HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-05 - Orange Coast Pilot' .. • • eac 1rewor DAILY PILOT Bed De111and Puts Chess * * * 10' * * * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, ~ULY 5, ,1972 Ga1nes on Shaky Ground· VOL. U,. NO. 117, a SICTIONS, '' PA.Gil ' • ' I • " •• • •• • • • • • • • • • FAA Plan for · Chino Airport Premier Quits 'French Premier Jacques Cha- ban-Delmas resigned his post unexpectedly today -alon g with his 40-man cabinet. See ·story Page 4 today. Soviet Demand May Threaten Chess Series • Huntµtgton •. . Big Parade ... ".-__ .. An estimated 185,000 c~eerihg spec- tators packed the streets of dOwntown Huntington Beach Tuesday to watch the biggest Fourth. of July parade in the city's history. A total of 4,000 participants -in- cluding 1,500 musicians -marched in the <{Salute to American Music," making the parade the largest in the 68-year history of the event, according to parade officials. The parade began promptly at 11 a.m. amid loud cheers from the crowd as Marine Brig. Gen. Adolph G. Schwenk, took his posHion in the grandstand as of- ficial reviewing oCficer. It was nearly three hours before he could leave, mak- ing the parade the longest in history as well as the largest. "We were tremendously pleased," said Jack Tatham for the parade.sponsoring Huntington Beach Jaycees .. "I talked to many people and they all agreed it was the best parade we've ever had," he said. "I thi>ugh~ so,_ too." The parade, however, was not without reminders of the foreign wars and racial tensions that have wracked this nation in the 1960s and 1970s. A group of maimed and disabled Viet- nan1 veterans were wheeled to a location beside the official reviewing stand to watch the parade. They rarely cheered. And long-haired spectators were coo- spicuous for their failure to stand as Old REYKJAVIK, Iceland (UPI ) Glory passed in review. American chess challenger Bobby But on the positive side,· a group of all- Fischer apologized today for delaying the black gir ls, the La Quieniean Junior Drill start of the world championship match Team, won ftrst place in its division against heavy competition for a "soul" )~~"~rike Up the Ba1Jd :~,., "' .-.,~t I t:..... "' The outdoor concert held Friday by the Wichita State University band found fhis junior conductor busy through most or the session. Band directing can be tiresom e \Vork and th e a once-firm arm drooping a bit. • UPI TtltlhOf• last photo ~.Sh o\VS Allies Take Q"'!rig .. Tri Youths, Police Clasl1 on Beacl1 After Firc~·ork.s City; Foes 'Dissolve' with Russian Boris Spassky, but a de-routine that was anything but traditional. mand from the Soviet chess federation The Sweepstakes award winners in· JI ER~10SA BEAClf (AP) _ flundreds threatened to cancel the 24-game series. eluded: Best Music: Ringsmen Drum and SAIGON (UPI) - A 1,200·man South Quang Tri City met with a heavy North of youths who had been ,vatching a The Russian chesf group cabled Dr. (set PARADE, Page 2) Vietna.mese force moved into Quang Tri Vietnames e counterattack from a bat-fire\\·orks display battls:d police with ~ .. tax Euwe, president of the International city today, set up a command po!it and talion sugJXlrted by 15 tanks. rocks and bottles for abou t four hours Chess Federation, demanding that J S l OK fanned out through the ruined city's The marines reported no tanks knocked 1'uesd"Y ni.ght and early tod ay. Fischer be Onlered to lor(el·t the first et a es business and residential districts. . t b t "d 48 Co d At least four policemen were injured. ou u sa1 mmunists v.·erc kille none seriously, 12 persons \\'ere arrested because he did not abide by an . However, government spokesmen said (See VIErNAM, Page 2) and several expensive beach fr9nl hemes game . id.both-la)' st.__ T R d' f'/ • they would not llst the city as recaptureecd~-r-==========--1 __ were_dama.g~lhiS-Los..__Angcles greement-whidl..sa. _ P :ersJDU --i,""()-, ~--~ f;tJJ;a---unur -go-vmmrent troops Ctfntl'OtlNli.IR suburb. police said. Sevcriil police c"rs aboW up within one hour of the scheduled walled citadel in the center or the town. LJ S W la ,vr.re also reported damaged in the game lime. WASfllNGTON (UPI) _ The Military sources said the troops met • • arp JleS mcler. Euwe said he "could not give the first Commerce Department said today only light resistance but no attempt was "It looks like a batllef\rld do,~·n there." game to Spasaky because the Russians it approved a $150 million ~xport made to stonn the citadel, the possible Bomb s. v;ets snid \Vally Moore. spokesman for the did not object to the first postpon~ license for the Boeing Co. that Communist headquarters. " flermosa Beach police deoartment. ment. Hp\vever be said the entire match would clear lhe way for the sale of A 20,000 ·man South Vietnamese task Another oUlctr sRid the beach wa~ \voukfv;: end~ngered if the Soviets · American-rilade commercial 'jet !orce ~oved north into Quang Tri prov· QUANG TRI (U PI) -U.S. covered with broken glass and added, press the isSuc;. airplanes to Communist China. 1nce more than one week ago. warplanes f I y i "I! g path-clearing "You couldn't \Valk barefoolc<l anywhere "If he Russians insist on this penalty, The: license means J.battlre far, fighting has been rel atively missions for today's paratrOOp ad-In the area." t belfeve the whble match 1.s· of{" said Administration ha's giveh jts bfiss-llght and allied .o/ficers said they do not vance accidentally bombed a gov· Moore said t!M! beach homes, mony in Euw~. •· 1 • ' • 1ng to the sale of several 707 know where the estimated 48,000 Com-ernment position, killing 10 soldiers lhc $100,000 CIASS. had plcturr v.'indows "\le are sorry that tlle world· cham· aircraft to t~ Peking government munlsts Who took the province May 1 fire and \VOunding 30 others. broken and other damage. · pionshlps , were delayed. The problem!! i( Boe.Ing and.the Chinese can come hiding. The U.S. command 1'3id the In· But after a survev of the area toda y. tauslng the dela)'Hl'tr~nol-the world -w t•nns. The provincial capital. Quang-'r~l-clty, ctdenl. the !irst o! lls kfnd since lhe Clty"!ltannger EarrDiilcr •aJOIJ\O<lam,ge champion (Spaatf) who l respect as a ''\Ve are stm negotiaUng with the has betn levelled by bomblng attacks governn1ent thrusl into the prov-proved to be not very flxtensive. player and a.man," Fischer said,· ~ Chinese oo-thiJ-purch&se," •-~~the Communists captured the prov· ince began, occ;urred .Tu~sday five da~~~;~~.~·~1Job~[1~:b~!Th~! ~er, ~clibt~l1e, ''If grandmaster'SpasskY qr the Soviet Boeing spokesman said t n u~. mile3 southeast of the city. people were inconvenienced er discorn-Washington. "We have not got While the lead elements moved into the The co~mnnd had few <llher from the rlre'A--Orks and .some broken gla!! filed I am indttd unhappy for I bod not anything signed on the dolled line." city with little resistance, South Viet· details. but nothing big. Thore are hou"'' with (See Clll!llS, p1,. %) namcse marines seven miles southeast of (See OUTBREAK, Page t) t • • Proposed Jet F acilify • . Ruled Safe The Federal Avlallon AdmlnlstraUon hRs gi ven Its approval to plans for a new jct age airport at Chino Hllls1 north of Yorba Linda. · Leo J . Leary, sPokesman ·for l'hlno Jfills Airport Complex Inc .. said the FAA ru led that the proposed jetport would not adversely affect the safe and efficie nt ·r1SG. ol California airspace. There was . one r'estriction. however. The federal agency approval is for a modified plan, greatly reduced in scope from the project first proposed in November , 1970 and calls for no more than 120,000 comm ercial aircraft opera- tions annually. Another hurdle is a required en- vironmental impact report that will m. ! ' elude noise and ecology studies. Leary said firms were being cOntacted now to make this report which must receive approval by the FAA and the Southern Cali fornia Aviatiort Council, a branch of the Southern California Association of Gov ernments (SCAG ). No estimate of the cos t of the jetport and supJ)Ort facilities has been made from when the first fonnal an· nouncement of the pr oject Sltrfaced last Oct. 20, when a "rOund figure" of $200 mil· lion was voiced . The commercial operation restrictiont should not be a hardship . Leary said, pointing out that Orange County Airpo rt had less than 29,000 such operations in all of 197 1. ,.Location o·r the proposed airport, long a project ot Santa Ana realtor Re g \Vood, is north of Prado Dam and the Riverside Freeway and south or Diamond Bar in Los Angeles County. About 48 percent of the land involved -23,000 acres ...,.. ls in ... , (See AIRPORT, Page %) Orange Coan \t'eather The temperature is going up along the Orange Coast, wJth beach readin~s of~ djfrees, -'r;iis=;ln;r.g;;;;fu;--t-----'1 l.o 90 1nfiiliC1. ar Ille liigh c!Ou throughout the day Thursday. Lows fi0.68. • 11\'SWE TODAY . South Coast Repertory mount..t a11other \Ves t Coa.•i prtmiere r 1iis weekend when the Costa ~tesa companv presents "flappy Birthday, \Vanda J'une ." Set E1t· tai11ment, Page 50. t..M. ••Ytl 1 Aft" L•IWlm n 1•111111 ll Mlllllt• 4 c1:nor111a t • .flll••lfl JO.Jl CTffiZ:li t --n;fl -fiiiU1n1l ,.... .., Comic' ft Or111tt Ct~l'll1 1• Crt:\woff " SWl'l'\f. hrttr tf oe~:11 N111c•• 1• swtt n-u ._illtor111 '"'" • sftc:!i M•rll•tt .,,. Enttt'ltll'!Mtllt M41 Ttitvlt._ • fllu"ct U·tt TllMlen •SJ •er tht Rtur• " wunwr t "'"""" ll Wf!Mn'l Mtw\ 114 'I v • 2 DAit Y PllOI 5 Wtdntsd.iy, July S. 197Z McGov ern Wins, Daley Loses Delegate_ Test WASHINGTON IAPJ -The U.S. ClrtUit Court of Appeals here today handed a victory to the forces of Sen, Qeo:rge htcGovem in their battle \\'ith the Democratic Credentials Committee for c.lilomla delegates. At the same timt, forces of Chirago Mayor Richard J. Daley '''ere given a setback by the coort in the IJOOlnd hall or the dual attack on the comminec's hotly disputed decisions. 1be appeals court reversed a District Court decision which upheld the corn· mittee'1 action of stripping lSl delegat es r---- front Callfomia. The Circuit Court ordPred the d1str1r1 bench to rewrite ILS dc c1s1on in lhe CalifomiM cue ln ac- tordance '1 ith an opinion not yet filed. 1'hc Circuit c.·ourt rejected lbt nppr:nl of I>alcy's forces in one case and in t~·o others directed that state court action be prohibited insofar a. the delega/e!i from ll\1nois v.·hich \.\'t>re rejected by he com· nlittee are c.-onct>mt-d. In Chica~o, a hc:iriug on a request by Daley's or~an1i.it!on to pre\'ent the challengers from t;iking seats al the con· \'ention was continued because vf the Ap- peals Coun ruling. Judge OOnald J. O'Brien of Circuit Court gran ted the continuance alter lawy•n representing both the Daley delegates and the challengers said they "''anted· an opportunity to read fully the appeals court opinion. Tbe brief orden of the appeals court carried no reasons for the action. The judges v•ere expected to file opinions later in the day. The District Court on ?vtonday ruled that the fed eral judiciary had no place in the debate over delegates from the two states. The Credentials Committee . issuea decisions that str ipped Sen. ~tcGovem of 151 California delegates and told l\fayor Daley and 58 olher WlOOIDlllllted Chicago delegates to stay home. The committee decisions were likened to a :'self-destruct butlOn" by the pariy's lawyer Tuesday even as he fought to uphold them before the appeals court. Party counsel Joseph A. Califano told the three judges that federal courts have no business in the party's business. }tis argument echoed the decision of the Dist rict Court \vhich prompted the Fourth of July appeal. ?>.tcGovem and Daley forces appealed in their figh1 to overtun1 co1nn1ittce decisions which ousted 59 Ulinols delegates, Including Daley, and ripped the winner·take;all priu of the califomia presidential primary from ~tcGovern to ;uvard the state's 271 delegates pro- Portionnte ly among candidates. based on thclr ~rcentage of the vote. Meanwhile, the Credential Committee completed its preconventlon agenda and passed on to the conventlon the job of se ttling 13 contests over the seating of hundreds of delegates. • • The fights the committee could not resolvt -mclucting the p0Ulically ex- plosive ones fr<>m Califon1la nnd lllinols ' -will almost iDevltaWy provqke at the convention the bitterness that marked com1nlltee debates between ?tlcGovem supporters and backers of his opponents. Minority rePorts, from persons who disaa:reed wit h the committee majority, have been filed' from South Carollu, 1(ieorgla Hawaii, Michigan, Alabama, Ca1iromia, Connecttcu( and Oklahoma, \\'ilh two dlss~ts from Rhode lJland and three from Illinois. 'Therapy' Called Torture From Pagel AIRPORT ... Orange County, another 48 percent in S~ Bernardino and less than four perctnt lR Los Angeles County. Coed Clnims Tickle Treat11ie1its Left Bruises Lf'ary said no objection had betn voiced by t San Bernardino County offlclahl or residents east and north of the proposed SAN JOSE (UPI) -A former coed who aaid she was "tortured" by a psychoJogist using his O'-"ll style of therapy has been awarded $170.!XXI by a Superior Court jury for injuries resulting from the treatment. Paulo Abraham, 22, won the av.·ard from her fonner teacher. Or. Robert w. Zaslow. professor of psychology at Cal State San Jose. He is expected to appeal. Zaslow is developer of a technique known as "rage reduction," described as "tickling, poking and stimulating a pa· tient to reduce Pathological resistance and rage." He operates· 1 clinic at nearby Los Gatoc, treating autistic children -those \\'ilh fantasy and withdra\\•al problems. ~liss Abraham y.•as relieved of testi- fying on advice of her physician that rf'COJlection of the therapy rnigbf cause a nervous breakd0\\1l, But .she said in her suit that she paid $400 for a 13-hour therapy session to try to resolve an emotional problem. "1 ,~·as tortured. including choking. beating, holding and tying me dov.11 and sticking fingers in my mouth." she said in her suit. As a result of the treatment, she said, she suffered near-fatal kidney damage, severe bruises abou t the chest, hips and legs and a lacerated mouth . A tape vf the 13·hour session punctu· ated with screama and plendings was played to th• jury. Three ·medical doctors testified during the 17-day trial that his technique ''ex- ceeded the bounds of customary medical practice." Zaslow told a district attorney's in· vestigator, "I think I did her a favor." Of tile treatment , he said, "\\1e do it loving ly. We tickle sensitive points of the body to induce la ughter.'' Zaslow was described Tuesday as a man noted for deveJoping a cure for autlstlc children. Dr. James J. Asher called it tragic that the jury awarded Miss Abraham the damages. Asher asserted Zaslow Yoas "y.idely ac- claimed in professional circles" for his work with autistic children. "Anybofy who has ever been conn~cted \ project. Past objections ha ve come front citizens and officials of Yorba Unda, Brea and other northern Orange County cities, principally at a heari ng held in Placentia last fo'ebruary. Leary estimates that the airport \\·hen completed will be handling about 11 million passengers by 1980. He pointed out that noise should not be a factor irl the ruture with the improved englnes now being installed, on the new '147s, DClOI and Lockheed 1011s. He said the present DC8s, 707s and 737s will be obsolete by 1976 when the Chino . Hills project la In operation. Buffalo Hijack Attempt --" ith---him \\'OU Id be deeply~ resentful -Of that (t he trial's) caricature or the man," Asher said. "It's very, very tragic that they \\'ill now remember him on this kind of basis." Zaslow, a graduate of UC Berkeley, believes that autism, a s e v e r e psychological problem, is caused by a tension transfer from parents to children. Project promoters-say __ the only in- habited area whirh could be remotely af- fected by noise from the jetcraft in· the future is the Olinda Village development of about 300 residents in the north Brea area . BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -A man Sur· rendered to an FBI agent early today after holding bis 17-mont!Hlld daughter hostage at knilopoint and threatenin~ to kill her in an abortive attempt to h1Jack an American Airlines jet, police said. The FBI said the man. identified as Charles Stnith, 23, o{ Buffalo, agreed to give up after bting assured that poUce would not harm him. From Page J CHESS ... · the slightest intention of this occurring," Fischer said ·· Officials f,.,pe<t the twice-postponed "tournament could get under \\1ay Thurs- da y but, earlier, representatives of both Fischer· and Spassky broke off talks, casting doubts on the poSsibUlty the match would be held. The start was postponed from Sunday while Fischer stayed .in New York, bargaining for more money. It was postponed a second time Tues- day after Spassky said Fischer insulted hlm by refusing to show up to draw lots to see who got to make the first move. He demanded Fischer apologize and said the federation must censor Fischer. Fischer, who has remained in seclusion since arriving in Reykjavik early Tues- day.,.. apoJogiud in a statement re ad by his second1 the Rev. \Villiam Lombardi. The demand from the Russian chess federation followed soon after represen· tatives of Spassky said they had broken off talks with Fischer's rep resentatives. Earlier, the official Soviet news agen- cy Tass criticized Fischef and said he and his ba ckers planned to use a com- puter to try to win Spassky 's title. "It has been learned in journalist circles here that Fischer's patrons have worked out rather original playing tactics for the match in which they were not g\llded by che&s interests," Tass said. me news agency ·said Fischer's foUowers worked out an arrangement with a romputer center to transmit e.ach move and the computer y.·ould calculate a connlf'r·move. OIAN51 COAST ST DAILY PILOT • ,,., Or111t1 CMlt OAIL y PILOT' 'Wllll wlllcll It comlt!Md tl'll Ntwt-~el&t b DUbUsl'lff b'I t!11 0t1n09 Cold fl'tn11111fnt Clll'!Plriy, $1pa· l"il!r H lllons '" l'Ubllll'led, Montl•'I lllrov1111 Frlf•'I· fft (0111 ,..,.,, Ntwpert l t1d'I, ·Hunt1n1'611 lltthiF"'"t•ln V•l'*'f, l t111111• l91d\. l""lnt/SoOdt•b•dc •nd S111 C5tmtnltf $111 Jv•n C•PISltlnO. A t l"fllt re;lon1I ldltltn h pvt>ll,lltd k!\ml•YI •nd hrid1n. Tiit prlll(i,tl ~llil!Jrlel 1111nt 11 II no Wr.il llY Stt.t, (01l1 Mttl. Cllllomlt, tH2'- •1tol:.1rt N. W1.4 Pr•lldtnt •!Id Pub!llhtr J1ck R. Curl1y Vici l'rnld•11t •1111 ~r•I MIMOI' Thom•• 1C11vll £•11or Tliom11 A. Mvrpl.1111 M11119ln9 Edllor Charl11 H. loo• Rich•r' P. Nill A11l1!1nt Mtnelflno t.Oltort -CO.ti Mttl: m Wtll B11y S!rllt H~ l11dl: U:U HwwpOrt lovl1'<'tN L•lll!ll IMd11 ttl F-1 A'<'tnlll '4..,llntllon 111(111 17'1J lllJ(?I lou!IV.nl Sift (himt!lfel Jill Nwlfl El Cll'ftlnt lllll Toi_,-17141 642-4121 CIOlll!lo4A~ .. M671 ,,_ic ... ,.. ,.,.. '""' 111..-,111clil 492-4411 ''"" ,.,,. 0r ..... C-ty '''"'"""Jiit• J4.0•ll1t ~. 1tn. or·~ ~.,, l'ub11,111no C-p.1111, Ho MWI •IO•i.•. !111111r1trO!l'I, •'"'"' rMlter ... •d~ttl!""*"ll ~''''" !MY .. ~_, w!thtlll MlfCltl po1r. PJll .... ., CJDtYTIOflf ~r. ltC9llll cl•• ,.., ... •14 11 Cosl t M•••· c.utomi.. "'"''''''°" bf t•rrltf u u """'l'ltrr ..., mt ll U,lf rnon1111r1 mllffto• .,,I,...._ NM mll'llMt, ' According to the FBI and local police, the episode tiep\l with a stabbing in- cident in Buffalo's inner city during the ' early morning hours. Richard Ash, special agent in charge of the fo'BI office here, said Smith boarded the unoccupied jetliner as it stood near a tenninal gate abou t 5 a.m. at Buffalo International Airport. He demanded that the airline prov ide a pilot for the craft and sa id he-~·ould kill the child if his demands '"·ere not IJ1et. "He apparently decided he was not going to get out" of the airport, Ash said, describing how Smith put down t~ knife he was carrying and walked down the ramp of the plane 2'-h hours later. car~ rying hls daughter. He was accompanied by an tmidentified. FBI agent who sneaked abroad the plane. The child identified as Jetuan Smith, 'vas not injured. Ash said . She was taken to a Buffalo hospital foc observation. Ash said blood on the infant's clothing was Smith's from a wound he suffered earUtr. Ash said Smith would face a charge of attempted hijacldng. From Pagel PARADE ... Bugle Corps; Best Marching: Garden Grove Guardettes; Best Float: Indian Guides Great Coastal Nation from Hun- , tington Beach: and Best Specialty, El Bekal Shrine Clowns from Long Beach . The long parade moved evenly throughout The only noticeable hitch in- volved the breakdown of the -public ad- dress system in front of the reviewing grandstand near the end. Police reported no major incidents as the huge crowd left for home. There was the usual rash qi fender·bender ac- cidents. The parade included 20 marching bands, 32 gaily decorated floats, 26 color guards and scores of equestrian, auto. arfcf clo\\'n entries. Westminster, Costa 1'-tesa, Fountain Valley, Orange, and Hun· tinglon Beach all provided fi oats. Garden Grove won the ~1ayor's trophy for best neighboi-in g float. Grand Marshals .for the parade were the Marinres. a singing group from f\fari na 11igh School in Huntington Beach. Other dignitaries included ne\\'SCaster George Putna1n, Assem blyman Robert Burke (R·Huntington Beach ), State Senator James Whetmore (R-Garden Grovel, and Orange County Supervisor Robert Batt in. His theory is that children sense pa.reno tal rigidity and, as a result, withdraw in- to t.hemsel 'w'.eS antW·ipe reality from their minds. t U~I Ttlt~llOll DESPAIR ETCHSD IN FACES OF FLEEING VIETNAM REFUGEES Min Carries Child Away From Battle for Qu1n9 Tri City From Pagel Orange County Airport officials had no comment on the project today but previously Robert Bresnahan, ~t1 director of aviation, had advised supervisors th<1;t FAA approval ~1as only a "remote possibility." ·Recently, Third District Supervisor \Villiam PhiDips, at the urging of Yorba Linda officials, suggested creation of I vast wilderness area in Chino Hills. .Shot Kills Girl Caught :in Fight At Oakland Bar At the requ.est of Phllllf>l!, San Bernardino County supervisors schedu1ed a public he.axing on the proposal two ·v.·ee ks ago but postponed il when ~ no Orange County officials appe.are&f to VIETNAM testify. · OAKLAND (AP) -. A 19-year-old girl, · • • • Leary said today that Hfinal negotla- apparently caught in crossfire between a tions-are under way for teams of na· groo_p of men sb:>oting, at each. other with govenunent casualties placed at month after they launched their offensi\'e tionally known specialists to conduct the tsld H ll An I b t .. Jy •A nine dead and 16 wounded. in South Vietna1n f\.1srch 30. It is the only environmental impact study. They will OU e a e s ge s ana:ou r """ ... include ecologists, h y d r o I o g i a t s • d killed b bull t · th k Two miles southeast of Quang Tri City · 1·u · N th y· t ha d ay, was y a e m e nee , province s 1 m or le namese n s. botanists, zoologists, ornithologist.! in ad-at sundown Tuesday, a battalion of about and udl police said. Seibert said th at behind today's lead ditlon to other experts a o 500 Communists attacked government Five men were wounded in the shooting troops in an assault led by· 18 .tanks. No elements entering Quang Tri City -was engineers. Outside lhe ""'top Bar. ual all bl h . bod r d Col. John Lowman, president of the .ruu cas ty reports were av a e. t e main y o a paratroop vanguar , Chion Hills promoUon, said the report on One of the wounded was held under UPI correspondent Barney Seibert J,000 men strong and backed by tanks, the impact study will be made available poUce guard at an Oakland hospital in reported the troops entering Quang Tri that pushed forward from positions hall a well in advance of public hearings to be connection with the girl's death, police . City today· radioed back that it bad been held later this year. said. · leveled by bombardment. mile and a mile sputh of the city. He pointed out that the environmental Lt. Bill Fugler said the dead girl, Nancy Heavy naval shelling and aerial bomb-Quang Tri City nonnally has a popula· Impact report approva l is nectSAf)' to Botelho, was· in· a car with three men ing preceeded the North Vietnamese tion of 25,000 but most of th~s_e fled south obtain federal grants to finance the proi· that drove past the bar. They heard the capture of the province, South Vietnam 's when the city was overrun by the North ect. shooting, circlect the bk>ck and came back northernmost, and during the govern· Additional funds, Lowman said, could to see what was happening, the officer ment drive to retake the city over the Vietnamese. be raised through revenue bonds laued said. past eight days. More refugees '1•ere created by today's by a special airport district, a At that moment, he said, three shots The province fell to the Communists a government push into the city. municipality or one or more counties. hit the car. one hitting MW Botelho. 11~~;;m;;ii1ii:;;;;;;;;;;,;;mjijE:;-'i1iilomoc:;;aii<Elim;,;;iriimiiiiamiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Fugler said investigators were at-I tempting to detennlne a motive for the GEM TALK •i shooting. · The identities of the five men were not immediately available. From Pagel OUTBREAK. • • broken windo\\'s, but very few." Moore gave thls aCcount : Three Hennosa Beach policemen '\\'ent to investigate a complaJnt about a Joud band on the beach. They were gteeted by rocks and bottles from a crowd of several thousand youths watching a fireworks display. The officers called for assistance. Police from the surrounding cities of ~rawthorne, El Segundo, To r r a n c e , Ganlena, Manhattan Be.ach and Redondo Beach arrived 'v:ith sheriff's deeuties to blJl0k up the rioters. 'tfhe disturbance was finally reported under control about 2 a.m. Those arresed -.·tre booked for in- veStigaHon of assault on an otncer and other charges, ?l.foore said. TODAY by J. C. HUMPHRIES EXCITING J EWELRY FROM SMALL DIAMONDS Designers of unusual jewelry that is within reach of a large number of consumers are steadily increasing 5 their use' of small gems in creating exciting rin gs, brooches , pendants, bracelets and pins for women. • for the man of the moment ... ftAN81BTOR "'A• Silver dial, water ral1tant, lumlnout dl•I. ~ TliNIDTO& ..-JI Ctlendar, w1ter reslltant. =:ousdlal., Young Marine Hit by Car, Men also are benefitting from this tren d to the unusual. Rings, cuff links and ' tie pins are now being created through combinations of small diamonds, sapphires, uncut quartz and gold. CARAVELLE• by BULOVA TRANSIS'IURIZED WATCH • Car1·ied 700FeetonHood An 18-year-old ?l.tarine Corps private, bound on Pacific Coaat Highway at about daring the heavy traffic on Pacific Coast 45 miles per boUr when Sharifi darted out Highway in th' Bolsa Chica bluffs area, in front of him. The young Marine was knocked into '\\'AS killed 'l\ie!day night when he was the air and then landed on Klbala's car struck by a imall foreign car -and carried knocking out the wlndshleld. Kibala more than 700 feet on the car's hood, ac--drove for about 700 feet btfore he was cordirig to the pollce account. • able to pull over to the side of the road, Huntington Beach officers said Rostam according to poUce. Sharifi, 18, of.Red\\·ood City, was dead on Police saJd Sharifi was running across ·arrival al 'PaclticrJJOfJ)ilal i'lesplli tht"""ffie sf reel with three other friends when efforts o( lluntington Beach life~uard to he was hit. keep him alive with cardio-pullmonary Two lifeguards arrived at the scene of resuscitation. the 11ecldent soon after and tried toi keep Sh.~riti v.·as struck at 10:30 p.m. by a Sharifi alive In the ambulance whJle he car driven bf Frederick Allan Kib..1la, 30, wa11 being taken to PaclfJca Hospital. of ao11.; Main Street, Huntington Bc~ch. Police said no charges were pending Kibala tol d poll ce he was driving east· 'gainst Gibala. First prize in the women's cate- gory in a recent deSign cOmpetition i-went to an unu sual open-work dome. ring sprinkled with diamonds and sapphires. In the men's division, top winner was a tooled cuff.Jlnk and tie tack set, with small dia- monds centered in IUy-Uke cups. In the search for "something dif· ferent," men and women are also lookfng to the past, buying or dupll· eating antique jewelry, w h I c b , though old, will never lose the beau· ty of careful crallsmanship. We oiler the latest in modern jewelry design, or beautiful an· tiq ue pieces now on display in our store. (Adv.) ...l'h• Caravella Truti1tor naver aeed1 wbldlng. Jf. relli61t llrile tranlflfor and eltctroolc clrcuJUJ opentt on• Uny , lon1·Uft battery. From one jear to the aBXL So fo111et the dally srtnd·ud·wlnd. Cln trui.1I1torlied tlmt by Cuavelle, tn both ntulu and ealerular model•. , 139.91 to $59.9' J.C. fi.umphriej Jewefer:J 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVINlll<I IUMI 2$ rEA•S IN s~~f LOC~TION I ANKAMElllCA•D -MAStll CHAIGI r>t<>N& 141°1401 I I . -' • f I I t t e • I f Meditatio11 (« Ends 'Fe st In Roclde s CRANBY, Colo. (UPI) -~lost or the several thousa nd youlhs who attended a four-day "religious fe sli\'al'' trekked from the Colorado Rockies today, leaving behind a crew to clean up the litter. The exodus began Tuesda y, \\'hen the festival ended .,.,.ith an hour-Jong medita· tion on Table Mountain. 1ilany of the estimated 3,000 youths who hiked from the campsite to nearby Table h1ountain for the meditation said they sa·.v the in1age of a \Yhite running buffalo in a snow formation. They said it was symbolic or the union between the white man and the Indian. "They're probably on a trip," soid Grand County ' undersheriff H. L. lien· derson. "They've come in here \Vith all sorts of stories in the past v.·eek, and v.•e empty their pockets and find LSD and all sorts of pills." Although a majority of ·the festival- f!:oers lt ft for home, some members of the sponsoring "Rainbow Family of Living Light" stayed to clean up litter left behind at the site of the gathering, a peat-bog kno\.\'n as Strawberry Lake, 13 miles east of Granby. Barry ·Adams, a family spokesman, said members would "stay until J uly 15. We'll not only clean up around the lake, but will also clean up in Granby, at the parking lots and the roads." _AlliJmlgh_lamily members_predicled 140,000 would attend the festival, state of· ficials estimated !he number never was more than 10,000. fi.Iany left early because of the cold , damp weather and the lack of any entertainment. Richard J. Schippers, deputy chief of the Colorado Slate Patrol, said, "\\le hope they all leave. They talk of God, Jove, brother and siSter, but th ey just sit around in groups smoking marijuana." . Jimmie L. Dunning, superintendent of the National Park Service's Rocky Moun- t.a.in area, said the service "over· prepartd" by bringing in 65 additional peopfe to patrol the gathering. Smmnei· Exl1ibits " . 0.£ L~gui1a Hills Artists Displayed Art works by members of the Laguna Hills Art Association are featured as the summer exhibit at the Laguna Federal gallery in the main ofrice, 260 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. Works for the July through August ex· hibit have been selected' trom more than SOO pieces juried by Jean Freeman or Dana Point. Works include oils, water colors, ceramics, mixed media. s cu Ip tu re. mosaics, stitchery, shelf figures and crafts. The ·Leisure World art group is headed n~Y Dr. Wilson Chase. Mildred Roemer is IUle exhibit chairwoman. . · · Also on exhibit are original "patrftings used as covers for jhe Westwa ys Magazine. The gallery is o~n to the public Crom 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.n1. \feekdays. Tilere is no admission charge. Dragged Racer Hu11py Accide1it A group 'Of youngster s takes advantage of an unexpected fountain on the hottest day of the year in PaJm Sp rin gs -11 9 degrees - after 1notorist Carman ~talabanan knocked o~er a fire hydrant. The respite was short Jived; the !ire department arrived soon to turn off the warer:---· l(orea Accord May Ease U.S. Financial Burden The United States hopes that ihe moves bv North and South Koren 1o bur y the hatchet v:ill case. America's financia l burdens. Administration sources expressed the· hope in San Clemente that the an· nouncement fr on1 Seoul and Pyongyang would lead-to a reduction in the U.S. finanCial commitment to ':(Upport the South Korean govern1ne11t. lt is still too early lo tell, hov.'ever, whether such a reduction in U.S. ex· pe11ses Y.'ill actually come about, the ad· ministration sources said. 'fh~United States has poured hundreds cl( millions. of dollars. and more than 30,000 American lives, into the support oE the Seoul goverrunent. ln addition to sup. portin~much of the South Korean 1ni!itary establishment. lhe United Stales still maintains about 40,000 servicemen in South Korea. The Western \Vhite House said that President Nixon was kept inforined of the secret negotiations bet,veen North an~ South Korea that led to ~1onday's dramatic announcement that the (\VO gov~m1nent~·. long and bitter antagonists, would seek a peaceful reun ification of Korea: .l~we .view it as an encouraging in· dication of the lessening of tensions in the area, y,·hich could have a favorab le impact on the prospects for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula." said Deputy Press Sec retary Gerald R. \Var· ren. He emphasized that the U.S. com· mitment to South Korea as one of its staunchest Asian allies had not been diminished by 1he announce1nent But he indicated the Uni(ed States-has no objection IQ th e eventu al reunification of North and South Korea. \...--... Blackmail, Drtig Suspect Claims Rights Violation IR\VtNDA.LE (AP) -One of four men accused or drugging the enchi ladas of this city's mayor in an alleged blackmail plot has filed a $50-mll!ion suit, con· tending his rights were violated. Joseph Tintary, 52, charged with con· spiracy to blackmail Mayor Richard Diaz to force his support for legalized gambl· ing, filed the suit in Los Angeles federal court. _ Besides Diaz and his mother, the suit named as defendants City Councilman Richard Chico, the city attorney, Charles 1'.tartin, the city clerk, 1'.f a r gar e t Barbosa, police Lt. James Provenza and Consolidated Rock Products, the San, Gabriel Valley city's chief employer. Tintary and three others are charged with drugging Diaz' enchiladas with a hypnotic drug and taking pictures of him with a nude \\'Oman in a blackmail at· tempt. Their case goes to trial Sept. 1. W 01ne1i's Lib Mc_ikes, a Splash, STANFORD CAP) -For more than 60 years, the Stan ford University men's pool ha s been available for nude swimming by n1en daily bet\11cen noon and 2 p.m. But la st week two unidentified women students chall enged this state of affairs by going to the pool. undressi ng and jumping in. TJ1e adn1inist ration then closed the pool Friday, the hottest. day so far this year. ~1onday the word came down: No more nude bathing in the pool at any time. but it \\.'ill be open for men only between noon :_ind I p.m. and for women only from .J to 2 p.m. "\Ve ha ve equnl time for both sexes." said Acting At hletic Director BoD Young. Nude Da11ce 'Sliot Bri1igs Laivsuit SAN FRANCISCO illPl\ -'l'wo members of the S:in Francisco B<1llet, one male and one female. have filed a $2.5-million suit. cloiming a color photograph was r<!:loucb~ to make them appear nude. Sara J\·lai.ile and r.eoffrcy Thomas named as rlefcndants a phoiographer, a poster manufacturer, ty,·o poster sho ps and a night club. Howard Lapp or Chicago looks pasi his ba~ feet and talks about being dragged by a speeding car. Lapp stopped a car lull of teen· a~ers who were rating up his neighborhood street but th ey grab\)ed him and pulled him along at 50 miles an hour. He had no shoes on and suffered ~erlous iajurics. He is painfully recovering no\v ,bul lost his job in the meantime. They contended in the superior court suit Mondoy that ~11ss Maude y,·as dreslt(ld in a hite body stockings and Thomas in ored dan cing trunks when the photog ra h w11s taken. ~lowever, they said. the picture was "d ra~tically ultcred" to ake them nppeAr nak~d. I Wk!ntsday, Juty 5, 1972 'Frie11d of Co111•t' Laguna Supports Whittier Appeal ., A decision handed do\\'ll by the 2nd District C.ourt or Appeals in Los Ang<'ll'S in a \Vhittier initiati\'e case is ··strongly supJXlrtive" of arguments filed by thr ct• f.y of Laguna Beach in d<'fending legal at· ten1pts to th row out the (_•ity's buildi11g he ight limit, attornt•y \\'1llia1n \\l i\coxen said today. \Vilcoxen. v.·ho serves as <'('1-{'0unscl •Nit h city attorney Tully Seyn1our in defense of reallor Ven1 'f ascluwr's suit agains the clty on the high rise issue, v.·as authorized by the city council to fil<• an an1icus curiae (friend of the court} brief in the \Vhitticr case. The appellate rou.rt det·ision in tht• c<1sc of Bayless vs. the city(Clerk of \\'hit\Jer, ordered the elerk tri accept an initiath c )>t'tilion that seeks io ban oil dr illing in residential areas. and to pf%ess the ·pt'ti· lion according to the state elect.Ion cocle . ~tore than 3,500 signatures \\·ere ob- ta:ncd on U1e petitio n in six n1onths of circulation. but the city clerk, on order or the city council, refused to accept it. The council had been advised by the \Vhittier city attorney that an initiative election in the case would be illegal, since it in- volved a zoning matter. No v.• the court. in a case filed against the clerk by a citizen, has ruled that the clerk 1nust process the pe1ition and also i~sucd an orde r restraining the \\'hittirr City Council from ''laking any action ex· Memorial Rites Set for Lagu11a11 In Spain Death A memorial mass will be celebr~ed July IO in St. Catherine Catbohc Chu h, Laguna Beach. fo r the late Antoine te 1'.·lardrus, longtime Laguna resident who ·died in April while touring in Spain. The 8 a.m. service will be sponsored by lhe Alliance Francaise de la Riv iera Californienne, of which Mi ss r..•Iardrus 'vns a founder in 1963. ~1iss l-.1ardrus _and her artist brother, Pien·e, came to Laguna son1e 20 years ago, maklng their home at 52{) Cress St. They traveled extensively and \vere on ~n extended tour of Eur.ope y,·hen Miss l\'lardrus succumbed to a· heart altack in B.arcelona, Spain. ln addition to se rving as Jirst secretary of the local Frencll·language society, she \\'as active in the Wqmen's Council of St. Catherine Church. Her brother recently returned to Laguna after visiting relatives in France. 'rt>pt pursuant to the elect lon code governing initiati\'eS. '' This n1cnns Uta\, If ttw .signatures 0:11 lhe petition !Ire cert ified <ts suffic1ent, tht• coun('il is required to rail .'.In ele<:tlon on the 01\ drilling issue. "\\'e entrred the casr.'' s:ud \\'1lr<1xc11 . "brrause the argument \ras th::it there t•ould Ill)! be land use rt'gulation by in· i!iativt» \1•hlch is the argun1ent v.·c ;ire opposing in the Laguna t•asc. ·· "The tourt no1v has n1led that lhl'rr is a Constitution:it right to a hl':1r1nJ.!, r('~nrdlt~ss of local ordinnnces . nnd hn~ · issued a ·12·page opinion indicalini: st rongly it 1\ould uph0ld ~lh.Jf an l'lectit)Jl if on~-· is hrld.c~ :1 ~!1•0 beyond !he action of the ap1:tt.·llatC' rol11:t Ill our t'.1SI'. in \\ hi1•h ;111 t'IP<'!Hl!l \\,)~ ... ordc-red to he hl•ld. but th(' C\Ul':-t11111 11f validity of the i1ut1:1Li1·1· \1·a.~ li•ft Oµt>n. "Thr \\'hit11l'r cll'\'!SllHl ;1lsn t'tl<·~ l!l!i'• leg islation that say~ a11v fii ilul'1• in pr1t- tt1dural rrq11iri•n11•nt~ on !h1' p:1rt fl{ a r1· ly COUJll'il or pl;!l\!1111,!! L'llll1111h~IO!l lll enacllng :1 zo11111 g .. rdin;1n1·1• shn!l 1111t 111, valid<1te l ht~ ordir1:111('<'. ·n11 ~ is llH' \egislillion 11(' ft•lt i1ffcrL~ the L.1g1111a cnse." Sex Ju~I 'l'alk A11<l N o A('tio n For Israel J{id~ TEL AVI\' lAl'I -"\\'hen it t·on1e!' to sex .. Israeli high sc hool pupils do a lot of talking, bul very little else." That 1vas I~ .1vord today from Dr. 1toshc Lancet. hf'ilrl of th(• ohstetra·s. department ;11 L'-rai:!'s K:ipl?in !!ospil;d , to an intcrna11onul syn1pos1l11n 011 :-l'X education. While fore lgnl•rs 1n:1y s11s1}('{'! that lsraeli youn gsters hn\'I' loos1· sex lives, Lancet said a su rvey shQ\\'('d th:l! fc,1·1·r than one tern-3gc hoy 111 five -and one ~irl in eight -had any st>:< t':<per1cue1'. 1vhile the rest just tal ked .about it. Even on the kibbu!z l'Ollcctivc sc•t· t!ement s where boys and girls gr0\1' 11 p together in ru stic intin1acy, s1•x h<1rd!y runs rampant, said a r('port fro1n a kih· butz research center. \\'t·!'tern vis1101·~ are sometimes disappointed to fin'tl th<ll kibbutz life is more tr;Jctors nnd chick1•n coops than bed. ., Most young kibbutz.niks think ~ex should start at age 18, slU'veys say. That's also thr age when most lsraelis - boys a nd girls -get. drafted into the army, which may or may not be coin· cidental. s DAILY PILOT 3 •~'11·e 'l 'o1d \"i cr l1 rcsident an d ~trs. Ag11C'\V have announced the engage· 1ncn t of their daughter Susan to Carroll Strin. a ~laryland :-t-at 0--e111plOye fro1n Baltimore. l\1iss Agnew, 24, and Stein, 30 plan. a win ter \\ledding. Capo to Offer S1unmer Prorrram ~ A ~utnrner pre-school program for \I t'lf;1re fatnily children is being offered .111 !ht• Ca1>istrano Unifit'd School District , J'hr program is stmr supported and is dt•sii::nl•d to he lp the youngs ters age j-5 <ll'V(•!up socially 411\d •t'motiO n:llly, TI1e elass is also oprn to youngsters o( fan)ilil·s 'vho speak only Spanish in the • hn1nr. . ' ·ro enroll parents must bring !he child's birth certifi cate or visa, im· munizal)oh record, welfare case num~r and a statement of the family'& ~ earnings to the disti'ict olfice af 2&ill Victori a Blvd. in · tran~o l!eaeh. ~ Brentwood Savings announces its Costa Mesa Grand Opening : ·. Phase I Beginning July 5th and continu- ing through July 31st, we'll be holding open house in our tem- porary quarters .----- at 1565Adams Ave., just one block west of Harbor. Stop by dur- ing business hours(Monday thru Thurs, G JULY O 5 day, 9 a.m. ~5555~ to4 p.m., Friday, 10 a.m . to 6 p.m,) and meet our staff. Sampl e the refreshments. And pick-up a free surprise for the children and yourself. Just look for the sign that says Brentwood Savings and Loan Association. And keep an eye out ·for the announcement of the Costa Mesa Grand Opening-- Phase IL It's coming up this December, just as soon as our new building is completed. We're delighted to be in Costa Mesa, and to offer.you "personal interest"-the way you like it. Phase II ... '>/l!Jl•" f Ope ns December, 1972 1565 Ada ms Ave nue Cos ta Mesa Phone : 979·3910 • BRENTWOOD SAVIMCiS ~ Be LOAM ASSOCIATION With •~cl! ov<'r $260,000,000 \VF.S'r LOS A:>.GEtJ::S SAN f.AHR IEL VAl.LF.'li' I [)(J\YN1'6\VN LOS ANGF.LF.S I Y.1EST SAN FERNANOO VAU.E'l !->AN ~l,\RJNO I llUNtJNli·roN UEACll / 't';\lrtl-'AX /· LONli BF.ACI! I PICO.ROBEFlTSON J COSTA f.lESi\ ' • ·1 If DAIL V PILOT with Tom arphine Now They're Taxing Taxes SAME .OLD STAND DJ.;PT. -Well folks, ir you're reading this. it can be presumed that you are a Fourth of July iurvivor and we all had a great time celebraling our country's birth when we got rid of the British and taxes all at the same time. \Vail a minute. The Brilish governor5 may hai.re long departed but you have to suspect that maybe we didn't quite get clear of the tax part. J .. ust to remind us of Ulal, our wise leglslators up in Sacramento had a new tax go into effect last Saturday as sort o( a pr~lndependence Da y cel~bration. THIS LATEST OUTRAGE ;, e tax upon a tax, just to make it a little more unpleasant. tt happens to be on gasoline, ""hich. as all us motorists kno\v, is a pretty \.veil-taxed commodity' to begin \11ilh. Before this atrocity went inlo effect, you already paid a seven-cent state ta>.: ;ind four-cent federal tax on every gallon of fuel you bought for the old family bus. That's a tota l of 11 cents per gallon and 1s re nec ted on the posted price you find on the gasoline pump when you driv~ in to your friendly neighborhood station. Thus if the pump displayed is 36.9 cents" per gallon, you are actually paying only 25.9 cents for the gas and the other 11 cents goes to the federals and the ~tatehouse boys. Comes now Ulc ne\v rive per-cent gasoline ta x that st arted Saturday as the brainchild of the revenue-hunters up in the capitol. SO YOU ARE a reasonable fellow and you say okay, the state needs the money. So, add th_e ~t to the 25.9 cents I'm alread,.-'paying fOi' a retail gallon·. Oh, no. They're not going to do th at. They are golng to levy the fi\·e percent .,gainst the 25.9 cents for the retail gallon AND the 11 cents you are already paying in state and federal taxes. 'l1le result is, clearly, that you get tax~ for payil}.g 1your tax: You have to figure that the Sacra!l'lento boys. recognizing that gas taxes are hid· den taxes, just figure they can hide this one awa y too. ACTUALLY, IT 'S JUSI like if you walk· ed into your cou nty tax collector's office and announced, "I'm here to pay my pro- perty taxes ... " Then the man behind the ('(Junter says, '·fine. Let's see. That's $37 4.85 for your property tax and $32.20 sales tax ." And you sputter, "Sales tax on "·ha"t?" And he answers, "Why sa les ta x on the $37 4.85 property tax you're pay ing. of course." You suspect if something like tha t h<1p· pene<l. folks \vould march on the county courthouse in short order. But the Sacramento tax·thinker·uppers will pro- bably get a\vay with tacking another two- cents per gallon on your tab. So now you'll be paying the gasoline company about t"''O bits and t)I_ government 13 cents for every g~llo~_·or petrol. This ne.w tax on your t a x e s is supposed to raise $173.4 million every year fol' Sacramento. Most of the money is earmarked for good deeds, like fixing up our ru ral roads and getting some rapid transit in the cities where it is like- ly nobody will use it. Aft er all that's done, there will be $35.5 million left that isnt earmarked for anything. But you can bet your la st gasoline dollar they'll find something to spend ii on. Probably a study to determine \\'here the y can find new sources of tax re venues. By the time irs all over, we n1ay \1:eJcome the British back. I Wetfnt1day, July 51, 1972 Celebration Ti11ie • Rags-to-Riches Politician Succeeds Scito TOKYO (AP) -Japan's ruling COO• servalives today named Kakuei Tanaka, a dynamic rags-to-riches construction man turned politician, to be prime minister \\'\t h a mandate for bold new ap- proaches to the United Statt$ and China. The Liberal.Democratic Party in effect tumed ib back on the cautious estab- Jis~t politics ol Prime ~1inister Eisaku Sato. who is retiriltg at 71 . It de· cisively rejected the bid of his protege. 67·year--old Foreign Minister Takeo Fukuda, to succetd blm. Tanaka, at S4 the youngest prime minister since 1945, v.·on the party presidency and with it leadership of the government at a convention of the party's members in the Diet. the Japanese parliament. The vote on the sec· ond runoff ballot was 282·190, with four blank votes. The Diet will meet Thursday to con· firm Tanaka as prime minister for a political life for' a quarter of a century. Whatever the United States \\"anted , it usually got, including mushrooming trade. support for the Nationalist Chinese regime on Taiwan nnd official boycott of the Chinese OJmmunisls. The cnmch came 'vhen Japan achieved a favorable balance of trade \vilh the United States and steadily "·idened it "'ith a river of. lOw·COSt, high.quality goods poured onto the Ameri can market. Angry talk combined with American rtstrictions soured the old relationship. find relations are still strained despite a visit last month by presidential adviser Henry Kissinger. President Nixon's unexpected rap. prochement with Pekinf without prior C'Onsultation \~Ith its chie Asian ally, also hit Sato in the political ja\v and weaken· ed his standing "'ithin the country and the party. And Pek-il,lg said there could be no real ilnprovement in Japanese· Chinese relations until Sato ,vent. French Premie1·, Cabinet Quit Posts to Aid Leader three-year term, a formality since the r I · h party has a siza ble majority in both PARIS (UP I) -French Premier Pompidou et Jl was better lo ave an Gov. Ronald Reagan and \vile Nancy were greeted by comedian Danny Kaye on their arrival at the Rebild, Denmark Independence Day celebration. The festival is held to mark the American holiday because of strong ties between the two nations after year·s of iinmi· gration. Kaye was th e ma.in speakt;r. tie played the movie role of Denma rk's best kno\vn author, Hans Christian Andersen. Jacques Chaban·Delmas and his 40--man entirely ne\v cabinet rather than reshuf. hoiµics. He is expected lo aMOunce hi s cabinet resigned today to allow President• fie the old one, political sources said. cabinet on Friday. .. Georges Pompidou to build a new cabiner-·-.. _ Tanaka's victory resulted from grow. t'l meet expected strong opposition in ing restlessness \vithin the party over next A1arch 's National Assembly elec· Sato's inability to cope with the problems tions. of China, the United States and mounting Chaban.Delmas' resignation has long $999 ,000 Bo11d ' domeStic difficulties. Little change \Vould been rumored and officially de nie d. The have been expected had Fukuda been action \Vas announced in a communique Set ori Suspect Mental Hospital Blnze.o..: [(ills 30 Sleeping Men t:hosen. from Pompidoo's office follolving today's The leaders of two powerful factions in weekly c.abinet session. the party who also ran, former Foreign Pompidou 's Gaullist coalition, \\'hich l\finisters Takeo ~1iki and Masayoshi has been in power for 13 year:;, faces Ohira. stood out for change. \Vhen they stiff opposition from a newly formed TYLER . Tex. (UPIJ -Police held a,. 'vere knocked out on the fi rst ballot, they Con1mun ist-Socialist 'coalition. eve n 5l·year--old murde r st spect in jail 1oday threw their support by advance agree.-· thoogh the Gaullists now control 380 out n1ent to Tanak a. of the 487 seats in the National in lieu of $999.000 bond. the highest ever Tanaka made a brief, restrained ac-Assembly. :set in Texas, The suspect, \Vho \\'as not Iii Texas Dea.tli SllERBORNE, England (AP) -Fire S\.\~ept tfirougll a .... Wingof lhe ·Co1d~Harbor Ment.al Hospital early tod<1y, killing 30 of . the 36 male patients sleeping in a ward. The nursi~ staff rescued seven of the Then u r s 1 n g staff r escued seveJ1 of the men, but on~ died leter. The other 'iLX suffered minor injuries. I IN· SHORT. • • I 011e of the dead patients was 16 years old and the rest \.\'e re described as mid- dle·aged. Most died in their beds. but the main doors were said to have been unlocked at the time of the blaze. • About 325 patients were in other buildings of the hospital. The fire oc- curred" in the \Vinfrith Villa, a Yling \vhiCh opened nine months ago. Dr. Peter J-0hnson. chairman of the hospital management comn1ittee. said the most severely handicapped of the male pa- tients were kept there. e T1·111111111 S1d11ted. INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (UPI\ Citizens of former pl'csident Harry "-S 'I'ruman's ·home tO\vn gave him an Jndepend~nct Day salute Tuesday and .sent. wishes to Research Hospital in nearby Ka nsas City that Truman recover and return home soon. Truman, 88. remained in satisfactory condition v.•it h an u n s pee if i e d gastrointestinal ailment. He w a s hospitalized Sllnday and doctors have been taking blood tests· and x-rays since. e Blust Kills J \VAUCON DA. Ill. (AP J -A 24·year-0!d man \'.'as killed and three other persons \vere hospitalized Tuesday night in a fire\VOrks explosion at Banks Lake near \Vauconda, 40 miles north\vest of Chicago. The dead man 'vas identified by hospital officials as Ed\\'ard G. Bulger or ~1cHenry. e ·Ko1·e1111s H'11r11ed SEOUL (A P) -1'he South Korean governtnent v.·arned its people toda y not to expect speedy results from its agree- ment wiU1 North Korea to '\.\'Ork for im· proved relat ions and reunification of the Korean peninsula. Pren1ier Ki1n .Jong·pil urged the nation to n1ainlain its vigilance. asserting that a piece of paper from the Communists con· ta ining pron1ises does not mean anything unless the pledges are implemented. Kim told the Na tional Assembly that Park Sung-chul, North Korea's second vice premier. u s ed "undescribably abusive" "·ords in attacking the South on the same day the r-.1orlh·South agreement "'as disclosed. ceptance speec h stressing that unity of Pompidou did ool immedia tety an· identified bectiuse police had not • Nixota Blasted the party must continue. 1 He has said nounce a successor but he scheduled fo rmall y charged hinl yet. \Vas accused DETROIT ("AP) _ The natiol\a.J-con-_pre._ti.o_U!ly that he W®ld..givtlls .m_ajo_r n1eetings ,vith Deiense Minister Michel of beating to death a mother of nine vention of the NAACP passed 8 resolu-attention to repa iring the fr~yed re\a. Deb re and other Gaullist leaders for children. tlon Tuesday accusing President Nixon of tions with the Uni ted States and to briJ1g-later in the day. In the past. judges were allowed to "arousing passions or hate and bit· ing about diplomatic relations with Chaban-Deln1as has been criticized deny bond to suspects accused or cap ita1 terness" with his stand against school Co1nmunist China. from within his ov•n party for not being offenses. But since the abolition of the busing for racial balance. Japan's conqueror in 1945. then its toug h enough in dealing \\•ith several death penalty, defense attorneys have In the only resolution passed by the benevolent occupier an d friend. the financia l scandals in which Gaullisls filed t\\·o sepaarte suits arguing thal 2.300 delegates Tuesday, the second da y United States dominated .• J a pine s e vtere allegedly involved. · bond must be allowed all defendants. of the week-long convention, the group l-----------'---'-'.--------''---.:__----------------------- called Nixon's antTbusing remarks during his recent signing of the Higher Educa- tion Act "a divisive strategy totally destructive to a constitutional form of government" amounting to "changing the rules in the middle of the game." T,vo · P1·otestant ' Brotl1ers Slai11 In New Violence BALFAST {UPI) -Assassians killed two brothers today and dwnped their bodies in a ditch near Aldergrove Airport. The deaths raised to 10 the num- ber of 'Perscns killed since Friday. Police identified the victhns as Malcolm Orr, 19. and Peter Orr; .21 , Protestants from the Alli ance Road area of Belfast. Authorities said one of the victims "'as shot in the head in a gangland·style execution. Earlier gunmen shot and wounded an IS.year.old Protestant and a 22·year--0ld Roman Catholic in separate incidents in Belfast. The two deaths raised the toll in aln1ost three years of Ulster strife to 403. Commanders of the 13 Belfast areas of the milit:int Ulster Defense Association I UDA) met to discuss a ne\v con-- frontation with British troops this weekend, UDA sou rces said. ''We are going to do some things in Belfast this weekend," one UDA official said. "Obviously we 're not going to tell you what our plans are." DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dellvery of the Oa.lly Piiot is guaranteed Mondly·Fr!d&y: If \'Oil do "'' hav• your p;1per by S:lO p.m .. Cl!! Ind your COPY Wiii Dt brol/IV!t tel vou. C•llt 1rt ltken unlll 1;30 p,m, Sa!urdav Ind Sund1y1 If you do ,,ot rece!v• ycur copy by t 1,m. $1turday, or t 1.m. suric11y, e•ll •!Id 1 copy wJU ~ br<lvghl to you. C1115 1r1 11k1n unlll 10 1.m. Telephones Mo!I Orangt COllnty Artl 5 ... , .... •42·'321 Nortnwest 11u1Uln11on B11e11 1nd Wtilmh11t1r .............. , .. , l4~1t21 Sin C!em1nte, c1plt:tnno Be1ch, Sin J111n C.plsltfl\O, Otn1 Poil\f, South l•tun•, lq\11'11 Nl1u•I ..•• •'1·U2f The no-charge checking plan for frugal people. Here's how Fr.ugal Check works : You keep a minimum da ily balance of $100 in your personal checking account, and you can write all the checks you want. For free . No service charge whatsoever. If your balance dips below $100 , we 'll only charge you one dollar for that month. No matter how many checks you write . So you see, you will save money. With FruQal Check . 61 convenient locations Autu·mn Chill Hanging On UNITED STATES NJ!IJ_ONAL BANK ~ I Cool July· 4 Breciks Records: Storms Bri1ig Flood Fears Tem pe1·11t 111·es V.S. S•m11111r11 f)o.oo (; \"" ..... ,~ ... .ic1 •CO \\. '-f't ~o• •M•t1.r• \ Fir,! hlOh Flr•I I&.~ S•cond hltl't SKOOd low THIJJllSOAY 1:0t 1.m. ~.i t':!O I.IT!. D.I •:ot 11.m. '·' 11 ~11 11.m. ,.2 OOSTA MESA OFFICE 18•6 Newport Blvd. , (714 ) 646-8291 F. Frank Z"'biec, Mana1.,. Merflbtr FDIC Where everythh!g starts with you ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA OFFI CE .333$ B1i3tol St. " (714) 5'0•5211 H. M. Stolte, Mana1er HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 302 Filth St . (71') 636-9361 Victor J. Ruedy, Mana1<r Alt 1v1um11Ui• tlllft (l,,.l'ICI tt ~'If• l tNI Of ""-"'~11,.tn• !04•' Ill*• s!'rfM: ff(flW f,.,,-. f{Qllflrll I'- Sim Ji b e• S.<ll •.tl'I. M0011 lll1t1 1;00 1.m • $•1• l :ot o.m. 1 ______________ ~.:_ ______________________________ _ b.?:.s:04 p.m .• • • ' I • I • ., of nl c '!' m. re ll h· fr or " b G th "" y vvi re a pr c· a ha fi \ • ' Co11imitwe Ol(s Auto Smog Rules SACRA1'.1ENTO (APl-Antismog stand- erds 1\·ould be enforced in a 1vide area of Southern California under a bill \\'in- ning nutro\\' approval from a Senate Comnlitlee. • , • IJl"I Ttl...,,0101 Se n. Anlhony Beilenson's bill approved Tuesday. would require inspections to make sure the cars meet exhaust emissio11 regulations issued by the State Air Resources Control Board. Cars would have to bear a certificate of compliance from the boad before they could be sold or registered. ·ARRESTED IN SHOTGUN SLAYING OF JOYCE ANN HUFF, 4, LEFT, OF LAKEWOOD Donald P1ul Antel, 21; Michael R1mirez, 18; Oscar Hernandez, 22, All of Norwalk Child's Deatl1 Termecl 'Joy l(illi11g' The Beverly Hills Oe1nocrat's bill \\'OUld apply to cars in the south coast air basin, stretching from Santa Barbara to San Clemente and eastward to Riverside. The 5-3 vote on the Senate Local Government Comm ittee moved the bill to the Senate Finance Comn1ittee, last stop bcrore reaching the floor . Beile nson·s measure '«OUld also require year·round auto registration in the area with a certain percentage of cars registered each month. Drivers would get a free handbook tell ing them about the progran1 . Lobbyist Don Price or the Southern California Automobile Club testified against the bill. I-le said motorists \\o'Ould have a dirfic uH time gelling their cars fixed to meet the sandards. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -The moUier or a 4--year-old girl slain by a shotgun blast from a passing car said sheriff's depu- ties told her husband the three men ar- rested in the case "11·ere just out lookin g for someone to kill." Sheriff's <fevuties said the case "is pretty well wrapped up."'\,. They planned to seek a formal complaint from the district attorney against three men ar· rested Tuesday and booked for in- vestigation of murder. Joyce Ann Huff was fatally Injured by the shotgun blast while playing in a neighbor's yard Sunday in suburban Ha- waiian Gardens. "Sheriff's deputies have told my hus- band that the three men were just out looking for someone to kill." Bernice Huff said Tuesday. "It takes awfully brutish men to do that kind of thing to have fun ." Sheriff's deputy Da vid \Vainer slid to- . day that as far as a motive for the crime, ''There simply is none." Deputy Robert Wood 'Sai~ earlier that Investigation indicated '"it must be a bla- lant case or murder ... a joy killing.'' The three men in custody were iden- tified as Donald Paul Antel, 21, Michael Ramirez, 18, ar.d Oscar Hernandez, 22 , all from suburban Norwalk. Police said all were unemployed. Mrs. Huff said she did not kno1v any of the men. It was not immediately re~aled \\'hat Forest, Brush Fires Rage J.'RESNO (AP) -Small but menacing forest and brush fifes raged l cxfay from 1he Sierra to lhe coastal .range, the legacy of California's long, dry winter turned dangerous by -summer heat. F·iremen -quic.kly controlled two small fires in parts of Griffith Park T u e s d a y • Onlookers who gathered ot watch the flames brought ti=af- fic to a standstill. tn less than 10 acres, Flynn said. ~Jn Yosemite National P-ar.k, _ about 20 rangers and park workers were attacking a stubborn fire east of Glacier Point in the Jlliloue~te Basin and threatening more critical watershed cover. evidence 1€.'d to the arrests. although deputies conduetl.'d an exhaustive house- to-house questioning in the neigh borhood 111hcre the shooting occurred, Sources said offieC'rs s/1011,·C'd. neighbors a co mposite dra11'ing of a 1nan resentb!· ing: Ante!. Mr. and 1\Irs. Huff s ptnt a quiel Fourth of July holidny. A daught er from a previous n1arriage and a son-in-law fle\v. here frorn Ohio to join their grieJ· stricken parents. .. ' ''You can·t stop cars from driving do1vn the street,"' ~Trs. I-luff said. "The child "'as right in front by the kitchen . \Ve nc\'cr let her run around unsupervis- ed. The re wJs nothing v.·e could have dQne.'' Wrdnr~day, Joly 5, 11;72 DAJL Y PILO:__l!_ 30 ~ Booked After r• ". f ~ " ~ . . ' ·-·· Row in Richmond ll!Cl-l ~IOND (AP) -Police arrcstrd 30 persons after using tear gas to break up a disturbnnt't' nl nn lndependcnet 11:1y- celcbration by 20.000 in the Point Rich- mond district. Sgt. Lin Lt11v1s s:iict a sn1all group started 1hro11·111g bollll'S and rQ(·ks :11 police and n cro1vd soon gath<'rr<I, ThOSl' <lrrestt'J "t're booked on 1n1t•st1gat1on of fuiluf'e to diSJ>(lrse. he sald, OfftCt'r 1\.lnl Shad\1,_•y r1'1.'c1ved a shght l'O!lCUSSlO/l \.\hen hit on thf' hC'!"ld \\1th :l bottle blit 11:1s relt•aSt'd ;1ft1•r 1rl'atn1en1. Lc-11 ls s:11d lrou· Hl<i::-l's Ayal11 !\!Oi\Tt-:nf:\' \ l"Pl 1 -An :lbnnclont'rl bui lding \1as i;:et ::ilJlaLe by :1r1:or11:sts 111t Ca nn ery Ho11" hlondav night , th\• \:tll''i~ u1 a ser1rs of fires on the historil' strl·t(·h uf \l"atC'rfront, Fire 1111·t•s!1gaturs sn1 cl 'l'Ul'Sd:iy th,1 l lhl• a rson firrs h:11 11 all folln111~d :1 p;1t - tcrn of bt~1n~ srt 011 11l'l'kl·1HI:-d11rin~ 1ll:i · jor e~.cnts or 011 hohl1:1~ s ,.,,,,..,, ....... liill••d LOS AN\.F:L1-::-: ( \1 '1 A ~~-1 .·arnld rookie h1~tn1 ay p:11n1l111;111 \1 as :11'- cidentally shot und J..illt•d 111th ;1 J:L111l'1Hg bullet 1n1•:int l{1 kdl ;111 1nj11rt"1t hor:-\' Patroln1an J 11111:1 t-:11·r1·1 1 l\1latl1n1. recently 1r:111sferrcd to !Ill• Los A11J.!1·H·~ area fron1 ~:1cr;111H·n1v. 11 ,is pro1111tu11·1·d dead on arr11 :ii Tuf'S(!;1y nigh! Al ~I Francis Jlosp1t;1J in Lyn11cl()(I n 'nll'r \'il'/di1111 TRACY t1\PJ -'!'he intrus.H111 o! su.IL 1Yater into thl' Sacranll'nto-San ~aqu~ __ Otlta 11·nh•r11;iys c:uu ... ~l'd by the Isleton fl1k1• br('a k Juni• 21 1s Ut•g1nnl 11g lo )'ICRI lo :l t110-front ilttaek f'ro1n .1ho1·11• frt·~h irater is curnin;.! clo1•.i1 thl' Sal'r<lllll'rllO Ri\'Cr frorn 5Ut'h far-up .. tr1•ant ~ourl'l's ns Sh·i!<:l:J. Tr1nl1 v anti Fl1l~nn1 <1:1111~ [)n11n..,ir1":111 rhf' Si\ 11 int 1111111•1.; at 11,,, l ~ 1lur1 ;1 ,.f H··· \;un,1t1011 's pun111· uh.: ,1·1 ·in n1 .tr lh."•· h Ill' h1'1'l1 tur~i t Up :o ·all ~.l[f,Ll•!Y ~lllt" • \l·>11d,1r !ll ;hi f>1 ;/i1 ·1' Di.'i11 r111 lt1'\ \\t;l·Lf.S !\I' l'n,1• <' \" t/•t·\ dt.,,lfll\t·d 3 (~hi '1 T 11f nlillL.1"' !"\• pl1•"I\ •' .It•\ lt't'S n11ntl'• , h11l11n• 1 I+, ~· 11 .~ul1! l1;n1' 1•\plndcd 11 ;1 11u•u ~ '1 «•"•1 11 th" i ;1i" h Tile11t1..•r, 1•. 11· .1 l:u· 1 1·1 tl1Hlt't" "1,•u11 11.!\s pt'r\11rn1.rii,:. T h(• lhl ;JI• r \\:IS n1r~l'!t'd \'II oi' I ·1·" d:l~ !llj!lil Ii_\' Jl'I\ l: Ii J)1•f1•p •' [ 1· I l ~ nil·n1Urr .. ~111ne uf 111111111 t•:uru·d 1·111p!v r1lll·s :111tl signs 1111r·11• 1: p;1rro11" 111 l!·i• pC'rf1 11·r11.111r1• that 1lu·1 11t·1 i· ;1!h·111l 1r1 • .. :ti ~\!LU" Ull II ri sk " !\lost threatening 11:as a brush fire that burned out of control through the night on both sides of the precipitous Kern f{iver canyon naer Johnsondale. By nightfall Tuesday, U.S. Fo~est Service llanger Don 1-lanson said, 147 <\_cres had been blackened d es pi t e emergency C'fforls by eight aerial tankers and f our helicopters. They were sum- moned because of the critical natu re Of the \Yatershed in· volved and because of rough IC'rrain. Firemen in Riverside Coun- ty said that four fires, termed potentially dangerous, were controlled with only minor damage. The largest blaze there blackened five acres on the northwest corner or Ban- ning. In the Sierra National Forest, a small human-caused fire troke out in heavy timber Tuesday along a four-wheel drive trail 5S miles northeast of Fresno and abOlit thref: miles llOrthwest or Edison Lake. Jn Ventura County, a fire broke out Tuesday near Piru and burned 150 acres of brush below Santa Felicia Dam. Arson was suspected, officials said, but no structures were threatened a'nd they said con- tainment was expected soon. Its a comfortable, 6-cylinder American compact that's actually priced· below the Volkswage n 113. At Newhall, north of Los Angeles, firemen cleaned up the remnants of a fir e that burned 300 acres or brush and filled Antelope Valley ·with sniokE:. "Il's been over JOO in the sha~ here for several days and conditions are bery bad." said 11anson. from the f-'orterville ranger s t a t i o rt. "The winds are very tricky in that deep canyon. J'm making no predictions." Ranger Bob Flynn said he;===========. hoped to have it contained to-KIDS . LOVE dj'.;Jling embers caused new UN CLE LEN spot fires within a radius of Saturdays in several hundred yards from The DAILY PILOT the main blaze, concentrated hungry tiger"s new lunch menu is GrrrrrrrrrrEAT! For Openeios l~ho1 bffll Nll!Ofl!ld lhol frcnler the Lion fto1 lte.11 elrting eur oyslert,,, fres hly Shucked Oysters_1,0o Freshly Shucked Clams _l ,00 Shrimp Cocktail ·····--·-.1 .00 Mixed Green Salad.·-····-.50 Our Famous Clam Chowder Cup -25··-· Bowl _ .• 50 . . Specialties .. Eggs Benedict --2.25 Short Ribs of Beef . 2.25 Sauteed Bost<\n Schrod.-2.$'.S ·Fisherman's Platter -2.45 Whole Eastern Ipswich ' Top Sirloin St~ak · Clams .·-_2.25 Sandwich 3.45 I. Hongtpwnfry _l.75. I I ·Waist AW..)'&·~· ~dwi.di,. · Broiled Boston Schrod -2.25 Crab New o;le~hs • 2.45 Broiled Chopped Si~loiir_. h50 Shrimp Sandwich · 1.95 Salads Jumbo l;lamburger --...l.75 Hungry Tiger Salad -2.65 A Triple Treat Chefs Sarad -~-.. -.2.45 Combination .1.~5 . / . Oyster Bar Selections Jnc1udt1 1 Cup of Hun11ri Tiger's fomou1 Clo111 <Jlo..Jctiiir or Crbp Cold Salad, Cheke er D,.1tln11 Clams Casino ·-·:···-·-2.45 Steamed Clams · 2 .60 Oysters ·Rockefeller _:__.2.45 prster Stew _ · _2.4.!5 ~ee .. ities Tommy's Famous Clam Digger Cocktail ~.75 Tiger's Bull Shot -.75 Margarila __ .75 Bloody Mory __ :._ __ . __ .,.: .75 Glass of House Wine --~O fine Fizzes ·-·-..:._ .75 lm11<>rted Tiger...Be er _ .75 House drinks .95 during lunch houis.-\ ,Leuer Necesslt ies Gi ffee , Tea, Sanka, Milk .25 • Ice Cream or SherbeL ... _ .. 25 I Our OW_n Creamy Cheese Cake ~:60 I · . \ . I hu . gry tiger _ FJESTA RANT AND OYSTER BAR • I 353 East Coast Highway ( Newport leach \ Bayshore Drive) Your Host: Jerrv Webb Call: 6'13·5534 I ' ·• ' • If you can all'ord a Volkswagen 113-or almost any little import-you can all'ord a Maveri~k. Look: . -. FORD MA VElllCK u-6-cyliod<T $2,140.• VWUJ(Sopw ...... ) u-~ $1,159.• TOY'1fACOROILA 1600 u-4-<yliadn' $1,109.~ DATSUNPL!IO u-4-cyliadtr $2,306.• NOTE: P~ple as us how we can afford to offer a roomy, 6-cylindercompact about the same price as the Jiule imports, First, We'.ve been aking small cars since 1908. Ex;perience helps.1 Second, We haven' changed Mavcrick'-cx.ccpt for mechanical improvements-since c first introduced it. That kind of continuity helps to control costs. 1 Third, recent cune cy rcva hJations and devaluatj.ons have beli>cd restore the co petitivc stance or Amcricai:! rn anu'facturers. A good car for long trips. Most little imports give you 4-cylin~er engines. Mavericll gives you a 6-cyllnderengine. . H's smooth. It's reliable. II lets yo'u accelerate into turnpike traffic· with confidence and bold your own . on steep hills. And it delivers surprisingly good gas mile age. Maverick'src:ir track is 2.9' wider than Volkswagen's. Its wh~lbasc is-7. 7' longer: T\lerc 's ~ bit111te weight, too. By themselves, these differ_:nces :ireln ve"! big;--bu they can add up to a Qig di!J:erencc in the way Maven~ dnves apd andJes the open road .. I • •• Ample room inside. Maverick's front seat~or example: over 8" more sl than Volkswagen 113, -..,... There's no was ted space inside Maverick. At the ~a n~ne of that small•car crowlled feeling. Maintenance: Even simpler, more conv.enient than the little imports. ' ulcJcr room c time, VW, for example, recommends nonnal service ~ver\3 00 miles or three months, whichever comes first. On M avcr1c • it's 6000 miles or six months. So Maverick's recommended ser\.ice interval-is twice as long as Volkswagen's . ·we also designed Maverick to be a simple m achine to care \ for. In fac1, we've even prepared a manual which·tclls you ho\ · to do many maintenance jobS yourself. · One more convenience: there a re over 5.600 Ford dealers in the count ry. Volkswagen has about l, I 00. \ FORD MAVERICK Bcuer idea !or safeJ .•• buckle.up! \. It may just be the best car value in America tod ay. I • See your Ford Dealer. ' • .- . . ' ·1 DAILY PILOT EDITOR.IAL PAGE. -. -,. .. Storm Clouds ,rjn Miami _ ... A stormy Dcm\)Cratic J>arty convention at f\Iiaml Beach next week now seems a certainty -thanks in large part to the credenlials con1rni ttee's action in tak- ing away 15~ California delegates from Senator Mc- Govern. The possibility exists that a vote of the full conven· lion would reverse that action and let California's \vin- ner·take·all primary resUlts stand. A bid for a federal court order to preven t the seating 0£ any but f\1cGovern deJe -··tes from c::alifornla \Vas rejected. The court ~a id the Jemocrats should put their own house in order at Mia 'i Beach. h1cGovern's extreme anger over the credentials de· t'isi,.·1, :>" 1 his threat to bolt the party if he loses the n· i .. a.1Jn, did noth ing to enhance his image either \\·ith uncommitted and non·1'fcGovern delegates or voters generally. But neither did the action of the California primary losers. They did n't object to the winner.lake·all California law before the election. But as Josers they objected stren· uously that it violated the one man, one vote precept. ff the current spectacle of a Democratic Party in disarray resuJts in a 'vide-0pen convention instead of a steamroller, that would be good for the party. But as matters stand, what the Democrats currently are doing Is likely to be 'good for the Republican Party. • Saturday Nigl1t Specials • free State, the rl~ht of the people lo keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ti The connection with a "'''elJ·regulatcd militia .. is omitted by opponents of any kjnd of gun control. •' Next, fears are aroused that registration of fire· arn1s \YOul d be a first step toward confiscation of all such weapons. That, as a lawmaker recently pointed out, makes as much sense as sayi ng that a law keeping unsafe c·ars off the highways will lead to the confi~ca· tion of all cars. 1'~inally, the sophistry is trotted out that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." This is true as far as it goes. But it jgnores the fact that the easily·concealed hand gun has been used to kill more than 4 ,000 Americans every year. They \vere used in the assissination of Robert Kennedy and the crippling of George Wallace. And more than one-half of all the police officers murdered in recent years \Vere victims of small hand guns. Sen Birch Bayh (D·ln diana) has au thored a bill no\v un der consideration bf the Senate Judicia'r.v Com· Jn ittee 'vhich avoids posing any threat to O\vnersh ip of guns for sporting purposes -rifles, shotguns and long· barreled target _pistols. ' It would not require registration of hand guns. It would simply apply the same prohibitions on the sale of d omestically produced "Saturday Night Specials" as no\v exist in regard t o imported hand guns. Th is will be no panacea, of course. But it could help gradually to remove the criminal's most favored weapon from ready availability -the short-barreled, easily-concealed band gun. Efforts to· take non·sp<?rting, snub-nosed hand ~uns -"Saturday Night Specials" -out of sale and d1stri· bution are invariably producers of emotional storms, usually led by the National Rifle Association. First, the Constitutio n is quoted, but not in full context. Article U of the Bill of Rights reads, "A well· regulated militia being necessary to the security of a Consideration should also be gi ven to stiffening the penalities for use of any gun in a crime. And to speedier prosecution and sentencing. America's gun-aided crimes are a disgrace before the world. It's time to stem the vicious tide. 'You may be grea t in New Politics, George, but your New Math leaves something to be desired!' Deadlock Can't Be Ruled Out McGovern Must Win • Ill 4 For Sen. Geor~ McGovern, the magic number at Miami Beach is "four." Ex· perience has shown that the candidate ahead on the first baJlot for the presiden· tial ·nomination must win by the fourth baJlot or face elin1fnation from the con· test. 'McGovern appears close to winning on Jhe first roll caU, as has every major· party ·nominee since -1952. But the possibility o~-a deadlocked conveJltion cannot be ruled out. Of ,the 64 Democratic and Republican national conventions held to da~. 12 became deadl~ked. That is, six or more ballots Were required to pick a nominee -in most cases, a dark horse or f1tvorite son. Until 1936, Democratic con ventions were especially vulnerable to deadlock because of a rule requ iring a two-thirds rather than a simple majority • for nomination. ., srALEMATED conventions h'ave pro- duced many moments ot high drama. Wendell L. Willkli! won the 1940 Republican nomination on the sixth ballot as the galleries chanted, "We 'want Willkie!" Twenty years earlier the Republicans hap turned to another. dark· horse, Warren G. Harding, after the famous -or infamous -meeting of par· ty leaders in the "smoke·filled room" in Chicago's Blackstone Hotel. The Democratic convention of 1924 set 1 -record for protracted balloting that c EDITORIAL RESEARCH casting a unanimous vote for him. Seymour insisted that he "'as not and would not be a candidate. Incredibly, though, he was unanimously chosen after other states switched their votes. GENERALLY SPEAKING. convention may never be surpassed or Ouplicated. ~ea~l?Cks develop when delega~e strength Sharply split along regional a n d is d1v1d~ among several cand idates and Id eological lines, the convention was the leading contenders are so far apart unable_i to nominate either of the two on the issues that accommodation is im- " Jeadinif candidates, \Villiam G i b b s possible. The Smith-f\fcAdoo contest or McAd<¥J and. Alfred E. Smith. Finally, oD 1924 is ~ classic example. Smith was an the 1~rd ballot, John W. Davis became urban .hberaf from the North. a Roman the st ndard bearer. . Catholic, and an opponent of Prohibition. · , ~fcAdoo was a conservative westerner FO Z~!. lt would be hard to \with close ties to the party's southern top t e Democratic convention of 1868. ~·ing, and a leading Dry. Nomination or The 1¥der on the f~rst ballot was.George eihier would have caused a deep rupture H. Pet)dleton of Oh10, and he maintained in Democ-ratic ranks. • his strength th~g~ 16 roll calls. Jn the_ past, stalemated conventions Mean~e, Gen. Wmf1eld Scott Hancock have given party l:x>sses the opportunity was g~thering support and overtook to wheel and deal among themselves to Pe~dlet n on the 18th ballot. ~e find a nominee palatable to all. But this ballots ]er, Sen. Thomas A. Hendricks year with new delegate-selection rules in (I~ India a. emerged from the eack to eff'eci, the role (If the bosses at the virtually tie Hancock. Hendrie~ con~ Democratic convention will be much tinued to ain as the 22nd and final ballo! diminished. 'vas take . A bandwagort psychology Party leaders abhor c o n v e n t i o n began to ~'Id. . . deadlocks and do all in their pov.·er tO And then the totally unexpected ha~ ·avoid them. They . may be mistaken. pened. Whe Ohio was called, the delega· however. Eight of 'the 12 presidential tioa chai an announce:d that it was nominees cho~en by deadlocked con· placing the ~ame of ex·New York Gov. ventions went on to win the ·general clec· Horatio Seymour in nomination and tion. ' ' Who's Bugging th·e Demos? Never has there been 1 JD«e gross miscarr:lage of injustice! I refer to the totally false and m!Jleading charges that the GOP National CommiUee retaft>ed live fumble-finger spies to bug tile bead· quarters of the Dem· ocratic Nati onal Conunittee. True. the five, htaded by a form er CIA agent who was hired by the GOP after he helped plan the Bay of Pigs dis· aster. were allegedly caught red-handed With electronic devices in hand. From this, some erroneously deduced the five were planting bugs l n Democratic ·National Chairman Larry O'Brien's office. Nonsense. The tnlth is they were removing them. Actually, the bUgs were fll'St installed Uree months ago by one Homer T. Pet· fil»ne. a fonner CIA agent credJted with being Ille first to predict in 1957 that tha Vietnam war wou1d be over in a .week. Each Friday, Pettibone would report directly to 1 pipe-smoking higher-up tdtnt.ified only as "John N. Mitchell." As anyone famHiar with the goings-on at the OltANGI COAST DAILY PILOT Rohm N. W<<d, l'ubli1h<r Thomas Kttvil. Edit or A lbert W. Bates Edilorial Pagt Edilor ~ edttorlal pa.ire or t~ T>:t.lly Nlot attb to lnJorm and sUmu· 1.atc readenl by rniscnHng this newspaper's oplntornc and r.nn1· mmtary on torlcs of tnt1•rri;l and slgni.(k:anc:e, by provldins: a forurn fot' lhe expl"t'S!!ion of (1tir M'11-dc•rs' oplnlor-, and by pN"senllJUt the ~VettGe vfrwpolnti of infom1M ob- ~ and apoket1m<':n on loplcs at the ""'. Wednesday, July ~. 1972 ( ART HOPPE J Democ:ra~c National Committee these days could have predicted, the inevitable occurred last Friday. be. Pid you pick up any conversation on that? Pettibone: Yes, sfr, 97 hoUrs worth. It's definitely going to be ~1CGovern, unless the Convel)tion deadlocks. Then it's going to be either Humphrey, Kennedy, \Vallace or E. Z. Lone. A-fitcbell (perking up): Sounds like a dark horse. Who's E. Z. Looe? SCENE: The luxurious offices of1 a Pettibone: I don't know, Chlef. But wealthy and widel y respected politi~al O'Brien said several times that 1 and I party. Pettibone, coat collar turned up, quote, "The 'Farty °"'es a great debt to hat brim snapped down, scuttles in. The E. Z. Lone Company." Let's see if tape recorder cradled in his arms. r ve anytJ1ing else ... Oh, \vould you be Pettlbooe (elatedly); Our perseveranc~ intere:sted in a ~st of their campaign COii· has finally paid off. Ohief. J've got a tributors? whole bundle of secrets here. Do you Mllcbell (rubbing h1s hands excitedly): realize the Democrats are $9 million in • Now. that's what we've been waiting for, debt? ' some political·dynamite. Read it to me. ~fitchell: That's all they've talked PetLlbone: Ri ght, Chi('r. (R~adlng) about for the past three.months. \' Herman F. fl,1udge of. Peoria Falls, $10. P ttlbo And O'B . Uk ·tr , Mitchell: Yes, yes, go on! e ne: . nen es pas a.mi· Pettibone: That's all, sir. That and the on-rye sandwiches. . 1eviction notice. .. Mltehell : :rtiat's all lie .e.ver talks \ Mitchell (blaiiching): Evlct.ioo notice! a 1 bout. As a s~m~le hllmani~nan gesture, \,ook here, Pettlbone, llire somebody to I ve been thinking of sending him one. sneak in there and remove those bug s. \Vhat about 19ur telephone taps? \Ve can't arford to have a new ~nant find Pettibone : Sorry. Chief. The phone them and n1ake the taPes public. co1npany removed t,hem. Along '"Ith their Pettibo ne: But if the Democrtlts have telephones. But J did manage lo llsten ht no seerets , .. on a ,secret reuding of the entire A-lllcbell (worriedly): The one thing we · Dc;nocrat.ic pla.tfornt • ~ can't afford to buck, Petlibone, is a big l\fltcbell : No\v :Vou·re tnlking! Vi1Jat ~ympathy vote. does it say? Pettlbo•e (reading lrom a transcript): .. The J:>om®ratic· lJ.'lrty," :iccordini. ti> what O·'Brien told an unidentified s.ource "stands for build ing a better Amcric.a." ShouJd '1:e leak that to 1he press? ~11tchell (sighing): \Vhat we "'ant to know Is who their candidate's going to Quotes •Or. lloNlhy V. Whipple, In McCaU'1 - "Even moderate use of marijuana maY be harmful to young teenagers, because lhey are provided with a means of cop. plnif out on lheir problems instead of fac· ing them and they fail to grow and mature emotionally. Excessive use doubllesfl1)' bfterferes wHh a productive life, regaritlcss ol age:" Dear GI001ny Gus The way to stop skyjackings is to •I-OP flying nlrplanes. Then all those silly airline pilots 'vho blame the news medin for the problem could go to work as Pullman porters. · -W.R.N. TM1 ftlllll"f "flffh ftadtrt.' c'f}tWI, NI • MC:tt .. rUf trlet• •I tllt "4!WNl'IH'• St~• "~'It •ti _.,. , 01Hm1 G-wa. Df,+lf PU1I, ' Office Is His Home Away From Home ( HAL BOYLE J The U .. S. business office used to be a place of work only. Today i(has become pretty much the social center vf American life. , As many a boss is av;·are, getting a job done is only a dim~roblem in lhe back of many a worker's head when he gets up in the n1orning and comes to his ho-me away from home -the of· fice. In some \\'avs he finds his office· more relax ing than his home, because he has fev;•er responsi· bilities there a n d isn't annoyed by such intruding incon· veniences as a frO\\'· sy \Vife and noisy dullard chil· dren. Half the people who ge t to \vork on time or stay late do so not bct'ause lhey are conscientious, but because 1his enables them to leave home earlier and get back thete later. YES MIUJONS of American \\'Orking hu sbands and wives symbolically run away from horn~ every day now. They don't head for a highway, ho\\•ever. Thef simply go to the office. The idea that the office is a clUsty place where crabbed old men and wiihered homely women endlessly sc rawl ink ma rks in cobwebby !edgers belongs to the folklore of the past. /\ian, -the mode111 business office isn't that way -at all anymore. A BUSINESS OFFICE is stlll reckoned as a market 'place. But that is only one of the functions it serves. It is also a rest home, a restaurant, a hospital, a recrea- tion area, an ·entertainment complex, a beauty parlor, a barbershop, a church, a gymnasium, a forum, and a pa,ssion pit wh ere there ·is more hanky pan!Cy going· on than at the avera ge drive-in theater. You go in to the conference room, and what is· going on there? The group n1a y be considering raising or lowering the price of a product. It is more likely. on the other hand, to be arguing over whether management should be asked to change the design of the office bowling team's shirts. YOU GO UP TO ANY desk at random. and what ls happening? The man may be ·\\Titing a htJsiness memo, He could also be calling his girl friend , taking a n:ip, or even selling Christmas cards or real estate on the side. There ls no better way today to moonlight than by ope.rating a small buslnes.~ of your own from a desk in the company where you earn you r liv- ing. Think of the rent and telephone bill~ you save. You go Into the men's washroom. and what do you see? You see two office boys giviflg each other a haircut, three guys hiding out with hangovers, and a senlnr vice president washing the drip-dry shirt he plans to wear that evening. And 'what is going on in th e stockroom? llere mo1lesty must draw a curtain 'vhcre there is none. An orgy is an orgy Is nn orgy. "Doesn't anybody eve r do anything af'ound here ?" groans !he boss, after an Inspection tour. He retreats to his own ~anctum and reaches for a golf club. Where else can he gc' in the practice to keep his putting game in shape? The question again arises. ·HO"' doe~ a modern US. office business offic(' ge t any business done? l\J10\;·s God only. • Two Reasons We .Need Compassion Thoughts al Large: Compassion is needed not merely because it is a mora l virtue but also because it is a psychological necessity: as La Rochefoucauld put it. "\Vhen our hatred is too keen. it places us beneath those \\'e hate." • • • P:irents habitually excuse a v;•aY'A·ard youth by eXpffiining that he "felJ into bad co1npany" ~ but everyone. at OOttom, chooses the company he falls into and is n1ost influenced by \1'hat m05t appeals to him. • • Every religion be· gan as a "blas- phemy" against its predecessors, • • People \\'ho con1plain that the sensa- tional news is emblazoned on the front pages \\'hile the decent little· iteffis are buried \vould be irate if the million-dollar u•inner or an Irish S\\·eepstakes was bare- 'Jy mentioned while·the names of a hun· dred thousand losers were listed. • • • Tl takes Tar more brains to handle a block head than to deal ..... ith a pe rson or average intelligence. • • • When you consciously admire a '"riter's '"sf.yle," you should recognize a failure of achievement -for in the best writing. a real 1nan is speak ing to you, out of the authenticily of his deepest self, and the a1varenes.S of ''style" is a bafrier to genuine comn1unication. • • • Speaking of communication, the cetitr<il problem is that it is impossible to con- verse v1ilhout generalizing. and im· pcssible to genCra1ize without falsifying. • • • The more you do to impress other pea-. pie, the v.•ea ker you fe el inside: for then your stabili ty depends precariously on e::tcrnal support you can never be sure of, instead of the internal support that alone gives security. • • • Pessimists are· usually smarter than optimists, but not as successful, for there is a strain in the pessimist that does not u'ant things to turn out \\'ell, even for himself. -• • • The gradual but relentless extinction of the small farmer in American society is a tragedy, not so much for him as for his descendants. \vho v;·ill be denied the o~ portunily to lead the agrarian life that millions of personalities naturally hunger for and could easily satisfy In previous ages. Ban on Easter Grass WAS~TINGTON -Some Easter egg- heads are trying to get the federal governn1enl to ease its ban o n dangerously flammable Easter grass. The ban "'as ordered by the Food and Drug Ad.ministration for the 1973 season, because \he green, crinkly cellophane in Ea ster baskets can catch fire and bum children. f\1ost of the grass· makers \1·ent <ilong '"ith the ban. But Er· 'vin \Ved er, owne r ~ l1ighland f\1anurac--- turing a n d Sales, ht'ard about it too late. To his horror. he found he was stuck with a $200,000 in· vcntory, nil packaged and ready to sell. SINCE TIJE GRASS has absolutely no use except to cushion Easter eggs, \Veder faced a finnncial crisis. Jn desperation. he look his problem tc Rep. PhU Crane (fi·lll.): The able and articulate Crane, demonsrrating a cert\tin callousness for ·the safety of lltLlo children, showed more c:oncem about all thnse c o I o r f u I cellophane shreds on Weder"s hands. Crane moblllzcd a save-the-cellophane lobby \Vhich, at one time or another, in· chided such · congressional stalwarts as dashing Oarry Goldwnter, Jr. (R-Ollif.): big, bushy Tip O'Neill (D-Masa.): nally Ken Grl\Y (0-111.): Bob Michel (R-111.): 1111d 1wo Oklahoma eggheads, Tom Steed and Jopn camp. . THEY TREKKED down lo the FDA for mectinp with olficials, fired off lef· lers :tnd !iOoded the FDA switchboard \Vith calls against the Easter grass ban. They even summoned FDA Com· missioner Charles Ed\vards to a prlvP.te mooting in O'Neill 's Majority Whip Of· fire. Tho FDA memos began to Oy. On• i (JACK ~DERSON) urgent internal message tells hO\Y Weder turned up with ''his supporters" from Capitol Hill to put on the pressure but 1 added bravely: "No delay in enforcement could be anticipated,'' CRANE EVEN made a House speech quoting Justice Brandeis 1n support of his crusade to save the flam1nable Easter grass. But Sen. Joe f\fontoya (!). N.M.), was unimpressed. He wrote FDA Commissioner Edwards a letter. warnii;ig that the sale or surplus Easter gra.c;s "would place a number of small children In danger." At thls point, Tip O'Neill rallied and decided to put the children ohead of the Eastu grass. It now looks, therefore, as if Weder ls going to be stuck with a Int or shredded cellophane. ....----By George ---. Dear George: Were you serious when you proposed holding both national political convenllon." In Dis neyland? WONDERUiG Dear \Vondering: At first I was -now I un- dMstand the idea won't work. The con ventions are so much funnier that Disneyland i5 moving to Miaml Bt.ach. CONFIDENTIAL 'l'iL.ll.O.B.O • REBEEZEE : Get, I don 't know;lf the job 11 opon, but you could try. However, both HHll and McGovern mat well already have a best friend. ' • • • ' L• ltl.