HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-26 - Orange Coast Pilot\ 17 I I • .. ' . ' 7'ells· All. in Big, Interview .. I ' I • :..-----------------...-----..... . Shotgun Bandit Sear~h Conti 11ues . . . r . Killed hy . Clerk. In West1ninster . . For Huntington Youth on Paeifie DAILY PILOT * * * 1o c * * * r , ' ' ,. MGNDAY AFTERNOON; JUNE 26, 1~72 · ~11o-.111r.l·IRT..._M ,~I · · ~\~I .I i.7·.,. ~ l',l . : . ! ' , t .. ~. , , ,..._ ~ •• 1 ~ " .. . ' . \ . . " overn . ,. .. ··es· ' I ' • l \ , -. . ' l . -::::,-. ' .. ' . ' . I " • ·o· 'r • ' I ' . '' ; ... ···~-··.--,.. . ·• Ir· t' .-'• .. , -:-. • aims ' -.. ' ' . . . . . ~ ,,. .· .. -+ .... • 'f • • ; I "" ·.:,;; . • • .NiXoJi Lift8·· . : ~iih,~~i~. · . ' . All. . · Qu·. ~ta. ~ . Eiuery Robbed 'Y -.. ., • • Geis963/4 1\r~port Flfuco . -. ForM~t . Newport 'Beach'• exclusive Bob Burna' Restaurant was robbed about ,Dlid-moming tociay, in • : ~ sfmllar lo a case ·occurring two weeks ago 1n.Liguoa,Beacb. Bruised :Martha .. . ' . Detano 'or the holdup at rt Fublon;Island wero akelchy and . . . l . . ' . To Leave · John?" "WASmNGTON (AP) -ptesldent'Nlx· . the lou· ln weeteJ)ll nceipts WU di lilll!cl· o1J qu0(a ~· on meat not IOUl!"11ately known.· . ~ toc!af"lnaneJlort ,to.mnemdy · Police w .... · ca:ned to the • -· 4erm .•"-'•-" and .curb rising.. · fash!oriable«llnlng faclllty about to --.· am.,·and were unuailable1for any nleil·Jli'ICOs. '. ' · " · idditliJDali lnlorniation .white con-. , . 'BUtiNtxonnlled 'out a ·1reeze,on meat · duttlriglhelrinvmtpllao. • : Fro~ "1<9 .Senleel a,M~iliei IOCiil' prlcel, -S<cretary or· qi.· ' --. Smarting fr.om brulles and llleged m. 'J1re&Jl!O' GeorgeSi:bullx ~.at 8 While; dlgnitlel recelnd while lhe wis a HN•--s -~. where Nixon'•. H • M ''l><!litical ~·al_~ N~ Inn ~ ~· ~a-~ untington om laol week',·-Milclltll·IDday -· clOi:lilon wu aniiolmced. · . , · · .d her, teltpboDe pleu urging ·her bus-. ;i!Omava1 of Tho quotes lor .the rest of' band ID quiU're8'1en!;Ntxon'a campaign. 1'12 •:may·nol iullY·'oolve·the problem,'" Fears for: Son . Newly eJllCODCed In. plusb, IWOi'OOlll ·Nixon' s a Id In' a llaten<nt.' "Further' suite al the· Westchester Country Club ln measures '!fil"be,takeo u necessaiy and· Rye, N.Y:,.Jbo·wile ·or former Attorney' •PP!'OJlrl.ale:~~'1. -. . •. -. • .. . . .o. n O· cean·V~yage General ~·Im Mile~ ...r11 todai. told ; 'l'bere · wa•"oome', evid~ tJ\aC the. tile· New · Ycrk Dilly News sbe "'8S· Prlce·Commbllion, .which m'akes ~m-' · · ' lirulsed· by· unnamed eampOlgn aecurity mendations lo the Cost.of Living Council, . . ·By .u.MON.~EY suards during her sta••• l(ewportlleacb. · · • · • polltlcaD Dall'r. Plltt ....... ..... ~ et" bad ,1-i aQenCed on the • Y Mro. Mitcbell charged today that touchy i..ue Of food prices. It met In an 'A lranUc Huntington Beach mother violence ended her 'lbunilay phone call 1111"111"1 clooecl session of more than fOUl' was "climbing the walls" today u 8ellr<b from the Newporter Pnsldentlal villa lo hciJrs Sunday, but said nothing. . ' contlniled for the U;foot disabled sailboat · UPI Washington correopondent Helen . Most of the lmpo~ meat 19 lower. on wblch her U-year-<>ld 'IOll. ii a Thomas. In that call, MrS. Mllcbell said , .-cuts wblch goes into proceoaed pro.. ---, she was leaving her lmsband unless be ducts IUcb .u hamburger hot dop ,passenger. · · . • ' ' ' • ' 11-· Fred r Fountain' 1132 AleJalldria -'--aalaml and .IU. ... , '' l"'+ :, r ,....:1_..i.l~-·; r ' ~ • . • )..( Olliclals qa.uoDed ,. .. w..r ' l li.. .St .. .....__ BUCb,' IOld sbe liDI lier declsloa would -an Im-ate iJh. husband ...,. not awsre !hit their eon pad "' ·""81nc meat prices, ,,.ying ii J111ke wu aboard the boat until nollfled CdUld Ute *'"" or months fir lany in-, &inda)' by lhO COasl Guard that the crmefin bdpoi II to·be felt In the United --• und 'IJllteL f~ , . -""'was er way. . , Sldr; Wiii' lllidl Nixon's Cost of Uv; Mn. FOllDi.in 'f!'I highly disturbed SQurces Confirm Martha's Phone , q COanojl. .. lltUe optimism that that the commercial -1 wh1eb olgbted . the ~Weii(t_,jj In Micecl prices. the· 33-loot Tom Cat bad not taken the ... quit polltl~. . . Mya!<itously the · king dlllaDce call to the trosted Wublngtoo reporter WU In- terrupted. Mro. ~tcbell·IDld the New, York Dally. News ttiat.aevetal ot .. ber .. guards, pro-. vided by . the Nixon· committee alter her busbaild left Ids altoi'iley ~ peat; ·-mo down on the bed-·nve men· did It-. and itudt 1 needle In my behjnd. "I'Ve never been . treated like ·this, ever 111 Mrs.. lfitcht.U aaJd. · The llatemeot -· reporja' of • 11commoUon11 in i the· Prealdential · villa early Friday IDOl'Ding-Dl0111<111s ,after a moderately lal'ge ·-wu·mnalhed. Reliable llOUl'COS IDday· told the DAILY PILOT nl>t only :WU a -In' the Mitchel1 villa amubed, but -. had stained the curtain& and the bedroom telephone bad b<en ripped from the wall Meanwhile, lfrs. MJlcben today again phoned UPI'• Helen Tjlomal. aa)!lng 1 security ll!flt, f~r the l'HlectlOn oom- mlttee "pulled tlie telephone out of the wall" ID·stop her-from lalking •. 0 1 hope you print tbat,",abe said: 11To have this jerk .•. thls ciiaral'ler come in and pfil the telepllone oat of the .wall." ~A POLITIC/lot ,PRISONER' Mn. Morthl Mitchell Shotgun Ba~dit Sia~ by .Cle~~~ In 'Westminster · . . Delegates I Toward Win. WASllllfGTON (UPI) -Sen. George .. ___ enough""81'~ for a llnl-ballol'nomlnation for president al the Democratic Notional Conveotloo Oii the 'bale of gaining almoot 100, weviqully UDCOllllDH!ed. d e ! e I a t I S I IDOIU1 lllacb. . Al.-· .......... be.illmdfd Wllll ll1ree ........ Of Ille ~ Black Coucal, McGovern aald the -~egidel hi gatned w o u Id ro1oe him 1,5101> ""81. It takes 1,1811 ID nominate. The Diltrlct of ·Cohmbta'• ..... ,....Iona) delegate,, Walter E. Fa-.,Y, sald'tbe .W..teo were made up primari- ly of bladla bom 12 stateo. Fauntny aald Ille votes Included: Co& nectlcut 4; Louisiana 14; O!llo 8; Miuisljppl 'II;· Illlnoil ·S;-Mluouri I ; New Yort 2; District of,Columbia ·~: Vtrglnta JI; -Carolina 7; Geciqla I; .Uabama I; and New Jeney 3. 'Ibey addocl up lo ~ But Fauntny Iller -W the total clown by ·ca wbtD hi Ilk! h Alaboma delegate _, WU -Jn Ille McGomn 1otal. HO aa1d a llnal ,_. ' (SeeMcGOVlllH,Pllpl) ........ • C1zg I ·~ 'l'lie nlain'ebjectl'it 1le ·-. ii ID lltlb!J. puoeagers aboard or stood by. k ,1 Ila mlet prim ~',:\h"1""tlna repeated Tbe unldentllled vu!d ,.ported that ·, _....11 the e le¥eJ. Iha men wero ·in poor condition, ~ar , , Bell 11ipp11e1 ud prlcel o_....i ID be dotllea llttered and bad been wlthOul 'Ripped . Out' By L. PETER DIEG Of .. D9lr .... lflff She told Mils 'l1lomas Sile WU In her bed ln bet bedroom at her Newporter Inn villa wllen the lncldenl occumcl. "If you eOukl see eme, yov wouldn't believe Jt," she confided , to the . Washington reporter the Mltcbells favor. ''I'm black and blue, I'm a polttical prisoner.'.' · A shotgun toting bandit wu klllecl by a Westmlnsler·sjore clerk clurlpc 1 '®bery attempt early Sunday ~· Pollce Identified the -bandit .. 'tbll:r: tarl'l or Nlxm'• decision, food for 11 dayo and wltilo'!I water for ' and ·-·· two daya. ' ' . . " ollo ~ 81 mutton ·-The coptaJn told the Coast Guud he Aa1traJ1a ~about half or the 1.S. had alven the lr1' two gallona of water _ _. level t f im and fiod lor about six days. mDio!I JI0!1lld I ..... ,or "Wb.!' didn't that captain take thooo ud llecnluJ at st.le Wuuam P. boys aboard or at lwt staDI by untU J1D1n. wbo DOW 11 In that country, will help amvadi" Mrs. FOlllllabi demanded ...._ -Allllrallan ollidals the tol know pj111H111)' of IM11sl .. the flow of meat Nelu.e;, could· the fnntlc mother ( .. FUD, hie I) ' understand why the -bad not .been Martha Mltdie!l'a claim• tllat lhe had been a "polillcal .,.._.. In Newport Beach Wll IU-· ~ by llOll?ttS Inside the. -· NfWJIOl'l.-lnn where lbe lll1ld lor a weet• with private agenla waldlllc her every lllO".'. ~'Someone" ID her prtyate villa ripped a telephone from the wall 'lbunday •· bMtlng a call lhe bad placed to Unlt4d Pr.a IDternatlona1 .........,...i. -TilDmll, olflclala of Ibo Nowporllr Ian Sbe said her hlllband~llled lhe re- main in .caillarnla. "I'm leaving 'him unUI he decides ID Jeave the cam.palgti," Mrs. Miichell said. "I love my hlisblDd very lnucb, but I'm no going to atand for Ill lllOOe dirty things th@.t go on." - Terry Lee Harmaa, ill, t ._ lul reported residence wu fn Orange. Hannon entered'the,,.._. Ml atore at 5511 Westminsta' Ave., Umt 4 a.m., armed with bis lhotcun tad _.-Ing a llloddng over bis r-, pollc:e told. He waived the •hcJICun •t store clerk 4rry Tll\ilesy and told bhn he would be killed If he clldn'l do euctly • •Id, 80-cordlnc to police. .. 1 • Tbose stubborn ._..., doa Ire llill tia"""' -tho Qr. ange Coast, but the wealhrrladJ sees clear aklea fD the aJlmioCll rue.day. lllgbt .. 'II. r.ow, Ill Ibo '60's. • INSmll: TODAY " apotted by the -..bing aircraft. ccnflrmed. "Thil ii nothlnc but • copl and robbers gllDO, and I'm trying lo set 1111 llllband out ol I~" lhe IDld the Dolly News. The bandit then ordered Tlnglesy lo march to. the back room. Al be fumed a corner, Tlng's!ey ducked behind 1 o m e 1tac:ked boses, pullod out a revolver be canled In bl• •birt. liDI shot llarinon Land ptddlllog It • bWloft. dollar .b1'1iftat ill 1loridt ..S "'4•V btlVfrl ftod --'I .,.. iaoll lhdt ......... - promiff• of ·•-II••· /oil "' moltriclUze. Sn ..,, .... 1. • Mro. -In aa1d MIU had cone to llonoiuhl Maul ._, lllOlhl."" to. visit an older bnthar. Sbe aa1d Illa Undeniood i. bad -wwldng .. mo sailboat and bad Plllblbly cloclded to ail -on It wben k depar1ed May t for Marina del Rey. "lie probabl1 Wanted to iurprlse Ill," 8be aald. Mrs, Fountain aa1d her IOI! bad never been to .. before 1n a -n boll. Prior lo (OfDI ID Honolulu he ~ attended lftm. (S. IEABCII, Pip I) .. • Mn. Kitchell dalm.i !hit ._ .. -• _..uy agent -..,. ""' Republlcan National Committee to bop her under wraps. SoUrces told the DAILY PJLOr this lllOnlinC-tbot-tht-NewpQrier WU lrl- llruclecf to dilc<onlcl all telephones to lbe rilla immediately alter Mn. llltchtD WU COUPt makinc the Call. It WU Do learned that blood WIS fOWld mi a cutlaln In one of the roo..., wblcb CG11apondr to Mn. Mitchell'• (._ PBllONEll, l'qo I) 4llhougb Mn. MJtcbeU Mid the IOClll'i• ty ,guards ~puled her ...-the country to the pooh N.., Y ort ouburb, In Westchester County, the New Yn piper noted the guards were not in evidence at' the COlllllry dub. Arriving In Rye on SUnday, Mrs. Mitcllell aaki 11 All I want ii my husband back. "There ii no reason for us lo be ill- (See MARTHA, Pap I) lllnJuch the be~ pone. sMcL . • . . Crash Laid to Bomb . - SAIGON (AP)-lnfOrmed sources, say a bomb on boaid probably caused the June IS crash In• the ttnlral l\lgbl4JICls ol the c.thay Podf1< Air'lo •Y• Je\llner ln which II persons died. ... ""' "' L.M 19" t CIAfllnl'• I CknlW'... ... ::=... : Dn II ""'-I ... ......... I .............. " ,.,. ........ ,...... ..,, .. -14 ......... ,, • ::.:-:: --. °'-c...r • IJW'.1 ,.,. W ---. .......... """ ,..=---" -. -. -·----. ' I . , . ' 2 DAILY PILOT s M...t,y, Ju"' 26, 1972 Withdrawal, Amnesty Asked· • Denwicr-atic Platf.orm Comniittee Hammering Out Policy WASHINGTON WPI) -Immediate tJ.S. withdrawal lrom SOulbaast Asia, poalwer amneslY for dralt dod&m and desertera, and abolltloo or. Ille dralt w.,. proposed lottey 11 major planks In the Democrats' 1972 presidential calnpalgn pl1Uonn. The plaUorm proposed to Iba 150- rnember Oemocrallc PlaUonn Com- mittee by a 15-member drafting au!> commJUee <&1ao endo<•ed limited acbool busing lo acbleve quality educaUon and taxpayer llnanclng ol most election cam- paign costs. The suboomm!Uee spill, 7*7 -with Chairman !Wmeth Glbaoo llOI vollnl - on th~ defeme plank. One version backed by aupportera of Sell. Ceorge S. McGovern (D-S.D.), Ibo frontrunner !or Iba party's presidentlal nomination, called !or less military 1pe11- dlng. The other. backed by 111ppc>rler1 or Cov. George C. Wallace of Allbama and Famed British Maiiiner Lost LONDON (Pll -A Royal Air Force aearch plane haa joined Iba bunt for round-the-world yochtsmu Sir Francli Qilcbealer, 71, who la compellnc In the Observer Sln;!Hianded Transat- lantic Race from Plymouth, Eng· land to Newport, R.I. The plane made a low aearcb over tbe sea Swl\llY nliht looking for Cbtcbesia-'1 17·foot aloop, Gipsy Moth v. . Chichester hos missed three aclieduled radio contacta and ...,. olficl.U upre8Sed concern !or bla health. News of Nixon's Trip to f.oast Offici~lly Told Tbe White House today confirmed that PM!dent Nam -.Id arrive at La Cua Paclllca In Sea Clemente late tbla ...t to~ a~ -kl!W vacation. 'ria ollldal -ttf Prw 6ec:retary lion Zlqler folloWI reporll ol an Im,....., arrival wlllda lint were binled Ill Sea Clemel)te late Jut week. Zle,ler aald Prealdent Nixon would Dy Well on F)'idaJ and would probably re- main In rpldenco In San l;Jemeote whl~e Demacrata -llla ~ la Mlllnl, It will be tbe llrat vtalt to San Clemente · by the Prealdent for 111 montbl -the -longell "dry apell" at the Weatem White House since Ille President lint purcbued Illa estate. , Al o! yet no acbedule of actlvltlea boa be<n released by tlle Prealdenttel Ital!. · The Jut time tbe President vlllted the Orange Cout wu early last January In a trip marked by a blstorlc aeries of 1111!1- Jnlt talb wtth Japanese Prime M!ntater l:isaku Sato. Woman Injured In Cliff Plunge • J • . . A San Clemente woman chasing ber d!Ji along Iba. J?lulltop near Linda Lane -. Beac~ over !be w.eiend lost her !doting and toppled 111ore than• 20 feet, aullertng fra~·, ~tf and a conc!usslon. Llleguanl~ aald Mri. Edne GU!ort, 15, of 323 Avenlda Pallzada, wu found hallway down the fa c e ol the bluffs Saturday at 1:11 p.m. The guards' climbed the aloptng blulla and brought the woman down lo the beach, then toot ber lo a waiting am- bWsnct. Mra. GU!ord was admitted for treat- ment to Mission Communitv HosoltaJ. DAILY PILOT 1'ttt er... C.... DAILY 'ILOT0 wt11 •1C111 h COl'l9INf ... " ..... ,.,.., " IJIWlltflfd w 9111' Or•• ClNrt ''*11111111 ~ • ...,.. '''-•111 .... ,. llUtlllMIG. Mtndty .,,..,.... FrJd•Y• fW (Mii Mnt, NIWJllll'f llkho HIM!...... 81.acll/FOU11t1ln V•lllf, ....... IHdl, ,,.._lnt/SMrdlibtdt ... S.n Clt!Mnte/ 5" Jpn C1pl$ff1M. A 1111911 ng'-wl edl!lln h P\lbll.W .. lvN•YI 1n11 S"""41Yto TM •lndpel (IMlbllthlnt plant 11 If ill Whf atJ $lrtef, Cllt1 Miii, CIU'°""', rH2'. "ob1rt N. Wt1d Prullltnt and ,llbllilllt J1c.k •• c .. ,,,., Vie:t ,,_.. .... ~I~ Tltol'ftll k11rif ...... 1\n1N A. Mw,hi1111 MMltllW h i• ai.,r •• H. toes ktc.h1r4 '· Nin M tfltlftt Manlt ... EfllWI -C..lt MN: D ":.':!:TS"" ........ lltctl: 2W ............ utw11 htdl: m ,......., """"" .....,,""*' IMdri! f1171 .... lolll14nl IMC....,,.:*-. Iii Ct,,_ RMI '"-1n•1 Ml-4111 Cl_... M:cirt ' I '4W67' PIWll c..edll ~ ..... fll .._ 1e1c11 ·~· ,,_ Hd .....,. C..-, C:.CI __ ....... -1111 ~. "11. ....... C.rt .......... QIMl(N111, ... ..... ,.,,.., lllMtff"•l""'- tilllll'llt ....... " ....,,__,.......,. =•·Ii"'-=="~ .... ,. ..... dlll .......... " Cate ..... et••• •• •• ., umw tu1 ...,., _, ..... ti.II IWlllWI ......,. ~ ............ . • Sen. Hawy Jacklon (D-Wub.), called !or ..U ....... cblnla" in the def..,. "a procram ol national c1e1 .... wblcll II plant.JI tbc1 fall lo 10t the cblncea II bOtb prudent and re1ponalble, wblcJI will tlao fllll -itlee -be Aid, ,...., ,.lain lbe confidence of our awes, and ' _, which wW be a cltterrenl to polentlal aa· . ~ taU Ibo 11cJi1 to the CCllY1lllloo !loor. gressors." Under the new Democrallc refonn Even before the platfcrm commlltee rulet, U 10 per<enl -or 15 memben - began two days or debate m It, the iro-01 the llO platform commlltee members i;::1 i:~W:. was under sharp atll<:t voted !or a lank In -'tloo lo ..,. Wallace aupporten ""'ed to puBh for adoPttd by : ma)orlty, 11111· m1aorl4' u llllil>uslns planlr Ind for plans lo plant la .... oabmllled lo the - promlle tu ttlld lor middle-Income convlllllm !er a voec. , Americana and cute In !<nip aid. The bultnl 'planlr adopted by the dnf· Some McGovern luppoNn aald Ibo ting lllbcommlltee lllltl: subcommiltee compromloed McGovern'• "We auppmt Ille pal ol d10111'Ptlm Liberal p!OirlJDI loo madl fW the Ille of U a DlWlll lo ac.bieve equal -to unity, glosalntl over -of Iba Soalll quallt1 educatlm !Gr Ill our dll1dna. Dakota senator'• -eralol ~ Quality education la the lasue-buamc lo In favor of what they aald was blond, not. Traosportatlon of atudenta II mo of general language. many tooll available lo acllleve quallt1 Ted Van Oyk, McGovern'• represm-tducatim. Where it aerves that goal, we t.ative to Iba Platform Committee, aald endcne It; where II -not acrve thal Iba South Dakotaa'• aupporten would ..... .,,. do llOI." 'God Loves You' Armed-Bandits Loove Church $400 Poorer PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) -"God loves you," the pr<acber aald lo the youth who llood on lbe cburdl altar pointing a run at bis bead. "I hope JO," the bandit replied u he poclteted JtlOllt)' from collection platea In a SUoday holdup at the Christ In Cbrl>- tian Union Church in downtown Pont.lac. The lllckup Jell tile Rev. James Ray N-and 40 ·parlahlonera flOO poorer. "We ...,..., acand," &aid If.year-old l)lrlallloner Cecil B. 'l\Jpper. "We ... med lo feel that llieriwu someone looklac after UI other thla ouratlves." Toward the end or bis aennon, Mr. Nesse!road aald, a )'OUlll In bla late teens and another In his early 20s barged through a side e11tranc.. One pulled a pillol and fired 1 shot Into the eelllng. '"lllls is a holdup, "'"'Ybodt stay in your aeats and evoryboclJ 111 out your 't1J111¥1!1/' one said. · One (UlllD&ll llood at the entrance llWdlnl the COOIJ'tiatlon and tile other, lro~loblng two plalola, walkad lo !be pulpit and uked where the collectlon plates wtre. The youth lound money In Sunday 1ehool ottering plates, then °one of them laid an Army -.16 by Ibo aldt of my bead," tbe mlniller ,iald, an4 toot bla wallet. , · _ "Then lie toot up a -·" he &aid. "People bold out tbalr miaey and he walked down tho <taler alali tafllnl H." The ....... .-nod lo tho front ot lbO cbun:b and cllmbod mlo the altar. Mr. N-aald bl looked tho ..... man In tho eye and told tho~ "You know, God loYM JOU." "I hope IO," the bandit nplled, atulflnC money Ill Ida pocbta. ' The -..... tumod to Illa con-groptlaa, wblch llood uv and prayed, "Dear God, balp theaa pmr boya to reallae wbere a IUt ol crime will lead them!' Polk:e .,. !nvatlptlng, but Mr. Nesaelroed and membon of the con-VoPllon aald Ibey wwld rather 1101 ~· "Someone fortot to show them the way to God,11 aaid. the"mlnlater. Woman Thwarts Would-be Rapist In Mesa Home Surprlaed u abe alept, a Colla Meu woman pried 1 would-be rapist's amotb- ering bonda from he!-face early Sun- day, acrwning for balp and finally fi&bllnl blm off. The ti-year-old victim who U.. In the :ZOOO block of'Merlcn Way lmrnedl•tely called • friend -the 11111111 by !be powtlflJllJ-llat latNdw. lier trlend then uked a ,,_ at bis -to coll pollce, -.... -lo malre aure Ille dlllrllllhl...,.... wu 111 right. Officer Pat Rocfcers wu dlapatcbed u • .-ill'!O tile fl'lend'• -In tho lllOO l>loek of . Nevla Circle lbrouJb a mlauaderatlndlnl la the·•bn·and loca- Uon JI( the 'Clistrela can. , The i>alnllman subNcillently atnpped the vtetim'1 friend for inVl!stiaalian ai be was drivlnl any lo the acene ol'1the at· tempted rape, wblcla -repirted third· band. A aearcb of Ille Marlon Wrt aru following the 2:10 a.m. lncldent failed to tum up any !race ol the suapect, deocrll> ed u a black mu about II lo 30 yeara old. The Ylctlm told pollet the ™ who entered the home by WJknown means repeatedly warned her not to acream and she wouldn't be hurt but llnally became frigblened. Sbe llld he fled out the beck door and eocaped tbrou&b the yard. On Vletnlm, the propooed platform aald: '"!be majorlt7 ol the Democratic ~ hove called !or lull U.S. withdrawal by Oct. 1, 1972. We support !bot posltloo. II the war is not ended before the next Democratic ad· mlnllttatlon takes office, we pledge. as the llnt or<ler o! bustnw, an immediate and complete withdrawal of all U.S. ,.,... In lndochlna. "All U.S. military action In Soutbeut ;\Ila will ceaoe. After the end o{ U.S. direct combat partictpatloo, military aid lo the Salgoo government and els<wbere In Jodochlna will be tenninaled. " ••• To I.hose who lor reasons of coo- lclence refuse to serve in this war, and ...,..,,,.....led er soogbt relage abroad, we lllate our !inn intention lo dec1fe an amnestfuiz:1 an appropriate ba!is, when the !Jc boa ceaoed ind our troops and prisoners of war have returned." Frot11PageJ McGOVERN ••• ciliation of numbers would be made later In Iba day. · McGovern Jell immediately after the news mnlerence for a ·tbr001lay awing thrwgb Iba Soutll, .,,...,. bis support .. oonsidered weak. · The United Press International t.abula- tlon, takt.n before tbe new addition, gave McGovern l,*.6.'i delegates with 63 lean· Ing. "There is oo question that -tbe 161' delegates who represent new additions are enough to put us over on the first ballot in Miami," McGovern said. "What is most signif1Ca11t is that this is another m a j o r step in uniting a 11 Americans in Iba political process," McGovern 1akl. "I have mlde the .same comml~enttoMmcan-Amertcans,J:n. dlana and all other minority lfOUps." ofA!~ Fof,llllllroy~ucw.~ ~es ~ra IOl!le llate blocs being delivered today, he •aid the ll'OUP decid· ed DOI to ..i ... e tbe names of the in- dividual delegates to protect them !rom •. pressures." McGovern, wbo began his long cam- paign with relatively LitUe &0pport among minority groopo, said be agreed with lbe goal& of two major black declaratioos but c!Ufered In certain spocifics. He aald be disqfted with tbe position on Ianel taken by the Natlonal Black Polltleal Cooventim lul aprlnc In Gary, Ind., a bulJng poOlllon taken by the same l"JUP; certain figures In proposalJ on the black abor< of federal contracts and In- come maintenance: and a proposal to close tile U.S. embassy In South Africa. 11All~ differences were~ in wrJting and were accepted as rea90Dable objtctioaa on my part,'' McGovern said. Retired Officer Under the Gun Masked De11ionstrator A Paris protester wears a mask bearing 'bombs equal genocide' and a burlap tunic reading 'megatons, megadeath, no to the bomb.' He hands out leaflets at the Saturday demonstration against French goY. ernment's scheduled nuclear test in the Pacific. From Pagel Fl'OtltPqel MARTHA ... PRISONER ••• volved In politics," she said In a personal charges !bat sbe was phyalcally reatrafn. interview with a Daily News reporter. ed by agents. That reporter observed bandages on "Can you believe a man can wait 1nlo the ring and mlddle fingers of Mrs. your bedroom, take over and pull tbe ·. pbooe out or the wall.'' me aald. Mitcbell's left band, where sbe said a She also claimed several guard& "tbmr pbyJ!cian had stitched up cuts si!llered me down on tbe bed -five men did !I - when she was "beaten up." and stuck a needle in my behind. She lhowed the reporter bruises on ber ''I've never been lnated IJke Ibis -ever," she aaid .. arms and claimed sbe had others on her While 11\ta· .Mitchell u inallllntl fllo! , tllighs. "They're afraid of my honeoly," week long luas ts over ber lluabaod'1 she said, "Yes, Martha's honesty." political career -which she 11ys ht ·hat : '1I was a patriot until I got to end or she11 ]eave him -IOUJ'Cel : assassinated. What country can I go to?" claim didn't begin that way. sbe asked. The Mitchells had been among eo GOP high rollers at the posh Corona del Mar -, The rectnt revelations about Mrs. home of Mrs. Donald K. Washburn. Mitchell's slx~ay vbit to Newport Beach whose dead husband made bis mlll\OIJI • • that ended late Saturday or early Sunday, majority owner of the aott drink 7-~ only partially answer some or the ques-a gala Mwean fieate lul Sunday • ttons ralaed by Incidents following Ille The former Myford Jrvtne home al 411 'I1nlrMay fiery phone call. Avocado Ave., was reported!y the ICeDI A retired Army officer found himself A very weary John Mitchell haa denied of a vicious argument between the couple ; facing tile gun o( an enemy again .-1y be new to bis wl!e'a slde tbla paat week, when the former attorney I-!Jt.· • Suoda7, when he wu robbed.in bis front but reporter Thomas said there wu a formed his talkative wife that they hid to yard by 1 bandit who stepped .up .as be marked change in the former attorney leave because be bad an appointment. • came home from a birthday party. general's tone of voice in a telephone con-. She didn't want to go and the heated : versatlon Saturday. verbal battle nportedly began. . James D. Parle, s7, of 2385 Rutgers Mitchell. who during a conversation Among the Republican leaden who DrJve, Costa Mesa, was relleved of ~ foll owing the lint telephone incident was were reportedly there to Wttneu the wallet containing ~I and credit cards, breezy, casual end said jaunWy "She's scene were Mr. and Mra. Jobq w.,.., · police llid. great," in a subsequent conversation ?\.fr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Kalmblch, NII:· • WhUe the• pertablonera were prayin(, Iba ml•I ..... aald the robber who heel bald him at pnpolnt "Jumped down and told UI DOI to follow blm. Then be joined bla partner and out tile door Ibey went." Parle aald be bod .... golten out of bla sounded to Miss Thomas to be "sad and on•s 'llllllber two fund raiser and Clement ·• Forklift Accident ·-· weary... Hirsch , a top Repubucan ott1cW. " cer to make B111'0 the garage door Today In Washington a spokesman for Confusion over the comings and p!np . wouldn1 bani the bumper when he wu the Committee for the RHlectlon ol Ibo of tbe Mitchell• continues to relJn -Fatal _to LA Youth approached from bel1lnd by 1 man with a President, which Mitcilell heads, said Ille one aource lnllsts she wu never alJowod snub-nosed revolver. fonner attorney general would have no outs ide the Newporter compound. whllil FromP .. eJ PRICES ••• • SANTA FE SPRINGS (AP) -An II-The victim deacrlbed bis usailallt 81 comment on Ille recent allegaliol" ol bis another said she spent two daya wlfll, yeer..ild Loa Ancelet youth wu killed bout .U.f lall, el•"•• wile. Mrs. Washburn alter tbe party. to tbe United St.ates, Shults llld. In his 20!).word statement, Ibo Prell· dent said the ........ 1 rise In the price of meat is in part due to an lmprov!nl economy here at home ealllinl -demand.I for meat wblch have not been matched by Increased 111ppll_11." Frld17 night when be wu cruabed a eel w ..,.... about 185 "As far as Mltcll<ll ls concerned tb!J ts Mrs. Washburn denies that Mn, between the mut and ~Uber ol a forillllt pounds, 30 lo 35 years old and with a bald a personal matter," the spokesman said. Mitchell bad been 1 house quest, 1t a manufacturing plant here, lheriff'• 1_~spo;;;t;;;ln;;;;;bis;;;;;bo;;l;;r.;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"H;;;e;;;ha;;;;s ;;;oo;;;co;;mm;;;en;;;t;;;.";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;bo;;we;v;er;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; deputleo aald today. Offtclm aald Rudollo Valencia wu eruahed when a fellow -i:er at !be Gabriel Container Corp. accldentall7 bit a lever llCllYltlng the maclilne. Although he rejected the piopooed price freeze on meat and other food producta, Nixon .aald "I Intend to monitor tb1a sttuaUm cloae!y, and I want to _,,.. every American housewife that tbla ad- ministration is firmly determined lo pre- vent unjwtilied lncreuea In Ille coat of food . "We hive made slgnlllcant Jll'Ol"tU 1" our battle agalnll rlalng prlcea. We ue going to do whatever ii necessary to ... that that battle is won." Earlier tbla yeer, Nixon lncruaed meat Import quotu by It porceol from 1'71 Jevets. But •Ince then, be uld ••t11e conllnulng sbtft In demand and a0pplla has become more pronounced." FrfttP .. eJ SEARCH ••• tlnilon Beech lllgb School and Goldft Weal Colle1e 'tlbere be waa atudyln1 law enrorcement. "I'm just climbing Iba Walla until we beer sometblni." uld Mn. Fountain. "Mike II not llled to lolnc wllllout food." Mn. Fountain aald ber husband, a ntlred Navy man, II coafldent Ille boat will be found. Con~er1 Arrest • 80, 45 Adulu, HeM in.San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) -Efllilr pi.-tndadms e adalts ba>t bom ... rested II I rock Jllllllc OOllCllt tlif third aach -amal ... -the 8an Diego Sporta Areoa wltlda two -111. But no major dlalurllaaco marred Ille IMlt conctrl, which leahnd Jethro 'l\Jll Sunday night, or U..-Jl'rldrt lealarlnc the Led Zeppelin, at which II persons were amllad. Eilbt perama • 111111 and • amalad J111e IJ ctu.-inl a molee at a llolllng S--: The new amata ""' mada m chars• ranPll !nm realatMI arnat. IOliclq alma, f\Jmlahlnc alcohol to mlnora, clnaik ... ell allouU., profmltlaa and -lllnl Ille -· • -A majority or the amlla _,, mada kl tile pertlns lat wbeN iama • ,.per,.,..,nmm milled abou~ lllelllo to tlller the bulldlna u 1111)1 a l :a p.m. Two ,_ l<llllled llrloll:f • tho .......... RACITI'S COSTA MESA: JEWELRY & LOAN •• ..... D!AmRllC WATCH 141( ,.. ....... --""" ·--'275 '195 PIONllR SPIAKIRS .. :.::~: .. -:" . NOW CUM .......... .... fiSO.• RACITI'S '225 PAii COSTA MllA llWILltY & LOAN 1m tmWPOIT aft. DOWNTOWN COSTA MllSA Ma-....._ ....... ,,"' Nsa,.n II Shop a Pawn a.-·' ....... HOUIS J'"11AiLT CLOSID SUNDAY PHONI 141nn41 ., 1·' ('•pe1· ltfatded • :~Harig· e~s Search· k . I ' . , For Killer Bear \ YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. (UPI) -A park official said today heavy rains and thick foliage may pre- vent rangers from ever finding a bear whi~h attacked and killed an Alabama man SWlday as be campejt near Old Failhlul geyser. ' "And if we find the bear, we may never be fable to definitely identify it' as the one invoIVed," assistant park sut>8rtntendent Vernon Hennesay said. · -The National Park Service 81\id Harry Eugene Walker, 25, of Anniston, Ala., WaJ walJtiog into. camp in the darkneSs when the , bear attacked. A companion, Phillip H. Bradberry of Oxford, Ala., eacaped unharmed. ' , "The bear was just acting naturally,'' HeMesay said. "It was trying to protect what it thought was his and just cbarfed the fellows when they came out cf the woods. Any animal eating will do this." The area where the attack occurred, half a mile from Old Faithful, was im- medlate1y· Sealed' off to visitors. Rangers patrolled the area on foot and by Lifelong Frie11d, 2 Others Killed By Man at Party DALTON, Ga. (UPJ)-J'erry Hulsey and James Large, both 23, were friends from boyhood when they lived at the Cherokee Homes for Boys. After high school, they both went into the Army, served in Vietnam and shared a trailer when they retW'lled. An all-night party at the trailer ended early Sunday morning in a shooting spree that left three persons dead, including Large, and two wounded. Hulsey was arrested and charged with the murders of his friend and the other two, 'but police said "they were at a loss for a motive in the· killings. "We have no eVidence there was an argument. He just came in and started shooting," Whitfield County Deputy Sheriff Whitfield County Deputy Sherill F. J. Cantrell said Sunday after in· terviews with the other young people at the party who managed tO escape. Two neighbors at the party, Steve Sayne McOUre, 18, and his sister, Sherri, 15, were shot to death. Jerry Nichols, 15, ~derwent surgery a& Erlanger Hospital in nearby Chattanooga, Tenn., fot a bullet lodged near his spine and doctors feared he maybe paralyzed. '!be other vidiin, Loretta Hedden, II, was reported in fair condition with gunshot wotmds in the chest and arm. The deputy said one teeage gir1 escaped injury by hiding in a closet, while tWo of Large's younger brothers ran outside to safety. Dockworkers OK Delay in Strike HONOLULU (UPI) -'!be lnterna· tiOnal Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union agreed to a one. week del8y in its threatened Hawaiian d.<)s:k strike just three hours before more ttian 900 dockworkers were scheduled to walk off Hawaii's docks today. Gov. John A. Bums said the ILWU and Hawaii's stevedoring industry agreed to "stop the clock" and continue "in· tensive negotiations" for another week. The new deadline ts 12:01 a.m. Monday, July 3. Proud PoJlpa helicopter In an ellon to locate tbe bear, but were unsuccessful. -.The attack was only the fourth "'ported killi ng by a bear in Yellowstone National Park in its JOO.year history. The last such incid6nt occurred in the Northwest Wyoming Park in 1942 when a woman was attacked and killed. (See Page 20 for a related story on Yellowstone National Park.) Hennessy said there was no way of knowing whether Sunday's marauder was a black bear or a grizzly. Heavy rain fell dltring the day, wiping out any possible trace of tracks. Rangers also bad difficulty in locating the campsite, which was in a n unauthorized camping area. Bradberry fled a hallmile on loot to the Old Faithful Inn to report the attack, but he was unable to pinpoint the e1.act site, officials said. Hennesay said it took rangers until 5:30 a.m. Sunday, nearly 4Y. hours alter the attack, to locate the body. He said the victiin had been badly mauled. "The camp w'as pretty much of a wreck,"1 Hennesay said. "The bear punctured cans of food that were there and pretty well tore up the camp site. "Chances are the bear was passing through the area and was attracted by the food that was in the camp. There was an abundance of food that wasn't prop- erly stored. The bear probably was eating when the boys returned." Bradberry, given a sedative and placed under a d~tor's care for treatment of shock, said be and his .friend hitchhiked into the park Friday. "He (Bradberry ) was almost Ur coherent when he tried to tell us what happened," Hennesay said. The park officials said rangers would search again today for the bear. The animal, if captured, will either be taken to a remote area of the park and be released or else killed. 'Woman, 21, Kills Self in Hotel With Her Fiance MANILA (AP) -·Police have rultd as suicide the death of a young American woman foond half-naked inside the bathroom of a hotel there. Police said MW SUmnne Mcit1nab1n, 21, of Maricopa, ~. sh\>! herself. The vlcUm was found by. police Friday lying on ber left side with the gun beneath her body. She waa barefooted and wearing a red-dotted bathrobe. Miss McLanahan was staying on the third floor of the Dutch Inn Hotel. With her at the time of the-incident was Jose L. Reynoso Jr., 26, who claimed be was her fiance. Reynoso, who manages the Dutch Inn owned by his parents, admitted to police probers that the gun .(a .3kaliber pistol) used by the victim was his. .ffe said he was seated on the bed of the victim when she auddenly grabbed bis gun from its black leather holster, rushed inside the bathroom, and locked H. Seconds later, be said be heard a shot, and when he forced o~ the door he saw Miss McLanahan was dead. The victim, ae<::ording to Reynoso, was his classmate in Lone Mountain College, and they had been going steady since 1970. Miss McLanahan came to the Philip- pines in February and reportedly ex· tended her visa to study at a university in nearby Que70ll City. , Chihuahua 'Pepe' ls Sydne.y, Australia's proudest father. The nine- lnch hlgh dog is feeUnJ 10 feet Wl, standing over his family. Pepe and Carmen bad their fJtSt litter-seven fat puppies. MOlld.11. June 26, 1972 . Ul"i Ttlfllll0'9 MEMBERS OF RAINBOW FAMILY OF LI YING LIGHT OANCE AROUNO CAMPFIRE Religious Group Planning Festival Over 4th of July, Expect 140,000 P1r1ons Site to Festival Blocked Youthful"'Religious' Zealots Vow to Hold Eve11t GRANBY, Colo. (UPl)--Orand County sberilf's deputies have roadblocked the path to a tick and mosquito infested peat hog called Strawberry Laite, the planned site for youthful July 4 "religious festival." The deputies turned back 160 persons Sunday froni the C.Olorado mountain site and allowed-another 240 to leave the area. Grand Coonty officials estimate that about 1,500 to 2,000 young persons are Track Relocation . L. already on the grounds for the festival sponsored by the Rainbow Family of Living Light. The festival ls acheduled to begin Saturday. 'The roadbloc k hasn't hw1 a damn thing," Rainbow Family spokesman Chuck Mills said. "lf anything, it's made \lS stronger." The county road leading to the site, 7~ miles east of Granby, was ordered sealed by Grand County commissioners for health reasons. The commis.sioner's said the existence of "various health and sanitatlon problems constitute a source o( epidemic ... " There were no reported incidents at the roadblock . "Those we tWiled away were really very ~ce about it," a deputy said. "We were reaUy quite surprised." Organizers of the fes tival earlier issued a plea for medical supplies . "We need more medical supplies, especially things like antibiotics ,'' one spokesman said. "We're expecting a lot or _pneumonia with this cold and dainp weather, and a Jot of people have been coming iJJ.prepared, wit hout shoes or Clemente Receives La~ge Federal Planning Grant • anything to sleep in." Food supplies were being halted at the roadblock on Grand County Road 150, but officers were permitting medical supplies to be driven through. Despite the roacblock and reports that some persona were leaving because no rock and roll bands would be appearing. festival promoters said they intended to go ahead with their plans. By JOHN VALTERZA Of "'-Dally Plllt lhlff A. sudden soeial call at the Western White. Jlouae one afternoon last. year. by an uninvited groUp. QfSan Clemente Jlien paid oU .+ ~ the tuoe of Jlllll,!JOO. . , The.group, led by .James Slaveri·~ Paul Presley (head of the San Clemente Inn which caters small meetings at the Presidential compound), decided !<>pay a visit to Transportation Secretary John Volpe during a conferenCe. Pre&ley·and' Slaven, .who had just reviv· ed a major effort to urge relocation of the.'saDta Fe tracks to an inland route, asied VolPe and several aides aboUt chinces for a federa1 grant. 'lbe fmal answer came Thursday when Gov. Reagan signed a state budget <on- taining $11111,000 to fin8nce a major study to aee if relocat1on js possible. It ls the largest government planning grant ever received b'y San Clemente. The Volpe meeting was only the begin- ning. In ensuing months, following the g~to­ the-top-man approach, the small com· mittee visited o:ecutives of state agen-- cies charged with parceling out federal planning granls, plus state Director of Parks and Recreation William Penn Mott. "The results were fantastic," Presley later reported. Newport Beach Assemblyman Robert Badham then picked up the project and committee members this week credited the legislator for following-through on the work begun last year. Ip a aense, however, Thursday's budget news Js the sta.rtirtg gun for several years mOre' of hard work and uncertainty. Moving a railroad in 1972 Is a coolly aiid vast coocept. '!be Santa Fe leada out of Santa Ana IOUlhw ard through th< S a d d l e b a c k Vallex. Afltt croalng El Toro Road It culs seaward, paralleliJ>g the San Diego Freeway, snakjng' through San Juan C.pistrano t b e n making a sharp turn downcoast at Capistrano :Beach. From ' there It shools along the beachlront for dozens of nlues. Ironlcally, it travels within a stone's tbro.,-of the President's San Clemente cotnpound where the flrst relocation ii» cesa was BC«ed last ye8r. ~ '!be ~n' Clemente group favo?lng relocatioa (the plan does have lls critics) bu SQU,t!lled a new route starting with a point oomewbero in the ,saddleback Valle>.' and heading c......,...try toward Cleveland National Forest. From there, followinJ deeerted can-yons, the railway .could curve .....,,ard, picking up tbe old liDe llOUth of the Western White Houle, l>O'llapt-in the north port of camp Pendlelon. -What spur ·lines would remain to serve ,r.ait-depeQQent ll>dustries in San ~ .... Jilllt Capistrano tnd Qipiatrall<l-BeachJ -How muCh would each.idea cost?· · . .And .. -nn~.f"' wflo. will~y II/• bill! . . B_ Paul Geisendorfer , whose father Is a co-owner of the land, said he invited those at the camp to stay as long as they wished. He said the nearby Rainbow Valley waa large enough in 1'Woods 11nd water" to ,handle 10 mlllJon ..peraons." . ' There t;lre a dozen Great Shoe Names But in Sandals Can You Think of More Than One. •16 $15 s DAILY PILOT 3 Court Rules SDS Suit NotIDegal WASHINGTON (UPI) -'!be Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that of· ficials of a Connecticut college denied students their rights of free speech and association in refusing to allow organiza· tion of a chapter or the left-wing students for a Democratic Society. The court said officials of Central Con- necticut State College a c t e d un· constitutionally even though 1 • S D S chapters on some campuses had been a catalytic force" durlng wide-spread cam· pus rioting in the 1969-70 school year. Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. said in the majority opinion. ''The wide latitude accorded by the Consti tu tion to the freed oms of ex· press ion and association is not, without its costs in terms of the risk to the main- tenance of civility and an ordered socie- ty. .. Though we deplore the tendency of some to abuse the very constitutional privileges they invoke ... we affirm this c'1urt's decision to the priftCiples of the Bill of Right s upon which our vigorous and free society is founded ," he said in ' reversing a lower fed eral court upholding the college 's action . The Ameri can Civil Liberties Union brought the suit against college president F. Don James on Feb. 24, 1970, in charg· ing First Amendment violations. U.S. district and appeals courts upheld James' action by claiming the students failed to show they would be free of na· tlonal SOS domination that the court said was "likely to cause violent ecta of disruption." Spokane's Jesus People Unwanted SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) -The Jesus People are gone from the streets of SPokane and may not return. the founder of the Jesus movement here says. Carl A. Parkl, who began his move. ment two yean ago, said he ordered the youthful street preachers off the streets foJlbwing a complaint registered by City Councilman J. M. O'Brien Jr. The councilman qu'oted s e v e r al downtown merchants as saying the Bibi~ packing, long-hatred youths were driving away would·be customers with their ''harassment.'~ But Parks says Jt was more the fear of God and the apathy of •18"'*•ne11 eslabllshed cfugy•• than their idtlpe!hy to "h&ra.ssment" that forced tbe Jesu People ~·the atreets • The old route, 111<11 woold become public Lmd. , The .projected .,..q thus far are only educated cuesm. 54 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER • 644 422J But the •11111,000 study, ii ls hoped, will tighten up the gap. 11 the coosuJUng l1nn finally hired for the job Ont detennlnes that the Idea 11 feaalbte , It theft will tackle the harder pn>Jtct.iool: -Where ClOllld alternate roole.i aor ·, u .. ,.., ,......, a..-• ,,.., ..... ._..t_ I 4 OAI\. V-P'ILOT Martha Blasts GOP 'Needling' lllCKY TICKY POLITIX. There'• an old saw tbal suggest. All la Fair In Love and War and a lol of -le would add: Alao Politics U You Doo'I Gel Clugbl. Anyway, with polltka, the question M'laes U 11'1 r<all7 cltantr today than In the 11<lltr-brawl era of y.,leryear. Martha Mitchell, wile o! the !ormer al· tomey general, for example, aeems to think lhlnp are dirtier lhan ever. In an Incredible set ol lntetvlew1 ranging from Newport Beach back lo Rye, New York, lhe claims 1oc1_, tbal lbe pollUc:lam have done her """'I· Martha, who hal nol been noted for being In wanl ol wordpower, lllllltl tbal ahe wu vlrtllally beid e1pUve In her villa al the Newporttt Inn; tbal a pollU. cal security guard jerked her phoae out o! the wall; thal Ille was m111c:led about and brulled; and tbal IOmebody "lhol a r..eedle Into my behlnd." Now, U the Democrlll did all lhal to Marlha, they should be 11hlmed of theallelvu. BUT LO! WAIT! Martha Ian'! bWnlng all lhla OD the Democrall. She alleges tbal the ~ tbal did her all theJe wrongs were Republlcan fllnC> llonarles. And tbal'I IUppo.oed to be her side. ¥;.Jore prompted to begin wondering who ls agalnal whom wben llull like lhla IUJ'facea. ~ the other band, Llwrenct F. O'Brien, head booler tor the Democrallc Nallooll Commlllee, bellev., be knows all the playen alter the r<eenlly publlclz. ed. 11buainc raid" which uaertedly WU pulled OU against his com m II le e beaduorten. O'lllUEN, IN ONE o! U-t.evee tall: thm,., alleged thal the five men arrelled on ehargea o! bull1ng Into the Demol' place had walkte-lllkte radio c:ommun~ caUOlll ,.la whlcb belonged ln the Re- publlcan NalionAI Commlllee. All ol lhla may 0r may not be true but ft lllU leaves 111 ordinary -.era a lll· tie bll puzzled. For uample, why would the RepubllClns wanl to know whal the Democrala are doinl wben t h e Democrala don't ; seem to t n o w themselves? • . Clearly, U lbO GOP people are going to 1neak llsteninl devices Into Demo head· quarters, they ought to wall until lhe lkmocrala get their ocrlpt alralgbtenecl Olll. IF THE REPUBUCANS llart llslenlng to all thal DemocraUc blather now, they'll jusl end up more conluaed lhan the Demol m . And tbal mlgbl be lbe real pJol behind lhe p!ol Anyway, U you believe pollllca la lllll u dirty as ever, you can have 10me con- llnnallon from Sam Archlblld. Sam Is head man o! an oulllt known u lhe Fair Campaign PracUcea Commlllee. 1,fe declared in 1 report Sunday that pqllllcs bn'I reellyJ any cleaner than tn I~ when his comjj)llee was ael up, but he does concede !hat the klad of dirt hal chlnged aome. rWE'VII llI!EN ABLE to keep lbe polillcal sewage to tbe level lbal II has been for many years and we've been able to change the type of political com- munication that goes on, 11 Sam noted. "Candidates are 'talkl.ng more on penonaliliea and other dirty lluff," he iuggested. Anyway, Archibald and his bunch are trying a new wrinkle to cle1n up polltlcs lhla year. They are lnvlUng complaint. !run lhe general public. I HA VE A GRAND nollon of where they mlghl Ill"' for one of their early complalnta. Why don'I Ibey telephone Martha MHchell? Thal ougbl to keep the commlllee buay for a year or two. Castro Gets Welcome In Moscow MOSCOW (UPI) -IAonld I . BmlmeT and tl>ou1ancls of -.i, RusallDI weleomed Fidel Clllro lllte a long·lolt hero loday wben he returned to Moecow Iller an elpt.year abaeoce. Bmlmev, 1enerll secretary Of the Sovie! Communl1t Party, IP'uped the bearded CUban premler In bolh lrllll u he atepped onto lhe tonnac at VnutOYO Alrp!rt, k1aaed his lefl cheek, tlaaed his rlgbl cheek, pounded him on the back and held him In an embrace !or 15 seconcls. "Fkleli Fklell Jl'rlend.lhlpl Friend- ship!" cbanled lhe airport crowd of aboul 1,000 peraom, lllUally large for IUCh a ceremonial ,,...ung. 1bey had bunt !olo a spontaneo111 cheer when ca.ru., clad In green anny fatigues, appeared at lbe door of his Cuban airliner. e t.:eue Fire BELFAST (UPI) -Northern Irtland wu hit today wtth new waves of violence before a midnight ( 4 p.m. PDT) ceue- !ire g°"' Into effect, but lhe bombinp and shootings were on a far lesses scale than lhe -kend violence Iba! killed alz more persons. The truce was proposed by the mllllanl Provisional Wing of !be Irish Republican Army (ffiAI and .accepted by BriWn. Brillah army sources said !heir lroopl had order1 to keep a "low profile" wJth llart of lbe cease-fire brought largely by Catholic prolesla agalllll IRA·llllplred vJolence. e Shootlltfl Spree MONTREAL (AP) -An armed man entered a r-1ranl In a shopping center early s~. herded loor employes who were cleaning up into the walk·In freezer and Ibo! !hem, polJce reporiod. M lhe man lei~ he ran Into a guan1 !or the aboll!>ing center and lhol him In lbe neck. 'I1>t guard, Paul Dfndalt, 0, called pollct. The police found three bodies In lhe freezer, and the fourth man died 1n a hospllal abOllt she houri later. The guanf was reported in satisfactory C\lDdjUon. e Welsla-• Free HONG KONG (UPI) -Dav t d Edmunda, an 8a-)'UMld Welshman beld by Qilneae aulnorltla llnce 1117, arrived lri Hong Kong loday "In fine 1plr1ta and excellent health," a government offlclal reported from lbe Slno-Brlliah border. Edmunds was accompanied by hla Oiinese wlie, ll<rnadetle, and tbelr daughter, Matiarel. eNetclfaJg ROME (UPI) -Slrtlte-plaguecl Ilaly turned away today from the Manlal Soclallsla, and Premier-elect Giulio Andreotti 8llllOWICed 1 new middle-of-the road govemmeot lhal ends for lbe time being a decade o! Roman Cllhollc Man· Isl collaborallon. AndreotU ln!onned President Giovanni Leone of his cabinet selection and Leone Issued appolntmeot ~ for lhe new mtnlllers l"f the ..... r1ng In ceremoliy. The 53-ytl!'Old Anclnotll, whose Chri1- tlan Democrat Party la made up of Catholics, will lead a government com· posed of hls own party plus moderate Social Democrats and Liberals. e Common Market LUXEMBOURG (UP!) -An ugly France berated BriWn loday for Its decilcion to break European financial discipllne by floating lhe pound ll<rlinl. Common Markel tources said French Foreign MlniJter Maurice SchllllllJlll ..,. cuaed Britain of bad faith in throwing European monetary affairs Into turmoil even before Ho !onnal entry Into the markel Schumann's blast was directed at Geof· Irey RIPl'Oll, U!e British minister In charge of European af!aira, al a meelinl ol the 10 foreign mlnls!efll of lbe eolarg· ed Common Markel. Ul'IT ....... PRESIDENT TOURS PINNSYLVANIA REFUGEE CENTER Nixon Flaw From Camp David, Md. To Viall Flood Vlctlm1 Tropical Storm Leaves 122 Dead in Her Wake By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL The worst flooding In U.S. history was receding today and lhe tropical storm lhal caused II bad died oul. Bui hundreds of thousands of eastern resident.. atllJ wailed to learn wheo they COllld return home. Tropical llorm Agnes le!\ al leut 112 per80llJ dead, most o! them from flooding in northeastern states, and damage ap- proaching $1 billlon. The hardest hll slate !rom lhe flooding was Pennsylvania, with at 1eaat 47 dead and up to 250,000 persons forced to nee their homes. In New York 21 persons died, In Virginia, 17, and In Maryland, 15. Agnes left a few squalls SUnday before dying out over Canada where it caused no serious damage. Aboul 145,000 peraons In Wilk ... Barre, Pa., stayed in emergency shelters. AJtbouP the waters of the Su.squehaMa River finally crested and began receding Sunday, lbe flood le!t behind a !hick and slimy buildup of mud. Wilkes-Barre's water supply was contaminated and the city was without telephone service. The Susquel)anna had !alien Sunday from over 40 feet to 21 feet at Wilkes. Barn. AbOlll l,500 penons could not r<lum to their homes In lhe Pennsylvania capilal of Harrisburg. Debrilc sllll Uttered lbe streets, lllhOllgh lhe water level was fall· 1n1. 11We're golng to find more bodies now !hat lbe waler la receding," aald Jim Cox o! the slate police headquarters In Har- risburg. DIVE, DIVE-This youn~ man is up to hi.! spark plugs in wa- ter as he fails in hilc attempt to forge a flooded road in Phlladelphil. Gov. Milton J. Sbapp said, 11Without doubt II ls lhe -• dlasler In lhe his- tory of Pennsylvania," even though 2,200 persons were killed in the Johnstown, Pa., flood of 11189. Shapp said atate officlah b a v e esllmaled damage In Pennsylvania al li.25 billlon, including 15.11 milllon In highway damage, l!O million lo 11Cbool1 and al least ll5 million to agrlcultUr<. Pre1iminlry damage estimates from other slates bring lhe tolal to mor< than 11.& billion. Gov. Marvin Mandel of Maryland called lhe flooding "lhe biggest disaster that bas ever hit this country." Mandel met with Shapp and other eastern gov· emon ln Harrisburg Sunday. Manciel alld he believed the other states were capable of handling the com of their own damages, "but the dl.saster In Pennsylvania la much gr<ater." He said lhe l9Z million !ederal emergency fund that has been granted was "only 10 percent of what will be needed in Pennsylvania alone." The death toll In upstate New York In· eluded three persons surveying damage who died when their helicopter crashed near Hornell. An estimated 98,000 penlOllll were homeless in New York state. In Virginia, lbe Appomatox River was expected to crest al aboul 3 p.m. today and spare Petersburg and Hopewell !rom heavy flooding lhal bad been feared earlier. The James River brought record flooding to lhe bu!iness district of Rich- mond, the state capital The water was re<edinl, bul the flooding bad polluted Richmond's water supply. Residents o! low-lylnl towns of West Virginia's northern panbaodle and eastern Ohio lell lhelr homes as !be Ohio River rose. Residents on the Ohio side of the river. used to floods, wilted to relurn to their homes and to what an observer called "a big muddy mess." Israelis, Arabs Exchange Fire Across Borders TEL AVIV (AP) -1'raell and Arab IUJUlel'I tllc:hanied fire across the oo- cupled Golan Heighls again today after a weet of attecka, counterattacks and steadily rising tension. The llraeU ccmmand uid lhe Arabs fired several shells at Israeli Army posl· lions, and the flre was returned. No casualUea were reported. In Beirut, lbe oewapaper An liabar reported lhal lbe Palesttntan commondoo lll Lebanon had agreed In prtftciple to ball tbelr acllviUes on tbe border with 1'rael ''for the time being." Rain, Hail Pelt Midwest Official and public pressure againlt lhe guenillu· wu ,.ported riSlng I n Lebanon, lhe only Arab country where Ibey are not llgbUy coolrolled. There wu no comment from Lebaneae government or guerrilla aources on lbe reported agnement, bul An Nabar alld lhe guer· rUla chief Yulr Arafat had .... to Domucua to dlacuaa II wllh Syrt.a'a president, Hales Allad. Showers Fall on Rocki.es; South Central Area Hot !!:!!,_ ,._,td ff9"'I Al'Ul'INIJ ~ Leba -'--SaJ b SaJ --'d D;toil" ~11l•M 10 .c.m.1 t::l t1111~e11 Pi~ e am -~.ji·~ H°' :::' ~'?~ ~~ Saturday hll covemment would not crack 4 n on •n~,~ down on the Paleltlnlana. But be 1p. 1:1".'1!°'. ~ • •:• .=: ... 'Ii: pealed to lbem to avoid givlnc llrael •,:~·ol';V'-"""'J.""mi,1!!.< "pretena lor more qgreaalon" a:&rvw:. i·r;~~&" 0: ~ac~ lmlell Deputy Premier yi,.J Allon "'T11ftli• Mtt tl'IOYM lnte ,,. to11tt1 warned Lebanon la 1 apeecb ~ antrlf s11i... w1t11 ruc11,... WCllUlld 100 nlaht to control the suerrWu. He --. TI":::t.':1..'::;rc1.,:'1.:..'" ... 1Jnie1 -not 1n!eod to 1o1era1e -...: :r. ~ ,\U~'."'r..,~·,;'lf 1be 1t11 Cairo ~ 111 wb1c11 111o .,..,_ at vwton and ltOCk ~ Lebantte '°""amt acned &I tllelr Coastal Welltfler bow In :=!'.l1' ""' MotMy WM'f touy, u,n1 v1rtH11 A S)Tiln ~ ~ ,...,,... "'4nc111 n1111t w fl'IOml,. ,_,.. '*--m-.··• • la'Ml for -_.. lllf ... ,.....,. II to It knoh lri .,..,.. last wtels ef I 8Jr1a llrtpdlel' ...... ::,... "*~ tlMI Twtdfy. Hltll tocMy and fa 8)'l1ma eolantll durlllc tbl C.0.•lll ""'Ptr•tvrtt. ''"" "'°"' • llraeU rt.kt lnto Lellmm ........ ,. : 1: ~';',t':.~twt~ ttwa PoWcal ..,_In 'N AflY llld., C8p- S-, ltf--. !'We. Ian bu -11\ed lal.reol 11 dlplGlnatlc -" borplldlll .... W17 Ill hnmlom for • ..... ,. ..... . .. t:.,,..... ... full euMnp" 'f'V prilaDel'I. .._. '°" 0TUDNY J :ll"""' IS In )U lpllCh to I eolledlft farm fl'lm Nf'I ........... , 11 zlla.• s.t meet1Dft A119D Aki JsrM1 .. Jll"i-ed ln frll"lt kiw ...... , .. , .... l:M IA .... btdpli lo = Jtl )Cl Arab ~!'11'111 ............. : ............ pr ""'" ,.. .......... ,,. ,...., u pr-. !or IJ In £ryptlan ud lwl •'-t:a &.Mi. "" •• •·""' S-'•• jails Mollt ..... l:M"1'1< .... ldre.lft. .,._ • t , • R!"'flla Area • ' 'Amateur' Hijack Suspect Sought PERU. Ind. (AP) -Looking !or a ••spark of light In a big dark room/' the FBI hopes lo find at least a clue today in the disappearance over oorth central ln- diana of a 1kyjacker and more than $500,000 in ransom. AbOlll 100 FBI agenls !rom l!Unois, In- diana and Ohio and an equal number of state and local law enforcement officers have been searching without succe~I since Saturday for the skyjacker and his loot.in a thick, briar-infested woodland near Peru. -· "'- One FBI agent was overheard lo say, U.S. Jets Hit Major Steel Mill in Hanoi SAIGON (UP!) -U.S. Fl Phantom lighter-bombers streaked to wllhln sigh! ol Hanoi over lhe weekend , destroying a major power plant that supplies elec· tricity to the North Vietnamese capital and bombarding the country's only modern steel mill. Phantom pilola bombed lhe Viet Tri thennal power plant 25 mUes northwest of Hanoi Sunday, the U.S. command said today, "effectively destroying" the !actllty's .holier, eleclrlcal awttcltlng building and the coa1 conveyer. The plant was the sole sOurce of electricity for a nearby chemical factory end other in. dustries, a command spokesman said, and supplied power to parts of the capital. A command communique is.sued Sun- day said 20 Phantom.I battered the two- mile-!Quare Thai Nguyen steel work.s 30 miles north of Hanoi Saturday with 2,000- pound laser-guided "Smart'' bombs, the same types used against the power plant. The bombs knocked out s e v e r a I warehouses in the plant's complex and its open heath furnaces for making steel. The mill turns out main1y mortars and spare parts for vehlcles. A U.S. Air Force spokesman said "we hit the hell out of" the plant's coke ovens, blast furnaces and storage areas "but we found the plant wasn't out of com· mission." Navy llgbter-bomber pilots flew to within 15 mlle.s of Hanoi to bomb the Xuan Mai anny training camp southwest of lbe capllal and the nearby Xuan Mai truck park, command spokesmen said. Io all Sunday, 270 U.S. air raid,, Into the north d .. lroyed or damaged "five bridges, three storage areas, 28 trucks , 11 boats, 13 supply buildings, three an- tiaircraft artillery sites, 17 warehouses, seven garages, one power plant, three an-. Ualrcralt guns, two !ants and a 112mm gun/' the U.S. command reported. A spokesman said pilols bombing lhe Xuan Mal training camp reported seven building! destroyed and 10 trucks damsg. ed. Planes from the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Midway left "heavy black smoke covering" the truck park and caused two large secondary explosions. In other developments the U.S. com- mand baa moved all fighter squadrons from the big U.S. air base at Da Nang to camps tn neighboring Thailand today In little more than a paper switch ap- parenUy aimed al l)leellng President Nix- on's troop pullout deadline. Military sources said the move - lllhOllgb II would counl as a withdrawal of troops from Vietnam -was virtually a book keeping change and would have only minor impact on the air war. The command also announced a drop In U.S. mllltary strength In Vietnam from 60,100 to 54,000 -stlll 1,000 ahori o! lhe 49,000 figure Nixon ordered by lbe end ol June . The drop included 600 Marines and 1,700 airmen, many believed to be member& of the seven U.S. fighter squadrona at Da Nang, S70 milu north of Saigon. The command la also restructurinl lhe Amerlcon mllltary role In IndoChlna' designed to give U.S. !Ol'Cel mono of an advisory and leaa of a combat mlsalon lll !be war by the encl of !be year. The 19or1anlzallon gives the CODUMnd clooer control of Army and Air Force headquarters lll Saigon ""' "'la all part d the drawdown of U.S. forces," a com. mand spokesman alld. 1 One lace! of the l::; t.Us away coordination of U.S. bing ralcla In Indocltlna from 7th Air Force head· quartm at neighboring Tan Son Nhul Air Baae and pull It directlJ> under U.S. com- mand control II Ill headquarters, l:nowQ u Penteaon Eu!, Oii the edge ol 8'lfon, 'llltty nice, Henry( Now huw'rl )'Oil .maJce out busintm wi:;e7' 0 Jt't lllte a blg dark room, you know. When you're looking !or a light, )'OU go for a spark." The quarry, still unidenlU!ed, is a young white men with a pock·mark.ed race and open sores. Reportedly armed wilh a .45 caliber .submachine gun and a hand grtnade, be commandeered an American Airllnes 727 jetliner Friday night on a rught from St. Louis to Tulsa, Okla. He ordered it to return to St. Louis where he demanded $502 ooo and two parachutes. A 'car aashed into the plane at St. Louis and the skyjacker switched planes, taking with him a replacement crew and one of 94 original passengers. He disap- peared somewhere over Peru early Saturday morning. James Martin, agent-iJl.cbarge of ~ FBI ln Indiana, said Sunday all leads ID the case ha ve been dead ends. 'ftte search is complicated b~ the 12 ooo-acre Mississinewa Reservoir m the ce~ter of the pie-shaped area still to be searched . . Authorities concentrated their land search SWlday through a countryside northwest of the reservoir that once was the hunting ground!! or tbe Miami In- dians. It now is used as a survl,val training area by Grissom Air ~orce Base. Martin said it was uncertam whether the skyjacker's parachute, for which he had to have lnstructiqns, had opened ~ when he left the plane, leaving tbe possibility lhal be might be dead. The Chicago Tribune reported today thal lhe pilol o! lhe American jet did not believe the hijacker could have survived his parachute leap. The pilot, Leroy Berkebile of Pa!all!1e, Ill., told the Tribune the jet was traveling 320 miles per hour. Berkebile said !hat al lhal high a speed "the extreme twnbling would have put the·hijacker out of commission. 'Ibe cen-- lrilugal force would have laken !be blood right from his brain." Berkebile said lhe hijacker dldn'I seem to know very much about the technical operations o! lhe plane and apparenUy never bad parachuted before. Berkebile's copilo~ Art Koester of Prospect Heighls, ID., said he agreed with Berkebile's assessment. Berkebile said be delJberatelJ maneuvered the aircraft to increase the' chances of killing the hijacker and said his only regret was "the possibility that we 'll never find the bOdy and someone will think he got away with it." Wallace Won't Appear at Trial In Shooting Try SILVER SPRINGS, Md. (AP) - Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace will not attend the state trial of the man accused of tryiqg to kill him, the governor was reporied as saying lnday. A subpoena for Wallace to appear at the trial of Arthur Bremer was delivered today to lhe governor ln Holy C.... Hos:<tal. The subpoena and an ac- companying letter from Arthur A. Marshall Jr., Maryland stale attorney for Princtl Georges County, ei:plained that Wallace's appearance at the trial was nol mandatory. Elvin Stanton, assistant public relaUons man at the hospital, said he look the sub- poena and letter into the governor's room after he r<celved !hem and read !hem to Wallace. Slanlon said Wallace expresaed ap- pr<eialion, but said thal he woold not be able to appear at the trial. The teller from Marshall said In part: '1I do not feel that your appearance ta essential to the state's case and aa such if it is your penonal desire not to appear, I would Mly und~nd." Marshall had aald. Wallace was one of , H peraona named ,In aubpoenu lbe proo- ecutloo would lllte to have appear al Ibo trial. ' The governor Is abowing additional en- couraging signs/of recovery, his doctort reporl. He now/ bas 10me feeling Jn his thl~m. . "This should be r<garded wllb cauUous opUml11111 for ,conlinuell neurol'llcal Im- provement !'l lhe months ahead," the report from 'lloly Crooa.Hooplt.al alld. I Juan /Peron Picked BIJEllOS AIRES (AP) -Exiled ex-dlc- lator Jud Peroa bu -nominated by 1111 por!J/u lit candldota lll the Jn8lden- llal .!....~ ldledulaf for nut March. It II .,..,..Uy bollntd that the armed ,.,_, iit>o o..-Ploron tn 11116, wUI not l*,inll him to ..-to power. 'lbe1 are ajJocted to try to Induce him lo wlthdrliw from lhe race. Now 7', hroll lives In Spain. Um And tbe' o! 700, be .)'00 <OU la mo E foun Pl dred San lhe u tbe I wa Jater now Ude gap pwn .. pla Levee Repair Land lt.eclaiming Begins in Delta SACRAMENTO (AP) -For the firlt lime in two gene.raUons, the people of Andrus Island must drive the wit.er off their land, IJQlt r<clalmed from the bogs of the old Delta about 100 years ago. An estimated 40,000 tom of rock and 700,000 cubic yards ol sand and clay will be dumped into the breech in the IOI). )'Mr-old earthen levee along the southern end of the Wand; -which col- lapoed auddenly during the dark early morning hours laat Wednesday. Engineers say 58.5 bllllon gallons of water poured lbrough the gap during the next 48 houn, creating a lake six miles wide and leaving nearly J,000 persons homeless. Somehow, no one was killed or seriou,s.. ly injured. will drain the laland, aays Jamet R. LauriWon, aec:retary ol the levee district. The cost of plugging the levee, however, will be borne by the Anny engineers. The total CO!! to the foor districts of flzlng the levee and dralnlng the two Island& was .,Umaled by otale officials at 11.2 milllon. Georie Raab, engineer for the levee dislrlc~ aald the district has four pum- ping plants oo the bland lo pump out normal seepage, rain water IDd used U.. rigation water. 'lboae pumps alone. however, would not be able to drop the lake by more than a quarter·incb per day, Raab llBld. It would take more than two years lo drain the Island. Raab aays the lake holds about 115,000 acre-feet of water spread over about 11,000 acres, at an average depth of about 14 feet.~. however, says it ii more like 80,000 ac~feet at an average depth ol Iii: feel Ul'IT ....... B-p.C:hatnp National hula-hoop champion Sandra Gaylord practices her act while world professional trampoline champion J u d y Johnson of La Crescenta does her thing in the air preparing for the '72 competition at Uni- versal Studios. The last time the Island was flooded was in 191111. The Army C0rpe o1 Engineers, which wJ.ll fix the broken levee , says work to plug the 400-foot wide gap will begin Wednesday al the •oone&I. The job will take three to five weeks, said Lynn Hanson, chief of operations for the Corps office in Sacramento. The levee was built about 100 years ago, Hanson sal·J, and has been maisr tained ever since by the Brannan·Andrus Levee Maintenance District. Uke most delta levees of it.a age, the Andrus levee was built on a foundation of peat, the spongy, fibrous mate.rial laid down on the floor of the Delta during Ill prehistoric days as a bog. Ex-Ch.ief of Education For State Dies at 63 Peat, said Hanson, "Is a very unstable material" and in the Andrus lsland area the peat layer beneath the levees is especially thick. When the Andrus levee broke last Thursday1 he said, the torrent of water through the gap scoured out all the peat, leaving a hole 70 feet deep and wjth a clay Door. '11bat'11ood because it gives a better foundation," Hanson said. Plugging the hole calls for auction dredges to pump clay and sand from the San Joaquin riverbed into each side of the gap so that It gradually narrows. U possible, the engineers will seal off the levee at low tide, so that much 1 ... waler has lo be pumped out of the lake later. The Jevel of the 12,00G-acre lake now varies 12 to 18 inches between high Ude and low Ude, he not.d. Sealing the gap al low tide would save having lo pump out at least 12,000 acre-feet of water, Hanson aaid. "Pumping can begin immediately" once the levee ls aealed, llanloa Aid. 11\e Anny engineers do not have rosponsibillty fer pumping out the lake. Once the levee Is ,.paired, their job Is done. The levee maintenance district and the Island'• throe reciamatioo districts SAN JOSE (AP) -A former president of the state Board of Education, Henry T. Gunderson, b dead of cancer at 113. A naUve of San Jose, Gunderson was appointed to the board In Femuary, 196!1, by Gov. Ronald Reagan. He became pmid•nt early in 1971 and served unlll ill· nest forced his mignallon in Marcb ol this year. Wilson Riles, otate lllperinlendent of public instruction, said Gunderson "set a tone of cooperation and Jtatesmanlike leadenhip that will be d~lkult to replace." e Pot Ottllosell WALNUT CRl:EK (AP) -Lecalization of marijuana i1 opposed by a Jarge ma- jority of 40,000 Contra c.o.ta county rosldenls -mponded lo a survey by sen. John A. Nejedly (R·Walnut creek). Seveoty·siJ: perceot oppooed mating the uae and poueoslon of maijuana legal and 20 percent were in favot of legallza. lion, Nejedly reported. Some 79 percent won oppooed lo legallzlnc Ibo Bale o1 marl)uaiia. Nejedly 11ld 77 percent fawred capital punishment and 72 percont supported no- fault auto insuraoce. State's Park Rangers Begin Carrying Pistols Insists. "We are simply doing this to keep them that way." e Legion C:~ief Eleeted SAN JOSE (AP) -A retired Fresno tx>Hce officer is the new California com- mander of the American Legion. Milton Randolph was installed Sunday night at the windup of a four..<Jay con- vention attended by 10,000 legionnaires and their families. He was elected Satur- day and replaces Cecil Bandy of Los Angeles. e Roller Smashes HotUe SAN BERNARDINO (AP) -A steam roller smashed through the wall of a BRIEFS... I house here and shoved a couch on which a woman was sleeping several feet before slopping. 'Ille slumbering woman, Mrs. C.OOnie Guzman. was uninjured, sheriff's depu- ties said Sundsy. ·The foor-room house was heavily damaged , but no dollar esti- mate was available. The youths started the steam roller \Vitb a key they found. then jwnped as it rumbled about 100 yards across a street toward the house, deputies said. Budget Override Attempt Expected SACRAMENTO (AP ) -Democrats and Republlcona in the Lecislaluro agreed today there will prU>lbly be II· tempts to override some of Gov. Ronald Roagao's $258 mill ion In stale budget vetoes -but there 's no agreement on how successful they'll be. The Republican governor whittled the fl.95 billion budget sent to blln by the Legislature down to fl. 7 billion by blue- penclling 173 mllllon in stale aid for local scbools and 141.7 million for slate employe and faculty member psy hikes. among other things. State employes will still get a 5 peroeot psy raise and •late colleges and University of California faculty members a 711 perceol boost. "I believe that the temper of the legislature is such that they feel they are Jong overdue, aod there's a good chance lhere will be an override ln these tl\•o areas," said Sen. Ralph Diiis (D-Tor· ranee). Dills has become the Senate's most re- cent expert on override attempts. He lost a try last week to re.verse a Reagan veto of his blll wblch would have rolled back relaUve payments to aged persona on welfare. Seo. Mervyn Dymally (D-Los Angeles ) began shaking his head negatively even before an interviewer bad completed ask- ing a question about the chance of an override making it. Assembly Speaker Bob Morelli (D-Van Nuys) bas aaJd Assembly aclloo on over· rides depends In part M what the Senate does since the budg~I bill Is lecbnlcally listed as a Senate mtasure. But IN said there would be an attempt to restore. the m million school funds through an ulstlng bill by Assemblyman Leroy G~ne (D-Sacramento). It takes rt votes in the Senate and S4 in the Assembly to override a governor 's veto. Marriage Has 'Rocky Outset TOP ANGA (UPI) -Craig and Linda Davis, ta, will be able to say that their marriage started out on lbe rocks. They were married Sunday in Topanga Canyon atop the steep-sid- ed rock, eight feet high, where they met a year ago. Only the hardier of the invited wedding guests made their way to the rock , and few of those who made it could hear the couple say their vows, drowned out by the wind. DAILY PILOT If SanMateoan Wins Title For 2nd Year SANTA CRUZ (AP) -The new Mlls catlCornia , Lillian Dianne Wagner, is a 20-year .. ld blonde from Daly City whose father played In the orchestra when sbe received her crown. "I was worried whether I would be able to play the rest of the fanfart," said Williard Wagner, a trumpet player. ''Jn all these years I never knew what parents have to go through." 1 liis five-foot-seven blue-eyed daughter, whose measurements are a classic 36-25- 36, became an early paseant favorite after she won the swimsuit competition. She fo.llowed with a talent victory, perform1ng a ballet variation o t Tchaikov sky's Swan Lake. l.tiss Wagner, a coed at Skyline College who has studied classical ballet for the past 12 years, was the second straight Mbs San l.1ateo Ciounty to win the :slate title. The 1971 Miss c.aJifomia was Carolyn Stoner of Belmont. "It's wonderful to be Miss California," said the damJ>-eyed Miss 'Vagner after her victory was announced to an audience or 1,800 in Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium Saturday night ... I wasn't sure I was going lo win.'' In add!Uon to competing in ~P­ tember's l.1iss America contest, the 125- pound beauty won a $2.000 scholarship, :·n Oldsmobile; automobile, a complete. wardrobe and a cbann school course. Oceanside Suit Filed for Lagoon · ~~TUESDAY-~ ~ JUNE 24 s SAN DIEGO (AP) -The cl· p.....,,.es which would reaull ty of Oceanside and a land in their deotructioo. Many developer are named as def en-· lagoons have already dlsap- danta In a lllit aimed at pro-pered under urban pressures. tectlng a fresh water lagoon 'Jbe remainlog lagoons must between Oceanside a n d be preserved for all the people C&rlsbad. of the It.ate." C&lilornla Alty. 0... Evelle J. Younger flied the suit in Superlor Court, contending that Bernard Citron of Beverly Hiiis threatened In fill In por· lions of Buena Vista Laguna for commercial development. Oceanside was listed as a defendant for lsauing fllllng permits lo Citron. Younger Aid other landownera who had sought fllling permits were not named "because negotiations are under way to insure their properties remain unfilled." Noting that the lagooo Is the last of its kind In the 11 ... a, Younger uid, "Tbeae lagoons are oubjecl to development Homosexual Ordained SAN CARLOS (UPI) -A !elf<leclared homosexual haa heeo ordained as a minister of the Uolled Church of Cbrlsl: William R. Johnson, 25, was ordained. before a capacity crowd of almost 3 O O worahlpers al I 91kninule ceremony In the Comnimlty Church In this San Franclaoo auburb. ' --~ I SPECTACULAR LUNCHION I I COMPUTE I I SOUP OF THE DAY I OR TOSSED GREEN SALAD I QUICHE LORRAINE I I (Swiss 'cheese, Hem and Eggs I b•ked in PHlry Sholl I I Vegeteble du Jaur I l~e. Creem or Sherbet e lever1ge I $1.95 I I A Surprl1lngly Short Drfw '"'" All frwy&. I i ~Tuff S~IR[ i f RESTAURANT l A N~llACH &--..:: :n.1 W. COAST HWY. s;y ~ (714) -' ........................... ~ ...... DAILY 10 °10: SUN. 10 • 7 MON.· TUES.· WED. ONLYI SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - C&lilornla's stale part aystem lakes a big step Into the law enforcement field this week, as rangen begin toling guns for the flrst time In park history. Inlllally, 170 rangers - received 200 houri of formal police training will· C8fl1" welpana, but the other 230 rangers wm be excluded from the program. DOUBLE ·DISIQU Jack Smyre, the p a r k syatem's new police chlef, a.a.id sidearms are being lsaued starting July l as a Hpm:.alr Uonary" measure a g a 1 n 1 t urt>an crimes of vloleoce spreading to the ooldoors. '1The parks are still a safe place to tru yoor fomlly," be The gun program b an outgrowth of a !Mil study by California's Commlasion on Peace Officers Slandanls and Tralnq, wblcb cited a climb in youthful rowdyism, petty theft and drug ua at llO!Jle parks. II you take pictures you haw a chaooe to win one or <Nw 200 priza8 In the Kodak. lnlarnallonal N"8Pll>« Snap6llol Award&. Walch Ullt PIPll' for dltlll1 DAILY PILOT Snapsllot cantest Ju~ 2 tlr.P q. 26 ' .. . . ( -. ' ~---. -.. LADIES JAMAICA SHORTS & SPORT TOPS Polyester shorts in white • p11t1I colors. Si111 1·161 lZ-ll. ltt. 3 88 4.H I Nylon & Cotton TANK TOPS .... 1.H 1 44 Charming tops in •i111 S, M, L. Buy several & 1av1I COSTA MESA LADIES COTION PANTS & TOPS P1nt1 in stripes-prints l solids. Slits I 0.18. .... 3 00 3.96 ( SLEEVEl.ISS NYLON TOPS Sises S-M·L. ---·-.. ·--·-~ • Girls' Pant Suit 4.t~~:" 3.00 & 4.00 s1 .... ' .1 .... 1 .. .tyl1s lo 11111 4-14. Prim I. '°lids lo P"""'"""l-pron; I 00 ~w11h1W.­ cotton1. 