres .... 'rt ls t>elieved ~1111er met his vicUms while he preached as a guest minister In churches in lhe Norwalk and Stamford area, as well as hi s 'street ·comer' sermons in the area," said State Police CommlssioQer Cleveland B. Fuessenich and Stamford Police Chief Joseph Kinsella. Miller. who is married and has one child . recently took a Jlklay leave of absence from the Darien Post Office to enter a state mental Institution. Ac.coc.dlng_to _voting rccord1-, · he-is 1 native of Aurora, Ill. Mille~ .. was tak en th is morning from the Fa1rfleld State Hospital Jn Newtown to the Stamford Police station, where he was booked. He was th en taken to Bridgeport for a~­ raignment and "'as held without bond in the Community Correctional Center to await grand jury action. The murders oceurred betweu May 3, 1968, and Aug . 22, 1971. The bodies of the five women were found in woods along the Merritt Parkway in the Stamford area. Poets Hold Reading The Laguna Beach Free Poets will hold ft free reading at the . Four-Muses Theater, 302 Avenlda Estrella, San Clemente Saturday at 7:SO p.m. In addition to worka from the 36 poets, music and food will be: provided. There will be: no adm ission charge. Orange Coast Weather Prospects of nice weil.ther at the beaches this weekend are pretty slim acco rding to the weatherman. Low clouds and fog will dominate the Orange Coast scene. Highs itround 68 rising to n Inland. Lows 15. INSIDE TODAY It's spring and the swallow.t arc ret1'rning. DAILY PtLOT staff wr iter John Va llerza rt· vietvs ll1e phenon1enon tha t made San Juan. Copisirano t.11.t "Jewel of the Mt.sions." See to- day's Weekender •• L. M. ltt"• t INHll• tt c1ui.,11111 • Cl11tlt1M 12-41 C-lc• >4 Crtuw.r• >4 0.1111 ir..1ktt 11 E•ll9fl1I l"Ht ' ""'II<' 11.u ,., "'' lttc••• 11 HltflctN H Afln L11Mtt rt 11 MtllMl I Mllritl "·11 Mutual ,...., n HtllMYI H... t Of• .... C-tr ll lthlW•llft 2l"lf ·~h'la ......., tt ·-h , .. ,, l!Kfl: MM'llttl ft.U TtlnltlMI M Titt•l'I•• lt-41 ., .. ,,.., . WllMll't """ l)<.11 WtfM H~ I Wtll!..... ~ \ • • • % DAILY PILOT LB POW Sto1·y Goe s Untolcl -Announcer A Los Angeles radio announcer active In the movement to wJn Jreedom for Americans held captive In North Vietnam Tbur&day assailed the media's handJing of the prisoner of war (POW) issue. Spe.aking before I.he noon mcetlng of the Saddleback Valley Exchange· Club, Emmett Crbnan of radio station Kii~ criticized both the abundant nt>~! coverage of persons not in sympathy with the POW movement and the lack of news coverage for POW-related matters. "The media ln the U.S. has not ber.o telling the story," Cronan aUeged. "They haven 't been telling what is going on ." OAIL y l'ILOT "'"'' ~, JNlll V1ntru , • .. Governing Form Said • Ill Repeated demands for elecllon1 on cur· rent issues are threatening to erode the r epresentative form of government;· Lagun a Beach city councilman Edward Lorr said this Week during discussion of a proposed freev.·:y resolution. The Citizens' Town Planning Com· mission had asked the council to adopt a lwo-par t resolution. The first part asks state, county and federal government agencies to cooperate with municipalities in investigating alternative methods of transportation thllt could obviate the nied for further freeway construction. The second part would require that any freeway agreement betwetn the city and stale be placed before the voters for ap- proval. Danger There will be no need to elect a govern· ment. Eventually we'll just have pu~ pets.'' Following the discussio n the council voted unanimouSly to accept Goldberg's proposal to delete the vote requirement and approve the balance of I.he resolu- tion . Cronan, who also look a few verbal twipes at President Nixon for his alleged lack of action to help American prisoner!. made news In December when he recorded Christmas messages for the prisoners from their fami\Jes . Cronan played the taped greetings over the air and then personally tried to i;:ive them to the Hanoi delega tion at the Paris peace talks. The tapes were refused by the North Vietnamese. WAS GIGI , THE CIVILIZED WHALE , LOOKING' FOR A HANDOUT OF SQUID? Here She Moseys About Sin Clemente Pier While Scientists Deb1te th'!: Issue ri1ayor Ric hard Goldberg said he would accept the first section, but questioned lhe idea of pl.11cing a freeway ·agreement lo a vote. ··we are having a great nlany elections these days," he sa id . ''The city is nol likely to jump into something like this." Teachers Given Notices, Demand Board Hearing Laguna Beach Unified ~hoo\ District trustees learned Thursday night that 43 of 47 teachers who received notices they may not be rehired next year have demanded a hearing to find out why. The radio announcer claimed that the major broadcasting networks and news· papers bad virtually Ignored 1 recent book by a former POW, but were not reluctant to give coverage to antiwar groups and celebrities speaking out against saving the POWs. Cockfights, T.ax Woes: "Jane Fonda on a television show had the audacity to say the prisoners are Jiv· ing in a virtual Hanoi Hilton." Cronan said. Read It Al~ on Sunday He was critical of !he President for. during rus recent trip to China, failing to speak lo Chinese leaders a b o u t ~ Americans held prisoner in Peking , 11ome &ince the Korean War. "The president who asks these men to do a job should at least have brought up -the issue in Peking," Cronan said. "This is an issue of dignity and -hfJmifnity," he added, "'and Jt is an Issue ihat can only be solved by all people working together." ~. Cronan urged member.s of the Ex- change Club and other Saddleback Valley residents to plan on taking part in a Memorial Day rally he is setting up at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Several pufonners have offered to take part in the POW rally, billed as the "100,000 in May Demonstration." "This is one demonstration that even the liberal media are going to have to pay h~d to," Cronan said. noting that a POW family from each of the 50 states will be present at the rally and that former POW Nick Rowe will ~peak. He said free tickets lor the May 2.9 '1emonstra tior. may be obtained by .'writing to hbn at 406 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 207, S..ll Monica, tl0401. •. Cockfighting is bloody, brutal. cruel and illegal but it still goes on in Orange County and neighboring jurisdictions , as you will learn in this week's Sunday Special report in the DAILY PlLOT by Sunday Editor Alan Dirkin. The so-called gambling am usement in# volves pitting two birds against each other that have been fitted with special 1teel claws to inflict death. Men gamble on which cock will be the survivor. Dirk.in explores the status of the prac- tice and tells about the men who r.aise birds for this blood sport. li)on't mi!s his Sunday Special report. Another Sunday article will tell about the plight of an ordinary citizen trying to figure out his income tax. How can he when two out of three consultants can't agree~ In-the feature story leading off the ''YOU" section (Page C-l l, Terry Coville, DAILY PILOT West Orange County editor, reveals his income tax confusion. He got three different opinions -all dif· ferept -on how much he owes Uncle San!. One of I.he top sports stories SUnday i• bound to be the detailed account or the Southern Counties Track Meet, the big in· vltotfonal to be held at Hm\tlngtoo Beach High School Saturday afternoon. I n 1"f' It ls traditionally one of the biggest _-L/£.mDClllls-LOSS-----eer1l_aea~n_.!!_•9L!Y!!!!Lln_!!!~J.1!li!.~~ States and one of the high points of the meet, of course, will be the determination of the winning miler. Festival Raises Exhibitor Fees For Summer Fete Laguna Beach Festival of Arts direc- tors have voted" to increase booth fees for the six-week summer exhibit to $50, $35 and $12.50 depending on size of display panel required. The former rates were 130. $15 and $7.50. Festival grounds manager Mogens Abel reported this week that 216 artists and craftsmen submitted examples of their work in recent juryin& for the 1972 Festival. They included new applicants, artists who applied for, but were not assigned Space last year, and rg71 exhibitors who were asked to submit new Work samples. Artists who submitted work for jurying will be assigned space according to their point scores. Last year's exhibitors who were not a6ked to resubmit 11re automatically entitled to booth space this 'Merger Party' I A "merger party" celebrating the union of Laguna's two Democratic clubs will be held Saturday evening following e.Jection of officers for the new Laguna Beach Democratic Club. Laguna .Resource Teacher New Breed in Education The boards of both the Laguna club and the South Coast Democratic Peace Club recently voted to merge into a single group, headquartered in Laguna Beach. Election of officers will be held at 7:30 p~m. Saturday,-followed at 8:30 J>.ri"I. by a party, to which all local Democrats are invited, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomehak , 330 Cajon Terrace. Missile Trails Eyed VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE '(AP) -Swirling missile exhaust trails highlighted western skies Thursday night after the Air Force launched a re-entry vehicle from this coastal bas~. A modified Minuteman I propelled thr ''ehi· cle. over the Pacific Western Test Range, a spokesman said . No other details were available. OUNGI COAST · \.t DAILY PILOT By FREDERICK SCHOEMEllL Of 11'11 D!ll'I' l'llfl St1t1 There's a new breed or teacher ln the Lagun-1 'Beach Unified School Dlstr1ct. Though dubbed "resource teachers,'' the title may be a bit misleading because they · spend little tiIDe in the classroom wilh a group of students. More often than not, resou rce teachers are on the phone arranging a field trip for a class or \\'Orking in !he quiet of an office mapping out a community.school volunteer program. "The concept we bel ieve in," said district Superintendent William Ullom, "is that unusual learn ing problems exist that need remedialion. enrichment or coordination. Resou rce personnel handle lhose areas with money set aside in. special accounts in each of the elemen· la ry schools." ''It's a demanding job. but I love ii.'' commented ~lrs . Chloe '·Ru s t y ·' Barr. \\'ho has been resourte tea cher at El Morro Elementary School for the past l\\'O years. ni• o""" c.1r DAILY PILOT, w1111 wt.ltll ~fer usual day begins by cha1ting "~th .:i b combined ,,., H~·l'rtt•, 11 PVbllshfd llY number of teachers at the i;chool to find th• 0~119• C•••' Pubt11hrn; compeny. S•N· out about field trips, special prssen· nt• ei11t1on1 ere pvb!l1hr11, Monc11r 111rouol'I talions, enrichment materlals and com· 'r1d•Y· tor °"''' Mei•, lrl•WllOrt arecn, munications to nArents. l'lunll~IOOI 8tkh/Foll!lt1\n V11lty, l •oun1 ,.. .. ieum, 1rvJnt/S•ddlei1Mt1t ..,d su1 crerMnt•I Later, Mrs. Barr retreats to her office ••n J11•n C1pl1tr1no. A 1lnol• AV""'•' "'here she spends much of her lime H ttlCln It 1Nbt1111111 &111.rrd1ys end s11n<11r1. coordinating the school's \'olunleer pr cr 1'11e twh1t:t11tr 1Wb11t11111• Pl•nt 1s '' m w~i gram. ~tore than 70 mc1nbers of the com# ••Y S1reu, COltl M••• 0i111orn11, tl6lf. • f h j 'd M mun1ty are part o t e pro ect. sa1 rs. lo\1rt N. w,., Barr. Pr•ldtfll •nd "lilbll.i'IW They come to the school se\'era 1 I ime!! J1 c~ R. Curl1y Vlt• ~.111.,.,1 •nd Gmtt11 Mm•':lff' 8 "'eek to provide !ipecial talks to Thom•• k,.,11 students on subjects ranging from Ecrltot "'riling to lumber mills. Th•m•' A. Mu,,1ti11• "All important part of the \•nluntecr M111<11tlnt l!:Clltor , C~trftl H. Loo i Rith,,J P. Ni ll program. ' Mrs. Ba rr ;'lddcd, "Is 8: grnup Awll ltnl M•llftlnO Ecr1ror• of l2 women, artecUonatcly called the .... n• k11Cll Offl'• 'grandmother volunt~rs' whq assist 222 hr11t A•on110 teachers in the primary ~rades. even Mant11 A,.tl,.11: P,O, lox'''· t2•12 though they have no students of !heir own in school." Otlw OHi• cw. Mn•: .uo wnt •ev s1twt A program for "mentally gilled .. ...,,.,. '"di: nu N...,.,, k.li..•N minors," under her direction. has al.!lo =~,::~ u::.t~ ~~~::-.:t been established to provide SptCia J Tel••••• f114l ici.c s21 academic enrichment for the advanced student. a.I"" Atlffttlil"' 642•5'71 Spec ial materials researched and col· ....... IHcfl Aft D••~1 lectcd bv, f\.frs . Barr are used In the pro-,...,... .. ···#···· ~ tm, Or•ntt co.1, l"liblti11i.,., gram which ha& been !lucccssfully In· ::;;:c'{' w. ,..,. •toritt, \11u11r:;,"o;"",.;'~· ~--"'°"i~ra ted Into the regular school da y. :.Y .. ~ -:t="': •• 1 I*· dd1t onally , she -.!IChediiles a 11 ... -... fl °"'""' .......... asembUes. works up the masi er calen· ...., a. ,..,... l:i111 •• ,.,..,..,,, •ttt~ dar and hand.Jes publicity for the elemen· ... ca. ,_..., 1111.,,,11, ''*'<'1"i.i tary .-•-i. .., arrlW .... "*'"'"' W 1'1'1111 »II -UllU ..-JMY• ,..,.,..,., t1tfflMt.eM •1.•s "'°""'''· Recently, Mr . Barr was presented v.'1th an honorary service award from the' ; DAILY l'ILor S!lll PhGll AWARD RECIPIENT Rusty Barr El ~1orro PTA "for outstanding service to children and youth." The accolade noted Mrs. Barr, as a resource teacher is on a ·'~ salary !liChedule , spends more than a full day's working schedule on her assignments. Ullom said that the name and the tasks 8ssigned the resourC'e ~rsonnel .11t the three elementary schools varies. For example. he said, Top of the World Ele1ncntary School Uses its speclal ac- count n1oney to employ t e 1 c h e r assistants who not only handle coordina- tion, but assist regular teachers in the classroom. At Aliso Elementary School. social studies instructor Barbara M u d g e handles coor.dloa1lon-o.f-ipecial-ichool fun ctions along with Sally Hermanson , "'ho also i;lves special instruction 10 students with problems in lanitJ&8e, arta, science and mathemaUCI. Coordinations of llpecial resource matcrlab for all the schdols is h1ndled on 1 district le vel as well, by Mrs. Marian Brotzman , who 11 employtd part Ume with federal rrant fUndl. Front Page 1 GIGI •.• !iWimming in circle~ in tank. her Sea \\'orld Some experts believe she hasn't learned enough to survive in the sea. Others believe she'll make it. But one I hing "'hich might hurt her . rhances significantly, Stevenson sa id. is curious sightsers pursuing her in po"·er boats. "\Ve have a frightened 1vhale out there 11·ith large boat screws churning above her. J f she geLs too close lo a propeller everything we 've worked for is lost," he said. Councilman Roy Hol m said he was essentially in sympathy with the entire resolution. "the people on the council eight or ten years from now certainly would want to be .assured they have the support of the community," he said. "though it may be academic, being so far in the future." Goldberg said he would not be so much concerned about seeking a vote on a Coastal Freeway, but wondered if the resolution might result in requir ing a vote for so mething like im provements to La~una Canyon Road. City attorney Tully Seymour explained, "A freeway agreement has a very definite meaning. Unless the closing off of city streets is involved, the state has no need for a freeway agreement. Under this resolution. if there were no such • 'Bulldozed America' Film Set Tuesday • agreement involved, no vote would be needed.'' A film titled '·Bulldozed America,'' depicting destruction of the land by overdevelopmenl, will be shown Tuesday at the 8 p.m. meeting of the Citizens' Tov.•n Planning Association in the Laguna Federal building. The meeting also. will feature a report on plans for the proposed Feslival Plaza. with models of the project, sponsored by the CPTA. The meeting is open to the public . In response to a question. City Manager tawrence JU>se said there is no freeway agreement between the city and the state at this time because none has been needed. The city endorsement of the adopted in- land freeway route was in the form of a resolution of approval which did not con· stitule .11 freeway agreement. Lorr commented, "I don 't like what I see of government and councils. v.·ith so many demands for elections on issues er<>ding the representative form of government. People are ele cted to act on the facts presen ted and make decisions. If we keep taking issue after issue and presenting them to the electorate we will change the v.•hole form of government. • ~~· _ ........... _ ·-- • • E"erything looks lo\'elier the n1inute ~Iarchesa arri \'es • • • the elegant Italian touch by Drexel Put• toble, a commooe or a desl from this 9re1t collec tion in any room, and suddenly you have olegonce! Mo>ehesa by Drex el brings you this legocy of love li ness fr om the Roman p1l1ni of centuries ago to brighten the corner where you ere. Notifications were sent to 47 firs t, se- cond and third·year probationary teachers two weeks ago after trustees agreed they didn't know if next year's budget would have money to rehire all of the affected personnel. Superintendent William Ullom told members of the board that if trustees agreed to a means of removing a $135.000 deficit in next years budget all of the lea chers could be notified they will be hired next year. UIJom urged the board lo take such ac- tion at Tuesday's regular meeting. f 'rout Page 1 ERASE ••. high school. "I have recommended no cuts In the educational program this year,'' Hess told trustees, "because the board has in· • dicated it wants to improve the education program, not to cul it." Other portions of the $&6.400 cut wlll be felt in department reserve. new equip- ment ~nd conference attendance ac· counts, said Hess. The business manager recommended that any income not now anticipated but later found -suc h as through an in- crease in assessed valuation -go toward restoring cuts made. Thomas said he would rather see the money go toward reserves. DEALERS FOR : HENREDON DREXEL -HERITAGE -KARASTAN INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH TORRANCE NEWPORT B!ACH 1727 W1stcllff Dr., 642°2050 OPIN PllDAT 'TIL f 23649 H1wthorn1 Blvd, f21J) 17t ·117f o,.. "'"' 'tll t l'filfelllo ... lllteftor hllt.., A..i._.l ...... ID-NSIO 345 Norlh Cout Hwy. 494-6551 PM" Toti ,._ M ... -' o,..._ Ct•llfJ 140·1 ZJJ ( " -' . • Saddlehaek EDITION vor. 65, NO. 77, ~ SECTIONS, 48 PAGES Candidates By PATRICK BOYLE 01 Ille D•lly P'llDI St•lf Present San Joaquin School Board pracliees, particularly the proposed hir· Ing of an associate superintendent, were defended and assailed Thursday by seven candidates running for the single vacant seat on the board. The candidates -two or the nine run· ning were absent -mlde their remarks at an open forum at La Pax Intermediate School. Voters will go to the polls to Be9orraJ1 select one or the nine for the board vacancy on April 11. "I feel the board is really being suckered in on the appointmenl of this associate superintendent." lrvine • resi· dent Norman Ginsburg told the small gathering of residents. Present board members have ordered a talent search to find an associate lo ·work v.'ith present district superintend ent Ralph Gates during the year before • Sure 'tis a Caine sight on St. Paddy's day to see the likes of Bob Bren- 1!.an looking as Irish as a shamrock. Brennan, often dubbed the Lord Mayor of r.tission Viejo, looks·every inch the part in his dazzling green trappings th<1t warm the coc kles of every Iri sh heart. • Colombia Officials Quiz Man-Martin Bormann? PASTO. Colombia (AP) - A 72·year- old German·born man was being brought here from the jungles today for fingerprinting and further investigation into a magazine's claim that he might be Martin Bormann, Adolf Hitler's hunted deputy. Colombian JX1lice !iiaid the man, iden- tified as Juan Ehrmann. is not under ar- resL Citizen, Shows How to Beat Board's System "~1r. Ehrmann is under our protf:'ction and is being queslioned regardin g his identity." said a police spokesman at this town SCIO miles south or Bogota. Police said Ehrmann was "invited" to come to Pasto to undergo investigation procedures. It was possible he would later be flown to Bogota. the capital. Ehrmann has been living in an Ind ian village called "La Hormiga,".about 100 miles southeast of Pasto. In Johannesburg, South .Africa, Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal said he doubted that Ehrmann is Bormann. "Every time we get information that a prominent Nazi is living in a country with a bad cl imate and under bad co nditions such as in a jungle. I am very skeptical," he said. ' "ln my 15 years experience tracing !See BORMAN, Pa~e !} -. I' - --' • ! ' Today's Final N.Y. Stocks ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 TEN CENTS Joaquin Board Practic.es Gates' scheduled retirement in June ot 1973. Ginsburg said he felt lilt person who is hired -at a $28,000 annua] salary - would be a ''lame duck" because he feels unification will be approved by voters June 6.· "It was a totally irresponsible decision on the part of the board and a totally ir- responsible action by the administration to lead them down that road,'' Ginsburg 5aid. However, candidate Jud ith Bu.as of Laguna Hills said she supported the ac. t!on of the trustees, noting that unifica· tion might fail to pass and that a recent study of the district by an outside con· sultant recommended the creation of an associate superintendent position as the aist:lct enrollment increased. ''We will need all the administrative help we can get, jf we do unify,'' .Mrs. Buss said . Candidate Vincent McCullough of El Toro took no stand on hiring the person but did questkln the board 's action or contracting with a group or educators to conduct the talent search. McCullough said it seemed to him the board should be capable or finding a qualified candidate. but said he would like to hear the board 's argument in ravor of its action. Following are a few of the other com- rr.ents made by the prospective trustees at Thursday'' iesslon with the candidates listed in alphabetical order. Candidates Joseph Peterson and C. O'Donnell Lee were absent from the meeting. Robert Acres. 35, a salesman from El Toro. said he would work to solve the problems of va ndalism at schools and O\/Crcrowding of the classrooms If he were elccted. Noting he Hve!I across the str<'et from Gales E:lementary School where there h11ve been sevrral incidents or vandalism lately, Acres said he wouJd .. (Sec SAN JOAQUIN,. Page 2) .. Irvine Rezone Denied Planners Reverse Project Ol('d Earlier by County One of the rezonings approved by coun· ly government prior to incorpo ration was denied Thu rsday night when the Irvine Planning Commission reconsidered the Larwin Company proposal. The 34-acre parcel lying between Walnut ·Avenue and the Santa Ana Freeway was rezoned by the county last December to allow a 391-un it trailer park with 2,400 -square-foot lots. Technically 1 because incorporation oc- curred prior to the rezoning becoming quired payment of $255 per lot for park development as opposed to the $127.50 recommended by county staff. The park fee is in lieu of forced dedication of park land. Clark explained that sta te law does not allow the city to force a developer lo dedicate park land when fewer than SO homes are involved in the tract map. The Broadmoor Turtle Ro c k Homeowners Association told the plan- law, Irvine officials need not have W G' , reviewed the prOJXISa! in order to keep rong•way 1g1 the area zoned for agricuJtural use. However, upon incorporation, 'City o!-D J p• ficials decided to take a look at five rops n at 1er rezonings that affected the central and ning com mission parks in the area were already inadequate. The county staff recommendation noted the President Homes area might be served by parks in ad joining neighbor- hoods -the Broadmoor tract. Commissioner Wesley Marx: expressed con~ern over the geologic conditions report and the planning ('{)mmission asked a county geologist · to prepare preliminary reports on seismic conditions of nol only the President Homes site, bu t the general area . Planning commissioners held over con· sideration of the development preview com1nission until it11 study session next Thursday. City Attorney H. Rodger Howell indicated there ffiay be other ways the planning commission may want. to retain design and architectural con· trols. ' Held Man Charged in 5 'Bru Murders' northern portions Of lhe new city. In all, In San Clemente &ome 5, 115 homes would have been allow- ed had the collnty approved ionings been BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP ) - A self-and Stamford Police Chief Joseph accomplished more than. 30 days prior to By JOHN VALTERZA ordained minister, who police said ap-Kinsella . inrorporationo 01 "'• D•llf'l"ltirlf.ltf , parently-met-his-victims-while--preaching-Miller. who is married and has one ~rwin o~ficia!S f.~ile.d to convince Gigi Sea World's'Calirorniit'gray wha)e in churches and . on .street corners, wa,s chUd, rccenlly took a. 30-day 1e·ave of lrv1ne planning comnu~~l)t?r:s t?~f~zp1'e,,. · . .,....~ ·~'cULivJty e•:~ cJ)O!l&~~tl~ay"'f.h f1~~ll '.o(.~u.~,, abse~ (rom the Dar1c~ Post Office-to the _parcel. It remaln!"X.~ agr1cwt~' ""ti-fiG!•~fofl 'tleT!e"'lf~· ·Ciroppel·l.1fi'\efithle. tt-t1 ~·~J 'bra~ 1\dht iM" ~enter a state mental lnstllullon. _ zoning . . . . San Clemente pier Thur.ada:y -and made 8 Merr1~t Parkway. . . A.ccordlng lo voting records, he JS a Wayne Clark, planning comm1ss1on s ctacle of herself BenJamln Franklin Miller Jr., 4.2-year-native or Aurora, 111. chairman, said commissioners felt there pe • old mail carrier, was named in a warrant Miller, was taken this morning from was a need to plan the area more com-~hen she headed north beyond. Dana issued by Superior court Judge Irving the Fairfield State H~s~tll in Ne"w"to'-w"n'"-·--' Jetely;-patttculartrturthe-provi3ion-ot~~whaUlelbfor.meF-keepeM-cal.l-a-----u·v1;w, -~-o lhe -stamforQl'OlfCe s a !On, Wliere e adequate parks. • -' ' !lllgnificant push north towa.rd<t:J:re Bering Miller: who I! while, is accused 01 · W1rs booked. . · .. Commissioners, however, did approve a Sea. She wa~ reported s~unming north beating and s.trangling five black women, _ He wa1 then taken to Bridgeport for ar- commercial zoning change for a parcel today at a leisurelr pace Jn the company three of whom were strangled wlth their raignment and was held without bond in that lies between the Larw in property of two other yearhng whales. own brassieres. · the ·Community Correctional Center to and Culver Drive. But as each day in the odyssey of Gigi 11It is believed Miller met his victirris await grand jury action. That 36-acre strip fronting on Culver progresses controversy surrounds her while he preached as a guest minister in The murders occurred between May 3, between Walnut Avenue and the Santa chances for survival. churches in the Norwalk and Stamford 1968, and Aug. 22, 1971. The bodleJ of the Ana F'reewt.y, had been zoned C-1 -Navy experts said Thursday afternoon area, as well as his 'street comer' five women were found in woods along commercial -by the county in 1958. that the 27-foot-long, radi&-equipped sermons in the area," saftl. State Police the Merritt Parkway in the Stamford "The only thing before us was the whale, has a 60-percent chance of makini; Commissioner Cleveland B. Fuessenicb area. technical matfer to lighten the number o( it. access points to Culver Drive," chairman But few among the scores of onlookers Clark said. at the San Clemente pier Thursday give The planning commission approved the her a chance despite the pledges by the highway -related commercial zoning for experts. the property, despite concerns or com-The relaxed, sometimes capricious missioners that the city has little control mammal, arrived at the pier at dawn and over the type of development that may immediately started drawing a crowd. occur on the land which is located al a For several hours aftet sunrise she key entrance point to the city . The action, lolled just outside the surfline and swam however does allow the City Council to ' be 1 · t t in slow clrcles, coming close enough to cut down on the num r o JXlln s a which vehicles would enter Culver Drive. the downcoast side or the pier that al Commissioners approved a motion to times she touched pilings. advise the City Council .the issue of this But all that changed at about 11 a,m. rezonint WM furt her justification ror a when a vessel from Dana Harbor arrived moratorium on issuance of building with San Clemente High School Marine permit!! in the city to continue. Studies lnstructor Phil Grignon aboard. The planning commission has urged an By then a crowd of about 60 persons extension of the current freeze for 120 to were personally involved with the mam· 180 days beyond the current March 28 ex-mal and the sudden "whaling expedition '' piration. was greeted with hoots, catcalls and Chairman Clark said today, the owners oaths shouted seaward from the pier. of the commercial parcel may or may "Get out of here, dammit, and good not have to file a tract map, depending riddance,'' said one angry woman on whether or not they subdivide the onlooker, shaking her fi st. property for development. The parcel could be developed as a At that p:lint Gigi, apparently flustered shopping center "without our ever look-by the noisy vessel8bover her, headed ing at it again," Clark said. away from the pier toward an offshore ' Provision of parks in the Turtle Rock kelp bed and sulked there. area became a key consideration prior to Grignon and the vessel gave chase planning commission approval of a ten-amid more hoots Crom the pier, then the tative tract map for President Homes. beleaguered obse rvation craft left the Richard B. Smith Constructio n Co. got area. co mmission appro\/al for 4.1 single-family Thin gs seltled down again and about 45 homes to be built on 18.4. .acres in Turtle minlltes later Gigi made a final pass 11t Rock. the pier, giving onlookers a unique view However, the planning commission re· (See GIGI, Page Z) Irvine Planning Adviser ·c11oices Narrowed to Two Names or two persons being considered for the temporary planning adviser to usist the Irvine Planning . Commission were dropped Thursday night. City Manager William Woollett Jr. said he was conside ring two Irvine re sidents for the temporary post which might be filled as early as next week. The two are Edward rE. Haworth, of 5101 Harcum t..ane, Irvine, and Stephen Kay Lafer, a UC Irvine graduate student. Younger Taps Irvine Man for Crime Uni t State Attorney General Evelle Younger recently appointed an Irvine ma n to the California Ad\/isory Council on Crime Prevention . Paul C. Ellis of 18162 Dewberry Way, University Park. will serve on the com· mittee that will f,dvise the ~ attorney general on the design of the' state's an· nual legislative program in ctime prt\/tn· Uon. Haworth is a consultant to a U.S. Depart· nlent of Housi ng and Urban Development funded project being conducted at use_ Planning Commission Chairman Wayne Clark said both men have experience as city planners. Haworth was planning director In Tustin and has been employed by the Ir vine Company. Further details on the backarounds of the two, or others who might be under C<Jnsideration, were not available Irom ci- ty officials today. Tuesday, the City Council authorized Woollett to provide the planning com· mission with an interim planning con· sultant while the .search for a permanent pl anner continues. Orange Weather •• One resident of the San Joaquin SChool I>istrlc t has round a way to partialJy circumvent the school board's dictum that persons wishing to addres$.the board must fill out • reQuest card prior to the meeting. The cards became part or the meeting process on)"reccntly and, at Wednesday's meeting, Robert Gertz. of 25012 Ericson Way , Laguna }{Uls, !illed oui s~vcral, indicating he wished to speak to the board on several agenda matters. Task Force Asks Growth Remedies Prospects of nice weather at the beaches this ~ekend are pretty sllm according tG the weathermen. Low clouds and fog will dom inate the Or.ange Coast sctne. Highs around 68 rising to 72 inland. Lows r.s. Gertz . expressed his opinion on a few Items and when the seemingly non·con- trovcrslal mattf:'r of electing a board vice president came up. Gertz' card was pulled and board president Gratian Btdart 1sked Gertz for his comment&. Laughing am lnbty from his scat in the •udience, Gerli said he would pass. "It ls the only way under the system to tie l'SSured of • chance to talk il you want '°·" Gerti told Bidart In explanation for his filling oul the card. With no further comments. truster. Prestcm Howell was elected vice presi· dut. • • A special task force st udyl.ng the prob- lems of rampant -population growth in the San Joaquin School Olslr1Ct has filed a Hnal report recommending many lm· 1ginative and a few radicill ways of solv· Ing the district's woes. The suggesions range from making bet- ter use or exbtlng school construction funding-progra ms to bAcklng st;ile legislation which could require a de- veloper to finance new schoos. "We •"ri't lbiak all the avenues (of schobl conslrllctlon funding ) ha ve been thoroughly explored." task /or c e chairman Paul Tonkovich told rustees \Vednesday in preSenling .... the report. "School planners will have to be u Im- '\ aglnative as possible in putting school packages together." Tonkovich, an attorney who worked "'ith several other voluntter district residents on the study, urged trustees not to delay in considering the committee's recommendations. The school board members Indicated they would study the six pages of sug· gestions and may request a joint meeting with the entire task for ce some time in the near future. lfi com,plling recommendaUoA!I, the lt1sk fore;e in the put three months mel with legislators, dtveloptrs, school of· flci;i\s and other groups concerned with the problems of rapid population growth in the school dls1rlcl. The reporl not~ . ' that the San Joaquin district has In· creased from two schools In 1963 to its present 15 schools. There are also three schools under coruitruction in the district and 12 more schools in various stages of planning. ''Although it usually takes between four to six month's to comfllett Ind s~ll a home," the .report said, pultln& ti\< prob. lcm In a nutahtll, "It takes up to 36 months from the-tlm'e a school i3 first planned' until It Is constructed and rea<ly for occupancy." The report noted that the time lag In school construct~ could not be avoided and would remain • district problem for many years. The reports prcdk:U ihat ~htrlct enroll· ment, preseoU y about 11,000 student&. • v.1ill doublt in the next five years due to extensive residential development in the district. To solve this problem. the report recommends three types of action the district might take : , -Better utiij1,ation of existing methods of school financing ahd construction: -Innovations within the present system that ha\/e not yet been tried within the district. -And legislative action at the state level to ptrmlt methods or achoo! flnan· clng which are now unauthorlud. To better use existing programs, the report called for "the aggressive sub- mission and followup of •Pllllcatlons for .. (S... TASK .FORCE,,Poge.J} .. .. r INSmE 'fODA Y It's sprtng and th1 1wallow1 · ore rtturnlnQ. DAILY PIWT itaff writer John Valter:a rt· view1 the phenorm:non tha.t made So'n Juo n Capiltrana th.t "Jewel of the Mi&siom." See t~ da u's Weekender. L, M, I n • t •fJ411ifl• lt C1Ut.r11l1 I CltttllllJf n-11 C~n '' c .... ,..,. )4 Dilltl Htllctt 11 ••1i.ri.1 ,_ ' ,llltM• 11-11 ,., ""' ltttl'f II .. .,__ 1• Allll Lllllltf1 IJ ~HM• 6 IMfln tf.11 • Mulval l"Mltfl' • Hfllt111I ....... 4 Of•llt• (WfllY 11 lttlltvrtnl1 11·" Srh'I• l"•rllf'" tt '""'• l~lf SfMk Mlrtltl• t).tl Ttif•ltlrM M T'IMtMn twl W••~r • W _ _.. flltWt t•IJ ·==· . ~ ...., WAS GIGI, THE CIVILIZED WHALE, LOOKING FOR A HANDOUT OF SQUID? Har• She Moseys About San Clemente Pier While Sc ientists Debate the Issue Fro111 l'age 1 l'ront Page 1 SAN JOAQUIN CANDIDATES • • • GIGI ... like to make parents ol proven vandals pay ror the damages. On the subject of 4~15 school , Acres sa id he was against it because not enough research had been done to date. "My belief is that we are not qu ite re.:.dy for it," he said. Mrs. Buss, 29, is a homemaker who says she has been attending school board meetings regularly for the past two years. She said she supports the proposa l to unify the district with the adjoining high school dist rict because it would pro- vide a greater continuity of curriculwn lor all students and would.make the area eligible · for more atate achoo! con· 1tructlon aid. · She said she would favor increased em- --.phasis on vocational education for high school student!. She also called for alternate locations lo hold school board meetings so that more residents might be able to attend. Denis Duffy, an airline pilot from ~1ission Viejo, said he fa vors further study of the 4~15 plan to help ease overcrowding in the schools. "I think anyone who closes his mind to a.nything without basing his judgment on objective fact," Duffy said, "is cutting off his nose to spite hiS face." Asked.about.his feelings concerni11g the competence of present. school ad· ministrators, Duffy said the school. board ahould insure the admini!tralion is performing. nr a gray whale who seem:o; unhurried 1n ''From the top down," Duffy added. her apparent northward migration. "the staff is (IVCrpaid and does little By then officials from Sea World and work, as a generalization .. , the Naval Undersea Research Center ar. Ginsburg, 35, a school administrator in Huntington Beach, said he felt hi!! ex· rived. l\loments later Gigi hightailed it lo pertise in school matters could help the a reef to the north. board make more educated judgments on Radio tracking devices 11nd spotters technical items. from a Navy helicopter kept tabs on her course. "In many recenlcases," Gi nsburg sa.id. At about 2 p.m .. with the fog mov ing in ''the board has la cked the expertise In be steadily. Gigi headed past Dana PoinL able to question the adm inistration suf-She sti ll lingered off the OrBnge Coast ficiently." Ginsburg said the distric t loday. pinpointed by bleeps from her should look into the leasing of trailers in-electronic backpack. stead of buying portable classrooms lo 1'he appearance in San Clemente fillP.rt solve the crowdi ng problems. Another lln nvernight gap in tracing her alternative he proposed was constructing whereabouts. ''hall-schools" in centralized areas of low "We think !hat the distanct she population, such as isolated housing cove red in one night is significant," said tracts. Such a praclice could save on Sea World aide Roger Stevenson. busing costs, he believes. .. It's Ion soon 10 be sure about her Ginsburg said he fa vored a regional ap-rhan ces but it looks @ood al this point,'' proach to vocational education with he sa id. several adjoining school districts tak ing Lollling in !he daylight ho urs is natura l part. /or Gigi. who is not yo ur average whale. Dora Lee. a nurse living in El Toro. She has spent a year in captivity, 11aid the salaries of many school ad-~wimming in circles in her Sea World ministrators were too high and criticized tank . the present administration for costly con· Some t:icperts believe she hasn't learned struction mistakes at new school sites. enough lo survive in the sea . Others She said the presenl t;ix rate was high believe ,or;he'll make it. enough "to finance a good education for But one thing which might hurl her our children." "' chances significantly, S~ve..nson said, i11 She said i;tie opposed a 4~-ts plan. but curious sightsers pursuing her in power felt the pilot ptogram Implemented by boats. Lhe board Wednesday night should be "We have a fr ightened whale out there carried through and carefully studied. "'i lh large boat screws churning above She also said she felt the Administration her. If she gets loo close to a propeller Swallow Scouts of the district was not performing as well everything we've worked for is Jost," he as jt should. said. ---~··--d-leMb~11~tt~ge.'