· Boyd How Long Does Clotl1i1ig· La st? llow long should your various articles of clothing last! The. National Jn11tltute of Ory Cleaning did a study on thal So its members would know how much to pay for ·cus-- tom ers' clalm11. A woman's basic suit, it was found, ought to be good for four years. A cloth coat, three years. A street dres.s, two years. A house dress, one year. A man 's \vinler auit, four ytars. His overcoat, four years. A dress shirt, t,1,.0 years. A POLISll doctor claims his research proves the Ja. bor of unma?Tied e1pectant mothers is almost invariably shorter than that of pregnant "ives. A £10UDAY INN'S bartender has to cxime up with the :suoney for 20 'ii drinks ror each fifth <'f liquor. that's the rule. SAYS HERE the Army is short of physicians. Calls to mind that elderly observation that military medicine is to medJcine what military music is lo music. QUERIES -Q. "Can a man be taught a foreign Jan~ guage with a pillow :speelter attached to a tape recorder while he :sleeps?" A. Not if h~'s. really conked . .out .. He might pick up a few lines as he dozes ofr, however. Such is the latest con. tenUon of the :sleep researchers. Q. "AREN'T there small claims courts in every state?0 A. Except Colorado, Indiana and Nebraska. Q. "CAN an armadillo swim?'' A. Can indeed. Pump:1 its digestive innards full of air ftTSt, then paddles along most ntightily. BEAUTY -\Vhat makes Eric Morley of England an authority on femnle pulchritude, I guess, is the fact he has managed more than 2,000 beauty contests. In looks, he thinks the shape of a \\'Oman's leg is more important than her face. Bul he says her height and tape measurements are even more significant. As previously reported , his ideal girl stands S.-foot-6 and tapes 36-~35. IF IT'S real!~· \\1hite, citizens hereabouts think it ought to have a slightly blue cast. But in South America, if it's really \\'bite. U1e Latins expect it to show a reddish tinge. Like benul y. white is. in ,tbe eye of the, etc .. ' "' . THE ~tERrDtAN age of those souls who leap San Francisco's CfOlclen Gate Bridge is 43. And the men who do so outnumber the women by 23 to one. That 's odd. Usual men-women ratio among suicides is three to one. Address mail to L. M. Boyd, P. 0. Box 1875. New- port Beat:.h, Calif. 92660. Self-soaring New Calif or1iia Sport WS ANGELES (AP l -The result was a leg broken Windy days along Southern Wsix plnces. California's bluffs pro\ide the JOE SAID THE 40 h springboard for the budding . . . m.p. sport of self-soaring. an ac.-.. wrnd that \VhlpJ>t:d his kite was tivity that requires t ts ~ouble the vel.oc1ty considered participants to I it er a 11 y ideal for soarJng. become attached to their But he said be wanted to see kites. how much wind the new kite The kites usually are con-could endure and beams that structed or aluminum poles, the kit~ was oot damaged in dacron sailcloth and steel wire. the accident. Most are precision-made Eipper, o{ .ToM"ance, said and bolted for strength and the association's participants, range in siz,e from a 33-pound who range in age from 5 to 62, IS-footer to a 40-pound 18-are strapped into their crafts! footer. with a harness. That's all the preparation needed before they grab onto a contn>I bar and leap ofr'a bluff, he said. DESPITE TIIE FLIM.SV ap- pearance of the k 1 t e s , Southern California H a n g Glider Association president Richard Elpper says stlf-soar- in·g is safe as long as rules are followed. Eipper. hobbling around on crutches, attests to the im· portance of safety. fie relates how he was testing a new kite model when it was caught lfy a 40-rnile-an-hour wind, caus- ing it to make a run loop and a: half roll before tumbling 70 1 .. 1 to the ground. He said it only takes two steps to get airborne with the result "a se~tion beyond words, an un bel i e v ab I e freedom." Settlement Accepted SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A Sacramento man's suit for $400,000 damages for a beating he received du ring a distw-bance at the San Fran- cisco c.oonty jail in 1969 has been settled while the case lvas in trial at U.S. District Court. The !!etUement for a reported $10,000.plll! payment to Andre 0. Millett, 24, a musician, was reported by at- torneys for both sides. Formal approval of the pay- ment n'lust be made by the Board of Supervisors. Millett said he "'as partly bllnded when a deputy struck him during a disturbance et tht jail where he rcu; awaiting transfer to a federal prison to be drafted Into m i 11 t a r y .....,Jee. 1"'~25.~~ t BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES SHOW See and lnvostl;ate many different business Ojll>Ort~nltles. Get !act' fogureo, company hiote<le' P<Ofit potentia~ inYNtment requirements. etc. Talk dllectly to company exec:utMss Jut,7·1, 1172, A1.& lat. 1,.... pt11•91M.1,.... 111'1 "11 lhls for a $2.00 admislion . Kid s Like to Ask Andy DAILY PILOT • Ap.p~ ,a.~hain Trajl ~purs Hikers . 'L enttYLtd. 0 ' SEMI-ANNUAL CLOTHING Father of the Appalachian Trail ls a 93-year~ld New Englander a out rs over named Benton rt-fac:Kaye. l·le says he got the notion ()f such a wi lderness track around the end of the last tenlury. Years later, in 1921, the idr-a ~·ns endorsed. and Y•ith lhc'· support of fr iends the first section y,•as finished in 1923 in the Bear Mountain area of Palisades Int erstate Park of New \'ork and .New Jersey. Tll E A"'PPA LAC 111 AN TRAIL Co n re re n c r tn \Vash.ington coordinated \\'Ork on the. project. By 1928, about 500 miles had been completed. 1931 11ea1 ly lwo- tod ay's !rail. A milestone was reached Oct. 2, 1008, when President Lyndon B. Johnson sii:ned !!1lo law the National Tr a i Is Systen1 Act, establishing two federally protected trails - the Appalachian and Ute 2,40IJ. n1ile Pacific Crest -and pro- vid ing a bnsls for developing others. J\1ost of the Appalachian Trail is cleared and kept up by \O<'al hiking and outdoo rs clubs and incti\1\dual hikers ~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COST A MESA ~ M4LL OF ORANGE, ORANGE ~ LOS CERRITOS CENTER, CERRITOS !SHOP DAILY 10 AM-9:30 PM SUNDAY 12-5 PMI , I I Save now on America's finest suits, sport eoats and-sla-e-k-s!,------i NOW YOU CAN BUY NATIONALLY ADVERTISE'D YEAR-ROUND DOUBLE KNIT AND WOOL SUITS AT $ , . ' r • •I •" • "'". . . ' REG. $110 1>• . ' Reg. to $135 now '599 -Reg. to $165 now $123 -RtcJ. $285 now $21 ~ .. SUPERB SPORT COATS DOUBLE KNITS, WOOLS, FLARES, PLAINS AND BEST PATTERNS, NEWEST 2 BUTTON WIDE LAPEL STYLES $ REG. $70 Reg. $80 now $59 -Reg. $85 now $63 -Reg. $90 now $69 -Rte). $185 now $139. BETIER SLACKS KNITS,·· WOVEN FLARES INCLUDING FAMOUS . MAKERS $ REG. $23 ALL OTHERS PROPORTIONATELY REDUCED DURING OUR SALE EXTRA BONUS • -. . . • • :.:1 .-• • ON EVERY .ITEM (with exception of fair trade merchandise) DRESS SHIRTS· .NECKWEAR • SPORT SHIRTS KNIT SHIRTS· VELOURS , AND OTHERS NORMAL ALTERATIONS FREE USE YOUR GENTRY'S CHARGE -BANKAMERICARD OR MASTER CHARGE • < ' ' ' i • • • • \ 8 DAILY PILOT Wrdnt<dai, Ju~ 5, 197: Uf'I T•l-.Mt. MARTHA MITCHELL AND TRADEMARK 'Wt'r• Running C:onn1lly for Popt' Martha Mitchell: Superstar Fades _Jly HELEN TIIOMAS (First of Two Articles) WASHING TON I UPI) - The telephone was b o t h Martha Mitchell's trademark and · her undoing as a superstar in a Republican ad- mlnistration \Vith few glit- tering personalities. She was outspoken on topics from the Vietnam War to lhe Republicans to the Democrats to her husband. She said the unthinkable in a town where· discretion and protocol act. as effective gags for most people. "The Vietnam War is ove r" was one of her shockers. As the wife of one Cabinet member, she said of another: .. We're thinking of running M•rth• h•d the taeM!fl to ••11 what •he thought an d celled the •hots as •'"' saw th~m, .. ometimes outrng• f!OIUlfl. Treasury John B. Connally for Pope." "RIGHT ON MARTH A! Give 'em Hell,'' President Nixon used to say when the wife of his attorney general, John N. Mltchell, te<d off on the Democrats. ' Now, three years after her spectacular rise to becoming the most sought after woman in Washington, she and her hmband are preparing for an eventual m,ove back to New York and away from the · limelight. Mitchell. who resigned as attorney general to manage President Nixon's re-election campaign, as quit the latter post at his wife 's in- 11stence. lllRS. MITCHELL. 53, burst Into prominence early in 1969, when she told an interviewer that antiVietnam War demonstrators looked I i k e 0 RussiM revolutiona ries .'' She made a 2 a.m. phone call to th~ Arkansas G.azette to blast Sen. J . \Villiam Fulbright (D-Ark.), a leading critic of the y,•ar. ---blartba had -lhe nerve· to say whJ!t she thought and called the shots as she saw them, sometilnes outrageously. President Nixon wes amus- ed. He felt she added a touch .of liveliness, even glamor to the staid stamp of his ad· ministration. She fell into a class with 'i-Ienry A. Kissinger as a Nixon-style celebrity. l\IAJL SHOWERED into her letterbox and she developed a country wide-following. Some of her detractors starting call- ed her 'Moutha ." The wivves of other Cabinet members who were under strong restraints, n e l the r understood nor liked ti-1artha 's pawer. Mrs. Nixon and her daughter. Julie Eisenhower and Tricia Cox, defended ·her right to speak, but did not ap- prove of some or her fiery opinions. Although their h u s b a n d s were close, Mrs. Nixon and ~frs. Mitchell maintained a cool.and detached relationship, · although they spent many social hOurs together. Mrs. Mitchell began to feel her opinions, by now· receiving ·wide attention, were worth something, as indeed they were. She angered some or the senatorial v .. ives when she personally atttmpted to lobby them on the telephone while their husbands were adamantly opposing such pro- JXlSals as the President's nomi nation of Florida Judge G. Harrold Carswell for the Supreme Court. It v.·as a breach or protocol on her part. Martha had be<n a happy "country club" wife in Rye. N.Y. before moving to Washington. Her husband headed an illustrious Wall Street Jaw flnn before merg- ing it with Nixon's Jaw partnership. The fl.1itchells, both di vorced from p r e v i o u s marriages. have one child, daughter 1ifar- ty, 11, who is adored by both. Martha was a Pine Bluff, Ark. Belle v.·ho attended Catbo1ic schools. Although she was not a Catl1olic, her friends dubbed her "Saint Mart ha." Next: Bo\ving·01,1t of the Rat Race -During Road Construction ' • • , ~ 8 • • FREE ' -CAR WASH With Any Flllup of UNION GASOLINE 1$1.00 MINIMUM, PLEASE! "TALBERT Fountain Valley Car Wash IOOJ~ ELLIS AVE, {Al BROOKHURSTJ l'OUNl A~LtY qfli'·2flll -· (LLIS A VE. MOST CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED ~EN DAILY, SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS ' - .. ;. ... manhattan knit dress shirts •. 7.99-2/$15 Reg . $12. Permanent press, fancy patterns, assort ed ·blends. All with short sleeves. Reg. $5. • Neckwear in polye ster, :-.tr ipes, patterns , solids, 2.99 Men's Furnishings, 7 ., '- top label swin1wear 3.99-5.99 Reg. $6 ·$ I 0. Great selection of sur f styles, boxers, volley trunks. Cottons, ny lons. docron® polyesters. Color.s.! University Shop, 53 • • • • '' ~I " ~ (. > ' ' sale elearanee swimwear for boys 1.99 $3.$4 values. Choose from our -great . lineup of su'lf' jammers, boxers, .knits "' and zip front styles. S-M -l or 8-18. Boys' F.,.urnishings, 26 • savings on h.i.s: boots 10.99 Reg. $20. Rugged but soft demi·boot with crepe out-sole and heel. Buffed buck leath er, 3-eyelet. Great comfort. Men's Shoes. 57 . . • I• ' :· '-···- ' ·famous maker knit snlrts 2.99-3.99 Reg. $5-$8. Short sleeve knits in cotton terry t1nd cotto n kriits. Stripes and . . solids, bright colors. Men's Sport swear, 50 famous name mtderwear 3/3.59 Reg. 3/$5. T-shirts, sizes S-M·L-XL: athletic shirts. S-M·l-Xl; briefs or boxers, 30-~0. All cotton. Great buys! Men's Furnishings, 91 it"'s at the hroadway ANAHEIM 444 N. E11clid 11141 f.l5·1121 NEWPORT HUNTINGTON IEACH 47 F111hio" h l11nd 7777 fclin91r Av1nu1 1714 ) 6'14·1212 (71 4l 192-Jlll ' ORANG£, Mill ef Or•119• 2)00 No .T111l1n Strtit 17141 ttl·llll SHOP 10 A.M. to 9:10 P.M. MONDA'r THROUG H FRIDAY. SATURDA Y 10 A.M. t•f' P.M. s'uNDAY 12 NBON to CEOITOI 100 l11 C1nlt11 M. 121)) t60·041t ,\ . . , .. I . • {the Garbenstanaets ,re · (omin& • c; ' .and a pi ece marc h for pri zes i s on! Unscramble what's above, piece it and past e it to get h e1· ancJ march right in . Give to ou r Carou sel Opera- tor . All tho se who do wi ll be en tered in our Garben5ta nge l Geetus draw- i n g at 1 0 a . 111 .S a t u 1· cl <.l y. So vv i n your- sc 11 so n1 e Garbenstangel Celt. .' .$50 to th e, lu cky vvinne1· \vho need 1101 he present. And, if you like, enter our -"Build a Getter Gctrb-enstangel'~-con­ tes t for n1ore prizes and n1on ev . \\'ednt1.diij, July S, 1972 • OAJLV .PILOT 9 .. uth Coast 'Plaza BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY. COSTA MESA -..:;; . -. OVER 85 FINE STORES AND SERVICES ... DEPARTMENT STORES ... May Co. • Seo rs • WOM!lN'S APPAREL Albert's Hosii.ry •Al roe• Martin Beren·s •Chris' Fashions • Finn's • Gene's • House of Nine • Hubbub • Ju~y's •Lan.~ ~ryant •Lillian's • Jose~h Magnin •Marlene Fabrique • l'V11ss H pwa11 •Sabrina • 'the Wet Seal• Young Maternity • Zelig's Casual Fashions • MEN'S APPAREL ... Carats • Chasin s •Gentry. Ltd .• Grodin s •Harns & Frank • Prep Shop • Re Lei Sh op • Tie Rack • CHILDREN'S APPAREL ... Bergstrom's Baby News • FAMILY SHOES ... Gudes·Barnett • Innes Shoes ' Thom M cAn • WOMEN'S SHQES ... C. H . Baker • Cameo • Field's •Joyce Shoe Tree • Leed's •CHILDREN'S SHOES ... Catiot's . HOME FURNISHINGS ... Golden Needle• House. of Fabrics • l<n 1t Wit · Singer • Udoff's ·VARIETY-DRUGS ... South Coast Drug • F. W. Woo lworth • •JEWELRY-GIFTS ... Chic Accessories • Galleon • J ewels by Joseph• Koven Jewelers • George Mw:r.f1¥ •Pace Setler • Ra1 of India • Raj International • Sunset H ouse • Weisfield's . •FOOD-CANDY ... Hickory Farms • Lindberg Nutrition • See's • RESTAURANTS ... Harvest House • Kaplan's • King's • LePetit Cafe ! Riviera • SPECIAL TY SHOPS ... A La Card. Cline's . Decorator Line • House of Terry• Pickwick Bookshop • Rooten's Luggage • Sports Plaza • Tinder Box • Toy Center • Wallichs •Winstead Cameras• SERVICES ... eek Portra it Studio . Bett~r Barbers • Crowning Glory Beauty Salon • H ouse of Tailoring • On the.Go Travel • Optometri st • Peter Pan Beauty Salon• FINANCIAL ... A vco Savings ~Loan • Bank of A mer,ce •Crocker Bank • First Western Bank • Household Finance• Pac1f1c Savltigs •U.S. N ational B ank •THEATRES ... South Coast Plaza I & II Theatres. ' ' \ 0 ' • . • • ' • • i • I • . I I 0 DAILY P1'0T Wtdntsday, July 5 Jc;ll • 'Voice of Cruiser 3' to Judge Garbenstangels decoYatoY line Sharing lhe spotlight Satur· a separa te story, Is back ror ('very th1ng and seen plenty or ning "Could This Be You?" and rolk singer in USO troupa day morning as judges o( the .. 11is S<'~ond yeur or the big con· sighls during hiS career. rildio series in Seattle. appearances and 1 at e r Second Annual Build a Better tes t. DeSoto Jogs 200-plus freeway A nat ive or Seattle. he · perfonntd with the ~t11e July • -RED- Garbenstangel Contest an(!. But dcS<lto 11ill be getting mi les each day -all during graduated from that city's Jlepertoire PJaY°house .. Internaliontll ' Rallye will be his first look at a gaggle of rush hours -and frequently Roosevelt High and l a t er DeSoto came to K.A1PC in Dave deSoto, radio station garbenstangels \1·hen he at·, exceeds that figure to cover gained a Speech Arts educa· 1965, and has beco1ne an i1n· K~1PC's "man in Orange tempt s to judge the entries fires and olher disasters with uoo at San Diego Junior COi· portant voice to hundreds of County.'' and Golden West Saturday mornlng, sta rting at on·the-scene repo rtlngs, Jege and attended the Univer· tl1ousands or So uther n College's Gene Tardy. the IO o'clock, on the Ca rousel l-lis r a d i O ·TV · acti ng sity of Washington's School o[, California motorists each day. "pro" ~·ho has been building Court at South Coast Plaza , background is as wide and Drama. lie is one o( the station's most garbenstangels for more than Chances are very good. varied as the beat which he in-demand guest speakers and a d~ade. · however, that deSoto \vlll nut covers, dating back to his fJe began training !or the h Is theatrical background Tardy, whose background is be rattled by the ne\v ex-radio debu t at age 9 and stage at age 4, compiled more doubtle ssly adds to his presen· explained n1ore thoroughly in perience. He's done aln)ost _h_ig_hl_ig_h_led_b-'y_hi_s_a_w_a_ro_·•_·,_·n_· _1h_a...:n_s:.:,OOO:.::....:ho::::ur_:•_•::•~•..:b::•::ll•::d:_.::l•_:l::io::n.::on~ra::d::io:._a::n<l~i'.'.n.!:pe'.'.:r'.'.'°::":_· • SUMMER SALE • SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1 --•.off 3 Dresses Swimwear Sportswear Accessories S izes 3 to 13 GARBENSTANGEL JUOGE KMPC'1 Dave deSoto LOWER MALL LEVEL lrlttol of S.11 Dleijo frwy. COit• Mesa 540·7777 CAMEO , 00 SHOES l 1f ltvil .b,v w.il<!rldll- Briitol •f San Oi<!90 Frwy, nfQiUSe nl'-~ Tr oph y Defe nders ).. ~ . '2J }lln •e• Orange Coast Colleg~ song leaders sym bolically hang onto Collegiate Division ..(_ lU U perpelual lrophy de 51 gned by Noack Trophy Co vof Cosla Mesa fo r garbenstan COSTA MESA -PHONE 546-5210 SOUTH COAST PLAZA SOUTH COAST PL ••• e COSTA MESA gel contest. '!lhey'Jl cheer their team on in its .defense of trophy 1von by OCC. -" ' ' '"' <-"""""' Jas t D 'a~•-It If "'T~\\ProdllOh••no«rm~llonwh•l1v1rwlmll m1rc.1n ovU. Li;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=!\i:~~t~~ep~~~~~~~~~ro~lll-~ e -t-) are--Susa n \V-ard,· Debi l\filhollan d, ·Lincta~crcayel' -11--------l=::....:==C:::===::::::;;;==--=========' _ Liz Kµhl, Dianne Johnson and Carol Ca ld\vell. · ll ; r I I I UD ·OFF'S HOME FURNISHINGS . \ ".\ :· • Mid· Year Sale I' l ,,1 I 11 ii i ;:: i SALE Bedspreads By Marly Quilted to the floor, jumbo cord, double interlocking stitch on quilt. Comes in solid colors. Choose from either " Twin, full, Queen or King si1e. TWIN Reg. 29.95 SALE 19.95 FULL Reg. 29.95 SALE 24.95 QUEEN Reg. 42.50 SALE 29.95 KING Reg. 42.50 SALE 34.95 • SALE Ready Made Draperies ALL 20°/o OFF We lllne llterallr lll111drffi of '!1019ffH dra,..-1" fo tto"' 1tt your ll•llt'!l•roo111, DH or btidf'ff111. Tiie wfrt111lly lh11ltlest 1eWc:tlo11 ef 411111llry fabrict hicl1M: e Antique Satins e Dacron Sheers e Prints e Boucles e looseweavts e Damasks e Cotton Velvets S.,. .,. lflted, ION .. MH.flMd 9'1111• wnhable ,.,,.....,,._ ••• All ....... '"••Ir fhtcf .... ,...,. Altew 2 Wfth fer •ti.,.,, e In 48" to 288" widths e In 36" to 108" widths Spoclol prices'"' 20% Off regular prices. 41nxu• "'9· 11.00 SALE 8.80 pr. 96"x84" reg. 27.00 SALE 21.60 pr. 192"x84" reg. 55.00 SALE 44.00 pr • Garbenstangel Pro' Creates New Gertie The old pro a m o n g and dO\\'n ove:· some select garbenstange!ers is G c n e_ ch tese. ~A't the right moment Tardy. the hammer was supposed to The 40-year-old Colden 'Vest drop, and it \\'as all over. Then I College graphic arts instru::~or an all·clear !Hren \11as to go has spent much of his s-pare off. time in the past 11 yea rs ft never wo rked. Tardy building what he ca J J e d laughed -··never even got "nothing machines." close." B u t , as a n y g 0 0 d Ultinlalelv he \\'ants to build garbenstangeJist kno.,..·s, what a large scaie garbcnstangel in 1 I hey re a 11 y a re j 5 his backyard from old se•ving garbenstangels. \Vhen his machines, typewriters and ) t a I en t a n d h i 5 other junk. garbenslangels \Ve re1 __ __: _______ __:= discovered la st year just prior to the world's first Build a Better Ga~bensta ngel Contest and Internationar Rallve he was pressed into serviCe on the P-r~uction team . Thus it was that he created Gary Garbenstangel. the mechanical emcee who kept Tardy's garbenstangel exh ibit running last year, Tardy, who will judge the current contest at South Coast Pl aza. expected to have a new Gertie Garbenstangel on the job toda y. He said Gertie is bigger and better than Gary and \Viii ha ve a fe\v surprises for admirers v:ho come to see her at the show. She's the latest in a Jong line or creations by Tardy. Over the years he has design«:! and assembled 25 • • n ot h i n g machines" or garbenstangelli as a \va v to relax and unwi nd, a J>asstime com pletel y unrelated to the stresses of his job. ''My reward is building something that doesn't have to prove a thing. \Vhen I'm done I can throw the darn th ing a\va.v if I \Vant to. And the machines are ha.,rd for people to criticize because they can't say they don't work ri ght," he savs. Tardy st arted his ''nothing mach ines" as a joke when he taught high school. Drafting teachers discovered they had on the premises a mouse with an insatiab le appeti te for stu - den t dr<t\\•ingi::. \Vhen they put _the problem to Tardy he con- cocted !I device to trap the pesky visi tor. I-le got a tube and a board. <ind rigged up bells. red lights, a gauge · calibrated in "ratkins." and a deadly han1mer bobbing up 2-TR OUSER SUI TS REGULAR $125 NOW OS)el-!) This is by alt odds THE outstanding clothing buy ol the year! Superbly tailored TWO ·TROUSER SUITS in the newest and most wanted ACTION FABRICS, 75% DACRON", 25% WOOL. The fabrics that MOVE with you when you movt. Shape retaining, Wrinkle shedding and perfect to see you lhru the Summer months in cool. solid comfort. Choose from alt new '72 Styles, Patterns end Colors. Great buys at their Regular Price of $125, at 89.90 they 're UNBEAT· ABL£! CHOICE OF 4 FAMOUS-BRANDS OF MEN'S SUITS 12990 If we told you the celebrated names of these handsome suits you'd be at our doors first thing this morning! We can tell you this, however. They're ALL prestige, QU ALITY SUITS that sell daily in our stores for $155 to $175 each. Choose from all the la test Styles, Patterns and Colors-at this SEMI· ANNUAL SALE price of just $129. ., ANOTHER GREAT BUY IN FAMOUS BRAND SUITS 9890 Regularly $1 35. SAVE OVER $36 on these famous brand suits featured in our Semi·Annual Sale at a record low 98.90. Men who know fine tailoring ;ind workmanship will lose no time in selecting one or more while this price prevails. SENSATIONAL! DOUBLE KNIT FASHION SUITS 7890 . Nobody, but nobody gives you DOU BLE KNIT SUITS of th is quality for 78.90 but Harris & Frank! Come choo se yours from the largest assort· men! in town. All models, sizes and colors at this incredibly low price of 78.90. Shop and compare! 2 ... YES WE SAID TWO·TROUSER DOUBLE KNITS 9890 The se are the same Two ·Trouser Double Knit Suits we've been selling day in and day out for $135. NOW, priced at just 98.90 they're a value you can't afford to miss. All styles, sizes and color1, but COME EARLY for the cream ol the crop! AMERICA'S FAVORITE DOUBLE KNIT SPORT COATS Regularly 79.9':i 67 90 Regularly 69 95 57 90 DRESS SLACKS IN ACTION FABRICS NOW 1990 2/$38 3333 Bristol • South Coast Pla za C:O.to Mesa • 546-6812 2245 N. Orange Mall • Orange 998-1251 BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Choose l1om w~l we bel~ve lo be the larae~t and finest tolltction of Double Knit Sport Colts ln the natiori.. Jud(lng from the way ll'ltJ l!y out ol our stores even 1t ltfUbr prices · these SCMl·AKNUAl SAL~ PRICfS w11I send them zoominr oot mn laster! Al.I itl 11ut rn styles, fJltlemt colors! Wear 'em to buslneu •.. sports . , . or leisure. Well madt Slack• !or frttdom of movement aqd solid com tort In a ire al selection of sl)'!u. patttmS ind colon. • .,..,... lonkAM1rice,., Masttrch•'I• or ••rcottveni,nt tta111t terms · Sten Heers •rt• MHdoy thrv Frl doy 1 O o.m. to 9JOO P·"'- -nl1y 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 , .... s .. doy 12:00 p.m. to S:OO p.m. • • Open A Harris & Frank Open.End Credit Account, BankAmericard, Master Charge Or,AmeriQn E11pr1SJ Money Card. Harris & Frank SINCE 1856 South Coa~t Plaza Costa Mesa • • DAILY PILOT J l Silly Classified Ad Turns .on Letter-writers '""~" ..... '"'" !f PICKWICK . .BOOKSHOPS '1 THt CITY ' Fa111ily Response Proving there's ~ littl~ ga rhenstan gel ham in just about everyone, int lud1u g even the family dog. air parently, the paC'kage at righ t-'''as part of the mail ~pon sc lo DAILY PILOT nonsen .. classified ad . s ·w .-· ·-.. -:-__ .. -.... ~· Jlol ; :-_.-• . --~· ' ,.,...: ----- .. ··~ tN· 11 l/. . CIOLl~ifi<.\ PO i•J<' ••liO o<>I y I' I \ut .. '.1tt.'J..6 ~o~-M f'l''f1 C"'. ' Tr1msc o11 ti11 e111til Dis/(l /lce N oth ing to G11r hc11.rlrn1geler Distance ls no problcn1 to llons. ~IO"'l'ver. the need ror devoted gRrbenstangeler~. Thl• money 1s forcing me to sell ii. following letter can1e nll 1he "As it is an early model. the way fron1 Ballln1ore . ?-.Id .. in piddlebotton1 is bat t e r y answer to the DAILY PILOT's operated, \\.'Ith two detachable famed double-talk classified g r i be n as • My great· advertisen1enl : grnndfalher paid 48 Turkish ''Denr Sir/1'.1adam p1aSll'rS ror this garbE:nstangel O•a"•• • (JI•) t.3f.n.o $0UTK COAST 'lAtA O,.• c •••• .,.., •. 171•) .....,.,,,, , ... ~ ..... BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS "In repl y to .your recent ad in 1 88~. therefore the exact in the DAILY PIL01', I hll\'l' "'orlh of the pieee is unknou'n. in my possession an anl!(Juf> lf you \\'Ould care to nlnke garbenstangeJ . It has been in me an offe r, please contot:I my family for several genera-inc as soon as JXlSsib!e." 11-~~~~~~~~~~ ( were 6.99 to s.99 -pR. s air 4,.9 sing\e p . • • o • • • • • • • • • • • e~r O,.i/y Pi l&f, Here 1 ~ Yo&r v[{f <7,,,r l:l!nstqn9e l cvrfc,r;y of t!-.e o'tfqre.. -n.,.,,· ,y, Re,..rols, /, A tf4 d'O"/fc.t Price S' coit'ks), E;/ee n O'l*',re. 3._ 'B1ct., 0'1./A/\E: '11 sl!'.e-tc~ enc./; Us1 your !ankAmtrJtard' South Coast '1ua Bristol St. at San Diego Frwy., Costa Mes• ' Tlie Greatest Selection. Ever 2000 yards of Prints • Plaids • Solids • Ginghams and 1nore .., FABRICS -SOUTH COAST PLAZA MALL • CAROUSEL LEVEL OPEN EVENINGS • Rco,r( ~KETCJ-1-o"'F l.]oi)Et.. I Y13 6A'10Cl>l STANljt:L-(lL'°l'S"I~ ~f,c.1N~ '/)f(rt1i;J f1PC) Mi1cell1neou1 Wonted 120 USED GARB EN SI' ANGEL Must h av e right-handed zoenstlft wilh powu d iP- poleck, Would accept early model with bat tery operated p i d d Je bottom. \\'rite: Classified ad No, 174, DAI- LY PILOT, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. That little ad was one of this summer's biggest put-ons, but DAILY PILOT readers weren 't fooled -at least not mu ch. Here's a aampling of the mail that obvioU&ly was in- tended to kid the kidders: Dear Sir: Jn reference to your ad .•.. I have a used garbenstanget (early 1968 model) w/right- handed zoenstlft, but the dip- poleck is manual, n o t powered. However, It does have auto- piddlebottom and a frun- desharf attachment w/auto- matlc reichlefletch. Please let me kRow if that's close enough. I've been trying to get rid of lt for four years now lVilliam R. Ruess Huntinaton Beaclt but it is the left-handed model. Be not dismayed. It also has the fleigelhopper, which allows the conversion to a right-hand- ed wenstift. This modification was added after the purchase of your model. The battery~perated pid- dlebottom is now operated electrically with a ziefelstadt ~ which has completely up-grad- ed the main function of the garbenstangel, allowing it to operate on either batteries or electricity. Sincerely yours, Marge Brown Hunt~ngton Beach Dear Sir: ~ I happen to ·have in my possession a g~stangel with power dippoleck and a bat tery-o per ate d pid- dlebottom. There is just one problem. Mine is left-handed! Sorry we couldn't help you. Better luck next time. Ardent Fan Newport Beach Dear No. 174: I recently inherited a like- new Garbenstangel Cosmic X. My uncle acquired it in Europe shortly after the war and it has been stored in an El Monte warehouse ever since. It has the right-handed 1.oenstift, including the 39- degree 'stlft lever modifier needed with the power dip- (See Garbenstangel, Page 4) --JllJJ/J'J JIJJ/1//1//J/ Jf/JJJ--· Tol~;~;i.~~!<J~:i':.s~~;~I. I;:=~~;;;~;;;~~~~~== • CHEESE OF THE WEEK HIC KORY FARMS CHEESE BALL Re9 u~ar 1.98 N 0 " w offer good July 5 thr11 J11ly lt ,79 s.,.... a Hlc•ory krrns ChMs• loll with 011r l lr.0SI• Old Fcnhlollff Croclien or crisp Oval Wafcn. Your fo111lly or g11nts will lllle tk 1ptclol blond •f chsl'MI. 1prl11•l•d wltll 9ro1111d, 1elocted nuts c111d topped with • red cherry. 0 ·11r lfON 11 loaded with patty snaclft, cheeses and other flfle foocb. Ste' In -tOlfe before , .. ···f)~~~~1 d!!S. -~outh (oasf?taza OPEN DAILY COSTA MESA l""~i~::h~oi!~·o::;:~rwy ' --~:~e:::~~srM you should SH the WIERD-OS at • SOUTH COAR PLAZA • • LOWER i;EVEL NEXT TO MAY CO. 540-8262 JULY CLEARANCE •Chino •Crysiol •Silver SELECTED PATTE RNS 50% OFF l';TARTS JULY 5th ~&~&tfilr SOU TH COAST PLAZA 1.••M" .. 11 ... , n.. W•t•rt.11 _ .... s.Oiop......,.C.._ --·27 • Giflt eBrido1 Play The Advertising Game To Win, With This Rule: • Get A Good Bird. Dog Wl-tERE ~1 0W,Wl-IERE I~ MY WANDERING AD TONIG~T? No problem here-we can tell you exaclly where e~ch copy-of this paper is purchased. And-our ABC audit report assures th is paid circulation is all wool and a yard wide. - No need to wonder about the full measure we promise. Bui, if you do, just osk for proof, vcrilied by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. ·DAI LY ·p1 LOT • • I ' ' .~ • . -- % DAILY ~ILOl WPdnt\dity, July 5, 1972 Old , Rare . s~ars Offers TV 'Studio' l(it for Home Use 'Srangels Proffered (Continued from Page 11) pole<'k. 'ftle piddlebottom is vacuum operated. As you know. battery-opera ted pld· dlebOttoms were banned in Germany after 1939. A Garbenstangel. Ltd. tnow 1t rrt>sidiary of the Coca~Cola Co.) repusentative appraised my Cosmic X at over 100,000 klinkoes. For you, only 90,000 (firm) delivers. Dear Sirs: ( Unsi g11 ecl J Costa Me sa I have a garbenstangel I believe to be at least 100 years old. It was given to me by my late . grandfather, Mord ical Smith. He bought it rrom an Ara- bian banana ealesman who on· ly used it every other Tuesday to analyze schizoid prunes. lts only outstanding feature ts its four-speed zarfzax. My grandfather attached it to the right Jobe of the zoenstift in 192.l when the zarfzax first came out. It is powered by peanut oil and runs about 300 zafinkJes to the tablespoon. Senrs, Roebuck and C<>. thli; week announced plans to mar'ket the first integrated \lide<> tape c artridge 1· e c o r d i n g·playback unit designed prin1arlly for hon1e . use. The systenl will becorne available in l:.os Angele~. Orange, Ventura, Rive rside. and Sun Bernardino county ureas on Aug, t. lpcluded in the sys h:n1 are a 2$-inch color telev isl9.I) CQI\:" sole. which houses th?' vldeo ta1>-: unit. Hnd a black-and· white lig htweight camera. 1t will go on sale in 32 stores in the Jive-county area ror a~ prOximat<!ly $1,600 per set. The set allows taping and playback of televisiou pt o- grams oil the air; the taping of "home movies" v.•ith lhe black-and-white camera ior playback, and the playing or more . than 600 pre-recorded tapes from a library or motion pictures and other programs. The console also operates in- dependently as a c o l o r television set. A portable color tele- vision c a mer a will be available later, as \vell as a UP TO 30% OFF "playback only" a d a p t e r '~hich will bring the 'honle- movle" and pre-recorded"1a}-'e capabilities or the larger system to all recently sol,d Sears color consoles and best· selling 19-inch portable color models. The "playback only" unit will sell for about $750. Al the tin1e or inti'Oduction, Scars will provide hninediate delivery of some pre-recorded tapes and 48-hour delivery df all tapes in the library. Sears INTRODUCING CUSTOM -FRAMING w, now carry ' compleit lint of frem• mo11ldin9 •nd m1\5 to m•el your indlYidu1I requiremenh. wil l rent full·Jenglh movies for $3·5, depending on lengt~ onp content. .Blank tapes and pre. r.ecorded programs al.so wlil be sold by Sears for 113-40, again depending on length ind content. Sears service teclurlclans \\'ill undergo thorough training in maintenance and repair or the units. Sears service and sa tisfaction guarantees will accompany each sale. FRAMES FRAMES FRAMES FRAMES FRAMES FRAMES FRAMES The zarfzax's external decor looks like wrought iron but it is really Lower Slobovian gum base. The only care it needs is 'ii ' J a daily washing w i th :::j~ "'-......__ ~ . ~ BAK studio vanadium pentoxide or un-' ''itrified twaddle, whichever is 'HOME MOVIES' CAN BE 'BROADCAST' ON•TV SCREEN, TAPED FOR RE·VIEWING on hand. New Sears Outfit Also Can Video Tape Shows When F.amily is Away from Home SOUTH COAST PLAZA-549-2103 I am happy to say thal it -----------1--------------------- does have a battery-operated <1111~<111~<111~4~4~•~~·~·~· .............................. ~ ... ~ ... ~·~·~·~ ............................ ~ ... ~<111~4~•~•· piddlebot to m. Mine, however, will run for Qays on xylene about; the United Stales had _chloride if and _when the bat· a1nbitions to corner the \ror!d teries run down. rbenstangel-marlt•er..---1----I-- This-unique feature once A ne\v so urce of the mineral saved my life when t was wa s found in 1939 but was stranded for two weeks in . thrown overboard into the Outer Mongolia. J was even-River Pl ata from the German tually rescued by a goatherd ship the Graf Spee -remem- who drank air my peanu t oil. be r? But that is another story. The "Pueblo" is reported to Thls garben!tangel would be have been on the track of an interesting conversation more when captured by the piece in anybody's tepidarium. North Korean navy. There was It is also useful at the beach. a clue to this . in the South Jt makes an excellent sun Coast Repertory Tehater prcr shade and, if you are skilled. duction of Pueblo w h i c h ·. you can surr on .jt. played selloi.it crowds in your I am willing to Jet this go ~t Costa Mesa. · a bargain price of 1,000 rubles. Sincerely. I am sure it will give you a ft1erton E. Hinshaw millenia or excellent running. Director. Art1iur Alle1l Charles \V. Bowers Newport Beach i'\lemoriat Museunt Sir: Have in my possessio n ;i partiall y res tored garbenstangel with recently rebuilt cranch and convertible (right or left-hand) zoenstift. This model is equipped v1ith both power and manual di p. poleck with brass cranny. Several offers now outstan· ding include an even trade for a matched pair of E-flat phenortons. Sirs: ( U11signed) Hu:11tingto11 Beach Sa1ita Ana To whom it may concern : I do not have a used garben.stangel with right-hand- ed zoenstifl. Could you accept a used garbenstangcl w/right-handed maggacinch and b a t t e r y · operated dinglebanger? Also have a '72 model garbenslangel with right and left·handed \Vatchajiggers. f( interested. YOU write to Classified Ad N<f. 174. ( Un.slaned ) Cost.a i\1esa Surely you know. all the pre;======="---'==.! Sp an i s h·American War garbenStangels are in museum collections and cannot be shown for l-ack or space. No genuine ones ha ve been made since then. An essential ingredient, a rare mineral earth, always in limited sup- ply went down with the Maine in Habana harbor. In fact that ts what the whole war Y.•as g19u. -6* futll!IOll£- bllt 1l#t bl, ~t/111 Slit.ti For Weekender Adve1·tisin« "' Phone 642-4321 ' UP 60% TO OFF IANICAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE je»~~~" SHOETREE sounf COAST PLAZA COSTA MUA ---1 -ifp~L 546-4791 0-S11rM11r: N-·I """ lf..r M~I)' tl1r11 .,,!Oar .... ''"'"'' . . ". ··_:-:.~ -~· - SAWYER 727 AO SLIDE PROJECTOR 40X40 LENTICULAR SCREEN 6 EXTRA ROlO TRA VS •fl BELL & HOWELL 456 Z MOVIE PROJECTOR 174 15 VALUE • Fold;ng, c .. ,.o,;,., R"l A<m•. 40X40 LENTICULAR SCREEN t8740VALUE • Cord Storage Compartment. 6 200 ft REEL & CAN SETS • R .. i.to·R"I lhrtoding. ~ __ : ::~:~':.".!';~.. oMBIN •110N··· 7 92 • Still Picture Conlrol. c " , Roverso Control. p E c I A I. : ~~70;·;~.:·~oollng) Switch s · · · .· · • 400' Reel Capacity. - #4000 8 PAGE MAGNEOC AIBUM color film ¢ 69 . PROCESSIN 26 91 included ~ you "' shoolil!J squart negatim on film ~zes 120. 620, 121, 12& ~ Kodacoior. fujic~or .. W. • • 20Exp, 36 Eltp. !~des slides a.. .. lloVit 26 ,_ ' •• • • ••• JUMBO COLOR PRINTS YANKEE. ROTO TRAYS FROM SLIDES fa1 GAFlSAWYER PROJECTORS 47 ••••••• • •••• i • • • 0 0 0 \\edntsd~y July 5. J~7Z DAILY PILOT J:J IN ALL 9 STORES • .ASTERISKED ' ITEMS IN .All STO RES EXCEPT MARIN.A WE'~E CELEBRATING THE BIG EVENT WITH NINE STOgEs FULL OF STAR SPANGLED SAVINGS FROM FAVORITE FASHION NAMES AND TOP BRANDS . WE'VE SPARKLED THE OPENING DAYS FESTIVITIES WITH 20 SUPER EARLY BIRD SURPRISES . . • AVAILABLE ONLY ON THURSDAY WHEN SALE STARTS. 5. 99 14.00-20.00 ,., ... DISCOVER OUR DRESSES Reduced lrom regular stock in a super 1cope ol colors, styles, fa brics! 10-18. &.dg111 01e1w1. all ~0••1 4. 99 'e<J· 14.00-40.00 JR. PETITE DRESS BUYS Reduced lrom regular slack in fresh colors, labrics, styl es; 5· 13. Young Cololornoa Shop, oll stofes 3.99 "9-10.00-22.00 JR. SPORTSWEAR TO JUMP FOR The lowe,i price on the greatest sweaters, skirts, ponb, kn it lops. 5-131 Young Cahfotnoa Shop, o!! S!Of"'S 2. 99 •eg 7.00 BAG OUR STRAW OR WICKERS! To c6rry nowt All colors of do'olble, single handle totes, shoulder bogs. Hondb..g1. oll 1tore1 FUR SALON' Dyed rabbit coals, diort, med. lenglh 111.00* Natural mink gill, & leather 3/4 cools 399.00" Natural mink/leather¥• Mia Milli coots 599.00 .. Natural & dye-added 3/4 mink coats 699.00* Fur Garment Home and Travel Bogsc 11.95 full lgth, 9 .95; 9.95 S!roller lgth, 7.95 B11!lvm1' r,.o;iulvr 'f\lf 11ock. mony 1edut:ed 50% Ali lura labeled lo -'-tOlln!ry of Oflg•n of l"'porr.d fw,. DISIGNIR'S CIRCLE 70 .0.0-90.00 Crochet knit dres)es •. , , , . 39.99 COATS 100.00 Imported suede, leather coou · .• 69.99 74.00 Pure cashm ere coots, nude or blue 59.99 DRESS SHOP 40.00-80,00 Dresses & costumes 19.99-53.9Cf Women'1 World, Dowr!foWll lo"'i' Beach. Son!o Ana, Pomona. lok""""'10d. !.on O.ego 30.00-40.00 ~o"on dre sses, sunny prints 21 . 99 40.00-86.00 Dresses, pantsuits . 23.99-53.99 30.00 Arne!® trioceto1e iersey dresses • 19.99 WOMIN'S WORLD 40.00·80.00 Dre s:je1, costumes 19.99-53.99 A•TIR FIYI SHOP 56.00-66.00 long dresses 29.99· 43.99 SUNCHA'M Slf"ORISWIAR 11 .00-19.00 Co"on knit ponts, lops 6 . 99· 11 . 99 7.00-20.00 Jock Win ier s~poroles 3.99-12.99 14.00-15.00 Ribbed bouc!e kn it lops , • , • 9 . 99 1300 famous s1riped Ban-lonC~ nylon top 7.99 14 00-16.00 Screened lops, penis ...... 9.99 YOUNG CALl•ORNIA SHOP 18.00 Junior iersty prinl 'dres!oeS, 5·13 ..• 9 .99 ' 48.00 Corduroy cool, sheorllng, 5-15 • , 29.99 18 Q0-32.00 vo l. jr. dreu samples . , .. 11.99• 16.00·24.00 Jr. dreu cleorowoy •.... 11 .99" 11.00-22.00 Junie){ coordinates : . 6 .99· 13.99 12.00 vol. cotton 'tonk tops, shorts, pants • 7 .99 8UDGll DRISSES' • 26.00 vol. long co"on voile dresses ... 17 .99 16.00-22.00 To-.yn 'n travel-right dresses • 9 .99 5:ilari shih, vest & short sel ..• , 4 .99 & 5 .99 Jl .. dne! Ore-Ml, all lfOfl l e•cept Mor;na, Palos Verdes 20.00-28.00 val. Group, misses' dres$es 12. 99 BODY •ASHIONS ·4.00-15.00 fomo11s body fashions 3.29-12.99* 5.00-7.50 Scooped Rod1on bros . 3 _99.5,99• 10.00-18.00 Bodyshirts for summer .... 4 .99* Olgd underwire crepe tr icol bro 3.99* 5.50 Olga Wu~erponts for body clothes 2. 99• 4.50-5.50 Peter Pon bros, 6 slyles •. , , . 1.99* · 7.50·12.50 Pefer Pon ponly girdles 3.99·5.99 .. 8 14.00 Underc9ver slimmer pontygirdle • 8.99* LINGERll Henson panties, nylon lricot buy 3 pr. & save formal leng1h hall slop, S·M·l-Xl , . , , .. , 3.99 6.00 famous maker lace opplique sl ip • , 3 .99 4.00 Lace e4;ied half slips .....•.••••• 2 .99 Lace trimmed petti-s!ip, nyl on trlcot • , ..• 2 .59 Static free Anlron tii) nylon slip .... , , ... 3 .99 R081S AND LOUNGIWIAR 20.00 foma..1s plea!ed cotton, I iz. . . . . 12. 99 17.00 long no-iron pucker nylon robe . 10.99 12.00-16.00 Classic mode! cools, 10-20 . 8 .99 1 12,00-20.00 famous summer shlhs 6 .99· 12.99 25.00 Value Long lleecy robe, S-M-L .. 15.99 24 00 VolUe Worth nylon gown, robe, s.,t 14.99 '20.'oo-40.00 Summer po!ioweor 13.99·26.99 15.00 Don River's IOOa/o cotton terry robe 7 ,99 12.QO.l.C.00 Summer shilrs .. , ...•.... 6 .99 SLEIPWIAR 7.00-10.00 Brushed nylon sleepW1!or 3.99·5 .99 7.00·25.00 Gi!eod sleepwear ... 4~99-15 .99 8.00-18.00 Sleepwear .. , , , .... 4 .99-10.99 Slee~" oil 110fllll 6.00.20.oq Cotton sleCpW1!~r ... 3 .99-1 1.99• LIG FASHIONS Buffum•' own pantyhose 1oving1: She•r to woist 1-slze Ills oil ..•. , . 6/pr. 5.00 Opaques, 5 pr./5.00 Xlra sz . fig ..• 4 p r./5 .00 Control top, 3 pr./5.00 Supporl ••• 2 pr./5 .00 Values to 7.00 Slippers. sondols • , 2 .99-3.99 •••••• . A.00·6.00 Mo gic tody briefs . , • , • 3. 19~4.79 4.00 sports brlels . . . . . . , • , • , • , . , . 2 /6.49 1.00 Loe• briefs, bikinis, nylon • : •... 6 /5.29 IN 8or. ~ leoth, SonlO Ane, P01110ot0. lo Hobro ' 3. 99-5. 99 '"9· 7.00-9 00 A DREAM OF .A SAVINGS l.ody Weldon no-ircvi canon blend long, shift gowns. Ribboned laced pastels; S-M-l. Slttpweor, oH 11a1e1 4.99 Spedol SUPER SCOOP ! SUMMER SHIFT Cool ill In polyester/conon shohs l Prinl!o. solids! Breezy· styles, colors; S-M·l Robes ond l011ng~r. oll •lores 2.69, 2/5.00 '"' 6.50 ea, NECKWEAR TO TIE INTOI El(ceptionol savings while they lost! From our regular srock in fine colors, po"erns, styles, popular widthsl Tuck-o-woy gihs. Me11'• FurnilhlllQI. oll stot.• 5.99 ; ... 9.00-12.00 MEN'S W.ALKSHORTS TO RUN FORI A great group of ~Hds, fancies in polyes- ter knits, polyesters, cottons. Machine wash, dry, wear alt summer long! ~"'s Spatt1weor, all llotes HAllD8AGS 9.00 Secretory pur1e • , ....•.....•••• 5.99 7.00 Super choice of shoulder bogs , • , , 4 .99 11 .00·21.00 Super travel totes •••.•••• ·6.99 13 .00.16.00 Summer great bogs, styles .• 9 .99 7,00-60.00 Super bog group • • . • 1/3·1 /2 off 16.00-60.00 lono Boutique bogs • • • . 1 /3 off• GLOYIS 10.00-29.95 leother gloves ...... 5 .99-7.99 FASHION JIWILRY 28 .0Q..50.00 Group of fashion warches 1 /2 off fosh.an Jewel(Y. all llot~f .,.,ep~ Morino, Polo• \11rdn. lal.l'lltOO<I, NeWpart 3.00-5.00 Fashion chains . . . . . 2.99, 2 /5 .0 0 · 3.00-12.00 Hand crafted jewelry 1.99, 3/3 ,99 3.00 Bongle bracelets ..... ·: 1 .99, 3/5.49 3.00-6.00 Anlique design rings ••• 99, 3/2:79 3.00-15.00 Fa mous iewelry , . , •.. , .99·7 .50 3.00-6.00 Fashion chalk while beads • , 2/5.00 ACCESSORY SHOP 13.00-15.00 Acrylic cardigans, 36-42 ... 9 . 99 8.00-13.00 Famous coordinates •• ,. 4 .99.7.99 3.50-6.00 fashion Korves , .•••••••••• 2.99 4.00·8.00 Chain, leolher belt . , , • , , • , • , 2.99 10.00 Pull-on penis, machine wash, 10-18 6 .99 8.00 Nylon knit turtleneck lops ....•... 4.99 ladies Orlon® acrylic kn it coot 12.99 MAIS a•d HAIR modacrylic cop frf:'fl wig •. 14.991 Hah & Hoor. all s!ores eacepl Marina, Pola1 V"'rd11 COSMETICS Regime Emulsified Moi1ture From Germaine Montell reg.~8.00, 5 .00 Revlon 'Eterno' :.21 Night Cream 6·oz. 15.00, I 0.00; 12-oz. 25.00 15.00 Nino Ricci's Modemoi1elle Spray l 'Air du Temps, Coeur-Joie •..•.• 4.50 Copricci , . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . • • . • S.00 Carven Ma Griffe Mis-s-stifier, powder 6 .00 81AUIY SALON 27.00 P"ermonent wove spec.iol, cut and condi· tioner included • , , , ...•.....•.••• , , 17.50 Eyelashes applied, last up tq 8 wks. • . , 20.00 SHOI SALON . 15.00-38.00 Desigl'ler shoe sole 8 .99-24.99 32.00 Andrew Geller Italian pumps •• , , 24.99 Shoe Solan. oll 11or•• RID CROSS SHOI SIORI 19.00-23.00 Red Cross•, Socialite s .... 14.99 16.00·19.00 Casual, walking Cobbies •. 13.99 23.00-26.00 Selby shoes ol savings .... 16.99 Red C.ou• Siio. S1or1, l<H>g Beach '"lh"'J.11 shoe• h0"'9 t10 coru'ledion wllol_....r ..;1h th. Ameri- con Red Cron MIN'SSHOIS 20.00-65.00 Solly, Freemon, etc. 9 .99-34.99'• •soriy. nol all brand1, uyle1 in o\l 1101e~ . MIN'S CLOTHING 27.50 Men's doubleknil pants 19.99, 2/39.00 35.00 Oou blekn il slack' , , • , '24.99, 2/49.00 75.00 Double knit blazers • , •.•.....• 54.00 85.00 Polyester Ooublekn!t sport coals . 64.00 Doubleknil suits 84.00-94.00,. 135.00-175.00 Suit sole .. 104.00· 12;'4 .00"' MEN'S SPORISWIAR 40.00 leisure coot, polyester doub1eknit. 24. 99 18.00·20.00 Machine wash cor.digons .•. 9 .99 8,00-15.00 Mii/motch swim tops, trunks 1 /3 off 19.00 Terry lined print robes. 1 sz ... , . 10.99 11 .00-15.00 fom~s shor1 llv. knit shirts , , 6 . 99 12.00·1 4.00 Knit sponshirts •. 6 .69, 2/13.00 25 .00 Polyester doobl9 knit trousers , .. 15.99 MIN'S FURNISHINGS 6.50-7.50 No-iron 1hor1 slv. dress shir1s 2/9 .50 6.50-8.50 Buy In ties, stripes, po"erns . 2 /9 .00 8.00 Permopress ooiomas. A thru 0 . 219.00• BuHums own Crelt underwear , . , ... 3/3.00• sleeve dress shins, 15-17 5 _99• 7.00 Saker's dozen hand kerchiefs, 131 . , 4 .50 1.50 Stretch Orlon® ocryl, crew hose . 3/3.00 1.50 Wool stretch onklets, mld·wT. .•• 3)3.00• Y AR~llY SHOP 17.50-18.00 Imported stretch terry knitt , 7.99 10.99 ,.,,_ 17.00 THANE LAMBSWOOL SWEATERS! Superl full losl11oned, long sleeved 100% pure rkh virgin lomb~wool lo ma chine woi.h/dry. Colors; S-M-l-Xl. Voooly S~op. u" i!Ol'91 2.59 ,.,,_ 4.00-4.50 INFANT BUBBLES ! From Allegheny in polyester/nylon knit and stretch terry. Solids, stripe!, oppliques, jac- quards. S-M-l. lnion!t ond l oddleu, oil 1tore1 2.49 "•· 5.00 BOYS' WALK SHORTS To beat the heat in seersucker, srripes, sol· ids. Sizes 8-1 4, reg. ond slim. Also in sizes 4.7, reg .. slim, reg. 3.50, 1.69. Store for &o\il• .99, 3/2.79 , .. 3.00-6.00 A RING FOR EVERY FINGER! Ad justable antique rings .•• lockets stones , • • a ntique etchings. One-ol-a- kinds! fashion J11 ... etry. ol! slor'fl ' 18.00 Action double knit stocks, 30-38 • 10.99 5~0.00 Double knil sport coats • , • 44.99 12.00 long sleeve sport shirts •....• , •• 6 .99 86.00 'Dacron ® poly doubleknit suits •. 64.99 10.00 Short sleeve sport shirts .• , , ..... 5.99 CHILDRIN'S SHOIS, 8001S Semi-annual clearance fomouJ brands: Jumping joc ks, Pocos, eic, 9.00..22.00 , •.. 2 .99·12.99 Ch1lclftn'1 S~oe1, oll sloes e•cepl Morino. lokewood, N•"'90rl lll•ANIS AND l'ODDLIRS 3.50..9.00 Terry swir:1'/ployweor ... 2 .19.J .79 1.00-1.25 Waterproof pents . _ ... 59.2 /1.00 Cunry diapers; 4,25 strerch 3.29; 4.59 fold 3.49 5.50-9.50 Infant dres?te s, ploy . 3 .79, 2/6.60 4 . .SC..f>.00 Toddler girl pants, shorts 2 .49-3 .49 Toddler boy shoru, no 11on blends ...... 99 Toddler boy knit shirls .... , ....... , .• 1.49 Infant. 1oddler girls summer ployweor 20"• off 8.00-15.00 Dresses • , , , , . , • 5.99, 2/10.99 3.50 Toddler kn it pj's , •• , •••...... , 2 .29 Bo)(ed infants' sleepers .... , ....•.... 1.99 INFANTS •URNllURE· Town & Travel Peterwn Daisy Moe.Sale: 15.00 sl roll er . 17.99 lj.00 hi-choi r 14.99 30.00 ploy yard ......•.. , ...•.... 23.99 9.00 walker/jumper ........ , ••. , , , .• 6 .99 18.00 cor seat 12.99 10.00 bock pock 6 .99 GIRLS' SHOP Spring summ.er girls ployweor group . 20% off Girls' dress group 5.99, 2/10.99 18.00-21.00 leolher look coot 11 .99~ 12. 99 8.00 Brush denim 10-oz. jeans 4 .99, 2 /9 .00 7.50 Acrylic ribbed turtleneck sweater , •. 3 .99 7.00 Acrylic iocquord lank top •. , .• , .. 3 .99 9.50 Ribleu corduroy jeans, 7-1.C ..• , •. 5 .99 13.00 Snuggler sleeping bog. poly fill •• , 8.99 7.50 Mini-ribbed bodysuits, S·M·l .• , • , • 5.99 5.00 Sleepwear ........•. , •. , , : . , , , 3 .69 9.00-1000 Robe• ......•...... 5.49-6.49 3.50·5.00 No-iron blouses, ossf. 1.99-2 .99 SIOltl •OR 80YS 8.00 vol. Kn it sportshirts, S-M-l-Xl ..... 5 .99* 6.00 Brushed co"on denim llOres, 8-1 8 •. 3.99 6.50 val. Brushed flares. husky 28-34 •. , 4 .49 Store !or Boyt, except Sonia ""o, Morino. to1<1'*"00d, NewPOrl 3.00-4.00 Co"on kn it pullover shirts, 4-7 , 1.99 .(.50 val. No-iron, patch pocket jeans, 4-7 2.99 5.00 Polyester /cotton V-neck PJ 's, 8-18 . 3 .49 .. 17.00 Corduroy, hooded parka, 4-7 •• 12.99* 4.00-7.00 Collon knit pullover, 8·20 ••.. 2.99 5.00-6.50 Sport, dress shir1s, 8·20 . , : , • 2.99* .79 Boys' acrylic socl..s, .65 pr. . ..... 6/3.50 FINI JIWILRY Speciol loose Diamond Event: o sr>ecial purchase from our primary imporler , 1/4 ct. 99.00, 1/2 ct. 295.00, 3/4 ct. $589.00 one ct., : .....• , . . . . . . . . 945.00 f ln1 Je-rry. long s.odt, Santo Ano, Pomona. lo HOJbro. San Oievo 800K SHOP 5.95 Woman's Doy French Cookery , , . , 1.00 5.95 Slim 'n Tri m Oiet & Exercise, Lalanne 1.00 5.95 Bedtime Sible Stories .... , ...•.•. 1.00 17.50 Norman Rockwell Ill ustrator ..••.. 7.95 10.00 Pac ific Coastal l iners ......... , 3.95 39.95 Webster Encyclopedia Dictian ory , 9 .95 10.00 Harvard Dictionary of Music .• 1 .. 3.98 Spec iotl For Eastern Cooking . , ... , . , .. 3.98 Import! Larousse Science of Life . , . , •• 14.95 27.50 Hi!tory of Me11ican ~rol Pa inlil'lg 17.50 12.95 French Art, 1350-185tl .... , •.. 5.95 Book Shop, lo"V 8mch, Sonia Ano. PomotlO. lo Aabro GOURMll SHOP 1.85 8uffums own vacuum pocked cakes 1.49$ 1.60 lb. &ulfums' own whole bean coffee 1.40 " Buffums' Select Liquori: 1 /2 gal. .... Scotch 86 proof • 13:.50 Bourbon 86 proof 11.95 Gin (domt1t1c) •ole 12.40 10.80 90 proof ...... 10.00 9 .35 Vodka (domestic) 80 P'ool ....... 9.15 8 .50 •10~ «111 dil(Qlll\I -fll1~1 ol'° 0¥0llobl1 Gou•ll'ltt S~op. °:°*"'o-lO<lll hoch onlr q" 1~· •OI• 7.00 6.20 6.15 5.45 •.BO 4.25 2. 99 Sp«ioli SUMMER COVER -JACKETING full fashion styl ed nylon c!re \oc~et. Snap Irani, elo!tic wa ist, water re pellent, 7-1 4 G"I' Shop, oll<roftt . 99 '09· 2.29 • PIC K OUR PYREX PITCHER Have two -one in summer Do •~Y ,., on e in Verdel Tight fining lids, one qt Jl' Hou1ewores, all ••ore! e•cltpl Mortno .69-2.59 "•· 1.05-5.25 FIELDCREST SAVINGS! Patterns by 'l'ves St. louren1! !kl!h, 2 5'1; ha nd, 1.69; c!olh, .69. Ou1t.1 your hatht B .. d l>nd So!h Shop, oil ,io,.s "'''~Pl Mor'1•a, lol.ewood, Newpan 2.99 Sp«•ol PICK A PILLOW! Please yo.Jr pocke1book .,.,,th \t.1nd1ird )1Ze. e11lro pkimp 100°/o polye11er hllt·d po!!ows. Bed ond Bo1h S~op. oll sto1•1 •~tepr lok......aod. Morino Newpor! GIFT SHOP ' 1.00 eo. Srain!ess llolWore, 5 piece1 , ... 3.99 .80 12-oz. tumblers; reg .• 70 8 oz .••.• 59 eo. 17.50 Walnut soled bowl, server s ••.•. 12.99 17.506 indivlduo1s •.. :: ........... 12.99 14.00 Gold tlorenline wood woll plaques 9 .99 12.00 Stoneware snack sels, 4 cups, plate' 4 .99 6.00 Pew1er lin ish condle holders 4 .¢9 7.00-9.00 Old Fashioned, Highball s Set/8 4.99 CHINA & GLASS Mikoso dinnerware, ser /8 59.95- 30.00-35.00 Service fo r 4 . . . . . . . 23.95 ' 2.50 lmponed blown stemware . . . 1.99 eo.,. 34.99 King~tone dinnerware, 45 pc . service lot 8. 19.97; Stoneware, orig. 59.95 •....... 39.97 2.85-4.50 Slemwore, tumblers • . . . 20*/e OFF Chino & Glo.swcn,, oll t1ore1 l•(•pl Mo11na, Polot \lerdet, Lakewood, Newport IA8LE LININS Round prinl tablecloths, a ssorted: in 70" ro1ind si ze, 7.99; ond 90" round •.•....... , 11 .99 1.25 Wonder looper p!ocemots, colors •• , .99 1.00 Matching napkins, coaslers, hot pads ea. .B9 1.25 1973 l inen calendar lowels ••••••. , .99 Christmas tablecloth1: 6.50 5 1x70 4.99; 10x50 591(90 oblong 8.99 l1.5059x90ovoJ ................. 9.99 12.50 59x104 oblong . , .... , , ..... 10.99 10.50 66' round 8 .99 , 1.00 napkins .... 79 Cullom table pods, leaves to order .. 10% ott lable linent, oll ••ore1 eac1pl Mo1/r>0 Do-it-yourself table pods: Arfex Green, embossed loom bock: 5.00 54x5.C ... , •• 3. 99 6.00 54x72 ..• 4 .99 8.00 5..tx108 .. 6 .99 7.00 5.Cx90 ..• 5 .99 5.50 52" round ~.99 Clearance: cloths, plocemots, napkins, t~ 1 /3 off Tabl"' bneni, oll llo••t "'x(tpl Mor.no, Palo• Verdel, lokewood, Newpo11 SILYIRWAJll 60.00-JO.OO vol. 8eoUliful Je~in~eces 49.95 Gloss & si!¥erplote, 3 pc. aolod sel · ..... 5 .99 English-cake pedestal & server set • , • , • , 6 .99 Heirloom S1er!ing, 8 three pc. place sellingt, Damask Rose, reg. 487.85 , • • • • • • . • 299.95 Mic helangelo, reg. 510.25 ••• , ,. , , • 329.95 Heirloom, Raphael stolnles1 Service for 8, live serving pieces •• , , 129.95 Service for 12, live serving piece• . . . 185.00 Silverpla!e loble accessories 10.99 & 13.99 HOUSIWARES Special! Os1er1zer I0-1peed blender .. 19.99• 15.95-29.95 vol. Schon holroys 10.95-19.95* 75 .00 vol. Moyloir hotoble, serving cart 46.95 .. 10.95 Solton bunwormer . , .......... 6 .99"' 33.99 Westinghouse, non-stick frying pan 19,99 19.99 Chrome baconer, ~iffs 8 slice s .. 14.99 .60·2.50 Royal kitchen terries . . . . . ,49· 1. 99 16.00-17.oO Enamel, copper !eoke"!es , 9 .99• 23.00 3-pc. Gallop Gourmet curlery set 14.95'" 19.50 va1. Corningwore Trio ~I • , ..... 9 .99 6.50-11 .00 Rewre teokellles . . . . 5 .49-8.99 1 1850-24.50 Revere saucepo!s . 15.99-21 .99 14.00 Ri!vere cov~red 10" skillet • , , .... 9 .99 Wes1111g house Gallery Collection App1ionce~ Reg. 16.95·32 95 ........ 12.69-24.69 16.95 Ekco 7 pc. kitchen tool set, rock 13.99* 6.00 Steak sizzle plotter, troys 4.99, 2/8.99"' 9.95 Insulated be¥troge .server, 32 oz, , 6 .99• Tivoli 24 aloss drink set, Specioll ...•. , 7 .99 .79 ea, Twisl·pop ice cu be troys .. , • , . 2/.99 8 pt'. set of cryl!ol clear porlai1 gloSS"S • 4 . 99 Ho~•tw('llt,, Oownlo-lO"!f S.OC~. 5o'1t0 A,.., 'otl\OAO, l'I H'lbrQ 8ED AND 8AIH SHOPS Buffums' White Sole Is a Winner!! Save up to' 25"• on Fielder.it no-iron sheets. loop. sheored lowelf in prin11, solids Say Wom1u"a and save with fine buys Outfit your beds from our lorge sclf'C· tion ol bedspreads, comfor1ers, blonk•11. 8-d o~d 8o1h Shop\. leng &.cM.h, Santo AM, Po1n0~0. la Hob•n, Polo1 V1r<k1, $(1~ D•,.o;ia Shop lhtse & Many Other Unodverti1ed Sp~1ols. Where Merchandise is Reduced, Quantities lim ired Not oil Si11u In All Colors, Comporollve Prices Reprtsent flr:at·Timf Red11c1lons: "Orjg." lndicolts f1,1nher Reductions from Or1gino1 Prices. No Moil, Phone OrdcrJ. 4.99 "" 800-1000 FAMOUS 'LADY ' SHIRT FIND S1ock )'Our .... ,,.tl• (,,,1 ~ill ilee\~ il~ve­ less, lo,,g S·f'I'' "J ~h' ') 101 tdl. print\ 8. l 8. 3.99 "(liUf!~IO 1 ~00 STEP LIVELY FOR OUR BOOTS fun1os11 ( vol1ies 111 h10k. .. r1 s1tet, color'. for pol'\!'· s~11!1 I Hurry "' lPQ f tnh<t•~• nrl "~""'r oe""' Morono 25-50% off 1o .. y '°'"" DELICIOUS GOU RMET SAVINGS Colernon mus tc1td. lh1ntley .Palmer b1!oCu1U, p1c,led lx.iby~C>rn .... 3 for 1.00 Knorr dop, soups, wu!e1 chestnuls 4 /1.00 Gl'w•m-1 $i.,..p u•l ,,.,,,., ,,.t •pl W...11110, N~ .. poff .89 .~g :' ~5 FABRIC LID STATIONERY BOX A wn1er ~ drt>on•I Colo1 coordino1ed paper 1\ k!!y~ 10 rhe ho\. :itoi.on.,.., oil 1hl•~I ""*Pl Moril'la K.C. Products' suede touch closet~bles: 6.00 Jumbo suit bng or dreu bag •• , , •• -t.99 24.00 5-dr11w~r lhesl .••.••• , , , ••• , • 18.99 1.50 jumbo hongors ....••• , . , : . , ... 99 Soling Travel f11wte'' 2.50 suit, dress bogs 1.99 600·7.00 Fur Mole, nylon suit bogs 4 .79·5.59 P~d "nd Both S~< p, 0<Jw"tn"''1 long &.och. 5<1nt.;J An.J, Pomono. lo f!,,u"' NIEDLICRAFI SHOP 4.00 Kit 'Crochet o Shri11 k' ........ , , , 1.99 fomous yorn )Ole. Bf'rnol, Barella, BucillO, etc. 7.00·22.00 Populor afghan kits . , 5 .99-12.99 ~i.t.01...:rolt Shop Onwr-w ... 11 lorig &.och, Sonia Allo, romo~<1, la Hal "' FASHION FA8RICS 8.00-10.00 famou~ delu .. e doubleknhi. 4.99 yd. 4 10 fomou\ moll wool labrics. plo1ds 2.99 yd. 4 00 Dressmaker pattern cu"ing board , • 1.99 Special Keen-edge scissors colledlo n ...• '2.29 1.20-500 Ez cnre ~unimer fabrks .99-2.99 yd. 1.50 Mini-core collon/po1y polkodots • '.99 yd. S.00-7.50 Famous mill doubleknlt1 •• 3.99 yd . fa1hion Fabticl, Downtown Long hoeh, $01110 Ano, Pomono, lo tlob•o SIAllONIRY SHOP 1.00-3,50 No!e~ . . . , •.•••• , • • .49, 2/.89 S1r111onery .99 , ..... , ..• , •••.• ,. '. 2/1 .49• 4.00 Magnetic photo al bu m • , , • , ••. , •. 2.99· photo cube , , , .......•.•• 2/1 .39• 2.25 Congress doublt• bridge dec~:i. •• , 1.&9• 4.00 Everyday super value cord bo:IC . . • 1.19• 2.00-5.00 Boxed Chrisrmos cords , •• , , 1/2 off S101ione1y, Lo~u 11~ .. h, ~nn•a AtlO, flo"'IJ"IO, La liob< ~ LUGGAGI Skyway lugg age sol•: Apollo Series: 25 00 Tote •. , ........ 17.00 45.00 24 " Pu llman ... , ••• , ......•• 30.00 38.50 Cosme!ic . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • •. '2~.00 38.50 Corry-on . , , , , , , . , .. , , ...•• , 26.00 55.00 26" Pullman , .• , •••.. , , •• , .• 37.00 47.50 Corry-on . , , , ... , .. , ..•.• 32.00 60.00 2-svirer 40.00 65.00 3-suiter 44.00 Skywoy trunks . 40.00 oirtlner .. , .•.• 29.99 52.00 Dormitory ..•...•.•..• • •• • • 39.99 15.00 Dopp ki t, top groin leather • , •••• 9 .99 l uggage. all 1tore1 e·~"l'1 Marl~o. Polo1 V11d e1 TOYS First Sale -Creative Plaything•: 2.00·134 .95 Jumbo dump trucks, Sasho, Gregor doll s, disguise ~it, etc .•. , , .99-89.99 4.Q0.24.00 Stuffed onimols • , ••• 7.95 Roggcdy Ann & Andy .. , ••. , .... 5.49 15.00-20.00 Juvenile roc kers •... 9 .99·12.99 Toy1, oll 1'0tet "''t ep• Morir>O. Poio. Ve•d~. SPORTSMAN'S SHOP 10.00 Men's, women's wKulbreoket, nylon 5.95 ,) 25.00 Nylon backpack, 7 p"Clfket ...... 17.95 30.00 Nylo'l '2-mon backpack tent • , , , . 20.95 18.00 Waffle stumper hiking boOti , • , . 13.99 24.00 Slumberjack. Delu:io:e sleep bog . , 15.99 153.60 MacGregor golf set ..• , .... 109.99 15,00 Arnold Palmer distance golf bolts • 8.99 13.00 Wilson tennis rocket ... , .. , , .. , 7 .99 10.00-12.00 Famous tenl'lis shins, shorts , 5 .99 19.95 Tensor prosteel lennis rocket ...• 14.99 Spor!lmnn's S~op, ()Qwn!own long 'Beac h, Pomonn, Lu Ho bro. Newpart Sun O•IQ!I CAMIRA SHOP 29.95 Kodak ln"omot ic poc::kot comero • 20.95 4.49 Polaroid 108 Colorpok , , , ••••• , , 4 .09 1,59 Kodak CX 126-20 color prints • , • , , 1.36 1.39 lnsto mofi( flash cubes ........•• , 1.09 Co111era S~op lo"!I Beach, Pomona. lo Hobrao HOMI INllRIAINMlllT SAVINGS ON PANASONIC, 249,95 4-speed changer, 8-trock corf. player, AM-FM stereo rodoo 2 speakers . , , •• 197.76 129.95 O&lu11e coslen• to p. recorder 109.11 44 .95 Oigotol AM·fM c;.lock radio , ...• 39.95 Ho~ lnteno'""'"'' ''"''''" oll t10f'e1 1•cep1 ""°"""• Poh;11 Verd.1 MAGNAVOX 25" dlog. Kreen cclor console, TAC . 499.00 114.95 Tobie model AM·FM stereo FM radio 49.95 MGA color portable TV sets 16" diog. sc:rffn $Olfd ~tale . , .• , , , . 35,9.95 19" diog. KfMn , . , . , • , •••••• , • • ~59.95 Ho"'• E"'1rt11Jn<11..,! CtMWr, Do~ IO'llJ ho<~, Sonltt ""'°· Po..,Olto, lo l'!lllbto NEWPORT • #I FASHION ISLAND _,. • NEWP9RT CENTER • 6«·2200 • MON. AND FRI . I 0:00 TILL 9:30; OTHER DAYS I 0:00 TILL 5:30 \ J •J 'DAILY PILOT Fo1· The Record Dissolutions Of Marriage 1!111.,etl June 12 No11t, ttriore efld Ge.•l'l' Mllchrlt Brodell, M1rl1 Del C, el'ld ROD<"rl Lee Tam•sy, 8lflY Lou Ell<"n 1nd Slevi n A. N1rv11i,, Brllfe J. end Alt x MYttt<", 01bcr11t C. ef'!d Georot E. Mullefldorl, Pam.ia V. tnd H1rold L, CD11tn11o ltovc. Enon 1r1e1 Eult ce:~i.Jofln CGrntU, Jr. 1Mi Cttl!trlnt ~ lmtn, Confetti M. ~rid Oenlel C. Scholl. Verrit C. end Mery S. IU!JOfl, lt0\1 M. and William '1'. Gift, J vd!lh Arlerit Ind J ohn Thomes AlUI. Ctrmtn c . Ind John v. Sokol, Jeen 1. tnd w1111er A. Klnteld, Rl!a end Jefler!.On Hurle1" Kathry11 JO\ICt t l'KI JOlln Reber! 8oureo11, JOl'ln Roll""' end Norman FratKll 0\11>ll:n!1, Robert F. end Thtodora Murphy, Ellubelh G. end Ktvln M. OlcklnJ.Ol'I, TClbY W1vne a>td Pa<'1t 1t I . Wa.rnrr, M1a.A1111...ar.d Earl Thomes Prerrer, Fr9dt•l<k J. end M1r;t E. ltobbl,.., Llfllt11 8cnn t llCI Donald Franc!• Klnsma11,· Joh11 S. t11c1 lflt!e Malina.II, Angella K. and Mavr;cr A, P.cMl.skG, Marla E. aflcl Tnom1s E. Loy, W!lllao1 L1wr111ee and P11rlcl1 "" Wellman, Wll1J1m F. ~r!cl PMrlcl1 LOii Stosson. Merk R. and Ell111~lh J, E1lty, Wllcll J, 1/ld RI~ F, Rober11, D1r1rnt J . a nd Dor.aid Ltt Be1nv. Jo e;na and Randv Gerald Ecker!, Janice and Kenrieth II. N1horal. Shirley M. and ftahlcl COOMY, ChMIH !l. llld Lob M. Jtwe!t, Richard A. Ind Kalh1ee11 A. Euskf, Charles £. Ind Sl/J.n T, John11en. Dorolh•• M. 1nc1 Jotio MC:Candlen. Jeanene lllade 1 n d S1e1>11en P•ul Hendry, Wllrnt Ellllbtlh I nd Hu1h WI hon C111!'11, Sh11ran LYnn and Arthur Dnvljl KJnt, J...,l, V. Ind Jack (I Sa~, 011rt1 Lottne incl Harold Rviz. M•r111 J:Jt l111 1nd M1nuft. R1nd0fpll~ P1tr1c11 Ann tnd Bruce "Ian Thom1., Fay1 Jean Ind Lonnv Forre1I Sow1r1, M1rl0f"l1 tnd 1v111 Pat e, M.O. Lau11hlln, Bette L. and Danie! L. V1t~Qt,1el, C1rm1n P. 1nd Salvidor R. Enrique'!:, Stella 1nd S1lv1cior S1lm1n1, ~ry M .. 11'11 &Yron E. l<nl!lhl, Su11n M. and Dougl11 J . llllnlor!h,. Tl'Udlt l'ilY Incl Wil!llm Ttiomas Kelloat. S1ndr1 J. Incl WIUfam Edw1rd Turbltt, lih11ro\o! Lff Ind Thom•• A. M1xw1u. J\llllltl EllHn and Frtd Owtn Godfrey, Ooroll'lv J, and Oon1111 E. Monteiro. Gilbert A1rtl 1nd s1asl1 LYnn lt-allyn, Toni "LYn11 11111 Elli' lll1vmlfld, Nl'ls.»1, C,.!'01 E. Incl Broce B. Hen.son. Mollr Jo.ri Nld J o1.tPl'I Oavld Hall, J9 Aon and Lloyll Davis Sorce, K1nM'llr I!', incl Llldonn1 J. Parktr, Judith Ann ancl L1nc1 P. Smith, Llnd••nCI Terry II. And1r1on. Chrl$ HllrQICI ancr P11r1,1a CH £1~11v. Debrl L. 1nd J lmmv A. Enler, M11r11ar1I Elltabtlt\ 1nd Ron· aid Marlin Cu>albo, N•Cllne Ro~em1rr 1 n cl Anlttooy LClllb Slront , DI &ll'\1r A. Ind Jilmt• E. A...._non, P1mel1 A. 1ne1 Robert 0. Pral!, Charlotte Anne 1111d Jtmt t B•rlr.1m eoone. C»1I ·elv1 1nd P~t Mazur, Calh.lrlne Rcsafttn and lll•Y· mond Anthony liOilr, Glenda V. al'd Geor,. 0. lllobley, R1ymo'ld Vt ll, Jr. and Le~ K" L1111n, 1!':!1lrie M1r\e 11nd R,avmonct O. Jonn11on •• T.octv 1nd Tl'l10 Jo- L..ot, Lupe U•d JfCS La Tromoullle, Ronald lll1e •I'll Pt m111 "' Tnom1l. ~ 8. 1ne1 JodY Bernadette Deck, Rtbflcc• L. and Jamts A. Hiii, Mlrlon Paul Ind Ell11bfl!1'1 Mlrlt YatkY!OO.Jl'lnl~11h, Gr1!1 and Kenneth Rlckft11, Patricia ""nn •I'll Dal• F, ERt. .... Ju ... 16 l inditrQm. ROllll k. and Terrance T. Klnnr. l.oi1 E. ind A.obofrt D. W1!kl11$,o MY{tlt LOii 11nd Wllll1m C111ert1, Sharon 11'11 Oa~ltlle P. Curlin, IEltu~r E¥• 1nd Mr lvln L1¥I Crowr, Pev1v A""' a11d John W. lloldox, C1ll'IY A. Ind Rol:lt r! E. MidCllrlon, B1rller1 J. and Loren K, Coleman, Joycr L. 1nd Robert L. Beal, Dou111 .. s Harwood 11nel Su11n Lee Ll11n11001, .J~k Lff and Vlrnlni• Rul!I Avl"a, ll1fe~t H. incl Mar9arll11 C. \'11111, Jo Ann M1,tr el'll Kenneth f!(rg•n• St!!)trt, • Wiii« W1rr11n Ind D11nnt Oe•n H1Je~. Gehle! Ind 9el!V Royer,· Nal'llCY Je1nne Ind P11llll1> Anll'IOl'IY HudfOfl, Kar•I l. I ncl J01f Pll l/o. Webtt, Glor!• Joy •rod Donald Louis Hurley, KM!lryn .k!Jtt Mld John l<obt n McC1rly, Qilrrvl 01Wfl and WllU1m Fr1nclt Sltl,,.r, Cor>r.d Tr•ut ot 11rod Pl!yll lt t<u"'' H1rl1n Tne>mi• Mid Louise M1r91,..I ' · 1 Ch urch, Lind' L. lrod Jotin Ed.,..in SKrl1t, Sherry Ann 1rod Robfltl Walter \11n Allen, Robert Gr1nl!J 1»d JO~c~ Ml!elred Si1¥trtnorl'I. Jor>n Robert 111d Lindi Lee 1l1Jnold1, B1rD11r1 and Aubrtv t>esn E11!1rlcl Juftf lt V1!11nd. MtrY Lindi and Fredrlk Norm1n F1vnn. Coral G. 11'1d Adrian James Etoll, I.tit JoJce 1r>d Richard Tnom11 W1lllln, Miry 11'11 T/>OlnlS H. Traw!cl<, F'ranc:n wnd Shad: Elbert G1rv. J11n e. '"" Edward s. Curth. Citnditt Ind II. J. LH, l111 It. Ind Anloril1 G. Oltlllel, Bt!!V LOV •nCI Arll!ur Cdrl CllJ(ldl, ,M~ri11nnt Ind John f'tlrMlfl, M•"•n M. 111\d AIDt r! G. T'ham1"' J1tk, J•. l'ICI Bl •b••I Anll Tunlr. 8 11rbt •1 Hri.tn •r><I Jchnnv Let ttotl\lmon, P1t•kl1 L. 111'1(1 Matvl!l o. Slttn, Billlt ~av Ind 1.tGtl Wlh0t1 Lurdl, , IYil\Jeen ""'•r 1no Jam15 Br11dleJ G1llo1, Mllc/lilrt Richard •nd Cl'lrl111,,. Louise O.m,,.r. (.,o! Lee, •ncl lil •Jm.ond [Ult"!! "trOl/t, l'larold It, Ind El1ve A. f""1(n. Beverly L, 1rw:i O<malCI H. P'IOl\111, Linea L. I r.I Dtno J, Mfchffl, Mtr••rtt R ~ncl Jo'll'I W Gr•""' .ll®'rt JoMoh I ncl Lu(IJlt Tt rtu H1rbof, Nini ArtfW'fll Ind "81~ ErMS1 TCll'lllt• Mtf/'l •l K~nneth •llO >'o!ll,yn ... ,., J:ldlltoofl. Ttrrv Oe•n t"ll P11r~cJ1 Jtlft ' •. 01141'1. l.tN M'-Ind K_,,, II • E,...fi :iii'• •1111 wuu, ... e. ifflt If If~ 11111 Ja1t1t'> G '"1~, • ~H. Ind f llltl>'ll" "· W ,., ,.,. rl 0 l lW::I E vMn~ W .,,. l!lli ll'rt ynn 1ria Nell I<•~· E'l'lt't.1.f,•Vlc.lti ll'ICI Jon One r~:~"'1tt~l":..'\~ Dtrfl~. (b~ C:ltVClll A. 1"" Cl•~"" • Wtdntsdili . J ulr ;, 1117? POUNTAIN YAllf'I" -l1ftf M•llltlft II It ftlllt•I f'OUNTAl/\I VALLEY -1•10 Htroor ll•d ,1111 E101111r fL rORO -El ltf'O _, llO<~loelcl 11'001 NUN TINOTON 1 1! .. (H -11UI l tltll 11¥f fl •t1111tt )ANT• AHi -1406 W. ldlllttr lflll lrltlll SI. WESTMINSTE--W1 Wetlmlltiltf' 11 Otlfe.i W,St ' _§._'_,_,o_r_-•_o_v_£R_T_1s_£_R __ _ COST• ME SA -l:IM H~rMr l lvll, ti W1l.-i! lt, COSTA MESA -lli I!. 1'1h SI. NUN"TINi;;TOH l l!A(N -fl61 Attm1 ti l•IO~llurll All Stores Celebrate Grand Open in9 -of Our .New Store, 3325 Bristol, at MacArthur Blvd., Santa Ana Bring Yt111r 4th Of JMIJ Fllin ta Tllrllij for Expert Phofotlnlsll"!I . \ . odacolor:I egula.....SiiH-'-"- # 110 Prints Color Prints At Dtae1111I Ptfottl ~4 Moel. from C your 120, 19 C New pock.It lnsta -J 2 6 127 rri?t~J Vi x-4 Vi:·!!.!!_ -~ ~6l01 ~3~-· -ea ... print' Kodocolor • • O.¥t fopi111 • • • "'11 99c negotive. Bonus -o""to""""'--a l •gwlor Pl111 Wo1l11 !>11• • Mo.cl. Jr-120.,126, 127 ,620 Squa•1 H~ali""' New Low Price 24~ .:.:r.= Only at . ' REmT ·of 11 SELLOUT! ---,."!!"· ,"'."':'~::1£S::-1 ;:;:LOO~Kl;-i] Thrifty ' So Mu~h "Built.11" Quality $215 & $315 ... Values $2'' Boys' Flare leg No Iron Reg. $3: Tussy 4 Ounce Jar Knit Sweate t Moisture Cream · Jeans iSh~nks • 71/2-01. Cleansing Cream 4·01. Moisture lotion 3i$1~?.'~ 'More of t hose popular br1.1ihed polyester & cotton Perma-Preu jeans in bright F 0 R luy2&5Gve$2.91 Orlp..diy short ii eeve (Ir >Jleevelen orion acrylic shrinks;_ in femininm ruffle trimmed or 9mbroid*t'ed solid colors ond hi-stylo stripes or checks. Greot for the new layered look, 66 f ••<h NO'W-only at Thrifty-top (iuollty Tus~y blouty 'creams ond lotions ot o froction of their regular pricei! Personalized far specific :;:kin types in Dry, Normol, Oily tormulos. 49~ Value each! YO·S Men's Hair Spray 1 7 he Natural One'1 J9c We made o 5petio/ purdiose and o re SJ possing lhe savings on to you! 2 o:., trial size. Reg. or extro hold, Anacin Tablets $J08 Bottle of 100 Tampax &ii ;,110 R-swlor, s.,.-· ot JW'lior 3 F$J 0 I Ce pa col ~outhwash ., 20 99' ~ . Ounce -·-Phillips [:;f._~lk of Magnesia . .--Plain 1r Mint 98( ':!: 26 Ounce . . ---..... _.. ~ . 91 c Borbro B~Complex Vitamins With 1·12 Bottle of 100 73' 3 for 48< Schitk - -Plus Platinum 7 Injector Blades 83' w ith Ra z.or Johnsoits "No More Tangles" C!eme $J09 Rinse 120w11e-e Medi·Quik First Aid ~'~~:! 63' Right Guard . Anfi-Perspirant 5-oun<e 74' Aerosol CGmporo to Othen et $1 .29 for 6 0.. 1 ~;1!1:t-,Ultra Dry -.-:., Spray Deodorant ~ ~i:.°'· 64~ Priced even lower tt,on our everydoy low prict of 96c. THIS WEEK'S. LIQUOR SPECIALS! .. ·Scotsford · Scotch Whisky ..... ~ .... ._..- lcOTrQJlll ....... s,..,,..,.,- ·~·~':.;'.:.f ,_~ Quart .$399 Dlrtilled bnd blended in Scotland, Sov1 $1 .00 on a;poclol oHef. Key of Kentucky Ble-nd Quart $~ ~':!:)-:JI Thrifty l1 t s t telltr now prlt.d even lower than itt IY9rydoy low prlct, new col~rs! W i~h _;ipQ_tr f ly, Po!ch or We s tern pockets, wide belr loops-/ I som< bo"~ ;o 4-7. '/'_ ' ~ CNl•ar1 ti llthtn S•fll~c tt M.M Regular s4n c..,.,. to «hon ot .$3 .~!l:fw 90 (u!!f!.,High Potency 200 l.U. Bottle of 100 ~ or 400 l.U. Bottle of 50 ~ ..... '!!"f ...... ,.._,!_,, Multiple Yilamin Formula Wilh Minerals - . ~~1 -"Vitamin E Vitamins With Minerals lctt11 of &O $194 With oil the~­ ~~nt•al doily vi- ramlni yoo net'd, • lott11 of 100 onlr $291 ~ Your s3s1 \'!!AM IN • Ch~ice ( Now prj(zd e-vm lower tflori our low c vtrydoy ' 100 (APSUlf S discount prlCI', • Rte. $2,9111ttl11f 110, 1 oo ~u. Ch1w1~1o Vlt111ln E ••••••• ,. , • , , Compare to Others at $2.98! 11tt11 ,, 110 Cornpar•the quality,compor• the price! Supel" savings dUl'lniJ OJt vitamin JOle. .~--.i!«f-, ....... t; Multiple Reg; 7'1' ~ottle of 100 , ~'ffi 1-'Vitamin C C•""" tt oom Slllin1 a1~2.21 ~'!:l2' Chewable Multiple D rill'~?<!..:..~ Daily Vitamins !S: 59' Vitamins 8ottl• of l 00 73' Priced lower Thon ()\Sf everyday low price. llottl• of\100 89' lttU1ofJU R.tg. s1. t 9 Bon .. of 100 •~~~Multiple .Dally Vitamins With Iron llottlf Qf lSl1 $1.16 891 'l'.ttr.·ff 36S $1.Sl ltttll If 1IO ii~: ·:_.,,~l Compare to Others at $5.95 ~"'1:., Iron Tonic Wltll Ytt111l11 I cem,ku 111~ Ylt111i11 C ...... $) 94 of 100 Iott ft ,, 110 ....... s211 signs. Reg. $1'' 13A Lbs. Cream Sandwich -Cookies . ~~:.: .... ,;··49c •Jumbo fudge Cr9am T ast4 tempting cnom sondl'Pkhes at th• lowest priu In 11>*p. 'Kit· Chen fmh'. .... -:; ; o· spoz·a·lite JI $1°' Ev.eready Flashlights 'JP s ~----Disposable ··:Lighter $143 ~·· btst NI· llng throw~owov lighter! La1ts to 1 IT'IOnths. • c-,......, "D'' •Jr. C0Mlft1114er Ketp one handy ot home, ii\ car. Fo- rnous QUaliry ot o Thrifty low price! \ Reg. 3 for 211- .Jergens Lotion Soap iJ·~~Jc $1" Value! Colorful lambswool Key Chains 39 1 You'll nr.'tr hov1 to look for your. keys on this b ig, bright lambswool boll key dlOin ! In neon Ol'Ol'lg•. red, pink, blut, lilac, novy, \ . at Such a low Price! • 6 Bands? AM/FM/SWl ,W2 •Dial Licht• World Ti:11lo ~ ~emporary styling of], tand ~rt, streoi;nlined caie highh !d wi blends wlrh Ol'ly decor. Engint1I wi solid slate devices to g ive n'IW constant hi-level perforrnonc1, '" bo button dial, telescopic onten11G. • ' ' ' $3" Vi1y 45'' Sumf RIJQOed yinyliud myon aurfridtr equipped with rope fOf towing or guid- once. Great for ~nor' pool !,JW, A "best ~"t s !491 Valu1! 4•fOll Poly Play ~oris . Ught bot stun!y poly ~·· for pools, small lolces. Twlncoto1nc1r'CJl1SOfety · hull.#400. -~~~~~~~~~~ Coppertone Ta'1ning BuH1r Witk~ ..... .,ond ,,,, Coconut Oil-1 ~-o:. " 991 Women's Sandals 66c >!UNTIHOTON •IA(H -l 1•cfl IRd f d•ll!tr MUllllLHGTON l iAC+t -Wfflltor lllf lpn119fll• PILOl·~OV£R;T:lS:(:R:.:7~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;..~~~~~~~~~~~~_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~W~r:o•~"~~=':'·.J=,~l1..:5,:1~9~1~!::::::::;j-;;;;;;;;;;;~OA~l~L;Y~P~lL~O~T;;;;/;·~ GET DISCOUNT TICK ETS AT THRIFTY TO THE I 1972 Southland Home & Garden Show. Anaheim Convention Center July 14 thru July 23 ~11lid State 18 encl Radio Wl ,W2/.P BL/PB2 $3 ~~·~1~.:!FC . 3a4 ™' !d with brou trim 1n!nl with dependablt tio'nll f"91iob1Uty ond •. lli batttries, push-, f" fcli&t, ., , I ~ C<&Gli/' ., \ . I Clauic Coco-Colo gloues that bril"lg bo~k. fOl'\d f"llfTIO - r in; of the 5c co kt! i'.uthentic reproductioros o~ 1ke · ~lo.u that mode Coke o liou$ekold work. Shore rho~ happy rnemor1es with your ctuldren! All purpow fromes for Potlf'D1tt, art prints, oword\ h1 Blo~i... or Walnut finisl'i that wori't chip, mar, spli1. Stof'ld or hong. In the 3 most popuklr "zr,, s4'' Decorator Shelving Units $ 97 Creole ntw Yersot1t11y for your '1.wne ,,.,1., 11'1 , ed1u~tobtt. Stoc.kobl1 wo!I vno ~ wo1h odd-e>n ~tocl.;-on ito11J r1. Me!k:w walnut wood<,;1 ro 1., o~ mtfol with no-mar post t<Jps. =SOK 322 ! . ,, ' 'AUTO N EDS at ·01scou~T PRICES > Samfl(t -· Value ·under the Sim! ~ $16" 20·1nch Breeze Box Fan s997 ' I lizecl a Rider 296 Oil •• pol Women's 2-Plece Shorts Sets $333 Jomoico shortt and striped or solid cokw ~with flo1 .. terlng neck lines, °'~' f.tyl•1 S-M-L. $2'1 Men's Walking Shorts or Cut-Off Jeans y..,, Choice $188 'Eas y.cot• fashion style1 In ~mer'1 ti.st colors, 1fu1 28 l!> 36. 1 91/2" Vinyl Play Balls Durable bolls ;n bdll;onl <0-4 7 C lors--<greot for beach, yord, '*'Oter fun. $2'4 Women's · Shifts & Dusters Novelty styles in a~ S) 99 sorttd fobrie1-mony no-iron-fo.tlionfd for fun and eool comfort. Shop tarlt for )Wtll • $!.94 Sty"9 .. ·-......... SL" •SJ.91Sl'Yltt .: •.•..•••.• $J.t+ - $1 '' Reversible Braided Rugs 24145" Size $127 Mochine woshcbl• & dryoble ''Rainbow" Kotter rug!> in light or dork. patterns with fringfd enck. long weoring, eoiy ro cor• tor. For traffic areas. $4" va1u1! 1 Quart Enameled Spaghetti Cooker With ptrforoted inHt that eli- m inates froth- i~, boilover. Quick (;r easy to drain. For corn, -osporogus, soup, :obboge. -#"'10 l 5 Reg. $)5' Masterpiece Framed Decorator Reproductions .... !7c • 7Vixl1 Vi" • 4-l'c. Set .s~ it II" Beautiful padded prints 01 silk. Witt-I v•lo u r k>ok mo1, gold Flor- otnt1ne styl .. trorn•. Assorted 1t1biects by fClmftl artists, Antique Metal Skip Reproductions ' I 9'' r•ptOS of CD· lumbus Atmodo, th• Nino, Pinto, Sonta Moria on ·s·· wood . bow .,.rth nam9 d1 - Kr1phon. • '. ' Auto"'atic Transmission Quort Can Lee Auto Battery at Thrihy Discount Prices 10 ~1 1· MY.f O\R; Set of 8 Spark Plugs 93' R1buil~ -Guaranteed for 10,000 MilM, s11t Bardahl Oil ~dditive c!:;:. 11' Compare lo Othon Selling al 40t ~ ±H :L=, Quart Motor Oil OriYe o'iYOy "'''"' b•g ,aying\ on Thrifty's own best ~!ling motOI' oil. Compare to Others Selling at 45c ~~/.!'Heavy Duty 2 .... 53c SAE 20-J0.40 ~•rt C.• Compare t• 0th•" at 65c ~-w-.:~... Premium 10-30 Top quolitv mutti..grod• detergent 3 tlll $1 011. Q"•"' c.,. compa,. to Othen at 65< @:!) Pennsylvania3 .... $1 SAE lO~J0.40Qv•rtC.­ Comparw to Oth•n at 75c ~Penn Heawy Duty2, ... 75~ QIMit c.. $JS• Auto Coola•t Recovery Kit 1"r1fty woy to mri...,e auto coo1onr du. to 994 OYerhtotif1!1. :It 15 Reg. $2 71 Battery Booster Cables K11p0Mhondy- JOY• nDW tltoYY duty, s 1 ff oll CO(JC)er . Reg. $2" 18x30" Tiger Rag Miro c l • ''l'nfhet1c '«tO~ b • t t • r than <hamoi1! Jtlarriage Llceta.ses Dissol1itim1s Of Marriage J fl DAILY PILOT Wrdnesday, July $, 1972 ORANGE COUNTY Scout Leaders Sla te Vote On Merger of 2 Counci ls ~ 'The merger of Orange Coun--· ----'--"'-':'-"':-'.,---ty1s -two Bo scout -counctl! has been optimistically studied for eiiht months by both ex· ecutive boards. But the flnal decision has been le.ft to leaders of the two councils ·who "'iii cast their ballots Ju ly 11. Presently the 0 r a n g e En;ipire, \\'hich includes 24,000 UC lrvi~e Cla ss Slated • acouts and 9,000 ·Scout leadC'rs. .merger think centrallAUon serves Santa Ana . Gurden -('oul~ 1ffect fUnd drivet when Grove and lhe souttiern C01Jnty .'mofcy;;toulcflbe·u~ a-fa area . aw~y ::rrea instead of t}leir im· The North County Council, 1ml!'4iate cityJ which serves 16,000 scouts and They1 olso cite a farther 6,000 scout leaders, consists o{ traveling distance to scouting areas in Cypress, Anahe1n1. acL~·iliFs and supplies at scout Fullerton and Anahe im plus Jieadquiu1i:._rs. __ _ northern coun ty sections. At tht Orange Empire Coun· TI1e executive boa rds of Lhe ii in Sant::i Ana, no landslide councils favor the 1ncrger. voh'!! for either side have been The contend that operations fil'l'<licted. ""'ould improve and finances. leaders and facHHit>s l'Ould ti.: \"ult'rfi for the northrn stc· better utilized. lion \.\'ill ballot (n the Cypress 1'hry also say items could be College library at 7:30 p.m. purchased by the volume, 'fhe \'Oting for the Orange aga in saving funds. Ernpire me1nbers will take Dissolutions Of Marriage Freeway Warnings On Tap A joint-€ffort of both coun· pku:e in the council·s service cils \.l'Ould better help distribu·licicmn•tc•''•iniiSiiailnitaiiiAiniai. iiiiiiiiil lion of fund s lo both areas and 1 aid the sn1alle r North Orange countil"s budget b u r d e n s , ' directors feel. $ CASH $ f'lt.d JvM 1, Kellv, J11!9'lte H. end Edw1rd_~V. .Johnll)ll, fll•rt Allred ''"' l1ur1 Loul1r. Kl'fnCI, Alm. Altri.t11 ind Wiili,. Elllott, Rl~!I 11\d S1ndr1 LH. M1rtlr.t1. Dorolh'f J1M I nd Dtvld Jo-h. W1!11,1r, Htrold W. ltld Lton0rf. McA:11. J1nlce S. I ncl Sher\lf'OOCI B. ANnoll , UICl1 Ql,flnlot 11'1d Sltve AntflonV, 1t1111111. J,,,,., e. 1nc1 con111ric1 ~ 9111fl'I ROQer WOilam '"" IC1ren ,.,,.,., 'Te-rrtl, Arl•Flt M. end Wllllt m T. A:o.1. Ron1ld Reo 11'\d Merv Le•. Simi. 0.Yld Alln al'ICI Oorothv Jtnt. CMmottl, Allnf llld AUGll_!I, Flow9rdll_y, Jean D.11\d ThOl'l'ltl W, Cobf1n. En'lftl end eunv• K1v. 81tf'KllY. Tllto<lore LM Ind Ctrol ""'"· Wood, Roii.rt Arthur Ind Audrnr &!Ille. Mn1111Ho, Don"" J . •nd Lewrt<W:• W. Henklna l"r1nli:tt and Ire M. 0.11111;,'e. R-r J-11 111d P1!rlcl1 lou!M. c1.v:btn. 1El1le ll'ilnt t nd J•cob w.1::::~01111 v. Jr. •fld l•ttv J. Gr111t, MlrY AnlolMHI •nll l'loblrl T=.rv·Ktvll'l Su11niw Ind Johll H•n'IOlon. AtllmJ, S11J1n J11n •ntl Rlttllrd 0.11. Lunqrt'rl, Sl1nltv F. Ind N1ntY L. NeW11ncl, ,,...,11 H111n i nd ll.1ymond E~•rtl. Schmucll1r. Ot111 tlld \.otlll M•Y FerltV. Lor-s. •nd LOl'l!'ll• £, Pr-t.r, Ctllrl" H. •nd H1or.ltlll .. lluriau. AntNllne MlrY .-nd" J 1m" 11r1fJ":,:,v-,.11'1191• A11n, ind ErntSl Lovd. O<ilt1 ,.,1r1e11 Ruth •nd L1lo~to11.0 ,. Well, ~Hfrlc1 JOY(I '"" '" ,,,...,..,. tk, Cr1nk, Fl"9lfl'l&n M. tnd Norm1. Sritlfnlr, K•r•n Gtl• 1nll Lnllt Nor,,...,,. l'UH J11ne '' l\~11Cl\enber11, FrlflC~, A.. Ill d P1z, Altlatll 111d Lwl• ohon"""·•..,, Y-. C•rmtn P1trlt 1 • r s,r;::.";..,,n s. •lld Evert!! e. Dols0!'1. Nt flO i nd PMlllo euo1n1. Deetfa Notices l lCKMA•T Cl•Y1on A. lllcl(l'l•rl. 631 31d SI., Newporl BHCl'I. Diii ol tlt•ll• Jllf\I 2fj 19r.I. Gr111e1!de 1etYlttt, Th11rsd1v, PM, P•clllc View Me!flOl'll l P1rk P1c\llt View Morlu•rv, Olre.:t11rs. CALHOUN Wl\l\1m C. C1ltioun. Aftl IO, nl "'1 RIMO!ll Orl\11, CorOM del Mar. Otte of dMlh. JUIY :), 1972. S11rvlved o/o wl~. M1rc1ll1; two 1on1, R.lch1rd H. 1lhoun, cl L• Jolla· W. P1ul C•lhoun, o Yor!WI Linda; oa~ohi1r N•ncy Tr1cv, Coron• Ml Mir; lour or•ndch!l<lrtn. Prlv•I• l1mlly rntmorlal M:rvktJ Yftrt htld. lrt11rnm•n!, F11irh1v1n Mtmorl•I Park. F1mly Jl,/O· otsl5 These wlshln1 fo m11k1 memorl1I C(Jfllrlbutlona, pl•••• conlrlbull Io cnlld•1n1 Hospl!11, Suns1l Blvd.. Los Anoeles. 81!1 litO<ldw•Y Mor1u1rv. Olrte· 10'5. VAN DOlteH l l>hn C. V111 O«tn. A11 SI 1 f'11d•nl !' l1v1 Otf RtY. D1tt of ·•111!1, .'lllY 1?7:. SurYIVt<I by wlft 8flty l 11 Vin Oo1tn; 111u1ht.,, Tine 81uer1 son, John Van Ocr1n1 mother, 81on11l1 J, Rthlon; b•oTnt •, Roe•• Rtv11oldJ, Servlcnl 1o<11y, Wtdn1~1y, 11 AM, Sl'l'l llhl Ch1pe . lmtr· m1n1, Goocl Shtohl rd (tme!trv. Smlfhl Morlu1r~. Dlr1e1;flsoN J~!I E!li11Nth Wiison. A11 15, of 1!171 .A ulnav Line, Huntln11on a11ch. (late of oe1th, Julv J, itn. Su,.....fvt<I bY t.11sbu1d, J1m1s: son, J1mei Rllndtt Wlhcn1 lither GoorGI!' Sundstrom· brc1t1.,r, <.""9'1 Al•~ S11ncls!rom. VIJl1Jtlo11, I0<11v, \V1:"!1Msd1v1 of lo ' PM, 11 Pffk F•mlly Colonl1 Fun1r1r Home. F11n1r1I "rvlctt will bl held In Hoo•. Ark1ns11. "f•~ r1mllv Colofll•I Fun1r11 Hom1, Dlrtc ors. DAILY PILOT Sllll PhGIGt ws ANGELES <AP) -Flying Too Lotv? Itt• a s h i n g , scorelx>:ird-like Cars on University Drive in Irvine may think the flags in the left pho to are a signs "'ill go . into operation bit close t o the ground. Bu t as you r ound the hill, the University substation of soon on the Santa f\tonica the Orange County Fire Department comes into vie\v and th'e n1ystery of th e Freeway, hopefully speeding sinking flagpole is solved. traffic fiolv by warning------------------------------------ motorists of tieups end Other road problems ahead. A recen! demonstration· of the advisory sign system showed v.·arnings such as "Right Lanes Blocked T\\'O f\111es Ahead" and "Congestion TY.'O ~1iles Ahead" flashed on 8-by-30 feeet signs v;ith each letter 18 inches high . ' Engineers from the state Division of H ighways' Free\v11y Operation Depart· ment !Bid 35 such matrix-type l gns -so named because they can flash different mes· sages -are to be installed along the freeway. ACTUAL INSTALLATION ""ill begin in August and the project should be completed in early October, they added. Should an accident occur, for example, on the inbound lanes of the 5anta Monica Freeway near Crenshaw Boulevard, traffic could be hampered for stV~_Jlliles to the w1::st in peik hours, engineers explained. In this case, they said, signs approaching Crenc;haw Boulevard would d is p 1 a y messages such as "Accident Ahead, Take Next Off-Ramp." ANOTHER ADVISORY SYS. TEl\f, using rMdside ·radio transmitters on special fre- quencies, is to be instaJled later on the San Diego Free- avl}'. Highway Division officia ls said a 13-mile stretch on the Santa 1'-fonica Free\vay u·as chosen for the signs because it is the busiest in the Los Angeles region, handling an average daily traffic flo\v of 100,000 vehicles west of the San Diego Freeway a n d 242,000 vehicles near the downtown area. The messages are formed. . the engineers sald, bY a se ries of small, Ughl bulbs. Each sign has two llnes of variable type, capable or showlng 32 characters. THE SIGN MESSAGE proj- ect, being installed under a Sl.14. million contract, will be controlled fr om the Freeway Ope;rations Department's cerr ter in do\vnlown Las Angeles and will be plll1 of its sophis- ticated Surveillance and Con· trol Project. The center now supervises traffic flow using television- equipped helicopters, sensors embedded in the freeway and computers. Albert Grover, project engineer, said the center is now detecting 93 percent of all Money for Artliritis St11rly UC lrvi11e Gets $10,000 lflVINE -A check for $10,000 has been a"'arded to Dr. Thomas Rankin , acting chief of the Department of Rheumatology at UC Irvine, along \\"ith <ictreSs J a n e \Vyman, tililltmal-campaign chainnan for The Arthritis Foundation. The annual awa rd , presented by the Delta Chi Sigma business w o m e n ' s sorority, will help the Orange Countr branch of The Arthritis f<'oundation establish a UCI department of Rheumatology. Funds will be used to operate an instructional pro-- Mesa Editor In W orksl1op FULLERTON N e x I year's leaders in . th e editorship of Orange County high school newspa pers. in- cluding one fron1 Costa J\1esa, are currently studying at the Sixth Annua l Edi tars' Workshop area. · Sponsors within the Cal State Universi ty Department 01 Communicatians a r e coaching 18 young journalists in techffiques of e d i t i n g , writing, headlines, p a g e makeup and photograph use. Di rector af the two week "'orkshop winding up June 30 is Ralph Alexander, reti red newspaperman and executive director al the California Interscholastie Press Associa- tion. Cheryl Angel. of 3159 Sicily Ave., Costa Mesa, is among 1972-73 high school newspaper editor!! enrolled in t h. e workshop which some student editors attend on C S U F scholarships. fi.tiss Angel is the daughter af Los Angeles Times editorial staff writer Don Angel. Bids Called On Freeway SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California Di v i 11 ion of Highways has called for bids on about $7.745 .000 worth of work on California 41 in Fresno. gram lo begin t r a i n i n g specialists to treat arthritis and related di seases. J\lrs. Donald. G)bson, 14592 Emery\.\'ood Road, Tustin . in· ventionchairman representing tem~tioo convention chair·. man representing the soror· Hy's Beta Eta chapt er, said the organization t onsidered rec· omendations front its 57 chanters iQ tbe .. lLS~and Can- ada before mak ing a selection. Tl1VINE -The mysterious. (lften hidden a\vay endocrine gland system is the latest in a lecture series at UC Irvine called "Scientific J\1edicine for the Layman." The io-Jecture course on the systen1 thal produces the body 's hormones starts Thurs- da.v and is held each Tuesday ;ind Thursday through Aug. 8 fron1 7 to 10 p.m. The course is taught by UC ( College of J\1edicine faculty and is open to the public. The lectures ,.,.ill be held in the Sophomore Lecture H a I 1 . ~le<.licaJ Surge Buil ding. A $45 fee 1'lill be charged <i nd three units or college credit ,.,.ill be given upon co1n pletion. Topics to be co.,.ered include the thyroid and parathyroid glands, pancreas. obesity, the rt•productive glands and others. Additional information ctin be obtained from the University Extension Ofrice. Opponents to the proposed Mesa Gra1luatc 1st & ?nd R. E. LOANS e Sl,000 to $50,000 e hnproveme11h, Yocatloll e Any Reaso11 e For f?\llck Servfta CALL 847-5200 RIELIAB LE Or~nqf Co. ofllt! (114) 116·•HJ 1<~11 r~11,,1, H 10llJ ReJp~ctcd llrokerJ Since 1'51 Bruce Alan Connors, of 2199 Rural Place, Costa ~1t1sn. h:is ' graduated wit h i1 batht>lor ·of science degree front l':ieitil" University in Fores• Grove, Orego n. I ~~"'!"'JJllllJJllllllllllJJllllJJllllJJllll~ Now ... Plastic Cream · Invention For Artificial Teeth Artificial T eetit Never Felt So Natural Before Now. forthefirot timr. ~cienceoITl'f~ a plastic cream that hvlds deuturt·s <.HI never before-forms ;in el:i<t1r m,· rn· bn1ne that lrt/ps held //:rm /11 /f11 .natu,al tiu MtJ of ydur mcu1J1. It's :1 unique discovery called F1xoo1:t. T: l h:i.t has r evo!utiooized ~entura "c.1rinc. It lets v11u bite harder, ehtw bet• !l'.r, l"nl tTivre natur:tll y. Fp;90Er.:T l<1ots for hours. Hes1s!s moisture. Ocnturc$ that fit arc t'sstntto.I l<J hea lth.~<! vuur <lenti:!.t rttt:ulnrly. Cct c:1sy·to·u;:.c. FLXOOE!<.1 Denturs Adhc;l\c Crcant. llALTZ BERGERON incidents on 42-mile, the Santa The announcement said ex- isting two-lane routing \Viii be replaced by a six-and-eight· lane freewa y bet wee n Broadway. and · Tul.a re - Divlsadero Street, a distance (Earn $61.80 on each $1,000) FUNERAL HOa.IE 1'.fonica-San Diego-Harbor fr~ or l.3 miles. Coron dtl Mar '73-NSO "'aY loop. Colla M•.. 6111-!IU llro ________ ,_; _________ _,, BELL nloADWAY MORTUARY lit Broadway, Cotta ~ltsa IJ~ •• McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH ,dORTUARY 11'1 Lag11111 Canyon M. 411-MIS • , PACIFIC VIE\l -MEMOJ\W. PARK Ceiilefory Mertuuy • Cbapel • Piellle Vie• Drfv• N•..,.n llucli, Cllflol'llla NI-mt PEEi ,AMII. y coc.oNIAL FUNERAL llOMI!! 'lllllolllAw. w-•1u1 ' SMl'l1ll' ifoRTVARY 117 ai.-Jll. _.=:. ..... ' I See by Today's Want Ads e THESE PUPPIES NEED a home . • • They are Schnauzers. male and fe. male. There ls also Alud service Md grooming, e AND IF 'YOU' NEED a home for August here is a 3 bedroom house in Bea· eon Bay, There Is access to a private beach on the bay. e l'OR FUN IN TIIE BAY p.ad<l!e around on this 17' Kyak. Jt'g a folding type, 2-man, with a sail. You can earn this high interest on $5,000 minimum two year certificates.'Tnefi.rst yeary~ur $5,000 certificate will earn $309.15, and more for each consecutive year that interest is add ed to the account. You can earn $59.17 on $1,000 minim.um one year certificates, and as much as $51.26 on a regular passbook savings acc ount of $1,000. More interest than banks ... more certain than stocks Plus &ee services ... safe deposit boxes,notary service, travelers cheques, trust deed and note collections, and many more free services are avail~ able when you have the required minimum balance in your account at THE BIG M. Plus personal service ... expericnce d and competent savings.counselors in each off.ice--' to assist you in planning your savings program. ~ ~ ' ' .. .4 You will find a warm, friendly attitud e on the part of everyon e at Mutual Savings. i THE BIG M , MUTUAL SAVINGS I nd 10111'1 ntOClltlon , Corona del-Mar: :0867East Coa1t Bishway/675·5cuo Open Saturday July 8, 10 AM to 1 PM Other offices in Covino, West Arcadia, Pasa.dcni, Glendale and Canoga Pa.rk..chatswortla • ' "'' ,...,..."' Lung Po1.,er North Carolina farmer 0. B. Jackson demon- strates his winning form in cap turing the Na tional Ho11erin' con- test. Loudness runs in the I am i ly. O. B.'s brother, Dewey, was the national champion in 1969. Official Ignores 'Ritual' WOODLAND ( A P ) • California's first nontearber achool superintendent u.ys it Is necessary =:ometimes to ig- l}Ofe the S~le F.clucation Code to get the JOb done. He is David Reeves, 39, formerly assistant superin- tendent for business at the Ravenswood City School Dis- triet in Palo Alto. ~ - This month, Reeves to o k over the · \Voodland Jo i nt Unified School District about 12 miles north Of Sacra mento at an annual salary of about $23,000. Reeves doesn't have a teaching credential and says he has no plans to get one. ''There has been a divided kind of response'" to that among the 325 teachers in the ?,Zf8.stodent dlstrict, he said. "TllERE ARE THOSE who wouldn'! be threatened by anything. They are friendly and cooperative. There are those who would be frightened • •The ed1&catlon code ls •• comple:r that fJOI& must lio what I do -igt1ore a large part of It - -f»ecome an edu· catfonal cultbt.• by any new auptrintendent. 'Jbey're ..i happy at Ille idea of a noncertlfied superin- tendent," he says. Does Retves regard himself as a hard-headed business type? '-"[ think,·it·-i! far better · to saY there are certain business principles that art taught at Harvard ·and at Stanford and other places t ha t I ha ve learned and that other men have learned. Education to- day is primarily a manage- ment is different than saying this is a hard-headed business approach. "Thtre is a distinct belief yoo see in edocatloo tllat you must know this education code and you must understand all the ritual and all the jargon," he added. "But the code is so complex that you must do what I do - ignore a large part of it -or become an educational cultist and devote a large part of your life to learning it." 100% NYLON BRAS EXTRA LARGE SIZE WITH FANCY TRIMS LACE CUP BRA Dllll: IE,. PltlCE 1.U 122 OU1t.IEC. PllCl 2.37 Piddee lace CU? Sile J( 40. ~ W1G~ ct1mtcrl->trap and ~nu~ !•t B·C. Unw~d~d ~m~•r,•~piy · -10 ·~:• S11»·Jl 44,BCD >•I" JZ-44, ~BC \ SAVE 33°10 DURING MISSES BATHING SUIT CLEARANCE 88 TO 9.28 OUR REC.LOW PRICE 6.97 TO 13.97 We oiler our entire stoc k of one and 1 piece bathing suits at 33% savings on each! Bikinis, one piec e styles and even exlra- large sizes. Terrific · choice of labrics, patterns and colors. Get an extra one now' 11s ANGElA® LINm lACECUPBRA OUI llC. PllCE 1.31 ~n!t cuf bra wdh lac• r,1p 'on rte~ :l ·44, B C 0, ?~dG"l! 13• r- 'LIO bra 3?.40, A-B c. 11s _ ANGBA® PADDHI DAIL V PILOT J 7 WHIT FRONT '"FAMOUS MAKER BRAS & GIRDLES SAVE 25°/o & MORE We've taken our best selling styles lrllm our regular stock and reduced prt ces drast1cal ly. Chnos1' yo ur lavo11te bra and sport briefs styl es. ANGElA' "LOW-PLUNGE" BRA (Al Satin nylon trico t with l1l1trlill padoing lo shaue" r .1 aadrng to your cup Siie. S11es 31 40. A 8 C. OUR REG PRICE 2.38 100% CREPESEJ · BRA (Bl Regular and contour designing: "ll~i..:1 r11n1' ·t S11cs 31.40, A 8-C. OUR REG. PRICE 1.97 100°/o LYCRA SPANDEX BRIEF Comforta ble spurt hrirt tor SML XL~. __ ·;!Jr~ . hilt p;1nt1. S lzr~ OUR REG. PRICE 1.97 110 144 144 ---~- ,~, \ . } \) ~,-/-:. . ! . ·--· DACRON· ""0 " BRA (~TTOM LYCRA SPANDEX · SPORT BRIEFS EXTRA-SIZE BRIEF FOR AN ACTIVE LIFE 0111 IEC. PllCE 2.31 ~dd : i full ~ile lldtur~ll.1! ~·' • 16, "-·8 cuo 11s DUI 1t£C. PRICE 1.61 :it•l~d to rreal~ ~ mi.1.ti1 M.~• mlder ~\a<:k, ~por1 11••11 '.,uµor ~ 'on!rnl lyi;ra Spandf'r•. S11~.­ S-M·l·Xl. OUR RE,. PltlC[ 2.tJ 222 "11 r<10!111I 111r a ~JMQ!h 1i11t ,,,\ 11nd!~ ttirt~WI!¥. S11..