2200 HAUOR l~YD. (Corner of Wiison> HUNTINGTON BEACH 19101 MAGNOLIA (Corner of .G.fleld) ~ --------· -. -~-. -.. ·--~-· . -··--- I ) l :j · • DA.RY PILOT EDITOBIA.L PA.GE • Time to Visions ol creating a "Mayo Clinic of the :W&St" .at and near UC Irvine in the near fuiure were bfurred last week when a joint Senate-Assembly conference com· mlltee deleted a vital preliminary ltem from the 1972-73 sta.te budget. An appropriation of $900,000 for working drawings for a teaching hospital at ucf was blue-penciled. • That hospital is seen as the nucleus and the vital keystone of a vast medical complex -the state supply· Ing the university facility and private enterprise the satellite clinics of every description. The medical pro- fession visua!Ues this as at least the equal of the famed ?,Jayo Clinic ol Rochester, Minn. • Inasmuch as Governor Reagan has endorsed the $155.9 million health sciences bond Issue to be on the November ballot, he can be expected to support the al" propriation for the working drawings. The bond issue will benefit all · UC campuses but the teaching hospital at'UCI will be a major beneficiary along with UC Davis. ·, The project is of such vital importance that' the Orange County delegation in the Legislature should join forces inimediately either to get the line restored to the budget or to carry a special appropriation bill having, the same e!fect. People, People; People A study of trends In population density _per square mile In Orange County by •the county planrung depart· ment ..Veals that a m ... movement of people Into the southeast~m part of the county is well under way. Act Is Now leads with 7,231, followed by La Habra, 6,951; La Palma, 6,789, and San\a Ana, 8,281. Al Bell, the county'• principal planner. forecas!I that current high-density building in the western and central core cities -Garden Grove, CYJ>ress, La.Palma, Buena Park, Sl.linton, west Anaheim, Westmlnater and Santa Ana -wlll produce the same kind of movement southward as occurred from east Los Angeles County · into Orange County in the 1950s. Bell's report attributes such mass movements to beliefs that heavily populated aress spawn crime, con- gestion and poverty and lead to greater stress and hulth problems . In moving into less populated areas and demanding single family dwellings, t&e new residents can• create another-kind of problem -wasteful use of land, mono- tonous appearance, a more cosily area to serve with public facilities (sewers, water lines), and public trans· portation headaches. On the.' O~ang~ Co.as~ only Laguna Beach experi· enced a reduction 10 denSJty per square mile from 1971 to the present -from,2,950 down to 2,863 now. Other coas~al cities show grow.th figures indicating a . future density approaching that of the western core cities. Costa Mesa's density Increased from 4,981 in 1971 to. 5,221 now; Fountain ·Valley went from 3,704 to 4,836; Huntington Beach , 4,634 to 5,122; Newport Beach, 3,201 to 3,511; Seal Beach, 2,588 to 2,793, and San Clemente, 1,208 to 1,251 . J -~· ~ -·-~ -~ Five cities In •the western part of the county are now tnore densely populated than the city ol Los An· geles, which has 6,283 persons per square mile. Stanton . Steijiming the tide of Immigration is difficult i;, ac· complish legally. But new state tai< legislation, perhaps along the llnes of the Williamson open space preserva· tion la~,. and some ne~ apl;lroaches to zoning, cah at least m1t1gate the more environmentally damaging as- pects ?i s~called "people pollution.'' "P· S·S· Tl THE PHONE COMPANY· CUT OF f MY SE~VKE:" Brownout Season Approaching i Energy Is a Vital Concern By BOB MONAGA\-1 AIMIDbly Mtaorlly L<ader The brownout season 'is fast ap- prqaching, and pressure ls beJng e1erted fwPresldent Nixon to develop .a .national ~c:energy policy little short of miraulous. 1be President mdst make deciSio'ns con- cern!ng oil imports, the strip JD\ning of coa1, fhe price· of-natural gu;, and the AJaabn pipeline. Aller these decisions, we must still produce · enough energy to m<et the nation'• e!'calatlng oeeds witliout damaging the ..avlronment. In practice, of coune, aomet:hlng wlll hove to give. Secretary of Jhe ·Interior. Rogeu C.B, Morton h~ comptailled tllat ttie envlromnentallsts demand pmyer \>Iii tell bkn, j 1Don't drill .... 11 near '"my coutline and don't build any pipelines acroaa my Jand." TllEllE JB CONCERN at every level of eovernment. This spring Gov. Ronald Reagan outllqed a t e n -p o i n t en- vironmental policy program of his own. 1be provision• include the creation of a Department of Environmental Protecti<r- ' (to admlo1stor Ill forms of pollutioo con-t tr<>l). tu incentives to industry (to en- courage air quality progriml in counties where minimum standards are not being met), and a 1974 "major bond issue" for f Jong-range park and beach development. The Governor also encouraged legisla· (GUEST _REPORT) tion to create a Power Plant Siting Coun- cil which will evaluate the envlronm,!!ltal impact of power plant sites and approve locations. LegislaUon . w~d al,so . be necessary to provide .C!OaStal protection "without unduly lrlfrlt)ging on I t s economic deve~nt.~ 'AlSo, of special significance would I!" the development of a Bl?lid waste ~ram. ,- , THE STATE ~CE of Planning and 1lesearch will llOOD· release a -- prehemlve Environmental Goals and PollCy Report, the basic principle of which i.5 that local government should have the major responsiblllty for making· and carrying out environmental decisions. Governor Reagan said his ••b.a~. common sense" program will ••control pollution and preserve the best or our environment in a way that is coin· patible With the goals and phiJOOopby.of a free society." , The solutions lo pollution should be sought by everyone. However, the Governor, recognizing last year's upsurge Of partisanship, has outlined this prog· ram as one of dilectlon, so that be c8ll preserve the utmost nexibility in dealing with these pr.essing pro~lerhs. . . LV TIDS CONTEXT, .there are a number of bills that '!ill merit ' careful considerailbn, since they deal with areas D1lntic;med by the GoverDQI': Power plant siting • S.B 119,; (Nejed)y-R, Walqut Q:~ and SB 1310 (A)quist-D, San Jose); soll!I waste disposal -SB 5 (N .. j~j); assistance ·for air pollution districts -AB J582i(Biddle-R, RlVerside); tax exemptiori! : ·SCA 70 (Stiern-D, Bakersfield) and SCA 19 (CoOmbs-R, Rialto). ~id.eratlon Of these m·eaSurea !r:~.o~ cow-se, ~ the final lorin ~Y THE 'PEOPLE , themselv.es were co~ cerruid wjth the issue .of -pi'Jllution by the appearance-of Proposition 9 on the June 6 ballot. The most.Controveisial proposition before the voters was Prop. 9. Calilor· niana rejected the'initiative measure with a resounding 3,839,208 °no" vote (64.7 percent) against a ~,091,418 "yes" vote (35.3 percent). Willlout rehashing the arguments caqceming this controversial measure, it is important to oote th3t although the proposition failed, the prob- lems of pollution wll.l not go unnoticed or unsolved. It is clear that there is concern at every level of government. Mr. Kril-Call~ on Wallace Governor Wallace, praise the Lord, now seems to be well on the road to recovery, And it certainly is a miracle. It certainly is a miracle when you con-. sider the multitude of Presidential aspirants who have managed to crowd Into h I s hospital room in the past couple of weeks. The list Is endless: Mr. Nixon, Mr. Mc· Govern, Mrs. Chi&- bolm, (Mra, Cbls- bolml ), Mr. Ken· nedy, Mr. Muskie and Mr. Telonlowi Krit, jlllt <lo name a few . And what'• doubly mlracolous Is bow all the other candidates were suddenly atruck by a shaft from heaven with an overwhelming admiration for t he Governor and a deep CGDCern for bil health. Typical; perhaps, was the pilgrimage lo the bedaide by Mr. Krlt, a dark-horle candidate from Fire bland, wi- ptaUonn calls for elpal)dlng ~ federal bureaucracy, eliminating the nerenae Department and inslitutins a nationwide aystern of busing to achieve racial in- ( Ai:tT HOPPE ) ·tegration -includln& children from ·· San MontgOmery, Alabama. buslni quo. .. FraocllCo . ·to . . · SCENE: Mr. Wallace's bospillll ,room. His attractive and devoted wife, COrnelia, Is at IIi3 bedside talking on tbe phone. A candidate backs out of one door, bowing, 11 Mr. Krit enlers by the other. Mr. Kril (beaming): I just happened to be passJni through town, Governor, and when I heard I'd only have to wait In line alx hoUro to pay my respects ••• Mn. Wallace (cupping the receiver): Excuse me, George, I have t doctor on the )ine who ' • . Mr. WaDace (brightening): A dOctor! I haven't been able to squeeze one ln for a week. Send him In. Mn. Wallace: It's Dr. Speck. He's nm- nlog on the Peace and Freedom ticket. Mr, Walla .. (sighing): Tell him lo go to the back of the line. Mr. Kril: Well, I just wanted to say bow much I've always admired you, Governcr. and perbapo -for a few photographs. OltAHGI COAST ' Mr. Wallace (sll!plciously): Seems to DAILY PILOT Rabat N. Wetd, PMbU.hrr TllomCll Ki..U, Edi!Dr •Alb<rl W. Bote1 Ulloriol Pogo Edilor -ldll«lal -· of the llalJy ' l/tlat. oqlol .. lnl-Md '•t!Dt•·. ~ -by ....... lblg ™" WA .. Plf"a -o~ ancl com .. .-.&atJ OCl toplca of fnterut •nd _..,......""\.hr ~.&.forwn for the op etalon ot 'our J'8dcn' =::'; ... ~~~ ,... .. 111h1-aaupc. ....... ' llaad17, 1une U,• 1972 r Public Interest • PRE.SS COMMENTS ~m ""' (I. C.) N-: "Moll of tbt thlnp tbt !Ito Presldmt Calvbi Cool!dff Mid--doubtleu innocwul and 'out-of-date today (one virtue - that be dlm1 tallt much). Bot one firm -be-, la llllliq tbe- polke ..... rilp Int lout decM later: 'N9 -... the ricbt to atrlt• •plnlt tbt pablk bltmlt for 1111' -anywhere, at QJ tlme.' " 1 me you called me a dem.igogue recently. Mr. Kr:lt : Oh, no! You're thinking of Senator Muskie. I called you a mad dog racist pig. But 11 was said In the rough and tlimble -ha, ho -of friendly pollt\cs. Actually, I've always been deep- ly cqncemed aboot your health and when 1 saw you'd gone up lo 333 pounds ••• Mr. Wallace: That's delegates! M'i l!dt (Shrugging): Delegates, pounds. Who worries aboot such things at a tlm~ Wee thisl And with your pulse at a bealthY 20 percent .•. Mr. Wallace: That's my new record rating In the Gllllup Poll~ Mr. ![ril: All I· WOIT)I aboot Is your health, Governor. And I've come to urge you not to give up the race. Mr. Wllll1ce (SUrprised): You have? Mr. Krlt (oobly): Yes. I feel )'OU have earned !Ugh office and prestige. But I certalnlj"'°"ldn't want you saddled with the fatiguing burden of having anything to do. (In a ruah) So how'd' you like to be my Vice Pre>ldentl Mr. Wallace (Resignedly): You and Hubert Humphrey. . Mr. Krll: Well, think It over, Governor. Give rny best to your loved ones -·a11 W of them. And meanwhile, remell\ber that we Pre>ldent!al hopefuls have nothing but )'Out health in mind. And we'll 1111 he praying for you. ' • Mr. Wallace (noddlns glumly): Which way? Dear Gloomy Gus . Lit'• -I sllyjadom llU bone tlllnel In tbt old Weot -ban& .... Cll Ille l(IOI.' Tbal. Ind jut. I line-In the. obllaley eolamn, Wotlld ~~forllft! ,. -J>.S.T. ,... ......................... ... -*" ................ ... ,_.,._.. .. ....., .... NIL A Curious Perversion o.f Law's lnrent ~YD~Y J.H~s) The Fourth Amendment guarantffit all American citiiens · againSt "tmr~UOP.. · able search and s~Ure.". :I'his means . that a cop can't kick your dQQr down 01f the suspicton .that you've stuCi . a bag of. heroin in ,;our . sugar · ~wl. But suppose he d~? ,Suppose .a~ fl)'ing squad kicks down , · • . . 10 doors in an apart-' ment boilding, and find9 narcotii?s in·one Qf them? ACi:Ording to the "exclusionary rule," the guilty par· ty cannot be prooe- cuted (he could rightfully invoke the Fourth Amendment), , but the nine innocent ones ban no rem: edy against this unlawful search. . ' AS DISTRICT A1TORNEY Tbo~as Mackell of Queens-pointed out recenlly this paradox In the law hoth hampers ~ hwit for narcotics and at the same time "does nothing to protect innocent persons who are victilns of unlawful but fruiUess searche.s. '' Only tlie guilty occupant· of that one .. par1ment, be°UplalHed; cowd·mvo'lO:tliO Fourth. Amendmenti for tiie other nine innocent occupants, the Fourth Amend· ment does nothing. This ....,,., to.SjlY the least, 11 curiOOs perversion 1of' tb6 law's true intent -frustrating to'lht ~ ;.,. jurlous ,to the Innocent, and n-•·!>lo the guilty. --::: .. , WHAT l\IACKELL sugg$ 11 a fair resolution of this paradox.is tile powge by Coogress -of a "federal privacy ctllrns statute," under which those WllO have been vlctlmlzed by seardles they 'COii- sider unconstitutional could s e e k damages throucb 1 federal tribunal such as the present Federal OOurt of Qlalrns. This would offer an Immediate ·cash remedy' lo the injured pany, and a stern deterr,ent agalJ!ot the police makhl1 raids indisaimbiate'IY. 111 mere susplclon. 'lb1y would have to become more professionaf -that is, helter -... than ll!oog· '1"tn men -and as ruponitve to "law and order" as they eapect civilians tol>e. ' . Cll'ITING COBNEIIS Oll1JOllce 1IClion -sometimes to the extent of fabrica!lnl · evidence -~reeds contemPt for tile la,,. preclsdy In; ti-areas where the law most needs support and 1'.0S)Je<t. W11at makes qime a vicious ctrclil In out. coun- try ls the depressing fact that ~ wbo go io and out of prison wllll rell!ntless regularity have seen notblng Ill convince Ihm that the law Is ao1lllllc but a bludgeon against the powerlea; and 1 fortrts.s for fhe powerful. No capo hove ever klctecl. In a mUllonalre's apartment !hit I have ever lieard of -and yet .U the larp traf· !icl<tn ia nan:otk:I and ctganizecl crime mast ht rrum-lrel 11 leut. Try el· nll)Jlhlg tbet to the ,,..,,...sed -~ ·~ ......i the._ like. ral ~tes • " . Anti-Marijuana Crowd Has Won WASlliNGTON -The Whiie' House has quietly started twisUng arms on Capitol Hill to authorize. tougher measures against marij~a violators. • For months, a fierce debate bas raged Inside the Nixon Admi9is.tratiQn between those who want to legalize marijtiana and t~ who favor a. marijuana crackdown. The aackdown ctowd has now won. . The word bas gon,e out ~om the White House .lo put tbe heat on Congress to J>a:.55 two m~es that would 'assure con.tin~ persecu- tjon ol marijuana users. The instructions · w e r e delivered by White House aide Walt Minnick to Don- ald Miller, chief counsel for the Justice Department's Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.' . ' delennined by the Senate Jlidiclary Com- miitee's schedule .. The: committee must J!l1lCess the enabling ·~watloil. ,. JT HAS BEEN MANY moons since the blu~~ ;~~~ last aldnnish with the redsiops)l) the .struggle ·for the West. But the federal government is still crowding the Indians. Baclc In 1865, tbt government signed a treaty with the Winnebago tribe granting them land "for use and occupancy fore ver." As late as 1944, the Army &flglneers -descendants, of t h e bluecoais -pledged that they would never appropriate ·1ndi8n Ji.nds without prio~ tribal consent. MILLER IMMEDIATELY ca 11 e d BVT NOW THE federal authorities ' ripresentatlves from several federal want to build a recreation project on departments behind clooed doors on J.une Winnebago land ,in-Iowa and Nebraska. · 13 I<> plan the lobbying. campaign. ·Without regim! . for past treaties and The principal measure ls an in-pledges1 the government took the land ternationat drug control treaty. which away from the IDdians for me OJ:bow would obUgate the U.S. to make Lake project. · ' possession of Ci!rtain drugs, including N t th t th rr· d"· ba marijuana, opun.iShable_ofienses.'t o a e ien •r Winne go mind 1'le other measure Ls an eriablirlg law' opening their homeland tottielr wtiite which would be needed to clear the way broth~rs for fishing and pictnkkhut. But for Congress to approve the treaty. the ltibe would like to retain the' title and collect the incon)e from park concessions. The treaty, known as "'lbe Convention Foot t . Con · on Psychotropic Substances," would enr , no e. gressional ~ tell UI power the Justice Department to~ contrpl , that . a Hou~ Approp~~Uons Su bo d.rugs regardless of the medical , recom-1 CODUDlttee may settle· the ~' atrictly mendations from the Health, Education I ~or budgetary reJIS(lns, by turtiq down and Welfare Departmenl the .$750,000 appropriation for ·the O.bow I proiect. THIS WOULD directly contravene a I drug abuse law, enacted by Qmgress lwo · SAUL. ALINSKY, the self-proclaimed years ago, giving HEW the pc\Wer to 11professional radlcaJ," died earlier this decide which drugs ar~ dangerous. _ month. He would have been dismayed A oumber of HEW officials are over the eulogies that appeared in dismayed over the White .House action. several newspapers. 'nley believe HEW, .as the scientific and Hil popularity with more respectable medical arm of the governmen~ should reformers caused him recently to ru1e OD dangerous drugs. ·~ b1a ilaff: "Don't Worry. boys, The President's own National Com-we'll -ther !lilt storni of approval and mlasljn oo Marijuana and Drug Alluse come out as bated u ever." bas recommended that penalt!tt. l<r• He -1d be comforted to know personal poss_esslon of marijuana be lloweYer, that the FBI at least regarded abolished. ' him m a .-ct. 'the G-men kept him BNDD officials, however, ~e. sternly un<ler regular llll'Velllance and tried to oppooed lo relaslfl8 any Of U.. !•WI tn him ' agalnlt marijuana uoe. Ttlelr '"ri!' pa t. ~. underacored In a i:ocent speech Jolln " , Jngenoll, the hard·IJne BNDD, ' • llVT ms rBJ ~on blnl Isn't con- He told a group of Calif~.~ vlnclng. Delplle.Altnsky'B rabble-lOUSlng, that the legalization Of.~ l'l'f be 1'.At bi'!liy.• nutlne·revolutlonary. "I oilier drugs miglit mean the fl&l!t'opiJiil · love !Iii.-~." be kl¢ on saying, cng 1buse .... "loot! alrog~~· ~:' r~<!!"·"'·"'-le) 1olng lo ~°!iAD!8°~ ~ ...... lbe~-c ~ !"u,~~ :m.~:t·.i::~ \ilcloua,crtmlnals bill to protect the JIUllllc Commlftlot M Iii -IDU..Obllsbment. from hannlul ~(' '. • An -1, Cluollnl a lpeOch Allntl:y made Footno~: HEW olflclall "'°"" 1111 · Ia~ Ciltl., wrote: ~ Willie l!ouJe dellbttately be8lil ~ "Allnll:y -!bet be bal no~ for, the .. 1nic c:onlriJI truly ,Gil Ila °" DI bit -. for palJllcaJ aod rellgloU the tlectlon campotgn, ~ lt llllPI dopla, ml his ~ liJout rellcion be clllllcult for members of cans-lo -. -11)-""""8llc. HI cla1med be .,.,... lt In 111 eledioo )'tll'. But Mlnnlk has notb~ but conten>pt for communism .~lo,. tlllt the tlmlnc had been and for 'profetsJoaal ~· • " -------•• 6"9rte ;..' _....;..._.._~--- Dear a-a.: . . IhlVt-~alladfll • Ille ........ jlaplnS -lar the 1u1,_. llDh~-... toll me I~ "''1-t ' JOSE GUCK -Dear .i..,· !... ' The ancient Pboetuclans ..,, ..... dye, wllldl they made from abellflsb. ~.c:-~ to &9 iOto tbe' • I ......... ~·; Ill .... 1!llh to start ai e _ .......... but I • am DOI -'Ir 1U11 bow to 10 -···--lllon-be -. .............. lollow.Clll 10U tell me llow to pt an -....... JIOP.VUL Deir a,...:. ' Here. Tile llUs .... l'W decidtcl lo MID 1W11 Willi the drcuL •• llloo'I Z.. llope. Send ,... ~ blem lo~ He'll.lam 'DIDI : . I • I I I j ~ -- THIS IS WHERE PROPOSED TOWN OF "PALM D'ORE" WAS TO BE BUILT Promot1r1 S.y They Doft't Gu1r1nt11 lmprov1ment1 Except for Acceu . ' . Florid~: Le·t Buyers Beware By DAVID LANGFORD NAPLES, Fla. (UPI) -The entranee Js a blacktop road to nowhere, piercing 200 square mileS ol !Crubland on the eege of the Big Cypress Swamp. Th1.s _ is one · of Florida's "phantom cities," thousands of acres of wildemeM drained and subdlvided yean ago aod sold -Iy on lp!lallments· at prices ranging l'OUllhlY from Sl,000 lo $4,000· an acre, plus interest. iiie buye..; were· factor;y workers and shopkeOper, hoping lo build a home and retire in the subtropical warmth of Southwest Florida, Gls :n Southeast Asia planning· ior a return to civilian life, and speculatQi's hopl1111 to cash In on the land boom. . Today a bandlul ol houses has been built. There are no water and sewer lines. A man 1rying to sell his lot wlll lind there is virtually no market, except at a Crac-- tion ol what he paid. When and II the tract is ever fully developed, be may be. able to get his money back. or even make a profit. THE PEOPLE promoting the property say they never guaranteed.improvements oo it beyond the building of access roads . and dtalnage.canal!. lbey point out their selling promotion · bas lllressed the deveJopment as an investment for those looking "toward the future." The pban,.m cities of Floclda, such as this one, ar~~vertised arCHJDd the world with colorful\ pictures ol palm lrees and seag\.llls, sailboat.S and 'beautifUl women, Trail-blazer Sally Rand !Jid Thing in 1930s ' AHEAD OF TIMES ' Sally Rand ' ..!.~~~....:....;...:~~~~~~- NEW YORK (UPI) -Back in the 1930s ~~~n · fa!~µc nu~ty couJd draw a jail ~tence, . Sall~ Rand danced naked . behind two giao< Oltrich fans. . Sally Rand WU oot just another strip- per but an elegantly lellSUOUS woman who danced with fans to classical mua ic. There were no bumps nor grlilds and it would J>e almost by accldenf II ,a11yone clll1ihJ a '1!mll"< of her \>OdY IJe!llnd· the OINtantly mov~ fans -1 ea:ceJ>t (or. a fllBt; outward llouii.sb at the fmish. · ·'Born in the MJs;soOri Oiarks, SilQy Rand hegao taking ballet lessons at 'the "e ol ejgbt. She left achoo! to go 'Into ict. inc.:at the ·age of 18 and In 19;!2 she was in,a-pla..Y in Chicago when the depression bit. The play folded and Miss Rand took a job In a speakeasy. While shopping fnr a costume !or her ·•speak" appearance, she f~ two ostrich fans. "I bought them on credit - $250," she .once recalled. "I went to the dub and choreographed the dance with the fans." In 1133 she appeared at the Chicago World's Fair and was an overnight International sensaUon. Where la Sally Rand today? Miss Rand. now 68, ii still aJt active performer.and tours the country about 40 weeks a year. She recenUy appeared In "The Blg Show ol 1938" at the Felt Forum In New York City. Aslted durll18 her New York 01111age- ment about her performances In the 1930s, she replied: "The music, Debussy'• 'Clair de Lune' and Chopin's 'Waltz in C Sharp Minor,' and the blue llgbts are ex- actly the same I use nOw." Eviction Eluded RIVERHEAD, N.Y. (UPI) -The , aunt and cousin of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis have agreed to correct alleged unsanitary conditions so Ibey won't be evicted from their old 28-room mansion .on Long Island. Edith Bouvier Beale, 78, .snd her daughter Edith,. 54, did not attend the Suffolk Co= Health Department bearing last on aDeced health' code vlolatioos Jn Ille ramahac~ liome. .sun.sets on azure oceans. The message i.s that any old chunk of of boondocks can become a Miami Beach. Land piddling In Florida is a SU billlCH>8'ye81'buslness. Some of the developers SUcceed In building charming communities with yacht basins, shopping centers, parks and ochools. Often, however, these "dream towns" are surrounded by thousaod!i ol empty lots whose buyers !eel cheated and want their mQDey bac):. · THE GREEDY and the. gullible by the hundreds of thousands have .fallen victim to fast-talkers operating out of telephone booths, the lure of free vacations and trading ' stamps, jet-paced high-pressure salesmen toting elaborate charts and maps. That future homesile may be just a · piece of underwater swami>, accessible only by airboat. · "In Florida In the past ISJ:!'ears over a million land buyei-s have. lost over a billion dollars buying •S'wamp and J.cntl petl4H"f fa Flor• id• is a '1.5 bfUi-a- !le•r busiaess. Oftea CJlae proposed "tlr.elif!I, "'-" -s .............. :tJ.w a.o... salNls ·. ot e111pt'f1 lots . .. 1ehese 1J1111ers feel eJlae•t- etl ....... 'wliat tlU!ir ?none" liM~ ... . wlJdernbi" 101$ 'and acreag~ from .land peddlen.;•.' says. Vince Contioy of Naples, a 69-yea'r;ald fon:Der fedetal appraiser and ·splul real estate broker In Wi&Corilin and Florida. Conboy, who Is looked on;as the Ralph Nader ol the land sales '1nduslry, just published a book entilled "Expooe : Florida's Billion Dollar LaAd Fraud." In It, be charges ·that today there are two millloa· "diatres!ed lots" ·1n Florida. That means the lots for which lbeU· is litUe or i!o market. ONE OF FLORIDA'S I ea d ID g newspapers The St. Petersburg Times challenged-the-industry to trove Conboy wro1111 by .offering refunds ro demand of 60 percent of the P!ll'Cbase price. That, the newspaper said, 11wo~· hit all com- panies' bard and probably cause some to fold." • · · . A. L. Baker, a former RCA executive who ls now dlreclor ol the diVlsion of Iaiid sales. ol the Florida Department of Buslneas RegulatlOn, said )lis olllce receives ·numerous complaints from boii>ers who baVe lound Ibey< can't unload their Jots . • "111ESE PEOPLE just do not reali ze that onc•!llhey bave signed a contract to buy a pil!CI! o1 property it's almost iln- possible for them. lo sell that property because there is no marketplace," he said. "T~ lry to find a real estste broker who la interested 'In llelling It ls not worthwhile beca1.11e t.be resale value Is so JoW the commission does not make It wortbwblle to the broker." • :coast , Saddlehack Grads Listed --. .. Mond,1)', • rnt 2b, l91L henson kiekerniek , bare look bras Save now on deep daring decoU.ioge bras in block and isque. A. #0122, reg . $6-7, nylon tricot, underwired cup, BC, 4.99, D 5.99. 8. #0168, reg. 7.50. B.00, "Chanson" nylon 10<0 with push- -,up pods, ABC, 5.99, 0, 6.49, C. # 0178, rog. 7.50, "Chonlon" fully podded nylon loco, ABC, 5.99. Sorry no moil or phone orders. Body Fashions, 19 DAILY PILOT 1 c \.. \ ' ' Q( ihe ·hroadway • • '· ANAHEIM NEWl'OllT HUNTIN•TON IEACH ORANWE. Mell of Or•ftf• CllllllOS 4-44 N. E1teli4 47 F•thlff lsl.lld 7777 Ed!ftg•t Ave. 2100 No. T11tt1n Stffof 100 L .. Corri ... M.a (714) IJl.1121 (714J .... Jl,12 17141 19J.JJJI 171 4) ''1·1111 12:1)1 ....... ti SHOP 10 A.M. f. 9:10 P.M. MOHDAY1HROU$H FRIDAY, SATURDAY IO A.M. to• P.M. SUHDAY II HOOH to 1 P.M. I • • • IWl.Y PILOT For the Record Phone Official Court Decision Births '""'' Called Disaster IT, JOSl,14 NO,,r,AL ·-· #W. tnd Mrt. l._911tt £. ltted. .. , S•'**ll'-Orlvt, c.r-ft! M.r, ,,,,, SANTA ANA -The ellect or the June t C.Jllornla Supreme Court order on Orange County P a c i r i c Telephone operations could be disastrous. state could becomt bankrupt.• Mr. •lld Mrt,Oon.ld T. Florev, Ul3! He nld the company had petitioned the court for a rehearing on it.s decision and that a motion had been filed with the PUC calling for in· terim rate increases in t h e amount of $198 annually over the rate Jevel of 1968. POMQ Ltne, MINIOll V~lo, bOy. IOUTN COAST CO"'M\lllllTY H0$f'ITAi.. .. , JI Mr , •"If Mn. E:dWtrd Jtmtt C•ofl, """ "'' "'""-" ''''''''"' lffdl, "'· That is the opinion or William Quirk, vice president and general manager for the company's Southern California operations. JH11oluti.ons Of Marriage 8ALTZ BERGERON FUNBllAL HOME Corona del lllat l'IUlll CottaMe11 muu BELL BitiADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Costa llft11 UH433 McCORMlc\ LAGUNA 8EACDi40RTUARY lllS Laguna Ctttyoo lid. 41Mill PAcmt m:w MEMORIAL PARlt C.meltry Mtrlulr)' Cbaptl 1SOO Pacific View Drf•e Newporl Betcb, Ctllfomla -PEEK JAMILY COLONIAL Jl'UNERAL HOME '.'WI llolu An. Weatmlultr ni-Wi SMITllS• afoaTUAl\Y lflMllok Quirk told newsmen Friday that the court's action would mean that no new hiring would be done in the county for the balance of the year, that overtime work would be eliminated, that all promotions have been stopped, and that almost all training programs have bffn eliminated. Tbe court'• order overturn- ed what Quirk called 11some $213 million in badly l\eeded annual telephone rate, in- creases" that had be e n previously granted the com· pany by the California Public Utilities Commission. The company official stated that unless the Supreme Court and the utilities commission gran~ some change in the "drastic order soon, the vas' telephone operation in the Ful le rto n Hike Ille gal FULLERTON -A Fullerton man was one of two Southern California landlords cited for rent control violations by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles. Civil complaints were filed against Clark Biggers and Roger Hansen. Biggers owns a 16-unit apartment house in Fullerton and Hansen owns two San Bernardino residen- tial units. The complaints filed last week bring to five the number of court cases filed by the U.S. attorney alleging rent control violations. The government is seeking In both suit! injunctive and civil penalties and restitution tor the tenants of any rent paid above the legal amount. The maximum civil penaJty for rent conlrol violation js $2,500. Quirk explained that the court's order rolled back rates to the levels prevalent in 1968, "but also acknowledged the commission's authority to grant the company interim relief pending final establish-. ment of a new rate structure." Regarding ~ange County, the company olflcial said t h ere a re CWTently 5,358 Pacific Telephone employe.s on the job with an anoual payroll o! $lU million. He said the company had planned to hir<I 575 more peo- ple between June a n d December, 1972 but such plans have been auspended. Quirk said that the Supre1ne Court's order required that the company return $134 million to customers bytJuly 9. He said he hoped this could be done by crediting phone U!ers bills rather than through cash paymenls. "nle a v er a g e Orange County home would get a rebate or about $12, Quirk said. 2.Men Sue Over Arrest SANTA ANA -Two men who claim they were cleared or all charges two months after they were booked by Huntington Beach police on charges o( resisting arrest havo sued tbe city for $110,550 in Orange County Superior Court. James R. Smith a n d Timothy Jon Jackson claim they were the victims of malicious prosecution an d wrongful arrest and that they were falsely imprisoned for a 11-hour period last Aug. 21. Both men filed a claim against the city shortly alter the charges were dismissed in West Orange County Judicial District Court. The city coun-- dl denied the claim last Dec. 8. • i Come th~h with flying colors with Avco Sdvings! •Register to vote at Avco Savings • Free American Rag to all registered voters •Free 100.page booklet '7he StoIY of Our Rag" In our democmcy the rfghl lo voi. muot never be tak«i tor granted. tt Is an obllgotton tncu~ bent upon all Americans who wish to see this great Republk: nourish. But you connot vote 11 you ore not reglSfered. Tne doodtlne lorregbtenng tnlhe Novembef 7 Presldentlol Election II Juat o few weekl owoy. ' Avco SOvlngl and loan Aaoclotlon uigoo vcu to register and wn cs you pleoae. But register ondvotel • An 1 cfllool 01 Avco Savings lh1<>Ughoul Oro~ lot Angeles and Ventura Coun- ties .-oller Voter Regl~raflOn Faclli!IOL OJr Regllfrora ore ovallable during nor .. rnol b\nlnesa hou~·to properly •eot~er you. VOTIR REGISTRARS ARE AT All SEVEN OFFICES DURING NORMAL IU~NESS HOURS: Monday ttiru Thurldoy-9 o.m. until • p.m. Frldoy-9 o.m. un!ll 6 p.m. ALSO SATURDAY. JULY a. OPEN 9 o.m. UNTil 1 p.m. • Wllllo lhe supplf losb Avco Savings will distribute a FR E American Flog to ell registered voters. • wr11e the su~ly ~~sc,an registered voters w I receTveo RE pageboOkJet"Old Glory .. .The Story of OUr Flag" At Avco Savings and Loan Assoclattonwecore obout more than Just your money. Most Impor- tantly we core obOul our country. We think It has o great ruture. lfenough otus care to make ~f#}..~i - we core about more than just your money. r----------1 I Reglslered voters only may present I !his couJ)On at any Avco Savings • I Loan office ror !heir FREE American I N ew A m v als ~ . • Lion Country Safari ranger Dave Miller bolds up two lion cubs born to lioness Benji at the jungle amusement park in Laguna Hills: The cubs survived a rare Caesarean operation and Miller provided mouth-t<>-mouth aid to Dock and Spock immediately after their birth. County Education Gets Drug Fund Hike Featherly Funds Go !1 I To Co unty SANTA ANA -A. check !or i b '91 ,925 ror development or ad-H O dlUonal eamplni and pie· ! .0 nlcldng facilities in Orange ~ . County's Feathuly Re1!i9'lal [i , Park was prtsentod to Board • . ,, of Supervisors C b a Ir m a n I t. ·. Ronald W. C.spers Friday by !;,' ~ As!emblyman Robert E. Bad-' . ham (II-Newport Beach). The I' , , check represents the first pay- ment of an approved grant of $103,250 for the project from the State Park Bond Act, ap- proved by the voters in the 1964 general election. Under the act, $40 million wu m a d e available to local governments for th e ac. qulsition and development of o u t d o o r recreation areas, Bad.ham said. College Sets 'Steward' Men's Class Caspers added that Orange County's apportiorunent from SANTA ANA -Santa Ana the $40 million is $2,778,449. ·College will open its airline Other projec ts for which the program to men beginning county has received grants to next fall with new ste\vard- date are the Fullerton Dam stewardess classes leading to Mile Square, Villa Park and an associate in arts degree. University, Laguna Niguel and Applicants for the steward· O'Neill regional parks. stewardess program must be Featherly Regional Park is between 18 and 26 years old Jocated on the Santa An a and have weight proportionate River near the Riverside to height and good hea lth, County line and is the first Additions to the program, new county regional recrea-which college officials claim tion facility largely completed places more people in jobs in the past two years. than any other system, include Development of University a cooking and maintenance Pk . the ·t fl · near course in an authentic SANTA ANA -'Ibe Qr:llnae students motivation to take a ar tn Cl YO rvine, --e UC Irvine is slated to get airplane galley donated by an County Department of Educa· second look end choose· the under 'way later this year, as airline manufacturer. - tion has been given a $26,454 right aJternative before get· is LagUna Niguel Park on La Another new course will be increase in funds for its drug> ting into such blgh risk ad· p~ Road north of Crown in tick~t: reservations and prevention program by the ventures." Va.Rey Parkw. ay. travel agencies. BoardfilSUpervisors. _ _:::~~ii;;iiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiii~~~iililiii~iiiii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-Dr. Robert Peterson, county superintendent of schools, told supervisors last week the in- crease will allow his depart· ment to dooble tbe irogram in school districts which he said had been "very effective." The educational Je.ader said his department •!lent $75,000 last year on the program and that it had been endorsed by the California Criminal Justice COWlCil which recommended that it be used as a model for state-sponsored drug programs in schools. 'Ibe additional money, Dr. Peterson said, win be used to add a second staff member tor the program. "It is a bar· gain," he told board members. "The county is spending close to $70 million In other drug projects and this much Jess ex· pensive program has produced real benefits. He said the schools program Js not a case of "just giving facts but we attempt to give Charge it at 7.75-14 / 7.75+15 4 for •78 PHARMAC.Y ' WE QUOTE' PRICES OVER THE PHONE ••• ANYTIME ' 2700 E. Coast Hi!hway, at Femleaf, Corona del Mar • AMPLI PADIN$ IN llAI ....,_,.,,.,, .. - a-.i ......... ~ 8.25'-14 / 8.25-15 4for•88 644-7575 ..... •22. EACH .... •.50-TS ....... D1111S1.7S F..:t.&. Tp ,., .. 4 BIAS PLIES OF TOUGH NYLON CORD • ~·TIIEAO i"UBBER •FAMOUS 0UAL TREAD DES1GJ4 e • m (WERE UT. Im.so EACH) (W£AE $30. / 13f. EAQfl ......, WHAT IS BIAS PLY? 1.5$-14 General Tire ... 4 for 192 (WEAi. m.ao EACH) VW SPECIAL General Dunt-Jet" WHITEWALL $1695 :::.. ONLY... :~,;.~ ... <-1'1. Y NYlOH CORO llOOY' 119 ftlCUG91 ltllS TO •1t t MIS• ... CIB . "'-Sl.1t'to S2M hid.&. Ta.IC Pll' tn, Ofpll ... on .... MJ..1 -,itA.Yt Paurp•H n llriwn rHL ,. .. _,. "'""'' ... ,.,. ~-.... -___ ,__.... CM_,........,_ ----··==---COSTA MESA 3310 Bristol Street Tel: (714) 540·7591 I Flag and Booklet. I I NAME I ,,.... ..... o-.1,......,c,, • .,,.....JnCM...,_ .... ,""9 .. 0....*' I ADDRESS I DON SWEDLUND THE BEST -. polJ1 Jn .. .,...,.."", 11 -or ll!O -· -poouJar ~. 1trtbo. R"" It Ull7 ID Illa DAILY PILOT. ' I • I CllY I COAST ' GENERAL l lRE I STATI: ZIP I I ...., .. ,....,._ .. .,,, ·--I 515 W• IM. C111w Mna P11a11e 540-5710 or '46-5031 _.... ae1' I L••••-••••_. L-....;.~=""."""~~-Drq( d1 ira titrtmp110t -------__, • ' -I • he llv 111 the ba re ce vot six ed res do rid ove the tim Ne An !· L wha dite fore 271'. tall slee long Its Its 3 a. they soon bea It usua The to the that cont man tend- I ~ean m!"' the I Mondiy, .Nne 26, 1972 DAI LY PILOT 9 Vot~rs Give Beleagured School Reprieve' NOW SERVING 24 HOURS D~ILY By Cll&TJS J. SITOMER ClilttttlM ~ Melli,_. *"'* GLENDALE -For a ninth grader named Kevin, It meana . a late alttmOOll clua In woodworking out I.all -ooe he's looking forward to. For third grader Sara. who livea high up In tha canyon, It means bus transportatlqn to tha Glenoaks Scllool -at the base of the canyon. Sui's mother la looking forward to this. And for the Glendale Scllool Dmricl -ooe ol the larger suburban ones in Southam California -It means a reprieve from fJacaJ dlsalter. "IT" IS PASSAGE OF a 70- cent tax override -the first voter boost for acboola here In six years. Despite please from education olflclalx, Glendale residents have turned thumbs down on five out of sis over- rides since 1966. School bond Issues and tar override elecUolu throughout the U.S. fail well over half the time. Some big distrlcls-llke New York , Chicago, and Los An!!:eles -have been forced to massive program c u t s , curtailment of extracurricular activities such as ap:lrts, and halung of b u 11 d I n.g con- struction. QUEENIE By Phil lnltrlandi "May I say this has been a great meeting? The live pairs of 'goo-goo eyes' in my dlrectl111 not· withstanding.'' L. M. Boyd Legion Parade Lasted 18 Hours Jr you were to write up speca for the Ideal woman, what wouJd those measurements be? The Greek A~ dite, goddess of love sculpted in the second contury be- fore Christ, stood 5-foot·2 inches tall and taped 351i2 - 21in -36Y.i. Some experts contend she'd be two inches taller if created as the JdeaJ woman today. JUST M years ago, the !Ue upectancy of a girl In Japan was 51 years. Today, it's 73 years. Nowhere, I'll warrant, has the lot of the lady Improved so gresUy so qulck1y. WHY dO you Nppose the elty fathers of Hartford, Conn., once passed an ordinance to make it illegal to kiss your wlfe on Sunday there? THOSE medlcoes wbo study our sleeping habits claim a bed should be at least seven ln<beJ longer than the citizen stretched out on aame. QUERIES -Q. ''When was the American Logion at its peak?" A. Must have been 193'1. At least that's when it had Its longest parade. Lasted from 9 a.m. to the following 3 a.m. Q. "WHO are the men who stroke their beards when they meet instead of shaking hands or tipping hats?" A. '!'be TurkJ of Serl. Strict Mohammedans, they. As soon as thelr whllken start to grow, they shave their heads, but never again shave their faces. Q. uIS a seagull mostly dart meat or white meat ?" A. All dark meal U a chicken Dew around that much, it would be all dark meat, too. ECHO -'lbere'• an ecbo In a hall Ml of women, usually. Not 10 In a hall full ol meo . Ever noU.. that! The ecoustlcal boys uplaln It. The ladiOI, they say, taid to wear gannentJ with a slicker harder weave than do the men . Their d..,.... are likely to reOect the SOWlds that mlli'• rulta aboorl>. ' "SHOW me a man who ngularly wears a bow tle," contends a Loa Angeler psychiatrist, "and 111 show you a . msn who'll probebly lie about hll age. Bow Ile wwtra lend to be .V...ly ...,.1uve about pwtng older." llNDERSTANll the fm...-•1 di....-.. of OUebec DOW -call them'<I ... th•n•t•lr"'<ta from tbe Greet t!Janatology mt" .. '"'C the mtdY of cl-"'b. · f.I('( vtf.tli\risn ..in ••H :I'll' U-beests which Jin the lottgest, bl"lls and tu-I'"• eat no meal Acldr<" mirl! lo L. M. Bo)ld, P. 0. Bo< 1875, N.,._ port B•och, Coll/. ga660. ' TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY! 12"x25" ROLL HOUSEHOLD FOIL c 25 foot roll of multi-pur .. pose aluminum foil il'I • h1ndy cutter-edge box. PLUMERIA 56' ANSCO MOYIECHROME B FILM 1.74 AUTOMATIC IN TANK BOWL CLEANER .... DEODORIZER 3 FOR s100 Use Your K mart Charge or BankAmericard 12 Oz. Mt Bubble 32C Evergreen tropic1I. Fri19r1nt flowers. ldeel potted pl1nt for pi1tio. Proc•11i11111 included, Movi•chro'"• f d•yliglit for outdoor 1c•n•1, i11- door1, u1• movl,chro'"• I typ. A with photofJood bulb. lwbble1 kids clet11 1rid l1evH 110 beth hib rin9, Kid1 ju1f love it. Shop 1rid 11•• 1t Kmart. TWO-LIGHT FIXTURE 0... R09. 14.11 . 48", 2·flUOIHC1111·11mp ,,.. 8 fl x1ure1. Whitt en.-nel. With two 4~W bulbs. R ... 11Ut,24"Litht, .a.n. Ch...,.-" 6 Inch Poffed Indoor Plants • Indoor pl1nt1 in 6 inch pots. Boston Fern or rub. b1r pli1nt1 or Diff1nbeki1. S1ve now et Kmertl SMOKER WAGON $17~00 We9on with i1dju1ti1blt fir• box hi11 quick dr1w fir• drewer. 511 through hood with h11t lndic1tor. llQ Accouorlo• Avoil1bl1 At Additionol Cost. . ' ' cwN~SJ~LE p~ l»-2770 c..Airporter C/nn aI.ot•'" 117'0 MAC ARTHUR BLVD, -IJI r.,'J C ...... IM1M t~I Hlw.'OltT 1-LB. * BAG CIRCUS PEANUTS Reg . 47• ·Sunday Only Yu mm·y for lunches, snacks. 37c Scrumptious, highly flavored C marshmallows in the shape Of peanuts in tlie shell. 1 ·pound bog. •Not Wt. CHOl'PID BEEF STEAK French Fried Poti1foe1 T o&sed &reen Si1ltd Roll • Bulter '1.17 12 01. JAR PEANUTS Tu"' " Wocl. 57' Delicious dry-ro11ted p••· nuts -no oil or 1u91r. ldti1f for parties end 1n•ck1. Our .... 1.17- 2 °"" °"" COVERED CAKE PAN ll'!11tt'!u2•11• 97c Cl1i1r 11hl9h dome" covered p•n Jn decoretor colon.. ld11l lor "b1k1 • lokt" di•hH. ' 2200 HARBOR BLVD. ~~~:~·0~fd COSTA · ME SA Harbor ' l ' I ' Jf DAILY PILOT s Moodl>'. Jun< 24, 19n Douglas to Laun~h F-15 In wrest Rates Go Up Again Newest W arpkr.M to Debut at St. Louis • , ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) -"McDonnoll lo cornlng In monallna tbe F·l5 program. When Ille fint copy of the na-·cl<r Wgel, and It would be a The F·li wUI becoll)t opor• Uon't nowal wQplane ii , ··'d M l ~--~-t~ for 1he Air Force in rolled out loday at the MclJon. flrrt.' ~ • • . ~· ~.. 1175. It r<placet tbe McDon- nell Douelu Corp. plant, Its Jamin N. lldlls of Wrlgh~Pat· nell-buUt F-4 Pliantom jet, price tag may get more al· ttnOn Air Forte Ba,. In wblch haa be«l·the workhorse tendon than ill deadly capa· Dayton, Oblo. . of the Jl4tlon'1 aJr defell4e. But bilitlH. He haa respGnSlblllty for the F-4 Is becoming obaolete becau,. of Soviet fighter plane adVancea. the AJr Force said. ·~-----'--~---'--r------ THE PHANTOM PROB- A8L V will continue in prc>- ducUon until tbe end of the 1970'a, giving it a ~year titespan. More than 4,26$ have been b\IUt. Tiie Phantom baa gone through 11 modlflcatlons NEW YORK (AP) -Tiie firsl widespread move in the prime lending rate since April finds a number of banks in- cluding aome of the country'• biggest, announcing plans to boost the rate 5% percent ef- lecUve today. FEET 1.804 Ft. l,BOO r--i--->-A-,D::-D:-1::-:Tl""O..,..NA,..,....,...L-::3""50:-FT:-:-. ,--------. ALLOW ED FOR 1,500 AN TENNAS 0 L.t~L_~ltttt:L-.JL21J.__IJ~__J Sears Tower John H1ncock Empire Slate 1.454 Fl. Canter Building St1nd1rd Oil Bull dine 1,138 Ft. 1,107 Fl. 1.250 Ft. Sears Seeks tlae Skies Chart Indicates height of Sears Tower in Chicago with and without antennae in relation to other major skyscrapers. Federal Aviation Administration approved request from Sears to add another 350 feet to Sears Tower for installation of TV transmitting apparatus. Many viewers complained tower would block receptio n. Furies Due For Recalls DETROIT (AP) -Chryaler Corp. announced It la recalling 56,371 curren~model Plymouth Furies for modification of poutbly defective b u m p e r jacb. Chrysler aald aU the cars being recalled are 11172 models equipped with buml"" guards. In tbooe cm, Ille jack was desfsned to flt through a slot In the front bumper guard when II/ting the car. But, the company said, some bumper guard attaching bolls may not be strong enough to support the weight of tbe car when Jacked up. Chryslers, VWs OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP) - Volkswagena and Chryslers have met Cali!omla'a ez:haust emission standards in recent tests and state officials say the cm may be oold here. G. C. Haas, chief of the state Air Resources !loard's vehicle emissions control pro- gram, aald Volkswagen pwed the testing eaaily but Chrysler .. just squeaked by." Money's Worth McGovern B(lcks Inflation Hedges By SYLVIA PORTER If Sen. George McGovern were to become president oC the United States and U be could then put into effect pro- grams be Is supporUng as of this date, what might It mean to you? You, u a small saver with a nestegg In U.S. boOds and In· 1,.u ran c e?~ You, as an older Indi- vidual living on a fixed penaion o r Social Seclll' Uy? A n awer: "In f l1Uon I n surance" l'OITI• on a scale not ever tried or even approached in the U.S. before. At the very start, get these three points straight: (1) McGovern bas beeo and still Is backing away !rom many radical economic posi· Ilona he took · during the primary campaign. (2) Even ii he were standln~ pat on all hiJ controversial proposals, In the U.S. the President proposes an d Congreu disposes. It ls in- conceivable that the next C.Ongress would obediently pass many of his programs, (3) McGovern haa sbown himself to be a pragmatic politician who is aware that a buslnes! and stock market slump caused by his proposals would destroy him as well as millions of us. On curbing Inf l ation, McGovern has so far been fuzzy -outside of making the fundamental point that ending the war and sharply cutting military spending w o u I d theorelica1Iy cool inflationary fires. and been sold to nine foreign countries. McDonnell beal Fairchild Hiller Corp. and N o rt h American Rcx:kwell Coro. tor the F·ll conlract. It calla for 749 plants at a cost ol about fl.I billion. New York's First Natiol}&l City Bank mac!< the llrrt !"': nouncement and waa folloWed by Flrrt Pennsylvania Bank· tng. and Trust Co ., Philadelphia's largest. Alter the first F·15 makes its test flight in July, 20 more test planes will be built. Then a wing of 107 planes will be produced. Bulldlng of mililary planes by private firms has proved to be a cosUy enterntise for the government. Still haunting military and congressional leaders are the huge cost g~e~"t:a°:s~h i!~nrheaFi~1 fighter. GEN. BELLIS SAID THE Alr Force studied the reasons for past ovemms and found "Cault on both sides,'' the ~ovemment and the con- tractor. This led lo a ri~id set of standards for the F-15 pro- gram, he said. "We're doing it as if we're in a fixed price environment in the ooen market. The tax- payer's dollar is important," Gen. Bellis said. The Air Force came up with a cost schedule control system which includes a number or development and cost miJestones which have to be met by the contractor. 0 They could lo~e the con- tract," Gen. Bellis s a i d • although in the case Of the F·l5 the chances are remote. A McDonnell spokesman said the F-15 requirements "are the toughest we've seen. It Jed to increased 11se of com- puters to control the various phases oC the proflram. A data bank was set up so each den::Jrtment and SUnf.rvisor could have access to vital in- formation concernin~ re- search, development and pro- duction. -"OUR PEOPLE NEED TO know when certain parts are available, where, and if there are any delays." the spokesman said. "When it's time to put section 52 on the plane ft better be there when they reach !or it." Bellis said the Air Force has practiced the "fly before you buy" concept as much as possible on the F-15. "We prototyped the engines before we bought," he said, explaining that engines oC two competing companies were run at the same time to determine which would be best for the F-15. The same thing was done !or the radar system, Other New York banks followed suit, Including sixth- ranked Chemical Bank and 16th·ranked Irving Tn1'I Co. and the Marine Midland Trust Co. In Sat· Francisco, Bank of · America, the biggest in the country, said it bad no lm· mediate plans to move from 5 percent but that "pressure is definitely building toward the 51/• percent level." First National City has a "floating" prime rate linked directly to other interest rates and adjusted automatically. It had been at 5~ percent. Most banks adjust their prime rate administratively and b a v e been at 5 percent since late March and early April. Some bankers predicted an increase in the prime as im- proving economic conditions pushed demand for credit. The prinle rate represents the Interest level on shortterm bank loans to their best business: customers. S o m e bankers predicted it may go as high as 6 percent this year, but many say the higher rates aren't likely to af(ect co~ sumer loans for such items as autos and h o m e im- provements. North Carolina N a t l o n a I Bank said It "probably' 'would Collow the move to 514 percent and an official of t b e Cleveland Trust Co., Ohio's biggest bank, said it would he likely to follow if First Pennsylvania's increase spread widely. Spacecraft Role Eyed In Payload SUNNYVALE (AP) -The Agena spacecraft, w h i c h boosted Gemini astronauts in- to higher orbits, could play a similar role for Space Shuttle payloads, Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. officials say·. Agena could be adapted to place m ... t Space Shutt)!! payloads into planetary tra- jectories or high orbits, of- ficials said. Using Agena for interim ex- pendable Orbit Transfer Stage or "spice tug" until a reusable vehicle is j!eveloped would be cheaper I b a n developing a new vehicle, said information officer R o g e r Beall. Despite th e precauUons no ted by Bellis to keep costs down, the price tag of each F- 15 has risen bv more than $500,000 to $10.5 million per copy. However, the blame lies mainlv with the Navy, not with the Air Force or McDon- nell Douglas. Use of the Agena alao would insure availability of a "space tug" when the program is ready, added Beall. Finance Brie.(s .,,. .. ". FREMONT -Conversion to the 19'/3 model run is forcing a layolf of l,ooO General Moto'l assembly workers here, the company aays. . Some 2,000 passenger ·ear division employes were laid oH and 1,000 truck division workers wt1t be idled June 30, personnel director Roy Morter announced. .. He termed.. Ille I a y o II s nor.W dllrinl changeover and said employes with longevity will get paid vacations. e Bekins Mcnie LOS ANGELES -A Bekins Co. subsidiary will acquire lncl<pendent Building Main- tenance Co., Inc., of San Fran- cisco, Daniel P. Bryant, Bekins chairman, said. Bryant and Harold M. Rosenberg, president o f Independent Building Main- tenance, said the firm will be merged into Bekins Building Maintenance. 'Ibe San Francisco finn has an annual sales volume of about $500,000, Bryant said. e Agr icultur e FRESNO -Farm Income In Fresno Counly, In the heart of the agriculturally·rich San Joaquin Valley, topped the na- tion in 1971 at $507 .9 million in gross receipts. A comp~ailon of counly agriculture c ommission reports showed the total for eight valley counties topped the $2 billion level for Ille third year in a row. Fresno County's total was up $33.2 million from the year before. eretroleum LOS ANGELES -Oc· cidental Petroleum Corp. says it has reached an agreement with a group of U.S. and Cana- dian banks to increase its revolving credit from $215 million to $300 million. The financing arrangement involves 32 banks headed by the Bank of America and ex- tends through February 1974, the company said. eExee Quits LOS ANGELES -Republic Corp. announced the resigna- tion oC Gerald Mamhacb, vice president, saying Mansbach bad complainod he bad not "been fairly compensated." Mansbach'• brother, Samuel, also resigned as pi'esident of Mansbach Metal Division and vice president of Kentucky Electric Steel, both Republic subsidiaries, in sym- pathy with his brother, com- pany oCficials said. Rod·er ict · M. Hills, Republic's chairman of the board, said Mansbach gave no earlier indication ·that he was dissatisfied. · e Food Earnings • LOS ANGELES -Collins Foods International I nc . , owner and operator of 182 Kentucky Fried Chicken and Sizzler Family Steak Houae restaurants, has announced record earnings of $2,094:,000 for the ftacal year ending April 30. r""""-~-------------...... -, r----:---~;---.......,_......_~.......,.......,-......... § I ORDER i t~~! He would let our present price-wage controls die, and about the only specifics he suggest! are actually generalities -namely, stiffer enforcement of our antilrust THE NA VY AND AIR Force worked jointl.v to develop new engines for the F-15 and the Navy's new F-4 fighter plane being built by the Grumman Corp. But Issi August, the Navy decided to use an ex- isting engine tor its plane, causing the Air Force to revise its cost estimates and renegotiate the engine con- tract with the manuCacturers. "Since the Agena already exlsis and bas been In service 12 to 13 years, development cosls are already prelly well behthd it," Beall said. ••you are talking about relaUvely minor modillcaUona that could adapt Agena to this use." Agena, both a docking and booster vehicle: in the Gemini proeram, would be uMd In lis present fprm or modified with a larger propellant tank a federal space study indicates. Earnings for the previous fiscal year were $1,787,00ll or 65 cents a share. With a IN" .tiare figure adjustment for the :J.for·Z ·stock split in April, per share 1earnings for fisCal 19'12 were 71 cents a abare, company president J a m e s Collins aald Monday. ' Stick-on YOURS ... LABELS ~ ... TODAY! ~ ~AX· INC':Jj Penonallzed • Stylish • Efficient Order For Younalf or 1 Friend· Mty bt us•d on •n¥•lop•s •• r•turn acldr•ss lth•ls. Also °"''Y h1ndy •• ident1fict tion l1bel1 for merking p•rson1I tt•ms such •s books, r•cords, photos, •tc:. lib.ls stick on 9le11 end m1y b• us•d Jor m1rkin9 home c~nned. !o"d items. All leb•I• are printed with •~yl11h Vogue typ• on fin• quality white 9ummM pi per. . ' laws and greater use of the president's p o w e r s to "jawbone" against price goug~ Ing. Against this background, It ts significant that McGovern is probing an area of finance long lamtltar In o t h er lnflatlo"'P'Gn• nations b u t virtuallY1D'lknown here. Here's bow lnDaUon Insurance migbt work: AJ a small saver, you would be offered U.S. aavlngs boods with pun:basing p o w e r guarantees -e.g., the dollar value of your bonds would rlae as 'tbe CCll'°f·livlng Index ,..., The regular Interest rate on your savings bond would be slashed to one-third or bslf today's nite of Sii percent to maturity. Tiiis would b e picayune Interest Indeed, but every three montbJ your bond would become more valuable to ollt<t bl8ber price& As a person Uvln( on a 'ovpmment pension or Social Securlly Ben.Ota, you would get automatic 1nereo... In your payments or beno!lts u the CCII of Uving Ne over tbe )'tllrl. • The South Dakota Senator, In 1111mmary, would accept in- • flatlon 11 1 fact ol lil&.-and Iba! It has surely been In our ,_..tloa -Ind be "°'lid thin '° lo llljN etedenliJd '-II"' .. ..., .. ...... ,.,.. .,.11111 thla fact ol llfe. The production of fewer engines means higher costs for the AJr Force model and is resulting in a bigger price tag for the plane. "We've done more testing on the F-15 than we've ever done on any plane," said San· ford N. McDonnell, the firm'• chieC execuUve officer. Newspaper Ad Revenue Up 14.4% NEW YORK (IJPI) Newspaper 1dvertlslng revenue rose 14.4 percent Jn the first quarter ol 11172, the Buruu of Advertising bas reported. Revenue -up $190 m1Uion from 1 year earlier, to $1.5 bUUon. Television and mapzlnes each gained I percen~ the bureau sald. Televialon made aa e.stlmated ~ million ' g1in w h 11 e maauine ad\'ertlslng revenue lncrttMd $26 million. Of every dollar speol lor ad- vertising, 311.1 cents -t to newap1pen, 17.J cents to ltlevlalon, I.I ctOt1 lo .,.. ...... and 1.7 -.. to rodlo . About five feet in diameter and 20 feet long, it "can flt nicely" in the 15 foot wide, 60 loot long shutUe, Lockheed of· ficials said. es1tfnard ·• SAN DIEGO -Campbell Industries said It bas agreed ,in principle to acquire the shipyard operatlona of San Diego Marine Construction Co. No detaib were announced. Both firms have built large tuna seiners. Campbell owns a shiJ>' building and repair yard at lbe Broadway loot of 8tb Avenue in San Diego. San Diego Marine Is located at the loot o I Split OKd Sampaoa. ePt'OMOtfota SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -PORTLAND, Ore. -Ralph Broadway.Hale Stores Inc. J. VOii was promoted w stockholders have approved a chairman of the board 01 the :J.for·I stock split and received Firat Natlooai Bank of Oregon enoouraglng· word from their and president of Wostern Ban-cbalrman o n first.quarter eamlngs and a P • n d In g corporation. merger with Bergdorf Good· W e I t tr n l!oncorporatlon, of v • based In Loo Angeles, Is the man New ,or.. world'a alstb largest ba-••-g Chairman Edward W. ·~• Carter aald the m e r g er, -=corpor=;';tlon.====== delayed I ;roar for hcitral t' Trade ~ approvai Is expected to be .-i. ed next month. Tllo .tock spilt will be el· lecuve Me,y 11. Net earnlnga for tbe JJ weeks ended April it ....... SU millJcm, or it cents • common share on sales of $17'J mJIUon, compared with $3.1 ml1lJoa, or • cOllll I ... mt 1.-~ ,,,.,. la lf71 when 111<1 we-t fl51A million. ' • Phone 6424.121 F or Weekender Advertiain~ Who Listens To Landers? . I 1·' '\ v .. [. I • I. t , • I ' • •• SINCE SHE'S ONE OF , THE TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN ' AMERICA • • • , ••• Just About • Everyone , ~~es Tllats ·Mo Yo u Can 'U 1ten' to Ann , I.anders \ ,,. " ' ' DAILY PILOT ' . I • • • / I 'THE r . , ;;r ARE COMING AGAIN! /, / J~ly 5 through 8-Sou~ C~t Plaza .. • • • • • • • ' . ~........,.· ... -• I ~-:-l• I . ,~ . • • • • • a~~'t:.~.~ . ;r--J1=~ i.11..__--IU::J....; • • • • . -• p-• • • • • • • . ' I '• GUT . . . ., CORNERS· ' " ,, I # I ,, I r .. ,, I : ## I ,, I ,, Yes, I : ,,' will bJild a : ## I ,'. Garben:dungel : , . Build Your Garbenstangel Quick and · Enter ,,,,';or:~~:,~ i· 1lt in tfie Build a Better Garbenstangel •••• ··:he·:_~ ..i.nmion .. j , ## I 1 Contest ~nd International · Rallye ,,L",,,., i I t / I '1 • ' ,,' ADDllEll : I # CITY ZIP PHONE I I I ,, Moll '°' . I • # # l'romotlon lb-, DAILY I'll.OT, R 0 . laa 1MO , c .. ia -, Coll!. -I ---·-····-··----------------------· I , ' • • I ' ' • • • J,2 DAI LY PI LOT Monday, Junt 26, 1972 "No, we're not doing anything BAO ... but, it's not GOOD either. It's sort of in-between,• ! I Beauty Winners: ' It's Hard Work By FRANK Sj\IEllTLOW from the University of Hawaii I NEW YORK (UPI) -When Tanya Wilson, .this year•,. M18I USA, steps onto the stage next month to competa for the Miss Universe title, it will be the end of a road she has trod with determination for five years. The contest will he ber ninth beauty pageant. At Iha~ sbe ranks u aomethlng of a novice in the beauty queen game. Tanya, a willowy 5-foot, I-\ inch brunette with the winning I measurements of 34'it-24-31, was born 1n Mexico, Mo., thtn l moved to Tucson, Ariz., then I to Rem, Nev., and finally set- tled in Honolu1u where she lives with her mother, Her father died several years ago. "Compared to some of the girls I met In Miss USA," she said in an interview, "I was just a beginner. They'd been In 20 or 30 vageants, especially the girls from the east." Beauty queens, ln other -.II, just don't burst Into blollom. They lend to be most care!ully cultivated. "They usually start at a local pageant, then onto tbe 1tate level. Then if they're lucky, to Miss USA and flnslly Miss Universe," said Tanya, Just 2% and just graduated Sitting in the Manhattan of- fice of Miss Universe Inc., spoosor of Miss USA and Miss Universe, Tanya said ahe became interested In beauty contests aa a child. "Every lit. lie girl sees pageants on television, so when .I was older, I decided to l!lller In one," she said. So at 17 she competed In the Junior Miss Contest and by 20 she had been in five other pal{eants In Nevada. "Through pageants I n Nevada, I was able to pay my way through school," she said. "So it was well worth it for me. You don't have to be the winner to get a scholarship, just a finalist." After moving to Honolulu, she entered the Miss Hawaii contest and with a victory there she was off to Puerto Rico and the Miss USA crown. "I didn' feel anything for days,.. she 'recalled of ber ·triUnipb. . - .. "Something bu to spur you Uf'IT ....... NINTH CONTEST T1ny1 Wilson Delta Asks Fare Slash WASHINGTON (AP) - Delta Air Lines has proposed to cut day coach fares 15 per- cent on its Dallas-California flights rather than Install coach lounges in Its DCB and 717 jets. "Our proposal for a 15 per- cent reduction in day coach . fares will give the public the choice we believe it deserves -low-cost long-distance air travel or piano-bar coach lounges," the airline told the Ci vlf Aeronautics Board. Delta said it plaooed to offer the reduced fares Aug. 5 to compete wfUt the coach lounge service prOvlded by American Airlines between Dallas and Los Angeles and San Fran- cisco. ' on to keep going. I don' know If Its jloillltal ,,_. r a 1 chance at a BCholanbtP or ex· penses or It's just their thing. But something has to drive you, II And, she said, the more co~ tests a girl enters, the more confident she gets. •.•After you've been in a few. you relax and take things as they come. Most of us realize that getting tense and anxious about winning won' help. • "Still, lb""' , Is a lot of tension. Ariy 'tbDe )ou put 5t girls together for 10 days as they did for Mlsa USA, there ts bound to be a bit of tension. No one is very aggress.lve or pushy, bl\! if they are, it's usually tbO glrls who've only been in a few contests." "Moot ll!ris cofue from good families and have graduated from college and many even bring their parenta," said Herbert K. Landon, the ex- ecutive director of Miss USA and Miss Universe events. "But despite this, many pee>. pie still have a sex-bomb Im- age of the girls," he said. "The only place you get that Is In contests like Miss Bagel or MW Roller Coaster." How Old, Eh? PORT ELIZABETI!, Sooth Afrida (AP) -Applicants for a new national Identity doru- ment are asked for their dates of birth In this way: "If the full dale of birth Is not known, state the year of birth. U the year Is also not known, state age ." I See by Today's Want Ads e HERE'S AN IDEAL lint apartment for a young married coople • 11 has 2 bedn>oln1, wJth a loft and a Donilh lireplace, e WHAT A DEAL! Hel'f:'I 1 1911 BMW, ex~ clean. tJr the low pdce of $1,135! e ARE YOU A WH1ZZ at putting cm mllo>upT There's a job openlnll IOr attractive aa.Ia: to lff.m about professlonal -- metlcs . • Law" HAMMOCK , "for Lcny·DaY• Relaxlngl" . 34" x 80" hanvnock is made af colorful, all -weather • Big let• with pillow. duck. canva~~hromated non-rust hardware-• 4 point suspem10 ' haavy-duty metal ·stand. $1299 REG. $16.99 Cotnplelt Gold Anodized SCREEN DOOR "'vxury and. pnlfls• for tit• dlscrlmlnatln• Cl!lfOm•r .'' • TIJU. & WlD. OHLYI 1u,... Special · BAC~!~!~f-~!~~~ ~T • 2 inch frame canslructi.,.s baked enamel finish. \ • Self-locking protective plastic bolt covers. , • 2passenger airglide & 2 swings. '1 • ~a~y to· assemble-buy one today! $119,C REG. $19.95 i. Comp/el• TUES. & WED. ONLY! Standard or Me SOCK frlc Kraeuter* .. ,. -ET SET referred for AUi • Includes 8 •oclcets omotlve llepotrl" : . •Two 1 Y1·" push bars, 12 inch !fiamon$ embossed kickplate. • S, f I spark plug sock~ with neoprene insert'. I extension plus ;upe close-acting rat h r c et. • Complate .• Ii tool boxl wrt a sturdy ' • Complete with two 9ntict,ue gold ' peacqck• grilles-36" wide. '•Complete with closer &!>11 necessary hardware. SA:.::~001 . $]4 99 ' ~· & WID. ONLY! Floating Vacuum POOL-HOSE ~ • flexible, vinyl hose helps remove ausP,9nded debris. • 1 VJ" diameter. 3D ft. REG. $9.99 $699 . 35 Pt. uo. $11.ff . ss99 40 Pt. Ilia. fl 3.99 s10'9 rua. a w.. ONLTI • Woven Grai1 8EA~tl MAT ·• ldeGI for thi'ow rugs, picnics, Rath. ! • 3.( 1h" wide x 6° long •. • • ~G. 88,c ruu. & WED. ONl YI Slldlng Window SECURITY LOCK ''ftroted YOflr Home WWI• YWn Awayl'' '•·Pkg. of 2 wlndow· [am l~lts. • Prevents wiridow from opening further than position of Jock. • Snap on top or bottom of track. NII. a WD. otan J :l ~s-AFETY LOfK I ''~Off'"°" Tim• rs Setvrlty Tlm•I'' l • Adjustable-fits Inside or \ oUtside sliders. • Protects against forced entry. REG. $_1.19 79~. TUU. • wm. ONLn Orange NYion 1 -, l .MAN 1JNT . ~\ ''A F11nto1tlc Vacation Value _ ~tt,41_ for lack·Packersl" :•· .... • 28 [nch peak hiight, floor is 5 ft. x B ft. Y2".-....uper light-weighs anly 1 ',~ pounds, perfect for the back-packer. • Has tie-down tabs-camPlet• with fil!I floor-front flaps, ro,,. and stakes. • HVrry-pick one up todayl REG. $12.99 SAVE$3.00I • • 'I • ' ·1 ' ' ' ' l I inding sunshine in the James Gray 11rden j are the Miy ,es Lesli Carolyn ·Ciot, .(itild Mane"Stbrl; '1>eoof11h Ann ~ellott ( s-tanding ·I and Allison Roe • nd 'Lorr Ellen Fouts who will bow Dec . 28. ' •Pet Subiecf ·?Memories .Dog Her ' .btAR ANN LANDERS: Froquently in rePaY our parents for the money they _. column you hav~ said "It's won. ~ oot in !gal fees, His ideaJ have \lerful to enjoy pets, but people ·ahould changed a great deal since he got into iemember that an animal Is an an!mel trouble. ilid ought not to he confused will! 8 OUr mother believes the girl's parents human." After 11 • years ,. we bad to put should be told about Vic's past dll· llPot to sleep. It's difficult to think of him ficulties. We feel there Is no need for .as an animal. I!• w .. such a dear friend. the!!! to know. They are very coo- Spot knew tHe days of the week. Every serva!lve people and It woold upset them SUD.day mom4il he'd get up and leap oonsiderably. It could also conceivably a?ound becayae . he knew tile rest Of tbe interfere will! the future plans Of tbe oou- family would be over! pie. Spot understood certain wonfs. JI Please print your answer in the paper .ayone said "garl>age" he'd rµn · to Ibo as there are probably a 1o1 of J10UD8 peo- lli>or because he knew lie was going to g~ . pie who are groping wltb sJmllar prob- ' little walk. !ems. -PUZZLED FAMILY ; He~ the word 11car." 'lbe moment ·ii heard ii bl'd bead for the door and lliake It plain tllat he lnleoded to go along DEAR FAMILY: Vic llooald WI llll flucee'• family u soon u pouible tut lie ts .... pnbatfolt ftf .......... aad · sellfDl!'ol drup. JI be wllbholdt tld1 Ir formalioa and tky learn ef ll else,,..... be wlll·bave compounded tk damqe. To tbe girl wltboal · hilorm!Dg lier . Jll&!1'Y . ' famllywoald be 'a wloa• mtslUe. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Alljlougt) most o! my friends have bad offbeat weddlogs I want a traditional ceremony, •a "•hile gown, and f'm even going' to promise to Jove, bmd and obey. • ,. • 1 ll!Y fiance ;, four inCl>es ahotler tban I am wlilch doesn't bo\ller me. But It ..bOtMn my mother. She wllllil Frankie fu WMl" eJevator shoes. I think it's ridiculous. Frankie Is perfectly wllllng to n ... a p.at deal of mwilng. I will ,... elevat<r shoes to please Mom. be..,. --= Wll and Tiils ·ba.-gotten 'to 'be the center ol a ~ much m,un. -MISS . • i • farnlly -le; and,there'a a cleadloCi, IO lJllAR ... RIM: I ..... --leltu . YOU, .\Ill Loodera, are goq to cut Ille .... _.,.._ .r n1•era. ~ you · ~· Yes or no? -A OJ' a real i-ri-w..-. DEAR A.: The Giily tole lllol Uoal4 DEARANNLANDERS:Wearehavlng -II Fratle't ad'° alreod1 llot l slight d!Agnemeot in Oii' lamlly, My nled 18 18 !hi Hiiles It lirother .,m II about to become engaged • •• 20 years o! 11•· W. girl 1111. Se"1'al A ,,.._..~to bow to deal 111011lhll ago Vic lru ltrelled '"' a drag will! Ule'a mos\ dlfllcull and most charge (both _...1on l1ld 1111). lie r.......itnc arrangsnent. Am Lood<r•' 'ved probation, whldl he now Is bool<ld, "M'"7la&< -What to Expect," • 'Will PftPll'e JOU for -or for-.e. Vic hot a goiOd ~ Job Jritb Seed JG!r ttqUelt to Am Londerl In car. ~ --ty 1or advancement. He IS talt· of the DAILY PILCll' enclol1nC II -Inc ~ ...,.... at nlCllL He al!o has tn coin and a lq, ~ tell• ,... m an mra --Joi> oo be can clreooed eGVelc\>e. f • Jn the dullc ,..... cftbut ~ bloaon>lng or ....... hood. So the JamtS Gny•s gardens in fUll bloom were the ap. proprlate aetttog today to inlroduce the 19 lllil<lreR's Home Society dtbutantel for 1971. • Mrs, WaHace Corrie, pttlident of the Newport Harbor AuxililrY, Oill\fren'1 Hoine Society, and·'1'n· Raym~ Hltul, ball chairman, welcomed the. young women and their 'mothers. The Mmes. Robert H. Biandlonf and Fred Swenson pi<sideil at the tea· table. The garden lovelfitess was a prelpde to the formal presentation slated for Dec. II in the Balboa earetub. Poat-debs Vic- toria 'Arin' Harper.' Sandra Holstein' and Solveig Store modeled the loog white gowns worn at their bowing. Anticipating the · memora~le evening are tbe debutaotes and their parents: 'll!iss Scot Lorraine Adams, Mr. and Mrs. William Cari Adams; Ma• Lori •Ellen Fouts, Charles Glenn Fouts· and Mrs. Dorsey Fouts; the Misses Gayle and Lynn Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. WiWam Win- fred Harvey; Mias Susan' Elaine Herman and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Richard Herman. others are Miss Susan Christine Hodor, Mr. and Mrs. George Albert Hodor; Miss Susanne Evans Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans JackaoD; Mis! Catherine Marie Langston, Mr. and Mrs. William Earl Langston; Mias Deborah AM Mellott, Walter Mellott and Mrs. Treslin Mellott. Also to be •presented are Mias Greta Elaine NIJsen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nis!en; Mias IJaa Lyon Peck, Mr. and Mrs. llollald Dougherty Peck ; Miss Maria Ri~, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rio- ~ca-;--Mmr-~;-Mr. and-mt; Mason GoJ:don Roe; Mia Susan Patricia &lettl and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Michael &letti. Concluding the list are Miss Leslie Carolyn Root, Dr. and Mrs. Terrell Loke Root; Mis:s Paula Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sclmelder; Miss Astrid Marie Store, Mr. and Mrs. JOllllS Store; Miss Cynthia Elizabeth Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coleman Vernon; Miss Nancy Lucille Wolle, Mr. and Mrs. William James Wolle. Assisting Mrs. Hibel with preparations for the 19th annual ball are the Mmes. J. Robert Meserve, debutante.s ; David Lang, invitations; Ira 'W. Smilh, public relations; James Murley, treasurer; Ward Aune and James Johnston, preseh- tatioo and &bert Uoger, photography. Other committee members are the Mmes. Robert HodSCll:, decorations; Robert Diemer, tea; Blandfurd, pre.ball party; James V. Loudon, reservations; .... ~E..Swedlund;-,andGtr• ~~ "("~~ "' ' ~ · fro!" : the boll will assbl Qill~'i JloDie Sc>clety. one of the . o~t and largest privately . supported adoption .8gencies in the .coontry, which cootinues ,to provide help and counseling fir natural 8Dd ailoptlve parents. The next date oo·the j>reseotees'. calen- dar Is WedDesday; July . IJ, wbeo the debUtaotes and · their fathers will tour CHS offices in Santa Alla and bear John F. Porter, chairman of the Orange Coun- ty district board, describe agency opera- tions. · Parents Will hos! partles tbrooghout the. summer lo hooor their daughters, eilbl of whom graduated from Corolla de! Mar High School 'Eight al!o graduated from Newport....Harbor lllih-Sd>ool· Laguna Beach, Costa Mesa and Cornelia Connelly high schools ara the other three alma maters. · · The debutantes are chosen on tbe bub of scholastic achievement, extra-cur• ricular activities, coDimunity service and volun~. Five have bad . sisters formally pre8'111ed .by CHS. • ' Diily-Pi lot Photos by P1trl~k O'Donnell .. • • .IEA ANDERSON, Edi!or MIMiY, ,.. ,... 1m , .... 11 • • • • Cf:tS debut11ntes Nancy Lucille Wolfe, 'Maria Ricca, Catherine· Marie Langston ( standingif --and-Susan-Eleine-Herman end-Sus11ri- Patricia Roletti enjoy the shade .of 11. fr11e .. Below, Greta Elaine Nisse'!o Susan Christine Hodor, Paula Schnelder• Scot Lorraine. Adams, Suzanne Evanl Jackson and Cynthia Elizebeth Vernon step into society. • • J .a__ ~i.x P!J.OT •• Sex, Society Mark Opposite Trends By LAURIE KASPER Cit .. .,. l'iltl ,, ... l.Jvillg ill today'• toeiely ii lncrulingly more frultratillg !or I )'OWlf -and II is, accordlng to blolocist Dr. Eric T. Pengelley, dlm:lly ret.lod to lel. A g!rt'1 great grondmotha probabl)' matured at the aga of 16 Of 17 but lbe U DOW lel• uaUy m1ture •t the age of 12 or U . A boy's g r tat grand!Ather probably matured at 17 or 11 but he 1oo W\11 mature earlier, probably at the age of 13 or 14. , While youth are maturing physlca.lly fut.er, ' 'Soc i a I ma!urlty ii only obtainable at a higber and higher age." As a result, today'• youth have no clearly defined roles. A parent's admonitiona of "when I wu )'GUr age" are, he said, .. utterly lrttlevaot to the present day." changes alto are occurring within the aoclety. Historically, man'• "golden rule" bu bten to "reproduce at much a1 possible," Dr. Peqelley aajd. In y°';Jooe by, U a woman d1dn 't uce 10 to U children "she simply wasn't a good citi1.en." older 1enerat1ons. Al the aame time, the "whole coocejlt ol masculinlty and femlnlty" ii beillg ex- amined. , be!Jeve that the "human female Is dlllereol from the human male." In addition to dlllerent .... ual organs, man and woman have dillereot secondary au:· ual cllaracteristiCJI. .. "It ii a v ery almply documt!MA!d lact that youth t .. day are becoming ...ullly mature at an earlier and earlier a~e," be explained dur· Ing the fll'st lecture in a UCI J!:rtenslon series oo A Hi.!tory ol SmJal Morea: A Social-P,Y- chologlcal Perspective. And, said the teacher of huma.o aeiuality at t b e University of CaJ if or n la. Riverside, "Ten iJ: not un- common (Cor a child to mature l in our society today," Biologists, he said, have oot the ,.va guest idea" of a low limit for tile age of sexual maturity. Youth today are more depen d ent than their grandparents were. It wed to be that a boy of 17 would be eaming a Uving working on a farm -ready and able to marry and support a family. Even the outer signs of ae1, cosmetics and dreu, are en- couraged al an earllir and earlier age. But, youth are not accepted u beillg of that age. Thil and tile proposed con- stitutional amendment on .ez dilcriminatioo point to the fact that today, "sexuality ii aomething not necessarily tied up with reproduction," the biologlst said. The stereotyped ultimate male -"You know what be'• like u well as I do. He doesn't al!t and be never did." -bas resulted as a "disaster" for psychlatrlsll and marriage counselors. These Include tile relaUve size of the lhoulder to hips, enormOUJ development of the breasts in women. distribution of subcutaneous lat and halr, the larger size of the man's larnyx and a man's baldness. But today, young people are required to stay in school until a later age. Often, they have to continue on for several years afler high -to oblaill lbe educaUon needed to take an active role in society. The female Ibo Is cbanglng Jn her clothes as weJI as the things she does. And. "the language sbe u... would turn her grandmother'& hair 10 shad .. ol pink." Sexual l!ll!urity '"" both boys and iJr1s ii decllnlng at the nte ol four months Ptl' --.be aid. ''I am one of thole who thU1k socie!y lw JU!! nol caught up with this," be sald. And while Ibey are ill achoo~ they are ofleo dependent en aomeone else, as a parent. . . Although a young couple can marry at 18. they can't get a hou"' loan until they are 21. In California, a boy can be drafted at U but he cannot drink beer and a girl can get an abortion at 1$ but she can- not be given birth control in- formation until she 1s 18. OTHER CHANGES. But soclal and psychological And thil change ... which could be called both a social revolution as well as a sexual revelation • . is showing up most dramatically in the youth and their relations with SEX DIFFERENCES But while these changes are gong on, the biologiJt said it would be a mistake not to " Do not lose sigbl of the fact that biologically we are different." The problem, be said, Is to determioe if p s y c h ological differenceJ between men and women are caused by biological dif- ferences. =Vows Solemnized • 1n Coastal Ceremonies Agendas Full Members Busy MILLER-MILLER S.0, -'-Miller of Balboa 1lland became tile bride of J'"' Artlllr Miller ol IJ'acoma, Wull. during cmmonlu In U. J'tnt Prubyterlan Qlurc:b, Fullertoo. -,--'J'be-brlde-la-the·da~of­ Mt. and Mn. WUllam MJu.r ! ol Fullerton and waa attended Ill' Mn. Dan Ml 11 • r • llrldeamaldl were the Jllmel. Ml<hael Kffnan, Ron a l d • iDocilon and Roberl Docilol1 · ud Illa SUllll Hamilton. -man waa Bruce Miller end u.oben ...... Jam .. , Dan lllld'Pete Miller and DodlOn. Gina G-wu the flower girl ' lllld Geoff Groener wu the rlocbelrer-Tbe bride ii a graduate of Cal ,Poly, Pomona and her lluobond, aoo of the Sterllng Miiien ol Brodhead, Wla., ii a ...... le of Wllconsill State r;Ual"""7. '111ey.wlll reelde In -· . I ROETHUSBERGER· I BLAIR llanied In St. J I me I Eplooopol Cbmcl!, Newport Beecb were Patrlcla Gay Blalr ol Bllboe lalond and Jolln llobOrt Roethllsberger Jr, who npoated VOWI before lbe Rev. John Atbey. 'l1lelr pmmll are Mr. and ;')(rs. J. C1orlt Blllr ol Salem, : On. Ind Mt. and Mn. Jolm ' 1lobert RoetblilberJer Ct llunllngl(ln Beach. , Mill C.ndlce 8ow"1 WU the , maid ol bon0r ; and llrldeernakl• wert l'lllaa SUlan MRS. MILLER The newlyweds are honey- mooning on Oelalloa and will make their home ill Hunt- illgton Beach. The bride ii a graduate . ol Unlvenrity ol Oregon and her hllllland II a graduate ol Callfomla Slate University, Lq Beach. LOUIS.Kl,RK 'lbt; Herbert N. Kirk home In Laguna Beach was the set- ting for the marriage of their daughter, Melanle Kirk to Henry J. Imlls, aon of Dr. and Mra. Herbert J. Loull of Pboenix. The double ring rites were read by the Rev. James Corbell. Att<ndlng the oouple were Mils Katherioe Kirk and CIU- ton Louil, wlllle bridesmaids MRS. ROETHLISBERGER ' were tile Millea Kally Lyle, Lisa NuniJ, Judy Cramer, Diane Gorgte and Peggy Louis. Seating guesil were Kris Kirk, Randy Bourne, Martin Kaller, Peter Geier and Louil Crow. · The newlyweds are aenlors at the Unlveraity of Southern Calilornla, where abe Is a member of Alpha Della Pi and he was afflllated with Beta Theta Pl. They will reside In Manhat- ~ Beach after a honeymoon in Europe. YOUNGS.TOOLEY Lauren Tooley and James Youngs exchanged v ow 1 before the Rev. Donald Kribs in St. Joacblm's Catholic Church, Costa M .... MRS. LOUIS The bride is the daughter of Francis L. Tooley of Newport Beach and the late Mra. Tooley. Her husband is the son of Mra. Ralph J. Truax of Mount Pleasant, Mich. Miss C&saie Tooley was the maid of honor and bridesmaids were the Misses Mary Tooley, Pam .Smith, Dixie Jones, Denise Am<lel and Ma1U'eell Fernandez. Best man was Michael Truax, and ushers were Albert Circoeta, Donald C I o v e • Richard Hughes, M i c h a e I Goligbtty and Tim IA!Onard. The bride Is a graduate of Marywood High Scbool, Mary- mounl College and Northern Arizona University. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Her husbond attended Sacred Hearl Academy, Central Mich- MRS. YOUNGS igan University and ls a grad- uate ol Northern Arizooa Unl- versJty. The new Mr. and Mrs. Youngs will res ide in Flagstaff. USTIN-SHARP MRS. USTlN Some organizations offer . speakers and discussions for their members during the summer season. Teen Challenge God's Calling to Women will be the subj<ct of a talk by Mrs. Bonnie Broom at the Tuesday, June '1:1, nieeting of Teen Challenge Women at 7:30 p.m. in Teen Challenge Center Orange. A tour of the facilities is planned. Childbirth Two series of prepared childbirth classes will begin Thursday, June 29, and Tues- day, July 11, and will last from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Instruc- tion will be given by Mrs. John Von Eschen in her Huntington Lynn Dee Geddes, Pamela Beach home. Jean Berg and Mra. Earle B. Collins and David Allen Park-Realtors PWP A Bridga Over Troubled Waler Is the topic chosen bi Dr. Roy ... ff. Aguirre, psychologist, lor bil talk Fri- day, June 30, before members of the Parenti W II ho u I Partners in the Mission Viejo Goll Culb. Single parents are urged IO atlend the meeting which will begill with collee at 7:30 p.m. Reeyeling Huntington Beach Junior Woman's Club will wort at tile Marina High School recycling center, corner of Spr;nidale and Edinger in Huntington Beach, for tile month ol July. Aluminum, glass and newspapers are accepted Thursday through Sunday. er, Stephen and Bruce Sharp, The Women's Council of the•!r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9i Jonathan Levin and 1bomaa Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Pashilides. Board ol Realtors .has planned DTER? 'The bride ii a gradual< ol a acholarsblp cocktail party Costa Mesa High School, Oc-lor Friday, Jone 30, al S p.nl. v._ Elizabeth Sharp and cidenta1 College and Clar"'-in the California Air National AIR STE'-llRNARDO no.tat ,... -KIMEL EDWAllDI Robert Alexander Ustin., moot Graduate School with an Guard Hall, Costa Mesa. -GERBERICH - who e1changed marribge ·-MA: ~tf' husband is a Proceeds will go toward P~~E..:!;-.,'!:1o:=.'! v o w s in St. Andrew's California State College, Los scbolarshJps for area colleges . ,.,.pa1o o.nc. "'°" Presb.,.-'an ~·-', N~rt Angeles graduate. and universities. Ctwtectr.. "' Cfll..,. 1 -' ~·~''" • • ~ . lll L 17111 SI. Beach. will make their borne c.n M ... 14 .. m1 in West Los Angeles. '-r:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;~:;:::;;:;:::;;E:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;~ The Rev. Dr. Cbarleaj Dlerenfiekl conducted tile nup- tiab for the daughter and son of Mr. arx:l Mrs. James Thompson Sharp Jr. of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mra. Jao Alecsander Ustln of Pasadena. Attendallb ...,.. the Misses Cbristioe Annette S b a r p , ·: ·8--4 and Mn. Mlcbael Blair. Best man was Kenneth J-and ushers were Capt. Blair and G e o r g e Malouff. Horoscope: Cancer Be Quiet • ELEANOR FIRPO Rites Set In Fresno Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Firpo of Fresno have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter. Eleanor La Rae Firpo to Richard Barry Dick!on of Balboa Island son of Mrs. Doris Dickson, Anabelm. '!be couple plan a summer wedding in the F~po home ill j Freono. Illa Firpo was graduated from Fmno State College and I -i.acha IO<Xlnd grade for tm Newport-Mm S c b o o I lll*icl. Bir a.nee. a graduate of a-College , ii ea iitt ·tor of community af. fain lllr lllo Irvine Clo. He II a • _. ol tbt Newport- ! 1ldloo llollr7 Club, Newport -IJlomber or Com-• .,..., 0611 , ...... Club and ' • II ., ...,. ol dltecton for aml1 Girl 11111111 IDll Boy ...... ' • TUESDAY JUNE 27 · dy SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 19): Ambitlons and legal n stric- tio111 run collision course. Key is to be responsible, to accept position of authority. You work hard but rewards are great. Relationships intenil!y. Nothing occurs hallway. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some now are only too willing to make promises. Be skep- tical. Many who aak your opi- nion merely want you to agree with them, Loot beyond what appears on surface. Don't car- ry burden not rlgbUy )'Olli' own. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Relationships are illtensilled. You see with new eyes. Stress originali ty, fresh approach. Accent is on greater un .. derstanding between youraell and those close to you. Be in- dependent and confident. CANCER (June 21-July 22): What was secure now 11 aulr ject to audden cllange. Be quiet within. Amwen will be forthcoming. Key Is to give full play to lntulUvt lnlellect. Aq•ori•• .r 1 I y I important role. Re estate v al u e escalates. LEO (July 2.1-Aug. 22): Social actlvlty mulUpUes. You go places, do things. Sagtt- tartu ls involved. Leave delalil to others. See picture •• a whole. Synth011M ln- lormatlon. Wort procedures are revamped . T•ke heart lrom aincere admlru. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sepl 22 )' Ch eck details. Be !borough. !I careful now, you could make va luabl e d is cover y. Empbaslie bulc l81Ues. Don't take chances with asaell. One who tne0urages 11peculaUon doei.Jlol have your Interest et h•art. • LIBRA (Sept. ~t. 22): Obtain valid hint from Virgo message. You can ga i n publicity. But don't confuse public notice with notoriety. There will be chance for change of scenery. Be creative in outlook. Shake free from emotional ru t. SCORPIO (Oct. 2.1-Nov. 21): Accent is on reconclliaUon with famlly member . Domestic s i tuation is spotlighted. Relative may be dlagrunUed. Don't take ii too seriously. Sense of humor can be your great ally. Respond ae<0rdingly. discovery. Refuse to b e discouraged. Time now is on your side. Act accordingly. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): What appeared a collision course is averted. Associate who is eccentric is hannless. Stick to your own judgment. :You make headway through new procedu r e s. Work methods are streamlilled and you are beneficiary. AQUARIUS (Jao. 2fl.Fab. 18): ConstrucUve action oom- es aa result of long diltan.ce communication. Strive f o r universal appeal. Sp re a d message and Influence. Now you can· succeastully apply linilhlq touches. W o r k volved. Ta k e independent stance. Means realize your own worth. Don't sell yourself short. Friend is in your cor- ner. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY you are capable of aiding persons in trouble. You inspire confidence. ·You make others feel aecure. By October, 10me of your own problems will be aolved. Hang on. Emotional bruile will heal. To find Giit T 11ud!V fof You In arid kwt. . s~ om11rr'1 ot. "li,;ret Hints for 'lt '"' -·" ' ~-~ "" <Mh OITllltT • 901 s.cnti, the AIL Y PILOT. lolf 2M(I, Gr111'1d Ctntr•l SI• tlori. Ntw York. N.Y. 10017. SAGmARlllS (Nov. 22- Dee. 21): Be practical, especially where money is concerned. Friend may be weU-meaning b u I mlaln- lormed .. You are on brinl: ol quletty. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•f PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Love and money are featured. You make de¢slons in both lmporlant areas. Leo ls tn- Camp Offers Summer Fun 1 BEAUTY TIPS liy l11th lry•J1t At -MllLI "ORMAN cos11n1c nuoto 1o c- M ............ _, ... .......... , ..... ,., ..... -MllACOL .. --Pl.US•.,_, MW.,,_. tr. nlloC CdAMT MllACOL c-....... ----· .. ,... ----........ --..... -.... .. CAPLIU ILUIA Wl•I, ,.._ .............. .. - -... PllZZU-1 lrt "• .. ftr It t••••lr' M ... --WI AmT INDIYllOAL rmAIHIS IT-NTMlllT ft . , ..... ..,, ~- OUR BEAUTY SALON'S SURE CURE FOR SUMMER the pruning cut A REVOLUTJONARY HEW MmfOD OF HAIR CUTTING, IT'S CALLED PRUNING, CARDENERS KNOW THAT PRUNING IS NECESSARY FOR THE CONTINUED Ll~E AND Gl!Ownt OF PL.ANTS, SIMIL.\111.Yo llAIJl,TltAT 15 CUT NID SHAPED PROPERLY WILL OROW'rlllctmlAMD MORELllXURIAHT, tTfs TllE SllCllEI' Ot' MAKING BEAUTll'Ul. llAIR HAPPEN, llATURAU.Y! HAIR IS CUT Oii THE BIAS AND All'n'Ul.l.Y TRIMMED, ntlS GIVES HAIR BODY', 'nflCKHUS AND VITALITY, WHETlllCll Slt'I' OR BLOWER DRIED, YOUR llAlll IZrAYS Ill Pl.ACE PROM CUT TO CUT, UHLIK& COllVEICTIOllAL llAIRCUT81 Tit& HAIR 18 HOT 8EOT!Olt!D IUT TlllATllD AS A COMPLEl'll UHIT, THIS MAKD FOR A OOHTOUR!D CUT THAT IMPAl!l'S r:NDUGll -llCll TO MAK1(Tl!A8JNG ALMOST UNlll:CESIA~ · I IN TlllSAGE OF' ECOLOGY, NOTllJHO ~ MArOI Tia; 1-00K 0,, GI L™INGl 1 WELL-«ll'T HAIR, HAIRCUT ALDllC1 $5 TD $10 DIPINDINll Oll IJINftll, llMlrY llAl.Oll, • • \ • I I I ' • ' • DICK TRACY ( ' ' TUMBLEWEEDS TME KIO SllAPPSO IT 'TNROUf.H 1l4E 1'RAllSOM 'fO MIS CIN>'S ROOM l.DOIONCi INTOAMIAllOll. iliERE GOES MR. 1!JM~EWEE!151 AUN1" HIU1E&ARP! I ----------.\ •·U MUTI AND JEFF FIGMENTS NANCY . By Tom K. Ryan HE MUSf 1111NK l'M AN .AWAJl. FLIRT By Dole Hole by Emit Bushmiller .r-T-------. -----....-..... -----;;;-~-;,.__ ___ .;...' -------. HE NOTICED MY HANKY : : . -- : ACROSS l &!s's brofltf 5 C0111h19 bffarr all """" 1 10 Proprr 14 fa,ptrfd sram lS Close b)t' Dlal. \ lt. F11: to win ., 17 P11rUy OPfrl 18 VIit 120 lrnpud1nt: ••• 22 Handtd 1lq 2J lnlorm of l1trst neWI 24 Lq narrow -·· 25 At oner 28 Ca111dl111's neighbor 32 Kln;: Lalin 33 Rist and ht1Yt avtr ¥\olrally )5 Col« 34i Rom.tfl potl )8 Of I quality of colot 40 Powdtf)' ·-41 Eltclrkal '""" •> Cctdltlon of lm1111Mnl dan11er 4S C-pett for tltttfd offl<r 46 Df'llct t~l1ting sptl119's ltnSlon .. 48 Stws llghtty 50 0..r of tllJll slll'ldlng 51 HlllMl'kll prfir 52 Salt ponf 55 Radio trlroraph systr11 59 Wlft of PlutG: Rci111 .. Myth . 61 lnlamo.is •2 P;i;y 11r •3 Artlsl s . •cctssory '4 St1tr bird of Hawaii 65 Sl119er 011111-.. """' clotttts ~ Tnmpled so u to prtss ""'" 1-lest: TV's "BatAI" 2 Pri11tt In lht Eul lndlrs ) EndlrlQ VHd wllh ltd "" ... 4 l"ll!lshffl In • ttt\Jin ·~ 5 Dlsappnn !-"'' ..... • Unlblt to ICI 7 Act of uufnl •«• I BlaetJacl: lnlor1111I 9 Consisting of Uirrr parts io·complrx _,, compcmds 11 Butglatizrs 12'"""' ·~--"' ... ., U lirrlttd reward: ~haic 19 City on IM Nilr 21 Urge drinking vrswls 24 Bl!Slllrch 25 Unlwrslt)' \ trachM: tnlor!Jial 26 Broadny production %7 Hr1t llfr 21 US Ylct·Pm:· I dent 29 Map 30 State rtuons "' 31 Advlrllslng sl91s (" Cowbo' Ji Reg•ds with «ntimpl 39 Canadian pollUcal ""' 42 PiWI of play 44 U1151tlsfactorr 47 Ralstd "' Srtttllft 51 Tilkts on food 52 '" 53 River of ltilly .$4 Motion1)1Clll't 1 studios SS lnfcnrd S& Al ilf!Y tlmt 57 China: Codi. fn SI Yehle Ir ustd over lcr •O Equ1l filollng " Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers PEANUTS ... ' JUDGE PARKER WHO'S THIS ALAN THAT CALLS YOU ALL THE TIME? MISS PEACH j r I ! PERKINS • • • • • • .!.. • • • • MAN AT WORK • • • • .:;,\SOUNE ALLEY SALLY BANANAS *DON'T sea iSTGR . .~ -' • GORDO ANIMAL CRACKERS By Charles M. Schulz t;;: µioo::' tbe lazY fd?. • • • • • • • • • • . • . • ·c wow!! POI'S THAT M~WHAT S: THIN!< IT M~6? \ I 11 ,- ..._'.: .' t;), -.· ~ -, C-..~ • •• • • • • • By Mel '!ES, Al'TMUlt.!! AMON& RfCrTU'.6 OF'.E!VANJilfUNI!' JN J"lli Z..ATIN, YOU /lllE A SLAPE" ST.Alt I! By John Miies • • ••• • • • • ••• • • D/\JLY PILOT JJE ly Dick ~,.r: -~ • By Charles Barsotti OiNG-eaT/-tr @VO ~ . ,_ ¥tJ ' ' . By Gus Arriola 11l'U be IO clad wile.a Mclay'• writer. t&op Ud:1 ••11 of mt aa jut a tu symbol." DENNIS THE MENACE 'WHATS Wt ·· WllM HAVIHG A S 1~.eR 1· , I • ' I ~LY PILOT MMdlY. Junt ll>, 1~72 Dodgers Throw Osteen at Division Leaders LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tommy Jobn'a tUrPrillns emer1eoce u the ace of the Los Anc•lts Dodien' pitchin& stiff couldn1 come at a better time. 'l1lo OodJerS learned Sunday BUI Stncer m!S)lt mlU 11 many u three 1um1 because of 1 fractured Dnger on bia left band, an lnJucy even 8ullet Bill didn't -1bM. But John -the worry c:omiderably by pltchlnl h~ fourth llrai(bt vlctory. John, with rellel help fl'o!l1 Pete Mik- ketaen. shut out Atlanta, $4, before 30,11111 fins at Dodger Stadium. The victory enabled Los Angel" to eani a split In the lour (amt aer1 .. and remain thr .. Janie• behind the first. pfact Clnclnna Reds who arrive lnnlgbt for 1 quick 1w .. game sertes. Claude Ol1'tfl, 7_., and G1ty Nolan, a. 2, wlll be the oppoolng pltchm t4nlght, with .Al Downing, ~. j•lng against tbe Reds' Don Gullett, 2-J, TUtldlJI night. Atlanta continued Ill west coaat trip to- day at San Francisco. Jim Hardin, 1-l!, was scheduled to make his first start for the Braves in the series opener. John, oow 1-3, says the Dodgers' nexl four games •re ntremely important, even if Jt Is only June. Melee in Montreal MONTREAL (AP) -For awhile Sun- day It looked aa though it waa a boxing match -or a nlnnber of them simultaneously -lnslead of a baseball game in Jarry Park. And the !Isla were Dying during the IOlll'tb Inning or the National League game between the Pblladelphia Phlllies and the Montreal E"JlOI. Steve Carlton, Phllade:1phia'a ace left· handed pitcher, triggered the brawling when be plunked Montreal shortstop Tim Foli oo Ille balUng helmet. The move was in retaliation for an in-- cident earlier when MontreaJ starter Efnie McAnally ran a fastball in too tight an Joe Lia and hit him. "I'm sorry I plunked Foll on lhe head.'' laid cartton after the game. "I was trying to get him in the ribs, but the ball 1ot away Crom me. "After all, this ""' Mauch'• type of &amt. He can't e1pect to throw at our gu)'J with nothing happening in return. He gave the order to throw at Lis ...• you have to retaliate to protect your teammates." MaudJ, who suffered a charley horse and a few faclal cuts and scrapes, refus- ed to talk with reportera after the game. 11ieMontrea1 manager locked writen out of the clubhouse for about 10 minures tnd then shut hl.s office door once he allowed them in. Mauch did open up a bit later as the team headed for St. Lou.is. "I pulled my muscle while jumping to hit Carlton," Mauch said. "I'll tell you 10Qletbini, 15 years ago I wouldn't have missed. "When I saw the kid semiconscious, not knowing where first base was, move out to the mound and then that big .. drop his glove, I couldn't stay still . The kid acted instinctively by moving towards the mound." Cll McLiab, the Expos1 pitching coach, RING AUTHORITY FLEISCHER DEAD NEW YORK (UPI) -Nat Flelacher, rounder and editor of Ring magazlne and one or the world's leading boxing authorities for the last half century, died Sunday night in New York University Hospital of a heart ailment. He was 14. Fleischer, who wrote 53 booka on the subject of boxing, also publlsbed the Ring Encyclopedla and R<cord for Ille put 29 years. An Important feature of Ring magazine, which recently ce1ebrated its SOth year of publication, was its monthly rallnga of lighten in all classes. GLENN WHnE Sports Editor denied Carlton's clai m that McAnally threw at Lis. ''He just got the ball up and in on him," said McLish. Alter the umpires had sorted things out, Mauch was given the gate for being the fint man on either team to throw a punch. F'oli was carried away on a stretcher with a lump on the back of his head and taken to hospital for x-rays which proved negative. John Bateman, who the Erpos traded lo the Phils two weeks ago, also was in· jured, suffering a hyper-extension or the left elbow )¥hen he became engaged in a shoving session with Larry Doby. Mon- treal's first base coach. But Bateman stayed in the game long enough to provide the Phillies with their margin ol victory when he clouted his second home run ol the aeason over the left fleld fence. The next batter was Carlton and after the Pbll's pitcher bad a llrike against him, McAnally fired a pitch a little in· side. Carlton started at the Montreal pitcher and seemed to have notions of Jtarting towards the mound , but was diverted by his manager, Frank Luchesai. The um~ piring staff moved quickly to avoid any further trouble. McAnally was tossed out of the game a.s plate umpire Dick Stello thought he was deliberately throwing at cariton. "He (Stello) told me he was going to throw me out if he thought I was throw· ing at anyone. I thought J was getting a warning when he threw me out." The game was halted in the top of the sixth for 46 minutes by a heavy rain. After the delay, the tempers seemed to be cooled off. And Philadelphia won the game 1..0. ................. SHlllLIY IAll.ASHOFF RESTS .AFTER lllG SWIM VICTORY. • "We'll rllld out what we're made of now ,'' he 1&14, rt(errlng to the two sames Doffff!r• Slfate .......... ,. , .. , OCiclltt'I Ya. Clrle!Mlff ~ YI. C:lflC.,.. DJd"'1 YI. KolnfM ~y .. HtlltlM ,,,, '·"'· 1:ill '·"'· 1;ff P.111. a:ao •·"'- \tlth the Reda: and the two after that with J.Jouston. The Los Angetea leR·hlnder discoonted the notion he's the No. 1 pitcher on the ,iarr. "Not with iuys like Osteen and Don ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -The California Angela have taken a roller couter ride and wound up jwt about where they started. The Angels started off the weekend with two encouraging wins against the team conaidered the best in the American League, the Oakland Athletics. But the californians came down to earth Sunday In Oakland with poor perlormaocea at bat and afield and the A's swept a doubleheader, jj..1 and l--0. The Angeli got only nine hits in the fin TV T onight Channel 5 at 6 twin bill, three in the first game off Jim Hllllter and :Jix in the nightcap against John Odom and Darold Knowles. And in the fltst game, three early er- rors sealed the fate or hat<t·luck left. hander Rudy May, who lost his Cifth game in six decbions. Leo Cardenas and Ken McMullen, the veteran shortstop and third baseman who usually give the Angels solid defense on the lert side of the infield, were the culprits. Second·inning boots by Cardenas a o d McMullen gave the A's one run and after Vada Pin.son singled ham~ John Stephenson to tie the score in the third inning, another miscue by Cardenas 1et ~P ~n Oakland score in the bottom of the 1nn1ng. 1'he Angels, who had climbed to within -4 1,i, games of third place and 10"2 of first i~ t,he Am~rican League West after a J..I victory Saturday night, are J2 ~lz behind the first·place A's and 5* back of third· place Minnesota. They begin a three- game series with the Twins here tonight Don Rose ~·ill pitch for cancornia and Ra y Corbin for Minnesota . CtOfttnle Ill O.klt M C.) Olli r II rt[ •II rllrllll AICll'nlr, 2b l O I o C•m~lltr!9, as ' o 1 o Lltnes, 31:1 0 o o o Cullen, 2b o o o o SP9nct r, ti 4 0 I O Rudi, If O O o o Plrtton, ct • o 1 o Htndrkk, If 1 o r o ll.on.,..r, Jb • o 1 o R.J•c-IOr'!, cf l o o o McMull•n, 311 2 0 o o M1ng11&I, rf o O o o &lrWr, p o t o o EP1rt ln. lb ' 1 o o Molton, ph 1 O o o H'1iJln, lb o o o o Ouka,p O t OOV011,r1 4221 kOKO,pl'I IOCIC1 81nda,Jb JJ 32 Ou.en, p Cl O O o T-c• c ' 1 2 l Stinton, '' ' o 1 a M•rfinill, 21:1 4 a o o C1rllen•s, H ' O O o Odom, p ' o o o Kusnytr, c l o o o Know!e" p o o o o Sr~en~on. p11 o o o o Torborg, fill 1 o o o ll.Cl1rk, 11 I O 1 O O'Brltn, Jb 1 a o O Tot111 :n o • a Tor•l1 l? • t ' C1Ufornl1 000 000 000 -o 01kt1nc1 rm ooo 00>1 -' E -EP11•1P. C•n'llMnt rls. DP -O.kl1nd 1. LOB -C;ioilllll'nl1 t, Olkl•n<I 6, 211 -Von, S!1nton, HR -Ttn•C• C3), B1ncto (61. fl'H••11:a1so lt.Cllr~ (L • .t.f) l S ' 6 I I B•rMr 2 0•00I °'*" 170003 Q\;Nn 120002 Odom tW,f.lJ • 6 o o ' • "-' .. 100000 SI~ -knowlts fJ) .... ,. -by It, Cl•rll Clhld!l, by Duka (If. J•tklOnJ. WP -Odom 2. Time -l :3'. AlltndlrKI -IJ,JU. Sutton around rm DOI," be said with a grin. "I'm just the bot pitcher right now, that'! all." While the pitdllng or Jolln and Mil<- kelsen gave I.be Dodgers a noticeable IUt, the hitting aloo perked up . Loa Angeles bata have pounded out 2S hits in the two games. il!IMy Moll struck his rourth home run ol the .....,. and Bill Russell and Chris Clnnluaro.each drove in two runs. Steve Oarvey collected three of the Jlod&eri' nine hila oil three Atlanta pitcbets. George Stone, who made bis third st.art of the aeaaoo -all three acainst the Jlod&ers -didn't allow a hit unut the fourth. That wu a drastic departure from his flrat two ltarU against Lo!. Angele:J when he failed to survive the second inning both times. John, though, was even better, seal· tering si1 hits into tbt eight. Mikkelaen .. finished up to earn bl1 fourth save. Jolln reached the 1,000-strike-out pla- teau in the first inning when he struck out Henry Aaron . Asked afterward if he plenned on shooting for No. 2,000, he said, "I don't think I can last another nine years." Padre Taken Out of Play AllMll ltl LH A119•i.t HI .. ,."" .. , .... , O...lntwn rf 3 t I O V•lentlne. 2b ' I l t ,,,.,,.i.; p11 1 o o o w.c.vi., c1 • o o o .._nttll tlO tMo!e,lf •111 Ml~ ;. • O l f W.Jlirker. ID • 0 0 0 H.A4ol'Oll, lb ) t 0 0 O•""''f· ltl • I l f .-(lrt'f' It t t I O luc;lu'lfl', t i l 1 1 I e.wwii.,.., 311 , t 2 t C•Mluero. c a o , 2 Cl.-llOYI, < 4 t 0 I R11t ... t, IS l 0 I t it L\ltf!Cf 4tlOJo1111,, )000 M.P"-1, ll l I I O MlkktlMn. p 0 0 0 0 '~ JtoM,, 1101 '.i\ u.,.ri.w, ,. o • o o '"*"·"' 10 00 a.J.o"'"' ct ' • o o ! 0Totel1 lS o 7 o Tor.i. l2 5 t J Atllnll 000 000 000 -0 '. L05 Ar.ot!tt lilOf 011 If.II -S I e -£. Wllllll'l\I J, M. ,.., ... Dft -Les AMrtfu s.~ I. LOB -Alllnll 1, LOI Al'IQllt$ '· Hit -Mo11 141. $-1!1\ldUIV. Sf'-Rut .. 11. •' 511.,.. -MlltJtel1en l•l. Tlmf -2,:rl. Altendl"'' -·~'· . •. " :• ' .. .,, ·"· ,. .· ·' ., .. .. " , . .. San Francisco's Dave Kingman (26) roars into sec· ond base to take San Diego's Fred Stanley out of position in National League baseball action Sun- day. San Francisco won, 6·5, in 14 innings, but ·re- mains in the division cellar. Awaits Pla y Australian t en n Is sensation Evonne Goolagong stands by for her first match at Wimble- don this week. She is reigning women's champ of the classic. Three Rivers Stadium Turned Into an Island PITISBURGH -Three R iv e rs Stadium, just two years old, survived its first major flood with a minimum of damage, officials said Sunday. "Baseball will definitely be played there on Wednesday night," said a spokesma n for the National League's Pittsburgh Pirates. The team opens a five-day home stand Wednesday, meeting Montreal. A virtual island over the weekend, the $35 million sports :Jtadium, also home o( the National Football League Steelers, emerged with its artificial playing surface and clubhouse untouched by flood waters from the nearby Ohio and Allegheny Rivers. Water seeped into the offices of the Pirates and Steelen, electricity and sewage systems were out of order for two days and there was no telephone service. but a Pirate official :Jaid he expected things woo Id be back to normal today. ,,, Brewers, bas jumped the club in what of. ficiala speculated was disappointment at being benched for light hitting. Conigliaro, whose batting average tw: dipped from .268 to .230, left County Stadium without explanation before Sun- day's doubleheader with the Boston Red Sox. "We had no inWcation he was really that uptight until today,·• manager Del Crandall said. "He hasn't been driving In runs and that's what he wanted to do mosL He was dispppointed in himself. People react dif.. ferently to these things." Nater Picked For Olym pics Buchanan Def ends Title REDONDO BEAC H -Billy Cowan, fonner California Angels p I a ye r representative who was released by the baseball team early this season, said Sunday he has filed a grievance with the players association seeking the re- inainder of his 1972 salary. AIR FORCE ACADEMY (AP) -The Uruted States will pin its basketball hopes at the Olympics in Munich thi! sumfner on a dor.en tall, speedy college and AAU players chosen Sunday after several weeks of workouts under f or m e r Oklahoma State coach Henry Iba. Again st Duran Tonight NEW YORK (AP) -Ken Buchanan delenda his world lightweight cham- pionship in Madison Square Garden On TV T onight Chaa-1 9 'at7 tonig)lt for a record puree against Roberto Duran, a II-year-old trying In earn an expensive sports car. Buchanan was guaranteed $125,000 breaking the record of $100,000 for a lightweight that be earned by beating Jsmael Laguna last year. Buchanan, a master boxer from ScoUaod, was a 1·1 favorite to beat the hard·pulicblng Panamanian in t be a<heduled !$-rounder. , It wUI be the third title defense !or Buchanan, who wilt be 27 Wednesday. He won the title with a, close 15-round decision over Laguna Sept. 26, 1970, in Puerto Rico, and defended it by out- poinUng Ruben Navarro Feb, 13, 1971 at Loi Angelea and Laguna Sept. 13, 1971, In the Garden. Buchanan'• oni, pro loa against 4S vi<- tortes .,.. a disputed 16-l'CU!ld decision to Miguel Velazquez for the European title Jan. 211, 1970, In Spain. Although be Is not considered a strong puncher, he has scored 18 knockouts. Duran is a puncher, who has had to go the distance only four times -only 10 roun~ twice -in building 1n unbea ten pro record of 38 victories. Nine or his knockouts have b«n In tho ffrsl roond . "I think it's without question that I was Jet go because I was representing the players," Cowan told The Nisociated Press. He said a hearing is scheduled Ju· ly 21 in New York. ,,, Richard Petty won the USth race of hia career in 100 degree heat in Texas. Petty driving a 1972 Dodge, finished a lap ahead or chief adversary Bobby Allison to cop the Lone Star 41JO.mlle nee for National Association of stock Car ,\Uln Racine Grand National Stock ears at Texas Intematlonaj Speedway .at Bcyan. 6. The Jail veteran frilm Randlema~, N.C., grabbed the lead oo the t36th circuit ol the two-mile' Tens layout and rought off challenges by both Autsoo and Oodge-drivins Bobby Isaa c to average H4.t85 miles per hour for the 250 taps. .,, MILWAUKEE -Biily Coni(llaro, • pnihlcm player at Boston bul•untll Sun- day 1 mod•! of hustle !or the Milwaukee Iba singled out Jim Brewer, a 6-foot·• center.forward from the University Of Minnesota as his top prospect, but added that all 12 men are excellent shooters and quick defensively. Swen Nater, the 6-11 backup center to UCLA's Bill Walton last season Jed th'e 12 in scoring during 28 practl~ games played lhia past week by the live dozen prospects who attended the camp averaging 21 points and !.6 rebounds ~ tame. Niter preV!ouily atteocfed Cypress College. othera named to the team were Doug Collini ol llUnoll-state: Ed aa1Je11 of c:"I state (Long BeacbJ, MJkt Bantom\or 8Cl Jilotph's, Pa.; J.obn Brown or. tlJI Univenlty or Missouri ; Kermy Davis i tht Mlratholl Oi) AAU tOfm ; ~ Heodenon, San Jactn{o Jualoll Coll"l'l'I Tex.: Bob cronea;North Carollno ; Ow11tld Jon~s. Hou!Jton1 and .Kevin Joyce .... C l .. , l ......,." aro 1na. , ! • The talle!t man on the te:arfi f1 Nor~ carollna State's 7-4 ceota', • T o11t Burte:son. He averaged just over 1<p0:ime a pme In tht workouts. World Best for FV's Bahashoff· ' -"' " SANTA CLARA, Calli. (AP) -A 11- yeal'Oid challenger to Shane Gould, Australia'a wonder of the 1wimmln1 world. "I think we're catching up real fast , 11 uld Shirley Babubolf Sunday aner win- nlnl her third event In the Santa Clara lnternatltllal Swtmmlnc Meet. ''But abe11 cet better too," the high school lirl from Founta in Valley added . "We don't apecl her In atand lllJI." Mi.I Ooulcl, aJao II, la the dominant Ogure In tbt spart, the world record bolder at all four women's freestyle distances. She made her only U. S. ap- pearance to date . in lut year'• Santa Clara meet, •-ping the freeatyle1 and 1tttln& a world mark or 4;11.2 (or 400 mctm. s.. Swint Pas• 17 • ~I bl d Ii u th co an hi us thi po M· at da we Sa thi un ba be "' In .,, ad by All t h f 0 I J b t a h r I !dams' Rapid City Team In Thick of Loop Struggle . Everyllpng'1 back to normal In Rapid City -or ~~t._ anyway. At leut tbe Rapid City bueball twn tn the Basin League b In the tblct of lhe strug. gle for lhe l!Ullll"er championship after tho first week of pby:,ttlcluding three rainouts. UC! baseball Cf(ch Gary Adams who dQU. bles In brass as lhe Rapid Olly manager during the aummer months, has worked him· ~If and hJJ players overtime getting the field In shape for play. Tbe Rapid City •lands and IJihtlng facili- HOWARD HANDY ties were not hurt In the recent floe>d3 but the ouUield fence and the field itself required considerable work to get back in shape. 'The field was covered with mud and silt and it took a while to clear it off and then fill in lhe dirt part of tbe infield. We are using a snow fence in the oulfield. some- thing like a Little League fence," Adams re- porls. Ra~id City won its first two road games in M:br1dge then had three straight rainouts at home before Jo,,ing, 2-1, to Pierre ~ day night. cOICll Jetty Halbert II bopefal ef ilavlaJ 1 lum cempettnc Jo the toarHy am year la Calllornla. • • • • Across town at SOUlhern California Col- lege, atbleUc director and baliketball coach Paul Peak isn't letting any grasa grow under hb feet -at least for lhe pruent although he would prefer to have some growing on the soccer and baseball fields right now "Things have been a little slow," he uYs In reference to the new athletic faclUties at SoCaJ. "We're doing the work of putting in the sprinkler system ourselves and sbou.ld have the pioe In tbe ground by tbe end of the week. Then we'll plMt bennuda to give It a chance to grow in July and August. "We may not be able to practice on ~ field in lhe fall but we are nlanning to play lil1 of our games (soccer) there.'' • • • • What about tbe Vanpards basektball team next year after losing most of the 1tarten frnm last season? "We stlU need a lood toqb 1tartlac JU&rd," Peak saya. "And ~e miy be a Iii. tie ~n with some freshmen in the start. Inc lineup this season. Bat I t~lnk things wDI come along fast and we should have • rearesentatlve team In the ~U." Tbe Payne brothers, Jimmy and David, wUI return to action for the Vanguard• next season. David wDI bave to sit out the fln:t semester of play (10 or 1Z aames) bat 1hould give the team a big boost for Ute fbtal drive toward a ))Osslble NAIA playoff berth. He was at CSLA last year. Costa Mesan Tukes .LA Trophy . DAILY PILOT 17, Alamitos Racing Entries • • ) u. AllMtttt • .,,. ... ~ ,lll:IT llACI -• l'•rdit. ' .....,. olcll • • Cltlmlfll, PV1W ti• Cltlm- 11'11 prlc1. Mf, A•tro J"I" fT'""'' Ll!INMI ll6 '" Rel11 Dial CR!cfltnl V"'91111) 111 a 11 GrWeckly IJlhf'I W•hon1 120 ~ aurnt TrlMt CO-Id KPlllttll 1• • Gold I~ (ChlrM1 ltn1'11) lW Ml• 0 .. at)I let 1w ... ,.,. MM"M11Nc:t11 TomNr T(llllO (Ltl'P'Y Wrltfll) HHn Sltn (Robltl Melt) Mt, '•tw ear tJofWI lCtnl•I D4!Vlt Jtnt (Jolln Wtl'dt AINI ...... l1 Pitta J .. tCwll1 Ptl"llf') Chance At (Dolllld Knitllll Tam'1 COVIi U(-ltl ... rl) • 11J , .. "' ,,. 111 • "' 11• '" Sl!COND RAC• -:UO "11rtH.. 2 ,,_ old._ Clll"""9. p-SllOO. C•lll. bred, Cl1hnht1 '1'1q S1'Dll. Shonlo Mtft (Cur11i Plnlll'I 111 s11lkl111 Moon llar lJo. Miltllllla) 11$ Pai...Jlll (Jerry RlcNrMI 111 Ml'' Rodi.Ml.., llCftVWfh Herl) 114 Jodie S1tlri ltt (MllM!lbKh) 11, Cl1bt1110 tO..rll• Smlltit UP (fllC Pat Go (Jot WlllOll) 11, S1ll1ton CR-kl 81Nul 11 7 ' Porlh'l'I PIO• IJ-8roall.•) US ,. .... , ..... Wllt1ll'9" Miu (H1ri.v crotby) 111 c111 M.9 ~ cc ..... 111 P ... ,.,.,, 111 Effllt'I Ciiio l•r !Ronald aankl) 117 lJ!'ICI• HolllY iAIUlard Vl<llhl'll 11.f TMl•o IAC• -110 rud'-l ., .. r old• • 1111. Ct1lml111. Pune 12*. Cl•lmtfll Prlc1 12000. Go ArOlllld (Cllorllt Smllhl 111 O.ru1w. 80'!' (John W•lson) 1 lt Cut• l1r'1 11:111 (St•.,. Tr111ur•) 111 Don Ksar IH1rlt'I Crotb'll 121 Nl,kl C>ltl Mar IOorlald Knlthll 1:12 8r•tl Lll'ld IH111rv Pa11l HP l"DURTM aAca -UO yard1. ! '11t•I' olds. Cl•tmlne . PurM llklO. Clalml.,. Prlc1 UIOO. Sonl'll'I Gil !Oontld Knhrlll ) S'-1; ar.i.m IH1rll'I (rotb'I) Del>lh 11r Judy tcriarla Smith> Gol!Mft Hin !Henry Pl .. ) Wl\ata Rllut'n CROlllld lank1I S•nit11l•1 Jlt (Jot Wiiton) J im Dooll11 (ltld'llrd V•Ullhnl Jultbttt. tJ.,,,1t1 Ort'llf) "The people here are real pleased that we are going ahead and playing," Gary says. "It gives them some recreation and I think the crowds will pick up later. Peat saya he baa several players la the fo1d who wfll belp the V~ cause. L"'--ry F.dmonton, a 1--S forward, Is la sclr.tol after a start at Saa Fernando Valley State. t1He'1 a pod jumper and he'• very strong," Peak says. Forest Metcalf (right) of Costa Mesa is congratulated b.Y Calvin Brown of the Los Angeles City Recrea- tion and Parks Department after winning the mile race for boys 13 and under tn the seventh annual Yankee Doodle cross country meet in San Pedro. Adi.. Amltel (StlY• TrfflVrtl Abe all1illlll 111 ' '" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' Nlrier't Ctllf9111• lT...,.,. Lipham) 111 CDW Weld! (Jolln 'l.••ttonl l:m ec~l«I (Dontld Am-.1 111 JO')'Ollt Vall-llllM ITwry LIJllll•ml 111 "The town was under a curfew (8 o'clock) until Sunday but everything is pretty much back to nonnal -at least as l1'lUcll as can be expected under the circumstances." • • • • Two incoming freshmen from the mldwest are expected to bolster the squad from out- set of the season. UC Irvine golfer, Gary Singer ftnlsbed in a blnze of glory in the NCAA coUege division cbnmplonshlps In Williamstown, Maas. re- cently. After a bad start, he carded consecutive 711 the final two days to finish In lltb place ln the field of more than ZOO players. He m1ased a piece la the top JO and subsequent advaacement to the anJvenfty tournament by two strok~s. ·0ne 11 Let Gibbs, a 14 youngster from the state of IndJana and the other Is Ted Ber- 1erson, a M high school graduate from Michigan. Bergerson averaged It points a game and 20 rebounds laat year •• a prep llar. Allot.her player Peat hopes to get 11 Dave Albr1tton, a 1--S guard from Ore(on. Singer was accorded horH'rnble mention All-American recognition for his eUorb and It looks Ute Soutbe"ll Callfornla College IJ on tbe way ua la all sJMtrts acttvJtles •"d Pvt Jsas oae,llnal add: 1'0DP wrettling team wW surprise a lot of people." Former Caddy Breezes To First Tour Conquest NORTHBROOK, DI. (AP)·- Jlm Jamieson's victory in the Western Open was one of thoee beautiful happenings . It was his first golf tourna- ment triumph in four years on the PGA tour and it came in tbe lriendly confines of his home state with 2 , o O o followers from bis native Moline area fonnlng the most enthusiastic army s i n c e Amie 's. His parents, an uncle, the best man at his wedding, hls old pro pal. Bob Fry of tbe Crow Valley Country Club in Davenport, Iowa, bis wife, his 16-montb-old son -they all Were at the Sunset Ridge Country Club Sunday to see Jimmy Boy win. And nobody has won by a! big a margin thi! year. The chunky Jamieson, who has trimmed his weight to 217 pounds, finished with a 69 for a 271 total -13 strokes under par and six strokes ahead of bis nearest rival Labron Har- ris. Harris charged with a clos- ing 65 for 277, followed at 280 by Hale Irwin, Jim Wiechers and Bob LuM. Five others were grouped at 281, including Tommy Aaron who was sec- ond, elgllt strokes behind. The largest wfnning margin -previously this season on the tour was Lee Trevino'• four- stroke victory in tbe Memphis Open. , Jamieson, who came up from the caddy ranks at ,Oakwood Country Club in Moline and won tbe 19&4 Chicago District Amateur and ·1967 Illinois State Amateur, ,P.O<keted IS0,000-ln-becOmlng tbe finit Dllnols player to Join the Westom Open since Chick Evan> in 1910. It boosted hm 19'12 earnings to $77,603 and his total as a pro to $149,458. "Go get 'em Jim .•• " "At- taboy, Jim ... " "You can do it, Jim." That's what nmg in Jamieson's ears as his army followed him Sunday. "I couldn't let them down, but I'll admit I was nervous when I started," be said. "It dJdn't bother me last night. Donna, my wife, was worried because my back was acting up. I was getting muscle spasms and she bad to rub me with liniment." Jamieson started the final round as if it shook him up. He bogied two of tbe first three holes, scuffing a shot In the rough and three putting. Was his staggering eight stroke lead going to melt? "The turning point came on the long fourth," he said. "I trapped my second shot, came out six feet from the cup and dropped tbe putt for a birdie. Then I knew I was on my way." Jamieson birdied the seventb wltb a !&-foot putt from the fringe turning in 35, tben birdied tbe lotb and lltb wttb 10 and !a-loot taps. A sliced drive cost bim a bogey al No. 1.2, but be reached the 53.1-vard 14tb in-two f9r another birdie and did a little scrambling to match par on in for a 34. When it was all over, Jamieson lavished credit for his improved game to Dave Marr and Bob Murphy and Tommy Bolt and Tommy Aston. ''AncLthere_was.J)ob_Fey.!!-- added Jamieson. "I would bave played defensive goH two 1st Albacore Is Caught 1Jving up to their reputation of being very unpredictable, the albacore have arrived for the tm season. Tbe first Jongfln of lhe season was landed by Ron Birtcher of Newport Beach whlle ~fisJitng aboard tbe boat 11Legend" skippered by Gene Grlme1. The albacore hit a .trolled fealher In tbe area known u tbe dumping groundl. • The Ii.sh bave mc>Ved up to between tbe l!S and 41 fathom lpOI and the Ii.sh are reported acattered currently. Baseball's Top Ten 811ed on 1.50 1t Beil. NATIONAL Ll!AOU I' l'\l'fW ·CIQ G Al a H Pct. Cedel'IO Htn 5' :t'J ..i 11 .:Mi M.Alou SIL SS 2Df V 10 .335 Sll!llul:len Pih J7 m it 75 .l32 C1rtY All 53 IT.I 71 5' .l2' Brodt 5'.L 61 .MS )2 IS .2'1 A.Oliver Pllh .st 2•1 11 n .no c :-te ll'911 53 215 '1 67 .111 Torre SIL 59 :llO J1 71 .30f Buckner LA "' 156 11 41 .:Kii G1rr All 60 t.U 1f 7S .306 H-R11n• 8fndl, Cllldnn1ll, 191 Kln9m1n. S•n Fr•ncLuo. 16; St1rvell, Plmburllft, 1•1 Colbert, S.n Diego, 14; I. WllU1na, Chlctvo. ll; H ..... ron. All•nl1, 13. • .,_. .. 11 .... ltf'ld'I. Clndn111tl, 15; A, 0 11\lff, PlttlDurlfl, 111 Sl•rwll, PlttslMH'Oh, 411 Kl"8n'ltfl, S.ri Fr'""IKO, '51 w"-· HOln.lon, 4. Pllclllat '' O.Cltl-) 81tss, -Plnibvrtfl, t-1, .toO; J. R•v. Houston. 1·1, .f75; Noltn. Clnclnnetl, t- 2, .Jll; J•l"l'1 .. Atltnl•, .. 2, ,750; Tor· ret, Montrul. w, .711; sunon. Lo. Ar!lllla, W. ,7211 8rllet. Pltbburlh, S. 2. .714; 9,....,., Lo• ...,..let, S-2, .71,, AM•alCAN l.EAGU• '1.yw a.ti 8 Al 'R N Pct. Rudi O.k S1 231 39 T1 .m Plnlell• KC 5' 234 » 14 .316 C.Ml'I Clll se 211 .i10 " .30l O,Allen Oil 60 201 » '3 .JO! Oii• KC 5' 211 20. "1 .m fl.011'191' c11 62 1"' 29 n .2'1 :::,~!1 : : : ~ := -P. Kltll'I' Clll .. 174 XI SO .217 C.rew Mln 51 216 n 62 .217 Memt R- R. J1dtlon, O.kllrld, 151 C•lh, Oitfrolt, 14; EM11tln, O.kland, 121 0. JI.Lt.fl, Chic.Ko, 11; H•rper, ao.ton, 10; Dunc.In. 01kllnd, ID. II:-lttt.f II 0 . Allen, Olluieo. 4!1 A. J•du.an. 0.kllll'ld, 401 C. #MV, Cllkffo, >t1 R. ouwr, caufornla. 1f1 M,.,,,.,,.,., ICIMn Cll'I, 31. l'ftd!Jllt (6 DKIMIMI Fhwen. Olikllllll. S-1, '.u:J; K•1I, Mlnnesot1, t-2. .JUI; P 1 Im• r , a.ntmore. 1'-3. J6t; 8rldle'I, Ollctoo. f.J. JJO; Wrlehl, C•lftornl•, w , :n1 1 H\lfllW, Oaklli'ld, W. .727; l.H, .. ,°"' S-t. .114; l..olldl. Ottl'tlll, ll.S, M1. Chile Wins Overtime Clash, 6-5 LOS ANGELES (AP) -La Serena of Chile made good on four of five penalty kicks in an unusual overtime session and defeated the Greater Los Angeles League All-Stars 8-5 in an international aoccer game SUnday. Tbe Chilean side rallied to tie tbe game Z.2 at tbe end of lhe regulatloo llO minutes, and by prior agreement tbe out- come was decided by SOUlh American rules, under whlcb each team chooses f i v e kickera to take 12-yard penalty kicks qalnst tbe opposing goalie. Manuel Roju acored tbe decisive goal against Los Allielea gOille Eddle Flllio of Brazil. La Serena's other overtime goals were scored by Victor Zelada, Jose Novo and 11em1n Cordovez, whlle Chon Mlranda of Mexico, Argen- tinian OI08r Piiam> and Hungarian Tibor llenmty converted penalty tlcb for Loi Angeles. Meet the Man Behind the • Safeco SmDe. e AUTO e HOMI! e YACHT e INDUSTRIAL e COMMIRCIAL e IONOI 474 E. 17TH STREET COSTA MESA , 642-6500 -546-3205 For Coast Area Wrestling Results .. ,., Wrtstlllt , .. Rtlll Vallft' ... (SJ) 111) Lft ....... 100 -vOun• Fl ~ torlltlt. 110 -Stir.wilt (Fl deJ Salddo IL) ... 120 -S!1991 IF) loll to Mltaude (L} ••• l:JD -O.vl1 (Fl dee. P1lbeY fll Sot. 1.ilO -Corto CFJ Plnnitd Ok1mllfl lll 2:15. 150 -Frtdrldu. (FJ loll to Dalby Ill •..O. UO -8-IFl dK. Llll'nOrn (L) ••• 110 -8ud-(Fl plf!Nd C_.., (Ll. l• -Wh.lnon IF) won by" tcw1ltll. no -Fv ICllt bv l0tltll1. Hwt -L.lrkln (Fl 11lnn.d b'I Hoo•n CL). l'WllMa V•lte¥ lllle IJI) (f) E1IMCI• 100 -No m.kh. 110 -Melter tF) pll\Mld b'I Ror ck (El 2;1S. 120-Smiltl (Fl dee. Mllltr IE) 4-1. l:JO -Slr•lri (Fl""°" bv for11111t. 140 -HulllCI tFI won b'I forl1it. 150 -Harntndft (Fl dK. SrrtW IEI ... 160 -No mMdl. 110 -Wiiton tFl Pinned Gris. E). lflO IChu111 (Fl kllt 10 M11rr1y (E) lG-5. 1 l'O -No m1tdl. Hwt -Flllk .. 1 fF) won by torltll. Mulltlltl"°" •.-di • ,._,.t•l11 V•lle'I ... _ Hurr!lllSIM hid! !ISi 116) • ., ... ·-100 -AMI• IH8) -1w dtlaull. 110 -Anclltlln {HJ plnMCI ClrlOI (Gl. ):IS. 120 -C1l1tt1 (G) dee. otWbo (HJ lJ. •• llD -A111I• {HJ cl«:. M<1oA IG), ... ,_ 140 -R-.llltt IHI die. L'lfle IGJ, ••• ISO -S'-(H) die:. Rull !G), .. 2. 1'0 -Stnes.n IGJ pinnlld Smllh (HI t :30. U'D -Smith (HI Mc. Thom!llOll (G), .. llO -McGlnll'I (G) Gae.. .::.lion IHI. M . Ito -MallorY IHI Gae.. l"rlMI' {GI .. .. Kw! -L-. (GJ plllftllll Mttlodl: fH), ~:00. ,,., Wrwtltf119 WnlmlMtff (U) (If) Cwou *I Mar 100 -womm.dl cw1 dee. Sow• tc), ,., 110 -Tl~1,_, (Wl 'flllllfl bV forftlt. 120 -H••I (WI die. Clark IC), 7.0. l:IO -Alm•ron {WI dee.. Jones (CJ, , .. 140-Ooslet (Cl dK. McLa!nllWJ, .. '· 1-"' -C•tlror11i. (W) dlC. HUll1rcl {CJ, ).(I. 160 -lllk1r IWI Pinned OeCapro IWl, l :G. llO -OtMlll• fCJ dK. Lalham IWl, ... 190 -Kennedv IWJ _,, by torltll. 2IXI -Biker IWl won bv tort1ll . HV'!'. -G•rr•I <Cl plnried H1rrlt (W), 1:07. Deep Sea Fish Report OAltA WKARl"-W -ltPn: Ml c•ltco tMIH, 15 barrK\Ml.I, I llallbu!, x. rock cod, 11 1ll»cor•. HUNTINGTON •IACM-lOS W1114r1: 5' stfld blu, z Nllbut, m rack cod. NEWrORT (Ar I •• Llndl"'>-nt •1111lwt: Ut bau, 161 rock cod. 2 1'11Ubu1, 2' mKk1ri'I 3' bl119 ba1•. (D•Vft''I lAClllll'l-16' 111111et1: t blr• raa.od•, I bonito, 453 blu, 2 y1llowt11l, 4 und tM111, ll rode ~. SIAL ll!ACH-JD~h1MlllA1 UO rod!. cod, 24! calico blU. 1 cow cod. I 111111 eo11; l llellbul. l•rM-120 111111tr1: It wnd bau, l llaHbut. SAN Dll!GO IMllllkfllll r1tr1-nt 1111lt<'t: Ill n11ow11n, 16 w11111 st• beu. 371 barracud•• 15t borllto, m calico blu. o 111nbUI, 6 blul(ln tun•. 551 rock cod. J AINcen llltt -!OS •n1ltf'1: lCl2 1!blcor1. MOtlRO aAY CVll'll'I Uflflllll)-65 1111lert: 16 11119 cod, MS n.:k cod. IS. SlmtOn)-1!16 llltl.,1: 71 Hne cod, 15JD ""'""· POaT MUIHIMll-1• •nol.,._ 722 u Uco beu, 16 llt\Jllut, .ilO und Nt" S 11!'11 cod. MALllU r11a-+1 •11tlWtt tto rock COd, 1.f llallbur. 15 c•llcci beu. I caw ""· MA.RIMA DIL ••Y-29 •nohn: 176 '""'""" SANTA MOMIC.t.-tl anolln: GO rod!. ciod. n und Hu. • Ntrbut. ,.,....._., a1111et•: u wnd be1•. a mtcket"l1. VEMTUU -11 •"91.rt: 630 uillc. Ms, 60 und beu. J llttlbut. 1«I rock cocl, 5 11111 cod . rAaA011• cova-1" t1111tr1 : 1.620 roctt cod, 150 u Uco bau. t MUbul. ll:ICIOND0-1:2J 1nol1n: • twillbu!, 115 uillco bet1, 1,1'0 roe.II cod. 11,.........iso 1111llr1: 100 mtdtlAI, JAlO rock cod. IMf'EatAl. alAC"-'D al'llltn: JO berr1tlll:!•, 10 bonito, '9 k11p bu1, 11 'ltllowt111, .ilO rock cod, 1 ll1llbut, 2 11111 "" LONO llACM (l1lmorrt r \el'l-151 111111r1; • N rrtcud1. 32• caHco bast. 2 h11 lbu1, 103 rock cm. .,,.._.1 •11111«1: 4 berrecvd1, 1 ll•llbut, lZ mac:kfr11, Cl Pl'f'dl. 1r1trM1nt l.111- llllM)-!5' llllllft's: 15' c1llca bl1t. SWIM ... Co~ttnued from Pa&e 11 t•sbe's far ahead of every- body," Doc Counsilman, the Indiana University coach said Sunday. But Mi!s Babashoff backed up her warning with a 9:01.S, best time in the world this year , ta win the 800 freestyle Sunday. Earlier in the three- day meet, she won the 200 and 100 frees. Jenny Wylie, a 14-year-<ild member of the Santa Clara Swim Club, won the 4-00 free- style Friday with a time just 2. 7 seconds off the year-old 1vorld record . Gary Hall, the lndiana Uni· versity star. was the only oth- er triple winner in the m l'l'I. He took the 200 individual med· ley Sunday in 2:10.4. also a world best for 1972, after eari. IC!!' wlnnln~ the 400 lreeatyle and 400 medley. - "He's ready mentally" said Counsilman ... La.st yea'r, he became a litUe bored with swimming." Trout Plant LOS ANGEi.Ei -Big Rock Creek, Cfystal Lake, Jackson Lake, San Dimas Reservoir. San Gabriel River East and West Fofks. · RIVElllllDE -Fu I m o r Lake, Hemet Lake. SAN BERNARDINO -Big Bear Lake, Green Valley Lake, Gregory Lake, Lytle Creek Middle and North Forks, Santa Ami River, Santa Ana River South Fort. SAN DIEGO -Doane Lake, San lAlls Rey River. VENTURA -Reyes Creek, Upper Selpe Creek. 'IPTN RACa -«JO 'llnls. J ve1r1 old• I. uo. Cllolmll'ltl. Puri.ti 12000. Cl•lml11t prlc. SUOO. J l!'llOhl ISlfl'• Trfft11r1J 111' f Dl•I 8r1nO'I lTHry L ..... 1mJ 121: Kluiou ._ !John W•llOlll 11• o. JudH (Jolln w1rdl 1n G•rvln Cot.u1ty lCMrln Smllt1I "' IUI lndltn COOMW knltMI 1:12 Mona Dl•I CDanlld AUtionl 111 Zkill'I' Hank (C11rtb Pll'llll') 122 11XTN uca -w .,.nn. 1 ,...... old1. Allow1oc .. P11ri.t1 lltoO. Go Ttrrlflc (ICINlllh Hartl •11 Prllt Kltt111 ICurlll PtrMrl 117 Arlt• fJemH Brook!;) 111 AO'J'll Go Go !J1rrv Alch•l'Clll 120 I It,_ .Ttwit Glrl IT'"'I Lllltlem) 111 PIPN'I Plink ICllr rLH Smhll) 114 TNIY Trlffic (JlrN• Drttll') 111 LYnn Cl'• (John W•llO!'I) 117 R1thll DI.In II (OOMld A"llOll) 117 Dl1mond DI'*' (OoMld IClllgllt) 111 ..... •••tiff S.:1t1l\l'lltl (Henr'I PIH) T11t1Yloa !Jolin Ward) "' 111 s•V•MTH RAC• -150 'l•rch. s vw•r oldl I. 11p, Cl•fll'llne. P11rM USOD. Clelmln9 Prlc• SSOOO. He'll Dlemond (S lav• Tr11wr1) 12:1: Raval Tap a.r CK-'11 H4ort) 117 Gerol\lmo Mayor CJolln ward) 111 OIUltr IC11r1l1 P1rnw) llt • A Goin' Man (ltOlllld l•nktl 117 Sur'll11'1 MIM !Joi WllMlll 11• " Wttcll l!!U (RoDtrl AO&lr) Ht Roen Clrcci 041rll'I Q'Ollr'I) lit aoc11tt ~ ,,..,.,. ._, 111 11•HTM UCa -• YI,., J 'lier old• & 1111. J'llU.. Mf m•rH. .tJ~ '""" ,UIDI. Tiii 11\IUIM Vlllo a1ttrMHon Cen!lf. '•fll'l'I' ,.,. .. t.Ntlll •• ,..1 111 JIM't Dlvw COMrltl lmlltll HS N1y AM (Jolll'I W•IMll) 119 ICowton (THl"'I' LJPMtn) 119 I'm Not s~ lllol'llrt Malt") 111 JD'IOlll Fay tC1.11'1ll P•rlltfl lit Print• f'IMY CJtrtY ll:ICl\llOll ld NINTH aAC8 --yal'dt. S .,.., old•, Atiow-1. Pw• tltOt. 0.ndY Edis (K9111"f P ... l llS • vo11r1 (Jdltt WallOllJ 111 WN"*"'•tn (Ttl'N Llpllem) IHI • "'"'i7 Clltrgft' IDIMld KlllOll!I 111 Tio V no CCurll• P1rn.r) 120 ~ Honw caoo.rt Ac111r) 111 Conntl .. !OOlllld "'UltOlll 116 Wltdl CrHk Ollc !H1r1W C"°*') 12' SPotl«I ••~ 11111 CJoe MallVdll llJ Nltl ,11.,,t fClltrln Sll'lllh) 111 Coliseum Hosts Motocross Bowl LOS ANGELES -The 19'11 International CUp 250 c.c. rnotorcrooa championships come to tbe IA>1 Angele1 Colbeum Saturd-y night, July 3. I Dubbed lhe Super Bowl " : MotocroM, the event ii the ' first-ever mot.ocrou com-peo ' llllon contested In tbe Coli> lum. Baseball Standings DEAN LEWIS NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh New York Chicago St. Louis Montreal Philade~ Eat Dlvl•ioa W L 39 2t 37 25 34 26 29 32 2'I 34 2Z 38 Wett Dlvlaloa Clnclnnatt 38 25 Houston 38 26 Dodgers S5 %1 AUanta 29 32 San FrancJaco--U 45 San Diego 21 41 Pel .650 .597 .567 .475 .443 .367 .603 .594 ,55f .475 .348 .339 GB s, s 101> 121> 17 Ii s 8 17 181\ AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dtvlsloa · W L Pel G~ Biltimore D:!lrolt Cleveland New York Boston Milwaukee Qakland Chicago Minne!Ola Aogel• K1lnsas City Texas 33 2S .5541 33 2S .559 26 31 .455 26 SL , ,455 25 32 .439 21 f1 .362 West DlvbJO. 40 20 . 36 24 32 IS It 14 2'I 32 28 36 .887 .IOO .m .... .458 .47:11 tl.lfldlY'• •twlfl Cltvll1nd ... J, NIW YOl1t J.1 811llmort t, Ottroll 1 " g I 7 111> 4 7 lll!t 121> 141>. 1972 TOYOTA CARINA BIG AllllYERSARY SPECIALS!! '72 TOYOTA COBlA . $1'66 $264 $48.86 · 1PULL PllCI 01 IOW11 ... MOlflM lol,loll M, Mlhlflllll• l0t Mlnrwsoll ~. Kt!!Nt (11¥ M Cllk.lvo lt, Ttxll I ..,.," ••• 7 ........... ... __ ... ,_ ... .. Ollk .. 1111 ..... C1llllf'IM 1 .. -... -MllwM .. I~ Ml •t leltlrnWt C~ 11011 Ml lotton 1c11111 UI et C'll¥tltnd IL.llT* 1•11 CllfwlM Cfl0ttw .. II et MlntltlOI• Cc.rtilft ,., c111c-(alM"" 10,n 1t 1:-c"' (Oil C1111~WI Ottlllllld CHlltllM" 1W) M T..... (lolmltl ... MIW Yri. IK~lcldl Ul 11 0.troll (NMltN t-1) T--Clllf9nllll et MlnnHI .... fllitlt Clllueo It KIMM City, IW"IM Otllllnd •I Tu .. , twlllelll Ntw Yott! •I C>ttrltt, ~ lolllfl at CllVelefld, ~ Ml!W111k• at• llMI~ 11191\t DEAN .. LEWIS 1966 HARIOR ILYD., COSTA MESA 646-9303 ....... ~ ..... .... 12.U""-•-1141 '72 YOl.YO I DOOi llDAll :.~ $3550 01 $295 $92.86 Service and Parts for All Imported Caro Modern llody Shop for All Caro ATTENTION VOLVO OWNIRS AnnlvorMry Speclall Oranie County's Largest and Most Modern Toyota and Volvo Deller OVIUiLU DILIVUY SPICIALISTI All CONDIT10lll• ~ JIOIOllLY ~ INSTALLEDll • • I JI DAILY PILOT M'°""', J""' 26, l9•l LBOAL NOTICB Ll!lClAL NOTICB LEGAL NOTICE llOTH:I TO c•IDITCM.I •llWNl:T<M•U. UNIPllD ""'°°" ~ITIOUI IUllMlll IUPlllH>ll couar °" '"' DISTillCT MAMa ITATllMINT OTA'11 .. CAIJPOC•IA POC Nllial llfl'llrillf .... ,,. .......... """" .. ...,. ""''""' Ullman Wins Senior Sabot NOTICE 11-tlElllY OIYQI' 1Mt ftlt ••: TM• COUWTT °' ORAMI '""' ot EllklaltloM .. ltit tt.w ... lo/MM Miu.tit MAJl:INE &ALU. 1#1 ..... nnt \lllltitd k:Not Oittliet 9f Ot•• ~ ""°"""'''Aw. .. ,...,.. IMCI\, ,,_, 111•• .t G.N.O. EVANS an. Mewl! C•llfOtlll•, •Ill rtetl'vt ..... Mm UP ..; WUllMft "· -. .. Mfwold ....... GEUIHT N, o. IYAHI. Oennrsc t1 1• AJA. .. , tilt Ill""., J.,..,. lt'1J ., ~uw. "· "2U NOTICI •• HlllllY GIYIN ,. "" ttlt ol'llce ot .. ~ kh09I Oll1rYt, ._..,. TMt IMI-la ..... ~ W 111 Cl'WIMn tf tflt How Ntrlfilll ........, et 1151 PIKIMlfll A_, COllt #otw, llltl~. fMI .n ,..,_ llnlfll ei.lll'lit ........ #It C1!1fornJa, 11 Whkti lllM Mid lllcll wlll llt WlllWft H. J-Mlf ......, .,. Nl!llfrw tit flk ,,_.., Race, 3rd National Titk llUllllCt'I' flCJllMd llld ,.ff for~ This tlltemfN tl'-0 wl#I .. (Ouflft wlltt IN ~ ¥OliJdlerl, Ill tflt effk9 ONIE' TO FIFTll!N ltl!LOCATAll..E C"'11 ti Or.,... C-'Y Ml JVM U. tt72 tf flll cJtttc of tN lllO'le lllltll*I cowt, tr ClAISlltOOMI 11r .._...,...,. J, ......... Olillvh' (O!Hlty If """""' fflMI. wlttl ""' ~ Atl Olcb .,, to bl> In llCCIH'CllllH •frh Clltt. ....UC"'"" to Ille Ul'ldtrtl .... 1t llt IHf COfldlfl-. I ti 1Iruc11t11, Mii ' 1M8 11ftlc J.,...., CO.It ~. C.ltftrnlt ""71 SMt. ·~11-. wrtlat 1r1 110W "' n'o '" ,.WHllled or-.. e..11 0911\1 l"llot, whlcl11 11 tt. llf.u • ~ Of tl'lf 1f'lt ottla ot 1t11 l"lll'CMllfll ......,, flf .. 1c1 June 1t, ,., .,... J1o1lr i, 1t, 1tn l*n vnc1tnltMO 111 '" ""'""" ""-'"'"' ft kl o" Olltrkf, IU1 PIKtl'llLI Av•1'1f, ltlt "'''°' of "°Id ~. lfllltlilln ~ CCtll Motl. C..llfomlt. IMl'ltllt tn.i" fllt flrtt PUtlOCAlllOll If lflll L :ft blddw mulf IUlilmlt • ltM dlNtil • ... ,. •• ~-none.. M IN fDtm flf • wtlllM or u.iii.n ~ 1'V•1"'11 Dtlff '1My 14 1m a~r.:., • D'd ~ ""'1 '' n.. Pll'Cifllf u•suu '" IVANS (J0..J G4 t11t '"*"'' of "'° bid, mecN ITAHMaMT 0" AIAlfOOMMINT Adl'nlnl1trttrbl ot n. l111i. ,.. ..... ,. lo tht .,.,. of ltll N .... IJOl1oMaM o• us• Of' .. ICTITIOUJ of "" ·~ "-"*' "'"°"" U11ln.I kN1o1 D11trlct. A ~ aUSIMIU ~I ll<MAID A. MIWILL e el'ICI -Y .,. r...,r,.. 11 ""c11scr111on ot ,,.. flllhlwlftt ...,..,. hi• •Dtlllflntd "" Afttn1r 11 u. ftlt Dlltrkt. IPI fllt _,., of l1ll11rt ta w.t Of "" lldltlOWI Ml-• Mn'lt 41t Ifft Intl ltNtil •llr fnlo 111C11 COl'lfrtct. tht ~ Of MILLll MARl"I SALIS 11 lffl C.lt Mfft. Clll,.,... fllt1 .,.. cMctt \11'111 .,. fotffltM. tr "' u.. of • Monf0¥1• Aw .. NIWNl't etwi. C•t. nwo Tfl1 cn•J ...._ llotlcl. lhf NU wm !,_,tqf will • Tlw fktltloW ~ gltlf r.rll'rH lo Atlenwy fW Mflill.-llfrttt11 twfflW lo .. Id klllol Ol"11CI "' °''"" ·~ W•• rlltd .,, Or•• COIH'ltv "' PW!lllhecf er.,... Cotllf Otlty ll'llot. <:':'tktl:lfr m1y wllhllrtw hi• Did tor wr::,,:;,~~;,..,. M!llll', 211M Cove 11 .. Jvrt1t 11• 1'· ,., lfld July 2, 1m 111,..n • P«IK ot WfY.flw ,.,, Ur. tftw ttie COtOllt ftf Met, Cent. f2f2S. LEGAL NOTICE 4Nlt ...t fet 1'hl tlMl\1111 tflerlol' Tl'lll Ml-. Wit ~ W en lfl.l--::;i;;=,;;;:;;,;;,;;;:;;::,.,~--1 Tftf 9o1rd ti Ed~l!Orl of tl'lt Nftpltf• cll"t®el, NOTICI 01' MA•IHA.L'I SALi #offl U11Ufed SCfMlol D11trlct ,......,.. ""' fttndtll V. Mllltr Tr1111C011tllllrllfl Creclll len'Ja, ll'ltlntltf rltlll lo r•!KI IM',OI' 111 Dlft. In.I nol P-Qtt VL Wfltttm J, ~. &Md,.. J. U..-, ~Wrlty 1a;lpf t11f kiMHI lllfl tnd 1(1 P11bll1Md Ott• COHI OtJho Pllol, Q«lflderli. Mo, S 017 W•I .... 111y lnlormtlltf eir Wr""11Mltr In Ju/19 I,, J6.. Ind J111'J J. 10. ltn 1~12 IV "'"""' ot 1n •lllCU!lolt tawcl Oii 1ftY 11111 rtettved. Jv11t 1, lt12 lly lf'll MuftlclHI Court. loufll o.i.i Jvno1 ''· lt'1 LEGAL NLVPT,,_ °''"" c-tv JVdldal Dlttrlct, Jl.ldl' NEWPORT~EIA val\ID mtnt Dtle Mire.II '· 1m. CouJrtv et UHtl'lfO SCHOOt. DllTlllCT Ot111 .. , S1111 of C.Hfotnl1, llllOll 1 Ivel .. of Qrlfllll ~. Cellfomll PICTfTIOUI 9Ulllfass "*"' ent..-td 111 frtor ot Trantcor1ttt1111t11 0lll"01ft? H•rwv l'lllhtr MAU ITATIMllfT C,...Uf S.tvlc•. Ill(,. •• /Vdtmlfll CredllOt Pllf'Chltll'll ~ The folloWlrw ,.,.... .,. .ino and _,,.., WIHJ1n1 J, lMr. Slltdr• J , .U.1100 DllllMM Ill .....,. It IVdO'""'I dtbfort, "'-lllO 1 Mt 11'1.ibUIMll OrtflM C:..tt D1ll'J ll'llol, J AfrilD I OllTIUIUTOllS. ltll W. ti.liMCe fll U.J'l.21 «fuetly dW Oii illd J11tt1 1ftfl etld JUM 2IHl'I, ltn Ut1·12 ,,_ 11 .. ltllf1 AM, Ct. t2107 llldtmtnt Oii t11t cl<ltt of tM l..u1nee Of LEGAL NOTICE JoM '"(Jedi) •rlet, 1111 W. l'elmOflt .. Id U«Ulloft. I ....... lnfld VpOft 111 !ht St,. SM1tt AM, Cl, ""7 n.hl, fllll llld lnfttttt Of Mid l~I 1,.,. M. l"rkl, 1111 W, ll'omtftl II .. dlllfOnO.. lr1 !tit "'°"""' lfl tM (Clllrrty of 1tr1tt Me, C.. ft1W l"Clt· 111!9 of C.llfol'Ne, Ottulbld It •ICTITIOUI 8UllNlll Tlllt blnllllll I& 11111'11 COllduCltd llT e '°'lows: "AMI'. STATIMINT l'Kllbllnct tflCI Wift, lot 217, Trtcr N7'. M., looll ~. Tiit followlnl _...,.. .,. tlolflt .loM "· •rice M9n 1"21 C~ty ~ 11: 25211 •1111-... · Thi• tl•fitmll'll flltd Wiii! 1111 COIH'lt'I' Mi--. l.1911nt Hllt1, C1Ufor11J1 AOllAN ASIOCIATES. 20331 Adfltn Cltt1r. or °"'""' CoMIY Oii J-I•. 1t12 frilOTICI IS HEll:EIY GIVIN ;,.., Oii Cl~lt. Hllfllll'lffOll l•ldl· Ct .. '2646. ,.., """'1 J, IMdCloll, °'9UtY COWllY flrld1v. Jvly ••• 1'72. II 10:30 o'clock VCI Helmsmen ... Dave unman of Balboa Yacht Club now hold> three national sailing Ulloa. His third and most recent came Sunday at Lido la:le Yacht Club when he captured the Senior Sabot national championship in a five race regatta sailed In Newport Harbor. Just a week ago Ullman picked up the North American championship in the 410 Class at Alamitos Bay, and he .already owned the Lidir14 Cla!s naijpnal title. Now Ullman is setting bis sights on the world cham· pionship of the 470 Class at Montreal, Canada, starting Aug. 1. In the Sabot Series, Ullman recorded finisher of l-f.3-1-1 for a low score of 9y, points. There were 41 entries iµ the regatta and the eliminations were conducted in four flights or which the top five In each flight were boosted to the il1n1.., SllV«mtn, »ill Adrl111 Cl,.. Cl•ll. A.M. ., Mtrllhll'• Otfla, CGl.lrltlOute. Cii; HVfttlMlon 1Mct1. C1., 92'4 P I .... 3014 CtGWn VllllY Pttflw1y, Cltv Of ttart'Y w Jotlnt011t um ,.,, sttffl, Publl...., °'"* cent 011tv Piiot, lHlll'll frillNtl, c..,,.,,. or °''""· s111, Of Jett McDermaid (right) and Dave Hodges form a mutual admiration society after the two UC! sailors combined their talents to win the North American inten:olle~ate dinghy championship at Mission Bay. McDermaid was low-point skipper in the dinghy competition. He resumes action today in the single- handed competition at Mission Bay. championship ranks and the DAILY ll'tLOT 111ff ,. ..... oth.,.. were assigned to the SABOT CHAMP -Dave Ullman Qeft) gets congrat-Mtnlltlllrl It.di, C.. Jutll It,#, 11111JlllJJ.10. ltn 1""'12 Cllllor11l1, I wlll 11n 11 pUbllc euctlon to•l------------------------Chtrln G. Muillt, 10C Allllllt ll'ltct, lrll hlthell blddll', for CUii '" ltwf\rl Allttlllm, Cl. !nOfttY Of thl Unit..:! SltlOI, tll !tie rltht, Th:1 Dual-fl llllN ~ IW • LEGAL N~CE tJI" llld lnl•rt11t Of "Id llld""'"t detllor• Commodore's Flight, a con-uJations from Copper Johnson, commodore of the solaUon series. National Sabot Association after the BYC skipper c.ntttl PutMnillp.. Vll In "" 1bov1 cl..C:flbtd P•OPIMY, or " ITANl.JY 1,LVlll:MAN mll<fl ttltrlOi' 11 m1y bt rce.wny to Tlllt 1t1l"'Ml'lt filed wlltl fllt COl.ll'lh' •ICTITMHll IUllNlll .. llll'Y "kl Dte:U!lon, wlll'I ICavtd ffl. Two Balboa Yacht Club Final standings: won the national title Sunday. It was Ullman's third CllAMPIONSllIP FLIGHT national sailing title. Cttrll 1>1 Ot • ..,.., J•-' 1rn. NAMI ITATIMINT llrlll tlld eoth, ..,... '" "'"" ' Tiit fotlowl It dol M5nen DIJW June 13, ltn. l'I lt¥el'IW' J. MlllOu. °"""1 County 11• "' ,..._ IW Division: k11t11 -(l) Ullman, 9¥o; (2) Jack _____ ..::..._ ___________ _ C.... p ·--, 'VISTA IUllPlUI, a ·W. l"h It.. DILLA11:D 0. WILl<IR50N Baleman, MBYC, 13%; (3) ' -Coltt Mew, Ctl "621 Mtrtl'ltl, OrtllfNI Couniy Publlll'lld Ol'lllfll C.0..t OellY •Uot, N•ncv Howtrd· to5 W lflft 11 CO.I• I? M1fltM L, Brown, Ju~ IL If, It. Ind Jltlw' 1. 1m 1.uJ.72 """'' CIUI, n1.2i ' " Deputy -------------1 Thlt bllllfllll II bellll Ctnlkl<ltd 1W lft Hirt 11111 Mlll'flllfl, llK. llld!vldv1/. Pl•lllltff'I Arttrn.., LEGAL NOTICE N•net" ttowlrd I Pvbllihld Or111H Cetit ~ft'I Piiot J1111t Tl'l11 tlll•lftlnf flltd •1111 tt1e Cauntv If, 2' 111'1 July 3. 1'12 15'7·72 PICTITtoUI IUllNIJI C"r\ of Or1n111 County on: Junt 2, lf12. LEGAL NOTICE NA.Ml ITATIMINT BY ltvltlW' J, Mlddoll, DtPlllY eovnn-1---.~~.;;;;~;;,~;:.--.1 Tiit followlns ,..._ ll dolnt blllllltSt Clerk. PICTITIOUS IUSINl"SS .. : ,,11171 NAM• ITATIMENT l'llVft 01! lll, 1• '°'1fh (Olllf l"vbll"*I Dr•nH Cot1t OlllV PUot, Tht followl1111 Jltf'tm I• doltll bvtlntH Sailors Sweep Honors Two Balboa Yacht Club sailors captured top honors Sunday in Los Angeles Yacht Club's S o u t h e r n California Open Regatta for the OK Dinghy Class. known sailors in other classes. In addition to the OK Dinghy group, LA YC 'vas also host to the new Laser Class in an open regatta. The winner was Don Trask, nationally known Star sailor from San Fran- cisco. Jell McDermaid, ABYC, 13%; (4) Peggy Beach, BYC, 191\; (5) Fletcher Beach Olson, BYC, 23. COMMODORE'S FLIGHT- (!) Skip Elliott, NHYC ; (2) Sid Blinder, WYC: (3) Lou Holtz, MBYC; (4) Dave Hodges, VYC; (S) Kay Pen- nell, SDYC. ~ill Muncey Captures Fifth Gold Cup Trophy loulev•l'IS. Lfflln• ••tcl'I, C.I. '""' s. It. If, u. lt12 IUS.72 U : ll'ttflftunl Eniw,tl•, ltN:. IC1tlf. HYLAND LA&ORATOJllES DONOR Corp.I 1112 Alltkl. Cotti MtN, C•I. CENTER, 1100 Hyf1na Av1nu1, Cost• naJ LEGAL NOO'ICE Mfw, C1lllor11la. Tl\11 butlfllU Ii &ltlllll Ctnducteill by I Hyllnd Labortlorln Olvl1lon TttV•l>OI Corpor•ffon. l1bor1torr1., lric .. 2300 H?llnd A\'tn\11, JOSll'H C. "AllKHVll:ST, PICTITIOUI 9UlllllllS COlll M ... , Ctl!lornlt, "'"""" NAMI ITATIMllfT Thl1 Dv1lt11U 11 &1tl1111 conduct.it by 1 Tiii• 111'-1 ftltd wtllt ttit COUl!ty Tiit flltowl1111 "'""' 11 9911'11 Mine .. Corpor1tlon fC.lllorn111. ttert el' Ottnlt Ctlnl,., Cll'll J11111 ,, 1'12. 11; llllO'I MAftlNA YACHT IALES, Hvl1rld l.ebor1tor111 Olvl11ort Iv levll'IY J. MNdoll, DnlUt)' COUnt';' 1_ PIClflc COi.ii N-Hl#l'ltllll~ Tr•~•nol L•bortlorl ... lllC. Cllrlt. .,.,. ~,., Victor Sllntlder '"'" ltlld!, Ct. '11Mt. AH'! $1JCr•l•rv for• l'Wrllllld ~lrtM C011t1 Dll!W' Piiot, Jo ,,_ Clcl'I, 2IOI Vlt NIVt}I. P'IMI S1mU.1 T. Ptrll.11, . Junt 12. If, 2', lrld Jiiiy i, lf12 111,•12 \'""9 llttl ... C.. fOV'I PfH!dftll Tl'llt bulllllt& 11 &ltlnir condWl9d b'Y '" Thlt 1111-1 flied with 1111 Cour11\1 ------------llncllvldull. Clerk of Or1noe Countv on J11ne 23. 1912 L-AL N'-CE JO ANNI CICH bY ltv1rty J. Meddox. O.Pllty county AU Vl'I Tllll tllltmltllt fllld Wll!I ffle (OUPlt'I' Cltrk. ---~--~~----lcl•rt; of Ort,... County Cll'I Jllfll f, ltn. p 111114 NOTICI TO CllOITOlll ly ...... ,,., J, Meddoll, DIPlllY Collnly . Publllhtcl Or1ntt Co.st Dtll'J Piiot, SUPSF'IOll COUIT OP TM• Cltrl!. Jvt11 26 Ind Juhl 3, 10, 17, 1m UC.12 ITATI OP CAL.IPOllJUA NII , Jmtl------------ TNa COUNTY Ofl OAAJt•• PubUdllll Ortnte CD11I Dtll'I Piiot, LEGAL NO'J1CE Etltlt of L:~~ WILllM\ION, JUN 12. It, 26 Ind JUiy J, 1'72 IJU·72'1---=~--------J l llO kllOWn 11 ltONA MAU OE lllaWPOllT-MaU UNl•laO Wl t.l1AM$DN, 0.C..1114. rvn1.1 rv... SCHOOL DllTillCT frilOTICI! ti HEllEIY Orvt:H tit h ~ Nu11CE HttlCll 1""""9 •* ll'tdl!Cll'• llf 1111 tbowot n-.i dtctcltt!I NOTICE II HEllEIY GIVEN ll'ltt Wit thtl •n ~ llWlflt ''-'"'' •••l1111t .. ,,ICTITIOUI IUlllf•ll IOlrd "' EM.tlon "" "" NIWJlort-Mnt t4tld <lttf!dtftl ere l'MlllNcl t9 fllt flltm, KAMI nATIM•NT Unlllld kt1oo1 Olllrlct et Or1.n09 COU'nty, .itt1 "" l'ilCltllf'Y wudlttt. In "" offlCI TM follow1111 --,. dollW bu•I-c1n1orn11. Wiii ....i"' ......... bid& "" to of 1111Clll'lcof1M aMvt tntltltd cwrt, er 11: 11:00 A.M. 11'1 ll'lt 11111 dly of Jiiiy, 1t12 11 h ,,....,, l!llm, wit!! 1111 fltellllry 0 LINC o.ENOINEll•S & CON· lllt otfltt of .. kl Sdlool Dlttrlct, Itel~ "ovdltn, te .Wit ulldlnltnld at 1111 effic:t TRACTOll, 2117 Attlllt Ntwpel1 &Md\ 11 1117 Plte.11111 .(°""....,.' CO.ti Meu, ., Mr tftOl'N)', •tu1 A. HIMt, .. ,, e .. 1 Vll'nt f.lllW«fll Ollndlt, 2111 A.r1n1. C1lltorn11, 11 wl'lldl tlmt Wld Did• wm DI 11111 Slrltl, COil• Mftl, Ct11..-r1l1 '2f27, HIWMrt ltecfl P11Dlk1Y _. tnd ruct !or: Mllcfl II t:'I!: pike ol bvtl""' .t "" Thl1 """"" II bel111 andl.lclld by tn IU51NEU MACHINES •l'ICllrlJtntd '" ell fl'llthrt .. ,..,nllw to lndMcluel. Alt Didi .,. to .. Jn ICCOl'dlllCt with lftt llfilt of ... kl dtelcllftl, Wlllttft.flllr VlftNE I . GUNOI• Condfflont. ln1trucllon1, 1nd ll'Ol\1!11 1tt1r !!It fll11 .ublkltlotl II tfll• TMt "'""""" fllld Wflll "" Courrtot Sllltdflat!OM, Wllldl ,,.. -111t file In lollct, • Cltrk OI Ott"" Count';' Ofl: Jut11 ,, 1'11 lrll offlct of fllt fl'Ul'dilat!ftl Altllf ot "ld O•lld J\IM I. 1'72 IY ltverlY J, Mtddox, °'9lul)' C.Ur11Y khooC Dlitrlcl, IW l"l1c-ntl1 A'ttn\le, Rull! 1', TlwMtl Cllrlc. Cotti Mell, Ctlltonilt, E11ecutrl11 ol lllt E1!11t l'llttt EICll bldOlr mu•I •vbmlt 1 blcl dtpOIU .. IM ...,. IMIMd ~ PuDfllhtd Ort~ Cotll Ollly Piiot, '" "" fwm of • certtflld or ustll11'1 '"'"LA. MANNA Jvttt 12. I,, 2'. Ind July" 1m IJG.11 Chl(t {II'. bid bond eQUll lo riv. 11tn:1nt A~ M .... ' U'llol of 1M emount ol t111' bid, m10t 41t ... , 17• ''"'" LEGAL NOTICE PIYlblt ti> 1111 «def of "" Newpotf.N.1" C ... t Miii, C .... fNn Unlflld S<f'lool District A Per1Gtm1ntt Tth cno l*lffl °"'"741 eom m1y .,. reQ11lred t1 "" dl1er111on 01 ,.~ o·-. ""co ' •• ,.., ""' PICTITIOUS •UllNISS "" Dltlllcl, In ... •Vll'lf .. f1H11t1 lo '""" r llff 11 "" • NA.Ml ITATIMINT enler lnfo W<fl con1r1ct, !ht proctld1 o1 J\lfll 11, II, 2' Ind Jiii? '· 1"2 1521·12 "" followlflt Hftonl •• ,.. .,.,.. 1111 cfltdl Wiii bl tori.rttd. or '" CHI of • butlftlQ es: band, tht full wm lfle.rtof will be FVLLClll:CLI!, 11'0511 ,.., ... ,.. Cir-fOtflllW to wld SctlOOI Dlslrlcl rrf Or1not di, ll'YIN '*-4. COUlllY. NOTICI TO ClllDITOlll OIVlcl $0l0mll'I, nQ TYrol Or,. N• l>lddtr m.v wllMlrtw 1'111 bld fir e IUll'llllOll COURT 0 .. TH• L•lll ... IMdl.. period ol fortv·flVI (4!) dlYl Iller 1r11 ITAH 01' CALl1'0INIA ,0. Hll8h V. JOl'llMlllt lt21 .. loll It .. 0111 Ml for tilt llPtnlno thlreol'. Tlfl COUNTY 0,. OllAN•I Stnl• Monlu. Tiit 8otrd or Elhlcltlon of lhl NewJOrt· .... A-Mt lidW•rcl·T. SOI-, IMS So. Ctttlorl Miu Unlnld School Dl1trkf rtlll'Vtt ... E•lltt ti 0 . N. 0. (VANS 11 .. kllOWPI Avt,. ftedlWI. rltnl lo relKI 1ny or 111 bids. tod nol .. Olll:AINT N. 0. IVAfrrfl, Dtclhld, Tllll butltlllt It Mlllf condudH by 1 '*"Mrlty teem tl'l4 tow.st bid, tnd IO NOTICI 1$ HEREBY GIVEH lo tlll Llmlttcl ll'ltlftll'Wllp. w1IVt1 tny lntormelltv or lrrH11l1rlty Jn creodltort of lrll 111iow na~ ~I 01vld &olOITIOll 1nv Did rtetlvld. fll•t 111 "'..,. 111v1111 cl11rn1 •••!nllt !hi Thia 1111-1 nltd wllft tM Coul'llV Dllld Jv11t 211111 lt72 Mid dKed'"' ,,.. ,_,, ... lo fill lhtm, Cttrt of Or1ne. COi.iniy en: Ju119 2, ltn. NEWl"OJIT-MESA •1111 flll lltCffll.rv voucfltrr;, ... ,.,. efflc.e ly ll'YWI? J, MMldoll OtllUI)' County UNIFIED SCHOOL Dl$TllCT ti tht Cl•"'-of lfte lboVll enlllled tout!, OI Cltrt. of Orttlff County, C1!1fornl1 to """"' "*"· wlltl ll'lt '*"""' ,. 111n By Dotvtn., Hll"l'tY Fl&lltr 1'0Vdlef1, to "" u""'r•llntd It ,,, Ell! Publtll'ltd °''"" Ctte•I DtllY ll'llot Jvnt Purdtl.11flt AOllll ''"' SlrMt. COiie Mtsl. C•llfrornlt nm. s. It, It, M. 1'72 14JCl..12 '45-1100 WMcll I• lhl r>llO Of bu•lntss ef !hi Publl"'-11 °''"'°' C0t1t 0.11., PUot, l/fldll'sllnld In •II min.ts 111trt11r1119 to LEGAL NOTICE J11111 2' tlld J11!y 3, 1m 1•7'·12 n,. "'''' Of Mid Oectdeftl, wlltlln tour LEGAL NOTICE The winner was Bob Ket· tenhofen and runner-up was Rudy Arauz. Both are well Californian Wins Race In Trials RICHMOND (AP) -Gary Weisman of Santa Barbara , has won the fourth race in the U.S. Olympic trials for Dragon Class boats, but seeond-placer Buddy Friedrichs of New Orleans was disqualified. Officials were left with two protests to resolve before standings can be computed. Both protests awaiting ac- tion by the Olympic com· mittee involve R o be r t Mosbacher of Houston, who came in fourth in the unof· ficial order of finish. SUnday was the second day in a row that Friedrichs, defending gold medalist, and Mosbacher were involved in collisions and protests. Donald Cohan of Philadelphia, won the first There were 21 entries in the OK Dinghies and 22 in the Lasers. Both are cat-rigged single-handers which a r e growing in popularity. The 14- foot Laser is the most recent addition to the h i g h ~ pe.rfonnaoce sailing scene and is being used starting today for the Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Association of North America single-handed cham. pionships for the Glen Foster Trophy at Mission Bay. Final results in b o t h classes: OK DINGHY-(!) Bob Ket- tenholen, BYC; (2) Rudy Arauz, BYC; (3) Doug Halsey, Gainesville, F1a. Salling Club; ( 4) Ted Springer, North Bay Dinghy Racing Association; (5) Bill Menninger, LAYC. LASER-(!) Don Trask, St. FYC; (2) Tom McLaughlin, MBYC; (3) Don Wunn, Lake Merritt SC; (f) George Wilson, Swmyvale SC; (S) Chris caswell, ABYC. Two Local Skippers Place Higli Two local yachts placed high in the stormy Bermuda race which some skippers and crewmen are now referring lo as the "race of survival." Bob Grant's 61-loot sloop Robon IV w .. fint to fmish and was the corrected time winner in Class A. Third ln Class A was Al cass.1•1 !().foot sloop Warrior, flying the colors of Bahia fu-inthian Yacht Club. -IY and Wamor were among the few yachts that escaped damage in the race which was blasted by SO«> knot winds near the llnlah. The otart of the Trans- Allanlic race, scheduled for June 28, has been deloyed 411 hours to give skippers time to repair boat damage and send sails back to the manlland for repair -or get new ones. Taylor Takes Title Again had to drop out o1 today's N h w· race. He was in sixth place ew erg lll8 at the time. Tim Taylor of Cabrillo Ch • h • Hanle Easom ol Tiburon, and Beach Yacht Club successfully amp1ons lp Bill Henry of Seattle, were defended his title to the Richard Newberg of the third and fifth, respectively in Malibu Challenge Cup for South Bay Yacht Racing Club the uno!ficlal and incomplete was the winner of t h e results of the fourth heat. Class B Catamarans in a Coronado-25 Western District f1'1onth1 tl'llr 1111 fffll pllllllcetlon of ttlf1,l-====,...,--===--tl0flet. The yachtsmen have today regatta at CBYC Sunday. Championship regatta SUnday off, when officials will resolve Taylor won three straight at SeaJ Beach Yacht Club. sTATIMINT o" ••ANDONMINT LEGAL NonCE protests and prepare a races. Final standings: 011• Ml'f 1" 1tn URSULA JI, EVANS Admlnlllftlrl11 flf 1111 l!tl•I• of Int Ibo"• n•mld dtcr:lll'll ,,1cTITio3t ~~:1N°lss NAMI' Ll!OAL NoTic11 cumulative standing as the Challengers were fr 0 m (1) Newberg ; (2) John •UCHAllD A. MIWa&.L. AlllrlllY 11 L1W 41t ... , lrlh llntt C1~t1 Miii, C1lltonll1 tul7 Tth (rl4l '*- An.mty lof A4mll.llfr•l1111. "*lllhld Of11111 CoeJt Dtll'J "llol, .IUftl \1, \I, M. llld JUl\I 2. 1'71 IS!t·n n.. follorwllll pef'IOll hit .0.ndontd ltle ..... C"'ntv W•rtlllltH competition beads into the Simms, eve; (3) Tom Lyon, Ille of,,.., lfcllllou. blolllMSI "'"" ,.....,.."' S•ll 1·na1 h h I th Mailbu Yacht Club, California anyc (I) -~ G ll&H 01,TR1auT011s 11 2079 Port Pur1u1n1 to on11n1na 21" ot "" I tree eats o e seven· ~ ; .... ,.u,..Q rover, etrc11ff, Ntwport •llCl'I. c1111on111. coc11t1ed orc1 r111nc:e °' "" county o1 race event on Tue s day, Yacht CJub, and King Harbor ABYC; (5) John Massey, Tiit llclltloul .,.,,1,,... 111m1 '""'" "' Dr•""• c.utornl•, ttit ul'ldlnl!lfltd Wed ·-• d -··-• y ht Cl h ABYC •bovt w11 tried In Or1"" County °" JuM "urc11111111 AHnl ol lhl Countv of °"'"", ___ n_~_a~y_an __ ..,_w_ w_a~y_. ___ a_c ___ u_. ___________ • ________ _ 11, ltn. on 1111 flr•I di? of Jvty, 1'12. 11 lhl llou'•i· Rldl1rd Etrl H1111i.r. )Ott ....., of 10:00 A.M. IO 2:00 P.M. ONLY, •I the Ctrdltt, Newport liHCfl, C•llt. CGIJ""' fl'Ul'Cl'llll119 Svrr>l11• W1rttlolM 11 IUCl!trd E1r1 Hunltf' 1)00 S. Grind A'fftl~. S•"'• An1, Cllfl. PvbUshld o,.,... Cettl Diiiy Piiot, wilt .. ,. IPPl'Olllmel•I)' ftllll fl'IOUllnd LEGAL NOTICE J1.1111 U. •Pld Jiiiy J, It, 17, 1'72 1'77·72 llUl'PlvJ llbrtt'Y book•. J uwnu1, f'ldlon -==-::'-:.::.,.:.,,,""'c,.:'--=:o--l----=--==-:-:--=:::::::::---· I" 11-'ll'Mltl ,, lOC: Itch ... tlsll. MOTICI 011 JfON·lllSPONSlllLITY LEGAL NOTICE Ml1C•ll1noout U.ed Pr1·Prlced lttm1 Ind Nolltt ls l!ffl!'br 11ven th1t n. u,...1 ___ ===c-c===--· kl1 of look• tubltcl lo t1m11 •lld con. cltl'Sltllld wrn nor bl rtuo0nt!blt for 1nyr d!llOM •• "-" on NollC9 of w1,el!ou11 ,ICTITIOUI IUllNlll Siii. tlllltl or ll•bltltln conlrtclld lw "''-NA.Ml STATIMINT NATHAN A. CHERll:Y OIMr 11'1111 mvii!I, °"or tit« ll'llt dtlt. n._ followlnt l>tflDlt 11 dolr11 IMillfllll COUNTV "UftCHASING AGENT Dtltd thlt ltlh dly of JUM, lflt. ti! ROOM 201 Mlrv Lou Flncl'I o AO 8 214'2 c111111 Hllhwiy AEll S, 11',0, Clll 31'1, Ortnet 130I> SOUTH OllAND AVENVI Huntll!llOl'I .. Kii, Ctllf, C1Ulorlll11 Sl201 """ Ct!'W.tl, Sin SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA "WllllMd Otlfllt Cotti 0.ll'J •not, Jv1n C1111tttr1rt0, C1llfornt1. Juttt ti:, Jt72. J\IM 20, 21, 1f, 1tn 1627•72 ·Girt WlMIOll Vtbtrll'I, 33207 "'"° 11'1.iblllhtd Ortnllt COl•I Diiiy Piiot, C1r.ot11, Sin Ju.n C ••I • t t • 11 o. Junt u, lt1'2 LEGAL NOTICE IVll'lllOll COUJIT °' TMa STA.Tl OP CALlllff.JOA #Oil Ctlltonll• 1-------------J 1,.!~~d:t""' 1' btlno conc111ciw 11"1 '" LEGAL NOTICE Gtry w. 1'"""' ·~ " .. 11.'•ts This 1t11tmtnl fli.ct wlltl flit County THI C°""TY 011 OllANOI Clffk Of OrtllOt ("N."Y 111t Jlllll 2J, 1t12 JIOTICI TO Clll!DITOll Oft IUU: ... _ A-?J201 1w l1"irrty J, MldidOI(, Otlkrty Counl\' TllANSlllll AlfD IWTINTION TO l:X· NOTICa OI' N•AlllNO O• •ITITI«* Cllft. ICVTa JICUlllTY INTl•llT A.ORI•· ,,_ P•otAfl Ofl WILL AND 11011 fl 1NJ1 MINT ~":.~~ .:t~ .. N:::~~ISTllATION fl'ubllihtd Orlftff Cotti D•ll• Piiot, (ha. 61M .. 111 u .c.c.J ei GllACE • Cll:O$IER J11ne :U, •M Juty a. 10, 17, 1'12 117'>72 Notlco 11 flfflbV ''""' lo crtdlton of ~':. ' ' 1M wlt!\11'1 nttntcl ptrllff ltltt 1 butlr; JitO;lct! 11 HlllEIY 01vEM Tlllt Lr.GAL N011CE "'"''"' •t.t "" •••IJ!lon of • tteurtty Yi.Hft.l'N JOHES tilt fllld 11tr11n 1 lr1litrelt .. ,....,,.,.. are •bout to bl midi ~~loft for' ....... ti wlU Ind for L"'41n .. ICTITIOUS lllllNlll :: ltl'MIMI pr...,-ty l'ltrtlnalttr dtsc:rlb- flf Adrrlll\IUl'tl'*' wtltl-ll'lo"Mlll·1nne•tc1. NAMI STATIMINT r._ Nl'N• Incl Mlntn Mldfftt of 1111 nfwlf)CI • ~ ,. ll\IG• Ill' lvMhlr The followlnt ptl'ton II dol111 IMIMU '""""" trMlftran •rid IPl!tndld tKUrtd _, .. cu:1ra. #1111 fMt flt llmt •nd pl1ct ••: HtlY tor pertltsl ,,,., flf Mtrllll flll lllM,..."'" "'for Jiiiy HUDSON l!HGINEl•tNO AN 0 JOHN' H E•NsitftGE'll & ANNA 11. lt7'. ... , ,1 ••. m., "'!ht COIJMroom ol DESIGN SERVICES, 21m htcrttl IERNSIE"Ortt, 15'01 C1trlo lint. O..rtmtnt Ho.. f "" Mkl C:Wrl, II "'° l•flt. Hvntlnofon hid\, ,,... HunllntfOll IM<tl. C1lltoml1 CIYiC Centi!' Drive W•t. 11'1 !he C!tv Of Je~ H. HlldlOll. Jlt'2 lffcnlt :flll """' lfld ""''"'*• IHktr~ of fllt DETROIT (AP) -Veteran speedboat driver Bill Muncey has his fifth Gold Cup trophy and an assortment of bruises today alter besting the rougfl, tough Detroit River course Sunday in a race in which five ol the 10 boats compeling against him came to grief. Muncey piloted his airplane. engine powered Atlas Van Lines I to comparatively easy wins in all three or his heats and the championship finale. turning the latter into a runaway, The three-mile course, which to the casual observer appeared on the tame side Sunday, was anythlng but that as the list of boat damages and injuries to two drivers sounded like a communique from a naval baille. One of the boats sank, one caught fire, two suffered structural damage when they became airborne momentarily and smashed down on the hard water and one had a two foot gash torn in its bow as it !Ought the strong current Two o! the drivers required medical attention. D e a n Chenoweth, driver of Notre Dame, suffered chest bruises and was taken ot Detroit General Hospital for X-rays; the other was Waller Kade, 70, who suffered a back injury when his boat Sweet Thing was wrenched violently on a tum at the Belle Island bridge end of the course. He was 9 Classes Compete In Bahia Nine classes of sailboats compeled In Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club's anm.ial Stars and Sl<lpes Regalta Satiu<lay and Sunday. Results: SHIELllS -(I) Prudence, Mark Shryor, LYC. LID0-14A (1) Mach Schnell, Neal Lohr, LIYC; (2) Too Grand, Bob Uccllerri, SI BYC; (3) No name, Dana Morr!J, SFVSC KITE -(1) No Name, Lar~ ry Berriero, VYC; (2) Tip, Phil' Ramming, NHYC. MONTGOMERY-IO -(1) Nancy Kilpatrick, BCYC. MONTSJOMERY-12 -(I) Flberglw l!atbtub, J e r r y Monl(lomery, VYC. FLIPPER.,... (1) Flip, Tom Fonylh, BCYC. SABOT A • B -(I) !llomper. BUI Blbborough, BCYC; (I) Fl.rt Cracker, treated at the medJcal tent at the racing pits. The ff-year old Muncey bas now won the first three events of the powerboat r a c I n c season-earlier victcries com- ing at Miami, F1a. and Owensboro, Ky. The Gold CUp win WU especially sweet. he said, not only because of the flf,000 first prize money but also because it marked his filth Gold Cup -the last one hav .. ing been won by him in 19'2 - and it tied him with the il- tustrious, lcite Gar Wood with five such triumphs. Muncey. despite hi! triumph, was not happy with the course and joined other drivers in saying so. "It was dilficull to negoUate this river safely at high speeds," be said, adding, "I did not get over 145 miles an hour all day and the •we4ther was not u good as jt was Wednesday when I made my qualifying run. Billy Schumacker, pilot of Pay N Pak, which finished Jn a second place tie behind Mun- cey, was bitter about the Detroit course, which hu some dilflcult turns and tricky straightaways. Graybeard Holds Lead In Tahiti LOS ANGELES (AP) - Graybeard, the largest yacht of the seven racing the 3,571 miles from here to Tahiti1 con- tinues to hold the lead. Pushed by 35-llnot winds at times over the weekend, the 73-loot ketch skippered by U>l Killam of Vancouver, B.C., was et latest report, 1,961 miles from Tahiti and 1,810 miles out of Los Angeles. The race began June 15. The Graybeord has held the leading position from the start but look the handicap lead o .. ly last Friday. In handicap standinp the 57-foot Fr"""'1 SI00p Pen Dulek m remained oecond, followed by Concerto, Aliff, Min Sette, Siele and ln!Jlall. .Min Selle was oecond In elapsed time, trailed by Pen Dulek Ill, Conceno, Alm, Siele and lnlsfall. ltliltl Aftt. (llttornfe. Lint, Huntll\llOll BltCl'I ,,..., .._._ i.w~ .. -Dllf'd JUN I,, 1ttt Tn11 bv1IMU It btlt11 Condu<'tld by 1n ·:~ ff1,.,.,.rM lltd u-.....,. W, E. $T JOHlf, lrldlvlau.f. HOWARD I! HAMMEii 16'1 G'""' Go.mtv C"'"'-JOMllft H. HVdlOll b< L ' a ...... .,'•11•--I *•-aNa HILLY. Thlt tl11t!\'ltnt lllld Wllll lllfl (-ltt lllfld, Ofll _.,, -'"' n I . .,. • Tiii! the ..-..nfll IM'OPlrfY ""'""'' 69 Mtll lfftt ttrwt, C1tr• ot Ortf\tl CounlY 111t Junt U, lfrt, "''"'° II dtttrt1*1 In -•t •tt Keith ltilpatrlck, BYC. , SABOT C -(I) Hall Hitch, Larry Dowell, BCYC; (I) Tq, Toey G-, UYC. ~ ........ ~ "'14 bv l1Y9t'I? J, Mtddol, DttMttv COVflf)' Mt"' .. ta. tup111tl... mtrefltlldl.-i, twl .. Tth (llJ) .,.,_, Cler•. fl'ltllt 11111 11 locttld 11 SNOOPY'S 2000 A"'""" ,_I ......... fl llUI 1 A C ' """ C I .... ' __ , N #1 Pvbllsllld Ort H COllll 0.1111 ,,!IOI ~ \'MUI, °' 1 "'"9• I '-"'1· ,_ °''" .,,. J " ' TP!lll !!It pltcl ~ IN htAI" Pvblllilllf Ofanlt, -' llM , ...... Jul'J a. IO. 17, lf12 IMWI ~ ..,. trm• tfld tlt«llllotl ... Jl/M ». JI, Mt "71' li»·n Malrlty lhttrlMI 11rM1••flf It lnt.ndtd to LEGAL NOTICE w COMUmm•ttd ,, II ttlt of!ICI of UIQAI. NOTICI 1---~...:.._:_:_:_:..:_ ___ l .......... ;qrcy ·--c......,, "" w. 61h ---,,,,,,,,;:,:::::-7.;:;:;=.;---I 'ICTIT10UI IUllNllt St,, LM A,....._ Cellton111 to020t t11 ot lfAMI ITATEM•NT •rter Jllf)' J; mt. •~ .!!'