HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-12 - Orange Coast Pilot• "i.Alcohol #Aeling ~ Charfled ' ~1 ~ ........................ =-="""'~~-,,.,........ ~-~~-~ Gunmen Dold Up Sou.th Vietna111ese Fained Restaurant Liberate An. Lo~ In Lag·nna Bea~h In Bitter ~ight ~rews MOND AY AFTERNOON, JUNE 12, 1972 \IOL. "' NO. 1'4. I I ECTIO"S. M PAHi Coast · Police He .licopters Chase 'Stunt' Airplane A hair-ralaile Jeri.ti oC 1a'Oba~ie stun ta includ.ini one power dlve to rooftep Jevel• over foW' oiange Collt ciUe! led to the arm! ol a pilot pursued by tll!O pC>lille helicopter• early tod1y. RiChard B. Loom.ls, 14, of Arcadia, w~ , taken Into custody at Orange County Alrpafl 1bortly altor mldnlght lklll( wlihl cne of hil lhree puaenger11. Loami.a wu arrested by crewmen or the Cosio Mesa pC>llce helicopter Eagle 11 and booked Into JaU .on. ausplcloo or vlolaUng section 21@.5 or the Publlo UtiUtlts !Ade. O!!lcers Rlndy Null and David Brooks cbargtd Loomia IUldtr the PUC Code with operalilll a ~ wblle under the in- fluence of an lntoskant. !ncldenlo were dl<d over Newport . Beach, l!unllngtm. Beach, Cosio Mala and Irvine. -1 • -One.pas~nger., Tom "P· D'AJCelo, 13,+0f 113'h Turquoile Ave.:Batboa ll1"1d1 was .aOO arruted 01llllllpldoll <I being dnmk ln public .. ' ' ' . ·lrrnsllgaliln•who·nld they con!i""led a batl'il\l'm, jug ot wine. !rom the cockpit of the~white Casno aircraft in- vomd 11.·the aerlil· ucapade alleged all loot occupants W been drinking. Only Loomit, wbcrhad no pilot's license la hll -poaeuion. and _o• Angelo had ap- parenU, consumed ~gll to warr<mt the1r atl'Ull, """"'11111 to lnvesUgatlng orncers. · Ollicen Brooks and Null "Id they !lrst 1pot1el) the plbe. lly.iJIC erratically In the area of. the Sl!lla Ana !\Iver, bet-n lS.0 JIUZllNG, ..... II n Rapid City Death Toll Passes 200 ~ RAPID CITY. S.D. (UP!) -Search crews using dogs worked through the night to uncover bodies from I.he muddy ruins of the nation's worst flood In !15 years. Authorities said today more than 200 were known dead from the flood Friday night and Saturday caused when a rain- swoll en dam burst and cascaded billions of gallons of water into Ra pid City and other communities in South Dakota's Black Hills. Pat Dixon, coordinating disaster In· formation, said there may have been duplications in the death count. "We know it's over 200,'' he said. "It could be 29 over or 30 over. No one knows right now." Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.), said it was "a scene of incredible destruction and devutatioo." The pres I d ent i a I hopeful fiew from·Wasbington Sunday to tour the fioodlands by heliCopter. Don Barnette, Rapid City's ~year-0ld mayor, said, "[ would estimate a com· bined death total I)( 300 for the whole tragedy." Gov. Richard Kneip said, "We have in ncess of 200 deaths and there's a long way to go·yet. It's believed many bodies are below the mud and the mire. That part is bad." Search crews concentrated on a virtually devastated five-.block wide area ·along ·Rapid creek, the stream which cw through the dty. lt turned suddenly Jnto a swollen, rag· Ing kJller when Canyon Lake Dam burst under the pressure of a foot ot rain late Friday nliiht, senc11ng· a four.foot wall of water thunderinc down from the bil!J. Tbe fiood caused an estimated $100 mllllon damage , desbvying !00 houses and leaving thouaands of persons -•!en . Authorities first said aboot l,!00 ~ were unaccounted for, bot later ~ 'tliey could not make an atcurate C-on the number missing. · LitUe had been determinOd about what . happened In man bolal<d commu~u..1 In the hllls . -particularly to the . bun-I dreda, perhaps tho\>Nnd• ot tourlsta believed to have 1-1 camping In the ar<a <1-by Mt. Ruabmore. The Aarlculture Department announced In Washington Sunday that the Oood atM was el"1ble !or emergency lree lood stamps. Repruentatlvts of almost every !eden! a&enc'y that could be Involved met lo make recovery and a!sslstance plan!. Rapid City water supplies were cur· taUed for fear of cootamlnatlon and llloo.t"LOOOING, r.,.11 Quints Do Well Bor1i to V .S. Pair in Fra n.kfurt FRANKFURT (AP)-The quintuplets born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Bean, an American couple living here, were doing well today, a Frankfurt Uni· versity Hospital spokesman said. The quintuplets -four girls and a boy -were bom Saturday about one month premature. · Mrs. Be.an conceived after an intensified hormone treatment at the hos-- pital, the spokesman said. The quints were placed in incubators follo\\'ing delivery, and will remain under special care until they reach 511.. pounds, he added. The heaviest oC the five is the boy who weighs 3.85 poWlds. Bean. 44, came to Germany 13 years ago from West Hartford. Conn. He is an engineer with the American Forces Network, an affiliate of the Armed Forces Radio and Television Network in Western Europe. White Hou se Restau1'ant lnLagunaHeldUpbyTwo By JACK CHAPPELL Of ffl• D•llJ r 1 .. t St•tt Two men, one brandishing a snub-nosed revolver, held up Laguna Beach's famous White House restaurant shortly after 8 a.m. today, laking at least $3 ,500 in weekend receipts. Kory Saruwatarl, operator of the res taurant, at 330 S. Coast Highway, his wife Gladys and Dan Mikels, an employe, were tied and' left unhanned as the two men left the establishment. Saruwatari said he wa s working behind the restauriint bar w'hen he looked up and saw a man with a gun facing him. The gunman, described as of medium heigh t, with a slender bu ild and dark hair, ordered him to call the other employes out. Dan Mikels, working in the men's rest room stepped out and faced the gunmaw. Heav il y Armecl Trio Soug ht SAN JOSE (AP) -Police set up roadbk>cks In west San Jose today Jn 1 search for three heavily anned men who bad held six persons al . gunpoint in a s u bu rban iupennarket. Police said the hostages. five store empl oye.s and a truck driver, e1eaped unharmed. The bandits forced the ir way into the Shopwell Supermarket about 1 a.m. Officers had not determined 1r > they took any monty . • "What a thing to happen, and I've got only three more days left," Saruwatari said, e:rplaining that on Wednesday, he would end his lease Of the Laguna restaurant which he has operated since 1967. The business was established in 1918. After taking all the money from the or. lice, the gunman and his accomplice went to the bar area and collected more money there. Mrs. Saruwatarl and Mikels were then freed from the locked storeroom and, with Sa ruwatlrl, tied to the pedestals of the restaurant tables. " 'I'm so rry I have to tie you up like this,' the guy said to me," Mrs. Saruwatarl said. She still had welts on her wrists where her bonds been tighten- ed. "[just stood there. waiting for someone to say something and this guy stuck bis gun in my stomach and &old me "move over th ere,' " Mikels recounted following the robbery. Mrs. Saruwatarl, working In the kitdr en, was ca\Jtd out into the restaurant area and then she and Afikels, were Jocked i• a storeroom . The gunman then forced Saruwatarl h> the office and made him open the safe. The other man scooped up the money. bundling it up In his shirt which he had untucked from hill trousers. "The guy holdin~ the gun seemed agitated, he kept saying 'hurry up1 don't bother with the che cks or the small sturr. • " Saruwatnri snid. "He didn't tie me very well ." Mikels said. 11e said that he had worked hl:ii "-'B Y free. but v;as wa iting for the man to leave before getting up. "I couldn't see th<'m. but once Kory (See WHITE IJOUSE, Page %1 00 Communists On the Run At A11 Loe SAIGON !UPI) -South Vietname..w armored columns and truckloads of sup-- pl ies broke through today to An Loe and all but lirted the siege of the prov incia l ca pital 60 miles north of Saigon -the fourth major town to be liberated since the Comtnunist offensive began on March 30. A few snipers remained j n the town and Highway 13 from Saigon was not con· sidered "safe." But most of the North Vietnamese et· tackers were reported to ·have withdrawn to Cambodia and the remaining 7th and 9th Communist Divisions were described as "decimated" or so badly cut up they lost their combat effectiveness. Many North Vietnamese attackers were killed by massive B52 strikes aod by fighter-bombers. The emphasis on the air war today was North Vietnam where BS2s struck for the fifth consecutive day while fighter· bombers bitting the IJanoi-Halpbong areas played havoc with North Vletnam '1 war transportation. The Saigon command ln reporting 288 (See VlETNAM, Pap I ) er .. ,. Cr Ba WeaC.- Now you C&D-wub the car. The weatherlady .. more sunahine on the borbon lot" ~ -and thereafter. lllchi <il""'IO exp<cted at the beaches, rl.ilag to IS Inland. Lows In the IO'a, I NS IDE TGDA Y Orange County air official.!, plagued b~ Je t llOUt problcm.s at lhe countv airport, MVf Uirir e11es on mUitary balt1 41 a pot-- sibte soh,ticm-lo the: critical quution of where Co put mor. airports. See atorv, Pagt 20. l .M lev• 1• Milt "' a....tet " •o•l•Tif 1t M1Y111 tJ (•lllO•,.lt I Cl•11.lrtlf :I0-,1 H t!IVfl ,.__ 4 Of111\ij) Cfllllly I COMICt IJ Cro"-rd n l)f311'1 H~l'Ctt I Elfli.rl1I l'ttt ' $Y1Yll '"""' 14 51Mrh 1'7·1f Slt<li; Maf'tl:th 1 .. ,, TlltYhllll 11 l!l11i.t11111m..,1 II flllllflCI 14•11 ""''""' ,. W111Mr f HonoK•... If WtlftH'I Ht<n •lt A1111 L.IMI'" II W.,1111 ..... • fltr IM llKll'i t. lt ' Monl'.1.ty, J unt 11 1 _ ! DAILY PILC1 ---- Court Rt1li1t9 'Clubs Get Okay To Ban Negroes \\IASHlNGTO N (AP l -Th\' ~up~·en1e Court today uphe ld the right {)f pr1val<! clubs to ex.elude Negorc s as guests. The 6 to 3 decision was delivered by freahman Justice William H. Hehllqu1st. It went againat a black brought as a guest lo the Moose Lodge in J1arr1sb11rg, Pa . The black. Leroy In•is. the majority leader-of the Pennsylvania House,. <:on- tended that because the club held a hqunr li cense from the stale it could not ex.luae blac_9..M me mbers or as gue sts. ~~y·s decision dealt directly wit h the ...--f)'.clusi on of bl<lc ks as guests -and not with th('i r exclusion as membf.•rs. llchn- . I . ,., Court Grants Aid to All Facing Jail WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme court today granted all defendants who face a possible jail tern1 the right to be represented by a la\vyer. . The 7 to 2 decision delivered by Justice William 0 . Douglas, guarantees a lawyer's help to millions of poor people who are prosecuted for petty offe nses and misdemeanors. Less than half the slales supply free lawyers to defendan ts in all trial~ that could lead to a jail term. The historic rul- ing, an expans ion of past Si1~h Amend· ment decisions. "'ill necessarily change trial practices in those states._ Chief Justice Warren E. Burger. who went a1ong. said be was confident the legal profession would meet the "large new burdens" placed upon it. Justices Lewis F. Powell and William H. Rehnquist. the cou rt's freshman mem- bers, objected to the swee? of . the decision although they did not dissent 1n a technical sense. They said the court should ha ve ruled there is a right to a lawyer on ly when "necessa ry to assure a fair trial." Jn 1963 a case known as Gideon V. Wainwright laid the principle that a man on trial for "serious offenses" has the right to a lawyer and that if he caonot af- ford one the state must supply counsel. Until then. the Sixth Amendment had been interpreted as necessitating lawyers only in capita l offenses - when there was 1 chance or a death sentence. Subsequently, the court granted the right to a free la"'ter when the jail term could be six months or more. Today's decision wipes out the distinc· tion between felonies and misdemeanors for petty offenses so far as this right is concerned. Untess a defendant knowingly and intell igently waives a lawyer's he lp, he cannot be sent to prison "for any of· fense, whether classified as petty, misde- meanor or felony, unless he was represented by counsel at his trial," Douglas wrote. Frotn Page J FLOOD ... some residents took lo robbing motel !Wlmming pools of \Va ler. . Free typhoid shots were given !1\ anyone who asked in hopes o[ heading off !he danger of epidemic. More than 4,000 townspe<iple and Na· tional Guardsmen pulled more than 50 bodies from the rubble Sunday. Rescuers said they found bodies all 1along the Rapid (,'reek course -in 1 basements of homes which had been swept away, beneath piles of rubble, in rears. One victim's body was draped in a ...... The flood was the nation's '"-'Orst since '1937. whe n the Mississippi and Ohio "}livers too k 2.'">0 lives. OIANli COAST ST • DAILY PILOT • • • qu ist ~aid lrv1s could not c·l1<1 IJC J\ge the 1.o<lt:e ·s 11ll·white n1crnber~h 1p 1Mi. y bec11u.se he had ricvtr appllt.:d fu r 1nen\bersh1p, bl.lt had only been brought lo the clu b as a guest. Rehnquist s31d the c·lub'.~ refu sal lo serve Negores does not riolate the 14th Amendment t>v en though !he fl.loose Lodge gets HS liqLJOr license through the state. "Since state-furnished srr\ i1·rs include su ch necessities of life ;is 1·lectricity, watrr, an d ixilice and fire protec1ion, such a holding would utterly rmascul<1le !ht-distintllun IJt'.tl\'(·t·n private HS di stinguished from state condu ct,'' he said. Chief Justice \Varrrn E. Burger and Just ices Harry A. BJ ackm un and Le1,·1s 1' ... Powell , the lhree other Nixon .111. 1ninistration appointees . lined up \'.1111 1{.ehnquist, a (ormcr assistant attornl:'y general. J ustices }'oile r Stcv.';Jrt ;111U Byron R. White also were in the ma- jority. Dissen ting were J ustices \VHlian1 fl. Douglas, Willian1 J. Brennan .!r .; ;ind Thurgood J\1arshall, the <.>Qurt's only Negro mem ber. Brennan said J)ennsylvania's liquor regulati ons plain1y intertwined the state with the operation of the lodge's bar in a significant way and lent the state's authority "to the sordid business of racial discrim ination.'' The ruling reverses a three-judge federal court in Harrisburg wh ich held in 1970 that the Moose Lodge could not keep both its liquor license and its racia lly ex· elusive policy. The lodge is across the street from the Pennsylvania State Capitol. Irvis. an Allegheny county Democrat, had been brought to it for cUnner and drinks by a white membc'r. 'fhe Constitution that governs all J\1oose lodges pro vides that membe rship "be composed of male persons of the Caucasian or white races abo ve the age of 21 years, and not married to som£'onc othe r than the Caucasian or white race. Fro1n Page l BUZZING ... Costa A-Jesa and Huntington Beach. They charged that Loomis, a uti!ily con1pany employe, went into a steep power dive and only pulled ou t 100 feet abov e ground level. Giving chase. they we re joined by the Newport Beach police helicopter and claimed they saw Loomis go into a steep climb over UC Irvine before nearly stal· Jin g. The plane then made a sharp, 100. degree turn and headed bac k over Newport Beach, at times zoomi ng as !ow as 500 feet over residential areas. Shepherd ing the zig-zagging plane back loy,.·ard Orange County Airport, arresting offi cers in the helicopte r said Loom is b.:1 rely n1 issed crashing into a 40-foot gl ide .'llope indicator tower while landing. He was stopped at mid fiel d by airixirt security officers who ordered the flier to taxi toward the tower building, where he \va.~ lo met'! invcstignling officers. l'olicr said Looinis' plane finally hal!ed fi nly one fO(lt fr~he huild ing and near· ly collided \1·Ji:b/ lwo ron•s of p.1rked ;:iircraft as the \ven 1·ing Ccssn<1 pulled up ti> a halt. The suspect was held in lie u of $250 bail th is mo rning, 11·lJllc polire fnr11·arded :i report of !he incidrnt 1n \he F'eder;i! Aviat ion Ad1nini slrat1on for possi ble ad· ditiona l lega l action. LBJ Spurns Invite WASHINGTON (AP) -Former Presi· dent Lyndon B. Johnson will not attend the Democratic National Convention in ~liami Beach next month. "I ha ve invited him to attend the conven tion and participalr in !lie convention :i nd he has declined. He has advised me that he will not be pre!lent at the c*"ention.'' Democra tic National Chai rman Lawrence 1'~. O"Brien said Sunday. ·~:: - :.£' " - • UPI felepl\oto Evcl Knievel, the motorcyc·J c daredevil, hoped lt \\IOUld be the other \\·ay around Sun day \vhen he a.greed to. Ju mp ~ver 13 ca~s a~ Al· lanta's Lake,vood Park. fJut a m1scalculat1 on durin g a practice JUmp thr day before brought hun a con1pre~s!on. fracture of the back and injuries to both han ds. Undaun ted . by 1nJur1es, he sho\ve d up any\vay on Sund ay and did three 60 mph ··wh eelies." Ousted General Admits U nnuthorized Strikes WASHI NGTON (AP) -An ousted U.S. commander in Vietn am confirmed to congressmen today that he ordered possibly unaut horized air strikes against the North Vietnamese for the safety or his pilots "and at the same ti me trying to sto p the buildu p'' that led to the incursion into South Vietnam. But retired Air Fo rce Lt. Gen. John D. I~avelle said he. ordered the strikes halted f\.1arch IO when he learned three reports of the strikes had been falsified, and there appeared to be no way lo continue the m without filing false reports. Gen. John D. Ryan, Air Force chief of staff, told the subcommittee he fired From Page l VIETNAM ... strikes in North Vietnam during the 24 hours ending at 5 p.m. Sunday also reported th at F4 Phantoms from the car· rler Coral Sea shot down two MlG 17s Sunday 25 mile s south o~ Hanoi with missiles and without suffermg any losses themselves. U.S. planes using "smart bombs" guid· ed by laser beams and television have knocked out scores of r ailway bridges leadi ng from China to the Hanoi area. And in doing so they left abo~t (iO() heavily laden railcars stranded in the open like sitting ducks. r..1anv of tho se have been prime targets and the U.S. Command reported that 60 cars \vcre hit during the la.st 24 hours: Pilots on bo mb ing raids aga1ns~ rail road cars 60 ni lles northenst of Hanoi near the C h i n a borde r caused l~ge secondary explosions Yo'ilh a bright nrange fir eball 500 yards in diameter -a sure slgn lhat ammunition exploded_.. U.S. 7ih FJ('et shi ps also have Joined the bom ha rdn1c nt of North Vietnam, shelling the coastal road and canal ne!lvork. The command said the destroyer USS Bau sell. y,·hile shelling the Than Hoa region 80 miles southwest of }lanoi _. was hit by shrapnel on J une 10 and slightly damaged. No injuries were reported. Air losses were mounting. The U.S. command said one American was killed and six missing in four separate air crashes today and Sunday, including two men losl in the north. An F4 Phantom '"-'as shot down by a missile bul the two- man crew parachu ted into the South China Sea and were rescued. Lavelle as commander of the 7th Air Force in Indochina when he learned o( what he said were 28 unauthorized air strikes into North Vietnam involving 147 planes. Lavelle said he thoug ht there 1vcre less than 20 such n1issions. Lave.lie said his pilots sa1v and photographed massive bul!dups of North Vietnamese planes , tanks, a rtillery and supplies near the Demilitarized Zone and said lhat \l'hen he reques ted permission to strike them he did not receive it but neither did he receive a denial. Lavelle said he could unde rstand Ryan 's viewixiint from \Vashington that ''J had exceeded my authority.'' But he added : "At that lime as the commander on the spot concerned with the safety of the crews and at the same time trying to stop the buildup that was going on , I felt that these were justiflable acti ons ." Lavelle said that be judged that under the rules prohibiting all but "protective reaction" air st rikes into No rth Vietnam in line wi th the 1968 bombi ng halt he had the authority as the commander on the spot to order the air strikes. Dew nations Re11ew Fears TRANG BANG, Vietnam (U I'l) -The controlled ex plosio n of cap- tured hand grenades thundered through thls village today, touchi ng off new panic among residents still shocked from las t week's a c- cidental napalm b om b in g that killed a child and fi ve soldiers and "-'Ounded eig ht other persons. Crowds in the market place ran for cover and one wom.!ln scream- ed. "They're doing it again." Today·s e:rp losion was only a cache of captured grenades being carefully detonated. Red Chinese Cite U.S. Air Strikes 1'0 KY O (AP) -·Communist Chtna said today U.S. air strikes in North Vietnan1 near the Chinese border threaten 1\s Seturity. It charged that ·'these frenzied acts of 1ggression" nre not only "new war crimes" against North Vietnam but also "'grave provocations " against China. A f'orc:ign f\.1inistry statement, in Pe· king said, "The Chinese government and people express their resolute support" lor a North Vietn a1nese statement is!ue<l Saturday condemning the Unit f'd States for further dispatching many plan!'" fl)r r aids against th1' Jlnno1 :-. 11 tJ 11 1 11 ~ • }/aiphong and otht>r :1n·:1\ Tht' statcn1l'nl 1\:1.-; L1 •• ~d, .1 ,1 \1\ 11•·· king's /\:e1v Chula 1\:0 •1'" 1\gt'111 1 Last y,·eck. U.S. Alf 1:orce Jl'ls swept to \Vithin 20 n11lr-~ of <'1111111 <ind 1~·ret·ke<l a big No rlh V1t'lnaftl1'$t• 1•a1lrond n1arshal· ling yard · and hig)]1\•ay bridge (lnly 41.1 seconds flying tin1e from the Chfna-Vtet- nam border. The raids \\·ere re ported the <·loscst to the bo rd er since the 1965·68 bornUing can1paign aga inst North Vietnan1. China said the United Stales "sho uld know that the heroic peoples of Viet11:11n and the other Indochinese countries are by no means alone in their struggle. Jt di d not elaborate on this point. "For over a month. U.S. imperialism in deriance of the strong condemnation and opposition of the people throughout the world, had continued to e.'lcalate its war against the Democratic Republic of Viet- nam,'' the statement added. "It not only has mined and blockaded the ports of Northern Vietnam and daily sent ou t large numbers of airplanes and warships to make frantic raids on many cities. villages and coastal centers. but has steadily expanded the sphere of bombing up to areas close to the Sino. Vietnamese borders, threatening the security of China . "These frenzied acts of agres.s ion on the part of U.S. imperialism are ne1v war crimes committed against the Viel· namese people. and at the same time grave provocations against the Chinese people." Th e statement reiterated Peking's ''resoJute" SUpJ'.l()rt or the Vietnamese and other Indochinese peoples until complete victory." Marine Stabbed; Suspect Held In Santa Ana A young El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta· ti on enlisted man died Sunday morning a fter being stabbed through the heart at a Santa Ana apartment and falling out a second story window. His alleged slayer was arrested shortly afterward on suspicion of murder. Rudolph B. Tamayo, 47, of 322 W. Third St., was questioned by police combing the a rea around 200 N. Broadway after they found bloodstains on his clothing. He is suspected of fatally stabbing Andrew H. Nelson, 18, whose body wa s found about 5 a.m. by a passerby in an alley behind the North Broadway ad· dress. Investigators claim Nelson was visiting Tamayo·s apartment ~·hen a quarrel started, leading to the fa tal stabbing. Coroner's deputies said death was due to the hea rt wound. It was not determin- ed whethe r the Marine would have been seriously injured in falling out the win- dow. Minuteman Launched VANDENBERG Affi FORCE BASE (AP ) - A Minute-man ID Intercon. tinental Ballistic MiuUe was Jaunched down the \Vestem Test Range over Uie Pacific Ocean Sunday, the Air Force said. No other details were disclosed. """" to Sclwol? Su1nmer's fun is over and it's back to sc hool time in Austra· lia for lovely Robin Evans, 17. She has the figures (38-24-35) to add new dimensi ons to math. -or an y other subject, !or that matter. Fron• Page l WHITEHOUSE .. called out lo me and said, 'hO\Y are you Danny?' "One of the men called back, •what was that?'" l\1ikels said. Shortly afterward, Saruwatarl jumped up and ran to the telephone and called polic e. All three victims agreed lhat lhe man \\'ilh the gun was lhe boss. The other man, described as about 5 foot, 10 inches tall y,·ilh a fair complexion and light hair, just did as he was told, they said. "I wasn't .sc:ared at all; they were just no t the type to be scared of," Mrt. Saruwatari said. Detectives believe the bandits entered through the rear restaurant door opening on Ramona Avenue. Construction workers cin the new Laguna Beach County Library im- mediately behind the resa turant we.re questioned by officers, but apparently the gunman and his accomplice left un- noticed. Police believe the robbers were familiar wlth the layout of the restaurant and with the areas money was normally kept. ,;He seemed to know just where to go,'' Saruwatari said. The $3,500 loss ls not covered by in- surance as the companies re<juire their clients to be protected by alarms, and the Whit e House "''as not. The Saruwataris \\·ere planning on a trip to Japan afte r he left the business on Wednesday. Mikels, 24, is a graduate student at Cal State Fullerton and son of Jackie Mikels, restaurant bookkeeper who opens the restaurant every day but Monday. The White ~louse restaurant i • Laguna's oldrst having been founded in 1918 by a couple named Bird . A sign proclaiming, "Eat with tM Birds," used to adorn the front of the eatery known up and down the coast. Selling Out Overstock ONE CARAT DIAMONDS s479 Only With This Ad \! Tl>t Onngf (Ohf DAILY PILOT, wltl'I '#tll(l'I h combll'ltd lh• W-Pr-. h siublllhlld b't' lkf Or•n'lf CMlf PuOl!.Vllrm COtftpll'l'f. ,...., '~" ~.tlof\1 41"" PVblbl'I~ Mond•r 111rlHl!ll'I F rid1y, tor Cos\I M.-r.1, ft""11'trt ltldl, HUt1!1nglCH1 8e•c~fFoun!1l11 V1lley, l•tvn• 8N(~, l,..lnt/S1ddl~ end Sin Cltrntnt1/ S•n Jw•n C•Pb lr•no. A •Intl• r9910ft1I tdl!iofl Ii publil,.... $111VfUY' and SvndlVL T~t. p1lncl1>1I Plltlllsl'l!nv pllnl II 11 JlC,.Wt.11 l 1y Slrett, Cosi. Ma.t, C1Ulom!1, rHU. Ireland Street Fighting TRUMP FULL SIZE CLASSICAL OUT OF PAWN WATCHES YACHTSMAN BINOCULARS CAMERAS RoD1rf N. Weed PrnlClent 1flll Pu!ll\Vltf J 1tlc R. C111J1y Vjct P!tsicltnl •l'ICI a.ntr11 MIM;t r Tho1t1•• k11vil Editor no'"'' A. Mur,,.,in• M1~lil0 lCl l!or Ch•rl•• H. loo• Ri,h1Ni' P. Nill Au l1!1n1 ""4n10lrll liclttot'I ' CMfl Mn1 : »0 ""':~'J s""' \ N...,...., Bt~d'I: »» N 8ot,1l1PYl rcl l..IOIN •tfi;tl: m ... ....,., "._...,. Hll'IUllOICWI ... tll1 17'7S efKl'I '°"leYl •CI hll CWIMl\tt: )11;$ Mof1ll a1 C.rnlne kHI Ttl.,._ l7141 '4J-412l C'-ffW AlftrthJ .. 64J.1671 ,.,.,. ~ .-..... ...... ., u,-... " 4'1-4421 ,.,.... Hetttl Or-.... c-.y (I'""""'"'" . 14f.1J21 °""1"''· 1'11. Orl!!M '*' P.llbllttlllll ~111, Ht -11'1H"lt,, Uhl!ltrtllfltt, •!llflf' """., tr 111'1't!rtl""""'I' Mrtln _, .. r~ wlltlolll •PKLfl ""' .iutM .. eoflnWll' ...... ..--.. a. ... , ... ,.. .. 11 COl!t Mfd, c.~ '"'"'-'"" lrt' arrltr u.u tMJlff'lho"t w 1111911 u .11 1"0nlf'llr1 mlln.,., .._ .... GM '"""1tl!J. Takes Live s of Five More BELFAST (UP!) -One of Northern lreland's worst weekends or violence took at least five lives in street battles in which Protestanls battled R o m an Catholics and the Britis h Army fought bolh in attempts to restore order. Thert were new bombings today and terror in the streets. A British soldier wounded In a 12-hour gun battle in Northern Belfast Sundily died today. He was tlle 17th Britllh soldier killed In nearly three years of strike betwee n Protestants and minority Ro m a n Ca tholics, The vi olence has taken 376 Uv~ 12 in the past six days. The htavies1 battle of the weekend w11s In North Belfast where the fighting lasted al1 Sunday afternoon and night, liundreds of men, women and chUdrt n st reamed out o! the area today and took refuge in west and east Belfast. The British army evacuated to famlliea Sun· day. Three gunbattles broke out In the hours after midnight when the Illegal lclsh Republlcan Army mounted an intensive attnck against sandbagged army posts in Londonderry, fu-ing 200 rounda of high vt.loclty rifle Ure and he a v y machlneguns. There were no cuuaJtles ln this Jnc.ldent. It was the last major battle ot \he weekend which saw the worst fighting since last August. By midmorning, the batU., ... med to have given way to the Isolated bombings whlch have become a way of life in northern Ireland. The strife began nearly lhrtt yean ago between militant factions of the Prates· cant majority and Roman Catholics pro- lesllng a lack ol clvtl rights and I.he~ housing and job opportunities. GUITARS Over 100 Popultr Br•ndt To Choote From BUSHNELL bJO WATERPROOf,SHOCK· PROOF, DUST PROOF THEY FLOAT -·-... OTL f 1.4MM wll~ <IN '-""-., ..... WllflUM 2000 TO CHOOSE FROM $1'!. COSTA Mr!~~.1 .~,!!~~! & LOAN !!!!!l. 1838 NEWPORT BLVD. PHONE ~7741 iiii DOW"ifTOWN COSTA MW-·--.._... & ..... ., ,~·oul lhe i devel the s mont bu yin educ a B Tl VE days. cause noise :show The prov Pig The previe hair o half. AB Ing" r but 1talntil summ All mll!l !'11ark' fed. Pre shov: locked fnsi Arti Ttosa. chair v.·or k.' f..1an artists Jetter n. being Ros• before T Ora Fran k "back J une rollm te<i b Judie' Jud Unlve new famll. t:once mini s He lng t the A J udie PH seer men and ogle Th men do Th jrct l" ;t 11. 5 DAILV PILOT 0 Veterans' Unit Concerned Over Firewo1~I{s Ban Last wttk's ci!y council actlOn forbid- ding tbe sales of fireworks to customers under 18 years old -followed by t~ threat of an all-out ban next yr.ar -drew <:oncerned response today from the leadtr of the Veterans' Fireworks Corn- mittee in San Ch•ment". Walt Liebig, conceded to be the founder of the professional fireworks programs Crom the city pier, said that the move by councilmen, if it remains effective, could deal a crippling blow to lhe vel.e.raM' ef· Truth in Sale Policy Pushed For Adoption A trtllh in selling policy has been devclop"'d hy the Ca pistraoo Uni fied School Di1'tt1('t's grovi'lh committee -a lXllicy that 11s 1nen1brrs hope cities and the county of Orange will soon aoclpt. The policy is in the form of a resolution 'vhich will be forwarded lo the cities of :-ian Clemente and San Juan Capistrano and the Orange County Planning Depart- ment for adoption hy them. The resolution points out that the sale or homes in subdivisions frequently results in overcrowded schools, that homebuyers are concerned about thi.s but :ire unfamiliar "''lth the area and usually don'! kno1v 11•here to get information ::iboul schools . ··Rapid population cun result in overcrowded schools and related prob- l(·ms that prospectl11e homebuyers should be appraised of before they purc hase a home," relates the policy. If the resolulion is passed developers \1·ould be required to prominently displ11y 1naps of school district attendance 2ones, distribute factual information about the schools to each prospective homebuyer and factua!Jy answer questlon.s about the schools. The Capistrano Unified School District \\'ou ld have the responsibility of providing the information upon the request of the developer and developers would provide the school district by the 10th of each month the ages of children of famUles buying homes to assist the district in educational plaMlng. Venice Art Show Boasts Exhibits That Disappear VENICE, Italy (UPI) -ln its best days. the Venice film fe stival rarely caused as much controversy, outrage of noise as tije 36th Venice Biennial are show which enters Its second day toady. The show's two most polemical exhibits proved to be its least enduring. Pigeons ate most of the first. The .second was replaced after a sneak preview stunned art critics, infuriated half of Italy and bewildered the other half. A Belgian art group called ;'Mass \\t ov- tng" released a hoard of 12,000 cabbage hutterllies in the ~ that they would daintily wing their way around Venice all summer. At the end of the first day or the shov;, most had vanished, and the plgeoM in St. 1'.tark's Square looked particularly \.•:ell· fed. President Giovanni Leone toured the sho"'' Saturday. One empty room \\'BS Jocked. Inside \\'AS a lonely chair in a C1lmer. Artist Gino de Dominici!'! hnd sat Paolo Tlosa, a men!ally retarded man. in the chair and presented him as an "art "-'Ork." Many critics ho\vled. and a group of artists. writers and critic1 sent an open letter to many neW!papers condemning De Dominici for "reduclng a human being to being an object." Rosa was briefly replaced by a little girl before lhe exhibit folded. Oen1ente Judge To 'Hit Books' Orange County Superior Court Judie F rank Domenichlni of San Clemente pa "back to school" for a month starting June 18 foNowln g acceptance of his en· rol!mt:ot for a four-w~k course conduc- ted by the Natiooal CoUege of the State Judiciary. Judge Domenicblnl will attend the University or Nevada at Reno to 1tudy new developments In evJdence. clvtl, family and criminal law plu.s advanced conceptl in court management and ad· mlnist.ratlon. . He Is one of a number of judges rece1v· Ing the additional legal education under the: American Bir Allociatlon's Section ot J udicial Admlnlatratlon. Girls in Minis Whistle at Meri PJIJl,ADELPHIA (UPI) -Mlnlsklrt.d sccret11rles have turned the tables on the men during the lunch hour downtown, and gathered on a busy street comer to ogle at them. The girl• said they were ind of havlni men whistle at them as lbey vralktd down the 1tree:t.s. The men seemed pleased to be the ob- icrt of whistles and an occasional cat c111I. forts in the city. "It sounds so simple to pass fl rult! lhat restricts the age of purthasers," l.itblg said today, "but even that could cut the income from the nrework!I sales: in h11lf this year:· And an :ill.out ban wou ld literally kill the free fireworks shows which ]fl.St year drew 60,000 onlookers to local beaches. The sale of home.-use fireworks -a local tradition in San Clemente. for many years -is in lhls city a complex matter w blch tran1cends 1irnple prollta for a Wt@:le group. The lradllional eily policy has stated that the veteraJlS' groups in the city ·are the prtferred ones allowed to sell the items each Independence day. That policy was diluted two yeari ago and the J unlor All Am<rtcan Football League. won city nods as well. Olher groupi, however, have. failed . Last Wednesday, local Jaycees were turned down. Early tut Y"r Ibo YM'CA Indian Gulcl<s llUffered Ille same fate. 1be rtjttUOlUI came amid aies of favorltam to veterans' gJ'OUPI at the expeme of other rd-w · organh.a- ri.1any groups rej in Si:n emente tions aJso in need o . ;} have taken booths in county , where the stands grow in number each year. Liebig, thi.s year's Citizen of the. Year, h.a.s fought every attempt at a ban or heavy restriction o~ the fireworks at the ~ii ltvtl. "Thero It a lot to h," he said. ''Ocean.side ha.s a whopper of a free show each ye.Ir. but we have somethtng unique in San Clemente. •·f>eople wlll drlve by Oceans:lde and lluntington Beach just to con1e here bcc<1ouse they know they and their kids can buy fireworks, take them down to the beach. have a good day 1wlmmlng, eat there, shoot off lhelr own firewwks and then watch ours," the committee spokesman uid. He added th1t thl! ytsr's stiff ban on youth5 purchasing the ltenu wUJ hurt in· come gttatly, be<:ause young person:. form 50 percent of the total sales. "They'll ju.st go over Into the county and buy them, then out-of·tOY.'n groups will take lhe pror:ts. Selling fireworks i.s a s u r e • f i r e moneymaker for any service group. The average gross Income. Liebig said. from one VFW stand in San Clemf'nte 1s $6,000 or more. Sponsors gain $2.000. The city reaps !ales tax revenue fron1 the gross sum. Selling the same amou nt \n the counly, he emphasized, means thet Orange Coun· ty \Vii i take tax revenue once enjoyed by San Clen1ente . Liebig also stre!'ised that to say 1he pro- fits from firt"\\'orks pay for the pi er fireworks sho\.'o'S 1s ··oversimplifying it." He said Ibo bulk ol funds lO Pl1 tile 15,000 annual c<>ol! for !he Jll'l)l-1 effort come from private contrlbutlc:m: and the re.st comes from prolitl •l tho stands. "It 's a cause-and-effect relatlonship," he said. "If you ban fireworka, people will be <'ontent to go to Oceamlde and Hun- tington Beach because we won'l allow borne fire"'·orlu on th~ beach any more. "And the local families wbo want them \\ill go to the dozens ol county stands. huy \\'hat thty want . then ccme home and fire the111 off any\\·ay. .. It dor~n·t 1nake g00<I sense to chase :di the business out of San Clementt into \ht" l'OUn!)' " l.1cb1g and a large group of local .sup- porters of the existing arrangement.s with fire\lorks -private and professional - plan lo make their point clear to the city l'OUnc-il in coming days and the panel's nex.t formal meetini;l. on June 21. y,•ill probably be the scene of a major debat11 on the lat('st measurr" laken by the coon· c·11 10 curb the fireworks 1n !he city. ·•we hnve to win our point if the pier progr<im 1s to stay 111 ~An Clemente. "It's surh a ntar\'rlous lhlng for people to ~t't' <ind be a part of that !he city \\'Ouldn't be the s11me v•\tho ut it," Liebig s<aid Friend Teases He11ry Big Bunny l(issinger All Talk But No S1ww? the palms of pun.led admirers. DAll.Y 'ILOT $111t l'llOlo KENNY SEEMS TO ENJOY GAME OF MONOPOLY WITH HIS BROTHERS AND SISTER Thomp50n Children Are From left Woyne, 13; Suzanne, 9; Kenny, 10; and David, 11 WASHINGTON (AP) -'\'hen lt comes to women, Henry Kissinger l.s all talk and no show, according to Secretary of Com- merce Peter G. ,leler!'lon. "All this womanizing Image of your;o; I~ a hollow shell. There is an enormous gap between your rhetoric and performance,'' Peterson has told Kissinger, whose image Is that of the playboy of the Nixon ad- minlstratlon, the Big Burmy o f Pennsylvania Avenue. "But It was useless," he added. "Henry was all those things. and I was just Pete Peterson, feet of clay, now a gray, lowly Cabinet official. So 1 devised a different strategy. I decided lhat, if I couldn't be J lenry Klssinger, nobody would. J wculd attack him, pull him down." Special School Lagging Kissinger has changed a lot since he was a "portly" professor at Harvard, Peterson aald, but noted that he's no dif· ferent than many other government ol· flcials, ju.st more successful. Need for Retarded Children Facility Emphasized A soft-spoken father of five , Peterson recently been poking fun at Kissinger, who is a good friend. "Why ahould Henry be immune?'' he asked. "Henry. after all. js on the take. And he is taking wtuit he like.s be!t - women." By PAA1ELA JIALLAN Of th• 01!1y 1'1111 $1•" ~1rs. Kathleen Grubbs waited fi ve years for her daughter to call her "mom· m y." J anin~ S, is a retarded child -one of the 61 children in the San Joaquin Elementary School District who will oc- cupy the new trainable mentally retarded facility in Mission Viejo. lf it ever gets built. The construction plans, stalled by school board politics, is far off schedule.. And Greeley School -more tha11. an hour's bus ride away -won't be available after August. "Greeley doesn't have much or a pro-- gram," said f\.trs . Diane Thompson, referring to the county facility in Orange. "San Joaquin has a rare opportunity to develop a very fine program." she added, TMR children will never be "normal." But they can be taught to take care of lhem.selvts. clean, garden. make beds, moW lawns. work on factory assembly lines -many things that were never dreamed possible only a few years ago. Some can be taught to read. "The important thing is to begin ear· ly," said Mrs. Grubbs, \Vho lives in El Toro. The mothers are bewildered by the board machinations thot ha ve he!cf up the construction program, "This is the cheapest school they can get because the state pays for most of the building and everything else after that.'' said Mrs. Grubbs. All trainable mentall retarded programs .are prej- ud iced. "We're beginning to believe some board members are prejudiced. Perhaps they think TMR kids should still be locked in dark closets," said Mrs. Thompson. TMR children tend to be docile and quiet. Most are not as physically healthy as other children, but this is being cor· reeled through the use of athletic pro-- grams in school. "'They are really a joy to have around," said Mr!. Grubbs. ''They bring a great deal of love and tenderness into a Iamily." Mrs. Grubbs didn't always feel that way. "When they told me, 20 minutes after Janine was born. that she would be retarded, I thought it was the end of the world," she said. "I kept saying, God, why cfid this hap- pen to me?" But adjustments are made and ac- ceptance finally come.s. '"I11en you become the opposite," said l-.1rs. Grubhs. "TMR children appreciate everything,•• said Mrs. Thomp!!loo. "They're so glad to see you when they get home from school. They're easily pleased and absolutely thrilled over the smallest things -like eating ice cream.'• "They give so much. We could learn front them," added M£s, Grubbs. Both mothers, who have o l h er "normal" ch.lldren, have found their TMR children are accepted by the neighbors and cause no problems. And both mothers are looking forward to the day the new facility opens its doors. It has been designed with housekeeping areas, kltcheoettes, and gardens to teach basic homemaking skills and will have a basketball court and other outdoor equipment in addition to classroom areas. "We have high hopes for our son, Kena ny," said Mrs. Thompson. ''\Ve believe TMR children can grow up to be useful citizeJl!I. "And not just spend the rest or their lives in sheltered worhhops stringing Joint Oceanography Study Proposed to Capo Council San Juan Capl!trano city counc ilmen Tuesday wfli be Hked to parllcJpeto Jn 8 joint oceanographic atudy with 1ever1J other agenclet1o det•rmlne Ibo best site for a future ocean ouUall. Tbe study would be financed tllrouah the South Eut Area ReclamatJon AutborttY (SERR.() tnd Ibo Ali'° Water Mana1ement • A&ency. San J u a n C.plstr.&. Is • ml!riiber or Serr• •nd the estimated c<llt of tho city for the 143,000 study Is 19,110, according to olflclals. The purpoM of tltl study. would be lo detennlne if one or more oce11n outJaU. are needed along the South CQ,st and to find the best location for those outfalls. Accontrn1 to public works dlre<:tor T. J. Meadows, Jr tile dty or SERRA doe• not choose to parti cipalP,: In ttte work, the Atlso agency i... made up of •ltnclet In the Laguna ueach and South Laguna area, mlgbl choose lo build the outfall too far n«th for SEllllA to COftveniently make use of tt. ••we then would be forced to partlclpate in the construction for future needs .and then would have to construct lint!! ' and pump to thi.s locotlon, '' Meadows told the council In a letter. The Regional Water QuaUty Control Board in San Diego has to!.d ofrlcials: in thb area Ullt only one new outfall will be allowed along the South Coast of Orange County. Other iterm facing councilmen at t..belr 7 p.m. meeting at City Hall include : -An appeal from Ibo Consolidated Rock Company o[ a Plannlni;t Com- mission dttlslon to not renew the com· pany'.s use permit. In effect, the decision would force the C1lmpany to relocate its oper1Uon, alJq:ed to be too noisy for city location, out of the community by tht end of the year. -A proposed ordinance changing· the beginning hour o( curfew for minors from the present 9:30 p.m . to 10 p.m. Ac· cording to pub1Jc aafety director Joo McKeown, thJ1 would bring the city into conformity wtth n o 11 h b o r I n g com· munities. -A report from the city attorney staUng tltlt Ibo proposed clly acquisition ol tho old taUl'Old depot as 111 hl1lorlcal mr>nument could be done by eminent do-- main, if necessary. beads," added Mrs. Grubbs. "They are perfectly capable of filling msny different jobs that other people find boring. They're very good at doing things that are tedious and repetitious." "f think <lUr children can, if educated properly, become seJf.supporting and not have to be on welfare rolls,'' said 11rs. Thompson. But they need an education first . And they can't get the "best'' wilhout a school. Kisslnger, In tum , has chided Peterson. "What you don't understand Is that power Js the ultimate aphrodisiac," the presidential adviser told Peterson. Peterson admJt.s that he'.s more than a little envious of KJJslner's apparent .suc· ceu with memben of the oppoalte au. In a speech at the Preu Club here rttenUy, PeterJOn said when he first came to Wuhlngton he dreamed of being the "lnternaUonal trouble-shooter, circl- ing the globe on secret ml.!!lons, daz.tling heads of state, leaving 1Uver bullet.s in Seldom cen you give what he needs and what he wants. Flor- shelm Shoes are ideal. They delight the first day and all through months and years of pleasure In the look and feel of quality. Size Is no problem. Just use a gift·boxed Florshelm Gift Certificate. Makes It real easy I fFt,J,,;,, <JJi'~-f'• -·-----------· ... -• Vanishes by Degrees SYDNEY (AP) -An adverlltement for 1 sparkling albltur In three 1110- cesslve issues of an Auatrllian medic.II pubJlcatJon Showed: first, I prol1J Sir!, top!•"· beside 1 water!all; !lien the girl in a bikini beside the waterfall, then jusb the waterfall -no girl. 2,_,5 lloclc-Brown 31,'5 llec.k-lrown We Corry Sl1•1 to 14 W;dth1 from AA to EEE 54 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER • 644-4223 UM Ywr Matter Cha'1• • l•nk.Am4rlur4 • Htm~lll Ch1rtt The Thing s One Learns •.. BACHELORJTIS DEPT. -Ah yes . thr. litlle~~oman has fled lo a vacation in beautlf'UI Muico and 5() far during h£>r 11horl _¥sence I ha ve enjoyed a learning experience. For example. I have learned ; -You cannot make up for not watering the plants for several days by watering them;.J!eaviJ)r 311 at once. The water runs straiSbJ: through the pot s. You still ha\·e dry plants but Jots of water every place else. -1\,ls possible to overdo chicken. You can make a ail. Sanders golden brown tum into a study in black in Just the amount of time you took to hunt up a couple of new ice cubes . -WllEN YOU TOSS away l h e charcoal·colored chicken. make sure you have tassed it all the way away. Otherwise the cat!! will find Jt. Cats are good in finding chicken , charcoal-colored or othcrwi!le. \\'hen cats find chicken, they strew the piects across the living room rug. -It is uncomfortable to walk across the living room rug in your bare feet in ciuest of the morning papers when said rug has been strewn with chicken pieces. Jt is also not good for your early morning disposition . -The dishwasher is really a recycling machine and must be run run bore. day and night, or you will never keep up with dish consumption. The demand for dishware always exceeds the supply. -DO NOT GET trapped into loading and starting the dishwallher without checking every room in the house. ~You y,·ill find three glasaes: and a cookie plate under daug hter's bed. Dirty spoon ih the bathroom. CUp that held milkshake between two books in i!on's room. CBt dish inside dog cUsh pushed under v.•astebasket. -In addition to causing you to run dishwasher with only a partial load, fin- ding all these things after di shwasher has been started is ali~,bad for your disposj.. ti on, like the earne? "'chlcl(en pieces . on living room rug. Monday, June 12, lq12 Farm Truck Hits Pickup Killing 12 ALEXANDRIA, La . (AP ) -A tractor- trailer truck loaded with wheat smashed into the back of a pickup truck carrying 14 persons on a :swimming out ing, killing 12 and ctlllca!Jy Injuring another. Tht big truck hit the slow-moving pickup Sunday as it was preparing to make a turn from U.S. 165 about 20 miles ~uth of here to a road leading to the Shady Nook 15wimming hole , State Police r epnrted. The truck climbed on the bed of the pickup, powering jt 275 feet and pounding it into a pine tree with such a thrust that the cab was crunched into about a two. foot area, officen said. Eleven victims were aged l to Ill. The 12th was identified as the pickup driver, JG-year-old Martha 1.1aeux of Wood\l.'Orth. All but one victim \l.'as f rom V.'oodworlh, a small community near A!rxandria. The other was fr om New· Orleans. The tractor-trailer driver, ident ified as 24-year-old Gus Wiley of Devill£', La , was hospitalized in shock. Satte Trooper Robert J. Rigby said that no charges had been filed in the case. Most of tbe victims were related. The side or the JO.foot van on the large truck broke, spilling v.·heat on the ground. Rigby said bodies of three victims "'ere round under the wheat. Beatings, Death Probed in Vegas 'Cheating Ring' LAS VEGAS. Nev. (UPI) -Casino \\'Orkers may have been terrorized by beatings and murders into cooperating with a ring of gambling cheats that has bilked casinos of at leal!t $300,000 using a clever ''hollow chip stack." "We are trying to identify the people lnvoJved, to find out who organized the ring and how they recruit 11ome or the participants," Phil Hannifin, chairman of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, said Sunday. Some sources sai d that the ring had siphoned off as much .as $3 million from the gambling tables, and that as rrumy as 150 casino worker• may be invoJved. HantUUn said thit !'as an ~8Meralion, that about 15-30 persons were involved . In the past month the ring has viclimized at least hall a dozen casinas, defrauding them of $300,000 to $400,000, Hannifin said. • Ul'I TtlePllot. Deatli Vigil Mr. and 1i-1rs. Emil Bearshield wait in a Behrens morgue to identify a missing friend Sunday. A flash flood struck Rapid City, South Da- kota this weekend, killing more than 200 persons. Hundreds are still missing. Candidate Sees l(e~nedy As Choice of De1nocrat,s \VASJnNGTON <UPI) -II Sen. George falls yet seen in the market. S. A!cGovern fail s to \.\'in a first ballot Speculators scrambling to grab profits victory at !he Democratic National 'have now cut back the metal 's price by C,onventlnn next month he wiU be den ied the presidential nomination . says Rep. $8 an ounce since it peaked at $67 last \Vilbur D. ~!ills. The party then may turn Thursday. to Sen. Edvfard M. Kennedy. ·The rush to sell put dea lers off to a Mills. influential chairman of the ·House hectic start as the slide wiped out all the _ W~y~ -~~ Coinmit~i~~e~. · .b!Q>t.ice gains built ~ stnce b start of ·at",.. *" · ·Ir r . ) · -·• ' 't1i!Slno'rith and !oiiOw'ea' stz.eabJf. ta11S I l N SHORT I ·rhursday and F'Jday alter·the $67 peak . • • • started to temµt sellers to ta'ke prof.its. _ So~ operators CQUld·see a rprofit t)f up to ~ percent over a perjod or a few mon~hs. WaM..,,ton Flood I Snowpack Melts; 300 Flee Homes SEA'ITLE, Wash. (UPI) -Flood waters rose today along the Okanogan River of Northeast Washington where more than 300 persons were forced from the1r homes last week.· ' Waters were expected to crest at %2 .3 feet late tonight, only .2 feet less than the previous 6ood crest that caU!ed nearly $1$ million damage to a stretch of towns and orchard!. Four pel'30llS were rnWing, mean"·hile. along Northcentral Washington 's Entiat River, v.·here flash flood ripped <lo\\·n Preston <;reek Saturday. Civil Defense director Jack Harrington * * -(::{ Red Cross Funds Nearly Depleted Due to Flooding WASHINGTON (UPIJ -Due lo recent disasters in several states including the flood in Rapid City, S.D., the American Red Cross is under Considerable financial strain, according to a top Red Cross of- ficial. Robert Shea. Red Cross vice president for disaster relief, announced Sunday the Red Cross is initiating a nationwide cam- paign to rai.se $5 million to help disaster vi cti ms. Shea said a critical financial situation has developed within the Red Cross because of its assistance to flood victims in Texas. Kentucky, \Vashington. \Vest Virginia and South Dakota , as we!! as victims of numerous tornadoes. '"\\'e ask the American public to rf!· spond to our campaign by donating funds for disaster relief to their local ch<1pter of the An)erican Red Cross.'' Shea said in a statement released from the Red Cross headquarters. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtlivtry of the Daily Pilot 'Is gu aranteed Monday·Frkl•Y< II vou do nof have your P•J><t• by 5.30 p rn, call ond your co'y wol l bt b•OU!ljhl lo \'(lu, Call• •r• !a~tn unlil ];:JO p.m. Saturday •nd Sunday1 U you ao 11<>! •tct lv• your copv bV 9 •.n>. Sa!urdav, or I a m. Suf'lddy, c•ll •nd • <OOV .... rn b!l b(OUl)hl 10 'l'VV: Calll •re 1e~en wi!ll 10 •.m. ~· Telephones Moll Or•n!lt Co univ Areas ........ U2·4l11 N9rft\~I Hunl~!on 8etcll .... w .. im!n:sTer ................. ••nll S.n CIMMn1•, Ctplst.-.no BtKt., S.n J11en C1pl11rano, 0..n• Point, SOllltl Ugunt, Ll11U11• NlglHI .• 4n.4(2t said the Entiat was blacj( with mud today as it ate away bank.!, and began washing into previously untouched houses and ap- ple orchards. He said chances were slim of 1indinf Ste\'t Laughery, 52, and his wife, Betty, 49. of Moses Creek, and an unidentified n 1uplt· \.\'hose cabins v.·ere swept into the ~~nt1n1. Tl'.enly-one persons were evacuated by l1l'licop1t·r Su nday from the Cottonwood carn1.1111g area o[ the Entiat. Chelan Coun- ty Sheriff's deputy Larry llivley said the scene v:as "pretty n1uch of a mess." "People are trying lo sandbag and dike around their houses. but from what l sa\V, their efforts were pretty futile.'' he reported. "Water was still cooling in ;iround the bags and into the home. area." The new threat to the Okunogan Valley \vas lessened by repair work to dikes done su1ce the last flood crest. the Army Corps of Engineers said Sunday. 1'11e Corps said it didn't think any further evacuation would be necessary. The Ok.anogan area was declared a disaster area aSturday by }lresideJJt Nix- on after the fast melting snowpack of the Cascade Mountains caused extensh·e flood dan1age lo homes and businesses. Woodstock-style Wallace 'Party' Held iii Florirla LAKELAND. Fla. (AP) -A pair o! donk eys draped in bright c11mpaign ban- ners competed with country and \Vestern !'tars for the atlenLion of George \Vall.ace fllns Sundav at ''\Vallace's \Voodstock .'' Tha day·i:ing fund raising jamboree for the wounded Alalia.ma governor was the lvork of Dewey Smith . v.•bo admits he got ' the idea from "the liberals," Smith was Polk County campaign coordinator for \Vallace 's sur.cessful bid in F'lorida's March 14 Democratic presldcn!ial primary, \\'al!ace 1vas sbot bv a \\•ould-be assassin in ,.taryland last nlonth and is stitl in the hospital there.. "\\'t11ching television about six. week~ ago I got the idea." said Smith. "Barbra 1 StreisaOO and some oC the other big naine t sho1\· business people \Vere putting on a shindig for George McGovern. "If the liberals can do it. we can. too .'' he grinned. "And here it is -'\\'allace'1 \\'oodstock.' " -ANOTHER WASHING machine is located in lhe laundry room. This one is for clothes. You do not have to watch the washing machine very closely. Watch the dryer, however . .S,. fftst to get .to the· dryer. Otherwise. you will not havt any T-shirts. Your sohs will have all the T- shirts. They will suggest it was only your imagination that you had any T-shirts In the wash. You will then notice during the coming days that they have plenty of clean ones and you seem to be wearing something that was used to clean off the car engine. "The Murphy case turned us on to it.'' said Chief Deputy Sheriff !UY '.Gliboer, referring · to the death of Robert Lee Murphy. \Vho was shot in a brawl with a casino executive last month. One of the "hollO\V chip cups" used by the ring \.\'as found in Murphy's home after his death. a •. Qe.mocratic. pre!idential·:,candidatc, made · tbe· assessment Stlnday .. The Arkansas Democrat also said that jf the convention were to draft Kennedy. he would consider accepting the vice presidential nomination. FORD, CHEVY, PLYMOUTH OWNERS -Mop the kitchen floor regularly. lf you d() not. it becomes sticky. This doesn 'l really injurr your bare. feel but only means you have to wash them some. Later. however, beach sand gets mixed in with the kitchen floor stickies. This turns the floor into sandpaper. This indeed is not good for your bare feet. Better mop II. ACTUAU.V, THE life of a bachelor v.·ith three kids is real bliss. You just ha\·e to ketp on your toes and continue the Jeamlng experience. Only one thing really continues to '"'or- ry you : \\/hat will you learn tomorrow? Appeal Turned Down \VASlf!NGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today unanimously turned down an appeal by John Patler from his con- viction in the 1967 sniper slaying of George Lincoln Rockwell, commander of the American Nazi Party. Patter, 33, was eentenced to 20 years in prison. The ap- peal centered mosUy en the identification of him first from ·a new spaper photograph and later In the hallway of a police station. An unusual number of assault and strong-a rm incidents have occurred since then, with many of the vJctirrus being casino or hotel workers. Several have mysteriously disappeared , and a rash of killings broke out the y,·eek ailer ?-.lurphy was slain. lt'lcks Talk that Hubert HumphnJY is two faced. is ridiculous! e "lore "lnssarres? NEW YORK (1\P) -JA Newsweek magazine co1Tespondent J'Eports a "stag· gering number" of Vietnamese civili.ans were killed by U.S. forces lo a pacifica· tlon program ln 'l9681bat "made the My J,al massacre look trifling by co1n- parison. ·· Kevin P. Buckley reported in this week's issue of Newsweek: tha t one of· fi cial estimated 5,000 eivilians died in the six-month-Jong operation rode-named ··sµredy Express." which y,·as carried out in the l\fekong Delta . Fair Skies • Ill East, West )0.00 29,7) lOWtll 11•t1tA.1\ll:tl79,J] .. PRE-4th .SAi E •Tubll9u WJW!-an Plk•l Pl.,.l1.1~lo '2.46 '-'· Ea. l•~ ,,., n,., ~"'9 ... Jil .. $14.95• was $221Kl 8.25-14 & 15 $22.00• wat $30.00/$31.00 8.5!>-14 . . . m.oo• wa $32.50 • General Jet• 4-PLY NYLON CORD •Tough Duragen•Tread Rubber • Famous Dual Tread Design . I I I I I I I I I I I . I ·I ' • 31 Anested 1 S ho t in Me"lee In Santa Paula ! 1onday, Jtiflf 12, l 912 DAILV PIL!r. If Tunney Joins Delegation LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ralph Ochoa of Loo Angeles, senator from c.Jifomla ha s De.!ptte strong opposition from . leader of a Chicano delegate done little to support the farm Muican-American delegates, caut'us, at the Democrats' workers movement led by Sen. John V. 'l\lnney will have session, said f\i ex i c a n -Cesar Chavf'z. a . sea t on . lbe . G.alifornia American delegates opposed Bul Tunney drew su pport Brown Jr., a Vietnam war critic who narrowly Jost Mi Tunney in the 19'/ll prlmarn state AM<mblyman W t 11 1 e Brown of San Francisco.. and Seo. Alan Cramilon. SANTA PAULA (AP) - A man was shot and wounded by a law or!icer amid sporadic gunfire as gangs of youths hurled rock! through windows in th.is Ventura Coun ty com~ munity, 30 miles northwest or Los Angeles, authorities said today, today, a hospil.al spokesman delegation to lhe Democratic Tunney becau15e the junior from former Rep. George said. National Convention. •---'-------'----------'----'------------ Thirty-one 'P t rs on s in- clud ing 15 adults, were' ar- rested Sunday night and book· ed for investigation of misde- n;ieanor charges of fail ing lo disperse and m a I i c i o us mischief, officials said . rt1ayor Allan Teague ordered a 10:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew . Order was restored about 21 ~ hours after small groups of youths began breaking v»in- clows along the main street Police Chief Ray Tull said. ' Mora was shot once in the left h1p with 8 .3&-or ,6-He was elected Sunday to fill caliber pistol, Tull said. one of 33 open positions on the ''\Ve have a report that he 271-member slate pl edged to shot at office rs first," Tull Sen. ~rge McGovern. win- said, adding that the shooting ner in Tuesday's winner-take- was under investigation. ~e all California p r i mar y . said he did not know the name McGovern had_ recommended of the officer who shot Mora. Tunney .for a delegation seat. Two other police officers in M e a nwhlle, Republicans. a patrol car reported Coming meeting in the same hotel. under fire, but no other iJl.. chose 9' delegates to the GOP juries were reported, Tull con v ent io n. Bul the said. Re:PlJ blican · meeting was Tull said the window-break-closed to newsmen with re-- ing started about g p.m. with .sults announced later by Gov . 15 to 29 persons. At the park Ronald Reagan, e I e ct e d no more Uwn 100 persons were chairman of the slate pleged involved in the disturbance, he to President Nixon. said. Edward ~1ills of Laguna Police in Santa Paula, which Ul'I T•...,"-'9 Beach, Re a g a n 's finan cial has a population of about Fi11gergUH chaim1an in 1970, was named 25.000, were reinfor.ced by law to succeed Thomas Ree<! of officers from nearby com-\Vhat may be the world 's sn1allesl revolver, manu-San Rafael as national GOP munities, the state high\vay f t d b Cl E t · committeeman. ac ure y ancy n erpr1ses of Anahein1. actually "O · h pa trol and Ventura County urs \vas a meeting I at shoots-using the what may be the \Vorld 's smallest 'l • Id be th · 1 d sheriff's deput ies, Tun said. ove wou e singe wor Three persons were arrested cartridges, (look closely at the man's thumb), natur-to describe," Reagan told Saturday night arter intru ders ally. It fires six times \V ithout reloading and is newsmen. "Everyone g 0 t t la e ]Jro;ul\vay l-f~nlin~lc ~ Bta<li 192-llJ I -f ,t, 1tJ THIS WEEK ONLY! hrlnl( In y our .old plaoto- l(raph to be eopletl by ex• perl~ at a pr I ee wortla walling Ior. COl'Y SALi; 3.66 Reg. 8.00 " fin e 5x7 r1p roduc.Jlon of any picture In good condition n csloralion prices are sale-priced too. Ori ~inal returned unharmde. 1fos t or those arrested we re J\lexican-American, p o 1 i c e said. A series of disturbances occurred in the town in April after complaints by Mexican- Americans or alleged police harassment and early closing or parks. But police speculated tha t the-latest disorder was sparked by a disrupted wed- ding. disrupted a wedding party at harmless if held three feet from its "victim." along real fine." the Santa Paula 'Boys Club, -----------------------.:_--------'--------------------------------- About 30 persons in groups of two or three. broke at least 15 windows in the downtown area. throwing rocks through windows of a bank , museum, elementary school and other buildings , Tull said. Four win- dows also were shattered at a shopping center l ~~ miles \\'est of downtown. officials said. The wounded man, identified as Gilbert Mora. 22, 'vas reported in stable cond ition foUo"'ing surgery at Ventura County General Hospital early and Tull said that incident possibly touched off Sunday night's disturbance. The community had been relatively free of such in- cidents since the last of a series of similar disturbances last Apri l, officials said. Mexican-A mericans in the com munity have complained of alleged ti arassment by police and early closing of parks. but Tull said he felt Sunday night 's disturbance had nothi ng to do '"'ilh those grievances. Nix to N•tdes 33 Arr ested at Malibu 1\-fALJBU (U PI) -T'"'enty men. five \VOmen and three children \Vere arrested or warned dur ing the weekend for being nude on Malibu Beach. The arrests Saturday and Sunday \\'ere in the Point Dume-Pirate's Cove area, a favori te of nudists. Sheriff's de puties said they made sweeps rounding up nudes when residents complained. The children were released in custody of their mother. Three women and two men were held on charges of creat- ing a public nuisance. F'ive nudis ts v.•ere arrested for possession of marijuana. Fifteen put on clothing and were not arrested. Whittier Evangeli sts Make Most of Accidents SWEETWATER,. Tex. (AP) -F'ive carloads of California collegians bound for a e-011.~ gress of evangelism in Dallas made the most of a near trai edy on the highQ.•ay near here Sunday. Three or the students from Whittier College suffer ed in- juries· serious enough to put them in a Sweet,va ter hospital as their vehicle and a big cat- tle truck collided -and sent livestock fleeing p e 11 m e 11 across the countryside. The crash al.!lt'.I laicl the big truck on its side across both halves of Interstate 20 just east of Sweetwater, blocking all traflic. The unhurt collegians in four other vehicles set a b o u t witnessing for Christ, as one ex.presaed it. After seeing that help was on the way for the injured, others In Ute Wblttler party handed out literature about Cbrill and t.ilked to · the asseinbted crow.d· about Him -the prac\ice tor. wltlch they said ,they were en_ route to DJ}las . 'lbere. they plan lo •l· tend· Explo ii. a · week of e v an g e HSttc confere'nces. semln'ars and ratfies expected to draw 100:000 young people. ·Later .at Sweet'!later'.1 West Sid• Baptist Church where the ui:iinjured students attended.an eVenin( service, the visitors sfid membets~qC. ~ group were .. 'at pe.aCe" desptfe the .. . --.-~ accident. At a hospital where the in- jured were taken, some or the collegians huddled in the foyer and prayed. Rick Yorty of Euphrates, N.Y., one of the Whittier par- ty, suffered serious pelvic in- juries and numerous cuts. He \vas told that he would be unable to fin ish the trip to Dallas. which had been planned for months, Yorty commented only "Praise the Lord." AJso taken to the hospital for treatment were Cathy Ber- ris of Mon terey, who suffered a conc ussion, and C a t h y Collard of Whittier, who suf· fered arm and leg injuries. After being quartered in Sweetwater homes overnight, others in the . cafayan we~ , resuming their trip 'to Dallas today. Rare Brown Pelicans Sighted ' . . SAN JOSE (AP) -Between 150 and 300 Cattlomla. brown pelicans -.feared threatened with eitlnctlon by· DD'r -- h<Ve been sighted nesting oft the Ventura Coast. Dr. J, Gordon Edwards,: II San Joae Stile \Jnlvmlty p • p1 _ leaaor, said Saturday ho~ Stones .·· wy theob9ervatio111 6!'1Uo,iic1~ air on Santa ~""' Jalalid.--He. · · · also cl~ oeeinc· 1111'.'abul> '. To 36,:0lJO d•nct" 01 the big' w -on South Coronado Ialancl' llJlilll . ol San Diego. LOS ANGE!,ES (AP) EdwardJ aald he does not },!>out 311,llllO rock-music lan11 believe charges· that · Ht• fllted the Forum to dance, clap, cheer and yell to music pelllclde DDT wu m paidible -vlded by Mick Jagger, the !or aoltenllll tbe ptllean llhoUI ... d ... and rtnder1ng them unhald>-BrltiJb sl:'tfi •ta.r, .an ~ able Ulce lbOIO found after . ~P;.:l:.t lorinli;!::,· the ~~ta B~ .oll ,opill ln two Sunday concerts ftM the ;;:=========;;I ta1 .. 1. ., lllo· ~· two- month, SI-city American lour -th• Ont Juch tour for them In m.r. tlliul two yMn. Blind· alnger Stevie Wonder, not mentioned in the concer1a' advertising, also appeared. THE BEST Readership p -o l l 1 .prove :"Peanuta'' ,fit OM • of ~ world'• mOst popular eamtc 1~ R .. 4 It dally In the D Y PILOT. . ~-\\·· -~·-----~~-· .. ' 'j: It • ~ • "' ' ' .. ~ .. ,. .Cc,'· ' '"" "Everyman needs one retreat frommediocritl' .. ' ' Mercedes-Benz@ Jim Siemens Im ports, Inc. 120 w. Warner Avmue, Santa Ana, Califo rnia 92707 Phone': 714-546'4114 ' ' l DAILY PJ.LO'J' EDITORIAL PAGE Freeway Announrement by the ltVine Com pany last ~~ri~ay of Jls full support for efforts to kill the proposed Pac1f1<.· Coast l!'reeway route through Newport Beach under· :-rores once again what a tangled, frustrating mess the )J1'oblen1 of traffic handling along the cout baa become. 'f'hc co1np.:in y's decision to su ppcrt deletion of th~ route through Ney.·port Beach, Irvme Company ~reSJ· dent \Vil li.a nt A1a so n declared, was based on a desire to ('lcar a"·ay ·•a cloud hanging over meaningful land use planning in NC\\·porl Beach." \Vhde tJ~l en sibly affecting only Newport Beach. Ill <" ··1c1'_., ... ta!'t all over again" thinking reflected in the <in11ollltCen1cnt <·ertainly rai ses major questions for La· ~una Beach ;ind Hunt ingto n Beach and, of course, ha s ilnplications all along the coast and for the inland areas planning north-south freeways. 1 luntington Beach and Laguna Beach have based 111u1·1J of their long-range city planning on the adopted route (>f the coastal free\\'ay . and its rough timetable for • 011strurt1on. \\"helher rhe Irvin e announcement wilt make any real d ifference in the l ,egislature's approach to pend~ng 1 'o ast FrC'c\vay legisl ation is hard to assess. One pending hi!! \Vould delete th e freeway route only through Long l!carh. Another would delete it only in Newport Beach. A third \Vould \Vipe out the entire route, end to _end. .!\ fourlh bill would put a three-year moratorium o~ all further planning and proceedings on the route until a ne\v study was made. \\'hat is clear is that for a long time to come, the l'atific ('oast Highway is going to have to bear the bur- cten as best it can. . fo~or most communities along the route there 1s nn •·good '' traffic solution along Coast High\vay -only ''leas t bad." Both short-range and long-range solulion5 'Progress' ls A Relatively New Concept ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ It is only a lit tle more than 150 years - a mere fly-speck in time -that the word "progress" h:is had ~ts .Prt~nt meanin~ nf •·moving forward' 1n history. Until then. n1ost cultures and civilizations had looked back"1ard to a ''Golden age" rrom \\'hich mankind had fallen. r.1odern people regard the pa:st (when lhcv do) with curioslt)', lndU fere.nce or miid con\\"mpL It is hard for them to hclicve 1hat their forehra rs held the p;ist in veneration. or that !he idea or ''progrrss" in bu· n1:in affairs is a rel· <1t h1e[y rt'("Cnt one. I thought of this \\'hen n1y older f;O ll. 11•ho is taking a Shakespeare course for the lirsl time, asked me why Shakespeare set so many of his plays in ancient and classic._! times, instead of dealing with tile Elizabethan era he lived in and kne"· best. ~hakespeare borrowed so heavily from !'nurces :;uch as Plutarch because he and his l.'.Onlc·n1r.oraries felt a respect for Hon1a11 ch·11tzation that "'e today can h.:irely l'\11np rchend. For one thing, the whulc st·hnuh ng of hla lime was based on H1l· !'>{'n'nl1f1c and technotogic1I ac- rornrhshn1l'nts of cla&"lical civilization - ir1 \:vtu11~· and zoology , in medicine and 111;i 1u•n1:d 1c,, 1n architecture and , n Hl•'l rin)!. in logic and Jaw and rhetoric l11Hl ;..(<.1h'tr<1!L. /,\ llJS UOUK , "Shakespeare's Use of Dear Gloomy Gus Why can't we eilher have larger voting booths or smaller ballots? -W.P. Tlllt '""'" rtnfch "'"'"" 'fitWI, .... .-r1ty INN tf ffM _.,.Hr. StlMI' Y'tW ... ....,,.. N 0 1-Y O.n. ~llY P'lltl. Learning," Virgil K. Whitaker reminds us that: "Any Elizabethan with even a grammar achoo! education knew that Romarus of the better class had more comfortable homes than he could ever hope to have, could travel on paved roads instead of mud, could undertake more elaborate engineering ventures, had a better chance ol aurvivlng illnea or even fairly difftcalt IW'gery, and ao on." The art, the literature and the phi losophy of the Romans were superior to those of Shakespeare's day In London. Indeed. until merely a century and a half ago. Western Europe could feel superl?r to Rome only in the possession of Chris- tianity, printing, navlgatlon (the com· pass), and gunpowder. WHITAKER THEN makes the point that not only Shakespeare and his con- temporaries but even our own great· great-grandfathers were closer to Cicero culturally than they are to us. They looked backward; modern technology has given us the materialistic pride lo look "forward" -and progress to us mea.ns growing bigger, which we confuse wllh growing better. London in Shakespeare's day was ~s much a "hick town·• compared to ancient Rome. as , say, Chicago in 1840 com.pared to Paris or Vienna . Shnkespe~re did not just "look back" upon Caesar and Brutus; he looked up to t h em . "Progress," in his doy, still meant •·a visit of state.'' Mes sage to Protesters 'l'o lhr l·:il 1l11r : 1\f' 1h1· v.;1r in Vietnam is being e:ir- (';il:1r l"d hv J 'rcsidenl Ni xon. the people oC 1\n1erif·:1 an• sfcing a revival of fhe pro- l c~I l:1k111g pli!ce. So1ne of these protests takt' !ht· lnrrn 11! peaceful demonstra· t1ons. :-.on1c :is vkl!ent demonstrations, and snn11' 1n 1111• fnrm of individual violent actions such :is the bombing of the Ptn- lagon . i\I ~· li·!!rr is directed at any would4 be pr11t1·s\Pr. TllE ltll~JIT TO pet ition and to pc:iccfully protc~t were carefully made part of :in Attu'rican·s r ights by our foun- ding lathers It JS guaranleed that your or my OfHn1on m11y be voiced without harass ment fron1 any type of governmen- tal bOdy. 8ut "'htn thr step Is taken from peaceful protest to ,·io\tnt protest. you overstep the bounrt, of your rights as an Am eri can . 1'1ost of the people In this country are not bla ck. not ~uu11 ;; and not liberal. But the righf of lhCS(' nnrl other minority opi~ njoris 10 be heard 1s guarantetd. JF' O~F: CJIOOSES to transgres!i the law or the majority by u.slng vkllence in protest to satisfy hlmself, you will find one thing out ; the ma jority will rulr, with or withwt minority right&, and if need be they will use force to do IL So. It l• importnnt not to abuse the right to protest to the point thal lhe ma~ jo-rlty giets fed up with the v\olmce .and snuffs out all rights to protest •nd dlmot. Jt would be a shame. LEONARD T. JOJINSON A"•ocer: AdeertC.e To u.. Editor: S..!1 •esl._ I olso fouod • ~iny. " .MAILBOX Letters from readers are welcome. Nonrnilly writer.t should conve11 tllelr mtssages tn 300 word.J or le.ts. The right io condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel i.t reserved. All ltt. ttr.t must lncludt siqnature.J and mail· ing addre.t.J, but names may be watli· held on rtque1t l/ 1uffid~n t reason is appare11t. Pottr11 will not be pub- liJhed. delenselw 1'\lten, as did your render A. Johnson (rtfailbox. June 6). Having two dogs. birds and fish {indoor and outdoor typeJ, 1 knew J could not give this kitten ~ permanent home, nor could I turn It back into the streets because J was too bu.'y to care. I kept the kitten locked safely in the i:tarll.ge with a warm place to sleep, food and waltr until I was able to adverllse for her in the DAILY PILOT and locate a new borne. IT TOOK f'JVE DAYS lo !ind. family for her to love. but It was worth all the inconvenience for the seJ!-saUsfaction received. Otbtrs can't be called ••cruel'' and •inhumant" while en1111nf In the ,..,. 1ct1. Everybody wants to care and be ln- \lolved, 11 Iona: as it doe1n.'t disturb their routints. RELEN EVERS Hit Again \"Ill require painful decisions in each coastal rommunitr. n1ore traffic <;apJclly on existi ng roads, ·or more roads tc1ty , county or state •. or most likely some combinations or both. Less Secrecy--Grad ually 'J'h e LegislJture has refused again. for the fourth time in fou r year.s, tu extend .s late anti-secrecy la"':I to co ver il.s o\.,·n activ ities. While the Ralph 1'.t. Bro'''" Act and other anti- secrcey Jaws require sorne state agencies and commis- sions. and all county and city government to conduct the public's business in public, the Legislature continues to flo ut this basic princi ple of good government where its own governance is concerned. T"'C> other artions this year have served to soften the effects of the lurndown, hov,.ever. In one, the Leg· 1slature adopted :in open conln1 ittee 1nccting policy and det'ided to record and announce votes in co n11nittcc:i, \vhere tl1e fate of some bills is decided. ff the full l .egislalure ;ipproves th e amendn1ent, it \\·ou!d be :;ubmittcd at the polls for volers approval. California's Legislature has Jong ranked high a1nong legislalures across the natioa for its efficient organization of legislative business. But its members have, until recently. insisted on being able to hide be· hin d rlosed c!oor!'. '!'h is has too often meant hoodwink- in,i! C'onslituents by tal king one \ray and voting in secret an(1lhcr. .. ~;;;::,...,,._.. '!'hat altitude appcnr~ to be c!y1 ni:: out no\V . There has l>l'cn great Hllprovemcnl in t!Jr pa~t year and n1orc scc1n.~ likely to torne. 'WHY DIDN'T 50MfS0PY P~ES'C~l~E ACUPUNCTURE .IN -11ME ?' Strategic Ar111s Limitatio1i Ag1·ee11ie1its Vital 'Interpretations' Are Awaited \VASHJ NG'fON -Keep your eyes focused on those stil l-secret "jo- terpretalions'' of the key provisions of the U.S.-Soviet :itra- legic arms liinila· tion agreements. 'Illose "interprcta. tions" are the crux of these fateful pacts. They spell out in detail -what is sli!I very much in the dark -what the two nations are to have in actual number cf major nuclear Y»eaporlS ( land b a s e d ICBMs. missile-firing submarines, sut>- roarine-launched ballistic m i s s i I es, "heavy" ICBf\fs). That ts, presumably that·s ~·hat the •·interpretations" do. Whether they actually do that remains to be seen -when they ar~ pub lished. That is supposed to be done when the '"'o agreements are sent to Congre ss for deliberation and ratification. Backstage word is that disclosure of the "in- terpretations " was held up at the request or the Kremlin. THERE JS NO official explanation why the Russians asked that. Singularly, despite the crucial im- portance of these "interpretations" in revealing exactly "'hat is in these nuclear arms limit alion agreements. very little has been said i.bout them by directly concerned Congressional leaders. From their public and private co m· ments. they appear to have accepted without question the Pre s id e n t' s assurance lh,1t there is absOlutely no rea:-on to have any doubts about the ac· cords; that U.S. superiority, or even pari· ty, in these catastrophic armaments is in no way weak ened or impaired. Only Sen. Henry Jackson. D-Wnsh., a ranking member of the Armed Services Committee. has forthrightly challenL•;d th at complaisant attitude. A recognized (ROBERT S.ALLEN) specialist in strategic weapons, he has raised specific issues. PARTICULARLY, he has voiced two grave concerns: {1} Defense Secretary Laird's sudden cancellation of a theoretical study of the application of laser technology-to ballistic:: missile defense ; (2) the equally unex- plained lag in divulging the "in- terpretations.'' Says J ackson: "Nothing in the egreements as they tiave been published calls for this can- cellation. 'Vas this done undfr a private understanding wit'h the Russians? l am trying to keep an open mind, but I want the facts and the American pecple want them. Let's get all the facts out on the table so we will know exactly what is v.·hat and where we stand. This is not a minor matter. At Stake is our country'! defeMe and security." PRESUrttABLV, the all-important "interpretation.!" will be fully explored by the Senate and House Armed Services and foreign affairs committees in their hearings on these agreements. Also. presumably, these hearings will be public! Sen. Jackson Intends to demand still another precaution to ensure a thorough alring of the accords and especially the still-secret "interpretations." He will ask that every member or the Joint Chiefs of Staff lbe summoned for questioning, and that they be required to do so under oath -so they can speak: freely and not feel under duress to voice only official view. A few yea rs ago, Congress passed a law expressly for this purpo8e, and Jackson .proposes to invoke it. On the basis of what has so far betn made known about the pacts, it is evident the principal controversi<>s will crnl<>r around two questions. ll) v.·hether the agreements do or do not .. freeze " th e stra tegic anns balance between the U.S. and Rus!ia : (2 ) ""'he ther the U.S. does or does not wind up inrerior in both numb<'rs and fire power Jn these life-and-dealh weapons. GRAPIDCA LLY lllustrath•e of the nature of these ev{'ntful disputes is ho1v many missi!c firing submarines e:Jch country will have . According lo the Adm lnistration, I',. U.S. will have 41 , <u1d Russia 42. Uut Sens. Jackson and Jrunes Buckle y, lnd .- N.Y., vigorou sly deny that. Jackson emphatically contends the Sovi et co -d have as m:Jny as &t He argues that figure is deri ved .. by adding 22 Soviet G· Class subm.:1rines to th e 62 Y-Class su b- marines they are permitted to construct und er the agreement." Similarly , the Administration's calcula· ticn gives Russia a n1aximum of 313 "heavy" I C B t.f s t intercontinental balllstic missi les), each carrying a warhead of 25 to 50 megatons (a megat on is the equi\'alent of one millioa tons of TNT). Again Jackson forcefully argues, 11 lf they simply ~l lRV their 313 'heavy' missiles with one of the ir ~·flltV options . that would give th cn1 6.260 compared lo our 5,700. "TI:IAT IS JUST the 313 So1•iet 'hea1·y1 missiles. In addition, they could have 1,100 land and 950 sea-based miss iles, all MIRVed." Significantly, under the agreeme nt as published , the U.S. is not pcnnltlcd to deploy any "heavy" JCB~fs. This stark reality is no! a matter of conjecture; it's a plain statement of fact. That's why Jackson says sardonically· "From what \.\'e so far know about these agreen1ents, the so-called 'lreezing' of the stralegic anns balance appears to be wholly on the American side while most of the warming up is on the Russian side. We don't even get parlty, The Soviet i.:t•ls suµcnorit \'. .1 11d r!1~·rt· 1-: no d1:111.1J of it in both nurnbcrs und in the payload of those numbers. "STl\fPL'' PUT, th(· ngreemen ls Ci"e the Russians more <Jf cvcr.vthing; n1ore 'heavy' ICB!lls, n1or~ hght ICB~1s, more submarine-launched missiles. more sub- 1narines, n1ore. payloads . even more ABi\t radars. Jn no area covered by the agreements is the United States permit· tcd to n1aintaJn par ity v. ilh the Soviet." That i:; the sh.ire or the mom<>ntous b:tl!lc to coznc li\'er 1hesc historic: tre:.it1rs. There n•11! be much torrid rhetoric and vehement wrangling. Also there will be an oddly curio us a!ignrnent -with leading doves and Vietna m opponents supporting the President in his fight for Con~ressional approval of lhe pacts. i\lany of these clements may be unha p- P. about that. they have uo altcmative. AS CAHPfNG Crt lTICS and clangorous denouncers of arn1ed connicts and mul!t· billion doll:ir 1ni!itary appropr iations, lhcse pol1t1cos (·an't very \.\'Cl! denounce the J\toscow agreements because 4'lf laying themselves open to tbe charge of being \\•armongers. Su regardless of v.·hat nlisgivings they m:ly privately have, they hare to sv•allow them and side wit h the Preside nt. This will be gall :1n(l "·ormwood to Senalor i\lcGovern. the Democratic front - runner. and nthcr partisnn n1ilitants. But they have no choice -due to their own dovish cxlrem1sm. As ihe aid saying i::oes, "they are hoist by their O"'n petard'' -part icula rl y ~1cGovern who i~ advocating \.\'hat amounts to virtual unilateral disarmaml'nt hv slashing some $l2 billlon from defense ·funds . Add endum: Tha t recent mysteriou :oJ Pen tagon bombi ng l 1n a fourth floo r women's lavat'lry 1 ....,·as an tnside. Job. That is the still-unannounced conclusion of invest1galors. ·rhey have tmcovered certain clues, but beyond that DOUiilli can be said. The Great Debate Changes Opinions The first nationally-televised debates in the multi-million-dollar c a m p a 1 g n between S e. n a I o r s McGovern and Humphrey have been waged ~ that bet- ter·ln lonned voters could more intelli~ gently make up their minds. No two voters tuned in more eager- ly than l\lr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wobley cf Chula Vista, Calif. Mr. Woblty, a ded- icated citizen, hadn't slept weU for three \veek.s. Night after night, he would toes and !um. muttering to himself. "ShouJd T vote for an honest, courageous and ex~rlenced leader Uke Senator Humphrey? Or should I ca!lt my ballot for a bold, innovating, intriguini; candidate like Senator McG<Jvem? Oh, how I wLo;h I could mnke up my mind !" f\fennwhile, Mrs. Wobley was getting fr4'lwn wrinkles. "Gm!h.'' as she frown- ingly lold her bridge club, "I do like fvtr. ( ART HOPPE J Humphrey. He's as familiar u an old shoe. But , don't you just }ove Mr. McGovern's wavy hair and Joni sldeburn:i:? He's JO fuclnatlng looking. Oh, how I wish I could make up my mlndl" BEING DEMOCRATS, both nodded comfortably as the two candidates open- ed the debates with blam al tl>e Jle. publican administration. Rut thtn Mr. Humpbrty leapt to the at· taclt on Mr. McGovern'• positlonl on Vietnam, Israel, unrmptt corn- pt'!nsatlon, l11bor laws and fare, calling him, among other things, nnaUstlc," ''oontrRdlctory" and ''inconsistent.'' Mr. Wobley scratched hl! n ose thoughtfully. ''I ctrtainly wouldn't want a )>resident who was ulU'ealtsUc, con- B11 George ---------• Dear Grorge : F'or years J have been an avid reader of your column flnd enjoyed It greatly. Jlowever, Is Sideway1 Thinking so:nelhlng that really worb, or is thiJ 1 put~n like moll el'eryl hlng else you w r I t e ~ Recently YOO :laid s Ide w' y I Thinklng was a method of pro- duclng results whlc:h turn out to be absolutely opposlle of what you SEEM to be doing . Can you ~Ive Rn example! A BIT CONFUSED D<ar A Bil : v ... throueh two Cf 1111 moat prominent students now getting ti:· actly the same resulta. McGovern :ind Wallace. tradictory and inconsiatent," he said . "I don't like that yellow shirt Mr. Hum· phrey'a wearing," said Mrs. WObley. equally thoughtfully. "t never have trwited men who wore yellow shirts." But Mr. McGovern counterattacked, quoting Mr. Humphrey as calllnj Vlel- J\am the nation's "greatest adventure and a wonderful one It is" and implying he wasn't the man to "prevent future catastrophies of that kind.'' "•'JIEA VEN DELIVER US from a Prealdent who'd get us into another Viet- nam," groaned Mr. Wobley. "Just look al lhal pilHlrlped sull on that J\fr. McGovern," iJ&bed Mr1. Wobley. "I wonder II the Mafia 11 back- log him?" Mr. llumphrey next 1cctiled Mr. McGovern of proposing a welfare pro- gram that would brankrupl tbe coW.tzy and dr9Stlc defense cUll tbol would leave the mtlon naked before ttlt enemies. He then talked about 1111 own minor reforms ol the old welfare mea .