-; l· X'XIX4X. MISSES UNIFORMS IN DOUBLE KNII _ 100°10 POLYESTER s EA. Comtortable polyester double knits lhdl resist wrinkles. washes and dr u)s l1hc a dream. Great new slyles lash1uned lnr to day's women in whit •' W color1). At lh1. low, low price you 'll wanl 111 ·,tor.k up nnY"t. Missy and hall sizes. U1tif•rmi. Not At(. los An9ele1, lo119 8e1ch, lort11tc1 REEVES' APPOINTMENT was made possible by a 1970 Jaw authored by Assemblyman Leo J. Ryan, CD-Burlingame), ,which removed a teaching Credentials as a requirement for employment as a schoo'l JAMAICAS OR TANK SHIRTS FOR WOMEN I sujltrintendent. Reeves got his job by answering an advertisement placed by the Woodland school board in the Wall street Jouma1. He says bis employment has been regarded statewide as a test case and quotes the California Teachers Associa- tion as saying his "failure wilt end for 111 time the matter of a non-certificated superin- tendent. '-' Does Reeves regard himself as a trailblazer for a number of future non-teacher school suP'f1ntendenll!? "I SEE AN AWFUL LOT of guys willing to go into lhf !i<ld. I do not see the flelr anxious to rten1it the guys,'' YOUR CHOICE s F-DR OOUli.( KNIT JAMAICAS in ,3;y tll't, '°'"'1 w~~t nylon. Stitch crease lront, pull on elastic wa1~L ,.., Machine Wash and dry. Htit pants, too. SPORTSWEAR TOPS in pop~!<1r tank style3. Sol10 1 olor:: or bold strip~-;. Cotton and nylon. so cGCJ ..._;~~and comlortable. Crib an armH,I! he says. "I know an awful Jot a,,.,..,"' •••ilelil• •t ""' htttll .,,.,,..IK•· ol lndstrlal managers who an SJOlf NOUH: DAllY AND SATURDAY 10 AM TO 9 ,M •SUNDAY 10 AM TO 7,M • TNflf1 A WHITE llONT NfAR YOUf rRICIS llHCTIVI THRU SUNDAY, JULY 9th 720SA auperb. lr-"'::;;:'""'.::;~""'.::l:;""::::;"""';:;''.""~"";::"-:;::--;::::--:::""W':::-~~~~~~~~~~~_....,~~~~~~~~jl";::~~_,..• "A :. :ond lm~lment." h<U added, "is the 'bloody ocreen· T V!'r. ~ ~ CHAIGEIT ... WF ClfDIT CAID lngsystemwhertyouJ!ragout 3088 BRISTOL ST. • JUST OFF NEWPORT AYE. ~"°"""' ... _" ~-fer six monthJ the hiring c(. • IMUllltCMt ~~ someone. To get compettnt BETWEEN S N ...... ..,:: . ...!.* '(). •1t.sn1cwc.1cU1 ih _P"1 --. people In business. that lJ not . A DIEGO FREEWAY and BAKER ST. I ~=··::·: ... : .. ::::::~-~'.!!,!~~~-;:;~:-2_J tht way you hire. 1 1 ._ ______________________ .;_ ___________ ..;.. _____________ tl-"''l •t11Tt•1unttltntt••s • • • V/rdnr~day, Jufy ' 1m PILOT·ADVERTISER 5 Me11 n1 Service 1'111111111 Circus by 1111 Keaue Depressio n Can Creep Up one gels tired of taking aspirln wnhout complete relief. \Vby not turn to the one Y•ho pron1· ises a cure? Especially when one's own doctors s;1ys. "I'm doi~ evl'rythlng possible for you. I can't promi.se a cure." Navy Ensign Charlir S. Nelson Jr., husband of !he former l\1 iss Knren A. Clltler of HunUni:i:ton Beach, is In an early phase of night training Ylil h Tranlng Squndron Thrte <lt the Naval Air Sr.ation. l\tilton, Fla 1'1arlnc I'\ 1 Gary L. Tillotson. hu1'bRnd . of lhci former J\1iss \'il'ld J. F:nck son of 20072 J\.!nrin;1 Lane. Hun· tlngton 13ea<'h. gr:irluated fro1n the Automotive Organizational f\Jaintenance Course al IJ\e Alarine Corps Base. Camp LeJeu ne. N.L'. Navy Senior Chief Pett y or. ficer J ay P. llooe)'. son of Mr. and l\1rs. John L. Crowe of 15222 A>1onterev Lllne, ~lun. tinglon Beach,-~ in the South China Sea aboard the aircraft canier USS Ticonderoga. homeported nt San Diegv. Navy Seaman Glen A . Rudolph, son bf Mr. and ~trs. James :it Rudolph or 2866 Boa Vista Drive, Costa A:Jesa, is in the South China Sea nboard the aircraft carri er USS Ticonderoga , homeported lit San Diego. l\farine F i r s l Lieutenant 1\llcbael B. Taggart, husband or the fonncr Atlss Judith C. Fitzerald or Laguna Beach. is with the 1st l\farine Air \V ing at Bien Hoa Air Base, just north of Saigon. Navy Petty Officer First Class Robert Gregory Jr., hus- band or the former Miss Claudia M. Kennedy or 1039 Mission Drive, Costa Mesa, is in the South China Sea aboard 1'he aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga, homeported at San Diego. Navy Petty Officer Third Class Charles C. Palmer, sbn uf l\1r. and Mrs. George A. Palmer of 212s· Aster Place, Costa Mesa, is In the South • China Sea aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga, homesported at San Diego. i\1arine Cpl. Gregory G. Johnsen, sOn of Mrs. Jill Gerhard of 1401 Bounty Way. 1.agu na Beach. took part in t he joinl-serv1re operation "Exolic Dancer Wive" at thP l\farine Corps Base, camp Le- jeune, N.C. Army l\eserve to I o ne 1 llalph J. 11\ppcrt, of Costa i\fesa, was graduated recently from the U.S. Army War College. Carlisle Barracks. Pa . The Colooct :Jnd hi.:: v1ife. Ile tty. live at 2952 Pemba Drive, Costa 11.fesa. AJrman Onnald It St. Clair. son ol Mr. and r.trs. \\'illian1 I... SL Clair or .2340 Newport Blvd.. C.... M.... has com- r*ted u s. Air Force bas le I~ ..: lht. Air Training ( I IAcklalMI AFB. To. .• lo ...,..Jnln& al !........ . . tralni"I In lh< N<'Vr'·I t ,. • 0.ld Airman 1 • izrMu.i lt .,r ;\M1plfl 11.:Wbcof 111,ftll School. Nrw.porl IJ...,.h Cr•I;.: E. SlaD!'r, son of ~1rs. C, A. Leonard of 5(l72 Dun- t'1tnMn. \\'r11tmin!iter. ....is part ic1p.1ting in a U.S. Air Foret HtM'rve 0 ff ice r s Traininfl Corps I AFROTC l fiel..i trainin{! encampment nl Fairchi ld AFB. \Vash. Ainnan Arvld f~. Althens, ~ of .\fr. and r-.·!rs. Arvid F.. Allhens of 15771 Las Flores. \Vestmi nster. has completed his U.S. Air Force basic training al the Air TraininJ Command's Lackland AFB, Tex. He is remaining at Lackland for training in !he Security police fi eld. Army Private r.lichael \\1• l.ambcrt, son of !\fr. and ~!rs. h1ark Lan1ber1. 2397 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach, recently '''as assigned to the lst Armored Division In Germany. Pvt. Lambert. a scout In Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion of lhe Division's Slst Infantry n ea r Crailshe im. completed basic training at Ft. Ord. Calif .. and \Yas last filationed at f't. Knox. Ky. MJcbatJ J. Stephtnwn. son or Pttr. and Mrs. A. A. Stephenson ot 6441 Camille Drive. Huntington Beach, has received his commission as a second !it'ulcn:'lnt upon com· pletion ol Lhe LS. Air Fore• Reserve Officcr!i Tr a in in g Corps (AFROTC~ prog ram. Lieutenant ~tl'phcnsOn '''as name d a n AFROTC d Is t Ing u i shed military graduate and ls eligible for Air l Foce reJ(ulnr orf1('cr 'tntu<1 on tht basis or his ac!Jic,·cmcnt. ~farine Pvt. J{obert L.. ltussell. son or Air. and !i.lrs. Chas, E. Russell of 133 1':. IGth ljt.. Co1!4 Mtsa. groduatcd tom basic tninJng et the Marine Corps Recruit Depot In San Diego. \V8J'Dt' Pltrct, !On of Mr. and Mra. Brµce Pierce. 8421 Bt.Uinger Orlv~. lluntington ' Beach. has bee n com· 1nls~l0Jled a second lieutenant upon rornpletion of lht: U.S. Alr Force l{l'scrve Officers '!'ra ining Corps pro Jirllrn at the. Unhl"rsity o( So uthern l'al1fornia Airntan llryan L. \\'ailing, :-nn of rt't1r~d USAF Senior :'ll u.ster SerReant and ~1rs. ,.\nhur I .. \Y:11l1 0R of 17232 J\µ1:1 Lane. lluntington Be~1ch , has gradualed nt l.o\.•:ry AFB. Colo, from the technica l training courS(' for U.S. Air Force inventory mana~em~t spcciRlisl"- Alrman \Vallint;. trainee! to !n\•enty 5uppl1es by use of elC<'lronic d at a processing 1nachincs. i" licing assigned lu J:d"·ards AFB. Hy Or. Stelncrobn Dear Dr. Ste1ncrohn: Lately my husband, \\'ho Is only 2:!1, has been quite depressed. lie al"'ays !it.'Cins to feel blue. lie isn't the happy -go-lucky sort of prrson he ll!e:d to be:. Is it im- po11ant t1100gh to 1nuke an ap- pointment for him to see our depressed." ~1any try to hide Sometimes the cause n13y be their emotional prob 1 e m s due to a nu!ri uonat dcflcienc~, behind a facade of physical ,.lQ diabcte~. 10 hypo1hyroid1sn1 ~ co;:~aln~iu com pin in of • (~:fir11:11c·y of th.'"ro id :.ic· beadaches Which are unre\ie\.. t1v1tyl. or to the aftcrcffl•ets of a st!\'l'l'I! ul!ack of flu. \\'hate.,.er lo.,..ers p :1 y sic a I vitality ma y ]O\\Cf en1utlonal \'itality. And vie!' versa . ... f;1mily doctor? -~1rs. U. COi\!MENT: Yes. I'll say '')C::.'' right no"· before 1 get lust 1n a rnaze of definitions of ed by medication. Not until depression. ·rhe trouble with many visits later will the ron- oonit •·blues" Is that H ver~'. ression come that the real \Crv light blue may gradually problem is worry about a ur suddenlv turn into dark . daughter 's unhappy marriage. foreboding · blue. In other Another has symptoms that \\nrt!", try to rec ognize resemble the classical ulcer dC'pression early so it can be syndrome. But X rays con· con1battcd effectively. tinue lo be negative. Nothing In simple depression thcrl' is ~kiss of 11ppc!1t('. insoinn ia. fatigue and general lo ss of in- terest in 11nrk ;111d pla,\'. \\'hen it becon1rs µcr ristent :1nd deep it's surely lune to Sl'e :1 doc· tlor. I'll s:i·y ;i.~:1in. "Yes " It is in1portunt for )Our hushnnd to sec his doctor If he 1101ft tell the doelor he hn s brl'n depressed. lht•n you'd better do it for hini. This may s:1ve much time :ind n1any needless expensive e.-:an1inations. The tru1 h often hurts . So we turn 1A1 so1ne<>ne who makel5 false pronuses and gives us gadgets to play \v ith in the hope that they 1vill help arthritis. 1 sugges that yo u find a <'on1petent doctor 111111 t:ike his advice. It 1nakeq n1ore sense than inve5t 1ni;: tsperulating) in an CXpt'• ·'''"e electrica l gadget. Navy J.ieut;nanl ( jun i o r ~ri.ldel llnJ;ttr A. llulcbi ngs, S<1n of airs. Gertrude Hut - chings of 406 'freasure Island 'J'railer ·Park, Laguna Beac~ has reported for duly at Con1· mandl'r in CIHl"f. Central Pacific Fleet, Jlearl Harter, l·laWaii. 11This let ter from Grandma is reol fat~ Bet she cut some more cartoons out of the paper •cause they 'minded her of us J 11 The other day I asked a col· abnormal is found . ?<.1onths league \\'hat he considers the later comes the ans"·er: n1ost comn1on illness he en-'\\'hat's really been bothering t'QUnters in his o.ffice. 11e said . me is that someone In the of- "Orpiess ion, without a doubt. fice got the job I should hnve In son1e pt>0ple it creeps up so had after all the years I've silently neithe r they nor you spent \Vlth our company ." kno1v it has reared its ugl~· So you see, Mrs. U., it's im· head. Lately l've been seeing portant to discover "'hat's so n1any of these pat ients 1'1n causing your husband's blues. <1Jways suspicious of it." That's for the doctor to rind Jo'or ~1rs. 0.: :'ltanv 1ni1tions are spcnl by unhappy <1rthrili.3 plltienls on ad v c r 1 i s e d remedies that prom ise tu cure them of their ailment. Quack rc1nedles are always a\'ailuble for the gullible. As I point out in my 1.,., 1!.let. "!·low To Live \\'ith Arth1 ilis,'' there are nlnny for1i1S nr treatment used crfecti\·ely by physicians today. but if is mo.st important for an exal·t diagnosis to bE' ma~e .of. 1he kind or arthritis the 1ndn'l(lual has before tren tn1 ent starts. If you would like a c~py of this booklet. \11·ite n1e lfl tare nr this newspaper enclosing 25 e1•nts in coin and a STA~11'· ED. SELf·ADDRESSED Elli· VELO PE. Patients rarely come in to out. Is it all emotional ? Or is the doctor say~l)l, · ' 1 ';g._J1 physical prim a r 11 y ? I ~ I know it's frustrating when one keeps on suffering. \\1hen ----- , ... 91G ···" DEL AMO GRAND OPENING SALE 1!11rsl!I SHELF UNITS Sturdy, all-s teel construction w ith walnut f inish ed shelves ond pew1er finished posts. Shelves, which ore odiustable at l V2" intervals, con be raised, lowered or removed HO. SHELVES SIZE THREE 24"Wx24"Hx1 D"D FOUR 30"Wx36"Hx1 O"D 6.99 H"x4'x4' PARTICLE BOARD Smooth surface moteriol thot con be sowed ond nailed iust like plywood. Wonderful for cabinets, shelves and furniture building. PACKAGE OF 10 UTILITY BAGS AND TRASH CAN LINERS ,_ ___ __;3:..:0:..:·-=G~A=L;LON SIZE • 0 10 UTILITY" UGS •"" GARBACF" CAN LINF"I'· . -. Po ckoge of 10 heavy duly utility bogs that con<be used for trash con liners, household chores, outdoor cleanup, storage, camping and travel. Twist ties included. COLUMBINE SPRAY PAINT 13·0UNCES Quality spray finishe s for your spring projects. Fast drying. . EMERSON AIR CONDITIONER 1000 I TU EME RS ON AI R ' q uiet cooling. Fea1ures washable filter. CO NDITIONER 1 15 VOLT 189.95 9995 ROCKAWAY TABLE TENNIS TABLE I /2" wood-pro top with glorefree lawn green finis h and .--~~~----~ regulation white striping. Folds and rolls away for easy storage in minutes. (Paddles and net not 24'' incl TABLE TENNIS COVER .... 2.99 "" 1111 #7431 AUTOMATIC PUSH DRILL WITHS BITS Speedomotic cap to select the right drill. Turn cop to siz e d esired. 8 hardened and teinpered drill bits ore cos.ed in handle. Makes the job easy! I'' 'AUTO COOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEM Prevents overheating due to coolant loss. Keeps coolant at proper level. Easy to install. 1s• • MALIBU GARDEN AND PATIO LIGHT,SET Keep your grounds well lighred. Your home is beautiful and safe the year round. Shockproof and waterproof. Costs less !hon 3 cen1s per night to operote. Easy to install. No permits necessary. 5•LIGHT SET 5-Light Set with Time r 49.95 3995 TRIPLE SIZE CAST IRON HIBACHI This hibachi, w ith he avy cast metal grill, gives more in tense heat with less charcoal! h tokes up so little room, but turns out delectable charcoal grilled foods. 9" VAPORETTE FLEA COLLAR For dogs and cats. Kills fleas for up to 3 months. Aids in tick control, especially in the neck area. Put summer beauty in your yard and cut the high cost of living. All the most popular flowers and vegetables to select from. ' I • ,.. ! ·' I ANGELS NOW IN RIVERSIDE I DAll.Y tlJLUI 19 REG/S.TER FOR FREE PRIZES WIN "ANGIEL S SELLS iFOR Lt:SS " * BOYS & GIRLS BIKE * COLOR TELEVISION SAIE EFFECTI VE JUIY 6 thru JUL Y 12, 1972 ANGElS MEANS EXCITEMENT * SKIL ® Deluxe ROUTER • 1 ~0~~,.~ETAL LAWN SHED . WIMMlt ':t::1:~i :,0 :a~~~::n \ -~ ',-: I -· -· ,-- ' \I \1 .11 r ~ l11'110 I 11'1 • "ANGELS SELLS FOR LESS" ' i ....... ,.,J_~ I 0331 ·MAGNOLIA ~·l CORNER OF MAGNOLIA & TYLER ,?/ "" Do-It-Yourself Kit •Auto air conditioner Freon recharge kit.· •Services all auto a ir cond . •Special safe ty Freon dispensing valve. Easy lo in1toll. REG.411 7.59 KIT ALL CHANNEL CO LOR TV ANTENNA FULL 5 FT. 8 ELEMENT ALL CHANNEL ANTENNA AT THIS LOW PRICE New 1" heavy duty sq uare boom. Com- ple te with all mount- •n!:J hardware II KIT SK IL ® HEAVY DUTY TR IMMER-EDGER Heavy duty y, H.P. motor. Slip clutch for additional prolecrion. Convenient thumb switch opera- tio n. ''BIG JOHN'' TOOL BENCH RACK G;ant 36" long • Hold• 12 , double row of 10011 · • Mount on bench 01 peg board . REG . 1.99 EA. ·81NCH KITCHEN FAUCET Gleamirig chrome body and handles. High quality. EA . Kellogg's NITROHUMUS LARGE SO LB. bog Fo~ planting a nd transplanting. A rich organic composr for growing plants. RIGHT ANGLE DRILL ATTACHMENT 2 SPEED Nylon body reduce\ heat· 1119 up OVf'r p1olonged use . lightweight. Reduc• et dr ill lood. 12 IN. X 12 IN. SHAG SQUARES Assorted decorator colors. Eoty lo install w ith tape or adhe1ive. U1e so lid colors or effect. 1 GAL. REDWOOD STAIN Stains and s.eals, pre- serves wood. A REAL VALUE ! e GAL. " ~ .P:f'.°""v/ ·''Huffy'' American Mode 10 OZ. CLEAR P.LASTIC TUMBLERS 1 2 FT. X 12 FT. DRAGSTER BICYCLE ~Ollll oauxE MOOEL , 1011 ~. • 10lt Choi<• of boy1 o< g1tl1 mod- el. Po1iti¥0 0<1 ion <oaslor .·· brake. Ma11y quality ftalurtl . 1101 found in imporl•d bikes. ~°".'\,, I ~. )~ •• ~=="=t . LONG HANDLE SEED & FER TILIZER SPREADER \ • Flo-rate control for accurate s pr•ading . '6.49 •Sturdy white wall wheels. •Heavy gauge steel. 3 IN. REDWOOD ·BENDER BOARD Full 5/16" Calif. Redwood in 10 ft. lengths. Easy to bend .. GREAT BUY ! Clear · "Ai rline" 10 oz . tumblers. Ideal for par- ties, picnics, etc. Sturdy design pe rmits reuse if desired. DINING CANOP Y America 's handiest camping or back- ya rd a ccessory. s.11 up in m inu tes. Includes all ropes, 1 poles, slides & I stakes. lOWl~TPllCllVll 1111 . coh'-Pllll~ ~, "qo PK'G. ., EA . WALNUT FUNISHED H RDBOARD SHEETS • ' I .SPECIAL PUICHASE! Full sit• 4 ft .x 4 ft . 1he•ts of 1/8" hard· board w ith a b.auti. · ful walnut print sur- fac•. e EA. FULL SIZE 4'x 8' SHEETS WALL BOARD • Full 3/8" thickn•1s • Pro- vid•s smooth continuous wall and ceiling surface. STOCK UP NOW ! 'MGf.lS ttG. ,., "'~ow ,..,c.t -, ,.~., SHEET TIME TO BUILD! PATIO BRICK · Your choice of red or beige. Build a patio, Bar-8-0ue ferfce, e tc. You 'li never pay less. · EA . BEAUTIFUL WROUGHT IRON PEDESTAL Satin black finish, 17" high 14" wid• • Use for coff•e tables ar end tables. EACH WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITlll IO .. TO NORMAL PIRIONAL UIAGE . • 1t MONTI .. POMONA . •SAN BERNARDINO 111Ml I GAIV(Y 655~Mk.LS . 31' OtANGf SHOW IOAO '"""""'•" -·· N••H.,10 I 1• Ol •"Ohll --.... _ .. HUNTINGTON B!ACH ' WOODLAND H:!!S •RIVERSIDE 71100 lbtNGll 11•'0 VIC fOlY t l O. 10331 MAGNOllA _.,.. ...... "°"''-•t lOll -00 NM:~ W.•I ·--.. tY\,11 MAU I •NORWALK fltlSTONf tl\lb ot STUOltAICll ~ ....... --·· •-LONG HACH _ .. _ OM !Ml COIMt• Of Ql81T . ... '°"'" • GARDEN GROVE 11 .. 2 CHA~.t.N A\11. AAl l.UIOO ~-~ 'SANTA ANA . lJ'Ot SO. ll!S,Ol 11' IUl1 NO. or t.CIUIJI C:OASTPUIA OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK · MON.-FRI. 9 to 9 -SAT. & SUN. 8 to 6 3309 SO. BRISTOL 1 112 BLKS. NO. OF SOUTH COAST PLAZA " ' I Wtdntsday, Jufy 5 lm, ______ _:P::l::LO::T..:-•::O_c_V;:_ER_T_IS_E_R~S Jlf. DAILY PILOT Wtdntsd.:iy, July 5, 1972 -'-''--~~~~~~~~~~- Depression Can Creep Up Me11 i11 Se1·vice f 'n mllfl Clrc11s by llil Keane Sometimes the caus(• 111ay be one gets tired of takifl6 aspirin due to u nulrillonal dC"f1c1cnc~, ¥,.ilhout complete relief. \Vby to di;;betcs, to hypothyroid1sn1 not 1urn to the one Y.'ho pron1· Navy 1':11s1gn Charlie S. Nelton Jr., husband of !ht' former M1s:1 Kartn A. Cutler of Huntington Beach. is in an early phase of fligh t trainin~ u·ith Traning Squi\dron Three :1t the Naval Air Station, 1'1ilton,~·~a !\tarine I'\ t ·can' L. Tillotson. husbHnd or the formf'r ~Iiss \li<·ki .I. Eric:ksu11 of 20072 f\t arina t :uic. ll u11· tington Beath. i.:raclu:1ted fro1n the Automoli\'t Organizational l'...taintenanc~ CQur);t' jt the !\larine Corps Ha~t. Camp LeJeu ne. N.l'. Navy Senior Chie f Petty Of· ficer Jay P. llone~" son of !\1r. and J\1rs. John L. Crowe of 15222 !\'1onterev Lane. llun- tington !Wach. 'is In the South China Sea abo.1rd the aircraft canier USS TiccJl'w:tcrogu. home1x111ed at San Diege. Navy Scaman Gle n A . Rodolph , son of !\fr. and Mrs. James :.t . Rudol1>h of 2866 Boa Vista Dr1vi'. Costa Mcs<1, is in the South China Sea nboard the aircraft carrier USS Tlconderoga , homeported .et San Diego. ~farine F i r s I Lieutenant tlllcbael 8 . Ta~gart, husband ot the former i1iss .Judith C. Fitzerald of Laguna Brach. is \Yith the ' 1st !\1arine Air \\'ing at Bien lio;i Air Base, just north of Sa igon. Navy Petlv OffiC't'r First Class Robert Gregory Jr .. hus- band of the former !\1iss Claudia M. Kennedy of 1039 ~fission Drive, Costa Mesa. is in the South.China Sea aboa rd the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga, homeported nt San Diego. Navy Petty Officer 111ir<.I Class Charles C. Palmer. son ~,f !\1r. and Mrs. George A. Palmer of 2125 Aster Place, Costa Mesa. ls In the South China Sea aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga , homesported at San Diego. 11.Iarine Cpl. Gregory G . . Johnsen, son i.tf Mrs. Jill Gerhard of 1401 Bounty Way, Laguua ..Beach. took Part in t he joint-service Operalion "Exotic Dancer Five" at the f\farine Corps Base, Camp Le· Jeune, N.C. Army J\eser ~·c Co I o ne I Ralph J. J:Jlppert. of Cosla Mesa, wa s gradua ted recently from the U.S. Army Wa r College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. The Colonel and hi~ \•:ife, B'etty, live at 2952 Pemba Drive, Costa Mes?. Airman Donald It St. Clair. .!lOll of Mr. and !\1rs. William L. SL Clair or 2340 Newport Blvd., Costa 1'fesa, has com· pleted his U.S. Air Force basic training at lhe Air Training Commant:fs Lackland AFB , Tex. He is rerha ining at Lackland ror training in the seeurity police field. Airm@n St . Clair is a ii;raduate of Neu•port !!arbor l figh School, Neu·porl Beach. Craig E. Ston er. son of Mrs. G. A. Leonard of 5072 Dun - cannon, \\'cstminster, is participating in a U.S. Air Force Hcscrve Of (ice r s Tra inin~ Corps (AFROTCl fie.I r!. training encampment al Fairchild AFB. \\'ash. Airman Ar\'id E. Althcns, f;On of .\·Ir. and !\lrs. Ar\'id F:. Althens of 15771 Las Flores. \Vestminster, has completed his U.S. Air Force basic training :\l the Air Trainin:; Com1nand 's Lockland AFn . Tex. He is remaining at Lackland fnr !raining in lhe Security police field. Army Pri\·ate J\Urhael \\". 1.ambcrt . son of f\1 r. and i\lrs. J\1ark Lan1bert. 2397 Tu stin A\'e., Neu'porl Beach. recently \\':lS assigned lo the Isl Armored Oi\·islon in Cicrmany. Pvt. Lambert. a scout In 11eadquarters Company. 1st Battalion of !he lJivis ion's Sis! lnfantry n e a r Crailsheim. completed basic training at Ft. Ord. Calif.. and \\•as lasl i;talioned al 1-'l. Knox. Ky. t\tichael J. Stepben50n. son of l\!r. and J\.1rs. A. A. Stephenson of 6441 Camille Dri\'e, l~untlngton Beach, has rcemed his commiss ion as a second lieuten:int upon com- pleti<Jn of th<' l ' <;, Alr Fnrr~ Reserve Off ice rs T r a i n i n g Corps (AfROTr1 program. Lieutenant ~tephenson \\•as name d a n AFROTC d is t i n g u I shed mllil ;iry grad1.1a1e and Is 'h~1b1t' for Air 1-'oce reJ.tular offK·1·r 'il;1111" on the basiiio of his n,·l11e,·ement ,\larinc Pvt. Hobert I., Russell . son of !\1 r. nnd \Ir~. (..'tlas. I::. Russell or 133 F. 16th I ~.. Costa M1sa. graduated tom basic traini ng ot the Marine Corps Rtcntit Deµot in' Son Diego. \l"ayoe Pierce, son of :'lir. 1 11nd f\.lrs . lJn1ce J•!crcc. 8421 f Bellinier Drl\'e, lluntington ' nearh. has b e e n com· n1lssioned a !econ<! Ueutenant upon ..con1ple ion or the U.S. Air Foret lleser\·e Officer!! 1'ralning Corps progrnrn nt th e Uni\ crsity of s.11 u I h e r 11 California Airn1an Hr)UD L. \\'alllng, son of rf't1rrli USAF Senior ,\la:s tcr Serge~nt and ,.1rs. Arlhur L \\~i !li11g of li232 ;\pt·I l.:1111" Hunti ngton Beach, !111" graduated at L<nvry 1\FB. Colo. from the tech n I ca 1 1ra1n1ng rourSc for U.S. Alr Force inventory mo.na gement spcci;il ists. l\irm:1n \Valling. tralned lo inventy supplies by use of electronic d at a processing 1nachines, is being assigned Ut J~du•ards AFB. By Dr". Slt.lncrobn depressed." J\lany try to hide Dfar Dr. Steincrohn: 1..ately their emolionaJ prob I e ms my husband, \\'ho is only 29. behlnd a faca~e of physlcol hns been qu ite dcpresse<l : lie complaiats. ' alu·a~s see1ns to feel blue . lie One will complain o f Isn't the happy.go-lucky sort()f -headach~s whii:!h are \lnYeller-- pcrson he used to be. Is it im· portant ~nough to make an ap- pointment for him to see our f;;n1ih• doctor? -J\lrs. U. C0i\1~1E\1 : Yes. I'll say "~('s" r1gl1t no\1' before I get !11.~! iii a maze of derinitions of dC'r.re ssion. 'J'he trouble 1vith wine "hlues" i~ that a very, \cl'} light l.ilue may gradually or suddenlv turn into dark. foretiocling -blue. In other \\orc'1<:. try 1trf""r-c-o g n i z e <.lcµre ssi(l n early so it can be l'On1li:.1t!N.l effectively. ed by medication. Not until many visi ts later will the con· fcssion come that the real problem i.s worry about a daughter's uabappy marriage. Another has .symptoms that resemble the classical ulcer syndrome. But X rays con· tinuc to be negative. Nothing abnormal is found. Months later comes the ans¥.·er: '\\'hat's really been bothering me is that someone in the of- fice got the job 1 should ha\·e had after all the years I've spent \Vilh our company." Ises a· cure? Especially when (dl'ficiency of th}roid ac-one's own doctors says, "Pm tivityl , (}r Ill the aftereffe<·t;; doing everything possible for of a ~e\'t'l'C uttack of flu. you. 1 can't promise a curt." \\1hatc1 er luY. crs P ~' Y s t c II I 'Mlt' truth often hurtS:"So we vitality inn~ ]O\\l'I' en1otlonal turn to someone \\•ho inakes vilalily. And \'1ce \'Crsa. false promises and gives us Jn sim ple depression therr ls gadgets to pl!Q' with in tht loss of ;1pJX'lite. inson1n111. hope that they \Ylll hel p f11tigue nnd gen er<1l l os~. of in· arthritis. 1 sugges that you teresl in \1 ork 11nll play. \\'he11 find a ronipetcnt cloctor e1nd it becomes pcr:-istl'nt a11d dcc1> t:i ke his advice. It 1nalie" it's surt-ly l1n1e to sl'e :l doc· more sense than tnvesln1g 10~:11 say nguin. "\'e~,, 11 is tspeculating) in an expeo. ivc electrical gadget. important for ~our husbtind t11 see his doctor. If he 11on't tell As I point out in my bi 1 1"-let. the cklcLof ~ric hns Jiren "llow To Live \Vith Art hl'ilis.'' there tire n111n\_' for1ns or depressed. then ~ou'd bt•tll'r do it for hin1 . 'fhis n1av s:ivr treatm ent used effectively by much time aod n1any nCcdless physicians today. but it is expensi\'e exa1ninalions. mo.st important for an exact l\:ivy Lieutenant { j u n Io r ~r:1dPJ ft-0~er A .• Jlutcbin)!;s, son of i\lrs. Gertrude l-lul· chlngs of 400 Treasure Island Trailer Park, Laguna Beach, has reported for duty at Com· mander in Chief. Central Pacific Fleet , Pearl )!arbor, liawali. 11This letter from Grandma is reol Fat. Bet she cut some more cartoons out of the poper 1couse they 'minded her of us I 11 The other day r asked a C-OI· \cugue \1hal he considers the n1ost co n11non illness he en· <'(JUnters 1n his office. lie said . "Orpres$ion, \\'ilhout a dou bt. ln son1e people it creeps up so s1len1ly neither they nor you knov1 it has reared its ugl y hr3d. Lately 1've been seein~ so many of these palients J'n1 ah1·ays suspicious or it.·• So you see, Mrs. U., it's im· portant to discover "'hat's causing your husband's blues. That 's for the doctor to find out. ls it all emotional? Or is it physical primarily ? For f\;Jrs. O.: i'.lanv 1nillions diagnosis to .~ ma~ .o~ the are spenl by unhappy ;1rlhriti,; kind of arlhrit1s the 1ndn•1dual patients on ad 1· c rt i se d has before 1rc31n1ent starts. If rented.ies that promise to cure you would like a copy of this them of their ailment. Quack OOok!e!. \1-rile rne in care of remedies are always a\'ai\able this newspaper enclosing 2S for the gullible. Ct•nts in coin and a STAMP- J know it's frustrating \\'hen ED. SELF-ADDRESSED EN· Patients rarely come in lo the doclor saying, · ' l 'm one keeps on suffering. \\'h~enc__v_E_L_O_P_E_. ______ _ , .... 9tG ···" ~ DEL AMO GRAND OPENING SALE F.11rsF.1 SHELF UNITS Sturdy, all-steel construction with walnut fin is hed shelves and pewter finished posts. Shelves, whic h are adjustable at 1 V2 " intervals, can be raised, lowered or removed ND. SHELVES SIZE THREE 24"Wx24"Hx1 O"D FOUR 30"Wx36"Hx1 O"D 5/8"x4'x4' PARTICLE BOARD Smooth surface material that con be sawed and nailed just like plywood. Wonderful for cabinets, shelves and furniture building. EMERSON AIR CONDITIONER quiet cooling . Features washable filter. 8000 ITU EMERSON AIR CO NDITIONER 1 1SVOLT 189.95 99'5 ROCKAWAY TABLE TENNIS TABLE 1 /2" wood-pro top with glorefree lawn green finis h and ----'"""------- regulation white striping. Folds and rolls away for easy stoiage in minutes. (Paddles ond net not incl 24'' MALIBU GARDEN AND PATIO LIGHT SET 5-Lig ht Set with r;me r 49.95 Keep your grounds "veil lighted. Your · home is beautiful and safe the year round. Shock proof and waterproof. Costs less than 3 cents per night to operate. Easy to install. No permits necessary. S·LIGHTSET 9'5 TRIPLE SIZE CAST IRON HIBACHI This hibachi, with heavy cast metal grill, gives more intense heat with less charcoal! It tokes up so little room, but turns out delectable charcoal grilled foods. _, 9" PACKAGE OF 10 UTILITY BAGS AND AUTOMATIC PUSH DRILL VAPORETTE FLE A COLLAR TRASH CAN LINERS ,__ ___ _:3::0:::·~G::::Ao=:LLON SIZE 0 10 UnllTY IA.CS •"" GAABAGP: CillH L IJlllF'r" Package of 10 heavy duty utility bags tho! can be used for trash con liners, household chores, outdoor cleanup, storage, comping and travel. Twis t ties included. COLUMBINE SPRAY PAINT 13·0UNCES Quality spray finishes fo r your spring proje cts. Fast drying. 1111 1111 #7431 WITHS BITS Speedomatic cop to select the right drill. Turn cop to size desired. 8 hardened and tempered drill bits ore cosed " in handle. Makes· the job easy! I'' Prevents overheating due to coolant loss. Keeps coolant at proper level. Easy to install. 1s• 17!i1 WISTMINSTfl AVE. A f GOLDIN WlST ST, For dogs and cats. Kills fleas for up to 3 months. Aids in tick control, especially in the neck area. .-67c FLOWER +ND VEGITABLE SEEDS Put summer beauty in your yard and cut the high cost of liVi ng. All the most popular flowers and vegetables to select frOm . ORANGE ,,.,._umLA AVL LA HABRA 2221 "'·" "'""'vo. PULLERT.ON ,',",'L11<U•• .. •vL COSTA ME~A 21•••n•sr. ATJUSJINAVI. . AfllACHll\10, I A COUllllLYD. oi: ATSANTAAHAAYL •VAN NUYS •RIVERSIDE • COVINA •LA CRESCENTA •THOUSAN D OAKS • SIMI • LANCASTER e CHATSWORTH • TARZANA e UPLAND e SAUGUS o GOLETA • VISAllA •VICTORVILLE • GRANADA HILLS •SAN BERNARDINO e CAMARltl.O •BAKERSFIELD -•HACIENDA HEIGHTS • SllMU Cl' P.11 . conot:A • E!COtHilDO . SPP.IMG Vt.LLEY . L/.CErA HEIGHTS . RESEDA • EAST LOS ANGE . • E ' I l:l ,.,, (IT •~ - • A (\11.lllN C()MfAt<I "ANGELS SELLS FOR LESS" . - I ANGEL S NOW IN ,RIVERSIDE I ANGELS MEANS EXCITEMENT · ........... J __ . 10331 MAGNOLIA -~ CORNER OF MAGNOLIA & TYLER Do-It-Yourself Kit •Aut o a ir conditioner Fr eon recharge ki1. •Services all auto air cond. •Special safety Freon dispensing valve. Easy to install. REG .411 7 .59 KIT ALL CHANNEL . COLO R TV ANTENNA FULL 5 FT. 8 ELEMENT All CHAllllEL AllTEllllA AT THIS LOW PRICE New 1" heavy duty 1quore boom. Com- ple te with all moun1- 1n9 hardware aa KIT SK IL ® HE4 VY DUTY TR IMM ER-EDGER Heavy duty Vl H.P. inolor. Slip clu tch for add itional protection. Convenien t thumb sw itc h opera- tio n. ''Huffy'' American Mode DRAGSTER BICYCLE MOOll DBUXE MOOEL • 2011 & 1019 Chait• of bayt a1 g+rlt mad- ' el. Pa11t1v• atlton caatltr b1ake. Mony tp.u:1lity f•alur•t nal found in impa rl•d bikes. ''BIG JOHN'' TOOL BENCH RACK "~~ --~~­-~~~ Giant J6" long • Holds double row of tools • Mount on bench or peg board. REG . 1.99 -~·--= .- 81NCH KITCHEN FAUCET Gleaming chrome body and handles. High quality. EA . Kellogg's NITROHUMUS LARGE 50 LB. bog Fa: planf'ing and transplanting. A rich organic compost for growing plant'. 10 OZ. CLEAR PLASTIC TUMBLERS Clear · ''Airline" 10 01. tumblers. Ideal for par- ties, picnics, etc. Sturdy design permits reuse if desired. OAJL V PILOT f 9 12 IN. X 12 IN. SHAG SQUARES 59' A''orted decorator colors. Ea sy to install w ith tape or adhesive. Use solid colors or effect. 1 GAL. REDWOOD ==' STAIN Stains and seals, pre - serves wood. A REAL VALUE ! e 12 FT. X 12 FT.· DINING CANOP Y America's handiest comping or back- yo rd acc essory . Sets up in m inutes. Includes all ropes, poles, slides & ! c:oMPf'lll ~l ~ ' i'ci~isrr11C11v11 1177 I. l qo PKG . EA. • Flo-rate control for accurate s preading. •Sturdy white wall wheels. •Heavy gouge steel. . Full 5/16" Calif. Redwood in I 0 ft. le ngths. Easy 10 bend .. GRE AT BUY ! WALNUT FUNISHED H RDBOARD SHEETS , I .SPICIAL PURCHASE! Full size 4 ft.x 4 ft . sheets of 1/8" hard- board w ith a beauti- . ful walnut print sur- face. e EA . FULL SIZE 4'x8' S~EETS WALL BOARD • Full 3/8" thickness • Pro- vides smooth continuou1 wall and ceiling 1urface. STOCK UP NOW' TIME TO BUILD! PATIO,CK Y r choice of ted ; ·t or beige. Build a • ~ •. ..eJ pa o, Bo r-B -Oue, • fence , etc. You 'll never pay less . e EA . BEAUTIFUL WROUGHT IRON PEDESTAL Satin black finish, 17" high 14" w ide • Use for coffee toble1 or end !ables. EACH WI RISIRVI THI RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SOLD TO NORMAL PERSONAL USAGE -· ·t\ MONT!. .• POMONA-•SAN BERNARDINO 177tol <O••\lfY 6}J NO, MlllS 314 ORANGI SHOW •OAD , .......... ,. ... .. _, H 1•11N Ml I U 61 •-•I ....... "" ..... -...... •HUNTINGTON BIACH •WOODLAND HlllS • RIVIRSIDI 7&00 lOINGt• ll••O VICTORY ll\10. 10:131 MAGNOUA °"' lltOC• '"" -A«Oi l "°~ •tOOll '"0-°""'-""' .... --.... TYi.i• MAll I . ~ •NORWALK fllESlONl llVO. 0·1 STUDllAlll• MllAllClf --·· . • lONG llACH ........... OH t141 CotMtl OfCMHl l #ll'IO t<IUIK •GARDEN GROVE 17••1 CHAl'fil{,t,N A\ll . NU IJll!Clf .. _ ..... •SANTA ANA • 330. SO. llUSTOL I.,. IUI HO , OI' IOU1K,C0A11 A AlA • OPEii 7 DAYS A WEEK· MOll.-FRI. 9 to 9 -SAT. & SUll. 8 to 6 3309 SO. BRISTOL 1 1h BLKS. NO. OF SOUTH COAST PLAZA I • -' I --==== like Tetltly BA NKAMERICARD ' JO~•"I DCE t cr,oo 1(1 1ISb 18g RA For Hills or Bills . ' CHARGE Your Classified Advertising at the .· · • . Even . by Phone 642~5618-·-DAILY PILOT • • I • , ,. <..... • •• ! ' ' ' ~.,/ i ~' l . CAL PRESTON WINS IT ALL NHY.C Sk ipper In New Sant•n1·27 • NHYC Skipper Jf1 ins Fourth of July Race Cal Preston or Ne\vport ~!arbor Yacht Club was the o•·erall and Class D ~·inner in the J\larina del Rey to San Diego race sailed over the Ju- ly 4 \veekcnd. Preston sailed his Sanlana- 26 De-Core and 1vas among the 200-plus entries in the acre. The race was divided an1ong y(\chts sailing under t h e In ternational Offshore Rule, the Pacific Handicap Racing · 1'"Jeet rule, the Half-Ton Class, schooners and ketches and the J\1idgct Ocean Racing Fleet. Preston's victory came in the highly competitive IOR division Yl'ith 56 entries. The race is co-sponsored an- nually over the July 4 weekend by \Vindjammers Yacht Club of ?-.larina del Rey and the Southwestern Yacht Club of San Diego. Preston sailed the Santana- 26, talcst i11 the line by the W. D. Schock Co. of Newport Beach. Single-handed Yachting • Race Leader Falterino· ~ L0~1)()N f AP) -The 1-1•ind is failing Frenchman Jean '\res Terlain in his headlong bid to \\'in the Trans-Atlantic singlr-handcd yacht race in record ti1nc. The 2i-year-old long-haired mariner radioed to t-ase Tuesday that he \vas hal ted by lonr, periods cir calm ~on1e 500 1'1iles from the finish··-· nt Ne1-1 port. R. I. fie complained: ''The boa: is hardly moving." Race organizers saiJ the poor \vinds \\'OU!d probably help the lighter rnu lti hulls or s e c o n d -placed Frenchman Alain Colas. S'.ulin~ the 70.fOO t Penn Ill.tick IV, and Ainericnn Tom F o 11 et I . in his modernist ic, super·light 4G-fuot trin1aran Three Chc.: .. s. ''The mu]tj-hulls are breath- ing do1-1•n Terlain's neck." said a spokesn1an for th~ race's sponsor. the London Obser\'er nC\\'s paper. Terlain has reason to dread a drop in the wind. His three- Jnas!ed n1onohull. Vendredi 13 -Friday the 13th -is the heaviest and longest boat in the race. a whopping 35·1on. 230-foot schoone r. Dcsi,l!ner Dick Carter said. "In light winds Vendredni will stick to the water like glue." Three Cheers, with the dou- t ~·. bearded Follett. from ~Tiarni. Fla .. at the helm , is a Class Fitials much-fancied entr11nt. The craft is hullt o: rold· moulded plywood and Follett said before the r3ce began 1nore than two weeks ago it v.•as ''h(lpefully so light ti \\'ill skim along the top of the v.'ater." Until Tuesday 'T'erlain \\'as s1reakini.: ahead of the boa ts v.•hose positions are l.;no1-1•11 lhrough radio reports or sightings. He hoped to com- plete the crossing 1-1·ithin 20 days to smash the 26 day record set in the last race. in 1968. Briton Brian Cooke. \\•ho dld \Ve/I in earl.v stages in his 59- foot ketch British Stf'el. 'vas considered too f;i,r behind Follett, Colas and Terlain now to make any impact. German architect C I a u s l1 ehner. sailing the 35-foot sloop !\iex, has not been pin- pointed since he ha s n 'I reported for 10 clays. ~lore than one-third of the 48 boats still in the contest have not broadcast positions or heen seen sincC' the race bcr:an. A late starter left Plymouth Tuesdvy. 11e 1-1·as li r i 1 on Christopher Elliatt in the 34- foot sloop Laurie. Elliott had been delayed by surgery for an injured foot . He \•:as confident he would reech Ne\vport before thr race time limit expires in 42 days. North Takes Lead Melges Wins 01)·111p [c Soli11g· lt't'lll SAN FRANCISCO (AP\ - " Bud Melges of Ztnda. Wi!I ., w;s the winnlng sk.lpper l\ton- day in the fourth race of the Soling Class U. S. Olyrnpic trials as the fleet raced under Ideal sailing conditions for the first time in the se ries. Lo1-1•ell North of San Diego scored his third second place finish and moved into the overall lead in the con1pctition to represent America in the new Olympic yachting cla~. Tuesday was an off day In the racing schedule, the final three races in the seven-race series will be today, Thursday and Friday over the ll·milc course in San Francisco Ba).. Melges, \\'ho has raced in t"'O previous Olympics; brought his 28-foot yacht to the finish line Monday, 2:20 ahead of North. The Wisconsin skipper is a deceiving seventh in the overall standings. The final standings wi\~ be bl!sed oo each boat's best six finishes , with each skipper allowed to throw out -his worst Fay Takes King's Cup In Nor,vay HANKOE, Norway (API - Ernest Fay of New York wen the King Olav Cup bv £kip- pering Sundance to victo ry in the third and final race of the competilion for 5.5 -met e r yachts Tuesday. Fay won the final race by a comfort.able margin o v c r Robert H. Symonette of The Bahamas. with Cup donator King Olav V of Norwa y th ird Australia's F. H. Tolhurst. skipper of Southern Cross lit and a co-leader overall "' i th Fay after the first ''''0 races. dan1aged his rudder in lhc final stage of Tuesday's rare and could do n') bett '?r than fifth . Overall, Fay \.\'as th{' \\'inner \vith three points . Tolhu rst finished second w i t h 13, followed by Symonelle 1vith 18.7 and l\ing Olav u•ith 11.4. The Hartman F . \Vhiton 1-Iemorial Cup f-0r the Solin~ class 1-1·as won by Rudo!r U~cls tad of Nor1\'3Y \.\·ith 1\.7 points. 'fhe first races for"the 5.!>- meter Gold Cup Y:lll he held Thursday, • Graybeard Holds Leacl .. LOS ANGELES IAPI - After 18 days sailin5. tile Graybeard held a co1n- manding lead in 1he Trans· Pacific Los Ang~lcs to 'fahl!i Race. I µ<'rfllrllli\O{'l' ;.,h•[j!{'~' I :lt'h\ did r1111 llnl:::h the srrond nu:t•. Belling d1sma111ed 1n strt111~ \\.i1K.s. John Dane of ~e1\' Orlc11ns re1n.a1 ned 1hir<I 111 till' stn.r.d · 1ngs by fin ishing third a S('C· ond straight da_v l\'tonduy. l{i chard 'Slearns of Chicago \l'<lS fourr.h and B r.u c e Goldsn1lth of \\'innet ka, Ill.. finished flfth . dropping rro1n flrst to second !n thf overall standings. Standings ~1ftcr l\:tonday's fourth race: 1 l.0111'11 :"\orth . S.111 Diego. 2 t 8·:!., 2J )}01111~ 2 .Bt'\l{t' <:{1ldsm11h, \\'tn· nrtkll. Ill .. 1·3·S.5. 25 7. 3 John 11:1nl·, ,"\('\1' Or!t'<inll. 6-4·3-3. 31 I. 4 F:nrl r:tn1s . Snn Dit•p:o, 3· 6.J.IO. 33.<. S. Rol>rrt JohnSlonr. -WW OlClt(', ill , l l-l-7·9, 45. 6. \V<1rwick Totnpk1ns. !\Jill \'11.lley, 4·5--1·19, 61 7. Dud ~1egles , Zt:na. \Vis .. S-dl)f-J./, 56. 8. S.'1111 l\lrrr1fk, \\1ash.ing- too. D.C .. 8-8·9·1 3. 62. Reg. S329.95 -BOATING 9. Richard Stearns, Chicago. dnf-9-6-4. 77. 7. 10 Jin1 l)c11•1t1. Jtirhrnond, 17-11-11-17 , 81), Reg. $199.95 Le£iders Listed -:\!,\1110 \', \!:i~~ (,\Pl -1\'ed lfnll. S.'ln Friincl!cO - llt•r1· ;1rL' lh1· l1·.11!L"'S 111 the 23 F uii1 and T t'lllpt':-.! ':1t·h1 rcic1•s • \\', II. \Vil!Jams, Aletairie, :iftl'r lh1• 'l'l'11nd d:i\ of ro1n· . pt.•11t1n11 Cre"~ ;in· \ic;1ro 111 L;i. -58 .._order -(}t Tut·sJ:1\·~ finishes R•1n l>ou;:::hl)'. lr,·tne -!9. and point Sf'OreS represent l)r. 'fony llcrr1nann, Racine, tnlal for t1-1 0 ract•s There "ill \\'1s. -21 be &·\en r:1ces. Sror1ng 1§ Ort Carl \'au Duyne, Annapolis, thr lll\'mpir IO\\' poinl systr1n ~ld -3~ ln the t~lllll rill'(' (;or<11r f1Q\.\Crf , l·:xcelsior, .Jc(f l..('uha.rt. Sall D1ego-8. ~linn -~!.I Jn1nrs ~a11tro<'l1, Berke!e~', In the t1-1·0-n1an Tempest N'.I. -31 7, rluss: Hobby 1111y!e. ~larblC"head. lolenn Foslri-. Nev.-\'ork - ~l:i c;s -29 5 7 ll r nr y Spragur. Ne"'l>Ort U1ll l'u~. Oa1·u•n, Conn. - Ut'u ch -~'I. 11 (;ar;.· · (';1rhn, ('fp;1 r\\al1'r l.('\l ict \\'alkr. l\.I o u n t l-~l :i. -31. f'll·n11·n:-. :"lllch -:W.7. ••• a really great experience in sleep at a typical . si ·~ortho sa~111y; · Reg $399.95 s249 95 Tho ull1m:110 sleeping eKporiencc! Fantastic (..Orn fort lrom 1hc 11 ,•"super sort foam lop, that floats upon tho 01tt10-Edg e heavy-duty Tomporcd-Sl(l(ll 1nC'1Spr1 nri. And grr:l! support! EK!r:i touches like Crown F1..,,,. ccn\er 111.;t gives eKtra support to back & hips. Pr ice includes: Mattress PLUS 2 Box springs PLUS Ortho-Pak PLUS Double Bonus. The boat was reported 243 nautical miles off Tahiti Tues - day, and it was said to he averaging 6.4 kn'lts. 'I he nearest comoelitor, Min ~ctlt . was 465 miles from the finish line. . s19995 Reg. $269:95 sgg95 Reg. $159.95 You Can Only Buy Ortho Mattresses at Ortho Stores Pen IXlick JV was third, with 485 'miles left; 1\ries l"'AS fourth with 504 , Concert~ flflh with 542, Sicte sixth with 583. liandicap sland'.n~s nia? dif- fer from position standings. The race il 'J,571 naulical miles. TWIN 'r FULL Harbor Race Att1·acts 159 Newport llarbor Yacht Club's Independence Day Reatta drew 159 boats in 14 classes Saturday and Sundav. The regatta nlso marked the finals of the nationa l cham- pionship eliminatioos for 1he Stars and Luders 16 classes. \Vinners in the elimination series : LUDERS-16 -(!) Klldtt, Ben Hromadka, LYC: (2) \Vindsong, Bill Fundenberg, NHYC: (3) Cat's Paw, Keith Dinsmoor. BYC: (4) Bandit, Al Nelson , SSSC: (5) Shibui, Bill Long, NHYC. STAR-(I) Don Edler, NHYC ; (2) Skip E 111 o t t , NHYC: (3) Gerald Madigan, NHYC. l\egatta Re1ult1 LUDERS-16 (9) -Pr .. Empt., Le r 9 y Sutherland, NllYC: (2) Kildee, B. n Hroma.dk1 , LYC: · (3) Adalonte, Barry Fenn, NIIYC. RHODES~ (!I -(I) Fire- fly, John Kewell, BYC; (l) Mislre8l!: Bill Taylor, BYC: fli lmP"lse, T. 0. Clevldence, l<llYC. • SHIELDS (II) (I ) Katherine. Andy M a r c u s . CYC; (2) Theresa, Bo b Searles. BYC;1 (3) Prudence , Larry Baum, BYC. THISl'LE (6) -HI Picnic. Dave McKinley, PVSA: (2) Step Lively, Ed Cart-er, SSSC; (3) Wild Wind, W i 11 Templeton. BCYC. RHODES-19 (7) (I) Conflict, Roy Wiegand, SSSC; (2) Alfa, Naylor Jone s, SFVSC; (3) Rebel, L. C. Bobbs, BCYC. . - 470 \6 1 -(11 Orange \Vedge, Peter Wilson. NHYC: (2) Torch, Jim Grubbs. CYC; (3) Calliopsis, Brad Ellerman, ABYC. SOLING (10) (I) Woomera, Kenneth Young, CYC; (2) Lag Time, Kln1 Gaee, BYC : (31 Home Brew, Jack Dalahite, SSSC. PHRF (13) - (l) ~•tricia, Dave Piiisbury, NHYC: (21 Sequoya, Jim Moore, S.SSC; (3) Niki II, John Kinkel, VYC. I LllJ0.14A (ll) - ( I ) Pheemers. M. G e y m a n , ABYC: (2 ) Dillo, Bill McCord, BYC; (3) Fang, Don • Stoughton, &VC. LIIXH<B !201 ( I ) Fungus, ~lank Jiumann, BYC: (2) Zozzo, Herb Riley. BYC; (3) Mersldh, D. Kirst, BYC. KITE-A (10) ( I I Lobscover III, Hugo Schmidt. NHYC ; 2) Vortex, Bruce, Twichell, VYC; (3) No. 231, L. Bernero. VYC. KITE B (7) -(I ) American II. B. Ray, LIYC; (2\ Spe<d Demon, B. Dwan, NHYC; (3) No. 726, R. Dorn, BYC. GHOOT (10) -(I) No. 4M , Bruce Matlack, VYC: (2) No. 142, A. Larsen, PVYC. MONTGOMERY • 10 (6\ - (I ) Scurry, N. Kilpatrick, BYC: (2) Wilt, J. Sloje, BCYC: (3) Scamper R. KiJ. patrlck, BCYC, SABOT A (Ii) -(I) Racing Machine, M a r k Gaudio, NHYC; (2) Manic Depression. M. Reynolds, SDYC ; (3) Lobs- cover n, K. Schmidt, LlVC: (4) Buckshot, J . Buckingbom, NHYC. SABOT B (8) -(II No. 7242, R. Parker, NHYC: (2) P.-..Shrunk Too, s. Willson, BYC. SANT A AN A -and FOUN TAI N VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd fcorntr of Ed:ng1r) Next to Zodv'• Pkon11 llt-'4570 ANAHEIM 1811 Wttf. Lincoln Avenue !1tw11n !11clid end lrookh1o1rlf Ao;1n1111 J111I e11t of F1d Ma rt Phon11 776·2590 Reg. $279.gs True Ortho elegance In a superb king. Flanged construction prevents covet slippage. Lovely cover Multi-Quilted to $19995 i;• loam. Fiber Lock slssl lnsulstor. Price Includes: Mattress PLUS 2 Box Springs PLUS Ortho-Pak PLUS Double Bonus. ORANGE 720 No. Tustin Avlt. 0111 llocll South of Collhu lt11•t lo Mich1t1'1 M1rk1tl Phon11 6JJ.SI02 I . .0R7#0 MATTRESS LAKEWOOD 4433 C1ndl1wood .Avenuo Cindlowood Shops Phon1 1 6l4·<41 )4 I , 22 DAILY PJLOT Y..'td~ftday, JulJ 5. 1972 Go{)lag ong Rallies to T op Evert, 4-6--, 6-3 , 6~4 \Vl \IHLl':l)()N En;::l:u11! -IJ1•t11ntl1n,1; ch:unplon t:vonn(• tiou!n,c:ong ot Australifl :.Qcf~trr_t JZ-}t:tr-Qld <;Oris E\t'r1 of For\ Lauderdale. flu .. <1-·6, 6"3. 6-4 tvtlay for the right 10 .net:t Billie Jef:n Kini.: in 1' ritlay ·s rinal few the \\fimb\cdun ll·nnls Cf\l\.\11. fllr~. h111i,::. thl· :'\o. 2 ·.seed lron1 l.iJnA Ut·iltCh, crwJi~d Hoscnu1r.y Cai;:ils of San .1''rancist'(1 6·2. G·4 in the first \V01nE'n·~ sin$:les rnatch on 1he i.:rass center court. ~:vonn1· rt"clvrl off lht· Sc\Cn!h ~r11~1e 111 a rov• \\'hen she ht•ld servil't' at the sta rt ol 1hc fJJ1ill set lo love. But then Chris held hl'r!> 11nd h1'<1kl' L":vonne lo f'O 2· I up as the /1.u~tr;.al ian lnps!•d hack into loo:!c pl;iy with n dHulllt· fJulL a volley, 11t tho~ net anrhinotht-l"'Trt'ltk b:tt-khnrnt:-- Ou1 the l;ip:.l' 1\.'1$ only n1omeutary and E\•onr1e bri1ke b<1ck to 2·2 11ftcr Chris doublt'·faullt"I Chris \\';jS :-itdl fii;h tin;:: ~ind produt·1.'tl tv.o su 1><'rb passing forehands and a f\111 returrud :iC.Q.1£!' !_o_Q_[{'.lll;_ E.rilnne. <igain anrl gn ahead 3·2. '!'hen the 1natch $Ct'· sa1vf'd onr-c morf' :.is Evonnt• brokt• bar.:k -the fourth bre<ik irJ a ro1v -11ith fl forrhand 1·olley. ihat put the ~core at 3·3. 'l'htn Evonn~· f ire 1co rks A 1n1Jutee Attitude Assisted Shattered Athlete CONCORD, Calif. IAP) -Dale Eidson. a 23·year·old professioMJ footbal! hopeful 1\·hen a fireworks explosion shaltered his lin1hs and a1 h\<:ti~ future a year ago, says a thirst for c:o1npetition and "my posit ive att it ude" helped him live through months of frustration and pain. l::idson lost both legs below the knee and use of his right arm 1vhen a can of ::ieri al fire1vnrks exploded in I he b<if'kyard of hls parents' home last 4th of ·Ju ly. Slnc·e then he has become host of his f(\11n radio sports show on Concord's· K\l/UN. learnrd to \\•alk on artificial legs without crutches or a cane and, !asl n1onth, opened an ~traoce office. Eid!'>On said in an interview Tuesday that he made good on a number of hospital vows. including one that he would be dancing by the end, of the year and another that he would resume µl aying the drums. tie is also able to drive his 01vn e<ir. "1 \1·ould11't be \1·here I am tod.!ly if I didn't ha1e a positi1·e attitude,'' EidS-On i;lid. "So many people go around \\'ith a qegative feelin g. lrs ea sy to quit in life." • r:idson's accident. v.·hiC'h came six davs before he \l'aS scJ1rduled !O join the Siin Diego Chargers training can1p <•s a pro- ~pecti1·e kicking specialist. requirfd re:itment by eight physicians 1vho a!)()red more th:in six hours to save his l ife. , Althou,l!'h he describes hin1sclf as "not a \'ery religious person," Eidson said. "f heard the Lord spe:ik to me that first night in the hospltal. It 1ras like a voice in an echo chamber saying ·you win , you Win.' " • li e lermcd the rest of July and Au gust J!t'11 as ··really hQrrifying.'' The sound of lircv,,orks oulside his apartment this morning was "upsetting," Eidson said. "I was a statistic last year and there 1\'HI be others this year.;, Eidson said, :tdding he believes all fire\\·orks should l>e outla111ed. "They are all dangerous, even firecrackers ana sparklers." Eidson, \'lho used to run five and six milt's each day, "just to st ay in shape," said he misses athletics but has found cornpetition in olher areas. "There's no doubt in m.v mind r 11'ould 11:1v"' made the Chargers," said Eidson. lie d<>scribcd himselr as a "consistent'' 43·yard punt~r during his college days at Sl1 a rman Suit Slated for Utah SALT LAKE CITY rAf'l -A Utah fed1•ral judge ruled Mond<ly that a suit µgains! the Los Angeles Lakers pro-. fessional basketb:ill ream will be tried in Utah. but did not set a date. C.S. Distri ct Court Judge Aldon J. Anderson said the case would be tried in Ltah under the "Long Arm Statute." The statute provides that a person who con1· mils certain acts submits to jurisdiction u( the court . Thf' suit \\·as filed by !\1ontana State Sports. Inc., o'rner or the Utah Stars bas kelball learn. against coac h William Sharman. Jnck Kent Cooke. Fred Schaus ;ind California Sports. Inc., 011.'ner of the l..Jkcrs. San Francisco State. "ff I can't ~ the best, !hen I don't v.·ant to be in it. I feel !he same \\'ay .:1bout my occupation no1\'." In his first month as an agent Eidson v,.on honors for his sales \\Ork. "I told the president I 1voukln't 1v~1nt -tn be in the firm unless J could re11ch the top," Eidson said. 1'hi.s Sund.1y he plans <LJJOther first. Eidson said he v.•ill go scub::i di \'i ng off the Monterey Const. ~ ''I've.never been a quitter." he con· eluded. ''People are afraid of 'COmpctltion but !hat's v.•hat makes us v.·hat \1•e are." Rice Atte111pts New Strateg): 011 Ange1s '!'he Califomia Angels attr:icled <1 holi- <lay cro1vd of 41 ,086 lo Anahei m Stadiun1 Tuesday night with the promise of fire11·orks. 11here \veren't. any on the hall field. The Californians succun1bed to Jim Lonborg and the !'t1ih1·aukee Bre111crs, 4·2 but were spared furlher cmbarr:1ssment. President Nixon planned to ancnd the garne but canceled out. J\1aybe he kne'v .something. "It 1vas a great homecoming," com· mented new Mih11aukec rnan;:iger Del Crandall, a resident of Fullerton. "Jim pitched great ball tonight but he has been doing that for us lately ." Lonborg looked like the pitcher who \11on 22 games for Bost.Qn in the !'led Sox: pennant year of 1967. fanned eight and walked three ln posting his fourth St raight victory and improving his record to 7·3. J-Je also has completed l\\'O of his last four stars. After a frustrating 5--0 Joss to .Jin1 "Catfish'' Hunter l\1onday night lvhen 'they managed only two hits, Angels nianager Del Rlce called for a closed clubhouse meeting and read the riot act to his team. "I didn't like some things I sa111,'' he said. "They \'lere too lackadaisical ... not aroused," he said. "It Jooketl to me like they gave up." No;o.•, after the loss to the Bre,vers. THce is trying another approach. He ordered a 10 :30 a.rn. 1\'0rkout for his athletes today before Nolan Ryan, 9-5, faces !\'1ilwaukee's Ear! Slephcnson, 2-0. tonight when the series resumes. "The way \\'e'rc playing, 1ve can use the practice:· Rice said. MILWAUKEE CALIFORNIA Tlleot>ll!d, :lb l~llotld, rl Scon, lb Brigg,. If D M~v, c! E Roe1rrr~1. c H•l~e. lO AUIFbJ<ll, ~I lorrb~r<J, II L!n1v. p •llrllrbi •~rllrtl J O 0 1 Alo,,.ar, 'O 4 0 1 u 4 llll'in$on,d 000 ~11aKosco.1r JllO J 0 l I II: 011\ltr, lb .o I 2 1 J llOSltphnsn.c 3010 Joo 1 McM1111en.Jb 'o o o ' o a o Cardent1, ~' J-.o o o l I I o Ol!rlen. f)r O o o p 1 o o o ai:rry, c ' o o o OOOO LAllen,fl 20 00 llMber. p 0 0 0 0 Soencer, Ph I O O O RClark,p 0 00 0 Ouct,,,p 0000 To1al XI ' ~ ' To!al J2 1 6 2 MHw&vk~e 1 000 00001 -• c~hfornla 0 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0' -' Sa.--L!n1y (ll. HBP-by L. Allen 1Tlleob41G). WP-Allen. PB-5!eph•nlon. T-2:ll, A-41,0U, h<"lrl se-r1 ll'I' 10 ll'<ii.l 4.3 -but onlv 'l'ilh the help of ;1 tucky 1·11llcy. thn t llit the l'Ord and r;in ;1li .:1.i.: llll' ucl lll'forc drop· pmg-on Chris' s1d1• Chris had fought hard to kcf'p thftt ganlc and tll'!CC pulll'd b;ir•k to d{'uce. ('hris \1 ns pli1ylng 11·1;!1 1'11oui;:h to bf'1il inost (lpp-011e-nts anct pull('d out t110 fint• b<Jckh11nds <ind a def'll lob to level 11t 4·4. Bot)J i,:1rls \1cre on t(Jp of ihctr fol'm :it 1h:1t point. 111th Evonne looking just a bit s1end1er. A couple or ncited back hands by Chris t·u abled Evonne to hold ser111ce easily and go S..-1 Ull 11·ith Chris to serve. A deeply hlt volley and f plnpo:tot forchund gll\ l' f~\'O!lne the next l\1'0 po1nt.s !h~n rnatch point as Chris uc1ted. And E:1·oon{' n1ade no n1istake. She 111011 llll' 1>oi11t, set and. n1atch "'1th a crlsp pas.i;1ng back hand \111th Chris going the \ITOng v.·ay. The ni:itch lasted one hour. 35 min utes. Jt v.·ill be l\lrs. King's sixth \Vimbledo11 final sinre 1963. She won lhree times in a ro111 I966-191J8. ~1rs. Ktng, the No. 2 seed. la1)Scd at the su1rt ()f !he second set. double faulh!d <iud dropped her service to Jove. She Immediately broke back y:ith dazzling shots -a lob, a backhand rtturn and finplly a forehand thal siuled across the court. ~trs. King has now beaten !\liss C11salis 19 dines out of 20 in the last lv,·o years. In the rnen's sen1ifinals Thursday, Stan Stnith, lost year's losing fln11!lst and No. I seed th is year, v.•lll be carrying the American hopes. The other se1nifinalists are Europeans. 1'hat 's the first time this haS happened since \Vorld \Var JI. ' The tall U.S. Army corporal from Pasadena. playing his best tennis of the tournament thus far, \\'hipped Alexander Metreveli of Russia &-2, 8·6. 6-2. DEFENDING CHAMP EVONNE GOOLAGDNG OUTLASTS CHRIS EVERT IN TODAY 'S SEMIFINALS. Spo1·ts i11 Brief MV 's!Melton Sid elin ed; Golfer Shrugs Snakebite ClllCAGO -The Cl1icago \Vhitc Sox Tuesday placed third base1nan Bill Melton (a !\1ission Viejo resident) on ba se ball's 15·day supp!ernental disabled list efft'.!ctivc June 29 because of a back ailment. Melton, the 1971 A1neric1111 League home run champion has not played since June 23. To maintain a 25-man playinc ro.ster, the \Vhite . Sox recalled !hird baseman Hu gh Yancy, 22, fron1 Knoxvi!le of the Southt"rn Leagu..e. where he \vas batting .30t Y' SKELLF.FTEAA. Sweden -\\ralter Bergo11ist. 35. is living proof that golf can bee()nte an obsession. Warming up for a game , he was bitten by a snake. Bergovist called an am- bulance. received a serum shot at a hospital and returned to the course. I-le \~·cnt around 1n 76. Y' SAN /)!EGO -The desire of convict boxei· Bobby Lee Hunter to com!)("!e ih the Ol yn1pic (;an1es is backed by the ·· president of !he Arnateur Athletic Union. "l 'n1 supporting liunter's case \Vholcl1cart edly," Jack Kelley s:iid l\·lon- day night. .. lle 's an inspiration to every guy in jail." the U.S. team this vear could be an Olympic rule 11.'hich slates athletes must cxcinplify Olympic ideals. Y' L'AQUILA. Italy -J\1aurizio Lozzi, un 18.year·old <tlhlete, had his )'ight foot blown off by the blast of a firecra cker he tra1npled "'hile training in a stadiurn Tuesday. · The firecracker had remained unex· ploded in the stadium Bfter a recent fireworks display. Y' TUCSON -Pa ul Cornell of Tucson can1c from behind in the final eight games Tuesday to capture the $4 ,000 first prize n1oney in the Tucson Open bowling tournament with a total pinfall of 9,915. Costa !'t1esa's Barry Asher finished 16th in the tourney, good for S700. Y' COLORADO SPRL'°GS -tlometown boy Bob Silvers, despite getting derailed twice during the twisting mountain roads of the annual Pikes Peak Hill Climb, cap. lured th e event Tuesday in hi s 1972 Camaro in 13:45.9. 1'"'ountain Valley's duo of Bud and John \Vhitfield finished second and third in the open wheel Class A division with clock- ings of 13:32.4 and 14:20.7. Auto Adventiirer Succumbs at 99; Exploits Recalled SP RINGVILLE . N.Y. (AP) -George N. Schuster, whose victory in an around· the·\\·orld automobile race in 1908 earned plaudits for a fledgling U.S. car industry, is dead at 99. Schusl,er died Tuesday after suffering a heart attack at a nursing home in this \\'estern Ne1o,r York village. Sixty.four years ago, when horseless buggies were considered rich men's toys, Schuster and five other drivers set out from Ne\1' York City, heading for Paris by a 13,000-mile 'vestward route. The firs t overland leg of the race - ta'king 41 days -stretched to California. Then ships transported the cars for ad· ditional legs in Alaska. nort hern Japan and finally to Vladivostok on Russia 's \\·estem coast. To get across Russia's vast 1vildemess, Schuster rode the rails of the Trans· Siberian Ra ilroad. Finally. 169 days after setting out, Schuster parked his Tho mas Flyer in front or a Paris ne\\'Spaper and claimed victory. Th r o u g h misunderstandings, however, it was 60 years before he was awarded a $1.000 first prizi:" His Flye?, built in Burfalo , beafllilian and German entries. Three French-made cars never finished . T1•ials of Trials The Europenn~. all reckoned lo~ clay c:ourt .spteialist!i,• came t.hrough tn one· sided duels on \Vin1bltdon ~ turf. llit' Nastase of nornl'lnia ended thf' drea1n or 19-year-0ld Jim Connors of Bcllevillc. Ill .. one of this year's \\'imbledon herots. &·•. fi·4, &I. Jan Koclcs. the chunky Czech, ha1n· mered Onny Parun of .r\ew Zealand 6·2. 6·3, ~t !\ltu1uel <>rantes of Spain downtd the hard·hittlng Colin Dibley of Australia S.2, 6·0, ~2. In Thursdav 's se1nifinals. Smith plays Kocles and oTantes n1eets Nastase. Dodg.e l·s No sedive Contii1i1 es MOf'tfREAL (A'Pl -'fhe Los Angeles Dodgers. in \rhat seems lo be a nosedive slump, added to their misery Tuesday night by falling to the !\1ontreal Expos 7- J. It was the fifth straight loss for the Los Angeles squad. Their scoring has come up short of vie- tory 7 limes in their last eight games and 9 limes in their last 11. 1'ht> tv.·o squads go at it again tonight. Leflhander Balor ri·toore 111as scheduled to pitch for i\tontreal tonight against Cl aude Osteen. Pitching usually has been the culprit in Los Angeles' losses. And Tuesday's game was no exception \\'ith the Expos knock- Dodgers Slate All Gamn t~ KFI U4tl Jy(y 5 Dod~fl'I 81 MO~!rlal ! I>"' J uly • Dodgt,, •! MOn!•~&I 5 P.11'1. July 1 Oc~~ers d New York S p,rn, ------ ing Tommy John for 5 runs in the four innings he worked. He is now 7-4. "His stuff \\'asn't that bad," said Los Angeles manager 'Vall Alston of the left hander. "John's cont rol hurt him ." ' About the apparent pitching slump , Alston commented, "Our pitching v.·as pretty hot, and J 1\•as hoping it would stay that good, but I kind of doubted it. The pitching's got a little bit of it com- ing." The manager also said he doesn't thi nk the fact that starters no111 pitching \\'ilh four instead of five d:iys rest is making any differences .. Racing off to a 6-run lead after 5 in- ~gs, Montreal held off a..Dodgers chal· lenge in the late innings. Willie Davis hit a 2·run home run in the sixth inning and Duke Sims had a so Io pinch homer in the seventh. Manny Mota led off the eighth lVith a single and, even though they were trail- ing by 3 runs at the time, there were faint stirrings of hope on the Dodger ben· bench. They dissipated when Mike l\t<t.r· shall relieved Carl Morton, no1o,r 4-7 and got Davis to hit into a double play.' The next four batters went dQ\vn in a row and the Dodgers had another loss. Ron Woods contributed his second homer of the s~son to the Expos effort and Ron Fairly hit his sixth. LOS AHOf LIES MONTREAL •llr ll rtl L1cy, lb • 6 1 O Hun!, 7b PMa. p 0 0 0 0 Foll. 1$ ll:lc~•rl, p 0 0 0 0 JorQ~n1n, lb Mola, If l I I 0 WOOd•. d W O.vi1. (I J 1 1 2 Humpl\ry, c W P1rk1r. to ' o o o Fairly, '' f111ckn1r, ti 4 O I O fllllt y, lb Garv1y, 3b 4 o O o Mos"-Ore, I! Connlur1>. c l 0 O O Oay, cf Ltltbvrt, lb l 0 O O Merton, p Rvutll, IS 3 O I O Marshtll, f> Jo~n.r> IOilO Cr•wtord, oil 1 o o o .Str1llltr, p O 0 0 O Sims, c I 1 t I 111 r ti rill ' ' 0 0 l 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 • l I 1 J ' , 0 l l 1 1 l I I ~ 1 0 0 0 I 0 1 I 3 0 I 1 1 0 0 D Tolal ll 3 6 l To!1I 1' 1 1 , LO$AnQelts 000 002 1 00-J Morot'l~I OllllOOl•-7 OP-M!lwaYl<le I, Ct!ifornla I, LOll-Mllw•ykei t , CnlUornla 6. 1'~-1!. Oll v'r 110). SB-AU<"rbach, AlOr'!llr, 0 . MtV. S-Lon00•11. JOhn (L, 7·4) S!ralll1r Pent l'llc~tr! Morion jV/, •·1) Mt'1~all 51v.-M1rsh1il IP H It flt I I SO • SSlJ I 1 1 I I l 1 I Ill 0 l O 1 I l/)10000 7 lllll 2 o o o o a (I ). T-J;U, A-17,31ll, liuntcr n•on a bronze medal in the Pan- An1 erican Games l11st sununer. He is serving a 20-yellr sentence in a South Carolina prison for manslaughter. A stumb.ling block to his hope to make Bud drove his VW Funeo \11hilc John controlled his I1yjumper. Y' E1notion Was Too Mucl1: IJ'f ltl•llllflt' PARIS -East Germany's !\-1onika Zehrt equalled the wo1nan's world record for the 4-0Q.meter dash in 51 seconds, win· ning the event at a f<"'rench·East German track and field meet here Tuesd ay night. She tied the ti1ne set Sept. 23, 1970 by Jamaica's MarilYn Neueville. Y' NYKOEPING. Sweden Kj e 11 Isaksson of S\veden, fonner 1vorld record-holder in the pole vault, suffered a strained muscle in his right thigh "'hile competing M.onday night. l1e is expected to be sidelined from .two to three \'leeks. The injury occurred when Isaksson at· tempted to clear the bar at 18 feet Y.t in ch, causing him to abstain from furthe~ jumps. 11e won the event with a leap of 'l7·f)I,), Y' LUGO, Spain -Players for Lugo's San Roque soccer club threaten to go on strike unless management pays b11:ck laundry bills. A spokesman sald the tcan1 had phiyed its last three ga mes in !he same, uncleaned uniforrns. He caUed the situation "intolerable." Y' Champ Broke Into Tears ' EUGENE, Ore. (AP)-Tears streamed do"1'Yl Bob Seagrtn's face. The hand· some 0 I y mp i c champion sat In the light of a setting sun and simply, quietly cr1ed. He had just set the world record in tht pole vault, something he had done four times previously. So why the emotion? The 25-year-old Southern California athlete suffere'.d a severe knee Injury in a horseback riding accident late last year and surgery wa·s performed. He c:ame back, however, and made what appeared to many a futile attempt to get back into shape for the 20t h Olympic Games this year. His progress was slow. "When I got to Eugene. I was relax· ed.'' Seagren said. "I was haj>py with my progress.'' He had regained a share of the world mark at IM V• lnchtl and was considered the old pro of the event. "Then I !llartcd thinking. 'The guys lre . good. \l'lln\ Ir my pole slipped! Whal If I didn't qualify?' and then T got nervous. "I couldn't oleep. I walked around my ·room at night. I didn't have any con· centration. •• ' nervous ," he said. Then he warmed up by cieari11g the bar at aboot J7·3. '.'That relaxed me for a minute," he said. "But they looked so good at 17-3\il and then again at 18," he said. ' The others who cleared 17-81,i were Davt Roberts of Rice, Jan· Johnson of Alab ama and Steve Smith of L-Ong BeRch State. Then all but Roberts made 18·(l1h:. And Seagren tightened up once again. Seconds after celebrating his IS.S~l leap with a whoop Seagren broke down. "The pressure of the Injury, the opera· tlon, the long comeback. And then tht nervousness of this competition -just to get a trtp to ~tunich. I guess it all just collapsed on him," said George Ambrose, a close rrlend of Seagren for years. "He was carrying a lot of wr.ighl around. J. guess the pre53ure's off no~· said Ambrost. Later that evening, Seagren sat laughing with friends at a local re1t11urant. The ten.alon was gone from his: deep--set blue eyes. Ht smHed and looked like tht ~II-American boy be was al uscl MILWAUKEE 'S JOE L1HOUD MAKES SMOKE IN JULY 4TH FIREWORKS AT ANAHEIM •• LONDON -Jackie Ste\1•art, Britain's reigniAg world chnmplon rscing car driver, a/lnounced Tuc.s~ay night he was pulling otlt of the C11nadian-Amtrican series or r11ces on doctor's orders and cuttin1: his racln~proifan1 in balf for the rest of the ;·ear. The compellllon started last Sunday at Hay"·ard Field 11nd "everyone was so hot. Everyone looked oo good I got HJ thlnk tM might aet you 1 medal, .. he said. And he sounded ju111 like Dob Seagren used to sotmd-relaxl?d. • -' I • • ( • • 0 f' p I ol I fV • ~ p~ I d .. ' Pearson Captµr~ Speed War DA 'i'l'ONA llEACI!, Fla. (AP) -David l'Mroon's Whito Mercury oqulrltd out o1 a throM:ar opeod war Tuetoday to nudz• Richard Pet ty and Bd>by AIU""' att.r a ta-mil• duel to the linlsh In the Fire- cncktt 400 ll«t car race. The Wood Brotl>ero ..try a..-.rapd 160.121 m11.. ..... hour on the i ll-mile l>ayto!la lnttmational Spoedway to clip PaUy's Dodge by 15 lftt with Alllton's Chevrolet another car-leniilh be!ilnd, A record FirtcracktT ft'OWd of 87 ,200 wu on ita feet fur the final ... !>po .. the p......,_ Potly-Alllsln bolt!• developed into an all.time National AJ8odation for Stock car J\a~ Ing (NASCAR) thriUOT, Ninety-<legreo t.mperatllnt • Sli&ndls ... 1111 prior lo .. pact •l'lllll11tada to onatlc '"'""'ti"'" y.., I -... , lob ,_ plilJod dis '1NJ, """ ... _...., __ .... he bod u Ill.-111""9 ...... of tli1tllm 1114 llmlns 'fl1lm tlio iell ..... the Iowa....., oClioa an blll llal1s. no hlads tab mr to ••n., tho-. mmllJ to ... Wt. Abo, llllr "'-....... ---..d ... -.. 9llliJ _,.,,,in palled -You ltp mnt lead 7011r ,_...TodoaotlioJlllllSt .-la lliPUJ flmd, both &o- i111-and 'aaios tbrouP· cent track mdlnp past 1" l.:.:::::.=-~~~~~~~~~~J degretos. ... WINO\. ...... -A "I WISl1 """Ylnf about the hNt," 8lld lhe .... yin(. 37. yeor-<>ld POlfllOll, • tlreo-tlme NASCAR champion. "Petty and AIU!on wm living me all the hoot I could stand. M Jor.r H I could ~ lhem, mthlng else mattered. ' Bannister Makes Tean1 With World Best for '72 At Long Beaeh Four Area Pros lnPGA Tourney Boes Host Water Polo Tom·ney UC ln•ine and Orange Coast College are expected to battlt Four art• foll pres are will hold its 11th IMual entered in th!s wee t • 1 tourney July 27_29 "''hile Big ror the championship In l hf 3:>utbem california Proft&-Canyon's first an nu a I SPA AA U junlor mcm 's outdoor 8looa1 Go J fer a' As:soda.. member-gurst affair is sel for 'i\'ater polo tournament thi! lion m11<h play championship July 11-15. weekend at OCC. at El Dorado J'ark 1011 course Fountain Valley ~tile The two-day event btgins In Lon1 Buch. The four~ tourney Mglns Square's aMual tourney is set Saturday ~·ith eight games se t ThUl"9day. for July 22-23. in the optnlng round and All lour.,.. pros will com-El ])'lgMel •nolher four sclledultd for,... pete in tht lowtr bracket. ond round activity. Fountain Valley Mi 1 e Harry Hilke and J a ck Four mort tilts t1re planned Square'• Skip Whittet will race Godwin won a reicent Saturdav Joe Del1adillo of Pico Rivera Sweeps toum1mtnt at EI ror Sunday morning '''ilh lh<' In a flnrt round match Thurs· Niguel Country Club ""ith a r our · g a me championship day at 10: 1J a.m. with El net score of 84, elghl under round set that afternoon and N\iUel a:iuntry Club's Rick par. e~·ening. The tournament title DI.wt mHting Balboa Park's Tied for stcond plact, one tiff is slated for 7 p.m. Sun- Ha!T}' )lcCarthy at 10:24. stroke behind the winners day. Mesa Vtrde'a Barr y were the teams of Tom Crane Here's Salurday's r Ir ~ t Sutherland and Huntlngton. and Carl Warnick. and Hilke rOund schedule: S.cllff'a Brian Lake both and Paul Altbaum. . 8 -Nl~tA Pirates vs. San have drawn first round byes in Pedro A the tourney. In a recent mixed best ball 9 _ "-1t. San Antonio vs. tourney, the teams of Mr. and Defendin( champion Tommy Mrs. Tom Peden and Mr. and Balboa Bay-Corona Jacobs ol. La Costa heads the Mrs. Bob Earle won it with 1 10 -NiritA \Vhite vs. $nntu field ol 100. net ocore of SI. Barbara Double roundS will be pl1yed II -San Pedro B vs. NtMA lllnl<llh' Saturday with the !&-Co1ta Meaa Clippers hol9' champkmhlp match on 12 -Balboa Bay-Cororla vs. SUnday. For the fll'lt tlme A junior clinic for golfers Royal AC there will be ftMltches to under l& years of age will 1 -San Pedro A v~. IPSA cWennlno thin! llrouth -be(in It the Costa Mesa Coull-2 -NIMA Pirates VS, NIMA places. . try Club Thunday at 1 Cllppers '11>ae will take place Sun-o'clock. The · aiJ:-week auies 3 -~ft San Antonio vs. • DAI LY PILOT 2l_ De ep Sea Fi h Report OAlrtA WHAaF t• ... t,f\· " (I/IA bin, I WttfUIC!~ I li.lllllll, 10 lOfrolC t•ACH ~ .... ,N•fll LINlftt• - l )t l flll•lf .. 1 tlh<O ll•h.I, ~ r'O(~ cl'd ll M""'"' "i.n -N 11101\"' 1 wt'lllt Mlbll•: lt l'll!llll,,! ·~ !IX (OCL l•t8f -11 l l'IG'lff' )(I bl•~ If m"t-•r•I I Alll t>llOO IMu111r1p11 ,_._,I -'ff l "llttt; 2 y1llOWl••I, I~~ t ll)l(M'e, 5 S1n il5 on and San Francisco. 8 tin 1BS a day. Things aro looking up in long Beach. With oursmil- tng. smokeless 1ets and cheery, low fares. happi- ness and San rrancisco ar~ 1ust around lhe corner Likewise, Sacramcn10 and San Diego. c.111 us ; your smrruig iravcl ;1oen1. PSA glwes you • r.n. AIUIOO ,.... • lap boNnd wllb 70 mlln nmolnlng 1'htn the couHon n.1 .... dropped. Frank Warnn'a noncurteDdlng Dodft had blown an enalne, but ibe yellow light slowdo..n' became a ny !actor ., tt ll.lo!ftd tlMi CJiaVy to clme tho 111p. EUGENE, Ore. (AP) -4:%5.5. "I know Jell lltlS io 1bry call it a "little club or .et the pece," said Barmlsttr, curs" _.they refer to the 0 a.nd I like to run behind. He mombet • u they "ould loved bad to boot mo by aeven ona. seconds lo win tllil lhq and day before the 12,300 lint will Include a lesson a week. Royal AC ~oceahowdown. j:--:;;"ii~:\::i~-.ii--,.-~\;iiiiii;;;;~;;:;;~--;\::;;;;iij~ Fcnner wlnnen Ronny Rell, p,.._ plu.d twice under the cautio!l, allowing Allison to aeep Into oecmd place and fttupthoU.0.-- wtth 154 of Ille 160 !>po lbish- ed. Al!loon'• nd-.1-fold 01evy and Polly's wlll!Hnd-blue Ilodp IO<h htld.lht !tad tine llmeo as Peanon cllm( to the!r liumpen In thlrcl befo<'O the rwrlng crowd. The llpartanburf, S. C., t'N:ran mldre bll move on the 1511'1 lop and aqueeud put Alll!lon In tho lhlrd Mn. The two JUSUt?'A used every ounce ol clrivinc avvy to late the leod, but PctnlOn held oll •vtfY dlolla.-. · Bucs Battle Fullerton JC WALNUT -Oranp Coul CoUet•'• water polo team blda for !ta third vldory In a row 'lbul9doJ nl(hl Ill the Mt. San Antonio IUIMMI' lfOIUt When coach Jock Fllll-'• Plntat 11J111t with Full-JC. OOC'1 Pint'" whlppad Cal Poly (Pornom) lut week by a IM ocore and previously had dumped LA Htrbor, 14-3. Bob Wurster'• lhrae f0t]1 peced tho OCC Yidory over Cal Poly with Milt• Doi, Tom Wamecte and l1oo Mlslolek addlnC two Neb. Pa u I Horman completed the scorini "1th -1oat. Fullerton comes Into the Im· portant loop meettn1 with • I· I record, htvtnr lot! lo ruged Mt. San Anlolllo In double overllm1, 7-f, In Its 1ut outing. It'• the ruued, frUOlllng, we a,,...i thet ii ,.. were t:wHay -test known clooe lo each otlier wllh 200 to as the decathlm -the event co, we'd go in toeethtr. Jell Binnie calls his own "We didn't want to make it todty. • dog ... klog affair at I h • Hil total was the best mark end. There was m need to. in the wuid Iris year, M bet· We're both on the tNm.11 I« than Russia'• Nltolla Bennett, a fradlllte o! Avilov, but Bamla!eT Myt Okl«h>ma Oriltlan, oald his "It'!! take at 1eut 1,200 to wtn f<rme" l>Jme preparod him for Munlcb." the heat here and oald, Jlamltter, a graduate of "besides, It.. mt that bad New Hlmplbire woo stands I because it's mt too humid." feet I and wei&hs 10 pounds ~SUITllMt'Y ., "" fl"•I fl~ 1'1'""'9 }t31 than mrmal .t..-.1.-y l'Aft. T~cli'I' I" Ol~INl!C 111111'1 _,fN .. llUUil • --r tr11t1 with ""'"' "'fwfm1nco .rllf ture:l the U.S. Olympic Triala ~..,, •cor•: ........ ..a.,_ -·--'-y ~th i,••o l~~IMtor 1119!'1 ""'"'"'· ,,.,,,,. •• '"°' u.:o.;.;:iM1MU1J .l~ "'' u. ~b "' mor• -Jm ,:r.lrt••· p:>inf.s, the top total in the J .. I ~::.i~utAr~/~f.9'1 i 'sJ':~ ~ um year. He conquered =r •. Fl?!; t.1..i; "°j' 111r''a.¥_ft.. '7-dc'et t.t e ftlJ u little ::=~"' ""i~~~i4.1.~1 "~ Jtff Aerfttt of the Army. M••r. OCA.1.J ,2, n1~ lri.H:O J·i:~· Gr10 .. nf \. .... 1 9, IJ_71 VI Bernttt, with 1,076, and nw-. Cl!Jf) w"', u. m1 _ """ Bruce JenDB', a lonphot from :,~.:,-=~· hllttlwn C1llfwtll1 lh'f....._ Jmra, w1th 7,NS, also made J1vt11", ,,.,, A -.. .'~t~t"kfn'" the U.S. tam which f;" to l~i,,"1J11 J':if:t. ~lzi.''11fi1 Gtiri• M··-1...&. &.1-•L-1n..s, m1 l"111ne1, ,,,,..,, m1 a11d.;., \UJA:lJ U"Ult ,untmtf' Un::' 1010, 7'1!1.Z....,.~· Hiii, l't•l, flf' m Olympie Gamos. """-· 1;;¥;; ~ "'ir.·i1/it'1' ' '.'I just wanted to 1et on the t[tMm. 1 • • ' , 1 '-111, ~-11'1 ~ a .._ w•'t," J•~~' .. "'Wl-"11111""' ao.n. -11L -1l ...... -.. 714; lrf.,., 11 •.;I llMlfl, lt11 .. sMct the ct.m--..A---1. • ..1 io.1 1 "· •-"'· 11..,, .... ~oo;UOm.I "41 ..,., 1 f'AI, Bannilttr on. the tr a c );: • ii!:•m11w Ml .,.,,. a -c-.e, _,.'-_,._ -...i..tt-•'--4: !3, UJ_.CP. jl, 4::..1, '1•1 M. Hiii, ,,..,.,.,._.,W!I IK.IW:l ..................... UftJ 4: .t, •r •klfY, 4::9t.4, Jlll final evtnt, tho 1,soo..meter w1111m1111r, •: .i. "°' "'"""· •:n.4. .ufl Clf!tr1 .. ,·a.IL 4lfJ ltlfll, 5:'7.t, run. 3"1 ''"""''"' i:ot.1, w . Bamister WIS Mked flbout 4:l._~, .,.·i'~~,ls,-..J~"'a":: hla _,___ L• _........ -· '' , -.. m .... ,....,.,.u......,"' DI.II ,.....,,...,T;U. GIUt'l'I. 4' t, l '""''' j , l. 2!2. to IPfllk: in J1owin& terms of ~ ~llft. ;wr9w t.; Co~, 1&1N, h1I com.,,.Utors. 1~1 arl9h9m .1~ , .,: ..,.e, , .. -b'Ji,1: G. Min, l~I , f0'11 ~ KUI, la,. "] WIS 10 ~ t.o lee Jeff 1.i,.\, I ICll'll 1:).1'h '°7L '°'"'"'• 12· do U SV., I ,...,._, 1).1\ili, JWJ HW., 1•• 80 wt In pole vault, ,.,.. , :...vtt • .,.,.. • _ Mflf'Mf • .Jt aml Bruce make the teem. I ft, i.-~J-· l:f"'· · 1 w; lova all -ruys. We com· It' '3:;.,, ~!!· J;m;ri. ·~ pete qainlt each other 10 ~I Ati'"~1~1~, ,_ ~· I o11eft " 'ffi' If~ A -K111 ... l'f. 10-4. • I 1n1111, M).4, ~J ""'' lJM>\o\. Bennett ftnt 11 feet 7% ~ : ''iflf.m~~'°· 3:' i~'!· l.!-f; tnchet in the pole vault Tue. 5 't1,.. \Q0;1, "air, '/:.,rt;;,• f• ... 'M: day jum~ from fi:,.i:i· f" lsw;,•,.., ... -W1Mm•IUt, ..,, ... t J Outrh, 1•·1 7711 Jl('lf\tf, l''i'" t1on in the over-all s j,lj' 1111111""1'. 1 ,_ """· ~. to first 1.....1-ii ---n.-l.J--J ttr, •~2 1 lf'!'llrt, 2, lKialYo lDal .Pillll~ I ':F,:11, .... -/ ltl\Mtt, C9ml blCk fer. 200-11 javelin 1'1nJ1tf!11r!"r .; rn~p1 ~ and rtialned tho lffd. ~"'" 1,'f:f<l,"'1.':" I , l~lf,"'",,[ 1'H1(/. 'J1le two rln ..,, _ _.. •--'-I &.lim1ra, 7, I ~I, 7,"7,; ~~ -... ~ • .!~L " !Ii ·;u~ <J""· ann tfroosh the lat hllf Jap ~YT.'111nlt'k~ \!'. H~~ • the 1,500 u both docked Cwt. =~ ,,,.,... 91'1 -.. Jerry BIJ!ler, Jimmy Powell and Emil Soodeller w 111 chaUeoi• Jll<Gbo. Mn1ll1er·G11e1t . 111ree ll'ft tlubt have an- nounced dates for the l r memh«-ruest tournamentr. I Irvine Coast Country Club Baseball's Top Ten •.t.T1e•AL LWAeUa Pl•1"'• Clo• e Al a M Pct, ~ C--., Hiit '' 2" n flt ~I S.""'1111111, l"pft 6S "" •• , ,,,,, ) M9'1, LA Sol 170 '21 Sf, .m Garr, Aft 7t M • ff .m A. 011-, Ptlt " rn 4T " ..321 •• WUlltJM, Chi n M a f'J ... Ir--. Sn. 7! 30t st " ,,,. l•, SD '' Ut 2' 71 .':n 4 M.. Aleu, SIL. '5 2H IP 71 ,SIS w1twti, Htn n m .-. n .w -·-·~· (lll(lr11wt1, 111 Kl111m1n, Safi flrt.n.clsn, •1 H ..... ,..,, Aft1ftlt, 111 C .. ~. SI" 01 .... 1•1 I . ft'llllllTll, Chlcltff, 1S1 $t1P'19ll, ,.11'h,\11'fh, IS1 L. M1y, Hevsten, 19. ., .. I I,._. II I~, CIM11'1Ml1, 61; Kl""!'llft. 111'1 Pr1111Cllt9, 5'1 Stl''""' Plnnvrttt. 111 A, on""', Pltts11o1r111, 5'1 W1fMrl. H_,.,., 91. Pltdll,_ ' DMh"9 N"'"' Chocl"Mtl, 11•2, .NI: a11n, Plttll'l.lttl'I, ,.,, ,1111 J, ll:ty, ~. 7-7, ,7171 Gl11'rtf,fty, CIMlllMll, t-2, .75'1 $MV9", NIW Vort, 11-4 .n:I; M111Mll, M...t,_I, S.1, .7141 ll:°""'- H..,.,_, 7-S. ·.1001 I Tlttl With .Ht. AMlalCA• LIAeUI P't1Y'lf, Cl• e .t.a a " Pct. SC:J'lt4"MUfl'I. KC S5 171 21 Sf .111 l"lt1Ttfl1, KC U 211 :If tt .1U 11:11111, Olk M 'HI .. M ,JlS C. Mly, CM M Id 44 71 .Jlllt Ot11, KC .. ,., ft 76 .JOS M1yM1TV, KC U 22t !<I W .JOO Flit, l 5ft S1 17S M SI ."1 •1]19, KC M 111 !II n .!ti lrlll'f'tl"· 0.11 " 221 • 6.S -"~ O. AH'"' Chi 1t ,.. t5 72 .m -·-D. Alie!'!, Clllc"'' IS: •. Jtcbln, 01t11111f, 151 C1d1, 01tr11t, 141 &#lf .. 11, 01k!Mld, 12; Klllftr9w, Mln.-tli, 11, ...... ,.., .. o. an... c111,,.., so c. M1y, CPllftlO, .U: M1yWttY, KIMM City, '41 It. 011....,., C1llfWfll1, 421 .. ,.._, 01kl1,...., 411 It. J1cl1to"' 01kt1M, 41, PltdliJlf 7 .._,..._ •· ICoot, M1~, 1 .. !, .1311 Oflm, Oftl1nd, .. ,, .75'1 P1lf!W, l1lt1l'llOl'I, ''"'· ,113/ Lolftl'I. D"roll, 1N, .'221 arNloy, Chic,.., IM •. n•1 Lw, a•-'°"· ,.,, .71•1 Pl,._, OPl1M, H. .1141 M11•1lli.a. Oekt1flf, J.L .11'- Baseball Standings DIAN LIWll AM!:lt!CAN LEAGUE llt1llmore Detroit Botlon New York aeveland Mllnube Oatlond Oilcqo Mlmeaola Kaiwi City Alpl1 Tetlfl Zl•I Dlvllloll W L !I JO 37 31 nu II" :Itl 119 27 40 Wiii Dtybloa 4624 41 211 31 il3 3135 3140 2t 41 ,..,.,.I •.ulfl Clwtt1NI t, Tox11 t ...,...,,, MlMMllfl I ICMtee C/IY 1, Olf~t t tel""""9 I, Cl'tlclll I Ml ............ , ......... , Olllltflfll ... HIW Y .. I T ...... 1 e11tttt Pct. GB .l&t .544 I .II.I 5 .410 • .411 t l!i ,II! 10\!i .11'1 .... 5 .522 !Iii .4t3 11\!i .444 IS .414 11 a1ttt,.,.,. (/kHtllY ~7) M Olk• lw.of ~) Ml ........ (,_ry .. n " lolflfl l'•ftl1t .._.) Tl'lfft C•••ll'lll'ttll UI II Clo¥9l1!9il 10. l"tn'f 1>11 • o.tr.it ll.flldl 1N> 11t K1t1111 Clf'f' ta.nttwtt ,., ,._ Ylfl llCll11t H) •I 09kltN '"""""''" ,,., llU!WtlA.. !S~ H Ir ,,,_. W) t i Cllltwllll Cl••" f.I) NATIONAL LEAGUE Piltabul1Jh New York O>lcago St Loois Mmtral Phllldelphla CinclnnaU Houston llodfer• AU111ta E01t Dlvlsloo W L 43 "' 4321 37 il3 !I 31 3131 2S 46 Wert Dlvllloa 44 21 44 2t 3635 San Frandsco San Dle10 33 !I 31 47 2S 47 TMIY'I e11Mt Pct. GB .123 ,908 I .52t 1\!i .m 6\!i .443 12\!i .352 19 .Ill .9!3 \!, .507 711 .465 !Olli .3'7 II .347 II S.11 Fl'MICIK'I tll'Yl"t ._.) .r ,.1111111Miftll 1•w,.lft ...,., L• ......... comon 1•1 11 ~1,..1 cMell'9. .,, Cl'llQM CJtM:lM ... 7) It Atttnf'I (Miit~ J.n $1tl Dien IAtllll 7~) ot MIW VOfk (MltflCt Ml Pl""""" 111111 7 ... ) 11 ........... ll'trldr! ...,, O!llW •1'"91 ldlWul• DEAN LEWIS 1t66 HAlllOll ILYD., COSTA Ml~ , hrric• aM ,_ far All ,_.,.,. Con ..,_ IMJ Shop for All Con Ml-tJOJ Oranee County's Lai1..t 111d Most Modern Toyota and Volfo Dealer . OVllllAI DILIVllY IPICIA~llTI IOI SEYERSON Dean lewis ln111pert1 in C.1ta Met• h1pplly anneunce1 the errlYal ef Its n•w 1ervice "'!"• e1., leli. Se••r1en •f Cer•ri• tltl M1·r. I•'-' h11 t1ke1t ev•r the service facility fer "'•th T 1yet1 •ntl Vel•••· l•li. hit twenty·••••n y••r& ••perienc• in irnpert en.I tlemestic aute .. me~lle cervlce. Ov•r twanty mechanics wlA 11.e untler his ~j .. rtct 1entrel inti hit e:rperi1nce ' . wll~~•••fli ~olh ~ .. 1.,.h1~ a•~ cv1tem•t1. lelJ t1 m1rrlM entl hu two ch!Wro•. H• llh1 la ' flth •fttl treYtl ht hJ1 .,.,. til'fte. • 0 .. l! J4 OAILY PILOT ., • Sta11 Your EnWties! ·ey Deke Hou/gate Wtd11ttd1J, July 5, 1972 AUltlottal BatMllc•p• for Nat>lgator• · · May el IH u.tp-oo Ille Bralll• Rally an nttpllonal lffupn Ub C-. Some bn llddlllonal physical ltandlc1ps te IO wltlt tlttlr 11PtJtn11t11. lat tHy aU 1et a ebar1e out of lryla1 lllelr bad (-.Uy) al WI .. .u.n1lnl sport. •· • N1fll-. loDow -prlol<d I• Braille, wldcb !Hy . # HM wlllt lllelr lln1ertlps. Tile BralDe Inslltuto Wll 1-.i DD Ille prtmlN IHI blhld clllldnn could .. llqbl lo rud 19 tldl muaer. TM rally fl 1ctu1lly u tdantlollal H· ,ertuce, Mt tt'1 a _Jot more fu to clo tho llomewort. TH k!rra.la tlaat wW M cevtrtd will ineladt buy freeways, -try roods, lwlatllll .,....i.c1o ........ 111n ldpway1 and city -II, eomplell rill lralllc 1ipal1. . W• dnv• bl Ille Wq one y•ar wlllt • boy doln1 Ith ftnl nlly. Talk abom Mbtd lock. We borTt'Wtd a sports ear from a ...,,. car ageley', ud wHli We wet to . pick it ap It had DO ~melf:r. la fact, It Ucl ao laltriimenta at aU. St we jllat W So (llff• ~w fast we wm gotnc ud wMtlter w• bd -1 111 le 11111 .. , die boy ud I. Wiien ,.. come In -.W _. Ito woo • lroply and die 1 .. 11n1 of upplnen w11 lade- i&lbble. Baca M•w Beat Top Duo to Rel!Ord ''""Tbt latest barTier In drag racing i. m seconds fiat elapsed ..,.. In the quartfr-mlle. You'd ••peel Don Garlits and Don Pnldbomme lo race lo .. the 111'11 lo do it, but Dennis B1<a may .... 1 them both. ... Baca ls a Diile "'-!! drivll' from Walnut Creek, cat, who ltlll punuea the acceleration aport os a hobby. Right now he very likely is the (latest man in a dragster anywhere in the country. •· Eeinl fll'St to break through the "siles" into the "fives" ls ~ a olngulaT goal for Bica. who hopes lo tum the trick ,i.Js Saturday night undeT Ideal conditiona 1t Llont Drag Slrip In Wllmlng!On. ~ "'Jn any sport," he said, "there .is a goat. The object. in drag facing is to win, but owr and above that five seconds is a feat J. ...,.ny want to accompliah. Five. aeconds ls just around the Cxner. If I don't do it, somebody else will real soon;:. :': Baca said condlUon• at Lionl, first commercially operated ~ strip ever •tarted. are favorable to speed records for two. ltalQnS, . .. That place hat tremendous traction,,. be said. The par· lkular mix of asphalt used on the olrip waa formulated lo be ~ror smooth, giving racln& tires more surface to adhere to. ', Seeond Reason is Air D-lltt1 ,. 'TM -na-h llr·-lly. Tito !rick i. •I aea level. f'YOI. pt u mncll power .at of ytv motor u It wW make," lteMld. ·~ .,T., IHI msllm IN allro-burnlnl 1upercbarged ••""" iUt produce '° mad. Jaonepower It'• Ill.rd to me11ve and It aom!'llmu c1n'I Ill be reliably pal lo Ille around· 0. lbl1 par- dc:!llar ltrtp, ltowever, &Mt's llOt the ease. , 'Baca'• a111al& u · tilt tlmt barrier wDI come dm1n1 the fP1R.A Worlcl Oamplonsllp Strln meet tver the weekend. For ilioi llaplor _.. Blel h !111llllbll I lwo-1peed 1elfboX in .~• ..,....,... • drqlter. Neorly all dr111teT1 aae • simple dl- wd· ctrtve 1y1tem. : . ·une two-tpeed Is • dttrlment OB some tracts," ltt 11id, ••lilt H I ~ one in my dr11tter I could ltruk 111: seconds to. iiaJ. rm l11r1 Gutlt• and. PnAomme could too. That'• why I ~· It anxloa• lo ... I !Mm. 'lllere ,Is oely •e neme Ibey pul ..... la 1M reeonl book, Ille py a did II flrtl." . Baca eeald ume enly five tracb la tile Unlttd State11 bJ.. ...._, Uta1, that tbt tru1ml11io• sthlp altd ln virtually all .,..,. earl would bt effective ... m11ter I.lb bis. ~ He umed IncUuapoll1 llftew•Y Part at Clermont, Ind., it• "11 tM NllJlA National1, Fremont, Cal., Galneaville, Fla., *8d·lnm<-,Wub. Too Mueh Power in Other Plaees • Moo of the other pl .... , he 111d, hooking up wilh a lwo- tpeed would give him loo much power, and he would have • ~ lo spin his wheels. ··• Tho occumnce wbleb gave Baca the Idea that he could ... t Jhl olher1I lnlo 'the au~d range oo a quarter-mile strip ~ bit perfonnmice ~ -k ago 1t Sacramento. - ·-• WD-40 LUBRICANT AND RUST PREVENTATIVE nit • .,,,.., ,,._.. ""'· ..... rlcllt.t. l"ft9tr.IM, olhpl--1"""'-It -"' ftOf ..... llOllll, ,. ... ~ """* ... i'i OL 89C CAN 5 GAL. PLASTIC UTILITY CAN MUFFLER REPAIR HELPS STOP NOISY MUFfUR ,,-~:; .. ~ .. \' ,, t \~ .. .. ~.;;- U.S.Pro Drag Tit'le on the Line • the place of pro111inence they enjoyed .. fore the mushroom- ing popularity of the funny car &et nearly superseded them. · The indomilable Bli Daddy -Doo Garlits-heads the early list of resurgent top fuel en· tries for the prestigious Profe saio n a J Dragster Auoclatlon ~ Wor t Jnr toward a .treamlined dralster w i t h three varying size wheel based dregsters, GarUts Ms prom· ised PDA Di(ector Doug Kruse he ~ill campaign whlchever car Ls at peak perfornumc• at ocm. "l've got to go with my win- ner," c:arlits said u·hen he presented his entry. ''Right now. the "'inner is 1ny con.. \'tntirnw.J 215-inch whet! based car, but I may have my short wheel based dragster ready for the PDA meet:." • AN~O~.Y SCHOOLS HAllOl CINTD U011 M1tbtr (tlltfr Co•I• Mt••• C.•lllOm .. Pll. l7t •I t7f·2Jll UU s. 1rMicl'l11nt II. An•llflrll. C•I. ntM ,., 17141 776·5101 THE BEST Jteadersh.ip p o I l 1 prove "Peunullf" is one of the world's most popular comic stt'lps. Read It daily 1n the DAILY PILOT. lOAD Of TIRE VALUES~ FREE$6.98 WHEEL ALIGNMENT WITICMCMAllOf"l'Wo · OI MOU •ASNN911 TIUI tMOllAMDICAflf~Sl ~ ISMOm GUAUllTEE* • ORNELLTUBELESS TIR 4PLY lllRONt:OBI 4PLY NYLON CORD 88. ~.n •• .,.,. '* .... ,...."",,_ .. llAI .. tl.U AIR.."qtf'Pll ,....., .... cl-n.· 15 MONTH GUARANTEE• TRUCK· TIRES FOR PICK-UPS, PANELS & CAMPERS 11/G SEUCTION OF SIZES 5\~~J!Q 1695 /J ~ a.L 'IM~'-m .. /Jl!~ .. /1977 ---'":!'.!"~ H VAN TUlfD 'r•1$ ft'/ 2J~/1ir,~;;1~~s.14.:; .. tulllfSS l'lllflftl 0 '°'"" ""'· '"'· r~. er''-'•,. :u.n TUNUSS nram .... r ... 4 PLY DYNACOR• RAYON CORD I I ~!~13 . llACXWAU. ' .... w. .... , .... ,,. - '"' .. ,. "'" 1554 .... 1.7Sf 1651 .... 1.so.1• "''11.3$ .... . ,, ltOAD MAZAID MIAUHnl• 1MI! llP IOYl OIMaAH1ll COIMU T1IO IOI A #fClftlO MUMaft Of MONJMI NMIHST A&l IOAO MA1..a IM NOIMAl PASSlf«ll'I CAI USf. ONtlAOID 1'l'll WkL II UPlACfD wtnl ..o.UTfO·MONTlllT ~#olMT Ql4lCI IAllO CIN ~ aLJMONICI ATTWl!Cf .......... IE SURE TO CHICK WITH US IF OlDftllACanrD I I * * * * * * ~f ;•.~If !l-"T~OWN * -· CORNELL FUTURA -* * BELTED TIRES '2 fU ~l PLI ES OYN l\C OR - PA fO f ~ :'..ORD PLU~ 2 BELTED PllE ~ O '!r~M(Oll RAYON CORD 70 6~x13 ... , .... ""' , ..... $1.11 . , ' ' • MWSS WlllllWAll Sllf f71·14 [7.JJ/7.00 • 14) ,, ... 2200 i1:1$/1.Yi 2.52 . ,., 011.1 (l.IJ/1.10 a IJ) G71·14 11,2J/l .OO ,. f259 .... 232' ... *·* \"ltdnt st11y, Jlify '· ltn DAILY PILOT • t1MJ PICTITtoUt IUllNllt PlttlllOVS tlltlNlll Los Al Results .t"'V Nine Alnmitos Entries LEGAL N011CE LEGAL N011CE T1tttUy, Jyry 4, l,11: c1 .. r & '••• PllllT IACI -:i.30 'ft ftlJ. I w•r lldt. C!1l1111ne. Pur" 11IOO. E-trt t l 'I Wflll ITtHIWrt ) I, ... t » • 11> po-i.,9111 rw,1,1"111 -·xr.o 17:.;o Mh• Rock1nln.er IA01lt) •.20 Tlmt -.lllli 10': AltO r•n -A,,..,., Kiss. Htnk'f Nott . Mr110 c1111lc L1otv, V1fld1 Wln· d•, Tonio Llflkl. 04kl Buo1 air, 1fo&'11t•1 Lit. Scrtltlltd -Oukt's Char"'· Frnn· flt• Town. Ott• fllow M'ld t ·"kY Shi'•'>. St E•tctt, 1 .. E'ftr11t•1 Wnlt ' )·0. Ll ... t, 11111 s~.M. Sl!COHO llACE -.clO Ytrd,. l 1e1r Mr. Ac>ello Rocktl llldi. Cl1lml1'111. Purse SllOO. 1Adllf ) 5.80 3."' 1.@0 S!ylttll Min (Wthonl t .00 '~ $Ukr'1 C11Pld (Rlcll1t1tl) •.•o lime -.10t/I JO. AltO r1n -Good Cooy, Fltet (.ocly, C~••0111t Ch1rllt, Po Decll.1, Al1mllos All1lr, ~·" IC•l!Chfl. Tl'llllD llACE -JSO y1ru~. 2 Y••f Cl1:rn11111. Purlf S1to0. 1u~er1td11 Go'd 1Pernerl :> • .O Spur Dick tSmllhl M•m• Mou1• lWa•cll Tlm1 -.II .11\'t 10. Aho ral'I -Cht!Cltl'l A/'IOdl, Ml!~ DIPth fl•fl· 0f!Jllh ftar Joov. Kk1ctie1, Btdevlltd, OlnMr M1k~. Sc•tlcileG -Chic Pit Go. Btllt•l't e1ron. Joo Wcn(!tr, S1m1n!t11 Pa•r, Retch 'H Gt!!lt. f'OUJl.tH IACI -!.ft Yttd1. S y11r old1 & t>P. Sl1r1er all01N1nce. PYrse ..... DH -J111nll1 Ptt1rov1I (PtrrMrl 2.«:r 2,IO 2.60 Midgets Return The NMRA three-quarter midgets return lo El Toro Speedway Saturday night for their eighth card o( the 1972 season. 1u11111ea COU1:1' ... '"' 111.\MI ITATIMIW'f . NAM.I ITATIMINT P 3 2 'ITATI 0111 (Al..1,0INIA flOI l ttt '-'"'*'~ W tonl I• ftil'ot 11111!-• Tiit foli.wl~ "'""" m fflnt ts 1MI COt.1111" 0111 OUMOa 11: 111!1l,....1 u : OH -C<itnt Oii Offk OS • ,o. WIDN•SO.t.Y Dl•I• ,,, Mtld !J. w ... o '" ..... ~·Jnll JIM co. t.IA&INO .. IAl,IS. a-it w. IOY~I, Ll"A, • ,, ..... TI)~CCO (Smltll> t.00 $,., 4.00 ~ ll'l•IT llACI _ _, Y•f'ft. J w•r Si.-; ••• IC. ,,,.,_, ~ IU lfOTICI OP' MIAIUNe Ofl PITITIOM k..,1, l•nt1 Me. (1111. ftJOI. SlotQI", 1\n Jll, T111fhl, Ori" .. tU&1 Ll11nn!111 Wt!(fl ~C•oltlyl J . .O jl • 1141, Cltlml11t1. ll'<1rtt S!llCD. l"O• •aOIAT• Of' WILL AlfD l'Oll J•mN '·Ow-. •U W. JCtnl, Sl llt• l •1¥••1 '· DIMlftlne. flO! Tlmt -.21 1111 10. Btf T!r (C. '''"''' 111 C.ir'f k.'1 lt~ll ~D. AllllOlll 111 LITTlaa. TllTAM8.lfTAaY Ane, Ca. t21tit Ctlfbr9lllll A'ff., L••..., Alt0 ''" -w11 ~ Oold, L11g", T 1 h-~ VlcllJ vl ,1 fl(, Hi •!) 11, J11111y lttonl• {K. H1r1). II• l!:tt1lt f1f llOU.NO l TAN' 0 Ill 0 • t.1111 W1l11M1 It "I"" toncl<1Jf'llll '1 1n Dof\llil fl. o u11111, l tl l :tH 11 •• l,,omlt• .1''""~'°"'' Olrl, Miu I.IL ht._ El -· 1·1ump _. 1wtt! Gt• (0....f.UIMo.l. 1•.r BOltfHAM. DKMMlll. IMlvHu•t. '""' ...,.,,.... 11 "'"' t#WUCl9d '" I Artlt. "•11 Eddlt . SllU• C•I (lit. Ad.lrl 111 lle-l••..Al'llll .. .U...tl.lc.ht4'h 11' NOTlet! IS Ht•e•Y~61VfN tllltt JAMll--flrOWl.ff-Plrlfl«t1'1P. Scrtkhed -Poco Stl'l'l""'f (110. (I ll• Orlltv Skw ID. l(nlgtlf) 111 Rvn MOii! ll1111 Ill, Adt lrl 111 Ho'·•rd .. 1-llem tl9t fllitf Mrt4n Tt\lt 1ttlll'nll'll flltoi •ltll t!w Ce\l~t'I S1lv1trw• F. DIN.lftl1* dV Rt<1ut1!, Ftn.c:'f Wiiiow, Jtr1tO tC. Smllfll 111 (11....Ce Al ID, JCnltlh!l 111 • ptllllO!I .... PttN .. M WI" '"' f., Cltftl l'f Otl-Cll.llllY efli J~ 3' lt1L llllt 9'1ftfl'lefll fll .. Wltll !tit COi.i""' OH -Dttdti.&1 lor llrll, •••The Moo11 lH Ct'Otby) 117 Mr. ""'O lH!tt ct. Llllfll"') 111 IU\llllnl el L'"'" Tfft-lery .. Ill• •Y te,,.,ly J. Mtd'-•• OltllJtY C'.wnl"f' (ltrll l'f ClrtftM County 4"f ~UM 12, 1tn. l't'1M ltACl' -'IXI y•rd1• 3 v••' Huntin gton Valley Sporting Arto f •~·••s ((; .• Prti!r!dt•l n1 s•vlNTM llACI! _ •7' Ytrdt s .,..,, H !lll-r ttttrtl!UI M wtrilcfl I•"" ... '°" Cltrk. l 'f A'1Pll.lt 1. k , ... ,, -.Uh' Ctufll'r ot111 Att-•-• p,, .• ''"' G-'-"' Tr·~ll.I• (R ''"''' HJ -'do a ·-•1•-•-•. -·-· .....M. lul'll\tr ,.Hl"'tl'" ,,,. lhlf •• fllfll •fllll fl lMM Cltrk. • • ,,_ .... • -• uuu.;:i (Fou •·j V 11 H. I) "" . "' ¥ ... "w-, ,,·· .·~-, •• ._ •I•<•., ""r1,.,. t11e ,.,,,, h•t ...., ''' ~11111~ °'-'"'' .,,,, "'''· ,..,.,,., 8l11C111YonfAdtl•J t.to 2IO 1,tQ Ow.0 A ey 181 VQllH<1HyYaulT.LlpMml 111 Stndll:FYt r ~ .rtrntr 11t for Ju/'f 1,, lt 1!. 11 t i)I i .m .. Ill h J-a.er41Jul'Yl.ll,lt ,lt7J l""4J l"WllthM Ori,.. CMS! Otltrr l'lltt. Tr"'1 Trllflt lDr,vt•I 11 ,IXI s 'IO received some strooa pitching SlCONO ••C• -"1 Y••d,. 1 v••• G•Otrlroo tll'. •-) 1n eour1roem °' O.H!1fl'I•"'' N•. , ., 11ld'l·--~;-;;;;~---;;;;;;;;;;--"'-"l'~"~M~t~•·~"'!..'~"''.'!_'~'~'~'~· ~··~..,~·:.._~··~u~··~• Orl.v!n Mtn tRlttl1rd1I !.~O • , , l!!o oldt. ci.1.,.,1111. Ctlll.-brtd. Pvr't tlllCO. Of'•I OtY iT. Ll~tl'l'I) HJ court, 1t 1oct (!YI< (Ill,.,. D'IYt wttl, lnl T•mt -·'° 311• 10, Jll posting a 3-2 victnrv over c111m1M1 Pile• Mt'O'>. .1.11m!I• J1• \$. ,, .... .,,1 HJ tM City "i1n11 Al\fl cautornt1. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Alto r1n -t Know l1>.1t G!tl, • -~ Pltl tllrt hit IH. "'"' no ""''"Ill. Alt•lt ) ll't 01ted JU111 li0. tm' t---;;;:;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;----1.--=~'.'.'.~~~~:'.'.:':=,........:--' lurl~loa. !.Ir Dl•monct,. Art lt, Tio NewPort Harbor Friday night Hine•'• (l'llrtlf!t~ I t . L!ptl•m) 11, Ot111dt MvetllChO (H. (f'ftbY) 1\1 WILLIAM I ;, JOH"' PICTITltU• I VllN••• Vll\O ,.