~~~:~:c~~t l~;~:"" .. -_-----:·ti--:f-__ 1' ___ _ Begin to Arrive hl•m of overcrowding in the school district might cause residents and school Whale Eating, officials to ignore present educationa l At Capo Ml.SSI.Oll problems. McCullough said he would urge the formation of a permanenl citizen's R t Sh advisory committee to the trustees lo in-e por s ' o·w The annual swallo•, watch has begun in San Juan Capist rano. "Scouts·• have been flying in, orre by one, all week with the major floc k due sometime Sunday. Every year crowds of people gather on the.-sidewalks outside the mission en- trance, scanning the skies for a black cloud of returning swallows on March 19. But during the past ten years the tiny birds ha ve been coming in small groups which are harder to apot. As the crowds of people have grown , the flocks of birds have become smaller. Anyone who doubt~ their arrlval. however. can ask a resident who had !he mis fortune of watering his yard on the night of the 18th. He 'll assure you the birds exist and have begun !heir nest-bullding -prob- ably under the ea ves of his house righl outside his bedroom window. OU.Hal COAST Is DAILY PILOT 1°11* OflllO'e c::tlMf OA ll Y l"llOT, 'lflfh Mllcfl 11 r;ombl....:I ttl• N....,.Pr.u, Is pUbllllltd by trlt Or•ns• Co111 Publ!1hln1 COmptrty, s.,.. r1rr d Jtlorlt •rt Pllbllshed, M•n•h y fflrOV9h Friday, '"'° C01t1 Mai, Newport l!INd'I, Jiunllrwlon °'-<.h/F0Unt11t1 VIUt y, L...gurt• INch. lrwM/s1dd1adt lltlCI ~II Clt!T>t!llU h11 J11111 ·c1pb1T1,... A 1lnul• revlGMI edlrton l.t M ll1!111d S1turdt )'I rd Sufld•rt· Thi pti!l(lpel M 11Ah1"9 pl•rtl Is •I :UO Weit i1r 11ne1, • c .. 11 M.u, ca111or1111, nt1'. Jl olter• N, Wr•4 l'r•~ l rld ""'lbllll' J1e\: JI. C11rlev ' ~' rr•icl.-.1 Ind o.ntrtt MIMtw noni11 Ko1n1 .... no"'11 A. Mwrphi111 MIMliN! Ediflllr Ch1rltt H. L•ot Aitht r4 P. Ntll Alllttlrll MtlllO\ow fcllllln ·o...., 0.t. M-: )» W.t lay S~ NIW'llCW't IHtl'I: :am Ht....._, louJ.....rl '-"llN e .. th: m , .... , ,.._ ~""1"""9ft '4itdl: 1"7S lllctl ltJVIMl'i S.n. Cwn.M1: lU H01111 El C.mlnoo lhll Ttf.,...e C7141 '42 .. )tl C5-.... Ab.rtf .. 64t.J671 S.1 c .......... o.,.,, ...... : Te..,.... 4t2•44JI °"""""'· 1'11. Onllt• '°''' ,lltll!tfllflg ~y. No ...,,,.. 116ri.t, 1U1111rr1i.r.1, .. , ..... , fNtttr' ., ............ _... l'ltttltl ..., • ,...,odur.lllf •f"""1f ·~r ~· ...... "' """""" 9WIW. ...... di .. ,.,.. .... N kl ti N....., le.di .... c-t11 #.ttot, Ctllforflll, SuCIKrllll'lllol ... anw U.ll "'°'"""°' llv tr11U IJ.IS INdV'r'I '"ltlhry ,..llrlllt.. IJ.6J ,..,.,.,,,,,, sure community-board communications. "I don't think that my view is the only legitimate view," McCullough said , noting !hat the opi nions of retired persons, young voters and non-parents must also be represented on the board. Said trustees should always endeavor to get their inlormation direcUy from its original source rather than third or fourth hand from school officia ls. Roger Ramsbottom , 35, a quality engineer from El Toro. criticized lhe present board for its decision to sell the old El Toro school site to a developer who wanted to build multi-family dwellings. Ramsbottom said the site was centrally locat ed in wh at might soon be the f\.tission Viejo Unified School District and would make an ideal locat ion for ad· ministrafive offices if unifi cation passes. He was also critical or the trustees and the administration for falling lo insure that orders 11nd directives were carried out. Gigi is eating, her menlors aaid thL~ morning. And !hat's the best news that has been learned about the famous behemoth sinct she was released from captivity early this v•eek. -Spokesmen ;it Sea World in Missk>n Bay lhis morning said that Gigi'11: airborne trackers saw definite signs of elimination from the ~hale during her appea rance in San Clemente Thursday. Today 's edition of the chase will be done with a fixtd-wing aircraft instead ot a helicopter. The switch 1n craft means !hat the scientists from the aquatic park and thl" U.S. Navy wil l be Bl.le to stay airborne longer. or grave concern to the rf!searchers i5 "'hether Gigi ls expe1·t enough in her ne\Y , strange environme:it to find her own food. Apparently. she is learning fast. Cockfig-hts, T.ax Woes: Read It All on Sunday . Cockfighting Is bloody. brul.al. cruel and illegal bu t il still goes on Jn OranJ{r. County and neighboring ju risdictions. a.~ you will learn in thi~ wee k'~ Sund11y Special report in the DAILY PILOT bY Sunday Editor Alan Dirkin . The so-called gamblin~ amusement in- volves pitting two birds again st each other that have been fitted with !peciaJ steel claws to innict death. fl.fen gamble on which cock will ht the survivor. Dirk.in explores the stalus nf the prilC· lice and tells about the men v.•ht1 ra ise birds for this blood sport. Don'I miss his Sunday Special report. · Another Sunday article wlll tell About lhe plight of an ord inary citi7.en trying In figure out his lncome tax. How c11n he when l"'O out o( three consult1nts can 't agree? In the feature story leading off thr "YOU" section (Page C l ), Terry Coville, DAILY PILOT West Oranst County editor. reveals his Inco me tax confusion. He got three different opinions -all dlr-· ferent -on how much he owes Uncle Sam . One of the top sports stories Sunday Is bound to be the dttalltd account of thci Southern Countles Track ~feet. lhe big in· "ltaUonal to be held 1t Huntington &Ach High School Saturday afternoon. Jt is traditionally one or I.he. biggest early season lrack event! in thP. United Slates and onP of the high point.1 of thr. meet . of course, will be the determination of !he winning miler. fl.1ike Solomon. a Westminster High School grad, former _winner of the DAILY PILOT Miler Trophy in the Southern Counti es f'vent and nationally famous miler. will present the 1972 DAlLY PILOT trophy to the winner . Among llther feature~ readers wi ll find in the OAILY PILOT Sunday : ...:A Costa Mesa woman gets pa id for sending in her travel story for publication as .. My ravorlle Vacation Spot.·· She writes about Tahiti. -Women'11 page presents A word and picturt. profilt of Gwenda Wa tson, wile of Dr. Norman E. Watson, Coast Ccm · munlty College District ch1nce\lor. She bubbles with vivacious volunteerism. -Mrs . Peter Bealer lt.ll~ her own 11tory from the special vievPolnt of 1 mother In "My Son Survived Le..!temla.'' reaturid In Family Weekly. · -Jimmy Stewart and an old frit.nd nf his , Harvey the invisible &-foot r11bbit. make the cover of TV WEEK. Ctlver story prtvitws Sttw11rt'1 re-crtaUon of hi, ·•Harvey" role of Elwood P. Dowd in an upcoming TV special. • Fro• Page 1 TASK FORC E • • ii:t1te funds." The report said lht school district should be prepared to build a new school by tht time the state money ls made 1vallablt. Thi s practice could (.ut Jig time In constryction by up to one year, the report said. Other tiiage1Uon1 under existing pr~ grams Included using r P. I o c a I a b I e elasgrooma to a greater extent; en· couraging and accepting offers frorn developers to pro vide fundg for pre.·plan- ning of school facilities ; asking the coun· ty Planning Department to give preferen. lial lrealment to developers who had aid- ed the school tllstricl and reusing several times a 1ingle architectural plan fo r 1chool construction. Unde r lhe category of innovations that migbt. be tried, the report recommends that the district hold another tax override election or use present tax override funds for school construction -a -practice which has been avoided thus far . Other innovative recommendations in- clude use. on a temporary basis , of in- dustrial buildings and churches a.~ classrooms: district wide implementation of an all-yea r school program and study nf the use of pre/abricated modules for 5Chool construction. In the area of legislation, the eom· mittee n1ade several recommendations of new laws which could aid school con· ~lruclion programs. These incl uded: -A~ increase in the bonde,d in- debfedness limit from the present five perc'.ent to from seve n to 10 percent of assessed valuation. This could , if voters would pass bond issues, raise an ad- d:tional $4.6 million, the task force said. -1Permission for developers to loan monev'to distric ts for construction. . -A· requirement Iha! all developers donate school sites or sell the sites to the district at cost. -Allowing planning agencies I o establis h building permit fees. such as $500 per home, with the money going toward school co nstruction. -Allowing developers to transfer ~chool sites to school districls to escape re11.l property laxes dur ing the pl"riod the di striet is trying to ra ise funds to buy the site. Battlirtg Closes A1i.other School SAVANNAH . Gz. (IJ Pll -Racial righti ng has forced the closing Clf a t~ird public school and Mayor John Rousakis threatened to put policeme n i n classrooms if necessary to mainta in order. All schools were closed loday for the SL Patrick's Da y parade. Authorities ho ped lhe long weekend would allow tempers to cool. Racial fighting at (:roves High School, near the Savenn11h suburb-of---&8rden-€i-- ty, brought Chatham County police to the scene Thursday. They used tear gas to quell the disturbance. RAPS MEDIA POW HANDLING 8,.01dcaste r Emmett Cronin f '1•01n l'nge 1 BORMA NN ... Nazis, I have fou.nd that most of them choose countries like Paraguay, Chile and Argentina that have climates similar to Europe ... Men like Bormann do not need to go into the jungle and live with an Indian wife." \V iesenthat, who heads the Vienna- based Jewish documenlalion center, Was 1n Johannesburg ·on a fund -ra ising visit. The magazine Involved in the original report was El Tiempo of Bogota. Colombian authorities expressed doubts the man was Bormann. Bormann wa! head of the Nazi Reich Chancellery. At various t ime~ he has been reported found in Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador. Bolivia and Peru . Horst Von Glasenape, an investigator who on ce handled the Bormann in- vestigation , said in Frankfurt the best in- formation l!till is that Bnrmann w a s killed escaping from the chan ce!Jerv in Berlin on the nig ht of Ma y 2. 1945. a.S the · Russians closed in. l\1iss il e 1'rails Eyed VANDENBE RG AIR FORCE RAS E (A P\ -Swirling missile exhaust trails highlighted western skies Thursday ni@ht after the Air Force l11unched a re-enlrv vehicle from lhis coastal baso:?. A modified Minuteman I propelled thr \·ehi· cleNer the Pa cific Western Test Range, a spokesman said. No other details were avail;ible. -----------------·'-·-·- , ~~ .. ... ··~·"· ..... -·-·- Ev er ything looks loveli er the 1ninute . -· l\1archesa arrives ' . Lh e elegant Italian Lonch by Drexe l ~- Put • toble, 1 commode or e desk from this 9reel collection in an y room, and suddenly you have elegance! Ma rchesa by Drexel brings you this leg11cy of loveli ne ss from the Roman palt!l tti of centuries t!lgo to bri9hten the corn er where you .,, .. POW Story Goe s Untold -A11nou11ce1" ~ A Los An~elPs radio announcer 1rtive in the movement to win lrtedom for Americans held captive in North Vietnam Thucsday assailed the media '1 handling of the prisoner of war ~POW ) is.sue. Speaking before !ht noon meetinl!; of lhe Sadlfleback Valley Exchange Club. Emmel! Cronan of radio st ation KllS criticized both the abundan t ntws coverage of persons not in sympathy with the PO\V movement and the lack ol news coverage for PO"r·related mailers. "'.l'he media in the L'.S. has not been ttlling the story ," Cronan alleged. "They haven't bee n telling what is going on." Cronan, who also took a few verbal swipes at President Nixo n for hi!! alleged lack of action lo help American prisoners, made news in December' when he recorded Christmas messages for the prisoners fronl their ran1i lies. Cro nan pl ayed the taped grceling!'i over the a ir and then personalty tried tn give them to the Hanoi delegation at the Paris peace talks. The tapes were refused by lhe North Vietnamese. The radio announcer claimed that the major brozidcasting networks and news- "' papers had virtually ignored a recent book by a former POW, but were not ret uctanl to give coverage to ant iwar groups and celebrities speaking out against saving the POWs. "Ja°ne Fonda on a television show had the audacity to say the prisoners are Jiv- ing in a vi rtual Hanoi Hillon," Cronan said. He wa.o; critical nf the President fnr, du ri ng his recent trip l.o China , fai ling to speak lo Chinese leaders a b o u t Americans he ld prisoner in Peking , ~ome sine!! the Korean War . "Tbe president who asks these men to do a job shou ld at feast have brought up the issue jn Pekjng," Cronan said. "Th is is an issue or dignity and humanity," he addtd, "and it is an issue that can only be solved by all people working together.'' Cronan urged members of the Ex- change Club and olher Saddleback Valley residents to plan on taking part in a ~1 emorial Day rally he is setting up at the Los Ange.Jes Coliseum . Several performers have offered to take part in the POW rally, billed as the "100,000 in May Demonstration." "This is one demonstration that even the liberal n1edia are going to have to pay heed to," Cronan said, noti ng that a- POW family from each Of the fl() sl.1tes will be present at the rally and that former POW Nick Rowe will speak. DEALERS FOR : HENREDON -DREXEL HERITAGE -KARASTAN I NEWPORT BEAC H INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Co11t Hwy. 494·6551 TORRANCE 23649 Hawthorn• l l•d . 1727 WH!cllff Or., 642-20SO Ol'IN fllDAY 'TIL t IJlJI l71·1J7 f o, .. "'44-, 'HI ; ,,,, .. 1111•f lt1tt<ft1r D1ti.Hn Anllllbl.,_J.10-NllD ~e11e l oll ,,... M"t •f Or•11te C•11t'f 140·1 JIJ t • '. ·~· --- > ' ' DAILY PH,OT EDITORIAL PAGE t ~ County Is Efforts of Laguna Beach school d1str1ct and city of- f1c1aJs to persuade the county to speed construction of the Alta. Laguna Boulevard extension. to JOln the hilltop districts of Arch Beach Height5 and Top of the \Vorld, appear to have had the desired effecl. Count y road officials now are conf ident finanr1ng of the entire project will be appro·ved in time for con· struction this year. T he join-up has been snrely needed to impl'ove traffic circulation and fire protection services within Lhe city and to permit busing of youngsters from southern hill areas to Top or the World and Thurston Schools. Public discussion of the hazards of a ~chnnl h11~ route up and down ~teep Nyes Place,, ~opped ~1ith an actual ride on the bus for county off1c1als. apparcnUy helped move .<\lta 1-.aguna up on I.he priority list after it had been relegated lo the 1974·75 budget. County authorities can be responsive "'hen ap· proac·hed by municipalities with logical ar~uments. A Reasonable Expenditure The approval of the latest in A series of San Clem- ente pier entrance upgrading proposals was expected swiftly from planning commissioners. But instead. the idea calculated to cost about $30 .000 1s see n with jaundiced eyes by commissioners "'ho 1n the past have okayed such concepts.only to see them gather dust. Whal is proposed this lime is cheaper by far than previous concepts and involves finally riddi1tg-the area of an ugly WPA·era concrete bunker building and crack~ ed steps and \Valls leading to the passage beneath the railway tracks. Some arguments have been heard lately thal the ra.t.lway \.VIII be moved even1uaJly and the refurb1sh1ng ~·ould. be a "·aste of fund-'. .... The relocat.Ien however. might take 10 ~ears to ac .. compli!:h. In !he n1ean!Jn1r, the pier and bearhes \1•11l be v1s1ted by n1Ulions of persons, .>\.nd $30,000 for such a needed C;1pital 1mpro\1e· ment proJee:l seems a reasonable expenditure. l11corporation, Nol 1'1.er ger The decllne in popularity of the prl)posal tn merge Dana Point and Capistrano Beach 1n10 \hP city of San J'tlan t'apistrano has been steady .:tnd dcf1n it1ve In re· rent \veeks. Only a fe\v da ys a~n Dana Poinl '): ('.it1ze11s for Ar· lion grOup came oui strongly in favor of anolher attempt at incorporation of the harbor community into its O"'n city. A day later a roll of thP membership nf the (':Jpt· strano Beach ('hamber nf Co mm erce alsn shn"•ed a "·aning in1eresl in joioin~ the mission community: In the ~alisades. fe\v members of the community as.!'nci::1.tion there are in favor of blending "·ith San Juan, either. 1'he judgments come after month.!> of 1n!ens1ve studies and public meetings where everyone has been welcome to ask questions of officials of nearby mun1~ cipalil.ies. It seems. then lhat f)ana Poinl 1i: on lhe way again to~·ard an all-out campaign to incorporate. But c·apisl.rano Beach remains an enigma Il m.:iy become a county island in an area apparenlly h1ov1ng toward local control. ' I 5 ~ ' \ • It ' •, ~ ' E.VE.R. G-Di"-1' 1-\0M • • J_ -Legend of St;. Bridget, St. Patrick Dear Gloomy Gus Byrd · ·would Curb Federal Ju-iig-es .. SYDNEY J, HARRI S Learning tha t Leap Year was upon us, my younger daughter asked for an ex· _pla.nlYP~ _m tlJ._i,s _a.1r.ku1s. _a.l_endncal custom. She stopped listenirig while l was only half-way through the earth's orbit around the sun. and wanted !et know if it was true that women could propose to men on Leap.Y_ei:ir Day .• ··Not only on Leap 'rear Day." I said. ''but for tJw whole vea r. And you'd he surprised to k'lOW how Jong ago that idea got started." One of the oldest le~ends. recorrtcd in Brewer. relates that St. Patrick .. having ''driven the frogs nut of the bogs." was walking along lhe shores of Lough Neagh. when he was 8CCOsled by st. Bridget in tears. and WBs told lhal 11 mutiny had broken Out in the nunnery over which she presided -{he Jadies ciai.ming the rigbt of .. Popping the que.slion ." ST. PATRJCK said hr. would c:oncedr them the right every seventh year. when St. Bridget lhrcw her arms around his neck and excl aimed. "Arrah. Pathricl<. jewel. t d)tren't go hack to the girl!! with l'!uch a proposal. Mak~ it one yeRr 1n four." He replied, "Bridget. acushlR , squeeze me that wa y Again. i:ind I'll give re leap-year. the longest of the lot. .. Bridget. upon this. pn_pped the question !('! SI . Patrick himself, whn. (If coursP., could not marry; M he patched up the rtif- ficulty as be15t he coold with a kiss And a silk gown . Now thal a Chicago doctor says sex curtail.! coronary complica- tions. we can indulge in affairs of -and for -the heart. -V, R. A. r~.. lulur• rttltds ••Id•..,• 1fif><tl1, ...,, ...uu.1111., tllllw ei "'' "--· w• ""'" "' '""' ti O~ll!Y •as. !>•Ill' 1'1_., ACTUAU..\', L.EG!o.'NO aside. there i.~ an Act of the Scottish pr:irr e pallSed as far back as 1288 (ilsel JI Leap Rrl. • wilich states . ll nave rnized e la age ): · ll is sta'""•'•°""'--' -the n o her mos ss egest.e. for·each year known as Leap Year. all ma iden ladies of both hip:h And low estate shall h11ve liberty lo bespeak the man she likes. and if he refuses to take her In be his l::twrul wire. he shall be lined in the sum of i:iny pounds, .n; his estate may be. except if he can pro ve he is already betrothed to another woman .'' • NOT TOO LONG afler 1hi!i, in the 13lh Century, a !lim ilar la.._· was p;issed in frAnce. And in the 15th Century. the cuslom of female prnposal., was leg;ili1.ed in both the sovereign city stales of Florence and (~enoa. A!!. late ;ii; 1604 . when Sh:1kcspe<'lre wAs .:it the heighl of his glory, A p.:imphlet w.::is distributed in London. called "Love, Courtship and MRtrimony." which pro- claimed: " , , . As often a.~ 1.eap Ye;ir doth return. the ladies h.:i ve the sole privilege durin2 that time of m;iki ng ln\•e, either by words or looks. as to the m srem proper: .::in<!. mnreovr.r. no m;in "·ill be rnti1lcrl 10 Mnefit or clergy who dor." in ::tny wa.v treat her propns;il with slight or contumely." Right on, Women 's Lib! Amnesty Unacceptnble California li''ealure Se.rvic:t One issue the liberal camp kee~ tryin~ to inject into !he current Democratic presidential primary cam paigns in the East and Midwest is the issue of am~Ty for draft dodgers who fled -tail between legs -across the ·Canadh1n 1border. ~en. George McGovern, the prairie liberal whosf'! Jonp:, long campaign for thf': Presid~y has yet to take off, proposf>d to colJege audiences total amnesty for rtraft dodgers idltng In Canada .::ind elsewhere. His proposal, of course, was enthusiastically rectived on campull. Mol~r U.S. Senator hits propo.~ th;it tht:.se young men of the ''counter culturr" movr.mtnt be t1llowed to return Jinme 11nci \\'(Irk off their obligation l.o their country doing good deeds ln hospitals. clinics and lhe liXe. NErTHE R. Ot,. THESI:: propcirMls hall By 6eor:ge --~ Dear Georgt.~ You replied to Wondering lhal. vnu dldn'.t write your own leltcrs. I don't bel\tve 1t. 'vou would HAVf; to write the \ctttrs in your column. Do you ex~I u~ to believe lhl!rf! are that m~ny nutty le.tters comlnlll'. 1n".' How many 1dio1s do you lbink thert Are in lhe world? o.w. Otar o.v • .r Wt.II. )'Oll 're tbe 241.h Ung morning and J ~vcn't even opened the mall from ll•wport. exactly sei1.erl the imagination o{ lhf: American peoplr. for thr simple reason tMt they are unRcceptable. Ne~week MJ1J;?:azine. trying harci lo keep !hi!!. fitful is.,ue frnm fad ing aw::ty allogether, reccnrly drvo1~ its cover story to the quest.ion of amne.sty for .. war evAders." Gel that -war evaders, not draft dodgers. This , flf C'Ourse, is a me::tJy. mouthed term. dishonest through anrt lhrnugh, subs1i1.uting glillering glorifica- tion for slra1jl'.htforward old American us:ige -draft dociaing. n~n R.a1hcr. the CRS-.TV cor· rrspnndent., Also tried In pump life lnt.t> this dead is.11,ue in his hour-long interview with President. Ni:iton rttently . ..Uk~ 1f he would gr11nl amnf!ty, the Pre.sfdent replied with Qne word -"No," ' FAR BEVONO THt; Issue of amnr:sly, wh.:it the ctiunrry ~! is for A r11nkln~ politician ,,_.Ith the gu1s to 11peak oul. In powerful le.rm' in support of lhe hun- dreds nr lhou!3nds or ynung men who 11nswered the call of lhe drafl bolirds by 51ettlnJ{ into uniform. The.y ga._ve I.hei r tirne. Lhcir liv~" 11nd lhe1r bodies lo fight th~l hateful witr In Vietnam 11nd accept,. If 11\tlr re.,pon11ibilitit.! as part or the price of bf.Ing Ame:Mcans. l'hcse men And their fAmili~ nr.r.d restorf!d to the:m tile.Ir honor and dl~lty 11nd !he.Ir !l«!nst of h111 vina served lheir coontry In « faitltful manner Th1ty art. 11w11.itln~ !he ran~ pohH· lans-<!•poclally presldcnllal .. plrant. -to speak up WASHINGTON -A wholly new ccin- cept Is being projected ilito lhe. in• lensifying nationwide fight against, forced scho0I husi nJ?. The new propns;il ~irikes directly ;it lhe crux of this complex ;:inrt innamed 1ssul'! -the virtually unlim1led power of Feder;il judliles to is- SUP i1weepin a busina edicl.q so l e I y to ''.::ichir.ve _a _rai:ial balanct ." - - To curb thal dict;i. torial power. Sen. Harry Byr6 , lnd.- Va .. would. in efrecl. pul a limit on thP term~ of Federal • .. jud,11'.cs ..:. by r~uifing tffen1 lo be r('C(lrl- flrrned by lhe U.S. Senahi: every e_i5:ht years. If den ied such apprn~al. they would be retired with full p11y. · Citing ·the · f::tcl that every state in· I.he union, except M;issachuseU.s. requires the periodic reconfirm<'ltion of state judses, Byrd explains his ConslitutinnRI amend- ment and its urgent need as follows: "fN Rl,o;CENT YEA RS the Feder:1l courts have assumed more and m(lre power , power which under the Constitu- tion was reserved to the executive, lhf': legisla1.11re. lhe st.ates and the peoplr. lhemselv95. This misuse of power w11s not envisioned by the founders of this' republic. "It is time that we re stored the bal;inr.c in the govtmment by m.::.kiniz. federal judges more responsible lo the people. ll is time lhe judiciary be made. nnct more, a co·equRI branch of the .izn\Pern· mcnt. r;ither th:1n the self·11ppnintert su per.visor of every aspect of our coun· try's existence. "The presPnl system or lifetime ap- polntmrnt, "'hr.re.by :i judgP is removablr. nnty by 1n1peachment. is not in the hesL interest of the country. The process nf removal hy impe<11chment does not answer !he problems prrscnted hy ;i judiriary 11.1hirh h,iis r.sl.::tblishcd it.self J!!I. A super legislature . Under my :1mendment. judge~ could servr for :1 term nr eight years. at the end of which they would be ROBERT S. ALLEN ;iu!nm.:itically nom inated for rrrnn· fi!'malicin by the Sen:1te. Ir rernnf1rmrrt by lhe Sen;ite. thry ~·oulrt ronlinue lo serve for another eight ye:1rs. ''Tu rpainl~in the finan cial indr,prnrl- rnce: of the: jud ieh1.ry, if a j11rtge is nnl Cf!O· firmed he would be retired at full pay..;.,• WHIL~ THI<: immcdi11le in1p:1ct of Sen . Byrd'.~ far-reaching propos;il c:en tcr~ nn the stormy fnrccd-busing•cnntrnversy, 1t actually applie" to the Federal j1i'clic""iilry's \'aslly · encompassing role in the whole g:1mut of the n:1ticn's arta iJS. This immeasurably increases 1he i111· pnrtance of and justification ror the me:isure. The Virginia lawm;iker intrnrts In seek c;:irly Cflnsirteralion of his ::tmendment which he deems crilica!Jy essential for tt6 following reasons: The federal judici::try h:1s perpetralcrl a "revolution" hy·c::tsting :1side restr::t1n1 and regard for the nther co-equal br:1nchcs of the Jlnvernmen!. Federal jud,lles ::tre suh.~t1tu tinA their o"'n ide;is of justice fnr rules nf 111.._', ;inrl "too onc.n fhc h;illmark or •he modern court has been the voice of power, not the voice of reason." IN MANY instance.~. Frdt'r;(I judcrs have arroJ::1ntl y a s .~ u m r. d the ''prerogAtives f)f lnrds nf lhe Mirtrtlc A,lles ; nothin,ll in nur s~·sl.em rxis!.~ to control these judges: their p:1ssinns nf !he moment are totally unres\r::tinPd, even by lhe collective wisdom of fellnw Jvdi.;es. '' Surti high·handcd willfulness is erndinJ: respect for the l:iw . Where (Ince fcrter11 ! courts acted wi!h cRrf!fu l rd;lrR int ;ind morter.::tti(ln , that era Appc::t r:ii: nvcr As ;i consequence. we now h;i1'c .::. judii:1a ry , which. acr'nuntahle lo no nn(', h;:is r11n .:imok in .::.sserl ing its :1uthnrity over the dail y Jives nf All Amerira n~. The late famed Supreme Court Justices HnlmP~. Rra ndP1s, StnnP , C;i r rf o '· 11 • Hvizhrs and f'r·ankl urtP.r ar" r1tP<i by By1'd ;is fnremn.~t ;idvncatP.~ of LhP Pf!l1ry (lf 1ud1c111I s.elf-re~tr:11 nl. UnrtP r the1 r w15"" and f;ir-sighted np1nions anri pr1nc1plP!!. the Supremt Cflurl en11nr1:11Prt seve ral b;isic npcralini:: r;ules, as follows: TH to: CflURT refused In p:1sc; on pnlilii;;il qtleStiOfls: H deferrrrl In st;itr cnmmnn la w principles: it rrfuseri In enunciate Ctlnslitution::tl rulini:is. unles~ absolutely necess::try; it refused to n1le upon mnol questions: it deferred \n ll. st;ite's iotcrprc1.:1t inn of ill\ own cnn- ~!itution and st:itulcs: and il !l.triclly in· rcrpre!Cd 'thi? rulr.~ rnocerning" ''Stllnd· in.2'' to briniz a 1.::.-w suit. "BUI in recent years." si:iys R.vrrl . "lhr r·r.der:i/ courls h1111r 1i;lrl(lred nr discardC'rl l"i:ich o !hcse wi.~e doclrine!I.. 'Now thr courls . .::iclini;?: unrtrr the premise that the Conslitulinn 1.~ wha!f'ver Judi:ies !lay ii. ill. h;ive plunged into 11·hal ;idmirers like !o t•;ill 11 ·rr vnlu1inn.' R11t al .J ustict. CRrrln. 1.:1 sn wi.~ely hclrt . ',J ustices are not. con1· missinned to m.:ike 11nd unmake rules at -plP::i:r;ure. in ar.rorrtance with changing viev.•s nf cxpediCf!CY or "'i.~nm'.'' INOJGNANTL 'r', Srn . Ry rd cite.~ 11 numhrr or J!:lllrinft ini:t.Ances nf ;iutncratir meddling by Federal judges in local af· fa irs . "They h::t ve inlrrfrred wil.h thf'. nper:1 · lion of s<'honls 11nri univer.!iities," ~ 11:sserls. "They hi:i ve ):fl forth df'tii iled regulations rnr !he ildministr111.inn nf state pcnRI f~lities : they h:i ve dicl.;i!.ert to local sctmnl bn:1rds. ;ind in snmt ;ireR.~ ha\·e iz.nne so fflr :1s In sug,cesl lh:1t local j;!nvernment bndic." make t1pprnpri::tt.ions or money for project.& which the judges fr.e l ;:ire neccs.~;iry, "Onl y rrcrnl!y, 11 Vedc r;:i l jud11:r nrrtcred a ~late to forego lhe eleclinn of local nfftcer.~. even when thi!I is!lut never htid been prrsr.ntrd to the court hy ;i_ny nf thr p:irtirs invnlvcrl . Onr Feder:1I jud~r. ordererl thr cnns<11idt1tinn of the school syslcms nf !11.·n muntle!! :ind nnc city . Unless this deci silln is reversed, what i11 In prf'vrnf !hf' iud1r1;il enfnrr.l'nl~nl of to tal merge!'!; nf citiell anti c<>unt1r.s~" CH Al.1 ,~:NfilNf; lhl' unlimited authori- ty nf the VCi'ltrRl 1urtic1ary is ·not wholly nPll.'. Nc;irly 11 h.::.lf rc ntu r~· fl~O. Sen. RnhPrl M L.'!FnllrttP. Sr .. ft·Wi!!.., waged Rn 1n· rlepenrtPnt rampflij!n fnr President w1th nne nr hill m:1 jnr issut!I t.h~ imposing (lf restr;11nt!I on the 11ntlmlte<!-11uthc'lr11Y nf Ferlrral c.:ourl s. This w:is one of th• planks of lht: platform or the r rngre!'lsive Parfy on whir.h he campaigned in 1924 iti;?:t1in:i1l President Calvln Coolidge. On Srpt.. !!I, 1924 in hi!'! fir!!.l mitjor itd· dres.~ 1n !he Easl, l.t1Fnllet1e holly 111- !aCkc<l !he cny_rJs _on the. groundi th~·-­ wtrr "::t,llllinsl !he poor 11nrl the weak." '"Shn"' me nnp ritsf' in wh ich lht ~·rdr.r.:il 1·n1rr1.~ hR ve protcct.ed h11m.:tn rf~hts." he !hundcrrd, "'and I will stww you 20 cases in which they h.::.ve rlisregarrtCi'l human rii;::ht-' to prolecl prop- r.rly ." 1'01JA y' THf': i58U(' ·~ 11Ull hum::tn riJ?ht s -hut lh1~ lime again.~t thA autncr11!.1r 11nthnrity nf jud.i;:es In makl!t ;ind unm11kf' rule~ Ill I.heir own ple;isurr, !.hat direr.Uy 11nd dr.::.stically afrPrl human5. 5peCifically children i:n1n,ll to school. S::ty!I. Sen. Byrd: "The court-creat.ed revolution wh1rh ne2an in the Supreme C.ourt. ha~ pP.r1ne:1t.ed the lower f'tderal court.~. The flagr;int abt1se or injunctive powers of Fl'der:1I dhdrir:t judges hR!!. a:rnwn over lhl': last few years to the point where. in earh sectinn of our country, the daily lives of citizen~ 11re suhjtc.t to reaulation! hy single federal di!!lrict jud1u~:.,. "In case i:ifter case. loc11I dislr1rt judizes have taken it upon themselvr,s l.n intervr.ne in .:trea.~ set tasidt by lhirt (:Onstitutinn., for st3\e Find lnc:il Actio,,. The: people of the UnltM st11tes. lhrough their powr.:r to r111ily amendmt:nls 1.n th-. Constitution, shou ld be given An np· pnrtunity In r.xpress their vlc.w.~ .::is !n whether Ferleral judges should be madft more responsible ta the !)(!Opie. Now they are accountable le "°one." Doubts About Black Power Group \VASHTNGTON -The nP.wl y or~an1zed Bl:ick Power A.~sembly. wh1ch m.:t y tvnlvf': int.o a r.::.r.1.~t polltic.::.1 par1y. Jlf· tn~cts htlle optimism on it.'I prospects for SU("Cf'!\S. The ::tgcnda adopl.cd in lhr rcccn1ly c.:oncl11ded mrcl.in2 in G11ry, Indiana calls for I.he marsMlin.it of the black vnt P on prinriples: or racial unity i.round ~ucl\ Roal-' 11s rtp:ir11t inn s paymtnt~ for pa st i"justice, a $6.500- $10.000 guaranteed incomP., <tnd feder11:I i1ppclinlmcnts propor. tinnate 10 the black popolaUlln. It Wlti.'1 widt!IV ,,oted lhat black g-rOup.1 nf dlffeOog degrtt:s 11f mllltaney &nd differ- r.nt tactic!! succeeded in rtr1rUng some 1:-eoeral principlP~• .itnrl agreeing on the crtatioR of a nauonal or11anitatlon. TH IS UNIT'' wag fAr from un.!lulllcf'1 . The N11tional A~h1tion for t he Adv.11ncment of Colored Propl; ... a::ive notice Jn al1v11nce :1 could not roncton~ a SP.p11r:ilist_ or black suprrmacisl ririft In the movcmen!. Mlehig11n dclrg111es. ln· chiding membcr11 or lht-United Aulo \\rorke:rs Union, w11lked nut ThMreticAll.v. lht N11it1nni1I Black PclllicAl Assembl y, whrn orRan1ted. 1A•1U operatt> on ita o~'I'\ behalf -u ,..ell_ as ht I Rl CRARD 'W'ILSO'° 11nti lhrnuah rhr ('St:iblishe<l pnht11":1I p:trlic.~. The stroni: thrus!, hnwrv('.r, 1!'. tnw:1rrt a scpar::tlf' black pnli!1cRl p:1rl ,\1 o.1•hich l.i:i ry's Mayor Rlchart1 r.. H;irchrr h.::t!!. nrcrlie'lrti o.1•oulrt l)f' fnrmNI unlrs.~ rhr> lwo ma jor rmrrir.~ .~::ttisfarl.orily mer! !hr Bl;:ick A~,_emb!y's demands. JUDf;1Nr. RY lhc prchminary aizl"'ndti or the NiilionRI Bl;ick Assembly. thrrr IS vt.r:"<' little llkclihood 1h11t cithC'r 1hr Republic.::.n or DemocrJ1tic p;1rlir:,_ n11· lion111ly wOI responti sa1jsf;ic1nnly tunr· lion lng il.'1 " n11tion11l prc~surr. i:roup. thf' l!S8cmbly 15 rxpccted to back r11nrt itm1r11,. lobby in Cllnizre55, perhA~ run its o"·n third patty ca nrlld;ites, ,11nd in izcntral r.onducl itself as the political :ict1on arm or the bl.::.ck rat:f'. The hi~tnry of movement! nf thi!! kinrt is no1 promising. Organl7.sitions 11nrt movem f'>nt.'I oriented to economic anrt t.ocl11I. or tvcn r11ciAl issur:1 h.::.ve founrt they Cf'n opt'ratt beUt.r lhrough ihr , cst.,bli!hr:rl major poll1ir.hl partic!'I. A good deal of hrav11do. bul 1111\r. reallsm Al!Acl9Mf 10 tht. 1Lllemen1 nf thr Rr' Jessfl. .lat'!kson, one or t~ or11tAniirr11 of tht 11asembly. th111 "the ~mO<'r:.-1.~ no lnn~rr can t;ik~ u~ for 12ranted while thr: RtpubhcaM write uii off ·• RY ~10Rl,o; RJo;Al.ISTlf mPl'lliUrci;. thr l"'lemncrals do nnl , in fArl., take the Nej!rn ,·nie for w11nted , 11nt1 rh,. RPpuhlic:ins do nor 11.·rjr"? it off. R111 if thPy rtid so 1h.- o.1·nrkable allern1uil·e ri~ not l1P in thr fnrm;i11nn of 11 m1oor poli11c.:al p;irty m11k· ing 1L"I nnly 11 p pr ;i 1 10 thr 7 ~ million hh~cks whn vn!t' in nation.::.! r.IN"· lion!'., "'1th lilllr> pro.,ptet fl( linin11; thrm ur 1n a l«lhrt bloc. Thr rffN"I of ~uch pol itic11I mnvrmrnt fntil rl Or rt i:t:1~1rou!I. tn uni!y, anrl frai;?:mf'nl thr b!1t!'k vntf' .10 lh.:it it would h11v(' lr!!.." poht1c:1I imp11r1 th11n JI! prr~~nl. If I~ Pf!ht1eal scparat1!ll-~ wish :io r:it11mp lt . lhry m12h1 look In thr labor .mnv~mtn1 "'hirh in presidrnua! elec~t1nn!I rtt>e.s not bltndly follow-its leartcrshlp. ~0,\lto: ASPl,o;t.TS of thr A I 11 f' ~ Assrmhly'! prni;:ram arr t'fln.'llrur1ivr If 1hry lead to ~rf11tr:r vnltr p1n1ieipa11nn hy 1hc 14 S million potenl1:il bl3ck voter:t Bui lmm11mu Am1r1 Bar11ka, the poet formerly named Le Roi .Jonts, \,11 likely to hAvr diffirult)· ~tr.rrini;?: th~natlon11I wllil~ lr.irtr:r:thi(I inlo ::tidin,; rtbcl.'1 fightina: "hitr or colnn111I re1timC11 1n Africa. v.•h1ch ," nnP of h1it fAvnr1tp pro}cdit. ~pilrl'll lit! SC.ntlmrnl WJI~ i'~Orcted in 1hr rr:M1h1tlnn oppo.sinJ: businJ: 11~ btt~ti on "lhr faly nollon lh;it hl~ck thlldrcn :iirr unablr to lf"Rrn unless 1twiy arfl in 1h11 ~mr ~r111ng Ill! v.·h1tf".-('hilctren." Bui t.h" 1'f'-(!lutln11 ~·Ml! f:1rlh,.r th<in 1ha1 II . 1n tff11c:1 . rt>ndrmnrl'1 tntrstr:ilinn in prlnc:1plt and· 1upporttd lh' Qlltst1ontd 1de• that h\;ick rontrol or schnols 1n black neighborhood~ will resull in h1g:bt:r educl~ lional riu.::.llly . fF THF: Rl.At:K 111~..mbly I~ IO bt 11 ~li1ir11 l 11r.t1nn ;irm it. .miJl'.hl -uccr.ed '" 11chirvin~ !l.Omr. of !he unrealized goal~ oC ii~ partiS11n~. But JI~ ruturr A!'! ;i polj1jcal party .. If lh&I 15 the direction ii. take!, 1A ~very hr i$fhl 11n1 could, '" Lhf' eM. da mAge tht: c"ust it seeks to .~erve. ORANGl COAST DAILY PILOT Rnn ,.rt fl,'. \\lrrrl 1'11l>luher Tho1nn.s l\t:r.v1/, f;rliror Albr,rt "'· Ro tt..t Et1r1nr1ol PaQe tdrl.flr Tt,r f'dllf'fUll P11" nf lh,. 011.11)' Pilnt l'C'tkll ltJ lnlorm •nil .1Um lt· l.1l• rel\d,.,s hy prHtJ'ltini; Hu• n~•Pllf"""'• 11p1n1nll1 and N1rn· mtnlll.ry nn tnplr• "' '"'""""' "'~ •l1tnU1clln t'f', tty f'fl't\'~dl11s: " lf!ru1n. fnr !ht t''<l'!rrt•~nn "'' nor tl"'tdf'r• npinlrin~ .. 1111t1 by rrrlt"ntlnt thr dt\.,.I""(' \·1rv.·f)l"int11 l"f 1nf""'11'\1 ~ !l.f'l'Vf'N, ,.nd ~pokr•mrn C'tn 1op1M ,., 1hr "&~ I Yrirt•y. ~hri·h 17 1972 ·y Boasting Arson Suspect Cleared Alte1~tive . ]U1)7 Sougl1t For Davi s SAN JOSE (UPI) -II only look eight days lor attorneys to acctpt the 12· member, all·white jury in the Angeh1 Davis murder trial, but lhe process of fl ndin~ four alternate jurors already is in Jl$ fourth day ""'ith 16 per.90ns questioned and dismissed. Judge Richard E. Aroason l'alled today's extraordinary u51;100 in 1u1 effort 10 speed up the selection of alternates so that testimony can begin In the murder, kl<fnap and conspiracy trlal. Death Penalty Petitions Out SACRAMENTO I AP I -a cam· paign is beginning for 520,806 signatures in order to put the death penally issut on the ballot for all the voters next November . The constitutional amendmrnl in· itiative was filed by four statewide organizations of law enforcc1nenl officers, and state Sen . George Leukmejian (R-Long Beach). It is aimed at restoring thEl" death penally, which was declared un· con.slitution<il recenlly by the State Supreme Court . Thr co u r l 's decision becomes final Saturda y. Power ltcservcs Hurt hy Blast • • DAILY PILOT .'') ' Wage Tri111 Reaction U.S. Port Closure Looms By l,Elf ERICKSON SAN" F'RANCISCO (AP ) ·-A shutdown nf all U.S. ports loomed as a possibility today after the Pay Board trimmed a \~llge increase v.·on by Wesl Coast longshoremen in endlng 11 134..0ay doc.k !trike. There was no irnrnediaie comment from fla rry Bridges· West Coast lnterna· tional Longshorem en 's sind Warehouse men·~ Union Thu rs day after the Pay Board in Washington lopped about one-fourth of the I I. W U 's ne got iated increases. Pay Board refuses approval of lhc con· tract. 1 n hi11 1-'eb. 24 column In The Dispatcher. Bridges also 11aJd, "Stand by to march out as a solid bloc along with the East Coast if the Pay Board. cuts back our negotiated settlement by as much as one cent." Gleason's union has not confirmed the joint strike pledge. Assembly Okays VD Bill S:upported by Gov. Reagan Nor was there comment from Bridges' F:ast and Gulf Coast C'Ounterpart, Prcsi· dent Thomas W. Gleason of the AFL-CIO International Longshoremen 's Union. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Assembly This year. Mrs. Fong altered her bill to "We're not going to say an ything right has swiftly approved a venereal disease provide that parents be notified 15 days away, .. said Charles v e Is 0 n , ad· education bill supported by Gov. Ronald in advance of the beginning of 11 VD minislrative assistant to the fiery \,Vest Rea ga n along with a companion measure. co urse. But the measure would not re· CoasL stevedore boss . lo provide $238,000 in state assistanct fp r Quire written approval or consent for .a BuL Bridges told his ll.000-member the courses. child to take parl in the courses. LOS ANGELES (U PI) -A convici ed 11rsonisl who boasted of setting the Barclay Hotel firP. that killed three persons was cleared of murder chargcl'I loday after it wa!ii determined careless W1oking caused the blaze. Miss Davis, who is a cocounse:l in her case. sat silently Thursday and let her defense team question the potential pantlists. The defense used three peremptory challenges to exclude a Mormon woman, a man born a9d raised in South Ca rolina and a Vietnam veteran. union on Feb. 24 that the IL\l,'U and the The principal bill. by Assemblywoman The legislation would permit local LOS ANGELES <AP) -An explosion , March K. Fong ID-Oakland ), was sent to school boards to offer •o educat1·on and II.A harl agree<! Lhal they would join in 11 · " that tore Spart a city power depar1mcnt n;itionwide dock strike if the Pay 8 08rd lhe Senate Thursday on a 58-3 vote to determine at what level they should be ~team boiler has left lhc city's power following a brief deba te. The a.p· taught T~ prosecution used o~ challenge to dismiss an Jndian mother of nine. lnuched wage increases won by either propriation measure. by Assemblyman E. · · reserves ''dangerou sly low" lo meet pea k union. · The bill also assures thal parents can Richard Barnes (R·San Diego), was a.p-· · I be d · th Detective Philip AlexAnder sairl Harvey Lynn Beagle II, :IO, was cleared after thrct witnesses said they were drinking- with Beagle. in a bar when the fire broke oul ea rly Wednesday. At the end of Thursday's session, lhl" deferise had five peremptory challenges left to the stalt's seven. Three 111lternale11 have passed questioning for "cause" and are tentatively seated. 