>ct 1J10ke 1n old cold war temu er the Soviet threat. Mr. Wobloy just shook bis held. Mrs. Wobley snid !he hldn't realized Mr. 1-fumphrey's eyes were lhal close togeth- er or that Mr. 1'-TcGovern'a sideburns wert that Joog. "Do you thbtk he smokea: marijuana?" she a.sted. Ml\. McGOVERN cloled by •ll'lnf the people were "tired ol bacl!-rooin iltaJ1 (and) politics 11s u~ual" and Who wanted ••another re-run" of lhe: drury 1968 cam- p<Jgo! .f\tr. Humphrey slruck back by implying h.J opponent was Inexperienced. full of half -bakl'd promises and Jacked the credibility of a drunken leprechaun. J\lr. Wobley snapped ofr the set, ~ent to be<! and tos;;ed and turned all night, mut- termg to himself, "Should I \IOf.e for .i tired old windbag of a party hack who hasn't an idea in his he.ad! Or should 1 cDst my ballot for a starry-eyed dreamer who may lead us all tG disaster'> Oh -Wit 1 wish I cou ld make up my mind.!" ' As for Mrs. Wobley, lihe's taken up Ouija. ORANOI COAST DAILY PILOT l!obcrl N. We«!, P•bli.1her Thcm4.i Koe.II, £cUJ4r Albart W. Batts Editorial Page Editor 'l'ht! rdltoti11l f*i:e ar the Dll.l1y Plfot JtC'Cka lO lnfr)rm and sttmu- late rtll~ by pr est"ntlng thl• ne<A'lf>".per'• (lflln\on" •nd com "ienmry on topic.: tlf lnlertAt and j JtT1 cant'(', by Pf'OV\dlns:: a fOf'\lrn Clt" lh~ Upl'eqJon of our l'ftdenf d=~ndpo(br f~~ttnc the nta of lnfomied ob. ~~ daJ"~ •J>Oktsmtn on topl.ca Monday, June 12, 1072 • "' y Re1ults Secret Committee Makes Disorders Report By MARV K. SHELL C•l'l'-1 H_, SWYIC• SACRAMENTO -Th e Senate's subco1nmltteie on civil disorder, headed by Stale Sen. Dennis Carpenter of Newport Beach and created last year as a substitute (or the Senate fact-finding subcommiltee on un-American activities, has filed its first report , but the results have not been made public. The document. filed vdth the Senate Rules Committee, ls not yet Jn print and therefore unavilable for public perusal. Observers here are anxious to see if the committee will be as effective as the fact-finding committee Jn identifying un- American activities in the state. under lock and key. AS A RESULT, the new sub-- co mmittee has been forced lo devote most of its first year in developing background in- formation. ,.,.,,,._, Serving on the su b-- committee with Carpenler are Sens. Arlen Gregorio ( D-San Mateo ). John Harmer (R· Glendale ) and James Q. \V edworth ([).Hawthorne). Areas selected for initia1 study were: -Rioting in the strtets. -Campus riots {which ha11e averaged two a week for the last six years). -Anonymous attacks, such as bombings, bomb threats, skyjack ings. -Unwarranted attacks on Jaw enforcement officers. -Prison riots. Some findings were difficult Housittg Sought Shari \Vhitehead of 11iami Coalition Conventi6n dis- cusses problems she says demonstrators are having in obtaining places to stay in Aliami Beach during the Republican and Democratic conventions. \\!ith her are Stew Albert fcenter) of Youth International Party (Yippic) and Alton J<'oss of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. They esti1nate 100,000 den1onstra· tors \Vou1d be on h and . to translate, Carpenter said.-------------------- There was some disagreement Monday, Junt 12, 1972 DAILY PILOT 7 Purina Will Feed Humans P et Food Firni to En11>lwsize Ntitritiomil Diets LOS ANGELES (AP) -vegetable protein! surh as something that ls going to be atttmpt to develop larger and Ralston-Purina Co. plans to soybean extracts and milk ex-needed, something that is more frequent crops. . trarls in hun1an food. About des~ralely shori 1·n the \\'Orld R ] t h ]so t ed the place more emphaslS on pro-r-a s on as a en er $18 1n1llio11 has elthrr been today.'' he added, venle-food m8'"et nd vlding humans with a balanced eon "'"...-.. , a l;fi"nf t"lf° Alloca ted for thi !! Dean cited the use Df hot diversified into restaurant and diet Md is counting on its area , be said . water from nuclear power drive-in chains, including the 78 years experience al feeding plants lo provide breeding Jac-k-in-the--BolC drive-ins in animals as an asset most ll AL ST 0 N-PURINA rl"-grounds for shrimp farming as Califor nia. firms can't claim. S(«JIT hfrs are "'orking on an example of the research. "All parts of the busine5s R. Jlal Dean , the St. L-Ouis ··very exciting combinations·• will bf-growing," Dean ,.;aid, firm's chalnnan and chief ex-of soyix'ans nnd other prcxl-JIE SAID A SPEC l AL "but it's probably in the cards uct s. he said. Purina feed vdll be given to that Y:e will grow faster in ecutive, said here Ralston· pr 0 du c Ing the shrimp y,•h1ll' researchers areas other than agriculture ." Purina plans to put increasing,--.iliiii~pii""ilioiiliiitiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiljmrilliiiiijiir••••••••f-emphasis on hwnan diets dur-1 ing the next five years. Such a mo ve, he said. would profit the company as .... ·ell as the public. DEAN, IN LOS ASCLES (I) introduce a line or natural health foods, said n1any nutri- tional hun1an foods are n1adc fron1 cereal ,::rains and Jtalslon-Purina has been se- lecting .and processing grains since !894. PHARMAC.Y WE QUOTE PRICES OVER THE PHONE •.• ANYTIME -CHE.CIC THfS[ SUPER SAlf SPECIALS-s.1199 Ill!. I Otlr 11"· ~"'' TYLENOL A n,el9e"t T.ble11, 100"1 •••••••••• , ••• 11 85 $1.''t KERI LOTION. 11 1 0 1. ··············•·•·•····· 12 .~S $1 7'1 PE-PTO 61S MOL. 8 01. ·········•·•····•······. 1 1 09 t•c VASELIN E, ! 0 1 ••••••.•...••..•.•.••. , . , •••• t.9r-51/r I .... "'" $1.89 $1.49 69c 49c ONE SKEPTICAL legislator is Sen. •1. L. ''Bill'' Richardson CR-Arcadia). y,·ho fiercely defended the un- American act Iv i t le s sulr committee. \Vhen the Senate Rules Committee killed the old sub-committee with a 2·2 vote, creating in II& stead the sub- as to causes of the various disruptions, but much of the public disorder could be traced to the Vietnam war, he 41 Attain College Degrees "Animals. "'hich customari- ly have scientifically prepar{'d food put in front of them. cat better than you and I do." he said. "This health food line is I a transition stage. \re hope, 2700 E. Coast Hi~hwav. at Fernleaf. Corona del Mar -said. F t Q Co t El TMo: Greoa swen~on. for the total populace to or y-one range a s L "1un1 H;111: M1c111t! c 1<N. understand more a b o u t committee. Richard son AS EXPLAINED BY charged, "Instead of meeting Carpenter. the work of the the problem head-on the new subcommittee must be related subcommittee would sirnply to legislation. One measure in· gum it to death." troduced this session grew out students attending Chapman Tu1un: H••rl1on erend. M"in• cum balanced d•·ets and ealUJ. g." L•u~. OouDl•s CrtloMon, F lo•d College received master and ~:~'1!~~/':::d"L'!'j,,:_~urtt.~~1c111'1 Dean said his company's Carpenter, a former FBI of the work of the committee. b '·I deg...,....S dUfJ• g COm Fount1ln V•ltev; 8f\ICI Ntum1nn. h · · h ( acuc or ....... n -Lonci EM•th: cirol 611,,,iock. Pitrld• emp as1s is on researc o m.ncement exercises recently. Bc\ld. RoMrt J. G•et>el, Hou~ Goll•s discover new ways to use ~·~'.'.'...O'"~"~'~v~.,~~'··~~-~--'----~--'-~~~-= Those receiving Master of - Arts Degrees are: agent. a cc e pt e d the Jt would conform state law to chairmanship of the sub-federal requirements on wire-cost• Mn11 O•I• Hmrv •nd 01Yld ·1 h ] V1uoh1n. commJ tee somew at re UC· tapping. 5,.1 ee1c11: 0on11d c;1br1e1 •nd tarrtly. l~e says he stil! su p-Public hearings, one avenue BriK• T11e11ner. po rts the concept Of the old h Id Oan• Point: Robert Br1d•h1w. used often by t e o tin· Un·Amer1·can act1.vi11·es cnn1-L1oun1 611th' Paul Go1111. Arnerican activities sub· , • 0 •• ,., mitlee. This subcommittee Hun!lnaion '''"' in... o in, committee to c 0 11 e c t in-El Toro: Dtnnl1 Miiier. regularly exposed the names formation. \\/ere not conducted 1110,e rec~lvlno 1:11the1or o! ,.,,11 1nd of individuals and organiza-h $c•~nces Dl'orte1 '''' this year by I e new coin· Huni.no1cn Bftch : Arl'IOI" otie. lions active in violent protest miite('. Ho'll-'Cller, Carpenter Moh•mm~ OAooci. 0ouo111 Ottn. Johh mo11ements. says they are not niled out for Lawson •nd F••ntlt MullAllv. At the insistence Of Senate 6elbo1 hl•nd: Cr•IQ Scudder, the future. Ltcun• l:lt•ch: O•nltll • Jt<1li.or. •<'Id President Pro Tern ·James C h bl " . · Elle.., Tur~r. 1'.·liils (0.San Diego), the files ·· crtainly t e pu JC IS Ill-NewDOrt Bt1c11 : C•rcl e u rch , ······· .. -AMPLf PARKING IN lllfAll Houn -9;30. 6:00 Dau., 644-7575 Of the Old Subcommittee. terested. Citizens are nervous Mich•~ KUrov. 01vld Mccunoc~. eon e . s1~ron. Oevr1 S!O<M, Ptrrlcl• Ttt-r e presenting in11csligations about the SC(Urity of society," rtu. M1r1111 Tom• •nd P•1r1c11 wc11. h ·d Coron• dtl M•r: Miry Thltotemelr. spanning nearly 30 years, are t e senator sat . 1rv1n1: G•r~ Mc0on11d. ~.:...-~~~================ FATHERS DAY SALE power. • Hel8'1 .... gruteot 11!11• aafWly dfttce you CM get your handl on. Eapeclllty when you don, know what'a lurklng out· aide In the dart<. Wl"' Genie In hind, )'OU never have to get out of your car to get Into your garage. Never have to worry ex be wary aga in. Genie keepa you and your property safe and protected- automaucallyl --"T,.. G•"llO Door Pfckor-0-f" -Ille -, .• tumo on Ille fight du 11 lhe -... locb up llgllt SA VE $24.00!! WE WILL GIVE YOU A SECOND TRANSMITTER A "M1111t'' For 2 Car P..mlll" r FOR ONLY s1 INSTALLATION ASSURED BY FATHERS DAVI SEA. COAST BUILDERS SUPPLY VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 1'51 PLACENTIA -COSTA 0 MESA -PHONE '42.-J490 -... • .. • ~ 'I • • ... ~--· • -.. • •I. W · Conserving energy is vital. The demand for electricity in Southern California doubled in the past eight yea rs. Whether we like it or not, it wi ll double again in the years ahead. Unless Edison is permitted to build additional power plants and transmission lines, it may become necessary to blackout blocks of customers on a rotational basis within two or three years. Yet permits nece ssary to build any new major plants have been delayed or block ed for the past four years. That's an im1nediate problem. We're working hard to resolve it. The long-range problem requires finding more ways to conserve energy and to use our nation's total energy resources wisely. That involves all of us. In Edison's fossil-fuel ed plants, for exa mple, we're now able to produce 30% more electricity from a unit of fuel than in 1948. That helps. Demand for eleclr icity here keeps rising every year. Needed new sources of power musl be built. Olher· wise, blackouls may occur wilh in two 01 three years. At the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant, fuel pellels which contain ur1nlum are used instead of burning foss il fuels. This helps conserve oil and n11ural g1s. By using higher-voltage transmission lines, we're also able to deliver electricity more efficiently. To find other energy- saving techniques, \ve 're in vesting millions researching Geothermal Power, Fuel Cells, Fast Breeder Nu clear Reactors and other adva nced generating methods. We're working with industrial and commercial customers to con serve electricity in oflices and factories. Heat from lights, for in stan ce. can be recycled and used for heating systems. Perhaps you can conserv e energy, too. Have you considered ways to make every kilowatt co unt at home? We'll be happy to send you a li st of practical suggestions. Write: Conservation , Edison,'- P. 0. Box 800, Rosemead, California 91770. 3 DAIL V PILOT Monday, Junt 12, 19/2 ·• • Experbnent.al Work 2 Do gs Soo n Equal 4,372 Record Welfare Society B1 CANDACE PEAJ\SON ot .. Dellr ,... •• .,. '- The lllllllh<r equals lhe ooun- ty'• current human PQpulalion. reporta also will ~ taken. or more tnlormaUon on clinic programs, call 530-7781 · Dissolutimas Of J-larriage £•1ttN Ml, ll tiown, ~••• O. •"" 11urt!11 E. Mue•r, Aon•IO ll>Ofl'lll •nn M1r,hll '·~ 81llt'11eer, fl lal'>(fle V11m1 1rld Lew>' fltll>Ofl M1rlln, "llct Jo 1nd •111"""1v ~lcll•tl a~"""'•"· •~,.,, c. 1r.o oun•ld •• ll•1i.o. JOl!n I' ll'ld ROY(I R , llr•O~v. M••-.e • ...., Ro<>trr o MCMlllOl'I, ClfOI """"I"° AOMrt R, Oono••1'. Pe!P• w <no Ooen~ E ()'~II. Ron1kl H_ and J11(l'l!I! "'"" Scnr1K k, Do•efn• E-and ,..,,.11n E_ Sclltlt r. J11t.lnt F _ "nd Rfct.a•d J N1w1on. Co;ne!i• 1n11 JQl\n T~om~\ 11moOOI'\, l )ndl Y. Ind JDM M1d11•i 1mlf~. H.OOlnt M Mid w 111., v Morrt1. "''""" J. ;, 1 "<1 vir.,in1• i\, H•b<'•m1n. ~•mutl tnd Ga•• Lyt1'1 Ol1rrip11n, Jtn!ce M.lne and N1C.110!a1 G.a•ee Avdin, Rot>lrl A. al!CI Ola"" L. """""'°""' J1me1 IC. •ncl Barbi••""· tiu!cnens, C11olllll' f dlTll and ROCX'rt (ll••lt • Gran!, LG<JI• Jo1eoll Incl Lo•el!a Terela Gr~en, NOtr>ll Lei 1no JamtJ Let 1Nr0f'l1k l, Sllnt<)ll A. and Cll~slet L V•ll•"•• Pitt~ •• A. a<>d Hnrt110 E. l!nl•tM Mlt 1' Hordlnv, A/ta 8•v•nelr• """ 1t"V Rodgrr $yndt'll81cd, Lind" Ree tnd Rob•r! c11 ... 1,. M;101trri, JO••"" F. •rid Snlrl•v L Oovbllh, Rnodl' A. •rid Bun~ra Nor!on H••es. RoDert Jol>nwr1 and v1-.~n lren" Mvrr•. MICll••I R. Ind S1ndt1 J_ C"ntd8, P•hv Ann 1nd Rr11ln8ld J, Brown, Jo Jo 8n<I ""•thvr "braham ~ L01Jtner, LG<J Ann •rid Harmon F _ (app" M1lvon L.,. 1nd Joye& A• l•ne Morrne, Donn& K . Mid LooT1 Brown. Glor!1 I, ano Millon L. $h••me~, Josepn J. 1 110 Pttsv Jo H•w11,11, s .. nc1ra AMI ""o Jerold B. T•llm8n, Jovce I. al'>d /1t1nur L flalle•. Ve•I F 11n(I Mtr!hl l - Hlll, Joan M· and J1mes O., Jr. Z•IMl<>t!, Vlcv M , arid Robett (_ Crawto•d, l nom•s C. and E•rl L. C1lkln1, M11rlorl1 G. •nd R!d18rd Looi1 Mu!Mln. Jllll'I lvnlll' •nd P1tr1,11. ,_ 1"11111/'1, Sunn J, and L" W. Nonn1n, John Wlll!am and Ros• H8n1on, Vicki• Lov and Roti.rl GeM Sims, Le1h •.arid Or11nl1 R. Bro·;/n, Sharon 1(1y and Oou111as Ptul W1lrori, JOhn Fr1nc:l1 and K1ren •1.1t Co11on, Beverlv •nn 1nd (111v Oscar Anaerson, Ktltl\ K. and P1vla L, leeotr. M1'ry L. Ind RICherd E. Gooch, "''elma R. and Brian M. Bl9;er, J8nrt I. and Leon R. May Join Project GARDEN >GROVE -A female <!<>I clvtac birth In ..,. year to 'four ·puppies, two cl t4em femaler,,can result bJ a rilathematical progression of ~ operaton ""9t IO ... teed their current t a.p-to 5 p.m. wwklng hoors·lo U:bour emergency servict. The clinic is supported by private contributions from llumane Society members. It la OUerlng a humane education program to schools, clubs and youth groups. who Clinic spokesmen plan ag,...- open house sometlme tb1'S · month. The socltty's ofllc., were formerly in Huntington Beach. SA!\l'fA ANA -About 30,000 V.'t:lral'l' rt•ciplerll! In 3 :i California count it s including Orange County will be required to regi!lter for \\' o r k under experimental projects reapproved by the federal government. The new work' regulation!! and proj ects officially went in· to effect last Tuesday, but Orange County welfare of· fici als sai d they have received no in~tructions on how to in1· plement them. ''At this ooint. it is ex - trerne!.v cotifusing," s a i d Joyce Burns, v o ca t I on a I service coordinator for the County Welfare Departn1ent. "We have received no direc· lives or chan~es of policy rrom the state Department 11( Social Welfare." She expects the prog ram. which also includes up to 20,000 welfare recipients in Ne w York . lo becon1e active in July. The projects would require all able-bodied recipients, in· eluding sii:ig le mothers with no children under six·years.old, to register for regular jobs. job training programs or for Three Men Make Pleas Of Guilty unpaid community ser\•lce . btrtht. which In seven yeat1 Jvr.,~ -would total 4,372 dogs -mOl'l The latter would be for up lo of them unwanted. 80 hour5 a month only. F',gures a.re even higher for The projtt'ls, delayed by a cat.S- federal court suit last spri ng, Sc> Says the Ca 11 r or n la will reportedly cost a n branch or the Humane Society estimated $4.5 mjJJjon in the of the Urjted States, which first 'r'ear, in addition to just opened an Emergency normal welfare payments and Animal Care Center and Birth additiona l slate spending. Control Clinic here. The state lfuman ReS(Jurces Society officials hope their Depart1nent will act as a cen· non-profit services will help tra! C'learing house for jobs KITTY AWAITS HELP stem the tide o( animal and will assign the recipients Humane Society Guest overpoputalion in 0 r a n g e to work in PEP (PubUc -------'----County. Employment Program), PEP They offer spaying and Welfare, WIN (Work incentive former· UCI neutering of cats and dogs at Program) and CWEP (Com· about half the cost of a munity Work Exp er i enc e regular veterinarian . Program ). D F Owners need no t show proof Most of those jobs are in ean 3Ce8 of financial need. but. said Cal! and <logs must be six months old before the cllok's staH -veterinarian will-,,erloh:n sterilizations. AU a o f m a I s must also have a prellmlDary ei:amlnation before surgery is scheduled in order to check lmmunizatlonl and general health. Reports of..suspected cnielty to animals can be made a1 t:he clinic. The society also wttt offer a "pet adoption service" for people who can't keep their pets, but don't want to send them to the pound and for those looking ror pets. Lost and found animal Newport Beach Man Graduates public service agencies. cHnic Director Burt ~!orris, The PEP Welfare 3 n d Th £ R "They aren't supposed to Henry M. Kanegae. of 1801 e t ap come here if they can afford Buttonshell l,ane, Newport CWEP are not yet U-1 effect in regular ser vices ;:it goi ng Beach, has graduated with an Orange County. rates." M D deg r th Med·c I It is hoped . Mrs. Burn said, SANTA ANA Robert -· ree rom e 1 a that many of the participants Edward Sharpe, until recently Located at 12911 H:istcr St., CoHege of \\' i·on:-;111. can request Speikers o r' -----,...,--.-,_--, .. -,-.,---- literature. Robinson hopes to b.sve a classroon1 at the Haster Street facility in the future. More Security W"ath FALSE TEETH "This Is needed in Orange At Any Time County," Morris emphasized. Afraid falae teeth will drop at thti 1'1! the people in Orange Coun· ,_.roni 11m.7 A de11t\ln'Mlheliff m11 ty want to see it go they'll h~lp. FASTEETB• Powder riv• denturea • lonrer, tinner, 11teaditr lend support -physi caJ[y, h11ld. Whybe&nbarrMMd?Formore financially and mentally-1l's l ·~~~tit( and comfort, use FA S .. •-·m th .ng" ' 1 t.ETt Denture Adhtst'lt Powder. a 1.cc:1 I · IJ.,nturtie tli1t flt are lll'l!Wtial to For medical appointments heal~h. See 1our dentiat r•rularl(. eventually will be absor bed m. the converted house is still un· Kaneg;1e 11<!s honored for an assistant dean of students d · l I the best prnJer t and essay June 14th thru the 18th, bout11PMco10 PM to the regular 1·ob market. ergo1ng remote 1ng. at UC Irvine, has been ''IV . 1 · 1. . \Vritten on co m 1n u n i t y Latt day Swtday,June 18th. 12 oooa io 6 PU A man placed in the ex· e re no in compe ition Ord d t · O · h l · h ·1 medicine and received the Ben i•11t• M•11lc• Cl•I• Atttl ll•f'I••· ... ,,. ateeet a "--~ perimental job programs who ere o appear in range wit ve erinary osp1 als," Da"-o-Prtno ••• ~ .... 11..., • ......,,....._ _ __. __ 12~-c S •1 · 1 · d l~a~n~d~E~U~a~W~a~n~er~~~~l~e>~n;o:n:adl~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~~~~-~~~~~~~~ has been receiving welfare ounty 'uperior Court Tuesday n orris cau 1one . because or unem ployment will lo answer to grand theft As lhe first su<:h clinic in have his aid cut completely. charges. Orange County, he added, A single working parent Sharpe, 43, Los Angeles. is "\\le're in competition 'vith the placed in a job will have his or accused of pocketing $1,050 death chambel', trying to keep her aid reduced depending on during his administration of anim als from being born that the salary. the school's loans·to-students shouldn 't be born in the first Approval of the program program. place." tvas held up when a U.S. District a t torn e y ' s in· The Humane Soc I et y District Court judge ruled vcstigators said th ey were estimates that 10.000 puppies March 13 that the federal called in to the case after UCI and kittens are born every government had violated an officials uncovered the first of hour in the U.S. agreement that it allow !he two charges filed against The clinic's cruelty in· National \V e If are R i g h t s Sharpe. They spotted a second vestigalor, Bill Robinson, ad· Award of $100. Enroll Now Fall Semester HtGt~lHAl lON fEt ONLY ALL·DAY CLASSES Kindergarten thru 8th Grade •Teaching the 4 R's with phonics • DDor-to-Daor Bus Service •Before and After School Care •Reasonable Tu ition HAWTHORNE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Man11um. Jin• •nd Richard K. Pta?ne•. Ma•Q•rN 11no Milton Errierion, How•rd 8 . tnd Su••n R. 8urn1. Elt•nor L. ~no G•b•it • R. V•rt81, Con>utlo and VkTor Humbrtto Bonar, Llrld~ 'I, 11na Lawrff\CI R, Sll!elOs, Wl!ll•m A. •nd Linda G. Marcial, C11•men fnd Mike $, SANTA ANA -Orange Organ iza!ion to review the a l leg e d misappropriation ded that ther.e are at least I.4 Coasl residents accused on ar· plans at least 30 da ys before shortly after Sharpe resigned million dogs and cats born in $10 IN FOUNTAIN VALL£Y l68JS Broo-hu"I 51•~" 17141 962-3312 Keep your childr11n in good hands. Ask about our DIV Camp and Summer School. rest wi th a Fu llerton man of 1 __ or_r_ic_ia_l_•c_t_io_n_. _______ h_is'-'po-"'st~. ---------~O~ra=n~g~e'-C=o=u~n~t·~'....:'-'="~y--'y~ea:::.r~. :_; selling nearly $500,000 worth of Gold, M.lrlhe Jrene •nd MortM Samu.I Wrl11nt, Claudia N. •nd Kennell> A. Grant, Bennie end M1c1>a•I "'-· unregistered stock h a v e pleaded guilty to lesser charges In Otange C-Ounty Su· Dovie, Lvnde Leo and Wllllem Jostllh MounToln, Sl>trrv F. arid John M. Sntnk, BNlv J, and Irving Burns, Ronni~ R..:nord and Lino• Lu C411rt~. P1 .;(il!a C. and Joe Aubin Avan, Rot>trl J•mt• and Valerl1 Wes1enbo•11er, Jlltln MefCVi Ind Mar!la•tt l . Enltrld MIV 1t •1nworrn. Orlo•e• eno 01nlll ""· Sno;!. Jank e J~v and DY•rln ~ W1lne Call, R-r!a ""n and Gerold Oe1n Pele•!, Pav1Jne L and Norris J _ Maddtn, Thomas Jowi>ll and J11cquellne Morrv Death Notke• fl URCHFU!LO F"r•nk Edwin 8urcl>lil(d, 115 L••~1pur Ave., Coron• del M•r. 0ft!e ol <le811\, June lC. nn, Survived bv wn. Ft•nk O. lkt•chlleld, or Corona del M•r; d8Uthte•. Mr1. 81ttv •nn S1nc11<o1, Torrance; lwo tirand1on1, Warrrn 0. and C.•rv Robftl ~rn:/>11: •r•nddftughler Sl\1ron Ellrabt!I!, 111 ct Tll<'f8n~e. Servlcn, Wedn11d1v, lO:lll A.M . P1dflc Vl1w C~~<>ll. lnrtrmtnl. Paclllr. Vlow Mtmerlll P1rk. Farrillv IU!ltflh T~t11• W!llllnt 10 ;';'1':!.~e "',~mf ;!•' H~~"r'i''~"~~P';,/'11~:,fc°i:"~ C8nct r Sotillv. P1citk View Mor1v•r~, Director•. DERN Ro~e Oer11, 11'0 White Sa lh Orlvt , Corona Oel M•'-Oat,. 01 ae1m, June 10, 1'12-Survlve<I bv wn. Or R8Vtt10'1d J_ ~rn, Coro~& del M8•J •~d five 11r•~d<.hildr~·1. Ro•ary, Tcnlg,.,I, Mond~~. f PM. Ba!!t Corona dot M•r (l'l•<>tl. RetiUll'm M111 , Tu~•d~v, 9 AM. Ou• L•dY Dul'f'n of Anacl' (e!~ollt Cnurc~. ln1ermtn1. ,,._,,c~n11on CemtlftV, El Toro 80!!1· Bergeron Funerel Home, Carone dtl Ma•, Director>. llALTZ BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del l\'lar 673-9450 Costa 1\lrsa 646-2.U• • BELL BRC)AD\VA\' !\101tTUARV J 10 Broadway. Costa !\ksa LI ~3133 • !\1cCOR.i\fJCK LAGUNA BEACll 1.10RTUARV 17,i Laguna Canyoa Rd. 494·941~ • PACIFIC VlE\~ !\f.E~10RlAL PARK Ccn1ctery !\fortuary Chapel 3500 Paciric View Drive Newport Reach. Callfornla 644-2700 • PEEK F AMILV COLON IAL FUNERAL HO~IE "'801 Bolsa Avt . \Vestminster 893-3525 • perior Court. Judge \Vil\lam Murray ac· cepted guilty pleas on charges of conspiracy from Donald Maurice Douglass, 41, of 10412 Teal Circle, Fountain Valley, Lilyan Seifert, 57. of 1420 North Wood Road. Seal Beach and Donald Ray Tugwell, 44, J;-ullcrton. The trio '~as indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury Aug . 12 following allegations that they violated slate codes by selling unreg is t e red American Mobile Telephone and Tape ~k, muaJl:of it in Orange Coun\y. ..,,.,, All three will be eentenced Aug. 31. They will flee possi- ble state prison terms of up to IO year s. Saddle Club Sets Show 0 1i June 18 It 's !in1f' to saddle up 1 p'1rtner ! The Mesa Boots and Saddle Club. Inc. ·1-11i(I present its an- nual Junio r Western Sho1-1· Sunday al lhl' Orange County F'a irgrounds. 'fhere \viii be lt categories of cornpelil1on. both i n horsemansh ip and for show horses. during the l'lli-<lay evrnt at the arena. The sho1v, a part of the 197'2 Oran ge Count~' Fair. is e:\'- pcc!ed to dra1-1• belween 50 to JOO con!eslants. according to tiirs. Evelyn Tibbets, one of the organizers. A special (eature or the sho\v, which begins at 9 a.m., will be a performance of the Apple Valley Dancing Hooves. a group of horsemen who have trained their horses to dance to music, Admission is free. THE BEST SMITHS' MORTUARY 6'l7 !\lain SI. lluntfngton Beach 5.16-6539 R~adersWp po 111 pro~ "Peanuts" it one ot the world's most popular comic strips. Read It dally 1n the DJ}ILY PILOT . .- We're not just,builcling a building. · ' l .. We're builfllnr_ a financial fanlily. A lot of peoplo, watchi~g our new bui lding going up on Newport Center Drive in Newport, hove commenled, Very impressive looking ... but what arr they going to do in there oil day?" Well, for one thing, we'll be writing o lot of checks. Lost year, for instance, Pacific Mutuo I po id its pol icyowners and their beneficiaries more than $175 million in benefits. This money helps people pay doctors' and hospital bills. funeral expenses, and fox obligations. II replaces income Josi through retire- ment, sickness or disoblemenl. ft helps kids go to college. Pays food, clothing and housing expenses for surviving dependents.And helps people cope with financial emergencies in. other w<IfS· Because, firs t and foremost, we're a life and health insurance company; our ca reer agents sif down wi1h Individuals, families and businesses and help them pion for their financial securily. Notion- olly, we're ranked 32nd in assets out of the 1,800 ond some insurorn:e com- panies people have to choose from, Our customers currenlly own neorly $6 billion worth of life insurance. Pacific Mutual is licensed to sell its insu rance products in 49 stoles, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. And our customers ore se rved locally by more thon o hundred individual and group insurance, claims and mortgage loon off ices lhroughout the Un ited States. The assets of Pacific Mutual life lnsur- orn:e Company exceed $1 billion. So mony of lhe 800 people working in our new bu ilding will be walching over the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. Strength and safely ore the most important criteria when we select the investments that will stand behind our customers' insurance policies. They might be investments in nevvcommercia! or housing construction. Or utility and industrial bonds that help create new services for people, like a water syslem in Florido or o telephone nelwork in Illinois. But these days Pacific Mutual is more !hon on insurance company. It's a fam ily of financial companies all related to a single purpose: providing financial services for individuals, families and business. ® REDEVCO, ll1C. As its nome suggests, this is our real estate development company. fts role is to capitalize on short-term development opportunities. Redevco purchases and resells improved properties. ® PACIAC LA KE PARK DEVELOPmEnT COITlPAflY This company builds and owns oporf- ment complexes which offer great places to live. like lake Pork Apor1ment$ in Ui Mesa, noor Son Difgo. 254 on:fil. tecturolly interesting apartment horn.is ore set amid toll pines, meandering walkways and ponds s1ocked wj!h fish. /lv:Jre proiects along these lines ore planned. ® PACIFIC consULTinG CORPORATIOfl PCC provides sophisficoled marketing services to agents oil over the country. II concentrates on aeotive financial planning for individuals and businesses and Jorge estates. Often combining extensive research with computer analysis, PCC provides un ique solutions lo complex financial planning problems. ® PACIAC EOUfTY SALES corm>Any A company of registered represenlotives licensed lo offer mutual funds. /Mny ore life insurance agents too, ond these men hove o portfolio of products to meet the financial needs of individual$, families and business. ® PACIAC ffiUTUAL ste ol03FM the sounds of the harbor ~dS¥-~-· youve never heard it so ·good '" u .. ,. .... ,. .~ .. f! , ... -l~ 1lJ ·!\I '• " ,._ Ill> WI '"' .. " • • 1' ·E b he re F j l," As char supe Card Ora n dent C;:t: of a the " Ba artlcl Jour1 \\lh nursi ar' · cen:e But man ar; Th Is sti the s "T clinic or a ST "T of a t Yet you Thi and f On tor's would cian round In now lions. ten b her f ily Mrs this e physi and Tod 1 nur tient' She Is wi do ii CHE Che couri und · things aci Nurses . " v . ' , Equipment, as the machines bein g demonstrated by this nurse, helps but good critical care really depends on the nurse. Pulse Quickens In Critical Duty Future Shock? -"We're prepared for it,'' says Mrs. Donna Zschoche. As assistant director or nurses in charge of critical care units as well as supervisor of training for the Cardiopuln1onary Training Center at Orange County l\1edical Center and presi- dent of the American Association of C:-a:cal Care Nurses, she seems encugh of an nuthority to say they have reached the "ultimate" in critical care nursing. Back in 1968, she began thinking <lf an article finally published ln the Ameri can Journal of Nursing in November, 1969. \\'hat she and Lillian Brown, director of nursing at OCMC, wrote about in the ar' ·e was already in progress at the cen,er. But it did cause a commotion among many in the field who replied with artunie ntative letters. The article, which l\1rs. Zschoche said Is still true tod ay , explained the role of the special care nurse. "To some, sbe may appear to be a clinical specialist, a physician's assistant or a su pemurse. STAFF N\lllSE "To us, she is a staff nurse, ll. graduate of a two-, three-or four-year progra m." Yet, Mrs. Zschoche admitted, "I guess you could call her a new breed-'' 'This nurse mak es a nursing diagnosis and follows it with lmmediate action. Once, she served only to follow the doc- tor's orders. If she tlad a question, she wouJd chart it and maybe call the physi· cian or wait for him to make his daily round. Judgmenls were not in her realm. In th is state, the professional nurse now is legally respoosible for ber ac-- Uoru:. Even if she follows an order writ- ten by a physician, if lt ns wrong; it is her fauJt. "The physician l!n't necessar· ily God," Mrs. Zscboche.polnt.d oul ~1rs. Zschoche explained, however, that this expanded role Is dependent on the physicia~ as well as the hospital policy and the nurse's training. Today, a doctor might leave orden for a nurse to maintain the pH of the pa· tlent'1· arterial blood at a Cfltaln level. She must be able to detennlne whether ll Is withln'hlJ prescribed llmtl lll"f what to do H it l#ti'I. • • 1 . . . . . . ' CHEM)STllY lllQUIJl£D 1 Oiemlstcy .was oot tJways a ,ttqUlr~ course for nursei. Yet. ndw Re ·must undentand tile algnllcance of ouch thlngs AA resplntory and mttabollc acldosi5 lllld alkalosl11. She must bt able to monitor substances in the patient's blood and understand chemical actions going on in the blood. The nurses' article said, "The im· }Xlrtant consideration is that this nurse has the ability to recognize such critical physiological changes; .she does not wai t for the physician to visit the ~t to review the laboratory fmdings. "She identifies changes in these laboratory analyses and either cotTect.s Graduates <lf the two-and-three-year ordered, or notifies the physician." The good critical care nurse, Mrs. Zschoche said, 1'doesn"t want to play doc· tor •.. She wants to be a good nurse." She feels the nurse is the ideal person to do these things because the patient is in need immediately and the nurse is the onl y one at the bedside 24 hours each day. This, she said, resul ls in "speedier pa· tient care, a reduction in his stay and a reduced mortality rate." 1'-fedicine is "over-extended. They can't do it all," she said. Ntnblg assistants, vocational nurses and paramedics now di> things which only nurse1 were once thought capable of doing. TEAM EFFORT "NoOOdy's alone 1n this game. We 're all a team.'' The critical care nurse, she said, serves as "the paUent 's advocate and sees that everything ls dooe which need1 to be done." The critical care nurse will take the time to listen to a patient and his family and understand his problems. lf the pa· tient, for example, has lost the. will to live, she said, "lt becomes our respo0sibllity to http lbem'lo want to (live)." ' Good ctiUcal care nurliog doeln't r<IY on all the modem equipment now found in hospital unill. Equipment, Mrs. Z!chocbe said, only serves to enhance the care and make it easier. A good critlcal care nurse, !Or ei:· ample, sbou1d he able to core for a person who bas a hurl attack at Anaheim stadJmii: . M(s. ~<.tarted U ·I , head ...... on a.medical floor In the center., Having 1-t placed® charge of opening the fir.I t'Ol"Oll8l'f ,care. unlt, the. had to train -aod•111en o!M,. i.. this new kind "'care. (S.. NEW DIJTIES, Pare 111 Career Some nurse! woul d like to cli mb a ••Jadder" toward their etlucatlonal goals. The top rungs would be labeled con- tinuing educa,tion. And u tblJ tiUe in- dicates, there may he no top· to !he lad· der. Al the world procresses, medicine pro- gresses. dtmandjne: , that nurses con- tinually know'more, A new state law, which will be effective in 197$, sa)'I nurses must have "proof of compt\eoee•• to be licensed every two, years. "A lot ofrDUl'leS right now feel very threatened about thl! new law but they r~Uy ~dn't .at alt ," said Rosalxn ff'!C~f, ~Ive , clirector of tbe otllna'e O>lihti" Nuriel Asooclatlon. Otheriwrses, howo vcr. feet the leglsta. tlon wlll tie bcnoflcial to the profession. .. You Just can't Jtarn all you need to lnow In any basic course." explained Olive Rees, coordinator or nunlog at ' Goals Golden West College. As in many other fie lds. a nurse's education is out or date almost before she walks .out tbe schoo l doors. Unlike other fleldl, however, this could really be the difference between life and deoth. Ahhough a comniittee is s t 111 fonnu\ating criteria for the new .Jegisla- tion. lt ii believed that continuing educa- tion classes or, as an alternative, aR ex· ~nation, wt.II be decided upon. Cmtinulng educatkm is synonymous with adult education. Credit from . such courte1. which could be offered over an t:ittlre, 1m1ester or as a seminar or a .,._end · -ktliop. cannot be applled tqward an -.aca~c degree. Such counes would be flexible. often designed qulckJy to remain fluent with the trendt. Goldtn West's Evening college h.'ls hem oUerlnr' such cou,...,,, in<ludlTig a SIOrlts by LAURIE KASPER Of n. DtllY , .... '1ttl Nurse Naocy ls changing. Normally referred to as ••she," the nurse might octually be a •·he." f\lore and more men a~ entering the fi t'ld, chspelling the illusion that it is for \\'Onicn on.ly. Uut then. the wo men in white can C'laim some blarne for shirt s in their profession. Some fen1ale nurses a re taking over a portion of ,,·ha! normally has been con· sidered the mnlt! doctor's role. And the results. they say, "·111 be "brt· tcr ht'3hh c:trl' for p<'Ople " ActuaH~·. rhe nurst"s roll" in the medic:il fJl'ld has b£'t'n chanr;::ing ror sorn(• yt>ars. Bul nurses , and lht' pullh<' iu gt•nernl. is more a\\arc of 11 1101~" ··r;1,•1'1'th1ng 1s ;u» l't'll'r:lled.'" t•\p!a111t•(I 011~.. n 1· I''. roord1natnr of t111r-.u n: ·11 (;nldrn \\~ 1 Collt"gt·. ··11 ·., u1 1111• ,. 1·h 11h.1!" li;q1 j>t'n.Ilg Ill ;ill 111 lllll 11 I\ !l1'!U l"l' )'12 1 I" 'I et! tu t.tht · ,! IJl1'" 1 I '' 11'\ SOllll' lllH"Sl'~ Ill!\\ ~1..1 ,. lu •t •ll11l' t l11111·~d SJ:k.'l'1.:d1sts 1H' -.p1'11.il • :1n· 1n11·~1 ·s. \\'Jt h extra :1!-,1d1'1111t lo.l! l.grntuul au rt SJJ\.'1.'1;d1/L'd 'I.di'. !ho'\ hil\t' l<ikt'll Otl ;1d· dt•l1r1 ·~po11~d11!1trt·'1111hl' hur11 . llt'nn;1!al, l"Or un:\I\ t·:111• 11111"1-.111• 1;1r1· .ind oth1·r .. crinc:1l r:irl' · 11111\' 111 111:111~ hL"IHl.ib. th1·y arr :dl(J11t•d to r,·;il11.tll' p:1111·111s. 1nakt• 1te<:is1ons and ta';l' npprupi·•..,11• :11·111111. ln thr p:ist. tht•y merely follo11 l'd thl' doctors' orders. Thrse ('h~1ng1·s ha\·f' "kind of upg raded evl'rybody Hl ;1 v,ay," :-;aid N;:101n1 P:1y11e. Coordinato r or \)\(' ("1)Jl!Ulllil1[:: '.\iurs1nj.( Education progranl being pl:i11n1•ci nt c C\ The doctor cnn no\1' give 1nore of his ti111°c to the seriously ill pa !ie nt because the nurse ix·rf onns so111c of t11s Jnore minor funclion::.. The llN (Hegistcrrd Nurse) t·:in krep c.\oser tabs on the pa tie111 's tota l cart' sin<:e no'v "she is .s11pposed to plan 1hc care of patients b\l t not nt·ct·ssarily l::lrry it ou t." l\·luch of tht• bcds1d1· t•arP is being done by the LV N (L1e1·nsrd \'nv:ition:il Nur.se 1, nursing assista111 and 1Jnr;1prolrss1onal. "A lot of nurses feel \IC have relin- ~ .... J... . 1-~ ••• n quisbed our role to the LVN," Mrs. Payne said. But she and other active professional! find the ei:panded role of nursing -the nurse practitioner - a more exciting route to follow . Federal health progralTl! are em· pbasizing nurse practitioner!, RN s "'ho basically replace the doctor as the "primary caretaker," according to Mrs • Edna Popi el, assistant dea n of the &hool of Nursing at the University of Colorado, "'hich began the first compre hensive pro-- grams for both cont inuing education and nurse practitioners. lil'r Sl'hool already has gradua ted morl'! lh<.111 JOO nurst'S in its ped1atrir, maternal and ;1dult nurse pracut1oner courses. The pr:11·t11ivner differs from the nur.sl'! hv $f't•111g rt·~ular p:it icnts She decides \rlil'lht•r .-.ht• ean hand le !heir care. ~lit' ~11 , . ._ thr physu 'al rx:.inllnation~. t,'\t.r, h1 ~1ur 11'!!, c.:our1st•I..; and 1·ari'.s both 1 1110· 11 "111e:illy 1ll pa!Jt'nt \1ho rn1gh l ~ .. '1" hi,llh IJJ011d pr11ssurt' nr :'111 1•ruhlen1 or thi· patit•rtt 111th a 1'11 l'r· .iil1·111 as .1 1·o ld I I I II II ~!h• IS Ill a rural arc11, liol\CVer, ~111· l 1 •.1111s contael \\"Ith a physician. ff ~lu· r;111'1 hand le the p:ilil'nt's care, she ri·ft'r" 111111 to the doctor or. if nredcd, a Sf'l\'l"l;\l1st. llE1'TJ<:ll CARE Bt•Ht·r hralth care at a lesser cost is thP attn and advantage of th is program . Its l.'fl<'f'IS u•ould be fell in the con1· mun11y A nurse praclitioner \\·ou ld be more available to give medical attent ion t<> rura l communities, minority grou ps and the elderly. Thr~· rnight also help to reduce a pa- lit•nt 's hospital stay . Lila J\laplcs, assistnnt coordinator In charge of all ied health admin istration for the Regional Medical Program. said so me people in the medical field are look· Ing for \vard to the da y \.rhcn onl y the ··very, very sick" 1vill be , found in hospita ls. Perso ns having minor surgery, for ex- an1 µle an appendecto1ny, 1na y only have to stay in the hospital for one day. The diagnostic workup for the su rge ry would br done before they g£'1 to the hospital. After surgery. they could be moved to a t'en!er set up for subacute t:ire . (See NUltsES, Page IO) Mo1M11r, Ju.,. 11, 1m ..... f BEA ANDERSON, Editor Today, in California, this nurse is re sponsible for her actions even if she followed doctors orden. Diagnosed refresher course for women who have left the profession for awhile, perhaps to raise a child, UCI PROGRA~I UC!, "'ith the help or an advisory Cilm· mittee of nurses and nursing educators in Orange County and Long Beach, I! cur· rently in the planning stages for a con. tinuing education program. f\1rs. Naomi Payne. coordinator. said they arc considering courses which deal '''Ith death and dying, lntensJve care, cardiac care, drug abuse, venereal disease, mental health, leadership, eom- munication and some specl(lc diseases. Most schools of nuning are packed . At California Stnte College at Long Beach, it WM one o{ the Cirsl departments to close ad n1isslons for this semest&-. Men are' relurhing from Vietnam Nv· Ing served as medical corpsmen and wanting to become registered nurses. Young high sc hool graduates are still Bl· tracted lnto the c/\reer. And many people wlth a bachelor '• dearee in another field, as sociology or psychology, have beet unable lo find the job they wanted and so are also applying to nuraing BChools. Many nurses, however, are unhappy with the educational system. ''We've had • very frqmented edu- ratlonal •)'Siem In Dlll'llng," explllned Lila Maple!, whose informal ttUe with the Regional Medical Program Is nunJng coordinator. NO SPECIALIZATION Graduates from two-. three-. fou~ and five-year programt au get the: sa me license as a Registered Nut1e. Having had no specialiJ.atlon, they each end up doing the same thing. If a student leaves school in the mlddlt or the program, her time bu probebl1 betn wasted. Even 11 she should decide to return to school, she would find that pro- gram and requirements vary amc+a the schools . ·! Graduat~ of the two-a.nd-th~year programs would also find ll diff.~t to get a bachelors degree. (S« GOAlll, Pare JI) DAIL V PILOT Bed la m's Reward a 'S leep er' DEAi\ ANN LANDERS ' May I reply to UW! woman who has no gunt bed and on--. ly Joye seat. ln the Uvlng room to mate sure nobody sleeps, overnight in bef" home? J mwt say the old sourpua1 .is mining a lot. One ol the hawtest week.a of my life was when I had fi,l:ht house gutrtl ptus my own family of five. dent stated rather casualty, .. There art 72 kids in our clus and the ttachtt has: a bard time controlling them." Wake up, America! Where in the blankety-blank-blank is your tu dollar going? Why does a teacher have 12 student.s in her class? Twe!Ye--yu.r-<1lds deserve a better deal than that. want less money sprnt on the mUjlary , the space progranu, foreign ald and beautification and more apeot on educa· Uon for «r chlldren. Let them know that if they doo't vote the way you want them to, they won't get reel«ted. -MAD DEAR MAD: Bnvt! R.lgltt oa! Cbetn! 'J'huW for wrlUDc! From Page 9 ' . .Goals ., " J/a\ 1ng graduated from • three-year school, It took Mra. Maples an additional flv years to obtain a master"' degree. ''Basically we fee.I ell ~ 1ne~s has to :stop, 1 j J\l r~. ~lap!cs. an ectiv&t n1embcr of the California 'Nurses Association, said. i. . 1· I J The assoc1a 10n a v o r c We slept oo the floor, on army cots and Jn a hammock on the porch. We ate in shifts and it was 8httr bedlam. But what a wonderful time we had! It was a party, around the clock , with everyone pitchin,g in. The •e was filled wilh laughter. There wasn't a single complaint. That woma n \1dth no extra bed will never ha\'e such wonderful fun -or such memories. J 'II het her well organized liie is deadly dull and I can imagine what her friends and relalive:i think -Of her. - OPEN-f!EARTED IN PLAINFIELD. When the school referendum lhow1 up on the ballot do you vote yes or do you vote no and gripe about taxe.s? Has the money already been appropriated and is Jt being misused or diverted? Make it your busines,, to find out. DEAR ANN LANDEM: t·m a If..year· old girl who doetn't know wtJat to do about her seven-year-old lil!lter. There's going to be a talent contest 90011 and she want3 to be in it. 'lbil would be great if she bad talent The poor kid thinks oho can sing. When I was in tlie fourth gra~ I ..., ......... ,. legislation ~·hich w o u Id; deve lop -a pattern all schools 1n the stale would adhere to. thought I could sing, too. I remember JANIS CARTER DEAR OPEN: You maU it 1ouad u.y -but not aJI gue1t1 can be put on the floor, or In a hammock, or counted on to pik'b Jn. I Uve childhood memories of slttplng on the floor when ow-bouH wa1 filled with company and tt was great fun -ror u11 kids. But It wall'. my deer mother who did all the work. DEAR ANN LANDERS: When I n:ad that Jetter from the seventh grader who complained lbeeause his teacher .ate pop-- corn while she talked over the amplifying system (the crunclling drove the kids crazy), I knew I had to write. The stu· Sotne of our school buildings should be condemned and rebuilt. Too many claurooma have 20-year--old textbooks, Inadequate supplies and old, beat-up audio-visual sids. Thousands o( teachers have been laid off and are collecting unemployment compensation or taking clerking or office jobs. Wh y? Because the Boards of Edu<:alion can't pay them? What goes on in YOUR communily? Learn the facts. Then complain to lhe mayor or the city manager. the board of education and the city council. Next, Jet you r congressman and senators in lVashington know that you getting up in a school assembly and n:iak· ing a big fool of my.self. J don 't want Jt to happen to my sister. She's been rehearsing for the past week and Jt's pretty gross. Mom says to leave her alone -that some people have to learn t.be hard way. J hate to see her suf· fer like I did. Please, Ann how can I help her? - BIG SISTER DEAR SIS: Leave her aJone. Some peo- ple have to learn the hard way. Don't flunk your chemistry test. Lo\'e is more than one .set or glands calling to another. lf you have trouble making a distinction you need Ann's booklet. ''Love or Sex and How to Tell the Difference." Send a long, self-addressed. stamped envelope with your request and 35 cents in coin to the DAILY PILOT. Fro m Pag e 9 • • .Nurses Lagunans Will Wed From Page 9 e • New Duties • September Rites Set .l\1r. and fi.lrs. S. f l ;111t•1 1 i\'llssion Viejo h<n t· :1111:11ur1• 1,d the engagement (lf t h r 1 r daughter, Ja1us C:ar\l'J" t~~ David Curtis Smith, son of \lr and fi.trs. Curtis E. Sn11th of lluntington Beach. A Se.pt. 8 .,.,·edding is l.wH1f! planned in the Los Angeles The basic philosophy of thi~ p;.ittern, explained J\1iss Rees, 1;,ould be to "make it as feasi· ble as possi ble for every grnduatr to continue." \\'1 th this "ladder" concept, ;"l person could go to school for ;i \l'ilr and be eligible for the l1 !·i·n!>ed v1>eational nurse's l··•t i\fter \~ork1ng a year or "• :-Ill' l'ould easily return I· :1 11 u I 11 •' r year lo t>e. , ,, , ,.., rrg1s1rred nurs e, ~Ii· 11H ii'l 1tu1n ("On1inuc on in· In ii 1,:n·hpl()rS progran1 and 1)11·11 ·1 rn:"lers if she ,.,.anted. T!11• l1«11.·1·E'r, "·ould mean :i m.'.lJ••r IJl't·rhaul of the cur- rr11 t pni!!rJms. Temple, Church or Jt•Suslp;,;-~-...;~-..;---.. Christ of Latter-day Saints. BEA UTY The bride·to·be is a graduate I S of ~1ission Viejo High School T p by Ruth !ry 111! The Eyes Ha ve It l\1uch of the care, however, could be done in a clinic or even the home by the nurse In August Through a •·gradual evolu-a "bottomless pit." The courses have to be changed each quarter to include ne1v techniques and findings. There alse> is a waiting list -0! people wishing to take the course. and attended Sad d I eba ck College. Her !iance is a graduate of Marina High School and attended Brigham You ng University and Golden At your ME•L£ NORMAN COSMETIC STU DIO I" CMtti Since leaving the White House, I .. uci John son Nu· gent has t aken office in her own right as vice presi· dent or Volunteers for Vision. who seek to discover visual disadvantages in children. Here she sits in as honorary chairman of the rllinois College of Op· tometry's centennial celebration. practitioner. l ion" throughout the country, Sludies have sho'>"'fl that pa-coronary care grew into tients actually prefer the care critical care. of the nurse. Mrs. Popiel said Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dwyer OCMC opened its training this is probably because the of J..aguna Beach have an-center under a grant from the \\'est College. M110, w• lllf1'• IO lftOl't'f MW and Lr•tlth19 products! We 11ow how• MIR.I.COL hi two stn., PLUS a brond MW 'YIM. lt'1 coll•d CR EAMY MIRA.COL. palicnt feels the nurse is nounced the engagement of Orange County Heart Associa-Come h• and try th•"'· "someone having the lime to their daughter, Diane Dwyer lion in 1965. Their program isl:r.:s~~:::~:;:S~~S~~S~~S~~S~:all With slimmer beach o11d pool take care of them.'' unique because it is supported Anothe-r benefit of the pro-to William Holmes Murray, by the local essociation and all time hH•, who wonh. to worry " gram, she noted, is that "the son of Mrs, Bert W. lien. their instructors are volun-Want To Solve Your Decorating P roblems? obout their hair. W• ho•• th.- nurse going through this pro-drickson, Laguna Beach, and teers. N EED HELP? new CA.PLESS ELURA WIGS, gram has far more job Sidney H. Murray, Palmetto, Nurses are eligible for the COME TO you c.011 .,.,. cook 11 tkl'I, fto satisfaction than the nurse in interndllp program of 80 hours Maggi Cobb'i worrln about th• FRlllES·I Your Horos cope Li.bra Attracts a hospital doing as the doctor Fla. of clinical experience in the INTE RIOR DECO RATING Ir's "tor• for h youn•lf' Mo"· said or fighting tht system." The couple plan an Aug. 12 intensive care, pediatric in-CLASSROOM ,JO!lta Flb~. The shortage of doctors. wedding in St. Catherine's tensive care, cardiac care, 5 2·HOUR WEEKLY economic preeures and in-Catholic Church, Laguna shock unit. burn unit. neonatal SESSIONS WE APPLY INDIVIDUAL E't'ELASHlS IY APPOINTMENT JUESDAY JUNE 13 .By SYDNEY O~IARR creased public knowledge and Beach. unit, respiratory unit end the $29 95 ti.lainlain wail·and·sce posture. expectancy have been cited as Miss Dwyer is a graduate of hermodialysis unit, after com-• VIRGO (Aug. 2J·Sept. 22 1: helpin,ll: to bring about these pleting three 12-week courses. 1n1rt1e1i.cr.rv ,.,~. h Laguna Beach High School, at-H •t I II th D•y or Evening Friends press for fa vors, c anges. osp1 a s a over e coun- R•111•111l>.r w• oho carry "FACE'UP"' de c i .s i 0 0 5 , commitments. And. J\trs. Popiel said, "I'm tended San Diego St at e try send their nurses and doc· "'JJ'ltt.4. ~~ ~ 2'/~~ ~ J·'inancia/ setup is not stable. sure the women·s liberation University and will graduate tors to the center for the ad-(/(J ..----,/_ MERL[ NORMAN Know it and base actions ac-has helped WI a lot." this month from the Unlverlll· dltional training· J\1r.s. cordingly. Promises are made She believes it has In-ty of California, Riverside. Z!lchochesaid probablya cou-420 -Jlst St. ) I Libra of.Jen surprises by being a fighter as well as a lover. The Libra na!ive seek:s balance. justice, peace, but seems always to be involved in cases which require a fighting :spirit. Libra is physically at· lracted to Aquarius, makl's money with Scorpio, travels with Gemini, can n1arry Aries, exchanges views with Sagit· tarius, gets a career boost with Cancer. Some famous persons born under J.,ibra in- clude Brigitte Bardot. Ed Sullivan, GeorJ,?e C. Scott and Barbara \\'alters. in haste. KE'y is to be responsi-rluenced nurses to stand up pie thoosand have gone Ne wport Beach PHONE 673 -J 722 COSMETIC STUDIO ble, cautious and conservative. and say, ".Yes, I can do these Murray, a Laguna H 1 g h through the program already. Newport l ••ch l thing!.'' graduatt, attend! UCR. Even so, 8he de3Crlbed it as (on Lido Penlniul•) 271 f . 17tft St., C01to M,.. • l~IBRA (Sept. 23·0cl. 22 ): Make Reierv.a tions Now -Classes are Limited ~ Career. ambitions get a boost. r=================================~~~§:'.~§~~§~~§~~§~~~~~g~~==··:':••:•:•M:::•:":·:":':'=:;~ ARIES (f\1arch 21·April 19): \\'hat was settled 110\~' is ruf· fied . What ·was de!ern1ined, now is subject to chanf::l'. Family members disagrrl'. Your best course no\11 i<: nne ""'hieh fe at tires flexibility. J~augh al .\'OUT O\V!l foi bJrs. TAURUS (April 20·J\lay 20 \: Avoid '"speeding ·• in !raffir. Tak(' special care <lround machinerv. Sp('eial prec.·:1111ion now could ~;:ivc liTnc. n1onry. (;uord hl'nlth ;:incl slef'r <·lr:ir of h.'.lltlrs \1·1 th rlt!1Jd1 hors, relaiives. Saginarian is 111- \"0l\"ed. GEMINI IJ\iay 21-Junr 20~: Conser\•e 3SSC'!S Be analytical Take noth1ni:r for granted. f'ind reasons ""•hr " VirgG individual could play kev role. One 11•ho has ch;ingc of .heart actually is rloing you n favor. Kno11• it and rcspon<I accord ingly. CANCf~H ( Junr 21 . .Julv 221: You receive publicity which can he lransfo nned in to solid recogni tion. Aries is very much in picture. One who ap- pears to oppose you is merely testing, bluffing. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21)' New attitude is necessary in dealing \t:ith those at a distancr. Be sure of legal rights. Get green light fron1 ~~:::::..~::::::::::=:::::::::::::.;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::~~=::::::::::::::::;::;::x:::m:;.;.;=:=.::::;:;=.::t.:¥: !) DAILY 10·10, SUN. 10.7 f i'.i MON.-TUES.·WED. r @: ONLY! ~ •... . . .:;zz:::;;~~w..,;xx-;:::::-":=.:~.~I~~~~- one\vhopullsfinancial DllUBIE DISl:llU IS strings. J\lessagc \\"ill be • SAGTTIARJUS tNov. 22- ~. 21 ) · Frlenrl.~ ;ind n1oncy ~.:~ii~:dne!::' is in picluce. · ~~ n1ay not niix. l-1akc up your •-------------------------------------.:------------------------------..1 own rn1nd -<ind take l!n1e in t1 ' thung i!. Aquarian is in pir· ~ ~ tur('. Accent is on financi<it I r ~11 11rospccls. policie:-;, lrgacie.s. ~. t llun t'h pay!-1 dividend s. ~i f' Su q>nsr i.~ fr:i!ur1•d. k I C:\PR lCOR N !Ore. 22·.lan J!l 1 Lir !0\1. Play \1·aiting ~ gan1c. \\'£'Iler of confusion j, c!omin<i les. Put puzzle pieces l o~ethcr. Leave details to ~II others. Tnk<' ovf'rall \•iew. · • 11 A'fale, parlner ma.v act in pugnacious manner. Hold your •/ fire. Don 'I compou{Ld error. , 1 I ' r .. Tlome. fa mily relationships - these tend lo d o 1n i n a tr . Discussion concerning resi· dencc is high li1;:ht ed. Taurus and Libra could p!ny 11romin- ent rolls. Be ready for chang- es. 1\·lainlain sen.~e of hun1or. AQ UARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 181: \Vhat you "'ant is not im- 1ncdiatrly available. lfo\\'ever. vou need not sett le for second hPst. Steady pace \\"ins \\'dY ;ind gains objective. Another "Aquarian is in picture. \\lork procedures are subject lo ,, • • ' . , LEO !.July 2.lAug . 22 1: Nothing is sci. cslabli ~hl'cl or fixed . Necessary no1v for you 1o be uwarr. flexible ~ud \1•111· ing to cha nge . Piscr!I is in plr· lure. l\'hat occur~ is apt to happen behind the scenes. change. PISCES (Feb~ 19-March 20) • i1 nothing oceurs )Jalfway -all ~ lhe wav or nothing. Applle~ I I 1?specially to e 111 o t i o n ;i I rC'SJXlnSeS. Don •t play ~amcs. Relations ,.,.ilh opposite sex are intensified. Be anrilytirnl. " lJon't rush. (:ive logic equr1! "1 linie v.'ith implse. Become a Beaut ician No w and SAYE ••• with our JUNE ENROLLMENT Sl'ECIAL OFPER 15°/o OFF ENROLLM&NT COST DURING MONTH OF JUNE PHONE 646-9311 e 646-2919 LADIES BULKY KNIT SWEATERS REG . 4.18· SALE 3&& Size S.M·L. Kmart's finest quality bulky knit sweat· ers. Some bolled , others with pockets. Asst. colors. LADIES POLYESTER PANTS REG. 7.96 SALE 5ss Summer fashion polyester flared legs pants. Many colors and styles lo choose from . > LADIES CULLOTIES AND SHIFTS REG. l.ll-l.57 SALE 211 Be cool In Kmart fashion cullotle dresses and shifts. 100% wash- able prints, perma·press. Size 10 lhru 18. GIRL'S SHORT SETS I REG . l.96 SALE 300 Girls s hort sets in asst. styles colors and materials just Jn ume for easy summer wearing. SI~'-6x, 7 thru 14. L1d e1 Body Shirts Rog. l .96 .. , ....... Sale $3.00 ' ' ' ' ; I .' 1 ' ) GIRARDS COLLEGE OF BEAUTY COST A ME SA HUNTING T 0 N BE A CH , fhMH ttte Mllt4 'nlfftrel • . : ' 14! E. 19TH ST. • COSTA M ESA 2200 HARIOR ILVD. (Cor11er of Wiison) 19101 MAGNOLIA !Corner of Gorflelcll ' ~~~~~~~~~~·(b="4=1._,...__,......,.,...o::m: __ ._. ____ .... __ ,,,.,.. .... __. ............... -...._..,..._ ____ __,._,....___.j B w w a N d i th .Ja N ~t N th br R s Mi N fr Al Co an "' ., ,, "' • r.1ondat. Junr 12, 1972 -· MRS . NETRO MRS. HAYES MRS. NANKIN MRS . ARLEDGE MRS. DIEHL MRS. JENSEN MRS, CARRICO MRS . REEHL Wedding Marches Playing for June Brides NETRO-WHARTON Our [...;1d_v QucC'n ul Ani.:cls Catholic Cl1u rch, N t' \V JJ or t Bt'ach was t he .set ting for the \vedding linking Ann Christine \Vharton of Ne\.l'port Ueach and Ens. Willi.1111 Jtoberl Netro of Canton. Oh io. 'l'he Rev. \~'il!ia1n PO\\'ers directed the vo1~· exchange for the daughter of Mr . and ~lrs. .Ja n1e.s Frank \Vharton of !\e1vport Beach and the son of ~Ir. and lVlrs . Robert Joseph Netro of Canton. Mrs. Thomas Kaufman \~:as the matron of honor : bridesmaids were the ?o.1isscs Regina Klein, Robert Gwillim. Susa n Deaver and EI J en Michaels. Best man 11·as t-.1ark Netro, and ushers were Jef- frey \Vharton, llichard Davis, Ali Moeu.I and Jay O'Hare. The bride is a graduate of Corona de! Mar Hig h School and attended the University of OTERY A111 STEP -5EllNA1100 -KIMEL EDWARDS -GER5ERICH - f'F FL YE llS -U.S. KEOS Dion<~ Wfar br Oan.~111 ".ft!>f1lo o .. nc~ Shon eorr.ctln h••• !or Chlldtfll Southern California. Jler hus· band is a grad uate of fo.1on· lerey Jligh School and USC \l'h£>rc he was a rnernber of Chl Ph i, Phi Beta Kappa and a graduate of NROTC. HA YES,CA TES j\larried in SL Andrev."s Presbyterian Church, Ney,·port Brath were Dinah Cates and Jl1chard Hayes, both of Corona dcl ti.1ar. 'fhe Rev. Dr. Char le s Dierenfield performed the rites for the daughter of Opie Cates of Moffett, Okla. and the late ~!rs. Cates and the son of t-.1r. and Mrs. Jess Jlayes of Selrna. i\.latron of honor was fl lrs. Gerald So re n s en . and bridesmaids 1verc flI r s . l·/01vard Spradlin and fll iss Denise Jjndsey. Harold Ha yes se rved as best man and ushers '"'ere Ken D-Oyle, Spradlin, Gerald Sorensen and Roy Mor· ris. FJ0111er girl was Lisa SGrensen and ring bearer \11<1s Steven Spradlin. . . Following a H a "' a 1 1 an llAUTIFUL SOfT Ll•S Th"""'h .,..ci.I I .. •••Int m1tho' l ~tN., .. 6 Wffktl -IU. 7 NATIONS COIFFURES 225 L 17th St. I 300 Wn l Coastv H~m 'lew1><1•! Beac~ Cost• Mno -541·2771 '42·0144 !.....;.;;..;.....;.... __ ._J honeymoon. Lhe m.'"-'lvweds 1vill reside in Corona del -Mar. 1'hc bride attended Orange Coast College .and Oklaho1na Sta te University. Her husband is a graduate of Fresno Stale Universi ty \\•here he affiliated \\•ith Sigma Alpha Epsilon. NAN KIN-SAWYER Sandra Joan Sawyer and Dr. S. J . Nankin, both of Newport Beach "'ere married in Throop 1'.1ernorlal Church, Pasadena with the Re v, Dr. Hannon Cehr officiating . Their parents are Mrs. Jess Lee of Laguna Beach and Mr. and A-1rs . Jack Nankin o! New llaven, Conn. The bride earned a BS at Frcsoo State University \\'here she pledged Kappa Alpha 1'he l.J and was president of the J .. ittle Sisters of Minerva. Her husband received his BA Crom Yale University and his MD from Tufts University. !·le "'as a lieutenant com- mander in the Navy and now is a resident ph ysician in opthalmology at the Orange County Medical Center. . The new!y"•eds "'iii reside 111 Villa Park. ARLEDGE-NELSON Keith Arledge c I a J med Deborah Nelson as his bride during ceremonies perfonned by the Rev. Harold I·!. Coble in th e First Baptisl Church of !11ichvay Clty. The bride. daughter or J\.1r. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson of Fountain Valley, was attended by the Misses Vicky Net.son, maid or hooor; Connie Arledge and Michele Slauffer, Bolh the bride ;1 n cJ br idegroom .are grodu ah•s 1)r fountain Valley lfigh School. Sl1e also is a graduate of tnP Southern California College of t.1edital and Dental Assista11t s and he is a senior at .the Oklahoma Baptist University 1vhere he ls affiliated Y.'ith Kappa Kappa Phi. DIEHL-KINZER Donna Arleen Kinzer and Elmer Carl Diehl exchanged vows before the Rev. \Vilbur E. Allen in the Lutheran Church of the Master, Corona del Mar. The bride is the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Henry George Kinzer of Santa Ana and her hu9band is the son of ?o.1rs. Cecelia Diehl of Ki ngsburg. r-..frs. Robe rt Babson \Yas the matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Miss JoAnn Egan, Miss Debra Hanson and Mrs. Robert Fulcher. Best rnan was Robert C!ery and ushers were Barry Kinzer. Mel ~Territt and Fulcher. 1'he bride is a graduate of Corona de! Mar •ligh School. a beauty college and t he California Profes s i o n a I Medical College. Her husband was educated in Warren. Ohio and attended ReedJey College. He ~rved in the Navy . The newlyweds "'ill reside in Santa Ana . JENSEN-STROMBERG Santa ~!oniea will be the home of Peter Jensen and his bride, lhe former Gay I e Stromberg who were married in SL Michael'.s and All Angels Church, Corona del .\lilr. Th:"! Hev . Dal'id Crump off iciated. P<1rents of the 11e1vl y\ved s arC' i\1r. ;ind i\1rs. C. i\1. St romberg Jr. of Ne1\'port Beach and Dr. and ~·trs. <.:hris ten Jensen of r~argo, N.D. Anending the bride 11·ere the r-.Jisses i\largaret L o r e n z , Lanette Blatk nnd Cheryl Rau th. and ser\'ing l h e bride groom "'ere Eric Jensen, Jim Paris and Trevor Black. The bride is a graduate of the Queen o! Angels School of Nursing. Her husband earned a BA in English at Dartmouth College and an MFA from UCLA. CARRICO-KANEUBBE 1~etty Kaneubbe became the bride of David L. Carrico dur· Ing ceren1onits performed by her un cle, the Rev. Vietor Knneubbc of Farmington, N.M. in the University Baptist c·hurch, Costa Mesa. Parents or the bridal couple are f.1r. and fl.lrs. S. L. Kaneu bbc and the Rev . and ~!rs . \Vi\lis Carrico, all of Costa l\1esa. Attending the bride \\'Cre Miss Jeri Davis and . the Mmes. Ronald Tibbitt s , Ronald Adams and Larry Turner. Dan Carrico was the best man ; ushers were Tim Ca rrico. r.-lark Swenson and Larry Turner, and ring bearer \\'as Mark Carrico. The bride is a gadu ate o! Costa Mesa High School. Her husband is a graduate of the Christian Academy (lf Japan and :1lso nllended lJ i n l a College . The y \\ill re side 111 Cost11 ~·lesa. REEHL-SEARS SL Joachin1's C ;it h o I i 1: Church , Costa ~1 cs:t "'as !hC' setting !or the nuptials l1nk111!-( Lynn l\1arie Sears and l\11eh;!t·l lt Reeh!. The Rev. Donald l\rehs directed the vow exchang1· !or the daughter of 1\-lr. :ind \Ir., l~obert C. Sears of Ne" 1>0r1 Beach and the :-;on of i\1 r.~. G"'endolyn Reeh! of Santa A11a and the late l\1 r. Cecil Rech!. l\1aid of honor \\•as i\liss Leigh Sears and bridesmaids were the l\1isses C i n t.l c Dolphin, Sandy Holstein and Carol Caldwell. Stephen Hayes was the best mon and ushers were Tom Schauppner. Dennis Stephenson. Dustin Elford and Mark Sears. · 1'he bride is a graduate of Corona del Mar liigh School an d th e Californ i;i Professional College of l)l'n1al altt'nda nl. <Hid brrdc:i11111HI' 11cr l· ,\lar~r Srn1lh, l':itt i /1n1'.lock an<t Jean l t1~gs. 11('.'1 111:111 11";1., L:11"1'\" S1 1111 h .i1:d ushrrs 11·f'rc Lh.u1 , (,1 r1: .11Hi !'at S1n1th. The bride is a ~radui-itc of 1iosc1nr:id High Sctmol and lier husband is a gradu;l\e 11f Nt'" port I larb1.lr High S1·h1M1I They \1 ill rrs1de 1n Cost:i '.\lt·:-.i STUBBS-OTIS l"l'ndi Ous :ind Paul S. Stubbs wer1· n1arried during l'erernonies conducted on the UCI tampus. Their parents are :'-.1r . and ?-.1rs. Charlts K. Otis of Hu n!ington Beat h .:ind l\lr. and ~1rs. Kenneth I. Stubbs of Sierra '.\ladrc. l\\iss Kell y Ol is 1\•:ts n1aid of honor, and bridesmaids "'ere r-.1rs. Ja1nes For ney, ?o.1 lss Ct1rol Oti~ and Miss Charle sie Bcsorl'. Forney \\'as the best n1a11, and usher.<; \\•ere Ed Anha l and i\l t1n Stu bb.{ The bride Jth:ndl·d !11';.111..;r Coast ;ind t:l!ldL'll \\'u~L 1. .. 1. lt•ges. <111d hL·r !111 ... 1;;111.! ·1 graduate of i'asadc1111 ~, 1· Col legf'. alt('11<l s l.t ·1 'J ht' '"ill residr in l'o.'il:1 \lc:-.a DAL Y-STRAUBEL P.larriagt• \u1rs \\t're ('\ i·han!!ed h\' \"1,·tt111,1 \":i'1 [)ytkt• St rauh1.•I :1rKI Lrf:r,u1t.l 1\r1hur IJa l,\ 111 l::n1ernhl Ll:iy. 'l'he cerr111011y "as 1·1J1l· ducted by thr llev. J)r. Phil lfl Gregory. llonor attendan1~ were r-.1rs. \Varren Emory Ten Eyck and Theodore Crane. The bride. formerly "r Pasadena, was g rad u a t "d f1'0m the \Vest ridge School there and the Katherine Gibbs School. Boston . ~!er husband, son of Mrs. LeC:rand Daly and the lalc Mr. Daly, graduated rron1 Vermont Ar;1dCmy and Stan- ford University. Assistants. Her husband alsoJ;::========-=========--=---'---'"-', is a graduate of CdMJI S :ind nov.' is studying at California State University at Long Beach. . SMITH-BARNARD Jl.1esa Verde U n 11 e cl l\'lethodist Church, Cos ta r.·1t.·sa was the setting for the n1ar· riage of Joan Barnard and George Smith. The Jlev Lothair Green oHiciated. Parents of the bridal couple arc fl1r. and r-.1rs. Thomas Barnard and Mrs. Eve lyn Smith, all of Costa Mesa. Beth Sanford was the honor ~,iiG-:i: SHOES LITTLE· SHOES COMrLETE SH OE & LUGGAGE REPA IR .., RESTYLING .. Robinson 's Shoe Repd ir MANNING'S COLLECTORS SHOP Newport & Costa M111 673-0471 AUTHENTIQUES Newport & Cost• Mesa bridesmaids, and Patric i al------------------------------------'======================= Arledge, flower girl. Hel,,., Lo~e\I M111l11urt•. doll1 Jtwtl•V lo Sil v•r "~ .... t r.:1 Ari IOCI Ari Lovf~! 511llgf• & 11uckl.., Cl~<I W•r. Wt lla Fftr!IO Sturt. "le .. , , . •r>d Htlt~ toDt 67J..o471 Pam just rolled in with •nother van choc k full of Americana from the Illi- nois River Val11y. Como buy •ncl see! Her husband is the son of J\.Ir. and Mrs. Chesler Arledge ot Fountain Vall ey. Stanley Arledge was the best man ; Duane Diffic. Roger Ram· melfanger and Larry \Valker, ushers, and Kenneth Mount, ring bearer. SUMMER COTTONS all machin<' \1·ru;hnblf' Alsorted widths Jb" to '45" wido \•alues from $1.19 to ~1 .39-Savc up to Slc a yd. HOMESPUN SPORTSWEAR FABRIC 36" TERRY CLOTH SOLIDS heavy quality, thir..ty t.'Ol long Va lu es to $1.3 9 ycl . Savo o40C yd. 1;ood colors 100% cotlon mach. ,\·ash "BREEZEWAY" SPORT PRINTS Reg. $1.69 yd. Sove 41 o yd. rayon/silk 44"/45" wide ZI y•. S.•" c.-t ,. ... -l ri•tol •• s." c;,,, Fwy. H..., Pkn -17th et 1,1,tol Cntti M .. -141-1116 s-t. AM -14J-llll ~Ir M .. I -0Ta119tHrorpo •11crl H•rbor lnM PM COtlltW -Lt Poli.it •t Slt11lo11 hllem• -11'-JJJ4 ..... rm -UMIJI G_.. G,...,._ 12111 l roo •:luntt lrt0J1I to Ve11'1I -110.1141 H1111fi119fot1 Ce11m -Ecli119 t r •I l eech 11 .. cr1 .. H1111tS..t•1 IHctr -lt7·1011 -{Or dad .. , ~om ouv nelil -5hoe depavf '1tevt t- . . ---:::~ ::::::::-'J?JP-SJ~ER _9 Va f 0.1'\ t ~ 4' c( -fOy '/OJ. V'° ~ rso1o1 a I e.o:fe.-t v •af'loa.t o,.-as.l.1oYe.. • C!lt-<\A:IS oXfC>~d 61l veGl 600 w[,..if('.. GOI V\ally c003 TO.~ -th(. oil e:l o;<f'oy-d "1'51 dQ ... ~ bv-ouJ ~ rat.I opeH 14iAr5Gby tvt~'fil q130 @) o@@)~@ 7 fashion island, newport center 644-5070 . .. . . • • . I I J% DAILY PJLol DICK TRACY TUMBLEWEEDS I cmr SLEEP NIGHTS J .. A ., MUTI AND JEFF MUTT, MIC LSW, OllR.. CHINESE LAUNDRYMAN GAVE ME MIS PARROT! HE COMES l='ROM CHINA. AND 'SPEAKS CHINESE- FIGMENTS A i"~\OfNT OI" lvOI t.4/'llOlll i)..WIO$VlfW, ~1,1,ll!O C>IW1'o. 1 " . ; ' . ' j~ . ~·1., ly Cllesm Go.id DO 'iOll NII! 1'0 llE JI. S'IOOI. PIGEOll ?' ~,~ITWU. I R.o~<l MAI""' -"""" .... -. By Al Smith • «E ~AID, "NO C~1NESE COOKIES!" By Dale Hale GASOLINE ALLEY SALLY BANANAS al'leNTiON.WRLO aNDQl/. You Fat.KS OUT -THeRe!! GORDO MOON MULLINS .--------7-" 1>oesN'T 'THEIR PURSUIT GET Mo~oro...ious, MUCCIN;:5_:'>::;:;~:.)~ • LeT'S FACE, IT, Ff:t.L.AS·· SEX IS HERE" TO STAY! . . .Q,,J ;g. 'ti"" /Ualdl. ~=~~ ~~ -~6-rc.,... :a. :1 ,, ·• < ~ .f ~ I i(Af I ' lJ . By Gus Arriola By Ferd Jahnsen ' ·~ ;;f\,,_.../!:s---:1 Cl-IE"CK LIORARY BOOKS IN HERE NANCY WEIG~T. AME> ' ' FORTUNE "' YOU ARE GOING TO GROW TALLER VERY SOON I DAIL y CROSSWORD ••• by ~ A. POWER) ACROSS l Austrian - S-H•I 9 lti~ts 111 mce 1~ Encoi.ntrr by tli~• 15 Ont In d~bl l• G.irdtn .,,_, 17 Lfr19trlt 19 Placr Jn row: Vu. 20 Flat 21 C1llrd on i.ir~ptttrdly: '"""' Z3 Souidtd. "'" 25 Trldrs lb L!9hl~lgh! mrlal : Abbr . 21 Fl owrr lr•tll'rs 32 Mtmbfl" of boy's group With llvr llll!'llt ~s: 2words l7 llloltlff of ·~ ... JI In pos.uss lon " ,,,_ .Cl Wr1rlrlg lpplttl 42 Modify 45 lrllrl1 or n"'5 s!arlrs 48 Lower In quality 50 Pltcl!tr 51 Split bflwttfl two parts S.t TtUln 58 Rrtl ntale doc:llllll!nt: 2 wcwds 62 Warn t.3 G1rclan lhratrr b4 Flying machlrit: Var. "6 Smallest In magnitude 67 Boil 6 B B I lH' "PfllC II ~'i Vrn!(.W"tS 1G Slto<!er of fl9~r 71 lmpM.s color DOWN l "ll's- -!": 2words 2 Musical direction 3 8fcyclr part 4 ConSIStlll!iJ of Slits 5 Cut d1M11 9~ln 6 lnsplrtd ld111lrttlol'I 7 Sign of ""'°" B "Wrn -" 9 Hit With h.,d 10 Piano's relative 11 Barrlfl 12 Sf"Ofl'-A..., 13 Actress Ama - 18 Spools for winding taPt" 22 SemlllQuid '"" 24 Tibuhr~ 27 A ltlosl'"' 29 Fr«! tilt tllty JO l lld .,i111aJ's h- )1 Has power of sliiJt 32 F1fse l3 Hillra!ltt ~ -Nlt lsrn ol' th! silent lh0Ylt$ 35 E•Jy il'lhabilant of Colorldo J6 Elttlro11lc rttCl'dlllg "'""" ' 40 Stock 111arkrl li!llll'rS 43 Slltround on all s!drs 44 Caisrs to abatr 46 ~rm<Vlzr i11 conclsr lorm 47 Fishtd by lraHlng a l!nr ~9 Rrvoh.1tlooary acllvist 52 Largr ".1"'11"" llJOllS 111eaJ 53 Pw ol J.1 w SS Avalllblt ror s!'tVlcr 56 Ir. Kovacs 57 l ets rt stW .58 bpmsrd •Ith words .5' Conctptlori &O Rip 61 Three: Grrman 65 Admit by Ernie Bus/immer AN IMAL CRACKERS ...----------, _____ ._____ ff) '· '{,,[) ·· .. * .... ' . * *-....'.// PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER I AM APPALLED 'TH.tr 400 \IJCO.D A'SK ME THA'T'/ \ By Charles M. Schulz By Harold Le DoUJC I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BY REALISM IN ACTING, MR. 8 0 RGSON! WE'RE WATC.HING A MOVIE, BE.VE.RL'i ! THE ACTORS AND ACT RESSES WERE GIVEN SCRIPTS! THE SCRIPTS TOLD THEM EXAClY WHAl lHEY WER~ SUPPOSED TO DO ANO SAY! DO 'IOU UNDERSTAND THAT? ALL RIGHT ... NOW SUPPOSE WE DIDN'T HAVE A SCRIPT AND I SAID TO YOU. 'GO OVER TO THE M .A.N SEATED IN THE NEXT CAR, THROW YOUR ARMS AROUND HIM AN D KISS HIM, TELL HIM SOMETHING ••• AN'YTHING' •••. r:8'""-;:~ '· MISS PEACH . ' (.£Ll'f Scl#OOL PfiOILt'~ CL.INI<._ Hitt C:1f<iS ' w1TH PRoBtffl!S l "''r H Boyf : 2::~ii~'ll~~~>-=~ PERKINS MY 80YF-'1END A'l.WAYS SAYS DUM& THINGS, AND 'l Ol'TEN Fl~D M~ELF THCIN&,M/M·TO S(<UT uP. 'l KNOW ' /TIS-"UPE AND :t: HATE Nl'ISEL.F F'6tt 1T: .\VMAT S/.IQJU:> :t: 007 ' FOi( THIS 'ANSWEJ( TO ,-MAT QU!i.!ITION, W!! 1llitN ,.o ou" i:es1DENT BOY, WHO I~ e1trei;t A&L.E TO ANSWiJ( i'.T' THAN,,_....-,_- Wi G>r1(L.S .• By Mel ~ y ~~ ~: e j~ f 0;,0 '0 jf m " " • By Roger Bollen ro1 WHO ARE. Yoo GOliJG ro voreo.FOR? THE GIRLS "But don '& you think lt'1 loo soon l.o remove our glrdl~ U we eel that wild at the start of ov vacation, what wm we be like at l\.tartha's Vineyard?'' DENNIS THE MENACE l'""':"n"---:: 'SURE , Wf GOT A Wi\SllElt 1J llO'liE . 1\1/T MY M'.:111 ON\ l)tK Wlnl IT • •• • '" " ' • ' 1, . ' • . J I I '" ' I 1 " I I ' ' , .. " • l ' . ' • I • I ... .. I .. 'l • .. I I TONIGHT'S TV IIlGHLlGIITS " ABC 0 8~00 -"Hollywood Dream Factory . ., All_ about the Hollywood that used to be -set against the sound of the auctioneer's gavet as it il falls over the unused trappinRS of Hollywood's most exotic era. t . N~C 0 8:3~"Th~ Six Wives of J.lenry VIII.0 tJ Tbts highly .aC1::la!~ed six-part series is repeated by ~ KNB C. To~1ght , . Catherine of Aragon" with Ann- ette Cr osbie. Keith Michell won an Emmy for his J portrayal -of JGng Henry. . K~ET ED 8:00 -"Peter Grimes." Benjamin 1 Britton s modern opera classic of a fi shennan ~ doomed by pride and ambition. II . . CBS 11 10:00-Sonny and Cher. George Burns 1, J~1ns the J:Wnos for an hour of fun, along with singer David Clayton-Thomas. KHJ 0 11:00 -"Violet Road.'' Brian Keith and Dick Foran star in this 1958 drama. • Monday Eve ning JU NE 12 ';00 @ tlir Hews Je1fY Dunphy (:fl BIU HuddJ Reper! Q @) ID M1jor le11ue B1stb1rr1 (conl'd from Sf>M) Dt1ro1t T11er1 a1 •1innt,0!1 l>111ns. 0 Tht Bil Y1!le1 0 Mews Benli. Sthubtck O (j) Wild Wild West m Tb• fllnbtonu m 01nicl Boon• (I.,) Mfl ~IJhCMJst ol the 30'1 t11l HodrrPldgt Lodi• @II HoUcltre J( Ot M1rbtny RFD a:J Pt111unt1 Ustrd Ale~ Jacinto CD N1w1 Jim Hawt tio1nt (il Tllr• Stoottt 1:30 D MIWll: (C) (tO) "A Shllfr In T•rnr" (mys) '66 -John Neville, Donald Houston,· Jahn Fr1ser. An· lllon7 Q111yle. When Jtdl !he Ripper t1.1rorilt1 the Wllile-cl\lpel 11e1 ol London, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson 11e crlltd upon lo sol~e !hr use. :Tl CIS News Walter Cronk1l1 m The flyin1 N1111 ED Jore• CMn Coob ''[u RollsM ~CrMll .km tI:) Pltf'I• hlkill (f) HuCsMp Etllot Mintz Keith Mithell, 1n £mmy fDI' his ptr• lormance 11 Kina Henry. Ctch p!aJ will locus on one of HtnfY Vlll's 1<w1ves 11 the central ti111re. Toni1hl's seamefll has Kin t Henry m111yinr C1lhe11M of Ar11on when ht 1s- ~11mts the thro1111 at !ht 11e ol 18.. Their 18 ye1rs of marriage ire fol· lowed in this 90 minu1e prestnl•· lion. o\nnellt C1osbit pla~ Catherin• o1 o\ragon. m Merv C1ilfin Show m Molie: "Um brtl11s 11 Chtf• bG11r1" 9:00 0 (fJ Htll'S l11cy {R) Rohtrt Cum. mini! 1uests rs 1 daulina: and charmina: but unprincipled wolf who 1ims lo 1dd Lucy to his !isl ot con· (!uests. 6 forum loxint fll (I) Ci) a) ABC MolKlry MD'lie: (2hr) "C11r11 ti tllll fir~ (hor) '65- 81i1n Donle'f1, Carole Cr1y, Ceor11t Biker, Mleh1el Grah1m . A thillin1 !ala of weird Wtntific ftPtriments de1lin1 with teleporttlion tnd !ht fourth dimension , Ml Mcmt: (Cl (211r) '1oy firer" (com) '56-h:lf Chandler, L1r<11nt Drye, nm Howy, m Dn1net . al Do-Re-Mi ~The Yir&ini111 C!)Kml• !:JO O 00 Doris Dir (R) 0ofls ucitecll1 org_1nizts 1 wrpr ist b1by 1howe1 to1 An&ie, not 1tili1ing th1t Maie 1• e1pectin11 litte1 cl pup~ tor hei SL 1:00 fl CIS Nf'n W1lle1 Cron~ite Bern1111l 1tld Mii a t-~,. nf he1 own. fl) ABC Nm Smith, Re1!.0nfl fJ IE N•• O Movie: (2hr) "lnlent ft Kill• €I'l Afttl\u111 (dra) '59 -R1ch1rd Todd, Bets~ ffi Rldn& FrM tll1l.l)'wttcl PHk Dr1ke, Warren Stevens. lied1ert tom. IO:OD fJ CIJ Sonnf 1111! Chtt COllllllJ 11) Tnftll tr f:outqll!nct1 Hovr (RI "°'le Burn! ind D1V1d ([) Dra1111t Cl1yton-Thorn1s 1uert. 0 Wlltl'1 Mr U111? 0 I lflC!A I Which War. Americ1? WI Love LLIC)' (Rl The 1111 Whitney Youn1 Jr. is !ht (9 I Dre111 ol Minnie locus ol lhis film th1t de1ls wHh the £D H1th1ro1• civil rights leader's i<lt1s on racial @II Una Plt11rla 111 ti Camint p1ejudiu , poverty, the overall cues· Ci9' Fil•: "Tiiis WollUIR h O•nru-tio11 of civil wrong i nd what each of oin" us must do to htlp steer the ri&ht a!) Rtw. RIJ l"iu1r10 course fol America. Om Nm 7:30 fl SUnd Up t nd CMe1 Delli Rte st fJ Couftdl Dtblll Jae~ Roui~e 1uesls. rn Tt Ttll tlM Trvlll m Sll1ri "Adwlltort ~-1 Oru11 ol Jt1nMI m 1tf11C1H1 "'11"'* e uuwo11 $ Mllflt: C1tl'1 ·A aen m Lt LlyMd• • .. , ... , 101 Muro" (dra) '45--Jehn Hodlak, 10:30 0 C~ PW.u'1 Ttlk·bcli Gent Tit1ncy, Wi11i1m Btnd11. CD 1111 ~ Si9 m Ho1111'1 Hero.1 011 MasterpllCt ~· .. m (J) Ora[Mt ED Fl111 04Juet Man of Arin (R) l'ls1 In tht Spotllthl A 1934 documentary b~ Robtr1 n1. £ID Cit)'w1tclMn A visit to the city ht rt, about • small fi~1n1 isl1nd off run F1irl1J Senior Citizens Cenltr Ifi e CNS! of Ireland. CiE> Mfr"lltt V1\de1 SllOW . fl) l• Srt111it1 ffi llldr 500 Hli11U1ht1 ~ M!wit: (C) "'The lot10111 of tht ffi Movit: "11'1 Lol't 1'111 After" lottle . (com) '37 -lnlie Howa rd, Bette ffi Cone111dl Culpabll Davis, OJivl1 D1 H1~1ll1nd. 11:00 0 00 @II Mtw1 O ®l m Me..n 1:00 O CIJ CwnH11okt '1he rloosf ' {R) O Cood News Demoi Sh~k:· . .:n l :SO Ch111dtr 1cto1 Tom S~enitt plays• C!J M1rsti1I Dillo11 man who return! to Dodge City after 0 ffi (!) News ll )'firs to sttllt 1 score and takt O Movit: "'f10lent Ro.!" (dra) '~ his ven11t1nce. -Bfi1n Keith. Dick Foran. 0 ®I £0 Nn1 m Truth tr Con1tq11tnc .. 0 (I) [!J Ci) Monday Mith! Spt· (!) Ol'tid F"st Siio• cill "Hol!rwood Drttm F1ctory" (RJ (ijl a.' lut Pro111m 1bout lht Holl,wood th11 (f) Huibhop {R) used ll ll~l .•11lnst !ht _sound 11:30 B 00 CBS Lall Movit : (C} "I lovt ol ll)t 1ud1<1n1er s 11v1I 1s 11 l1l!s Mtlvi•• (mus) '53--0onald O'C<ln· over lh1 untrWd tnppi np of Holl1· "°' Debbie Reyl'IOlds wood's most tlollc era. o ' ~ID Jitlrllnt C,flOfl Gtorrt m Tht Math.,..111·1.n Carlin, David Cassidy, S1r1 V1u1tlln Q) Plfl'I lib• ~ l ll!SI. fD (I)} Sptdal ti tilt Wet• Ptle1 0 llobtrt K. 0omt11 Show Otwtd C1i~11" (21/ztlf) (II) Bc~j1ml11 ~Ill Hirris guuts. lon S modtm OPltl tlaSSlt Of I f1Sh· 0 Ci)(!) Q) Didi Cnftt _ trman doomt4 br pride and tmbl· m y1 Tftl lllr Trvtll ;·La hco&W• lZ:OO m Movie: "JCnJ Wlh:" (eom) '56- (S lstlcion ttntral Joan Bennett, Gary Merrill. lZ:JO O M•: "Tiit SM! Ktl!HI." (dra) '51-GtM Enns. Slevt Brodlt. O The Six Wives of * Henry VIII. Superb Dramatic Series, Starri n1 Emmy-Award· Wlnntr Keith Michell fD Collfltl7 Mak Tl11t t<O @ ODCIJ®l ""' D Dl:IUT n1 Sir Wlw:t tf Xln1 ....., 1111 ~ea111tr111t et AralOfl" P•rt I KNiC prtstnts 11t11 or Ille s~ p\1p In this lllahly accl1lmMI BBC Slfits wtlith "'n tor its ltar, Tuesday DAYTIME MOVIES t:aom (C) "'.Sl!ltl. ft" (wtS) r5t' - Ralldolph Soott. .llnlct c.w. t:JO D ""'""' c.ntlWll" fnlft) 1t-Ann Sheridan, Rkhtrd Carla 10:00 CJ) "IJMlf tile Ci11" (dr1) '51 - Richard Conti, Alltlrey Totter. ,,,,.o-~--1"'1 'f! -La ....... "Oofllo -"'·" ,, .. u..,.,s.--(14W)"' _..,,-~,-· )f. 1:301J Mwlr. "Cma If tlMi Undelt" (hor) '59-(ric 'FJtmln1. K1thl1111 """"· ''" IJ """' (Cl """' "'I" I"") '51-Rona!d Re111n, Rhol'ld1 Flem· ln1. .,,.0 .... m __ ..,_.1••> 'b5 -QllJ ~ Kl9 KM\. uo o--..,.. (mp) '53 - TOllJ WrlCht, a.rtim h)'ton. l<O (l) __ .......... 1 . (4rl) ·~ii lOflA, Antl'IOny Ptr\1111. • a ICl ., _ _,. <"'> 'M- "" Cll1fldler, RhciM. fl1mfna. 4:0l 8.,,. CfM(" {com) 'Sl-8e111 flt1rtl11, Jeny lewis. G ICJ .,,. -.......,,. (-) ,. -..... _ "" "'-UO (J)-.11111 .... DAILY 1"11..0T Sl•tf l"IM,. Best Two Out of Three? 1\13.n Levy (top) gives Walter Dudek an impromptu \\'resthng lessen as John J)h iUips ··referees" in a scene from th e Irvine Commun ity Theater comedy "You Can't Take It \V ith You ." The revival continues for two more \Veekends, },ridays and Saturdays, in the UCI Humanities 1-laJI Playhouse. Musicia11s Auditioning For 'Lady' Orchestra auditions for !he S:Jnt<i Ana College theater arts department prod uction of •·;-i1y l-'air Lady" will be conducted tonight rrom 7 to 9 o'clock. The auditions are open to all college and advanced hig h school students. SAC Band Oirrctor Ben Glover. y,·ho "'ill direct the auditio ns. announced that two units of college credit will be available to those v.·ho are ac· cepted for the performance and \\'ho complete t h e rehe:irsa l schedule. Rehearsals will be held from 7 to 10 p.ni. Tuesdays and Thursdays from J une 19 to Ju· ly 30. Further information on the audition and rehearsal schedules can be obtained by calling 547·9561, ext. 243. . \LL\,\ -~~'.!] EDWARDS CINEMA H1rbclr •I Ad•m• -(1•11 Meu S~UOl MOnd~y ·Frid•~ ):00 pm Suurday t .00 pm S1111<1ay l :OOpm,J,OOpm l:OOpm,J:OOpm 5;00 ~. 7:00 pm J;Oll pm, 7:00 pm P:OOpm,ll:OOpm t ;OOpm 'Mctn of ·La Mancha' Really Fro1ri Lo1ido11 \Vhen John \Vood be<'<Hl1<'S the ·'~Ian of La Mancha " F'ri· clay in F'utlerton Civic Light Opera's production, one might detect a slight British accent. It's real. Wood recalls that \1·hen he "'as a small bov his n1other worked backstaie at the Old Vic Theater when Sir Law rence Olivier and Vivian Leigh performed there. During the London Blitz, he was one of the many c hild ren evacuated to the country. After serving t\vo years with the Royal Air Force, he studied at the Portsmouth College -0f art and then went on to London Polytechnic lo concentrate on drama. fie later emigrated t o Canada with his wife. former British actress. June Ram sey, y,·here he stayed for eight The tall , an gu lar Englishman fits v.·ell \nto the part of Don Qu ixote as he did into the role or Professor Htnry Higgins in the Do"·ney Community Theater's prn- duction of ''rt.-1 y Fair Lady" last year. He has remained active in theater and recently appeared -in Long Beach Civic Light Opera's "Man of La 11fancha" as Carrasco. Plummer Auditorium in Pullerton, Chapman at Lemon Street will house "Man or La Mancha," FCLO's second pro- duction or its prerhiere season· There will be s e ven performances. June 16. 17, 23. 24, 30 and July I at 8:30 p.m. with a matinee on Sunday, J une 25 at 2:30 p.m. For tickets call 879-1732. years before coming t o Southern Cali fomia. l•l·...._fihlii@J!f Ab o Ployl!HJ "LOVING •• Witt! Geor99 S.,ol • (.,a Morie Soho SMadcrJ M.riMe J :OG P.M, OR.3'8350 Charlton Heston "SKYJACKED" ALSO IPG) Sean Connery "THE ANDERSON TAPES" lee Marvin "MONTE WALSH" ALSO Ill Alex Cord Samantha Eggar "THE DEAD ARE ALIVE" Jcrn• Fonda ,, "KLUTE " Ph11 '.'SUMMER OF. '42" C•ll Theatre Far Stcanll IOTH COLOR IOTH (RJ -~~.....__ • "POSSBSION OF JOIL DILANn"" '" TV Weekend Sports, Music Reign By CYNTllIA LOWI\ Y NEW YORK !AP\ -Sport• farui and music lover~ got most of the programming breaks over lhe weekend on lelevision. There was baseball. golf and horse racing, among other sports. And there was Sunday night's ren1arkable "Portrai t of Slravinsky" on the public broadcasting stations l o r another crowd . The hour progran1 "'as f1h11· eel si x and se\'ell years ago when the c-ornposer, \\'ho died last year. "'as 83 and 84. It was done 111 cinema verlle style, most or the time 1\·11h the people involved seemingly unaware or camer;i_ And seemed to have been handled casually. Jn some segments 'Fiddler' the compostr was talking in bis BeverJy Hills home about everything_ from the Picasso caricature of himseU as a yonger man to a long anecdote about Jean Cocteau's three at· tempts to write a libretto for Stravinsky's music .. He spoke -0f music "'ith the enthusiasm of a boy. Jn another he was working vdth Pierre Boulez correct ing an error Boulez had fou~ In one piece of printed ITIUS IC. A "'ise. amuser\ 11ld mnn. Igor Stravinsky l\'as seen rehearsing an or c h c "I r a . discussing a b;il!et . an!'11·rr111i:; questions of an 1nter1·1('11 er Of!\'fl !ht• lighlln;.! 11 ,ts p.1t'll' the sound 11 as fuz1..1 and, rn n~t difficult, th t' shots of Previn, his wife and their !wins at their coun1ry home outside London . Previ1• bh11necl the television ser1t'~. ··Pryton Place " -"a plcr.e nf unspe::ikuble 11-0nsense -·· fl•r 1uak111g it so dlfficult for hun and his wift• lo achieve .1 private life bei.:au~c 1n three years on the series. J\lia h~nl beconit' :;o 1ve!I kno11·n . f\l11~t ir11crcst1ng portiu11, ho1\ l'\ l'l" ~hu\\ ell Previn , 1 ~1;11·k ~ :iud sneaker" f"" lilll Ull,.! ,, rch1·;ir ';11 or 11 1•· sl11rt-slr1·1 ed u11 hc.,1 t .1 \.' TIMHAS AP<T Neiv Cl1t1111 p NE\V \'CHI!\ f!'l'l 1 "Fiddler Oil tlh· lit I ·• the nu1s1c:1! ;ii.M.1lll ;i Hll'· si;in Jrw 11hn prr1 .11i~ despite !hr 11orhl"• h• t t•fforts to 11(•:-ir 1>1••1 ~! •1111 p!·rvailrd 111 :11H1!IH·1 .,., .. ,, Saturday b.1· hrt·11r11111· !! " longesl runn111).! ~b .. 11 1111 Broad•.va~· \ 1,., '•I I 111~1l'.1ih r ... 111111· •111 l ' '~ • AATTLIESNAM,[, 'iTAILEY 111• :11·lt ••,.;,11Jt1 • :\l1a !';urn11 , •·11 ! 'H'i liH \1111tl'• ;•,, ul I· ,I l•ll 1111'1. I I 'I p1.111!;•l ;11\d ( 111 11pt1~1·r 11r l!11ll11 1101•d 111111 ~··•I I'' llho lt'l't'll!I\ \l,l;'i g111•1J 1 .!11•·1 "J,,·1~· \1 .11 1 011·r.tcl 1• 11h th1· l.011<11111 S11n phony 11.1h1··f1.l 11,. 11.1!\ des1·rihed It \ 11 .1 1 r r ;1!ur intrr1·1e~·er 1:11·!ia1d ll 1 in b ! , .. h 1· as r.nt:laud s L1·onJrcl · Rern· ' By un orric1.1l 1 uu111 lh1' curtain fell fnr !hi' :l.?:"'51h time on "FiddlC'r" S:ltur· day night. one more !un,.. than "Lifr \viUJ F:i1hrr '' in th<' 19-tlls. Slt'lll." 1~~~~~~~~~~~~· Thrrr 1\rrr some r11!rre!'ting "Fiddlrr" alrractv hold ~ !he record for the longr~t­ running music<il. ha\'in.c; surpassrd '·Hc!lu. IXil!v'' last year. But "Fiddler .. 1n~\· 1141f. be much lon_grr ror !llf• Great Wh ite \V.1_\'. Vnrict~1 • the weekly sho1v business newspaper \vh lch alrc;idv has chronicled :i !100 ner· cent-olus profit ror "F'irl· d!rr," reports the shn\1' has been losing monc1 ir1 recent months ;ind rnay close soon. Hu,~ian~ fl ail I>ianisl CliJ111rn !\H)SCO\V (1\P) -!'vlo~cow n111sie lnvcrs t re a t e d An1erican pianist Van Cliburn In "lengthy applause and shov.'ers of spring flowers'' Fr1d.'.ly night at the close of his f:1rcv.·e!J concert. the official 11c11·s agency 1'ass rl'porled. ("!ihurn s<iid '"fh~nk \'Ott for <'ll·:·yt1u11g" se\"l'ral 11;11r~ in Hu~s1an. Tass noted . li e 1•as co1npleting an eight-concert tou r in Leningrad and i\1oscow . OPENING TONIGHT THE SHOW -BIZ SENSATION SINGER -GUITARIST JOHN McCORMICK Direct From Las Vegas And Palm Springs SAN CLi:MENTE INN 125 AVENIDA ESPLANDIAN SAN CLEMENTE 492-6103 ---CINEUDME !D ;; .. ... &~.=::c-.I"".:3:"":1U ---.l· ... $ fAD/UM " I :11 ... .-:r;;;-rr.ir:::JI' ..::~ ---' -r.: .. _ $FAD/UM 'l :,; .. .-:r. ""• •l ·-=- ---I I> $1AUIUM ·J ... ·-.... ---- -.. $f4UIUM d .. ---..• .. -- "'WAil ••TWEEN MEN • WOMIENN S11rr111t J'clr Ltmmo11 •N "SKIN GAME" E•clUllVt Or'"'' co .... ty ••,t rvH Stal lifl99ttnw"1 Ntml"•tMI llr I Ac•drmy Aw·•nh t "l'IDDLIE• OH THIE ROOF" "Ul..ENT llUNNINO"' • "ANDROMEDA STllAIN"' Ttm Smottl•,.. "01ET TD ICNOW YOVll llA••IT" & "OMEGA MAN" "'TH• LI.ST 1'1CTVlll INOW'" • "'TH• ANOl!llSOH TAf'ES'" "'TH• HIGHT COMEllS'" "SOLOllEll •LUE" & "'TH• Wll..0 •UNCH'' "BRAVO. BRANDO'S 'GODFATHER' .. "• "Tiil TUl'l.fiRIT IWl.Y IATIS"lllll, 111 COlllDICIAl llElllCll fal. DIE Of TllllOIT lllVTAl AID 101111 CllWOllCLU Df A•HICll llfl EIOI DHIHED wriHll THE LlllTS· IF PDPUUR HHRTlll•EIT ." -Vincent C.nby New York Times '"THI IDDflTllH' 111 SPlCTICIUR •8'1t Oil Of Tiii FlllHT 111uru INllll ffll IAIEI" ... IT TO kNOW ·vou· l..t.••IT" COi") RI NBC-TV 11EDWARDS THEATRES WORLD PRIMllRE . MIOCLMUIClff• ...... -,,,.:~~*"" ... l•4 --'" 0~881( l!~lNOlOS.JA.MES C.A.l!Nt" "MOW SWiil IT IS .. (P' • • •••CH •LV<I'. Al Cr.A.I• • • ••T co••• """"'· • -.,••o •WY. •ot"l' 1t•o• • HUH"1-T0H •&•C "A VE RY rLINNY f llM" VINC£NT CA.MBY N£W YO!! It TIMlS ~···· WOOl)Y :=. .-.!.lllj - ..... -v .. ,,._ ••IJL4l' 11· 4.c..A IN. "'"-WO BIG A TIRACTION JAMES COBURN HJ]"' . KERB ,., ... ""~'"''"" --_ ................. . ._ "'"' ,_._,,,..,..,, !l'G! ... • • COA&T KWY. Ar MACAllTHl,llt •L...0 MEWPORT BEACH * 644•076 DAILY -121.JO.'.JtJ0.7 & 10 P.M. ·---.,._.,. Jll:· ,,;::· 11•-- M.rl.111 -.... !:1i1m1 ,lfllfillll =~CALL FOR -SECOND FEATURE fl--AllD 11---~. .... 101'1 fill '"TM• l.lllNb O~ "FRENCH CONNI:~ nON" ..---1110 ·sm1N• T•a•n-"'SUCH •OOD FRllNDS" NIOOlll CMAAt.