__,. • vllnlit IK. Hirt) 111 c-·-,.,,· ' •...• ........... IUP••••• touaT 01' TM• ' · , ••• •< 1,, at '-«>l3 Mesa Park D1wr1 lk1 1s.T Tr•1•u1•l llG .. _,.,..~ _ . t•• «..... -Ill , • Q11lnt'f • Dec:~· e •• ~F. e-1 110 Un c, .. , .. (J. Wi tten) lll llVIN. COMIN & JlllUP "" t.lllwl"' ~ .. "'"" hi!-• ,, ... , • .,, CALl,Oll:NIA POii: A:ec.t. Foun•···· Valley •tar11·ng !v••• 011 Dtdl !ll . Ad1lr) 11 , lllMTM llACI! -.. , Ylrtt1. 3 v••• nn WlllllllN tlv4 .. t111M lt1 .,. TM• COUNTY., •••••• SXT. ~ P · r r , oo •t,A.·t»n • I llACe -C10 ~1re11. J 'ftlr •1 he Bob p . Mlu Vlroo Pt rr IJ. Wt110l'll 111 olds & UP. Allowt"<t . ltrttr UCCIO. Tl\1 lt....,IY MHi.. Caltftr'lllll "Ill M LI X I UCTll, 110: l lfltil111t lllOTICa OP tll,\lll) ... OP fl•TITIOlil olCIJ Cll!mfne, 1"11rw $notl pl C r attJSOn allowed ltll\'ff'lm Ml" (H, CrotbY) 111 A""lt Vtlt.'f. Tth tnl) lf'HIU Cf',, H\lfllt,,.lwi t-1'1. C1Ul«n!1. POil PIOl&T• OP Wtll. AMO t.•Y." 81 S1,1rir Ctlk ISfl'IHl'll 11.to 1.llO S.00 just One hit in four innings Of Go Dttr Go IC. Ptrl'll r) 111 Sn1mr«:kt l (ll. A0t1r) 171 Aff#~I ""'; Miiii.-Hl~fY AtntW ••Y•n, 11'2 •1dttfl•ld Tlllll TllTAMINTAllY Roval Sllvtr 81• !Rltnt1d•I 3.«l 100 k . f11l.civln fJ. A:lcll1rdtl HT Pl11fl<llr llt'f (R. ll•'*sl Ill l"i.obl!tl\ld Otl fltt C·M" O•llV 1'1111. Or .. Hllfltl"'91tn l._.,11, C•ltt.f11lt . I I t. f1f l!Vl!:LYH •UTH •OSll!IN Lo!erlon CKnltht) 2.Mt WOT , Walked tight and Struck f'imlty Afltlr ID. Kllllll!t) 111 8l1111r (T. Lllll\t m ) 111 Ju4y 4, S, 11, ltn 11!~'1 Til\1 tvtl""'t 11 blll'Pt t:tlldvcllld ~y 111 O ",.. l lm. -.10 411• 10. out three. AIM 1:1111t11 Ric•·• Gold (K. H1r11 111 l11lflvldll11, t>tff • AlllO r1n -Ml1• Corl, SPt<ltl Hoi:c1, D•rld'Y l1r (hip (R. Btnkll 111 S11ttr Ltnctr IS. tre•tute) 111 Tlllt •ltltmlflf fUM ""111'1 flMI Ctunly H0TIC1 fS Hl!llllY OtVIN 1'11.t, C '' • o 'I'< • 1 lR v J ''' !11111nn1n IM. 81tk•ll 111 LEGAL NOTICE M•"'' ••-•• 1-o· •11•-•oeNn h11111td hfl'.Cll I •ttltl~ UP 1 •rt, Fl11t1 Alffl, Wtllwl•lltr, Huntl"'''' v''''' '''· 0 .. "'" oo · avon11 .. "' • • " tot '•obilrt ot Wiii 1nll fir IMU•l'C• 11!'1 R1111•1 Rt-11. Md• IJI Huevo Muclltctlo !O. 1(,.1-M! 11' CIM. If O••llff (l\llltf' .,. Jufle 17, 1t n , •• r II rbl THl!tD llACE -110 Y••dt. 3 y11r Funny Olrl Goo (C. Ptmtrl 11t NOTICI OP eOVlllNllot• •Y 9tYt>tl• J M••••o .... -Co••"' L'""' T"ll ll'ltl'lllfY It Pl'fltlO";"'·, ScttlChf-d -H-. Trfftlet, d l O I o Oldt & up. ('"'..,Int. PurH SltOO. IOAaD M 111111• lllCT 011 • ' "''' •r rtt1r ... f'I fCI w11lcll It 1'1'1161> fir fllrffi.,--SEVENtM llACI -110 v1rcl1. 3 'fflf T1t11IH, cl 1 o o o Cltlmlng prle1 SUOO. MINTM ltACE -)JO Yt rdt. 3 YHf 1 1 Cltl't. peflltull r .. 1M1 lfltt ... tltM t/1111 •Itel ol!li & llP. Cl1!mln1. Pu•~ 12.CO. O!xlon, JI 3 o 1 l 01...,tr SI"' IC. P1rntr) 117 oh.11. Cl1lm lng. Purt1 1\100, Clthl'll ... TNO .. TICll! .. JS H.f..Jl.f.l0'7TY GtVEJ~-• ... h•I -.. p tn.t tr tltt•l111 fl'll t1m4' fl11 bMll ltl fft J1,1I~ R•g!lme Chltk l P1rr.trl S•llor, lb l o 2 l J~.·~,1 SI/II (H. Pt-) ll'O ptlct Jj!OO. ..~ '•'" ", 119~ .,N ' 1~.~ "'-' .~ .. I Publlttltd Or•llfl Clltt Dtll'r Piiot, ·11, lt n , •I t:J) '·""·• 111 ~ t:0\11'-tt:. " Do-'• '•< IC. '''"<'l 1 ht n ml _ _,....,.,, Un" J-It, 21, n 1n• Jvly I tt71 U47·1l ...... ,,,--1 -J .. H " o-••I. •l I• lLd !.to A,00 Cllwrc~wtll. lb 1 o 1 o e1rkt11ttd IC. Sm!ltll 111 ,~, • 1,•,, Setlool Dlllrltt, (ounty If Or•nt•• .,. .. ,, ________ :.....:c:....:.__:._~ ..,.. ""~' '"" "' ...., Siroct 1Wlrll) S.1.'0 4,00 V11 .... 11, •I 1 O O O Jl.111i1'• J1.tc1...-.t (0. KnltM) 111 H110'1 Tl9tf (H, C•o1brl of C I I CIYk c ... 1w Ol'lYI Wnt, 11'1 1'111 City •• 0 1wt1 Mi1•llt (Smit~) A.00 P1m1lone, •t 1 o o o Rodtf!11'1 l(l!I {F. BOM) 117 Tr11!y M•rtt (0, Kl\lt 1'111 Ill •ll«nli , ,., tllt ~fPOll ot tlttll"' LEGAL NOTICE t 1n11 AO\l•C•llfer11 l1. c,_ l lmt -.4S '''' 10. l lmm.,., 2D 2 1 1 o Ton Mi ll tL. Wrl1hl) l:xl Wtr ,.,..lnefft.11 IT, Llph1m) 117 lwo mMUNrt to fill 11111 vw•nc.1n In o.i.. J-JO,''''· Alw Rtn -Homm1nd J91>p11d. tJpto11, 11 l O O o Otlly Q..,.ttlon (0. AlllMm) ll1 P1rr Cl1bNr \J. Wt rdl 117 TrvO'i Niii No. S lfld HO. • 111 1'111 W. l', SI JOHN, Allrul11lc, Mr. A<:eCl\ll tt, Do"IJ 6t A111l ln, c 2 o O o Mr. Cup(f (R, e1nk1) 111 G1l1IH Ut, Btnk1) 111 t ovirn 111 tio.rd .t N iii IC!loOI .tl.irltf, PICTITIOUt •Ut l NllS Couftty Clt rli Good, Sir Decit.i. !twtn, c 1 o O O '0UllTM lllACI -3JO Ylfdl. 2 'ft lr Moi! Rov1I ID. Alll1onl 111 ll lO "'"""'olrt 11 11'"' f\J'!"' ltlt r• JtAMI ltAt1M•N1' MA•MON O. l'A"INlll a Scrt lcl'll'd -OM And Only, Jtt~·s Br1ir11rd, 311 S I 2 O oloh . Allow1n.c:t. PurM 11f00. 011 Rtx Oo 81r !R, Adtlr) 117 mt !llOtr of "'' llf'mt In """1lttl N -•Ct ,.. flit foll1wl,.,. p1non~ 1r<1 11lnt JllOMI 0 , tAVINl(t( Cult Bir. e11r~1·1 Pli!ol. Pat!oson, p 1 \ O o l'M An AtOll Teo (J. Wll•cn) 111 Pol's Roclltl tK. Ha•tl 111 Clt t have occurr...i. bv11n•n I I ' l'tt) V"""'rt •1\1'9; hllt t14 EIGHTH RAC! -)SO y1rd1., .,.,, l11dOow, Ph 1 0 1 e S1m'1 Woncl•r Miii IJ. W••O) l:IO ~ Riii\ {J, Mefttldl) 111 Dttld 1111• ...... ,.,,~ Illy "' Mi r. oeL'S ,tGOliltTl!S. Ht2 Lt!'nt • Sliltr1'114 0th. Ctllftrllll Yl•l old1 & up. Cll~slfle<I allowtn<•. p11,5,. Conrld, P O O O O Mtr•Y OH fl(, H••U lit _:::=.::.::=.:.:.::.....:;_c:_::.:_ ___ ..C.C ltn. Ill D Hllll'MI! C....IY l•nt , S111l• A/I•. l')m. Tt11 !11 11 ,..,.,,. $J'200. Tht lndtpendencr O•v. Zt1$nfr. p 0 0 0 0 TrulV Hot Ptl'tll (J, Drt'ftrl 117 LEGAL NOTlCE 0.:1nti• c .... n,Y Adlt. Mlltt;, an Lt flltf Lt"f. ~nr• ·~ ""' htlll1•11r • W _. To!1l1 1t l t 2 Y!lll ll1,ctl You 10. Knlohl) 111 Al\I, ttJOt, ,.... ; Jul!Y s o,, .. er IAtlalrl 7.IXI 3.«I 2.80 od ' a lO 8 k J l<l SuP9rlnfllldlnl If Scheolt . ,IUI M. Mitt. ii-), -• -•-,,,,,, ... -,..,, CN O< O•tly Pllol, Ju~IOI' MIVer1 ! Knl11t11\ ~.20 3.IXl C 1 1" · 111 J 0 <l STATEMINT OP W<THORAWAL PAOM Putltllhtcl 0 C I 0.1"' l"l!ef J -~ """' "' " v-Anl~OPt Mlkt (Trrtsurtl 3.i.O N1w•Ol'I Seuey Moor! (T. Llphtml ''"" Ml ., 11"' l int, S1n1• A~•· 't10J. J uly 4, J. I!, !tit 1)£1.l!-Tlml _ .ll t1J• IO. lr!stl Flrt (R. Adtlrl 'Jl l'Allt.THl!llSMIP ()P'l!llATtNG UHDl.ll 1' •nd J uly S, 12, lt11 t .. 1.n This ~tll\IJI 11 "°!Ill' CtneiUtlld a., --------------• l•JJe, e Mlts Raiorti.c::k (J, Rkh•-.l 114 l"ICTITIOUI IUSIHlSI MAMI '•r1nt rthlo ol H11d11nll & Wfl~ 1nlr. LEGAL NOTICE Al10 r•n -81ff1rt's Qvffn. eoD•1 RODt11110n, 2tl D•vld Cocklt (L, Wrlol\11 1 llJ Tl'\t 1ot1owln1 P1r1on hi• wlll'ldrtwn '' LEGAL NOTICE 1'1111 A, Moo!• . fltf End, Ctlttllt Poll!t, Ch1rtabllll~, Frum, 2b 'tf'TN ltAC• -3311 y ..... 3 yiar a "r.tr1I p1r1ner lroll't !ht Ptf!Mr'hl' Adf'lt Meo1t W!tcll Chic. (l'lard. 30 olds & r,ip, (lalml~.'~lt S2300. -r1tln1 Vndtr !ht tlctl!loul bUtlr.tH Thl1 lllf'lm"'I lilM •llfl 11'11 (O\l"IY I !•1' krtlchtd -Lto RulJ. HinllY, rr Clt lmlnt price J.«l)O. '""'' ot ART CRAFT· D!COllATORS 11 PICTITIOUI tUtlNllt Clt rk ot °''~" '°"'""' tfn: J~ft• :., 1t 11, PICTlflOUt l \lttllllll HIHTH JI.ACE -330 Y1rd1. 3 'l'"r &l1&011ntllt, ti R.wtl lOP fl•r (I(, Hertf 11) 1•2S3 Mt. BtldY Clrd 1, F...,nt1!11 V1llt)', Th NAMI tTATIM•lllT • .,. 8tVfrly J . Mtddtk, 0 .. Uly Ctw"IV 111,AMI •TATllMINT 01111 & 111. Cl1lm!nv. f'ur1e UllOC. Ouker, p Ott0nlmo Mtl'Of' (J. W•rd) 111 C1lllornl1 97Xle. . tollowl"O ,.r•W. 11 dtlne llullnni CIHk. TM flltt.wl"' l'ttMrtt ''' '9'111. S1l11t'1 Btnlo IAdtlr) 13.00 ,,«I A,&O Abtxlrt,,P RtddY WI .. (R. At11lr) 117 Th• tlctlllout blltlntU "'"'' llllllftllll t i. IVAH'$ P 1MS1 tv1l~Ht •1: Mr. Park B\llltr !Cro$b'ff 1.00 6.00 fk.Oontld, " Fo•'f Don (J, lrookil 117 for lllt ~rlntr1hl, Wit tflt<I oft, Hovtmbtr _ H .._!'01~.flGCN CAR ltlnPAtltll:S. '11911""40' Ort '°'t Ut.i Ollly Pllel, IO DI l" II' I •·S I" It IHI( I L, ff Hu1lllng 8oy 2 (V1oghn) 11.20 Hook•. t i SCll'ld ear• (C. ,.,,Mt) 111 2~. 1t11 In lh• COUlll'f ot Ortf!Cll, ·~:1v.~~~~:i. ~ ~ •• ~. J\lftt" tnll July '· It, 11, 1•11 lUJ·n "ltP1M•• IJ". 3«11 llM'hlU AYt., l!luh• t lmt -.1 1 4'1•10. Htrberll, 1s Hink't V•nou•rtl (0. ICnltllll llf Full H1Mt l l'ld A.cklrN! ol !tit Pertoh t !Yd,, Colli Mftt 10., C•lt MfM, Ct l!P . Alto t•n -Pec1n 81r, Ll1tltnino Tan11, lb Robin Tonl1 (H. P111J 111 Wlttldt•Wllll: lhl• b~lfrMu Is Hil'll' tonllvcltd .'f i n J.EGAL N~CE I!. O. lfltdlllH, n'11 Ptcll!e lll'i~t..· Rltltt, Cr11y K1~, Davis Jtnt, To!tl1 Ci.of'flln'1 Miu !J Wiison) 116 ROLLO f OW ... llD 8ROWN, llt7i Old lndtVI• I VII Co,...,. tit! Mtr, Ctrlf, t'HU. • 81rlombl, Mr. S\11 Bir, True C111 Fly. $1XTit llACI -llO 'f•rd~. , Ytlf ll'•thlon W1y, Gird.., Grcvt, California. 111 ' Wtttett 11: ..... S••lnkel, (P.O. •ox Mil, Scr1lchtd -On Thi ltam l rtd I T• SCll'I lliY lftnlntl 01<11. Cl1lml111. P1,1rM 11100. Clt lmlno ROLLO EOWAllD &II.OWN A.NOEJIS IVAN AHOlllON PJClt'tlOUS IUllNllS 14'jt At,_ ti~., Fe1tl1,.., Ctlli.tr11!r Oo. , " I prlc• SU(IO, ,, .... , T.111• lftttm111t fUM .....,. th• C11t111Y "IAM• tTATIM11ott niu. IJ l •tCll l .. Stll'll'I 1•1111 & f.Mt. 11'11'1. VtlltY 011 Ol)t)...3 t 4 MICktY'I Cllbbll' 1C. SmMtl, '17 ,ub!!shtd Or111111 Caatt 0.lly Piiot, Cllfk ot Ori nt• CO<Jlll'f Oii: Junt lt, n n T~ flll!1wlnt •t"ll'I 11 11•1"1 tv•l-1 Jl.l(tlt,.. W. A1>rll'lktl. $S3t UUftl••""t l11ch "' .. ' • "' • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • ' • • " 1 • • • , • • • • • • • , • I • ' ' • • • • • • ' • • ' ,. ' J ' P1rr tulltir, '1111 lMl.M. H""'°'t tm oor>-2 l l $1t0111ft ($. TfM\111'1) 11' JUM 2t •nd July J, 12, If, U72 lf».71 IY Btwrly J. MMftx, 0.Uty C11,1n1Y It : ~Ill! Jl.H'llt, Vert.t Llnd1. Ct llforlll1. _____________________________________________ ....;;.;;._:..:.;. ___ ...:. ___________ ..c..;__:.:.__.;_ _ _::::.;~1 '1••k. . (, J. s. ll!AL U.ifATe. l)«I o...... l l1!M c. lt•!nkt t. nn 1!11caly11tiW' fl1Wlt A~ .• C11l1 Mt••· nt21 . Hin JloM, Yorb• Lhlltl1. C1Hlert1!1. Some 35 dri vers are ex4 peeled for the eight-event pro- gram. Time trials begin at 7 and the trophy dash is set for 8:30. Four heats. a semi·main and a main event follow. ' •' ..... ValueCenters New Belted Atlas PacesettecM Whitewalls only 99C more than blackwalls. ••• (1t.11 ,, •. 1. 01 .. 11 01'1-15 H7~1· "'"''s Atlas Mile-Pak. s139s .......... ; .. plu1 11.61 Ftd. f.11. T1• tor 800-13 tubalt,• lll1ckw1U, eu,cti:Wlll WlotlllW.llLL ,lO. ll, lwltlllrld...,I fwlll! Ut.,..ln) m 28.90 29.89 .,. 30.60 31.59 2.St 33.15 34.14 2,ft 2,11 36.55 37.54 '" J.01 ' Atlas Gri p-Safe. 2~7.,,, ........ . pl111 Sl.15 feel.£•. Tix 1 IOf 700.1 3 lvb1ltll brtekw111. Comput•r·d••lon•d treed eontr'i'but•s to quiet riding, long wearing 1nd 1ure tracking on wet and dry pavement. Two flbergl8•• cord 1>4111• help hold the tread firmly on the road end reduce 1curt and squirm that can cau1e rapid tire wear. Two pofyetler cord bodypll•• are strong and resilient to help give a comlor1sble ride. Summer Radiator Service. P1,1bl!1tltd Oflflll Cotd DlllY ll'llol, er...,,.,,, (l'f'(I• l!1yl1, 111• S~yltrti Thi• flti\ltt-. 11 (tnlll.rcttf • ., Llmih d Ju111 !1. ,., •llCt J~IY .. tt. lfJ'll , .. ~n Lll\I, H ....... ,, lltlCI!. '••lnttthl11 •• Tlllt llVtlllft I! llet.,. n~fll '°'f 111 • , 0. ll .. l'tt« LEGAL NO'MCE lr.~lv!....,tl. l hlt "''""'"" "'II 11\M w\111 ""'(1<1~· 1---------------J Cllmlnl C. 0.'(lt ty Clwli! 91 Or11111 Ctvn"' 111'1 Ju,.,. 21, l'ICTITIOUI IUllNltS Thlt ll'l•t.n>11~! llltd w!lll Yllt ((Wl'lly 1•1t • NAMR •TAT9MINT Clerk l'f Or11111 Ctunlr lfl: Ju,... 12, 1•11 B•OWN A i.aOWN Tl!I hllowl"'9 "'"°" Is cl•lnt •11tlneJ •~ 81Y1flr J, Mldd•w. l>•urt Ct11n1r Utl WI.,. B...,lt'fltll t i: Clt1k, lie A .... C:tllfef11l1 ""' l'ISHTE'ST LAllS,, 111 1,11 AYI., P 1.ut Tlh 4lti) ....... , " .. •• C•ront O.I Mtr, (lllf. ll'~llflM .Of11111 Cllrt 01!1'Y Piiot, Atlfl1 ,...,_ M. 11"11 Ktftl All•n ......... fl! ltlt Aw .. J\lllt A. 11, Jt. alld J11ly '· 19)1 1137·7' , lllS47 Coront '•I Mar Pvlll11Mf Clr1111•, CM1f Oally Pl/t!o T1111 lllltlt1•u " w,,. C'llldl.ICIM w 111 LEGAL NOTICE Julr J, 11. 1f, J•, u11 .,.,.,. llldr.ldu•I. 1---::::::::::=c=c==,,-,--l--'-C..-'--'.-------~1 KENT, •1.,.0.. P1cTtT1ou1 1us11o1•s• LEGAL Non-Thi• •l•ltmlftt IH"' w!ltl "" Cou11ty H&"'• ITATIM1MT . \.ob Cllrk o1' Ortfllt County 11'1: Jvr.t lt , l•lt. ,,',I'll '1119""'1/lt "'"'"•Is t1•ln1 •u~IM'i,1----~-~,--c~.,------., 11' ltYtrly J. M.Odew., 0.pUf'I' Ctunl~ «>•• Cltrk. tAY I LUR,lll"ITll.S, 17'1:1 WHI PICTl'tlOUi IUtlNUI P1W1' ~ .... HI-H MAM1! ITATIMINT • l"ubl!11'11d Ofll\h (Mlt 0.11)' Plllf, hHO IV, *"""'' '"'11• (•llf. Thi ,...,,,. Pff'llM ,,, •r'tct JUlll 11. :II,,,,. JMl'r I, ll, 1'11 14»-'1 It, M. Tlwl'IH, Al.I. I. AIWCll1-"11111111, Ii! t "',( (IMOl"P.,111111 In C:l11forllli! UJO Wttl YIC{Q•tA PlllOl'l.1111, SU Vlc• LEGAL NOTICE <•rt Hlfl\.,....y, NIWMrt IMth, C•!!f. torlt StrHf, (a\1 MtM. C1llfor'ftl1, n-..o Pttr'Y H. ,.,...,.,,"' 13Clt OJ""""" nm Tlll9 IM.IJ!llftt It HIM et1111!11,1c!td ...,. • Are1•11. C11lf. •IOOf P1CTITIOUS eVtlNltt C1rpor1!1011. ltirnlct H, l!>r..,.,1n. ·t:no (11.,,,f.M NA.Ml tTATIMINT ltcblrt M. Tl\lnl11, Aretilll, C•l!f, t10I». 1 \~lf' Tl'll Jlllttwl,,. PtrtOn It dl)(n• 111.islnl'S' PrMIH l'll Tt\11 '"'111'1tt1 II Clll'lllh,"* W I lllftlt"" n ; Thlt 11'1l...,,e1tl 111 .. w llfl ""-Ce\lnl"I' ,,.,lnfflf\lt. COLOWILL IANkltt ISCltOW. !SO Cltrk "Or1"'" (ll\lllty 911: Ju,... It , lt11. • ••nkl M. l"-11t ' .. Hft'Plrt c-.,. Ori.,., NIWMl'I IMCl'I, av •-IY J , Mldd... Olll\ltv COii"" Plfry H. ftrl"tmtn C1Ulornl1 '2"9. c 1 ... 11.. '1111 •''"""' w .. tlltd'wll!I tlll ttu!'! Ltl'ldmtrk 1.cr.w Sll'\llct9, Int. Ii l'·llS11 IY Cltll If 011"'' Coun1r 111 JvM 'tl C111kH'n11 cwPOPtll•"I• 1374.S Vltttrv "11llll111_, Or•nt• Coast 0111~ ,.not, '"f· Boul1v1rll, Vtit HuYt. Cillt. fl«ll, Ju11111, 21 tl'ld Jul' J, U, 1tt2 ll J0.72 t& ll:D, "OLLIY, eALllll I WILLA•O 11111 bu•I""• II , Canllu~flilll "' • ~· •n ............... ,. 111111 .... torllltn. LEGAL N Lii ......... C• '"" Ltndll'ltrk escr-t rvlrt1, trc:. OTICE PM111 11111 •U·ltff CtltrlH It. Hiiton, Pr .. 1'*"1 l·--------------1·-· 11111 1l•lefn111t Wll IUtd wltll 1111 Cll\ln· I llHJ P•b<i·•",. O•lol• ,.... OolJy, ;rt.\\, IY Clerk et Ott"" Cau~ 911 Jimt 1•, JIOllCI TO C:llllDITO•t ion 1t1't ,U,llltOa COUlllT OP THll Jiiiy J, ll, 1•, 2•, 1971 l11J.1J CNAltLIS a .·MtLfOH tT&tl 01" CAllPOINIA POJI 1174) Vic,.,,. tiff. THI COUNTY 011' OJIAHOB V111 Nvy1, Ciilf. 91401 N1, A·"n• Ttlll'lllM tUJI 711-Jell! Eet1lt of ll;UTH E, lll!All:D, D•tlS .... , .......... 11.,.... , p 1 .. n HOTICll ~· HEll:llY •1v•N ft tl\a :~ Pllbll111ff Otll'ICll Cottt Dilly P11•1, ttlCl!llf'I et ti. '"""' Mfii ... llllpi:tlhlil ,..,. tTA•!lt · , f Ju111 2• 11'111 Jllty J, ,,,.,,, 1'71 1•1·12 'l11t Ill HI'-hlTI"' Ctlll'ftt •l•l111f N OPICl.ULTOI ,c1n,.,•1.-•• • .. ••Id Ill•"""' 11'1 rl4'JlrM t. n11 "'""· •\ •llh 1111 _ ... ,,,. vtue:Nr1, In "'' tfflc• 41ea. •1t1°11w 11.c .c:.i If tllt c l..W. ef tt.. lk'I• e1tlllllll Cl'Jfl, tr Nt!lOI It fl....., tlMllt .. "'-C.-1..,_ .--------------1 • ,,..tnt ''"""· 111111'1 tllt nw"s'"' " K8N WATfl Tn11 ......... ~·· YOIXl'lff't, to 11\t Vrlolltr1f1ntd ti SIO IWll!Mlf, .... , .. II ltr ....... (_... LEGAL NOTICE PICTITIOUI 1Ut1Nltl NAMI ITAT8MINT Thi fotlowll'Pt ,..,._ lt'I ''fl!I butlntlt 11: AUDIO DISCOUNTl!ll. UN Cttflllll Av1 .. COUI Mtll '24'6 Slt lMf' l<llflll'ld, Ufl CatM11-AYI,, Co.'11 M11• Edwtrd Jn SOhf111, 2"8 Or11nlll'l1t, Co.II Mt•t Thll bus!Mt1 It ... 1111 ""4udtd Iii'( • Ptrll'WrJtllp. N9'#Hrl Clnflf' Drlvt, lvlt. '°°' N.......,ort ""'-• t...,,.,., f1f Or""9, 1tm: 14t 8111di, C1titornl• ~. A"ll' trutt If C1ll"1'nl1, tfl•t I ~lk "'""""I•·~ te H1rr1111f'Dn, !'1• .. "'111cfl 11 nie "'<• ..f M """" te 1.-:uct No• T o ~·. .._,1111111 l'f !Ill 11f'ld•flltl'lllll 111 111 ""'""'' TrtMflr•• _,_. ....... -"""' Ill Wftlnll'PI .. 'll'lt t1Nt1 If 11!4 Hctllftflf, Utll,,Vl1 Vll nll, MlnlW> Viale. COU"':f f1f wflf'iln r-ir mt~lf'il 1t11r "" rlrlt ,.,,.-.Jiu-°""'"" &!tit of (IUfornla. • • lion M !hit 111llr•. TM ' i111'#11'V lo Ill lrlM,.,,l'f I• 011111 JvM 22, l•n llC•to.f al H1 lt•ndol'1'1. '"'' M ... , CAll:OLVH ltUTH ITAJl.lt C.U11l'f• Or•~••· !tlll f1f C11!tor"la. 1 •· fQC.ltltl• tf !flt •tttfl Of lit• '.W0"1't'f II lltKtl• tll _,.rt( 11'1i1 ........ "'""" fHM91'11 ~:,.All -M· 11 trt~t, f\1h!f'", ... l,,,.IM 1tal1111""" DIMof'C .. IC111 .. I I• .... Wiii l'f tMf MIU 0,...., ""911\M!t · C:~ klllWll .t~ JtP91't 11111rnelllfl•I ,,,. kiell .. Ttll1 1t11l11'111nl flied '11'1111 fl'lt CIUl'lly .... ....,, Clflf" Df.. lvtft M at f'1 ltlldol11\, c .. 11 ,,..... ST!tHAfl: kJITU.NO Clt!'k ot °''"" Coul'ttY lllt JUM lt, 1'11 ......... di. c1n•111· """ CIVMY ., Dr•llf•· tt11t "' c11i,.,.n11. ll Y le'l'lf'IY J . M10dow, 0-.UIV C:o11,,,.,. Att111 '""" 1, 1itirr1--. •"· T.111 "1lll !ftfllf•r win bf --•tllil Cl•rk. l'llfl• ,.,,_.... ... l !!lllUldll '" w •fl.,. IN '""' d•Y .. July, 1•n; Pllb!lll\lld Or'""' COISf 0111Y' 1'1191 l'u91t1111M o,.,... (•rt Ottl y Plitt. ,, 111• l .m. 11 Sh~ llCNW <-. J ufll i i, lt, •IMI Julr 5, 12, lt7t 1'°2 1i Jun1 • °"" Jiiiy J, 11, ''· 1'1! 1Jt4•n !"" City t i.ck l!'1H, Cll'Y l'f Or1ilo1, 1111'1t( If or..,.., It•!• f1f C•tlf'lf'ftt1. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE .. ,., •• know1t l'e fl!t Tr1n...,.., '" t ___ ...:::::::_:::::::::.._.:..J--e;~;u;;;;c;;;;;;;~;;;;--· til.11lnH1 "'"'" •1'1111 IClll•9-utM ...,. !flt .,,,c •• , TMl't .... IPfl Tr1nsltflf' for lh• ""' .. .,..,, l•rt· ••~t. PICTITIOUI BOSINlll C:OVlffV " O""Mfl t,.: l1m1. MAMI STATIMINT NOTIC• ., uu UJI••• •IClll•• ID•ttd;' Julll ,,, '"'· Th• folloWlng ptttolf\ I• oo!1111 lt111!11ts1 0' •o•ICLOIUill .,. tr\l'U Not,.n ti: DOH klNHIY tk. fll111'1!1n Tl. TrtntfoffM u NI v I JI.' IT v ltAOIOTHelAPV •011GLeN CONiTlllUCTIOH CD •• f'lll flWllll!IM <ff•nt• Cwlt ASSOCIATI$, 101 City Ori .... """" Dti.NM'lt· Ht...,,, . ' . • . JUI)" J, 1tn ' Or1nte, C1lllornl1. I. 11'11 t1ri.flt&lfflt<ll, JAMii .A. MUSICJC. H•twf V1nn11nd. M.D., 12'• l111f lhfl'1"-Cwtflll', <tlmfr II· Ora11t1, 11111 LEGAL Naft,.... . <: "' Potnt W1y, Coront ft! Mir, C'IUl«fllt. 111 Ctlltor1111, o. 111rQy clf'llf'lt fllet'.., . ~ Thlt lli\l1lntt1 II 11111'111 Cll'llluc!M IW ... Ylr1w II Jllfflllffll ·-Tilt! "" c .... ,,:.i---::=::::--:0:-:::::::=:,,,,..,--.... hldlYldi.otl. Dtcf'fll If fi'ortelOIUf'fl llld S•1t In ,,.,; NtTICI ffl TIUIHl't ·!¥,:I H1!YOr V1tm11nd M\llllf:IHI Cwrt 11 tt1t CMtt1I °''"" .UH .... ttf·l-IMI 11119 Iii'-11"'9 Thi• •l•l•ment fll"' w!lh !I'll Ctul'lfY Ce\lnfY J\llllcl*' Dlt!tltl, (tunlv of 'Oii _...,,.,ow, July :M, 1'71 -'' 1~!• Cltrll of Ota"ff COUl'lt'I 111 Ju"'9 1t. 1,71, Or•11t1, lltla f1f C1l1'trftt1, • ""'""' .. !~~ !'.·"'· tl'I tht l'Ullllc tldlw1ll( hi trr etvtrly J, MtdOOX. Deputy Ctun!Y OttoWr 1, 1n1, 111 "" ,..,.. enHtlt4 tC• :;:,.,!If fM 111tr111<11• lh• lliulktln• ~­ Clerk. '""· ..... lln Den klfll'llr '""' lwllflMt ....... All~l'llo Ctllltrlllt, It 1n1 $1111t ' '"* •• INdl Or•HrY s,,,,.1c1 fl'lt '""' n•m· •r•itur11 llrtl'I. ll:Mll'Y )N:ww.....i,' i PubtlW!td Or•• Cottt D1!1Y l"Uot • ., 1lttntlff, .... ,,,.. I 111'9111'1J"f .,,. .,.,.,.on. It'"''"' ..,....,,,ffw °"",. JUM 14 , •••• '"' July s. 1t1! ,,....,, llc!'M ., ftl'ICFOlurt •IMI tllt •••llltl Trutt. "" ... ltY l)tnalcl Them11 11111 ..... 1-'--..... ...C.'--'..:C:.C..:..:.C.:.C:..-::.C:I JI._... (lftll'll'llCll"', CIJJIHny 4«lfl< ~=did lull, hv1MMI tl'lllf Wik, 1noll J.!GAL NOTICE 11ant, tw "" t1/l't'I e1 °"' 1f'ltllwnt ,.... Mardi 1>, 1u• tn •11o11. "'' 1---------------I tlulld""1 tf'lll'lf't tri'9' .Ml* (il,210,Jj) ,_, Ill 11 Offlcltl Jlec•tcl• If Or~n.. DoJ!trl, llwful ""°""". f1f tl'll Ullltlll County, C11111rnl1, t lvt11 lo ltC\lfl •I·""" l'l(TITIOUI 1UtlH91t Mil .. , lfllll '1 Ylrlvt .. 1 •rll l'f -f ..... Jlftt 111 tiYtf' of The Col~ COl'l'lr • . . HAMI tTATIMINT f'lf'CMltnl Ill "" actlir'I ""*'' .... Jvnt :"Y·. eorw111111. -OW!llll •fld ll•llr Tha to11ow1111 wton• ,,. ,,1,. ll. \t1J, 1 1m _,.,,,.... 19 ttll all tl'lt TM Llwr«w:9 ftYll\11 ttilk, •v ""'"" bu1t111t1 If: "°""' .,, !ht Ctlllltr'., Crantt, lft!Ct ., N br.Mll ., c"1t!" .. 1 .. 11o ... CUSTOM INSUL,\TIOH co . 2•1• c Clf!fotnll , ctHtllbtd 1• "1••1 . ' MCV,.., Nr•v. 11111c1 .. 'fltlldl "'" l•nte A"" AYI,. Coef1 M•1 f:T"7 Leh ti. t•, 10f. lt.t Wiii 101 f1f Trad rtcenMf M1rC11 ,,, l ttz 1n tM 100. Jkk A11Yll OWrtll, 1411 C t•11t1 AN ,,_. •I ''' 1'1111 rwtt• 111 ltolt ta it ..... If. flf lllf otflClll fl:klffl, 'Wtll ~ Avt,, (OJll M••• ,,flt " ti!,.,.. 2f, lntlVtl"' If ,vltottc IVCllel't tO th• hlf ht1i bl•d•i !'Or Frink Sdllff, '"• c 111111 ... ,,. Avt.. Ml1e•HIMllOt,MIHw ._.,,."' Or•"'" ....... .,. .... Ill l•wfvl l'rlot\IY'"' "'• Coste M.11 Couiltv. C1Uto111!1, ' , U!WtW lttttll 11 !flt flrr'lt .i 1111, "'\ltlout Thlt bv1lnt1t Is ... Ins ~ by • Totttlltt "'"" Ill ..... l lM-Ul•r tllt _,, • ....,. It " 11111. Htlllt!l!I ti .... P1r1ntr1hl11. "-""""'• lllfllllterrltMt •IMI .,. aHtlM'tnct" the lnttl'tllf <IP!IYIVtd to d JACk A. OVllALI. l'Vfllfl(n ~"" IMlllltlns • In ........ ht.cf " 111• TrMflff ul'lllllr Wifll Tt111 1111trr11"l 1111111 wttll "" CllllllY •"""''" ,.,.,,,.lnltllf, ~ , d"' 91 Tr1111, 111 •M to 1111 fol11w1n, Cttrk llf Or1n11 Cou11ty Int Ju11t lf, 1'1). P U.Lit HOTlc't: 11 Hl•llY GIVIN •cr"-4 _,...,.,., lAt l! If Tr1ct No. l'f 9tv1r1Y J, MtdGOll. Dtttll!Y Cw"tr Thi! on Tllvf'fldty, July f1, 1912, 11 1•td l•I, In !tit City el CMll Mffl, County of Clt rlt. •'cleck •... .M. (If flllt .. , II M•I" L.tbW, Ortnllii ., ...... , (1trf0t11l1, •• ~ .... ,.,.., C11.rrt1111JM. M C!Ylc ("""" OrJ..,. Wtlt fl'IU rec«dlll fn ll01lill 41, ,... "' fl'vbll1hl<f Or1n1• Cettf 0111y l"Hlf, (lty 91 s1nt1 A11t t •lit llttl tftt MY9 f!'lllfftllMtl.ll rl'I•"' Nl»r• f1f ·Or-. Ju"' 21, :u, 1M Jvly 5, 12, lt'2 1'11·'2 dtter1...,. 11NHf'f't. vnrHt t11' writ ...-C11.111tv, C1lltorn1._ """· ., " "'""" ,.,.,.., 1t "'"' ._ ,.,...,.,,, 'Mtlrkt: 254' w.im111..-LEGAL N011CB ,,."''"" "° 11trtf¥ 11tf """"'"" ·'fl'lt11 llf"'• C1t1t8 ,Mffl,.1.C•1tf!M'1t11. for "'' J----------'----llflltrt'11 t nd cotl1. " ~ l'llehtlf ,.,..,,., Ml~}~., ,.,.1111 _t,tllonl llktlt• .,., PlCTITIOUt IUllNlll for C'flltl I" l1'1tflll fMMY 91 lllt UllltM tllf· 0 .... l'f Tru.,, IMI.,.,,,.. .... • An economy tire with tour lull plles of sturdy nylon cord. • Low.modem 11thoue1te. lnterlocklng tread to grip the road. $695 • Drain radlttor. HAMI ttATIMIHT lllltl. (t\.,_ •IMI •HMll f1f t!w T""""' ,.,. .... --"·· -Jb• fot!OWlhl PlflOfl I• fol"' M t111t1 Oiied If 11111• AM. c.u..,.1111, J1,1,,. t1, Y•flc •• II ""'· vndlt Ille llrmt If· .... 11: 1•n. · ~ "' Trutt. ,,,,.,.., ft'ttt• .,.. • A good "second car" tire for around· town driving. • Put In op 10 2 oellons ol Alias Perma-Gua1d year·round coolent. • Vlaually inspect redie• tor, cooling system hoaes end all belts. • Prt•1ure·tesl coollng system. Tire ROtition. $149 • Helps •110ld uneven tire wear. Regular rot1Uon can htlp lncr1111e tr1ad llfe. (All five wh1tls)' July values at Enco stations where )'OU see tlee signs. Tiree Ways to Charge .. at most ValueCenters. The above prices on tires and seMces are avallab'e nationally at stations operated by Hu111ble Oil & Refining Company located in many metropolitan areas and communities. Prices and offers may vary at participating independent Enco dealers.. __ O __ V.1l •u (f'nt. ,., ' - .... ' PALM VILLAGE flATIO HQMll, JAMii A. MUllC:I(, Slf""91Jf ITl1.,,,,tlll ptl!ICIH , ... ~ '· Stltrlfl'.("-' ...., .. k .. ic e• 9' Tl'\llt 17550 Glltlflt AY1n111, ,. .. ,.,, 8llCJ'I, Cwnh'., °''""• C11ll'W11 I• _, """-~ I~ t 1 --m .. -. -· JOhl'I 0 . LUlk & f~, a C1trforn!1 ,..,. •v L. Hirt 1111" ""' IM ... ~.. ~ D1t;.i JUM n, \fft. portllon, 17UO Gl!lttl• AYllll\lt, H"""" •. ICllTN ltttt*" ' 111 .. :r, 1.., ....... Trwttt. 811(11, C1Uto1111t t16iJ. t• I 1-·-1 a-·-p R T>lo "''''"' Oo .. , .. -..... " • '"' 'f .,,.,., • Yll't fl ........ ¥.. • c..t1 MMe, (lllf, ·~"'"' ' tfl'Hf'lllon. Plllllllff't A...,..., mr Jol'ln 0. Lus k .. .... PVbtl'J\+11 O••n.. Cllrt O•ll'Y ''"'· PuMl..,.. Ot•"tt CNst Dllllr: DonOVt" Mvtnlltll111t Jl/fll a •l'lf .1111r I. Iii 1"1 "*71 Jl#lt JI _. Jlltf S. U. tm •.' VICI Ptt lldll'll -rr , T~ll Slll•tr1tnt llltd wltll "" Ctuntr I •n.. None• ' LEGAL' NOT!"" C!t rlt If Orin" Coul't!Y ll'lt Ml'f M. 1m .1 _____ .....,...-;;;;;;;;-:;::-;:;=:~c:::-:;::::;:=-;:;-:';':;;:7";:C::.-:="'""'_;'!---;ij.. ty fltYll'l'f J, M1ddlil.• Offlltv (lllflfyl Cllrll. lilftlCI fP P\llllC MIAal"I TO II M•L• l'I' Tlt9 • p 1• ltAa• OP IVP.IVltoal eill Of1AN•I COUJfTY, tM.ll'faJtlA, P11blltl'lld OrtMlt Cot1f OtllY 1"1191. Olf A Cl~tAltt fllflO,_,,D Pl.Alf .O.l .. NAf80 JuM IC, !1, 211"4 JulY S. lt 12 1 ..... 72 "IONIMO lltfllCT MAfl I M. (CAii M . IC 7>14J" l'ltOflOllMI TMI AMIN8MIWT ... TMI JONl .. C. .. LEGAL NO'nCE P11nutflf' fl 1M '-"'ntnt •flC Ztntr. ,....,., It '"*""'• ntfkl II J-------------•lt"'-' 1!'111 • Miit ttll'1111 "'hi M ~ '1 th. MN Ill,. l'f ~ IAll attl clf'lt!O lfklflc Pllll -~,.... "JOl\lfllf 011f!kt Mlf 111:$.S, lent ,.._ ZC If t tttltri lf.Q.)) flf h .Otilltllll ~IMMI fl !tit CW\ty If Ottntt .. 1t fl 'ICTl'tlOUI IUllNllS lttm fllt "' "#lntll Pliml!¥-••Wlflt.,..-Olattkl to''" ••U•l ~ .... ,,.., NAMI STATIM•NT Dltltlct, (tttlt11,,.,.,.,.., •••'-'"" -..... ~~r.c:1m11 lf11Mt•'OrN• Tl'lt tol1tw11111 "'ton Is •e1111 Mlfllll lf"lllllt A....nuit l1t 1911 &.ntt AM H11tf1M. trtl. t'1fflrl 01ttrld, J.71 .. ., ' 11; .,, ... , C.Al.Cfl:All'T OEllGNI COMP,\NV, lakt W911C ,.,!flt"' tM ........ ,,....... Ji11f1 wlll M t1M M flt C1!1 ,.. 16.M 1111 ld!ne11, 11"11 Ion•, Ct lll, tf tllt ... ,; If llltll!'Vltln 111 fl'lt -<,...., Mm•h•• ... .,,.~ • ,J1ck L, 8tr•f••1111, lA12 Minon II.Md, Nlrtl\ l ye•,.,.,.,. JtrM, M .. l'lfl A.Mi, ~ CW!ity, C11l[f9tflla "' lfla 1"' y At!. H" U, Tuttln. (•Ill. of Jv•r lf1t, •I 1111 MW" 1•:• •'dtdl AM., 11 'Mlkll ''"" ¥41 pltff ... . Th11 liillllfl"' 11 Wl'l'lf teMl!clM 11¥ I t llflll' l.wtuit tt ........ tllf tilltl ,..ii! .. ,_..,., ' Llmllld P1r1111r1~111, $1kt ltlln ,,..,...ltil tlidl l"*l*"'ltl! fl 1t11 llnll'll CMt 11 M flll bl J•(k l . t owm1n 1Hlct ti ""• Ctunly (ttf'll If fll• (Mty ., °""'' \llltl-»N ....... ·:i • Tfllt llt!f'm•lll lllH wltll N C.Ulltv t Yt llffl• flt "1blk ....,.,.,., • , Cl•r11. ti OrenM Cou111v on: J w"' f , 1f1!. O.fM 11111 !tit! ft)' 11f JuM im, l 'f .-llVll'ty J. Mtfelo• OHl\llY (llll'tl"f' IY o•D•• OP THI 10A•o 011' IUPl•YIJOll:I 0, OAANCI CO""""· Cltfk. CAl.l,OlllNIA. • fl 1NP w. 1.'1t JOHft COK1111, ITOJCltl I ft1Jf Al:ctftlrl 11 Ltw "*'Jfwtfl ,,,.......,, Nt. 119 Slfttl AM, (•llf• ft1'1 Tt11 tno su.t ttl lllALI (M'Y ('tf'C 1/1111 n..-nt:lit Clft If ""' ... ,., 11 luHAIWt If .... .,,..,.. Cful!Ty, Ctllltr'l'rlot • ·-· .f'ubH1t1td Ort ntt ~Ollf 011IY 'r"' J11~• ·------------------------------------------""==.-'-----·---------------=''•· '11'; 11 11\d July '· Ult. UU·1> P""llsMt. °"'"'' (OfJI •1 JYM Ale ..... lt ~1111, J11tr .. 1'12 OfW'Y .... 1-• • I • I P!I OT·ADVERTiSER • Q DAILY PILOT n .. Sailpla11e SJlOrt E11joys Big Lift QUEENIE By Phil fnlerlandi ~· ,., Only the Name '~ l~ n ,~ By JOYCE L. KENNEDY ' Oeur JoyL~: I 't\'Ould greatly appreciate it if you could ~h~ r 1n e sonic tnformallon ahout ~anituriuns u!Jd their techni- cians. -C.AJ. Kno:1a•llle, Tenn. Career Corner "i er11plts'.,'l•d by f 1 I )l I"! , 1 ~ frir l'll\ lrn1l!llC!lla!ISI!. f1r111 ,, 11tlll• p 1· 1 \ ;i 1 t: • 1-'• I, ·:.I J •\)or l)cpart- t.ius1r1e~. l'oll1·' I ~ t [ 'rr1.l'<1S liJVOr!lb le unh·r~:!lt'~. /:oi . tr l' l ·• th<' '70s, Cllin~ Bl' CLIFF GEll'F.C KE' Cllrlllf•" S(l•nct Monitor $fr~!tt LOS ANG1'~1.E~ -"I com- pare il to sailboating. nut this •"'I" Is sailboating in 3·D. You feel t freedom -romplete freed om. ; It's the most t•xhilcr:1t1ng ' thing in the \VOrld." ! That's one partlcip.:int's " description of sailplaning, or flight \Vithout po1ver. u~:ing nature's lv;o 1nost basic pro- pellants: air and hc~t. A n1 o d er n . sophistirJtt."d sailplane, ho11e,·cr. JS not to bt.o confused 1vith a glider Thl! !alter is an airpl;:ine l\tthout engine that simply rn:i s!s to i. earth. A sailplane-in effect a l1igh-performance glider -is designed acrodv11:i.n1ira.1!1· to soar on rising currents of air, called thermals. "SAILPl.ANlNG I S A SERIES of little flight s:· sa id Paul Bikle, ·who set the \\'orld altitude record of 46.26i feet in 1961. "You try to stay in the center of the thermul, \\lhl're the lift is the strongest. "But as you get higher. the Ifft diminishes." he continued. "\'ou must decide when to leave, how far. and in \\'h:'lt direction. Tiining is important. You don't u•anl to strike out for the next thermal too soon, or too late.·• A high perforn1ance \Vingspan, is faster though less forgivin.~ than those \\•ith shorter spans. It has a glide ratio of about 40 to 1 at a one· mile elevation. That means it \vi!! ny 40 miles in a near.flat glide. al speeds of 80 to 120 m.n.h. But. including those period0lc spirill slai r.vay climbs at 700, 800. and up to l.000 feet a minute \Vithin a thermal. the average speed will be about 60 m.p.h. WHEN THE PILOT NO longe r find s lift in I he J1eavens. the craft must land. usually at a speed of 35 to 40 ITI.p.h. They a re slcnderbocl ied cr'!ft, with single (.not double\ whee ls and equipped \\1ith a drag chute. A s a i I p J a n e grosses in the neighborhood or 700 i:ounds -possibly 1,000. including the pilot -and has a wing span of 58 to ti5 feet. Cost may range from $4 .000 to $20,000. perhaps averagi ng $10,000. They are constructed with aluminum, fabric·coverr.d wood, and fiberglass, or com· binations of those materials. The y have air brakes, an airspeed indicator. compass, and a variometer thal tells the pilot iJ he is liftin':' or sinking and to what degree. Atosl!y. they nre single. sealrrs. though a few have two seats. The pilot wears a parachute. Qut the spo rt is not considered dangerous: there are ·few cra.~e s. Aerodynamically, sai•nlanes are called the essence of a\'ia· tion. They are built to "'ilh- stand great stress. Jn the Unitrd States there are rou ghly 2.500 sailplanes and more than 10,000 licensed pilots. THE RECORD FOR A con- tinuous flight is 717 milec; - Odessa. Tex. to Columbus. Neb. r..rost of !he acti\'ily is localized, about one fifth of participation in the U.S. being in Southern California. The Soaring Society or America puts on a na· tional championship and there is 11 \rorld rhan1pionshlp. thi.~ summer in Yugosla via. Ot her top 11arlicipaling nations in· elude Germany, Eng I a nd , Poland. and i;'rance. In May !he first Sailplane Derby troph,v ra ce. 2.900 transcontinental 1n ilcs from Los Angeles to Baltimore. \\'as stated. The six contestants in !heir superships did it by hop- ping 300-n1ile legs, the "'inner of cnch leg (closest to that day 's cl e s t i 11 a t i o n ) nc- cu1nulaling 1.000 points, "'ilh !he other~ scored descend· m~ly. The plane that failed to reach the destination \\'as simply disassembled and IO\\" ed lo the next point of deharkatioo. For takeoff a sailplane is to"'i'd by an <'nginc·1)(l1\·errrl airplane to a heie;ht of bct"·een 2.000 and 3,000 feel Irving Renege Clai111 Lodee<l ~ NEW YORK f1\P) -An at· tomey for Edith Irving. \\'ho i fighting cxtradi11on to S"·itzel"· land face charges there for her p.1r1 in the Howard Hu,Rhcs .autobk>graphy swindle, s.iys the Swiss government rent'ged on a deal to drop its action against her. The altomey, Maurie{' Nes. ,.11. SJi~ Wednesday the Swiss authorities "tixpllcltly sind clearly committed thcmselvt's to nonprosecut ion'' during the bargaining which led lo tho lrvtngs' guilty pleas to federal and ltale charges in the 1150,. 000 boll . • I and srt loose. Then co1nCs the skill SF:\'F:~."'l'V·FIVE PERCENT of credit tor 5'Uccess rests 't\'ilh the pilot, \1-ho usually 't\'ellrs sunglasses to better spot the invisiblt> "dust dc\'il" Jalso C'al!ed "'hirlwind) centers of ther mah:. Pi lots claun sailplaning is more relaxing and certainly IPsS boring than flying a 1no!or-drl\c11 craft. Bul ex· trcn1c roncentration is esscn· lial. ;ind il must be main· tained five or six hours. , ' J Concerns: Puri!v of l'O· NE\V NA~1 E: Most member ~ snni tartans of the proff.'sSi(..n·s large:.! society, U1e Nationa l J<:nl'ironn1c11\al l{ealt h Associa· lion (formerly the National As· sociation of Sanitarians) no\\' pr('fe r lo be called "en\'iron· n1ental1sts." And the fom1er snnitarian tcchnicinns are 1101v caUcd "environmcn1i1I techni· cians" by n1any. l\tembers thought !ht~ o!d name -sani· t:1rian -had an unpleasant, s1l'rile ring to it \l-'hich did not adequately rcllect the profes· sion 's brondened concerns in \ 1ronme11l -tOod. drink, \vate r. air. land and noise . Ex· an1ples of interests: F'O<,?<l n1anufacturing and processing. dairies. water supply, air and "·atl'r pollution. sc1Yage <1nd solid "·aste disposal, hous ing, rodent and insect control, radiologica l conta.1ninatio11, !X:· cupational health. a~soci;.'1ur . .-;. 11:· ..... · I· r l't11plo: 1·il :1s curi· ·1lt t~ 't 11 ( lrt·nd IS l1J\\,JI l! ]'.,( ·1·: .,j ('11\tJ!U\'ll't 'l\ in JI!' .11· " I tl\. •. ~·lr\. \uoro-.:1n'.1t11 1\' 51 I I t' n \ ·i r"!'~"-I 1,t'h 1 ' 11 11 1· n I t h • oc- ,J I · :h, ftxxi pro-- '· '11 1 11.i:ite nu1nni:e- 1 ;• J 1, 'r :1"d nl r pollu· ' .. ~t 11 ius to job 111 1·\t' '":tint. in- I\\ 1th :.. ''\1\;.!1111\ ~t '1'J;:I:• I ( 11 lu Lanil1.'d popula· i)'( i~( I ·1 \ , ;\J: 'l)!'Jll 'l I l '• i." ! I !. \\.;ft 1:11• ! '-:<.'l\ll 1 I I ( t1•:le'1in". ;111d l' o 11 s u I ! 1 11 :' , I \\lf:t.)",\ E\'T,\LISTS· du . 1 11'\ 1.1Jl1)'. In g1•npr;il, • ., . 1 l''•I =h~l cngar,es 1 p·i·111•111<.:ll l' .. !'t·n ~ ;1 r ~itn1lnr 111 ~ t'll •. , 111·1fli:"s as in- ~ • t11!1ro1•ti11.r:. ;1 n d t· .·1: s:itnplc:i of food. \\'<lier. .:::., .. J 11<1,11· :i.nd othe r "You are coostantly analyz.. inJ: and reanalyzing con- d1tio11s." says A. ,J. Smith of J)('\roit, America 's l'\o. I 5ailplane pilot. "You make a <·ri!lcal decision eve r y 1ninute." ''To be perf~ctly frank, l 1m fifty percent for and fifty percent aga1nst every issue." an increasingly technologica l society. Herc's a rundo1rn .. , CAHEE!\ llATCll\\'OHDS ' E~I PLOYERS: Currently 8 out of 10 of so me 15,000 prtr fessional en\'iron1ne11tatislt; I ~ years of college or morel \1·ork for local. slate or f'ederat go\·ernments -often in public hea lth or ag riculture departments. Others n re ()LJfl,(1111\:, Jvhs :irl' no! or!· Iv rurrt>r'.t l\' pll"1tiful Ui•t pr,1<. .• Pc-('1$ a11.' l''!PPt·tt·il tn 11t1 • p!'O\ l' t:un.sidl rabl~ l\~·1 l.ir1 •· i<> hol\ ll\ll{'h 1111!11 ·1· 1r·· Federal govrrn111l'lll 1111\..; 111 cn1 ironn\t'llt nl proll'L llPr\. ;ti: 11 <11n11u1H or st·1tl' :ind h1c:~1 funds lJ1;1i l;lhll' fur s:~ r1• p1:rposc, a:1d hu11 q1ul-l.ly private indu~try n1:1kl'~ 111·1v 1·• 11 r'.1ls ;11J,•t·ttn;.! pub I 1 c I: d 1. II" rn:1v pro mote 1· 1 .. t t'nt•ut 1·i -ur ..:ornpliance 1'. 'ltl -l1t.'allh rul{'S and r t• i: u ! ;1 l 1 o n s. J\lriny t•n· 1 iri111n·t·111ali~t'I pla11 and con- d.;t·' t·1;11rv11n11·11tal hen Ith LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, HALLWAY AND TWO BEDROOMS YOUR CHOICE! •DU PONT NYLON •COMMERCIAL TWEEDS • HERCULON COMPLETELY $ INSTALLED OVER LUXURIOUS FOAM PADDING v;~: .. ,,~~~·-"lf?'·:lli·-_....'!11"'.,,. .,.. ~ .ELANESE'~RTREL: Jll!!R·~ THE T.ESTED NAME IN FIBERS ~n 100% FORTREL POLYESTER. LUSH, DEEP ( ,,' LONG·WEARING ANO HARD·TO·SOIL. STAYS I G I BEAUTIFUL WITH A MINI MUM OF CARE. ~ '.E ~ VERY RESILIENT. BEAUTI FUL DECORATOR PP.ICED '~-1 THREE COLOR SHAG. cm ... 11 •f~•t ••1•H~11u••111~,.1~.1111111( u COMPARABLE RETAIL ...................... $8.99 KODEL TRl·COL@R $~~.t:.v 100% KOOEL POLYESTER PILE. RICH, DEEP, LUXURIOU SLY THICK PILE. MANY NE'.'/ HI· STYLE DECORATOR THREE COLOR SHAG TO SELECT FROM. RESISTS DI RT AND SOIL STAINS. 1. . ~· -E f RiC£0 COMPARABLE RETAIL .. . ... $8.99 r;--J ~ DUPONT DAC:lll~~ f~~·C@l!..(} SHAG 100% DACRON POLYESTER PI LE. BEA.U T!· FUL, NEW DEEP SHAG. EASY TO ·MAINTAI N. MANY NEW DECORATOR COLORS TO CHOOS E FROM. t,J ,/ SALE f il!CED ... $8.!>9 Feels like "'"'.-"lwem tlher DO-IT·YDURSELF carpet -easy to install. 100% KODEL POLYESTER PILE. RICH . LUXUR IOUSLY THI CK PILE •.• NEW DECORATOR COLORS. •12"x12" 29 • 100'10 Nylon Pile SAVE c •Stain Res istant 59t EA NOW SALE PRICED.................... • NOW SALE PR ICED .... ALLIED NYL@H S~~q; SQ. YD. SJ~E $3.00 SQ. YD. SAVE $3.00 ; NYLON Hl·LOW 100% CONTINUOUS FILAMENT NYLON 2 ,, " r-:l,rJ;.;"':'.,6111 NEl~-:H~VY."~£(; --.... PILE. POPULAR NYLON HI -LOW THAT J th1i m•M; SHAG STYLED TD l(] • isT QUALITY NAME BRAND CARPETS AT tow D1scouNT PRICES COMBINES BEAUTY AND DURABILITY. ~ 'P ~· r·' f(. ADD BEAUTY To : • SELECT FROM THE LARGEST CARPET IN VENTORY IN THE WEST MANY COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM. SO;J,•· ··'. /a;;Pu° fll'"' r/'j'/,.H ANY H D~E. O:. - • EVERY ROLL OF CA RPET IS MARKED ANO PRJCEO FOR YOUR 0 E $,. . Qi•"'1ct11 CORATOR COLORS SHOPPING CONVENIENCE N W SAL PRICED...... $2.00 r • $3.00 • Atl LABOR UNCONDlllON AltY GUARANTEED COMPARABLE RETAIL .......................... $4.99 COMPARABLE RETAIL ........................ $7.99 """"-:=:~-===;=~====::===~;:::;;:::::::;:;;:::;;~71-~~~~~~~~~~'-----l ·+-~~~~~~~~~~;__;__~ ---· ---., x '" . ~· • ~ ~ DUPONT TRl·COLOR Zl ALLIED NYLON PL~r.:~J 8.f~rJ,, SHAG SHAG 1 r'A-pj,r,fvt:;'.,61A· NEW.HEAVY.DEEP ,yj AVLIN@ISATM 99 IDO% DUPONT NYLON PILE. DEEP. 399 k rf/JamJ'>"rj SHAG.STYLED TD "'• Of FM C CORP, RICH, DURABLE SHAG. BEAUTIFUL ~ AOD BEAUTY TO ~ 100% AVLIN® POLYESTER. BEAUTIFUL, Si. ID. NEW THREE COLOR DESIGNS. ~.J~· 1·· ~I~"' I (~H ANY HOME. OE· DEEP, LUSH SHAG. MANY NEW COLORS ::.:~ NOW SALE PRICED....... $3 .00 "'"""' CORATDR COLORS. 99 SQ, YD. SAVE $4.00 TO CHOOSE FROM. NOW SALE PRICED.... , COMPARABLE RETAIL .......................... $7.99 4 COMPARABLE RETAIL ............ . $10.99 COMPARABLE RETAIL ... $7:99 1 OOO's OF REMNANTS LARGE SIZE 60 01 I SMALL SIZE 80 01_ SAVIHCS UP TO • , • /0 SAVINGS UP TO , . , /0 LIV ING ROOM, DINING ROOM, ETC. HALLWAYS, BATHS, CARS, [JC. BRING YOUR ROOM MEASUREMENTS KITCHEN CARPETS NAME BRANDS. NEW DESIGNER ' DESIGNS. HI-DENSITY FOAM BACK. 3'' j SO GREAT FOR KITCHENS, POOL ~ DECKS, PATIOS, ETC. 5~.J~· NOW SALE PRICED...... J',00 COMPARABLE RETAIL .......................... $7.99 CONTRACTORS! APARTMENT OWNERS! HOME OWNERS! CUT AND CARRY I. BATHROOM CARPET ••. Waterproof and Foam-Backed. LIMITED SAVE ~f~ 2. INDOOR-OUTDOOR ... Perfect for Patios and Pool Areas. QUANTITIES! $ $ $ PRICED 3. FOAM BACKED CARPETING ••• Excellent for All Areas. COMPARABLE RETAIL $4.99 ENCRON POLYESTE PI LE OF 100% EN CRON POLYESTER. DEEP, THICK, LUXURIOUS CARPET ... OPTIM UM PERFORMANC E. LONG WEAR AND RESILIENT. NOW SALE PRICED........ $6.00 COMPARABLE RETAIL ........................ $15.99 ALLIED YLON SEtAG I New, lieovy derp 99 . < shog. Slyled 10 odd be ou ty lo ony home. SO.YO. SJ.YI $J,M ·-·-~, ... -.. ~ .. ---...... COMPARABLE RETAIL ...... ~ ............ $10.99 ~· ·--'"- • J0-60-90 DIYS NO INTERESI • CONVENIENT CREDI! PLANS IND BINK TERMS IVAILIBLE • CILL FOR FR££ SHOP-IT· HOME SERVICE • VISll DUR CUSIOM !JiAP£RY OEPI. WEST LOS ANGELES 11841 Wilshlrt Blvd. 477·5525 San Diego freeway to Wil· sh ire furn off. 6 bloc ks west on Wilshire. PASADENA 2660 E. Coloroda Blvd. 577-1900 t Colorado Blvd, et San Gabriel Blvd. CANOGA PARK WEST COVINA NO. HOLLYWOOD ANAHEIM LONG BEACH 21038 Sherman Woy 2526 E: Wor~man Ave. 7007 laurel Canyon 649 N. Euclid St. 30:08 Bellflower Blvd. 347-2334 966-4471 Blvd. -912-2200 635-7674 421 ·!934 Ventura Freeway to Canoga San Bernardino Frwy., to Hollywood freeway to Sher· 2 blocks North ol Santa San D[ego fr eeway to Bell- Ave. North lo Sheiman Way Crtrus St. 2 blocks No. on man Way. East IO La urel Ana frwy. on Euclid Across flower Blvl. Turn ofl Norlh then right. Citrus to Workman. Canyon Blvd. from Ca li f. fed. on Bellflower. TORRANCE VENTURA COSTA MESA WHITT IER 4236 Artesia Blvd, 2501 E. Main St. SAN CARLOS 542-6696 641-5041 1714 Newport llvd. 930 El Camino Real 15911 E. Wh ittitr llvd. I Block Ea st of Hawthorne 3 blocks West of five 645-3020 592-5621 943.0161 Blvd. on Artesia. Points on Main. Newport Blvd • .t 17th' St. HOLLYWOOD 1815 N. Vermont Ave. 666·7455 1 hlocks Norlh of Holly- wood Blvd. on Vermont MILLBRAE 320 El Camino Rtal 692·2555 r • ( 1 • 1 • • New Skyli1ie1· Royal Savings and Loan Associat\on has opened th e doors of its ne\v seven-story building on El Toro !toa d. 1'he nc\vcst ac.tdition to the Mi.c;sion Viejo-E l 1'o ro skyline \1·as cornpletcd last \veck . 1'he ai·chi- tect 1\las 0 .K. Earl. J~oyal Sav in gs 1viU occupy the first floor. Blue Cross ~Battlin g A utornobile Insurers By JOllN CUNNIFF "-" Suti11t11 A111lyn NE\V YORK -\\lhile a :na- jor battle is loudly waged bet1\•ecn advocates of the prl'Scnt ''fault'' system of \'chicle insurance and pro- ponents of "no-faul t," another battle is being fought bct1veen Blue Cross and auto insurers. To say that the second con- flict is a sn1aller one might cause one to misjtidge its site. It too iilvolves hundreds of rnitlions or dollars. c v e n billions. and eventually migh t set off just as many fireworks. BLJ1' IN the p re s c n t legislative context, it is the bJ!llc withir1 the battle. the broader one bcTlig \\·hethcr states should rem ain \\•ith fault insurance. 1n v.'hk·h pay1ncnts are made by the negligent dr iver's insurer, er no-fault. in \\'hich lhe driver's 01\·n insurer pays. regardlcs.~ of fault. lllue Cross. \\•hich provides he<ilth insurance coverage for 75 rnillion subscribers. le1•!s that il should continue to be the prim<iry provider under '/11co1n es' DiJJ in SF SA:-/ FRANCISCO (API -The average family in· con1e in San Francisco. as figured according to the 1970 census. 1vns $10,503 a year, a bit be101\' the statewide figure, says the Census Bureau. The stRlew idc average. the bureau · reported over the weekend . was $10.732, for 1969-the last available government figure. The city's 7 I 5 , 6 7 J residents 16 yea rs and older, included 62 percent in "'hite collar jobs and 19 percent in government jobs, apparently also white collar. Seventy-three percent of the men and so percent or the wo1nen were in the labor force, lhr. report said. any state or federal no-Jault plans. Some automobile insurers feel differentl y. \Vilh big premiUms at stake, they seek a major role in selling health coverage as part or the o•:er- all auto insurance packagr. So far, Blue Cross has been wa ging a less tha n successful battle, having won no clear-cut victory in any of the se ven si.ite plans that qualify, more or less. as no-fauJt. It is still fighting in other states and \Vashington, D.C. The auto insurers. says 1 Blue Cross spokesn1an. are powerful lobbyists, but non· profit Blue Cross still hopes to make a major impact on any federal legis lation. Although a federal no-fault la"' is unlikely in this session of Congress \1•lll al le ast se t up guidelines \.\'ithin which the states must l\'ork . \\l llY DOES Blue Cross 1vant the business? First of al!, because it already has it In the view of Walter ~lcNerney, Bl ue Cross presi- dent. auto insurers should sup- plement regular health care protection only in primary health coverage is inadequate to cover the cost of care. If 75 million Americans are already covered by Blue CrQss, he argues, why should they be forced to pay ad· dirionnl premium s for duplicate coverage by auto ·in- surers? And there is the mailer of efficiency and cost. "Our overhead is only 7 cents on the dollar." sa\'s J\1 c Nern c v. "Theirs is 4o cents." · M.9re than $1 billion ln medrcal expenses wi!J be paid because of automobile ac- cidents this year. lf these ex- penses w e r e underwritten solely by auto i n surer s . l\'lcNerney claims, that bill would rise by $400 million. By contrast, he adds, if Blue Cross and Blue Shield had sole responsibility for underwriting these expenses, administrative or operating costs \.\'ou\d add only $70 million to the bill, or $330 million less. J\10REOVER, he adds, the nation's 74 Blue Cross plans arc in a much stronger posi - tion to exert pressure on health care costs, which have been rising swiftly. DAil Y PILOT Wall St1"e~t's 'Language' A Hindrance? Nl::\Y YORK (AP ) -\\'all Strcel's effo11s at stlling it~clf to lhe public a.re btlnp; betra)•ed, a distinguished securities official has chargl'd The-traitor: the language. Wall S~reet's \'ocabulary i..;, so to speak, tht" language ol M1e street. JI is unique, quaint, mys terous, slangy. And. in th!.! opinion of Leon Kendall, "11 binds our thought processes " Kendall is president of Uh· Securities Industry AssOt'ia· lion, a trade group thnt represents many or the largl' stock markt"t firm s. As he sees ii. ~treet talk reveal~ !l'Uf't.' about 1hl'. UM>r thi4H II l'O!UlllUlliCIHf'" to lht" hs!t'l!t'r "Tbe euo;10111t'r ~u11 ha1 l' u round lot or ;1u odd lot ." .:-3\~ Kend:ill "lie c1111 h:.11'<' ;1 U1i;: Buar<l Slu<-k i'f 1'11''1'-'[l~ .111 i,11·1·r·ll1c-ctJl'.tlll'I' ~t\X.\\ ll lu·':-. lu(·k~' rn:n bt· l'\ t'll ;1 hut 1 .;ut• "If he's ;1 !11!lt• 11u1n1 ~uphis!icated. pcrh:1p~ \It' r1t11 1Jf;('r 11lnl a put tir ;1 r.111 l)!r1ps. s1r:1ps. :'.!t r ad cl I 1•:.. ~preud~. of 111·1_1 h1· 1 tll'•TI' !1onar~ <it·eo,:nt Th(' \1JC<1bL!i1r~ ll! \~-;i~l Street is spoken :-;11·1ftl\' ;11at 111!h a ssur~r11·e thal ":I lh '"'' ~1 ho should l-Hci11 11 di u•t· dt•rstand • N;iturall\' r11oucl1 ll ll'C'Tnh1·r of lhc b11~1tig \lllOhr '>f•lt1t1111 d 111·.., lu 111..':llL. l< t!.1~ 11..irld l1·~\ hf. bt n·11·;,[l·J t;1 ,1 fuullsl1 4Ut'~[111n L1u1~0a~t' 11! 1l1;1t wrt 1• n1c:i1·1 tu di;,1.'0Ul':L)!l' <}U(',:.\IUnS :)l.1111r llf II c11n b<· t!'lll't'(l hat•k lo tht• d;il 11h1'n 11111 pt1bli1· \\,1Sll I 111•;•tl('J, t\011 ll lS h.r11d<1!1 rt•1nu1Cl·d <1 rcvt•ul tnark\'!1ni.: rnel'l1n;.: 11f till' l\\•11 1 'or'k Slnek l'"l'h.111).;l' \11 ;it ;i 1 j'lllOt' 1 Ol'.abu\.1ry 1111\ only lnn1ts thl' e1pae 1t~ iv tluuk. but 1nnr1• 1n11Xlrtt111th 1t l111111, !hr nh1hty to p1rk up nt'\\' "\\'hat do \ll' du aJi,•,1t a··' 1~1· a~kt'd ;\rl\J h,• <Jtl .. \I t'ri:d \111 t•1 t•ry 11n11i ·~t't·ri hl- th<tllJ!t-<l hC' '\:lid hul f\t'r1· l1111d .:.houli.1 bc _,~::;.ll·n1atic:ilh 1·\,11' r:lJ lo d1\l'ltHllk.' If ll L) f'·!I' I t1·ul 1111h tlu· lcncl~ of );t ,o\t 1n a r i.. "I 1 11 i: r(11n- n n•n1t"ll iun~ · !11• 1hl'l1 propoM·rJ fonn:l!JOTl 11ord~ llS.l"ll 111 d1·al1ng 1111h lh<' publll·. Xci..i:Jl'<L he :sanl. art "11('11·. fresh, posuh c, dfs\'fli>" l11·e. n1odern tern1s" That 11·ould be tht be11:turilng. "\\!hen a successful new \ OC"abulary Is d('veloped, It 11·\ll l.ilke rtpro1ramming or our sntesn1en. our operationii ('>('Opie. l'\'en our owners and rnunagcrs to implement il It rna y even take laVt' changes." Pl .1 pr.iltS<\Ullllll 1)1;1/'~l'tlng,,~ -----------.-.;;;.;; .... ----~ii!i~--· l'on'nllHl't' to 1•xplor<' th(''I LEAVING TOWN? D<>•" ""' ,.,. 1st & 2nd How To Hold FALSE TEETH Securely n .. f,1 ~-· 1+.,11 ..... ,bhrr t~· y1H1 by f , •.1i.r 1 • .,., "'h• n •'1•11 '"'· l11UJh, ,,. • I~ ' \ ,1, nt11rt 11d)w11111· 1·11n ht•h). 1 \~ r1.t;·r1r • ~11 •. J, r1u1n •a Ion,. ,., fr11.,.r, ~11·,.1,,.• 1i,.1.J ~l1kl'll ,.1H• 111 • l• ••t•· <'lll!•\11hlo Ft r ''"'"' .,'(lltllY ~,,,i ~··'l•'1"1.'ll<>l' t'.\"Tl::t::'l'tl Dt"ti· 111 .. \Jh~.,,,. l'1•"Jt'• !Jtnlurt• th.11 i.1 ,, .,. ,.,,..n11.il h> h"alt h. !ie. )v.1r .J•·1111.t rt•;u.\atl), M0Mf U~PllOTECTE.D R E N T R.E. LOANS llN ULTllASONlC BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM Nt ln11~1111"" C1!1r1e CAlL r oll: IN,ORMAllON SEA COAST ALARM SYSTEMS Do~o\!I~ Of Set C•111 lltrn Supply 16Sl Pl•c•ntl.i--Co1t11 M•t• 642-l4'0 e $1 ,000 t• SJt,OOI • l 1tr• llMt e fer ll.I , IA C•llf. e f•t 9 11k• S.rtlc• CALL 847-5200 RELIABLE Drln1t Ct. tlflct 1710 l7WMJ lctlt c••lftr, H 11111 Nation's Largest Fe deral offers Nation's highest interest on insured savings 6%, $51000 minimum certificate accounts-f'l\·o to fi\'e year term s. 5 r~ passboo~ aC"copnt\ :J\ail<1h!t al.'"· ji.RJili Parkillg ~i. ""•15ctr. FREE .FREE Trust Deed Note Collcclion \Vith SI ,000 minimum bal.11t('t. .FREE Sa.-iogs Banks Loan Coumeling and 1itmt1n on homr, pool, pt0Pt117 impro•emtnl .and mobilt bomt loau.'i, fREE \ !ooey Ord en; '' itf1 SI ,000 ·pinimum ball.DCC. FltEI:: \lonlhly \!oney Plan • FREE J'hotocopy Sen ice With SJ ,000 minimum Nlaltcr. Community Room s for charilablt and rducational group~. \Vhrrt ITJilablt. .FREE 1·ravelers Checks \'ilh SI ,000 minimum balllK'l' fRE£ FREE N~ry Senirc Wi ,000 Ui a11tt. sa .. -by-Mail l'oslllgc .FREE Exchange Checks fREE Payroll Saviogs Uc duct ion Pinn lntcrhranch J)eposils and \Vithdratt•al~ 1l 1ny uf uur on1rrl!. FREE On-Line Electl'Ollic Instant ·"ervirr FREE Oleck. Holden '"" 1ift l'ltKk"I. FOR YOUR CONVEN IENCE . ALL OFFICES WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY, JULY 8, FROM 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M . .... CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS Costa Mesa Oftice : Anaheim Office: Orange Offic.e: M* ·, 8 21001l:i1bor 8()+1•evud 646-2.300 COO~• ~ rl '"-•tin<Jt 77&·2222 ~050 Melropolll1n Drive ..if! City Center 639-3033 ' Cfl •7:t I ' .. 2 DAIL~ PILOT S WtdntM!a.1, July S, 1972 ~-ev'• Wort/a McGove r11 OVER THE COUNTER -.~~:-.z=i:.r11•=-,.,,.,-==-= I ' ' -"'"'~ "r.' "'' >> '! '"'" )v\ • 1 ~e.:.u Lei ,~ •~• 1'fM• t.o 2t'lo 21"\lo Ill-ll:HK!ll(ln\ rt t "''' ""' '• lndl f\11(1 •\l\ 3''• ete .. (O) , )t,~ l•bo ~0 lt.,., :r.J\4 ~UHllf'd llv ,,.. N•· "'"'" or '~"'11· Ar 1~1 j'• 'o'• 1n1 Alvrn t1 ·, i r. !'u Un•v 2l'• :·•6-•b Proa !•"' I! tfM•l 4 11oc,1111o11 ot llOf'I, ••O ~o "°t Al~t n \ c ' 1 ,•, ,,, '' "r.' , I' , .,,,, ''' '''' 1 '' 'Kvrul" OHi"'' ~I •Cf~I Awico ~lld '" ' ··• \" 11-1 A • ·~ ' "'' Did' 11ro •II•" TrM\Hcllol'o\ il\lr,: Y:v ••• 1 nt S\'Cnl 121 1l1 1c• t-0 H • J rTtl'Mll.< OllG~ 11'1" ,.,. •• n ... INOU'T•IAIS Al~ '" ~·• ''\ 11>11li1 lo 111 20'"1 lt1c1u tn' \~-.·,I 111"120'• t tCl'I t!Mr •I ol M-I V Alpfl Gao 1 20.. I l..DrPfl •4 li lvol Mt )1 ll 11,,.,,., fl 1~1 :61 clO'• lft•l.,.n Jul~ l~ un A.tr! A«•I j'" lJO.. Jecobl .,I ,,, ' Ao.• Eo ._. ... 1, '"'on "1 2 • ~" i!rM 1 T.,e e1K1I•· lilt• Al~ Ame.,. P 1 \1 J•toon SI ''~( 17'~ A_Dtltl Mw " l)'•ITt•.n.n :oil 1. \1 !lf)ft l "" Pie! ll'(h1(1e .4(1,11.1\nl 37'~ lilt. AmEI Lb 'lo !'• Jtm Ntl 2 l 001no L 111• 17 ILl'I ,,.._., 0 /) :;:::;:_;::_:.::;_;::::::;::..;::::::::;:__:;:_.:_=1Am (~pr !I Si • J""""' )f"" If~ il0<i1• C11 2!'• 21'• r~·tv Coll Grant Bid Reveal e<l By S\'L\1A PORTE!\ NASO listing• for Mond1y, J uly 3, 1972 10\IMtr °"'*'' ttl AMO UflL1TIEI ... u1..i1 fi , •• 2(\o ! ~ IJl1 1 ... ~1·ri191, ... (.O 01, 11 •, l•vlor w ••u. %'• Arn Fin(! n •1 1ll'• J1Uy ~di I '"II.owe Fol 14 7•1•1'"•11'1 B• I "~ 191. lr Sen. C•-rgo 'lcGovern Am Fnrn H •• 1•'• 191rv11 M f 17'~ A,11~1 51ov ~, y r•~rll'I A ''" ~ ...,.., 1• Am G•te «i'• ll KAl••r Si !.'"' J!o r(v!tw:J (.r -··~ .s" f~wnuo 6.1 61 were to betoint! President <>£ Am i 111v .,., •7• .. <•l••r 11t 11"10 1!" S•<lll•• w , , .~ •l''•'anv ••• 9'1 and an impr<1vement in )'OUr Amo~~· •II ~ Kaivar c: u .. l i.. s•<i• AU• ..,.,, :ic•. '"'• oc 1:·• l J" the US and 'f he then -uld •nl'lc•,.r 6.•·· 6'\~ K•m•n 't0,1° "°"' S•min•• 19\o 7'll 1r·1.1n ••• s • • J .. v relatlvt status Ank•n in •'• !'· 1tearr1 lk t • l •I san11 An 'B l'1 r~o co ~,,, 311,, put into effect Jl(llicie.s he h..1s ' • Artt E<1"' '~ ;:• ~;1/""od~ 111,_,ll'• !••'"' o• u • 1•.!Towit Mr,..._ fl'• • 1 • As a f .!ln1lly of four earning Aton Mv1 ,., j!' • t.:.euT , 'l i·, ~i.. •~a Fo• s1 . ., $1', i , • ., c~r ,.._ ,. • consistent y and persistently $tl,OOO to, say $2-0,000, this :~~?:. Hr ~~.; ,.,.: .. ,~,1 ~o it•' 191• SCA s..-v 12~, "'"!'r" G••P 1s•. 1• • (.'·or·• •hat jgh1 It ' Auo0 Cot&,;,. ''' .:.~ c..,~, 1i•" 111' t•.,•lln 5 J 'l'r1mc::o '•" 21'•o ~ .... , "" m mean grant program must mean at ,,, c ., ,,, ,,.! <r•• p c !'' ,, • ~""''' •l t• Trko Pro 42'':1 o•. to ? Y J .. • ·~·' IClno Fllr ~ l:i.t. i<flon Ir> .a.i•:. •1'• lrlo1!r I tl• ,~, you · OU, leas t a modest Increase in ~~l~o ~';Z 'l;:; ·,\ Klnl "ul ,,., 1~, 5tl Como 21, 1'• Tul1co f.P 11•0 12 4s a mJddlc-t F I t th l!i.l'ld•o llO'-u~: ..:M 1rd l • 1.; Stoot Inc 1•'1r u • ''"'" o tc lS\.:i 3a" your axes. or, repea, e kl1neM £ 10 1t•• 11:~~11t Jr '6. ~1 ... !.<'·'' inn Jl, 32•,11v1on• F n it•. Jncome tax· k . . th t th t e11~ av.c19 , •• ~ ~s·, 11: 1•1 ,.,u ;1 ~1 i.cr·~ 11 Y<11o 2•"' u., M(Gll 'I'~ 10 • C'f point ts a e gran Ila$!'" F ~J, l4 L11:1 \u '° 11 5<•:1110 • J '~' ul Bii. Nt >'• 7 Payer in a Id be . dd 't' t Dav en x; ... j llo L.tn(t •1 ', •'Vi S..• V11;<1 'I 2'1l \,I f nv•I 11•. 11 wou 1n a 1 Ion o your a~k1n <.o I!'• ''" L•n• co ~'• $i ....... 1 """'' :;..•, Js11o us sua1r ~1'" ~· brutal I 3 ~ older earni'ngs-., nd you're at a~,,," ' .. !.', ',9;·, ''"• L•" 1n'1 ' 1 •• ~e1, .... 1t 1;1, ,. us Trll L 1 " 11~. " 8 ,. . t L1-..1er c :ia ~•'• ,,.~,. vo •6•1 '9 univ ~c~ II\~ 1~"' and co s t-the income level where you ll•u o,m l9': •C''> L~•wv Fr J1'~ :ill" s11,101r "" 16" 11•0 Vi> Pt'IP :n 2111 r I • • ll lncl'lr i'o j'" L1lsur Gr 1'r )~ S!\C"llr C.> I•·• 'lll-,.. Vence S<1 H'~ lS>;o 0 • Iv In g OWl! taxe s McGo vern told the lll•tk Ill~ ~2'· 3 '• Lewis !IF ll'• 13 ;11·row I! • 16llo V•" $11(k •D' I •1 , A · uoeue El I•• 1~, Llb1r1! M lJ" 1( Sm•l'I$ "l' ii·• Ii'• Ve""°" 1lt~ 11 squeeze. s Joint st.:bcom.Jnitlce that if 1100111 No lS" 36 Linc d11 1• , 1s•1o sr.~11 ro1, •)1. '1"" ... °' s._ i'\i l!''• r · "\ . ' IJ.•fn(ll I n ,,,., Lontoln T 16'0 j'h ~"OCO f' 4'1•t W•dwlfl ••1 !)•, a ant I Y the grant were $1 000 lhe In· B•own A• lS''i "'•Lion C•S• '''• !'~ soi::a• v.r '' ""1W11obM lO't 1u , I t ' ' . B•11~11 WI !'h ii'• Loot1w l'lo 61• ~oi'lE 1..i ·~'~ 31 ... w Rt•de !~<6 7 c ose o, at crease ir taxes on a ff11n1lv Jn l'IU{klll ,., 1111 Loc111t 101, JH. so 111:t.•s1 ''" """ w1rwlk ,., 1'• or belo11i· tht ro1tTt:1: this $12 Ooo-to-$20.000 braCkcl i~1~~~"' l:" ~~ ~"!. .... 1r.1~~ ~!;; !r~ ~~nc1p.,~ .~~·'·2:g:;.::~~ ~Z ::~ :~:: _ m1g t ......, a year. •m Br" 1~··· 111•~ M11ck• '''" 1.i•; ~""' ~" 11 it Wtbb Re s" ! .. • povertv line? As homeoy,'flcr . h be, ••• ~111 w1sv ,5·, 11•' M•I ~1 ~ ~ • •·· ~,.i;;, co u ... i n.~111• Mt :k<·~ 31 virtually crushtd by soaring • As a family earning ::=n"'~ 111'1 111 ~·r,",.!", '''' it··· ;ow E .v ••'• u~ we1q1 v11 3l'1 ,.,, ~ T un 511 , 51\o Spe...-ay 1-'~ ''-1ldlrr1 ' 61 ~ Property taxes? $20 ooo t ~s ooo and up -••, «h 11' ''I) Miu1 Ln<1 1~. 9 'if<'("'r• 311;, l.<~i w111m:i M '"~ 1~t:. ' 0 ... ' IP Ml .... Ii .Iii 1 Crnck S.11~ .16''. ~ ..... 11111 G ''"' 11'• W1lc•! Pl •'• ~·· Answer: Higher taxes and middle to upper middle -the ?:~e~'"'1a~ 1~! ~;·· .• ~c,o.,"m•v n•.. ',',}: s,•,•,"," 1o •,,",' •l', wesr Mrq 6'~2 1• • d Ca II { 11'1 1n 15\l. • e(I. t 16 W>I Publ 16" ~6~:. not much, it any , cost of living redistribution <>f wealth woul ,.: ~.uG: I •\~ 11..; '.leal~n , ~ '1"" s1ar1 Hm !1 !J w.11, J"d '''~ :v.1..0 IT IS rN this final column o( ~~ five-part series on McGovern's economic policies that 1 am tackling his most controversial of all proposals: a plan £or redistribution of in- come from the rich to the poor. l t is in reading this final report, too, that you must take ~nto consideration the extent ·to which the senator is com-~ r om is in g, bac ktr11ck ing, r;howing how accommoda.tive :he can be and how intensely practical he is about l972's :Presidential politics. Under the ,senntor's redistribution • of -the-y,•eallh plan, every one 0£ us - man. woman and child -would receive an annual grant from the£ederal governm e n I, regardless of our income or assets. Ir, each case, the ~rant would be in addition to aiid on top of our other earnings. I am deliberately shrugging /off the grant l\1cGovem has !mentioned most often : $1 ,000 a .year. ' For A1cGovern told a Joint ,'Economic subcomm ittee only two weeks ago that he didn't want to be wedded to the $1,000 figure ... Jt might be $900 or $1.007 .64." And even more to the Jl(linl, he has become so ac- commodative that he says he won 't use any hard doll ar totals unless and until he becomes President. T h e ••present proposal is not designed for i n1 n1 e di ate legislative 'action. ' "INSTEAD, it represents a pledge that, if elected, I would , prepare ·a detailed plan and · it to the Congress.'' ' st the background of emarks, continuing to use outdated statistics would be even more of a disservice . to you than to the senator. But significant implications to .,YOU ' can nevertheless be dug out of this proposal for a mlnin1um jncome guarantee. • As a family close to the poverty line, Mc Govern's pro- gram must mean !he elimina- tion of all your tax liabilities · • \th th t · C,.mP Pl j1\" ''"" trc,, n 1• 14\lo Sier It tr> 16"• 111~ wm~ml t 11•,., » mean 1t s your wea a IS c,.onc• A ,.: ,~ ••Id tn 10 '°'*" Stk N "'• 51\.1 51'' w1n1 P~T 1ii. 111 ~ being redistributed A nuge c,.11 u111 1~·~ 15'" MrJi~' ,Fr Zl'-to 2J"l<tea~ N s. is u•,, w1,c PLt 1~·. ~,._, · ,.1 llr •r •~,_. •SlAI 6( \ S!erlln $1 :l'O 1~ Wldl't" En •\o ~ portion Or the money COUld i~r!s Sec 1•1 167 ~!O!f• In 115 It Str~w Cit 11~\tll~ 'Y'tllo Fri lS ll\7 IO\r U A ~·"lo ~ ... POwC 1 1'''• :l'O\~ S"'blc Tv '"" 3 'Y'ounk Br 27 1~ ""me from nowhere else but 1r r u a 11Vt 3~ M1ll!l>OI" .a.i •:. •!"• S11<1c11 Fd •'• •'4 7•n Labs 112 ~·J .... v lark Ml '9>At.I01" M r>n Fib 19\tnll"• $uper El ''"' 11'• ZPOni UI~ 3S J.5Vt You and the higher your earn-low Cro ''" n;, l,\fllt G11 32~• 3114 =:::_..::.c.c::.:...::.c_:::.:.o_c__c_= ' ' OCllC L• ... !, •!'~ Mo A•Cll ll1 2"• r i & I ings, the bigger the bite on com s11s 2s\., ~·~ Mol!I cs..,, 12 12'" uR 11ers ILIOsers CmwTI P ?l'• 2•\~ Oll\11 Co 3''146.JSlil. ·---------,---.,--,-YOU. COIO J1ocll lt 1! oor t Pr llo I"• rorpnco il '3\.:. oort St 72~7 23'-lo New YO!'k !lJPll-Tllt lo!lo"'!lng nn ~•O•$ Co a11~ ~fl. orrltn .16"' l6h ..tiow• the 1roc~• lhtl ~av, "''""' '"·' t.fll\'U YOU a grant in -•ulcl'I R 10...., 10"" orrlt I( J9•< 2 ,~ most t'ld lost 1111 mos• besKI ofl p~rctnt -, ' t:v:ir ts1 211,. n:u Motel\ M S'H 6" of cl'laneo on 1111 Over·l~Covnltr m••kel l\tcGovern s $1 000 range to Dani lnrt 31 :UVi r:i1or c1 16,., 211,. •• ovoiKI' bv Ille NASO. ' (t D•ri!V M U•~ 1( N1rOls o 71 71 N" 1n(I 1>ercent111t cll1n1111 '"' •nt each Of US \li'OUld COme 0 Dir! Or<i ?1\o 2~>.lo Narr111 C 11•~ U \' dillrt~f llftween Yff!trd.tV'I lair bid th $200 b'll' 1 0111 ets ,., •'h N•t GsOI 12,, 12,.Z orlct •n!I toa1v·s t11•I bill price. 1n l·e an L l(lnayear. 01111 Geri 9s t&V.Nat Llbrv 27~ 28 OA.1Ht:1ts _, A ho U Oay!M Ir 23U. 2~\lo HI p I t 4'I S'" 1 Erl1Tecl'I Prdl 13'11+2'~ UP '" '" S a meowner, YO Decor In t>Ji lOllt N!Set' ~n l'" '•'' 2 Mtg Trv1I wh 3'1+ •• Uo 19,2 d •·-I \ Oeklb A~ tOV, '1 \.'f t ., l Sp!ral Me!•I C ] o ~ 1'1 \JP 19.0 coul expect s, ..... .,y owe r o.11111nn lt'/o oi,;~i?~! 0',' ','1'• ',', .... ~Ra11en Pr~ '" 11 ... ~,,,. UP 161J '1 G ~tvxt ,. 6S 61~ """ .... s Meal~ T'cn• 3 t •\ Vo l •.3 property taxes. 1• c overn 0t1 canT 16 16'% J N•I G 16,. 1611 'Flr11 Wetl Fin 1'•! '• uo 1l.3 · I th If th d Dtll nt Br !ti (II. Nwor t Pl! 17 • 18·'1\o 1 Mwr~ Svtlem' 1•, '• Uc 1'.S \\'OUld give at eas a e a -D•l'T> Cr~ 1~ 16 Nltl!llrl F •l'.lo '5llo 8 Am Micro SY' 3l I]'• Uo lll ,9 d.. I h t k r Olctev c'1 11 li:o.r. Nkc.!el In J.c 3' '!>IJllre~ Eq<1! ~·· (14 UP 11,1 tt1ona taxes e a es rom Diglt rrW: '"' 7" Nltl•tn A 10 01An con!rl>l\ ~ 1 • UP 1 .J t, t t and '1n Olvrt Scl lS l6 •™r. 51"• 11 AdvariMrv SY :n 2'• Up 10.2 corJ)(lra ions, es a es · o •• on 1 20 '°~ Nltls•n e 12 o.i.1 Pat-a11 51 , •, UP 9 s d. 'd al tO the States tO Oo(u!e-1 ;;& 31 l'!Mr. SP.&. 13 Tavlor Intern J t " UP t.1 IV1 U S :loarltlds 3n'o 3S~ No!n<I Ca J! 3' ~4 VarittS•n I 20 lS" ~1'• VI' It earmark for properly tax !'low Ji.ns ,,\, •l '" Noronr :tl''i 3l is P•koCorP .11io •' ,+ '• Up 16 reductions Your property tax ~~1~1 °11i11,4'~'1J ~r Et~ ~,_. ll1\ l1 ~;~::;:uan ?Of t'!i ~~ ~: Ii . -Dvnkiri 0 1~1·. 1J~~ W5 N1G 10~. 10"\ II s.i111mr1 "'"" 10 + '• u.. 11 es he estimates would be '.:l..,riron 15 15~, oSP c,., n 211~ 19 sv1t1m1 Ct1Pit 1a'o -1~. Uc 1 • ' '. I Fcon l ab J!\• 36 wPb Sv 'J 1]\.'J '.IO Roc~el R5<11 6'•+ '2 U11 7 8 reduced by one-third. He a SO F.d"'c S~s •'• 2v, N11x1ll (o S• SS 21 R11vGo ln,crp 5•,.;. '• Up 1.7 . · • · th Et l~~tel 11 II''> N1Klr Re 51~ •V. 11 Unlc1p!t11 .11 161,.;.1•0 UP 13 figures that, 1f you re 1n e f.rtmaa •'lo ,.,,, 01k c 1111 3•:t.l.i 31.,. 7l steak & AltRs s.11·1·1 1 ' UP 7.3 ·i ~ I t > F.ljKr Ind !16 36111 Oce&" Or ~1 51~; 21 Eritrov Conv r Ho•\ t•, Up 1,J $1 ,VIN'p us oca egory, you re ~' P•w IJ>t i•-. Othl'I La, 31'"' 33,,. n K•v$lcnt cu11 11'•+-'• uo 1.1 probably a homeowner and ~::';~vog ~i~~ ?l~~~;i~,v,,.~ 1~~ 1~'h 1 E1,1ec1v OfvLost:rt5s _,,, ott ';1 lower property taxes \\'OUld Env)rlc 1!'4 •l'.:. Oolcier Co 18 ' 19'. 1 B111r Inc ·"'! s·,-1 O!I 11 s EciYolv 01 11\o lj"li Otymo e 21'1t 2:1\~ l RovalAllftl 100 1>a-'" Alf 12.S help offset your higher income Erie lee lll o 1 i'o Omtht H l! 21, • lolor Ois11!1v~ 1 -:· QJ011 ll.1 ESO Com 10'~ 11 Ooen Ad ,,,, 41 ! Grovt Prt11 I -• '1f 11.1 taxes McGovern would help Ethen A •7 •7''1 Opl scan •'It lO\'i 6 €1111.Cnty wl• ' -\o 011 ii.1 ' ' F B Ctco 1:1.; jllo :)re PC l l" l• 7 Prcgr1m9 Svs l'l-1• Otf lOO YOU too by having the federal F1lr Lne 11'"1 l rmonl m ll!' lO'L f Ornl u1 CP WI 3'o-1o Olt 9 • ' ' Fsl 6ostn Wll'IJ l4 • ..., t Woll Corl>()•tl 1 >-h 011 7.7 government assume at least ht Ccmr 37'1. »i.. ~:;,TN: 20,\', ',:':!' 10 NatEnv C010trl 1• r-'"' Olf 1.1 , t• Isl WllF 1''o 1~ • 11 R T Svt!ems J •-'• Clll 11 one-third Of the COSt Of pub IC l=ltco Int 19\; SO Ozl1 Cro 101' 10''1 1:1 Am Elt-cl l.60 S''>-l o Olf 6 8 . . . h Flkk11r 17'\011!\'i Pabst llr """ IOO"· I] Ate ltw:JU9!rl•I r.-'• Olf 6 ' education and by g1v1ng t e Fo•t (;rnl 33 Ullo >1cctr 4.1\0 •5'1. M fm•lr,SIO 50 ,2Lr-\0.. Otf J.I . . Franll. Cp !\~ Sh :>ac Lum l1 3"1"1 1$ Pac Sclentl!lc •'•-'• O!f 5 & slate incentives to tum to pro-Fr111• El ''• 1o:n •11Sb erc1 ll~t. l l"• u. L•111•Pic 01 b 1•:.-'" All !.6 . · · l d f Frisell R 1f'• 29 Pan OcOt 11 11"• 17 1 .. 1 P•Mto "wis 1'o-'\ 011 5 s gress1ve income ins ea o Fro1 f'dE 1to , 11·. P1u1 R"' 111'> 11 1e succe is Mctiv ~·,._ 1·, Off !1 rt t Fullrr H 26'·• 11 Ptulev P ''• • ._ 19 Stl•mt Com p 13">-'• 011 ~ prope Y aXeS. Ca lb rlll '''' ii P1velle I'• ~>j '° A!ll<"d StcurlV -''•-"• Olf !.0 GarlinK '2'1 71 Pvls• Cas J6 31 ii So1lln011lsy In 2~·1-11 011 •a , A \I A · " Gn Aulm 71'• 1' Pay N Sv 11''1 11 'n Prlntoos Lid s -'• 011 t & s a mencans, .,earn· en RIE•t &'~ 9'h Pttrlt$ 1, 14 2l 1n11 Sc1nnln<i 10•.-'• 011 •. 1 • f from an Gri S~a1t 20 '1 PaG•& W 1~?~ 1$\~ )' OVCl"um ltw:lul S'•-\, 011 1.5 1ng or some escape Glatt•lt :xi'l ,,.,., P"n ' w1 16'" 11 is com11ut•r Jmg s"-v. on '·s .ver-r1·sm· g -st of living -Gle•$n w ·~·· .r.L. Pet H&H ::it Jt'" ·.c.cc..-. __ .c__ ____ -,--__ '-v Gold Mt"d "" • Ptlrollt o14 •~•·, T /ti t A t• You may ex ....... t nothing from GovE F_ct" 71'~ P•nr (r:) ,,,~ '~" e1a OS . c ave • I"-'-. C.rapll '"" l?'~ 'l '• Pholn In( 11•:. l?'O,l --------------r..1cGovern. McGovern IS not g~~1>~1 S~ f]1' r~ Piie NPW>/' 10 ;11;1, NE W 'Y'OAIC 1\JPl l-The 10 mMI 1c- f ,... ._ P'llo.rtn II'> ~"'i r •. 0 '" ,.. ~'C ~·• even making a pretense o .. rev ,.,.v 16'. 11 P w ,~ 11'"' ove s1oc...,. r• on ""' r~• r;,ove »r I 1~. P ontr T , ~ 1'.~dey 11 •UOP11td tlv N.O, O. COncen trating on efforts to Gulf tnt11 6'• ''• .~ •. "', ,",• •,. s1ock v11um• BldAtktctClttf. Gvrodv •''1 S "'.r ,... ' R..-.k Orv ADii: .t.1,700 271'1 SI'•-2• control inflation -outside of Han F,.k 27'" '' P,~,• 1 S0 !! ?!1~ ""'""e Oe.v •L900 A• .... + '• Har11tr ~ 11 11~< 0 1 ""' '" •P•'> MCI( Commun 38.000 1•1 \,p,..._ '• calling for an immediate end MerirPd F 1.6 ., Prrwv 1" ~ 101 ~ 1Ms 1n11 ~6.100 30'• »11+ '• . H~~~lon ~S'I 7•~:. rrn! G(lll 3 ~·~ Sllrling Momtx lo6.1~ 3'1 ' •. to the war and a slash in Min•• Lrn 39., ~P• Pn~s NM 1~)~ ,..,., M~1·~·111.E1 AD I:· :.o,ooo ,,,., 11 -l, , . . . •HIYW T•I 'l'> ?G "SN Car 11"• 11'1 Uni (1001~1 ":8.800 1'1'> 16"o+ 1•, m1htary spend mg, lie IS not Mon ll>!lu 2~ 1tV1 Pubnl'lr ~v. 6 11,m E•Pren 76,.SOO 58 .sa• •+ 1v, bo . . Hoo·1er 17''1 ~1,. Ou•tll~C 1">''1 )< Penn Olhh Gal U,100 e''-Flo+ '• concerned a ut curing in· Huck Ml ''• 1\, "'"''n c1 n 5'• <'•Am Ar1' cr.ns .,.,100 161'.t 16 +iv. flation via cuttinf'the federal ~~~.,P~A '~-~ ';~ ~~:~ c i:~• ~~~·NASO vc.tume rcd•v •.519.100 b d t. M G · th' k' g rlvatr C tr• "''• llo"md ,ll ~~ Advances 6ll: dKllnn .i.a; llnthertged u ge c overn Ill, m in 11vs1'r c J1'1 11v, RltM P•c 1a~1 ,,,,, 1080; 10111 3121. in terms of "inflation in-~~---• ?!A44!l! surance,. rather than "infla~ ~ - tion ~vention" -a vital distinction. Assuming McGovern gets MUTUAL FUNDS the n(lmination in Miam~. he:u CKii"· .... s:t:. a;s;ama i:~ca;;.;;ci:tM-:"""°" ~ •. rn·.~.::zl have the whole campaign 1n . h 'f d dd t th tltw York IUPI J Ooc11tcx I''' 16.'*! ._.ar P1y 920 lO.oo Rinfrl 1\_a11117 WhlC to Clarl Y aO a 0 e -F0Uowln11 1.t I 1111 Ore•tl E I 79 1~.111 !nv RP• 1 . .15 I .OJ Segitr,1' l .ll :1..!l . . · l Th' of bid ar'lll a•ked Dltll!Y,US 01:" I S •: Scll\!~lr 11 16 11 '3 Jl(llnts In these CO umnS. JS prl<ts °" Mutual Orvl Fd 1?.9• 1• 11 Grwlfl (.82 !.21 SCUDDER FC>s: . I · t•· h 1 lru t 'ill F11nd• 1~ CUOl.0 bv Orv! Lv 11.111 9.15 lncom (.02 ~.39 ln!r lny 1S 61 1517 ana ysis, nuug , S W ,,,. NA.SD inc. ~o lncrn 1.11 1.92 T .. r Vt l.~6 . B.tlenc: 16:19 16)t help you start with a basic M..-.41r:-Ju1, '· E3&:l cz:~ 1}:1: '5:U 1Ir~' F~ l2.ll 14·00 ~~.. 1~ ~ !]·?: understanding and c I ear 1'n•1d A•k ~:w~~o~ tYY Func1•7i.tc:'~:U s~~ ... ~1~•rv ,F,~s'-·"' perSl'\P('"tive Abefdn 2.21 2.2l Bain fd Janu1 Fd lf.63 19.61 lllW$l I .GS @"in r~~ . .f.OMlltALTY: ~10.70 11.15 JH1r1 otll .... t.n Ullrl F ,,~J 11°91 c;rwih 6.6-1 7.lt Gwth F 11.0l lt.'6 John'l1n 71.76 'H.11 51!lECTfD ·r os·· lncom i.J! 1.11 ln(;.mt •641 l.OI klEYSTOHIE 1 Am ••Shr 9 ;3 1f£u One-on-01ie Services Protluctivity Slack? ln$Ufrl 11.11 12.11 Slft<.11 F 11 )I 11.39 c ... !, 81 It.ti' 19.t7 DD• FU )6.~6 11:1J AClvl ttr x• t5 ~.11 $1tk Fd Cusl 81 'i·'° J2.l7 SPI S!irs 17 20 'I ao Atlna Fd 11.jl l'l.]l ~1~.16 1! .511 Cu~! B• .16 0.02 Sirn!l..fl TO Jl 11°11 A1u1urt l6. l 1'5 !l Elltrl!d 1~.38 15.n Cu1t "1 l .H t.00 !en1•Y F 11"10 19·211 AGE F<I 6,'6 6.S9 EDIE Sp Cuti K2 71<1 8.IJ HAltfHI D "c;,1t,.. · Allsta!e 1,.0llJ.l( )'Jl.«1 31 '6 C\tst SI U.5922.71 Comil ··50 'ri AIP"a F<I 16.15 16 . .ld E,C MGMT GAr: Cust 52 11.61 12.73 Enfrpr i16 ftl Amcep F I 1? /·" E'llV Gr 9.N 10.13 Cuf t Sl t.1,J 10.51 Flt! Fd S'.97 ,:51 Am Ovr.t (I) 'l E'l!Y Pr •.1>6 5.11 Cu!! $4 6.9J 7.llJ l111rbr 8.14 9 SS Am EQ!Y 60I 6, 1 Fnd Am 9.1] 10.01 APOl!c 1.02 1.71 Leve L ~61 772 AM f)(rllfSS Egret GI 11.~ \S.51 P<?lari 6.70 6.11 P11te Fd 12:.q 13:., l'UNDS : Etf1Jn lrt 71.Sl ICnockr 7.11 7.90 IH£Alt50H FO$· CIP!al t 1' 10.70 Emf•• 6.91 7.6.J Kn-r Giii 10.61 11.61 ,ll'llrc :8 M JO 70 tn,om ,.11 10.0J Energy 12.68 1' 68 Len;e Fd 1.n '·'' lncom 1~·" ~·11 1nvi1m 1 11 t.6.l E<1..,ltv F t.Jl 10.11 Lex C;r111II.DI11.11 ln¥tst 11·,, r ·ll By JOITN CUNNIFF Aui•d1tt1t ''''' wr111r NEW YORK -There is a widespread belief that In- creases in productivity are more difficult to obtain in the service industries, such as health. recreation, insurance and educa tion, than in the manu£acture or goods. And when it is noted !hat the United Stoles economy Is steadily becoming m o r e service oriented -for the fir.st time, more money was :Spent ' last year on services ,than on goods -the nolion becomes mixed vl'ilh concern. It even leads to dire forecasts that the American quest for the good life, which is .represented by the growth of services. mav lead to a deterioration of ·the nat ion's c.'Ompetitive position. A LOOK at tbt figures ~·ould tend to confi rm thr tears. During the d cnde or lthe 1960s, prodoctlvily in the 'SUYices rose by ;in annual rate (If about 2.3 pt>rCCnt com· pared with 3 ptrcent In mnnufacturing. But thnt \\a~ past. anti al· 'cording to an ;icknn\\ ledged authority on s er ,. i c c 1n· dustrit:s, John R. Beckett. ,t .need not be the future The rf· ~·ficlencies <>f v<1lt1m~. he rnn1n-~ains, are not 1imitf'd lo lhe production of goods alonr. Any Ume you have a one,on· one e.lfort, such as In the barber shop, you have llmitit· Uons, Beckett concedes . But he also claims thRt roanv sen-ice J<>bs nttd not rrqulrf 1one worker for each c.hent, . . St?e<I 10 13 ll.07 F1lr11<1 11.{16 13 u Ltx ll•sll 11.u n .t6 Sii !loen 1~1a ii.·aa illhough tnal IS often the Way Stock I 7! t.5' Fm Surf 10 SJ 10 5J llblv Fd •6.St 7.20 Side Fd 10:11 11::u Am Grlh 6'/l 6.11 FD C111!1 t.87 ~.29 Liie lnlY 107 t.tl SIOMA FUNDS · they have been practiced in Am 1n.s1 f .03 '·°' ,1vl!LITY Liie c;,..,,, 1 •t 1.10 r10 ~rw 11.00 1i.01 Am tAul )'f 0S t.lt OltOU": Ll'IC C~:o Tl.16 1•.)f Inv 11n1'16 !he Past A!TINl Gr Jn •.ot 8r><I deb t.ft 10l1 Lln11 "'"Cl t.lt ... ·Tr1t t"•6 10"31 . ,INCHOR. C•Pllll ll.111~.J'l LOOMU {llf>l\!r 1]36 liSI Jn the leaching of surgery, 0c~~t~f: •.10 10.0\ ~:"'~tee ,.~~ 10·11 st:;.~~s: r11 rn 58'1'~,.r,~ lf~ g:tt . FM! Inv '16 10.26 fl! t.•1 Cap DY 1J.t6 1l.t6 ~o GtnF 14 S9 15 18 he states there is no reason Grw111 1a.13 ll.'29 ue• 11.6-1 11.00 M..,1..,a1 1s.l6 u l6 ~wst ·nv 9J1 1o·c6 • 1ncom 1.16 l.t'l Evers! 13.~ 11 '9 LOAD All : Sw Inv G in 9°•1 whv students should be hUd· Ventur Sl.IJ 56.IO fund ll.,l 11.8! Allilal 6.9'3 7.SO Sovr tn 12,6 11·1, .1 WI Nall 141111 lod.12 p..,rl!n 1Q.3J M.ll Am Bus 3,49 J.11 S11eclr11 t 97 911 died d ti '·bl Astrori J.~I S . .11 Salem F S.91 6tV 8od deb 11.SJ 12.60 STATE tlND OR0P· aroun an opera ng l<I e A11<1~x F 1J,:it l• . .11 Tr,nd n.ltl .lO.~ L"'th•rn 1!.•9 12.S6 cum F-o 5 19 , ij I t be AXE F1HAHC'AL Lut~n In 9.93 10.I! OfvfSll ~·1s 6°}B ~·hen vast y grea er num rs MOl.H)HTON: PROGJIAMS:I Mi\Qrl.11 •.I~ IC.I} PrQ11r$ 1·1· i8S . f~"d A !,70 6.10 Flri O~n 4.ll 5 ?1 Me•nC 12.•4 U.63 Sr Fr Gr fil I" e<>uld be 1\1st as effectively Fund e 1.t11 1.11 F\" 1r><1 6.'H •Ill M•""'" s.50 601 s1 "-r inc tr 11 . Stoel!. t .IO 6.t9 F n Inc !." 6 S6 M~t GWI S.05 S.OJ srare Str s~ _,, Jl !9 taughl through tht use of A•t Sci S.17 S.71 Venl S'l ~ 1] MASS CO: STEADMAN . Fo"S· BLC G;h 11.116 lj,k l~IFO Vt 'I:/.~ l\J,t9 l=retm l.5S t.J7 Am In.cl • 90 'l'(i 'd t Babson 10.tl I .tt l'IRST lnc!O F t.31 t11 A$.te Fd 1"30 1°30 VI eo apes. (Uyroc. 1.13 9.5' IHVl!STOllS: M95t F 11.IS 13.l'I C/01JtV ,.,, i·n Btvrk pr 6.51 7.ll OIK Fd '·°' t.96 MASS l'HCL: STEIN llOf:" '0 : SOARING health care costs Bret" Ht 11 31 12.11 Gr1~ Fd 1.1.u 12.1t MIT 11.a1 11.7'9 ea11.,t ,. 02 ,,·01 6tl(ef\ 14.fl U.91 Slotll. F t.t4 10.M MIG 1•,S 16]6 C111lll 11°7) n ·n COU)d be further Slowed he 9erptr K 12.n 11.1 111 M\!ltl )1.l( ll.14 MIO l6.7j 16.llt Sieck t1::i. 1f •1 ' Berk>l'lr 6.06 6.62 hi NII {rl llj MFO 1.1 J 16.18 SIS Ol:OUr • .• says by the wides pread use of eon<1,rk 6.11 t.61 1i1 Slerr 1.16 6. • MC O lB.6l :0.1• Grw1,. i 18 1'"' .' . Bev! FIM 11.06 1'.09 Fein Gr S.1• S.n Mele$ IV 4 !J 4.1J 1ncom t"M 10 . .16 serVlceS that WOU\d relieve euc""n 6.U ..l.t1 l'OUHDEllS Mtl,.er 11.:l'J 17.71 Smml! ll 1' 11·1(1 d r h h t B LLOCK GROUP: Mid A'T> i.s6 1.11 ll'Chnl ,,. 1"10 octors o c ores 1 a are FU NDS: Grwtl'I 1•.'2 21.'n Monv F.J :J.5• l•.BG SYn<ro I': 10·~, 11 ·5s I st od t, A 8 ~11 Fd 15.l't 17.2'1 lncom (11 11) MIF Fd •. 21 l.9S fMR Al> 1~03 16ae ea pr UC .ive. m 0 n g Cdn Fd '1.15 23.tl F Mtu1I 9.'9 10.17 ~~IF Gro .~.ll 6.3' T~achrs 11.11 1i"t1 th t t d d k Div Sh r l.8' j,21 F SPKH 1•.l'I 1~.50 MuOm gt 6. I 1.ot Tem11r G 73~ IOI em: au 01na e recor eep--N1twd 10.4 11.4111 Four'q F 10.10 11.~ MUOm. 1r1 1c.~1 11.Sl Tcw1r c 1:1s 1·~3 ing oecretarial scrvicell NY ... fll 1J.1s 11.s1 Fl:AHkLtH Mur s~r" 1~.13 u.1J Tri" cao 915 , 95 , • · Srn~m 1 ... .0 11.IJ CtnTOO•AH: M"'ll Tri 2.04 2.04 Trtvl EQ 11"01 titJ Jn schools he continues we 6u$m Fit 1 J6 t.71 Fr . Grwl I.XI '·l! Net 1no.., 11 •111.u tl.tdor fi 15:•3 15:,l • ' CG Fund 11361~.)6 ONJC 11.Jf 12 NAT SEC FO : lO!h CG 51l ~6 have old fashioned concepts 1•111mr • 12 s . .c Fr u11111 .s.n j· 1 B1t1nc 10.:tt 11.,. Xlth c1 1:c ,:11 no ltov' 3.U (,10 Fr lncm 2.11 ,)I Bond ~r ~ 11 5.6S Ur>Ul.O 11001101 about the rali<> teachers to 111 S'lr• •" 1.Ji us Gv .s olvlon 1.1s • s. UnJtulld 11:19 ,. 15 (IP l 11r1 \}..6! 17.10 1110.11 ll.<11 Prtl ~!k 7.ll 7.f6 UNION SEAVICf ' student_, When, thr<1ugh the C~nl S~~ 14.tl 15.7S Fd Ml do l!J.61 11.11 lncom 5.•2 !.'1 Ol:OU"~ • CHANNING FUNDS IHCr $toe-Sr 1.70 l.•2 Brei S Iv l! 2S 16 67 use of v.ideo casetles and other Fu Hos : GRDU': Grw1h • ~1 10.to N111 1.,v 10:..., ·o ,7 . I h t , BalrKC 17.11 13.ll Comm 1! 04 !' 01 N~ Gwll 11 00 II.fl Uh C1PI " '' IS tt relative y recent tee n ques, 1t Br><1 Fc1 t 11 10 M 1m111t •.61 o.s1 NEL s1e1 11.0. 11.61 w1111111 15it u ·60 h be ho th t th Cam $1~ 1 ,, l.tO 'l(fuS tr 15 ... 16.11 NEA Ml 10.10 10.'2 UHITEO ;.L'HOS as en s wn o ese Grw111 '1~ 1.11 P•lot 1 66 9 .aii N..., cen1 l.t1 1.6' Accum 1.;! , ol t. ·-· tbe 't ' ed lncom /1S 8 1'Si11f~ 12.11 13.llNtuwll'I 171'"1l :l'9 ')rid Cfj Si f02 ra 10s nec1.1 no main a1n . Sol'<• 2 . .'IS 2 . .!7 e S·s ,. 36 !9 Newton 11:18 1J:,, cont '* li111fn ''Jn <>ur own business.'• said i~:fgN i r~rl l~ J·~ 1.36 ~fc~l~~ld J!·Jf J~Jr f,,0c"~m'iw; ,,}·J; Jf~ Beckett "we once believed Fnd Bol 12.iJ 1l.u G111our s•c• NHt 1v1r <ti \'' Stltrlc: 1:s1 9:33 • · FrQ'! CP • 1110.71 A11t~ F 131 t 1, DCHno I, • .l6 Va"11tl 1~ 15 11 19 lhat 11 life in~urance snlesman s~Tr B• 9,11 003 e11 Frid ·'' 9.31 om"" 9. 1 t .66 u11 F«ri 9::, 10·05 • < S11td 11 16 11 ?O Com $1-lj \6 1a ~ 0 Nell fd 1~ .• , U.6S ul"' '! 11 Ol 1i ro couldn't handle mort than 300 c11tm Fd 10 14 11.1• §'h FAm .oj 1 w Ol'ft wm 11 60 u.ao v Gy1 10 "' 10·u COLOH'AL r!~ Ind ll l 15.IQ O"PEHNM ~O· VALUE LINE f c"l i or 400 customers. Now "'e ex-Fcu"os: 10 ... u1rc1 , "',. ,.,. C'• Ai,,, 11.sa l'·l' V•j l,,. '·" 1,1 ., Qflv•r .... ... MmH 0 • . IJoll fl'fll '·" o • V1 lnt ,.01 \" pect them fO C&re for 1 000. fOll•IY 'St S.1u Hll'l'I (;r I K t.16 (".o T 1't II '' lj.J2 Lrv Cilh II Ol t~·Ot . h,'f , Fllncl 111l12.ll H1m l"c •.10 l..610TC Stc ljO<l l Ot Vil Sac Sao ··16 IrorucaJly the c 1e 1n-c;r .. 1h 121 Tia H1rTWt.I M q l• ~ P1r·1rnt ·1, ,:.so VAHCI! · . ' I tncom lC 03 10.91 111rt L¥ 1i 1'0 l~ !'O l>tul A""" 1 t 9 tl SAHOElll : Jired1ent or s e r v c e pro. vt111u• s •s '50 Ht<tll#t • 13 '.., P~ Mui ,, 111 "°' ""ml , n , " I ti · • ( h' )olum 0 11 5' 17.Sf Hl!'OO• t.t• 991 "'"" SP lt:1 130 tl'O\ Cm t N !OIO ( UC VLIY IS (I ten R mac 1ne. ~OMMOl'lWL TH Htrhof l » J II 1•111111 Fd 16 ·gJ 11 5' \Oftl ,, ;., 1···· In the cast of the jnsurance .. •~sJi 111 , ff ~Yf~'b'•o 10MG1Ur ~\~'~ l~·,i I& ~ll' ~~~~J ~-~ !·~ t f I It d , ' 1 ft 1 Oil:" Pion }',,, o •I 1G° Vint 1090 .. ,:t " :lj?(!l'I ., Of (!X8mpr!, ray;s ~ lr 711 I 1vg F~'!d 11g;1s,.10o1or1r F<I !i7l1J 41 ,t1r!ed I •SJ tn 11p r~opo~a1s. not1ries him,:;: c: 11' r.~ c~111,.,, nc1 ,! " i:~rr :~r"i!'~o :~·t~ li'.~i W~fr, ~~ 1i1' j'if1 when it makes call• handles com"' e11 e.u •.1.1 ,, P:11nd 6.ls l P111c£ lllOWI!: w.,,. Mo1 ll 'I l' • . . ' omo FCI t.ll 10 !? ll'Tfl!fl Ct 11.1& l r ........ tf). 11··· 'i·" WPI"' eocl :,, : ' thr h1lhn1 ontrd I'"' 11 ... mo Or ··n I llw CJI ' a•' .6t WILLINGTON · • • • on' tnv 1tt11.l1 r>e f~Al'l'I 1-4 1 S 41 f'w ·1<,r •~ ·1 •j ~ O~OUP1 RC'ckett believes that the ns1r1 vw ' 7~ "' 011 '1 1.1• t:'ro t<1 ''I 1 •o•or q"' ll·" . ort.V I !., I I 11Ct A.tr! 5._~ f·lO .~ro Porll l l' •ti! t1 !' future of producllvlty 1n-0111r1i1 ;o"" 10 1"'"°" JO , 11 Pro.,1.,1 ~ S• fil[ o. u: 1 creases in sen·lces is highl y ':: O~r. 1f'L• ('1 I~ c&110 ~ lt.M ~~sf~ ,f.;l a.~ ~:,· !'::. tt:ij d d , w" 0.11 1 r Inv 1nc11t ' ~UT NAM •U v ! n eoen tnt upon ,. marriage .,, Div 1 ,, nv an1 1t 11 ll_11 f'UNOS1 wtrun ·'° 1 . "'it• monufactur'ing Withou t ~1"9 n. 1 . .u 11o1v••• a1:oul'1 Fwtt' 111' nt wlrld1r ·'' , " 'I . ~A.WAllll J10$ Giii 7.l . 1.n 1~.lt 11 1 Wt'll lr>d .I' ! .. math!··· ··-·tees u•ould re-G u .. 1 I ' 1181 ND 7 S1 I 17 (;f" .... rtt 11· .. 1J Wl11ttP J.;o .11 ·~·· • •• n D 11 1" '·" IJ. "" f O. I " IOC: ff'·~ Yjnf ~.ti! •91 .1' mAin dtpendent Upon human 8:1~ ~ l n ~~ Uhl•I Jrl0 6J ~ll :.ri:,a r lj• !! r'~~rtrl l t:~ 1tn energ)· tit""" ff ID " '° j'PCll 11 '° VO¥•• I ..... l'l"•nd. . D•KI 0 1.11 .... •Itel '» $. ,....,..,. , 11 '1 111M¥1tnJofc. FINANCE Foolproof Box 'Sees' Bad Mone y lly LEROY POPE Ul'I •uslMll Writer NE W YORK -The more sophisticated counterfeiters of Uncle Sam's currency are find- ing the i r trade more hazardous because of a new system called ~loney Scan. Money Scan is the invention of William Cooper, president of Spec tronics Corp. of New York. It looks like a refine- ment or the familiar black light :scanners used by banks to detect tampering in checks, but it's more sophisticated. · TllE CO~tPLETE system appears n ear I y foolproof. Federal Reserve banks that have tested it say it has made no mistakes so far. All the bills it labeled as phonies "·ere bad and it has yet to brand a genuine bill counterfeit . •·But I'm too \\'ary to say that any system is pennan- ently foolproof," C09per :said. ''The professional counterfeit- er~ are smnrt." For example. they liave lea rned to bleach the prir:ting off $1 bills printed on 6enuine treasury paper and reprint the bills in higher denominations." The system consists of two units: a ligh t viewer that sells for about $55 and an electronic lester lhat sells for $450. The li ght viey,·er depends for its ef· ficacy on the fact that no photochemicals are in the manuracture of genuine treasury paper. All olher papers of com parable grade and fe e l contain photochemicals. Even genuine currency can c o n t a i n photochemicals if_ the bills happen to have been laundered or have come in contact with chemicals in :some other way. UNDER TllE light vie\\•er, nny bill that :shows bluish \vhite becomes :suspect. The bank teller or the retail cashier puts it aside and demands that the person tendering it produce another bill or else initials the suspect bill for test. The electronic tester in· stantaneously tests the bill for genuiness of the paper, the ink and the secret encod ing put on it by the Federal Bureau 0£ Engraving. Up to now, the electronic tester has proved infallilbe. Spectronics has sold several thousand of the light viewers and many or the electronic testers. The Federal Reserve Banks, many retailers and New York's Offtrack betting Corp. are among the buyers who say they have used the system \\i.th great success. "Up to now,'' Cooper told United Press International, "I believe it was only the more crude counterfeits that were detected and our new system is the first that will detect re a I l y sophisticated coun- terfeits and do SCI more <>r less automatically." COOPE R SAID the need tor such a system became acute with the development of high quality offset printing and precisi<>n c<1lor p b o t <> co p y machines. These developments, which are readily available to the counterfeiter, mean he no longer must make intricate engraved steel plates by hand to print good counterfeits. It aslo means that intricacy of design no longer Is any pro- h:<:ti<>n to currency. "The protecti<>n lies in the paper, the 1nk and the secret coding he gaid, "these, even lhe most ~op h I st l ca t e d counterfeiter cannot duplicate exactly." Although the red and blue fibers in genuine treasury paper, which are not visible to the naked eye, only under magnification sUU are a good protection (or uncle Sam, they are not·infalllble. Cooper said some counterfeiters b a v e managed l<> prodll(e them In <1rdinary pape r by •ophistlcated pr1ntlng tech- niques. Aoother protective value <>f the ~1<1ney Scan system is psychological. Professional pa!lsen of bad money soon Jearn which banks and stores use Money · Scan and 1vold them. Finance Briefs e Rn11d Grn11 t WASIIINGTON -The Of- fice of Economlc Opportunity has given the Rand C<1rp. of Santo r..tonlco, a $1.5 million gran1 to acquire data relevant grarnto acquire data re~vant to policy decisions lri the health insurance area. Since Congress is con- ~iderlng reform of t h e 1\-fedicaid program and crea- tion of a national health in· surance system, OEO officials said the research program is aimed at developing data that can serve as a basis for sound natlot1al policy decisions. e V11ico1u EL SEGUNDO -North American Rockwell Corp. has agreed in principle to acquire Unicorn Systems , Irie., a :subsidiary of AnM:rican ~licrcr Systems, Inc. Terms of the agreemerit, \vhlch Is subject to ap proval of the boards or directors of North A mer i can and A m e r i c a n f\.U cro-Systems, were not disclosed. Unico m Systems, 1 n c .• designs and distributes o£fice equipment. e S11bshlinr11 LOS ANGELES ~ Security Pacific National Bank has become t h e incorporated subsidiary or Security Pacific Corp.. a new bank holding c:ompany. Frederick G. tar k in . chairman of the board, said the amended Bank Holding Company Act 0£ 1956 and the Federal Reserve B o a rd ' s regulation to allow the com- pany to engage in various ac- tivities closely re 1 ate d to banking . The company has no !lubsidiaries other than the b8hk:, he added. e Settlen1e11t LOS ANGELES -Recrion Corp.. operator of ty,·o Las Vegas casinos, says it ha s reached . a prOJ)(ISed $ 1 . 3 million settlement 0£ class ac· tion su its stemming fr om a Securities & Exchange Com. mission suit. Recrion. formerly Parvin- Oohrmann. Co., gave no details on its share of the set- tlement agai~t the company. two former o£ficers a n d others. But a Recrion lawyer said the settlement was, "very favorable." e Delay Clalms BEVERLY HILLS -or- £icials of Litton Industries, Inc ., said they have agreed to settle for $5.5 million claims made by ty,·o companies as the result of delays in c<>n- structing container ships. Under the settlement, a Lit- ton spokesman said in a state- ment Farrell Lines or New York will receive $3.5 million and American President LiM3 of San Francisco will de paid $2 million. e Expansion BEVERLY HILLS -Equity Funding Corp. of America says it has expanded a loan from $40 million to $75 million to pay for the acquisiti<>n of Northern Life Insurance Co. of Seattle. Equity, a financial services company. is buying 91 percent of the stock of Northern from Nationwide Corp. of Colum- bus, Ohio, a holding company, for $39.1 million. The re- maining minority interests will be purchased for $4.8 million. e Rnte Dlke? EL PASO -The El Paso Natural Gas Co. has asked the Federal Power Commission to grant rate increases f o r wholesalt: c u sto m e r s In Calif<>mia, the Southwest and the Pacific Northwest, In- volving 11 Western states. El Paso .!laid the increase Is required to orfset the highe r cost of borro~ capital, labor, materials, supplies and taxes. The company said the pro- pooed new rales would be kept at a minimum because of the efficiency or its new in- tegrated pipeline system. e Antitrust SAN F!IANCISCO -The ci- ty of San Francisco has filed an antitnist action in federal court aecusing five t I r e makers with price rigging and monopoly In the supply of tins ror transit ·buses. The U.S. District Court nc- llon com plained that slnco 1940 compeUtion has been stifled by the def<ndanta - Goodytar Tire and Rubber Co., Fi rHtone Tire and Rub- ber Co .. Uniroyal Inc .. B. F. Goodrich Co.. and C.ner11 ~ Would you tre1 de your best snapshot for a trip to Mexico? I Dr. }o1ui flill did .•. This snapshot of hls daughter taken in his own back· yard captured the third prize trip to Mexico !or tw o, plus $250 in last year's Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot Awards for Or. Jotln Hill. a research engineer. A,.td Carl Moser swaJJJJ ed liis best sliot for .$500 Car l E. Moser o1 Hickory, North Carolina, took a 5500 Honor Award in lhe 197 1 Kodak International Newspaper Snapshot Awa rds competition with this compelling portrait. If you take pictures you could win part of $55,000 iu travel and cas1i to be ciwarded iii tliis year'·s co11test. FOLLOW TH ESE SIMPLE RULES: • 1. l li• co,,ttit i1 1lri1Hv fo0r •lflat•..,r ph,oto9r1pli•ri fA,, t lflt• t111r i1 dtfi.,1d 11 on• ""1!01• l..obbv or •voctfiori i1 piclu r•·ltki"9 •rid ""lio do11 "ol !Tl•k• any 1ubtl1r1ti1I part of lilt living tlireu9h t1ki'l9 pictur11l , 2. l ltck·and ·whit• 'o0r 1olor pitlur11 t~lten 1fttr J11lv I, 197 1 ••• •li 9ibl1. No pictur tt !Tl•V b1 t r1 !er1d by •nv •lflplov• of th• DAILY PILOT or bv 1ny individual who p1rion1lly i1 1r191914 I~ fht m1r111f1clurt, 1•11, ''°"'"'•rcitl fini1lii'l9 or p1of111io'l1I 111• of photo9r1phic 9ood1. J. Snt p$hof1 mey b• t1lt111 with '"' ,,,, ... of ctmtrt, o" ,.,., br•'ld of filrTI. No 1~ol'lt o• r•tcuchin9 i1 p1rmitt1d 11" "•9•• fi¥11 or print1 -no cornpo•il1 picture., mult ipl• 1xpc1ur•• '' multlpl• pr inting, 4. Any "umb1r of pictur.1 m1v b• •nltrtd. Ce nl1 1t1nt'1 "''"'• addre it •"d phon • "11rnb11r "1utl b1 wr ilf•n cl1 t rly on th1 beck of •ech pict11r•. Me ll or dati~•r prints or tr1ntp•r1r1ci•1 to: DAILY PILOT Sh1p1hot Co"*••f Editor, P. 0. Bor 1560, Ci>tl• M11a, CA. 92616. !Et'Yfri•t t1" b1 h1"d.d1liv1r•d to '"V DAILY PILOT 11ffic•, but mutt'b• phy1 it1llv in hind ;,, thota offic tt by Jttcili"e ••cfi Wt ••. 1 Co,,ft1f offici1l1 fts•rYt ffie ri9hf t. Ctrry ov1r ltt• •11lli1t fot !i.id9in9 from or11 Wit~ to th• "t•I and to ••chcd• from jud9i119 tltog1th1r 111y 1ntrit1 rtteiv,d lete 111 tlie r.,,al w•ek. I. Na bl11lt·1,,d·whl!t pict11res will b. ,.,..,,.,.d. Cont•1f1,,f "'u1t b• •bi. to f11rni1h 01 1.ori9i111I nt9ativ1, if r1qu11t1d loy th• Co,,lttl Ed itor. Tht DAILY PILOT 1tsurT111 "II r•tpon1iblliy for n191tiv11 or pririh. 6. Conl•1tanl1 •r• permitttd lo tubmit piclvr•• to or1ly 0"• ll•W1p1p•r par tieip11!r19 WI tho Kod11t 1"1•rr11fional s.,1pih11t Aw1rd1. 7. ' To b, •ligibl• for a loci! grand prtt•, 1 f.O'll•1te11t rTlllt f tig" • •l1i1!Tlt'lt lhtl the pict11r1, or 1n11th11 f.lo•1ly t!mil•r pi.,. ture of th• 1•m• tulojtcl 'r tilu1tio11, ha1 11ot b1111, end will 110t lo• •r1f1r1d by him f,, 1ny ellitr conf•it i nd ""ill not b1 offt rtd f•r p11blicttlor1 to '"V P'-'lolicatipfl 1101 con'l•Cted with th it Cor1t•it. I. IMPORTANT: It t11r1 voo.i •now th• "''"'' ,.,d tddrtttt• of •"V rtcog'!iatblt p1r10"1 •PPttri"9 ;., yaur picl\!rt , Thi1 j1 "•ctutry b1c1 u1t, ;,, ordtr fo r it lo b• ant1r1d i" the nttionil judgi"t• vou m111I b• 1bl• lo gel tha ""'"''" COii••"' of •vch p1r1<1n or p•11on1 lor th.ir 10911 9111rd i1,,1, j,, lh• ciitt of mi11or1l lo permit 111• of th• pict11rt for !ht p11rp1>1• of llfuttr•· tio111, edv•rliling '°' publlc1!ion /!' 1r1y man111r. DAILY PILOT Snapshot Co11test Enter Every Wee k July 2 through A ug. 26 DeadliJ1,e Wednesday Noon Tire and Rubb<r Co. 11.-----------------..1 I • ' INGREDIENTS MAI(E • THE DIFFERENCE • . CtIOJ?- Reeipe For Variety a dash of Sydney Horris o pinch ol Art Hoppe . --~ hint ol spice a lo Jock Anderson season we/I with S. I. Hayakawa Good chefs know in any recipe it's the ingredients th at count. Th e DAILY PILOT emphasizes the 'home grown' and local ingredients (letters to th e editor, Gl oomy Gus, local editorial s), but only top quality ingredients are used on the DAILY PILOT'S editorial page , whether local or national. Besides its strong local emphasis, the DAILY PILOT serves up a variety of co lumn ists wi th a wide range of flavor. Here are a few of the diverse columnists that can be fo und on the DAILY PILOT'S editorial page. (There is no set schedule as local material has priority over columnists, but some of the top national columns appear several times each week.) * Art Hoppe Even just e pinch of Art Hoppe i1 10 sharp it edd1 flevor to your day's reading. An out.tending · political end social 1atiri1t, Hoppe ha1 been likened to Will Rogers and Merk Twein. Hi1 topic of the day can be anything. He reeds through the pape,t until he finds an item he doesn't understand - then he explains it to everybody, he 1ey1. He combines solid feet end his own whimsy to creete • unique column on the people and forces shaping our world. Art Hoppe hes 'the perfect solution to ebsolutely every· thing,' he will gleefully tell you -end mod of his solutions will eppeer sooner or later on the DAILY PILOT editorial page where they will make delightful reading. S. I. Hayakawa An editorial pege see1oned well with the writings of S. I. Hayekawe is e tasty dish, indeed. Hi1 di1· . linctive writings on higher educ•· t ion, 1emantic1 end communica- tion add much' to the variety of fla vor. He ~rites about the mechanics of understanding and misunderstand· ing, ebout ways in which our de· ci1ion1 about race or war or public policy are 1heped by the words we use in talking. 'I hope,' 11y1 Hayakawa, 'that my column i1 like a weekly letter to e friend, telling him what's on my mind end why I think it i! important.' · Hi1. peppery prose can be found 9ften adding to the reeding plee1ure pecked into the columns of the DAILY PILOt Mlitoriel page. • .Jaek Anderson Here's the colum.niat · who h11 been spicing up life for some of the netion'1 moat powerful bu1i- ile11 end political figures during the pad several months. He'• the muckrecker (thet'1 hi1 fevorite name for himself) who broke the ITT 1c1ndel kept hi1 own name in headlines for weeks end w11 awarded the Pulitzer Prize for hi1 reporting on administration policies during the lndo-,eki· den war. A1 the late Drew Peerson'1 No. I euiatent end inhe,iter of the Pearson column, Anderson learned from the me1ter muckraker. He •••• himself •• 'voice of the voicelt11' end 'the men with the X-r•y •y•• on the 1tcrtt files.' N11thl11t end no one i1 sacred when this herd.hitting columnist 1eek1 • target. Sydney Harris If you think j he pen is mightier then the sword , you should feel the needle. And Sydney Harris i1 just the men to wield the needle. He delights in usihg thit 1herp point of hi1 'pen' to deflate the pompous end disarm the stupid among the people he observes in the world around him . Humanity i1 his beet. He finds 1torie1 to tell end foibles to tell about in some of the moat unexpected places. Hi1 column is e toned 1eled of ideas skillfully pre1entttl, small dories artfully told , big stories modestly . offered end the human equation ma1terfully expounded. The Hanis touch i1 often evident on the editorial page of the DAILY PILOT, Semple it soon . They Add a 'Tasty' Editorial Page to up • in the • r • . \ I I { • Wedntsday, July 5, 1972 PILOT-AQVERTISE R 3 30 ,QAILV PILOT' • ''cliEsf~z; 3 LB. s1zE Mountain Grown FOLGE.R'S TOOTHPASTE COFFEE Regular or Mint Flavors 2.25 59c 51-'u IVEIYOAT 69' LOW Pll(I BOX OF 40 16 oz. AEROSOL ~~ ''Aqua PAK OF 96 '' Eff erdent'" 1,000 SHEET ROLLS 'Modess' Net'' Scot Tissue -NEW A ffi1lm Place To Shop! ' ' 1,11 ~J j White & Colors ROLLS for DENTURE CLEANSER TABLETS • LADIES' Bib Shortalls Snappy outfits in denim or cotton twill with zip . back and buckle shoulder straps. Shorts have cuffs and 2 patch 1 88 pockets. Stripes or.solid colors. HAIR SPRAY 1.39 S11es 8-16. Reg. 1.99 u . • LADIES' Knit Shorts Comfortable double flat knit f.;b1ic. [lastici zed waist. Ideal for 1 trav eling. Eye.catchi ng solid . .88 99c s-IVUYOAT 89' lOW PIK! colors. Sizes 8-18. Reg. 1.99 -];\ • GIRLS' .,.,.,..w· Dresses TWIN PACK '0-TIPS' 2 oz. 