!!!'.!!' Tiit lollOwlnt 11trtot11 m .. flt It..,•• 11 ltftMn,. Mkl ...,..... tilt -U. ITA1-• llMl111111 1,: followlllll ... , ..... Ml1'1111 1M11t11t Ind '.nw ......... ..,_ ..... ._.,_ JIAN'S l!AUTY 'SALON. ».A 11111 lddrtlMI utti1 W 1tld Nrllff Wflllfft "" 4111 lll"MI, COit. ~' C1lilon1l1, 11W'H Ytfln ltltl pt•t 1r11 i "....Ol'T MACH IUDtHQ ClUI, Dl'llrd ·~ WllMll. 121' Altftlr1 ly Mllf ..._.. ff.......,.~ None. ..,. .tacle .......... AM .... """'" ltrltl, S1nt1 APll, Q'lfot1111t ,,,.~ IY .... ...,.,... Ml#: Orltn & '''"° ..... #. ,,,....,.. -...... .,., .. ll'l'IOMlll Wiiien, Iii• '"""" lll'M, c:.m.. 11111 ...... ...,. '""'·· Lone ,._.,. ..._ , lt11r1 .t.111, CtlllomJ1 t2104. lead!, C1l, 11* MIMU k ........ ~ lJJ I 'Thlt 1Mlt1tr1 It blll'll CtlildUctld 1W 1 ~' Jvne .. tm ....,., Plflll(lf-. Jelnt OWMraltlt. • JGM H. f~ Nf<it tfJ, ,....., . Otwld f. WlllOll , AMI ·~ ""' AIW1;a• fl,., .... Wrtt CtlMIY Tiillt •ltltmtnl IUtd wltll #It Cl.Ullfy ,._."' l , HtlM'tl' ~ .t ~ ~ •U JUN J. lnJ, CM .. 0rlftlt C..,,.,., tn J\/M A Im 71~ .. ..._,,. J. ......... ....... Co1J1t1tr ilY lleWrl)' J. Mlddo11, DttMy County t•A.MaltCY llCR" COM•AffY CllfW. Cltrk. wt WW .... ''"" p ,.,.. , TN» Let ......... Cl""""' .... ~ Or....-C.... Oelt)' 111111, "'9MI....., or..,. Cont DtlfY f"lkJ!, ..... ,..... or.,.. c.t Otllv Pflof, Jw. "' n. ''· a. ma 14471 Junt tt, • ..., J1·•~ J, 10, 11. 1f7J 1ut;j Junt :w, 1rn 1u1.n • - BiUer Cal Cup Duel Bill Ficker in Bright Star recaptures the lead lrom ;J'ed Hood's Robin West In a dramatic duel for the Callfornia Cup Saturday in which the lead changed four times. The match race series was sailed in Erlcson-46 sloops. Ficker aleo woo the Cal Cup in 1970 at the helm of Pat Dougan's IZ.meler Columbia. ' • GOLF CLUB SALE ALUMINUM CLUIS l'RICID TO CLIAJI I 4 woo~ IRONS I TRY OUR * NIGHT GOLF * ,,., ___ """" __ .....,._ ..,_' .. w.· .. -1111,... .... ,.. ..... _.-._ -PA!RGROUHDS GOU' IWIGI l ' • I , I t • TONIGHT'S TV IDGIIlJGIITS KTLA II 8:00 -Golden West Baseball. A toot at the old and new Angels ball, clubs, including a filmed recap of the formation of the Anaheim team (then in Los Angeles). ' ABC 0 8:00 -"The Young Convicts-Prison in the Streets." A probe of the successful pro- grams that rehabllltate you n g lawbreakers in Massachusetts and California. KCET fliJ 8:00 -"Montserrat." Keir Dullea stars as an Idealistic young officer In the Spanish' army confronted with an a~onizing moral choice between bis bellels and the lives of six hostages. NBC D 8:3~"The Six Wives of Henry VIII" Chapter three in!roduces Jane Seymour success~r to Anne Boleyn. Keith Michell slars as King Henry. CBS 11 10:00 -"Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour." Guest stars in tonight's rerun are Dinah Shore and Tony Curtis. Monday Evening JUNE 21 l:Gll 8 ID fJ111 ID -a am1111w ....... """" (conflll from 5 PM) Pitbbllrl'h p;. ntu 'IS. New Yo~ Mtb 11 She1 St1dium In Ntw Yorl 8 Urtls lueMll (cont'• from 5:30 PM> eanrM An1•l•• vs. Minn. Twins ht Mlnn1S011. ctl WIW MW Wtsl •n.~" ..... ,._ i!j) NO -to t1o 'JOI 1111_,..,. ...... 8-lfl Im-lllW Ala llclnto ltlTlno- witll treason •nd 1d111ttty, deari111 the WIJ for HtnrJ's m1rriltt 19 J1n1. m llltn lriffi1 SM Guests: Jimmy OMl'llll1, Ala ltlms, Slftdni Dee, De1 Die W1nricU, 0.,, Jo•, Gl17 Gr1nde, m...,..""" ,..,....,.. <m> '65 -Rad S11i11r. a Fiii: ...... bit ........ t:DO II (() Nert's l.fty (i) LllCY takes control of the uniqUt 1mpl0f!Mnt apncy to 1nabl1 H1rrit0n to S1CV11 1 bank loen to uw tile totterin1 firm. IJ FM"ll• loUt: T1nt1tively sclltd· uled lilfltw•ilbt bout bttwttn Pitt Vitti 11111 DM!d Diaz. fJIDCill!l.UC--(C) (!Ill) ........... <•~> •gs- John Saxon. Roml'I Sdllafflno, Lany Haaman. Plbr L M1r1hlll A Wand Wit' 11 adwntur1 in wltldl di l:lOD-(C) -•1 ,_, mtn incl 1 wom1n 1ra trapped In 1 Trmpet" P1rt I (drt) 'M - T Ctnn1• munitions dump. Donahue, SUUn111 Pllshlttt, Diane OJ lwlr. (C) (2IW) -War Ill" Mellin, JllMS G/'lfOIJ. (dr1) '61 -Gtor1t MontlOIMfJ. CJ) CIS ..._ Witter Clonkitt fD DnlMt m n. ,.,... .. m Varied•des • r...• m I IHC@:l lt7Z Witts Im•• m ~••-Mi Cl-Tiit hishlllflb of this Jd(S tm) ftMll 5tli IMl'IUll ltmts btllll ti Cal. Sttlt f'.l5ft\11111 Miff ilt H11""91d LA. ar1 luturtd. ~ QI INM Acru l'.JD 8 Dllh Dir (i) Doris l'tttc1pt1 II m ,.,... f'lficW '°"" doublMdlld 11111tdlmakin&. Eb.... .... ... lloplll( ta Mak ., ... nll'nll'a 1B .,..,..._ Dllat Mintz in Older to llaia tnothtr OM pos- ...__,. siblt. 1*' 8 Cl) ,._. ()) Dim.Ill I "Tiit Mlrritll (I} Trd • C:.aec-G1rne ... CJ)..,.. 11 fkill Hu1h Willilms llBED 118CWI &lAwltln --flpt .,, Bud!ln· Ill bd'I FIW -hit tn n. Robtrto Ourtn In Wotld lO:OO. ,_, .. Ch« ~ 1f1111 Urhtwtlllll Chlmplonshlp tl(ht • (ft) DiMll Short ind TOii}' Curtll ID I lM ..., flMSL Ill I -" *•1• D THE OVERACTIVE CHILD: &I lo "" ,.., " """' * A SPECIAL PROBLEM IE u.. "'orll a t1 t111111 G) Irr .., Plzzlffl IJ ! IPIC@:! It I C&lll M ., • 11..W RtpOrter MiU G1M n· 7:JO B tllN Up 114 CMtr Joey IWiop ports iR this mmiftltiol of hyper· &vats kinetic childnlll. Thi Pl'lfl"" loob I]) Te T• tile Tllttl Into the ptObltm cantd "minim.I (I) I Dnl• ti M•ie k'lh1" dJSf\lnction, I probltnl thll GI Htta'• Hnel affldS about one child 11 tvtry 2D lllW-. ~-"" u.~ i!j)11 .. -oam- ail -·--Ill Solo• .. -""' &l-=-........ (<M) l!Jl-..... -'36 -C\.rt Gillie, Marion Dnlll. fD FH• ..,_, "'Qasslc Sholt1 11" (II) 1:UD""'~' m--uoa11Jc-·1 .. ur <Rl IBlo-""''"" prison Plroltt nfllml to Dodll lO:JO It T••·W to filld flls f11nc:H marrlld ind tflt CJ n.tn Nblll: (C) •Ktn II mother of 1 little fil1, ..... (ldv) '63 -Gordon Stolt. 0 111•-m••--e11acw1..w..w.t111111111 . CELI Sltlllkl A fudn1tln1 Id: 1t tllt ol• Ind 9 llllllr. -a.dJ 1MI Seul" MW Aftl1l1 ball clubs. Includes 1 S Celdndl CltplW. fllm IKIP of ttlt formation of the ..... ,, .. tho""'..., WOR ll:IOBDDlllll.llB- IWanl'ed their fr111Chlst. (I) (J) Gi..... '"" "· . G (D Ci) l!JI -11111" .... D Cool --~luNI ~ "The Youns Convicts -Prbon W M1nti11 D1111 in 1111 streets" A "* ti the 1uc-Gt Trdl • ~ICU cesif\al proltl!M 11111 rtlllbDlt1le ID Dl'IW · frwt SMll' 70un1 lawbrukn. lwltwtd 11"1 O!l W.. Ylriltitls '"' ............ -c1 ... ,. m -<11> "!' wltll Hs ""'"" off""• out· ll:JO 8 11) CIS loll -: (C) "Y-lidt the trldltlon1l .,tlOll syst1111, till Aftlir" (sus) '17 -Robetl pd thl C.llfornll c:ornctioMI '"°" viutfln. Ett• Som!Mr. '""' a a m--... a-'-= (21111 • ..,. " ,_ " ...., .. , ..... Scbod· lie 11 ...... (d,., '44 -Grtpry •lied f111tb n Hotnrf c:o.n, Peet, Thomll Mltchlll. Nots: If tht Carol WIJM.,Ji!TlllJ Allen 1JNI DlllllJ fisbt 101S full niunds, flle mcMt wlll Tholna. .. ,,,.,.. .. 1:30 ••• 111-i ... - - Ill"' ...,....iow fJ ID Cil ID lllcfl -"'1 • """ ·-attirkt is I stlltdultd IUISI. Ill lo""". -.,. , .... , ... fD@llllJ•••• T.....,.. n.. 1rt (R) "Montwrlt" llllr Dullt1 12:00 QI Me* "'I Wu t ... Wn stat\ 1s 111 ldt1Ustlc ywn1 offlct1 lri..,. (tom) '49-CllJ Gr1nt, Ann in tt11 s,tnlsh '""' oa:uprln Slltrld1n. 'V1nmrela In 1812, cqftfrtnttd "'111 U!JO D ..,..: (C) -a .. ..., ........, "-lzlos""" .i.o.."'"" ( I '4~ H-. 8onJ his JOlitlc .. IM!Mh 1n• UM ltru o nun ............ .., -· 111"-1"'""'-·-·--.lo ....... ~ 111--l:GO Cll DD Cll 9""" Tutsday . ' DMIME MOVIES ... '"lll:z1d' (dra) '47 -Rulli W1nlcll, 0.111 Jlatr. l'.Jt g ...... ff YW' (Ito) 12- loMtl Yo11111. Jett ClllMler. ll:llCl)"lllo -(1111 ~I -·---t IHI·-tor IW' ('4Q '15- .... ,. C.U, Moy -· 1:00•-... ("'J ... - Tlnllr. """ ........ ,,. , t:JOB--_. <-> ... -RJoo. ..... °"""' 1:00•-= -(dll) '51 __.Oll-..,FtlldlFln. 4:11D- m "'• ....... _,,.. <-> ''1--M-Gllpl Roprs. l:IO D "lk ._ff -11...- twa) '50 -Jolll'I lttland. J:Gll 11) "I• !rt llilty" Port t (d1t) 'll--AnthoftJ Ptn.l1tt, .h111-Cl111dt B"'~· i!l (C) -.... -(odv) '62-.11• S'tlwart, led Klldtoft. 4:008"'1t Wll R1111t1r.r (*1) '41 -lllll MNlt, ... ,,, Scolt. 4<11(1)-•lllM ..... SMDfC>.,..uh111 W(~ "52 ----- ENTERTAINMENT Norway Film HOLL YWOOO (UPI) "Call of the Wild," Charlton Hutoo's new ftlm, wu shot on location in Norway because snow conditions were more reliable than in the United States or Canada. i!Wil DlotX / llWOltT IEACN • Ol.wnlt &cluslwe First Run Ch1rlton Heston Yvette Mlmi1ux SKUCICED ~~· .... AIMS.-C......, ''THI ANDIRSON TAPH'" ST1Rn WIDNISDAY "CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES" " . . • COAST NWY. AT MACAlffMUI kWI. • NEWPORT IEACH • 644·0760 DAllT121•·l:•· f& 11P,M. M•rlo• Bnodo ~ kliir 11 .. ,. i JllLIJ. Of IM Oll80. IW'I', Hnua llOffMAI UI JOSEl"H f LEVNf,._ THE &RADUAlE ANNEUNCROFT CXlllR' ·---AUDALIMACGRAWIN N ODIYf COLUMBUS" ·~ -~ l!..! S&Aett •l.lfO, AT •U.t• • • ;;;:.:=' ·"='-o;,:,:e:=.; SlllWRI MUllT, lllOSSOGI STA.is WtlOOrAWM ---'"l'U'Y IT 4&UN. s.ul" 2nd WllllMI HOU>EN ERNEST BORGN1NE IN .. Mond11, Junt 26, 1971 DAILY PllOT Jf 'Championship Sea son' for All Seasons By WILLIAM GLOVER sta<e basketball tiUe 20 years NEW YORK (AP) -Score ago and their coach. another drama hit for the vtn· The five are prototu!Vl! ot ing, Mlchael McGuire ond year's two Broadway Tony "Thal C h 1 m p I o n sh I p . Paul Sorvtno. winners orlgl111ted, the drama Season" continues that prize. The dlrecUng by A. J. An-"Sticks and Bones" and the worthy tradition. It ii a play toon lttncbantiy evokes every musical "Two Gentlemen ot tor all sea.sons. Jt must be tlU'UOIDe PW>Uc T h e a t e r '# _.. organiz.a~ wltb • ' T h a t middleclas,, ambition o r Olamp1ons p Se.a.son'' whic h fa"llure, but .A111ler turns them is ctnT<nt playing at (he inlo flesh-and-blood individuals off-Broad Showcase. not. mere cartoon puppets.~One telling moment of the aubUy Verona ." seen astringent text with relentiess,=;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::=:;:;\·-=·===:::::::;;:;;::::;-tbeatrlcal tension. II The play alml to . say in-of the es:-athletes is about to clsively a whoJe lot about the run for re-election 21 mayor, way many of us live, believe another seemingly unl nsplred and ~-and d I · dramaUc device. From such reat:l tvuay' 0 t with Norman Rockwell material a story of deceptive con-venUonallty. It succeeds however. the play smelts brillianUy. fascination similar to what A remarkably accurate set- ting of regional domesticity has been provided by Santo Loquasto, with appropriate cos(umtng by Theonl V • Aldredge. The Public Theater is where "Hair" began 1 and where this Author Jason Miller. an ac· ~~~~~fr~ ::s1!:,: dld tor who has had several prior scripls hailed ., promising, The focal role , splenditlly Lana's Spas moves right up among the played by Richard A. Dysart best of the· on com t n g is the coach -the campaigner HOLL Y\VOOD (UPI ) playwrights in thls technically who filled his old boys with a Lana Turner bas turned from polished Work Wblcb pulsales morality of winning no matter •·t the I acting to business-wom1n with Wl.t• warmth, bwnor and Wiw. cos · th 11 e announcement or forma· understanding . Essentially this is an old-tion of an international chain The locale is one of those fashioned morality drama, up-of franchised health spas ror smaU Penmylvania c It i es dated to the shock language women only. where John O'Hara set his and values of 1972. ,----..:...~----=II novels of uppercrust pro-With Dysart are r o u r vincialism. The people Miller superbly attuned actors - talks about are a rung down Walter McGinn, t'harles Durn- the social ladder -four mem----'"""'~ hers of the team that won the ~ w .. _., "BEDKNOBS ANO BROOMSTICKS" & "IN SEARCH OF THE CASTAWAY'S" CONTINUOUS DAILY ,,.. 2 , ••. -~....,..-­'·~a..,..._ .. , .. "The Jepnd of NIGGER CllARLEY!!..... ~-·-~-~ "MURPHY'S WAR" with Peter O'Toole THE LEARNING CENTER 1535 E. 17th St., S1nt1 An• ANNOUNCES , A MAAIC IMlEU ALM Sltewlt ot 7:00 ,~,,,.. AJIO PtoYlt19 M~\U~.;~:..,__--., PAINr YOUR WA<;ON ~~tn. .. TK.lNm()I' ' Al'M\\(\'\TPCl\lE l~· I 9:15 P·'"· CONTINUOUS RUNNING SUNDAY MATINEE 2:00 P·'"• "In A Class • • • All By Hlmseff" "THE LAST PICTUllli SHOWH flt) "llN .. A Special Pro9r1m 'ADout Thi Ov1r-1ctive, or Hyp1rkin1tic Child Mond1y, June 26, 10:00 p.m. ---CtNEDDMI 20 ... -.::-.::L:.I:"" -'l.· ~ --CtNEDDMF 21 .. • . ·r I I 1 •• ---C• SIAD/UM I .. -· ..... - ---C• SIAD/UM 2 .. -· ,..,,. . ----,, SIAD/UM J .. -· ... ----~-StAO!Uff 1 .. -... - KNBC "l.IVINO P:ll:ll" • "'fOKLAT" (01 "IOX CAii: llllTHA" l•I Wltll ...... ,. .........,. ... .., .. CONVICTS • A WOMAfil" UIJ . JtM •• ,... .. ''TNI COWIOYS" a "'THI 0000 OUYS AND THI IAD 8UY5" --•JUlftoll Mltffllllt" fNI ............. "KOTCH" (el "BRAVO. BRANDO'S 'GODFATHER' .. "TIE TW'S fiuT IUUJ IATllFJIH, 111 to•EllCW. UWCAll FU. M llF TIIE IOIT HUTAl AID 111111111 ClllllllCUI llF AIEllCll l.H·mtl IHltlllBI 'llTllll Till Ulltn If PWaAI EITHTAlllEIT;" -Vincent ~by, !'lew Yorit Tlmu "'TIE .. ATIU' II I ll'KTICll.All llJIE, Oil If 1'llE lllEIT IAmTU ..... mtl 111111" II . ~Cdtr BEN . ~!'!" is on his WIJ@1~ MATINEES AT ALL ·WALK IN THEATRES , .. , t--=AND ..---AND "'TAL•I ••OM TH• C•Yl'T" TDDIGHT EXGllUSIUE on GABLE. TU THE FRGES .. DF An exclling documenlary of the Soviet Union, lodty, t _.,..,.,.,~ This unique essay was personally filmed and narraled by Senator Ellender · on lhe Its! of his six vlslls to !he U.S,S.A. It gives us our first view ol lhe present day lives and moods ol the Soviet oeople. Nothing seen on TV du1lng the Ptesi· den rs visit lo Russl1, eque ls lhe colorful and provoc1tive perspective of thll lllm, : The Senator vlslls euch inlrlgulng Russian cities as Riga, Leningrad, Rostov, Moscow, Vilna, 1nd Minsk. · The film will be Introduced by TelePrompTcr's Chairman of the 801rd, Raymond Stiafer, former Governor of Pennsyl\lanla. 9:DD·ID:3D P. m. GHAllEll 3 TELEPRDmPTER (50@00 'li\!J I .• . .. . • • ' • ' ' I '-: • 1 ., • • ' • .. . ., •• .. • ·. . ·l • ' • I • ' ' {, . . . " ' . ' ~ JO DAILY PILOT Parl{: Where Now? Area Men in Serrit!e1 Environment, Overuse Cl.ash in Yellowstone By J.u.r!!3 L. OVERTON \'EU.OWSTOllE NATIONAL PARK, Wy. (UPI) -lndWlt UJ>OO first ... tog Ila wonden tremtled aad called It aacred, a dwellillC pilCt o1 the 1plrllt. t1rly Septembtr, Yellowllooe will be the lite of the flrat annul pvcoora .. con-. lerence on tourism and the aecond World Conference on National Parlul. -Pvt. -JI. Jl1~1r1-Jr., IOD of Mt. and MldlMI J. Va Vtllel', IOft ol Mrs. Vincent Von Velzer of -Shle1cls Drlff, Hunt· iJlll<ll Bead!, baa been .,,... missioned a aecond Ueutenaot •Pon completion ol the U.S. Air Force Reltrve Officers Training Corpo (AF'RO'l'C) program at Occidental Colle&• In Loi Angeles. Maj. Stacy ...... 1111 w11.,. Margaret. live at ~l Modoc Rd., w .. bnlnster. The llnt-whlte ID4ll IO stumble lnlO Its wilden1111 domain ln 1807 returned IO civilization dncrlblnl steimlng waters, i.... ol •to. and wallo ol ,W.. Trapper John Colter WU ridleuled ud the place be dncr!bed , wu dtrlalve!y Libeled "Colter's Hell" Only Aluka can match Y•ilow•IOne wUb wilder-quallty and verltly and number of large mammall. Buffalo, rnooae. elk, detr, ante.lope, bighorn &beep ud both grizzly and bloet bean -in IVIO DWl!fn In their eaUve habilal ()ppootnlt lee~ llowtve.-, tllat Ibo concept ol lhe park tor public aiiloYmtnt would be banned II Ill uae by pe0ple and can wu · IOo 1barply curlalled or regulaled. Spokesmen 11y the propoood man transit l)'Jtem simply demoostratu objection to the uae of aulOmobllea In the pork. It bu been eoUmated only S'percent of the park's annual villton are Interested in "roughing It," and that few vtaitor1 aee Mrs. Tllo ... R. -Sr. of 5m,Amador, and busband ol the lanner Mill Bubara A. l\leloclt or 13561 S!aklyou, an of Westml-, graduated from baalc tnlnq at the lllartne Corpo Recruit Depot In San Diego. Army Private -D" N1Uen111, 10n or Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Nickerson. 13562 La Pat, Westm~,' completed todly a lll-wttlc Medical Corpsman count at Sergeant Dtea1d lll. Smt~ tht U.S. Army Med! ca I Jr., IOO of retiffd U.S.' Army Ft Sa Airmen P<ter A. llrlcl, ... ol l\lr. and l\lrs. Gale P. Brick of -Pepita Drlve, Milllon Viejo, bas completed bis U.S. AJr F<>ttt baalc lnlnin& at the Air Trainhw Command'• Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been ualgned lo Sheppard AFB, Ttx., lot training in the tralllpOrlalion field. Ma.JQt and Mrs. Donald M. Tralnq Center, • m -Smith of 001 Yorkahlre St., Houston, Tex. J Today, the srea mnalns uochanged alter unlOld millennia ol geologic hillOry. And oeelng llt wonders lot the first time, visitors continue IO be awed by the natural wonders ol this ploce called Yeliowstone.. Yellowttone w11 establlahed as a part to provide enjoyment !or people and IO preaerve the environment. The two, however, are beginning to conlUct 11 a result ol overuse. more than 5 percent ol the IO!al land --------- area. WHhninster, was awarded a Anny Prt\•ata Firtt Clau' ~te ol merit at J!iclulm AFB,. Hawaii, by U.S. Navy Stepbea P. Bvser, aon ol Mr. Admiral John S. McCain Jr., and Mrs. John W. Burger, U6Si Commander in Chief Pacific. Parkcrest, Con1 Mt I a , According IO !latlonal Park Service DireclOr George llartzo1. Yellowstone 11 In jeopardy, portly beca.,. or lta success. In 1971 alone, more than 2.1 million visUora registered at the five park en- trances. Some 7,000 people hllid off the main roadJ IO camp al least one night, and during the summer monthl 6,000 IOns of garbage were crated along ·UM! park's 300 miles of roadway. Tupoyers plcteit up a $48,000 cleanup tab and kept four teanu ol workmen busy daily. Diesel Use Opposed Sergeant Smith, a security recently completed an tigbW policeman. was bonortd for Ft. his outstanding performance week cooking course at ~ of duty during President Nix-Ord, Calli. ENOOMPAllllNG Ali AREA larger than Dtloware, Jlhode Loland end the Dl!trlct of Colum:>la, Yellowstone Na· tlonal Park ·coven more than 3,400 oquare mil ... TO PiloTECT THE PARK for future aenerat'°'11, a muter plan bu been dralted by the National Park Service. IN ADDmoN TO dlotts 1o protect the In Report l\larine Pvt. K-1-W. Mosley, btl!band of the former Miss Denise D. Hamley o( 14551 Donegal Drive, Westminster, graduated from buic training at the Marine Corps Jlocloult Depot In San Diego. on's Visit to Hawaii. Marine Lance Corpora 1• n conloinl the -Id'• greatest col- lection ol . gey1tr1 and t h er m a ! phenbmena, the larJest alpine lake in AmeMca, one of the largest petrified forests In the war1d, and a 24-mlle canyon w•·; a waterlall twice the height ol N' ira Falls. One ol the most oerloul tbrull to Yellowatone, accordiiig l.I the ploa, 11 tbe automobile and recreational vehicle. During recent heating• In Wyoming and Montana, Park SUperlntendent Jack Ander90n -• 22-year veteran of park service -said a mass transit system would provide an added dimension for visitors to learn what the work Is really like. environment, a move also Is under way SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) _ at Yellowstone IO restore the balanee of nature to the anhnaJ kingdom. After a two-year study, the Park olficlals ire attempting IO end a San Francisco l\I u n I cl p a I policy of artificial reduction through Rallway bas recommended Army Private Re 11 y trapping and ldlllhg. A key part of the that dJesel powered buses be Rom1w1Dcktl, son of Mr. and program is the return of predators to the dropped In favor of elec. M r s . C b r i a t o p her Denis M. Coulter, son of Tbom P. Salllv11, son of Mrs .. 1 l\lr. and Mrs. Robert G. Elaine A. Su!llvan of 1151 Coultl!l', lba7561 Leab fwood, W, Ctioctaw Drive, Westminster, Tustin, s e en com-_11 __ .1 • · missioned a second lieutenant completed a spedauu:u av11- upon _c:ompletion of the U.S. _ tion maintenance courae 1_t the1; AJr Force Reserve Olficen MUtne Corps AJr Station, El Training Cotpo (AF'RCJl'C) Toro. program at Calllornia Stale · • year maru the centennial ol Yellowatooe National Park'• creation as the -Id'• first national park by Pres~ -U1)owa 8. Grant, March I, 1172. Al port of the celebration, prtparatlona are _. way to open -roada, pork· In& areu and tourill facllltles. An Ex· plorm C<lltor wtllopen thil oumrner and an Old Faltllflll Vllltor Ce n t er was dedk:aled. NEAR 111£ END OJ' 111£ aeaaon, in He said it would provide a bypass con- cept for dilperslng traffic around en- vionmentally fragile r.onet. SUPPORTERS OF THE PLAN !eel "If recreation IJ to evolve into a permanent economic auet without damaging the en- vironment, regional and local planning and subsequent :wning must bt establish-- ed and vJgorously enforced." park. such as wolves, and bttaking the trtcally operated vehicles. Romswinckel, 8441 Sterling, bears dependency on garbage dumps and Westminster, recenUy com- roadJlde feeding for his food. Electric bu,.., acconlinJ to pleted a IG-weet medical Visitors set fewer bears today than • C-page report, would be corpsman coune at the U.S. once wu the case because many have "both pollution free arid as Anny Medical Tr a 1 n I n g been trapped, tranquilized and moved to r---------. Center, Ft. Sam HOU!lon, Tex. inaccessible anw ao· they will be forced I ECOLOG. y I !'vi. Romswlnckel received to forage for themselves. Their removal basic trainq: at Ft. Leonard also limits the chances or an overzealous _ Wood, Mo. tourist arousing the wrath of an animal '------'"-'-----' and coming to harm. nearly silent u possJble." U.S. Air Force Major Victor The report-summarized an J. Nut1 Jr., aon of~Mr. and College. Lieutenant Coulter's wife, Melaine, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mathias ol IMO& Tamarind, Fountain Valley. Marine !'vi. Dtaals J. PewtU, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Powell of 13902 Pegg st.: Westminster, graduated from basic training et the Marine Corps Recruit Depot In San Diego. Report Cited Mrs. Victor J. Nartx, ·3230Z JS.month operiment w i t b Alipaz St., San J u a n G en er a J Mot o r s ' tn-Capistrano, has received the . vironmentaJ improvement pro-Distinguished Flyi~ cA>s3 for Marine Pfc. Anthony S. Frates. son of Mr. and Mrs . Anthony F. Frates, of 6422 Rutgers C"J.l'cle, Huntington Beach, graduated from basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depo\ In San Die&•· Tunney: Cut Off gram· kit. The kit was desilP" aerial achievement in Viet- ed to cul bul exhaust and nam. Major, Nartx distinguished llOise, but the test failed, the himself as a C-7A pilot. ~ aald. Despite the hazard of enemy TI.>e kit reduced noise in.side fire, be remained at an in- dlesel buses, but Increased secur< airstrip to aid in the noise outside. safe recovery of another C'I Funds. to Agency and crew. Marine F I r st Lieutenant James L Pritchard, liusband of Mn. Arlene E. Pritchard of Catalpa St., Newport Beach, has graduated from t h e Engineer F.quipment Officers' School al the Marine Corps Engineer School, Camp Le- Operator Supports Ski Plans WASJilNGTON (AP) -Sen. John Tunney has recom- mended that appropriations for the Interior Department's Bureau of Outdoor Recreation be withheld until 11 delivers a report on creating a national Lokesbore at Lake Tahoe. The Calllornia Democrat, In a letter IO Sen. Alan Bible, (!). Nev.), chairman of the Senate aPi>fOl!liatlons-lnterlor sui>- committe, uld the report waa authorized by the Senate In September 1970 and a llnal draft wu promiaed by Sept. :ie. 1971. "To my mind," Tunney wrote, •iaoR'a conduct tn the PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -matter would Indicate serioux The ......., of Anthony irT<IPoftllbt!Jty and I b O WI Late1 akl area In Eutern aucb blatant dlmgard for a Oregon haa warned that 1tl r--------~ compeUUon could suller by I I limiting expansion ol akl a~;;~erenota!lowed ton-OUTDOORS plnd, the olnpes wm 'be even _ . more crowded," Kelt)I Petrie told IOme 250 delegates to the Uniteil Slates Ski AllOClaUoit meeting here. "The llrst tblni we will have to cut ii com- petition." HE WAS DEBATING with Larry Moss, Sierra Club representative from Lo 1 Angeles, during a publtc af- fairs panel moderated by Or- egon's secretary of state, Clay Myers. Moss delended Ibo outdoor club's opposition IO t h e Mineral King aki are a development in c e n t r 1 J Calilornia. The club's legal action has held up further development for s e v e r a I years, but it was declared in- valid in April by Ult U.S. supreme Court. congressional mandate that I urge an appropriations to be wlthbeld from il until a llnal version of t h e report is deil¥ered to the Congress." LAKE TAHOE, NESTLED in the Sierra Mountains on the C.llfornia-Nevacla border, bas had extensive development along its shores, and some conservationists and others are alanned the development will ruin the natural en- vironment. Tunney, in his Jetter, said he received a copy last .summer or • "field draft" of the report, dated June 15, 1971. 1'1 was moat impressed with that draft, wblcb emphasized that lurtber fed.era! ex· pendj!urel, espec!ally heavy Wilderness Areas To Require Permit PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) - 'Ibe American wildemeu ta gelling IO crowd<d U>at btJ!n- nlng July L tht U.S. Forest Service Is rtqulrlng permits for entry into 14 wtlderness areaa of Or(!gon a o d Washlngton. Regional Forester R • x Resler of Portland said Ille lret pennlll are not lnlODdod to limit acoeos to wlldern• ....... ' l'emlltJ will be required !or bod! -Y entry and overnJclll tripl. Groups will be tnCOUnPd to oboorYe a liln!t of IO -s and IO btad of saddle and pock animals. IN ADDITION TO r«julrlng permllt, the Forest Service wlll place some new MStrlc- tlona Into effect -closing aome trails to ho-, clOling llOme &reU to ~ Ull livestock and bll1nllll cam- Mlt IOIDe ltre:IJDI and ... Rtlltr said by sheet wetgbt et numbtrs large groupo hive beon found to ht eopeclalty *'tructlve of d t ll cat t wilderness envlroomtn11. The permjll will be ob- lainable at dlatrict ranger of. forest headquarters and the regional Fortat Servi« or- hen. federal land acquisitions In the Tahoe Basin, couJd not be countenaced without s o m e meam of regulating develop- ment helter than the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency waa doing," Tunney said. HE SAID THE DRAFI' report recommended that the federal govenuiient assert "aome regulatory control over a 1concurrent jurisdlction' scheme." . Tunney uld that In a cover letter to the draft report, then BOR Director G. Douglax Holt Jr. said the final draft would be lllbmllted OD Sepl le, 1971, as requil'ed by the leglafaUon. Twmey aald be bu asked about the flnol draf~ but bu not received a reply. He 111d that he bu beard that 0 substanUal ·revisions" were being made to the draft report which might ·com- promise its recommendations. Camp Areas Opened By Indians Dogged e Cuttfn9 Halted LOS ANGELES (AP) -The county bu betn orderd to stop cutting treex In some East Los Angeles street wid<ning proj· ects until • July 3 hearing to determine the ecological im- pact. ~lnr Court Judge Robert A. Wenlte tssUed the order on a suit filed by three men· !I'· rested Jan. II 10.. allegedly tcylng to keep bulldozers from clearfng trees at a work site. The three are being repreaented by the American Ci vii Liberties Union, which argues that state liw requifes publJcafion of an en- . ViroDrMOlaJ Impact report belor< treex can be cut down. e Pa11let1 Si.it LOS ANGELES (AP) - Contending that nonsmoken have a right to breathe air •1ree from ~tion by non-nectssary pol]utkll,., Olan P. Thomas bu ·filed suit to stop smoking at all public events at-UCLA's Piulef Pavilion. - - Tbnmu filed the Superior Court suit on behalf ol himself and his children. Coast Guard Ensign Rallllalt A. Deu, son of !\Ir. and Mrs. Robert K. Dtan of 301 Ave. Arlena, San Clemente, ha:s reported for duty al the Coast Guard Air Station in San Francisco. Airman First Closs Kalllleea C. Schmoldt, daughter of Mrs. Allan Rodgers, 14322 Nevada Drive, HunUnglOn Beach, has btfn n a m e d Outsf.).nding Airman In her unit at Elmen- dorf AFB, Alaska. l Airman Schmoldt, an air traffic -controller, was selected Airman Steven W. Carpeller, ... ol l\lr. and Mrs. Rou , D. Carpenter of 34212 Sepulveda, Capl!trano jeune, N.C. h1arine Pvt. Geoffrey G. Tomb, son of Mrs. Margaret Tomka of 19862 Vermont Lane, Huntington B e a c b , graduated from basic training at· the Marine Corps Recruit Depot In San Diego. . Coast Gu8ri:I S e a m a n Recruit Kirt R. Cluff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anitrew R. Clulf of Sl:ll Indianapolis Ave., Hwrt- ington eBacb, graduated from basic training at the Coast Guard Training and Supply Ceqter at Alameda. Beach, bas graduatod at Shep-Navy Petty Officer Third pant AFB, Tex., from the U.S. Class Patrick E. M. DeVasser, AJr Force medi<al xervicell specialist courae conducted by son ol l\lr. and Mrs. Henry M. the AJr Training Command. DtV_, or 19732 Gloucester 11>e a i r m a n, who wu Lane, and husband of the trained to aalst In the care former Miss Sheryl J. Laurie and treaiment ol potienta, is ol 16192 Fairway Lane, all of being ass!gned IO Norin AFB. Huntington Beach, completed Airman James A.. Wlteeler the Basic Electronics Techni- aon of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald t: cian School at T. re as u re Wheeler, 232ll6 Respll Rood, Island, San Francisco. Youth gave up um· brella to keep his 2· year-old I r I s h wolf- hound 11Mephj" dry wlji!e waiting for com· From Wire Scrvlcea ~tition1 il('dog show at HOOPA-Tbt Hoopa lndlan--ell_e_sl-'oy;...,_M_ass_. --- Reservation ol Humboldt He said an "atmosphere contaminated with tobacco smoke is bannlUJ to tJ\e health." J;:I Toro, bas completed bis r Marine Pvt. Mlcbael J. U.S. Ar Force basic training WOooa. son of Mr. and Mrs. at the AJr Training Com-James L. Wilson or 8172 mand'1 Lactlend AFB, Tex. Guilders Drive, Huntington He bas been assigned to Beach, graduatod lrom basic Olanute AFB, Ill., !or tralnln& training at the l\larine Corps In the arman:ent syatems Recruit .,_,. In San D""'o. field. -.... -•. County hea opened the lirst ol 120 campgrounds planned for Indian reservations throughout the nation. Indian leaders, federal and local olficials opened the camp, overlooklng the Trinity River and featw'ing a grocery, laundry, showtrt and electric and water power for campers. OTHER PLANNED C811fornla sites ine:Jucle 1oca. tions on the TuJe River Reservation• east or Porterville; Fort Indepen-, den ce near Bishop; Chemebeuvl on the Colorado RJver near Needles, and · Los Coyolt1 and Meu Grinde near Eacondldo. ___ , The lloopa camp grounu wa1 created under t b e auaplce1 of Indian CamPtlfCIUllClo. Inc., an lndlan- owned Sacramento operation whlcll akll In locating such camptrOWICil. The National Parle Servlce and the Roopas are cooperating In restoring • 400- year-old vtllaiO u an added attraction here. MEANW111LB IN U SK , Wuh., Ibo Kali.pet lncllana ara aolal Into the -..Uon bullritsl w!tb Iha be1p ol • $100,• Fant from lhe !ecittal .......... t. ···-...... SACllAl\IENTO (AP) Intentional fires on farm, ste-w. ~ ol 230 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar, bas been promoted to corporal In the El Toro Marine Air Army Private )flcUel E. Concdol, son of Mrs. Jan Prougb, 3537 E. eoth Pl.1 HUJlo tingtoo Park, recently com- pleted a basic Army ad- ministration course at Ft. Ord, Calli. Group Asks Dismissal Of Official forest and range land wilt aoon Reserves u a member of be allowed ooly on "bum Marine Medium. Hell ....... daya" wben , weather -....,. Army Reoerv~ l\lajor Terry dlllom are Ideal for quick Squachon-711. L. Slacy, 10n ol Mrs. VICtorla dilpmlon, the Cl1llornla AJr Navy Construction Recruit J. Hammond, lll'/02 Dtmlon 8-lrcel Boon! haa decided. Rould F. '1atfeol., IOll ol Mr. Way, Huntington Be a c b, The t1llldtlines cover 11 air and Mrs. Robert F. PlaUoot of recently comp I et e d the basinx 1n the stile. Affected :197 -Lane, Costa l\I.,., .-ve componeats courae at would be farmers who gradua_ted from recru.lt Ibo U.S. Army Command and habitually bum off ricolield training al the Naval TralnlnJ General St.all C4111fe, Ft. .SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Friend! of the Earth, a ~ ~aUon group beaded by former Sierra Club director David Brower, 118'1 uked for tbe-cllsmlaaal ol U.S. National P~r} Service director George B.:irwo,. and other llublile, foreaton Center· al San Diego. 4'1venworth, Kan. who bum undtrbrulh lot tree ---,,,.---'------'----------~~-= = SOIT-SEtL.s.ut. •Y Marvla Myers "Ever alnce be wu ap- pointed director, then bas the deolred JrU1 a chance. Jleglnnlni Dec .•• the board wlll llaue a -al 7:t5 a.m. dally ... wllehr tl>at day will be I •'burl, W' or a 0~ .been a !tlnd a,..y from -bu'l'n day." t<id;on or the porb," uld a lettei: from -lo lnltrtor •• .,.ee s111111, . 5ecmary Rocwt B. MGrtan. LOS AllOIL!S (AP) -'l1le ' Loi ~ AlrDDrt C4nl- "IN8TEAD ar ~ -liia-..l'tnllrms with us. Mr. ll.rtq II -to -t••·J•ar ., vb11-ll ~ llUllles at stanUy workJna agalnll • llld Loi A 1 I e It 1 -..- against the public lnt..S In Airport llld tha ,..;med the .naUonal parb," said the Palmdale_t_I letter · on behalf ol Ille San Alc:"-lr"ad ~-• .,.. Francl1e»·b111cl' paip willcb widJNorlll"I! 'l&mr..,. dallns' 15,000 membln, mmlal Ill..._ ,.,. Iha 'SpecmcalJy, ....... llld, Loi Atllllta ...., ... 1hl HWotr ii •118nt61 lo ::t: Ultlt. 0.. ... Iha abolilb national port ......,. Cllllan ~. Uport and to turn .... port ad-cllpell&fltl -1 -1., mlnlltrallon to -ol· .... llto ........... "' .... Ticlalt. duottcl Ill _,.._ -... Ht a11o claimed tho! port 1• ~·•w181 ~ al'-'· ...._ Act llld Iha mt AlrnJI nalllr ,... ~-warn againlt DneiDlllleel Ad. ,,,. lnl 7'1/1 . ~@)~'b\'{t,.~~" ~~:.~ ~ ·~1 ,,,. .,..., wlD be -led to Ult rnc11ane by • ....,..._ taUve ol Iba tconomlc O...lollmonl MmlnillraUon lo build a ncrutJoa area aloofr • mDe llrelcll of lhe Penci On!UJe Ri>tr cm reaerva- ~ laocl. ~ ., ........... ..... nqalre .. ••bi116iilUI llld .::...:e ~ II :.r.-=..:,:.. .. ~5 10 ·SNil, y.,4f l'f KHT Ii P&'i:F:. HE" \IJElfT 1* ~y °* ~TEP TO 60 •· CWIN6- 1¥ 1!AA FIFTY BIX~.'' 1 First Lieutenant llarolcl !!,. : Buier Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold E. Breier Sr., 'nU Jud»m Ave. Westmin· ster, has received the U.S. Air FOl"Cfl Commendation Medal at Richmond, Va. Lieutenant Bre1er, an in- fcrmation officer, wu cited; for merltork>us aervice at Cas- Ue AFB. He is now serving with an 1• Air Force recruilinJ detach- ment at R1chmood. Airman !\fart A.. He• alngsen, son of Mr. and Mn. , Walllce L. Henningaen of Mission Viejo, hu graduated 1 at.Sheppard AFB,.TeL, from the U.S. Air For<e Almalt mechanic C<>W'S:e conducted bY. , the Air Training Command. The airman, who wu train- ed to repair current Air Force ; jet fighters, is being aalgned to Beale AFB., for duty with 1 unit of the Strategic Air Com-1 mand, America's nu c 1 e ! r deterrent force of long range bombers and lnterconUnental ballistic missiles. Marine Lance Corporal Eric 1 S. L<wt1, grandson ol l\lr. and Mrs. John A. Mltcbtll of 2849 Grand Ave., HunUnglOn fork, has reported for duty at llla· rlne Corps Base, Tlwlltynine I Palms . la graduation ceremoniel at the Naval Academy •. All- napolis, Md., Job D . J Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs. I Donald R. Thornton or 219U : Slarfire L a n e , Huntlngton 1 Beach, brought a close to {our years of intense, formal study. I I Airman First Class Ttmotq ; B. Osucb, son ol l\lr. and Mrs. 1 · Loudwig M. o,..ch of 6571 Walt St., Weslminster, has ar-1 rived for duty at bmya I AFB, Alaska. Airman Osuch, a com- munlcaUons 1peclali!t, ls a ' member of the Aerospace J Dtlense Command which P!1>-I tect.s tne u.s. against 11ost1ie , aircraft and missiles. H~i previously aerved at Vall> denberg AFB. I Airman J' II re y lt.·J Gallaglltr, son of ·Mrx. June M. Morgan, Ila Lamber!J I tlunUngton Beach, bu comi pleted h1a ti.S • .\Jr Forte 1>asiO< training at the Air Tr~I Ccimmand'1 Lackland AFB TeL ·Hi.bas betn assigned Shepperd AFB, Tex., , training ill met.i~ting. . l First U-...t ·llanld zjJ Breltr Jr., 800 of l\lr, ~i Mrx. Harold E. ilreJ<r Sr I 7212 Judson Ave . ! w .. tm1no1ar. bas receivtd U.S. Air Force eomm;~ltiQ~j Medal at RldmlOdd, Va. Lieutenant: Jimer, ID formaUOn olflcer, -cl • for meri-aervi« at Ue AFB. He Is now aervtnr 'tiltli Air Force recrulUllf :3 menj at Rlchqiond. Airman l\latt A. llllaoe., ICIO of Mr. and Waliace L. Hennlnpeo MJulon Vltjo, ..... cr11C1ua T!Jt, airman, wbo trained to l'lpllr tGI 1 eat Farce Jt1 f1Plen, lo ... ai&ned IO Beole AFB, for will> • 111111 of Ille Stratecle c..w-. Alnlrtca'' -~ detilrmt r.m._o1i«<X-.lifliiiil bomben .... "' baWll!cJ m"'11oo Kirt D. I I' a,..., UW' O!>iollll lild Jin. B. Rabbo'11, 111418 1 rt•• 4 , Lw,a. ........ .... been==· ,, ... . ~:--=-'*°"' Olllew• :rr-. e., (AP'ROl'CJ ii41wli a Unlwl:al.ty. .._ ""' ·- l.dla D, -et .... ==~=· .... ~ LeBao., .. Ave., Costa ...... from hallo ...-. at MamQspolllcnlii-.t ""' DlelD-lla a"""11d Zltaocta Jl1flh.ll ' I • CAil y PILOT I I Everyone Hes Som ething That Someo"e Else Wonts CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, T re de It With o Went Ad . I , .r~'. Baest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial ·642·5678 for Fast Results ~~~· . . I _ .... l~I -.... Gener•I Gt_ .. * *·* * * * * TAYLOR CO. *· BIG CANYON COUNi\Y CLU B NEW 4 BR. residence In this prestige a,rea. Surrounded by B. C. Country Club. Large family room & formal DR. Plush carpeting. Garden entryway, BeaulifuJ $124,500. ''Our 27th Y ••r'' WESL!Y N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 Sin J01qiiln Hilla Ro1d 'NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. . 644-4910 * * * * * * Grneral G1n1r1I _,,, .. Gontrol . . EASTSIDE '$24,500. ~home on cul-de.uc street w/eepuate a:an.re A alley rntrance, Vacant and ready to see anytime. 95%- loan avallab!e. Newpo rt I t F1irvlew . 646-1111 (1nyllmo) VACANT-4 BR (;:;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;:;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;(lMMEDIATEPOs.sESSION· Fanta.stic comer location with plenty of room for boat or trailer. Only 5 yn: old, and all the modem conven- iences included. PO o L TABLE size family room plus den. Freahly painted, Xlnt co~tlon. $35,950, Call M.S-8424 (Open eves.) \outh , (-oast -- Cul de Sac Chann CAP E COD shingled estate on a sandy oeach in classic Newport Beach neighborhood. ·' Unique personified! 3 bedroom and den two story straight out of House Beautfiul, plus ,, you-never-know it's there 2. bdrm apt. Look at .lb• figures on Ibis $215,000 Investment. REDUCED $1,550 REAL TOR,"MUL TIPLE LISTING SERVICE "Apple pl~ c:ond." t.arg< . , , lodscpd. lot, sprinklered, so PHONl.UNIQUl,HOM D;COlo'MA Dll MAI. 671-1000 you enjoy . the pool. 'fhe I'----·---·-----· ............... iiiio ( house ls new thnxiu~ just 1• , move into this 3 bdrm. Daily · PilOt Classified ORANGE COAST'S BEST SALESMAN •• chahner. Priced to sell at $42,!l50. CORBIN- MARllN REALTORS 644-7662 ,Gtntr1I "9ntr•1 NESTLED IN 1=============~==1-... all the big ......... this h\'O story 4 bedroom home, complete with. real liardWOod floors, . 2 bi& lili ... ~lijlliilllltillliil ba.ths." ... rs.lied kltchen and 1 lot1 of fr.u1t ~ Room for IRVINE TERRACE CHARMER ·• Brighi, cheerful patio ofi large fam. nn., 3 BR., 2 ba., formal din. Lo~qs of built-in storage. Choice loc., near beach. $59,750. M. C. Buie ·boat or trlliier. Owner'11 moving soon and wants' of· !er. Priced . bnly $31,995. • With all tei-m.s. Hurry. C19l '5f6..5mj() Open eves) .~:· HERITAGE REALTORS _,.,..,.. • Gontr1I General WHO LOVES A VIEW? WE ·ALL DO! .cameo Highlands. Architect designed-New carpets & drapes. 4 Bedrooms, convertible den, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings and 2 used brick fireplaces, family room, built-in ltitch· en & B·B-Q, PLUS MANY XTRAS. Entertain around your own POOL ............ $76,500. POINTS TO PERFECTION IN TURTLE ROCK Let. us show you Ibis enchanting home. Atrium entry, spacious living room with fire. place. 3 Large bedrooms, 2 baths, LOVELY DINING ROOM + room to store your trail- er or boat. ........................ $62,500. IT SPARKW, IT BUBBLES IN.J.Ul.tLE ROCK You'll love Ibis beauty! Atrium entry, 3 bed· room 2 bath, FAMILY ROOM, built-in kilch· en, SHAG carpets, CUSTOM drapes, beau- tiful. covered PATIO with gorgeous land· scapmg on fee land. A real lov~ at .. $47,900. NO FOOUN' AROUND WITH THIS ONE Enchanting TWO STORY 5 bedroom 3 bath ~ firepla.ces, FAMILY ROOM, formal din'. mg room, NEW carpets and drapes island kitchen, SOMERSET model on FEE '1and in HARBOR VIEW HOMES .......... $72,500. "HONEST TRUE" YOUR BOAT AND YOU Waterfront and pool with PIER and SLIP available too. New carpels and drapes, 2'h baths, WET BAR, marble fireplace. Over- look THE WATER from your patio and en- JOY · " .. · ...... · " " · · · . . .. .. .. . .. . $85,000. . A@t111-S-"' ··A:.··-·-. r--•lSltiCWls REALTORS 644·7270 . · 2121 EASTI COAsT HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. TERRIFIC LAGUNA OCEANFRON,T Lovely, newer Rockledge home. 5 BR., 5 ba., fam. rm., pool, ·den, din. rm. 4 car gar. CUst. cons!. plus a sensational ocean/ isliind view. $195,000. George Grupe. a:: .. 1. Z:::11 ' ' JUST LISTED A great find. 4 Bdnh. view home in Har- bor View Hills. So clean &, nlce, it ·won'~ '. last at '65,000. Call me now! Jim Muller DOVE~ SHORES 5 bdrmJ., famUy rtn., wet bar, pool. $125,· 000. 3 Bdnrl., enormous family tm., excel- lent • view· $83,000. Eileen Hudson. BAYSHORES WATERFRONT & POOL Custom home, 4 bedroom & den or 5 bed- rooms. 512 baths. Top quality cilrpeting, dra- peries, wallpaper & fixtures. View from mo'st rooms. 87' lot, lovely gardens & lge. POOL 2832 Bayshores Dr. $240 OQO ' BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR lol1nder1 Building .ATTENTION ~1 B1yaidt Dr., Suitt 1, N.B. 675~161 BU I LDERS I~=:;""""'"""""""""~,;,,;,;;;...,,,.;,;;;;;;,;~ Cozy Ren)odeled 2 Bedroom General Gtn•r•I Home with Built-Im. and l"""."'.'.::'."'."'."'"---- --- BUDGET PRICED 4 BEDROOM Enjoy tbe carefree 1Ue of Uft!versU;y Parle with pools. play yards and loll ol grttnbelt area. Conilder a roomy • BR. 2'°' BA Townhowe wlth pool llzed yard. The property ii vacant, the financin& ia nexlble and the price ls low at only $.ll,500. C a 11 673-8550. O THI: REAL \""-ESTATERS Great Stal'ffr Home Here ii a lovely family home located on a quiet Costa Mesa street., 3 bedroom, 2 baths plus large Jamily kitchen plus separate family room. New C&l'pl!ls. drapes and paint Assumable low interest V. A. loan or use your own no down G.I. benefits. $28,500. C. F. Colesworthy & Co. Realtors Eastblull Office 640-00lO ,,.,..,.,... Office ~ CALL.to tit V.:neral Gontr•I THE BLUFFS · JUST LISTED Now you can own a 4 bdrm., 2 ba th care- free condo for only $39,500. Located on quiet cul, de sac street -convenient to comn1unity pool. Low down pymt. if desired . HARBOR VIEW HILLS · $55 ,750 Lowest priced "Lusk" home in beautiful Harbor Vie\v }{ills. 3 spacious bdrms. 2 baths, family rm. plus a mple dining area. Carp. & drapes incl. One of the largest lots in area, 72x160 . BAYFRONT ·CORONA DEL MAR •.. on one of the nicest beaches in the area, this lovely 3 bdrm. & family rm. home shows 11like a precious jewel," with all facets fully polished. Price just reduced $10,000, as own- er has bought a business requiring extra cash. Price now only $159,000. General WANTEDI! TENDER LOVlNG CARE from a f.amlly who deslrn to liw In• aood aelg- excdlent 1 c boo 1 1 , eor>- venient to markets and r rttv.<ay, cul-de-sac close to l\1eaa Verde Country club-3 Bedrooms + ra1nUy room, 2 baths, CO\'tred patio, J>rittd at only $30,999, C a 11 -= 0 THf. RI:!\!, '"-f:STA '!Tf!-.; . Owner Says S.D! Repubtie hon1e just two years young! Large llvinc room with ca thedral beam- ed ceilings. Formal dlnin& room and breakla..lt nook in kitchen. Separate family room \Yilh br1ck llreplace. A>klng 1 42 , 750. Call S<&-2313. Convenient parking-easy to be a "DROP-IN" at Bay & Beach Realty 2 TRl-PLEXES Bi lbo• Ptnl nsul• 675·3• X1nt winter/summer rentals. Each unit bu 3-2 I: 1-BR's. ----~l ACll ' "" ._._ .. _ .. _-_· -_J Sep. patio GI' ....... W/M. unll Ea.,. .. -· eoll loda>! Ca11:11W11111 IGMIJ:ws. Tiit Getty-, A"*- or we will even ahow it to you. Bet you diW,'t know It has 3 big ~s. 2 baths, custom wall-to-wall carpet· Ing. Xlnt location. in that It I !!!!!!!!!!!'1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11 is In beautiful Huntington Gene ral General associated BPO'<ERS Rfl'ILTO~S : ;', w Bult;.,".i ~·1 l61:.J Beach, and we even have j ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;:;;;;::;;;, 1-------- someone wM wW show tt to LIDO ISL E Near Upper OUTSTANDING VALUE· $24,500 you in a LINCOLN. ONLY Cozy single ''°"' home Newport Bay • 5% down arid a total price 1n choice Lido location of only $31,500. WOW!! with 3 bedrooms $25 ,250 Located in Eaataide Costa Meaa, thil home IOld once, now back on the market. tt'• • 3 btdrm 1 bath in .. 1reat .,.., brlck flr<place, Jarp lot -best buy In ...... for the money -take & look! QUICK! all terms. Red ro;,,,,., co: TS ~WALLACE REALTORS _..,,54 ... 1...,4141_ (Open E-J"t•) OWNER WANTS ACTION Action he wants, but be had to drop his price! Now it's reduced to $5Z995, he'll car- ry a &econd at that price! BUT HE CAN'T WAIT, HE SA ys "BRING ANY OF· Including master suite with 2 baths , living room ha11 \\"hite brick firepl ace lots of booklhdves &: opens onto private brick pa tio formal dinin&: room vacant &: ready for immediate occupancy $83,500 l balroorrui, p o li s hed hardv•ood & shag carpet, double garage, hUge Jot with towering shade t r e e s . Assume tbe VA loan and $157 per month J>8.Y 11.ll ()r no down to new VA loan. First day on the market. -· ........ [I ih \ 1+ eu.e~ Rell--· MISA YEIDE VALUI PACICA&E llftl-51M191 F0< PO• ,.. pt a I Open Eves bedroom. 2 both -wHh 8 ACRE ESTATE ~:Y:~·:_:,= n ~ .. 'TORS $220,000 ..... (_'!'.!-~ deon) _ .. ~.· FER"! U you want a ~ ............ __ .. .... Newpilrt Add;reu, a pool, • SINCE 1944 Huge C\l!tom built ranch loul and wl1 pl)' IDln teea bedrooms, etc. and you have 673-4400 "°"""· 4 bedroom, 41> baths, on new nL\ or VA -a desire for 'l>IOCER-2 wet ban, game room, 9ff It and •ve! Red Carpet ING.. the call ""7171 S\\·in1ming pool it; secluded, Realt..... 5*-l&IJ, ' n "" ~ • 4 ·SINGLE HOMES .... ,..,,guest""""· an .... ----'-~---- oTHEREAL \'."\( ESTATERS ,_,, ' . . -. ~·.- BRING OFFER- OWNER ANXIOUS Snug EASI'SIDE Costa Mesa Bu11!aJow. Quiet Street Cloae to hpping and Library. 2 Batrooms, Fami- ly Room, Llvilw Room, Fireplace.-l.arp BA c k Yard. $23,500. Call 646-0ii56, Evenings 646-5226. COLWELL PROPERTIES, INC REALTORS -hurry -Thia II ly 10 years old and located PRICED RIGHT on 8 acre• of rolling hills todizy'1 belt income buy. 4 -nestled among a fOl"est of NOW ONLY $.10,950 for a 'l'I\,, bedrwm homes with ttte... qualified p a r t i e 1 beautiIW l bedroom 2 bath aeparate garages KpOtlea ...... 1 .. _ 1 home near the beach. Ins condition. Separate patio& -c;:;i ~= ~ ~ than • ~ old, an rmdern Co m p I e t e I y prtvat2. • CQftvcniencet (di.hwuher, P rofeulonal ~. SUPER SIZE BEDROOMS builtin kitchen etc.) owner choice conve.8'ent Joca11on. tn thb Immaculate 4 rad)' to '°' don't 1ft1u WI Askq $62,7[>0. EZ T...... bedroom, 2 bath, 2 1tory Cali Red Olqlet, Roalm Call 6'T.J..85!(1. hetroe. Forrnal dining room, 5'6-8640. oTHEREAL '.).'. EqTATER.l) . . . bright patio kitchen and -,,--------I good carpets &, drapes. Bllboo lslllld Beaut landscaping. The --------1 bl'st part Is the price, only NEW LISTING $33,500. SEYMOUR will Fint Ume on nmklll CU. EASTSIDE tak• your p,...nt Mme In tom bll. s..ty, 3 BR:, S,. bo. BARGAIN trade on this beauty. Call home: on one ot the Sarsttt now for a p p o I n t m e n t. Iola on Utue laland, Tor. $26,950 SEYMOUR REA LTY llllc cond., wllh MUil' ... Tbl.1 home hu everythlnt-3 MT-1221. tru, pJ.111 tum. 2 BR. rental EM&QtALD BAY -HEAR. TH~ SURF ·From anywhere in Ibis 3 BR., 3 ha., C.D. home in • gated, priv. community. LUXUI')' appt1s. Low maint: $110,000. Bob Yorke. HARBOR view HOME M..,lve Flreplace, built. on *BUILD INCOME* . *Fixer Upper 3 BR .* ~ Rear Property Line. N'pt Beach, 5axl.60 R-2 1ot, Corner lot. Xlnt Ooor plan. ''U'' -FIXER With Varianct Build an ad-room to build. 2 BR. home Bring your paint brush & aoo<1 me bedroom., 2 baths, FOR LEA••"' wllh ton.al dining rm. a forced a.it heat, tel'Titlc ~ TA. heat. plUI l ·bdnn., 1% Just listed> Moptego mdl., largest single · sty. 4 BR., on corner. Brick frplc. In !iv. rm., formal din.,. plus hill view. $49,950. Howard Wells · DESIGNED FOR .CHILDREN Efficient & charming 5 Bdnn. home. Up- itain family rm., dining rm. For the fa- mily that wants an investment in happi- neso. Ball!oa Penin. Bill Bents . OCEAN VIEW -$16,500 Cbann galore In old Corolla, o'n 93' lot- 3 BR., 2 ba., offlee; farm style Jdtch. l· ·House off Ocean Blvd. lmmac. cond ., move rigbt in. Trion& Bergin • • • SEEN EVERYTHING? , NOW -see Ibis Impressive 3 lg, Bil., huge, beautiful fam. rm., choice town- house in ca~lree Unlv. Park. $55,000. "CbuCt"' Lewis t EXCITING LUXURY · . Big Canyon beauty. Privacy -grace -for a most dlscrlminallng taste. 3 Frplcs., wet bar., aep. ,D.R., lam. room. Call for app't. & details. Paul Quick · VACANT LOT -LIDO ISLE Build .lhe il!Juie or your-dream. on~lb~ dlOlce 40' comer lot, across from beach club, Wmls • priv. beaches. '53,000. Char· JeDe Whyte I . ' '!'.HIS IS IT I Truly the spot. Largel& gracious, on quiet N .B. street. Big apallln suite, den & wet bar. EllcL yard with trees. Call Bill Com- mclt dltional 5 un;,... Only 2 car gar., rented at'snO save$. Good 1oc., close to $17,750! ?"T·SIX>· Call 641)...()556, E~ month. Only $26,900. all sc}Klola. Hurry! The Jixer upper of 1972. 2· locatioo, c 0 r n er Jot, 4 BEDROOM bo. """" qll'I., "'"' lep. sprlnkl"9 Iron! ...i ftar, 2 BATH '"""1rr nn., pl .. coocret• ""'846-5226., . CAYWOOD REAL TY BALBOA BAY PROP. story bargaln. Perfect start. double prqt', great famlq patio, pltl:I dbl. pnp w/ home in & country .etUne -ONLY • )'tB.n old, th.la home tlec. door opener Ir extra aee it you'll like u. Red hu bullt·in kitchen, tam. PIJ'kinl for cue.U. A btauti· COLWELL PROPERTIFS, !NC REALf{)R~ TURTU IOCK llYINE SHARP! Moorish tile foyer. Fjlrmal dlnJnr. HUKe lamlly room. Cheery 1arden kft· c~en. Spacloua bedrooms. 2 l(ll'leOUI ftd brick patios. Secluded pailc like yml. Quiet street. $46,IXX) includes land, Arudoua ownerl Call --- * $41-1290 * * 642-7491 * er chalet. FHA old Needs TLC. $200 to buy! Call fut - 66-0303. For that item under $5(). try Sell idle items the Penny Pincher. -Now! CHntr•I Gtnor•I MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES BAY & OCIAN VIEW Used brick, heavy shake roof. 3 BR's, 2 bllbs. Custom Home. ForDlll DR., den, bltfst. room, lerge beauUful pool, on co,.. oer lot Olmer out of state-make offer-..iting f/6,500. Harriet Perry 64U235. NEW LUXURY HOME ON LINDA ISLE Fantastic large FR. w/sunken bar & room for pool table, BR's., 4~ bllbs, formal DR. The kitchen is a gourmet's deJilht. Beautiful Bayfront VIEW. Slip for 55' cruis- er a: auxiliary craft. TURTLE ROCK Vll!W HOME ll 4 BR., FR.I Top conditil>nl Paooromle VIEW! Great location on quiet cul-de-11cl ,73,950. Laszlo Sherkany 644-8200. [.lrvtna I • ·-~c -I ... --14··------MC·- Carpet, Realtors 54tHl64(J. rm., creat back yard, quiet ful home plua income Jar S'"'AL IT 1treet, excellmt location-ll.10.000. 15 near ICboo.......,,,ppJnr, own-MORGAN REAL TY LOW DOWN er In •.hurry .• R«I Carpet, 6n..642 67M45' 3 bedroom 2 ba.th In Realtors 546-86IO. Bllboo p.,IMula HaJe...11, -lined ..... , NEWPOIT cul-<IHac Jot wry quirt, HElfiHTS DUPl.EX, I blk. lo 'beuh. I OHi \I I OI \II\ , ' bttit-ln kltchen, forced alr Xlnt c:ond. Diii. Ill'· ter. ""'· 1ireo1ac., dbl. aarar• 2 FOR 1 SALE · .111x21s.-k.Alt11Mll4. quiet cul-.de1ac ttreet, PLUS fantutk: fintlhed 11lal'• rig~t! ho •i.n.te c.r..a .. Mar Eutside 4 Bedroom, 2 bath; enclosed nimpus rm. (pool houlell wllh Rparite Yards -:-:===:-o===,_I beautiful 1 .... tory home ; talbe or ?)' owner taUdng A garages tt located dote to VACAHT & READY spark.ling clean. ClOAe to $29,950 YeJ"/ IOIUy, 9ff ft a very nice park. Jdeal for * Sharp 2 ~ home schoob. hke roof. Pro!. make oU~. Red Carpet, lnveston just get t I n I * New paint 11\ • out NEWUSTING ldscpd. Only 134,sro. Rralton 54&-8640. started, at only $36,000. * New plltllt ...., crpt CALL ANYTIME 4 BR. better than now. First tlme adwrtlled. Cali * New drlprrln ~3'21 or Eve. 541-9416 J!rl&ht and cheery. Sale for 6*-lln. * Room for onother unit • the klda to play. $49,960. * $45,!IOI fltll price Lachenmyer1 3 BR. Super cl•an. Gate for *l'ULLlll REAL TY* boat Storage. Walnut 5*0914 •••••••••• Alt:Ytlmt! Rf'Jlto1 __... f pantlod. Only $27,950 • BAYSIDE DR. DUP1D< tertn1. iiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii N..,_ ~ 2 BR. ---s "....., .. 1ot. -WT OF THE 2BA -uo1t. -w/prlY WESTCUFF CM. Pampmd 2 BR. CH· .. ,.ES -• e.,. Vltw, BAY $135,000. °"1lel' ntOYtnc· """ MESI. llORTGAGZ CO. . Excluslv< lietJt>e-( bedl<>om Will llntlnce. 3 --2 boih, builtlnl. >Sll~Zl't~,_,,,'-="'="".,,-.,,.._ With poo1. ·s.. t111a lovely 1 cuuCK CAROTHERS double -with 11oraae TRIPLEX m 2 Br Studioo, yoar old !»me, clesWned by REAL ESTATE •nd ,,.u.. Condo, ukJna Top.,... $1',500. Rlcbard L<ltc~ a.od bul!t by TREASUR ES $20,911G. v........... In °"""" 54MT'..O Sturtevant. TM> lar&e now lJ31 W01tdlff, N.8. ~ quiclt:.c , CAMro ~ oclzl,:!. 0,:";..i~ BACK IA Y can .... m <Open Ews). o~ER.H~ ~~ ' _, ""1 ...,.,., "" quiet 3 BEDROOM + BR m BA -.,,,_ PETEBARRETT POOL ::,;,: .-~te!:~ Clean a.od neat a wey partial ..... """· •• -REALTOR-private t>a.ck ,....i. 2io 1 -=-m-~ma._,,,----.1 641.52GI 11ou., 3 blc bedroom•. new. 4 BDRM, 2 BA TH Cost• Mete b' painted, atone fln!'$>1Ace F IXER UPPER priced rllhl· $29.950-name doublacarproge,rovtl' Brin& )'>Uf paint brush and ,..... temul Hurry on thl1 ed patio, IOOd Euialilt save a bundle on t.hll 3 •· Red Carpet, Realton location • bdnn., 2\0 beth llomt_ In 1,,,_!46_116.,..IO. ___ .,.,,._ $26,950. Newport Be1cb. Full pr1co v-"""' coot money! Rent Roy McC1rdlt ROlltor only $32,500. 1'11110" down. )'Dllr -· ..... ..... 54172f FULL E It l\ EAL TY, bide., el<. -a Dally Pilot ISIO Newport Blvd., C.V. 546-0814, aeyllme, Clo..ut.d ...... 6tJ.MI. MESA VERDE BEAllTlFIJL home. 4 BR. W•ll k•pt. - .... $4.1,950 Owntr ~4'1!11 UNUSUAL 3 Br, 21' Ba, pu'I rec rm w/'«tt t.r, 1800 oq ft.'S.C. HI-I'm 1IU. no "Yt11qw "-" " \clua!Ded. ••. MWm. I ' ' 22 OAILV PILOT llond"1, -26, 1972 NOW! NEW! PILOT PENNY PINCHER Crl'SSIFIED. ADS WITH A NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES 2 TIMES 52.00 ANY ITEM • $ OR LESS EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED · • Combined Total of It.mt Not To Excaed $50 e • No Copy Cho-• ·No Abbreviations e • No Commercial Firms • CALC • 642-5678 ~SK FOR 1YOUR D~IL Yi P.IL0,1i ~D-..YIS'OR ~ND. iY.OU M~Yt 'CH~RGE IT! I _... l~ I _ .. ,. I~ I _.... I~ I --~~ f -·.. l~ I _ .... Cosio Mo .. MESA VERl>E $29,900. 4 br, huae !run rm, lonn din MESA VERDE ""· lle•ut lndscpd. cu1 "' AC, $45,500. 1940 Killdeer BHt ~ 1n tbe areal Cozy ctr. S,00.,...n by 11 pp t . family room w/cndding 5'6-9'{(;. l!nplaoel Separate muta =..,,..:"--~-~~~ bed.rm w/bath! Don't wait. BY Owner. Jlome With Pool. call for appt. ~1.050. 3BR. 1% Ba. Jo'rptc, Din Rm. $32.000. Call lot appt: Ontu :'>1>-4739. II/' ll -TREES -3l "'21 3 BR-Oodles ol cupboards, ~ clo"""· extnu. owner 2064 ~ I I Nat'I, CM &l&-1043. Huntington Beech ''$500.00 DOWN'' I• au .)'OU-netd to move Into one ol. the best neighbor- hoods In the Beach area. It's VACANT, and priced to aell • , , Don't wait, call today 540-11565. SHERWeeo REAL TY 18964 Brookhurst t•. v. Huntington S..ch Loguno llMch NowportBeoch VA NO DOWN OWNER delptnteo. Cool 3 BR. & Den $36,fSO on thia rare value 2 ocean bf'l.'eZe in the lovely Unique, white brick exter. bedroo 1 Wiit ·One patjo, Pool ai:ied led 2 Ba bll·ins m1 eac' • Kf'OU1'1d5-ntaUy . Jandlcaped ~e., t~-y~ ~ unit ~w V~(·ant and ready & manicured. :; bedrooml. \\wk but a real bu,y fQr the for 1mm~\'.hate OCCU~· Tri-level home w J th hancl).man. Call: Each unit rents for $165. aeparate batha. dream MI&.5ION REALTY 494-07!1 Keep as home or rental. On. bull tin appllancell include =="--------1 Jy S32.950. II you beve been dishwasher. tamily room MYSTIC HllLS in the servke, calJ us. boasts fireplace. Laundry Ocean view! ( Bdnns., 2 ba.. area. Walk to all schoob. Ocean view llvin&' & dining Brlc, $34.500. 962--5566. rms. Lge. level yard, room C WALl<fR & I H OWNER tr.uuferred. Ex· for pool Xlnt neighborhood, Realtors close to scbooll. $49,500. Open Evcs- BY OWNER • CORNER lot cul-de-""' st. 3 M.t• Verde . BR, 2 BA, ttpl &: bonus rm. * Walk to Park * 3 Bdrm, 2 bath home, super clean, covered patio, sprink· h!r1. Bltins, w/w crpt1. thru- out. Asking $.11,500 and only 10% down . cellent home !or • youn& * 499-2ll00 * NEWPORT family with 3 bedrooms. 2 ..parate baths, Iii« new ~ HEIGHTS 3 BR, fam nn., 2 frplc's. $35,500. ~7793 lovely home. Trff shnMd. -'-"--------- \vall to wall carpeting, ~ dcapes. Relax In the patio -"''°"""'' 5 BEDROOMS * 847-8531 • the Re•I E1tat1 Mart Ni.:. back yard w/binl El Toro REPOSSESSIONS aviary. Sep. play area. ::;.;...;.;;;.;: _____ _ aUcr a hard days \\"Ork! SOU™ u.cuu.. Clil $58,000 Picturesque landscaping. -------------Prime location. Br k, MYSTIC HILLS Tri-level honll!, great for QWet cul-de-sac. :i Blkll 3 BR., 2 BA.. cpta, drps, lge For tn!onnatlon and locatio11 elem & J r. hi. s nUn. San patio, lge. JXlOl..alze lot of these FIIA &: VA homes. D}ego rrwy. FirK'. nr. enciotled by block waU, contact _ $25,950. 842-6691. <'lltcrta.ining, \Yt't bar, la.rg<' WALK to Sch. 3 Br 3 Ba, 4 _Bdrms. & firepl~ce, la~e sun deck, very large Jot, P a t i 0 , f r P 1 c , '1 u 11 Y living room, th1~ lan1il~ rca.r yard ideal for tennis 1 and s ca ped ;37 950 home Is located 1n one o. oourl & pool. Many trees. 968-4749. 9711 Ciearb~k Laguna's ()nest h l 11 s i !.le Rear acttss for boat or rareed. $32.750. 557-6100. c-to xlnt schools, KASABIAN markets, new m a 11 • LOVELY North Side home. ReBSonable. 8 3 7-1 7 5 3, Real Est•te 847~9604 IV/pool. 3 BR ~ den or 4 494-2116 aft 5o30 & wk .. nds. GOV'T, OWNED BR. l.ly. Fam. Rm., 2% ba. 0 area.o;. \Vatch the sun 1>4!l tr.:1.iler. Call 646-7171. r. behind Catalina. $65,500. 2200 sq, !L By owner. Fountain VaQey ReJXlsseued homes. Low -'Olan 1-o· THE REAL \~ ESTATERS ~·~.100 C oncord. OWNER anxious assume down. Government pays ADULTS -5"'' r1. FHA loan closing COila. Call 968-4441. -... ffJ now on pro-Perfect for adults, Con-~ . " . BEST llYS! c L A s F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 perty. Sparkles like a jewel. * Crest Realty dominium in beaut. 3 bedrooms, loads ot extra I ;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii.:..; I NEWPORT HTS b I ' Tiburon, 2 BR, 2 BA. all • ca inels & shelves in $700.-MOVE IN elec kit, refrigerated. Good 1190 Glenneyre St. HURRY lo see th is 1astefuJly ~chen an: ilb_e d r 00 m • SeHer pays all other costs? assumable loan, adult 5CC· 49.f-9473 549--0316 f!eeora!lm hoine. 3 B<tnns .. l.n~etwall~::r, k~~~~~~ $202. per nio inc. tion. Make offer. B)' O\Yner : '.\ BH, lge den~ 2 2 Ba., frpl., lgl'. patio plus drapes. Beautiful l..'OVered everything. 3 Bli 2 BA I' BA. lrpl., 2-car gar, Jncd., alley access. Only $44,500. patio with brick fireplace. features bltin elec R/O, lge po.tio, playhouse, Iruit l 'A l.I. 0 ''•·?,14 REAL ESTATE Double garage. Bric. $26,CXXI, wfw crp~ & drps, used '62-4471 ( =:J 546-1103 trtts, Top ol World Sehl 91A ~A 962-8865. brick fpl, FA hi, patio.,,.,..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""" Dist., nr Bluebird Pk. wffM#C. OWNER must sell. J..nvely vacant, xlnt Joe, OWNER sacrifice. No down s3t 950. 494-!!694. i Jo:A LTY I lido Isle Nt1r Ntwport Post orr lc t home designed for happy ' G.I. terms-4 bedrooms, 2 C ill family living & t":ntertaining. baths, large family room ANNERY V age Property. 2 baths, elea:ant fireplace !62-4471 ( :=.J 54MlOl with inspirational fireplace, * REDUCED * Part leased + rm to build. lends added charm to a11 electric k I l ch en' A Nord strata Comer Owner, $44.000 548-8750. gracious living room. 4 -d i s h w a s he r-a real Custom blt., 3 BR, 2 ha. 4 BR. 3 Ba. 3 yrs old, spec. bedrooms. Gounnet's pride OPEN HOUSE SUN 1.5 wife-saver! 2 patios, full $74.CXXI lacular view. Best quality, !t builtin kitchen, even a 21692 Impala Lane dining room. ~ sq ft. LIDO REALTY beautifully lndscpd, c o v dishwasher. Plan your swn-Lovely 4 Br family oriented home on huge grounWr 3377 Via Lido, N.B. patio, cathedral ceiling, mer activities in the lovely home. Walk'g dist. lo beach trailer or boat gate. * 67a.7300 * formal din rm, S74,500. 2 rovered patio. Many extras, Ir. nU schls. Above ground Gorgeous shag carpeting --SALESMAN BR, frplc, fncd yd, patio, ankle deep shag carpeting Pool. Lrg lam rm adj, to mueh more! Brk, $37,000, "re have an opening for a BBQ, xlnt cond. $24,950. J Ex""rlly landscaped -pool patio. 8xl2 playhouse, could SA"' """A BR bit frpl li ...-..........,.,.,, high calibre, cl't!alive sales· . ns, c, pane ng size<\ grounds. Brk. $29,950, be \YOrkshop. Other extras! 4 BEDROOMS ""t'SOn, capable of dealing patio, fncd yd. Assume , , 842-2561. 1t1ust see to appreciate! By r--$52" CI I 121-~ =-=:.::..------1 Owner 962·7637. in higher priced properties. · •0 oan, ,O<JU. O\VNER leaving. 2 yrs. new. ------'----$27 ,300 Thomsen Realty 492-9550 Spanish design beauty with $26,900. This is an unbeli@vable price. bol:ocDl& ~n Jr&. BY OWNER, 4 Bdrm, J &, J spacious bedrooms, ' 3 Spacious bdrms, paneled Walk to schools, parks and 3416 Via ~ Coe 675-4562 trl-level, ocean vu, Harbor pullman bathll, e I e g an t living nn, re-mod. kilch. shopping. Extra 1 arge 1 .,.~~..,--...,-----Estates, $49.iOJ.. .f.96.28!M. fireplace, deluxe builtin Great starter or retirement covered patio with AU. Meta Verde S kitchen, dishwasher. Pride home terms. Call toll fr ee an Juan Capistrano of ownership inside & out. GI, FHA, CONV. TERMS 847-6010. HARD TO FIND VALLE Vl•la Hom" VA & Excellent neighborhood -KASABIAN R. E. One story Mesa Verde exec-conv financing, from 1 $27,650. utive home with over 2500 3 &:-4 Br, 2 Ba. Alpinl!! Rlty sq. ft. Featurts include 4 4!1J-2l32 eves 496-5.593 sho11 jog to beach. Huge 847-9604 Eves 962-5319 grounds-15 fl. on sicle for boat or trailer. Brk, $35,450. 962-1373. OWNER ANXIOUS Spacious 5 bedroom, 21Ai bath, sunken living roon1 with firepla('(', and raised hearth adorning one entire wall. Large formal dining room. Priced below market nt $34,950. AU I er ms. 962-7771. QUICK OCCUPANCY In1maculate 4 bedroom with large country kitchen, great landscaping. \V a I k to Collegevie\\• Elem. School, close to Douglas & Golden West College. S 2 9 , 2 5 O • 962-7TlL "ENJOY YOUR HUSBAND" rs he rno\'-ing the grass, pull· ing weeds, "\\'8-tcring or de~ the pool \\'hen be should hr wi th you or the kids, the take then take the time to see this fantastk 4 bedroom corxio. It will surprise )'OU with its large rooms and living area. Cal I and see 842-2535. ''WHAT A BUY 11 '' huge bedrooms, dining room, ' . Here is nn enormous pool oversized living room, coun· 1 home that is faclng fore-try style kitchen, family Mabile Homts closure. Possessk>n can be room, service porch and 31 '-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii immediate. ALL TERMS big baths. One of a kind ·11 AVAILABLE. Call us today !~rfect condition. Call WI Mobile Homes s'tiER=D REAL TY Call 516.511111 !Open ...._l· For Sale 1-~~~~~~--1 18964 Brookhurst F.V. * WALK TO BEACH* 125 BRING p A J N -r AND ·n Viking Brett..'OOd Cu.stom, LAWNMOWER. and turn Immaculate, 24xfiO J Br, this neglected 3 bedroom 21 ;:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::j 2 Ba, den w/wet bar. Opens bath home into a jewel. I 1 to lrg screen crpted porch. Large yard w;th oo"'1'ed MESA VERDE Landscaped w/sprinklers. patio. \Vhat a buy at Delightful aduJt occupied Beaut. Joe. Across from "'SPLENDIOL Y $25,SOO! No down to vets. home featuring 3 spacious Hunllngton Shortt.tiffs Main SPANISH'' SEYMOUR RE A L T y' bedrooms, larse master club lfouse. 5J6.6363 Pri/pty. 847-1221. \Vhat a magnificent home for ~-----=-~ suite ~·Ith dressing room, LIVE in the cool beach area Lhe executive. Clearly illus-Investors Assume 6% G.I. fuJly c a r p e t e d including % mile from Hoe.g Hospital' trates a pride of ownership. 3 Br, 2 Ba, 2 gar, bltns. epts. kitcJ:ien. service porch and Beautifully landscaped, ] ing & dining rooms, plus a $25,950. 5292 Sb;son ~5838 family room. Large covered BR, Jge kitchen, $4!XXI. 4 large bedrooms, form.al liv· Irvine 15' x 32' patio and many 548-7366. family room, and patio wiU,I more extras, nil for $37,950.1--------- bilt·in BBQ. To sec this Call 540-1151 to see our new 8'x37' Mobile home w/10'x20' beauty, call 540-8555. listing. Cabans, c3rpeted. skirting, SHERweeo REAL TY SPARKLING FRESH Call 549-llSl !Open eves.I & storage'"""· 11800. Alt<r 18964 Brookhurst F.V. Much upgraded 2 bdrm., 5• 548-4002. o DUTCH FAR1'-I HOUSE with family room 11.nd den. 'fil Argu& deluxe mobile BY OWNER Must sell. Have heavy shake roof, 3 Bcautilul landscaping plus home. 10x55. N.B. location, ne\V home in escrow. 4 Br., breezy bedrooms, 2 _ t 11 e many other features. across street from beach. 3 Ba., pool, huge fam. nn., ""'" 950 $l, 750. Park mng• rn -baths, glass garden view .,.,.,, · · <n<rv.JllQ. ~~r:·P~~nT~~:°: = kitchen has all gas builtins i ecf· h~11 Mission Vl110 2 .. ~~RM. mobile home, adult il 2nd plus dishwasher. Manicured r I ~· pyn1L I w· I carry a , lawns suJTOUnded by split 4 Br, lam rm, din rm. crpts, S4S-.3755 or 646-3404. J\.1ake offer. 842-2786. r ~o:i .... -.:-, ' moves you REALTY $41,!XXI. Aft 6:30, 830-8011. '" Joan 69'o GI assumable. ail ~--1200 f.rplc, patio. cust drps.11~~~~~~~~~1 ln tomorrow! Inspect now, Ce · ~ BY O"·ner. !") Br., 7\~ Ba., t'-'~ ;u 1 1 t• ..,,,_ Univ. Park nter , Irvine Newport Be•ch Rt al E•l•t .. ,..., \\ no as · DA.I · Call Anytime. S33--0820 i~~-,;-;-;;;;:--;:;;;;:;:;:;; j l_.....!.Ge~~ne~' '.'._I _ _j t·al'J'l. Rm. 2~~ car gar. 2600 962-551L a I 2 1 136 900 -=-"'-"--~~-~-I OUice hours SAM to 8 PM BACK BAY VIEW ::'.! .•. 0 20'·2·. ' 0 "· ' . BARGAIN FOR 1 •----• ;ioo-o Plus view of Fashion Island 1• Huntinaton Beach THE PRICE JUST LISTED! I • Eutblulf. Just u beaut!· Acreage for sala 150 i'WOW" _ WHAT 4 bedrooms, 3 be.th home Popular Plan·2 in Turtle Rock fu1 at night as in the day. TEHAMA COUNTY RANCTI A YARDll! \\ith a separate d~n and Broadmoor. 4 BR., 2 baths; A ~autiful home with 31970 Acre11 -5.6 miles of Almost the size of vnur local family room makes this family rm. Come I: see it l!lfl8.CMJ~-' bedrooms &: a Sacramento River frontage. ~v home a l:OOd bargain, plus today! Jt won't last long at chamung family room for .Priv 90 acre lake. Unlimited nelghhbol rhoodl park. 4PILUS, its on a cul-Qe-sac street only $40,950! only $64,500. Call 646-nn. water supply. Suitable for sue ea ures as; arge with one of those fantastic cattle or farming. Small bedrooms, enormous bonus back yards. Price only down. Terms. BA y MESA room, Ionnal dining & liv· l38 ~" -•i MORTGAGE CO ....... '"'" • ing rooms, and best 0( all, Mi-~. o...tlU now '" fl'ff .,...~ IT'S PRICED'BELOI W MARbook. PANORAMIC VIEW TO ~~': AfilATE KET. Bring your c ieck • Beaut. maintained home 10 acre minimum sale " lhis one \\."On't last • • • ''SINCE l.944" 2 Bedrooml: & large 1amUy lCKKI acres _ all or part in S540-8555HERW. eeD REALTY 1st Western Bank Bldg. nn. Pool. $64,SOO. recreational Ducheane Utah The •-In w ~ Gaor91 Williamson near new dam _ .:"e• _ ·~• F' v fastest ......... w the e... Un.ivenlty Park Irvine J.llfl. -UI='"' Brookhurst . . • • .a Daily Pilot Clal!ISi.ticd D•vs 552-7000' Nights Rt•ltor rivers -National Forest - "LOOKING FOR I ~A~d~. ~~~71~. ;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;~',;;;~·~~~~~;!j~~54~1~1~57~0~;;::;;;::;~14~S.~1~564~1 cash only. Intmnountaln A HOME??" I: Tnist Company. 2735 E. Don't complicate it by Jelling Thomas Rd. Suite •3 T ''your fingers do the choo!!· Phoenix, Artz. 602-957-9130'. ing or a broker through the C./iQ"Q A"\~ { -J)-C ~Q.• 30 UNIT SITE, center of j yellow ........ Work wilh o~ J.'QU .I."~ ~ J:J([Y'1 Costa Mesa. Appro v •d I our •tall ol prolcssioral real The Puu/e wi#/r flte lui/#.fn Ch··-"· plam. For sak or trade ror estate agents. For cltlclent vat..,. units. $69, !iOO. OR servl«. call us today. 01Rovr"'"!'!'mb~~:_'! ~,.-..__,t;'.:!S~-:"-" w/cooperate witb reputable 540-8555. -· -~ -co n tractor. c.ntact, SHERW••o REALTY ...,,.,,.,.,...,.m.~..O""-McN ASH R E ALT Y 18964Brookhurat F.V. I TY KT ON I 64.W«O: lC26 Newpor l OWllEIWBR, lll bo. trplc, 1 I j• I I I ;;:Blvd-.-'-"..:..C...:;M·=----1 Total dwn $2600. mo _ . _ _ _ _ . Buslnoso Property 154 pymts-$163 . $25,900. l llfl-5161!. I D y s ·0 H I ~ ]' UNUSUAL VACANT I · ~ OPPORTUNITY * s bedroom• 2 balhB 1 I I I J '-e:~~:..:!:-S' 'l'hll lllle cornmm1a1 bulldlrc * Large family area Ill ,_.. bu loads Of .tyte> Qd fa a • Fabulous covered patio I y I C L I I ' greet location tor ~ tn * Ttte line Cu!-de-aac street • MY creative type ot wark:. * $38.500 all tmns • I I I I latest In ftJt1! Mfnlc CRJUad The a-.plan It &dble * Call toll free -• --• -wilh kongaioos to get fur and Ute ""'1""1Y """'" Wftll * 111-6010 I ~ 1~ 1 ~--• cuarant...i ....,.I Of l905 T A P R E T I-" w "' -n "'""" • month. 'Cbe duplox In back ' I I I' If I • C-lo!o "'" -:;~ ol tho •Plrlmelll u111wn : _ _ _ b'f fdllna ., th. ,,..._. word would l'Mh an t!ICOnOD1lcaJ : • )""' rkwlop fram .,.. No. s i..ow. hornt for tbe new ~ 1 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS FOi ACTION ••• 64Z.5671 -1 ··~~~~~~~mfas I' r I' r I' r· I' I. c.u ~7tti. . 11 ~sc:~~i lfTl(tslo I I· I I I I I I COLWE I L f'f?<'rlf R' 1.., iN I SCRAM-1.,nS ANSWERS IN CWSIRCATION. 400 ~t ALT()R'-. ' 1 • ' I s • p 16 12 De e ,.. "' c. c N N 2 MOftdl1, -26, 19n D.lll Y PILOT -....... -l(i I lli,I.__ _,_----J· 1 ~ I _,__ .__-_-_-__.!~ ;;;;I -~ .. -;;;;i:I~;; I Aoo<•-·-l!tJI --... -Ht! [ ~·· • -~ lltJ But Ines a _.Opp;.:....ort_uno.;...ltr.;..... __ 20t_ Newport INch ctr::;z.,ph lS6 lncamo Property 16' I ___ .... ____ CdM 4-p!ex. -Hwy. 3115 Hou-Ullfvm. 30S Apt. Ullfvm. MSApt. Ullfllrft. 3'S Apt. Unf\lrn. Ill Houus Ullfvm. Gonorol 2 OIOICE Cl)'pts a I "'-3 Br., One·2 8r & ()no.l ?ttemcrllJ Park. N.B. COD-Br. All W/lt'plc'L $99.7'50. tact Nila Coedb&rt, ~tt.ny. 8)' OWllH. 66-5531 Ews. 558-7163 e NOW SELLING e AVAILABLE '113 ·Bal. llland. Lr11 Br. NOW ovtr pr. Privac, A Charm! Laree c.orporaUon desirtt $185 • 1 bt, watmrw>t in dplx., lrt. patio. Cosio Mou FREEll Londlord..OWnorl We wUI refer tenants to you. FRE& ol chat(• •.. Maoly dttirabJe tenant11 on our waltln1t list. lrvlno NEW 3 BR, 2\1 Bo. Comm. pool 6-l'e<'. ttDtft'. $.m. Leue. m.4llO De.ya. ask tor Jack. m.e220 Evet. NE\Y 3 BR. 2~ Ba. Comm. pool ' ""· C..tcr. $335, Least. ~ ~·· ask for Jack. ~ ews. VILLA MARSEILLES SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. Fumlshod & Unlurnlshod Cosio Miio 2 BR, unlUm. Crpl>, .tr,.. n.rw;e/OYe.Jl, rtJlie, No pets. '140/mo. 961-Jll&. Z Cemetery Plots PacWc View. Best OUtt. 518-100 Commqe111 PropMy L19un1 Beach SO X Ill C2 ZONE 1$1 One. of tut downtown parcels for dcvtJopment. E. 17th St., Costa Mesa AAA Tenant • .sm.ooo On. Cash spendable return ReaJononUcs, Bkr. 6Tt>-6100 EXCLUSIVE C·l ~' acre, level, 1247 Brookhurst. shop. ping center. Anaht'im . 54>-4389. Condominiums for 111• 160 4 BR. appr. S24.000. Sell $23,000. C.T.1-H.A. pymts. $153. + Main!. \Vshr, dryer, cpts, drps. Pool use. See, 15959 Rocky Crt. F. V. 557-3132. CONDO for Sale. 3 BR, 2~') Ba .. 2 car i'aragf!. ""/pool privl. Neat lloa&' Hosp. 673-9183. FOR Sale by Owner. Condo homei;: in Newport Beach "'lboll.t slips. nu?S-68ro. J BR. 2 BA, bltlns, patlo, dbl garage, pool k dub. $21,950. 557-2876/549-0932. Duplu11/Unlt1 sale 162 DUPLEX by owner. Xlnt area, 2-1 BR units, furnish- ed, i;25,000., 382 Costa ~1esa. St, C.M. 543-6328 lncomt Prooertr 1"6 4 Plex Ololce area, pridt' or ~·ner­ ship, large units, J two bed· room, 1 bath, 1100 sq It. 1 thrre bedroom, 2 b.!Lths 1400 sq fl with fireplace and huge n1a.stcr suit~. Waterfall &: we8Ull9 INCOME HOMES ~NEW DUPLEXEs $48,950 4-NEW TRIPLEXES $67,950 Beaut. new 2 i; 3 BR units. 151 E. Bay St., Cotta Meaa. Completion Aug. l . FISCAL & MGMT PRQ.. rtpcna:Jblf' J'I e r so n to dilU'lbute T E N C 0 I a DivWon of Coca.cola) OOF· t'EE PRODUCTS. Can staart full or part tUne (5--10 hn. per wk.) Com· pany e1tabllahes b~ for diflributon. Bl.L\1S RESOLVED FOR NO SEWNG! 0\YNERS OF 5().500 UNITS. C.o fishing or spend more BY Public Co. Spec)&}ists. time \\•llh your favorite hob- PhoFlf' Kaplan ( 71 4 ) by and let the machine age 6J5...4500. Or \\Tile: Bkr, earn you money. CASH R.E- P.O. Box 24636, LA., 00()24. QUIRED $24~. Secured. PRINCIPALS ONLY. j ~ Mountain, Desert, I u .MITED OPPC'.'RTUNl'.Y Resort 174 \~rite now for tntormauon, include phone nwnber. 1.NVESl'~1ENT -TRIPLEX I Plus -with f'ireplaces REDl-BREW on Golf Cou~ &: near CORPORATION Ski Area. $49,500 1001 lloward Avenue Al.so 1 Section _ 64(1 Acres San Mateo, Ca. 94401 $4~. an acre. 2 WEEK course on m&il Godwin's Alpine Real Estate order & importing. Call P. 0. Box 1796, Big Beach 846-9678 for information. Lake, Calif, (TI4) 866-7511 Money to LNn LOT In famous Lake Havasu, home of the •torld famous London Bridge. Located close lo all schools &: city. $900) or will trade for Cofita 1.fcaa or Newport Beach tn· come prop. 644-4687. 2 Lot" ~uded $2,4.IO Moonridge cabin $15, 750 Lakeside cabin $35,00J Call 866-4641 or write; NEED CASH? $1,oo:>. Or up to $3,00J, $10,00) and more. See Avco Thrift for a Real Estate Loan. Upon ap- proval, use the money however you like. Also ask about our unsecured personal loans. AVCO THRIF"l'. 620 Newport Cir. Dr , Suite 101, Newport Beach. Ph. 833-3440. spencer Real E!tat•. P. o. 1----e""O"'RR""O"'W.,...-Box 2828, Bil' Bear Lake, Calif. Roal Est•lo Wontod 114 WANTED to buy, 5 br home in ?.fusion Viejo with low down or leatt "''ith option Call 586-TI37. Principle1 on- ly. PVT pty wants 3 or 4 Br home. Harry 833-1129 wkdys 1-5; 642-1112, 1-5 wknds. BLUFFS 3 or 4 BR. * 673-7357 * $1000. $10,000 Up LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS LOANS on ANY HOME. PAID FOR or NOT COMPARE OUR COSTS FmST! FIRESIDE LOAN GUARANTEE: $300 -3 mot only -Lido Pf:nn. 1 BR apt., utU pd. NU-VIEW RENTALS 6f3-.I0."1 or .(94-3248 B.AYSHORES, pr i com- munity w/carden &ate, prl beach, 4 BR, 3 BA, Jul>' I· Sept, 5, $2200. Courtt()' to broken. GG-5211. Houses Unfurn, 1 305 General Houae1•Apt1. * 1'5·0111 * $85-BACHELOR Pad nr the beach. J All util pd. 1.taturt adult. * $21.B-SHORT on Bread! 2 Br. partly furn, incl util. Singl.ea ok. * $136-\VHERE It's At~ 2 Br, bltns. crpts. drps, childttn ok. ALA Rontels e 645-3900 e T!1R1M'Y Nlfty-Spac. turn Bach. all utU incl $85. ALA Rontols e 645-3900 e BEST 8ET! Lra: 1 Bt. Furn E/aide. Otild/aml pet $1.15. ALA Rontols e 64S.3900 e SPARKLING 2 Br, encl ,gar. crpt1/drps. stove, refr. $140. ALA Rentals e 64S.3900 e OOLl.HOUSE-2 Br. fncd yrd, encl ear, kids/pet&. IJ5'J; ALA Rontels e 645-3900 e PRIVACY! 2 Br. Cozy trplc, kids/pets ok. $185. ALA Rentals e 64S.3900 e NEED MORE Room! 4 BR. Ira: fncd yrd, kids/pets. sno. ALA Rontols • 64S.3900 AVAIL July 1.st. 4 BR, Mes.a Verd~. nr all sch.ls, trplc, crpts, drps, bltnl!I water paid. nxl/mo. 673-4706 alt * $J50.DOLL!lOUSE 2 Br. 6 pm. priv gar, stove, fenced for -kids/pet. 3 BR, 2 Ba, $260, also 2 Br .. 2 * $16>-SPACIOUS 3 Br. II\ ba. Crps, drps, R/0. Families or singles tine. LANDLORDS I Do you have a vacancy? We. can till it. Many desirable tenants on our waiting list Absolutely NO CHARGE. BEACON RENTALS * 64S.0111 * LANDLORDS! We Specialize tn Newport Beach e C.onma del Mar • & Lquna. Our RenW Ser- vice ii FREE to You! Try Nu-View! NU-VIEW RENTALS 613-4030 or 494-3248 Be, $170. Cpts, drps, stove, dshW!lhr, disposal, pr i . patio, frplc. 546-0469 , 979---0745. AV AIL. July-3 BR, 2 BA, xtra lrg fncd yrd. Bit-ins, ""'w crpt'g, drps. Nr all schls. $250/mo. 847-lOCIS. 2 BR. crpts, drpo, encl. yanl, stove, encl. ga:ragtt. Laun- dry aftl.. No kids or pets. soo. 64>-4125. 4 BR, 1% BA, Sharp, xlnt convenient location. 546-2313 or 54S-6358. Adult Living Dishwasher color coord.inated appliances Plush shag carpet• mirrored wardrobe doors- indlrect lighting In. kllthen • breakfast bar • huge private fenced pallo • plush landscap. Ing • brick Bal'-~ues • large heated pools & lan1i. Air conditioninJ{. 3 BR. Ill BA. Beullilltl apacktul apt. Pr i •at• balcony. Carpet. Cbol<e .location. Children a smaU pets "-elccme. Ranonable rtnt. No depo1lt. 351 Vk> torla, Apt. 3. Lo9un1 Boocll SSS • BACH nr beach, quiet - ..eluded. 2 -ok. Will rent .lhort te.rm. or )'f:arly. S12S -trrIL pd. Bach nr Hi· 11ehl, fUll kit., ocean view. $16,'; • BAOl, No. tnd. Full 3101 So. Bristol St~ Sonia An• 557.alOO * * $170 * * 3 Br. l \S Ba. newly painted COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. Bllin.s, crpt/drpa, encl patio. Nr sc:hl$ & shop's. O\tldrm ck, no pets. 880 Centtr St., Cl!!, 642·8340 or 548-2681 MANAGING AGENT --- kit, bl.I carport. 2 people Aph. Fum. i60 Apt. Unfurn. 36! s;~o -1 e1k tieach. 2 er .. 1 ~ c-.-.-,-.-Me-.. ----- s_a. Blt ns. Nice view. I BR. Furn. 2 lrg. closets, $~ -2 Br. 2 Ba. Deluxr queen size bal, priv dttss· View Apt. Hid pool, AU ina: rm. xtra trg rooms, encl featutts. I •--Ad I nl NU VIEW RENTALS gar w '-::-·· u" 0 y. • no pets. $150/mo. 613-4030 or ~94-3248 2035 Fullerton, C.M. Lido Isle SML. 1 BR frpl bean1 ct'il, 3 BR, I~' Ba., bltinl, yrty pri patio, S150. No chldm, lease. $350. (213) 6$.2tK18 no pets. Adults. 336 E . 20th wkdys. 1n4) 6 7 l • f o 6 31 ~St,, .