•Y" J :/ DAil Y PllOf LEGAL NOTICE l'ICtrnou• I Ul!Hltt MAM.: STATIMllfl Hoe 1011ow1111 ""''...,.. !1 09!,.. bvtlfl••' u . Y'IST'< SUlt,.LU,, liOJ W, l"ft I!, C•i. _..., Co1l rtn1 H~ H-•'"' ~ W lfl!'I $t , l,alt -·· C1!1t "''' T.1'11 l111'lt>tt 11 0--1,,, 10,..11<••• I>• '"' lnctl ........ I Ntl'>CY l<OWt •<I ll'lh ll•llm..,, 111..:1 w!*' '"" Coun11 c..-~ °' o •• ,... '°"""' Oii. J~,... 1, itn. I Y •wtrlw J M~•· 0.P~!~ Ce<Jf\f~ , ... ,_ f'UUJ "'~bl•~hetl Ort,,_, C.,.11 Otli• P llO" J""' i , u. n. 1•. nn !•ll·11 LEGAL NOTICE --------f'l(TITIOVI t.Ulll<llSS HAMC llATIMIHf '"'* IOHow\.,. ""''°"'~ •« <1g,n11 b<,o,,,,. .. •t ! FVl.l.(IRC LE. l lQCJlt S•• "•" (:.,. Cl•, lr•I,,. t1"4 O•Yld k>IOMOfl, l~l 1 ••<11 D• L••~n• l!el"'· H~Q/\ \/, J llrffn.-<1, lll! ll•IOll SI• ~'"" Monie• i::o .... ••d r SolOMO~. l J~! So. C<tt!cn AY~ .. lttdll /ldi, Jn11 llY•IMU It llt•n• (QlldVC:!ff lit I l iml!..:1 P•rltWrtllip, Dt•!G Solomun 1 1110 0!1!•mtnl ll•oa W•lll I~• Co .. nlv <:lt r" <11 O••nO. C:oYn!t "'' JiJfl• ) 19/J "• &•••riv J, MIKl~Oll 0.1>11ry (ovn•y (.!••"· "0 111 ,.~111,..,Nl Or~ne• Cu t i 01llY l"llot JIJn' •• ,,, )f , ll, 1111 l<S0-11 LEGAL NOTICE l"l(TITIOVi IVSll«ISS HAMI ITAT•MIWT Tti. foliowlnt porlOl'I ll O<lln; blnlMll ·~; NEW"'O"l llEi>.CH ltlOING (LUI . mn A(.KI• sr .• ~'"" ..,,,, 11••"""· All(• M. Fl,,dl•r, 1'l5 Porl l lth<iP ,.1 .. N.,...._, 1 .. c11. T"!' 111111"41<1 It btiM c;Otldutlt'd llf • L!Mll.0 Plr'IMrJI\(~ Alk • M. Fl11dltY Tnl• 11•11,.,.nt rllMI Wllh 1'M County f'1<rt <II Or1M1 CouMY 1111~ June ), 191' llv lltvt rl1 J, ~ddo~ 0.011rv (Otjn!Y (l<!r'\c. " 11\U Pullli111..i Dr1no• co''' O•llr Pilot, J11n1 s. n, 1,, )f, ''n t~•S·n LEGAL NOTICE LIOAL HOfl(I NOTICE IS HEltl!'IV GIVEN tt11t the toiitw11111 lt"11•"' round or , .... ~ ,.,_.,. 111v1 bten M id lw ""' Police 0.P•""'"'' el tN CUy (If '°''' MIU '"' • potrlOd In 1u•ll ol' n!"'ty il'Ol d•vo: OM blll9 blCYCll NOTICE IS FU"THEI: GIVEN 1111! II .... -·-··· 11\d Pl'<l'/11 1111 -!'ltrllllf llf tM pr-rty wllhln ••~en IJJ dlYI tellowlrtt tM 1111bllc111on llf 1~11 H<l'llc1, thl tlllt th1r110 tl\111 •tll In '"' tlndlr, II ""'' be-· 1r In the Cllr of COii• ,,..., •• In wnlth CIM 11\1 P•OPtr!y 1111•11 be Mild •I 11-Ullllc 1\Ktlon 11 t tlmt lnCI dtll JO bl IR!'IO\ll'O(l'd. DATl!'D: JUN 12, ltn. II, E , NETH Clll•f crf l"oll« ,.ubll!Md Or•~ Coan D11tr Pilot. J-17, ltr:t 1'fl·1J LEGAL NOTICE s -·-Ba~ Start lfloney's Worth In Newport Con.sl.nldk>n soon will 'larl on 'fhe Bank of t;.;;iltforr11;1 building, a a;i1-1>1ory off1c-t· compl~.1. located w I t h 1 n Ntwport Place, the $ 2 0 O million planned communlly lur bo!iness located ntar Ora11,t(t' C'...ounty Airport. Compar.e Benefits Of Health Groups Tht structure is one of !!t verel Nt"•11port Place 0Hic1· facilities . It is suited to :ii typt:t of use. ranging fron1 thl' single occupant proft~S 1(1nnl flrn1 lo mulll-butldin{: cor- porate headquarters organtla IJ(JflS. A full service Bank uf Callfornia branch will initiall v oc·cupy abOut 8000 sq. r1. of 11.e 1-tround. floor space. Featur1n.~ drive.up banking, the branc h v.•iJI be the second Orange County location for the b:ink Also schedul~ !o oc:cu py a portion or the fa cility is the Sou t he r n CalJforn ia head quarter~ for J ohns(ul 11nd Mape Construcl1on Co mpnn y and Mape lndustne~. the building ov.ner:i1. 'Dredging ' Gear Eyed • At Meet By Sl'LVIA PORTER 1'he. 11 ~10 -the medical grou1) offering )'OU a wide ra nge or health services in rclurn /or a flat annual tee - is dcri1utely the trend today. flozens are already in (lper:i- 1l•1n. m.iny n'lOre nre in rhe- p!;-1nn111g or rievelopmt·nt :il<.Ji(t'S Ltt's :>ay, t11erelore. that a lt)('o) medital grou p. hospir~d . university or other or~aniza­ lu)n IS Si'I· ting up :ut 1'1MO. Or tht' Blue Cr06s plan to \Vhlch y 0 U .subscribe is offering 11n H 1\.1 0 · IYIX' pl a n 3S .-in f'Oll TEll ii J l l"fll<iltVf' In your r1·~u/Jtr coverage. Costs and coverages vary all 'JI t•r the pJ.1ce -but ctists i::i si!y l.'illl run S400 to $60<1 or rnnr1· ;.i year for a rani ily. Should y{HJ Join an JI~fO under l/11•.Si· cir'• u111st~111ccs" 11011• t·an vo11 t.l'J! 11·hc!her or not it is a h.1rg;11n f!n ' i.uu~ llerc's your guid(' Hrnd 11 11!1 utnlost tearP all l!ic. literature on the pl ;in, \vhnt"s rover<'d .1nd not, ho1v Jong the covera~e lasts for, say. hosp i r al i z at I on, psycho!herapy. • Chet k the n1 on l h 1 y premllims :ind the extra costs yo u'll be required to pay for 11011·in1:lud.ed items, deduct· ibles. etc. Often excluded or included only at extra cost :ire blood, dentn[ cnre, eyeglasses ;ind hearing aids, maternity ca re. psythotherapy, out.of. hos p;tal drugs. t' o s m e t i c ~urger}'. • Con1parc these totals "'ith tbc ainounts you·ve been payi ng in health Insurance premiums, doctor bills, out-0£- pocket cash, costs of services not covered or only partially CQvered in your present in- :lurance. • F"ind out the arrangemenl<; ror choo$ing a phy&k:lan. C11n you krtp your own or must you choose one employed by the plan~ If the latter. whal happens if you don't like the physician? How do you swi tch? Will the physician al · tend to you on a C<Jntinu1ng basis? 0 investigate the provisions for prescription drugs outside lhf' hospital. ~s the plan ('Over these or offer a \v:iy )011 can S.'.l\'e 1-1•hen you bu1·') !Some Jf~IC)s ho ve ·their oWn pharmacies). And what about prosthe!J<:s and appliances"! ° Check other subscribe rs' opinions. If they 11rc already u1 a plan, 11rf• thf'y :o;;1tisfied ll'i\h the n1ed1c:il ;1th·nt1on '1 -Find uut \l'h~it /lour-: li ill 111\.fO !lcrvic~s arc av ;idablc <ind if there i!-: a procedure rvr <.'are in f'Ven111g:; ;111fl O\ l'l" \1 ,·i·kc.nds. Ask \\ ht'lbf·r the oul • patlrnt S:C'r\'l cr :; :ind faclll t 1P~ .\OU u:-.c 11111~! -physiC'1ans' 11(- fice.s. Ii.JU f.'Jcd1!1cs. pharn1.icy -<ire 11ndf'r' :1 single roof. Is J ll1s rcw)[ convenien t for your family '' " J\lake sure preventive care srrvices are stressed -earlv dis ease detect ion viii diagnositic screening, periodic physic a l checkups. air propriate immunization. • lnvestig&te what hospit al accommodations are provided -ward. private, semipri vate? Are such extras as special du- ty nursing and private room included if your physici~n thinks they are essential? 0 Are there age limits in lhe plan -such as age 65 or v.·hen a son or daughter reaches age J9 ? Or marries'! \Vha t medicaJ facilities are included in the hospital to which you would go -such as coronary care. r a d i a t i o n therapy? What exclusion s. if any, are there for health han- dicaps? FINANCE l\futuals Not Doing Too Well li.\' JOHN CUNNIFF ... ,. aw1l11tn Anlly•I NE\V l "ORK -l\Jutual fun d s;1Jes h:t \'e been ofL Hed~n1p­ ! 1on:, l1;;1·l· been hig/1 , Th;it 11tcnn:> problems for th is Sjll h1J110n 1rHlustry. but. ln the 11p11uun of :;ornr fund ('Xl't;u- 11 ves. you \Veren 'l supposl'<l to :,;1y SO, One fu 11d r11.1nage1nent l'Otll· P<llly. in fact. sen t record· players lo ne\\"S offices so th al it could direct it.s own bullish rnessage directly lo the ear of \vrilers and interpreters tJ ( fund statistics. THE DECLINE JN sales and rlse in redemptions ,~·as lemporary and t ot a I l y foreseeable. it was claimed. ll didn't represent a trend, even though it persisted month after month. \\lhy eve r y busine,.;s has its ups :ind downs. But something unusual \l'.'.lS occurring. Last year, for the first time si nce reC<lrds \l'Cre kept, there \1·ere months in \1'hich redemptions excf'e<lrd sales. And off and on , 1t ha~ been continuing. In April 1972 sales dropped to $405 million from $547 million <l year ea r I i c r . Rede1nptions not only rose rrorn $393 million to S655 rnillion but. as can be noted, greatly exceeded sales. 111 High Gear No\\', none othe.f than the president of the Investment Con1pany Institute, 1•· hi c h represents funds owning 00 percen~ of assets, <.'<lncedes there are problems. at least in regard to sales. 'C usto1nizing' Cars Dangerous Practice? Finance Briefs • eTuna Catch SAN DIEGO The American Tuna.boat Aasocia· lion is etpeetlng a record catch of yel.lowfin tuna by the U.S. fleet this year. 1'he American fleet so fnr this year ha! landed 126,7S4 tons of the premJum tuna species. according to Edward Silva. executive vice pre.!ldt'nl of the tunaboat association. e FAA Contract WASH INGTON T ), e F ~de r a JA vl at ion Ad ministration i.l \Y a rd <' d l\1c:f)onnell Douglas C or p., Long Beach, a $2.321.400 con- tract to develop new 1nethods ;~nd equipment to increase the capaci ty -Of airports. 111 announcing the contract aw.ard, Secretary of 1 1ransportii1ion John A. Volpe said: "Unless v.·e devt'lop ne\v l ;1ppro.1('hes to a1r 1XX"t pkin· nin,g and ne\V 1nethods for i1nproving airport utilization. we \1·111 find oursel ves hard· pre~sed to acconunodate the projected demand for :ur lransportation sc-rvice.<: in !lie late 1970s and beyond .'' e Ta/1oe Srdf' CINCINNATI -The 'fahoc· Sierra Development Co., Jnc., near Lake Tahoe. Nev., has been wld for a b o u t $8 million, the \Varner Nation:il Corp .• of Cincinnati has an· nounced. Purchaser was Donald P. Steinn1eyer of Incline Vil!.'.lge ., Nev. l\Iarvin \Varner , president of 1 \Varner National. .said the land development did not con- lribute proflts to the Cin· cinnati financial company as expected. The firm has begun a poliry of reducing its land inventory, \Varner said. Tahoe-Sierra inc 1 u de di' undeveloped land, completed condiminiun1s, a raquct club, hotel and restaurant. e Litlo11 llfove JACKSON, ~1iss -Lltt(1n Industries \l'ill locate it.~[ engineering department :it Pascagoula Miss., state of.) ficials here sar. The major office fac ili!v v.·ill house about 1,000 engineer· ing personnel, Gov. Bill \Yallcrf said Friday. The h<lme offices or Litton Tndustries are in Beverly Hills. Uy CA RL CARSTENSEN A (:enera l Motors :-1uton1otive safety engineer has warned against ca r •·customizing'' practices and jnstallation of certain ac· cessories or novelty 1lf'rns that alter vehicles from their •·as built" condition. resulted, he said. Basing his study on cases from Gfl.f files and others fro1n various University research ins!Jtutes, Nelson said, "There is no real way nf estimating ~01v many of these ov,:ner- modifirations and other vchi - <:lc changes cause accidents. 1'herefore. this is a clinical review of what can happen, rather than a statistical study. "\Ve must be acting a!· rirmatively to turn the table," Robert L. Augenblick told a recent me<!ting of the Cana- dian Mutual Funds Associa- tion. Sales have been sluggish for rnore than a year. he said. Redemptions have climbed. e llfGllJ Bonds /1 CU LVER CITY -!\lctro· Gold"'Yn·~1aycr Inc. will sell[ $50 million in bonds to help fin ance construction of its j BROKERAGE firms \1'hi cJ1 2.000-room casino.hotel in Las promoted a n d distributed Vegas. Nev .. the Grand Hotel, ronds hav(' dropped out or says MG!\! President James business, victims -0f a bear T. Aubrey Jr. market, he said. allhough The bonds, due in 1992. lvill many were victims a lso or be secured by a first trust their O\vn management in-deed on the hotel property, competence. Aubrey said. Moreover. other financial The company will soon file a products arc co m pet in g registration statement \Vi t h strongly for the same dollar. the Securities and Exchange Augenblick said. Real estate Commission, he said. FAME-LESS FACES Q I ... Nl\TliAN MIUfR HElEN B. SHAfff~ ~ . ~ ~.FJ; (.:...,.) ' ~·' -·. . Think ,You Don't Know Them? "In many cases. these prac- tices are offsetting the safet y design improvements made by t h e manufacturers." ac· cording to Wilton D. Nelson. senior project engineer in GM's Safety Research and Ocveloprnent Laborat ory. FOR EXAMPLE, his reporl pointed out that the potential benefit of eneri:?y absorbing: ~leering columns ts bring: null ified by people \\'ho allai::h l:ichometcrs, traile r brake ('ontrols. or even stereo tapr tlrc:ks to them. These simplP :itt11chments ha ve interfcrrd \1'1l h the normal compression of the steering column under t•ollision impac!s. and in· 1,;reas~d chest injuries have --(::; --(::; {:/ Robi11 s Sets "'However," he added, "the case studies in this report con- firm t h at 'do-it·yourself' aJ terations and the addition or certain accessory items are contributing factors in injuries to ca r occupants.'' Among other changes ~nd ad· dit ions known to have caused accidents and injuries, a11d v.·hit'h Nelson listed arc: Allerntion of suspension i:ir.orne!ry for "drnester ap· Pfarance" -0 ften raJ~1 n i::: rear end cno11 gh lo expose I.lie fuel tank :ind being q u i l c vul n<'r:1ble to rear end col· lision. ' Steering lvheels other than lho se designed for the car purchose d for "sports car look " have resulted in several instances or failure. So called "spinner knob '' docs not improve handlin~ abilitv but act.u;illv makrs handling more difficUJt durin,g cornerinl!: as the d r i v er unintentional!.\• o v e r·sleers. Also, in a collision. the spinner knob has proven to be 11n ad· ditional danger force with im· pact. investment trusts, for ex-• h .. amp!e, are now growing at a Ho r urder rate that resembles the early CHULA VISTA, -Rohr days of the mutual fund in-Jndustries Inc. announced it [ dustry. has received an -0rder for up And there is the record. to 200 engine pods and 200 Many mutual funds do offer struts for 747 superjets from an attractive and profitable the Boeing Co., of Seattle. package. They provide pro· \Vash, fessional manage n1 en t. Rohr has been supplying diversification, convenience Boeing with 747 engine pods and performance-or profits. and st.ruts since 1966. Terms Others, as the record clearly of the new con tract were not dcn1onstrates, offer an inferior .11nnounced but Rohr President product. The •·professional'' F~?nk ~· l\.fc~Creery termed :~ management is Jacking in a multi-m1l11on dollar order. ~·isdom. the "diversification" e D11e Proees1 offers little protection. the LOS ANGELES -The West "convenience" is tan g Jed Coast c -0 mm 0 di t y Ex.- records, the . "~;formance change has reinstated three abs~n~ or negative. . suspended trading members You prob'ab'y don 't recognize a si ngle name or face in this group and yet, if you 're one of the DAILY P'.L?T'S_very well informe d editoriol pogo readers, 1t is this talented team of writers which helps you keep informed. They write tho Editori. al Re seorch Report s. Though the ir own names don't appeor on the articles which ore published under th e Editorial Research Reports head ing, th ese are the real pros - diggers who go alter ~II the . badround l~cts which put today's fop issues mlo perspective -without thought of seeking the lame that goes with the name when you 're a national columnist. Celebration For 'No. 51' It's nol often these day5 with changing growth and population patterns that you find a businessman who has O\vned and acted as "top management" of his own business in the same area ror over 50 years. Well. Theodore Robins ls one of the few. He apparently round the right combination in the Harbor area 51 years ngo. June is anniversary month for Theodore Robins Ford and you'll stlll find Theo beind the boss's desk every morning. He's al!JO put together a 60- day aMiversary celebration which will be clima1ed with the awarding of 51 prizes, one of which \Yill be a '72 f'into lo11dcd with groceries. Also, if you purch;ised a Pinto during the sale and end up the winner you have the option or taking the Grand Prize or being re- imbursed in full for your purchase. regardless of the model 11nd equipment. 11le &bins name h a s become synonymous w i l h Ford in the Harbor art!a and wit h good r~aso~ Congratulallon~ OT II E R COLLISJON in- juries were reported .as a result of drivers carryini! returnable glass bottles in the back seat with children - rather than ln lhe trunk, and an unsecured mot o r e y c I e being carrled on the rear floor of a multi.purpose van·type vehicle. Potential hazards also noted were "bolt on" brackets normaUy used to attach equip- ment : magnetically attached compasses and trays on top or the instrument nunel ; hanjlin!{ trinkets on inside nar vie\v mirrors. Desides alert.in~ I.he public lo the dan~ers of lh<'se prac. tices and the result~ or t'rrt11in car "custom.bing'', Nt'lson stressed the importance or owners seeing that their vehicles are kept In safe. operRllng condition. "Ir additional gains are to be made in injury reduction.'' Ntlson concluded. "strong t m- phasls must be ph1 ced on the tole of the driver-owner." M11!1ons crf Americans '1?w ,\·ho had sued. claiming that 1 a~e a\vare of the vast quality lhey h3d not been given fair diffe1·eocds an1ong the more hearings, than 600 funds of.fertd for Superior Court Judge Robert purchase. and ;eah~ .. that. A. Wenke issued a preliminary JU.St as 1n buying ind ividual injunction ba r r j n g the st~ks. money ca n be lost as suspens.ions. The exchange easily as found. .ag reed to delay hearings on JN A SENSE, the situation seems to be one in which both an industry and its customers have experienced lhe pa.ins or growing up. Funds now are firmly established In the long range financia l planning of millions of Americans, but the glam-0r days of easy sales and ex· poclation of easy money may be part of the past. customers realize that there Is no magic route to wealth. And only a very few·funda now a ttempt to propogate the no- tion that ordinary people can make tlig, quick profits simply by sitting b:ick and watching their rund shares r Is e. Moderation 11nd patience Js more common now among buyer nod seller. As the older fund managers with long experience and a steady b u t unspectacular track record have long tried to impress on the public and their colleagues, money is made through hard work and patience rather than dreams. the matter until the case comes to trial. The three membcn, Donald J. Mackenzie, H. Mort Mor· rison and Jerome 0. Goosen, had C<>ntended ln the suit that they were denied due process. e DCJO Trarufer ATLANTA. Ga -Delta Air Lines has announced it has transferred to United Air Lines it! rights to buy five McDonnell-Doug!" DCIO jutn· bo jeUiners. However, .the agreerMnt, which must be approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board, provides I.hat on delivery to United, the Planes will be leased to Della for periods of about 2~ years. Officials at Lo c k heed , Aircraft Corp. McDonnell's chief commercial rival. Mid ln Burbank, that they liked the United ~Della decision because it meant Delta plans to slAnd by Ill decision lo purch ... 24 LIOll Tr!Stars from Lockheed. The LIOll is dtst&ntd to com· pele 1'11h Iha DC!O. • They're Your INt=ORMERS -· Yes, they could be your "informers." It's f11turos like Editorial Research Reports which mote tho DAILY PILOT much more than just tho most important hometown newspaper available t residents along the Orengo Coast. Tho DAIL; PILOT is the total pat~ago. It makes whatever happens in tho world "focal nows" and de/Ivers ii daily right to your home. Let this team of dodi. coled "informers" help you hep informed, RHd Editorial ResHrch Reports on the editorial page :--and ell the other informative 1µ..,ial fe1furos '" other parts of tho r.>t DAILY PILOT .. ' 1 ' J. • I I - THE ARE COMING AGAIN'! July S Through 8-South Coast Plaza • • . ,, • )1 CORNERS • 'I ,'I , I 'V I ,, 1es , 1 ,' I , I ,,' I will build : , I , I , I , , 'a Garbenstangle . -• # I , I ,, I • • , , or launch a search for : Build Your Garbenstangel Quick and E,nter ,,' : , , ' one I can put into shape for : It in the Build a Better Garbenstangel ,,'6~b·t· : ,' ex 1 1 ion at the rallye . 1 , I Contest and . International Rallye ,,,;:D::s:E i , ,' CITY ZIP PHONE I , ~"~' : ,'Promotion M•nager. DAILY PILOT, P.O. 8011: 1$8 0 , Cott• Mete , C1ll f, 9212& I . ---------------------------------- • • • • " -• • • • • • • • l • 0.Ul Y PILOT Monday, J11nt 11, )972 By Phil lnterlandl "And now for ;,i lit!Je 11un1bt·r l \\rule nl)$C'lf, \\hith qu.ile by accident has my phone nun1b~c in 11 ... ' L. M. Boyd Old lnclia11 Chief ~~ TUESDAY' & WEDNESDAY ONLY! . ------=- i ... ' 1 I L I SUBMARINE SANDWICHES 3 FOR 97' ' ., ' ALL THE SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT With meat sauce and parm .. san cheese, crisp coleslaw, roll & butter. c DAILY 10-10, SUNDAY 10-7 l · ;· • f• l COCONUT BON BONS l 2/1.00 t' Had Sex Appeal Those scientists 1,1,•ho make a study of liquor troubles say the human body is least able to cope with alcohol at noon , best able around 8 o'clock in the evening. A drink at lunch, they aver, kicks a lot harder than a dlnnertime nip. Remember lhat. Chucked full of assorted luncheon meats, lettuce & dressing. One's a meal. Delicious l lb. fll'Ckage (Jf C'oconut hon bons. A real treat for thr \\·hole family. ..,. ____ -~-~· --·--..--· . ATLANTIC CITY'S boardwalk was not so named be- leap. cause it was made of boards. Started out as Boardman's \Valk , the brain· child of a railroad conductor named Alexander Boardman, Time shortened It. FACT THE law in North Carolina requires twin beds in motels to be at least two feet ap~rt was rcpcrted. What wasn 't reported is this legal dis- tance is generally referred to by a!- to rneys thereabouts now as the lover's QUERIES -Q. "Who said, 'Bachelors' wives and old maids' children are ah'>·ays perfect'?" A. Th.at was Nicholas Chamfort. the Frenchman. lfe also said, "A woman is like your shadow -follow her, she flies: fly from her. she follo'"''s." Q. "JVST ·about all a woman doctor's patients are likewise women, right?" 1 LB. HOLLAND HAM 2 DAY5 ONLY TOOTSIE ROLL-Flavor Rolls • ' 1' ~~G~~:.!RONSTONE i' 57 , .•i 2 DAYS 844 1 l.kan. bonl'll'ss cookrd lm-I 8 Jovely pa( lerns in crack· · · CHARGE IT! 30-QT. PICNIC CHEST 88' A. Nowhere near aJJ. Three out of 10 are men . Aver· age. r-1 ServiCt>-tor 4. Choos(' fi·om ! 1 ty l"'rled canned ham. Buy a•d ovoo ,._,,,, •• , ;,.,,... Assorted flavor Tootsie Rolls m orange, lemon , cherry, ~·viii JV 1' .. ~ " • u u r ' ~ keep food hot or cold. Poly-foam chrst fcaturt's plasllc: ~l'vcra l nnd charge it. 1 ston('. ,.,. chocolate and vanilla. [] cushion ride handle and li d \vh ich can dou ble 8 s a i;erving tray, SEX APPEAL, that was the characteristic common to most American Indian chiefs. Not courage, neccss;iri/y, Nor physical strength. Nor brains, even. The historians who make !his fascinaling claims try to prove it v:ith the contention that most of said chiefs were selected by the women of their tribes, not the men. GOLD -Maybe you didn"t know your hair. if any, contains gold. Just 430 part! per billion, to be exact. HOW MUCH can a working wife actually expect to clear after taxes. transportation, extra dresses, lun ches, so on? Just about 4-0 percent of her paycheck. that's all. MORE TIIAN half the souls who walk into small Joan companies to apply for quick cash get turned down, the sta- tistics sho\\·. A1\'Y YOUNG lady \\'ho wants to inspire her gentle- man friend to propose matrimony might consider this. The experts on color psychology contend she ought to wear something red. if the old boy is particularly shy, but some- thing white. if she's especially aggressive. AM ASKED to name the country's first circus .. That was Rickert's. probably, In Philadelphia. In 1792. Or so it states in the record book at hand. Wasn't that the outfit wherea t a trapeze artist lntrN!uced tights by putting on a performance in his rrd fla nnel underwea ~ after hi s uniform failed to show up from the cleaners~ Believe so. Adclress 111nil !ll L. ft!. Boyd. P.O. Box 1875. Nc1v-- port Beac/1, Calif. 92660. Burly Ex-Navyman Joins Meter Maids SAN DJEGO (AP) -The unaccustomed to seeing a newest meter maid in town male meter maid. complained a man swung back a fist In anger when a ticket was pinned on his car. ".He would have been wear- ing that scooter if he hit me.'' said George Allen, referring to his police traffic scooter. A 6-Cool·-4, 210-pound retired Navy man, he has joined San Diego's all-girt force of meter maids because it wai too con- finJ~ inside as a cily police cllipatdier. In July, more men are ex- pe<"ted to be hired and then everybody will be known es a parking control officer. 2nd Tribe Due Sl1are SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The Yurek lndians should share equally with the Hoopas -....... TUBEROUS BEGONIA 2.3' B<'nullful l>f'i.:nnlas for ha11J;- i111..;" IJa.<;kt'I. rose form. Onu- h!t·~ nr1d .~ingles. Com(' in as· Sfll'tl'd colors. ,, f ,, ENVELOPES 28' Rox or 100 ct. r nvelOJ')fll!. 3.-.,.. x 6\~" size. Shop and save! I ~ ' • REDWOOD HANGING LOG PLANTER LH.JJ -J/x7 Di1ro11nt Prirt I· \ • .. MARVEL THE MUSTANG $5.00 Push-Pu!I drive: ~Inrvl'l i;-allop!J \\'ilhout motor or batlery. Shop and save at thii lo""' Kmar t price. • " ~ NOW! KO~ REDWOOD STAIN ,_ MEN'S HARNESS BOOTS AEG. 7.•7 $4071 10" bro\\"n vinyl b(l(lts \\if.h sidf' ziprwr and bu cklrd harnt'~o; rffrc;t for ;i ddl'd .~ly!C'. SUJW'l'·r11mfort11hl1' lo \1·l'nr. Styl- ish belo1v narrd i;lacks. 7·1 2'. 2 DAYS 1.99 ONLY Allen and th~ se\'en girls hand out $2 citations for cars ptrked at expired meters and $4 tickets for overtime park· in the $1 mJIUon-a-year This beautiful redwood han&ing plinter will add charm A highly peneb'attnr wood revenue from timber-cutting and beauty to any patio. Buy scver11I It this pfice. stain with natural redWood Kodok't -s.-I fllM g;.., )'Ou brighto., u..._ -. cobful ho.e .avift than ....., btiforel Su,,., I hos1 50 % -ore picture oreo thon regvlor '"'"' fllnl. Thw.'s no ttw.od. Int. no flip-over •. Super I comet in fadory·looded Kodopat movie <jiNl(kfuti ..... load instantly-let yau shoot a full 50 -.i --•lol'f'lnv, in(. While the girls wear a skirt and blouse: on the job, he's allowed to work in his slacks, wlllte ahlrt aod tie. on ~he 12-square-mile Hoopa I Valley Indian Reservation. ai::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::;;;;:;;;;;;=::;;===="":"":' ========:::;;:::::::;:::::::::;::::::::::::::::::;;~ U.S. Court or Claims trial commissioner has ruted. ~E.~~:~1~.!tr1~:~ USE .YOUR Kmart Charge or Bankamericard ' Lou.be Szymcak, supervising .._, maid, said a special ll-ui:r.:~ parking control officer tlU ,Sven Allen because "we o.thlnk meter maid suited .. ":t. euits him, says cept for the oc- tcalls and aarcastie II t e "hello '*'-n pa1sersb f aod~ou~ectt<>re~ew by~•:/-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;;;;..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ seven-memb« c o u r t of claims. PATIO HOURS: NOW OPEN 10 to 10 DAl~Y. 10 to 7 SUNDAY Willi-am Wunsch, attorney for the Yureks, said that since 1958 ebout Sl4 million hal'! been paid to 1.200 Hoapa. and that 3,300 Yurek Indians shotilil be enllllcd to share equally Ill !he timber-cutting revenue. .. . -·-. 2200 HARBOR BLVD . ~i~::~,0~~ COSTA MESA Harbor " ' • • 1 I I I • • • ' . • • r t • t • r n 0 I II ' t t b z .. d' ' l l ) ! I I • '• ' Mond ay, Junt 12, 1972 D,\Jl V PILOT f7 Brohamer, Tribe Next Dodgers Test Cards After 7-5 Sethac~ For Angels BOSTON (API -BUI Ltt still doesn't like relief pitching. "It 's a bummer," he says. "The starter• make all the dough." But whether he likes it or not, Lee seerru stuck for a while riJ hl where he is as the man the Boston Red Sox COi.Ult on to protect a lead in the late innings. ~1anager Eddie Kasko called him In to protect a one-run lead in the seYenth J"M I) J•m• h Junt !J )UM 16 Angell Slate a n C•mft Ml ICM,C tilt) Ano•l1 v1. Clevel•nd A1.gt l1 •• (lf •t ltl'ld A"9•l1 .r Cltv•ltnd A1>9tl1 v1, 0.lrolt 1·15 11 n'I. ,,,;pm 1 s~ 11 m. I 'I /> m against the California Angels on Sundiiy and Lee couldn't have been much better He retired all eight men he faced as the Red Sox dropped the Angels 8-4 , giving them the series two games to one after v.·inning 6-5 on Friday night and losing Saturday 7-3. The Angels return to action Tuesday night, hosting the Cleveland Indians 1n the fi rst of a three-game series at Anaheim Stadium. Ex-Huntington Beach High star Jack Brohamer will be in the starting lineup at second base for the Indians . Lee. who is considered jll3t a bit of an oddball ("I'm the first to admit I might be a little bit crazy,") picked up his third save of the year in protecting Sonny Siebert's sixth vic tory against two defeats. But still he was not completely happy. "J think they should have a salary pool taken from what starters get paid," the left-hander said, apparently in jest. "Then, every time a reliever saves a game, he gets a certain percentage of the pool." Siebert glared over from the trainer·s table. but Lee continued; undaunted. "Pitchers are discriminated against," he said, going off on another tack. "Especially relief pitchers. They wouldn't let me take balling practice. Then I get ll fl with the bases loaded and strike out. Maybe if 1 had had 10 or 15 swings before the game, I mlght have fouled one Off or something.'' Lee, who complained about being a short relief man after Sparky Lyle was traded to the Yankees earlier this year, had troubles his first fe w times out. ··At the beginning of the season I "'as overconfiderit," said Lee. "t thought the hitters "'ere behind me . They "'eren't. I Jearned righ! then." In the mean"·hiie, Lee "·ill have to be content with his Jot as a reliever Kasko, v.·ho on Friday lost right-handed reliever Ken Tatum because of a sciatis n er v e problem. has no intentions of mak~ Lee a starter. "As far as I'm concerned," Kasko said, 11 J'd rather use him every other day our of the bull pen. That's ll'h<'Te I think he has the most value to us." C•Utornl• 14) •01!0t1 Cl) •b rh rbl 1l:l rhrbl Alome,, ?b S l 1 (I H1r1111r, cf l 0 0 I 8er<y, ct 1 o o o A1111,1clo, S\ • 1 I I Pini.on, If • o I o Y1str11m1~1. If 1 O O 0 R.OllYt', 11> ! 2 1 R,Mllltr, 11 I O 1 O McM1111irn. Jb o 1 o A' .Sm!1h, rf ' 2 1 o Slenton, rf O O O P1tr0<;1111, Jb ' 1 J 2 SIPl)tl•uOn, (. 1 I 0 Cl!..-, lb S l 1 l ICusnytr, c 0 0 0 GrlHln, 211 ) l 2 l C.,-0...,01, 11 <I I 1 I Fl1~. c J I 2 l N Ryen, " 1 0 0 0 Sl~rt, p ) 1 1 I Rost,p OOO O L1t,p 1 000 SP!"'Ctr, pf! I 0 1 1 £ F!1h1r, p t 0 0 0 Bert.er, p o O O O R .Cll!r~. p O O O O l(o,..;o,ph 11100 Tot•I• l• <I 10 4 Tot•I• )J • 11 I c1111orni. Ult JaO fWOO -• eo11on no on XI• -• E -N, lllv1n. OP -8011on 1. L08 -(IU· tornla I, Soilori 10. 28 -Sl-1, 5,,.ncl!f, GrlH!n, JB -A'. Smtltl. HR -Fis-!SI SB -Griffin. "1orn.ar. S -Strrv. 1F -Ptlrvctlll, H1rpt"r I" H R Ell II SO N ll:y1n 1 ]/) • l ] J I Ra•• I Ill 1 0 o 1 1 E.F!1h1r fL.2·•) l > • 1 81rbtr 1 J 1 I I 1 l 11:.Clotlt 1-1/l I 0 0 0 0 Sitbtrt lW,6-fl .. 1/l 10 • • 1 6 L" 2·1/l o o o o 1 ~·~• -Le. !ll. WP -Ill. lly111. Timi -3:52, "11tr>dnnc1 -ll.121. By GLENN WHJTE Of .. Deltr ,.. Meft ST. LOUIS -Nine days of warf&re on the road open tonight f« the Loa Angelts Dodgers after they dropped a 7-5 duel to Pittsburgh's Pirates Sunday afternoon before an LA cro"·d a! over 50,000 ( ill,846 paid). They take oo the St. Looi! Cardinals tonight, thro~ Bill Singer (3-6) against Reggie Cleveland of the Redbirds. Manager Walter Alston's Dodgers have honed a nifty 1~ record away from home thus far in 1972 and they face three tough foes on this trek -St. Louis, Chicago. Pittsburgh. Sunday's show was just that -a sh<HV. There were two inside-the-park home Spahn's Advice . 1-l elped Brewer Develop Pitch LOS ANGELES (AP) -The sight of Jin1 Bre1-1·er an1bling in fron1 the Los AngP.les bullpen must be depressi ng for veteran National League batters who breathed a sigh of relief when \Varren Spahn retired. Brewer was trying to hang onto a ma· jor league job in 1964 when Spahn held up his left hand on the other side of the bullpen fence one day and demonstrated .how he held his screwball. "He didn't say a word, just showed me through the fen ce how he put his thumb on the side of the ball instead of un- derneath," Brewer, 34, recalled here before the Dodgers left to open a road trip in St. Louis tonight. "It helped me push the pitch through. I'd been working on it on my own, but after that it came to me a lot quicker." The screwball. thrown by a left-hander like Brewer. breaks down and away from a right-hand hiller. The pi tch has been around for at least 70 years -Christy Mathewson wa s throwing it just after the turn of the ce ntury -but no one has ever fi gured out how to hit it. "A right-hander looks for a breaking ball coming in to him," Brewer explained in a mild Oklahoma drawl. "You can·t get set for one coming in and one going away at the same time. It works against left-handers. too. I've talked to our O\\'n hitters about other screwball pitchers like Tug McGra\v of the Mets and they say they know th ey're going to get it but it doesn't help. "lt"s the pitch that kept me in the big leagues. A hitter who has a ten<iency to go to the opposite field, like Dick Groat when he was playing, might have more suc~ss with it . But J don 't think there's any one guy now who hits it any better than anyone else," The 6--foot-I, JOO-pounder who became a relief pitcher \•:ilh the Chicago Cubs in 1963 because "I do'n"t think they thought r was the starter they wanted," may be basebaU 's mos t consistent bullpen man. Others have had better single .'leasons in the last four years, but few can match Brewer's 2.53 earned-run average and 78 saves in 226 games since 1968. Dodger manager Walter Alston. whole relief aces have included Clem Labine. Larry Sherry. Ron Perranosk.i and Phil Regan, says, "I've never seen a better one than Brewer. "He's an easygoing country boy who likes to hunt crows and shoot skeet. but don't get carried away with that image. lie takes his losses mighty hard. Regan \vas that way too. 'The good ones are quite a bit alike. They're mostly cool killers." Hulme Captures Victory In Can-am Opening Race MOSPORT PARK, Ont. (AP ) -Den is Hulme came from behind Sunday to win the Can-Am road roaclng season opener In a Gull-McLaren Team car, but not v.i thout a backward look at A1ark Donohue'.11 new Porsche. 11ulme, who has taken $91 ,845 from the 1erles in five years, trailed teammate Pete Revson by 2\i miles and appeared to be relegated to a second place finish with only two laps to go. But Revson, who was subbing in this race for the ailing Jackie Stewart, didn't make it to the flag .. 'l'be engine 1ailed because of excess vll:P"aUona ·I n his McLaren with two lape to eo. openiile the gate for Hulme, who was fighting off a headlong challenge by Donohue. • until the latter'11 engine broke. Hulme's winning margin was $1.7 seconds. Hulme drove the 80 laps -197 m.ilfs - in 1 hour. 46 minutes, 4-0 seconds. HI! average speed was a record 110.655 miles per hour. Dan Gurney's two-year-old mark was 110.214 mph. Revson was credited with third place. while Milt Minter captured fourth and Peter Gregg fifth , both in Porsche.!!. Neither carried the exotic n e w turbocharger Donohue used. "t lucked out on this one,'' said Hulme who now has won 21 Can-Am•event.s since joining the late Bruce McLaren's team in 1967. "Revson had It won. but Donohue ha d the fMtest car. He'll win 30me races before the season is over." runs by the Dodgtts as Manny fifota oullegged a shot down tht lhlrd ba!t hne and then \Villie Davis outhustled a screaming grounder down the first base line. Later Bill Buckner sent a shot over JI/I'll u J11~ u JllM 1$ June 1• Dodgers Slate Ah o • .,.. .. ..,"'' l .... I iloa91r1 11 SI. LOU•• o-.:a•r1 al SI. LOllh Oii.r 0.11 OocM;i~r• 11 ChltlOO J SS pm. J,)l " '" 11 2S I m. the right field fence . The Dodger$ also had a pair cf double.s. But it "'asn't enough as the 1971 .... ·or!d champions racked up three Dodgers hurlers for Il hits -including a ho1ner and two doublet. The big blow for the Ptratts was Roberto Clemente's !Yn>run circuit shot Y.'ith t ""'0 out in the seventh inning. Therr hadn't been an inside-the·park bome run at Dodger st.a.dlwn since .\lay 28. 1966 and there had never been tv.·o before on the same af1ernooo. Veteran Red Patterson, vice president of ihe Dodgers. says he's never heard of such a feat in the three decades he's been associated v.·ith pro baseball. Record books fail to list anything under the C'ategory of inside-the-park homers. 1'he Dodgers threatened to tie it in th£' ninth when they scored once and had th1! tying runs at second ind third with two out. Pitcher Dave Giusti ran the count to 3--0 on Buckner, th< Dodgen' ltadlng blt- '" Buckner already had a . homer and aingle. But he hit the ,_..pitch-to U:nter for the final out. ··Buckner had a better chance at 3--0 to hit the ball than J im LeCebvre coming up the.re even ,'' said Alston. '"And he couldn 't have hit the ball any bette.r." Oliver wa s JUSt in front of the center fie ld \\1all "·hen he made the catch. Earlier. Clemente had broken a .f-4 tie "'tth h i s homer that h a n de d re!Lcver Pete ~tikkclseo, 1-2, the defellt. ,...,..._ fJI U. ...... IJt 1•1•"-1 . •1 ~ .... SfftlnOfl, It l 1 J , WllTJ, "* S f 1 0.¥•llllO, If I O I I Moel, It f ' I t 1 ~' .. s I 1 I W.0.vll, fJ 4 ' a I ci.m...11, rf 5 I 1 J llt111Mil, tf I t • I S•n011llle!I, ( S I 1 O W.1"1..+.or, ph I f 1 I P~n. Jill 4 0 2 0 ,.,llt..Oln10n, rl S f I I J.Hor..-nc11r, II 0 0 0 • •uc11.nor, Ill ' 1 I I A.Ol1¥tr, ti 4 I I l ltltbvrt, )II • o o • •.~-.on. llt 4 o t t St-. c r-1 o o M•1 ...... I, 11> 4 I t 0 Oltrlt. c I I I 0 l(l10n, p J 0 0 0 GI•••~. :lb J I J O R,H..-nancl•L. P I 0 0 0 Dtwnl1>9, p 2 t O 0 Gl1nll, p 0 0 0 0 M•-ir11..,, p I I O Cl ltk:hltl, p 0 • 0 ' V•l.,,11 .. , ph 1 0 0 D olCI I ll 1 To1111 )1 S 10 J Toll I~ Plll~O\Jro;ih LU. "l>Dtlt1 IC!ton 1W,2·0J lt.Htmotnll•t CIU.ll .,._..., Mlkkt hen (L 1 )1 ll.!c1'..-I DOG Oll :Kil -1 ot1 011 Oii -j '" M I 1!111 •• SO ' " ' " ~ l l • J J J j I 1 J 1 • • 4 I I 1 I 1 0 • • • ) J • • l ) I I I I 0 f S1Y1 -G ~I'• l•I. P& -Slfl(llllll..._ l llftl - 1 lJ An11>0a"~' -1().1<6 UCI's Adams Loses Player, Bonnier, Last Of Old Guard, Killed in Crash But Saves His Own Life By JIOWARO L. HAN DY 0! flit Diii' l'llGI Sl•lf RAPID CITY. So. Dakota -UC Irvine's baseball coach, Gary Adan1s, spent long flo urs on the road to his sun1- 1ner destination in this grief-stricken city mull ing over the loss of a player to the professional ranks. Adams delayed his departure for Rapid City by a full day to find out about a junior college player he was planning to use this summer. · The player, Danny Meyers. signed .a professional baseball contract instead and Ad ams left to drive alone to South Dakota. This is his third year as field manager of the Rapid City entry in the Basin League for college players. The delay of 24 hours found Adams in Wyoming instead of Rapid City when the fl ash Ooods hit Friday night, killin g hun- dreds of people and inundating most of the city including the baseball park that is adjacent to swollen Rapid Creek. The park was in a direct path of the flood waters from the broken earthen dam in the Black Hills that caused most of the damage, estimated at over $100 million. Except for the signing delay, Adams and Meyers might have been caught in the flood 's peak tide, working at the field where they hoped to spend the summer. Both could have been swept to their death . "It is unbelievable." Adam s said by telephone from Rapid City Sunday fol\o l'i'- ing his arri\•al late Saturday "The whole tOl\'n is in a shambles and they are on the baseball field right now looking for more bodies,'' :he relayed. "I really don't know what will happen as fa r as our team in the Basin League is concerned. I guess it really doesn't n1;it- Out by a Step GARY ADAMS ., ler in the face of all this. "Only the light standards and the bl.eachers are stil l standing. The water ripped away the playing field and the out- field fence . "t haven't been able to contact Floyd F ltzgerald or Jim Quinn since I arrived. I can only hope they are al! right."' Fitzgerald is the general manager or the Rapid Cily team and is believed to live in the foothBJs where less da1nage "'as done. Qu inn is not as fortunate. lits home 1s (or wa s) down in the basin. lie is the league treasurtr. Two members of the UCJ baseball team were set to play for Adams in Rapid City th is s ummer. Jeff !\1alinoff, a fi rsl basen)~1n , ;1nrl (;11ry \\'he('IO<·k. a pitcher. They \Ye1'1• <ln'.'1ng through lug1'lhl'r and got a~ far us l lut Springs. S-Ou!lt Dako!:1 before t~:1ng stoppt.'d short of their goal. Onl y those 1vith valid rra son.~ arc no1v allowed lo enter the Rapid City area and baseball isn ·t one or those r('asons rijih~ now. Both players ha\·e called home to contirn1 th eir \\'hereabouts and physical well-being. Not knowing about thC' future or fielding a tea1n in J{ap1d City or some other com1nu111ty tlus sunHner. Adan1s is contemplating use of a voluntary work party to get the fi eld in shape. "I know baseball is the fan.hest thing from these IX'opl(''s n1inds right 1101\'. But ll could help tu rclicvr the tensions that will nlounL as the ho! sun11ner wears on. "IL would ~ivr lhi)Sf' lt'ft here H rhonce fO FOr).\<!t thei r troubles for tl fe\I' hOttl"S \\'alching a ball gan1e but I 'in noL surt> how many v.111 be interested or if \\'C a re even able to field a tearn ." 1\dains renects. Adams took some drinking watt'r into town Wi th him and is stil] using this su ~ ply. The city's li nter i.~ ronlamlnaled. however. and ty11hoid sllors 11re being given to all residC'nls For loss of a ·ball player, Gary Adams may have savecl his oy.•n l1fl'. Prac11ct· was to start lod:iy in Hap1d CHy . 1'ht• Basin League opcnl'r is stheduled Oil Wednesday. But the great ha11d aboVf' has \\'r1llen 11 contract for many who 11'ould have followed the team this swnmer as fans - and that C-Ontract is the most binding of all lo the hwnan race. AUanla's Mike Lum Oeft) can 't quite make tt to first base in time to 5tretch his infield bouncer into a base hit as Phild elphia's-Tommy Hutton touches th e bag. Ph iladelphla notched a 3·1 win over !he vi si ting Br aves Sunday. LE ~-1ANS, Fr11nce (AP) -The l rt'e~ near the "Indianapolis Bend" on the ~ fl lans 24-hour auto raC'e circuit arc shr;ired off near the ground !or so yards. The scylhe was 1!1e hurtling yellow Lola sports <.'ar of \'C'!l'l"<1n Swedish driver J(1akln1 Bonnier, who died instantly 1n the "·reek age. An instant's error in trying to pass a ~lower car ended a 24-vear career at the. heights of auto raring and cast a pall O\'t'r the victory, eigh t hours later. of his old teammate, Graham Hill , in the classic race Sunday. Bonnier. founder and only president or the Grand Prix Or1\•ers Association and ll'ad('r of the campaign for increased .snfrty on circuits and in cars. Wa.'l killed on a stretch" or road specially widened and lined with barriers just for this race -but on a section yet to be improved. lt \1;is Honnier's 13th tirne here. A 1nl.'rn ber of a S"'cdish publishing ra1nily, he was, \\'llh Hill , the last of t)e old guard drivers 11·ho raC'ccl against such 111c11 :is Juan-:\lanul•l Fflngio, Alberro Astari . Mike Co!lius and the 1\farquis de Portago. And Bonnier \Vas .!!tlll driving and c:iµa ble. of "leading a top race 1\ke Le i\tans. as he dld earlv Saturdav. He had 1von 11 four-hour r11r.e here last March and held thl' track record. tfil\ and Bonnier 'verc close friends from thei r days lul:!,t'!her in tlie Uriti sh ltacing l\totora 11•an1 111 1960. The i\latra tean1 kt>pl the ne\1's of Bon- llll'r'~ death frotn l lill and J1 is French ll•a111mate, Henri Pescarolo, until after thl'Y brought their Matra-Simca 670 across the line for the first French vic- tory here since Louis Rosier won in a Ta lbot in 1950. It was a "horrible shock'' and "sad that my first win here in 10 attempts ~hould be in these circumstances," l lill said. For f<.fatra, wh ich placed 1-2 with the 11ill-Pescarolo car and that of F'rance's Francois Cevert with flowden Ganley or New Zealand , it was the culmlnatlon of seven years of effort to take the classic at an uncounted cost wh ich irteludtd the best part ol an $8 million subsidy from the French government to promote French race car!. Before the race, it was being said that a Matra victory would be d iminished b.Y the absence of the world champion Fer· r ari sports cars. After the finish. Pescarolo said "I dGn't think Ferrari's absence changed things m uch . If they didn't come here, it was because they didn't think they could run .'' The future of the race, described by the (lrganizers as being a "transitional'' event this yea r, remains a s cloudy al e ver. It no longer 11!tract11 many of the major teams which cannot afrord to design a special car for the event , 11s ?11atra did this year. Pneumonia Won 't Keep Trevino Down EL PASO, Tex. (A P) -It appoa" thaf even viral pneumonia won't ~ able to keep down lrrepttssible Lee Trevino for long. The Merry Mexican of the falrwa)'I vows he's going to leave Prov~ HO!pltal here in time to reach Pebble Beach for Wednesday'• llarl ol U.. U.S. Open golf tournament. Nursing supervisor .Jane Beland tGld ('allers late Sunday nieht, "He'• d oJ n C very well and 1te1111 to bo Im"'°""". HO still hopes to get out ~y." Mr1. Beland added, i..,..ver, llllt 1!if wam't sure hla doctor ,...Id let tJW defending U.S. Open champion clepotf quite that soon. .. indianapolls tiOO •inner Donohue, mak· tng a brilliant return lt the series in a new twtn-tlll'bocharged lrM Por!Cbe, obviously had the .fastest car amonc tht 18 starter•. He roared Into the lead from hit: pole po.sition start and wu widening bis margin over both Re.VIOn and Hulme when R tlk:enl part broke in one of the turbochargen. Bane Whiffs 17; Baffles Sooners, 1-0 'l'revlno entered the boopl•al Sat.,., •nd Dr. Robert May laid he wu bWtJlo4 by whal the phyaiclan dolcribed 11 .. _ ly stages of viral pnetlJnCXtJa and lnfoetotl sinuses." Dr. May Aid he neverthel• expected 'l'revlno lo be up and llOUlld bJ Wednesday. He !Mt th~ l•P' to Rev10T1 and two to llulme while. his crew flied the trouble - an tntake Vlllve that stcD::k ont of the turbochargm -but when he got back Into actlon he began wortdng on a com~ back that had the crowd of lO,llOll ftu. ding. He roared by llolme lo cut the N.,. 7,ealander'a mar1ln to one lap then otr .. ked by RevllOll lo gt! within atriklng distance of the leader. ~· later cau1hl Hlllnt< apln.to. IJO! lllmiitll bl tho same lap but be couldn't reach Re vson OMAllA (AP) -TO)><anked Arizona State and del~ing hyo-Jime cham pion Soolhem C.fllomla bltttle ttlllght In the first 1kinnilb for CoUeglaite baseball supremacy In the West. ' Arizona State rode the three-hit, record 17 Strikeout pitching of Westminster 's Ed Bane put Oklahoma t.0, while South- ern Cal nipped acrippy Coonectk:ut, M , in JI IMinl!I Sunday ni ght in second round play ol the 26th annual Col lege World Series. '\'be two perennial coUtll•te powm arc tht only unbeaten teams left In the dou ble-elimination tournament that will bl!! pared lo four teams arter today'• play , "Sout)lcm California bao not looked like the betfclub up hen," said Arizon11 Statt coach Jim Brock after h1I team ran Ifs record to ft.4 and turned In Its 22nd shutout d the senm. ''We lhous ht of savi ng Bane for Soul~ C.J, but we decided nol to look abet~" 1cont1nued Brock. "\Ve thought Okla hon)a would be tough -and th<y were." ConnoCticul (!M) playt Tex., (38-8 ) and "temple (3%-14) tangle." w 11 h Oklahoma r3S.161 In Josen' bracket games with the defeated teams dropping out of the tournament. · Bane, a 20-year-old sophomore, allowed just three singles and faMed every man In the Oklahoma order at least once. ''Thal WRR the best effort of the year - 11nd thllt covers a lot of ground," said Broc k of'Bane, who ran hls record to 14--0 and pushed his strikeout mark to 210 in 138,2 Innings. "I tried to keep my curve. ball across tht plate and 1tay ahead of the hitters - 11nd 11 worked,'' said Bane. who mruck out at least one man In every Inning. The old mark of 16 strikeouts was set in 1960 by J im Ward of Arizona and equalled by Larry Hankhammer of • Southern Cal In 1961 and Arlzona State's Gary Gentry , now of the New York Mets, In 1967. Dane's masterful performance bested Ok lahoma's Gary Weese. who allowed julit eight hits and struck out se,·en. Arliona State got \Lt run In the ~1xth on GatY At well'• lead-off double and a one· out single by Rick Valley. Complaining of what he then described as an attack of nu, Trevino flew born. Friday from Pblladelphia, whore bl PYO up plan! for a final tuneup for the U.1. Open in the Phlladelpbta Goll au.i.o. Tht doctor examined him and ordel'4 Lee to the hospital at once. 'rrevino conceded that he mJsht be '1a little weak when I get out ol here:: tiut 53id he wtt!I using springs and w~&hts fits his legs ttnd exerclsina in lt\e bospitai. "If the doctors can clear my chest.~ lungR, I will have lht strength tt pla,y." he promised • • Mond.11)', Junt 12 1972 .. Count y 100 Al 't(I ll:tlt~ 1'00 "'" ?l'IC 1.-.ao )0 F•u 1()0) Inv 100 ,, .. ..00 ,, .. 1~ etct 100 e ... ,, .00 f '"' lt•14 I Anaheim ) l.••"O•Qe> \ l.t \t•O•oo> O:Qol~"l ••!II \, l.•l~O'<M'I• ~-1..•"'l>l"­ I ~••I'll~ ' .... l " ' 1•19 I .. f !fl'!) 1 0)0 , ... 11 0 ,f/O S1 l UI~ U I If~ l ... o .... le ! ••"" 10)1 '"1 1 11 t "'° B ot.a Grand e 700 M~<l A•I•-.' 100 r'•• o"t>f"• ?00 1.,,,~ O•v•o11 )0 r-.t \ICD••"'O!! D<•·~ll -C'll~" I/II) ~Ii .. tO'!Vf t 100 •rot l'tDt •'llO!l oOO F••• l!'!N!•!\ 100 eoi • &0001\ 1~ e·•-" r t ul"""' •00 fee• "1•1•1 Bre'' 100 F•tt e•t"f~<'.I ;oo In(!<> atct't 1>0 )0 f rtt H o'!Of•t~n Oi..no ·~~., .. ~ 100 Fl/ '-lb'! 1(ll) ',,. '. """""""" 8•"''"" •ll'l .,.. ll•d•bll<1 l'lO B•<~ "'""0•""" 100 e ,,.,1 ""'''' IOO r,,. Ret•v I \()' 111> I I~ 1 !tlO ? Ml 1'1'-' n 1 ·~'' l•I? )'I ) I'll 1• I '"' .... , 111~ I Ol I l •~I !~~-M~t ·1 18 ' "~ I " 4 1>11 l I• I It)] ,h~ 1911 11 ~ 1011 I~ I 1111 \I ' 1011 " • 111) ' fl,<, l 1?1? 1 n• 1 1?11 !~,~Ill? J lO l 1911 B11e1111 1•11rk ?00 M•rl ll•lt~ 200 Fftt l'OO I 11<10 ~ F,.t o ,vi'>o 100 Fly 100 f,•t '00 F•tt 100 Back 100 B•tt•! IOO Frto R1lt y ""° now:o :o .. ig1n lO•'> ll0t.:"• " ' " . 2 10 ~ '" !I I " . ) IA ' ". ' 01 ) l 27 G Coro11t1 del /Ht1r 200 Fret 100 lndo ~ F•tt Oivl"G IC K 'V"'Pl\011 :111J K. 1Cr11m~~olr P1lm1• ( l(rvmp~olr Boll ::>no 1 u• I o 1 1 O• ' , 0' I "' Prep :!00 fJ.fltJ ll:•l•r 100 ~, .. "' "'" ~ .... 100 01 f 100 • •tt •(1(1 P•tt 100 6•~· 100 B•t••' 100 F••• 11,11 1 l'OO Mt~ R•la·1 1'IO • ,.. 1"lO ·~~n !~ f ••• 0·~·"0 100 f" 190 F r<t tf)() ··~· 100 eoc• 100 Br••" l.')(J •••• llela1 E11ancla Kt~! l'Vtll•l•r 1•1,1 L Bl•"•'"''n DeG•IU• Ot Grl •K 5•u"4"'' IC<M Ot t.,1u 1 1•t trln1 1·oothlll \ f'v·~'" > o'""'ll ..... 11 •• l•·•e ><t \!l"Ql r.~, ~!IV<f.,., ( f'v•.,ln \;di•• ;1•tt'>1n ~ •vrnlo \ ""~'n"• I ~> 1 !l t J 10 j •• '" ~· ,, ' I !II 0 !I ~ I~ I l 23 0 .... , "'' n 11 1t/J lftf !J&I ttTJ ,,,, 11/l n11 1?11 I 0\ 0 !111 I U l ltl, I \<I t l'lll II f 1'17' !ti) !<1 lt77 H 1 UAO ,, ' ltll 3 19 1 101) I I 0 !911 1011 ''" .1 I\ I 11!1 1·,u1nloh1 Valle!f 1()1) N •<I R,818y I •1 t "'11 F ·~t 1'"I') ln<1~ ~o •••• o,.,,.,~ llJI\ f It \"') r ·•• 100 F 'fe 1.-., s .. ,, 100 I!•••" 100 f't• llolt t IOI! N •<1 llfl8V B•!l•,llOH ''"'"'"'"'•n 'hf S~ellon B•n••~oll d•O~Vlnll OtM••no!! //fll•"•id Snellon f '111le r to11 i"ln •••• ~"•n• 1.-., '"~" 6•(~ 10 F••• l>•ow~ Oh;>nQ Gre; 100 Flv Peare• 11\11 Frt~ B•own •OO Fret St•enk 11\11 B•<~ B•<~ IO'l 5,,.,,1 weoo olOO f"•te Rel~y }(Ill 1-~»'1, Rtl•y XlO •••• ..~ 200 I n~o IO '°'"" Chv1nq 100 l'lv 100 "'•• I •Z I '.' '" ". "' " ' ' •J.1 1 Ol 9 I 0! ! J ll ' 1 •7 ] I ;} ~ l Ol 6 '" "' .. ' l •6 ! " ' 1 OT & l 10 1 1 " ' ! !~ ! , ~· '" 197? 1,n 191? 19/7 1"0 nn 1?17 191) 191? ·'11 1'11 1911 Swim JOO MM ll:tlfV 2l)O ,, .. "'·-)(I ., .. ~IYll'Q !00 Fly 100 ~'" «la "'" 100 Bae~ 100 ,,,.,, •00 ,, .. ll:tlty JOO Mt<! ll;tlty 200 ~'" 1'00 1"00 !<I Frtt O!v•~ l'l(I 'II 100 .... IOI! Frtt 100 !•<- 100 B•1•" •OO F•te Jle1e·1 100 Med 11.tll Y 100 Fret 100 1 "CIO ~JO, ... j,y1na 100 Fl / lotf "••• 'IXJ Free lll!l B•<• IOI) Brto•! •00 Free ltolev I/, ......... "'''"'-snvll K•lt v F•en•om Wlf11 11n1 0 F•t ntOITI I/ F11n!lll" Lowell B"dlt1 fl•i<10•• MY•" Morr11 e""Q-f• Y Vtrl B•IOQel M 1U01 8rld911 .~lorl na L!r>~la• Ltr-r-oldl Oon1ld•on Avt rv! Evt n• 01)1111~>0-n Llr>r>e/d! Llopotdt Willit 'llJ '"' '"' J ,. l '" > M• •• I 11. 1 "" 'M • ) ,J,0 lf11 ''" !111 ltlJ lfll 1111 "'' !t71 un !111 1•11 1 0$ J 191' ! !11 UIJ 1 0.S I I'll} 21 I 11/J 1'11 Jl 6 "" '° ! nn • 061 \9/1 It 6 19M I 01 • Oil ' 1•. \9'1 ' •.S I '"' 1 O• • '" "' "' l !9 1 '" l 01 I '"' /Hbslon Viejo 100 Med Ael1·1 200 Fret l'DO lndo '>O F •tt )>vl n~ 100 fly 100 F•tl •OO Frtt 100 lie(• 100 8r••1! tOO "'"' Aelt v L•oque McO~u911 Le"Ovt 1-'obb• LIOQ<Jt LO"Olll Ridge M~Owol• (t n'IOM ll I S1 I • S6 1 1 10 ~ '" ~l ! '" • 01 9 ! 01 ~ ', 0$. l ll l Newport Har bor 100 ",., 100 I ndo .!O Free 100 Flv •1~· Wilro• Ft•Mff ·-C.r1tr l •l.J I " I 1 O• 9 '" '" "' l •6 0 1111 If/I "II 1 Ori l t7) 1911 011 19n 1911 1911 n 11 GOLF WINNER J.C. SNEAD GETS HUGGED BY HIS WIFE . 100 Fly 100 ,, •• ~00 Frtt 10'} !t(k 100 a rte11 K I( 'V"'ll~Oll K 1C n;mphol1 !lo"•' Jj,, •l,S ' ~' '" 1 OJ I jll!) Frtt 100 6&<1<. Bnwma11 (•d~ (~'1• €to~~ (&Ce (&d• l!towmt" l'c"••1 <•d• !i.O ... •·oo o 16.1 1 O• l 100 Free IM F•ee 100 f3•t k 100 Bree1r A.•Mt Wtr•en Doe<burg 1·00.1 1 O• 6 3 12 ' '""~'"" fOO Frff Rol~v l . I 11 Wins Philly Class~ 100 Mtd !Oii Frff 700 lndo W F•tl Olvlro Costa /llesa Whl1t~tr Ml1loltk Whll1k1r l!etg C.•mmo11 Whitt kt• '\>lorron YolJ1oltk Y1rwood 1 ll 1 I !O 9 1 oa o S11ead No Longer Playing 100 Fly 100 F. '"" <00 F•te 100 B1c• 100 Br•o•! " ' " ' .. ' • Ol \ '" I 01 2 In U11cle Sam 's Shadow 100 Frei' Rol•v '°" M~ 200 Frtt 200 lndo 10 r rtt 100 r Iv Edison J 19 A 1 ~o 1 l·~T 19!. 1'11 1912 1911 1111 Tt IT 1911 IOI? 1011 19'1 19 'I PHILADELPHIA IAP 1 -J.C. Snead gets a little testy when you brin~ up the fa ct that he 's the nephew of Vf'teran golf- in g great Sam Sne;id. The sub1ec! r;1n1e up ag;iln S ~ n d a v Rfter .J. C v.·on !he $'.lO,OC)I fir~I pr1;.e 1r1 the $150,000 Philadelphia Coif Class1t· Someone asker! J.(: ir hf' f P 11 ta• pla.ved in lhe shadow of t:n1 ·lf' S<1n1 , v.·h•1 won every major gol f title but the U S. 0 pPn . "I don'I t•are \\'ha! thr y say,'' J. C. snapped . "I wo n. r heat evrrybody v>'ho was here ." That he did Snt'::id shot an Ull!iflCl'- tacular fourth rou nd pttr Jfi-.16-72 nvcr the 6.708-yard \Vh1lt'marsh Valley Coun- try Club for a 72 hiile total of si x under pa r 282. I-l e beat Chi Chi Hodngue1. by on£' slrnke. Snead had round.~ of 70-71-69- 72, and Rodriguez 7 l-68-7G-7~ for a 28.1. Dic k Rhyan. ll.'ho had qua li fied for only four tourname nts th is ve ar, finished 1n a !IC for third \\'i!h ,Jinl jan1ison, leader o( th r first two rou nd s. Each had 285. with Rhyan shooting a two under par 70 and J;unlcson a one nver 73 in the f inal round. 'l'hrn carne 1969 champion Oave l lill 11t 26 Hubert (;rel'n. llornero B lanca~ and Rl)'l .\'lurph,1· HI 287 : Arl \Vall and l.ay A ·('w('r at 288, and ·ronv J11rkli n and Jer- r\' H£';ird at 2!10 Drff'nd1ng champion T11111 \\'r 1.~kopf f1n1~h1·rl l11·d f11r lfi lh at. 29:! whllr <;ar.v l'l:iy('1· 1\·as gr-0upt•d al z<i:1. 11rd for 2:lrd . .I (' adn1ittf'd 1!1at his unrle Sain ha s hrl1\(·•t him Mn s1dt'rahl\' \1'1!h his gamr and tha l !h('v play a lot !rii;f't!H;r. Hr lrll'.~ !ri r l;11 1hf" ~an1"' Sam·s 11<1.1, ~rl on lhP ~r r1•11 Ill !1111 <t11d 1110 pull It J'i oh\'10\1~. ho111'11•1 , tliar .I(" 1~ :1 l111lr t1rf"rl of lhf"l l"ll 1:1111 ll!'p)lt'W rl'it'l"t'll('4' !1 h1·1ng S;1n1's nrphrw do~·.~n ·1 help in S'i l,tt" .1.~ 111ak1n~ rnnncy is coneerned.'" hr 110!1'11 '"Tli1·1· d1111·1 rnll 11vrr hC'rau~r n1 1'.11111· I~ Snt•:1d ., Th(• 311-1·e11r-old J.C. st nrll'rl his HLhlctic r :i· 1•1 r ;1~ a ba~rbnl l pla.1rr 1n the \\";1 111111:1011 Srn;itnr.~ filrrn systrn1 . flu! 01 1<1 ;1flt1· 11•' h·1d a .1JA b;1tt111~ ;i1'tra~e In ;i dnL1blc A LC'a.l(ue and ~'ilS demoted 111 r·l:i.~s •\ ll r rrr;i!l1·d liP w:i!> ti 1111ng _4()(] :il S!:itP.~1·1lle 1n :>.orth (;t1rnl111a and the Sen;11nrs rrlr;i~~·d thrC'r: ou tfielders Ill R:ilr1gh 1n lhe rl('XI 1!ass1f1cat1on. He 11 :1.~11·1 ["lrtHll•llrd. 'l'h:it l\Oured him on ba~ebalJ. J, C l ur11rd gnlf prn 111 1964. and joined th!' P1; . .1i lour in 1968 Hr. h;is eamed some ~16.'i.OOJ. tn!'luding tht first pr11.e Sunday a1 \\"h11c1narsh . He ~·on rwo lnurnamrnts l.1,r \'r;ir and this w11s his firr;t virtury uf 1!172. As :i mcmbl?r of the U.S. llydrr Cup \e:nn hr w:i s unl)('a!rn in f our mRttht.~ 11g;i1n~L Engl <ind last year. SnPad was a little unhappy ""ilh the finish of the Ph1IAd('lph1a Classic. •le W(nl to the 18th 172nd holei lrading by a 1troke and took 11 bo.i:cy five 11fter hilting l . 13 ~ his tee shot 1n fl hunkrr, !'hipping short or the green, gelling on in three and tv:o pu tting. lOO r ••• •OO r•e• 100 8•(• tOO B••••! ih t l """ Go,.:ion Bukolr Yo~ Go•don Wu" To• l!udrl~ '" '" '" ~1 1 • , 1 I , "' " '~· J ll 0 Hndriguez only had In r;ir thr fin:il hn!c tu forei' :1 .~11ddr11 dralli pl11.1·off. 'l'hf' 3&- vr>.;,r-ol d Ch i Chi hit his s1't ond shot ov('r ihc i; r l' en into the gallery, ho\l'f•V('r , rhipprd bat'k :11ul took !11(} pulls for a hogey llii1l t'u~L l11r11 11 shot 111 \hr $:10.11011 Hl!I F•t • Rtl•v 1(111 M•rl JOO r r•~ ]!:'() I ndo 10 F re• OLVl"O 1:1 l)o rt1do Lnu<1•ro1cl< Ml!lor "'•td (l~ff•y ~n!l•v 1 j) J I II 1 1 '1 1 '" "II\ h:1il lo h11gt·.v tll1· l.1SI hole ll'hrlh1'r i!".~ for firs! or srl"ond pl11cr." J.C_ !'iaid. '"It Jr;:1vf's a bnd llls!e in ynu r n1ou!h. You ask yoursrlf 'did I chok e?' I almost feel like Chi Ctu gave me the tournamen t,'' 100 Fly lllO Frot AOO Frtt 100 l!trk !(Ill l!re11! 100 Fret R~l1v f!ond 1,.1..,.1 l~rl<lt \o\111•• '" " . ' 01 1 ' 00. I 01 t ] Jl • Sports in Brief It's Becoming a Habit -l(ilkinney Traded SAN DIEGO -On every m11jor league baseball players' bubble gum card there i!> 11. fJUPs tion at the top and thP ans"·er ;it the bonor11. On i\l1k(' Kil k1nnt')"s. rhc qucs11on this ,\Car Is, "Hnw many pitchers ha1·e pllched f1ir four tea ms 1n one se<ison'.'" l"he nnswrr on his card is. "T11·0 - \\'illis Hudlin in 1940 11nrl T('rl Gr11y 1n !955 .. , f\01v you can c.dd the n:inir l\ilkenn~·­ Sund11y rhc 27-yf'11r-0ld left-hnnrler "'a~ :o-rnt by the San Diego Padres tn ClcrcJa nd for infif'lder Fred Slanley. '"T his is so iron ic I can 't bfol 1cve it," s:ild Kil kenney, pulling h i~ bubble gum card from his duffle bag. The youngster Seagren Vaults 18-0 at UCI \\'orlrl pQle v11u!t en-re cord holder Bob ~cagren cleared 18 feel for the th ird time th is season -second bC'~t 101 111 in his tnrv -by win ning the Southern Pacif ic AA U evrn t at l.it.-lrvi ne Sund av. Sragrcn. "'ho fail('d to ·niakr 17·0 Fri· d;i~· night al th(' Von~ c;111ss1l" 111 Lo.~ Allt:f'l('s. n1;1d1' 18-0 h1 v.-·1 11 lhr t>vrnl /'Ind thrn n1 iSf<('(j U11·1'r 1Hlll'S ;it IR·.'i, ~Ii~ 1\"1H'ld 111;1rk. wh1l'h he ~h :ire~ 11·1!h !"1rrden's Kjl'll i sa ks.~on at 18-4 14, was set la~I rnonth 111 t-:J Pnso, Thrt'r !1lttn11~ Frenc·h nlhletrs all 11on evrn ts at the n1eel but all three were a id- ed by excessive winds. .Jt1('ques Pani won the long jun1p 'A"ilh fl le11p of 26--317, hurd ler C.uy Clrut took the 120.yard high hu rdle rvent in 13.3 and floger Bambuck won the 100 in 9.5. was sold by Detroit to Oakland on May IO. traded by the Athletics to San Diego ~ix rlayi; later. He pitched four innings for the Padres before Sunday 's dea l. ,,., HA!\1BLR(;. Germ<iny Manuel Orantes of Spain beat Adria no Panarta of Jlaly 6·3. 9·8. 6-0 Su nde y to win the men's !>1ngles !11lc ar the German tenn is cham- pionships. Helga !\fasrhoff of \Vest (;ermany took the \1·omen's cro"·n by defeating Linda Turro of the !vletairie, La ., 6-J, 3·6, 8·6. ,,., BEHLfN Rut h Fuchs of East c;erm11ny established a world record Sun- day by tossing the javelin 213 feet 5 1,~ in- ches lo bftter the 205-8 ~ mark achieved by Poland"s E"'a Gryz iecka earlier in the da y. The offici11I East Berlin news agency, AON, said Miss Fuchs rea,hed the record during her second try at an East Germany vs. Bulgaria athletic meet in Potsd am. ,,., SL'ITON, Mass . Kathy Ahern, a pretry 2.1-year-old blonde, who turned pro at the tender sige of 17, after win ning everything within amateur grasp in Tex- as. pul !ogelhC'r a flock of birdies Sunda y in "·1nning rhe $50.000 Eve LPGA c;olf Cha1np1onship hy n "·hopping six stroke~. ,,., CA ~fRRTDGE J UNCTION. Mlch . David Pearson foughl off stiff challenges frorn Ric h11rd Petty and Bobby All ison niidway through the Motor Stale 400 el fll il·higan ln!ernal ional Speedway Sun· day, !hen pulled away in the last 100 miles fo csipture lbe $83,000 NASCAR race. It 1\'ll.S the thrP<'·ti me national cham· pion's 1hird triomph on the NASCAR Na- 11onal Association for Stock Car Aufo Rac ing grand national circuit this year :ind "·as good for $1J.OOO plus 111p and qualify ing mon ey. ,,., TORONTO -Alberto Rivadeneira, a 24·ycar~!d Sout h Amer ican pro. sink a 12-root birdie putt on the stcond 11udden- dea th hole Sunday to wtn t.he $18,000 Onft1rio Open f!nlf tournam ent. He beat Qinsidlan amatrur Gar H11mllton Jr,, who bid tied the Bir· ranquilla . Colombia. pro 11 213 after the 5-4 holes of regulation play. 100 Bre~1t '00 Free f;l ~l•y '"' ll11ntl11gto11 B e a c lo l'OO Med Rtl1y 2()(1 Fr~• XIII ln~o J,() F<e8 !00 <'IV 100 Free ,00 "'" 100 B~c ~ IOtJ Bree)! •00 Free Rel ay )(II) ""td. RelfV 700 F "' 100 !~O<> 10 Fret Olvlng 100 Fly lllO Frtt <OO Fre~ 100 Bae~ II)() Bre~•• ioo >'rte llel•v Evans £ V•'>l £v~n• E v~n< Ev1111 Even• Ev•nl Ev•"• K e nnedy R cnang R (htng NO<• l.lnlo• E •~!w Dunnwo..,11 R (~eng 11 C~&no B•u'>er 1 '' I 1 ·'8 2 , . !7 ) n.1 '" S1.l ).!1 0 "' l Ol 1 J •OI 1 •! \ ':!l 0 2 ,08,J lJ.! " ' " ' • 01 l ' 00 • I 01 8 ' ". L a91111a B ea .. 11 iQ/l 1,1ed Roley /M Frot 700 ln1~ :\II ~ , •• 10'! ~ly 100 Fr~~ •M Fr .. 10~ B~<~ !00 Br•b•I 100 <'rt~ Rel~y ?'YI I.I"~ Rel•Y ?M F•to 100 lno11 ~ ••et 100 'ly 100 Fret '00 FrN 100 a.,~ 100 6 re11t 11)(1 F't• f;leley 200 Med. 11.tlay XlO F rte 100 lndo so frtt Olvlng 100 Fly !OO Free •OO Free 100 6aclt: 100 8rt1<I •00 fret 'ltley ( IA>~·· SrmMOn• C Were La Habra I C~"'~•on U"'be,~er \tlel Gilt>erl s c.,.,,,°" ~ Ce me•on D&vl• .J (•meron Umi..rger Wolf La Quinta •o» ·~ Oe•mond '"'' ·~ D11mood OM> Feinberg 601• 1 <l 1 ' 19. 1 ,, 1 :J I I ~· \1.0 • l• 1 1 01 I 1 100 l jJ; t .. ~ ' •1 I 1 01 I n .1 '" " ' ... ]•It' '" 1 OS 6 l :ll.7 ' •.l.f , ;50.1 l :5'.1 "' J3.J ~' 4•00 0 .11.4 1_()j J 3 11.4 Los A lami tos l'flO Mtd R•l•V 700 Fret 100 Ind~ ro ••et Oivlng 100 Fl~ 100 FrH •00 "'"e 100 6•r~ 100 !•ea•1 100 fro• 1<e1•v WillO'> w;tso11 W!11on Bvlltr Jo"n~n Wilson '" Wil10" Moo•t 1·04 '.!<I.I 2 ~•a ?l 0 '" '" J :.M.J 1:00.0 1 .Ot,J 3.31, 1017 ion !917 1'61 1'69 t•~· 1110 lt77 )911 un nn 1•17 ,,,, 1911 1912 1911 1tn 1911 nn '"' l•n "" "" "" lt/2 1911 itn 1•n 1,n 1'17 ••n 1111 un 100 ''" lltl1v 100 M•<t R•iay 100 "'•• 10ll ln~o 10 F te• D>v>ng tOO Fly 100 Fret <00 F ret 100 Beck 100 Brea•! IO!l Fret Rtlay Paclflrn 1-<0 .... 11 w11co~ Heve1 He111!n Batlt:ltV (!rel Be•nv"! .J Howell I-low t i! IC eek Howt l! I 411 1," ' 1 07.t U.I 51.! '" "' 4:2;.! 1 01 ~ 1 01 G ! •1 I Ro11eho A lt1111lto• 20D Med Ii.elev l'O!I "••e 1M lndo 10 "''" 100 Fly 100 "'"' •00 I' •ee 100 !•ck 11]{1 B•e.,11 100 Free Rel•v ~hll Mt ll Ol 1on Ht ll Ol!On M&ll 1-<111 11011 ll ,8 "' ". "' '" "' ' )9 1 "' , M' ' w' St1ddle baek ion Mtd Rel1y 100 Fr•8 100 rnoo ~o •'et !00 Fly 11)(1 F rte •00 F re~ 100 e.,,~ !Oil Bro11l 100 frtt Rel•v "<•~~ "'••well Goron•r ~Mtn~i< Ma<al1 Kane "-'lt"'-"!'il .lllen , 00 ' l ~I 1 1 11 & '" '" " ' . ~. I 0' 1 1 1J.f ' ·~ 1 Snn Clemente 11l!i Med Reily 100 F rtt 1(JO Ind() Ill I'''' OTvi"G 100 Fly 100 fre1 400 ~roe lOO B•cil 100 tl•e•\I <00 F•H l!el•V ICllK~ l!~"lro ~o"nger Svl!on Vlelnjno So"ng!• I! S"'l111tr ll1.,1ro O:lng I II J 1.J1 ' , 1S . '" '" '" I 04 ! I 01 1 ' 01.) 111 e1 l :io.1 '~· .Santa Ana V alle y 1()(1 Med llelt~ 100 Fr•e ?00 111<10 lO Fret II)() Fly 100 ,,, •• •00 F rtl 11)11 '"'k 100 B•ta•I •OO Fret R!lay 100 Mtd Rtlt v 100 F rot 100 l~d() 10 Fret Olvon~ II)() FIV !I'!!! r •t • <00 ~ ·ee 100 Bock 100 !·~·~' •00 F •!e Rtley Hofm1nn C:floloo.nka (t'1!wrll Hol,.,1nn (1rdwtH Cl>olOden~a s~e••• <~olodeni<'l St111tlago H1~lt 1-'i~lt H l~11 B•tnd l-lldl• Midi~ Hld!o D J"r1e5 B ,/onet 1 .11 l 1·00.l l 1.1 1 '" ' O! .\ '" ' 10.0 I 013 > M > l jJ l ''tl , '"' l DJ ) '" '" '" i l6 I "' I n1 6 l 16 l ltla "" 1969 1911 1'"10 1911 ,,,, "" "" 196, "" 0 69 1•11 !flt !171 1911 "~ 1•11 !Oii 1910 Ill) I Oil 1911 Baseball S landings A1\fERICAN LEAGUE Detrol l Balt imore Cleveland Boston New York Milwaukee Oak land Chicago Minnesota Angel11 Kansas City Texas East Dlvlslnn W L 26 21 25 22 22 2J lj} 24 20 28 16 29 West Division 33 14 30 18 26 19 23 27 21 27 20 30 S1111d•¥'1 •1111lti (n't•~~ ~-I. Mllw~u~t• l ·l P.01!cn I •"t•I• ' ,V1nne1-01t J, (l1vf l1n!I l K1n•t• (>!>1 1. NfW Ye•~ 0 B~l!•mor• 1. Tt,•s 1 Or!•olt J, Oe~ltnd 1 TldaY'• 0•Mt t Pct. .553 .532 .41\i . .455 r .417 .356 .702 .!25 .578 .460 .438 .400 GB I 3 4'1 6'1 9 3\1 6 II 'I 12\1 14 1.S. O•rtl)i"f U1llfl(ra I I) 1• Ml~~flOlt ll'er ..... 4-61 Mllwev•~• (P&r!<ln' .. 1l •! Tt~11 (Brt1bo!-. .c.•1 B111!m~•e !Ocb-wn 6·61 t i Ot ltlt"d (l lvt O.Jf Onl~ tlmt1 .U.edvltd TMtdlY'I 01~1 BA!tlma•~ '' o.•11nd, 1111111 Cltvt ltnd 11 At1tt lt, 11111'1 oeiroit 11 M+nne1n1•. 11111"1 Mllwtvkee ,r Tt•e•, n!oM <~lrflto et roew Yor•. ~toM 1<.tn1t1 Cl!v I! ll0t•o11, 11l9M • NATIONAL LEAGUE New Yor k Pittsburgh Chicago St. Louis flfonlrea l Philadelphia Cincinnati Oodger1 Houston Atlanta San Diego East Division W L Pct. 33 17 .66!1 32 17 .853 27 21 .563 ?2 29 .4:11 20 28 .117 20 30 .400 Weit Divisio n 31 19 31 21 29 22 2J 26 San F'ranci.!ro 17 34 I! 39 .620 .596 569 .469 333 .316 S11,.&.1"1 1t11111i. JthlltdtlDI! .. J, AH1nt, I Clncln111•I 11. MoM•tll I HnvllCt'> ;, Ntw Var~ ' s~n OIHl1 •, $! ~aul1 J, le lnnl"t• ,.l!l1b\Wtll 7, DntltlN l C~leeon ... 1, .1•n F r111t.IKD ll>l TW.r'1 O•IMt GB 'I 5 1111 12 1.1 I 2'1 7\1 14U, !!\I Mtw Yark {C.l'nlry 3-0 11 .t.llt MI (Ml'°*"l'O ,_51 McnlrH ! ($'°""min J.Jl 1t Hnutlo!I (lilfuH 1-S! ~n !Sln,,tr J.•f 11 $t, LOUii (Clt vt!l "'lt ,S.$J, t '·'"· 011tr ••"'•~ 1tl!tdulH TvNt Y't ·-S.ft ,,...,er.co 11 l'ltt1eu,.11, 11l1hl Stn Olton '' C1'1ctff Otic111n el $1. Louis, nl1M Ntw Ycrk 11 All1nta, nle~t Jl1'11M t lollla ti (ln(l.,~tll, f, fWl·nle/\t Mon!rtl l ~• Hov11ori, nlel!t DE~N LE-WIS 1966 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA Strvlct ind P1rt1 for All lmporttd C1r1 Modern Body Shop for All C1rs 646-9303 Ora nge Cnunty's Largest and Most Modern Toyota and Vol vo Deller OVIJtl !AI DI LIVI RY ll'!CIALISTI • .Sotianna ?00 MIM! ll.1111 )00 F•ff 200 1noo ~ F•el IOI) FIV 100 F r11 j(IO F•ee 100 •• ,. 100 !rtl •l a Fr11 Rtl•~ XI& "''" ll:tlty ")Oil F '"' 200 lndo lo(! ~'" O•vl111 100 Flv 100 ,,, •• IOI! F •e• !00 !t(~ 100 &••••• IOI! Frtt 'lt l1, 100 Mllf! lt•lav 200 Frtt 100 lnM !O ~•tt Olvlno 100 Fly 1~ Fr•• •00 F •ti 100 Btclo 100 6•11•• .00 F•tt lt !llv J"""•IOll B Mor11n J(ll\l\l!Ol'I Jot>nll.,., (_ Morg1n I! Mor91n J~Mn•lon II Mototn .Servlte Yelt on F•t wley Frt wlty euc•io~ l/tl1ra1 F ••wltV Mellin ,\\~L1l n s1011•m1n So11ora ~u"O" R•ldtnb1vg~ [11 ' ~llcneel ROl\ln•Oll £11,, J svnon Rrlatnb•VO~ 5,.,11n I JI 0 1.n.1 '.' uo ". ". ; I I ~ 1 01 ll ••• l JJ I l 'i I I 11 ' , ~. '" ,,. "' ' 01 1 l ~I 1 '~' l 2! ' 1 Ht I I! 2 2 Ol ; " . ,, ' '" • n1 ~ '" ' .. '"' S1un1y Hills JOO Med Ro l•Y XIC F rei 'l•w•cn ll'lC lndo Nrwl~n ~ ''•t (1•ty Div•no (rool• 100 >'ly N~...-1~11 <00 F:•t Co•r'/ •00 Free i'ol •vev 1M Boe• Sc~Wbrll 100 e'"''' Ctrtv <00 F•tt ll:!i•V l'OO Med 11.!llV 100 • 'Ot 2ao Ince 10 F •et n • .,.,.,g !00 Fl·1 !/)(') F1t1 100 F rt• tM !It~ 100 Bre11t .oo F•ee ll:el1v 100 Mt e 11.tll y )()l'I F••t ;oo l"dn '0 F,et OIVl'>O 100 ~IV 100 F •ee •OO Free 100 l!•c~ 100 !rt••I fOO Free lhltV Troy P~llr M11u~•w• "'""''-""'' LAi!onv Pol •t Polle (ro;o.ell e 1ngt1 Bry&n T11st.l11 H•"d "r•~~l ,n Rol111 5ou" Rolen !<Olen Fron~lln F •on~lln (rymlt y •• I i6 ~ 1 01 1 '" ,, ' " ' 3 .~ ~ " ' 1 OJ ' J 19 0 ' "' 1 ~"I ' , ll.I "" " ' "' • O• 1 ' 00 ' 1 O• ~ 3 25 I) '". I 16 1 > M 0 "' "' ... I 03 I ". '~ . .s , .. University 100 Med l!t!1y 1 ~ l 10ll Frtt B•••vn• 2 rill • 10!'I 1~00 e .. •vno ' T• I 1(1 F<e1 Pholl1~5 ll 1 100 Flv P MlllP• sa ' •OO Fret lhoa !J ( •OO ''" !t"vu1 l :!ll 1 100 Back Phllllo• 1 01 o 10<1 !•e .. 11 r~oma1 1 .a ' •00 "'te 11~1•~ l •I ? l(l!I Med 1<e11v /M ~r~t 100 •neo 10 '"•et o,v,~Q IM '!y ((II\ F•tt •O'I Froe 100 eoc~ 1ori e,,,,, •Oil Frot l<•l•v JOO Mod, l!olev Val e n cia MQ"'' l•1t , Oufl,~ G·t•~•"' Ou•lle l!•lllY B'O"'" "'""I~ 01,.,,, G tt'~''"' Ov1•11 We•ter n 11)"1 Free L~'' ?!In lndo Lt nf O•v1na 6•rn~1·11 :'.>ivonq J•wo•\" llYI Fly ~w1n1c" 100 "r•• a .... ~ •• ~, <00 ••te L•n• 100 e ac~ Coooe• 11)'1 !ceo1t J. Noc~ •OO <'ree ltelev I " , 1 JJ I 2 10 ~ 2 MI '" ~· ~ '" . ,. ) '" ! OJ ; 3 ?• J T 11 ! '"' ? •J , '" ,, . '" I J ,,, ' 1 ~· 1 1 ~J ' l j\ 0 Westmins ter 100 M ~d ll:tltY 100 F 'et 100 1 .. 00 Ill ., •• O'vlno 100 l'ly 100 "''" 'M Fret 100 B1~k !~ !••··· -00 Frer l!tll V ?n~ OJ.•d R~llY i-<rnnt"Oltn "oung Rol8! P•""" 1Cu~IT11 G••dn•r JUf O!! Young l,llllJ .So n ia Ann l~" F·~• Gl •e•nn 2fXI Inda P~''"' In F·•· i"t • lloM•t•~ll ("""• -,,,l~Q Web""' 1!)11 Fl~ (,1•1•~~ l"1 ~·-~ F~r>"'hOn 400 Fret B•ur• 100 61<ir P~''e• Ii\!! S•et•l (nn~" '00 Fre• l!eJtv 1 1, e ' .. l IJ) '" "' '" • !) s 1 0' J 1 ~·. l ll j ' l.\ ' ' 11 0 1 ~1 ! n~ '" " ' '"' . ~' ' " ' I ~· I l lt t DEAN LEWIS 1972 TOYOTA CARINA BIG ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS !! '72 TOYOTA COROUA $1966 $264 DOWN PULL PRICE oo ... $48.86 MONTH '12 VOLVO 2 DOOl JIDAN P:ULL -,.,c. 00 $3550 $295 DOWN $92.86 "' MONTH hf-"'",_.,,..,.,., ptlc• S471Jt.21. ht· •f9dl.. m I IS$. I ,......., t.r 41 ~ ......... ,..,_....,..,... 12 .••• ,.. Z-1 4JlJ44J51Jl7 ATTENTION VOLVO OWNERS Annlv1rs1ry Specf1 l I All CONDmONtN• $425 POI OHLY INSTALL EDll 1•11' ltlll 1Qll9 1••• ,,~. 1911 !911l ,.,, 1969 19111 1~10 'ti! 1910 . 1918 !Ill l06f !ti~ 19/~ 1010 1911 .,,,1 197~ ••• 1910 nl! !'II? 1•11 10•1 ,9,~ IQ/I) ••n 191? 1•11 1•11 ' ' ' 0 ' ' , ! ' • v ' ' ' ' ' ' , " G H ' c ' "' c ' • v " ' ' ' ' ' 0 l ' ' ' • ' " " ' ' ' ' ' " ' c ' ,, ' ' " " • ,. •• ' " " ·' M ' c " ' 0 ' 0 ' 0 ' c • • c '· • c SPORTS AJa111ito s Racing E11tries Enl"•• to• TonogM FIRST RAC:E •Ila Y••d• ~ v••• .,101 ClfJMlno "u••• '1000. (lt1mo111 ~~f:~~.~·~ f0°1:~l,_,1 1~ JunP r1>,.n<101 lw St••ul\l 111 Am.Ile• fJ Sd ~ IV/ Mol'•"l>~<tl) 111 D~I lie< t.n RM 00 (~•<lol•I I'" ,.,.., Oellonteo 111 .6n~ .. ) 111 Vi!o1on' J~w•I U Wal><>nl IH ~t1•ni1" lt>•e ? (J Wttd) !1 0 Slee~ 68• IC r'~•nPt J 10' Arvo E'""'\\ (T l•cin•Mf '" SECOHO RACE BO ver<:h ) vea• "I<!•· Cliumono. l'ur1• $1000, Cl1J,..,,,..~ ""~• s.JOO() (nic~ Pe! 11n I I J Wll•onf .lq10 V11I Tw•t! IS. Tte11urt \ Sour Oe<:I< 4C Petne•I (hk ~elong (( ~m .. ~1 Pr•l!v lndlon !l l lpheM) Vlnd1 Lino• 1 JR .6d1 irl W•• Llmlh IG Pre1t•iogel 1-<tn~ .. /\l~lf I tR. 8•n-Jl llnvlh"' Mi n IF 8on~) l vnne Moon ~1~.E.:.:.l11~~~) l'•Qnlon Ch•• l !II 8•n~$) ~cent Ot lime I {R .-.nelrl Cl~henvo 4 F Welch I 1'1 THIRO RACE -l.IO ve•dl l V•'' .. 101 & UP Flll•e1 & M•••• Cl1lm•nq pur1e l1600 \l•lmono pr;ce '4000 P~ov MO(ll! IH CtOlhV) Hi Menn• .. IA Ao•I•) Minnie R">el (L Wd11ht) S1~re Guin~•••e IT l i1>h1"'! Moo•e Chfnt (II l\~nk•l lr!Je Grl! IC Put•nt•l Em'• Ao•<f>P ll•t>e {F l!iontl FOUATN II.ACE -llll Vttd\ olo• & uo Cl•lmln9 Pur5~ (!aim ing ptlct 11100. fi r• .. L•nd 1 I TP"V Ll<>~Ai'nl C8lllO•"'' S•n<:I• 1 !C Per""rl I'"<"'' llP•I,.. IC Sn'lll~l Moon Di•! (0 C•r!lol•l R irnc~e! llnc••I ID 11,lll~onl r.llTy G•&nd IR Bonk\) DeckA''"" IG "Po!IA<•I 01ml wa•c" ~1 .oD£'ir,~~:. Bii 0' B•• !J WAll<>nl T•ul• e ... I (l l •<>hA,.,,1 "o' Ov•d r re P1•n't1 GVD F.,, IL . Wroqnn "' ' " ' " " ' "' " ' '" , .... "'"' "' '" '" '" " ' "' '" " ' '" '" '" '" FIFTH R.t.CIE' -3.lO vt •d• ! V~tr nld• & "" Cl•im•"G P ur11 1))00 Cla1mino prit~ $1500 Burke•• p;~1nl (J M~lsuda) 111 Rn•n Circt IH C•o•b•l '1~ Plunde• {L Wd gh!l 111 Wa!cfl Ell (A """") 1)1 Nillv Nol~ fC Ptrnf •l 111 S1.,ldnnon IM B lck~l l Ill l\ob'1 Ila• Eno (T L ID~tml 1'1 U...cl• Pf!~• CS Tcfa,urf } lit R~~•e• Mit~ II' Bonel 111 SIXTH RAC E -tOO ""'di l VP8' 01~1 (l••mfno. Pun' IXlOO. C!t •<ning ""'' l?l-00 'VN• Hu .. • You 11 l lnna"'! Maktv• Cltl>be' p;i .-.d&i•l Mo•t llov•• ! O Ill!••<>" I Montena Moon IS T•ta1ut•f ,..,rooo• rl! l•nl<1I Tom'• Copv <J l\•oo••l .-.ramllo< SlfD !O l(nog~!J l;toc•et BrA,k•I ID Caroo1a) T oo Shtt! (R jtlf~tl\ A ... IE'llt lbl• " ' '" "' "' " ' "' '" '" '" 8ar Tootf• 1 IC Smit~) 111 M"' Bal Bar 1 IJ WarOI 111 Jerico 1 (C s,.,11~1 "I Porr Cltl>lwr t IJ Wan•l 17(1 SEVENTll 51ACE ~ St>i va•d• l vel• 01<:11 & "" 11,110..,,,nce Pu•1• llJOO T"' S1>0r!Ca1te" l!pg•f!\ fJ W•t•on! !\old .l<lvtnlure llt H•"l V•n&ou• !II Ad~l•I lei> ll u11 (F l\on•I Aue !'~rt• 11 Lio~~..,1 Moon'I (o!leen U OrtY•rl "' '" "' "' ". '" Tl.IO Toll<! IC Pecnt rl I I~ IE'IGHTll llt:ACf -l\O ~•r<:IJ 1 v•a• ~~:11:.~·c_~"'= 4jht11~:n1onl Tculv Tr!"' !l. loDt>•ml Fle~r !\Id 1 10 Co•dO/tl Ju11!~t P~ IJ. Wa<dl HO<> S~ID And J umo IJ W•t~on\ G~ C~•r~ie Gt1 IR Adfitl Honor PA"U'" I( P•rn'tl Mud Puo1>v IC 5m•tnl l ad• BuG Go t O l<f'•OM! (ODY Wl lth (F l\O"t ) .-.1io Ell•lbl• '" '" '" "' " . '" '" '" "' "' AfUrf 9•• Gn I (0 (8t0<>1~1 171) ttlNfH R.-.CE -l.IO vt•d• l \'tit Oldl & UD (l1lm1 .. , P u•1e ,,,100 Clt lmlng prl(t 11000 M• Sue II•' 111 l\an~•l Lo11one (F onel Rn,.dn<> llOC~P! (J Wtl~nl Ori llv Sieve (D K1110Ml T•uf Con Flv !C Smllh! I'm e1rio !A. A<:if"/ Lo1t11'°" IH (•Olb• lleln Di•! (I;[ v au9nn! P~c an II•• 10 C1roo11I e uo fv• t ! ~1;;1~ll•>1>l e l ""• l e• .6nnie IJ ll lcherd1l 0" The B•am (J 0't Vt ') L• v ...,u. e ... Luc IS It•••~''' li;h!1>11>e ll•llOt IJ W1•D Ba se ball Leaders "' "' '" "' '" "' '" "' '" " ' "' "' '" tOOAY'S MAJOI! LEAGU E lliAOl!l5 "on. U} S•ngvlll,n, l>th. lJI; I.A EIAf TING 100 .i b8!\ -5t~llnf'lt. l>(;oh J}S. S11n1u•ll•n. Pot>, lll; M AIOI.I. S1l • .J.JS; Torr!, srL. llS; Ct tl•n~. Hin, J?I. Bu<knt r. LA. l lJ ll UNS -Mn•~I'"· (If', •0; 8<lnCIJ, 51' ll , lOIAn. (In, JV, Bene~. (If', lo\; W~hon. H•"· l.I llUNS B"lTEO IN '1•r9ell, P<>~ to. !\enc~. Cln. t4: l(onQm&n. SI', lll : ft Oliver, P11h. JI; SIMmon\, Stl, l5 HITS -8 r11<t . Sll, 67; A Ot'v•t, Pg~. /t6 ; Tnrre. Sil. 6t ; A Ollv••. P11n. M. Torre, SIL. 6"; A Oliver. Pgt>, M; Tnrrt . Sil, ~•; ~""9"!11en, P9h, '3: l11l~11. (in, 6l OOUl\LE~ -l\f'ntl•. SI'. H : Futn!t\. SF, 1); "!It•, NV, 1'; MonltnflJ, Phll. 11 Toll'f', (ift. n: Mad<lo,, SF, 11 : Soelf •, SF. 11 TRIPLES -8r>w•· f'~I, SI CarO•nl l. Chi, ,, St•""•"· Poh. •; 1 •0<~. sit . 'r Tf'I•"· (In, 4 HOME A:VNS -l\tnch, (I,,, 151 s10,ae11, Poh, 11: l<lnom~n. Sf . 1•: Colbf rt. SO, 11 H. "••nn, All, 101 Woh""· H1'> 10 STOLEN BASE S -MM9an. C1n, 11. 9'<Kk. Sil. II; Toi•"· (111, 11: C~•no. 1-<1~. H ; 9.,,...,,, SF, 11. PflCl-<ING rs Otcl\lon11 -Nol•"· Cln. 1·1, .lilt. 1.1'.SuM<>"· LA, l·I, .IP. 11~11. Pon. 1·1. ,l lS, 111 J. Rtv, Hin. 1·1. .1}$, 5.11 e. Mlllt • Pgh. 4·1 .. IOO. /.AotlA(~, NV, ~.7, .lJ(I, 7.lt Sttve•, NY, 1.1, n1 . l .18 H•nll•. Ch!. ,.,, .n•. , sc Sllltl(EOUTS -Ct rlton ,.,,I, 11': S~•vtr. NV. 14: McOOWftl, SI', 71: S11I· Ion, LA, 66; GlbllOll, SI\., 6-1; Splnk1, SIL , 6-1 • .t.Mf!•ICAH lf!AOUE e.-.rTING 100 t i blh-Plnlen1. ICC . . 1'11: D. Alltn, Chi, .l'1: Rudi, 011i , . .»•: c . M••· Chi, .J ll ; Alom1r. '"· .JI) IUNS -H1r~r. 9 111, :U: Tovt r. Min, ll: pJ,,1e111, tlC. ll: Rudi, 0 1k, l 11 0 "llt". (I'll,)),• C. M1y, Chi, ](I RUN1 l\.t.TTEO IH -0 ... U1ft, Ch(, «!: •. Jltkton. Oali, '51 C. M1y, C~I. JO: DullCan, 01111:, 1t: O•rwin, Min, ll HllS -A!omtr, Cl !. IJJ Pl11l1!11. KC. •21 llt11dl. Ott. o\01 0 , Allt1>, CM, 5': C. M1v. Chi, 5•. DOUl\LES -Rud!, 0-'<, H ; D • .-.iltn. (hl. 11 : p1,,r1n1. ICC, 11 1 ll•lldle, Tt i . 11. "Ollrl(io. 91n, 10: Hlt'pff. t•n, 10 p~ttk. I((, 10 : 1. Jt <kl<I"· o n . 10. TRIPLES -Mt(r1w, Cit, I : RUiii. Otli,. II 811lr, 9AI, J; f lit, 11•. J, Tov•r, Min, l HOME RUNS -R. Jl dllOfl, 01~. 11. o A111n, c111, "' c11~. 0.1, 1~: o"'' t•"· O•k, IG; H•r0tr, lhn. 11 1!111!rl• Qfl~. I. STOLEN 8ASES -D. NllMlf', Tt•. ,,, 1'. K•llv, (hi, U; MlddOI , l111. 1) Ctm1>1nt•l1, O.~. 11J Wl'tl~. NY, 10 PITCHIHG (S Dtcl1!<11'1) -l(,A! Ml~. 1·1. .t l S, 1.U Fl"""• Oak, i.1, l lJ, 1.15 LH. lltn, fol, .ll)O. l 11 l ur1m1te,, K(, '·'· ,ll)O, J.Sl lrflll'Y c~1. ,,,, n1, 1"' ~letN-rt, '''" f.J, 11· 3 n f'tf'!l(ltt!I, Ml!. l •L J"-l Jt Wrllllll, C,i. t-J. tSO, 1,JQ, &T lll lKEOUTS -Lolldl 0.1, M G ,.,,,v, Ci•, 111 l •lldi.v, Chi. 11 C11l1m1n, 0.1, 7•1 l lv f9vrn. Ml•. II Deep Sea Report Two Mesans Battle for E lims Lead A pair of Costa \les;i res1den1s banle lt out for thf l'ad 1on1glit as flit \\'ei;t ('n:'I!(! OCWAJiS IOlf -\Of •"•I••" , N•· r•euo1, lfJ k•tP 1>o11. 1 ~.,,out '1 Matrh 1.arnf' E l imina non~ M•Cktfll SANTA MONICA _ " •nvt•": .,3 resun1e al Kona Lanes lfl f(1c ~ coo. 11 ... ,,., Nu •• ,... -• Costa ~1esa D°"° JO'ln-Lll<IO ll•~h J"" 'o\ ~· I•. G.o• CW o ' G-" 5-•· P a. 11, ... ,. • 0•·· "'on" ... , ..... ' "-" .... 11 ........ G o <tl*~• • !loo ''"P~•• I.OH~ lh•<n ' ;,,,, 0 N• II lo""""• " (hrll L owr• ll1vPrl•OP o ...... " l •l•n ""'"""""'" ........ , 1 ~,, " C•v<:I~ ~·<"•• "~ "' '~· ~ •O• '"' ... ,., '"' 1 '" ((OS'O D•"• Po 1>1 1 17• " """' It"'" ....... ,,,..""' l•or : ... " . .. , . ~ 1r"<'f"n••1<:i•r .. ll•cbo" !(114•• ........ .... " ,,., ... ,,,,,. 1 fj> ~ tr.-. ... ........ 1 .... , .. • ... " '~ '~· l!ttr• , :11 ! ... ~ .. " I \j' ,, ''"<' S•·o~l't rco••• \l•t•' "" " Dwav,,. •1•r•• OM uonn "''"'"' 1 J)). M !(. ..... '" -' ................. ! ·~· n (11 .. W•llOA 1FD<in1&!n V•ll•YI , "'~· ~ "' "'~ ~····"'°" C'W•11!non1l1•l '·'" f!A\l f ROSS J>ONllAC S EICCl USI Yi N(W CA P OAll Y PILOT ~"::'.!~i" ... ..., b•11• ~ •oc• too. 111 Charli e S11'1Llhng currently/I r-.;;-. ____ _, _________ ;;,._,;;.;;;;;;;;,. ____ ~ '""" 1"10•0 ttiM H••'"' L•""'"'1 liold!! tlie lead 1n the 12th an- -!JI .... 1 .. 1: .. , (I ~ ti.ow.. l I ~ 1· I ·1h 2 520 M t th M h•llttui. 3, 11..,, be~ •l "'"'"'""' fillet v<)W lflC f!Ven WI . ee e an 1s,..-111.ii1,..1 '"° •nQt••1 1 pins, bu t tlnnther M('san - 5 YEAR/50,000 MILE WaRRan ty ~;:1~::·1~.! ri .. ••<u"•· ''' c111co "'"'' Fred Dougherty -is Just t1\lol Behind the 1M,1•1.lL lf.t.CH -~ 1nu1.,., 1 pins ba('k . bo.o• .. 7S bonilf) j(I ~·Ip ban . .II Action begins at 9 o'clock Safeco Sm'1le. ve11ow11n. n roe• u111 OANA WHA., -~ 1ngle•• II} Sih1!11ng . a 19-year·old fO'J\.:11' c1llco bAu. 5 11a .. 1cu<:11, ' 1>0111>111. Jl• lo the tourney. re<>orded )!fl 881 I rock coe. • m•<•••PI ~('fl('li la.-;t week In jump from HUl<tT IHOlOfoj lllACN -t1 111oler1. I :JOJ ,,..., ""'s !hi" r\o 16 .-;pot lo first place. LOHG llE'.lCll (111,....nl '•tll -Ill o nele,., 1 vt •rnwt"''• ~ n1.,ec"°1 l6a To• It 10.,!1•• I c111tco 1>•11 t i } •{IO"k con ltrtl -100 P t l G1m1 Tol•l•I •n•'•'•· ·~ "''~ ""'' l'l•r"l11t Lon Po1. 1 owle' Hom• Town "'"' d1n•1 18~ e •<>l~r;: ),HJ tellto ""'~· I (f>M l>I ~•nilling . Co•ll M''lll 1 Sl01 9S rn"~'""' 1 r.-a Dnu~l\ff!Y, (0111 NIP\I l .lll RIE'OONDO -Ill anGlt".' "81 conco,-p;. ____________ _, b•"· I noi.1>ut 1 on •oc• <(1(1 l•r~••11 -3~• •nt!P,., •28 rne.c•er~I. l .S.O rock ,~ HEW,ORT !Art'• LlnQiftl l -Ile l l!!l<lP'I 191 <ll•CO b•" II ..,,.,~.,fl [OIVIY '• l0<••rl -lU 1ntllro,] .... roc1><111. IQ bcnol<>. tao c••«o ntu. 1 VPllow!ill, 1!t meck,rt! SEAL IEAC H -19' 11•01•'" JOO '"l•to l>t n . ' ~tllDul. • l>•U•tva,., 1701 ·~~ c(l(I l•rto -llS •nQlt•J, )l)OI b•'•· 9 hlllt>ul. l1 m1cktttl WE MOVED TO 100 FAIR DRIVE Acrt11 '"'m C.M. Pollet U•l1on Fo1lrground1 Golf Ro1n91 l'trm1rly Co111 M1>.I Goll R1n91 Sl IUCKn OF IALLS 50c WUh Ad Oller Goocl Unifi 4-J0.'11 e AUTO e HOME e YACHT e INDUSTR IAL e COMMER CIAL e BONDS ~ SAFECO INSURANCE BOB PALEY & "•>O<•lltf, Inc 4 74 E. 17TH STREET CO STA MESA 642-6500 -54 6-3205 Sail Boat Show 1'1ie,'< {11 r II f.lt~I/ - J11ne 13 19 1 ....... '" ••• , .. ;, 9•••' (.oll1tlooll or .11 ly~·· of ••I botl•-•nd th•n 1•! vnur co~"• for • fun 1urnMtr' de,ole" c oll Tom McC•o"• 5]9 ,8168 to b1 1nducl1 d , H un•1nqlo" C e nlo• 11 81 .. ch & Ed:t>9 •r •• s,., 0'"1 " F,,,.,•v. H unt1n9tnn B•~·;, Read th(' D .\ILY P[J,OT spe • A four year hitch in Armor, Artillery or Infantry will do it. It's a special enlistment that demands a special man . A man the Army.is now able to give more to get. $1500 more . ~ -r~ 8 If you've got what it takes, you · " ... ~ · ·~· may qualify for this bonus, paid w~e ~ > you successfully complete your tra1 rung. The bonus is over and above1the Army's new starting salary of $288 ,, t ' ~ . I ' a month . Over and above the Army 's many benefits. Like free me al s,,free housing, free medical and dental· care; and 30 days paid vacation each year. This special enlistment in Armor, Artillery or Inf an try offers other advantages, too .. Like your choice of unit , or your choice of location in the States · ·~--or abroad . And the choice is guaranteed . We'll put it in writing for you befo re you enlist. Find out if you're the s·pecial kind of man we'll pay a special 'bonus to get. Talk it ove.r with your nearest Army Representative. Local quotas are limited, and this off er may be in effect for only a short time depe~ding on Army Aa• llJ COSTA MESA 542 West 19th Street 645-1163 .jOll. HU NTINGTON BEAC H 18530 Beach Boulevard 962-8821 CHAMPIONSHIP START -Lido-14s gel off to a bunched start Sunda y in the fleet •I championship held at Balboa Yacht Clu b. Top finis heri; in the re- gatta qualiiie d for the first international cha mpi on- ship regatta for the class to be held in Mexico next November. June 23 iff11tch \ Ficl{e1~, Hood Protago11ist s 111Calif01·11ia Cup Series By AL,\10N LOCK AB EY DI 1111 D1lrt Pilot Siii! Two sailing Ame:rira's Cup l'klpf)frS l)f fame will tangle in a match rare series for California YRl'ht Club 's Cali fornia Cup June 2!2'4·15 off Marina del Rey. The protagonist.~ will 1970 Arnerica's Cup . defe nder Bill Ficker from Newport Btach and famed Bos!on sailm11krr and fnnner An1rrica ·s Cup trial 11kipper . Ted ll nnd . Cali forn ia Yach! Club com- modore J ack We ber <in· nounced thls week tha! Ficker and l~ood would be m<ltched 1n the new Ericson-46 sloop built in Costa Mesa . Hood, wh o resides 1 n Marblehead. Mass. 1~ a renowned bl ue-wa ter racer, having won line honors in many Atlantic offshore events BOATING and "'as the overall winner 1n a recent Southern Ocean Rac- ing Circuit in Florida, All of Hood's boat s have been named Robin, including {;r {;r fl {:. {;r {;r Robin West Scores Overton Race Win Robin \V esl. Ted Hood's Ericson-35 sloop skippert d by John Fields nf CalHornia Ya cht Club w11s the overa ll winner nf CYC's Pt. Dume Trans-Bay Race. the final fe;:ature of the Overton Series. Robin \Vest finished the 52· mile race at 6 :~2 pm. Sarur· dav afte r a nQ<ln start in a goOd westerly breezf' !hat held over the entire coursr. Second overall was .John Linskey·.o; Yankee.JO s 1 n n p lndf'pe nd ence f ro n1 \Vind· jammers Yach! C'lub 11nrl th1rrl "·as Rill Lr\\'i.~' Eri csnn·32 Blue r..1.i1 x of \VY(' Blue MRX \.l'Ound ur ;i~ 1hr n1·rra!l v•inner of thp <h·prtnn Serie~ and Jnde[){'ndence as runner·up FinAI re.~11J1~. Pt Oun1e. Transbay race CLASS A -1l1 Rnh1n \\"e~1 . 12 1 Borba. ~l1ckr.1· Colich, CYC, 13 1 Defiant :\1ck Smith 11r. eve. CLASS B -(11 Ma mi e. Mrlt Smith. CVC: 121 Aquavit, C'hri.~ Hansen. CYC: 13) Xanalyn, Bub Shank. CYC. CLASS C -fl I Cheetah. Dick Pennington. KH,'C; i2) Quicksilver. Pa I m I e r i & f;us.~ian. \VYC: (J \ Viva, (;orham (.;etchall, \VYC 1 sub- j(•rt lo protest ). CLASS 0 -11 l lndepen- denl'r : 121 Rlue Max; i.11 Sun M;1id, <_;ene Sofen. NYC. ~10R F 1ri.tatt WaJ.q h Series l -111 Sudy II!. Andy Locktnn, C:\'C; I 21 PILrn1 Nuts. Br11d Go<ifrey . KHYl '; 4J1 f'4>!l1na ~1A ri P. Tnm Colr~. CYC : 141 GrPml111 II. Hasty Arnold, PM\'C l'IJHF·A - Chuck Fnv•l£>r, Nin1blr L11~s. \\'Y('; 131 liili. CYC. 11 1 Antigua . KHYC : 121 .Jack Brink Fred Shorr, Pl!Rf" H -! I 1 ./im Pat I!. .lnhn f.llrn11•nn<l. PVYC. 121 1.:tr'i'. Bndditey £.: F1nrh, l\HYC 1.11 Fiesta. Rufu~ Rohcr ts. SMYC; 14 1 Windfall, R11.lph \\-'i!son , PMYC. the F:riC'son-48 Robin \Vrst th at he had built especilllly for We.!'lt Coast competition this year. He was overall hand icap winner ln l..os Angeles Yacht Club's Whitney &ries this year and is standing high in California Yacht CI u b 's Overton Seri es. Hood is equally W('!l·known throug hout 1he coun try 11~ a s11ilmakrr . h11ving huil! sails fnr ;:ill of the An1crica 's Cup winners du ring the ! a s t decRde . He a l~o maintRi ns a sa il loft in Costa Mesa. Ficker i!'I still b;1 sking in the glory of his 1970 An1rrica's Cup 1vin and i.~ 11lsn prrp;irin~ for his role of skipper in a nr1v boat being huilt for the 1974 Cup can1pnign . He recently sailed in Long Re.:t ch Y11rht Club's Congr<'ssinnri! Cup Senr~ The Cal1f0rnia Cup will he his se- 1·011d tune·up for 1974. F'icker "'on the California Cup in 1970 sailin.li( Pat Dou.li(an 's t2-me!f'r Cnlumh i;1 t1~11in1;t the 12-meter Endle.~s Summer 1ex. Dam r Pa!tif'1 Ficker said recently he was i mpres.,ed 1•:ith the responsiveness of the new Ericson·46_ The yacht t s characterized flush d e c k la~·o11t and po"'erful double he Ad rig. lotnn1ndore \Veber s a ! d California Yacht Club is using fhe event as a highlight of it.~ g n 1 den anniversary. eve rnen1bers have ta ken a leading role in promoting y;icht riir ing in Sou1hern California s1nrc 1922. 1'he M1d\.1·1n!1>r Rei;:iit1R. lhP \Vo rld's larges! sailing el'en!. undrr the ~pon~orship of Sou1 hf'rn Ctilifomia Yach!ini;: 1\~.~oc1:ition, was nriginated by CYC 11! its early Los Angeles har'bor elubhnusr. Jn !9.'12 C\'C members built borh six and Pigh!-mc!er ~·11chts ro C'o mpe le in thr. Olympics. 01\·en Churchill \\'On a gold medal Jn his Angelita. Star Lo gs Catalina Triumph Beet• Can ~lat~lt Brigh1 Si ar. skippered by W. T PasC'Of' nf NP"'porl H.:irbor Ya cht Club y,•as th e O\'era ll and Cla~s A winnrr nf Ntwport Harbor \'acht Club's Catali na V.'est End & Hrturn Race Satu rday and Sunday. Thf' race \\'as a nrw fe<tture of NH\'C's Ahmanson Series. The two leRs of the course ~·ere scnrrd -a.