'CREAM 4 oz. SIZE SPRAY ''SECRET'' ANTl-PERSPIRANT 3.39 8 oz. LIQUID ''PET 'M'·' SHAMPOO FOR DOGS 11 oz. SIZE ''NOXZEMA'' MEDICATED SHAVE ,5., ... ivltVDAY J .IJ9 LOW PIKI 2V2 oz. STICK or 4 oz. SPRAY ''OLD SPICE'' DEODORANT COTTON SWABS 1 Gal. Plastic JUG Unbreakable, rustp:oof wit~ seamless 1 88 white liner. Handy shoulder pouring spQut Reg. 2.29 • SET OF 4 THERMO AD PRICES PREVAIL, Thursd1y, Joly it~ thru Sund1y; Jul7 ~o SPLATTER SCREEN Insulated Cups I . I Fine, see-through mesh saves hours of kitchen clean·up! 1.49 for hot orcold . be vera ges . Bright color s. DRUG STORES OPEN 9 AM to 10 PM " 7 DAY< A WIJK HEWl"OJtf llACH -1100 1fvJM, 'WfftdtH Pl•r• HUHTIHOTOH lllACH -AUMt • ll'MtclMlflt HUNTINGTON llACH -s11rl ....... & ........ IL TOltO -:t.nt llKklkN It'- ma5tr.1 r.ha1yP .. ~ " .... ; Sheer, quickly absorbed .•• marvelous under makeup foundation. Perfec t nighttime beauty treatment. A rich, non-greasy and gentle protector· against polluted air, sun, wiRd, etc. MITCHUM 165 TAl!J.ET BOTTLE OF ''GelusH'' 1.98 PET 'M FLEA COLLARS for CATS a. DOGS 32 01. SIZE ''FINISH'' • I 7 OI. SIZE JOHNSON'S Baby . · IOTTLE OF 100 :''BAYER'' j Shampoo • -No More I ears! Pure and Mild. - 1 . ASPIRIN TABLETS ..... MIYDA! 89' LOW PIK[ ' the pac con tuc c 0 c s slic .w Ira frui I .. --____ , Tai gating _ a Picnic. .. l'be "\\'Grid series" of ta i I g a t e cknicklng is the Harvard-Yale football ame where each fall hundreds of Old rads and their families enjoy festive Jare from the back ends of station agons outside the sladiu1n. · . Ylhy not make picknicking in the fa1n- car 1no're than a once-a-year thing ? lt is so easy to pack your movable ea st in baskets 'lhd jugs and carry a .. kitchen basket" of seasonings, con· · ents, bread and cheese . The tailgate pi cnic has oae great ad· vantage over "spread~n-lhe-ground '' outdoor feasts. It is practically insect proof, or "Look, ~1a, no ants!" A fine, easy-to.prepare tailgate picnic can feature herb bread, chic ken fried amb chops. instant kabobs . and a v~ . ado salad. CHICKEN FRIED LAMB CHOPS 8 rib lan1'b chops I egg 1 tablespoon milk 1h: cup seasoned bread cruinbs Deep fat for frying Beat egg with milk. Dip chops into the ixture, then into the bread crumbs, ating all surfaces. Fry in deep fat 350 degrees F. for four five minutes until chops are a deep olden brown. Eat like fried chicken, arm or c..-old. HERB BREAD dark bread \Vith soft butt.Cr with fresh minced chives and • AVOCADO SALAD 2 TTH!dium sized ripe avocados •,2 medium sized Bermuda on ion, sliced th in ~~cup (4 ounces1 salad oil 3 tablespoons lemon juice ~t;i teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoons bourbon Salt and pepper 1 orange Shredded lettuce Peel avocados and cut into cubes. Combine ir. a bowl with sliced onion, separated into rings, apd mix with salad Gil, lemon juice, sugar and salt, bourbon and pepper lo taste. Pour mixture over salad, cover bowl and refrigerate for several hours, stir .. ring occasionally. Before embarking on the picnic, add the orange, peeled and sectioned, and pack in a vacuum or other heat resistant container. Ser ve salad on shredded let.. tuce. lNSTA/\"' KABOBS Canned cocktail franks Cheese slices Olive.Ill Cherry tomatoes Skewer franks alternately 'o'1ith cheese slices, olives and the tiny tomatoes. GOUDA CHEESE AND GRAPES , Wax-wrapped chee.'IC is a cheerful 'traveler, elegant with grapes, or other fruits, and pastries. Plenty ol Courses ~. Imaginative Fare I Cyclers and hikers can tote their pie· nics into places that are inaccessible to the tailgate sel. These places ofLen are so delightfully out of the way that food cannot be purchased. So , it behooves the pedal.pushers and lvalkers to bring their own which can be done with a 1ninimum of preparation and a maximum of gustatory satisfaction for appetites stimulated by clean outdoor air and exercise. All the hiker needs is a knapsack and and a bit or iniagination. FISH COURSE Garfelbitter herring. sardines, smoked oysters. tiny shrimp and other piscatorial delicacies in mini·tins are easy to pack, ligh t to carry and available in infinite varieties. Spread on crackers or bread they are a boon to lusty appetites. . MEAT COURSE 1 learty slicing may be enjoyed by packing summer sausages that travel \Veil , veal sausage and canned ham that can be opened easily. DESSERT PACK Cheese. sturdy fruit and crusty French bread not only hit the spot as desserts !or the hiker, they also satisfy he·man (and she-woman) hungers induced by a day in the \Vild green yonder. KNAPSACK SOUR ' The final fill ip to the hikers picnic is---- the Knapsack Sour. ---------' Tailgate picn ic fare can be easy to prepare and take-along. Bikers and hikers alike can pack portable feasts. Peddled All this requires is the eminently totable en \·elopcs of \vh iskey sour mix, bourbon in a handy flask, ice in a vacuum jug and soda. ~1ix well and life can be beautiful. Pedal your wheels to a favorite spot and enjoy your own version of "a loaf of bread, a book of verse, etc." The simpler · the bicycle basket, the better. Black Forest ham, mustard butter, amber bread , fruits and cheese wedges can con1pri se a feast, especially when ac. companied by refreshments that really refresh. Such as: LEMONADE PUNCH Prepare a jug of strong lemonade; pack with ice cubes and mix to taste \Vilh bourbon. ' ~. • • BEA ANDERSON, Editor WtclntldlY, J1tly J, ltlt ,.,,, n Home News and Views . • Crunch Sells • By DOROTll\' \\'EXl'l\ Orange Couo1y llon1r Ad\ ist1r "Crunchy gran-<H>-ln ." lta\'t rou ht':trd that song? It's prob~tbly not as popular as the product It features. Granola, once a llt1Je-hearfl-i.1f ··ht'allh food." has been cnjoyinS:t J:rl'at llnpularil y of late. with its nu111ur;ietur(•rs n1ak111~ substnntial profit s. It is still adVl'rl isrd nnd ~vld :1s :i .. health food'' although you l'<ln find it 111 supem1arkets as \\Cll as 111 sPt·c1:11lt~· stores. \\'hat's so ~real about gr:in;-ila~ \\"h:it'' it made of'! Does it ha\'c 1n:u1y calor ie~·· llow does iL cost con1pnrl' l\'ilh othl'r cereals? · . First let's look at !he ingredi('n1 l1~1 1111 the label. A typical grannla is tnade tro1n oats, brown sugar. \'egclable oil. l\'ht>nl p:erm. sesan1e seed. s..'llt, and \•:uull;i flavoring. 11 1nay ha\ e nuls and 11r CG('Onul . hone~. suy i.:ri!s :0111 oth1'r flavorin g. If you reme1nbcr lh:it !ab..•ls h:it 111- gredients in order of in1port:1ncl'. then you can see that granola is ba sically oats \\'ith sugar and fat. The other ingredients such as wheat gcnn and sesame seeds are present in sn1.i!I ninounts and \\'OU!cl add to the protein va lue of !ht• (l,'lts. NO OIL IC you compare the gr:inJl:i's 111· gredient list \V ilh th'.lSC! o( other hig h prl\. tein prepared cercsi ls rou !ind thnt the products are si rn1 !ar i11 co111positi'1n 1•x- cept that other ce re:ils do not contain oil. One prepared Ctfcal. for example, lists oat floor, sugar. soy protr1n conc..'t'ntraie. sodium caseinate (n1ilk protei n J. salt nnd other nutrients. -. Another lists oat fl our. sugar. sov flour. milk protein. In both of the se (l:it s and sugar are the chief ingrC'dil·111 s and the soy and milk protein \V'1ulct supplt•1nrnt the protein of the oats in n1uch thr ~.111H' \\'ay as the \Vheat gcr1n and srsa1ne sel'<.I supplement the oats in gr:111nl;i. So granola is no better for you tl11:11 these cereals, but you inn.\' prefer 1l$ flavor or crunchiness. The flavor is due to the brown sugar and vanilla. 1'1.e crun- chiness result s from its being toasted with-oil. The oil. which is nol found in prepared 1·1·n'Jls and \\hH·h is tht> s1'co11d or UUr tt 1111 :-.\ pNrnull·nt ing redil'nl in graool11 plu. ... thr-hr,11111 sugar 111nkl' granola .t hi~h t·:il'1r11• 1·11rral. \Ve u;;t 11nn tc that ·n11 ounce h:is .11 ll'ns t 1:,0 calories M el pos~11Jly 111111\'. con1p:1red to ·the ... JQ9 l'alories lll .111 ounce or 'the avenec prt'!lHt'l1d l'l'!\•oll 11\lt n1o~t IX'Ople don't 1\•eigJ1 their ccrc.:tl 11hl'n 1h1•y eat it. 'l'hey measuce.1! hr pour111:.: 11 into a. bo1\•\. And hert'~ \\ h('re ~ ou r1·:1Hy havt' to 1vatch out f<>r !/J(• C'al\lrH·.., 111 granola. Rl('ll I~' CALtlRIES ll 's :i \er.\ t·on1pact . t'Onccntrat€l<f food. 1\11 vune1· nh•as ures out to be &nly about ftlUI' table.'IJllOllS, In a cup ).'OU \\'Ould eet a 11 h11pp11tt'. t>OO calorit'i'. or 1nore if m:rt...; \11·1 e ~t·ludcd \U1<:I P'l'l>Hr t'(I Cf'rcals :irr fluffv and h_cth1 ;in.I :111 •lltnce 1vill lllf'~tsurc uui l.o be a c·up 111 ,, t·u p rind a h:11f. lhl11t•\'t'r. son1e Pf•'1':1r1·rl cc1·1·a\s suc11 as t;rapt_•nui..., mlCI ('1J11<·1·111r;\1(• ;ire nc:i rl~ as 1,11 ll'l'nlrattd as gr;u11da . lt tnkes only 11th 10 I/3rd cup uf 1hl·Sc to 1nah.e nn ounvt•. So if ~'ou 'rr "'niching: calorics, you had heller 1reigh your cereals or you mq,}' be t.:l'tl in}\ n1:u1v 1nore ounces and calories 1h:111 ,\au pl;;n ned. In 1rnus of cost, gr:111ola bought In a :.11p1•f1n:irkr1 cos ts ;ibr)l( 1hc sa1ne a.~ uiany of !hl' prep.:ircd cerr.:ils. \'ou can :i<J\'C suni t• n1uney by n1aking your own. Jll're is :i rl'l'ipe that is lo\Yer in c;i lories than the i,:ra11ola you buy because it b.ls no 011· In a runnH_'<l ba king p:in 1 about 10" b.v 1;, .. , c1unhinc 3 cups rolled 0:1ls (quitk l'OOking: t,\f>e). 1! c111) \1·hrat genn IUll.'l~'t•('\l•tn!d), I ~ CllJl :0.l':lS,1Lllt' seed. 'l (·up 1l:1kc(l c0t'Ont1t t11 d1 ·!11red 1. 1• cup eti.1pprd nuts (if desirt•d1. 1 • cu p brown :>U)':lr . 1: lt-:ISl)()Oll salt :O.l1xUillll 1\·cll blrndcd. Spr111klt 1 te;l:-.· po.1 11 va nilla over the mixture and i;tu· a;;,;1in. Spread in an even layer. Bake in 2i~1 di•grec oven for about 50 minute~ Or un lil 1:n1.:•1n11l is light brown . Stir about every 10 minu tes. One cup raisin s may be added afl er the mlxtlD'e is cool. Store in a tightl y closed container at rootn temperature. Makes$% cups. Just let your imagination run wild while packing a knapsack or basket for an outing. • .. • .. ' • . t :J2 OAJLY PlLGl • J' I ~ • I Nature's ' Artist r y .. Mrs . Fra nk Herrington oo..,,p limenh Burgues on 1eulpted oroh id. -.· . Pel)<Juin fam ily was gift · eo mm iuioned for T rieia Nix on Co x. Bu rgues ·holds ki ngl et that appears ready to flit from magnol ia. Saving the Teeth Methods Brushed Up JohMv runs in. screaming. .after a 'ra n from his b1c~·cle Where one of his ne1v front keeth had been. 1herr-is nn1-1 a bleeding gap. \!/hat dn you do now? Dr. Irv in.Ii! Rubel o I Bfe nt wood. clini cal associ.:i te profe!'~r of pedodon !1cs ::rt 1he Univer.~it y nf S '> u ' he r n Californ ia 1USC 1 Schonl nf Oenti5tr~·. discussed t~1 s _and nther dental emergencies 1n a August Rite s con1.111u1ng er!11r·a11on cnt1r<;e ··eon1n1un1l~1 Oe111 1s1ry fnr the Schnol r.·ur'f'." ~1\·en r£'cen tll at 1he LSC S('hool of !)font · 1s1r1• ··rnu ~hn11lr1 ln•>k fnr 1hc ff'nth al or.rP." ;i ch 1sf'rl Dr R11he 1. 11hn i ~ presidrnt·elP<'I nf the ~n11thrf·n 'fal1forn1a ~oc1f'tr . of J)C'ntistr;• for Childr"en "\\'hen you find 11. 11a sh ft off 1n plain rolrl 11·a fE'r. Then ha1·r the ch1lrl insert i1 Paula Ro gers to Wed .\Ir. and ,\\rs. Pau l .\ll!tnn flogers annnunl'ed the en~ace· mf'nt nf their daughter. Paul a Lee Roger<. to Ch;irles R'lh?r1 Lupcho of Long Beach during ~ familv dinner in their Newport. 'Beach hnme. ~1iss Ro gers w;:ic. i;(raduated cum laude from 1he Un1ver_1:.1ty of Southern C;iltf11r111a. 1-11hc>rt' she rect'ived ;:i n aw11rd as an outstanding student 1f"a('hrr She was ::i Nattnnal Charity League r:lrhurante anrl a member of the A ~sJ~!eens Auxiliary of Ncwpnrt Rt>arh Assistance League. and no1-1· is a me mber of lhe Spinsters and teaches in La Hab ra. tier fian ce, son of J\1rs Andrew Ctftirle:s LuflC'hO nf Pantn61lrll and the .1are )Tr 1 "1'C ho. was lilraduated cum 1.-1e from Cal ilornia State Univcrs1ly RI. Long 'Beach lie "'as affillated wi!h Clu Gamma Iota, served as pres1· dent or the Socie1 \" n I r.1anufac1ur1ng En11:ineers. and PAULA lEE ROGERS ser\ rrl 1n !hr l' S Armv in Japlin ' ThP. h1>!r'lt h,.rl ar~ planning a lilt" Au,I:"ll'I ~Prldint: ~lfl11 h 11110 )Yl.;1t1nn 'Thi~ 11111 nn1 huit becau:;e !hr whrilP ill r.:i 1; 111 .<;hrir).. ~it 1s con1nle!ch nun1lJ. Thrrf' 1s nnl v nne pl<tt" !hP l1rn111 \1111 fil .. sn 1hr1r 1s 1111rl.1ng1·r1,f lht <·hilrl'f pti!t 1ng 1t ,r. !hr \IT!lng ··Thr n. ·• Dr li11hrl •'"!1· 1tn11rrl . ·you !"hnulrl crt tri 1h" rJcnr1~t il1' 5.00 11 11~ pn,1;o;1hl1· I! IS H11j}OI l;1n t !(l h:i1 (' the rh•irl re·se:it thr 1001h i1nn1rrli;11rlv ;:1~ 1l11•rp n1ay he .~ df l:-11 1n rf'::irhJn1; 1he dl'nl1·1 1f 1hr f()("llh h;is heen put h:u·k in plare. ho1\·ever. th('rp·11·1Jl bra chanrP nf saving 1t ·· Hn11· to handle olher rlrntn! r111rrgr nr1r.s" '"Anv t1n1f" a ch!lrl h,1~ ;:in in· J UI'~' !.o his face th:ll appe<1rs Ill have brokrn . rh1prerl . or . lnns enerl a tonth nr trl'!h." !Jr. ll11hrl ~ta lerl . "!11• ~11.1ulrl be 1.1krn ro the rip1111~1·, r1ll1cc immrd1ntel1 . "'The rlrn!1.~t r :in e1'11lu;i te ihc. dan1gc. and~.b) urunedJ ;ilc !rf'Alment. ri1:i1 ~~\r lhf' tnnrn R111 tr('aln1rnt mv~r !)(' 1mrnrrl1a!e -1f 1hr p11rrnt 1\'ails 111·0 or thrrr da~·s. l1 n1a.v hr tO(l lale tn a\'n1rl rrrmanrnl d;irna11;e" A less cr1t1ca! hut p11inf11l proh!cm concern~ c ;i n k f' r Fnrrs. "A youngstf'r 1~·hn ha s ranker sores shn1tlr1 hr p\ar"d on a bland rl 1r!." fi r R11hr't r ecommended. "Sa II : pepper. nnfl spires $hould be nr:11ttcrl. and he should b" g1l'rn cilru~ Jl11t·ci1 10 dr ink tl1rnugh a .!ilrA "'" A mou!hw11sh mav l'E! useJ. but 11 should he extremc1y tntJd -not !he. ;istri.ngtnl kind .Ca ptured. By JO OU,ON 01 I~• O•llr ~11e1 5 •II All the members and guests. of !hf' J\'l'wport Harbor Art ;\\u ~eum \\'ho attended a tea to mret Bur~ue.s. th.e noted J'lflr r-elain llculptor . came a\\ ay "1t h a nr111 a~pr rctal1on for lhr 11nrk included u1 his detail· f'd 1n1rrpretat1nn~ of birds, IJ01~er~ .:i nrl an1m:1ls Born 1n .\u~1na !hr sh0rl. "1r1 h:i1rrd miln nn11 pnirlutPS ]imllrd eclt!Hofl.\ frf ~lgned pflrl·eJa1ns tn ;i '\ew Jrr~ey ~turJ1r1 v.11h :i r·nrp~ of 22 a1t1~1s. 1echn1r1an.~ an rl rin1~;in.~ v.·ho fa1thf11IJ\' execute f"iH'h $t rr ~1f thr · Burgues technique Sevcr;il or the roree!a 1ns \l'f'ff'. d1spla1rrl <11 111e tP ;J, 11·h1rh 11r1" h<1<ited hy ~!rs. Frank l!:i 1rin:?!n11 nf Ca111ro Shri res. anrl RurJ.?Ues polnted 11111 the 1 n1ricac1e.~ or the birds, flo111ers and !rave<; 1vh1le CX· plaining his ph1losnph), STUD IES O.\' \'JE.\:\A Burgues .~1arterl as a pauiter. ~111d1"111i:: a1 thP r1en· n:1 Ac;1dr rnl' nf f ine Ar1 s. d!ld later tu rned tn o;culpturr. hut found !hat ne 1th Pr n! the se techniques ..,,·ere sat1sfl'ing by themselves. \\'hpn he tried porcrla1n sculpture, he fnund a ~rfect m<1rriage for hi;,; interests - the Challenge of fnrm and thf beauty of color. Coupled "tlh his d~ep in- lerf'St 1n na1ure and his desire ln ~ee An1erira'.1> d1s.1ppeJring 11ildllo"ers captured frire1•er, his l!frv.nrk 11.a!i. cla rified. But_g ues c;:ipsuled t he hi• l'lr\' nf porcrJain. be~tnning \\"Jth JIS first arpearance In Pers1;i ' ' H 1 s t o r 1 a n s no1\' sriy porceliun l\'ent from Persia to China," Burgue~ said. "~la rc'l Pnlo tried tn gel the fnrn1u la hu 1 couldn"t E uropean alchrm1sts tried to rreate !he formula b1H ll'f'! e 111 th;it 11me unsucccs~ful "T1-1·n t'Cll!Ul"l{ ~ rn sscd b\" and porccl:i 1n \I as t h e challenge of Europe Thev dPvr lnr.cd stone11 arr h 11 t rouldn'! p:rt the 1e11•rl·l1kr t ran~.Jurenrv and the gli111 of pnr-crla1n '' SEC RET The secrrt v.·;is d1sro1·ered. he ;idcled . 11·hcn a man na1nerl Br~ka \.l ent tn ha1·e his 1o.•1g ro•\<l£'rcd anrl decided to th ro w son1e talrun1 p'111der in- to 1he rorn11il;i he had been ex· prr1menting 1v11h ··rorccl.<1i n h::is all1a\s been a l'ery dc1n;inded 111cdi11111." Burgues sa1rl. "l\1ngs hav e 1ra'!ed v>ar over it ·· Franre's p11rccla1n factories guarded thei r secrel5 S'l jealously that 11·orker:; "·ere Lou ise Hube r, Los Angeles, dai ms her psyoh io po we rs . were probabl y inherited from 9randmotho r. ' • Porcelain chained lo their de sk.s _h_e'--ad-.--,,-,-,d-,-,-,-,-,-,-m-,.il"'l'"'e'"'d'"""'l"fie"n,_~f:·ffi71Ip-~n~-rttlt1!1nmk r.:--- ded . rr,;:.•en'hlrrl 111 a btnr k 1nold p11rle11! <'l!" his stubb.\ fingers The secret v.ent from Chuta '"Th is 1~ lihr 11 dr~ run.'' ru11 01t1· anrl 01ef h l! I d I " Bur:::uc~ t'\"la1n<'d "'! ~PP d h I I h to France, Ila y an F.:ng <11111 1• pnrr·rl11111:.. an e t'e s e l! II d h E I.· 11 l1:Jt I rl(ln"t lihf'_ rorrr<·1 11 e1en1ua y. an I e ng l~n \Pri (11rtuna1e 10 be able to do I h h ll1HI mdkr t_11111th1·r hl1irk mnl(l de1·eloped a bone c una 11' 1c I' ''h"t hr t'"•'tll) "'"nts to do . 111C0rporatP.d bone a Sh I 'J'h('n II(' 1r;.ike ti ln;J~!p[ rr10 q " ' \ n Bur,ques said. Rnd frnrn this 11nrh1ng mold~· · 11 ·~ a 1·rr~· rare thing rnr "Porcelain is not ju 5 l Lfl'.\f. l'HOC'~~S an1011£' t11 f1nrl hi111self and &av another earthenware." he rl ·1 n1 df'1l1::! v.h;il J 11·ant.' 1'hen Fnr 11 1 s J.?oldrn-cr•11o.·nc emphasized , liken ing it to he tlour1sh1's You're nol good I . 1 d 1 ktnglet, 11 hif'h 1.s perrh0 d ri11;ir p atlnum as re ale to si 1·er. u1 lc~s ~ou lo1e ,rour 11o!'k," he "It is the pinnacle nf achieve· a n1acno\1;i hln,-n,11. 1 ! s s;nd nlent ·,n m'1nerals and ela''' nat1 1ral l1ah•.t,·11. hr "."r<I "1 I h '' ' u.;t The lu:-t ("lOf('f' R!ll 1n e.ac CONQUERING OIFFICL'LT "Porcelain is one tJf the most difficult med ia to con· quer. It s11ll hasn"t been con quered." \\ hy is pnrrela1n Ml difficult to 11·ork \\'Ith :' ~ It is because o the many steps an artist must lake his 11·ork through before ir 1s finished and the dif· ficu lfi€5l'if nr'ing . Burgues star1.s v.•ith a ske 1ch, th en makes a cla,v model. The cl ay model is con· vert ed to a solid substance. then he 1,takes his engraver's tnrils and crea tes the Jines and texture. Et1ch hird and fln\l,.er is studied in deta i! for l!s shape, structure and color. and Burgues said even the number of fea thers is counted on soc;ne of !he t i n~' birds he make s. All parts of the sculpture molds and thl" pr11rrss 1 rin~ nf his ~C'11C'~ µoe;; tn his 01-1·0 nine mnnth ~ hn111r '"H1111 ran I hl'e 11'1thout This porcel<.1111 ~ell" fnr S.'i'lfl, H ~' ii(' a.-ked a<'C<Jrding tn Sp q rl r . his HurgUl'"' 1111rk t1ni4.llv l" a dts lributor. and 1~ \lmi 1rrl tn a :-t:11c1nc 111 nf his tompa:;s1on f11r nalt1J£'0S hand1\1nrk . sig ned ed ition of 4~0 ( R111·gur~ adm1t1ed 1hat hr d•'rs nnt LO\ E E\ I P~~.\T kno1\' the pnte (If h 1 .~ flnr 111 h1." inns! recert porcelains ) porcrl;Hn~. ;.1 hllr'l"n :ind rabbi t The porcelains are [1 rrd ;i1 111 :1 drsr1·1 :-c11in~, deptrt s a temperatures r;in;::1n-;: 11p T•• 1 r1·y .101111;! hurrn he s;i11· on 2400 degree~ for Jri h'1111·~. !h"l1 hi: 11<1.1 10.ll'ork r:1ch 111orn1n t:. ;irc"-conlci;I-in the kilns lnr 24 Jlr p;1\l1'd 1!s fnrrhe11rl-;ind hour.s. 11 .:itch1>rl 11 grnw r;1r·h rl;.j1·, and Constant rrsrarch has h1'r11 lhrrL rl)llt'rr11ed 111!h 1he 11f'11·" done by LhE' <1rtist lo find 11'a~.s ~lnrli'~ 11J1r1·p hurr11s 11·e r·o to fire his intric;ite piece.~ so hr111i.: rlc ~tro1 rd . 1 hough !, the s1 ems. lea1-£'s. pctal.s .:ind ··11lt'1 r·' 111,1 11; ~nnu11H,1 -io other free stand ing p<irts 1111! p\;u·r 1l1r· h111ro 111 :in Pn· not ('Q l);J~Sf' 01' buckle. lirnlltll('fl( 11/if'r(' rroplP \\Ill '"l'orrel;iin.s of yrsler~·rar q11rs11n 11 (hf" \nrac11y of 1o.•err all glazC"d. ·rhey didn"t dcstr11_11ng tl1 rri1 " ha ve the unders1;inding to cnn· To 111 e 11 11!\ · fl C11rgucs rrol p!'lrcelain," Burgues sairl. pc1rceJ;nn 1s 1n learn the in· "There 11·as no detail. They rncacies ~1f n;iture. <11l'J rn SfP glazed it lo cover a rn ultitude that for lhr a1·11~1. his \\·ork of sins." truly 1s ;i !ahor of lo1·e. Good Witch of West Is Just Enchanting By GA Y PAULEY NE\V "\'ORK !liP!l Lnulse llu rbner is thr-onl y \\"itch r ('\'ff met 1vho travels on a jet ins1cad or a broom. Corne 10 think or it . ~frs. Huebner is 1he onl~· 1-1·11ch I c1er mel outside of 1-laHniveen m;i squcrades. But there she 1-1·as lhe othrr dav in /\'ev.-• )'ork , h1ll1ng hefself as the happy medium apd official \\'Itch nf Ln!! Angele~ Count y, mistress nf the occult. and also mistress of ii hou sehold that incl udes hus· band and lhree C'hildren. "You're kiddinR mr.·· I sald. "Vnu'rt kidding yourself about \\'i!rhcraft ." She 1Rugherl and said, "Well . I'm not uptight.'' ~!rs. Huebner claims one at· tachment to Selem. r.1ass ., scene of witchcrafl I.rials, tortures and deaths during colnnlal-days.------ F'rom Salem comes the onl y broom she owns -autograph· ed by the city's mayor. Mrs. Huebner. a handsome brunette, said there are lots of forms of · witchcraft i n resurgence today. She men· tioned the Satanic "sick and perverted" and tl)e Dru id bas· ed nn religion of the anc ient gods and goddesses. Mrs. Huebner doesn 'I use her a 11 e g e rl suptrnatural powers (or anti·social or evil purposes . She c1111s herself "the good ~·itch of lhe West." She \Iv-es in Los Angeles. "I work by triggering the aubconscious," she 1aid. "To cast a 1pell, ):OU hive to be j I e111nl1ona lly in1·nll'ed ps~c hed up " She bec;:irnr thr Lri .... A.ngrl es f"riun 1.v '"ritfir1al v.· 1 t r h'' J)(>(·;iuse ll'hrn lh" r11v and i·ounl~' 11·rrr ha v1ni:: ;in ann11 · {'1·s;ir_1· 1n !!Ifill. !h"v s!aJ.!ed ii ~"nrs r1f ('1rq\s 111 1hr l!rili111ood f.n11I (J:-r 11·a<; f n!klnrr S1cht ;i nr! sht' wris askrd tn "rn:;t 1hr 11•orlrl"s l<Jr,!.!C_I:.! SpC"!I " "\\lhl' nnt 111.:ikr mr lhe nf- f1('1 a! i.1"1tch~:· sh e .:i~ked. Sn i:he rerciverl a ccrt ifir111t> af· fixed with !he Cou~ty Seal and signed hy the chl'tirmAn nf ,hr board or county supervisors. Ernest E. Drhs. ~Ir.~. Hueb nt>r sa id she <'ho.~f' lo cast a spell for incrcaserl sex ua l vil.;:ili t.v in th e county and had I 1.000 people chan ring -"ju mpin~ up and down , anything to make them fcC'l alive." But "'hen she began In fh'lunt her title on recorrl _.albums. book_j artcts J..o_ne of her bQnks is "Nt'vcr ~trike a Happ_v Medium" 1, rind in in- tcrvie\\'S . she said Orb~ "p:rr1v nervous" and hi:1d tht' county attoroey requ est that she relinqu ish the !H ie. J\.1rs. H u e b n e r retaliated \\1ith a news con ference in which ~he thrcatenf'rl to "de· sex·• the 77 cities in the coun· ty, beginning with De b s himself. The matrer was drop- ped. ~he said. I met Mrs. Huebnf'r when she c11me to Neil' York ror 1he annual book and sta!ionpry show. She'd donP n In e mlnillooks for Ha ]!m11 rk's springbook line. "'ilh such title., Q "In the Palm of Your Hand " and "\'our futurr:, It's 1n lhf' C"n rrl s " She sa1 rl her p~'.'ch1c pii11·~rs 1o.·pre 1nher1 1erJ. Her g r a n rl m o t h c r . born in ,.ugn~!;i11::i, had 1hrm S<J did hrr mn!her anrl ;in 11nt·lr. In h•;:h ~rhnnl, \1 rs. lluchnrr hf·~an tn rn!rrt<itn .:i1 ~r·ho1 1I p;irt 1r..;, rrad1ni:: palm~. ('a r:-1.~ ;ind bnrn~i·opc~ Th 1o; r.1ri'il·d n' C'r t11 t·n llc_c:l', lhf'n In 11"nn1,.n's rluh _crni;p~. hu,1;1nf'\~m<"n·.~ nrJ!<1n1za r1ons. Snnn. sh r turnrd prri ;inrl rlid rad1n anrl !P le1 1s1on $hn11·s 1n J_,n$ AnJ.!Ples Shr v.·1!1 101art 1111111hrr radi n ~ho11· in !hr Los Angrlr.~ arf'a in lh(' fall ;:ind Cnn!1nue 11·11 h h"r ler!ur·r~ brfnrr l'nl!C'gr :i11- <1,iencrs, ta lking of 1v1trhrraf!, astroln~r. nu m c r o Ing v , lelcpath.~· and mnk ing prcdic· t1ons. H('r hus banrl. ~lrntor, is production dC'si~ner fnr films "sn he und<'rs1;inrls mv ..career..·· she said, "And !his \\"ill hC'!p In send 1he klrls through roll cgc.'' The thrre are a li-~ear-old and 111 1n§. •. .IO. Mrs. Huebner rlaim!f she c;:in dncumenl the prrdic!lons. She sa,ys she 11•aS 1he on!v ps~·ch!c to prrdicl Prr.o;ident .Johnsnn's relircmrn!, Nixo n'!! f1 rs1 !C'rm 11s pre sident. and both l\f'nncdy <l "Sil~s 1na1inns \Vould Sen. Edward J\I. Ken· nedy seek th£' Democratie nominatlnn'.' "I dnn't rhlnk i;o ,"~he said "Oh yr~. I p re d ! c I e d so m e r h 1 n g like Chap- paqu iddick. ·• Then \Yho 1-1·ould be the Dtmocratic nominee; "To tell the truth." she answered, ''l don 't care." , ' QAIL Y PILOT :J;J • Movie Commercials Need Change of Focus \\'hat !S the 1nat1t'r \1!1h our \'aluc.~ 11h~n 11r ptrrnil t·hitdrcn unrr~trirtt•d idc:)s aoou1 J[ER. too 1)1~1\R 1\X~ LA;'\'nERS · 1 h:lV(' 11('\'('r _., l'lllCn IO il l1t'\rsru1pl'r b(•{or(' bul f ant :.u ptrplcxcd i.Jl>out a mottrr th;.Jt toucf'lrs :;il11:1i'11'),...0t us nra-t 1 dl't1tlt'tl 1 n1n;1 rx· Jll't·ss 1nysclf 1 ~\ .. tu~ u! ....1. M)Wnca...ould.doa.Lh.bu'--"'.Q.M. IU --j-(;t;,Z,ilP(./ not 1X'rrn11 1hen1 lO sec scenes of 101(''' I am not talking about r<;ipi' St'('lll'!' 11r ning to cnarry a n1pn 11ho is soc· rat y 11b?ut ~er lhJt. ht• 1s J~lous vf any rnale 1100 g1l'i:'S ht•r <l SP<'ond look. She \\'as l:-+-"1~ ~tifgulrling o h5vc i'!OubtSli"ti()u1 11·Mt fife ,Jf you arf' t1v(• 1n1n ull'!i l.111• (or an np .. po11111nent you'll get thl' Lh1rd dc~t'r. JI ,\'ilU are 10 mlnu~ lite YOU'ii C:rt c-;illrd son1e unpr111table na mes. ·rh<' stra11g{' p.'.lrt or this 11•hol1• lun.:ill l' !)Ctup i~ that 11 hilt• ~·ou 11re breaking your rlt'l'k pro\ 111).! yu11 <\I'(' fa ithful. he \1ill bt· sl1pµ111g nround hkt• crazv. lhot n1ost ol lbf'sf a<:l·usatory malf!I 11r•· P~.~·rhologlrolly dls1urhed and wo1J'I IHI· 1nil it. Sonu• hnvt br••·. deterioration "hieh (·ould bt dlagno~ed if they'd go tu a do r- tur -but tbt~' 11·011'1 go, Lift "·ltbra~natr ll kt lht1t rau bt hell. I say llJa otr'' lu;r;iu:.e t'\IHnt'l ln1c~ it's the wile Wkb ha ~ thr st·rt'lv luu:.1·. homosexu;.tl att1v11.1·. 11·1!1 be l1k!' \1h{'11 shr is his 111fl'. \Vcll .--hold th(• phon1•, llont'~'· f can tell you I \1•as n1:irnKJ tu th1· s;u ne kind I hav1• JUsl ltsh•ut•d tfor thr 2Uth t1n)e 1 lu a ra<ltu l'01nmt·rr1ul lur (I 1nov1t· \1 hu..:h is "gu~1runlt'ed to r:n:ie goosebu1n1):;. 111<iJ..1• lhe h<.11r on lhr back or \our nt·(·i. :-.tand UJJ :ind upst•t ~our sto;naich .. It prnrn1sC's Sll'tll'~ ul l!1rtl1rr. 11r1••·r .shu1111 brJorr 011 the O.l'l't:CH I t·efer to tender and braut1fu! 1011• be111el'n LI mnn and a 11·01n:in I 11oultl hrt 11· no I ;oublc t·hoos1ng bet 11 t'l'n 1 ht· IO\.(' St'l"llC' <Hid thr rnurder ~l't•ne for n1~ u11n ehildren Speak out, plc<Js1·, A1111 - it•rti~i ng ." ll \!PA A. \'tlT r3trd h,i the for llt'<lr!y five yt'urs. 3ntJ 1f ,\'OU think ,101i'n• sh;iky N{)\\' -1us111~ut11 1\•hitc. Aftl'r ,\OU cra~:k UIJ and go 1ur pr11 ft'S:.ional help .vou'll IC'~•rn that !ht rt•a ,n11 h£' \\:is 1reat1ng you so ro(lt·u 11.1, OC-caus<' of h1~ 011 n 1niSl'rabl1·• ).(ull1 I kno1\' lx'causr -l'VE BEE~ TllF:Hf·'. Tlus n1ov1e is rated J'(; -11·h1rh Jlll'<ins p:ircntal gu1dant•t sug.r;cstt'd All ages od - n11l!1'1L llthrr pictures ;1rr r:1tcd H 1110 t111e u11dl·r 17 •11thuu1 p;ire111,;;1 bel'ati.sr thc.v h;l\l' ~0111{· lu1r scrnl's -oncu t;1stefull)' done, l 1111gh1 adrl. CINCINNATI J. DE AJl ,J.: Th e mo\'if you are retcrri111! tu has been denount·cd h,1 .!Jlt•k Val ent i, president of thr ,\lotion Pil'lu rr Assoria· lion g{ ,\n1eric~ lor .. llerrpth c ad· \ :1lv11(i 11011 i~ tr~ inv. lu n1arsha1 tht' filLn in1!11str~ 10 ~hurt• up th1· 1oluu1ar~ ralin:; pru~r1un I.Jr hcin~ hont~I 11i1h th1· pulJlit' in all ud1crlisin,t:. lit• '1.<l)!i u·~ a tuug b bat lit• I.Jul he is d1•l('J'1ninrd to 11 in it. l)[·;·\11 ·.\.\~ l.A\flt:!:1., T!u.' j ~· fnl' 'Shnh~ Lady" -!hr• 1.u111.•11 11ho 1s pl.in· ''ou 11·on'1 h:lll' :H!\ lt'll'nd:o: bccaUSt' 1our husb:lnd will be ~ttr•• lh.11 the m<ilt' ;1un1bl'r' of any 1·011µ1(· ~nu i.;t'! friendly 1111h IS try111g !O f!t'l }OU !!HO bl·d. ~le "'lll he SU>ij)ICIOUS of the nH1lln1on, thr grot•t•ry 00). thr 1·op 011 1h1• l'OJ'lll'I', 1h1• bus dr1vcr, )'Ollr fiortor ;ind 111\1\lSlt'r. lf 1011 ~J'lt'nd 1nuch t1111r 011 lht· phone \1'1\h ;1ny {Ill(' 11·0111an, ht•'ll br;::ui lP !i<'I lunny llE.AH l.B.T.: ''ou art'n 't tht' onll out'. La<t~. '"At lrast 100 \1 01nrn 11 r~1t· '" drstrihr 11 hat lilt> i< lil..1• 11llh an 1·1 · .:essi1·e1y ~u s plci(lu ~ n1<111. Tht· ~ad 11111·1 i~ Q.1~l·u11·r h111r to Dr d<itt: ball wt1hn11I 1;1lhng. hoo~. line llnd s1nkec .. : 1\nn \;u1d1·rs· Uooklt•t. •·0;1ting 09'' :i1irl 1>r111·1~." 11111 help you be more--·po1st'rl ;ind ~llrt' of yours~lf 011 dates. ~d ~5 1 •·nts 111 1·v111 .1101g111th a long, s~pC'rl. ·1·11 ,1ddrC\"-t''I f•n1elop1· ,111d your req11f ~t ,,. 1111· ll\ILY l 'IL(Jl' . ,.. ..... ~ .. ' ·-t-\.' . '\ ~ . t i" r .l t> ~ d 1 ~ ·~, 1"· • •.•.-7,\)~-. ··~I '> • r '~~. ,!i. f • Post-holiday Activities T 9pics ___ Fill Club Age ndas 1.t•r!Ul'l'S. \l tit'h~li.111', 1i•lll ~ ;ind ~'•l1:1 I, d.,I ,:1:('11d;.11. :il1;11~ lht' I )f',lllgt• C11,;,1 Art Association \\'~_\llt~ J. llur1:1:h. ~:iddi('· h:ick ('ulJegr :1 rt' 111~rr11. 11.r· II ill t'!Jlldllr'f ii \\'01'1..~htlp f.11 !ht• i\igut"! 1\rl As!)U(:iat11 111 ;.t l : 15 p rn . Thursci:1~, ,)!1111· 1o 'J'he group 11•ill tlH'('i 111 building F, l\Oll!ll 1 on 1111• can1pus :ind 1ril! he;1r ;d111111 praetie;_1I clc1nrtllS :tnll ;1~0<'t'I• of c·on1pos111on and ho1\' 11 :if fc1:ts the artist tuda.1. PWP \\'h.1::-:111:.l \\hr1·t·l11r,•-; n[ :-.ton('y 7\l:i11ugl'1 nt·111 lv1· tli•' Single Parc111 v. ill hl' 1hc 1<1Jllt' di scussed Uy Bubert I l;n·1·r~. a rl'prescnta!ivt' of a l111alll't;1! servil'es nnd pl;11u11n;; l1r111 lie 11·i!! adtlrl'-:s Or:11H!t' Coast Ch;ipll'I', P a r t· 11 I s \\'i1h<1ut Part11ers ;it II p 111 Fr1d<1.1. July 7, 111 Cusl:t .\h·~.1 •Counlr.v ('luh of ('Jul.ls in Ill!' ll ,11 •' JJ1.~tr!('I. C;_1!1101·111:i V1'dt ·1.1:1 .. 11 11f \Voinen';o; Cullls 'l'hc Sl'SSIOn IS µL 111 rwd SI JO a.in. Vr1d<11 .. hill :, 111 !he First Chris!1:111 t 'laut 11 •I ~·ullerton. Ga rd en Cl ub .\ bus tour tt1 tht· \IH I· . 111111 Fie~t,1 del FlLlf('.~ Ft.•11•·;· ,,:·•' 1::1rdrll Sho11· 111 1"1\11· \ ,,,i, 1s pl<tnned by l!ll' l!:11 l1"1 \ ,, llnr111·~ t;nrdt•11 ('l11il ··1· d;1~ .. July i. Sy mphony Guild A progressive> d11111<'r p;1rl .v is planned for Saturda\', .!ulv 11. br th!" (';ip1 ~!1.11 " l'..11 ~\ 1nphon.v r.uild Jo { t•11•l11.d1 1 SU!'t·i~ssful yr:i1 I lo1ncs open lor 111!' 11 111 1 !'llUl'Si's 1\'ill inC'!udr tl\1• l.11111 -'1 V;irrells . .J olin J't1 1< • .ind \\'ill1 a111 l.01'e:o> BSP ( )1 ;111~r L'(1;1,,1 t ·(/111~111 • 11 1•. • • r, " p ! 1 ..., .!ii d.t 1 l•I Iii I 1tl I ;~ I Jd '\ • 111. l'I 'llo \\ \\ I 1 • I " 11 II d , I • " l , 11 ' ! \.) 1 I ~ • l' I 111 I 1!11'11 P· I! 1'1, '•I I I• I ',. il 'I ... ,1;,11,j,,. 11• (•I'll! 11111111 ( < 1;, I 1 .. , 11111 Slll)fJlll'l ll\1• l11'1·11u•11., bC't1('fJ[ ll11Lil :111d li(•tp hll\ ;id rll(1n11:il ('!ll1ip1T1('l1( t .. 1 1\11 • );UI II I • ''' Xi Mu Mu 1•·1 1' I [ii 11'1lll'd I•> \ I h !)JI!' ( I.I I I • l1n11111 1111,11.11111 I 1 ..... !1 ;.:,;111•'1 111 lh1 11.1·"' I' ' I " ,, 11d '.JI I· 1 .1!1\.i ~TH!~l'I :,<'I h :II p Ill .l.,;,!ll!d,' ],.)'., :; " Sp insters DAR :-;dll\1 l1·l'!1J1 ('11 f~. 11,1ughl('' id 111r \mt1 1 li1·1ol\11!< i'I l'' ','t•ri 11 p;1lr1nl11 ,.11 •td-In 11un!11 .i 11dent .... Re port Toy Ri sk.v , \\• A:-:.1 11\1,111· I ! " \Pit b1•IH1+· l I i .. ,·.<r\111,'\ Oll!d ~J1L11:l•J 11(>1 lit' Oil 11\t a1;1rl..1·t. \'1rg11ua IL Knauer. tilt' Pt'1's1dr111 ·~ advi!':rr on '1HISHlll1 I '111.llt • '•\l',go '!• \I'll 111 ·, \\,1! I 1,, th!\il; 1)1,. 1: I) 11 d .! II ti I) I j ,. \dt1:11,, t•.1'11111 F!lA • 'J• · I !1•\ It'll ( 1111ii1111 1!·1 • l)t':-1rilw!l1l'!o1 11 •·11·~. ll!Oilt•I 1a1111h1•r 11;i11lt' ;ir,d •ii rl1t':i.' ••I 111,1111/l:H'IHl'"I ,, '·I 11:11111· ol ,f.,1 , . ..,!11c·k1111: rl·" [n It• I I ,,1!,\llll1 I "-\, 11 11 Bride~ Take Bac k Seat for Recepfi on UPI Teltpno10 1\lte11d1n~ thl' a1111u;.d t'<ill \'l'lll1on 111 ·ror1111!u. 11hu·h op~ns July G. 11 ii! hr ,\ti ... _ B;irb;.ir:i Hitch1<'. \lr~ .Juel l l:Uenhoch. l larr'.\' .Johans<,111 ;111d Li'IV \\'hllrnon· l:r•):1 S1~·1n;1 l'lli 11•11! 11" •I I 1 !lrf'aklcl;.! nt 10 :1111. :-i11111L• . .1111;. I!, In tlw !11111•11 11 ,, Fullrrlun. Art Le ague I .oi I ·'l.1 1:1 ,1111 ,I Iii 'I· 'd \I 1 I l.1 • 1d II ,,1 \•·\'.1H•f1 l'.1•;., 11 11 I l,o• I pt'l'li 111 h11llt·i111 \]1, l\Jhll ,.. :;;iy;, 110·11 'dfllnlt pt .. u u;.:111 :t\ hr .~r111_1" I. ,I ('h1,l111!111 'I·"' f{f'\'lf'\I I H1111111111•1• H1111• I.,( Prnflu• I :-.,,11•1 • . 1-,.,, I :~ 11. 1 i\d1 n1111~1ratuJ11, ~\Ill \lr~I ,,,[ ''''t. Bclhi·sda. Md 211u J1, ('onnie lli.1as ilcfll and Sandie i\lc<'lclland \1•orc hel- n1e1s instead of l'C!IS 1vhcn 1hcv n1arr1cc\ .Jan1es .1\ron :ind Br la n J\1ay!ect in a I~utlleran church 1n Ohio . 'file 11e11ly1veds prP.parc to lc<trl Ille 11c>drl111i..! pr1,l'i · .. :-1011s of frllo11 Iron l lor:>cn1en .\Jotorc_vrlr t 'l\llJ n1en1bcrs ;;1ray from lhe churth. · Orange District c,1sta ~ll'.~;1 1\!'l Lr;i~11r 11 ,11 ronclucl its :::cconrl qu;inf'ill ""IJlo•ij 'h,111 '11,lol II) I/ 1 ii Ill d ~·p1t1" t "1 I~;, 11 All all-dn\' 11·nrf.;~hnp i~ pl;..11 l nl·d for otliccrs :ind tha1r1nC'n ----- ,,¢,.·!o! OltJe,.1 c'"' • ·'1,. ,\rcr Orie11Calrs S11ecl•ll1l"' I~ Snuff Bottles Ancient Porcelains Precious Stone Carvings 3355 Via Lido, Suite "C'' 675-~71 I 1717 E .Co 111t Highwev Coron,. del Motr-Ph. 67 ).19~0 8 Bank•rr"rlcard e Mi•1tr (~ir9• 14 Ytir1 In S1m1 LOt•l•on ~. <.if'8Al@M_ II ~ WOM""> W<" I '--:.S $•1t1 ' 10 10 'lSJ! E. Co~1t °""'Y· Coron1 d.i Mar '1l·),tO Mid Summtr S~I• -NOW ~! Your cherge ottcou11l welcomt1, GRAND OP ENING SALE .. M<1ggi Cobb i11 v ite.~ you lo li er Ne 1v1>ort __ ......,_ __ ·- '~-~ ... 'llt' ".":lfi • "', -. ..,..~ .. -' . ~.-..;.: ~ . ' .. ,, ,., -' . ' .... .-.-ro-' • Guests of th e Queen ~1r. an d J\1rs. l•'rankl in c;. l{lork (1f c·orn11a clcl ~J ar \1crc fittingly dressed tu attt·nd the Gul d c·u p J\aC'c:'i in ,i\.~<'ot ':; !loyal Enelo~11r('. ·r11c,v 1\c rc an1ong ~pc· c1al gue.~ts of the Queen Bcacli, Decorati ng W orhsltop ten <la y Gro ull 01Je11i11 g Sale fe<1turi1tg u1ti<J1Le <111.(I <lecorntite _Ant!q uc RezJro<lu,ctions a11d Deco rator F11.rnisl1,ings. '~ r::~::::::::---~y:;:::::;i~s , I CRE ATIVE Store Houri: 9:00 a.m. to S:OO p.m. Monday thru Frid ay ., Beach 420-31St., Newport Phone : 673-1722 (on Lido Peninsula) Code 714 ) I L_ (Area I LOVE . . . •1 1-'ASlllON l'ABRIC . 1,vo FANCY TRIMS. ;·noM O'~~ l 5 "'1 SHOPPC lJl<I E. COAST HWY., "c:ORONA OCL MAR 1111·1050 • WE HAVE YOUR SIZE 2 1;2 t o 12 Not all )tyle~ in thi\ ~i10 r n nge . ' .... " ., ' .. Enna Jetticks· SEMI-ANNUAL NOW IN PROGRE)S 97 AND NOW IN PROGRESS 97 r::-::---..._ ., .-........_~ ""'---, VALUES TO $21.00 r·~:-,-, Jv1! IWO Of th!! O\(lri/ ~~yltl \ '\),. - ---:;c '/) ·~ we hove at ~o.,.1n95 , · ~ ~---\l, you won't wr:rit /c ~"-..( .,!:JI~-.• " ""' ... / /;· _,.~ . , ' ..., -. / . -/I COLETTE /. . .,.., ... """"" • ie•• (,,,\Jo • .,,.,. ~· o• c.:.1 • • •·~ ·11~:,. a•<I l 'u• ' ' """ (•,e• o • ~ 1 ... r···•· • C•'" Clo'• YE5! WE HA VE C & D WIDTHS MAMIE • la•o (o! • l•a<I (o ' • w~"" Co I • No,. (ol• • (n,.,ol (c I ·~· c,,,,. OUT THEY GO •••••••• • • FINAL CLEANUP! 7 Yolues lo $21.00. SALE sh oes on racks ond tables.._ Siztl,plg_inly mork :__ ed, dre ss sho es, low heels, casuals .• Blocks, Bone s, Whites, Po tents, Brown s and o variety of other colors. NOT All SIZES IN EVERY STYLE BUT SIZES TO FIT EVERYONE . Enna Jettick Shoes H•••"': -----~-St.'1r,!11c.-_. ' WESTMINSTER CINTlR IN HO MA L\. ANAHEIM DOWNTOWN f\IS t• •:OO frl. 'tit t Closed Ivery Sunday •&•• Wli lMINlfl .. tLVO, 'HONI l tJ.4100 .\Cll Wllt LIN(OLl'4 AVL JOHOl>ll •JJ-Clt40 SANTA ANA bOWNTOWN \bl l 'iST •th St. '"ONl 1414121 ' ..... · .... " J 'DA ILY PILO T Powwow Sug gested for B~· JO OLSON .-01 Ill.I ~11tr ~11.i l!•ll Pi cture !he ~ituation. 'You've been divorced , have married a divorced person and between you and your new spouse, you have six children. T\.l.·o are "his," l11·0 arc "'hers '' and tv:o are "ours." "Ours" behave beau!!fully but "his"' and "hers" rf'acl adversely to authority. Thty use parents and step-parents to \\•ork aga1n sl eac h other, making everyone miserable. Jn addition to the problems of marital adjustm,,nt \.l.'hich beset a husband and \\ 1fe in lheir second ma rr i a ~e , discipline of children often is a 1na1or threat lo the re!J- UUlbbljl. \\ ha1 J$ a, ~tep-parent to do 11hen his stc?'(hlldrtn refuse tr1 obt. hun and consldntly get u1\o trouble? ll ELPl.~G llAND l lclp1ng a group Uf )'('mM!" r1cd couples learn to ~0!1 e their problems 1vith step- ch1lc/ren "'ere Karen and Cera ld Thompson and Jean Smith, all of the Thompson Cll nic for Edu ca t ion al Therapy in Ne11•port Becah. They "'e re seminar leaders at lhc first national convention of Remarr1eds, Inc. in the C.reenbrier Inn , Gard c n Gro1·e. /· • ..it h 1 uplc 11:1 •. h"<l In !>.Ulln111 nnl' pruUl .. 111 111·1 11t·rr h;111n~ 11 1th 1h«11 Ll11l1!:1u ! •I grr..11p d1~l u 1011 'fhuu1•h dil!•·rt'I ! prnl1!•··1" 1rt>ru 11'11·11t1nnrd, !h t' rr:1·!J,11d \Ir~ 'I hnrnp:,tir1 ":.Ito!.'! ,t~·ll lr1 IlJJPf{Jlt('h 1h1°!1l 11 ~ !h1• ill'+· ~111.~t µ<1 1t·ll''> Jl 11 • n t!.r au1hon1 a11un n1rtl1r•d ,,j 1 hifd reor111 g, .\\rs . 'I !·u1tl~"'''1 \:11 d, 11h1ch 1~ lc<.1rr1l'cl !run1 p.1r1·11ls who ;ilso 111•rr• 1 ·1u~l·1 1h1s !ethniquc by iht>!I' p 1ri · ''" 1'he altt•rn:-1111 f' :qipro;,l It j<; tu give l"h1Jdrt•n :t 1·1 .. ut(•' 1\t 1h1nk for thl'm"•·ll t·" <JnU vulunlecr suggcst1r+n!-. FA\llL\' .\IEFTl\C \\"hen J dJ\ or<'t·rl r.,uph· i ~ 1n:1,rr1rrl \lrs Tltvmps1111 :-1• ~C'~!s lh:i t 1h1·r ha1e a lar.·111 n1t·t•11n~: and i'.t'I ;1JJ lhe "h1:.-' 01111! "hl'r~ i h1ltl~1•11 l•1r.11i1·r "l'h,.v dfln I knoll' t•;1c:h f)thl'r ~ \ :ilt:t'" antJ t•,,penl'l 'L't'~ he • '\ 1d<t1!ll'fl l',111 nl<. ~~u1ild ;111i! 1·h1ltl1·1-11 •!1. 1'1! sh:1J'r 1!11 I' 11,1nt:; arid 1~1·-·11•\ 1r,~1t!:1·1" I!\ u 11·r1 l<l'lj}l'I' 1t\(' S.IU;J]iHll, ~fl I' .sTrt•\!>t'd. ·This !ah.l'~ n1pre 1 'It' 1h:·n j11c;1 g11 in;.: orrh·1~. t.ut .itro 1 .1 11 luh· H pn1s uff. ft t;ih1•, II'•~ t11nr to 1nahc th1• h11~1~t' ti1111· 11n11 propc·rlv \],,..,1 p1·111 'r ·pi:nd \(·r\ l11tlr 11•1 P 1.:11.111: 111rrr·• :on hi thr1r r•1 1dJ • •1 ' E,1;p!nrc ;1n1! d,., t! ,. J / Tr ibe r1 " /lt'o ' ' n 1· 1·· "' " ' ' :!• \\ h .... :I I ,. 1'' " !I "fl I \I I /11'd1··•1 I '.1! r··"~ 1 ,,.. 'I f'' \Joll I 'I !l'I > l'\•ll!'I I ( r I P I I< 1 ·' t. ti • l"' 11·1 •11 '.!• I'" :1 r ~ 1·111 l· ! J ~ ' ' ·11.r1;1.1·~· • J 1 [ r .1 I I I 1J ft' I rl 11;;: • I ,., '' 1' I ;1 " t \!' ,,. "' IO " IPI I ' 11\ t I ' 111 t' • I' 111! i l:1lrl ~ I ' 1 il r I,'\' 11 I' 1 • I tr 111! '1 >ll: I I. )',1 ;•Wi\1", ,, h_ir·h ' " Coast Couples Celebrate Marri ag es Ul'I l ili PMC!t FIRST WOMAN RABBI -ltJfJhi Sally Pricsand, ,,·ho \ril l become assistanl at f'l!,y York's Stephen "· 1 ,.. FrcP Srnni::o~ue, Fays thC' t1n111 has con1c to allo\v \\/{)men "co1nplctc anti /11 1! r1:·11.1.:11:it1011" in th e tc1n p!e. : / ' BEAUCHAMP-SHERICK : Tr\ci rZie SUer11·k ·and 4 / I?av1d 1'tlot'na~ Beauc!Jan1p c.'\'.- , · •e l\ll!iged vov.s'\nd r1n~s 1~ ·c 't h~ Re.v. lJr. Char!C.S JJ . field in St. A n d r P rcsbyt eriartl-'.hurchJ N c Beach. ""d' !\Ir. ~nd l\lrs. Burr Shcr1ek an d Dr. and :.Olrs. !Whert Beauchamp, all of Ne1\i:;ort Beach, are parents of lhe new!yvoeds. ' ' d Oraai11e Fe m a le Rab bi ~l iss llegan Sherick n·as maid of honor \\'hile the ~lisses Dee Dee Beauchamp, Cynthia Ku} kendall and Joy Faxon v.•cre bridesmaids. Boh Lewis stood as best n1an and Ri cha rd and Robert BeJuchamp, John Grimstad. Not es Dom inan1· Tren d NE\V YORI\ 1! Pl1 -·~dly l '11!'~<1n'1, (he first \1·nm:in ro hr nrd 11nl\! n ra1JL1, ~·.id 1h;1t sher~·(!.:; Ill" ti l~~. m1·~·-~:'l'''' r,f the \1·omcn's l1herilll1111 t1l•Jl1·n1t11! ti;,, IJei.'n ovC'rlookc·d RJbbi Prir.f'.::nrl 1•.ho 11 dl l;"\Oin r p~lc;l:inl r:•bb1 :11 1 hr• :-;·l·pl1:1n \\"jy . vr, ,. J;ynago~nr ln l\l"nhatr;1 n i 11 A•n· 1 l f h'.ll. ;(·hilc she' di)('<; not t 11; ;i.l1 ~ l11·r-;t ,[ ,a "'Om~n·s libcr:it1on ;1c1.11 ',·I!'·' 1111~" IDr ;di of 11s to 01·prco1nc ol1 r ~-' '•f'l11l'l,ric·:1I :ind t·motionnl" prohlcn1s. 'f'hi• 2.1-~ t·ar-fild gr·'.duntr or t h e ]!,·Jrt•\\' L"u;·•n C'<ilhe:t· .IC>\ISh lnsdtutc 1n t 111.'in11::ili :il~o n11!1·:I 1:1at rt('~pi!r th~· lr~1- 1:i11(Jil ll n1:1lc 1! >n1rn·111cl' of J udi11!in1, • 111.1n1"n ;ire !lie onr-s 11h11 f'f1n1c to s· 1 viL·t•s: 1·.t11nr-n arc the ones 11 ho conic IJ 1:1•· :-.•11rl.1 ~rouµs." J';1bh1 l'rro ~and 11as orrhuned !a:;\ \'.f'Ck nftr·r r-ir,h t • r•;!rs of ~!ud~ Duncan Forgey and Dana l\elson served as ushers. 1"hc ne wly1\•eds gradualc<l from Nc1rport ~!arbor High School and attended th e Universi ty of Ari7.ona \\'here the groom received his bache- lors degree. After a ~fawaiian honey- moon. the couple \viii reside 111 Huntington Beach. LEYH-KEELE bridesmaids were the r.1 isses Teresa Leyh, Patti Bo\\'lin, .Linda Ward and Dena lligh. Michelle Kirk ~·as the flo\.\l'r girl and Doug lludiburg \\'as the ring bearer. Attending as besl 1nan \1·as Donald Blasingame,' an ii ·ushers were Bill and Ke!Jy Keele, Ronnie Leyh, Rodney Sunderland, Rick Bro11•n, Bob !lard and Dan Derysiee . The bride attended Newport llarbor H i g h School and Orange Coast College and earned her BA in psychology from 0 k I ah om a State University whe re she cur- rently is working towards her masters. Her husband earned his BS in management fro nt Oklahoma City University. McKENZI E-PETTIT fluntington Beach 1vill be homC for Roberl J ose p h McKenzie and his bride. the former Kathleen Marie Pettit. who exchanged w e d d i n g pledges in St. Bonaventure Catholic Church, fl untington B'each. The Rev. James Loughnane read the rites for the daughter and so n of r..1r. and ~1rs. Lev.·is II . Pettit Sr. and ~Ir. and ~1rs. Ra lph t-.1 cKenzie, all of foun- tain Valley. bearer \.\'as Kenneth Pf'\11!. The n e 11• I y \\ e LI s are graduates 11f Fou111:l1n \':llltv ll igh Sl'hool <ind a It t' n d Or;i.nge Coast College. KEMPTON.C ARLSON Grace Lutheran Chureh of ~luntington Beach "·::is the ""1 -· ting for nuptials un1!lng 111 ma rriage Karen :'11 a r 1 e Carlson and James 1\J\'a Kempton, Chill icothe, Ohio. • The Rev. Robert Larsrn condu cted the l'O"' exchnngt' for the dau ghlPr of illr. Rnd !\\rs. Evan J. Carl:;on of llunt- ington Bt-aeh. Selected as honor at1cl1d<1nl<> \.\'ere Mrs. Greg Shaffer and Joh n \\l ickham. Other tit· tendants 11•cre the l\1iS".C'S Robyn Carlson. \1;1Jd11 \\11!cox a nd Traci Shaffer: Briee 1:. Carlson, Rrnd \\I. Carlson and J\1ic hael Cope. The ne1v ;\!rs. Ken1 pton i.~ 11 graduate of llunting\011 11l·ach l!ig h School and her l11t~b:1nd is a graduate of Ch1ll1eothC' llig h School. !Ir• i.~ srrv1n}! 1vith the i\olarinc Corp.~ and ~hr l\'ith the Kav y. They "'1!1 make their home in Florida. -HAUGH-HUG HES rrad in {he F1r~1 S 1uthrr?1 Aaptist Churcl1, (fi.1,ta .\IL . .;a hv the bridegroon,·s bt1ill1cr, t11e Hc1. ·rerry H11ugh. l'arenl.-; of the cC•Uplc 111·1.: :Ol t : and l\Irs. Thon1as I. lhtglirs of Costa ~!i:~:i ;u1d .\\rs. ;o.lac L. Saling 11f fl;u1:1 l 'ou11. Atlend1ng the br1dr 11 1' :\lrs P.'.lnl llughcs 1111d ti ~lissc-~. l\'lari!~ 11 and ::il1~:111 September Rite s Set Burt T11·lll·~ar of Nc11"port 13e<ir.:h has announ('£'d the rngagcn1<>nt of his daughte r, LaurrJ l~laine T11·iJt gar to Jonnlhan J~<1ul Robinson. 7\liss T11·i leg:ir is a l!raduntc nl Corona de! !\1c1r lli gh School ;uul rhc L'ni\crsity o f Cnlif(Jn11:1. Santa Barh.-ira. llL'r fianc<', son of 1\\r ;u1d ;\1rs. \\!!bur liobin:-.on nf Los fi11!os. al.~o \ras graduated fron1 t.:CSB and currently is 11·url\iait tJJ\\·an!.s_ !! J_each1!!b (TC'C!('nt1al in phy:o;irs al San Jo~e State l;niversil ~. J Jin.ii~ l .,11 !r .I' ll.1 ... ; ' ! I l 1 Ll' ( • J 'r , 1 • , I.• ! ·t tt\' ' , :11 :(! ti Jt. ' I'•:,. J,;,1r: :'.lur r···. ,]u(h 1.~ ••. 1.111, n .. iJl' ! I lu•'lit . ::>~.fJ .\W~.u .. ~iud llJ.L_. : 'i\111;:. ·1111• 11t·11 ~11 tr·iu!:'h i:i; ~ J.'!,11 111'111' l >J \('\lll·'I t ll:Jr[;. I' IJ :;.:~1 Sri• d ;.·1d h"r ti11sh;11 l I• .. i. .I:· 1. u:Hi ~ I l·;st;tl·( I I !!iglt :--1 I ,rHd :lltcn1I {J!',lr.;i<' ( ol., ! (°11\]l·,~I' 'J'i,( 11 111 r.·~idt u1Lu:1;i .\lcs!l. '"1 Peering Around Karen Kay Keele. a form~r resident of the Harbor Area, became the bride of John Cr0r - licb Leyh II d u r i n g ceremonies conducted bv the Hev. Dr. J . Clyde \\'heeler in Cro1vn !-!eights Ch r i s t i a n Church, Oklahoma Ci\y. J\ttend1nr,i as matron of honor and best man 1Yere ~1rs. r incen t i\-lcAu!ay and Ton1 Echolds. Rnuchelte Ann IJ ugh c ~ hel'ame thr bride of Stcphtn Dougl<is I l,u1gh dur in,.: rites A Sept 2 \\'eddir.g in r onnla S•;i <r f'[!J k is bc1n~ pl.'.'l'H1rfl LAUcSL TWI LE Gt.R r r.nAllliATI-: T\\ \ JlOC'ri:h A~«11I• ··11· 11\• r:and I ,h. l\:Jn. 11.1° 1.1 .1!.1:1\.1 F~)B 'lFR Jl :lrbl~ilr K.1 1h- r1 111t• h.1i..irhc 1\·lacdonald Uc· 4·:1111r lh(' hridc nf l1·rrs(111 L. l,;l:r1•,r1u rceently. Thl' collp!r ;ire r¥•11 rnaking their hnrne tll / ';;, ·;!.e L:t·:Jt'll. f ' ~1.,, St:ilr. l\':l"-cl,,c1 cd C{)Un· t1hn:1n ol 1hc· n1ythical city of fl;,nr. Kalam,1, d 111 1f1hf~r nf "1r and J\1rs. !':1trirk 1\:1!.1111.1'1 ! n·!;1 J\lf'S.'1. 1\1t.'i.'> 1\:1/:!l n.1 J< .1 I· • .r ~IJldirall' of Cn•1:1 \: .. ,,. I' 1.1\f,Fll '!AHii'\, F~t:i11<'1a ~hr i.<:, !he d:n1~l1lrr of :\tr. ,ind ~lrs . f·:rncst .'l!arrs of (0~!<1 rticsa and w a s ~pon~ored tiy l'n1! 4.i5 of the J\rnertc:in Legion Auxiliary . Sd1ool 11 nrl Or .. 1·,:.:l· t ' '.t l!Mlcgc. I. •h ."~11 to!'s rl'presc11!.:d1rt• lo the 29th annual session of • Windsor does it aa.a in! < , Tburs., Fri., Sat., July 6-7-Sth BU Y 0,{[: DRES S AT REGULAr. PR ICE DRESS ~E Y t~OTl·IER FOR JUST A .. , •• PA N'IS REG. TO S9. • 0 REG. TO ~12 .00 • BLOU SES REG. TO Sl7.00 * !iWDM SUI S *: • Reg. io $17.0 0 Re g. t o $22.00 Reg. io $27.00 in dso r s 9.00 $1 2.00 $15.00 HARBOR CENTER 2300 HARBOR, COSTA MESA 546·2622 Bridesmaids were t he Pltisses Rochelle Peltit, Debbie 1.---------------------------------"I Their parents are r.1r. and 1'trs. \Villiam L_ Keele and !\Ir. ;ind Mr::;. John G. Leyh, all of Okl ahoma Cit y. i\li~s Sandi K('c[e attcndrd as the 1naid of honor, while SANDRA GAMM ILL Barry. :.01ichele Hensen. Nan cy J\.lcKenzie and Shauna Acev. F'[O\\'er girl 1vas \Ve nd·~· \Vatk1n".. j Seatin~ {; u e s I s 1rcrc J\.lcAulay, Ton~' Sepulveda. I .Jim McKenzie, Dana Del Pont and Chuck Pcrrazo. lling November Date Set Sandra Joa n Gammill or Costa Mesa wi!I become the bride of George T. Katsampes of Huntington Beach during Nov. 18 rites in the Gre ek Orthodox Church, Granada Hills. I Their betrothal has been an- nounced by her mother, rtlrs. r.tarian Gammill of Tust in . 11e is the son of Mr. and !\i rs. I Thomas Kats ampes of Hun- ting ton Beach. 1 Miss Gamniill is a graduate of Corona del Mar High Schoo l and her fiance is an alumnus of Reseda High School. To avoid d1sappotntment. prospec tive brides are rem inded to have their weddin~ stories '"ith black and \Vhite ,alossy photo- graohs to the D:\fL\' PILOT \Vomen's De- part1nen l one \veek before the wedding. P ictures received alter that time wilJ not be used. fi'or engagement announcements it is imperative tha t the story, also accompanied by a black and \Vh ite glossy picture, be sutr n1itted si x \\'eeks or more before the \Vedd ing date. 1f deadline is not rnet, only a story wiJJ· be used. To help fill requirements on both wed .. din~ and engagement stories, forms. are available in all of lhe UA ILY PILOT offices. Further f{Ue stior.s '''ill · be ans\vered by Women's Section staff members •I 6424321. "It Comforl•"• In Yo11r C11111" ' .S~~;;~~:: " 111111 ,, '""' Uf t . 17111 SI., Mlfl9r1n 14. W4'll' C11lt Mtll -THE ··· NEW LOOK! Is at ... m alhe:i WIGS '& Beouly Solon 210·0, I. 17th Sf. Cott• MeM -541•J446 h1 Hllltr•• ~u•r• SPORTY COTTON • DUCK PR~NTS REG. $1.19 YD. SAVE 51 , YD . 35 /36" wide "B ~ErZE\'/ A Y" TE ~7U\['1 SFORTSVJEAr. P P.H~I S good c.clor~. 'J r •' _, I '3 I'.'·. '] I~ ·, •, r ,, ~ r iu.J S, .. dre~;c~. pl'1ywr-'!r. REG . $1.69 YD. SA v;; 1c, .. ~~ 44"/45" wide ro yon /sill< machine wc!h 9 C~MPUS CRiSKAY PRiNTS 0 COOL VOILE PRINTS • LITHO PRINTS "' TRADITIONAL Pm:ns VALUES FRO M Sl.19 TO $1.39 YD. Cottons, Polyester c.otlons JS" to 45" widths maehine wa sha ble c yd c yd R HOUSE OF Fifi.BRICS 11l1 ~11ys first quality .fnlirics Sowth Coot t ,Iota -Brist11! "' s~n Diego Fwy, Hoiter Plata -17!1. ~' p, i•ol Co1to Mesa -545·1586 Santo Ana -S4 J-5S~I Orangefolr Moll -Oranq1tfi11rpe •11d H•rbor l 111n• l"or• Center -L~ p,1,..~ ~1 ::;i.111,,~ Fwll•rtoR -526°2114 lw.na Pork -028·6J: J ~•rcf4fl Gto¥e -11181 l ro11•llur1! I 11e .. 1 lo Von'1) -SlO·l 541 H111ttln9to11 Cenfer -Ed inger 11 Be•ctl 81 .. d, H11ntirg1011 Beach -197.~~lJ - Cust om of Marriag e: New Thougl1ts Drafte d n~ n1rt\ \\F -.;1 \VASHJi\!;TO'\ 1L l'l 1 -ln a ne"' hook l·aller! · \!ar .·:.;1 For :inrl 1\_1!;1111,! ba,ll of drPp 1lunl.1 1 j :i 1n ,, ' fhf' l'JUf'.~!101111f 11in·llp•1· ! (· 11 !l1r11t1nn nf 111;~!r1111 .. 11• , ,1 "' shoul<t. ('Orlllllllf' IH Slit\ i\t• f dnn'I "U!lfl''·''' th<" pl:11.1H•rl 11 th;n \\:1.1 . h111 puh l1• :11.1111 111 lhP honk ('011u·11!1 •d 11 1'ii tl11 obscr1;111t·r of '.\.11u111;il Jl o;td1 I,\ \VPrk l! al"fl 1·01n1 ·1d· d II 111 L l t•· ~laga1t11C' ;irr11·lr· , 1p' "' ,.rl "\Vhar'" lf;1ppc·11111i.: 111 \I 1r riage"·• Alt houi.:h 110 l· l 1· 1 I ,. u I an~11·cr "'"" fnr1hr••n1.1·:..; !1 •a filher ~oun r. th•• 1·011•1'•! ,1 seemrrl tn hC' 1h;1t h•L".1l11"d mC1noJ:am r in 11~ prr ~rnt tiu 111 is nhsnlP!P Bui v.hcn lilt' 11rdl 11' ~ ' ' ' ' I t ' 1,, L ~ •• I· ;,1.,[ :111' 1.1!·,, \" I' 11 rd 111 l.>11 1, 1• It' L11• ' ,, I' .. 1 d 111111 I! I I• •I 1 I ,I'' '1·1 ~I II 1.-, 1 1 ,, 11 o1 r · P•'\• 1 I''' , 111'' r ,-, 11·11 111 Ii"' I\ \\ I. lj II I ! ! IJ!' ll'· 111 I llll~ ti< J1:·.·1.1! ;i :,•il11 11»11 \I' 1,1 ' t ( ;1 I ! I l•ll ~1 I 1 LI 1du1 I h•· pro I 111 . ., '1 :11·. I•' IOI !I d .1 '' ,,1· •j1• tl1 "' ! I I 11 'lo• 1•1• ,-:,.iJ ~!'" I 11 I ,1 t ·,I'! I"' f( I l \ t, I'. 111 ,,,,. 11' . I• ,1 'Ill ,, !"/' r1·11.• .. 11t• ! Ii•-t ;, l d t !lo 1: 1 I • I I ;111d 11 ,1,! Lit• T·• ' 1' • ;.I\ \I I \'IOI d /!. •t•lil 111 •ti 11 ' ·\llrl 1\11')\' IH(I !ill\' fht• ~t·\ l 11 11 I 11 " I 11 ,i. I I ·' 111 I k1' ) I.~ I,. . I I \ 11!1 , .111!1· 1\1' 11 11 [ )1''••1.'1 Jo 111.11 111:111111•1lll1 I 1 I I ii, '1t' lh.1t 1111il•ho, I' 11.11l1k• l·ru111 11 ·' ,. p11 11( •'I l"I ("II' ,, !'I :it I ,q \i1h•·(I' 11 ~· Li• l-11• ,. I "l ' I' I 11. \ \\ ( ll fl 11 11•1 11.1· I' I )i ! 1·!1: )' 11•1·1;1 '" i " • I' I< I: I !I• I • I, · ,,1: 1'1 ,! '' I .!. '!Ill' \1 l"I o 1 'I ' I 1 ' I" ' ,, t 1 •1 j t Ii " II 11 ( .,, 11- " .. 1 l.11 11 1 .. 1,.~·.1 ~ ''ll 11 . ' • I '" OT ;' -,_ d \J Family Life Need s l\:->\l!,\-..\1 l"!· ,\ l 11,\1 '• l•~ \·-1 1fi.1 l I • \\ I 1 '1' II. ; H II ' t· ,-.j ( ' I \ I' I 1 11, l· " '' a Lift 11 ,1 "":" an 11· 1•"1 \I, ft 11 :1'!11'' lflrJ h;i!i . ' " •. 1 I If .. I I .j \H , P "I 11 "'' ,,. I•· 1ti 1•1 111 t•: 11 !II 1!1' I' .1•11d··ll I' ,1.d tiiP 1 • •h ·• l'J ;t '!' •II• "Id o1 ' I I ,1 I ! II I ,,: • 1·!1•1 ,J 1·•C\1l1('n ;t f ,f " ' In I '' " 1!,111• 11 11 " '' .,.,1 DTERY ;1! ,, 1!1 11.),( p.il1·d 1111· lh• d II' Jiii 11111111 I :;..-----·--~--~· 225 E. 17th St. 54&-2778 e SllN llAMC ~I C ARD e SEMl -J.\Hf4UAl SHOE L Gre at Re duction on Wome n's and Children's Shoes at the Ra nte ry Up to 1/2 OrF " 11 11 P ' ( 1., " ~·. ,, l ' I 1.11 I , I , ,t "' j 10<11 1:0 ,. ii r· :1 I l , h " • p ···!1.11 :-. ti· · ~ !,.,. 1. " '."•,Ill '.' S-_ lt'l'I, •I \\'ll•ld '" ·' : .. , \\ I'''.\"' rJ I(""' ti 111 1 I ' I, t I ( ' I Tl HI I,\' ~1 .1111 !ho· '!rl'~···, I 1 ! '. 11 l'i I 11th 1 ll I', I" l .. r nu~1i-111 !! I• 1•1! I 'I IP, 1 ,\, '1' '! 1I1' I 1 I< ' •\JI. h•· ,.,1.1hl1,J , ·I ) 1;1 • I., j "' 1 I Lh·l .. rs 11 ... tld \,p1•i11" 11 •lltl·,I \,, ,1, I !I 11• I·,. J. ii II•" ,_, .. ,-•, d fl" 1·11:1111 ' \\qlJll\ tJ;• l!r:":J!l«j 1111•1 111.1!1 .•11 .. 11_1' llli~·---1!·1·1- 11•.1• ;1 · , ., I r.. 11J ;111:, t' :1 1 I· ·fr I' Ii " ' L,:11 .. i1.,,rp1•11d1.,1((' 1111• l.<>•il p .. :1 I, l o>JI till· 1111•111'. 1wnpl1• 111:111·1 1<>1 !l1t· 11•"1'' l'('i'"'"I' j' ~I 1 I I ' " 1 '\I ii I "" 1" I"' I 111 11,,. , ' .. ' .1. • ]'··Tl• p pi·q I•' ,. \\10.,ld I,. l ;1 f 1i~h';!\~ thilt\(" Your 1-:oroscope • • • • -~ ! • • ' Get Out the Mothball s Tomorrow .,, ela ney Bros. Senf oods SUMME R ll B Q SPECIALS FISH KABO BS -"' ·1 1 l cnqr £-1\t•'I" \,,.1 lt\I:' 11 ,1 '·1oJ , M d 'l'l't " 5hdmp' t .. h,11 r M<"' ''"'" v111.,111 C..lunC!"k Salmo" 4 ti lb vo F rl'~h Du"ge"C.' Crob•, we crack ""d clea". '1r~ ~.,, I nr cl ,,,_,,j,,,-e"'' '"' , ""~"' ~ ~n'" ,~,. lof'd d •n"eo\. Ro• ~UI• lo v" I Our W ine c .. nnr f "'' I~'""" /.. Don>c~tlc w;,.,., '" I 11111 ANNOUNCE ME N T ' • AIR STEP Req. lo 21.95 . 9.90-1 4.90 • MIS S AMER IC/\ Reg. 1'o 16.95 12.90 • VINER CASUALS Reg. to 18.95 . 7.90 Gemini: Clan de stine FASH IO N J ISLAND • MAGDE SIAN Req. to 16.95 7.90-9.90 LIA Reg. to 16.9.5 .9.?0-12.90 EDWA RDS Req. 1o 14.95 . 25°~ off BOYS DE CK S-HOES -4.88 • • • Meeting orr Age nda NEWPORT CENTER • MI SC . SHO"S FOR CHILDREN THURSDAY JULY b Reg. to 14.95 7.90-9.90 FINAL REDUCT ION B.1· ~\[I\;·,\ 41\J\H ll (11·•1\, I ).'.I, 1 I·(' ~' l<1!11<!l1 · t!.i· t.·;11!. ·1;1.:.-11 I .r•1 A1·i1 ~ 1: .. 1d~ Odds & Ends Values $20.00 ?88 111 po· t 11111. ! ·:1 ., r 1111·- ll ' ). ·fl I!' t I 111' I \ d ' 'I I . 1 ' I • ' I " ' I ... ' ,, ' ~·'IP"' t• 1r;1h I' .ll 11;1 All Sales Final """ .. li<d ! J! :-,I' 111;1 11(1-, !'\jl!:L,!' PLUS MANY, MANY MORE SPEC IALS 1 .1pr1· .. rn l'ndun·' .. \1111;11111" I"" t ,._ ,1·" ~111d J '1~ct· !1·11:; ;1 ' ' '1 1-'.:ii·h "li°ll h:1, :t 225 E. 17th St. Cost a ~Aesil 548-2 773 e M.ASTEll Cl-l.ARC.E e 1, 1 I" ·11 L ;111 11!i·n1 ll r t· :1.1 'I, I ;1·111 1l1•1 ('f,,p 1 "lir 'kill li1 !I '11 fol" 111 "~'lh'" .. 1111' ~··fii'll :ii ~l:.!!I<; ur y1111r lr11·nd·- .I "' ·1.· 11· q(I ' t lo l1ri: 11·~ I ' I r~n· ~111111 1!1·· )!·\11lls \llll :s 1\\:1nli :n \q1d 1•1 \1"111'\ po•,111111 1!11p1•<' •' ·\I 1 i·1·I I~ ••II 1'·11 lllll" !',l!'·I' I', , 1 • I 11 :1 h I t' • • p i• r ~ " 11 ;1 1 r• t<·'l' Y11u (l•llld 11·1·• 01 f' 1, I" ~;I: l'I l"l'lll of 111\\'I',' 11• 111 I .111.ih !ll1·n1lu r 1 1n· ONE OF THE LA RC:.E5 T DE LI OPERATIONS IN SOUTHER N CALIFORNIA A Very Fine Ex:ensi ve Selecti on I of Imported ond Domestic Wines -----=----- HOT SPAGH ETTI DINNE R '1 ' ' ~ . ,., Jl PASTRAMI I SANDWICH 'I I INCLUDES SALAD AND GARLIC BREAD r" r IN 0' TAKE OUT [I , I Re9. Sl .~5 Ofl~r cnrl\ 7 I 2 t m.! ~ ,,, c~. '" •. ./' .. , . CA PICOLLA 1.59 lb. llr'J I• ITALIAN SlYLe VEAL CU TLETS ., 2.98 1b. PICK UP P,1,RTT' PL,1,TTERS-Br~~· 1.,11,. d ... gntd ... nd ••4lO~~bl ~ p.<r~d • .. ' 89¢ f $ No L11"it ' L£ r . .:.:.~ : .. erpires 7 I 2 ~ • IT h~tAN CRC:AD Rc9. " 39~. ... ___ ... _ --... - ll,l,Ll,l,N 3 79 RUM CAKE ,.. " DfCOR.ATCO C.t.!<E1i F-OR ALL OCCASIONS -· ITALIAN DCLl-RCSTAL"i\NT-B AVFRY 8?11 Adams a t f,,~~noli a Hu11lin'JIOn Bea<h I 968-4466 ,.,. (.\PO(•;A OVL• 11 V(A•1 ----- MOUH:$· Cl 1 >' ! I , .. i T:iun1' a11d Lihl'a p\;1 _v 1111p•11 ! 1111 rnl1·~. T\t Ill .-.. iApnl 2n \LI\ 20 '1';1 f_,. 11111111111(', t;11•1dlil111·k: ;1 (' 1'1'11111\ l'rf }.J !11• Ii< II ." . t· 1 "111;1< Is Sin.~ Ill 111 1 1 d:1;d,•1. 11ulo·p,.11rl• 'll'•·. fl11··1i>:d ;1pp: ... 11!1 ~1111·•·!'.!' .\ '" ':1111111 \\ 1111 \t It'' •II !JI, " ,,l1·;t·:1l:l. p11,f11 , \, I • I ., .i. f· l.J.\li\1 t \L1· '.!I l1tt1' 211 '•>II ill't" '.'l\P!l fl "'!''l'l~il>1hll l'I \,tl'!I ;i 1·to11!1•l1 II•1• ( !;111011· ! 111'' Ito I • ' 11J.: 1..; nil ;1"l't1!I. · ! : .. 1 I' I \\ .11!, \"1.Jl Hiii' l'f"l"lu·d !11 11, •P:•· J i••~flllal l\1• '11 !•; ;J •ii• ( ur>p1·t:il•• 11 .t 11 l 11 ,I ) I [ :1 Ii I ,. 111·•:11111.il 1"11 (_ ,1uri1•11r11 1-: 111 1111 I ·' !' I \\l'LH 111111" :.'i .i1d '..!~ 1,, ,-1'1;1 1111 lull 111 11·11 .. 1 !-.).o 11 do"~l'I' \\11 I 11:1•; :1 I . '1 I Iii 11 ! \1 H'" 1il:1 ~ , I 11!11•: 111 I 11 ilt•. 11\0'«l ll" I I'"' 11 p ,, ;,I , 11111 ,1 1 11 'I 111• ii I' !11•111' ',•·II I:;\ I II I Ll) '''\ \·. I· ·lo" I I• l•I\ :10 • , I' I '••ll l LI, 1 • p 1-• I 'I ;1-1 >• ·t, '1•' { '111t) • l. :I• 111 II lfr"ft't r~. Y<•tl J..• r rn' 11 I• 11 f11 1111 1111 ... 111 : •. 1!1111•11· I ;111 "' 1·,,n!.11· I• \ .. u1· i-1·11111 +11 .. •1 l" 1·111 ''•!'l 11 1': •• 11:·li 1·•·1·1:11 hon,! 11 ... 11· ;i,,, 1t·. J;. 1:1\l••n h111s arr 111! /·I .ii If ·I, \ Pll ;) I I' :>) 11r 111 111 ulg" !"!l1•n111 11i•·:11i1111 :1nrl I'• 11! I'; .11' ii I ir• '[ :llll'll' il!l!J Lii1r:1 .1n· i11• ... I ,.d \I/I \flll" 1.J.,11 211 Frh 1 1:: :.ip .. !I lit 1.11 J111111t•, 1·r11n· pl.-1 "'I 1·1 111·1111t .. 1 t tl'at:<r~ 1 '• I ·I 1• ! ti 1 ,. 1•, 1·1·111'1' 1 " I" 11 ,. l•f ' '· I 11·1 tL1• " llld•T 1111 1 d.1;1 1 Il- l S!1'1\1 Jl'\j)f'• l bul i., .. ,..p i:I· !1• !'•I.ti I I r .. 1 !1 • 1·1 1 :"1111! 111\t11.1i2n rl· I " ' ' l'I" ' ., 't"il: "I• 111·1 '" II I )I llt'l''),I ·I' ;u1d I :1 -1 ( "111 1111:1:11'!1! ;ot". t '1'0 ;,·1d IJ·111'I ,I 11•'11' I I" d·J1•i I 11 i 1 ' r I I lt; ii ; 11 "' " 11 .. II 1111 '\' I\ I" I' I rr 11 \ \ ' '"I " \ o I I' , ~ r I ' " 1.1 ·~ I I ' I .. I 1!!' •, 1 I' . I ii JI 1·1 I' I' I,.,.,., I ' ... •.1 .I 1 .. " <,I• I \I LI .I' I ;1 ,.f (!• ,. " . I IJ!I j ;111 SUNDA Y SH OPP ING The follo wing stcircs arc naw OPEN SUNDAYS for your shopping convenience: I. AT-EASE 2. APROPOS J_ BACK STRE ET 4. BATH SHOP S. THE BROADWAY 6. EOB BURNS RESTA URANT 7. VIALTAH CLARKE 'S e. coco·s 9. B. DALTON 10. EL PO CO 11. HAIR HUNTERS 12. HATCH ·s HALLMA RK 13. KARLS TOYS 14 . LANZ 15. MANDE L'S SHOES 16. MED IT ERR AN EAN IMPORTS 17 . MUSIC HALL 18 . NE AL ·s SPO RTING GOODS 19. J. C. PENNE YS 20. PHELPS MEA GER 21 . PAUL ALLAN SHOES 22. THE RIGGER 23. 24. RUSSO'S SEE ·S CAND IES 7S. TH E SHQW.QFF 26 . SILVE RWOO D·s 71 . THE TOBA CCONIST 28. VIKINGS FOUR 29 . YAMATO'S RESTAURANT SHOP THE OPEN·AIR. OCEAN .VI EW MALL \ IH<;1 1 1 \11~ :!:l S• !•' 22 , _____________ ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;: ,JHlll'tl!'\ I• pJ;111111·1! \totl Jr•: ''tll· ;n.d I< ;u Ii I d111·;1l1Htl:d l·t• 1' i.; I ,. ·1 t 11 r !' d . I 1<·\ 1 !"i' l phi!" oqihu·:d 1· !1 11 r· ,. p 1 \111· 1L"" tl11111"l1' I 1 • \\1111· ;1111! ;ul\1111: ~[II' 1'1 !I•' 11,.rd :.,p1•;1k 111111 ,., • f1d .. •·1 ' LlllH \ 11\1·;11 :t.; 11. • .,, 111\ •··'!1111·111 p1il11u· . 11 11• 11 ;d o! l1··r~1 ~ th1"•' 1111 !i· :1! 1•:1.; Hi 1'11'U'!'l II f> I I' 1 i 11• ,\,.~ (1111"<;111'!1' 1;111• l1dl pl;11 1'1 to J ' ' 1;d 1-11 " 11 \' I 1-11,ild 111·1k1· I ;iJ11:.l1I• I "I 1 ' ' ;ii n11;1f ;1:t;1·r ll•· r111·pt, r• ~t'l !l\1'111 HJ, I z: \,,1 21 ,\•!•'Ill "11 s p 1 l .. 1 I 111. I I u n ' h l p ~ 1 11 1 I II •I 1 I '!' p;,1 lrn·r lLJI : 1,1! 1• ·1rrr.t1'• .11111,1 t·ll1•!1\ itf •· I,~.'" !11 IJ .. 111:11 ~ r•d h\ ""1· I 11'' f11u11;. h! t11 )1111.ilL' 11 1:1! l!•I !' .f1'1p.1f•!li \\11;1! 1 ti" I !•11 ··11 .. 1! ;uu! •·1ah1,1'•·il )i\(;t'l"l',\lllL'S •\Ji\. :!.! J),.1· 21 Y11 t1t 11 11! k th•,, \lhH :ll!I ~(Ill lhl'~!' 11!\lli'' ;1tt1·111 :1111 t ';u·u1g Is 1111p1•rl;111! (;11;11d l,f';•IJ!J \1,.ul I'\' 1 ,\llulc·r:,:•1111111111 I~ kp~-1\rr •pt nf'rd 1111-t·h:111t•.--. '1 r r 11 d 1al1i"11•· 111th (:rnilni. \ Jrw1 ind' d1 t \1'1:11111\\ 1[11, :.'..!.)II )'l • f ;n .. rj In.tr 11' fV'' 1 II" f'fl1f'l,-1rjr-• II It h ht !"h1t'" ·' ' I ' , ( r-, ~-ee-c,~,,£~~, .//.~3 Yffle4<7 %ad Ok~ _.... . - .-------. ----·- FRESH-CRISP HEAD LETTUCE c 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA REFRIG ERATED DELIVERY SERVICE: PHONE 673·8310 !.PECI ALS THUllSOAY, FRIDAY, SATURO.lY, JUL Y 6, 7, I CERTIFIED SPRIN GFIE LD SLICED ACON c lb TRU-BLU LARGE AA EGG S WE ltES Ell Vl THf 11 \C.-HT TO LIMIT QUANTtl llS t~nt1nr;1I r,. '''lnc;r~ Yoo fr1' !.--------------'~--------------------------------~-----' • • \ • ,·.._ I '.1: ' \ ' EDWARDS COFFEE DAIRY DELI.DISCOUNT PRICED! • Vacuum Pock 75c ~ ~;~~~ ;:~ust ·~~~"ff: . YOGURT • ~ UJ F f ICE MILK o g ut< ~';;'.~',',~·n-Viuo Ha lf 21 C o Ltt'lt T<J1te-ld!al Pint ~ 1~ B•r ... ee11 511or.~ Ctn. t Lucerne Ouo lity 5 9 C (reo1ny-Srnoo!h Half Gallon MARGARINE A ~~~~;~0tpreodm~ 2 IC • 1-lb. Ctn. SAFEWAY SUPER SAVERS! . · Armour Vienna Sau sage'i:;2S ' ·• ·Libby's Tomato Jui ce ,,,,.49' Pillsbury Biscuits ,:;;;'.,. Lucerne Corn Tortillas '" 9' ''" Lucerne Cream Topping i.:~ 48' SAFEWAY LIQUOR & WINE • ~~~!~"~ T:~~fir $449 G II d 1 1 1~11 SJ 19 a o Spana a ,.;· .' '""" Mateus Rose' Wine """5299 5 Lysol Cleaner '"'""'"' '~;~.' 49 ' ~ ........ .,...."""'"""""~ U.S.D.A. Grade "A" Premium Quality Plu nip Te ridl;'r und Meat y. Under l 2·1bs DISCOUNT PRICED! lb, SPLIT FRYERS c For ••rbetu• 39c USO.o. Grade 'A" • No NtC<~. "'o G =-· ""· G"" Be« lb. U.l.D.A. Cho ice Graded Beef Ideal to Borber.:ve Flovorlul & Juicy! -BLADE CUT- DllCOUNT PRICE! lb. ROUND STEAKS fuH Cut Bone·ln s 11 s US D II ('<°l·r.r (1cod~<J 5•~1 l<'•·I '""' •rl '°" ,, .. lb. c Beef Cross Ribs "l'i',';:;·::-,::" "79' Small loin lamb Chops "SJ'• Lamb Rib Chops u','!",''c;;·i;,;:1 "5149 Boneless Steak 'i;;;;-;.:::· "· $J29 Fres h Ground Turkey Hi:-;.'.:;, a69' Turkey Thigh Mea l ,r ·:·., "69 ' Boneless Ste. aks ":',~;~.~~~;:: ~::' ofom 15'""' {(h"'" lb.$) 29 lb. $1 59 lb .$) 09 Ji .. ®Ji,J~~' ~-~:>/fr.-~/~ ~~-~:~~ ·~~· .. .i'.•')l (; ••. ~""'~- OH BOY PIZZA ~ , ., .• 2-99c }i5i.. ,. · ~-,;,; PACK ORANGE JUICE i ;: ·~;-~:: 23c @ Strawberries ';.:; 'I.;' 29' e. Onion Rings ';·,, ;:: 33' i Cri nkle Cuts ';,:•;,• 2 ,;; 39 ' ~. Bel -oir Peas l,,.,., '!,;' 25' e Potatoes 0-Brian ~;: ';:;• 35' 0 Illustrated World Encyclopedia HURRY COMPLETE YOUR IET TOD AY U.S.D.A. ln s11ec.ted for Wholesomeness ldEol fnr Ho rnburger~. Casseroles etc- 5o Good faot1rig 1 DISCOUNT lb PRICE! • SLICED BACON Wil son Ctirn Cou nlry (1Jtft"-n ic~;~r rnd ·•e,,1; Pnr,ersl low •n r>r c~1 ,.,b.69c Pk g. ROUND BONE ROAST or Steak~ (Chut.k) 99c U) [l A. Ctio ce 6tef lh. BEEF CLOD ROAST Bo"ele11 Oven·Rea dy S ) 29 US.DA. (ho,c.e Beei lb • BROW N D::RSJ Y BE E 11:\'i j111t•l ;] JSf1;1 ii.J'11l;\'4 •J @@IITTJ] fl Hawaiian Punch ~~i~::. · 3 c iJ. Mayonnaise N~:;~c ~ Instant BREAKFAST ._ Lucerne 6-Pack S Nestle's Quik 32 -ciz. Can ~ Playtex Tampons 30-$ * Deodorized 40's Count c 'e Palmolive Crys~~-~!~a;izl~quid 1~ • Water Safeway D~i nk ing Gall on ~ € _ or Deionized Bottl e ~ t:! Mrs. Wright's Fresh ;r:f:~ 2-Lay~r Cake A0 · Pineapple· C!I Wh ile )icjl_ $ 119 ~C!I Coconut 26 O Jit!il. White -z. e Barbef.!11 Buns '·;;~\'.:;·' :•1, 43' Q Roll's "" ..... ,,.,,,. ,_t.... 39 ' )Iii. l•<r~~ Of J1~'' ';> ·• Vine- Ripe large · ' Size .. I INTENSI VE CAR~ Vasel ine Bath Oil 18-0z. Size ,c Prell Sh amp oo ~ ., ~ Concentrate 5-0z. B @ Hour After Hour r e_ Score Hair Gro om Firm And Golden lb. • '" ... 'l" ' "~9' .! u • ... '.:{ : ... er :·:: ;:;: :::: • RAMBltftG ROVND 269 DA \'S TO C0\11 ·: , , SO l<t'/ ll \f'll1V"!'r! :0",.IPf' 1>1i-krd llJl on 1i1l :irwir f\f lht' prrvt11rr 01·p.1rtn1t•nt \I rtUrn nn thl' p.1,1.!e of an t•ng<1gcn1enl book. ri~i('f! ~l onrtil\, April f., J'l:'ll . , . !hr !lf1tl1 d;i1 To 11h()t'1rr Ins! hr1' inal-.111gs for Squ;:i"h Jill'. h"t'f' 11 i<:: ! l"UJ'l s11uash or ~<i11;ish ;u1d pt11npk1n. J Cli p 1·rr;1111 I (';111 '11' lOpl l eup sugal', 3 <'.I!~" ~lightly bl:';iH·n, I t(•,1,, • n;:in1nn il 11 d t 1r;1sriri.n11 r,111gf·r( 11 1r:i "1>0nn 111cic·r. ·r . . is . tnrn nfl htrt'. You'll find the rnd 1ni:: nn ii c·11n of Libby's p11mrl;111. · T1Jp ·· 111 n1:n milk r.1n1 c ut hn11\r'\ \l'llh !hr sk1n1 on th" ho11on1 and thr f'rC'iHTI on thr tnp, O\'~: r.r \\"!' S1'EP BAC'l\W'\llJ) ... ).('!'s t:1kc a g1!tnt i;;tr>p fnrwarri ;ihoul JO (•ral'S. In ;i .~upern1ar kt'I bil1<'1 doux f"allr r! "f'rorn the Supphcr·s S1rl<'" \I'<' learn rron1 Dr. ~1.infrcd Kro i::l'r. fMrl srirn- 11.st .it rrnn ~!arf' l 'n1\'rrs1- t.\', th:it l\'1111 111 !rn \'('ill'S \IC \1 ill Ix· ;ihl~, !11 11irn\\' 011r baggy nf trr1~rn pc;;s 1n h<11l- 1ng 11 :t1f·r ;111d f'<ll arid tl r1nl. thf' 1\·hnlc th1r1g . 'J"ilr h;i gg~'. u.~rrl here loo..,cll fnr the l:ick of a ix'rr1·r ·nn111rr. 1s ;11·t11:illy ii t!11n tr;1ns parrnt film or coating ;.inr! will con- tC1 1n <i<ldrd nutrients . .:ind r1 r n C' \ 1 r a '-!':!Son ings. Rreausc 1hr c·f>a\ing Sf'\<; up quickly, Ll 11il1 prr..,cr1e the nr1,1:1nal frc:-.h fjll:!lil\ nr '' hatp1·cr 1s insulf' rluring frn7f'll s!nra):!f' .\net i::rt lh1s so111r of !ht'sr prflflu«ls 11rc rc;1 lly hC'n'. l11•r('ulc<:. lnC'. has 1IC'1rlopcrl a rcllulor,c-h;1srrl pla.,111·, ap- proved h~· rhr 1-'oncl and 11ru~ Arlm1n1s1 r.irinn as hcln.[! rrt1hlr. II Is t·allcd l\]U('f.'J. /',ll1lC''i <ind ;ill ~Oris ('If pac~rtgrs t·an hf' 1narle fro1n l\Juc,.1. nf's1rlrs hrini::; crl1l:llr. it dis~nh·i·s 1ri 11 :11 rr Ah h:i. hn11 ·.._ !h1" f11r rln11i -;: s 0 !ll rth1n~ f'l'OIO~\'-\\'l~('. \\'ho kno11·~. n1;1 1 hr lO vr;irs from no11 . 1·n11r pop h.ittlc thro\rn in th•' or1•;i11. 11 Iii he loartrd 1111 h 111;1m1ns tn mtikP thr littlr f•-~hl('S grO\I' up hig ;ind slrong OLJ\'f;S . CH \Z)' Sl.,1 ,1EH'S LO\'F. \·:irt('I\' l"i !hr ~ICf' nf thP fl<'llp!r ..;hnpprr·., ilff' at H1rh.:irrl's 11herf' rhno"i1n~ a c:in nf nl1\'l'!i !akes nn lux· urv proJXll'l ions ... L1nrtsey olh·cs . , . 11·1th hnles. v.'Hhout holes , ripe, Rrl'Cn. or 1nbel\.\f'f'n ... 14 rhf- fPrf'nl r 1 r r" rn rn~1 r ;:i 1e nv<'r .. frnn1 1nediums, rnnt;i1n1111;: !iii nh \'rs In !h<' ran to Jumhn!i, 11·11h only 23 no ~·ou ll'ant .rnu r oli vrs. sliced. rhnppf'rl nr mincrd , .. \Vnuld 1·n11 l1kf' v nu r n\i1 f'S trf'" riJl('l'lCd tti(' way the ,e:nn<l r;rab«r fl€'0flll' h;ivc hl;('n r!oin,I;! Jt up On1:1r10 \\';)I' Slll('f' IR!l4 \\'nuld \'OU hkC your nlll'f'"i from '111e. 1·cr.1· Sf)('C'i<ll rlimarr nf Tf'r· ra Rella. C'al1fnrn1;i "hrfe the Humann folks rurr rnrm in suprr s1n;ilt qu:inl1!1Ps fron1 a s1111.;lc su prrior t.ast1ni:: 1·:1rir1v anrl p1<·k ;inrt p;ick thf'nl 1n R11n1ann's 011•0 rlist1 nct1l'e flal'or 1u1r,.s If ynu'rc an S ;inrl \\' rn- thus1as!. t h (' y rut ur b('11ut1f11I hl;i rk nl 1vrs, Inn. If ynir hkr tr(•n1rndnus prn- port1on<;, T\rr~r C ann n n 13;ills. thr sup<'r roln~sn!s, pa"rk<'d l!i 111 ii C';"ln. ThC' sarnr ~1i:;in11c heau1irc; ;il~n cnn1e i::rrrn i.nrt stufftrl \\'llh pim1rntn non't trcal that <·;i n nf ol11 r., "0 h,!:!hlly The trer h,1fl to 12:rn11• c 1~ht \'c.irs hctnrc ii v.nulr! hear !in.v rru1L and th n s c Jx.aut4•ou:;; Sf)l'nrrr imponf'd ~rrrn Sp;Hll"h nl1vrs. rurrd fi man Lhs ta a ~·car for thal suprrh li'Sll' L1kr lhP nh~r trrr. v.•h1t'h is one of 111an·., nldr!i=I fnnl<;, d:i1 1n,c? bark !fl 3 000 n r .. ll 1rht1rd'~ Lido an(t lf:irl)nr \'1rv., 11rr ln<idrd • 1vith the good fru1!.~ of hfr, vnu'l'r lr:irnrrt 10 lo\(' .~o inurh , .. service. qual1!.1. vnri~1v 11nrl rlrRnhness . • ., . . ' RIC HARD 'S LIDO MARKET AND RICHARD 'S HARBOR VIEW MARKET And who wants lo wa it in long check out lines, or run from market to market to get everything you need . Ric hard 's make• it easy, more of everythin g and .every bit is the very fine st , from produce and meat to canned a nd fro1en foo ds! And , we have more checkers and boxboys to speed you on your way! (The only thing to slow yo"~.d~·_:,·~. is our fantastic sele ction of food• you never see in other supermarkets!) I \ DAILY PILOT J1' /-I • J I I -_'\•?-- , Round S Bonelei.!i Fres·h Corn . . Extra fine U.S.D.A. choice f center cvts.of round. Ideal for braising, This lender Golden Jubilee corn i' grown 11JSI for ui. by F <'!r nirr ~la11 5'1iilh - and you see what you gel -we husk it 100 1 delightful cul in thin striP. and marinated. Roast Bone-In Mushroom s . e, ••. n 5!-.k Type 7 9~ Ba r be e and serve wi th Sauce Diable, Fried Zucchini and roasted corn! Saule in butter, add a little lemon 1u 1ce and servo with 1oa~! ' S~;NJ Soft Drinks s~•in9ficld 12 ••• 12 1o. 51 Salad Dressings a... 3 1o. 51 Bern stein's grrdt dre \~ing\. Choo1'l: 1000 lsl dnd , Vina igrette, French or lta!idn. V-8 Juice 6 •• , •• , Dash 10 lb. ocrng '"' Maxwell Hou se Coffee SOLID WHITE. ft NCY ALBACOR E 6pk. 49¢ 3.69 I Lb. 79c Star Kist Tuna In Sp•l!lg Water, 7 0•. 49c Sunshine Hi Hn Cr2cl1rrs Knudsen First 011;ilitv Ruiter Hershev' s Chncolate Syrup Green Gian! Niblcls Crrn Green Gian t Cream Style Corn Gr een Gia nt Mushrooms 10 0 1 I lb. I b c-r. 11 Of 1 J OJ 2 I CJ 29c 84c 23c 5 for $ l 5 for $1 3 for $1 Campbell's Tomato Juice • .. • ,, 49c 8 !or $1 Kai Kan Cat food • o• ""' Choo\IP. Ht 9rl & Gt~•v, C)"(~f~ & I vf • c• K1Hv Slew, ()[Dronet Likeable paper products pretty prints 2r~ 200c.' Bath Tissue ... 4 for $1 f ac1al Tissue .. 4 for $1 ~~-.rn.JJm Bologna Bor-M all m .. t 12 01. 79¢ Gruyere Portions 6 ••. 69' Assortf>d flnvori fr om Swi~s Kn ight. Carrot and Pi neaoole Sal'd Cl oth~rd '• mn~'' ;1 /ri1~ t¥•r~ d--v' Eric's Sauces of the World 7 1Ci~d1 · C·"'" Si>~ri~•'''· c~.1. t"" c~'"' V/1nf, ~tdllop1n;, ~""'1"'"011, 8erbt'jut. Hamburger Bu ns . Dutch Crunch Brc2d . Lemon Filled Cup Cakes Sugar Raised Donuts . . .. " 39c ' " 39c Yi dozen 31c 49c ea. 12c 6 for 59c '· Swiss Steak Thltk cul 1.09 Lb. Br11is 11 th i~ bonelet\ s+11l!k in beer wit h IO+t of browned on ion1. Corned Beef Brisket 1.29 Lb. Thfl ll'!ft ovl'!r s make good l'!ating too, from sandwiches to ha sh. Cooks Vea l Cutlets < O• onh 89c lb. Leg of Pork 1.09 lb. SUMAlERY SEAY001> Sand Dabs 1.39 Lb. Turbot 79c Lb. EASY LIVIN ' DINNER T om dfoe1, Onion' and Cocumbets in Vinaigrette Ro a st11d Sweet Corn Bn rbecued R.um p Roast Sa uteed Mushrooms Zinf.,ndel W in e Ice Crl'!am with Cherries CQffee J & B Scotch 1/2 Gallon Si:>eeial Yo u snve I.SO on each bottl@. You save 1q,47 on e cas• of b! 1:: , marKetS 17.45 ' ' 673-6360 HOME DELIVERY IN OUR AREA . PRICE .tffECTIVE JULY -6, 7, 8, Roasting Chicken Thll \" "'rP th,. fin ,.sl C i1 l1 forn•t1 'l!O""n frr;h from z ..,(ky Fo'Jr m1, App1>l i1 "r ;d,.a-Gri11 , ... ,,,..,.,,., '"'"" ..,,., toothpick\ w.th "1 sp•cy rJ;np •n<J \" ,,,. Extra Lean Grrninrl Berl 'l A A--1 Springfi eld Bacon . . . 1.0~ lb. l~c lb. C1\NllLEU611T 1\lEKIS Stulfed Round Steak , .. ,,., """'"' 1.19 lb. Vi Cornish Ga me Hrn • --"·' """ "' 59c ea. ~RH ~~i/i Blueberries, Peaches or Cherries Birds Er• Qukk Thaw 10 ••• 39¢Eo. To Vo Dinners sw•"'•" Reg. s1.. 49¢ S to c.hooi11 from! Fr ied Ch icken , Tur k11y , Meet loaf, Chopped Sirloin Beef or File f of Oc,..,n Fish, Dole Juices 6 01. Pin eapple, Pinl'!App le-Grapiefr u•I or P1n l!t1pple .Or"nfJ" Van De Kamp's Northern Halibut Birds Eve Onion Rings • .. 69c • •• 3 I or $1 Peas with Onions ... d. ,,. " •· 4 I or $1 B!l:O~-EYE Peas and Potat oes • o• 4 for l Peas with Cream Sauce ,.,,, ... • o• 4 for $1 ,?J~- Laroda Plums Lb . Butter Lettuce 2 For ~~ 25 Red Roses Very fr"~h. t ight bud s for day' of b111 11uty 2. 98 Bunch of ll 29c 29c HARBOR VI E\V !GOO Ma c Arthur, Newport Bcarh 673-21sr, /f'J. t I• -.C:... ~ LI DO CENTER 3433 Via Lido, Newport Beach .,. OPEN DAILY 9 -7, SUN. 9 -6 OPEN DAI Y9 -P.. SUN . 9 -~ •. ' ,· -. J • ' •• .. • • . . ' . -.: . • .. ~ .. • • ~ .. ' 3!f 06!l \ JllLOT Dieting: A Lifet ime Thing Variety Most Important Ingredient By JOH:~,\ Bl.IN~· ~E:\\' YORK J t' 11 n N'idPtch, hi~h pr1f'str.r.i: 8nd in· .J EA~'S BAKf'~fl STRIPED BASS H ARRC>A~1 "'·' novi'llor ,,f \\'f'ighr \\';itcher~ ~1r1prd ba~s or blu!!f1sh Jnfrmat1onal an avid fish !211 poun<!s dres1f"ri lover. v.·;is !)l'l'pilring a Y.fl.l!.ht 1 beaunfut-stnrtd hl'l!'"!l"i0 r a-----2 tP;isponn~ ... alt f~mily rr1e<1I in. htr sunny ,l tl':i.~ponn pPppcr k11chrn. iii home 111 Quttn~. Thi' k1trhen looked hke !he ouldoor!'· hro11•n wnod r·uo. bnard .... y,•hilP wallpaper br111:ht v.'ith oranjr::e m11r1g1Jld11. ;ind ytllOY.' 11p1ct c11binr1s. 11nd cookinjl Ull"n.~11~ Y.'1th1n e<1~y •(;ourmrl r1rr Ii 1 ~hlr11:po011~ 1n111.1111nn fnr t ion<'ll ~ 4 !Pa SfYJl'Jnli 1n1ntt;U /rf·~h pitrslev ·---- J r;iillP...-ponn !t>mnn JUlrt !Or 11'1111' l'lntRl'lf I 2 !Pil!iponn.s r11per:< Ii t11bl~:<!lO'Jn11 imJt,t1nn ior rliel 1 rr1iir·iz!'lrtrlP 111 tnom lrmper::i!ure -Wa:rll, dry anri split the underside nf f1"h Ren1n1P b<irkbone. bu! dri nnt rut thrnoizh the f111 l>iJrlP Sc;1<>nn h~h 1n.~uJr ;1n<l uur with ~alt :ind pepper. Stuff fi~h lon~f!ly 11 1th jlOurmel r1re Close npenln11s 11·iih ~kt>1vrr~ (nr ~tr1n1i: 1. !'!art ~tutted h~h on l;akln,1!. pAn OU.SI OU!~Jdt "'Ith pi.pnk;i B<1kt 11'! pre· hf'iltttl 425 degree f n1·rn 30 In 40 minutes 1 or unrtl f1."h flakr.c; easily wb~n t.ested Y.J!h a fork'· \\'hilr !1~h b<tf.f''i. b Jr n r! p;,r~le~ lf'n1nn JUiee. ctiprr~ ;ind n1::1rgHr1nl' n11 lril' ln!O 4 t'QIJ<'ll pnr11n111; And Sf'r\'f' in ltrnnn 1 nr lime 1 ('up.~. r.r Sl)rrad on t'aC'h 1nrhl'irlual pnr - 11on at serv1nc t1n1e. • 4Gourmtl Rh:e 2 cup~ hot cooktd f!ntichtd d1e1 1 n1ari.:annf' 2 t e a s p n n n Ii dehydrated nn1n11 nakrs 4 !ca~pt'M)ns rninc·td l'hll r~ I en\ f'lnpe 1 nr J ruhr 1 1ei;eu1hle hnuillnn I tsp. \Vor<"estershire :.aucr Coinbinr all 1n,'lred1ents 1tnd tnss l1J?htl~ If 1r~t'table 1·u0£> 1~ 11serl. d1ssn[1·e Jn II .c;mall amount of wal tr. ~-------~ ' - ( i s FllOT •. tOVERT!~E!t 4 Weight w1tchtr lnnovt tor, Jtt n Nlditih bel it v•• in 1 di t t I with enough v1rltty that ont cen at lck to it for lift. rtrirh . ",\1 honH' 1 try nr11 to pros- el l't17l' 1no much ." .Jr an ."aid "I. 1r1 !n ~ m;im:i. HI nther worri.~. H mv ,;on ."8;.'!1 he h11s tn ~o !f'I thl'. or1hotion11'!. I'm tht' first nnr ln ~et lo thf' ('Af If the peaches at your market aren't luscious enough, "/ h;i1•r lhis determ1nat1nn Alsn. l\'f' nrve r missed the openin~ wrek of schl)()I ::- that 's import;in\ In nlr I fly H'I {J•nnl \l'herrl'Cr [ am'' rurrent!y. lhr /\i d e Ir h housrhnld · is rornpr1£C.d .oJ ,Jtan. hu.~hilnd ~1:irty. le!'n ::l,1!.P i;~n Ri ('ha rrl 1their older .<;nn 1s ""':i v :it r111J t'I!" 1. tht>1r """. hou~ekerper. Purline flh,.,v k1st nnr hnu.~rkrrper hera1JSP she :-utc11n1hed to !hr diet . Inst 45 pounrl.~. fell in IO\'E' ;inrl _.1?.nl m;irr1rrl 1. ;ind Rr11nd.v. ,<;)1m - fhin d;irhshund. R;i.~1ca]I\, ! h P N1clett:he~ adhPre 10 °lhl:' w!'1ght y,•;i 1chers tr.tiimen , with s nm e in- n n \ 11 I i n n s hy Purl1ne. "Fr:.inkll . 1 ha r1 m!xrri e1nnt1nns ;i'nr! tolrl hrr. "Look I'm 1·t>rv ra.~v tn ple;:isr: .Just brfJil ·wh;1!r l'rr is in 1h1> housi>. toss ro_grrhrr a sal;iri. nprn ur 11 e;in nf \:egr1:ih\es, bu! plea sf' rlnn't ~n gnurmel nn m,,.·• .Je;in s.11irl, "Bu! Purline h11d o!her lh1Jughfs ::ind st11rtf'd rrcrit1n~ Of'\V rec11:ff!s. <lrmrrl v.•i!h a ntv.•-fnunrl Jcnnv:l<'rl~e n[ thr Jej!R1 1 nffitial rliet 1 and ll!egal lwE'ii;!ht·m<ik inli! vit11P.~ such a11 candy. honey, ~rrtv~·\ fonds Anrl 1n th,. interim sh<'rl 25 pn11nd.s. ·· Cake and a [111r of s11'rf't th in~." "'as !hr great rln11·n- f.11ll f'\( An1l'ric:i·.., numh"r nnP \\'Picht 11·11t chf'r ·in y,•ha! she cAll.s tlir "olrl rl;1~'·~·· 11·hPn she \1·righrti in al 214 fshr's no111 :i 1'1im J4;)l "\Vhl'n II'<' lived in W;1rrrn - tnn. l'a .. thPn' 11·ere no hak· er -shops. nnl.v suprrmarket pai;-trir~. I used 1o in;:ikr m~· o"'n chncola1e rrlairs. I evPn ~nt Oil(' nf thn<;e thin):!<; that shoot thP v•hioprrl rrl':in1 1n1~ the eclairs1 Then l. \\'QU\d sit dn1\·n and e;il 20 nf lhf'rn'." .Jrnn's !h1iuah1." on rlir! ;irr \'er1· pnsi!il'e and arr h;i~cd 1-'raclv on !hr ::id~·ice of thr J.11te Or. Nnrmrtn .Jnliffr. lnnj!· timr rlirl sreci;ilist 11nd Nrw 'lnrk C1tv Rn<1rd nf Ht>Allh advi.<;flr. ''J'rl tried t>vrr~'thinJ? from r r::ll'f'!'S \O diets to appeti~Pr d,.prrssants lo hy?no~is tn rio<"'"'rs 11·i1h inirrt1nn ~ Thr hP<'l l1h r !inir y,·as the !:isl ~top "\ ft>H rrrtly dumh sittin~ thl're the first time whrn thP)' handl'd 1l1f' !he ~het'l nr pa~r I'm nr the opinion evrr~1 \\'Pll"h! l\':>ll'hrr h:i~ ~rr11 ~urh a oicrr nf p::lner h<'fnrP. "Anrl thrrf'l's nnthin'! differ· Pnl ::ih("l11t 11 rxc·rnt ll'ha t'~ rtr- tachPrl tn it. ;i \1·illingnr<:~ 1n fnlln11· snn1t>nnr el"t'." rtrlviC',.. ~'hn'" (lh1·in11sl.v m11rh .~in::irt. er th;in I 11m. ''Art11::illl. ii'." a 11·" 11- rounrlf'rl 1nrf!1nrl nf r11tin,g (ll1"1Pr·if1r i::r(l11'1<; of fr1<1rl RrP lh1ff'd. Qt1Rnlil1P~ "·ci,i.::h1>rl nr !Tie::l5Uff'rf hv r11pfuls I [ rlnn 'I likP 1n s;i1· dieting. hPr."l11.<;r diPl·i~ svn~nnmous 11·1lh ,1?.ninJ.r on <!nrl nff "r\."l11i"'. il's :1 1nf'thOl'l h1· \\<h1ch r }ivp l\'11 h pnpua:h l':lr- \pt\ in ii In kf'(.'l'I n1r nn. i1 !h" rP.~t nf tl'I\' Ji(r y,·1!hf'\U! fr rliniz rieoril'{'ri . ! 'fnllnll'{'ri il rnr len \1·eek" ;:inrl st:lrltd l;ilk1ng abnt11 it " Anrl sh" h;is1i'1 slnpnt>rl !;ilk· lnii: -hf'r nrg;iniiation no11· PX!f'nrl,<; to ;ilm'lst cvrr? ron · linf'nt. ./f;io is J?rra1lv rn1hu.~rrl ;ibnut the ne11' rh;inf!r~ in hrr r!11"t · the rt>rr1if ::l<ldilinn nf pntn!nPs. ;;;n.-ighP/1t ;ind rirr "!n 1hr old <l11~'~. if 1·ou tnlrl a rnn1n11l~1v1> 1•:i1rr 1·nu r:o1 1-iJll'f' S[llll'h<'llL 1h1• V.O!'d \\·nulrl .~ij:!n1f1 .'I howl '\011·. in S!JI IOU f'::ltl h;l\I" h:lll !1 f'IJll, lh,.v're in rnntrnl Tht>1 ·l'P reJt;i~rrl 1h1• shn1e!, thf'.\ \,.. pickrd up th" fl)rk "Anrl Ir> hll\f' ll hAJ[ C'Up of sp<1~\1.-.u 1 1~ H 1n1 \\'ht>n I kno\1' r·m cninc !<1 h:l\'f' a h::iH come to ' --Jt 1 f'\tJr 1nRrket cOl'hptiimisel! on fre~hness, they probaQJ.1· co n1pri1n11se 'Jn nth"r thin~~-too. · • ..\t R;i!phs v;e nevl!'r cnmprf'Jm1"e on the quality of an~hing \•:e sell. That's JUSI not the \\'B_\· \\.'e tlo business. where prices are low GRADE A-IOUTMlllN FRYING 2~~,011:.. 31 CHICKENS lb .• MEAT MASTER BEIF ROUND · 1 09 STEAK Center Cuts • Beer Blade Cut CHUCK STEAK Fresh -E•tra le1111 GROUND BEEF 3eel loin Cu l -Try 8.8.Q, London Grill Steak Beel Shoulder Clod FAMILY STEAK G1.111r11nleed Sk inless FRESH BEEF LIVER lb •• 89 lb .• 99 lb. 1.49 lb. 1.29 Pb .• n BEEF CHUCK-CENTlll CUT BONELESS ROASTS Jb •• 99 SWEET SMOKID-1·L8. PKG. RALPHS BACON ••• .75 Ca!ilorn1a Gro wn-Freali FRYERS Whol• 3-3'\ Pb•. lb •• 37 C111iloro!a Grown f resh lb .• 89 Fryer Thighs or Legs -=---Regular or Hot-l ·lb roll Jimmy Dean Sausage ... 88 sucEo 8;\coN ... 87 Fresh Fillt'ls-Rocklish or OCEAN PERCH · Pb, 1.09 LIQUOR DEPARTMENT Old Glenwood -6 Year Old BOURBON 3.79 lilth ,____,·· '-;-;"~"' ~· 0---) ~ HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS Pepsoden1 TOOTH PASTE 8 inaca BREA TH DROPS Scope -l fQu1d MOUTHWASH Oi<11I -Spr11y ANTl -PERSPIRANT 5 1~·0Z. lube .83 '•·OZ. 57 pl<g. ' '4-•·· 1 25 bot!le , 14-oz. 1 57 c11n • Regular & Super Ha ir Corid!. 12 1 45 ALBERTO BALSAM b.;,~; • Pnlidt'ot DENTURE TABLETS F.0.S. Feminine Hyg1enl! Deodorant Spray Fa1 teelh -Adhes ivt DENTURE POWDER ••. ,.. 92 pkg. ' •.• , 1 37 can , 2 ·0l, pkg. .72 Everyday Low Pr ic e SANDRA VODKA Ralphs EJl'c!usive-Save 20c LAKESHIRE GIN Ralphs lll!h 2.89 ., .. , 3.89 pll'!t .21 Golden Premium ICE CREAM '···~ 79 FROZEN FOOD Welcli's GRAPE JUICE 12-oz. .43 "" S!oullers MACARONI & BEEF l1~···· 89 pkg. ' Sheepherde1s WHITE BREAD 16-oz . 45 pkg .• C &WBrand 8 Asparagus Slendor ~~; .81 Cert! Fresh BREADED SHRIMP 2~~~ 2.55 Chun King Assorled EGG ROLLS Pkg. 69 ol 12 • Sw11nson T,V. Brand CHICKEN DINNERS 11-oz. 51 pk:g. ' ' C@rli Fresh -Breaded FISH STICKS ...... 85 pkg, • DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT .Slictd 4 '1x4•t1' Ralphs Cooked Ham ..... 49 IM010bRESS1NG -112 pint ' 23 pint .37 Vien na -Famo1.1 s lor Qua lity 93 Franks & Knockwurst 12-oz .• Kratt Original CHEESE WHIZ Gofd·N-SoH SOFT MARGARINE Padu1y Regular Margarine .4.11 Fl1vor1 RALPHS YOGURT Fine1 t Qua lity Ralphs Butterm ilk ,.,,, .54 1-lb .• 34 ,.,,, .33 •.• ,, .19 ., '''· .39 BAKERY DEPARTMEN T Egg St•11me -Suiter -While R1 1s1n - Honey N Wheal RALPHS BREAD ";i:; . 33 .35 .39 Ralphs Fresll B11<ed CINNAMON ROLLS Ratplis -Raisin ENGLISH MUFFINS HUNTS KETCHUP Pkg. of! Pkg. ol! 14 -oz. bott!'l .21 PANTRY FILLERS All Star PEAR HALVES t!-oz. 28 Ctn • H1.1n11 TOMATO SAUCE 1S·OZ. 18 ca n • Folgt'rS All Grinds GROUND COFFEE ,.,. 2 19 ean , Th e Uncola-12 01.1nce cen s SEVEN-UP 6·P"k ,95 Ralphs Popped POPCORN •·••· 29 bag • OP.I Monte-Cream Style 8. Whole Kernel .18 .38 GOLDEN CORN Ralslon Wheat CHEX CEREAL Fo!gers INSTANT COFFEE 15·0l. pk:g. tO·~z. 1 36 ,., ' FREESTONE l PEACHES p1~' • PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Fresh, Crisp 1 0 BELL PEPPERS ·~ CARROTS b:~:~~~dl 0 No. 1 WHITE ROSE POTATOES p1:'. .10 Fresh, Crisp l Q CUCUMBERS "" • Wtslern lcebt1g LETIUCE eecll .25 Ripe Me dium Sire -Firm TOMATOES '" 29 lb •• ttch .10 Juicy. Thin Ski'I LEMONS E•tra F11ncy W11 11'1. Golden DELICIOUS APPLES pu 19 Jb •• AJAX 14-oz. c111 CLEANSER .15 • HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Pne1e Ill Deodorant BAR SOAP PJ1th .18 Cling Free FABRIC SOFTENER 7.oz. 79 Cll'I 1 Regular or l egal Siz• ENVELOPES. f49c volu•) pkg •• 31 Energlne -Fire Prool SPOT REMOVER •·•·· 86 tin • Celgonile Dishwasher DETERGENT ,, .••. 86 pkg .• f!uRN'rru'RE wAX 1'·•·· 1 31 ctn , Re veal ·Flas1ic ROASTING WRAP 12"1' 55 roll , Alrw lek -Solld ROOM DEODORANT •·••· 85 pkg , • Pr•tes t!!tctlv1 from July 7 thru 12 1 1972 $t1#) EVERYDAY LOH ' PRICES JIEA/.TH c\ Rf;li.U!Y /.!OS ."AN1RY f/LltPt; PANTRY FILLER"; PANTRY f/LL E~S HOUSEHOLD NEE OS ... , " h•-'""'"•~···" TOILET TISSUE HA IR REMOVE R l~:.~.' •• 13 ,,. .... RITZ CR ACK ERS ~" ....... "'' BISOUICI( , . .,\ ..... ,, .. CAMP BELL'S SOUP '•'9• ' INSTANT COFFEE ~~; .19 ·~=: .41 MEAT PIES ''" • , 1 ,,.. n,. .. ,,,. ,,.,.,., ';.~·. 1.26 .... ,. .. '" '"' 10'';7 •• 1 7 ..... , '""'". ••••••· •1•• iou .. •·I.•.,,•• l10UIO DETERG ENT r··~•" '"'"'' ~''''' FACIAL TISSUES JERGENS LOTION '.:' .• 10 FRUIT DRINKS '',~' .. 10 ..... 07 •:;;, .41 CANDY BARS DOG FOOD ••• , •.•• ,,, ... w" •••• '" ., •• ,.. • " CREME RINSE ~-~··, 79 ....... t•"'"'''' TOMATO PASTE G .. ~ "'•" FLOUR R'6A''S"T"eeEF HASH ~~; .59 1 ~:~ ,39 '.~, .62 11•"'""'''' -~ ..... , ....... 000 FOOD COOL WHIP CI NNAMON ......... .. ~,,~ .. ' c ..... DINNERS ~····"' ~,~··· ~;; 1.67 ''"" ..... , .... , PA PER NAl'KtNS 110' '49 .. , . tiAIR CONDITIONER ... , ... · .69 "',~: .97 ·~.~~ .14 COOKIES , .. ,, ~ ... ~ S•o , "•·• '• ,... • r. """ GROUND COFFEE •~·"'"'1 -• e •• , ..... PAPER CUP! ···: .. 3 9 .... ~. SALAD DRESSING DEODORANT '1 ., 5 t ,., . SPINACH SOU F'FLE ""''' 47 .... ' ,;:~ .11 CANNEO DRINKS I., .. "• u .......... ,. v1un .. 1.,,.,,-,, Coi• BATH BfAOS 1•,::; ••• •. ..,.r.~"·_,....,, ~.,0, '""'to~.., FROSTING MIX 10.J-•• "• .43 ··q·t·•"·· t"•· CAKE ,_,IXES .... ;:, .36 ICE cueES ''" t••o,.t"i"! DOG FOOD PETR OLE.UM JELLY "',';:',31 ,, ~;~ .41 Your Cholc• -Saw&, H1mmera l Pitt rt HAND TOOLS 11ch .68- occasionallv .. , lion'! hR~E' 43 GARDEN HOSE time .;:ind C'i)(lk1ni: in a hurrl' 1.~ ~ CEREAL 1:k~~· ~ Family Clrcl• Piiiow Kit1- l1kt makinll up in ;.i hurr.v Thf' I • ...-,, Aiaorted Pan1rnt rr,ult~ are not l!ll1tsfactor~. :::; 011• Coupon ptr CuttOmll'r ~ Crewel Embroidery a n "'" 1.99 "CO(lkinJ[ rt q u i rt ,( rnn-~ Coupon Good July & thru J1.1ly 12. 1912 ?' Lo • Ral I • . ••th ' ;.:.~;·;~·,;~": .~'~;j./~h.: $Ji1TYJ1l'J'J'J1J~~·1'f~i1~'Y''1'1'1'1'1'ri11'11~1i~ w prices are p 1s prices nMe Tu'F'E'800f<s· .. ,hJ.99 I'm cmkm~. I lik• tn ha~·• all RALPH S ~;;11 ,0~1~"'1:• d:.~~ ~1j.~.:·;:1 STORES ARE LOCATED AT: 9901 ADAMS BLVD., H~NTINGTON BEACH; 15471 S. BROOKHURST, WESTMINSTER-STORE HOURS: 9·10 DAILY, 9·9 SUNDAY ~d11~k·~~~:;..A1~· 1 lik• 1ood1 17261 17th ST., TUSTIN 401 N. LOA~, ANAHEIM ' I 11 PILOr AOVERT J5E R I NTIR IH[ kMPf !KRll llMA RI SW!ll'Sl,\kES KMPC Thriflimart SWEEPSTA KES ROGfR CARROL OFFERS AN EVENll"G OF FUN AT AN EXOTIC LU llU DINNER •OP TIV O ENTER AT THRIFTIMA RT l 'Hl t.1-:~ EFFEC Tll E \\ 1-:11 ... II I.\ :; 11,,.,, 'I I I'·· .II I\ 11 ,\ ) At Thri£timart ~' . prices are low every day be cause YOU like/4Liil it that way. Bring Home the. Bacon!... ~ Wilson Crisprite fl Sliced Bacon ..• Only 69° Whether it's for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner •.. Thriftimart Prices are Always a Winner Streams are Shallow, Rivers · are Deep Thriftimart Prices are Cheap! ' Cheap! Cheap! Play it Smart ••• "' Shop at "" Thriftimart 111-:c·onAT<11t .--=--::JUMBO ZEE TOWELS Tit HI ~·n Mil RT'S t;Ot.11 11 0 .'\ 11 TE'\llEll i\G EIJ ST EEll ll EEF CHUCK STEAK c c;ni-:E:\ 1;1.\:\T CAN NED or E\"Elt F ltESll FltOZL:\ VEGETABLES GREEN GI ANl CANNED ~ -~ ------NIBLETS ·;~!l · '"'" ('1101('1 • , Nible ts '· .. I ' . J . ,. .....;-...~ ~,,.. CORN WHOU "' "''" 110/ l A.N l VERF Rl SH FROZEN • CAULlflOWER S 02. PKG. • llROCCO.U SPEARS 8 Ol. PKG . • MIXED VEG£TA8l£S 10-0Z. PKG. • f R(N(H GREEN BEANS 9-0Z. PKG. Ml >.OR S MATCH ~ l 1.S.ll.A. ldi ADE ·A' FltES ll FHOZEN CALIFORNIA GROWN RIVE RSIDE BRAND TURKEYS OVE N READY 18 22 I B' TOMS \z· c '"I' I·: I\ II E It -I .I·: E'' SELF 11 .\STl:\f; ,., HENs -~: Jlf ADY : lb. 10 I] lBS ~' LB. Ul{E:SS Ell LO CAL FH.Vl.'\t ; s 9c FRESH RABBITS..... I II C '"' ''''"' ORN DOGS ... ::··,-.,:·:.:: .... 79,, CHUCK WAGON PATIIES .' " 1 1 ~~ ()st:ar M aye r l,.f'i1 t 1 1 r<·~ SLICED BAC ON 110.•·~ ~, r· •.•.•. 8Qc SMOKIE LINKS ............... 1 ,, •• , 89t LITTLE FRIERS ................ 1 •h "~ qgt CORNED ROUNDS :. :·:·: :·:·: :·: .. 98 . • l>i sc<l l111l St•af~,<•<l s • PACIFIC TRUCOD •. ::·.-.· ...... 89 ,, FRESH DOVER SOLE ,. . " ...... 1E; ....... HALIBUT STEAKS :·. ,:~., 11 ~; SHRIMP , ......... 111' GREEN . :·:.... ,. 1:\\i/l I I I !:•>'I, ME \ PIES . ;A-., /I, ' '.. "' / \ I I I 1:1 ltL;;I! '· • t.J 511'1 l I \\.~ C edd a~ 1 l.1 CHEE . ;1 ·1 OSCAR MAYER LUNCH MEMS Sltf.EO ROLOfi NA • ... ''.158c ' 11 ri~r. Rr ~ Jt1 ~ \111 rrl ll1i111p,na :,.,Slr HAM.~;:~N$ 2 9 ~ i • \\/\!!!;' l+ilN ')l!( ' __.. I' ! Leo's L unch 'i"t!. a ·. 1 ; -I :~~~ ,.... I "~JO / C \~ti":/ "" .l) • ''-"' ,r,r \CHICKEN 45 '.: --~~ WHIT£ IURK fY .. 'i c ~ ., ,-~/ MONl lRlY JACK 79c ~ CHl£SL " l l C:KIDOA l'llQC['i~[CI J \ff LOr.! AMERIC AN $ J 6 9 CHEESE FOOD .... ALL FLA\IOllS FHOZI-::\ r "T RE.\TTllE KIDS'' \"ITA-l'AKT SA N ITAHY IJ ETL!r l.f ',I' M._C.P. FRUIT FUDGSICLES or ~Fresh Orange .. ........, KOTEX DR IVE ~ i DRINKS .l(\f~9;_!~1CLES ~ !~-~p1CE BLEND \'\ ,rl, .. ·;:;-~APKINS ~ . ~ co~~:~~;;,rn gc ~ :.:-~.~?~$1 \.---. ~'soz . 69C ·.\ 1;~1 35c MAKE5 ?40Z. 1 ~ fr ' I 12(1 1l 1'.. OF JUICE EA I) -"~ Dl JC ANTER \ . '·-PKG ' I # -· , . I -----~ i I GIA T DRIVE c RAVIOLI .. ::·: .:;., :·.: ...• 38' ·CREAM PIES ·:.'.,··::.;;._:·'.·::-.'. 89' DINNER FRIES ~::;'; i'.·:·: >:·: 47 ' GOURMET SHRIMP .. ··;.::;:: .. 12" BISOUIC K ... ""·" ........ ~~~ a. a\/ &MM ,,. 11\ ~ ~ -... er=; ,_ --· MOTT 'S APPLE 37 oz BOllLI 3 1·$100 JUICE..... :; ~ WlO . J ULY .5 JHllU lUf!.,, JUlY 11 ~·~~~· ~iVT'Tl c ON"'PUll CHAS"C-OT ; 1-LETTUCE ~ FRESH SOLID -e 1 -~[-,_ ,,: I 29 2701 HARBOR .BLVD., COSTA MESA e ·13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER , SANTA AN ,, .5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO r- ,/ ,JQ DAILY Pll01 :l'ickle d Peppers Stuffed 1 ...'l~I autu11111 \1•h1·n I v.,1,c; 111 J .;:incasier County. 1 'n 10 arl , drrc;s !he Association of 1":11·111 \\'01nen, I found lhf' lond :-;n l f,,rrific J 1•1011flC'rPd v.h.v ;111v of l lhern v.•ould bolhcr to rr11d Jll\ rnlurnn. · They 11•f'rC' ;1lre;1rl.v f;1l)11)nu~f rooks. The huff Pl d11u11·r they staged for us 11as out 111 1 Jh1s v.·orld. <Jll<t I uulv v.•J.~hl·tl I Jirtd had tv.·o s1on1;1~hs 111 ;Jc.I r on11nO<latc 1nore of 11. Une or the gob<hcs I n1:1tii1i:;-I erl "seconds on 1verl' souu• 1111\ f;tuffC'd p1 tklcd pcppf•r.~. ~·1 ~· Jios1ess, llclcn llrss. sciill 1hrv 1-\'ere not too co1n1nM evC'11 i;1 lhat arl.'a, bul lhey 1v1·rr :1 1>prclall.y of ~·1 rs. Paul \\'hit~ )nan or f\.'11. ,Jny, J';i . ' 1'his s11nng. 11ol111~ 1li:1t tn1nl·pepp<'r sef'dS \V" r r 1 :i\·aili'lhfr !hr(JU).!h Ullf' of lhl' i;"ed cornpantrs. I r(•111crn- LETS ASK THE COOK by ·:~un Wiley Ocred then1 :111 O\l'r a;.:a111 so 1 asked for lht• r11e1pc 111hi(·h M r~. \Vhi t11i;1n JS gl'ncnJllS fnt>11gh tn share l\"Jll\ u:-;. . "'l'bu \\'ill Jlel'd ·1 t111:u·1.~ ol 1 \·Cry snu1 !1 peppers 11 1'1ink 1 lhcv n1ust h:1vc hren no n11Jrc1 l\ian an 111('h 111 :di chrct'l111n~. a!'ld 11·crc J.:l"l'CJ1 11•1!11 ii h1! of i"cld 10r yellow sho1v1ng h0rr nr th<?r'~. I sn1aU he;1d nf cah· h';i~r. 2 cup:; :-ug;1 r, 2 r·up" \'ine.i::ar. J lt•a.~poo11 ~all, 11 Ira.spoon pepper <111rl I tea·1 l}'t"JOn celery St'eds. I \\'ash lh0 P<'Pl>l'rs :111rl u.se :~ ~~1rp knife In cut aroun1I !hr ~'li>n1s to n1<1kc an op~·ning just large cnou.i::h lo rt'n1ovr th1• S.f.'eds. ,.nu Uo nn! cut urr !111' ·))epper !np.~. Le'1 vr the littl<> :;lrrns 011. .~h,rcd the cahbagl' very rinc 1 11tnd,pour ho! v.·11tcr over ii to Yo'-ill, This 111ak:·~ i! eas11'r to s.tuff thr e;ibbage inlo su<"h in1;ill peppers. F1n11ly prPssl "ahll<!~P in1n \X'ppcrs \1'1!h ) our fing('rs. \ l.n a large saucL•pan ht•nt vinegar. sugar. snit. jX'ppt•r Anli 'ecJcry s1·t'd 1111ti/ sug;1r <h.~•ol1·cc;. i\dd JUSI 1"11.ciui::h of lhl' stuffed peppers In n1:.1kC' 011c lrt,\·rr. I I rat ;n1d l)l>JI .gr11tly, unl1l the grre11 111 the prppc>rs eh;ingrs eo!or sligll!l.v. · Paek inlo s!crih~ed 1.1rs The <l ll)>t.'.1rance is Hnprovt•cl if the srcn1 ends ;ir e plal'cd ' 11gainsl 1he sides of the J<1rs.1 C.over 1\·1th sonic or the s.y rup snd sea!. ' llrperi1 11·11h the rrst nf lht· peppers, 11."1ng the s;111H' i yrup. J ha\c re<·1prs for s!uffi11g 111rge grc>cn IK'PIX'rs or ~rcrn 1 foma!oes \\'1111 ;i 0:ihba~r n1 ix-1 1111·<'. hut 1vi 01 !hose Ille IOPS I h;ivt' 10 br rf'rnovrd f'lcar ~<'1-0...;s, lhe11 S<'ll'll IJnck nn \vHh r oar"f' !hrf'<id nr Jrf! nff r>n11rr !.1 11t11•n par·kf'<I 111 thf' j:ir.-... 0.<1n \\'111•\ 's 11P11·1·st l'lfll1klt•! "(';in \'our (11111 (:nurnH'I \\1111 nr.rs·· i;:iv('s .1·1111 ,<;r1111r v:il11:ihl1· sui:;:cst1011s if vnu·rc :1 1111\-11·t• ;:it li0111r 1·1111111;1;.! If .\1Hl°f"I' ;111 o!ii-h:inrl ;11 f'<1nn111g. 1·nu n1;1v 11(fd sn111r nf hr•r re'cipc•s !;1 y1)tU' ]1.<;! of l;i1·ontr.s For ynur honk!rl s•'r11I 2S •·1·111s ;01d ;11 SPlf -;Hklrf'.