11ummer electricity d e ma n d s, a "Thr. 1·oinl pact provides thal if the Pay d • inspect mater1a s to use 1n e prove minutes later on a 58-2 vo!f:. spokesma n has reported . Ao<1rd cuts back nn either the ILA agree· Mrs. Fong had declared that there is a courses. "H's not critical now, but, it could he menl or nur agreeme nt we both join VD epidemic in California, particularly After Mrs. Fong secured Rea 1;an's sup-- later." the city Water and Power Depart· (nrr.es and pull out in every port in the among young persons. port for !he measure, she had little Some 130 skid row pensioners and welfare cases were left homeless by the blaze which swept the sixth floor of lhe 7fi..year-old hotel. In addilion lo the dead, 1ix guests and one fireman were injured. ll those alttrnates are accepted . the first person to join the regular jury in case of illness or other problems would be black·haired Michelle Savage. 20, a ment spokesman said. Un ited States." Aridg es wrote in the She stirred up a heated controversy legislative opposilion. The blast ruptured a 60()..ton boiler and ILWU newspeper, The Dispatcher. last year with a similar bill vetoed by Voting against the bill Thursday were furnace and blew apart a wall at rhe The Feb. 16 contract between the r.ov . Ronald Reagan, who said he op-Assemblyman Eugene A. Chappie 1R- Scattergood Steam Plant in suburban lL\\IU and the West Coast empl oyers' posed the measure because ii did not con· Cool): John L. E. Collier (R-Los Playa Del Re y late Wednesday night. Pacific Maritime Association contains lain a provision that parents be notified Angeles), and Floyd Wakefield (R-South Damage was esti mated at $15 million. language which permits the ILWU to in adv;ince of a VD tourse so that they Gate ). Collier and Wakefield also voted •3 ,_...,.,.,,..,._.,.,,,.;:..o,.,,.,,,oc,,.,.,.,g!P'1!0.,......,,,.,m<10'"'m""'""..,..,..,...,,......,,,, take strike action within 30 days if the could withdraw their children. against Barnes' measure. receptionist.'' =1-;:::-=::::~::::;:;:::::~~~::;::;:==:::::;;::::::::;:::;::;::=;~~==~~~~~ ~-· ·-:::::::::::;:::----·-~,~.....-,~.'""1s~t-~~-;,~u~t .... -· --l Mother of Dying Chihlren Dropped Off Welfare Roll • By .TAMES O. CLIFFORD ~ror undU tlie wClla~ 1>.r~ ., lhat account goe.5 into the SOUTH SAN FRAJl.JClse()--gr1m.-. trust" (UPJ> -The mother of three "This means ·wde have 1 no A welfare official !'laid aid is ~,. dyin~ children, who was given place In live an · no · Ood normally cu l off once someone an eviclion notice before stamps." said Mrs. Collum. "I has acquired $600 in personal Cllristmas, has been dropped am entiUed to a fair hearing property. from lhe welfafl': 1·01\!ii because with the welfare people within Mrs. Collum is ~lso looking of the generosity of persons 15 days, but I don't know what fnr ~ home. but with special touched by her tragic story. that involves ." requirements -ii must be "1 was shocked," said Jae· A spokesman for the county one story, located in a quiet. fl Ueline Collum, 34, a divorcee welfare department refused to Jevel n e i g h b o r h o o d and n•hose children, ages 12, 1 and discuss the matter unless Mrs . preferably near a park. '1, have the. incurable Batten'!'! Collum give! "her written The tviction deadline of di stase. One daughter, Patty, permission." April 30 would have been ex- !J. died in her arms last year. All of Mrs. C o 11 um' ii trnded on 11 month-lO-rRQnth :.fore 1han $241000 was children have the sy~ptoms nr bas.is by the. welfare depart· l'!cei"vt'l.i by Mr.,. Collum from the rare rle"f"voUi Gjjeast in ment. but "that'ii all <'hanged })l'!rsons sympalhiz.lng with her which death usually occurs now," tht mother said. plisht. l-ln~·l'.vtr, the Money iii bt:forP-aRt 20. Kathleen. 11, ff! 11 1:-u~t fund for ht'r ;ind Charles. 7, are ;ilread~ ch~ICren·g need~ 11nd . Mrs. blind, and Crystal. also 7, is Collum would like it lo be losing her sight. ...... p1·esc;ved "In CjlSe a C\Jre is "f have received help ~nd _ _...,,ct-found-'!..-.••• ~-·--letlers from thousands, ranjl· ''If no rure is fou nd, !ht ing from nuns in couvents IQ !flfJney, 11.fler the children's women i11 prison." said Mr!ii. d~at.h~. would be 11scd to set up f:Ollum, who gt:ts $99 a month :in organizatio n of parents who <'hild support from the former have children with I he. hu!iiband . disease," she said. She s;iid a .o;eparate checkini:: She received the news by ;iccount of $1,344 was opened r.i;o;il thn: lter welf:irt: j!"rEtTit during the first wave or con- wouid t nd ~fqr.:~ :11 brcause trihutinn!'i. Kaiser Steel Strike Ends FONTANA (AP) -A six- week strike at Ka iser Steel (:Orp.'s hig Fontana plant tnd· rd Thursday after the United Sleelworkers union approved changes in a uniQue labor- management b n n u J agree- men!. o~ ··,~ce:;s per~G!1al proptrly'' , "I h;id l}('I Idea !he. htll' she h111o::! receivfd from \Vt:ll-would ri'a;;h this an1ount and f \fishers aro •. nd th~ world . just u~ed the separcote account 1A:ember!'i of the striking !111ion local voted 2.516 lo 492 >1 ' Wednesday to accept revisions i, Th• i:iclion r.ie3ns she ~no lo pay -of( hilllf --outstandi ng longer v.·ill r~eh•e 11 SJ!IO 11. before !hr! tn1st \\•i;c; tstablish- mnnth gr;;nl., Jocj sta.nlp'5 fir ed." she .said. "Rut once tht. lh~ use of 11 small houst paid bills 11rP paid. \\'hat's left. in offered by the company in lhe ft MH'alled "long-range sharing i \~u~>J~ug11g1gu~u~uilu~1~1gn~1 plan." --------l .... Tif..1~5SN} .-...--. f ~ Rolla To Your Table For Easy Loading PORTABLE DISHWASHER IJOU'll W.qt to rNd tftist_ Travel Vouchers ••. the "going" kind of stamp .•. lakes you an ywhere, at any time you choose! Saving Travel Vouchers is trie fas test \Vay to make your travel dreams come true! Save these magic stamps for "'fun'' vacati ons ! Trad ing Travel Vouchers c11n psy for part or all of your t icket costs! Here's how the program works: I your parlicipating merchants (see directory} issue Trad- • 1ng Travel Vouchers with each purchase you make. Z You place ''regular'' or "Big Ten·• Travel Vouchers in your •colorful redemption books. .J Take your ttlled redemption book 1o your local member ., •Exchange Bank (see directory), and recei\le A beautifully engra\led Tra\leler'.s Reserve Certificale worlh $2.00. 4. Whe.n you are re ady lo 1ra\l~I, take your Traveler'• Rese rv& Cert1f1cates to your authorized Travel Agent (see direc- tory). and spend them like cash! Tr11veler's Rese rve cer· 11fica1es can purchase 811 or any part of your next ticket costs. You choose the 1ime and place, and you're ofl on your trip! ' .......... M(,.c;HANJ l~Ul "IES lNVttfD, 1AAVEl£11S R'ESE"VE, INt. f7l •l t1f.'200 ' • - HOTTEST RAllGE VALUE F"{'T. ov111 s,.srr"4 • Cle_f....._ o • ..,,~ Sh-•• • ci.-.1-~-• • °"""'" "'--· "T~ --'· c:..:::'::..~3._39 ~"-15 .................. s ~ With 3 W..a. Cfd-MMI Uft Top lladt e No"'u" W..t. -Pot. • Pana llinM -4 Hold • Spect.I Plet--..-Sett""9 • •vtt·in Soft food DU.poslll WAS $199.9$ WM1ftlYY .,.........~ .... , .. . ·-----•-C'-.411 ··-................... •JI_......., ~ •lt ... ~I '78" • ,._.. ~ ,..~u11a· "'---,,..~ •3 .... ,_......., • u",.....,.....,,_ .... , ""''., ..... , ... -., .. .. , .... ,, ....... "'-" ... ...... ...... ..._. . ...,.__..,_._..... --... .I.A. .,.. ..... ...,.,, M mu. 46 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE! GOLDENWEST & WARNER HUNTINGTON BEACH Sales Ooly 842 ·5596 ' 401 MAIN SJREET HUNTINGTON BEACH Service & Sales 536·7561 J • ' .............. ,~ • .t.PClll .............. f .... 0-.. . ........... _,.._......, ... ---........ ,...., ,......... -·~· .,. ---"";, ·ur I .. .. . . -. . .. "' ' • Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Today's Final N.Y. Stocks voe. 65, NO. 77, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE CO UNTY, CALIFORNIA FR IDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 TEN CENTS Districts ~ompare Year-round School · Plans By JOHN ZALLER Of ll'lt Oally ,.1191 Slaff West Orange County educators may aoon be in a position to compare ty,·o dif· ferenl plans for all-year ope ration of achools, an opportunity unique in the country. The Ocean View and Fountain Valley 1ehool districls have both announced pro- grams for what they ca ll "continuous )earning." The plans differ significantly. But since they are neighbors, they will 3 Men Held ·1n County KUlnaping Three West Ora.nge County men are being held on $10,000 ball and a fourth was being soUght today on charges of burglary, assault wjth a deadly ·Weapon an.d ki~naplog oJ a young, \\'~uiaq~w9.rking as an undercover agent for Huntington Beach police. The 17-year old gi rl, a recent Hun· tington Beach Hi gh School graduate, claims her li fe had been threatened by the men while she was arranging a "buy'' of narcotics. Police said they arrested the three men at a Beach Boulevard motel where the girl was allegedly threatened and held at knife-point. · Arrested were Joe Griffin. 21 . John Monarch, 25, and Richard Roe mer, 21. All gave 11850 Beach Bl vd., Stanton, as their address. -P.olk»-AkS a-fourth-1U1pect,-Gar:y-tim mons, of Westm lnsltr, escaped from the motel by jumping out a second story win- d-Ow. II conl('lcted as charged, all four would face a maximum penalty of · jife im· prisonment. " , The same girl was responsible for 18 of 28-arrest-warrants issued-prior-to---la week 's West Orange County roundup .. Police estimate she has also been responsible for 17 other arrests. The alleged motel roo m incidents oc- curred last Tuesday night before the ma· jor roundup , and police withheld in-- formation until late Thursday. "They told me they were going to give me an overdose of drugs to kill me." the girl told police, "and then throw my body by the side of a road. "I remained calm on the outside because I didn't want to give them any satisfaction," she said. "but the only thing that kept me going was knowing that the police·were wailing outside." The girl said that the four males had lured her to the motel room with a telephone offer to sell about $200 worth of heroin. Two police agents accompanied her to the motel and watched from a distance. "Our guys got suspicious when she went inside," said Sgt. Bert Chadwick, head or the Huntington Beach police narcotics division. "They told her in ad· vance not to do that." The girl told police that she only en· tered when one of the suspects threaten· ed her at knifepaint. She also said that despite the threats on her life, no harm had been done to her. The girl said that the two friends ar- rested the night before had used one of their phone calls from jail. to warn others. ''I admitted that I had helped ar- rest their friends," the girl said, "but I told them I only did it as part of a deal because police had caught me on a dope charge. I told them I was only trying to keep from going to jail myself." The girl said that when police ap- proached the motel the men saw them in the parking lot. "The moment l hea rd them say 'police outside,' I ran for the door," she said . She said she had cried quite a bit when It was all over. "I was still shaking the (Set KIDNAP, Page !) County Jurist • The ft Victim An Orange County Superior Q:rurt judge who is well accustomed to the presence o{ criminali in his courtroom found Thursdiy that ht had at least one In his parked car. Judge J. E. T. "Ned" Rutter of Newport Beach was the victim of intruders who removed county own· ed tape recorder s and casctles from his :iuto, parked In the be:se- ment or thf! OrangP. County Courthouse. Sheriffs orncen valued the loss at $73. The equipment was on loan to the judgr: from the court ad· mlnlstralOr end the t(;Wlty law library, .. . be able to· monilor each other's progrcsr,- compare notes, and -hopefully -arrive al the best all-year plan . The Ocean View School District, which has approved all-year operation al Crest View and "°'estmont schools beginning July 10, will use the "4S-15" plan of operation. This plan in volves staggerinR at- lendalice time to permit 1a 25 percent greater utilization or school buil~i.ngs. lt Begorrqh is also the only plan no\v legal in Cal ifornia. But an alternate plan, one that hasn't been tried any'i'•here in the country In 15 years, has been put forward by the Foun· tain Valley School District. ll \Viii involve nine-\veek class periods followed by three week vacation periods -as does the 45-15 plan -but lt will not have attendance times staggered. This will mean that everyone in the district will be in school at the san1e time · DAILY PILOT 51111 PIM"' and on vacation al the same time. But It will not permit th e 25 percent greater utilization of school facilities that the ~~ 15 plan does. School officials say the soonest Foun- tain Valley could implement its plan is July 1973. Officials in each district see ad- vantages to their particular plan. "Even though we're not technically overcrowded," said Ocean V i e w Superintendent Clarence Hall, "We think the 45-15 plan holds a lot for us . \\'e ilon'l absolutely need the extra space, but we sure will be able to use it.'' Under the ~5-15 plan, a sch&l's at- tendance area is divided into four quadrants, and the attendance lime of cb..lldren ln each area is staggered so that at aay given time, three groups will be in school and Qne group will be on vacation. Thus all school facilities are in use for 12 months out 9f the year rather than just nllle. Assum ing the same number of children. this opens up 25 percent more classroo1'n sp;ice. ··f\1any of our school~ lack adequat~ space for libraries. learning cenlrrs, enr ichment pro~rams. 11nd . for son1e types of Indi vidual instruction,'' Hail said. "1'here will be real and lmporl11nt educational benefits that will derive fron1 the extra space." Hall also noted that a 25 percent (See YEAll·HOUN I), Page%) Utilities Curbed But Pay Board Warns Raises Coming WASHINGTON I AP ) -The Price Commission today announced n e w , sharpened gt.idelines for utility rates but warned the nation that big increases will be necessary to pay for the· se rvice it wants. The regulations''plit limits on the rate of return that utilities may realize from increased rates, and added provisions re· quiring them to take into account in- creased productivity and to absorb labor costs that increase more than 5.S percent. N. Ireland Sees ·2 More Per:sans--Bie- Also, the commission made provi sions to hand over final authority on utility rate increases to existing regulatory bodies that come up with acceptable anti· inflationary policies. Commission Chairman _C~ Jackson Grayson Jr. said the regul ations would require reductions in some req~sted rate increases but not in others. lie had no estimate of how much utility ra tes might go up under the new rules. But he warned, "We urge the con- sumers or the nation to realize that when yo u demand service, you h1ve to pay for it. You don't gel something for nothing.'' He said that four days of public hear. ings on utility rates made it clear th at ~o.me lajge increases ar~ going to be ncccssRry lo continue "adequ·ate, safe and pollution·frcc services." Announremcnt of the new regulation.c; means the temporary freeze on rates or privately O\vncd ulililics will end on or tSe:e UTILITIES, Page %J Some Reward Dog Bites Ha1id That Saves Him A Huntington Beach mother and baby were saved from a $3,000 blaze at their home ahqrt!y-before-daMrtoday without injury, but fi~man Armando Gonzalez ·wasn't ao lucky. He bravely charged lnto lh! blazing garage to rescue the fami ly dog and BELFAST (AP) -Two mOre killings · was bitten on the hand for his trouble. have ushered in St. Patrick's Day in In vestigators said the lire originated when an electric blanket in the dog 's Northern Ireland ari1id reports of steadily basket shorted out . rising Protestant unrest and the c n-Fire Department personnel sald Mrs. Karl ~-Thom pson, of 1581 1 Sher- , · .. 0 • beck Lane, .was awakened about 5 a.m., by a passing newspaper dellverv glrJ -oequenHhre>h>l-m•li>timr-tor"tlre·i.r.--·-wfio"f)lOl tf<tlheorm-:· .. ------·-··-···----·--·--------''------·1-- rorism or the IRA's Roman Catholic A milkman making ·his rounds -also unidentlfied like the newsgirl - guerrillas. helped Mrs. Thompson get her six-week-old so n Chad to safety. A bomb exploded in a public lavatory Flremen quic kly brought the blaze under control before it spread from Thursday night in Lurgan, killing a l9-the garage to the adjoining home. ~ year-old woman. British troops found the body of a young man in a Catholic parish hall north or Belfast's Ardoyne distri ct, a stronghold of the underground Irish French Heroin Chemist Sure 'tis a foine sight on St. Paddy's day to see the likes of Bob Bren- nan looking as Irish as a sha mrock. Brennan, often dubbed the Lord Mayo~ of Mission Viejo, looks every inch the part in his dazzling green trappings tbat warm the cockles of every Irish heart:-'- Republican Army. He had been shot in the head , and the army said it was not in- volved in his dea th, _ . This brought the death toll to 278 in the province's religioos~warfare since August 1969. !Jetray-ed-by Rivals? The British also reported at least two 2 Controversial Clinics snipers wounded in a gunfight with troops on the outskirts of Beifast and said one was captured. Two other civilians were shot and wounded in Belfast, but the army sa id its On Beach Council Agenda men were nol lnvolved. Premier Jack Lynch of the Irish Republic demanded in a political speech that the British government immediately make public the concessions to the Two controversial clinics -one a massage parlor, the olher a weight reduc- ing salon -are listed on Monday night ·s agenda for Huntington Beach City Coun- cil action. The operator or the He and She licalth Club, a massage parlor at 17434 Beach Blvd., is asking for a rehearing in an ef· fort to get back his suspCnded city business license. Councilmen revoked the license March 6 after a hearing into the charges of im- moral conduct at the He and She Health Club. Rudy-Vozzo1a-1s requesting a busine ss license for the Goldenwest Clinic, a weight reducing salon at 16511 Golden West St. Councilmen had deferred granting a license pending the outcome of a police investigation of charges or false ad· vertising stemming from the clinic's previous-activities. 1 Catholics which it has been debating for Most of the items on Monday's agenda wee ks. appear to be fairly routine. Only three British Prime Minister Edward Heath public hearings are schdeuled. They are: said in a speech that these would offer -A change of zone from R-2 and R·3 the province's Catholic minority "a real <apartments) to R·l (single family) for and meaningful part in the taking of property on the south side or Prairie decisions which shape their future." Street, north of Warner Avenue. The item But the British newspaper The Guar- may be referred back to the planning dian reported that the army warned commission because of an error in hear-}leath "serious trouble involving signifi- ing notices. cant numbers of Protestants. would -An apcpal to planning commission almost certainly follow any sort" of ma· denial of a req uest to change the zoning jor concessions to the Catholics. on property along the west side of Golden No observance of St. Patrick's Day was We st Street, about l,200 feet south of planned today in the northern province, Tal bert Avenue. from R·A (residential, where Protestants outnumber Catholics agricu ltural) to R·J (a partments1. --~tw-.o to on~e.'--c--c---=-- -1\-nOUier appeal to a plarirling com-Mlormcr times, the Catholics paraded mission denial for a change of zone on in their villages and their districts of the property south of Ellis Avenue and west cities, but 811 parades -both Protestant of Huntington Street from ~12-0 (industrl· and Calholic -have been banned for al) to R2·PD (planned development, months because of the likelihood that ap,artments). they wou ld t.ouch off communal violence. Countian Keeps Trying MARSEILLE (AP) -Monsieur Jo, the legendary heroin chemist Fre~ch police caught Thursday in his secret laboratory with $25 million worth of drugs, may have been given away to· other dope ped· dlers. And 56-yea r-old Joseph Cesari, whom a U.S. agent in Marse ille once called "the finest of the fine old hands," may have been lucky to have been arrested. Reports circulating here say he was marked for death by gangsters who thought he turned in two local drug dealers he considered annoying com· petiton. Russ Waive Charges Against Assict ilant WASHINGTON tAP) -The Stale Department says the Soviet cmbaSlly has made it known it does not intend to press charges against a 17-year-old girl who poured blood over-the -head-of a Russian-- diplomat Wed nesday.· The high school student poured th e blood over Alexander F. Domakhin, a secretary in the em- ~ssy's cu ltural section, . during a diplomats' reception at Am er i c a n University, the State Department said. Traf fie Pullover Leads to Arr es t Jail Hard to Get Into Two men pulled ove"r bf Orange County Sheriff's officers for an alleged traffic in- fraction In the Sumet Beach area Thurs- day were pulled 1n to the Orange County Jail shortly afterward! whe11 deputies allegedly found a variety or dangerous drugs and marijuana In the car. Officers saJd beniedrine., Seconal and marijuana were found Jn the car occupied by Danny Eugene Jamerson, 28, of 10205 El CoraUJn, Fountain Valley, find Phll Gasnell Mountz, 26, Buena Park. Bolb m<n wtrt booked lnlo lh• jail on charges of possession of dangerous drugs for sale and l""'Wio• of marijuana. By·TOM BARLEY OQh. DIUr P'l .. I St~f Many of llii more than 200 inmates of the Orangt County JaiJ spend a lot of . their. tlme OOhind bars pondering the possibil ity or f!scape. They would be intrigued today lo learn that a co@icted d.('1,1g offender Is won- dering if .lit" will ever be. able to get in and joh~ir number. He is Steven Dal• MlJltr and he made hi.! first attempt to doa the disUnctlve Orange County Jau garb Ftb. 22. M.iller had been 1enlenctd lo 90 days In jaU by l Superior Court Judge William Murray and the 23-yr:ar-old Bur:na Park man was enxlous to start serving that sentenct. But jail officials pointed out they didn 't have thre appropriate paper work, Miller was sent away and told to contact hls at- torney. M.lller wen! b•ck 10 Deputy Public Defender Gale Hickman and the palr went back to Judge Murray to sort out what 1ppeartd to be a bureaucratic log jam between !he coortrooln and !ht coun- ty Jan. They eot 1 new dolt, Marcb 14, and ' \ • Miller again presented himself at the county jail. No dice. Jail offi cials k,-iew nothing of Steven Dale Millar or his 9lkl1y ja il term and they again sent him back to his lawyer. "Jt'11 kind of like trying to get Into Fort Knox," Hickman said. "But t1m going to take Ste~e Into court with me 11galn today and maybe he'll strike th ird limt lucky or have, thr: luck of tht lrl~h or aomcthlna. •· M 11 I e r hopes .so. Like h,. uy1, Ir he had go! lnlo jail in !he first pl•ct he'd only have another 66 days to let Vt. • L Police told a, news conference today • that Cesari's arrest and the dismantling of his laboratory ca me after a long in- vestigation which culminated In the raid Thursday afternoon on the Villa Suza nne in Aubagne, a Marseille suburb and th e headquarters of the Foreign Legion. Inside the villa, the raiders said they found a young married couple and their 4-year-old son, who were fronting for Cesari. But looking further, they discovered the rudimentary lab and In a closet 220 pounds of heroin in 10 pac kets -two weeks' productio n. Cesari was arrested in the same suburb In 1964 with the same amou nt of heroin and went to prison for seven years. He told , the officers who arrested him Thursday: "It's a tragedy. I was going t~ close down the lab and retire to the coun- try." Or ange Coast Weathe r Prospects or nice weather at the beaches this weekend are pretty slim according to the weatherman. Low clouds and fog will dominatr: the OranRe Coast scene. Jflghs around 68 rising to 72 Inland. Lows 55. INSm E TODAY It's spring and the &wallows art returning. DAILY Pll..OT sUJ.ff writer John Vatttrza rt· views tht pbtnomenori that made So11. Ju.an Capistrano lht "Jewel of !hr. J1.11sslonJ.'' See to- doy 's iVttkcncler. L. M. t 1ri I tt•llftl JI C1t1for11l1 J ci.111ttM ii•,.. Comic.' )4 Cr.uwt•ll ,. Oelltl Nollet.I II 111119•1•1 ,_ • 1'1 ... ll(t 11·11 ... "" •tc•,.. 11 Mt~MC:tflt 14 "'"" llMtn U M1!IM• I Mtvlt.t tNI Mllhll l llllMt • Nllklftll NOW• ' 0.•~•• C*wftl1 11 ft01i.11t•~" 11'11 ,,,,1. ''"'' fl '"''' 16-lt '*" Ml•lttll n-ti TtltYltl•• H ,......... n-Jl Wtt!Mt ' W•-·, .. ,.... ,,.,, Wetlll New' 4 WHltflftr »11 ' ' . •! DAIL V PILDT Valley Asks Edison Pay Line Costs Fountain Valley wants the l-'Ost iJ1o. volved In moving private electrical lines undergrou nd absor bed by the Southern ""talirornli 'EClison Comi>any rather than the private owners of the properties in- volved . According to Wayne Osborne city pu blic works di rector. the Edison Com· pany is now required to use two percent CJf its gross revenues toward un- dtrgrounding public power Jines. The city also wants that two percent to be applied toward placing wires to private properties underground. The money is presently used for plac- ing new lines underground a1ong public rights-of-way. The placement of underground lines is required eventually in all downtown, civic and recreational areas or Fountain Valley. One underground area has been e-0m- pleted on Slater Avenue, between Llls AJamos and Brookhurst streets. There were no private lines involved in the work there. Frld1y, Mvch 17, 197! The area on Euclid Street between Warner and Edinger avenues, is now under construction for undergr(lund wires. No problems wi th private wiring are expected there according to Osborne. Two Against One But Osborne does see co mplications arising when work begins on Brookhurst Street between the San Diego Freeway and Warner Avenue. Bill Ficker's chances of being th"e first America's Cup defender to win Long Beach Yacht Club's Co ngressional Cup were dimmed Thursday when he accidentally tacked and forced D~nnis Conner's Cal-40 (right) jnto comnUttee boat. Ficker abanddned the race after-having lost the opener to Doug Rastello of Long Beach. (For details see Boating, Page 20.) This is a downtown area and many private lines will .be affected. The purpose of the city's action was to alleviate costs that would be charged to the priva te property owners. Osborne admitted that an Increase in power rates may result. Varied Programs Planned At~ Beach, Valley YMCAs ·· West County.' s United Crusade Drive A Success Youth programs In everything from -A tiny tots (pre·school through early speed reading to judo will be offered grade sc hool aged children ) swimming beginning next week through the Hun-program in Fountain Valley High The West Orange County United tington Beach and Fountain Valley YM· School's heated swimming pool. The Crusade has become the only charity CAs. purpose is to train yo ungsters for the drive in the coun ty to exceed its 1972 Highlights of the various programs in-long sun1mer month around "'ater. goal. elude: -Guitar lessons (minimum age 9 The $.510,500 collected was 100. l percent years ) from beginning through advanced. ()f the campaign goal. and 12 percent Each student must provide his or her higher than the 1911 tally. Study Ordered own guitar. This success was celebrated at the an· -Surfboard riding lesS(}ns for an hour nual Awards and Installation Banquet each Saturday morning. More than 750 het<flastweekaooarcrtne Queen Mary in -on Mead.ow-lar·k _._ooys and girls paf(icip;ited last year. Long Beach. -Speed reading classes designed to in- Conner eon,cott of Westminster, the crease reading rates by three to 10 times 1971 campaign Chairman, was installed as Air' port Offer• while at the same time increasing un-president, succeeding Jack Feehan who b derstanding. rE'tiring after a two year term. Other programs include: creative arts The Woman of the Year award went to County officiaJs are studying an offer and crafts, boys .and girls s~ to nine Mrs. __ 1!!£i!Jrll.._IDllJ.eJID_.oL .. EOlllltlin __ JDade..J>y __ IJle__owner of .• Mudowlar.lc--·.Y·ears,_model...building. boys eight to "Vaffey. Airj>ort to sell ·his Huntlngoon Beach twelve; pre-school classes, two mornings Several special awards were presented operation to the county for $75,000. a week, children two to four years; at the banquet. Among those cited from County airport commissioners ordered physical fitness including swimming, Huntington Beach were : the retail the study this week and .asked for a Saturday mornings. boys and girls in di vision of Zody's ; Handyman ; the Air report as soon as possible. , grades three through six ; creative dance, Force Contract Management at McDon· Aviation Director Robert Bresnahan girls all ages , beginning intermediate. nell Douglas Astronautics ; Ocean View said : "We need to know what we would and advanced levels: judo, boys and girls School pistrict; Bill Maxey Toyota; be getting for $75,000." six to 15 years old ; karate, boys and girls Beach C~ty Dodge; and Do1;lthy Feehan: John Turner, the operator of the n:iinimu.~ age 12 : and creative stitchery, Also cited .wer~ !h.e Zody s of Fountain · airport Says his lease on the land expires girls m1n1mum age 9. Valley retail d1v1s1on and the Naval in less than three years, but the c(jUnty YMCA officials said that in order to Weapons Center, Seal Beach. can acquire a 25·year lease after that. keep class sizes small, advanced From Page 1 KIDNAP ... next morning," she said. Chadwick said he was surprised that tlle suspects "were so foolhardy as to at- tempt such an operation. It is rare when informants and undercover agents are not protected. A policeman is nearby from the time assignment is accepted un- til long after all of the drug suspects are convicted and sentenced. "Protection of citizens who come forward to assist us ls primary," Chadwick said, "Everything else ts secondary." OlANWI COAST •• DAILY PILOT Tht O"'"Ofl Cot1I OAlL Y PILOT, Wlff'I ~~ 11 <.ombi"'d ttie N•WJ·Preu, It pubHt.hed b'( 11\t Or11not COilJI Pub/111\!flO CornPf11r. Se111• l'"lle rdltio~s ere publ1$1\ed, MONfty fhtOYD" Frld1y, l1>r '°''' Meu, Ntwporf , lie.ell, Hun11ngfon 8eecti/Faunteln Vtllt'f, 'Lefl,J!'le lle~c~, lr.1n.t/S1ddle<bi!Q9.Mlrf S111 Cltmenlef Sen Juan Cepl1Tr1no. A 1l119le reglontl fll:IHion I~ i;ubllihti:I Stlu~tY9 •nd Suri<11yi. 'Tiie prl~c•atl '°ubli$h/ng PWillf Is t i 3.)) Wttl 8~'( Street, CO\tt Meu, Ctllfornlt, t2'U., Jleb,rt ~. Weed Presf(!tflt •1'111 Pub!bW Ja e.~ R.. Cu,Jey V(tt Prtsl!lmt Incl Ge11et1I MlfttgW l ham11 K.,.,;i f t:l1or Tllo"'•• A. Mur11hi11.t . Mt,,.Qlrtg fclotor C~trf•r H. Loe' !Uc.h erd P. Nill Au.1111111 M1n111t1c1 EdJrott Terry CoYlll• , Wttl OrtnQI Coun1y Editor • Hu•thtttM lffQ OHfce 17175 l11c:h l11,1l1v11"11 Milling Add,..11: P.O. lei 790, t26•1 OtMr Off'tc• 1 ltgun. 8Mtll; 2n FllrMI Avtr'11,19 C.Ottt Mts1; 31) Wt11 .. , StrMt Ne~rr ltltl'I: :DD H~ loul""fll 611'1 CJttl'\tfllt : 30S Nortf\ £! Ctl'nlflO RMI ' T-'•flli ... 17f4J 642.CJZt Cl-fflff Alv9'tlt1., 642-1171 ,rMI frtlf9; Ol't1ttt G-ty CtlllllllHlllMt 140·1220 (oovrltht, tt71. o,..,.._ Cefl.I l"ublttfllr\f COl!IH"'f· N• flf;WI •torlti&, J~11t.,fl"'11, ed1IOl'ltl 11\111111' et' .., ... .,.,1,_,. ~ .... i.. m•r be ttonldU<H •ITl'llWI SP«lfl ~· mtt.•IOft ef C011Yt lOll1 ~. ~ d ttl OOt .... Nd •' Hfwflflt'f lt•C~ trlll CMll MtM, C1llftr"lf , SllbttT10!•M .-, ur,,., u.•s ,_"''Y' llY '"•II sJ.n rNflltlly-1 mlllltry ••llM!il"I 12.•S -!~I~. Turner, in a le tter to the.county. tw:o ~.registration is required. Call !47.-YMCA weeks ago, blamed rising property taxes for additional registration or information. for making it nearly impossible to con· tinue the private ope.ration of Meadowlark. The airport is for private planes. lt is one of four airports for private planes in Orange County. School Trustees Pass Resolution Against Busing A resolulion opposing the busing of school children to achieve ethnic ~r racial balance was passed unanimously and without comment this week by trustees of the Huntington Beach City (elementary) School District. They .ordered a copy or the resolution forwarded to Huntington Beach represen· ta tives in the state Legislature. Deputy Superintendent Charles Palmer explained after the meet ing that the board probably took action in connection with the so-called Wakefield Amendment. an initiative measure that has not yt t qualified for the California baltoL "It's not ethical for public bodies to lake stands on init iati ve movements." Palmer said. "but the board wanted to put its feel ings on the record ." The resolution .does not refer to the Wakefield Amendment. From Page 1 UTILITIES ... btfore March 25. Grayson said the com- mission would take final action on all of the u' Increases before it within 10 days. Froua Page 1 ' YEAR-ROUND .. grea ter utilization of space will allow a 25 percent savings on new construction costs. "If we had gone to this syste m io years ago. we could have saved construction costs on six schools worth about $1 million each.'' When compound interest is figured onto that cost payment schedule over ~ years, the real savings to local taxpayers would be well over $10 million. Hall said. The plan in Fountain Valley involves nine-week class sessions and three-week breaks -just like the 45-15 plan does - but the attendance times will not be stag- gered. "That litUe difference may not sound like much," said Superintendent Michael Brick, "but we can see some real ad- vantages to it." Brick visualizes usi ng those three we~ks between sess ions for optional enrichment units that would be of high interest to students. but would not fit into the regular cu rricul um. "'t'hree weeks would be jus• about the right amount of time to produce a play, or conduct a course in photograph y darkroom techniques, or maybe build a computer of some kind ," Brick said. "These units would be designed to ex c· ite studenls, to make school reaHy fun for them." On another subject, Grayson attacked Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz for statements "damagjng to the stabiliza- tion program." Brick has proposed special incentives for teachers-based on how many students attend their enrichment classes. "If this idea worked out," Brick fia id, "klds might even .. be eager for vacation for a different reason than they normally are. They might want it to come so they could J get into these spec Jal classe~." _ Brick is hopeful of inaugurating his plan within a year, thou&t1 he wUI need special state approval tor 1t. Butz has been applauding rising farm pricts and vowing to fight any attempts lo control them. Raw agricu ltural pro. duels aren't·under price guidelines. Grayson, • s k e d abou t Bu tz' statt- ments. s a i d he was so disturbed by them that he had typed out • statement before today's news con!erenct . ' "The 45-15 plan was designed primaril y to relieve overcrowding," Brick said. "Our plan is designed to use year-round 1choollng to a little different advantage. Since Ocean View is going to be righl next door on the 4S.IS plai:i, It should be very Interesting because 've'll bt able to pront by each others' experience.". • • Drug Cases Many of 63 Suspects in Roundup Charged Court arraignment continued today for many among 63 arrestees rounded up in a series of Costa Mesa police raids engineered Jn an attempt to smash the iupply of drugs circulating loca lly. Thre~ teams hit more than 40 Or~ge Coasf locations overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday. The fi rst haul netted 54. persons. follow- ed by six more ind ividuals taken int.o custody Wednesday night . Investiga tors had obtained warrants charging the bu lk of the defendants wi th sales of narcotics, dangerous drugs, or marijuana. A few of those arrested only happened to be present when ra id teams paid formal calls, climaxing a three-month probe allegedly involving scores of drug purcha ses. Detective Sgt. John Regan, supervisor of the raids originating with strictly local police investigation said the volume of heroin and cocaine encountered was an alarming surprise. Balboa Blvd., Newparl Beach; Mich;iet Criger, 20, of 1321 W. Bay Ave., NewPort Beach, Ronald D. Horrell , 21, of 2211'1 Avocado St., Costa Mesa, and Robert J. Azensky, 24, of 2265 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa. Also. Ceorie T:r"1e er, J . orfiriOM. f\.1ugica, 35, Donald J. Zeitler. 21, and Richa rd P. Gonzales, 29, all of 1045 W. Balboa Blvd., NewPort ;'Susan L. Dunlap, 19, of 574 Joann St., Costa Mesa, and \Villia m l-1. Blanco. 23, Long Beach. Also, Rlcha rd S. ChaSe. 20, Trevor F. Ham pton, 26, and Ronald C. Payne, 20, of 1989 Anahe im Ave., Costa Mesa; ~1ichael F. Clark. 18, and Mara L. Privett. 18, both of 2321 Santa Ana Ave., CA;>sta Mesa, and Roger W. Shively, 23, San Francisc o. Also. Donald H. Campbell, 19, and Ruth M. Barnes, 20, both of 873 Congress St., Costa Mesa: Ronald and Patricia Lavalley, both 23, of 327 Avocado St., Costa Mesa : Da le L. Hahs, 20, of 1662 Orchard Ave., Santa Ana Heights, plus C\lfrord L. Partlow. 20, and Joyce C. Partlow, 19. both of 8772 Enloe Ave., Garden Crove. Also, Danny J. Rivera, 29, of 10241 l-la zard Ave., Garden Grove; Keith F. Taylor, !! of 13452 On_!~rio Drive, Garden-Gro ve: Jfoberl J. Br oe 1e. 8, o Mesa Del Mar ; Gregory D. Schwartz, 20. of 11911,l Ne wport Blvd., Costa Mesa, and Gregory W. Altme.ver, 21, ef La Habra. Also. Tin1othy R. Grave lle, 23, and Ronald J. Gravelle. 22, of 1848 Illinois St, Costa J\lesa: Dona ld J . Pilger. 20, of 146 Y..1 E. 21st St .. Costa ~1esa: Gary B. Charon, 19. Thomas M. Thayer, 20, Roy D. Branson. 21, and Chris Pe t ers on, transient s. Also, Eddie S. ~fcLeese, 21. and Alfred Gliotione Jr., 23, of 1887 Monro via Ave ., Costa Mesa. In addition there are 21 juveniles from Costa Mesa , Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, Westminster and La Habra. Virtually every type of drug on the ii· licit market has been purcha sed by agents in homes, on street corners and at _ favorite yo uth hangouts. The inciden ce of heroin and cocaine - both costly and classifed as harder drug~ -indicates an upswing in availability and potential increased addiction police fear. Harbor Judicial District Court judges set bail at $12 ,500 for most arrestees Psychiatric Test 01·dered For State Higl1way Agent charged as dealers, but the figure could A 90-clay psychiatric evaluation \ras be reduced when they are arraigned. ordered Thursday for a state i'ighl-of·'o\.'ay "Most of them will be going in today.'' said Detective Capt. Robert Green. agent who admitted soli citing a bribe No special procedures for mass ar-from a Costa Mesa tire shop owne r raignments are in effect. whose premises stand in the path of a A total of 21 minors charged are either proPosed freeway. in Orange County Juvenile Hall or have been released to their parents pending Orange County Superior Court Judge bearings. • William Murray deferred sentencing of Bail does not apply to juvenile offenses. Robert Aden Nichols Jr., 44, Anaheim, Adult prisoners - r.anging from 18 to pending his study cf the report he 35 years in age -are eithe r in Orange .