~ nnr race. The flee t sailed rrom Ne"'JXJrt tn Hoy,·Jand's La nding. Catali na Jsland on &it urdav and after an overnight layQve r sailed borne on Sundn.v. G oo d westerly winds prevailed for both legs of !hr course. Tribute, the ColumbiR·fi2 skippered b.v Oick Blnll crman of Balboa Y1tcht Club was fir~t to finish bot h 1£>~s hut failed to save her lime. f inal results: OVERAl .. L--1 1 J Brij.!ht Siar: (1 ! Coun!erpoinl. Dick De:i\·tr & Bill He11dden, BYC; (a! Tribute. CI,ASS A-! t 1 BriRhl Sta r: (2 1 Tribute: fJ) And,11!e, Tom Yoder, LB\'C. Balboa Club Race Slated Thr Rccr Can Srr\r~. Ralboa Yncht Club'11 annual midwerk s u m m er t i me n1;1dness, laughingly called 11 yachl race but more appropr iately knol'.•n as 1111 insu rance underwrit er's nig htrnare. ·will get under y,·ay ne xi Thursday night. In the June Brrr Ct1 r1 1-icrics and the July Thi r.~ty Thu rsday Series. yacht.~ up 10 50 fe£>t race on Ill boat-for·boot h~sis y,·i thin 1he narrow confi nPs or Newporl Harbor starting at 6 p.m. every Thursda)". In recent years 11n August sr.ries has her,n in.11u gurated c11 Hed the Champagne Cup. AIJan Seeks J)11t cln11a11 Bid The rtice or"igi nated more than a dccn de ago whrn two O\.l'ncrs of large boats berthed at the Newport Harbor Yacht Landing got to arguing about the merits of th eir lndi\'idua! yachts and proposed a rape - complete y,•ith a size;rble "·ager -through the. harbor, around the enlranct bell ·buoy and back. \V ithin a few weeks other 01,.ners or large yachts issued challenges and the Thursday night race grew to fantastic proportions, providing thrills galore for the cocktail crowd aboard their moored yach~ and at waterfront homes. After the second year BVC took over the runni nl{ or the race in an effort to establish some rules And add a semblance of sanify to the af· fa ir. Lido Title l 'aptnre<l By Vll n1<11i D.<1 ve l;l!m.:in nf Rnlboii \'11 cht Club y,•nn the Ne \.l'pnrl Harbor Fl!'C'l I champinnsh1p or the Lido· I~ Class Sttnday in a fiv e r11ce rega tt a sailed out of Balboa Yacht Club. As !he winner, Ullman top- ped a list of 10 qu al ifiers for !he first internat ional cha m· pionsh1p for the class which will be held at LH ke Valle de Brava ne ar Mexico City in November. A special trophy wa.~ nward- ed to Fred Toef)('l nf BYC as lhe !np Class B finisher in !he fl eet f'hampionship. He finish· ed 14!h in the fleet. Balbo a Ya ch t Cl u b dominated the cham pionship, pl11cing nine of the top 10. Summarv: (I 1 D.11\·e U!lnian. 8 \'(': (21 .Jai:k ~\1cCl;ir1\', BYC: 131 A!rin Oleson, BYC :.141 Bill McCord , BYC; ~51 (;ared Smith . BYf'; 1fi 1 Jin1 Tyler. 8 '{(': 171 ('had Ty,·ichell, L!Yl'; IRI Bruci:: Orsborn, RYC: 191 Oon Stoughton. RYf': (1 01 Ro11'l11nd U:l/)mAn, BYC. CONSOLATION t'L!l ;HT - (JI John Coulter. B\'C; 121 Han k Humann. BYC: 131 Jim Kerrigan, BYC', PHRF Tit1e Collected By Pleiadcs Pl eiades. skippered by Ran- d,\' and Dick Sm ,v1h nf Cabrillo Re11ch Yacht Club \\'a.~ the P/I RF' winner in Huntingt<Jn Harbour Yacht Club's .June ln\·itationRI Regatta S111urdav a~Sundav . • Trophy '\'t'inne rs in a I J cla~ses : f"/IHF·A -1J1 l'le1 ades: 121 \\'anderer, Dick Danie Is, llHYf': 1~1 Le11>chen. Bob 1-lelfer. lll lYC. PHRF'·R -(!I Red Barron, Cill Harljiit', 1-!HYC: 1 2 I l}eluder, f.fax Warnl'r . LRY C: 1.11 O'Bef', Bob O'Brien. HH· YC. <:aJ·20 -1 [I Nix, Nick Con· do:i; .. SI FI YC: 121 Hanlii Up, Stevt Levinr. ABYC; r31 Low- Cal, Don Michae lis, AB''C, Race Crown To Tabasco <:enrge Griffith's Ca 1-J 9 Tabasco was the \Vinner of Los Angeles Yacht Club 's Stag Cruise to Hnwland's Landing, Calalina lsland Sal urd,11y 11nd Hug h Roger s' Cal·36 Wh imsey JI was the win ner of the retur n race on Sunday. The race v.'a! sailed in a brisk nor 'wesler that 'tOOk th e fl eet fro m the S11n Pedro Lighthouse to Howland's on one tack. Winners in the PH R P division ·were Bill Hoskins' Windhover on Saturday •nd Ray Wallact 's Sea Nymph on Sunday. Gardiner Wins lnvilalioual • Bases to Serve Air Needs? County Use of Militur y Air[JOrt.o; Pos .o;ible Remedy By ARNOLD FRI EDMAN and THOMA S O. ELIAS S1t~l11 M ftle D•tLY 'ILOT M1ht11ry ba.~es may becomt the :solution to the incre11~1ngly crillcal prohlem of where 10 put future airport" in Sotllhern Callfornia. I NEWS ANAI,YSIS J use public nUll'iance as a bas is in the ir comphunts 01'£>r je:t J)l)JSe, fun)es and \'ibrations An airport lmpacl study just e-0mpleted for the ctry nf N~wport Beach found noi:i:c from planes at Orangf' Count ) Airport has become '1zn· 10Jerable" for area re:sidents. 1')lat study, prepared by an Arcadia cr.insuJt1ng firm at a $42 .000 cost , also ad\ ised the city to push for a combined {'JI il1an·n1il1tary airport at E! ·rort• as a partial solution A regional air transportat11on sLudy by the So u th e r n Cahforn1<1 A.!lsoc1at1on of Governn1cnts, due fnr release next month, r£>por1edly wil l recumn1end the same 1h1ng That s!udv "·di say that El Toro shnuld-~ in Jo1'n! use hv 1985. \\'illiarn L_ Dochnahl. sc1ir ;·s assistant a v i a 1 1 n n planning coordinator. said u1 an 1nter1·1ew . () R A r\' r. E C () U ~ l' Y AIRPO RT, hoy,·ever, would re· n1a1n open as a commuttr airport under SCAG 's pro- jection. DochnHhl added that he '"" ... ' r ':__. .1 -.;:..~~ ~"">1 -' ' bf!!Je\'es Orange C o u n t y 's superv1~ors and other officials mav ht makln~ a big pitcl1 lo\1,-ard \Amp Pendleton ln hope~ that the f.1Rr 1nes will rn11n1.-r lly letting ~rl of El Tnrn go . Thert 1s precedrnl A ontt1n1t Air t~Orce ba~t' In the se.aport city or B;ini;:or , Me. i~ now a ma jor stopping pnin1 for comml'rcial plRnPs refue ling before Lrans-Atl<1nt1c flights , If local gol'emments in Sou!hern California push hard enough. a n1il1!ary site l1erl!I might be pried loose . too. "':!'. 'Wt.., Z Proposal~ ha ve been m;:ide for a major co1Tirnrrc1al Jf't. pnrt on the Camp Pendletnn ~\arine (_'orp!' base tu !'.er1 e llrange and San Diego l'oun- t1es and for use of the atn1n· doned ()xnard Air fore£> B:i~e site 1n Ventu ra Counrv ns a .srnall airport. Other suggestions include <"OOl'ersinn of lht El Toro r.-tarine Air St ation near Santa Ana ;ind the Point .\1ugu Nav<1l Air St:i11nn nl'ar l l~nard intn combination m!l1!ary-c1l'i!ian n1rfil'ld s. Me11 in Service ,, ' • tlRA1''GE C 0 U !\TY OF· f lCTALS. plagued by Jt't nn1~e prnhlem s at Orange ('011nry Air1xirt . have their eye rin ;in undf'vf'lopl'd 2.500-acre coasta l rorrion of C;in1p Pendleton straddling the San Diego Freew;i~· just north o ( Oc!'anside. \1Pntu111 County officials, feeling they \\'ill eventually need a large commercial airport , have long wanted Po int ~1ugu, providing they can conl'ince the Navy to ac- cept joint use. In !he 1neantin1e Ventura County offic1<1ls are 111atching as the city nf Camarillo and Pepperdine Un iversity push their plan to convert the 7i0- acre Ox na rd base into a co m- bination tra nsportation scl1not and general aviatil)n Rirporl. The sill' is on !hr outs kirt s of Camarillo. Pepperdinl' bf!can1e involl'ed in its sc.'heduled ·mol'e in the fall from downtown Los Angeles In its new MA iibu c11rnpus nesir the Ven1ura·l.os Angeles <'Oun!y line These effcins lo runvert mili!trr.v prnpl'rt y rire arising beel!U~I' it's hard to find R si1e in the Snuthliind hig enough /nr an airport and isol;1!ed ennu,gh tn be immune frnm suits 01'er jct nnise_ A.\10N<; THE 0 ;\ILY plriees lert any1vhere near IRrgf' f"'lpulrilion centers are rhe 1nilitary bases close to the ntean. Bui thf' p r o po .'i a I s for transforming military bases are likelv to throw the local officials ·involved inlo clashes v.·ith t he mili t ary es<'!tblishmenl. \\'hich rarely _2ives up property without a Ct11°gf) Da11ger fighL The Pendleton proposal has dra"'n he.at frnm the base commar.der. Maj. c; r n . Herman Pogge rneyer, \VhQ r.~sued 11 starement opposing fl ny .~nrt of civilian jet airport on !he base a.~ a possible hin· drance In training. !\s for the !'<Jint Mug11 pro· posal. Charles Winger. chief of thr .:iirports division fnr !he WPstern region of !he Federal .South Viet name se sol· diers at My C'h a n h transport weapons of varying degrees of dan- ger to th e battle si tes. .A. hove. shells carried by hand and bel ow a load of barbed \Vire to reinforce the ARVN positio n. l. Coa~t Guard Fireman Ap- pren11c·e James S. Di~man~. hu sband of 1he f\lrn1er !\11ss l.1·1111 \1 Andersu11 1.f '.1072 T\ler \\'a v. ('nst.:i i\1Psa. has r~lur·ned 1·0 .'11'.~l tle 'Ahoard rhe ('~1;1s l (;uard (·11 11t•r '.\ior1h1\111ct [1dlow1ng :~ s1x·rnon1h rlppln y. rnf'nt 1\·11h n1r '.'\ :i 1· y · r. A111.·u·c·t1c· Supro1rt Forl'r . Coast <:uard St':inl<'ln Larry E. Bryant. snn nf rvlr and '.\1r·s. C. E. Hr;,ant 11[ 618 Ada1ns , and h11.~h;ind 11f the forrner .'\l1~s ('arol A Hudd of Daren Circle . .:ill nf lhHH 1ngt\ln BeaC'h. has re!urncd tn Seat1le ;ibu;ird 1he Cn:1sl !;uard Curte r Nor1hw1nd fol1111r1ng il SIX· n1n111h dep]t)~·1nt'n! y,·1th the l\a1·.1•s Antarct1r Su fl port r·orce. --- Armv 1\'arrant orficcr t«in· didate ·aurti~ W. Vr r Haar Ill, \\•hose parents live at 8562 T_)Qn11!d Ii r c 1 £>. Hun!ln,gton Be;rr'h. rec("n!I ~· con1ple1ed a 20-11crk hrl1i:opl!'r pilot enur.~i? <it rhe l'.S Ar1n 1· Prin111ry lle!1cflptcr S•·h00J. FL i\'nltrrs, Tex !\-lrinnf' Pfc Ral ph r:. ~p!'tr. son nf illr A.iron fl Sperr nf J.1401 \'1f'rnri;i Lani' Hun· tin,gton Br<'lrh. hR~ cnn1ple!cd t11·0 11eek~ nf sr:if'rial <Hll· ph1b1011s opl'r<it1on.~ 11· t ! h Brazilian and \"enc7urlan ~1arines \n the ruerto Ri can i~land of VieqUf'S, Navy t:nsign Tho rna~ C. Bov.'ard . son of Cnlonel and i\lrs .!ohn D. Ho1v;irrl nf 740 A1nigos \\'a.v, Ne\.l·port Rr;rrh . has begun adv11nr'erl fl ight trainin.11: at Corpus Chri~ti . Airman Gary E. ~ullon, son or Mr . and r.1rs. MR;i; F,, Sul- ton nf fi351 Alhena Dr 11·r. IJ11n· !ington Beach. hRs ron1plr!ed his U.S. Air F'nrce hisic training 11t the Air l"r:i inini;i: Command's Lackland AFB. Tex. He has been assiRned lo Sheppard AfB. Te': . fnr training as a medical service~ specialist. i\larine Pv! Aroolrf R. Jark~on son of Mr and ~frs . Corn!!'! Stinson of 72.1\ 21lth SL , Weslmins!er, gradualed from basic training at I.he J\1arine Corps Recruit Depot in Ditgo. San .himcs R. lfngue. son of ~fr. 11nd ,\frs. H11rry Hogue of 9902 \\lesthav e n Circlt', \\'estmlnster. has accepted an appo1ntn1ent In the U.S. Air Force Academy. He i.~ scheduled to report to !hf' academy fnr six v:eeks of !ni sir cade! trHininR preceding the ~I art of !he academic year in August. { lpon l'Olllplrtion o[ a four· year course nf study and rnili!ar.v !ra ining. he will be ~rriduated in 1976 wi!h 11 b:rchelnr of science degree and \1·11! receil'e a regul ar com- mission as an Air Force se. cnnd l1etenant. l' S Air Force Sergeant ll nbrrl F, Tobia~. snn of Mrs, Ber\'I A TnbiRI'. 2191 Harbor, Ct).~i<t 1\1esa , has arrived fnr cl11tv .:t i Da vis-Monthan AFB , Ariz. 1-icrg!;int Tobias. an 11ircrafl mninrenance ~pecialist. i 5 a~s1,1?ned !o a tJnit nf the Tac- !leal Air Command \\-'hich pro- \'irle~ comhnt unit.'i for air Sllp- pt'lrl nf U S. ground forces . He prl'l'lnusly ~erved at Kadena AB. OkinAwa f;;ir\· H. Grant. snn of ~f r . ;ind ~fl's _ Emmet! H. Gr-ant JI'. 4590 Dog"'orxi A\·e .. Se-al Brach , v.·ill receive his seconrl \1eutf'[1Hn! commis.~ion and BS. df'grre upon graduat ion from the U.S. Air f orce Academ1 . The r·adr!. \1·hn has heen ~elrc1ed fnr nal'igator trairung Al ;>..father AFB. majored in ps yc hology. H£> rec e i 1• e d ~peci11 ! recngnition t h 1 s seme.-:ter b~· being namf'd lo the Dean·,, Li~t fnr academic e-:cellence. !iirn1an Mergte L. Renn, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Ed\\·ard B_ Renn Jr. of 218 Amher~t Road, Co~tll Mesa, has complet ed her U.S. Air Force basic rrain1ng af the Air Training Command's Lac kland AFB, Tex . She ha.~ ~t'n ass!~nf'd 10 J..oy,Ty AFB. Colo , fnr training as a purchasing speci111i~ Airman Renn is a ~raduate of Costa ~esa High School. Avi a1 1nn /ld1n1n1stration, said ~._.....------~--------~~ he is certain the Navy won't relinquish any of Point Mug u unless airport planners can r0n v1nce the Pentagon that Joint u~f' is "compatible with For the Re~ord ~--==---...~----...-...-..-,..---.-..~-...-i .... lhf' 1nilirary mission." The Oxnard Air f orce Base prnposa!. unli ke the ot he rs, is bein,g vii;:orously pursued hy the C<imarill o-Pepperdine cnn- tingenL The cit y and the university ha ve filed an ap- plication with the federal G ener al S ervi c e" Administration for developing the surplus fac ility. Dissolutions Of Marriage O•~l 1on, Cry1T•I Loul11 1 nd JoitPh EO'wt rd •"t•rff MI V ll Aodrr111n, J•coutllnt o •~n '.'/•Iii•.., H, JunQ-1!1, Lon811't 1nd Onn~1., A.ldr!c~. (hrl11I"• El•~ &n" Jlr1nur Wt vn• l11rn''I lcul11 0 . 1nd Don•l!I I. 0 • y, 11, Ht nrv I'. t n" Joan M Peu~trt, Molly Jo1nn1 &nd Wdl11rn JO!tllh Wtt1h, Donni Mtt i nd (ll•rle• (&•I Ttvlor. lillllll1n" 1nd l.trln O..e Mortlt1, l:lch1rd Ind Ooro!hv LO"~'"' &rt n!lt, 01 vld H1rry t nd OTnn~ Lou<1t Tyt , Jlldllh Ann t nd Gr&M EuQent s11m111<1, Gus t nd Elkt Marie M!lt1, Sl'l!tltV l. •"II Kovn• L Sml!h, C!wtlt • l. t nd Ktr@n S M~:~io lil lch•rd llloM <t and J•nef M1nn1. Liod1 1n0' Hen•v S,on, Fr1nc1s Tht l..,1 l"d l'r1 ~~ N Gu11,,.. llovd II J, •~O' Vl•olnl1 A. l<K~hl rl, Dorl• "'"" 1no J ee~ r1rv1n Nl,hel10.,, $t•oh1nv Lin" Ind RM• "'"''" ICt adlt , Ro~<! Iii •nd J1ne .t.nn• Sowden, John .t, 1nd Jul!ellt 8!11. EOw1•d Scon 1nd Ju1n1!1 Sl119le111n. M1•;1n1 1nd R4td L Morain, 81vtrlv St l1n1 1nd How1•d -~' ltul" Lu111 1nd 01n!11 H•bi!rt. J e1" M, t "!I Robert F'1 t•l<k C•rl10f!, Rcttt•I J1mt1 1n<1 C:llhfrlhl TH~ APPLICATION CALLS H111, Tr1vl1 i nd Ju1ntt1 C. l'cclu!on, lillllh H. 1nd Joh" 2tnitnok. lhnnie1 A, tnd l.v,.,.,1 G. H.,.,..11, Joyce A 1nd Go,oon W. (umrrdrn:u, !fir• E. i nd Mt r!o-n Wt•!~•lv, Mt l1"!1 1nd AAleh~e1 Smh~. Vl•olnl1 Ru!ll 1nd ICennttll G1~1 lnne1, Phvlll1 Orene i nd J1m11 W0011m1r '.' .' '• • -· <••••!" ' Rtllt •tTFI, Etrl lttvmono '"" M .... , for converting the property in· ,,~.. v nt ' ..... n •· JCJtflFll ... A nd••~on, Ht l•n Loul1e tnd Frink R•ll!on. Jeinnt Mt••t •"d Oo"1ld lo a sma ll-plane airport, a city A•cnd~1con E!hwtirth F1111r, P1lm@r Ltrov Jr •n<:I B1•b1•1 ' ' ''' , ''' _ -• (• , P"k. and a branch campus of· 111 m,n, ~ • ,,.,.,~ ..... "'' •• Rllltlnn Htnrv f e r j n g a transportation C:h1pl'll1"• Oo•li Annt end Wllll•m ~''"'~0'11 . M•ra1••' M 1nd oon110 G. · I Alld'tw Ltl'o m1n, Jen! W1vn1 ~nd Glende Gi ll management (' U r r 1 C u Um Mclt•n. f.!1rold Edw1rd •P'ld Oorl)t~v conm'(' c:1r~ i.vnn ,~11 w111.,.,, Reid lead ing to a master's degree. -;~,r'-"-----------'-"'-"-· -'-"-"-'-· '-"-'-'-'-~_,,_,_. __ The 11irport would be managed i.?. by Pepperdlne wlth the city as the 01\'ner. The j o i n t. city-university plan follows a succes~fu l effort by a cit izens group, lhe Com· mittee against Camaril]() Airport. at stopping the coun· ty's hopes to devel op the !011g· closed Oxnard base into a commercial jet airport. The inevitable jet noise was a mR~ jor factor in dumping thoae plans. Orange County's interest In Camp Pendleton also !items from jet noise. Oran.11:e County Airport Iii besieged hy $.10 milli on in d.i1mage claims fi led by 920 Newport B e a c h hom'<!w ners who contend the noise from jets using tht fieJd is 11 publle nuisanct. Fnmll11 Circus ~II Bii Kenne '!!. h.tlltl~ Tllo"'D•o-n-l erov 1nd Jovc1 Ann H11w1rlf, Thom1s !lent"" ""d .. ,...,.,, "' llu•~t. P~1r1c+1 Lvn" t od Jo/In Wlllll ,.,, Ou!r, llnx• Edw1r1~ 1nd Denl1e P. We~k1 . Lto C:. •nd Heltn IC. Th11mM.,,,, Vlrolnl1 Ltt IP\d Cll1rlt~ v;"c.,,I l:~ndololl. P1!•ld1 A. t nd J•ck C Hubbe•O'. Mollv I nd l'rt~k Cll1r!11 Wllll&m T•·c~t<. Mlt'V Vjr11lnl1 1nll Gtnl S!IT!nt r. A~" k , 111d M1r•ll1ll A_ De]g;:o. Su11n1 M'rlt 1nd M1ro1r1lo ll••~n•rw", Ca"•'•n-c• •. i nd Sh~wn M, C"rdt!I, Pllvlllt E. 1...r Gl•n O. WM!1n, Gl,1!1 1"0' Alltler! Jr. WrleM, Jlol•"I G. ind F1rrlt l Oii' l obDlll. B&bbl• G,.,. l!nd "ot>trl !v•nt. Mltfl1•! J. ~nit C1rrl1 Ovtrl(ln, (111'111 W. •l'ld l•rl!•tl O. It<.... l1ttv J••" 1nd J11vmond M~•m1" V1n1trem. C1>rt I!:, 1nd J 1"l1 L. 8~""'· M1ry A"" I"" Jlr"ll lH "Ord, Wltll•,,; lol, •'Id S ... ry! l . .H•m"""""', Wiiii• II:. t rwl 1.l!u•ll !'. o ·•rv-•n. ltt!V M. ind Al'(lll• w. M111t11, V1l'Ofl!t1t Vici"'!" PM I M Jftlllt r .. ~. D!tlt J• .. l<t •nd Robert l H Ghlf,,•v. Ml•lltlt AITl0!11ttt1 •""' C:F11•1tt Cnrllt Emmon1. "•l1(ltl1 "'"" tlld 1111!'1 G"f!r11 Ctnlct•o~, 11:,,.11!1 ind J,,. ICt•fof\, IC&r•11 IC. 1"11 Htrot\f I!, J1m11. Glllfy1 M1r!1> i nd J11.w Do•u!lf fll"~•n. JU"l!tfl ICIY Pnll lord JOtl•r i1<1hl11t.,, 0~11111 1"11 J1m11 •· S. Ofl!•Ofl, Jiii Ellttl)9!1'o l fld ,tnl14 Jl lClll •d G•11ton. Nt fl(V J. ~ .. d l dw!" c. MIYf, Jlov A, Ind M••v J t"41 Cll•bollclv, llobl•l 81rn1rd Ill(! H1!ttt litlt1 !r¥l11. Gi(i'r1l1 H. l!nd I UIV I , A!~1nl0fl, 01w" M1rl1 t"lf Jt- Sll1rm1n CLASS 8---(11 Rtd Roostor. John Calley. CYC: i2t Blue Streak, 011ry Myers, NHYC. CLASS C-j j ! Trend, Jim Llndtnnan. BYC. CLASS D-11> Counterpoint: fl) l<lclty Cbanct. Bromley & Leitch, BCYC : 131 America Jw, Ceor1• Tooby. N!IYC. Scott All an, fnrmt.rly or Newport Beach 11nd now 11 the U.S. N1v.11l Ac1dem y, An- n1polis, Md .. will reprtsr.nl Lo.~ Angele11 Yacht Clu b in the Flyi ng Outc hman Olympic tn11ls which got under way t~ day al Buffalo. N.Y. Allan w11~ U.S. national cha mpion in the class last year and has not been be'1ten by .an American FD sailor ln the pa st two yean. BYC established a limit of 50 fer t for participating yacht8 and 1et up • tehtdule of el.11s~ th11t would 11tart at I(). minute i n t e r v 11 I ~, Thi8 elimlnatr.d lhf' h ~z 1 rd o u s starting lint crush. but by the ti me all claMes are und er way they still create • sptct•cular never tqu1tlled ln other yachti ng are11. Aud <:i:irdiner. two-time na- lional champion In the Cal ·20 Clas!J, won Kin& Harbor Yacht Club's C it 1 • 2 0 Invitational Regatta Stlturday •nd Sunday. Therfl were 12 entrles in Saturday's race and 10 on Sun- day. Trophy winners: ( 11 Bravu ra . Bud Gardiner, KHYC: (IJ Crlc k•l. B i 11 \Vait~. SOYC; (l J ColJeen, Ed f or CBYC: (41 Sugar Ba be, Sam Gibso n. HHVC: (SJ Mary S. 11, Bud l..e1&, KHYC. THE NEWPORT BEACH clai ms 11nd tb_e $4 billion worth of suits pendlng against Los Angeles Inttrnational Airport wt re given new credence Jn April when the CAlllomla Supreme Court ruled that property cwners suing Santa Monica MunJclpal Airport may .!I 16.,/' \~ <IP "Daddy I Do I have to go to bed now?" ll ru,..on, Jn """ •"" l •tdlord t W!W'fl, Ltl lfll'l lt1rl 11111>11 Hoffm•"· Jlldltll 1<1v tnd J 1m11 '•ll<ltrlrt l tll, 8t11V 0 111 1111f Wi ller 1.t•n• l 1lllOW1-y, Olm V. •nd M1rv L. J11r111,, M1rtt11 J1111 11'111 J Dll" L• ill- Dvtr, lltuut!I I . '"d !nt II:. ,.. lltlft!'"' Mtrc:t ll1 tPllt Outd•llJft llmflflt. a111 e •l'l!f L1"Wrtfltt 111 Cllesslt. Dtl\t Lft ~ DOfltl!I '"., MtCUllO('ll, "'"! A. t l'Plf M6wtr~ J, au11n., ,...,,,. . t f'lf M'lt r!rt' •~ 110!11, (httlt t T, IMI 81rN•t J, l'l'M!l'llA, t..olt l lt lllt 11'16 lltedtr1t:t. lo!~Wlf'f ,. " ' • ' , , 1 • • • • ' -. ·~· ~IL~!.._H Everyone Hos Someth ing Th at Som eo ne Else Wants DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS . ~ You Can Sell It, 1 Find It, Trade It With 11 W 11 nt Ad The Biggest Ma'rketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results 1~-,.,~ l~ [ _,.... I~ [ _, .. u. I~ I _, .. u. Generi111 General General "The House Beautiful" POOL AND JEWEL firri I a.g e Co f fec lio11 Ca!ua! e1egancr-on Lu1 d11 lmmarulate 1~ the 1\·orc1. Is!!" Four ! p 11 c 1 ri u s ' This J BR r-.1eu '*'rd'" pool I hrrli·mms lfl,..lll'1!rl.': t11·1n I home has n1any n"' 111 n1:i~lr1· sudP 11 1!h Jirtplace. fe-atures 1nclurlirt£ rloub!t" N>f"ll'll!f' n1a1d 's 'l lld.l'ftr~. ovFn, dishwasher 11 n d I l'rnf,...~s1onall.11 r!P1'nralrrl garagf' door opener. En)uy Furn1al d1t11n.w: rol) in 1h.-fRm 1l.v room 1r11h g-rrat I VA TERMS SPpRr<11ed frnm ~am cr iJ. ht1ilf-1n h11.r. ~trri out into HARBOR VIEW HILLS-$55,750 l,o\vest priced "l.usk '' home in beautiful Harbor \ te\v J·lills . There are 3 .<:racious bdrms .. 2 haths. f<1rnily rn1 plus an1ple din- i ng area , c·arpets & drapes incl. One of the largest lots in area , 72x 160. \\'ant to see it? Convenient parking-easy tn bP a "DROl'-J:-J'• at Bay & BC'ach fll"alty 675-3000 Sparkling .f br-droom, family 1n.w: ll\'lll;'! room hy &1111que !hr lovPly cn1•rred pallo l'flOlll, Jll' x 111' ~rrPenPd 11' r o u g h 1 iron grill, 11long:i;ide the h E' '1 u 1 l f 11 l alum1nu1n l1U1al, l1rrrlaC'r . Spnri~man ·s rlen 11· 1 1 h Antl1nny Pnnl ~J.Q,OI)') takes lull hu11t1 ns 1 n c I u d 1 n :i;: flI'rp!A re and 11f'I bar. i! all. Red Carpel Realtors. rl1~l111.<1.:<1hl"r, nr11• all vinyl Pri1·a1P g<1tf"d rrimn1un11~·. 546--8&40. floor 1n kit ,II,, fam ily rrn -P1Pr anrl slip for .vour b1i;::- Oflrrf'r1 1v1fh Fl-IA nr no )::l'~t boat . Step throu.i;h the do11·n \"A 1erm~ nr 1·r111rse. n111~~l\'f' hand rar\'erl entry INVESTORS rloor.~ nnrJ dtsco\'er Linda Isle ~16/l.300. PARADISE C. F. Colesworthy U'n1ts is Costa l\lt'sa .,,, & C R I l;irgP Int. Po1rn11al io builrl 0. ea tors 19 adrlirional units. Check Ea~thluH Office 6~0--0020 th i~ out 11.t $165,000. Hi1y:<!1rl,, nrrwe fii5-49:io BARGAIN OF THE DAY /aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO-ii-ii-ii-iiiiiiiiii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii./~c!,~~~o~Da~ T~~~l~o~~ be<lroom 2 b11.th 011·nprs un i! IS THIS YOUR PRE STIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT J Linda Isle Drive plus t1rrJ-2 bedroon1 rtntal~. NEXT HOME? T11 ~ ~h'Pl'lrs youn~. -You Ch1trmi11g, Provincial style in can I Pat this prtrlr-{1/-immHctilale c 0 n d 1 t 1 o n Oll'nrr~hip" loeation, i~ liar-throu;:h0 ut . Ff'il tures 3 BR. bor lilgh Srhf'IOl d1st r1t!. f;;imil v l"'Y'm. 2 bllth~, roun-BA YCREST, N.B. try k;tchen \1 11h used brick Over 2000 Bq ft of luxury in ;i tircplacr. formal rlining 3 bedroom, 21 7 bath. family roon1. Clni;r !Q ht'ach, and dining arf'<I. Bonus of i<chnols, <1nfl shopping. a spArk!ing pnol 11nd Jnw Pr1rl', $~.~.90fl. f'or ad- n1aintenan ce 75' x 110' yard. rlitil:ina l ant! appn1ntment. All the 11sual B11yC'rP~! plr1-t:"!e phone 546-2313. OnJ,\ $23,500. E A ST S ! D E COST A :'>IF.SA. 2 Bedroom , 1 ;;;h1ngle Rool. .\!1nut!'s to ' Shopping, Schools an rl I Churche~. Do ~·our~l"lr 11 good turn .11nd Ca ll 6-16--0555. Evenings 646-5226. I COLWELL B~auti fu l ne \v 5 BR . 41,2 Ba . ho1ne . \Vater- front liYlng rm. & formal dining. Handsome oak paneled fam. r111., frplc., '"-'et bar. Large m aster suite ha!' frplc. & cozy lo unge area. \iiew of Bay & the mountains. . $179 ,500. For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, Please Call: PROPERTIES, INC . REALTORS Dreamy Modern For sophisticated aiiulls 13 this custom1zPd 2 Beclroom, I BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Dr ., Su ite I, N.B. 675-6161 ff'alurt>s. Full price $64,950. anr1 ;in l'!Ssumablf' loan of i!pproxtmatrly S50,()()(). Just !1~ted -hurry. 540-11.'il IOprn E1·rs.I EVERYONE QUALIFIES G en er a l IG __ •_n_•_'"_'-------I _ to assume thi s ]011· 1n-I -HERITAGE . • REALTORS SUPE R SHAR p •-o;:e;:;:jj;°ii()N-j:"'-'[~!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!i!!!iii!!ii!!il terest loan '· S24i, mo 1n-3 Bt'rlrm 2 h11th 2 ~10r;v h'lnir OCEANFRONT eludes taxes Almost ne1~ 2 bath h'lme in the Bluff~. Air cnndlltoned. expen511'e can1\ry yelJO\\' shag carpels a.nd custom drapes. Perfect in every detail. A must get> at only S38.0flO. Call !or I sho1ving. 673-SjjO_ in ~r11·port \Yest. \l"alk to HALECREST 3 brdr01Jm home on quip! beach , 4 sn .. frpl c., dining rm . On ruJ.de-saC'. Fully carpeted. 40 Ir. Int in hr.~t lor. nrar CHARMER RED CARP[T nEALTORS all hu11!-1ns, on hu ge lot. I ~'il.Ch t rluh. Call for app't, o I I $32 e !'62-;';il e 3 PLUS RUMPUS 11-nrr trans errer . ,500. -===========C7:c=---::cc------In SPP, Sl00,000. Call w 8424 ;n ' I WANTED II TREES -TREES 'c,11, 673·366.J 642->2'1 '-''" ROOM ~· ""'""" •• Por•"". Coll"' Par'. 3 BR.. TENDER LOVING Crea! corner lor11t1on on 2 b!ll, hnn1P. ~r'v o·Arpets & CARE q 111Pt tree Jinr rl street. 2 hig cui,tom rlrilf"!"-"· Q1u"1 Street. h·th·.. lo·c•" •1• h•·o. I I ·' h d 1 " ~ , 11 " , ~" rom a amuy "' o estres o MESA VERDE I h11rrh1oorl floor!, Built-in hve 1n a good neighborhood, 3 BR .. 2 bath pool home. k1trhen. ,1·azber & dryer in· e xcellent sc h o o 1 ', eon- Room for ca1npC'r. t-.tr. """'"""'""'""'""'""""""""'/ ('llld<'rl. Large en c ! o s e d LIKE Vf'nit'Tlt to n1ark l"tS anrl schools j fnr tha r item unrl f'r $.'iO. rumpu.~ room. N e w J y S V R E? !ree11·ay, cul--de--sac. cloF>e FORT!r>.', RraJrnr 642-3000 try flie Penny Pincher painled -owner ... 11·11! listen ME A E D tn )tesa Verde Country I Gener•! 'General In all orfers -ALL Terms. If sn, then check this big 3 Club-3 Bedrooms + family 11••••••••••11~~~~~~"~'' Thi ... rine l\'on't la-;\' Red lJf'rlroom plus family room room, 2 baths, rovererl Carpet Realtors. 546-8640. bo111e \\'Jth electric builtin$. patio. Pricer! at only S30.9'99. lar~P c11vered patio llnrl Call 545-2313. Houaalfots.I• ,~, HoulM for s.l• l~ [ Hot.-a far.· S.le !~1 HolR&torSlle ]~ Gtner1I Gentrtl POOL -CAMEO HIGHLANDS- Arch1tect .designed -Nev.· carpets & drape.;. 4 Bedroon1s. con,·ertible den . :l hat h:. r;ithr- dral ceilings and 2 used brick ftrep!acei;_ familv room . built-in kitchen & 8-8-Q. PLL'S 1v!AN\' XTR.i\S . Entertain around your o,,.n POOL s;6,.IOO -VIEW, VIEW, VIEW- BAY , CANYON . CATALI NA Delightful fan1ily hon1e . Ln\·ely slaff' entry. 3 bedroon1s, 1 3 ~ ba th. F.-\.\llL'' R00:'11 !nt· dining room) large gourn1et k1tcl1en 1\ 1th all the bu iltins. FIR EPLACE plus n1any ot ht'r nice fea tures. See and con1pare .. S63.500 . -WATERFRONT VIEW- 38 ' WATE RFRONT and a POOL TOO' Pier & slip available. :\EIV DRAPES &. r AR· PETS. 2 bedrooms, 21-1 baths. ~JAR BLE FIREPLACE. bu illin kitchen with WET BAR . patio o,·erlookin g the t1.1ater. You must see to app reciate. $85,000. -IRVINE TERRACE- Let us sho\v you th is encha nt.in_g home. .-\tr1um entry. sp acious living roon1 1~·1th fire- place. 3 Large bedrooms 2 baths . L0 \1EL 't' Dfi\11NG ROO l\l + roo1n to storE> you r frail - e r or boat. , . . . . 862 .500 -HARBOR VIEW HOME- s oMERSET MODEL -Stretch-out and \" e in this two story 5 bedroo1n, 3 bath. FAJ\llL'' ROOM , DINI NG ROOM . Builtin kitchen. 2 fireplaces, NEW CARPETS and DRA PES pl us so man y ext ras you have to see it lo r eally apprecia te it. FEE LA ND. S72 500. ~ AHO ASSoc-IAT£S REALTORS 644-7270 2828 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. General Gent rat * * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. * EXCL US IVE LI NOA ISLE . SISS,000 Prfltecierl patin in th is spac iou s. \"E\\i" 4 bed· ro0n1 bl!yfrnnr hnn1e \\:FR . DR . ;,r11d\' & ,'j 1') haths. ,..,Pcri nrl flnnr offers. r1 larc1;> ~u ndeck . ll!,t:h rr dings & 1na11v custon1 feature~. ''Our 27th Yea r" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 211 1 S11n J oaquin Hills Roed "Over looking Big Canyon Country Clu b'' NEWPORT CENT ER , N.B. 644-49 10 * * * * * * REDUCED $2500 R·l f"-e In t in ~e1\'J'!Orl:I Largl" H.trb<">r \r1e1~· Home. Shnt'"~ nr.1v .'i2'1JW1 I · Palf'Tmo :O.lfYie!." 4 \gl'. -S IL L GRUNDY I hrirm;, ra1n1lr r111 . 2 Realtor 675.6161 Irr-Ir.•. 11·rr h.1r Q11n£"r has / :Hl Bily~1rl,., :"pt, Be&ch .-.rart>ri nothin;; 111 c!Pror11t1ng th1' bf'.'l1Jt1ful horn<". C11J! to I ln~pl'('I .'i60.450. CORBIN - MARTIN REAL TORS 644-7662 TRIPLEX WITH GOLF COURSE VIEW .. ·-·- 4 BDRM, 2 BATH doubl~ car raragl". coYer- ed patio, good Ea.5tside location. $26,950. Roy Mccardle Re•ltor IP.IO !\'e11·port Blvd ., C.M. 549.7729 Bayshores \-f'D., n('a' &: • lr.:i.n, 2 3 BR, 2 RA. ring_ rn1 .• cust hPrll"'ll>n1 lirime. 1 hr<lnxim crpt ~hutt,,r.~ & rlrp~. Elec 11n1t Ol'"r t:ilril,?<" ,(. Am rher kit Ltl1\' L:-"h()lrl. lii.)...()S40 1 ht'drf.l()m unil "" ;z:round Corona del Mir flO(lr All \JkP -'•p;irate i----------hn11£"~ Cornf-1" !nt !rlral tor WHY WAIT? rrtir"rl o'n11p!" 11atltlng hnu~r 11nrl !nrnm .. ~~i.9:xl (.'!JI h-lft-7J7J f(I ~Pf' 1-i>I THE REAL \'"'\l ESTATERS '-•)I•( fl lJNTl l 4 PM SAN MARCOS ACREAGE Approximately 35 a c re 1 , e~tate zontct on Santa Fe Road , lJl fa&t !fl'O\l»lllj San '\T'trl'O< Hnlrl f n r 8)>- prrc1;:it1on nr (fo>1·elflp 11 now. All ll l:lit.t.; ln proper!. Sl43.~. Tht!'. lovo>lv hnn1,, 11. hranrl n,,,, 11.orJ h~~ 11o>vrr h""n l1v - ,,.i 11'1 Jr ~1l~ l"ln th" trip ri! a hdl 01':\( ff\ !hf> l'\f>"' ;;;p\;:l~~!-aro>~ hut lhi~ btauty 1~ readY no11" The view from all moms 1: spectacular. C.U' tod11.y anti &ee thit p:ipular 'T.1Jk. built home. 675-7225. COLWELL PROP ERTIF S IN C REALTORS hlnr·k v.·all frncing. \ralk lo sLore~. banks and C111t'ma Theatre. 10,..,r Do\\'n pay- ment 11·tll h11.ndle. Price only $31.9.50. l-Qj THE REAL \"'1I:STATERS General Jentral LARG E 2 BR Home '"IPool & V1~~·· l\P\~' carpets & rlra!)t's. Pnc,.rl f(}r 1mmed- 1111e sale~ Pr1ncipail only please 644-15.16. BUY IT WHILE YOU CAN So much for so little . 3 BR. plus fa m. & dining r m. \ri th spectacul a r bay view, in Harbor Vie w Hills. Asking $59,500 . Jim Mulle r BAYFRONT PIER & SLIP Ra re corner lot, sandy beach. lge. trees: rm. for pool & improt·ements. 4 BR .. 4 ba ths . $199.000. Fee. O\t'ner may finan ce. Bill Comstock FIVE BEDROOMS Plus den ,..,,,,,et bar, din. rm .. 2 frp lcs. Pa1ios off all rooms . Free & easy living in Univ . Pk. ALL 0:-1 I-LEVEL. $58.900. Call "Chuck" Le\t'iS ROOM r ' so· BOAT 2 'Yr. old 2-sty., 4 or 5 BR. Dock at yo ur door . Vie.tv of ocean. too. Custom buil t for owner '''ho \vants quic k sale . Call George Grupe SPECTACULAR BAYFRONT Step right out onto the beach. great enter· tainers home. Sunshi ne thruout. Priv. court· yard. 2 Fireplaces . $165,000. Triana Bergin SPECIAL WATERFRONTS Via Lid o No rd. 4 BR., fa mil y r m. Rm. for 10· boat. $285,000 . On Lagoon, Linda Isle. New BR. & family rm. $300.000. Eil een Hu dson exquisite 5 LIDO ISLE VILLA-6S' LOT Beau t. custom 4 BR .. sep . di n. rm. Bi~ kit. & 2 patios~ .Super upstairs -ms tr. swte & lge. adj . study -hobby room, F .P . & deck. $129,500. Eugene Vreeland 4 UNITS CORONA DEL MAR Owne r will carry 1st T.D. on these outstand· ing units. 2 Units per lot & can be sold as package. Xlnt location. So. of Hwy . on ex- clusive Avocado, Marcia Bents OWNERS HAVE MOVED Ready fo r qu ick move·in. LaSalle model. Univ. Pa rk. 4 BR.. 21> ba .. famil y, formal din. 2 F rplcs. On park. Good privacy. $49.- 950. Howard Well s PRIVATE COMMUNITY & BEACHES 3 BR ., coqv. den, magnificent view . Beamed cathedral ceil's .. low meint. yatd , nr . tennis els .. pools & pa rk. $84,500. Bob Yorke 550 NEWPORT CENTER D~ .• N.B. ;ca,. co:Ts ~WALLACE MOVE IN REAL TORS -546-4141- '->< I < "• T , l'rr Eastslde Custom v, •. :., ~~~~T"'~'"'~' 2 (Open Evenings) 1 bath home "'"" big bllm THIS OLD HOUSE k1tch 1nc!11rl1ng refri.1; frl"f'Z· ~ rl 1 1 h 1 h h 1 Large 2 bedroom and den. custom buil! on corner lot. t\1ce Eastsid e location. features large rooms. par- quet floors. 2 ceranuc ttle b11ths anrl much more. $28.950. PH: 642-.lm. 9:r21 er. Locatrd on Co~ta l\.lesa · f'P s 01 0 e P ut t e n- Gol! Cour~e anrl has br'At ('a!mn is grea!. So. of tlif li1~li1,·;iy in a rhrnce Coron;i rl!'l .\lAr Joc11t1()n, 2 ~tor;.• on th,, rPar o/ Jo~. Come anrf !'i<'P !hi:<!. Price has been r>:"· r!UC'f'rl $25fl0 for qu1<:k sale. i\n11' S47,:,()(l_ 67,1-8.1.Xt and tra1l!'r ~iorage ~·arrl. r.1ovE" in nn rro>rl1! approv11I until escro111 rinses. VA-:-:O OOV.'N , $28 ,500. Newport •I Fairview 6-16-8811 -* Speculators * ASSUME VA LOAN (1nytlmt) E:i.stsirle, sparkltnR clean. custom built :l R. 2 A, ~L!!l'!'V'!'!E!!'!D"'!'I N~A".""!"L'!'!I T~T~L~E!"-' I I i\'I ng + din 1 ng I\ r l' a ' BUT LOVED A LOT hrtp!ace. FA ht. blt1ns .. ne . . shag crptg + rlr p!., patio. This single r::tory st~cco, 3 dbl gar.. fe'llced yd. Only , bedroom home hus iust the $28.~. Q\\·ner movinJl . I CREATIVENESS· VERSATILITY· SENSITIVITY j All of thf'!>e are par a.mount 1n thl~ spaciou s family horn!". Custom d r a p e g anrl ~autilul shag carpe ting t hroughout. Immaculate yards 1~·1th sprinklers both front and rear. Very good huy at $42.493. Cal! r igh t no\v to see 546-2313. !O THEREAL \'"'-ESTAT ERS space you need at a pr.ice CALL ANYTIME I you can af!ord. 2 sparkllng 646-3928 or Eve. 645.4375 baths, all you nerrl al a "'"""°"""''='""'="'"=~~ price you can arlord. 2 INCOME OR INLAW 2 Separate Homes on One sparkling bath~. an t>lectric Parcel. Near Do1\'1'1tov•n kitchen, carpet5 and drapes Costa Mesa. Large 4 thruou t. Double garage. Bedroom. 2 Bath Home and Only 21) years olrl and pric-=:===~==:==;~= 2 Bedroom Home, separ.lted W 81 S32.900. FHA and GI Only S 1,450 Down 1 by lots or Green Gras~. buyers welconw>. C3 1J N D T G I PoS11ible lo arid ~fore Unlls. o own o .. Very Good J nve' t m e n t $35,000. Call 646-0555, Even- in&"• 646-~226. Realtortc 545-9494 Open Eves NEED MORE ROOM ? ' + din + fRm rm . Like rte\\.' beauty \\·/flr?pl. w/w shag crpUi, huge. kitch, bltin RIO, dshwshr. Jrg lot, xlnt Jdgcpg. $36 ,9 50, Ca.J I SEYMOU R RE AL TY 847-1221. COLWELL PROPE RTI ES. IN C REALTORS Lovf'ly cornPr lot, 3 largl" brdroom!, built-ins, 11ermra!f' I utility room, fireplace in huge living room. shakt' 1 roof. lots of brick 111ork and a lovely country dfmo1phetl". I Only $29,000. Call 847-GCllO for more information. I 1 --4-.-U-N-IT_S_ with pool It. room to build mort units overlooking pro- posed Marina KE"ys. Ad- IO THE R EAL \'"'-ESTATI:Rs '' • ' • r ditional la.nd av&..!). A U"'IClUf tiC.+il: PICTURE YOURSELF wo rkin g with Unique .Homes: Th e most tal ked abou t and aggres- sive real estate firm in Southern California now has open ings for tal ented sa lespeople. Unique is unique! Why not join us? PHONE JIM WOOD, UNIQUE HOMES, CORONA DEL MAR , 675·6000. REALTOR, MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE. Daily Pilot Classified Ads for Action ••• Call 642-5678 MACNAB IRVINE _______ ... _______ _ Fl N ER HOMES SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR $43,500 3 BR. FR + pool. Light. airy . bea m ceil- ing. FR w/stepdo wn wet bar & fireplace. Cl ose to schools & shopping -shows beau- tifully. TURTLEROCK -PRESIDENT HOMEll I BR, FR, Su per VIEW : : Excell ent con- dition:! ONLY $73.950, the VIEW is free :: For appt. call Laszlo Shark any 644-6200 LIDO PENINSULA BAYFRONT Pool. yacht sli p, 3 BR's. 2 ba ths -fir e· place. $84 .500. frank Peralta 642-8235. DOVER SHORES Spectacula r upper ba y view . Exquisite 4 BR -3 bath home. Formal DR -spaci- Jus FR. Dramatic 2-sto ry entry w/1ky· fig ht. Large patio and ga rden. ~112 .500. Irvine M1cn1 b· lrvlne "telty Com p1 "Y IOI Dover Ortve 142·1231 1'4' MacArthur t«•l200 . Newport luch,C.llforal112111 REALTORS SINCE 1~4 673-4400 Units! Units!- NEWPORT BA'YSIDE DRIVE DUPLEX unrler 1·onsrruct1on, 2 BR. 2 BA ,,ach un11. E.ach ,..-/pr1l' i;;undeck & Bay VJ "!111, f OT into t all 714 :645-1460. Co1ta Mesa PRD.1E DE~iA.'l.'D REN- TALS! 1 hlO<'.'.k tn hay or $29,900. ocean. l<leal locat1on. Clog!' MESA VERDE ro e\·eryth1ni . Anractive I B t b . h .tnd all 2 bedroom unit . Call es . uy in t e a.rea~ Cozy no"· 643-0303. f~mily room w/cracklinr I om,., I Ol \O\ Jl[A ,'r!#', Home + Income Cream Puff From q1iaint front porch to lu&h ghag carpet~-super! Huge living room. Giant bedrooms . Chef's kitchen. IA undry mom. PLUS renta.1 , uni!. ON LY $26,500 call M\\.'-64?>--0303. IOl!l.\I I Ol\O\ ,. ! ,, • (' ,. NEWl'ORT HEIGHTS VACANT -2 Bedrooms and den, remodeled and at- tractivE". Excellent loca- tion ..... , ..•••••••.• $33,(X)O. PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 642·5200 JUMBO 2·STORY !i Bedrooms -2 Bath~ Quiet · trees $34,S>O FHA N A • Corona dt l Mu duplex I \Valk to btach. Only S63.S>O. CHUCK CAROTHERS REAL ESTATE TREASURES 1831 \~fitcllff. N.B. 645-5152 * MESA VERDE * VETS NO DOWN View of golt COUt!,.. l BR .. 2 1 ha . M'm'd patio, rm. for I boat, cl'lrner lot $.12.~. BALBOA BAY PROP. I * 642.1•91 * "THE GOOD LI FE" \\'a.lk to beach, lf!Ml.!l. pon\. ftreplace! Separate master bedrm w/bath~ Don't wait Cilll !!"Jr <ippt. 973--1050. ' DUPLEX $27,500 EasUide kic., 2 hotaft, lot. Shows 16"",, return. 2414 Vista de! Oro Newport Bea.ch O#-t.ll3 ANYTIME NOT FANCY-. JUST HOMEY . 3 BR & family rm .. 2 ?I. x.,:. corner lot. $29,500. FHA/VA --'GEMM-- 1610 W. Coelt Hwy., N.11. RJ:'1.TORS - • BR, Condo. Near ~ Coast $23.500. Swim pool dbl rara_re, crptl, d r 1 p e 1 1 '51-3.133. 5*-4760. MESA V~ ... 3 Br ... 2 Ba 6' Fam. Near Ptrk. i.ehls. sho pp tni. Ne wl y rtdecorated 4 ah&& ca.rpet. 12!'<24 aluminum rm oft bek -1M9 Corslc11. Pt1et •. B;y awn.r.~5~ MESA--VEllOJ;..POOL Lovely 2 sty, 4 br, 2~ be. den. din rm + p,y brt4kttl ii n"a. flowers, pvt yard compltmfl nt Anthony JJOOI. S49.900 By cwht'r. 2004 B.a!ear1e Or, CM 546-&SU. · O\\'NER. I Bdnn, 1f Uv rm. 5unrm. Kit, din . cpls, dip., tnrt'I yd . , .. r. $18.tiro. $3.000-. dn B&J 7~. 6-IS..2l38. l·Jty. 2 BR. C<lnv. lf"n. fpl ":O.I11kt Room tor --o~· Nf'w CATP .• treJ.h p1 lnt in & 1 d y' ·, . c I ea n Ottt out II Jparkle~. $32 &00. a:~r~ .• your tr11h \i CA CAYWOOD REAL TY "'" • DAILY l'ltOr * 543-1290 * c1 .. sft•d 1d. ' • I Monda)', J111lf 12, 2q7z ~ [ _._ .. ]~/[ -··•• ]~J I _,,_ I~ I ~:i~ J ~1 [ r--w J!iJ I '"N"'"' J~,11..-[ __ ..... ___,]~1;;;;;;.[ -iiiiiiiiiiiiii'"""* I,.!;.._, 1~·1 ;;;u;;;11;;;1 ;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ Hunt<naton Boodl I II ;;;;--~~ I I 1-.---~I H u f _.,,_ .._ ----===----I Irvin• Mobo'lo Home1 Income P,......,,.rt; 16' Business u___ r-ou••• n urn. · --mymsy to Loan 240 Houses Unfurn. 30S *MODEL HOME* FREE ----f For Sale I" TRIPLEX, "'•· 2 Bl~.1 Oppartunfty 200 "::~:::::_..:.:11 ~~;;!!~'.'.::.-......:~11 ~Hhu;;nrtiti~n~g~ton~~Bo~odl~==1 Lut hott'I l ~un~h1~ 11.nd 1J1nr1. r'lo~ ti') TOP VALUE! DOUB' 0 ... d, f'l·-·-~I 11, p.i;ilOI. Nr ~1 ,.,,., S4..l 00:> -----------General t n CounlfY CJul:! twa.1"h and i hopp1na:. bt:tt TURTLE ROCK mob~e -h,,me ..... J't~·; 6n-ll1"4 Ax('nr Ms.-7.tJ4 A ONE-MAN 110~1t:O\•/NERS! 1----------·IS.l.iO-t.XEl' Home. 4 + ~ ~ c:•ut. viewoJSanhi at?a, all tt"rms. Cal! !or In Prime IVC"1111on. >18Ut1n£ dts· BUSINESS BORROW J.\f~l..\Cl'LATL · I ... ior\ 1 J/11;:!' J)()O], 11l1<ll'. d1vln;: - ntry Club. Cpl~. torn1a11011 lam·p 1n ,..IPrn. 9, h<ln!. 2, evtt)'thing. ~t up In nlee 12 UNITS $2,000 INVESTMENT bdrm 2 ba!h hot1'" 1<1fh din· hot1M ~'r1<' 11nklr rlHp 1 • • lnd&cpd. blk wall, 6r: STEAL suiry 4 Bf!. 3 rtil.J.. ~!hR fa111Uy park PCI& OK. $ASO(J. E . COSTA MESA $IOOO $IO U in.': room and l&n11ty room rrpt r urnHure A11aiJ. Ag1. trite.rest. Open Sat & Sun no Pf."f'lllty to pay-Be.autilul 4 plua 3 <'ar i:llIAi:r PRIDE !i.1!-7~. JOE FORTIER RLTY LOW .MON,OOOTHLYP Kik ·hrn b1h-1n~. Ya rrt e n< 1 t \1.:f .... ~.iOC!. · UT The M11ter1 Ctrt"le., c f\f e (Can Start Part T ime ) 1 5t6-S558 or 6«·R6l6 bfflroom 2 bath IY.lmP. low OF n~'NERSlllP ~Hl::l:.-r. DBL .,.1de rnofnlt-hnme. 646--3410 I PAYMENTS pal10 complrlrly Pll('..,..•'! --. JlJ::NT O PT~ rlown IUJYml. 1ubm1t your PrU"l'fl llf'l.u"' 1111) nr1<, 11n adul! crt, 111r f'flll<f. lluni. Ind 1 p Jusl """ m!ll' fl'l 1111 f)l"'f'itn "J. Jl<t 2 n f J laCL.. Ee1t Bluff U:rnu.. lrl'l l""""'""t 4 HR ,.1 .. n <lF-B. $10.:i!O. Sli-!t817. ! _ustr •I __ !~i_:f-~_ Iii '. Light, pll'11.'1!nl, E~TRF:MI-'.-LOANS on ANY HOM E. and :"°\c14p.:i1·t &arh 1n Ill.In . 1111, "· Jit., 190• 8"ck Boy Vlewl BluU.t 3.2-., baytrnn! r·ond<i w/be.aut. 1inob15!ru1·tNI ha) "1e.\.\•, Sc-cludpd rul-dc·lla" loc. Upgr&df'd .,../nf'w crpr!., wall pa()f>r, f1x!ure~ &. pain!. LEASE OPTION • VACANT FE:Rf.!) FOH ()N°l.Y S4.Q.7'".Jl * :\1-1 ('QRNf.R * · I ngr on r;ic l • .01.l ..., IW'f ... , . 54fi...97'>'1 LY Pl<i)~ll'ABLf'." Jll 'Sl·1 f'AJJJ~U/1.orN{)"f I B I s·~iw• !\1.tr \du!111>& f1l'1ukhurs1 . JNCl~UD ING TllE I.AND'! \\11th olrlt'r houM", Pr1mf' !\'ES$ ~rn•1r1nl: ll'lt.·al 8tnro>~. COMPARI': OUR COSTS month. -N,, fl('lS pl<'a:.r. $\1 ,1. ~.iJ-!10.lnr. , ,·. U.rgf': 3 h<'dr•)f)lll. form~I rl1n1ng 11 nrt f;i mily rnnm hnmf'. FuU hlfln~ Bnrl ofle nf lhf' rlr11nrii;I in Fnunlllln Owner $54.750. 6«·11449 ValJty Pa »mt~ of 'ln!y $26.'l. !-:;;-:=-------·--{"ALL ~R;1~l1 I El Toro [ SHERWee D REAL TY I 3 BR, 2 BA, cpt11. drp~. lgr 1119&1 Rr•w)khur~t . r V pa.Ho, lgf' pool-stze Joi ilE:-1-:RTf'.J°l~-AR\1)1/11 ·.<.::~. encJo~d hy h!ock v.a l! r ntll filr lron1 nl'Pan J\ J1ttlr cl~ lo xln! 11 ch o ri I A. n1n dfl1•·n hut hiiF , h11rm 1nj! "I l11 h ·r 11'11i1. ---'Tl.1·11il11r "SINCE 1946" 1111 \\'es!rm R11nk Bldg. Un11•rr<11ty f'111k, Irvin,. Oay1 5S2·7000 N ights Ra•I f•l.11te, Gener•l ltM·fllfr,n, c.·n~tll .\h'"t. "tr, \>Hh a NATIONALLY FIHST! P horw 5-lfi...:l6AA. 11·,.\1.1..: 11, O'·can. 2 JlR. Fire .II ('orhin·t.1ftr!in Heiilfl•r' Jo"A,\l<JL'S Ii() YEAR OLfl FlHl::SlDE JJ)/l.N Gt..'Allt\N· d I M plar•·. ~.1r. kids w1.~. OK. ~'()()L) prolLH·t "'-hh 'h is A 1·r1·> Corona e ar Rent.A.House 979-8430 6-14-7662 ..... 6-IW~9 --------/!{JUSE:llOL!l \\"(lRD JN If )'OU can get rhe l'iAME *. DUPLEX n fl.,\ .... n :lHr~ :! l\,~fru·d ~·rrt, pre! Acreage for sale 150 ii 2 plus lh rf'll LVl·2 prorwrty Ai\l~:HTCA , I~ •·on11umrd hy L01\:-.' ft'(lrn Any OTHEI{ !\f'.\\', llui.:r rl!x o11nj·r·~ '''111 pl'· or J1u nil.1-. $250 mo ----------for snlr )ll Orlln~r. rn~·f' !he 11l<l11SAND~ DAILY 1n l.ENnF:R 1n C11!1forn1a at uni!. ,i RR, l A ,\ l,\.r-l.1<(\. 1 1 ~ Acrr~ nf'ar Palm Spr1n2~. uill a< rrpt 5JO /or $:Z;'/J "q RaJ SJi;!lf). S20 mn ~:\f,...!1:11 . ------- Busines1 Property IS4 S ~2.500 rwr ai·r·· •ffl! _,.1•. this cnmm11n1t\. anrt rnlnvs HATl-~S LES." Tll.'\N \\'!·. F trrplar·P. hll in~ l'i,IJO '!J Ir ---~~~~ I I 1.r~-~'TJ~tERE::rE1\TAt"SJ . oJ--~"Jo:R. rf'f11rn Thi' + .• <l·•·k·. ,,,,.,.,, ,,, ,,,,,, 11 fllllf'•n ht'al"h·2BR,Sl41). 1 1·,c; h• 11 I r,.,,1, ;i1·~. Pro-·' ·' ,. r~•"'•·d Ornnt:r ~·rr•••iai 01 , '.':ESS. \!l).'\f-:Y 111!h1n J~ rtu.1c;. ::tn<I ()(·t»ul f,, hills. \\";ill. '" h. 11 h ••!•, .'>tl~I·'~ nk, 11nrt nn r,11 11 r 11 11 1.,.111,ti n YO\"H lllAN "1rh l "S 1~ & i:tonPpinJ:? I ;.r. 1~" S4:.!J. Rent-A·Ho~e-979·84~ z hi·~;,,~. f,.r 1ir•J .. r inf"r NO SELLING/ I-RF}-' P.C. \l'f-:R.'\E/t Rrfs.requ1rrr1.tii.'l,.-{Y.lti0. 1 Ht C•1u1ln, ull l ["Ill, crpls. l'rt'\ldo·nT ------I f h ~ ~ •11;11."11 11 ·•· ~.11 11 .• 1 I BR 2 Ra H<1rhnr \·1,." d111"'.r•Y1 ,rrn}1'.,Y.~ riry,, ALL THIS AND UNUSUAL !J•llt< '" rr{nn1·CT 1HH:i;1-:c-r f'IR E.ft;IDE J!•)m~ 21':' 1,1111 n 11 , 111n ,.111 , tp111 s210 54111405. 57:1-5.1R5. A PARK Too .I OPPORTUNITY Ecknoff & Assoc., Inc . \.\\TJ-: I.'\' f'OOf> i'\'ll! s Tlirift lcple, $4:'!0. 1n•I ~.-,t p ri\ .\·Irvine market.<;, l'lt"\\ 111 a J l. ..x1ra11 1tk·lut1 1nc r"filn11r / Reasonahlr. 11 .1 7 . J 7 5 l . hi" cu•lflnJ C'11h1nr1 ~ antf 494-2116 art ~.30 Ii 11'k-nd~ r"rnrvlf'IN! ra11,.h k1!1·t11•n Fountain Valley -8nd h1i1 h A Mt;, t1rr'Plft1·,. P:l\'f'S lhl :1 hornP lrmd~ of JT.llPnt1aL BKR 962.-5..'i!L I 'I EY • J.t: P!"'!:f'.'. S<ll.!> T!lf!l c ... rnrr lo•. ~fl r in k t" r .l'l . Thl>t f llf' ' ,, !11 !1'" r' ' I J· \I' \\ 1-,~,!~ -~;1·.: 4:7 '!j](J ~ ·' l"f'.:"SI\'}-; /\.'\[) ("0\'TI.\ 2'1" JJ ,i rhnr Bl'<.: .\1 Fi-i~l-1000 g;.ir<lt"n<'r, i'~11 1",lt) I \I~ I rlrr'flr.i1.,r ra t"f""'• A· r!r.•fl"~. I hurld H•J.: 1111 ~ I•~'"' .. r ·'1 I 1.. t :11! ·~ /d >r~:P.1'1 S !~t; fl\/ f.!19~ ~1,1111, S A. M7.flfiS4 ~J>f'" Sar _.i ~111 . -;;;;;';;;;";;;;;;;:_;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;,;;,_ I t°"Ur ~·1h'(){Jfll~ ~· t111nll) I ilPlrt I~" l:!f'lt! l·u ol1<1n h•r 'I'\" r:AD!O \!,\l;Az1:-.;r s f\\I·: h;iv<' 11 nf'Ni rnr 1nron1<' 2 _RR+ n:n Blr~l kH1/1t'll 111; .; hJ' r .• m. r in ... 5 ;~~ LOOKING FOR YOUR FIRST HOME? -"BRAND-NEW '' 1 r.i-.au11ful 4 ))(-dronm ho1,,r \1·0h 11!1 !hr lt1xur1r.~ 1n Th1rk ~h.'1(; rn1 rr~ rhfo f\f)(lr~ An'1 ruslnm rtr;iprr1r ., m 1•pr th,. .,.1ndn1,~. It's air 1lln j r•"orl1 ~1P11I !hi~ hr;1111;. frir ;:in;v,,nr 1r1 :.r1\ 111·;11,,1, 1.\I••· )~ \"l\\'SrAl'l-"HS 1-'T(' ll!""rt1w 111~ l'H'llllt'tlil's th:1t (,ar;.i;(1'. t\1ds 1lh. li Hr,,_lut h~ ........... s ... , $')1,j:ll 1r11·lud1ng J II n rl ' r.j \\HI k Th•· 11r .. ,r pl,1!1 ' L ___ "_"'_'_'_"_' _~ • JI ! 1\11'1\ ..... y 0 •• l'H;l!lt "(:.r $.l'JI hf'll\f'f'I! 11l-HW) lhflu~;ir1d Rent-A .H ouse 979-8430 I 111;' ~I~ li:t' f.orl .nTI $~~ 6!t;-71il. flr.\1bl1• ;inrl 1111• 1''"''1'''1"1\ ,<.;_\t.J.;>; I' J'(''"S'i CJ)' 1, l1n0 111'1b . J)o111n r1av111rn1 ~ 1 . .,,,1-.1 n,. ,,.1,1, , .. ,.,", ,1,1 1BI. • h11 f.iill lnl. $.~ ' •• '"··· 2 " '>'··· ~·' -'*'··" · ...... ,,, ,_, · \\!·!!\VF t J111~·ns \Va.Shl'r, rtryer, &. refri~ in· rludrrt. :I Lri;. BR's. 1~. 1\ nn (01il-rlt'-sae 11trf'Pf. Lllrgr )<)\ nr Sl"hl!', pi• rk k !hop- ping. Ell.I!)' 11c1·e15s to ffv•ys. $31,500 I' 1llage Real Estate d11111nrd. rh,. v.1ndows 111• ---ii.-oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11urr.1tn1P(J. plus tiiP ratio 1~ 1 Away From The Noise 1n. comp!rtl'd \v11h DBQ I H••l;1~ !n !h i~ o&-flmr 3 r-.fu.~I see -842-2:135. I h<lrn1.. 2 h11. tnv.·ohnusf'_ Q111f'r lora!1<1n. Sre 11 roclay! SJLfll.WJ. ~-o· THE REAL ~ESTATERS 531·51DD C ::::J 531·5800 Gree.nbrooke, 5 Br, 2600 i;q II hoo11e. A.l'lking $:K>OO JP~' than Mrk! Prlcr. As11um- ' I • • l•"f MR. BIGI I/ave we gol a home for you~ (ired hill REALTY able 6%r0 Joan. Swim Clb. Lrg 5 BR, 3 BA. prof rlrc, Univ. Park C<'ntrr, Irvin!! Onr trans. g&;.OTijl. I room for boa! or rr!r. Clos" Call AnyttmP', 113.l--0820 To hf'arh. Only 11sk1 ng S45.500 Off1« hnur11 RA.\f to I! P:O.f BY owl!f'r. 4 BR CONDO, 2 1 ''GINNY" MORRISON I "'!!!!!!!!!!!! .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' '1lA, dbl car gar, lge pv! 557-4130 REALTOR 54o.m6 Laguna Beach patio. l...oa.n ass m bl e . 968-1764. \l'ALK TO BEAC/f .. 1 BR . I lorml rl1n areu. rrpTs & I BIG VIEW t.1esa drl i\111r, 4 RR , 2 BA, Assumable .)~ 7'> or ConvPnl. $35.000. Owner. 545-7!!8.> r!rps, hy,rJ fi r.~. S25,950, GI 3 Br!r111~.. 21 ~ b a I h 11 ; nr fHA !<'1'ms. C 11 11 SEYMOL"rt REALT'' 0\VNER !ravi ng. Sp11ni~h 8·17-1221. de.sign, 11rchw11y:i;, f'leg;inr I f"nl ry hall. 3 scparatc. balhs, I EXTRA Sl!AltP-4 + rl in rm I 4 bedroom.~. large rooms + t11g. big fam r tTI + 2 BA. lhruou!. 3 r11 r garAge, Brk. Firepl. bltin R/0 + OWNER desperatt>, assumr buy 111 S33,51)(1. CA 11 p;1nnr11m1c sou rh roast v 1 r '" .~. SPpar~rr rhn1n~ ITJf11TI U)t~ of 11•rou,i::ht iron & Spanish !lie. $611.9;)(). AO tan REAL ESTATE 1 ·n P11r~ 11 11h 11 _i:u.11 ;1n1<•f'd Hll.1.)IJ;"IJ !W>LJ,/\JtS A0 Sil uld !1f' in thr -:.l 1 -... 1 • ·'lti\t>. r••fn:.:, l:r·<[,•,·pralod · · • rrnuol nf $•1ff, ;i 1n1.n1l1 "f'I•<' \l',\1.1.Y • ('()~.'ilSTS nr ral!\.:f', and !'-fll'nrl ;1hl" rrt11 rn Orran.,idr....fi7.l-:r;11~ duplrx 111 b11t·k "r 1!11• ap;1r1-Lots for Sale 170 COLl.!·;("T!'\!. J-~Oll \fFR ~hnuld hr nrnunr! Ill' •. II 1•r -, -,-----;----;1 )llrnt ll[l~t;.ur~ \U •i!lrl lllllkf' I I C!l/\Xnrsi-: .'if>l.11 /\NI""\ n~· cn1iirl lwlp yn11 [lfll'<' .\n11r 11.F·.LO\\ hi1 y, .\lr;i I~ ,l Bli . -1~ob"~1i·llil. I ---llPuliu1· ll rl r r·onnn111.1,j hotlH' for rhr Xl .. "1/'J' h11ilrhng l'l!P \1·1rl11 Pi J."NJ~'ll , . , , 1 '. prnp1•r1v to 111 1h1s nrdl'r, J~I\. l1rrpl. i\1"111r .Junr 2ii1h. h < I .•.. ~ INC, IN\ l'.:NTOH't . , . ' . -' $1:.0/J\lo 6-11-1200 nr11 owi}f'r. Call t:'i7.'J.i22·1 \\ I e 11·;11"r \"1e11 . A la REQUfRJ-.. \Jl-;,..,·Ts lr! s 111lk. Call 67;,•122;,, · · · V1 ~1 a Rr<'a ol l,;i~na. Costa Mesa COLWELL PROPERTIES. INC. REALTORS :\hi~! Ri;ptl'P In P11rrl111s"d fnr $10,:ZOO. v.•itl 1-----------1 "SINCE 19&1"' srl!for S9,500ra ~h.r.1~1110. INCOME OF FREE !! 1 ~1 \\'rstrrn 11.nk Bli'lg. Mountai:i, Desert, Res o r t 174 $300 WEEK UP r landlords·Owners t rn111·r~!l1 Pf'lrk, lr.11~'" \\,; 11·11.1 rf:'ff'r !Pnants ,., you O.ayi 552•7000 Night• h ----------! f RF.l-. of 1·hn.ri::r ,,. :'ll11n.1 l;==========i 11\"P srrviC'r11hlr c11.r. ~TART M W led 250 <ll'sirablr u,,arHs on our Commercial P r operty l:'lli\1F:DIATEL'' if 11r1·rpTed oney a n 1 158 2 l..cils, !>ecludrti S2,45(1 111111111).! isl. 1 BR., 2 hath.~ ........• S:IOO and HAVE !hf' nrcessary 1---c'.-,-------ALA R t I e 64S JCXIO t.1oonritig:P c11 bin S15,7,j() S2.000 fri r !nvf:'nrory NO\V i~ i--R 0 !\·! Piii. Prv., . en as · 3 AR., 21i harh& , ,. ... $1'0 • CONVENIENCE Lakeside cabin $1"1,000 the bank. S·l{)....$50,000. \Vill ~cure .,.,.;,h • DOLLllOUSE-<:07.v 1 Br. 3 BR., 2 ba1hs ... , $350/365 SHO PING C•ll 866-4&11 °' ,~;,,, J TD ·1 . • (i) d h p Spencer Real Esta.le, P. 0., . . Ill. on comm income. i·Jo~e lo shop~. only S90. . . . re e COMPLEX Box 2828, Blg Bear l...ake, for IN'al 1ntrnrir11·, include Ph. 6-12-6560. ALA Rentals e 645·39-00 ., . _: I Calif. ~'ear c11r. s[l('c1 r1c· time ldur· Sth YEAR-Ing: hus1nrss hoursf NO\V ~ • lflt)E·A·\\'AY 1 Br furn, ···· No VACANCY Real Estate Wanted 184 ava!l;ih!e 10 srrvirr 81.. Ho\lns forR.n t ) nr slorrs. 1111 u11I inc S120. U p RkEACLTY ALA Rentals • 645-3900 niv. iii" rn!rr, Tn ·ine I rounts, anrl phnne nun1hrr. '.:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.,;,;;;;iiiiii;I Call Anytimf' R13·082!}.,.:;,i~ I! has to bf' a goorl l()(';i(1on' \\'A~ l' E 0 Con<!om1n1un1. \\"ri1r Cl11ss1f1rrl Arl 1134!"1, • e OLD \\"Qrld Ch;irni·I Ar, Olf1re hours 8 Ar..t 10 g E'f!l 111'1 OVE'r 11.-v,, hf>!orr fif'h! I rrrfPr Cnii-111 Ml'~ll. Nrv.'1)f)rr . (' 0 fhe D;iily f'ilor. r. 0 . Housel Furnished 300 ftpl, hu,;r fncrl ~rd. pc-rs. ;~~·1!~ Ask1ni;i: fl n ! y ~{''llt·h nr ~ 2 BH. 2 BA . l..n1v Box 1560, Cos!;t Jl;lr.~a. Util inr! Sl:l.'i. CllOlCJ.: Jr'\·ine pl"opt'rly-l J •· · ,""11 -not nvf'r S2ll,OftO. FREE Lance r n r r r i or Balboa Peninsula ALA Rentals e 645-3900 HP., 2 RA. rrpls/rll')).'I. Call Tl<':<: or John l nn(·1pnls n11Jy. Ca I I dPCOCalnr ""i~tic 1 1 J\Jn1osl nrll'. All hltns. $200 714-;~6-1600 j :i.11)..:1710 al1rr 6 P.:'11. or 1 ~tudin ~anipir s .. 11°1 s iar: RALROA Prn1n r·han1w'1 . • RARE Onr! :2 Br. lnnl nl(I In 1110 nr '-''Ill liel.l .. Tn11 t'sln1rnl Di\·isinn 11 £'rkrn~.~-~Ir \1•1,!h.s;imf'. °Cl~s;~,7::; a~ Summ('r ren!al. Bayfront. 5 .vrd. £'ncl ,i.:ar, k1ds/prt~. 8.13-110.l 1!.1.1-3.~~~-· PRIVATE p;1r!~· 11·anrs 3or 4 No .. 177. Daily Pilo1, P.O. hr, 'I ba. !,i.:(' fin.at & p1!!r. $140. ">"\\',BR " b C ALA R I • ,.5 3900 .~ . ·' . _ 2 a. omm. Ar homr. R11y for rash Bnx 1.)6(), Costa l\1esa, Calif. Crptd. ]st r!;iss. 673-w.l<J. enta s lr't • pnol &: I""'"· N'nrPr. $.l:I.'!. · trvlay. llarry 83.1-1129 11kdys 92626. Costa M esa • S!ll"Y Cl Lr;.i,r. li.,1.1-0:IOO 011,·s, Asl< SZ9.950. 842·66'.'ll. I rlsh\\'Shr. /\'1cr ly lndscprt. Grl 6'10 loan, low mon1hly SEY\10UR R E A LTY 1190 Glmrwyrf' payments, J bedrooms, drn. 1142-12'21. 1 494-9'17.l ~19--0."!16 Laguna Beach family room, fine qualily 0\VNER niust .'It'll. Assutflf' -EXCEPTIONAL BUY-I 50 X ll:I ~-2 Z?N r. co n sll'UCl1on lhroughoui, 5, ,.. 1 1 hl _ Onr of !11sf rto\\ nfo\\n parcels l-.·1: 1-5 \\'kn<ls &12-2112. NE"D CASI! . 1' r ;:i n -2 1lr, r I k ,_.~ n'>'ltl E r, · " 51.000. Or up rp1/rtrp~. r hil'1/sml pr! or · ar · "·1"'·'~~v \'t'!i. Business Opportunity to S.1.000, SI0.000 ;:ind morr. * 2 BR. 1 Ba To11•nhousl' $l6:'1. Laguna Beach 200 Sf>e A\"c('J Thrift fnr a Rr.1r Patio/,:?ar pnnl 1v.·shr · dryrr ALA R t I e 64S 3900 ----------·I Estate Ln11n. Lpon ap. hnokup. $205. Ch ild nk. en as • Sl'-O-U!1l pd. t; n 1 q u e . co r lumb1n Brk. ,., '" oan, ow monr Y Appmx. !!JM F 1. of fam ily for df'velopmt'nr. s2f~ r. g, pay~1en1~.4bl'drn om .,,1 1Jv1 ni::: bit-i n~. ~rp. rl 1ntni:: AVAILABLE NOW prova!. usr thr ninn"v 5.'17·8400. e i\IORf; Rnt:1 n1' :I Ar. 2 R11 . l~rhrlor. 2 hlk.~ ocran. Prn• . .. · !l6 5566. f11m1Jy r~m \1·1th llll own I rm , rlrn; h:;r. h1"1ng T"n1. E . 17t h St. Costa Mesa DECORATOR'S :I Br. 2 811 , na!ural brick f1ff'pl111·r. full 11 /frpli· · 3 f'.~11·a J.i:-r 1 \A\ T ' 11 1. 000 hn,\·rvrr .vou l1kr. Also nsk Huntington Beach ki<t.~/pP!s/~int!lf"'<. 1'1\. $Jjfl. p.1r1•1, lull k1!rhrn, , tihr'lu! our 11nsI'1• u r"' <I ALA Rentals e 645.3900 Sl:il Br. O\•'r ).!ar. \\'a!k to I d d h I d. b k .,1 000 · 1 , 1 Pnanf. :i, Dn, 1 _ C . r x ra&, upgra I! 11 ag crp, 1n1ng room, r , ..., , , h rJ r rn :i;, C ~mp r rel .v ('a~h sprnd;ibJe rrturn ...... rgr orporat1nn drslrl'~ prrson11I loans. AVC O 4 BR-2 BA-POOL 1648 Newport Blvd., CM IW'111·h .~· Tll11n. Ch1lrl/rw1 nk. THRIFT. li20 Nev.')"lOrl Ct~. 2500 SCJ. ft. homc Frplr, :-.;"r11 9 H R---1-e $17~.--. En•I Brau! \Iii'.,..', Ll1; drp:i;, frplc, palio. By li.46-00'H. h1nd.'<·np•-l"I ~U"'' p;il1n nrf':ii , Rr 1 Rk 6_5 6_00 t'f'Sllfln~ih!r person '" <l1s- Owne.r. $35.000 962-1'121. O\\'Nf.R SAC'tifice. Onl.1' ,1 I n r r n n 1• 1 f' 11· . r. on rt • a on('Jffil<"s, r. __ i • .:_ ~ triburl' TENCO (a n1v1s1on Dr, Suite 101. Ne"·porr furn1turr. B/'aut. lnrlsrprl. Ome enta 5 1 Br. 11pt .• , , Bt>Ach . Ph. St~-.1440. vard P;.itill G 11 r a~ c. $27.-> 4 Bl! + Drn El Toro .• A!isoc. Advertising I Chi!~ prt ok.· l 111 i. Ocean I.) J Bt-.:DRM·2 RAT!!: hu rll frplf', lll\·r ly J:"<lrd"n •.• 4 Br+ Lrg Bonus Room yea~ old. iAiri:?e f11 mit,v nr1ghhorhoo<I. clo~e 1 o CORONA DEL MAR of Cora·ColaJ COFFEE Convenient 10 Fwy!, lrg Jot. homP, 4 herlronm.~. fa;-111fy SC'hools. S !l.~.'ft Co;i~r ~fli y. lrnnta~ ... Z..~ry PRODUCTS. rR-;\Ianagrr Orange CnunT"' 1 $.~;,{). 111 lllo11e & telrig. Rtujl nr 52.)(1...Dr•l u:i.•· 2 Br. 2 ~ Ofric('-n°rw bu~rnl'~·s l N U .VIEW RENTALS tr11 1ler .~toragr. r!h! ,i.:.ir 0 1·ran \1r1\ Apt. All •~A ooo 847 3957 mom, den, xtra fiN'plarr, I • 499-281"X.l • Bld,i.:., 2,000 :i;q, alt. Xlr11 ..,..., · ·• ·· · IQc1111on for N>!•!I .~loc•. of. 1 Ciin st11rt full nr p11rt timl" Xlra bath.•. lU\"Urll)U.~ Ill· •···. ~~~ '-11·rl1"om in£ !'-l'r.·if'P. f11odcst 67:\.4():10 nr 491·.~24/l SumnH•rt1n1r rrnlal ok. f";ilurr ~. rm!. salary ~ :.0', profit. $\Jj. l BR. i\lrrlallion Condo. No kiri.~ · nn prls. S:t.!."1 · 3 Br. 2 R11 h5e. whitt Huntington Beach rprior. Brk, S 3 4 , 9 5 0 • ·-Q~ ! LL\:£ u...w.u--a..i. f1lf'~. hPauty shop. rtr. !5·10 hr~. prr 1\·k.J Company -· ~~--n~ Parking. PS!ahlishes business lor dis· EXECUTIVE 1142-2:'161. ,.....;..... ~<..:0<17 S ---~so. Q;\4.ST ~-. ORANGE COAST tr1bulors. Call .\Ir. Drfnng All hlrn.~. rrfrig., encl pai io. $225/MO. \\"11 lrr V1r11 . F'rpl. .. ,, PE.CIAL O\VNER transfererl. 3 !IOUIHl.Ar........._u.u; REAL ESTATE for this super b 3 bedroom Bedroon1 & drn, rn1ry hall , -11ooo~c.-NO .'iELLING! ti7:'r-.11120 pnol. Qiuet, no pet s . --NU-VIEW RENTALS home nestled among 1ree11 buil!-in range & O\Jl'n + Lido Isle ~848 Gn !1.~h1ng: or spcnd mnre Neiv lisrini:: 67.'.-!il J.1. 2.) l BEDR;v1.2 BATH : hrrl · 67?.~Kl:IO nr 4!}4.....3248 GIFT Sl·tor Lido l!ile "'"'d fir. _gd rrp~, bii;:-Laguna Hills and sh11Jb11. Sparkling CJURli· rtishv.·a ~hl'r, huge firrphtcl'. DOUBLE \\'IDE, $8500. Sall" lin1e wllh your 1avoritc ty tor tine f'nrer!aining. park like .i;:rounrl.~. prime COMJ'LETELY rrmodeled & hy Owner. \V il! trade it hobby and let the machine Holland Bus. Sales yard. 124;,. on !ease, mo.1------------ Lush derp pile rnrpc!ing locarinn, Brk, S 2 6, 7 5 O., rerlf'C'Of, tr11d1t ion11I home. 3 po!i-sih!r. ~l;:iny x tr as. age rarn you n1nncy. CASH \\•ith custnm m 11. t chin;:: 9fi2·137~. Rrlnns., dtn. rm.. <lrn ~:16-il\·12 REQUIRED $2498. Secured. '"Th" Rrnkrr 11·1th En1p11!hy" 1716 Orange A\'r. C'.i\f. 4 BR. No pct$. Avail July r-;o (>('!ll. NE\\' \.\'orld duplex. 3 BR, 2 11•kly or mo. Avail Sept. or --RI\, .~h11.i;: cp1s, dr~. aJ.r, drapes, All rll'ctric kitchen O\\"NER an x Io us 4 i1·/11rt har. l..1rJ?P corner C~on~d~o-m_i_n~i-u_m_s ___ _ .,..ilh all thP trimmings. fan. 0 _ _, & d . · h II lot, Easr rnd. $99,500. f I Llt.11TEn OPPORTUNITY ~·RF.E , _""~ f n , •• , •• 61~1ti0 :.40-06()li. ('\"PS. \\lintf:'r. \\lkly·S200. i\10-$800. 3.) 4 REDRM·2 RATH rnrnrr t!'11 a ~hrr. ~love-& p\1 . \\linlrr S:iol> mo. &14-4R95. home, frre shar!rrf hip; p11!10. A'1u\r~. AvA!I . 6n5 . y;ird. Jl:e11·l.v drc & ne.,.· S2:tl tnn. 21;1: R31-1i62. Newport Beach <.Tp1g. S245 mn. ,.,.·11rnom!i rn. f'ntry 11 • or s a • 160 \Vrite no11· for informaflon ,. .......... ,.-.. • ._.' lall!ic 1 tirep1Acr39. ~\lhllt11 a popular Cl'nfral floor pl11n. howOR~ loweorl jsi. -0-:::-0--:::o::cc-'."."°.'::".'""~ include phone number, ' Ort;TJrator v.·ishes to sharr sllo"''fl 8Ce for S ,.ivv! Se l'r fine qu11 1ity buillinJO. finish· Rcal.W. I BR TOWNHOUSE studio. samplr, ca!alf}g.~ & Newport Beach Is prepared tnr GI And FHA f'd gar11i;:r pl'rlect f n r .l416 Via Lrdo 675-4562 \\'alk to heh. ~6·2Hl,i .REDr·RRE\V r rc v.·ith ~me. Classifird 11rl SIOO-Bachelor 11! beach. Full trrms now·~ the timf' Call kitchen. Yearly. F:rl Riddle Rra!Jor fi4fi-AAI\ $17:..2 Br, 2 B:i, o\"er gar. • · · · rarllf's, natural \\'ood panf'I. REDUCED Duplexes/Units CORPORATION l\"n. 3i7. Da ily P 1lnt, P . o. ing, bPa ut1 ful ya rd, eovrrrrJ * * 3001 llo\1•ard Av('nue Bnx 1500. Costa l\1esa, Calif. $175 . ] Br, utll pd. l\"ea1 & l\tES..\ DEL :'\fAR :I bftil'O'lm rr1v111r f..· Nirr' l::WAlilfH /\If! Realtors 545-0465 Open Eve~. THE BIG HOME! * 5 Bt'<lroom~ * J Bath.!! * f"or mnl Dinini:- • Atr1un1 • 2 Pat105 * :I Car G~r11,1;P patio, S2!J.500. Bkr, !'.162-1186."i. CA Norrth1s1r~ta CRoc2nebr sale 162 San fllatro, Ci!. 94101 92626. CJr;:in. G;ir11i.::r. . • home \1·1th <'llrprt~. dr<1~ Sh2lki5 h2 Br. Frplr Hom". 1" u.•rom L. ·' B . a. 4 2 B B S200·1 Br. \\'a!rrfrnnt. Comt 11n<! h1i:: m1·rf"f'rl p;:i!i n ay, l 1i blk brac.h, $74.500 ( ) <l r. 1 a hnnirs, xlni CANDY SUPPLY RO\iTE ILLNE."iS forcrs ~le n! ~UC· furn. Lrg r;1t1n. ran1iltrs nnh . Gardenrr ;n. vr11d,\. All my )1s11ngs. l\r£'rl homf's 1 LIDO REALTY i'<'irJ' .~•·p. f'n~·I fllll lO!i f,;, lj\'.Q SF.Ll.1\G INVOLVl-:Ol <"f'S~ful laiinmnv.·~ ~hop in S.lOO SurTimt'r or S4!il Lsr . 3 PludC'd at si7~i. prr month. $400 · .1 Rr. 2 B11, rlplx 10 11dvl'r!15e 11nrl sf'll. rnr 3Ji7 \'1a L1rtn. NH, o;ar!lt?"f'~ S&'l .. 'fl}. n"'" n e r l PART OR FUL!.. Tl:'lf r. C'nst;i ;11rsa. AL.SO rock Br. 2 R.1 l!nn1r Ra.\rrr~! Call A~,,nt. ~~&-41•1!. 11;.ilrrhVJrH Spar f..· rtrluxe. professional, rtr1c1rn1 srr-~-*= 613·1300 * ~1~~~· Nil\\' lll"llllllhlf' 1n Oran;:r shor a\';iil Call DA:-.;JA NU-VIEW RENTALS .. --N U.VIEW RENTALS "'''". CM··· Verde $6 M ANNUA_L__ Cnunly l'lnrt s11 rrnu11d•ni:: l1F.ALTY co. &12...fi.160. 6''10'" ,.. .tn• ~,,,, • r,\([QUS. Sf"/11lf;!lf' 3 RR. 2 li7H071 -An• ·~As '· 1.,,..... ·""' .,r ~,,.,-., '" B;:i. rrr1/drp~. d 1~hw~hr, -·-· __ '•· ,,,.....,..,., Coll Jun B ia Ir 968 7833 NB. DuplPx. :I hr up f.t rlDll'n . arras. 'l"ou n)ay kr<'n ~·our 2 \\'EEh: cnursf"" fin m;i\t o I • r BY 01\nrr, nn Uf'IJlf'r N1\·pt l11~1Y1sl. frplc. 1!hl f!;ir, r ne1 • n ThP \Va!rr -llugf' 1 Br, !j yrs in Real Estatr Sa!r.~ I ~RH, 2f"IA. Nr,11 i·p!~ !,. drps. SG~.500_ Prine only, 642·1.l~I pr•r.~rll P0~111"11• All )or1· nrdrr !:: 1rnfl0rl1nc. Call I Ch I f SI I · nr fi116-0i42. !inns Ar" i·nnHl1f'rrraJ or 1 ,,1<967, f•c .'"''"m•li"". Ray, 4 BR, pool. hraut furn. )ar·r · 1 <!rrn nk SYt/1110. 11rn .. P~ ·. t\1ri~ nk. S200. RED CARPET REALTORS I Li.: .vorrl. Clr.1n' By 01\'TI•'r.1 ~--~------1 ,,.. ,. " , .. "" R 1 I lh o . 1 ' 1 .,,(V\ "-A" 016'1 •·7 !f<ll ALAR I I e "5 3-r111·1or.v furn1s hrd hv 11s -rn ll n1 ·"""fl A ..... ~~, .,.,.,. ' · or ,JJ • · ·. en a s ""' -TIIU 9fo2·77il $:lz.:ri0 fl."\7-'1·1!12 nr r,.r.,..77.~R. Income Property 166 Q11al1f1rd rirrson ·iv i 11 Money to Loan 240 fl''r 11k. 714: 63..1-9393 <'Xt l&S :>.fESA Vrrrtr-4-br 2 h;i ,. SOLD • Only S-16.500 • Prrfrc! hon1e lur f.i m1!y =~=---I M~ -=--v· · 'I" '10~ · • . ..:::11·rs to Brn··h-2 Br, frplr., I O\rNER must srll' ~ nR. li;:r 1ss1on 1•10 hrco111c dislnhutnr f'1r <'111" I nr ......... , ·· n1~ti ... ·11sh,.r. J.ra~r $2i.l. I I s101·f'/rrfr. rpt/drp~. S:tiO. · Argf' l!v rm. 1mm11r.' Ne .... v./1• 1 AP .19111 11 4 h 2 h ~..._,-n91 t";indy q\lounll.•, /\Jn1 nnd lsf TD L LTOOislr-1 HR 2 BA 1~ hlk :12\R Orr£on />.11'. ALAR 1 I rrpt, rl111.<: . .\l;in11 rln11rrs .t· i .il . I .<:qk 1• h r, a , -....UU.0'9 .lr.1. R11h.v fl. u r h . But-oa ns from prrv bl'a 0 l'h/clu 0 1:!.· An· AVAIL July J.~L 4 RR, ,\Jrsa -enta s • 645-3900 trrrs 11r11r .•tipPi.: p11rk &· nni rni. i:r 1 r en, grrrn INCOME HOMES lrrfinl:'<'r, r\"r.<:tl<'~. Planrrr~. nual nr by mo. 673-91:'19. V•·de, "' ,11 •. "hi·. !cpl•. I RIJJ{L\f hf)Usl' 11/pool. 2 * C11ll 847-6ll0 Tnrl11y' \O /THEREAL ·:_)( ~§!A.T~~~ · . ' sh11~ thruout. On ,·1ew lot. N'EW DUPL ~· " ., ·'' ·' • k ' pt1h!1r_ &. (";i1tinl1 r ~eh()f)I~. l.l,,91Jfl, •. ~2.107_ EXES 548.950 Tnnrs1f' Roll<. P11y Day, 63.4% INTEREST H U f 305 1 rl bl ' "'""" <: lrl'r rrnt for 1ra I~"" C II f ,,.,... i\'E\V TR IPLEXES !67,950 Milk Our!.<:, """~~, p~~""f 2 d TD L ousts n urn. crp s, rp~. rn.~. iiar"r prl11rn1Pnls t , k I • . "'·· · ·'· a nr app!. ' •· ',.,.,.. pa1rt. $300/mo. 6iJ...1i06 ar1 " "0 r n g Cnurlt'SI' In h rn ke r g ' Newport Beach Nn1v unrter ronstrurllon at Buttrr Cup -11r1\•£'rfl~f'd 1111· n oans General 6 ~Ingle n111n nr \\'11lllln. No . %11-14:•1. J.">l J..::. Bay st., Cns!a t.1esa. •1onal!y on T .V. rlcf. \\le pm. p!"I ~. ("all (;ror;ir &l&-70JJ. EASTBLUFF Complete July. 642-490:'i. I lllY' A no1inn11.I rompanv. Lo\vest rates Orange Co. 4 BR Condo. :"jPar Ora11ge t:"t:E or 0~ ., -------1/J ACRE POOL • POOL • POOL TRI : P.LEX 47" Aluminum rovl'.rt'rl Jlllt\O INF.\\ 1 y,·irh B-B-Q. 16" x 32' pt"IOI J cloSf' to hf'11~·h. shopp1~~ & I\ llh rtrrs~1n;: r()f)m, 4 BR 2 fnv~·s. i\sk1ng S 4 7C, J OLQL. RA . .i·· ~h;i<-Cll r pP I~ l\"/lO': r!O\\ll. I\ .. 1147.)li.11. thn.1ou1 . Convrrsallon pll the Reel E1tate Mart ..,-1111 \\Cf h.1r & f1rer1lacr, EXECUTIVE ESTATE Unht'l1£'1·ablr hA!r arre \\' 152 lrers ~IJ1Toun<l1ng lhl! pref· t1rst yarrl ynu"ll ever llCI'. 5 BR, 3 BA, 2100 sq ft. \\'hat morP t'lln 1\"f' say? By App't only -(',11J 979--1050, loemof '1'"'"' A '"'1 hm REPOSSESSIONS I hnme' f'r1cr r f' c1 11 r r rl ,. , 9=r21 S·M,9?'11. All t erni~. * CALL I For in fnrmation 11nrl loc11tion 847-~;()7 "* of fhf'~C f'I·IA & \IA hon1e11, U .S. AFFI L IATED COlllA.l'I -I -"~'" HEA!.T_Y -KASABIAN I 1 Real Estate 847-9604 POOL FOUR BEDROOM ranch hou~r. cu rvrrl r!rivrway, rtversi7."rt rlbl .1t11r, 11hAkP mol. lrtsrpd. In: k1lch-fiim rm romhn. b1s: IJ..., rm "·/f1N"p!, upl:rllrif'r1 \\'/W rrpts & r1rp~. h!!1n RIO, d~h""'hr, ('111·0 pii.t lfl. 1 aprinklerl'I fronl 4t rear. Prieto rtducerl It> $27,950. for (flll<:k Yfe, I' illw e Real Est,1te .. t6Z-4471 ( =i 544-1103 BUY A PARK tnd we will lhrov.· In thls ~ly 4 tw-<tmom, ftimlly room hom~. F. norm o u 111 rooms Ir! hou~ lhf' l11rgr~t of f11m llles, plu~ 1 "rP):(ula- tiort-sl.te "' football field for a baek;ya.M. 0..JI today, 1{'15 J>tlcfll to gel! 842-25.t"i. 'O THE REAL "\. I:STATERS ,., .. , .. ATTENTION Gl's No rlo11•n psiymr n! Ancf only S.10. rlo~ing <'IJSls. ~ Brr!rm + rtrn. 2 hnth.~. blttn~. rrpt,o;. drps. $245. mn, PR.v~ All, • '47·.\J.11 * the Real Estate Mart ldr11I hnmr In primP Harbor H1.i;:hl11ndl1. 4 Sfl'l<'lot115 BR , family nn., 2' J b11th~. sep laundry rm. Kitchrn hl!ns., !'flt/rlrps, '"' ~ 1parkling: , he'11lcd pool. $44.000. I CALL Ci>. '"'•241• GOV'T. OWNED I 9'~1..111. RrposscssPd homes. Ltiw • R E AL TY r1ov.•n, Governmen! pay~ Nt1r Nt•part P•1I orrlct clo~!ng costs. Call 968·'4·11. PANORAMIC VIEW * Crest Realty SAVE Sl,t»J &U or lease 3 BR, Cnndn. N'""· cpts. }..1nl con rt . SXl.500. Ov.'llf'r, 968-9641 ; •1"-<298. $14,IXX> • I Br Mf'rlallion Con. rlo, all hllm, relr ig., ('ncl p11tlo, pool, quicl, $1000 rln .. l~t TO S8900 51 ~";. bl1l, 71,t~ 2nt1 TD. fi7:.-:i().'lol 2 Slory La ClJl'~l11. hon1r, 4 BR, 3 BA , fam rn1., ~Mg erp~ thron•1l. tiltn~. nr 1cholJI~ r,, bt'11.rh ~~-i;· •. ·~ Rraut. ml\lnlalned home 2 BerlroomA A large family m i. Pool. $64.500. Georg• Wllllam1on Realtor 541-4570 645-1564 FOR S!Ut" by awner, Upper R.<!y, ·I BR. 3 BA. f11m rm., 11rt har, din rm & beaut. 111.nrl~rnplnJt. Ca!/ 633-22.\1. S1nt1 An• ~ BDR~!. 21li BA, liv rm, d in rm, fa m rm, p.ati('J kitchf'n, Z--n:12· bonu1 rm ffinlahf'd1. l r11r Rar. S4t500. 549-'0T.l. I \'rry hi~h inrnn1r po!ent1a.I, 11 WE QUY TD 'S" Coast Collrg(', Sv.·im pool . p. ~q. rt. 4 Br. * Triplex-By o ... ·n<'r. 2 Rr. ,.nu niust havf' 2-8 hrs. ""!" Dbl gar;:igr, S240. Crpts: SJ9,,. 2204 Donnie . Rd, NB large yani~. g"' rag r 5 . .,. Sattler Mtg. Co. r1ra""s 551_1~.ll "' '"6ll haC'k bay. Av11il 6/26, 10-2!}3 cfn $45.500/offrr. \\'Cl'k ~pare rime (days or 642·2171 545-0611 i~·' ' ~ • .,....,......, · Kti.3Hi4. ~,. R"lg•c• 0 , C.•'· eve.~.! .,._ . H ho 21 2 BR, crpt, nu pain!, r ncl -,,.,,;no:;=:7e;;;;:-,.,--r ~~"' ... ~ ·1 I I 7~ TIEQ . ..,.·rving: or r area yrs. I 1 YEAR lrase 4 BR home l. 5.i7-&400. ' • w UIRED 1 gar. Nn ]Y'ls , Pr1. pa!in. "'' For mor'(' information write: $135 Bab k t!M· p Rlull~. Pool. nrw shopping al\\'ay8 the right place If "ROUTE DEPARTMENT FOR ACTION. • • '433 W.11th COSTA MESA · .Y" -:i omona. ,ir., sctm111. Laundry U.Crf." you want RESULTS! Call N 2., -$135 -VACANT 2 Br, gar· 11v111J. 640-16S9 n, ,, .. , P. 0 . Boy 1739 , K 'd / 1 642-5678 & place I.hat ad c CALL 642-5678 SOO -FURN. 1 BR Cotr11ge. !':"<'. 1 s pr s. SINGLf ' ""•>"· ovinA, CAiif. 91722 Trl'es &: gar<len. Ideal for 1. Rent-A-House 979-8430 , . .:s ~r fa n1ilies. 3 B '"' Tnc-ludr Phone No. "''/everything. \Valk to OOb. S@~~1A-.lt£trs· Thtt Punlt> with the Bui/I-In Chuckle O Reortonge le!lftrs ef the fovr scrombled words be- low to form four simple words. Eastbluff Rent.A-House 979-UlO. LOVELY Blufl h nu s f' Santa An• Heights ovrrlookding h·g J;r('rnbf'lt S BR l : $140-PRIVATF: 2 Ar !!nmr, .1Br,3 Ba. lrg pa nf'l1·r1 run1 : 1 , • BA W/ FRPL;(Z gar, fn cd yrrl, kids/fl<'l ok. pus rm, yr l!W \V/np!ion !n B l·ins. <'a rpe!.s, draJlf's, Riii" buy. Chvner 499-20.i,i. agr, ya~rt. pallo. Chllrlren & $180 -SUPER Nice J Br, 2 Huntinnton Beech ~is, ,v.·f'l~omh '1· S37~ or tab B I. f ·1 I 1· • '' n 1111115 l'< a. pe to, 11m1 Y. sng 11 1nc. NU VIEW R. • " *WE have a large selection • ENTALS . S2.'JO -STEPS tr, Ocean 2 ol 3 and C bedroom homes 67J.-40.10 or 494·3248 Br. 2 B11. frplc. shag crpt!, that ean be mo\'ed Into Houses Furn. or for child & pet, E/~ide. $135 ·-FRPLC + 1 BR. fncd ' . .. l 1 (iN1~lr1·I aingle11 ok. Almost Immediately on our Unfum. ii -.....1 Ren t -0 p I Io n p I a n , ;::----~----...::..:.::{ LANDlJJRDS! Do you have SHERWOOD RE A L T y G•,,.ral •, ~ • " vacancy? \Ve <'Rn fill ii. S40-l555 ·1---..,--=,,,_____ ' I KENA L I 1' . I I I I' . I FELBAI! . . Dumb maiden: S~e was I I I Ii asked if :she liked codfish bolls. ..J don't know, .. she / .. ,--8-A-Y_T_O_N~~j so;d, 1'1 naver -to-;_,, I I 1 1 j ' 1 8 Complete the chuckl• qvoftd hy filling lri 1he mlulng "'°'d• you d~elop from 1te1> No. 3 below. PRINT NUMBERED lEI'JERS IN THfSf SQUARES 6 ~~~c:~~[~ l!ll!RS I I I I 110 I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 700 * FREE * t.-11ny ~cslrable len1tnt11 on 3 Br, 2 Ba . Elec, bit-in range RENTAL SERVICE our wailing Hiii. Absolutely &. oven. Forced air hl'al RED CARPF:r REALTORS NO CHARGE. C......, 60x100 t ed I ' 96'm BEACON RENTALS • .,.w, enc ot. Db * ""' 1 * ,· * .1. .. 1: ") l l * l gar, . landscaped, vacant· Huntington Beadl --move 1n tnday. S22S mo. • ~ •: LANDLORDS! Aaent. 962·"n °' 5'16-Rlro. 3 BR. 1 ~ n. .. sm mo. 2 NH. Golden l't'egt & Edinger. Rar, crpt~. drape1, "*1-, , We Specialize 1n N~ Beach e Corona del Afa.r e A: Laguna. Our RentAI Sfor- vlc• Is FREE lo You! Try Nu-Vlew! 3 Br, 2 Ba. Sharp, aharp! hf'11ch .\ 1eh.la • aoU • 1• Niee yard. Vac11nt.Sl45 mo 84&-2912. --, • ! to mo or will ~ell. P riv prly . N ewport &.•ch ~of• 8.13-1 103, Rt1--3886. NU-VllEW RENTALS Like-10 trade? Our Tr1dcr'a 673-4030 or 494·3248 ParadiM'! column is tor you! * BAYFRONT *'-:. F'ro Ch S lints, 5 day.I! for 5 buck'.111 3 BR .. a>nv. &!n, 31,i '-· m " rlslmaA Neckties" "l\:ake Room ror r)~d-G11.rt1en It sandy bftf!h.• ~ to outl7'0wn Lev\11 -you ean d y • ' . c I ea n out the Av11l. summer or yearly: ·• turn "tra1h to CA~h " In II r11rt1te. ~your tra.ah i.a CASH' Ask for I ' ' t DAJLY PILOT classi!IM ad with a DAJ LY PILOT Paul Quick or Carol Titun: ... call 642-5673 Clustift! i d. AGENTS "44-2UO ;, , :t I L s ( • L M 1 • I ~~~~:----... "----"_ ... -;;---'-... -y 1~1 ~ .... ~.~-~ ... -~,~(!]~' ~-;;;;· -~b~=-~r~~~;, [ ..... --....... J[!J ._r _ ... _,...~,~~ 1 1 ..... -- OAfl Y PILOT %~ F .. ·te11M or n:nt. 2 BR 1~. 0 Ap._ts_._F_u_•_•_· ____ uo_ Apt. Unfurn. 3'S Afat. Urtrurn. 345 Apts., Buslneti Rental 445 I Found (free M1J 550 Eleetric•I Pla1ttr,. P•tch, R....i.s ~ townhou&f', 111 Hu~l!fllt NewPOrt Be•ch Gen1r•I G-r•I Furn. or Unfurn. 370 o.,·r·rc1-:, •I.On'. nr. N'pL ---------. \Ori Bf'aeh, SJ~ mo. c-al! ---,.-------I Post Ofh<'f'. ofM Sq, It.. Good f"N[)..SbttpdOc -male--ICfY'Y EL t-:('TitlCIAN. !IC'f'nA:t'd , 1t PATCJI Pl...ASTE'itJNQr .f'!-1<00. St.PS fr.SJM'nd UM> summer f iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cost• Met• parkuix. lll'.l 1nonrh 11nd whhr, 2 1·01111r1 Ouf' hOl'l(!f'(f. Sm111l job~. m.~tn1 AJJ ty}M's. f'nof' "~tlmate. "11! •1··" on ihe oct11 n. C1<>Ae to VILLA MARSEILLES <;r"h1101 Rt-ally 64&--14\~ n .. a. VM:. E-. 201h, C" ).1 . 4. r,.ii11 1r:s. ~&-~. Call ~ ~ a un l Ir 2 BR turn or uufu111 64" -I kd fl 6 PVeryth1ng. G44 -5.'l07. SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. Childttn'a atetXln, Pool. SHOP 1:w· $100. SIQI~ JJ1i· ......ua • "'' •Y• i:i - 1 ·-~:L~<..9J'RICAL \\!ORf< All Plumbing J Sbll'\i, 211 BA , I.am rm. 2 1 Br., Channel tronl, Furnished & Unfurnished 1140 Up. ELM GARDENS l!V. JJ 1.1r11.tfie l'()\lnt , :'MO \\'lllTF.: Poodlf' vie Schr1lfill"I' k11M.l$. B1i or 1m11 !J l.!1 tl &. ---------- ' c11r ,itftr. PtYl] k rtt sa~. month. '{early Adult living APTS. 1n E. 2'lnd St, C .. \1. Np! Blvd. c.~f. 646-2:'14~. I Sc-hool. w .. ~lrlli~'(ll'r, C11ll 111~. ft't't' f'~!. ~6--0211 &lw on ho~ rt+tpain i f~.c1.lit1f'5. $300. mo. 6ro--O!U 673-2.171 Dis hwasher colot coordinated appliances • 642-3645. !>111-8:\:tt 894-1166 .-rt. 6 P .. 1. ;:iardenfng rn·,. , .. ~1. pluml)1na. ritint. nr 1113 ~ 823-3600. I San Clement• Plush shag carpet -mirrored '''ardrobe doors-Huntington S.•ch • Of'f!CE-600 !kf fl .,.I now. lt1AL.E '"elmarllllt'f rnunlll-----------ln11rallat101a 8JS.-0.172 IP,:;-u_p_l•_•_•,_•.,F,..u_r_n_. ___ :us..; Sl.lO. FURN. OCEAN vu ~nudi~e~~il~~~i~:n~~dki~~~~n _· p~~~h~~~td~,; NEW SANDPIPER ~t>:1~\'t·~~.N:.;J'.~.IAL ~~(~•.n~2 ~;;~kh11r~1 I \\11t G2~~~~~~G J'L~.~~:~oo !~:i~rR Newport Beach Apr~. J Jg rms. l Brlrm. ing -b.rick Bar·!Je..Q ues . large heated pools Ettrly bird &pt'cla.111-l BR lndu1trlel Rental 450 ~·r1nalf' rPd f"1111l •'1 Balh<H1 ~ ~·1'( •\tf•·1 in i11til . J:r * fM1 Jl2X * '•·· BAY VIEW Parkin g, Arlull5. 492-1200. & lanai. Air conditionin,I?:. trom S\2:'1, 2 BR from $155 ----------Jslll.n(l flt l;'1Ty l11nd111g 6·S plunt111):, li!lu! 1111;i,.., 11:1·n,.,rnl COLE PLUMBING South Lagun• 3101 So. Bristol St., Santa Anl 557-1200 Furn/Unfum, C'OOI color In. COSTA MESA (f'VP! 67>5521. l ani!~··i..~"' nuiint"1111n1 ·"· ~.i l1r. 11·rvir"· MS-1161 C BJ'.t. 2 BA, UPJlf'r. Comp! f\irln. Rt·der;. 2 bik!!' 10 ·Oc-tan · 441h St. $400 /mo vrs Is~. Al'a1I 6115_ o8ys .8Sl·&480, EvP~ 1132 947ll, COLDWELL I I 144() & '"""' · !t t '1·1•r t'~l•Jn 8!4'~. PR/VAT" d. , BANKER & CO. !Pr or~, poo. J11('t1Z7.i, mol"f'. I .. """" :)(j · ~'1.ALL vrf'~ k1trtn. Vir 2:Jrd. 140-7873 '46-9076 "' ~l u JO apr 11./d .. C'k C "IN>-K~'l'S-" , r MANAGING AGENT 8081 }lolland Drl\'e, }fun--,A., · 1 MA '"· ~ & Sarlfll Ana A•·t . ""''--0219. _____ 0 __ _ & oce11n v1e11., rl'rl11rl ,t, 1 ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~i!!!~~!i!!!!i~!!i~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ~ -I _ 1 lingron BE'ach. 847-9595. flBf:RGLASS Lost SSS AL'!" L;AHUf-:Nl~l; • ·r. Cuy Roofing. Dt-..U Roofing rPf'!<, ut1 , 1n1·. $1.. 1 per.~on. Rers. Da.\'~ 1 Apt. Unfurn. 365 I Apt. Unfurn. 365 Newport Beach '.'lr. N1.1·pt Jo'rwy & S.D. r1..,1y for g11r1!1'1'1 1 11~ & ~ n1 fl J ! !l1n'I ! I oio.J tll) own v.'Urk . Cclron• d1I Mar -"-'-c--:---~--3 BR, 2 BA, rlrps, 1.1·/1.1'. frplc, sml patio. \\'a)\.; to . bf.11eh . Arlult'. "'1 pets. S.2'2j/mo. YParl,1·. 642-8.12(), air June II I . :i!l.11 t:ra'."" Lt~. S!J.VF'.R J:f'l'.i· 1n11lf' pr.oil!•• l11nd:<1·n11111g ser\ it•r~. ""II ~;,_!;SI). 54S-9590, 365 . Cost• M•sa HuntingtOf' B•aeh OAKWOOD GARDEN \Sti, 01 Hakf'I', •~.or fttlr\'itw \'11·11 11 1> ~ 11n r 1,, 11 .. 1· .t ~..ff)..'d11:< ,.,.,.,, s .. r 1· 111 •: Sewing /A~,-,,-r-.-;-,0-n-,-- Apt. Unfurn. 2 HH , nr bf'a"h. nr\v cpts & Apar tments 11 1\1 11.Hrprr11e11ra1ive !h,.tf'I Flliri i;.11. \)J . li-"1111 ,1 ~.1 ;~ ('.'r111.knr l '+I\!, ~·n,1a \11"~8 . ........ • _ ;0,-e-n_e_r_a~I -------DELUXE 2 Br., 1 1 ~ btt lResurl Lii ini.: for ~ 11.111 11 noon. I Sxn HHrlll"t ('ir, l'u~i 1 ~It•':< Jlo1 "I' "h•.+•". \\ r~t1 l1fl. IJ I< SI t: '\' J< It~ t: umf'W'8n stur11o. Crpti::., '1rp•. p<1ot , ilrps. g11ragf'. S 1 fi 0 I n1 o , {7 !4 1 '17'1 ~4 '4 or ll7~-11 I I .. :i.'6--·1"'4 :..tfl.--i.r. Adul1i:: Qnl~l ".. j ~l.'H1:1.~l. 1·1:i •!·l"-""lil'\\j 11'1·•· l\HTlt, ru111···· ·'1'!' l'\P !lf'W 1n ON THE BEACH! hu1Jt-in~ fLJ1<1 J>l'I, pal i<\S I ' nr ·--"-J\F:\YPORT RJ::ACll ~1 I s kl t -111111111<1:!1>01 l\1•,,,l1 ~--07:1!1. Sf.•" 1 •hilif •I<. 1_ ~.1,. I 1 Ot 1·r11 pr1n t( 11111·r111111.~ ... I ),T(l"CI) l ~ihri 1111111 111 ,1,. 1,11 1' !' r 11 11 1 11 ~ I ' I nl 111 1 11 i.: . "' , " ~· , .. · ~1 ·:, 2 1<1~ 2 H,O,. d.~l111,l1r llilh al Jr\'inr '>'MV\ fl '''' ' I • I ' -~ -~ ~"'"I"·,_ ~~vu -'Q • ,, J>"!' 1111• T1111i 111\ •11 r~ 11·>1 \ , '!'•:•· ·I' r 111 .. "1 ' · A terat1ons -642-5145 •~iu-v-'" !•"I l\IJ;::.-; \Jh'. 7.Z:.:OU frl:r-0."1.'lO or 642-lllirl '-'I I k • • J r--_ _ ___ r 1 lf'rg11,s n ,N,.1<r hi.~1·r 1 ,11 '11 .~1·.1,1 '" !• '• • 1'8 1111 1• l\,'11l,;1,·,,11·.1t1· ~~l1 1•ar~Pxp. ''"" ~ · "'r.~-) Rrt. furn & t Tnfum. NEl\'!.Y J\].'('(1J~\TI 11 lt.11r:1 1~'\ ',~f, 11!11 f.· ~·lt1r1·1,.11, ('.,1, !;·ls :,:,:11 I '" fe levi s1on Repair ApartrntnhfDfR~nf 1 FROMONLY'l9S 2/'ft / Sil I ~ ) 11 .o:ar ~1 l•;1·d '1 • . 1:1:. ! • i. ... i.;a1:i1:.•· (..,1111,,_ 11 ,_. 1 1 ~,S,,71 6 _ 1 ,01, 6 ., 11000 . Sq Ft - t ,,,,t. !I· • ,. ,,, • NE W LAW NS* ----._-"'._ I OCF:A,\' Ql'EE~ w/pol1'11• II Ir rd '.".!'.''il d1 • • .,/1•11rt ,.,, $Jj: •. 7701 Ell1!1 JS30 E . Ocean flvrl Pl<1('r11l 1a A1e 1B1. C11ll Apl IJ. St·•~ rn1o:r fl l 7j:l1 fl:tntilt A, pt · F Lo•g 0 ·• I ilfl 1'" b I ' • 6'" «• I 4001 R1rl'11, N II. .,41 ,.11.11 •· urn. 360 1 " ,.,.. .. 1·1 . I 4,5 . .,,,45 111n "':1,_-~_1:u. Ellis. Ap t Il or• 1;all u1.1nf'r I • I • ~ ' -'' I ,., \I r+.1ng'ri by \\'1ll111m \\'Rlrrrs Co. a1ESA l/erdr, 2 BR upper, 642--04.'W f'\'f' &· \\'kf'llll~-R1ntal1 Want•d 460 B Ibo -Rooms 400 ··;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Schools & ' \: I 1 , 1, l\111111 11 a a Peninsula fH>\.\'IY de('., blln~. crpt.~. I SEA AIR APTS. $115 • iiiiiiiiiiiiiii di'?s,. ri<i 1.:>t'r~. 1 ~h~d OK . Lrg, 2 RH. ("rpts, <!rps, bl!ns. FURN, rnor)1, fem11.ll' onli , I NEEDED I 2 ~R·~ l 1iba · fl.;i!io. bA lron~. I $150. J-11}-7:ifi2 548-:i22i. ] blk N, o/ Ada1ns off Beach 11\i'nl 1,_"f1!11'~e studrnl, ;tr RESPONSIBLE f ile ' 3l:i F. Bay. $2.iO monlhly on ' ** BEAUTIF1JL 1 & 2 BR. Blv. 7~ No, 6 lJtl,·a. lX.(', U1iJ pd. s7;1hno. WORKING COUPLE N C }riv lr11~P !,.,.., 1 A lnterest•d In .1.1P,\,l· .. <1·. t.•ri1 1•n f'r. Halli,, ~:nii·i~ f'u~in rn , f. nr 548-7771 p . 1 1 ·, 1 11 •. I 1 A R I E l '+Hnp li•I•• 'I iinl"ut·k .-:, \\\1r\.; H•11•~111111hl1'. Gl<'n, IW oncept c ·6.l-1521 ... ,Ulff' II p! I Contr'lnpora,.,, Garden Apl~. 536·2796 01' s:l6·70j0 -&lt-8520. I 11f'f•rl one or \11'0 bf'ih'(>Om " ;---'~7~:::_::_-c~·--allos, rpc., poo , ;:i:>-2 BH 2 BA <'rpts drps • Hoonis lnr H;-nt $\1! \.\k .~. 1nuse 1111!1 llt.l'Kt fenrE>d tta Staft "-,4~ -,~ .. t ~FURNITURE RENTAL Corona del Mar i $170. CaJJ 546-5163. rlstn1·hr, i~ blk Muni;. f'Hri.: l.'p. •1 block Ocean. 2:i00 yard (for 111·0 VERY \VF:t.r. Career? ~t·~~~1:;;/,~!1. r·1·t~· l"~t1111n1t'.~. <.:-:,-~,;~·,;lt·;--,,-,,--,"-,-,,--k 1 Br apl unfurn w/.~tove. $165 pr r !l)O, Aft 4, 846·5.17j ~a 1 it'll". c~l\L TllAINt:f) 1log!<;I s1:-,o mo~t. ' -t ·.Month to Month ~ .J,®% Purchase Option t; ·~e Selectlon. '' · Et)'!e-Color. A I 8 I Vic: hrt11·f'en J9th &. Vii·tori11. l•:Xl'~:I: .1 ~p111w~r l;11rd1i1i'f ren1t11ltl. Frrr• "~1 Small -c~·~;o;-;s. 20CpnterST. 2 Br., slud10 apt, all 11 PVTri:>0mforftmult•1nlLB. -lnrar\V.BaySt,~('OITT'/\ :'\<'II Pl' "'l"'l'lf'll('f'<l (~•llll•t•·t•' 1ol .~t'l'\'i,·1•. N1,at johs11'f'it'OllH' ~·'.':fi-2·12fi . .. Y • · electriC', crpt, drapC'S, kilchf'n, l11und r.1· & pool ~fF.SA. 548·7881 /afl £ p,rn ~·ut l or p<1rl nnH' & 11 .. 1111. ~I'"" «~I. frl:.?~:ik9. jjiiiliiiiiiiiiiriillliiiiiiiiiii n., .r«• 2 RR apt, $15.1. Crpt'd & $1fil f\1o. 5.17-7904 <1{! <1:30 pri1•iieK1>S. 842-8472. L1 Cf'i1.~111g f't't'}l. Foi r ---l'!(tW}.;:-;;J(),\:i\I . 0------~ drps, stnve/refrig, pool, Laguna Beach 1 BDHM-1v/1v crp!, wardrobe WANTED .l111111ni'.~•· C111·d•·11111i.: S1'r\'irt E~yment )[ i ~ ON TEN AOl.ES ln<lry facil. Chldrn ok . l'losC'I, Share Ba 11 1, $75. Young roupte 1vould likl! lo • H. t:. Sl~ill & Hkrs l"r"<' ~:~1. * li4ti-0619. f 64~15.1. 1-RR. & de.o. Unique l;i.R'tJna n1o. f'\'P/ll'knrl 646-2042. rent 2 Bil unfurnished hou~e • Salf'~ Su1·f'r.~~ Tn1.in1n11: ('l\·.\ll 'l.J~-.-in•c_·~T;-;::;:"'"i!~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~; 1 4 2 BR. Fun!. 4 Unlum. * Cond 3 B 2 B Casile 1.1•1rle ocean 1·le1.1's I · 1 · • PlaCPtllPnt A~~t for gr<1 rl' -:· r L fl 11 11 & Firepla~•; priv, ... Uoa. * 0 r., .a., A ' 'f d Cf ·· RMforrent.lite('i:-:iking,pvt l 11'111 i;:aragi> ln CM. Up 10 1:;1nir11111i.: .Sf'n11·f'. Jliiul ingJob W•nted, Mali 700 • · 2' Hour Deli\•ery r-bltns. pool. c I b h fie , errs_ o gar Pni::, oi::e lo b l , • ' $150 nl<l. Good ref!!:, Both • Dfly & Evf" llfl.~.~"~ Pools Tenn!• Contnl'I Bldst. i::hoppini::. Partially furn . ath,.adu t 01er 38. S8:i. $2:J , , • T · · R .. P\<1 n ,{. "ll'11n ·11p . .lirn ~8-0405. 900 Sea I ~K-. cdM ""2611 kids/pe1s ok. $235. 545--5270, s~ " I I -cl1'an1ng chrg. 64&-84&4. I {'mplO)'ed. 557·9.'lOS aft" PM. UlllOl'1 Pl!T\<J, SCR·AM-LETS ....,ic .,..... 546-3710. ON ,,,o. nc · ut1!. Mature -TREES-ERVICE- 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 (MacArlhur nr Co111'f Hwy) 2 adulls only. 494--46J3. 1'0 share lrg luxury houM> in * PRF.fi: * For Jnfonn11 l1on Rrol'hUl'C 'J'rinlrlllllg, Pruning & Clf'an· l~ztl&~~·Nj.~Mi!•~i~n!!!!S~A""'~"'!!!!7-~03~1'4 BR townhouse $175. 2 br * NE\\1 2 BR b!k 1 hf' h N.R. Priv. rm. & bl1 1h. i RF:N'l'AL s~:RVICF: (714 ) 541-1192 up. 647·5196 or ~41·R442. ANSWERS j 2 • apl Sl~l Osh11·hr. shag, i;elf-' '. o ar · !;.F '143 I RF.D ('AH PET Rf-:AL't'ORS Br. I h11 + furni.~tird guest clean oven, pAl io, hltns. 377 S(.l{'«l11eular Vll'\Y. S:r.il up. I .r,, . . * ~2-7771 * 'b Fre: G111e.~1 t..Prru~ .JOllNSONS' GARDF'.NING .. J'l?io• Island rm 11/ba. Crpts, rlrps. \'v'11.lk \\i. \\'ili;on . 5-18---3(,0~. 494<1:18.1 or 494-2119 Guest Hom• 415 1 , , :12.1 Old i\•• ."'i r 11 r'1T'! RI :"JR Ynrd a-taln11·nnn(•r, f'l<1nling Wanton _ Ankl" _ Fahlt-_ R . to hr'ar h. Nr ~hop~. Chnlf'e • I !+AMII.\ nrl'd.~ IKlmP. S<-hl~. Edmond F. Jack•on . .,1 'l .~ .... ' ARLY-Sturiio apt i1·/full lor11lion 8t p11rk1ng. f300 mo. SPPAC. 2 !.· 3 Rr. flpl $1 40 1_1p. Linda Isle I *PRIVATE ROOM* 'hoppini:; RPf'~. C<1ll Bil! I H.J::. _f:o\,,. :111 .. n ~•tH'r l!-•I l Jr111111p.~ !\1 •• -_0.\.1 &~~111;~-h-\I F.N 1 10 ONE rr=;4 o~~;~,;,·,'"_r Jjth. C;i!I R.Tl---110:!, E \'es: ool , •p1/d!'p~. bl !n~. kid.~ JJELUXF: 3 RR 2 BA for 1unbt1!:1l11ry pt•rson Uou(I r~rkf'f". A£t>lll 9~1&-2500. I SPRINKLER REPAIR nuiidf'n: Shf' \\'11.8 962 22·,o A,-,11 J·•I"1 nk. I ,. 1 l · · 1 1 h 1 1 · d d .-. •. ,1. s1 ~1,.11 ,. , .-.1.; ,_.,_.,_,._, 11'(k1'd 1r i;111· lili"d •'nrlhsh -",, . ear y .CflSt'. 1:~ !11o. ooc. nice C t-('r u surroun · Aca emy · ' I II "t S.T. flio• Pt~rnsula . SHARP & clean 4 Beriroom, ]99!l'\1;iple "~· 1· 6-12-.lR'.3 RF.Al.TOR fi73-.'lf>63 ings. Real Estate -*-LANDSCAPING * ~~1~ 1~· .. 1 \~111.1~·,'.r k~~~,~~ 5~~ BAY FRONT RENTAL 211~ hath 1\•a!k fri hPath. * FREE Mos Rent on yrs_ Mes• Verde * Cal\ 5t~·4'?J'.1 * Person1l1 ll'tJt )I Contracting & N•••v la11n!<, Spnnk!t·r~. d•'•·ks, ONI+.." 3Q1 Edr.wRter. c 0 r n er Family pr~ferrcd. Month to l~e. 2 Br, den, trpl, pn Summer R•ntals 420 . Insurance Schools i·lr,.nup. Sti't1P lw'd, :i:\li 1225. ~~--------~--n•do. F .. -. 3 BR. 2 n1onth. $390 pr month Call par!o, <'pt/ilrp. r{'drr. A.fl . DELUXE 2 & 3 Br. 21B11. SJQ IGI appNJvrtl, \. l/l'. R<•AI f'XP 1-1,,~.::,1 , -1. 1,,·1;: Job ~.Yant1a, rtmale 702 ., -.. M B I 611° 5 ••• 0"1 713 592 5227 cus~0\1 c~ p I " . ~. I ill •HI'! ,r -----th!, i arage. Pril·. beach. C'on1plr 1r 1-!1'1'di•ninK si·rl'lce GOOD TYPIST t-r. at f'y, .. ,,550, IAgl.) I , """""°""' or : -encl <"· 1155 up. Rental '' . ....;..f'c. Formal :'1 ersone s - VftH. July lst. ~i r . 2 BR, bltins. pool. \\'alk to LRG. 2 BR, S150. Ne1,1.· crpt., Olt:. .1095 Mace Ave ·• Br, 2 &, beaut . furn. F.nlE>r l;F:RMAN rlii· ·. 45 l\:i111 1t111111, &1!~\lor, "oh>'"~n.. · f rl d ~1031 01£'r wat~·r. Pinr.~. fnuii·I · Ollt"t', · .00 ____ ,W ill do your typing at r'I. """" hf>ach. S200"1Jfl. 0 r 11 n ~ e priv patio. nc yr " no ' · 1._,1.1,_._ 11,111.,1 1,,-,1_ 0 ,,.,,,.,. <!rp, pli'a,<;1111! 1:wrsonal 1I~" I J ~ G -J S · L h 0AV15 REAl.T\' Coa."t P.eal E."late 644-l8·1R. J>E'fs. 783-B V.'. Wilwn, N B h ~ ,. ' .. ., .. 1 1 Servicn .1nd Rep,1ir1 enl!'ra ervices n er ome, Will pickup 1-~''----------"~~2-_7~000= , ewport eac 1-:urnpr. Ju11f' 1 ~ ... s1'pl, s·r~. l '"~'."n ,i;mn.:f'. )(OtM t'<llic . d d 1· cor ona del Mar Costa Mesa 673-7li~. <.:01111~. rui_·n. ~2-12<i0 I !ion11·11u1\;f'r. l.ikl" to l'l'llllll'· 1:1· /'1\ll~" ow I •. Ill pt! I'll r y an e 1ver loca l H.B., • $1~0 • 2 ch1lrlrrn oK. 3 RR , PARK NEWPORT ry l1ntt111'1al l) .~ t I' 11 r ~ l:Sabysitling 11,.lp 11 .. 1111• 1,1 l•11-:1110·~~ h~, F .V., W est, 75c per pg . c"'()MPLETE Bflch . Apt., 2 t ' 1.14 BA, lndry, C'rpt/di'Jls. APARTMENTS BAY \IJF:\V 2 l)('1lroo111, ~"ntlrnui,11 , r-.i,1 Hr r" i 1. 1 .. i. .. 1 In· :t~ 011 11 11 11, c·;111 I or will work by hour tiU11 Big Corona. 1 Arlult. nn HARBOR GREENS d~h11·shr, no Jl''I~. ~f}..32Jfi. slefp~ 4 coniplf'lr!y furni~h· ~,·,.krrs, p!ra::f'. s~111d 11tK1lo llAYSl1vrlNC _ \.l.i h 111111, ~Iii"' :-,.r; 11:~1 .. c a ll 847 ·3095. "'-1 l l30 til pd On the bay etl. Avall June to S!'pt. Si :il) & !'"~11111!" lt1 ''la,_s1 f1111I Ail 1 k ' I I • I ---Nl'l'I) I I _I ___ _ .,..,.. u , yrly., Nf'l\'2 BI' 2B'llR"> N" '-\\'oultl i e "1 1'1~1"'"'· ,1~1.~··11 :-.:1 .-; : .. \1,.,,..,.. 1·1•111-.·.' "" u·ri tit w•n\r '.• "'~ • '• '' · · " pr n1onlh. Ad ults 011Jy ., ., .,., ~5211 ~ti::. No C"liildrt'n. 'l'~l·B Luxury 11par!n1{'1l! living ov· 6_a-493 No. 41-1 C'/O lht' D111ly Pifr•L p I 11 y 111 n I,. 11 r .. r 111,1 ~ .. n. , 1 pl rt'pku', ~'l'l•I 111~1111, hAI'•~ Aidl'IS e Nur~r.o; e rlfl'tN. Apt. $l3S.Ut il Paid. Furnished & Fl'.!rdham. 6i7r3439 f'v;s·." rrlooking lhe '"'11!er. Enjoy agent. 4 O. P. 0. Box Elli(), Coslti. M .. ~u. da11i,.'11lf'rs, Xl111 re!,., lA11·111~ '""", 1il11111b, 1111-. • .-.~-1j9<1!,. llousrkpr1 • Compan1rins ',(; ~.lock to ~811. No !"'I!. Unfurnished $750,000 health !!pll, 7 s11•in1 · OCEAN l"ront-2 R dupll''!. ,t;J>JRITUAL Mf"<l iuin & Card hon1t" ,¥, f fl Ill I I y e1t• -;rd1'AL SERVIC1-:s ~ ro. • II 0 m ernakt;r&-Upjohn ~ ,Sf.8vie1.1·, CcL\f. B;:r:M~~~l~.\.I.~ ~~S. n1ing JXlO)~. 7 l1glrtr<I ff'11· Orang<" Co. $2'15 wk Au~. Reading11 by Mr11. WiUiama. vironrnt'n!. llo! n1,.al1, ft'n1.-'-Plumbg lMtall'..CarPf'n!ry S47-(i681, C From $120 to $215 mo nls courts, p!u.~ mites ol St 7:i "'k July. Sip.'! 6. Crprs. Advi.,es in 1111 problems or Pd yard. Plllyhou.o;f', 10111 of Eire 1t-a!r • 646-_"'"!'1'c=r=.f=:m'"'1=N~G~·=1·a~d-"-h-,-,-,1-,,-, o. st• Mesa 387 W. Ray St. CM 64&-0073 b' I 2!'\'~S4-3J.lt l 0 ., ~"' , 1cycle trails, put!iog, shuf· · · 1• · · · Jir,.. No problen1 so g1'f'a1 loy~. nvi> & fun. S20 \.\'k. tr ~1{TPU)AOF·n ,. 1 Of>l'!l only. H.B. llJ't'a. Cal! :i;"-·io WE EK & UP * Bachelors e 1 Bdrm I 12 BR apt unfurn-childrrn ok flt>boRrd. C'roquet. Junior l '.s Rentals to Shari 430 th11t cani>0! be' solvrd. t'rei> Adaini hell1'<'f'n fl11~h:1nl k · · "111 0 r 5.'IG-680l ft 5 • " 2 Bdrms • 3 Bdrmo . tlO pets. ~ Monte Vistfl fn1n1 Sl64.·.'" ">0"1111)--. of.•"] j I 1· . Magnoli• HB 968 ~3.l. 11 ilh••ul opt'r1dnr a '\.\' k d y s • Studio & l BR Apts A1·f'. "'" " .... SI ioroscope rP!li u1~.~ g1vf'n , '"V" Cnll ~~1!'1-~l!~l] llnytlme wknds. e:n' & ~!air! Service Avflil 11/2 or 2 Full Baths and 2·bcdrooru plans and • 1111'1' <1pt. Pool & rrplc" A~r 11i1h l'a rh l'P11ding, 714 : VACAT ION MOTllJ.:n <'R'''' ---___ I-'--------- •: P1:;6ne Servlce-lftd Pool DELUXE 1 br, frplr, Pf11io. 2-slory low n hOUlif'i::. Elr!'· :!5-:).). \\'orking girl. Charai'. 527-.1'1()11, 10831 Bf'ACh Slvd., for your honit" & child rrn Hauling Help W•nted, MI F 710 e 'Oiildrl!n & Pet t.t'ction hlaster size bPdrooms \VI $150 mo. Ul1 l inl'l'rl . 2fil2 trl<; klleliP11s, private pa11cs r.•f, HPas rrnt. 847.fi.~Sil. StH11ton. while you \'ttCti1ion. Xln t ':(j;c;iJ,'M,;;:::;:-h,;";;-Ji:;;-;~1 ;:=0:::;;;::;;;:;;;;;.i;mo;;;;;;.;.:1 2'. 111 Ne1,1.•port Blvrl. CM high beam ceilings, JarJ!e OrArigf' Avr. 64\-6774 . or baleonieli, <'arpe1ing, dra· Offic• Rental 440 *FULLY LICENSED* r<'rs. IJependablt, drjv{'!<;. LOCAL Mov1·~. h R IJ J Ing, Y Jiving room 1v/ga.~ or ----------jlf'riC's 51 b!erra k rlt>nnup. J-:.\p •' o J I e g e Ar•r·o1Jntant Degrrr S12K .. ~9755 or &45-3967 ,,.nod burning fir1>plAf'r. EXTRA lfl:. 2 Br. 1 1~ Ba. nr -· J nean par · Mod Ui · I Rtnov.•flf'd ilindu Spiritualist. 645---0574. studen!. Lrg truck. RtA. <:on~rruclion B8rkground •·,· *Sl15 * C 1 I d OCC. Carpors. Lndry· fa('il. ing ivilh elevator.~. Op1ionfll em o ce space a ir o;:,~iri tual Readinr« given 1 -WE--c---K~L-Y-------oftn~~~c~~~. ~·~~r~{ed a;~ No JX'1_.o;. SIW. S4&-8.i94. n1aid scrvicr. Just north of l'ond, Coi::ta Mesa, 5 oHices. d'::uy. 10 AM·lOPM. Advie"f' r;, 5.'!4-1846. Prod Mgr/wrlding exp $90() t los. 2 sivimming pools, Fashion Island a l Jamhoree Total 1200 sq ff. Al! or part. gi\'en 011 a!l mfltters. 1 can child rare, ovf'r 5 yi>,.r,, YAHD, g.iirai.rt' "lranups. "'rilrr·Ofc Mgr .Jopen titudio Apls., 1 Br. $125, OldPr adull!!'. No pe!s 1"!3:; Eldl"n. M~r. Apt . 6. sauna. recreation facili-VACANT. Spacious Bacht-lor and San Joaquin II ills Road. 25c pt>r !IQ fl. Nrar Baker help you. po o I!! -park -h" IL,. h , RP move lrl'P!I', dirr. Ivy, Tra.vel Agf>nt $600 ties. Security guard, Apl . Nr . Colle11:{'s & SOOp'g. Trlephone (714/ 644·1900 & F'aiNie11'. 548·5551 8 am-312 N. F.l Camino Reill Pttular11>0, C.M. ~96S6. 