~sl'd. s1;:in1pc>d. lon g .i;n~·clopi> \l!lh 11•11r rr-q11cs1 tn ~an \\"ilp\' Ill f·.1rr of lhr 1)1\l- LY PILOT It's the Berries ''ou tan sari.~fv !hr 11rc1• IP .o;orve ~on1<'thln,'1. clifr('rf'nt for dP,<;$Cl'I \\'ilh this ('<l.~\·ll)-d<1 . JruH filled ice cr1·arn in1rf;11t 1 ~A <.'Ol11rful blC111d or frr~h np plrs. t'ranhcrrie." :ind :ippll' It'!' cr~am your IArl.~ ;.,nd lass11·~ • \\'ill pr(li.sc ______cc.et .and_ dk:e.2 ;ipplc::.. ;1dd tonne pound fresh c1~;1nhrrr1r~ :1ncl 1 1 CUI) \\'ntrr ('(~}~ 111 ('0\'f'red ,<;/Hl(.'Cp<tn Ill 11l1111111'S.1 :idrfin!! addilional 11 HI r if nf'cded. Press. thrnu~h a ~Jl'\C J{r:t! 2 egg yolks in 1011 of tluu- .hlt' boiler Rnd blrnd in sie\·rd h11if. 4 rbsp. butl er. 2 :i 1·11p ·"i~<ir and 1-1 pinl'h of s;1l1 l 'Of1k in lop of double ho1lcr.1 .$l1rrln~ until I h ick e ri e d . ~crnove fro1n hcnt and allo1v lo oool. &tit 2 cg:i;t wltl1r~iHllil slifr. ""r:1duaUy beal in l 3 cup ,;uJ!:R r. lJcRI unl il dil!WlvPd . Fold into fru it 1nixturc \vilh onf' tsp. \'Rnill11 navorln~. Ch.ill. \Vhcn rrn1ly tn ·s('rVf', rill j .f':t:lrfA lt i:J:.o;~p~ 1vifh JlttrnaUnJ? h•vl'r~ nf fruit mix·[ tlJtt and ice crf"Am . \ ·-,, ~ . Alpha Beta's Man in Blue says: HAROLD VANDERLUll STORE MANAGER n? 75 MULHOLLAND HWY IAt M 11lhollond Drivel WOODLAND HILLS SWEET • JUICY NECTARINES c LB . .,.; HAWAIIAN GROWN PAPAYAS LARGE 3 00 FOR ,.. -/ GARD EN FRESH ti-" , SPINACH c FANTASTIC OIS1:0UNTS !YERY DAY • ·'· Q,.,,,~ C<•"l<B"C ' COLGATE BREATH SPRAY Ou•"r P~ttlc • R•O<Jlo• SARDQ BATH OIL 1 • C ''"" II·• FEENAMINT GUM .'•1 Pod· • "'"" """ CHOOZ GUM BUNCH •lPH• 8(1,t OISCOUNf p~1r[ 781 13' 42' 291 ------------- I . r) '"'' ....... ,01 MANPOWER DEODORANT ------------- "'• 'l-11'• l\t>ltl~ OLD SPICE I 59 f -th· COLOGNE ~' ' _}---------- ' " ... ~. (on1ril~ta IC•I • f('I $1'onrl(I• BRUNETTES ONLY I 49 HAIR COLOR @ ,\ NOR THWEST BING CHERRIES . c LB , MEAT ED PEACHES WASHINGTON STAT[ GOLDEN DELICIOUS , c LB, PINEAPPLES APPLES ~- c I LB. EXTRA FANCY SOUTHERN GOLD PURE ORANGE OR CELLO BA G RADISHES ,....J.-.::G~RAPEFR U IT JUICE ·~AG 'Ii GAL. 85' c QUART 'THESE PRODUCE PRICES EFFEC T IV[ JULY 6 -12. THURSD"Y THR U WEDNESDAY FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS !YERY DAY ' : roe ~ •lPH• 8£ I A DISCOUNT l'~lr.I EVEREADY "D" OR "C" BATTERIES 541 ·----------- ,o O"'"' T ,,ht TING 951 Medicated Creme 11'1 t <iunt Po,~· FE MIRON TABLETS 1 ~ O•mcr Pl.o 87' SERUTAN GRANULES 257 21 ·0<J"~' Pkg, • Po,.r.ltt l .•I • (~u••! ~~ltlo GERITOL TABLETS 23• ~ FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS EV<RY DAY 1101111 of TOO ANACIN TABLETS ,ll l'H• Bf I A PISCOUlll l'lllCI 124 jl I j 5-0u.I<• A.,o\ol • N11rutol ~~ -:--. RIGHT GUARD I ANTl·PERSPIRANT991 ---------- RIGHT GUARD ANTl·PERSPIRAllT I 39 ' ----------- CHILDREN'S ORAL B TOOTHBRUSH JUNIOR'S ORAL B TOOTHBRUSH 55' 551 ------------ ---·---------- ~""" o' !10 ANACIN TABLETS 82' OJUd 'B DOUI LI DISCOUNTS MIAN DOUIL• • FEATURING 76 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS NUB I ANA • JUICY RED PLUMS .~ FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS !YERY DAY t> 0Uf'C• ("'1 • ~IO!tf'I BRIGHT ' EARLY ORANGE ORINK l / Go!lon Corton • G"U""'"~t AtPHA BETA ICE CREAM CH• ldo • 1:-0r f•o:•" CHOPPED ONIONS c LB. 17' 89' QUALITY BAKERY AT DISCOUNT PRICES 12 -0t. Bo, • Unk itd AlPHA Bffif "'--7 ANGE L FOOD C~KE 471 •A~;~A BEJA BEAR CLAWS 4 71 ';[';;;;' s';;; FRONTIER BREAD3 7< 6A~;~; ~;~R~WSER ROLLS 42' "'QU~~([ '.,PJt.\V TANYA 1 n COCONUT OIL ?·OUNCl !.\ii. TANYA TAlfNING BUTTER 791 ~-OUNCF flOCTl[ COPPERTONE LOTION ,. •-OUNCl eonLt COPPERTONE SUNTAN OIL 2-0UMCE Oil OR LOTIO~. ~-OlJ"IC t l U6f Q.T. LOTION • 0Ut.;(f .\UlO~Ol SOLARCAINE SPRAY • l!~/,\"<lJ,' ~ -'""'·-1•1 I t•I 10 COUNT P.\C~ • (H~O,,,.IU"" WILKINSON DOU,LE EDGE BLADES 1u 1 •i ,., 121 11s • 121 --------------- ID• 61 1 . ------ ------- • 14·0U NCE CAN COMET CLEANSER 161 301 --------------· • 35-0UNCE BOX • GIANT . DISHWAS~ER ALL 491 QETERGEllT D SAVI NO$ AT AL,HA. l fTA ~ ... D •• ~o•"' Oe .. bl• Oi..-oufll• ••• ••tta oo'l'i1191 111 •1hfitio11 .._ 011• ••1111!0• low d1t1;ounl l''iC•I. Tl••Y ••• l'l!ld• pouibl• b, l•"'Pt•ory JU1rthe1• otlo-'l~•t f,_ tl10 -~IJfOflv•••• ••!}< fh•t r•''" 111••~t p11u•d &fl '• '""' THE MARKET THAT REALLY I • _,_,,_,,_._•·~··~·-J_,1,'-'~-1_9_7l~~~~~~~~o __ •l_L_Y_P_JL_o_r_'.!' Our Crowin' is Showin' 1-:Vitli " our Neiv Store in Porter Rancli ' J 9340 Rinaldi Street at WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS STO.I HOU-$ IN THIS AO ." Tampa Street Open July 6 IN AN1 LOS ANGflCS, fll~EllSICI£ OR OllANC( COUNTY Al,HA l ttol MON • .fRI. 10 AM. lO 9 PM ~A l & SUN 10 A.M. TO 1 P ~' -22-0Z. 'IOI' MIN.SIZE' FRESH FROZEN ''ROTI SSERIE FAVORITE" Oout.I~ o .. ~"""' ~ Checkerboard iAfl"'S CORNI SH GAME HENS EA. SUTCHER'S PRIDE FRES H GROUN D . .,: BUTCHEn'S PnIDE MEATS MEATS YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVI •QUALITY AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • DISCOUNT PRICED ALPHA llTA B~T.fHElt'S PD.ID~ IEEF "GREAT ON THE GRILL" BONELESS FAM ILY STEAKS BONELESS RIB STEAKS STANDING RI B ROAST lARGE ENO BONELESS CHUCK ROAST T -BONE STEAK )1! 1~! 1~~ '"'" '"'" CUT 119 LB. lt:. DUBUQUE'S I-LB .. PKG . IOWAMAID BACON FRES'H •HJ-PROTEIN " GROUND TURKE Y JIMMY DEAN • 1 POUND ROLL PURE PORK SAUSAGE i POUND ROL L 87' . c____BEEF·~ -..U.S.D.A~GRADE..A~ROZEN_.!..SELL~ASTING ARMOUR GOLD STAR TURKEY 59~ LI. ~iLL._E-cT--O~F~P=ER~C~H I, FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY ECONO PAK 3 LBS. OR OV ER -'.lPM,I, !£Tl DISCOUNT P~ICI LB . 1. FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS -' -"EVERY OAY • WILSON'S CERTIFIED MAIN MEAL MEATS 1 LB. 1-1 -02 CAN 1 LB. 14-0Z. CAN PORK ROAST TURKEY ROAST I LB. 14 -0Z. CAN . 2 LB . 8-0Z . CAN BEEF ROAST TURKEY & DRESSING I LB. 1-1-0Z. (AN 1 LB. 14 -0 Z:. CAN CORNED BEEF .._,,_, SMOKED PORK LOIN "GREAT FOR CAMPING ••• NO REFRIGERATION." THESE MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 6-12, THUR. THRUWID. ,t.lPM~ 8!1~ Pl~C0UN! P~ICf FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY FANIASTIC DJSCOUNIS EVERY OAY FROZEN FOODS KAPTAIN KRUS TY • ·1 ~ lB. PKG. BREADED SHRIMP PIECES' TA.ST£ r1 Sf.A.• l LB. PKG . PERCH FILLETS FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAY 15-0vnce Con 1ss 689 15·0:. w/B1t11ns • Hot or P..gvlof ,.-,o:-.. _-... HALLEY'S · 3 5, /g=-,-•• '. 6'h ·Oz. Sor • Almond • Cruncli CK ...... li1Htc'S°KrNG BAR 331 75-COtJNT JAii. 2 RotJ P«kooc. "Sun Country .. ROYALE D-~ CONTADINA ""'-"' TOMATO SAUCE 17' STRl-DU MEDICATED PADS 123 DD-111o 7-0t. Bit.• Rrg, •Dry • $\/Der Lot~'" 69' ....... V05 SHAMPOO ' '1 .0t , 811. • F0< Your Pet'• Heo!tt>y Coot 119 PET·M CONDITIONER ' . I --~--------.. 49-0UNCE BOX • GIANT RINSO DETERGENT 691 ......... -.~, 16-0u"'" 801< • ln11ont o ....... HERSHEY COCOA 32-0unce So• • ln•lonf ....,..--.._ 11-0uncr Pccltoge o~~:.<:. REESE PEANUT BUTTER CUP ' I 4-0unce f>ockoqe • Si'l1edd~d MISS WISCONSIN. C EODA_R CHEESE 39' ,,. 55 1 431 o ....... CHILI CON CARNE D 24-0ur>ee Con 63' o .. :~":: HALLEY'S BEEF STEW D.~-Compbell'1 •. 6 Pock.0 6-01. CoruJllaC o ....... TOMATO JUICE .. 19-01. Con • Monhotton 5r,!e Clo"' or CAMPBELL'S CHUNKY SIRtOIN SOUP 18-0\/nce Bo• •~':'.'::. WHEATIES 55' 53( I 7-0unce 80>1 •Brown 381 D~::::. SUGAR TWIN BATHROOM TISSUE 23' ~ 100 SQ. Ft. Chiffon• Auortwd ~ZEE TOWELS l Roll Pockogor • f>rint •Am. ~KLEENU BOUTIQUE ~BATHROOM TISSUE 27' 26' ~ coHWilNA ~ TOMATO PASTE 15-0J. Con• Bfff or C~se CHEF BOY AR DEE RAVIOLI ~ 2<f-Oorice Bo• ~ MJB INSTANT RICE 25' 38' 68' I 0-0z. Bii. • Slierrv • Bi.ri;iUNfy or Sauterns ~REGINA ~COOKING WINE 41 1 2. 7 Oz. Bottle • R.9<1 Wine • 8crbto11e ___ .. __ ~GDTURMIT TOUCH~ .. , , --~----- J 32-0UNCE BOX • GIANT ALL DETERGENT 721 WITH BLEACH .. ------~-----ii11 .. c ... ..,.._ .. LUX =~ 22-0UNCE BOTTLE • GIANT LUX LIQUID DETERGENT 471 Borden • 8-0z. PkQ. • Groted PARMESAN AND ROMANO CHEESE 9) c IMPo'iliEli swlss'C'iiEEsE 531 1-0un<r Pkg.• Ha,.,• Dork Turkey or LED'§ SLICED MEATS 39' -..~/ __________ ----~~· '3.oz. Pkg.• S1•ced DRIVE 49-00NCE BOX • GIANT DRIVE ·DETERGEllT 671 • GALLO NALIAN SALAMI 6-0 i . Pockooe • Slictd D Vienna • 12-0Ul'lc• Pko. ~-D ....... POLISH SAUSAGE 1 POI.Ind ?oekooe • All Meal OSCAR MAYER WIENERS 12-0t. Ko\litr Sklnlttl Fronk1 or HEBREW NATIONAL SKINLESS KNOCKWURST 12.oOunot Con• • II f!oYOr• CANADA DRY /LOW CAL 53' ... 931 85' 11• 11 1 6 Lb. •-Ovnce 90• • D•ttrQt"t llooalu 133 BORATEEM ,, """"0 ON !'.POL RADIO! ....,.. ........ 3~~-0z. Con • Sol d Oil o~~ CROWN PRINCE · D,, '~"' 2 LAYER SARDINES 27( 3 i/.! .Oz. Con • In S1ld Oo! • ln TOITIOIO Soll(t or 11'1 Mu,tord Sou'• CROWN PRINCE I LAYER SARDINES 271 D 10-0i. Ccn D,..,";;:, Solid White in WOIN" :· , STARKIST TUNA 63' 7-0unce Con • SoUd Wliite il'I Wottr SJc: 11.ouncr Con • Solid White in Wot1r 9Jc ~ 16-01, Pk11. • Solsp•eod 441 ~IMPERIAL MARGARINE . 21-0r. vi.-f in0«• • 19·0it:. ~ """"~' ·~""" 59' ~SUNSHINE COOKIES 'l-Our1c1 ior LASCCD SHRIMP COCKTAIL 35' Dow • 50 Sq. Ft. 80111. SARAN WRAP 100 Sa. "'. Boll @OYEN 'Ci0£ANER1 Con ~ l <f-Oit:. Con • For Toil1t &Qwl ~VANISH CLEANER SW'ffftle01t • 4 PIXlc @ LIME BAR SOAP SOS • 3541z. 801< DISHWASHER DITTRGENT 9-0urice A1r°'°I C11n KLEEN GUARD • FURNITURE POLISH ~ 7-0:r., Oi1inf1ctont ~LYSOL SPRAY ~ 151/i-Ot. Con. A.ta\.llOf ~VETS DOG FOOD 14-0r. Con • BMt ~LEAN r. LIVELY ~DOG FOOD 26-0unc• Con SKIPPY DOG FODO ~'5().Lb, toO 'MPURINA DOG CHOW COSTA ME ~A. -JO IE, 17th SI. COSTA M'£SA. -mt Htrtlof" ltVd. HUNTUrtOTOti llSACH -fO.IS A.dim• HUNTINOTON ll!ACH -116111 N. Mtl11 Sf. HUNTINOTON BEACH -tl•U lr.okllvr•I 'OUHYAIH VALLEY -13t0 Wttll•t LAGUNA HILLS -t Js.41 (1111 llt 11 Lui" 11tVl1•1 -!IO(O Ctil¥t t, U111¥1rlfly "'"' 'OUTH UGUHA -JOl:n s . ,,,,, l41fhw•r 87' .... 32' , .. 99' 53' 41' ~SEASONING 59' 15-0!.inta Con• Mustard or STEELE TURNIP GREENS Diamond A• 16-0z:. Co" WHOLE KERNEL CORN c§R'liuBA'Re· ''"0 ' '"" 16-0unce Con • Q;ctd DIAMOND A BEETS 18' 23' 34( 201 ~1000 isLAND0 DRESSING 371 49c ~ J6-0vric1 s o1111 s .. tr>dlo" Vo!l1y • 31-0 r. Botti• , @APPLEPLUMi1u1c[ .... " ~58' 4oc 6 Poet.• 15-0z. CON •Grope or ~TREESWEET 821 M'TROPICAL PUNCH DRINK 501 9' I )·~ Con PET CANNED MILK 78' 44' 19( 741 641 • •• I Plentiful Foods- JULY 1972 Features TURKEYS ()thCI' rlcnl lftil~ FRESH PLUMS • • I FRESH VEGETABLES I . I ' WATE RMELONS \,IN tTEO STAT ($ OC:PAf:(TM'l:Nl OF A(';Q 1C\l~TU~t Plenli!~I l"<>OU I P1nq••r>• • Cherr ies Prod uce New . Win e __ _,B-\!-+4:i,\l-+l-t.)G 1·: The debut ul '1 lll'\V 1vu11· 1-' 11sually :1u e\'ent 111 1\.'111t•· l;1sting c1rrl 1.1s. Uut rect•ntly ::t party \1•as staged in New Yurk 10 inlroduce the new use or a ra vorite Danish wine i n coc kta ils "l"he \\'111{' 11:1s i·ht·rry h.tJ.'lLl ll'hich is Sl\l'\'\•l<U'I ;1nLI lll<ld1.• I l'tllll !hi' J:111~t·sh.1·v cht'JTY 11 hich gro11 s 011ly in L}cu- rnn rk. 1"ht· l >1u11·s havt• i>t't'll vinting ir s1111·t• ll!·ll The p<1r !1' 11-.·1s ht•!d 1n Ann Sl~ter·s_F1frh 1\\'C!Hll.: <1.part· 1nent 1vl11<"h had ht' c 11 decorated I~) n·st·rHblt• !ht! f;:i 1ned Ti1ol1 (;.1rd1•ns 10 Co p<:nhag1·11 1'hat 11;1s tlit• 11ork uf in- terior d1·,1gn,·r H 1 l' h n r rl Orbach 11h•• had lin1·d lhP lnn~ entrance ha ll and the lu g li1 · ing roo n1s \Vith hundrects of ye llow and \~·hile flOWl'l"S in clay pots and greenery th ;1t produced a woodland ~! mo~1lherc. GUEST 'The guests \Vho includP1I such stage and screen figure-. ns \'an .Johnson and Ale>.1!; Srnilh nnd the consul gent•r:1! or Den mark. Gcort.? I·~ II 1-larnorr. 11·prf' rn·a!L'rl ro ii sumptuous ll1nish s11p1~·r It incl11dl·d sueh delica1·ie<; as , pi<·kli•d l1<·1Ting. .<:nll"<'rl shrin1p. n1ini;11l1re n1c:1 tbHl\$. marin:J!l·tl rn11shro~11ns, lour kinds of s11lad. 1.'l t_vpcs CJ( bread. 1·11:h1 <lirff'rt•nt i·hct•s(•s Danish nuu<llcs. s n1 o k. ~ d salmon :111d 11!111 sl1v1•rs of !)anish h:un If th;11 ll'L'l'i' no1 <'nf111g h. 1hr 1neal 11;p; topp1.'d off 11.·1rh chocolutP r n I I ~ ;11111 J"l.'(I r;ispbt•r'f'.v t1 11 d ..::travvt>e rrv "delight " All of this was a fitlin_g backdrop for the chrry kijafa whi ch is a good deal like sher- ry or 1>0rt ,.,,inf'. excepl lh zl -it is n1orc Vt•r:;:illle. CII Elt It V I' I l·:S In essence. langeskov chl'r- ries arc pressed n111ch aftC'r the ras hion tha t gr n1>cs. Jre in ordinnry Yo'i ne. \\'ith one CX· ception . 1'he co r~ or the ('ht::rry pit i~ ground and fused \Vilh !ht• juice imparting an altnond-!ike na vor t9 the 11•inc. Denmark uses cherries 11'1 11~ wine because or its extre1nl' northe1·n location. \V hi (' h seldom Jets grapes get ri1>e enough to provide suf fil'ient juice for wine-making. \Ve -\\'ere served I ,.,. n cocktails based on kijara: a cherry D;inish and 1.1 cherry split. ~Jere are lhe re('i006: CHERRY DAN1 Sll-~ 112 ounces cherry kijarll\ l /R ou nce aqU11vit Juice or 1h lime Fill gl as~ \V ilh ice and soda CHE RRY SPLIT ~ -, 118 part. cherry iijafa l/R part \\•hite creme de cocoa • '• Pour over ice cubes in low ball gl ass. Slipcovers Show Wear Cording used ht st\anl)'t or r;lip«overs a n d \1pholstet:1 usually is Lhc first place to show wear. If the fabric chosen i~ not ei:;pccia lly durable. longer U~e or the covering mnv be ob- tHined bv omit1i11~ the corct\nJ:! Plain sCams ~iv(' a neat aOd attracth•c ap~nra1\ce. ----_......_ THE BEST fl('l'ldl'l'!\hil) po 11 s prrt\'O "P('nnutit" is on(' of Lile \\'Ol'ld's mo~t ror11/ar ro!1'1q t.trips. Rc3d lt da ly in lht Ot\ILY Pit.OT I I • ct2 DAJLY PI LO r Wr rlrir sd"Y· July 5, 197J -- DINNER FR ANKS MORREllS All BEEF • 1.POUNO PKG ' •l 75< " • d • STATER BROS. SLICED LUN CHEON MEATS-----~ 8 VARIETIES -FULL HALf LB. STATER BROS . • "'"'"""'"''"4 9. All IEff BOl.OGHA PICXtE' PIMIENTO c SANDWICH lOAf . COTTO SALAMI Bltf SALAMI O\.IVE LO AF ' EA SoPICEO lUNC ... ON • MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON QUALITY MEATS fVERY PllCE Of MfA TIS UNCONOITIONAll Y GUARANTEED TO PLEASE YOU , .• OR YOUR M ONEY Will SE CHf£RFULl Y IUfUNDED WrdrieMtay July 5 11)72 _S __ PILOT-t.OVERTJSER If - M EALTIME 59 VEAL ' !~.~~!D BACON ................... LB. c STEAKS STATER BROS CERTIFIED BEEF 7 9 STATflflJtOS lf~OOlllRIS«ET•CRYOVA CPl<G R,0 "ou,,,,,,,,N,,""D, .. 0,,BONE ROAST ......... LB. ' CORNED BEEF . . . . ..... LB s 1 09 COOKED HAM ............ •-oz.59c cooKSDEL1c1ous R . s I 01 STATOIROS.CERTlftfO lffF i~~~i~~~~:HRI~ L~B 98' 'f.~~~=STU K :::1:: MORREllSAUMfATORALLBEEf 79 TASTY BREADED SLICED BOLOGNA ....... LB. c 89 . i'i'iuNSCHWEIGER ...... 69' . C SHOWBOAT 1-LI. PACKAGE 69 '!WU llllM.\"~O • GUAR"ANTEEO s 1 39 SLICED BACON ................... LB c STEAKS CLUB OR CUBE ........... LB . . LB. WILLY WON KA OOMP AS . 6PK. 49' GRAPE DRINK l:.Ji" . 6, o' 54' STAR-KIST TUNA f(~Y.~' ., CA N 42' PEACHES LARGE SWEET FREES TOME ST ATER IROS CERTIFIED lfEF NOT AILS• WELL TRIMMED ROUND STEAK ·~ts!·............ .. 5 11 7 PORTERHOUSE STK "5 163 UAN ANO TENDER• GUARANTffO STATER IROS. CIRTlflfO 8£Ef • ' . I-BONE STEAKS ---_ .. 5 157 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK .......... u '1 95 .I :~ iiiilAPPLE .................... 4 N~A~~· 5 1 tllll SUNSHINE . . 39 '~~:;;~:;~HI -H·O c' RACKER.I IG-OZ. .. ·c . .. .......... BOX _ ;:"~;: VANILLA WAFERS .1 ~~t 39c l·LB. ............ CAN • FISHER BISKIT MIX NALLEYS THICK CHILI .. HORMEL SPAM A5'• B-1-SCUITS "usou"' "''"'" ORBUnlRMH • ... 40 oz 45c . J)UZ 43c " 01 63' 3 8-0Z. 29' KER NS NECTARS 2 "01 27' ' HOT COCOA MIX "'""'"'". 5 "Gs 29' SUN CREST --· -~~-. CiNiNAF00D .......................... 8 · ~A0N~ s 1 TUNA IN 01L ;~~1~11~~;1~ 1 C>'N sz; • NESTEA INSTANT TEA >ot 97c ·PLUMS LARGE RED LA RODA • TUNA IN BRINE ic'.:'.~'i;~~. '"'" 51 ' SWEET-10 '.:" 1°. '"'' ,o, 79' STll -P UF : ~:!~, '"' ""', ''" ·7gc ROYALE ROLL TISSUE , ,,, 30' VIVA TOWELS '"'"o" 35' LYSOL CLEANER '" Ot 59' LB . KLEEN GUAR D ''u""' .. "u' 72' ' SWEETHEARTLIME 4 ~~'es 41 ' SWEETHEART SOAP '.;·,~ 4 ;;;~52' FABRIC SOFTENER ~;:'., , "'l 65 LIPTON TEA BAGS '"s 65' " SKILLET DINNERS ~·: .. ',', ' ... "" 83' HUNTS TOMATO JUICE "01 37' SNACK PACKS ""•" " .• i. 1·. :1Ll1;: · ' 4 r1>1( 53c LARGEFANCYSUN KI STVALENCIA 2 29 < ORANGE S .LBS . LONG TENDER CRISP GREEN ) 2 5 ( CUCUMB ERS ·········· .FOR LARGE SWEET VI NE RIPE · 4 ~$ 1 CANTAL OUPES ·············· • BOR~~S SHAKES ,,, , 5,, o: 11 I ~eaft'I{, & 'Bea«ftf /1i.d4. GILLETT( II AN AC IN 29 PLATllllM . . . . !~J.b~JS s1 . ,,Sulc . ;;-1 - ~~~ffo~u~~~~~i~ ·GOLD MEDAL FLOUR VIEN NA SAUSAGE '"'~'~". 11 o; 91 c l f> 01 rt•R 45c 5 '"' 62' 20< •• 7.0,21 c ii.LLE0 TISSUE 3~:g~~5 1· aEANSANDDEODORIZES BOWL 54c LYSOL CLEANER .... ~s~i .~RAID '"''"""£~-L(J(,tt 'J~ 'lood 'P'riu:1.. :~ , ~-~ BUTTER STEAKS 6~~ 69< ONRIEODNS 'YARD CiUARD~a•11,v 3~couisi' DINNERS '. ............. 69' . :,i KiusFtYINGINSECTs GJi 1 , G~fEN G1Am.o.ssoAr10 37c cot.cf"''A"'( ORIGINALITALIAN '" '-"TO 210-FEETSAWA'Y l uard ~'~~~ .. ~~!~,~~'~" ---"'29' ~~.L .. ~~~RE PUNCH -... ., 21' SWUT $ " . -POPSICLES --·-.. , MORTON DINNERS -",,, 53' ' 3 29 \ I TOWNHOU5f 79c l'l\'vt< .. r•1~I ~s ( . ·~ I, ,, FlJDGSICLES,. ....... _ .. _. "' ICE MILK BARS , , ., 39' '-VAN OE KAMPS , 1~·1.-oz · . FISH FILLETS '';~J 88' IONA.NZA tt0AS1 Oii l.UIECUE IEEF RALSTON CEREALS l.IS-OZ ... ltc 7.l~L •. 79<~ ,.c•m. SO..COUIT .......... 411t llOWW • 1.&.0Z. ""'"••M ....... 4.5< VANISH GIAIUlAI BOWL CUAllllt :14-oz.55c PKG. GRAVY WITH BEEF .. ~«i s .169 ~~· VAN or KA~PS 99c l''°!Dt ~ HALIBUT . .. , °' PICTSWEET PEAS . , "42' ' MACEARONl-1&CfH1 EESE -·· o--· 33c B'EEFrSTEW 1U Cl g3c -~ (:Q(}i(jNG0 BAGS --_ aoz 29e' 01R1AN'G£JUI CE 1601 75r: • '· ' ' . -- WtdlW'sdaJ. July S l? :!. DAILY PILOT <f:J. --· -------------------------------------• --VALUABl f COUPON -----VALUABLE COUPON --VALUABLE COUPON -----VALUABLE COUPON ---· ADVENTURE Porta ble Potab les Pacl<ed llt>ad1n~ f('lr !hr hra('h. the park. rhe rlnc'h ., Tah!' lood lo fit !he .~rl.'nf' -;i ~u rer soup - : CREMORA I NON-DAIRY CREAMER I TOMATOES LAR GE SI ZE SLICING 25~ PLUMS 25~ CUCUMBERS 3~29~ J;in1plelo prep:ireand :i !'nar .... '.~1':~:~,;~~:~;11;;~,=os,:,:,1:01:,,:: DI ET R c c 0 LA FACIAL TISSUES BOX OF 200 2 PL Y TISSUES PRIORITY WHITE MEAT ALBACORE GRATID TUNA 'oz. FLAT CANS CALO CAT FOOD 6 oz. FLAT CANS ltEG . 55¢ BAG LARGE FRESH GRADE AA EGGS ~.-, WOODBURY BAR SOAP ·.~~. '"' 9 (~ I· 10~. --. -·· .....• FULL 9UART BOTTLES ____ __ ~ Ol l'OSIT 5 ' $100 ""' based on one of the nc11csl 1·on1·rn1ence !iy.)dc; on 1 our ~rii<'l'r's shel f -;i 2-can p;it k nf rh1li 'n hrcr d1n11t'r j ---------------------.--------------------------- Tn µpt the :.oup tu::;ether in "SUZIE." no 111nr flttl. cornb1nc tan.~ of 11·holr kernel cnrn. 11·hoJr tnn,:irnc.i; and !he canned beef , tl 1nnr1 . T<•."" in onion, grren1 pepP£r ancl crisp) haron prrce:" fur ~rst ;111d good fla1or l ;:icccnt ,\1ncr1cc1n chcr~c _gne~ 111 ttMl for ;id<l111on11I nnur1sh- 1nrn1 .1 f llr:it !hr \1 ork~. lhl'n pac·k 1 Atld \11u"rr rei:idv In gn -ofl sh kl n11 .\·0urda.\":<:;1d1rnturr Don'I an ess rorgr1 In 1 :i ~" i·r;ickcr~ and BAR M HICKORY SMOKED USDA GRADE "A" 3-LEGGED PAN READY • MICRIN MOUTHWASH 11 FLUID OZ. IOTTLE RfG. SI .St AT SOME STORES MA CLEANS TOOTHPASTE 6".7S OZ. FAMILY SIZE REG>. \l.Ot •T SOME STORES PRELL CONCENTRATE ~~~~~~.o 2./$15' REG . SI .St ,lT SOME S!ORES SEA & SKI Suntan Lotion or Oil 4 FlU IO OZ REG . Sl.10 AT SOMf STOllES BIRDSEYE THICK 'N FROSTY e VANILLA e CHOCOLATE • STRAWIE JIRY BIRDSEYE ONION RINGS I 01. llEG. ''' 10 oz. ,I;~ MINUTE MAID , m -~ ~ ~ LE·MONADE z • > 3'. l OZ. C.A.NS lfil1 -=-" NABISCO WAFFLE 29' I rilhl'r n1bhlr foods -t'arrots. s k d nl11rs fir 11h<11Clrl" SUit.~ )'OU!" mo e f;incy. Rr! 1·011 nr\"cr dreanlcd this H A M s SHANK HALF c lb FRYING CHICKEN CREA ~~s RIG. 41< c m 10 OZ. CILLO PKG.. 39~ nc11 chili prndu,1·1 1\'1J1.i1ct l~nd i1 srlf In SO\IP \\1th (I h11 1c llTI· ;i~inatinn 011nk of all th<' olhcr ---------------------dishes ~·ou 1·;111 1Tr<1tr A·nd <Inn"! force! l ol r <irttr1pfll(' in \hr R('fnrrst ;i1 1011 l'rograrn S1n1p-1 Iv st•nd 1our cl11l1 'n beef label In . B1i:· .John's Hcft1rcstat ion Prn!!rarn. P 0 Box 8 0 6 . F'ullrrlnn. California. 92638. A lrcr 11•ill lie 1>l;inlrd in ;i na· l1onal fnrf'.~I in ynu1 narnr CJlll.l·C'l l EESE SllUl' ) us~ CHOICE , BONELESS I.lit M sun PART HAM - f l lSH LIAN GROUND TURKEY 1 lb Prices Effective: Thursday · thru Sunday JULY 6, 7, 8, 9 !'rices subject to stock on hand. I WE GIVE ILUE CHIP STAMPS WE GLADLY ACCEPT u .s.D.A. FOOD COUPONS ··~ WI GIYI 11.UI CH• STAMPS 19th and Placentia. 71 ll W. Chapman ' ·- I • maufiir4i 1t,1 I :i1E ~ tit;1 t• i c_Amerlca's 93iCen len n ia 1 • Ice Cream I Af .l.lflJE I' VAN!!lA., P!NN OUfCH (HO "''H Ff DOObtt OOU8lf FUDGE M"'lt8 ' 'AP .. fQGA "Sl PAW8El!l!Y SHOl!l(Al(f M ' ' I /[llr<ON (HlllPI Pf(.O.N, NEW H,l,MP~H 0 (.._ Rl·!f SE~~y (Htf<;f (A>':[, V.t.ll~Y FOllG[ 111.J'I ll~!1QN '' SWANSON, CHICKEN 11 5-0Z . TURKEY 11 .5-0l., CHOPP[D SIRLOIN 10-0Z., ME Al l OAF 10 75 OZ ., REG ULAR PKG. \:• 4 ?89' 65' HOFFMAN'S FULLY COOKED SMOKED HAMS BEEF ROASTS BONELESS CENTER CUT CHUCK ..... SHOULDER CLOD BONELESS ROASTS ....... . PORK ROASTS PICNIC STYLE, SHOULDER ..... . PORK STEAKS PORK SUTT ..... . ...... . .... . mau : I ' : : 11 ; l ' . ALKA. 0 SEL TIER PKG 0' ., 0 BABY POWDER "'" ,. .. ' JOHNSON & JOHNSON, I • OZ 1~11~ ARRID DEODORAMT f (T~A o~v REG OR UNSCENIED 6 Ol 1~~1111•r MISS BRECK HAIR SPRAY PE(, a.NO U"IS(fNJEO,] J.Ql GILLETIE PLATINUM PLUS OOVBL E EDGE Sll\OES PKG OF~ GILLETTE STAINLESS STEEL OOU&tf~DGfO Pl(G OF 10. Van de Kam p's : · tastes so good, its hard to believe it's so good for you . COLLIER ·s BRIQUETS Ol8 8.1\G •.. JO; 10 l!I ~· oO STICK MARGARINE Bldl: 80NNE1, \ 18 . IVORY SOAP "!~SQ-..1,t,l S!lf '"' SPEC IALS -July 6 9 White English 35c Muffin Loaf , "o• '" •l• Dan ish Cluster 43c Coffee Cake s ,., '" ,,, ,,, BATHROOM ~ TISSUE ZEE, 2 ROLL PACK . PINEAPPLE JUICE MAYF RESH 46-0Z. CAN KALKAN 0 01 (AN CAT FOOD BEEF BY PRODUCT, CHIC & LIVER KITTY STEW MA YFRESH cl~~s VE GET ABLES PEA S, CU T GREEN BEANS, CR OR KERNEL CORN . THE UN COLA SEVEN UP 6 PA((, I 16l (AN5 , MACARONI SALAD MA.lfl!E5H 16 Ol . \ ·,,_ .. ,, $ FOR $ FOR $ FOR .. I · I $ FOR ., BAR·B·Q SAUCE H•«O" MAYFRESH CHl\•S &P1TIS,l!EG.HOl 1lOZ PEACHES MAY FRESH HALVES, SLICES. 29-0Z. CAN BREAD YUBAN COFFEE 1-LB. 83' CAN CHUCK STEAKS LEA N, BtADE CUTS .............. . LEGO' LAMB ., U.S.D.A. JNSP., FRESH FROZEN ~ROM NEW ~EAL AND FRYER PARTS WHOLE LEGS CAllf. CROWll, WITH PELVIC BONI BREASTS, SPllT OR WHO LE, WITH RIBS ATTACHED, 79 ... OllUMSTICKS, THIGH~ WITH F'E !VIC BONE .......... ( FROM OUR MAYFRESH FAMILY Of PROUD BIRO~ ................... . 60' 99' S 1 OJ · Pork Butt Roasts 69 ' BONE IN . . t 8 ~~J!M~~$)RT RI~~ 59' ~~~t~~-ANKS "69' ~~~!f,ED PORK 18 s 11 9 ~~~.~~STEAKS " S 119 ~!~YSTEAKS" s129 WHITE OR WHEAT 16 OZ. LOAF mag fair. DELICATESSEN . ·· -~~~~ All B!1~s!N'E~~1~CN A 1 ~~ ~\sl~JD ~ EA. KRAFT CASINO NATURAL CHEESE '"' •.. JACK. MUEN5 TER MOZZ AREll A, C ht' fl.VI A f. All AROtN ASSORTED SALAOS POlATO,MACARONI 1507 co1r 'A l,.'')/ PILLSBURY BISCUITS BUITERM ILK OR SWEET M ILK 8 O: ~ :. WllSON'S All BEEF FRANKS 'l'llAN COOKED SLI CED HA M 4 oz ' 4" x 7" CERllflEO.,. 12·0Z LB. ~ mautii ••• I 111 : I ROYAL OCCASION VODKA 11!!!1!!1 -• • ..;. 801'"?00F (HAP(QAl!l!.fQfO 0 ·'"'' KENTUCKY BOURBON LB . SAM SV(ES, FUL\ So PllOQ< ',., Pork Link Sausage33 < HQfFM.t.N 8 OZ Pl{G ~~l~JR,,!~o~~'~' 18 69' CANADIAN DEW ROYAL OCCASION BLEND Bl ENDED WHISO:Ei 80 PJl'OOf . , CANADIAN WHISKEY , 86 PROO•, ' ' '' 11.1.V{ A GOO() 8"E4(,,lt,S; JIJl'MMYnEAN ROYAL OCCASION SCOTCH IMPQqfED RAllE. 86 P~OOI , ' " ... PURE PORK SAUSAGE REGULAR 1 LB gg c J LB SJ 15 OR HOT ROLL l'IOL L ~-SALAD LETTUCE FAVORITES_........_, :g~~~~EDLEAF, 2FOR2e~ AND SALAD BOWL 79' • 81 ' WESTERN ICEBERG TOMATOES ~~,~~~GSll[ CUCUMBERS 6~~.~ lb. 29< 2~29< s 138 LETIUCE j. CARROTS ON~o;Ju';;;,KG .. EA . 1 O< ~~PLUM SALE-MIX OR MATCH -----. LA RODA, NUBIANA, WICKSON 3 s 1 ELEPHANT HEARTS LBS . NECTARINES SWEE_T & JUICY •... ............. 3Lb ss1 Apple Sau ce 69 c MRS. FRIDAY'S BREADED SHRIMP. 8·01. 11.09 Cake ........... 1L1rer.11t1.1tc MRS.fRIOIY'S BREADED SHRIMP 1-lB . 12 .33 MRS FRIDAY'S BREADED SHRIMP Hl-ll. $3.09 MRS FRIDAY'S ROUND SHRIMP 14 -01. 1 11.59 \ J I • r J11I( 5 l97l DAILY PILOT 45 Laguna's White Hous_~ Offers _English tavern AtmoS_phe=.:,._r=-·· _ :' ~ B~ GLORI FICKLl7'(, lrepe roll up d!'d l'~a,::e t '<~~ J'11 b \lr b~ht' 1n ~ IJ Gtllf'ro1Js p,nrh '"'""' bdfill one at a tin1r in·, bPOI]~ ~i m-chicken. d1;10intrd ln shallo~· baking dish ar· O\f'r <'hlrkf'n with topplft;: Oldesl reiuaurant in par-side do"·n 1n butte1ed (lOl r~ l.t Et t'n lU tn Ii m·nu'.f'i SaUJP nn,rin al'd t::i~:i in <Ill mrrtng sauct rnaklng surt 1 large on inn. shcf'd raJ1ie ch 1 ck t n , anno1nting ha111I Rrriuri-nven to ~\ turesqut 41fguna Beach 15 The balung dish. s , fl a r a: 1 r. r 1n i~rt:" .. 111'P r P Add <&8 ~ .:t rt compltitl~· "°' trtd 3 c!Qyes mioccd .£·ltLr tach pttr!" ~ith 01L salt t1M dri;ref's ilt1t1 rook u n ~1 I \\"hilt Hnu~e. built in 1918 h\ crf'pes £;'ir.!<I Slfll.IA:\ tom;1'11"', nnqn~ ri11· rttn \\'1lh "·11h sauct pepper Sprinkle '411h garlic po!atoe5 a;P f'lone {a~';lS the p1ontt>r Rird f::irn 1l~ "ho P111re a~r:11.~~,J~ •J'lC 1 1l1 l' i. d \11111" \1att>r t11 ~,iutrrrr In lot•~ ~j,11,h until ec::E.~ .ilfe Jtablr~poonsirc:rtablrni! anrl tnp "'tlh r>nton shre~ m1n1·t 0.5\011::rr ·:· stoppf'rl roast al 1raff1r \\1th a bet11+'een ea th ;ind ct, ~ .. 11 :'. !~ i' ir: t' l ··~-r··ep.1rcd J,ri11111 ~1t, ~pnn kle "·'h r1Y1kr~! pttil Sall and pepprr Pl.ire 111 ~11 drgrre O\tn 15 If 1 h1r kPn llc\..s "'hile &ik· provoking motto "When In with light cream ~· .1 11 c r 1 · ?"•1 s..111 r> Spr:r\..le li1-il ~i1l1 nnrl pep· f"('a~ .:1nd sei ie at onte 10 6 3 ne11· pota!oe~. quilr!rrrd m1n11tl"\ 1ni:: arid A lJ!rle "'aler and,; r Lttg.~na let !he Birds feed Sprink le all \\l!h \trii:i~rl'.1 1 n1rrl111n111n1n1i, c'.J"lnrrd iwr anrl ~·mn1er lO Ill 15 port .on~. I sma ll ran "'hf'llt tomatoe~. Arrilngr pt11.11nt~ 'llrC1und A i~range rhlrken anrl pot~~) \tllJ and Parme~an ·• ''·~ 1 ,1 •1( @:J'l•: minule,; .!-luring nccas1ona\l.v drained c:hirkio11 st1rru<tg ,l:Pntl\ and on hr'4 ted pl;:irter p1ur dlX'~ ' The 54-~ear-old landmark Plttce undf'r broiler 3 or 4 ~: lh11_· ; • 1n 'r"'<>';i~le oil anrl adrl1n:: war er 1f nere.,~11r1· flllCKE\ \'ESl \.ll"S Generous kp~ :.11 eer basil bakf' Ii mnrt n11n11res 01 rr lnp anrt surrou nd ;\\11th ha s been expahded . cli8nged tnuiults until Iljhtly bro\\iieO s:J'.'r.-1'"~ f'( ";i•:; t1J L~~e -c:irerut1''1n1lrr--:.,1'e!ll"ff'e-W -z--1-0 -~ po u-,-a--1,-,-in-g--1 cup coo e as C'ffiip !nma!ot'' ana!.pn"-rik=1,--r-ookf'd peas ser,·p:; 2 ~ hands many limes and con.I-------=---'---------------~-----::;_ _______ :_ ___ _::__ __ _: ___ :__ _______ _: ______ ~---- tlnued tn maintain old timt Laguna charn1. a kry at· traction to the h1\\·n's r,. no"•ned art 11nd the;iler cro"d A flavor flf l::nli!hsh t;n·ern prPvaiL, \\'tlh lralhtr booths lining tnt'te ~rparate dining arras. including one in the bar "'hich often ser\ es RS a party room. I.,.on g f~rnffi (W ils two1111me . buffet featur ing three el'llt'ers and assorted veget;iblei; anri salads. The \\'hi!r !louse is once again in the hanris 1Jf lnngt1mt 01\'ner Jules Marine \\'hfl ::i,;irees. "Nnw let the Ma- rine" fctcl .vou." Chef .John ~1a juri. another La.guna notl'lhle newly rf'turn · ed after a pro!onged absence , has exp.:t nri!'d the lunch buffet to ~ix da,vs <t \\'eek and added a Sunda.v fhan1pa,1!nf' Rrunch ftal urin,'l Italian speci .1 lt1rs. Crah Cannf'lnn 1 1delicR!f' crab· filled rrtpes 1, e R Ii! s Sicilian ~ ll;ihan r;in cherns •, and ch1cke:n \'e!'u\'ius flangy \\'Ith tnmator!i f ;ire t;ist y PX· ample.~ for "'hirh he shares h ill TP('lpE'1' Fl ;:i mini:: de!-M"rt~ '4 re annther brunch innov;i11nn Dtnnrr. !ie'r\'ed until mid· n1gh1. includes a different Jtatinn .rep;:i,.,t n1;?htlv to all.R· ment the wr ll kno11 n s!eRk· 6en food mrnu Chef i\1<4Juri '" 1.-ni::.1' sp111zhel1 i is rilv.'il~'!' nn tht bill nf fare. an rillernnte to pcila!np,~ BASIC FR>:NCH CREP ES 1 ! cup fl o11r 2 eggs Pinch nf !ir!l1 \\'::iter ~s nePrlerl Beat ell!ll!.~ we:ll 11·1 th salt and flour Adri writer ll!rilriuallv un- til hatlPT IS ('f)n~1slcnc.\ of he;:i \·~· cre11m. Pour t:noueh battrr 10 bnl - tnm of 11,ii!ht l\' ,li!rr::i.,t>d 7" rrf'pf' skillet tn h::ire!v cn1 rr ·1ahoul 111 nunrrc 1, rorate p.:tn grntly lo fnrrn th in crepe ;ind rook Ol'er ](111 heat until !'£'' but not bro" n Rr pe;:it un t1! all bi!llPr is used . S1ack1n,li! creres be!"'Pen squ11re~ of "'ax raper. >1akes 12 . CRAH Ci\,\~EL<l.\I 2 ounces but1rr 12 nunrrs C'OOkert crahmeat, cut up 8 ouncPs sliced mushrooms I shallot. chopprd I tahle~pnnn minced onion 112 clips hcil \'." cream saner 3 flunce~ Sautrrne "'ine 12 cup shredded ~107 . .:treUa cheese t , rup izra1ccl rnrme~an 2 cups 11 ,ii!ht crean1 sauc e 12 cooked aspar.1,li!HS ~r-ear.!I 12 crepes Sautr \P,li!P!t1 hle" 1n butter un til translucrn1. Add crtt b anrl sauter nr and ~im mt'r lo reduce li11u1d Blenri 1n hea v~ cream sauce and cool. Pour about one ta blespoon mixture in cen ter of each Cookies ' Sugared An early 1·ers1on of a cookie tha r has be.en a fa 1·orile for years. f.er\e ~·i!h Stuffed Egg Salad. Bread Tray and Fruit. PLANTATION COOKIES l \.2 cup~ sifled flour l, leasponn rac:h baking soda and salt 11 cup buUr r or margarine 12 cup granu latef'l sugar '~ cu p firmly pa cked dar k bro1l'n sugar I large egg 12 teaspt')On vttn•l\a 2 tablt"spoons hn! "''a1er l package 16 ouncPs or cup \ i:em i·i:~1eet chnro\alt> pirces t, cup chopped pf't iln.'i Sift together the flour . bflk· !OJ! sod.11 and s.11!1. Cr!'ilm but· ter and su,11:ar~: thnrou,ehly beat 1n ejllJ! ttnd vaniH.:t, then hot water. St ir in sifted in- grt:rhenls . chocn1J:1te ~ n d pecans. Drop by le\•el table· spoons. a few inches aparl. on· to butlered cookie sheets . Bake in a moderate <:t~n degrees! nven aboul I 0 m1n11tes. Makes about 311 dozen . CURRIED f'ISH For .fl htbulou! fish stuffing. combine 1 cup of flnt: cr umb! with i., teaspoon c u r r y l'O"'de:r, 1 tabl~n gr11vy 1e11sonlng sauce. 2 t.ah\espoous melted butter. Spread fre11:h or frozen fish \\'ith mix ture a11d roll. Bake ln moder11te ov!n for about 30 minutes. Serves 6 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., JULY ~ THRU . TUES., JULY 11, 1972 I ' • I • " @)[? ' ... ' . I . j ' WATCH YOUR MAIL BOX •••. · , .. '"' a•t juJI a 1,.., ol Ike 1!1,1".: d••th el lOW ,Rl(IS ¥OU wlll ll"d '" """ hig 1-PA'l M&llll THIS WfEK1 If 'f'tlU IHI "o' gtlling our rnoil,or, ltl ¥•Wf "1Jorc1t Mar\i et 811 111~• 1l1t•1 mana9er ifl'o.,,. a11d .,,.t will itt that l OU do. • " . ' GOOD AT All MAIK T 8ASK£T STORES SINCE .CONVERsioN To.· (j:rl1iow· DJ . tOUIT PRICING! +~ ....:~--r-:..~··: .... -•:C"r.-1"'~ ' '$:' ... ---· •W ..... • •" •• '* I I / ... ., ~ • ~ I I I I ~ ' ,, " •4 ,'. f.· . -· I I ' . I I I • I ' . . q ,0 . . -.; , ' ~ ' S~h"n C."l•mlo't '""'""""-'''tho IR.l,111..-·~,i.w Pllce ,,..,,., •-iJ-""'i.i(oiilw~ ~~• ..... ...,,An ot "''.-" flik1111p...S ' .., ~,, ., :., • "'l·.t -- U.S.D.A. CHOICE CLOD BONE LESS EEF ROAST -..... ._,,.__..._ • • USDA CHOICE •f' .... ~; .. '. SPE'NC'ii'"'~.s,?~ ~ ~ STE AK ....................... LB. 99 ' . ' SHAllK PORTION WILSON'S SMOKED HAM FRESH PLUMS ............... , .. LB • LARGE VINE-RIPENED STORE HOURS MON.-SAT., 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SUNDAY .... 10 A;M. to 7 P.M. SUNSHINE STATE FROZEN CONCENTRATE ANT ALOU PE ORANGE JUICE t l l 11Dlli, 2210 I l,.~. ••• • llAMllM, 1JJ1 \ l "o1 ... ,..1i.d • lltAllllM, Jtol) (y11i4 • A•AllllM, 10t1 •. S1110tt•!•tt11,4 • AITllll, 11100 l. lll•li 't. t llllflOWll, ltolJJ S 1~1111,,.,, 11,, • IUlll lll, tll I . \I M!t•T l lfll • tlM.t.l lllO. I JO lriuMI ltfld • tll0'A ,1111 .• 151 J,.!llt•H• I•• • (ltMIOlll Cll'r, •110 I lfltli•t' I I I 1 tOM,JOll, 1100 II. ltt11 lut~ lh4. • tOSt l M(SI, >•1 J MG•lit• II••. • COVIil •121.11.ime 1., t tOVlll, ••• W, '""I~,.,,~ . ..,, t d FOR • flJIH IT Oll 910 W Co"''"'""'"''•l•h • <.t•DIM 'IOVI. 1 )60 I •••!I I •• • tllDlll tlOVI, 12••1 Ch11'''"" ,,. • MltTlllOlll!l(MlS 11(1 S,ll11 i•"delt•I t Nllllllll(T011 lll l (M, 7712 ltli"'" • ti ~!llOo\. 1&94q l4•1tn O• • LIM1110A lfOll S llnll•1"""' •tall( IS II• 1•11 W '''""' J' • lf~"OJ. lOll•Hn"''~"'~'''·~ • lOMC 9tl (M 10 )0 II 1•11111,.., 11,4 • l Oll' ll&tM. Jl10 I '""h"'"' • lflllG 1\IC ll 11100 \1~•ho\., •• • \Oi il'.lllS. &1 1 ~ ~""''"•'"" lh f~oit~~110 tONCtr-lf46• m OR~et ·----·· JU\ ••""" OFFICIAL •·"'""""" ' U.S.D.A. 6-0Z. CAN FOOD STAMP REDEMPTION STORE • llWIOll llllll, J 100 l elllM 11•4 t llOITM llOllTWOOD. I l•JJ Yt" O•t" St • NOIWlll, 1102• S ~It"'" 11•4. • 011it t0, 101011.M1H111111,, 1.,, t •1LMOllllT. 1Jto01 Mwt.111 • fltM Sfllll,S, Jill Teh~w·•t ·M .C~11w"' t '111011111,t)•I W, Tlohli 11 t •&110011, )101 I. ftell1lH 11•1 • ''''DI••, 11s• 1. w,,11; .. ,1, .. 11.~ • 'IJIDflll, IJ•O l . l•l• a.,, • '0MOM&, t••S W Neh a., • JIDl&ND\, t I SO l •H•11fJ• ••• • tlOONOO llt(ll, 1401 ll••llle••• II•' • 'IVJI Slflt l•l I (1111,,0 Si • S•• t11111111111 J111 "'' <•••16••1 .._ • , •• Gtlllll, 'l•O II ......... d I • 1a1 '101&, sn1 ,,~, .. '•I'''\•. •'\iNT••••.•1ow 11 thS•. • SAil• tNl, 2)1 I i .... 1,1 i\ I • Slllll II S•l111GS I \)JO 1,1~•·•1~ t~ • 1a11r.1. •o•t<•. 111•• w.i.1o ... 11., I • SN(IM&I o••s !&1JJ \1•1otw•1 l1·,j • SOUlll ,111,1 11 •(fth!••"" • sou r11 ••1•0111. •20 '•" Oe~• '" I • SltlfOll• IOSOO ,.,,,.,i;, 1 .. • llUDIO(IT,llJIJVo••"'' • fDtllN(I. JOJO ,.,.,i ••• ft ···~ I • IUSTlll.•lOltC1"''""'• .. llMIT I CUI WIT H CDU,DN ;llOW ------------- SUNSHINE ST A Tl FROZEN CONClllTRA Tl ORAftGE JUICE llMll ' C.IN$ 'fl C0 U'0N ONl COU,O N 'II IOUlT C.U510Mfl WIO JUIY S llo!IU 1Ul5 JUl'I' t I 1•11 11.oz. CAN EA. -.- •, • • I ' I . , • CUl\111 CITT, Jl11 t F"' (.,,,,, • ll Sf,UIOO, Ill W. ''"'' • '0\llTlllll VllllT, f~l~,., '-lr11~~wnt t JOUlfTlll\lllllT •11•,~•1"•11 • 1011•r.UI ~ 1\1Q t•·"~"'• l l•d ' lllllUIU JJ !S• '•"'" c,,,1 11 .. , ' MOllTlllV ''ll 1201 i &1t,•lk 11,; • lll W•Olll 1(1.01, 1150 1,,1,., ''' t t flt llllG Milli !Sf , 111 Sll•t• Stu•''"' • t Oottl tllO lll"M1S, ll•OO (,1o,..,1,,. t \lll lllll&IOllO, I lO W •Ot11 l1t10+ • v1111c1 ••o L ... , .. 1.1•.• I t WIU11111, 1)211 I W~,., . ., ,1,. • w11n1111 .•• ,,,I W~11Ht•I•·~ '--~~~...;....~~~~~~--'' 1 WllMll,101, I J• I le "'"' 91,,-.. ------------------ • . , ' ~I • • I I l ' I 6 PAlLV PJLOT Wtrlrit~>l)', J 1Jty S, 1?72 _,._ ;; . about-Beef Quality and Discount Prices -- IN PLAIN TALK-to get top value for the money you spend on meat. it is importan t to understand the difference between "COST" and ''VALUE",,, "COST" is the money yo u spen d ,,, "VALUE" is determined by what you get for • ·thei>riee-#te-aff'lount-Gf-gooo'-e..t-1ilg meat tl'lat aGHiall y reaefies-yGtir table. --• The steps we take to put more of this good-eating meat on yo ur tab le begi n with our highly selective • buying met hods. Our meat experts have a sharp eye for quality. Years of expe rience have taught them I exactly what to look for in se lecting beef. Beef with just enou gh fat,,, and beef they know will be . deliciously tender, juicy and flavorful. Then our extra-careful trim is the next step in assuring you of top value for your money. For example - the chine bone, gristle and fat that we remove f'1Jm an ordinary standi ng rib roa st ac tually account for approximately 14% of its total weight -weight that sometimes is included elsewh ere with the roas t -and in the price you pay! We also remove the tough tail end as well as the excess fat in a T-bone steak -this ca n can easily add as much as a quarte~ of a pound of wa ste. Our same ca reful trim applies to other cuts as well. Remember too -our everyday low di sco unt prices mean savings that begin at the checkstand -every time you shop. At Lucky, the PRICE is right -the VALUE is right -and th e QUALITY is right,,, backed by our unconditional money-back guarantee of satisfaction , .. ou r written "Bond" on every package. NO WAY can you go wrong when you shop for meat at Lucky! , OUR BEEF IS SO UNIFORMLY GQOD.. THAT WE DARE TO BACK IT WITH OUR REPUTATION, AND OUR "BOND'.' 1>•1c1s ..... DISCOVNTID •XC•l"T ON , ...... nADID AMD OOVllUIMlnCONTaOLLIOneMS KEY BUY FARM FRESH PRODUCE DOLE PllEIPPLE ~BANANAS WHEAT-BREAD-:c:;~~i~:,:1 31 · ·._ -\ C .rCRACKERS .... ".":"\;;:-;,~ 29' · ' J lb PACKAGED GOODS .,.+-HIHOCRACKERS •• ~:r;i 39' BABYFOOD ..... ·.·:-~~~:~~a · RUSSET POTATOES .rNOODUS ....... :.-;;-;;: 3S' STRAINED JUICE •.... ~~!;;::; 8' ""1"1"·1·A .. M'"1'x"-'fllll[ Jll'fll&~W•f 33 • JUNIOR FOOD ••• ~1.~~:~:~ 12 ' U.S. NO. 1 1 0 c .rP •••• ""'"~' BABY MEATS >M"'26' GRADE CAKE MIXES "'" 12' •.••. ,,.,,,,,.. lb Cf' OOC.OLAll.-!I OIYUl!l; • • • '0160~ sw~Frs DINNERS .r~~:6:~::1a · Q'4JIFFY FROSTING. ·''"~~~) 12' FOLGERS COFFEL ,';:; 83 ' CHXOtAn Oii 'l'!IITT: P•rP. ~IC.l.lllt. 1111! ~ llKll•C PUl ZONIERS. , •••. ''."."~':'.'.~!',';~ 3S' . ·'~,,,.-FOLGERS COFFEE 2.2S ~MARSHMALLOWS 1~0~0:;~ 27' ~ --. Fo lG'ERS'itiSTcANT'' ~;0:09 D<COIAllD~a /t WHITE \" 120 -so.n. IOLL . . . HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AHEm rp"511(.,o!ll .. ~1 1 23 u-· ••••••• ~Cll'lC. • .,-4FACIAl TISSUE ••. ,,,'~\•;:: 32' adSOLO CUPS •.. '.":~~,'~~ 87" CONFIDETS ~IHU~IN&"'tNI 41' 0 0 • • 0 ,, 11CIM!W ~RINSO .....••.• r:;~~r;;; 67 ' TIDE DETERGENT •••• •;g; 1.41 ZEST SOAP •••••• ·.1•.ot::~ 21" MR CLEAN l lQUIOClllllf' 73' • • • • " • •• :tOZllL ..-4FlOOR SHINE ':"~';,~~; 1.39 .rnooR SHINE ~·~~:~ 1.79 PET FOODS COl'!l100/ )&I 'FOLGERS INSTANT 1.49 (()Hit /100/ J&I • .rFRUIT TREAT .... ~;;:>;:; 31' &11'1.I ~l'IWIUlf QI &l'f"l.E lWll~ ,,-'PRUNE JUICE, . , • ~~;T,1 so · <f4BONED CHICKEN .. ,';;<;:: 48 ' STARKIST TUNA . ~~'t1.~r~1~:! 53• HORMEL TAMALES •..• ~:: 37' DRESSING •.•.. K~1To~~~:r~ 54' SIRGUPE 3yc J!llOW BARON VOM REDBUtRf GENERAl MILLS l·Ol. PllG . . . .. . . __...SAUCE •~rltC*v1~Plc;.;nn 33 ' ..,.-• • • • • •••• 110/C!N o'4 PRESERVES ~:r~~N~1'~wo~~:; 57 1 BLACK PEPPER • :"':•.••,o;rt;e 47• ,.PEPPERS m~•"~""' 31 ' T n Q"" o • o ••• lt',OlJ•• DOG FOOD l.Ol..,.Y'f ~II>' 17 ' l~<n!•"'fPITno • • • • • • • i4ozo" Q""'"OLIYES .M(otw.i,ozc.11129 ' (Alo CAT FOOD """'" '"" 17. . • • . • '"' • • ·~ ,nic•N cf' ROYAL CROWN 6"ll101 C•~s 79 • CAT FOOD l'\)llll00 l1Plf\'""'l' 4S ' •••••••• ]!0/aoi o"SEV£N UP •..•. ~;~:(~~~as · KEY BUY IESTLE'S QUICK COCOA MIX l:5c 32·0UNCE CAN . ' ~ . . . "OUR PRIU PROnCTION POLICY GUARAl'IHES SCHWEPPES """"'""'ru" 1 09 ••• 6~(1001&11.S • 111'!~ ll'~O« Oii 10~ c SACCHARIN .••• ~~~;::~ 42' DAIRY PRODUCTS c;f41MPERIAL •••••• i.o::~1c1~~ 40' SOFT MARGARINE ••• ~\'Iii 33' PET MILK .•••••• ~v ~~· .. c~~ 19. ICE CREAM •••••• ·"'~it1c1:~ 65" Tl4:SE PRICES TO 8{ £H£CTIVE fROM WE ONfSOAT.'JULY STH l !ll~OUGl-I JU£50AY JULY 111ll 1977". lDW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES & BEAUTY AIDS BAND·AID l:?~l!11Jl1J shner ::,::;::: strip ... BRAND PLASTIC STRIPS Sox of 30 "sheer strip" bondages: assorted si zes. 68c ()• .... ~&ti . ~~-SINE-AID 'SINE·AID PKG. O F 24 • ::oo:"'•"'"'_J!I For "'-Jl--~· relief FLOWER GIRL 11 EGG SHAMPOO 16 OL Bonu47c FLOWER GIRL . CREME RINSE 47c 16 OL BOTlLl fLOWER GIRL CREME1LEMON 47c RINSE 16·0Z. fLOWER GIRL LE'MON SHAMPOO 16 O L BOTTLE 47' 47' DREFT DETERGENT 440Z. 97c BOX BOLD DETERGENT B4 0L $141 BOX DISH DETERGENT LOW SUDS $235 1 S7 OL BOX IVORY LIQUID DETERGE NT a1c 320L BTL IVORY SNOW SOAPPOWDU 97c 32 OL BOX KEY BUY SKILLET DINNERS 7:::i!~~ES1:5 c 15·0UNCE PACllAGI . . . .. -i;l·>~4:1l·I·l·t• SANDWICHES •• ~l·:·~1 :,~ .. ~:1~ 69 ' FRUIT PIES., •••••. ".:~·", 29 ' •'f'l.I f'll(N Olt &Ol.H&lJltt MACARONI Ji(Wt!ll.\AN fll.••'J,"':' 38 ' 0 0 • • • , 0 Jl !llP, FISH FILLETS •• '~ :" .r'~i,.'~~ 1.59 .,-<DOLE JUICE. •.•• ',":~;~!18 ' PtJ,IN OR W!Tll {lllA~ct FISH CAKES .•••• ".:'~:~:'.1.29 LOBSTER TAILS ... 0 ~·;;•;,'.3.15 VEGETABLES •••••• ~·~7r1:~42~ ~·~1 BU!I!~ BfA'IS Cl~ N.lS SNACKWICH ES, .•• '."\",!;':;"'. 37 ' ("'f\I' Bu•GI• (Hlllf ~~•II '>Rf~[I f~ltl!O (l!H~. f'!Pfll<'l~I P'I!•. f i/[A O• $t'''ll'~Y JOt <f" JOHNS PIZZA •••• .'~:i 73 ' f!OptlQ~I. C/!Hlt Cli' SAlr.AC.I FRUIT f~D'."l!Ql.1<> ·~A\11 47 • ••••••••••• 11c: "'" ll-.9(~~•1S Q<l~0·£\ f<P t•A("!) ,,-'TREESWEH . , .• ''.'';.;~~~ 27 ' BEVERAGE • SPIRITS GOLD SEAL GIN •••. M;:;~: 3.66 BUDWEISER BEER . '.~ ,~;'.1.69 BURGUNDY WINE '.'c;;;,":,: 1.lS (AVAILA8lE .AT OUR STORES WITH llQUOR 0£PT.) • , • the few items listed Qn this . poge constitu te just ~o smell . sampling of the thousands of low, discount prices. in store for you. m ~Van de Karn p's m AN OUTSTANDING VARIETY OF FRESH BAKERY GOODS .iN.&NllM • 1·,11 S.. Stllf• Ctl!•p 11"'· AN.&MllM • 710'W, t1 ,,i..,, A••· A!US.& · 11J t t'r'9dtl0flt St1MI l .t.LOWIN , .... • ll t•O lo1111r11 lh•. C.&ltOG.t. , ..... • 7214 Me1oft A•t . W. COVINA · lw11ci"'4 5~6'rilo1 (lft. OOWNIT -IJ10 fln1loft1 II•~. G.t.IOIN C.IOVI • lJOIS l11tlid U. GUNDAU • llSS W. C.(1"''~' l l•d. GLIN0.&11 • 1000 M. (11T1rl!I A•~. Hl~LAND P.t.11(. 11 1 W. A,,...,, 4$ HUNTINGTON BEACH . t OSl AtlOfltt A'ft, LAGUNA HlllS·\Oft Oit90 f ry, tt ln Pat tA MllAOA • t• ••to•a~a Sho1J11i~9 ''"· (AKIWO(IO • lti t•t lMI ~ot,int Ctft . lAWNO.t,ll • U4 11 So. H1w1h1'"' llld, lfNNOt • 10101 p,,,;,lf .l•t. tTlllWOOO • 10711 Allo~tic A••· lOlllfi lllCN • 6llS I Sprin9 St. f, lOS INGllfS • l 40S f , l•oo•lf'I A•t. MONIOY1A • 4l l W. HwlTll~lt• OflYt MONTlllltO . I SS Nt . W1lt1l JolOIW.lll • 1101t Aton•• ll•L OIA NGf • 2610 f C~a,...111 A•1. 'ASIO[M a • 'II f. ¥11• St•ttl S.t.N lflNAtOINO • lS1•5 Aoot~no ~· I. saN GAlllll . 'Jl I. loo 1~·· l h-,, SAN '1010 • 1&36 l Sth Sr SAltfA MONICA . 1611 l111<oift 81w4. SOUTN GAJI • llll J,,.,,,,.. l lYll. llOONDO llAC14 • 11 Ii ••!tttt 11•11 TOllANCI • 11$0 ,,,!fie (Mu H•y. lOllANCt • lltO )op11ht d1 l lw4 . T\IJUNGA • 61'0 I Dt1~•U l l•tf, TUST IN · 1lllO No•,o•t ''' ,, 11! ~· wurc111; 1 ~ . 1101 1 ... c,111 11., WUfMIN~l!~ 1)011 i'"n9do!o S• Wlllff!f~ • ISOS' SM11 11 A•t WHITfUt • 111!0 I ·w~t11l11 ll~d. WILMIN(jfOlf . 1111 liie •~ej&o. WOOOl~NO "Ill\· 171•0 v,1-,ry 81,d ' ·~~I'••·· •.. t up••"'••••'• lo\or .r ~...,. .. ~~~-~~~.~.~!!~~ ..... " "$) 49 ~N~!~T!J~~~ONt>EO ....... ~1i5 1 48 ~J~~0~,l!J,1!.o~!~A.~ .... LI $] 48 PORK SAUSAGE ~I:~~.~~~~:~~.~~~.~.~~:~·.~~., ... EA 8 8 C ~~-~~.~·-~,~.~~.~°"''""' .. $] 74 t!!~ss~~-~~~1!H,,tot ~KG ; ... 33 C k~~!.~~~. BACD.". .......... 73' ~,~~~~.~ .~,~~o~ ...... ~.'.'..'..'.~ 7 9 • ~.~!~.EJ~NN~l!~u~~'KG .......... 79c ~~~.-.~. '·~Y~R BA~~~ 89' fWll'l•THINll OZ ~KG~.lkl PER SONALIZED MEAT"' RVIC~ Any cul of meat prepared to your own speci fications .•• at no additional charge Fresh ... Deli Items f ARMER JOHN FRANKS , AllMl•T ••.........••••••• l•llPIG72 RICOTTA CHEESE , PllCIOUS llANO . , .•••.•• , , • , l·ll n.G 71 MOZZARELLA CHEESE 98, PllCIO\IS I I.ANO ............. 1-ll PIG BUDDIGS MEATS'"~~;r.,~~'· , HAM, CHICllN, SllCfD • ...•• ).OL PIG 3 9 KRAFT CHEESE FOOD AMllKAM, 9' INOl'llOU•ll Y WIAPPID Sl1CES 12..0L PIG 1 MACHIACH SALAMI c OSC•I MAYll •.••.•••••.••• 141.PIG 75 OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA c .ioll Ml.tT (I OZ • .lll IUJ 63') •• 14L PIG 59 COTTO SALAMI 7 2' osc•• M•Tll ••.••. ' ••••••• &.oL PIG LEO 'S IMPORTED HAM 59• SUCIO, COOIUO ••..••.••••.•• .(IL ltl:G PILLSBURY BISCUITS , IUTTilMlllOI HOME STYU ••• 141. TUii 10 .... _ f I CHUCK ROAST TOM TURKEY ............ HA~VEST::~~~~~:::~T~:~~: 45 c CROSS RIB ROAST,.,,..,,, •• ""'~~::~·:: s 1°9 T-BONE CUT-UP STEAK "'"•"SJ 63 ••••••• UNC 0 '1;0 1T10"'AllY ao~O[O La FRYERS """'·'""' 38 c •••••••••••••••••• (IOIC ICENil9 FULLY COOKED HAM .... ~~:~~.:;:.~~t: 67c ,. FRESH FRYERS ~:;2~~,tf~:~T A3 3 c I O~DED LB 1'11·JLI~ GROUND BEEF .. """""" 69 c • •• • • • • • • • lHtCONOITIONALL Y 10"1 0£ 0 l B RO UND STEAK ,.,,.. '"' s 112 ••••••• UNCOND!T10"1 AlL v8~~1:~:0 la DISCOUNT CENTERS ARE DIFFERENT! Bigger then o Supermarket! Mor'e !hon o Va riety !.lore! On-The -spot !.hopping for o pen or o pantsuit t .• A rug or a rake!,. A blanket or o b ike! And m uch, muc h more .. ot money sa ving low discounl prices ! .. Thi s symbol deno!e~ those ilem ~ ovodoble ONLY at 0 15COUNT CENTERS. • IHEAVT DUTY PICNIC GRILL 99' COOKIE SHEET. Heavy-duly weight, bright plated steel finis h, gall ery rim. 12" x 18" !>ize. PLIYJALLS STACKING TUMBLERS -r'll'I Unbreokoble, glass· like pla•tlcs. • OL SIZE ' 13 OL SIZE 11 OL SIZE 30 OL SIZE 19' 24' 27' 33' .,-'Y__. 2-QUART ~rt1 FONDUE . '' Fondue pot, lid, ~.t roysb)"99 cole<s. FLIPPY FROGMAN ~~y;~ OR SUBMARINE ' WATER TOYS EA~] 7 7 KENNER DISNEY FLIP TAILS WALKER RIDERS 7 4c $2 27 SHOAT·SLHVE - PUMA-PRESS JD-QT. SIZE FOAM ICE CHEST l ig htweight !.lyre foom picnic chest sac ... q M~N'S SPORT SHIRTS I ( . ZORIES Summet<ool open-air footweor for the eolire fa ~i ly. <;;91ors. MIN'S LADIES' ltHllDREN'S 37c 37c 27c • r ,, " I I I t " \ I r ' ,, ! " •· f Pl!..flT 47 ___ £0-oko U-t--Ca!cf-ie-~Gt -~-Tcen-y-For S1-k-i-n i Wearers THE SllM GOURMET- 1'1 U\RBARA Gl6BONS buy ine1 pen!ilvt fa lty chopped 1~. 1 11,1 . .;!. and n..1mburgers meal tup to 1.600 calories per \1·1• 1rn's f a 1 11 r 1 t e pound, ra" I. a burger seem bigger add lot.I 1r you mu51 cheese.ii. make of chopped on1on11. it half ·a sh~e of extta_5harp Hiimb11r1er 'l'Oppln gs That rhrddar A 111hlt !ipoon fl f 1 •,11 l' tr ;ii! lhP hot Bread crumb11; and ' 01her c, 11 •l'lled 1h1.'\ 111.'rkend ~~~~chyth·;~;te~~~s" ea~d p ~~ innocuous slire of chl'dd11r th11t cntsup 1~ about 18 ralnr1es if 1ums a meat cake into a you 're dead serious aoout i., ,j , ·d to ('1111 • , . the boh d 1 . b , I , , 1 , -; ivoulrl l'l'i1l'h ~ar ~, rate ca ories. ut llr'I f,:heeseburger also adds ;ibou l el1n11nating ever.1' last i.:1!"lr1r. HlO calories to !he count , ~ S"'i lch to die.lie caL:o1up 11·~ stop a,nd ask yours~l f 1f the one-third the calnries -only i;nnd, l1.ttf.1_f.!!!1nr_ Qi an..u~ six..pcr_tablespoon...... .,1,,. 11 rrnportlons' as ~ sponge to Jsop up the 111rlt1n,c.; fa! rhat .. wop Id --...-........ 1-. ~ t• tt-h'"T"'T r--mhlf11 is€' -dram-in!o 1 our • 1 1 1 • r I' op he ~ he.cause barbecue. If vou 1\.'ant 10 niake rher~l'h11ri:rr \l nuldn't be JUSt f or a cnlorir·\l'l~r ··~11111- ~ •. 1 ! , <111· :1rr11 es e>0pect1ng to · as sar1sfy1ni;:. burger" ser1'e 11 lnl1forn1a· , 1 1 r.ir But JUst try lo 111cture I•"· ;111 tha t extra rood IS 1 11 • !" ]r1o k Jll your ne"' dill Hr1 r ;irr sn1ne helpful fa cts I ' ~prp in 111ind Ii \Jt REC l;t~ r. UI Ut: l"Clft B TKl~l \\'EARERS \'r;1nklurterli Tht< t\·pical 11 'l·n1r is ahout 1111 calories. 11,·1 ;u1kl'd. and 1.111 1·;iloriec: I 'dt'd raccorrting to l.1 s I i(':•;1r1 rncnt nf Agrtrulture t 'unntec:. hased on in fr ;1nl:s 1 I ;i pou11rl I. l!O\\l'l'('I', lll· 11111;11 brand~ can 1ary from .1, ·1\ of 110 t'alnr1es up'" 1 5~. In J'"IH'r11!. frilnks l\'ilh cer- ·1 d ;·dd1·d ;1rr the least fat1en- 1:1 , :•rl ··0111 n1r:it" franks' 1v. •h p•nk :1nrl hc>rfi the most I ''!'1111'" ''All-brrf'1 franks ._.rr· 111 thr n11rl ·r;ir.i.:f' \ ft11 \l•;11s ;1 -:u 10 snn1e p 11h I. II 11;i~ p1>•-1hll· 1n find · \n11 far l r:111i..~·· 11·1rh a r"dur·- ' [ f 1' t ··fltrnt ' Turk r \' t .1nh·," c1<!clr fr'11n1 11111-f;i! 1 ''' • n1r.1 r colnrrrl a11r! ! r1r"1 Ii).: f' f'nn\'rnTH,nal j, 1! '·1:·il'I' 11rrc al.;;n ~nl't. l'o11•·1t•r rhr<;f' r1E>lir1.,1J<; 1 , 111 t"· ·p rr" ~rrm to ha \'t' 1.1111..,h•·rl fr11n1 nvist 1~·1 ~n•ri..~IS ) ('HI f'rtn parl11lh "rlc-fa!" a .1·11 h1 rl1npp111~ 11 1n hn1hnc ' 1<·r ;inrl l<'t:1na: it se! fl'lr 1n ~(\ ll'I' ,,1, 11:"1! pr111·•'f''t tn •1! JI ,ic; 1n1111rr1n:1ll\ 11ou!rl ·11:• ''l•llr>. fa! 11111 grt rid nf th•· I"~" f.11lrr11n::: 1t 11111 hr l 'L 1•1I., ·r11ppinc" i\1u .,1:nrl 1c; . ·, 11·•1 ? 1 ··:1ln1 lf'S :i lr1 ,.f 1 '• 11 .. u11 Tlh·;r's ll!ilf' rl1f- i• 1:·rit·" 1'(·1111·c11 1 \' r f' ~. • • • 1r91n1a Childrtn IOd finttf loads to 1oeethlt1. E1t111t lrfth ftviU and n'91onl ii tueh • plt".,t Wrl lo :•ukt" vittmint •nd n11ntr1l1. l nnt Vom buyert. llwV buv trviu ..ii m11oro1 t~ ~· rtilChed matulltV ev1n 1hOU9h ~v •" 11111 '""'· Sott "Cllltomll r~ntd" truit ii not ,..UV ~h.11 Homt1Nkt1t b\/y •• . 'H FIRM fruit wid nwlon1 know•nt tMy Wt ri n ptrltc:tly 91: room 11mptrttur1. Nt~ :'ee fruil or nwlon in 1tw rtlriftr.ior ur11il ihl trt 1011 10 ihl touch. Plln thffd lo h-t!,..., of p1rhc1lv ril**! 1UIClOUI INll tnd :n.1on1 to b119"tel'l .,y 1n1c:k or O. .. rt tune 111 wetk1on;. Your llmity will lo" you lor •1· , ea LUSCIOUS RED MEA TED Sl\le, with rlfM' red tom"ro 1h1· 1alor!r5 e1rn 1nnrt' b1 thf' Slun Ciwr111rt !'><·r;i1~)h)I ti_~. U f_w) [rtng"-o! ltltUtt-_puJJ.uu: out pa1;Lof .the. dou~h\ r1tntal Oma!f:.t. SitJnn.\ ·~~ 11nd a fra~r:i?lt round of rcn1 rr befort Addinll, dni;: nr SJ1l1td , Ou•tf'r'" t1:1i:i;:,n<1i:: .1nrl Btrmuda nn1on-p1ckle rhlp~ buri;:tr 111hrr C'alnr1i' rrrl11l't'd rri·11lt" 11 the.\ ·11 fit' If 1flu'r<' frr~h out t•I !rnd a st.in11wil, :.rll ;u1 Roi/~: Bolh harnburger anrl !rnnkturtrr roll.(, onp ~hr<' rif rlre!i.s!'d rn1rlopf' .111d 2,, r•·111' ho!-doi;: roll:o1 111'traj,'te 11round lllastrd diet protein hrl'Ad 1ilt 10 Sl.1\, tiOl fl \1 ET ~:(,1 , Jl-li c11lflr1es each for the 11nlt rth1111t :il'l catnr1r11 1 111A kl's 1l OIF:T Hfo'.('IJ'F~S 111 l'ilrr i1f l,\'pes. -.< IUirrl-t~Ji . a,,._c<1A-f'lt'fff.t.I "'tl'Rie-41> i.;apprr' . --111.6 fl A IL\' P.ll l 11' ;'ill \\....,.; !i1drrahl1 h1i::hcr upwn,cl •1f ~Ju1n· Trad Sp,t11,1. \ ,) 150 rarh i. You can shm do1l'n 1Sl1111 cln11n 11 11h 1·1:i.:•' Fnr tl;~.I • uv1ng u99ests • ea .. t iv h•rtlrr 11 1~. !1l" 1•111 II 11.,,r ' 1:rl1shri;; (';in I 1,111 ).", tn 1'.l r.1lor1rc; a ... "~1 <l t pcnd1ni:: on ihr Plums I , .. 11r 11r dill rel1~h anrl c ,.. <"i.,ti ~11ce is ahnul 16 r1'""•;. l ::i k lesp 'lo n ~ .• "; 111 1c; \nur hPst hr>!. A! f' · r 'U r•1!n11r~ pr r l .:thle- "' • n,1 r··111 rr;ilh· ptlr I! nn' ll 11uht1r•:rr": Thr l.1 p!C'fll 111 ', •11rl-r11 r h1lf-<111nr{' h11r- J••cll• 11 b11q:!rr can rani;r "• " 'II' I 1'11 Ir~<; !h;Jll 2fl0 ~ 1lnr1r~ lo nrrirh· ·100. de· l ·t~d1n" r n t/1,. f;i l crintPn! i'hri h'.;~, f.1r. !hr• lrn1rr tl1r ,,~ 1,,~ie" so rcsi'-t 1he urge tn Cele ry Bee fed t r! .. r1 \' r"'1)ped 1~ 11h Bee f 1~ ,t llt'l1! lunrhrnn en!ree On" to 1r··111111rJP r~rrrnndrr horirrl fnr c· · u1~ n'l halm;r !'pring and \·. t' :rrn tC'll'r~· 1:; in plrntiful ppl_•. rtu1111~ .IP!l f' :ind 1hl!' I' I \II'{'~' (·f .11111. 1\";>. 1h1" ,111"r,,111r 1ro:r1.1blr t!i :ihn11t ~q JWl'"f'111 11·;i;t>r, th" r.1lnrir> , "l1t11 1~ ,·rr1· lov.·-:ihn11t fl •'::ti· , 1 prr t~r·~r hranr·h. l "h1c; P 1~. 1! ;• l;n·nr('d fresh vPge- 1" 11.r thr h1k1n1 t-ro11rl .\11,.thr r .1d1antar.c 11·hrn '"l h11, t\t'~tl'rn rrlcrv-11 ts ,• 1110: t. s1 r111~lrss ;;nrl lhf' f\111.11\C' S\1('1'1 na\Or i~ \'('r~' ~: r· '"'t l\r1·p ( ,.lrr1 C't l"r h,· 111 11p;:: i t. in ,i pla ~l 1c haa: nr l '~ '''P pl.1-11« rn111a1ner h• frrr> rJ1r1n~ II Hl the rc1rii::rr;1fnr CLLI nv \\'H 1\PPEO \\ ?Tll DEF.F 2 t1lii""rMnr. bee! stock h. ,, 2 rur-.. 11 atr1 2 h"at'l '-of 1't Irr\' J 21l n1111rr ];:if' rlr1Pd beef \\111f" l'i 1JC'g.ir !ShrtT \ I lil·n·rn r hl'l'f .i;:rntl~· frnn1 1.•r :l'1r1 !,11:1k 111 11(11 v.;il('r !en ·n 11·11 ff; l lr·:i1n Sprinkle s!ire~ 1111!1 111 nP 11nr.1;;ir L<'l stnnrl \\ hl1t• r•<'l1111'!!1J.! Cf'lf'r\. Hrtnl.! fu_•r! ht1c" ;inrf 11 :1trr tn ti hot\ lfl sktll,.t lrlt'r1r1r sk11lr! set ;11 ~1.1 drgrccs 1 1r;ic:h celery h•-.11 r. r u1 1n h~H ltn;i1h111sc . Tic ar t.hc_ to p \l'lth..!ill'Ini;:. or lhret:d '" tinld lnj1;r1hrr f'ut 1n hoihn~ l''lt111lr111 c ·nnk grnh. ro1 crrd. 1; 1:11 t<'nrh•r, ;ihn11\ I 5-2 0 11111111tf'~ IA·n1r strln~ on \\h11c 11 raf)p111i;: slir<'S of t)('rf around 1hr !'inlk, hut dnn't fnr2c1 to rrn1n1 r hrforr c;rr\'ing Serve nn 1ndlr1rl11!\l c;;i\01rl pl;itc!i . Sprin!.,!r 1\•1!!1 e11;irc;e Sea~on· r 'I ~.il\t 1•r rcrrrr Seri(' 1\·ilt1 n hn111 nf Hnrs('radi8h Sauce. :\lakes 4 c;c r1 tn,R"~. ll or.;cradish Saucf' 1 rup i;our cream C[NTR,t,l AMERICAN F1R.M, fl,t,VORfUl . • !."'"'··· ......... ~. lb-ll l l. AVG. WEIGHT REEDSPORT-SHARP Cheddar Cheese IM THE PIECE J'&I scotch 117~ &ac1idtn'iim •10~. · 1;iitrl"win1 ·1~ lilll RED-RIPE, PICK 0 ' THE PATCH Watermelon DOVIR IOU '1'' 1._2 table~f)OOno; hor~er11d1sh 1'-. MOR TON fR OZCN Cream Pies LADY SCOTT PRINTS Facial Tissue JIUOGc;i ' Corn Flakts •1C11 llJiVOf • oo' .... Heinz Tomato Soup ";~' Wide Noodles 20' 10' 29' (lltAIO'S. 4 V••·n~s Salad Dreuing -" 0 ' 45' '" I ACON, WHl ... T, 1'!A~l Nabisco Thins OO•. 47' "'· $lOl'fT JOI. T "'o MU. I lO•f SWIS! sa.v: Schilling Foil Miles ~&~ A VM:irll!S Chlc-E Cat Food rROZ f N 6·0l, (All Orange J uice s ... vE 1( BANOUfl "0ll" • fl Meat Pies ~I \ !EEF, CHICKEN, lURKEY ~M•~ • Mold! ''""""···---" PLAST IC MUGS OR BOWLS 6, 99c A11011"° L.clon. . . : Your Clio't• ,, t .. '""""-· , .... , ............. •·tr I• It ~· --•-.. ~ ... ,.. ... ,, '""" ·- t • • • .. '· • • :· . ,. ~ ::: :-.; -. ~ " • • ,. " ' 11 teaspoon salt . ""\ i11x 101•th.r 1.e1" mellow 10111 Adams Ave.1 at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach 1'~.~~~~."1 '" hour Makes 1 34061 Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springllale, Huntingto11 Beach la&una Hills Plaza, El Toro 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Yaney ,_ I • I 18 \'' •r I'\\ ,J., I:> lCit_ ,- ' • • • • :--.. 111•H h 1nnrr> ... 11it 1, 1rnrlrr v.h11(' tn(·at 11n thr"'" 'cn u~e they're fr fl m "King Si ze " fresh frverJ1'. • • • Wing-Dings Marinaied hors d 'Muvres'. 49' Chicken Livers ...... 69e1b . Fryer Wings ....... 31bs.s1 .-----Fish is for Cook-outs, Too! ~ee t hr rl1 ff erer11·e ! ff'" hne ~s C'.1 n 1n;i kr: :-:n 1nuch mnre meaty goodness on these fresh port inns~ Halibut Steak CfNHR CUT •••••• ~.1 ~~ Diamond Jim Roast .... ~.2°,? rook them over hot c011ls,., and wonder why yop've ne\·er 1 hough! tn dn t hrm rhRl \VflY hefnre'. Fvrr tried one? ... it's l '.S.D.A. Chui<:e herf ... rut frorn the !op l'i rloin, to J?ive you a Ji:'reat roA i;t'. King Salmon FRESH! \V ho!e or half (renter cut steRk 1.8~ !h.) s149 " Halibut Fillets . 89~ Jim Brady Steak ........... ~2~~ Sq ilaky anrl tendrr ... great broiled 0r hRked~ Large Sand Dabs 89~, Red Snapper ... 99~ ·rh(' grf'il.L fl)Rn hin1:-.t·!J \\'tnit d hrivc I akf:'n rl t>li ght in I his :.pp .. ia l l~p sirloi n fUI of u.s.n.A . Choire heef'. Ground Beef r.1 .. t"'· ..... 99 ~b. Ground Beef s'l>''t"' ....... Sl?b9 · . .\l.,..·n_vs fre.<ih ... rhn1rc of hulk Of pflt! IPli'. ()r ('hnpprrl St eRks a! 1 his t'perial price'. Sliced Bacon .......... 79 ~b Pork Sausage ....... 69~b El Rancho's cn.,•n t hirker rRnch st,\'lc slicrs: \\"c rnake it fresh, the ol rl -fashioned way~ Fresh Beef Brisket u.s.o.A.CHDICE ••• ~1 21? ~o lea n y0u ·re sure to he surprised. fl nd so de! i cious yn11 ·re s11 rf' to he rl e!ig-h t ed '. \Vhole or ha] f Pork Tenderloin STU FFED •••••••••• ~.1 4 ! \\'e 1.se the finrst. mid-\vf's!rrn pnrk, nnd Mr<:.. ('uhh i~0n's l)rrssing .•• and make it oven-ready! S uper Fresh Produce! Fresh Corn .. 5'0'31c f;nldrri krrnelR, ten der ::ind hll r~ting with n11tu re's sweet bounty, .. frei;h <1nd ,.;n delicious ~ Roasted t<trs helnng on your menu for the cook-out'.. Large Tomatoes ...... 29 ~ Cucumbers ......... 2 '" 19~ Ripe <1nd Sl'l]i d, .. srrvr picture-prf'tl.v slirr:;, nr be gencrnu" "'I th then1 in a salad: :\de! lnng spears to yn11r relis h tray. or count on lnts of 1 hin crisp slices in you r salad: Deli catess en Valu es! Monterey Jack ....... 79~ .\ C"Rlifnrnia f11vnritf' ... s 1n110! h And l'Tf'Amy -fn r snarks or cooking'. EL RANCHO 'S Cooked Ham . . . . . 49c Sliced Swiss . . . . . .39c ('1-1fhc \'11llry -goe:; \vit h ham on rye~ 5 oz. Salad Dressing 101. 39e Punch 'n' Bag ..... 29e F1<ohern)Hn'<; \\'h,11r f1 K!11t" 1.-)'f{nq11t>!nrt .,'1,j l l-:l /~ftn£·hn fru it rlrinks~ ei~ht .'I nz . h1tg11 Cheese of the Week! ' For 1he o\·en , or for !he hRrhe rue'. Fresh fillets thAt will he sn v.·el! rPtf'i\'Prl'. ~~~"°' ____ G~ro=--occ-=cery S12_ecials! Potato Chips lf1hey're Re ll. they're :;well ... anrl the!ieare Re ll -in the hig "pillow pack" ... 12 n~. regula r nr 11 oz dip~ Calavo Avocado Dip . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . 59~ Belong!' in you r pRtio p!ans .. Thaw and serve with rhips or C'Tackers'. 7 07 .. Barbecue Sauce; .............. 3 , .. s 1 Kraft's, for quality you've come lo kno\1: and tru.<:.t ... 10 oz. size .,. and in a va ri et.y of flavors ~ Instant Breakfast .............. 59c Re sure they start the day right'. ... offer them the nutrition and navor of Carnation '. six enve!npes per rk~. Tomato Sauce ............... 3 , .. J _9c )'nu'!! love the rich saucy goodne·ss of Springfield ... as well as the price~ B oz. cans Swanson's Dinners .......... 49c Frozen favorites . , . Chopped Sirloin , Fried Chicken, Ocean Fish, Meat Loaf or 'J'urkey'. ... your ch 0 iC'.e.;_ -~·1 ~. • • • I~ Italian Dressing . 33c Thick 'n' Frosty .. 59c Wish hone, the one you prefer! 8 oz. Birdseye's su mm er t.rea L -all flavor:;;~ Cook Book Sauces 3,.~1 Contadina ·s gnurrhet touch! 15 oz cRn:;. Wheaties ....... ,49e Great way t~tart the <lay~ 18 01 .. Pineapple Juice. 3 ,.,Sl Hi Ho Crackers .. 43e Dole's ... refreshing with soda! 46 oz . ~un!!hine's hutter-y wafP.r~'. Ill n7., Flora Danica Danish Blue Cheese ...... 29e cook·out noVll Green Beans .... 4 , .. s1 Onion Rings .... 3 ... s1 In Df'nn1 ;1rk . 11\. "11Finahlu" -rli<;tinrtivf' 1;:ingv l1R\·nr. snf! rrumhly tex turr ... perfl'r t tnr ... ;iln<l" nr rl1p<:., grr11t nn rrHrkrrs ~·1t h a g-laf;s nt rn~e nr hu rg undy'. 4 nz . ~11D[TI]luuu®lf ~~®Il°~ , El Rancho Tequila SAVE 1.00~ ~~u!t i" RC$TU1ar ly .1.R!l l hi" \\f·f'k, 1.00 Tr-.c;, ... tn f'n rnurAge you tn try fine (ju A lily ~ Margarita Mix .... 9ge El Rancho Gin .... s3 79 1'avem mR kf'~ it t"n~y~ Fifth '\1n• rv proof~ Fiflh (Qua rt .. 4.79J Ballantine Be er .. 99 c Schweppes Tonic. s1 29 r nrtfln nf ~i x 12 ounce can· ('11rtn11 0f !iix 10 oz. bottles~ G·reen Hungar ian s2°0 Blen ded Whiskey. s3 99 W•ibel'o liRhl dry win•'. f ifth El Rancho's 86 proof · f ifth (Quart .. 4.99) l>r1 rrs tri Pff Pct Thur. through Sun. Ju l\ 6. 7. R, 9 No ~ale.Ii lo dealers. Oper1 dailv 9 to 9 , .. Sunday 10 to 7. . Green Giant, fren ch style ... t\o. 30;1 Ore Ida -frozen, for convenienre ~ 7 nr.. Green Giant Peas 4 ,.s 1 Petite Peas .... 4 ,.s1 Sweet and so very tender!'.' :'\o. :lO:J 'riny, lender, An<l frozen ~ r & w 10 07.. Mushrooms . . . . . 3 ,..S 1 Cat Food ...... 6 , .. s 1 'fhe Green.Giant packs lhem'. 2 112 oz. 11i1.e ·rreat~ for Kitty. Fnskies. n1 J 07..-<'A.n~. Fluffo Shortening .. 79e Fa bric Finish .... 49e -'.'.J'he golden one in 1:he 3 lb. c1'n~ f'aultleM ... ~ave 20' on 20 oz. size'. Lipton Tea Bags ... 59e Palmolive Bars 6 , .. s1 It's tim~ for iced tea~ 48ct. C:hoose pink nr 1trPen · hAth !'i1.e h8Ni'. Ovaltine ... ·...... 59e Toilet Tissue ... 4 ,,.s 1 Oeliciou11 -and nutritious! 12 oz. Royale ... two roll pack" 11 tthiA pric~~ Coffee . .. .. .. . . .. 77~ Maxim .......... s 119 Maxwell House ... (3 lb .-._e•n •.. 2.29) F'reeze dried in11tant coffee !,, .A o:r:. ARCADIA ; sunset and Huntington or r/i\/, PASADENA : 1 11/i,r SOUTH PASADENA : 11//1 1 HUNTINGTON BEACfl .':.1/1; NEWPORT BEACH : 21.1 ~r.:rn11 Hr.rt .11111 1ll Rancho Cente11 · ... 320 West Colo1ado B!Yd Fremont and Hunl1ngton Or 1 1 N.1'11er Jnd A1Ronq.1 1n Bol/!1111.1 k Crntt" ' •1 ',"'' E.1.,tl1 1111 Or [.1 :,:IJlu!f V111.1gt CPnlt·r • \ ·1 I I DI CK TRACY TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF FIGMENTS _, .°' TKE OARS! WHERE 1'1<.E THE OARS? FM TO l 15TEM TO 1-llS TMRllE. 1-IEAR1" T'MUMP •MI 'S c:.c>f.AING 'NROOGM E~-=WA'Y - STRAPPED TO . MIS CM~ST! HAW! HAW! HAW! WIW! YOU'RE: SfARilN' YOUR OWN 111111!:! WHAT A l.AUGH II .. I LOST 'EM! By Ches ter Gould e _:;,,1 . ·. ·~---~~·~. By Tom K. Ryan Cl-?fFU'.-. YOU COJl-P !?>!:. SLACK !MLL::?. -~ .= 1, ,, By Al Smith - By Dale Hale GASOLINE ALLEY SAL~ Y BANANAS ~0 ~: .~ . ,. / \ fJ!: c_ \ (l - . ~ \__ "'· GORDO s: .l.AJJ:t/\/i,: .... C'<Ct'E R:!, ~\'ERE: 7µA I T"f.Je;;:E ,AL~~..\'/!"> !5E C,.,..\\1='..\l?-V.E C''l ..:E--' P-E.A.Se • ..' .... .\'I' ;;ce. t iJE Bt<.IOE:...ESS l:l./E:.CEPflC'Al AAJD ..N!I V.t< IC' H~C \1,E:\10 .;;:: .. .'f ,-, MOON MU LLINS you NEED S OME CASH? WEll 1 <Q,ATHER UP 50\At: EMPTY 80TTl.E $ .AND )URN 1EM IN ·· LIKE I DID WHEN I W.AS .A KID. '• .. -..... ' . -.. :rn ~ ,.:.) i 01.J,.-; .. t / :--: ... e o':.1 c .. ~ i:?3\C' rr .. ~,a llc: · .JJ c_~::'.'·" t··e: t:3c• in th~ beJ- 1·0:...;r \ . \ -- _J \\;>-l.\i .\ ... , '~ \-~.'.\"'': \'-J E.["['<J~·.'"' .. l \'..:'\\. ... .,£ .:~ll.f ~·~'" .'---1.."'~''f :'.,~iz.:·r • . \ \\111}1 ..... \-., \\'!"'1.'1\~ -~ re -.,,1 F.\'-.'· , \ ,, ' ., "' ,.,._ .. ) I '-' 111ltl .. I JV.A~:rJE:: 111~1 HITTIN' ON TH.AT 11.ACK BEFOR'E ECOLOGY S INVENTED . ' ~ ,--''•' '--,._ ;: I ~-,\ .. \'...~ \v \../~I Ofl.IL Y PILOT J:) By Dick Moores By Charles Barsotti ~ .. _ By G11s Arr iala \· .iJ.: I ... 1.:... ! ' . \1."' 1..1.: rE V,.:.r .l '-. ~.II ·"·\j I' ·"'· "·'r .\ .._ \ I IF .1, ' .. -' s c o:v . I. -: , ..._,;.Ji. .. f' By Fe rd Johnson -~. c / -'}JAIL' H\I( .£.-::: _,,,,, L " f- NANCY SO I SEE TH c RE'S WILLIE, THE PANHANDLER--- HE TOOK MY ADVICE AND WENT TO CHURCH S UNDAY I DAIL y CROSSWORD •. ,by ' • POWER I : " ·l~l•O.;\ JI r' Ji 'l --FJ•rd ' .. l I" r 11" .. l /; • ···· < A' If l , T ,. l F •·· J .1 • .1·~ ., '• , ;•· L. t '" ~. "' 11. r·. '·• ;.1 · ;• L f , · jj '~ Jl'il ' ' . ' ' ;1r~··' · ; ) f ... : •, l• ' ' 'r ,.,.. " • l';,rt .. ·'· \.( ' ' 11 ·~~ • r pr J•, ·-( 1.1·1~ i· r 1.·r~1 Cl J•'r· • !I ~ •v."' 1~ I • ' 1 .. l•~ I ' .. . 4 .... ~' ~i l · '"'' ''" ·-· Pro· lr ·• , 1 r ·'' 1 .1 ~ v.~·~· I J>tdn{• 41 r ~··v r;r1:·~~1 ·''' ~s L1:chJ1!e!I ' J " . ' "' I) ' ,, " " •l ,, ,. " " " ., " J " ,. ' ~1~''19 •tr•• ..... ~,.~:I.ti,• 47 /, _,t f ir I ·~Per' ~'~ \' { \P•\ ~I M1~· •IJv· ....ortl1, r: ,' '.">~ Orr·.; Sa L ,~., ,,·iio ,l.bb•. ~_Q rr~1 t1 1r ~I CllM Jn ~ t >· I I • ,e CG"•• lJ. 1•· ~ W~t;I, t J .•.... "'~ 13 ' ?. WOid:. I,~ tJ. Ar·~·1c,,~ lnd1 a11~ '~l11 .15il'lfl t •r e Ii. Q,•ttr: f rehr t 1 c"~~111:.1qe•1 ·r 1l-!t --~ ta Tt·'"l;~lr1'. A:1~•. ~'i p,,~ 1!1 ~e w;•1!1 1 ~:rurrot.1\ (l":W'l r • :•1 ~l·· •;--! !.~[~ .... , .... t. ,J; .tlStl 4 Rt~·{;Y,~ ~ (.Qolm9 Yl'li~rls b Ntbr4S~lfl C •IY 7 1111~•~· rt~-1 Iv trc~' r ,,. 11· t'I~ I~ ~ .~t11tr ' ~ word~ " ' • ' '. " ~ " ,, ,, ' " .. ll ll 1 " t " " " . ., " .. " 11 ~ ., .. " VM.ttrdJy'; P1lllt Solvtd · •li • ~I t:v 0 , .:1 •·1. l l ;t 7~~:.7!P ~· . ' " Cef~rr­ ir• l"">r ' Prtf<r q C 1cJtr"~ VI Con1rnd 11 ···· Kl~9 12 T1t1, or ~·,'..11•IV 13 Un1"1tr~1t1 1Jcu1tv J~ fr·~ wt10 \J•tS part l•t: Sulfnr 24 Condt'!lnS as f~·h:rt 2'> M~~'s hot ~a Thr.t DI ytil ;G At lor -· T rrrn•ynt 31 Ylt !g'il "2 Hit lht - 3 I~··-: Allll!ltlhtr !~ Al Ylflil!Cf • 'lflJ{h 35·Rafl.bird'1P I m· -& , .. " ll ., 26 JS " .. " " 37 Charin H. ·--: Br!d~t author 33 Sm9in9 voic( 4a Acto• .•. Ptrid lt ton dl ~wart: 51 ~ng ~; Palm rtadtr, t Q· 48 Mort qrt ,SI' 4q Lotk or hair SG Lt1the1 b3 5Z "Ltt's st' ,." 2words ,3 Kind of ,s,,mb1y 54 lrnitattd S5 Synagog1 scroll ~K ind of bl 57 -ll1t: 0bstSSiDl1 ~9 Miss Sht11c <1nd Hardin~ b2 Albtrta'\ Mrdlclnt - " ' I) ' ' I ' "!', • .. --'-. JO ,, l1 JJ ... " ~· m " " N • iP° 6J ' " . " -· Nearly Everyone Li tens to Landers •· l ...... ,,._ 6 US"-•Ll/91• by Ernie Bu shmiller ANIMAL CRACKERS \VHAr DO ~01). A.AIJ TODO AF'TER COLLE6c "" ? : -:-Hll '< I '1-:....GO llJTO l'CLmcs . I D1Dr. - KNOlll 'iev HAD A LEAN I/JG I~ Tt<AT DIRECnC,~. PEAN UTS By Charles M. Schulz T~IS 15 M KIND Of EVENING TAAT 6RJN65 e.\CK ,\\EMORJES Of THE DA15'1 HU PUfl'I FA RM JUD GE PARKER YOU SAID YOU'D SORRY Td BE LATE, BE AN HOUR SWEETHEART ... eur I HAD OC? TVVO' "YC:.J TO GET OU R CLI ENTS' P1C·) 6EEN 601'.E TURE.S DEVELOPED'. Al:../ THREE.' SET TO GO OUT'? , -........_ -..... / .. - . . I ' ' . ," . \' I 1. , • r MISS PEACH .--~-~---~ AFTER SUPl'iR, A COOPLf Of' OTHER 0065 AND I U5ED 11:> CHASE £AC/l OTl1fJ( Ailll.tro THE ~ARD_./T WAS A 600D GAME. -AND If' 'WE ASS'UME AN AVERA~E OF 55 INSECTS PE~ SQ UAK£ YARD, T~IS CAMP, Of= APPRO)(lh"j\fCLY TEN ,A.t:lt£'5, WOUL.D CONTA"' 689,000 INSECTS,_ -• J ( l 1 PERKINS Dl\llDED ey .200 CM'IP£.ir:s, TuAT MEANS THERE Al<o 3,21'!-•NSECTS PE~ CAMPEii: ! WOW ! c~ .. ~ c.,:~ .:= ~, .. J l')J... 7 ' ~-~~-~~~----~~ I 11·1.'" llofl-'..'.'~ Tr-.,..,_lo ' By J~hn Miles ·J : BEuEV~ lr'll &o HELPFUl-11.l PURSUl/.J6 MY LOIJ6 11'AIJ6E AMBITIOl.J • Ey l:o gPr Bolle n • c ··I NEv,~·:NJ . • • ,. -·---- THE GIRLS I I !;1 . I I/ "J ht· trou 1>1c ~Hh thcn1 i<; 1"11 IH·1·1111,lanlly 1\on1\rrlni:: wh:1l I 1l ld ll"ron~. '' DENNIS THE MENACE ___ 1, I. I I ~ - -' ' ' l l ' • ; • • .· ·. • I ~· ) • DAI LY PILOT \ TONIGl-IT'S ~ T\' HIGHLIGI-ITS KllJ l'J 7 :io Bardo! :-.tars 111 rharrl{'J' -Bal)rttr--r;oi\' !fl \\··a r ' Hr1~e11r t}H\ 1960 C'IJJll('(!,\ l\tlh JJLqlll'' NB(' 0 8 O!l ' \<la111 · l ~" .\l:1Jlov ;Jnd I~t·l·d pursue Jn l'lll ~l\t .'aboteur \\hr, po~r<;. ;ii\ an ~1 11\1· pollut1 011 11ur J..rr . ~J.irttn ~ldnc·r !\<·HI \I( r·11rd sta r. r Bs 0 9 00 -',\lrdiral I (·llll'I ., ('ra1;..: S\C'lt'!I.; ! ~uesls as a doctor \1ho 1111:1J..1-'11' aJ11·r lhr1·t• ll'ill'S in a l·on1a to a l'rll1<<1I pro blt~111 1111!1 h1 ' c•,tfi'l!lgc«I I \vtfe 1BarOar!1 Hu~h1. ABC.' 0 9 30 --"l'l1t:' l\11p_1 J,.;it-." Hai rnoud Bu rr brt rt gs /IJ <; \\IJCC'lt'hair llJ!h l1in1 as ~lll''t IJOs l o[ lh1 -: hour 1v-ith !Op unp1:,,,,1fit11c;1-; J·rank t:or~h111 . l\i('h Littl t' and lo111p;i11~. KT'rV m 12 uo . '"'1'1;!111 ."ip111" Ed1•.;.11d c: 1;11lr- inso11 :llld (;rn f.!f·r J:!1:_:(•f'.~ fl.rt: 1hl' s1;1r .. ril 1111-. 1~1:>;1 drama. .r r I TV DAILY LOG . ~ l Wednesday Evening JULY 5 l :OOOOOaJEOOJNe.,., (3)@> Ht wtS O Tht Bia Valley @)Wild Wild We~! m The Flinlllones (!) 01nitl Boone (lj) Tht Frtnch Chtl E£) Alb Tension m HadaePDdce l odi:t Ol M1ybe11y RfD d:> To St Announted Ef) ThrM StpOltl t:OO 0 Medical Cent" iR) CJa•g Stev· ens play~ 1 dot!o1 l'l'ho 1N~•en1 t iter 1h<e' ~ear~ 1n a coma i nd !ales the t11t1"0! p1oblem ol 1ne time tapu w1lh his f~lran~eo "'111 (Barbara Ru5h) 0 r3Jr 6 (E M1ny ftldma" Co· mtdy Machine Gue~ts 1rt 6ar~~·1 feldGn. Sp1~t M1ll.g~fl and fr•d Romdn ffi Dr1g net ffi Un Yer1no ID fl~1 Yibr1t1ons ·Don I ~l.Of.>l 111., Composer" George Oele111e e•nla1~\ he·"' n11"1r c~n allecl fT\llVI~ mcoc:~. ind L~lo Schifnn d11cu>se1 rom· po~1ng lor movie~ '\ opposed 10 ~onr.c!I~ CE) Novel• l :JD 0 Movie: (C.J ,(90) "M i. Hobbsl 9:25 rt'! Toni Hort in Holl wiood Takes 1 Y1,c1t1on' Con•I (com1 '62 r:u Y -JIJ!les Stewart. Mlureen O Har' 9:10 0 Secon d look L•\6it Peters. fa b1111. I 0 L3'r6)!I)A8C Comedy Hour (j) CBS Nt•s · lht Kopykats" Raymond Buu 1\ (@ M•rv Cfilfi n Show J!uest host. As hons1dt. ht is 1,en m Th• FIJi.na Nu~ 1111111mg ! ~USPM! who loo~~ $~\· (l}J firi rtf l int IJ1t1ou~ly h~e Gl~n Campbell h r ID H1th•J01• who 1s. 1n tac! . .lctor 1mpress1on•1l a,)Treuuu litd Travealena. ~Gree rt Aerts 0 (E) Ne•$ a!) AFiclon1do1 Gt la Comun1d1d ff! Aventura !I) Yido-ria Ja mes Sho wi El) R1ci111 f1om Hollywood Park ffiHeadJhop [1110! M1ntr 7:00 0 (I) Q iD Ntwis D Bow1in1 lor Oo\1111 Chick Hearn llosts, 15 1ml\eurs lry !o v.rn call•' p11Z1tS- @ J1uth er ConMq utritts (j) Dr•flltl O Whirs My Line! m I l tvt Lucy ID I Dream of Jt•or•t @C1p111in1 ffiSoul! m Una P1•1•ri1 •n 11 Camino @ C.nadian P'ro foolb1I! ,7:JO l)S111Vlv1I ''Mystel'J ol P1l1can II lancf' SIOl'J or tiny m1n1uwe islanV off lh• Florida coast !hit became1 Arn«ica's first wildli!e tcfuge. 0 Tht Moir.II f1ctory Actor Joe f!ynn and the Disney "<1Quabat1 1 present 1 lhow ~boul watfr spo11; I 0 Movit: (C) (2h1) "Dowin Among the stielt.rina Palms" (comf 'tiJ- W1lliam Lund11an. M11t1 Ga1nor Oi~d Wayne. (6) lo Tell the Truth li l I Oteam of Jr.tonie O Million $ Mov11: (C) (2h1) "81· bet9 G11es to W11" (com) '60 -1 Bug\ttc Bardo!, Jacques Chau1er. m llogan·s He roes (D fl' Dr11net 10:00 0 (ii] Mannix (II) When 1 poi.re 0H1~er kills 1 man ~ga1111I .. ·horn hi W.lS koown 10 hold 1 £!Ud!!f, t~e department susptnds him· de · splle h1! 111s1stent! rh.il !he killln1 was not planned 0 lQ, al N11ht Callt!J tR) "De· l1ve11~S 1n the Ilea; >l~rs Corntl Wildt as 1 turn ol lht ttn1ury iur· s:eon l'l need o! n1oa~e1~ who •~ks no Que1t1on~ ol 111~ suppliers; "Stop Kilhn2 Me" s1ars Ger1id1ne Pige 11 1 woman who rs con~mced tha1 her hu~hand •~ 11y1n2 10 ~care he! lo tltalh. "Dead We111nt" s1an Bobby lla11n ind J1c~ Albert~on in 1 story OI an underworld hgure v.ho !S guar· anreed shipmen! oul ol 1l1c country by •n e~~rter. OW News 0 Mo~Je; (2hr) "Tht W1ges of rea r" (dra) '55 -Y;es Montand, Charle> Vane!, Petei Van lye~ ' m Cinldian l'fo Footb1ll (21f.hr) I \'i rnnrpeg Blue Bambei~ v1 Torootll 1 Argooau1s. Its Soul! ffi Su Comed11 ff) M1~terpiece Theatrt f.v'•d Com· !ort farm" {~) 09 I sP1c1A• I (yeb1ll to [yeb11l ll1g names of rhe NFL ue le•lu1 cd. I ffi L1 Leyenda de Balomd !lj, M. L1rry l1wi1tnc:e; Dtmouat £L) Loi Poli..ocn 1 JO:JO ~3 The Golddiagert ~' E?;l Dr. Simon Loc~t ffi Nashville Music ffi Movit: (2h1) "Black fury" /dra} 'J)-Piul Mum. Wdl1am Gargan. j 0 l1lk·B1c~ o~ Spofh C~1llen2e 0 CD Otmocrati c Convtntioo Prt· view rn l1 S1t1nic1 1:00 J9 Mov1r ; "Au!hless" l~rhary ~c:otl I 0 THE MELBA MOORE (!) 41 ""' *CLIFTON DAVIS SHOW ffi to11c1enc11 Cuh~ablt 0 Tht Melbt MOO!'t·Clillon Divis ll:DO 0 Q 0 aJ ID (I) Ntwis ShOlr Na ncy W1IS<ln guests. f 3 · ( 8 J (10 News 0 ®i a;) Adam.12 (R) "Tht fe r 0 Dnt Step Btyond re!" O!licers Reed and Malloy jet out to' Marshal Di!!nn la catch 1n elusive sabolfur who ffi lrulh or ConstQutn,~\ does his damage while ~pprating al • aJ Headshop (R! an 1nti·POllu!1on worker , . O' O ffi@ CD Tht Super Richud 11.15 al Ftstrval r11m1co Casltllino stars "rht Malthmaker'' 11:30 f) 8 CBS la!t Mow1'' (CJ "Nig ht ....---.lot 1r1anges 1 date wrlh hi~ brothtr Into Mornrnf' (dt~1 '' 1-Ray Mil· and Mn Stt1n'$ niecr J~nd. 1<1~n Hvd1a~. r.ancy Davis, (!J I fPICl.4L I Sicklt Cl.II D1st1se I ~¥1'1' ~l.:ioe P'a11do1 of Ntfltci 0 10 ffi Johnn1 C.irson m Tht Mothers·1n ·l1w 0 Mo~1e: "R~se1nn1 McC01" (dra) t!) Petry M1~n .'9-f~dey Cranp"r. k·~~ !van1 m Httma nos Corajt 0 < 31 r6~ rn D1tk C1vett Rock I f])@ Election '72 "A D.iy m !hr P•Jl'l1ll 8111~ Pre~lon xue)t\. I life of Die~ M11rph1," man~g•1 ot m To Tell th1 Tnt1h lhe Democra!ic N<1tion3! Conv•nl1on 12:00 ffi Mowit: "Tight Spot" !d••) '~'- OJ lucha Ubrt Wrtstl1nr ldwaid G. Robmwo. G1n~er Ro~er1 ai) Estacion Cen ti1I 12·JO@ Cou olry M~sic l1mr1 l :JD O ®J €?:)NBC MystefY Tht1trt-LOO 3 Q 0 (8 10 New\ McM1!!1nd & Wile (R) "The ~acr ~• M111de1" San rrane11co pohce d• partm~nt is balfled by • ma~te• 1 1ewttl lh1ef who commiles l'!lbber1e; t i crcwdtd social 11lher1n2s. 0 (1) 00 CD Tilt Corn1r Gu Gab nel Dell s1ars. m MtN Griffin Sho• fm @ lht Childnn Art W11hn1 . ' I.JO f) Movie: "C11! 1 Dirk S~1dowi" I ~~1~) '',f-011~ Boga1d' Mdllirtl I lt•eMon 2·00 m All·N1gl1t Show: (C) "Coe kit· I 1h!!I Htro,~" "Sp1Uur," C1uo Kid I ltCfl'•! .'J ~~n'' "8~1n lo 81 loved" fl,t k K8llman, C~rol ' .. Tl1e11te1• Notes 'Wanda June' Premiering-at SC-R -2nd Great Wttk- Jom•i Coburn "Ovck, Y·ov-Sucker'' 6y '1'0'1 TITUS 01 l~t 0111• PUfl 1!1/1 ti s \\'P~t Coast pre1n1ere 111111· :1g:lln ;it South Coast lleperto1y -tile 16th such 1•11•n! 111 1he l'osia f\1esa com- p<rny ·s \1•1t•n lf'(lr~ and 72 µro- cJu,·t1oris TilJ' \111it• <1rnu11(f ~rR T." Of. -j,..~! ft·rlnj?' lJr<in~t· Cnast 1hct1h•1·goer~ 1J1c1r first look at a biiW"rc ('vn1cdy by Kurt Vonn1•gu1 Jr . "ll appy Bi rth· cla1 \\'and<1 Jun<'" The pro- du• t1on op(•11s Friday night for a \!X·11eck engagement. !Ja1 irt Emmes. executive <lil'e«l6r o! rh1· repertory l;f'Oup. 1~ :.t<1g111g the Vonnegut pl:11 dl·<;cr1tx"CI "" a clas h bc·111ern tl1e old order and the lie\\' -t11'. nn anothrr level. lh~· lla.•h he l11e('n 1Var and pt>a<;t·. k!ll1ng :-ind non . ,,.l,itrnc·r .\ · ,. Reiser taku1g-lht part •• <?.f- Christopher Robin_ Other youngsters in the llunlington Beach cast ;ire Joel Strauss, Jona Bergland, Steve Richa rds. Cathy Ca r I so n . !\1ona Zirkes, Mark Hoi st. Bret Connor. Elizabeth Hensle)'. Derek l·lugh•s. G r e t ch c n S1nith, t\1ichelle Zirkes. Lis;1 J{oth , Beth Strauss. Valerie (;apski. Cameron Dean. Susan Trubovitz, Patrick Smith and Debi Roth. Barbara Garlich and Ri1a Liedags -rivals for a recent best actress trophy 1 n \Vestminster -are tean1cd as n1usical d i re t I o r and choreogra pher for the show. which will be staged Frida ys at 7:30 p.nl. l'lnd S3turdays and Sun\:1ays at 2 o'clock ;;\ the playhouse, 2110 !\lain St. Jluiilington ·eeach . Reserva- tions 536-4446. eurtain 11me is 8·SO l'lt the playhouse. 606 Laguna C.'aii,vou lloitd, Laguna IJ en t h Reservations 494.(}74J. * 1 and 11 :OS p.m. -AIJo- "(hato's Land" 9:25 Contin11ou~ Swn Mat. 2:00 Also ringin& du11•n i1s curta in1~==========::.: after an interrupted two-1 - weekend run 1~ "F.xir the ---------.,.,,.-, KUlg ." the debut production of ~[Il]]PJ .. IS..~' the Other Side '!'hea ter at l I D OI Corona del Mar's SI. Michael and All Angels Church . N£WPORT "£•C ~ • ot.3.aJ!io Gordon Yeaton 1s d1rec11ng . ~lark \Venzel stars as Kin g Berenger ln t he Ionesco dran1a with Deborah Schell as Qt1een flilargueri!e and Vickie Dedinger as Queen lvlarie. Stan Dedinger. IJ1ana Janas and Vi<.·tor Bum bello11· eo1n· pletc the rast. H H D OV!R THE NEWEST AND BIGGEST YET! Ii~~-~~; l(jtll\.<.'111<'~ f 1 ,_ l 1l.. f(l[l[IA01 \(1tQ~P1I,. l'\F. Hill Hr<idv <1nd .\\1mi Stnl rh l11·ad ihr ·srH <·ast <l<i an African t'Xplorer ;ind his 1vifl'. \\i1h 1'.1! Brumbaui.:h ;1n<l .J11111e-: drl'ncsL playing het' 1'U1tor~. Cnn1p!eting rhe cast arr !J. ./. Parks, i\tichael ()\\ens anti Rochelle Sa vi 11. 11·i1h sc(·o11d generation SC I{ prrt'ormer~ Reginald Parks ;ind Susan Savltt appearing on 1'tai;:e 1\•irh 1heir parent s. MIGHTY .HUNTER -Bill Brady a~ an Afric'an ex · rlorcr spins tales of co urage to h1:ti son. Reginald !~a rk !'. in ··.11ap py, Birthday, \Vanda June," opening ~ r1da y at South Loa.'i! ltepctrtory, ('ost a ~lesa. * "Dear Ernes!.'' 1he , 1narathon Laguna fl.lou lton ' PlayhOus.e nlusica!. con1pletes its eight.week engagement this 1\·eekend "'ith t1vo f i n a I J>t'rrorntaoces on 1-"riday and Saturday even ings. Closing pcrfor1nani:es 1vill be given at 8:30 Friday and Saturdav at the church. 3233 Pacifii:-· \'iew Ori 1"t.•: Coro11a del ~'l ar. Bescrvation' 67~· 3699. * James Coburn "THE HO NKERS" Barb<ira Crooker, Seo t li!!.J•••••..,,••m••' \Vi!liams and Jlalph Rirlunond -- are heading the eas t for the '• • . ;. '·1.' Follo11'ing the openin g l\eekend, per formances o f .. Ha ppy H1rthday. \V anda .June" 1vdl ht given \\led· nesd11ys through Sundays at 3 n'clock in !hr• Thin.I Step 1'he<11Cr. 182i i\c11·port Blvd. l 'osla '.\I e s ;1 Hcser1 :1t1nns 646-l.1fiJ. * r\lso opening !his 1veckend i-; 1hc lluntington Beach Pla.1 house's annual <'h1!dn.•1i's product1un. "\\linnic th ' Pooh." beginning a threP· 1veekend eng:agc1nenL -o f 1:rida ys, Saturdays and Sun· days. Carol Faulstick . a 1\l'IJ. known Orange Ll>unty actress. 1s directing the mu~ic;1J fan. tasy. 1vith !\latt Gordon playing the title role and Joe ne1\' con1edy •·rorty Carats," 1\·hich en1 ers its s et· o n d lreekend at th e L-Ong Bc:ich Cornmunity Play hou~e . Oirected by John \\li!liams, the play also· fea tures sup-\ porti ng performaners b yl' l/arold Cannon. [)onna r:rif· fiths and Gilberta C;iusrr. 1 .1 azz Afloat at NY F es ti val Frances Rafferty B a k e r directs the musica l version of O sc ar \V ild e 's ··The I n1 po r I a n c e of Being Earnest." v.·hlch feature s Jin1 Slaughter. Ken Korn"·eibel. Cheryl Boyd and Nancy Bond in le<1ding roles . Others in the Laguna cast are Olive Riches. Lee Millar. DQris Shields 11.nd Paul Tesrhke. Curtain is 8:30 for Fridav and Saturday perforinances a·1 the playhouse. 5021 E . I Anahein1 St.. Long Brach. Rescr1"ations 12131 438·05;j6. NE\\' YO HK (AP1 'Earth.1·. raggedy f)ixieland :-;ound carried its thousands of listeners un ferryboat <.Tuises to '1he origins of jazz Tuesdav' in one of the li ve.lier numberS of the 111ne·da y Ne11•port .Jazz FE>stiva l here. The three "Jazz 011 I h.., Hivef' excursions Io o k fcstivalgoers up the lludson -011 vessels of the Staten Island 'Ferry line But for rnan v caught up ln !he rhythm on hoard . it 11 a~ inorr like a !\lississippi 1'1vcrboat rt111 . ··1 l\'asn't e1·rn aware of 1no1·111g. ''said one \\'Oman v.•ho niissed rhe \iew uf the 1\-tanhattan sk.vllne . "1 \1'as JUI'! w;i tchin g !he sho11 all the I llllt' .•• The sho u' on each eruise 11·as a rotation of Kid Thoinas· Preservation Hnii Band and the Papa French Origina l Tux· ('do Band -two dyed·in-tradi· 11011 black (•ombos or f\'e11' Orleans re terans -and a six· piC<"e Danish group. Papa Bue's Viking Jazz Band. They beat out some or the early classics of the genre . song;; llke ''\\1on·t you Co1ne We know you're tired of jumpin9 up and doin9 the DASH-AND-DIAL every half hour just because your newspaper doesn't list all the TV channels you • can receive The DAILY PILOT Lists Them All •.. SAN DIEGO I TOO Every Saturday . ' WEEKj and in daily lo9s, too I DAILY PILOT We Dare You ... Every Saturday r Honie. Bill Ba iley,'' ··or '.\lan1 ,\lose'' and "Basin S!reet l Blues." The n1uslr 1·1bra1ed through lhe frames or the 1·csscls. spreading rhyt hm1t: contagion 1 a1nong the passengers. \vho broke ou t at tim es in singing, dancing. clapping, stomping. s1vaying or bobbing up and : do1vn. An otficer in whne hat bounced to the beat dou'n the ~!eps from the bridge deck and. reathlng the bottom, 1 swung around tu•ice 111ith a girl who was dan cing there and \1:al ke~I off. A pol iceman I slapped hi s ha11ds together. And the stra1v·hatted beer ccuntern1an dip.stepped to the music. I \ I See by Today's Wan t Ads • r111-::-:1·· Pt 'l't'11-::; ;.:i.:r,n ~ li01111' •• 1 . Th>'.V ;11'1• S1 ·l111ilt1/r1':, rna!r ;u1d fi• 1nillf'. TherP 1s <tl~o slud srr1·1!·1· Cl!ld J;:rOOr111 ng, e ,\:o\f) 1~· ·Y(JLl' !\l·:EO 11 lrQ111r for 1\ut<u,1 h1 r,, is a J. hcr!J'ooni ho11,r 1n l:l••a- «nn Ba~, Thi-rr i-; fl1 '«!'.~s tn 'II priv;il•• i1<'a!'ll 1;11 !h!• hily. • vo r. r-t ;:-;-i.' ·1111~: 8AY p.:iddlr -.1·01111'1 <>n !hr~ 17' 1\y;i)(, H '~ -. fr1!d111.: lYfX'. 2·man, 11 11 h -. .~a11. Close to 2.000 persons board· ed for each $5 ride. 'fhey \\<ere 1nostly 1vhite adult s in their l 20s through their Stls 11·1th some fami ly groups including 1 small children. and a .-:cat.I tering of teen-agers. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-J) Kid Thomas' group. ta.king its cue from the 76·vear·old leader.'~ spiky . r i 'n gin g tr u m p e t , pum ped o u 1 penetrating sound s at a furious tempo. 1vhile Papa French's combo too k a more relaxed attitude. Nearly Ever yone Listens to La11ders You liked it before, so he with more ... he~ on a brand new case. MGM~' OHNT) BIG !J::O<tr ~ • .,, RO-IARO lQNJTl!fE · C,, ;,.... M::fl.S Gv1 : I 'M<<ro by ERNtSr TIJYM/'N · 8-J Lb>< Ch.<'"' C .. .d by lRMST TIDYMAN M.«d by I0'.3ER LE~S rd ERN:Sf TDYMAN · o.c,«J by G010CN PN'XS ""'TllOCQOR · PANAVJSCN• Jl!G,j!k•I .. -0 SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SHOWIN..G of "SHAFT" et Both Theatres - FRI.. SAT •• SUN.• MON. A Rocking Chai.r .. The.at • t BALBOA:g:· -~· Balboa 'etvd: a·t Mai~-~~.'~?j Phone 673-4048 Opeii-:6~4S'~S . '~ ··~··-. •' .· ' •• • • • • • . • • ~· "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" Scan Con nery Aod "FIST FULl OF DOLLARS" Clint Eo,twood 601h !GI Both Color ' ' . GIOIGl,0~~111 Mi<~••I ~,,.,;,,1chriu •• , hll.-1 "1 ho (;row114'1!•r C 0111p1 ••~J" j' G 1 •tU~/COlOI "SILENT RUNNING" (PG] ' ....... .. ... '•' ~ "'' •.~or n OHL• OI AllG< {O~~rr OllY! Ill "G ODFATHER " (RI (I A•ll\l!t ~ll!Oto TVllll .. IMUUI "SKVJAC ~fD"!PGl ,1.,"!NI llACUl!!t "GYPSY MOTHS" IPG l ' .. , ... . ' ... '" OllL I OIA~GI cou11n Ol!YI ... - .... I •y"oll1i••o•ol Wtl< ~ "FUZZ" (PGI "••II'"' v., o,;, . °!-• ., .. .~~ :• ~ •• t:_t • ij I • • '··· • . ,. -'.'COLD TURK£Y " IPGJ • )I .. ......... MO YllOfTlllMONlll! ... •H it••1.,IJ<o"'" c.i..,,. "PU{k, f0U ~LJCllf~" (P 6} 'l•>/(ho•I•• ••o•U• '-.=~"(~H~A~TO'S LAND ~PGt°: ( " .. . ..... .. , ... " •• 11J' !UMAIVl~ COii llAt llMOI "PRIME CUT" (R) ' "STRAW DO GS" i1u !I I Wot., 11 Motl t• O•tll '•"•'(I t .. ........ ... ' •••• 1 •• Ill JU•, ' tor1•<A•1 ~ 1Mlllll6MIUJ 1."M•llOfllltOf•n• , 1, "l)lf Dt&O •ti •U~~· !I) J. "l<llUOU't 111 tlll l~I M015~( ~~ !1)111'11 lJM••lltWlt~'••••ljr• I OA!l ¥ PILOT /j J -Networ1{s Gea1· for Coverage of Co11ventions - B." ST A\'LEY J<l HXSO\' !\E\\' )'OftK !AP1 -fh<> n11t 1or tl<'t11urk s :ire n11111n~ bai.:. ha.c;;:i:;:r anrl 1 1 r f pre~Jrlf'nt.5 In .\1ian11 Be1ch ror n1a~n I' coverage nf the Oemocr~lit and Repuli!1can ron\ ent1ons that they es11mate 11 ill <'0:-<I thf'111 ~2! million. CDS ;ind .\'BC television 1,1·1 11 ~11 (111 !ht' air \1\1• erer\' even- ing dunng both con1·en !ions al 7 rm and sta~· nn until e<i rh se~s1Qn ends ABC plans rd11ed to1erage ev.er)' nJght from 930 toll pm. ~loteo1er, bn11i '\RC nnd CBS said the1 h1rl h•'l ·1 ''all?rled tn thr ~ 1 J • 'ti: po:.:o;1b1l1t~ of a J 1 c r 11" 11 r1 ~ess1nn~ at thr lkrnn['1 ·1111 c n n 1 e n t 1o11' ' 11ncl 11l'rt'.' (!repare~ 10 go on th<' .'.l1r ll'l!h them \B(' r..idio 11i!l <Ur hie {'<In· 1rn11nn 1<'Pofl<, .-i1 15 1111n111r.; p.t-l nnd 1.i 1111n111r~ 10 t'ach 1111111· l'HS 11111 h.11t• r<1d10 r1•111111, <11 20 11.1~·t :i•l<I JO of 11hde AKl' :....11r! 11 "11ill pro- \ !elf' d111r•1~~ • I l'C'_l•ul'!S (1 \ rry ci;1· ,1,.,11~ \11th r c 1: u I 11 r tll'W!>t"l\~\.S " De~p11r <'ni·l1t'r 1,•1·-11r d J)it'U!)!IOn. h<JilJ p,1111{ !11·,(' de<·1ded 111 pi•nu t ti !1•. n rl'j>ortt•rs let ro;11n !IH' t:n+o·, but ha1f' l11n1tr1! 1·;uh nr111 •t!.. lo ~!ill,' _i'fllor (':Lilli'! .1 tr1·h111ca! hrl11 rilll,l!'li~ f111n1 Cil!ll('l'(I and .~t)Utlrl {'f'('',\<; (•) 1>IN·1ra·1ill1'i :ind n1rrtl<1ntc·•. IJtll ri\so t111·ludrd arl' 111'1\\!lrk Jll'l'Sldt•Jll,,, pr11d\h'f'r~. <h l l't'l'H', 11 rih·rs, ('11~ ~r-·l..1•,111;t11 "Tht'!'t' ;ur dr111nn 11 ,111nn 111·ra~ nut~1dt> p .. ,. hall nnrl th1·1 ma1 ha1c· ... 11 r1·11" 111111 :1 h;1u on lht ~air prl)XJlllillC'I)' 9 30 :ii r\li:h!, <;otlrf \\'a!ter ,J. Pf1.w;1"r Jr, ex - reunve i;:rorillC'f'r. (II llt'l'<it!l\' ,-----"--''-------1 NATIONAL GENfRA!c - TH f l>-TR[S ·--- Ra1111el r'_r akes Fnr thtr ~11~1 t111u'. "1'<' ,1f lht>Sl' rt•po1t1•1.; \I di !·n .'l 1\on1an-L'.llhl'r1111.> \LH'\..111 11f NBC. CBS :'\(''ol'.\ I' M'!Klll\~ )llll s!alfl'I'" 111 pru111h· !'ad111 :ulfl t!'lt•\ 1;.;1011 ;i(ld1t·1a't'" 1111.1; I !'ail.' ··.:;111•1 In i.: a 1· 1• I'' I Ol('l';tt.:I'. ;ulHllll' ?h<·lll \\,1llrr I 11111!..111• t11 ;u11hu1 '['\' 1-<"11111'1• :u1U. !01 1;111\0, Hi>ll ·rruul. 11!10 has l:ll\ l'I 1•d f'l'('f.I' l'dlll t'I ! 1•~11' si n<· 1· tht· H1·puh!i,:1n' l l''l':t!\'hl'IS, I 1r\("O I 11 i1 l' I ' , ~ t· ,. r t' I ;1 r 1 l'". 1t'lrphor11• 1lpt'l'a\u1·s .ind nc111t11 I.. puhl11· J't'!;J\Hlf\~ ,1;tff~. "!'ht• Cun1('11(1un 1Lt11 \4 llHllht'tf' llr.1r li1!.; t"I•. :11 Ill h1•ld lllt''t' 1;1-1 .-1.111 .. 11111 Ii. :\~ for \ht' $21 th1HtPO-•H·' 1·ntd<111.! i.1 th1• ri.•111111!...• t 1\'i :ind \l\t' 11 II ,p\11 ~~ p«t11•r1\ 1d I! •1l11lo' .\Iii' 1111\ f1ll" 111' t1u• r1·111,1 11111:.: ~~;, 1~·1 r1·n' Tht• I 1'.l'"li I· I 11. •,' ~ ., ·+ ,] Star Going After Better Morie l~oles 111.1~1· l111rn 1 h e ~1 111u.d 1\10.idv.1~111~~ ~1~11·111, \\t"t1 u111t•d1;1 ;11ul 1nd!'pcndcnl II ! '~' I j ' I ·,\ ~· 111 l' ' .! By 808 !H0~1AS HOLLY\VOOD <API -"I \1 as ne1·ct as bad a ~ pcnple · tholll!:ht I was : I'm nn1 ct;;l1;1n1· f'd nf v.·hat I did in f11tn ... n1;:idP an IHlllPS1 rrfrw t :ind perform"rl thf' best I l'OUld. 'rhe n1a111 rrohl<'1n 11;1~ th;it 1 had nn selc1'!.tnn nf n1a1C'rial. Nov.· J'rn golng tn ren1ed y that '' This v.·as ;:t !hnughrftd H;1- quel \V etch taking :oin nvE>r1·irw of her f1Jn1 aeon~ C'Hreer. v.·hich hri s c11ptured acres nt nrv.·s space but fe11• pri1r.~ Excepl perhaps frorn Harvard Lampoon . l\1 lss \\'tlrh atms tn remt>d V that. \\"hile she has no plans to lx>t·on1r a pr0<lurrr. she has formrd ht'r own cnn1pan1 .1n:J int('nd.~ !1l h;n 1• a greater s:iv in 11hat :.hf' Hppr:irs 1n. · The' rcsull nf lier t'<Hllp;11gn for 111<1re sub.,ta11!1.il n.ll''-11111 sou11 hL· sei>n un 1hC' n:ilihri'>i lllf!.I ll' ~l'l'{'l'n!-i llllt I~ "1(1111111(' l':iulder" n 11·r~1ern lor Para· P1ou11t 111 11 h11·h ... h(' :i.1 rngrs ;1 s!a1 1ng by 1rar:k1n~ do11n ;ind d1~p:1tr:h1n;:: thrt·t· dC'srer;1rlnc~ "It's kind ()f a ('Jin t E.t.~!11ond p;u'I. ;u1d [ pl;i) nParl\ lhl' 11hnlr J)!!'!Urc 111 a po1u·l1n.'' .she re1n;1rkrd Th" o!h('r film 1 ~ · l\:a11~;1~ f'11\' Bo1nhel'" for ~1(;\-1. \1 1~s \Vr !rh pla.1 s a slucgt0,1! l'fHll· pe.\1tn r 10 a roller skaltng drrb~·. Audie11ce Tal\.e s Stage For 'J u110 a11d Pa)7torl\.' An unusual arrangrmcnt that \\·111 put 1he ;iud1rnre -up on the siagr -,111h •he actors \\'ill hP p;:ir1 nf ".Juno anrl the Pa.vcn<"k«' 1he first ~un\ll1{'r production of the Cal St;i1e f ullf'r\nn the;ilrr dep;1rlmcnL The prod11rt 100. the firsl of four ~rhrduled th1~ sum111er, 11·1\I hC' 11'1'C'~C'ntrd Thur~r!av throu~h Sunday in, 1hC' Linle Thrater. wilh the flUd1rn«e sit· tu1g on thC' stage in a "playhox" style. Even 1 n g perfortnance!'i are schcdulcrl fl"lr Tlni rsd;:i~· and Friday a1 8:~n p.111 . an<i Sat11rday al 9 a n1 ., 11hile rarly evening ma\- , H•rbor & Ad•ml Cost.1 Mesa-546·3102 1nPe f)f'rformanccs h'11 e h<'rn :-r1 for Saturd:i\' ;ind Sundr1· ·at fl r ni_ Tic ket s m a~· hC resnr1•pd at Ri0·.1~71 The "p\ct~b<ix" !iillf'. \1h1<"li i< :-.1n1dar !<) 1!1c;l!cr in the ro11nd. h;1s hel'n li'l'{I lwlorf' rit ('S F 111 s1na!I sturlent pru- d11r·111111• The e u1TPnt prn· <lutt1on 1:: tile lir~l 1n;:i1nc;!:1.i.;c prC'"C'll11lt l!•ll tr1 use I h e ur11s11;1l .sC'<1\111g ;1r rii ngcn1cn1 . '!'he ll'P nf the "pla.vhox·· \\'ill c-rc;Jlf' ;1 n1<irc i111ln1a\e fl ln10,·phrrc. aecord1ni; 10 the sl111\\'s <l1rr<·tor. llr. Ah 111 .I t\t·ll rr A n11111 nHun srt 11 di !?II r lhf' ;1ud1('nc·e <J 1·\car \'lf'\\' of the ;:ictnrs. he .said Mon.·fri. 7.9 p.m. So1t. 1-3·5-7-9-11 p.m. Sun. 1-3·5-7-9 p.m. THE REVOLT Of THE APES I The newest and biggest yeti FILMED IRVINE COllEGE ~ ''1-la11n1r (':11 1ldc•r"' \1;1' 11111 to~rth('r h\ l'ri1ru k Cun1~. th{'t\ hrr h11sha11<1. 111111 l1rr· (''< Sh<• f1·!1111I "f\;111_,;•s (' l \ V Ho111hrr" hflr~··!f :111d ir1 i1 111nst 11'n11 rlhOrl11 \ \1 :t.1. "A ~'llllllJ'.: 111.111 n<i11H'1! H:1rT1' S;t11dlrr 11 r11lC' 11." she 1'c•l;11c•U. "fl(' 11·1cd tn ~cc 111.1• ;il!rt11s. bnt na1ur;illl hl' C'HU!dn'! ~t·l 111 th[· front (loi 1r So 11" l1111k1•(! 11p tt1.1' ;iddr(·~~ 1111 11111• nf tl111<." n1;1ps of 1hr l11f1', H' ''!:11"' hotllf'S. [ \l;L\ olll of 1••1111, '' he g;i1<' JI lo !hr gn1t·l'IH'' l11r n1~ elllldrrn. SHE'S OWN BOSS Raq uel Welch 1101ninalt'(J Alf L<111d1111 .11 Clt'\Cland Ohui, in \~!.',() :\BC :"~·\I'S is St•nJ111:.: .( {('ill1l or ~:io headt'd b\ ]);.1111 · ifr1'1ikl(,\:; ':iiid · Jolin'' l'h'dii1'.t·lliii' ;111d 11.1~ hirl'll 100 1u·1·~.11~~\!l ~l1;1 1n1 \o ht•lp 0111. l,,;..,I Tilr> •"rod;n" :-hu\I'. tlH' \•'.11•J1111g \t'\IS ;1nd ",\l1't'! lh'· Pre ~s'' 11 ill <ilso 1)n~1 11:1 1r l!l \l1a1n1 Bf'a(·h J \H'lllg l'"ll· I l'tlf 11111 l 1111!' /\Rl' 11dl ha\1' ~8!"1 ri•t:11\.1r nr·11" ~1:illl'1·s :it ~\i;1n11 llP.1• h and 6."1 nlhl'l'S fn1n1 ;-1111 1 :•'• d dl'll·;.:.1' t'>\, CBS !~11' 111~l1u1t·1". h:t~ ~11 lip a 1r;1dt•!' t«Hnp .,( 2:1 111111 ~ lllll~id!· \ht' h.111 , .\1\(' h:1~ ](!, <rnd \'lurn:i! :;1x. \Ut1 ·~--.hit Hl't,ilJi11j; tl\1'1l\ ,11\tl :1111 1,1 Ii.I' lllH d11/i'!l Ill p\;11T ·r1il' rh·111u1h ~ ;1l•11 11:·'•' 111uh1lt· 111111~ 011 l1:111d 1111 1t•l'1 IP"-;;. ru){l u\ht•J t·"··•'· .i•" !Hl!'ld•' \jj(• t~l!l ll'll!11'1! "11' ;1111! Ill !Jt• UI! h;t11d HI 1.1 .. · 1 dt• 1H111,l1 al1on.~ •'1' 111111·•· 1111\\ !'I 1•1, ll I' I \\ P I " l'1 •:l1\\' 1l11 IHJ1 f'\!1•'1 ! I 1 111 I l•oi\'llt'l' !h:1 1 111:~1 \..1• I "\\'ht ri I gn! hot1H'. slit' g;11·f" i1 t.o me and :.;11d, 'l\e r·l,arl 11 ;ind it's grcoL' ! ri~r(•trl. ;1nrl I srnl for the ;111!l1or 'If •n11 \l'<int lo ska!P .1n11 r l\"1\ !1t ;111 Osr:;ir. this srripl \1 di rln 11: he s;i id. :-l:'ll!Ons ii!' liin·d \1w:11h. s<1t1sf;11'lion fnu11\/II11(·1·1•·11! ot Ant·hi~rllll'!l iiill lii· lli•\l,'!'d h thC' p11·turcs 1\r <Ion('" sill' Snlllh 1111ct l!:llT\ Hr:i·:it1cr. !!lfjp, lJ1·1llOl'fi!11!' l'<'tl'1J1l1 • II l'h1c·:11:n. -"1Jd. "l lo\(' 'f'u;.1' hl·i·;iii~e 11 ~1n~L t1f !h;•''t' 111•L•tlerl 1n ~1;is fun 111 111;~hc , ! r1q 11y1·d bnn~ the ,.1~·t\l'I' :iiitl 1i.i;H·u"1· ' ' It u c· k \' !'01111 1.1•1< ,. ·1 • pul iC't' t"luef_:_h:i ~ 1h111. !" Jlllll'h under C!llllnil. 'u1! \11_ra Hrt·r·k1nrirlg1· ;l\ :111 l'X-un·!lll.'-:;l'('ll\' ;1 r t' pt·nenef'. hut th<' p1clu1·1· 11as -1;;;;;~;;i;;;;;;::;;;ll "\\'ell. I \\'on·1 gc•I :in () 1·.11. h11t it's ;i hell111·a rn!r r p!:l\ 11 rr;d f11nktd nu! -~11·r:1I'. ;11ld r;1unch.1'. JU'\l like une nf !)1•' girl ~katr rs " ton llHH'h If ;1 li.·1s~I·· ii ·I 1l•·n·1 th111k l\·r li1·1·11 1 Allhnugl1 no \V111n<'11's l.1h· hf'r. r-.liss \\'elc·h .seemed In be rcl>clling ;1g;1in~t !hr rfi;Lc i·h<1u vin1 ~n1 11 111£'11 cast her :is a sex oh1ec1 in !!1111 aflcr un· d1 ~1 i ni.:ui~hl'd filn1 "l;ntil lcil el.1, \\·e h;id 1111 d ·1· !"d 1•1t•1 Tlu•1· 1tht· p • :Jt·rr· put 1n,. up 1!1c'r(' 111 1 :1 I!;\ ,,f1,1·f· p•:.ii1 .. 11 anrl l1·ft 1 .1' 1.11 1111 u\111. ! ~;.i•1· llicrr ·,1;i~ II•• h<.111 t'Ollllll~. SO J Jnr~111 ;1b1•11! 1! ! · It's fl(Jil'1•1\ '.~ l;1ull J h:-id lo r!e1cl11l1 ;:is .r:i; artres.~. tnu Bil! pn11 1 frt'I 1·1c srr1vd n·1 ;ip pr('ntiC't•ship, ;111rl I lll!l'lld l 'I Ji;ur rnorc· ~ay 111 \1l1i1f1 du." , . "PLAZ:A SUITE" E•<hlll''~ Or~Mqe Ca11nly Re~trVt<I Se•I £11q~gomrn! Nom+"~lt<I tor I Ac•dt<ny Aw•rd.i "FIDOLER ON TH E RCO F" , And , "THE CANDIDATE'" (GP) "COOL MAND LUK E" IGP I "5HllFTS BIG SCO ll.E " ' , "CET CARTE II." "DUCK, 'l'OlJ SUCl<Ell." • "CH loTO'S LAND" Stove McOuron "JUN IOR 60NNIOR" (PG) "FISTFUL OF DOLLARS" (PG) "~HAll.1<0"-(PG J In Color C"'" .... ~. • .. ! .... ~ this time, he's not alone! 11-----lllLLING CO·Hll'F------1 "TALES FROM THE CRYPT" MATINll TOOAT -· ------ -.1 K'oe111s FOUNTAIN VALLEY 1 "THE TEAR'S flRST REAll T SATISFYING , BIG COMMERCIAL AMERICAN FllM. ONE Of THE MOST BRUTAl AND MDJING CHRDN\ClES Of AMERICAN l\FE EVER DESIGNED WITHIN THE LIMITS Of PDPUlAR ENTERTAINMENT," -V•oc~n1 C:1nt'y New Yurk Tunes '"THE GODFATHER ' IS A SPECTACULAR MOVIE. ONE OF THE fl NEST GAN GSTER MOVIES EVER MADEi" :R I _, .... .. \ ·-:· ....... : .