• ..,64>-,..,,~1.ll-7._~-~­ wknds. SPAC. Pri. upper furn. 2 Br., adult, no ~ts. Avail 7/1. Newport Beaeh Sl40/mo. To ~e, call 493-4955 SIIJS • l BR Dplx w/gar. * $ill * Stove, refrig. aml lront Studio Apls .. 1 Br. S\1j. yard, except. nice~ Older adults. No pets $180 -lrl'U... pd. 2 Br apt. 2135 Elden., i\tgr. Apt. fi . B1tns, crpts, drps,1ear. pool. Furn. B•chelor & 1 Br's S200 • tn'IL Pd. Cri' 2 Br • tlpecially . nice. 2110 sml rm for office. Bal. Newport Blvd CM. Penn. ., Coron• dtl Mar SPAC 2 I: J Br apt S140 up. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J Pool, cpt/drp. bltns. kldl ok. • 1996 Mapht t\o. 1 .. 642·3113 --V 2'100 (bllegf' No. 5°.,. 642-1035 '&\.: 2 Br. Adults, nc peta. BAY MEADOWS APTS. ON TEN ~ 3S7 \V. Bay St. 04 646-0073 l A 2 BR. f'U:nl, A IJntum. * DELUXE 1 6-2 BR. * ~CH I prtv. paUO.. Bltn1, dahwsllr, gar., nr So. Pooll Tennis O:tntnt'I Bkbl. Coast Plaza. e 545--232.1. 900 Sea Lalle, CdM 6"-2611 EASTSJDE 2 Br. J I~ ba. d- IMacArlbur nr Coast Hwy) wihr, bltns. crpta, drpe, encl 111.r. Ne peta. $175. 645-4n0. * GREAT VIE\V -2 BR.* 1, Frplc, bltns, sundecks. pool XTRA lrg 2 Br, 1 , Ba, nu sz1o u 644-6344 675-353.1 P.!Lint, carport, nr. OCC. No p. ' pets. Sl60. 546-8594 aft 5. Costa Mtsa • Spa.c. 2 BR apt, crpt, iiiiiiiiiiiiil dnpea OldPr pret $13.S. 673-8145. HARBOR GREEHS Furniahed & Unfurnished From $120 to $215 mo Bachelors • I 8drm1 2 Bdrm• e 3 Bdrms I Y, or 2 Full Boths Eut BluH 2 BR, delu.~ apt. Frplc.. pool, Adult.a cnly. S21S. 644·2301. Apt. Unturn. Huntl"9'°" BHch ON BEACH! S.325 • l BR. 2 Ba, dplx BEAUT. FURN. 2 BR $175 w/frplc. bltns, gar & deck. Up. Incl uHI. Htd pool. $350 • NEW 3 BR. 2~1 Ba Adulla, no peL, 642-9520. studio dplx, ·frplc, bltna. VERY Nice 1 Br dplx. Quie"" $375 .. 4 -fa.m rm. 2}1 ba Sep. by garages. Adul ts studio TH, frptc, pool, 2 over JO, no pets. :>iS-1021 . :S-tios, child/pet. Ba c k (2) 1 BR. Trailers. S90 +-"Ii S~y~ Harbor Vu Hma . Lrg 4 SllO +. No children or pets. Br., 2'1S Ba.. frplc, gar, 6f6..1Ml9, t.2-3375. 1.futer a!U bedtooml w/ 2 BR. 2 BA Uat . Fr $2'17 yrd .. patio, children/pets. 2 Br, util pd. $170/mo. No ~v~~g be=m~as i.r: 2 BR. Furn. : rr: $311 NU-VIEW RENTALS pets. 2277 Maple St. \Vood burnlng fireplace. ADULTS ONLY 673-4030 or 494-3248 5A8-591J Convenient lawidty area l'Urnlture Avallabla WESI'CLIFF E xe.c utiv e COUPLE for manage of 6 oft kitchen. Enclosed pa· Carpets-drape~ home. 4 Bi J Ba. Beaut. units. 1 Br. New. $150/mo. tios. 2 swimming pools, hnttd pooJ.-u.unu-tums atrium. Yearly. Call: 222> Elden. ~78. sauna, recreation facill· rec l"OOm~ \Plewa WINTON. Realtor 675--3331 SEMI furn. l BR Apt. No tie1. Stturity ruard. patbHmple patdtw 4 Bedrooms. family room, childrton or pets. Sl25/mo. Models Open 'til f pm, Security Guarda. carpc". dr•JM!•. Only J Call 831-9517 alt ; pm. 2700 Poltroon Wey, CM HUNTINGTON stone barbecue&: beautifully l!i landl!Caped yard. Patios, F'Nntlll • 1undcck1 & ck>sro gara&es. I ~---·--~m; It you can eet the SAME LOAN from any OTHER LENDER In Califomia at RATES LESS THAN WE OFFER, return the MONEY within 15 days. and YOUR IDAN wtth US is FREE! R.C. \VERNER President RENTING-LEASING Homes only. 5 yr'a exp. Agent 24 hn. ~2500. $120-SHORT on Bread!, 2 Br. 968-5271. 5 BEDRM., 21'2 Beth. New 2600 1q. ~. Grun- brook. $400. per mo. i~ eludes• garden. larwln realty 968-4405 any- time. years nld •to Harbor View 1 Pr. hu'n. Patio. Quiet ad lts nr Horbor Blvd & PACIFIC Homes. It has community only. $150/mo. Av) 7/1. park & pools. $4.J> pr month ~ eVes, 557-6476 day!!. Adams 7U OCEAN AVE., H.B. l Pho -mo 5.16--IW on y•an ,.,.. "' Huntington BHch 54r5025 DfC -JO am.$ P111 ~•• All buUtir11 -including dish· I I FIRESIDE Thrift 640-0020 or 675--4930 agent. U-wni.IAM: WALTERS (n HARBOR VIEW homes. 3 hr. LoQUINTA HERMOSA l ~~~~~!!"!~!!"!/l}iil"'r"i~T~~:i:'I washer. 10~ clown. Total price $62,200. 16 Units BrHd & Butter 12',(. spcnclable, good rental area. $155.!XKI. submit trades. SJJ.1264.. Eves. 846-7441 , COLWELL PROPERTIES. INC REALTORS 2041 Business Center Dr. Irvine SIX UNITS Oelwr:e, North Costa Mesa ltuclio apts, 2 BR, 1% bath each, with garages .\ an alley. Present income $950. per mo. FULL PRICE $67,500 Newport •I Fairview THESE ARE FIXER UPPERS but produce xlnt income & tu: Shelter. S.2 BR & 2-1 BR homes on a double lot. $875. monthly income. $10,<XXJ down. Askll>i< fl9,SOO. Ph: 642-lnt. TRIPLEX 1\l'O BR. each in PRTh1E ~nt.1tl uea, on James St .. C.M. $49,950. CALL Ci) '46·1414 9~.~ Ntar Nawport P••I Otflet • GREENTREE INCOME HOMES N~vJ Duplexes A Trlplf!Xt!li 2 &: 3 Bdrm. rrom ~.500. STONIS INVE.<;l"MENT CO. _,, OPEN Ho=u=s=E- S1t .... Sun. 12 to 5 p.m. TR.JPLEXES. Modtla at l7lb st. in Hunt.ln,;trm Bftch, ,..n. to b<&dl. c.JJ 96S-337L 'l'IUPLEX. ... t B R • w/pa.tlat. Nr, stom. $45,900. 615-0114 A&t71t 646-7414 • Trlplu-By OM><r. 2 Br. 1arae ~ants. 11r11ea. ~:IOI' dn S45.IOO/ot(i'r. ml Rulpn Dr, CM. -· A,.. do.;-~ Ibo BEST DAY to AA 1d! Dan'1 dtlay , • • ~n klt't ·'' 6'12·!'~ -~--- Buslne11 Opportunity 200 J BR, 2 BA. tam rm. S2'15 per Huntington Booch mo. 9CX> Llard. 979-7412 or (1) 2 ba, 1ncd pauo, CUit cpll I ~ U\G 2 Br 1 -•p1 1c: drps. Rec cntr w-pool. Spanish Country Estate Llv-Park-Like Surrounding · •v .... a. NEED amb'•t•-·· coupl• .. :s :.·~i:,~~.CM .:-.: 585-3586. I BSrE .. A __ ~~I D MENU$95 Adults, no pets. S 3 6 0 . 'ing le Spacious Apta. Ter. QUIET • DELUXE crptl/drps, RIO, lndry nn, S.f.4-'1547 raeed pool: IUD.ken gas 2 I: 3 BR APTS pr, tnod,. child Ok. $135. ..,..,. Coron• del M.er cuin:.1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • busineu auociates. No m.. 1 I TD loans ---------2ermmnaid •••....•.• nJS. v"tm<nt nceuary. Call S $220 _ 2 Br front duplex 3 hr. Sailboat Vu •••••••. pi;o • BBQ. Unbelievable Livlfli • Prv. patios * Htd Pools 1 _527_,,-n,,.44,.,..,,....,-:-.....,,.-- Nowport Hoi91lll Only Nr .i..,,·g • Aduli. Only WALK to looch btwn s & 7 PM. 496-4534.. &% % INTEREST wtfrptc &: gar. Self defrost 5 Br Oiff dwellers •••.•• $250 CANDY SUPPLY ROUT£ f · hag redee WE HA VE lDTS OF <No SEU.ING INVOLVED> 2nd TD Loans ~ ~·~;p~.,~ 2 & .. , DELIGHTFUL TREATS· I BR • FURN. $175 Martinique Apts. 2 Br, crp\a, c1rp1. dtbwlw, 2 BR, very clean, tncd ba.ck ALL UTILITIES PAID lm Santa Ana Ave., C.M. k-;:::109=P:-;alD\.==*--'41,.,... .. -::::!-!-1-I ·1 PART OR FULL Tl?.IE Ba. huge liv rm., 2 trplcs. HELP·U • • 530-6311 yd.. range, crpt/drps. No DUPLEX for rent, $1S5. children. no pets. $115. (4 blk.9: S. or San Diego Frwy lif&r. Apt. 113 646-5542 2 Br. cpl:l A dlPI 1 Now available in Ora~ Lowest rates Orange Co. all bltna, 1 blk beach! 3 BDRM., 2 BAnf, elect. County and surrowiding "WE BUY TD'S" NU-VIEW RENTALS bltln RIO. r.a. ht.. 641-7595. on Beach, 1 blk W. on Holl * LOOK * LISTEN -o;Ctl;-1 -;:~.,,.-~·;:--,....=-I Townhouse Unfurn. 335 to 162U Parkside Lane.) ,..,....,.,m,,,•,,,> .,64.,7-544!!!!!!!I!!!!!'!!!!!!! / * LIVE Now 3 Br, 2 lo, $215 areas. You may keep your 673-4030 or 49htU8 liftpl.ace, crpts &. drps. t ·t1o All 1oca Sattler Mt•. Co. preaen pos1 n. • • * * DUPLEX BR A ND 60'xl00' tncd lot, dbl gar. tlons .,. commercial or 642·2171 545-0611 sm ~" .,,.--..,.,-----i~ Walk to Boch. •2319 Costa Mtse $l45 -S165 LOOK at the biw trees, bi( MeM Verde Servin& Harbor area 21 yrs. NEW. Huge dlx owner'• . ~r mo ......... today. !!~ed f~n byw lus.l l unit. 3 BR., 3 B A , AGENT 9 6 2 -4 4 7 1 at ----_,,-.,.,-..,.... B.achelor ~ I BR. patios, ~ ==,,,...,..,,...,-,,,....-,...,,-1 2 Br, 11,i ba., Eutside Joe, frplc's, priv. car a e e 1 . livinr room 'vith fireplace, DELUXE 2 I: 3 Br 2 Be Frpl, bltnl &: ru BBQ ln Divided bath & loll cJ bi&' patio. l bedroom&. 1~ encl pr, $155 up. 01 RerJtai ~.......... ..--· MONEY avail 1nt 1st & 2nd 546-8103 become diltlibutor for our loans also purchue 'IDs. Fireplace, bltins. 1IJXI ICf. rt. =~-· ------ candy (Mounds, Almond Marvin ?ifcOure Re a 1 + 3 declcl w/view of bay, •WE have a tarre Rlection Joy, &by Ruth . But· Estate. Days 492-8332, eves, ocean, le hills. Walk to bch. of 3 abcl ' bedroom bomel kitch. 2 car pr., juat a f~ close.ts. Rec ball, pool i; baths. ()fc'., 3095 Mace A., •• of the mAn:Y extras in tht& pool tablet, aauna 546-10.14. terfiager, Nestles, Planters, 92.-0424 & sboppina'. l yr, lse. $395. that can be JD)\'fd into Tootsie Rolls. Pay Day, 4 · Ref!:. required. 673-0960. almost tmmediateb' on our luxury apt. 54M140. See for youne , to the splashlJll ._.,;-_--~-ch~---1 KeellOn Ln. (1 b foun aln In the garde.n, the .... .,,....rt h• Milk Dud1, Reeses Peanut Mortgages, cozy 2 Br, frplc, bltn Rent-Option plan. Huntington Beach Beach, I blk N. of Slater , friendly dlatler at the pool, * l·BDRM. APT. * LARGE Bachl. Walle to 342-784& the easy.to-take rent. Jn Eaatbluff. Sl.85 Butter Cup -advertised nu· Trust Dnds 260 kitchen, rctrig, w a 5 be r. SHERWOOD RE ALTY, tionally on TV. etc). \Ve _N_E_ED_M_O_NE_Y_? _Or_do_you_ \Vater A eardener furn. 540-8555 are a national company, have a m to sell? CALL Lease S 2 0 0 Imo,. 600 2 BEDROOM. elect. bltin Very high income potential. Lloyd , Bkr, at 642-2171. Heliotrope, QL.\1. Ca 1 l R/O, Crpts a: drps. 60' x You mlLSt haw 2-8 hn. per ~. 100' fenced lot, dbl garage. week spatt time (days or 1 ~ CLEAN J Br, 2 sty, elec S700 per mo. Call today, ev~{. TM REQUIJED ...._ ~-I fl! k.itch. 2 frpl c. sundeck:, Nu ACT. 96244n or 546-8100. . . ~;;;;;;;;--~~ cpl. S. of Hwy, 531-0034 aft 2 BR Condo u"I pd -ts For more infonnatiOn write: • u ..... ,.. , "ROUTE DEPARTMENT 4 pm. d r Pa, pool, re:fri&', No. 23", P.O. Box 1739 Houses Furnished 300 Costa Mn• Wlh/dryr. frpl. S 21 O • C.ovlna. Calif. 91722 548-16. 5.17-5385. Includ• Phone No. Balboo Ponlnsulo $225. A MONTH 3 BR. crpta, drp•, bltns, LIQUOR STORES Summer Rent.al (3 mo. only) f n c d. Imm a c. S 2 6 0 LARGE MARKET. ni.ooo BAl.BOA Pc n In. Chan-with builtin kitchen • refrlg Lease/Option. Wtr pd. (1) FP + inv/ 81 UNIT nel-Summer or Yr I Y. free.ter. 3 BR 2 BA on ioll 993-2392 shops. Sgl adult cnly. Ref Ir: Laguna Be•ch Oeaning depo1it. SlOO phi.I * 1 BR. dose to beach le: utU. 892-8089. -...· N End n •• • ...... ., &· o. • vu::fn Newport Buch View. Call 49.f..7079. % blk OCftn, 3 Br, 2 Ba, Newport Beach ~ly dee. king mstr, tml e WINTER RENTALS e child r ck. $lXt mo yrly. 1,2,l,.f BR. Re:aerve Now!! 64Z-85:1!. ABBEY REALTY 642-38l0 S•n Juon Coplstrono Apt. Unlum. 365 $185-mo. 2 BR Kitchen w/all 0.nerll bltn., libaa: w/w drp'd. 1 ________ _ :::.~d. 2 s:'me~;. ~~ ON THE 8£.ACH! AfOTEL $202,500 gr"085. Bayfront. 5 BR. 4 Ba, lgto coorse. ~$23&-~J~B~r-.• ~2-Ba~.-. ~,-,-ar, Holland Bus. Sales D1 001 ~6_ ~ crpt'd. 1st $235 A MONTH cpt/drp., AEK. nu paint, 1 BR. Furn. & Unfurn. "The Broker with Empathy" c aS!I. ,,,......,.,.,, Yearly lease • children ok. oven. S292 S~ 846-5838. FROM ONLY $195 poss.Ible. 962-3197· 1TI6 Orana:e Ave., C.M. Costa Meta 3 BR 2 BA I: 2 car ear. 3 BR, Almost new. $280 mo. [ AP1rlmtn11 fOf'Ffent [ !t') OCEAN QUEEN 645-4170 540-«i08 eves. ED RIDDLE, REALTOR ,...,,.,. E n- • nVELY ~··tom 3 BR Fam •~8811 Near the bch, crpta, drapes, 9ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iill ...._, . ~an Flvd. HetJth food store. J.loJ ~~ • .._. b!U••, -1c. -~~. Lon ~. ~· Rm-1 blk Mesa Verde Cou~ ....... ., -·-g ocach (6.W) 435-5&45 2 yr lease. In IOOd shopping try Oub. Adulu • $400. BRAND NEW HOME H ti ton H bou Apts. Fum. 340 Mn&'d by William Wallen Co. center, Beautiful stol"C doing 3329 Alabama c •-•-un ng Ir r Gardener I: water incl. u.~ Generil B1lbN Peninaula good busineaa. 558--0242. 541)-.5215, Huge 3 Br, 2 d1x ba, aunken EXCLUSIVE 4 BR le: DEN. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~!R7:~~~~~~ CATERING co • .etabl1ebed tub, walls of clau, cathedral leue! Call aft 7. • 11 2 BR. 1\tba.. patio, balcony, 14. yrs., La Canada. Sell or Lagun• S.ach ce.U.. shq cpta. Modem. U)..5013/or 544-8116. A S15 E. Bay. $250 monthly on trade ln beach are a. THREE Arch Bay. 4 BR. 3 Vac..nt. $350/mo. Carpet Irvine Bold N Cone yrly lease. Inquire at Apt. 213/m-6344 Mn. Hohm. BA. avail. July, Aug. Pvt. layer wiU show. 9$.2500. ;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;~I .W ept C. 673-l521 er 548-7771. NEED 10 investors with beach, tennis courts, 3 BEDROOM, 2 Bat b YEARLY 2 bdrm. Fireplace, 25-$50.llXI •ach. R•turn -.am. ~· homeln with large ~=~::~i::::.:·:.:·.:·.:: FURNITURE RENTAL :· buUt-insiD! °":J: 18-~ per a.nnum HeCUftd Lido Isle :: Y J.°°~· b good ; 3 BR., 2 batha .....•.... $350 m ocean, · by growine Orange County 1 n. vai a le now. $ · 2 BR., 2 batha ••••••••• $275 • Month lo Month Capistrano ... ch J\.1fg. Co. (Jince 1965). 4 Br, 2 Ba. July $250/wk, mo. including prOOncr. • BR 2% baths $375 * 100% Purchase OpUon proprietary. Future stock $1000/mo; Winter or yrly C&ll LuTy, ~ 3 BR., 2 bah ···•··• 1,,. * Wlda o.iactJon-**NEW duplex 2 Br. ,'""crptl, options SJ:H820. 1'e rtart'r Sept. 956-!300. llERITAGE REALTORS ., t 1 ........ ' -:::"lt-Oib'. drps. bltno. 5 nun. "°"1 3 BR., 2 btths • •.•• • • • • $285 vv n... n..1nt M · 1190 • • BR 2 •·••· $310 * 14 Hour Dell-_,. ~ mnt. · • ·· -u• · ···•·· ··· ·-• Call lf2..4414 • l i bertheda ••••.• h ...... $45011 g; • %1 ~~:=R-l BR. unf '140. furn 1155. O,,ts, 517 W. 191h, Clll M8·34.!I d'P', bllna, prb. dl1pl. REALTY 27S6 N Malft. SA S47--0Jl4 Pool. 1525 Placen11a Ave. Univ. Park Center. lrvtne • • A8k &.bout our discount plan. Call Anytlnit 8ll-0820 · B•lboa Ptninsula 548·2682· Orrlce hoUl'S 8 A~f to 8 PM 2'""'B"R-o"b"1u'"' ... -poo~l~W~alk~-to ___ e S45 \VK .\ UP • On Ocea.n bea~h. $2()0..up. 0 r a n I e Lovely Bach • 1 Br. • Room1 1 ~Cou~~t ~Re~a~l~Es~t>.~t•; ... _!64~4~134~11!!·· l BR. 2 Baths • • • • • • · • $335 Ma.Id Service • Pool • Utll Pd. I: 3 BR. 2 Ba., lam, nn ... 1321 • Ctll 61>f140 • 2 BR. Coro Lido. Apt. Atluli.. 4 BR., 2\1 ba., lam. rm. $350 pool, >Q JM!1'. '2lO E. Cout 4 BR., :l\I be., lam. nn. $315 Cooto Meu Hwy. -· WE HAVE O'l1IERS * ~ WEEK & UP. * 2 BR. apt. w/loft. Danlah • StudktA:tBRAptl washer/dryer. $275. "SINCE lM" IJt Wttltm Bank 8idg. Unlvf'l'Slty Park, Irvine Doys 551-7000 Nlghta e TV • l4ald Semce Anll -; 1115-2324. • Phone s.rvtce.Ht4 Pool 2 Pr, Sha(, ref/me, flrepl • Cllldttn a Ptt ""'1on 1195 Ito or ~ monlhly 2!7S Nowport Blvd, CM Gt.rac<· No JM!Vchlld, -or ·-431 lrll, So. Hwy. 6l&-333I Thi• Ad Worth $5 en~ ltent ALL new 2 BR. doVfl, NICELY hu'n. 1 BR. Apt. ,.frlc,, pri. patio. V•ll' nlct Pool. 114 0 I m o • 1831 a unique. Open Sat 6 SUn Monrov\& A~ .• No. l . CM. only, or by appt. 707"\ ~70. lleUotrope, alley entrance OGn't rlvt up QMo: ahipl onty. Phone (tl tlJ..CKl69, "U.t'" lt Mt clauWed, Ship Need • "Ptd''T Place an ad! to Sho"' IWulu! 64:1-561!. eau 64~. UVE a little • at ~ "Jn" pla~. the adult complex known tor unmatched man· aeenent, impeccable detail. LIKE IT! Call 546-62.15 Sf '"""' 0 -... PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS FAIRWAY VILLA on the bay Lwrury eptrtment Uvtor .... APARTMENTS erlooldttr tho -... ~ 20122 Santa Ana Ave.~ $750,000 health spa, 1 awtm- -·-D=E"'"Lu=x-=E---1 q>lns pools, 7 llahted - APARTMENTS nla couru, plus mn.s cl Air Cond. ~lc's. 3_Swfm.. bicycle trai!J, pu.Wnc, lhuf· 5 5 l' Deboard, croquet Junlor l's mini Pools • Health Spa • from $174.50 monthly; al.llO 1 Tennis Courts -Came and and 2-btldroom plans and Biiliard Room, 2-story town house•. Elec· l BEDROOM bi FROM SlS!S c kltchena, private patios MEDITERRANEAN ;J:!'."~;i,=~ ;:: VILLAGE t111 with .tevatots, Optlou! maid lft'Vlce.. Just north ol 2400 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Fulllon J1la.nd at Jamborff !n4) 557-8020 and San Joaquin Hills Rood. RENTAL omcE T<i<phone m4l 844-UOO OPEN 10 AM to 6 Pl\f tw rental fnf«matlon HACIENDA PARK NEWPORT HARBOR 6 Moa. i...,; 2 bdrms., 2 2241 AVOCADO STREET b•lhl, balcon.y, ~ Adults only e No Pets vie\v: all t.ltc. No pets. 2 Bdtnu Av.1til. ChUd over 1$ O.K. $315 Per Deluxe 1 A 2 BR. Pool month Cllrage. Dishwhr. Pakt utn. FROM $150. * 646-120! Cold"~u. Banktt 1: eo. ManqlnrA(<nt ATI'RAcrIVE 2 Br., II> dlvldual unit. Frplc., ept, drps, beam oeUtrcs. Private patk>. Adults only. No pets. Rei.. 1119.5'). 2354 Sant>. Ana A\'tl. 673-0095; 646-4961. NEW (.)It. drp!!. newly dl'C, h11Jn11 rctrig. :z Br upper. Nr. ahops. Adlts onl}'. $1 40 mo. &t&-21139; &16-2617. &11 JOIM St. Gst ~) t1Jul(' 6 ~ 2414 V>lla del Oro N<WJ>Ort -64<-UJ3 ANYTIM& WESTCLll'F CAPRI 1700 \V•Stclltf Dr. Adult Uvlnai-No pets Delu.~ 2 Br. Pool. MF.SA VERDE atta • Lux 3 Carpor1. F\an. « Ulll. Br. pr trplc, bNul. patio. 6CM274 LI.. Pflv.te born<. Adults. RICllAIUl'S UDO AREA • 1216. ,546-4016. New tis Sharp 2 BR, t Bo. * *BEAlll'll'UL 1 6 2 BR. CID, -SIC -Contemporary Gazden Apts. !rpl, pr, $2$0 mo YIV. Patloa, frpte. pool. $15b' ll13-t"e44. '1111. Ctll 54HI!3. liOCEANFROiCi:Aiiffii5iNTi'f'.(~NiOtwWi'JIOliiifrt•t1 DELUXE 2 l!f, 111 bL nntllf, 2,000 aq. ft. 1 1111, Studio, crpt/drl>t. po o I • lrc. pvt. 1tmdttlt. !ltorp b1tn1, pvt patloa. llllO. I slnrle ortrd. $400 mo/YIV. Child ok, no pets. 646-0496. 613-7629. ~,.....,,..,...-.,.,..,...'"'""--1 • SHARP! unrum I Br. 2 BR., 1 bL, frpl. Ntw ~ 0-to OCC 6 UCL 1140 ~ paint. Eftcl. pr. w/auto. ptr mo. SS'l-7768. door. Ma.tuft adWta, DO Uko to tradt! Our ~. pm. $190. - Puadlte column II tar )'OU! A &ood want 9d ii • pod tft.. ~lines, S di)" for 5 bucks. \"l!ICJrttnt. -------- I • 24 l'IJJLV hL~ i ___ 1 1----I~ l.__~_ ... _ .. ·~l[iJJ ~I ........... , ~· ~l[iJ]~JI Apt. Unlum. 365 Summor Rtntals 420 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;; 1---------Carpenter CHrdenlftl Sowlng/A_al_ Help Wanted, M lo F 710 Help W•nlotl, f!I lo F 7IO .I l-"--------1---------• LOS? on Orchid A Vf., ---------• -Newport BNch DELUXE ... 1...tront hom•. NEEDED C""oa dd Mu black, •moll CUSTOM •-pane~ ~11M=·s"""'~,.-,...,--compl&--SEWING • DESIGllJNG ASS'! o;TICE MGR.' Grow· COLLEGE SJudent wHh tood l\lrn. 4 BR. on 88' channel. RESPONSIBLE .-haggy female dog. no ool· Uw. Cabinets. Gen'l rt9lln. lawn A-yard caftl, clt"llllups. Men-Women. ntuonabld tna Co. wants aha.rp p1 61). FUU • prr for aum- 3 BR. 2 BA dupltx. Oilhwhr, CIOM beac11. 2 boat &llpe.. WORKING COUPLE lar. Anlwf:n to "Pandy". Ph. Duke D a D u r k a , 5f5..360 ..n 5 pm. mln. Ten dollar mlnl.mum. with B.A. in Accouofuia. mer. $.l. hr, 833--Uo.1 bet. blto re.net. w/w crptJ, V1&c~Uon Aug l·Sept. 5. need one or two bedroom Reward! call coll. cm' 646--~. Elll1mate1. Call &f&..7450. Some exp. helpluJ. Creat noon. drps, \I blk ., b.,ch, wllh Ren1 10 highly ....,.,,,,. hou,. wilh !art• !<nt't'd m."131> or~-MINOR~bome--re-.~.,--p~1-wn-· * LANDSCAPING * Al I ,.. '"S WOl'kl"' i:ond To $600 en 1.;::;:;====-:::-: llJ'd r VER 'VEU. ~~ New lawns, SprlhJd.,.., ci0.kf. terot ons --•._. . . • ' CUSTODIAN $2.66 per hr. + View Year round least'. $325 mendtd party, No pell or Y (or h\'O Y $100 Reward bing -carpentry -palfltine cleanun, state llc'd. ·~ ·-. Neat, accura.te. ~ yean exp. ~~-!ee~-~ 51 .. , 0'°·""6 .OC.5 SU. evenint: lh'IJ1 dif!ere. ntlal, mo. 67S-769'1, small children. S 12 0 0. TRAJNEO doa'•I Sl50 most. Sml lt Golden shaggy doi. _rooting; Call~. ,. _..u.J &..11'™' rwo.,,., full "-• per n """iuom 7 2 BR dplx Ni w..uc Owner. Huntington llarbour. Vie: between 19th k Victoria EXP. HanUan Cardener Slgn.t Coutal Agency 2 7 9 O w'"'' 1 • ..,.... ' lO h .... ·oce~' '!:.:.. no 846-4327. -(near W. Bay St.) COSTA TOagl~orev•"',. SaL.n 1,' .. aJmqu'i'n'ISrulills1 PARTITI~~-S. am. remodel, Complete eardeni-aeMce --.-0¥.-1.---. -.,¥._--·I llarbor Blvd., ai Adams, am-3:~. pm & 3 p~U•:dlO .,.,,, ... ., ,. .. , MESA. f>ti.-7881/aft 6 p.in. '• • "· · move v.cu... Quality work. ..,.A_ 1• "15 · ~ ., "-·--. ~·"' CM pm. i::..,.per. re q u 1 r • pell. Adu1t$. '75--4172. BALBOA bland (Llttlel, 3Z Rd Ir Marguerite, COM. Ken, ph. Rnid. 642-1'770. nauia .. nl, 646-f676. $5.95 each & up. · Pef!I01l11el Olllct, South NEWPORT • 8AY.to"'RO,...T E. Baytro.nt. Lrg, 3 Br., 3 ASE 3 B 6«-82'14 aft :5:30; (1) 223-r 'II Gener1I Servi-• Ca.11962--0950 •nutimf. APARTMENT MANAGERS ,._,_st o:mm. Jlosp,, South 1 1~ LE • r rum. hOUflE', . II "II -· -.... 24 u •t ........ APT. 2 Br, 2 Ba. For De-~ A;ail iu!'! ~~ Ju1y Newport or CdM. After Aug. 8Sl3; (1) 225-03'4. -·--------T1t1vlslon Repair Adult Com~~20 nt 8 Laguna, 4~1.lll. An equal t&Jl.I Call 642-2202. • ' I.Ii .,.._-vt. ..,.,., per 1. 6734& eves or wknds. MALE Doxie, brown/grey Acoustical Ceilinp blown TOTAL SERVICEs co. opportunity empoyer. BEAOJ-\i·blk. 2 Br, l Ba, wk. Also wlnl"r lecu1t avaU face. 13 yrs old. Anl to machine applied. Frtt u-PlumbgI:nstaU'a·Ca~ntry. *BLAINE'S TV* ATTENDANTS. 1lt'Nice sta., DATA RECORDER gar, lndry rm, $250/mo $750 per mo. 6'13-8249. FAMILY needs pool homt. ··w1nle". Red collM" & tlmate1. CU.Ill'. 644·n83. Etec repain, Cfment work. Servicing All Brands lull & pa.rt, day & nite, OPERATOR .... ') °""" BAY VIEW 2 bedroom Schill, shopping. Ref's. Call black flea collar. Lie. Vic •u.18119 Authorized Magnavox c. .. i .. -. + com1n 644--0743 )'Tty. _......_.. · ' Bill Parker, Agent !Y.i6·2500. Cement, Concr1t1 ~ · · .--....1 • PART·TIME sleeps 4 completely funlfsh-N w p t/lrvine Desperate. THINGS By Moo.:: Fence, Known for hon~ 540-4313 CdM. Submit qua!Wcations to: LIDO JSL&-3 BR. 2 BATII. Adults. Lease. TI4: '153-0719 Appl. ta 111ee. ed. Av1U June to c...... $750 RE1'~JNED retired gentlen1an l<At' """"'. s= Mn. Til CT!VE RE '""'l'" ~;x>;J ·~· gen. crpt repair, annt tMOn, e ATTRA \\"Omen to RUTH 1wfcCLU pr month, Adult.I only wants room le board. Nice 1 JOHN'S Patio, pool decks le ,.,. ) , h 1 k N -" ~ .... . 0001....,. SILVER gt\'y ma e poodle. bl-k. ~ eot. ••• -tor C'lee., plnmb, ttle. 552-SS49. earn°' teac pro , 1na eup. P.O. Box lBlO, cw,....... agent ..,,.............., private hOme . ......,.. 1,,-J. y · · · S I I • "'"" .-~~ ~..a -r· CERAMIC tile ~ & Tr ·n1 ~ & · • 1cin1t.y u n owe r « appt daYB or alt. S. Hautl-at ng "ee, earn top Beach, 9'2663. Apia •• Furn. or Unfum. JULY BargaJ.ns-2 BR S12S \VE \\'Ould like to rent wur Fa.irvie\\•. tlOO Reward. 3478 ="'"""='======"'· .. ., remodel. Free est. Small possible to have own --'-----.-.-Ii 370 •,vk. 3 BR S3Xl wk. 126 45th lovely, beautiful house v.·lth San Rafael Cir., Co!ita Mesa • CUSJ'OM CEMENT WORK jobs welcome. 536-2426. business. Full or part tinie DE~ TA L .Recept~n~t, , lc'"os-t•....,.Me,.....s_a _____ I St. NB <!k blk ocean) slip & dock in Newport area ~51529. Drives. walks, patios, TREE & Ira. pta.nt removal. CERAMIC Tile, Kitchens, basis. Mn. Grayce. prevJOUs experience with~ 64z...85ro for AugUst. Best ot Refer· MALE Sianie11e cat declawed pool decks. Don, 642-3514 Yard &: tra.3h clean-up. Baths, Entrys. cu st 0 m 54S.0019. surance ~ for modern l Br. furn mobile hOme. Avail. July thru Sept. Pool. Boat slip. Adlts. S400/mo. 5'1S-5605 eves, 557-8476 days. IN Newport Bch, lg patio & frplc. SleePli 6. SteP' to ocean. Call 6~2. encrs. Call \Valtah Oark, PATIO• a1•• dri •-~-u .Rototillina, moving, 2 trucks work n~--GI "'°7263 I--~,-~~~,--group practiee. Newport & neutered. Vicinity Slater ~ w ..... ve, ...... "' -· """'4li· en, .,,_. • Auto Mechanic Beo"h. (213) 4~2463, en<> 644-0'.122 new lawn sew break + 5 ton fiat dump. 7 day, 24 ... "~ · & Magnolia, F .V. 968-2965. !I, • • hr. Call M Ir T 642-l403. Tutoring BMW Experien~. Should 673-4561 eves. **NEW** lA COSTA APTS. M.D. & Fam. wish 3 BR LOST in Eastbluff. ttmovt. 54~f0rest. have Class A License, Goodl--'--------1 house. w/pool. July 1·27. J.lalf grown fem. tort./ Contractor DISPOSE OF THAT UGLY SPANISH TUTORING working conditions, See DEBURRER $al0-$300. 213-8:».4Xl3. shell kitten. 644-2'239 TRASH AND DEB R 1 S. All ages. 673-2380 Mr. fleinz at Exper. in band & power etol iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JACK Taul ane-Repalr ~~NA:J: \'.~i E' CREVIER debUOTrng of pre c I• I on I~ remod addlL 20 yn exp I 11 i J] MOTORS m<ehanical componenl~ I I,,., Lic'd. My Way Co. 547.oo.1fi YARD &: Garage Oeanup. Eo ..... 11•• Instruction Free est. 1 d""L C-" 1 -0 w ls s San An D i -"""' '-· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~l-~-::.;~·1t!f1~ .. ~=1a~=·~i 9 Hr. Day r vawayi anytime, 548-5031. • 835-3171 '15 flour Week 1 & 2 Btclroom * NOW to Sept. 15. Unf. 2 e Bullt·lns 8 Shag carpet8 BR apt. C.M, $175 mo, Has e Drapes 8 Walk in closets refrig & bltns. 557-8400. e Swimming Pool 1--...~_,""°~-,.~-• Bar·b-Ques GrMn Valley Like e Enclosed Garage Cabin. Wkly only. 545-4358 All Utilities Paid ~~ ~,~· f.,,~'i\~'\~::: Adults, no pets Walking distance to shopping cenler. 354 Avocado St., C.M. 642-9708 673-5560 or 66-4828. FOR rent, Mountain Cabin, planned activities f o r children. Lake Fun. 557-acl37 Vacation Rental.t 425 !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!I HONOLULU. Waikiki Beach. Summer Rentals L«• '"'" <llx 1 •• apt, on water &: sandy beach. Car PALM MESA APTS. avail. Lease mo or longer. MINtn'ES TO NP!'. BCIL 613-3563 Un=~bl~ll ~:Pts., BF..ACHrnONT, Newport Summer rental. 3 br, X1nt huge .pool, Jacuu.f elect view. Attract rum. :'>48-4757; bit-inti, shag crpts. drps, aauna etc. Adults, no pets. 833-8350. SINGLES ••••••••. From $135 * CATALINA • 1 BEDID.1. •••••••• FromS140 Beautiful view home. 5 BR. 2 BEDRM. • , , • , .From $160 By week or month, 673-0148. You're rigbt, they're un-Rentals to Share 430 der-prloed .1561 Mesa Dr. (5 blk:I from Newport BJvd.) !14&-9!00 2 BR., 1 Ba. F\lrn or unturn. Adults, no pets. Avail now. Sl:l-3850. l & 2 BR fUrn or unfurn Chlldren'1 section. Pool. '140 Up. ELM GARDENS APTS. 177 E. 22nd S~ C.M. &42-3615. Dina Point 2 BR, 1% BA, from $175 mo. No pets. Near !hopping. 499-3596. Huntington lle•ch NEW SANDPIPER Early bird 8J)ecfals-1 BR from $125, 2 BR from $155 Furn/U nfurn, cool color fn. terlon. pool, Jacuzz1, more. M81 Holland Drive Hunt7 ington Beach. 847--9595, NEED femalt" roommate btwn (~35) to Iind and share nice apt. Wkdys !148-3354. SHARE 3 Br home, H.B. Everything iocl. 35 yrs/owr. 5.'J6--0.187 aft S pm all day wknds., $87.50 2 BR, 2 Ba, frplc. Professional-type not ()Ver 35. Straight only. 9'19-6.589. WOMEN over 35 to shat; home w/same. No chil· dren-pets. 842-598.5. Gareges for Rent · 435 GARAGE for car or storage. S20 per mo. 918 Palm St. H.B. 53/H678, 53&-4979. 12x27 with 10' wide &: ll'·3" high doors for motor homes, boets. etc. $40. 642-5013. Office Rental __ .. ___ .... Auto transportation 525 NEED ride to mid-town Los Angeles from Corona de! Mar Mon thru Thurs. Leave 8-8:30 am, leave L.A. 4:30-5 pm. Either as pas.'!Cnger or \Viii furnish car for responsible driver. Phore 675-4'.IM or ~. Peraon1l1 530 ATTENTION: Jim Mac Alee, Joe Bushard, Joan Irvine, John Weld, Humpy Goiter, Dave & ~tty Poul, Art Longridge, Mike Con· ners. Skip $,vartly, Stan Allen. 1953 Lions Club Minslrel Shmv. You and your friends of 1953, 1954, 1955 can been seen at the \Vhite House Re!ltaurant in Laguria Beach, Tuesd11y and the next, movies start at 6 PM 'lil ! U you want to see how you looked 17 years ago .•• aee you Tuesday night Jules. FOR MEN ONLY l can teach you to dance quickly & ea11ily. call Ardelle (213) 4.li-7921 1-10 pin wkdy. *FULLY UCENSED* Renowned Hindu Spiritualist. Spiritual Readings givtn daily. 10 A..'1-lOPM. Advice given on all matters. J can help you. 312 N. El Camino Real · San Clemente 492-9136 or 492.-9034 WF. wou1d Hke to rent your love!y, beautiful house with slip & dock in Newport Area for August. Best o f references. Call W a 11 a h Clark. 644-0022. ruRN or unfurn. 38R $175, Child/pet ok. 2 BR $150. Adults & pets considered. 1 blk to stores. Manager T'l3l EWs. No. D. 842-1Blt. PROBLEM Pregnancy. Con. DESK space avafiable $50 fident, sympathetic pt'l"gan- mo. WW provide furniture cy counseling. Abortion & at $5 mo. Answering atn'lce Adoptkin ret APCARE. avallable. 222 Forest Ave, 642-4436. MOVE IN TODAY! Kida &: pets ok. 2 Br from $145. 3 Br. $199. AU extras. Pool. 847-3669 or 968-7510. Laguna B11ch Loguna Beach. 494-9466 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. DES(: space available $50 Phone 542-7217 or write mo. Will pnwlde lurnlture p O Bo ·~· ~-1a M . . x ......... o..u.:i esa. at SS mo. Ans~ service available. 17875 Beach Blvd. nND YOURSELF Huntlrurton Beach. 642-4321 IN SOMEONE EL.SE. DISCOVER ARCHITECT, engine<.'!', otc. DISCOVERY Ofc's. 444 Old Newport Blvd. ~to appreciate. Ex-714(835-6885 213/387.3393 ter. entrance $95, 548-5300 TifERE ls only o n e Schools lo Instructions 575 Interested In A Recd Estate Career? New or 'Experienced Full or Part Time Licensing Prep. Fot 8 R.E. Slm &: Blas • Sales Success Tralning 8 Placement Asst for grads • Day & Eve Classes 8 Tuitkln Reimb. Plan For Information Brochure (714) 548-1192 & Free Guest Lecture 325 Old No. Newport Bl. NB Edmond F. Jackson R.E. Educatio.n since 1964 Academy Real Estate Contracting & Insurance Schools (GI approved, M/C, BoA)' be Dy.titting -BABYSI'ITING, my home. Would like girls ages 3-7 a.s playmates ior my girls. Exch. ref.s. Hot mea!B. Fencd yd. good loving home & family en- vironment. t20 wkly. Full timE.'. lac hr p/time. Ott Adams in Glen Mar tract. H.B. 968-0833. Will babysit or board anytime in my home e 548-Sl!!i4 e BABYSITTER has openings from birth to 6 yrs. My home w/lge yard. CM 548-8494. 8u.tln111 Service REAL ES'J'.ATE AGENCIES \Vant to sell that house? How about a beautifully hand painted, decorator mural! Call me, I'm reasonable. Trennel. 540-9663 wkdays aft 6, all day Sat & Sun. NEAR beach. 4 Rm. apt. $165 1t1o. Adults. No pets. 464-C Park A1/e, Mgr 4M-3264. Open. "'Wright" way to get a OFFICE ! 0 r secretarial massage. Try it, you'H like bookk~plng service. Reas. it! 833--2100. Carpet Service Newport Beach m4 \V. Oceanfront, lg l BR, summer & winter rentals, avaU July l. 644-5307. OAKWOOD GARDEN Ap1rtment1 ffiesort Living for Adults Only) NEWPORT BEACJ-1 16th at Irvine 645-0550 or 642-8170 I~ Roorn.s ' 400 Nr. 17th SL Shpg. C.M. NEED Scorpios, Cancers Ir 548-8118. Pi.sees for parties. Singles OFF1CE $60 month, crptd, Chalet 1963 Hai'bor Blvd., furn, util pd. in !!hopping 1 _Cn_•la_M_.,._. _646-533 __ 1. __ cenf('r -333 E. 17th St., C.M. 673-0110, BAY VIEW OFFICES DehL\'.<', air-conditioned Redecorated. Lido area ReaJonomlcs, Bkr. 675-6700 IDEAL Joe. Avail Aug l. Harbor Blvd., C!'of. Good lrelfic ex(>OS(". 1000 Sq. Ft. 835-3437 dys, Business Rental 445 Trevel SHIPMATES WANTED \Vindjammer • South Pacific Share work & expenses 213/3111-1239 '--1.ot-1_..r __ Foon1 _ __,)[Sl JOHN'S Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners. Extra Dri·Shampoo free Scotch. guard (Soil Retardants). DegreasE'l'S & all color brighteners & 10 minute bleach for white carpets. Save your money by uving me extra trips. \Vill clean living nn., dining rm. & hall $15. Any rm. $7.50, couch $10. Chair $5. 15 yrs. exp. is what 'CO\lnts, not method. I do v.'Ork myseU. Good ref. 531--0101. STEAM Carpet Cleaners, prof. at lowest prices. llO IC!• II, $29.95. 962-0672. \VOMAN will rent tm male Sl.fOP 1300' $100. Store 350' age 35-50. l BR <3rd Uoorl, $95. Hi-Ira.We count. 2340 short walk to bch or town, Npt Blvd. C.M. 646-2544, beautiful patio vie\\', As 548--8333. Found (frM ads) 550* 1 · * F°'O~UND=:-,-oSm.....,oky--gre-y _ma....,.lc QUALITY •al coating. Weather, gas, oil resistant Stays black. Hawley'a !14"'5195. YARD, garage cleanups. Job Wanted, M1l1 700 AUTO SALESMAN Profit Sharing Remove trees. dirt, ivy, -------·---1Experlenced lmJX>rted Car a k i Pl o ad er , backhoe. INDUSTRIOUS young man Salesman for BM\V Agency. 847-2666. ex}>C!J:ienced in plumbing, Group insuran~. demo. LOCAL Moves, Exp college painting, g e n e r a 1 mi.in-plan. See Bob Crevier al THE student Lrg truck. Reas. tenance needs f u 11-ti 'me CREVIER MOTORS 5.13·7946 collect ~mployment. Call Brian, 208 W. 1st St. I. C. CARTER CD. Electrical ELECTRICAL WORK. All kinds. Big or small Lic'd & Ins. Free est. 546-0211. Housecl11nlnt 2-002'1. Santa An• Job Wantod, Fomalo 702 835-3171 671w.17th St., Costa Mesa 548-3421 E L ECTRlCIAN, licensed, bonded. Small jobs:, maint. & repairs. 548-~. MESA Cleaning. Carpets, windows, f I o ors etc. Resid/com'l. 557·&742, 548-41.ll. Gatdening Japanese Lady will do h<JUsecleaning. * 646-0619 * QUALITY DAYWORK.Gf!neral GARDENING (!leaning. Reliable. S Yrs exper, in area. Re-Transportation. 543-7000, planting, haul away, general 541-9330 landscape maintenance. 1-"°"==..,,,=-===~ Free estimates. HOUSE OF CLEAN 540.7873 or 646-9076 Floon, crpts, windows & walls. 5 yrs. area. 642-6824 YARD CLEAN-UP TIME'! Tree removal, pruning, lawn BAY & Beach Janitorial. Al I !_,,,, __ _. Crpls/windows/floors etc. care. so, awns e1 ~. top dress, mow, & edge, $15. Resld/Comm'l. 646-1401. Driveways sealed $20. Prof. Carpet Cleaning 645-4191 646-5636 Also windows & floor care. AL'S GARDENING Call Dutch 537.lsos, 24 hrs. for gardening & s ma J 1 Dedicated Cleaning landscaplng services, call * WE oo EVERYTHING * 540-5198 eves. Ser v 1 n g Refs. Free est. 646-2839 Ne'A'JlC)rt, CdM, Costa Mega, Dover Shores, Westclitt. LADY wants hOusecleaning work, Exp'd. Own transp. AL'S Landscaping. Tree 847-3637. removal, Yard remodeling. Trash hauling, lot cleanup. JAPANESE deaning lady, Repair sprinklers. 673-1f66. c.osta Mesa, Newport. CdM JAPANESE Gardener . aree.. own trans. 549-1029. Complete Yardwork & Excellent Housecleaning Clea!Hlp. Free Estimates, by day. Own trans. 642-3102. . * 836--0648 * PROFESSIONAL trtt work, Ironing prunini:,trlmming, Bachelors Be Aware spraying, s pr I n k I e rs: . Shirts done to please YoU. Landscaping, cleanup. 645-1033 Mon-Fri. 9 to S. George 64&--5893. Jones Lawn Service Masonry . Mow, Edge A: Vacuum. REPAIRS, planters, brick, S m a 11-J a r g e ~ean-up. block, stone. Quality work. 51;-2943. Ken, Ph. R"kl. 642-1770. PROFESSIONAL Painting & Japanese Gardening Service Paperhanging Free Est. * &l&--0619 EXPERT Japanese Gardener QUALITY lNTERIOR * 645-1796 * PAINTING CM or NB area Very Reasonable rates. COMPLETE La w n le * 646-7051 • Gardening service. Hauling * PAINTING .• PAPERING & clean-up. Jim 548-0405. Interior Exterkir Lie. I:nsurtd . Guaranteed JOHNSONS' GARDENING Call Hanis 642-4558 Yard Maintenance, Planting Cleanups 962-2035 No Wurlng LAWN SERVICE * WALLPAPER * When )'OU call "Mac'' cut-Edge-Trim Dependable 548-1444 646.1711 Eves aft 6. 545-3766 557-8585 PROFESSIONAL Pai~ ROTOTILLING, New lawns, sprinklers, trees & shrubs Honest work, reas. Uc/Ins. shaped or removed 963-3258. Int/Ext Free est Refs. !148-27"'9. TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 EXT. painting, Free est. Reas! Llc'd. Guar. You pick color -we'll do rest. 642-8520. PAlNTING I< PAPERING, 19 yrs in Harbor area. Lie & bonded. Ref's furn. 642-2356. QUAIJTY interior painting. Very reasol18ble r a t e a , Co11eee student. fi46...705l. PAINTING .. Honest, clean, * * * ~6;;~4o.Li.._. The Hangman. Up IO \I oU. GOOD TYPIST AVON INVITES YOU to Will do your typing at sta~t earning e~t;a cash her hom Wiii . k sellrng our e.xc1til1g cos.. . •. r•c up melic fashions for summer, and deliver loca H.B., '72! For a personal appt. F.V., West, 75c per pg. Call 540-'TMl. Equal Opportunity Employer REAL ESTATE CAREER or will work by hour BARMAID wanted. call 847-3095. personality a. must. Good Let us help you get started NEED h I 2Apl P2 1>5 in high earnings with an ex· e p at home! \Ve 10-3 Knotty Keg, ha i pa.nding ruu. SERVICE ve A des e Nurses • Harbor Blvd., C.M. 0,...aruzation: Excellent 0 ... Housekprs 8 Companions e ·o ,. Homemakers-Upjohn $ BOYS WANTED $ port.unities in: 547-6681 A~s 12-15 * LIBERAL LJCENSING ' MUST BE: PROGRAM Jobs Wenteci, M & F 704 1. Neat and honest. • Free comprehensive Jn ~=----·----2. Able to work from approx. House continual training CERTIFIED~~· te~chers, 3·PM to 8 PM and 8 hours * Residential Resale cooks seek live-in .)Ob as on Saturday. * Residential Income tutors or. cooks. Young J. Enjoys pizza parties and * Tm.de-in plan couple w/infant non-smok-Dimeyland. * Full service offict'.:' ers, non ~ drinkers {213) 4. Would like to make $15 to CAU. JACK BACK 431-8156. $40 per week. (n4) 833·1266 Help W•nted, M lo F 710 COLWRL .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ITI1ill job ls getting new cus· Accounting Cler· al tomers for Southern Orange Fee Pow " Counly'• favorll• newspaper. PROPERTIES INC. Loan Processor to $700. TrNo collecrtlingl' ' ~ defllvt;nhn~.,; J Bookkeeper to $600. anspo a ion lS ~nus = (a subsidiary ()f Applicant Pays Fee from your house. II 111terest-the Colwell C.0.) A/P Supervisor $550 ed call between 9 A.M. and ==:-;--.,.,-,---I PBX . · 2 P.M. dally. DENTAL ass.i5tant, exper., Typ1~t S375. 897-1310 South Laguna office, Mon .• Bkkpr/Sec ty to f100. n;. x·rays. Send resume to Bookkeeper $500. P.O. Box 722 Dana PL Front Ofc. (Dental) to $700. BOYS I;,-==.,.,...,.' -.,-~-1 Purchasing See'ty to $541. Age 10-14 to cielJ.W"r papen; 0 ENT A .L As 1 is tan t • F/C Bookkeeper $600. tn the Dana Potnt. San Oe-Orthodontic experience on. Oaims Trainee $..t75. men1e areas. ly. Call AM only, 842-77'15. Re<"<ptioni>t to $500. DAILY PILOT DREAM OPPORTUNITY General Offict' to $400. 492-4420 Prestige Nat'l firm otters op. Trainee (Bkkpg exp) to $400. portunity to learn A teach Girl Friday $433. CASHJER, full or PIT. professional makeup tech. Other Fee &: Free Positions. Penonnel Dept. H o a g nlques with high ean'ling RUTH RYAN AGENCY Hospital, Newport Beach. potential, Also possible to 1793 Newport, CM 646-485~ "'* CASHIER have a small business of TI931 Beach, HB 847-9617 Food checker, exp. 1st class your own. For intervit'w restaurant. 776-9310. appt. call 546-1835. ACCOUNTING CLERK COOi( DRAPERY lnstallu, '"'"' Convalescent hospital & resi· exp'd 5 day week, dential care facility, multi-benefits. Call for in- 642.3505 terview. Window Designs Accounts Receivable exper. Carpenter Trainee l.;;;lnciii. ii!i4ii9--04iiiliiOii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil including h a nd I i n g coJ. Thia is a fine job with a l' leetions & c re d i t in-growing Co. lor the clean vestigations. Type 50 w.p.m. cut man who has had at JD key adder. 2-3 Yean ex. least H.S. training in \Vood per. Sho'p. Pennanent. $2.50 hr. Call For Appt. ESCROW OFFICERS Industrial Relations. (714) 494-~I Call Helen Hayes, 540-0055, Coastal Agency, 2 7 9 o Harbor Blvd., at Adams, CM. Immediate placement for TELONIC INDUSTRIES Clerical Laguna Beach Good figure aptitude and Equal Oppor. Employtt some typing helpful. Lile, m;: I accident or health insurance Accountants to S14K prefetted; but not essential. Machine Draftsman $700 Maric:eting Sec'ty $700 Insurance Sec'ty S550 Rec'pt/Sec'ly ., $550 Purchasing Clerk to $600 m:J/S:J Dental Ass't, Laguna $500 NEWPORT Some actual MT/ST <=<· Personnel Agency perlence required, with ex· 133 Dover Dr., N. B. cellent tran5Crlblng skill&. Escrow Officers w 1 t h general experieoce in handl· ing sales and Joan escrow11. Starting sa1ariea are tom· mt'imp'8te with individual experience. Excellent fringe benefits and pleasant work- ing conditions. Plouo Call 846.3321 TO DISCUSS YOUR QUALIFICATIONS 642·3870 .Labor if buy mat, CaU INTERVIEWING Mobile store. 547~ sleeping rin, $67.:iO. To OFTICE space or comm'l share kit, liv rn1. TV, store avail. Approx. 500 sq, cat with studded collar. Eastblulf a re a , Call 644-0979. phOne, $100. mo. Pll'ase call ft. 174().t Beath Blvd., H.B. SMALL female, shaggy dog, 492--2169. 313 Acebo Ln, Snn Call 8,i7-8531 Agt. black ·with whlte paws. Trader's Paradise ==.,..==-=-===-IA ton-Mon-Fri 9-12:30 p.m. d!Ai,,';!APER H~~ FAM~''&FORTUNE ON SECURITY PACIFIC BANK Clemente. 'tnd=u-,7,,-:i:.;ai'I ';;R"'e"n"t•"l-""4"5~0 I Catneo Shores are a. ANSWERS FOR lcSJe by owner, In-:;7::r,3 ·new 10 speed bike dusll'ial bldg. 10.000 MJ. 1315 Ba11>of> P<nlnsula cell SCR·AM·LEJS =.ro&mt: A:.1::.';g1f ~R ~765 and dtscri~. Knotty_ Synod_ CM!_ COSTA MESA FOUND tan Cnckapoo vicinl· ty South Coflst P I a s a Patter -POCKE:l'S 1440 & 2880 Sq ft. Laltlt In tun: Mink r~d CABINET ~fAKE~ 6/ll/7'2. S42-$39. with kangaroos to gel lur FIBERGLASS FOUND at the Q,C. Fair coats with POCKETS 111 Nr. Nwt>t Ftwy & s.o. Frwy young black & brown shag· them. ~31 Grace Ln. ~ dOg 54&--7308 or 642--0:)45. $1JOO. cqWty in lovely %. ROOMS $15 wk U.P w/kit. $30 <So. of Baker, E, of f'tirvlew BROWN male Pekingefle vie. acre lot, Rancho California, wk UJ> Apt.a, 2.176 Newport V. MO Rtpresentatlve there West 191h, C.M. StS-8219. ~ m.!.'u~·!1Elsinore. Trade lines times dollars • 10 cruwl;y mach\net, lOc type, Value $2,:iob. Want TV'•, t~ car, or! Davt, 846-7041. PROF. palntlO(. alto roo11, accous. oeil., inter/exter. Ucnns. rr.. est. 645-5191. FOR clean A neot painting, interior or exterior A reu. tatt11, Dick, 96MOGS, Pl•1t1r1 Patch, R•:»lr Independent producer &: SITE OF OUR caating • service seeks nfiw NEW BUILDING laces for GP raled lilm.<_I< ESCROW TV COMERC!AlS. For PACIFIC MUTUAL SECRETARY ln1'1'Vlew, Call ( 113) FASIUON ISLAND Ext>etienc< ~ =·Recolvablo Clk ~= ~!,. ~ ... ~ MARINERS ....,..i to• buoy A<cti. Dcpr. ESCROW EquAl Oppor. Emp.,,.. Req: 2 yrs. t.xptt. in like * ntEE daily bus tran!-lSlS Westcl.W Drive * PATCH PLASTERING position, 10 key adding Portation for work in Los &lite 201, Ntwport Be~ All t;ypta. Free estimates machine by touch, typing 00 Angeles until move to \ 645-1111 Call540-68Zi ~-..,~--.;...~-·I wpm (tlcctrlc.) l'<ml..,..l Newpol'l, Sept. '72. EXCELLENT OPflOJ'lunitJ Plumbing ,.,Jd>lnt oocy, Call _ tor In-CREW MANAGER 1ot right rtrL Some •·-t •rv i ew a,ppointment, · --¥ Save on home rtpa1n 49'2--W3. Mn Gonules We netd 2 rnttJ over 1B that f'XPttience rtquired. $2. hr Bl,_, CM ••• -·. 9 am-IJ noon, G • .., ~·~ 1n4) ..,.._,.,. _. BI , blaclt A while dot· Vic. en•> 492-11119 KITCHEN' prlvll Man only. ,.,...,._... er 01-711 Santa Ana Helgbta. 567..fl(l;. 1--------- lllll/mo. :1161 Mi.,. St. COSTA MESA FOUND: lrilh settor .PUP· HAYE 20' Free est, plumbbic. P*iDt. · · can handle a 1mall group of to ttart. bu:t npld » Installations 839-0312 ACCOUNTS receivable clttk. boys aetUna new cwitomers vanctmt"llt. Wt wlU trtJ:a ES'J'AB tut food 'Teatr. PLUMBING REPAIR Must be ttliablt: A have for Soutbttn Orange Coun-Lap mac b t n e ~ Coota M .... 893-53'10. 610 ~ 110.23> piw...;911. Identi(y. C.M. -· SAILBOAT HULL GENTLEMEI< OIWl'I' 9, mo, -IC! It, pvt olc. 10' dr, nlllfd at $aJIJ. Will trade- w/lwin bod,: Vic Bd> & JI0.2:1> power"1S7. mo. C.R. Loot 655 for euns. onUqu .. , or mb- Poc. Cout 11"'3'. R<lrl&. TV NA'ITRESS, C.M. 6IM4M. SNOOPY, OUT 2-yr o l d ,,,m~lt"'! "'m<>llO:l="""· ,....~-- 5.1MS1L · 576 to 6,8111 Sq Ft B<arle loot IJ>l)l'OX ll/!i tr "BLUFFS'' Popular "l.lo- 4001 Birch. N.B. 541-0032 Brookhunt le A c1 am•. da" Model. No 11atn, 3 BR. NE\li' DELUXE ftl .. J Unit&. 3 Collar, no tap. Rewud. Wiil 'nilde for "'t't'lDI." or ph. po..-er. l13S Monrovia Days: 826-«IOO: Eves: F,.~fodel, In Bluff&. Prin- Guost Homo 415 *PRIVATE ROOM* Cot ambulatory perJOn,, Good *""'·----* CaD $!M'llil * 543-31 45: 836-8198 ...... 213/59G-Qll3. clpals oaly. 644·2028. lloo't ri.. up tbr abipl * nr lhal li.m under $50; iJy ll>e Ptn'1J' PlncJ,er. * * stalnlea 111 equip, fhlln& No job too lllllall -w11h the pobUc. Lit• ly'a llwrlle-pcr. Men, -::545-040==L=-----I 8""' ct1lr, Val $14,!00, trd 6f2.312S lyplJl,i "'I• ltnowledp of WI earn Ull.00 ., $400.00'-~ ._.__ , for Inc prop or f OWna * * water dl!trlct helpful . perweekdepmdrngonnum-~v•~•a:o ~~ ... , .. ~ $31-!0!3. COLE PLUMBING District 1n J.ogumo NJruol. 1M1r o1 beys 700 can cony. AltrocUvt. M • 1 t ..... --------24 he. ll<J'Vlce. 64>1161 Pit ... oall 1131-2500. 'Ibis Is• d!gnllled career top l_!Plnr/al>orthanc! Draloa Ul1cloaod • $7.!IO Accounb PoYtbl• OM, COl!UIWldlng high w-. No aklllr.llliilebookk .. 1'1nc ,... OREGON-3 BR, -II actt, 1n Rogue R1ver Val., nr Med· 1-0rd. Cd well, wlJc lo tdi1I, Mop. Pn:lp Orang~ County. G7""91, -· * * St,.... line to 100'. $15. Must 1'),,. ...,.n...,. II ._....,. but qulttd. FUJI time pocltton. * 5494;02 * '13-Sl50 00' S&-tm 1nuafl be able to get •Iona ~ ~ llai'lraol oll Roofing • ~ ror Marp.m wtlh hoy& u lntorcsled and -.. • ;a;;fii'o==,.- •. "T'." "',;,. • m~,: •. • ,Dc,al A~.~ c:w .. 1o-'?• l<~ can '™" mw, call 8!17·1310 DAILY PILOT u_ ·--• • -·-1ro1n 8 A.M. ""111 2 P .M. CLASSIFIED ADS MS-2780. -84U4e. for •pgt. call •Wll' 61J.1im, ..,.,. -• ~ --~- * J>trt<ct, I do llll' own work. mellct. VlVIANE Woodonl. f'lllll rttlllll .,. )ISt • pboa. ,. ALL 642•" •71 I ' • I I ·I .... ,. ... For •n •d In Woman11 World C•ll Mory Both 642-5678, ext )30 Crvchet It Short! To Siu 48! 7052 E: ;' : Hu opehings tor BEAUTY SALON OPERATOR COFFEE SHOP COOK Excellent working Condltiom. Outslandlng bene!lts. Apply in Person 24 FHhion hland Newport· Beach Equal Oppor. Employer MECHANIC, Class A license, fully exp. in tune.up, w/scope, air-cond, carb, brakes, front end align. Top pay, over $175. No ga.1. 6 days, no SUn. Arco, 19th & Newport CM, 645-IS.12. MIDDLE age woman to care for semi.invalid kdy. Have car, 6 day week. Mobile home park. 6'13-8917. e e NEEDED Two Offlca Girls Must be 25,ahd able to drive -APPLY-, Equal Opportqnlty Employor 186 E. 16th St, C.M. ,ir:-secrotary $4SO. NEW 'ACCOUNTS Llght S/H & typing. Local. ~ CLERK Personnel Agency Experienced 2M.l Westcllff Dr., NB Minimmn 1 year commercial banking. 64 5- 277° CENTI NELLA KEYPU"CH OPER·ATOR I 'BANK Regional Office (714) 646-7121. Norma Ferguson lil1*'>••• J[Il] I Real Estate Carwr New ar experienced, join the Company that'• growloa, II )'O'l do not have a liceue, dleck on our $49 RHI E1t1to Llcon1lnt CourlO Full llalea tra1nlng program -no COIL ?danagement op. portuJl!tiea, .uk lot Mrs. Jones for information at 842-0681. Tarbell Realton REC'PT, new law ofc. branch Laguna Hiils, ~n7. Typing, personable. (:113) 2n-095L I ;' ) Mond.,, Junt 26, 1972 -• DAllY Pl~OT JS BUNCHES ot cats, 6 wk.I old. Short hair, white or crey. 644-T.l()l ISO l D.11.Y PlLOf Mooda, Juot 26, 1972 · I~ :~_:-~. :f:_= .. :--'"";.''~-:"'::1~ ~;;-~11;:;:; .. e'':~1 .:.~ .... ~:~:,~:~~'...:~~ ,;'::-~~v.,., .. •&~-~vo"~~~1~1~;~:!,::::~·::.:-~-·..::U~~=-·~~~31....;r~~"°;;'1, 1;~~--;_;-~Utl'=:: .. ;::::w.:;:-~-'~.-._ ... ~~,. 0-ol to0 Cyc:IH, 811<M, ~ _ 1• 1'"'""---n""u..,nc1c""r11""i111.""""110 _s-i.n ______ ns_ --,-71_C_H_EV-.-ALFA ROMEO MERCEDES IENZ T~YOTA '5' ~~,::t:~ C.AMAIO FOID . I~ I ( -""=-Iii f _ .... Trvck& =..~ ~N= ~ =·~~ EL CAMINO '67 MEI CEDES '7l Toyota LANDCRUISER, -· UMd "° ''7 CAMARO FORD 1972 LTD $111111!. m-ua. 'MOO·.,-·~-~--,~~,...-.,.. CUSTOM Alf•. R-4 x .. liardtOP. hubf. alr. --------llmm&cuJAte ccod. ¥Ult be ... -/"' I -~ bro . lll 250 s SEDAN $2382. IUICIC .... to appttd&t•, mUlt All' ..,...., WI. lop. ,. m.r ne 'st Honda 90, nobll, xlnl Sparklh!I nze mm e L"'v.n.i-'t ---• bt'· Ith EJXJ E•ulp. to4 1970 Triumph 500 llnlih w/matchlna tull vinyl -•-• -... w TRIUMPH' •ll dlr, 89'f-02'J4. • , full Jealh<r Interior, factory '&4 LUX Bidet t --Sta CHEVEW $95 90 11, •1_ Seml-cbopped. Great cond. Interior. V8. 3 •peed tnna., ·-,1i 1o 1 --------~ PEI IERS dalf.. ,.. KW, ..... S850 * 64+858l push button radkl. henter, alt l»nu I n ft.I', auto. trans., WCI)., lo mt. Xlnt c:oM. . • cooled .. n. Just •'hauled. ==·'""'_,.-~,-,,.--,-wsw Ure., Unted Kiau, dlx. powor lleerin&, power disc * TRIUMPHS * M .. t ,.u 1725. cub. Pri '68 QIEVBU.E war on, + Tax per mo, 24 mo, open Alkirw $495. M).8287 :J: :iorton 750 Comma= wheel· coven, ete, A perfect ~dnlk•"t :.LltAMe sW/J'Me wall rat'~~.· '71 CLOSEOUT pcy. 642--0966 after 5 pm. power stterin& air le radio. end. Boon, Power 906 . 6Gsn75 . =H.· play automobile. NOW ON DISPLAY i,;,al ;~~ty that ahow;i:;;. m-IRES AS ~~~s = ;!.ru,:~ Fully -= Best ofler 9Q.4no. Southern CaDfomia 1960 • 25' 'l'n>Jtn Cabin ml Yamaha 250 End.,. $2666 Sale& S.rvtce peccable care In.side and Fl\ITZ WARREN'S -alt 5. CHEVROLET ::_11o~~"'in=~~ Im ml. H>zn75 $650. Part~OAST IMP~T~ out (TIVSJS55 Sport Car Center '71 IUICIC '67 Chev•ll• Spt. Cpo. 1st National Bank new ..... •fC<U, allo CAMl1TI 1611 dlJ1/1.-. Ncabed'lrsl 1000.1200 w. Coast Hwy. ORANGi!n~NTY'S RIVIERA Radio, heater. automatic,. Leasi• <e<"""'°'· water pump, 1125. Honda 90, dirt/meet a I CIC: ~ewport Beacll G<U40tl Nabers no E. 1st, S.A. 5414164 Uoouiooa hudtop coupe with roal be&uty$·1• 099 2l0437• ,,. 1• etc.), Bait tank, swim •lep, $95. 96M215. Tmific buya. 2SOO llARBOR BL., C d•11 sWlm stain, full canvas ·n Harley D a" id. 0 n COSTA ME.SA BMW a I ac '69 TR-6. 26,(0J ml. AM/FM, factory air cond., Ml power Low l>o'wn Low Terms 2')22 Busintu Center Drive .,., ($18CKI), new galley, heed, SportJter, Low ml. MUii 540-9100 open Stmday --------2600 HARBOR BL., wire whls. tonneau. xlnt tncludlns door locks, vin)IJ PHONE 645-5799 lrvlne, Callt 92664 ' · olffpl ~ compuo, depth oelL 11700. -alt. ~ GMC TRUCK Vlllt our heW h<nne! COSTA MESA rood. 6«>-<1848 alter 6 PM. top, tilt wheel, steroo multi· MIRACLE MAZDA n4-~ 21l-m.o.!67 ~ finder, fish tind<r, 80n&r, 2 SOCC ·~~--·~~ow milH '66 0 540-9100 Open Sunday •67 GT 6 --h. ~ _, p!ex, strato 1e&tl, sport 2145 llarhor Blvd. 71 fo d W j anchcn. tull life jacket.I, dri·-':w141-. M~ust',.'u•. -t Radio, heater, (#V58139). SO USED MERCEDES Reblt ___ .. .__..,p .., uu. wbeell, etc., etc. Very low, Costa Mesa ' r CICJOll ~ k •-k full Id 90 ....... & .. • .,..,.., Gd.pe..lntj:mtr. low mile•. (707CPh1). Automa"' ''c'•--•--1 ..,.a ....,.; • Y crp • $150. takes. 531-72!H. $115. dlr. 83f>..6.5.15. ON DISPLAY NOW $:1250 5f0....03T9 -......, .......... J ...... -........ pl gu, 45 pl wat.r. Reedy 1955 F~ Plcku Good Co,, .._ L•••• Now ... r_,,01 ' $4999 '70 NOVA SS dltioolng, radio (382CI'Q). :, to .. to Catalina! Great Motor Homes 940 v•-u P uu , fYl9 ~ VOLKSWAGEN ·-d'' ~• ~~ • ft•hlng boet Valuo ia:;oo. -=.,...,=='"""~-1325 "" be• t oiler. ROY CARVER, Inc:. $111.71 Monthly Coupe. 350 VB. Vinyl top, ~·~ •· -.. • Will a«ept ,. ... otter over "Btu. WHJTLIDGES" -536--0300=-·~~~~~-234 E. 17th St. HOUSE OF IMPORTS vw Bwl camper. 1971 Ex"'I -=-Naben ~':'.'A=:~;~.!,. bu:.;: GREMLIN i $6000. Call 66-2440 A.sk for SUNSET MOTORS 1965 Dodge P. u. biJck 3 Costa Men 54&-4444 6862 ManchHter, l!Uena Pk cood. Lo mileage, New U Cadillac: ~ u1u·1y .___ _,_,_ ,..,., _,, on Santa Ana """•n• ..,__ S ¥~ HARBOR .,, console, factory guages, 1' Art. ~· l UUAelOD •iu.:o. IMMEDIATE _,...,-.. ,, .... ,. w-=, un root, CUslGm _,,,... uw., pow.er disc brks, exterior 'TO Gremlin 1 Auto, Trani., i' 28' FAIRLIN.ER iport ORANGE COUNTY Good tires $'150 or best ot. DELIVERY builHn bed. Many extrns, COSI'A MESA chrome. TOP SHAPE! $165 low miles. (329 BBn. $1695.. r cruiser, fl.ybrldge le all LOCATION fer. 494-1531 aft. 5. $2600. Call wkday1 8-4. 540-9100 Open Sunday Below Book. Must Sell! WW Dir, 547-58'l6. ~ =ca1Xl!., ';;';/;, N: ELD~~1ADO Auto LHslng 964 ~ .~·VW Bug (VWT ?38l, CADILLAC .. quick. Call 531-1218. IMPERIAL ! bOttom paint Slip avail at MOTOR HOME ~ " (VOR 807). See these Extra '65 IMPALA I :,-1548:"tot by appt. $6448 LEASING SEE US ABOUT ~lr","'547~. Today! 1995. i.Z~ !L D~~De, A 1 2H D~t H .T~ '69 IMPERIAL I 18' LOBSTER BOAT Try OW' lease exper11 for Oversees Delivery '68 VW 7 Pass Bus. Sunroof, runs e e ~ oma c, ory a ~n-LeBARON FULLY SELF CONTAINED Savinp: , SatWacUo.D • Ser-(first aold! Full power, fac-d1tloning, power sleermg. . I Motor A trier $950 6 IT'S BRAND NEW! · CREVIER MOTORS Jug. rack. Xlnt cond. $1650 tiry air cond tele-Wt steer-Rad.lo heater white wall Luxunous 2 dr. hardtop with 1 ~ Ser. •2lm7 ~cei.EAsE ALL POPULAR 2Jl2 Wo Ji;t St .• Santa Ana or make offer. 536-3507, lng, door iodcs, cruise con-tires, tinted gl~. (NQY895) factory air condltion\na, ~ 13' OUTBOARD w/35 hone Phone 64S-66n 1972 MAKES AT COMPETI-i~-=='""3S-'-"31c.7,;.1 _~-J ~--------'68 VW Sundial Camper, trol, vinyl top, full leathe:r $600. dlr. 836-6535. vinyl top, tapestry fnte:rlor, ~ motor -trailer. Complete! 1970 Harbor Blvd. TIVE RATES. •n BMW 600 ce. Ex· '611 MGC 6 cyl. 1 oWDl!r. rebuilt engine. $1950 or of-inter. New wsw fuu. (019-'67 Caprice 1util11 P<>"heel'el',....c:_W~ ... ~trol.t < ••~ .,. '711 alt 6 r,n Mal lm "'Id •--~-'" cl A ''"' V cl ~~ I Call= -AGC) t W ' uuui-~. JnO:!I .,._, .......... pm. Costa Mes• ~ co no: ~ ce.,....,.IO.Uy e:an. ~al ery, very ean. ;11 .......... or ·=e~r~. "'--'~"'-'=-"eve=s· __ J • $5222 Immaculate, Loaded, Low, every dlx. xtra. CXWX214). ; 2)' Imp all hp ?JO, full can-,_.,,======= further detalla. $1,195. 644-6438. offer. 675--05.55. '71 VW campe:r, pop top, xlnt low miles, Sacrtnce, must $2777 ~ ...., bait tank, 281 hr., •nNIMRODTENTTRAJL. R~~~~J>~~~D CITROEN '69 MG Midge~ xlnt oood. lo cond. fully equl pp ed . • sell, dlr,. 897-0224. 673-9498. Sleeps 8, stove (HX6819) ml Harbor Blvd. Cit S M I $1400/offe:r. 534-0107 ewL .,c67~vw=~~-----uw Tandem v ...... trlr, $3950. ER • • • LIKE NEW .• • miles, wire whh new tire" 54&-0747. • Naben '68 CUSTOM Impala 2 door, & NaL-n $1295 Colla Mesa 642-0QIO roon porn 11orol ·=«llent Cond. New CadDlac: PIS. P/B, R&H, xtnt cor.d. 1l' Booton Whaler. Standard BEACH CIJY DODGE Auto& Wonted 968 Orange Oounty headquarten MGB tire•, (~dialJ), Mags, New 2600 HARBOR BL., Must .. u. $1350. 548--5417. Cadillac: model. $600. 673-4990 even-for local A European --------patD, Bugger. $USO. COSTA MESA '691.mpalaconv.,goodcond.. 2600lIARBORBL.. inp. ,. delivery. '72 MGB, Beaut. Excel Cond. 646-500. 540-9100 Open Sunday all power. Asking $1350. COSTA MESA Boats, Rent/Ch•rt'r 908 6S55 Beach Bou1evard REWARD Jim Sl1mon1 lmpor11 7300 ml. \Varr. Sacrifice. * '68 Westphalia camper, all ---;;,~~N:;o;,--l~6~'13s~9536~~· ~·-~~·=,_-1~540-~91~00~=,;o~pen~~SUnday~~ -Huntington Beach 55~s.. Main. s.n0pe"n":._ 1500 dn, 12300 !inac. ava11. & xtra equip. Rebtt .ng. YOUR ONLY CHRYSLER JAVELIN 27' AUX. SLOOP (n4) 540-2660 -----.. -'-"-· ---Ra& pop top, spcl htr., FACTORY Perfect for weekond cru!IH Motor Homo Rentals WILL PAY OYER DATSUN PEUGEOT cptg. $1950. lro-!1585 alts. AUTHORIZED '62 CHRYS New Yorker. '70 Javelin 4 Spd,. U.S.. to Catallna. Fully equipped. Available tor daily, weekJy * '70 VW FASrBACK. Good shape. $250. 846-8242 Map, Real S h a r p r I SS radio, RDP', aleepa 1bc. or monthly basis. 21', 23', K Ila Bl Bo k • Leeving Country! Musi * PEUGEOT * AUTO, AIR. XI.NT COND. CADILLAC alt 6 w"''"•' a nytime (Pl69858) $2l!t5. Dir,, 6'2" headroom, complete and 25' se:lt contained Mo-e JVY 08 0 sell 1971 Datsun Station PRI V AT E P A RTY. DEALER wke:nds. ~" 547--5826. galley, Oub ...... Lots Of tor Home~ all equlpt with wa .. n. Call 84&s5673 alt 4. !J68..0723. Largest aelectlon ol cadll-, ___ M_E_R_C_U_R~Y-- paridng. Call for Info. generator, l'()()f air, and Fof loto model, clHn, Detlun 240-Z. Excel Cood. Al ~l~~·F '66 vw Squareback Wagon, lacs In Orange County. CONT1NENTAL 557-9046 aft. 6:30. many othe:r extras. All low mileage dom11 .. Must sell! Yellow. good condition, radio-heater-Sale:s-Leasln~. Look for our • 2 ' a..n, s.n 909 ~ches "" 1972 mod<~. tlc1, Import&, trucks or ___ ;::962"'35=-==51:___ Sport Car Center good tires . 1825 or best or-~ul~ ;.~ 0-:;;r;..=: 1969 Marie m,1.ow miles. Mercury MalllUIS 197 : SAILBOAT 12' (Flttty CIDI) Flberglaa: O\'er wood. New said. lmmac. cond. $19.00. 6.18-5570. e have the all steel Amigo c•mpers. FIAT •ORANGE C 0 UN TY• S fer. Call 926-3822. Dir. Re:d w/black Landau alM>. Please: caU 839·9560. Call anti uk for Buyer · LARGES!' '62 vw Bus, runs good, nttds • Nabers top. Black leather, tilt Colony Parle Wagon DAYE Ross no E. 1st St., S.A. 547--0764 new pinion gear. $450. C d'lla wheel full power air & Full pwr., twin comfort seatl, • FIAT • PORSCHE 6l&-9Z78. a I c: ,..,..;_ $4250. Wm 788 tilt whl., tinted &Jut. air I 20' Vllrlng 1118.U boat. New sails. mn coven. JUii hauled A l<llnllhed. MUI! ..U. o.mer. 645-5150. 2600 HARBOR Bl-, 846-7368. cond., radial-steel belt tires. , PONTIAC ·:.:: B~;.,cI:_an.o~r ... Call.. COSTA MESA '67 c ,. I I c 429 ..... (<17-EOY). • 128'1, 124'1, 850'1 '70 Porsche 911T •~ .. "" 54l>-!llOO Open Sunday on onon • po. $119 DEMO SALE Stereo, Map, Private Party, 5.16-0418. '72 COUPE ~. dlr. ~~ded, Must Daya 839-95611, alt 5 -1911J VW Westphalia Camper. 833-3155. Pop top. new tires, otc. DeVIW '69 ContinenW Marie m Low + Tx. Per mo. 3S mo. open 2480 H•rbor Blvd. Cosio MoH 54UDl7 SAILBOAT 1411' O'Day r&cing &loop. Comparable to Udo 14'. 13eZ1 Harbor, Garden Grove Main A jib, $299. (lood . ...,. 1 B1k. So. of G.G. Fnry, WE PAY TOP CASH Sl 644 19T1 914 Porsche. Low mt. $2550. 546--1919. Beautiful fl.nlsh with vinyl top mt. Must sen. $4875. or nr-endO. R CAN IUY Oean, all acceuorles. $3«XJ. '69 VW sqback. Vtty dean. & leather ._ tapestry inter--fer. 675-0555. ~~.7.J:: 17821 Sky =st =~a:.:.E. :;,,.~ .:.:r .:~~ Cont 1971 MK Ill AL~.:~~LS ' 636-2333 dition. 673-5468 Dino. -~-.;;;:.;;;;:'--- STAR cia .... uboet. 1r1er. *Marvin Pearce* Cover, a:d sa1ls, only $950. -· Motor Hnmes LIDO 14 No. 319, >clnt cond, fully equip .. $900. Scites • R-~-•-* 5.16-1m * ...,._ 49' 8 Mota Sloop. conwrted 551-3222 fOr crulllng. Xlnt c d. !Cll S, Vlllqo Way, S.A. $18,500. 6'4-4048 aft 5. ttt Shasta 18" mtr bm tor 32' Columbia racing aloop, renl Sips 6, teU cont, air. Sleeps 4. $49511. Pvt pty. 497,2384, <n41 84&s3445 Rent A -~ Home KITE No. 895 for your V •cation With dolly , Vory good c:ond. * 839-4301 * 1750. C>ll 549--0229. 1 -=e~NEW;,,,-,,,23,-' '"'.i,,.-,,25"•~1;-WIUl'Y- for -· -• -. )ll&t can 111 ror n. _..._ GROTH CHEVROLET Alklorllalto ........ ll2ll -Bl..S. HuothWt=Bo&cb lll-I087 Kl WSSl IMPORTS WANTED Oranae OounU. TOP I BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 188Sl Beach Blvd. R. Beach. ?.\. UT-355S *W• buy older CUI * Plu1 Tax lo Llcen,. lo Dealer Prop, •n 128 2-D<X>R #769157 e VOLUME e e $AYIN6$ e •Bill Jones SPORTCAR CENTER 2833 Harbor 540-4491 * COSTA MESA *· COMPLET SERVICE. PARTS &: BODY SHOP Factory Trained Me:chanics 16 Stalls loon, Sllps/~k& 910 M. H. All', lo&ded! Best ratet DOCK w/b9throom up to pouible. Pvt ply 96Pr1397. $25 • $50 • $100 "72 WINNEBAGO 27', deep1 for moa:t can running 26', $75/mo. No. 2 Balboa OJVOI, N.B. 6$-031. 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Mon., Tues., Wed. • Fri. S. a.lr/cond. Delux. Reserve call 89Z-5017 Thun, to 9 pm 17' Schlada SK with 110 Mere OB. 'Canvas covttr, Sharp! $17';J. ~ Boots, Speed lo Ski 911 15' BOAT, ski or ilsh, 30 h.p. elec. start Johnson w/trlr. $450. 557-<;'IU. FASTEST, &lamoroUI ski boat on the cout! Call 637· now.~. '70 27 Ft. Winnebago; gen .. 2 air. C.Onslder trade. 675-3722 ~tore 9 AM. or after 7 PM CLARK-CORTEZ ne:w in '67, 46,00> mi. Xlnt conci. See to apprec. $8'JX). 494-7735. FOR rent 24' Motor Home. Sell-cont., stereo, a.Ir, sips 7. Reas Rates. 962-2195. 5744 Sat, &m • Eves. =T'"'ro""'l""lo_r_s,""'T=r-.-v-.1~-"'KS'"" e ARISTOCRATS l T--I • NEIYPORTS , e A'UTO-MATES I ~--;;;;iiiiii~~~ AJ•, severat nse<1 $395 a up ~ IVORSHAM TRAILER SALES Compor&, Sot./R.m 920 2709 w. 17th stroet Santa Ana <nt) 531-2596 WE 00, all mak•• of cl•an ___ H_o_N_D_A __ _ uaed oportl can, pald for or not. P leue drive 1n 1ol' -•ppralsal. NEWPORT IMPORTS S1.oo W. c.oast Hwy.1 Newport Beach 642,9405 '71 Hondo 660 Sod•n Immaculate, $68S or best of. fer, dlr, 897-0224. •n HONDA 600 Exce:l Cond, AM/FM rad, Red w/bl.k Inter. 21,800 nU, $1(KX) 963s7460 JAGUAR JAGUAR SEDAN 3.4 WE PAY TOP DOILAR e 54S-4804 • FOR TOP USED CARS MAZDA U your car U! extra clean, -------see U1 firat. . BAUER BUICK 2925 Harbor Blvd. Colla MHI 9'1!).25(1) 1m Porsche, e MUST Sell '69 VW BUS conditioning, AM·FM rad.lo, Loaded' Vin top AIR. All South CaDf • 911 T, Targa. Like new. Great cond! $1300. 6 wa.y se:at, WSW tires, tilt Ii extras' {7080SL) 0 em llnlM 644-4394/~. M&--0342 telescopic steering, bumper · $6,35.0 •- l(m#~~•1'.trlpe, etc., •tc. 1st 11-'la-I Da..i. '62 Porache, trans woric Custom VW, very c~an .uuoJO NUUlldl M• ~~r,:. or be•t oUer. :;'~~! $6600 Or Lease 1...- RENAULT '66 vw, perfect mech. cond. a Naben Southern California """""'5 Needs body work. !!63--5900 or 963s9401. Cadillac: 1st National· Da..i. Renault Demo S•I• NllR '69 VW, xlDt cond, lo mile, nu 2600 HARBOR BL., Semi Annual 11res, pv1 pty. . COSTA MESA Demonstrator 548-5196 540-9100 Open Sunday Leasing I~ More. Col Pork Wag, $310. 545-4358 Clearance Sale '67 VW Duo w/'68 rebuilt engine. Runs good. Must Th is Weekend .. u, n_4, m.-3769 Unbeatable Prices '64 VW BUS XI.NT COND ALL 19n MODELS MUST SELL. 6'l3s'1422 IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE '68 vw. S.at rovin, speaker, DELIVERY runs aood-IS95 "' will trade INSTANT CREDIT for ..aflon wagOO: ll44--4687. APPROVAL * '66 Bug. New l600cc eng. BANK FINANCING New tires & brks. Gd. cood. . tllruout 1775. 646-1355. COAST ,~e~ ~G * 53-1332 * '71 EL DORADO >J22 -... Center """" MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE n~· Calif. ~-ro67 '65 MUSTANG TrulY the llnell of the sreat ~. ~,::..::;=-~_;;.:;.::::,..::::; I line of automobiles. Luxury 65 Continental, 4 dr. clean, Immaculate, SacriOce. Must Is everywhere. Only 10,21.1 full pwr, air COl:ld. $1000 or sell, dlr, 897--0224. l local miles. Fact. air cond., offer. 847-7354. PINTO . I full power, tilt .i. 1e1,,..p1c CORVAIR ;J:;:,. lleerlni. doorlc>cka, . .W.FM im'Plnto . 2IOO .. stere:o w/multiplex tape, '66 Monza :i dr coupe w/atr. 12,000 lnt. $2395. trunk lock, a sentinel that auto, R/H, Xlnt Cond corid. New tires. m«i89. 1 turns your light• on It oil S0,000 ml, $595 673--4674 PLYMOUTH for you. PIUI a ho1t of lea· CORY E tun!s to bring the thrill of E 11 .,....,....,...., .... .,..., __ ..,I motoring back to you. (07~ ,63 Co tt fastback 327 65 Fury Wap CXW}, ~e e • ' Automatic, factory air $7444 fuel Injected, alm<>!t new dl"--lng 1...,, • .1 tires, 4 spd, p:>sl traction. , ..... , • power s ..... --+ Olerry! All orig, Make over. ndio, white wall tiftl ( ~ Naben 542-trn 536>. 1195 dlr -· I U Cadillac: COUGAR PONTIAC /; Cougar .1971 Cpe. ·:~~:!~ ·1 IMPORTS '68 VW VAN, xlnt cond. fully carpeted, door speakers 494--0582. 1000-lXIO W. Paclflc C.t. Hwy. Newport Beach· (n4) 642-0406 '64 VW with Westphalia cam· per complete German bit Ren•ult S•l11. & Service equip. inc gas stove 1: frig m> HARBOR BL., f11r ovtr a decade in On.nae &: small &:Ide: tent. Sleeps 2 COsr A MESA '€oonly adulll, 2 children. 11100 540-9100 Open SUnday s.rv. Dep\r~ m 1 p.m. _!irm. __ 962-8972 __ .___ '67 COUPE Alt, 1ecessnrtes. WAGON ~ Jlm Slemo .. Renault '56 VW p!us extra parts. De VILLE $84.00 9 pa&1., 3 10al.. Fad. air, I -1 So. ~"-Santa Ana Good lot Dune buggy or '" t ~ ~ IP"Efl -• .. -W Facto~ air -~·-. IUD . gage nl:ll, au o 1 blk. north of Warner trans car _,., lUllU M-·~ ~..... rt A btak t Servtco Department 5t6-4ll.4 phalla luggage rack wlU flt power vinyl top beautl.tul + Tx. Jl6 mo, 24 mo, ope:n power eer, ' es, e VW $30 ··~ ·~& cloth & leather ~tmor, tilt end, or can bey-$2,800 (LGP-i:ear window, R I: H, W Sales n.......-...nt 5.;7-5242 &DY van · ~ · ...,) •-Even a stereo ta ....... _.. .._. le telescopic lltffrina .AMI 1...., • .....,.. pe Auto S.rvlco, Porn 949 WILL Bey your car pald kr or noL Call Ralph Gordon 673>-0900 -445 E. Coul Hwy. Newport lleacll. Auto&, lmport..i 970 TOYOTA IS63 VW Camper. The body FM radio, ' heater,,• auto. l'-em CaDfna' thll excep~ low mil ROTARY.s ta In ex«llent condition, In-'1UUUI ••e ''-'ly--( Iran.I., wswtires, etc. CVOL--· -......, .... _ ...... linmocll•h Delivery 'si.T'.:su~6;PECIAL !:: :1pa1r~i. M=. 11111. $2111 1st National Bank -~N31a~~-'70 VW POP,UP CAMPER, 15,<m ml, excellent cond., $3,000. 499-2211, Cycl11, B1k11, 5-ttra ...... __ TIRE CITY Steel Radials 235xl5 $49.95 + FE:r. Pol.y Steel Goodyear $36.95. HI Jackers: $34.50 pr. f'GOxl.5.Belted While Letters $28.50 + YET, U, S. Mags $15.95 up. Roda:er Ward 60's Supe:r Low Prices. • ALFA ROhtEO Alfa Romeo '72- 2000 IUNTINGTON IEACll TOYOTA CORONA 531 ' 7294 YOLVO L ~ , door, whit• !lnlsh, • speed _ .C, Nabers easing Cadlllac hi ,,,, I, hi 925 cusr made combination 3 rootor cycle utll trier. Valoo $215-For $200. Steel floor 5' x 10', Steel stand on fen. den, Spue wheel, 3' sldc1, Uc. Never --.'f?ar o u l. ~Ul9. Free Balance wlth this Ad. 1950 Newport Blvd.. C.M. 6i5-3554. 12345 E. C&n:1n, Hawatl•an Garden• POWELL, lete model dirt _~...,,,,~--· ---- machine. Excetlent cond. A * '63 Corvette: fUel injectlon, ~ ruged. Knobby complete. Misc •mall block -, I hp ~ $100. O!evy parts. ~IT.14 ..., Nr187'1 alttt ti'M. .l weekend& =,..---=-~-~ VELOCETI'E Tbruxton. 1967 VW av rebl~ exch. lnst., & NOW IN STOCK For lmmodl•lt Delivery lnsl•nl Credit BANK FINANCING COAST :. IMPORTS vlntap, betttt than new in. auar. $275 UJ>. v 1 n c e -~ ou4 11095. Rudi Automotive J.160 "K" IJm.1200 W. Plclfle Cll. Hwy. Nlod""ekl, 5iM3ooi. Lopn. c.M. 5e-0177. N<wport S..cll m4t 6Go040tl 800C SUpor Honda 1965 D.,,. lluftles 954 ''119 SPYDER. Fuel fnl,. ! 17331 BEACH BLVD. HU NT INGTON flEAC H ' " !J42 libhb t MERCEDES IENZ '67 MERCEDES 230 Sedan. Au-.t!e; ,._. ......... power bralloa, la<> tory air condl~ poll! button radio, bet.tv, ndW Urea. leather lnterklr. TbJ1 beauti.M a.a~ lbowl excellent Care b)' Sft\"lolM GWnel'I. (TUP51!). .$2999 Hetw club' clutch. dirt · spd, AM.FM, &d oood. ttm. Good cond. $1.'iO. -&i'W.-o;;.;·B..irY;·M;~; 36,ooo mt. Pvt pty. ii.a. Nabers -m-'llM. Manx O'&'"'f'l!I, roll bar, I"'-Mn. Darby, Da1I 657~770 Cadllac T.l 11'....,,. 3111 Elldlno 21" !rt wlll. XJal cond. 1300 mt #75.ltalle---- •'" ""' fXt 328; •. OWi & wkods of chrom<. MUI! a o 11. f91,lil67 2Jm HARBOR BL., &cS--5!50. Vacancle1 eo1t moneyJ Rtnt COSTA ~ ..., DUNE Bugy, Metal ,..,... houoo, apt.. 1t.,. 540-tliltJ ()peD !IOnd&1 flallo bcxl.r top l aldo """' bl••., otc. tMI • Dally Pilot Don't aM> 111> tllo &bip! -• .. ...,. .. , -, .. odt I.tint. Malty ....., -Xlnt ~ Ad.s.I Idle ltm& "Llat" u 111 .._...,..., 9lllp COii ....., cood. SSSO. -now! Clll 60.lm Nowt ., Shott Results! -. ' ' <ZKZ~, $1099 '71 ValvD lBOO E gl CadlHac: l022 Bustnoq Center Drive :ieooco~ BL., 4 Spd., w/ove!<lrive, Radio, 2600 HARBOR BL., hvlno, Cilll: 9l664 • ,1'540-~9100~;;:;;--;-:,_!~~~~tl Michelin Ttr.a, ID,000 Miles. COSTA MESA n~ 21.U27~1: """" Bill MAXEY Beautiful White w/Red 540-9100 Open SundoY DO 'Ill PONT, Le llano 2 Leatha interior. Stk •17A '69 EL DORADO for sale by DGE hdt1» Pwr, alr,·new nd TDYOTA $4 199 Ol1i ownor. Lo miles. Excel Otte. owner. Xhitl CREVIER cond All Xtru. flMllJ alt '66 W 0 548sZlDl Daya 5*-2714 ,.,,;.,.....-AG N m-v'"-.'°' 119!1•---ts ~,, ... T0Jota A J'-O..W Authorloed -I s.r.lco fl!IO & eoNt -- Lquna Bacb -'71 TOYOTA WAGON $14'5 SAHTA ANA TOYOTA S<rvfco Dept. .,... 1:30 am 'tU t pm --5«).1111_ '17 w. Womor, Sant& Ana. V-c.'Gll DIOMfl "'"' a...tflitd Ad,Jrll knt' ttms nowt CaU 60-5l7I Now! MOTORS EL DORADO • oo. Excel Dodge Monaco, 9 .. -. v.a, AT, PS, PB, Air o;JJ. DI W. Ill m S&ala Ana Cond , Mm! Soll' $2200 Automotlc, foc:tory air condl· Low low mllH, Oean ID&loll as:i111 "1 . , tian1oc. -111....tnc. • °"~ Mmt Sacrulci .=:==------1 ndlo, beotor. atlJC331). ll'l.309Ji • 1972 llllLllll '67 CADILLAC IJLQI. dlr. BlMl5.15. 1;;'111.-;PONTIAC=;u;s;GTO=-""' apeod.::'.".".":'I • IU IU · CooY., NI -· air concl., 1169 Oodp C11orpr pd backol>, v1rQo1 n., iq. • Ilnlnaclllofo .-d., Slcrlllce, condition. $1295.,......,. I !'-~~===~_,,lf Lte.:. Tr:. of must ..U. dlr, 191o<IDI. ..,.-1ma11 car.I' $11.74 ,; Me. * 1'71 CADILLAC * 5&45!1. RAMii.ii f O.A.C. AWJ'll, AlllO. -· Stl:>AN "" VILLl1. 14.0llO ml. D 0 D ifE D. rt 19 8T. •a -.... :;;t dlto-• .._ Imm&<. IS,& 0.-ff/ o..-tjc, pr, pb, Jll)Od .... Trani. -.. ~ l'at 1.Nslnt w llvyl.. betp -. 14Ji.3'110. cit-~. 511s!OOI. .Goad ·~, c:.r:, . • 9UICI .CASH ·n DODGE vu. 1 too, x1111 {Kiit Gil ia D 1 ~, -n..M I •• ..!!. -ouGH .. '°""· ~. 11'1-M:ll. ~ LfAlll '"" ,.. * -* 1~--=y"'-11==11=1D-=-----vaw . DAILY litl.OT FOID ·::--·~-~"t '67 .,.,..,. .... " IJll -· CJll. llll 91Gl ·-~ v -~ tt ...__ -· WANT AD, -•WV .. ~·-·"·~· • .., ....... --· Fut malt& ... Jtllll • pbolle .... hell ollor. Pl&. call ---- --call •"'1·14Mm. T,m pm, IC741JS. -. -----...,...: 17 v s. lo •I .. pr m .. Im •• G A " ol. the San ~lemenie Capistrano VOL 65, NO. 178, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES EDITIOM ORANGE COUITTY, CflLIFORNIA • ' MO~~AY, JUNE 26, 1972 • • . • TEN CENTS McGovern Claim.s N o.mination Sewed Up w ASIDNGTON (UPI) -Sen. George s. McGoyern claimed enough vot<s today for a llm-hallot nomination for president a~ the' Democratic NaUonal i)nvenUon on the bflil ol , 1alnlng a)mo,1 100 previouaiy uncommitted d e 1 e g a t e 1 , mosl4' blacks. 'Al a news•conference he attended with three members of the C<!nir<"lonal Blad< CauC111,' MeGoveni said the 96'1\\ d,elegatea he gained w o u 1 d ralae him 1,51011 votea.11 takes 1,509 to-nominate. 'The lllstrlct · of Col1nbla's con- grmlollal delegatt, Walter E. F1untroy, .l8id the ~elegates were'made up primari- • ly ol blacb from 12 -· Fauntroy sa\d the votea Included: Con- necticut 4; LOulaiana 14; Oblo I ; Mlssiuippl I&;' Illinois 5; Missouri I; New York 2; District ol-Colwnbla J2l/o;. Virginia U; Soulll Carolina 7; "Goorgla,I; Alabama I; and New Jersey 3. 'f!leY ad!led up· to 98llo. · · • But Fauntroy .later scaled . the total down by.one-)l'!>en l!c-llld the Alabama · delegate .i)Nidy was Included _In 'the Mc9ovem ,tolal.. l!e llld a final recon- clllaticin ol numbe!'s would be made later In the day .• Mc.Govern lefl immedlately after the • news' conf<,.... for 1 t!Jree.day nlnl ~ to. Meillcan-Amerlcans, l'I>' t1!rOulh the South,' where hla support 'ii dlana llld all olha-minority groups." considered weak. Although Fauntroy produced !be names Tbe' United ·P.ress lnten>a~ 'llbul• ol lelderl ol , IOIJ\e atote blocs being Uon,.!Uen before !be new addition, 1a•• clOll•ered today, be .l8id the group decld- McGovern 1,340:15 delegates wlth es lean-ed nOt to ' release the names ol the in- lng. . · , · divldual delegates to Jl'Otecl them from "'There ls no ~SUon that ·the M 0 prn.sww:."· delegates who repl'e8eDt 'new additions McGovn •. who btt:an hia long cam- '"' enough ·to p<il us ·over on 1bO firal paign with relailvely llttle support among ballot jn Miami," McGovern llld. minority gJ'OllpO, llld l>O agreed with the "'What JS mo<! significant Is that tbl•·ls goalJ ol lwo major black declarations bul aootber ma j o r atep In uniting a 11 , dlffered In cerllln 1peclflcs. Americans In the political proceas," He said be dlugreed with the poaitlon McGovern said. "I have made the same m lll'Ml taken by the Na~ Black ru1se ar Nixon Lifts .All Quo_ta~ For Meat WASRINGTON (AP) -President Nb:· en Jif1ed ·all quola mtrictions on meat lmporla today ''.in ID effort to rernemdy am.rt-term !lhortare" and curb rising meal' )ll'l<a . 1 l!al ~ rulfl'CIUI a freele on ,_t aild olber food jJricef, ~ ol Ibo 1\ew1~8'1111111.W_Wllli,.....,, ~,,.,.. ~-........ Nlmn'I' diictaioe WU -ed., ·-ol the quolU for the rest ol 1'1J ''maJ not full1 IOlft the problem,"· Nixon· 1 a J d' ln a statement. ''Furth.r mealllm will be taken u newsary and &JIP!Oprille... ' ' . 'Jbere wu · llOIDt evidence that the Price Commlllio!'. wblcll makes .......,. mendationi to the Cost ol Livintl Cowicll, bad ~ .lilenced on the po,litlcally 1oucbJ m. of f<\Od prices. It mel in. an u_.al doaed -1on ol more than lour bqun _&mday, but aald•aothlng. Moat ol the lmpOrted -II law"" cost cuta wblcb aoes Into processed ..,,. ducts such u hamburger, bot clop, aalaml.-and ......... Ofllclaia questioned whether t h t dedaloa would have an Immediate lm- (IJee PRICl!ll, Pqe .I) Lifeguard Saves Gui From Viejo At North Beach A San Clemente lifeguard a\'ed the 'llle ol 1 IS-year.old M!lllon Viejo girl "'"' the weekend after Ibo became tripped In a riptide al North Beach. Guard Steve Blmtt gave mouth-to. JllOUtb .....acitatlan to the Ylctlm after &be atopped breatblnl durln& the Satur-dJ.Y afternoon mcue. -'Ille Cir~ Nucy Keman ol 21112 Qirlstlna, wu truted by her own family -after the lncldeat occurring cluila( l period ol ...., cold Wiiier len>- pentuM, pard apohamen llld. ~ Barrejt said be'llnt noUced the girl ln ~aboul 75 ,.rda from obcrt, belnC wried IOlward by. a llllal1 rtjltlde. ~ Bomlt-toberl'tlClll,aclUbe bn[ucbtithe girl toward shore lbe ~ "'1iaiiillc-·n. 1.• a rd -.red -·tloa la Ille Wiler, °"" -after llfblllal the 'flctlm ta llllft. Mill "9nn tam n:p•wd ~e11. • • .8rilige Accident • Hurts 3 Women ' ' ' c Miufmf .D~t;-et~:. UPIT~ . ' A Parl!·proleoter w..tt-a .mult bearing 'bombs equal -~' and a burlap tunic reading, 'megatQJls,_ megadeath, :no to the bomb.' Ht hands out leaflets at the Saturday. t1,emons\fatio11 aplnrt lrench· gov· ernment's·IChedulel1 nuclear ttst In lhe,Padftc. ', 24.'ldentified as POWs; I . ' -N<iiie Saif!, Frotn County .,._,,....~ 'J'llt, u .s. aovemJll!lll bal rec41ved 1 1111 ol il U.S. Air PCJl<O and Navy ol· --bytbt lkrlb Vleln-..... ... ..t u ba~been captured linco 1910, Pentqon 1la uld'Situr- day. Nine ol 11io1e :H -bad ,..._, -1llled only .. lllil•inl In -(llJA) aod tbeJr sllhll U priaonero WU uncertain. Fifteen had alroady -llated u prisoners. Roi Lemb ol Ibo POW·lllA lllterna- tlonal office In ''IWtin ~ 11111 morning t1M¢ none ol !be men lmol>ed ln the dlglwn -from°""" OXrntJ. llemben ol llle 6rlnl• Ollntx· POW· ~-dlecW tllt !IA• -u ' ll wu-llllde pallllc Ind -111 ..,,,.. from the are&, "11 f• M WI bow,'' abl,.. uld. Tiie lbt WU g1-to the U.I. J:mba1t1 In P.-ts Jl'lidV nl&bl by W-8abler, Ill ltlar'ney iidlml .. w..r ol ... • FAhmll 11. K.....ty ([).-). ''We andeutand Sen. bmoll1 bid been !nlonned the Us! WIS 1vall1ble, Ind Coroner's Office Logs 11 .DeathS 38-acre Annex . ' . To Be Studied By CapisJJ:ano Political ConvenUon l11t spr'lil( In Gary, Ind., 1 busing politlon taken by the same group; certain figures In proposals on the black share of federal contracts and in- ~ maintenance; and a proposal to close the U.S. embassy in South Africa. "All the cUfferencea were expr~ed in writing and were accepted as'reasonable objections on my part,'' McGovern said. In teSponse to· a q(lestfon, McGovern said that he assured the blar.ks that his administration would inclUde blaeks on the supreme Court, tJle cabinet, the regulatory agencies "and at all levels of aovernment· ln reasonable propoa!Uon to • their percentage of the iioi>uJotlon. • Five ol the statea McGovern will vlalt In the South and Southwest -OkJaboma, Texas, Georgia, Soulh CArol1na and Virginia -have lM delegatu McGovern c<inslders WlCOIDlll!tted. · But McGovern aald he would not try to convert any ol the 27 delegates ln the silth state, Arkansas, which are comw milted to Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark.). During a stop al Little Rock Tuesday, McGovern will meet wiUt Mills, but aides said McGovern would be prepartnc for "poskonventklll actlvtlies." Renews Plea To Husband To Resign -Wire-Smarting from brulaes llld alleced m. dlgnlUes r<eelved while Ille wu a "pollUcal ,.-r" at the Newporter Inn last week; llartba Mitchell todlJ ,.,,.,.. ed her telepbODe ::; urllni her ... band to qUll Prvl Nlllll'l ... pa'cn. Newly .... ....,.s. ID a plulllt.; tW room llllte at the W'*1Mllw Oaaa1!7 CID In· Rye, N.Y .• .llll. .... II ..... AllwMt --:--G-1 sa·-'arl1 ....., w tllt ._ Yen Dlllr Nlft • - bnlJoelf by ........i =: ., gulrds....., lier ally~ "Cdi: Mra. 'Mlfd!e!l cborpd ...., that v1o1enco eodad lw 1::.::"',. WI from the ~ villa to UPI Wuldntlton corrapondent Helen Tliomu. In tbal call, Mrs. MltclleJI llld she wal ltarin( her husband unless ho quit pollt1<a. " Mystertoualy the long dl9tance can to the __ Wublngton reporter WU in- terrupted. Mra. llltdiell told t!Je New York DallJ News that aeveral ol her guuds, pro. vlded by the Nl>on committee Iller bet husband left bls 11tomey general poet, uthrew me down on the bed -five mea did It -and llucl: I needle Jn my bebJnd. "I've lllVlr been treated like tbls, ever," Mrs. Mitchell said. Tho Illa-mi6ma nporta "' • "commotlaa" In the ->Illa eorl1 ll'rtdly lldnllC -allor a moderalelJ' large window WU --. Rellablo aources today told the DAILY PILOT not on1J waa a window ln the MltclleJI tilla .... -. but blood bad stainecl the c:urtaini and the bedroona telephone bad been ripped from the waIL . Meatrtlllllt, Mn. Mitchell today qain pbonod •UPl'a Helen Tbomu aayJnc a securtll' ~ lot the -com-mlltee. "pdlod the telephone out ol Ibo wall" to*" rw from biking. u1 hope )'OU print that,'' lbe said, HTo have tbll jeft. •• tbll chancier come In and pall the telephone out ol the wall." She told Mia 'JbonlU Ille WU ln her be!! In ber -at hor Newporter 1111 villa -Ibo lncldmt occurred. :·u ,... -• 1111, 'I: wouJdn'I believe I~'! &be <Cl'f' to the (loo MAJmlA, Ptp I) . W•llGi• ,,_ -. _,,., doada are sWl b•.i. .-Ille 0.- IDI• Coaat, bat Ibo -tberlaclJ -clear lldel la the -rue.lay. Bilbo •11. I.on la .. 80'1. ' INSmE TO•AY . . Land prddlfflg It • Mlllo!t- d<>Uor -..... ift l'l<>rida Giid '"""' bupert liftd !Mr-'* -load lhcfr ............. ,.,,.,. """""" of "dttaa loWnl" /Gil lo matcriol11e. Set ''°"· /'Go• r. -. L.M .... ' cenftrll:e I Ck:•"hl INl c.:a 11 -" 1199'.ll 9lllffW • ··~.1111 ••• ;',T 'l . .... ,, .. ---" 1 ........... -" --. --. .,,.... Pw:. • ..,.... .. ,, .... _.... .. " "''"":" ; l OAll Y PILOl, SC Moodq, JUot 2', 1972 Skies Sluw Famed Brimh Mariner Lost Pr.tfor• P...,...i • Con~ert Arrest 80, 45 Adults, Hel.d in Sa1i Diego Ocean Hunt Democrats View· Of Sailboat Overcul ski" of! the C.lllorni1 coast tO!laY hampered the air and aea 1t1rch for a disabled 33-loot sallboet fast reported 500 rnlltS west of Loi Angeles. 'Ille U.S. Coast Guard said two lixed- "lai aircraft -on< from Coast Guard Sin Francisco and the other from Hamilton Air Force Bose -were seardiing an area 102 by 92 miles for the Bloop Tom cat on which three persons were.