8 kip l ()ad' r • bflC~, 5f>c Y·M1trkr11ni::; $650 2 &. .Duplex, Lrg fn<rl pA tio, vecy.pvl, nr g!nrP~. N1re, klul~. no pets. 642-~392. ilRGE. sunny, partly furn 2 br nr fa irgrounds. Sl:ifl. No Pf.ts. 1 inJa nt OK 64~216. Models Open 'ti! 9 pm. 2700 Peterson Way, CM nr Harbor Blvd & Adams Util pd. $130. 979-01~4. for rental inrormaUon 4 pn1 . ~laturl' <lC"""'ndablf'. \\!kd_v~ 847-2666. Mflnaizrmcnr Trne to $500 -~~====---San Clemi>n1e ,... Sf'(Te!f!rlr!! MOO ATTiiACTIVE-2 Br Studio, 2 be th, gAr., !'lell' f'BTJ)('I. t S175/mo. 642-5297 * 546-5025 P.S. LRG .. ~ Br., 2 811 , nu pets. Ch ildren t;ik. Nr l!Ch!s k shopg. $170/mo. 545--8!!91. * 2 BR. 1 Bit To"'nhous~. P<1rio/garaj!:e/ponl. $205- $225. Child ok. 5.77-8400. East Bluff • DELUXE • $11!4-J-40. Lovely 1 BR . Fur Ne&r, StoT'f'~. QuiP t. 1985 Po'!2~8 . cr.1 54&-012s. Huntington Btach PEACE A0D SECURITY Your!'! to come home to! Htr~s i;:a.rrlen·hv1ng st Its I 3 BR. 2 RA Apt for lt11..<;e. Incld spar. ma111er 11uilf'. din rm & dbl JiMRge ; fl Ulo door opener avail. Pool & Recrf'A!io11al 11rr11. be.~!: l•QUINTA HERMOSA * small, 1vell·m1111ai:ed lwc· 1 Spaffi$h Cnuntry E.~tate Liv·. ury apt. unit5 !or adults in U,. & Spacious Apt8. Ter· a ronvenient, estabhsb.ed raced pool : 8unken gas "-l'f'A. BBQ. Unbl!!ievable Living -• Big lrces, grrat pool, op· oiiry posite a golf roursf', 1 BR · FURN. $175 * Thn-e bedrooms. )I'll .ALL UTJLJTlES PAJD ba.ths, Jl("rsonaJ patio, IRun- r• bllt! S. of San Diego Frwy oq B1"11ch, 1 hlk W. on Holt tc>l82ll Parkside Lane.) (71<11 847-5441 dry·workshop, spacious Jiv- ing room with Iirep\11.ce. P.S. The price v.'ili surprise you'. • 1145 _ ,16; FAIRWAY VILLA l!a<heJor • I BR. palio" APARTMENTS frplt1i:, pril'. i A r • g f! s · 3'122 SAnta An,. Ave.5'!fr.GZ15 oMdid bath A: lol8 of cl~fr. Rtt h11.ll, pool 1z DELUXE pO:il t11bl''· sauna. bath~. APARTMENTS See. . tor yourself! 17301 Air Cond · Frplc's •. 3 Swim· Kf'lsiin Ln. {l blk \V, of m ini<! Pool!!' -Healt.h Sp11 · Btach, 1 blk N. nf Slater). Tennis Courts · Game and : ? ~42-7841! Billiflrrf Ronm. * ~L SJDF:. I BR, com· l BEDROOM ,.-VU FROM $165 pleWy furn apl. Mlnimom < ''EDITERRANEAN ~·lease. 8-42·2446 Aft 10 IVl AJ.t': ' VILLAGE L:'JfJ'~• Be1c11. 2400 Jlarhor Blvd., C.M. cn41 ss1-so:.o *-STUDIO APT. * RENTAL OFFICE Piftiy turn, Ocean side o! OPEN 10 AM lo 6 PM H.,Y. with path ltadlnt to ~=~=~~-_c_.:.:__ ~ h R f' MESA VERDE arta·Lux. 3 ....,.c . {' II. rtt), .$140 MONTH BR. a:11r., frplc, be'llut. {_!ncludlrlf Utililies patio, like prlv~ll" homt. MJ~ON REALTY 494-0731 Adul!s. $265. ~16. A'I\ ()'tacent Bay. ~ bJk k:I ZBR. 2BA, $163. 2 Kids. no bftch, coklr 1'V, $40. per pe:ls, bltins, C/0. W/O. .. .,.. ¥J\ll ,~ ""7 hkup, pa.tio, garagt, 181-H Wai,._~_,,,; ,.,....,'Kl ~'\. Del Mar. 54&-81n'I. N..,.,..rt Be1ch P•rk-Llko Surrounding BACH 1pt ·sublet Prk Nwpl. QUl ET • DELUXE Ju1y:-Sept. rn5 mci. incl •Pfl 2 &. 3 BR AM'S mtmbenhip A nic tacil Prv. 1111Hos * Hid Feola Mf--8873. Nr 1hor'sr * Adult~ Only ' OCEANFRONT Martinique Apts. Be1utlful 4 br, 3 ba. Avail 1rn •· A A c M ..,..nta na w ., .• s.pt . .1. ~0628, MQT. Apt. 113 6'6-55<2 • $275 • 865 Amigos \\'ay, NB !\1anRged by \VILLJAM WALTERS CO. Huntington Beach ON BEACH! 2 BR. 2 BA Unf. Fr. Sm 2 BR. Furn. fr. $388 ADULTS ONLY Furniture Availttble C a r p ets.drapew-rlishwa!hl!'r heated pool-u.unu-tennla rec room-0eean views pati09-ample parkinc Security Guards. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 1U OCEAN AVE .. H.B. (TI4) 536-1•87 Ofc open 10 am-6 pm Dally WILLIAM WALTERS CO. BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO LIVE JN Tl-TlS JUST COMPLETED • Luxury l br apt. • Adult • Ol!ihwuher1 • Choice of 2 color schemes • Custom c1.rptlina: • Jacuu:I e H~ated pool • Dead-bolt lockl • Only Sl40 ptr Tl'lf', BAHIA PUERTO 2810 17th St., 11.B. 536-4815 * 2 BR. STUDIOS • NEW · VERY DELUXE! Adults. 2 Blk1 from Ocea.n, Call •.ft 5: ~. 96l--l)65 2 BR Apt. Clot1ed car. Crpts, drp11, Ollld & ll"Yl. pet ok. $145. M7-2940. WALK to Beach 2 Br, crpt1, drpa. d1hwhr. n P•lm. • 8'1·~7. e , WTNTER RENTALS e 1.2,3;.C BR. lteM!rvt Now!.t AB8Ei ' REALTY 6<12-:vJ~ HOUSE Hunlin~! W11teh OPEi" J.l()t1St rolumn the Ollly PUOI Wa Adi have I ~11.rg1t ln1 18.10 . I • EXECUTIVE * 492-9136 or <192-90.'« my home. R"'·"· Fencd y'1. YARD Ii Garage Cltanup. NEWPORT YEAR AROUND AIRPORT OFFICES hot lunch. 54~r1007. FrPe e~t. 7 dayi. CaJ! • · PROBLEM Pregnancy. Con--Personn•I Agency 3 BEORM-2 BAT J.11', I Prestigr executive officf's Iiden!, sympathetic p!'C"ga~ BABY~ITTTNG. N.R. ari>R . flllyllmf', 548-50.11. 833 D huilt in~. nP1v carJ)E'T. 11, Localed at airport neflr cy counseling. Abortion & In niy hOmP. Any ai::;e, Wkly HouHcli•nlng over Or., N .B. blocks tn he1tch . $300 pf'r rei::taur<1nls & San Die~ Adoption ref. APCARE. fir hr!y, Call fi75--.123.11 .-:;;:s;-o;:;,;~:--C:;;;;~:l ;====64=l~-~l~&=7~0===1il month, CALL 1 8 r win, Fn1')" 8.'l:l-~:!03. 642-4436. Carpet Service :\1F'.SA Cle11n1n11:. Ca[ll"ts, 968-4405. D&5K l'lp&ce a vaUable $".><I 0~1 v=o~R~c=e~--11·i11do1,1.·1. f ! nor" etc. A fkot1rr 'fl"mpnrary Pn,t;i!ion WESTCLIF,,- CAPRI li()() \\'t'sfr!iff Dr. Arlult L1v1ng-No Pt'IS Drluxr 1 & 2 Br. p,..,...I, Carpor1. rum. or Uni, 642-6714 Adulf,.Condo. We,fcl!ff 2 hr·patio-1.1•/D·rert'r-frpl lm- mf'd, po,i::. S2l«l/mo, 0(1E'n- SRT·Sun·2-:i p111 , National Services Co. Reahor . 54G·OS11 . &15·4332 NEWPORT· BA YFRONT APT. 2 Br, 2 ba. For details call 838-9i47, 642-Zll2. mo. Will provide furniture Hridrl/eom'L :i 5 7-6 7 ' 2 , Do ii your11elL JOHN 'S Carpet & Upholl!trry 51, 'Ill at SS mo. An!!'werlng service c 1 •a o, r,. Ex f , , --~-~~-..--· -:--.=--.--1 Ne~·port, Co!lta l\1{'s11 "' available. 222 Fore!!'! Ave, \! C rr J)rl-Shampoo fr•• .e-_ kh· Dedicat•d Cl1•ning '-B h < a1111grn1Pnl f'l'P 67~· 111]1] ·~-" ._..,guna l"ac · 94-94_6'__ gu111'11 jSoil R{'!ardant.~\. * \\'E DO EVF.R'f11·0NG * BAY VIEW OFFICES NICE looking baC'helnr .15 Tl f F I:H>grf'a.o;rr1 & 1111 rolnr ".~. f l'" ~f. 616"2339 !Jrluxf', fl 1r·cunrlitioned rri·rnlly rlivorced, n ..,,, 1111 brightenPra & JO m inult llOUSF. n~· CLf:AN n I I L hrunr 11,·j~IJP~ to mPf'\ Al · I hi I I h' rr f'f'Ora!f'c. 1do arl'a, ea1 · 1 or "' ite r<1rprti::, Floor1, <'f/)I~. 11•uxto11·~ It n 1 · Bk !nu·1h·e gi'll for d<all;'i:: & C'r\ onomlC'l!, r. 6i5·6700 Save your mon{'y hy l!Utving 1,1.•all-. ~1 ~r.q , 11ri>~. fi42-6824 * AffiPORT AREA * Adj. Airpor!er llotel. Deluxe l-2-3 roon1 ~uitt's. f~OWESf RATES. 2182 DuPont Dr., room R. 8.13--2840. OF.SK !pace available $50 mo. Will providl! furniture at SS mo. AnsweN:i& service available. 17875 Beach Blvd. }lt1ntlngton Beach. 642-4321 Have 110melhini;: you want lo .ell'.' Classified ads do it 1.1•ell -call NOW 642-567$1. lrH'tHlship, ~6-2054 . 1ne extra trip,. Will clean , ' -- Al.COllOLICS Anonymou1. living rm., dining rm. &-BA'\ & . HrR ('h Janitorial. Phone 542-7217 or write hall $15. A11v rm. S7.SO, Crp~"l 11'1 nrlo1~·~/llonr11 etc. P .O. Box 12'23. O>.~IR Me1a. rouch $10. Ch~!r $5. 15 yr11. Re~id/Comm L 646-140!. FIND YOURSELF f'xp. 18 wh11t counts, not Ironing ~ EON~ ELSE method. I do work myst-lf.1-----------IN ~M , r. , • e JRONINC e DISCOVER Goo<l rel. 531--0101. e ALTERATIONS e DISCOVERY Thrifty C•rpet Cle•n•r My homf', cnll 9-7, 1142-111'.\ 714/R.1.l-68&5 213/:Y!7·:1:l93 Any 11i1:e Jiving room Sl!.95. L nd l Di111rount adriflion"I room,, a •c•p "9 TIIFmE jit only o n e "Wrillhl'' WRY to (el ll m11siAge. Try it. you'll like H~ 8.1.1-ZlOO. 8('fllf'h guflnfinK 11.v11il8hlr, TOP SOIL_ 540-0097 oommerl'.'ial ••count• in\'it· f'd . Open 9·6 Mon. thru Sat. I.a1.1·n Rl"mov11l, Rototill 968·0367. P•intlng & URGENTLY NEEDED Secretaries & Typists Jn1l'rvif'1~· 1-lnurs 9 11.m·ll 11m k 1 pm-4 pm Work 1.1·hen &. where you \\'nn1 ! Interim Personnel Service 771 W. 20th, C .M. 642-7523 546-25'1 Acrountlng C1eriral l+~ee Paid 2 BR, 2 BA. 4·Plex apt .. crpti::. tlrp~. bltin1'. D\V. Nr. llo11.g H~. Adlt111 , no pets. SlRO/Mo. Ph: &42-0596. * * * * * C•rptnttr P•p•rh•nging Girl FridRy to $500 DELUXE upper 3 Br, 2 B~. * crpt/drps, bltn 11.ppliances, sundecks. View. I blk My & beach. $215/mo. 545--7098. LARGE OR SMALL TiiE HANGMEN, up to~% Rttt>ption,.i1t to $450 di t &: I bo mobU App 1cant Pays Ftt r--------------------.,,jAll Tyiw• Work: Cut door-. 81~~'. m~11.JI ~i~~ 0~ Bookk~per (F/C) S600 panel, remodel, r In I 11 h , 84&-JISt. A/Pay11ble ssoo YEARLY ocranfront. Lrg 1 T d frATTli', re Pa Ir 11, ect. Sf'CN!tary to S550 Br. Fine~t in N'pl. 1 or 2 1 ra er's Paradise 962-1961. YO~ !-lu pply t he Pllint. Rmit Ordf'.r OPsk to $42S adults only. S 4 0 0 Imo . MTNOR homt' n'pll.iT!I. Plum· pe.1.nttd SIO 4'8 11vg. Al90, f!'X· Jnvoic-e Clerk $500 673-7629. blnr _ C'&f'l)f'n!ry _ painting lf'r1or. Ref8, 30 Yr.!, e.xper. Billing Clerk S4SO SPACIOUS 2 Br apt w / Ii nes -roofing. Call 540-5.";,60. 54().. 1046· l-::Xtt. Seereluy ta 1'100 frplc, Encl glll'8ge Newport Cement, Concrete No Wunne NCR Machint (P'/C) mi 1fl"ight!1. S1R.5. 5<18-969.5. I * WALLPAPER * Receptionist .$425 t I' mes ------.----Wben you cal! "Mac" 'T'ypi•t to $C0 Apts., CEMENT WORK, no job too 5"·1444 64i-171l Dictaphone Stt'y $Sll Furn. or Unfurn. 370 sm•.11, reaMinable. f'n·e X-Rlly Tf!t"hnlclan I dollars E11tlm, 1r. St uf!iC'k, 548·11615. Pl\JNTtNG • HOT!elt, clean, r·ree j. 1·~ Poslliom: &.Ibo.I Peninsula JOHN'S Patlo!I Ii Block gu,.rllnt~ wqrk. Ucenaert RUTH RYAN AGENCY work. An a8M>C. of V11n 't1 Ii lnsul"f'd . 675--5740• 179:\ Ne.........,.t, CM •~ •-• 2 BR lovely apt. Tl7 W. Bay. I .. ~. -Adult8 only. Inquire within "'-------------------"" LRnd~plng C.M. 833-0291 Proff'11ional P"lnting 71931 BeAch, HB 847-9817 $250. <19'.l-0491 or S75-S853. · MAl:\E your own 111.ke on .10 TRADE Bii Bear home new PATIOS, walkll, drive, \n!ltttll lnlf'l'/t'XIE>r . Quallty v"ork. i"''""""~~"!'"!''""'""••I or 40 sr rf'I at Newberry :i hr, TV, d1hwt, fli>l, slPf'pit new Ja 111,,m:, s11.w break, R«-1111. ~7-7455 aftt't 5PM APPRAISER/ Colt• M.s• Sprin&ll, $750 ac val. Cle,.r . 17 !or l'K"~an nr blly front ttmovf!. !WMl668 fo'r f'!ll. F.XT. painting, •~ eitl, LOAN TRAINEE Tr&de for h~e or inrmne. hornf' 2.4 wk• autnmer. Ch'I C Jtea111! Li<''d. Gunr. You pick CArt!tr opportunity. Real Summer Rentals PALM MESA APTS. rhe Ooylt-Co. RU N!, 5'8· l 168 c()mµar, rent (21l) 264 -3200. 1 d ar.• roklr-\\'t" II do l'l'!!L 642-8~12). E!lt11.te exper. dtsin11ble. m Ac . l!t'met, rtleast' I l.JCENSJ+:D Cllll.D CARE WALLPAPER HUNG C~~·~I~~:~ MlNllrF.S TO NM'. BCll. QUAIL Valley Connlry Cluh F1JRN. OR UNFURN. v11<·Rnl Int, nr. clubhoUl!f'. Unbtlle\/Ably hnye 1tpl11., V111 I. $4,000: rlf'nr. Wan! 111.le m!'Xlrt f\1{'rctdMI Ben;i; hugt pool, J1u:u7.7.I t'l&el or . ? fi.42.3R5Q. blt-inli, 1ha1t crpta, drp1, I cc___:..c....:_:.:,:_ ___ _ 1111un11 .-le, Adult!!, no Pf'l!I. IJke In trfl.de? Our TrAder'1; SINGl .. 1':.S .••••• , •• From SL'l5 Paradl!!fl' rolumn is for you~ 1 Bf:DRM .•..•.•. , F'romll-41) ~ 1\nP 2 BEDRM, ...... fl'(lm $160 S rlay11 Yo11'tt riaht, lhf'y're un· f(lr 5 bucks. der-prittd 1511 Mt•a Or. (5 blk1 from Newport Blvd.I * ~-* * r lau8f'!I, All or p1trl l<!r in· BY TEACllER, Alff'!I :1·5. Cart Rrbko 646-2449 ._. l O ,. I . 1 ·' V I ~""" 000 i ' p • S ... qua ppor. ..mp oyer rome or 1;1.nr); It . ., .... .,, , , . /\M·5 M . .,4 .00 d11y (. · PltQF. l"'hi!l ng, 81!'0 roofl'l, ----- rq $200,00J. nir Doyle Co, llunllngton Jkh) 963·3252. llCCOU•. t'l'il., lnter/PXlfl'r. . AS~EMILIRS Rral!or~. S'A·ll~. Contractor l.ic/Jn.~. Jo'tte t'l'll. &45-:,\91. f .li>elron1c. !.ome 10lderiis . 2 exPf'-Titfil'f' helplul. NEW 2 hr mobile homf', 4 ROO ddll" E tl rOR <'lf'an & neat painting. F.lflAC' Inf' widr. Al Mea.dow1. 1'851 M A "'""· 1 mf\tt&, lntrrlor or t'Xlrrlor At rt'as r. ' • Jtlfrey Rd, Irvine Ranch. I 1)l11t111 &-layout. 11\nKle or 2 rfllt!t Dick 9$8·406.1\ ' \RG!Jl VonK1tm111n. Tre(! .. for property 111 hf'llf'h I 1111'.!ry. L.T. Oinztruction. · · ' · ii-..·1~ ll.1.J..lnT. or~ Owner. 113/ltA 9 . .w.-i R47-1 ~11 . PAINTING, Int A ext. rr1111 Anf'Qualopportuntty J Ac K Tau I a. ne-RPpair ratt'.~. v.'r!rk auamtd. Loc11l c•~m-'-pl_o~y"-'-----~-* rmiod .. 16d!t 20 yn exp. ref's hi". Phil, '~~\. Have IOMetl\1111 ~rwu-t M Ue'd. My \\lay ((I, 547.()036. Otme-A-Llne MJ..66'71 sell! Oucifte4 W • , * * ------------- -· • :Z.f . DAILY PILOT MOftdlJ, Junt 12. 11172 lllll ;;;I ;;;;;;;;;-';;;;;;;;;;'-· ;;l[jJ]~J I [ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii, ... ~][jJ]~IJ, ;.;;I iiiiiiiiiiiCr;'Ojiiiiiiiiiiioo•• ,.;;][j]}~•·, [ ~~~I~~~~ l[f l ~ _,....,_ .... ~J(IlJ fL..-~-···___,· J[fi] I.___-_· __,· llllJ I ~··-ll§l IL -11 • ..., .... Hoi, w.-, M & F 71 , Holp Wontocl, M & f 710 Holp Wanted, Ml F 710 Help Wonted, M & f' 71t H.,p Wanled, M & F 710 Help W•nt.d, Ml F 710 Holp Wonted, M & F 710 Holp Wanted, Ml F 710 Appli onors -------.-!SECRETARY $Sl0 -----..,...-1 POSTAl. Ca.mrn.. Deliver Thr l"l"&ionaJ ul a ~tale-'A'1<k> OVER 200 .,.,,uheni, clf')lt:n. ,.rwr ov.·n atta. Cotta M~~. Q.l'lCana&tion DO\I' k.Cali..\1 in rt'frtttra!Drs from $39.9."i. Al>VDl'l'IS!NG • HOUSJ'C. WM:s • St>tate ume tn cortH!'-No lf!lllnc M!'Qllittd Call ~tr Wright 11t ~7"'6366 BABYS!TT'ER, A.JV llOA-fY- ONLV. ~fon thru Tbun 9 to S:ll, f'rl 9 to 1 l Childttn ~ 6, 1(1, 11. 548-8782. BABYSl'ITER net'ded --;;;y home, o"·n trara., lfll IUl'a. Al-Jo~. 962-6816 ah 6::JO pm. BOOKK..t! !::P Elt Thru ti. L. 6: PA,)'!"011 1&.'<f'I Abo, lypina: " phone ata'll rnn~. One a:ui oftlct" with 1m!UI IP"OWln& lliht m•nulat.'.lurlng oom- pa.ny. f{tquirf's 11 l'Olnpt't~nt lake ch11.rge pt>t'tlDn. Send re1wne lo C.1a.ullretl Ad No, t23. Dally Pllot. P, 0 . a0x I.J6l), COlilJ. !>lci.J. Calif. !'2626. Dl:::NTAL n-aipllonlst. Exp. lll Jnwra~. evll.ecilonl, It appolntrnenta. ruu llnlf'. Stnd J'l'i;urne & Wary t'll:· pl"Ctt'il. \\'r1tt' ClauifieJ A.d No. <15.l ', llally PUot. P.O Box lj6(), Co~ta ~teu. Calli. OISH\\'ASHF:n · Apply Oier. Dfllma.n's Real.. 801 E. &lt .. 111 R!, Hal. LI.DY ltD. Few hn wk, Xh1t q)&r)' Repllf'9' t'Of'lf. Write. C.11..uilied Ad No 4$2 ~lo DI.tty PllOI, PO Box 1560, O~ta Afeia, Calli. e e NEEDED Two OffK. Olrl1 t.Juat be 2S an3 able IO dnYt -APPLY - JIW]I. Bch., ~tn. Vl)'. SewpoM llH.1•11 ne-etlt 41 s.c.--O?aJ. ~ooai~':' ~s1m ~j pleasant akd.led 111ri u,i-.::;F<~;=9=;d=,~;-,.-,E~l-.-,-O.-ry-,•-r-** Al teration lady needt'<I, dry cleaning e1tabl.i&hment. LEGAL Secretary: fllll rtrne. Young, xln'I typist, dic- l8fi E. U:tb St.. C.M. assii;t one of their t'X· • Like ne\1'. 962·0950. '* pm . ecuth·es. Great btnrfits. ~IOltE \\'W\ht>r $65 .• MS--4381. AS.';'r. CU~, SERV. RJL HIRING We need I 0 rnen to begin work immecl l•tely! Start et $15~. WK. 8 AB Y S I T f EH I h~kpr, !Ive-In. l\Iul!t rnjoy ehll•tr .. n. Re f req & turn. i,31-3i7 1 ) BROILER MAN Sharp broUer nUUl needed for llt'IV steak hou.lf'. ------ taphoue. &1·1-0023, N"·pl Oflice ' No fee Ctnll"r. 1 • S.Cretarl.a L.JVl=:-IN l\ton-J•r1. J>vr rn1 e Clerk Typist& \vrr.v. l'\1anage home for • Acc:ountlnv Clerk1 wurk!ng parents. 2 children. e Ffexowri ter Op r. Lite cooking & ~ .... ·ork. e Statlttlc•I Clerks Won1n.11 40-6(), I r v l n e . 833-282'.l. I These positions are "'llh !he PRINTJ!\G, Of~t pruirlns Great opportunity. This ftne 1 pre11 opr, ""IA.B. Dick ~ cq, pays let'. Al~ fl~ JOh!. \\lestlnghQW!f' ""8!ther $60. elti1>er. llnmt!(.!. openi1ie. Ex· <.:all 'Nall(')' ~IA)', .)4()....Q)jfl IJotpo1111 clt>el. dryt-r $411 l''i.Jliu11a! upµr. \1/i;ruwu11: COO.St<iJ Agrne), i7:iU l;uar and Ocl 5'tfi-!Hi'12. nat'J co. Perm. Xlnt \\'Ork· !£arbor Bl at Adfli11s, C!\1. f:LEC."1'111C 11·11sher & Dryer ing t,'Q11ds. & outstan<l\ng Secretary. to $600-\\lhi!t". e~cel!ent cornfltiOn. benef1111. No. An1er. Cor-N 1 d t 1 , 1 Pr1vn!f' parly 979-2500 or n:sponderx't' &:hools, :HOI 0 ~~lg U:J:;,·1r1eM.a 979-72-lj aMk for Casey. Btrch St., N.B. ~Irs. ~Jiles, \\'ES'TCLIFF :\IA YTAC 1't'p1:tu-n1an ha.~ FOR J.'\JTER\"IE\r CAI.I. BEAUTICIA."JS 111 Nred~ to ta.Ju over ex l1 1ing clientele inune<liately. \\'ill gu.ani up to $80 Pf'r \\'k to right pt~n. Call ~S-9919. BJ-:Al.rf'ICIANS needed. Top hair :tryJi.fl,11 only. ,\tale or temalt . Sand Crnh !lair IX-signs, ~i,ll4l3, 11.B. Bookk<'('pcr Apply, t-.fon-\\'ed, 11Ar-.1-3P~! 2121 Coa1! 11 .... ,., l\'B. Driver • Kennelman For animal il1elter. Excf'! Opportunity & beMtits, Nrat appetlring I. pe rliOnabJe. Ap- ply a t ~12 l...aguna Canyo11 Rd., Laguna Beach. LOAN ESCROW OFCR home offi<"e ol a major 1n- 1urance (.'Ompany .loctttrtl in LA., bUI nK)vin& to new bldg In Newport Beach In fall. F ree rommuling Iron1 Huntington Center-Anahe111t I: Ne"·por1 Beach by 1Ju5 lo L.A. untll nl()Vt' is t'Oul~lete. Lunches vrovitled al 111"' t'OSI. l>ood salary & lri.Jige be11Pfit5. Fl't' pa id h y employer . Jnten ·1e11• & test daily. 546-7360. PerM>nnel Ageney . 1o.·a~ht'rs S'.l:1. to $100, Can Lil 7-0914 9 TO S {\1r. llNhick Real Estate !?0-13 \\'es!c.:IHf l>r .• NB <leli1•f'r w/l rr cunrn. Automotive C•1hler Exprrirnccd, rxe~Jlent slart· ln1'; 1111lr1ry, ":1:1·rllent eom- pnny bP11etlh1. C:1 U r.loiJ) CAN'T FIND THE DRY CLEANING I t~;~~~v p~~~~ !~u· M>...,·in~ kno11·li'ilgr NiCf' J;ur- roundin.11,11. Clcn1n Cl1·aners. fashion lsln.nd. C1Jl for ap- poin1111en1. 644-2512. f\lsl!ion1 available in M"Veral llf our olticei tor E scro1v Officers 11·/a min. ()I 2-5 )I'~. t".l:per. ln corivent\onal loan.~. ,\Just bt <'ap:ih!t ol h111111l 1nir: o"·n dt>~k. Sa1Jir.)-I co rnniensurnte w/r.xper. CaJl )Ir. l'~tch1son, ;;.JG.-1.'.iOO. Profeulonal Rt"al Estatl' 64.S..1770 c'c::1g...'-'-17-'7's·.~~-=-- Salesn1en &: brokrrs~ Thf' <>L'E OU!l 'D' '"'l)':lt R W h /D .:;oL " "''' r. ent as ers ryera opportuni!y is her('! You art 0 1 ',''!'.' ~·.•·,• l' l\'k ,. II ·• "'-'"' ·''-"''' •. • u mu.hw, n('edi>d imrnet.liatt•ly tor our OPl-'fl l{'l'UNl1'lf:S * 6:!!!-1202 • rapidly t.'<pantlliij;;: ft ea J "A ON E-~IAN BUSl1"F:S."i """ WILSON FORD 1~25.:i Bea{'h Bh d. J Ju11tlngton Rea eh fl 4:2-66l 1 -~-~--BE.\t'1'rc·1 ', ... :".1~r" t "r r:i 111 .s::o ,,.,., kly ld2 rl'll JOB YOU W ANT 7 ' --Ex per ienc:.d __ _ Cooks TRY OURS! CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS Estate division. Posih1•e t)Jr SZ,OOO INVJ-:,C.,J;\ll-:i\T" portunity for advanC'elllt'nt. f'or appointmenl phone Hick :\F:\\' delu.x 1h1er. Taki' O\'f'r .SlO tno pa.)-1111."l'll~. Call at1 11 am 968-9'J.IS. ltoeKner. tCan Start Part Tunf'I 110 SEA..\ISTHESS. dry cleanuu: furniture alterauon n>µau-s exp. Call for appt. 64~2."il:Z. 1----------FISCllF.R Baby Gr a o <1 Auto Mech•nic 8\1\\' Experlencl', Should have Cl~ss A Licf'ni;f', Gnod \\'orkin,i: conrl11lon11, Set• ~Jr, J/rin1 ar f1 1ll Ch!l fll:t'. '"fl'f 1101••11,:!1 ~t•fif"l"ltl ]P1h:• I' ~· ,\ /W"IJ 1 Centt'r Of/l1't'. Pr() 11 r r r y ~Tanagen1rnl r.;111 r 11rrf'tl. Sa \ u r y (l1}(1rl. \\'1·1tf' C\r1s~die11 :id '.'\o 3iG [Jal!} Pilnt. P. O. P,n.'t 1.Ai(l, (.'u.,!a :\lP!>a. Calif. !)21;21:. 0001\J{f:f:J'J~lt : P:11'! 11111". F'or !ht' u:nl \\1th rh1ld1·1•n 111 school loca l g:1'<111·!ni;c AC· <'(lUntiJ!~ firr11. flexi/Jl(' hour~ tor skillf'<I perJ;Qn. ~1 ar1 $.1 ht. Cati Nancy r>I a y. Dishwashers & Bu1Jboy1 I Apply in Person 271·12 Or!ego H11•y. li\1~110:1)!/iTE f'l.ACJ<:;\IE;\T Si1n Juan C1tp~1ra110 re IH 1 l~XI' Only, Clothing machin" npf·rritut"s. i.·uu 1in11'. 17:i:; LUHRS BOAT CO. No1v !firing FINISH BOAT CARPENTER ASSEMBLERS lllJhP..t Dr. lrrilie• IJJ.11'5 (Behind A1rporll:'r Inn) ~!Zi~~~I •• SECH ~:TAltY •• 0 . '•• Piano. nen. n11.::~. "l"'n. Fo1· 11·est coast l'cg-ional .~ale~ 11u1. i•ni st:i \.\ /6 chr!r., orii.:. ~ff1cf'. l\lu~t . ha1·l' 1natu1"· o11 JHIJnlulg-s, anliq's, hall JudgmC'lll, ah:l1ty to dritl 111 1 llJ).;, niin'Ors, f'rpll' equip, L Re•I Eat•t• Career phonl', type 70 11·pn1 & 1..,ke iniii ·h nioJ'I'. Cl'i,"i--\·l:i:i. NC'w or experienced, join the shorthand. Prl!\ 1ou.~ ~al<'s ·----CREVIER MOTORS 208 \\'. l-"'t St., Siunti 835-3171 ,\na • FIGURE CLERK I "?"""\'' ''''· Bini S, C'\I 61.>--72.1 •. Thea• Jobs . are v•rled ----,:ooD_W_A_l_T_E_R __ & c:h•ll•ng1ng I I . If you're good w/num· Exper. U\'er :.!I , Long hair CARPENTER HELPERS Con1pany that's gro1ving. If o!tice e:-.:p<>r prcf. For a ,Cjll-~S1·s t. . t:hair s, ,lloor you do not have a license, pointaietll e:il! <1!13-1:.03. r~)Ji_sher, dining tbl & chC'ck on our J'otlt-'r & Brunifield Division chairs, 1naplc buffet, Bos1on AUTOMOTi~VE~-S-W-6055. Costa! Ai::rnc·y. , ok, but neat appear. ber1 & can ty~ • little I Apply, t>lo ti-Wed, llam-3pm I you may qualify. 2111 Coast I-Ill.')', NB I Apply in Pl'rson 849 \V. lllth SL Costa J\lesa Office Supel'l'iscu· Gn)\l'illi'.: \vater dis!rict needs rorn- petent person to man,1gC' busy ot!lce. J\lust pos~s~ good typing & shrthnd skills. Knowledge of v.•a te r district bus. helpful bu! no I nE'Ct'ssa1'Y. For lurther in- fo1·malion, plt'ase c a 11 831-2.100 b!\l'n 8an1 & 1 I am. 0 RN A i\I ENT A L IRON fabricator. experienced, for p:>sillon. Call bet 9 & 12, 49-Hi.376. $49 A:\1f Jnoorpornled rocker & 111illt.'. J\Iake off~. 26\lll Ave. Aeropuerro 1 ..::96K-~':..::_31~9~5.-----~- R I E t t San J uan Capistrano, 926ir1 8' SOFA .i:. IOl'f' seat. Nt"l:er L. ea_ 'c• • An equal oppor <'l11pl 1\1/~' used. fk•th S150. Sf'y,lfl~ \\lanted heaV)I duly mechanir. Buick exper, pref'd. Auto lrant;n1. ,11peclalii;t. Z790 J.larbor Bl. al AdainH, I t>lr. 1-ledrick C.M • GENERAL BOYS FRY COOf., EXPER 1cen11ng ours• SERVICE Si lo P . . ni1teh. S:lj, pr I -pt y Full sales training program ·. at n:. os1 t1ons 96S-i910. ' -no COil!. Management op· open f/tcn1e .. Dr Ii• f! I~'~ Y ----------o BAUER BUICK 2925 lfnrbor. C~1 Contac& ~1r. John ~lalthe11•s 979-2500 Age 10-14 to deliver pa.per11 I CLERICAL Call 5"8-2253 1n the Dana Poin!, San Cle· Good typing&. insurance ) F ry Cook, Bxp \Vhcc!man mente areu. 1 exper. helpful, but not 1 e BLUE DOLPHIN e LUNCH l·loslf'.~s: Tlfon-F1·i. I.a Cave Rcsiaurant, 1693 ll'\'ine Ave. C.\1. Apply of- fice 2nd floor. porlunities. Ask for i\trs. ~alesman I hie nil',.hanicnl. JIOUSEl-~UL of F\:mitw-e Jone-s for tnlormalion al r.1ust hav~ exper. Gd. rarn. & ~l1S(~lt11flf"Qus ltrmiJ 8•12·~1. ing potential. Apply l -4 pin e e 492·J.'19S e I T b II R It only. Jerry Parhatn, l\lesa BEER TAP EQUIP. BABYSt'M'ER w a n t e d : DAILY PILOT l n1ce1a. Poaltlons •v•il. 3355 Via Lido, ··.o. \1ALE College Student need- ed a.~ draftsman & driver for busy ln!C'rior dl"S ign Jirm. Part time plus. r.fust have g<Xld d riving ~cord & bf neat & business-like in ar e eG On Verde Shell Sl:'rv, 3131 * * 673_31&3 * * Mature &: patirnt. my home, perm. Mon-Fri. 7:45 to S:JO. Girl 5 yr~. hoy 16 m~. Own transp. Vie CuJ verdale in lrvlnt'. Call l.i2-7522 atr 5: 30. 492-4420 Don 't give up lhe ship! ''Lisi" it in classified, Ship to Shore Results! 642-5678 for Jr. & Sr. tkllls. GENERAL OFi-·tcF.: T his 1:0-.'TERVIF:\\"ING ?>Ion & Tltf'" 9 a m-2 pn1 \\"ed 1hru T'ri 9 am-12 pn1 ney,• ofliet" need!! your talrnts & personality for l1tf' clerical dutie~. A great g-rou p to 11·ork 1,•ith. 'T1) $404. Call Lind a Ra y, ;).10-0'.'.ri."1, Co:1slal J\g('ncy, :! 7 9 O l1arbol' Bl 11t A<lan1s. C~I. appraranrr, Non-smoker. ORTI-IODONTIC office: Ex- p e r i en c e d receplionlst "'·/maturity. Top salary. Fashion I sland. 6-l-1-1406. PART time llelp "·anted. Eves after '.) pm. i\1alc over 21. Apply 111 person. Me & Ed's Pizza Pnrlor, 410 E. 17th SI., C.~1. Real Est•te S•les Harbor Bl, Costa )Jei;a. I nvest men I Di vision SERVICE station e \' e 8' Sofa, ~: Co rlee tAb~; Beach/Southern Co u n t Y managt'r. Also To"' t11.1ck v•rought iron base. ~: area. Enjoy the High in-driver. Exp. pref. Top pay Da~11sh \\alnul bdrm 'et, coine, & prei;tige of a sales & fringe benefils. Apply . S\IJ. &1 2-fini. career in thr in1'estment Shell Sta!ion. 17 th & J1 ... ·ir1e. Sofa, b1u1o,·n, tulte<I l'Utile<I ('s ll tor intervie"· ap-dil·ision o! COL \VE LL NB. ha1'k, Provlneifll tyJ>f', $'..!>. •••••••••••••••••••• ON • ...::JTF. o~· our: /\'E\r BUILDINC: --GF:NEltAL ALL a 1· o u n <1 point1ne11t, fl ::JO to j Daily, ~179-lfl.lfl. J~HOP-.JNC. An outst:.r.nding STATION All"" 1, l . . ti42-G!J2;1. . f I 1·1· I ~ .. t,n, r.~p<i·l---===~---opportunlly or I _ie qua 1 Lt.'< preferred. Hour:; 0 pen , • * IJOUSErUL of b°UTTl l· PACIFIC MUTUAL Jo'ASHION ISLAND Jlandy 1nan. Full time. Sf .. ~1f! Replies to Classified ad 378 c/o Da ily Pllot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626. r>1 i\N or 11·-0111a n lo 1rork in Donut Shop afternoon. No phone calls please. \Vin- ciit'U's, ~17 lla rbor Bl, Cr>-1. success o r I l' n f e d 962--160? flll'f', din rm, lamp:;, brcl, sales1ne11 to join an exciting .c.:.=..c=.c·~· ------- growth company, Call Li11dci. SECRETARY, full I l me, etc. Call 49-1-3701. \Vright a t (714) 833-12&t shrthnd a n1usl. Call I.arson * VELVET quilterl ~la. "A sUhsldiary of the Colwell Enterprises lnc. 557-5220. n<'vrr l!l'Cd $130. f.l fltehing A CONVl"NlfNT SHOPP!JofC ANO SEWING GUIDE FDA THE lCorner Santa Cniz I. Newpor1 Center Drive) GIRL, live-in, N ew po rt Beach home. Mother'i; helper for summ er. 64 2·9000, Management Opportunities: HEAL TH FOODS Complete knoy,•ledge of vita· n1ins I. t011cl supplements necessary. Pref C'Xfl'l.'rienf'e . in ovcr !hr ('O!l nlf'r sa.lrs. 1 PBX ans\l'Cring s c r v i c 1· . grav~yard Tl1es & \\'<'rt. ?iilore hrs if desired. Cost11 Mesa area. CaJJ ~2-ll&t PERSONNEL MANAGER: X1nt opty for qualified nian. E.'<pc riencC'fl "'ith prorir sharing ner. Th i.~ posit ion has a high salary potc11 rial. J\lust ha\'e rC'sUnic a\'/\ll. Co." TELEPHONE Sales. Top loveseat 580. 968--7910. cc.nunis11iora and bonus. Ap. Garage Sale .an CAL ON THE CO, * FREE daily bus lrfln.'lpor· t..itlon tor \\'flrk in Uls An· t:"elcs until n11Jve to Nc11•port, Srpt. '72. COLUJELL ply in person behveen 9.001 ---------- and 12:00 noon 111 RWl Bolsa GAHAG~~ s11lr 2312 Santa, Avenue. 1.:lidway City. 1\na..C:\I ~.1t·S11n. f urn., .,,.,.~ ---=-!!!I For •n ad in Woman's World 1·11'.:LP \VANTt.:D \\'ailressr~. l"ooks. busboys & fl1sh11·a.~llen;, f.:..p. a n111,;L A.gf's lS-30. Appl y in pt'rson anytimf' II! 1-IOUS(' 0 [ Pies-3110 Ne11·port Blvd .. N.B. PROPERTIES, INC REALTORS fh · lu ·~. 1·lulh1r1i::. t'\l'. Call M.,.y Both 642-5671, ext 330 Crochet Wrap Up Summer! C•shier:Coun.ter Girl O\ler 21. Apply 111 person only, Deli Sher. Brookhurst &. Adame, H.B. 979-!W!l.l tw111·n 10 k ;i ___ , ~plit fer. ~!AN -F.arly A~t nf'11.,;p;iper . FF:F; <lt'li\·rry. East Bluff a1·ea. I ROYAL SERVICE AGENC:\' Xlnt r'1Uh' open. Appro.'<. Same Agenry -Nl'1\· Orficr- Tire Servicemen R. i::. S.1lr s Retail Salesmen Jewelry 115 WANTED Jones Tire Servic:• 1--0-1-"-10-,-.0-.-0--.-- l Land Salcsnien \\"ith pro-S~I & Con1m ._Co. Paid BPne· * \\'.JIOL.ES~LE ~R?cu;~' * 73 57 Doublr yC1ur impart 11·1th thi!I li!!;hl , '/uir k-croch••I i;r!! Strike 11 ma!c·h -11·t11p 11p p1I1e.1pp!I' h<"11clban1! and t'Vt"rylh1ng. Crochrt in cool lacy "~hrink.. lo lop off t\·rrylhini.:. Crochf't iri -c<JOl pastel~ or ~UIL~lnl<'k "hO!s". PA11rrn i:lJ7; !l"izes ~HI in-- clud{'(I, s t:\'1';ST\'.m"E CE~TS for f'nrh pattrrn -11clcl Zi cen18 for each pat!t>m for Air J\11111 Rnrl Sl)f'einl Handl· Ing: othCl"\\'i!le 1hircl-f'la!~ clc)j\·rry 11·11! takr !hz•toe \\'t'Ck~ ()I' lTIO(P. Sl'nd to Alicr B")(ik, ll1•· OAil,Y PILOT, 10;1, 7\rordlecr:i fr DepL, Box 11;;1, ()\rl Chrlsr;i. Stauon. Nr w r 1-.rk, NY. 10011. Pr in! Na1nP, Addre1111, Zip, l,1ttr.rn N11n1ber. NE EDLF.CnAFT'i2! O'Ocher, knit, eic. Free dlrecHona:. 50c NE\\'! lnMtanl l\larra11.e. Ba,11ic, fancy knots, pat- tem.'!:. S1 ' Eu7 Art et Ha i rpin Qol.ehel -o,·er 26 dt .signs to mAke. $1. lntul Crooltet ft&ot - learn by plClurta! Patterl1$, $1. Complete lntA•t (lift llno)I: -more than 100 gift. .• $1. Oompleflt AJrtie• &o• -fL II llff1 Rq Bookt -50c. SOC*' el 1J Prtse Afpau, IOc. Qallt a.at l -15 Pllltma. "°"· 111.....a q.Ht '** • -50<. q.11111 ... 'l'YMlaJ''1 LITI .. - 15 btauttf\ll pattema. 50c. 914.> ' SIZES IO:.l-20 Y2 ,,,, 1Tf ,..; .... 1ff ,..-r~ \\'r11p up busy <lays bright· ly '\'ilh this quickie b.<tck- \1Tap char mingly r in1n1cd ,\"ith ruffles. ~ c:omfor tahle, f'ASY to ;ie"" thrifty, make ~rvcrnl. Printed P attern 9145: NE\\' llalf Sizes 1012, J:21,, 14~1 . 16\~. J8 1't. 201.~. Size J41~ (h11st 31l IJikti:: 2 1/8 yd11. Gll-i11. fabr i<". SEVENTl. · ffi'E CF.!l.'TS for each p11Uern -tuld 2!"1 c1'n\5 fnr each p11llCl7! for Air Alail and Special llandl· ing; olhcrwise lhircl-class delivery y,·HI take three \\·eeks or n\Of'E'. St!nd to MRrian J\Tartin, the DAILY PILOT, 442 Pattem Dept., 232 \Vest 181h St., New York, N. Y, lOOll, Print NAl\fE. A.DD RES.~ wilh ZlP, SlLE COUPLES ~E PERSONNEL Star! a businrss in your 011·n Cl:D\IV"ES•.Arr•iry hon1f' & \~'Ork togethe r. JU\)'I'\,. nitJU....._ l\'aiural prod u e I s !1y Qffi cr Mgr/\\1rlter to S800 Sl-IAKLEE 1vil/ lei you gro1v Escl'OI\' Cl<'rk/Notes Dt>eds 11·/the lfn1r~~ ~,u ll n r Esrro11' Notes/Of'cd:; S7i:i p/1lnH'. Ft·ec ll'rtining~ Call Trllvel Agcy Jl·Igr SHOil -1 3111-a2.·J3 anyli111r. Secl'C'laries lo .SGOO CLF:llI<. p/l!n1e lor pipe & 'Otc Mgr Se('retary to 5."J51) tohaeco sllop. Prefrr oldcr Sec'y/Receptionist Open man 1vho stnokrs pipe. Hrs Gen'! Ole Ct)n11n·1 Iris Open 5 pm & 9 pin Turs/l"ri & Sat Payroll Clerk $500 + nite. Ple11se ronlact Harold, RecepVTypis1 to $450 493 E. 17th St . C!'.1. A/P, Payroll lo S500 Cash1er-Sa.lc Full tlme posi!ion. r>Tust h11.1·e Prt'\'ious ca~hicr exf)f'r. Ap- ply l\lnna.ger -01n 1s - South Coast Pl117,.1. COCKTAIL w·~A~IT~R~E~S~S Sharp, youn~. a111·11<'. & ex- !'.!TST Operator lo $500 Accounting Cle rk to $500 Girl Friday In .S:;cxJ Clerk Typist to .S425 Free &: Jo,~ Positions 488 E. 17th 1111 Jrvin<'l c:i1 642-1470 pcr. for new !lleak house. INVEST IN Apply. "0"·11'"1· "'"'~Jpm I YOUR FUTURE 2!2 1 Coa!l"I Jh1·v NB I J\lr. Jlr!lri;·k Full or p/timc. -C~O~NSTRUCTION BE YOUR OWN BOSS I LOAN OFFICER Men or Women Xlnt oppnr. for ;ipprfli.o;('r ln r rsir!cntial rons1J11etion rtep! in Co~lll tvlc~:i. fuoq(1 ir.-:-11 . m in. flf 2 yr.~ t'XPf'r, \n ar-/ prnho;ing rc"Sidential & smn!J I inco1nr unit~ 11>/SOml' «in· sr111et[on lf'rxllni::-prefrrahlr. Leete A Yellow Taxi C•b Call for Appl 546-1 311 Thi.~ poliilion 1nelurirs loan Ask for Herman solicilulion & builder eon-.,..,==::.:-.:.::,.:.:::.:::::::.,.._ t:ic1. i\1usl havf' appraised JANITOR -,\tatu~ & 1t("pen- "'·irh 11 financial lnstl!ulion. dahle, i\Iesa Vertlt> 01n· Call r.tr. D11.\\·&1n. S.l(i-1500. valescent Hos ital, 6 6 I CALIFORNIA Center St .. c .r.1. 5'1S-5.ill:; FEDERAL SAVINGS COOKS-Over 18. no exper neces!I. Apply bet\\'Jl 2 & !i pn1 , Snack Shop Res!aurant. 2305 E . Coa.~I H11')', Cd)1 Bq\1RI Oppor. F.mployer. KEYPUNCH $210. mo. & 14 hrs/11·k. To serve you belier~ 962-4633 l84X Campus Drivr Mana9er /Sales Sales; experience necessary to m anage Ne11·port Beach lo- cation of nation'!\" leading fii::urr ('{)n!rol salon. r.'lus1 br ll'J!ll, at1 raclivc. maturr & rnjoy WOl'king" ll'ith lhe pllhlic. Salary plu~ oon11nis· sion. f or intervie1v <.•all (2JJ) gn9.1:i11. GLORIA MARSHALL Figure Control Salon MANAGER TRAINEE Suite U9. Ne1vport Be11ch 557-2800 PR01'~~SSJONAL RESTAURANT & HOTEL El\!PLOYl\lENT AGENCY Hourly Employt'f's Brnefll By Loll' Fl'Ci; l\1anai;:ers , • , ... Sahu)' Ojll•n Goof! oppty 1v/Jrg Corp Asst. l\1anugers •. , •• $7:;(), mo Fast Food J\1gr ..... SGOO. n10 ~lasttir Che( ....... SllOO. mo 2nd Cook ........... $25. shift Broiler 1t1an , ....... $!;,(). 11k 1·r11 e.'<(X'r. Plen ty of lends. fits. Apply in Pt>rson. 2049 Dnn D . d 496--3000 \rhotrsale acrrnge-a!l sizes. lfarhor BJ\'d., Costa ~-Jcsa. a i<imon s Call (714l 77&-J.KKJ TYPIST .. ~... 1,_, h . Mi1c:ell•neou1 111 . ....... • .. ... p ysi:r=•=;;;;;;;:;•=•=•I Bct "·een l(}am-12pm cian.'I oil~. in.~u rance f'.'f- or 2-tprn only perir ncf! prt'fPrred. 5-l6--023l. NEEDED RESEARCH LAB WA IT RESS, EXPER.'"° RESPONSIBLE ASSISTANTS /\'ur undcr 21. No Phonl' WORKING COUPLE e::dJ~. • n~1''"' ,·" ~''""''· /\'~:El) 0111• or l\10 1Jcdl'oon1 tNo E.l\pcr. Nl'(·r:-:sl " ~ ' " 1~ "'' Si.;rf & Sir!1,1i11, :-~.'lO \V. hull~!' 1v i I II l11ri::e frnred I I. Coas1 H11..,, Ne"·po,., Belo . )'arrl llllr 1110 VEHY \\'EIJ. U:Jra 1rn1s devt>loping ne1v " I h I 11.,,,.T''D I I THAl~Er) clot;s) $150 n1ost. fllYll. uc.:ts can use your c p. " L e1na e rollr~t' · Xlu't t1~inporary assignn1ents .s!udent ro live in for surn-Vtr: bctll'f't'n 191h & Vic- ava il. inuucd. Good 11·orking mer. \\'a/k lo bear-h. Room toria -(ncar \V, Bay St.) conds & pay_ No Fef'. &. board + $70. Pt'r' nio. 111 COSTA r.1ESA. 548·788 1/.aft. Womens Fashions I need an aHraclivc & pl easant 1vrnnan fo learn our local operation.~. An1bi· lion more important than expcr. Part litne considered to start, For intro<iuctory in!C'rvie1v nppt, Call 1.lr, \VhilnC'y 71!1-liOO. ex!. 1211, T_r~11tt Cook .•.. $2. to 5~. ht' I \\·ruters • , , •••.•••.•• Sl.M hr '1-'r: ·d "'' .. ""' .... J·y1 .,.., ... IJl.lltS exchange for daythne ch i!di .,,6~•~"~"~· ,..,_..,..,.,...,~.! cart' for girl ll &· boy 11. I:', • . - °"·n room 11. I cl e s k ·•XJ Casl<•1·rd plat!or1n foi· fYJl(-\1Ti1er & s e 11 ; n ~ hf'i\I')' loads. approx. lCl:'ITO' \\"aitl'f's.se~ .......... $1.65 hr l (Behind Airportcr Inn! ma.1:hine. \\'eek-end & ri·es riil~-UJ> iron door It track.'!: fret'. ~lust hr1i·c <'ar N · 18 red & 11·\111c c-.1n<ly sl?..ipe. All shifts-Food & COC'k!ail Hostess ................ $2. hr Hostess & Asst l\tgr •... Open Bartender .•... Kooy,•IE'flge ol Polynesian drinks ... $25. shift ' • 1 on a11·nin"' 12' 1 hi R ECE P T IONIST: How sn1oker. 171 4) &1-1-2005 afl<'r ... : (Y•llfl er, w ,le 'il'Ould you like to 11·ork for a 6 pm. forml('a lop: fl ft , counf!or, fast growing real estate & \\'ANTED, irelder-mechani ~lop; 1 II. l;~.n1. n1aple in\'e~llnent CO~ )• O II n g o;; • • C. C fl IOp Sllnd"lch table, FEE ROYAL SERVICE AGENCY I t.IATURE as!'i.;tant '''anted · .,end rt>phe~ to Cla!>s.1f1ed ornanif'ntal 1mn tablt' no moilcrn CO·"·orker!'. 5460. Ad ?\o ::43 I ll D 1 ' Cal! Helen llayf'!> 540--60:~~ l . e o -ie ai Y g lass top: 29 f! or-nan1entaJ C I A " 2 • 9J;J, P 1 ot. P. O. Box 1560, Costa u~1n drK/11' headers: &: f()r bui;y 01vner in Ben<'h Same Agency -New Orlice area Benuty Sitlon. P h To S('n:e you heller! 67J--6?.60. 3848 Campus Drive >J""l""IC . Su11e 119, l\'"ey,·por1 Beach 1 ,....._ 11u" _. e}(penencerl, 557-:21l00 tunC'r, Tr111rnph, Pf'Ug('(li, I ;:-ood pay plan. Good co. Reel Estate !lf'nrf1t.~. Bill En SI r y ;11--0164. . RESIDENTIAL rnr rz ll'ARREN'S REAL ESTATE SDort Car Center e ORANr.F. COUNTY'S l.ARGF.ST 110 £_ 1st s r .. s.A. 547--0764 i\1ECt·IANIC AssiJ<tant for i;rolf course. Call for in- tei;rn<, i\1on-Fri, 644--0502. NEED 3 Stylist!!, Clientelc pref'd, but not essen. Top earning!!. Shopping Ctr loca- tion. Ask for D a v i d , 540-8888. So. Cst Plaza, 3333 Brls!ol, Of. Ikcause of ne"· t continuing c*'•e!opn1enl a.c!ivilic:r; in- cluding Big Canyon , Promontory Bay & future coastal developn1t'nls, i\lac- nab-lrvine Rea lty Compe.ny has the f ollo1.11ing op- portunities available to in- dividuals 1vith local ~sideo­ tial real estate experienct'. General Man•g•r oas!a gency, 1 0 l\!esa Jh1rbor Bl 11! Arla1ns, CM. . · _12:111 ri'SC'_ mds: 673-73-lO. \\are~io_ui;enu1.n, shipping & Flll·:NCll /'ro1'. soft & chair. . RECEPTIO~IST receiving, general md5e, Also Garrard Lab 80 ~e"'IXl':' ~ac~ fl~ _secks e.-:p nee. 1281 Bldg E Logan, lurnlhl·Erric r reeii·i·r, 2 ~·eeep11on1st 11•1th mp• 1 n1mum C.\I. , honir tniHlf" .Ii pe a k f' r ·' years. <'xper... i-asant WOMEN 'S FASHION-S I f'a 1111rt:; c11~·1i 11· I I '· · • pcrson11l11y & nh1li ly lo han-. ., dll' husy desk. TYPING iO N~r1onal co & leadt'r in it~ Crn~rn ~Pf'rikcrs & each 11-.p.in. -+ Xlnl's l'>Orking field ha$ part & full 1in1r w I 11. 1 r ho r 11. \V a t I' r conrlftlnns. & ro. benefils. opcningg ill your 11re11 for fl\ll'l!ll'r·Tral'f'! iur Air f'Ond, Call Mra. Smoot several "·omen 10 hel11 i11 '$.I\ C'hl'1·y (1ffrr:-. 557-67&.g. Mnducting fashion shO\\'S. 644-3251 No rxper, rrqtiired. For in-D.•\N [!;.11 ~TO<l<'rn lil'1n1e ~m :rod lm'Up. lncJudrs sofa, t"liair, RELIABLE \.\Oman o\ler 30 t uctory interview appl. l<1n1p labte a1KI ('Qfft'E" !able. for lit' factory "'ork. Call CalllZUhtr. \\lhitney, 77S-J700. f'r1 pty. All for $75. 546-2762. ·-'~'~'~·,c...~· -------1 531-72'J I. \\'Ot.1EN. Eleelron11· -. ;"ic~.~.~~. -.,.,,.---. Sale~ assembly tra.intes on dclo.y ACl'..'TYLF.NF.. "·eldnig ou1~1t School's Out-What Now? liner; a, pu1r;e tmnsformf'~. tanks. 2 ~ts gaug~11 ·and Teachers summer employ. Pleasant surrounding 1642 largt' and sma.U cutting and ment. For the most respect-Kaiser Ave., Sa.nra A;~. 11·~'.d~ni.::-_ heflds &: ,,tips ~11(); ed ffiucaUonal work ootsi<k , An lift Jack $10. 8:~115T. . . \\i O~iEN dernofllllrate skin- COS.\JF:'l'IC S1\LES: If you llke make-up & indil'idual lnshl's &: you \\'ant to get In. lo fl glamorous ftt'!d w/a naf'I cosmetic ro. \Ve \l'ill trnin, Sfl.lf!1 exper. necess, Co !>n1 et lci 11nB li~-ense needr.,J. P art or f/lin1e . Sa.lacy + comnl. Benefits at all J, \V. Robinson's. D•y Shift Avail•ble Now 6 htonths actual ~'Ork exper. on either a keypunch, kc ytapc or key disc device. NEEDED Asslatant to Kelly Templelon \\'ilh opportunity to become s!ylisl. Must ha ve Cal l forn J a & Assistant To Pres. Duties \\'ill include develop- n1ent I. administration of effective 59Je1 &: listings program. Position requires extensive Jocal real estate background Ir experience or rlemonstratfd interest le. ability in real estate sales management. Excellent saJ- Al'Y. incentive &: corp. bene· lits. of .schoo!. For 1nlerv1ew care & k E WEAVING looms & e~ip! phone or write. R. C. Petty, g-rou• _mma eup'I'l'. . ~_am m~nt. $140. 1-48" & J.,a6" "'"9582 PO Bo •075 N """" ,_v m. 111nu1g, II -"I . "'"'' , · · x ~ , .B. supplies & rwit 'I d 1. . O.uu ~ m11ker & shuttles, 92660, 645--0852. a ver 1S1ng. I ~8~94-:','1~5M:C,.. --~----1 SALESMEN \VORKING mothrr 11ecds re· Moving-Tl1ust U'll·Sears J\'lh.t: 644-2800, ext 326 C OSMETOLOGIST Fast, 11harp gal lo assist ow.1- er or new busy aalon, Top ulary +. Ja Co's For Jtalr. 646-134.'i. ALSO D•y shift untll move to Newport in S.ptember tMn swln9 4-12 PM, School training~ Some ¥.'Ork txper. hclptul. Cosn1elologisl J l c en s e. &12--019-1. I NEW FACTORY EXPANSION $5Gt-$450 Per Mo full Tim• Need men who are ready to liable assistance l -7 p.ni. d~f'r, Excel ed.-EJec. ed~. learn the car busineu and <'Xcept Sun., $1.25 hr. p\\r mO'il-'f'r11, 110fa, bed, clmt are willing to train. Mull l 496-3729 hassock.All reas. 8J0..4219., have good per!IOnality, be XLNT Oppor N l'l C WEAVING ioom11 Ir ~ Interested ln a future, dttu has ope"'"·-' 1 OllCf!rn men!. $'1 40. 1-43'' Ii 1-¥.·~· __ 1 ,....,ig., or route H 1 .,...~. well, ... esminded. Benelltll: salesmen in C.M. 96Z-OU6. and~~ maker • •hu~.· Demo.. group Ins.. high 894-1534 • Sales commialons. Unlimlted In-DIVORCE. Muat tell .All come. Apply ill Penon. , Jl~ j household f1u-niture I ' MOBILE, 2850 lfarbor Blvd., aiirl STYLE NUMBER. I ·cu=sro=~D~l~A~N~. ~12~.66~pe-r ~hr-.-+- SEE MORE Spring Faah-n!&ht ahl!I d ifferential. fuU INTERVIEWING Pi.ton 6: Tues 9 am-2 pm Wed Um.1 Fri 9 am.ll pm ON Young me~mechanlcal 1p- tltude helptuJ, but not req'd. P.tust be 19 or over. Able to 1tart work1 lmmed .. ll ac- c:epled, For job lnfonna· lion - RepreMntativea \Ve stek 3 ttt:nsentatlves to ll•t I: u ll I'Hiclentia.I properttt'I in the Newport- t..aauna·lrvine &l"tU. Po- lftJons f'lf'qUire n:&l est.te lleenae I: iiucttuM Joct;I R.E. v:ptrle~. Commit· lion • btntnta.. UN IVER S IT Y OLDS. ~-;-----.::;V;'·;i.:pliilaras;:~·=64:>-5~725f::. ::~~r. Co!Jla r.teiJA. R DI "'~-" SALESLADY, exper. Io r Ant'-• IGO O ftCI .......... ' dre11 1hop. Pleaae Ae.Dd OLDEST known 0 r i 1 t n a 1 Tickets -Ions Md choose one pal1ern lime, perm. positions, 7 am- frtt from new SprinA:·Sum· 3:30 pm 6. 11 pm.-7:30 am. mtr Catalog. All alzesl Only Exper. ftq\llred, Pef80nll('I ~N';!.1:n-SE\VING BOOK Ottlct, South Coast Com· 11e:w toda,y, \\.'ear tomorrnw, niunlty Hosp. South La,cuna. n. <port~lfillt Ao I equal op. INST ANT FASIOON BOOK un y empoyer. lluncirM& of faah.ion fact.L D E N TA L J'tectpUonl•t. $1. capable A: aper. In all den- taJ ofc p~ures tncludln& QUICK CASH chi!lhld< • x.....,.. Newport THROUGH A c..ittr, &W-0922. Put a HUit "loot' ln your DAIL y PILOT Levlt ... u il>ore btlubl" tor WANT AD ~;:;:· cau ci.,.1fie.i SITE OF OUR ~'E\V BUJLOINC PACIFIC MUTUAL FASHION ISLAND (Corntl' Senta Crut .. Jllewport Center Drlvt) * FREE d&IJy b u I tranqiortaUon tor work tn Loi Angdf"1 unti.l mow lo Newport, Sept. '12. Call Tun. 9nm-lpm 77"'551 NO\V hlrlf\R" for d!1hwuhers &: busboy1, U: It: over. Equal EmplaynMtnt t'mpioyn - COCO!! Reatauranl, 1555 W. Achun1, Cotta M e a a , 5-t0-9672 Apply fn penon. NURSE, pa.rt time. for be.ck otnct, 2~ days/wk, R.N. pref., atable penon only, 1alary nt~Uable. \Vrl!C' Claa1Uled Ad No. 431, Oa.lly Pilot. P. O. Box 1560, CoA:ta httaa,Callt ~. Thtte are perrnantnl Cll~ oppottunlUe.11. .All lnqulrlea held In rtrtct confidence. If )'CKI qualify p1ea8f! attbmlt letter or resume by mail on- ly ho ... Mocnob-lrvlM Roolty ~/o The Irvine Co ttsunK' P. 0 . Box 1623. Norman Rockwell <"OVtr 4 for June 13th, 1'.leit. Newport Btacb, Ca 92660. painting on the marktt. 21 x San DltlO Sport1 Art111 2i In orlgtnal frame. Abo Best taM offer . ,f SECRETARIES 0<1 I, 1921 ;""" ol Th< Cali 642-364.l ••. The Irvine Company ha• Im· Saturday Even Ina: p o a t ofi.,,,.',.' 30~l~o!!!!"' 30~p~m~O~Nt..,;.;!Y;..;!I mtdlnte openil!ill'• Io r same. Best offer ovtrl::-........_ leC'l't!tarlE• with minimum $28,000. Write O au\fied Ad USED DtCYCLF.S of 3-6 yn. t~r. In any of No. 432. Da.Yy Piiot. P. o . All types, large 1'1!.lectlona the lollowlnr btlclq,row>tl>' box l;ro, Costa 11!.,., CAUL . e 612-1212 : ;\• 1-tgJI or m a r k e t t n r 92626. GOOD Wit(j commorc:lat ~l retearch, typing 70 ~.pm. Fabul0u1 Allan Mtltacta · I: rubber pad. 3n7 N9· ·~ 11]1 90 w.p.m ., ctvU tl'llU'lett'-Eleph11.nt chalr $175 Hand Birch, N.B. 543-1310, -~ . - Ina or klan J>l"OCt•lnr I: engrav~ Celadon china tor e~, typing 70 w.p.m. ll, $200. Bronze Buda heads, For that Item und~ $50. Xln t co._btndUa A wotklna C rvtd .1 .... _ ..., try fhfl Penny PlncMr . •, tondttlofle: A II Ver• 1vvr)' l'A-'01\i, If · 5 $250. Cambodian temple rub-·~ tomethlng you wa'n<' ••••••••••••••••••• The "Yenow Paae1.. or clus\tled ..• '4J..S67! ' • W ht It Elflphant." over- ninnln&' your house! Turn the m ln!O "'CA.!Jl'" -tell ltW!m lb.tu Dall7 P t I o I call • w~ • 64.l-5671 550 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach Ca, 92660 Attn: Penonntl .De:pt C•ll Mrt. moot blf111:. Rtlumlna' to Aili itcll'!' Claulfled ads ct;,• -jt ~ 1<7.4689, a. ""U -call NOW W-5611; · \ I I , ' < ' p " '. • • • I .... ... 1§1 I l§l ! tillond•1. Junt 12, l'.172 ti 1 7 ]§] [ "'"""f"'z .. "'""· ...... ---1 I r ,. ~' _ ..... _ ..... ~ 940 Trucka 9'2 Autoa, Imported 970 Autoa, lmpemd 970 l utoa, lrr.port-9 HJ - BRAND NEVr' * WANTED * 1 ASTON MARTIN I MERCEDES BENZ --R-E-'N-A -U-LT-- ll}!scellonoou& 111 TV, Rodlo, HiFI, Eta, ,_ STEREO; Uncla!med is72 Stereo 136 36' GRAND BANKS. $36,!D'.l. Motor Home.t ~CJmtrd 5Y1tem Automar 1<' Xlnt. COlldUJon.. Dana Ptllnt. ~table, alr auspeona:)()l\I ~SP:;;;:EAc:':'.KE:::-,Rc-,-,..-,-,-m-s,-ahl-p7p-lnJ Privalfo. n4; 492-Ji67. •aker1 \O.'Llh crossovl'r damage to lxnrts It packinf I ~Bo~ot~a7,~R"e7ft51~/~C~h7a7rt'~r~90I= 'radio and tapt deck. Still only. 6" 1-"'"'Y to 15" J..11.·ay --------- • )'' t' m A.\i/fM/71-1PX a.lr suspvaJon • y & t e ms . 27' AUX. SLOOP radio and l&Pf!' detk. ShJJ 503 off N'g. retail, • Year VOLKSWAMM 1972 M I Oran late model Chevy " T. _ · --------1 e man • wh .. 1 dnv. PU, 1o.,. bed:I ASTON MARTIN I '67 Mercedes Ran•ult s.1 •• " S.rvlco 'fl vw -pd ........ MINI Motor Home auto t.lAY 1tll or trade my DBS·\'8. \\'~ewood h!uf' 250 S S d tor over a dtt.ade lll Orange NG~-• bu lr'oM. f!Dd Dodie cha"JI, Steers 6. fully 'i1 Chevy ~ T. aulo, dl.!ir I <lrk blu triter. ~ mi. • an County d.l.mqed. ft.est of body b br nd ~ Perltct !or "''ee.kend cruisf'g _a ~w 11.nrl gu&rant~. guaranlt-e. 89Z-ll9L &ell contained, hrakPs. clean. 542·1734 e\~.!i I S20,000 ;-\t'A' W1.1T. tran!lrr E\qu1s1te .!i&nd t"it1;;e 11 \lh ~rv. ~I. Open ttl S p.m. rood-Good trans. SMl8.. or (B31Bf2U52$&5;l and 'A"eekend1. r11.h['°· P\1 Pty (ZlJt ~2-1062 full lf'Filht'r 1n!11nnr. factnry f\fonday ~I ca~ otfa'. M\15l ..U '71 Dod 1/ T I <Hun! Hrbr1. i 111r r-.1nrf1t1 ... ning. 11 •t 1 n J1m Slemon& Renault th1S M!e.kend. Landk!rd b Siild for l""'ll no p to Catallna. f'ully ~uipptd .m._ ~~. .11y 011 STEREO Ba.lance ol Sl'9.95 or rake SS radio, RDF, a!eep.s &IX PRICED TO SELL qe > on "''"' "'"" """"'· m1 So. Maln. san" ,,,. forronr ""' 1o •• . ......,., II Complete system~. 2.0 to 40o/, 6'2" ht'adroom, romplele over sma monthl y ff paymenu. USA S le re 0 ° reg, retail, Spe<Lker sys-galley, Club ralrs. Lois of DEAL ER'S COST PICKUP. Slant 11x , J:, sr,.ed. BMW \Yl11,..r' dis!' brakr~. A'.'>f/r\! l b!k norlh ot \\l&rnt>r '68 vw, (rd. ('Oftd., nu ttru. COAST gharp' r7g468Hl S21fl~ Tnm. radio. ri4rlt1il '.11\!lr 1o1rlP v.all ~<vice ~partment 54&-4ll4 valve )ob • hrad•rt . , rqu1p Wll!'thouse, 179 E trm!, 35 to 50'1. oil tl!'g. parkin,11:'. CaU tor Info. ret 11.JJ. 7S04 \~· .. ,on11n•••r 551 ~~ all 6· 31) n1y AYT'f's Chevrol<'r , !}46 S IMMEDIATE tirl"s. Jl'lcal ne11uty thllt Sales Department !1574 .;2.U Custom pa.int, rtru. llQ95. 'C'oast H\\y .• Laguna Bf>arh DELIVERY sho1rs \mpf'ccablf' c11re in-SAAB or best otr., C•orc•, IMPORTS 1 .:~;~~r~;~~:~-F 100 v.s. s1rlt> and $t)sj55J37~1 496-1136. •oto ""'" r/h Yoor 0 . '70 SAAB 99E VOLVO 11t SL, Costa t.1 es a, A ~ ."""'° · · · ''' , \\'t>11tm1ni;ter, R92-7962. '4 ui2. Boats, s.n 1-~-"""ST°'E°'R°'E°'O=s~--r I PANASONIC am /Im stf'n'll 11:n1 Garrard, systemized. "I pmfl'S5tnnaI mo r1 e I • • 32' Columbia Racuig I turnt11blP & 2 s-•k•r•. A Sloop Sips 4 '·'""" 714 .Y au om11 llc chafliE.-. "' < • ' ";>,JV. · A'.\1 /nT/~fPX radio, geal-steal 11.t $100' 830-l4AA. =>16-34=='=5·~~~---mr>nrv·s worth •t $395 '67 Mercedes l!:"s;;~'.:gr:r ·f.1 '11.1r. 1972 Y01.• ::..i.~ss. ru ~d a ir g1Jspension 5~aker5 Curris ~!11th1s 21"' color \'F.:-ln1Rf. 17 S a 1 lb o a I ph.la ta~ deck. Still brand TV. Pm\·ll1C"1al \\' 11 Jn u. t \1/trlr. Slps 4. htad, pulpit. ntw & guar11.n!erd. \\las $~/nllPr. ?G98 Redlands nP"" ll U.'l:ih.try. new bottom 1000.1200 \V. Paci.tic Cst. H"Y Ne..,,'port &ach (n4i &l.2·0406 546-4529 ·'BILL \\'l!ITLIDI.~ 19;0 FORD Truck nm 350 SEE us ABOUT 230 SL $1999 "' '"' 11.ur..... P/'f.. PfB, Overseas Deltvery 1 L•••• T-.y et . CREVIE R MOTORS Luxunous Cpe !Rd!tr. f ut" @ •-•t R•~ <, port• •u•-m shl-11 '"dm"""r · o 0 ~ ••• ... •v ~ ,,... I 2re 11\}f'ctlon. au o. r a n s Xlnt con<!. 493-!JJjf , \\'. 1~1 St .. S.•nta Ana po11er slf"l'rifii:, p~-r th~·· ft $11.74 Ptr M-. le.II unclaimed. Originally ~~D~r.~C~.\~J~. ~~~~~~I paint, Vt!ry Cltan. $17:,0. :.priced at over $JOO. No"'' S46-J4'm, bus. 12131 357-3211 $105. Cash or , m .t 11 ext . :244. '"Pll'Ymenls. Credit De pt . '::-:-: 7 ''"-.,'',..'=',.u __ ll I =3l~'~Y~a7•~•1.~o..~""7'-,-"""-a.ed~. "56 Forrl Pick Up. 292 Pn· ___ IJ5:31 ~1 brakt!. full le11r ht-r 1rrer1or .. ~ ~ O.A.C. Ml/F~1 . Auto. trans.. •'"'· '""c "'~' good. 1"'1l I '70 BMW 2500 A.'1 1f\I S\\' "d,, 0 dlo;c bral<OI. "mo. or trarlP. 54fi·50l3. ~a u11tul rntf'r ~nr " ~h()1•~ t ~S For Leasing or buyl"I SUNSET MOTORS '04/893--0501. . Days -54&-8030 ext. 181 ; * AUCTION * 3 L;n.,, 2 Timas, $2,00 <G"n") or llJ 68&-7723 OR.ANGE CO UNTY LOCATION ELDORADO 1 ... :..:. r' ) 2-fnn pic .. ,11\ utnma11c. a ! Tin's. I out. t7l)BEJ I ... JI cw"' '" 'ORI , . ,? A R dal meuculou~ c11re :r.~.r!e k A~"~ ':OW:ll..,:I Fine Furniture & Appl!ances Auctions Friday, 7 30 p.m. eve/wknds. ~lini 11·ilh 196l molar. Runs (N'.at I A.\1"/F"~t Radio. one 011·ner S4!88 ,., r. c---o H,,.,. -YQLUft \'Peds batte~. $37.i. Phont-jl..)3BQ\\"l ~~ .... ""' , ,tW Boat&, Sllps/Dcickt 910 . Windy1s Auction Barn ~~!,, Newport. Cl\f 646-8686 . , ~hind Tony"s Bldg Met'! Free happy ht'allhy kittens. 8 11·ks. "'taned & tTainf'd . M8·461 i Hou,efut of Furniture also misc items =· _...__ BLACK Inn~ h;iired. female. 7 wks l)ltl, lree to good home 979--7!1~9. MOT$06R44H80ME &l,·1'17 l»lm·• ' p.m. CREVIER Kr.11·rnnT BEACll ONLY a few slips available, Auto Leasing 964 MOTORS • Nabers 67~1'1'"1111 Ext 5:~~ 1966 Harbor. C.M. 20', 25· & 38' in Back Bay. 208 \\'. lst St. Sanla Ana 1=n'°'l'"oc"'°S'.•::.m~<l:::'''-''--7 Autos, UMd De Anza Bayside Village Ftn.J..Y SELF CONTAJ1''ED ~ Cadillac 300E.Cst.Hwy.,Npt.Bch. &.IT"S BRAND NE\\': ~ ~~~~835-3171 2600HARBOR R!.. TOYOTA '62 POITTl.A.C Catal i na OOCK w;hai/uwm up Jo S.r. •213201 I '7 2 BMW_3_0-Coupe COST lf'S W•i<>O. 11" "'""· run., HA VE wedd ing go\vns-or1g ~pjice $230, siz 10. 2. Bride~ : .i;n,11ids outfits, sz l2 & 5. ,c:if:fiing 00"' at Srrr:i Thr1rt shop, 113 r.ta1n St, llun- -titlgton Bear·h. 5.'IB--6270 1'10n tt\ru fr1 l0am·2pm . · 25 -: GALLON, ;ill glass ·}$lllarium. Fully equip. 2 I.atge fl5h & star1d. Like .~QI $65. or best offer. &-1290. ELL n1otottycle ~ '('White., lize. 7\i. $25, ' ,_ 546-4478 ,, OOL table. antirtue. style.. '4xS &!aft'. $325. \Vill deliver ~ ~· R.36-8102. !·"i'tOUSEFUL of Furniture '·• 1 &: Miscella.nrous ltrms • * 49Z-3898 * • D new Sear11 belt i.sager. Co5t $100 -lieU lf!/1. 644-1732. ~ ' I*- 1 MEMBERSHIP 1n a i@ed!ng N.B. pvl. MX:ta.l club -:1or sale. 645-3500. BANDI T /, gang must go. SmHIJ, 11\"C'ly. all-American pups. &12-~. 2 beautiful klHrns, "'"aned, box trained R wk~ old. 557-6833 I ,.t, and Suppin I~ Pets, General 850 21:)', 57Jlnlo. No. 2 Ra.looa Phone 645-6677 Try _our leas~ e~rts tor ' .>tfl-!ltOO A ~~1;'~1111rl;i~ '70 TOYOTA II ;-;~: 0~~de.~.v~ ~: Qi\"P~. N.B. 67!">-4331. I 1970 Harbor Blvd. ~c~gs -Sat1stact1on. Ser. I 2(X() nides, Stork •27 '70 MercedH 4 .-.perd,s '1'"51''9· 9'7~iCll\V, '63 Corvair van. l"loP;f!dS v.iork 17' .'c:'hlada SK with 110 Costa Mesa \\'E LEASE ALL POPULAR j CREVIER $95. 494-0076. 1.289 So Cat "~~:~p~8S1~~v~~~:· *Marvin Pearce* ~'~iis~TaJ~lPETI-MOTORS 4 nr~~o~Pr5~,,.~r~n~a1~'1 "r @ ~"?ch. ;:~~.101• Lq\ma CHOICE sl!pg in ne w ~farina Cali l\1alcolm Re!d tor 20S \\'. J.-.r St .. Santa Ana Brakrs. Auro Tran• F;ir 1nn. ft ~ BUICK tor 25-70 ft. boats. Motor Homes turther details. 835-3171 Air Cl'lnrl A~t F~ 1\i r r..., '\t~ 673-6606. THEODORE Visit our ne\\· home.! Pn11Pr \V1ndo..,,~ (.11<:1,\~ 111 sO ·,-7~1--17 •• -,_-L-R-ivf __ _ SAIL BOAT SLIPS I Sales • Rentals ROBINS FORD & All fhe Ii""''''~" "'II '"' ~ ~ ...... era I I 20CiO Hubor Bl\•d. dr~ire, 'I\ ' Luxurlow hardtop coupe with Newporl B'8eh 54g.72;3 558rJ222 . Co.I• Mesa 642.oolO $5495 Ii'~,~,, !aetory air cond., !ull ~ Boats, Speed & Ski 911 1411 s. Village \Vay, S.A. Autos Wanted 968 ' iDCiudma: door locks, vmyl ROY CARVER, Inc. COAST 143 E. coa.i H•"Y· '°p1~,til',::1' !,":,' i::; 13' BOSfON Whaler, SHXXI. w/33 Evinrude k 25 Johnson. $800 \••II eng. 673-6518. REWARD NE\vPORT BEACH 234 E; 17th St. 673•0900 Ex!. 5.J.S4 whff\s, etc., etc. Very low. Cos!a !11esa 546-4444 IMPORTS !Open Sunday) low mlles54. (~M), ·72 2002, $SOO. Sa vi n a: , TTT AMIDI. Mkhelio XAS ~ ll•" .. :"' ti Cedlllac rarll11J llrt's, &unroof. t.X· • , .... Will PAY OYER nor. 11nd Cat Owners! Fresh I ~iiiiijiiiiijiiiiijiiiiijiiiiijiiiiij!'!iiiiij~ ni r11 17c lb. Fr('r Home I l!rlil ] Tr1nsport•tiort llrl1\"rry. 10-9 pm. 8.15-7753. '-------7' LC'arlhratrr Cockatoo. pink &. 11•h11e. rarr. lame, talks. Best Off Pr. );47.33()1:. Ca111oer1. Sele/ Rent 920 Kelley Blue Book 13621 Harbor, Garden Grove 1 Blk. So. ot G G. Frwy. I Far la te model, clean, Cf'Jlcnt oond llion. Used on 1000·1200 \\'.Pacific C~t. J{U')'. m~.... Nabers tnp around oo nt t r Ne.v.·porl BcRc-h (714) 642"0406 ., •• I u ry o 546·4;"" 2600 HARBOR BL., t:i,000 carC'fu 1n i 1 £' i;. "'"'"' Toyota. & Jai;uar Oe.al l!f' COSTA MESA 492-806'.l. Authonzerl Sales & Servi~ M0-9100 opeii S\mday 900 S. Co11§t 1-!Ji;:h11·ay CITROEN Lquna Be.ch '10·3100 CADILLAC '70 TOYOTA W AGON 636-2333 low mileage domes· I Dogs 854 Emergency sale· 'f:li Doclce TEST DRIVE . tics, imports, trucks or ---------1 camper v11.n. Pop top/camp· THE MIDAS MINI I campers. ----------~IARTINCREST KP n n e I er Pqwpped. auto, S1550. MOTOR HOME Call anrl Ask !or Buyer Citroen Sports Mi1sere11 proudly pN?sents a J1t1er of 645-<4~. DAYE ROSS Orange County headquarters $1495 Distributert by I I SANTA ANA TOYOTA FACTOR Y YOUR ONLY GPrn1an Shortha ir puppif'5, '65 Ford UP, s· Camper, sl!>~ Kf'n Craft Product!! for oca & E urop ean Rllck'""'und ol fo~<l & ·h~·.. A v o •-'" .• nd rle livery. I Sf'ryl,·p Drpi "rrn AUTHORIZED .,,,~ ., un .,, -c, OV 1u11Vt.._Bu CO • CREVIER MOTORS PONTIAC I rh11mp1ons & ln\'f' .._ top >.lnt rond. $1900. 646-7631 I 208 \\' ls1 St S t An J im Siemens Imports . ~ ;11 a_111 ·111 ~ r1111 CADILLAC IPmfl('r11m eni & markings. S\IALL8' ramper Stnve S.. • 835 :il71an a a I I 220!So.Main,Sant.a Ana SO USED MERCEOE S r.tnn·l-r1 . :.#152l 2 417 W. DEALER 5'1fi--09~. I ~ven . SJOO lirrn. &i&-2i23 aft EXPLORER .19-0-l>' 2 2480 Harbor Blvd. 557-5242 Open Sun. ON DISPLAY NOW \\·;irnrr. San1a Ana t.arv;est selection of Cadil- AKC German Shep Fe. pups. 6 pm. I d 1 _, ' .K~V a.tr Costa Mesa 546-8017 DATSUN Lease New Me rcedes TRIUMPH lacs In Or&na;it County. Sell d con .. orc.-u arr. ;,i '' gen. Sal Le i Look f ' or tra e. Shols. "'tlrm· ** GMC O~n Road CyclP r;ick, tralll'T hi!rh. WE PAY TOP ,11 $118.71 Monthly t.S· una:. or our 120 ~ .. 3 mo okl. Stud ser.-. v.·alk-thru, sell contained nt ta,_ stert'O, Ext ra Datsun 2.WZ. :!.ih·rr. Xln1 HOUSE OF IMPORTS * TRIUMPHS * full pap ads every Wrd. Ii~,_ ______ .:.:.; avitll 897-7560 XI "" CASH ron<l . Loa<led . :'-lust Sell. A f'rlday tor our •PKials . ., SEO GARBENSTANGEL · · · c-amprr. S4JOO. nt con-t11nk~. sletps 6. Excel cond Cell 9S8-790:t. 61162 l\1anchestcr, Burn;i l'k '71 CLOSEOUT AKC Silky Tl'rrier pup dllion. CaU 213: 59l3267 all $9210. Call trom Mon . 523·7250 on Santa An;i Fn\,v. SrTTFir.£S AS Wir AS 52399 •t5 11'ftlst h & Ve rlght-hande<l Fem. 3 mo old. hsebroke.n. v.·eekend. on-545--0411. t-"66 DATSUN WAGON .69 MercMf's 600. 5 PR~~ GT-6 . .Ji !l _ SA)IE $500 ~ • \f.'r"I stilt \Vtth· pov.·er dip· Shots, $100. 644-256q '&4 M~tfuJ;;. V--111.GOQd rond. '72 WINNEBAGO 21', "'erp• tor w.ed car. I: truclt.I, jurt A:i.f/F?lof radio, 4 spd stick, Sdn., W.000 mi. r;1lver hlk rn.rrz WARREN'S ' ~ fnfi eek. \Voulrl accept earlv .. " .. '"all "· f ~-ti J 13~ • 0 ·1° "29 ' f"·· ~ AKC Silkies 2 maJes, 4 -. M' h II ..,_ -'· d 6 · I nd ~1 a. .. ~ ti' uri:: es ma es. ~Y er,,......,, · ! Ab ! ! I rl S rt C "' C f :lllOO II., 'tt!odel "'llh battery opr111.ted ""'.. 1C e n\..'.::_ei;. m1U1e II: g . 8.IT co . '"""ux • ...,serve GROTH CHEVROLET 1n rr. Ml u r .\" n('\\' Mil . po ar en ., c y.u!SA ~,P 1 ~ d 1 e. b 0 1 1 0 m . Write: all ~hors. Pet 11tock. Reas.. ca.mper. ~. 5'19-2374. no,,,•, 833-8070. FIAT New cost $32,000 . Asking 0 RANGE c 0 u ;-.: Ty • s 540-gioo , ~,__1 Sanday "'Oa~ifled ad No. 174. DAI· 83!!-U49 iitt 1 pm . Cycles, Bikes, 'Tl Sha!!l.a l\1o!or home for Sl8.500. Pvl. Pry. (2131 LARGEST .;i;:= ~'y -_PILOT, P.O. Bnx 1560, SCHNAUZER pups. stud Scooters 9l5 rent, slps 6. self cont. Pvt. Mk for Sale.1 Manql!I" '69 flat 124 592-1062 <Hunt. HrbrJ. no E. l!t, s.~. · 5-17-()764 19~;'~ ~-• .,eou:u~ ~ost11 MeSS1. CA 92626. ;;~~~ groomu1g, terms. 'iO YMtAJ.tA 350. Exal ply. 497-2384 aft 6, "'krnd~. ~~tin~~~~~~ Sport Coupe MGI VOLKSWAGEN tires. 1; .unrool. w/Mly "1..U:0.1TNU~ CORRUGATED =-c=~~~-~--7 Cond. Lugga.;:e rark. Roll Trailers, Travel 945 847.ros7 KI 9-3.131 4 Spd, Radio. Heater (YZN· 8,500 miles. Le.avll'\I COUtl· 'ROOFING, USED. CALL. POCIDLF.S. 8 11·ks.. xln 't O?O ). 1966 MGB. $895. \\'ire whl!!, "66 V\V Bua;. xlnl (Vind. 4 new try. Sacrlt1ee! Ovl!'T SI.OM ~) 322-3415 AFIER 6 ped1grrr. 1 ~!alP. 2 fem . bar .• $j()() or be~t oUe.r.' e ARISTOCRATS \VE buy all makes ot clean · new tins, hi prer. eng. Ton-ttres, ne.v.• brakes. IPS:!. than window llleker at S75CO. No >.: M: R<>as . 54&-!l2~2. ~1.JSl:i. I S:\3-8532· e NE\VPORTS used sports can:, paid for $1395 ne.au . 494-9354. 100 miJf!'g on flE'"' n r111 &: trades. 646-0231 d&ysW:f, 'SQ. Ft Italian qt1"""" AKC loy poodle pup hot [ 1970 36()cc YAi\tAHA. All !hr • AlJTO.MATES or not. Plea.se drlvt! ln for COAST '67 MGBGT. lo m!'s, v!live job, nt\V muffler, in-VERY elean bnmJe 1971'l -·, hl••k "' ,,.1, .• ,, '·,'1 s, goods for dirt or stree.I. Xln! Also, several used $395 & up tree nppraisal. ff lttt~ '$))). Patten "'heel S75. 1 , 1 ., . ·~ m e or rond. $600 or be5t o!ter. 'WORSHAM TRAILER SALES "'ire 11·hl!!. Be.st o er. terior xJnt. :'-lusr Yoe to a~ Buick euitom Le Sabre · · f t. dinghy $60. 8ll--047S. em11 e. $7;i. K."l!-8910. Day. &12--45"6: e\"e G?5-&'.Jl9. 2709 W. 17th Street * 646-6670 alt 6 pm * pr~111.te $850 or bPst otter. w/tan top. Stereo, air ~u,ical Instruments 122 SILKY Terrif'r pupp1e! AKC. \'ELOCETfE Thruxton, 1967 Santa Ana <n4) 531-2595 IM PORTS 1'.fGB, '64, rd cond, wire whl!, 548·53BO. contf .• new Michelin ram.Js. show qu:il. $100 fl'l $125 or new top & p•int. $800. V\V bus campE'r l'.'fil. Excel 23.000 miles. $3 ,0tlO . . ST sell StMCle.! Arlilit mitke offf'r. 962-70.i?. vintage, better tha~ .. newR odn-673-6350. cond, Lo milragP. New 833-11 43. ~ ·· . liirle itnd out, $\tr.1.1. u 111 l§l · I bltln =~=~~~-=--1 \v~p., J:~':r pkOr~~~· s:: ~AIAKLCF. Ytuor1kshire . Ter:~er. i\'iedzielski. ~1&-4.lffi. Au1osforS1le Q 3100 \V. Coast Hwy., lfl00.l200 W, p,,,·fi· C•J . H"'Y· OPEL :;;~· ~~:n'; ~x~:~~m$l600. ·~ ~~l~e.rOe, :~.:., AlJ e::· ,...._. , :o; r Sot.rvlcf'. .•ion ,. • ._._ bl . . Ne\\'port Bt>ach ... .. n Call kd • , ~ ~lL ., '>YlllN' mike. & ~tand $50. thru Fri 10 to 3. 645--0404 . I <0 Honrla. 350 .xnim f"!". 642-9405 i\'e"port B~~~·h451297l~l 642·0.fDG I '71Opel1900 Cpe w sy~ !1-'t. II~ Ne11.· ttre:s. Shu}>. r.f~ lell . .3l$-72'29. LABRADOR pups, S:il'l. AKC . v.·/helmet & shop manual. * WANTED * ~ '68 VW -A·l cond. 645-2475. NN tnimpet. Good conrl. ra"abll' of thro11·1ng gold $400. 64ft--l706. Antiques/Classics 953 rl IC T '71Ft"at124 Spyder Autn Tran~. Radio, Hratcr. S!l.'il. 1 ~,7517C~A~D~C~p~D~e,..V~ill~e7,7wh~L. 0, Guitar. Like ne11.•-$50. ,. 067 Triumph Bt.111nevU!e CIE"an latr nin r hf'\')' i..4 • U>11· Mile~. fully Factory 573.3i;1i: o>\'Pl, blue. inp &: inter. 1'ully Z-9324 . lah~. 6-11;.-5.J.1i. Chromr fron1 Pnd. Racing ig· 1969 Cord Roadster. Air con· 4 whcC'I rlnvr PU, lnn~ bt'rl, J\ilag \\'het'l~ "' new Radials, EIJ\llrJW"d t .11\~Dl .61 BF.AUTJFUL r h ~ aurri. :'.llAY 10;(')1nr1rarlc my 4 Spd V\\', :!.11nroof, heautltul equip. $5600. Pvt. Pty, Deya ri.~ · tier nition 97~2!19 evr~. d1t1oning P n '" e r brake!!. · 1\1ust Be &en ( 830· $ 1850 CQnrlllion, t'l",1. paint & tirei, 50-0636, eve.a. 516-2517. Pup~. top ~hou· qu11.ltty. 3 J>O"'"r 1;teer1ng and Win· "il Che\'Y ~ T. auto, disc DP<QJ. s~ ''' WO 824 m<lTilh~. Afh•r 3 1971 f-londa o~ 350. Loi\" d'"''~. hrakPs. Cirlln. 542·1734 t.VC'S COAST ,,..,. -~1~· -----CAD '69 Convertible, low Pm ' mile~. ExcE'I Conrl. Xtra~. u.... $2590 '' l'" all 111'! E . 962-4145 BEST OFFER. Rn'1 1<·rekrnrl~. 'fili V\\1 ~talion 11 ag o n mul!I. IJ\e new, extras. i• x~c. Typewr1t&-4Ic. I T 0 p .,,1 ~31 fl 6 COAS ... "' "'' a . T r;irl t'l/11P~IPr, (--;r•nd con-sru. 673-0083. w/Carbon ribbon. Sell or Horses 856 Call 842-3788 IM PORTS \VANTED ftaae for atr rond. 342--1212. ---------7 BELL motorcycle helmet, Or1U1ge Counries IMPORTS ~~o .. ",1;1276/illl ni1lP!, Call '69 El Dorado, F'ully PTanos/Or gan1 826 ~~~R~,~~0'ii5~ ERG~~~ 'ihite, siz~4$7:;-o~~ ~~~K. erLZ~~AI.:YUY~~OTA IMPORTS "i;;,. \\f'!ilphalis Camper equ~~wner. '," FREE hnur;oi nf tritining. A bEoituti. t9fi9 HONDA 1T."'IC'c. lo mi.. * 645--3fi66 *" 18881 Beach Blvd. pop-top. ~ink, lCP bax, CHEVROLET ' Starting \\"eek o{ June. 19 . ~-.ORANGE COAST 'i""MMOND STUDIOS ·.~· ;. offers l ,Adult Eve.nina: Classe1 · · tt ·Beginners .1 • Inte.rmedial• ; ... ,. Theory '!>~·Workshop y , can for intonnatiori .~. 644-8930 • •~ E . Coitst Hwy, CdM BUY PIANOS-ORGANS NY OWSLEY-Stanton Beach Blvd. 892--3314 ·li:Jtil 10-9 Sal/Sun 'Ill 5 ATE PARTY WAN S BUY PIANO FOR . SJ:;.2278. plitoo. or of· ful an im al for nnly $4()(). [ clean. $375. or best oUe.r . 1948 CHEVY Club Cou~. H. Beach. P~. M7-8555 lCOl-1200 \V, Pl'lcl1ic est. I-fwy. A~1/F.\1 nPw 9x 12 Cole.man Tack also for sale. SE'P 646·2792 nr 646-2537. S200. Good condition. \\'ILL Buy your car paid for 100').1200 '''· Pacific Cst. Hv.')". Ne.wpart Beach !n4J &12-0406 Oas\s lf'nl. T1rPs, batt. l--, 7 7 0 -7N_O __ V_A __ S_S._ horse in p.i1ddock No. 1~1 SUZUKI 50cc * 839.4728 * or not. Call Ralph Gordon Newport Bearh (114) 642-0406 ~s..4529 tunr-up. $Zi~. 546-19l9 • Irvtne s.tabl E"! on Pacif1r Like ne"· Sl6.5. D 8 • ,56 6n 0900 _ 445 E. Coast Hwy. 546-4529 PEUGEOT ·70 vw Squareback, stick Coupe.. 350 VS. Vinyl lop, Coast H1ghv.·ay. C.all Jean !ill-7'294 une ugg•es Ne\l'pclrt Beach. ·n Fiat RIO ~pider &hilt. 27,000 m1. & R/H. brown w/be:1ae. vinyl bucket Curley, O\vner. 644--1742. Sl50CI. Exc~I Corid. On,11: o"-ne.r, xlnt rond teats. Automatic (floor lhift) 1966 Hond• 160, Exoel rnnd. ,72 SPECIAL WE PAY TOP DOLLAR &18-596!1 * PEUGEOT * 5'JH;lll. ''""ole, laolory JIUAPI, $2'25. Leaving for Europe.. FOR TOP USED CARS power dlac brk&, aterior Mu'1 ""· 675-3195, DUNE BUGGY II your '" ;, exlra "'""· KARMANN GHIA '68 7 p.,,.,,., Bu" Swuoa!, dlrom•. TOP SHAPE! mo 935 see us f!r5 t. A& low u $2.299. CNo. 5545) ltJiia&e rack, chains, xlJft Mobile Hom•• radio, & top. 209EOJ. C FRIT": WARREN'S _,, fl~/ 11 ~·" .. CNt Btlow Book. Mu.t,Sell! WUl --"--------$1599 BA UE:R BUI K •54 KAH.MANN Ghia Euro-u.n ..... "''"'" o f!r. J.JOrv.->U•· 10 quick. CalJ'SJl.uia. DOUBLE wide Flamingo 2925 Harbor Blvd. pean r.tQrlel HiOO. 2000 miles Sport Car Center '~ VW-$650/trade for Van. 900 mo bl I e. h o me . H as Costa Mesa 979-2500 •O"""GE COUNTY'S Ca 11 55 7-69 8 1 I~ General on new rng1ne. New tires. "-"l~ ----------everything. Set up In n\~ Autos, Imported 970 Sl !OO. Call 642-9220 afl 5,31) UR.GEST CEarthf!nWarel . ll' Kite w-highway trlt. Ask· f ·1 k p J k ·-am1 Y par · e.' 0 · ..........,. wkd11vs. anytime weekends. TIO E. 1st St., S.A. 547-()764 '64 Bus, ·66 rblt e.ng, ma.ti" 2 door hudtop. RadSo, bel.tt!r, '68 Impala Cust .. Ing J6JIO, or be•! otter. Afi 531-72'<. ALFA ROMEO , , erirlr I 5,30 919--0261. Mo--tor Homoa 940 MAZDA PORSCHE xlru, A·l rond, Ile•! otter power ale .. :..~air, ll' FIBERGl.<SS B 0 AT '6 7 Alf S d or Jr.de foe "fllbck. 644-14811 ;""" d ean. 'Q'"' ~ w/outhoard engiM" k 1972 TERRY a PY er '66 Porsche 912 ·n vw Bus. 1p.u.s.17.000 ml. s~~i-: evrolit,. tralleT. $250. Eves: 673--9352. TRAVEL TRAILER L ...J 5 Spd, AM I Fl\f Radio, Hard ROTA RY'S 4 Sprl, AM /FM Radio, Like Vf'~ clean. Askins an.xlollll. &ach $n~~ ll' AJum. boat A 5 hp moror, 2:r CUSTOM CLASSIC "\J• & Solt Tops. fVDT834J , New, 216.000 mUe!, IYLU546• Or1g O\\'nrr 646-7307. ' :L . llOO, Tandum wh .. I 1'allec, fUlly «SE. Co8'! H~. $1595 '66 Porsche 912 '61 vw . Good Corn!. !JM, n '~~ •• ~ CIU 54&-0175 self-contained . T.V. Ante.n· .. # f.fust Sfll . ... ... ., car • ._. ~ na, Gu/Ele.ctrtc ~fr\a:. 4 NEWPORT BEACH COAST 5 Spd. Al\1/F1>f. Real Silitrp 675--5887 lnfo: 5"-1210 loets/ MerlM Equip. 673.oo90 Ext. 53·54 (TYXJ1 3 121 1 -~~~~~~-NOW OPEi< SJltlGER Touth and Sew, $59. SAR.A'S MARIN£ SALVAG!: burner stove. Ii: oven. forced (0J)ft1 Sunday) c· 'o· AST '70 vw FASTBACK '86 4 dr SqulN, R/R. l.Dllo, 1~~~·:~~1~i::;:; Trucks 962 IMPORTS IMPORTS 6;um,B::.~~.,~~7 ~~.:==~Pvt Eina. open um $129. Vlklna Yacht Junk. Ship Stuff ffa·Za& $<9. 213 , 4~ U•rd Muin< Eqlllprn'1>1 Store, lte1t•urant, Bott hardware. 411-.'.l)th SI. BEACll CITY DODGE F ASIBACK Sf,00. Soth :dnt 1000.1200 w. PaeU.lc Cst. Hwy. cond. Ofter. 540-4013. ·n c.oattnuital Mart m. lb' ll•r P2 NB. 6~. ~ Beach Boulev•rd f,,,..,,_,..,,__,.,..,--= Bo.ts, Power 906 Hunttnaton Be~eh ~· deep !at ,,,..,, G/S 17141 ~:l660 • -ne:w r&nJt> top. XLNT &kl or ti1h. 16\ti ' Motor Hom• R•nt•I• ·,. 841-0053 f/glA.i Le.p.-sttake hull. 6.'i 1• h M IR I k Available for dally, wee.lcl y 'fY~ Ri1dlo, HIJ!i, H~D. 4· ~~· ~~8 A~~ni~ or monthly ba1i1. 71'. l:f, !\16tereo U6 mlMI cond. S1<t95. Con1;idflr And 25' •e.U containfll Mo--if'A~NTZ 1M"watt-AAfiTM Cll.f on 1r11.de . 5'49-t7(}t tor Homes, a ll e.qulpt wlth '62 FORD ~ ton PU. Mr. ~us $100 Garrard 1i70 WINNER Barll.lltt Mark KeQut.tor, roof alr, and Helwig Springs. new thock1. m.tJ\Y other Ut:ru. All new ttar 1ire1;. Cle&.n. ~ with purchAH of one IV 18' Cabin Cru!Jler. 8.'i Coache11 are 1972 model1, Nffd1; va.h~ V.'Ork. m . ~1'·1r of 14-way Plonttr Johnaon o.h. w/trlr, canvas pleue call &39-9660. &;o..m)5 ~km U.S.A. Stereo oover &. r-.111iopy • .A.bout 80 -';;;--'7-.-==-o=::-::--1.C::::".:=::.·------ . p. Warehouse, 179 E. hra. Uke new. $314IO. or best Rent A Motor Home ~~ St., Costa M • • 1 , otftr. 866-MlS; 861--67 for your Vacation ~2'12 M' CHltlS CRAFT Cabin * 139-001 * ITH clrtular sou n d Cruller. Twin 95 h , p., .. NEW 23' 4 2:'1' luxury 1te1'fl0. Xlnt value. '.\.f11~· mar\M ton1 . F\Jll1.1 ~!p. M. ff, Air, l!>adM! Bt.sl rAlt>~ stll. $6~. 8J4.-2SL~ 8 to 4 3"l .Sl~ 77f:-#'~ 1714 f'W'!&llbl•. Pvt pt~·~~-.~ It's al1t1yl fre n1h1 time & always the f'\a'ht p13C@ H y ·· Wllnt R.ESULTS! Call &42-SEi71 • place that ad lf'Yl~'·' Newport Beach CTI 4) 642-0406 lm)..1* w. Pscillc Cat. Hwy. '65 V\V Coriv. New top. good OWMt. n4: ... lMfi 546412' Newport llooh 17141 642-04116 rond. 1 ""'"''· "'"'1 ffll.1----,c=Ol="y'°':1'°' .. ="-- Alfi1 Rom.o ~4529 make offer. 645--2'243. "'"' l'O\Y ON DISPLAY S3.le• Service Para.-&tly Shop COAST IMPORTS 1000·1200 \\'. (Mii H1vy. t'le.wport Beach 642-0406 Daily Pilol Walt Adi ba~ ti•rlit1ns a:11kn. MERCEDES-1964 c o n v . 22()SE . Auto, full pwr. Ab', Pe.rtlli radia.11;, mlnl eond. 673-81118. QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 -p h 911T '68 V\V With a little work•,-------- , V" orsc • rr,uld he gre.itt. $600. Eves: 61 Sta. Wac. f Sfd tram. Ste.l'f'O, Mags, ?rival• Party, 6.,93.,1 B ucket 1 ea11 . &d Day1 839-9560, aft 5 -,.,... · · paint-motor, anti roll ban., 833-3155. * • '65 V\\. Varie.nt S Sqbck, $350. Call CT3400f aft 5pm. .69 911_T 5 •J>ff<I. A.\l/F:\l. 70CW1 nu on rtblt E'fll ·· Rood DOD'°'I Kon! &hocks, $4!!00 or beat rond. 83().-9)89. W olftr. · 9'19-1623 days, 1966 Sundl•I C~mper ·72 Coron•t ots Sta. Wac. •~1•5 eves. C.ood c11nd., SIMO hnn. Call Will &f!ll or b'ide ftJf la• RENAULT "'0 7!7. ~1 vw b1!1. SJll(ll). Afr, '64 V\\' Bntc. 4.oOO mi\e1; many f;xlr••· C&ll earl)' '69 ft.10. 1 owner. xlnt O"ontl on l'f'h111l! f'ngu"tt. S300 AM , 3J3.33t4,. 1 thruout. Must &tto tn 11r 6i3-7707 A~k f'lr £'1 Ul69 Oodre ~ JDOCi prtel1te.. 191-17'@6 "" 6 61 V\\' v"n (',()O(J rond 1385. condiuon. S\215. or ttMe Fr tr 1 al~1 the fit:ht 11 1• i.167~ or •fl l J (I l"Onwrtlble •~ te 0 ~ Cla .. tned. SU-.'Ai7S. MS-9020 ~~--------~ <: Monc&i,J, June 12.. l ·•· -·-l§J I _.... I§! I ....... -l§l I ........... l§J I, -..... l§l I _,__ 1§1 I -..... ~ 990 Auto., UMd 990 Autos, Used W.rt:EP. V& Fut I: atron&:· Worth $2400. Take $1800 or l!eat otter. 613--10J9. FALCON 1964 F•lcon Sprint Conv. In Excel Cond. $700 or ~at of. fer.~. FORD '89 LTD Ranch Wqon, 6 pee, r/h, auto. fac alr, Jug. ~ rack. Ex~! family car. Pvt pry. !J.t9-XMS Tmn W'IUlfd ttema into quick A iood want ad ii a aood House HunMg'? Watch the cub, call 60-587I 1nve1trnen1 OPEN HOUSE column. Motor 'HOl'n09I 940 Motor Hom.s 940 Motor Homes 4HO '72 CONTINENTAL 20' Motor Home FORD ·n Pinto Runabout Llke Brand new, only 5,0CO actual miles. Custom Inter- ior, cw1om exterior, 4 .11peed, mag wheels, radio, heat~r. 864EON. $23'5 ~" 415 E . Coast H1\'Y, NE\VPOH.T BEACll 673-0900 Ext. 53-~ 990 Autot, UMCI 990 Auhlo,UMCI MUSTANG 'ti& Mu.tana. Cleen-FuUy lotlded, a.ir cond-P/S. diac brake1. Call aft &.64>-0269. OLDSMOBILE 1970 Torone.do. Comlortation -air cond. Al'tf/FM .11tereo radio & tape' deck. Full p .... ·r equip. Tilt wlw!'el and Vinyl top. $3600. Mr. Gruy days 540-9892 Eves 642-3203. PONTIAC '62 Pontiac C&talina. Good engme, needs tires, $150. Call 536-3361 after 4 pm. '59 Pootiat'. Very clean. Rwu Yiell. $100. PONTIAC Ml/ST SEU! 1968 GTO, Fat'tory air, loads ol em-a.1, low mllage, $1350. or beat otter. Phone 826-1256. '69 Grand Prix, air cond .. pwr. steenng, pwr brakes, pwr \.\indow.11. &W-5.579. '68 .Fl.REBffiD 400 convl, xlras, sharp , designer's plea&J~ t'ar. Stephen 6~1442 :>Hi-8928. 1967 f'i~bird I Po n t ) all'/cond. PIS, P/B. Good Cond. Best otter O\ler $1200. &«-1583. PONTIAC "4 GTO 389. Tr~Pwr. map, Hunt, Glas.s Pacs. Best of· fer. 6'a6-8>11. PLYMOUTH '65 Plymouth Satellite Auto Trans, V-8, Power Steer· ing, Bucket Seats, Good Tirl's, Nu Trans. J\1ust Sell. Private Party. $699. 847-3095 RAMBLER '&1 Rambler Amen('an, Daily Pilot 'Vant Ada have Dr., Radio, heal, autornaHc &«-5265 1971 f''ord LTD Cntry Sq. 101 -,--,...-~--,----~-,= bargain! galore. 586-5819 alt fi pm. 970 Autos, Imported • Equipment Includes Power Steering, Automatic Trans., Power Brakes, Radio, Refrigerator. (E lectric or Butane), 30 Gallon Water Tank, 40 Gallons Gas, SIHps 6, Trailer Hitch, Order Yours Now Only $8979.95. DANMAR MOTOR HOMES SALES -SERVICE -RENTALS 13801 HARBOR, GARDEN GROVE Next to G. G. Detsun 839-7000 mported utos, mport pa.~s. Air, roof rat'k, trailer to\.\'Jn"' pk.e:. 42'J eng. Low mi. !'162-7~2 a!t 6 pm & wknds. =-,,-7'cc---oo-,-----, I '70 F'ord \Vgn -Xlnt cond. I 28,000 1ni., radio, oo air, 962-l6S7 aft 5 pn1. '67 F'orcl LTIJ, full po11·er air. sren:o, tn1n1ac cond! SLIOO. One owner. 494-7081. 1963 Ford Van. Must st•e to uppre1·latl'. 5."\6-376 1 af1 6:00. MUSTANG '6J SQ back-blue w/white vinyl lop. Ai r/t'ond, P /B, P/B $795 /548-1651. '66 ?.lUSTANG, mint t'Ond. Ivy grttn, auto trans, orig owner. &14-5524. Turn unusea items tnto quick 1 cash, call &12-5678 Fast results are Just a phone Autos, Imported 970 LIQUIDATION SALE! AtL 'S AT COST AND BELOW COST WILL PRESENT ACTUAL INVOICE AT TIME Of SALE EXAMPLE: S'Y'ft MOT015, INC. r - SOL.D co .. 11 IMf'li °""HG' (T'f I JOO W ••CWIC HW'I' TO ,,.IW1'0tl IUCIKJI L ..... 100 WA.Trt"Ol'll ~!tiff HIW IUYltt CON ... ICJICUI 06Ml6 _J ... ,_. .... ,.,~ ....,.,.~, "' O'"" " ......... ,.,, .. ,~ •• ·~ .. .. ·~ .. _ t ... ,., ... "" ''''' ro ''~ •t~. ~1"""'-" "'"''''' " , •. ~ . ' •·· '"" "" 10 ·~ "'"'"'"" """ h .. ,..,," If{'"'•'"'••• ,.0,.,.~ "<f "C' ,. <' .,, , C.-....... 00"'' X.11 'IO''""''' •vii •••"I~· ... ··1~ '' /~'""'' tr> ..... "''~ .,,,_ 00.• ,.OQ'o <OHt<l<Qoo (II 'u<• < ~ • 00 O•-,.,. • .,,, '""""'ti~-O< "'''' 10 <0-"" • , .. , • '• • • o('<\ '· ""., "'"' •~'" '"'"'"'0 •OOUO{••\I• ,...,., "'"'"'" '"'~ ,, ''''"'"' •' ,_, • , · ~·~c.;:-c:-. ;ollU , """'''°"" ''' "' ' · ''' "<)t ""'' .. "'' OI '''""-'I•!, .... Ol lll"'W • OIQ<.el~ !11 IO>U·~ •~' ..,,.,.,,;,, '" ~· l(IUAl Plt(HO Of ,AC. IW'l'C. l.llYC. Plln tttM. t.U •UC. Ctlf fO TOY. ( .. I rll( I •:IOI CAIO PlrlGHI l/I CH .. ,t(lf (OOf141VCGr ot.WUl!'tO 111.fJ -·~ "" u joe ·1" '" ALL MODELS NOW AVAILABLE WHILE . THEY LAST FINEST SERVICE ••• COMPETITIVE PRICING AND CONCERN FOR New 1972 TOYOTA This is the 1600 Model . & includes AM /FM Radio Not 48 Mo. But 36 Mo . IF YOUR CAR IS WORTH 3630 ~ s3 DoWR ..,r;:.. Pay only $65 80 M• $ll• JO .i1w•• $•S.10 ,, • .,.1. ; .. 11. 'ti•·"'' 1.1. I• •• , •. • ,.,i;1 ftr l4 Mii. <••~ ,,1c1 $tl3•.30 hod. t•l & he. A~· 1, rc••'•t••11111.0•'9- f:;,1 ;,f,rrt4 Pric• $270$.10 IMO 36,000 MILE WIRRAMIY IVllLIBLE I WAIW(I • ~ II! ExctpHonally clt•n. SN Tlllt Ont , !XIS AGSl SAYE '70 TOYOTA w..- ' 1PHd, A..tlo a. hultr, (hi BZU) $1295 OUT CUSTOMERS! EVE SERVICE UNTIL 9:PM: Mon thru.:.-:--Fr'-'-i---......: Hardtop A.ulo. !rant., rtdio. (XTG 1141. $1075 ''I TOYOTA c., ... ' 1119'ed, Jl...tio .. """"" IZAD fSPJ $895 Au1oma1ic 1•9n,. mlu!on, Very, ve•t nlc:e. (/41 CPN) $995 .,, TOYOTA Corolla • "· automallc:, lr1n1., '" '-· Rao re. I xoo 44) $695 THE Important Difference! This Shield Means That We Are Your Only Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealership Four a nd ono-holf acre1 of total authorized Cadillac facilities designed to better sell and service Cadilla c automobiles. 80 (work stalls) and 45 factory trained technicians. Largest Selection of late model Cadillacs and other Luxury cars hi Orange County! '71 COUPE DE VILLE Vinyl top, l11t h1r int1rior, full pow1r, f1 ctorv 1ir, tilt wh11I, AM/f M ol1r10 r1dio with lip•, pow 1r doo• loc k1, lwiliqht 11 nt., loc1I r own1r. Sold I 11rvic1d bv u1 (6 17CXV) '69 COUPE DE VILLE Vinyl top, t1p11try & l11lhtr i11l1rior, full pow· or f1ctory 1ir, AM/FM r1dio, pow1r doo• lock•, tilf-tolo wht1I, low P!'lil1191, loc1I I own1r ctr . IYYRl551 '68 COUPE DE VILLE F1ctory elr co11ditlo11in9, full powor, 111 l11#11r door lock1, Yinyl lop, l11thor int1rior. AM /FM 1f1tOO rnutfipl11. Sltowl lnlficu!OUI Cltl thtou9h• out. (4017761 '71 ELDORADO full pew•r, foctory oi• co11tl,, t111 -t ilt wh11I, door loclu, •lnyl top, loolhtr lntorlor .. AM/FM Storoo multiplex. Shows mtlic11leu1 c1r1 thre119hout. ('401 7761 '70 El.DORADO look1 I ru111 liko tlt1 d1y fir1t 1oldl f.1111 power, foctory 1ir cortd., 1011-tllt 1t1orh19, .foor lockt, crul10 conttol, ¥inyl fop, f11ll l1other ll1lorl•r• I I 09AGCJ. Now w1w tirt1, AM/FM 1tereo. '70 COUPE DE VILLE Vh1yl +.p fottfter lnhrriot, full prlco, foctory 1ir, tilt wkol, ''-''° AM/FM r1dio, ,..., ... door lock" crwl•• tA•"trel, twilitht •••til'lol, 'ewor M11k •rHf, lecel I ••not beouty. ()llACAI s5777 SALE PRICE SAU l'llCI SAU PRICI $6888 SAU l'llCI $5222 SAU PllCI .$4333 SAU l'llCI NABERS 2600 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 540-9100 I • 17 l 1 7 San f;lemente Capistrano EDITION N.Y. Steeb VOL. 65, NO. 164, 3 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES 2 Coast Police A hair-raising serie5 of acroba1ic stunts including one power dive to rooftop level over four Orange Coast cities led to the arrest of a pilot pursued by t"·o police helicopters early today. Richard B. Loomis, 24, or Arcadia, was taken into custody at Orange County Airport shortly after midnight along with one of his three passengers. Loomis was arrested by crewmen of the Costa Mesa police helicopter Eagle II and booked into jail on suspicion or violating section 21407.S of the Publ i~ Utilities Code. Officers Randy Nutt and David Brooks charged Loomis under the PUC Code "'·ilh operating a plane while under the in· fluence of an intoxicant. Incidents were cited over Newport Beach. Huntington Beach, Costa ?\1esa and Irvine. One passenger, Tom F. D'Angelo, 23, of ll31,2 Turquoise Ave., Balboa Island. was also arrested on swpicion of being drunk ace 1-e~t Increase Bed Tax Studied To Aid Chamber By JOHN VAL TERZA 01 llM Dtlllr P'llilt "'" San Clemente City Councilman Paul Presley -the head of the largest hotel in the clty -has advocated a one-cent in- crease in the transient occupancy ta1. to compensate the chamber of commerce dip is the lack or a visit by President Nix· on for the past six month.1. Because of the large amount of lodging required for the Presidential entourage, primarily at Presley's San Clemente Inn. such visits have a direct effect on city bed tax revenue. for its tourist promotion activities. 'S __ .] F • k' Pretley, ollerin& the solution-at a c:oun· ton,, -CUff1 ' ·Fli! cil •.tu"'~· oo_the em~-r . . Friday night, !aid that the increase p Exte-•.l ... .] would raise an estimated $<,000 or more OWer UUt::U · the Orst year, which would mean that the city could probably acoept a recent By High Court chamber contract calling for $18,l500 to offse t promotion costs. The 110lution wouJd follow • trend aloog the Orange Coast where most cities have contemplated an increase. San Clemente's current rate for rooms and short-term rentals is five percent. Laguna Beach already has agreed to raise its tax from live to six per cent. Newport Beach plan~ to do the same. The proposal will be discussed further at the council's J une 21 regular session. lt would form a major way out for the council, which has been hard pressed to find the extra funds to accommodate the chamber request. Under an existing policy the city pays $9,700 a year to the chamber for pro-- motion and advertising. Chamber officials, who have pointed out that the organization is in the midst of a financial squeeze, proposed an $18,600 annua1 subvention. Presley stressed that despite his direct involvement with the bed ta1. he would not be at all opposed to increasing the allocation . But ...lrces within the Apartment, Hotel·Motel Assoc iation ln San Clemente, oftimes 1 powerful presl!ure group in the city, have sa.ld that such an increase would draw a protest from many owner• of teurlst·""1tal lacllltiel In tbe ctty. AJ proposed, the new increase in the tax would take effect weH after the Labor Day weekend, thus in entire year's new revenue would not be received. "I thlnlt tbat il the chamber'• alloca· tion were raised and they carry out their promise to do more advertising with the increase In money, the city income from thetas: will go up as well," Presley said. Projections show that this fi scal year '11 take from the tourists will be about $40,000, . . ' Tbe sum is abOut f51(M)O less than e1,. peeled and ·One slgnHlcant r<a!On for the Batlif3rs Avoid Numbing Wate rs '!'be WlrDl IUD tbal 11111 &olilb Cout resldenla flockin« to the btacber over tho wttkend failed to ~·rm tho chilly woler and Sin a.mente 11feguards reyort<d no serlout lncldtnll. The watit i;oth day1 hovered around IO deiree•. officials reJlorled, and the clouds Salllrdoy· morning kept many siln !overt from • ...,,. wnlurlnc to tho-'beadl. Lifeguards tsllmaled that ll,llOO peroo111 wen oo the ell,)' and ,<OUDtJ beech Satur- day, while..,,. 25,llOO turned GOil oa Sun- d•Y· Llfegurdt llkl few lell1llsb. which have be<n lnlllcllnC stlnp on 1W1mmen In ncelll weokr, were "P)rl<d off the beacbel ..... the--· W ASlllNGTON (UP!) -By a 5-3 Jiberat-conservalive split, tbe Sui:reme Court extended today the power of police to "stop 8nd frisk .. !usptd.s on the atreet for dangerous weapom. "We reject the argument that reasonable cause for a stoP anQ fr isk can only be based on the officer's penonal observation, rather than on information supplied by another person," the court held. ''Informants' lip!, like all other clue! and evi dence coming to a policeman on the scene, may vary greatly In their value and reliability. One simple rule will not cover every situation." The opinion in a Connecticut ~se was written by Justice William H. Rehnquist, who is emerging as the most law-and· order member or the C.Ourt. Justice Thurgood Marshall said in dissent that the decision "invokes the spectre of a society in which innocent citizens may be stopped, searched and arrested at the whim of police ofricers who have only the slightest suspicion of improper conduct." Also dissenting were Justices William J . Brennan Jr. and Willlam O. Douglas. The case b a 11equel to an important 1968 ruJlng that policemen under proper cirCWll!tances may stop and friJt a person llUJ])e<ted ol criminal acllvlty even though they do not have enoucJ1 prior evidence lo make an arrest. 3 Nig uel Homes Hit by Burglars Furniture and furnishings valued at more than $1,000 were taken during the v.·eekend by lnlnlders wbo forced ·their wa1 into three model homes iD tho La8IN NilUel ..... Or-Cowity •berlfl'a offloel> oald. Tablaa, .... lamp, draperies and • televlalon al l'*'U1 valuod.-'t 41• were talcen h'am ...,., at •I, -. and lllOI can. Joea, The -~ ~ llol.. ... part ol the st'aod- lll'CI Pacific °"11Cn1Jon'1 Own Port tract. ' DeputJ~ said u.. buralarl 1111111lied windows at the rNr of tht homes to pin entry to Ille premJoes. It Is believed they IJled 1 truck to haul ,..., tho fllmiturt. Sea Life Talk Set An Illustrated !!Ilk~•• "Liie In the Ocean ' 1rilf lie _prtsenteci at the Niguel· C.piltrano V111oJa Lloas Club noon moojlilc 'l'llanda1 at llaffy'1 Restaurant lo San J..U~- The speaker Is Norman H. Cole, a S.d- dlebacl< Collep IDltructor. . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1972 TEN CENTS Copters Cl1ase 'Stunt' Pilot In public. Investigators who said they confiscated a half.gallon jug of wine from the cockpit of the red -and-white Cessna aircraft in- volved in the aerial escapade alleged all four OC'C'Upants had been drinking. Only Loomis, who had no pilot's Hcense in his possession, and D'Angelo had ap- parently consumed enough to warrant their arrests, according to investigating ,officers. Officers Brooks and Nutt said they fif st Hav e A Nice Day spotted the plane flying erraticall y in the area of the Santa Ana River, between Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. They charged that Loomis, a utility company employe, went into a steep power dive and only pulled out 100 fett above ground level. Giving chase, they were joined by the Newport Beach police helicopter and claimed they saw Loomis go into a steep climb over UC Irvine before nearly stal· ling. 'fhe plane then made a sharp . 100. degree turn and headed back ov er Newport Beach, at tim es zooming as lo w as 500 feet over residential areas. Shepherding the zig-zagging plane ba ck toward Orange County Airport, arresting officers in tht he liropler said Loomis barely missed crashing into • 40-foot glide slope indicator tower while landing. lie was stopped at midfield by airport 1ecurity officers "'ho ordered the flier to It was a good day for sailing at Dana Harbor Sun- day. It was also a goo d day for just si tting in the sun and watching others work with their sailboats and other craft. The air sparkled after the recent rains. High Com·t Gives Lawyer 'Right' To Defendants WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today granted all defendant s "'ho face a po.'lsi ble jail tenn the right to be represented by a lawyer. The 7 to 2 decision delivered by Justice William 0 . Douglas, guarantees a Jawyer 'a help to millions of poor people who are prosecuted fO( petty offenses and m.isdemeanora. Leu than half the states supply free laWyen to clefendoots in all trials that could lead to a Jail term. The historic rul- ing, an e~ o1 put Si1th Amend· ment dee-. will necessarlly change trial practices in t~ state!. Chief Justlce Warren E. Burger, who went along, said be was confident the legal proreaion would meet the "large new burdens" placed upcn it. Ju!tices Lewis F. Powell and William H. Rehnquist, the court 's freshman mem· bers, objected to • the sweep or the declslon although they did not dissent in a teclmlcal stnse. 'J1)ey said the court ahould hive ruled there ;., a right to a lawyer only when °necesaary to uaure a fair trial." Jn 1111 a case known u Gideon V. Walinn1&ht laid .the principle that a man •'trial for .. ltrloua offenses" hat the rftbt to a tapyer and that If he cannot al· --Iii at.tie muat aippiy -L Until tllen, • the SIIth Amendmoot bad baen lnlerpreted as neceullat!na lawyers oalY In capital oue,,... -when there -a chance of a death .. ni.nce. SUbsequently, the court granted the rlghtto-.·ir.. lawyer wbeitbe Jail term could be tit months or !llDl'e, TOO.y'1 cleclaion wipes wt the dlsti no- tlon betweeo feloolel and misdemeanors for pet(J oa ....... far u ihl1 right la conctrDod. Uwea a~ 11nowtngI1 and tiittlll&eiilfy walftf 1 iiwyer'a help, be c:annol be sent to prtloo "for any of· renae, wbelher ~ u petty, misde-ineanor If felaoy, 11111... he ,.. r~nted by COUDRI at hi1 trial1" Dol"1Uwrole. ' A rmed Pair Ne t $3 ,500 At Laguna R estaurant By JACK CHAPPELL 01 ''"' 01i1Y P'lltl l llH Two men, one brandi shing a snub.nosed revolver, held up Laguna Beach's famous White House restaurant shortly after 3 a.m. today, taking at least $3,500 in weekend receipts. Kory Saruwatari, operator of the restaurant, at 330 S. Coast Highway, his wife Glady1 and Dan Mikels, an employe, were tied and left unharmed aa the two men Jeft the establi!bment. Saruwatarl said he was working behind the restaurant bar when be looted up and saw a man with a gun facing him. The gunman, described 11 of medium height, with a slender build and dark hair, ordered him to call the other employes out. Dan Mikels, working in the men'a rest room stepped out and faced the gunmari. "What a thing to happen, and I've got only three more days left." Snruwatari said, explaining that on Wednesday, he would end his lease of the Laguna restaurant which he has operated since 1967. The business was established in 1918. After taking all the money from the or- flce, the gwunan and his aecompllce went Ip the bar arta and c:olleded more money thfre. Mrs. Saruwatarl and Mlktll wett then freed from the locked ltoreroom •nd, with Sanrwatari, tied to the pedestala of the restaarant table!, 0 'I'm sorry I have to tie you up like (See WHITE HOUSE, Pap Z) Dohen y Fire Hou se Shows Rare $9,000 Safety Unit A unique rescue truck paid for primari- ly through private donat~ns wu un"lled by the Doheny Volunteer Fire Depart- ment this morning. The '9,000 rig will provide a broad range of wvlce 1n •!1 fonna of rescue calls, including dl1asttr1. Fifth District Supervi4or Ro n a 1 d C&spers spent more than an hour stu- dying the new rig afltr handlng over a $3,000 check from the counly covering the cost for the rig above the sum donated by the cltlzens themsclYes. The truck, built in Norwalk. b1 capable of carrying five victims at a time as well as a full rescue squad. Designing, planning and moat of the funding all were undertaken by the volunteers themselves. The rig carries 168 separate -piece1 of major equipment. In cluding pcwtr saws I and other heavy aqulpment wed to !rte trapped per,..., pluJ sear for medicaJ. •ld calls and even minor &et. Volunteer Olie! Mel Plm:e aid tho truck already h•• seen tenlce along the South Oranae Co•at aince it •rived at the ataUoo In May. Tbua far the machine his been used on nine calla "and it work! like. a charm,'' he said. One direct benefit or the r1g, he sald., is to (unction as an emergency ambulanct, taking care o( 1 chronic deficiency in the area in private ambulance eervice. The closest regular 10Urcts for private ambuhmce oervict art in the Saddiebact V1Uey and in Laguna Beach. At the acenes of nuijor traffic ac- cidenta, Pierce said, tht rig can fu.rnlsh (See l\ESCIJE, Page II taxi to'"·ard the \o~·er building, whtrt he ""1.'I to nittt Investigating officers. Police sa id Loomis' plane finally halted only one foot rro1n the building and near· ly collided with l\\'O ro¥.'S <>f parked aircraft as the weaving Cessna pulled up to a hall. 