• C:o.1:ll1tY Jail or free on bail, pending ar· ordered prepared by Chino prison ra1grunent. psychiatriSts. Defendants accused of act ually selling Nichols admitted last Feb. 18 that he or offering to sell drugs to undercover told tire shop owner Donald Swedlund he police officers er special informant-would write a hardship letter to state of- agents will ultimatey be prosecuted in ficials most likely to listen to the Orange County Superior Court. businessman 's plea that his business Sheer volume of paperwork and uncer· would suffer a severe blow if the Newport tainty whether some suspects still sought Freeway ran its allotted route. knew of imminent arrest initially caused Nichols offered his serv ices in return problems in listing adults in custody. 'for $1 ,000 and a set of tires for his wife 's Thty incl udt : car. Swedlund waited until the state of- Larry J. Simmons , 20, Gregg L. ficial left his shop and then advised Costa the path of freeway develo pment with. a view lo sharing their state relocation compensation. Those charges were dismissed when he pleaded guilty to the infraction reported by Swedlund. Two of the three men arrested wiUi Nichols on multiple allegations contained In an Orange County Grand Jury in· dictment have been ordered to return March 24 for sentencing. Matthew---Bromberger, 19, and Stephen A~ Pugner. 22, both of · 17675 .Santa Cristobal. Fountain Valley. have pleaded guilt y to charge s of conspira·cy to commit grand thef t. The a!legalions stem fro1n their role in occ up ying the Fountain Valley home v>'h ich stands in the path of the proposed Huntington Beach free1vay. Charges aga inst Nic)lols' son, Robert Aden Nichols III, ha.ve been dropped. Pancake Event Set Boothney. 22. and Douglas W. Comstock, Mesa'police of the offer and wrote 8 let- 21, all of 1343 Baker St ., Costa Mesa: ter detailing the incident to state Sen . An "All You can Eal for a Dollar'' pan- Greg L. Jordon, 19, of 871 ~nora Road, Dennis Carpenter. ca ke br eakfast will be hosted by the Y~l· Costa Mesa ; Gary .w. Tannehill, 20, .of Nichols face~ a state prison.te_nn of one CA from 8 a.m. to noon this Satu!"rlay at Mesa Court •.. u.c Ir-vine campus, and Vic---to -14---yea-rs-if----the psychiatnc-report--Murdy-Park-lnHuntingtonBeaCfi. tor F. Caldercn, 25, of 1129 E. Balboa permits court action on his plea of guilly. Maximum charge is $4 per family, so Blvd., Newport Beach. He was also acCused on arrest of that families "'ith more than four Also, Ronald L. Wendt, 26, of 310 E. persusading Jnd.duals to rent homes in members can all eat for that price. ~~ -· ......... ... Everything looks lovelier the minute • arrives • • • Marchesa the elegant Italian touch by Drexel ·-- Put • table, • commode or a desk from this great collection in any room, and suddenly you have elegance! Marchesa by Drexel brings you this legacy of love line ss from the Roman palaui of centuries ago to brighten the corner where you ere. - DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE -KARASTAN . I ~ TORRANC! INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 23649 H•wthorno 91¥11. 1212• J7a.127t o,... Pn4., 'tfl t ,,_, .. !•11•1 l11t.,.l•t o .. tt•tn Anll .. l.._.ID-NSID Plt•11• l•lf ,,... Mittt .t 0htllf• Ct111ty 140·1261 3.U North Co11t Hwy. 494-6551 NEWPORT BEACH 1727 Wtstcllff Or., 642·2050 OPIN P.llDAY 'TIL t . . . • ,. Fr1dl!, M1rcll 17, 1~2 . H DAIL V PILOT 3 President Asks Congress to Halt New B~sing By Jo~RA1''X COR'1~l£R further Court-ordered busln&. \\'ASHINGTON 1AP) -Pr~ident :\"ix· In . atldltlon to cnJllng for I he on l'orm ally asked Congress today tu moratoriu1n. Nixon propqsed n ne\v equal block for a year all fu rther pupil-bu.sing educational opportunities Jay,· that ~·ould Clrders by the federal courts wh ile chaMel special federal aid to sc hool s Congress v.Testles "''Ith long-range pro· 11•ith a large enrolhnent -over 30 per· posuls to equ:ilize 1hc quality of educat ion c.·ent -fron1 poor farn i\ies. in all schools. 'fhe ai11ount or aid 1\·ou!d totnl about rn an a,@"Wo rcJ special message. 11X:--f2"3 billion and w~uld a1!1ount 10 roughl y (Ill recon1n1ended that a moratorium on $300 for each pupil comi ng rro1n a poo r ne1,•: bu sing rl'rria ln in effect until July I. family. . • . 1973 -or unti Congreiis acts on broader Befo;.e sending hi~ ml'_Ssag~ t_o Capllol J('gis lat ion at so rnc ('a rlil·r datt HHL Noton held a morning \\ hil e ~tousl' 'rhe chief e.tel·uti\"e st1 id hr is r.:011-1·onferen re \~ilh the Democrat ic and \·inced the Senate and !louse ha1·e the Republican leadership of the Senate and l'O nslitutionH I p:>wrr. under the 14th Jlouse. Amend1nrn1 . lo call a il'IHporary halt 10 Thr nlC'S!iage "as a lollo"'-up to a --1 tele1·lslon·radio address Thursda}' night in wh ich he argued that his proposals ""·ou!d focus our efforts "'here they really belong -(111 bfitter educallon for all of our children rather than on n1ore bu:iilng for some of our children." In his message to Congre ss. Nixon argued that his recommendat1011s ''li.•ould not roll back""lhe Constifullon , or undo the great advances that have been made in ending school· segregation, or UJldermine the continuing drive for equal rights:· l!c said .. this aammlstration means \\'hat it says about dismantling racial barriers, about opening up jobs and hous- ing and schools and opportunity lo all Americans." WAS GIGI, THE CIVILIZED WHALE, LOOKING FOR A HANDOUT OF SQUID? Htrt Sht Moseys About San Clemente Pitr Whitt Scientists Debate tht Issue Gigi Visits • ID County In advanet or the messagt, ~any obstr\•ers ~'ondered ho\\' i~on \-ould go about ras hlo'nii1g a bu.sing moratorium "·lthout rls~k lng successrul challenges to his plan in the reder al t.'Ourl s. 'l'he President noted that 'the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. under v.·hich school desegregation cases ba\•e arisen . specUically empowers Congress "to enforct, by appropriate legislahon, the provisions of this article." He \rent on ' "'t.:ntil no~·. enforcement has been left largely to the courts -~·hich ha\'e operated within a limited range ()f a\·allable remedies, and in the limited Official Believes context of caae law nther than of statutory lalY . ··1 propost that the COnsress 'lOw ac- cept the responalbllity end use the authority given to it under the 14th Amendment to clear up the confusion u·hich contradictory court orders ha\'c created and to establi!h reasonable na· tlonal standards:" --- The t•th Amendment, ratified in 1863, 1.s designed to guarantee all cltizens "the equal protection of the lav.·s" and gives Congress the power to carry out this and other provisions "by appropriate leglsla· lion.·• The proposed equal educational o~ portunities law would bar any state or Men Working No Welfare Aid By L .PETER KRIEG 01 the D1ily Pllel Sllfl The \\"e\farc mess \\·on't be solved by making the able-bod ied men go to "·ork because only one percent of those on \1 elf are are able-bodied men. the director uf the ~atlonal Association of Social \\'orkers said Thu rsday. Chauncey Alexa nder, \\•ho runs the 55.®member group . made the declara· lion al a press confe ren ce at the ~e\vporter Inn as part of his nalioll\\'ide pitch to gel President Nixon 's proposed welfare reform bill amended. Alexande'r · and the N7'.S\\1 want an1endments to the bill that V.'(luld add on $4 billion in costs to the $8.9 billion pro· gram . But Alexander claims the citizenry \1ould save in the long run. ·•\\"e're mortgagi ng the fu ture" doing it lhr 11·ay the Administration 1rants to do it." Ale;..;ander says. He said NAS\V "'ants to establi sh "a basic set of social services like adoption services, child "·elfare and day care for lhe disabled" guaranteed for every 1\merican. cent. are children, Ale:i1:ander said. Another 19 percent are mothers. Of the remainder. 16 percent are the aged and nine percent are either blind er disabled . Solou Seeki1ig Bra,1id 'D' Mark On Drunks' Cars SACRAMENTO (UPI) -lf Sen. Arin Gregorio has his way. Ctlnvicted <!ruuken drivers will suffer the same consequences as Hester Prynne, the condemned adulteress in Nathaniel Hawthorne's book "Scarlet Letter." Under a bill introduced Thursday by the San Mateo Democrat, persons con- victed of drunken driving v,.ould be re- quired to display a bi g "D" on any vehi· cle they drove for the next six months. locality from denying equal educational opportunity to an>' person btcall9l> t;I race. color or national origin. It y.·ould esttlbllsh priorities for a~ plying remedies to schools that are re- quired to desegregate, "with busing to bo rtqulrtd onJY as a last resort, and then ooly under strict.limitations.'' The legislation also would ''provide for !he concenlration or federal S· hool·aid funds, specifi cally on thr areas of greatest educationnl need. in a "'ay and in sufficient q uantllle~ so they can have ii real and sub.sta nlial irnpncl in term s of imprO\'ing lhe educa11on of children lro1n poor families.·· 'Pastor' Held 111 Deaths Of 5 Women BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP! -A ,.tf. ordai ned 1ninister. \\•ho police: said ap- parently met hi!" victim s while preaching in churches and on street corners. wa:i charged toda y "'Ith fi \"e counts of murder in the so-called "bra n1urders" 11long the f\l er rilt Park\\'ay. Benja1nin Frankli n :'11iller Jr., 42;ye ar· olC: mail ca rrier, 1\·as named In a warrant iss ued by Superior Court Judge Irving Levi ne. t.tiller, v.•ho Is \\'hite. is accused or beating and strangling five black women. three of '.\'horn were strangled with their own brassieres. "It is believed Miller met his vlctims while he preached as a guest minister In churches In the Norwalk and Stamford area, as well as his 'street corner' senn(lnS i.n the area ,·· said State Police Commissioner Cleveland B. Fuesse.nich and Stamford Police Chief Joseph Kinsella . ~·tiller. ~'ho is married and has onr. child , recently took a 30..day leave <1f absence from the Darien Post Office to en ter a state mental Institution. , Cl "The administrat ion 's bill redu ces Mixed-up Whale Drciivs Big Cro ,wd at Sa1i e111e1ite sen·iceswilh•u t resardt•n•e<l ."h•said. lie contended 11 "'Ill lead to social In Ha,vthorne's book about ~ew England during the Puritan era, Hester Prynne v.•as ordered to wear a scarlet cn1broidered letter "A .. on her dress. According to V(lting records, he is a native of Aurora, 111. t.liller. '.\'as taken th is morning from the Fairlield State Hospital in Newtown to the Stamford Police station, where he \\'as booked. By JOIIN \I Al.TERZA Of ,~. 0•111 f'lltl $J•ft 'fhe relaxed . someMmes capri..::ious __ m_ anunal, arrived al the.pier al.da"'-"n and immediately started dra'.\•ing a cro\l'tl Gigi, Sea World's California gray v.·hale released from c~pfivlty early this "·eek to fend for herself. dropped in at the fian Clc.menle piC'r Thursday and n1ade a spectacle of herself. Then she hended north beyond Dana Point· on \vhat her former keepers call a -~-mgnificant push north to1vard the Bering Sea. She '.\'as reported swimming north today at a leisurely pace in th e company of t"·o other yearling \\·hales: But as each day in lhe odyssey of Gigi progresse~ controversy surrounds her chances for survival. Navy experts said Thursday afternoon that !he 27-foot-long, radio-equ ipped whale, has a 60·percent chance of makin& it. But few an1ong the scores of onlookers at the San Clemente pier Thursday give her a chance despite the pledges by the experts. * * Wliale Eati1ig, ' Reports Sito-iv Gigi is eating, her mentors said th.Le; morning. And that's !hi'! best ne1\1S that has been learned about the famous behemoth since she \vas released from captivity earlY this v.·eek. Spokesmen "' Sea \\'orld in l\Iission · Bay this morning said that Gigj·~ airborne trackers saw definite signs (If elimination from the whale during her appearance in San Clemente Thursday. Today's edition of the chase will be done with a fixed-wing aircraft instead ot a helicopter. The switch In craft means that the scientists from the aquatic park and tbl" U.S. Navy will oe aLle to stay airborne longer. Of gra\'e ct1ncern to the researchen is "'hether Gigi ls expe1t enough in her new, 1trange environme:it to find her ou·n lood. Apparently, :iihc is learning fast. For several hours after sunrise she lolled just out side the surtlinc and s\\·an1 in slo\V circles. coming close enoug h to lhe do1l·ncoasl side of the pier that <'It Limes she touched pilings. But all that changed at about 11 a.m. when a vessel from Dana 1-larbor tirrived with San Cleinen!e High School '.\larine Studies Instructor Phil Grignon abo;ird . By then a cro\1•d of about 60 persons \Vere personally ln\'olved 11·ith the mam- 1nal and the sudden "whaling ex pedition·• was greeted with hoots. catcalls and (la\hs shouted sea"·ard from the pier. "Get ()Ut of here. damn1it, and g()()d riddance," said one angry wo1nan onlooker. shaking her fist. At that point Gigi. apparently flu ste red by the noisy vessel abover her, headed away from the pier toward an offshore kelp bed and sulked there. Grignon and the vessel ga,·e chase amid m(lre hoots from the pier, then the beleaguered observation craft left the area. Things settled dO\\'n again and aboul ~5 minutes later Gigi made a final pass at the pier . givi ng onlookers a un ique vic1r of a gray "'hnle \1·ho scczns unh ur rie d in her apparent northv:ard n1igrat ion. By then offic ials from Sea \\'orld and the Naval L'ndersea Research Cenler ar- rived . l\loments later Ciigi hightailed it 10 a reef to the north . Radio tracking devices and spot ter~ from a Navy helicopter kept tabs on her course. At about 2 p.m .. with the fog moving in steadily. Gigi headed past Dana Point. She still lingered off the Orange Coast today. pinpointed by bleeps from her electronic backpack . The appearance in San Clemente fill ed an overnight gap 1n tracing her whereabout:ii. "\Ve think that the distance she covered in one night is significant," said Sea \Vorld aide Roger Stevenson. "Ifs too soon to be sure about her chances but it looks good at this point :· he said. Lollling in the daylight hours is natural for Gigi, who Is not your avei'age v.·hale . Cockfights, Tax Woes: Read It All on Sunday Cockllghtlng Is bloody, brulal, cruel a.nd illegal but it sUll goes on In Orange C:Ounty and neighboring jurisdictions, as you will learn In this \\'eek's Sunday Special report in lhe DAILY PILOT by Sunday Editor Alan Dlrkin, The so-called gambling aniusement in--· \'Olves pitting two birds against each other tb1t have been· fitted with special steel claws to inflict death. Aten &amble on wh ich cock will be the survivor. Oirkin ex plores the status of the pr;ic· lice and tells about the men \\1ho raise birds for lhl.s blood sport. Don 't miss bis Sunday Special report. Another Sunday arlltle will tell about the plight or an ordina ry citiien trying to figu re out his Income t1:s ~!011' ca n he U·heri two out of three consult.inls can't agree ? In the feature story lesding off ihc "YOU" .section (Page C.I ), Terry Coville. DA£LY PILOT \Vest Orang!!: County editor. rtveals his income tax confusion ... - He got three dl[ferent oplnlom -all dlf- rerent -on how much he o\\·es Uncle Sam. One or the top sports stories Sunday i~ bound to be tht! detailed account o( the Southern Counties Track l\teet. the big In- vitational to be held at ltunllngton Beach High School Saturday altornoon. It is trad llkinAlly ont' of the biggest early season track cvent.J in the United Stotts and one or the high point:ii or !ht meet. or course, "'ill be the determinat ion of the winning miler. . . . . revolution that will be far more C(lstly She ha s spent a year 111 caphv1ty. lh lh ·' 11 . lh 1 , Id be l · · · I · h S "' 1.1 SQ e uo a1 s a "ou spen sw11nm1ng-in-..ci.r:c es in er ea nor u -unOeflhe KASW a1nen mentS. - lank.. Alexander ba cks up his clai m that only Son1 e exper1 s believe she has1f t learned one percent of wel fare is paiCI to "able- cnough to survive in the se&. Others bodied" men b~· maintaining t h e believe she 'll make It. statisli cs come from the U.S. Depart- But one thing which might hurl her ment of J·lealth. Education and \\relfate. chances significantly, Stevenson said. is He said he couldn't say if Orange Coun- curious sightsers pursuing her in po1ver ty cgndltions are the same~ 'boal s. The biggest group on \Velfare. 55 per- Fron1 tl1e Continental Luxury MARI( IV To the • import sexy economy • • • Johnso11 & son Gregorio said he plans later to amend his bill so the penalty is not so punitive. Tie-said a one-mofiffi -diSJ:!Iii Of ~'U" 1night be adequate punishment. 1'he "0", which Gregorio suggested '''ould measure eight by 11 inches, '.\Ou\d be fixed to the front and rear of any vehi· cle the driver operated after conviction. The convicted driver also would have a bright red "D" stamped oil his dfiver's license by the court. of • • • of the • • • He Wa5fhe.n iaken to Bridgeport for ar:- raignment and was held without bond in the Community Correctional Center to a\vail grand jury action . The murders occurred between May 3, 1968, and Aug. 22, 1971. The.bodl<1 of the five women were found Jn \l{oods along . the Merritt Parkway jn 1he.....Stamford area. CAPRI 2000 and 2600 V 6 has them all • • • • LINCOLN • MERCURY e MONTEGO • COUGAR • COME1' ' • PANTERA IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUY YOURS TODAY! •onmge Countri'• ramilw of Fint Co.r~ ohnson & son ll NICJIN 2626 HARBOR BLVD ., COSTA MESA • 640-5630 , Home 01 The New Car ••• ''Golden Touch'' . 1 \ I • 4 DAILY PILOT Scarlet Letter ' For lirunks? SACRAMENTO CALLING: Did you catch the news Item about one or our northern state senators who has decided what must be done to cope with drunken drivers upon our highways and byways? Label 'em. that's what he decided. Senator Arlen Gregorio, a Democrat from up arou nd San Mateo, has decided enough fs enough In having all these motorists careening around lhe roadways after they've dipped too deeply into the juice of !he grape. So Gregorio took a page from the no\·el · of Nathaniel Hawthorne, who wrote about a lady forced to wear a scarlet "A" because her social activities had-been Crowned upon by the local Puritans. UNDER HIS MEASURE, the good senator would force all convicted drunken drivers to display a large "D" on both the front and rear of their vehicles any lime they drove within the next six months. The "D'', Gregorio suggests, should measure ~ by 11 inches. He didn't say whether or not it would be scarlet. His law does, however, require that the driver's license of such convicted boozers would be stamped with a large red "D" to n1a tch the ones on the !ront and rear of the car. FAILURE TO d is p I a y all these <'mb lem.!i would mean anorher six months ril r;irrying lhe "D" zround on the old tamiJ~· bu11. ! don'! krto\" \\'hat Gregorio would do if tM !eliow get!: drunk again. Make him • "" Friday, M1r<h 17, 19~ llotise Brotight Down A demoliti on dynamite le.st In St. Louis collapsed an ll·slory section of the Pruitt-Ingoe public hous· ing development Thursday. The test was to deter· \ • mine the best means of destroyin g the lop seven floors of some other buildings. Most of the 35 build· ings in the complex: are vacant. Radical Publisher ~ead? Blasted Body Thought to Be Millio1iaire Italian MILAN, Italy (UPI ) -Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, a ptiblisher whose triumphs ranged from "Dr. Zhivago" and "The 'Leopard" to Fidel"Castro's memoirs and Ernesto "Che" Guevara's diary. was fdenti!ied Thursday as the man who ap- parently died trying to knock out the power supply to this city of 1.7 million . Feltrlnelli, 45, disappeared in 1969 after police said they'wanted to question him about urnipecified crimes. It turned out later they wanted to ask him about a sCries or terrorist bombings. · His.!'.lutilated body was found Tuesday at the foot of a huge tower used to relay most of Milan 's electrical power. One leg was blown off, ther.e was a deep wound in one side and.pieces·of bone and ·slcln were blown~SO feet away. Scattered around his body were 43 sticks of dynamite. Police said it took them 24 hours to identify the body because the victim was carrying !orged identification papers. He apparently was the victim or his own bomb which he planned to use on the tower. Following Feltrinelli 's death, palice launched a nationwide crackdown on leftwing extremists and sea rched scores of home:: and offices. Police would not say \11hat they were searching for but sources indicated il was connected with F'cltri nclli's death. Ironicall y, Fcltrinelli was as much a puzzle in death as he was in .life. A millionaire by in heritance, Feltrinelli took quickly to radical Politics but other extremists wer;:i less than eager to em· brace hi s ideas. Rightwingers said he ~·as a [irebrand revolutionary and extreme leftwingers said he \vas an amateur political camp follower. d\sp:l'ly 1 "DA!" Somebody might VI E h • d mistoke him ~r . district attorney. .. aws nip asi.:-e "I offer you solidar ity and my ideas.'' r~eltrinelli told a leftwing student Falls in River Copter B-lows Up; 11 Yanks Killed SAIGON (UPI) -A U.S. Army helicopter flying American-soldiers into action exploded inflight tod ay and plunged action exploded in flight t o '1 a y and plunged in llames Into the Dong Nai River, apparenUy killing all 11 men aboard. It 14•as one or four America n air· craft reported downed in Vietnam and Laos. U.S. and South Vietnamese divers searched through the day in the river 21 miles from Saigon and recovered eight bodies. The remaining three was listed as missing and presumed dead. U.S. officers said the chopper was Ii!· ting a "Btue Team" -a quick reaction ground force -into a troubled area to help embattled troops at the time of the crash. The men were from the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Air Cavalry Division. Pilots flying othe r choppers i'.\ the.area said they sa w an explosion at:loard the UH i Huey and the n the helicopter burst into flames and fell into the river. The U.S. Co mmand said the crash came from •·unknown causes." The U.S. Comma nd said another UHl helico pter was hit by small arms fire fro m the ground 100 milts east of Saigon today, wounding t\VO Americans. It said an Air Force Fl05 crashed in Laos Sun· day and that one crewman was h.Utt" and · one escaped inju ry. An OVIO observation plane crashed in Laos Oil Tuesday and the pilot was reported missing. In the stepped.up ground war, South Vi etnamese troops !ought their biggest single battle in nearl y four months Thursday 18 miles southwest of the form er imperial capital ot Hue, 400 miles north of Saigon. An estimated 90 men on both sides were killed or wounded. Some • 600 · Sooth Vietnamese 1st Divisi on· infantrymen fought it out with Communist forces Crom mid-morning u.n· til su ndown: ·Backed ·by artilleryTrid ai"f. support, the South Vietnamese said they killed 72 guerrillas \Vhile losing "'nly three killed and 15 wounded. In a report delayed until next of kin could be notified , th e U.S. Command said an Army adviser was killed on Monday wne11 the Communists ambushed a three· vehicle convoy in the <:entral Highlands. It did not give di:talls. Tunney Tells Suspicion~ In ITT Case WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. John V. Tunney (D-Calif.), believes it was "verY suspicious" that International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. ord~red the destruc· lion of docum ents in its Washington office in response to charges by columnJst Jack Anderson. ITT officials told the Senate Judicia ry Co mmittee Thursday that "several bags" of documents were run through a paper sh redder for fear they might come into Anderson 's possession and be "misused and misconstrued ." Tunney said it appeared to be "an at- tempt to destroy documents relevant to this inquiry." "It looks very sus picions and very bad,'' he said. "Now we will never know. It's a shocking thing." Anderson pubijshed an office memo, at- tributed to ITT lobbyist Dita D. Beard, which linked settlement of an antitrust case against JIT with an IIT pledge to help underwrite co'sb--.Qf the Republican National Convention in San Diego. lTT officers, Attorney G e n e r a J. designate Richard G. Kleindienst and former Attorney General John N. Mil· chell have denied the charges . Kleindienst told-a group of federal judges in Denver Thursday night that the memo was "without credibility" and had "no relation to the !acts." Atidience War11i, Cool Muskie Visists Indiana .~:.i~-. ther t i re probably a lot of tc::10_~:.i:Q__helie~'.._ cregorio's -proposed ---tJ-s---n-:-"H"l-h ·c --""" -1-u -· 1-dr:, cr i.~!ing !aw ~.,..n•tgofarenoogh. -0 0, Du L OlltrO Ill '!'hey m!ghl fl•tl 1!her labels should be organization not long before he disap--'F G € 0 R ,.I.Ii P<.~~~.i•";~;;. m-illi•• n,.-,-$8,600-) in----o-et -ampaI:gn . lJI ng- ~ stead," the students replied. a~.!t':! :o t!:P. front and rear of various · EAST CHICAGO, Ind. (UPI) -Sen. Muskie faces his next primary test in Edmund S. Muskie paused near the pool lllinois next Tuesday. table in the Knights of Columbus bar and Before he gave his speech Muskie ':~:;1;";:~~·',t•nd 1or Zig-Zagg•r. Report Triggers Dissent Ous warn:r.g 111 nearby motorists _that "' •--~''·!.s trllow 11 ~ely to_makc..Ju.dde:ii_ _____ _ r1.an1;•i ot di rectio n that could be WASHINGTON (UPI)_ A pres idential Feltrinelli became internationally famous when he published Boris Pasternak's ''Dr. Zhivago" in 1958. How he got the book ii; still a mystery. He followed the. success with "The Leopard" by Giuseppe_ Tomasi dL.Lampedusa, published posthumously in 1960. sm iled when the crowd cheered. gathered for a few minutes witQ_}Qcal . Then he walked lntuan ai:l'jOifiiiig room. dignitarleSWfiO presented him with-a rec- t I !:!!rrr,ful to ·.1Gur ti~a!t!:i. II · 11 commission's ca --for u n 1 v er s a y J.V-h"EH.E \\-r !:J<1;1e the fello\Y w h 0 availahle abortio~. contraception and • t • ,. I t·· 1 · · steriliza:ion encountered quick opposition 1v·:e; o .uv:? :.101t .n:i:: 1e 11<cs o or1ve. ''t ..r. f • -· H !t t' today from the U.S. Catholic Conference .., a .. ~:oi or u.rr~:. ~ p.ays mort. a en ion 1~ •:u.! c1111tv•Jf ... <.·• !I;!: Jody next to him and a few of the commission's own :~.an~.·~ ciu.:~ !h~ t:"'.:rvc.i :i: 1he road. members. .SJlf:r'C-1llF..'iE I et t er s stand for E:r:::1~: P.e•!'"°!!~n13ir.c i~oreign C:ir. I'll ad- i>'.1t :l:esc: !:f' a !ut of lel~er~. Probably i:iJ?~.ieJ' Ciur: t!;e c:ir. But th:i.L solves the ~1-...•i.ii~!l~ SU:<::·~ fnl~.s -::omp;;iin they con': lit:?r !l 1~ Jii~ic ~f.:1irJ~i;1. 'i\o·r--·nns JaC:.:I '.s 1Jrawn from an old 1dvtr:i~ing g·~mlc k llf yesteryear. lt t tJ.11d6 !<.it \\'3s Taxi. Gi"es you l\"ilrnlng of lht :ne-::i1an ir:.11l eo:"!dilion of your fellow motori!t's cl'J:iker. J J>R-STANDS for Just Plain Reckless. That's ~varning enough. NB-L"llTIALS don't Indica te a Newport Beach driver. They i;tand for No Brakes. 'the tfecal should be printed in reverse 011 the front of the guy's auto so you can reild it quickly in your rear-view rr.irro r. J1;itials could also he substituted to mean No Brains. !l's ;ill the same lhing. 1Ne:I, rlie iabellng of 1h j\·crs and their car.i c.vultl go on fori?ver. \Ve all ha ve ou r favorites. Suggesting the reporl be treated with "benign neglect," the Catholic Con· ference called it "naive in its assump- tions and punitive in its recom· rnertdat!ons." Rep. John N. Erlenborn (R·lll.), one of the commission's 24 member;_ said he hoped the report woUld not &einterpreted as a proposal "tha~ contraceptive devices be sold through \·ending 1nachincs in school corridors." However, 19 commission mem bers joined in the r~rt's recommendatio n that women be allowed abo rtion on de- mand. with costs covered by public and pri '.'ate hea lth insurance and \\'ith govern· 1nent subsidies lo pay abortion costs for the pcor. Insurance coverage also was recon1mended for contraception and sierilization. T\vo n1embcrs dissented from the recommend ation tl'!at teenagers be of· (f!red special progran1s of• birth control, i:-:cluding contraceptives. cent of births to married women between 1966 and 1970 were unplanned, with 15 percent ot the children unwanted by the ir parents. Another study of unmarried teen-age girls "revealed that 14 percent of 15 year olds and up to 44 perceot of 19 year olds reported having had sexual relations," the commission said. "Only 20 percent or these girls used contraception regularly." Wirl<s Maybe you could drop Senator Gregorio a note and !-.ave him an·1end the measure , to add !<line of your own labels. 'fhe repart, issu ed 1'hursd8y by the Commission on Population Growth and the A1nerican Future, ~aid the goal of 7.cro populatio1: growth could best be met by eliminating un .. .1:anted pregnancies. The commi~sion cited a Princeton University st~dy concluding that 44 per· '/just asked who was pushing!' No telling \\'here it all might end. Pacific Air Circulating Teniperatures Temper•hKrs •l'MI 111ec1pn111or1 for ~hour pt1rlod endlnoJ~~ t:O l"c• AlblnY .. • • • 'Co"-ff • A nT• " " ~ .. » .~ " ... ~r=.11 •l » :!l ~ " ... _ •• » -~ •• 5 l! ~ • ' .. "ff " ... ll .M :i lo " . " u ll ·'I :1 ·' . " l! » ... 'I i .. ·" "" " " ;1 ·" ~ ~ '.!l H ~ u .. n Jm c.,1tor11I• Ri!:r':.11•$1'..:.ll'ir: • ·-Cloi.odt llld too 1i-'the CO.ti I nd w lflljt In ""' l'IOl"ll'ltt"n ~ts . H•tY wntfll"J w11 prfdlc1M for ,,,. LOI "'""'" vl(l!tll'I' lll"d !'lie Mttlontl W..thtr lenln Mltl ftl'l'lotFll\lrn Wiii ~ ..... ~ ! .. "'A!klsMOw ~ ....... illOWf ti " ow coot t llollll'I la 1 hkrh S1t1.1t0t' .i U 11'1d 1n pv1rnlo111 low 01 U. Ttltt NllldMI '#Nth« .stf"vkt }twff ti) tt'Col\CI COl'llf(llfl'll 1lr 'IHl'llllet! llCl'IWY N • WW fmOll"1Nr1 !ft. '"lion don!lnurd h1 lllt Loi Anoe101 b•s 11. A ch•nct of onsl'>ore wlnd5 1•1• 111 the d•v mlv dl"wrse 1ome of lh1 buildup In rtc•••tionll 1rN.S. beKllfl wert IT!O,lto,. clOIHlv w lh -"•tY IU,,,hlM h• 1111 1/tttnoon. Hklh1 we•e "''' 60 "'"h Ille Wftll'r lftl"lot•llUrr II "· SolM MIK!rd hlohi Trturscllv Ind t1reo:r1ctt0 m1xrmun1s lodlv lnc:ltJ!'lf>d; l -&etch 12·10, S.t1lt MOl'lk l 5'-$8, 81.1r~ftk tt-12, Motml Wiiton ?G-70, P11mc111r 11"4. lll lverskle 17-IN. P1lm ~Ol"Jnos ft.ft. S.11 Dltoa '-'-'~• Stnl• 81rb.lr1 .62~ 81krrslield t!-M 1!'<1 A111111im-S.t1" Anl 72-10 . V.S. Sutnn1ar11 t y UNITED l"llESS INTlllNAflONAl SIW111g wt1lhrr e•srd e11tw1rd 1c:ro11 11111 n1tlon tod1v, cl rtv1•11119 dry •!'Id Miid P1elllC' 11r lo lM Interior. Llslllt lllOW 11\d 50IN r1ln c«il111uecf HrlV tod•Y In , ... Nsllf"n .,.r1 of ,,,. 111tlon, the 11t1rl'l'lllh of hfOl'I wlnd1 •nd IGrtlldotl wl\1(1'1 rlpc>ecl UP llrGJlf,.,., Tf'IUl')CllY '"' G'9'9t1 lrtd Lovhllnt. TIW wt! Wtl!Mr ••llndlf19 ecrot• IM Ql'llo Ytilt'f "' ltt. All1nllc Sl•ftt' w11 1hlllt110 or.te1u1rry 1111wetd tod•Y• •• 1-ltt ClftrH ll'ld ttmptr1!11!'91 tol•- A" ll!Cfl.c1llon of w!wit -• In 1tort IOI'" !tit ntHOI\ 11 1111 Wlm'I PKlllC h}fh IN'IU4..._ ~::; llfd ft,_. I~ llfllOl'I w11 Ille "'II of ~1'11011 Jt,ll'INf'•lurn Tflvrtd1v lt1 !"WOl1>111 of C1l1Pornl1, 0.-'90" tlld MMl.,•I·' Tiit ""rtlll"f Ml I r.corf hlOh ., fl 1t Btli:trlfllld. Teml)trttul'tS l"-'CI !he ,.. contlo"' °"' llllH tlrty ICldly r11t11td Front H It tnttrl'llttonll Ft!tt, MIM ; lil 1• 11 Ket w .. 1. ''-· ' After that. his politics became even more extreme. He became a personal friend of Castro and published the Cuban dictator's memoirs. He also published the diary of Guevara , Castro 's former top lieutenant who was killed in Bolivia in 1967. Ho ·ward Huglies Must Come _O.ut. Ju Ope11-Nevada LAS VEGAS (UPi l -Before Howard Hughe s can reorganize his desert gambl· ing kingdom, he must first drop his mask of seclusion and meet with Nevada of· ficials "face to face," the state Gaming Contro l Board ruled Thursday. The Clifford fr ving fraud shows one reason why, the board 's chairman said. Nevada was relyi ng on the same handwriting experts that told McGraw· Hill the Irving book was authentic. Hughes has applied to the board for permission to rejuggle the pawer struc· lure of his $100 million collection of casino-hotels in Las \1egas and Reno. The board oversees and regulates the legal gambling industry. The Hughes empire lakes in 17 percent of Nevada gambling revenues. "It will take a face to fa ce meeting to resolve the doubts created in the publi.c's mind by J!oward Hughes' life style before the currenl operating setup can be changed ," said board member Shannon Bybee, who rccommend!X:I the board deny flu ghes' application. Nevada will no longer accept dealings with Hughes as it has in the pa st.through corporations, representatives, and letters ce rtified as authentic by fingerprints and handwriting experts. said the board's chairman, Phil ip Hannifin. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Otllvery of the Daily Pilot Is 11t1aranteed Mond1y•Fr)d1y: II Yav oo not 111~ 'f'OIJ' NDlr Dy S:» p.m .. (Ill Ind )'Wr (,.., wUl M' ~Ill to yeu, Clll1 l rl lllrfft 1111111 7:1'1 p.m. sa111rt1•v trid Sll!'ldty: 11 ~ do riot rec.iv. vo1.1r copy by ' •·"'-Ul1.1r111v. or" I •.m. S1.1nd1y, Clll tNI I C'll9'( Witt bf; D•Ollfll'll IO yov. Ctllt tr1 IJll'.11'1 un11t 10 1.m. T1lephones Moil Or11>g1 COUtlty AtNI • .;. HOr'lllwtSI l11.1nl1"9ton Buell • •rid Wettmllljftr .......... , .. M0-1u• '4tn Cltmtl'llt, Ct11ft lrtria IMCfl, !ifl Jllltl C1plstr1no. DIM Peliit. $o1.tlh L191,1,G., U,llf\I Hl(ivtl •• • 411-+0t The bar patrons went back to · their tangular cake inscribed with a good luck drinks. wish in Polish. It was the same when the Maine They topped that of( with three 1'hip Democrat worked his way through a hip hoorays" and a salute fo r 100 years of larger crowd in the main auditorium of life -sung in Polish. the building where he was to speak. Se n. Birch Bayh of Indiana gave The Lake County Democrats, many 1'-Iuskie a wann endorsement and in· dressed in work clothes, pressed toward lroduction, calling him "a ma n we can him. smiling and shaking his hand , so trust." The mayors of South Bend. Ham· warmly that one woman exclaimed in mond and East Chicago added their satisfaction, "I bet this makes him feel praises and told li'luskie, "When you get real good coming out of Florida." the Democratic organization .of Lake But once Muskie was on the podium County behind you , everyone will forget and into his speech, the crowd continue~ _ th11t Florida ever exist_gd ." _ · . "fOCl'iafindgreeloile anofhefeven during It was apparent, however, that ne1th~r his most thund erous statements. Muskie nor his staff had forgotten their There were , however, moments lD defeat in the Florida primary at the brighten the chi lly, dreary day in this in· hands of Alabama Gov. George C. dustrial city on the edge of Illinois. Wallace. W carita' the Green . Pretty Shirley Frame, 19, of Denver, wanted something a little differ· cnt for St. Patrick's Day._ Shirley Is pictu~ed having her lace dec- brated with a va.riety of shamrocks. by a paintet it the Latent Image Studio. ( - • v • DARY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE ·ob-serving Police Worl{ West Orange County was shaken last week by the biggest narcotics round·up Ill; more than a year. Hunting- ton Beach police arrested a .total 'Of 26 persons, mostly __ ._.rom llunllngton Buch and Foontain "Valley. \Vi th secret warrants and midnigh_t raids, the opera· { t1on was a delicate one, but the public -through th ) press -Was perm itted to see practically all of it. This is a ~·ise· policy that-can only pay dividends r police in terms of better community relations. The re the people can find out abo,ut their police, the mor they will trust and support them. And from another point of vie\\', the poli are apt to be on their most professionaJ behavior if they know tbe press is looking over their shoulder. And that's good for the police and the community. Ttie attitude of Huntington Beach police to date has been most processional. "These dope round-u ps are so inherently miserable," commented one la\\•man last week, ·~that we do everything we can to make them the least misirable possible." . • While it is obviously not appropriate that the press go along as the community.'s obser~ers on all types oC police operations, the more the pubhc k.nows abo.ut how its police1function, the better will be pohce effectiveness through ,better police "'ork and better publi c support. 2luoridation Pros, Cons Fountain Vafley councilmen acted "'isely \rhen lhey decided not -to exercise their option to write the ballot arguments for and against fluoridation or ~h e city's water. During the lingering controvers~ over the content of water in Fountain Valley the councilmen have on sev· eral octasions expressed their views both pro and con. Legend of St. Bridget, St. Patrick (sYD~Y J. HARRIS) Dear Gloomy Gus Now that a Chicago doctor says sex curtails coronary compUca- tions , \l.'e can indulge in affairs of -and for -the heart. -V. R. A. The majority of the council consistently has favored the idea of fluoridation. Last June, however. Fountain \'alley citizens air proved an ordinance requiring voter approval before the "'aler could be fluoridated. The co uncil consequently placed the issue on the J une 6 r,rimary ballot. Since the people decide r uoridation should be ap· proved through the exercise of their. frar_1chl se. it's ap· propriate that the ballot arguments 11ke\.\11se co1ne from the voter level. This in turn puts a heavy obligation on the citizen groups offering the ballot arguments to be sure they are germane and fa ctual. . Support for Wildlife All seven Huntington Beach city councilmen ha\'e· finally cast their suppor t for the proposed Seal Beach National \ViJdlife Refuge. It looked for some weeks as if the council would split, because some councilmen did not want to support something that could block the Paci- fic Coast Freeway. The refuge. has been proposed in Congress by ~.S. Rep. Craig Ho smer (R-Long Beach) and "'as promised speedy action by a House subcommittee. Hosmer ad· mils he hopes the bill will be a too l to kill the plans for a coastal freeway. In sw itching their stands, ho\vever. all declared that they weren't deserting the freeu•ay. tlow they square that \\'ith Hosmer's avo\\•ed purpose, and wh at ideas they have for any other possible route i$ un clear. The u1ildlife sanctuary will cover 700 acres of lanrt in the U.S: Naval \\leapons Station on Anaheim Bay. It \vill shield some 50-60 species or birds and 14 types of fish which use it for a spawning ground. The area \vill continl:le to be a part of the \Veapons Statio n grounds, and is not now envisioned as a public area. H Senate Ret!onf{rmation Every Eight Years -Byrd Would Curb -Federal . Judges WASHINGTON -A wholly new con· cept is being projected into the in- tensifying nationwide fight against forced &ehool busing. The new proposal strikes directly at the crux of this complex and inflamed issue -the virtually unlimited power or Federal judges to is· sue sweepin g busing (ROBERT S. AI.LEN) Holmes. Brand eis, Stone, Ca r d n i a , Hughes and Frankfurter are cited by. Byrd as foremost advocates of th e policy of judicia l self-restraint. Under their wise and fi'lr·sikhled opinions and pr inciplrs the Supreme Court enunciated several basic operating rules, as follows: to prevent the judicial enforcement of total mergers of cities and counties?" CHALLENG l'NG the unlimited aulhori· ty or the Federal judiciary Is not wholly· new. Learning that Leap Year was upon us, my younger da ug hter asked for. an ex- planation of this curious calendrical custom._She_stopped_lis_tenqt&..w.hile_l.Jms _ only half.way through the iarth"s orbit n 11 lutvr• rtflKll r11lll1A' vi.w1. 11111 edicts so I e I y to automatically nominated fo r recon- firmation by the Senate. Ir reconfirmed by the Senate. they would continue to serve for another eight years. Nearly " half century Ago, Sen. Robert ~1. l.aF'ollette, Sr., R.-Wis., waged an in· dependent campaiitn for Presklent with one of his ma}or issues the Imposing of THI=: COURT refused to pa ss on restr;i inls on the unlimited authority of 9ffHMll'itr 1t1&M ., jtlt _, ...... $etltl "achieve a racial rrwr ,., , .. v. te oi.omr Gui, 011tr r1,.1. balance." --------To cufbttiat dicfa- torial power, Sen. Harry Byrd, 1nd.