-board. The Coast Guard cutter llellolute is also conducting 'a surface aearch. We1tber condltlona tn the search area were reported to be overcast 1kies, north- northw .. t wlnde at 10 knots and a one to lwp lool eurfece chop. Contrary to earlier reports the vesoel that sighted , the disabled Tom Ca t and pwed lood and water to the thr .. pauengtn wu not a commercial ves11tJ. Attmtlng IA> the Cout Guard, the Tom Cot -•Jihted by another sailboat, the Add AalA>r, bound for Honolulu. Alter passing two gal!oos ol nter and food to the stricken Tom Cat, the Add Astor contacted a merchant vessel by raWo and cave Word of tbe Tom Cat'I pllgbl. The mercbanc v-1 In turn = ~ lnfonnatton ou IA> the Coast Oil boenl the Tom cat .... Mike FOUJlo lain, 19, ol HunUngton Beach; Richard Nlma, 17, and Fred Shropohlre, both of Hawaii. The trio wu apparently deliver.. Ing the boat to Marina de! Rey !or the registered owner, Elaine Woods of Sherman OW. The boat left Honolulu May I . Witches .Observe S11mmer Solstice On Angel Island SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -It wu a day like any sunny Sunday on Angel laland aClOll the bay from San Francllco -ex- cept fur the dancing witches. Ill belated oboervance ol the summer ao~, the Witches of the 'three Bay Area covena -the Horned Moon, Golden Dawn and Spira\ Dance -along with their warlocks went Into a snaky, spiral· Ing dance. It Included kialng and ended with them moving . mto a band-hol~lng circle to 1enei;ate T;plychic energy." "Tbt clrcle la cloaed," intoned sorcerer Alclao Kelly. A ball-dozen followers came torww IA> IN( daubed with ~ greny substance. FolJowlng an Incantation, the group - whlcb Included cbildren, presumably le-. al .U!Ue demons -llopped about and clapped to ple<0lo and guitar mualc. 'J'ben ffl!r)'oile fell down Into a besp. • EarlJer, the occultlm found the 111pernotural couldn't tal<e can ct rumbl- lng tummies. They ate bot dogs, aelaml and other picnic goodies and drank Wine. State to Auction 2 Land Parcels LONDON (Pl) -A Royal Air Force Mwcb pllao hu joined tbe bun! IDt round -the-world 1"Chl&maD !fir -Olldllolet, 71, who 11 compeUng ·ID tbe Ol!M-ver ~ Tranllf.. lanUc Race from Plym0utb, Ena'.· land IA> Newport, R.I. · The plane made a low aearch over the sea Sunday night looking for Chlchester's 57-foot aloop, Gipsy Moth V. Chlcheater bu missed threo scheduled radio contacts and race ofllclall expretaed concern for bll health. FromPGflel CORONER ••• ort the Ortega Highway and over a 300- foot ell!! abo\it a mile eaat ol the San Juan fire station. Coroner's officm tdenilfted Ibo dead man u Dale McCracken, :a. He wu lllf.. ed as dead on arrival at MJulon Com- munity Hospital. On the critical 11&1 with bead lnjurtel In the """" hospital II McCncken'a passenger Victoria Evelyn Pierce, 19. A young gunman who came out on the wrong end ot an encounter with a Westminster store clerk Sunday was ldenUfied by coroner's officers today u Terry Lee Harmon, 28, ol Oruge. Police dalm llmnon entered an all night market at 11511 Westmlnat<r Ave., pointed a sholiun at the clerk and de- manded Ibo COl!lenla of the •Ub recJs! .... They aald llmnon pocketed 164 binded to him and then ordered the clerk to Ibo back of the store. At that point, poHce aald, the clerk grabbed a weapon and shot Harmon through the heart. ~ today -"' ldentlfy the b:,~~ ~Investigation ol the '111e .coroner'• bulky Sunday log alto r~ Ibo death of a vacatloulng ~ fn>m Vandalia, Olllo, who dled in the Laguna llllll uea when abe fell over Ibo handle bars of her blcy· blcy<le. Anaheim Body May Take Up Offici.als' Rok BJ JOANNE REYNOLDS Of ...... ., ..... ...,, Land ~lion by lwo Anaheim city of!Jdall 'II Ubly" IA> be ·llroucbl up al the meeting of Ibo ADlhelm City CouDc1I Tuesday aflemoon, a city otJlcer llUI• gelled today. . Khn Clemena, -relaUou; olllcei for City Managtr Keith Munlocb, aa1d "I'm aure aomethla( will be aalcL-lt'a dlf· flcult to forecast aomethlng lib thla, but it'a Uke1y that Ibo matter~wJli be ieterred to." Murdoch wae unavaUable for comment this morning. Hll llaff memilen"-ald be was Jn a meeting with olber ctty offlclaJ& and could not be reached for the mt of the day. Clemen1 wu spuklng of c1Jarpa Dllde Friday that Murdoch and city Publlc oWrks Director Thomtou E. Piersall bad made substantial Jl'Ofils !tom land purchases using Inside Information on pending city projects. Both men have denied any wrong doing Jn the dealings. • "! am proud ol my IDveabnenla In thll city. l aee no rt110n why I should not ln- ve:st in it u well, u any other ciUzen," Mllrdoch told the DAILY PILOT Friday. Clemens would not &peculate u IA> what • Viet Withdrawal SAN DIEGO (APJ -Eighty -• fncludlng 45 adult1 have been ar- rested at a rock musle concert, the third such mw arrest outside the San Diego Sports Arena within two weeks. But no major disturbance marred the latest concert, which featured Jethro Tull SUnd•y nlgbt, or the ooe Friday featuring the Led Zeppelin, •t which 52 perlJODS were arrested. Eight person! were hurt and 60 arrested JWJe 13 dur- ing a melee at a Rolling Stones concert. WASHINGroN (UPI) -Immediate U.S. wllbdrawal from SOU!beaat Aili, poatwar amnesty !or clrafl dodger1 and delerten, and abolition ol the draft were propoaed today u major planb In tho lleri>ocra'ta' 1m ~Ital campalp plltlorm. The plaUorm propo<ed IA> tho 150- member Democratic PlaUonn Com- mittee by a !~member drafting sub- committee alao ..-oed limited school busing to achieve quality education and tupayer financing of moll election cam- paign cools. The lllhoommlttee tplll, 7-to-7 -with Chairman Kennetll Gtboon not voting - Huntington Mom Fears for Son On Ocean Voyage B1 ALlllON LOCIWIEY Deltr ...... ...,.., ...... A lranUc Huntington Beech mother WU "ellmblng the wallJ" today Al HIJ"Ch continued for the 33-fool dlubled aallboat ' on whlcb her 19-yeir-old IOD i1 a pweng«. Mrs. Fred T. Fountain, 1832 Alexandria 51., Huntington Beach, eald she and her husband were not aware that their son Mike was aboard the boat until notified SUnday by the Coast Guard that the aearcll wu under way. Mrs. Founfahi WU hlgbly cllsturbed that the commercial vessel whlcb sJibted the 33-loot Tom Cat bad not taken the passenger& aboard or stood by. Tbe unidentified vwel reported that the men ,..... ID poor cmclitloll, their clolbes tattered and had been without food !or 15 days and witl>JUt water tor two days. The captain told the Coast Guard ho had given tho trio two p11onl of water and food for about-s!Haya. "Why dldn~ that captain take those boys aboard, or at least lland by until :':1~ved?" llfra. Fountain ~ Neither could the franUc mother understand why the beat had not been apotted by the eearcblng aircraft Mn. Fountain aa1d Mllra bad gone to Honolulu abwt aeven motha qo IA> vlalt an older brother. She aa1d aht und«atood he had .been workine OU the 118ilboat and bad probahly decided to aa1I home cm It when ll departed May I for Mp1lll def Rey. . "He probeblf Wanted lo aurprlle UI, • abe aald.· Mn. Fountain aa1d her aon bad never been IA> Ra ~ore In a llllall boat Prior to ..... IA>,llmolulu be hid atleDded HiJn. tinCIOn Beech lllgll School aDd Golda West College where be was lludylng llw enfon:ement "I'm just climbing the walls until we hear something," llld Mn. Fountain. "Mlb II not Uled to loJnl without ti>ocl." Mn. Fountain aa1d her buaband, a retired Navy man, II eonlldelll the bolt will be found. BofA Also Hikes Rate on Interest on the defense plank. One v~slon backed by supporter, ol Sen. George S. McGovern (0.S.D.), the lrootrmmer for the party's prealdenltal nomlnaUon, called !or less mllitary &pen- ding. The new arrests were made on charges ranging from resisting arrest, soliciting alms, furnishing alcohol to minors, drunkenness, shouting profanities aod di&turblng the peace. A majority of the arrests were made In the parking lot where some 200 persons milled about, unable to enter the building as early as 5:30 p.m. Two Jans scufOed brJefly on the arena steps. '11le other, backed by 1Upporters or G'ov. George C. Wallace of Alabama and Sen. Henry Jackaon (0.Wash.), called for ''a program of national defense which is both prudent and responsible, whlcb will retain the confidence of our allles, and which will be a deterrent to potential ag. gressoni,'' Even belore the plaUorm committee began two days of debate an It, the pro- posed plaUorm wu under abarp attack from two slde!. Wallace supporters vowed to push !or ae antlbusiug plank and tor plans to promJse tax relief for mlddJe.lncome AmericanJ and cula In foreign aid. Some McGovern suJ>ROrters said the subcommittee compromjsed McGovern's liberal Jl'Ograms too much for the sake of unity, glossing over aome ol the South Dakota senator's controversial proposals in favor of what they said was bland, general language. Ted Van Dyk, McGovern's represen-. taUve lo the PlaUorm Committee, said the South Dakotan'• supporte1> would seek "severe changes" in the defense plank. II they fall to get the changes at the full committee aesslons, be said, they will take the fight IA> the convention floor. Under the new Democratic reform rules, if 10 percent -or 15 members - of the 150 platform committee members voted for a plank in opposition to one adopted by the majority, that minority plant is also submitted to the national convf!llllon for a vote. '11le bu&lng plank adopted by the draf. lint auboommittee states: "We IUPPOfl the goal ol desegregation as a means to echleve e(fllal access to quality education for all our cblldren. Quality education II the Issue -busing ii not. TransportaUon of Bludenla is one of many tools available to achieve quality education. Where It eerves that goal, we endone It; where It does not serve thst goal; ,re do not." On Vietnam, the propooed platform sald: "The majority ol the Democratic senator& have called for full U.S. withdrawal by Oct. I, 1972. We aupport that. poBIUon. II the· war is not ended before the nut Democratic ad· minlltl'ltion takes office, we pledge, as the tint order of -· .. immediate and complete withdrawal of all U.S. fortel In lJJdochlna. "All U.S. mUltary action In Southeast Asia. will ceue. Alter Ibo end of U.S. direct combat participation, military std to the SaJaon government and elsewhere In Indochina will be terminated. " ••• To those who tor ...._ ol cm- scieDce refuse IA> serve ID !Illa war, and were prosecuted or IOllgbt refup alioad, we state our firm .Jntent1on to declare an amnesty, on an •-lite basll, when the flghtlng hu ceued and our troopa and priaonera: of war have returned." Sources Confirm Martha's Phone 'Ripped Out' By L. PETER KRIEG Of ltlt Dill' 1"110 Si.ff Martha Mitchell's claim that she had been a "political prisoner" i\} Newport Beach was substantiated today by sources inside the exclusive Newport.er Inn where she stayed for a week with private agents watching her every move, "Someone" in her private villa ripped a telephone from the wall Thursday night, breaking a call she had placed to United Press International correspondent Helen Thomas, officials of the Newporter Inn confirmed. Mrs. Mitchell claimed that ;'someone" was a security agent hired by the Republican National Committee to keep her under wraps. Sources told the DAILY PILOT this morning that the Newporter was in- structed to disconnect all telepbon<s to the villa immecllately after Mrs. Mitchell was caught making !be call. It was also learned that blood was found on a curtain in one of the rooms, which corresponds IA> Mrs. Mitchell's charges the! she was physically resiraln- ed by agents. 0 can you ~eve a man can walk into your bedroorll, take over 'Ind pull the phone out of the wan,·· lhe said. - She also claimed several guards "threw me down on the bed -five men did it - and 'ltuck a needle In my behind. "I've never been treated like this - ever," she said. ' Wbile l\fra. Mitchell is Insisting the week long fu.ss is over lier husband's PQlitical career -which she says be bas IA> end ..-she'll leave hJm -sources claim didn't begin that way. The MltcbeU. had been among tlO GOP high rollers at the po<b Corona del Mar home of Mrs. Donald K. Waahburn, whose dead husband made his mllUons u majority owner of die aolt drink 7.up, tor a gala Malcan fi..ta last Sunday night. The former Myford Irvine home at 411 Avocado Ave., was reportedly the scene ot a vicious argument between the couple when the former attorney general in- formed his talkative wife that they bad IA> leave became he had an appoinbnent. She dldn't want IA> go and the heated verbal ba!Ue reportedly began. Among the Republican leaders who were reportedly there to witness the scene were Mr. and Mn. John Wayne, W I • d Mr. and Mn. Herbert W. Kalmbach , Nlx-oman DJ ure on'• =ber two lund raiser and Clement lllrsch, a IA>p Republican official. I Clif P Confusion over the comings and goings n • f lunge ol the Milcbells continues to reign since one source insists she was never allowed A San Clomente woman cbasJnc her oulalde the Newporter compound while dog along the blulfl"IJ near Linda Lane another sald she spent two days with Beach lo llfra; Waahburn after the party. over the weekend st her footing Mrs. Washburn denies that Mrs. and ID!IPled more than 20 feel, aufferlng FronaPageJ MARTHA ... Washington reporter the Mitchells favor. ••i•m black and blue, J'm a political prisoner." She said her husband suggested she re- main 1n\Calilornia. "I'm leaving him until he decides to leave the campaign," Mrs. Mitchell said. "I love my husband very much, but I'm no gomg to stai\d for all those dirty things that go on." "This is nothing but a cops and robbers • game, and 1'm trying to get my husband ' out or it," she to lei the Daily News. • · AJthough Mrs. Mitchell said the securl~ ty. guards accompanied her across the country to the posh New York ~burb, in Westchester County, the New York paper noted the guards were not in evidence at the country club. • Arriving in Rye on Sunday, l\frs. · ' Mitchell said "AH I want is my husband back. "There is no reason for us to be in-• • volved in politics," she said in a personal interview with a Daily News reporter. That reporter observed bandages on the ring and middle fingers of Mn. Mitchell's left hand, where she said a physician had stitched up cuts suffered when she was "beaten up." She showed the reporter bruises on her arms and claimed she had othen on her thighs. "They're•afraid of my honesty," she said, "Yes, Martha',. honesty." "I was a patriot until I got assassinated. What country can I go to ?" she asked. Th e recent revelations aboOt Mrr. Mitchell 's six-day visit to Newport Beach that ended late Saturday or early Sunday, only partially answer some or the ques. ' • tions raised by incidents following tht : 'Thu~y fiery phone call. · · A very weary John Mitchell has denied he flew to his wife's side this past week. bu t reporter Thomas said there was a marked change In the former attorney .; general 's tQne or voice in ~ telepbo~ anr versaUon Saturdajr. ,• Mit<bell, whn during a converaat1on • following the firs( lelephQne Incident wu · '. breezy, casual and said Jauntily "Sbe'a greaf," in a subsequent conversation sounded to Miss Thomas to be ".sad and weary." , Today In Washington a spokesman for the Committee for the ft.e.elecUon of the .. > President, which Mif<hell heads, said the former · attorney general would have no , ' comment on the recent allegation1 of hla wife. "As far as Mitchell is concerned Qds ts · ,; a personal matter," the spokesman said. ~ ! ••He has no comment. •1 Tunney 'Won't Run for Veep' • " .. . ' I •• .. " The state Division of in&hway1 Tues- day will auction off two parcels of surplus land In the San Juan Csplstrano area. Both are presen~y z.oned for residential use. The first 01H1lte auction will l>!!gln at 11 a.m. on 'lb• property at the southwest cornu·of El Homo and La ·caiera •lreeta. The 4,0IJO.square foot, Irregular &haped lot wUI require a nilnlmum bid ol 11,500 and a l2!0 deposit. · action -If any -would be taken by tbe council. But councilman WUUam Thom bas called !or the suspenaion of tbe pair until a Grand Jury lnvestlgaUon can be made. fractures, cuts and 8 concuaslon. Mitchell had been a house quest, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) _ Sen. , , SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bank of Llfeguaida said llfra. Edna Gl!fort, 45, however. John Tunney (!).Calli.), says he is . ' America, the world's largest commercial of 323 Avenida Pallzada, was found definitely not a candidate for the '111e second aucUon is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. on the property located on the north aide of Cimino de Estrella and the west aide of the San Diego Fr .. way. The m.in1mum bid for the 20,559' square foot lot bas been set at 125,000 with a depoait of $2,500. OU.M•I COAST IC DAILY PILOT nt OfMtt C..t DAILV Pll.OT. wtfll Mlldl 11 combined IM N..,,.·l'fus, It llftfi... Jrt ,,.. 0r-. C..1t l"WlllPlll'll CMINny • ..,.. 1'111• tcllllons •rt Plolblllll..i, MONl•V ltltwtfl FrW.v, for CMll Men, f'ftwpOff llHdt. -Hllntfltltol'I lffdl/F-1•~ Vlllf\I', '""""9 lffCll. INIMJS.ddltNclr; Ind ·kn '"'""''" Stl'I J!Hln C•Piilrt ne. A •lnolt rtglon.tl .OUlon Is pubU1lltd latura•r • •l'ICI SUllCl•Yi- Tlll ptlnclpU llVOl!tfllntl Pla"t 11 Cit »II Wt•! s.r ltrftt, Coll• Mm, C.lllwnla, n.H, •obtrf N. W114 Prtt!Cllnl I nd PubU1lltr J1tk R. Cur l1y Vlu Prt91C1t11l l tld 0-rt l Men.,., Thotr111 Kt1 ¥il ECl!tor Tllo"''' A. M~rphi111 M111ttl1W Edi1ot , dl1tl•1 H. loo1 •ith1rd P. Nill Aubt1"1 MtrllOl!lf Ee111or1 s. ca,-. Office 101 Hirth ti C1Ml110 J:11I, 92111 --Ctsl• Meu: ut W..I II}' l!Ntt """"' IHcft: ws·N...,_,, lou!t'l'ltO Hllftllt•• l ttdl1 11111 hlc:ll levlMint UIWl'lt '~Dl llomtAY .. T•11t 1• fn4• '4MH1 c ... ww U.tt'1a.1 '4Jot•7• S.. C ....... Al hpa:lwlb: , ••••••• 4fJ-K.tt ' CllJltorltttt. ,,n, 0r..,. C..t ~ ~· ,.. ...,.. """"' lltwlf'll .... "'lffll' ., .,..,.......,_,. ....... - "'"' ~ W'I"'°" ,..., .... at ~--.. <~1~ ....... MN at C... ,,,.._ ~ ~.,.,_ W am. ~ ~· .. fMfl ... ,, """"'"' Mllifli.-. ,_ RM "*9Mr. ) From Pagel PRICES ••• pact on surging meat prices, saying It could ~~ wetb or months for any in- crease m Imports IA> be felt In the United States. Shults, who beada Nixon'• Cost ol Liv- ing Council, olfered lltue optimism that the action would »eault In reduced prices. The main objective, be aald, II to atablJ. "" meat prices by ellmlnstlng repeated surges at the wholesale level. Beef supplles and prices appeared to be the main target of Nixon'• decl&lon, although auch meats u mutton and veal also are covered. Australia suppli.., aboUt ball of the t.:i. million pound import level set for 1912 and Secretary of State WUltam P. Hogen, who now la In !hit country, will d1SCUss with Auatralian omcllla the possibility ol increasing the flow of meat lo the United States! Shultz said. In his 21»-word s atement, the Pr'flJ.. dent said the "recent rise In the price ol meat ii In part due to an Improving economy here 11 home caualng Increased demands for meat whlch have not betQ mst<bed by lncreued supplies." ' Although be rejected the propoaed price frter.e on meat and other food products, Nixon sald "! Intend to moo!IA!r thla sltuelton closely, and I want IA> -" every American houaewtte that !Illa ld- mlnlstraUon II flrmly determined IA> pn- vent unjuatl!led 1nc......, Jn tho -ct lood. "We have made lfgnlllcant ,...._ II our battle agatM tlaia( prices. Wa .,. golnf to do whatever II necesuf1 IA> - that that bottle II won." Earlier thll year, N1lOll loenuld nieat hnporl quotas by 11 perceot Irani im 1eve1.1. JM •Ince then. he Uld. "Che continuing ahlft In demand and ~ bu become mon pronounced." bank 111110UJ1Ced today It II ra1.a1ng 11a halfway down tile tac e of the blulta Crash Lai·d to Bomb De~rstic vice-presidential nomination. 1, . prime lending 1n1 ..... 1 rste from s per-Saturday at 5:14 p.m. · Tunny msde the atatement In a apeecb cent to IV. per cm~ effective IJn-'11le guards climbed Ibo 11op!ng blulf1 Sunday at the annual Svenskarnas Dag • mediately. and brought the woman down to the SAIGON (AP) -IDformed sources say celebration In Minnehaha Park. ; "Recent rate trends In tbe United beach, then took ber to a waiting am-a bomb on board probably cau.sed the The 38-year-<ild Californian bu been • . States and oveneaa have Put pressure on bulance. 1 June 15 craah in the central hl~and.s of mentioned as a possible running mate for 1 " •c:ommercla1 lending rates," aa1d a bank Mrs. Gilford was admitted for !rest. the C.thay Pacific Airways J•lliner In either Sen. Hubert Humphrey or Sen. apokesman. men! to Mission Community Hospital. w!Jlcb II persons died. George McGovern., Several large Eaatem banks raised 1-,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;;;~l t their prime rotes Fr~y Including the I , First National City Bank of New York. Bank of Calllornla lllllOUllCed that II was raising Ila prime rate IA> 511 percent just before Bani: or America made Its an- nouncement. Other Calllomlo banb were .... aidering slmllar action. FromPqel P6WS ••• EIUI Guentellr, Lt. 0g) Norril AJpboMo Cbarlet, !st IA. Ralph WUUam Galati, lit Lt. Samuel Rlcbanl Vaughan, IA. 'Jbomu Bennett Latendre1se and Capt. William Ralph 5d1wertleger. The Defense Department wlthholda ld- dressea and names of nUI ol ltln of men cal>lured .pt ml11lng. In Ila most recent aummary lasued two days ..... Ibo Pentapn UslOd 1111 Mlerlcans captured or iDlenJed and l,IGI .. mls&Jng. $2,000 in Jewelry Taken in Capistrano Jewolry valued at ~ ..-wu -durtnc the weetmd -a 8an J11111 . Ciplllra» -. ~ Cooml1 Sber111'1 ofllcdl aalcL Daputlea uill two dJamel rlnp IJllll a -tit IJor ·;...:: -tllt homo of Sblrley ... • .. "'.., Dal OIJlallo Road 111 tlJlofta wllo 1"'* Che jeWtltJ ,,_ blr .... _ .... Ott1cen aakl ~ Wll • llcn el forcoabla entry at !be Blr1dw bomo. RACITl'S · COSTA MESA JE'WEL.RY & LOAN M•'• IJIAm RlllC 14K ytltw J11N -%dl.4JaMll ... '275 I . NIKON·m 35mm CAMERA. with • 43·86mm WATCH ZOOM -141C yottw ""' - wtlh • JMldlfl!I -· R.,. $6CIO '195 '335 .............. f .... ,, NOW '225 FEllD£R ' JAGO~- ELECTRIC SOLID BODY GUITARS THREE TO CHOOSE PROM •1sou. • $IN. •1 PAii Shop a Pawn Shop RACITI'S COSTA MllA llWILltY & LOAN 1111 19WPOIT aft. DOWNTOWN COSTA ltlll'SA ....................... , ............ HOUIS f-4 DAILY ClOSID SUNPAt PHONE 646-7741 • • • • .. A • • • ,, I.I ,, ' • pr t bll c r r of re jac Vol flay I I I ' j 0 DAILY PILOT SC Douglas io Launeh F ·15 ST. LOtnS, Mo. (AP) -•'McDonnell la coming In un. manq1nc the F·IJ _.... When the first copy of the... der t.rget, and tt would be 1 The F·15 will become..,.... tlan'1 newest warplane la fin .. ··'d Maj ~-~-tloool for the Air Force In rolled out today 1t the Mellon-t, -· """· ~ 11'1$. It rep1ooes the Mc1Jon. 11ell llouglaa Corp. plont, Its Jamin N. Bellla of Wrtgllt·Pa~ nell-bullt Jl'-4 Phantom jet. prlco tag m1y aet more at· tenon Air Force Bue In which bu beell the workhorle tontioo than tts deadl? capa· Dayton, Ohio. of the notloo'• lb' defense. But bUlti'~"~· _______ ,'.'.He~bu~.:.r:::eap!:"=.!""':!!blll=.!ty~for~~the~F:.:-4~1a~beco~m;:l~ng!...::oblo::::le:::te FEET 1.804 Ft. l,BOO .....--•-._.,..._A-:0:-D-IT-IO __ N_A_L_3_50_F_T_. -------. 1,500 ALLOWED FOR ANTENNAS · oL.f==3-~-1:JZDSD.....-1i...L::'.lJ_J::~__J Sears Tower John Hancock Empire Sl1t1 St1ndard Oil 1.454 Fl. Center Building Building 1,107 Ft. 1,250 Fl. 1,131 Fl. Sears Seeks the Skies Chart lndic1tes height of Sears Tower in Chicago with and without antennae in relation to other major skyscrapers. Federal Aviation Adminl..tration approved request from Sears to add another 350 feet to Sears Tower for installation of TV transmitting apparatus. Many viewers complained tower would block reception. Furies Due Money's Worth ' For Recalls DETROIT .(AP) -Chrysler Corp. announced it la recalllog M,371 current-model Plymouth Furies for modlflcation of possibly defective b u m p e r jacks. McGovern Backs Chrysler said all the cara being recalled are 1972 models equipped With bumper guards. lnflntion Hedges In those can, the jack was desi&Ded to fit throu&h a slot in the front bumper guard whoo liltiog the car. But, the company said, some bumper guard attaching bolts may oot be strong onougb to 1upport the weight ol the car when jacked up. Chryslers, VWs OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP \ - Volkswagens and ChrySJers have met California's exhaust emission atandards In recent tests and atste officlals aay the cara may be oold here. G. C. Haas, chief of the state Air Resources Board's vehicle emlsalon.t control pro- gram, aald Vo!Uwagon paaaed the testing eaally but Cbryller "just aqueaked by." By SYLVIA PORTER U Sen. George McGoV<rn were to become praldeot of the United Slate& and If be could then put Into effect pro- grams be Is supporting u of thla date, what might it mean to you? You, as a small saver with a 11e1tega In 11.S. bonds and in- 1ur1 n c e! You, u ID older lndl· vidual living on a fixed pension or Social Secur- ity? An awer: 111 n t l atJon I n aurance'' P.Olttl• on a scale not J'er tried or even approached ln the U.S. be£ ore. At tbe very atart, get theae three points straight: (I) McGovern baa been and ~·llC~ ..... _,,,, Penonallaed • Stylish • Effldllt l Order Por y..,,..lf or 1 Frltn<t May IM used en enveJopfl •• ,..turn ecldres• la.his. Also very h1ndy as identlficetiOft l1beh for markint personal item1 1uch •• books, roconh, photos, ot~ ltbolt .tick on ,~, encl m1y be u1td Jor marking home c1t1necl focd Items. All l1bel1 are printed witlt stylish Vot•• lypt ••fl•• q .. lity whit• 9umm1d ptper. llliD la bocking away from mony radlcal economlc pool· lions be took during the primary compalgn. (I) Ev.n If be were atandln!( pat on all bi.I controveralal propooals, In the U.S. the President propoaes I n d Congress dlapow. It la in- coaceivab1e that the next Congress would obedlenUy pass many of hla program•. (S) McGovern bu shown himself to be a pragmatic politician who is aware that a bualness and •tock market 1lump caused bv his proposals would destrov him as well as mJlliona of uS. OI\ curbing inflation, McGovern has 10 far been fu2!y -outside of making tbe fundamental point that ending the war and •harply cutllnll mllltary spending w o u Id theoretically cool lnllatlonary fires. He would let our present price-wage controls die, and about the only apecmcs be 11&Qest~ are actu1l ly generalities -namely, stiffer enlor<ement of our anUtrust Ian IDd .,..ater ""' of . the president's power 1 to "jawbone" against prlco IOU&· Ing. Against this blckgrouncl, II I• ahmlficant that McGoV<m I• probing on area. ol flnonce loo! famJllar In o I h • r lnllatfon.prone nations b u t vlrlua!Jy unlmcl'fm here. Here'• bow lnllatlon lnlurlnct micbt wort: Ju a amall llvef, you would be offered U.S. aavlnp bonds with purchulng po w e r cuarantees -e.g .. the dolllr value of your bollds would rlae u the cost.<Jf·Iiw. lndel rooo. Tbe rtgU!ar Interest rate on,.., aavlnp-would be aillbecl lo OllO-llllrd or hlll todly'1 rate of I* pen:ont to maturltr. Tbla would b e pi..,_ -Indeed, but ...,,. -monlha your bond would become men ~a!uoble lo olflet blAIRr prica. Al I penon Ii'flnl OD I gcmmment penslm or Social Security s.nents, you would gel 1ulom.otlc in....... In your p1ymenlo or banollts u tho coot ol. llvlnl .... ·-the yell'I. Tbelloull!Dltotal!onator, In IUIDUlllT· '"""" ·oceepl ln-nal!on u a lad o1. Die -and that tt bao utlY been In our ...u. -11111 ho '"""" Ilion fO ID Ql...-..t i...thl ID lrf to ._,, ,.. 11ra lldl fact cl Oft. • • ~ -. . . COMPLETE-NEW YORK STOCK UST • I I I ' • • Mondi)', June 26, 1912 DAILY PILOT 9 Voters ~ive Beleagured , School Reprieve' ,,_,,., ...... -NOW SERVIN6 =:::.,,,.., • By CURTIS J. SITOMER CIWl"IN IClelln Mtft!IW '9n'lft GLENDALE -Fbr a ninth grader named Kevin, it means a late afternoon class in woodworking next faU -one he'• looklng forward to. For third grader Sara, who Jives high up in the canyon, Jt means bus traruportailon to the Glenoalcs School -at the base of the canyon. Sara's mother Is looking forward to this. And for the Glendale School District -ooe of the larger suburban ones in Southern California -It mearu1 a reprleve from ti.seal disaster. l'JT'' JS PASSAGE OF a 70- cent tax override -the first voter boost for schools here In six years. Despite please from education officials, Glendale residents have turned thumbe: down on five out of six over- rides since 1966. School bond Jssue1 and tu override electloDJ throughout the U.S. fail well over half the time. Some big dlstrlcto--llke New York, Chicago, and Los An!tele1 -have been forced to massive program c u t a , curtailment of extracurrlcular actlvltles auch u sports, and baiting ol building con- •tructlon. "May I say lhls hu been a great meeting? The five pairs of 'goo-goo eyes' In my dlrectltlll not- wlthstandlng." L. M. Boyd Legion Parade Lasted 18 Hours H you were to write up specs for the ideal woman1 what would tho,. measurementa he? The Greek Aphro- dite, goddess of Jove sculpted In tile second coolury be- fore Cbris~ stood 5-foot-2 Jnclies tall sod taped 3511 - 2711 -3611. Some experts contend she•d he two Inches taller if created as the ideal woman today. JUST %4 years ago, the life espectancy of a girl In Japan wu 51 year•. Tod8y, It'• 73 year1. Nowhere, I'D warrant. has the lot of the lady Improved so greatly so quickly. WHY do you suppose the cily fatbers of Harttord, Conn., 00<e passed so ordlnsoce to make it illegal to kls8 your wife on Swiday there? mosE medlcoes who study our sleeping habits claim a bed sbould he at leut ..ven lncbea longer than the citizen strttcbed out oo same. QUERIES -Q. "When was the American Legion al its peak?" A. Must have been 1937. At leasl tbal'I when it hsd its longest parade. Lasted from 9 a.m. to the following 3 a.m. Q. 11WHO are the men who stroke their beards when they meet instead of shaking hands or Upping hats!" A. The Turks of Serl Strict MobammedaDJ, Ibey. Al soon as their whiskers start to grow, Ibey shave their heads, but never again shave their faces . Q. 0 15 a seagull mosUy dark meat or white meat?" A. AU dark meat. U a chicken flew around that much, It woold he all dark meat, too. ECHO -Thm'o so echo In a hall full of women, ...wly. Nol so in a hall full ol men. Ever notice !ball The &COU$tlcal boys explain It. The ladles, Ibey say, tend to wear garments with a alicker harder weave than do the men. Their drtsses are likely to reflect the !Ollllda that men'• 111Jls absorb. ''SffOW me a man who regularly wears a bow fie," contends a Los Angeltt psychl•trlst, "sod I'll show you a ...,. who'll probably lie about his age. Bow U. wearen ~ to he overly 11e11s!Uve about 111>wlng older." UNDEllSTAND the lunerol dJtoClon of Quebec now .i:aJl tllemoelves fh~nalnlr•1111 f1om the Greek lbanatoloo ;)lie-•-c t11e tludv or d••fh. liNV "'l'd•oian wl1l f•O )'Oii ti-healll which live h ~ bl'11t •nd lw!' .. , tat no mtal Addrt1J !Mil kl L. M. Bol/d, P. 0. Bo• 1115 N..,. ,..n Btoeh, CnUf. g2dfo., ' TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY! 12"x25" ROLL HOUSEHOLD FOIL c 25 foot roll of multi-pu"" pos• al uminum foil in • handy cutter-edg• box. PLUMERIA 56' ANSCO MOYIECHROME 8 FILM 1.74 AUTOMATIC IN TANK BOWL CLEANER ... DEODORIZER 3 FOR $100 Use Your K mart CharCJe or BankAmericard 12 Oz. Mr. Bubble · 32C Evergreen tropical. Fregrent ffowert. lde•I potted plant for p•tio, Ptoc•11Tn9 includ•d, Mo.,i•chrom• I d•y/Jght for outdoor 1cen•1, in· doors, use mo'f'lechrom• I type A with pho~flood bulb, lubbl•1 kid1 cl•IR •nd l•ev•t no b1th tub ring. Kldt fu1t lo'f'e it, Shop ••d 1•v• •f Krn•rt. TWO-LIGHT FIXTURE 0...11.,. u.u 48". 2·fluor•-Homp ,, •• fixtur11. Whitt tn1mel. With two •~W bulbs. R"' 10.81,24"Litlht , ,8;et,, Ch"'9•· ~ . 6 Inch Potted Indoor Plants • Indoor plants in b inch pots. Boston Fern or rub. ber plants or Oiffenbakia. Save now at Kmart! SMOKER WAGO $17.00- W•to• with •dfv.toblo fire box hos quick drow flro drewor. 5w tlt""'th hood with hHt l•dlcotor. • 1.19 Acc11oori11 Anlloble At Addili•••I Coot. 24 HOURS DAILY CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP Phone U3-2770 c;,Airporter Cfnn cr.r.o*•J· llltO MAC ARTHUR BLVD, -IJ'.t • .., 1...,.1,. ... .._..) NIWPOAT 1-LB.* BAG CIRCUS PEANUTS Reg. 47• ·Sunday Only Yumm"y for lunches, snack s. 37c Scrumptious, highly flavored C marshmallow s in the shape Of peanuts in fhe shell. l ·pound bog. ·~Wt. CHOPPED BEEF STEAK French Fried Pot1toe1 To11ed Green Siled Roll & Butter '1.17 12 oz. JAR PEANUTS Tun. & Woe!. 57¢ Delicious dry..,.01sted p••• nuts -no oil or 1u91r, lde1I for parties end 1n1cks. 0. .... 1.17- 2 Days °"" COVERED CAKE P.AN Ul/oxltV1tt21/1" 97' Clear "hi9ft domt" covered P.•n ln dtcoretor colora. ldt1I for 11b1k1 I take" dishts. -- 2200 HARBOR BLVD. ;i~::n"a~~COSTA MESA Harbor I t"" " 8:: I " "'" "''" "'" 8:a: ~an , .. Dh E Oh '" 8:11G ~'"" '"'" DM """ '" '"' "'" Oi.rlltl . ""' s::r, '"~ PK '" "' P1cP PKS '" P<T PKT ,.,,.. PllN ..... ... .. ..... •• ... ""' •• ~b -,., .... .... ~.c .. , ~:: I ..... ~ l ""I ~:!'1 '''" ~;.. " I 1~ • Phr"I • .... , f ~~Ur p11111 "' ~~ne Pl ;ledN \llsb ·~ '" Pitt Pitts Pl1n ~·.., p • p ~Ji ~:-.... r"" ~r ~!" • I ;f ~ ·~ E::m ~ ,.,, 1lsl 1:01 m• !:.., "t:A §~~ '"" ''" I~· D~! l:::" ·~ ·~· 1 .. '" ' • r l • MO<!da1, -26, 19n SC -.. .... , ....... a... (flt, " -,, ' DAILY PILOT Jl, Finanee Briefs e PretHetlon Oii? I JI DAllY PllOT Moodl)', June 26, 197t ,._u., Cl~ .,., au Ke._ ------ ,(~ ~0 ... 'at "No, we're not doing any.thing 8AD ... but,, it's not qooo either. It's sort of in-between." Beauty, ·Winners: ' ' It's Hard Work BJ . FRANit SWEllTLOW · NEW' YORK (UPI) -When Tanya WllMi, tbla year's Miss VSA,,lllepo onto the stage next lnGot!i ID compete for the Miss Uplverae ·title, it will . be the end of a ·roac1 obe has trod with ',cietermlDallon for five '7'8J'S.. . . ' The -will be her ninth · J>eoaty pageont. Al Iha~ obe ranb u , ll.Qll)elblng · of a -·In the beauty queen pme, 11CclmRired ' to some of the ~ I met Jn ll(faa USA," she 'iald In an Jnteivlew "I was . !ii.I'. liegtiiner. 'lbe°y•d been In 'ao ·or 30 pageants, especially the glrla frOm the eut" · . Beauty; quee1l9, In other _..is; Just doo't burst 'Into -.m. 'TheY tend ID be most 'carefully cultivated. ''They • US11ally start at a local· pogeant, lheo onto the · llate level. Then 'II they're lody, ID Miss USA and Onally ll(faa, Unlverae;" said Tanya, Just 23 and just graduated ' -• Vf'I T ........ , , NlNTf1 CONTES.T , Tanyo WlllOn . Delta .Asks Fare Slash W ASHrnGTON (AP) Delta Air Linlll bas Jl!'QJ>O!ed lo cut day coaclr fJires 15 per- ceat on its · Dall...caiifornla fiig!lts rather than install coaCh Iooinsea Jn Its DC8 and .747 ~.· ·"Dur proposal !or ·a 15·per· · cent reduction· In day· coach · rares will give the public the · choice we. beUeve it deserves -Jowoeost' long..nstance air travel .' or' p~ Coach . 1ounges:1• qie ~ told. the Clvll Aetonautics BOard. Delta '"1d'll plaluieci ID offer the ·redacell fares Aug, 5 · ID , com,[>Ote With the co8ch lounge aer>'lce provlde!I by' American Alrllnel between Dallas ind 'Lbs Angeles and San Friln· eisco. !n>ni the University of Hawa1l. Tanya, a willowy S.foot, II-.. Inch brunette ·with the winning ' measurements ol Ml>-24-36, wu .bOrq in ftfexl:co, Mo., then · moved ID Tucson, Ariz., then ID ·Reno, Nev., and finally set· tied Jn Hooolulu where she ·lives ·wilh her mother. Her father.died several years.ago. Sittlng·Jn the Manhattan ol· fice of Mlss Universe Inc., spomor of.Miss USA and Miss Universe, Tanya aaid abe became lnteresled Jn .beauty contests 111 child. "Every lit- tle girl sees pageants on . television, 'so whe'n I was older, ·I decided ID enter Jn one," she said. · So at 17 she competed Jn the . Junior Mlss Contest· and 'by 20 · she · bad bi!eri . In five other pageants ln Ne•ada. · "Through pageants t n · .' Nevada, I was able ·to ,pay my way through echoot," she said. 11So it was well ·wOrtb it for · me. You don, have ID be the winner ID get a scholarship, just a finallst." Alter movlng ID Honolulu, she entered the Mlss Hawaii · contest and with a victory · there olie was off ID · Puerto Rico and the Mlss USA crown. "I dtdni· let!'~ for days ," she recalled of her -triumph. • • ' ,. ' . "~ Jias tO spUr You On ID keep going. I don't know ll Its P.rent81 · ..ahlng or a chaDce at, a 'scbo1arsbip or ei:- -or .it's Just their thlng. But 10methlng bas ID drive you." And, she said, the more con- tesls a girl enters, !he more confident she gets. 0 Mter you.'ve been . in a few, you relax and take·thlngs as they come.' Most' of us reallu that · gettl~ · lelise and anxious about wlnnlng won't help. "still, thei:e is a lot of tenalon. Any time You put 51 1firis together for 10 days as they did for Miss USA, there ls bound ID be a bit of tension. No· one is very aggressive or pushy, but II they ate, it's usually the girls who've only been in a few contests." "Moot girls come from good families and have graduated from college and many even bring their parents, II said Herbert K. Landon, the ex· ecutive dlreclDr of Miss USA and Miss Universe events. "But despite this, many peo. pie still have a sex-bomb Im- . age of tlie girls," be said. "The only place you get that Is Jn contests like Miss ·Bagel or Miss Roller ·Coaster." How Old, Eh? PORT ELIZABETH, South Alrida (AP) -, Appllcanls for a new natiotl!ll· Identity docu- ment are asked for their dales of birth In this w'ay: ''ll the full date of birth Is ,not -· state the year of birth. u the year Is also not kriown, state age." . I See by T <Xlay's Want Ads e HERE'S AN IDEAL llrst aputment tor a )'OlUll ·JTWTted couple • It has 2 ~. with a loll and a Danlm llreplace, · • WflATA DEAL! Here'9a -mt BMW, .... jit!Onalljr clean, tor Ille low price ol $1,1951 e ARE YOU A WHIZZ at Pllttlnc on maloMpT Tbmo'1 • job --- -pis ...... about .... .--- ' l/N·lliOOK . llAll/JWARI'• u.aa Lawn HAMMOCK '"for Loxy·DaY• Relaxlnl(lll" • , 34" x 80" hammock is mode of colorful; all-weather • .,,g lete with pillow. duck canva_~omp hromated non-rust hardware-- • .4 point suspens1on--c ' . . , heavy.duty m.et~I stand. $1299 REG. $16.99 Complete · \'UIS. a. WID. ONLYI , Gold AncicllJFed SCREEN ' ' ·DOOR · "luxuo/ 'and J>r•~•iiit for.~~· dlscrlmlnatln9 · custome_r; ·.'..Two 1 y,••puSh bars;12.1nch · ·diamond , embossed kickplate. ' • CQmplete with two antiql{e·gold peacock ·grilles-361. wide •. · ·•Complete with closer & all' necessary ' 'hardware. · • REG. $2499 $29.99 . ' SAVE $5.001 • . ' ' ' ·NU, a.-WID. ONLYI . . ' ' ' ' ' , . _ , Super Special BACKYARD SWING SET . "lots of Sumer fun for fhe ICldsl" • 2 inch frame ,conitrliclion has baked enamel finish . • Self-locking protictive plastic boli covers. • 2 pqsseng~r ,qi(glide & 2 swings. • Easy tp-msembl-'iuy one todayl REG. $19.95 ', TUIS. a. WID. ONLY! .R!G; s7· 95 $13.95 . JU~. & WID, ONLY! Sliding 'Wlnd-Slkll SAFETY LOCK •1oati.is. Vacuam · . POO~HOSE • Auible, vin~ host1 helps remove wspended debri1. • 1 Yi" diameter. 30 ft. REG. $9.99 16'' 35 ft. REG• $11.99 ' ~8'' ·, 40 ft; UG. $13;99 110'' TUii. & wlD. ONLYI Woven Gta11 , BEACH .MAT • Ideal for throw rugs, picnics, beocho1 • 3-' ~" wide • 6" long. 59' • SECURDY LGCK ·''P.rot.cfYoor lfollie:.Wh~I• YN'ie ...Woyl'' . • Pkg. 'of 2 window .jam ~Q. , • Prevents win~ from openiAg further than . po~itian Of lock. · · • Snap on top or bottom of track. ' . ' "Vacation r1 .... 11 Security Jlmet•i • Adjuttdble-f"tts lnside·or outside sliders • • Protects against forced entry, REG. $1.19 79~ . TUii. • wm. ~'" OraiweNylon ,, l · MAN .TENT ' "A FanlcUtlc Vacation Vcilue for hc~·Paclcersl" • 28 inch pecik height, !loo; is 5 ft , x 8 ft . 'k"-ouper ljght--woighs ~nly 1 % pi>unds, perfect far the back-packer, '•Has tie.dOwn tabs-<:emplete with fut_!_ floor--front flaps, ropes and stake,s, , • Hul'f)'-Pick ona up ' tOdayl 599! REG. $12.99 SAVE$3.00I 1Uli. & WD. oNLYI I I • 17 " ' • 1 . '· • . :· • • ·Ltg1111a •• YoL 65, NO. 178, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PASES • Te day'• EDiTION N.Y. Stirk• ORANGE COlJNTY,.CAtJFORNIA MONDAY, JUNE 26, lfn . TEN cam . - Head Planner Blasts Co.uncil's Parcel Buy • · • By BARBARA JalEIBICll . .. .. ~"" . ., ~ Beach Planning Q)mmlgjon Qlllrman Carl Jolmlon, now a candldate ltir election lo the Cll)' Council, today bl8lled the councll'i actloo wt woet ln ~ ill ·lntenllon lo purcbue a l!x.aore p&rcel ol land at Boal CIJ\yon tor-future conatrucllon ol an artertal road. The , purcbue from Pyne Ellates, wblc:b earlier bad plans !or resldenlial develo~ at the lilt, 1nvo1 .. ,IJf,000 worth ol property wblcll the dty would jointly purcbue with Iha couaty for ...,.. tual utem1on of campus Drive. The dty share ol the --be '72,lllO, payable from gu tu: funds Jlroady allocated In provlous budgtl.1. l>laentl\1e ln the councJl's 3-1 lole cm the pun:bue, Cou!!cilmm Roy Holm and Charlton Boyd supported the argument that the new arterial wW not be needed If • ru1se ' • I Sk•rt-term Move ', t Quotas Dropped ·.On Meat Imports WASHINGTON (AP)'-PresJdent Nb:- on lifted Ill ~ reatrlctloos on meat Imports today "iii an eUort lo mnemdy a aborl~term abortal•" and curb r1s1ng meat·prlcel. ;~ N1lon ruled out a freeze on meat and other foqd prices, Secretary ol the -,, Georp Sclllltz aald at a Wh1le ea.a mn conference where Nlmn11 .......... ---. -.:ol ell tbe1jlllllu fer Iha rest ol 1972 "may not fully llOlve the problem,,. NDon a aid 1n a irtatemeet. .,.Further measures will be taken u neceaar1 and appropriate." Tber< WU -evidmce . that Iha Price Comm•ulon, wlllcb· ma1<a ,_ mendatlooa lo the Coll of Uvtng Council, bad been· 1111-on Ibo polll!caDJ ioucbY, laale ol food pij:ea. ll met ln an. ~ clooe!l·-ol mon than four. bouill -. tiut lild notblnl. the Pldllc Coast FJeeway II not bqlll The roadway lnilially w111 Intended u a lint --the freew.ay and Coast lfl#ay. Qindernnlni the n e w Jn o v e u ~spendthrift action1" Jobmon today ac- cused councllrnen Edward Lorr and P-Ostrande< and Mayor Rlcbard Goldberg ol violating ''the needs of tu:· payers, cltl!ens, comervationists, the Plamfng O>mrnbaioo ·and state la•," iD . ' ... refullng 1o ecinslde< the Pllnnlng Com· miasion•a recomm...tatlQn diat pur<base ol the ~ be deferred pl!Dding flather study ol the iftsent need !or the ' . . roadway. "Jbe councU, Jabnaon Charged, 11took $124,000 worth of property oU ·the ~· rolla 'and apeat '72,000 of a bard,pressed city's revenues lo purchue U ·acres of land· In Boat Canyon, iarge,enotllh for a lls·lane h18hway lo the Coast Freeway . whlcb ..w j>robably nfVer be built.• 'Tbe Plannlpg COmmllllon bad betn uted by the ~ to _,. u ... v)ronmepW Impact atatemenl on the ~ purcbaaes U DOW• required by state law. But the statement submitted ' . . . \ bY the Publlci Worn llepattment was re- jected by the· coirlmisslon as failing to take Into account the envlronmenbll aspecl3 ·of eveiltuil constructloo ol the road. : f l ' . . \: I · Moof·of ~.~.~ 11·.,_.;, COii ....... llblCll' '11111 ' . i 'lid . . -' ...... "" procel -~ounty. Coroner fA>g• .11th Death In 48 .Hours . I • Wearr Oranle County Coroner's of. iicero toilay. ioa.ct their llth death In a .._ period, cleocrlbed by them •• the -ID CGUllly hlalory. p Toro Mirme James Daniel Lopex, /I. became 'the 18th fata!Hy at one _.,after mlc!olgb! thll morning when ... ...-Dbed In Sonia Ana Community UOsPit41 lo'gunsbot ........ wblcb Police """'" ...... !nftkifd by • buddy. ' 'Saal& Ana pollCe Aid 1--abow-q 1 blo newly, parcllased Jkillber nvolver to -In bll ~ Son- day nlgb! and -tuctl1C iho-ioeapon "" .. bll walatbend wben fellow Marine Ray AijeD J-. 11, a1ao ol the El Toro ...... r..,iied lor the ... and a -!iKatthe~ . Pol1ce oa1d the IUD dlacbarged and bopea .... abol In 1be cboot, T)>e JOUDI .Mailne dlad lwo houri laler. <'Olll<ln aid Jolm ,,.. turned over io \nnltary pollc:e but the death baa been ~ally !lated u accldenW. i rwo -1n · the aoutb county area -,. belped to awell atstlatlca com- pllliol durlnc Orange County's black tllkmd. ducta -·• ~. b\LI' floe, ~.s..-- • Olllc1a1a qnealklll£ ....i..d.1 I b I «ittlalcin 1IOUld haft ., ~to Im-pact~· auriI'!C -, prioeo, ... )'.img It ~ ~ -·-ba·fcr ·any ln-cr<IRln-............ to·be felt in the 'United states..' ........ ~ . . . Shultz, wbo beada Nlmt'1 .Coll pf Uv· Ing Council, offered llttle optimism that the actloo Would result In reductd prices. The main objective, be lald, ii lo-atobll- hie .meat prlcu by eliminating· repeated aurges at the wholesale level. ~ ~pplles and Pri!:es appeared to be the inalil target. of .Ntzon'•·-declsloa, although sucb meats u muttoa and veal a1ao ·are· covered. • · · . Auatralla,SQpplleo about ball ol'the U· mllllon pound Import level aet far . tm and Secretary of State WUllam P. Rogen, wbo now 11 •ln'U>at country, wW discuss with Austrlllan olflclall the -lblllty of IDciealug the Oow of l!ltat lo the United states, ·Shultz aid~ · ' In bis •l.ord atatement, the PresJ. deot aald tbe."nceut rile In the'prlce of meat II In pait due lo an Improving economy brn at home ca•talng .lncriued demanda' for meat wblc:b have not been matched by ~ suppUt.." Altl)ougb be rejected the J>l'OpoRd price "-111 meat and otbeic food products, Ntzon aald ''I Intend lo monitor this 11\uatl!n cloae11, ind I want ta ......., every American bouaewlfe that tbil ad- mlnlatratloo II flrmly determined lo pre- vent unjuatlfied lncreues In Iha coat of food.tr ¥voone D. carter, 19, of Vallnda died -her aortbbound auto !ell the Son =..ri::~:O~i:-1~ Laguna's Mayor E ".car-·-body. • . -t"'~·~.;. Has No f.omment ~. died en tlle •aame ~ay when • • • ;£" ..::".T.I :::0:::-~ On R<Signation lnlo the -dh>lder In the • ' RGod ._ I ~ IUlllrilecl lo learn ol -pr---Ill ... p!h!!llied feporta ol blo Impending , , (M ClOIONIR, .... IJ ,.,.._, Lac111!1 Beacb Mayor ~. . ' • ' Bldlord Goldberg illll lodllJ ba li'ad .... 1k..nne· rs. Slate -=·~=== o1 Ibo na -·--~•aMl'llldllnn • • cm tha Cll1 Ooancll In Al'ril ol mt, bava ~lOll t1me • tlie eooaidl -.. btollad 1n dy Q ,: __ • cll'adllld'liltie~~·11om-to • • ' a -of ......... 1111 -r&Dllni • ' ......... greeabelll and from .. --• h1&h rile. ,._.. wW be CGl!lldered In Goldbera blm .. P'" -"'er_....,.,. .... &17:• ··-fmlCbt by to tbe NIDiri 1111 _. ~,ii -....,,, '1ccn• 'd .-.aai mmtmcoa .. p2;111dralltfQm. 1lall. cl1man -c. Lorr, he referred .. bolol d ....... wll Ill bdd. Mr Iha "drulic lllaol cm Iha 1111111 r.l lar ollJ. No actlill caa be llMn al llld hit flmlb'' and addad, "Bee-of """*' tlio pUcbl o1 £d Lin, -ICIOdidli to wtll ~II ... C11J C-0'1 be Italic, wlthla Iba -In -I fir • ad lloc -W.0 la -iull1 liaiend lo nlll I mr polftlcal ml 1111 -Ital .......-U In tllt lldan llld Iba lllecl Illa! II 111&1 ,_. tually haft cm my print. Ufa.'' The lataat ,,_ ~ 11111 ~~'i;l ... .::a~ ly 11, l'llardlelt of Ille -of a Jal1 • l'ICOli eledlon • . 'FIRST, UitLOr,NOMllW'IONt -s.nator eeorP . S.'K'eGo.e,n:cl&!!lled,-•::.t.,~ today1for ~~~ bellQlo DPJPJb•IJQJl< f~r t .at the. Demociali« • .. ). ~ · . 1 'f' I \ .. , ·· "Wl"T~ . ~II dlo1nl wllll >{ftom·lett folrlstitPl -1CJa1. Mo.); Rep1 Lo(Ua ~. =r~ ~ter •11:.'FaUJ1tr0f.•111n; rcore ia·: King . IJld .Delegate'.HerlrytE Parter •. ·' .. · ! • ; f ' I ' • ' I I ! ! · Nation&ltCpllv.,itloni<>n'.,llle·balil ol'gaining almost ' lOO.preolousl11 lincommitted-~pte.1 m~yibl~c)<,. .' I • , I . l ) f r ' . , . . .' ·McG~~~rn .. c·1a.1Uis 'lle's ·-.'lP~. I • . Vplage f 41guna . Asks City To Aid ·Forest Ave. Site ' I : ' . .. "The unjustlfled declllon to putdme should never bava been approved ...... further study of the current nead and the possible envfronmtnlal damage that' hlgbway -could cause In tbla canyon," JobDlan said today. During dty council dlscusakn of the purcbue 1ut week, Mayor Rlcbanl Goldberg poinlad out that the declalolt-lo mate the parcllase alroady bad becmi I.Set CDIPUS, Page I) Renews Plea For Mate To Resign ' . ••••• !I, c:9n• ••11•1r Tlloeo .......: ......... .... .,. 11111 ....... -the °"' ange Coul, llCll 11111 -tborla41 .... dear· ... ii 11111 -- l'ueaday. llicbl •'ll I.owl ID tbl to'L ' , -" t::. =-: - --.. Cl • .. --. --I A•rtal I 1' ........ . -... "" .. --. _ ........ -" --. --. =-·..: ......... n -" -. -. =r..:-., I A DAILY PILOT LB . I 'Prisoner~ Four-letter Pfaza to Become Contention Words OK Among Largest? South Coast PW.a will become one ol the larges! shopping centers In the world If a plan calling for it.I expansion by SO percent is approvtd by the Costa Mesa Planning Commiulon tonlghl. 40 smaller sboJ>I. The two-level addition of mell lhops will connect to the existing center to form a T en the north end near Bear 6lrttl. Drawlnp of the new wing, estimated al· 110 lo Ill mlllloo, will bO unveiled before the plJnnlng commission at 1:30 p.m. by the Segerstrom family. City Planning Dir~ Bill Dunn uUmited the value of the complex, in- cluding two high-rise parking structures, between 110 to Ill million. No difliculty ii 1 ....... n in commlnlon 1ppraval of a muterplan amendment alloll!ng the 430,000 oquare loot addlUon, consisting of a Bullock'• store and aboul Tbe Sqel'llrom Company, builders of the existing -plua, could not be contacted today to coallrm, that e1Um1te. "They'll probably begin construcUon 1 week from now," laid Dunn. '"They ex· peel to have everybody moved In by September of nut year." Fashion Isle Eat-ery Robbed Newport Beach's exclusive Bob Burns' Restaurant was robbed about mid-morning today, In a stickup similar to a caae occurring two weekl.ago In Laguna Beach. Detalll of the holdup al rt J'ubloa bland were aketchy and the io.. In weekend recelpls was not Immediately known. Police were c a t I e d to the fashionable dining facility about 10 a.m., and were ~vallable for any add1Ucmal information while con. ducting tbelr lnvestigaUon. Tennis Fanciers Applaud Beach Council Action Tennis fanciers have applauded the ac- tion of the Laguna Jlellch City Council sel!Jllg 112"°° of ·city money aside eamwted for development of public ten- nli faellltte1. "Without thiJ ectlon, we would prob. ably have loot lbe money and hundred.I of Laguna Beach Tennla Alsoclatlon lljlllllel would have been very, vrry dlia!>Poinled and outraged," Norman J. P...eJ!, iresldeal of the group, 11ld. 'lbe tuiids ba~e been committed to the leoni• development· J>rosl'lm by the 1171-n city budget, 1-ever Clly Flunce Director Robert Green advised agalnJI diJl>lrljng the Cull, I · Greeti 1ugge1ted that 11becauee of the acute aboriag· ol general fund cash , • the aforementioned Ill"°° aWoJ>rlallon be rescinded." He said the money could be rebudgeled 111 laler time. Funds will be pjoced In a si>eclal account. Tbe Tennis AlloclaUon bas added fl,100 earned through an ez- hltlktoo game with Pancho Goozalez dur• iilg the Winier FeaUval. "I expect that thiJ fund will grow by a suboequent~ocatlon from the city, lund- rllslng efforts by the LBTA and gilts from tile public," Powell said. State to Auction 2 Land Parcels The state Division of lllibways Tuu- daY will auction -011 two parceiJ of surplus · 1and In 'the San Juan Clplatrano Area. Both are presently r.ooed for residential use. Tbe lint o&site auction will begin 1111 a.m. ·on 'the property at the southwest corner Ill El Homo and La Cllera streets. The • 4,0IJO.oquare fool, tmgular shaped lot will require a minimum bid of· 11,soo and a $250 deposll. The second auction iJ scheduled for ll:30 p.m. on the property located on the north side of Cimino de ~$1rella and the west side of the San Diego Freeway. Tbe minimum bid for the 20,55t square fool Joi has been set at 125,000 wlth a deposit of 12,soo. OllAN•• com LI DAILY PILOT Tiit °"'*" CNst EM.ILY PILOT, Wltflo t11t1k:t1 b cvmblNd ... N..,..,,..... JI ••WIM ily' tM or.no. C..•t ,ublhhlnl ~ny. s... rile edlllonl ,,.. P\lbl~ MonHr ~ Friclly, tot C.OSl1 MIN, HtwJ!Ort 1MCfi1, Huntlfllto. ltkh/l'OW!ltln YlllfV, UtuM B~ IO'.lnl/Slddlilb9dl._Md_San Cllmenle/ S11t J111n Opll...... A 1!111t1 noloNI Miiiion b Pllb!lshM S.twd1yw tnd Sllnd1n, TIMI Jll'll'lc;IHI PIJblltlllnt P'tnt If II aX1 W..t l1y Slrtrt, Col:ll M .. , C.111omla, '2626. Rolttrt N, W1td Praldtnt tlld F'vbll.W J1ck R. Curl1y Vkf ,,_ldl!'lt tM Genwll MIMgtr. Thom•• K11vil E41!0t ThoMt A. M1rphi111 A\tlnetllll Editor Ch1rl11 H, Looi Ric:h1rcl '· Nall AullW!t M~Jno lcll!Or'I ...,_ _ Olllco 221 Fot\lt A"-1\11• Mt illllt "'"'•Ill ,,o .••••••. 92612 --co.tt MtM: • w.t lrf Sh'wt "$'"' JlD N..,.., ........ ,.. hllnl -..0.: 11111 IMcil lovl'""9 a. ( }-• Norlll I I C-.mlM R•I Toi-17141 '4J.4U1 0-lfltril M1ua•'•1 '41·1171 ...,__Al __ , • Tt4a111 4M."'6 ~I, """' °"""9 ONst l'utllll! ... ~,. ... -..,.. lt1ut1,.1""" •ltwUI Njlfllr w ,,.,..,...._.. _.. ""' " •• ••ellll ~ ..-;1111 ...,. ... ., ~.,...,. ._ CINI. ='= ........ c .... Mita; ~ ''W! w arrltr ._. ......_, w _., a ,11. '""""~' ,,..,.,.,., ... , ., ..... ,..,.,, ( The Bullock'• lltore will ba the anchor Point of the otw addlllon and will contain 115,000 1quare feet . The current shopping area meuura u m!Won equare feet. FromPqel CORONER •.. rival 11 Orange County Medical Center :!O minutes later. \ A Downey man and hiJ woman ' passenger were thrown\ from hls auto Sunday when the car went out of control. off the Ortega Highway and over a 3QO. loot clllf ebout a mlle east of the San Juan fire station. Coroner'• ofJlcera Identified the dead man u Dale McCraeken, 22. He w11 1111- ed 11 deed on arrival 11 Mluloa CmJ. munlty Hospital. On the crlUcal 1111 wlth head Injuries In the llll)O boepltal II M~aeken'1 p.....,er Victoria Evelyn Pierce, It. A YOU111 gunman wbo ~ out on the wront end of Ill encounter with 1 W•tmlnlter llore clerk SUnday WU idenllfled by corcner'• olflcerl today u Tmy Lee Harmon, II, d. Orlqe. Police c111m Harmon mterod u all night mubl ot 1111 w~ Ave., Pointed • alJcqua 'ii the clerk and d .. manded the <cmlellll of the cub ftlillcr, They aid Hannon pocketed tee handed to him and then cmlerecl the clerk to the back ol the lton. Al that point, pollct said, the clerk grabbed , a weapon and shot Harmon thnluah the heart •. Olllcen todl1 nfuled to ldentlf)' the clerk pendlDI further Investigation of the holdup. Tbe .. coroner'. bullt1 Sunday Ioe alto reeorded the death ol 1 vacallonlng teeoapr from V1¢'ll•, Ohio, who dltd In the l.qunl llllJs .,.. wbOn she fell over the handla ban of her blcy· blcyde. News of Nixon's Trip to Coast Officially Told Tbe White House today confirmed that President Nixon would arrive at Lil Casa Paclflca in San Clemente late this week to begin a three-week working vacation. The official 111DOuncernent by Press Secretary Ron Ziegler follows reports of an Impending arrival which llral were binled in San Clemente late lut week. Ziegler said President Nixon would fly west on Friday and would probably re- main in residence in San Clemente while Democrals select hiJ opponent In Miami. It will be the first vllit to San Cltme11te by the President for m months -the longest "dry spell" at the Western White House since the President flnt purthued hiJ estate. Al of yet no ICbedule of acUvltlel bas been released by the Presldentlll staff. The Jut time the President vllited the · Orange Coast wu early Wt January In a trip marked by a hiJtorlc series of sum- mit talb wlth Japanese Prime Minister Ebaku Salo. Red Cross Needs Aid for Victims SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The Amerlcall Red Crou bas llsued an emergency call for ''many more mllllons" of dollars In donallons to help vlctiml-ol-dlWtrous Ooods In the eut. President Georae M. Elaey uld the Red Cross ls facing the greattJI demands In 113 history fe< emergency relief. He laid the organlJaUon was alread)r operollng at 1 deficit because of the Black Hills floods In South Dokola early this month, on whlcb the Red Crou spent 13 million in relief funds. "Now, help for vlctlml of Hurricane Agnes and floods In the Sacramento . delta, Arllona and elsewhere ruulta In a need In uceu ol the original llllOWI~ aaked for,'' a spokesman aald . Light Beach Crowds Reported in Laguna All quiet on the Loguna wettem front.- the ocean front that II. L«IUDI Beach lllesumll reported light -kend crowds, perbapt bacallle ol the oTircut -· lklel. oicy •Ir ,_,,, wer& made and 111 out lid trea~ .menta for cuta and scratches. J.u,tilh -.. again wulllJW !ft on the LlcuDa aurt, sumll u1d. H-vor, tho lllDIJ cnotures wn not comm1 11 u heavlly u earlier In the aummer. • I Confirmed· By L. Pl!!TER ltlll!G Of .. Dallr Pli.t lleff Martha Mllcbell's claim that she bad been a "poUUcal priaooer,. in Newport Belch wu aubltanllaled today by aourcu Inside the uclualve Newporter Inn where she stayed for 1 week with private agentt watching her every move. t•Someone" In her private villa ripped a telephone from the wall Thursday night, lreakln( a call she had placed to United Prm lnlernatlonal correspondent Helen Thomas, olflclals of the Newporter Inn confirmed. . Mrs: Mitchell claimed that t•aomeone'' WU I security agent hired by the Repuhllcan National Committee to keep her under wraps. Sources told the DAILY PILOI' thll morning that the Newporter WU In- -lo disconnect all telephones lo the villa Immediately after Mrs. Mitchell wu ceua!Jt making the calt. It wu also learned that blood was fouDd on a curtain in one of the room.a, which corresponds to Mrs. Mltcbell's charges that llhe w11 peyalcally reslrlln- ecl by agents. ''Can you believe a man can walk into your bedroom, take over and pull the phone out of the wall," she said. She also claimed several guards "threw me down on the bed -five men did it - and .tuck 1 needle In my behind_ "I've never been treated like this - ever," lhe aid. While Mrs. MitcbeU 11 Wisting the week long fUla Is over her husband's polltlc:al career -which she aaya he has to end w she'll Juve him -aourcea claim dldn, begin that way. The Mltchella had been among Ill GOP hi&h ""1en II the posh Corona de! Mar home of Mrs. Donald K. Wallhhurn, Whose dead husband made biJ mlll1om II majority owner ot the loll drink 7-~or I gela Mezlcan fleala last Sunday l The former Mylord Irvine home II 41! Avocado Ave., •u reportedly the ICtDe or, vicloUI argument between the couple wl*a tho former attorney general Jn. formed hiJ talklUve wife Iha! llleY had lo leave because he bad an •PPointment. She clldn, WIDI to go and the heated ~erbal batUe reportedly began. Among tho Republlcan leaders who wera reportedly there lo wllntsa the acene wera Afr. and MrL John Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Kalmbacl>, NII· .... '1lllllber two fund l'lller·and Cltme11t Hinch, I lop Republican olflclal. ConfUllon over the Mllllnga and goln(a of the Mltchella coatlmia lo reign llnce one ...... lnslata lhe WU ...... allowed oulllde tho Newpi>rter compound whlle another llld Ibo spent .. hio "days with .. Mrs. Wuhburn after !hf party. Mrl. Wllhbum danlea that Mrs. Mllcllell had been • hi>tlle quest, however. FromPqel MARTHA. • • Masked Demonstrator A Paris protester wears a mask bearing 'bombs equal genocide' and a burlap tunic reading 'megatons, megadeath, no Jo lhe bomb.' He hands out leaflets al the Saturday demonstration against French gov- ernment's scheduled nuclear test in the Pacific. FromPqeI CAMPUS •.• made, and the Planning Commlsslon bad been asked only to prepare the en- vlromnental atetemen4 Doi to comment OD the purchase. Councilman Roy Holm, noting that new leglsiJtion Is deleting large porUon.s of Ibo propoeed freeway, urged tile council lo ''take another look." nollng "! que&o lion taking~ di.the tu tOlls -lbe ln!ewlly aeema to be geltlnJ men and mort remote. Ostrander uld the COllllCil had been ad- vised the road would be needed Jn the eounty arterial system, . even II the freeway were not built. Councilman Lorr Pointecl out that the Campu1 Drive extension would be a direct link to the UC Irvine campus, not just a freeway connector. Robert Shelton, one of the owners of Pyne Eotates wlth builder Beman! Sylan, reminded the council "We have wailed Coast Guardsman Booked in Death Of Infant Girl LONG BEACH (AP) -A 21·year-old Coast Guardsman has been booked for In- vestigation of murder in the slaying of a 2-year.-old girl, the city's seventh murder · victim in five days, police aald. Lawrence Kirk was arrested after the death of Julle Ann Adams, Investigators said. The child apparenUy had been beaten Friday night, officers added. Kirk and the chlld's mother, Mary Carey, were being beld for investigation of child belting when the girl died, Police said. Mrs. Carey was freed after ques-- tioning, authorities added. main In Clllfomla. paUenUy for three years, alwaya under the usumpllon the property would be "I'm leaving him unlll he decides lo purchased. u the freeway Is not built it is BofA Also Hikes Rate on Interest leave the campaJgn," Mn. Mitchell said. still reasonable to purchase valuable "I love my hmband very much, but I'm land." SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Banlt of no golag to stand for all those dirty City Manager Larry Rose auggested America, the world's largest commercial thine• that go on." the property might be used II a part un-bank announced today It iJ raiJlng Ila "Thil is nothing but a cops and robbers ' tll the county built the road-prime lending Interest rate from I per. game, and I'm trying to get my huaband cent to W• per cent, eUeclive Im· out of It," she told the Daily News. d mediately. Although Mrs. Mitcbell said the securl· Investigator Aske "Recent rate trends In the United ty i\Lll'tfs accompanied her across the States and overseas have put pressure on country to the posh New York suburb, in WASHINGTON (UPI) -Democratic commercial lending rates," aald a bank Westcbeater County, the New York paper Chairman Lawrence F. O'Brien SUnday •Pokesman. noted the guards were not in evidence al asked President Nixon to name a Several large Eastern banks ralaed In 3 Cases WASHINGTON (UPI)-Tbe Supreme Court today upset three convictions of persoru for using offensive, lour-letter language in public. Qlief Jusllce Watten E. Burger dissenled, protesting that tile court's ma' jority was taking steps to "return to the law of the jungle." One case concerned David A • Rosenreld, formerly of Hightstown, N.J., who was fined $50 for using the tenn "mother .. " four times in a 1970 speech ' to the board Of the Highlslown School Dlstrlcl. All three cases were decided by l-3 votes. "I cannot see these holdings as an 'ad· vance' in hwnan liberty but rat.bet' a retrogress ion to what men have .struggled to escape for a long time," Burger wrote in hls angry dissent to the Rosenfeld decision. "It is barely a century since men in parls of this country carried gun.s coo- slantly because the law did not afford protection," Burger said. "In that set· Ung, the words used in those cases, if directed toward such an armed civilian.' could weU have led to death or serious bodily injury. "When we undennine the general belief ._ that the law will give protection against fighting words and profane and abusive language such as the utterances involved • in these cases, we take steps to return to the law to the jungle. "U continued, this pe:rmiJsiveness will • lend further to erode public confidence in · the law -that subUe but indispensable ingredient or ordered Uberty." In a second case, Mrs. Mallie Lewis was convicted of resisting arrest and violating New Orleans' l a n g u a g e ordinance and was sentenced to a flO • fine or 10 days in jail. • In the third case, Wilbert Montell Brown was mested for language he used at a University ol Tulia antiwar rally Oct. 15, 1969. FrotRPflflel McGOVERN. • • minority groups, said be agreed wlth the goals of two major black declaraUons bul ·, d.Ufered in certain specifics. " He said he disagreed with the poaltlon on Israel taken by the Nallonal Black· Political ConvenUon last spring In Gary, Ind., a busing position taken by the ume group; certain figurea in proposals on the block share of federal contracts abd In- come maintenance; and a propoul lo . . , close tile U.S. embassy In South Africa. , "AU the differences were expreesed In • writing and were accepted as reasonable objections on my part." McGovern aafd., -. In response to a question, McGovern · said tllat he assured the blacks that hiJ administration would Include bfack1 on '• the Supreme Court, the Cabinet, the regu]atory agencies "and at all levels of government in reasonable iroposltion to their percentage of the population." • Five of the states McGovern wm v1d ~ tn the South and Southwest -Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, SOUtb Carolina and Virginia -have 134 delegates McGov°'r ·: comlders uncommitted. • Bui McGovern said he would no! try to convert any of the 'l7 delegates In tho sixth state, Arkansas, which are como / milted to Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark-). · During a stop at hlltle Rock Tuesd•y, ' McGovern will meet wlth MIU., but alda " said McGovern would be Jl"Plrlng li>r · • "post-convention activities." ,v: • ., Crash Laid to Bomb' ,.. the country club. "special prosecutor" to Investigate the their prime rates Friday Including the Arriving In Rye on Sunday, Mrs. early-morning bugging r a I d on First NaUonal City Bank of New Yori<. SAIGON (AP) -Informed IOW'ce& s'Y Mltcbtll said "AU I want II my husband DemocraUc Naliona! Headquarters JO Bank ol Clllfomla announced 'that II a bomb on board probably caused tllo back. days ego, The investigator, O'Brien said, was raising it.s prime rate to 51U. percent June 15 crash in the central h!gblandrot "There II no reason for us to be In-should be of "unimpeachable Integrity just before Danit of America made Ill an-the Clthay Pacific Airways Jetlintr lJs volved In polltlca," lht said In 1 personal and naUonal reputation." nouncemenl. . wblch Ill pmons died. • interview wlth a Daily News repGrter. 1~;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:;~ Thal reporter observed bandages on 11 the ring Ind middle fingers of Mrs. Mltcbell'1 left band, Wbent lhe said I phyliciJn had stitched up cull auflerecl when abe w11 "beaten up." · She showed the rePorter bnllles on her arms and claimed lhe had others on her t!llp. "They're afraid ol my honesty," ahe ,aald, 0 Yea:, Martha's bollfllty." "I Wll • potrlol until I got usas•IMted. What country can I ao to?" llhe asked. Tb! recel\! l'llillll!>111 about Mrs. Mltcbell'a air-day villt to Newport Beach that ended late Salurday or early Sunday, only partially 111.!Wet some ol the q- Uons raised by incidents following the Tbu!'llday fiery phone call. A very weary John Mitchell has denied he new to hiJ wile'• llde thll past week, but reporter Thomas said then wu a marked change In the former attorney general'• tone of voice in a telephone coo- vemtlon Satuntay. Mitchell, who durloi 1 converuUon fpllow!ng the first telephone Incident was breezy, casual Ind lllcl jauntily "She's grea~" In 1 aubaequent conversation IOUndod lo Miu Thomaa to bt "lld Ind weary." Today In WuhlnJton a apotaman I« the Committee for the JIHlecllon of the President, which Mltcltell heads, lllcl Ille former altomey &tnerll would have m comm .. t on the recent liloptlODI of hla wilt . "Al far 11 Mlldlell l1 conctmed 1111111 I personal matter," the .,......,,., Aid. "Ht bu no Wiii1iiint.. ,. Aoolber ~ 11111 nmaina --II the )ll'eCllt-.. o( the -tllat .... ---by I lllrllor Arel Jlll7oida .. Friday. RACITI'·S ' COSTA MESA JEWELRY & LOAN M11'1 DIAMIND RING 14K yollow 1t11• with -%•ta.•-· '275 14K ,.,.._,. '"".: wtlfl -1119 $ 9· 5 1 . • NIKON mt • 35nun CAMERA with 43 • 86111111 ZOOM '335 II PIONDR .IPIAKIRS NOW '225 ' .FENll~ -JABUAR ,. ELIClRIC SOLID IODY GUITARS THREE TO CHOOSE FROM '150u. ... CIA.• .... ,, .. , .... PAii Shop a Pawn Shap RACITI'S COITA MllA ln¥1LRY a LOAN 1111 lllWPOllT II.YD~ DOWNfOWN COSTA MISA .... _ ....., ......... , ..... ,.,, HOUIS 94 DAILY CLOSB SUNDAY I PHONI 646-7741: " • l .. • • • Sad.Uetiaiek IDITION * * V.OL 65, NO. 178, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES . ORANGE COUNl'Y, CALIFORNIA • I • N.Y. Stee•• MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1972 TEN CENTS New U.S. Towns Study 'Citizen involvement' . By GEORGE LEIDAL ot • o.llr Plllt ..... A toeial, raclal and economic balance whhln A'merica'1 new towns is not only d•irable but mandatory portlclpants In a l'(o.day, cltlz.en-oriented symposium at tJC 1rv1ne coneluded Saturday. More than JOO peraom joined in eight workabop sessions Saturday. following an open public oession Friday nJiht In sci· ence Jeeture ball wb!cb attr~cted :ioo. Irvine Ma'°' William F 11 c h b a c h welcomed !Olden ol the major new towns -master planned commUDIU.. - of the U.S. Including Reatoo, Va.; COium- bia, Md.! Jonathan, Minn. and Irvine. Several persons from Saddleback Valley communlU.. alao Joined In the lint Weal Cout new towns C<)ll/ereJ>Ce sponsored jolnUy by Irvine Tomorrow, the Saddleback """ COordlnoUng Coun-cil and UC! Ezt<mlon. Flxbbach --.... towna .. char-DOI by a atace of develop- • ' ru1se ., Short-term. Move Q,uotas Dropped On Meat Imports , W A5111NGTON (AP) -President Nix· on lifted all quota restrictions on meat Imports today "in an effort to rememdy a ohort-tenn lbortage" and curb rlJlng meat prices. Dul Nixon ruled out a !reeze on meat and other. food pricea, Secretary of the Treasury George Scbullz said at a Wblte HIXlle newa C<)ll/ereJ>Ce whmo Nbcon'a declalon was IDllOUllCed. R<moval of 'the-quOtaa for the real of lm "may mt1ully aolve .the pniblem, • lllbcon a'l Id Jo a ••·-· "l'urllw -will !lo tUl!i u ... , 11'7 and ~ ... ' ."' TheN w• ..... ftltlooa lbat the "1ce-Comml1W.,, Wbl<li motes -luindotlona .to the Colt ol Llrin( Council, bad ham ailenced OD the polltlCally loucby 'Jiaue:ol food,prlcel,'11 m.t .ln ID unuaual clooed aeasioo ol more than lour Min Stmday, but said nothing. Most of thO Imported meat lJ lower· cost cuts whlcb goes Into proceued pro- ducta IUcb u hamburger, hot doga, ij1aml and .. ..., ... Olflclala questioned whether t h e decblon would bave an Immediate inr t>act OD iul'ging meat prlcea_, &aylnl it could take weeks 9r nlonths for any ln- .cttase In imports (b be felt in the United Sla\el. . . . Shultz.._ beada Nbcoo'• Colt of !Jv. big Council, ottered UWe .optlml,om tbat .lhO --reault lo -prices. Tbe main obJective, be said, la to atabi~ lie meal , prices. by ellmlnatlnc repeated aurgea at the wholesale level. • ·-IVJ>p!IO. and priceo appeared to ba ·~ main ;target of Nixon'• decbion, 8l1houch aucb meata u mutton and veal :atao are covered. Allllralia supplleo about ball of the 1.S. .~ody l~entified ·As Tustin Youth million pound import level oet for lf/2 and Secretary of state William P. Rogen, who now i.· 1n tliat country, will discuss with Australian officiala lhe (See PRICES, Pace I) County Coroner Logs 11th ~eath Li 4B Hoiv.1 . -. We117 onap °"""' ~·1 ~· ficera tciday logicl tlleir • 11th ,death in I ~ pei!od·deocrllled bJ lllem u the wont In couttty hlstorJ! . . Ef Tiro 'Marine James Daniel Lopez. I~, became lhe lllh · htalily at one · mlnnte after mldnilht thll moming -be auccumbed In Santa Ana community Hospital to gunshot wounda ·irhicb police allege were inflicted b)l a· buddy. Santa Ana police aalil Lopeo W81 ohoW· lnl hll. newly purd>ued .D<allbe< revolver· to frlenda in hll apartment Sun- day nlchl and waa tuctq lhe weapon IJt. to his wmtband .. ~'fellow Marine Ray Allen, Jolmcm, 11, alao of the El Toro bOae, rucbed for tlio IUD and I second loot at the weapon. Police &aid the ... dlacbarced ud 1-...... shot lo 1lle chest; Tbe ,..,,,, -died two houn later. Officers said Jobnaon-was turned over . (See CORONER, Pap I) Lifeguard Saves Girl From Viejo At North Beach . A Sao Clennente lllOguard uved the Ille . A body found.during the weekend by a of a !&-year-old Mlaalon Viejo girl civer .Santa Ana woman -waa walking her the weekend alter obe became trapped In ;q in the P<tera Canyon area waa 1-a riptide at North Beach. ' 'lllied today u that of Robert Allen Guard Steve Barrott pve ~ li-awtord Jr., D, of Tultln. IDOUth nouocitatlon to the Ylctlal after '•Orange COunty coron<r'1 and oberif1'1 sbe llt"'1Ped lreathln& durlol tho llotuf. · ofllcen,i14ve lilted hla death u ~ anlclde. day aftemonn reocue. " S>erill's lnvestlptor1 llld 0-awlord . The girl, Nancy Xeenan of 14112 -Uy IJ!lol hlmlelf thrwgh the heart atiltJna, WU treated by her OWD family ·with a lhotggn found nearby. They said doCtOr after the Incident ocourrinl daring -"'-'Crnford ha4 been deacrlbed by 'friends a poriocl ol very cold water tea>- -1lllCI r.iauves u being uttemely peratureo, guard apokemnen llld. . ·~= :m-~~-·. body . -~.::: ~ =. ~..:.-:: • tylq la Ille --dJtch said her dO( carried --by 11111&11 riptide. ,ljnl m,w ber -to tho dead man. BarMt IWllD to her -and •• " · S1JDJ:.Uer School lnuPt Ille girl toward ahon. ••pped ~. Tbe 1u1rd admlllllterod ••ildtatjon lo the water, lhlD nMlled after bMclnl tho '1ctim to ahon. Mia It-. tbon repined conaclw. Begbis Today 1111oroe. ICbool In lhe Sao Joaquin • .. -Diltrlct ated Ill f ...... w .. k l'1lD ._, wttll -l,'111 ....... pre. -ftllalertd al 111 lllltldJallnl -· fbe llllDblr fi adaiil ........ WU .,_talll. lllreelof Georgl Blolt said, --lllldenll ..... ncllltrlnl la .. todoJ. . aa-.a.red lnclude puppetry, flllar, malll. dralJ>I, readlnc. ecolop, .-inc. IJPIDI llll a otu41 of Alrlca and · J"l:.i, llmll ... an AlllD In Et Toro; Olntlllora, Doi Com. Undo Vllta ud La P• lnlw-la ...... Viejo, and 11111"'1117 Park In lrvlnl .. . I • • • Trustees to l Disc1188· Architect Contract Tuatln Union lllgl> Sdlool Dillrlct -will dllola 1IJe wubod of ID architect for UDl9enlty Rip 1cboo1 .... Illa and handball courta tonlgllt at 7:JO •'dock at Ttlltla 111111 llcbooL Adlon OD ID --between Wll1ll K. HulcbalOll, Arddleda 4 Alaodlla, and the dlalrlct Is _.... Tiie -Dlalrkt .. .. ... Mlulon Viejo 111111 llcbooL '1'111111 111&11 &diool la at 1171 x...- Rned. mont but rather by the framl of mind of tilt ~le attracted to them. He pointed to ' dtli.en involvement" as the major theme tlltt characlerlW new towns as a frame of inlnd and cited the Involvement of people living In Radbum, N .J. That lJ a .-mall new town that conthwed to grow despite the fact tbat the pioneering developer went bankrupt In the 1930s after oa11 bunct1nc eoo homes, Fiacbbach noted. . Fbcbblch and. kv!De C.onncilmen ar Galrielle Pryor and Henry Quigley ac- Uve\1 participated Jn the two-day COD· ference along with six Irvine planning comml!sloners and the clly's p)annJng stall, Mlb Harris and advber Ed Haworth. COnfer.ff •IJ'ftd tbat governonce and provUion ol a IOClal, racial and economic mJJ; are the most important challenges faced by new towns. Dr. Royce HalllOn of Reatoo, Va. said, new towns should address tbemaelves to 1.. '--r , • • • the fundamental problems of aociety, or e~ they are a waste of public funds. He suggested new towns might become models of a new "participatory, urban democracy ." Many panellJts ar111ed that new town developments must create a partnership between citlzem, developers and the government: Of the four major new towna, only Irvine bas 11' own elected municipal govermcenl . - ' • • I r.,• ,.. . --. . . '. ini5£~ "°"'1t!AnON?.:.... 5.¥.tli; George . . s. li.c<iovern ~"1 enouib-wtes t"'lai for· a flfst, , I • } • r .UPI,',_._ ' ' ' . McGovern.la llbown"wilh (from left fo·rlgbl~ liej>. ballot 1 nomination tor president at the DeP1ocr1tic · NaliODaf Conyeiitioil on lhe buia:ol ga4llng· abt\Osi· Wj!liam L. Cla'y, (l>Mo.); Rep.' Loilla states .. ~ O!iioJ; ·~egate. Wllte. Ji:: Fauntroy; Jlfs. Corella · 100 }lrevioUliy uncommllledidelegalel,.inc!lµy1bl1ck. Kilig and. Delegate1 Henry E. Parker. . · .. . ' . . :McGovern Claims 'He's 'In' . . ' ; ·-• j' , · Fi-ortir~~ner: Picks Up ·Alrrios~,'1~ More Dekga~s WASipm;ToN'. (UPI)'..-Seo;. <:eorge· Mlslbaippl 16; Illinois ·5; ·Mlsaouri 8; McGov...; 1,340.65 delegates with 63 lea,,. 5. McGovern'clalmed enough votes today· New . York 2; J?lstrlcf of ,Columbia 12'11; Ing. . · ' for.a firat.ballot ~tlon for president Virginia 12; South Clrollna 7· r~1a 1· "There •· no _,_.o.. that ---u. 't the ·DO!OOcrattc· National COn U ' ~~. ' ,. •-• ~ w~ ::., the buia of gaining a1mo-:f 1": ~balna I; and New Jer1ey 3. delegates who, .._t new ·addlllons prevtoaliy unoommttted d e I e g a t e ' ' Tbey added up to 16'11. are enough to put .•· ewer on the lint m..UY'l>iacb" But Fauntroy· later scaled tlje total !>allot Jn Miami.'' McGo,.,,. said. At a news conference he attended with down by one when be said the -Alabama "Whal ta most 11gnl11cant la that this Is three memben of the Congreoslonal delegate already wu. Included In the another m a J or step In· untttng a I • Black caucua, McGovern said the 961'< McGovern total. He said a final reooir Americana In the political proceaa • . deleptea be gained w o u Id ralJe him cUiation of n1DDbe<1 would ba made tater McGovern a'aid. "! bave made the ~e · J,llOll·-11taba1,IOt to DOIDlnate. m the day. • contmltment to M 1 Amer! Tbe, Dlllrict of Colmnbla'1 coir McGovern lell immedble!y after, the. dians and all otb«~ty grouC:: Jn.. """""!-'! dlleg.W, _Walter E. l'auntro~. .. .. -for I tllre&day IWing . Altbou&h Fauntroy produced the~ said the derelrates were made up primari-tbroagh the South, where blJ support la of leadera of -atate blocl be'·· !y,of blocU !tom U,statea. cooaldmd weak.' · delivered toda Jae llld the - F-y Ald lbe 'fOta lncluded: Con-Tiie United Preu lnternaUonal tabula-ed not to ,..JM the · ":IP :4:: -t; LoollllDil H; Obio I; lion, !Um_ before the new addition, gave divldual delegatioli'lo pr':' 111em ~ • "pressures.,, . Newport. Bid to ~verturn Douglas Zoning Reported , '~fflle!WW"'plllrit a.di-· todl)' may ask die city of Irvine to roll beck the Mc- Doanall ll01lliU -V aontng U I coM'*'°" to 1 .. op111d cooper1Uve maoUr plan ol Ibo Orange Cclmty AirDort area, the DAILY PILOT leame4. 