'fhe suspect was held 111 lieu of $250 bail lh i.'1 morning, ~'h1le police forwarded a report of the incident to the Federal Aviat ion Admini stration for possible 11d- dlti-0nal legal action. Ruling Goes 6-5 Against Bl ack Guest WASHINGTON (API -The Supremo Court today upheld the right. of private (\ubs to exclude Negores as guests. The 6 to 3 decision was delivered by freshman Justice William H. Rehnq uil!t. It went against a bl ack brought as a guest to the Moose Lodge in Harrisburg, Pa. The black, Leroy Jrvis, the majority leader of the Pennsylvania House, con- tended that because the club held a liquor licen se from the state It could not ex.Jude blaci<a u meml>era or "f ~II· Today'• decision dealt dlrectl¥ with tho 01elll.lion of blac:Q u guesta -and not with tllolr .. c1ua1on u members. RobJ>. quill aold Irfli ""'114 not ~ Ille Lodp'• aD·Ylllle m<mberablp polJey becallli be had Dn'tr applJed for membership, but had only been brought to the club 1s • guest. RehnquJst said the club's refusal (() serve Negorea does not violate the 14th Amendment even though the Moose Lodge gets its liquor license through the atate. "Since state-furnished service! include su ch necessities of life as electricity. water, and police and fire protection, such a holding would utterly emasculate the distinction between private 15 di~ti nguished from stale conduct,'' he said. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justices Harry A. Blackmun and Lewia F. Powell, the three other Nixon ad- m..inistraUon appointees. lined up with Rehnquist, a former a11lltant attorney generar. Justtcu Potter ·si.wert and Byron R. White 11.90 were in the ~ jorily. Diasenting were Justices William O. Dougl as, William J. BreMan Jr., and Thurgood Marshall. the court's only Negro member. Brennan said Pennsylvania 'a liquor regulations plainly intertwined the state with the operation of the: lodge's bar in a significant way and lent the state's authority "to the sordid business of racial discrimination.'' The ruling reversea a three-jud~e federal court In Harrisburg which held 1n 1170 that the -Lodge coold not keep both its liquor liceose and Ila racially ex- duslve policy, The lode• II -the -!nim tho Penn.tylvanla Stale .. CopttoL lrvls, an Allepeny coanty -·~ bad been broogbt to H·IGr·-·and ~ bJ a white member. 1fullier Now you can wllb the car. Tbe weotherlacty iMI ~ aumblno m tho horlml for 'l'ilt~J -and the"'alltt. Hlil».lf 7' apecfal al the beadlel, ........ -I.owl tn lha- INSIDB ftD.4,Y O,..ge COilolf tilr •offldolJ, plague<! br~-' P'ff""" ot the •Oll!lii idrport, !law l/lclr e11es on 1'dUCarv baN• .,... ,... 1fbl< rollllion to U.. erlllcal quttti07' oJ tMert: to pett ~_,,..­ oirporu. s ..... to,,, ,,. JO. L.M. .. ,. M hail"" • ""..,.,.,. . <~ ...... a.Min It ,,..._, n o.tti "".... • Et!Jotflll P'-• .. .., ......... ti .,....._. Molt •111111 II .... .._, ,. ,.,. .... ...,... .. ,. ....... ,. -.. --. --. ·--" ....,, ,,. .. ..... ,.,..., .. ,, T........ 11 -" -.. =-= ... l • , .. Dead Over Flood Area RAPID CITY, 5.0. (UPI) -S.art-h c.:rew1 USifli dogs worked through the night to uncover bod~ from the muddy ruins of ttie n:itkin'li worst Oood in 35 yeart. AulhorUJ" oald 14day more than 200 w.,.. known dead from the flood l'rlday night and Saturday caused when a rain-- swollen dam burst and cascaded billion,s of galloM or water into Rapid City and other communiUtJ In South Dakota'• Black Hills. Pat Dixon. coordlnatln& disaster tn· ror~k>n. uld there JNY have h«n duplications In the death count . ··w1 know it'1 ovtr 200," be ukl. "ft could be 29 over or 30 over. No one knows right no~·." Sen. George McGovern (0-S.D.). sai<l it was "a scene of incredible destruction .and devutat.Qt." 'nte p r es idtn Ii a I hopo!W 11ow 11Vm Wubingloll aiocs.y ID toar tho lloodlands by helicopter. Don Barnette, Ra pld City's 29-year-<Jld mayor, said, "I would estimate a com· bined death total of 300 for I.he whole tragedy," Gov. JUchard Kneip 11Jd, 11We have ln excess of 200 deaths and there's a long way to go yet. It's belleved many bodies are below the mud and tht mire. That part ,, bid ... Search crew11 concentraled on a virtually deva stated five-block wide area Blong Rapid Creek . the stream \rhich cul.I tbnlu&h UM cily. tt turned IUddtnly 1nto a swollen, rag- ing killer wbla C..nyon Lake Dam bur1t under ~ P'INW'I of 1 foot of rain late l"rlday lllCJll, otncllnc a lour-loot wall ol water lhwldartnc down from the hllii. n. flood caused an estimated t IOO million da1mage, destroying 500 houses and luvma: thouaaod.s or peraona homdea. AutborUIH r~at oald about 1,1\00 per'IOM were unaccounted for, but later sa Id they could not make an accur at" guUI on Iha numblr mlulng. Llttlo had been det.rmlned aboul what happened Jn more ltoliited communl tl1s In tha ~ -partlcularly ID Iha hun- dradl, perhapa thouaaoda of touriat. belitwd ID bava batn camping In the arq dOM by Ml Rlllhmore. The Agrlcultura Department announced In Wuhlniloll &unday that the flood ar11 wu eUa16le for 1m1r11ncy free food stampt. R.pruentlUvu of 1lmost every federal 11ency thet coold bt Involved met to make recovery and aS8islanc1 pla111. Rlpid City water aupplia were <'Ur· \ailed for f e a r of cmtamlnation and · 18" FLOODING, PalO II 3 Ship Jumpers Taken in Denver DENVER IAP) -Thr .. AWOL servicemen, lncludlna two who jumped ship in Sa n Diego. have been arrested by rederal marsbala at Our Lady or Gu1dalupe Church, endln1 their 1Yiy Jn ~nncluary that be11n laat Monda y. Take n into cuslocty were Robert Bland Jr., 22, Warren, Ohio, and Michael Haye1, ll, Colorado Sprln11, C<Jlo., both sallor1. and Eu1ene Berryhill, 20, ~11nol, N.D., an Army priv1lt. Blind ind H1yes aald they jwnped ship several weeks a~o at San Die10. They said their ship, lhe U.S. Entl1nd, wa s bound for Vietnam. OtAN•I COAIT IC DAILY PILOT TN Orffllit c ... t DAIL V l'ILOT, wlftrl wflldl 1. (H'l~llltd 11\t ... ~.,, ...... •11tt1• Jly tl'lt O•Mlt• CN•I P.-llilllftl CM1Nt1Y. s_. r•lt H lllon1 •r• PUl>ll~W, M8ndty ll'rOtnll Prlll•Y, Ill' Co'!• Mt1•, ~twPtll ~•·c-, Huoift"lt.11 lh8Cll/,_ltln V8Ht'f, Ll ...... t llHch, l•vl1Ml~•dlllll4~;, t ntl Stn ci.men141 St1t J11t11 C•Phl•t n.. A •ll'OI• ••~Ponti l'dlllo11 11 rt11bll1llM lthrrtlt'fl •rd Sur>llty,. Tiit O<lt'lcl,.I jllji.!11~1"1 •ltlll h •I ~JO Wt1I lltY St1"r, Ctl18 Mii•, Ctlllcornlt , t l1U. k•bt rf N. W114 P111!4ltnl t nrl PllCll!lohtl' J1c.k Ill. Curley Vkt Prfti.1111 •M °""'•I M1111tt• Th•M•• Ktt¥11 ...... n•1111•1 A. M1rr,hl1111 MtMlltlt h ill!' Ch 1rlt1 H. l101 A!c.h•rtl ,, Nill AMlttlftt M""fll'll l•1i.r1 s-c1 ... ..,. OMc:e JOI N•rtti II C•M i•• •••I, 91672 °""-C..ft ~I )Jt W"t l t y tl,fll "'""'°" I Mdll *' "''~ l""l1v••• HIJl!llftll*'I IMOll 11111 811(11 ltwLt~•r4 1.tf\11\t l#tll; m Pttt .i AY..,119 "'1.,._ 17141 '41·011 c ............ ,., '4J·l671 s.ac-•a.., ... _, T11t1l1•• 4t1-44H =""'· ,.,. ....... C..11 ~111111111 ~r. Nt ...-~-'" lllon•r•liw. i.1 ...... ., ..... ,lltmllltJ lltrtlll ~, ... ,....,.... Wl"*'t tllMlil .... ........ .....,....,. ~~-"1r .. Cl'=~ ,.......,, '";;:r, .... ...,,,, IMfl'-1¥1 ~ .. ,.!Wt. "'" ,,....,,.,.., FLOOD AT BATTLE CREEK CR OWDED HOUSE S OFF FOUNDATIONS Keystone, South Dakota, Hit When Da m Gave Way-300 Feared De•d Red Cl1iI1a Cites 'Threat' _j Of U.S. Bombing Attacks TOKYO (AP) -Communll'i! Chins sald today U.S. alr 8trikes Jn Norlh Vietnan\ nfa r the Chine~ border threu ttn its :security. It charred th1t "theae frenzied acts or aggruakin" are not only "new war crimea" aaalrut North Vietnam but also '"grave provocationa" against China. A Forclin Mlnlltry 1tatement, in Pe- kin& uid, "The Chinese 1overnment and people e1~ss their reaolute n1pport" ror a North Vietnamese 1tatement issued Saturday coodemning the United Statts Fron• Page l WHITE HOUSE thlt,' the guy said to me/' Mr1. Saruwatari 11Jd. She •till had w1Il1 on her wrl1t1 where her bond.II been tlahten- cd. ",[ juat atood there. walling for someone to NY Something and thl1 guy stuck his gun in my stomsch and told me 'move over there.' " Mikels recounted following thr. robbery. l\trs. Saruv.•a tari. \\·orkini:: in th(' k1tch· 1•11, v.·as called 0111 into !ht• n•slaurant <i rl'a ond then ~ht· and j\llkels, were lotked in a slorl·roon1, The gunman then lorc.·ed ~RruwRtar l to the office and 111adc lun1 OPl'll the safe. The other 11i:111 scooped up 1h(' n1011e~. bundling it up in hi s shirt \\'luch ht• h:1d untucked from hl.!1 tro us er.s. '"The guy hnld ln1: 1he gun seemed ::ig 1t:itcd. he krpt saying 'hurry up. don't bother v. ith 111<' <·hct·ks (If tlit• !'1n<1ll :-.luff.' " Saru>1";1t;lr1 .~:ud. "lie didri'I Ile int' \t'l"Y 11•f'l1." l\·l1k('l:-: 5ai rl. lie said that he had \l'Orkt'd his way frre, but wn!I \Ylli!lng for thll man f(l lra,·c before gr.t1t11g up. "/ COldd1l't sec 1!1ern, !Jut lillt'f' 1\01)· called out to me a11d said, 'ho1v :ire you Danny?' "One of the men i.:alled bai.:k , ·what \1·1.1s lh&t?'" Mikels satd. Shortly af1erw"rd, Saruwat ari jumj"lfd up and ran lo the telephone ;ind called police. All three viclin1s agreed that th1! man with the gun ~·as the boss. The other man , described as aOOut 5 foot , 10 Inches tall with a fair complex ion and light hair, Ju.st did as he was told, they said. 1'1 wasn't scared at all ; they we.re JU!t not the type to be 11cared of,'' r-.1r:t Sa ruwatarl said. l)clcclivcs belicvr' lhe bnnd ils tnll·n·d through the rear rest;iurnnl door opt·11 u1f..( 011 Hnrnona Avcn\,le. Construction workers on the llf'\'I L:i1una Beach County Llbrury hn· media tely behind the rusntur:tnt wt>rc questioned by officers. but nppi\rC'n1 !y the gunrnan and his acco mplice Ifft un- noticed. Police believe tht robbers wrre fan1il inr v.·ith the layout nl lhf restaurant and with the areas mont'!y y,·as norn1a lly kept. "He 1eemed to know jUlt where lo jO," S:iru1~a1ar1 said. Tho '3.500 lou 11 not covered by in· surance •~ the companiea req uire their 1·!1r.nts to be protected by alarms, wnd the \\'hitc Jl ouse \Va!I not . The Saruwata rls were plunnlnQ nn n I rip In Japan Rrter he left the buaincsa on Wedncsduy. Mlkeltt , 24, is ,. graduate atudent at Ct1I Slate Fullerton and '°" of Jackie Mlke l1. realaurant booikeef>@r who opena tho re11taur1nt every day but Mond11y. 1'hfi Whltr. ilou1e re111ur11nt Is Ltlguna'1 old111t havtna been founded In 1918 by a couplt! named Bird . A 1\1n procl1lmlna, "EAt ~llh the Btrda ." uaed to 1do111 the fron t or the e·' ·r-y j(no1YP1up11 nd down the Cfl~tl . for further dispat ching many planes for ruids tiga in-'>t 1he Jlenoi suburbs, lhtiphong and other area!. The statement \V8S broadcast by Pe- king's New China News Agency. Last week, U.S. Air Force jell swept to within 20 miles of China and wrecked a big North Vietnamese railrold marshal- ling yard and highway bridge c:nly 40 seconds flying time from the China-Viet- nam border. The raids were reported the clo111t to the border since the 196WS bombln1 campaign against North Vietnam. China sald lhe United States "1hould know th1t the heroic people• of Vietnam and the other Indochlnete countrle1 art by no meana alone in their •trua1le, It did not elaborate on this polnt. "For over a monlh, U.S. imperlalllm In defiance ol the strong condemnation 11nd opposition of the people throuihout the world, had continued to e1calat1 it1 war agalnat the Democratic Republlc of Vlei· nam," tht statement 1dded. "ll not only has mined and blockaded the por!J of Northern Vietnam and dally sent out large number• of airplanes and u·arsh!ps to make frantic raids on many cities. villages and coastal center s, but hns steadily expanded the s p her r of hon1bi ng up to areas close to the Sino- Vietnamese borders, threateninf tho srcurity of China, "The se frf'n1lf'd acts of agrea1lon on the par t of U.S. imperialilm are new war 1·r1n1es commiUed against the Viet· namesc people, and at the same time i;r:ive provocations against the Chinese 1~ple." ·rne stl'llernent relteratt.d Peking's "rl'SO)utr"' supporl of the Vietnamese and 111hr r Indochinese pc-0ples until con1plcte vlt·tury .. , POW s Conceruecl About Wallace Politics, Peace From Wire Service• NEW YORK - A handful of American r ows held captive In Hanoi ere ttn• l.'t!rned about Gov. George Wallace's recovery, Sen. George McGovern'• c:1m- palgn and other U.S. pollUcll matter1 ln- i.:tuding peace proerams. The eight fllera ahot down In Southea1t Asia, lncludlna an El Toro Marine C4rps Air Station-based jet pilot, were In· trrvlewed M111y 25 by American antiwar ;1{'11vists. /I t:it>e record ing ·was made at the :-l'~~1nn in llanoi and played for newsmen hy Paul Mayer, one of lhe deleaation in- 'l!td to visit North Vietnam. ~layPr 3aid Lt. Co. Edlson W. Miller, ot l·:I Toro MCAS, and the other seven <1vh1 tors including two San Diego Navy Pil ots asked about various things includ- ing Y<>Wli voter rqtltratloa. The amen al.Jo quesUoned whit \ongress is doing to end the Vietnam \\'ri r and claimed they are receiving good treatment •• lndetermlnate suuta of the lf11nol government. The Department ol Defenao aald 1Q !ht mtn were listed 11 prteonan ot w1r. In oddltton lo tho quNUON aboul Wellaee and MeC'.ovtm, lbt pr110ner1 ~sked l he visiting Am..-ican1 about peace demort1tratlon9, 1nUwar court eaH1 and young voter regl1trallon. Navy Cmdr. David Holtman ur~ 1n- !Jw11r l{roupt In thtl U.8. to unit. 11t1 the ~ovcmm•ll! underolandt It ta really all Ille peopla and nol jull dlaald.,l 1roufll" who t1ppo11 the war. "Th ere is another r,wvf\11 tool lhal c1n be u1ed and th1I s the JOWtr fJI the vote, '1 said Navy Lt. Horrll A. a.tlt1 Jr , who urged aupport for ~pl'llldtnllal t1ndldat" oonimltlld ID '"4llll tho ..,.. nict. I Coalition Panel .Eyed 20 Named to Fight Pacific Coast Freeway A aroup of 20 well-known CO• vlronmentalllt1 and freeway fighlers frorn six Southern California coastal communities Saturday were appointed to a ateertn& commltlee ol the newly form· ed Coastal Communities Coalition formed. to fight the proposed Pacific Coast }'reeway. Jl1gh way Commission." It ls critical of the SLalt 0111:.1011 u( Jllghways land acquisition progr;im H says land has been pure.hued and held "wllhuu l juslification and for un-- necew.ry reasons" aud uya the result ''is an w1told loss or lax revenue as \1·e\I as personal losses to private landowners adjacent to IDd in the immediate vicinity of righl·Of way purchased by lhe slatr '' Koth tl11s n1or111nx desi.:r1bed the ntlf' t:Oa/111on <1s "'t•nthusinstir .. toward II( go.w l and predicted ils 1nember11hlp 1.1dll expand even more at 11 u 1· c· e e d I n I lneeUflis. lie said th<' panrl will nice! again Ju,,. 21 at the ho1ne of Councilman Stor~ In Corona <iel i\1ar. The pone! lncludea two Newport B<ach councilmen and the leadel'I (lf various citizem' comnii tlees in Laguna Beach, &-a l Beach. Long Beac.h, San Juan Capistrano and Laguna Niguel. _Vnfque Treat1tient Newport Beach Vice Mayor How1rd Roger• and Counclltnan John Store are on the panel aolng with Arnold llano, a member of 'the Board or Zoning Ad· justment in Lajuna Beach: \Yllllam Leak, chairman of VIiiage Laguna ; Jtichard E. S1nlth, president, Good Government Group of Seal Beach ind Robert C. McCollum, chairman, Alliance of Homeowner•' AssoclaUont of San Juan Capistrano. Countian Using Baboon's Liver in Filte1~ing Blood Other ateerini committee member• ire J an llall, chalrman, Pacific Coast 1''reeway Op(Xlsition Committee of Long Bca<lh ; William Agee, Newport Beach planning co mmissioner: Michael A. Schley. president, Citizens' Town Plan· nlni A11sociation, Laguna Beach; Mildred B. Hannum, a member of the Lasuna Beach Open Space Committee and Bea Whittl esey, vice president or Lacun iol Greenbelt. Inc. Also on the panel are ~·la rgot Skill ing, co-c hairrnan of the !!arbor Arca Freeway J-'ighters' Citizens' Coordin ating Con1· mittee; Earl lJardage, a member o! the Lido Isle Community Association; Carroll Beek a member of Newport Residents Unit~; E. Perclvll Chae, chairman of the Laguna NlcueJ Homeownen' .U-la- lion: SuzaMt Rudd, eecretary of the Harbor Area CCC: former Newport Beach mayor Paul J. Gruber; M1r1hall D"uffleld, chairman of the Harbor Area Freeway Fighter• and Frances Roblnaon, a member of Friends of Newport B1y. Walttr J. Koch, CCC chairman, w1s selected •s chairman of the new coali- tion. Schley and McCollum were 1ppolnted vice chalrmen. Ch11e was elected treasurer: Mrs. Hall was selected recording secretary and Mrs. Rudd, cor. responding aecretary. As expected, ll lia lint action, tho group 1dopted • reJOluUon callln& on area Jeglalaton to actively puah ant14 freeway leglll1tion 1n Sacramento. The rtaolutlon polnta ool lhat prtvl.,.. deletions of the propoaed auperhlshway "mate it extremely questlonablt that thla freeway will ever become the rqional type of frt:eway whk:b wu envialoned when tt wu 1pproved by the Strite From Patel RESCUE ... banks of fioodll1ht1 to a11ilt In reacue lunctlona and at flrea , the unit llso can bathe the area in valuable light. Ca1per1, durlna h11 tour of the fa cllltles In Capistrano, Bea~h, said he "."'s ."very impre1aed by the r11. It looks like 1t very well could be a prototype for other COUllly slalions." Pie rce and last year's: chief of volunteers Leo Buck q:reed that th~ truck ls tmlque and 11 the product of many months' touring of other fire 1l1· lions in the state to borrow design ideas. "About the closest thing to ours that we 've seen" 11id Buck, "i1 in the city of Ontar1o, but we thlnk oun ls better. "It's completely ta ilored to the need!! v•c have seen in our area and it's goina to \1•ork just gre at," he added. Minuteman Launched From Wire SUvlces AUGUSTA, Ga. lleJplte a reaplratory complication, a Buena Park woman suffering advanced liver disease is responding here today to a unique Marine Stabbed; Suspect Held 111 Santa Ana A young El Toro Marine Corl>' Air Sta· tion enlisted man died Sunday morning after being stabbed through the heart at a Santa Ana apartment and falling out a .second story window. 111s alleged slayer wa s arrested ahort1y afterward on suapiclon of murder. Rudolph B. T1m1yo1 47, of 322 W. Third St., was questioned by police combing the area around 200 N. Broadway after they found bl oodstai na on his clot hing. He is suspected of fatally stabbing Andrew H. Nelson, 18, whose body was found about & a.m. by a pa1serby in an alley behind !he North Broad,\'ay ad4 dress. lnve1tigators claim Nelson wa.s visiting Tamayo's .apartment when a quarrel started, leading to the fatal stabbin&. Coroner's deputi es 1ald de1lh w11 due to the fleart 'llt'Ound. It was not determln· ed whet.her the Marine would have been seriously tnjured in falHng out the win· dow. Court Rejects Repossessions Without Notice WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today barTed creditor• from repo ssesslnj merchandise without aiv!ng the buyer adv11nce notice and a heermg before "a neutral or!lclal." The 4 to 3 decl1lon struck down Jaws in Florida and Penruylvanla ind rould hive a nationwide Impa ct because most If.ates authorlie the au tomatic .telrure or 1oods when the purch1ser falls behind in the pa yments. . The dissenters oredicted that aa a re11ul t tt may becoine more difficult for C(lntumer11 to buy merchandile on cre~lt. JU!tice Potter Stewart baaed his opln· ion for the majority ()0 the 14th Amend· ment 1uarwntee that no state shall deprive a peraon of property without "due process ot law." One case concerned • Miami woman, Mrs. Margarita Fuentes , who1e stove and steroophonlc phono sraph were repoa1es,.. VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE ed when she tell behlnd in her paym!nts. (AP) -A Minute-man Ill lntercon-The woman, a factory worker, claimed tlnental Balll1Uc Missile was launched the stove waa detective. do1vn the \Vestem Tt!t Ran11 over the The other case concerned a group of lreatment in ,o,rhich her blood Is filtered through a baboon's liver. Officials at the Medical Colle5e cf Georgia said Mrs. Linda Greenaway, 32, is doing \VCll roJ!o\ving five hours Of !he lCC'hnique kno\\'n as perfusion. F.ric Jacobsrn , assistant adminis trator or 1'alniadge 1\1 erno rial lf{).'Jpltal whert t.1rs . Greenawa y v.·as fl own la.st Thursday from Orange County, said the treatment developed Uy Dr. George Abouna is not the aole ans wer. The avanc('d deterioration of fo,Jrs. \.1•eennway's hepatitis-ravaged liver in- diC'atcs Or. Abouna and his tea1n may have lo alleinpt .a human liver transplant. He has pioneered that concept and his two surviving liver tran1plant patients to his credlt 10 far. By filtering her blood through lho ba- boon's liver, Dr. Abouna can assist Mr:r. Greenaw1y '1 own organ to rest and regenerate, at least ao some dearee. Team! of doctors working to save the mother of four 'vant to strengthen her enough to \vil h.stand the strain of a tr;insplant operation after use of the ba· boon organ. 1'he liver now belnR used was removed fron1 a ea.pound baboon captured in Kenya, cleansed of Its 01vn blood 11upply :ind refrigerated until being hooked into J.lrs. c:rcenay,·ay"s systcn1. A relat.ively new concept, the treatment deve loped by Dr. Abouna , 1 liver disease expert, perfusion is similar to mechanical dlalysi3 used on kidney failure vlctlms. The perfusion technique was scheduled to start Saturday but was delayed due to a reapiratory infecUon which Mra. Greenaway developed. She lapsed into a coma at one point before her condlUon improved enough to begin U.!ling the baboon liver to take the strain off her own dlseaaed or11n. 2 Teen Marines Killed in Crash On Irvine Road A hlgh·•Pf!ed crash Into • dead.end street embankment early Sund1y in Irvine kllltd two teenaged Marines and injured a third , accord.Ina to the California flighway Patrol. The accident on Jamboree Boulevard al Main Street left Pfc. Robtrt T. Ba11, 19. dead at the scene, accordlns to co,. oner's deputle•. The driver, Pvt. Michael 0 . Kearn1, lt, was taken lo Tustin Community HOlpltal nfler th e 2:30 a.m. accident 1nd be died there I Va hours later. A third victim, Pfc. Douala• A. Sullivan, 18, w1s treated at UM! hoaplt1I for minor in ju ries 1nd released, CHP ln- vest11alor1 said. The enlisted men were all 1t1Uoned at the Santa Ana M1rine Corps Air Station. Sunday 's fatalitie1 brouaht Orana:e County'• traffic accident toll for lt72 lG 11 4, compared to only 98 at th.ii time last Pacific Ocean Sund1y, the Air Force Philadelphia people whose purchasu said. No other dtYIUa were q11et;oaed;::;·...,.-_:w,:er:,:•:_:r:_:•:;;po:;';;,.:;';;';ed;..:u::nd:;:•::r..:lhe~.;•l;;•~le~·1~l1;:w;:.=~::::=:::==:::::::::::::::::::::::;::::;::::;-- Selling Out Overstock ONE CARAT DIAMONDS s479 Only With This Ad TltUMI' FULL SIZE CLAHICAL GUITARS s2100 OUT 01' PAWN WATCHES °"'' 100 l'oprular •••""" To ci.-l',.m YACHTSMAN BINOCULARS IUSHNILL bJO WATERPROOI', SHOCK· l'ROOI', l>UIT l'ROOF THl!Y FLOAT CAMERAS ' .•. .....,,,.._,, "i--~- j r -,_ "-'""'' ltaw I .. DJ\. 1.4 ... ... _ ·-....... '-" .. fl.I ... -- -TOCHOOll l'llOM s1'!. COITA M!~~,.~!!~~~~!, & LOAN ···~111wi 1131 NIWPOltT l~YD. PHONI 646-7741 DOW'~Wll COITA MIU .... lotw-~ l .. , ... ., t • ... 'I DAIL V PILOT -~ -------- LEG AL NOTICE "'CTIT!OUl •uin .. lll li•JU lf&flMIHl I n~ IOllO•I ... .,..,_ " "°',_ tou1f""'"' u 't'IST& $Vlt,.LUI. ~ W. lti11 t l., C .. t• Mha, C•I. ~1 N•na' "-••••· to$ W. 1 ... Sr C•l• ""-C•llf t11i1' Jnl• Du•lfttt 11 w1~1 <-...C!IHI ~ .,, l/'ICIJY~ Nancy kow••d ""h ,,. .. 11\9,,t lllH w!"' i,.. ffY!< .... Clw• at °"'•""' (...,,,,, "" J,.,.. 1. lt lJ I r lltvOtli' J, M-•. 0•..,lr 1.0U<>l'I' C!tr~. ""lll•1llad Ort ""'• C"OO>I O•llY J .. ,, • .t.. 11. n. 2• 1ti2 LEGAL NOTICE FICTIT!OUI I VllNI'' HAMii lTllT •MIHT Tl)• toll<)wl"t """"' ••• dom1 .... 1,..11 •• FUll.(llt(lE, lltllJlt l•• l"tr~ (Ir• Cit, lfYln. 11"4 O•Yld ~oiomon • .J11)) lUll Or' L11111nt ·~ 1111111 V Jor•tn11n, lt11 8110.1 St , StMI -.1u l!O••ro T Solomon. l:i.l Sa Crtllon "~', ltto:1 le"41 T11 l1 i,u,1.,.,, 11 b1111t tonducr911 •• • l 1mltH l't rlntrMlll! 01>1\d SolomOft r111! lltlwneM Ill•• "''"' •nt (111M1 r "" of Ort not (<Hint. °" Junt 7 ltl1 t Y lt¥trl1 J , MtCldo.o Ol•u l~ COUA!Y (ltf~ ,, 11111 l"110l.•he<1 O••AH Cot ti Otll\o "Uul Jwn~ •. u. n, 21. "n 1ot-n " LEGAL NOTICE ,.IC TITIOUI I UllK•Jl H.t.Mlt ST.t.TIMENT 1110 tallOWl"9 ,.,Mn II Oolrll busll'ltH NEW,.OltT ll!ACH lllOING CLU8, lOUI At•d • St . S•nl• An1 Ht ll!lh AU<t M "lndley, lf:U l"url 8l1hop Pl , Ntwpart ar1t11, lhlt bu1lne11 " bllnt cunduc:!ld by 1 llmllld l"1'1ner1111, "'Uct M FlndllY Thi• ll•twmtnl !\ltd woll\ tM Ceunly C!erll of Or1A" County on• J11111 !, lf1! llv ...... ri... J Ml ddOK 0.Ulll't County (l~·k " u,.. Pu~l 1t>td June 5, 17. Drano• Co1s1 Ot llv Pllor, "· 1•. nn 1',s.12 LEGAL NOl'ICE L•eAL HDTICI NOTICI! IS Nli.ltl!l't' OIVEN ll'lt f !ht !ollowi111 lltm1 ol loulld or 1tv~d p•OH•l't "'""' tiMn llt lct by Th• Pullet DIP•••m1n! of ll'ld City of C•lt MIMI tur 1 Pt•IOO In t1«:•11 ef nlnt tr Ctlll NYt Ont bllHI bftrclt NOTICE II rrultTNl:lt GIVEN """ It "0 OWlltr lll'Htrl f lllil l tOlltl ll!t _,,.,.91'\lp 9' the IH'9MrfY within t tvon 111 ••Y• ftllnllnt lllt ~lllc1tlot1 tf !Ills Nofl<a, the tllla IMrtlO 11'1111 ,,_II In ll'lt flndor, If 1t1tr1 M -· w 111 tN City _, C•I• Mt11. In wflldt <IN tM •raportv \llall M MW 11 M ii< 1uc.lldll at • llm1 .,... .... to -fl'lftllll'all. OATIO: JuM IJ, lt71. It ... NITN Cl\ltf 11 l"otlc1t Pulltlthfd Ortntl C:cttl 0 111y ~1101, June 12, 1111 '''1·1l LEGAL NOl'ICE l"ICT!flOUI IUll!rtlll NAM• l fATllM•NT Tiit lollowln• •1r1011 !1 do!mt bu\lflt•' '' REIO'S MAltlNA YACHT S"LEI, l'm l"t<llk r oa1t 11W)' .• N11ntlnt !011 8 11c11, <• '""'· Jo An"• Ctch. )G( Vlt N1va10. l"tlos V...Wt E'""'· Ct !0314 SC MOl\d.,, Ju11t 12. 19n --- Banli Start In Newport Constroctloa .... will llart on The Bank or t.:al11orrua budd.ine, a .s!J.-story office complex located w I t h 1 n Newport Place, the-S 2 0 O million pl1nn~ community fur buslntts located netir Ora11g~ County Airport The structure: Is ooe of several NewJ)Jrl Place of(k·1· fecilltlts. It ls suited 10 a ll typc!s of ust . rang ing !ro1n tl1l· single occupant professional firm to multl·bulldln& cur· porate htadquarters org11niz1:1- tions. A full ttrvict B:ink of California branch will inltia lly occupy about 8000 sq ft of tht' ground floo: space. feRlurmg drive-up banking, the bra nch wilt be lht seeond Orange County location for tht bank. Also 'scheduled to occupy a portion of the far1hty 1s the Sou th c r n California head- quarters for John50n :ind Mapt Construction Company and Mape Jndustries, the building owners. 'Dredging' Gear Eyed At Meet Nev,.Jy-designed equipment and engineering rtports \.\111 be presented to \Vorld Dretlg- mg Assoc1at1on members and guests at an annual meeting Thursday The all-day st ssions \Y1ll btgln at 8 30 o'clock at the Newporter Inn. US. Navy englnttrs 1vdl present in the morning session "Dredge and Undersea Equ11>- mtnt Research and Develop.. mcnt Rtport" from the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. Afternoon topics I n c t u o t "Englnetrlng and Con!-ilrUC.· lion of Modtrn Shipyard"'' LEGAL NOTICE 1111' butlMtl 1, Mlflt tond~ctf<I e, 1n 1---------------IAdovldu•I. JO ANNE Cl!CH Tllll 1!1temt nl fllld with lho ct1mlY 'tt rll ol Ortno. (ounly "' Junt '· \f11. 11 11.,.rt1 J. M1ddol!, Dtpuly Covnly c1 ... 11.. LEGAL NCITICE ComP.ar.e Benefits Of Health Groups Hy SYl.VIA PORTER 1'hl· t1r-.10 -the medlcal #;lroup ofrer111~ you a wide ru ng (' o! hc.nlth services ln return tor 1:1 !lat annual fee - 1!1 def1n!ttly the trend today, f.lOZL·ns are already Jn Clpera- 11u11, nutny 1norc are In the pl11nn111~ or development .!itagl'S Let's sav. thl'refore. that a local medical group, hospit al, university or othtr orgaruzi4 11on is ~et ung up au llMO. Or tht· Blul' t.:ro:.s p I an ! o \1hich y u u .subscribe 1s offering an II M 0 -lype plan as an l"ORTER a I I ernat1ve to yo ur re~ular <.:overage Costs and coveragts vary all over !he pla ce -but costs easily can run $400 to $GOO or more a yea r for 11 farn1I>. Should you join an HMO under these circumstances? 11011 can you tell "'helher or not it 1s a b.'.lri::a1n for you? Jtere's your guide ~ Read \\'Ith utmost ca re all !he literature on !he plan. \vhat '!-i cuvered and not. how tong the coverage last s for, .say, hosp it a 11 z at ton, psychotherapy. .i Check the mo n t h I y premiums and the tXlra costs you'll be miulred to pay for non-included Items, deduct- ibles, etc. Often excluded or Included only at e-xtra cost arc blood. dental care, eytglasscs and hearing aids, mattrnity <:.'.!re, psychotherapy, out--0f- hospi!al drugs, cos m ct I c sui gcry. "' Con1parc these totals 11 Ith tbe amounts you've betn paying in heal th insurance prern1ums. doctor b!lts. out--Of· pocket cash, costs of strvice!'l not covered or onlv partially covered 1n your present 1n. surance. 'Custo1-nizing' Cars Dangerous Practice? By CARL CA RSTENSEN 01 11\t Dally Plltl S!all A Ge neral Mo to rs automotive safety engineer has warned against car "customizing'" practices and iostall1tlon of certain ac- cessories or novtllv items that alter ve hlcl ts from their "as built" condilion . "Jn many cases, these prac- tices are off11ettmg the safety design improvements made by t ht manufacturtr1," ac- cording to Wiiton D. Nelson, senior project engineer In GM 's Safely Restarch and Developmtnt Laboratory. FOR EXAMPL E, his N?port pointed out that the potential benefit or entrgy abaorbing sttering columns 1s being nulllfitd by people who attach tachometers. traller brake controls. or evtn stereo tape decks to !hem. These simple attachments ha ve Interfered i,1•ith the normal compression ot the steering column under c-olllslon Impacts and in- creased chtst lnjurits have ft ~ * Robins Sets Celebration resulted, he said. COMPLETE-NEW YORK STOCK UST -' .. TONIGHT'S TV IDGlillGHTS ABC 0 8:00 -''HollY\l'OOd Dream Factory." All about the Hollywood th at used to be -sel against the sound of the auctioneer's gavel as it fal)s ove~ the unused trappings of 1-Jollywood 's ll!.Ofl ~30llf era. ~C D 8:30--"The Six Wives of Henry Vlll.tt Tbls highly .acclaimed six-part series is repeated by KNBC. Tonight, "Catherine of Aragon" \\'ith Ann· ette Crosbie. Keith AU chell won an Emmy for his portrayal of King Henry. KCET m 8:00 -"Peter Grimes." Benjamin Britton's modern opera classic of a fisherman doomed by pride and ambition. . . CBS II 10:00-Sonny and Cher. George Burns ~ J?Jns the Bonos for an hour of fun, along 'vit h .n singer David Clayton·Thomas. ~ KHJ 0 11 :00 -"Violet Road." Brian Keith rk~,~~;:~o::::;~~!,~~8 dr~.~:·. ~ ~ Monday Evening JUNE 12 1:00 tJ lit 1'lws Jeuy Dunphy 00 1111 Hldiy llltport D ~ m MljOf L111u1 lntbtll (cont'lll lrorn 5PM) Detroit Tiaers 11 Mlnnaott Twl111. 0"'111'"" U lttwl Blftll, Schubetl rJ (I) WIW WIW Wat m n.. n1ntdlllln IDDnW IM11t tJll Jl(l ""'°"" ti tk 30'• m-"'"" m w.t1c11 ... l4 OJI Ml)'bttry lfD €11) Pftplltt UIW Alea J1cinto m Jl"'5 Jim H1wthcrn1 m Tint Stoo111 l :JO 0 Mfril: (C) (90) .,A Stud1 In ltrTO(' (mys) '66 -.lohn Heville, Oon1ld Housten. John F11ser, An· tllon, Q111y\1. When J1ck lht Rlpper ttrrorlzu the Whlt1.ch1pet 1r111 ot London, !llerlock Holmes 1nd D1 Wlbon 1r1 ttlltd upon to aolve 1br ..... :]) CU Jkilll W11t1r Cronkite m"' n,"'"" flil ll)a Aln C.OU ''EU Rolls" aa,..Mm cm ,,... ~11ci11 IE ~ Elliot Mini? l(elth Michell, t n Emmy fM h!s ~I· lormanct 11 Kini Henry, [Ith Dlaf will locus on one ol Henry \'Ill's wives IS th• cent11I fi1ure. Tonirhf1 uament has Kini Henry m1rry1nr Cath1rint of Ar11on when he at· sumes !tie lhM)ne at the 111 ct IS. Thtlr JS f9 1rl cl mard111 1r1 fol• IOlfltd in this 90 m!nu!e Pf!Unt•· tlon. Annrit1 Crosbie plays Catherine cl Araron. CD lrl•" Crllfl• Show tI;) Movll: "U111brtll11 If Chtr- bciur(' 9:00 IJ (l) Htrt'1 tucy (R) Robert Cum· minis ruesl1 11 1 d1ulln1 and chlrmln1 buf unprlncipltd wolf who aims lo 1dd Lucy to his list ol con• quests. E foru111 lo1ln1 f}J (]·, 00 Q) ABC Mollt!IJ MD¥it: (2hr) "Cu11e of tilt Fir" (hor) '6~ Bn;m Oonl tV)', Carole G111, Geo1~1 Baku. Michael Graham. A d1iJlin1 Ule ol wehd sc1intifk e~iierlm,nts dealint with 1eleport1tion and lht fourth dimens!on. @) ~lovie; (Cl (2hr) "Toy Tirer" (com) '56--Jelf Chandte1. Larair.e Daye, nm Hovty. mon1net €1)Do·R .. MI ~Thi Vlritniln Q!l Novtl1 !:30 6 (J) Dort1 Day (Rl Do1ls excitedly organlns 1 surpris1 ba by shower IOf Angie, not r11lizing thll Anti• It e~pedin1 1 litter of pups for her St 1:00 fl CIS ftnrs Walter Cronkite Bun11d ind not a ! ·'·1 of ~er own. CI) AIC Nh'l Smith, Reasoner l:) m Nt"1 IJ Mowl1: (Zltr) .. Intent to Kill'' @II Aventu11 (dr1l '59 -Rictltnl Todd. Bels} fl) R1cin1 rro m Ho:1y ... cod Park Dr1kt, Wauen Stevens-, Herbfrt Lonl 10:00 B ®Sonny alld C~11 Comtd1 Cl) Truth tr C.rl1tqu1nc11 Haur (R) Geo111 Burm and David Cl) Dttfnet Claytel\-Thomas gu~st. 0 Wtiars M1 Unt? 0 I IPICIAL I Which Wty, A11erk a! m I Lowe L11ey (R) The J1t1 Whitney Yo11n1Jr.11 tht Q) I Dru11 el J11n111t focus of thb film thtt dtt!s with th1 flll Hltbl)t111 civil rlahts leader's ideas on n tl1I €D VIII Pllpril 11111 C.Mlfll prejudice, pow rty, the m r11I cues· 9 Al•: '1Ws Wot11111 Is Dlnl'r· tion ol dv!I wronf alld what tach cl ous" us must do to help stet/ !ht 1l&ht m Rtv. llty ~Ulf/0 COU/lt for AmeriCI. 7 Om Nm :30 II St.Ind Up 1nd Chetr Della Reese 6 Covndl Debit. Jttk Rourke 1ue1b. (!) T1 Till thl Trutll ffi Slf•ri lo Advellt11rt (JJI DrNM of .lt1nlllt a!) RlllCOll Arpn\ll'le fJ Mlh $ Mo.It: (fit) "l tell ffi Lt ltJ*I·• llfolflll lor ld1111'" (dr1) '4S-John Hodiak, 10:30 g Georp l'lltn••'s T1lk·l1ck Gen1 TierMJ, Wt!ll1m Bendix. m BIR Co1bJ IMw m Hopn'a Herott (i3) M11ttr,i.c. TI1e1trt (!)Cl) Drtpe1 tr) Fll111 Odyssey "Min ol Arin" (R) Qj) In tht Spottisht A 1934 documentary.~ Robert Fl•· tD Cltyw1tc:h1u A visit to the ci\f· herty tboLlt 11m1H fish1n11sl1nd olf run Ftirlex Senior Ciriltns Cenltc. the cots! of Ireland. (Ii) Ml(ltflfto V1ldez Sllow '1) LI S.tanlu (rl lllCIJ 500 Hi&hMfhb ~ Mo,it: (C) "The k M0111 or tht ffi ~vie: "It's lovt 1'111 After'' lonle" (com) '37 -Leslie Howud, Bttlt {D Condtndt Culpable Divis, Ol1vi1 De Havilland. 11:00 0 IJ) fII Newi O @J IDNewt 1:001J Cl) C1n1moli1 "The Noose" (R) O Good News Cemo; Sha~~riJn Ch1r1cta1 ac1or Tom Skerritt plays 1 (il Miis.htl Dillon man wllo r11u1ns lo Dodge Cily alter D (31 m NtWI 15 ye111 to settle a sco11 and ttkt 0 Movie: ''Vlol1nt Road" {dlil) '5& his ven1t111C1. -Bri1n Keith. Dick Foran. 0 ~ (S NfWI m Truth or Con~q1Hnct1 0 (1) (!) al Monda1 Ni&ht Spt· ffi David frast Show citl "Hollywood Dretm Ftcfory" (R) ~Book ltll Program about the Hollywood lhtl EE Heid1hop (R) ostd le b&:-set .•r1inst the. sound ll:JO D (II CBS lit• Movit: (C) "I LOYI ol !ht 1uct1onee1 s ra~tl 11 II 1111! Mtlvin" (mus) 'SJ-Donald O'Con· ovtl !ht unused t11pp1n1s of Holly· 0 bb" R Id d, , nor, e 1e eyno s. woo 1 most eJot1c era. ~ ""'Ill Joh ,_ G m Jhe Motlll · L WI '™' · nny -rso~ eO!fl 6J p Ml ets·ln· •• Carlin, Oawld Cassidy, S.11 V1u1h1n fil)~:'o1 ·t11t Wetk "Peter iuesL \ OAJLY f'ILOT Stiff ,.Mi. Best Ttvo Out of Tlaree? Alan Levy (top) gives \\/alter Dudek an impromptu 'vrestling lesson as John fJhillips "referec5" in a '1«·111• from the Irvine Cornmunity Theater comedy ··You Can't 'J'ake It \\'ll h \ !111 ·• 'J'he revival continues for t\VO 1nore \'.'eekends, F'riday.; and Saturd.1 , '· u1 !lit· L1< 1 l!umanities Hall Playhouse. Musicia11s Auditioning For 'Lady' Orchestra auditions for the Santa Ana College theater a!'1s dcpartn1ent production of "r-.1v Fair Lady" will be conducted tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock. The auditions are open to all college and advanced high school students. SAC Band Director Ben C!ov er, 'vho will direct the auditions, annou nced that two units of college credit will be available to those \vho are ac· ccpted for the performance and who complete the rehearsal scbedule. Rehr;irsHls \11ill be held from 7 to 10 p.ni. Tuesdays and Thursd;iys lni111 ./unc 19 to Ju- ly 30. Ful'!hcr 111forination un the audition and rchcars;o l i,;chedu!es c;in be obtained by calling 547-9~6!. C':<t. 243. i \ I I \ ~:;i:"':!:J EDWARDS CINEMA H•rbor •I Ad•mt -(01ta MtW 5•,.J101 MQndav Fr"Uy 1,00 pm Se1ur<1~y 9:00 pm Sundt'( I :00 pm. l:OO pm J ;00 pm, 3:00 pm 5:00 pm, 7;00 pm ;\:00 Pm, 1:00 pm t ,OCJpm,ll:OO pm 9,oopm 'Ma11 of La Ma11clia' Really F,.01·n Lo1ido11 \\'hen John \Vood becornes The t a l ! . a n g u 1 a r the .. M,1n of La il'lancha" Fri-Englishma n fits \\'Cll into the d:ty in Full11rlo n Civic Light p.:irt of Don Quixote as he did Oper;i's production, one might inlo the ro!c of Prcfessor detect a slighl British accent. Henry Higgins i11 the Downey 1r ·s real. \Vood recalls that Community Theater's pro- whcn he \1·as a stna!l boy .his duction o[ ''t\'ly Fair Larly" mother work ed backstage at last year. He has remained the Old Vic Theater when Sir active in theater an d recently Lawrence Olivier and Vivian appeared in Long Beach Civic Le igh performed there. During Light Opera's "Man of La the London Blitz, he was one Mancha" as Carrasco. of the many c h i Id r en Plummer Auditorium in evacuated to the country. Fullerton. Chapman at Lemon After serving two years \\'ith Street will house ''Man o[ La the Royal Air Force, he Mancha," FCLO's second pro-- studied at !he Portsmouth duction of its premiere season· College of art and then went There will be s ev en on to London Polyte chnic to performances. June 16, 17, 23, concl•ntrate on drtima. I . d l 24 . 30 and July 1 at 8:30 p.m. I le a1er emigrate o with a matinee on Sunday, ca_n?da \\'ith his \\life. former June 25 at 2:30 p.m. For British actr('!:S. June Rnmsr.v ticket s call 87~1732 \\·here he stayed for eight ilfrii~-~-~=~~;~:~111 years beforr corning t o So"rhern c,,r;rorni:o. _ _ fih)D!OI}! Aho Playl119 "LOVING With Geor91 s.iior ' iva Mari• Saint S11111doy Marl._ 2:00 f'.M, N(WPORT 8 £.A CH • OR.3-8350 Charlton Heston "SKYJACKED" ALSO IPGJ Sean Connery "THE ANDERSON TAPES" Lee Marvin "MONTE WALSH" ALSO IR) Alex Cord Samantha Eggar "THE DEAD ARE ALIVE " "KLUTE " Plus Coll Theatrir for$1cond IOTH COLOR IOTH (IJ lirimes" (21hhr) (R) Ben)1min Bnt lJH ~obtrt IK. Do1n1~ Sl!ow D1Yid t . od 1 . 1 1.~ 1rnsrue1s. ons m tfltOPUI CIS$1C c 1 tSn· O W@ Cl)Dkk Cavttl 1-------------------------1 t t.rrrllft doomed bJ prldt Ind 1mbl· m To Ttfl tflt Trvtk ••• 8) ll ltaifidt 12:00 m Movie: "Nny Wiit• (corn) '56- &l httdon C.ntrtl Join Btnnttf, G1ry Merrill. 1%:30 0 Movlt: '1111 StHI Htln1tt" (dr1 ) 1:30 '51-Gint Evi ns. Sltvt Broclit. Q The Six Wives of 0) Co1111tty MM TI111 * Henry Vlll. Superb u" iJJ 0 0 CJ)~ Ntn Dramatic Series, Starrinc Emmy-Award· Winner Keith Michell D D(BU"f '" Iii W'l\'tl If 1(1111 Hmry Yin ·•etthtrlne ol A11aon" P1rt I KNSC p~n\1 tad! of tht six pl1ys fn this hl1h11 1cd1lmea 1:30 IJ Merit: "Cvtst If the U11clt1cl"' (llOrJ '59-E•ic r1emln1. Kt thlten Crowley. J;DO fJ Mowil: (C) "Honl Kon(' (1dv) '51-Ron1ld Rearrn, Rhand1 flem· in1. BBC StrleS wttich won for Its Siu, 4:30 tJ Jkn _ ..... ~ •• "POSSHSION 0, JOIL tDIUNIY" l)J-"""' AM• II.I "IUFH"-t MllNDS" DAILY PILOT J ;~ 'TV Weekend Sports, Music> Reign By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK iAP) -Spo11s fans and music lovers got most of the programming break!S over the weekend on television. -There was baseball, golf aOO horse r acing, among other sports. And there was Sunday night's rtmarkable "Portrait of Stravinsky" on the public broadcasting stations f o r another cro.,vd. the composer was talking in hi.! Beverly Hills home about everything from the ~asso caricature of himself as a yonger man to a long anecdote about Jean Cocteau's three at- tempts to write a JibrelLo !or Stravin!iky's music. He :1P9ke of music with the entbll!i.Mm of a boy. Jn another he was working with Pierre Boulez correcting an error Boulez had foun~ in one piece of printed music . A wise, amused old man, Igor Stravinsky was seen rehearsing an o rch e st r a. discussi ng a ballet, ansv,rering questions of an intervie1-1·er. Often the lighting \\'as poor, the sound was fuzzy and, rr.ost shots or Pre\'ln, his wtre and the.Ir twins at their country borne outside London. Prev 1n blamed the telev1!lion series. "Peyton Place" -"a piece of unspe'akahle nonsense...-" for malung tt so d1fticuit for hirn and his wife to achieve a private Ji!e because in three ye ars on the series, Mia had become so well known. ~1ost interesting porlion. however. showed Previn in slacks and sneakers con· l.lucting a rehearsal or the shirt·sleeved orches tra. ··1t never (ails lo surpn .. r• me that f lift an baton -i nd lhey play," he said. The hour program was film· eel six and seven years ago when the composer. who died last year. was 83 and 84. It was done in cinema verite style, most fJf the time with the people involved seemingly unaware of camera_ And seem ed to have been handled casually. In some segmen!s diffitult, t h e tonversationh--------::== 'Fi£ltl l er' New Cha111 1> NE\\' 't'OT{K (UPI I - .. Fiddler on the Roof," !he musical nbout ;i Rus· si.'.ln Je11• 1vho prevails despite the 1vorld's best effort s to \\'C:it' him do1vn. preva iled in another sen~t· Saturday by becon1ing the longest run ning sho1v 011 Broru:hvay. \\ :!S ;1 f(•a\urc on Andre !'rrvin :ind hi~ actress-wife. !\li.'.1 Farro\\'. I 1111 CBS. "60 \l1 ntli t'~. f'rl'I 111 1 is a furmer J;l~Z pi:.1n1~t and composer of ll olly\VOud f1\111 scores \\'hO recently 1ras given :1nr.thcr fO!ll" -1·c;1r conlrae!' 11 ith the London Srrnphony I Orchestra. lie v;~s described ! by n a r r r ator-intervie1ver Richard Dimbteby as ··England's Leonard Bern-By unoffic ia l count. th e curtain fell for the 3.225th time on "Fiddler" Satur- day night, one more tiine than "Life wi th Father" in the 1940s. stein." !~~~~~~~~~~~~ There were some interesting Russians Hail ~EDWARDS 'I'HEATRES "Fiddler" already holds the record for the longesl- running musical, having surpassed ''Hello, Dol!y" last year. Pianist Clil1u1·n ..,,,.=,,....,,=:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;::::::; But "fiddler" mav not be much \on~er ror the Great \Vhite \Vfly. Variety, the weekly show business ne\\'soaper \vh ich already has chronicled ;i 900 uer- cent·nlus profit for ''Fid· dler," reports the ~hov,r has been losing money in recent months and n1ay close soon. MOSCOW (AP) -~1oscow music lovers treated American pianist Van Cliburn to "lengthy applause and showers of spring flo\vers" Friday night at the close of his fare\\-'ell conC'ert, the official JJC\l'S agency Tn1>.-; l"lT•nrted. Cliburn said ''Th:ink you for everythint:" serer;'!J tint(•:; i11 I{ussian. Tass noted. fie \\'as completing an eight-concert tour in Leningrad and Moscow. OPENING TONIGHT THE SHOW. BIZ SENSATION SINGER-GUITARIST JOHN McCORMICK Direct From Las Vegas And Palm Springs SAN CLEMENTE INN 125 AVENIDA ESPLANDIAN SAN CLEMENTE 492-6103 ,.. -. -!1ll1Ci SIADIUM·'l ,','I, • --'l.""""C-ll"t~ ., - -1. SIAD/UM! • ~!!_I__.W:, ~ ''WAI. IETWEEN MEN ~WOMEN " 511rrlnt Jae' Lt mmon Ind "$1(1N GAME" Ex<:lv,lvt Orange Covnr, Rt .. rv.a Sut E~tmt11I Noml"•!e<:I tor I Academy Aw.•r<1u "ll'IODLE'R ON TliE ll OOF" ''llLENf 1.UNNING" • "ANDROMEDA STl.AIN'" Tom SmorhtrS "GET TO KNOW YOU R ltABBIT" & "OMEGA MAN" "THI U ST PICTUlll( lHOW" • "THI AN DEi.SON TAPES" "THE NIGHT COMEI S" "SOLDIEll BLUE" a "THE WILO BUNCH" WORlO PREMIERE · MOC &.nflCltl• lttMWJ .... ,,1;;i}~"i .... '"Ww•.t:!'...,.....-'"~ ,....,.... "' Df811JE RfYNOlDS-JAME! GAll:NE~ "NOW SWiil tT IS" Pi • • e&llCN •~VD. AT •t.t.1• • ~ •tT. C-tT HWY.• .......... 0 •WV, •47·•eo• ........ N TH••·t'O. •&AC ,,.,....._ . ., ... .,_, '"f-LA'Y If A£Al1'1. SA~" 2NO BIG ATTRACTION !AMES--COBURN . "THE • ~,., .... , ............... . --.,.._._ . ..,, ......... . -..... '"' ....... ~.. ''') ···. .. • COAST lfWY. MT MACAllTtNlt llvD'. • ~EWPORT BEACH • 644·076 DAILY · 12:J0.31J0.7 & 10 P.M. Mllrlv11 Br•ndu ' "' '" ... "" Nw '" ". "' '" fl< .. t•·-'"" "'' tJ\. "' '~ ,r '·' ''"' "' '" '" N '" N<,r r1,c r:,i IJ ll N It ~j~ flor-. f-lo1 ""' flot I ·~· Nws ... N.,. '" ... , ""' Nw; ... ••• Nori "" ""' Nr!! "" o .. o~r1 0< Octi o" Or;(! °'' O~io O•t [ ,,~]., O~I.• "' ,n om,1 rm~. ""' 0, ~· O i•, O••tl' Ou•: n,r· ""' fowc o~ o,1r '" '" PdcP P•cP P•C$ " ' '" p~,~ p,,; I P~lm P~n P~!l~ ti "~ ' "·"~ P~r ": ·~· r P,1,r O~o ·~· ·~· !'""~ f'enn O.< ·~" P Pl. "' f, ~~ '~" Pnw! p...,,,, p...,,1 P•<>PI ,_ i>fOPI i Pf'rkl .. ' Pti I "·'~' P•!n Pf!ro P61rl Pf'trl Pli>PP Pll~lp Pllll~ Pl>llE Pl\ilE Plld Pllfl P1>FJ f'l>FI l'llll~ r>11;1, Pr'li Pll;I I P~11 <> Pn.rv P r~"' f'••<I "Pl•'· p ;~,, P<rn'" " ' p !!\! Pl.,n Pl~~ PIP" Po!M Port.• P~r•G f'oll"I Po!f l Pn!FI l'~tFI PPC.• P'em p,,..,, Pro(! ··~ P<JS C P\F&. P\I"\. l'\I r; P'..I f• f'5F(, ""~ 11 f'•1Q~I f'~lr e; N PtJ.~11 ''ue~I PW"•I Punt~ Pull P<.1rr Pur~ Purol Ou~~ Qu~k Qu~~ 0~$1 R11$1 "" ··~ ""~ Ri!Y 11.iv1 R~yl '" ~ "~ moo! E•1:1> " ... ' M ' " ' "' " 5W " "' IA " "0 '" UM " ' \j 'I H :, ~ ,. ~· " r ,~ p ?] Ir " M >I G A(~I~ ~·(>( ~I' !"t • '" w ~ v .. Monc:t.1. Junt 12, 1972 ,. --t ML I PILOT . -~ .. Monday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchan ge List Stock Gain Melts 111 Ligl1t T1·ading . J\'EW YORK (AP) -Alter five strai&ht "'" . s1ons of sharply declining price1, the stock market held the line loday. Trading was barely moderate after a slon1 start. "This is better than last week," commented Bradbury K. Thurlow, of Hopping & Watson. Ho said he took cot1rage from "the failure or last week's ;oiling ot carry through." ' ' t1rt>Qr1 Ntn1 r .,..,..,.,, tiwi""' Nwn n~r N'>'l<OO ti 'l'Sf"G NY~fpl tJi •~Vlo N >1M11r ll>•MPI r ,,,.,.,,, N ~'1-olf t11 ''" NI I ! , ,, rl • ,, " I, ,r, ri;, I "' , . " '"' .. ·~ ,., ... "' "' "' : y~ ' ' ' f,,\ , • I 11 ~tll l'h1I I Uo/llh t/ No/\~,.r ,, ,..,..-i IJ ! ·~ tkc. re.~ ~3 I J I l, I ,7 Nll(,•,ur t l1l I./ MI '-I ;7 tl'?("!G, I (lj) liG.,(, 1•1 \ IJ '.G~! \ •O Nt SIP,. I 11) 1:,.;,r>ot I to 11~ru10.•t~ e "'"''"•01>( 1 Nw~IA"I IS NN ll~n I 40 N,..s1 !n 75d Nwl l In~ w~ Nw>! In pl I N .. ~1101 1 ~o N ... 1tlnolC S NwMul IX! Nwe•I Stf'el NorlnCo 11 ~ Norsm 2.,,~ Nori $1"1 wi Nr!SI p1 1 611 NVF (p lSI 01k Ind ,1• Oa~l!rPr 80 OctllPt l,h Occ><1P1 p! • O<cPtpt l 641 f\•:ilf'n(p e(I <kllln r f 1 91 u•11n [d I !• 0 •1£ ti l~O n~f;;or • I 7~ l~l,>l<G I I• I ,.,,,r r •P A~ nm.1•> ~• l•n~,,.,,L /~ Op~!~., II< I O'R~l l(O 0'i<(l(<J? () ,1n •(! M I Out'·• r .I\ ()~<'" r • n IU Owc,,ri: Ja lo~~"! I 10 O"°'nlll 1>! • Odt!llnd ,&o P .. cc ... 1 t? """ ll9 '68 PacPt!rl •o PdcPwr l ti ,, .. ,~ ..... ! ,.,,, Pcl&T1 10 p,., Tln .'!o<l .. P1>n" WtDb Pd!n .. Wb pf r 111m Bii is P,1n Am \'14 P1~hdl 1 I~ P .. !!t•t .!>::<1 .... ,~ .. , ~1 P,1r~Hn 1 ~• Pl'f~Ptn 40 P,1'ro lnr P...,p C,,llon p...,,, (fn!r Peoinrv I Of 1·-~0I'< I~ Penn f"•u•• r•;tC "' '11~ """~PL 1 60 P PI ol 160 PPL1>f 810 PPl,.PI ~00 PPLpl 4Sb ""'"WI I XI Pnwt DI I j,(I p..,,,,,,,I RO ""'"'"' l ll l'•ool Or S\ PHIDGt l t~ P"'s<Co r ""'~lnEI .n Pel tnc 1 J5 P•f In( pl I P•!rrPI ! :'O "•'"" sr ot0 P•!•OI,,.. .J.,t Pe.tr! 1>1 l J I 1>.-urc 1 St>d "'"'' 60.o Pt1 .. 10 O l 10 Phll~E I l 6.1 PhilEl1>! ~ , ~~~:E~jf,,/'i Ph!lot a 10 Phrl ot ')O Pr.r1 DI l ao P 1111<;.,ll I 70 Pl'l,t•oM l )4 "~ l·<>~l'l 16 1>11 t 1no or 1 P~ Oct I :>Q P lldVn!I 61) P c',,,,_ Intl Pl~, NG 1 Ja I' II• rv ! •• p1~~G11s ~? p, ~orv I> .M I' 1-o•Q 80 P!tt,to!\ 1>Co<! Pl.m e~rcl'I Pt~Vbo'f 11 111~ .. ~v 11 ro•~•ol!I .71 Po•t~c 80 Por!GE l fl Poll11!cl1 F 1 P!>!rl Pwr I Pol Ftnl 4 04 PNf-lor 2 41 l'PC:lnrf 1 •6 P•~"'t"~ JO P rcn1 DI ~0 r>roclGI l't PrNIRQt .1 a 1•u\ Col l n l'~F ... G 1 11 •·~rt.of'~' J"l\I f-1>1 I 4~ PV"f-DI '•Cl r~l'<;nl 1 •O P~!> ll'tl 2 '6 l"•JPSlpl 1'; r><;1rtt"t 1 Of! f'~ Ntl11 1 ~· f'q:•! c~r \k l"~rD!"I 7811 l'lJl'•fRC 40 Punt~P 1 84 l"•U!m~nfn 1 Py, .. ,(p Al "'"''"' 1 JS Purol •lr .U R1lt !on .lO P~mrtl~ ,lt R•l'ICO I" ,'1 p,.~ ii Am•r P<lVbe\lOI 1 P .•v'nt1 .161! A~'fll'lon • .0 RCA Corp I llEW YORK fUPIJ -Tne lolloWl'l!I 11!1 1ho\I/\ l"lO.t ~1'11 <lowo thp molt lletrG Clfl Pl'l"(•P! cl f•CfM'l'J~ <e<ia•!llt~ of volum,. Nt' ~n!I Pttctnt~~t ,~ .. 11e11 lrt 1111 dit11renc1 •ti(! lad•Y'~ (IOllnt Ol1(t. 1 M~cO..,..l<I ~ Std Kolllm" J Nt Stel'!d .1.'i ' Levl11 Furri J wn1Fry .OU j Cn $IH I .41) 1 Pl1n ltt'.J' I ATO 1!K I ' Pv•bltl • 10 O.d• ·c. ,t• 11 e1r19rp ·fll' I 11 M•l(oC• ,1, 11 ern Slorll ·'° \I t>e•n w .lOtl 09c:!t!ICP Ml "r:•lt,.,. Curl 11 •r!Wl .0. 'I E I CO!'P , ...,,.~,, Sci ,_,, 111.1rnt In( 11 P11ne Wd1b ,, Publlct• ~ ?) I~ 1 Ml,.lr<I 11 McG"f' 0 2J Grt~~tltl wl Uo Uo Uo ~= "' uo Uo H: Uo 8: Uo "" "' Uo Uo Uo Uo U• Uo Uo Uo " U.3 I MtStT'l n 10.t 2 Lontt IL I rl 10.f l M•YIJW .~ 'H I ;;r~_:;; ,.. ,.f~ .a! l1tt~~ ,.1 I! enrr.. ~ s .. 1• M.-.111 ··r., S.f 11 S-11 IN 5.S ,, ~ .... "' l·'l' fl !rt•• :l 11 • .:fa s1 5. 1 11 MleflfV 1 .• • • n (;tlfftlfl .tM • ~ n ~Vfllll•~· Ml t.1 ''Pc ll' 1-'·II •.1 2S F1ll,I I , 1~ MOST ACTIVE lTOCK5 "II Ii•! Mii "' ' l"I llEW YORK !U P11 -ln• IS ,~· .tv•!I l'lifll .. ,., .ft ~~""e ,1M\I tr&ded on 111t New York ~h1v,11r ., ... 11•, !>!Mk E••~Nle Mondw~ .... n MllCrt ..... lOt, vrn 1 ,,.,., •.• ., , t\' '-M O! H J .... .. $1111 Clttt (Ill. M''' 1 W ..... 1 1011 t;uiron ........ m.11•," i ~ l\ldt: H It. """ tt, AOYll 0\11(11 ,. •• ~ •• fn~ """"" ;;, A T a. T ., .. •. flt, 4 14 ~l Stil Oii (al . , .... 16 ,e.11..-111 ""'' P••¥10ul 41•11 w,.. _ """"'" •00 Vt~r ''° -1 ~lflln. Ml l ... ou 1.io l.IDe<G" 2t SvGn pt l.ill t VII 16 Urvl'V Flld . .. .. 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' -·' " Complete Closing Prices-American Stoel( Exrhangc List '" ·l " • ' " ,' • " ' ' " ' '' 'I " " ' ~l 11 .. , .. " ' " . J 1 li " :~ 21•! , " 11 16 1 9•. ' !~. ' . • " ' ,, .1,' 11'1 ii ,;,, -;J ' ,, ' " " ••• •• I•.:.. u n. '" ,. -WW- • ' .> • . " 21 I~ ~ :a'. ' l 3 ••• .. " " ' ' • ' • • • ' ... ' • ' " I •• •• • ' • " ' • 6 1, 1 , .. ~ ' J'o 1 ,1, 1? 81• 11 !• " ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' " • ,, " •• 1e1~ , .. ... ... " .. Bri efs I " .. ,.. • " • .!.. • &'•' '• 16 • • J'• ' . ._ ' ' ' ·' ,- I . . " J 8 DAILY PILOT "And now for a little number I wrote mvself which quite by accident has my phone number in it ... :. L. M. Boyd Old lndia11 Cl1i ef Had Sex Appeal Those scientists who make a study of Uquor troubles say the human OOdy is least able t.o cope with alcohol at noon, best able around 8 o'clock in the evening. A drink at lunch, they aver, kicks a Jot harder lhan a dinnertime nip. Remember that. ATLAm!C CITY'S boardwalk was not so named be- leap. cause it was made of boards. Started out as Boardman's Walk, the brain- chi!d or « railroad conductor named Alexander Boardman. Time shortened it. FACT THE law in North Carolina requires twin beds in motels to be at least two feet apart was reported. What wasn't reported is this legal dis- tance is .t8enerally referred to by al· torneys thereabouts now as the lover's QUERIES -Q. "Who said, 'Bachelors' wives and old maidA' children are always perfect'?" A. That was Nicholas Chamfort, the Frenchman. He also said, "A woman is like your shadow -follow her, she flies; ny from her, she follows." Q, "JUST about all a woman doctor's patients are likewise women, right?" A. Nowhere near all. Three out of 10 are men. Aver- age. SEX APPEAL, that was the characteristic common lo most American lndian chiefs. Not courage, necessarily. Nor physical strenglh. Nor brains, even. The historians who make this fascinating claims try to prove it with lhe contention that most of said chiefs were selected by the women of their tribes, not the men. GOLD -Maybe you didn't know your hair. if any, contains gold. Just 430 parts per billion, to be exact. .HOW MUCH can a working wile actually expect to clear after laxes, transportation, extra dresses, lun ches, so on? Just about 40 percent of her paycheck, that's all. MORE mAN hair the souls who walk into small Joan companies to apply for quick cash get turned down, the sta- lislics show. ANY YOUNG lady who wants to inspire her gentle- man friend to propose matrimony might consider this. The experts on C"Oior psychology contend she ciught to wear something red. if the old boy is particularly shy, but some- Uting white, if she's especially aggressive. AM ASKED to name the country's first circus. That was Rickell 's, probably. In Philadelphia. In 1792. Or so It states in the record book at hand. Wasn 't that the outfit whereat a trapeze artist introduced tights by putting on a performance in his red flannel underwear after his uniform failed to show up from the cleaners? Believe so. Address ma il to L. J\.1. Boyd. P. 0. Box l875, f•leiv· port Beach, Calif. 92860. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY! • , ... _...iL._., ___ ,.,..,._ ••• .-_,_.._ ~-.n-''' SUBMARINE SANDWICHES 3 FOR Chucked full of assorted luncheon meats, lettuce & dressing. One's a meal. I' ' ,. " ' ALL THE SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT With meat sauce and parm~ san cheese, crisp coleslaw, roll & butter. c DAILY 10·1 0, SUNDAY 10-7 1 • '' • • • i t COCONUT BON BOHS 2/1.00 • • Delicious 1 lb. package of coconu t hon bons. A real treat f-or the whole family, QEU~'tt::::S&@e;g::g1 ftG9Ut!iO:fd!&fS§J4 'Mt &!@/M\l§@k2%*W#!iMl!S#F MttM'at@RN?iiJt! ii1 %Hl&fJit!liMUajikrilJSff&l ; IM m . / . . . . . CHARGE IT! . · ·. ' ... ---..:..C<. -i..::: ....• :~i;.........\..-.J.' ·:..-:.__._ ....:..~ -Ztll:::::ZftF'""TI."""7·,.;~;.;:tr,E"A,f'l"'";;'~.Jii$ ~£:~rn'WW"'f'W'f:i$J,llfQi>·<Si1 ~7'.$,.i;.'!;;;5ii2bill&!tAPSJCSi'4P ew TUBEROUS BEGONIA 2.3' Beautiful begonias for hani:;· ing boskc't, rose fol"m. Dou · bles a.nd singles. Corne in as• sorted colors. '. ' ~ ~.I f: lj ' '. ,. ~ ~ I !. .. ' cf .. ·> •,.l'"l{f , • ,;:l< <. l ,;l,:;.J; J'\" '"""'· ';,'"'!., ~ .: ' ENVELOPES 28' Box or 100 ct. envelof)('.~- 3''{ x 6%" size. Shop and .saveo! ' " MARVEL THE MUSTANG $5.00 • Push-Pull drive: r.1arvel gallops ""ithout motor or battery. Shop and ~ave at this low Kmart price • ' MEN 'S HARNESS BOOTS REW. 7.f7 $4g71 JO"' bro'''" vinyl boots «'Ith side 2\ppef' and bucklt'd harnl'SS effect for added style. SuPf'r-comfortable to wear. Styl- i.sh below flared slacks. 7-12. '---------------------•~·, .. ~·~.1':.~~:~nr~~lf';'.~D.:.""'* .. ""'~~~~-.~~~~~~·'£>'~il' }if: .. ~ ":.~,"""""""'""'" r: Burly Ex-Navyman Joins Meter Maids 'I j SAN DIEGO (AP) -The unaccustomed to seeing a newest nieter maid In town male meter maid. NOW! complained a man swung back a fist in anger when a ticket was pinned on his car. "He would have been wear- ing that scooter if he hit me." said George Allen. referring to his police tratfic 8COOter. A S-foot-4, 210-pound retired Navy man, he has joined San Dh!igo's all-girl force of meter maids because it was too con· fining tnslde as a city police ditpotcher. Allen' and the seven girls bMd. out $2 citations for cars ~ 1t expired meters and $4 Uctets for overtime park- la(. . Wl»le. the girls wear a skirt and bloUle on the job, he's allowed to work in his slacks, whlle .idrt alld tic. i;..ille &iymcak, supervillng meter maid+ said a apt<:lal ti- tle of_ ...... control officer -~ Au.. ~ ... "we dlclnl llilak aMler maid suited hizD.H ' • I .~' Joi> ..ulta him, uys ~ 'a<epl !Cir the OC• ealiliiill' cotealls oncf lll'C&ltic eom11!0111r 11 t e "hello, ....U.• from p atrer.sb y In July, more men are e1- pected to be hired and then everybody will be known as a parking control officer. 2nd Tribe Due Share REDWOOD HANGING LOG PLANTER LH.IJ -llx7 Disco1111/ Price REDWOOD STAIN 97'•J.L SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The Yurek Indians shouJd share equally with the Hoopas in the $1 million-a-year This btautiful redwood hanging planter 'Wil( idd ch.arm A hlahly penetratinc wood revenue from timber-cutting •nd ~aury to any patio. Buy several ~t thi1 price •lain with natural redwood on the 12-square-mile Hoopa color. 2 DAYS ONLY 1.99 Kodak'• MW Super 8 ftlm S1lM1 you brighter, aha,.,...,_,,.. cotorful home -ovies than ...,. t>.forel Svper t has 50% More pkture area than NSIWw a,.,. RIM. Th••'• no threod- lftg, no ·flip-o¥W; Super I comes It• factorr-loaded ICodopot ~. carlridsr-that toad lMtantly-let yov shoot a fl.di 50 fMt of oction wtthout stopping. Valley Indian Reservetk>n, aJ!::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::;:;:;:;;:::::::;:;;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: U.S. Court of Claims trlaJ commissioner has ruled. t ~E~~:~:~.~1~:r:r:: USE YO.UR Kmart Charge or Bankamericard andlssubjectOOre~ewby the~---............................................................................................. -.. ......................................................... , ~:i:;,memtie. cour t or PATIO HOURS: NOW OPEN 10 to 10 DAILY. 10 to 7 SUNDAY William Wunsch, attorney for tht Yureks, uld that 1lnce 1951 ebout ft4 million has been paid to 1.200 Hoopu alld that 3,IGO Yurtl tlldlans should be tr1tllled to share equally In the timbtr-<"Utting revenue. -· --. -· --. --. 2200 HARBOR BL VD. ~;7::~· 0~~ COST A MESA ' ~ Harbur 17 17 Lag1•••a Beaeh EDITION T ... y's Fbud N. Y. Steeb VOL. 65 , NO. 16", J SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY; JUNE 12, 19n TEN CENTS Pilot Held Over Coast Stunt Flying A hair-raising st ries of acrobatic stunts including ont powtr di\'t' to rooftop level over four Orange Coast cilie! led to the arrest or a pilot pursued by l\vO police JJehcopters early today. J{ichard B. Loomis, 24, of Arcadia, v.•as taken in to custody at Orange County Airport shortl y allt·r midnight along 'ft'ith one of his three passengers. Loomis was arrested by C'rev.•men or the Costa Mesa police helicopter Eagle II and booked into jail on suspicion of vio lating section 21407 .5 of the Publi~ Utilities Code. Officers Randy Nutt and David Brooks charged Loomis under t~ PUC Code "'ilh operating a plane while under the in· fluence of an intoxicant. Incidents were cited over Nev.·port Beach, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. One passenger. Tom F. D'Angelo, 23 , or I 131h Turquoise Ave., Balboa Island, was also arrested on swpicion of being drunk in public. Investigators \i:ho said they confiscated a half-gallon jug of vt'ine from the coc kpil of the red-and-white Cessna aircraft in- volved in the aerial escapade alleged all four occupants had been drinking. Only Loomis , who had no pilot's license in his possession, and D'Angelo had ap- parently consumed enou gh to warrant thei r arrests, according to invesLiKaling officers. Officers Brooks and Nutt said they first spotted !he plane flying erratically in the area of lhe Santa Ana ruver, between Costa ~1esa and H4Dlington Beach. They charged th at Loomis, a utility com pany employe, went into a stetp power di ve and only pulled out 100 feet above ground level. Giving chase, the y were joined by the Newport Beach police helicopter and claimed they saw Loomis go into a steep climb over UC Irvin e before nearly stal· !ing. The plane then made a sharp, 100. degree turn and headed back over Newport Beach, at times ioon1ing as low as 500 feet over residential art:as. Shepherding tht: zig-iagging plane back toward Orange County Airport, arresting officers in the hellcopter said Loomis barely missed crashing into a 4()..foot glide slope Indicator tower while landing. He was stopped at midfield by airport security officers who ordered the flier to ) ouse avern Petitions Set Group Opposes Hillside Project Organized oppositicm. ro a. plan to de\'elop seven acres of hillside property abo\'e Laguna 's city hatl corupl ex wilh :!00 senior citizen apartments \\.'as Cliristine Du.e At Awards Fete TransseXUal Otrlltine Jorgemen and actor Jay North of "Dennis the Menace" fame w.tll be guests at tonight's Laguna Beach HI g h School drama department awards program. Drama In st r u ct or Jerry McCullough said Mi.!ls Jorgensen, who recently moved to Laguna Niguel, will be asked lo "say a few \l.'Ords" lo those attending the awards presentation. Actor North also is expected to speak to the gathering. The presentation v.·111 take place at the Festival of Arts Forum Theater at 7:30 p.m. Outstanding drama students wiU be honored at the event. High Court Gives Lawyer 'Right' To Defendants WAS•IINGTON (AP ) -The Su preme Court today granted all defendants who face a possible jail term the right to be represented by a lawyer. The 7 to 2 d~ision delivered by Justice William O. Douglas, guarantees a lawyer's help to millions of poor people who sre prosecuted for petty offenses and miJdemeanon. Less than half the 1tatn supply free ·lawyers to defendants in all trials that could lead to a jall term. The hlstorl.c rul· ing, an e.xpansioo of ~t Six~ Amend· ment decisions, will neceuarily change trial practices in &hose alfl.t~. Chief Justice· Warren E. Burger, who went along, said he was confident the legal profession would meet the "large new burdens" placed upon It. Justices Lewis F, Powell and William 11. Rehnquist, the court's lreshman mem· bers objected to the sweep or tbe dec~ion althoucb they did not dissent in a technical senoe. Tiiey aid the court should have ruled'then ii 1 right 1o a ta wyer only when 11neceaacy to assure a ia1r tilal'." In llllS· I .... !mown u Gwi-v. WlinWright lold the principle that 1 mon on trial for "lerioul off~" bu tbe rifJ>I to I ilwYer ud 11111 U be cam>ol af· ford ... lbe state iilulllulil>lt COlilsel. Until tbea, the Sb<th Amendment bod b<en int.rpnled u oeceuUaUog ilwyen oolY 'In capitol offe..., -when tbete we I chance of a d:eath teoteoce. Subsequel)lly, the court granted the right to a· Im l•WYer """" the Jall tenn could, be sl:I months or mort. Toclay:a "dedllon wipes Olll the dlatino- tion between felonlea and mlademeanon for petty off..-ao for u thll rliht ta concerned. Unle1t • defendant lmowlnll1 and lnt.W,ent11 woi-a lnyer'1 helJ>, he CllllGI be 1f!111 14 prloao "for ony of· f ..... wllllller. dulllled .. petty, -.,...... or felont, unlea he wu r'fPl'tttnled by COUDKl at his lrta1 ,'' ~wn>le. launched Sunday by a group of Mystic Hills homeowners. They agreed to form a fact.finding committee and circulate petitions pro- testing the variance builder-developer John Elden will seek at a Planning Com- mission hearing June 19. He will ask the commission to rezone the land from R-1 (single residential) to &3 (mllltiple rWdenll4!>. • , ·· • Elden's plan is far pedeatrlJD-Orlented homing for retlr..t, low-in<omo persons, wtth access to the clofvntown area by an inclined outdoor· ele•ator. If city approval were grant.Id, be would seek a low-i nterest construction loan from federal funds eannarked for 5enior citizens housing, to permit building of the complex at a cost permitting reasonable rentals, Elden .!laid. Following the Sunday mteling. 38 signatures were obtained on the petitions of protest . Appointed to the fact-finding committee \\'ere Roger Dennls, 430 Blumont St .. Mrs. Marguerite DeLoach, 425 Blumont St.. Irving Johnson, 620 Mystic Way. William B. Stearn. 480 Blumont St. and Philip E. Pold, 622 Mystic Way. The petitions list seven reasons for the homeowners' opposition to Elden's plan· ned development or "any apartment units" on the hi!Wde property. They are: -Tremendously increased burden on our .already overloaded mun I c Ip a I services, without corresponding increases ' in tax revenue. --Poor access in case of fire . -Stability of th is ground is highly question able. -Federal financing will usur p ci ty con· trol. -No apparent control over .1r provision against re-sale or sub-leasing, leading lo influx of possibly undesirable tenants at low rental s. -No assurance or guarantee the com- plex will be restricted to senior citizens. -Granting Of this variance would downgrade the entire character of this area as now regulated by city ordinance and surrounded by a large concentratJon of u~sive and valuable 1.ingle family residences. Following the meeting, opokesmon William B. Stearn urled Interested prop- erty owners to attencl the Jmie 19 P1ur ning Commission hearing, or, if tmable to attend, to file letters protesting the variance applic1tlon. Gown Modeling Set at Chapel Weddlog gowns worn throua boul the YWI In Sl Mary's Epilc:opol diurtb ond will bo ·moclefod·Tulldoy evening • ,.....,.. to bo Jlftl<llled 11 the by Iii Lqmlo Beach COmmunlly lllltorical ~. Slidel ol the londmlrk chepel, -to be dlanlnlled Ind ralored, oloo wUl be shOlm ll>d Yestry ~ Joon Bedell wm · . d!SCUJs tlforls being mode to reconstruct the !tit bUlldlng, whidl 1111 been condemned·u 1trudurill1 unsafe. lnlormol tours of the clllrch ind chapel area will begin 11? p.m .. followed by a -ram,ld the Guild Hall al 7:4$ p.rg., along with rtfree.hments and muslc. lntert'st.ed rtsktents are Invited to at- tend. Persian R~ Vanishes A l'enlon ru& volued at 1135 dlop- poored S!m41y liun the Rug Shop, 1217 S. Colll 81"""1, P.O.. 11ld the 41by7· foot rug 1pponoUy wu taken while the cJ<rt WU busJ'. O.-ILY ,!LOT ,. ..... W LM ''l'M A Heavy Bear to Cross ' Actually, Bruno, who played Gentle Ben, was just that as he joined members of the First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa at Sunday Sc hool. Led by trainer Ren Oxley, of Saugus, Bruno appears to be just another face in the crowd after Sunday seniice. Newest honorary Sbnda'y SChool member to receive certificate from Rev, James 0 . Combs (ushering Bruno along behinij ti'a!nerJ Is not without humon weakness. Bruno's rice I• .addiction to jellybean.. Lifeguards Log Quiet W eekcnd On Area Beacl1es Despite balmy weather and fairly large beach crowds, Laguna Beach lifeguards logged a "quiet" weekend, with no rescues. Moderate surf and low tides during the peak beacbgoing periods Saturday and SUnday cmtributed to the peaceful ac:ene. Jelljfish, Which have plagued swim .. mm in recent weeks , were still around, but are dimlnisblng in numbers, auards reported. With air temperatures arouod. 74 and water warming up to 64 degrees, Stind ay crowds on city and adjacent county beaches numbered an estimated 40,000. On Saturday, when overcast did not Hrt till after midday, crowds did not exceed 25.000. The 18 man lifeguard force will begin Its full summer cov.erage, Saturday, with II guar~ manning 21 llleguord statlo ... two emergency vehicles and the reecue boat aeven days a week. Skeleton, guard crews man the beacbel ·cturini-fall, winter and IJlring months • Seniors Court Gives Clubs OK To Bar Negro Guests WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today upheld the r ig ht of private clubs to exclude Negroes as guest!. The 6 to 3 decis ion was delivered by freshman Justice William H: Rehnquist. II went againlt a black brought u a guest to the Moose LOdge in Hani1burg, Pa. The black, U!roy Irvis, the majorlly leader of the Pennsylvania Hou11e, con- tended that because the club held a liquor license from the state it could not exlude black! as members or as guests. Today 's decision deaJt directly with the exclusion of blacks as guests -and not with their exclusion a.!I members. Rehn· quist said lrvi.!I could not challenge the Lodge's all·while membership policy because he: had never applied ror membership, but had only been brought to the club as a guest. Rehnqul st said the club's refusal to l!OTV< Negroes does not violate the llfh Awarded Amendment even lhough the l\.foose Lodge gets its liquor license through the a tale. "Since state.furnished oervlcea Include such necea1ities of life as electricity, water, 1od police ind fire protecllon, such • holding would utterly omuculote the dlatlnction between private as dlstingulsbtd from ll1te conduct," he 11ld. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justices Harry A. Blackmun and Lewil F. Powell, the three other Nixon 1d· ministration appointees, lined up with Rehnquist, a former assistant attorney general. Justices Potter Stewart and Byron R. White allO were In the ma· jorlty. Dls>enling were Justlc<t Wlllilm O. JlouilH, WlUllm J, Brennan Jr., and 11Blrlood Manhall, the oour\'1 oaly Negro member. $66,225 3 V aledictoriaris Lead Class irt Laguna Assembly . By FREDERICK SCllOEMEHL OI tlle oallr ,.... ..... Led by trl-nledlctoran Wllllnm Bird, Jane RethleltOD and Krlllin ThleM. lt% Laguna Beod1 llllh School oenlors walked olf with •.flS in awards al the 11111u1I 1wardl a-.bly this mornin«. Bini, Mlll•Ilethle!oen IDd Mis> Thlene Ud1 maintained 4.t (straight A) grade point ,...._ clurift& their fOlr yeon oL high ocbool Eich •u presented • special award fro1n Principal Donald I-I aught. Studcnta and members of the com· munity packed the high school boys' gymnaalum to watch the graduates rec::elve the cash and scholarship vaJues, aome f2:5,000 greater than the total 1mount preanted last year. , Jllldlng the cash scholarships was ..... praented by the Laguna Buch F'estlv1l of Arts to 21 graduates. ' Other slteable 1rants Included 18,000 from the Thur11ton Foundation to 24 students and $3,000 fron1 the Ebell Club to 111 1tudenl3 ond $3,000 from the Ebell Club to 11J: students. Winners 1nnounced 11 the ,,..mbly and. the awarcb rea:lved are u followa : ~· \=c: a?.~T;!~~/~·•11""-~ ,~':':., ~t9f' Awtrfl; Clllf'I (Set AWARDS, P11t II taxi IO\lt'ard the tower building , whtrt be was to meet in\'estigatlng officers. Police said Loomis' plant: finally halted only one foot from the building and near- ly co llided with two rows of parktd aircraft as tM weaving Cessna pulled up to a halt. The suspect was held ln lieu or $250 bail this morning. while pohce forwarded a report of the incident to the Federl'l l Aviation Admi nistration for pos.!lible ad· ditional legal action. Restaurant Loot Set At $3,500 By JACK CHAPPELL 01 Ill• OlllY ~1 .. 1 111ft Two men, nne brandishing a !nub-nosed revol ver, held up Laguna Beach's fam ous \Vhite House restaurant shortly after 8 a.m. today, tak ing al least $3,:SOO in week end receipts. Kory Saruwatari, operator of the restaurant, at 330 S. Coast lligh"''ay, his wife Gladys and Dan ~1ikc\s, an employf, were tied and left unhannttl 8.!I the two men )eft the eatabllahment. Saruwat.ar\ said ht was working behind the restaur•t bar wben he looked up and 11w a-man with a run faclnl bim. Tllo 1111m11"' ~ u al Jllldlum heJllil, wUJi, a titlender build ind dart> hair, Ortlericl . Jiiin to coll the other tmploye1 out. Dan Mikel1, work.Ing In tht men'1 rest room ttepped out and faced lhe gunma•. "What a th ing to happen , and I've got only three more days left." Saruwatari said, explaining that on Wednesday, he would end his lease of the Laguna retit.aurant which he has operated since 1961. The business was establi.!lhed in 191!. After taking all the money from the of- fice, tbe gunman and his· accompliCll went to the bar area and collected more. money the re, Mrs. Saruwatarl and l\.1ikels were then freed from the locked storeroom and. with Saruwatari, tied to the pedestala of the re1taurant tables. " 'I'm sorry I have lo tie you up like thi,,' the guy 1aid to me,'' Mrs. Sannratari Aid. Siie llJII hod ftlll or/ her wrists where her bondl been ~ ed. "I just stood there, waiting for someone to say something and this guy stuck his gun in my stomach and told me 'move over there,' " Mikels recounted following the robbery. I ~1rs. Saruwatari. working ln the kitch-- en, was called out into the rutaucant area and then she and Mikels, were locked In ~ storeroom. ' 1be gunman then forced Saruwatari to 1 the office and made him open the aafe. 1be other man scooped up the money. l>mdllng ti up In hi• 1hlrt wblcll be bid wmicked from hlo lroalerl. . "The 111Y boldlnl the CUD aeemed qltated, lie kepi N:Yllw 'limy up, don'I. bother with tlio diocb ot the omoll 1tuff,' " Saruwallfl uld. · · "He dktni ue_ me Yery wtll," Ml.tell (See WHITE llOVS&, P ... II ...... c .... Now )'Oii ,., """' Ille cor. Tiie w.11hetlody -,.... ._..en the 11ori.m tw ,,_.Y -...i therealler. mp. al 'Ill ezpoded 11 the be-. ..... lo 1$ -Lon In lllo Wit - INSDtli:.ToD.t.Y ·- L.M. leYt ,, ...... . Ctllftnoi.. I Clltt.•U'.. ..1' C....lt• II c.......... ,, ..... NoltkH I 111•1twt.1 .... • . ..,.. ...... ,. ,1_.. 1 .. 1. ......... ,. AMa....... 1• ~ ............. ... ........ " -.. Ii ........... ._c...., ' • .,.~ ...... \4 '""" llo'lt J'9dl ........... , • T........._ 11 -u -. .............. " --. • • • • • i • ' . ' I " ' OAllV PILOT $1•11 Ph•I• VIEW FROM ABOVE SHOWS CTPA MODEL OF FESTIVAL OF ARTS AREA IN LAGUNA CA NYON Plan Calls for Undergrounding Portion of ROl!d and Creation of Additional Parking General Telephon e Ci1t s Amount Sought in Hike General Telephone Company of California, serving orange Co a s t subscribers in lbe Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach areas, hat reduced its current rate increase application from $21.4 million to $10.1 million annually. The amended application, it was stated, resulted from a recent California Publi(' Utilities c.ommis.!ion ruling regarding a rate increase for Pacific Telephone, as a result of which General Telephone ex- pects to receive fll millioo additional revenue annually from PacUlc Telephone sallemeoy, ~ Public bearings on General's rate in- crease 1pplication are scheduled to begin t o d a y in the State Building, 197 So. Broadw1y, Los Angeles. Public witnesses are to testify on June 19. Qianges are proposed in basic rates for both residence and business customers, serrice c o n n e c t i o n s , non-published listtnp and customer-requel!'.ted phone number Changes. Tbe utility is requesting a S-cent monthly increase for reside n ti al customers, 15 cents a month for business customers and 20 cents per month for PBX trunb. A 25-cent per month cl'iarge for each non-published phone Dumber, a $5 charge to change a residence phone and $10 to Laguna to Hold ' Unique Campaign For Boys' Club The Boys' Club or Laguna Beach _Is launching a unique Back-a-Boy fund~ra1s­ ing drive to help ease its current finan· cial problems, Individual~ and organizations are in- vited to back one boY for one year at lhe club, at a cost of $80. This is the amount, says executive director Neal Hopkins. needed to give one boy use of the club fa cilities for a year, including building maintenance. person· ncl, shop and sports equipment and other recreational and educational services. "t present the cl ub is serving 36S youthful members. who pay an .annual membership fee of $1.50, and the goal, U the Back·a-Boy drive is successful, is a membership of about 500. A check for $80 made payable to the Boys' Clu b will guarantee at lea st one boy a full year's use of the fa cility, says Hopkins. OIAN•I COAST L• DAILY PILOT Tiie Ofanl't COQI 1:¥.ll.Y PILOT. wtltl .....,.kh b cornblntd tlMI N-..rr.u., ,. publllhtd b'f t!I• Or~ c-1 ,_,.,...,..,, C'ofnpariy, s~ nte .clltion\ llr. Pllbll)flfd, Morld•Y ttl~ll Frid1y, 191" Co.la Me1a, .. .-wp:irl tlffdl, 11.ntlrl;ton &tl<h!Fouritaln Valley, Utvn• tlttch, INlf!e/Stddltiblcll •l'ld 5,,. C1tmfflftf Sall J 11111 Ctpbtrano. A sf"91• rt11lon•I ~!liOOI I• pvb!Jslltd Sltvnltys •rid Svnchf'. Ti,e prlnc:IHI PIJbllsll"" """' h al U) Ww,I &1y S!rltl, Co.ta Mftf, C•Ufomit, n.N. Ro1t1rt N. Wted Prnkle<W •rid P1obllsllet J1ck R, Curl1y Viet Pf"t:slG""I tl1d 0-tl Ml""'91' lhorn•c K11 ,if E<1i10r Thoma1 A. Murpf.!ftt MtMfolfnt EdlfW" Ch•rl11 H. Looi R;c!.tr4 '· N•ll ~lttMI M"'"1!9 Edllon IAtn• .._. Offtff 221 Fo1t,t Av•nu• M•lll11 AJJrt••: P.O. 111 66'. f1612 -~ CMlf Maa: no wm .. ., 3trwt ·=Mdu »33 l<t...-t hl.lleYl'N H1111! Ifft ... (fl: 17'7S l•dl '°'11...,.nf 1911 C 19> • ....,_ RI CtrnlN 11:•1 '"•••••• 1n~11 MJ ... 121 C1m"'"1 .._.,.,, .. , I 6-41..JIJI ...,_..._.Al!!..,a1..m: T 111•111 4t4-M66 ~·· 1911, o..,.. C..11 ~llblllflllt c.m,.,...,, Ne """" '"""'· '""""''*-· change a business phone are included . 'The original $21 .4: million rate increase request was filed in February to offset increased labor costs. From Pagel AWARDS. • • Diving, Photo Gear Worth $2,000 Taken ' Plan11ers to See Festival Plaza Details Tonight A detailed proposal for creation of a Festival Plaza will be presented to the Laguna Beach Planning Commission at 7:30 o'clock tonight by the Citizens' Town Planning Association. A model, photographs and a brochure will be used to illustrate the plan to turn the road area in front of the Festival of Arts grounds into a pedestrian plaza with parking for 1,125 cars underground and in nearby structures . The plan, under stOOy for three years, envisions creation of a major plaza area by diverting the existing Canyon Road to the base of the hills opposite the festival grounds, then tak ing it underground ad· jacent to City Hall to connect with Broadway lo the beach. Minor plazas, joined by stairways to the major plaza, would be created next to City Hall and between the Playhouse, Festival of Arts and a new School of Arts building. Euralyptus groves would be establlshed around the existing sewage treatment plant, between the playhouse plaza and the festival and on the plaza borders. Opposite the playhouse there would be space for a 1,2000-seat auditorium for the presentation of ballets, symphonies and operas, which cou.ld be funded by private funds and a public grant. The festival exhibiUon areas would be enlarged threefold. The work would be in increments. No cost estimates have been given. An integrated transportation .system, with a monorail depot for connection with Santa Ana and coastal communities, local and interurban bus deix>t and tram depot, would qu alify with twop priority for a Federal transix>rtation grant, says the report. The plaza system. says the CTPA, "should produce a handsome net return for the ci ty" through parking ihc:omes. kiosk and exhibit area incomes, private investments in adjacent areas. municipal ground leases and rentals aod increased sa les tax revenue . Froni Page 1 WHITE HOUSE ~:-iid. lie said that he had work ed his \Vay free, but was \Va iting for the man to leave before getting up. "I coul dn't see !hem, but onCi! Kory 1,_·al!cd out to me and said, 'how are you Oanny?' ''One of the men called back, 'what was that?'" Mikels said. Shortly afterward, Saruwatari jumped tip and ran to the telephone 11nd called police. All lhree victims agreed that the man wi th the gun was the boss. The other man, described as about 5 foot, 10 Inches tall with a fair complexion and light hair, just did as be was told, they aaid. "I wasn't scared at all; they were just not the type to be scared of," Mrs. Saruwatari said. Detectives believe the bandits entered through the rear restaurant door opening on Ramona Avenue. Construction workers on the new Laguna Beach County Library im- mediately behind the resaturant were questioned by officers, but apparently the gunman and his accomptlce left un- noticed. Police believe the robbers were fAmili <i r v.·ll h the layout of the restaurant and with the areas money was normally kept . "He aeemed to know just where to ro.• Saruwatarl said. The $3,500 loss ts not covered by ln- surnnce as the compani es require their clients to be protected by alanm, and the White House was not. The Saruwataris were planning on a trip to Japan after he lcfl the business on Wednesday. Mikels, 2-4, is a graduate student at Cal State Fullerton and son of Jacl:le Mikels, restaurant bookkeeper who opens the r~taurant every day but Monday. ••toriM ...,,.. w ...... , .......... ,, """"' ---!..::""'' .. ~ wlltlwf .... la! .... ,... " .,,..,.,, """"'. - Diving gear and u n de rw ate r photographic ~ui~nt valued at more t.h8n $2 ooo wtte t rttd stolen from a locked car parked a ong the 100 block O[ Anita Street Friday. The White Route t'elllurant I s Laguna's oldest having been founded In 1918 by a couplo named Bini. '..,.; ........... •Jd II C ... a ,...., le.II.... ~IM IW e.rrlw tu.S -"!ilbWI tlr Mall U,IL INllfllirl MU11WJ ~ ......... .,.., ltltlllhlY. J.,.ph Luithly, 26, of Sepulve<la rtporled the daylight bw'glary. Police said that the 1utomoblle'1 wind wi ng was popped ORe• to pin access. A sign proclaiming, "Eat with the 'Birds.',' u<ed to adorn tho front ol tho eatery known up and down Ibo COOll. Coalition Panel Eyed 20 Named to Fight Pacific Coast Freeway A group of 20 weU-known en- vtroomentallsls and freeway fighters from six Southern Califllrnla coast3l communities Saturday were appointed to a steering commJllee of the newly forn1- ed Coastal Communities Coalition formed to fight the proposed Pacific Coast Freeway. The panel includes two NtWPort Beach councilmen and the leaders of various citizens' con1mittees in Lagw1a Beach, !-ieal Beach. Long Beach. :lnn Juan Capistrano and Laguna Ni~ucl. Ne"'port 13each Vice fi..fayor llown rd Rogers and Count•ilman John Store are on the panel. aolng with Arnold fl nno, a 1nember of the Board of zOning Ad- justment in Laguna Beach: William Leak, chairman of Village Laguna: \Valter J. Koc h, CCC chairman, \\'as ulec ted as chairman of the new coali- tion . Schley and McCollum v.·ere appointed vice chairmen. Chase was elected treasurer; Mrs. !!all was selected recording secretary and Mrs. Rudd, cor- respond ing secretary, _<\s expec ted, in Its first action. the group adopted a resolution calling on area legislators to actively push anti- freewtty legislation in Sacramento. 1'he reso lution po ints out that previou ~ <leletions of the proposed superhighway "11u1ke ii extr~n1ely questionable that this fr eeway will ever become the region::il type of freeY:ay which was envisioned when it l\'as approved by the Stale Aid Chamber Highv.·ay Commiss ion.,; It ls trHical ol the State Division (If Highways land acquisition program. It isays land has been purchased and lield "without justification and for un· necessary reasons" and says the result •·is an untold loss of lax revenue as ¥:ell as personal losses to pri vate landowner" arljacent to and in the im medjate vicinity of r1g ht-0f·way purchased by the state." l\r)t'h this 1norning described the Jlf'\f t:Oa!it 1on as ''l'rllhU.~J:tStie" IO\Vard ll, ~onl and predi('ll·d its inembership ll'Jtl t•x pand eve n rnorf' at s lJ c ~" e d i n • 1neetings. Ile said the panel Will mf!et again June. 24 at the hon1e of Council1nan Store Ill Corona del JI.t ar, Richard E. Smith. president, Good G<ivemment Group of SeaJ Beach and Robert C. McCollum, chairman, AJliance of llomeowners' AMociaUoru: of San Juan Capistrano. Other steering committee members are Jan llatl, chairman, Pacific Coast Freeway Opposition Committee of Lonf! Beach: \Vi!Jiam Agee, Newport Beach planning commissioner; Michael A. Schley. president , Citizens' Town Plan· ning Associat ion. IJaguna Beach : Mildred B. Hannum, a me1nber of lhe Laguna Reach Open Space Committee and Bea \Vhittlesey, \'ice president of Laguna Greenbelt , Int. Official-Hotelman Urges Occupancy Tax Increase Also on the panel are Margot Skilling, co-thairinan of the !!arbor Area Freev•ay Fig hters' Citizens' Coordinating Cont· n11 ttee; Earl llardage. a me1nber of the J,ido Isle Community Association : Carroll Bee k, a member of Ne11;port Residents United; E. Percival Chase, chairman of the Laguna Niguel Homeowners' Associa-. tion: Suzanne Rudd, .secretary of the Harbor Area CCC; former Newport Beach mayor Paul J. Gruber; Marshall Duffield, chairman of the Harbor Area Freeway 1',ighters and Frances Robinson, a member of Friends or NeWJX>rt Bay. All-night Party For Laguna Higli Grads Scheduled Minutes after receiving their dip1omas: Thursday night, Laguna Beach High School graduates will be back up at their alma mater for a Mexican Fiesta. The all-night party, l!poll!Ored annually by parents of graduating seniors will in- clude a casino, booths, prizes, movies, Mexican food, a mariachi band and the rock group, "Honk." The party will run lrom 10: 30 p.m. to $ a.m. Friday. The parent committee .sponsoring the event asks residents living near the high school to grin and bear the noise that may be generated during the wee hours. Arrangements have been made to keep the sound level 8! low as possible. Seniors may purchase tickets to the part for $6 at the hlgh school activities office through Thursday. Parents wishing to preview the fiesta site may do so between 6 and 1 p.m. Thursday evening. Donations toward the party are still being accepted by Mrs. Norman Browne, 420 El Camino de! Mar, Laguna Beach. 