- ACTUAU,Y, LEG END aside, there is Va., would, in effect, an Act Or ihe Scottish parliament, passed put a limit on the .around the sun, and wanted 10 know if it was true that Woinen could propose to men on Leap Year Day. "Not onl.v. on Le .. ap Veit Day,.," 1 1111!1. "but fot the whole year.· And You'd be surprised lo know how Jong ago that idea aot started." as fa r back as 1288 !itself a Leap Year) ierms of Fede~a.1 . ~ which slates (I have modernized the J~dges -by requ1rtng them to be rc~on- __ _!!ngu~i!l :_ -.-----.----_f1rmed_by the U.S .. ~na~ ever~ ~1~ht "~ ''If is stat ute and ordained tfiit during years. fid~nled .such approval, Uiey the reign of her most blessed Megeste, wo~l~ be retired with full pay. . , for each year known aS Leap Year, all <;1tn1g the fact that every state. 1n the maiden ladie.s of ·OOth high and Jow estate un1?n,_except M.assac_huselts. requ1.res the One of the Oldest legends, recorded in Brewer, relates that St. Patrick, having "driven the frogs out of the bogs," was walking along the shores or Lough Neagh, when be was accosted by St. Bridget in tears, and was t.old that a mutiny had broken out in the nunnery over which she presided -the ladies claiming the right of "JX>Pping the question ." ST. PA-TRJGK-said·-he-would concede- them the right every seventh year, when St. Bridget threw her arm11 around his neck and exclaimed, "Arrah , Pathrick. jewel, t dliren't go back to the girls with such a proposal. Make it one year in four ." He rep lied. "Bridget, acushla, 1queeze me·tha t way again, and I'll give ye leap-year. I.he longest of the lot." Bridget , upon thi.s, popped the question to St. Patrick himself, who. of course. could not marry: so he patched up the dif- ficulty as best he could with a kiss and a allk eown. shall have liberty lo bespeak the man she periodic r~onf1r.mat1on .of ~tale Judges, like~ ,.na: if be refuse s to take her to be Byrd expl~1ns his Const1tul1onal a~end- his laWful wife, he shaJI be fined in the ment and its urge nt need as follows . sum of any pounds, as his estate may be . "JN RECENT YEARS the Federal ex ce.Pl If be can prove he is already courts have assumed more and more betroth~ to another woman." power. power which under the Constitu· NOT TOO LONG aft.er this, in the 13th Century, a similar law was passed in France. And in the 15th Century. the custom of female proposals was legalized ~in-both-the-·sovereign city states of Florence and Genoa . As late as 1604 , when Shakespeare was at the height of his glory, a pamphlet was distributed in London. called ·•Love, Courtship and Matrimony." which pro- claimed : " ... As often as Le;ip Year dot h return. the ladies have the sole privilege during that time of making love, either by wo rds or looks. as to them seem proper : and, moreover. no man will be entitled lo benefit of clergy who does in any way tre at her proposa l with 11light or contumely." Right on, Women's Llb'. tion was reserved to the executive. the legislature. the states and the people themselves. This misuse of power was not envisioned by the founders of this r~P:Ublic. __ _ _ "ft is time that we restored the balance in the government by making Federal judges more responsible to the people. It is time the judiciary be made. once more, a co-eq ual branch of the govern· men!, rather than the self-appointed su pervisor of every aspect of our coun- try 's existence. "'The present system of lifetime ap- poin!meol. whereby a judge is removahle only by impeachment, is not in the be~t interest of the country. The process of relll(lval by impeachment does not answer the problems presented by a judiciary which has establis hed itself as a super legislature . Under. my amendment . judges could serve for a term of eight years, al the end of which they would be ··To mainlain the financial independ- f'nce of the-judiciarr,lf a judge Is nor c"On- lirmed he would be retired at full pa y." WHILE TH E immediate impact or Sen. Byrd's far-reaching proposal centers on lhe stormy forced-busing controversy. it actuall y applies to the f ederal judiciary's vastl y encompassing role in the whole gamut of th e natron·'raffalrs. ~ Th is immeasura bly increases the im- portance of and justUication for the measure. The Virginia lawmaker intends to seek early consideration of his amendment which he deems critically essential for the following reasons: The federal judiciary has perpetrated a ··revolution" by casting aside restraint and regard for the other co-equal branches of the government. federal judges are substituti ng their own ideas of justice for rules of law , and "loo often the hallmark of the modern cmirt· has been1he-vol'Ce of power , northe voice of reason." IN rtfANY in stances, Federal judges ha ve arrogantly a S s u m e d the "prerogatives of lords of the ~1irldle Ages; nothing in ou r system exists to control these judges: their passions of the moment are totally unrestrained, even by the collective wisdom of fellow j\Jdges." Such high-handed will fu lness is eroding respect for the Jaw. Where once federal courts acled wit h ca reful restra int and moderation. that era appears over . As a consequence. we now ha ve a judiciary, which, accountable lo no one, ha s run amok in asserting its authority over the da ily lives of all Americani;. The late lamed Supreme C.ourt Justlce.s political questions; it deferred to sta te Federal c.ourll. Th is. _wa.s,_noe._nL "~--ii common Jaw prim:iples;-il" refused to h I enunciate C.onstitutional rulin gs. unless planks of the platform of t e Progress ve Party on which he campaigned In 1924 absolutely necessary : it refused In rule against President Calvin Coolidge, upon moot questions ; it deferred to a .st<11e's interpretation of its own con· On Sepl. 19, 192~ in his first major td• stitulion and statut es: and it strictly in· dress in the East, Lafollette holly 11t· lerpretcd the rules concerning "sl<1nd· lacked the courts on lhe grounds they log " lo bring a law suit. were "nga!nsl the poor and the weak." "But in receni years."~sayi1Jyrd :'11he "Show m-t one case-Ul Wh!ChlhT Jo"cder,al courts hR ve ignored or discarded t'ederat courts ha l'e protected human each of these wise doctrines. Now the rights." he thundered . "and I wUI show courts. acting under the premise that the you 20 CRses in which they h11ve Constitution is whatever judges say it is, disregarded human rights to protect prop- have plunged Into what admirers like to erty." call a 'revolution .' But as Justice CarOO. TODAY, TH~ Jssue Is 1till human i a so wisely held, 'Justices are not com-rights _ but this time ·aga inst the missioned to make and unmake rules al autocratic authority of judges to make pleasure, in accordance with changing and unmake rules at their own pleasure, views of expediency or wisdom'." that dir~tlt and drastically affect lNDIGNANTLY , Sen. Byrd cites 1 humans, specificall y children going to number of glaring instances of autocratic school. Says Sen. Byrd: . . meddling by Federal judges' in local af· "The .court-created revolution which fa ifs. ---began -in-the--Suprem Go\lrt-has "They have interfered with the opera-permeated the !owe~ ~ede~al courts. The lion of schools and universities" he flagrant abuse of 1n1unct1ve Powers t>f asserts. "They have set forth d~tailed , Federal district judges has grown over regulations for the administration or the last few years Ul the point where,. In stale penal facili ties : they have dictated e_ach 1ec!l?n of our C?u ntry, the d~1ly to loc<1I school boRrds, and in some are11s hves nf c1t1zens are. suhJect to regulations ha ve i.ione so far as to suggest that local by single F'ederal di strict judges. governmen t bodies make appropriations "In case after case. loca l district of money for projects which the judges judges ha ve taken lt upon themselves to feel are neces.~ary. intervene in areas set aside by the "Only recentl y, 11 Feder al judge Constitutinn fo r state and local action. ordered a state to forego the election of The people of the United States, through loca l officfrs, even when this issue never their power to ratify amendments to tha had been presented to the court by any of Constitution, should be giv en mn op- the parties involved. One Federa l judge portun ity to express their views 11s to ordered the consolid ation of. the school whether Federal judges aboold be made systems of two counties and one city. more re.sponsible to the people. Now they Unless this decis ion i1 reversed, what i1 are accounta ble to no one." Amnesty U ria,cceptnble Callfonda Feature Service. One issue the Ubei:al camp keeps trying to inject into the current Democratic presidt!ntial primary campaigns ln the Ea.st and Midwest is the issue of amnesty for draft dodgers who fled -ta il between legs -across the Canadian border. exactly se.lzed the imagination of the American people. for the simple reason that ~hey &re unacceptable. Newsweek Magazine. trying hard to keep trus fitful issue from fading away altogether, recently devoted its cover storY to the question of amnesty for "war evaders." Douhts About Black Power Group Sen. George McGovern, the prairie · liberal whose ·long, long campa ign for the Presidency has yet to take off, proposed to college audiences total amnesty for draft dodgers idling in Canada and elsewhere. H.is proPo'81. of course, was enthusiastically received on campus. Another U.S. Senator has proposed that these. young men of the "counter culture" movement be allowed to return home al)d work off ·their obligation to lheir country doing 1ood deed.!! In hospitals, clinics and the like. · NEITHER 01' THESE proposab has Bu George d Dur Ce<>rge · You replied to Wond!rln.g that ,you didn 't write your own letters. I don't believe it You would HAVE lo write: the letters in your.column. Do you er:pect us to btlieve there are that many nutty tettet1 comiog in? How many Idiots do you think. tbera are ln the world? o.w. Our O.W.: . Well. y0ti"re Ille 24<,h th~ morning and l bawen 't even opened the mall from Newport. Get that -war evaders, not .,...draft. dodgers. This, of course. is a me aty. mouthed term, dishonest through atid through, substituting glittering glorifica· tion for straightforward old American usage -draft dodging. Dan Rather. the C BS .TV cor- resPondent. Also tried lo pump life into this dead issue in his hour-long interv iew with President Nixon recently, Asked if he would grant amnesty, the President repli~ u•ilh one word -"No." FAR. BEYOND THE issu~ o( amnesty, what the country nt.'Cd.s Is ror Iii ranking politician with the gut.s to speak out In powerful terms in support of the hun· dreda of thousands of young men who ans•'tred the call of the draft board• by geiting Into uniform. They gave their lime, their Jives and thc.r b()dles to fiaht that hateful war in Vietna.1n ind a c c e p t e d their respoa$lbiu1lts as part of the price o! being Americans, These men 111nd lhclr fAm llles need restored l.O them !heir honor find dignity 11nd thtlr sen!(' nf h~vl~ Sf!rved !heir country ..In 1 f1Jth(ul· manner. They are a"•alllng !tie rankln& potitl· dans-especially prtaldential asplranlJ -to opuk up. WASHING TON ..,.... The newly organized Black Power Assembly. which may evolve into a racist pol itical party. el- trActs little optimism on its prospects for success. The agenda adopted in ~e recenlly concluded meeting in GAry , Indiana CAiis for the marshal ing of the black vote on principles -of raci11l unity around su ch goals as repa rAtions payments for past injustice, a S6.500- $10.000 gu.!lran teed inco me, and federal 1ppointme:nt11 propor. tionate to the black population. It was widely noted lllat black groul"' o/ differing degrees of militancy and differ. ent tactics succeeded In drafting some general principles and agreeing nn the crea tion of a national organization. THIS UNITY was far from unsullied. The National Assoc.b1t1on for t h t Advancemenl. of Colored PlOple gave notice in advance it could not condone> a separatist or black supremacist drift In the ml'l'Vement. ~11chignn delegates, in· eluding members of the United Auto Workers Union, walke:d out . Theort.tically. I he N1tiona Blac.k Political AssemblS. ••hon organized , will operatr oo Its own bthal! 1s weU 11 In RICHARD WILSON and through the established polilic:i l partic!'i. The strong thrust. however, is to111Ard a separate black polit ical p11r1 y which Gar<y's Ma yo r Richard G. Hatche r h~" prcrlicted would he formed unless the l \\'O major parties s:itisfactorilv meet the Black Asse mbly 's demands . • J UD(i lN(i RY the prelim inary agenda of the Nati onal Black Assembly. 1hcre Is ve.ry llllle likel ihood that either the Republican or Ocmocr11tic partic!t n11· tion11lly will respond AAtisfactorily. Fune· BY ~fORE REALISTIC measures. the Democrats do not, in facl, take the Negro vote fnr grAnted, and the Republicans do not "'rite jl off. Rut if they did .so th., workahle a,lterna tlve doe$ not lie in the form Rlio n of A minor politi c.111 party mak· ing its only " pp ea I lo the 7.S million blacks who vot e in national elec- tions, with little prospect of lin ing them up ln a solid bloc. The effect of !\u('h pol ilica l mov~ment <·ould be diSR!\trous to unity, ;ind fr~~menL the. black vote so that ti would have less poll11cal impact than at prt.sc.nt . If the polll fcRI separalisls wish 11n c1ample, they might look 10 tht lahor movement which in prcsidenllal elections does not bhndly follow its le11dership. tioning as a nmtlonal pressure group, 1hc S0~1 ~ ASPECTS or the BI 11 ck assembly is expected to back candidates. AMembly11 program are COMtructlve lf lobby In Congress, perhaps nm its own lhcy lead to grf!ate r voter participation third party candidates, and in general by the 14.5 million potenliaJ black voten. conduct itself 1!1!11 the political action arm But lmm11mu Amiri Baraka. the poet or the black race. -formerly named Le Roi Jones. Is likely to The history of movemtnts of lhis kind have dlfflculty 1teering.the national white Is not promising. Organliattons a.nd leadership into aid ing rebel11 f1gbUng movements oriented to tconomi r and "'hlte or colonial regime,; in Africa , 10C\al. or even raclal Issues have round -which is nne of his fa vorite project5. they can operate. better_ through th l' Sc par11tlst sentiment was renected in esu1blishcd ma jor poliliolil partle~. A lhe. resolulfon opposing busing as based good de11I of brevaQo, but little realism on "the false nollon that black children attached lo the 1tateme.nt or lht'! Rtv llrt un.\ble to 1eArn unle.u thty are In the Jesae JackMln, ooe of the organizer~ of "~mt setting es while children.'' But the tht aSMmb.ly. l '' .Dtmoc.rau.....no IUOlulion went farthfr than that. 1t , In longer can take us for grr1nted while the eff PCf , conrtemnM inte11ra 1lon in principle llopubllcons write us off."' on~ supported the qu'5tiontd Idea that black control of schools In black neighborhoods will result in hlgher educa· tional quality. IF , THE 81..ACK aMembty Is to .ht a Polflical acr.lori arm it mig ht succeed in Achieving some of the unrealized goals of its partisans. Rut its fulure 11s a polltical party. If lh:\t is the dirttllon l1 takes, is not .... e.ry brii.tht and could . in the e.nrt, damage the cau.se It aeeks to 1erve. OIANCll COAIT DAILY PILOT Robert N. "rtct d, PuOU.Sht:r Thomet1 Ki1111t. Editor Albtrt W. Bataa £c:Utoriat Pcigt Editor The edttor11.I Pllt O( lit@ 0611.y Pilot 1ttks to 1otorm ind altmu· late ret1dl':r1 by prtuntlnr thill ncw1papc!r'~ opinions •nd com-mt!ntary on topicg n( !nter~t and 1iR"nlfie1ncl'. by provt dlnc 1 forum for thl' rxprl."S!l!M nr our readers• npinlnna, 11nd h~ l)N>stnlint I~,. divf'l'JI' \ ll'v.·polnt.\ nf ln formM oti· 1rr\•r n 11nd spoktsmen on topJQ o! 1ht da y. Friday, March I 7. )g72 Frld11. Mirth 17, 1~72 OAILY PILOT t-; Alt ernative Deatli l/~enctlty :' etitW.1is Out W age Tritta Reaction ' J_urr Sought U.S. Port Closure Looms -- For Davis SACRAME~O fAPI -a cam. palgn Is bei.inning for 520,stl& signatures in order to put the dea'th penalty issue on the ballot for all the voters neDCt November. The constitutional amen dmf!nt in- itiative was filed by four 11.abewide By LEIF ERICKSON SAN F'fl.ANClSCO (AP) -A shutdown of all U.S. parts loo med as a possibility today aJLer the Pay Board trimmed a \!/.!l,lte Increase \l'On by West COast longshoremen in ending a JJ«tay dock SAN JOSE (UPJ) -It only took eight orgafJizatioos of law enlorK.:ement , days fQr attOrneys to accept the l2· officers, and state Sen. George There was no immediate commen t strike. Leukmejian (R-;-L-Ong-Be11d.1). Jt is~ from H11rry Bridges' West-CoasHntema.----member,_aJJ.white. j.ury_ in the Angela aimed ai-restoring-1ile dfilith Ho n·a I -L o-n g-irh o r ·e·m·e n's a n·d Davis murder trial, but the process ()( penalty, which was dei-..11red un-Warehousemen's Union Thursday after finding four allernate jurors already Is in constitutional recenily biY the State the Pay Board in Washington lopped Its fourth day with 16 perse>ns questioned Supreme Court. The c: o u F t ' s abclut ()ne-fourth ol the I L WU ' 1 and dismissed. decisx.i becomes final Saturday. negotiated increases. Nor "".as there comment from Bridges ' Judge Richard E. Arnason called East and Gulr Coast counterpart. Presi· Pay Board refuses approval ()f the con- tract. In his Feb. 24 column in The Dispatcher, Bridges also said, "Stand by to march out as 1 aolld bloc along with the East Coast If the Pay Board cuts back our negoliatecl settlement by as much as one cent." Gleason's union has nol conlirmed the joint •trike pledge. Assemhly-{)ltay s VD Bill Supported by Go v. Reagan today's extraordinary session in an effort dent Thomas w. Gleason of the AFL-ClO Boastin• g Arson lo spud up the selection of alternates se> p R Jnternational Longshoremen 's Union. SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Assembly This year, Mrs. Fong altered her bill fo that testimony ca n begin in the murder, 0 Wer e'Serves "We're not going to say anything right has swiftly approved a venereal disease provide that parents be notified 15 days kidnap and conspiracy trial. . away,'' said Charles ye 1 s 0 n , ad-education bill supported by Gov, Ronald in advance of the beginning o( a VD Susp ect Cleared Miss Davis, who is a cocounsel in her H h Bl ministrative assistant to the fiery West Reagan along with a companion measure C()Urse. But the measure would not re- case, sat silently Thursday and let her Or t y 8 St Coast stevedore boss. to provide $238,000 in state assistance for quire written approval ()r consent ~r a defense team qu9'1tion the potential But Bridges told his 13,000-member the courses. child to take part in the C()Urses. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A convicted panelists. The defense used three LOS ANGEL . union on Feb. 24 that the ILWU and the The principal bill, by Assemblywoman The legislation would permit local arsonist who boasted of setting the peremptory challenges to exclude a ES. (AP) -An explosion 1'-1arch K. Fong (D-Oakland), was seilt to school boards to offer VD educati()n and Barclay Hotel fire that killed three M()rmon woman, a ma n born and raised that tore apart a City power department !LA had agreed that they would join in· a the Senate Thursday on a 58-3 V()te I ed f rd ha . • nationwide dock strike if the Pay Board to determine at what level they should be ·persons wa s c car o JllU er c rges 1n South Carolina anct a Vietnam veteran. steam boiler has left the city's po"•er following a brief debate. The ap-taught. od f · d · ed I touched wage increases won by either t ay a ter 1t "'a~ eterm1n care ess The prosecution used one challenge to reserves ''dangerJOusly low" to meet peak . propriation measure, by Assemblyman E. The bill also assures that parents can amoking caused the blaze. dismiss an Indian mother ()f nine. 1 1 . . d un_ioTnh. . . 'd h 1 .1 b p Richard Barnes (R·San Diego), was ap-ins""'ct materi'als to be used in the Detective Philip Alexander said Harvey At the end of Thursday's session, the .summer e cc IJ.city e m a n d s • a ' e JOint pact prov i es t a 1 t e ay proved minutes later on a 58·2 vote. rw Lynn Beagle JI, 30, was cleared after defense had five peremptory challenges spokesman has •reported. Board cuts back on either the ILA agree-Mrs. Fong had declared that there is a courses. three witnesses said they were drinking left to the state's seven. Three alternates "It's not cri•/ical now. but it could be ment or our agreement we both join VD epidemic in California, particularly After Mrs. Fong secured Reagan's sup- witb Beagle in a bar when the lire broke have passed questioning for "cause " and later," the Cit:9 Wa ter and Power Depart-forces and pull oul in every port in the among you ng persons. Port for the measure, she had little out early Wednesday. are tentatively sealed. ment spokesrl',an said. United States," Br idges wrote in the She stirred up a heated controversy legislative opposition .. Scime 130 skid row pensioners and If those alternates are accepted. the The blast "..iptured a 600-ton boiler and fL\VU newsp.aper, The Dispatcher. last year with a similar bill vetoed by Voting again.st the bill Thursday were welfare cases were left homeless ·by· the first person to join the regular jury in -furnace and blew apart a wall at the The Feb. 16 contract between the Gov. R()nald Reagan,· who said he op-Assemblyman Eugene A. Chappie (R· blaze which swept the sixth floor of the case ()f illness or other problem!! would ScaUergood, Steam Plant in suburban lLWU and the West Coast employers' posed the measure because it did not con-Cool ): John L. E. Collie r (R-Los 7&.year-old hotel . ln addition to the dead, be black-haired Michelle Savage, 20, a Playa Del. Rey late Wednesday night. Pacific Maritime Associati<>n e-0ntains tain a provision that parents be notified Ange les), and Floyd Wa kefield (R·South 1ix guests and one fireman were injured. rtteptionist." Damage was estimated at $15 million. language which permits the ILWU to in advance o( a VD course so that they Gale). Collier and Wakefield also voted •==c:=>llC""'~ . ''""""°"'""""::i-...,..-"'.l<~r..,,.,.,..,.,,.,.,,....,.,,..., • ..,.,..,,.,., lake st rike action within 30 da ys -u the could withdraw their children. against Barnes' measure. ·-. "'/-;::==~~;::===~:;=:::::::;:;=;:=:==~=.=~~~J=;7~:;::=~~~-, Mother of Dying Children . , '16tll A11noa1 ' .;,;-. , ~ l Dropped Off Welfare Roll By,J AMES O. CLIFFORD !or under the welfare pi'<> SOU'JJI SAN FRANCISCO gram. (UPI) -The mother of three "This means we have no dying children, wbo was given place to Jive and no food an· ev iction noUce before stamps," said Mrs. Collum . "l Christmas, has been dropped am entitled to a fa ir hearing from the welfare rolls because with the welfare people with in of lhe generosity ()f persons 15 days, but I don't know what touched by her tragic story. that involves." "I was shocked," said Jae-A spokesman for lhe county queline Collum, 34, 1 divorcee welfare department refused to whose children. ages 12, 7 and discuss the matter unle!! Mrs. 7, have the iocurable Batten's CoUum give! "her written disease. One daughter, Patty, permission." 13, died in her arms last year. All of 1'-1rs. Co I l um' s that account goes ·1ato the trust." A we 1 1 1 rare off 1 i 1 cial said aid ls ,J norma y cut o once someone has acquired $600 in personal ~ property. t,. Mrs. CAiium is also looking for lt home, but with special requirements -it must be one story. located in a quiet. level nei g hborh ood and preferably near a patk. The eviction deadline of April 30 would have been ex- tended on a month-to-month basis by the weUare depa rt- . ment. but "tha t's all changed :.1ore than $24,000 was children have the sysptoms or rtceiv~ by Mrs. Collum from the rare qei;vous disease in 1----'per-sons-sympathiiing-trith hf!.r--which--.dtath ..... 'u~Jly-oCcu1'1 pligh!. However, the rnon~y is befo~ age 20. Kathleen, 12, in J\ t:"Ust fund for her and Charles, 7. are already chi!Cren'A needs 'Ind Mrs. blind, and Crystal. alse> 7, is C..ollum would like it to be los ing her sight. noy,·," the.mother .s1id. __ Kaiser Steel Strike Ends preserved "in case 1 cu re is "I have received help and ever found." letters fr()m thousands. rang· "It no cure Is fou nd,· the ing from nuns in convents to •----!1\-o~n~e)~.,~•"ter ~the cliifcJren'SWomen inpriSOn." said-Mrs. deaths , would be used to set up <'Allum, who gel.! $99 a month :on 01·ganizatiori or parents who child support from the former ha ve Children with t he husband. FONTANA (APl -A-six-. week strike ai Kaiser Steel Corp.'s big Fontana plant end- ed Thursday afte r the United Steelworkers union approved changes in a unique labor- managemenl b o n u s agree-. I disease," she said. She said a separate checking She received the 1news by account of $1,344 was opened r:1zil tha~ her welfare grant during the first wave of con- wouid tr.d ~1!1rch ll because tributions. ot "c:tcess pericn!!I property" "I h11d no idea the help she: h~d recei'ltd from wcl l· would rc?.ch this amount and f \\'ishers ar~nd th'! world . just u~ed the separate account Thi ~ction r.ltan' she no to pay off bills outstanding longer will rtcelve: • 5180 a before !he trust WK'I establish- monlh grant, tOC'd stanip' or ed." She said . "But once the -the-use·of -a-11mall ·house patd bills are--paid, -wha t's left-in ment. ?..tembers of the striking Ul'ljon local voled 2.516 lo -49'2 Wednesday to accept revisions offered by the compa ny In the so-<:alled "long-range sharing plan:~-- if IJou'W se•11 tbis... TRADING l~l "THE STAMPS TRAVEL l~~ THAT REALLY VOUCHERS !M i SEND YDU'I Travel Vouchers ••• the 11going" kind of stamp.,. takes you any.Nhere, at any time you choose! Savi ng Trave l Vouchers ls the fa stest way to make your travel dreams come true! Sava theS:a mag ic stamps for "fun" vacations! Trading Travel VouChers can pay for part or all of your ticket costs! Hera's how the prog ram wor.ks: I Your part icipating merchants (see directory) Issue Trad· • ing Travel Vouchers with each purchase you maka. 2. You pla ce uregular" or "Big Ten" Travel Vouchers in your C?lorful redemption books. J Tako your filled redemption book to your local member •Exchange Bank (see directory), and receiv e a bea utifu lly engr.aved Traveler's Reserve Certificate worth $2.00. 4 When you are ready to travel, take your Traveler's Reserve •Certificates to your authorized Travel Agent (aee dlrec· tory), and spend them like cash! Traveler's Reserve cer· tiflcates can purchase all or any part of your next ticket costs. You choose the time and place, and you 're off on your trip! • -.ilRCHANT INOllllitlES INVITEDT TAAVEL!Jl'S R!:5EAVE, INC, ("N4) f1t.2200 HOTTEST RAISE VALUE 1 A7.' • c+. .... 1_ ·--w--•Cl-SWff-U..i.JI•~ • a.c. ........ n....4 ' --1 • ,.,....,. .......... o-• e--··~•CU•• 339 C--.1,_ 15 •• "4...,, ...... s c.... l • ~ 3 w .... era. Md utt ToP RKk e NomMll w-., -Pots A P-. "'"MMe! Hoht e Speei .. ~•w-1.ttJnw o •dt·SI Soft Food Dl9pos• WAS $1 H .15 ........ .,,. .,,..,,,_. _,_.....,._,_~ ... ·-.................... ., ............... ... ~~'7r ---........ °"" ,,,..., .. , ~ ., .... .,..... . , ..... .,.., ....... •UM'•-"""-"-•¥ .. , ............ ,,.... -. . ......... · .. .....,. .. :::.: :::·· ........ ........... , --...... ~' 46 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE! GOLDENWEST & WARNER HUNTINGTON, BEACH Sales Only 842·5596 401 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH -Service &. Soles 536·7561 -~· . ·-.... .... ......... , ---~-· ---. ..... -... -~ ==::::1- ' '· " ' 7 • • ....... • • Orange Coast EDITION Totla)·'s Final N.Y. Stocks VOL 65, NO. 77, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, MARdH 17, 1972 "' TEN CENTS Coast Men Given Drug Jail Terms Six Harbor Area residents booked on mu1tip1e drug charges last year after they were llnked to the biggest marijuana gelling ring in Orange County hlstory received varying state prison and county jail terms late Thursday. Superior Court Judge Byron K. McMillan handed out the terms in a sentencing session that concluded three days of marleuvering between defense lawyers and prosecutors. Joseph Lee McDonald, 21. of 1582 Baker St.. Costa Mesa, and Anthony Michael Christina, 25, of 521 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar were sentenced to two to 10 years In state prison. Both men pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana for sale. Jean Phlllipe Beauwin, 30, of 1814 W. Joann St., Costa Mesa. also pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to one to 10 years in state prison for possession of marijuana. Sentencing:-was deferred on James Dean Sword, 21. of · 116~ · 35th St .. Newport Beach. and ~n George Phoenix, 21, of 2130 Continental Ave., Costa Mesa, to allow the County Proba· tion Department to prepare a report on the two offenders. Phoenix will return April,13 and Sword h1ay 1 for sentencing on admitted charges of selling marijuana . DAILY ,tlOT 1111! 'hoft Begorrah A 3Cklay county jail term and three years probation were ordered for Edward Frank Bonnet, 20, Costa Mesa . He plead- ed guilty to possession of marijuana. Judge McMillan dismissed related Sure 'tis a foine sight on Sl. Paddy's day to see the likes of Bob Bren· charges filed against Phoeni1 's wife. Lee nan looking as Irish as a shamrock. Brennan, often dubbed the Lord Rae, zo. Sentencing or the 10le remaining Mayor of Mission Viejo, looks every inch the part in his dazzling gi'een defendant, Eduardo-Balle1-Hern1ndez,--:inpPinp-tbat-warm-the-cockles-of -every I'ri:sh-h·e-ar • · 39, Santa Ana , was scheduled today. · · · · All ·eight defendants were indicted by the Orange Cou nty Grand Jury after in· .,. , vestlgators told the panel that they A-·tr·. port· Land Commi·ssi·on· boaght more than 300 pound1 of mari· juana from members of the group in the weeks before their arrest last Nov. 17. .• · Utilities Curbed ~ut Pay Board W urns Raises Coming WASHINGTO~ (AP) -The Price Commission today announced n e w , sharpened g4idelines for utility rates but warned the nation that big increases will be necessary to pay for the service it wants. The regulations put limits on the rate of return that utilities may realize from increased rates. and added provisions re· quiring them to take into account in· creased prOOuctivity and to absorb labor costs that increase more than 5.5 percent. N. Ireland Sees 2 More Persons Die . BELFAST (AP) -Two more killings have ushered in St. Patrick's Day in Northern Ireland amid report$ of steadily rising. l?rotestant ·unrest and ·the con~ sequen t threat of retaliation for the ter- rorism of the IRA 's Roman Catholic guerrillas. A 'bomb exploded in a public lavatory Thursday night in Lurgan , killing a 19- year-old woma~. British troops found the body of a young man in a Catholic parish hall north of Belfast's Ardoyne district, a stronghold of the underground ·Irish Republican Arm y, He had been shot in the head, and the army said it was not in· volved in his death. This brought the death toll to 278 in the province 's religious warfare since August Also, the comm1ss ion made provisions to band over fina1 authority on utility rate increases to existing regulatory bodies that come up with acceptable an ti· infiationary policies. Commi ssion Chairman C. Jackso n Grayson Jr. said the reg ulations would require reductions in some requested rate increases but not in others. He had no estimate of how much utility rates might go up under the new rule s. But he warned, "We .urge lhe con- sun1rrs of th(' nat ion to realize tha t wher. you demand scr\"iC!', )'ou have to pay for it. Voll don"t gr! sonirthing for nothing." lie said that four di1ys or publ ic hear- ings on utility ratrs made It clear tha t some large incrc<lses arc going to br. nccess11 ry to continue "adequate, safe and po\lullon.frec' se rvices." Announcement of the ne\V regulation~ mea ns the ternpora ry freeze on rates of priva tely O\vned ulili ties v.·ill end orr or {$Cf' UTlUTlES, Page %) Gootl ·A1lvi~e 'Go Jo ff ell' Re1Jly Bo.eked ATLANTA (UPI ) -Gov. Jimm y Carter has backed up his news secretary for his "very effectively worded" lelter in which he told a woman critic of Carter to "go straight to hell." ''I have written some pretty hot letters myself." Carter told a news conference. "I don't h'aVe ~ 8nY' apo1cigies to 'ma~e or any criti cism ... " Jody Powell, who handles press rela- tions for Carter, had replied to a lel!c r written by Mrs. Edna llutton of Augusta. \vho condemned the go vernor as a "gut- less peanut brain" for not leading a boy· colt of public schools. Powell received the Jetter while Carter \11as out or tow n and replied tha t "one of the most exaspera ting duti es of a governor is having to read barely legible lctte:-s fron1 moro ns like you. I am happy I can at least spare the governor from having to respond . "J ycsnectfµll y sµgg~st that .yoJJ take. (\110 running jun1ps nnd go straight tO hell."' · Powell conce ded hn wrote the teller and said l\·lrs . llutlon had si~ned her let- ter "E. T. Hutton."' leadi ng him tG believe fhc \\lriler "'as a man, olhcrwise "I probably would have impl ied v.1here she could go instead of stating it im· plicitly." French Heroin Chemist • -:f~-;-,8w-r:JU-~n-hde~-.1so-in-~·-~-un-,i-gh-~-~-l:-·-t~oo-t ... -ps-Betrayea1Jy Rivafs? on the .Qutskirts of Belfast aftd said one was captured. Two other, civilians were shot and wounded In Belfast, but the army said its men were not involved. .MARSEILLE (AP) -Morisleur Jo, the found a young married couple and their legendary heroin .chemis.t .. fre~~fi police 4-year-old son, whQ were fronting for 1----0fficers-participattng-tn-the-two-county~· --~--~ -roundup said they unearthed a one-ton p· · $73. 776 Pl --Preniier Jack-bynch-of-:-the ....... trish Republic demanded in a political speech that the British government imm'ediately maJ<e public the concessions to ·the c~ught Thur~~aY. in his s..e.cr.eUaborator~C-Osar:i.---Bu~-looking-further;-t-h-e Wffii $25 m1lhon worth ot dfugs may . . have been given away to other doPe ped· discovered the rudimentary lab and In a ' ,, '· . cache of marijuana from o Riverside roposes ' an tomb. They said the Phoenlx home in Costa Mesa was also an outlet in the drug selling operation. Burke Battling 'Fly-by-night' Abortion Helpers SACRAMENTO (UPll -A three-bill package to reduce "fiy-by-night abortton e-0unseling groups" was I n trod u c e d Thursday by Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R-Huntlngton Beach). B'urke said many or the so-called e-0unseling services "are nothing more than abortion referral organizations who steer those Inquiring about family plan- ning to doctors who specialize in abor- tions. Burke's measures would: -Require that women be told "the truth" about the physical and mental danger of having an abortion as well as the consequences of seeing the pregnancy through full term . -Prohibit approval ot a therapeutic abortion on grounds the pregnancy would impair the mother's health unless a medical committee finds that it is so. -Require parental consent before an abortion could be performed on a minor. Orange \\leather The bare bones budgeted Orange Coun- ty Airport.Land Use Commi!'sion (ALUC) has not given up trying. / ThurSday night commissioners voted to submit a proposed $73,776 spending program, up almost $10,000 over the 1971· 72 request which the c~unty Board of Supervisors summarily cut to $500. Commission Secretary Brian Douglass. manager of the · Fullerton Municipal Airport, said that printing, mailing and reproduction costs durin g the past year had far exceeded the estimate. The agen- cy will ask $10,000 for these jobs. Supervisors, in cutting the ALUC budget to $500 last summer repeated their oft spoken contention that the agcn· cy is not necessary, that it only duplicates the functions or the regular county airPort commission. Commissioners decided . to hold th eir April 20 meeting at Los Alamitos Naval Cyclist Becomes 53rd Traffic Victim Motorcyclist Timothy M. Beckham , 23, o( 7294 El Tomaso Way,. Buena Park, became Orange County's 53rd traffic vic- tim of the year Thursday. The cycle Beckham was riding collided with a car at Manchester Avenue and 8th Street, Buena Park, police reported~ He died four hours later at Orange County Medical Center. The driver was not cited. The 53 fatal s figure to date this year compares with 40 at the same time last year. Staton followfug receipt of an invitation from the Navy. The Armed Services branch has asked for a moratorium on all building around the air facility and this has been opposed vigorously by sur· rounding communities. In selecting the air station for their meeting, commissio.!lers_turn~ down an invitation from Los Alamitos offering the city's council chambers for the session. Douglass said the Navy had assured him that a large meeting room would be made available and that anyone wishing to attend the session would be admitted to the air station without difficulty. County Jurist Tli eft Victim An Orange County Superior Court judge v.1ho is well accustorr..:d to the presence of criminals in his courtroom found Thursday that he . had at least one in his parked car. Judge J, E. T. "Ned" Rutter of Newµort Beach was the victim of intruders who removed county own· ~d tape recorders and casettes from his auto. parked in the base· ment of the Orange County Courthouse. Sheriff 's officers valued the loss at $73. The equipment was on loan to the judge from the court ad- ministrator and the cc.unty law library. Counti.an Keeps Tryitag dlers.' closet 220 pounds of heroin In 10 packets Catholics which it has been debating ror And 56-yeai;:-old Joseph Cesari, whom a weeks. A U.S. agent in Marseille once called "the British Prime Minister Edward Heath finest of the fine old hands," ma:. have said in a speech lhat these would offer been lucky to have been arrested . the province's Catholic minority "a real Reports circulating here say he was and meaningful part in the taking of marked for death by gangsters who decisions which shape their future," 'thought he I urned In two local drug But the British newspaper The Guar-dealers he considered annoying com· dian reported that the army warned petltors . Heath "serious trouble involving signifi-Police told a news conference today cant numbe_rs of Protestants;, would that Cesari's arrest and the dismantling ~!most Cert:a1nly follow-an~~-of-ma----of-bis· laboratory-came,fter-a'"1ong-tn- JOr concessions to fbe Catholics. vestigatlon which culminated in the raid No observanc~ of St. Patrick's Day. was Thursday afternoon on the Villa Suzanne planned today in the northern prov1n~e, in Aubagne , a Marseille suburb and the where Protestants outnumber Catholics headquarters of the Forelgn Legion. two to one. Inside the villa, the raiders said they -two weeks' production. Cesari was arrested in the same suburb in 1964 with the same amount of heroin and went to prison for seven years. Missile Trails Eyed VANDE NBERG Am FORCE BASE (AP ) -Swirling n1issile exhaust trails highlighted western skies Thursday night afterthe /\ir'Porce-launched a tc-cn:try-- vehicle from this. coastal bas'!. A modifled Minuteman t propelled lhl' vehi- cle over the Pacific Western Test Range. a spokesman said. No other details were available. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Triple Funeral. Set Satt1rday: Grievitig grandparents and a young doctor who found his wife and baby daughters dead in their Newp6rt Beach toWnh ouse Wednesday are preparing for a triple funeral today in Chicago, Rite s for victims of what .police classified as a case of murder and suicide will be Saturday. Baltz-Bergeron hfortuary Ch ape I spokesmen said bodies1 of Joan Hoerig, 27, Laura Jean, 2, and Susan, 8 weeks, were shipped to the family's original home area Thursday night. The girls were found drowned and their mother dead of self-inflicted knife wounds by Dr. Paul Hoerig about noon Wed- nesday in the home at 328 Vista Suerte. Sur v ivors inc lud e paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. Hoerig. maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davis, plus Mrs. Hoerig's two brothers and one sister, all of Illinois. t l I , • • Prospects or nice. weather at the beaches this weekend are ptetty sliffi according to the weatherman. Low clouds and fog will dominate the Orange Coast scene. High! around 61 rising to 72 inland. Lowr 15. JNSmE TOqAY It's 1pring and the swallows are returning. DAIT.J' PIWT staff writer John Valterza. re· vieros the phen.omerwn that made San Juan Capistrono the "Je wel of the Missiom." Sec to- day's Weekender. Jail . Hard to Get · Into Mututl lluMt ft Natltl'lll Ntwi 4 Or•Mt CMll'll'f' l1 1l1111urtl'lll 17•tt Syl¥ll ,lrtlf II SWh . lf.lf Sttck Mtrlftll 1'>~1 T.W.ISltll it TllHltrt tt>Jl Wtlltltr 4 w-.,.•1 Ntwi l .. lt Wtrtif NIWt 4 WttfltMw tWI • • Dy TOM' DARLEY Of ltlt D•Ur ,lift 11111 Many of the more than 200 Inmates of the 6rance County Jail sp<nd a lot of their tlme behind bars. pondering the possibility or escape. They would be intrigued today to lea rn that a convicted drug offender is won- dering if he will ever be able to get In and jOin their number. lie 11 Steven Dale Miller and he made his first attempt lo don the distinctive Orange County Jail garb Feb. 22. Miller had been 1<ntencod to IO dly1 In jail by I Superior Court Judge William Murray and the 23-year-old Buena Pf« man was anxious to start serving that sentence. But jail oflicial s Pointed out they didn 't ha ve the appropriate paper work, Miiier was sent away and told to contact his at- torney. Miller went back to Dc puly Public Defender Gal e Hickman and the pair went back to Judge Murray to sort out what appeared to be a bUreaucratlc log jam between the courtroom and the coun- ty jail. They got a new dale, Marcil t~ and • I Miller again presented himself at the county jail. No dice. Jail o(flciah1 knew nothing of Steven Dale Miller or his 90-day jail term and they again sent him back to his lawyer. "lt'1 kind of like trying to gel into Fort Knox .'' Hickman said. "But J'm going to take Steve Into court with me again todBy and maybe he'll str ike thi rd time lucky or have the luck of the Jrlsh ~ or something." M 111 e r hopes so. Ll.ke h" •aYS. if be bad got inlo jail In the first p~ he'd only have another 66 days to ...... . Two Against One Bill Ficker'• fhances of being the flrsl Amer ica's Cup dMcnd cr to win Long Beach .Yacht Club's C~n gresstonaf Cup .we re dim me d Th ursday when he accidentally tacked and lorced Den nis Conner's Cal-40 (right) Into committee boat. Ficker abanaoned the race after having lost the opener to Doug Raslello o! Long Beacll. (For details see Boating. Pa&e 20.) ' •\ ~. • • I ., f DAILY PILOT Musick Asks $1 MiJ]ion In Excess-, By JA CK BROBACK Of ttll D•llY P/loU Sllll County admlnlslrative staff .members cot a jolt Thursday when Sheriff James Musick asked for $1 million more ove r the current $12.I rr.!llion spending pro- gram. On \\'ednesday, the first day of budget review hearings, County Planning Direc· tor Forest Dickason asked for a boost ol $426,000 in his proposed budget. On ~fusick's lis t the biggest increase is $381,000 for operation of the main county jail, pushing the annual gpending figure lor the facility to slightly more than $4 million. The sheriff also requested fi ve ad· dilional deputies to patrol the Dana Point Harbor area where he anticipates ad· ditionaJ enforcement problems during the summer months. Musick Predicted that his department will have to handle 39,500 incidents during the coming fi scal year, up 2,500. FrRtay, Mll'CPI lt, llf72 • • '{»ushing Dirt Other increases sought include $254,000 for training; $266,000 for increased patrol, and $75,000 for crime in· vestlgation. Other spending boosts requested total about $60.000 Including those for the county industrial farm. the Theo Lacy branch jail. court related costs and juvenile investigation .' , Heavy equipment operators carN"e land for ne'v Promontory Bay (foreground) and on Promontory Point (background). Irvine Company is developing 61 waterfront homcsites around manmade bay. \vhich \viii be connected 'vith J\'e'\'port _Harbor by channel bet\veen Beacon Bay and Balboa Island Bridge. Lagoon and homesites are to be ready in February of next year. Apartments are planned for Promontory Poi nt overlooking the bay. · The coroner's division which 'A'aS tacked on lo Musick's depanment more than a year ago 'A'ill nffi:J $569,365, Musick gaid, an increase of $82,000. The sheriff had one bit of good news for the administrators. rr he is allowed to hire 15 permanent employes as back·up peraonne.1, substituting for extra help and sick and vacation relief, it will save $37,000, he estimated. Admiral Says America Can't Leave Vietnam Capt. Bill Wallace, jail supervisor, said be expects an eight to 12 percent increase in inmates during the coming year to a daily average of 950 compared to the cur- rent 900. _ · Mu!lick again urged approval at· $1.8 ' million for completion of 'the unfinished fourth ·floor of the main jail. Board mem· bers vetoed this expenditure last year. From Page 1 UTILITIES. • • The U.S. can't gel out of Vietnam -at Je-ast not f<lr years -and can't get out or the world at all, Adm iral Joh n S. McCain •. commander of Ameri~an armed forc;i in the· Pacific, said in Newport Beach Thursday. "The enemy in Vietnam is prepared for a protracted war," McCain told about 200 members of the Orange County World Af· fa irs Council at the Newporter Inn. Calling communism "a pervasive in· Ouence throughout the entire depth and breadth of the world ," he described a "strategic island" policy practiced by all nations, militarily and economically. befol'fl March 25. Grayson said the conr Admiral McCa in commands all U.S. mission wouJd tak! final 1ction on all of Armed Forces in the Pacific. including the 116 increases before it within 10 days. the U.S. Pa cific Fleet , the world 's largest On another subject, Grayson attacked naval command. ?\iediterranean Sea , McCain said. He pointed to Russian aid or persoMel in Cuba, South America, India, Egy pt, Singapore. Africa and Asian countries: "Tbere are four powers that face the Pacific particularly -Russia. North Korea. China and North Vietnam,'' he said, "and thank the Lord those lour don'f get along." Numbers of Soviet missiles have in· -creased from 225 to 1.520 since 1965 and the Soviet fishing fleet. much <lf it ''also spy ships," is 4,000 strong , McC ain said. .. Things look very serious in Cam· bod ia" and "Communis ts c<luld take over any time in Laos ," McCain cautioned. Balboa Fun Zone Property Eyed For City Park Acquisition and development of a city park on Balboa's Fun Zone property will be considered for adoption in the New· part Beach Interim Park Plan by P.arkS Commissione rs March 21. Planning Commissioners Tuesday asked ·for the PBR Commission 's advice on acquisition of the amusement park prop- erty, which had been suggested by Vice Mayor Howard Rogers. The Balboa site was recently purchased by JAK Construction Company in NC\\'· port Beach for development as condo- miniums. ' s~hool Flap 6th Grade Shift Debated By CANDACE PEARSON Of Ill• OtUt "tl•t Stitt "Try If, you'll like it," seems to be the way parents and school ofrlclals who"ve experienced it feel about including sixth graders in the Newporl·~1esa school district "midd le schools." Parents whose children may have to try it next year aren't so sure, however. The middle school -traditionally seventh and eighth graders -is" changing ln the llarbor Area to include si.tth grade pupils and the idea ls meeting resistance. School trustees couldn't be happier with the idea, however. In fact, they like It so much they plan to combine all sixth, seventh 11nd eight h' grades into middle schools, throughou t the district. as soon as they can. Parents, especially those from Sonora and Woodland Schools in Costa Mesa, are balking at the Idea . • They're afraid that association with older children wlll bring exposure to drugs and sexual pressures. , The controversy Is n't new. Tt began in 1966, just after unification, when trustees first tried it at Lincoln School Jn Corona de! Mar. But the fears just haven't come true, school officials and Parent.Teacher Associatlon (PTA ) presidents from the four middle schools with sixth graders agree. District <lfficials understand parental worries about a possible "push" into ear· ly maturity and try to ease th! minds of both incoming children and parents with orientation meetings. . District representatives. administrators and even PT A mothers surveyed belie ve in the program with varying intensities. In it. sixth graders still attend one basic classroom with their own age group for English, history. reading and spellin~. They 'will go to different teachers (still within their own age group) for math, science, and ph ysical educaUon. Seventh and eighth graders ha ve varia· tions of that plan. Elective programs, som! of them in mixed ages, are offered, including _drama, dance. art, woods:hop. cooking, speec h, Spanish, music, photography, journalism ·and typing. Middle schools, accord ing to Don Hout, district instructional services director, ~r! supposed to give students the "op- portunity to explore as man y different areas as time, facilities, and personnel permit." The middle sc hool is also seen as an im portant transition period between elementary and high schools. According to research by the dis trict, llout S.ays, the grouping of sixth throu gh eighth Is better than K·6 and 7-8. school, agreed and said that sixth graders have more .advantages in a mid· die schoo l set-up. ''And whlle J can't say lherc isn'I any qegatlve social influence," he 11dded, "sixth graders already IJ!.Ctt the <llder students afte r school and in sum mer . At least we ha ve a contro lled en vironment here." ~1rs. James MorrOw, Davis School PTA president, said that "none of the fea rs the parents have come about.·• She added, hpwe ver, that some parents s t l 11 naturally favor elementary schools: Both TcWinkle School Principal John ~1 cGowcn and TeWinkle PTA President l\1 rs. Lawrence Englehart said Iha£ inJtia l parental alarm has changed to real "enthusiasm." The key t<l the tra nsition from fear to positive approval might come when parents discover the different ages still don 't socialize as mu ch as it is expectedi Kaiser School Principal Elvin Hutchison said. !\1rs. Joseph B. Hart . PTA president at Lincoln . the first school that had sixth graders. reiterat~ that 11they are still treated as youngii' students and not ex- pected to be as sophisti cated ." Mrs~ Hart speaks Cron personal ex- perience, having had one sixth grader re· main at the elementary level and another go on to Lincoln middle school. "I couldn't see any difference. In fa ct." she added , ''it was better for the sixth grader al Linco ln." Cliief Says It With Music From Wlr! Servlce:s RENO -Music may sooth the savage beast, but the m~sic system approved by POiice Chief James Parker, a former Newport Beach police captain, isn't completely tranquilizing his officers. "I'd work even better with a pay raise." said one patrolm1n about the recorded symphonies and other background music now being piped through the stationhouse's paging system. Chief Parker. wh o left the Orange Coast in December to take the job as Reno's top cop, ellminated moon· lighti ng by his men in gambling casin0s as his first major policy ch ange. Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz for Strategic islands.' McCain said, are ._ __ _.statement,, "damagYlg to the stablliz.a-!!point.5.on 1and or in the sea-from which tion program." Russia tries to project military, political, But he emphasized lhAt in Vietnam . although the economy is a problem , both the South \1ielnamese 3rmy and govern· ment are "outs tanding .'' McCain-said-South-Vietnamese farm production is on the upswing and that Americans are bec<lm ing ' • m ore advisory ." Planning Commissioners also .!skcd for further input on a proposed neighborhood park <ln the Banning family property just "'esr of Superi<lr Avenue and on a park- ar<lund the L'pper Bay opposite 23rd Street. "This grou ping is a nationwide trend." he says, "because schoo ls are oot able to tike care Of Sixth grace-needs Tn an elementary school." County sher iff 's deputies have ~ill_ce taken ~e.r..J.he city polic~ men's part-time casino jobs be· cause their boss doesn't obj!ct. Butz has been applauding rising farm economic and psychological power." prices and vowing to right any attempts The U.S. mus~ gain footholds in these to control them. Raw agricultural pro-areas, he said, because they are often ducts aren't under price guidelines. important trade rou tes or stepping-off Grayson, asked about Butz' state-po ints into )Varring countries. He conlends that ·while U.S. ground f<lrces are being reduced slowly, both air and naval power must be increased and Werner Carlson , principal of Da vis menls, said. he was .sp disturbed by He used the small island of Socotra in "---~t.bera_that.~had typed .. out a. st.atemenL_the--lndlan-Ocean-'as·tln exampte';'""Sayln·g before !od.•:Y s news conference. it is an important controlling point ()f the maintained for at least two yearsL~--JI ------------- perha(s" more. ' .. Reading it. he said that farmen should route to rich oil reserves in the middle be expected to make the same sacrifics East. as everybody else in the economy and The white-haired adm iral likened the should not expect any special catch·up. free world's influence in the area to a "The name of the game of catch·up is chain link protecting the islands and inflation," Grayson said. countries. He said the linkage "must be He added that should food prices con. kept intact." tinue their recent sharp rise . the Price Russia's inlluence and po'A·er are grO'A'· Commission would take action. ing throughout the Indian Ocean and It could do a number of things, he said, including recommendin& controls to the "This is a complex and unusual war and we cannot destroy any part of It," Mc Cain said, "unless alternatives can step in." He 11gain called for the U.S. to remain alerl throughout the world. "If you don 't believe Communists want t<l dominate the world, it's no use discuss ing these matters," he said . Cost of Living Council or limiting the _M D R • d s amount of raw agricultural price in-esa rug a1 ui;;:pect·i;;: creases thal prpcessors and supermarlr<ts -----. --.. -. o · . ;O would be allowed to pass along to con· aumers. PERRY MASON HELD FOR POT Face Mass Arraignments • COPELAND, Fla. IUP!i -Perry Mason was arrested Thursday for cultivation and possession of marijuana., police said. ?\1ason, 20, allegedly was growing 150 marijuana plants on a miniscule plot or land one-root by two-feet in this Collier County town in the heart of the Everglades. 01A11e1 com • DAILY PILOT TYll Clftlll'I C..t DAll.V 'JI.OT, .mi Ml~ .. Clfl'lbllld the ,.,..,.,,.... ........... , ... OnllP "'" ,ll&llllllnf c-i,.r11 • ...,.. ,.,. 9dlrior. •re pVOllll'ltll, Mlnil•Y tf'lr'ou9ll ,,,.,y, tw Coif. M ... , HtwPOrl l•cll, Mlll'ttll!Ofell lttch/fl'011nl1lll Vlll'I', LetuM 1-ai, lrvltttlltdd!•dt end .. n CltlNl'llt/ IM JllM CIJl11""°' A afl'lllt ntlorltl .. tt!M k M li1hed StM'dl'l'I d lun41•.,._ TJle "1ntlMI PllOll9hln1 Jlt "f ft •I la W.I II)' llrHt, Cotti M•I, Ctlfloml .. f'1'». ••li1rt N. W1M ,,..lhnt •f'lll l"'*iltNI' J11k l. Cvrl1v Vb '"''""' tnd Ctntnl MIMfiW' 1\o"''' K••Yil IEdlltr n°"'" A. M.,,hfa• t.t.l'\lflnl lcllltr L. P•t.r ICritt fol.,,_, I~ Ctty NJlr "--·-lll3 N1w11•rt lnl91'1r4 M1rn., A''l'l•U P.O. l•x 11711 t2•1t ..__ ca!1 M•i a W"t lq strw u.-· '-Kh: JO ,,.,.., ........ ..... """'*"••di: 1,.,, l•dl ...,...,.,., ... ~I .JIOf ,.,.,.,,. I I C.l'!'IN A•I • T ........ '714) '4J .. JJI Cl• .. A"'9rtllhlt 642°1671 ~t, lt'1. Ori"'• ONtt l"vll!l"'l"I ~. NI -ttorllt, 11111ttr11~ ..... ,,..,.. ... -.....i11tn'M1'!1t htl'l'llt IMY .. ~Ill WHr\Wt tfl!Kltl IW· ......... ~, ..... ................. ,..," ............ .. ca-M--. C.lllwltlt. Miitcl'W!llwt ., _,... •• "9ftfltfr1 9V: 1ntn si.1• ........ ~ ,._,._ IW l'Mflllll't. . ' ' Court arraignment continued today for many among 63 arrestees rounded up in a series gf Costa f.1esa police raids engineered In an attempt to smash th e gupply of drugs circulating locally. Three teams hit more than 40 Orange Coast locations overnight from Tuesda y lo Wednesday. The first haul netted 54 persons, follow- ed by si1 more individuals taken into custody Wednesday night. lnvesUgators had obtained warrants charging the bulk of the defendants with sales of narcotics, dangerous drugs , or marijuana. A few of those arrested only happened to be present when raid teams pa id formal calls, climaxing a three.month probe alleg!dly involvlng scores ()f drug purchases. Detective Sgt. John Regan. supervisor <lf the raids originating with strlclly local police investigation said the volume of her<lin and cocaine encountered was an alarming surprise. Virtually every type <lf drug on the il- licit market has been purchased by agents In homes, on street corners and at favorite youth hangouts. The incidence of heroin and cocaine - both costly and classifed as harder drugs -indicates an upswing in av1ilabllity and potential Increased addiction police fear. Harbor Judicial Di.strict Cour t Judge s set bail at $12,500 for most arTestees charged as dealers, but the figure could be reduced when they are arraigned. "Mos I of lhem wlll be goil1){ In loday," said Dttectlve Capt. Robert Grttn. No special procedures for m11u ar· raignment.4' are in effect. A lotal or 21 minors charged 11rr either In Orange County Juvenile Hall or ha\'e been released to their pa rents pendln.ll'. heari ngs. Ball does not apply to juvenile-offtnst s . Adull prlooners -ran~lna from 18 lo 35 years Jn ag~ -are either In Orange County Jail er free.on balJ, pending ar· ra i&nm«!nt. Defendant• ac:cll!ed of actually 1<Uln1 ( or offering to sell drugs to undercove r police orficers <lr special informan t· agents will ultimatey be prosecuted in Orange C<lunty Superio r Court. Sheer volume of papcr\vor k and uncer- lainty whether w me suspect!'! still sought knew of imminent arrest init iall y caused problems in. listing adults in custody. Thty Include: Larry J. Simmons . 20, Gregg L. Boothney. 22. and Douglas W. Comstock, 21. all of 1343, Baker St.. Costa Mesa; Greg L. Jordon. 19, of 871 Sonora Ro.ad. Costa ?\lesa: Gary W. Tannehill. 20. <lf r.,1esa Court, UC lrvine campus, and Vic- tor F. Calderon. 25. of 1129 E. Balboa Blvd., Ne wport Beach. Also, Ronald L. Wendi. 26. of 310 E . Balboa Bl vd., Newport Beach : Michael Criger, 20. of 1321 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach, Ronald D. Horrell, 21. of 221 1.z Avocado St., Costa Mesa. and Robert .f. Azensky, 24 , of 2265 Canyon Dri ve, Costa Mesa . Also, George T. Fielder. 19, Porfirio ~I. J\luglca. JS. Donald J. Zeitler. 21. and Richard P. G<lnzales. 29. all nf 1045 \V, Balbo11 Blvd .. Newport: Suitan L. Dunla p. 19, or 574 .Joann St .. Costa l\1esa , and \Villi:t m !·I. Blanco. 23. Long Beach. Also, Rich ard S. Cha se. 2Q, Trevor .. F. Hampton. 20. and Ronald C. Payne, 20, of 1989 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa: •1 ichael F. Clark. 18, and Mara L. Privett, 18, bolh of 2321 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa ~1esa, and Roger \V. Shively, 23. San Francisro. Also, Donald H. Campbell. 19. and Ruth J\1 . Barnes, 20, both of 873 Congrtss SL . Costa ~1esR: Ronald and Patricia LaValley. both 23, <lf 327 Avocado St.. Costa ?.1esa ; D3le L. J1ahs. 20, of 1662 Orchard Ave., Santa Ana Heights, plus Clifford L. Partlow. 20.' and Joyce C. Partlow, 19. ·both of 8772 Enloe .\ve., Carden Grove. Al!K>. Danny J. River•. 29, <lf 10241 Hazard Ave .• Garden Grove : Keith F. Taylor. 18, of 13452 Ontario Drive. Gorden Grove ; Robert J. Brockie, 11, of Me!I Del Mar : Gregory 0. Schwartz, 20, ol 1791 1! Newport Blvd., Costl Mesa, and Gregory W. Allmtyer, 21, of La Habia. • ~~ ..... ··~···· ·-·-- Everything looks lovelier the minute l\1archesa arrives • • • the elegant Italian touch by Drexel Put• t•ble, •commode or a desk from th is great 1:0Uection in any room, and suddenly you h•v• eleg•nce! Muches• by Drexel brings you this le gacy of' love liness irom the Roman pelazzi of centuries ago to brighten the corner whtrt you ere. -DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH KARASTAN .TORRANCE 236'49 Hewthorn• llvd. (J1JJ J71·117t o, .. Prl4ey 'tll f ~ .... •11•1 lllt'ltl•t hdt..,. A••ll•l.....-AID-NSID llll•N T•lf "-• Mwt t4 Ot-.. C••lff 140·1 261 NEWPORT BEACH 1727 W11tc llfl or., &42.2oso ONN Pal DAY 'TIL 1 345 North Cout Hwy. 494-6551 I • -· - . I DAILY PROT EDITORIAL P AGE The Newport Beach councilmen have rposen 1 prudent path for putting the park bond issue before voters on the June 6 primary baUot \Vhile the total package presented adds up to just under $9 millio n1 taxpayers will bave a chance to d~ lermine how much they're willing to fork over for open 6pace, bi cycle trails and view sites. Proposition A on the ballot will be for i3,560,000 and \Vill cover only the cost of acquiring certain park 1ites, and rights-of-way for a SO-mile bike path netv•ork. If residents ~·ant to have those parks be more than grass lots and \vant to get some asphalt on those bicycle tr ails right a"'ay , they'll have to vote to spend the S2.465,000 included in Proposition 8 . U Proposition C.passes, the city \Viii have $3 million on hand to buy some more park sites "'hen and if res· idents identify any ne\\' siles they think shou ld be pre- served bublic property. As has been said before, this vole will give Ne"•port residents who foe some time DO\V have been lamenting the lack of greenery and the step-up of development, a chance to do something about it. Already approaches to the bond issue have been disappointing, however. . ' At the council meeting Monday night, a spokesman ror a bomeo\vners' group who personally has been talk· ing of the crying need for more parks. pointedly asked for the bond issue ballot to be broken down even more. Specifically, she "'anted the "vie\v parks" put on a sep· · arate proposition. The biggest vie\\' park proposed, on Clilf Drive. is in her area. Bond Issue other propositions would go ror projects in his distrirl The park acquisition and development program is long overdue, and the council has acled soundJy in mov- ing on it . But unless ·the entire city can pull togelher on IL and rise above. some of the self·interest barriers that can afflict a "city of villages'' e\•eryone "'ill \\'ind up losers. r ' l\i iddle Sc hool Fears · Some parents in the Ne"'port·Mesa .. chool district are troubled over the district's de\1elop1ng poliry of putting sixth grade students \\'ith seventh and eighlh graders in middle schools. The three·grade middle school roncept \\'as adopted five years ago. \Vith abnut 50 percent of the district's sixth grade population now in middle schools. the dis· trict is planning to make the program complete in the next few years. Parents new to the idea fear increased peer group exposure to drugs. sex and false maturity. But district officials and parents recently intervie\V· ed "'ho are familiar "'ith the idea express marked en· lhusiasm for the program and its increased elective of· rerings. While parental concern is natural. at times i.vorries are based mainly on fear of the unknov.•n. All of this, however, is not going to allay the fears Jf a parent confronted "'ith the program for the lirsl time. It is going to take a lot of commun1cat1ng on the part of school· trustees. • -- The '"'ords-ol the councilman from that area. Carl Kymla, also were disappointing. Kymla let ii be kno\11n that he v.·as mainly interested in getting Proposition A passed. He called it the most imJ:>ortant. Perhaps. but \1:hat he didn't say is that little of the money from the One "·ay this mi gh l be accon1plished is to plan special orientation meetings mixing parents experienced \vith the program and newcomers when changes are first proposed. N ..M/\N> l'M Nol E.VER. &DIN' 1-\0M E."' Legend of St. Bridget, St. Patrick Dear Gloomy Gus Senate Recotafirtttation Every Eight Years ·Byrd Would Curb Federal Judges (SYDNEY J. HARRI S) It's nice that the squirrels al New- port Cen ter have their defenders. but 'A'hy isn't anything being ~· ing said on be.hair of the ground hogs and field mice? They're "'ild· life too. WASHINGTON -A wholly new con- cept ill being projected into the in- tensif yin'g nationwide fight against force(! school businJil . The new proposal strikes directly at the crux of this complex and inflamed issue -the virtually unlimited power of -W. o. Federal judges to is. Learning that Leap \'ear was upnn us, sue sweeping busi ng my younger daughter asked for an ex· • ni. fM111•• rtfltd1 ,,..,_. •1.-.. ""' edicts so I e I y lo Planation of this curious calendrical ,_.,,.,u, 1110n -' .,.. ••••••-· 5'"" "achieve a racial ,...,, "t '".,.. M G'""'" Gu,, rltllY l'llet. b I " custom. She stopped listening while I was a ance. onl half·wa throug_h the earth's orbit To curb that dicta- iround the sun , anCI -----torial ·Power, Sen. wanted to know if ·it Harry Byrd, Ind.· was true that ~omM ACTUALLY. LEGEND as ide, there is -Va ., would . in effect could propo5e to men an Act of the Scottish parliament, passed puL a limit on the on Leap Year Day. zs fa'r' bi'ck as 1288 (itself a Leap Year) termi; or F~eral "Not only on Leap which states (I have modernized the judges -by requiring them lo~ recon- Year Day," J said. • language): firmed by !he. U.S. Senate every eight "but for the whole ~ "It is statute and crdained that during yerirs . If denied such approval, l~ey •----ye1r:--AJRt-yoa .. dDe -ttrrl'etgrro-r-tier most blessed Me~es~oukf-be-rettred-with-fuU-pa . 1urpristd to know , for each year known as Leap Year. ali ~iting the fact that every stale_ in the how long ago that maiden ladies of both high and Jo'A' ei;tate uni?"· _except M_assac_husetts, requ1_rel! the idea got started." 5haU have liberty 10 bespeak the man she periodic re~nfJ~malton ~f ~tale Judges, One of the oldest legends. recorded in likes and .if he refuses to take her to be Byrd expl_a1ns his Constitutional amend- Brewer, relates that St. Patrick, having his l~wful wife. he shall be fined in the ment and Jls urgent need .as follows: "driven ·the frogs out of the bogs," was sum of i!ny pounds, as his estate may ~. walking along the shores of Lough Neagh, except if he can prcve he is .already when he was accosted by St. Bridget in betrothed to another woman." tears, and was told that a muliny had ~roken out in the nunnery over which she presided -the Jadi.es claiming the right Of "popping the question." ST. PATRICK said he wnuld concede them the right.e.ver.y se.venth year. when St. Bridget threw her arms around his neck and excliimed. "Arrtih, Pathr~ck, jewel, I daren'l go back to the girls with 11uch a proposal . Make it one year in four." He replied , "Bridget, acushla, squeeze me that way again, and I'll give ye feap·year, the longest of the lot." Bridget, upon ~is. popped the question to st. Patrick himself, who. of course. could hOl marry; so he patch~d up the dif· ficulty 1s best he could with a kiss and a silk gown. NOT TOO LONG after this, in the 13th Century, a similar Jaw was passed in France. And in the l~th Centurv. the custom of female proposals·was lei:atiied in both the sovereign city states of Florence and Genoa. As late as 1604. when Shakespeare was at the height of his glory, a pamphlet "'as distributed in London. called "Love, Courtship and Matrimony," which pro- claimed : " ... As often as Leap Year doth return. the ladies have the sole privilege during that time of making love, either by word s or looks, as lo them seem proper : and, moreover. no man "''ill be entitled to benefit of clergy who does in any ~·a y treat her proposal with slight or contumely~" Riliht on, Women 's Lib! Amnesty Unacceptable California Feature Service One fssue the liberal ca mp keeps trying to inject into the current Democratic presid!ntial primary campaigns in the East and Midwest is !be issue of amnesty for draft dodgers who ned -lail between legs -llcross the Canadian border. Sen. George McGovern. the prairie liberal whose long, long campaign for the Presidency has yet to take off. proposed to college audiences ·total amnesty for draft dodgers idling in Canada llnd elsewhere. His proposal, of course. was enthusiastically received on campus. Another U.S. Senator has proposed thal. these young men of the "counter culture" movement bf. allowed to retum home and work off their obligation to !heir country doing good deeds In hospltats, cllnia and the like. NEITHER OF. THESE pr0Po-1als has B11 Ge orge --~ Df:llr George : You replJed-to Wondtrmg that you didn't write your own letter~. r don't beLieve it. You would HAVE to wr1te the letters in your column. Do you expect us to believe thr.re are thal. many nutty letters coming In: How m;iny idibls do you lhink there ll't In the world? o.w. Dell O.Vt'.: Well, you'rt t.be 14th lhlJ mornina and I hlven't even opened lbe mill ln>m Newport. exactly seized the Imagination of ·the American people, for lhe simple reason tha1-they are unacceplable. Newsweek Magazine. trying hard to keep this fitful issue from fading away altogether. recently devoted its cover story to the question of amnesty for "war evader!." Gel. thal. -war evaders, not draft dodgers. This. of course, i!i a mea ly· mouthed term . dishonest. through and through, substituting gliltering glorifica· lion for straightforward old American usage -draft dodging. Dan Rather. !he CBS · TV cor· respondenl , 11 \so tried to pump life into lhii; dead issue in his hour-long inlerview with President Nixon recently , Asked i! he would grant amnesty, the Presidenl replied with one word -"No." FAR BEYOND THE iM:ue of amnesty, what the country needs' is for. a ranking politician with the. gull to speak out in po\\'trful terms In support of the hun· dl'tds of thousllndii: of younjj: men who answered the c111ll of the draft boards by gelttna into uniform . They gave lheir lime, lhelr live.s and their" bodies lo tight lhai hateful war in Vietnam and 11 C C.e p I e d their respohslbUl!les as part of the: price of being American", Tbeu men and lhelr families neert restored to them lbelr honor •nd dignlly 11nd the ir M:nst of having served their country in a f11ii1hful manner. They ar~ 1walttn5 the rankin• pohtl· <Wu--..i>«tally pr .. idonUaJ up~aota -to apeai up. "JN RECENT YEARS the Federal courts have assumed more and n1ore power, power which under the Constitu· lion was reserved to the executive, !he legislature. the slatei; and the people themselves . This misuse of potA·er was not envisioned by the founders of this republic. nil is lime !hat we restored the balance in the government by making Federal juds::es more responsible to the people. It is time the judiciilrY ~ made, once more, a co-equal branch of the govern- A Call To the Editor: Hurrah for the DAILY PILOT editorial staff! "Preserve Whet We Ha ve" staled Sunday, March 12, expressed what a large segment of the popu lation has been .s,:iying for a, long time. We really like Newport Beach ! We do nnt want il5 character lo change! We wanl ii enhanced! Wt want the best residential area in the country! The current clty council election revitalizes my fa it h in the often cr~ticized democratic process . The individual resi· denl voter 's viewpoint somehow surfaces in it! disorganized, uncoordinated fashion and swells lo the point thst it changes the direction of a whole society. POWERFUl. POl .. ITICAL ~nd economic forces dra~ up de.fen~e lines. The money nows . Learned voicrs intone : "!m~ tion11lism" -'·impraclicitl '' -"inevil· ahlr" -"uneconomic." Rut inexplicab- ly, lhe 11nroordlnated perwnal v1ewpaint Ix-comes ., consensus. The con~ns11li brings about 11ctiOn and e\•tn old foes hr.gin lo mouth, and believe, the redirected viewpoint Only the entrenched financlal llnd politic11I power centers continue to grumble. "The public doesn 't know whal Is bf.sl for them." I 5uppos1". 11s a cor ollriry. they asS\Jmt they know what m best for all of the re!t of us. IT \VJLL. Bt: interesting in this election lo see how informed the public hss become . Do they re1lly know lhe can· dldalt!I . lhf'lr background~. their voting reco rd.\. their platform (beyond the. pllUiludt!:!!)? Rc~1rdle!! of tht outcome of lhl~ 5p@C1fic election, we •re 1ssured tbsl lhe poor old. much mallgntd. democratic S)'ltP.m l! wrll and kic king. We all bend.it by It. tAl i•••t most or us d<l. l 1l beboo\'es 11! of us 1dult.s, and partlculllrly Ille """ JI Jo 21 y•ar old votua, Jo prove ROBERT S. ALLEN n1ent. rather than the self-appointed supervisor of ev.ery aspec-l of our coun- lry 's existence. ,The federal judiciary has perpelratrd a '"revolution·· by csis!1pg a"icle rt'titra1n1 and rtgard for !ht n1hrr co·tqual brAnrhes of the ,:tovernmf'n1. Federal judge.~ are suhsritu11ng their o~·n ideas of jusli(•e for rules nf la~·. and ''loo often !he h<illmark of lhf' mndcrn court h<is been the voi ce of pow~r. 11C1l the voice of reason." stair's inlerprelat1on of its own c.on· stitu1i(ln and st111u1es: and ii stnctly in- tl'rprt'1C'd lhr rulPs concerning •·s1.11nd· ins:" to hrini;: 11 la~· suit , "The present syslc1n of tifel imc ap-pointment. 'A'hereby a judge is removable IN ~tANY instances, f'cdcr;il jlid~es only by impeachment . is not in the best ha vr arrogantly a s !I u m e d the ··Aul ln rtl'rni yea rs," says Ryrd, ''the Federal cou rts hn ve 1j:tnorcd or dh~cardtd t<Leh of these \\'tse drn.•trines. Now the cnur1 s. llrt1ng under the prem1sr th111 the ('onsli!11t1on Is 1,•halcver juc\Jiles Sii}' 11 Iii, h<i vr plun~<'d into "'hat adm irers llkr io cal l a 'rcvnlullnn.' Out I'll! Justice Cardo- za ·"" wisel y held, •Justices are not com· miAAioncd io-makt-.an~make--r:ules at- plf'asur<'. in accord~nce with changing views of expediency or wisdom'." -interest of-the country. -~he process or •·pr~aJi.v___e_s o.L lords or lhe Middle_ removal by impeachment does nol Ages : nothing in our system rxists to anliwer the problems presented hy a control these. judges: their passk>ns of the judiciary v.•hich h1'~ established itself as a n1oment are totally unrestrained, rven by super legislature. Under my amendment, the collective wisdom o.f fellow judges.'' INO l(iNA1''TLY , Sen. Byrd cltes 11 judges could serve for a term of ei~ht Suth hi~h·handed willfulnei.li is t!rorfini: numhtr or ([l,11r ing instances of autocralic years. at the end of which they would bL respect for the law. Where once Federal mf'drfling by Federal judges Jn Joc1tl If· automatically · nominated for rccon · courts acted "'1th carefu l restraint and f;iir~. irm&loton-by-the-Senete. • I f reconfirmcct--IOOcler--atioo-;-t-ha-t-eNt-1'11ppe:11 ~ver:--A. ey-h:t l't"'"fntrrf P.red-wtth-thtr'l'fper1'-· - by the Senate, they would continue lo consequencr, we now have ri judiciary, lion of ~honls and unlversitie!," he serve for another eight years. which, accounlablc lo no one, ha!i run asserlll . "Thf'y have set forth detailed "To maintain the financial indepcnd· amok in asserting its authority over the rei;iulal lon.s for the administr111llnn of e_nce or the judiciary, ila judge is not con· dai ly lives or all Americans. stale ~n;il facilities: they have dlclalM firmed he would be rettred at full pa y." The lale famed Supreme Court Justices to local school hn11rds, .11nd in somt! areas WHILE THE immediate impact ol Sen. Byrd's far·reaching proposal centers on the stormy forced-busing controversy. It actually applies lo the f ederal judic1ary's vastly encompassini;t role in the whole cg:amut of the nation's affairli. This immeasurably increa ses the im· portance of and justification for !he mea sure . The Virginia lt1"•maker intends to seek early consideration of his amendment 1o1•hich he deems critically essential for the following reasons : Holmes. Jlrrindeis, Stone, Card 0 7. a, have gone so far Ali to suggest th11t l1'1Cal Hughes and fo'ranklurter are cited hy i:nvernment bodif's make .11ppropr1:-tioni Byrd as foremnst advocates of !he policy of money fnr projects which the judge, nf judicla! .seH·restraint. Under their wise feel are nccei.liary. and far-sighted opinions and principles "Only recently, ll Federal judge the Supreme Court enunciated several nrdcred a stair lo rorego the electkin of basic operating rules, as follows: loc;il officers. eve n ~·hen this issue nrver , had been presented to the court by any nf T~_F~ COURT refused lo p;is!i on lhe parties invol ved. On' Federal Judge political questwm: fl defer.red Iii f'late-ordered the-eonMhd11tion--0Hbrschont common law principles; IL refused tn sylitems of two counties and one c.ltv. enunc1ale Cnn.~titulional ruhng;s, unlf!!iS Unle~s this decision is reversed , whllt ;, absolutely necessary ; II refused ln rule to prevent the judlchal enforcement of upon moot questions ; It deferred to a total merRers of cities and counties.:" for Personal Involvement ( MA ILB OX ) ltll•rt !rt"' r1•81to ••• wtl!;oint. Nertr1•1tw- wr!1tn '"•u!d cenYtJ t"•lr "'llH••• ift >IMI "'""""' 6• t.J I. T"• •l•hl ,, ctn~tn\t ltl!frt te !II IDl(t tr t lll!tlftt lt llbtl 1, •llfn'ltl. 411 "111•1 '111111 I~· cl\ld.I •ltn•tv•t 11141 "'llllftt 1d4rtu . bu! "'"''' "''' M wUlllltlll tft rttV.ll 11 1>,1fll(lflll rtllottl It ••••••nl. l'HlrT wm 1111 IHI •11lllll.f1H. the effect1venrss of our politi<'al syslem through our personal involvement and responsibility. R. H. CLUCAS M 111 1 lluve Buhn1ce To the Editor : Paul Rycknrf. in a recenl Ma1Jbn:t roo. tribution, misrrpresented my pos ition on several question!, including LhP 1 ·ppcr B;i y, Con1rary 10 hi s misreprtsenlalion. I rlo ' nol now. nor h;ive I .111 any limr. favort"'d a strlctJy commercial development of the Upper 'Rack) Bay. I do fl'lvor a "b~lr1nced u~r 11nrl devclopmenr " of I.he Upper Ra y. Th1i, view \~ b113ed on both legal 1'nd equitable considerations. Specilieilly, 1 would uli1il'.C 1ha1 Ir· repla ce.Able nstur1l resourcr 10 srrvf the di vergent. Interests of ALL 1he people - not JUSI !hose who would leave 11 un· touched "for the bir<l.s.1' nor only for thost "'ho would dredge It out for u~f' or the "boat, owner1." nor ror any othtr gpeeial \ntere8t group. Sc:iunrt publ ir palicy df':m.11nds that 11U groups -lhe publir *' l~rge -mu~t be serv~ ;ind be:nc£ited. No other alternath·e 18 11c:- eeptable. .. LEGAl,LV, THIS posllllln Is mon· dplary, btc•u,. the C.tiroml• Cooslllu· hon bolds the Udeland1 to be property of alt the pt0ple. By llal• l•Jl•laOvo tnacl· men!. lhe Administration -tru.~tee:ship -has been granted lo lhf' l.ount.9 of Orange. Rut lh:il trusl mus! hi' in the •n· lerei;t of everyo ne. no1 ·necessarily the mos! vocal. ;ind if !hal 1rus1 i~ breached. control will unquesLlonably revcrl to the stale. Equitrihly. all. !he citizens .!lhoulrl he permitted the righl to derive equa l ('n· joyment >1nd use from the w11terway1. That ri,1?ht mus1 be preservM under the brn;idest definition l'lnd applic11tion of a P'Jl icy to serve lhe "public inlerest 11nd the public welfare." THIS rosJTION JS nol II ".lohnny- comc-Jately'' conclusion My tlirect ::1nd f)er.sonal involvement ln lhl" B;ick R:t v iss11,. coverii; many months, rlurlni;; 'A'hic·h I strenuous ly labored 11nd rltbitl el'I hrrorp lht Orani;:c Counr ,v Bmlrrt of SuJ>{'rvisor~ And othPr grou~ IO nullify lhe "County Of Oran~r.