-:: !A~HION ISLANO • NlWPORT C fNlf~ lm;;ml. ............................. • COAST iiWV Al ~ACA~ltlUlt l lVD NEWPORT BlACH • 544-0760 • WHAT IS AT ti 1 • It's a time "tor relaxation and hang·up adjustment. It's super sized cocktails with free hot hors d'oeuvres. And; if you 're starving, it's a great spaghetti dinner including tossed green salad with French dressing, garlic br'!ad and a bargain price tag of 1.25 AND! --OlLila> fl1M.l M-Oll7l'!l1$ MONDAYS THRU THURSDAYS 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. • 333 BAYSIDE DRIVE -NEWPORT BEACH <I I· >'II ,.'l'I l'Oll!IHll" lir ·h r\Ht ' l ~ I -' 1 " I 1' !'' 1·11 1 ·r;1 :!1' 'I !1" 111·111, " ' !\1 I 'I .. I !'I II 1!).! P!I f " I I ·'' "' '" " .. ,, r, .. .,.,., 'THE GOLDEN BREED ELSA THE LIONESS WAS BORN FREE... NOW HER CUBS ARE LIVING FREE1 Ofieni Dody -30 p 111 ____ , ~•fM• .. ~ ; t I "' "" " ~-,, ,"i\'~\J,l/1 i!_) I 'J ft:-, J ~ ...... ____,,. ' ~ I ~ I -r..· J • '. HI 'S• MA TlD ._y PllJS(OHlr / "Pll r T tY Mt.II)\ L ALL ... A "10 " -~~ Conf it\UOU~ o ,,ily Fron\'2 PM P'rlt•\ Un•ll ~ 1' M Ad11lt1 and J r1. 1.50 Chlldrelt 7Sc: SECO ND BIG HIT I FOl'l AMES "IOKLAT" I I " [t~E IVIJUl_\iU~J~ Ii-ENE HJU:l<IVlllN l j " ' " ro 111<~ f.V. l /di\• lu>.1 TOGETHrn THEY'RE MllHDER "SITTING TARGET" U.A. ~•••• A11• • 'I' I .... lliiiiiillilliililll11~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~::~::~·~-~,,~·~-~·:·~·~~:·:·::~:·:~:~:.::.:::~::~~:·:~:~~··:::~~:'.JI I ~ .......... ~~ ... ""~""' .. ·~,,~·.'.'.''~~'"'""""'""'.'.~~ .. ~""1 l.!.::;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;~;;;;~~;;;;;!:::::::::::::::::::~J / ;,,...NOW! :you CAN SEE • • ( "THE yRADUA TE " AGAIN " ', OR FOR THE /" \FIRST TIME. \ THE GRADUATE .... ~ KATHERINE ROSS DUSTIN HOFFMAN ANNE BANCROFT lCADEMY AWARD Wl1Ul£R fr1T flUllllC1011-Mll(l '!ICllOl,.I ~----···-----' J05f1>HE LEVIN(-.~ • .,, MttlfN!CHOt.!' LAW~("fC( IU~MAN -· -- THE GRADUATE RICHARO BURTON El1Zi\8ETH TAYlOR .,,..__ "HAMMERSMITH IS OUT" IRI ~AST WEEK !iJ~~~'-. . . ···1: :' •·• •owa,.os ·•• : • ~<l~)T~~ ~o·"'~ ·~Tj UP, [:>ix?" ,,........... IQ: 0 2ND TOP COMEDY · WOOOY AtllN "TAll Tllf MON(T AND IUN (PG) PfTER BOYLE S 1 ARS Mll VYN OOUGlA S EXCLUSIVE RUN (PG I NOW EXCLUSIVELY ;. it.a l .... 'i:n [B;u CONTINUOUS DAILY 12JO. 3':10 7,00 &. J0,00 P,M, IR) MATINEES DAILY HUD DYER. 2ND HILARIOUS WEEK ~~- JACK ~ LEMMOll t).f'J Ji BARBARA /'. ": ·-1 HARRI~ ''rHt~wAR ~EEN ''t1NANO lllomEN" PlUS ·FIRST AllEA lHGAGiMlHT 0' "SKY JACKED " t1-11.~110>11<1 :rnN YVlll! .Vl'rlll X , .. , ...... .o;u::Jll ~·· (PGl '~UNIOR BONNER" _..~o"CAIJlY.V ~ N0MINI! '"j .. ICIOICH" (PG) 1~r 1,11,1 fr.r,Ac,11,11.,r 1• "•~10• \"0"'11•C CIJnf• l'DWAAOS HARBOR "~~·:. 1 /Ill WfFK l'O',il'l'l I fNIJS 11111 \ \ 4 :--- "I I\' II \I \I"· \\II" i ll I I ' .~I II "" ''"'~ 11 .\lf' 2nd TOP ATTRACT ION PUTH C.ORt>ON BUO CO!tT IN .. , ... HAROLD and MAUDE (R) t ACADEMY AWARD ' ' Y.'!~~~!.~ • · • · · Best Cost~me Des1on •QA:,,,•, ~~II"!~ '""''N'ichola!S. •nd Alexandra Wl(KQ-,Y\8 1~ v SAl &\UN700~1~. ' • e JO SPfCIAl LIMITED ENGAGIMINT I l I -- • 1 ' I 2 DOOR HARDTO~:z , .. ,. ~ 1 -~,­ .. , l '.' '· ... ' /• . \ . Vinyl •••t trim,.beltl!cl. 1tire1, ti~te,d wind-.. ' (l, ~-~i• .\fC .. '" -• 1hi•ld, power front di'& ~a~es, ·~\ condi-• lionin9. l2JHHl617221 ·'." ,., ·' ' ~. ~ •' ' ' . . •.-r•· .. ~•c.~~1 ~' ·~ ·' . . '· BRANO Nffl ~ T97i .... ,,,. _ .. , THUNP~R.B,;IU> 1 19 FOll - \1377 .... ,, Chev.~ Ton -'ICKUPI 1~, llllft, rec11o, ••· ~· Md. Low mli. '}f995 • '"' ' ~ • . i '&1 "' i> .... ,. •• ' . • ."''r ,'' ' ' ... . 'J•--"· ''" FORD "-· · .. ,.. · ·· COUNTll:Y s!DAN. v~ .. •imi, ··MpSTANG ~~•aj·7~-,~:JJ95···- • I .. ' ' ' 14 '-I • ; CHRYSLE~ IMl"llUAL.. '«*Y llr, WU 1 377 • ' TODAY'S SPECIAL · BRAND NEW . 1972 ... MUSTANG 'I ' MACH :I' ·· 2 DOOR SPORTSROOF . . 3~ I t:fO 2 V;.Y,~8. ,ruise-o,_,, v.inyl .roof, wisf• ova'I belted whitew.t_lls, Jower steering I front disc brakes, •ir con .,· r•dio, dlx belt11 Me~h I ·sport inferiOr option, tinted 91111. llF05H20299l . SAVE $495 Ofl ,W.,.._ Sticker · ''"' :rax. & LkenM -~ ~ . 1-'rODAY'S , SttECIAL ' . · BRAND NEW 1972 TORINO ' ' · 2 DOOR HARDTOP CrUf1~~tic; pow"tr 1tttrin9, ~•dio, •tint•cl 91•1;,"belted ti~os. !2A25l240421 '71 DA:TSUN '&7 16 FORD ·PONTIAC COVHTRV SQUIRE STATION. LEMANI Cpe. ...,..,,.tk \II, IUIGmf!IC tr1n1mt11lori, ~~,15~ ~~sa9s'·· • ' . . r --~. ,,.., 5,.1972 ."" , 'BRAND. NEW ' .• ,, PRICI • Air Conditioning ... v.a, .,.._, rodla, '$3799 tlhllnt ,.., wl~•ws, P. Str., T/1 ..... HO l:i* . . (F2SYRN42212) · • + tu & lkenle .. TODAY'S . SPICIAL . BRAND NEW 1972 . . -~TON · 1972 .. TODAY'S SPECIAL · I . BRAND NEW 1972 • FORD ·y2 TON . PICKUP-FIOARP01'71 • SPECIAL +tu&·llceft.. • • TODAY'S SPECIAL , BRAND NEW 1972 . -, FOl!lD 3J.. YON ' . ' ' 4 WHEEL DRIVE . , HARD TO FIND , • PICKUP HO Y.a, optloHI -rwt ..... . . ..., .,, ""' ll'm'IPZ4Ull .-=::=· $. 4299. ' (FUYRmm) +ttx&I ..... ,. ' . SPECIAL I +te:1&1k ... • ~2899 ·'&5 . 15· GALAXJE ·DODGE CORONl!T 2 DI'. Hfnttiip. VI, • 'CONVlillTIBLE VI, 1ut., IUIOmltl~ lrt,.,.l ~ tllff· trMW: ,...-1fwl'l1"9. (PICW· illlil· rlilki, • llMr.n • Swier 1lftl • ' • . · •M·s595· ·.~A 77 $~77 ·14 ··BUICK '78. . ' MA·VERl.CK ·~- 14 FORD Mi TON l'ICICUI'. llUHll'I •777 '1l ( ,8Al:AXIE · '&6 . FORD .. '15 LTD I Dr .... .....,, YI, ......... """'' redllf, ,.....,., ,..... ~ Nctwy l lr. CVNl-•1 . •495 '71 , PINTO '&I • ', VW BUI . 19 , CHEVY St.1111'1 WaoM. YI, Auto., ir-'°"Y Air. ,.__,. l,,_lnl, ,_. 1r 1r..,.1zu a..1 . r' • ·1 • I • '.I . .. . '· ., •• ' .. " ' ' ,, • •• •. ' i! ' . t [ I I· I \, " i ' \ . '. •• .• • • • ~ . ' ·. ....~,,,...,. .,, " 1972 DAILY PU.Of --·--. ...,. ....... ~ ....... ... NO ONE OFFEli MOIE! CH 1700 ............ lvd. M6.1171 t .~ USED IRICK AND No.1 No .1 .... 1 ' ·: ~E .:JR~'\'. . Talk about a planter 't.iOxt! 1'h11 ·fr0nt'rya1;f hat 101• of used brick and many 1'rge pine trees. Tbil newly !paltltecl,.f :f3,R J1ome Is located on a quiet cul-de·nc which b )Ust righ~ t&. lli\'-~o.m~ Uy with 1mall chDdren1, Hurry thls one \V<ln't lut. cau tol11free M?·~,Q~·. , .•. ' . . ' , ..... . . ASSu•:.~~/-4 o/o Y.~ LPAN '• lriun6cutate 4 bedroofn '~ · •·North Costa Mesa ·• .12JJ/mo PIT!, ,.., • J3,000 wlll~isSume ~ Call ~ ~'.l,lJS., . . . . . . ' .'· . ' .. .:. --·~-'"":%..:--~ 1·" SWVfff -..,_. aftll attw the .a.. • tr•I'*' ..... ,..,.. If\ 6..-.ffJc11 ff '°''"' ...... •• -111,...c...,. ... c ....... ....., ... In a.a. In the Hatller ArN Pnof ,..1ttuo 1 Thi• It where'°Thli ActfM Is."' ... " OWNER WAll(TS ACTtONL .,.,. Act.ioo he "'an~. bUt he: had te drop his pricer! Forn1cr!y on the n1a-rKet' at ~9,950 and reduoed to $53,000. and he'll~· second at ·that,pflce! BUT HE CAN'T WAIT, j1E SAYS "B!<P'G ANY OFFER!" Il you want a kt"-1X>l'l address, a pool, 4 bC'drooms, etc. ~ }'OU have &f d.esU-. for ''DICKERI~G." then -call us at 64S.71n • . . ~:ol ASSUMAli.E LOAN Receive a good s!X'nilible on your il,vestment. See this choice Corona_ del Mar duPlex. Hal 1950 sq. fl., 4 b00f'o9rp, 3 bath&. , • Rustle Home. Other extras Include fh_'t!p\ace: wall to wall car- peting + drapes. Just Jet.se for one, year. CUt• 1 bedroom af)8rtment over garage. Asklr)g $65,'500 • .large assumable loan. ~ll 673.8530 .. ltMnN6TON BEACH 17931 IMch llvd. 6014 Wa rner Ave . 142-2135 147-6010 .•• CORONA DEL MAR 332. Marguerite 673-8560 INVESTMENTS 2790 Harbor Blvd. Suite 2on Cc!ilt MeS41 $46-1600 , • : _, • ' .L .. • .. .. •• . ' • . ; ·-.. • " .; .. • ~! .. t: :· :: .. .. ·-: . •, :· 1· ,, -: ' \ " - W1dntwliy, Julr S. 197Z PILOT-AQ\IERTISU 17 ' Tutld.,, July 4. 19n DAILY PILOT jf ' . ~yeryone Hes "I Somethin~ That . . DAI LY ' ' . : Someone Else Wenh • • 'The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast-Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results .. J ust 1nlnutcs 9\1'8Y from t his na,11l~s fnur l.IP<ln1•irn heauty. "OUtCh 'clean and dl'¥••rvlng ur your t:lo;,•'st insp(•clion. OnJy ,four >.'~ar ,young ~nd at1ractivcly lnndscaprd. O"'nt'r trans· , ~ t ferred!!l •$38.900. 492·9700. · · ~ ' ' . ""' •, . , 1 '. . SAVE.THl DOWN l '1lwe Yfl\lf VA'Oll t bls larji:t' tl m•drm. 2 bath hQ1n1• t'ilt1\Pni1-ully ! 1octt~ l'.o on9 of C(\~ta ~l f'sa's brsl un·a~. \'.011·11 enjoy a ~ · ~f;'d brlck .firej)lacc, har~~·ood (Joors, built-In ki1hf'n, h<>a \'Y -~ ~·• ' ' ahiW roof, ~n~ (>scd run1pus r1n .. f<ll'l'i.'d air hrat, dhl. ~ara:-{'. ' ' • S.ellet motivated. as.king S29.950 but take a lMk and n1akr offer. can ,Red carpet, Hl'alto1-s. 5i16-8640. ·WEDDING GIFT FOR THE KIDS7 The)' C@n j9g t.o th(' \)(>ach 01· enjoy cornmun!ty pool and tennis. Thia 2 bdr., 1 '~ 00.th, carefree condo has ne\v lihag c;8-rpeting, electric builf-ins. and \nctud('s 1·efri$£Cl'ator, \rash· tr, and dryer. Eruty tcnns. Call: 842-:.>541. "SUPER SPACIOUS-PATRICIAN VILLA " Above gol t course overlooking occ1u1. Beautiful three bed- room home with t\\'O and a c1uartc1· baths. HuA"e 24X26 filmlly room with wet bar. A super value · in a select ar~a of San Clemente. $56,000. 492-9700. FIX IT AND SAVE ExcelJent }.1cs8. \1'crd e locfttion, thls homr lll'cds someone to .love it. It's a 3 bcdnn with fam. rn1. built-in kitchen, great patio with built·in bar·b-<;i, 2 qU('Cll size baths, 2 car garage, recently 1)fllntcd, needs yard v•ork. Call Rl'd Cnt'pet, Rral· tors'~-o. ·TROPICAL PARADISE $25,500 3 BDRM. Huse Polynesian Luau yarcf..-boatgatc-\\1alk to beach-'Lanat custom drapes & carpets-mirrored w11l l dining area- two ba(hs-tountaJn-huri·y On this onl'. 962·7771. · YOUNG, SWF.ET, AND PRETTY ln a fresh, clean nc\J.;hborhood. 'fhis 3 bd1· .. l* bath bas lovely cathedral ceilinJts. fireplace, cuslom dra{l('s, carpets, and decoration. Close tn 1:iark and good schools. Take O\'er l"ood loan or 10% dO\\'n wil l do it. For upr)(Jlntment--ca!I 842-5541. ' TltiE! !t! Waits for no one! Why "'ait longer "'hen you can enjoy thi!'i tour bedroom 3 batb ('_J!}l.PO'\-b.O.nic with panoramic ocean and Island view. Oye1; ~ sq, ft. or Jux·ury Jiving. Jd('a]Jy isolated 'for the .busy ,cxec4ti(le who \\'ante; a relr('at and a boine. $69,~. 492·,97001 ~ \ • •• NEW Du;ux EASTSIDE ,. , Now In final 'oon~trucllon stag!'. ThN<i arc 9clux unf1.f e:trtt 'l~ a i + dc:n or 3 Bcdrm., 2 baths, fircpfac;r, "'<'l .bar, ~(hlc,k 1hag cpt. throug_hou t, b1.1ilt·in· kitt'.'hen, dish"a.'IMr, t'U$~11nt d\'apes, 'tiled t'.'ntry \~·ay, quality bui lt, private' )'rtrds, JHlrt\JC, """-.;'->!'.---'!."'!~~·~<,X'<!C~~l~k!'!"-~' ,$CO'!'l'nt/"l'r_J,.c1cu t Ion in i,~,s l!l_i(!•·_ (:05 ('=" ~1ri.n. Cl.II ROO Carpc•t, Bea"ftoni !)iffi:8{)1'0. ASSUME '.FHA ,y,•/o AT $245 MONTH BL'l!u tiful 't\\'O story home in best area-bike to ~a('h­ o1\ nr1· trani>fl·n·cd-1900 sq. ft.-dining room-3 bedroom cus1om drapes & Clll'l)ClS-$38,950. 10"~ down. 846-2881, , S~,50 NO DOWN TO <01 HUi::e. l\li>I ):lcirnt-Dn J{n1-Extra· Clean with lush land· Kapini;. \VaJk to all schonl5 and G<'>Jden West C0Jlege.- 4 rge patit>-Dslnvr-Brst Arra. 846-2881. ., POTENTIAL PLUS! 1'1od(il'n 11\'0 ~l'Ot:1n1, \\l'n baths on a palm-lined litrtel 4n picturesque ~pllil.rann Palisades. Room to add anot~er unit 011 this R·2 corner 1ot pricPd to beat any com):l@t1tlOn at $27,750. 492-9700. . COSTA M!SA 0 DOLL HOUSE Cute as can be this 3 bedroom home has ne\v high·Jo car• \.'f'tin;.;, 11e"· paint, large tree shaded back yard, quie t real• dcnllal sll'f'f"t, great !or the' couple just ' starting out with childrrn. i\'o'v vacant and seller is out of state and must sell! Appr;__ih1C'd al $24,000 don't miss it. Ca.II Red Carpet, J{call11rs 546-8640. GOT THE HOTS FOR POOL AND OC EAN? J us! n1ak e the "motion" 1(11\'ard 17849 Beach Bl\'d., l-Junt· 1n;:ton Beach. \V-0,shnw you the best 4 Bdrm pool honle on t llr ri1arket for $30,950. Owners moving t'ast, ·~·Ill give fut pns~cssion. Assume good Fl-IA Loan or low down conven· t ion al terms. Has f;\'erything! Call 842·55jl. MISSION VIEJO "GRANADA" A char1ni11i:-four bcdroonl t"'O·bath home in exciting Mis- sion Virjp. I-las a peautiful used, ~rick tireplRce, 2SX45 patio and a GI loan assumable by anyone, Modestly priced at ~32.!iOO. 492.9700. . . • 1 THINKING Of SELLING? \Ve Respectfully Suggest an Even Be tter 1Vay to Seil Yo ur Property THE 'RED CARPET WAY A Ynique 1•rvic 1 for enyon• who wi11!e1 to 1e!I their property with • mini mum of enxi•ly et en eftr1ctlve price. It i1 be1ed on inleqrily, knowl•d9• end tervic•. Among ih meny f11- lure1 •re: • Profe,1ion1lly treined 1•le1 per1onnel Of! th• job 7 d1v1 1 w1ek-m"Ornin9, noon ind night, , GET THE RED CARPET TREATMENT- YOU DESERVE THE BESTI CALL THE OFFICE NEAREST YOU ' cun Lln~I CONDO . ; $15,\00 - ln dass development, pool, tils couct, "'l't'e.11 maintained grountl!I don't throw a"1ay m cy on tteni-.,.,,hen ~9U ~ · have ·tha little ·1 bf'dnn i ' b townhdlise '\ith bullt·1n kit.Chan. Iorced II.Ir ~Yi'it, pl'\Vf1.le _ tkr,, fpf about $150.00 per " month. See it you·n like it~ Cal\ Red ~s,ti; Realton 546· 8640 •• ASSUME ' VA LOANtAT .~2' MO. Terrine home with JPrafesslonaJ'.Jandscaping~ 'Bdrm-over 1800 Sq. Ft.-Fam Rm-Dining Room.I Cul. De Sac Privacy Md ovenlzed lot-Cpt&'.--Fire-p!ace-rlshWl'ht-Sharp. 816- 2881. . \: .• SWEET AIR ·• Walk to Beach aru:t Smell the S"·ee Air S'uJToundini thl1 clean:·spacious 3, Bd_rm-:l Bath neWet ho.me. Has ·Fireplace., Nice ta.ndscaping and is adjacent to ne~ city park now being developed-One mile to Catholic Chur<;h and school( Price just reduced to $30,950. Call to see 842·5541. ACT FAST Owner has reduced pl'ice oli this one to $30,950 for quick sale. Priced below market this 3 bedrn1. home features 2 bat.fit, convenient built·in kitchen. large fam.· rm., qµlf!t n~tl:hborhood, dbl. garaite. and It'& only 4 years old. Call today Rqd Carpet Real~o~ M6-8640, FOUR HOROOM-1800 sq. FT. $33,950 ;( rpile to Beacb-905 ·Loan avallabl~athedr~ ceilinlt. corner Jot-serve thru kitchen window to 'backyard-upitrad· ed extras-brick fireplace. 962-ml. 1 l JUMP. IN THI I WATIR'S FINI , ,? It's time' you own that home \Vilh a beautiful &RM"kllng pool, loc_a ted fn prt>Stigous Mt's& Verde. This }lore is absolu~ely iOrgeous, it'& been up graded In every way, plu1h ca.rpetlni, lavish land!lcaplng, built·in kitchen, 2 eleaant baths, large private rear yard with covered lanai. elec. _garage door, close to schools. Priced to sell! Call Red carpet, Realtors 546-864;0. ' . REFINISH TO FIV£ IEDROOM 4 Bedroom ~·Ith '>rea in rear of boat gate for extra Bdrm. plumbed + % Bat~wncr leaving area-patio & 1arden li te!, beautirul l&f\d;'Caping. 962-7771. BLUFF VIEW PARTY HOME 1t1ost unusual ho111e--in Huntingt.o n Bekeb.· &ta:~ on a one quarter acre bl uff site Is this 4000 plus &q\l&n! to6t beauty. It has 4 bedrooms; 3 baths, family. room, dining room, mu· sic room and separate game room. lpvt'ly pli ti o' 1urrounds ' 22X43 1he:ated ard filtered pool. Truly a delight for enter· talnlng and family fun. Fine Value at ~.500. 'for AppL Cull 842·5541. - . ' COVERING ALL OF ORANGE COUNTY-FOR A PROFESSIONAL MARKET EVALUATION .OF YOUR PROPERTY CALL . . •. . . . . ; . . . , ' ' HUNTINGTON IE.ACH 17849 BEACH BLVD. 842-5541 v cnirar . . HUNTINGTON BEACH 5142 EDINGER AVE. I 84'1i·288J ---=--=- l' ..... for .. ' ·~ ' . General FOUNTAIN VAWY 9092. TALBERT 962~n11 ;.j , __ .. • l~I General Gtlltrtl ' •• I~ . ' "FOR THE TRUE .... .. ..... , . SOPHISTICATE" · · .... i". ... ,.,, . . . . ' ARBOR VIEW HOMES $55,750 • west priced "LUSK't''.home in beautiful HARBOR VIEW lllLLS! 3 spacious BR, 2 tbs, family room plus a1nple dining area comple!e kitchen buiU.-in s · -carpets & • PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 3 Linda Isle Drive Beautiful nc'v 5 Bit., 4 1,~ Ba . ho1ne. ""1ater- front Jiving r1n. & forn1al dining. Handsorhe oak paneled fain. r1n., frplc., \Vet bar. Large 1naster suite has frpl c. & CO'f.Y lounge area. View of Bay & the mountains ..... $179,500 .. For Complete Information On All Hon;ies & Lots, Please Call: rapes included -one Of the largest lots, 2'~~$0', Happy to show it to you anytime Blt.L.• GRUNDY, REALTOR We have the key. 341 81yside Dr., Suitt 1, N.8'. 675-£1£1 "HAVE THE SQiJEEZITS?" NOT IN THIS ONE E~~hanting TWO.~TORY 5 bedroom 3 bath, 2 ~ireplaces 1 FAMILY ROOM, formal din· ; ing room .. NE\V. carpets · and drapes, island kitchen, SOMERSET inodel on FEE land in HARBOR VIEW' HOMES .......... $72,5qO. ' . ELEGANCE AWAITS . YOU HERE '!each tor the moon io th~ : .. '" TREASURE MAP . truly upgraded full y air-con-"( ditioned split .level townhouse. Perfect for 8 career couple qr the ~'Orldly loner with 11ubllc taste. Z bedrooms -2 baths -All t'lectric built-in kitctten - Private. Veranda _with a pool. Pr.ofe1t1io1ta~ d«!corati:d and landscaped. $38.000. Call 61:;.8550 .. . 'Z Tiff' Rl:ld, I ·c:·1·A'I'' I •c; " ' ' I' ' MS. ClEAN ·-. -~:.. .. CHUCK CAROTHEllS PEN 'HOUSE 927 ALLEPO. E-BLUFF 1 .!!!!!!!!.....,;.....,;,,...,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ !!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!! .... I =~ ' OPEN .TUESDAY 10 to S (July 4thl ·General . General :: ~: ;~~ bne of the nice~t 4 BR, family Toom si ngle ------~----------...,- .Ca1neo High lands. Architect designed-New .carpets & drapes. 4 Bedro.oms, con_vertible den, ·3 balhs, cathedral ceilings and 2 used brick fireplaces, fatnily room. built·in kitch- en & B·B·Q, PLUS MANY XTRAS. Entertain Newport Hcia:hts claim1 flOme · charming home• and here's one built on the Principle and Strength .ot Yean Ago. Comfort inslde & ouJ. Gar· den setting Rear Yard wi th Larger than Double Garage. REAliESTATB ·mASURES i\ ·• 1cvel homes we have seen. Many extras, i11:-~ eluding professionally decorated home in· ·i side -also the yard was done by "'ell known >' landscape architect. Complete 'P!'•Perty in ~ MOVE·IN CONDITION. Located on a q~iet .• ;: cul<le·sac lot, room for pool. $59;500. !. • :: vcnient parking -ea~y to be ~7'' 3nno :t a ''DROP-IN" at Bay & Beach Hco.Jty 0 iJ• lijU . , :i .. ., •, :i . , •• ~ .. .. '• ;.. .. ~ ~ i; . i• ,. . . · . • General INSTANTLY -Al'P EAL ING •. is this "Comr I-lither llOnlti." e ..,.fitiliness exprrss 1s scldOm found. Richly ap· pcjintCd iii delight lhe . most particular indlvidual. Thi~ 3 bc.droon1, 2 Bath llome ilf Profealonally Painted inside. .and ·<flli. Easti>ide Cosla MC51\. FlreplRf'e. Shake t Double Car GAra.gc. .~. Call 646-0555, E\·en· ' 646-451'~ CANT'-=-ASSUME 'Ya" IHn • General ·-···· . -·. OCEAN VIEW lROM~Ll. ANGLES Tirffl or looking :ti ncighUor's "'a1ls? Cast your <'YC'li on U1e sparkling blue P1t(•if1c l"'oin any "'111dow of lh~ ruston1 Tl"n1ple I-fills l\Trinsion . \\1atth lhc sun l(f'f bchtnrl Catalina JslRnd, l~11y a tell"· 5(.'QJIC. \\'ords ran't dc$cribe lJ)e biauty, \,h is 3 ~)lfY Ml It aU. fomJOI .dlt\lnti room, 111Sh ca~t and rua1Chl11g dtapCs. \\' . w\11 tt.ao anyl"1ng you ~•"' Id th lfl S60.(I()) C9stlc. You· v.111 8J{l'CC. Cntt for e.1,poinlmt'nl. 4 BR, 2 BA. condo. Btaut. )\t!altoa·1 51~9491 end unh o~·ulooki,._ pool. 1 ___ o_pc,_n_F_:v.;c"::.· __ _ LrJ. tnc paUo. dbl. a:ar. 011· ly '8;8kfna: S26,~. Bkr. Like tn trade~ Our Tr1Mr'• l.'I~ PTdise column ls for )~U! ·MACNAB IRV INE Fl N ER HOMES around your own POOL ... , ...... $76,500. E.S.P. . XTRA • SPECIAL • PRICE Let us show you this enchantinst home in rrvine Terrace. Atrium entry1 spacious living room with fireplace. 3 Large bedrooms, 2 baths, LOVELY DINING ROOM + room to store your• trailer or boal. ........ $62,500. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT . WE 'VE GOT IT · TRIPLEX ONE-OF-A-KIND in CORONA de! MAR. 2·2 2 Bedroom, Dining Room, Service Porch and Fire· place'. ~.ooo. Call '646-05.55, Eve~ings . 646-4579. COLWE LL J-•t(<l~lff.,>Tlf, !Nt Ill /\I I 1 11~·. BALBOA PENJNSULA POINT Bedroom , l·l Bedroom. Clear. Owner may 3 BR. charming home w/decoralor's touch . carry: Close to shopping. This will j.o in 1 Newport Hel= Completely furnished & immaculate in our h 71600 y ... $26 SOI exclusive resort area. Only a few houses I/fry · · · · · · ' · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · ' · acorn• , fr9m surfing & boating. Launching privi· POINTS TO PERFECTION Abantlon')I C.kmlal! GUEST Ieges up to i6' boat.. THIS CONDO . FAClL!TY. Sunken lanJlly C A NEWPORT BAY ---•1~~·N-BACK-BA-Y...ARE-A 3-Bedroo . 2-1>-bath.-tirool•mki.,te/beenamw 'i't'ov11!!11, ~ ~ , E;NTR L -b ·11 · k0t h t !' ~ FAMILY ' • •v . . 1 U h 1 r h B u1 1n t c en, s one 1rep1ace. --•r•lor '··lud·'. Mew A smashmg view· o le ear o l c ay ROOM 't I • REC ROOMS · .,. = ~ ,. I . I h S d • commum y poo "' . . m· """I + ah-• th••-out. New fr9n1 this s larp pen1nsu a ome. • an Y I d' b·11· d F 1 d d l to -· -·• c u 1ng 1 1ar s. ee an an c 050 every-drapca, 40· covert<! palio. Beach, pier, slip, huge n1as-ter suite, 5 BR's1 th. •)2 500 J 5 baths. Fee land. Priced for immediate mg. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • ' Storage room. Hurt> • o&IJ sale $205,000. . * OP~N HOUSE * ' &4.\.-0303. BAY & OCEAN VIEWI 11115 Port Barmoul!·, l'l<lrllor View Homt1-oront h dtl Mar. Open 1·5 p.m. \'ltd., fhur ., Fri. And a pool to6. Decorator s arp 3 BR. -$54 950 2 bath -FR -formal on. -used brk. -' ' 1111\l\I I i!l\11\ . . 1hake rool. eady IO move Jn. Asking '• r CORONA DEL MAR Delightful duplex with seaward eye~. 2 Bd· rms. + 2 bdrm. Only $65,000. Constant in- come$$. Only steps -to -beach ! · GOLD DOOR KNOBS? This is even better. A most magnificent dwel· ling of $110,000 ! A mix o! lli~urious baths, glamour & superb decor, reveal the great Jove these enchanllnf peoplJ have for their home. " 1 MESA 1 DEL MAR Jumbo 5 bdrin. p/u1 3 batJi1. Only $4!,500 . WeU groomed. Orily '2MlQ ,down. Happiness forever & ever . LADY IN FORICL'6lURE Let 's he'& her, m ~ behind .in paymts. 3 BR. plus._3 1 pl.Us 2 8ll~i=erl. in Eut..C.M. Only $72,500. tall for details It to see. ' 'EAST COSTA MfSA · · Delight!ul 3 BR., only ,24,500, Larae lot for the klds \O play. Submil your ltrms. · , 1831 WESTCµFP-OR., N.B., : CALLME646•51 .. ANDSEE . : .: 1 ·- J76,500. t/114t111:. Slldd ~ -~.;.. * P111lnoul• ,.;inr+ Ge..,.\t J t 0t119r • I Jlt, tam!!;< Rm .. 2 Ba, 1j)o ' ·Jo • ~ Irvi ne Mecnab·IJvlnt.A_eell1Company • IOI Dover D1lve ... 2-123$ 1144 MacArtl'lur 1«•1200 Nawport laac.1'1,Cllllornla 12113 • " REALTORS 644-1270 212' 11,AST COAST HIOHW~Y CORONA DEL MAR, CALI~. oq. II. ot h!l1x1'd lhill'I. itouR PLIX ., ... IM.'tllD.£_ ldt I • I t I'" M' U1 · I ll•re'1 a ~Ill tor • .or rg am ,,, 1n " "EP" . , · ro ~an & ho,y. Pfle<d at -..--one. NI~ 3 .. 1 ba01.; $69,tiOO, Coll fl>r .... ~. ~II ott•r<d by V.A. Only Pono. on l!OOillit lot, . Walk to m3tll.'I, -EWt. , c6i + ll./12' eo<ti. FJ!tallly sdioola. N"" carp. In llv. I palnled tn • out. •1(.oo~ m , a hfll. CClpper plumb- like a 'Wtnntr.'\ Mual hul'fy in!f. Quitlt po!t!Cu. Ir only associated lllf01o(E~S JI'• A l !1..1P'> ~o~s w lo ,.,, 61J J,1,1 on lllis one. SOUTH COAS'f '.f.·o~GAN REALTY RE.LTORS f~UJ Open m . ..... . . ' I 1173-6642 . 67S-64S9 • .. --- IP l .. 9 RULUTATE LICINSING T----~-'COURSE ., F1mous licensint court• now iu•f $49 · end the $49 can be refunded to y~ when you ,qualify. For d1t1ils c1•· Mrs. Jonis, 714-142-5511 in Ortnt• County. LOVELY LAGUNA HILLS· $29~. NO DOWN G.I. "'IM -Ill O!Mrl 'wbmlt *2?40 down. flllllUfs!ltl' ltlldKI., ::"1'' 2 btltllt. All ""' 1mtnrt1es for lll!tchen, 111111111 nr1Pt1c1 c:evttN UllfullY rN1tnl1lnect 120 ft • .., llOOI •lied tr01,1nd1, i uec'1o1.1t ilect-~frult Iran, PklllC ., ... 1'11111 cerNled, Hlnltd liwldt ' eut. . 4 BDRM • NEAR BEACH $30,5001 a.u1111.11 l'lorne 11'1 pnslln ''" ot Hunllntton 1t1d'I. 2 1111111 111 1ltc• ti-le "Awtrd" bufll!n klldlln. dlll'lwtlhlr. Courtv•rd tnlr"I' F1rfif1v roa,n wltll tl-O-nl flr•pl~. Lowtv Pllllo. Ollt ol' 1191• i:rwMr n:lr•rMl'f .nxlout. SUtnbll •II olhent SG·twl 4 BDRM • C OST A MESA • $30,900 Livi Ill Col11191 ~1rti; -cOllV9nlWIA 1111111 d'lllrm 1111 ltlerM ttu·uo"t, 2 "1!1nwn blltl1, '9nllltk rtmOfetld llltdlefl, bullltn r1111t, oven 111111 clltl'IWl$1\er, ltmllV room ,with 111t1nt fl""'ll«. Lovtfy m'l"tred Milo. Wtlll fO ldtooll, W-S. PIO! 11'11 .,.,., 0Wntr Miii Wiii! ttrrm •1no Since 1926 NEWPORT IACK BAY · $39,900 Pr11li1\ lhrl"'. Almoll 2* lfl. ft. -.Utv with J k"" 1lnd ~. t loDYtlY 1111111, dtlu111 bullflfl klttht<\ d l$hW•shtr, drt~llc JUl\ktn Jlomtn tub, dollule avenf. l"'9ftY utr~ '*''"'"· Qulfl cul~ 11....t. ,..,,,. LAGUNA NIGUEL • $37,500 Ct11rrn!119 C01Jrtv1rd• entrv 1" ttll1 SPKloUS • bldroom, 2 bltll Mtu!Y. Wiit py1r bulltln kitchen. 1lf9en1 fPreiil•ct. Lovtly p.mtlo IOI'" lllolt 1""1· m1r "COOk Out1.'' Club ~•lllP -°'" rou JO enloy 111 r.c:r .. tloll l1cllltfff. tlM060 BEST iuv. FOUNTAIN VALLEY --$29,900 l"t'lc• 1tashed SllOllt , fllrt lnin.-fdllli: .... -• IPllCIOlll lltd'roomf. 2 1 111111· m.n btlM. f1ro11v '°°"' wltll •1..-nt or1111.ce. 11,... fln111hed bonu• room for tdcUtlaMI 11111 1& ll'lferlllnlnt! t>.tux1 bulll·ln drNm klfdle", Mlrror9d wtll•. lllfl1c9!1 -'ck woirk.1 LowfY llndK111l111 '· room tor VOIH' till'IPlrl No illlWll tefml;,IQ.U.1. • , · • , • SPANISH TRI-LEVEL $37,500 • Snort '°' • , 1tttt11e'btllc:l!t J(lnl 111.lt ~ , eta.ml"' 111.111rrtM bdl1, formtl lllnll'll ,-., ,., tho9 90Ur~ m11ll p(~rtd In ti. 1M e+ec:trlcl "Aw1rd" bulltln Jcllthen. dllt!W•lolllr -llkt lntt1nl mt'tl SIK'Vlct, F1mlly room wlt'll 1ppuU119 lltepllct. Prlvtll pallo, $uncl1Ck Ill ••di llldrmm, cus!Ofn oruu llld lf'Mi. derp cirl'tllnt. an""" • ' ' ·i .. Tarbell Reaches 17°/o • Of The Home B1yen * 10 FULL PAG! ADS EACH WIEK. * TARIELL'S·IXCLUSIVE MULTIPLE LISTING IOOIC • * GUARANTEED SALES. ' * COMPLETE FINANCING * nLITYPE-SERVlCE ''LIST YOUR .HOME WITH NUMBER 1'' • •• •' · ¥ARD ENTRY -. \CATHEDRAL CEILINGS -$39,900 On y l yr1. MW tnd bftltr tMn "$110w ROOl'fl" contllllonl • bldf'OOflU, 1 llftmlttl 'l)llltmlln bllt\S, l1rte t1mUy room wllt'I lnapirlnt llrtoT1ce, •II ~"A_ .... INll!-ln ldk: ...... , dlshWl lhll', lndlrKt lltlng In fttl'lll'I' l'GOIT\ •nd ICll"*'-·w1lk In clDMh.\ll*I SCl. n. v1ry Nnc"-lly Ol•nnff home. EX111tll'f llndACIOld. fU.sM. • • ) I ,. ' . • ' HUNTINGTON SEACLIPF • $43,900 A.n\llldl'M1'1r dllllnctJon! YJ mllt to bttch, tlfllll• court "'° bt1utlh11 countr'I' club! Club &. golf lflYllllfll • ti>KIDlll llldroolft1, l 1l11mln1 PVllrl'lllil llllM. Ill 'Mtc:lrlc" "Aw1rd'~ bullt1n llltdwn, dlWIW•lhlf. F1mtlY """' with lnlPl'rl"" flr1Pl1ee. Lo .... lv CO'l"tfH Piiio. Flntll ., •• DI Hlll'lllnslcln ltldl. N2·5S66 9 MONTHS EWI • , UNSURPASSED IE-.UTY •-$39;750 Sl,lbmlt Ill 1ff1~ -own.;.• l11Ylnl ,,_ 1111111 Ir .. .C!flrMl'/' tn•lovs. l!J• qulllll •rdll1Klur1 •nc:I Wtn p&tnntd "" 1cll..,. ftl'l'lll'f Uvlntt 6 1nllrlllr.I"'. ~ bldl'DDl'M, 2 bllh•, t•mlly r.m ~ !tit "'lr1 kin"" 11o1111 m"9nllkmit HraptK9. Olju•• bullt-ln llllthffl, dlW1w1i.htr. Ltvtl'I' P11lll. N11t1v l1nd- .c1ptd, '4f>-IMI • • • \. ' • SOUTH COAST OFFICES * Costa MHCI Ztff-.... * H~11"'9ton leach u111-.... * Huntfii9'0ftleach tl17 A._ * H111tillf)toll leach --* H1111tin9'0ft leach I ,,,, ..-tt.• * Fo1111tain Y!llley ' 1Ml4 ...... 11.nt * fo•tain Vahy n•41 M ....... * Mltlion Ylelo JJlll • t.r'• l-4 540-1720 842-6691 9'2·5566 846-0604 t•2·1165 962-1373 842-2561 830-6060 * Lquna HHls . .30°6030 ....... Miii .._. 14J7f lH~fttW * San .hla11 Ca,llstrallO 493-1341 11m ... ~ • 1 Home & Garden S•o . . DISCOINT TICKET AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL ! TARBELL RIAL ESTATE .01'1'~- SHOW OPENS AT ~ ANAHEIM CONVENT!ON ·CIN . . . l . July ._14 thru July 2W 6 IE RM· ARIS OCRAT • $48,9501 , t -IM M'll' 1M IMtflf 1111" ...... lewdlli.n 11 111 ltlti h1rd Wlf'\ 1111~ bt£fl 1ccomPIJtfMcl. 'Lit"" Hunt~ P'lrt llOml -1r11t for c:Mld~ 1111111 W11tr1te 1t1Vf00f", Moll u,...Mw c1,....fl111, anttm llr1Ht, ,.,,_ tn•l dlnlnt rOOfl'I , •ll tleclrk PVSh 1111110" buHlln llltd'ltfl, dllhw1~. l110w r1pl1«tne"rlll HurrY1 ff2-... J ·since 1926 • '· J ) .. • ,, J I • LV PILOT TutSCIQ, July 4 1972 -lwUe I~ r _"',. l~I --- General ' . , f t'. .. • • •'1':. :- ... VERY '0000 INVESTMENT -Clea n, sl>lld ond roomy 3 bedroom on a 75'x !OO' f1'9 t '.lot Jn a prime Newport Beach nei gh· tjotJ.od. One of the best buys -we:ve seen >\f;'.M9,li00. U·shaped fl oor plan around a ~-patio creates great decorating possi· ~ililies. On .• quiet family oriented street in--.the-Mariner's School District. • I ,,.. UNtfUI HOMIS, NlWPOIT IUCH. 641-6500 ~TOR, MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE a.WO.. CHnoral -~SE. RANCH 1=c;;;;;o:;;;;M;;;;;M:;;;;o:;;;;DO;;;;;R:;;;;E= tri UEJ ~=I I! acre BA YCREST '1 )°beautiful M ranch Over 2000 tq. ft. of luxury In hLoaded with giant a 3 ~· 2% bath, J'an'll· 8h trees. Knotty pine ly ~ dlr;»rc area. Bo~ of w iewt)'Wbere Ra h a .•~ pool and lo\V -'~tcben .th· be nc .... , maintenance 7S'x110' yard. ~"-• wi am""' All the uuaJ Baycrest cci .... ~ Dinl:ftC "'°°?'· Big feature1. fU11 prlce $64,950 ~ patio, Don I miss and an aaumabJe Joan of ~aln! CaU now approximately $50,000, Just ~ listed -\hurry. Call 54G-U51 (Open Eves.) •. HERITAGE RfALTORS ~ •• 1 ~ THI! "BLUFFS" IN NEWPORT .. ar, up~a4ed 1'Bonita'' model. 3 BR.1 l ., . elid wut, on 1-level. Large patio. On 1,e!i~htful greenbelt. $51,500, •Mary Lou 1 .. anon. r-OCEAN VIEW -$16,500 * WHIZZ!! BANG * VIEW AND POOL Cameo Hi ghlands. Architect desi gned-New carpets & drapes. 4 Bedrooms, convertible den, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings and 2 used brick Cireplaces, family room, built-in k:itcb· en & B-B·Q, PLUS MANY XTRAS. Entertain aroond your own P~OL .......... $76,500. * POW!! PO'N * VACANT • .. , READY AND WAITING for you is 'this MONTEGO model on FEE LAND. 4 Bed· rooms, 2 bath5, formal dining room with FAMILY ROOM adj acent to the built-in island kitchen. See this HARBOR VIEW HOME and ~uy. . ....... :· ............... -.$54,950. * FREEDOM YOU'LL GET * YOU BET! ; En chanting TWO STORY 5 bedroom 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, FAMILY ROOM, formal din· in~ room. NEW carpets and drapes. island kitchen, SOMERSET model on FEE land in HARBOR VIEW HOMES .......... $72,500: * FIRECRACKER * · ATTRACTER Let us show you this enchanting home in Irvin~ Terrace. Atrium entry, spacioµs living room with fireplace. 3 Large bedrooma1 2 baths, LOVELY DINING ROO_M + room to t il ' s ore your tra er or boat. ........ $62,500. * HOT·TO·TROT * TO THE WATERFRONT POOL. PIER and SLIP available too. New carpets and drapes, 2 Bedrooms, 21h baths, WET BAR, marble fireplace . Overlook THE WATER from your patio and enjoy $85,000. · r---.- 18 PILOT-AOVERTISER ' Wedoiosd11, Jul1 5, 19n _ .... I~ I _lw .. l~I _.,_ . . ' .. . . ...• "on euy street?'.' Condo liying offers the closeirt approach to it -whether you wan t to travel, or just take. it easy. Also, you have all the Investment advanta1es of owning your own property. * HERi ARE 3 EXCELLENT VALUES * * THE BLOFFS -A must see -for the economy minded. 4 Bdrms., 2 ba., $39,950. * JUST LISTED -Choice 4 bdrm., 3' ba., with 2200 sq. ft. of living space. $48,500. ' * SPEC'!' ACULAR VIEW -of the entire Newport Harbor. 2 BR .• 2 ba . .Your own gar- age space plus ample parking for guests. Pier & slip avail. $84,900. : Convenient par~g_.uy to be . a "DROP·IN" at Bay le Beach Realty 675 .. II ~-----------1 tJ BAY ~-~l~~~~ ~~1 ~ A UNl()UI: fi{)MI'. lHE MANSION ON MANDARIN -It's really not a mansion, but you mighi think so looking at the spacious ma ster bedroom suite. Actually the home has over 2600 sq. ft., 4 · bedrooms, formal dining room, !IJI' graded carpets and professional landscap- ing. It's a mansion to many! Presented at $59,500. PHONI UN19UI HOMIS, MUA Yl•ll. 146-lffl RE,lL TOR, MULTIPLE LISTING -~RVICE. Gentral GeMral * * * * * * TAYLOR CO. FANTASTIC VIEW! $100,000. Unobstructed view of the bay , ocean & bright lights. Attractive decor in this 3 bedroom. 3 bath contemporary with lush carpeting & · drapes. S~cluded & private. ~·our 27th Ye1r'' ,;;;G•;;n';:;'a;;.1===;;;;.J WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors .=;:;;;;==;;;;;;=;.I FIVE BEDROOM 2111 San Joaquin Hilla Road G;nor•I 235 SHERWOOD PL. . NEWPORT CENTER, N.il. -10 quiet cul·de-sac A t reel , --$35,950.- Eutslde 4 Bedroom, 2 Thia ,spacious 5 bedroom, 'eath; beauliful 1-atory faml1y room • 2 story home 1 ;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 -~===..,..,"'°''°"'- General OAJLV PILOT ~If BAYFRONT KOME Ruotlc deolgn, hlghlighll thil fabulous home on Harbor Jsland Rd. Larae enouch for a growln&. family With 5 bedro0m1. 4~i bathll A: large, tormal dining rm . .FAnill)' room HPllfale from , ma.in hOuse, with wet bar & l lrepla.ce. "Dad's Den" with &ok11helves, fi ttplace, \\'et' bar & view o( bay .• An exceptional home in ..an excllusive location Y.'ith pier & slip for lar&e .yacht. $225,100 ' . IN' I '-, • Mf f'\J I . . REALl'ORS SINCEUll . 673-4400 -CAMlo;,... HiGHLAtlDS EXCELLENT UNOB- STRUCTED VIEW from this spacious 3 . bedroom 2--b'ifh home. Large, ~bt Calhed· '~ ral ceUln&ed liVing room. JluJC kitchen \vith eating area , laundry room, garage with electric door and 1tor- age. Fully sprinklered lo\v maintenance yard. A real beauty. $54,00>. PETE BARRETT -REALTOR- 642.s200 home; sparkling c I e • n · ·ls for you! You will Jove the 1" "ENJOY YOUR CJooe 10 school•. Shake roof. """ .... place, modern built· THE MESA VERDE Prot lndlcpd. Only $34,500. 1111, 2 patio .,. .. and child· MAGNIFICENT HUSBAND" * * * * * * ren's playhou ... Ideally Jo. Is he mowinr the.,..., pull-S33, 999 245 TULANE,' C.M. caled clole to park, achools, SEVEN inc .....is, watmnr or Sharp 3 bedroom, 2 bath plus Qulc~· Possession shopping and ocun. U you Thb goraeous home has the cleaning the pool when ht dlnin& room. Fr e 1 h I y 4 BDRM i, BATH want to beat the Sum.mil' !moct beautiful rooms you'll ahould be with ')w or the painted inside and out. New COL LEG'e PARK heat, then you better He thia find, includin& 4 · .t,pacious kldl, the take then take the ahac carpet!, ,c u st o m e VACANT e home now! New listing • bedrooms, blf family room time to see thitl tantutk: 4 drapes, wood shutters and lOo/~ down. and it's IMMACULATE! f.o.. bedroom condo. It will lots of wallpaper. Bright CALL ANYTIME cationis tbebest,inalovely surprise you with its large kitchen has built-ins , 646-3921 ar Eve. 545-MIJ-• COATS section of MESA VERDE on rooms and llvtna: area. Call d:libmuter and disposal . Lochen my er I<, iltu1 & a quiet cul-de.sac street. and see 342-2535.• Large yard with patio. WALLACE Back yard features covered Pleese call 546-2313 for a REAL TORS patio, storage building and showinc. ro /THI: Rl:AL "\/ I:S'J'ATERS Open Ev1ni"11 frult trees. A 'SUPER BUY e '62-4454 e at only $35,500. Flexible ------. --- tliatm galore in Old Corona, on 93' .Jot; 3 lltt. 2 tia., den, farm-style kitch. 1 House "1f ·<J<:ean Blvd: Immac. cond., move right Triona Bergin. SHORECLIFFS ..,.-------•I terms ottered. ~ MJ ISIJJCIAJD 1-::=-=--::'.===,;..;.;;;;;,;;;..,---- . • -UKE JaA. w::t::! VeryH~! ~.'I~per I ~E~LER­ WILL "HELP ' water vi~w. Approx. 'h Acre lot. Ap-. plans avail. for 5 BR., fro. rm., ac- rm. & dm . rm ., or desiRJI your oWn. steps to beach, $150,000. Kathryn n. k JUST LISTED · I bahning 4 BR. Lusk home on corner lot , 1'' complete privacy, Good open 'feel ing w /view of surrounding hills. Gracious Vo0nds. $76,500. Harriett Davies. · ~".'..° • HARBOR VIEW HILLS ' 4 BR., 211.i bath Sandpiper model. Wet bar. ,,,p,ar .. garage .. ,.Courtyard •. Walk. to beach, c:aools, •hopping. Brand new with land· '8ping allowance. f/9,500. Laverne Burns. I~ • ~ • ' ' SPECIAL WATERFRONTS - ido Isle 4 BR. 'plus large FR. Space for 70' . '286.000. Linda Isle, new 5 BR. plus u:.'' on lafoon. Exquisite! $300,000. Eileen •-d3on. , ltr·-, LUSK SANDPIPER MODEL a laree lot, on cul de sa~ st., with pool. · l'Iarbor . View Hills. 4 Bdrms., 3 ba\bs. 500. Edie Olson. ,..;,, ~~-BAYFRONT lfub garden, sandy beach wood paneled f~)l".w/frpl ., wet bar, bookshelves. $165,000. f aro! Tatum_ • •'• PRIVATE BEACHFRONT ·•Cllflt lot on 60 ft . of white sandy beach. standing view of bay & boats. Now is the ·~e to build that home ! $49,750. M. C. Buie , XECUTIVE HOME -LIDO ISLE e!y estate on 65 ft. corner lot. Spacious . ., din . rm .; super private mstr. BR/ fi i4;. rm. combo. Bring oller! $129,500. utene Vreeland. Ifft',. -t·. ---ll-•: 133.0700 ' ---. 1. 644-2430 Coldwell. Bmker : ........ ~llEALTO"I I·""-.. . "o~SO NEWPORT CINTIJI DR., N.11. Gener• R EALTORS 644-7270 ~W6~~~ -------··- General l General NO DOWN V~ -------! Low q<>wn FHA or $2150.00 SUBURBIA PARK on ~nvenl.ional Financing. 4 8 R + POOL Easts1dc Costa Mesa. Lar&e • • Block F •need Yard. Avery $46, 900 ,. Patio. Huge BBQ Pit. Fruit If you're particular about & Poplai Trees, RumJJUS & location and neilhborbood Laundry Room. Onique and, want a beautiful swim- Heatalator Fireplace. 3 Bed-ming pool here'·s your next rooms, li,t Baths, F'HA·VA OOme! Featurt's fa mi I y $27,500. Call~. Even· room, formal dining room, ings 645-4483. 2* ·baths, an4 a lSx38 pool COLWELL P ROPER TIFS IN(. REALTOR S with jacuzzi. Great neighborMod for famiiiu and children, very clole to elementary IChool, park, tennis courts a n d beach- ,~-w--TZE For additional information, NEW LISTING • • • -Pl•.,. ohone 546-2313. Hot Mesa Verde H.ighlands series - 3 & family. Needs Jots of work but make otter now and save! Vacant, cul· de·sac, walk to ~Is. Cili s.tfi.~ (Open eves,) -.e.-. HERITAGE REALTORS IO I Tl II: REAL \"\/ E:S'l'ATERS 20' x.22' Bonus Room WITH CONVERSATION PIT surrounding Swecllsh 11.re- place plu. lal'le modern kit· _ t&S &£ _c chen, dininc room, huee liv· * EASTSIDE * in& room, 3 bic bedroom• $45 000 and 2 baths. Beaut. """""' ' • completf! with putHrw·,reen. 4 Br., 3 ba, Cormal dining, 2 Best Meta Verde location story. I mm e d I at e OC· and priced $33;750. with ~% cupancy. Corona del Mar down pa,ymt. High School, Call 546-5880 (Open eves.) 400£.17• ' C.M. •. HERITAGE REALTORS MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES A Rf.t-L FIRECRACKERll Will drive your quivering emotions to ooh and aah upon sight of this sofUy glamor~ ous 3 BR., FR. Baycrest home. $64 950. Lois Miller 64U235. • FROM YOUR BALCONY survey the Yachting scene. Liv_. ing area w/domed, vaulted light- ed 23' celling. Wet bar .opens to a cantilevered deck over Ne""°rt Bay. Guest room & game rooms enjoy a secluded garden. Cozy study w/a mini fireplace. A harmonious blend of wood, glass & marble. A fine value at '275,000. 1 FROM TURTLEROCK TO DISNEYLAND! Walch the fireworks! Panoramic VIEW! Top condition -great location-on quiet cul· de-sac. Laszlo Sharkany 644-6200. FINEST BAYFRONT DOVER SHORES Inviting warm brick entry to a sparkling beautiful 6 BR., FR., DR. plus game room. Pier & slip for a fun family who likes to entertain. SUMMER RENTAL · WATERfRONT Boat privileges -club house -delightful 2 BR's, 2 baths furnished ready for a per· feet vacation. Gladys Ru,.ell 642-8235. IOl--142·'2H J'"-1144·- ~It EAL TORS """' 3 bedroom home 10 JM 4141_ A-1esa Verde featurtnc faml· till-ly room, 2 baths. new Corn. (Open Evtnlnt•> ing cook-top tarp sacluded '!!!!!!!!?!!!!!~~""'""'""'"I yard, all in deluxe move-in LOOKING FOR A concllt!on. Full price only ''NEW'' HOME? $32,500. ' If IO, See 1hi1 one before you 541)...1151 Open Eves. 1 decide. 2 Years New and 1.ocatecl in llll area of More Expensive Homes. 3 Bed· room. Large Open Garden View Kltch~n. 2 Baths, Fire- place, Double Gar age . $3.1,00)1 Call M&-0555, Even-- inp 6f$.4.lll.1. • HERITAGE RrALT ORS ESTATE·HORSES- POOL-$55,000 Gorgeous custom built on just under % acre in horse country. LOads or elant Owner will pafiome of your ~ fefl-:-JOb~ chante .Dtc· eaitates fut sale. Move.pi 30 days or: Je11s. Beautiful Mesa. Verde HlihJands 3 bed· room home, 2 fittptrlces. big patio. Great family neighbor· hood. Only $32,950. /&... co:Ts ~WALLACI! REALTORS --15i414'"44141- (0pon !vtnl"t•l ----. ---COLWELL PRflµrR Tlf S, INC 1-tt-Al TORS shad• tre ... Vaulted celllnrs. NESTLED IN Forma! dinin&, Bi( :J5x1J llayfrOlt Condo 3 Br, 2 Ba, pool, pier II sliRi Dellibtfut $19,500 family. 19' chef's kitchen. between.all tbt'big trees. Js 21' muter suite. SparkUnr this two story 4 bedroom 20'x«l' ~un1et pooll Dl\'Oltt. · home, complete wJth real NEED FAW SALE. Bar· bard.wood 1loQl's. , 2 big · baths, ....med ltltcben and 1atn priced at $56,0:0, Call !ota of trUtt free& ·aoom f(lr EMERALD BAY fut 64&-0303. ~t or tpiler. Owner's lmmaculate 3 Br + lam rm. Ocu.n side of hwy. View. Must sec! $149,CXXl Ttil Huller! lo As-. 34n Via Lido 615-8500 I OH I \ I I Ill \II\ .. 1---=~ General 557-4130 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVl<;E General SELL WITH GINNY • EARN MORE MiNEY •(Bigger comm. split/ bonus) Room for 3 ex· perienced salesmen! New office opening July 17th., at 1505 Mes a Verde Dr., Eut, C.M. (only motivated/dedicat- ed need apply.) General Gener•I ----- i movin&· 900ft. and Wanta O(· fer. Priced only $31.995. WJtti all terms. Hurry. Call 546-5880 Open eves) · HERITAGE REALTORS DOLL HOUSE! Immaculate houe • new Iha&" carpets and drapes throughout. High beamed ceilQ;a & uaed brick flreple.ce. Etflcient kitchen with all built-int inc:ludirw dilhwuber. 3 bedrooms, den and 2 baths. Model home condition. Auume '" % loan at $213 per month includes everything • why rent! !"""9 . I I I !i :·. I i I -Real.... . 646-7Tll 2M3 WestclUI Drive Open 'till 9 PM General · I SOLD I WALK'IR & LEE . REALTORS ~ " . ' ~W1l!l<li· P. lil reo lfc11 ., SOLQ 10,303 ( .. "'HEAR. THAT SURF" Duplex only slt'pto; to <>l'<'On. IO·,.~ down to easy monthly payments. 3 master bedrooms for o\vn('r plus 2 hCJg(' 2 b€drooms for income. Only 7 left -hurry! "IOAT GATE·CAMl'liR GATE" $23,500 or offer .. 4 hugr bedrooms spacious J)iru o-0ut. 60xl10 Jot, brick flrepl•c", 2 full baths. Low down. Call 546-1754. LATE IUT NOT fOIGOmN HOMES Conaratul&ttons Salesmen o r the )'('ar for 1971 In Fountain Valley _ -Joe.n Gllfney, knowled&cablc, willi.J1' to help you with )'our real ~--------_!!late n~-th~'*ll· · LAIT 'YEAR Fo11ntaln Valley Office 17213 llrookhul'll • 968-3371 ()poft fvtnln91 IALIOA ISLAND-$12,ioo Beautiful· custorn Temodeled home atePt away to beach II bq. 1,800 1q. ft. of luxury on oversized R·:l Jot. 3 bedroom&, den + 3 b{ltbs. call for appointment. IAYCUST-$66,HO l mmaculate home with ( large bedrooms, 3 baths, large sliding gla.s.a. doors Jook...onto_a_loY.cly_PQOL.cmnp_ltle wtJ waterfall ahd loads of decking. Corner lot on lovely street. Appointment onW,- 6 llDIOOM HOISi PIOPDTY Newer custom hOme on ~{ •~ of ground zoned for horses. C()n'al, riding rtna II tack room. Large family room, dininc room and d,...m kltch•n COllll>lete wllh all bullt.<lnl. Great for 1arr, f'amJly. Back Bay l~Uon 'vltb Newport addrtal. $M,9'0. . ' FOIMAL DINING ROOM • Pl"'-hua:e ftmlly room with mutlvc firepla«. IArse kltchtn hai ,.unr.,... IC!J!kln1 on to 1""1y ..... yard wllh co-mod poUo. Queen 1tud bfilro0m1, 2 Ultd ieU. Jowl>' 1frett ot cbarminr hom .. lo mosnlll<tnt .... maL Prlcod rla:bt al '51,000. · , , Newpart leacll Office -646-7711 2043 Weotdlff Dr. II ln!M 0,.. lwonlnp . I • \ I VA NO DOWN on thl1 rare value. 2 beci'roonu HCb ~unit.,C>ne.. uolt now vacant and rtady for Immediate occupancy~ Each unJt rents for $165. Kttp u home "or renUJ. only 132,950. If YoU have bffn {n the ser.ri~. call us. · . oL t.b.isJupetj)_._3 ~home nestled am~ng~tTttS .-n.s·ahrubs; Sparkling quallt.Y toT ftbe en~.L.ulti deepp Oe Q.TPCtln with cus tom matching dtlpes, all electric kitchen "Mth all the- trimmtnga. fantastic 111"'Glace. What a thow place for 139,500! ScUcr ts prepattd for Gt and FHA ~s. now's 'the time. Call OCIAN YllW l'ltOM ALL AN•LIS Tlttd of looking at ntlghbor's walltT Cut your e,w on Jbt gpe.rklina blue Pacific from anr window ot thlt: custoln Temt»e HJJ!a Manllon. Watch Ille ••• aet btbln4 C.lallna .l*nd. 8"7 a i.t._. w--t dol<rlbt Ille balauty, this 3 --· bU It all. ronnaJ llbltnr roo1!', I""' ...,,..._ ... ---We wUI trod< anylllJos )'GO! liave. for lllli"'80.00ll -a...-You wW qree. call for ~t. ' . I Calta M ... Office S41MM65 2790 H•rw 11..i.. 0.. lwnlntt 545.9491 • I -- j. IS DAil y flLOT PILOT -ADYERTl5U 19 I -·.. I~ I -.1... I~ [ _ ... _,,, .. Gentral * TRIPLl!X · * 'i';;':,~',t;'R.~B~ NEAR Ul'PER ea. lliO.ooo • submtt. NEWPORT BAY • --t-'c • ., ...... .,....,."".;.;.;Mo...,•---1c-Moot-· 1--------LUSK FIVE NEW LISTING BEDROOMS .. This bfoutllu! bnnd ..w WEST SIDE Sl'ECTACUl.oAR home .nttdJ a matt.tr! He Dive Into the tlew:n bX _ ..... - '-· .., ... 1972 • = __ .. THE llCi STEAL YARDWOltK l We have two 11oe MW ll•tll'll• ln ~ Put: IJdO townhouee1: Both an theft bedroom bu.ude• and tbty baw bt'.tD.. DAILY PILOT -- Moltllo -· ..... Salo -:kobo-. t "'· all •t up. Put)' fUm. o-·loocun.53&-M ------- * TRIPLEX * $ Balboa Blvd. 2 Yrs. new. 25,250 Beautlf4lly tum. Two +en .. 3 bc!drooms, p o I I ' h • d 2 Ba.; o~ 3-BR, 2 bath. ha.rdwood 4 aha&" carpet, Priced at $125,000. double prage, hu,e lot with Call: 61l-3663 613-8688 Eves. 1011,·trinr shade t ~• e •. Ocean. aide o( lfwy,_ Corona d.l Mar. BH"tllUlly !uni .. plus ctll'Jllg., d e c: o r • to r drapes: l&fl. family rtn .. worklavtr kltch. Huie ccvtl. J)f.tlo. CUitom thtUoU1! Walk up the brick walk to um beauty, you'll never wanl lo leave! Abafo.ntee owntr u.ys ae!l at $15,<XX>. wUJ eoJoy thf breathtt.kinc deep pool, .,,.ae thrwlh the 16" Buutit\11 writs. prime view from ll!'Yef'Y roopi the lhac c:utietJ.nc. rtlu: ••Ith are• dote to ooeu. • No formal din.inr room, lttat )(lll'r aelt-deanlrc own and vacancy factor. Monthly tn. yvin& room arrana:ement, bui!t·ln ~llbwutw. 'ntl. l come S2.~ SJJS.IXKL Full and tbe lovely pool 1iitd bMrooni. lamll)i room. pool price, U9(. OoM\. Ntwtr coetit_mponiy lt)'Sed bamt wit.h • SPANISH t"'U.IR.. Unique, l ~ architectural deslan. with extt:r*' ot R 0 U ,C H SPANISH SUTCCO, EX· POSED BEAMS. R E D MISSION Tlt.E W~AY l ENTRY' PORO!. 8prawllo,a 3 8~t. IJ DEN Door plan. ••Ith. htl.V)' &hat completeb' painted cutalde., r--.,..-,-.----J ~ Ooe la ... popular 2 batq - rnc:NWl and the othtr 11 ttM! '------- apacklut Ni bltb hom•. ••••••··~I With fH> lend, be•utiful Acru .. for sale 151 pool• and &uden lttU, and ,1 I ! i', f I, ' ' ' Pen ln1 ul1 Point Assume the VA loan and 3 BR.. 2 btlth bon1e. $157 per OlOnth pay all or no Completely rede<.'Or. Pricrd down to new VA '°9-n. i"itst yard • • • P.S. He will mjoy home 1a W\Sque, note the I' the aooct price loo' Call bWiard room aJIO. $38,900. 675-7225. • ' Call -7lT1. , .... ....... 1-~ TT.-• aood contral klcation, SEVEN SMALL lo\1bal mort cwld you wantT at ;62,500. day oo the market. COR·BIN-COLWELL "O . THC RCAL ')< l:ST1\TCRS OWNERS ANXIOUS <ut>Oll thN-<IUt. La .. Ca11 s75-ms, RANCHES . 1 Thell: be•ulltul pucrll bor-i M:r on the q»owchlll• R.Ivt.r. have oakJ ILld ltrtama throulhOJt and abound Wf'rti vilk:Ulf•. Eleclricity and tt"leJ ~ phonl-line. l".re&S Ole prop. I f'rty and a sood nll ts la. 1 Tenn• ot only D270 down CaJ! 673-366.1 548-0715 Eves. . N Oee1nfront Home MARTI On extra tp. Jot . 4 BR. 2 ftea.ltors 545-0463 · PROPERTIES. INC REALTORS vacant 3 br, 2 bl. ta.mi'Jy M!Cluded den hu all WOOD COLLEGE Park. '4 Br., 2 bl., hom~. Forced air heat, built· OPEN BEAM CEILINI f t GS. tam rm. M&ey fruit trees. In .R It O. Pool siled yard The upper lew. ea urea * * * * * * $31,900. Prfncipala only. 396 w/petlo I< lisb pond. 0-apedoua ""tt::v. 0~ COLWELL bath•. Call tor app't 10 see. Optn Eves REAL TORS '44-7662 Call 673.3663 W.2'63 Evei. $50 DAILY HAVE A Princeton Dr. 5'S-Jl68. to 1ehools A s.lioppln&. Early 'VITH VA.UL PR0PlRTl~'-io IN( RFALTO~S associated BRClK £RS -REAL TOR S 1025 W 6albuo 671.J66l EXECUTIVE SPECIAL REDUCTION SAFE & HAPPY move·in lo qualified "''"tn. BEAM CEIL l NG S • 1 -~=~===~= F1VE CAR ' * CAU. -7139 * ~ c oLO•~n SKYUGHTS. 2-CHANNELFRONT _ 4th OF: JULY t'ha-• vac:ant 3 A 4 BR All terms, S71,0Cl>. CALL 0 ~l ____ _. vctranda. MORGAN REALTY -~• s E y 111 0 UR REALTY pens o cov-=i'nl Pitt A slip, 3 BR .• l ba., l Thill Newport Beach home -GARAGE-. Repos. In area. \V I Iii s W/oc:E.AN VJEW, r.t.tr. yrs. n•\Y. Bf'am rell., OVl'r· started at $42.450. It hu 3 673-6642 675-6459 RH.Icy. 84l·U2l. Bdrm. aw·te hu .. ..ivate .look.• N')ll . Isl. Pari<, 'SS'l.500 UNUSUAL ONE-OF·A·KI ND !--~------~· bedrooms, 3 batht, de.n, le ll0?\1.E! If you are looking * * * * * * 4 RR, 2 BA 2000 If!. h , OWNER mus! lnovt, de.n I. bath with dbl. pullmana. MED ITT. DUPLEX breakfast rook, ove.dooking for garaR:es, a oo· lot and HARBOR VIEW HlUS-w/llving, di~\ng Ii_ fam family room \arae enough LGE.. PIC'ItJRE WINDOWS On N'pt Isl. 3 I 3 BR., ph~r a de~ care he patio. above all an excitin& all Gracious fam ily living In nns. Au ume 514 ?ti VA. tor a fUll sized pool table. 4 \VI TH 0 U TSfANDlNG I. 11ip. ?t1cxlc&n tile pat.io I \Ve have been give~ q>eclal redwuod home • C&.11 us to spacious quality 4 BR. 3 $36,900, Owner. 540-fl78. twin sized lM!droom1, xtra OCEAN V[E\V. waln·&)'. l ·\Vay w1ter vie'"'· authority by the owner to hi 3 bed BA I .~ .. 1 baths, A val firtplace. din-\Ve 11 destined. stepsawr S99 500 AJ:t nl for thla superb 3 bedroom reduce it until be sAys see t 1 near nrw room ' &m rm .. pa ........ e..... n CORNER k>t cu.1-dwac •I. 3 in& room. built-ins. prime kitchen, has RED TILE 67>isn' li7~7.1 hontl! neat!~. among trees STOP STOP STOP. ~u lo• archlt.ecl's Hom! j.n Ne"'port quiet. private garden aet-BR, 2 BA frpl I: bonw: rm. ho b~ $31 000 U. BUILT IN -==~~~~ ' . ' a.net 13 year• to pa,y mUil thtM fine inve11mmt1 willl. • 1 modHI downpayment. CaU 613. TlA • "! .... : COLWELL Ph'OPt:RTIES. INl. REALTORS ~ •· h U d •o:• a/VI ling Xlnt schools '" land ' me area, '"'· ' · FLOORS, A -NEWPORT HTS and shrub•. Sparklina: qua!· today's price:. J)46-rlTL. ' D'l'ac 0 ere • .,.,.,,.....,. $84 5oo 644--0786 • $35,500. MS-7793_____ 962-1373. ran&" e a: o v EN, • ily '" line eolortalnlng. PETE BARRETI ·· ' · BY OWNER • 523,500 DISHWSHR .. G. OISP. ete. HURRY 1o..,. th;, l.,t•Mly Businou P-rty 154 L~sh deep plll!: carpeting -REALTOR-1'Rp IPLEX 1 T f3)•2 Br. Stu 1 d79io!n Mes• Ve 'rde Tht property ia rented ,6 dttarated 2 BR, den, l \Ni .,'.....; ........ ;..,.._:.,......;. __ with custnm n11tching • · , · oo · QP ~a. ,._, 2 1rp1 • Gl or FHA TERMS. ~ 'Bed· n ... , 1 LI.,....'"' AtlNOR · !rpi ' • ~, r UNUS''AL drape•. all eJ .... ••Hic kitchen • .; ~ "642-5200 Owner * 548-8150 3 BR, fam rm., c s. I d -~ 11 hed • ·~ ' pantry "" iv.~ 0 ~ "'" I"""""'""'"'"'"""""""'""'"" -----~--~-! Lovely .home. 'ITH shaded. rm, en~ y ...... , a ac TOUCH UP. Anxious o"•ner ~to1·a~. with aJlcy •ctt-s~. OPPORTUN V wi!h all th:i trimmings, fan· Bay Or o· cean. CHARMING Nice 'bar,k, ;van! w/blrd garagt-. Clean in and out. ha• told UJ to reduce the S+l.500. Thl1 tine 1'()mm'erc builfJ. tastic Ilrep\acc. What"a. show Gi .. nt T, WO Story ' <• ' pi • era no do\Yn. • p-'-lo, '"" hu ..... ol 1"•)• and J• $ ,. SPANISH 'STYL"E avmy. ·~•·. ">' "' · ''" CALL ·~. ' "•·HI< ·~ ~ ~ • • place for $39,500! Seller 59,500 ; On king size lot In North Quiel cul:(Jr-sac. 3 Blks * 847-8531 * $31,950 FULL PRICE '}'-' J a great tocatlon for anyonf! la prepared, for GI _and IBA Tak~ your pick for this Costa ~1esa. 4 bedrooms Predominates thnlua:hout this efem I:. J1., hi. ~ min. San the Reil. E•t•t• Mart THE BEST BUY I N :tdA'fl#C. in any t_Tf!atlve type Ol terms, now' the hme. Call clega.ntJy done be a c i, upstairs and a i>x24 finish-hof!}e Once you enter Diego Fwy. f'lnc. arnna:ed. REPOSSE.SSIONS LAGUNA . ~ i EAL TY~ "'Orie. The Door plan i• fidl mansion with·approximately ed uparall!' fainily room the double wrought iron .$3=2=,950=·.:55::7.c.,;:.:190::.c.., ----I MISSION REAL TY ~,., N•w-,•rl P••I Offlr• Ible and lllf' propert)I ~ am sq. ft . of comfort and downrtaJra. 3 bath1, country gates 10 the .l n n er -For information and k>calion 985 So. Coat t Hwy.. Laguna NEWPORT 'vlth a cuaranteed N'.nta.1 ~-, ! 1 u x u r y, Thtte huge kitchen and dining area, courtyard, and theq through E1•t Bluff of these FHA I: VA bomea, Phone (714} 4f4..07J1 ~. a month. 'Ille duplflS bedrooms, 2 batha, 15x20, plush carpeL'I &: drapes In 01' ma1sive double front con.fact -N HEIGHTS In back of !he ap«rtm~t up-1 Rcailon "5-9491 FORMAL DINING ROOM every ,,,.m. Al $39,!00 • doon you'll krow you have By Ownor. ;n "'' Bltd!" KASABIAN EXPANSlO 5 BEDROOMS >ttalrs """1d m•k• "" ..,,. --~O~"'-"-E_v~"-·---I plus 2 fireplaces, one in Better see it now! New OQ round' the home for you! The Green bell "-Bay view. Rt•I Est at. 147•9604 4 Bdnns.. 3 baths,. fa".'ily nomlcal hom,. for the ~· A REAL PLUM master su ite! On land }'OU market. four bedroom wine is most 3 BR, 2\.1 BA. 64+-0427 --I room• 2 wood burning r1rf'· $58,000 DllmM'. Call ~1225. ,;, )of OWN! By appointmt:nLonly. • unique, .. ~ the beautilul El Toro OWNER desperate. •wim places, make lhla custom Tri-lt"Vel home, ......,111 fnr This sunshiny home will wood ceilings are outatan-pool. ~~mt, 2~ baths, built retreat • heal buy for ,..~ dtllghl the mofll futldk>u.s b ilt · d · h 1 her f'ntertaininr. wet bar. larse b J larg bed 2 ding. Call ~7225. 3 BR., 2 BA., cp~. drp1, ~ u -ms, 11 w a ' your srowlna family. S~.500. sun deck, very }IJl:e lot, .~""t.,· . rf t• rood i mis, Realton 5G-M65 patio, la;e. pool-size. lot wallpaper accents. mirrored ,.._ar v. ant ideal for' tennl8 COLWELL I l·ll{l i>f-Rll( s JN•-I • Rf /\l TC>RS ~· '"" , pc cc co n I on Realtors 646-ml Open Eves endoaed by block wall, wall, new thick • h • R: AO thru-out. Spacious Ii Ying 3)43 Westcllff Drive do&e to xlnt 1 ch 0 0 I 1 , carpeting, central f.I o or 'n I,,, 19 C'(lllr1 &: ~· Many tren. room with marble frplc. Open <'Ull 9 PM BARGAIN I mukets, new ma I I. plan, brk, ~4,950. 962-&65. v6'~1C/ Rl!ar acot!s tor boat « _C:. ____ ry _____ _. Top q!Why w/w cat')lets + 'Ownor really anxious to move Rcaaoneble.' 8 3 1• t 1 5 3 • GOV'T, OWNED REAt ESTATE trailer. C.U -Tin. custom ....... ch 0 ;." EASY LIVING ' lo lh• desert, & waolA lo L ... /Crypto Cameo Highlands location. . sell his Eutside 3 BR .• 2l----=------1~4~!M-~2l~JS~a!l~S:_::30~&c_:v.i<~-<nds~. Repossessed homes. Low 1190 Glen~ St. . 2 ... cl>Oict ''"'· Pac. ~ A mu11t 11ee at $67,950. FreAh.ly pamtrd 3 BR; home ba. home. Blt-in1 & new car· Cost• Mes• Fount1lrt V•ney . down. Government pays 494.9473 S4!4-rol6 w/near new drp1 &. shag + pet. Priced to sell forS27,250. closing costs. Call 968-4«1. HARD TO FIND 1-0 THI: REAL \"-l:STATERS 1400 SQ. FT. 101' o( paneHng. 4 BEOROOMS FABULOUS VA.CANT * Crest ·Realty 0.-ln, remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 -$22,950. These are hard to find in this FOUR ·, ' bath cottage on lgl!. R·2 LoL Pn."e , • ._, •-il'• really . · lmmed. occ., in the, heart of Room to dd .1 1., 000 ' -~ • f I 'V"i " u lrvt,,. a uni a. ""• · ~ j neat~ Immac. <.'<Ind. 2 1 Looking or -clean, nea~. Fount& n a1 ey:--·aeroa1 le 1 ;;;;;;;i:;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;::;;;;;;;;;;;. * 499-2800 * •t I MORGAN REAL TY This eraciou!» homt! hag Lrg BR, formal din, all ielec SECLUDED ENTRY -..;; ~ BACK BAY VIEW Mttnor\11. $275 e • C•lif 67:1-7506. Cemmercl•I Preporly Laguna Bt.ttj:h 50 X U3 C·2 ZONE lsi ' One of la•• downtown J)Aretl~ for development. I in this cuaton1, cxecut1ve home on prestige Eastslde cul-de-sac. 4 Br, 3 Ba, atritun A/f\1, FM muNic aispenion system. Gara:tt door opener, elec. kitch. and more for · Newport Balh•. C.Ov'd. polio ~ owner j ::::,'Bdrm in a beauti· •""l from MU• Squllr•'i' ' anxious! Only $27,500. ful area. Call on th11 one! Country Club and Park. 4 LOVEl Y •. ~ fiirvitw 673-6642 675-64C9 . IDl_&q, ft ~f . living kitch, sep laundry rm , 3 Bdnn. Marquette Model -.,, o:i.1,io1 MW'( J '? 1 area. T1~Top condition In overslied' 3 car 1ar, ,t:iniiI. with featUttS you've a!Wl .,...,-=.~--~ 646-8811 every way • including maln· upgraded crpll Ir. drpg wanted. Muter bedroom (enytJme) .~~e~ Sc~I~!:~,~ r~~·t . I icured lawns. Otftted a't tbruoul. be.aut Id• c p,d wilh fireplace Ir. 'balcony, ONE OF A KIND PIUA view of Fa!hlon Island '-Eulblu!f, Just aA beaut\· ru1 at night as in th!! dlly. A beauutul hom• wilh 3 •P«ciom bedroom• I: • t.;hl.nnlna: taml!x room___!or only 164.!00. Cali 646-nTl. 1Erl7th St., Cosio M....•+-----1 AAA T~ant , $115,00I) Dn. Cuh 1~ndablt return Rfflonomir1, Bkr. 675-l'TOO Eaatside 4 Bedroom, 2 only SJ.4..500. Ph: 979-1050. w/co ncrt!te ~~~lorwall an.11l diliing room, family room, Hu.ae •treet lo 1treet lot, I Bath; beautiful l·story Oa' ~,~u~ .~,v.~tio. "'"" YOUl'Se ~~950~r ' lovely view. =~r. ~a~i:~ i:~ FOR THE home; iparkling c 1 e a n · plu• den home aJ90 ollen 1 Newport Oose to schools. Shake roof. 21 8 ec1· h•11 WHOLE FAMILY I Pro!. lndscpd. Only $34.!00. --=-"""° .r I lonnal dioinc room. 156.000. •I "BONUS ROOM" CALL ANYTIME ~ 11 t~71 l:JMMll3 $45,500. 1-a·THL RCAL ''"\; 1:STATCRS PARK & POOL Pa.a'k Udo, 2 BR., 2 ba., kit· rhen bit-ins, patio, dbl. tar. q:t. A lovely malnt"nanc,.. 1 ... Or•nt• Ave, C.M. T ROOM houv -20~ DN. ~ x 135' lol. Zoned lor P:roff'11lon-1 HOLLAND MM170 f•lrv iew 646-3921 or Eve. 54S-J41J ~ I Fo' ftunJ\y Oviog 2300 l\Q. IL OWNER mltll ttell. Larie REALTY ..,/T"O~an 1716 Or.nae Avt., C.M. lrtt homr . S30.~. · EXCLUSIVE C-t % ~· CA.1.L $ ••6·)414 lnel,'"'7 Broolttult,...,,. 6-46-8811 '°" musl '"' th;,· before S"'•"'E '°"buy 3 bedroo=. 2 bath~ POOL TABLE room•, 4 bedroom•. xtra Univ. Park Center, lrvlne IEA.L E '"' dtd'-allC. Pinc , .. _•tor, A n • h •I:!'/ • (1nytime) . . . 1 bath•, ma&nlfl c ent ,_.Call Anytime, 833-0820 klnnal dining room and a ~Ill r:t wt~ room to spare fireplace, new d r a p e 1 , OfUce houn 8 AM to 1 PM 1190 Glmneyre St. l!!'!!!!~"!"'!""""'!!!'""'""'"I fantastic bonus room for . 1n 15 x 30 den. 3 Bednn 2 wallpaper accents. ·natural · 494-9473 549-0.116 BridCJ• The only $34,950. trs below J !!!!!!~!!!'!'!-...~~~'!!!•I bath, fireplace, bltins. Xlnt wood paneling, bkr, $29,950. L•tuna Nip• r.IALTY 5IM3!9 = Nt•r N••••rl P•11 Ortic• BJ 0¥/ne--Nwpt ~ PANORAMIC VllEW 0-. w, knit bids. t no: market. Call loll tree ··u·· FIXrr --in & OU!. 842-6691. YALE G.n.ration "'"ap 842-25.15. $32,950 1..:=...=:..,-~-2500 Sq fl ch•~; ••• -~ BRO A QM 0 0 R, N~I Beaut' maintained home · .. old, compl. nfll1'11111idl Shor'M, ocean vtew, .fi Br, 2 Btdroom.a 6 IU'I• tamJty l ncorne f77S nw>. m.om. '"' $200 BUY·S.I OWNER leaving. Yoo can · .. -.. -~ ~.,. Own 3 custcm doll ho.uae• on ... h N I home, Just 1lep11 to major Must ... lhll 2-S1'0RY BAR· walk to the ucac · ew }' I J I • lot Prt~ eUt Collta Roy McC•rdle Realtor d'ecorated, 4 bed r oom•. irttnbe t. 4 Bdmu., nc · Meu. area. 'A three GAIN today. Perfect for 541-7729 bullt·i.n range, 0 yen, hlige mltr. 1uite w/frplc.; farnib' rm, 2 Ba, 2 yn old. rm. Pool S6'.500. f73..7121. DX> aq tt. Id I c p d • GHrgt WJlll1m1on cc:.;;;;...iiiiie1mmi1n;;i1iiiu;;im0.1~--:.-::;.' bedroom for parenla. A t\l.'O young ·or ~Id couple, FHA dish u•·r h .. -"-place sep. di.nine rm., family rm. bedroom for 90n &: 'A'ife. A OK! Nffda TLC. ONLY /i!!!!!l!l!!O!l!l'j!!le[!!w[!!po!!'!!!rt!l!Bi!!iv!!d!! .. !!!C!l!.!!!MI!. !!! w '""' ' -.v w-.: ' Let u1 make a.n app't. for _,.,,.., ! "" ,.,..... RHltor .'9r sale 1M &e.udful !amily home, fine ______ _, _ _. LAST OF THE 117,750. CaJi now • 645--0303. yard with 6 mature fruit ~~ce~sroo~.:r ~ndl~~ MESA VERDE trees, <.'()\orful wetting, brk, iN~o-::a~mtJ:~: ..... orith -y. -~ "'°"' 54MS70 '4S.lS64 * NAPt.ES BAYf'RON'P * acceu, '67.~. Call owner, $0 ... Clement• LA.lxury Condo, prw. bolt 4961334. --.....,,;.;.;.;.;.;;..;....___ dock, ap1c, approx 2580' per * 3 BR. bltnl, b"plc, pariel-unit. Max. ~. ~U!( <town. Exciu•ive w;th CHEAPIES PRIOE OF OWNER ~: ':.;"."::;, Tranal•r-154,900. • 3 Bedroom 2 bath. builtirul, Large 3 bdrm., 2 bath, faml· __.. -'-·• dri -· _ Lido lslo 1ng patio, fnced yd. Auume p1~• On! • _ . " 5 l!' GI '°"' ~~-y • ..... SALISMAN · 3 BR, loon, 1?'·860• 114.000. e>w.... 213: 4M-JlllO. double garaae with storage ly nn., bltm, 2 frplcs. '"""'ihl:'"= 4 ""'.;;.;,;;: and patio: Condo, asking Beautiful 550 sq. ft. ma.11ter dlo built-· e. d'-'"waahn' $20,950. • Vacanl..mOYe: in ·1 incl t d en, Ull, au ' su1 e . aepara e en. b' deco ted park like quick. N D wn To G I Deluxe' carpeting &. Mexican ne.,..w brk $30" 950' -.;,.. Rcalton Open Evts w. have an· openinc ·far a * . new, qua!, cu1t, .,ft -"bn ...._ ··'-OCf'an YU, «trium, bffm ADl.Il.T Condo. 2 I~, 2B1l. ...... (;all ' c:neu ..... --• eelllrws, din rm. hwu1~ted, lArge roomL Extra. doNt -· CQOblt ol dtolilw 149~ .• -... .,.. o.._ In hi-Jri<ed ""!1""'1"' *' 4 8Jt. t Ba, 3 yn old. 121.~. 2400 E f d e n, C !A , DOU Ci LAS TRANSFERS Cali 540-llSl 1°1"" ~). 0 0 • ' tll• Ooora. 1st time oll<ted, Y • • • · -~ · • ! Bedroonu, b u I I I · I n 1 , open 12 10 5. Priced for CHOICE area, Magnolia I: "SINCE 1915'' · ", HERITAGE REALTORS Do you want a 3 BR, 2 BA. home within · walklnc di.I· tanct to Dougla1? Lulh car· pel11, beaullful drapes. lots o( brlck wo•k and a low 3FPVGCMV * maintenance yard. Thia one .•• means: 3 BR, fam rm, it super, sharp, Call now pool, view, golf course, Mesa loll free MT-61110. Verde Country Club. •For- o 1THEREAL ·'.")'. I:STATERS BUY-OF-TME-WEEK Spack>ut 4 br home w/1\JJUl:en family room. Cathedral cell· ER UPPER (requires 81'.lme paint and landscaping workJ. A delightful home on MV Goll Course. Ottered al $62,500. SOlITH COAST REALTORS ""'424 (Open eves.) ing I: semi formal dlnina::i ;=:=:=::=:==:==:==:==:=:;::: room. ~e ldt~hcn w/li br .. k!ut . bar. Carpet • TREES. TREES, drps. Close to a<hoola, parks TREES •. Ir beach. A Muat See Al • . $.35 900 Seymour will take Sharp l bedroom. Alkllll ~r p~1ent homl! In trade. $25, 750. Almost new shq: CAIL SEYMOUR REALTY carpel, very clean homl. 847-1221. Many ttet1, covered patio, Low DOWN , bi0<k wall !enc•. Big assum- a'bte toln~ : ' · · ' AND ·ASSUME VA LOAN • caU $11Sl (Open Eves.) •. HERITAGE REALTORS tlttpl&~. 1hake roof on a quick sale. $35.500, 3260 Warner. $750 On. Take over oorner lot. Priced at $28,950. Michigan, owner. 549-~. low 7% Cl Loan. Beautllul lat w-.. Bank Bldf. Univen.ifY Patk, Irvine Days .. "2·7DQO Nlfl\ts ~ 963-2187 att 4PM. ' ...,...._, '*'PND J& spec ar vu. Bf'l1 qua!, Call 847-llO!O.' CORNER LOT '°"'"'· lrl: ""'· 3 lh", 2 Ba, ti rlCOW beautifully lndscpd, cov CON DO !or Sale. 3 BR. 2;6; 3(16 Via Lido 67$.4562 pa&, -cathedral ceUlna, Ba., 2 car prep. w/pool 1-0jTHEREAL \.'.'\( ESTATERS Nr achoola. Princlple1 only. -=----==-=---==· - Cali B33-ll03, '4J.2Jl.2. ACTIVE FAMILY? 'l BR. • family nn.. 2 ba. Huntington Beach bdrm ba hom ·.:::....:.:P:....:IEcR.::: ::...&_S_l_:IPc:.:....:;.:: lormll din rm,. 174.!00. prM. N., Hooi Hoo,: , Thomae• n..11)1 49i-ll5i0 1'13-fll!. Duplu11/Unlh ... 1. ,q Cosla Moso Ouplo;;r E/Sidc. 2 BR 4< I BR. S.p. yrd&. Hrdwd. fln. Owner. , Prine. onJy. $M.500. ~1 eve. wkendA. ..::::==;:;=:==e77'C7~ 1 Hdwd. fin. $ 2 9 , s o o This 3 am! ., 2" • .,_ t * 8 HOUSES on.Jot * 1 FHA/VA. with f 1Y room, p&UU!t A Lido Nord l•yfront ~ Eastalde C.M:, l>amperrd 2 GEM ELIGANT bat'beque la for you! Near 4 BR. f Batha. $250,000 ..... ._. BR. $135,000. Owner moving, MANSION all rec,...tion faciUtits • 1 LIOj) ltlAL TY will finance. 1610 W. Coast Hwy .• N.B. only $51,500. 3377 Via Lldo, N.B. f ! CHUCK CAROTH.ERS REALTORS --642-4623 4 BR, 3 BA, •iCltnl •ntry, e· . red h·111 * '7~7-* llo H~ REAL ESTATE M·l ZONED wr with ,,....Jy lorml din rm .. !iv rm. Mos• y.;.,.. ,.,. Salo 125 TREASURES ne-,i.. oomigattd 1tee1 featurn ml.alive tpJ, all _ _ ___ ...; ____ .;;: 1831 Westcliff. NB 646--$152 buiding. Nev.ut Industrial upgraded w/w crpt1 Ir drp1. CONTIMP~ area, ()xla M•sa. Uood for lam rm.! 1'g wardrobe. ·~·LTY HARD TO RND GREIN RIVllt '-no Pr--* 8 HOUSES on lot * 1 ldtch "'"""' G ...__11 .. p "' Ea1taide C.M. Pampered 2 welding shop, lots Of cur-bltin Io u rm e Univ. Park Center, Irvine One 1tory Meta Verdi o:ec-rat .. .......,,-, ark rent. Other Interest by w/nna:e " oven. dlhwahr, C.11 Anytime, 133-COJ , utlve bmnt wltb °"" 2500 MONTIU..Y SPACE RENTAL 48 Units :j :i1;;':': Owner moving, owner. OUered for 9'.:>UTH lots ot counter space, eating pttice Hour• ! AM to I PM 1q, fl F eatutt1 thcludl f FROM •:IO! Dtluxe units. Alr condlUoned, COAST REALTORS Copen bar, ovtnlttd dbl 1ar., h ~. dJ .. 1..... A &Nit JunUy cammaatt7 all electric, 24 two bedroom. CHUCK CAROTiiF.RS <•~ o••• tlo b'""k ·'I Ind pd "I• --·~ ·-• room, with -.It '--!<r REAL ESTATE eves.) ~ pa , iuo.: Wai, IC • ovm:lltd Dvlnc room. coun-. em one. i.oe.t.:..-,:,,. _._ · 1 tietht, Dp• tpllt lm!l. 15 TREASURES 31! yn n.w lop Joe. TWO NEW LISTINGS try a1y1, kltqwa, f....U,. ·-' ol ,.,.,,,,;: ; = s bedrooms, > balhs, I 'lotu .,.,, ,....,., $21,950 $29,950. FP. In Beauutul Turtle Rock room, auvlce _.. --• oaa.--a..a.. ...__ "'-"-__ bedroorn1, 2 baths, s 1831. We1tc1JU. NB V'ID";JW.6 nt:onn"""" . HU'· O " nd. bol~ -~· -"' .. ~.....--.. • ..,,, ,,_ U1n1B1 FHA ~vooESSION ol •• , a . ne ~r-co • " bii baths. Ont of a Jdod • lUve di~ ..,.,.... to IAllldecka • Pltloo, • &.ck' Bay tered tor salt. 3 Bedroona, with view•, both priced right tn perfect condl tbl. can Ut GlWft JUwr Golf eom-.. p1act,, Exceptional ~f .4 ll~, 2,1il )>&,Good fixer· UP. ~~n~~de~~UQ1u1~:;. fu-4471 ( =)·~101 ;;'ND~~~c;~o:em~ today, «Jl Cirtm NYlr Dr u.a clot. to two ll!O-f.I per. Cheo.p. Make offer on ' .SOUTJJ COAST REALTORS, ..... Ibey _,., Ju( iongi tall• -(Opon ..... , C-•tt 'llmm4 ::;-:, ~ ~: d .~ n . 0 w n e r I broker. 5(5.:11424. r GEORGIA COLONIAL · · 4 CONTIMPO-IJ•· .. ""-Sain 9 •ft< 62:H929. . " ' ' memmoth betl(oom1, hea.,. LAGUNA HILLS ·-~-... " S.lbol lslHCI SEE IT·YOU'U. LIKE IT heavy •hMe rool with aJ.l MI0,000. WUl ... ,.,"' EAST SIDE BY wood 11d;nso. iaWced b&y l'lwllsw l4alt commanll> tndoo. w.tl64. :J ' I ', '• I I ' t• 16' Nice 13 bedroom East1ide home· with brick flrepJac:e, HUG~ y fl r d , cuJ-de-sac location. Detached double garale with alley entr&nct. Priced only $26,<XX>. C&lJ mw Jor f'Urthtr details, CUSTOM BUILT OWNER windows, land.Caped with ac!ltcent to t.muro WOlld. o. NO N Tired of beln1 crowded in? l Br., :l Ba. w/din " ck'n pine tnie1. 'Private dlnlng UNUSUAL ::;"'.=-~ y,,., .DOW 1.A=t u1 •how you this be.aut. Nr. All schools. Big ya.rd. roo:.· t;71oy~ and 1all "SINCE JOO.f' Fully cwtom butlt 3,000 Jiil. ~e pool, aunu..,.... 4 COLWELL . I ~~ I ' I I ' , , . ~(Open l!'VU.) on thl& rare v&lue. 2 1~ner, cultom 1 blt . .,3bdnnBR.. $34,tSO. 10",4 DOWN ~-boiboodre ace. 1ecuk1tve Jst Western Bink BJ<tr, ft.,liahlonthe15lhfalrwq bOhrd ~tablf& MUCH -bedrooms each unit. One 2tn bath hOme, P ut-4> · 642-I447 or ~1368 ne,... r • w a n I Univenib' Pa.r:t, lrvlnt or M•ll Verde Country ll:)R.£1 I I ' ' I ' < ' I.'. • ' . HERITAGE uti.it now vacant and ready rental A extra ~1 qtra. d!Jitance lo ocean. BKJL Days 552·7000 Nlihtt Club. t..o.ded with extru. Se-e tN "'Award wlnntnl" l>b. • '' 111 C...-irr; 10< lmm"1ist• occupency. w/2 bath•. Thia pn1perty 11 OPEN SAT/SUN/TUE 962-5111. m.r.oo . 10~ dn. SOUTH --,,_I·-.. ON - Each \lllil renll Im' $165. reaJJy aomethlngt $130,IXXI. BY Owner. Specioul WnUy OWNER tnna. A 1 s u in e L•SUM Beech COAST RE ALTO RS , SALE·nns WEEK. OPIN HO= K.,. at home or .. nw. Qn. MORGAN REAL TY hom" 4 larJ<• bedrm~ kine '"'"" loan paym"'" l•u ~ COpeo ~J I -or 1»1900 UK REALTORS OPEN-DAILY ly 132,950. If you hove bHI\ 67U642 ' 67~5' •.u.d m&Jter 3 batltA. Hll(e then r<nt. l bedrooms. d•n, MYSTIC HILLS 1'"31' Mobil< -wno•dJ• Sat. & S.... ll't. I (1.111. ln the-.rv\ce caU111. BalbN Penln1ul1 hv-rm. •ltl:pi.c. Wn dJnlna: --xtra-cabtnei.-a_M-thelvn-in ocean vttwl f BdnnJ.. 2 ba. Mi11fen Vlefti ~ Cabana. carpeted aklnq tB.1PJ.L'CES. Mndtl1 .at.l 3N SANTA 111.IEL Eutllde 4 BR I SA. formal dtnlrc. 2 llOJ'Y, lmmedlatc '· 1ep laundry. Lo dn. S40-8376 all mtdem kitchen, built· Ocean view Uvtna I dlnfnc tbed. ~ ' St In 'i\mdlia• ~ BAYFRONT kit w/p\er 6' 2333 Rutaera. Collett Pk. hw, ~e wallpa.ptt, rms, Let. level yard, room ntA REPOSSESSION. 4 A lloraat ' .,_. W'llk to bNcb. Cd ~ ~ .. 'II'' I' ~ .', .. 11\,, r1 I occupency, CdM Hlat> School RcallLn 56-0165 Open EYott IQl lll *BUILD INCOME* 'lflS N'))t a .. h, '°1!1CIO M Joi, "'°"' to bull<I. 2 Bl\. bomJ. 2 car aar.t rtnted at $2l0 1-.....,,,...,,===.--I month, on}i ll6.900. CAYWOOD REA~TY Wot«!ront cu.t N>me. 4 Or * 541-12'0 * 5 BR.. view rrom moat By Owner, f't!dUctd, B,9001 roomt. IT n. lot, 1paclou1 ltarbor View Homes. Carmtl, 1an1, Reduc..i ., mo,ooo. 3 J!R. rn. h"' erotc. _prem. 1111 Grl'ftdy, Rooltor lot. •pkn. 1ndocpd. prlnc S4J fll.Yoi<k, N.B. ~161 onl1. M~596J tn}'tl..., . • Ool.t. Comer loc .. bea1.1tiful MESA VERD.E m&tl)' O\dtom f e 1 t u re I' , 101' pool, X1nt 11'-irhborhood. BEDROOM. NEW PAINT A r ~~~-:::.,::::;':_-~---1 view. 675-«1115. 4 br, hllge tam rm, form din covered patio with natural close 10 achooll. $49,500. WALL TO WALL CA!\PJ'T. 1,~ !......ailn~'BM°!'!1'!i00hom0u• nn, Beaut lndacpd. Cul de brick tlreplace, b r k.. * 499-2800 • EXCElLENT CONDmON. ..,..alO:U "'· • ...,, • t -.;;=::;;::=;:=; ~·~oNT,. BR. 'eo." MC. 1415,!iOO. 1940 Kill<l<or 116.000. --•. ONLY tzlOO DOWN. TOl'AL of..................... ' ~~"~ Cir Sho b t iJ:j; ~ PRICE Jn,r;>. KATELLA -· ms ...... fam cm., wet bar, etegant 2 54&47.a wn Y a PP · HUNTING T 0 N CREST ;..._;; ~ ... TM-. lt.£ALTYi 131..fMOO. g AC R. t FI C :r; '1 Lido INVESI'OR.s, UIUIM a ~ •IOI')'. Pt\ tor appt. 673-6192. • ' SPANISH •• Br, J"am Rm. ~--., V.A loAn. lDL'OrlM ., ... Brn Collep Park arta. 3 den 2 rtplc, l ca.r pnl"·' :=,.~:,n New..,. ..... watertroht park. 2 br. per month. Paymeau Cprona del Mar Br., 2 Ba. ._ncl. p1.Uo. block Profi detoralet1 ,.-.J .,. .. .._..c.--. s.1,995. AUo dbl ~ at $.154 lncludt tue1. 0nt7 CAMllO HIGHLANDS, BY wall. near IChooll. $28,750. landac•ped . $53,900. 3 Bit. & Don $3',f!O WATERFRONT Lido illlt, 15.915. '734JDT 1<9.910. OWNER. HARD TO Jr"INO 5 on •peclaJ terms., Prlnclpln 988-6104. Unique, .,.hlte brlr.k ~Jtter, Vil Udo !loud. Prbd tor 1t10 BILTMORE J.lxQ, J'S Grwham ltealtr-M&-2414 BR, 3'1 BA -· w/IAm only. Call 1133-1103, fi42.23U. BY 0-r. 3811. 1% be, pttd tntry. 2 S. .. bil·i.,, quicll -by 0W11tr. J>rln. ~t 111' nice tdult park. * Tr1pltx_..,, <>...-2 Br nn, ~ lbN (pt New1;v OPEN HOUSE· rrptc, bl Un1, brlck wall~, frplc., carp. Yard nt:f!dl clpiJs only. Into, 17Ml~; ~ larp #1lf'dl. 1 a r ~1e1 : p(l:lnled I: dficora1td + MESA VERDE • Nr Khlr, $111'5 ctwn. or no ~'Ork, but a ,.al buy for the l.a.4·.fn'.JI, GREAT Lakt1 2 Rr '!X~ 10>~';6 dn s&.50Dloftft'. t>Ct•n v\fi•. Open hnuif, 4 bdrm, 2 be. A#ume. nfA. down 10 Cl•. U&.!00. J~ Mndyman. c.u ~ Need & .. Ptd"T Plact an ad! pando, lndlcpd. S .t•r adlt 22)3 Rutpn Dr CJ4. daily 1·5. IQJ,960. ~JW. ml M;,.Jpn. -934T Waite Lane. M7.DJ1 l ~11SS10N ·REALTY· 4!M-4!31 Call MMl!I. . pk. ShOp.11.!00. -· 5.n-8400. ' l \ •• .. • .. IWl.Y nLOT DAIL y P.ILOT SI .10• $1000 . $10,000 Up..:.._-~~°:.'::i· ~-3 BR. 2 Ba., iAln. rL .. 131:1 HACIENDA HARIOR LOW MONTHLY ' ' flJR., 2\0 ba., lam, nn. 1315 . From $150 . uc. lllnt tn.om• " PAYMENTS . C~N 3 br. 2 '''"nu crpt, 3 BR,.2Ba,.\trlum ,, .. $325 DELUXE 1 & 2 BEDROOMS lier, S.2 B'R • 2-1 a:rt t.OAN ~lE elect kit i•r »tlndeek nr W& HAVE-otHERS Furni1hed & Unfurnished ,ovntoln Volloy •.= lo~ , p~u:''~'Or.; N: ' b<ach. ;31.ooJ.i an <. • Heated Poo.1 -Garages -Shag Carpetini ~ 1~;500. Pl!: COMPARE OUR , COS.TS Cott• Me•• Dishwasher -All Utilities ·Paid. 4 BR, 2\S Bal •ncl. -· pool A recreation. No pelt, 2 The Last Wflltd lw Greot _ • I 142-1171. FlMI'! Adults Only· No I'm ~ FIRESIDE LOAN FREEll 241 Avocodo St., Co1l1 - GUARAN,TEE: L·ondlord,..Owntrs VILLA MARSEILLES If you, can I~ ~~ We wilJ refer ttna:nts to you S'ACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. LOAN from lJl¥ v·1"f'n FREE of charge : •• Many LENO£R. ht C&lJfOrnta •t ~c*ir_.,te .tenants. on our furnished & Unfurniahecf llATES-LESS TiiAl!' WE waiting liot·.----Adult Llvlllf OFFEll. retur o th< ALAR I e ••S-3900 DJ.stiWislier colof cooroin'ite<l-app 'iDces • MONEY. wllhin 15 di)'I. and '"1' 1 -z=:; Plus)I shag C8l't>Ot. mirrored wardrobe doors- 646-1204 chlldrt!n. $250. 551-JDU. Hullllntian - ON BEAOH! 2 BR. 2 BA Ul\I. 1Fr.1:15l 2 BR. Flan Fr. $308 Aflo'!iffllh! What mon can you say about an. apartment com· munlty-that-come1-wtth-$l· mlllioo worth of recreatlOat YOUR WAN .willl us ts • BUDCE'I' BACHELOR, indirect lighting in kitchen • breakfast bar • FR)!IB! R.C. WERNER · walk lo ahops. All utU iocl. 3 BR. 2~ ba'"· .,M huge ·~· 'wte fenced patio • plush tand'i.i1t ADULTS ONLY Or a tennis pro A acUvitle1 J'Urniture Avallibl& director plus O"Ut tun Preild t is; • ~ "~ ........ -, :'l-"'SIDE · R I <BR., 2 balhl .......... $310 2 ing • ick .Bar-be-Ques • taree heated P<>Q DllPLEXtS !41,950 If n.r.. ALA into • • 645·3900. ' BR., 2 bat hi .......... $340 UT!U~~;,:1:,.EE' & !anal Air «>nditionint. C a r p etMrapesdihwUbtf ti.met! heated pool ... unu'tennls rec l'OOllMlCftJl views '])BttoHmplo parldnr TRIP~ "'7.!50 • 'l'lirih e BACH WICLA'ss. Nicely 31\R, 2 Baths .......... $400 36$ W. Wl1'oh 642.19n 3101 $0 •. llristol St., Santi Ano 557-1200 319 N. Malil, S.A. 547--0684 ALA'Rontals e 64S:3900 · ·, re · e " W~EKL Y. MANAGING AGENT Security Guarda. 2'l2! Harbct Bl.,.C.lt 645-JIJJJ turn all utit incl suo ,. d h 11 · COLDWELL, BANKER l CO. 1 T ' f Executive Su1te1 li!!!!!!!!!!'lil!!!!!l!i!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" st D Loans. PRIVACY! I Br, •l•/ref, . . 2• Now""'' Blvd. .,. . epts1w;-ps, ni; !!bops. $l2:1. ltEALTY Cost• Mt-•• , Apt. ~nfurn. 365 Apt. Untum. -.. ~!'lex .............. $66,950 6"'% INTEREST ALA Rontol1 e 645-3900 Unlv. Park cent.,., frvin• · · 642-2611 Gonorol '.Ill OCEAN AVE., H.B. HUNTINGTON PACIFIC .............. -2nd TD Loans• FAMILY iiEEI>E:o. 2 Br, · eau Anytime 833-0820 sruD1os ,. 1 BR'S c.11. Mo.. ore :~~~ ~f,.ny • •• •• • ... • •• • • • sn.950 ' fenc~ ict:tncl gar, kids/cat. Ott.ice bolU'll 8 AM to 8 P~ .• FREE Line~ ON THE BEACH•. WILLIAM . w~ 'l'EAA co.' ............. 1112,500 t.oweo1 rales Orahge Co. JH5. _;_ . .•.FREE. Uttll~ . LOOK.• LISTEN• LIVE ""!"""!!"'!9•""!!!!~~""!~·.I ""':'~·•I ·La ~,:00 "WE BUY TD'S'' AL'A 'R1ntal1 e 645-3900 Lo9u,,. Bo1eh : :;."!,~";'. 1 BR, Furn. " Unlum. . 3;:r:;;.,2 .;::;. ~=-· Sattler Mt9; Co. e "HARD 'J'O B'EAT? 2 13j., , ~"SE -I···· opt.,· n·. ,~,1 e LaUridry .taCilltie1J _ FROM' DN' y $195 LOOK •t the bi& tree.11, hit . _....., ._,~,. ••2 2171 ... ~11 """"""' .... ""-..._. • TV .,. livinr room with fireplace, ~. nr _ ... • il'U .... J'l'!1lt;$293. per. mo. :':.~ ..... H ~--21 le.nc~~Jd, incl gar. kids/ level, 2 BR & den, l* BA, • p·i.-&: ~~~~.•\!Ail .·· "~E. ;._Qean~TINvd. bil patio, 3 bedroom& 1,L Children welcome, no pets. R1~t1 from $140 Sony, No Pets Or Children • • • Models Open Daily From 10 am to 'f pm OAKWOOD GARDEN APTS Newport Beach South l!OOllth s ..... 642-31.111 W:ancffric lnvetPnen't it ..,.,,. .... ,. .a!'INI" are~ ~ pet~~.~ , fireplace:, sun deck. $325. ~"'~ . .xrvu.-e ·. . ....,,.,.., -" baths. n 968-8633. • ;100. Owner. 546-0178 . Mor:t1 ... 1, · ALA Ren~als e 645.3900 494-663.3. ·· * $30_ WEEK' & OP 1t ~:d i:::m.~~~I= ~o'-N"'·,..=.B<"-ach..:...,-2-sr-.-2-ea.~=No N:ri~:a~~J:erilt *'Grant St.., N.8. · Trust D..cl1 26t e NEED MORE ROOM! 3 1 Laguna Hills : Studio ~~BR A?ts LISTEN to the aplaahing child/pets. $245. 101 mo "5-0050 .lfU'IC'!· :J.. e II 0 re, NEED MONEY'!' Or &i you ' nry 2 ,a, lge lenced yd for .... J. ••• • •••• • • • • • ~:eMaid .Serviceri'Vail B•lboe Peninsula fountain in t~e 1anlen·, the ieue. Pool, Tennis, ~Una Ii: ~ .... ~-"!"!!!!'!"~~I it..!:1 Jiow« J Dr., have a m -to .ell! CALL ,J)1!ts. ,S220. NE\V 3 br, beaut. view. • Childre~;:-Htd .Pool friendly chatter at the pool, J cuant. 547-5882 bef. Jpm. DK w. Oceanfront, Jc 1 BR. Y .-uu•, 1· · ' Uoyd, e+cr. 't 6'Z.:.~71. ALA 1';entals e 64$.3900 Rent, lse. Cent air cond. 2376 .iifewpotflBI~t°~ 2 BR. 1~ ba., patio, balcony, the easy-to,take rent. WALK to &.•ch summer A winttr rentals, II Pr:ept, tty 1'11 e CHEAPJE TEEPEE . Spa· 1'~rplc. Elec Jdtch. $280. ~9155 uri 1.M: ;,...... • 31.fi E. &.Y. S225. monthly on 2 Br., cpta, drps, dsbw!h.r avail July I, &U-5307. dou 962 3883 '"""""""' yrly lease. lnquitoe at Apt. LIVE a little • at the "in" 125 A 308 16th, 847~7 !~~~~~~~~~! I • 1~ , sfurn bachelor. All utils • · This Ad .Wort!t .. ~ on Jti!nt · c. 673-1521.or 548-7771. place knO\vn for unmatched ~ ~ )fo14F; -,._,.,~ .. ~ A~~ .:!ntels • 64>3900 Newpo;;~~;S ~l'~·ir~~YG!::~~~!. iCiioiironiii•iiiid•iiliiMiiiior ~:~Zt~:; on;,peccabte 12 ~~P~~ .. :io=: ... ,. Jl.>J , 5-.. . .--t ... SWINGLES! • NiCf' l Br. !· Adults -no pets. Flowe~ ';;;iiiimiiiim;;;iiiim;I ' ~--H,UMI Fuml1hecf 300 near stores. All ulils incl. "'St1ERWOOb' everywhere. Stream & LIKE IT'!' Call 546-6215 LARGE 2 BR 1 at.ory 4-pia.. I Moe1 ... It....... ' . S125. FOREST'' WllterfaJl •. 45: PoOi Rec. Rm. ~~·. F1irw1y Villa Cpts, drps. r/o, pr, fnod, Rooms . 400 •7m· &.lboo lllond ALA Rtnlalt. 645-3900 GREENBELT S1Una, Sg~ 1-2 Bdrm, ru,ri. -child OK. Sl35. 527-3144. • --------·1 Newport-Blyd.," C.M. WATE I 3 l:IR, 21,J Ba., split.level. Unturn. ·from $138. SEE IT: Apartmenh 2 BR. Jlpt. Closed aaraa:e. ROOM in lov~y home near SBa.,~~~:r~:e~~: • ~L t 1 T! • 2 BrPOO. fncdL_ ldyllic 1 surrouncllngs. Im· 2!XXl Pat'BOIU, 842-8670. ON TEN ACRES 20122SantaAnaAve.,546-6215 CrpU, drps. OilJd &: small ~~tW~:!n~~ Sale · 171 325 "E. Bayfrorit, Bal. ls1. i~' ~De garage.. · =~~hate! Vacant. $485 per' 1 BR. Furn. 2 lrg. closets,. Apts. turn./unfum, Lease DELUXE pt't OK. n45imo. 347-2940• d!')', privacy, pools, tennis ...,.. S15p~mo-,.ti73LB'J49.. ALA Rent els e '45-l90o · ~ queen size bed, priv dttss-Fireplaces I priv. patios. APARTMENTS Latvnai Ber.ch courts, etc. $75 month. 100. X' ;_,f':1~ '. H~ lelbN Peninwt.• . · ·";\'" ing rm. xtra lrg rooms, end Pools Tennis Coil.tnt'J Bkfst. Air Cond. Frplc's . 3 Swim• * NE\V 2 BR., blk to beach. 833:1357 on Beach. '-""'"Ol'!r .anM· ~ ._;,,.,,._ e COUNTRY LIVlN'. 3 Br, &. ~:f: gill' w/storQe~·Ai:lulta only, 900-Seli 1.a.ne, CdM 644·26111 miJtK Pools • Health Spa • Spectaculai view. S2l;il up.R =~oo""'Mc,S~l~l5w_k,..u_p_w_lld=~"'.PJ"' Euy tmn1. Art _, BALBOA Penln. Channel· lrg tncd. yard. KKls, J>ets. :Sf ~·l. 't) ! .. tr\ no pets. S.1fiOJ~C!: MaCArthur nr C.Oast Hwy) Tennis Courts • Game and 4M-3383 or 494-23.39. wk · up Aptl, 2376 Newport W im e f j n de r'S ' Realty , SUmme « yrly. Bayfront. 5 Stt;, ' :;: : Q!!Jf 2035· FulJerton1 Cl.M. , Billiard Room. BJ\!d, CM ~_!_ 77; eves. 53H&. .BR. 4 Ba, lge ~t1 &'.Pier, ALA Rentels e 645-3900 ,,· .. <: realty mlt tu.rn. $2Z. Adtilts, rio SUNNY. private patio, All 1 BEDROOM Met• Vertie I -rr Lot; Jr'viot!..Av.e..._ _E!_Pt'd. ~~· .. 6~2039! 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH . V pets. _lg_y~. pvt patl.Q, ~ 2 Br. db! ovttn, retrig, FROM $165 DELUXE 2 A: l Br., 2 Ba, SumrMr Rent•l1 420 -=· Sl.51750. PhD .f:~rone.,del .M•r 1'10ME with huiltlM arid 2414 Vista de! Oro poof, gar. Beaut new· eptli, drps. A short walk to MED'ITERRANEAN encl pr. $155 up. Rental BEAci!FRONT, Newporl , JUtr'. 548-6761 ;.zy' 1~ b ••,.,:_· ... :.:"I:.:,_,_ double garage. Available Ne~vport Beach Westbay 21 , APT'S. 151 No. beach. 7071h Heliotrope, VILLAGE Ofc., 3095 Mace Ave , Summer ttntal. S Br. Xlnt .._ ~.:..rt , ~v ?' r •1\1\mC:• r urn J I 6th l I U I 644-lllJ ...~"ME nst St. 6*-8666. Open . weekends or call ''"~1"" " A l 1 •••11" -, ':pt.etet' ~ d Short uy o am y on y. "'"'~~,.... .,..,... u,)'I. view. ttrac : u rn . , t-~-c--i; .. ~lll't~-;'."~ci.~17!C-.... co;!( to~~-$235. per month. Call agenl WA lrK t o be a c h-. SMALL l _Br Quplex. frplc. l-433-0069 weekda}'ll. -2400 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Newport BNch I 548-4757; 833-8350. " _ " '. ~. m ri\o. ~~~ts, 546-414l. . Sitigle!!/families. 4 br den, Beam ceiling, patio. 1 adult, 2 BR. Coro Lido. A.pt. Adults, RE<:#h55l;::'tcE 2 BR apt. turn ls he. d . ,. ~ lJ§J:ED ~•Le. lake 5f3..39M.; 'Eves-s.n:-1!73. 3BR, 2BA home, huiltim, dbl 2 story, swim pool. c8.J.1 for no pets. Open House 336 ·E. pool, m pets. -t250 E. Coast OPEN 10 AM to 6 PM PARK NEWPOR'J. · Ciiwramic view. l blks to . lwe ·'36,500.1 Needs WALK TO OCEA,N gar, ne'v cwtm drps, crptg detaiis .Agt. 979-8430. 20th-St. &i~13J7. -Hwy. 546-4924. APARTMENTS Ccl).1'. main beac~. $XKI pu 2 -· 2 Dr .......... u.,1., & firepl. lmmed occ. $225. lfARBOR View Homes 5 FULLY r urn 1 br, * GREAT VIEW -2 a.a:-* P1rk;Llk• Sorreundlng wk. lncludes util. 675-6024,_ ,,.,;"3' 0;··~ · per mo. Call agent, BR, Somerset, •::25_· ·' dishwasher. etc. No pets. Frplc,-bltm, aundecks, pool. QUIET•DELUXE 011 the ,bay GREENV"'''"""LAKE doh, len«d. ~. 54&-<W ~ W •~• U '" "" ~,__ 2 I< 3 BR APTS ~ • •· ' ~ Cost• Meta , , . * 644-4917 * f. s.t ·~ d-4!. Call fetTy. -P. ~. v•J 'Alao ~rn. Bachelor Luxury apartment living ov· Run. Sprgll, Big Bearafta. ·, ~# on , blv,d. , UDED -~ ~ ~l . _ • _ JMMED. Occup., beaut Con. HARBOR View, Carmel, ~ aft 9am. • 2 BR. apt. w/loft. .D&ni,M Prv . ...,tioe * Htd Poo1s eclooking the water. Enjoy Cabin. ,Wkly only. 56--4358 ~ ,w/3~~ cabilt -Roomy 1 br cotta8:e in t'Ourt, do,' E-sidel'2!.0, Jr. 2 BR, pool, beaut cat'pt'd &: draped; 3 *"NI~~> I: 2 Jh'..-.Trlrs.'$l!O ~c, dlx kit, wash.er/dryer. Nr ~·e * Adults Only $750,000 health .spa, 7 swim· * NOW to SepL 15. Unt. 2 . • .. · ! PartieJly turn, $145. Adult11. e\c, · Doyle Co· BR., 2 ba. Paneled tam. It '11p: 'M°attµ't' '9.ifult1, ·Olild ..,,J, 834-3635; 67>2324, M I I A min& poolf, 1 lighted ten-BR apl C.M. $175 mo. Hu . . ~· ,P,OB, 'box 642,55S,1, ', • 543-1168: eves: 838-6.141 rm., frpl.: Valley view. $425 ok. No pets. ~U65,.\ " 2 BR, l BA Garage Apt. art II que ptS. nis courts, plu.s miles of retrl1a:bltns.557-MIO. wfs:C Bev 1:8"~ (7lf)· COZY 4 rm~-1zg yd QUAL'. home on Oor. kit. 3 Mo.'. lease .. No pets. > SF.1\11 furn ibr apt. Ne'cihild. •LauDlj.ry hookpp. $200 mo. lTn Santa Ana Ave., C.M. ~~~ trai' ~~:;:~; 1 BR, newly decorated apt, '8!Cluded · ~ 450 1 !fttuti li'dult. Empl'd. ~ 2 BA, :c., ram rm., Corbin-Martin Rltrs 644·7662 or pet1. '$125/mO. · 137.9517 No pet,s. 673-5235 Mgr, Apt. 113 646-5SC2 fully furn, Incl ·linens. Wllr: :o.,r:~,cabin~ !.1'.i'lSO $f35.Wtrpd.543-00l2. .,~~:: Liard, WESTCLIFF,Executive aftS"pm. '• CostllMeu N•w VIII• P•u•• :smr~r:n~~ to piu. :1)2 Victoria, Slln ~ cabin ~ Newport &e4d' Jlo~. 4 BR. 3 Ba. Beaut. * l ~·furn;·&arag!' 2 Br., 2 Full Ba. 2-story town hoUJes. Elec-Clemente'. Wkly or term.. -..SU.. .. 'It• :-; . . 4, LARGE Z.br,..w/w cpl.!!, util atrium. Ye&rJY. Cill:. •,$140/mO. · Familin Wl!'lmme. bic kitchens, private -.tJoa Avail now; By owner, . or · • wrt • , , • 2 Br Mobilf!' H11'1" rm, dbl gar, fencttl yd. $200 WINTON, Real.tor 675-3331 '831-9517 aft'5 pm ' HARBOR .~R£ENS Shat Cpttdrpil, patio, · """' ~ . Real Estate. P~ O. .. .,<Mi Util pd Aieo $85 mo 646-8226' beam eil zarq:ea. or balconies, earpetill&'., dra· ~~~·,...;."--~~~ 2828. Bic Bear Lab t •.uu · . . 4 SR, 3 BA:, fam: rm., din BElAUT. FURN. 2 BR. $175. c " peries. SubtetTallean park· 3 BR., 1 ba., uptlairs.. Priv. ·. .. 1 · baehelor. CaU 9'19-:M30. 2 Br, cptJ, ·<Jrpg, garage, rm .. entI <tbl gar, fncd yd. Up incl'. utO. · Htd. poOI. Fl,frnl•Md & From, $180 tna\with elevators. Optiaoal IWldeck; zrut ocean view . . -famous ~)J . .. { 'HOuHI Unfvrn., 305 • quiet. ~ only. No pets. Avail Aug. 1st. 645-4377. Adults, no ))(!ti. 642-852() . Unfurnished 622 H~ton, C.M. maid tervtce. Just nol'th of July ~t tt>·.iul)' 15th. AII0;3 m o.t ' the Wotld'!!~:: , S11D/mo 5'18-8231, 548-1400. Sant• An• Heights $135. Nice l br apt. !clltli, no Stt Mir~ ~:m ~· Hoban. Fuhion Irland at Jamboree BR., 2 ba. lower, July lit to _Bridge.,~0,..r•r ' ' fifESAVERDE,38r,2Ba, *l BR lbal bk' a peti1:: 132 W. WIJ s on . ·from$120fo.~15mo gp•~ous 2 b t andSanJoaquinHillsRoad. Jti)y22nd,AtJ#.26thtoSepL ~tO· all. schools A: City. • cpts, drpg, ,bl tns, trplc. No . ., • ge ac Y · 64.5-4530 fi . ~·· r ap owr Telephone (tt4) 644-1900 13th. 112 34th St., N.B. ' .i.... ..... .. Le 12T:i r:~L' """" S225 mo . Ind gan:len:U,g. ·· · ' B--L I e I lld prage. in charming 4 unit for rental infonnation 145-3100 ,or 675--7860 (avail or will ttacfe IOJ: CtJita .,....... ase, :> • .n<r;JIM). 551-249:> aft 6 pr:n. Huntington Bu~ 9Ql• ors· rm• Rttizw: Hu k'amed cell, winter). · I-'~. or N~-Il<ach I!>-' , REN!~,LI . • ru.;.2 Bedroom' C dam' 1 . . • 2 Bdrm1 e 3 Bdrm1 crpt/drpo. bi"1s .l,;. peint. * l ·BDRM. APT. * 2 BEDROOM, • BATH pr'Op. _,, J ;.._.. * ••t . Garage. Also 2 story 4 br "u" nf in u"" lY, or 2 Full Boths . ~Pl'. teund • !rub In Eutblull. 1185. • Eitel• Wo,,,...114i .,_"1 ..,. "' · pool"°""· Call 919-0430. .um.· 320 L•OUINTA HERMOSA ,.,., 0ooe to univ. " 2 l7lollil 0 iln water, •lip, Avail. ~t' • • ' ·'It. '"t•1-oj1f.* : 3 Br, 3 ba, """' ....... lst & last •-1"--P-lnsulo Spanish Country Eatate Liv-M~ter size ~ w/ ....... -. $155. Adlu.169 Mesa ••. · JuJy '200. wk., Auf. -·· ' ' • 0 ' > ' -•----• ' b h bwn llJng~ Jar&• ~"'" -.... ' $250 k Se I t'lM INT'r pty w•nts l or~ 4 Br 433W:11.lh COSTAMllA + deaning. deposit. Water & 'ing &: Spacious Apti. Tif.' li11i!: ce I · Dr, Ci\.1. Mfr.1166. W ., P • """"' W • vv-. 7 ,...-., ard 1 &n-7649 NEW 2 Br 2 be. fulJy ~ riced ·1>o01: : liinlfen ' .... vmg roon; w gas . or Agent 6"--7270 l;;i8i'l· Call tflllT)',.. i),),)-I.U9 ~ · g ener inc · · • • ..... .,...... BBQ Unbeli.:.• bl r ;.<;.,:-woo,t .~ ~place. SPAC 2 A 3 Br apt $14D up. ELUXE ' wkdys; 64Z-2312 'wknds. ·-Ir. $150. ALONE cin k>t; 2 Br l Br, 2 ba-$EO mo. Nice Ocean ~ Sub-Ten-anean · .... a e ........... -~ruent laundry aretL P~ .cpt/~ bltna, ldda D 2 Br., 1 ba., frpl., BAY VIEW 2 bedroom, eve . • · -home w/garago1 yard: E· patio., Dbl Gang~. 546-,1093 ~rkng. $400: 525-4933. Only · , · off, kitchen. Enclosed pa-ok ~ ' new carp. I: paint Encl. aleeps 4 completely fUrnish.. '~~~~!!!!~~ 'do ~ =9J Duplox.H Vnfurn. 350 .) BR • FURR .. $175 ti"" 2 •wlmm_lnr pool~ ,....;. Maple No. l •. 642-381.1 "!· Adulta """ ~: "" ..i. Avall lOJll to ~ -• JJ • "'1 or o..-v• --ALL~ ... PAID""" sauna. recreation facW· -'=" • -children Ol' pell. Sl90 ...,.,.. •·-, * ' . \ · : E"t Bluft Cosio Mose · • . • .. I ties. Se¢JritY guard. 2'J06 Colle .. No. 5 ••• 642-7035 S<H443,' . ' !'-• .'.""~ Adulta CllllJI "' :~ ........ ~ $l6§. IyY covere«\. cottage; ' (4 blks S. of San Di~ Frwy 1 u-~ I Opo • ·1 t DELUXE 2 Br., 1~• t.. LOO Isle to matutt adults I =-"'=-=·===-,.,....,,._,,,1 I~;;·•·;;;;;• furn. 1 Br, Ye.r? !or ~ild/ , flaza Condo, 3 BR, 2 BA. 2 BR, Manied cpl'. sm. pet oh Bea~ . .\. blk. W~. on ~o!t fTillllllll•. I ~ ti pm. Studkl, erpt/~ . JI() o I , l bdrm, Jee livtnc: rm: WATERFRONT, aide tie, 325 .1 pet, . ' , 1 level~· mo. ok, sm yard. ·Avail July 8. to l6ttl Parkside Lane.) 2700 Peterson W:s1 CM bl~, pvt patiol. Sl.50. 1 range, displ, reftia, r.rpta, E. Baytront, Balboa Island. · * · , , • 4~1 • 1125 alt •P"l· 642--0857. en•>. Ml-<;441· • nr Horbor Bl a Child o" no pets 5l&-04S6 , •• nM _.,1.. I.art' 3 Br .. 3 Ba. July WA> I,_ POOL '+ " Br ·-.• ! .... e, • ;r.r ~ve!!. "' ' ' , sarqe. '--'• -· "4......, k A ' Se •- 200 ·~ • ~ N rt •··ch ' Ad. BEA'-IFUL N 2 B Apt. . w ; · ug, s pt • ...,..,., wk. ·, frpl_r. crDtl, cirps, V•vanL Huntington h•tt\ •¥Wpo ~ ims """ ew r. UOO ISLE-3 BR, 2 BAm:. f'13-i249 ,.., ;i. · $145~-$165 ~ Cpts, drps, ,d sh w, h r , Adults. 1..eue. nt: 7SJ..OTU =='""· =·=-===---,-1 _,Jl..,..;A-V"'A""IL"'~·A..;,,..ii-L_E_.,,,..._,I ' *~ ....... •'aEAR THI$!1Br,·cpts/ 3 BR, 2 BA, w/w, drps,Bachelor· &:'l BR,'~tios, '541-502.5 air-cond. Pool encl patio, Appttosee OCEANFRONT cornf1" $210. PR~V1T~ ~ ,Br~~e. drps. nr bch, kjds OK. $115. bit.ins, dshwshr., frpk. ,210 'trple''s, priv. I• rage 1 , piage,, 56-1803 • duJ)J~. Upr. 4 Br., 2 Ba. JI ' 'fo40W ' ;r::v1~,relri'. g •. Lf.t_yaro. to/ ALA Rontolt e 645-3900 iFi""iiii'jjj$250jji'iYirliy.i~iijj-jj· ~·I Divided · bath · I<' lots' of ' IMMACULATE 2 BR. 2 Ba, Lwr. 2 Br., l BL !Mill ... _ &JU .,....., closets. Rec halJ, pool &: 1 Br, J.ari:e '150. S/pool. c/d, bltns, inc pr, patio Seuhore Dr., N.B. 213: I.at'&• Corporation ....... ·' * ' . • IT'S LOVELY! 3 Br, 2 ba, ' pool tables, _.., beth$. A TINKLIN~ Adults only, ,Ideal t... Ba<ht-1185 i.e. 543-J'IOS, &73-23'/0. 69Hlll, n•' 646-901\! Mi~ l>~ r 10 n to $250. ~LY at the beach. <tbl ga 1 cpts/drpe,--kids/ I Apar~. tSfOt'Rimt lf.9. .·J Set--to·r.:. )'Ourself!~'l'llll· ...-'---POUNTA1N Ion Sf8.P, l993 Qurch ~ SAYFRONT-apl "3·Br, 2~&; AUGUST rent'i.l 3 bdrm ' iltiibute-T EN C 0 fa Furn 2 BJ\ f,rplc, car. Siqa:les . ~111. ~-• _ _ KeelsoD Ln. (1 blk W. ·ot C.M. allp avail. :zu.m, ).pt B. houle Beacon ~ay, NeWport F~ ·P~'irCT~ola) co:r-O.K... -... ,,_ ALA Rent-1111 •-645-3900. Beat;Jt. 1 bUt·N .. c:it Slate~Y. yours to come· home to! Lac; 2 BR, crptl, drapes M50 yr/lm'.lmm'. m.5878. Beach. -Acceq to pvt beach Can •i.rt full> " part time (~jp hri .. ,pet: wtt.) Com· pany eKtab~.r bllsiness .In distributors. · ·l;Afii_D,LOROS! ., · *WE have a ~ selection Apti. Furn.. M 842-?84& Here's adult prden-llving s:.~· " BEACH area apartments on bay. 675-07l1 or 644-5210. Do YoU have, a vacancy,. We ot 3 and 4 bedfoclm homes 1 BR . Furn. $13 5, at itl best: , from $175 J>ft' 100nth Yrly. Rentals te Sh•ra GO can n~.1 it, Ma,ny.., d~lrable that' can be mo\-ed Into GeneN1 O~kjimg ~e ~ Ir * Small, well m&naged tux. * *BEAUTIFUL 1.-2 BR. A<7r. 673-1563. Mi. Larson _ :. l! tenants on; our waiting list. almost Jmmedi&tei, ~our beaut. Eoclo6ed palJ!> •.I: ur,y units in a cmvenlent, c.on~mporary,Gardla Apts. ~Ocean, yearly, 1Zs 2 HOU~ to ,li~· b;,i:J;111., A.bsoh1tely N9 CHARGE.. • Ren t . 0 P t Io Jl JI I a n . A , pool. Mittur. .cpl pre rd. No i eatablished ana. Patiol, :trplc., pool. $153-Br -cinJy S2lO . bedroom/bath. 0Jlleae man BEAC~~J!.!ENl'.ALS -WOOD REALTY. , . P)!lz.1036 Uth,:jt. ~· *Bi& rr..s, rr .. t pool,,.... 11111. Can~ f ' : '1S-Mr · -.,..i1ee1 •Jn\d-,..._ ->NO SEWNG! * ...... 111 . * .·. '54MSJS lolcl New Concept LARGE Bach!. Walk. to poalte. alill coune. " SPAC.N•wly-1"d2BR BEAtrr '89 Bubl trailor in 491-llol. !3°" p;o, Lq\u>l Go rum,. Of loud mo,. LANDtORDS! IMMAC. 3 + 2.+ Fam. rm. • si-. !!I! l<htlf•O<)ly.·R<I "· * 'l)ir..,bedfo!>in1, l \I baths, •Pt .... , Harbor,Sbopptnc -NB Jllllk. No chidrm heh "8;3 ~::.\!,';': ::..~~~ ':'.