3 Ship Jumpers Taken in Denyer DENVER (AP ) -Three AWOL se rv icemen, including two who jumped ship in San Diego. have been arrested by federal marshals at Our Lady of c;uadalupe Church, ending their stay in sanctuary that began last Monda y. Taken into custody were Robert Bland Jr., 22, Warren. Ohio, and Michael Hayes, 2L Colorado Springs. Colo., both sailors, and Eugene Berryhill, 20, Minot, N.D., an Army private. ==== By JOHN VALTERZA 01 fllt Pally Pli.t Stall San Clemente City Councilman Paul Presley -the head of the largest hotel in the city -has advocated a one-<:ent in- crease in the transient occupancy tax to compensate the chamber of commerce for its tourist promotion activities. Presley, offering the solution at a coun- cil study session on the embattled budget Friday night. said that the increase \\'ould raise an estimated $4,000 or more the first year, which would mean that the city rould probably accept a recent charnber contract calling for $18 ,600 to offset promotio n 1,_·osls. 1'he so lution \\'Ould follo\v a trend along the Orange Coast \'.;her(' 1nost cities have conternplatcd an increase. San Clemente's ~urrcnt rate for rooms and short-term rentals is five percen t. Laguna Beach already has agreed to raise its tax front live io six: per cent. Newport Beach plans to do the same. The proposal \Viii be discussed further at the council's June 21 regular session. It would form a major way out for the council, which has been hard pressed to find the extra funds to accommodate the chamber request. Under an exjsting Policy the city pays $9,700 a year to the chamber for pro- motion and advertising. Chamber officials, who have pointed out that the organization is in the midst nf a financial squeeze. proposed an $18,600 annual subvention. Presley stressed that despite his direct involvement with the bed tax he would not be at all opposed to increasing the allocation. But sources within the Apartment, Jlotel-Motel Associa tion in San Clemente, oftimes a Powerful pressure group in the city, have said that such an increase \VOu.ld draw a protest from many owners T om·ist Queries To Be Answered Laguna Beach ci ty councilmen have authorized the placement of a temporary information booth for the summer at the J\1ain Beach Park adjacent lo the IUeguard tower. The booth which belongs to the l\·fermaids, Women 's Division of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerc(', will be moved from its usual spot at the f'estival of. Arts entry and will be staffed by the Mermaids. Plans call for one paid employee and volunteer workers to answer the ques- tions of perplexed tourists. The city had declined to fund con· struction of a temporary information booth noting that it would not be economically feasible. of tourisl·renta! (ac!li!i<'s in the. city. As proposed , the new increase in the lax \11ould take effect \veil after the Labor f)ay \veekend, thus an entire year's ne1'/ rt•venue would not be received. "1 think that if the cllamber's alloca- tion were raised and they carry out their promise to do more advertising with the increase in money, the city income from the tax will go up as well," Presley said. Projections show that this fiscal year's take from the tourists will be about $40,000, The smn is about $5,000 Jess than ex- pected and one signi fi cant reason for the dip is the lack ot a visit by President Nix- on for the past six. months. Because of the large amount of lodging required for the Presidential entourage, primarily at Presley's San Clemente Inn . such visits have a direct effect on city bed tax revenue. Laguna Accepts Bid for Beach Food Operation The Laguna Beach City council ha! accepted a bid from Correra Concessions for operation tf two mobile food con- cessions at the Main Beach Park this summer. The bid submitted by Larry Vaughn and William White orfers the city a pay- ment of 17 percent of thei r monthly gros1 for the four-month period. Four other bidders offered from 7 per- cent to 15 percent of monthly gross. Marine Envirorunent Director Skip Conner said all the bids were of hlgh quality, but tha t of Correra ConcessioM met-top requirements as to financial status. supply Of labor. conces1ion ap- pearance, menu selection, experience and percentage. It was agreed there would be a large concession in the central area of the beach, near the lifeguard tower and a smaller one at the north end of the beach. Tables and umbrellas wou ld be supplied at the larger facility . A representative of the finn 1aid "typical" beach take-0ut fare would be offered. !long with such specialities as n1ighl be in demand. Sea Life Talk Set An il lustrated talk on "Life in the Ocean;• 1v!ll he presented at the Niguel· Capistrano Valleys Lions Club noon meeting Thursday at Buffy's Restaurant in San Juan Capistrano. The speaker is Norman Ji. Cole, 1 Sad. d1eback College instructor. Selling Out Overstock ONE .CARAT DIAMONDS s479 Only With This Ad , TRUMP FULL SIZE CLASSICAL GUITARS OUT OF PAWN WATCHES Over 100 Popular Br1nd1 To Choou From YACHTSMAN BINOCULARS IUSHNILL hit WATERPROOF, SHOCK· PROOF, DUST PROOF THEY FLOAT COSTA MESA JEWELRY & LOAN F•d II P'irJI al lhf Fun Place to Shop 1838 NEWPORT ILYD. PHONE 646-7741 DOWNTOWN COSTA MISA -.__ ~ a i" "'"'' ' CAMERAS c•·~....::.,,, , ..... ~-· I r ,_ . - Mll'llf'¥t ...... , ... DT\. I 1,4 9"'11 -- 1JI .... " .. fl.I .... -- -TO CHOOSE FROM $1'! 1 17 17 Saddlehaek VOL 65, NO. 16'4, l SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 12, 19n TIN CENTS Pilot Held Over Coast Stunt Flying A hair·raislng series or acrobatic stunts including one po9.'er dive to rooflop le vel over four Orange Coast cities led to the arresl of a pilot pursued by 1"1'0 police helicopters early today. Richard B. Loomis, 24, of Arcadia , was taken into custody at Orange County Airport shortly after midnight along with one of h1s three passengers. Loomis was arrested by crewmen of the Costa Mesa police helicopter Eagle JI and booked Into ]ail on suspicion of violating section 21407.S of the Publlc Utilities Code. Officers Randy Nutt and David Broolu charged Loomis under the PUC Code with operating a plane while under the in- fluence or an intoxlcaht. Incidents were cited over Newport Be(!:Ch, l!untington Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. One passenger, Tom F. D'Angelo, 23, of 113lh Turquoise Ave., Balboa Island, was also arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public. lavestigators who said they conf1scated a half-gallon jug or wine from the cockpit of the red-and-white Cessna alrcralt in- volved in the aerial escapade alleged all four occupants had been drinking, 0nW Loomis, who had no pilot's license In his possession, and D' Angelo bad ap. parently C<lnsumed enough to warrant their arrests, aCcording to investigating officers. Officen Brooks and Nutt said they flfst spotted the plane flying trTatically in the area of the Santa Ana RJvu, between Cost.a Mesa. and Huntington ~ach. Tbey charlled that LoonW. a utility company employe, went into a stetp power dive and only pulled out 100 fett above ground level. Giving chue, the y were joined by the Newport Beach police helicopter and claimed they saw Loomis go into a stetp climb over UC Irvine before nearly stal· ling. The p!a.oe then made a sharp, 100.. degree turn and beadtd back over Newport Beach, at times xoomlng 11 low aa 500 feet over residential areas. Shepherding the 1ig-z.agging plane back: toward Orange County Airport, arresting officers in the helicopter said Loomis barely missed crashing into a 4()..foot illde &lope Indicator tower while landing. He was stopped at midfield by airport ltt'Urity OfiietTS who Ordered the nier lo taxi toward ~ tower buildin(, wbert be wa1 to meet lnvesUgatlng officers. PoUce Wd Loom is' plane finally halted only one foot from the building and ntar- ly collided with two rows or parked aircraft as the weaving Cessna pulled.up to a halt. The suspect was held in lieu of '250 t>.11 this morning, while police forwarded a report of the incident lo the Feder•! A\•iatlon Administration for possible ad- ditional legal action. Race Ban Upheld Court Ru"le s Against B lac k Guest WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe Supreme Court today upheld the right of private clubs to exclude Negroes as guests. The 6 to 3 decision was delivered by freshman Justice William H. Rehnquist. It went against a black brollght as a guest to the Moose Lodge in Harrisburg, Pa. The black, Leroy lrvis, the majority leader of the Pennsylvania House . C<ln- tended that beca use the club held a liquor license from the state it could not e.xludt blacks as members or as gue sts. Today 's decision dealt directly with tbe exclusion of black.a as guests -and not with their exclwilon as members . Rehn- quist said Irvis could nol challenge the l..<>dge'1 all-white membership policy because he had never applied for memberihip, but had only been brought to the club as a guest. Rehnqui st said the club"s refusal to serve Negroes does not violate the 14th Amendment even though the 11oos• Organizational MeetiI1gs Slated for New Districts Organizational meetings for the newly all of University Park; Dean Olson of the , ctl!>led !<Vin• ilj~ MiMi_on y~jo IJnllled ·. ~h. and Norman Giluburg of Turtle • ~l Dltlrtct lfOiud. o!•ed'll!:atlori bav~ · lloci. > A Heav y Bear to Cross A<tulilly. Bruno, who played Gen tle Ben, was just that as he jOined members of the F.irst Baptist Cl!llrch of Costa Mesa at Sunday School. Led by trainer Ron Oxley, of Saugus, Bruno appears to be jllst another face in the crowd after Sunday service. Newest hooorar,Y SUnday ~hObl member to receive certificate from Rev. James 0. Combs (ushering Bruno along behind {rainer) is not without human weakness. Bruno's vice is addiction to jellybeans. ' . High Court Gives Lawyer 'Ri ght' To Defendants WASHINGTON (AP) -The Su preme Court today granted all defendants who face a possibl.e jail tern1 the right lo be represented by a lawyer. The 7 to 2 decision delivered by Justice William O. Douglas, guarantees a lawyer's help to millions of poor people who are pr04feuted for petty offenses and misdemeanors. Less than half the states supply free lawyers to defendants in all lrials that could lead to a jail term. The historic rul- ing, an expansion of past Sixth Am end· ment decisions. will necessarily cha nge trial practices in those states. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, who went along, said be was cortfKlent the legal profession wOOld meet the "large new bardena" placed upoD it. Justtces LewU F. Powell and WUllam H. Rehnquist, the coort~s freshman mem· bers, objected to the sweep of the dettsion although theydld not dissent in a technical sense. · 'Ibey · said the co'urt should have ruled Ulere is a rl.gbt to a l~WW only.,wljen '"necessary to assure a fair trial~' ;.. U.S. 'New Towns·' Se t For Confab in Ir vine A symposium involving representatives or nearly all major U.S. "new towns"' wit\ be held June 23 and 24 on the UC Irvine campu s. lrvine Tomorrow, the Saddleback Area Coordinating CoWlcil (SACC ) and UCl Extension are sponsoring the "citizen oriented " gathering of residents of Irvine Business Loses Equipment Business equipment valued at 1355 was taken during the weekend by intruders who may have had a duplicate key to the offices of an Irvine firm, Oruge Count1 sheriff's of'ficers said. ' Jonatban. Minnesota; Columbia. Md .; Reston. Va ., Irvine and Mission Viejo. Irvine ?.1ayor William .Fisrhbach will welcome participants during the 7:30 to 10 p.m. program set for Friday, June 23, in Science Lecture Hall. That session is open to the public. Dr. Randy Hamilton, executive director of the lnstitute for Local GOvernments in Berkeley, will disc uss the meaning of the new town movement, its history, op. portunities and problems common to new towns. New towns are master planned C<lm· munities being developed in formerly unurbanized arees. To date, onl)' Irvine enjoys a locally elected municipal government. Other new towns are generally controlled by the dtvelopment finna and eo mm u n l t y ·usoclatiom:. Deputies said an electric typewriter, The character:is~s;of:the vlU'IQus new o{fice records and maps 'ftl"e taken from tOWM · will be ·discussed» by. Dr: Royce the offices of Inland Investment Services, Hanson, director of the .. Vil r 1 In i a 2212 Dupont St. Polyte'Chnic Jnsutute's ·center for · new Two bicycles and tools jOin\Jy valued at towns studies. at. Re.st6n, iva Hanlon'• $185 were also taken during the w~ktl:MI • · profess tonal interest centers · on the pl an- rrom the horile or l:larvey Emmor ~e1, ning, development and governance of new 4.J.92 Belvedere Road. · communi\ies. ..:...._ ~ .._ ·~ ,,_ __ ,.,~.Do .... -. .Mla!lo~ Vlejo INllJ.U ·art: Chester G. --., --· ...... ~-, .--1!11ijitr\of 2S311 ~m;· . ' -ment of Education far two nJillla iieit Vl!ltt.Demb SmJth ol· -Lu llolsas week. .. st::-tiiuna Hills; George of 14401 IrviJle· Unlfted trustees will be sworn ln · Macedo, Mission Viejo: V i n c e n t and elect officers: during a.meetin& called McCullou&h of 22891 Loumont Dri ve, El fpr 7:30 p.m. TUesday, Jyne 20, Jn the Toro. and Joseph PeterBOn Jr. of 24311 multipurpost room of Univenlty Park Gl'w St., El Toro. Elementary School. 4172 Sandbur1Way. During the CGminl ·ocbool year. the 'Mission Viejo Unified trustees will be unified achooJ boards wW ndt directly ad- Installed ·at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June ~. ml.ntster education · of pupU. in area in the , mu1Upurpose room of La Paz acboola. Ratbl!l', ~the ·MW trils1ees will lhlertnediate School, '25151 Pndera prepare for the July J, 197' takeover of Drive, Mission V\ejo. the scbooJJ now operated by the Tustin Next Ju1y l, the new districts approved High and San Joaquin and Trabuco by a 3 lo 1 favorable vote of Tustin Union Elementary district.. · l;ligh district residents on June 8, will The first meeting qendas include a take over the .education of pupils in dllcuaion of the ate:p1 to be taken in hir· grades kindergarten to 12 in each or the Ing diJtrlct supmntendenta. County communities. ~hools office staff will 1wear in the new Elected to the Irvine Unlfied board boards and guide them through their are : Charles Boulanger, Mrs. Sharon a.rganiiational meeting and election of of· SirceJJo and Mrs . Elizabeth "Lee" Slcoll, ficer.s. Armed Pair Net $3,500 A t Laguna Restaurant By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. C..lr ""' ,,.., Two men, one brandishing 11nub-nosed revolver, held up Laguna Beach's famous White House restaurant shortly after 8 a.m. today, taking at 1 ... t 13,:;oo in weekend rectipta. Koiiy Saruwatart, opentor of the r~taurant, al S30 S. Cout Htgb,way, hll wlfe.Gladya and Dan MikeJa, an employe, were tied and left unbanned as the two men left the establishmeot. Saruwatart aald he wu worklnl behind the restaurant bar •be!! he k>oked. up and saw a man with a gun facing him. Tbe aunman. clffcrlbed 11 ol ·medllDD height, with a slender build and dark b~lr. oraered him to call the other employes out . Dan Mikels. work.Ing in the men's rest room atepped out and facod the IUOJDI•. , "What a thln&.to happen .. and I've 1ot only three more days left," Saruwatari uld, explainln( that on Wednelday, he wwld end hla 1W. of 1ho IAguna rt.ttaurant which he bu operated 1lnce 1967. The busineu was established in 1111. ,In L9IS a cQe lcnown a1 Gideon V. Wainwr~t laJd 'the principle that a. man on trial for ':serttus offensesn has the rlaht'to a lal!)l,er'apd Ibo! U be cannot af- ford...,. the -~pply counsel. Ufttl~ then. the SIIllt Amendment had been1inw-preted uiJlecessitatlng lawyers only •U\' Oipital offense> -when there wU a ctiance qr a death sentence. '.sulloeqiiently, the court granted the rli;hl• to I frte faW,W wllao the jall tenn cOUid be 11% -or matt. UCI Se,nate B.acks W.omen Aller taking all the money from the of. nee. tbe fllDllllll and hl• aocompllce went to U.-bar arera IDd coDeoted more money there. Mn. Sannrltarl 1DC1 lllte1a ....,. then freed. from the locked stonroom and. with Sal"ll'tfatarl, tied to the pede1tala ol lbe r.staurant tablea. Y>unty to Serve I rvi,ne for Year The coun!y wtll continue to provide fire and rucue aervi<:es to the city of Irvine dm1~1ho .,...q· fllcol YMt. City cooncUmen voted Friday to have, the county fire department provide lhe eervl<el iiother-than to ·establish a dop<-ant-wltltln lbe city. UQder ~DIM. ~lty homeownen will be aoomed·tl «1'li per •too of wested valua\klft dl\Libtir rial properly to fl81 far.the *'""'"" · • Faculty Urges E:e male Jr!iring, Special Stud y Funds ' . . The UC lrVine:Acidemlc .-wets to dev1te tbe llatulJof 1Wvmen OD cam- pus. Matt ,..,... prof ...... aliould be bind and more eml>bull should be made on W'Ol'Oen'• , studies courses, urge anate members. , Funda abould be made avallable Im· mediately for the deve~ent of womM'11thldJet <'OUnel -within already ~sllof Cllllplll clepartmenta, ltllate members voled Tbuntlay. Grant monies lhould al!o be awarded for research into "conlrtbutions of """"" to ciYnllatlon and knowledge." a«OldlJlll.to a report mada by the senate eommltt.. on -Uoaal poUcy and puaed by the - I Tbe facully tiiemberl alao -lved.UU.t "a greater number o! quallfled WOlllOD lllUll bencrulled and hired.'" The only dlscuulon by the .Hlllle loUowlO( the report made by com- paraUV. culhn il'or-Jay Martin, chairman of lbe policy llOlllllllllH. wil to t:hange a granl-rev~ • qwmltlff'a name to the "Vlce Ctiancellor's Com- mlttoa for Olrrl<ullun, o! Womtn'• Studies." It had been reltrred to In Mm1in's report u the "vlce Chanctllor'1 Women's Committee for CUrrlculwn Development." Mat11n reportOcl the pollcy committee lludiad Ibo ' ~· of 'romeo'a studltt counes for oJ;i.t, m o • th 1 . ll coo- cludetl lltat --alop1111tlb !IJ!D> . ' he said, bot that !hoy ahoufd not be fn I teparat.e Women'• Studits Prosram. llUrlng !hot atudy, a JS.part ques. tlollllAlre was sent to.departmant Uk!!\( thtlr views on women's 1tud1e1. Ill Mart in'• ,report, En'CJlilt prof.- Mary Key summartied ID writlnc that "department he ado ...... · ID general agreement that the focu• should be on tho diJclpUne rather than on the 111." Lm than .... third ol the department chairmen contacted responded, uld PrOfeuor Key, who added, "ptrhlpa It has not been emphulzed enough that tho l.UUff of women are alao the iwea of men." Of the aboot !II tenate membert wtllic for Illa -tlona, liva nrl·- r " 'l'm aorry· 1 bave to tJe JOU up like thl1,' the guy 1ald to me," Mrs . -Nld. Siie ltill bad -... (loo "81TE llOOIE, P ... I) Tustin Trustees To Meet Tonig ht ' 1be nm moetJnc, ot tbe Tullln Union !Dp· SChool Bean! tiln<e the Jmie ' lllli-. ncauoo cle<\lona wlll otahE! l<>nlf!>t afl:ll"o'cloct af'llul!ii HI School. 9lnce uo!llcation po-1 onloo high -board wtli bt diiiOl.od II tbe tnd ol the Jm.1S -,..... Blclt on 1tudent loolton at.•Mlalon Vi- ejo High School, an _..,. GI tlle eom- pltllon dale on lrviM'• Uttlnrslty High 11c11oo1 J100i and the •1m.n ~......, ......-.................. r Lodge eets its liquor license through the .state. "'Since 1tate-furnlshed 1ervice• include auch necessities of life as electricity, water, and police and fire protecUoo. such a holding would utterly lllW<:Ulate the distinction between private as distinguished from state conduct," he said. Chief Justice \Varren E. Burger and Justices Harrv A. Blackmun and Lewis (Set .RULING, Pase %) Irvine Official Airs Alter1iate . Budget Proposnl An Irvine city councilman, calling the city 's propa8ed $1.4 mi.lllon budget "a hlid way to do it,'' bu introduced. his own alternative 1pendln& plan calling for a· 3S cent tu rate. Cooncllman Henry Qur,Jey, a n ecooom1'1, told the council Friday night that the SS ceDts per $100 of auessed valuation would be Jn keeping with his campaign pledge to hold property taxea al the level they were prior to in- co rporation. J!~ aald .he was unable to distribute cop~I of his proposal, but would have theriJ available · for councilmen and resifSents at tonight's budget study )!est$on, scheduled for 7:30 o'clock in city half 1"1J1eX on the &round fioor of the lrvlnt Town Ctoter. QqlJl<y '-lld he developed I h 1 altemaUve 0048et because be had "1rave conctnll about tbe whole direction of the (p~) budget'" recommended by C~ ty Manqer William Woollett. The coun- cilman aaid he believed it was wrong to first w~k out a spending program and. then decide how high a tax rate waa needed lo pa,y for that program. lMtead, be said the tax rate should bo aet first at a deairable level end tbtn a program of expenditures worked out that the city cou1d afford. In contrast to Woollett'.s proposed •1.t million ($1 ,445,957 ) budget, Quigley said with hls ta1 rate of 33 c~l.!, the city wlll only ha ve about $1.1 million ($1,151,200) to pay the bllls. This money would come, ht explained from the following 10urces: -Based on an estimated assessed valuation of the city of S80 million, the 33- cent U1 assesmnent would raise about $214.000. . -An additional $50,000 would be takm in by the city ID planning and wnlng fees charlled devela!'en. --About •• -.Id come by charg- ing bu-Ucepae '--on a achedub worked Olli by Quicley -to tho merchanta and ~ ID Irvine. -Tho --.ii ...... front (lloe llUDGl:T, Pip It ...... . Now you can ·Wiill,O,, eor. Tha weatherlldy ................ en tho """""" liii' 'TUaidoy -.... tberealttr. lllPo ttll Bpodad at the be-. ..... lo • IDlucL Lows Jn Ille WL " INSIDB TeDAY ~ ......... " _... . Cal""""9 t CltultlM »H C-~t II CN1~...il 'tJ DNTl'I """""' • lllh:M'lail ...... h•if! ' u "~nc• •u "'"""'" " APL.....,_ W ,., "" ......... \ :-..:-..... : --. --I --.. -""' • ............ u ·-" -" -. ::::=·':..:"" '"'l ( • • OAJLV PILOT IS ~.-U.1'12 OA1LY f'tl01' Slllf f'l!Olt Dave A Nice Day lt was a good day for sailing at Dana Harbor Sun· day. It was also a good day for just sitting in th e sun and watching others 'vork \Vith their sailboats and other craft. 'fhe .air sparkled after the recent rains. llnique Treat ment Countian Using Baboon's Li ver in Filtering Blood From Wire Strvleet AUGUSTA, Ga. Deapli< a respiratory compllcatlon, a Buena Park Woman auf!ering advanced liver disease Is· responding here today to a unique treatmtnt in which her blood 11 filtered through a baboon's Uver. Officials at the Medical College of Gtorgia aald Afr a. Lindi: Greenaway, 32, is doing well followlna; fife hours of the technique known as perfusion. Erle Jacobsen, assistant administrator of Talmadge Memorial HOlpital where Atrs. Greenaway was nown last Thuraday from Orange County, aaid the treatment developed by Dr. Gtorge Abouna I.I not the sole answtr. The al'anced deterlor1tkm of :P.1r1. Creenaw1y'1 hepatlt11-rav11ed liver in- cttc1t.e1 Dr. Abouna and hl1 team may hive to attempt a bum.an liver transpl1nt. He haa plonetred tbat concept and bas Marine Stabbed; Suspect Held .. In Santa Ana •A young El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta- Gon enll&t.ed man died Sunday morning ftter being 1tabbed through the heart 1t f, Santa Ana 1p1rtment and fallln1 out a second story wlndow. Hl1 1Ueged 1l1yer w11 arreated shortly alterward on ruaplcion of murder. Rudolph B. Tamayo, 47, of 322 W. Third ~t.. "-'BS questioned by police comblfli the area around 200 N. Broadway aft.er they !ound bloodslalna on his clothing. . He is •UJPeCled of fatally stabbing indrew H. Nelson, 11, wboae body was f:ound about S a.m. by a passerby ln an 9Uey behlnd the North Broadway 1d- dress. ~Investigators clalm Nelson was vl1IUng 1·amayo'1 apartment when a quarrel ftarted, leadln1 to the fatal 1tabblna:. 1 Coronf'.r'• deputlu said death was due 50 the heart wound. It was not determin-ed whet.her the Marine would have been t~~usly injured Jn falling out the win- OIAN•I COAST 11 DAILY PILOT two surviving liver transplan t patients to his credit so far. By filtering her blood through the ba- boon's liver, Dr. Abouna can assist Mrs. Greenaway's own organ to rest and regenerate, at least so some degree. Team_. of doctors work ing to save the mother of four want to strengthen her enough to withstand the strain of a transplant operation after use Of the ba- boon organ. The liver now being used was removed from a 60-pcund baboon captu red in Kenya, cleansed of its own blood supply and refrigerated Wllil being booked into 1trs. Greenaway's system. A relatively new concept, the treatment developed by Dr. Abouna , a liver disease expert, perfusion is &imilar to mechanical dialysis used on kidney failure vlctlms. The perfwilon technique was scheduled to &tart Saturday but was delayed due to a respiratory Infection which Mrs. Greenaway developed. She lapsed into a coma at one point before her condiUon Improved enough to begin using the baboon liver to take th e straJn off her own diseased organ. F rom Pagel BUDGE T ... various taxes -ga801lne, cigarette, motel -charged by the state and refund- ed I<> !he city. Quigley pointed out that the 33 cent tax rate would be In addition to the 37 cents per $100 of .assessed \'aluatlon to be levl~ by the county for the provision of fire and rescue services to the new city. By law, the city ma y set the tax rate as high as $1 without a vote of the residents. The councilman . in explaining his pro- posal. said he did not feel the cit y's surplus for next fiscal year of $380.000 should be Included in the general fund to pay for expenses that would be recurring. "There ls a tendency to bul!d 11p a leve l of expenditures "''hich ""'e nrc not going 10 be able to maintain next yenr." he :;n1d. The $380,000, he felt , should go for par ks acqu isition, for the development of a general plan for the city and for the renovation of offices and purcha se of of- fice equipme nt for the city. fn addit ion, he said $100,000 or the money should be put into a reserve fund for future needs. City manager Wool\ett said he agreed that the "windf&ll" should not be used to meet on-going expenses and that l:s \\1hy he had proposed thet the money be used for such uses as Quigley had enume.rated. Court Rejects Repossessions Without Notice WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today batted creditor1 from repoaseuing merchandl1e without giving the buyer advance notJce and a hearing before "a neutral offlclal." The '4 to 3 declJlon 1truck down Jaw1 In Florida and PeMl)'lvania and could have a nationwide impact bec1UM most states authorize the au tomatic seizure or goods when the purchaser falls behind in the paymenll. The dJ111tnter1 predicted that a1 • result it may bea>me more difficult for consumen to buy merchandlae. on credit. JuJtlet Potter Stewart bastd his opin- ion for the majority on the 14th Amend· ment auarantet that no at.ate shall deprJve a perlOh of property without "due proceu of J1w." One cau coacerntd a Miami wom1n, Mra. Ma.rcar:tta Fuente., when stove and 1tereophonic r,honoaraph were repo1se1 .. ed when 1ht ell behind In her payment•. The woman, a factory worker, claimed the Rove wu defective. The othv cue coocorntd a "®P of Philadelphia people w-pun:bua were repoqeued \Uldtr tbt ttlt1'1 ltw. Frona Pagel WHITE HOUSE her l'.'Tists \Vhere her bon~ been tighten-- Cd . "!just stood there, waiting for someone to say something and this guy stuck his gun in my stomach and told me 'move over there,' " 1'.tlkels recounted following the robbery. Mrs. Saruwatari, working in the kitch- en, was calle-d out into the reslaurant area and then she and ]\.1ikels, were locked in a storeroom. The gunman then forced Saruwatari to the office and made him open the safe. The other man scoo ped up the money. bundling it up in his shirt which he had untucked from his trousers. "The guy holdi ng the 1un seemed agitated, he kept saying 'hurry up, don't bother ·with the checks or the small :stuff,' •· Saruv.·atari said. ''He didn't tie me very well," ]\.tlkel1 said. He said that he had worked his way free, but \vas waiting for the man 10 Jcave before getting up. "I couldn'l see lhem, but once Kory called out to me and said, 'how are you Danny?' "One or the men called back, 'what wa.s that?'" Mikels said. Shortly afterward, Saruwatarl jumpM up and ran to the telephone and called police. All three victims agreed that the man wllh the gun was the boss. The other 1nan, described as about 5 foot, 10 inches !all with a falr complex.Jon and light halr, just did as he was told , they aa id. "I wasn't scared at all; they were ju1t not the type to be scared of," Mrs. Saruwatari said. Detectives belie\'e the bandits entered through the rear restaurant door openina; on Ramona Avenue. Construction workers on the new Laguna Beach County Library im- mediately behind the resaturant were questioned by officers, but apparently the gunman and his accomplice left un· noticed. Police believe the robbers \\·ere familiar \\"ith the layout or the rest aur<int ilnd "'·Hh the areas money v.•as normally kept. "He seemed to know just where to go," S;iru1\·atari said. '!'he $3 .~00 Joss is nol covered by in- surance as 1he con1panies require their clients to be protected by alarms, and the White House \Yas not. The ~an1v:ataris were planning on a lri p to Japan after he left the business on \Vedne sday. Mikels. 24 ; is a graduate student at Cal State Fullerton and son of Jackie Mikels, restaurant bookkeeper who open! the restaurant every day but Monday. The \Vhlte House restaurant I 1 Laguna's oldPst having been founded in J918 by a couple named Blrd. A sign proclaiming, "Eat with the Bir~." used to adorn the front o( l.be eatery known up and down the coast. Irvine Panels To Meet Jointly The Irvine parks and open space and recreation advl:sory committees wUI meet together et 7:30 o'clock this even!~ in Crawford Hall on the UC Irvine campus. Other citizen advisory groups meeting this week are: l-Iighway1 aod transporation: 7:JO p.m. \Yedn uday In room 175 of the aocl1l science tower at UCI. lloustng: 7:30 p.m., Wednnday, in the lnterfaHb loUllie, second floor, Irvine Town Ce:nttr. Public Education: 7:30 p.m. T!tundoy, In the Unlverrlty Community Auoclotlon Clubhouoe, 45!0 Sandburg Way. All advltory commUtee meetlngs are open to the public. Minuteman Launched V ANDENBl!:RG AIR FORCE BASE (AP) -A Mlnute-mon Ill Inter-. Unenlal BolllJUc Mlulle WU launcbtd down tbe Western Test Rance over the P1cu1e Oceon SUnday, u.. Air r .... 11ld. No other dtlalll ...,.. di- • Crews Hunt Dead Over Flood Area RAPID CITY. S.D. (IJP]) -Search crews using dogs worked through the night to uncover bodies from the mudd y ruins Of the nation's \V OrSf Oood in 35 ye ars. Authorities said today more: than 200 were known dead from the flood Friday night and Saturday caused when a rain- s\\·ollen dan1 burst and cascaded billions of 1allons of water into Rapid City and other communities in Sooth Dakota's Black tlills. Pat DiJon, coordinaling disaster in· formation, said the.re may have been dupllcatlo111 in the death count. "We know it's over 200," he said. "It could be 29 over or 30 over. No one knows right no"''," Sen. George McGovern (0-S.D.), said it v.•as "a scene of incredible destruction and devastation." The presid ent i e I hopeful flew from Waahlngton Sunday to tour the: floodlanda by helicopter, Don Barnette, Rapid City's 29-year-old mayor, aald, "I would estimate a com· bined death total of ~ for the whole tregedy." Gov. Richard Kneip !laid, "We have in cxces!I of 200 deaths and there's a long way to go yet. It'• believed many bodies are below the mud and the mire. That part i.. bod." Search crews concentrated on a virtually devastated fJve-block wide area 11long Rapid Creek, the stream which cul! through the city. lt turned suddenly into a swollen, rag- ing killer when Canyon Lake Dam burst under the pressure of a foot of rain late Friday night, aendlng a four-foot wall of water thunde.ring down from the hills. The flood cau.sed an es:tlmated •100 mllllon damage, destroying 500 houses and leaving thou.aand:s of ptr90M homeless. Authorities firrt 11id about 1,500 persons were unaccounted for, but later said they could not make an accurate guess on the number missing. Little had been determined about what happened in more isolated communities in the hills -partlcuJarly to the bun. dreds, perhaps thousands of tourists believed to have been camping in the area close by Mt. Rushmore, From P a ge l RULI NG ... F. Powell, the three other Nixon ad- ministration appointees, lined up with Jtehnquisl. a former assistant attornev general. Justices Potter Ste"'·art and Byron R. \Yhite also were in the ma· jorily. Dissenting \\'ere Justices \Villi am o. Douglas, \Villlam J. Brennan Jr., and Thurgood Marshall, the court's only Negro member. Brennan S&.id PenMylvanla's liq uor regulations plainly lntertwined the state with the operation of the lodge's bar in a sign ifican t \vay and lent the state's authori ty •·to the sordid business of racial discrimination .'' The ruling reverses a three-judge reder&I court in Harrisburg which held in 1970 that the Aioose Lodge could not keep both Its liquor license and !ta racl&lly ex- clwive policy. •sign De1·e ~ Pupils Get Work Contract !y CANDACE PEARSON Of lft4I O.lfr r lttt U•tl A contract is a b\Ddlng agreement . en· forceable by Jaw. School teachers have long been govern. t>d by contracts which specify their length ur employment. Now this business arrangement also h1t.~ been applied to students, with \\'hal ticerns to be positive ttsults. "I. Johnny, promlle to complete six wor~heets by Friday,'' one aucb con- tract might read et AUso School In El Toro. Four classeg of Aliso rourth graders sign almost weekly contracts during the year to du a de!lgnated amount of ext ra "·ork alter they complete their regular assignments . For some or the sludents. the sii: to J(). page worksheets ere "enrlchments" and £or others, are "review and rein· forcement," said teacher Aaron ~fatira _ The worksheets are geared to in- d1 vlrlunl ability and for math Include loglc puzzles, mazes, problems in algebra and geometry and map reading. Reading worksheets have jpe\llng list$. story tapes and special subjectll, like oceanography, for extra reading. The students mu1t plan the.tr own time and then evaluate their work each week. After the sclf-1iradlD1, the pa~rs are judged by the teacher and then by th• parents. ·reacher Becky Weber said the two- year-old program i! good ror giving students "insight Into their own working habits.·· Two davs a week, the student~ partici pate.in n1ath lab, where they hal"e 10 do so me thing mathematical with their hands. 'l'his usually in,•olves \\"Ork \\'ith com· p:.ts!St'S, rulers, gcornetrieal string dra\1· 1ngs or buying " things out of catsloguu. Points are accumulated for rail the con- lract work and students use those point~ 10 bid on sn1all items at occasional claM auctions. Pencils, candy and jello are common items purchased by the teachers for bid· ding. The sludent s are finishing their last 1·ontracts of the year. Teachers plan to continu e the progran1 next year. "The children Jove it," Mazira said. "Tl's on the honor system -they chfek their 01Yn papers. They're able to see ex- actly what they are doing." Red China Cites 'Tlrreat' Of U.S. Bombing Attacks TOKYO (AP) -Communist China said today U.S. air :strikes in North Vietnam near the Chinese border threaten its security. It charged that "these frem.ied acts of aggression" are not only "new war crimes" against North Vietnam but alJo "grave provocations" against China. A Foreign ~tlnlstry statement, in Pe- king said, "The Chinese government and people express their resolute support" for a North Vietnamese statement luued Saturday condemning the United States for further dispatching many planes for raids against the Hanoi 1 u burbs, Haiphong and other areas. The statement was broadcast by Pe- king's New China News Agency, Last week, U.S. Air Force jet:s swept to within 20 miles of China and wrecked a big North Vietnamese rallroad marshal- ling yard and highway bridge only 40 second!! fiy lng time from the China-Viet~ nam border. The raids were reported tht closeat to the border since the 1~ bombing campaign against North Vietnam. China said the United States .. should know that the heroic peoples of Vietnam 11nd the other Indochinese countries are by no me11ns alone in their !ltruggle. Jt did not elabo rate on this point. "For over a month, U.S. imperialism in de fiance of the strong condemnation and opposition of the people throughout the world, had continued to escalate its war against the Democratic Republic of Viet- nam ," the statement added. "It not only has mined and blockaded Suspect Seized After Shooting A quarrel between lwo men over one's cx·wlfe left each ln separate Orange County facilities today -the county jail and the county medical center. John J . Castle, of 113 N. Bewley St.. is listed in stable condition ~·ith a gunshot \\'Ound in the back of the head after being hit Sunday. t ie was shot by a .22 caliber slug fired from a passing car in front of a cafe at 504 N. Euclld St., according to Santa Ana police. Ralph Acosta. 37, of 901 s. Harbot' Blvd .. Santa Ana , was subsequently ar· rested and booked on suspicion of assault \l."ilh Intent to commit murder. A .22 caliber revolver was confiscated as evidence in the case. the ports or Northern Vietn1m and dally sent out large numbers of alrplanel and warships to make frantic raids on many cities, villages and coastal centers, but has steadily expanded the 1 p h er e of bombing up to areaa close to the stno- Vletnemese borden, threatening the security of China. "These frenzied actl of qreulon m the part of U.S. tmperia!Jsm are MW war crimes committed against the Viet- namese people, and at the same time grave provocations aga!Mt the Chinese people." The st1tement reiterated Petlng'& Hresolute" 11upport of the Vletnamue and other Indochinese peoples Wllil complete victory." ' 'Stop and Frisk' Power Extended By High Co urt WASHINGTON (UPll -By a g.3 liberal--con!ervatJve split. the Supreme Court extended today the power of police to "stop and frl!!k" auspecll on lhe street for dangerous weapons. "We reject the argument th 1 t reasonable cause for a stop and frisk can only be b&sed on the officer's personal observation, rather than on information supplled -y another person," the court held. "Informants' tips, like all other cluts and evidence coming to a policeman on !he scene, may vary greatly in their value and reliablUty. One slmple rule will not cover every situation ." The opinion in a CoMecticut caae: wit \\"ritten by Jw:Uce Willi am H. Rehnquist, \l"ho is emerging as the most law-and· orde r member of the Court. Justice Thurgood Marshalt said In dissent that the decision "invoke• the spectre of a society in wh ich Innocent citizens ma y be stopped, :searched and arrested at the whim of police officers ""ho have only the slig htest auapiclon of improper conduct." Also dissenting were Justices William J. Brennan Jr. and William O. Douglas. The ca!le is a sequel to an important .1968 ruling that policemen under proper circumstances may stop and frisk a person 11uspected of criminal activity even though they do not have enou1b prior evidence to make an arrest. Selling Out Overs tock ONE CARAT DIAMONDS s479 Only With This Ad OUT OP PAWN YACHTSMAN CAMERAS TRUMP FULL SIZE CLAISICAL GUITARS WATCHES Over 100 Popvler Br•nda To ChoMo l'rom .BINOCULARS BUSHNI LL l d O WATIRPROOI', SHOCK· PROOF, DUST PROOI' THEY FLOAT COSTA MESA JIWILRY & LOAN ~ ............. ,, ,_.. At(- l / -, __ ... __ , .. DTL. f1.41Mt -· ... ......... "' ... -- 2tOO TOCHOOSI PROM $1'!. • t 17 I 7 - Huntington_ B~a~h -r\ Fountain \'"'alley r • Today's Flnal N.Y. Steeks VOL 65, NO. 164, 3 SECTIONS, 26 PAS.ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1972 TEN CENTS Citizens Will Get Chance at Budget T onight By TERRY COV ILLE Oi ~ Deftr P'llllf lltH The public wlll have its chance to speak tonight on the propo.sed $13.7 million Hun· tington Beach 1972.-73 o~rating budget, during a public hearing before the city council. . Tbe hearing begins at 7 o'clock. Coun- cilmen will be asked to adopt the budget following the hearing. City Adminbtrator David Rowlands is also asking C()UJ]Cilmen to add $843,764 in Pilot H eld For Stunts Over Coast A hair·roising series of acrobatic stunt:i1 Including one power dive to rooftop level over four Orange Coast cities led to the arrest of a pilot pursued by two pollce helicopters early today. Richard B. Loomis, 24, of Arcadia, was t aken lnto custody at Orange County Airport shortly after midnight along with one of his tbrtt pas.se.ngers. Loomis was arrested by crewmen of the Co,,ta Mesa police helicopter Eagle II and booked into jail on suspicion or violating section 21407.S of the Publi.: Utilities Code. Officers Randy Nutt and David Brooks charged Loomis under the PUC Code with operating a plane while under the in· fiuence of an intoxicant. Incidents were cittd over Newport Beach. Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa and lfvlllt. One passenger, Tom F. D'Angelo, 23, of 1131h Turquoise Ave., BalbQa L!land, was also arrested on suspk:ion cJI. being drunk in )'.llblic. Investtg1tqn who nld they conlisc•t.d a haU.gaJlon jug of wine lrom the cockpit of the red·and-whlte Cessna aircraft in· volved In the aerial e9capade alleged all four occupants had been drinking. Only Loomb1, who had no pUot 's license fn hls possesaion, and D' Angelo had ap- parently consumed enough to warrant their arrests, actording to investigating officers. Officers Brooks and Nutt said they first spotted the plane flying erratically in the area of the Santa Ana River, between Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. They charged that Loomis, a utility compa:ny employe, went into a steep power dive and only pulled aut 100 feet above grwnd level. Giving chase, they were joineiJ, by the Newport Beach police helicopter and claimed they saw Loomis go into a steep climb aver UC Irvine before nearly stal· !ing-. The plane then made a sharp, 100- degree· turn and headed back over Newport Beach, at times 200ming as low as 500 feet over residential areas. Shepherding the tig~zagging plane back toward Orange Caunty Airport, arresting officers in the helicopter said Loomis bartly missed crashlng inta a 41).foot 1lidi! alope lndlcator tower while landing. He was stopped at midfield by airport security afficen who ordertd the mer to tarl taWard the tower building, whe~ he was to meet inYelti«ati~ .officers. Police Ale! 1-nli' plane finally halted onl,)' ane foot from the building and near· Jy coHlded with two rows of parked airtnfl u the wavio1 Cessna _pulled up lo 1 bait. , The IUipecl .... htld In lieu of mo bail this momJnlr' trblle~poUct forwarded a report of llit lileldeilt to · Ulo F«leral Avlalloo Admlnlllnllm far ponible 1d- dltlonal lqll -- Hayward Man Dro.wn s ,_ PES:ADERO (A{') -A ~Id HOfWl1d nwi; li:K,.;E IUchords, cltflwned Wlllle. • )l•l!Je Pacific OCOIJlnw hire~. lhertfl'1 of. 11<» Wd llltlllhli' ..... <llllcbl In .. ........... ;--·.··. -,·.-:· • -1' ~ Jle'tonatrons -. ' • • • R jinew-Fears . . . . .. ---- programs to the proposed $13 .735,027 budget already prepared. His additions would restare ,rograms "'hich he cut from the budget himseU in order to balance it with no new revenue. The city's tax rate of $1.82 per $100 assessed vaJuation, reflecting no change over 1971~72, will remain the same even if the additional programs are approved. Rowlands ha• oUWhed several methods by which an additiolial $904,450 can be raised for the added prosrams. Coun· eilrnen indicated durlng a budget study session last week that tbey are likely to approve the additional programs and revenue. One of the revenue raising methods suggested by Rowlands includes an in- crease iR the oil tax from 2.5 cents per barrel to four cents per barrel. While most councilmen apparently agree to that much of a raise , some want to go even higher, and tonight's session could be stormy with councilmen battling Across the Tracks A very brave dUck has buil t her home and laid her eggs in the middle of a Helsinki railroad yard. Tbere's ·not a blade of grass in the area, so she made the nest of feathers. The rails are used several times each day-in which case, I suppose .. the duck ducks. Bicycli ~t Assist s Police In Capt ure of Suspect s A lluntinglon Beach collegian who chased a pair of burglary suspects on his bicycle as they fled in a car was in- strumental in their arrest early otday. Investigators credited Ken Lewis with obtaining license tittmbeni or the car traced to a local address where the pair, both from Duarte, were staylng. Patrick J. Heatherington. 19, WS'S book- ed on suspicion of bUrglary, while his companion, Ronald P. Hickey, 21, was booked on suspicion of burgalry aocl su11,icion , of pouesaing narcotics and narmtics paraphernalia. Police. picked up Heatherington and Hi~ey !-l 8182 Parker Circle, wher~ they were staying.wttb a friend, after tracing a .license , nufDbflr lhroµgh the Depart· ment of Motor Yelllcla. The pair are accused or stealing a cigarette cartan containing about $30 in cash from the Jack-in-the-Boz takeout at 201 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach. Hickey allegedly entered the ham- burger stand about 11 p.m. and asked empl.oye Michael Venham for a cigarette, then l!MltcheJI the money when the clerk turned his back. lnvestigatora were told Venham's wife Luann saw it and· grabbed Hickey's arm causiQI him to drop part of the cash before he ran to a car driven-by Heather- jngton. Lewis, meanwhile, 98.W the commotion and followed the getaway car on his bicy· cle. each other over how much to raise the all The increase to four cents would rais'e $2.S9,450 in new money. The re.st of the $904,450 would come from additional state funds and savings in local programs. Throughout his talks on the budget, Rowlands has emphasized his point that property taxes will not be raised. He has steadfastly avoided recommend ing in- creased property taxes as a method for gaining more money to run the city. 'Stop The $13.7 million budget 1$14.58 million if the additions are apprO\'ed 1 pays for- the annual operati on of the city. It represents a somewhat nex1ble figure whi ch can be increasl.'d or decrtiasrd by \'arious amounts. Tl1e total lltu111ngton Beach budget for 1972-73 !s $2~.2·12.529. 1'his 1nrludes the repayment for \ arious bonds used by the city for special projects. The bond repay· me nt -h;lnd !ed over as Ion~ as 25 Yt ar• -is a cost above th(' $13.7 million operating btidget and is not flex ible. ' and Bonds for Y"h1ch lhc city pays soma monf"y each yea r, and the tnta l amount ll\\ ed on each bond arP -P.:irking aul horil\' b•"nd~. $2,205 .000 -i'llb!iC fjH'ili'\ I «l'i'I' I 'fl h0!1!!~ (J f the i:i\ ii: cenll·1 ~ 11hl 111M1 -1'he 1955w:tlt'f i~ lid .:.:11'1 IM~I -1'he 1963 ~.1!1 r 11 ····~1 uc .1• 1111 , $3.360.000. -The 1970 park IJnnu .. 1for II!·· ·~·t•' 1, park and other open s1>acc). .~j.i7j 11"10. High Court E xte nds Police P owers WASmNGTON (UPI) -By a 6-3 li beral-0'.)nservative split, the Supreme Court ex tended today the power of police to "stop and fr isk" suspects on the street for dangerous wea pons. "We reject tne argument t ha t reasonable cause for a stop and frisk can only be based on the officer's personal abservation, rather than on information supplied by anot her person," the court held. "Informants' tips, like all other clues Five Killed In Ireland S.treet Rows BEIJ' AST !uPi) -One ol Northern Treland'1 worst weekendJ of violence took: at least five lives in street .batUea in which Protestanlll battled Rom.a n Catholics and · the British Army fought both in attempts to restore order. There were new bombings today and terror in the streets. A British 80ldier wounded in a 12-hour gun battle in Northern Belfast Sunday died today. He was the 7lth British soldier killed in nearJy three }'tars or strike between Protest.ant$ and mioority Ro m a n Catllofics. The violence has taken 376 lives, 12 hi the past six days. The heaviest battle of the weekend waS" In North Belrast where the fighting lasted all Sunday afternoon and night. Hundreds of men, women and children streamed out of the area today and took refuge in west and east Belfast. 1be British army evacuated 40 families Sun· day. Three gunbattles broke out in the hours after midnight when the illegal Irish Republican Army mounted an intensive- attack agaimt sandbagged army posts in L<lndonderry. firing 200 rounds of higll velocity rine fire and h e a v y machineguns. There were no casualties in this incident. It was the la st major battle or the weekend which saw the worst fighting since last August. By midmorning, the battles seemed 'to have given way to the isolated bombings which have become a Way of life in northern Ireland. P ress Honors Spiro OMAHA , Neb. (UPI) -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew , a frequent critic of newsmen, baa a conference room in the Omaha Press Club named in his honor. Attending the dedication ceremonies: Saturday, Agnew said, "I don't get press rooma dedicated to me too often. In aome places I'm not even allowed in." and evidence comin g to a policeman on the scene , may vary greatly in lhe.ir value and reliability. One simple rule will not cover every situation." The opinion in a Connecticut case was \Vritten by J us tice \Vi\l iam H. Rehnquist, who is c111erging as the n1ost law·and· order me1nber of the Court. Justice Thurgood J\larshall said in dissen t that !he decision "invokes the spectre of a society in v.'hich innocent citizens may be stopped. searched and arrested at the "'him of police officers '''ho have only thr slightest suspicion o( Improper conduc t.'' Also dissenting were Justices William J . Brennan Jr. and William 0 . Douglas. The case is a sec1uel to an in1portant 1968 ruling tllnt policen1en under proper circu mstances n1ay stop and fris k a person suspected of cr iminal act ivity even though they do nol have enough prior evidence to make an arrest. .ff.ore Thati 200 De ad Work Crews, Do gs Se arch , For Bodies in Flood Aflea • .lW'lP eil'Y, S.D. CUP!) -Search crew1 using· dog! WOr\Mlhroiigh ·the .nJght to uncover bodies from the rriuddy ruins af Uie nation '.s worst flood in 36 years. Authorities said today more than 200 were known dead from the flood Friday night and Saturday caused when a rain- swollen dam burst and cascaded billions of gallons of water .into Rapid City and other communities Jn South Dakota's Black Hills. Pat Dixon, coordinating disaster fn. formation, said there may have been duplications in the death count. "We know It's over 200," he said. "It could be 29 over or 30 over. No one knows rigllt DOW ," Sen. George McGovern (0-S.D.), said it wa.s "a scene af incredible destructJon · and devastation." The pr e 1 l d e n t i a l hopeful flew from Washington Sunday to tour the floodland1 by helicopter. Don Barnette, Rapid City's 29-year..()ld mayor, said, "I woukl estimate a com· blned death total or 300 for the whole tragedy.'' Gov. Richard Kneip said, "We have in excess of 200 deaths and there's a long way to go yet. It'• believed many bodies are below the mud and the mire. 1\at part Is bad." Search crews concentrated on a virtually devastated flve-bl<lCk wide area aloog Rapid Cr<ek, the stream whleh cula through. the elty. 1 1t turned auddenly lnio a .,..Ilea, rot- ing lciller "ben'O..yon Liiie. Dmn ~ under the ~e .of a foot of rain late Friday nigh~ seoolng a lour-loot wall ol water thundering down from the hills. The flood caused an estimated $100 million da mage. destroying 500 houses and leaving thousands or perS()ns homeless. Authorities first said about l ,* per.t011.1 were unaccounted for, but later said they could not make an accurate guess on the number missing. Little had been determined. about what happened in more isolated communitiet in the hills -particu1arty to the huft. dreds, perhaps thouarids of touri!tl believed to have been camping in the area close by Mt. Rushmore. 11ie Agriculture Department announced In Washingt on Sunday that the flood area was eligible for emergency free food stamps. Representatives a( almo!t fff11Y federal agency that ·could be involft!I met to make recovery and assbi.nc- plans. Rapid City water supplies were cur- tailed (or f ea r of contamination and some residents look to robbing motel swimming pools of \Yater. Free typhoid shats were given to anyone who asked in hopes of beading oU the danger of epidemic. More than 4,000 townspeople and Na· tional Guardsmen pulled more than 50 bodiea from the nibble Sunday. Reacue.rs said they found bodies all aloag tbe Rapid er.et eoune -ih bUl'ments of 1!!/IDu which had ~n swept away, btiiUth pilu ijf rubble, 1n can. One Y~•bodJ WU draped in""'• trtt. • The nooct.,._.lhe 111t1on'1 worst sinee 11107, whelf• -tlit 'Milllolippl llld Oit Rivers took .. llves. • · J .. " ... 3,-160 Will Graduate ' . on Thursday ............ I Now you con wall tile car. 'l1lo wealberlady -!non p1111hJne on I tbt -lw TuOlday -Ind I tbereellor.' Hlaho ol 111 expeeted at 1 • Bl' "MICllAD. OOODRICH ..,.._.......,n.ts ... More than aillJO. oenlora In tile Hun- U/igtoft Jleidi """'.High School District ril ... ~ •• llld ....,,., 'lbunday ni&ht tO tUe port In an aid tredltloa - gndultloo. . .Thia: Yeat'I claa ls the larRtlt fill!' to )lltlldpel'e 1n illitrltt 1 r 1 d u . .;11 o a ...m.omu. ' ~ll'fO ol tM~f\to ·--l'cuntlln v111ey ml·~ -·.,ru 1rlduate the larPI! .. ~ 'lti.ilWlr lihl«T .while \Vestmiooter Win .-t ~ooiJ.byo lo lti ieo- ond ~~clau. "AntlclP.UOn" 11' ·t6e theme for the ninth Rnlor claa. 1to a:r:aduate from Marina Hill> -· The ceremony IOI' ISO oenlor1 will IJqln •t 1:30 p.m. In the odloot'• alllJlh!theat... Th< Prlne1pal spener "111 be DI'. L. Donald Shields, president of Col Stale Fullerton. Sbawn Millbw:n, will ·deliver the senior 1peoch while the Marinir valedielodal!I. Loeielle l!elller, Judith Doui!lus Ud Tr1th wai,rs-will 'llvt • Joint ~ tltioo 00 eootrib\ltlllc to ~ lulllrt. . 'l'rultee Gtorce Lopn 'lilll "'prueat the achool'boanl 1t the _, whU1 Assiltanl &I~' Gllltll· ...... •• ' .... ,. ....... , former Mlrlnl :1, will npruent dlltrl.ct·Wnlld~ Ceremonies lilr ~m ·, CUq ela" from WeS\ft'l-lllsb, will begin al 7 p.m. lti1 !lie ICtiool lootb1i1 stadium. The ISO ....... 'ilnlorl will be el<Orted by, a• illrl lam IUlnf from tile junior claas dUrlng their pro<osslonal m1rch. , V1ledlc:torl1n Gill Kenworthy and salul.ltorlan Michael Stevenson will d.Uver rr•-ion lddr-. Robert > Martin, a.ssi.stant 1upervlAor for business and flnanclal affairs. will represent the dlltrlct admlolstratk>n. F.dlaon HIP ScbooJ will &rldulte Ila third clus •I 7 P•m. ·In the odlool mn- pllltbeater. Sb~ -will bur llJIOIChes from ..iedietodaa s t • n Petenon 111'1, -spealoer Ohlrles Price. Soc:ill 1tudlel . te1cber-KomdJI Amm1M allo .. ui lddres.t tile l"lduatintf 1tnlor1. Superinltndent J1cl< Roper wru deliver hia "Super,lntendeut's Remar~" and president of tht ,bolrd of trullots Dr. Ralph anuer will 1llo Like part tn tile ctremony. The. six!Ji ·graduating clps1 from Foun-- lain Volley High Sc:hool wlll bqin Ila pro- cHSlon Into tht school amphitheater at 1 p.m. The n5 gradu1ting Banm .. 1u be 1ddreued by their two ... 1..-11pukm. I Rol>in Dodge and Deboreh WU.On. Trustee Dellllil Man&en wW repreatnt tbe lcbool bolrd It ""' Fountlln V1lley CtJ'OlllOllll while Dr. Joy Seltle, uaillant 1111pe<lntendent Jor puptl pmonnd, will be on hind for the dlltrlct ad- mlhlltrpllon. Ctnmooles for tho 11th :_l"_lldltattng c:l111 of lluotington Belch H1CJ1 School "IU bella 1t 7:IO p.m. In lhe lcllool loot- . bill 1tldlum. V1ledictorlans ·\l •-v Id Anderson; Stiton CoWAn aha Jama .lOm· . meb WU! deliver 1pteehes -tQ.the ·ci.,. of · 540 seniors. Salutatorlan Patricia Patch 1110 will •peak. Trustee John Bentley will represent tile school boord •t the otlers' &radulltlon and Dr. Jolln Hunt. a"r,tlnt superin- tendent for edueatlon1I Mrvlett and relellcb, will be preient for tile district adrnlnlsfk1Uon. "the be .... mm, to 15 --Lo.WI In tbt ••1. INSIP~ 1,'0DA y I • Orcinge 'COO@!fp air o/ficlols, ' pla~d )I; jCI *"'" probf<m.r t GI llli aifa!ll. olfJ!Qffo ..... th1ir I eyes rm ~~but• u a pos· siblt tof•l/Oft r;) "tlu critical question o/· taller• to put mort oil'J)Orlf, Stt tlory1 l'oge :ro . L.M. lf'tf lf ... ttae • C.llltr.ia i Cllttllltll .. ,. c.itll(.1 It C.......... 11 OMtll •1tet I l;dlfw'-1 ..... ' ..._,.. •0111 II Pi..c. 14-IJ ...... ,.. .. _,_ M ,. .......... ' •I ' l I . • ' • ' • • •• -r DAILY PILDT II Mondi)', Junt 12. 1'972 8 Comm1111ities Foes of Freeway Band Together A IJ"OUP of 20 well·known en- .tronmentalist.11 and freeway fighters from six Southern California coastal communllln Saturday were appointed to a steertni commJttee of the newly form- ed C:O.st.al CommuniUea CoaUUon formed to fight the proposed Pacific Coast Freeway. The pane.l inc.ludea: two Newport Buch councilmen and the leader• of various ~.ltiz.ens' commUtttt in Lagmia Buch, s.aJ Beach, Long Beach, San Juan Capistrano and Laguna Niguel. Newport Beach Vlce Mayor Jloward Rogen and CouncUman John Store are on the panel, aolng with Arnold Hano, a member of the Board of zoning Ad· jus1ment in Laguna Beach: \Yilliam Leak, chairman of Village Laguna: Richard E. Smith, president, Good Government Group of Seal Beach and Robert C. McCollum, chairman. Alliance oJ Homeo\\'ners' Associations of San Juan Capistrano. Other steering committee members are Jan Hall , chairman, Paclflc Coart Freeway Opposition Committee of Long Beach ; William Agee, Newport Beach planning commissioner; Michael A. Schley, president, Citizens' Town Plan· ning Association. Laguna Beach; Mildred B. Hannum, a member of the Laguna Beach Open Space Comm.Htee and Bea Wbittleaey, vice pre1ldtnt of Laguna Gr~enbelt, Inc. Also on the ranel are Margot Skilling, co-chairman o the Harbor Area Freew1y Mickey Mouse, Donald Rescue Lamb Students Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Com- pany have returned what thieves look 1way. Two weekends ago the school safe 1t Lamb School in lluntington Beach vras llurll•rhed to the tune of l80 and It tick.ta to Grad Nl1ht 11?2 at D!Jneyland. "It wu awful," recalled principal Stan Thompson. "Suddenly our eighth graders faced the prospect of spending grad night at home ." But Donald Duck came to the rescue. 'h\omp!On put In a call to the Magic Kingdom and explained to Disney of· ficlala how the eighth graders had raised money for crad nlahl tbn>uch a don1Uon· fr•wlD1, bul !hit their efforts had been nullified by lh!evu. "D!Jneyland ptople were jU1! crut about It," 1bomP10n uld. "They aarttd lo replace admission tickets for the 40 ltudent1 Involved, and also to 11ve them tlckell for five rtdea." ·ni1t still ten the eighth graden short tick.ell for their 11 chaperones and also p.ve rides abort of the number they had pch ortalnally purdwed. But Thoolpeon piy1 he· fia1 an aif'eement from the Lamb lchool PTO to make up the Uckets for h chaperones and he hu put out a plea ll> the community for e1tra ride ticket.s to le dlatributed equally among the lraduate1. Anyone wishing to make a fnlrlbutlon con ell! 912-1139. l Jluntington Trustees ~ Set Budget Hearing ' :,.,! $6.1 mJll!on tentative budget for tfle »''"·73 school year ill scheduled for di!-son Tuesday night by trustees of the · lngton Beach Clty (elementary) I District. "' Balancing the budget coo!d requ ire ~rty tat increases as high u nine cents per $100 assessed valuation to off- lrtt. costs of new employe benefit pro- JP"&ms required by the state, achoo! of- ficials have aald. The meet.Ina: la sched- )lled for 7,30 p.m. in the library o/ Dwytr ~tenned iate School. Fighlert' Cllilens' Coon:llnatlng Com- mittee; Earl llardage, a 1nernbtir or the Lido Isle Con1munity Associatlo11 ; C<1rrull Beek. a member of Nt~wport Hesidenis United ; E. Percival Cbaae, chalrrnan of the Laguna Niguel Homeowners' Associa- tion ; Suzanne Rudd, setrelary of lhe lfarbor Area CCC; former Newport Beach mayor Paul J. Gruber : r..tarshall Duffield, chairman of the fl arbor Area Freeway Flgblera and Frances ltobinson, a member of Friends of Nl.'wport Bay. \Valier J . Koch. CCC: <'hll1rmnn, "'a! selected as chairman of !he 11tw coali- tion. Schley and f11fcCollun1 v.•ere appointed vice chairmen. Chase was elected treasurer; Mrs . Jiall "'as selected recording secretary and i\1rs. Rudd, cor· responding secretary. A'! expected, in its first action , lh(' group adopted a resolution ca!hnf:( on .area legislators to actively push anti· freeway legislation in Sacrarncnto. The resolution points uut tliat prl'I ir111~ deletions of the proposed supe.rh1g/1w av "make it extremely question;iblc that thlS freeway will ever become the region::il type of freeway which was envisioned when it was approved by the State Highway Commission ." It is critical of the Slate Division of Highways land acquisition prograin. It says land has been purehased and held "without justification and for un- necessary reasons" and says the resul t "is an untold loss of tax revenue as 1vell as personal losses to pri va te landowners adjacent to and in the imn1ediate 11icinily of rlght-<>fo;1:ay..,purchased by the stale." Koch this morning described the new coalition as "enthusiastic" toward its goa l and predicted Its membership will expand even more at succeeding meetings. He said the panel will meet again June 24 at the home of Councllman Store in Corona del Mar. POW s Concerned About Wallace Politics, Peace From \\lire Services NEW YORK -A handful of American POWs held captive in !lanai ere CQn· cemed about Gov. George Wallace'! recovery. Sen. George McGovern's cam- paign and other U.S. polilical matters ln- cluding peace programs. The eight filers shot down fn Southeast Alla, including an El Toro Marine Corps >Jr Station-based jet pilot, were in· tervlewed May 25 by American antlwar activist,,. A tape recording was made at the 1eulon in Hanol and played for newsmen by Paul Mayer, one of the delegation in- vJted to visit North Vietnam. Mayer said Lt. Co. Edison w. Miller. or El Toro MCAS, and the other teven avlaton Including two San Diego Navy ~Iota uked about various things includ- mg young voter registration. The airmen also ques tioned what Congreu is doing to end the Vietnam War and claimed they are receiving good treatment as indeterminate guests of the Hanoi government. The De-parlment of Defense said all the men were listed as prisoners of "'ar. Jn addition to the questions about Wallace and McGovern. the prisoners asked the visiting Americans about peace demonatraUons, antiwar court cases and young voter registrnlion ., ~Navy Cmdr. David 11offmnn urged zin- t1war group,1 in the U.S. to unite "so the government understands it is really al l the people and not just dissident groups'' who oppose the war. "There is another pov.·erful tool that can be used and that is the power of the \'Ote," sald Navy Lt . Norris A. Charles Jr., who urged support. for presidential candidates commltted to ending the con- fl ict. 1 i ·--~ ,,./~/~~ ... DAil Y PILOT 1"11011 bT Lff l'I YM CountywUle Panel Eyed B y Boards Orange County Su per~i.W"s and mayor." have l!Hken the first lormal step to"•ard furn1:lt1011 of a l'OlHllY" Ide Council of (:overnrnents lCOC: I Gn:inunously endorsing a Supervi!!ors :ind Mayors Confertnce tSAJ\1CO J com- mittee report, the elected off icials Salur· dav orde red the com1nlttee to de velop 11 .~t1:.11·hy·~tep pl1:1n for the nrw re~lonal l 'Hlitlt"il Alll1ou~h dl·C1s1ons of COG l\Ould be ad· \ 1~or) uHI\ 11 1vould concern itself "'ilh n1;;illers ot rnutu11t , and sometimes con· 1rovers1al eoncern of city and county ~overnment. Included In the committee recom· 1nendatio11 for subjects lo be revi e"•ed by the ne\\' organization "'ere Jong range plannu1g, h1ghv•:.iy p!nnning. health and !'iafety , land use. parks. recreation, en· ''ironmenta l enhancemenl. transportation .<Jnd highways. rt Heavy Bear to Cross The SAMCO cominittee. neaded bv c<luncilman Don Smith of Orange. warned th:il soine 1ype of for1nnl coun ty regiona l t)l'J.,:anization is necegsary to prevent threatened sta le governrnent in tru sio n in· 10 n1atters of local concern. lnclulkd in the commjttee's adopted recom· n1endations were : Actually, Bruno, \Vho played Gentle Ben, was just that as he joined members of the First Baptist Church of c·osta !\1csa at Sunday School. Led by trainer Ron Oxley, of Saugus. Bruno appears to be just another face in the crowd after Sunday service. Newest honorary Sunday School member to receive certificate from Rev. James 0. Combs (ushering Bruno along behind trainer) is not without h uman weakness. Bruno's vice is addiction to jellybeans. -Calling of :i general meeting of all elected mayors. councilmen and supervisors as early as next fall to get lhe COG plan off the ground. -Initially the new leve l of goverrunent \\"Ould include only county and city elected offi cials. but other agencies such d S school and .special districts coul d be added later. UCI Senate Backs Women -There should be a paid executive director \\'ilh rnember agencies con· lr ibuting staff members as needed. Faculty Urges Fe1nale Hiring, Special Stu dy Funds -A single joint powers agreement should be written and adopted Jn order to provide finBncing. The committee was ordered to im· plrment its suggestioru and lo include coordination wlth the Southern California Assoc iation of Governmenls (SCAG). The UC Irvine Academic Senate wants to elevate the status of women on cam- pus. More women professors should be hired and more emphasis should be made on v.·ornen's studies courses, urge senate members. Funds should be made available im- mediately for the development of 1\'omen's studies courses within a!readv existing campus departments, senatC members voted Thursday. Grant monies should also be a"'arded for research into "contributions of 1vomen_ to civi!i'Ultion and knowledge," according to a report made by the senate committee on educational poli cy and passed by the senate. The faculty members also resolved that ';a greater number or qualilied wOmen must be recruited and hired." The only discussion by the senate ro!Jowing the report made by com- par~tive culture professor Jay Martin, chattman of the policy comntittee, was to change a grant-reviewing conunittee's name to the "Vice Chancellor's Com- miltee for Curriculum of Women's Studies.'' It had been referred to in Martin's report as the "vice Chancellor's Women's Cominittec for Curriculum Development." i\1artin reported the policy conunlttee studied the idea or women 's studies courses for eight months . It con- cluded that they were a top priority item, he said, but that they should not be in a separate Women's Studies Program. During that study, a 13-part ques- tionnaire was sent to department asking their views on \\'Omen's studies. Supervisor David L. Baker or Garden Grove noted the coun ty already ha! more regiona l organizations than most in the stale including countywide health, sanlta· lion. refuse di sposa l. water and highway construction agencies. "But. .. Baker "'arned. "if the propoged Council of Governments is going to work all of the cities and the CQunty itself will ha\•e to sincerely want it lo succeed and be "·illing lo put forth seriou.s effort,,." General Telephone Cuts Amount Sought in Hike ln ~tartin's report, English professor f\.-lary Key summarized in writing that "deparlment heads seem in general agreement that the focus should be on tbe discipline rather than on the sex," Less than one-third of the deparbnent chairmen contacted responded, said Professor Key, who added, "perhaps it has not been emphasized enough that the issues of women are also the issues of men." Of the about 30 senate members voting for the resolutions, five were women. The Saturday meeting of SAMCO, the sixth in a series beginning in 1971, also involved discussion! of uni form bicycle theft laws and billboard restrictions. No action was taken on either subject pm-- ding further study. Those attending did endorse a propoaed 92-acre site on Rosecrans Ave nue in Buena Park, the so-called Los Coyotes park site and the 27,000-acre Chino Hill! Wilderness Park. On the latter pl-Opo!al those attending agreed that due to its tremendous size It should be multi-county, state or federal In ~ncept. General Telephone Company or California. serving Orange Co a s t subscribers in the Laguna Beach and lluntington Beach areas, ha.! reduced its current rate increase application from $21.4 million to $10.l million annually. The amended application. it was stated. resulted from a recent California Public Utilities Comntission ruling regarding a 3 Ship Jtrmpers Taken in Denver rate increase for Pacific Telephone. as a result of which General Telephone ex- pects to receive $11 million additiona l revenu e annually from Pacific Telephone settlements. Du1ica1i Sister's Se rvices Toda y Public hearings on C.cneral's rate in- crease application are scheduled to begin t o d a y in the State Building. 197 So. Talbert Ducks Won't Be Killed Broadway, Los Angeles. Public vi'ilnesses LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Fune r a 1 are lo test'.fy on June 19_ services for one of two surviving Th d k . T lbert Lak H 1 m-bc I h Du S. e uc s 1n a e, unt n11-.. Changes are proposed in basic rates £or mem rs 0 t e ncan isters singing Beach, are not going to be slaughtered. both residence and business customers, trio are set for today in the Church of the c· . 11· . I .d ,.,_ Flo"·r-rs, r~orest Lav"n J\·!emorial-Park. 11y recreation o 1c1a s sa1 uQ morn--service conner ti on s. non-publ 1sh<"<I Glendale. Ing they were shocked to receive phone listings and customer-requested phone ,\Irs. Eve lyn A. McClelland died Thurs-calls from some residents who said the1 number changes. day at a Bellflower hos_Pilal after an ex-heard the ducks still remaining in the 1'hr utility is reQuesting a !>·cent !ended illness. She "'as 79. lake "'ere going to be killed. DENVER (AP) _ Three A\VOL n1onthly in crease for r cs 1 d c n ti a I She toured the "'CS!ern states during an The lake has been closed off for con- servicemen , including two \\'ho jum ped <:ustonicrs. 15 cents a month for business after '\'orld \Var J "'ilh her sisters Rosel· struction on the 207-acre central park. l'USton1ers ;ind 20 cents per monlh for 1 d v· · th D SI t Norm Worthy city parks and recre.a-. ship in San Diego. have bE'en arrested by a nn 1v1an as e uncan . s ers. · rnx trunks. She leaves her sister, Vivian Herman of lion director, has previously explained federal marshals at Our Lady of A 25-ccn! per month charge for each nurlingnm e. three dau ghters. Vi vian that the ducks are being transferred to Guadalupe Church, end ing their stB y in non·pulJlished phone nun1ber. a $5 charg" (;iJmore of Jlunlington Bench, Rosetta other city parks. taken to 30tne boys .sanctuary that began last Monday. to change a reslrlence phone and ~10 to Jlazan of \Vashinglon, and Barbara clubs and ranches, or given to resldenls. Taken into custody were Robert Bland change a bu.!iness phone are included. Boehm of North ~lollywood : two sons, Only a few ducks sUU remain in the Jr .. 22, \Yarren. Ohio, and Michael Haye s, The original 121.4 million rate increase Dunca n McClelland of Mountain Vit\.\·, lake at Golden West Street and Talbert request W8.!l filed in February to offset and Stewart McClelland of Woodside and Avenue. They will be removed to other 21 . Colorado Springs, Colo., both sailors, increased labor cost.s. a brother, Harold Duncan of Los Angeles. locations, not killed, Worthy said. and Eugene Berryhill, 20, Minot, N.D., an J-::::::::::===========--=:'.:=-::=======::=:=====:::=c:=='::==============~ Army private. OIAN•I COAST HI DAILY PILOT Ousted General Admits Selling Out Overstock ONE CARAT DIAMONDS s479 Only With This Ad 1'ht eir.,.. c.111 Dit.IL't' l'llU'JT d wflll$ .. _,,..,... ..,. ...... ~ .. Ml .... .., .. Or9nt9 a.t NllW\"'9 ~., ...... ,.,, •11• ... .. ........ MMl.y fl'l'9Ulllo l'r ... '(, f'llr C•ll MtM, H......,1 ltkll, Hw1t1,.i111 INdll'"-'-111 YtlllT, ut- 11-11,, l"'ln1ts..NltMO: al'ld Sin Clt!n.1>11f Sal'I Ju•n C..lllelrtll!L A .i,..,. r .. 1on111 mltlon ii M lltllN .. ,.,,....,. 11'111 SllllCl1'f'I. The ,,WINI "*119'11111 JllM It 11 »II Wfll 11., '''"'· Cit,. M.M. (.tllfornla, ntJt. l1lt1rf N. W1M rrtslHnt • ,...,""' J 11li •· C11rl1y Vkt ,.,_i.t.rll ft 0--11 MaM1,r Tii1n111 K1nll ..... 1)t'"''' A, Mvr,Jil111 M1ntt1!9 •411W CJi1tl" H. Le11 •11h1r4 P. Ni n ...... "'"'' Mlflallnl 141..,. T ,,,., C1-.ill1 W..1 o,.,..,. ~, l ll?lr .. .....,. .. __ ,,,,, •·•di ... 1 ••• rt1 Ma U'111 _..,,,.,, r.o. ••• '"· •2••• ---ue-IMO!• 2H ,.., .. , AWllVI C.lt -...: D w .. tr.J. 11r .. 1 N._.,.. lffdli UU New lwltottN ._ C:ll!Nlltt1 •i """'° I C•"'""' "•I .,.,., .... 1714) '41-4111 Cl-*"'4 .. , ...... I MWJI , .............. ....,c .. , .... .... ,. I, '"' ~ C.I ll'VMllJllllt , "'9 ~ ,.,.,,.._, mw1r1t11M, Ntt&r W M \"4'1'-'-lt .... ' ....... "'"""" -· •· ....... ..,.,llllt ..... ...................... ., ""' ,.,,..., C&••..., II~""~ a.u .-....,, W N il U.11 ~I l'llllffvy 12M ~. Unauthorized Strikes WASHINGTON (AP) -An ou!ted U.S. commander in Vietnam confirmed to congressmen today that he ordered J)OMibly unauthorized nlr strikes against the North Vlelnamete for the aafety oC his pilots "and 1t the wne time trying to stop the bulldup" that led to lh'e lncunlon into South Vietnam. But retirM Alr Force Lt. Gen. John D. Lavelle aaid he orde~ the atrlkea ha lted >.tarch IO when he learned three repom of the 1lrikes had been falslfled, and there appeared to be no way to continue them without filing false report1 . Gen. John 0. Ryan, Al r Force chief of staff, told the aubcommJttee be flred Lavelle aa commander of the 7th Air Force tn Indochina when h~ learned of what be 1ald were 24 unaulhortled air str1ke1 into North Vietnam involving U7 planes. .Lavelle aald he thought there were lus than 20 11uch mJ1slon1. L.avellt sald his pilots saw and photographed maulve bulldu ps of North Vietnamese: plane1 , tanks, artillery and supplies near the Dtmllltarlied Zone and aatd that when he rcque~ted permission to strike them ht did not receive it but neither did he receive a denial. c Lavelle said he could understand Ryan's viewpoint from Wa.!hington that "l had exceeded my authority.'' But he added : "At that time as the commander on the spot concerned wit h the aarety of the crews and at the tame time trying to stop the buildup that was going on. I fe lt that these were justifiable actions." Lavelle said thal he judged. lhat under the rule.! prohibiting au but "protective reaction" alr strikes into North Vietnam in line with the 1968 bombing halt he had tbe authority &.! the conunander oo lhe rpot to order the alt strikes. Bul he aaid that when an lnveatlg1tor •howed blm the thrtt ralle reporto on the atrlke1, "'I couldn't believe thtm." He said he halted the atrlkes becauae he and hit naff could not find MY way to pre- vent fu rther such inaccurate reports. Hla and Ryan'• testimony indicated that tilt flllslncatlon Involved t<portlng that unit! had taken some ltlnd of mllltary action jU8tlfylni "protective reaction'' rttalla!ory strikes. He referred to rules of engagement that at that tlme prohibited U.S. air strikes Into North Vietnam tn line wttb th< 1968 bombing halt exctpl for "prol..,. tlve reaction" rttallatory strUi:es . f TRUMP FULL SIZE CLASSICAL GUITARS OUT OF PAWN WATCHES Ovor 100 Popular Brandi To Ct.MM From YACHTSMAN .BINOCULARS BUSHNELL lxJO WATERPROOI', SHOCK- PROOF, DUST PROOF THEY FLOAT COSTA MUA JEWELRY & LOAN CAMERAS ' ... __ 1• D'T\. '1.4 .... --_ " .. n•--- I -------. - Mond11, Junt 12, 1912 H DAIL v 'lLllf I s. Viet Troops Liberate Loe' Court Ruling Clubs Get Okay To Ban Negroes \YASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court today upheld the right of privalt clubs to exclude Negroes as guests. The 6 to 3 decision was delivered by fresh1nan Justice Willia~ H. Rehnqu ist. IL went against a black brought as a i.:uest to the ti.ioose Lodge in ~larrisburg, Pa. The blurk. L€roy Jrvis, the 1najority leader of the Pennsylvania House , con- tended thaL because the club held a liquor license from the stale it coulcl nol exlude blacks as meinbcrs or as guests. Today's {IC'cision dealt dlrcclly \Vith the <'!l:clusion of blacks a~ guests -and not \Vilh their ex cl usion as members . Rehn- <1uist said lrvis could not challenge the Lodge's all-white membership policy because he had never applied for 1nembe rship, but had only been brought to the club as a guest. Rehnquist said the club's refusal to serve Negroes does not violate the 14th Amendment even though the ~1oose * * * Court Grants Aid to All ~acing Jail WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreml'! Court l od~y granted all defendants who face a possible jail term the right to be represented by a lawyer. The 7 to 2 decision delivered by Justice \Villiam O. Douglas. guarantee;; a lawyer's help to mil lions of poor pkple who a re prosecu ted for petty offenses and misdemeanors. Less than half the states supply free Ja\\'yers to defendants in all trials that i.:ould lead to a jail term. The historic rul- ing, an expansion of past Sixth Amend· ment decisions, \V iti necessarily change trial practices in those !'ltatcs. Chief Justit'i: \Varren E. Burger, who 'vent along. said he wu confident the legal profes!'lion v•ould meet the "large ne\v burdens'' placed upon it. Justices Lewis F. Powell and William 11. Rehnquist. the court's freshman mem· hers. objected to lhe s weep of t he decision although they did not dissent in a technical sense. They said the C<lurt should have ruled there is a rlght to a lawyer only when "necessary to a1Jsure a fa ir trial." In 1963 a case knov.·n as Gideon V. \Vainwright laid the Jlrlnciple that a man on trial fo r "serious offenses" has the right to a la\\'Yer and that if he cannot af- ford one the state must supply counsel. Until then. the Sixth Amendment hid been Interpreted as necessitating lawyers only in capi tal offenses -when there u·as a chance of a death sentence. Su bsequently, the court grant~ the right to a free lawyer when the jail term could be six months or more. Lodge gets it! liquor lictnse Utroua:h the s tate. "Since state-furnished service. Include such necessities of life 1s electricity, water, and police and fire protection, such a holding v..-ould utterly emasculate the dislinction between private &!I distinguished from !'ltate conduct,'' be said. Chief Ju!tice \Varren E. Burger and Justices Harry A. Blackmun and Lewis Jo'. Powell, the three other 'Niion ad· ministration appointee!, lined up with Rehnquist, a former assistant attorney general. Justices Potter Stewart and Byron R. White also were in the ma· jority. Dissenting were. JU5tlces William 0 . Dougla!, William J. Brennan Jr., and Thurgood · Marshall, the court's only Negro member. Brennan Kid Pennl!lylvania's liquor regulations plainly intertwlned the stale with the operation of the lodge's bar ln a significant way and lent the slate's authority "to the sordid bu!lness of racial discrimination.'' The ruling reverse! a three-judge federal court in Harrilburg which held in 1970 that the Moose Lodge could not keep both ill liquor license and ib raciaJly e1- clusive policy. The lodge is acroslJ the street from the Pennsylvania State Capitol. Irvis, an Allegheny county Democrat. had betn brought to it for dinner and drinks by a white member. The Constitution that govern! all Moose lodges provides that membership "be composed of male per&0IU1 of the Caucasian or whlte racu above the age of 21 years, and not married to someone other than the Caucasian or white race ., Marine Stabbed; Suspect Held In Santa Ana A young El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta- tion enlisted man died Sunday morning after being stabbed through the heart 11t a Santa Ana apartment and falling out a second story window. His alleged slayer was arrested shortly afterward on SU1plcion of murder. Rudolph B. Tamayo, 47, of 322 W.1'11rd St.. was question~ by police combing the area around 200 N. Broadway after they found bloodstains on his clothlng. He is llU.!peeted of fatally stabbing Andrew H. Nelson, 18, whose body was found about S a.m. by a passerby in an alley behind the North Broadway ad4 dre!IS. Investigators claim Nel.11on wu visiting Tamayo's apartment wbtn a quarrel .11tarted, leading to the fatal 1tabblng. coroner's deputies said dulh wai; due to the heart wound. It was not determin- ed whether the Marine would have been seriously injured in falling out tbe win· dow. 13 Breaks Evel Evel Knievel, the motorcycle daredevil, hoped it wou1d be the other way around Sunday when he agreed to jump over 13 cars at At· lanta's Lakewood Park. But a miscalculation during a practice jump the day before brought him a compression fracture or the back and injuries to both hands. Undaunted by injuries, he sho\ved up any,vay on Sunday and did three 60 mph "wheelies." Red China Cites 'Threat' Of U.S. Bombing Attacl{s TOKYO (AP) -Communist China said today U.S. air strikes in North Vietnam near the Chinese border threaten its security. It charged that "these frenzied acts of aggression" are not only "new war crimes" against North Vietnam but also ••grave provocatioll!'l'' against China. A Foreign Ministry 3tatement, in Pe- king said, "The Chinese government and people exprus their re90lute 3Upport" for a North Vietname.se statement issued Saturday C<lndemning the United States for further dispatching many planes for raids against the Hanoi a u bu r b s , Haiphong and other areas. The statement was broadcast by P~ king's New China News Agency. Last week. U.S. Air For~ jets swept to within 20 miles of China and wreck.ed a big North Vietnamese railroad marshal· ling yard and hi.gbway brktie only 40 !'leconds flying time from the China-Viet- nam border. The raids we.re reported the clO!est to the border since the 1965-68 bombing campaign against North Vietnam. China said the United Slal"' "should know that the heroic peoples of Vietnam and the other Indochinese countrita are by no means alone in their struggle. It did not elaborate on this point. "For over a month, U.S. imperialism in defiance of the strong condemnation and opposition or the people throughout the world, had continued to escalate its war against the Democratic Republic of Viet- nam," the s tatement added. ''It not only has mined and blockaded the ports of Northern Vietnam and daily sent out large numbers oi airplanes and warships to make frantic raids on many cities, villages and C<lastal centers, but has steadily e1pa.nded the s p h e r e of bombing up to areas close to the Sino- Vietnamese borders, threatening the security of China. llake Father> Da Communists Flee Provincial City SAIGON (UPfl -South Vietnamese armored oolumn!'I and lruckloads of sup- plies broke through today to An Loe and all but lifted the siege of the provincial capital 60 miles north of Saigon -the fourth major tu"'" to ix-lltx>rated s ince the Con1munist offtns1vc began on )1arrh 30. A few snij)('rs remained in the hi"·n and Highway 13 from Saigon \\KS. ni>t t'Oll· sidered .. saft ' Ape's Liver Aith Pcttie1it Fror11 Coiinty t>~rom Wirt' ~t'r\·icts AUGUSTA, G11 J:>espite a respiratory C'utnplicat1on. a Buena Park ""'Oman suffC'ru1g advanced 11\·('r <li.c;;ca!'le is responding here today to a unique treatment in whieh her blood is fillered throu~h a baboon 's liver. Offici11ls at the ~l edicAl t:ol!ege ot (;eorgia said Mrs. Linda Grc-enawav. 32, is doing well folluwlng fivr hour.~ Or th!" technique known as perfusion. Eric Jacobsen, assistant administrator of Talmadge Memorial Hospital where ~·lrs. Greenaway was fl ou•n last Thursdav from Orangl' County, said the trea1n1erit developed by Dr. George Abouna i!'I not the sole ans1ver. The avanced deterioration of r..1rs. Greena,vay's hep atit!s·ravaged liver in· dicates Dr. Abouna and llis team may have to attempt a human liver tran!'lplant. He ha!'I pioneered that concept and has two surv iving liver transplant patients to his credit so far. By fHlerinR her blood lhrough the ba· boon's li\'er, Dr. AOOuna can assist '.\1rs. Greenaway's 01-•:n organ to rest and regenerate. at least~ some degree. Teams of doctors y.·orking to save the mother of fou r 'vant to strengthen he r enough to \.•:\thstand the strain of a transplant operation after use of the ba- boon organ. The liver now being used Wa.IJ removed from a 60-pound baboon captured In Kenya, clean/Jed of its own blood supply and refrigerated until being hooked into Mrs. Greenaway'! system. But most of the North Viet name~ at·,,. IJrJ..ers were r~ported to have withdrawn 111 C:1111bod1a and the remaining 7th and' ~Hh Uinununist O\vts1ons were described .1:-. • del·1 n1ated ' or so badly cut up they Jost their co111bat effecti\'eness. ~!any ;..;orth \'1f'tnamese attackers. \1 ere killed by mass1\ c 852 st rikes and b~ fighter-bombers 1·ne emphasis t)n thf' air war todav was '\'Orth Vietnam "here B52s struck for lhc 1lfth conseculivt"' clay while fighter· 1..KJ1nbers hiltin~ th" llanot·Ha1p hong· a.reas played ha voc u ith ~orlh Vietnam·• \l'ilr transportation, 'l'ht> Saigon con1n'!1nd in reporting 280 ~trike~ 1n Nor th V1clnan1 during the 2~ !tours rndlng ill 5 p.m. Sunday also reported that F4 Phantoms fro m the cnr• r1er Coral Sea shot down two 1'1 1Gl7 1 Sunday 25 miles south of Hanoi witll n11ssi\es and wilhoul suffering any losse!I'.· !heruselves. U.S pl anes using "s1nart bombs" guid4 ro by laser beams and television hav• knocked out scores of railway bridgu leading from China to the J1anoi area. And in doing so they left about liOO heavily laden rt1llcars stranded in the open like sitting duck!'!. 1\lany of those have been prime targets and the U.S. Command reported that 60 cars were hit during the la.st 24 hours. Pilots on bomb in g raids against railroad cars 60 miles northeast of Hanoi nea r the Ch i n a border caused larae secondary explosions with a bright orange fireball 500 yards Jn diameter-a sure sign that ammunitlor. exploded. U.S. 7th Fleet ships also have joined the bombardn1ent or North Vietnam, :-;helling the coastal road and canal network . 'fhe command said the destroyer USS Bau~ell, while shelling the Than Hoa region 80 miles southwest of Hanoi. WI! hit by shrapnel on June 10 ·and slightly damaged. No injuries were reported. Air !oases were mounting. The U.S. command said one American was killed ~nd six missing in four ~eparate ail crashes today and Sunday, includlng twd rnen lost in the north. An F4 Phantom was shot down by a missile but the tw~ n1an crew parachuted into lhe South China Sea and we.re rescued. The other crashes and helicopter losse~ \Vere in South Vietnam. Four men were reported. missing in two chopper crashes. A U.S. Army·OH5 Loach chopper "114 1bol. !!own locl>Y near • Bill el . ' crewman wu: reported killed -tbt tlllrdl Loach sbol down n .. r Hue in Ibo wl two days. Armed Pair Net $3,500 Fal er> Yeat Bnck to School? Summer's· fun is over a!Jd it's back to school 1!1'1• in Auitr1· lia for lovely Robin Evins, 17. She has. the figures (38-24-35) to add new dimensions to m1th -or any other subject, for lhal matter. • At Laguna Restaurant By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. o.ltr ...... t•ff Two men, one lrandilhlna a anut>-noltd revolver, held up Laguna Beach's famous Willie BOOM nstaurant lborlly alter I a.m. today, taJdni al !wt '3,IOO In weeteoci recelpll; Kozy Sannratar:I, operator of the rtltaurant, at 3IO S. Coast lllabway, bis wile Glad)'l and Dan Mikel•, an tmploye, were tied and left unharmed u the two men ~ the est1bllahme.nt. Saruwatari said he wa.11 worklnc behlnd the restaurant bar when ht looked up and saw a man wJtb 1 &wt facing him. The (llllllllll, del<libed u ol medium height, wllh 1 lllendtr build and duk hair, ordmd him lo call the olber employu out. Dan Mikels, -kins In the men•1 rut room .gd·oot·llld ,_the .....,u. "~J·™oiM jieppeD, and l 'vo 1ot ooly mii'aiin Jell," Sannrotarl aald, eqiltnq Illa! on W-lday, he _,Id end Illa 1we of the Laguna rerlluranl "dlch he hu ope.riled alnce 19'1. The tialmess w11 e1labli1bed in 1918. ~ Alter tlllnj an the money from the of· flee, the pnman ind hlo acoompllce wont ~ the bar ana and coDected men -then. lllr1. ~1llrl and Mlkelo were then freed from the loclttd 1tortroom ind, wllh Sannoallrl, tied lo the Jl"le•lall of Ille" ntllatllll tab1"'. u 'I'm eorry 1 havt to tie you up Hke this,' the IUY aald to me," Mrs. 5"r11wllarl said. Sile 11111 bad ... 