-lrv ine Comp11ny 11.c1nd 1 Exr.han,:?P Ae:rf'cmrnt " -th1t1 monstrous glveFtw.IJy of public Interest. IT IS MV F"IRM conviction 1M1 !hr dlvergenr i;troupli mu~! reco,1?niz.e thllt none has ttw. !\-Ole riJthl lo lmposr it.~ views to the exclusicn of 1111 other J)f!rsons -a balFtnce mu.st bt 11rrived 111 to permit u~Ai:e of the area for both n8tural s .. nctu11ry and rccre;i!lonal 1cllvity. The two <ire nol incompatible. Al!: to Ryck11ff'~ nther allei;iation~. m.\y I ~t::1te that ~1ax Sturi;ie~ I~ 11 re.,pcc:lt.d cr1izen of Newpnn Beach. dce.Jtly ron- ccrl'led. as are thousands ol our ~illtens, wllh the darlJlcrous drift or our city. Ht is no! my campaign m11nagtr, nor dotA ht fnrmulate or speak for me on policy ma.I· ters. HARVEi" D. PEASE CouncU C&ridldall! from 11'11" Ne"-por1 Be~ Fifth Ois1ri~t T'i,. 11u01or n( fht nrfr1',.af It ttr ftt th~ trc~arigt , Mtu Sturg"'"·'· npptortd arid spokt at ti Cort111n rl,/ Mnr Chamber o/ Commtrcii mcct,ng ~ I t h ' d.tsrgnated r£prestntative oJ cownc1t condtdatf Ptcut. 'l''•' Image To lhe Editor : -Editor We !hank ynu for the efforts tbe DAt· 1_,V PILOT h115 made to focia upon our Orange Co11st YMCA '1 operational and "image" problems. Responses ha\'t rAnged rrom m11n1 stron1:: "wif r,. with you . about ti me the 5lory WAS told " to somr rare "you can't fool me" replies-but they are au show· in,c.: dctptr cnncern for the "Y". It 11i only through l!Ur.h con!ideration Iha! the YMCA, any c omm u n l I y or,c:ini1.:11inn, can txist ;ind proJ;tres!, I knnW I SJ)f'ak ror all concerned in ti· prl:'~sin~ our 111pprcc1alinn for your-time, lht)ucht. spsicP. and thoroughly pro- fe~sional handling of !he Yl\1CA subjert. DON MUHLIG Excc1.11ivc Oireclor Orange Co11.st YMCA OJ.ANOI COAS T DAILY PILOT Rob1.rt N. ive1.d, Publi.t'atr T homnJ KtrL'il, Ed tlor Alh,rt \V, Bo(rt f;cflror1ol PoQc Ed itor ' Th,. rdllnn.111 !'ll~e nf th,. 0.1\1 P!l"t 'rrk' to lnlarm 11n!I •tlmu· 1,_1, r!l•dr r~ by prPw-nunc 1h11 MCW1/lfl0f>r'l ffl'll nil)(lJ And COf'"• men111rr on 111rie. of inltmt. •nd 1i;nU1e1nt'•'. hy provtdlnc a rnrum f!lr th"' cicnr '"" nr nur re1dtr•' npinlfln.,, •nit b)' rirtSf'nl1 n.~ th~ d1vt"""' '1rv. r'flln!~ nf lnfl'lrmtd ab- l"r~·rn "nd •t10kt1men on topict nf th, d1y. trlday, Marrh 17, 1~72 ' . ' I • . . CALIFORNIA . Bo asting Arso11 Suspect Cleared LOS ANGELES (UPI ) -A convicted arsonist who boasted or setting the Barclay Hotel fire that killed three persons was cleared of murder charges today a(ter it v.•ai;: determined careless smoking caused the blaze. Detective Philip Alexander said Harvey Lynn Beagle Il, 30, was cleared after three witnesses said they were drinking with Beagle in a bar when the fire broke out early Wednesday. Some 130 skid row pensioners and welfare cases were left homeless by the blaze which swept the sixth floor of the 76-year-old hotel In addition to the dead, six guests and one fireman were injured. Alter11ative Jury Sought For Davis SAN JOSE (UPf ) -It only look eight da ys for attorneys to accept the 12· member, all -while jury in the Angela Davis murder trial, but the process of finding four alternate jurors already ls 1n its fourth day with 16 persons questioned and dismissed . Judge Richard E. Arnason caJJed today's extraordinafy session ln an effort lo speed up the selection of alternates :so that testimony can begin in the murder, kidnap and conspiracy trial. t-.tiss Davis, who ~s a cocounsel in her case, sat silently Thursday and· let her defense team question the potential panelists. The defense used three peremptory cha llenges to-exclude a Mormon woman , a man born and raised in South Carolina and a Vietnam Yeteran . The prosecution used one challenge to dismiss an Indian mother of nine. At the end of Thursday's session, the defense had five peremptory challenges left to the slate's seven. Three alternates have passed questioning for "cause" and are tentatively seated. If those alternates are accepted, the first perion to join the regular jury in case of illness or other problems would be black·haired Michelle Savage, 20, a receptionist." Death Penalty Petitio1is Out SACRAllENTO [AP) -a cam· palgn Is beginning for 520,806 signatures in order to put the death penalty issue on the ballot for all the voters ·next November. The constitutional amendment in itiative was filed by four statewide organizations of law enforcement officers, and state Sen. George Leukmejian (R·Long Beach). It is aimed at restoring. the death penalty, which was declared un· -conslitutional recently by the State Supreme Court. The c o u r t ' s decisiOn becomes final Sa turday. Power Reserves Hurt hy Blast LOS ANGELES I AP! .: An explosion that tore apart a city power department i;team boiler has left the city 's power reserves "dangerously low" t~ meet peak JJummer electricity de ma n d s , a spokesman has reported. "lt's not critical now, but it could be later,'' the city Water and Power Depart- ment spokesman said. The blast ruptured a 60()..ton boiler and furnace and blew apart a wall at the Scattergood Steam Plant in suburban Playa Del Rey late Wednesday night. Damage was cst~mated al. $15 million . Mother of Dying Children Dropped Off Welfare Roll, i J!y JAMES O. CLIFFORD • SOUTH .SAN: rl\ANCISCO (UPI) -The mother of three dying children, who was given an eviction notice before Christmas. has been dropped from the welfare rolls because of the generos.ity of persons touched by her tragic story. "I was shocked," said Jac- queline Collum, 34, a divorcee whose children, ages 12, 7 and 7. have the incurable Batten's disease. One daughter. Patty, 13, died in her arms last year. £or under the welfare pro-that account goes Into the gram . · trust.'~ "This means we have no .A welfare officiaJ said aid is J ' place to li ve and no food normally cut off once someone ' stamps,'' said Mrs. Collum . "I has acquired $600 in personal am entitled to a fair hearing property. with the welfare people within Mrs.1 Collum is also looking 15 days, but I don 't know what for a nomc, but with special that involves." requirements -it mu st be A spokesman for the county one story, located in a quiet , welfare department refused to level n e i g h b or hood and discuss the matter un less Mrs. preferably near a park. Collum gives "her written The eviction deadline of permission." · April 30 would have been ex· ;, More than $24 .000 w a s received by Mrs. Collum from persons sympathizing with her 1---;,,P lgllr.tlowever.·lffifnlorfCY is in a trust fund for her children's needs and Mrs. Collum ·would like it to be preserved "in case a cure is ever found ." All of Mrs. C o 11 u m 1 s tended on ai month·to-month children ha ve the sysptoms of basis by the welfare depart· the rare nervous disease in ment. but "that'11 all chang whic h deatp usually occur11 now," the mother Sllid. t>~rore'fgno:----xathleen,-12;-------- and Cha rles, 7, are already blind . and Cr)!s tal, also 7, is losing her sight. "I have received help and letters from thousands, rang· Kaiser Steel Strike Ends ''1£ no cure ~e !~hind. the --money~fter-1 'Idun! deaths, would be used to set up an organization of parents who have children with th e disease," she said. She received the news by mail that her welfare grant would end March 31 because or "excess personal property" she had received from well- wishers around the world. The action means she no longer will receive a $180 a month grant, food stamps or the use or a small house paid ing (ro~ nun~ in .~n~~nts to ·FONTANA (AP) _ A six-.women...t4cson.--sa.ii:lJdr.$.-----·-~-·- 1..ollum, who gets $99 a month week strike at Kaiser Steel child support from the former Corp.'s ~ig Fontana plant end· husband. ed Thursday after the United She said a separate checking Steelworkers union .approved ac cou nt or $1 ;344 was opened during the first Wave ol con· changes ·in a unique labor- tributions. management b on u s agree- "I had no idea the help ment. would reach this amount and I Members or the striking just used the separate account union local voted 2,5 16 to 492 to pay off bill!! outstanding Wednesday to accept revisions before the trust was establish· offered by the company in the ed ." she said. "But once the so-called ''long-range sharing bill~~!~~~~~·-~~~~-~~ --- if ljOll'W S•MI tftis- Travel Vouchers •• : the "golng" kind of stamp.,. takes you anywhere, at any time you choose! Savfn-g Travel Vouchers is the fastest way to make your travel dreams-come true! Save these mag ic stamps for "fun" vacalionsl Trading Travel Vouchers can pay for part or all of your ticket costs! Here 's-- how the program works: L Your participating merchanls (see directory) issue Trad· Ing Travel Vouchers with each purchase you make. Z You place ''regular" or "Big Ten" Travel Vouchers in your •colorful redemption books. J Take your filled redemplion book to your local member •Exchange Bank (see directory), and receive a beautifully engraved Traveler's Reserve Certincate worth $2.00. 4 When you are rea dy lo travel, take your Traveler'• Reserve • Certificales to your authorized Travel Agent (see direc· tory), and spend them like cash! Traveler'• Reserve cer· tificates ca_n purcha11e ell or any part or your next ticket costs. You choose the time and place, a nd you 're off on your trip! TllADllfG ji ........ i theorie "'A\111. i l'i!l j .you can \fotkltll\S : ·~-: avkly wi'C . . .......... MEllGHAtn fNOUIAIES INVITED.:_ TAAVElE"RS AESEAVE. JNC, {714)f11.2• . Fflda,, March 17, 1972 llAll Y PILOT j ll' age Trl11a Reuit on U.S. Port Closure Looms By LEIF ERICKSON SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -A shutdown of all U.S. ports loomed as a possibility today after the Pay Board trimmed a wage increase won by We$t Coast longshoremen in ending a 134-day dock strike. • There was no immediate comment Crom Harry Bridges' West C.oast lntema- t io na 1..L.o_ng s ho r ~men' s -a.nd Warehousemen 's Union Thursday after the Pay Board in Washington lop~ about one-fourth of the 1 L W U 's negotiated increases. Nor was there com ment from Bridges' East and Gulf Coast counterpart, Presi- dent Thomas W. Gleason of the AFIA:IO International Longshoremen's Union. "We're not going to say anything right away," said Charles Ve Ison , ad· ministrative assistant to the fiery West Coast stevedore boss. But Bridges told his 13,000-member union on F'eb. 24 that the JLWU and the JLA had agreed that they would join in a nationwide dock strike if the Pay Board touched wage increases won by either union . "The joint pact provides that if the· Pay Board cuts back on either the ILA agree· ment or our agreement we both join forces and pull out in every port in the United States," Bridges wrote in the JLWU newspaper, The Dispatcher. The Feb. 16 contract between the TLWU and the West Coast employers' Pacific Maritime Association contains language which permits the ILWU to take strike action within JO days if the Easy Loading Pay Board refuses approval of tlie con· tract. In hls f'eb. 24 column in The Dispatcher. Bridges also said, "St.and by to march out .u a .solid bloc along wlth the East Coast lf the P;iy Bnard cuts back our negotiated settlemenL by as much as one cent ." Gleason's union has nol confirmed th e joint strike pledge. Ass embly Oka rs VD Bill Supported by G~~· Rea gan SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Assembly has swiftly approved a venereal disea se education bill supported by Gov. Ronald Reagan along with a companion measure to provide $238,000 In state assistance for the courses. The principal bill, by Assemblywoman f\.·larch K. Fong (D·Oakland ), was sent to the Senate Thursday on a 58-3 vote following a brief debate. The ap· propriation measure, by Assemblyman E. Richard Barnes (R·San Diego), wa s ap- proved minutes later on a 58·2 vo~. Mrs. Fong had declared that tJrere is a VD epidemic in California, particularly among young persons. She stirred up a heated controversy last year with a similar bill vetoed by Gov. Ronald Reagan, who said he op- posed the measure because it did not con- tain a provision that parents be notified in advance of a VD course so that they could withdraw their children. This year, Mrs. Fong altered her bill to provide that parents be not ified 15 days in advance of the beginning of a VD C<Jurse. But the mea!ure would not re· quire written approval or consent for a child to take part in the courses. The legislation ~1ould permit local school boards to offer VD education and to detern1ine al what level they should be taught. The bill also assures that parents can inspect materials to be used in ·the . courses. After l\1rs. Fong secured Reagan's sup. ·port for the measure, she had little legislative opposition. Voting against the bill Thu.rsday were Assemblyman Eugene A. Chappie (R- Cool \: John L. E. Coll ier (R·Los Angeles ), and Floyd Wakefield (R·South Gate). Collier and Wakefield also voted against Barnes' measure. l PORTABLE DISHWISllER With 3 W• CyclM Md U't TopRck • • N(WmllflW--PotlaP- ,...._.terHOlld • $,_...,,. .......... " ....... ._ e a.lt..ifl Soft food DillpGNlf w...., $199.95 '179 95 46 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE I GOLDENWEST & WARNER HUNTINGTON BEACH 'Soles Only 842-5596 401 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH Service & Soles 536-7561 • • • ' • / . .. v Ve nig the "' div dis fre sai s mu the sell rec jail s Mc sen da la J Ba Mi Av '~'0 of ---j Joa gui yea ma De Ne -i>h- Cos tio the Ma cha A yea Fr ed J cha Ra def 39. A the ves bou jua we 0 rou cac to Cos sell v (A hig afte veh m cte • s ava --.--__ ._ ... -... ---.. , ... , .. .,.,r : ---. ~ • ' ' Or~nge C~ast Today's Final --EDITION vor. 65 , NO. 71, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE couriiTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 c TEN CENTS 15 Mesa Council Candidates Sp~al{ at FOrum A candidates' forum before the Mesa Verde Homeowners Association Thursday night attracted 15 of the 19 candidates for the Costa Mesa City Council. The election ia April IL Meeting with the homeowners at in· dividual tables. the council hopefuls discussed a variety ol·issues, including freeways, parks and apartments. Here, in capsule form, is what they said : David Leighton, investment manager Coast Men Given Jail Drug Terms Six Harbor Area residents booked on multiple drug charges last year after they were linked to the biggest marijuana r;e\ling ring in Orange County history received v~rying state prison and coUDty . jail terms late T-hurt>day. Superior Court Ju dge Byron K. t1c~1illan ha nded out the terms in a sentencing session that C<>ncluded three days of maneuvering between defense lawyers and prosecutors. Joseph Lee McDonald, 21. of 1582 Baker St.. Costa Mesa, and Anthony Mich~el Christina. 25, of 521 Marguerite Ave., Corona de! l\1ar were sentenced to lwo to IO years in stale prison. Both men pleaded guilty to possession or marijuana for sale. - I would like to put to use my educa· tional experience in p u b I i c ad· ministration, coupled .with my experience in community and civic affairs as senior planner for Costa Mesa. It 's time for ~ change. I w.ant to see new and fresh ideas on the' council. 1 believe I ha ve them. RObert WU son, incu mbent, mayor : I am interested in continuing a weJJ. balanced coinmun.ity . We have rea ched the saturation point on multiple housing and it,.a the time to go to redev~lopment of single·family units. I see housing as the number one issue. Costa Me!ft should think in terms of quality, low-cost hous· ing. Lewis Bowden., . clock and watch designer: I want to see the firemen get decent insurance, especially for injury and ·death. I'm also for trailer parks and an animal shelter in Costa Mesa . There's a lot of money not being accounted for in this city, like the 5-cent bed tax. I'd like to know where it's going. --jearrPhlltipe-Beauwtn;-30;-of"llll-"IVr--. - Joann St., Costa Mesa, also pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to one to 10 years In state prison for passeS!ion of marijuana. Sentencing was deferred on James Dean Sword, 21, of 1161ii 3&th St., Newport' beach, and Leon George ·--phoen1x:--21 , of 2130 Continental Ave., Costa ~1esa, to allow the County Proba· lion Department to prepare a report on the two offenders. Phoenix will return April 13 and Sword May l for sentencing on admitted charges of selling marijuana. A 30-day county jail term and three years probation were ordered for Edward Frank Bonnet, 20, Costa Mesa . He plead- ed guilty to possession of marijuana. Judge McMillan dismissed related charges filed against Phoenix's wife. Lee Rae, 20. Sen.tencing or the sole remain ing defendant, Eduardo Ba\lea Hernandez, 39, Santa Ana ,was SCJie<!UTed-rooay.-~- All eight· defendants were indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury after in· vestigators told the panel that they bought more than 300 pounds of mari· juana from members of the group in the weeks before their arrest last Nov. 17. Ofricers participating in the two-eounty roundup said they unearthed a one.ton cache of marijuana Crom a Riverside tomb. They said the Phoenix home in Costa Mesa was also an outlet in the drug selling operation. Missile Trails Eyed VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE (AP ) -Swirling missile exhaust trails highlighted western skies Thufsday night afte r the Air Force launched a re-entry vehicle from this coastal base. A modified Minuteman 1 propelled the vehi- cle over the Pacific Western Test Range, 1 spokesman said. No other details were available. Orange Weather Begorrah Sure 'tis a loine sight on St. Paddy's day lo see the likes o( Bob Bren- nan looking as Irish as a shamrock . Brennan, o'ften dubbed the Lord Mayor of Mission Viejo,... looks every inch the. part in his dazzling green t,ra!lpings_ tba.Lwarm the cockles_oL e><e.cy_lrish.Jleai:L- Good Advi~e 'G~ to Hell' Reply Backed ATLANTA (UPI) -Gov. Jimmy Carter has backed up his news secretary for his "very effectively worded" letter in which he told a woman critic of Carter to "go straight to hell." "I have written some pretty hot letters myself," Carter told a news conference. "I don't have any apologies to make or any criticism ... " Jody Powell, who handles press: rela- tions for Carter, had replied to a Jetter written by Mrs. Edna Hutton of Augusta, who condemned the governor as a "gut- less peanut brain" for not leading a boy- cott of public schools. Powell received the lettef" while Carter was out of town and replied that "one of the most exasperating duties of a governor is having to read barely legible letters from morons like you. I am happy I can at least spare the governor from having to respond. "l respectfully suggest that you take two running jumps and go straight to hell ." Powell conceded he wrote the letter and said Mrs. Hutton had signed her let- ter "E. T. Hutton," leading him to believe the writer w~s a man, otherwise "I probably would have implied where she could go instead of stating it im· plicitly." Burglar Nets Nylons Nylon stockings have been used as facially-distorting masks by armed rob- bers. but C:Osta Mesa poli ce would like to get a leg up on what a burglar wants them for . · Martin Melason, of 558 Stu rgeon Dri\.·e, reported Thursday that so m eon e carefully cut a window screen to gain en- try to his home. Nothing was taken in the break-in but a $2.SO pair of ladies' nylons left lying on a bedroom chair. Countian ·Keeps Trying Tom ~'lanos, furniture worker: My main aim is to remove Bill St. Clair frotn offlce. He's a clown in search of a circus and finding none, he created his own on the city-counqt. St. Clair h'as disrupted the council too many times just to get in the newspaper. I can bring a spirit of cooperation to the council. · PbU Evan&, service station operator : ~1ostly it 's the service stations I'm in· terested in. There are a lot of eyesores in the city and I'd like to see them upgrad· ed . I would like to see more industry In the city and am for keeping hon1e rule. The incumbents have done a very good job, but I think it's time for a change. William St. Clair, incumbent. barber: We've got too many apartments in this city. I think it 's a shame to rezone in- dustrial land to apartments. I · wlluld utilize more federal funding for various parks and city projects. We need to bring this money home and not hold old·lime prejudices against red t,ape. James Agrusa , aerospace manager: t v.·ant to n1ake sure we con trol the growth and cost of our city. The city is approving apartn1ents \\•ith reckless abandon. ln five to seven years we will feel their im· pact on v.·ater. electricity , gas and sanita· lion. I don't v.·ant to stop growth bot manage it . \\'e're running this city like a bunch or amatures. · J\·lrs. Billie R. Golden, credit manager: I \\'OUld like to see the freeway &o tSee CANDIDATES, Page Z) Utilities Curbed But Pay Board Warns Raises Coming WASHINGTON (AP} -The Price Commission today announced new, sharpened gtaidelines for utility rates but warned the nation that big increases will be necessary to pay for the s~vice it wants. The regulations put limits on the rate of return that utilities may realize from increased rates. and added provisions re- quiring · them to take into acC<>unt in· creased productivity and to absorb labor costs that increase more than 5.5 percent. N. Ireland ' Sees 2 More BELFAsi (AP) -Two more killings have usheR!ci in St. Patrick's Day in Northern Ireland amid repa.rt! or steadily rising Protestant unres'1. and tile con- sequent thr.eat or reta.liation for the ter- rorism of the IRA 's Roman Catholic guerrillas. A bomb exploded in a public lavatory Thursday night in Lurgan, killing a 19· year-old · woman. · Bri tish troops found the body of a young man in a Catholic parish hall north of Bel(ast's Ardoyne district, a stronghold of the underground Irish Republican Army. He had been shot in the head , and the army said it was not in- volved in his death. This brought the-death toll to 276 in the province 's religious warfare since August 1969. The British also reported at least two snipecs wounded in a gunfight with troops on the outskirts of Belfast and said one was captured. Two other civilians were shot and wounded in Belfast, but the army said its men were not involved. Premier Jack Lynch of the Irish Republic demanded in a political speech that the British government immediately make public the concessions to the Catholics which it has been debating for weeks. British Prime Minister Edward Heath said in a speech that these would offer the province·s Catholic minority "a real and meaningful part in the taking of decisions which shape their future." · But the British newspaper The Guar- dian reported that the army warned Heath "serious trouble involving signifi- cant numbers of Protestants, would almost certainl y follow any sort" of ma· jor concessions to the Catholics. No observance of St. Patrick's Day was planned today in the northern province. where Protestants outnumber Catholics two to one. fn former times, the Catholics paraded in their villages and their districts of the cities. but all parades -both Protestant and Catholic -have been banned for months because of the likelihood that they would touch off communal violence. Also , the commission made provisions to har:id over final authority on utility rate increases to existing regulatory bodies that C<>me up with acceptable anti- inflationary palicies. Commission Chairman C. Jackson GraySon Jr." said the regulations would ' require reductions in some requested ra te increases but not in others. He had no estimate of how much utility rates might go up under the new rules. But he warned , "We urge the C<ln- sumers of the nation to realize that when you demand service, you have to pay for it. You don't get something for nothing.'' He said that four days of public hear- ings on utility rates made it clear th1t some large increases are going to be necessary lo continue ~dequate, ,are and pollut ion-free services." Announccn1ent" of the new regulatiorni ml!ans the temporary freeze on rates of privately owned utilities will end on or bt'fore M:irch 25. Gray son said the com- mission would take final action on all of lhe II' increases before it within 10 days. Psychiatric Te st Ordered For State Highway AgeIJ1 A oo:day psychiatriceYaJuatlon \\'as orQered Thursday for i state ri&ht-of·Yt'IY agent who admitted soliciting .a bribe from a Costa Mesa tire shop owner whose ptemises stand in the palh of a proposed lree,way. Orange County Superior Court Judge William Murray deferred sentencing of Robert Aden Nichols Jr .. 44, Anaheim, pending his study of the report he ordered prepared by Chino prison psychiatrists. Nichols admitted last Feb. 18 that he told tire shop owner Donald Swedlund he would write a hardship letter to st.ate of- ficials most likely to listen to the busi ne ssman's pica that his business would suffer a severe blow if the Nev.•port Freeway ran its allott~d route. Nichols -offered his-icr.vicU-in--relurn-- for $1 ,000 and a set of tires for his wife's car. Swedlund waited unUI the state of· ricial left his shop and then advised Costa Mesa police of the offer and wrote a let- teli detailing the incident to state Sen. Dennis Carpenter. Nichols faces a state prlaon term or one .to 11 years if lhe pcychlatrlc • report permtts court action on his plea ol .,.Uty. He was also accused on arrett of persusading individuals to rent hOml!s iii the path of freeway development with 1 view to sha ring their state relocation compensation. Those charges w er e dismissed when he pleaded guilty to the infraction reported by Swedlund. 1"Wo of the three men arrested with NicholS' on multiple allegations contained in an Orange County Grand Jury in· dictment have been ordered to return March 24 for sentencing. Matthew Brombergcr, 19, and Stephen A. Pugner, Z2, both of 17675 Santa Cristobal, Fountain Valle)', have pleaded guilty-to charge! of--mnspiracy·to·commit- grand theft. The allegations stem from their role in occupying the Fountain Valley home which stands In the path of the proposed Huntington Beach freeway. Charges against Nichols' son, Robert Aden Nichols 111, have been dropped. Prospects or nice weather at the beaches this weekend are pretty slim according to the weatherman. L-Ow clouds and fog will dominate the Orange .COast soote. Highs around 68 rising to 72 inland. U>ws 55. INSmE TODAY It 's spring and the swallows art returning. DAILY PILOT &taff writer John Valttrza rt· views the phtnomtnon that made Sa'n Juan Capistrano Ute "Je wel of the Mi!siom." See to- da y's \Veekender. Jail Hard to Get Into I,.. M •• ..,. I •ta tint H C•111trltl• S Cl11tlllH )1-41 CtmlCI M C,.H-· M Ol•ttl N9tlc4t II l•lttNI ,_ I ,llllllCt '1·11 fw 1111 •tart II ""'""''' 14 Allft Wllftrt U M'll!lbtr 6 -.... , M~tutl ,vMI tt f111!I0111I Nt•1 4 Otlllff Ctvatt 11 llttl•lll'•~h J7•tt s,1.,... hrttf' 11 .,.,.,, l•lt lltdl Mtrtleh n .1J Ttlt¥1t'"' • Tltulert 2'·11 W11:1ttr t Wttr!tft't N"'°' IJ.11 W1tl4 HIWI • Wtd:tMtr "41 I 'By TOM BARLEY Of lllt 0.llY il'lltf Sltft Many of the more than 200 Inmates of the Orange County Jail spend a to1 of their time behind bars pondering the possibiltty of esc~pe. The y would be Intrigued today to learn ' that a convicted drug offender ls w~n­ derlng if he will ever be able to get in and join their number. He is Steve.n Dale Miller and ht made his r~st attempt lo don the distinctive Or101• County Jolt garb Feb. 21. Miller had beea ""tenctd to to day1 In Jail by Superior Court Judge William Munay and lht 23-year~ld Buena Park man was anxiOl;lS to start serving thal sentence. But jail officials pointed out they didn't ha ve the appropriate paper work . Miller '°'as sent away and told to contact his at- torney. · Miller went back to Deputy Public Defender Gale Hickman and the pair went back tb Judge Murr1y to sort out what appeared to be 1 bureaucratic log jam between the C<>urlroof\111nd the COW\- ty Jail. They cot 1 new dalo, Xli<h. u, ucl . t Miller again presented himself .1l the county jail. No dice . Jail officials knew nothing of Steven Dale Miller or his 90-day jal\ term and they again sent him back to his lawyer. "IP!I kind of like trying to get lntG F'ort Knox ," Hickman said. ''But I'm going to take Steve Into court with me again today and maybe he'll strike third time lucky or bavt the luck of the Irish or zomething." M 111 e r hopes so. Like "'"' !lys. If he had got Into jail In the first place he'd only have another 66 d>ys lo aerve • Two gainst Otie Bill Ficker~ ch ances of being the llrsl America's Cu p defender to win Long B .. ch Yacht Ctub"s COngre.'ISional Cup were dimmed Thul'$day when ht· accidentally tacked and forced Dennis Conner's Cal-40 (right) into committee boat. Ficker 1bandoned the race after having lost tbt opene r to J>oug Rastello o! Long Beach. (For details see BoaUnr. Page 20.~ · . I • f DAILY PILOT C ' Music}{ Asks $1 Million Over 1971 Sy JACK BROBACK Of ltle DIUy f'ilel $1•11 County administrative staff members got a jolt Thursda y when Sheriff James "~1usiclt asl<ed for $1 million more over the current 112.1 million spending pro- gram. On Wednesday, the first day o{ budget review hearings, County Planning Direc- tor Forest Dickason asked for a boost of $U6,000 in his proposed budget. On Mu1ick'1 list the biggest increase is $.lal,000 for operation of the main county jail, pushing the aMual spending figure for the facility to 11ightly more than $4 million. F,ld1Y1 M.,,;h 17, 1972 I ·~· .. .... .. ¥ -, .¥.~ P! • - '• . ., • • ,• Sehool. Flap 6th Grade Shift Debated By CANDACE PEARSON 01 "'' 01fly 1"1111 $1111 ··r ry it. yo u'll like it," seems to bt the \'.'ay parents and' school officials who've experienced it feel about including sixth graders in the Newport-Mesa school district "middle schools." Parent s whose children may hav e to try lt next year aren't so-sure, however. The middle school -traditionally .seventh and eighth graders -is changing In the Harbor Area lo include sixth gr ade _ pupils and the idea is meeting resista nce. School trustees couldn't be happier with • the idea. however. In fact, they like it so much they plan to combine all six th, seventh and eighth grades into middle schools, throughout the distric t, as soon as they can. Parents. especially those from Sonora and Woodland Schools in Costa Mesa , are balking at the idea. They're afraid that association with older children will bring exposure to drugs and sexual pressures. school, agreed and said th~l s~th graders have more ad vant ages ln a nud· die school set-up. "And while I Can"t say !here isn't any negative social in rl uence." he added. "sixth graders already meet the older studen ts after school and in summer . At least we have a con troll ed environment here. 'l Mrs. Jame s Morro w, Davis School PTA president, sa id tha t ''none of the fears the parents ha ve come about." She added, however. that some pare nts st i 11 naturally favor elementary schools. Both Te\Vinkle School Princi pal John ~1cG01\'Cn and TeWinkle PTA President Mrs. La1l'rence Englehart said that init ial parental alarm has changed to real "enthusiasm." The key to the transition from fear t6 positive approval might come whert ·parents discover the different ages &ti~ don't socialize as much as it is expected. Kaiser School Principal Elvin Hutchison said .. . ' The sheriff also requested five 1d· ditional deputies to patrol the Dana Point Harbor area where he anticipates ad· dltional enforcement problems during the liumme~ months. Mu sick predicted that his department will have to handle 39,500 inciden ls during the coming fiscal year. up 2.500. Going Bacl~ Hotne The controversy isn't new. lt began in 1966, just after unification, when trustees first tried it at Lincoln School in Corona del Mar. But the fears just haven't come true , school officials and Parent-Teacher Association tPTA ) presidents from the four middle schools with sixth graders Mrs. Joseph B. Hart, PTA president at Lincoln the first school that had sixth graders'. reiterated that "they are still treated as younger students and not ex· pccted to be as sophisticated ." 1 Other increases sought include $254,000 for training; $266,000 for increased patrol, and $75 ,000 for crime in· vestigali on. Other spending boosts requested total abo ut $60,000 including those for the county industrial farm, the Theo Lacy branch jail, court related costs and juvenile investigation . The coroner's division whlch was tacked on to Muslck's department more than a year ago will need $569,365, Musick aaid, an increase of $82,000. ·The sheriff had one bit of good news for the administrators. If he is allowed to hire 15 permanent employes as _back·up personnel, substituting for extra help and sick and vacation relief, it will save $37,000, he estimated. Capt. Bill Wallace, jaU supervisor, said 'he e~peet§ an eight to 12 percent increase in inmates during the coming year to a daily average of 950 compared to the cur· rent 900. Mutlck aga in urged approval at $1.8 million for completion of the unfinished fourth floor of the main jail. Board mem· bers vetoed this expenditure last year. ' On wild \vings, th ese Canada geese are moving through Ohio as they migrate north. A t present. the geese are concentrated in the marsh area of western Lake Erie and al so in the Ottawa Na~onal Wildlife Refuge. agree. f..1rs. Ha rt speaks fron personal ex· perie nce. havi ng had one !jixth grader re-. mai n at the element ary level and another. go on to Lincoln middle school. District offici als understand parental Mesa Drug Raid Suspects Triple Funeral Set Saturday worries abou t a possible "push" into ear· Jy maturity and try to ease the minds of both incoming children and parents with orientation meetings. District representatives , administrators and even PTA mothers surveyed believe in the program with varying intensities. "I couldn'l see an y difference. In fa ct," she added . "i t waS be tter for the sixth grader at Lin coln ." Si nce the middle school conce pt was actua lly implemented three yea rs ago, about half or the district's sixth grader! began attending four of the six area mid· dle schools. ' Face Mass Arraignments In it, sixth graders still attend one Grieving grandparents and a young basic classroom with their own age group doctor who found his wife and baby for English, history, reading and spelling. Only one middle school, TeWinkle In' Costa Mesa, is recei ving all the 1ixth graders from its attendance area. Court arraignment continued today for many among S3 arrestees rounded up in a series o( Costa Mesa police raids engineered in an attempt to smash the supply of drugs circulating locally. Three teams bit more than 40 .Orange coast ·locatioi'ls overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday. The first haul netted S4 persons, follow- e<I by six more ind ivlduals taken into custody Wed nesday night. Investigators had obtained warrantit charging the bulk of the de(endants with sales of narcotics, dangerous drugs, or marij uana. Bos Withdraws daughters dead in their Newport Beach They will go to different teachers (still within their own age group ) for math, set bail at $12,500 for most arrestees townhouse Wednesday are preparing for science, and physical education. charged as dealers, but the figure could a triple funeral today in Chicago. I Seventh and eighth graders have varia· be reduced when they are arraigned. Rites for victims of what police tions of that plan. "Most of them will be going in today," classified as a case of murder and suicide Elective programs. some of them in mixed ages, are offered, including said Detective Capt. Robprt Green. will be Saturday. drama, danCe. art. woodshop, cooking, No special procedures for mass ar· Baltz-Bergeron Mortuary Ch a Pe I speeeh, Spanish, music, photography, raignments are in effect. spokesmen said bodies of Joan Hoerig, journalism and typing. Frederick Bos, 32. a musical In· A total of 21 minors ch arged are either 27, La ura Jean, 2, and Susan, 8 weeks, Middle schools, according to Don Hou t, strument manufacturer. toda y became district instructional services director, the second Costa Mesa City Council can· in Orange County Juvenile Hall or have were shipped to the family 's original are supposed to give "students the "op. didate to withdra\'.' from the April 11 con· been relea sed to their parents pending home area Thursday night. portunity to explore as many different test. hearings. areas as time, facilities, and personnel ··1rs because of a lack of funds and Mesa Candidate A few of those arrested only happened A. :rport Land to be presen t when raid teams Paid " formal calls, climaxing a three-month Bail does not apply t.o juvenile offenses. The girls were found drowned ~nd their permit." because of the appalling Jack· of interest Adult prisoners -ranging from 18 to mother dead of self-inflicted knife wounds The middle school is also seen as an in city government ." he sa id. "Very few 35 years in age -are either in Orange by Dr. Paul Hoerig about noon Wed· important transition period between people even know who is on the city coun· County Jail or free on bail, pending ar· elementary and high schools. cil." ' probe allegedly involving scores of drug ra ignment . nesday in the home at 328 Vista Suerte. According to research by the dist rict. Bos' decision to drop out of the race Defendants accused of actually selling Su r vi v ors i n c I u d e paternai }lout says, the grou ping ot sixth through reduces the field of candidates to 19. Commission Asks p~~tl!~ Sgt. John Regan, supervisor of the raids originating with strictly local ! 4J! "'3 Z"' L:Bud t police investigation said the volume of I---'~-'-_, _L{L -ge --n,eroit1 anct-cocaine -encoUl'lte'rea was an r · II d d eighth is better than K-6 and 7-8. Earlier. Mrs . Mary E. Nolan withdrew or o fering 10 se rugs to un ercover grandparents ~1r. and Mrs. Paul O. 'Th' .<..· J t' 'd t nd.. h d d poliCe officers or specia l informant· ' is gro .. .,1ng s a na 1onw1 e re , er can i acy . ag ents will ultimatey be prosecuted in Hoerig, ma ternal grandparents Mr. and he says, "because schools are Mt.Ible to___Even-though----the-y-.are 00----longer-run- . range--€ounty-Superior-eourt. --""M M 1 D . 1 M H . ·, t take--c8re of sixth gr<!de needs in an ning , both of their names will appea.r on Sheer volume of paperwork and uncer-rs. er\e avis, Pus rs. oerig 6 wo elementary school." the ballot , according lo City Clerk Etlee.11 The bare bones budgeted Orange Coun· ty Airport Land Uae Commissio• (ALUC) has not given up tryJna .. Thursday night commlsaionera voted to submit a proposed $73,776 spending .pr.ogram, up almost •10,000 over the 1971· 72---request -which-the county-Board -or Supervisors summarily cut to $500. alarming surprise. Virtually every type of drug on the ii· Helt marlt:ef ha11 been purcha sed by 'agents Jn homes, on street corners and at favorite youth hangouts. The incidence of heroin and cocaine - both cos tly anti classifed as harder dr~g3. -indicates an upswing Jn ava ilability and potential increased addiction police fear. tainty whether some suspects still sought brothers and one sister,~~ll~o;f;;I;ll1;·n;oi;s;. ;;;;;;;;W;•;rn;e;r;;C;•;rl~so;n;·;Pr;in;c;i;P•;l;o~f;;Da~vi~s;;;;~P~h;in~n~ey~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;::--k11ew of imminent arrest initially caused problems in.listing adults in custody. They Include: Larry J. Sim mons. 20, Gregg L. C.Ommission Secretary Brlan Douglar;s, manager of the Fullerton Mwliclpal Airport. said tha t printing, malling and r~production costs during the p11.st year ·had far exceeded the estimate. The agen- cy will ask $10,000 for these jobs. Supervisors, in cutting the ALUC budget to $500 last summer repeated their oft spoken contention that the agen· cy is not necessary, that it only duplicates the functions of the regular county airp:irt commission. Commissioners decided klK>ld_JbeJr Apfil-20 meeting at Los Alamitos Naval Stlton following receipt of an invitation from the Navy. The Armed Services branch has asked for a moratorium on all building around the air facil ity and this has been opposed vigorously by sur- rounding communities. Jn selecting the air station for the ir meeting, commissioners turned down an invitation from Los Alamitos oj fering the clty's council chambers for the session . Douglass said the Navy had assured him that a large meeting room would be made available and that Myone wishing w attend the session would be admitted ~ the air station without difficulty. OIAM•I COAST CM DAILY PILOT T?lt O!'lno• c .. rt DAIL y PIL()T, wlfJI ... 