11a,... Donald A. MdJmla Aid bf hta aabd that I -Ile pnpared for ..., toniltll thal will -Iii .. lrvlDI ._i !or tllb betoeen the two clllel "U we IA taWng m mutual grouadl.n Irvine hu uked Newport Beach to delay aontng the 177 ..... <lolllns Radio ~ property ICl'Oll campu1 Drive -Ille -...... llcDoanlll Dou&tu Ind. bat llewport -oflk!al1 point :. '=-1111fora:-~ ..... -.. _,.,.,, -ii lllll IODlll that ..,. • ... ,. at Newpost a-. QlJ' BaU ID- dlcated tbat Irvine may not be able to comply with die req-however. "McDonnell D0uaw will do u it dom pleuea," the h!ch !eye! apo~ said, "if It w11 able to ron over the bl( county how naive are they (lrvlne councilmen) ,to think they CID llop tbeJllighty Mc[)on. neB Doo1Jll- McDoaell Dwllaa will come In and roll .... that uuJe count!!." be &aid. The apokelanan said tbat he by 11\> mlanl -tryllll to bnply that II would taie anything underbanded to ICCO!l'Plilh the objoctlve. '"l'hey'll take lllem to lunch and talk about tHo •lrtues ol the ueeooed valua· tlon,. be &akl. • '"111er,are pn, l doa1 cars how well- lllten!Joned they art, and I'm 'ltft they art. Tbey will be infhlonced to set what McDomall llonCias wanta. • ' • · McGovern, wbo belan his !ooc cam- paign with reiaUvely. JltUe l1IPPOrt 8'liong minority groupt, said be ~with the goo of ll!o major black declaraliool but differed In certain apedflc1 • He &aid be dlaqreed ~lb Ibo pooitlon OD laraei taken bJ the National Black PollUcal OooY<Dllon last opr~ In Gary, Ind., I IJll51ng pooltJon taken 'by the Wne group; certain figures In pnposall on the black •bare of .federal <'Olltracts and IJt. come malntenanoe; 11111 a 1"0Pl*al to close the U.S. embuay lo Boutb A!rica. "All the d!H-were e&pmaed In wtitinl and, Wlft ~ U -ble objection.I on my patf, ' McGovern said. lo. l'elpollle to I qneattnn, McGoYenl &aid tbat be uaured the blacU that blJ •dmlniatrallon would lnclude blacks on the Supre"'" . Court, the C&blnel, the regulatory qencles "and at all levels of govemment In reuonable ~ltlon to !belt percentage of the population.• Five of the statea McGov"'1' wm Ttail '111'the South and Southwest-Ok~· ·Te111, Georgia, Soutll Carolina ,;;i Virginia -have IM delegateo McGomn ·conaldera uncommltted. Bu! M«lofem 1114 Ile would nol lry to convert any of the f1 deleptel In tilt 'liltb atate, Arkanll1, whlcb are ..,,.. ·milted te llep. Wl1hor D. M1111 (DlArt.), Re.ion and COiumbia, both IYlnl within the Wasblngton, D.C. metropolitan arta, are served by county govermnenta. Jonathan has aMexed itaelf to the neighboring city of Chaska , Minn. Panelisb agr«d It is difficult to make ciUzens out of new town resldents since people move from :suburbs or cities where they have become accustomed to alienation lrom their government. Further, u new towns grow, a (See NEW TOWNS, P'I" I) Renews Plea For ·Mate To Resign From WllO Senlcea Smarting from brubes and alleged In- dignities received while she wu a "politlcal priloner" at the Newporter Inn last week, Martha Mitchell today renew· ed her telephone pleas urging her - band to quit President Nixon'• campaign. Newly ensconced ln a plush, two-room •ulte at the Wutchelter Country Club In Rye, N.Y., tho wife of former Attorney General John Mitchell early lodaJ told the New York Dally-New• sho wu btuiaed bJ --._ .. *"11IJ guarda durlq blr.,. iNIWPil 1-. Mn. Mltclloll dlarpd ...., tbal """'-...... ,,...., ... eaD !nm Ille N"'l'JIOl'lef Pnaldlolfal dll to ; UPI Welh11lbt---corra;lll'4PS. Hllm ~ 111 !Ml...a, Mn. ....... ... =t ;-t11C ·• .......... !lo M;ralelloullJ the ........... eaD to ' the -Willlllncton ~ WU ... terrupted. Mn. Mlldlell told the New Y oni Dolly News that ..,era! of her guards, pro- vided by lhe liixon committee after her lwband , Jell hll attorney general Pllll, "th,_ me down on the bed -tiv~ did It -11111'1tuck a needle In my "I've never been treated like , ever," Mn. Mitchell laid . The atatement conflnm reporta of I •jcoinmotioa" in the PresidenUal vWa -ly Friday ·morn1ng momentl after a "'°""ate1J large window WU llDUbed. Rellahle -today to14 the DAILY PILOT llOt only wu I window In the Mllcbell vtDa ........... but blood bod -the curtallll. and the --telephone had -ripped from tho nlL Meanwhile, Mn. Jllltchell today apln phoned UPI'• Helen Thomu oayJng a aecurlty agent for the l'Hlecllon .,.,.,. mlttee "pulled the telephone out of th\, wall" to atop ber from talking. "I hope you print tbat," obe llld. "To bave thll jerk ••• thll character come In and pull the telephone oul of the wall." She told Mjaa 'lbomu lhe waa In her bed In ber bedroom at ber Newporter Inn villa wben the Incident occurred • "JI you could -'me, you wouldn't believe lt," she confided. to the Wuhlngton reporter the Mllcbella favor. "I'm bllCt ud -· I'm a polltJcal prlloner.,. Sbe said lier bo!lllObd -nted lhe,. (llot IWl'l1IA, Pip I) .....,.., ........ ,,_ -... lllOftllnl - are aUU 'bantltnc .-the Oro ange Cout, but lhe wulherladJ oees clear skies 'n Ibo aner- 'fl!eaday. llliba •it Lon In Ibo 80'1. INSIDE TODAY Land ptddUng .. 4 bill ..... dollar blulMsa ltl Florfda """ manw buwer1 find lllc1 ...,.•1 - food lh<ir inwaf!M!lta toM!t promiH1 of "dr..,,. IOtON" fall to mot<rialiu. S•• •lortl, l'Ofl< 7. ...... .. """ ..,. ' C.llflni• ' CS...:rllll .. CIM'b 1t ::..:. i:.. ~ --. ............ " ..... ....., . -.. " ,... "' ---.. __ ...,... -" --. ... --..: ''''" --.... ...... H I -. -" -.. --·· --. • Z DAILY PILOT IS \ Aea ... Date Anaheim ... ~ ~ Democratic . · Plaza to Become To Take Up Platform Among Largest?-Land Case? Proposed ' South Coast Plaza will become one or the lar(est shopping cenlen In the world Ir a plaa' callln( for ill expanaloo by ilO pen:ent II approved by Ille Colla M ... PlaMflll CGmmllllon lonJcbl. form a T on the north end near Bear Street. Clly Planning Dlttctor BIU Dunn .ttmaled the Yahil of the complex, ln- dlldln( two bl&IH1ae PArtinf llructur•, betweon $10 to $11 million. -Drawings ot the new wing, e.stlmated at $10 to $12 million, wm be unveiled berore the plaMinc commiuioo at 1:30 p.m. by the s.c-rom family. No dl111culty II for-. In commllalon approval of a muterplan amendment ellowb>s the 480,000 oquare foot addition, COllliltlng of I Bullock'I ltore and about 40 amaller lhopt. Tho 1-leffl addition of mall lhopt wfil COlllleCI to the el<iltln( center to F mhion Isle Eat.ery Robbed Newport Beach's udusive Bob Bumi' Restaurant was robbed about mid-morning today, In a lllckup llmilar to a caoe occurring two w..U ago in Laguna Beach. Del,llll Ill tho holdup at 37 Fashion l!land were sketc hy and lhe Jou in weekend receipt!: wu ool immediately known. . Polk:e -""' ,ca 11 e d lo the laablonable dining facJllty about 10 a.m., and were unavailable for any addltionaJ information while con-- dueling their lnvtlllptloo. Frot11 P .. e J NEW TOWNS • • governance problem occurs a1 the "'pioneer" mident1 aeet to maintaln the atatul quo and newer mldenta take for (tanted the menJUeo fought for by Rrllar re.tdents of a new to,<n. l'l<lbll!N (enerally •(reed to bo com- mon to all new towno are the adequate prvvlllon of fadllllel and Jll'Ol<Aml for 1-n and the dllllculty In beplng cittc 1eedets from· 11burnlna out" from ubaulllon ~ m by an endle11 -of Jale.nJahl meetlnp. llome parlldpanta were cr!Uctl of ll'vlno'1 lack of loW·lnoome houalng op- ]IOfhmlUt1, which by cltlinitlon preclude IJ:Vlno Imm ~ called a lllW town. New ·toW!ll. conlareu agraad, abollld pr<> vlde a batance Jll lndliitrltl to ·com- mer<lal 4evelopmenl wltb the 1111lortty of worlw1 beln( able to rum wllhln the new town. Otbet communlUn, ~owever, while cl•tmlng aucce11 at provldlnl a racial mll -18 percent black Ill Columbll and alx percent Ill Reston -odinltltd fall .... at providing a meanlnglul mil by economic levels. 'Columbll, Md., a community of 17,lllO that It erpocted lo grow to 110,000, now ollen only 4GO unill of boulinl "1th ,.... tala wblcb bal1n al '915 a month, Jnoepb Frllnd llld. .lnnovaUono In each of the planned com- 'l'unitlff, tt viewed by tbeir repreteo- tatlves, were elicited during a Saturday workahop. '!be lollowlng II a IUJllll!lfY of Ille thJoil DeW loWDI re,sldenla fief CO, !DOit v.fuabla In their ~!llllU .. : COLllMBIA -A coplCIOUJly planned ' racial balance apd a ~n\mun!ty pre-paid· medical plan. · · llESTON -A Uvib!Utj of ·~ pal·. tll'lll, a \!Jvmlly of -1•• cllllen _..... for 1.W-income boWllnl and a eomm11ter1 bui · tervlce for the 20 000 realdenll of•lhl Gull Oil Corp. dev;Jop- ment erpectod to · "°" to boute · 71,000 poopte. JONATHAN -'!be very 1mall nelsbborbooda that began with federal aublldlted hou!ing and the two-way coble tetevlllon 1yatem to au homes. • IRVINE -Councllmatt Henry Qul&ley uld Iha wlllln(nell of the City Council to uperlmenl and Its system of <IU1eo ad- \11.ory committees were the new city's notable innovations. OIANal COAST ts DAILY PILOT Tfll ~ c.t DAILY PILOT, wltfil wtllc'fl .. ~ ......... ""-.. It~.., .... °' .... Catt '*""'"" COl'rlpany. StPfo ,..,. ..ia11ns ·~ •1"'1d· N.clr'&t ttirwtrt P'rNlr. ... Cost• M•~. Hft'Pll1 ••Nft. Huntl1191oft ltltl'l/f'atlnllln V•llty, L19- ihldl, lnlnt/hddllblck end Sin CltrMnlt/ S.n JllM Qpla,,..,., A 1lnt!t rt0lonll 9dlll9n h -'lal'ltd lltvn11n Ind Sundtys. rr.e prl1wJ11tl .,,Wtlllllnt pltnl ts 11 J:lD Wn l a.y $1r-.t, C•I• Melt, Ctlltomif, n6~6. lob1rt N. W11J L'r .. ld1nf 111111 llvtHWr Jt1k II. C11rl1y Ykt ,.,._lft,1 Md OtMrtl MIMgtr Them11 K11wil l!dllM' 1tio1111u A. M11rphl111 MINl l"' E411tll' Cli1dtt H. it.001 l ich•"' P. Nill AMllMftt Mlfllllnl ffl"'--C.tt MIMI »I w.:.::r Sttwt H....,, a.tc111 JW N ._,...,. .... llN hldlr m fllll'ftt /IW!'lw Hwit..,... IMd!: l7'1S ... d'I 11111.._,. IM °"!*"II .. Pttrtll IE.I Cll'l\lllt. RMI Tt1.,•111 (714) '4J.4J21 CS-NW ......... '42 .. 171 ... _ ... ..,._ .. , To.,._4tM4H ~. .tm. or.,. <Mat "'*'..,.._ ~. ... -... ....... lllwfrttll!lt. .........-...,... .,. ..,..,, ............. . _, .................. llt .... ........ _,,,,.., ...... . --....... -...... _ --.. ·--,,....,.., w ,,..11 A.11 ....,.., ... ..,,. ........ •-" IMfltMY. '!be Scgentrom Company, buUden of the existing 8()..store plaza, could not be contacted today to confirm that atimate. "They'll probably bqin comtnictlon a week from now," uld Dlmn. '"Ibey ex· peel to have everybody moved tn by September of nelt year." '!be Bullock'• •lore wUI be the anchor point of the new addition and wUl contain 111,000 oquare feet. The current ohopplnl area meuurea t .J mlWon aquart feet. Sources Confirm Martha's Phone 'Ripped Out' By L. PETEii KRIEG Of ftlt D~ Plltt St9tt Martha Mitchell's claim that she had been a "political prisoner" in Newport Beach was substantiated today by sources inside the exclusive Newportu Inn where 1be llayed for a weelc "1th private qenll watchlnc her every move. "Someone" Ill her private vllla ripped a telephone from the wall Tburaday nJabt, breaking a call llhe had placed to United Preu International COl'l'elpolldeat Helen Thomu, ofllctall of Ille Newporlet Inn conOnoed. Mn. Mltchell claimed !hit .. .......,.. WU a oecurlty qenl hired by Iha Republican NalloDal Commllleo to bep her under Wl'IJJI, Sourca told the DAILY PILO'l' lhll morning that the Newporlet WU ln- slnlclad to dJIConnect all talepboneo lo the villa immediately alter Mn. - WU ctuibt Dllkill( the cal!, ii WU ailo loarnad that blood WU found Oii • Clll'laln Ill ... ol the ........ wblcb COl'nlpCllldo to Mn. Mltcbell'1 cbar(a that ·Ibo wu pbJaloally ratraJn. eel by apnta, "CU :iou ballaft a man can walk Into )'OllT bodroom, tab ...,, and pull Iba Jt10lla oul of tho wall," lbe llld. Shi allo cJ•lntld Meral luardl •ithrew mo don CID the bad -llva ..., did It - and otUdt a -ID 11\1 bablnd. "I ... DMll' -traaled Jib lhll -ever," abe II.Id. Whlla Mn. lllltah "• ........ waet blc lula,rlt over • lllliliani•1 pollllctJ --whldl • tan ba hM to ""' "' lba'D 1aa .. him -........ claim dldn, becln that way. '!'be Mltcbells had been amoni io GOP high ro11en al the posh Corona de! Mar home of Mn. Donald K. Wtabburn, wi-dud bulhend made hll mllllonl u majority owner ol Iha di drink 7-Up, for a gala Mexican Della lttt SUndty nJahl The lonner Mylonl Irvine home at 411 Avocado Ave., was reportedly the acene of a vicious argument between the coople when ·the former attorney germ al m.. formed bla taltaUve wile that lheJ bad to leave becaUM ba bad an appollltmenl News of Nixon's Trip to Coast Officially Told The White H11111e today confirmed that Pmldent Nh:on would arrive at La Cua Pacifica in San Clemente late thlt week to bo(ln a three-week working vacation. The olflclal -.. 1 by Prell Secretary &n Zle(ler lollon report& of an lmpendlllJ arrival which Ont were hinted in San Clemente lata Jut week. Zle(ler aald Pmldent Nh:on would f17 wen on Friday and would probeblJ re- main In noldence In San Cl11111ente while Democrall telect hll opponent In Miami. · It will be the llnt vlllt to San Clementa by the Pmldent for 1bt monthl -the IOnlest "dry •pell" at the Western Wblta House since the President llnt purcliued his estate. AJ of yet no tchedule ol actlv1Ue1 bu been relealed by tht Prealdentlll otaff. The last time the Preoident vi.sited Iha 0rlD(e Cout was early lut January Ill a trip marked by a hlltorlc terleo ol 1Um• mil talkt with Japan.., Prime Mlnllter Elaaku Sato. No Splashdown Yet for Pool The Unlveralty Hip School pool re- mained waterlw today "1th the date tor aplaahdown otm uncartaln. Orllinal piano detaUad late· lut WMt called !or the pool to be filled Sunday and poaolbly be ready for awllnm1o( today or 'l\Jeaday. . InsltllaUon or nec .... ry heallnc equip-.. ment bu reportidly not baen COft1Plaled. 'lbt pool II lllll acbadl1lad to be raad)' "" the first dtY ol Iha 1"lnt biP acllool '1 recrntloo equatlcl clama Jiiiy I. Qiuck M«rll, pool dlroctor and m. mini coa~,_ wu DOt anUallll tor -men1 on Wom Iba opmlmc day lll1&ht be. He bad taken bia IUllUllOt ac11DC11 owlJn. ..... to another pool. • B7 JOANNI 111!\'NOLDS Of "" ...,, , ......... Land IP""'l"loo by two Anlllelm city olllctall "II Ubly" to bo brOUlbt up at the ~ of lhe Anlhelm City Council Tllffday aftenlecm, a elty ofllcer .... gested today. '°' Ken Clemena, press relations orficer for City Manarer Keith Mimlodl, aaJd "I'm 111rt 10malhlng wJll bo aald. 11'1 dlf. licult to loneut IOIDtlllln( llb tbl1, but 1!'1 llbly that lhl matter wlll be nlemd to." Murdoch wu 11111vallable for COIDllllllt tllll _,.,,,_ Hll ltall memhen llld he WU tn a metlJni with othtr City ofllclall and could not be rtachad "" the mt of lhl day. Clemeno w11 opeaklni of cbarge1 made Frld1y !hit Murdocb and city Public oWrb Dlndor Thornlon E. Plena!J bid 1111de oubllantial profits from land purdwel ualng lnllde lnlormatloa on pondlll( city projecll. Both man have denied any Wl'Olll dolni Jn the dealinp. "I am proud of my invHt:muits in this city. J aee no reason why I should not in- vest in it as well u any other citizen," Murdoch told the DAILY PILO'l' Friday. Cleme111 would not 1peculat. u to what actloll -U any -would be taken by the <OWJCU. But councllman Wllllllll Tbnm bu called for the llllpemlon of the pair unW a Grand JIJJ"f mvllllpllon can be madt. - F..-P .. el MARTHA ••• main Ill Callfornla. "I'm leavlll( him unW ha decldel lo UPI Ttl ...... Jtlasked Demonstrator A Pam protemr wears a mask bearing 'bombs equal genocide' and a burlap tunic reading •megatons, megadeath, no to the bomb.' He hands out lealleta at the Saturday demonstration against French gov· emm,nt'1 scheduled nucl~ test in the Pacific. leave the campolgll," Mn. Mltcbell Aid. "I lova my bulband""' much, bul I'm Principals' Pay oo ·fOlol to otand for an lboot dirty From Pagel CORONER .•. thlna• that p Oft. II '"lbllllnot1111111M11a..,.and-. Cut Suggestions pma, and I'm ll'7inl to le! my bUlbeM to military police but the death bas been out ol lt," Ibo told !bi Da1'7 Nllft, officially listed 11 accidental. tyAI=~~~:...-: To Face Airing Two deaths in the south county area cowitry to illOjlOlililaw Yori< lllbart>, Ill Sunday helped to swell 1tatlstlcs com- W-County, the New Yori< papor A propelled bud(e! and a ouuened piled during OrlD(e County'• black nolld the cuanlt ...,. DOt In -at nduotiaa Ill Jrlnclpall' Alaritl wlll bo weekend. the eotm1rf dub. -lonJchl at a opecial meeting of Yvonne D .. Carter, 19, of Vallloda died AnfYlnl In Rya CID lmday, Mn. San J quln El •·~• Dlllrl when her northbound auto Jett lhl San MJtchall aid "All l'ltaal II i"1 bul-•-·~~. lllltnllry .'!""'"' cl Diego Freeway In the Culver Drive area. back. · w -omcm who said Mill Corter apparenUy '"111n 11 no ......., for ., to ba 1J1o '!'be -11 acheduled for 7 p.m. In lost control ol the car found her body Ill 'fOlfld In JllllUlcl,=' aald ~· • the mlllli·purpoM roclfu 'lit La Plu yards away from the wrecked veblclt. '"~1 .:.~ ~ • -lnttmledtateScbooltnMWWJo. ·~-E,.M!1'iJ>ney, 71, of, lllon-.... -Tho_ -~bW"' ol .......... ocliDoi ad-tebello, died on the ADii tr.eway when =.= and mlddla ....._ Kri. ...-'' ·-hll southbound auto llruck the rear o! , ·-.... ~-:~ aald m-.tcn• aallliet ·-lllQelled a-car, lflllll out of control and •· -· -,...,. -a ~... by truotee llelmll Sllilth. He sDllShed. into the center divider Ill Ille phrslctan bad lllltcbed up cata lllfltrad • _....., when abe was .. beaten up." noted that san Joaquin principals and Jeflrty Road area. She showed the reporter bnJilel on ber aulltant Jl'inci~ W'll lllOle on lhl McKlnoey was pronounced dead .., ar- a-· and ••• ,_ .. abe bad olheri .., bor rival at Orange County Medical Center 30 ·~ """""" averqe than their counterpatll In other llll&IW-"'lbey're alrald ol my 1-ty," minutes later. abe llld, t•Y11, Martha'• honesty.'' county ICbool dlltrictl. Bec.luu the board A Downey man and b.IJ woman "I wu a pattlot unW I IOI receoUy eliminllted Ille poelUon of wls-pueenger were thrown from hll auto assassinated. What coontry can I 10 to!" !ant to Ille ouperlntendenl for buc!cetary Sunday when the car went out of control, she asked. rellODI, Smith aaJd he !eels trustees II .-. Ort H••h d ·~ 'lb. --~ revela"·-about "-. o u~ ega ..,..way an over a -~· ~ nu.·1:1 should be "consistent" and cut nri""i""'1"'' loot llll bout a mil wt of "· •--Mltchell'1 llli-<lay vllll to Nawport Beach r··-,.... C a • ~ ~ I salaries. Juan lire llltion. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Immediate U.S. withdrawal from Southeast Asia, postwar am nesty for draft dodgers and deserters, and abolition of the drift were proposed today as major planks in the Democrats' 1972 J)residential campaign platform. The platform proposed to the 150- member Democratic Platform Com· mlttee by 1 lft.member draft ing sutr- corrunittee al90 endorsed limited school busing to achieve q1,1ality education a'.nd 1 taxpayer financing or most election cam· paign costs. The subcommittee split, 7·10--7 -with Chairman Kenneth Gibson not voting - on the defense plank. One ver11on backed by supporters o( Sen. George S. McGovern (0-S.0 .), the frontrunner for the party's ire1klential nomination, called for less military spen· ding. The other. backed by supporters of · Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama and Sen. Henry Jackaoo (D-Wash.), called for •' 0 a program of national defense whlch i!I · both prudent and responsible, 'ofhicb will retain the confidence of our aUiea:, and whl~ will be a de terrent to potenUal ag· gressors." Even before the plaUorm committee• · began two days of debate on it, the pr<r posed platfonn was under sharp attack from two sides. Wallace supporters vowed to push for aa antibusing plank and for plans to promise tu relief for middle-Income • Americans and cut.s ln foreign aid. ' Some McGovern supporten said. the subcommittee cOmpromised McGovern's liberal prograw too much for the sake or · . unity, glollln( over IOf!IO ol Iha SOllth Dakota senator's controversial proposals in fa vor of what they said was bland, general language. Ted Van Dyk, McGove rn 's rtpreaen· !alive to the Platform Committee, Rid the South Dakoten's supporters would seek "severe changes" in the defense plank. If they rail to get the changes at the full committee sessions, he said, they will take the flaht to the convention floor. Under the new Democratic rerorm rules, if 10 percent -or 15 members - or the 150 platronn committee members voted for a plank in opposition to one . adopted by the majority, that minority , plank 11 alao 1ubmitted to the naUonal convention for a vote. .,· '!be busing plank adopted by the dnl· : ting subcommittee ltatu: "We 1upport the (Qll of delearwlallon as a meana to achieve equal accea to quality education for all our ebildren. • Quality education.II ta. loauo -bulllll"ll . not. Transporla~jlll of students 11 ooe o1 · many tools available lo achieve quality , education. Where ·II terveo that 1ot1, '"' endorse Jt; where it doea: not 1erv1 tba& , goal, we do not." On Vietnam, the propoeed platform said: "The majority of the Democratic .senators have called for full U.S. withdrawal by Oct. I, 1972. We oupport tbat poslUoo. U the war II not ended before the nezt Democratic 1c1.:: ministration takes office, we pled&e, u • the Drot order or business, an lmmedllte and complete withdrawal of all U.S; : rorce1 In Indochina. that endld lata Saturday or ur Y Sunday, ~---·1 offic·-Identified Iha dead only partlallJ IIllWIT...,. ol lhe qw-The lf?2.73 IChool budcet wlll be ~~·~ go Light De h C d llonl railed by lncldellta followilll the presented to the board tb11 evenlni and man u Dale McCracken, ZI. He w11 ll1t-'-' SC rOW 8 Thuroday •-· phone call. eel as dead on arrival at Mhiion Com-~, trust ... are upected to bold several mun1· 11· Hospital Reported m' Laguna A very weary John Mitchell hll denied • be flaw to bll wile'• iide this put week, speclll meetings in the next week to On the crlllctl 1111 with head llljurlel In bul nporler 'lbomao aald tbera wu a lludy and tenlaUvely approve the docu-the same bolpltal 11 Mc:Q-acken'• All quiet on the Loguna wfflem fn>nl- marked' cban(t tn the farmar attorney men!. Tentative approval mUll bo given pwenger Vlctoria Eril!'u Pierce, It. the ocean front that ii. (tneral'• tone of volca In a telepbotla co.. by early July an that coonty olllciall can A young gunman who came out on the Lal\llll Beach llfeguarda reported venation Saturday. aet Iha property tu rate 111 tht dlltricl wrong end of an encounter with a lllhl weekend crowd!, perbapo beca111e of MUchtll, who durlnc a eonvll'tltlon Westminster store clerk Sunday was the overcut morning 1kJ.e1. Only six .: followlnl the flrlt telephone lncJdenl wu for next llacal year. identUied by con>ner'1 olficera todoy u reJCUes were made And IO 111'11 aJd treat-: breezy; calUtl and said jaunWy "She'• At tolli1ht'1 meetln(, trustees are alao Tmy Lee Harmon, 2!, of Oraqe. ments for cull and acratchel. great," In a 111baequont con1eraallotl expected to itilcutl the conolnlcllon or Police claim Hannon entered an all Jellyfish were again wasblog in on the aounded to Mill 'l'homao to ba "sad and partial or "mini" 1chool1 in hou1lng night -ket at Sill Wertmlnoter Ave. Laguna surf, guards said. However the wwy.' 1 ' ,_ W··•••"'•n a -·•-·· lor tracts not large enough to merit an en· pointed a lhotgun at the clerk and do-slimy creatur .. were not comin& ;O u Toda w ---~· -· tire IChooL mandecl'the contents of the calb register. heavily_u earlier Ill tbe IWIUllii'. Iba Commllleo "" the RHlectlon ot the 1;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~~ Praalderrt, which MltcboU heada, aaJd the former atlornt)' ganaral would ,.. .. no comment on the recent allqaUoill of hll wife. "Al far u Mlloholl 11-lhil 11 • pareonal mattar," Iha spot-man Aid. ••fle hu no comment." Another C1Uelllon thal ........ lllltlllW&"ad toilay 11 the precllo nalllre ol the hand wouncll that wero reportedly lretted by a Harbor Area ~ on Friday. FromP .. eJ PRICES ••• poalbllity of ~ the flow of mtat lo the United Sltlll, Shulta 1tld. In bit •wont llalameo~ the Prtal- dent uid Iba .. _ rial Ill the prict of .... 1 II In part dll'1 to Ill hnpro¥lnf eaJO'lllY hlN ti home Wl~lll illCNIM damanda for meat wblcb hAYe oot .,_ ' 1111lollad "' lncnuld aupplJeo.. AltllaaP bl rajaetad Iha~ -... -t and other l'llaon llld "I Intend to thll alt111Uon clotaly, and I want "' aaura every American i..wllt that thll ~ mlnlltralloa II llrm'7 -..Jnad to ,... vent unJulllllJtd -Ill the coat ol food." "Wt baYt llllcla al..,itlcant T Ill cur ballla qalnlt ~ lll'k*· • ara ..... to do whetnar II M 11 '7 lo • lhet tbal llalllo II -. •• larlllr Ilda .,.. 'J; lllcrllld maat lml!Olt _. II ..... flm 1m lmll. lu! -lie• ''lllt eontlnulic ablll la ... ..,, .. ha -more proolOUll<Od." RACITl·'s· COSTA MESA JEW.ELRY & LOAN ,.-. 7. :.".:' I .. ' --I r--~-, i II ) Ma'• DIAlllND RING 141( y.itoir .... -" ........... •275 . - NIKO!tnN 3511111 CAMERA with " 43. 16111111 ZOOM 141( yolltw .... -_ _,,._, R11."'9 •1 ·95 •335 I ... ONURll'UKIU NOW :.~ .... ,. .... '225 fl Cltll1t cs•• .. ,......,.. .1 .... PAii Shop RACITI!)S HOUU Cl..,A M•IA .llWILIY ft LOAN 9"6 DAli.T C:LOllD SUMDA T lal lllWPOIT &"'-IOWll10Wll COSTA MllA ... .......................... ,.., FEllfl JAGllu ILICTRIC SOLID IODY GUITARS THREE TO CHOOSE PROM $150.:.. • a Pawn Sh . op PHONI 141-n41 • I I ' f r • I ' . ~ I ' I ' I l I ' . ' • • ' !:. . ' Huntinlli.on Beaeh ~Foun~in lT alley EDITION 1:' '* * .· : Vol l>S, NO. ·118, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1.«>NDAY, ·JUNE 2,, 1m ' 11 Die; Weekend Termed 'W ors·t' • Ill Wwy Orange c.Wity C«oner's of. r~ today lo((ed their lllh death In a ~hour pertOd described by them as the IW"I ip county hlatory. · El Toro Marine James Daniel Lopez, 11, became the !Ith fatality at one Pllmlte after midnight tbl5 morning when be IUCCUlllbed In Santa Ana Community Hoopital to cUlllhot wounds which police allege were lnfllc:ted by a buddy. · Santa Ana police said Lopes wu lhow· 1111 'bis newil · ~ JZ.<aliber " ' revolver to friends In bia apartment Sun- day night and wu tucking the weapon In-, to bis waistband when fellow Marine Ray Allen Joboscn, II, allo ol the El Toro base, reached for the cun and a second look at the weapon. Police said the gun diacbatged and Lopez was shot 'In the cheat. The )'GWli Marine died two boun later. Officera said J9bnaon wu tume<\ over to military polli:e but the death liu been earc John,· Quit, Says Plea By Martha . From Wire Servlcet Smartlng'from bruisea and alleged in- dicnltteo received wblle ebe waa a "poUUcal priJoner" at the Newporter Inn Jut week, Martha Mitchell today reoew- . ed her telephone pleas urging her hus- bml to quit President Nbon'o compaign. NewJy.enoconced In a pluah, lw<>room IUllo al 'Ibo Wes\dlllttr Country Club in ~; /(.Y, U. Wife .ol former Attorney ~, ..... ~I .rlr ... !aid . tilt New"~JiiiY ' Non she WU brujaed bJ lllllWlild c:ompqn -.. . .L. PllW 4ai!i!c llir ilay ti l'lewPcirt llelcll. ' . Mn. lllitdiell dlaqed joday lhlt tlol...,. enlled ber =r call frc!m Ille' Newporter .m. to U!'l W~, correepondent Helen 'lbom& In that call, Mrs . llltcheD 'said oJie WU leavinl her Jwsbmf unleoa he qQil pollllta. .M~y the IOIJI diaW>ce call to Ibo -Wulllngton reporter wu in-terrupted. I ·Mrs. Mllcbell told the New York Dally News that oeveral ol her cuarus. pro- vided hy the .Nison .....,1tw aft«. her lllabinf lift hia attorney genenl pool, ''threw me dOwn on the bed -five men did lt -and lluct a needle In my behind. 0 l .. 1t nettr been treated like this, ever " .Mrs. Mltcbell uld. _I I •• , ~ \. The statement eonllnnl reporla of a ficom'UIXJon" in the ~ ~a early Friday mprnlng momenta alter a Jilod.erate111arie window wu aniashed. ;Mllble .01111*• today told the DAILY PILOT DOI only wu a window In the Milcbell villa omuhed, but blood ,had alafne4 the curlalno and the bedroom klephone bid been ripped from the wall. . MWiwhlla, Mrs. Mitchell today again ~-UPI'• Helen 'nlomu oaying a aecurity agent ·for the re-elecllon com· m)ttee "pillled Ibo telephone out of tbe 'f"ll" to stop her from talking. ;."I hope you print that," lbe aid. "To ilaM lllta loft. , .lllJa character come tn ~pull the telephone out of the wall.'' · Bae told Mias 'nlomas ahe wu tn her !lid In her bedroom It ber Newporter litn Yilla when tbe incident occurred. Ulf )'OU could lee me, you wouldn't believe II," obe confided to the Waallfnclon reporter ~ Mltchells favor. • (See IWml4, Pqo I) ' ' ' . ' I ,,.,.. ........ lllOl'llfnl dauda ' .,. atlD ........ "'""" Ibo Or- -4 .'i. t U~l.:T.....,.. 'A ........ ~!; PRISONER' Mn. Martha Mltchtll 'Prie«)ner' ' . . . Claim Backed , . "1' I,. PETER IRIEG . . , ot.llM ~.... ..... . MarthaMitcbell'1 cWm•that obe had ~ a ."pollttcal Jll'isooer"• tn Newport Beach . WU 'au111tant1aled: lo<lJY by -.:es fnside , Ibo exchiolve Newporter Inn where obe llllyed for a ..e.t with private ,agents watching her· ev~ 'move. "~" ln her pPVate villi ripPed a telepllme from the wall Thuraday nflht, brtaktng a call obe had ptaced·to United Plea International · correspondent Jlelen Thomas, offlctala of the Newport« Inn confirmed. Mr&. MitcbtIJ cl•iawt thlt 1'IOIDeOOe" wao a 'aecqrlty agent hired by Ibo R<publican National Committee to bep her ulKler wraps. ' . Sources told Ibo DAILY ni.or thio morning that the Newporter ""' In-structed to disconnect all telepboOeo io the,Yilla Immediately .after Mrs, Mllchell -caughi mUlng the_call, I.WU atao !Umed. lhalo>blcioil WU found on a curtain tn one·of Ille rooma, which ·correeponda tof Mrs, Mltcbell'o charPs Iha\ obe WU pbyslcallJ natrain- ed'by agent;. I · , ••ean you believe a man can walk Imo your bedrnomi take over and pull • Ibo phone out ol the wall." alie said. Siio alic! claimed -_.is "threw me down cm the bed -lift -4ld It - (loo Plu!ioND, ..... 1) officially lisleci u accidental. s.:!, 4:':.!"to ~:'~= ::; piled during Orange County'o black .. -. Yvonne D. c;arter, It, al Vallnda died wbeo her· aortbbound auto left the San Diego Freeway In the ewv ... Drive area. Offlcen who aald·Mla c.rt... apparently lcil\ control of Ibo ear found her body Ill yarda' away·flon>the wrecked vehicle. Coastline Protection Bill Killed Coasi ·Guardsman Booked in Death Of Infant Girl Lawspo E. McKinney, 71, of MOI> Sunday when the car went out of conttol, tebello, died on the oame lreew~y when off the Ortep Ille"-and over a 30I). his ooulhbound auto atruck the rear of foot cllll about a mile east of the San Juan fire station. anolber car, spun out of control and C«oner'a officers ldentlfled the dead •niaahed Into the center divider in the man u Dale McCracken, D. He was Us~ Jelfrty lloacl area. ed u dead on arrival It Mission Com- McKlnney WU pronounced dead Oil &r· lllllnity lloapltal, rlVal at Orange County Medical Center 30 On fbe crittcal Jilt with head injurieo in n1fnules1 tater. the same hospital is McO'ackm'o A Downey man and hia woman · pwenger Victoria Evelyn Pierce, ll .. paaenger ,..... lllrown from hia · auto A young 1Uft11W1 who come out on the I ,._ '. • MILY PILOT..., ....... : " sHl'S P.tAYING' QHI POR :Au'i.01 ~ SYNI. . . , 1 'fliinffnpn ROlarfi .lnothMrt .Ml~rtl Col.tn ' . . ' . ' ""' . . . ' ' . r 'I 1' • • ' ~ ' · · il·appy · .E·ltding _: .. · ' ' ' " ' ' . ' :Rotary Pianist' Pfuys Last Time , The · H111tinglon ·Beach , &ial')1 · Club Mn. Colvhl· bu alwayi liven fnely of LONG BEACH (AP) - A 21.yur .. ld Nni "let Me Call You Sweetheart" Fri· her piano talentl. In addlttoo to playlnl Cout Guonlmwt bu been booked foe In-day,afternoon to a very special lady who foe the Rotary Club, abe provlded.mualc veatiptlon of Dlllder Ill Ibo alayfllC ol a ulualiy pn>Video the music. for them. at the Loni Beach Nava! IMop!lol, U. old Z.yur.o(d lfrl, the c117•1 RVm1b murder Alter 45 year"ol ptay\ng at the &lal')1 HuntJncton Beach USO, Ibo chamber of victim In flTe dayo, pa11ce oald. 'Club'•' wOekly ~. rettring .pionlat _.,,..... and her cllirdL · Margaret Colvin WU boilored !Qllowtng ' On a trip' to the Ortent ID•lf:ll,.sbe ..., La.....,. liB•wu mealed altar the her last Rotary Club rendition of ~ •\ the Totyo USO •to pllJ' for the death of Julie All! Adami, lnveolf&aton "Ameitco,the J!eautiflll.'', : . Mle!ican oervtceaien atatlcmad tllere, Mid. • "Sbe'hu been one of ClCll"'1weethe • ''M.J "l"'aJcal talent bu. a>nra ,bee> rm chUd ~had been bealen for a long tlme,".oaid Club~dent)!:d • my Ule aDd Talwayo enjo)'ed pla7IDI for Friday ni8bl. -odded. SulllVan, clurlnc. tile meeting It the , the lidpy·€1ub. ll1h11ver be·lloo ,.... · , · · Sheraton Beach Inn. but tbere comeo a time wben.you hml to ~k and the chUd • molher, Mary · Mrs .. Colvtn,.wbo hu'been playing the rettre," said Mrs. Colvin. · , Clrif, wm bttnc held for bmatlptton piano •for •tbo :elub llnce 1927, wu ', of. clilJd healinl wbln the lkl died, police wtatfully remlniocent u she •IOOd to oald. Mrs. C&rey wu freed after queo-thank tbe Rolarlans. , tiontng, authoritla adde!I. "I'm ao very proud to have played for " ' 60% Give Nixon OK PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -~t Nlson'I performoaoa In ollce appears to haft the approval of a maJorill' of Amerlcam, accordiDc to a Gallup' Poll. ' the Rotary Club,for ao 19ng. You've been awfully nice to me," llid Mn. Colvin. "Marttn Luther Kq had a dream and ao did John Kennedy. M,y dream bu always been to Ii•• happlneoa through muatc. There io ooe aong that repreaents bow I feel today-"When I J'eol'Too Old to Dream I'D ffoft You To Benemh«," obe said. 100,000 Bathers · Fl0ck to Surf . SUnny otlfs lured ,_. lban lo0,000 perlOlll to Hunllniton city and alato beaehea over the_...,., butoace lien, thoj got • chllil ~ ' ; -Coul, but the UltborlAdy r .... c1eor *1eo tn the att.moon ' ~-111'111 .. 71, LoWI In the • •'L I . · · Reeord Fails Mrs. Colvin hu lived In Huntington Beach olnce 1m, when she and her mi. band arrived durtng the oil bOom. ' "It wul I dlffeimt City then," she ~· "Pmple 'I"' llvfn&Ju:teotl and Ocean Avenue wam't even p1ved." Wot<r """""'llln WU.only M ........ -..... typical of December lban of June • "It waa dellnltely DOI conducive to 1wlmilDf," oald city Ltlapar4 Capt. Doac D'~ • .,,,. cold -JnbilltJ came In wltll Ille llorma we bad tail week." • 11'118B TODA'\' ~ t...il paddjjog la G billion. i doUGr 111111!1111 in Ftorldo cmd ' ""'"' """'° JfJld lll<V -~ ,... ' --.... _,,,. ..... oromloeo.~ •dream ~Jail ' io ..... """" .... """'· ,..,. 1. t ~ M' ........ . I.... I -.. --4 a...f ... --c..lt' • I C... 1t .......... lt , Qmat • U .,_. ,.,, .... :'I: • =--,.: =:=;_ . =..: _."1!. --1., ,.,. =-ii -• • That's the Way the Ball Bounces ' "I -tlnilled when the Rotary Club uied ... to he' t1leir pliniot. It -liich * mall, lo1"l then that I already 1mew all of them. "1lloy ,... me f2I the ftnl Chrillnw that I pla1"d for them and I 1111 10 thrilled. nm,. ...... 'f8'Y bard 11114 ... bid' air llnl liaby then," ohe Aid., . 11n, OolTln ltill llndi the Rotan.. t9 be the snnd ....... of """' that abe lirll plaJ<d lor In im. "Tlley'n ,.... today but Ole)' are 1118 ..., lllll>alflier -· ~ la ... tn-cl!'ridual. Just ilnqlne, I pll,.i for them duffni all 11-yean ... there "'' Deter flt'/ fridkla." • City ond atate bl• baa 1.,.neci as , reocua ovtr ttie weetead, a lOw lllllDbor due to tllo el!ect of the cbllJy -tom· peratureo. ·NO: DRflNKS ·· . ' : OF . ANY COWR . · SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A nlle hai· tng above the bit at a -ant !ft Morla Btedl llDIUDCel, "We do DOt lel'VI ......,, of llJf -cned or eol-or." 'J 1 T ... y'• l'l-1 N.Y. Siem• County wrons end of an encounter with a Westminster I t... clerk Sw>da,y WU ldenttlied by _., olllcen today .. Terry l.ee l!armon, II, of Oru:ge. Poti<e cWm Harmon entenid an all niglll maret at IOU Weolmlnstet Ave. pointed a lhotgun at the clerk and de- manded the conlentl of the caah rqioter. They said Hannon pocketed 181 handed to him and then crdered the clerk to the beck of the stare. Al that point, po&e (See COllONER, Pap I) oa Beach Mom Awaits Word Of Her Son By AU10N LOCKABEY °"'""" ............ A franUc Huntington Beaclt IDOlber WU "cllmbtng tbe Walla" today U aeardl . contlnued for tbi is.fool dloabled aallboat OD which her Jt.year-old 10D ta a ~··" Mn. Fred T. J'oantain, -Aleundrta St., Huntfnctmi lloacll, aold ahe and her busbml ..... ~ ...... that lllllr -MIU ,wu aboard the boot Until DOllllod llwlda1 bJ the Caoot o.d' that lbt -........ ,.,,. lira. ,..IHI ~ ...... ::1 :Jt~;_ '~ w 11111 ~ '·~:..._.-..... "' ' ='dszt~ '9111 "'w .. ............ "°"' :.:-===-.. ~ ..... ~ clollMa 11 .. od ... hod "-wlllloul food ,.. JI .,. ............ for two dayo. " The qoploln lold the COut Ouanl ht had f:den tho lri4 two 1alloal of watar """ for ..... ala daya. "Why dim\ that eaptafa· --boys aboard, or at leaat llanl bJ until help arr!Yldt" Mrs. Fountain demanded to-. Neither could the lranUc molher UDderataad 'llllJ tho boat had DOI -apolled bJ lbt -.. alrerall. Mn. F-aln oald llJb had -to Baaolulil ........... motha .,. to "* .. older ilnlllar. lllle said .... .-..... ' ht 1!-1 -_., Cl! tho aallboit ml ha4 pro1*11.1 doclded to oall home Oll·ll wi,a II cllpoNd May t for Marina de! ~~ ............ -..... ""' said. Mrs. Foaatatn oald her -!lad -(he llWla!, Pap I) ' * * * Overcast Skies Hamper Search. For Lost Boat ' I DAILY PILOT H Land Case \o Come Up? Viets Give . . . U.S. List ·r Parade Prepareaf 3,953 w Join in Beach Festival - A.nalwim May Look lnw Offu:ials' Role 87 JOANNE REYNOLDS Of .. o.llr ,. .. , .. ti i...l·IJU ·-by two Anlhelm clly al-"II llnJY" to be brou&ht up 1t the • • .. of tbe Anohtlm Cit1 Oouncll ~ afternoon, • ctty officer aug· ceated today. Km ""-· --allkw ,.. Clll' 11.onq• Ke111I M"7docll, ..... "l'lll IW'l IOmetlllng wUJ bo llld. 11'1 clll• llcult to forewl IOfllethlnJ lib tllli, but 11'• Ub)y that the m1tter wUI be refmed to." \ MW'doch wu uuavalllhle for comment 1!111 ..... 1111 llall -aid he -In • -· wltll otber city ofllclll• azid could DOI be reached for the real of the day. Clemtna wu opeattng of clJaraes made J'rlda7 !hit Murdoch and dty Public oWru lllrector 'lbornton E. Pleraall had mado .. boWllW profits from land purdlaleo Uling lnllcle inlorm111oD on pending city projects. 1,000 Residents Attend Valley's Birthday :Party Both men have denied any wrong doing In the. cleallnp. "I am proud of my lnvulmonll ln lhll city. -.no reuon why I aix.iJd DOI In- vert in it u well u any · otbtr cltlz.tn," Murdoch told the DAILY PILOI' Filday. . , MARTHA ••• held UuwahoUt the' day. Councilman George Scott WOil I priu for having 1lle largelll famll7 1t 1lle [00- ote. Ht, bla .ue; and llYt al Uielr ab: younplerl ..... pr9ent. Mr• •. Lorin 14..._. -bonon u the clty'1 loapst raldenl, nine yeon, !or. thole at the plcnle. Tile oldelll ctlelrant waa Mrl. Mildred Quigley, fl, while the """'8eal WU Kennetll Allen KrlJ, jual ovtr three monthl. Clemons would DOI apeculate u to whit action -u any -would be -by the COUDdl. But ""'ntllmaa WUlllm 'lbom bu, called for the~ of !be paJr unlll a Grand Jury lnnatlgalloa can be made. •rm llllclc llld blue, I'm 1 pollllcal prltoner." She 111d her bUlblDCI suggested lhe ,.. main 1n caurorn1a. Olly ofltciala have also annouoced !hit Fountain Valley's pbpulation hit the I0,000 mark m Ila Uth blrtbday. 'lbe clly i1 srovring a ~It faller !bin on&lnally u · pected. Bowlers Receive 'Sweepsta~es'· Pay Assurance A apokesman for a San Diego firm usurtd Huntington Beach bowlers over the wetkend that they will be paid llWftpolates money owed them by the ctellmcl Buattnstoa Lana bowllni alley. "I'm luvinl llba 11!ltil be decides to lea•e 1111 -• • Mn. llJldiell M!d. • "I loft my ~ yirf macb, 11111 I'm no aoln& to atond for all U-dirty lblnp that ....... .. ''tlllo ........ -and -g-ud 1 ... lr7toc lo &111111 hollband oui al It " lbe told tbe Dally Newa. Al~ Mn. Mitchell llld !be MC:Url· ty guards ..-ponied bor ....... the countrJ w ·tho pollll Now YClll< .,burb, In w .. tc-Ooun!Y. tho New York piper noted the guards were nol tn evidence al the country club. Arriving ID 11JO Gt Sunday, Mn. Mltcbell uld "All I want la my lmband back. '"l'llln la DO l'UIOll for m to be jn. -.. pallllcl," .... aid In. penoaal -'""' wllll a DailJ News-""· '1111t npcrier -....S bondo&ea OD Ibo ........ -~ al Mn. Mlldmll'1 WI band. wlm9 ... IOid • pb1*la llod lllldlod up ..... -wt. ... ''bel&m up." Slit lbowod tho....,..., -OD .... """' ... cl•-a. w-. OD ... t1q11o. ''Ds1'n lllrald cf 1111 lloael\Y •" lbe llld, l'Y-. -·· -, ... "I -a pClot 1lllll1 I Sol •-lnai.d.. 'jlbll COUDlr)I' Clll I IO to!" .-. Tho """"" --Mn. MJ-!11 ab:...., Yllll to Newport Buch that ..W.lata 8alun!ay or-ly•Sunday, oal1 portlalJy -...,. of tbe Cl-' --by lllcldlata followtnc tho ~ llory plD» call. A very Wtll'Y Jolin Mllcbell bu denlod he -•to hill -·· aide lbll put -· but r ..... -aid than WU a marted .._. ID the former attorney geaenJ'1 -of YOice In a telepl>oae ..... ..., "m Solurda1. . JOtebell, wm c:ltainl a cmvmatian f<lllowq the ftnl telepboDe lnc!denl WU ~ • ....i and aid Jauntily "She'• ..... ID a lulllequoDt -lloa -to -Tbomu to 11'1 "llld and " . weary. ' . Toda1 1n w~ a apobaman 1or the Oommlttee lot Ibo RMlectloa ol'the ~. whl~ jllltcbell budl, Aid !lie . Jormer attorney gberal *ould hive no collj!llOllJ on tbe recent llk11lkml of bla wife. • • "Al far al lllitchell 11 concemed tllla I• a peraonal matter," the 1pokesman aaid. *'He has no comment." Another q-that remainl U111111Wered today la the preclle nature of the band wounds that were reportedly treated hr • Harbot ~ physlclaJl Oft Friday. • Last week, Mitchell aid the bandaged band ....Wted from a bum wbell a book of matcbea Ouod up In Mn. Mitchell'a band. --.. DAILY PILOT Fl'OlltPC!JeJ PRISONER •.. and -• -.1n 1111 behind. "l'Yt ---llJre lbla -ever," abe said. Wbllo Mn. VJldwD la lrwiatq the weet Jone ,,_ II onr bor 1-'a political --which """ .. ,. be bu to md «' abe'D leave him --dalm dldll~ becln !hit way. The Mltcbell• hid been 01J10111 11 GOP high -al the pooh Ccrona clel Mar home ol Mn. Donald K. Wllhl>urn, w1-deed buabond mode bla mlDIMI! u majorlly owner al the IOft dmt 7-~ a gala Mexican fleata lall Suaday The fcrmer llylonl Irvine home at '11 AVOCldo Ave., W11 nportedly the .._ of a ricloulif1Ull>IDI-the <ouple wbell Ibo lvrmer •tlornoJ ·-In-formed bla talkallve wilAI tbel the)' hid to le.ave._,_ be bed Ill 11J1P•o1u .. 1. Shotgun Bandit Slain by· Clerk In W es~inster . A lbotaun lotq bondll WU lllJed by a Weatmlnater aton dert duriDI •robborr atl«npt early ~ lllClfllin&. • • Pallce ldenUfied Ibo dead bandit .. Terry Lee Hannoo. a , whole Jut reported relldence wu In~ ..... Harmon ealerod tile SI-hour 1-11 atore at 5511 WeatmiDlttr AYe.1 about 4 Lm., armed with ~ lholfun and weartnc a 1tocking over hl1 face, police aaid. He waived the lbot&un at atore clerk Larry Th!gleay and told him. he would be . tilled If be didn't do euctly u told, ... oordq to police, 'lbe bandll lbeu onlm!I Tlngleay to march to the blct roam. Al. be turned • corner, Tinpley ducted behind 1 o m e stacked boxes, pulled out a revolver he earned in bis ahirt, and lhot Harmon through the heart, police oald. Court Won't 'See' Topless Matter WASlllNGTON (UPI) -'lbe SU)nme Court rejected today a ,chalJenie that Calllornta liquor laWI prohibltlnc .W-0 and wlltrooaea from aolldtlnc drbP from cullomera dllcrlmlnlle qalmt G1r7 Ford. '1<e pnaldenl and paera1 -al Lellan Time' Sports, Inc., held • -al -lnp with .. ...,,. -ol local ieqll!!I calllht by 9Urprile Illy I wlloa the alley doled !ti doon. Ford lndiCltod !hit bll llrm lntenda to buy Huntington Lana from Quito Corp., the cumnt owner, '!Ith acrow 1tarllag around Aue. I. He llld that ... of the ............. dlttona la that prise money owed the bowllnl I..,_ be paid to them. He cau- tloaed, however, !hit the cleal la not 1et lblll, and-~ be lllltlJ ~elms. Lellure Time _,olel the -Unlwnlty 1-ID &m Dieao and a llDllter alley In _ .... llunliDstm 1---M 1uea and la Ibo only ~~~=O>rp. dill not"'" oullldeol cUl to Pl1 oll lbe ~ prile money. . Witche8 O~rve S11mmer ~Solstice ' . . ' . • l On Angel Island • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -It Wll a day lib .., -Sunday Cll Anpl llland .... the bay from Saa Fl'llll:llco -... cept for tbe dancll!c wtlcbM. la bellted -....... al the -aobtlce, !be wltchea ol the three Bay Area --the lllrned Mooo, Golden Dawn and Spiral Dance -along with their nrlocts went Into a anaty, spiral· Ing danct. It Included tlaslng and ended with them moving Into a band-boldlns circle to 1ener1te ''JllYCblc energy." "The circle 11 claeed," intoned aoretrer Aldan Kelly. A hall-<lozen lollowera come forward to be daubed with a lttllY aubelanct. Following an Incantation, the aroup - which included cblldren, presumably known u little demona -bopped about and clapped to piccolo and IUitlr music. Then everyone fell down illto a help. Earlier, the occultlJll found the ~ couldn't take e1re al rwnbl· Ing tummlea. 'Ibey ate bot dop, salami and otber picnic aoodlel and drank wino. Six Girls Graduate wo~ ... brouaht to Ibo blgb court With School Honors · by Weatent lnc., operator al a topleu bar · In Saa Francilco, wbme "01H1le llctnle" Six Founlaln Vllley atria In the Loe , was revoked on Nov. 11, 1171, on groundl Amlp llilb School claa of 1171 baVI 11 violated reetrlctkm <11 "Jl.&lrl" ... gradulted 'lrith ·bonora. \ tivitles. Gill Armstro~, Lori K-, Pegy · Tesllmony allowed that p1lrons ol the Malbewa, Cyulbla MeNutt, Cbrls Tannous place had been uked by Billrlo to buy , and Kann w.,....., an the lcholan. drinks for other &lrl employeo. Wntent They wen O-. IC llnlon who loolc argued that the law discriminates agalnll part In the graduallon ctnmonlea at Loo women. Amlpo llilb ScbooL Will The Plaza Become Among W orM's Largest? South Coat Pim wlD ............. ol the larleal abopptnc -In ~ -Id If I plan callln& for Ill expanalon by IO percent II 1~ved by the Costa Meaa Planning Comm1a1oa tonlf)lt. Drawingl of the new wing, atlrnaled 11 flO to fll mlllloll, wU1 be unvelild belort the planning c:ammlllloa at l :JO p.m. by the S.gerstrom f1mlly. No dllflcuity la foru..,, In - aprnvll al a muterplaa Ullelldntent allowing the 411,0llO aquan fool addltloa. oonallllnf al I Bullod<'I atort and lboal 40 llDlllef abopo. Tiie -oddttlon ol mall abopl wU1 coanect lo Ibo Watlng center lo form a T OD Ibo north md orar -Stroel. .. City l'lanblng Director BUI Dunn .. 11matec1 the vall!e al the campJu. In-cl~ two hlfl>rlle porJdo& atructuna, ~ flO to fll mlllloa. Tho Sec••bom Com(IOll1, bullden ot Ille uialias llktore plaaa, could not ba contacted todq to confirm !hit lltlmllo. "They'll probolJl.Y bes1I! .......... . ,... fnlD IJIJW," ..w Dmn. • .,,., .. . J*1 to beve t9&Jbod1 moved ta by Seplombor al -,... .• Tho llulloct'I llon will be the ....... point al the ... addltiaa aad wtD - 111.000 square Itel. The -•••IJllal .,.. ,_,,... Umlllloa ....,.1111. Of24POWs From Wire Sentett The U.S. government hu l'Octlved a list of 24 U.S. Air Force and NlyY of. !leers ldenlilled by the North Vietnamese 1overnm111t ea hiving been captund 1tnce 1'701 Pentagon officials said satur. day. Nine of tbooe 24 men had previously been llsted only a, missing in action (MIA) and !heir statu.. u prisoners "" uncertain. Fifteen had already been n.tect as prlsooers. Roz Lernb of the POW·MIA Interna· tional office in Tustin said this mornlng that none of the men Involved ill !he dllclooure 1tt from Orange County. Members of tile Orqe County POW· MIA group checked tile lilt U 10011 11 it wu made public and found no names from the area, 11111 far u we know," she said. The lilt was given to the U.S. Embassy in Paris Friday night by Walter Sohier. an attorney acting on behalf of Sen. Edwanl M. Kennedy (D-Masl.). "We wxlerftand Sen. J{ennedy had been lnlonned the lilt was available, an<!. that he aaked Mr. Sobler to obtain 1t from the North Vietnam ... delegation' In Paris and bring it to the U.S. embasay," the Defense Department statement said. The families of the 24 men have been Informed, the statement said. The Pentagon confirmed receipt of the list after some of the families reported they had been notified. 'lbe nine prevloualy listed u mlutng are Lt. Albert Rick Mollnare, Lt. Aubrey Alien Nichols, Lt. C&rol Robert Beeler, Maj. Edward K. Elias, M1j. James Phillip Padgett, Lt. Stephen Antbooy Rudloff, Capt. Wllllam Glenn ByrnJ, Maj. William llanS«l Talley Jr. and Capt. William Raymond Bean. Jr. The other 15 are: U. Crndr. David W. Hoffman, Capt. Edward A. Hawley, Maj. Gale Albert llesplegler, Capt. Jam.. Dickinson Cu~ tier, Lt. (jg) James Eugene Kernan, Capt. Kenneth James Fruier1 Maj. Ken· neth Richard Johnson. Finl Lt. Kenneth Roth Wells, Maj. ~land Louis Hlldelrand, Capt. Lynn Ellla Gue!llebr, Lt. (jg) Norris~ Cllarlea, i.t Lt. Ralph William GalaU, i.t Lt. Sapiuel Richard V augban, Lt. 'lbomu BenneU IAtendreose and Capt. William Ralph Sdnrertlecer. '1be Delenae Deplrtmeut w1-. 111- dre-and ..,,... al neat or tin ot men ~tr "llaln&. r . la Ila nmt rectlll IUllllDllfY luued two daya ago, the Ptnlagon li!tod IOO Americana captured or ,lni,med 1!Jc1 l-¥19 •s. mlsitog. ' . Officer 'Joins' ' . Dragster Race Two youtm drag racing down llarllor Boolev1rd early SUnday morutna &Pl more thin they blrgal""1 lor wben l'oun- taln Vllley police joined the 100.mil .. an- hour dliae and armtecl one of the speedster1. 'lbe second luspec\ elCOjlOd. '!be dwe began when olllcer J(err)' Kowal11d, paln>llng ·-o n Harbor, ~ two iouthboupd ctragstera and wheeled lround In pur11111t. Two miles later be caug!it up with the racera and slopped one of them near the lnl«aectlcn cl ldacArlbur Boulevard In Ooot8 Mesa. A juvenile from Anaheim was arrested on charJ .. of racing OD public streeta and lalllln! to eooperate with a police o111cer. Crash Laid to B(>mh SAIGON (AP ) -Informed oource1 oay a bomb on board probably caused the June 15 crub In the cealra1 bipl1ndl of the Calbey Padfk Airway& jelllner m which 11 per1oa1 died. Tw Of tlwRmfl ol detalli 1tt DOW comtnc toplber u lllll1illltoa B,eoch preparea for !ti blalll and -many are aayin& -bt1t ever Fourth of July parade neI ! Tuesday. In .i>eer numbers of partlciplllts, It will have 1t least 3,953 -25 perctnt more than any previous parade. And this doem't include the additional hundreds of aupportlng food and entertalnmenl ven- don, police, and volunteer parade mon.lton. , "We're hopeful !bat It will be !he most spectacular show ever," says Jack Tatham, a spokesman for lhe sponsoring Huntington Beach Jaycet1. The Iheme for the citJ'• 631h Jndependence Day celebration will be "8alute to American Music," and in- clude;<! will be 1,500 musicians in 21 Fro111PC1Jel CORONER ... sald, the clerk grabbed a weapon and shot Harmon tbrou1h the heart. Officers today refused to identify the clerk pending further investigation of lhe holdup. The ccroner's bulky Sunda,y Jog also recorded the death of a vacationing teenager from Vandalia, Ohio, who died in the Laguna Hill! area when she ftll over the handle ban of her bicy· bicycle. Coroner's officers said Rebecca Rusher, 17, was cycling down a steep in· cline at Laguna Niguel Hills Park when she appartntly applied her brakes too •harply. Miss Rusher died a oborl time later at Miaalon Commlll)lty llolpltal from whit were -bed u mualve bead 'tnJurtea. Saturday"• death toll Included the name ol a 4'1 Alamitos man Who died In Allmltoe Weot 'Conv~ Hospital from bullet wounda lllllered last yur. Hoospflal ollldala llld Melvin Mel!ter, 24, bad been In e coma tbrougbout bla aJx niontbl stay In· the bospllal. Tile shooUng that led to Meister'• fatal wounds I! still under lnvestlgaUon. Otbtt fltalltlea listed by the coroner 's ol!ice during the weekend Include : -James H. Peterson, 2d, of Anaheim who died behind the wheel of bla jeep when ii lell the San Gabriel Freeway near Seal Beach. Coroner'• offlctn: said Pttenoa ap- parenily Joel control of the vehicle which left Ibo freeway and pbmged down .. emblnmnent. --E. Gruber, 34, of Loe Angeles, who -beaten to death during a ICUllle 01D11>f ..-WS ntchln.r a Rolltr Derby al the Analreml Cmveniloa j::enter • .,. ·~ ' , '!1~ t' No arreata hive been made today and Anaheim police llld Gl'llber'a, death wu still undir tnvatlotfol. , . , • ~ Beacli"tttonJeJ Erle Role, "· who died When bla car collided wit& a fire truck at a Garden Grove inlenecllon. Role wu Dated u dead ext arrival at a nearby boapltal. -Lena V. OVledo, 61, o! Santa Ana, wha-"dled when a car driv!n by her bus· band collided with another vehicle at a Santa Ana intenection. Mn. Oviedo was pronounced dead on arrival at Santa Ana Community Hospital, Her C-year-old hulbeBc! Henry la today In crlUcal coodltioa 11 the ume hospital. Trustees Receive Education Guide A set of plilloaopblea and ,oala f<r the educaUon ol J'OUllll people n the Hun- tington Beacti Unlm Hl&h School District will be ireaented to district trustees Tuesday night. A special cttl1.ens committee bu worl:ed aevenl JDODths In develo[>lni the dilllrlc~wlcle guidelines, which trustees will review and poatbly adopt Tueoday. Trust.., meet 11 7:30 p.m. !ft the cafeteria of Huntln£1on Buch Jll&b Scbbol, 111115 Main SI., to study them. RACITl'S • bandl. 1be )lll'lde will hive 32 col«lill Ooata -another lll·tirne hl1h -u well f 11COres of hor1e·lhounted entries led Grand Equeslrlan Marsha( George Pu • nam, plus 26 color l\llrd!. The parade start.! at J J a.m. at Lake Park, with the last wi it '"~led to com· plete the two.milt clrcult a11d return lhere by 2:30/.rn. Tatham sal he v:pecl! as many ar 250,000 spectators at the ev ent, lined up three and four deep along the route. The route runs this way: l''rom 1 ifh and Main streets, proceeding down ~1aln Street to Firth Street, west on fi'ifth Street to Walnut Avenue, east on Walnut Avenue back to Main Street, north on 1'1ain Street, to Pecan Avenue, east on Pecan Avenue to Lake Street; and °" Lake Street to 11th Street. ' Grandstands and 1 revlewifta llatiOft will be set up in front of the poli~ Ill· ti on. ·· Following the parade there wlll be 'i Square Dance at Lake Park at 4:30 p.m~! and a traditional 9 p.m. fireworks 1boW off the pier. Public officials at the parade will fft.. elude Congressman Rlchard Hanna (D-- Anaheim), State Senator James Wbel· more ( R-Garden Grove) and Assemblyman Robert Burke (J!.Hun· tington Beach) . t The olficlal review o f f J c e r of tht parade will be U.S. Marine Corps Brif.1 Gen. Adolph G. Schwenk. ' Recreation Unit Slates 7 Trips 'lbe HunUngton Beach Recralloa Department bas scheduled seven, one<lay, summer trips for area .cblldren S.14 yean: old. The first trip, set Wednelday for the Los Angeles Sports Arena, I! already full , but registration is still open for the other SJI: -Los Angeles Zoo. June 7. -Knotts' Berry Farm, July 11. -sea World, July 21. -Universal Studios, July 23. --Queen Mary, Aug. 4. -Rlngling Brothers CittUS, Aug. JI. Prices vary on each trip, but there ts room le>< up to 500 younpten and bi!or. malion may be obtained hr caUtni the Recreation lle)llrtment. 3 Beach <;ycle . Officers · Win . <I _. I ~ ... ,,,.... -cycle Glllctn fi>ml lbe HunUngton Buch Police ~ won their ltCODd atralgbt teem l:o!>llY ID the quar:terly Motorcycle Sale)y E'valua- tlon Ride In Anaheim. Sgt.. Jamea Howe, and ollicero Damn Klopp and Jobn'Hatutr toot top booon In competition with other 'dtlea at tile meet, held In Anaheim Stadium. Howe alao took HOOnd plJce In in. dlvtdual riding, wblle Klopp captured lhtrd. Besides Hauser, other HunUocton Beach olllc:era In tile Individual com- peUlion were 1bomu Quiet. Rorer Parker, and David Gammell. U·HuntJncto• Beach Wini llie tam title qatn In September, it will ttllre Ibo county lawmen'• pe!]lelua1 ~. Fro•P9fleJ SEARCH ••• been to ... before In a llllall boll Prior to IJOlng to Honolulu be hid attended Hun- tlngt"1 Beach High School and Golda Well College where be w11 atudytng law enforcement. "I'm just climbing the wills until wa hear something," 1ald Mrs. Fountain. "Mike II not used to going without food." Mra. Fountain Aid her husband, · a rellred Navy man, la COlllldent the boll wUI be found. COSTA MESA JEWELRY & LOAN 'i ,-I 'I ;,.;.: I I~ . ___ , I :-0-~ Ii M•'t WATCH ·-· 141( yollow .... -14K ,.......,.. __ ................ % di. 4'1 JI i .. '275 '195 I CIA• :.2 ...... fl CrMul ~-.... . ... $110. - BACITI'S • NIKON m FEKDER 35nn cum JAGUAR with ILICiTRIC SOLID IODY 43 • 86111111 ClnAIS · ZOOM THllll • TO CHOOSE ' 11.,. "°' l'ltOM •335 •1501A. • Sh!'P a Pawn Shop HOUIS CORA MllA llWIUIY & LOAN M DAR.Y CLOSID SuNDAY PHONI 64t-n41 1m ..W.OU aa. IOWllTOWN COSTA NllA Maa: ......_. """"' • Mtapwt ' J 1 Nixon Lifts NI Quotas For Meat "' WASHINGTON (AP) -Pmident N"uc· on l1lted a1i q!IO!a I<Strlctiona on meat Imports today. •m an elforf to rememdy a . short-term shortage" and curb rillng meat price!. But Nixon ruled out a t...... on meat and other food prices, Secretary of !be Treasury. George Schultz llid at a Wblte Hou:;e news conference where Nixon's decision waa announctd. Removal of the quotas for the mt of tm "may .not fully solve the problem," Nixon ·a a 1 d in a atilJement. "Funher measures will be taken as necessfll'Y and 8J1propriate." ·There was some evidence that the Price Commiasion, which makes recom· mendatlona to the Coat of Living Council, had been silenced on the politic.Uy touchy Issue of food prices. It met In an unusual closed session of more than four bours SUnday, but said notblng. Moat of the imported meat 11 lower· coat cuts whlch goes Into processed pro- ducts suCh as hamburger, bot dogs, salami and sausages. ·Ofnctaia · que,ationod whether t he decision would have an immediate im- pact on ourglng meat price!, saying it eould. take weeks or months for 'any Jn. Crease in bn/>om to be felt In the United States. Shultz, who heads w.xori•a Coat of LIV· Ing Countjl, offe.rod Utile optlmiam that the action would result in reduced prices. The main objective, be said, ii to atabtl· tze meat prices by eliminating repeated surges at the wholesale level. Beel supplies and prices appeared to be the main target of Nixon's decision. although such meats as mutton and veal also are covered. Au.slralia llipplles about hall of the U- milllon pound import level oet for tm and Secretary of State William P. Rogen, who now Is In that country, will dJacu,u With Australian officials the pouibility of Increasing the fiow of meat to the United States, Shultz said. In his 2QO.word statement, the Pl'<Si· dent said the "recent rise In the price of meat ii In Pit! ,due to an improving economy here at home causing 1ncreued d•Dl81\11s for meal wbicb have not been malcl>od by increased supplies." Altbouch be rejected, the propoaod price freeze on meat · arid other food products, Nixon said u1 Intend to monitor thiJ situation closely, and I want to aaure every American housewife that Ibis ad· riilnistration Is firmly determined to pre. vent unjustified increaoes In· the cost of food ." "We have made significant progress ia our batUe qllnst rising prlcea. We are going to do whatever Is necessaey to ,.. tl!al that batUe ii won." Earlier Ibis year, Nixon lncreaaed meat Import quolu by 11 percent from 1971 leveta:, But aince then, be 1aid, 11tbe continuing lhllt in demand and auppltes has become more pronounced." In words beamed to the Fann Belt, Nb:on said his action .. is not aimed at the Alnetican farmer: his l!reome lw only begun to approach reaoonable levels." Rather, the Pmldent conli!inod, the move "ls intended to remedy a sbort- term shortaie which Is beyond the ability of our fatmers to fill." Nixon said a1i meat imports will be eubjecl "to the same high standarda .of aanllation !bat apply to domestic.Uy pro- duced meat." * * * News of Nixon's Trip to Coast Officially Told 'The White. l!ouie today confmned that Preaident Nixon woold arrive at La'ca.a l'aclllca Jn San CI0111eDte late Ibis week to begin a tbree--k wor~ vacation. The' ofllcial .111DOUJ1cemeat by Preas secretary Rm Ziegler folloWs reports of an impending arrlv'1 which !Im were hinted In s..· Cllemente late last -k. Zleiler llid Prelldent Nixon would Or 1'est on Friday and WOUid pn>babl1 re- main In resldence.iD ,San qemenle while Jle!nocraia IOltCt bis opponent in Miami. n will be !be 11111 Vlllt to San Clemente by tllf Pmldent for alx manlltr -the iqe11 "dry opell" artbe Weotem White llouae lince Ule Preoldenl flrll pur<bued Ilia oitate. ,·Al of yet .. tchodl~t of activltiel lw 1!elll reloued l!1 !be Pt.esJdential llall. Tllo lMi time Ille Praldent Vlllted the Oranp Cout waa eorly laal JlllU&rY In a l!'IP ....W by' a biltorlc -ol oum- mil lalb with Jai-n-Prime Mlnlater Elaaku Sato. • ' ' Jnvestigator Asked W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -DemocraUc Qlalrman La..,.... F. O'lll'IOI\ ~ uked PmlMt Nixon to -a •opec1a1 ix-tel''' to invlltllllo Ibo tarly._..tng bualns . r a Id "" ~~ ""-llUdqlllrttn' It ..,. .... ,,,. 111...ilptor, O'Brlon uld, ahoald be of "unJmpeacbablt Intecrlty """ aalkmal reputal!On.'' ' .Florida Hit · By Tornadoes GRACEVJLLE, Fla, (UPI) - · Tomadoea have atruclr. throucl> the Florida panhandle, causing one death and clamqe ffllmated at '300,000. An unidentified boy, about J, wu ltilled In Holme• County Sunday when a twister touched down about five miles west of Graceville, demolishing a houOe triller. Another tarnado ripped throqh the OQlskirta of For! Walton Beach, damaging a golf COW'le and ripping up power poles. Surveillance Of Civilians . I Test Cut Off WASHINGTON (AP) -On a I to 4 vote, the supreme Court today cut off a major test of the Army's surveillance of civilians. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger said It wu up t.o Congreu, not·tbe courta1 to sit "as 'virtually continuing. monltora of the wisdom and 90UDdnels of executive ac-- Uon." Burger said ~aderal appeala. cOurl here was wrong when. it granted a re- quest by complaining civilians for a full· dress judicial beariDg on the Army surveillance system. 'Ille chlef ju.slice laid the four. Jn. dlvlduals and nine gnJUpa who brought the 1511rVeilllnce suit had.not proved Ibey suffered any harm or even stood to suffer harm. , He cited a 1937 SUpreme Court ruling that First Amendment cases mu.st be baoed on a showing of at least the Im· mediate danger "of sustaining a direct injury." ., The ruling was produced by 1 com· binatlon of the four Nixon admlnlstration apolntees, plus Ju.slice Byron R. Wblte. It effectively ban what would amount to a trial of the way the Army gathered Jn. fonnation about individuals and usocla· lions beginning in the 1ummer of 1955. A divided court a1ao today aranted grand jury wltnesaes a right to challenga the legality of govemmm ~1 before testlfyilg. 1be court aitd'tbe bulky wltneu cannot be sent to jail for contompt . wttll the government shows lt·did not engage in il- legal wiretapping. * * * Abortion Case Arguments Set By tgh Court WASHING N (UPI) -'Ille SUpromt Court today oi;dered reargument nm tenn in two 'c:ballenglng whether !tate laws againlt abOrUon ·are· an un- conatltuUonal lnvuion of privacy. In a brief order w1tbout comment,. the Justices set new argumenll In abo<tlon cues from Gtorlia and Tei:u to be heard next fall or winter. In the Teus abortion case, the atate law inakes aborUon a crime unless necessary to save the mother's life. 'lbir· ty other states have similar laws. Ge«gla's law allowing abortions for IOlllj! ........ IUd! .. ..-ncy because of rape and the poulblllty of a physical or menial delect tn·tbe d:lild, is almllar to !bat ol 11 other states. The general argument aplnat antJ. abortion laws lw ·been !bat Ibey are un- constitutional lntpierence with a wom111'1 right to bear a chlld or not as sbe choooes and with a doctor's-right to counaei his patients.. · In the Teau cue atal1ed by an un- D)81'ried pregninl woman and a chlldl,.. nlarr1ed couple -a1i ol· wh>ae names were wlthbelcl ~ a ejieclol 111r ... Ju<lge federal coUr! In Dallu ruled m J-17, lll'IO, the state trio IO ....,. Iba! Ibey violated . the consUlutlonal guarantee of due pr<!cell Of law. * *-· * 4~1etter Words O~ Sometimes . WASHINGTON (UPl)-The SUpreme Court today upHI 'three convicliona of ~ for using olfensive, fwr·lelter langtlagt ·1n Jlllbllc, • O>lef JUllice 'Warren E. BJl!ler dilaented, protesting tbal Ibo cow1'1 - jorlty WU iakJn( l)epl to "return to the law of Ille Janlle.'' One cue c:onoerned Dlvid A • Rolenfeld, ior-lr of mptatown, N.J., who wu fined '50 for using the tenn "mother .. " lour llmel In a Jiit speech to the board ol Ibo Hicblltown llchool lltalrlcl. All three ........... deddell 1>r w void. "I cannot 111 tbete ~· • a 'lllf.. •ance'lnhltman~liat-a retnigr ... loo to wbol -ltlft atnaltd to escape for • lolll lllDI." larlor ~ ln his angry dlslfllt to lie flolmleki deellion. ·First Ballot Nomination Predicted WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Geor1e S. M<Govtrn claimed enoqb votea today for a first.ballot nomination for paldent at· !ht 'Democratic NaUonal Convention on the basis ol llinlne almOst IOI · · prevlouJly uncommitted d e l e g a .I e a , mosUy blacb. At a news conference he attended wllh three members of the Coogreui!Jftll Black Caucus, McGovern llid the 9611 delegates he gained w o u Id raise him 1,510~ votes. It takes 1,509 to nominate. The D!Jtrlct of Cohonbia'a con- gressional delegate, Walter E. Faunlroy, aaid the delegates were made up primari· ly of blacb from 12 states. FauntrOy uid the votes Included: Con- necticut 4; Lo\Usiana 14; Ohio I; M.is1lss1ppi IS; Illinois 5; Missouri I; New York ·2: District of Colwnbia 1211; Vll'glnia 12; South Carolina 7; Georlia O; Alabama I; and New Jersey 3. 'llley added up to 1811. But Faunlroy later scaled the tolal down by one wllen he aald the Alabama delegate already wu included in !be McGovern total He llld. a final reeon- cilialion ol numbers would be .made later In the day. McGovern left immediately alter the "'""' cotlfemice for a three-day awing through the South, wbere his supp\)rl Is considered weak. • The United Presa lnlernaUonaJ 'tabula· tiODi taken tiefore the new addition, gave McGovern 1,34tUS delegates wlth el lean-ing. "There la no queetlon that the 9611 delegates who represent new addition& are enough to put us over on the lint ballot In Mlaml," McGovern laid. "What Is most significant is that this Is ~ major step In uniting al.• AmerlcaJll In the pollllcal process," McGovern aaid. "I have made the same commitment to MtldCan-Amerlcana, Jn. dians and a1i other mhiorlty groups.'' Although Faunlroy produced the names of leaders ol. IODle state blocs being delivered today, he said the group decid- ed not to release the names of the in- dividual delegates to protect them from "prellUi'ts. ti . '. Mc<j.ovem, who began his Ione cam- paign 'wllli relatively Utile lllJ>PCl<l'llllOlll minority groups, said he agreed with the goals ol two major black declarationa but dllfered In certain l]>Ocillcs. He sftld he dlaagreod wfth the pooltlon on Israel taken by the NaUonal Black Political .O>nventlon last spring in Gary, iJld., a busing position taken by the ~ group; certain figures In proposals on the black share of federal conlracta and in- come maintenance; •nd ·a propouJ to clooe the u.s. embu~ In South Alrlea. "All the clllfermces were aprellod In writing and w ... acceptod .. -bit objeclioos on·my pail," McGovern lald. In responae to a queltlon, McGoverD uld that he uaured the blacks !bat hil admlnistraUon would Include blacb op the, supreme Couft, the CablDet, the 'regulatory qenclea "and at a1i !eVe1a of government In reasonable \l'opoalllon to their percenfige of the pOpulatloti." Five of the states McGovern will visit In the South and SOUlhwe!I -Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, South carolina ~ Virginia -hive IH deltgates McGovern CODJiden uncommitted. But McGovern said he would not lrY to convert , any of the 27 delegates In the llmh state, Arkansas, which are com- mitted .to Rep. Wilbur D. Mills (D-Ark.). High Court Says Anti-SDS Move Unconstitutional wA.SiiINGTON (UPI) -The,SUpreme Court ruled 11118Dlmoualy today 'that of· flciAla Of a CoMecl1cut college denied lludenla their rights of free lfrCh and asaociatiOll In refualnl to allow •organtza. lion of a chapler of the left.wing Sludenll for a· Democratio-SOclely. · Tllo court lald olDclail of Central Con- necllcut State College a c I e d . un- conaUtutlonllly even thouih • ' S D S cbapltra Oii llOlllf Cl-had been I catalytic force" c111rillC wtdHpread eam- PI" rlotilli In the 1111-111 school year. Justice Ltw1a Ji:. Powell Jr. aalcl In lbe jorlty opinion . ~'The wide 1aiitut1e accorded by Iha Conllltuilon lo the· freedom8 of ... preaclot\ and uaoclatlon ii not wltbou\ ill c:oata ·in' lenni of the_rlak to the maln- lellalu of dv!Uty and an ordered aocte. ty, \ I ''nlot!Cb ... deplore Iha tentltncy of ~ to a-Ibo Vfl'/ CGMtilullonol Prtvliec• they Invoke . • • wa alftrm tllll court'• cleclslon to !be prilclplos GI tile Bill of Rlghta upon which our vl(oroUt and hoe eodety is founded ," ht aald In reverabll a lower federal court upholding the coUete'• acllon. '!be American Clvtl Llbtrtltl Union broUgbl tilt. lull against coUece ll<llldent 11'. DoQ.J-on F.eb. M. Jiit, In cborg· ' In( Finl Amendment v!Olatlonl. 11.S. dlllrlct ... a-11 -uphold Jama' acllol by c1almq Ille lllUdonla lallod to """" they -be '""' of ,,... Uona1 SDS dollllnatlon Illa! the court aaid WU "likely to CIUll violent -ol dlaruptloo •• Monday, J~11t 26, 19n H DAILY PILOT J ULll T........,. . FIRST BALLOT NOMINATION? -Senator George S. McGovern' c!ajpled enough votes today for a first· ballot nomination loi' president at the Democratic National Convention oti the baSis of gaining almost 100 previously uncommitted delegates, mostly black. McGovern Is shown with (from lefl to right). Rep. William L. Clay, (D-Mo.): Rep. Lou is Stokes, (I). Ohio); Delegate Walter E. Fauntroy; Mrs . Coretta King and Delegate Henry E. Parker. Antiwar Planks Proposed WASHINGTON (UPI) -Immediate U.S. witbdtawal 'from Southeast Asia, postwar .amnesty far dt'aft dodgera and deserter:$, and·abolltion· of the draft were proposed today .., major p14f)ks in the DemQCrats' 1m· pres~dential campa)gn plaUorm. 'Ille platform proposed to the ISO. member Democratic PlaUorm Com- mittee by a !&-member drafting sub- committee alao endorsed llmlted school hosing I<! achieve· quality education and taxpayer financing of most election cam- paign .costs. The aubcommil\ee split, 7-1<>7 -with Chairman Kenneth Giblon not voting - on the defeose plank. One version backed by su~n of Sen. George S. McGovern (D-S,D.). the frontrunner for the party 's ~esldential 0?01inatioo, called for le11 military ip~· ding. . . The other, backed by supporters of , Gov. George C .. Wallace of Alabama and . . ' BE Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.), called for "a program of national defense which is both prudent and responsible, which will retain the confidence of our allies, and which will be a deterrent to potential ag- g~sors." Even before the platform committee began two days of debate on it, the pro- posed platform wM under sharp attack from two sides. Wallace supporters vowed to push for an antibusing plank and ror plans to pfomlse tax relief for middle-income Americans and cuts in foreign aid. Some McGovern supporters said the subcommittee compromised McGovern's liberal programs too much for the sake of unity, glossing over some of the South Dakota senator's controversial proposals ln favor of what th ey said was bland, general language. Ted Van Dyk, McGovtm's represen- tative to the Platform Committee , said the South Dakotan'• aupportera would seek "severe changes" In the defense plank. If they fail to get tbe chang,. at the fuU committee sessiona, he said, they will take the fight to the convention floor, Under the new Democratic reform rules, if 10 percent -or 15 members - of the 150 p~tlorm committee member• voted for a plank in oppo!itlon to one adopted by the majority, that minority plank is also submitted to the national convention for a vote. The busing plank adopted by the draf· ling subcommittee states: "We support the goal of desegregation as a means to achieve equal aceesa to quallty education for all our childrtn. Quality educatloll ii the lasue -bu.sing ii not. Transportation of studenil ii ooe o1 many tool.a available to acbievt quality education. Where It oer,ves that eoaJ, we endorse tt; where lt doel not eervt tbat goal, we do not." There are a do~n Great Shoe Names But in Sandals Can You Think of More Than One. '" ' 'll 54 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER • 644 4223 .... ,.., ..... c--.. • ..... ..... ., ........ t-.. • • I ' I 4 DAIL V l'tLOT Martha Blasts · GOP 'Needling' IUCllY TlatY POLmx. '111er<'e en old aw that lllUW All Is Fair In Love end War end a lot ol people would add: AllO Pollllcs U YOU Don 'I Get ClUihL "11fw11, with polltlce, the q11t1tloo - II It'• realty cleaner today then In the gulter-lrrawt era ol yesteryear. lllartba Mitchell, wUe of the fonner at- lomey _.i. lot example, -lo thll>I: thlnct are dlttlor then ever. In an lncredlble oet of -.Jew• ....... !tom Newport Beach -lo Rye, New Ycrt, ahe claln>e lodl1 that the pollllcianl have dontborwrong. ' IW1ba, who baa not bem noted for being In went ol wordpower, fnlllls that ahe wu virtually held ceptlve In ber villa al the Newporler Inn: that a politi- cal -Y guard jerked her phoae out of the wall; that abe wu muacled ·-and bruised; llld that IOJ!lebody "Ibo! a needle ibto my behind." Now, If the DemocralJ dld all that f<> Martha, Ibey abould be ashamed of themlllver. BVT LOI WAIT! Martha llll't blaming all Ibis .., the Democrata. She allegea that the people that did ber all -1mlllP were Ropubllcan func. tlolllrill. And that'• suppoaed f<> be her lic!L ' You'n ..,.mpted to 1>ealn wonderillll who Is Ol•lnll whom wlieo ltulf like Ibis -· On the other band, Lawrenct F. O'Brien, head hoota-!or the Democratle Nlllanal Committee, believes ha knowa all lhe players alter the ....mly publlcl!- ed ''buaiug rald" Whlch uaertedly WU ~.•galnll hJa committee O'BIUEN, JN ONE of -teovee talk ~ alleged that tbe five men arrested on cbarpo ol bualb!g lnto the Demoa' plllCe bad walkl•lalkie ncllo commurti- catloaa eeta whJch belonied to the Re- publican Natlomal Cmnmltlee. All of Ibis m., or mey DOI be 1n11 but ll 1!111 leavea 111 ordinlry obaerven a lit- tle bit pilnled. Fer eumple, why would the Republicans want to know what the Democrats are doing when t b 1 Democrats don't seem to t now tbelnltlvM? Clearly, If tbe GOP peopl, are going to sneak liltenJnl"devlces lntO Demo bead· quart«t, they ought to welt untU the Democrata get lhelr ICript atralibtened out. IF THE REPUBIJCANS start Ust.nlng to alt lhal Democratic blslher now, they'll juat end up more confwed lhan tl)e Demo&-are. And that mlghl be lhe Nat plot behind the plol. Anyway, U you believe poliUca Is atJO u dirty as ever, you can have some c:on- flnnaUon 'from Sam Archibald, Sam ii beed man of an ouUll known aa the Fair ~palgn Pracllces Commltlee. J{e declared in I roporl &mday Iba! pollUca Isn't really l"l cl.....-then In 1164 when hJa commltlee WU IOI up, but he doea concede lbat the kind of dirt bal changed aoma. "WE'VE BEEN ABLE to keep 1he ~ aewage f<> tbe Jtvel that It has bilen for many years and we've been able lo cbanie the type of political com· munication that goes on," Sam noted . ·~Candidates are talking more on ptraooallties and other dlrly stulf," he "'81lested. Anyway, Archlbald end hJa bunch are tfylng a new wrinkle to clean up polltica Ilda year. They are inviting complalnta from 1he general pubHc. I BA VE A GRAND notion of where llley mlght turn for one of their early cemplainta. . Why don1 Ibey telephone Marlba Mitchell? !rhat ought f<> keep the commlltoe bUly fcl' a year or two. ' -Castro Gets Welcome In Moscow MOSCOW (UPI) -Leonid I. Brezlme't and -Ilda ot -. -welcomed Fidel Cu1ro llke I long-loll here today when he rttumed to M- alter ID dght..year ablelce. Bm.lmev, ,_a1 aecretary o1 the Soviet commun1s1 Par:!Y, gruped lbe bearded CUbln premie{'Jn' both lfml •• ht stepped •to Ille tarmac at VnukO¥o Alrpoit, -Ida left-. -hJa right cheek,~ blm OD the back end beld hJm In an embrace for 15 ......sa. "Fklell Fklell Frlend-lblpl Frttnd- lhlpl" chent.d Ille airport crowd ol aboul 1,000 peraODI, uaualJy wBI for llldl I ceremootal greetlor. They bid bunt lnto a apootaneoua .._ wben Culro, clad Jn green army !atJiueo, -* at Ille door ol bis QllJq alrlJner. et:euef'tre BELFASI' (UPI) -Norlliem Inland WU hit today wt1h new WlVll of violence belor'e a midnJlht (f p,m, PDT) ceu. fjr., -Into effect, but the hombinp and shootings were cm a far lesses scale than lbe weekend violence that kiDed m: moreJ>l!l'IOOI. 'J'be truce WU proposed by the mOilanl Provtalonal Wing of the lrlsb Republican Army (ffiA) and accepled by Britain. Brtllah army sources said their troopa bid orden to keep a "low ..,.Ole" wllh start of Ille -bnlusht largely by Cllholic protesta agaln1t IRA·lmpired violence. e Shott.., Spree MOl'fl'REAL (AP) -An armed man eolered a rataurant In a ohopplna center early Sunday, herded lour employes who wert cleaning up lnto the walk-In lreuer and Ibo! them, police reported. Al tl>e man lelt, he ran lnto a guard for the shoilolng center end aJIOl him Jn the neck. The prd, Paul Dlodzlk, CJ, called pollce. The police found 1hree bodies in the lreezer, and Ille fourlb man died in a boai>ltal about ala houri laler. The guard wu reported Jn sa!Wactory coocllUon. e Wellll-Free HONG KONG (IJPI) -D a v Id F.dmunds, an 1111-felN>ld Welshman held by <lllneae autnor111es lince 111'1, arrived ln Hong Koag f<>day "In fine aplrlta and ucellenl heallll," i ~ official ttj)Orled !run !be SJno.BrtUal> border. · Edmunds wu accompenled by hll Ciinese wile, Bernadette, and their daugbler, Ma'iarel. eNeuiltld11 ROME (UPI) -Slrtko-plaguecl Italy turned away !