11.o oo her wrl•I• where her bonds be<n Uahttn- ed. "I Jul\ stood lbere, woitJnc for ,.rneono lo say oomethinl ind thlo 1uy stuck his aun in D1J stom•ch •nd told me 'move over there,'" Mikels recounted following the robbery. Mn. Saruwatari, working In the kitcb- ID, wu called out into the restaurant area and then ahe and Mltela, were locked hi • atore1 OOID. The (Unman then forced Sannntarl lo the office and made him open the safe. The other man scooped up the money, bundling it up in his shirt which he had untucted. from hil trouser!. "The (Uy holdin( the gun seemed aaltated, he kept saying 'hurry up, don't bother with the cheeks or the small stuff,' "Saruwatari said. "He didn't tle me very well," Mikell said. He uid that he had worked his way free, but wu waiting for the man to leeve before getting up. "I couldn't see them. but once Kory called out to me and a.aid, 'how are you Danny?' .. One of the· men called beck, 'what wu that?' " Mlkell lald. Sl>orll1 afterword , Saruwatarl jumped up Ind ran lo the ttiephooe and coiled police. All three vlctl.ms agl'ffd that the man) with lhe (Un was the boll. The other men, cltlcrlbed u about 5 loot, 10 incb.1 tall wt th a l1ir complulon and light hair, Jul\ clld U be WU told, they Nld. "1 w11n't scared at all; I.be)' were just not the type lo be scared ol," Mn. Saruwatarl said. • DetecUvea believe the banclltl entered through the rear rtltlurant door opentns en RaJDGOll· A•enue. Cc:Ntruclkln wcxbrt on the ne" Laauna ~ County !Jbrary Im· mediately blhlnd the renturanl were qurltlontd by olllcor1, but apparenUy the iunm•n and bis acc:omplice left un· noticed. Seldom can you give what he needs and what he wants. Flor- shelm Shoes are Ideal, They delight the first day and all through months and years of pleasure in the look and feel of quality. Size is no problem. Just use a gift-boxed Florsheim Gift Certificate. Makes it real easy I fJTJ..1..;.. (!J;'Cl»ft ,, _,, ___ .. __ -----·-· o• 26.95 Black.Brown JI.ts lll•ck-lrown W • Carry Siu1 fo I .f Width1 from AA to EEE 54 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER • 644-4223 UM Yevr M••ttr C"-rg• e lankAmerlcarl e Hftl'lpfllll Ch1r1• ' ' ' 4 oAi\.y PILOT ,, .. , ~ Coe•t ing ,'!!"J Th e Things Oqe Learn s . • • BA~WRITIS DEPT. -Ah yes, the little woman has ned to a vacation in beauliful 1iiexico and so far during her short absence 1 have enjoyed a learning experience. For example, I have learned : -You cannot make up for not watering the plants for several days by watering them heavily all at once. The water runs straight through the pots. You sti!l have dry plants but lots of water every place else. -It is possible to overdo chi cken. You can make a Col. Sanders golden brown turn into a study in black in just the amount of time you took to hunt up a couple of new Jee cubes. -WlI EN YOU TOSS away t he charcoal-colored chicken.·make sure you have tossed it all the way away. Otherwise the cats will find it. Cats are good in finding chicken, charcoal-colored or otherwise. When cats find chicken. they strew the pieces across the living room rug. -It is unco mfortable to walk across the living room rug in your bare feet in quest of the morning papers when said r ug has been strewn with chicken pieces. It is also not good for your early morning disposition. -The dishwasher is really a recycling machine and must be run full bore, day and night, or you will never keep up with dish consun1p tion. The demand for dish...,·are aJways exceeds the supply. -DO NOT GET trapped lnto loading and starting the dishwasher without checking every room in the house .• You wil l find three glasses and a cookie plate under daughter's bed. Dirty spoon in the bathroom. Cup that held milkshake betv.·een two books in 'on's room. Cat dish inside dog dish pushed under v.·astebasket. -In addition to causing you to run dishy,·asher ·with only a partial loa d, fln· ding all these things after dishwasher has been started is a lso bad for your disposi· t ion, like the earlier chicken pieces on living room rug. MonckJ, Junt 12, l97Z . Farm Truck Hits Pickup l{illing 12 Al.EXANDRIA. La. I AP ) -A tractor· trailer truck loaded with wheat smashed into the back of a pickup truck carrying 14 persons on a awimming outing1 kill ing 12 and critically injuring another. The big truck hit the slow-moving pickup Sunday as It was preparing to make a tum from U.S. 165 about 20 miles south of here to a road leadlng to the Shady Nook swimming hole, State Police reported. The truck climbed on the bed ()f the pickup. powering it 275 feet and pounding it into a pine tree with such a thrust that the cab was crunched lnlo about a two. fuot area, officers said. Eleven victims were aged I to 18. The 12th was identified as the pickup driver, 30-year-old Martha Maeux of Woodworth. All but one victim y,·as fro m \\'oochvo rth, a small community ne11r Alexandria. The other was fro rn !\ew Orleans. The tractor-trailer driver, Identified :is 24-year-old Gus Wiley of Deville, La .. wa s hospitalized in shock. Satte Trooper Robert J . Rigby said that no charges had been filed in the case. fo.lost of the victims were related. The side or the 30-foot van on the lari::e truck broke , spilling wheat on the ground. Rigby said bodies of three victims v.·ere found under the wheat. Death Vigil Bea tings, Deatl1 Probed in Vegas 'Cheatina Rin a ' 1ilr. and l\lrs. Emil Bearshield 'rait in a Behrens morgue to identify a missing frlend Sunday. A flash flood struck Rapid City, South Da· kota this weekend, kiJling more than 200 persons. Hun dreds are still missi ng, ~ ~ LAS VEGAS. Nev. (UPI / -Caslno v.·orkers may have been terrorlzed by beatings and murders into cooperating with a ring or gambling cheats that has bilked casinos of at least $300,000 using a clever ''hollow chip stack." Candidate Sees [(e nnedy As Choice of Democrats "We are t rying to identify the people involved, to fmd ()Ut "'ho organized the . ring and how they recruit some of the WASHINGTON (UPI) -lf Sen. George participants," Phtl Hannifin, chairman of S. McGovern falls to win a first ballot the Nevada Gaming Control Board, said victory at the Democratic National Sunday. Convention nex.t month he will be denied Some sources said that the ring had the presidential ·nominalion, ·says Rep. Wilbur D. ldills. The party then may turn siphoned off as much as S3 million from to-Sen. Edwari:i M. KeMedy. the gambling tables, and that as niany as Mills, inf1uential chairman of the House 150 casi_~ wo~kers may be involvec,t. , wa·ys ·and'M'eanS committee and hi mself Hanruhn 1a1d that was an e1:a&ger~t1on. lhl\I ~bout 20-30 pefSOllS were Involved. Jn· . the past month the ~ has W:tlm12;td at least half a dozen casinos, defrauding them ot $300,000 to $400,000, Hannifin said. . . . ...... .. : !alls yet seen in the market. -Speculators st:r ambling to grab profits have now cut back the metal's price by '8 an· ounce since ii peaked at $67 last Thursday. · 1'he rush to ·sell put· dealel"'S ofr lo a l}ectic st;ut as the slide wiped; out all the ~ig price gains bUilt up since the start of tpls . month and followed sizeable falls Thuf~ay and Fiiday after tbe $G'T peak . started to tempt sellers to take profits. Some operators could see a profit of up to SJJ)et~nt over a period or a few months, W-'!'agton Flood Snowpack Melts; 300 Flee Homes SEA'J'l'L!, Wub. (UPI) -Flood waters 1'0M: today along the Okanogan Rlvt:r of Northeast Washington where more than 300 per!Ons were forced from lhtlr homes lu t week. W1ters were expected to crest at 22 .3 reet late tonight, only .2 feet less than the previous flood crest that caused nearly $15 million damage to a stretch of towns iiod orchard!. Four persons were missing, meanwhile , along Northcentral Washington's Entiat River, where flash flood ripped down PresUln Creek Saturday. Civil Defense director Jack llarrington * * * R ed Cross F11nds Nearly Depleted Due to Flooding \VASl~lNGTON (UPI) -Due to recent disasters in several states including the flood in Rapid City, S.D., the American Red Cross is under considerable financial strain, according to a top Red Cross of· ficial. Robert Shea. Red Cross vice president for disaster relief. announced Sunday the !led Cross is initiating a nationwide cam· paign to raise $5 million to help disaster vi ctims. Shea said a critical financial situation has developed within the Red Cross because of its assistance to flood victims in Texas. Kentucky, Washington. \Vest Virginia and South Dakota; as ":ell as victims of numerous tornadoes. "\Ve ask the American public to re· spond to our campaign by donating fund s for disaster relief to their local chapter of the American Hed Cross.'' Shea said in a statement released from the Red Cross headquarters. DAILY PILOT DELI VERY SERVICE Otlivery of tht Dally Piiot is guaranlttd MMday-J'rld~y: If you dci not have veur Pi!~ bY .J:lO p.m., cell ~n.d your COilY .. m be brOuQfi"l 1CI you. Call• l te INtn 11111!/ 1:.111 p.m. $at11raay 1116 Sund1y: It you do ..01 rK1lve yo11r cOIJ't' by 9 1.m. S11urU.y, er I 1.m. Sul\day, cell Ind e COi'Y will ~ brOllghl ta you. C..11• 1r1 11~111 un!lr ta 1.m. Ttltphonts Mo$! Or111111 County Aria• ........ io-4121 Norlh-1 Huntln11on llt•ch and WttlmlNltr ................. S*-1221 San Ci.rtwnlt , C1phtr1ne Btltll, San J uen C1pll!r&t1C, 0.111 Pcii11t, SaWh LAQl.Hlfl, L•g11n1 Nlgu1I .. 4t2·442t said U1e Entiat was black with mud today as it ate away banks, and began washing into previously untouched houses and ap-- ple orchards. lie said chances were slim of findinC Steve Laughery, '2, and bis wife, Bttty. 49, or Moses Creek, and an unidentified couple y,·hose cabins were swept into th~ Entiat. Twenty-one persons were evacuated by helicopter Sunday from the Cottonwood camping area of the Enliat. Chelan Coun· ty Sheriff's deputy Larry 11ivley said t he scene was 'ipretty much of a mess." ''People are lrying to sandbag and dike around their houses, but from what I saw, their efforts were pretty futile." he reported. ''Water was still coming in around the bags and into the home area ." The new threat to the Okanogan Valley \Yas lessened by repair work to dikes done since the last (]ood crest, the Arn1y Co rps of Engineers said Sunday. The Corps said it didn't think any further evacuation would be necessary. The Okanogan area was declared a disaster area aSturdar by Presidewt Nix· on after the fast melting snowpack of the Cascade ~1ountains caused extensive flood damage to homes a nd businesses. W oodstock-sty le Wallace 'Party' Held in Florida LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) -A pair or donkeys draped in bright campaign ban4 ners con1peted with country and Wester-it stars for the atlention of George Wallace fans Sunday at ''\Vallace's Woodstock." The. day-long fund raising jamboree fo1' , the Y.'OWlded Alabama governor was ·the , \vol'k of Dewey Smi th , who admits he got the idea from "the liberals." Smith was Polk County campaign coordinator for \Vallace"s successful bid in Florida 's ~larch 14 Democratic presidenlial primary. \\'allace was shot by a would-be assassin in ?.·larylaod last 1nonth and is still in the hospital there. "\Vatching television about six week.!! ago I got the idea." said Smith. "Barbra Streisand and some or the other big name show business people were putting on a shindig for GeOrge 1\1cGovern. . ''If the liberals can do it, we can. too ." lie grinned. "And here it is -'Wallace'• \Voodstock.' " -A.NOTllER WASlllNG machine is located in the laundry room. This one is for clothes. You do not have to wa\ch the washing machine vuy close1y. Walch the dryer, however. Be first to get to the dryer. Otherwise, you wi ll not tiave any T-shirts. Your sons will have all the T· shirts. They wil l suggest It was only your jmagination that you had any T-shirts in the wash. You will then notice d uring the coming days that they have plenty of clean ones and you seem to be wearing something that lvas used to clean off the car engine. "The Murphy CMe turned us..cm to it ... •aid Chief Deputy Sherif! R>y Gubser, referring to the death of Robert Lee ~1u rphy. \\'ho \vas shot Jn a brawl with a ca.sine executive last month. One of the "hollow chip cups" used by the ring was found in Murphy's home after his death. a 'Democratic . presid~niial •'Candidate, made the assessment Sunday. The Arkansas Democrat also said that if the convention were to draft Kennedy. he would consider accepting the vice presidential _nomination. FORD, CHEVY, PLYMOUTH OWNERS -Mop the kitchen floor regularly. lf you do not. it becomes sticky. This doesn't r eally injure your bare fe et but only mea ns you have to wash them some. Later. however, beach sand gets mixed in with the kitchen floor stickies. This tums the floor into sandpaper. This indeed is not good for your bare feet. Better mop It. ACiUALLY, THE life of a bachelor with three kids is real bliss. You ju st have lo keep on your toes and continue thr learning experience. Only one thing really continues to wor· rr you : '''hat ·will you learn tomorrow? A ppcal Turned Down \\'ASI-llNGTON r AP l -The Supreme Court today unanimously turned down an appeal by John Patler from Jiis con- viction in the 1967 sn iper gJ aying of George Lincoln Rockwell, commander of the American Nazi Party. Patler, 33, was sentenced lo 20 years in prison. The ap- peal centered mostly on the identification of him first from a new s pa per photograph and later in the hallway of a police station. An unusual number of assault and strong-arm incidents have occurred since then. with many o( the victims being casino or hotel workers. Several have mysteriously disappeared, and a rash of kUlings broke out the week after fo.1urphy "'as slain. H1k ks Talk that Hubert Humphrey is two faC8cl. is ridiculous! e More Massacres? NEW YORK (AP') -A Newsweek I magaz.iDe correspondent reports ~ "stag. gering number" of Vietnamese civilians were killed by u .s. forces in a pacifica-- tion program in 1968 that "made the My I Lai massacre look trilling by com- parison." . Kevin P . Buckley reported In this week's issue ()f Newsweek that one of· I ficial estimated 5,000 civilians died in the 5ix-month-long operation code-named '"SPf'edY Express.'' which v.'as carried out in ~he ~tekong Delta. e J11p11n Vislto1' I TOKYO (AP) -P resident Nixon lias invited Emperor Hirohlto to vi.sit the United States, presidential adviser Henry I A. Kissinger anoounced today as his weekend visit to mend relations between the Nixon administration and J apan drew to a close. I Kissinger told a news conference he delivered the invitation to Prime Minister Eisaku Sato Saturday. Sato said "an a~ propriate time v.·ould be worked out through normal diplomatic chaMels'' for I the visit. e Gold Plunges LONDON IUPJ) -Tiie price ol gold I plunged $3.75 an ounce In nrly ll"ff market trading today. retreating tO S5t dollars an ounce in one of. the. biggelt, Fair Skies I • Ill East, W es~t · ..... I , .. .. AllONA\ WllolNI SIMKlfOllCAll .. ,U .s1 , ... •·n· 30.00 2 ,, • •l"Wt R"NC'I .. ~ \ .~ ~~~~ .• '-;J;!t;lllli!:; JQOO IOWll1 l lM"U.fVn1?9'.77 ,. PRE-4th SALE "Tut.Int ... ,,...,." prt.::1• l)lu. l t.75 to S2.4S F...i. EL l t • l)ar 11,., ~nchJ>g ""' •Ila.. S14.95' was $22.00 8.25--1 4 & 15 $22-00' was $30.00/$31.00 8.55-14 ... $23.00' w1aS32,50 . '· General Jet• 4-PLY NYLON CORD •Tough Duragen•rreact Ru bber • Famous Dua l Tread Design ' 7 ,, 7 J --~---... l': _, &range Coast EDITlON T oday'8 Ft.al N.Y. Stocks .. VOL 65, NO. 164, 3 SECTIONS, 26 PAG ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1972 N TEN CENTS • Pilot Held Over Coast . Stunt Flying A hair-raising series of acrobatic stunts including ooe power dive to rooftop leve l ov er four Orange Coast cities led to the arrest of a pilot pursued by two police helicopters early today. · Richard B. Loomis, 24, of Arcadia . was taken into custody at Orange County Airport shortly after midnight along with one of his three passengers. Loomis w.as arrested by crewmen of the Costa Mesa police helicopter Eagle J snd booked into jail on suspicion of violating section 21407 .5 or Lhe Publi~ Utilities Code. Officers Randy Nutt and David Brooks charged Loomis under the PUC Code with operating a plane v.·hile under the in- fluence of an intoxicant. Incidents were cited over Newport Beach. Huntington Beach. Qista Mesa and Irvine. One passenger, Tom F. D'Angelo, 2.1, of 1131.h Turquoise Ave .. Balboa Island, was also ai-rested on sll3picion of being drunk in public. Investigators \\'ho said they con fiscated a half-gallon jug of wine from the cockpit (lf the red·and·white Cessna aircraft in- volved in the aerial escapade alleged all four occupants had been drink.ing_ Only Loomis, who had no pilot's license in his possession, and D' Angelo had ap- parently consumed enough to warrant thii.r arrests, according to investigating officers. Officers Brooks and Null said they fir st A Heavy Bear to Cross Actually, Bruno, who played Gentle Ben, was just that as he joined members of the First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa at Sunday School. Led by trainer Ron Oxley, of Saugus, Bruno appears to be just another face in the crowd after Sunday service. Newest honorary Sunday School member to receive certificate from Rev. James 0. Combs (ushering Bruno along behind trainer) is not without human weakness. Bruno's vice is addiction to jellybeans. Su tt Brings Out 100,000 Su nday • On Newport Sart<l Sunny Sunday skies boosted weekend beach attendance to more than 100 .000 in Newport Beach as lifeguards readied for the expected end·of-school rush starting this week. Drab, overcast wea ther in the morning kept attendance to only about 25 .000 Saturda y but BJ.000 nocked to the sands Sunday to escape soa ring inland tern· peratures. Cold water, aboul 61 degrees, kept most people -0n shore. "We only had five rescues total," a lifeguard spokesman said today. ''We had good wealhtr but there wasn't much aurf." . tJleguards treated more than 120 minor injuries, most or .which were pain- ful 1tings lrom the jellyll.!b lhal continue to plague the beaches. • "They are· sun bere,IJUt I thb)k people are getting used to them and keeping -0n the lookout now," the spokesman said. Ora••• Crnst . w .. t1aer Public Hearing Scheduled Tonight on City Budget Ne wport Beach councilmen tonight will find out what taxpayers thlnk about the taxes they are paying next year. The council will conduct a public hear- ing on the proposed $13 .! million city budget that they. themselves. ha ve already indicated ma y be increased to cover additional spending proposals. One of these is a requested increase in the size of the police f-0rcc . adding seven uniformed personnel and one clerk, equipment for them to use and additional capital items, including a tape reciirding system, aU costing nearly $120,000. Councilmen have also indicated their concern about the low budgeted figure for capital improvements, primarily. the amount -$223,000 -proposed for street paving. Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin said at least $300,000 1hould be spent to keep the street.I In decent repair. Other than lbt police department and the paving program, t~ proposed spen- ding document for 1972-73 has been virtually free of controversy. C<>uncilmen are going to have to look toward new sources -0( revenues to fund the various projects and tonight are con sidering an increase in the bed tax from five to six percent that would bring in an additional $47,000. The spending increases are being con- (See TAXES, Page ZJ Boost Pro pc .. ~cl In Beach Parking A proposal to hike the daily and weekend fees at the..COrona del Mar State Beach parking Joi will be conaldered tonight by Newport Beach oouncilmen. Weekday rates would go from $l to $1.50 and weekend rates would go from $1.f>O to $2. all on a per-day basis. under the ~ndatlon from City Manager Robert L. Wynn. The rate for busel would be hilted from SS to 17 .50 per day . \Vynn does not propose increasing tbe fees at the Balboa ParkJng k>t because ''of an implied commitment with businessmen that there would bt no changes in the fees this sum mer season," Wynn .said. 'Tralfic Worsening' spotted the plane flying erratically in the area of the Santa Ana River, bet\\·een Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. They charged that Loomis, a utility company empl-0ye, went into a steep power dive and only pulled -0ut 100 feet above ground level. Giving chase, the y were joined by the Newport Beach police helicopter and claimed they saw Loomis g-0 into a steep climb over UC Irvine before nearly stal- ling. 'Stop The plane then made !!I sharp, JOO. degree turn and headed bark -0ver Ney,·port Beach. at times iooming as IO\\' as 500 fttl -0ver reside ntial areas. Shepherding the zig-zagging plane b::ick toward Orange County Airport, arresting -0fficers in the helicopter !laid Loomis barely mi ssed crashing into a 4-0·foot glide !!l<ipe indicator tO\\'er l\'hile landing. He was stopped at midfield by airport security officers 'vho ordered the nier to taxi toward the toy,·er build ing, where he and \\JS to 1neet in\'esttgating officers. l'ohce said Loon1is' pla ne finall y halted only one f1..10t fr om 1he building and nea r- ly collided with l\1•0 ro.,..·s of parkrd t1ircraft as the we:lving Ccssnn pulled up to a halt . The suspect was hel d in llru or $250 ha il this 1norning , wh ile police fnr1\'arded :i report or tbe incidrnt to 1he r ede r:it Aviation Administrat ion (nr noss1ble ad ditionsl legal action . High Court Extends Police P owers WASHINGTON (UPI) -By a 6-3 liberal-conservative split, the Supreme Court extended today the power cf police to "stop and frisk" suspects on the street for dangerous weapons. "We reject the argument l h s t reasonable cause for a stop and frisk can only be based on the officer's personal observation, rather than on information supplled by another person," the court held. "Informants' tips, like all other clues 13 Hopefuls Seek Sc hool Board Seats /\ 1'llal o! ~ candi~ ~!ll face Newport-Mesa !Choo! district wt.rs Aug. 8 h1 a rpeclal election to fill two vacant 1ohool -... ts. The race !or the '11-ustee Area SI! post va~ated by Sellin "Bud" Franklin, ap- pomted recently to the municipal court bench, promises to be the hottest of the two. Eight candidates have filed for the job. Five candidates will compete for the Trustee Area Five seat to be left vacant by the retirement or Trustee Donald Strauss, who has served for more than Ht years. Area Six hopefuls are Robert C. Sangster, 23()4 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach, an attorney: Arthur J . Sorce, 285 Robin Hood Lane, Coma Mesa, buslnes&- man: David H. Krueger, 441 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach, college professc:ir. and Thomas MacKinnon, 1 8 7 2 Mariners Drive, Nev.1>0rt Beach, a dentist. Also, Rita K. White, 310 Ro&in Hood Lane, Costa Mesa, hclusewife; Joe Cefali, 620 Michael Place, Newport Beach, engineer; Joe Duffy. 277 Ogle St., Costa Mesa, newspaperman and Thomas W. Henderson Jr., 461 E. 2Qth St., C<>sta /\.1esa, attorney. Area Five candidates are Michael J. Ashe, 106 Via Xanthe, manager -0f educa· tion systems for lBM ; James G. Ensign, 224 2oth St., attorney; Bruce Chandler, 215 Crystal St., Balboa Island, attorney ; Walter Lazar, 308 36th St., pr-0fessional educator and Arthur F. TI>ompson, 67 Balboa Cove, physician. Franklin's Area Si.J encompasses an area bounded along Pacific C<>ast Highway to 21st Street and Newport Boulevard to Dover Drive. A small por- tion lies in C<>sta Mesa and the rf:!t in Newport Beach. Area Five take.s in all the Newport Beach area from the Santa Ana River to the Newport Beach jetty south <if Pacific C-Oast Highway. This includes Ba Ibo a Island, Lido Isle and the Balboa Penin- 9ula . All registered voters residing In the Newport-Mesa school district will be eligible to cast ballots in the special elec· lion. a11d evidence ('(1Jn1ng to a policeman on the scene, may vary greatly in their value and reliability. One silnple rule will not cover every situation.'' The opinion in a Connecticut case was written by Juslice William H. Rehnqu ist, who ls emerging as the most law·and- order member of the Court. Justice Thurgood Marshall said in dissent that th e decision "invokes the spectre of a socie ty in which innocent citizens may be stopped, !earched and rrrrcsted at the y,•hin1 -0! police -Officers "ho have only the slightest suspicion -0( improper conduct." Also dissenting were Justices William J . BreMan Jr. and William 0 . Douglas. The caae ts a sequel to an important 1968 n1Hng that policemen under proper t:1rcumstances 1nay slop and fr isk a person suspected or criminal activity even though th ey do not have enougll prior evidence to make an arrest. More Tha•a 200 De ad W or l{ Crews, Dog s Se ar ch For Bodies it1 Flood Area RAPID CITY. S.D. (\JP!) -Search crews using dogs worked through the ni&ht to UDCGTer bodiea ~ Ibo IJlllll<IY rullli ol tilt nation's want llOOd Iii II years. Authorities 1aid today more than 200 were known dead from the nood Friday night and Saturday caused when a rain- swollen dam burst and cascaded billions of gallons of water into Rapid City and other communities in South Dalrota 's Black Hills. Pat Dii:on, coordinating disaster in- formation, Baid there may have been dupli cations in !he death count. "We know It's over 200," be said. "It could be 29 over or 30 over. No -0ne knows right now." Sen. George McGovern (D-S.0 .), aaid it was "a Jee.rte <if incredible deStrucUon and. devutallon." The preaid en ti a I hopeful flew from Washington Sunday to tour the fioodlands by helicopter. Don Barnette~ Rapid City's 29-year~ld mayor, said, "I woukl estimate a com· bined death total of 300 for the whole lragedy. '' Gov. Richard Kneip said, "We have In excess of 200 deaths and there's a Iona way to lo yet. It's believed many bodies are below the mud and the mire. Tua\ part is bad.'' Search crews concentrated en a virtually devastated five-block wide area along Rapid Creek, the stream which cuts through the city. tt turned suddenly lnt,o a awollen, ra,. (See FLOODING, P11e Z) Coast Free'way Cri tics Meet, Elect L eaders A group of 20 well·k.nown en- vironmentalist& and freew1y fighters from sir Southern Caillomia coastal communities Saturday were appointed to a 1teering committee of the newly fon:n· ed Coastal C<>mmunitiea Coalition fonned to fight the proposed Pacific Coast Freeway. The panel includes two Newport Beach councilmen and the leaders <if varlous citizens' committees in Laguna Beach, Seal Beach , Long Beach. San Juan Capistrano and Laguna Niguel. lion: Suzanne Rudd , secretary of the Harbor Atta CCC; former Newport Beach mayor P1ul J. Gruber; "'1arshall Duffield, chllrmao of the Harbor Area Freeway FJ1bten and Frances Robinson, a member of Flieods of Newport Bay. Waller J. Koch, CCC chairman, wa, selected as chairman of the new coali· ti on. Schley and MCCollum were appointed. vice chairmen. Chase wa.s elected treasurer; Mra. 'Hall was selected' recording secretary and Mn. Rudd, cOflo responding secretary. t Now·)'ilt can wUli the car. The •eatberlady -more silnshine oa tbe •ftorlao ·!«·~ -and QierWler. 'llllN ol "111 e.pecled al the beeCbtl, rl.!q to 15 '4nllnd. tows. In Ibo ...... Sn~r·l ·ci,ted by Merchants Newport Beach Vice May-0r Jloward Rogers and Councilman John Store are on the panel, aolng with Arnold Hano, a member of the Board ar Zoning Ad- justment In Laeuna Beach: Wllllam Leak. chairman ol VllJaie Lqana: Richard E. Smith, j)r'elldtnt, Good Government Group ol Seal lleaCb and Robert C. McCollum, cholrman, -of Homeowoen' Aaocl1t1or. of Su Juan Clplatnna. As expected, In 111 li(lt action, u,.- group adopted a resolution calling on ar.. leglslatora lo acifvely push antJ,. lreeway leglalatJon In S.Uamento. 1 The resolution pointl out !hat pnvlooil deletlOllll of' tbe Jl<Opooed 111perhlgbw1)' "make It utremcly queotlonahle lhat lhiil lreeway wW nw beco-Ille reJ(ioojl type of freeway wlildt"'!U enviilomll when It Wll 1pp:oved · by the statit Highway Commlaalan." • c • ' • INSIDE TODAY . '· ' Pf'OfJO• , C"!'•lr air of/lclll1', p!oourd:'bt/ jtl. nal.. µrobl<m.s at the countv airport, have their '!If' on mUiiarv bale• aa a poi· iibl< 1ol•tlo!i to the crlttcal qutttion~ of where to put more airports. See starv. Pao• 20. l..M1 Mn 1t ... ,,. ,. ~ .. ,! Ctllla tt -" .,... ...... ~"-' ........... ,. !"1111911 , ••• ::: I P l If .._ " ""°" .. ._..L. .. Tile Irvine Company's "'1f 111.J!ce· In oppoiitlon to ' 1 !Uture Paclllc· Cout F!Hw.•Y NIUle tbroucb · Nrwport Buch drew .a ml.led rtac\lon today from Fuhloo hland merchantl al the oom· pany-developed Newport Center. Most of the bullne>amen did teem In agreement. however, lhat 10t11ethlng must be done to IOlve lraflic conaeatlon problems. "Something Is ·badly n«ded lo solve this traffic aoarl, or pretty IOon every1Joc11 Is ping lo It! hurt," nld Albert Weinert ol Weinert"• Fin< Jewel.!, former president ol the Fallhlon Island ·Morcblntl' "-latlon. "I pel'IDOllly don't earo from 1 ~·· paint ol view, lltboltch IL ' .. might llloct our businell," be aaid. "Bui from 1 former p-·· paint ol vie" (Weinert -11,v e 1 In LI~ Beach), it Is really getting ba\l Yau can't gel from one side of town to the other-In a reasonable amowlt or lbne," Wt.Inert said. The Irvine Company, In atatlng Ill new position to the Newport Beloh City Coun· ell. said some solution to infhc la needed but that !he cout freeway -bble had done nollting but tie up voluablo land . William Pbillppldos, aan•I pr.,ldenl of the merchant.I group and an ezecutlve at the Broadway deplrtmenl store, had na comm<nl 111 1111 lnlne 'Company 1c- tlon. "I will wilhhold llf1 Clll1llltlll IMltll our lnJUP ... ·had a chance to look al the statement incl discuss It," he said. Richard Stienecke. presldent~lect of the merchants and a Buflums executive, a!Jo preferred not to comment in detail until he aaw the new policy. But .be did give tome persona.I views. "As a buslncssmnn in business for a profit, this could hurt the area," he said. "From a business standpoinl, this action Is no11oJnc to help at all." ''But from !ht standpclnt of the people In the 1rea, I can see why the Jrv iDe Company felt it nctded to aet on the bandwqon," Stienecke uid . "The tt:nter Is doi'l'lg well ind will con· IS.. MERCHAHnl, ..... I) • Otller lleerlng commfttte members .,.. Jan Hill, cbaJrman. Paclflc Coast Fneway Qppooltlon Committee of Long Beach : wlfilam Ag,., Newport Belch plannln& cammllsloncr: Michael A.- Schley, president, Citizens' Town Pl1n- nlng A.!IOClatlon, Laguna Beach : Mlldnid B. Hannum, a member of the Laguna Beach Open Space Committee and Bea Whittlesey, vice president of Laguna Greenbelt, tnc . Also on the panel are Margot Skilling, c»<:halrman <if the Harbor Area Freeway Fighters' Cltlze:na' (',o(lrdinatlrig Com· mlttee ; Earl Hardage, a member ot the Lido Isle C.Ommunity Association; Carroll Beek, 1 member of Newport Reaktent.I United: E. Percival Cbue, chalnnsn ol the Laguna Niguel Homeownen' Asoacla· t II is critical ol U... Stole Division -ti Highways land· i<qulllllon J"'OVll'L • II AYO land hu -~ lllll beld "without Juotlllcatloa and !or Iii>' necessary reaton111 and aays tbe . l'f:N.lt .. is an 1Dltold loll of lu nvtn11e 1s .... as personal losses lo private landownerw adjacent to and in the lrnmodlote vklrtl!li of rlght-of~way purcbl.sed by tM·ttlte.:"'1 Koch lhi1 morning descrlbOCJ the tti'ft coalition as "tnthuslaatlc'' towud~la goal and predkled ill membenhlp w1I!, expand even more 1l 1ucc1tedlnJ meetings. He 11id the pond 'd inl!il In JllDI it at the home of ~ Store ID COrona del Mar • I I • • • ·countywide Ptyiel Eyed By Boards ~ ~ s.pa.ioon am! mayoni have taken the first formal step toward formation of a <'Ollntywick Counell of Governmenll ({X}Gt. UnanimOOllJ ~ a Sbpl:nilrs a nd Mayors Contereire (SAMCO) co. 'm itltt report. the elected of[icials Satur· day ordered lhr cQOJP\itiu to dtveLop a slep-by·•"P plan Is Ux ..., r.pioal council. Allbou&h d<ciaiool a( ax; would bt ad- visory only it would c:oaurn i1aell with matters of mutual , and tometimes con- lrovenial ooocem oi city and countJ eovemment. lncluded in tht «mmittee rtcem-- mendatloo lor aub)o<ll .. bt rmewed by the new organization ll'!ft lone ranee planning, highway planning , health and safety, Jand UM:, parks, recreation, en- vironmental enha ncem ent, transportation and highwey1. The SAMCO commltt.H, neaMd by councilman Don Smith ol Orange, warntd t hat some type of fonnal county regklnlll o rganization is necessary _to p~ev~nt t hreat ened slate government 1ntrus1on in· to matters of local concern. lncluded in the committee's adopted recom- mendationa: were : -Calling of a gmeral meeting of 11n elected mayors. councilmen a n d aupuv1lor1 u early at next fa.ll to 1et the COG plan oil tho ground. -lnltlally the new level of government would include only county and dty elected ofllclall, but otMr agencia: IUCb 21 school and 1pecial dlalrictl could be :added later. ~There should be a peicl a.ecutlve director with member agencies con- tributing staff member• u needed. -A alngle joint power• agreement should be wrltlen and adopted in order to provide financing. The committee was ordered to im- plement its suggestions and to include coordina tion with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG ). Supervisor David L. Bake r of Garden Grove noted the coumy already has more rt1lon1l organluUOna than most in the slate including countywkle health, 41nita- tion, refuse disposal. water and highway canstruction agencies. Former Official Frank Burchfield . Dies at Age 80 Funersl services will be held Wedn<S- dJy for Frank Burc:bflt1d, former Riverside County asse1111or, who died Saturday in Newport Beach. Mr. Burchfield died in Hoag Memorial Hoa:plta.l following a brief illness. He waa SJ years old . A re11ident or Corona del Mar. Mr. Jturcbfleld first came to the lfarbor area fe~owing hla: retirement in 19S8. He wu born in Miuourl In 1992 and he up in that state. Foliowlng service the Army A!r Corp!! during World l, he moved to Riverside County. ,Jn 1934, be joined the asses-'Or'll staff a! a deputy and in 1941 was appointed .,esaor. He aerved four tmns untll his ntlrement. tMr. Burchfield served as prt11ident or the State As!OC.latlon of County .M11tssors at'ld "''B S twtce pre11ident Of the Souther n Californi a Association of Co u n t y Assessors. lie was al so a ntember of the cOmmittee on per!Onal property taxatio n df the state Chamber of Commerce. 8Services vdll be held nt 10.30 a..m. \fednesday ;it Pacific View Mortua ry. 9lie is survi\·ed by a son, }'rank i rchfield, also of Corona de! Mar, and a ughter. ~trs. Betty Sanchez and three and.children, all of 'Torrance. The family .sugge11ts memorial con· Ulbutions to the American Cancer Socie-- ty or the Heart Fund. OIAN•I COAST Jt DAILY PILOT , 1t'lt Or-.. CMtt DAILY I'll.OT,"""'~ 11 ClMMl9lll fJle H--.1'-. It Mll"*I '1 tM ar.. C••t M lhll"" Compen'f'. S.,.. ,..,, Mltllinl •rt pvll!llMll,, MMMr IPl'Mll ' ,., ... .,., ,.... (01!1 Mesi , H""""I ... ch, ~ ••1el'lf"-l•l11 \11llt'f', • UfVI'• a4'ICll. ll'VilMJSaOdllkd; _, S.n C"""""''' a.on JllM C1pl•lr-A 11"111 f'lllloNI ••tllltll Is Pl/tllltl!• Sa~VI .... lvnat~ fh• l'f'lnti,11 P11bll1l'lln1 .itnr i. 11 )JO Wnt lty '''"'• c1111 M1N, c1n1om11, nA». 11to~1rt N. w.~ ,, .. ld.111 •l'ld .. ~Inf J 11k Ill. Curl1v ~i<t Prtt"""I 11111 °"""•I MINOtf Tholt'I•• KH .,il E!t lltr ThtM•• A. M•rphi11• Mlnotlnl llEdllW L P•t•r Krl•t H""'9rt ._,. cnw l lfnW N...,... -· Oflloo llJl H1w,.rt leul..,11' M11n1111 ...... ,. .. , r.o. ••• 1111, t2••> --°"" M9N1 J» W..I .... 1"'9t u,.no ~I m 1'11' .. I A-. """'"""" •••cti: 11t71 ·~ ""'..,.,. SH (""'°""; IU '"'111 •I C..... a.t , .. .,.._ 1714) '41-4111 Q• ...... A4114ft•1 '4M6'8 ~j 1t7t, Or-.. (Ill! "'*""'""" ~. Nt lll'wt. ,..,.... lli.trtllMI, ........... ,...., --...ni-1t '*'"" ,,,., .. ~ llftflwt .-c,19/ ""' ., .,..,.,._, -· ..... dMI ,...,... •W II Clolll #MM. _ _.... '"""'""" " (.ltfllf *'·" __,I.. tit ... N.11 IMMMr1 1nll"'ry *81-IMI ........ . -.-U.1972 DAILY ,ILOT Ntw1 Ml• CITY OFFICIALS PONDER ODD-SHAPED LOTS E AND F Qu•1tion1 Rai1ed Ove r Promontory Point Development Oddball Lot Gets Council Scrutiny at Meet Tonight What do you do wilh a piece of waterfront land more tha n 300 feet long and about three feet wide? Newport Beach councilmen will con- front that oddity and nther quest ions about the Irvine Company's Promontory Bay develnpment at their rneetlng tonight. The lot in question -called Lclt F - border• the west aide of a JOO.foot-wide channel planned as the entrance to Promontory Bay's manmade lagoon. It was first noticed on the tract maps by ci- ty planning commillsloners at a recent meeting. ..I just couldn't figure out why they wanted such an oddball lot." said Plan· ning Comm111;oner William Hazewinkel. "It sttmed to me that they jtl.!l wanted to keep that strip or land -not good for n\uch of anything -to kttp •ll but Irvine Company tenant! out of the channel," he added. Since tbt Um• the lot wa.s noticed, Ordinance Eyed On Real Estate Newport Beach councilmen tonight will consider a recommendation by City At- tomeY Dennl! O'Nell to adopt a "truth in real estate salu" ordinance. It would allow the city to require sellers to infonn any prospective purchaser or the legal restriction! on the property. ''By means of the '"'port or residential building record!. a city can furnish to the purcha!trs an indication of a property's conformance with existtr11 codes and a record of a building's u.w , condition, lega l statu11 and a delineation of any zoning measures re11tricllng the uses permitted for the property," O'Neil said. "This type of ordinance could be ('~­ tremely valuable to the city in com- batting the problems. of illeg~I r~ntal units and lllegal Jot sp\Lts," O'Neil said. Newport Beach officials managed to get the Irvine Com pany to dedicate the lan d !o the city. Irvine Company officials said today the company originall y \va nted to keep the strip because it \\las afraid the city might one day want to cut a ne\V channel through fron1 the Balboa Yacht basin to Promontory .Ba y's access channel. "Our channel i11 only 100 feet wide and designed to serve t he residentll of the development," a spokesman s a i d . .. Balboa Yacht Basin tralfic Is much heavier and they already have good bay access.·· _The spokesman said lot F waa always intended only for landscaping and bulkheading. "It wa s put under city con- trol with the condition no channel would ever be cut;• tbe spokesman said. The land immediately adjacent to Lot F to the ¥1est ill owned by the city, master-leased to the Joseph Beek family, :iu b-leased to the Irvine Company and again sublet to tht Balboa Yacht Basin. The master lease expires in about 17 years, after which time, the city may 1·eappraise its use of the land. ln addition to Lot F, the Irvine Com- pany ha s dedicated the lot immedia tely above it to the city. Designated Lot E . the parcel is at the end of old Bayside Drive, which will be dead-ended at the channel. Bayside Drive ~·ill be relocated on the north shore of the lagoon. Current plans fo r the lot are to land 11cape it as a small view park at the end of the road thus providing public ac· ces11 to the water at that point. Several people have suggested the possibility of a boat launching ramp there instead. ''One lot such as this ls not enough for a large launching facility,'' s a Id clly lfarbors and Tidelands Commissioner George Dawes. "There is 1lmply no available off-11treet parking for boat trailers." .. It could be a hand launching site but that would be tokenism since we have al ready opened 47 stree t ends in the city !or that kind of use,'' he added .. Ousted General Admits Vnaut1wrized Strikes WASHINGTON (AP) -An oUlted U.S. commander in Vietnam confirmed to congres11men today that he ordered po111lbly unauthorized air strlkes against the North Vietname1e fer the safety of his pilots "and at the same time trying to stop the buildup" that led to the Incursion into South Vietnam. But retired Air Force Lt. Gen. John D. Lavelle aald he ordered the strlkea halted M1rch JO when be learned three reports of the 1trlltts had been falslfled, and thtre appeaffii to be no way to continue tbtm without rutng false ,.port>, Gen. John D. Ryu, Air Fon:e chief of staff, told tilt subcommittee ht fir.<! Lavelle as commander or the 7th Alr Fon:e In Indochina .,.hen he learned o! what he aald were 21 WllUthoriied air 1trtke1 Into North Vlelnlm lnvolvln1 147 pll.ne1. Lavtlle II.Id he thought there wue leH than 20 such mlalona. Lavelle aald hit pilot• saw and Photocr•phed muslve bulldupt ol North Vletnameae planes, tanb, artlllery and supplles near the De:mlllta.rlzed Zone and aald that when he requested permlsalon to strike them he did not receive Jt but neither did ht receiv e a denial. Lavelle sa.ld he could understand Ryan'• viewpoint from Wuhlngton that ''I had e1C"ffded my authority." But he added , "At that time 11 the commander on tht spot concerned with the ufety ol the ere~ and at the same time trying lo atop the buildup that wu going on, I felt that these were justlfl1ble actions." Lavelle said that he judged that under the rulea prohibiting all but 1'protecUve reaction" alr 1trlkes Into North Vietnam in line with the 1968 bombing hslt he had lhe authority as the commander on the spot to order the air strikes. But he said that when an lnve11 tigator ~ho"'·ed him the three false report! on the s trike!, "l couldn't believe them." Jte said he halted the strikea btcawe he and hi. 1lalf could DOI !Ind any way to pre- vent further llUCb lnlccunte ttporta. His and Ryu'r tettlmony lndle1ted that the falsification involved reportina that units had taken some kind of military action JUll!fytng "pnitectlvo ruction" retaliatory atrlku. FnmP•fel MERCHANTS • I • tlnue to do ao as Jona 11 people keep comlng Into the area," he 11ld. Weinert 11ld the men:hanta' board of dlrector1 has alwaya favored the f!'ffway a1 a needed facility for the people and !or Fuhlon l1land . "I am 10mewhat dlaappolnted In the Irvine ComPID1'• stand m the Pacific Cout Freeway, but ~ bu to bt done no matttr what It ls," be II.id. City Jobs Eliminated In Newport When Newport Beach hired Robert L. Wynn to be city manager 10 month,, ago, he too k a glance at the municipal budget and blllrted out something to the t-l fec t that the ci ty is significa ntly O\'erstaffed. l ie matter-tjf.factly declared -before he "'as even on the job -that he "'a~ going to do ~Hnething about 11. lie h:i s. \\'ynn ha~ t-hmlnated an even dozen 1.·i-} ty Jobs si nce he came last August -most of them through atl rition -at a cost sav4 ings in salaries alone o( $123.670. Add in the fringe benefits and the cutbacks "·ere \ot·orth more than $160,000. One of the first job vacancie11 thnt never got filled was In Wynn's O\\'n off ice . Adm inistrative intern Gino Gaudio quit to take an administrative assistant's job in Seal Beach and Wynn put an analyst hired with Public Employment Program (PEP) money at hill desk. \Vhen Fire Chief R. J . "Jan" Briscoe retired the first of lhe year, he promoted h1.~ depu ty, Leo Love. but abolished the <issistant's p:>st. l le decided he didn't need t"·o top-l!'1·el people in the persnnnel office. Director Darlene Raat decided not to compete \\'ll h her assistant. Frank Ivins. for the ne1\', combined job as administrative :1ssistant to the city manager for person- nel. Ivins got the job and the city banked the $15,375 she was making. In a similar move. \Vyn n decided Newport Beach didn't need a who le liarbor and Tidelands Department and, in the only instance so far where filled positions were eliminated, he gave assis- tant Don Sandford and secretary-cler k Darlene Bechtold six months to find new jobs. They did so without delay. Meanwhile, department di re c I o r George Dawes was given a newly-created position in the Community Development Department called env i r on m e.n ta I coordinator. But Da..,;es announced last month that he is leaving to take a job back in Virginia, Wynn wasted no time in lopping l h;lt line item out ef the budget, too. He assigned the duties to one or the de partment's assi11tant planners. The Marine Safety D epa r I m en I (lifeguards ) are handling pier permit in- spections previously done by Dawes' of- fice. ~mong the other jobs that have been or "'·in be axed by the start of the new fiscal year, July 1, are that nf parking lot supervisor which supervised parking in the city's one major and two or thrte sman parking lots, a fireman, a gardener, a General Services Department inspector and the clerk in tbe Marinapark office. And, during the course of Wynn's ad- minilltration, there will be more reduc- tions. .. We've 11till got too many people," he said. "There'• no question about it, and we'll be cutting back more." He said he's not going to go around and tlo any hell-raising house cleaning but almos t as often as not, when a \'acancy occurs, it \von't get filled. * * ·/;( Frona Page l TAXES • • • sidered de11pite the councirs O\vn budgetary guidelines - under 9'/hic h \Vynn prepared hiJ recommended budget -that call for no increase in the level o[ services provided by the city. Poli ce Chief B. James Glaves had argued at a recent study session on the budget that the seven-man increase "'ould merely maintain the esta blished ratio of JX>lice personnel per population (llVO per 1.000 ). Councilmen must act to adopt the budget by June 30, but have until late in August to set a tax rate. Part of their instructions to Wynn y,.·ere to hold the pre11ent tl.20 clty tax rate, \Vhlch. to the average $50.000 house in Newport Beach, places a tax of $150 an- nually. FLOOD AT BATTLE CREEK CROWDED HOUSES OFF FOUNDATIONS Keystone, South Dakota, Hit When Dam Ga\le Way-JOO Ftared Dead Newport Council Will Consider Major Matters Developers of Versailles on the Bluffs apartments overlooking \Vest Newport tonight will ask Newport Beach coun- cilmen lo overturn planning commission rejection of a maior c;ii:pansion of the project. The appeal Is one of several major items on the agenda for cou ncilmen beginning at 7:30 p.m. in City ~tall. They \\'ill also consider: -An increase in the city's bed tax Crom liv e to six percent. -Proposed funding !or a branch library in \Yest Newport. -Regulations to prohibit overnight street parking for commerciaJ veh.icles. -Approving the sale of the 40-aare former dump site ;it the end of 191.h Street lo Leadership !·lousing Systems for ;i singlc-f;imily tract. They bid $6 16.000 for the parcel, $120 .000 more than the clty figured it would get. -A budget amendment of $51.000 to construct two law n bowling greens in San Joaqui n Hilts Park. -Permlls for hvo condominiums. one of 49 units 011 E:ist B:iy Avenue .1t Fernando Street and one of 18 units 011 Lido Park Drive. Pla nning Commissioners denied the use permit for the controversial Versailles extension after hearin~ complaints about the density and looks or lhc project. Developers 1vantcd to add 738 units on 20 acres, claiming t he planned com- munity ordinance for the project allows this densi ty and the ci ty ha s no right to reject the request. Clty 11anager H.obert L. \Vynn is pro- posing the city hike its uniform transient occupancy (bed) tax from five to six per- cent. estimating it will produ ce $47,000 additional revenue next year, The tax earned $235,000 this year. \'t'ynn said. \Vynn a lso reported today tha t the only site a vailable for a West Nev;port library is the forn1cr Ayres Sales office on \\'est Coast llighv•ay that !he city could buy for .:ibout $45,000. An additional $13.000 \VOUld be needed for furnishings and equipment. Books \\·ould be transferred from o t h e r libraries, he said. Fro111Pagel FLOOD ... ing killer when Canyon Lake Dam bunt under th e pres.sure of a foot of rain late Jo'riday night. sending a four-foot wall of y,·ater thundering dov.·n from the hills. The fl ood cnused an estimated tIOO million dan1age. destroy ing 500 hou11e11 and leaving thotJsa nds of persons homeless. Authorities first 11aid about 1.500 persons were unaccounted for. but later said they could not m8ke an accurate guess on the num ber missing. Little had been determined about what happened in more isolated communities in the hills -particularly to the burr dreds, perhaps thousands of tourists believed to have been camping in the area close by Mt. Rushmore. The Agriculture Department announced in Wa shington Sunday that the flood area was eligible for emergency free food stamps. Representatives of almost every fed eral agency that could be involved met to make recovery and as11lst.ance plans. Caspers to Talli 011 County Park Plans Tonight Orange Cnunty Hoard of Su pervisors Chairman Ronald Caspers will attend tonight's Ney,·port Beach City Council meeling to speak on l'Ountywide aea quisition of parks and open spa~. "The super"isor decided to speak to the council on the county·s park efforts following the raBure of Newport Beach·s three park bond measures in the rtCent election." said Tom Fuent es, Caspers' administrative assistant. "lie requf'sled the opportunity to tell lt1f' council of the C()Unly".s t-ffortll to ob· tain park sites and encourage the county <ind tl1e city to go forward together in ~ecur ing open space and parks," Fuentes snid. Casper~. :i Jliey,.·port Beach resident. has long prornoted a regio,.,:il approach to go\'ernment 1n the ··.1unly and an end to divided control of "uthor ity among the many county cities. Sell in g Out Overstock ONE CARAT DIAMONDS $479 Only With This Ad OUT OF PAWN YACHTSMAN CAMERAS TRUMP FULL SIZE CLASSICAL GUITARS WATCHES Over 100 Popul•r Br•nd• To Choos• From .BINOCULARS '" ... ,_. :I' . ' _ ... -' ~-. • • • I\ • tUSHNELL lx30 WAT!RPROOF, SHOCK· PROOF, DUST PROOF THEY FLOAT COSTA MISA JEWELRY & LOAN Fnd It First at the Fun PLaci to Shop 1138 NEWPORT BLVD. PHONE 646-7741 . DOWNTOWN COSTA MISA -•--Harb« I INlldwoy M1111ly1....,. Uli OTL ''·' ... "'~ - ., .... ....... '-" ... """" -- -TO CHOOll l'ROM $1.'!. I l j I 17 Orange Coast EDIIION N.Y. Steeb VO[ 65, NO. 11>4, 3 SECTIONS, 11> PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1972 c TEN CENTS Pilot Held Over Coast Stunt Flying A balr-raising serie.s of acrobatic stunts including one po\ver dive to rooftop level .,, over fou r Orange Coast cities led to lite arrest or a pilot pursued by lv.'o pol ice helicopters early today. Ri'chard B. Loomis, 24, of Arcadia . "'as taken lnto custody at Orange County Airport Wortly after midnight along with one o[ hi1. three passeagcrs. Loomis wu arrested by crewmen or the Conta Mesa police helicopter Eagle 11 and booked into jail on a;uspiclon of \'iolating section 21 407.5 of the Publi~ Utilities Code. Officers Randy Nutt and David Brooks charged Loomis under the PUC C.ode Y.'ith operating a plane while under the in- fluence of an intoxicant. Incidents were ci ted over Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Costa i\lesa and Irvine. ~~ F. D'Angelo, 2l, of 113\1'.i Turquoise Ave., Balboa Island, was cilso arrested on suspicion of being drunk A Beav11 Bear to Cross in public~ lnvesligators who said they confiscated a half-gallon jug of wine lron1 the cockpit or the red-and-white Cessna aircraft in- volved in the aerial escapade alleged all four occllpants had been drinking. Only Loomis, who had no piklt's li cense in his pos!ession, and D' Angelo had ap. parently consurpai enough to ·warrant their arrests, according to inve!tigating officers. Officers Brooks and Nutt said they first .. . . ~ • < ,, . - , 1 ., 1 DAil. Y PILOT>~" .., LAI ,,.,,.. Actually, Bruno, who played Gentle Ben, was just that as he joined members of the First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa at Sunday School. Led by trainer Ron Oxley, of Saugus, Bruno appears to be just another face in the crowd after Sunday service. Newest honorary Sunday·Scllool member to receive cf!rtificate from Rev. James 0. Combs (ushering Bruno along behind trainer) is not without human weakness. Bruno's vice is addiction to jellybeans. Lower Drink Age La'v Squeaks By State Assembly SACRA.r.fENTO (AP) -Lcgislal ion lowering the .drinking age to 18 in California squeaked through l h c Assembly without a vote to spare today . But the measure was held in the Assembly -al least for one day - because of a consideration mot ion by minority floor leader Bob J\lonagan , Monagan, (R-Trac)'l. voted for th(' measure on an early ballot, but changed his vote to no before the close of the final roll call. The proposed amendment to the state Constitution wa5 approved 54-12 by the Msembly after stalling 49-10 on an ea rly roll call. It required M votes, a two-thirds margin of the 80-seat lower house. for passage to the Senate. A ct1mpanlon measure. which required only a 41-vote margin . passed on a 4>-13 vote, but was held up, too, until a final vote on the constitutional amendment. Assemblyman John · Kno:r (O-rucJt.. mond ), author of both measures, said they were nothing more than "a logical e:ii:tension" of the 1971 law granting adulthood at 18 ror all other purposes. "Ne'W York has had this for years wit h no particular problem." he added. Coast Freew.ay Critics Meet, Elect Leaders A group or 20 well-known en· vironmentalist:'! and freeway fighters from six Southern California coastal communities Saturday were appoi nted to a steering committee of the nev.·ly fom1- ed Coasta l Olmmunities CoalitiDn formed to fight the proposed Pacific Coast r~reev.·ay. The pane l includes two Newport Beac h councilmen and the leaders of various cilizens' committees in Laguna Beach, Sea l Beach, Long Beach, San Juan Cap istrano and Laguna Niguel. Newport Beach Vice Mayor Howard Rogers and Councilman John Store are on the panel, aolng with Arnokl Hano, a member or the Board of Zoning Ad- jwitment in Llguna Beach : Wiffiam Leak, chairman of vwaa:, Laaw-; Richard E. Smith, president, Good Government Group ot Seal Beach and Robert C. McCollum , chairman, AJlianct of Homeowners' Associations or San Juan Capistrano. grou p adopted a resolution calling on area legi slators to actively push anti- freeway legislation in Sacramento. The resolution poin ts out that previous deletjons of the proposed superhighway ''make it extremely queslionable that this freeway will ever become the regiona l type of freeway 1,>,·hich was envisioned when it was .approved by the State fli ghway Comm ission.'' Jt is critical of the State Division of Highways land acquisition program. Jt says land has been purchased and held ''without j~tillcation and for un- necessary reasons" and says the result "is an WJtold loss of tax revenue as well M ~rsonal losses to private landowners adjacent to and in the immediate vkinity of rigtil .. f-way purchased by the state." ·Koch tbls morning described tbe new coalition as "'enthusiastic!! toward Us goal and predicted its membership will expand even more at s ucceeding meetings. He said the panel will meet a.gain June 24 at the home of Councilman Store in Corona del Mar. 'No C:ontroversfl' spotted th e. plane flying erratically in the area or the Santa Ana River, betv.'een Costa Mesa and Hun11ngton Beach. They charged that Loomis. a utllity company employe. went into a steep power dive and only pulled out 100 feet above grol.lnd level. Giving chase, they "·ere joined by the Newport Beach police helicopter and claimed they saw Loomis go into a steep climb over UC Irvine before nearly stal- ling. 'Stop The plane then 1nade 1 sharp, 100. degree turn and headed back over Newport Beach, at times zooming a~ low as 500 feet over residential areas. Shepherding the z\g-r.agging plane back toward Orange County Airport, arre91in~ officers in the hetiCQpter said Loomr~ barely missed crashing into a '10·f1)0l glide slo pe Indicato r to"·er while land ini.:. He was stopped al midfitld by airport security offlctr9 "'ho ordered the f\1t1 to taxi toward the to"·tr build ing, ~·htrt' he I\ AS to r'neet investigating office rs. Police said Looni15' plane hnally halt ed 11fll>' unt-foot frotn 1ht> building aod near· !\ <:oll1dcd with !Yu1 rov.•s of parked ;11/'cralt ~s the V.t'.•\lng Ces~n;i pul!l·d up to a hall The sus pect wa~ held In lil'll 01 S250 bail this rnorning, ll.'h1le p11hC't> 11 r"arded a re port of the incid('nt t,, 11\<' Vcderal Aviation Administration fu~ po~~1b\e 11d· cl1tional legal ac tion. and Frisl{' High Court Extends Police Powers . WASHINGTON (UPI) -By a 6-3 liberal-conservative split, the Supreme Court extended today the power of police to "stop and frisk" suspect! on the street for dangerous weapons. "We reject the argument that reasonable cause for a stop and frisk can only be based on the officer's personal observation, rather than on information supplied by another person ," the court held. "Infonnants' tips. like all other clues 13 Hope fuls Seek School Board Seats A. total or 13 candidates will face N-1-~ l<:P.t dislflo! ... lt!J Alli· 5 li'i spel:tal eliC:tlon to !Ill two ••cant Jchoot bolfd ff1ts. The 'race for the Trustee Area Six post vacated bf Selim "Bud" Frlnilln, ip. pointed recently to~ the lllUriiclpal court bench, promise! to be the hottest of the two. Eight candidates have fiJed for the job. Five candidates will compete for tht Trustee Area Five seat to be left vacant by the retirement of Trustee Donald Strauss, who has served for more than 10 years. Area Si.J hopefuls are Robert C. Sangster, 2304 Cliff Drive, Newpor t Beach, an att1>mey; Arthur J. Sorce, 285 Robin flood Lane, C.OSta Mesa, busineu- man; David H. Krueger. 441 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach, college professor, and Thomas MacKinnoo. 1 812 Marlnen Drive, Newport Beach, a dentist, Also, Rita K. White, 310 Robin Hood Lane, Costa Mesa, housewlfe; Joe Cefali, 620 Michael Place, Newport Beach, engineer ; Joe Duffy, 277 Ogle St., Costa Mesa , newspaperman and Thomas W. Henderson Jr .. 461 E. 2Qtb St., Costa A-fesa, al!orncy. Ar ea Five candidates are Michael J. Ashe, 106 Via Xanthe. manager of educa· Lion sys tems for JBfl-f; James G. Ensign, 224 20th St. attorney: Bruce Chandler, 21 5 Crystal St., Balboa 1sland, attorney: Walter Lazar, 308 36th St.. profes sional ed ucator and Arthur F. Thompson, 67 Balboa Cove, physician. Franklin's Area Six en compasses an area bounded along Pacific Cout Highway to 21st Street and Newpon: Boulevard to Dover Drive. A small por· tion lies in Cost• Mesa and the reat in Newpcrt Beach. Area Five taka 1n all the Newport Beach area from the Santa Ana River to the Newpc.rt Beach jetty south of P•clflc Coast Highway. This includes Balboa Island, Lido Isle and the Balboa Penln· sula. All regislertd voters re.siding in tht Newpart-Mesa school dis trict will be eligible to cast ballot! in the special elec· tion . and evidence coming to a policeman on the scene, may vary gr eatly in th eir value and reliability. One simple rule will not cover every situation." The opinion in a Connecticut case wa9 written by Justice Wllliam H. Rehnquist, who is emerging as the most law-and· order member or the Court. Justice Thurgood Marshall sai d in dissent that the decision "invokes the spectre of a society tn \\'hich innocent citizens may bt> stopped . searched ancl arrested at the whim of police officers v.·ho have only the slightest suspicion o( improper conduct." Also dissenting were Justices William J, Brennan Jr. and William 0. Douglu. The ca.se is a aeQuel to an important 1968 ruling that policemen under proper ci rcu mstances may stop and frisk a person suspected of criminal activity even though they do not have enougb prior evidence to make an arrest. Mo1•e Tha1a 200 Dead Work Crews, Dog s Search For Bodies in Flood Area ·RAPm Cl'l'Y, S.D. (UPI) -Search C...ws using dop worked lhrou&)l tbe night to llllCOVer bodies fmn lbe muddy rulnl of tht nation'• 1'01'81 fiood In 35 ye1rt. Aulhorlllt! said today more than 200 were known dead from the flood Friday night and Saturday caused when a rain· !WOiien dam burst and cascaded billions or gallons of water into Rapid City and olher communities in South Dakota's Black Hills. Pat Dixon, coordinating disaster in - formation, said thert may have been duplications in the death count. "We ki>ow it'a over 200," be said. "It could be 29 over or .so over. No one knows right now." Sen. George McGovern (0.S.D.), said it was "a tctne of incredible destruction and devastation." 1'Je pres J d e n t I a I hopeful Dew from Washington Sund&y to tour the flood.lands by helicopter. Don Barnette, Rapid City's 29-year-old mayor, said, "I would estimate a com- bined death total of 300 tor the whole tragedy." Gov. Richard Kneip said. "We have In excess of 200 dea ths and there 's a long way to go yet. lt's believed many i;:ldles are bel ow lhe mud and the mire. That pa rt is bad." Search crews concentrated on a virtually devastated fi ve-block wide area along Rapid Creek, the stream which cut.9 through the city. tt turned suddenly into a swollen, rag· Ing killer when Canyon Lake Dam burst under the pressure of a foot of rain late Friday night, aending a four-foot wall of water thundering down from the hUb1. The flood cause!! an estimated 111111 mJJIJon damage, destroying 500 houses and leaving thousand! of persOrui homeles!. Authorities first said about 1.500 persons were unaccounted for, but later said they could not make an accurate guess on the number miuirig. Little had been determined about what happened In more isolated communities in the hills -particularly lo the hun-. dredJ, perha ps thousands of tourists believed to have been camping in the area close by Mt. Rushmore. The Agriculture Departmen t announced in Washington Sunda y that the flood area \vas el..lglble for emergency free food stamps. Representatives of al most every federal agency that could be involved met lo make recovery and assistance plans. Rapid City "'liter supplies \\'ere cur- tailed for f e a r of conlarnination and some residents took to robbing mote l swimming pools or water. Free typhoid shots were given to anyone who asked in hopes of heading o!I the danger of epidemic. More than 4,000 townspeople and Na~ ti onaJ Guardsmen pulled more than 50 bodies from the rubble Sunday. Reacuers said they found bodies all alonr the Rapid Creek course -in basements of homes which had been 5Wept away, beneath piles of rubble, in cars. One vlctlm's body wu draped in a tree. The flood was the ,nation's .worst since 1937, when the Mlaslssippi and Obie> Rivers took 250 Jives. w .. dler "T feel if we can as k the young people to put their lives on the Hne, we can allow them to drink st 18," said Assemblyman R<ll>ert Cline (Jl.Canotla Park) in lhc brkl noor -i.. ·Dero,natioJUJ Renew Fears Other steering committtt members are Jan Hall . chairman. Pacific Coast FTeeway Opposition Committee of Lon g Beach; William Agee. NewpQrt Beach planning commissioner: t.1ichael A. Schley. president, CiUzens' Town Plan· nlng Association, Laguna Beach; Mildred B. Hannum, a member of the Laguna Beach Open Space Committee and Bea WhitU...y, vlco president of Laguna Greenbelt, jnc. Abo on 1'"' panel ..... Margot Skilling, ce><halrman of the Barbor Atta Freeway FIC!lm' ~· Q:iardlnailng Com· mlltee: l!arl',lllrd,i8', • mtmJ>er oLtlle Udo Isle W.-ty Aaoc{itlon; c.iiiii1l Beet, 1 member.of Newport - United ;· E. ~t· Cbue, chaimlan of 1be Laguna,Nl~l llo""'!~' A.toocla- Uoo;. Sozatine \ftudd, aOcritky ol !lie Harbor Area CCC: l<>rmer Newptyt Beach rnrJar Paul J. Gruber; MarWll Duffield, chalnnan ol the Harbor Ar .. Freeway Flghten and France• Robinlon, a member of Frl!ndl of NewpQJt Bay. Mesa Budget to Be Aired Now you can wash tbe car. The weatberlady Itel more aunahine on tbe llortmn lot ~ -ard therealler. ltllhl of 70 exj)tded .. 1 the bea4'oo, rlllnc to ~ Inland. Lows In Git.Ill'& 'rl\ANG BANG, Vietnam (UPI) -The controlled explosion of C>J> tured baJ>d grtnodes thundered 1hrollgh th!.< village today, toucblng off new panic among rqldenta AliU ~hocked from lasl week'5 1 c- ckle:ntal napalm b o m b I n g that ~Ultd a child and five 10ldiers and •-OUnded eight other ptrtons. Crowds in the market pllce ran for cover and ont wc:man sc.'r'Um- ed, "They're doinc lt again." Tod1111 t.Xplo$\on WIJ only I cache_ ol capltred lfOnlcles b<ing carefu!IJ detonai.d. Walter J. Koch, CCC chairman, wu selected as chnlrman of the new coali· Uon. Schley and McCollWP wero appointed vice cbaJrmtn. CJJ111 waa elected trusurtr; Mrs. H.111 w1s selected recordi~ secrfta:ry and Mn. Rudd , cor- reapondq oecretary, M ezpected, In Its lint acllon , tbe By Ill.ID! NlEll7JELSKI Of .. o.11' , .......... The $10.1 mUllon bud(et ProPooec1 •by City Manager Fred Soraailal !or tho 1m. n !\acal 7w •lli receive Iha aquUey of the Costa Mesa City Councll tonight. But ntllhtt controversy nor budcet slashes are predicted durtna: the 7:30 a'clack study session In the ·flftb noor conference room at city hall, "1 don 'I fo......, any dffflcolfy wllb It but we have a new man on the council (Dorn Raciti) who has n e v e r been through I city budget before~ tt'lfAl11 lo mal<e certain Ile. uodtillili• all"the deio.11$.'' u id Councilman Alvin Pinkley. No act ion .. m be i.ltec on the ~page document tonight. However, tbe council may adopt tbe budget durtn1 1 special -km al 1:30 p.m. Thunday. Soi:sabal'i budget pl'oposes a U ,.... etnt or $14.3,rn lncrtase· In expenditures over last year. The current $1.52 per $100 of assessed valuation·t•x rate will remain at IL! present level, accordlna: lO fbe city manager. Much of tht Increase will be tak.tn up by salarleti for 15 new rJty hafl employes whlch include .sl:r add itional policemen. Salary improvemen~ for e x I s t 1 n g employts are not included in the budget and will have lo be taken out of ca.'\h surplus <lr reserves, If they are negotiated. The budget also includta several nun11ement reorganl~Uona, a mo n g them "Sorsa bal's deciston to combint the fonner parks, reerutlon and goll·course depa.rtment5 under the admJnlltration of a single department head supplying a function tenned · "ltlsure· activity ad- ministration." "Tb• Pllr(lOse of Ibis propooal ls lo bring together several f 11 n c t I o n a 11 y related actlvltlt! for better un of person- nel , aharing of equlpment Ind facil it\e!I and Improved administration." said Sorsab&I. The dtpartmenta: will continue to exist as Individual departments for budget purpoaes. To date. cooncilmen have not namt<f anyone to take over lhe Leisure Acti vity Admlnl.rtraition. lnlerdepartmental reshufning proposed !Set BUDGET, Pqc II ' INSIDE TODA "Y Ornngt Coimtr air offielols, plag"'d bv je noili probltma ot tilt count¥ clrj>or~ lt4w l~•fl' e11t 1 on mUita.rv ~.bcua oi o pos- si ble .solutin to. tM critical qiu:1tion of tohcn to put more airport!. Ste 1Corv, Pope 20. \.,M, ...... w h•llM 1' c1n~ s Cl•ull!W »H c-1u 11 c .... ~ 1J °""' Htotlc" • •• ,,.,.1.1 ..... ' l11fff11l-...t 1) ,..... 14-U ,..,_.. .. bll LIMI-1t f'tf' lk ltwlrf I, II • f DAil Y FlLOT c Bleod1 Svtaday Ireland Street Clashes Kill 5 BELFAST (UPO -One of Northern Ireland's worst weekend!! of violence took at least fi ve live$ in stretl battles In which Protesiants battled R o m a n Catholics and the British Anny fought both in attemptl to restore order. There "'ere new bon1bings today and terror in !ht> streets. A British soldier wounded in a 12-hour gun battle in Nort.htm Belfast Sunday died today. He was the 17th Britlah aoldier killed in nearly three years or atrike between Protestants and mioority Rom an Catholics. The: violence baa taktn 376 lives, 12 in lbe put 11J: days. The buviest battle ot tht week~d v.·a, In Norlh Beilul where the ligbtlng luted all Sunday afternoon and nlgbl. Hundreds of men, women and children 1treamed out of the area today and took refuge in west and east Be!fa!ll. 'fhc British army evacuated 40 families Sun· Sttspect Seized After Shooting A quarrel between two men over one 's et·wife left each ln se parate Orange County facilities today -the county jail and the county medical center. John J. Cuti•, of 113 N. B<wl•Y St .. ls lilled In llllble condition with a gtllll!hot wmmd Jn the back of the he.ad after being hit Sunday. He was shot by a .%2 caliber slug fired from a passing car in front of a cafe it SOf N. Euclld St., according to Santi Ana pollee. Ralph Acosta. 37, of 901 S. Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana, was su bsequently ar· rested and booked on suspicion of assault \vith intent to commit murder. A .22 caliber re volver v.·as confiscated e evidence in the case. day. Thrt'e gunbattles broke out in the hou rs aft e.r midnight when the Hltgal Irish flepublican 1\rrny mounted an lnteniuve attack ajta1ns! sandbagged army po11ts in L11ndonderry. hrin11t 200 rounds of high 1·elocit y rifle fir' and hea vy rn;:ich1ne~un!, There wert" no ca~ualtie5 in tlus l!ltidc-nt. It was tht la!! major battle of the v.•eekend which saw the worst fighting i;ince last August. By midmorning, the batlles seemed to have given way to the isolated bombings which have become a way or life in northern Ireland. 2 Teen Marines Killed in Crasl1 011 Irvine l{oad A high-speed crash into a dead-t!nd stret'l en1bankment early Sunday in lrvlne killed l\\'O teenagcd fl·Jarines and injured a third. acco rding to the California flighwa y Patrol. ., The accident on Janiboree Boulevard at Main Street left Pfc. Robert T. Bass, J9, dead at the scene, according to cor· oner's deputies. The driver, Pvt. Michael D. Kearns, 19, wu taken to Tuatln Community Hospital after the 2:30 a.m. accident and he died there 1 ~ hours later, A third victim, Pfc. Douglas A. Sullivan, 18, was treated at the hospital for minor injuries and released, CHP in· vestiga tors sald. The enli.!lted men were all stationed at the Santa Ana Marine Corps Air Station. Sunday's fatalities brought Orange County 'a traffic accident to!! for 1972 lo 114, compared to only 98 at this time la ~t year. pus1.1c s1>FE1~ 35.71' INTERNAL SERVICE S 11 .4% \ PIECES OF BUDGET PIE INDICATE WHERE THE MONE Y GOES IN COSTA MESA Cauncllm•n Looking at PropoHd $10.6 Million Municip1I Spending Program Ousted General Admits Unauthorized Strikes WASHINGTON (AP) -An ousted U.S. commander in Vietnam confirmed to congressmen today that he ordered poalbly unauthorized air strikes against the North Vietnamese for the 1afety of his piloll "and al the "me tlm• trying to stop the buildup" that led to the incursion into South Vietnam. But retired Air Force Lt. Gen. John D. Lavelle said he ordered the strikes halted l\farch IO when he learned three reports of the strikes had been ralsified, and there appeared to be no way to continue them ivithout filing false report s. Gen. John D. Ryan, Air Force chief of staff, told the subcommittee he (ired Lavelle as coqimander of the 7th Air Force in Indochina when he learned of what he aaid were 28 unauthorized air strikes Inf<> North Vlellllll'l lnvolvlnl 117 planes. Lavelle said he thought the.re were less than 20 auch missions. Lavelle said hia pilots saw and photographed massive buildups of North Vietnamese planes, tanks, artille ry and supplies near the Demilitarized Zone and said that y,•hen he requested pennission to strike them he did not receive it but nei ther did he receive a denial . f 'ro111 Page 1 BUDGET ... by Sorsabal \vill result in the loss or two positions . The civil defense functi on will be assumed by the police department with the elimination of the assistant civil defense director's pasilion. The weed con· trot tunction will be take.n over by the fire department with the consequent elimination of a maintenance man. Former Official Frank Burchfield Dies at Age 80 U CI Senate .Backs Women Lavelle said he could understan'd Ryan's viewpaint from Washington that ''I had txceeded my authority." Funeral services will be held Wednes- day for Frank Burchfield, former Riverside County asse-ssor, who died Saturday in Newport Beach. Mr. Burchfield died in Hoag Memorial Hospital following a brief illness. He was 80 years old. A resident of Corona del Mar, fl.fr . Countyu)ide Panel Eyed "By Boards Or:tngc Cvunly Supervi~!i arid 01ay(lr< have taken the lirst formal .step to "·ard Jor1nat1on of ;i cou11lyw1cle Council 11! < i11vcrn1nc111s (COG~. lln:i nimously endorsi ng a ~uper\•jsor!' and 1\·\avors Conft'rence ISAMCO) com· ' 111illl't> rcµorL lhc elcclcd 11fflc1~ls Sal.Ur· d;1\' order1·d tht' torn111111ce to develoµ " .sl<'p-by·Sll'p 1>lari for the new re-gional t'OlJOr;i!. Although de1.:is101is of COG \\IOu!d be 11d· \·1sory only it n•ou!d concern itsel! with n1atters or mutual. and sometimes con· trove rs1al concern uf clly and t:ounty government. Included 111 the cornmi t!ee recotn· tnendatlon for subJl'<~t!i to be reviewed by tJ1e new crgani~a!Jon 11·err long rang r. p!unn1ng, h1gh1\·ay pl:inn1ng. hralth and !';ifet y, land !ISf', p;irks, re treativn. r n· \ iron1uenlal enh<1nceme11t, transportation ;111d !ughway~. The SAt>.1CO fommit!ee. 11eaded b,1' l'.OUllCil1nan Don Srni th of Orange, warned \11at some type of formal county regional organizat ion is 11ecessary to prevenL threatened state government intrusion in· to matters of local concern. Included in the coinmittee's adopted recom· mendations 1vere : -Calling of a general meeting of all elected mayors, councilmen a n d supervisors as early as next fall to 1et the COG plan off the ground. -In.i Ually the new Jevel or government would include only county and city elected officials, but other agencies mch as school and speci al districts could be added later. -There should be 11 paid executive director with member agenciu: con- tributing staff members as needed. -A single joint powers agreement should be written and adopted in order to provide financing. The committee was ordered to im~ plement its suggestions and to include coordination with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG ). Faculty Urges Fe1nale Hiring, Special Study Funds But he added: "At that time u the commander on the spat coacemed with the safety of the crews and at the same time trying to stop the buildup that was going on, 1 felt that theae were justifiable actions." Lavelle aaid that be judged tbal under the rules prohlbltlng all but "protective r eaction'' air 1trlke1 into North Vietnam in line with the 1968 bombing halt he had the authority as the commander on the spat to order the air strikes. Burchfield first came to the Harbor area followlng his retirement in 1958. He was born in Missouri in um and he grew up ln that 1tate. Following service with the Army Air Corps during World Warr. he moved to Riverside County. Supervisor David L. Baker of Garden Grove noted the county already has more regional organizations than most In the state including countywide health, aanlta· tion, refuse disposal, water and highW"IJ, construction agencies. "But," Baker warned, ''If the propoeed Council of Governments 11 going to work all of the cities and the county il3eli will have to sincerely want it to succeed and be willing to put forth ser~ efforts." The UC Irvine Academic Senate wants to elevate the 1tatua of women on cam- pus. : Mori women profeuors should be hlrtd and more emphasis should be made on Women'• 1tudles cour1e1, urge 1en1te members. · Funds should be made avall1ble im· rpec:Uately for the development of . women '• ltudieJ courses within already ailt.lng campus departments, 1enate members voted Thursday. Gr1nt monlea should alao be awarded for research into "oontrtbutlo111 or 'omen lo civilization and knowledge," iccording to a report made by the senate eommlttee on education1l poUcy and r Trim to Rhythm Course Offered An eight·week Trim to Rhythm course will be offered on Tuesdays and Thure- days by the Costa Mesa Recreation De- partment. • Designed to improve muscle tone through daflCe movements and music, the Olass \viii meet from 9:30 A.m. lo 10:30 a:.m. both days at Da\·is Intermediate School. lOSO Arlington Drive, beginning J une 27. · The fet is $5 per person, payable dur- tna: registration. Regillration will be htld from 6 p. m. to 8 p.m. June 22, and from t a.m. to 1 p.m. June 23 and 24 at the Costa Mesa Civic Center CM DAILY PILOT TM°"'"" c..t CMILV P'ILOT, WUl'I nld'I -.~~.._ .......... ""°' .......... .... OA"I• a..t ,,,..ltll'"' c.rtwiMy, S.• r•l'9 ..,.II'°"' ,,.. Plll>fl•hl'd, Mond1y "'NU9ft P't ldfy, lW" Cftll Mftf, N...,.,n a.di. HunllnPiin llteeh/,OIJ!tt1ln V•l!ty, Ll!lllM B•t ll, 1Nlne/$~19Ndl ...... Sin C,...,,.,,te/ Si n J11~ C•olf....... A •Intl• f"lllloMI , f'd i!too It J11UblJ1h .. 141hlrlli•Y' •1111 Slll'ld1ya. l~• p.tfl(t ... 1 """u"''"' ,..,., I• ,, SJll w .. t lift -'r'"'• 0.1• M-, (atlr«nl1, ttut. ltob1rt N. w.,4 ~r"ldeftf •nil l'Nlllllw J •tlr It. C11rltv Vi(f .. ,.ld.,t .,,. o.,....t ,,,,,.,...,_ Tllom•• K•••ll l,fl-n.."'.' A, M•r,Jti11• M9M01 ..... .,_. Cli•1lt1 H. i..., IUch •"' r. Ntlt ' . AMhlenl MllMt!Jie 141"" c-. ..... Offke JJO Wt1t l•y Str••t • MaiJl111.Y4,..111 P.O. lea 1160, f2626 • • • °""'-H....,., IMct\t 2m .....,.,.. lwltvW l..-~I m ...... !'A""""' .. ...,..,~ ... : IJ'11 .... 11ovi.w~• ,..,. CltfNntts m Hwtll 11 ca"''"' a ... Ttltf••• (714t '42-4JJI Cl• ...... A""1t I I '42·1671 C.,Vrl ... t, tlft. 0.... 'CM1I .._!,~lftt ~llY, Ne -... •lff'ltt, lll\ltf1'11""" _.. ....... , IMtllr Ill' ..,...,,...,..,,. ,,_,.IR ,,.y .. •• ·-· wlll'lllft .... , ,.,... ....,...,~.--· , f1C11f1f 0. =: ,.M 11 c .. 11 MtM, c.tHwlllta. lu~ .., <••rltr n.u ' ......,,,.., W Mt1 •• IJ -1111,, "4111tttY l .......... llM ~. passed by the aenate. The fa culty members also resolved that ••a greater number of quaHlled women must be. recruited and hired." 'i1>e only dllcu111lon by the senate following the report made by com· parative culture professor Jay Martfn, chalrman of the policy committee, was to change a arant-revJewlng committee's name to the "Vice Chancellor's Com- mittee for Curriculum of Women's Stud.Ju." It had been referred to in Martin 's report as the "vice Chancellor's Women's Committee for CUrriculum Development." Martin reported the policy committee studied the idea of women's studies courses for eight m o n t h s . It con- cluded that they were a top priority item, he 11ld , but that they Mould not be 1n a separate Women 's Studies Program. During that study, 11 13-part ques· tlonnalre was aent to deparbnent asking their views on women's studies. Jn Martln'11 re-port, English profesaor Mary Key 11ummarlzed In writing that Alvan H. Goodell School Honors Harbor A.i·ea Man Dedication ceremonies are scheduled Saturday at Fairview State Hospital to re-name the facility's school building in memory of Its former prlnclpal, a pioneer in tducatlng the mentally retard· ed. The school will be the Alvan H. Goodell Educational Center following the 10:3-0 a .m. ceremony. A rormrr Harbor Area resident, Mr. Good~ll . "·ho died April 19 in Sacramento, ro1e from a job II! attendant at P1clflc State Hospital to director of Com- pensatory Education for the Department of Mental Hygiene. He bfg1n working with the retarded In 1947 and was eventually principal at Paciric Slate Hospi tal's school. shifting to Fairview in 1959 as principal when it was opened. f{e developed many Innovat ions in the teaching training of the retarded at Fairview, leadlnc w his 1967 stattwidt appointment. lte Is survived by his wife. a son ata4 tioned at' Travis Air Force Base and a daughter who teaches in the Garden Grove School Dlslrlct. Doctor Will .Discuss Schizophrenia Cases Dr. Arthur Robll!IOn, biology pt'Ol .. sor at lhe lJC.St•nford -•rclt C.n!tr, wtll &peak on ortho-molecular PIYthlatry to- nJalll at 7:!0 o'clock at the li:sllncla High School Forum in Costa Mtu. Robbtaon'1 appearance, free to the pub- lic, Ii sponsored by the Orsngt Coonly Schliophrtnla As90elatlon. His talk wm lncludt the blologlcsl ... P«tJ of sdllsophronla, commonly known ., a spill peramalily. "department heads seem in general agremient that the focua 1bould be on the discipline rather than on the aex." Less than one-third of the department chairmen contacted responded , llld Professor Key, who added, "perhapa it has not been emphasized enough that the issues of women are also Ule i1sues of men." Of the about 30 senate membu1 voting for the resolutions, five were women. Court Rej ects Repossessions Without Notice WASHINGTON (AP) -The Suprtme Court today barred credltora from repossessing merchandise wlthOut giving the buyer advance notice and a hearing before "a neutral official." The 4 to 3 decision atruck down laws In Florida and Pennsy lvania and could hive a natlonwlde impact because most states authorize the automatic ttelzure of goods when the purchaser falls behind in the pAymen ts. The dissenters predicted that as a result It may become more dlfficult for consumer~ to buy merchandise on credit, Justice Potter Stewart based hit opln- ioo for the majority on lhe 14th Amend- ment guarantee that no state Mall deprive a person of property without "due procesa of law." One case concerned a Mlaml womm, Mrs . Margarita Fuentes. whose stove and stereophonlc phonogr1ph were repouua. ed when sho lell behind In her paymtnll. The woman, a factory worker, claimed the stove was defeetlve. The other c1ae concerned a group of Philadelphia people whose purchasu were repoue1sed under lhe ltat1'1 law. Taverns, Liqi1or Stores Kick I n $3 0,839 to Mesa Tavern and liquor ltot'9 OW'ftll'I toasted Costa Mesons wlth '30,839 thla month - tile city's s!J:-montb share of spedal lees paid by holden ol lkollollc btwrl&'I' liet"'flltl. • The pe,yment WU madt w Colla M-lhroup Ibo lllalt Deptrtmtnt of, AJco. ho!Jc Btver11e Control whlcb allbcMtl 90 percent of all Uc8H foe "'°':i;... btcll w lndlvldu1l cltl" and <OUlltl" ._ is ustd to heh> off!tl tases. The remain- ing JO percen! , ... Into the mte'1 ...,. en!I fund . Oranp County as a whalt, ln<llldlol unincorporated are•s, .....tved fOl,ss? for the alx-montb period ended Ftb. JI:· A peckage store bter and wino llc<n1ti """" lh• ...,,.. l!O will! a ymtf-.J f .. of '21. A general on·"lt la..,,· 11:' """'" ...... ...ooo ·=•111, wllh • 1nnu1t rtnfl'Wal fee ot , wtdJe a bile and wine only uvom llctDJt -ia PIO, ron...,.bl• far flll8, But he a id that when an invesU,ator showed him the tbrtti false report• on the strlkei, "f couldn't belJeve them." He said he halted the 1trikea becaUJe he and his staff could not find any way to pre· vent further such inaccurate reports. His and Ryan's testimony indicated that the falsification involved reporting I hat units had taken some kind of military action justifying "protective reaction'' retaliatory strikes. 3 Ship Jumpers Taken in Denver DENVER (AP) -Three AWOL servicemen, Including two who jumped ship ln San Diego, have been arrested by federal marshals st Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, ending thelr stay in sanctuary that began last Monda y. Taken Into custody were Robert Bland Jr .. 22. Warren , Ohio, and Michael Haye!, 21 , Colorado Springs, Colo., both sailors. and Eugene Berryhill, 20, Minot, N.D., an Army private. In 1934, he joined the assessor's staff as a deputy and in 1941 was appo inted assessor. Ile served four terms until his retirement. ·Mr. Burchfield served as president of the State Assoclation of County AsseSS<Jrs and was twice president of the Southern California Association of County Assessors. fie 1vns also a member of the commi ttee on personal propert y taxation of the state Chamber of Co mmerce. Services will be held at 10:3D 11 .m. Wednesday at Pacific Vie\v ?t1ortuary. !·le is survived by a son , Frank Burchfie ld, also of Corona del Mar. end a <'laughter. l\1rs. Betty Sanchez and three grandchildren, all of Torrance. The family suggests memorial con· lributions to the American Cancer Socie. ty or the Heart Fund. ChamlJer Directors Will Meet Friday Directors of the Costa ,\.1esa Chamber of Commt'rce have scheduled a board meeting for noon Friday in the banquet room of the Coral Reef Restaurant , 2615 Harbor Blvd. Reservations must be made before noon Thursday with the Chamber 64&- 0636. ' The Saturday meeting of SAMOO, tM sixth in a series beginning in 1971, also involved discussions of uniform bicycle theft laws and bllltxiard restrictions. No action was taken on either a:ubjtct pen- ding further study. ' OCC's Sunimer Registration Begins Tuesday Open registration for !tlrnmer school it Orange Coast College will begin Tuesday. Registration by appaintment for con- tinuing day and evening college studen~ will be held Monday from 9 a.m. to S p.m., and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Open registration will be held Tuesd11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.rn. and 6 p.m. to I p.m.: \Vednesday from noon to 3 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.: Thursday from noon to 3 p.m : and June 19 and 20 from 8 a.m. to I j),nl . Registration \\'ill be in the OCC gym June l2-14 . and in the Admission Buildtnc thereafter_ Summer school will start June 19 and cont inue through Aug. 11. Persons wishing additional information should call 83._6880. Se lling Out Ove rstock ONE CARAT DIAMONDS $479 Only With This Ad TR UMP FUL L SIZE CLASSI CAL GUITARS OUT OF PAWN WATCHES Over 100 Papul1 r Br,nd1 To Choo•• From YACH TSMA N .BINOCULARS BUSHNELL tx30 WATERPROOF, SHOCK· PROOF, DUST PROOF THEY FLOAT COITA MUA JEWELRY & LOI '"'J ' CAMERAS .c .... ..-.~ ,_ ... ~-· -~· ( I --- M•llll'I• s.llw 1 .. DTL ., ........ w1'11 C•M ·-••• , M C•-n& """" -- 2000 TOCHOOSI l'ROM '1~ a d c s I t I ,j I