1(1' 1J C.Ol'l'!b!"fd ttie H1W1°Pr.a; b ,iut!U"'9C'lf by the Or•~e Coe1t "'"'"'""" ComD111r. S•P9-,.~ MUlcM ,,_ M ll.t1tllf, Morw:l•'r' mf'Olllfl Frld1y, 1'tlt CClfll M ... , frfewoort ... cfl, H11111!111to11 l ttt1'1/l<°""t1J11 VlllfY, L .. llftl tMtl'I, lrvlnHifddltllNoct Md Sin ClttMnN/ hn Ju•n C1pl1tr•no. A 1lnolt rt0lon•I ..ntleol la l!Utlllthed Stllltdl)'I •lld luMtys. Tiie prl1KID1I Pllf:llJihlflt plt"I b er SJO Wttf ley Sttffl, Ca.ti M .. , C1n1om11, •MJL lo~1rt N. WeeJ l"rlil!dfflt Ind Pvblbher J•tk It Curlty \Ike ,,.ld .. t and GeMr1/ ~ Tlio/1'111 Ke.n-11 Editor Tlio"''' A. M"Jlhf11e , Mlnt!jllfllll Editor Q1rl• H. Looa RielteN P, N1Q Aa.ht1nt M1T99Jrw Efl!Orl C..Mne- Harbor Judicial District Court judges f'rbna Page 1 CAN DI DATES ... through as soon as possible. We should give the merchants downtown a chance to redevelop on their own without city taxes. I would like to get rid of the 'Goat Hill' -tmag~ and woulCfl iKe" more landscaped mediums like lhose on Adams Avenue. The town should look beaut i(ul. Charles Elf~rt. salesman: I want to look al the next 18 years. f want to develo p a new image for C.Osta Mesa , both culturally and commercially. We need new taxes from downtown redevelopment and we should keep Fairview Park as a wilderness area. We should forget abou t the past. It's time for a ch'Ange. Sam Ekovfcb, mailman : If ·we don't need it, we shouldn't have the freeway. We should put it up to a vote. The town shouldn't be split by a freeway. I would like to see unity on the city council. This constant fighting and bickering is ridiculous for a city or our size. (Ekovich and Manus are running together as an anti-St. Clair slate). Dom Raciti, jeweler: I am for con· trolled. growth of apartment complexes and im"lediate constructio n of a bridge spanning the Santa Ana River at 19th Street. r would like to see development of Fairview Park before the 1972 November elections and the immediate realignment of Estancia Drive. Alvin Pinkley, incumbent. pharmac•ist : Traffic is my major concern. We have too mu ch of it and too fe\I' streets . especia lly going east and wes1. \Ve need to develop a long·range lraffi c plan. set aside some money, and do so much every year. Everything else is running great and smoothly. Dr. Al Painter. college teacher: I'm for restricted apartment building and believe the present council has not done enoug h fn securing federal funds which are earmarked for the city. Three or four councilmen are In a rut. They ha ve been here too Jong. JlO W11t ley Streit Jbm., M""" r.o. 1u 11.a. n•n --~ 9ttctl: DD N-..rt ..,,...,_ c..-... tit: 2ZI •Ot91t ... ...... .... , ........ di? 1111S ••ch ..... __. .. ~as Hort1111 c.m1N a.1 , ........ (714) '4Jo4JJ1 aa WW .........., .. 642·1671 ~r. 1"1. °"• .~ti ,.uelt.flflit ~"'• frfe IWWI uorlts, IH1.111r111oru, •fterJtl ""'""' ..-H v•11i.ltll'lfo<11 Mttl11 Ted G. Bologh machinist-engineer : A city chartor ls the guideline to good city governme nt. J will stop spending, street widening, raises In salaries, helicopters. freeways and give us the rlaht to vote on all issues. Councilmen are to be elected by district._ city attorney elected, city treasurer elected. -)' ... r~ W/!llOl;I .,..:ltl Ptl• Mittfel'I ... CllfJ'i'tift'!t ·-· Boothney, 22, and Douglas W. Comstock, ~ 21, a11-or1 343 Baker-st .. -Costa Mes.a ; Greg L .. Jordo n. 19, of 871 Sonora Road, Costa Mesa; Gary W. Tannehill. 20, of Mesa Court, UC Irvine campus. and Vic- tor F. Calderon. 25, of 1129 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach . Also, Ronald L. Wendt, 26. of 310 E. Balboa Blvd ., Newport Beach; Michael Griger, 20, of 1321 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach, Ronald D. Horrell. 21 , of 221 1,l Avocado St., Costa Mesa, and Robert J. Azensky, 24, of 2265 Canyo n Drive, C.Osta Mesa. Also, George T. Fie lder . 19, Porfi rio M. Mugica, 35, Dona ld J. Zeitler, 21 , and Richard P. Gonzale s, 29, all Q( 1045 W. Balboa Bl vd., Newport; Susan I,. Dun lap. 19, of 574 Joann St., Costa Mesa. and William I-L Blanco, 23, Long Beach . Al so. Richard S. Chase. 20. Trevor F. Hampton. 20. and Ronald C. Payne, 20, of 1989 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa; Michael F. Clark, 18, and Mara L. Privett, 18, both of 2321 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, and Roger W. Shively, 23. San Francisco. Also , Donald H. Campbell , 19, and Ruth M. Barnes, 20, both of 873 Congress St., Cost.a Mesa: Ronald and Patricia LaValley, both 23, of .327 Avocado St., Costa Mesa ; Dale L. Hahs, 20, of 1662 Orchard Ave., Santa Ana Heights, plus Clifford L. Partlow, 20, and Joyce C. Partlow, 19, both ol 8n2 Enloe Ave., Garden Grove, Also, Danny J . Ri vera . 29, of 10241 Hazard Ave., Garden Grove : Keith F. Ts ylOr. 18, of 13452 Ontario. Drive, Garden Grove; Robert J. Brockie, 18, of Mesa Del Mar ; Gregory D. Schwartz, 20, of l7!H 1h Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, and Gregory W. Altmeyer, 21, of La Habra. Also. Timothy R. Gravelle, 2.1. and Ronald J. (;ra velle. 22, of 1848 llllnois St., Costa Mrsa: Donald J. Pilger , 20. of 1461.l E. 21 st St.. Costa Mesa : Gary B. Charo n. 19, Thomas M. Tha yer. 20, R-Oy D. Branson. 21 , and Chris Peterson, transients. Also, Eddie S. McLeese. 21 , and Alfred Gll()tlone .J.r., 2.l of 1887 MonroviR Ave .• Cos ta J\fesa . In add ition there Rre 21 juveniles from Costa J\.fesa. Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach. Garden Grove, Westminster and La Habra. Cyclist Becomes 53rd Traffic Victim Motorcyclist Timothy M. Beckham , 23. <lf 7294 El Tomaso Way, Buena Park, ,became Orange County'& 53rd traffic vic- tim of tht yerar ThursdAy. ~~ ....... " ..... .... Everything looks lovelier the ininute Marchesa arrives • • the elegant Italian touch by Drexel ..... ~ .... -" Put a table, a commoCle or a Clesk from this great collection in any room. and suddenly you have elegance! Marchesa by Drexel brings you this legacy of loveliness from the Roman palazzi of centuries ago to brighten the corner where you ar e. DEALERS FOR: HENREDON -DREXEL -HERITAGE -l<ARASTAN ~ NEWPORT BEACH l«W r:le• ....-.. "'" 11 ,.,,.....,. Sffdt _.. C .. '9 ~. C.Httrnlt. I~'" 11¥ et,,... IUJ. ....,l/lly; '1 me!! Q.11 ..... ,,i Mllfll,., .. , .. ,..,. itll ..... 1otr1.' Myra Klrtcbenhaum, real est11tt: ag~nt : J believe lhe city should have !he Fairview land and t favor the wlldemcs! concept I favor a Plsn for slowlng don·n high-density 11partm~n1 developm ¢nt by Increasi ng the square footage nf land re· qui red pt:r unit I rt?Cognb:e the need for low-cos1 housing for thf elderly on fixt.d incomes and tl>Ose on meager incomu . The cycle Btckham "''' riding ctllldcd with a car at Manchester Avt.nue And 81.h St reet, Buena Park. police reported. He died four fiours l1tt1.r at Orange County MedJcal Center. The driver was not cited. The S3 rat.als flgure to date this year compares with 40 at I.he tame time last year. 1727 Wootclllf Dr., 642·2050 Ofl'IN Pl)DAY 'Tll19 INTERIORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coast Hwy, 494-655 f TORRANCE 23649 H1wthorn1 Blvd, f21Jl J71°t27t o,. ... ,,, • .,'tit t Pr1l•stlo11ol l1t.,f1r DHJtMn AY•llftl ..... AIO..-.NS ID rh111e Till "-o, MHt of o ...... Co•nty S40·126J • .. \ . . • t t ' ' • D AD .Y PILOT ED ITORIAL PAGE f • " Costl j-, but Worth It II J • II Tho expenditure of more than $30,000 by the City of Costa ~1esa to nage Tuesday night's record-breaking round·up of suspected drug dealers \\1.ll no doubt be " crjljc~d by some t~xpayers. .~t an estimated cost of $600 to place each of the 54 arrestees behind bars the raid -although successful - was cos_tly. Some ' might "'ell wonder if they got "'hat they paid for. 'It Is signif1can{, hO\\'ever. that the counlless hours of time invested by Chief Roger Neth's strengthened narcotics squad was not wasted on youngsters who hap- pened to carry a couple of marijuana joints in their pockets. Indeed, most of lh.ose taken into custody are facing charges of sales, not mere possession. And those who allegedly sold, sold several times and not just marijuana b4t Deroin, cocaine, barbiturates, LSD and Mescaline. By backing their concern aDout hard drugs with money. city officials have made it perfectly clear they are willing to throw everything into the war against nar· cotics they can muster. Was it \vorth .it7 We believe it \\'as. Park Nearer Rea li ty Plans for the acqu1sibon of the Fairview State Park property '"ere pushed closer to rea1ity this "'eek through a new lease bill introduced by Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R·Hunlington Beach). Costa Mesans who have been dreaming about their Legend of St. Bridget~ St. Patrick Learning that Lea.p Year v.·as upon us, my younger daughter asked for an ex· planation of this curious calendrical custom. She stopped listening while I was only half·way through the earth's orbit irOffil(fltii!Sun. an<f____ - Dear Gloomy Gus Now that a Chicago doct.or says sex curtails coronary complica· lions, v.:e can indulge in affairs of -and for -the heart. -V. R. A. Tiil• l11ltwt rlllt th reM11r1• vltws, 11t1I llfl(91U rll, lfloW of fflt 111'"1!1-. S.~• ou'n 260-acre regional park behind falrview Sta le Hos· pita! wlll be pleased to find out that the blll contalns ' not one, but two key proposals: It would allow \osta Mesa tir 11ny other local 1tgency to lease the park 'property at a fee of $1 .000 per acre per year for the next 50 years. Secondly it has the effect of "holding" the land until July I. 1977 specifically for use as a regionaJ park. The Burke bill would therefore forbid disposition of the site through auction or other means. Costa Mesa city officials, who have so far been un· able to raise the $6 million required for outright pur· chase of lhe property, may find that a long·term lease could be their most economicaJ alternative. Although the lease price appears high. any author· ized expenditures for development and maintenance ol the park can be deducted. The Burke bill could be exact· ly what Costa h1esa's park proponents have been ~'ailing for. No Sales Tax Sharing Not surprisingly. the Cost.~esa City Council has turned down an offer to share some of its sales tax kickbacks y;ith poorer cities. Costa Mesa1s sales taxes amount lo $2.6 mill1on a year -a full. $709,000 more than is raised by property taxes. The idea of giving some of that money away does not sit too well with t~e city council. Nor would it, \l'e suspect, wi th the: citizenry. I c ''M/\N > l'M NDT £.V£R. GOIN' 1-\0M'E'.'' Senate Reconfirmatio1a E v ery Eight l ' ears Byrd Would Curb Federal Judges WASHINGTON -A wholly new con- cept , is being projected into the in· tensUying nationwide fight against forced school busing. The new proposal strikes directly at th e crux of this complex and inflamed issue -the virtually unl imited power of Federal judges to is# sue sweeplng busing edicts solely to "achieve a racial balance ." -To curb·tbat-dicta·- lorial power, Sen. (ROBERT S. ALLEN) own ideas of justice for rules nf la"" and "too often I.he hallmark of the modern courl has .been th' voice of power. not the vnice of reason.'' IN fttA NY instances. Feder11! judJ1!4'.~ ha 1·e plunged Into v.·hat admjrers like lo call a ·revolulinn.' Rut as Justice Cardo- Zi'I sn wisely held . 'Justices art not com· mis1'innec1 tn makt anrt unmake rules at ple:isure, tn arcnrdance with ch11nalng viev.•J; of expediency or wisdom'." have arrogantl y as !'i u m e d the try'!! exislence. · r f f h I "prerogatives o nrds n I e Mi(ld e INlllGNANTl.Y . Sen. Byrd cites a "The present syslem of lifetime ap-A h" · gei;; not 1ng 1n our system rxists In 11umhcr of i;cl~rin" 1nstan1·c11 of aulncratic pointn1ent, 1,1•hereby a judge is removable 1 h · d h · · r h • only by impeachment, is not in the best contro t ese JU ges : t e1r p1111s1nns n I r rnrdrlling by Federal Judge!I in local af· interest of the country. Tile process of n1oment are totally unreslr11incd, eve n hy fa irs. removal hy impeachment docs not the collective wisdom of fellow judges." ··They have lntcrfrrcd with the opera· -ans.w.er--1he. problems. pr.escnt.ed...Jl.y a_ Such high·handed willfulness is eroding lion o{ schools and universilie.s,'' he respect'for the-Jaw. Wfr~re -onC"!" Federa~rc--;,","-'sr·1·t~•:rfiC.y· -ha~t Forth det111led judiciary \11hich hns established itself as a d courts acted wilh careful restraint an re<>ul<1tiQns for lhe administration of wanted to know if it was true tha t women could propose 10· men nn l.A!ap Year Day, ACTUALLY. LEGEND aside, lhere is Harry Byrd. ·Ind.# an Act cil the Scottish parliament, passed Va ., would. "in effect. super legislature. Under my amendment. od · h • judges could serve for a term of eight m rratt0n, t al era appea,rs over. As a sl<lte penal racili ticg ; !hey have dlclRled as far 'Oack as 1288 (itself a Leap Year) put a limit on the "'hich states (I ha ve modernized the terms of Federal "Not only on Leap Year Day.". I safd, ''but for the whole year:--And-you~crbe surprised to · know hDW Jong ago that jdea 1ot started." language 1: j~dgcs -~y requiring them to be r~n- "It ts sla tule and ordained that during firmed by the. tJ..:S. Senate rvery eight the--reign-ot-her-m-osrble~U<IM"Egeste--yeer!r.--lf-dented-sueh-approval ;-t he for each year known as Leap Year. ati would be retired with full pa y. maiden ladies of both high and low estate Citing the fact that ·every state in the shall ha ve liberty to bespeak the man ahe union. except Massachusetts. Tequires the One of the oldest legends. recorded in Brewer, relates that St. Patrick. having "driven the frogs out of the bogs,'' was walking along the shore:: of Lough Neagh, when he was accosted by St. Bridget in tears, and was told that a mutiny hcid likes, and if he refuses to take her to be periodic reconfirmation of state judges, his lawful wife, he shall be fined in lhe Byrd explains his Constitutional amend· sum of any pounds, as his estate may be. rnent and its urgent need as follows: except if he can prove he is already betrothed to another woman." broken out in the nunnery over which she NOT TOO LONG after this, in the 13th presided -the ladies claiihing the right Century, a similar law was passed in of "popping the question." France. And in the 15th Century, the _ custom of female proposals was legalized ST. PATRICK .said he would concede in both the sovereign city states of them the. right .e\'ery se\'enth ye ar., whe1t--Florence a!ld -Genoa. St. Bridget threw her arms around his As late as 1604. when Shakespeare was neek and exclaimed, "Arra)!, Pathrick, at the height of his glory, a pamphlet was jewel, I daren't go back to the girls with distributed in Condon, called "Love, such a proposal. Make it one year in Courtship and Matrilll(lny," which pro- four." He replied, "Bridget, acushta, claimed: " ... As often as Leap Year squeeze me 'tha t way again, and I'll give doth return, the ladies ha \'e the sole ye leap-year, the longest of the lot." privi lege during that time of making Bridget. upon this, popped the question to love. either by words or looks. as to them "IN RECENT YEARS the Federal courts have assumed more and more power. power which under the Constitu· tion was reserved to the executive, the legi.!llature. the states and the . people themselves . This misuse of power was not envisioned by the founders of this r.epli!2lic~~~ "It is lime that we restored the balance in the government by making Federal judges more responsible to the people. It is time the judiciary be made. once more, a eo-tqual branch of the govern· ment, rather than the seU·appointed supervisor of every aspect of our coun· years, .11t the end of which they y,·ould be consequence. we nOw have a judjciary, l.o Jocgl school boards, 11nd In some Areas automatically nominated for reCT>n· \vhich. accountahle lo no one, ha s run have l:nne so h1r as to suggest thit local firmation by the Senate. If reconfirmed amok in asserting its authority over the ~nvf'rnn1r,nt l>nclics make apprnprla Mons by the . Senate, they would. continue to daily Jives of ;ill Americans. of mnnry for rrojects which _t he judges ser.\le...fot:..another eight.-years.----The !ale famed Supreme Court ,Ju stices fee · tire nc, ~11a · -mmcs, llrande~Stone, cara n i a, "Only rcc:rntly, a Federal 1'udge "i'o rnaintll in .the financial indc...,,nd-ti h d F kf · -• h t·~ · ug cs an ran urter are cllt:u y -nrdcrerl a !!late to fnregn the eleclion ol ence of the judiciary, if ll judge is not con· Byrd as foremost advocates of the pnli(y local officers. eveR when this Jssue never firmed he wOuld be retired at full pay." of judicial self·restraint.. Under their wise had been presented to the cnurt hy any or and far ·sighted opinions and principles the partie~ involved . One Federal judge Wlfll.,E TH~ immediate impact of Sen. the Supreme Court enunciated several ordered !he consolidation nf the school Byrd's far-reaching proposal ceoters on b · · I f II asic operating rues, as o ows : systems or two counties and one cit)'. the stormy forced·busing controversy, it actually applies to the Federal 1·udiciary 's Unless th is decision is reversed, "'hat Is THE COU RT refused to pass on to prevent the 1'udic1al enfor cemenl of vastly encompassing role in the whole pof't<'cal q t' ·t d f d to I t 1 ues ions; 1 e erre s a e total mergers of citiel! and counties?" gamut of lhe nation's affairs. common law principte11; it refused to This immeasurabl y increases the im· enunciate Constitutiona l rulings, unless CHALLENGING lhe unlimited author!· portance of and justification for the absolutely necessary: it refused to rule ty of the Federal judiciary is not wholly measure. upon moot questions: it di::ferred to a new. The Virginia lawmaker intends to seek state'!! interpretation . of its own con· Nearly a half century ago, Sen. ~bert e..rly· cOnsideration of-his -amendment 11titution and statute11 : and it strictly in-M. LaF'ollelle , Sr ::-ll::WJs., 'itaged an in. which he deems critically essential for rerpretcd the rules concerning "st11nd· dependent campalgn for President with the following reason s: ing" to bring a law suit. one of his major is11ues the imPOslng of The Federal judiciar~· hall perpetrated "But in recent years." says Byrd. "the restrainL., on the unlimited authority of a "revolution" by casting aside restraint Fede ral courts have ignored or discardf'!d feder11I cnurlll. This wall one of the a_nd regard ~or I.he other co-equal each of these wise doctrines. Now lhe planks of the platform of the Progressive branches of the government. courts. acting under the premise I.ha! lhe Part.y on which he cam pa igned in 1924 Federal judges are substituting their Constitutio n is whatever judges say ·ll Is, against President Calvin Coolidge, St. Patrick himself, who. of course, could seem proper : and. more<>ver . no man v•ill ~t marry; so he patched up the d1f-be entitled to benefit of clergy who does 11.culty i!IS best he could with a kiss and a in any v.•ay treat her proposal vt'ith. slight &Ilk &own. or contumely." Right on, Women's Llb! Doubts About Black Power Group Amnesty Unacceptable CaJUornfa Featare. Suvict One issue the liberal camp keeps trying to inject into the current Democratic presidential primazy campaigns in the East and Midwest is the issue of amnesty fop draft dodgers who fled -tail betv•een le"gs -across the Canadian border. Sen . George ·McGovern, the prairie liberal whose long, long campaign for the Presidency has yet to take off. proposed to coll~ge audiences total amncstY ror draft dodgers idling in Canada and elsewhere. His proposal. of coorse, was epthusiastically received on campus. Another U.S. Senator has proposed that these young men of !he "counter culture'' movement be allowed to return home and \\·ork off their obligation to their coontry doing good1detds In hospitals, clinic1 and the like. ' NEITHER OF THESE proposals has 8 G " eorge Dear Geora:e : You repLied to Wondering that you didn't write your own letters. I don't believe it. You would HAVE to write the letters in your column. Po you il:icpe_ct us to believe lht.re are that many nutty leltera comma In! How many idiots do you th nk exactly seized the imagination of the American people, for the simple reason ~hat the.Y are unacceptable. Newsweek Magazine. trying hard to keep this fitful issue from fading away altogether, recently devoted its cover story to the.question of amnesty for "war evaders." Get that -war evaders, not draft dodgers . This. of course, is a me~IY· mouthed term , dishonest through and through , substituting glittering glorifica· tion for straightforward old American usage -draft dodging. Dan Rather. lhe CBS ·TV cor· rcspoodenl, also iricd lo pump life intn this dead issue., in his hour·long interview \\'ith President Nixon recently. Asked If he would grant Amnesty, the President replied with one word -''No." FAR BEYOND TIJE ls.~ue of amnesty, what t.he country needs is for a ranking n with the guts to speak oot In ill t~ in support ot tbe bun· of thousand! of )'DUI\~ men who ed' tho caU of the dron board! by into uniform. Politicia powerr dredJ ... ...,. &•llln. ·They ' gave their time. their lives and thtlr Vlelna bodi., to fight that ha(efiit war In m 111nd acfepte~ their bllilleii as per of the price: of Americans. responsl \\'ASHJNGTON -]'he newly organized Black Power Asseri'ibly, which may evolve into a racist political party, at· tracts liltlt: optimism on i~ prospects for success. ... The agenda adopted In the recently concluded meeting in Gary. Indiana calls for the marshaling of the black vole on principles of racial unity around such goals as reparations payments (or past infustice, a $6.500- $10.000 guaranteed income . ..and federal appointments propor. tionafe to the black' population . It was widely noted lh<'ll blnck groups o( differing degrees of militancy and difrer- ent tactics succeeded in drafting Mme general principles and agreeing on the crtatio11 o( i national organization. THIS UN ITY wa& (11r from unsullied . The NetloMI Assoclatlon for t be Advancement of Colored Peopll! gave notice In advance !t could not condone: a separatist or black suprcmacisl drift in the movement. Michig11.n delcgate..s. In· cludlng members or lhe United Auto Workers Union, walked out. _ (RICHA RD WILSON ) Republican or Democratic parties na· tionally will respond satisfactorily. F'uncl lioning as a national pressure group, the assembly is expected to back candidates, lobby in Congress. perha~ run il.S o~·n third party candidates. and in general conduct itself all the political action arm of the black race. The history of movements or th is kincf Is not promising. Organizations ;ind movemenls oriented to economic ;ind social. or even racial issues have found they can operate better through lhe e!llablished ·major poHtic;il parlir.11. A good deal of bravado. but little reali.~m ;i1t111chcd to lhe 11ta1emen1. of lhe Rev. Jesse Jackson. one of I.he organi7.crs of lhe assembly. that "the Democrats no tonger can lake us for granted ,,_,hHe the R@publlc11ns write us o(f." B'' ~101tE Rt;Al.ISTIC measures, 1ht> Dem~rat.' do not, in fact. take the Negro vote: for granted, and the Re'pub lica'n., do not write it of(. But If they did so the workable alternative does not lie in the formation or a minor political party mak· ing it& only ,. pp e aJ to tht 7.5 million blacks who vote ht nalk>na.l cl~· tiOM. with little prospect M lining them up In a l!Olld bloc. Assembly's program are constructive i' they lead to greater voter participation by the 14.S mi Ui8n potential bl1ck voters. But. lmmamu Amiri Baraka, the poet formerly named Le Roi Jones, Is llkely to · have dlfficully steering the national white leadership Into aiding rebels fighting white or colonial regimes ln Africa, 'Y's' Image ( MAILBOX ) To the r:rtitor: \\le thank you for tke elforti1 the OAl- 1. Y PILOT has marie. to focus upon oor Orange Coi:tst YMCA ·s operational 11.nd "imiti.::e" problems. · Re!iponscs have rangcri from mnny strnnf,l "we're ·with you, i.boul. time the ~t.ory wa s told" to 5Clme rare "you can't rool me" replies-but they are 111 1how4 In~ deeper concern for the "Y" .. It Is only through such c:Onslderat1rin lhal the YMCA. 11ny com m u n 11 y or2111nizatlon. can exigt and progre1s. I know I speak for 111 concerned In et· presslna our 11ppreci11tion for Your tlmt. thought. spa ct. and thoroughly ,..pro- re ssinn•I handling of the. YMCA subject. which Is one or his favorite projects. Separatisl sentiment. was reOected in the resolution opJ)OSlng busing as based on "the false notion thal black children art unable to learn unleu they are Jn tht same setting as white children." But the reso1ullon went farther than that. It, in e'fect. condemned integration-in principle an d supporlf!d the questioned lde1 that bla ck control or S<'hools ln black neighborhood.11 will result In higher educa· Uonal quality. fF 1'HE RLA(.;K as.o;embly is to be I :>0litical aclion arm ii might tucceed io achirvinR .~ome or the unrealized goals o( It& partisan!!. Rut ii!! ru1urc ~s ~ politic.:11 party. If lhitt is the dirtct1on it lakes, i!I not very bri,5:ht 3nrt could . In thf' enrt, damage the cause it seeks to 11erve. OllANOI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \V,td1 Publbhtr Thoma.a: Kt•tnl, £dHor AID,rt·w. Bates £d1tor1ol Pogc £d1tor I.be.re are in t.he worldl o.w Dear O.W.: be.in& "~ ~n 'nd thcir ·ramllie.o; nceit to tlrem their 'llonor arirl dignit y reStored heir Sense of h11ving servl!d their in a f11.lthlul manner •nd~ Theoretically, the Natk>nal Black Political As.sembly7 when organized, will ope:ratr on its own behalf as Nell •s In and through lhe.~ established political Pilrtics. The strong thrust. however, h1 toward r stparate black polltlcal pnriy \\'hich Gary~s Mayor Richard G. Hatcher ha!I predicted would be. formed unless the two major partlts SAtisfaciorily meet !he BU.ck A"MJmbly's demand!. The effect of such political movement e<1uld be disastrous to unity. and fra~menl the black vote. M> that Ii would have ltM political impart than at prt:scnt. If the: poHtlcJtl separatists wish an eumplP, lhey mi~ht look to the :Rbor movrmrnt which ln prc&1denrt11I elections does no1 blindly follow Its leadership. DON MUHLIG Executive Director Oran(.!e Coast YMCA The: •dltor11l Pl!Ce....,?1 tht D&il)o Pllrit •eek~ 10 1otorm And •ttmu· late: l'ffd"r• bt pruenonc th.ta nf!\1-'I JlllJK'r ' op1n1ons lllnd c:om· m•nl81')' on 101~t·• of lnrr:rest •nd •l~nit1C'11nr": hy provldtnc • forum lor th,. ~."prr:u1nn of t1ur rf'11drr•' nplnktn• 11nd hv JJl'f"S"!\ltrtt: !ht dh•en,. ~ 1 .. ~ p<ilni~ .-.r in(.,rmrd ott- '"T\'"r' Jond 1poktsmtn on topks fl! t hf' di,). Welt. yqu'rc the 24th lhlo morning , and l ba\•enlt t\'tn opened the mail from Newport. . coun 'l'hoy are ow•lllng ·the ·rahldn& po~tl· sp<ei1tly pr,.ldenttal upir111ta cans-c -lo I peak up. JUDGING BY the prellnunary •gonda of the National Black Assembly, there b very Uttto Ukellhood that either the I 60ME ASPECTS or the B I 1 ck l • 1."•tt1 ,,...., ,. •• "" .... ..ltlfflt 111•'11111., W't!!t " "'"'" tell'ft~ ........ """''"' "' .. ~· 11 ltJJ. f'M fltll! ~ C<il<'tttf!\f tttttrt '' fll t•lk• It" f llltlllltlt tlMI Ii ltMnH, All lllltt:n !1'111\I I•• tt1Nlt 1lt~ttfr'I ''"' MtlllJ!t ttll,.U. kl ~'"'" ,, .. , .. wlfll~•'-Ml l'MllUI " wlllcltf'll ,. ..... II •••• ,.... •• ~ , .. ,ry Wiii Ml .. '"111~ ... Friday. Marcil 17, 1972 _, CALIFORNIA Boasting Arso11 Susp ect Cleared ·. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A convicted arsonist who boasted or setting the Barclay Hotel fire that killed three persons was cleared or murder charges today after il ~,~ determined careless 1moking caused the blaze. Detective, Philip Alexander said Harvey Lynn Beagle JI, 30, was cleared after lhree witnesses said they were drinkinfit with Beagle in a bar when the fire broke out early Wednesday. Some 130 skid row pensioners and welfare cases were left homeless by the blaze which swept the sixth floor of the 76-yea r-old hotel. In addition to the dead, 1i1 gue!ts and one fireman were injured. Alternative J ury Sought ·-\ For Davis SAN JOSE (UPI) -II only look eight days for attorneys to 11ccept the 12· member, all-white jury in tht. Angela Davl1 murder trial, bot the pr«ess of find ins: four alternate jurors already i1 in its fourth day with 16 persons questioned and dismissed. Judge Richard E. Arnason called today's extraordh1ary session in an effort lo speed up the selection of alternates so that testimony can begin in the murder, kidnap and conspiracy trial. 1'-1iss Davis. who i.!! a cocounsel in her case, sat silently Thursday and let her defense team question the · potential panelists. The defense used thrtl! peremptory challenges to exclude '3 Mormon woman, a man born and raised in South Carolina and a Vietnam veteran. The prosecution used one challenge. to dismiss an Indian mother of nin'e. At the end of Thursday's session, the defense had five peremptory challer@eS left to the state's seven. Three alternates have passed questioning for "cause" 'and are tentatively seated. • If those alternates are accepted, the first person lo join the regular jul')' in case <lf iJlne~ or other problems w<lu/d be black-haired Michelle Savage, 20, a receptionist." Dea.th ~ena.lty Petitio1is Out ' SACRAMENTO (AP) -a cam· pargn js heginning· for ~20.806 i;i~natures in order to put the death penalty issue on the ballot for all the voters next November . The constitutional amendment In ltiitive wa s filed by four statewide organliations of Jaw enforct'ment officers, and state Sen . (;eorge Leukmejian <R-1.ong Beach ). It is 11irried at restn ring the death penalty, which was declared un- constitutlonal recently by the State Supreme Court. The (:our t' s deci sinn bee-0mes final Saturday. P o wer Reserves Hurt by Blast LOS ANGEL~S (AP J -An explosion that tore apart a city power department steam .boiler has left the city's power reserves "dangerously low" to meet peak summer electrici ty de m a n d s , a spokesman has reported . "lt'11 not critica l now. but it could be later,'' the city Water and Power Depart· ment spokesman said. The blast ruptured a fiOO.ton boi!Cr and furnace and bl ew apart a \\•all al the Scattergood Steam Plant in suburban Playa Del · Riy late Wednesday night. Damage was estimated at $15 million. Mother of Dying Chililren Dropped Off Welfare Roll By JAMES O. CLIFFORD for under the welfare pro. that account goes lnlo Ihe SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO gram. trust." (UPI) -The mother of three "This means we have no dying children, who was given place fo live and no food an eviction notice be/Ore . stamps." said Mrs. Collum. "I Christmas, has been dropped am entitled to a fair hearing from the welfare rolls because with the welfare people within of the generosity or persons 15 days, but J don't know what A welfare official said aid Is norm ally cut off once ·someo ne has acquired $600 in person al property. Mrs. Collum Is also looki ng touched by her tragic story. that involves." "I was shocked," said Jae-A spokesman for the county for a home, but with spec ial requirements -it must be one story, located in 11 qui ct. level neighborh ood a nd preferably near a park. The eviction deadline of queline Collum, 34, a divorcee welfare department refused to whose children, ages 12 , 7 and discuss the matter unless Mr1. 7. have the incurable Batten's Collum gives "her written disease. One daughte r, Patty, permission." April 30 would have been e X· 13. died in her arms last year. All of Mrs. Co 11 um' s tended on a month-to-mon th More than $2~.000 w a s children have the sysptoms of received by Mrs. Collum from the rare nervous disease in persons sympathizing with her wh ich .dea th U!Ually occurs basis by the welfare depa rt- ment. but "that's all chang ed _ plight. HQ..w_~ver, the ]!lon.n-_M_b~ore age_~o. Kath~!!n..--11: Jn· a trust rund for her and Charles, 1. are already children'• needs and Mrs. blind , and Crystal, also 7, is Q)llum would like it to be losing her sight. , preserved "in case a cure is . "I have received help and ever found." letters from thousands, rang- now," the mother said. Kaiser Steel Strike Ends " If no cure is found, the ing from nuns in convent! to money, after the children's women in prison,'' said· Mrs. FONTANA (AP) -A six· 1----dC! t.M,-wrold-be-u!ed-to ·1et-up--Collum-;-who-gets $99 a-month an organization of parents who child support from the former have children with the husband. week-strike at -Ka iser Slee I Corp. 's big Fontana plant end- disease," she said. She said a separate checking ed Thursday after the United She received the news by account or Sl,344 was opened ma il that her welfare grant du ring the first wave of con· would end March 31 because tributions.· ~ Steelworkers union approved changes in • unique la bo r· management b o n u s agree- ment. Members or the striking of "excess personal property" "I had no idea the help she had received from well-would reach this amount and 1 wishers around the world . just used the separate account unio n local voted 2.Sl6 to 492 The action means she no to pay off bills outstanding longer will receive a $180 a before the trust was establish- month grant, food stamps or ed ." lihe. said. "But once the the use of a small house paid bills are paid, what's left in Wednesday to accept revisions offered by the company in the s~al~ "long·range sharing plan." if IJOlfW Se.rt tlJis-. TRADING j ~j "THE STAMPS TRAV EL l~l THAT REALLY VOUC HERS j ~~lj SEND YOU " I .......... Travel Vouchers ••• the ugoing" kind of stamp.,. takes you anywhere, at any time you choose! Saving 'M'avel Vouchers is th,e fastest way to make your travel dreams come true! Sava these magic stamps for "fun" va cations! Trading Travel Vouchers can pay for part or all of your ticket costs! Here's how the program works : I Your participating merchants (see directory) issue Trad· • ing Travel Vouchers with each purchase you make. 2 You place "regular" or "Sig Ten" Travel Vouchers in your •co lorful redemplion books. J Tako your filled redemption book to your local member •Exchange Bank (sea directory), and receive a beaut ifully engraved Traveler's Reserve Certificate worth $2.00, 4. Who.•. YoU are ready to trave.1, take your Traveler's Reserve Cerllf1cates 10 your authorized Travel Agent (see d irec· to ry), and spend them like cash! Traveler'& Reserve cer· t1ficates can purchase all or any part of your next t icket costs. You choose the time and place, and you're off on _your trip! MEncHANT INOUIAIES INVJTl!C:TAAYIL!AS RESERVE, INC. (114)17'-not I ' ' I i I ! ~ i I f ~ " Ph _ _. ri " • a.oto, ..._, T"""' --• ......... ww..o- :§.=.$33915 1~ " .,, F"rldl,)', March 17, 1972 OAIL Y PILOT S Wage Tritn R e act ion U.S. Port Closure Looms • By LEIF ERICKSON SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A ghutdown of all U.S. ports loomed as a Possibility toda y after the Pay Board trimmed a wage increase "'on by West Coast longshoremen in encfjng a 134-<iay dock strike. P•Y Board refusu approval of I.he COD· tract. In his 1-"'tb. 24 column In The Dispatcher. Bridges also said, "Stand by to march ou t as a 10lid bloc along with the Ea&t Coast if the Pay Board cuts blck our iiegotiated .settlement by 1s much as 011e cent." Gleason 's union has not confirmed the joint strike pledge. There was no immediate comment from Harry Bridges' West Coast Interna- t 1 on a I L-0n.g1horemen'11 and Warehousemen's Union Thursday after the Pay Board in Washington lopped about one-fourth or the IL W U 's negotiated increases. Ass embly Okays VD Bill Nor was there comment from. Bridges' East aod Gulf Coast c6unterpart. Presi· dent Thomas W. Gleason of the AFL-CIO International Longshoremen's Union. Supported by Go v. Reagan ' •'We 're not going to say anything right away," said Charles Velson . ad· minislrative assistant to the fiery West Coast stevedore boss . But Bridges told his 13.000-member union on Feb. 24 that the lLWU and lhe 1LA had agreed that they would join in a nationwide dock strike i£ the Pay Board ~ouched wage increases won by either union. '"The joint pact provides that i£ the Pay Board cuts back on either the ILA ag ree· ment or our agreement we both join forces and pull out in every port in the United Stales," Bridges wfote in the JL\V U newspaper, The Dispatcher. The Feb. 16 contract between the IL\·l/U and the West Coast employers' Pacific Maritime Association contains language which permits the ILWU to take strike action with in 30 da ys if the SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The Assembly has swiftly approved a venereal disease education bill supported by Gov. Ronald Reagan along with a companion measure to provide $238,000 in state assistance for the courses. The principal bill, by Assemblywoman March K. Fong (D-Oakland ). was sent to the Senate Thursday on a 58-3 vote following a brier debate. The ap· propriation measure. by Assemblyman E. Richard Barnes CR-San Diego), was ap- proved minutes later on a 58-2 vote. Mrs. Fong had declared that there is a VO epidemic in California, particularly .5mong young persons. She stirred up a heated controversy la st year with a similar bill vetoed by Gov. Ronald Reagan, who said he op- posed the measure because it did not con· lain a provision that parents be notified in advance of a VD course so that they could withdraw their children. 15th Ahl!ltTa/ • Easy Loading PORTABLE DISHWASHER W ith 3 W• CydM Md lat Top llleek • Nonn .. w.--Pots & P- fli.-Ind Hi:i'd e S.,.cl• Pt.t--S ettir9g e 8Ylt•ln Soh food DlspoHI W AS $199.95 .................... ~ . '·-~-"-" ........ . ,~ .. I' ...... c.... ....... , .......... , ... _ .,....,,,_...._.. • u"' ... _,_ ,..,., • ¥lol,,,..hff'IM T ..... ......... ....._." .... ., .... ~ ., .... ...,. .. '78" l ·:1.r 46 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE! GOLDENWEST & WARNER HUNTINGTON BEACH Sales Only. 842°5596 . I 401 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH I Service & Sales 536°7561 • This year, Mrs. Fong altered her bill to provide that parents be notified 15 days in advance of the beginning of a VD course. But the measure would oot re- quire written approval or oonsent for a child to take part in the courses. The legislation would permit local school boards to offer VD education and to de ter mine at what level they should be taught . The bill also assures that parents can inspect materials to be used in the courses. After Mrs. Fong secured Reagan's sup- port for the measure, she had little legislative opposition. Voting against the bill Thursday were Assemblyman Eugene A. Chappie lR· Cool ): John L. E. Collier ( R·Los Angeles). and Flo_yd Wakefield (R-South Gate ). Collier and Wak efield also voted against Ba~nes' measure. ' I -\ s 'I rr llP that orlen were An r etu three Jur books Lawy mate mlllti The astoo Aul and had poril-0 But I the p and I from 'Jur '""" surpr boo~• c6ur t 1erpe 0 . " for Ing fog !O IA Irv act pu ,; tod