<>day from the Manfll SocJallats, and Pmnier-elect Giulio AndreolU announced a new mlddie-of-lhe road govemnent that ends for 1he Ume being a decade of Roman Cllholic Man:- lst collaboration. AndreolU Informed President Giovanni Leone of hJa cabinet selecUon and Leone laued appolntmenl decrees for tl>e new mlntalera for uiO awealtng In ceremony. The 53-yell'Old Andreottl, -CbrJ&. tlan llmlocrat Party Is made up of catholics, will lead a government corn. posed of his own party plus moderale Social Democrats and Liberals. e C0t1tmon Market LUXEMBOURG (UPI) -An angry France berat.d Britain f<>day for Its decision to break European f111111cial dlsclpllne by floaUug the pound llerllng. Common Market aources said French Foreign Minister Maurice Schmnann ac- Cllled Britain of bad lallh In throwing European mooetary affairs Into turmoil even before Its fotmal entry Inf<> the markeL Schumann's blast was dlrecled at Geof· frey Rippon, tile British mlnlsler Jn dwp of E1ropean affairs, al a meeUug ol the 10 foreign ministers of the enlarg- ed Common Market. Ul'IT .......... PRESIDENT TOURS PENNSYLVANIA REFUGEE CENTER Nixon Flew From Camp David, Mel. To Vlalt Flood Victim• Tropical Swrm Leaves 122 Dead in Her Wake By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL The worst fioodlug In U.S. hlaf<>ry was receding today and the tropical storm that cawed it bad died out. But hundreds of tbouaands of eastern residents still waited to learn when they could return home. Tropical at<>rm Agnes left at least 122 peraons dead, moel of lhem from flooding in northeastern states, and damage ap- proaching $2 bllllDn. The hardest hlt stale from 1he flooding wu Peonsylvanta, wllh al least 47 dead end up f<> 2!0,000 pe!'SOlll forced f<> fiee their J>on\ea. In New York 21 penons died, In Virginia, 17, and In Maryland, 15. Agnes left a few squalls Sunday before dying out over Canada where II cawed oo serloua damage. About 145,000 peraons In Wilkes-Barre, Pa., stayed In emergency abelters. Allhougb the waters of the Susquehanna -River llnally creoted and began receding Sunday, the fiood left behlnd a thick end slimy buildup of mud. Wilkes-Barre's water supply wu contaminated and the city was without telephone .ervlce. The Susquehanna bad fallen Sunday from over 40 feet f<> 21 feet at Wllkes- Barre. About 8,500 persons could not r.turo to tbeir homes Jn 1he Peomylvanta capilal ot llanisburg. Debris still littered the streels, allhough .the waler level.was fall· big. ' •jWe're going to find more bodies now lhat the waler is receding," aald Jim Cox of the slata pollce headquarters In Har- risburg. Gov. MOion J. Sbapp said, "Wllhout doubt lt Is the worst dluter Jn the hJ&. tory of Pennsylvania," even though 2,200 persons were ' killed in the 'Johnstown, Pa., flood of 1889. Sbapp said slate officials b a v e estlmaled damage Jn Pennsylvania at $1.25 bllllon, lncludlng $531 mlOlen In hlghway damage, l50 mllllon f<> schools and at leut $3S mltUoo f<> agriculture. Prellmlnary damage estimates froin other states bring the f<>tal f<> more thao $1.6 bllllon. Gov. Marvin Mandel of Maryland called lhe flooding "the biggest dllaater that bas ever hit tbJ.s country!' Mandel met wllh Shapp and otl>e~~-aatem gov- ernors in Harrisburg Sun~ Mandel said be believed lhe other states were capable of handling the costs of their own damage!, "but the disaster in Pennsylvania is much greater." He said the $92 million federal eme'iency fund that bas been granted was "only 10 percent of wbat will be needed in Pennsylvania alone." 'llte deelh f<>ll Jn upatale New York In· eluded three persons !lll'Veylng damage who died when lhelr helicopter crashed nearHornellc An eatimated 98,000 persons were homelesa In New York slate. In Virginia, the Appomaloz River was upecled f<> crest at about s p.m. f<>day and spare Petersburg end Hopewell from heavy flooding, that bad been feared earlier. The James River brought record flooding f<> tl>e bualneaa di<tricl of Rich- mond, the state capital. The water was receding, but the flooding bad pollut.d Rlehmood's water aupply. Resld-of low-lying t<>wns of West Virginia's northern panbaodle a ri d eastern Ohio left lhej< ho-aa tl>e Ohlo River rMe. Resldenta on the Ohlo aide of 1he riv .. , used to lloods, walled to return to their homes and to what an observer called 11a big muddy mess. 11 Israelis, Arabs Exchange Fire Across Borders TEL A VIV (AP) -Israeli end Arab gunoera exchanged lire across the oc- cupied Golao Helghta again today ·after a week of attacks, counterattackl and steadily rising tension. 1 The lsraell commend said 1he Arabs fired several sbella at Israeli Army posi· tions, and the fll'e wu returaed. No caaualUes were reported. DIVE, DIVE-This young man is up to his spark plugs in wa- ter as he fails in his attempt to forge a flooded road in Philadelphia. In Beirut, the newspaper An Nabar reported that !be Palestinian commandoo In Lebanon bad agreed In principle to halt tbeir activities on !be border wllh lsr~el ••tor the time being," Rain, Ha-ii P-elt--Midw~st ' Official end public _.... agalnll the guerrlltaa was repOrltd riling I n Lebenoo, the only Arab country where --..ll>eJ.Att.not.tigbt]y controlled. 'l'bere was no comment from Lenne. government .., guerrllla -m !be reported a~t, but An Nabar said tbe 111tr· rtUa chlel Yaslr Arafat bid aone to Damucua t<> cltacua It wllh Syrta's president, Hales Asead. Showers Fall on Rockies; South Central Area Hot MAllOHAI WIA1Htl lllVl(l 10tl(411 .. 1AMl•I '•21•11 ..... r-..· 'lf.77 ., .. \,\, .. . , ,, .... ~, -• l'9llOl'ltd from . Arlulr\Ns and ' ...... -....:.. _._. Saleb Salam ··'d !!Of!lllNI l.oul11tn. fQ K•riM• •lld 1M ...--.~ ,..._.._. ,..i ot1.ot•s. °"' or ""•torrn• Pfl/ttd o-Saturday hla: government '90Ukf not crack ~•.~..J'~n 1:11~.• down on the Palestlnlau. Bu! he ap- ... ~"if7k=1··~· ..,"!: pealed f<> them to ovoid giving Israel Dflkljf•· Upretuts for D*'e agreaion, II ' ~~.r::.~ms -DeputJ Pnmlar Yip! Allon :,_,!Ylli::~~ Chlr'lnt • •Ill.... Wlroed Leblncm in I .ipeeeb SUnday Roagh Area .. 'Amateur' Hijack Suspect Sought PERU, Ind. (AP) -Looking !or a "spark of llgbt In a big dark roo:i; 1he FBI hopes to find at least a clue y In the dJsappearanee over north central In- diana of a skyjacker aod moni lhan $500,000 in ransom. About JOO FBI agents from llllnols, Jn. diana aod Ohio and an equal number of state and local law enforcement officers have been searching without 1ucces1 since Saturday for !be skyjacker and hls loot In a thick, brlar·lnlested woodland near Peru. One FBI agent was overheard to say, U.S. Jets .Hit ' Major Steel )Mill in Hanoi SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. F4 Phantom fighler-bombers streaked f<> wllhln sight of Hanoi 01ret the weekend, destroying a major power plant that supplies elec- tricity to· the . North Vietnamese capital and bombarding the country 's only modem steel mill. , Phanf<>m pilots bombed 1he Viet Tri thermal power plant 25 miles northwest of Hanoi SUnday, the U.S. command said today, "effectively destroying" the facility's boiler, electrical switching buildlog and the coal conveyer. The plant was the sole 90urce of electricity for a nearl>y chemical factory eod other In· dustries, a command spokesman said, ~ aupplled power f<> partJ of lhe . capital. ' J A command communique issued sun. day said 20 Phantoms battered lhe two- mile-square Thai Nguyen steel works 30 miles north of Haooi Saturday with 2,000. pound laser-guided "Smart" bombs, the same types used against the power plant. The bombs knocked out s e v e r a I warehouses in the plant's complex and tts · open heath furnaces for making steel. The mill turns out mainly mortan and spare parts for vehicles. A U.S. Air Force spokesman said ••we hit tbe hell out of" the plant's coke ovens, blast furnaces and storage areas "but we found the plant wasn't out of com- mission." "It's like a big dark room. you !mow. Wbeo you're l90klug for a light, you go for a spart.11 The quarry, still unldenUlled, is a young wltlte man with a pock-marl<ed face and QPeD sores. Reportedly armed with a AS caliber submachine gun and a hand grenade, he commandeered an American Airlines 727 jetliner Friday night on a filght from St. Louis to Tulsa, Okla. He ordered it to return t<> St. Louis where be demanded $502,000 and two parachutes. A car crashed inf<> 1he plane at St. Louis and the skyjacker switched planes. taking with hlm a replacement crew and one of 114 orlglnal J>MSODfe<S. He disap- peared somewhere over Peru early Saturday morning. James Martin, agent-indlarge of tile FBI In Indiana, said Sunday all leads in the case bave been dead ends. The search is complicated by the 12,00).acre Ml.ssissinewa Reserv~ir Jn the , center of the pie-shaped area still to be , searched. .t AuthoriUes concentrated their land seareh Sunday through a countryside northwest of the reservoir that once was 1 the hunting ground& of the Miami Jn. dians. It now is used as a survival training area by Grissom Air Force Base. _ Martin said it was uncertain whether the skyjacker's parachute, for which he , had to have instructions, had opened when he left the plane, leavlng the possibillty that be mlght be dead. The Chicago Tribune reported today that tl>e pilot of the American jet dld DOI ' believe 1he hijacker could bave survived hls parachule leap. The pllol, Leroy Berkebile of Palatine, Ill., told the Tribune the jet was traveling 320 miles per hour. Berkebile slid that at that hJgh a speed • "the extreme tumbling Would bave put the hijacker out of com.mission. 'lbe cen- trifugal lorce would have taken tl>e blood right from bis brain.'' Ber~ebile said the hljacker didn't seem t<> know very much about !be lecbnical operations of tl>e plane end apparentb'. never bad parachuted before. Berkeblle's copilot, Art Koester o1 prospect Heights, m., said be agreed with Berkebile's a!!eSsment. Berkebile said he de Ii be r a le I J maneuvered 1he aircraft f<> Increase lbe chances of killing the bljacker and aald his O!lly regret was ''the possiblllty that we'll never find the body and IOQleooe will think he got away with U." W allac.e . Won't Appear at Trial In S'4ooting Try Navy flibter-bomber pilots flew to wllhln 15 miles of Hanoi f<> bomb lhe Xuan Mal army training camp southwest of lhe capital and lhe n,~by Xuan Mal truck park, command sp0~smen said. lo all'SUoday, 270 U.S. air raid& Into lbe north destroyed or damaged "five bridges, three storage areas, 28 trucks, 11 boats, 13 aupply buildings, ~an­ tiaircraft artillery sites, 17 warehouses, seven garages, one power plant, three an- tiaircraft guns, two tanka and a J22mm gun " " U S d ported SILVER.. SPRIN. GS, Md. (AP) -, we , . eomman re . A spokesman said pilots bombing 1he Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace will oot Xuan Mai training camp reported seven attend the state trial of the man accused buildings destroyed and 10 trucks damag. of t-'•• f<> kill hlm, the governor wu ed. Planes from the U.S. Navy aircraft '"u.aa carrier Midway left "heavy black smoke reported ea saying today. covering0 the truck part and caused two A subpoena for Wallace to appear at large secondary exploslonlJ. the trial of Arthur Bremer waa delivered In other developments 1he U.S. com-f<>day f<> tl>e governor In Holy cross mand bas moved all fighter squadrom from tbe big U.S. air base at Da Nang to Hospital. The subpoena and an ac- camps Jn neighboring Thailaod !<>day In companying letter from Arthur A. little more than a paper switch ap. Marshall Jr., Maryland state attorney for ]Jl!'enUy aimed at meeUug President Nix· Prince r~ea County, explained lhat on'• troop pullout deadline. -·• Military sources said the move _ Wallace's appearance at the trial was not although it would count u a wllhdrawal ma~:~ton, uaislant public relations of troops from Vietnam -was virtually man al the ,__1,., aald he tOok 1he 1111>-a book keeping change and would bave .....,t' ...... only minor impact on the air war. poena and letter into the governor's room The oommand also announced a drop In after be received tbem and read tbem f<> U.S. mllilary strength In Vietnam from Wallace. 60,100 to 54,000 -stlll 6,000 short of ·lhe Stanton said WaUa~e expressed ap- 49,000 figure Nixon ordered by the end ol , preciaUon, but said that be would not be • June. able to appear at the trial. The drop Included 600 Marines and The letter from Marshall said In part: 1,700 ainnen, many believed to be ••1 do not feel that your appearance 11 members of the seven U.S. fighter essential to the state's ~ and as such squadrons at Da Nang, 370 miles north of if It is your personal destre not to appear, Saigon. I would fully Understand.'' The command 11 alao restructuring lhe Marshall had said Wallace was one ot American military role In ~hlna ~ person.s named In aubpoenas lhe proo- deslgned f<> give U.S .. forcea more of an ecullon would like f<> have appear al the" advisory and less of a combat mlaslon in trial. tl>e war by the eod of !be year. The governor is showing adcllllonal en- The reorganiulion gives lbe commeod couraglng signs of recovery, hJa doctors cloter coolrol of Army and Air Force report. He now bal aome feellug In hJa heedquarten in Salp end "ta all part thlghs. ol lbe dnwdown of U.S. lorc«J/' • com-"This should be regarded wllh cauttoua mand spokemnan said. , optimism for continued aeuro!Qtl!cal Im- One facet of tbe plan tltbs away provement In 1he mon1lis ·ahead" !be coordination of U.S. bo,mblng raid& in report from Holy Croes Hospital aald. lodochlna from 7th Air Force head- quarters al neighboring Tan Son Nbut Air Baae and puta it cllrecUy under U.S. com- maod control at lta headquarter., known u Pentagon East, on the edge of Saigon. Juan Peron Picked BUENOS AIRES (AP) -Exiled u-dlc- tator Juan P..-bu 'been nomlnat.d by 1\1& pei:ty u 111.cabdldale lil the prealden- tlal eleCtioo acheduled !Or next March. II Is _.11y l!ellevad that the armed f°"'8s, who overl!rew Peron in 11115, will llOI permit him to, ...iurn f<> po-. Tbe1 ore expec!ed f<> try to Induce hJm to withdrew lrmi tllt nca. Now 'II, Peron Uvea In Spain. ' ,~~r:l':,,I::' ~I:= ::,,.,-,: nl&bt to control tbt euerrmu. He said tv:rN~~I~~ Of lll'lel does not Jatend to toJlrate further ·~ ii ~..'!l .. ~~':"r.,. ~ Ille '"' Coiro -V-1 la '!llllcll tllt"!"--1--..... .tiffiitton _. "oci'~ t.ebln• CURllll.1)tlbt aareed it> tblli' Cout.i We.ir.er 1T' ~i...!t"*':'-.. ....,. • DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE °''"'" ., 1"' Dally Piiot I ~'=~,~~q ~~;~·~~.;.. . v.s. , __ ..., A ..... tl ....... IM:Allei11• Mottly MW'l'f todly. u,tlt ......... __ .. , ,_ ,. _ _. for ~ -- 1"ncl& "'otlt Mid moml119 '*"'-DIC8Mo __,-w ...--a ... -r-~ '"' .... ~., 10 to 1• knotl '" .,,.,.. lat ..0: "' • Syrian hrlpdler ...... ::,,... ~ W TlfHdey, Hltill .._ and four Syrian cokme11 c1minc tbe Cottt•I t.mpw ..... ,......-frerll .. i..eu raid-into Lebaon lllt Wednelday. -= ~ ~-:.:•:;:::.. ~ ,,.._ PoUlkal ..,_ tn Tel A'1v aid tbe cap-s M ,..._.__ wr. bu~ In diplomatJc ••, ~ • _. bargaining UD!,lor ft•f In JllWOlom lot a -""" ............ ,,,.,.... •• 11111 eachanle ol war prllOnera. -""~.,._.., .,,,..,. u Jn bis ipeecb to • colledlve !arm ,.,,. Nth ............ 11:a"""' "' ='Allon •kl 1lrlel ii ptpll'td ta ''"' ................. A1lta.lft. .... • •• ~ II t• Arab ltcft Motl .......... 1.. .... .... ... w ' :::,-':°..O i';ii;:;,;: =~::t~ enJal!~ IS In F.c1PUan aod M1M 1-. 0111,._ ... ,,.. .. ""' ....,-• ..-. a. .. I -V.ry nice, Htlnryl Now Mw'd )'OU mMtl out business wise?' /, b _ .. tttd ~"*" " ,.. • "" .,... WM' PIP« tty •i• •.m.. ·can .tM )'WI' ftlll'f' ..iit bt """"" .. """' C.lll .,.. ... -ti 1:• ··~ lel!lf"MY ... lunRy1 " ,.. .. "" ..... 1'0Wf" ~ try • •.m. ""'"""· ., • ··""' hndey, t.tll n • _., wm 119 ..._.. • """ c... .,. •k9'1 1#1111 ..... T1iepl>onn ""*" °""" c:o.n1., ...... • ....... .... ............. ~ .... •• Wlltmlfllfw .••. " ........... . ... c-... --IMJUffl~CM ....... IWlfl ~ 1Atlltt NllUlf ,. , ..... , 7 7 • Grange £east EDITION • • , .. voe.. ~s. NO. "178, 3 SECTIO_NS, 34 PAGES· ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • M()to!D,._ Y, JUNE 26, 1972 II· Die; W~eken·d Termed 'Worst' • Ill Weary Orange County Conner's of. ficert today logged their Utb dettb In a 48-bour period described by them u the wont in county history. El Toro Marine James Daniel Lopez, 11, became the !Ith falallty at one minute after midnight thls morning when he suocumbed In Slnta Ana Community Hospital to gunshot woundll'lrblcb police Illes• were lnlllcled by a buddy. . Santa Ana police aatd Lopez wu show· lne bis newly purchUed .2kallber revolver lo friendl In 1111 a.,.-SW.. day nJghl and WU tuctinc the_ In- to biJ watJtband when fellow Marine Ray All"'\ Jobnam, II, a11o· ol the El. Toro bl!e, reached !Gr the IUD aDd a iOcoad look at tbi! WNJMll. Police aaid the 0flllll dilcbarpd and Lopez ..... llllOl ln tfi& cbost. The ·.YOUD& Marine died lwo boun ~tu. omcm llid Jolmacn wu.turned ov.er to.mllit&l)' polJqe bu\ !be deallfllu bem oll!dally llslfd u ac:ddenlal. Two , «1-.tbl in tba . ...ib COUllll' aru Sunday belped lo ....n atatl.ltlcl ...... piled clurq arm,. County'• black -tend. ' Y-D. carter, It, ol'Valloda dlod -her --left the San Die(o·FreewaJ·lil the Oal..-Drlvt ...... Olllcen wbo llid -Culor appanllllr Joit coalnll ol lbe" car ""1nd her bodJ lit )'Um away from the·wrectid veblele. La..-E. lfcKJm.y, n, of lfoo- tellello, died «> the ame ffteway when bit ooodbbound .aulo ttruet the 'rear ol ...,iber car, IJIUD out ol COJ!lrol and IDIUbed ..... the center divider In the Jeffre)'--. ~ WU""""'"""' dead «I 11' mu at'i:nace County lftdlcal cmer 111 mbmlM latar. A llawlJ01 man and biJ woman _,.. were tbnJwn from ·bit auto SUnclay when the car wen\ out of control, oil the Orte&• HJcllway and over a :ioo. foot cllff about a mile east of the San Jutn fire statlon. !Miner's officers ldellttlled the dead man as Dale McCracken. 21. He was list- ed as deod OD arrival at Ml.Won Com- munity Hospital. On the critical list with bead Injuries In the same hospital _,_'!_ McCl-acken'1 passenger Victoria Ev..,. Pierce, 19. A young f1W1mAn who came out OD the N.Y. Steek• TEN CENTS . County wrong end or an encounter with 1 Westminster store Clerk SUnday wu identified by coroner's o(Ocen today u Terry Lee Hannon, 23, ol Orange. Police d alm. Hannon entered an all night market at 5511 Westminster Ave. pointed • sbo~ at the clerk and d .. mand ed the eontents of Ille cash regmer. 'Ibey aatd llarmoo pocketed Ill banded lo him and then ordered the clerk to the back of the store. At th at point, police (See COl\ONER, Poge I) Coastline ' . ~Ult, 0hn, Martha Asks I ·Protection · nm· Killed Bills to Alter Freeway Future To-Get Hearings Billa .to alter the fulare ol the Paclllo Coat FrMway were 1chedulecUor bear- lnet Iii the state Smttte lodty. ·A bW by state Seu. Dennis Clrpenter, (!\-Newport Beach) wbJcb would ellml· nate the entn route, .,... due lo go be- fiire, the Senate Tl'lnsporttUon Commit- tee at 2 p.m. today. 11we are upectlng it ·to leaff the commlttee IOmttlme th1s week," said 1 a spokesman for the tenator. Asoemblyman Robert ,Badbim'• (II· Newport Beach) blll, .eeklng the ellmJ. oatiml only of the ir.tway 1 e gm en t throaCb Newport Beach, Is ttlll OD the Senate floor awaiting its tb1n1 retdlng . .'The bW went to them on Friday but bas nol been moved yet,• the Carpen. tu tpoWman 111d. Carpenter Is tbepbenllng Baclbam's bW tbn>lgb the Senate and bas been . waiting for the most opportune time lo brln( It up far a vote. • "'nle ... ator Is waiting to ... bow the boue Is today and If all the voles • be .-are tliett, be will puab It," the spokelmall uld. 'l'lle Senate wu clue to convene at 4 .p.m. \ I Officia~'s· Wife Renews P"lea to Leave ltalned tba <Jlflalm and · the bedroom t.tlefh• badlliten ripped from the wall. -· lln. lfllcl!ell today apln pbad UPI'• Belen Ttiomu taylnc a ~ -' for the'~ ...,,. mlltte ''pulled the ·~ ·out ot the will" to stop ber"from tilting. "I hope .you print Ill*~" ahe lald. 'To have tbla jerk ••• thls cberac:ter come In and pull the telepholle out of the will." She told lflal Tbomat abe WU In her Martha bed In her bedroom at her Newporter Inn villa when the Incident OC<Umld. "U you could -me, you wouldn~ believe It," abt conlldtd to the ' . . WubJnclon reponer the lfl1dltlla ,._, "rm black and blue,' I'm a poUtlcaJ: prboner." She aaid her husband 111ggested ahe re- . main In California. "I'm leaving him unUl he decides to (See MARTllA, Page I) * * * •captive!' Neurporter Backs 'Priso ne r' Cl,aim • . . . :Ne~rt Bid to:,Overturn S1SOO in Gear Stolen From . Ne~rt Boat • A printer ham Alllanibra Ylalttd his a.· foal IOllbt -la N..,.....i llartlot Sil "6 ... dil11Ned ii01t1e01W Md plrotod ,..i of its~ • ...... J. SomJ, wlloot lloal .. -- at IU7 lllnldt Dr!... told DOllco the 1 thltl look ""1 1111 ufitt anc1 liloct and tactJo .... aoed lo -a mailer din&bY GD &be , .... ,, tnnlOati. i-1ii .. ...,.iUio11cuewufllll, --"' taVtlllplon. I delay IGftin&"the 177·o<re Collini Radio COmpuy property aci-. camJllll DrlTe from the IQ.acre McDonntll Donllia tract, but Newport Beach olllctaJs pcilnt out tbel the tmlller percel, In Irvine, wu .....i for commortjah.....,._ bolore Irvine -~ Cllld ii tllII IOllld that Wfttf. . Sc>ur<el at Newport Beach City Hall In- dicated that lrvlno may not be able "' comply wtlb the ~ ........... ''lfd>omell ~ will do u It dllnl pleues," tbe h1&b leYel ~ llld, "U ii WU able to roll ..... the bic <0aDtJ bOw ... .._ ... lbq (lnlne -) lo llllnk they can llO( tba mlChty Md>oo- nell llaQPI. 11cDon111 Dou11at w1n ..... 1n and ro11 ..... that illtle oouncll," be•uld. Tllo ....-. aid tbat be by .. -.,... tryior lo Imply lbal It would IUt a.,uq unclerbandid lo -pllsb the Ol>Jectl.._. - 'They'll late them lo 1lmcb .... talk ~ ~ ~ or tbl u11111~ val~· 'They are ....,, l d«l't care bow ...n. !nledloned Ibey are, and I'm 11n they are. ftoJ wOI be Influenced lo pl wbal llcDoaDell llouilu wanU.'' .. • Gun~en '.Hold Up Restaurant, Get . . . ' $6,QQO in Cash NO DRUNKS QF-.ANY COLOR " SAN FRANQSCO (AP) -A rule lwur· · !1!f alJove lbe her at a -ant fn NOrtb B..m IM'GDCll, "We do not eerve dnmb, d. any race, creed or col-r." · . ' ........ ,,_ lblbbom _,,.,. - m tllII baqlnf around the °" ange cciut, but the wealbetlad)' ' ' ,... clear skies In the aJtemooa l'uetday. ll1gbs •'II. Lows In !be 80'1. INSmE TODAY Land Pfddling it • biU .... dollar bUllMU in florido .... manv b•ven find th<tl can't •• load tMir inveatrrMtntl vMn promit., of "drecm l410M" fall lo lllGterioliz•. SH 11ort1, POii' 7. -" ... -. -. ---g , c:ua 14f " ........... --. ...... , 11 "' ""1111 ...... I -.. ,. "" I M ....... ,. • .......... -,. --. --. --" ...... "''' ............ ,, == : -.; I ' J DAILY PILOT N W.Newport Roads Topic At Meeting .......... 1 / Viets Give Reeo.rd ~Fails ~· " MARTIIA MITCHELL. • • ' Newport Beocb councilmen tonight will •lu<IJ me1n1 ol Improving street& in the West Newport bluffs ar•a to handle crow· Ing tralllc burdell! as lhe preu o/ de~ bosina tliett. The «111 '"*' artery through the blufll ii SupertOr Avenue, a lwlsling tw .. lane road that bas long drawn complaints ol Ila inabillty to handle peak traffic loada. . . Councllmfn tonlg!lt will decide whether to iwroye the coooept ol a major ... te-· of Bllboa Boulevard norlh from Padllc Cout HJilnray all the w11 to Adana A....,. in Coola Meoa. 'l1loy wlD allo MD•idtt an ameodmenl to their mu11r.p1an ol -tbet would permll ,tJio -Ind upJll'ldini of 15th StRet l'ell ol ~ AJ-The need !or action was brought to a head becauae of the lint planned con- 1tructioa on 8-Ltd. prop¢y wt1t of Superior A venue. ")Vt i..11 to oooalder this ezlenslon now -... lbe feeder rood !run the Robert Granl -plex -a JIOO.W>lt condominium -II 1cbOcMecl to run from Slqlerlor, tbrouch !lie development and onto an tx• tended !$th Street," Slid Public Works Director JOIOph T. Devlin. . Tho caildomin• ... ln quelllon lrt to bt jlOlllinlclld -SWerlGr Avenut lrom the v.....m. .., tbe lllUlfl •Plrlmfllts. Derill aid .11111 -wUl tvenlullly ' <roll ......,. llllboa Boulavard and ~ -111111l ll du1Hnda 11 PICll!c Coul ...., mor lht West' Newport SJoaP. "ID ...,,. to wkfnl the estwkn, .... will bt "*Inc lbll 11111 bt -- -Ill -llalUI to a -.ry bl~ ... DnUa aid. 'We llevt to mab thl1 nwlor plan chan!ll --lboul hall of Ille ... le...., -.,._ Superior and ~ llreel -will run through ...,,. ly !" lit aid. . ' -the county will have to a4cl Ntd to Ill IDllfor plan Ind help oul wllll lbt -. .. Devlin ldded. Pllm ... alto In lht worb to -a ,...,...,irn4 -of Balboa llOlllmld ....., Cout lllPnY and Ihm ~ to the Banta Ana RI ... into Coola Jim. I , ·~ It ~ end al Memo Slreol," Dnlln oald, "but lbll WOD'I bt for • Wboe ,.t." lolve Ille camJlllln," Mn. llltcbell aid. "r lovt my huaband .. ry much, but I'm no IOl"4 to otand for all ~ dlrly lblaca tbet ...... '"l'bll 11 DOtbloc bul a -and ... .-•• '"°* .... l WHEELS .•. Guinea and the Phlllpplnu. He then 1m1ed alternately u the Anlly attacbe'ln the U.S. embaHieo ln M-. Afgbanlllan and Turlcey, chlef·of Ille U.S. Army Europe Intelligence Center in C'rermany and as a fuJl..Oedged agent for the Central Intelligence agency. About the. latter duUes, which lutod two yean, Mynderse can't say much. "Jt•s just one or thOle things," he saya ol the secrecy required. Mynderse al10 dodgea most quesllons about hlmleU and hil mllltary ex• periences. He says he prefers to "concentrate on the job at hand ." Mynder1e Jell the 1ervlce In Itel u a full colonel, alW commanding &uJded milalle air def...,. unJta In El P110, Tex. "I came out here wlt!I my farnlly - Mynder&e Js married with three children -and enrolled in law school. 'lben I saw the job adverlised," he said. "I inunedlatelJ ·aent a reswne, but not befcre I did a comprehenllve study of the refuse eolltcllon in -other citlea. I aent that study plu1 aome recom· mendatlons for Newport Beach wltb my resume," Mynderse saJd. "! think !bat Is what swung the job my way over 150 other applicants,'' he said. He and his family now live at 1753 Skylark Lane In Newport Beach. Some of Mynderse'a orJginal sug~ gestions are now incorporated ln the city'• openting plans. Amoai them is a l)'slem ~ ,called Work Lold lndlc1tors -lhll comparea lhe amounl of wiri: done, employe time and COiis lncumd over a period of yw1. Mynderse said when be came to the cJ. ty in 1113, there were, for esample, 33 refuse collectors plck!nf up 22,000 tons of garl>ege annually. Today, nearly 10 yetn1 later, there are only 32 employes and Ibey are collecting 42,000 tons a year -almost twice the volume, but with one leu man on the job. "The name of the game is doing the best job for the least money and tbat means streaznlln!"' and updating,'' Myndmellid. Myndene hal added newer, more modern trucks to the reluae fleet and may'°"" perltcl a system-now only in the teal •Ill• -wilicb will ... just one man on .,cb truck inltead of the usual two. He alao bu replaced flall>ed lrub trucU with modern poct...typa trucks. He baa added newer, futer and bdter lractorl and ullllty trucb ·Died .., the Fred Kollorsz Services Set ·• beaehel•Jn-alley1•ofNewporl Beach. For W~esday Amonc -la the llapbip -M10-dene'1 favorle ~ He calla II Ille Queen Mary becl\111 " Its lisll and llW' way It 11111 lll>QQthly over deep beach aanci., : · ~ A-il111e pacldoader aarbac• truck .,. Funeral 1erVlce1. will be conducted one of the biggest avallable -It ls equip. Wednesday for Fred Kolloniz, Jong.tJme ped with airplane balloon tim and •ix· Newport Beach resident wbo. died Fri-w!teel drive and used lo pick up trash on day of a heart attack. th• beaches. Mt. Kollorsz, 73, wu vi!iting frJendJ ''She's never been stuck yet," Myn. in Pacolma· when he wu lllrfcken and d.,,. 1ay1 proudly. dlod lhortly allor arriving at a local "We are concerned witb ecoloCY, and bolpltal. we're. working hard to Improve It in OW' He Wll a retired painter and interior &w. amall way," Mynderae added . • clecol'.ator who wu emploYed by the Wll-"We are uperinenllng wltb natural llam ~ Kelly firm of Orange, plior to gu fuels ind other non-polluting ltema, rellremellt.. and we have uted for a vacuum lruct to A ff.year resident of Or1D1e County, cltan ·oul. tbe ·stonn drainl without ,.i.. Mr. Kolloraz was 1 member of N°"i · ting the litter In the hlJ." port Harbor Elka J.¢111 1787. Memberi . ''We tnow theM aren'I Ille only of the lodge wm otflclale al ,the f)meral, ~ bul we're .working on the pro!> eel for 2 p.m. ·al PacUlo \rlew Chapel. lem, ' Mynderae noted. 1 Mr. Kollom leaVeB hil wife, Mathll· da, of the I~ home .In Newport Beach: bro~ Richard, of. Hollywood and Gerhard. of G~any and lwo 1Js. ters, ' iclara Knoelllnger of Pasadena and Sophia Ruppel of Germany. ' Crash Laid to Bomb SAIGON (AP) -Informed aource1 say a bomb on board probably caused the June 15 crash In the central blgblandl of the Cathay Paclllc Airways felllner In which 81 persons died. • DAILY PILOT 1't °""'II C..t DAILY PILOT, wftll wM..lt II OMM!Md fltt NfWl.Preu,. h PIA!llU!ed by tlll OmGf (OIJI PftllatllflCI COnlpen'f, S.,.. raM WlllOl'll Ir. Pllbllsllld. Moftdly llll'Olllft ,,...,, fW COii• M-.. NtwJIOl'f leldt. HW!lfl""9ft 8tldllfllllllllln Y1lley, Utun• 8..cll. l"lttt/kddllbldt ft S.n CllfNtllt/ IM J111n CIP!tl1'9M A arnol• ,...loMI •1tlon k .-Cltiflld llMdlYt ..,. $\llllU'(lo 1'he prlndpll pt,llllW.'"9 PMlnt II 11 3JO Weil l1r ltrttt. a.ti Mt$1, C.lffomlf, n6U. Sea Temperature On Chilly Side Deapite chilly ocean temperatures all weekend, Newport Beach aunbath,... numbered 150,000 and boal tralfic wu heavy both Satunt11 and Sunday. Light to moderete wlncla of 10 mpb SUnday and seven mph Satunlay helped avoid major boating accldenta, according to the Orange County Harbor Patrol. Newport Beach llleguar<ls i:oported no riptides and a total of only nine re...., during the two days. More than 200 IUrlm reportedly put up with three-loot waves. The jellyflsb problem waned markedly and life1Uarda ,.Id Ibey performed only 118 first aids, below average for a IUDl· mer weekend. Li&bt crowds on Saturday, to,000 11 compared to SUnday'a 90,000, were at. tributed to cloudy eariy·mornlng skies in- land. 11me. and l'ln lr>'lnc ID pl my llllbtnd ou1 of.ft,"• lold the Dally Newt. Althouo ~ llltcbell ~ lht - ty --ace: .... --Ille =to~ N"' ver11-. in W-rtw<ilimiJ,illll.NeWYorti- noWlllt ........... DOI In -It Ille country dub. Arriving In Rye on Sunday, Mra. Mltcbell uld "AU I want Is my buabtnd back. ''There 11 no JUJOD for ua to be in- volved in pollllca," abe Slid In• penonal intervltw wltb a ~Y New1 reporter. Tbat te"°"'1" oboerved bondqes on the ring and ' middle flnpn of Mn. Mltcbell'1 Jell hand, where abe .. Id a pbyllctan bad sUtched up culs 1Uffered whtn she was .,beaten up." She lhowed the reporter bruists on her arma and l>lalmod Ille hid otherl on her thlgbl. ''llley're alrald of my bonelly," she aa1d, .. Yes, Martha'• honesty." "I WU O patrtol uptµ . I got a~slnated. What COW)try can I 10 to?" she asked. Tbe recont revelations about Mra. Mltcbell'1 t!x-day visit to Newport Beach !bat endecl late Saturday or wiy Sunday, only partially, 1n1Wer 10me of !ht q_,. t!Ona ralHd by lncidftits following !ht Thunlday fiery phone call. . A very w .. ry Johi1 Mit<bell has denied he flew to b1a wlfe'a side this put week. but reporter Thomas uld there w11 · a marked change in the former attorney generaJ'a tone of voice in a telephone con- versation Batu~. Mitchtll, who during a conversation following the first telephone lDcident was breezy, casual and said jauntily "She's great," in a subsequent conversation sounded to Mias Thomas to be ''sad and weary.'' Today in Waablngton a apokmnan for the Committee for the RHlect!On of the President, which Mitchell heads, said the former attorney generol would have no commenl on Ille rect11I allo&•llona of hil wlfe. "Al far 11 Mllcbell IJ.CDllCUllOd lhls IJ a penoDll matter," tbe spokelm•n aid. "He hu no comment." -quosllon 11111 ---~nature of lhl band wounds I were repor1«fly treated by a Har pbysldan on Frtdly. From Pagel CORONER ... U.S. List Of24POWs Prom Wire Service• The U.S. government has received a list of 24 U.S. Air Force and Navy of· ficers ldentlilod by. the North Vietname1e 1overnmenl as having been captured 1lnce 1970, Pentaaon officials said Satur· day. Nlne or those 24 men had previously been listed only .. missing In action (MIA) and their status as pri.soners was uncertain. Fifteen bad already been listed ., prisoners. Roz ~mb of the POW-MIA lnterna· tlonal office in Tustin said thil morning that none or the .men involved in the disclosure are from Orange County. Membera of Ille Orange County POW- MIA group checked the list as llOOll ~ii was made public and found rio nunes from the area, "as far M we know," she said. The list was given to the U.S. Embassy in Paris Friday night by Walter Sohier, an attorney acting on behalf or Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (]).Mass.). "We understand Sen. Kennedy had been infonned the list l'as avallab1e, and that he wed Mr. Bobier to obtain It from the North Vietnamese delegation in PU.is and bring it to the U.S. embaSsy," the Defense Department statement said. The families or the 2' m~ have been informed, the statement said, The Pentagon confirmed receipt of the list after some of the families reported they had been noljfied. The nine previoUJly lilted u . missing are Lt. Albert Rick Mollnare, Lt. Aubtty Allen Nlcboil, Lt. Carol Robert Beeler, Maj. Edward K. Elias, Maj. Jamea Phillip Padgett, Lt. Stephen Anthony Rudloff, Capt. William Glenn Byrna, Maj. William Hanson Talley Jr. and Capt. William Raymond Bean Jr. The other 15 are: Lt. Cmdr. David W. Hoffman, Capt. Edward A. Hawley, Maj. Gale Albert Desplegler, Capt. James Di-... cui.. tler, Lt. (jg) Jamel Eugene Kernan, Capt. Kenneth James Frasier, Maj. Ken- neth Richard JOOnlon. Firat Lt Kenneth Rotb Wells, Maj. Leland Louis Hlldelrand, Capt. Lynn 11ld, the clerk grabbed a we1poo and Ellis Guentebr, Lt. (Jg) lforrls Alphooso lbol illrmon lhroqb !ht bearl. Charles, !st LI. Ra1pb William Galati, IJt Offi..;.. today refuied to Iden""' the Lt. Samuel Richard Vaughan, LI. ·-· _, Thomas Bennett Latepdtts1e and Capt. clerk pendlll( further Investigation of the Wllllain Ralph Sd!werlfeger. holdup. The Defense Department withholds ad- The coroner'• bulk:y SUnday io; allO dre,... and names of nm of kin of men recorded the doth of a VIClllanlng CBJ!IUred'« mllaing. 1-froa1 Vandijlf, Ollfo,,.wllo,cllod In iis most recent summary issued two In the Lapa lllllll area wheil ibe fell dSJt lfO, tbe Peolqon lilted lilO o--..lbe handle hara of her -bicy· Americana captured.~ in\e<llf!l 1'ffl 1,111!, bicycle. -I ap mJaai[ll. ~· I j ,~ ··it· r q yt ,,·.11111• c.i.et'• offlcen . aid ·"llebteea ' 0 Ruallof=·, 17 ~~ dliwn a lleep In' ... ,.. ... -~ 1 · ' cllnt ~ · >'lll&dl! lllllll Part wben · ··" .-"' ... .,. .,., •"' · • :~y: , a'pplkil her Int• 1oo ANAHElM· ~·. ·:, Miss Rusher died a 1bort time later at ' MIMlon Community Hoepltal -what lsiued a atatement from Hawail where he were delcrlbed u muaive head lnjuria. ' Saturday'• death toll Included the name of a Loi Alamltoo man wbo >\led in Alamltol We.I Convalescenl .HOl]lilal from bullet woundl IU!lered last year. HOlpltal offlciall said Melvin Melater, 24, bad been in • coma lbrougbout hil aix monlhl . stay la lbe boopltal. The sboollng · that led to Meister'• !Ital wounda IJ llllll under lnvesllgallon. Olller f.w;u.. lilted by the -·· . office du?lng the weekend Include: · --Jamei H. Peteraon, 28, of Anaheim • who dled behind the wheel of hil jeep when II fell the San Gabriel Freew11 · near Seal Beach. Coraoer'a officers aid Petenon ap. parently i..t control of the vehicle which left the freew11 and pluniod down an embankment. -Marvin E. . Gruber, SI, of Loi An&elel, who was beaten to death during a acufll• among lpeetalorl watching a Roller Derby at the Anaheim Convention Center. No armta hive been made today and Anaheim police said Gruber'• death was •llll under invatigaUon. is Vacationing. '•Anytime there ls sµspicion' .throw!\ upon the actions of city oUicla)s, I feel the public and tbe city orncilla de1m1e a complete investigation immediately," Clark ~id. _ Barry Marki, Clark's executive aalJ. taut, said the IUpervisor did not intend to infer anr wrong doing by ..,,..itng an investigation, "but lie Is concerned tbal the official's· reputation and thi public's trust could be harmed wlthopt one, even ii there has been no wrong doing." The Grand Jury Is acbeduled to con- vene Tuesday morning. Foreman Otto Schmldlen said Friday the jury would In· vestlgate only ii a complaint were issued. Chief Deputy Dislrlct -Allorney James Enligb! uld his office was pursuing sec- tions of the Governmenl Code to find out if the alleged land deals are BpeCi!ically oollined .. cmfllct& ol interm. - That's the Way tlie Ball Bounces • , • -Tllo illllllllaioa 8ucb Jada who II!\ DUI Frtday •to bieak the world's remrd !or contlnuoul plog poog playing didn't make it. THEIR PAlll!NTS llloppe!I them 1t 4 a.m. Sunday af~r 37 hours when ~ the 14-year-o1d best friends C<aJ)d no longer ,.. the bait, The world's record Is !O• hours. • · Richard SeDers. of 1628[ Newcastle Lone, ~d Blll Markwood, ol r/12 Callterbury Drive, had. •arlifr said Ibey could do anything Ibey set out to do. "THEY DIDN'T want to stop," said Richard's grandmother, Mrs. Lillian Adams, this morning. "Bui they were so groggy they couldn't see the ball. They jll!t "Weren't going to make It." · She added tllal the boys am going to study endurance techniques and try again later this awnmer. t Councilmen to Take Up High Rise Ordinance ·' There's a Jot of work on &:p for Newport Beach city councilmen when they plunk themselves down in their chambers tonight at 7:30"0'cloc:k in city hall. Among major itema.on the 'genda: -A controversial high rise ordinance establishing height controls all over the city. -Bldl for conslrul!llon of a (emporary addition to the police station. -An fucrease of five to 1ix percent in From Page J SURCHARGE • • • begin !Ulog tmmedtately 10r comdemM· lion ol lhe part Illa to be purchased. He !eels the addltlonal 10 centa -ii tbe surcharge la tbel much -would bring In $310,000 In each of Its two or t11ree·year1• ..-.. plenty to buy the Cliff Drive view part illte in hil dislricl and the United llfetbodill Church prop. er!Y on Balboa llland. "And anf other sites !bat we mlgbl lose it we dOn'I act quickly.'' be notea. Carl Artl>ofer, who led the campaign against the prol>Oled bond islUe in lbe .June 6 election, lw already begun grad- ing a parcel on' Cliff Drive on wbJch be wants to build a house. Officials of the Balboa Island Metho- dist congregation have offered t h e i r former church, property on Agate Ave.- nue to either. fbe city, or the Balboa Island Improvement Auoci.atlon. Association members some time ago tndlcated they would be willing to raise the money to buy the proper!Y ii they had to, even thou(h the park would be open to the general public. Funds for acq~tion were propoeed, however, in tbe llJ.:fated bond U1SUe. . Little else hr lhe' ~ city sP<lidJng document 1Ubmitted by Wynn and SOJne. what alterecj by,~ ls ~ to !rigger ~4(1y~t, lioW.Ver. altliough !hf ciiSI of pollce hellcoplers spurned a minor debate ~~nowhere Saturday morning. ~ A handful of residents appeated at the special sessloo urging a cooperative pr .. gram with neighboring cities, but coun- cilmen expressed little in(:erest ·in acting on such a thing at this time. Young Explorer . : Caught in Rut Christopher Columbu!' men r t 1 t e d falling oU the edge of a world they fetrecl was flat. Shawn Young, of 3245 Broad St., New· port Beach, just foond himself in a bole on his own expedition.' "Jeff Johmon, of 324( Clay St., WU leader of an erpedltion to explore I h e dra1Jl pipe l\nder lbe Newport ilreeway into. the Back Bay, 0 said the Newport Beach Fire Department's weekend log today. "Shawn was too small to climb out of the ditch after exploring the drain.'' the rescue report · CCl'ltfuued. Fireme1flftte dlspatebed, but the little boy's lathff arrived first and liOisted his errant explorer out of the deep' chamel onto higher gro1md. the city's bed tax. -A proposed ordinance govunlng troth> in real estate salea. -A decision on how t.o use nelf. revenues from the sales tax on gasoline. _ -A proposal to hire a consuJtant tO: prepare the coastal element of the city's general plan. ' -tmployment contracts with the city's three employe associations. -Creation of a new mnitlg tool that - where implemented -would do away with duplexes as they are known t.oday. · -A proposed 18-unit condominium on Lido Peninsula. -Tough controlsJOn outdoor lighting o~ tennis courts and other recreatlona} areas. -Additional con.9truction in the North Bluff area souµtwest, of the inter.section of East Bluff Drive and Vista Del Oro. AU lhese Items will be considered along with the proposed city budget and !ht proposed commercial develoPJQent of the Collini Radio Company property nur Orange County Airport. Newport Lawyer Ordered to Face Court Action Newport Beach attorney Eyerett Eldon Stone has been ordered to face aro raignment July Z5 ID Orange : County Superior Court on •barit1 lbal be bribed a wiint3S who lestilied for blm durtnc Slooe's lewd conduct liial' In ceotra1 Orange County Judicial Dlslrtct. • Judge Jame! Tur!lfiOfre!cl'Stone, 41, m hll'¥omlsocto·appt!it .-prov~ the lawyer wltb'* CC>jly"of 1•Grililf JU1'jo Jn. dictment !bat charges him with br1b1nf a l\'ilness and,lulJornation of perjury. II Is al1egod lbal Stone, who pracllcee law in Tustin and llvea In Newport •Beach, offered Witness Richard Willilm Chapin ft,000 to tesUfy in bis defense on !ht substance of a conversation between Stone and a policeman last Oct. 21 in tbt men's room at a Santa Ana.park. Stone was convicted by a jury in Jlldge Paul Mast'.s· Santa Ana courtroom on charges or misdemeanor lewd conduct A county jail term and a $500 fine were suspended by Judge Mast, who placed Stone on probation. . ·That conviction was appealed by Stone and Is scheduled to be ·beard thll mi>nlb by 1lte Superior Court'• appellate divillon. Grand JJrY memben were told lhll Stone offered Chapin $1,000 to testily In his behali al tbe municipal court trial. 11 is .also alleged tbat the lawyer a<> tually paid $500 of tbat 1um In return for Chapin's false account of a conversation be never beard. 60% Give Nixon OK PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -Presid•nt Nixon's performance 1n office appeara to have the approval of a majority ~ Americans, according to a Gallup Poll. -Long Beach attorney Eric Rose, 69, who died wben hil car coillded wlib a flrt truct' at a Garden Gme Jm.necllon. Rose was liited aa ilead .., arrival al a nearby hoopltal. RACITI'S -Lena V. OVledo, 14, of Santa Ana, who died wbin a car drlv• by her Jiua. baiid collided with another t;ltlcle al a S1nta Ana lnteraectlon. . Mra. Oviedo ..... pronounced dead on amval at Santa Ana Community Hospital, Her Q.1'ar-old bulbud Henry i1 today in crlUcal condition al the wne bolpital. . COSTA MESA. JEWELRY :& LOAN . ' I • . • .-~~~~--~~..... ;-~~~~~ ........ - Z :,'{.;'I -' I ~.:;-",. ' .... ~,, I f , NIKON FTN 35111111 CAD ' with FENDER JAGUAR ELECTRIC RoNrt N. W1M ,.,...._,. 1no MtlsMr J1ak It. Curl1y VICI ""lclttlt Md Otritttl Ml11111tr Will The Plaza Become lfJ • 86mm ZOOM SOLID BOQY GUITARS THRll Th''"'' K11Yi1 Eclltot no1111s A. Mvrphi111 Mll'llllnt Eflf'W L P1t1r Krieg """*1 hlO (l1r Editor ... .,... ..... OMcit JJ)J N1wport lt11l1v1r4 M1Ui111t Mtlrttu P.O. lox 1171, f266J --'0.11 MIMI: • W11t hy llfWt ...... e.ctll m ,.,._, AWflllf ........ .. tc:IU 11171 8MCll ~trd .. ow.it.: IOJ fWftl II Clll'Wlw lltNI .,. ..... (7141 '42.CJJl = n • .u..rtt1111 ua.u11 = rm. Orwllt QW ~ .. .... ...... ll!wtn ..... ......, .,. ~INMMtl ....... -........ --""' _ .. .,..... ....... ==-..=-·--i--ii· ..... 4117.:;, ':...::~--= -., .. ....,,. • Among World's Largest? South Coul Plua will become one of the largest 1hopplng centera In the -Id if a plu caillng for its expa113lm by 50 percent Is approved by the Coola Mt11 Planning Commission lonlght. Drawings of the new wlna, estimated al $10 to $12 million, will bt unveiled before the planning commlaa!On at 1:30 p.m. by the Segmtrom lamlly. . No difficulty la fore.teen In commllllon approval of a m11terplan amendmeol allowing the t!0,000 oquare foot eddltlm, com1ating of a Bulloci<'1 1lort and - 40 llnaller shopo. The tw..level addition ol mall ahopt will coMect to the •rilling center to form a T .., !ht north end near Jlelr Street. City P~ Director . Bill Dunn estlinated the value of the compla, Jn. cludlng lwo hlgl>riat parting atructuret, bet-$10 to $11 mlllloa • Tho Sqentlam CompoDJ, bullden <I.. the ~ ..... plau, eOIOlc1 llol .. cqotacted toda)' lo -tbtl -'1'e1'11 proMblJ belle -uelloa • Wiik tram now," llld Dim. • .,,., a- pect to 111 .. ~ ~ ID _, September of -year.'' ' Tho Bullock'• ltoft wlD bt ... .... point of lht -oddlllm ..... ...... U5,0llO oquare ltll. Tiit can• •nllc area meuura U rnllUce -- ' l•K yoltow toN .-_ _....., _, . ~1.95 •335 .PION•R IPIAKIU ,llOW '225 • .. :.2~·:r d .. ...... ' ... ,, .... Cl'• PAii BACITI!'S . con• MllA lllWILllY • LOAN 1• "'J!!! &~ DOWllTOWll COSTA 'MllA • ...... • ....... , ..... "!,.,, I ' \ a HOURS f-6 DAILT CLOUD SUN DAT TO CHOOSE FROM •150.., • Pawn Shop PHONI -·7741 I I I ' 7 • ·Brang~ ~asi IDITION' * ORANGE COUNTY, CAOFORNIA . • • Tetlay's l'hlal N.Y. Steeb c TEN CENTS ~$Guth Coast ~i~§a Expansion llnr.eiled South Clout Plaza may becOme one of the three largest sboppinc cm1m In the :wprld. -: The Secerstrom Family today an- IJOllDctd plan.s to expand the two-level e.-~ by more than 450,000 llq1WO feel, an addiUon valued between ·tt• ml l12 mllllon. 0nw111p ·1or lhe oew wing were to be unveiled before the Colla Mesa Planning Commillion at I: 30 o'clock tonight In city ~-bers. ,,_No dlfficulty ii fore 1een to. the com-w mission's approval Of I muwrplan omendmeot· which woold &!low coo- ·-o1 the addition ~stlnc of eo new stores and sbopo, lndlored to I ma-' jor departmenl store. Bullock's, a division of Federated Department Stores, today annouoced that it is negotiating with South Ooast Plaza ftr the anchor pooition. It will measure ll0,000 lq\llre feel. '!be stores will be added .to the eidlting two-level mail leodlng west ,from the Olrousel Court to furm I T on the Mr1b • ' . . . eJ!d ol·lhe C<Oter at Btar-. "Alter tbis upanslon Is completed, I ·Tl\e propo$<d lcldition will "°"'plete the Soi.tth Coast Plaza will be one of. the ·~ phue of South Ooast Plaza, the Wgest ~ · cen\era In· the Uliited largest ~ center In Orange Cow>-states," said, Gene '.Roq.is, &....,.a\ ty. 1ts eslstillg 11 sl<hl and • JJlljor manager, o1 South Ooast Plaza and Town departmeot stares annually do '8(1 million • Center, Ibis morning. worth ol bus~. . City Planning Direct« Bill Dunn "Should the commlssloa approve the estimates tile value ol the addltlOn, in- project, South Coast , P!ilu will eclipse eluding two hlgb-rlse porting structures, thO mammoth Ala Moaoa Center In between •10 to •12 million. It will in- Hawail, tile world'·• bf&g..t sbopJlng creue tile C<nter's able by IO pon:t11l. center· until a larg<r lhopping • arta wu '!be Segerslnlm Family, builders, of the • CCll1Slructed In Q\lcaco. ulstlng plaza In 1116$, could not confirm ' • ' ' . ru1se ·.a • ' ·Anaheim ... ffoTake Up Land Case? By aoANNE·RllYNOLDS Of .. Dally l'lllt Sllff Land speculation by two Anaheim city 4 o(ticiab "is likely" to be brought up at the meeting of tile Anaheim City Council Tueaday afternoon, a city officer aug. c..Wtoaar .. X.. Clemens, presa .relations . officer fJ>r Clt1. ~, ... Keith lllurdoch, said J''ln11J!!!-iittW}fill"' .,ic!.11•1 clll· fic:ult to loreCul aomotblng lib Ibis, but • lt'1 llbly.lllat tllO matter. will be referred to .. . . i.rtirto,cli .,. .. ~tor ... w- lbis -.Ing. lilt stall members uld be WU in· I ·mtellng with other city olfleials and , could nol be rucbed for the rest of the day. 'Clemens wu.apel\kln& of charges made Friday that Murdi>cb and 'city Public oWrb Director 'lbonlton E, Plelaall bad mad•· ,subolantial p(Ofits from land ~· ualng Inside information oo pendlng •ctty projectl. 'Both men have denied any """'I doing In the deallnga. "I am proud. of my Investments In Ibis city. I see no reason why I abould not in- vest In it u well u any -cltblen,. ·M:~ told the DAILY PILOI' Friday. Clemena would not sr)ec;ulate u to what action -U any --.Id be laken by the ~;:u:.,~~!~l~f ~ ' (See AN I'll' I) Hijacker's loot May Be· Located . . PERU, Ind. (UPI) -A farmer In the orei where the· hijacker of an American . , A.Jrill!!'I jelllner paratbuled Saturday has found a sack cootainlng a ''very aubstan- till" amomlt of money, the FBI an-_.. wt Dldtenapolis today. <> fte ltijlcker -who may have beeo · lilied in his poracbute attempt -waa ~ llOl,000 In r11110m when he ' juniped. (See earlier story, page 4) · No further detalla were given by the 'FBI escept to say that the beg ap- ~Uy WU dropped, DOI blddeo, and WU found in I field. ' I ...... I n-atubbom morning clouda are atln banging around the Or:. ,anp Cout,, but Ille -therlady •· -cJear "1ee In the afternoon l'tlelday. Hlgbs •11. Lows In the ' I011. . INSIDE TODAY Land Jlfddlioll ii-• biUfon. dollar f>llllM11 In Florida and ""'n' bl<,.,. 1lod IMJI ..,.'t """ lood tlldr lnoutmonts '"""' 11fO!lllltl of "dr..,,. tow!U" fail to TMi.rialUc. See 1'°'1f, l'o9< 7. ...... " Miii .. ..,.,.. • LM ... I ...... l.._,_ lt ~ . ........,_. _..... ... ~a-tr I c.Mcl ,. '""' ,.,,.. " C; was:• 11 """ 1f.1J .................... 1•11 ........... I ""8;111W lt ~·1fl , " ,..... " ' .... ...-. ....... ' ,... ... " .............. ,,.,, ... , p M _,._. 4 --.. • ,.... -# ' I > ' ' > • I ; · ' ) • • ' t ' ' ' . . • , • • • . ',f • • • ' .... ~ ....... 1 t .~ • ' ·• ''' ' ' J ~ I\ " ( l • .CAllS DO'rPARKlNG liOT, l)\IRING ·LAS;r DAY OF, 011AHGE COUNTY ·FAIR ' ' I ' 'Ael-lol View 'sh0ws1 Porlcl"I A_.1 ad C."'lwll Rldoo .,.fol~ 1 • ' . ~ .. ----'--------. l l -! t - ' • ~ . . • ' • ' ·• • . J • • • . I • ' I'!, •. Wo~~-,~car~ Cb41IDpions~p-ROdeo ·C8ps Attacker Awaj ' · · , · ' .. ' . · · · . . in ·Cosiq . M~sq. · · ~~~ay Countr. ·~~ir .·Run · .&u,,r~ ~ Ille 1lei>~1 a o.J,;,Mesa · ' ' ' • l . 1 , woman pried a would-be rapist'• S1DCJtb. . The 1972. ~e·QiunlJ Fair cllmued Orance ~ ~ .did not faro ..-In& bands' from, her 4ace . ..,iy s.... ltsllklayrunln~Mesa~nigbt · wellip,tbe~llonaceptfor<lecqe day,. screamini· ·for, help anc! • f~y · with bombibells, Roman· candles and Gt:ilfitb ol El lfori>"Who .Cl)llUr<!I ' - fighting him off. • . • aerial flrewoni, . in -call .rofiln( and I llltf. BHd.shawi · 5an The 41-year ... td victim who~ ln1be . w!lettier its· att<Ddince ...... eqlially aemem., and" w .. KIJ:l<pllrlck, Corooa 2000 block of Marion Way tmmedtately ' s--'acular --•-..to be · Ince not "de!"-", ~won·· • ••a·t',..•·· in t1te' •··-called a lfieod after the wault'bY.'the """' ··~ • .seen s -. ~ ••N •• r~ ~· poirertully:i..nt'1ntruder. • all ol-· 1ate receipts•!,.. tllo•fmr's roping event. ' ' Her friend then uked 1 viiltor.al'bill . ......i fttkald have~ coontocL . Tbemeolthlsyear'afairwu"Actlon," house to call police, wblle lie -·to • The fair, which was ~cted to at· according to, Fa}(," lflillier , J.J m make sure the dl!traUght worau ~ all tract, a tolaf ':' ~.OIO ·l)le<tators for its Porterfield , 'l!llo )nVlded cootlnuous rigbt. , . • 82l"I ~ -~ !!!Ill b_a~e su!!Ofe!I entertainment for filr opectatinii. Officer Pat Radgel'I wu dilpalcl>ed u somewhat because ol une>P.ecled rains Tbme Included <;ary Puckett and·lho ·aresull>to1helrlend'a~ln'the·JllOO •and~ 1~/ Union G,ap, 'l!llo 1D1<141 •a belated ap-block ol Nevil (]rde t!>roulh • • ~~ ..... ..._. ....._, . -·~~...._·In the notun anil Joca. ".'!' • .,,.. ..,....., .at: Ille -.. . ·never peai'alp hie 17 .... ..ranq IOpd>qn •---m•l..ta\lwl and. t Is •--;ht Iba! 00~ lllcbt; -..s SldJa·tJ>d tlon ol the dislmt calk · • ·-....-1 .qw.,.,,_....• ... \ H; tile Ev-'-Bn>thera·, Tes , ~ polrolman auiJ.iuea11y Mopped the~ did DOl·edi[lllO last,.,..,, -·r ·the;vlotim'a frleod for lnv-.tillllm u he llx:<l;y 'llgure of at,llO. Wllllams; Edd!'! o.,r> and~ . wu driving away to the m o1 the • Bigg~ <kawlni Clrcl of the -itend An, ,...qiedod tlntll(Mlr' Tueoday tempted npe, ,which lwis repartee!' 11\b'd-was lbe ~ -· held bolh :=::/•;;:.=u:i "!i:::~ band. •. • Salunlly and Sunda)', ht featured I lignillcanl dip, in attendance wllldl bad A -.It of the Markin ·Way · uu field ol 250 °"""""from all over tile no· been drawfnr -Jut year's crowd follolrintl the 1:10 a.m. Incident failed to llon.' witU then; tum up 1111 trace ol the .l!Wlpecl, deocril>- ed 111blocl:man.-25to30 yurs old. r • • Mesa Collectors To Take Day Off ' Don' ae1 oul "'8' 11'1111 ·cm ·tbe Fouttll of ~uly U yw Im in Oolta Meil. '!\e prlloat maa . wanls bis holiday too. t ' Beginning with tbla year's fildepeu- _..,,.. Doy, tnoll wilt be picltecl up tbe day alter Iha. bqDdq '!be new policy of the OOala lieu Sanl\ll'Y Dlalrlct will also be In elltcl on Llbor Illy, 'nllnbelrintl. ~ .Doy, New Year's Do, and~ Dq. Prevtously trub -picked up Cll all holidays. • ·Reeord : Fails ·That's the ·way the .Bau, Bou~~ • • that estlinate today but did announce fw1her plan.s fur the llOl1h Ccsi. Mesa aree. Ultimately, the 200-acre South Coast Town Center will include more than 250 stores, shops, aervlces and restaurants: a Western loternallonal Hotel (a 350-room, '15 million faclllty to be completed in mid-1174); glau-w1lled office towers; a firancial center; a medical center, and a !beater district. Plans cafi for construction oo the store additions to begin within 1 week and to have tile project completed by Sept. 1973. ,ea Renews Plea For· Mate To Resign From Wire Strvlcu Smarting from bruises and alleged tn- dlgniU~a received whlle she was a "poliUcal prisoner" at the Newporter Inn last week, Martha Mltcl>ell today ...... w· ed · her telephone pleas urging ber hut- , band to quit Presldent Nixon's campelgn. Nowty -..! In a plush, two-room sulte •t'the Westchester Country Club•ln Rye, N.Y., the wile of former Attorney ·Gemral .IGlm Mll<bell (arty today told . u. -. VOrt< °'°1 ..,.... .1111 .wia .. -lit-...... ,CllllP,liln--v, . ·""'* *'11!>a-W lllJ ~llNdl, ' ............ 11 ........ a.t · ....... W,'l1miilll.1'pm 'elll hD Ille Jllow,..W Pr•""°llll .ma ·to UP.I ·~· -.... ·-~ n I ¢ 0 • tfiil all 111'. MllcbOU-aid r .... -lloYiag 111i-' bu6oncl lllllm 'be 'IU!I pol"• I • • ~billy Ille ....... _ all to ' tbJ iruoted' Wlllllinltm _....,.. ln-lerrupted. . . . ' ' iln.' ilitchell told ibf • Yarlt ~ I Newa tblt ....raJ ol ·blr' psm, ·-vM!ed liy Uie'Nlmn .._.l!et lft4io IMr ~ left lllo •tlarneJ --..... .. _mo ·-Cll u., 11w1·-.11w - dl4 it :-l!lil -··-lii 11J1 blbbid.. Novel fe~tures of the addlUon are two parking structuru at opposite endl, each cootalning 2,450 feel ol space and room for: 300 to 400 vehicle!. Any actioil taken by the commisslon tonight will be !11181 and will llol 1'!qllire city councll approval, according to &cl'. \"ance Planner Arnold F. Hamala. "The concept was approved by the city council several years ago and therefore the commission has the final authority ." ' he said. "Tonight all they're concerned about ls the precise plan." I ' '' . ~'~ner' . CJmmBacked • At Newporter , ':I've _.. bom> -Db 11111, ' • -L. p-~~a · l'Vtr,H Jin. "'*tfwll aid. • Ml~ CollllA -..u.r.. Of ... Deltr ,,.. llllft Tbe....,. _ nporll•of I M-~~ Ml':.....ll'. •-•-•-• '•<XUlllUtlon~' ~ the Pnlldelitlal villa . --~.' ~ • e..uu,!h't she umg early Fridl7·lilarnhil.........,. ifllr a· bfen I polWcal Pl"-Ill Newport moderalely ...... -··--·-· • =-~ 71..W: := ~ Reliable ......., tod81 told the DAlllY Inn nore 1be' lllayad fur .a _... _ PIµ)'!' ·DOI Ql!)y -'• -JI> the private .. watqiing. ber.owry move. !~~-.:.i 1111tb0~ "Someon0" ID her private vtllaril'i'"'1 a telephone hid been ripped !ram the"iraD. telep-!roJD·the wall"lburaday night, MWnllltle Mrs Mllebell oLo-••••• ~ I call she bad: placed to United • ..:...... ; . _, -Pr<u lnlerpallonfl, correapondent Helen "'--:" UPI • u.!en Tbomu AYinl • Thomu, l oJllclals of· the Newport« Inn · aecunty ~ for tbo, IMledlon com-COQflrmed. • , . m(ltee "pulled tbo teiepbone Gp! of the Mn. Ml' ... " claimed that "-ne" will" to atop her from lalklnl. """"· ~ "I bope' prinl !bit," .... llJd. "T WU I aecurily acent hired by ·the ha-·~ ~ . •u-..__._ ino llepul>U.... Natloaal Committee to keep •• -,.. •. · ·-.,..~ "°""' ber'uqler Wl'JIPI and !"Jll the telepboat out ol the wall." -told" ti.e DAILY PILOT lhil She told. Mlla Tbomu sbe -in ber mOniing that the Newrwior -·JD. (llee,MA!mlA, ..... , -·to~ all tolepkieo to the' villa lmriiedlatelr alter ~. MltdJoU wai <aupi mUlq the c:alC Bills to Alt.er Freeway Future ·. To Get Hearings Bills lo alter the future :OI tilt Pacl(lc Coast Freeway were ICbeduled lor bear- lnp In the State Sonlale today. A bill by State Sen. Qmois Clrpenter, (!\-Newport lleacb) !!blch would lllml• nato the entire rwte, wu due 'to ·10 be- fore the Senate~~ tee at 2 p.m. today. "We ani expecting It to . leaH the committee -11111: 'lieek," uld I ll(IOl:ellCllll for tbo -tor. -lyman RObort .....,.m'a (JI. Newport lleacb) bill, w'inl' the eJhhl. natlml olll7 of the ltseway 1 e 1 m 1 n I ltvOuP Newport Beacll, II lllll cm the Senato floor awaiting Ila ~ ,..din(. . '!The bill -1 to them on P'riday but baa not -moved JOI;" the Carpen-ter opclbsmln said. ' , Carpenter 11 ahepherdln1 Bodbam) bill tllroaP tbO Senate and 11 ... ~ nitlDr for the 1iioet ~ limo to brln« It up for a vote. "The .... tor II waiting lo .. bow the -ts today aild H all tbo votes be .-are there, be will palb I~" lhe .......... uld. The Small -due 1o.-,.,. at 4 p.m. ' • It WU allD Jeomod tllat lllood WU fouDcl.t11 I curtaln la -of tbo 1'001D1, wbjch oonespoaols to Mrs. lllltdiell'a dr4rPI that abe -··l'h1illeoll7 ..... edlbyapa. . •tan Y"'I belleve a 'DWI can' nit ltilt ,_ bednioin. like Mr "",pill tlto pboneoui o1:111e woll," alle aald. , Siie allD claimed ......i .... ''lbmr . mot down Oil the bed -av. -clld·ll - and 1luCk I needle in my bebJnd. 'U'Ve never been trutod lib 11111 -ever," lhe llld. ' · Wbllo Mn. Mltchell Is ,~ Ibo week long fuss is over her husband'• polWcal career -wbldl.abe 11111 be bu to end or ahe11 leave him --claim didn't begin that way • The Mitcllelll bad been .._ • GOP hlc!i roilorl at Ille posh Corooa de! Mir . bOil>e ' of Mrs. Donald K. WublJam, w-dead bo""'"" mado bla mt-u mrOorilY owner of the' di drlnlc 7.~ I pla,Mexlcan Oesla lut &mday • 'Q1e 'rormer M')'lord 1tv1ne borne at 01 Avjlcado Ave., WU nportedly the ..... of' -.,.,_ -the couple when the former •tlonteY ,......i ln- forined Illa lalkaUve wUe that tbeJ bad to . Jeare-llO bad-~- Siie didn't -to .. and the hMled vtljill brittle nportedly blpn. ~ the RepJbtlcao ludarl ... ,.... reportedly -to wM1 11 • """" .... Mr .... lira. Jolla Mr ... Mn. Horbert w. ~~ I (llet l'lll9IJlllD, ... II ; • I DAILY flLOT c Mondoy, Ju11t~ 1972 ' coastline Protectidn Bill Killed • I SAC!IAMEllTO (AP) -The coastUne prolacllon bill inlonnally backed by Gov. llonald Reocllll was killed today In the lena1a -Commit~ on 1 f.7 vote. It wai the last major coa.stline ..,.....,, moving In the Leglslalure. Tbe-meuure, sponsored by Sen. Dennis c.r;onier• 11Wiewport Beach), weuld uve plaeed miJor IODlng authority In the eoUlal area with local go .. mmtnt. The major b!U l1IPllOfled by con· terVltion 8'0llP9 died earllu In Senato !OlllllllUee. II • waa sponsored by Stn. Donald .G111D1ky (11.Wattoav!Ue), and "'-blYman Alan Sleroly (!).Beverly BW.). • . . A ~n. -..ure sponsored by pWed the Allembly but is Ii! Senate committ.e. Sierra Club and other conaervatlon ~tlons have alnce launcl!ed an tn-ltiltive petlllon drive Jn an effort to write loulb couUine .pn>toctloos Into law via Ille ""1lol bol. County clerks currently are checking llP.tma ba lbe' coaaUJne JntUaUve· to iee If 11 qual1l1es for the November uuot. The Gruaoll)'-Sleroty bill• would create regional coutl1oe protection commisslons lo pus on (lnllJOaed develop111enl. The Carpenter bill waa SB'860. "4 ID ber --..... 11 her Newporter Inn 'ltlla ..... tile lnddent occutred. 11U JGU ecMdd ,. me, you wouldn't beUmo It,. Ibo -to the 1'11......., 1oportor the Mltdlelk favor. 'I'm blld: 11111 blue, I'm 1 politlcal pr1-.'" Siio ... ber buaband lllUeatod abe ... ll1lla ID Cll1fGmla. . "I'm ...._ ldm 1111111 be decldel lo lea .. tM -""·" Mn. Mltobell uld. "I loN .., -bd "'1 much, but I'm 10 .... lo, lllnd for all ~ dirty UW.ta.tpa~' ~· . "ftla.Ja 1"llldag bal I Copl and w"lllbera"""'~ pmt, ml l'lil lrylal lo set my ••""nd oul "'11/' Illa .... ~ Diii)' 1'en. . MlllalP ..... Mltdloll 111111111-i. ly .... ~--the COUlllrf lo tie pooli New YCllt ......... Jn · Wcrteh 118 Counly, lhe Ntw Yan -not..s ............. nol la ........ !be_, club. • Anivlilc In Rye cm Slmday, Mn. Mitdllll aa1d "AU l wanl la my IM!lbend bad:. '"l'bn la DO itllOll for UI lo be In- volved In palll1ca," abe llld In a penonal Interview with a Dally N.,.. reporter. Tbal reporter oboei'Ved --on the rtnc and mJddle lingers ol Mn. M!tobell'I left band, wbll'I Ibo ll1d I pbya1c1an bad .Utched up tuts lllflered •hen • was 11btaim op." She -the nporlet bNlae8 on her anno aad cla1med abe bad otberl OD her lh!P. 1"n>ty're alrald ol my honesty," she Aid, "'Yes. Martba'sbonesty." Chamber to Mark Mesa's . Birthday The c.ota Meu Cbambtr o( Com· meice will celebra" tbO 19111 bm1veriary of Coala Mela'i 'tncorporatl6n Tburad1y Widt I ~at the Golf and Cotmtiy Club.' . Parl of the noon f..Uv!Uea will Include I ll1ute to Orqe Coaal Colleae and 111 prelldeot, Dr. Robert B. Moore. Guell ape1ker will be Dr. B. Lamar Jobm«i, proressor of higher educaUon 11 . UCLA. Hll oubject is ''Coul -A Lead<r in .the Nation." -.Vatlona may be made with the Chamber or Qlmmerce, 6i6-05.1a until nooo ~y. Luncheon tickets are priced .i '5 per per!OO. OIWIN COAIT <M DAI LY PILOT ftt °"'9t OW DAILY PILOT, .tit wNdli If combined ._ H.....,,... la Pllbllllillll W ... or-.. eoau "*llMnf ~ • ._. ..... .at ....... PllllllNC, Mor!d.y """"' ,.,..._., Wf C.hl M .. ,. HftJlll"f leldl. "'"'""""' aMdll'°""'''" v.11..,, LllClllM ~ lrvlnei'hddltMcll Ml Ifft ~ a. .N9' ea,htr-A I~ Ntllrlll • •lllM It _,r.Ncl S.lvnf•"P .... SWldtYt- TM prhct,.1 PUbl~llll pll11t It •t DI 'Wftt tty Strttt, Ott• """'· C1Ufotlllt, ,..., Roilttf N. W11d l'rftkkflt ,,. ~llthtr Jeck ll. Curley Vkt "-klMt llnd Gtntnll Ml~• Tliom11 K1t'l'i1 Edll• Tholl'IOI A. Murphl111 M ........ Edllor b•rf•• H. t..01 lic.ll1r4 P. Ntll AatlttMt ......... ..,,,_ ' ---,). Wrt hy Strtet Mam., M.1.,.. .. P.O .... 1160, tllll .Olliar- N"""1 ~: _, .....-t ...,.••nil utvill ~: m ~r·A....,. .... , ...... llKll: '1111 ~ ....,. ... a-~; al #WWI II ClmlN llflll Tai.,._ 11141 '42-4UI ~WW ....... , .. , .. , .. ,,. ~·. lt72, ~ c.t '*'"'"" ~r. H• ,._. ,..,., """"9rt1M, .....,,_, ntatW Of ~""""411 ,_.... : .......... ~__.,..,.. .,~ ...... _,._,...., .. w • ...,._ = .......... ... Off'llr ... ... ...,. U.IJ ~,......., --· • her Airport · Skies Slow · Council ·-M~y Ask OceanH~nt -. . Zoning Rollback Of Sailb~t Newport Beach councilmen today may ask th\! city of Irvine to roll back the Mc- DoMeli IJouilat pn>per!Y 7Dnlng II a condition lo a Jli'Oposed cooperaUve m.uter plu of the Orange Qiunty Airport area, the DAILY PILOT leerned. Mayor Do~d A. Mclnnls aald be baa Coast Guardsman Booked Deatli Of Infant Girl LONG BEACH (AP) -A zt.year-old C04ll Guardaman baa been booked for in- vestigation of murder in the slaying of a 2-year-old girl, the city's sev~th murder victim In five days, police aald. Lawrence Kirk was arrested after the death 'of Julie Ann Adama, Investigators said •• The child appannily had been beaten Friday night, officers added. Kirk and the child's mother, Mary Carey, were being held for investigation of child beating when the girl died, police said. Mrs. Carey was freed after ques· Uonlng, authOrlUes added. asked that a resoluUon be prepared for action torugbt that will agree to an lrvine request for talks between the twc> ciUe1 "If we are ta1kiac on mutual grounds." Irvine has asked Newport Beach to delay zoning the 117·acre C.Olllrur Radio C.Ompany property acrou Campus Drive from the SO.acre McDonnell Douglas tract, but Newport Beach officlals point out that the smaller ~I, in lfVlne, was zoned for commefclal development before Irvine was lncOrporated and ls still zoned that way. Sow«> al Newport Beach City Hall In- dicated. !hit Irvine may not be ablt to comply with the requeal however. "McDonnell Douglu. will do u it dam pleaaet," the high !eve) spokesman said, "ii It wu abl~ lo rop oyer the big county how naive are they (Irvine councllmen) to think they can stop the mighty McDon- nell Douglas. Mcllonell Douglas w!H come In and roll over tblt little council," he said. The apokesman said !hi! he by DO means was trying to Imply thlt ii would -take anything underhanded to accomplish the objective. "They'll take them to lunch ind talk about the virtues of the assessed valua- tion," he said. "11iey are green, l don 't care how well· Intentioned they are, and J'm sure they are. They will be influenced to get what McpoMell Douglas wants." Overcast ski" off the Calllornla coast today hampered the air and sea search for a disabled 33-foot s.Uhoet last reported !500 miles west ol Loe ¥41eles. The U.S. Coul Guard llld 1wo llsed· wing aircraft -one from C.Oast Guard San Francisco and the other from Hamilton Air Force Base -were , 1 searclllng an aree 111% by 112 miles for the sloop Tom cat on which three persons were aboard. The C'.oast Guard cutter Resolute is also conducting a surface search. Weather conditions in the aearcb area were reported to be 01.(ercut skies, nortb- northwest winds at 10 knots and a one to two foot surface chop. Conlmy to earlier reports the vessel that sighted the disabled Toni oat and passed food and water to the three passengers was not a commercial vessel. Accordillg to the Coast Guard, the Tom Cat was sighled by another uilboa~ the Add Astor; bound for Honolulu. Alter passing lwo gallons ol water and food to the stricken Tom cat, the Add Astor contacted a merchant vesBel by radio and gave' Word of the Tom Cat's plight. The merchant vessel in turn passed the infonnation on to the Coast Guard. , l1;; • < 1 111 Me-Pllti. En G"rde, Villain Coron.er's Office Records On board the Tom Cat are Mike Foun- tain, 19, of Huntington Beach; Richard Nims, 17, and Ffed Shropshire, both of Hawaii. The trio was apparenUy deliver· Ing the boat lo Marina de! Rey for the registered owner, Elaine Woods of Sherman Oaks. The boal lelt Honolulu May'· Garyl Harper of the Flaming Sword (L.) and Johan of tbe Northern Waist come to blows with cudgel and shield at the just concluded Orange County Fair. Both members of the Society for Creative Actor Anachrolilstn, they performed d.Uy dueling rHnactments for tho curio.S. Watching 8\'e (from left) Jimmy, 7, and Michael Songster, 4, both of. Costa Mesa. . Worst Weekend in History * * * Huntington Boy Sought in Boat ' Pai,r Arr~sted at Fair, Weary Orange County Coroner'• of. flcera today loued their 11th death in a 43-bour p61od cle8crlbed by them .. the worst In county history. El Toro Marine James Daniel Lopez, 11, bacame Ille !Ith fatality al one minute alter mldnlgbl this morning when be ·tuc<umbed In Santa Ana Community Hoapltal 10 gunah<it ""11nd1 which police al"ae -e inll1ctel by a !Juddy. Santa Ana police aald Lopez wu show· Ing bis newly putcbaled • .:atlbet' revol•er to lrlondl In bla apartment 8IJn. day night and waa tucltlnc the -pon in- to his w.-when fellow lllarln< Ray AUen Jo&nsoil, 18, aGt> ol the El Toro baae, ~cbed for the p and 1 iecond loot at the weapon. Police llld the gun dllclw'ced and Lopez .... abol ln tile --The 'Yow>1 Marine died two hours later. _ Officers aald Johnson wu turned over to inllltary police bul the death baa been officially listed u accidental. '\'Wo dealha In the aouth county area SUnday helped to swell staU.tlca com- piled during Orqe County'• black Wej!kend. . Yvonne D. Carter, 19, of Valloda died when her northbound auto tell ,the San Diego Freeway in the Cul..,. Drive area. Officers who said Mlsa Carter apparently lost control ol the car louod her body 30 . yar<la 1way from the wrecked vehicle. Lawson E. McKinney, 71. of Mon~ tebello, died on the same freeway when bis southbound auto struck the rear ol another car, apun out of control and smashed Into the center divider In the Jeffrey Rold area. McKinney was pronounced dead· on ar- rival at Or1nge County Medical Cehter 30 minutes later. A Downey man and bla woman passenger were thrown from hll auto Sunday when the car went out ol control, off the Ortega J!ighway and over a 300- 'loot cliU about a mile eut ol the San Juan fire statlon. Coroner'• olllcers !denUfled the dead man u Dale McCracken, 2l Jle was list. ed u deed on arrival al Mlaslon Com· Lost in Pacific IDllnlty Hoapltal. By ALMON LOCIWIEY On the crlUcal Ust with bead 1njuriea in ""IY '"" _,,,. •- the ume .._,tal ls McO'acken'a A lranUc Hunllngton Belch mother .,.....,. was 11cUmblng the walla" today u March p.._er Vlctor1a Evelyn Pierce, It. coallnued tor lbe 33-loot dlAbled aallbolt A 10UDI cwmwi who came out cm the on wlllch ,her 19-1"1l'Old ton jJ a wrq end ol an encounla' with 1 pwenger. Westmlnller store clert llunday WU Mn. Fred T. Fountain, -Alerandria identified by coruier'• officers ...... .., u St., Hunllnston Beach, llld abo,.and..(\er ,......, hufband were nol aware thal lhe1r iion Tmy Lee Haimon, 2', af Oral(e. MIU waa aboarif'the boat unlll notified Polle» claim JI~ enl<red, an all &uidaY by lbe <;out •Guard• lliat the n1e..,mar~A,!_sa1111 ~l~andAvde. ..~ ":!m":t·~~'.'.ti*~~~. JXI••-1 -..w• "'" Ctn • llial the cornmerclaI wb!di •'""'-' mandad the conlmla c/. lbe caab iqlater. .._ ~ ...... ,~,..... Tbq ll1d Harmon pocbled ... banded ,. lbe ·ss.b>I' Tom Qll>'llfd ..... ....,,lhe to him and'lben ordered lbe c1at lo the pauengen aboardOl' stocJd by,' .. back ol .the store. At llial polnl, police The unldentlfUil veasel · repOrted Ilia! said ihe clerk grabbed a ""P<ll and the men were In poor condition,. tbeir • ' dotbea -and !lad been ·-shot Harmon throuab the heart. food lot 15 day1 and without Wiler for Oii!.._ today reluaed lo Identify the iwo day1. ' clerk pending further !nveatigatlon ol the 'Ille captain told the CoaJI Guard be holdup. had given the lrio lwo gallons ol water , and food for about sli: days. The · coroners bulky Sunday log aloo "Why didn~ lhal captain take those recorded the death of I , VaCIUoning boys aboard, of at teast stand by unlil ~eenager from V~alia, Ohio,, who died help arrived?" Mrs. Fountain demanded -' ·- Charg ~d; in Sale of LSD A pair of unauthorized concesslonalre5 at lbe Orqe County Fair were arrated by Costa M ... police SUnday night, for aUeaedly pe<ldlinjLSD-or ollerin& 11- lo vlaltors al the franl gite. Enl1aled men Coiirad T. Sadonkl, 18, Ind Lairence T. London, ,111, both o! EI Tlri· Marlne"CMPI ·Air 'StaUOlt, were booted 011 IUlpiclon of aale ol danitrOUll drugs~ (.. • ' ~·oboat Ille -alter -., ;. arresll1~pollce ilald• thr pair claimed 33 ausplcioua pieces ol blue paper bearing yellowish stains were ac- tually only spotted with lemonade. A common form ol LSD dosage tn- volvea 1nlualng a iimaJJ .Up of paper with the halluclnolenlc drug in lia liquid form. ~ analyals will be required before formal cbsrgea to. be filed In crlmlnal cornpla!nta are decided. Investigators said II the blue paper ac· tually rontains only lemonade -as Sadorski and l<>ndon claim -they can still be prooecuted under the Calilornia Penal Code on chargea ol unlawful aale ol a substance purported tc> be a• ~c. Officers OWen Krei and Leo Joaes ar- rested the young Marines after a Van Nuys glrl complained they bad offered to sell her acid u she entered the fairgrounds. She aald abe lndilft8nUy declined, - told her brother.-•Iaw, o . w..-ier r41ident. who kepi bis eye 111 lbe ~ while the ·YJJUlll ' woman went to find unllormed officers a 1 a 1 1 n e d to lalrgrounda cmwd control. Patrolmen Kreza and Jones uid bs told them the llllpeds eonducled one transaction involving the evidence seiz.ed later when the llrl returned with the policemen, Investigators said they 'conllscated a small metal Ylal conta1nlng 33 of tho alleged LSD doses from Sadorsld when bs and London were stopped for quest!onlnc. FromPqel m the Laguna Hills area when she fell to know. over the handle bars ol her blcy-Neither could the frantic mother From Pqe J bicycle. understand why the boal had not been PRISONER ••. CorOEer's officers said Rebecca sj:>otted by the searching aircraft. ANAHEIM • • • on's '.111Dlber lwo ftm4 raiser and Clement Ru1ber, 17, wu cycllnl down a -P In-Mrs. Fountain llld Mike bad gone to Hi~., a top, Republican official. cllne al 1af!llll8 Nl111el Hills Park when Honolulu about •••en motlls ago to vlslt Confu.slon over the comings and goings she apparently applied her brakes too an older brother. She said she undentood until a Grand Jury investigation ·can ·be or the Mitchells continues t.o reign lince sharply. he had been working on the ,aailboat and made. one source insists she was never allowed Miss Rusher died a short time later at bad probably decided to aall home on II Thom's request for an invesUgation outside the Newporter compound wllllo Mission Community Hospital from whal when ll departed May 9 for Marina de! was bac"'!l _,.,'the weekend by \"'unty another said· she spenl lwo day1 'with were deacrlbed aa maaalve head Injuries. Rey. Supervisor Rilph Clark. Mrs. Washburn alter the parlI. Saturday's death toll included the name ''He probably wuted to surprise us," Clark, a former Anaheim cooncilman Mrs. Washburn denies that Mn. of a Los Namitos man who died in she said. . · !saued a statement from Hawall where be MitcbeU bad been a house quest, Alamitos West Convalescenl Hoapital Mrs. Fountain llld her eon had never ts va~atipriliig. however. from bullet wouncla llllflered lul year. been to sea before In a small boat. Prior "An~ there la iusplcion thrown Newporter !rut officials also claim thal Hospital olflcials llld Melvin Meister, to going lo Honolulu be had attended Hun-upm the ~0111 ol cit)> olficlals, I feel Mitchell hlnueU returned to ,.. bis wlfa 21, had been in o come throughout bla aix tinllon Beach High School and Goldeo the public .and the city officials deserve a early Thursday morning but he denies months'stoy In the hoepital The shooting We!I College where he was studying law complete Investigation · llnmedlately," having come lujck after he left towo Moo- that Jed to Meister's fatal wounds ia .still enforcement. ' Clark said. day. under investigation. j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 24 ldentified m POWs; RACITI'S None Said From County From Wire Servlcea The U.S. government has received a list of U U.S. Air Force and Navy of. ficers identified by the North Vietnamese govermnent as having been captured since 1970, Pentagon olflcials said Satur· day. Nine of thooe U men had previously been listed only as missing in action (ti.1IA ) and their status as prisoners was uncertain. Fifteen had already been listed aa prisoners. . Rot Lemb of the POW·MIA Inlmla· tional office IA Tustin u1d th1a mornln!I that none-..1 the men lnvolvtd Jn the d1'closura are from Orange County. Member& ol the Orange Countr POW· MIA group checked the liJt 11 _, 11 ii was mlde public and fOllJld DO n.,nes from the area, 1'as far u we know.'' she aald. Tfie Ust w11 given lo the U.S. Emblssy In Paris Friday night by Walter Sobler, an allorn•y 1cti11B on behalf ol Sea. Edward M. K•nneclY (!).Mau.). '1We underatand Stn. Kennedy bad been lnfonned the 11•1 was 1v1U1ble, and that be asked Mr. Sohier to obtain It fr<>rn the North Vltlnamae d'1eraUon Ill Par!J and brlnj It to 1be U.S. tmb811y," the Defenae Depllrlment atalemcnt llld. '!be lamlllea of the 24 men have been Informed, the 11atemept uld. 'Ille Pentagon confirmed rectlpt of the list alter some of the lam!Uea reported they hid been noUfled. The nine previou.sly llst"ll aa mlsslng are Lt. Albert Rick Molinaro, Lt. Aubrey Allen Nichols, Lt. Carol Robert Beeler, Maj. Edward K. Elias, Maj. James Phillip Padgett, LI. Slephen Anthony Rudlo!f, Capt. William GleM Byrns, Maj . William HtnSO!l TaUey Jr. and C.pl. William Ra)'ln9nd Bean Jr. The olher 15 are: · Lt. Cmdr. David W. Hoffman, capt. Edward A. Hawley, lllaj. Gale Albert llesp!eflb-, Clpl Jam•lLDlcklnoon..CUl- tler, Lt. (ja) James Eugene Kernan, c.pt .. KeMetb James Fruter, Maj. Km- neth Richard Jobmon • First LI. Kerineth Roth Wells, Maj. !,eland touts Hildebrand, <Japt. 1- Ellls Guentehr, Lt. (jg) Norris Alpbauo Cbarlea, Isl Lt. Rllph 'William Galati, !al Lt. Samuel R!cl\ard V •t11baii, Lt. Thomaa Bennett LltendnHo and Capt. WllUam Rllpb Scllwertlepr. 'l'be Delenaa Dlpailmsal wlthholdl acJ. dre .. 1 and namoa of nut of kin ol men captuncl or mllainf. · Ill !ls moat recent IUIMl#)l Issued two day1 qo, tho Penlalon Doled IGO Amfricana captured or 1alemed and 1,109 as mi1atns. . . . ~ . COSTA MESA JEWELRY & LOAN . ' NIKON FTtl FENDER 35Rn r.AflRA JAGUAR wlttl ELECTRIC SO~I D IODY M111'1 DIAMOND RING 141( "'"" tot.I •"" ... " ......... . • WATCH 14K y.11.w '°'" , ... .. wttlt m1tchlnt ..... . 43 ~16mm GUITARS ZOQM THREE • to CHOOSE R ... $600 FROM '275 • '195 '335 •150~ PIONDR IPUIOU , NOW J ................ .. 11 .... Clltltot .... ..2s ••• llO Wolt ..... $110. ... PAii Shop a Pawn Shop BACITI!'S CORA MuA llWILltY & LOAN 1111 NIWPOIT kVD., DOWll10Wll COSTA MISA lwlaeau .....,. & ,,..,.., w Now.-1 HOUU M DAILY CLOSID SUNDAY PHONI 646-7741 •• • • 7 •• . ..