~ \Ve Specie!~... Newporl C@y. J>!tlo, -'"''" drps, ~· rDRNm'RE RENTAL ~rre ~L $100, plus' p:-ol patio._ l•uncb'y-~"'646-~JM&."":s.ok . .. ""'· $100 mo. -· ISHARE==;-,3-Br:::--"'llo"'m-.. -. "'H"'.=a.' ;:mypUmoney.CASHRE· Beach e cOi-orlldeiMar e .dwec. Nr. MDAC. '250-llU . util.,~ "="th':eC::e.livma •~ A.ta., ·Everythin• Ind. 315 Q'f:.RW-$28.SeCured., !ic1:r:"~t~:~ =·aft 5 ~ (2JJ~ !~O:P~:os:.. .•irtfl!~·paiW:.ts:.armo~ch, ,. P.&Thepricewill ~ttil~~=-~ .ltum.eru.,r.rn. ut ~~·~attlpm l~mED· OPPOR-~~ Nu View• FO 2 B * ~ .... ..._ . 5.16-3507 ' ' . -,:you!' 1rwy, 516--0431, 998 El c.to MoH ·HOUSE lo ...... ltiJr from ,i·..,.~,, L • • . , , R Lea.se, 3 Br., . a., ... _ ~ .. uuP> n..-·-"pt. Nol CM bch. •·-··· ~ •~ NU-VIEW RENTALS 1 relrig. "''her & rlnl'· · ~' , l.ofUno .luch , • ~u·-~ ' ' ' · ' -.~-v~u ~ .. 673.-or ' -S22i/mo. 5 '6. 7 6 6 I or *.Jc ilolJt Ilolmo7, ' .. • .. : . . . Foirw.-, vm. EXTRA LAR<?E 2 Ir .. 111 --...... qi. "'. ~· • ., RENT!NG-LtASlNG !168-1388. -i . • ~;fM.'~to b<ach 0 & · A"'"rhnents ba.OCC,newtyN~s't;.~' PALMMISAAl'TS. FEMAU:to , ..... lfl- REDl-BRE\Y Home.a.. only. 5 Yr'• Up,.~ SINGLES-FAMILIES· t!2 ~ · )J'il 'tnQ!>'& .. No. End. Ocean r;--nr • o ~s. '"-"'" .MINlJTES TO NPl'. BCH. i~l area, IP 19"' CORPORATION Age'!t24hn.956-25bo: . Walk lo beaeh. 3 s }. w 'SIP£ f!:;I View.Call .fit...1079. Xll.2'lSanlaA~~ve.,546-6215 •SHARP! Unfurn 1 Br. FURN. ott \JNJ'URN. S.lanefl·S. = :~~ c:; 3 BR. 2 ,$,,., tam rm..:ms per kids/pets. Dt'l:ail~. 9'1MOJ. i .. i ;BR, N. end • 'blk to beach, * * $111 * * I aoee to O<;X:: • uci. $140 Unbelievably 1up aptt., ~ 2 ~ -•• ""'ti a 919-7•1? () ~ ..... .rii17 i'-..TI& .. elto fur 1·sr. 111 Ba. -1¥ lia!Dtld por""" $1-7181! Imp pool, l,acuul .,... t;~ !II., l'IJI, ambitious couple as ?n.?· ~ ar · ~ ru: .. ! NE\V 4 BR, ram rm, 1"'. Sll .W. 19th,~ ~ Win\et • .._.-. Bttlnl, crpt/4rJll, encl patio. J'RPLC, eunJcen. lf'Y nn.f 2 blt-tna. abal erpts, drlJS. .....e, buainess I.MOC~. No ~ 585-~. bath. Lease $350 mo. ~ :mil N. &1n SA· 5tf®4 Nr tc41s 6 ahop'r. OJildren BR, t Ba. w/w, bltns, .. una ~le. Mhdb, no Pltl. 0.~ .... dS vestrn""' ,,..,......,,, Call Bolboo Ponlri1ulll '". Dumbreck, 213: 671).38111.__ Nftpert leech ciJr, "'pttr,880 c.-St., .. tto, encl pr. 1ns. SINGLl':ll· ........ r.-'131':1.,...,.·-.-,.,.,-·----- blWll 5 &1"PM. >1116-4534. 'Cler.Ari mJt.,·.v~y .. t'•"•"· Huntintton Horbour' Bef!ioo l'Mlnoulo ... " • -r··· • '" CM,~ or 548-2682. 673-6629 In AM. l 8EDIIM. , ....... ._., G~O!: 1br <¥or. ........ II:"'===""'-::::-'.~=-=-= ·~ ~ .:... ;.Ji,;. -y 6r "1f'~thly, 2 B~ . 2 .IlmPJL ........... -QI ........ Ill Palm 8t. CATEIUNG to• a~blistted lmmt!tl. poss. N•,•iJO d...,.., EXCLUSIVE 4 BR • DEN. p..,.,N Pt, Ira \ br, w/w Mir 111m 7 •JtOUltl from 2 BR' unlutn apl, $1.15. No ~ DJ:LUX!! 16 llllUr You'n rllllf. lliey'ro ... H.B ...__ !.1M9l!I iii!'"!:" C&9ad•· Sell or No pets. Re r re n c e.•. leate! Call ... d 7. vt: pa.tlo. ~ lte. beach. ~7512; 127.fl!t St., dd&dtl!tt, no pets. 330 Cfnter Bhnlt dlhwlbr, pr., nr So. ~ 1911.Mea Dr. ....0 ~ . .., · ~Wed> • t • • · ?9Jmo.673-.1941, 98&-)148. Sl&-f>()U/or 544-8116. UIU inch!. No poll. Si,_te Newport BOt.efj St .. CM. -OJall Pim. e ~ (o b11ai -Nnpst Blvd.) ...._ ltontol 440 liln. Ho -Corono dot Mor • QUICK ~ASH cpl only. $1S5. Avail 11 · Ei!TR'i~2 .er. 2 Be on REAL lllco 1 bdnn apt. Ill LllG. 3 BR, 2 Ba. no pols. M • OJTIOE "" -. ..,.., eounr oil maJ! 1500 Miramar, 11 a I ·b o ~. • 0cun1roiil. dote to ~ • xtnis, oftllo mly, no pell. Oi!JilNa (JI(. 'l'lr. -" H Ill ..,. •·'-"--. 11111 ~ ta ~~q r"JE":::."...;" linpotl!nr. 'Can** DUPLEX BRAND , ~all'auntt. piorPiowk.17",_.540,. 'S.Oat~sL lliop'1.1l'IO/ni0.-. _wl 4 -...i.,. mz. iin, .at., ticb\lormttloO: :-;'· 3Hu'l;R dlx 3oiv:•'•1 THROUGH· A •W 'WKlUP-0.0cean * W.INTiiR RtNTALS NICE a quiet, 2 BR. bi!N, IBr.Atllll ... ..,,.... Z • FIOM $139 c.11..-. te.U. 140 li'ire'piae<, bltl~; 1800 .i . Lovely Bech· 1 Br.·""°"'' 1·. 1 3. •BR. Rese,... NoW! patio Odtitis. Ev<s I; 8AY i.n:ADO'RS APT& MOVE IN TODAY! OFFICE llpue, 444 Old + 3 det:kl. w/\litw :1bay, DAILY PILOT Jlald :"'C:·Poo~ ~Ill Pd. Aplll!:Y J\EAl<.TY 6G-3830 -· 541-1571. WW. 811 St. CM-K!di • ,.a OK. l'Ool. AD N.,....nllhd., J bllai,No. of ocean, 1rruu..-wanno bch · · c.ta ~ ~ su.o. Per "'1<;78drm .,_. 2 BR. ullftlrn. Qplo, --. 2 1111, 2 BA, bltla, n,.., oxll'U.. S. Br. $111. 1131:1-A llWY t D "' IL "5/mo. "ohopp1 ... l "· /M.· m. WANT AD .. -· iol!·pl . .atlld oir. oo _, ..... nlrl(. No pt!I. -· odultl. K,tei-Lano. •• .... -===~=~~• Re11. required. 61~ • 1 Bl>ltM, crpts, ,_ l>ltno. .!'1\~I ~l113,. , IAll/mo. ,._la 517-M:lt , Kl-M. , IAY VIEW Ol'l'ICIS 2 B~DROOM, l IBath, 64. 2 Ill o .. r O.C.C. Adul~·~. NO ~ por 11\, -Jy 2 Bl\ f-1Sldo 2 BR., 2\1 Be, OJ:LUX!! J Br, 2 Ba. Jo""1 Aey do1 Is die ~ DAY to Dtluxt, -- IU'llpl1<e 1221, • pet4. $140, Gu & wator pd, llMch __ , ultl pd, cllild odol<, -..,, Sn c I . Jri~ xtn trs Jlltlo. Vflr/ NS an odl Doll I doll1 • • • --. Udo .,.. * 67H902• -ok. fllll !l«>-7'1.!.. J>itio)pe&.-aft6. quill. Adulta. S181.-nil 10day eoa1I. Rntonotnleo.lllr. '1M!llO -.. • ) J I ., • . \ \. l DAILY PILOT Off ... Ront•I J ,,. ..... = 440 Por-ls • • PltOT·ADl'EIUSEI ft ,...,,..,,1912 ...,li41>J-•• 0 l(IIJ ~' _Eo_...,_ ..... ~~ 111 .w,w ...... MaPn• IWpW ...... MAP71D HolpW~M lri [ ~--~. J[S)l--~J~[ .............. J~ I ![DJ I ---. . . . -•-";;;;====;;:;;1 DATA RICORDIR INSPECTOR o;;r ~..;:~ .Au"r.t fl!lD yoUR$E!E FDd _ maJe ,..,,, om1. .ioc. JOHN'S CUpet "V.Pi>Oll!•ry GET Rid o1 lh&t Wllllbt11 SCRAM LETS ·-OPERATOR J>&i-t.otLl911'!,JtSend,... -·WSO!itEONEELSE. l'oodle-terr1.r..rVle. N ... Cl•oneu. Extro b'ub a. de};\.~ • =::· ~~Put time..,., 11111 tlm~ •NOJlFlls 9uittm<nt< ii> ~tel,.,>e<a "' , DISCOVER • Verd._ 548-1043. Dr!-Sbompoo 1"" Scotch-matu, ,.._ • ANSWERS ~~t • , lo lf.'5() low. SUbrnlt quolltleatJons f .O. Box lBS, Newport _ DISCOVERY , FOUND new 10 l)!Nd bib IUard (Soll Rmrdan(I), YARD a. Gorole a..nup. ~·~• lo ~ to: RIFl'H M<CLURE Beach. Colit., ~· Attn: n~ :ZUJ381.ss91 00. Btlboa P<nlllsula ..it Deerouen ll oil color Flf' Qt. T ~ Call General Olllct ~ P.0-Box 1&10 Yin. t mo'• lnlpectm uoembly ...... Folt 1111'": D.Wlight . • PROBJ..EMPregnaocy.C... Olt~anddeo:rtbe. blight...,... a. 10 minute anytime.~ Rmllhl<>-Moeba-~-Bkkpr/Seey~ lo $100 N""PC111-S..Ch.9188S D&g.:, spatt". ••dible $50 ttaent.. qmpathetic prfK1n. 2 Black l.4lb !eml bleach for white carpets. tla .. ec .. t•lftl ~ -SQUARE Secretary $520 I> ENT AL a I 1 i •tan l . Inc co. Xlnt o-. ~ vanctrnent. We ril be ...., mo. WW ~ tuml-ey """"9e11nr. Abortion ll ~~· ~ 4 Santa~ Ave . Sove ~ montytrl WblUy ~"!'! ~~"" ";"L •SQ•LMftU:&.1~ Moll SUpervlaor $500 Cholrllldo, 2 yn .... Solaty at IS mo. A-.m, lel'Vlce Adopttoo rot. APCARE. N.Ji. 548-6381 ., me ~•• J>L ~ MESA ~ Corpea. ·--00''"' ~ ~. NEWPORT open. ~. n Toro - Mon. 1/3.. ·~ : P.P.S. . ! a..noblt. pi Fortst Ave, 642-4431. ll~ rm., dlnlng nn. A -11 o ors etc. RECENT ltaNard MBA 6 h I ......., Laa H11Js Lloguna Beaeb. e.-946e Sm1. setter -femaJe, Vie. ball $15. Atty nn. $1.~ Retldlcom1.· 551-t T f S. yrs. Dol'l'lleltic A ·Intl MJct A 133 ~ Dr:. N.i .=:::·,;;;;.;;.;_;att...;c.a_. ~,.--=-Poclllc \: ' P....-1 sOrvlai 4 OFFICE •'• nd YMCA -&ck Bay 646-618.1. couch $10. Chair $5. 15 yn. 54MJll. """1t exper .. eeeldng pail.. °I!,' .. :.·• • • DI.NT.IL Rt<eptlonjlt. 0!- space&. <t-co ., Collie .. male. vie, n ...... Ide exp.. 11 what COWl~ llOt .... ..1.y .._ ... ___ ... T __ ,........,_, tkm wtlb local firm. _.,_,. ftct Mana&tt, uptr. Salary v!!:.a":,.-"1il pd, ove,rj>ead $prnkln, ~· melhod. I do ...,,. myeelt. -:...=".....::::""".--. opeb. some eves A Soll. Judiu.lrlal.Joc',. ll.'i.-to -185. Dr A Jamboree, 613;9535, Good rel.--Ml'4101; Crptol•-----~t<:.. --"64rn. per, mo. 2991 Grace 1'11. 535 FOUND laC male puppy with _ · Rooldlo..m.'L 'Ml-1401. '°" W•-· FolNI• 702 IOYS DENTAL aulstan~ exper.. 547-6''4<• Costa Mesa, 54&-5551 8 to 4 collar ii: flea e 0 J 1 a r , ... arpenter Dedicated CINnlnt -S Ar:e 10.lf to. dellftl' PIPtn · Ask b' ~ ¥q 1 pm. ' Newport lletghts -* WE·DO EVERmuNG * GOOD TVPI T In Ibo Dono Point San Qo. ~~ndo~ 1 __ .,._ ... illiilliiiil-.j! DESK l[)llOe avaltablo $.IO FULL menbenhip-Newport HONEY-<Olored '"°""" . LARGE 0~ SMALL Refs. nee tit. !W&-2839 Wiii tlo your typlhf •I mente ....._ . 49!1-1351. I ' mo. WW provide tuml!Un Tenn I• club, Mov-,.,.., v·. Cloy St & All Types Woli<: Cut doors; cell -.... her ........ Wiii rlckup DAILY PILOT '=-==-,-.,..-.,.--:-.-:--:' WINE~· at~-~-' Answe1_,, ni, Rl'Vlce ~-~eel! )lust sell . Pil'at:M. ~ · panel, re~l, tin I sh, Ex by:.. Own tram. •ncl.•llver Soc1 H.B., 49Q..oG D~!~ !!!!:~no~ «D\N-CC rr. ', aval.IQ._ •IH.,~~~vd. ~ frame,· repair• etc. *~* 1'.V.,We1t,7Scperpg. BOY:17cyoov~bbtlptnpet -...... .AIVl\...IJ Run-on Beach. W-43%1 Tr•voli 540 Lost 555 962-1961. ' · .,. wlll wonc by hOur 111op. Pl'elel' ..,,. nnnel !Y. CallAM O!ilY. W-1175. .-,... " Fee·l'Oll-t 2 ADJOINING •Ille•• FOR MEN ONLY CUSTOM --· panel-p~ci..n1111 C•ll 147-MS. ... .... .,...,..,tnc ... , will DISHWASHER-lmmocll•t. 0ponlntl*: i available. 2 dlfl<rent loCa-SW~J!t.IATESSoW:i:r..:iD J can teach you to dance Ing, Cablnefs, Gtn'l repelra. "c\:1 Dulclt 537~:11 ~ NEED help at home! We -h. lU ~. Coota F/lime oay,, ExP"r. Pre-Acctng/Socrotarlat..:. 't lions. S150. & $100'./mo. "NJanuoer .. u c quickly &: euily, Call Ph. Duke DaDurka , . , have ' Aides • Nut"Stt • Metia. ten-ed. Apply In Pe . n. Clerical/Gen. Ok. '642-6.500.. " Share'work I: expenses Ardelle {213) 432.7921 1-10 64&-7598. HOUSEWORK, cbarged by Howiekpn e Companions • C1fettrl•lxper Colony Rltchen, 3Zll liar-'88 E. 11th (at ln'lnt) di 1 OFFICE tor secretarial ~/378.l239 pm wk(]y. MINOR born~ repail't. Plum-the job or '3.SO br._ Mf:..'45f, Homemakers-Upjohn 5 Hr day 644-1991 =bo~r~·~e>='~·~== Mi.1471 '14; boQkk..,p!ng service. Reas. , REWARD . mele eoek ... poo. ~Ina. eerpentry _ palntq eves olt-1 PM. 54T-«IBL DRIVE A SCHOOL· BUS Nr. 17th . St. Sbpg. C.M. I '. ·1~ Ble<:k w1ih belgo Iron! -· --·Call -M.-ry . Woman will do hou .. work CARPENTER Train! .. 1larting '1>ortly for J.C. PENNEY Co. ii S48-8ll8. · , • ,. ' . . llMf r.N --permanent part time school home decorator eonllB I-----'"---!l . .:::::!:.:;:=,=:;::J --' · ..Kneo btglt. Answen fo :•lllnp BRICK BLOCK A In N.B., H.B . .,.a Great •Pt>OI'· !or fellow bus driven. Be U<:ensed & tor thi5 ·area. Full itiD ButinHI Rent1I 44S ' "Foot"., Vie Ba 1 boa . -STONE wo'RK· . 540-0929 846-2115 Wllite ce.~inet maJdnr ex· ready lo work .,.hen school career opportunity. l~~oo----..,~--550 673-&l.!16 at 213: 939-4Zi2 Acoustlcal Ceil.lnp blown p I ~ a . ! CijILD Care Irvine Calif . per. Top SS$ Xtra Jong tmn starts Sept. 15. !\lust be de-ha~ recent JUccebfulfl1 OFFICE, store · near N'pt. !_oundlt.frM eclt) ... SILVER grey male poocBe. machine appli~. Free et-p nt .erhl '--~ Homes. $Z 'wk, s.A. ~ aaignment. pendable ~ have a aood perience in selling eu1mnij Post otc. & Greyhound SEEN: Vic. West Bay St., Vicinitx: Sunflower &: ttmates. Guar. 644-71.83, lpe ng.... A CUiver, 551-2398. • Irvine · · · · · · · · 540-4450 driving record. Routes open drapery .l aeoessorles...~ Depot, 537 f:t. $150; 736 Ft C.M.·Two boxers, l_brown -Fab;'view. $100 Reward. M78 Cement, Concrete * PAINTING • PAPERING H~p Want9ct M & F 710 NEVER A FEE AT TE?i1PO In many areas. cellent commidk>n 4: ·~ $22.5 Month. Agent 646-W.4. t wb'lte w/ "lrg shield" San Rafael Cir., Costa Mesa ' Interior Exterior, • TEMPO (Xlnt job for housewivesl e~nse. 0ut1 tan d t-n· around neck '(hurt). R~ 545-6529. CUSOOM~ncrete, freent., Lic. llllurtd Guaranteed ACCOUNTING CLERK: TtmpoNry Help Call n4./835-3722, 9 am to 3 beneftts. Apply ln 1 OFF1CE space br comm'l store avail, Appiox. 500 9e1, ft. ·11404 Beach mvd., H.B. Call 847-8531 Agt.· '* OFFICE-600 aq ft avl Mw. 800 Sqf• Ft. IN- DUSTRIAL SHOP avl AIJ.i. 646-2l.10. 500 sq. ft. shop, ofc, Ample parking. • ~ N le w.p o·r t Blvd.,. C.M. 646-2.544., 548-8333. fung,,\looklnglost. ', SILVEk .,..Y male poodle. patio~ sld<walk,· drlvew11y, Call Harris 642-4ss& Would )mu like to woli< for CASHIER-TRAINEE-pm Mon-Fri. Penonnel Departmenl,- BLA6' & white fenuµe long V1ein1ty 'SiJ.nflower . &: ~.,;; J~~ Rody, No w..nr. a growl,. firm ln & beauti· Bright personable lndiv, can AM-t PM., Mon. tbru' hairei! eat, tery thin. Falrvlew. WReward. 3478 , or • *WALLPAPER* lul area! This tine position land this wonderlul po~tlon ESCROW OFFICER J.C. Penney :i°"t Viclnity Fairview Road San Rafael CJt., Costa Mesa JOHNS Patio, pool deckl 6 When )'OU eaJ1 .. Mac"' is 101' you. $485, Call Nancy w/lots of public contact I: Edinger Ave., un I 1le¥' San Diego F W y. 545-6529. , bloelt. Free eat. 833-0291 tor •tft4 M-1111 May, 540-6055. Co a• ta 1 advancement. Call Sharon Exper. in Sale Escrows. Op-Beach. An E qua 54~2164. -~ REWARD, fema1e medium appt. days or aft. 5. . SAVE $1 --Why paint't Ageney, 2790 Harbor Bl at Wall, 833.2700, Dennis a: por, for advancement. Xln't portunlty Employer, FND. Smail male v.1ilie dog rue dog w/short hair "' FJ.?OR work •. patloo, De-1>lilly 'emtd -reh. Adams, CM. Denn~ Persqnnel A•eney, binge benefits. For Appl. KEYPUNCH ,.:~ (w/eurly hair) at Lawi· perfect Collie markings & ~~ a:. sidewalks. Cl.EANJNG walls Actors Actre1H1 2082 Michelson Dr., Irvine. phone Mrs..-Launt, 613-3130. --t dromat on Placentia Ave. c:olor.Llmpsonrlgbt leg.U Ucd/BOnded. WH!826. woodwork. etc .. home1; $$NEW.FACES$$ WEEKl!NDS on Sunday the 2nd. 675-1816 found eall 847-5635. PATIOS •. walka. drive, in.stall trailitts. ffl..2970 Movies, TV and TV commer-Imperial Savings A Loan lmmed. ope:ninal st~ or 64frl819 $100 REWARD for info new lawns, aw. break. PROFESSIONAL Painter. cla16. All aaes. and types, /) /} /) this weekend for keypunch Tin leading ta recovery of lrg remove.•5'8-8668 tor est. Honert work. reu. JJc/Ins. Interviewing now. We ~ (..{, • l 3366 Via Lido, NB operators near the im-t Industrial Rentar 450 ':°' I ,,;',. ;:,ale ~· male Sealpolnt .Slam es e e CUSTOM CEMENT WORK Int/Ext. net ••L Reis. not an ... ney. 2U' 464-3121. ertca Equal Oppor. Employor Complex. .:. , ------·---Vic. ~~., v~~ tr ;:1; from Harbor Vu h:lmes Drives, walks, patios, ~2159. APARTMENT MANAGERS EXEC. SEC'Y Siiii S.l.S TEMPORAi FOR' lease by owner, in-MonrnuiCburCh. 83()-8818 or 6/30. 644-4946. Pool decks. Don, 642-8514 EXT. painting Free est. Adult Complex. 24 Untls e STAT CLERKK Fee Neao • .-..,; a. tee Po-HU so. GRAND dutfrlalbldg.10,000sq.1315 494-4853 REWARD. Lost Female <::h11CI Care Reas?Lie'd,G~.Youpick. ~ e TYPIST/C\.ER sil1ons.Xln'takills.Pleulnc Santa Ana 5CT Borchard, nr Edi_nger &: 'FND ~ Weibnirlster area. white German Shep t)1)e . . color .. we'll do . rest. A s S t ST A N T OFF1CE Good akU1s needai. Life, ao-per!Onality .l ab~ty to take LOAN CLERK: ~it Grand, Santa .MJ. 642-3912. Friendly yoopg pup _ puppy. Vie Newport , Bcp. WANT 1 or more ~n 642-85J), MANAGER: New ro. tn cldent tl health insurance a lot of chaos, pnme requl-. b&nlt near the: ocean 576 to 6,000 sq Ft apricot color 'mtxed. Anx-54S-4G54 . !11!_bomeHilla.IOJ' ~care, PAINTING A PAPERING Bia. nee&: i:patutt gal with preferred, but not essential. sites. Call Marion Mann, Iba~ sat with gi!neral * 4001 Birch, N.B.t 541-50.\2 ious for ownel'. 542-'ltl96 or LOST -Small '\\'.hite dog. a..1115"'-' • _l!yn: in Harbor..~. Llc A bu It n e 1 a degfte A 833-2700, Denn' &. Denni• ftce exper. &. a(l()(f ~ ' NEW DELUXE M-l·Units.-3 548--0813 Meu Verde. Answers to Cl"lntr•Cfor bonded. Rers turn. &ff.-2356. tuperVilory exper ... Some-a<> --INTERVIEWING--_PeraonneJ Agency, 2082 retatlan. Great Mure:..,. ph. power. 1733 :ri.tonrovla "ZorPa". Rewafd. ~1617. OOUJJti1't needed. Great Mon., ·wed-Fri 9-J.2:30 pm Mlchell!IOn Dr., Irvine. $t04. ~l LlndA R•Y 543-3145: ~9't98 eves. · ' ~kvic.:._~ !_~; Hdog.B. 3001 Capri 't.n., Mesa Verde. :r ~modc K addiT •tu 1 20• '!.,R.eexppair p~.-':.. .. ~·4~ potential A benefits. To ON EXP. denta1 ecec sec't need. ~. Coutal Agency ,......,.. "'1<165.1 re ., J·-· . a-ca.1•~ ~-... $640. Oo. P8Y9 Fee. Also SITE OF OUR ed tor buay N.B. gen prao-2190 Harbor Bl at Adunl ~-·-n_ta.._1._w_._n_hd_.....,._46G_ about 3 fTK)fJ. old. 2 v;hlte ~~:t.:=~i:.~·1. : Lk•d. My Way Co. 5t7..oo36. It inlured. 615-61«)._ Fee Jobi. Call Linda Ray, NEW BUlDING tice. T 0 p· consideration 01~ •c.M WANTED to rent or lease, paws;-536-MlG. . Golf Coone, West Nine Driveway~ PROF. Palntint, elm .mots, 5«>-6005, Coaata.I Agency, -llmtltiDW:tr,lftM'I~ LIGAL SEC'Y oo later.Vian Sept. 1st. 2Br. ~~ !.t~ 1:,:1:;P ~~ Drive. 496-5973. QUALITY' leal co a ttnr. =· .~· e:.=: ~ Harl:IOI" Bl at A.dams, PACIFIC MUTUAL ability to meet publle. Fee Nego line/Fee ~ house in Silvera.do, Mod-Vic.. Victoria. P1acentia. MALE Irish Setter lost vk:. Weather, gag, oil re1istant. FASHION ISLAND Should be famlllar with ap-Promlneni local firm seel& jeska, Trabuoo area.-!Call-CM 548-XQ-. -l.la;gnolla &: ;J:1;1-m-t-n r. -~ck.-H-a 1t'1'e-y"-• Tbe__~ILJD._JLofL_ A.U~QM~q_ ---..{Comer...Santa,,_Cntt, A . p't _m~ment, pegboard irood-lklllJ-lr=1enu1ne-fWI,. l'J-~-cl att 6 pm.~2773 ext 1J1l. If · · i..aguna Beach REWARD• 545:-5195-• Labor 11 buy mat. Cilll clauns Bookkee'per f; typist. Newpor Center Ori-le) accountlliK • Y stem, In. at ln a faacinatinc ~ . no. alts plEMse leave nmnber FOUND pupJfy between ~ or ~. · · Mobile store. 547-5846 Selman Chevrolet Cb. 1800 surance & l:ftl.nking pro-Unlim lb?d Polentlal. S with operator. Fairgrounds &: OCC, Costa . . Electrie11I WALLPAPER HUNG E. Chapman, oran ge * FREE daily bu ! cedures. t'tC. Salary open. immed. Call Trac)' M.rt1n, WANTED. 1 or 2 Br apt. on Mesa. Owner .J dent t f y. B~fESE cat m1S1mg from ELECTRICAL·· WORK. .All Cart Rebko 6M-2'1l 63.)...3.521/543-M32 a.de for transportation for work in 646-2481 for interv}ew. m-rroo •bennl.t 6 ~ or·nr oceanfront. NB. Yrly-540-3994. N. Dana Pt. Sn\all feml kinds. Blg or small Uc'd 4 Mn. Hamilton. Loi Angele• until move to ** EXPD. upholsterer, be Per~ Aaenc'Y, start , Sept · 01' e ooa en. YNG. Female, less then yr, adult, elk brown. 496-t74s. Ins. Free est 54&-0211, Plaster, Patel\, Rn1lr AVON -mVrn:s YOU to Newport, Sept. '12. able to band tie. MJche• Dr~, Jnlnt, i ..... 67>-!l6861doyg 21.1-Ql>.1291 part husky dog-vie Be!fllt.. l.DSI'. llilt lab w/-• EL ECTRIC!AN licensed, * PATCH PLASI'ERING ". start earntna extl1l cub 546-34B8 546-li074 l4AN ...-lo IMm,~ ask!orllob, Falivlew·Hal"""st -chest-Fem.Nr.MamSt. bOnded Smaliiobs malnt. Alliypes.~-teo aelllng our exciting ooo-COCKTAIL .... trea-. l'llLDlllPTRNI tio _....,~~ .3 BR Hae. or -lrg. apt unfurn 549-1994. , . . HB. call 536-1303 A pa.in 548-5203 ' Call 5D-a25 ~etlc tuhionl 1ot swnmer, experienced only, must be TO $720I job, NIYMUlt M -~t • .for' rent-Oean. Until Jan. FOUND Bullet Hound vie. U>sT toy »greyboitnd, Vicini-re • ' • Pl miff ''12! For a ~ appt. sharp,, apply tn-pmon. reti. Great career 1pot awaitl q. ~ ltvfM Gelce 1973. $425 per mo. in CdM or Stater Brvs. Market on l9tb ty E. 18th St, C.M. if found Girclenino . u "I Call Sf0-.100.. clams, 1617 Westclltt Dr, ereasive lndlv, w/top .oat'I pht, Um N9W)lialt Newport Bch. 644-J402. sl, ·C.M 8.00 w, 18th St., Reward. <;a!! 616-47'12. EXP -o-.er So'" on'bome-Npaln AUTO SALES N...,,ort -~ company, Co. ear a. ... Qlota M-. C.M. i!te 5 pnl.. '. ~pleb! prdenlng ilervlce nee •st, plwnb!ng, pain~ Would like experienced men. COST ""n"'· Sloek option, mutuol' II, TRHE ~Dre~ gi;ntlen\an wants R&B.or Iha.re deluxe hdme.1'6p $1. '*1799· ........-.-. heir. IMTnictioe · ~ EXPERT Ja..-Garden« PLUMBING REPAIR c:eslful Ford DealenhlPI In ACCOUNTING 833-2700, Demils " De-Ex..,,.lon minded _ FND: Smal male mbced ~ l -,~ Kamalani, &t&-4676. Installa~ 839-0312 Join one of the most IUC· fund. Call John eo.. ht Paid. ~ J'te J Slightly Injured. sunut *'6-l79G* Nojohtooamoll Orange <;ounly. iJ'Or> oom-CLERK Penonn<l A<eney, lllll oeelclng person w/pet . Beach. ~sm or 59'2-6851. . CM . or 'NB. area *· 642-3128 * miaionl, Inrurance, Demo Micbel8on Dr .. Irvine. to grow A: le~. Good ' I .......... ''"' FOUND ,2 akunks, vle!nlly Schools & .. Jll\!'S Gordenlng, -plett COLE PLUMBING ::;;,,:•:.; =~ FRY cook, "'""" "'--· ftll. Call Jobn·CCt.<, 833''11!1 I';;;;;;;;;;';. ~;.~ Balearie·Drive, Costa Mesa. · fn~Mict~• ~7~ lawn &: yard Ct.ft, cleanups. 2f hr. service, 6f6.Jl61 A 1 in penon to Don Mc:t=~,in;n~ Meadowlark Country CJ"!• _Dennis I: Dennis Pe-i(e\I II ' 545-4595• · 545-3662att 5-• • Plumbl111 c:J ... Theodore Reblnl aecounttnc recordt. llllO Graham A~, ott A<enc:y,20l!2Mlehel.oon pt. Pitrsonals 530 FOUND Wednesday, 6-Zl. La Service F 2060 Harbor Blvd ufacturinc Wamer, Htg Jkh. See Cfte!· Irvine. t~rf ' , _____ ..._,.__ Black puppy; male. Hun-Interested· In Jones wn ~ Dralnl uneloaed -$750 ord. " Mon • GENERAL OFC $6'0I ll!ANAGEMENT *FULLY UCENSED* A. 'Real Es,..at· e Mow, edge, vacuum, , SO-l1de to 100' -$iS. Costa Mesa, Dl·-•fu -~ Ute! GiMt m"~ ~ --21 ""' tington, ~ch, 5J6..8449, •• 1 .. -cletUHIP 54,5..ZM3. . ....-STACO INC .. _...., J~ u•"· LI'!: .... ~ J·-~ Hlndu,Sp1ritualist. --ie-• · * ~2502 * BAB:i.:ioi11.r:.R, mat ll re• • • bou dH!rt1··,hai'Pr·-depend---"Fhlrl July 13th; l · Splritl!ai Ree.di~ given FOl1ND felnale •ranoe & CarNr? LAWN ll!alnt·Monthly Serv. 11---needed, MOG tlllu Fr1, 112' l•kor St, able ....,. to brlahte11 up at Mr 'n Eels P1-~ daily. 10 AM·lOPl\!. Advice -black >k>tl by"!(ela Bowlliig $20. Ala>, cleanup. nee est. -""W Hntgn Beh area. -.i. Cost• M... betutllul ,.,. Oftleo. Call 12131 Gorden G..,. 81,.M given on all matter" I can Alley. q>ota """"· 6*,l'138, N'ew or EXPeneneed m--014~ • ''T:" ri,,;" ~. Deal BEAUTY Operalor: Ass... (714) 549-3041 Traey ll!artlll, 11:1-2100, Den· liii'""'""_ ... ___ lif help yOu. FOUND 6/25, vie. Tustlp & FUil or Part Time YAJ\D CLEAN-UP TIME! I>irect. I do tny own work. tant-• !ha.mpoo girl. Lie. nil 6 Denn1t Personnel Machinist au!'· El Camino Reel" CabPillo. C.M. White, lllDol1 Lif<nslnc Prep. For Tree .. moyal. prumn(. lawn -moi -only. Full/pt Hair West, Equal Oppor, 1lmpioyer Areney, -Mlebellon Dr.. NU=CA -~~ San Oemente dog. 646-6536. ear.. Alao, la,... lertlllzed, S-lnt/--673-4186. lrvlne. J CO OL 492-9136' or .. g:m SMALL gray A: wblte'ldtten. e Ji.E. Slam&' Bkrs' •1 b:lp ~mow, 6 edge, '15. -· ---BOOKKEEPER CCX>K-Exper. Wheelman ·GEN£14.L OFFICE· LoctJ S.111in9 or ~uyin9 Vie Bakor & FatrYlew. •·SalesSUeeessTralnlng Drtvewers lealed $20. SEWING. D~GNING WORK IN IRVINE •BLUE DOLPHIN• l.lnn Jlt"I• . ..,.,,; ral I . MAC .... S'.J • Car? 1 • Huge .eyes. 642-34()4, • Placement Asst for.rrads 6!&5-4191 ' 64S-li836 Men -Women. Reuonabl«, For an interesting co, in a 3355 TI& Lkto. NB w/&004 aptitude I: outaohw 3nl !b1tt Oplnbls ·Before ·seeing • dealer GERMAN Shepherd 'found • Day &: Eve Classes AL'S GARD,ENING ntes. _Ten ~ mlnhnum. new A arowlnc .fteld. Plenty WI.)' :tor varied duUet. F1ne lleiqlllrft: min. I }'fl. 1~ -Call 645-6333 .ear Stop and Go Market, • Tultio• Reimb. Plan for ~ • .A small Eltimot ... Coll M&-7450. "' ..,..rtuntly for the pl COUNSEUNCi -ly. Start $444. Call on 3220 Le Blond...;, Balbe. Blvd>& Pacific Coast landscaping , services, coll Ali.r•ti-,.... 6Go5l4S who wants a · well paid Linda Ray, 54 0 -6 0 55 : lathe. " We have private: ·Hwy, S42-S1Sq,_ Fo; lntQrmition Brochure 540-5198 eves. Ser.• t n I Neat, a.ecurate.. z ,yean exp. career. Start $650. Co. Payi Poclflc yr-... C0rMtaJ. ~. 219 0 Buyers '& Sellen . (714) 541-1192 N-Cdl\! Costa Mesa, ...,. ~-~-B t ·~ CM FND. German Shepherd pup, --~--.• Sltln.t Fee. Aleo Fee Jobs. Call "M.morl•I p.,k -a -m•, • DE YUE ... or SINGLES 28-40. CO.ED Cam· & Free Guest Lee-Dover Shom. wastdllt " • Nancy l\!ey -CouW '-I M GIRL FRIDAY w ping Group I 0 rm i n g • approx 211 moo. fem. o.c. 325 Old ,No. ~·-" Bl. NB PROFESSIONAL tree -3-D Mqndlc Slgnl -mo H. Bl. at CorON -or 8111)1 -~ LUCAS Cile9 10 Weekend Camping. 'W. r 1 t e FairgmdO. Sun. m-2322• Edmond ·F. Jackoon pr u 11! n c, 1r1 in m Inc, $5.95 ttc:h • up. Amms.' Cll!. Needs 2 Men Allower phontl, IYJllll. MACHINIST Qasslfied Ad No. Ol, !>ally RHdogO.DE~· R~ ,~t, 1\-E. ·Educ4tl0~ "'""'.1961 •Prayinc, 1 ~ r l n k le rs. . Coll~-&D)1lme BOOKKEEPER: Part time. :... AbW!y O> ""'-"o.l Pilot, Box 1560. Costa Mesai \ ad Landscaping, el ea nu p . Tiie J'or the gal with ehidren in Very interesting \rork A ~ letters-Shortharld pretn.. Min. 5 ~ ~· . Ca 92626. 1M-349I and Identify., R,.cl ·Etmy George 646-5893. -lncal rrow»r ..;. l8 than averase'eamitws. ft<!. Sllary to $5!0 depl!I> .,...ronn -·~ SPmITUAL liEADINGS CAT, youna female, reddlsb ••. state AL'S Landseaping. Tree CERAMIC tile new & couril:iQrfirm. Flexible diftC on exper. 8'illmtt ~~~~ ~.,., PAuol CAR!>S .\ SPIRIT· I bi</wn ... , Wbit;. ThaMa ~ Contt .. tlnt & ftmovaL Yo:d mnodeltng. remodel. nee all. Small· houri tor lldli.d penon. Phone ,.._ ID P. 0. -mt, --· ..,. ... ,.. -' UAL iiEAi)INGjl. B~ /'A. WU.On, Lag Beb. 49'1-1091. Insur•-S-ls Traah M.ullng, lot cleanup. jol>l welcome. S36-2426. S11rt $3 hr. 01i1 Nancy May D .. roll Ward Newport--G tor reductk/n. 10831 l!<aeh 1 8 WK. 'PuwY. vie. ltocJ'!'oter IGI approvejl MIC.' BoA) Repair oprlnlden. 67>-1166. CERAMIC Tile, Kttehenl, 540-etl55, Coutal Apney, For An InleivleW Glrlt 01ri1 .-1r1, RlltDa . ',, Blvd., Stanton.1.ml OJUth ol •.Santa J,na. C.!,J. Identity INSTRUCTION . "1e. art"' JOHNSONS' GARDENING Boths, Entl>L Custom 2'1Wllarbor BL at Adams.. WEEKLY 1fodtl a Btauly "-DI MACHINsT "'4 eves.) 545-8424. ,. to claim. 64!;-1082 alt6. 8"lly ~ ~il now 111 Yard lllalntenance, ~= worlL Reu. Glen, !M8-'n83. Lib to tnde! Our Trader's . ~: ~ = Min. 5 yn. -· In J.D, * •.•· ... *. * * ,lbJt. -.o ..... · .... 0eamu>s -~ lielltMolclllllllBl!Yflllnew l'aradloeoo1umn1s1or,..1 CLASSIFIED ADS 11lm"'"-... ·About11ea·~ o.D.or-.!~ * . ,. lonnlng. BegUnng Flamen-* LANDSCAPING * -· -Don't .... up the llhlp• FOR ACTION --•. , ·co el...., are also avoll. Now lawns, Sprlnldeto, decks, Fut raulll are 1tJ1t a 1>bone "List'' It In elulllled. swP ' • • Paponll, 'If ID 25. (2!3) TOOL ir .;i ' · Call. 962--3787. C! ... up.Statellc'd.536-1225. ..ii....,.-. -.,_ ........ ,--. CALL 642·5671 1613121• . .,.,, 1 ... -.... "l'""--.--..... ..-----~1 * ·HAIRDRESSER * . CUI IA . ,, . .. BE AN PROFESSIONAL ~ .,._ ,.,., .. . INVESTIGATOR Japaneee Gardening -10~ GlfN-. oo ,_. .Recorded ........_Tells How r...e Est. * _, ~~}A-J&i,fl'S• l1WllO Min. 5 -yn. -lb! 1 Call Toll Free OOMPLETE , Lawn ll HOUSEKEEPER able ID p1llll .... __ ,. Trader's Paradise • ... · nnes · times dollars '. .. <H I00-41W231 Gtrdenlnr -· HaullJw · Tk hnl• wfflr tlr• l•ilt../n Cliodle Beaut. CdM -· 2 adolts. -"""' • epa• A cl-.p. Jlli> -. S dqo wk. Good plaln cook. -Clla C• tb lNl'ERESl'm IN A .... , .... -el .. -i.w-. Good oalay. -A"'--RE.AL ESTATE CAREER? LAWNtSEIVICE ~· few ws:::lil:ed _. W ....,._ --...-•-· , tn4) lM8-ll92 Cut-Edp".Trl!n1lepenClable •-low,..._ INSTAU.ER. pr ddor ·All ~ ... ..,i.- Aoademy Reel F«ate Evet aft. I. -115T-.,._ alarm 6 -"'*""'"' - Contract & mo. Sd>ool -r•~.semn• ~. -· · .3Z Old NO. Nwpt Bl., NB . W• will be dcmd lloa. R.E. Education Since 1964 ° Tor.IL. ttkVICES a), -~ .._ =t.i.:~.-~=·:;~ H o 11 c i 1 ·1 RIN-fllRSOl'+ll ~ • -r-. !.... ~ • SIJB.Dlvlded lot near Laite ~ Rateo -616-18119. I S -• SEM;JS~ "'-:.1t ""' j Meed • Colorado River; HH11111 I I I I I Jndil. llilr"°"'1m1 lo $lA ' W ... J"" '51 trade tor .... T.D.'• ... ti ,. I~ . f. -· t • ..... '1'115 ROYAL INDUITRI' Prtvato Porty. · --........ TREE A lrf· plul -.!. I T' U q $ E I ,,1 Solri ltop $Stl0+ Ml E. O,... lld., • ·f"l! D•"• 816-1041 ~ • _ YOl'd a. lruh cllaMp. DdWr/O,.t $303 -" . -Relotlllkw • ....., 2 -' I I I I Equal Qppar. ~ T Uni!s + tam <!o;tll .. lid. ba -'lfilll + 5 Ion flat damp. 1 clo1, it Confucius ICl)'I .,_ In tltc~ ~ _, · IJl!.OOO Income, ...an llont ·•-· IJr. CaD Ma. T IG-IA • " " • -tr1angi. not en tM -· ,,_ !O MOO MA1VRE _,,..ID' ...... .J.q, Bch, -.tltlO. RES,PON·SIB!rEeJqJOr. SKIPLOAl)ER•dullJt> I icy$, E c I ,.. ~ ... IOtlottr .. :: ·wild JadJ, lie Conolcltt. !nde • Opeo. ~byi!tter, ,...,. home. J<n. "'1111. c.ac:m. a . .,·:C-ltto tM -..... PaylOlllp t0 MOO Hn. tin:-• ffoueeo!Stuart.~. .u.r11S-4952. . • b k; 1• I I I r -~.!i!!!>•!!!!.!.•J:!•r~ -....u.cin * -'--;.;..;;;=·=--=,....,..=c-:-=+1 IRVINETemeevaoantlot BABYSI'M'ING 'll!J home. :,,.~, na •I· -••• --•• -~'·-·~--Gen10ft/JlltbJs ttlillO -TIMI POI ., $30,000 to a $911). annual lie. days $15 . .12(). Under .. LOCAL -Elp OOUtp • ~~llTTUS IN I' ,. I' r r r I ~ .... .. llZ D&ll v 'a -Fee ovolL Wont-mlln--•Fairview. --. Ll:s-, ..._ _ ~~ . _ . ___ . Cllrl<Tnlll ,... -• W l<IJ ·C<llM or potential comml C•.,..t 'Wrvla lm-'19411..u.ct. """"''"" '!M It "'5 CLASSll9 -· w--. ll'EAK Carpet Oeanon. YAl\D,. -cleo-. • ¥oi~= llhilS I I · I I I I I :1 :t::. (~ '!Mnt1 = FOR ACnGN. ~ -* . *-*°':'it.'~~~~= .... ~ .. ~.~ SCUM-LITS ANSWl!RS IN CLASllACATION 700 •1411 MJ.lllt - ---------. ' • .. I . I ... ,1 . . "IBST 111111 I 1-, r A !·· 5 r. i· ·s· ·I ' ·1 · ' tt' I !, " •I I F I t • I ·r .. E :• , I! . • ' I • • • ! ·: • . • : I • . ' • I 1 • • • 5 e . 7 · 8 I Wtt!nlllioY, Jiiiy 5, 1972 Exporl......t -UNIT!O- .Collfomlo Bonk AfUN PLACE TO WORK Now Hlrfnt /, 22--PILOT ·ADVERTISER £ •• , .... fil] L ~ .... • lh"°1t0ii4 • .. Tursdq, July 4, 1972 SOHAfEJt baby grand, French Provincial, excel cond. $1,liOO. 646-8163. WANTED. USED SPINET PIANO For ca.sh! • 847-5276 aft 4pm. - OAILY PILOT J3 I~ 126 ZENITI-1 & RCA~v~ $50 to $1&1 during our end of modcl year sale. 1"tost '73'a now 1n stock. Priced less than the di6counters w/3 yr picture tube v.-arranty, 1 yr parts, 1 yr service, delivery & ~t-up. Terms or alllh 00 plan. I-furry for fUU selec- tion of '72 models. ABC Color TV, 9021 A'tlanta., Hunt.ir€ton Beach. 9M-3329. LEAR Jet stereo 8 portable tape player, solid 11tat!. 11-lodel p.519. Plug into cigarette lighter or-uses S D batteries:. Hardly used. Paid $35 -sell $20. 542-1734 eves & "'-eekends. "REALISTIC" TRC 24 CB Raslio 6 mo. old, excellent: condttion. $80. 5.57-2321. •••••••••••••••••••• . A CONVENIENT SHOllPING ANO SEWING GUIDE FOR Tttf GAL ON THE GO. q/ " " '• " ' \ • • .. J DAILY PILOT . PILOT -AOVUTISU V Wtd"""1. Ja~ 5, 1972 [--· ]~[ .......... ]~1 [ -~~-I~ I 1-1"~' l!il -"" . ---------iiii~tiiiiii-iiiiii-iiii TV, lt•dlo, HjF~ Hor111 156 llNll, Sllp1/Doek1 tlO srEOO llodWI '71 .' Cycl11, llko1, M9lw -· Mt Tr•ll•ro, Travel Storto 136 Tel"""'Plc tront • n d. Sc .. toro tU 1-...,..,,---.-----.,_..;..:.;.;;.;.;;..._.;;I -BOARDING 5rABLES 17'ScbladaSK•1thll0 Sherl>nl Sufp. 1 350. -*Mania Pearce* lntrtduch'9 Yeur '11 UTEl,INER i10TOR· TINT TRAILIR STEREO 1972 C a r r a rd Btaut. new. m21l Acacia . hi ere OB. Canvas cover, ~-Prlmo Motoreycle. Rtpalr Newly Appointed HOMt: • '. • t8:. •letPI t, SIHPI 1 equl~Ut>,Ml llized pro. Santa· Ana Hts. $57..341~. . Sharp! $1750. 982-e894-· RACfNC BIKE spedal1sta:--on~h---;--I: T'IOGA~ Dual root, air ccndltJon. Kttchtn A-Cabana~ ftl!lfonal .c~&":r, A~t/FM 9 yr Qtr-horw-gekHsw. $300. SLIP AvaUable fOr use of Peugwt ~. '21" ~. Ja,paneae A1C't. Competition Mai. HIDIS inf, 5CKIO watt 'J)O'Ntr Ftame reblt to n.n')' slereo receiver, sealed air-Exe for children. Gd trail Milboat to 35'. Bob 55?...&t!M Campi f)ubi, DR. \\wk welcomed. lrton--trl. plant, •• .room dtv1dtr. • . ~ ~~es IUlpenalon apeakers, tape hor ... 531\-4'1!9. or~. Call &l&-l4l2 -· '88 Ne-rt Blvd., Sales e · Rentah .wate J)W1llff. • • .roof .,... deck & head plM>oo plug.In -NEED ·•·-N.S. PRIMO WERKS. ISi ll MOTOR HOME rack and ladder .... LOAD-543194 jaekJ, Brand lle~ in bruc & 1-t!U'e for iJJe. 13 handi . . _...., to moor or 1vELOCETI'E ThrUrton, 1967 -•32 DEALER ED. ALL EXTRAS ! --------- guaranteed. Origtnally pr!c-UXI tack lncld. Exp ~ach small ll' akltt in vintage, better th&n new in-SCHWINN 5 spffd Sdn&'raY. ttt S v· 11· W S tlCWCl n"'"UCEDl ! '71 Dodi" Mui :i..ton. llf ed at $279.95. Balance ~7 rider. 642-5.'m Newport HatbOr. 557-1$4, side and out. $1095. Rudi ~ S:.~49tlew tires. fl). -~ I AR• I.Yi .A. 18Mi' 1 Ton Dodie ch&ssll. iw.v cntd. SeU qr trade for~ cull or smoll payment.. Nledriclskl, 5.1&4300. _ · Motor Homo l!ont•l• Sl,.PI 4. BEACH CITY DODGE travel trailer, -· L a Y aw • 0 0 t 1 [ iJ J.~or sate, •n Honda 175. Available for .d&Uy, 'lo'ffkly M'd M' • 1 • y .. p ' I I~ I 1970 Honda "350" 1tref't bike. ....... I as 1n1 114/89l-{l501. M~f'.-:cntnt .it -Tf#llPOfUtion ..ai. Will trade for_ dirt bike or $499.1!~~ cond. or mo~uiv bMls, 21', 23', 655.'l Beach ~ard Auto S.rv1c19, P.•rh Mt ...... 1' _ _ m ,,__,~ and 25 self contained Mo-Huntlngtoh Bta(h 4 Mo color TV. Zenith 19" dune bUiiY ot tqUal \•alu~ tor tt~6._all eq1!1~ {U4)~ TIR_E CITY Reg'IOte control S 3 o.o.. --s:w-Mtf. --=--=41-0iaa.PJoueeJt-ZO..cc genmtor, riii:if&lr, o.nd 1 TonLJodirchU•lL SlN-ps 6. 1----======----Tlre•·"'httll·Tir&"Wbffll M11,gt14vo:-: stereo oonsote General 900 Camper1, S.lt/ Rent 920 BU~JPER RACKS 3000 Ml. Gd. rond. many other «'lCtras. AU lmmlllate n.ltMrv 4.th July Super DeaJs.' Goof!. S25-968-4062. ' for Motorcycle $10 $675. 54M417 aft f pm. Cbachei are 1912 models 119ntVt J year Poly1lass 4 Polysttel l'iiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii:T\vo 16' NONA FG ca~s. For Import Trucks '67 T I ph 650 · Bl Jll J ck • .,. 50 1• 12V wiring & • ace outlets, Havasu & Klng-t>The·Road Ask fol' John, 642-1742 r um We have the all atttl Amigo Crevier Motor Homes I ems. a en...... p-., _, LEATHERS Extended front «n;d. Ntw bat· a11JO. Please call 83:9-9560. Sprint type mR.1• l~ motor 11..1t, battery fwd. cabovers. New&: Used tery, tires, Exetllent c:ond. $19.80, 13x5•' $15.80, lSxlli 673--0153. alwnlnwn & 11 berg I a~ 5 Moto X Waist $28, ll'llfth 28. $900. 642-0433 &tter '7 pm 1970 EXPLORER 25' sleepa Xl8 W, 11!, Santa Ana $28.80, lSxlO $34.80. J'6QX15 .. 16 foot Burch Craft shell$. '45-Ask tor John, 642-l742· & weekends. 6• nd.I air cond, Skw aen, .>ant ~171 $28.80, AOOxl3 • $S9.80, max. with trailer. Mesa Camper Sales HEU'IET co ' new tif'l'l, brake&, Ii: __ __::::;:~:..:____ 14 Pob'I 29 'f.,"'7G.f"IO;. ,., JQs:tati. -. ---~ ·- [ fm to You_J[i 3'Llnes;l Tlni11, $2.00 1· Needs \1.-'0l'k, make of.fer. 2036 l-larbor, C!\1 646-4002 Bell Super Magnum $30 Bike. TWIN cyl Sullkzukt 5-, epts, extra fuel &: wnter ''Btu. WHrrLIOGES'' ,OPEN ROAD G7G-H70 t;:.~ ~ if'l!!i1t $24:80. 557 2371: Ill T R Ask for John, 642-1742 spd. dual carb. e new tanks. $8,950. 1200 S. E. SUNS MOTORS ZOUNDS!' Krecping krawl--' ~ • anger pick·u p w/a)r· 900 rpllei 70+ mph. $300. BristQl (Palisades Rd.) S.A. EJ 1'fOTOR 1-101\lES New car. take otts, Uatd • 1ng kittens T wk' all you KAYAK -17' folding type. 2 Auto. 3 Speed trans. w/8' '70 SUZUKI 90c<:. 4,000 ml. Call 642-1996 After 5 pm. 673-5009 or~. · ~1 Carden Grove Blvd. Radials ~15 $23.~. Clolid can carry, fem, ~y Ol" V.'hl man w/sail. $500 invested. overhead camper w/boot, Xlnt cond. $250. 536-9606 aft •n Suzuki T~l85 It Good 1.c...;_;.;.c.c.__;;_:~=--ORANGE COUNTY Garden Grove; 894--HT9 Sun,, tifon., Tue. bx trnd. 644-Tfl Sell for $8!1. 54.4-6754. ~~n'~ =• :ve, 5. helmet. $475. Warr still air cond, 5 kw gen, excel LOCATJON . ]950 Newport Blvd., C.M. TO good homes: q yr old Boats/Marine w/aee thru oven. Good ~n. •n Harley David so n good. Real id b 1 k e ! cond, new tires, brakes &: ELDORAD'O Rent A Motor Home 64f>.3'M. 12345 E. canon, AKC r e g . G e rman E!i!uip. 904 ,70 VW POP-UP ~"mER Sportster, Low ml. Mwt 645-4588. cp(I, extra tuel & water Mhil for your Vacation Hawaiian Gar d•n• ~herd, 2 yr old Terrier. 15 000 · ~ • sell. ;1711o. 5IS-m9 aft, s. '~-------taniu. $8,!lOO. ID> s. · E. MOTOR HOME * 1!9-4301 ·* '.113-860-0345, 67S-Zl47 ;. , JOHNSON 35 hcrsepower, , !lli, excellent cond., YAMAHA -90 with chambt>r, l9n YAMAHA 125 MX Bristol (Palisades Rd.) S.A. $&«B VW en, reblt-, .. -exeh.-lntt., 1:- guar. $275 up Vince Automotive 1366 "K" Lope, C.l\f. 545--0177. · electric ahlrt with control.1 $2,~. 4!)9...2217. 19~ •-nd "w miles Low miles a.nd ready to 673-5609 or 545--0433. TORTOISE -&ell fml. kitten. mechanically' perfect. $200'. •v, x ..... co , l.N • race. Oean $500. Trailers, Travel 945 • NEW 23' ' "5' luxury FULLY SELF CONTAINED e ARistocRiTs ... Smart-adorable. We 11 Sonar D-1020, Dep th 1970 FORD % ton Camper $325W ~Ho ··--bier Ask for John, 642-1742 trainep. ~2050 C.M. sounder. $7-0. 3 Ga.a tanks. Special truck w / 11 ' .,w~ ""''""" FREE, cute, !!hort haired SS each. Jabsco bait pump r..amper, sleeps 8. 646-8608. $299 or swap for cal'. 115 1 Excel cond. 646-4370 kittens. Box t r a I n e d . new • 0 lb. anchor $5. 543-4615. ~7-2321. YE Olde school bus/partial 1971 HONDA 350 SL, must --, . camper. Best of le r , aa~fice r.n after 6 pm FREE happy healthY. kittens. 25 , Trojan cabin ..cnuser Im· 5'8-3640. '"' • "'4U • Electric Cari ·930 1 Man Golt cart. 2 bag1. Unused. Comp w-charger. ~. 644-1141 1'f. H. All, load.i! Beat rates ti IT"S BRAND NE\V! e NEWPORTS poutble. Pvt pl:y 968-1397. Ser. •213207 e AtJTO.lotATES ' '72 WINNEBAGO 27', aleeps 6. alr/cond. Ddux. Reservt now. 8!3-8070. Phone '45-66n Also, several used $395 &: up d MlRSHM1 TRAILER SALES 1970 Harbor llv . 21119 w. 17th s1ree1 Costa M11a Santa Ana ITI4) Ml-2595 A L LEN• SYNCROGRAPll !\10DEL E 1415 HD J'TF DISTRIBUTOR MAonm;. 54)--1734 Eves &: \\-'ttkendl, Wt'aned & trained. Phone maculate condition. Teakol--.;.c.______ 1...:67::.5-::..::8532=· ------ 54B-46l5. decking. Volue l8500, will AutH, Imported 970 Autos, Imported f70 Autos, lmpomcl 970 Autos, Imported . 970 utos, lmporlo<I 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, Imported f71J . sweet Dispositioned male take $6000. Must 8 e 1 I •. 1T'.;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;i;;;;;;:~;::;:;;:::;;;,;;;;;;:;;;;;i;;;;:;;:;;:=::;;;;;;i;;:;:;:=:::::;:;;;:;;:i:=;::;:=:O:=;;;;;:;===:.;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;:i:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;-:;;;;;;:;i;:;;;;:;;;;::;:;:;;;;;;;;;;,I cock·a-poo, loves people. 64!).-2440. 8-4. Ask fo1· Jerry. II -Shots and License, 96Ul03. 13' BOSTON Whaler. Clean, GUINEA PIGS ~/side rail~, ~e steer- • ~64784 • ing, running hghts, no I=~~-~~-~--~ engine. $050. 67S--0255. TWO 8-month old ~· mbc· "REALISTIC" TRC U CB ed breed, good child's pet. R d'· 6 Both 1 G46--0!b6 a .., mo. old, excelle11t ma e, · condition. $80. 557-23:?:1. FREE kittens. White w/one B t p 906 bl.k spot, Need loving home. oa s, ower 675-6970/494-1818 eve. C. E. 1'Ack'' Ackerman, * VERY af!eciionate AKC N'ewporter Ketch builder Ir: Beagle. J\fale. To gd Mme. designer is now a broker ' 536-77U with David L. Fraser. His Free lovable puppies. 6 wks old. 548-2881 years of boat building le surveying ex perience, sail &: power, will be most ya]. uable to the prospective BEAUT YQung lovable buyer. He looks forward to J\.1~er. assisting you and seeing his =====~~~~! many friends ~ain. Otfi~ 6'"YEAR0ld-female Gennan at 3424 Oporto, Npt. Bch. Shepherd, JX'figr<ed. 114, 613-5252. 1-...,.-==962-5623~==~-123' Formula 233-, -,.-,-n-.,,,.,--•. "' * FREE KITTENS * Sports ~shing model. Teak · 6 \\'eeks 546-5291 decks. 2 twin 160 He. 2 bait I-~-lLB systems. 2 ou~. RFD, depth sounder. Auto pilot Tandem trlr. fmmae . Sll.IXXJ. (213) 691_, Ask for Lee: (714) 673-3365. P ••• , a.~.ral-no '12 Enterprise. 170 HP Volvo. * "Shem's". Grooming 10 6 eyl. Chry. Outdrive. 40 yrs in all breeds. (Free hf PH, Seats 12. Good Bay & pickup). Boarding, poodle Ocean boat. Loaded with puppies. 546-2848. ~Zrn~SIX). A n y t l m e , 25 Gal aquarium w i t h 23. SOUTH everything. $45 or best of. Coatt Rur_iabout, fer. 545-'1516. ' Chry£-!er Crown Manne 170 h. p. $2500 or make' offer, Cato 152 Collect C'.113) z 5 s. 71 4 3 PERSIAN kittens, blacks, (Business hours). CFA reg., $100. Also penlan 2l'x8' Cruzon-110ft top, Chrys stud service from white or crown 6. hfarlln·chr. balt black smoke proven studs. tank, pump etci $1500. or 892·1970 trnde for cheap car + cash. 673-7006. Siamese Sea1polnt Kittens. $15 each. 6 weeks old. 548-2538 Oogs 854 17' Outbn:I, twin h1erc. ~ hp e:ngs. Complete w I tr I r, anchor, xtra j?a<1 t"nli!, sea ladder. S:l.f~. 1146-8058. AFG~NS, 2 blk mask 9' ~BQ_slro, \Vhnle" fyne silver, 7 mos ma1e, show dinghy, $295. 4 HP Evinrude q\lal, sire, Ch. Huzzah's Ex· new, $~. 645-0904 eves. ctls1s. 4 Yr old fem. Great U' OtJT80ART);135 -iiOne w/chUdren. 642-5866 aft 6. motor &: trailer. Complete. NEEDS home, male, tan 645-4781 aftc."l' 6 pm. Shepherd, good with kids, 38' Flybrldge, pert shape. needs room to run. $5. Sold 2x-Sl4.~ & tl.3,500. 842-6331. Sac-Make otr. 673-8718. roy poodle, apricot, Z ,.,., s .. 11, Sa II 909 old, ·F, spayed, AKC reg, ---·-----$50, Call 557-3414 9 to 5 17' FIBERG LA SS cen. Mon-Fri. terboard sloop w/Brltish DARLING COCKAPOOS Se~ Gu~ 0/B motor 4: 9 WEEKS OLD 10 EA. trailer. Sidney Loa 17, small 642-4818 OR 534-3885 cabin sleeps 2 adulti. Xlnt cond. R~ady to sail. $1600. AKC reg 1 wk old Toy Poodle 962.7514·(Jayor eve. Pvt. pty. Female, cream. =, ==.,:.,.'-'--'C..::C:...:."-'C:::.: II 644-8011 26 SCHOCK En de ,ver, 1 --==CC.:~--,,-1 fbrgls sloop, xlnt. nNEST OUTSTANDING~Great Dane NE:'WpOrt mooring incl'd pJP .. lawn, AKC registered 644-2614. ...i • ReU ~28SI ECE~AN'f ~llANS pet & COLU~lA 22 . Spinnaker, ~.. 1 , 11 breed' ..... Genny, Jib, Fvinrude 6 b.p. 1111J11w pupp ea oi; a "-'5 Xlnt cond. Owner 644-al94. , ~•toc,:,ck_. ~All='col0.:.:.•"c...· --'---'--~·..., . 1 ~ • KITE • Good condition, new SCHNAUZER pups, stud gall, dolly & full 'COVe"l"I. =· grooming, terms, $550. 673-4335. p U R E B R E O Ger.nan BALBOA 20, Sharp, fut, l~n She h rd \v----.a 5 boot. Sleeps 4, Newport shp P e pups. t:tUll:\A: avail. 540-0093 wks old Males $25. Female --~-,""""~-~~ 120. 847-00<. 14' eat. 1ro sq tt aaJL l650 . MINIATIJRE Dacltahunds, * !6'f3..36Gt * AKC, males, red. All sbots.1--------- 537•9886 aft 5 pm . LIDO 14 WITH TR.All.ER OLD ~--t'-'-1 sheepdog 7 " cover. $850. -· -· ' ' * 67:1-6826 * rrio., male, AKC reg. sm. __ ...::..::::..::=...::.... _ _. 11 THE RAGE OF EUROPE -AT C-OAST IMPORTS BENAULTi 1·16 '71 FIAT 124 ROADSTER 5 Spd., Radio, Heater, low Low Mile· age. l282CKZI ·s2545 '&9 FIAT 124 SPORT CPE. 4 Spd, Radio, He•ter. IVZN070 1. 51590 '&6 CORYffiE FASTBACK 4 Spd., AM/FM Radio, Exlia CIHn. IYGU3581 MAKE .OFFER '&6 FERRARI 330GT COUPE 5 Spd, Mag Wheels, Showroom Fresh, ')6,000 actual miles. ISAV· 0381 MAKE OFFER '71 DATSUN PICKUP I W /Gem Top Camper. 4 Spd., Redio, Heater,-Low Low Mileage. I 350CP!-t I '$2095 '71' FIAT 124 SPYDER M19 Wheels w/ new Radials, 4 Spd, Must be Seen I 880DNQ I. s2590 '&1 ALFA SPYDER 5 Spd, AM /FM R•dio, Hord ·& Tops, IVDT8HI . s1595 Solt THI R·15 •OXY ONE TEST DRIVE TODAY INSTANT CREDIT IANK FINANCING ' '&9 ALFA ROMEO 1150 GTY Cpe .. 5 Spd., Lo lo milH9e, AM/ FM R•dio, New Radi•ls. IZSVl571 MAKE GFFER '71 VEGA PANB. 4 Spd., Air Condltlonin9, Ma9 Wheels, Luggage Rack, 20,000 miles, 172964JI s2095 '71 DATSUN 240Z 4 Spd., Air Cond., Mags, Silver with Ila ck interier, I J,000 er;fual miles. Perfect in every w•Y· 1919DZXI s4495 . ""' ..,., I '66 PORSCHE 912 4 Spd, AM/FM R•dlo, Like Condition, IYLU5461. s3290 '66 PORSCHE 912 5 Srd., AM/FM. RHI shorp. 313 • SAVE . New ITYX· '68 DATSUN ROADSTER Hord Top I Soft Top, 4 Spd., R•dio, Heater, 41 ,000 actUal miles. IWTY· 5841 s1395 '70 OPll 1900 RAUYE wmE o4 Spcl.1 R1d101 Heater, 28,000, mll•s, Bronze with white interior, I l071HLJ 51695_ '71 CAPRI. 4 Spd.. Air Conditioning, Mags. l2148Ull s2150 . BRAND NEW 1972 SAAB 99E .-.-- 599 .......... c ... ltt7220ffl40t ltt71201024tJ .. alpha romeo spider BRAND NEW 1972 MELMAN MINI MOTOR HOME =)~It; 1~ 6, fully nlf -•l....i, (IUlll'2U- f-' PRICED. TO SELL DEALER'S COST + $99. + Tax & Lie. SAAB - FINAL CLEARANCE , Limited lupPly Come In Toclfly ' , ' Coll 567-341< 9 to 5 Mon-Fri. THisrLE1 17' FbrJlt, x1nt 1---•*~ck-L•b~upple1* bey·~~-Purel>t'<d. sis. 513-10331 _______ _ . ' ' H.,_ 156 VENTURE Z2. Fully equlp'd. Slip D 121 Lido Parlt, NB. 11.\VE In city iaclllties !or l3000orbeslo!ler. • tJa1ner w/ettablthedCORONADO J.>.No · S47 cuMOfnera. Reduced rate terr · • aio~ mg:mnt. Alao xlnt for w/traller, tood • cond, bet;t rkUng group to 1table offer. 644-*3. l\lflO!ht!r. JocludH box LIDO 14, stalls, c' lighted AMta, wash 5 YEARS OLD, 675-5502 1'tb, etc.°"° 962:-fl&T9. LIDO 14 v.1/sa.nd doUy lllce *APPALOOSA* "":"· m>. ' ~ ,.... ol~dl119. 6#-6.11) nvllfertd. 75. KrrE No, 339, hull, rlaginr A CALL A IMI ..U In aootJ cont!. Call 540 • 3803 ,,..m.-01!8'=='-' -· --- 49' a Meter Sloop. tonYff'ted PW that ll•m "'*' SIO. ll)I for crultlng. Xlnl cd. $11,IOO. 1he PeMy Pioc!Wr. 644-M • &U-5146. .. ~· OF ORANGE COUNTY, INC. 1000-1200 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH 642-0406 OR 546 4529 ( . ( • • \ ' ' • • ' • .. ------ T...... '62-W•- . '57 ford 1/J Ton Plclalp 'REWARD ':i"'-="... ,..,. s.u. c11r Will PAY DYER. (Slk •T·l·lOA), lleautllbl J9A FORD dump truck. condiHon. -~DATSUN 970 Autos, lmportod MGA '71 DATSUN PICKUP '.59 MGA Convert. '"'" ... ,,.. bullet..;«JO • • • 61>1724 W/Gem Top Camper , _ __:M::;.G;,:.:,B;-- ~ ~· ~ .... ~ -dwnpiert. Kelley Blue Baek $2199 -_ .,..... Cpe, 5 Spd, Lo Lo mlle11<, . I Spd, Radio, Heater, Low ' trudr. -. Se.it th e·1e I AM/FM Radio, New Radi· .. low Mlleni:::e. (350CPJI). . '67 MGB RDSTR. -....,. oa.r, m-s163. For 111<1 model, cl1111, u, cz.svisn. CREVIER $2095 1951 C:IEVY Plclrup 1ow mu.... c1ome.. 11111r OFF. ER Radio, wn whee••. maroon/ 1 ~;g~~~ ~i~=i~;·· COAST DW!~~!-IMCOPOASRTTS 'b~tep~(=~R ~ a::::" V:ue ~ , PllTJAC IMPORTS '71 CAPRI ~= w. Pacific c.t Hwy. D w~!.~!~ AM ~ '66 GMC TRUCK s.o Hort.or Blvd. l()()().llOOW.Paclfic ctt.Hwy. 1 spc1, Air Coft<i111onJng, Newportlleach(714l642-0406i---"-'=3S-c.::3c.:17c.:.1 ___ 11 . a-, -l•VKl.39>. Coot• Mo11 54UOl7 Newport Beach ml) 642-0406 Radio, Mag,o, (:llWBUl). • !146-1529 OPEL STl5. dlr • .-. WE bll)' Ill makn,ql dean !146-1529 $2150 '68 DAiSUN PICKUP 1181 ~F-IAIO, aoo.cu. 1n .. 6 -..u can. paid '"" Alfa llllllleo '72-'70 OPEL 1900 eyt, ltk:t lbHt $125.0 , er not. Reue drive in for COAST Needs a little fixen', low l9'J.4SM. ht ~ 2000 I miles, }Ow priced tor tt>e 70 Dod!f9114 Ton · hand>man t21462C>. $8S5. v.a, Alllo Tnlli willl ivt<e NOW IN STOCK IMeORTS Barwick Datsun · 4 Spd, Raruo, Heater, :zs.ooo I . -· lluot ...i. dJr ;;,-am For lmmodloto ' 998 So. Ccast Hwy. miles, Bronze with white ,,. ••JC JI Laguna Beach interior ·(307Bfil,), ~ -....~''J.t~r~dlr ~,:.""'~ee!i.wy.. . 1n.~:~ci...11 ~=~.;.~':"~4~~~ -1494·9771 -$1695 I 18'1-«IH. Wl.~TOP BANK FINANCING 54&-4529 4 ;:~ A~~d~~.:4. ~~.. COAST . ~":!'-1:"'"...:: CASH COAST .. crr11;~EN .•. ~ Citroen Sports Maser1tl =~a1Bl~~e:te~1:fec~·~ IMPORTS ,. FORD F.axoo Van. I eyl, Onmge County headquarten ~~~-1. ____ ......_ Jm1 IMPORTS ::i1!:.1 "European everyw~~'T9D5ZX), • ......, JI SI I rt .,.,._ 1000-1200 W. Pacific Cat. Hwy. '11 a.rvy truck. l'Ai ton, call .. aw hit nttmattll. _ \ m 1mon1 mpo 1 Newport Beach (n4) 642-MO& RAUYE KADETTE =--•"=' i:.:t -Gll!Jlll CllEYIOllT = ~~.~~ 557~· Main, s.:,. ~-oC, 0a.'A' SOHT., 546-4529 · MOVING, must .ell '68 Red I -'-•... . "" .ut 111r 1111eo Manoatr BMW DATSUN so hp 0pe1 delx ""'· R00<1 ll2ll -Blvd. c:ond. 165(), 642-4214 i _-g 111!o::z.-~~$--el :~!t~~ttR!~~. IMPORTS ·~~?.!~~9~a:: ! Try our .. ••-...,. for Oraiwe Countiel Radio, Heater, 41,000 actual 10::0.UIO W. Pacific Cat. Hwy .. l-'-.;...:.:==.:c.,.---11 • Savino• Sltldactlml ·Ser-TOP i BUYER miles, (WfY584l Newport Beach (714) 642-0406 PEUGEOT 1, ::"'LE..sz ALL POPULAR mi;-11881~ ~OTA .ROY CARVER, Inc. $1395 · ......,,,~9-=0~":"5~Ts~~~N~s1=0-11 -*7""rpiriEU"'G;r;ED;;;T;-*:-ll , 19'12 MAKES AT COMPE'n-R n--• -·~ _ 234 E. 17th SI. 1 : TIVE RATES.' • • ~. .-: .. .,.,...._.,.,. Costa Mesa 546-4444 or best otter . STATION \VAGON , , •Call-k•'oo&ria· Reid for WILL BuY your w paid for COAST Immacul ate, YPU372. As low as $2,299. CNo. 5645) -......_ · ilr -Call Ralph Gordon IMMEDIATE $1295 FRITC WARllEN'S THIODORI ll13-090&-415E.Oout8wy. DELIVERY . SANTA ANA TOYOTA Sport Car Center :ij ... ~ •' .. • J " ·~~ ~ ~· t 't •• ;:i ... ., •• " •• ;~ ... '" ., ., •• :~ .. . \ ·' . • ' • . . • l :9!!!._PORJ11vdo. NewportBet.cb. 0 IMPORTS· '1~':.n~\':n eoRANGE couNTY 's -..,.. Autoo. 1.......,,... 970 Mon-Fri. 54()'.5212 LARGES?' Illa .6C-OOJO 411 W. Wamei-, Santa Ana no E. 1st St., S.A. 5'17..al64 W-943 ALFA RC MEO 1()()().12)) W. Pacific Cst. Hwy. •71 DATSUN 12)) lstbk ..., PORSCHE SEE US ABOUT Newport Beach Cn4) 642-0406 cond, radXl, .. vinyl • top, 1-------- 0verHal Delivery ~ moldin~. tach. etc. 14,cm i. PO~ 1970 911-T Targa, CREVIER MOTORS '67 Datsun 1600. Hard &: aott owner miles. Mint cond. eepia brown, :dnt com. 2l8 w. Jst St .. Santa Ana top. Mags. Radials. X1nt $1695. 54&-9378'. $9XK>. Finn! g 19-9 211 .135-3171 cond. $Im. 6 4 2. 6 0.4 2 '67 DATSUN STA WGN. between 9 am &: 6 pm, ask 1---"==..:_ __ I weekdays; (213) sgz..1152 Auto AM-FM 1600 hg $850 .!_or_Karl_. ____ _ 'TIME fPR wknds. H.B. residence. or be.t·o11.,: ~.' '68 912, 4-topd, AMIFM, Alfa R°'"". ' Cj>UICK CASH DATSUN •Ti 240Z, air, m.... FERRARI chnn nmo, local S:'• ~ Jo mi., $4200. Call 551·3414. ~~· 0 er. THR OUGH A 9 to 5 Mon-Frl. ,66 FERRARI .. n .. FOR Now bN DISPLAY ' DAILY PILOT -Service D ADS ~OAST IM~Tr" 'CAU. 64J.56 78 I lOtl0-12)) W. Coo.t Hwy. * 1911 914 Poncbe. Lo mL DAILY PILOT Put • little "loot" In your X1nt <Ond. Best otter. ~ ., • WANT AD !:"i!".;.~~ b~!~ 330GT COUPE G'IH826: 675-3291. 642°5678 &IU<613. "l9 Plrsche, reblt eng. Newport Beodl IQ.0406 i,,;i.;,,... m Atitoo, lmpOmd 970 1A ·-.-,-.-,-lmported----,-70-Autoo. Imported .'!::=::;· Price .. ;!/'DATSUN\: .. _~, Then. Decide!''\~ ·* * * ,'·~&v-ECONOMJ . • G)U..(..I ',. , -The DATSUN "1200" 2-DOOR SEDAN . llAMI NIW 1tn St111d1rcl 1q11iptM11t lltchttl.. hMflr, lllef,.1hr, whit1w1ll t1r11, j,1111pw 911rtl1, leclii119 fl-" t111li, ~-1p11d, 111 1ynchre hn" I fl!UC~ More l1cl1dl119 · "" l .O ~"$jjj6 ':0JIUIL the DATSUN "51 0" WAGON , llAND PW lftJ lAcl.4.1 I 4000C ff•rho4 c•• -.M, ~ tllK bfoJil ...... ,. ... 111 IJ'flCln tr1111., tfttt.cf e l1clii119 t•• llJt, fold d-•,.., Met, NClitifftt .. ;;;...~ ...,.. $er. Ne. t.OJ2a. ·· .. . · .. '2656 ·~ + I.IOI! SIM T-. ~ ~---.a 'nW!t. DI&. ........ 970 • .. 5 Spd, A1'ag Wheeli, Show· Good Olnd. $1200. room Fresh, 36,IXXI •ctua1 1=~-~~~~~= miles, (SAV038). '72 Porsche 914, M1'/FM UlllC OFFER •lereo, tinted glass, It. blue. l'IUJl\L $4400. 494--0103. COAST RE"AULT R..l.Ult Demo Solo IMPORTS Se/iii Annual 1(0)..1200 W. Pacific Cst. Uwy. Newport Beach (TI4) 642-0406 546-4529 FIAT Demonstr1tor CINrance Salo This Weekend ~...,.,,,,.--·----------~· '71 FIAT 124 UnbNiablo Prices • ALL tm MODELS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DEL IVERY INSTANT CREDIT ROADSTER 5 Spd, Radio, Heater, Low Low Mileage, (282CKz;). APPROVAL BANK FINANCING C6AST $2545 ··IMPORTS ttm-l:m W. Pacific Cst. Hwy. Newport Beach (714) 642-0406 COAST IMPORTS Renault Sales & Service 10!»-ID:I w. Pacific Cat. Hwy. tor_over a decade in Orange Newport Beach (n4) ~ County 546-4529 Serv. Dept Open tll t p.m. '69 Fiat 850 Coupe-Lo mjle, ,i: Sle=~naalt ne.w tires, R/H etc . 23)l So. Main, Santa Anl pn/pty. 968-4~ art 5• 1 blk. north ot warner MAZDA Seevlce Department MM114 Sales Department 557·5'G SAAB . BRAND NEW 1972 SAAB 99E $99; ower Dealers Cost tax and lie (99'1%J}0911l) (99722010249) ·coAST IMPORTS 1171 'l'oJ>oli Motk II -· AJc. I.Utt ..... '29115. ... .... l.f • I --. Step· Up I To Luxury ••• Excellent selection of previously\ owned· , I Mark Ill's .and Continentals. • . '$> ' • • " 1971 MARK ill . ·, Beautiful Automobile Brazilian Moondust with tobacco leather interior and black landau roof. Luxury equipped including full power, climate con· trol air, individual adjusting power frPnt seats, tilt jwheel, 8 track stereo, power door IiJcks. And mu much more. ( 416 CFP) • SALE!1 , I Outstanding Group Of Olpice Carst \ 1970 Cadillac IL DORADO Immaculate. Emerald mist ~tallic/ black Landau &: matching Leather in- terior. Luxury equipped. Full power incl 6 way seat, tllt-tele wheel. AM· FM stereo, power door Jocks I: much 1more. (<»Jl.AKJ) $4975 1969 Plpnouth FURY Ill 4 door bardt.op. Aztec Gold with lan-- dau top, equipped with V8, automa- tic. radio, heater, power steering • brakes, factory air conditioning, re- flects excellent c&n!. (T14 EDA) $1575 1969 Lincolri . CONTININTAL 4 •DL White exterior with black leather and vinyl top. Full power, air cond. and vacuwn' lockin&' group. Near· wholesale. (~). ~ price $2975 I 1971 Cadillac ILDORAl;)G t oNVIElllTllLI Attractive Ebony LBlack with WhJte. leather &: matching top, Luxury .. thru--out, full power, climate control air cond., tilt-tel~ wheel, AM/FM, power door locki., ~ seat. (4M-' ()()!) $67,75 \ I 1971 Mark III I . • ·! .. , OUTSTANDING & CL ... ",,N Gorgeous Emerald Turquoise finlsb~ with matching leather interior, white landau roof, luxury equiPJ>ed, tun power, 6 way individual seats, tilt wheel, auto. cruise control, power door locks, AM/FM stereo, and mucb more, Ask to dtivl:!. {056 "BQE) $5775 1971 Mercedes 20051 4 DOOR ll,000 m.llea. Desert beige with brown Landl.u and saddle time Interior. Luxury equipped incl~-AutomatJe; AM-FM radio, air cond, "POWer steer-. ing &: brakes. power windows. Sett and drive. (414ELU) $7175 • • • .. . -: .. •• ALWAYS· A GR;f:At " . SELECTION OF TOP l • ·_ QUAI,ITY CARS o • o l . 1 • I •Onmg1 Ca11ntr'1 l'amUp of Flu C.,.. thn Son &. sod. ' ' 3131 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • 1M0-1130 / Home Of Tbe Nn Cir ••• "fi9W•• l'e11e•" • • • • • • • I ' I DAILY "LOT ' Tut..SU, Ju11 •. nn PILOT ·•OVE'lmsl'< "" -• 1>.PEN JULY 4th JAVELIN ·-MATADOR· HORNET;. GRIM ., For YO'i'r Shoppl .. Convonlwo ,, PISCOUNT Off M-'· 'Sot· R...,.I Sticker Price NIW 1972 AMBASSADOR 4 DR. SST • • • 1.w--s-.-.o~ ..... T-~N~IW~O~N~T ... Hl .. JOl=1'"'N1W~ .... N .. T"""'o'"'w'"'N1--s-H_O_R_T.._, . CUDIT IT PHONE ' ·Of· ' • .Let me try to .,..e th credit & ,..,.. Of . . . .,...-... -.,.. _, .m -e _, ' lo ... w1 .r Y-dtolce: · CASH? . MAKE MONTHLY PAYMENTS CRE!l»ln SPORTAIOUT·AMIAI 4 DOOR STATION WAGON AiABMH209867 FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEPARTMENT TRAIN FACTORY TECHNICIANS SERVICE HOURS: -. TUES. THRU FRI. 7:30 A.M •• 5:30 P.M. MONDAY EVENIN~S 'TIL 9 P.M. . .. ... _{ '' ' Se Habla Espanol USED CAR CL-EA RA N·c-E~ -Se Habla Espanol ' ' J '68 FALCON' '65 LINCOLN '70 PLYMOUTH '68 AMBASSAOD!f -.. .......... . "•·······-·-··· .. ·-·····-··········-····· . .• ,JI _ .......... ::1 STATION WAG.ON •I AT, R111dlo, H111111l1r, l1111utiful 'C••· IWXH45ll ' . .. $896 '67 !'.AMARO IALLTI SPORT 2 Dr.,Henltol't Air Coo'·· \1:1, Auto, lre1u., , Rodio, Hoefer, Pow., Stffl'iflf, Vl11yl Top. IVCJ11·21 $1296 . · '62 AMERICAN 1 o .. H•rdtop, A11torn•tic Tr1111., ll•clio He•fer, IGIT ,,,, $196 '67 MUSTANG . 2 Dr. HT. Air CoM., V.f, Aute. Tr1111., Reclio, Ho1t.r;) rowor Sto1rin9 rower "•k••• 11t1rior Decor. (V01702l $1296 CONTININTAL H1rcllop, Air Cond., ~uto, Trans., lltdio, H11tor, F11U Pow• er WSW, l irio L1o1111i1ry Cir. fEQT,111 $796 '69 IMPALA 2 Door H1rdtop. VI, Auto., l111· 4io, H111111t111r, 'ew111r Steerin9, 'ow111r lr111k•1, White Side W111U1. IZZA74ll. A nice c111r for only . $1496 ... STATION WA60N Air Cond., Auto, Tr111111 .• l111dio, He111f1r, P.S. , loorn fo r the Whole Femily, l75'4EIC I $2496 '69 RANCHERO 500 v.1, 4 Spd., Redio. He111ter, Power S!111111ri119. 19522lCI $1596 I 1969· Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa / Autoo, lmportod 970 AutOI, lmportocl 970 Autos, Imported 970 Aut.._ Imported TOYOTA TRIUMPH VOLKiWAGEN VOLVO 2 Or . H111rdlop Air Co11d., Auto. Tr111111., lt111dio, Httf•r, Powtr Sfttring. Pow•r lr111kt1, Vi11yl Ttp Whitt Sidt W111ll1. tWWF. 114) $1196 '71 TOYOTA . CORONA DILUXI Air Canel., A1i1!0. Tr111111., lffie, H111111l111r, WSW, (6600ZP) $1696 ............. '70 YW 1 o •. AM/,M l111dlo, 4 s" .. l1111utiful C111r, 17051CTI, $1196 ' '71 PINTO 2 Dr. A"t.. Tro111., ae41-. HMf,o '" C111l•M l11t.rl9', wsw. C111~'f t.11 froM ftr'o only 4i- rnil111t. IJ IJ DTl l. · $1796 •• •. .. . ' ' • •• , ·1. . ... • •1: . . • I . '72 TOYOTA COROLLA * TRIUMPHS * '66 VW • Xln't cond '66 Volvo StaUoo Wagon, YOUR ONLY 1989 Oldlllae Coupe de vm., '71 CAl'ilCI 14 71 CLOSEOUT !650 6'<-1517 Roof Rack•, 4 Spd, Rebuilt FACTORY leather -11. ii.no. oil ex. Sbarp 4 dr, -. . $1966 SPITFIRES AS LOW AS $2399 VOLVO Engine, $985 Bkr, 646-.1242. U 0 ZED b'a•, low mile.,.. Sacrillce. . -iMS-__... ' : ·GT_. .. SAVE '$500 ,.. Auto1, UMd 9'0 A T.l:t RI Mu•t .. 11. -· . 1l181(»ym13lll , 1965 FORD Yi T. PICKUP FR?l'ZWARREN'S 1972 YOLYO IUICK CAD!LLA!= '66 BL u-E c-..i -. .. , 1 -·!WMlll-c+ r. "L.l Sport Car C DEALER Coupe DeVllle, air "'"II'· -~-.CM. ; or -enlltr --· · LarEe.t Rlectfon ot Clldll· fl.Ill power SI.~. 962-4'ZllL · I long \i1d, Overlo111d1. Vt. 4 Spee.I. ~e•dy to 90 tvworlr. :: 19062L 1971 r.APRI Thi •••Y '"/· Sunroof. 4·'Speetl. l1i1c•ets , Only 1•,000 mil••· lll'lm•cul111!111 #750CKR $209500 lmmocu1ite 111rclic whit• Co:on• 4Dr. With ,•ir 011difionin9, 111utorn•tic ften1rnl11ion. =6120JA- .1972 RENAULT R-15 & R-17 · '' Tbe 11111 new FOXY c1r1 ef the yeet, Fro11f 'wheel driv•. ' - UOI S.. MAIN, SANTA ANA OPIN SUN. • $39 30 MO. · ORANGE CGUN'!' .. S ·. Lu .. Today at '64 LUX Buick .9 ·~·Sia la!" in Oranie County. I "15 lm,.Ja.Q>nv. RIH. ~ • ' LARGEST . a.1i Rates . Wgn., to ml. Xlnt cond. .5a1,..Leuin£. Look tor our CAMARO .I !'ow« lop, w/walil. . . no E. h~ S.A. 511--0164 $18.74· Por Mo. Must aelt 11l5 •. cul\. i:n .tull -acJ. eYe1'Y Wed. . ., .lo, concll';!'!~/I f9 5. -1,. FULL cash prl'! $2,006.30 m· VOLKSWAGEN O.A.C. AM7FM Auto. tram. pty. 642--0966 aM' 5 pm, a. FridaJ for our 1pedalo. * CAMARO 68, 32T, ;t&.· E>CL ""I ... for MiJoo Or cludmg tax &: license. Down , • ' , JI Rlff, Auto, vinyl top, SlCll. CaJ, ' ' payment is 1our hundred di.5ebrakea.36mo. 63LeSabre4dr.,P1~P/B, • Nabers Pvt 645-5718 ' . ~ doltan. $39.30 total monthly '68 VW IUGr For Lull"' or buyl"t RadK>. Air, Good.I "rim!, ,, .-Cacilia pty. · Tl Bel A,..V~. pl•c ..;i. P">m•nt including mtore•t, Sparklini wlitte .. r.ady to -"ft I •. ..! • New brakes.. Xl~i ,,.,,.,,.. . • . . 'c 9UICK .CASH ctk, lfln't c:ond. Mud ''"¥ tax "' license, 35 P"> plus go, Radio, heater, 4 •peed. -t41l UllM 543-5186. 2600 .HARBOR.BL, THROU"-H A ·-,.,,.. Pl'! pylf $8!<), -. balloon payment of $800. $995. YO' Uft '69 R.Mera Fully eqtrlp. COST.A .MESA W · ! f -, Total delered """ prke Barwick Datsun ~tu Low mile l2850 !14().9lOO Open Sunda1 DAILY PILOT 19611NOVA C!>ovy n watii. $2,515.50. A.P.R. 11%. On . 612-5146 -A aood want eel ii• pd in-WANT AD P~ '515. :· pre. arranj'ed c red l t . 998 So. Cout Hwy, 1966 Harbor, CM. &tS-9303 Wttment ~ , · C300185l Laguna Beach Autos UMd 990 Aut.._ u...i' 990 A•.._ ~ f96' A•..._. •~ ' 990 A• .... •~ • S46-«61/494.9Til. I •• .., WI ... ~ .,_, -~(U. lWJi& '65 YW BUG -;::::;:::::::;:;;:::::;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:::;;~;;;:;:;;;;;~~~~~~F;;;;:;;;i4rf • TOYOTA 5:';~· .. ;.dio~,.!","~~ GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY •A Y a l~A~:~~N~:~PE~9i'.°3 585 Ba:ick Datsun ,, •. ,. o :p -S·H:.o ·'p p I •• ,69 998 So. <m.st Hwy, 4~~e~~;n:~N.~ed ·~vw~==•.New ·~o ····~CKI . . tNQ\........ 'NO'•IVIAWAY'~·. CZKWS). tires, good brakes, new rlnp } ~ ~ e $ 1 099-Lv.ive Job,-J<!nt-interio<. -1 ' ALL .. AR TltADll ' I BILL MAXEY TOYOTA $150. or be>st otter. Allo '61 Bua:, Wfteked front md, no engine, -...... Good for buggy. 115. 518·5380. VW Bua cainper. 19n Excel mnd. Lo mileage. New 11111 -h """· """· &Jn -· °""""' """""""" -·Ml.as! """~ bed. ll!M<Y extru, BRAND NEW S'l560. Call ·wkdaY> M. '70 PLY FUIY Ill · llUY SALi ILUllOOI PllCI 2130 2298 '70 MK Ill Auto.air, P.S .. P.8 .. vinyl "'°'· 136AKQ . . LAND ."""':' vw BUS. NEW CRUISERS ~~·~B=: '70PLY '69 MK Ill 27312358 Ml pow/air 2S7DHI • In Stock. Large Selection '68 VW Bug IAllACUDA '1mmodlato Delivery Lo mlles. Slrfto apeak<n. Air.alltG,p/tp/b,vinylroof, llSAOT '70 LINC $915 64Ml14. JltNt.l .. '10 VW, &lnrool, atr c:ood., .;..,••II rib, wtw, $1SOO. 6*-#1'1, '71 GAL 500 ll "wrs call betw 4 " 1 PM. --__ ·-' '99 VW damper Pop Top 2 DI MT To.)'V\a le Ja.&Uar Dealer Xlnt cond Ml .__. • • • Autborb:ed Sales il Suviot ·• Y eqw~ !00 S."Cout lfichwa.v • -• t.,guna B!ach 54()..JlOO '95 VW. S.f'JO or ~ oftn'. --"----. ~--Enc ,.ad, needa bod,,..-*. ~ •at• ;;;:. ~~ VW Bus enr. u .... :'~ J'::t: far. ~ .~ =. :.. '67 vw Squonbock, ...... !00' s. °'""' Hllbwo1 ..... belg<, x1!'1 """'· $10tl>. 3375 2848 COIT.CPI ·l\jl pow(alr1347ACX Lqaa a.iclo ~ -1686 ..... ·n TOYorA Lonlcrulaer, '65 vw Bur, Good <Onditioo!. U,IXXI mi. Good CODdttion., lnUlt otll, Dtr, 15 0 0. llRYICI DIPT. J .... ...-. 499-31J6. s.i.m. 1------- TRIUMPH I ' I lllUsr oell 'Ill VW Buo, meoy extru. !600/otter, ·-· • OPIN ALL. DAY SATURDAY ) llUT ·' IWlllOll . ..=Gi f llLLY SALi ' ILUI IOOI PllCI 6590 5590 '88.MQSJ . i185J188 . cow. / Aul&,. ... flt""'-4IWD • 5395 4645 ,1•111 4780 4077 • (Ill! Full-/Gir.112CfZ I ' t I ~ ' ' ! , ' • ' I , i' . ' '' " ' ,, ! : . ' ' ii l " ' I j, , .. I i ' I ' ,• . . .. \ .. Wrdntld oy, Ju~ 5, l9n DAJLY '!LOT 2 ·~· • . ·WE HAVE 28 OF THESE SPECIALLY EQUIPPED CUTLASSES FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM Example: Brand . New 1972 Cutlass Hardtop Coupe LOADED: Factory Air: Conditioning • Turbo Hydramatic . Trans. • Power Steer· ing • Power Disc Brakes • Vinyl Roof • Deluxe . Radio • Whitew.alls • Sporty Louvered ,Hood • Full Wheel Discs • Tinted Glass • Plus muc:'t; 1nu1h more; C3F87H2Z135514J · · . · . · ****SUPER USED CAR SAVINGS RIGHT .NOW!1**** '6' TOYOTA '67 BUICK ELECTRA 4 Jr, H.7. F11ll pow1r, f1cfory 1ir condilioP1i119, vi11yl roof. lUOUOO<ll 2 dr, H.T. VI, 1utom1tlc, r1J io, h1tftr, 2 door. Autolfl1lic tr11umi1tlo11, pow1i.1t1w i114J, vinyl to1f, f1ctory t it r1dio ind he1!1r. '69 BUICK SKYLARK ~09S '65 CHEVROLET ~--::...tmo1tiitV;''(lDH,tt)· ·-···········-·-·-········----··········-················· -·-~W-Y.Vl·7·2-). .. _,.,_, ................. ,_,,,,,_, __ ,. . 70 HONDA GAit sass '67 BUICK SKYLARK R1~Uo, h11t1r, 4 tpted 4 door h1rcflop. Air condition in9, tr•n1mi11ion. ll62CQRI ¥inyl roof, power 1leeri111;1 I br•ke1. lUPK77SI '69 DODGE SWINGER R•cU1, h1•ter, 1utom1tic tre11uni11l1n, power 1te1rl.,..' 1-ZAW71t ) , ' s179s '69 OLDS 98 2 door H.T. Full power, fectory ,;r, ~inyl roof, tilt t1l1 wh11I , AM /FM 1tere1 wilh t1pe pl1y1r. IYEX16Jl s159s ·~: .?.~~:.~.~~:~~~ Air concl., "i"yl roof. I 102765) $69S ·::H ~?w~?~~e?. ~ .... ,. "'°m•ti<. '"'"' ,;,. ·· ·······--·-········-·-··· ......... .J.Q.6.6.AZHI.. --····•-H·•••···· ----s139s '68 VOLKSWAGEN Fettb•(k. Don't be le1t on tlii1 one. IVTS7541 '67 CHEVY 'I• TON Fl1tb1d. Autom1lic, radio, h1et1r. !\'91153) $34q9_ '67 KARMANN GHIA 4 spt!MI, rt9io ,,.a ht•ttr. --~ _ f-'-'IT""M'-"11"-'U-----__ $1195 ::..=~~.~.!~~~~.?.. .;, ""'""''" .;,,1 .... . . ................. ·-·-················ ... J.~r~.~~J ............ -....... -....... . sa9s ~o~~?.?.~;~~:~.N roof rtck. !OWl<012) $189S. '69 GRAND PRIX R&H, •vlomefic, full power, fectory eir, ¥inyl roof. f41lAZO I ~895 '1795 ss95 540-9640 ------~ --= • Aut.o •. u .... " ' 9'0 Autos,, New 980 Autos, New f80Autqs, Now 980 Auto•, New --.... i~......,...--_-;;;;l§J~.-. I ·Au ........ l§l I· -·· I~ LEAS E OR BUY ! ,, l • '62 Ford HAlDTOP , V9, IUIOl!Mllt, llO'#tr llffr· lfllt rtdlo, lt••ltr, ...... (T'f'I oi.1 boc:kt t $299 '65 Opel STATION WA•ON f :SpeM T,tntfl'lls9Jon, Rtdlo, .... i.r. (VZZ 1'5) $199 '67 Fiat Ill IOADSTll light l lVI wtlll l !klr l~leri. or, 4 Speed, llllll lo, HH t1t, Lew MO .. ff, (UOf ffll --•$999'---1- DAVE ROSS • BR·AND NEW 197f-GfAND PRIX s11 &26 MONTH 36 MOf"TH! OPEN END LEASE J y1er '''''· $116.26 mo, plu1 t1x Slll.52 c•1h r•quir1d plu1 lie. Morrokid• bucket 1e1f1,_c111f. c1rp•t1, _clo(k, -iOO Vt, da1! 111., turbo hvdr1rn1tic, P-1!11rin9-di1c brekes, eir cond., cordo¥1 top. r1dio LH r1rnol1 mirror, cv1t. 1o~f-b1lh, 1oft reY 91111 eU, und•r(oll. #2~57T2AJJOO-i5. l 1072) BRAND NEW 1972 . LE MANS s97!a MONTH ·J~p~~:::~ , ) y1er l11te. S97.JI n,o. plu1 ta.-. $11'4.]6 c1th r1quit1d plu1 lie. Morro~ide, int., cu1t. cerp11t, )50 VI , turbo hvdremetic, fib1r9le11 tir11. LH remot1 mirror, cu1f. 1e1f be lft, 'cu1t:--1t11r. wh11I. r1Uy II wh1elt, W. op111i"9 mo11ldi119, power 1!11rin9 I di1( bre•e1, 1oft r1y wind1hi1ld, 1ir cond., It comp. curl. l•rnp. #2Dl7M2Zt 12945 11365 1 'ill '67 Thunderbird 'vu Po'oitr,-Fjctory Air, Vlnyl ~ It.oaf, LOW' Mlltlfot. (74'1 C}(Wl $1299 '68 Volkswogen f lPf'llf Tununlltlell, II.Mio Mii HH ttr. {XXD 413) $899 '611 Pontiac: GTO VI, F'c_..r S!ffflflll,,.1 ~ Tr111$mlflian, lllt>dio, Ht11tr, LO'll' Mflfl!ll. (WWI ntl -$-li99--I '68 Chevrolet NOYA COUPI EcGflOmKar ' cfi~r, l Softi Tren1mlullln, ll:t<!le, Htet..-. !Xl/O .. ) $999 '68 Pontiac: CATALINA H.T. cr1. VI, Po,...r 5lffrl119, AulomltlC, R1cr;ci, '"'"'""· Arr conitnll:lrf-lnfj, Low Mllfflll. tVV.I 1511 $1399 ' '67 Pontioc: IONNIYILLI ._,_auent.,. W1p, Autl. h'"llll., pit""" 9'Mrif19', pa-r wlnclowt. ¥1nyl loll, 1lr (ondi- lkllllnt. !XTl'I $10) --J$169¥--I '68 Chevrolet IMPALA H.T. CPI. Pow.r Slffrlf19, "~•lie, Ftclory Air, RllllO, HHM!'. (112 CFH) '70 Maveric:k 2 DOOi RHlo, 1-feellt, St1nd1rd T,eM- ml111111n. Low Mllto191. CJO.S. BTTI $1399 '71 Fard PINTO Unit.r 14.ooe Mlln. Stenftrd T~1t11fl'l•llll, Jt6dlo, HHttr, I OWnlt, 1547 BlW'J St69t_1 _.,~ O,_N MON.•IAT. l :Jt •II!-.. 1 l :ot , .•• • . SUN DAT 1~:11 ...... t :ot , .... 2410 Harltir Blvd. ~~!:\."':r.s.;:· Colla Mesa • ADVllflll ,11ca1 '''ICl'IVI THRU tUHDAY, JULY iHD. Phone ' 546·8017 •. " ( ' Autos, UMd 990 Autos, UHcl 990 Autos, UHc1 --:C~H~EV-=-RO~LET~.,,,-~i-_.;..~DO.,.......DG-E---~ 990 Autos, UHcl 9fO --------FORD '70 NOVA S~ , '66 WAGON '71 Ford Wagon Coupe. 350 V8. Vinyl top, Dodge liionaco, 9 passenger, Automatic, fa ctory air con. brown w/belge Vlr\Yl bucket Automatic,. factory air condi· ditioning, radio (382CTQ). seats. Automatic (floor lhlft) tioning, power steering, $2795 dlr. 836-65.35. console, factory guagea, radio, heater. CRUC337). '62 Ford Van Excellent cond. power diac brlt.s, exterior $1000. dll:. 836-6535. Rebuilt-ellfine 6 cyl. $625. chrome. TOP SHAPE!, $165 1969 Dod&:e Charger good 847-8115 Below Book. Must &LI! Will mnditlon. $1295. or trade for •n FORD LTD w load- i'.O quick:. CaU 5.11-l213. mnVE'I'tibl• am.all c a r . id w~JJr~. ne:°t~• • '67 Chovello·Spt. Cpo. '49--0530. b'8k••, $3200. -- Radio, heater, ,automatic1 a 0 0 D·G E D a!' t 1 !J.6 7, HORNET real beauty. #220C7. automatic, Pl. pb. rood con: $109' dltkm. $750. 5.lS-1004. LowOown Low Tums '68 Dod&e ·Oha!'ll;~!' PHONE 645--579!1 440-Pwr/air, pvt ply. Take MIRACLE MAZDA 0~ paymts. 64'.1-6885. 214.5 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meu · FIREllRD '66 Nova We19on '68 PONTIAC nREBrRb 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, 350-Auto, black vinyl lop, heater, economy vacation AM/FM radio, tape deck, special· (XEVU8) $895 dlr. new tires. $1895. 531-4979. 836--6535. '68 Firebird 350, vinyl top, 1910 Chev. Conooun E;ita.te, mac wh11, Mk:helin tires, 8 Pen. Sta. Wgn. PY.Y. n?ro firm. 673-7'67. Stee'riiig & brakes, MI-FM GREMLIN S""'" radio, till ,,..,,, whl. luggage rack, new tirH 1r1-~8-,0-nd...,...N,,...ow~t"'9°'72,-- =~&,;~'."--A.1klng GREMLINS '70 Monte Carlo Brand New 1972 HORNETS Naw Available with AIR CONDITIONING AT .flO EXTRA CHARGE OLDSMOBILE 1970 TORONAOO CT. EXcel c::ond, full pwr equip, vtnyt tori, air cond, AMli'M. 11tereo Wttape deck. $3,~. Days, S40--9892; e v c 1 , 64>-3203 OlDS 'fi6 Toronado, said, black vinyt top. X1nt cond. $122S. ~n;o. PLYMOUTH '66 PLYMOUTH, 2 ar iiedan, auto trans, PIS, R/H, new tires & brakes, Very clean. $800. aft 6 pm. 640-0907. 1971 PIYnlOUlh Dustef"6 cyf. 3 speed, floor. MUlt St~. TakP over payrnent1. 549-Ll64. 1962 PLYMOlITH Valiant PIS. R&H. 1100. 9Jl2.6623 PONTIAC 1966 Pontiac Ventura, .f. Dr., V-8, AT, PS, PB, Air Cent, 1...ow low miles, Clean inside &: out. Must Stcrifltt. 841·3095. '69 LeMans 2 Or Hdtp. Pl!, PIB, AlH:Onct, Vinyl nor, New1 /Jtt•· 031,"'° actual "''· 12195. _5'11-1803 VB, automatic, factory air, power atettfng, radio, heat- er, vinyl -('184AVA) 12S95dlr~. ~ally equlpt can now ~f'A PONTIAC GTO, f speed, . available in 2 Dr f Dr a:nd buckets, vinyl root $1)1), •Porta.bout Wago~ mociels 962-6«19. 19n VEGA Hatchback -Ex- cel cond. 4 apd. CUsl int/ exl Drafted, Must aell. Btst ofier. 644-2778. · '68 fmpala °""' 25 Grem!JN In •l<>e:k Immaculate Sacrifice Must all modela, le mlon av&1l· seU d~~;:n~ ~ IMMEDIATE DEUVERY '66 Cotvette Fastback WAni' S.Lee . . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -.OO~CA-TA-W-NA-W-AGO-N J>l/pb, air conct. S1995 ur • ...a S.Lee __ ._53-'-1---'-'-• - " Q.C\l FOR sale -19118 4-dr Bon.. . ""-'lcll'I MoCor'I n neville. Lo mileap. Excel 547_5126 Int, new tire1,. &ir, dlllJ U34 So. Main St. speakmi. Almolt Pfl'fedt. Sanfa Ana IU·1172• I JEEPS T-llRD 4 Spd, AM/FM Radio, Extra Alilllb•MEIS/I,. '42 Willy• J .. p. 4 whl. drive. '61 T·BIRD, o!r, -paint, Clean, (YG~). S4T..sl26 Roll bar. New canvu top. xlnt cond. S600. 1 MAKE OFFER i234 .So. Main sr. Tow bu. Atklna 1895. 14>n61 ··---~·'" -. VEGA -C-GMT -io LTil, =·-; dt:. =o:7ifii1:n:~~;;;;;E1::1A;L;~n ·~·7f¥EGA"ron ..,- IMPORTS ~~-~-~.pl~·~: lrnm•~~n, .Sacr1-4::!,Atr ~Uonirv,ft~ <91-<m6. -. 897.@4 '· __ ... ~. i®UOO W: Paclflc C.t. Hwy. '6.l Foh:I Waion, <(r-8, auto., 11,ce, Must Scll, dlr. . 20,000 mllt:l'l, ('72964J). Newport 11<=4) 642-0406 R A H. ,Air <Olld., lllO. MA VERJCK $2095 -~-------·1 !Inn. -.Call allu • 1967 Gorv•ttt c:onv. pm. . ~ mo"""-MA-.V"'E"'ru'°CK=,..,,R'"•"u"'. COAST 4 •pd. Mak• ofltt. 196T FORD G~500 ;xt... clean, lo mile1. Good tin!1. - CO=NTAL s.?·! ~·~ ~~.:;~NG IMPORTS ''6 Contl"""ol Cpo. 'l6 Ford 11$. 11w11 'IS MUSTANG I l®UllO ~. Paclftc Cit. ""7- rmmacutate. i.o.dtd, Muat: Cati Jmy fmmaculatt, SacrWct, Muat Newport Bea.ch (Tl 4l 642-0a Sell, dlr • .891-0224. ' 5n-1111 otU, dlr, 897.(1224. -~-'-~--~~-~--~--~- f ( l Z7 PJLOT·ADV£RTISER OAll V PILOT 85 2300 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY __ 5.J 9-9DOWN5.36AMONT-H , FOi JS llOOHS •Speed tran1 .. ro. dio, lltater, butktt seors. full winvl m!e- rior. 326 Elf, $199 DOWN $3 6 A MONTH $ 199 it 111101 dn. py111t. Sl6 i1 4 511eecl "°"'~ TOdio. healtr, h~bock IM:~e! ~tols. dt l. ck•ome mould;~g. whotl woll llftt, whtel to•fft. 710C8M S l" is tot91 dn. PYl'll. S36 i1 $1188 ~":.:;.:::-.:i;::.:"::. irffif IK J6 lltOI. Otftrrtd FUU pr1111 iorlct$149S i..el.ta•& PIKE ~'. ~Al fElCEHTAOE J'J.Tfll.70" Slttilo lllllllM ,.,... »Iii.._._,,..., iM1. •!OM & iii~ C-..• ...... aWil'"' 3' ...... ~,,....in:. $2107 id. ... ' fi. c-lolllt.W. l'OCBCATAGf AA!t 11.661' 188 ~::~:·~"..·.::. crt41t for )6 l'IOJ, Otlerred FULL pymr.~11c•Sl49S i11t1.to •& PllCE lo;..,_., ANNUAi. PttcfNIAG( RAii 1 1.70 ~• 't2DODGE BlOOVAN Ji ! ' -- ' '72 COtT 2-DOOR HARDTOP IMMEDIATE DELIVERY · $199 DOWN $60 A MONTH · . ~~~t~s -- BRAND NEW • OR~i:D~~URS '72 bODGE TRUCK · looded wilh ,_,. blnc:h seots. heatlr, f71icl4 tirts. wntshielil wo5hen, dir«lion signals. Ml winy! int~ llWJCll IN.Ith mort. OnW Vaun Today, __ _ FACTORY COlOI Of YOUR CMOICrt $ 199 is ...... "'""· $104 is loltil lllO. pylllf. i"cl. foll Utt"''' all carrying tha."~H 111 """· tftldit fllr" 36 mos. Oe-ler P'f"'t. Pflt• $~lliil. ll 1o c.n1•. ANNUAt PERCENTAGE RATE 10.91 " $2288~ ·$199DOWN $73 A MONT'.....--'-_._..._._.~'-"-- BRAND NEW '72DART DEMON FACTOITCOlOI Of YOUI CMOl(I $199 is !Olol .. ~VIII!· J13 i1 totol mo"""' incl. ltM, lie en~• & alliorr,;..g c /10•911 on ...,,.-tred;I tor 36 ~ Otitrr..i PY"" port $2977 inc.I, !al' l.ocenw. AHNOAl Pl•CrN- TAGl RATE 10.06 % -WIGlON· TIME-··7oPLY.F,ury .. '70FORDCustom4Door -M--~~$1088 · ~$9·a3 · '69 PLY. ST,A'JION '\VGN. . ~~~'.r ;~:~~~822~~~~'.y air ~i.~~;,,~:;h=:::Bf~ ' ' ~--~~~-~~L~~·~' ~p~ fUllPRICI gage raek. 6 pa11•n911r. Whi\.t •Kf• !"'ti tires delux1 wheel l-!'!"!"'!!"!!'~~!"'!!"!!!~--------+~"!'"~ .... ~-~"'!"----~~:;1,.-f-"""!-!~~-"!"""!~~---------'""'· "$9°" 8-8 ., . ' '68 PONTIAC Tempest '69 PLY. Roadrunner '69 CHEY. NOYA . . FULL PRICE Coupe, Radio, heater, wheel .$588 ~~e~:!in~~:t~~::.r:~··:~~l~~ $9·88 ' Auro.trans:.r~dioandheote rplus $688 covers. Plus much much more. ZXX41~ much, much more. ZKC407 . '69 PONTIAC STA. WAGON WTF584. L . ' ' . . Auto. trons .• rodio, heater .. power steer-$1288•---------.... -~;;ifi;iUijUi;Pi;iRi;ilCi;;l;.+~~~~~------•·_:;F:::UL~l_:;P:,Rl~C~f ,;·..f~~~~~~~~"'!!!~-_;f~U;;ll;,;' P:.;l::,IC;:E;.· -• Ing, factory air co~ct~063FTV. FULL Pllci . -~ · • .. fo1:16 '67 OLDS F-85 Cutlass. . '70 PLY. Duster '70 MAVERICK 2-Door $)99 DOWN $39 A MONTH; MONTHS vi . .,10;, R&H. "''· m.,,;;,0,. $488 ~~~~!~·ti~::•;;~.~:~~~ $1 ·188 Auto. Irons .• radio, heoter. wheel $888 $199 is !otol dn.pym·. Sl9 is lotol 1110.py111: lid. !a Iii:-l ,a coniirl chqts O!l llPl!f. vinyl int1rior ind mu~r1. ! trldi1forJ6mo~or1errec1P'fl!l .pri:1SJ60Jild.11111 &1ictnM • .:PHJAL~ERCllfTAGfRAlE t UOKl-4bl , . .....-. tern. Much , much more. coYers. Otluxt cht'ome moldings. ··~1%1 COLT STATION WAGON. ' FULL PRICE Vl29Go9333959 . . . . -,~llPRICI ST7ARt.· '; FUUPilCI 4 speed trans .. t"adio, heat· $1· ,,. 8 ef, bucket ,seols, full vinyl interior .326ELF )199 DOWN $53 A MONTH ~°o'"~~s $1"bl.t.t4 .. ,,;.1.tn h....a-n-t.Mt-••-••""'llltc...,_. .. ...... ,,.411 f.,. U-..._...,.,... ...... $1101hltL NI 11~ AWll.U.•1K• t &tll&tl11.M<C. " ' • ' ,WE APPllCIATE YOUR .I · BUSINESS - '65 FORD . Mustang VI, _.,lomot;<, powu ,,.,,;,,, $-388 1ir conditioning, r1dio. h11!1r, bucket 11•ts white w1ll1. IOTE 60" FULL PRICE 1' ( • '68 DODGE Coronet 440 H"dlop. VI, "'•·· P.S., •i,yl $788 roof & int1rior, R&H, WSW, dl11. >¥heel covert. fVZE755) • • FULL PRICE .. • • • • i • • • • • • l • . • • • • •/ • ! • • • • • l ' ' l l • • • • • • • • • • •• • i • • t • • • • • • • ' . ·. ' .- ·' ~ I .. •• •' • • • • . • • • . l • l • • • "' • ·~ • ,l . I ~ • ~ ' -_J ~-. ~ I ., • • "' . • • .. . -·· • . • • . I :: • • ' ~ ~ ~ ' ' • , • , ~ f . "' • • • . • • =· • • -• .. . • • • • • • • . . . • . . . . • . • • . . . , ' ' . • 21 PILOT-ADVERTISER Wednesday, Ju~ 5, 1972 NEW '72 NEW YORKER BROUGHAM l!Jt1Hll!Jltl WHY WAIT 'TIL SEPT. WHEN YOU CAN . MAKE THE SAME BIG ' CASH SAYING~ NOW! . · NEW 1972 DUST.ER . ' ·s.r. VL.29·B2B·317424 off. MANF. STICKIR PRICE USED . CAR SPECIALS OF THE WEEK '64CHEVROLET lmpelt Custom coupe. VI, 1uto- mttic. ridlo, h11f1r, power Jfttrin9, WSW, 1ir condition· i119. (WAS546 ) '64 DODGE Sed•n. VI, •utom•lic, r•dio. h••ttr, }>ow•r 1f•1rin9 Ir ~rake1, WSW, •ir conrlitionin9. IORE· 769) '66 PLYMOUTH Fury II 4 dr. 1•d•n. VI, tuto- mific, rtdio, he .. +1r, power itetring, WSW, ,;, condition· ing, ! SYR-4461 '66 CHRYSLER ~ N,.,;p~rt 4 rJr. 1•4•n. VI, •ulo· m•fic, rarJio, ha•far, po w1r ita•tint A iH-•k•1, WSW, a ir condifionl1t9. IBXPOll I ' . · · 5 y'••11 UNTIL SOLD SUND-'Y, JULY flli ALL PllCES PLUS TAX AND LICENSE. AU PllCE ,.. . . , 1 I ' ' I - " A.Ila• Servfee Be· ••,.&•eat Wei • ••es ••ti Heaera all C•rY•ler C•r• ·.en"9a Ve•feles a.,.•lrf•I Servlee ••4' .......... ,,.. Werk, Rel(a.,.leu OIW•ere Cartt'a• ••Pe•••etl. we· ••••r Maater Cllar•e, Baak• ..4.•erlearll, Carte 1alaae•e; A•erl• eila Ex1tre•• A.atl -.. a ...... . • • I Wedntl4'1. Ju~ 5, 1'72 . . . · DAILY PILOT 66 cyo~R. cNEWLY ?.PPOINTE~ • , •• .• ) I • 1 , I '· . . ' . . . HAND J:iEW '72 MA '(ERICK . · A':l.~.-' f .. s51-~'" • ..... ~Ov1r ·Dealer Coit Irr~!. pr1p, -girt t1•dy, hold htc:k, 1rlli'ilht. '' .,l Viel! E11lll'piitcll 11111 1. . . BRAND NEW '72 L.T.D. 2 DR. $ 00 . 51 +TU gfi? Over Dealer Cost ¥; lnc.1. · prtp, 9•1 t••dv: hold bt ck, fr1i9hf, Wei~ l11u1,pec1 ~041 , IRAND ·NEW '72 GALAXIE 2 · DR •. • o -. $51~TIL .-; ~ Ovn Dea.lor COit ''"· , .. ,. git .... ,, • hold b1ek, fr•i9ht . Well Equipped #1015 " HARD TO FIND '69 SHELIY GTSOO 4 tp•td, good mil1J, r11Ho, h1.it1r. I 170A5G l MAKE OFFER '69 V.W. ~gon ' 4 •pttd, r•di1'\h1tf1r, t ir conditlonin9, 90od millt. IZCK116J • • '71 FORD G1laxie 500 H.T. \'.1, auto ., P~S., R&H, 1ir cond., ,,.Jnyl roofj good mile1. 10 741UO s2751 • ' '65 RAMBLER WAGON C li11ic.. RIH, •utom•tic, P.S., •ir Colldltionin9, I NNF61'4 I '72 LTD S~ulro Wa gon 10 P''''fll''· roof r1c.k. •ir conditioning, ra dii , h1•l•t, pow1r li11rin9. I I 16EJM I 69 PL YM. Belvodero 4 Gr. VI, R&H , 1ufo .. P.S., 1ir concl, low mll 11. IYO.L11 71 1 I s4451 s1351 ' , ' • ~ PRIZES! FUN! SUPER ·SAVINGS! COME IN AND HEIJ' ~s caLEIRATE 51 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE GllEATER HAR.IOJ AREA UNDER THE SAME OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT. WE PROMISE YOU • . MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY ! Brand New '72 MUSTANG Ua2•) H'411tl 'SAMPLE ANNIVERSARY DJ$COUNT! I DLlt'S COIT INCLUDES FlllGHT, Pll,, GIT llADY AND FACT. HOLDIACIC :-4,\.\~ ~ ' o•'~· ..,, .. \.'. . . 00 OVER DEALER COST+ T&L ANNIVERSARY LEASE SAVINGS! OVER'3~CAR~ AND TRUCKS READY FOR ·1 EDIATE LEASE DELIVERY. 642 00 J 0 J. Mal.Om Rold CA'LL • • L11M Mgr. Nfw '72 F-100 .. . -- '. You llffd 011ly o v1lld drlYen llcoflso to b9 olltlblo ,., this orcluslN Tiloffoff ltoblM prlre drowl111J. You ttHCI 11ot be Pfelell to wl11 t 2. Ju11 c.oino i11, fill 011t your prln tlcktt 011d drop It 111 our drGwlng bor. Nothl119 to buy. No1iTl119 111oro to do. J, U you wl11 01r l'htto groitd 'rlre, 011d yo1 hno purchoud • NW 1 t72 Ph110 fro111 Tttto· doro ltoblM Ford 011 or oftff Ju" 1, 1 t 7Z, yow "''Y toko your pr/to or, et' your 0,11011, Tho odor9 llftb/111 Ford wlll rol111burs• you for lho full purcltoso ,r1c1 of rho l'lnto you bought, retjorcll .. of 1110thl or 9t11lp1M11t. lwfn!Mt 1ult1Mt t. tn:• MN1 lkoinorf1 'l"'-o .. ntl. · GRAND PIUIE NEW '72 PI NTO LOA DED WITH GROCERIE S! .... · 50 RUNNER-UP PRIZES! YOU NEED NOT BE PR ES ENT TO WIN All Prize1 Will Be Drawn For ---'By-!11., Aug. s, im REGISTER TODAY ! ,os• i~t.\.'f \ ~"o' '°' ''~' PICKUP STYLE SIDE FULL FACT. EQUIP. COURIER PICKUP WITH GEM TOP CAMPER SHELL 11229 ) 0 ov.'"": -"'..,\ot ~1110\\~l~\\).l:i.lG - $ 5100 .~ "'' ... oO_ ,-... ... ........ t.\0·'; ..... \\,S DEALER ·~· COST . . $2451 · -...... ,. (~Jtt) • 61T THI fHltlFTJIST ,.~Cl ON THI THRIFTY LITTLE .,OUtfOllll . SPECIAL PURCHASE! '72 LTD-GALAXll-WAlfON~INTOS 1An with air coMltlo•lltMJ, warrantln n•IWtle. Good mllos. I to dloos• from. IXAMPLI: '71 FORD CUSTOM 100 4 I r .. VI; R&H.~euto .. P.$., winvl roof, 1115092 ) City , of Co1t1 M111 l••1• Relum ' '68 CHEV. Comore '.I dr. H.T., fully oquipptcl, R&H, 1li<k shift , 9oocl 111il11, 1poil1r. IV PK7 531 S1d•11. F11ll ftc.tory 1q11ipp1d. Good 1ni111. f PIJJ7ll '69 MERCURY WAGON Colony r1 rk. F11ll power, 1ir c.011d itionin9, good "'ii••· 1'4221QEI ' , 11251 ~, Sfi51 ~2.451 ' . .J . • ·PINTO SALE 15 TO CHOOSE fROM '71 & '72 MODELS WITH AN D WIT HOUT AIR, 4 SPEEDS & AUTO· MATI CS, SOME WITH VINYL ROOFS, DOOR GUARDS, WSW, DLX. HUB CAPS, PLA ID IN- TERIOR. . EXAMPLE: "7l PINTO fully factory equlppa<f. rqcllo, h~or, 4 lfllld, Interior & extorior decor, wheel coven, wsw, tMtll mllos. 1999 COMJ - $1551 '66 CADILLAC Cpo Do Vlllo s1451 Full pow1r, fo tta.Jv 1ir, 9ood mil11. l965A UJI A orona 4 door. Autoll\1tic, r1dio, h11t•r, good Mile1. t ]2167 5) '67 SUNBEAM ALPINE 4 1p11d. overdrivt , ,, ... ll\il11. !VltR06S l sa51 . IALU om' HOUU 2 door. 6 fv lly oq11lpp1cf, olr con41tlo"in9, 9oocl mHot. f0WR9901 '61 V.W. BUG 4 1po1d, 900.! mll1t; rtfl. IXOA7171 '711 CALIF. Duno llUSIVY lmrn1cul1 !1 thru•out, uncle, 10,000 111i111. Spic. wh1ols, roll b•t, Yinyl top, V.W. compo11111h. f6:6SNDI '67 MUSTANG Hordtop Foc.torv 1quippt J . •&H, 9ood mil11. ITYXJ56 l '63 FORD Galax io H1rdtojl, l1dlo, H11 f1r, Auto. Tr1111., ,.,..,, St11rlnt , v.1, Good Ml/11. IFTU llll • '70 fORD WAGON Torl110 Sq 11ir1. Full po,..1r, 1ir co11J .. VI, good 111il1~. t6ll·ASGl ~ ...., .. ...,..... .... ,, ---. ' I • • t itM lllOl.•frt ..... "" s.t. PAm • IHYICI HOUU , ..... ,.111 ... 1 -• ' ,. r..,.,,., ,. -. ',. .... • I • sa51 s951 s451 s2551 ~----~~-------~---·--· • • / . .. • • • • •• • \ ' • If PILOT·ADYEl!TISU Wtdot!dly, Joly 5, lm -.,....,,Joly5.l972 \ B>f$ j j!¥!!1Q_ ~-~--· ·-- . . . Syncninilod · trans.. 170 • CID economy 1,.tn1. emission control,' stlf· adjust ing brdkts. · Tht simple mochint . 2K91U l769.45 High llack bucbt .............. Midi-$ elin nodiel plJ whlttwOll tir-.. No. 2Jl7N1 17515 · .-..an llBIYllT 4 Sp1t d Transmission, 1600cc Engine. lucktt seats. l'llissioo Control. ORD:O':U•S -~ 178'8 ~~I ·ruLLlllR~.· $ IMMEDIATE . · DELiYERY ... ' HAND '72 GALAXIE 500 NEW wnrFAcT01Y All 2 .DOOI HAIDTOP . . . ~ witti exrr... Fac1ory A~. Y8 Engine. Cniis........ric, WSW rn~ Radio., 1'111edglns. "-Stoeriog. Disc bro1cts. Whffl Covors.2JS8H130557 ~)16 . PflMO. ------11 MIDIA-JE-DEIJVERl MUST.HT:- i71CHEY -111.,. ..... ___ .,..._ ... ,...~..,....,. $588 ~~ .. v~~-~~~~~;;.. $388 '66 MUST •. HT "-•+.t, Lucht •••ti. Ucen1• No. . ' V-8. !'/Steer. R&Heotw: SMXDS4 DLU-677 ' • I '70FORD c. ..... w ... Yl-truisil-P'/stttr., foci air, londw top, R& Hecrtw. llrighf b6ut. Ot9AYH • '70 GALAXIE $00 '70 GALAXIE,500 . ·--v:.a. CMso.PJ1ttw .. tatt. lir. Wllbl 1op, 1:& Htatw,trownmttalic.117DTA '70 GALAXIESOO ·--V-1, Cruist-P'/st"r-foctoir: landau top, I& ftlatlr,diiMf1111tfOld.tl'SIH 123853 '70 FORD 'l TD' ' '70 FORD 'ltD' ·--..O . Y-l,Crviso-it/1t11r-f1.,ir, londov'top, I& .....,..,IMIMIDllit.56SICM 4 STAR UNLIMITED MILEAGE INSURANCE POLICY 0111 MOTOI llll AXLI ASSY • STElllllll • TIAJtS, • llAllS • FIOlllT SUSP. •WA TEI PUMP TM wlll nc•IY• 1 ,,nc(wltli lilt,.,. .... of lat ef tlio ..... oen. Poll". will h hHrH ••t•._ i.,.. I.I.A. hr M .... & nll•llltl lill .... 1 tn..... ............ , -· . ' ' ·' DOWN PIRMO. S15'2 "40 it tollll -i. ,Kt irw:lulllri, ta• & L '"'~-Ot!~rl'd puy111tnt ,..;c, IJ 17 ... liO ........ ID• & lot ... K & • c.TY"'9 d•9ti lof 41 -.lhs O!l lll>PIO.., ol tr'11it AHNUAl ~OlC(HTAGf lilf 11.11, MMIDilTElJEClYE '69DATSUN lllAI 4 .... "°"' lillciW, tit-.nse Nct. ZDtt·IS6 11911AllllAC1< ·---.... ..., ... ' ' .. ' ' .l • • r-• . ) \ 60 Fine S~r•• To Serve You ••• Open Monday and Friday Nights. . DEPARTMENT STORES The Broadway Buffums' J.C. Penney Company Robinson's WOMEN'S APPAREL Apropos Back Street Joan Bock Wallah Clarke's Hawaiian Shop Desmond's Fashions for la Femme Ann Folger M. Jacques Furriers Lanz lernerShops The look Mandels Shoes & Somelhlrll Else Motherhood Maternity Shops Pickwick The Show-Off Silverwood's MENS APPAREL Desmond's The look-Guy's Gear Pllelps Meager Silverwood's At Ease SHOE STORES · Paul Allan, Inc. Fi'sta Footwear ! ·~ leeds . Mandel's Shoes & S«lllldnc Else Newport Children's Boollly Wetherby Kayser Shoes RESTAURANTS Bob Bums Restaurant Coco's : Island Coffee !louse TheRiger · . y ' . . amito . Frariciacan Roam-Buffin' Liilo Bufflt'llld . . Marina ltoom-R:ll I it Coffee House"'-Plmlf• JEWELERS Brett·Walker Goldsmith Slavick 'Jewelers A. H. Weinert Fine Jewels Zale's · SERVICE SHOPS Anthony's Shoe servic:I Thi llroldwly Ti~ Getrter Clown Cleailers Golden Bladt Blrllers ~ The Hair Hunteri Sllons Penney's Auto Center: U.S. Post Olfice (Self.Sllvict) SPECIAllY STORES Arkraft Furniture • l!ilth Shops B. Delton, Bookseller El Poco canc11es Hatch's lllllRlllll of llewport Karts T DYS, Stationm • lkilllJlet · Mediterranean lmpol1s The Music 11111 > Nears Spartin& Goods The Passionate EY. . Phmner's t Russo's Woodelful Wllrld of Pell · Sie's candies S4Jccess lhllklstlnc Co.• KOCM Tlie T Obaccatilst, Inc. Viki w We~ook's Yardaae • ' STARTS TOMORROW THROUGH SATURDAY ' . Fashion Island's Filth Annual Centerwlde Sale ... many stores celebrating with . ' thousands of specially priced, articles -Of merchandise. . \ . ' . ' ' For your added enJoyment--lhe Summer Ari Feetfval ori ~ • prennted 'by ~00 • - "· ... Harbor Area Artlstl. Tomorro.1hrough Saturday • . . •• ' . ' .. . ''Excitinu to Visit-Deliuhtful to Hnop'' ' ' .. ~ . .. • • • • J ' • • . NEWPORT CENTER . • :-Cmd--·-.. -... -~ ) I I • • ~~---~~~----~ - I • , 2 . ' W.p.t<11y, July 5, 1972 I, • .·~· F11hl0n lolond Fashion Island Welco~ -Summer' s-SpeciafE-vent s- . . C9ncert Season Under Way Big Band and Pops Co~ . . .. lhtroduclna . . the amazing neir 911 Kit 299 . au art 179-Plnl . THESAFEWAYTOSPRAY • From an amazi.ng breakthrough In spraying crops comes a better; safer way to spray things around the house. F.OAMSPRAYTI' FOAM ING A OJ UV ANT, . •It tums liquid Insecticides an~ hetbicldes Into foam. Spraying foam is safer. because It goes · where you want it an.d is blown less by wind. Foam clings ... for better coverage than ever before. At last, a safer way to spray. ' JCPenney HUNTINGTON CENTE:R, Huntington Beach FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach • . . ... . are back at Fashion Island, Monday evenings at 9·: 15 p.m. during the months of July and August. 1[nder the direction of Henry Brandon, well-known Ollcago Gorningware®Ct ·oseout ~ . has ~ bandmaster, I h Is popular series of concerts will feature . SUMMER SALE . ' many Broadway show tunes o er old st•a•n=ar.-..l------Sale! favorite.s. . Great (;lotlaes &; Sa).er SllON AU Jlegalar Steek At Fantastle Savings Many thousands of listeners, young and old, Crom all over Also in our FOR MEN shoo. Starts Thursday, July 8th-All Shop1 I Open Mol!day" & Friday 'ti! 9:30 the Southland have attended "'" ... these free concerts during the e #27 TOWN & COUNTRY, O~GE 543-1760 past three years. Young and old alike. e 3363 VIA UDO, NEWPORT BEACH 673-6563 • e #29 FASllION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH 644-2652 ' CREDIT CARDS AccEPTED e ALL SALES FINAL Outstanding Orange County community leaders will be Jiooored gue!ls at each of the nine Monday evening performances. ----- Se111i Annual WOMEN'S e VALLEY e PENAUO e LADY FLORS"IEIM -e VITALITY •DELISO e HILL & DALE e RISQUE • . . SHOE -. e ENNA JETTICKS e COBBL_ERS '11'0 to 51%15 TO 11-YALUES TO $30. AA.AA TO C FREDRICKS BY HOWARD FOX $2490 VALUES TO $36.00 ----MEN'S ----.• FLORSHEIMS WINTHROP . 1780 to 2780 1490 V1luH to-36.95 ~-__ \laluH to 22.00 E. T. WRIGHT 2980 ~ Values to 46.00 WOMEN'S WOMEN'S SANDALS MARTINI OSVALDO -VITALITY . $1090 VALUES TO $21.00 Chlldren's OPEN MON. & FRI. lflTE-. _·m Lit~~~--·~ TRIDERITE I '').: SHOE TILL . 9:30 P.M. • GIRLS $Jff '8'' BOYS Values to $17.00 DISCONTINUED STYLES-BROKEN SIZES-AL[ SALES FINAi.: 54 FASHION-ISl;AND NEWPORT C'ENTER-644-4W ' - ' . Cornlngware® "Royol Fomffy Set" litfor a queen. Spoil yourself with a HI ot fine cook· ware that looks as good as it cooks. You.i n have'few dishes to do as Corningwara® can go right from the freezer to the stove to the table and-wJtlL!he_saucepan_starage_i;overa, you can stack and save space in your refriger- ator, 1, 1 V., 1 'I'< qt. covered Sot.Includes: saucepans, 10" covered skillet, serving credle, three plastic saucepan storage COVll'I. ' Reg. 24.88 Now 12aa_ JCPenney . . . 1 Shop S11nd1y rioon f~ 5 P .M It the followtng atom: I ISLAND, Ntw.,ett ....._ HUNTfNG(ON CINTll, ~-~1 ....... u.. ,, • .,.. ,.... ,.,, ...... '· . l \ Mal . .a.-..o..·-~eatures_ Art Show. ARTIST .. ANlll ART -John Meehan of Aanbeim standa ·ildltgsiae one of his elaborate framed metal sculpt!ite .'pieces typical of 'those he will display this week at Fashion Island's Artistes de la Rue showing. Photo Offers Expert Shooting .. Summer 'Tips ' Artistes de la R:tt e Se ' .. Th 1;ee Display Dates ' • Merchants of Fashion Island are' celebrating their aMual July sale days Thursday, Fri- day and-S,4tunlay <i this week. All sfur6 are 1 open Friday and Monday )lights; many , sto _ 'are open Mond ay through Friday nights, and some are_o~n. o~ Sunday. As a special mall attnetion, a big 4rt show featuring Harbor Area artists will be presented free to the public during sale dlys. Fashion Island is• located on Pacific c.oast H l g h w a y between Jamboree and MacArthur in Newport Beach.· By FRANK PALLO from a Camping trip and sliow -~..---''"" l!llhMI KMall l"tlot. 111enM»-• c.11i.t a picture of .J for~\ ranger Many an owner of an station -then proceed to talk automatic camera often "fires for 20 minutes about the from the hip." Not having to · ..,. -concern bimseU with proper fascinating,. rarest ranger lens opening ar shy.tter s~, whose piclure 'they didn't take. he simply watks up to an 1tn. Most peopTe are flattered if teresting scene and snaps the someane asks to take their shutter. His picture will be picture. aharp, so why botber with Don't Turn Yoar Yoangsten anythlbg else? ' Into Caterpillars -If you're Po""I~ Do bother! Perhaps the camping out in the woods, main ld•an;~:ge of automatic don 't dress your kids in green. cameras 'i.!I thl creat iv e They'll look abaut as freedOm they allow. Pictures distinctive , as caterpillars af your C&llijling tfi~ more ·u. hiding in the grass. Since you luminatiflg than :a simple have to dress the kids anywaf, ·memory bank require rnora you might as well put some than a cllck af the shutter. bright clothes on them and They require a personal touch, add color to yoor pictutts. your personal touch. . Save Tbe lee Cream Bags - Before mapping away, slow Quite _q.ften, I see people on down. Why are you taking th.is the h.ighw,ay whq have their picutre? What do you want to cameras and fllm'tucked away. convey? on the tear ·aecr of 1he car. Fast shooters, take a minute That's .an .,abso,utp no-no. The to walk around and select the heat 1ea'n daritage. Wfi film best an81e to shoot Crom. If and camera, - It's a scene. you really want to Film lhould be placed on the -capture, try shooting it from floor in the baCk seat behind different angles arid distances. the driver -oni -the opposite Exp.er Im en t . Creative side from ·tfie Sliaust.' Before photography is as easy as I go on a trip, I ~ye_ up the in- that. sulat.d groeery1bags they put _!.__ It's -almost as-if some-ice cream-Utffl'beY'Pe ideal for people are afraid to be seen keeping film cool. And il you , with a camera. They'll look It are going to a beach, but don't a scene for a-long .time, then have a camera · case, slip the jerk the Clmerll to eye level camera into a plastic bag; it's and snatch.a sho11Tbey don't the same 'principle. hold the Catrlwi steady or FamU/artty Br<eds Cont.DI take ~e to look at the scene -Do some research on life · ,.,.__,, throuF ;tHei.~f e1W f fh de r. camping area yau1re visiting Besides blurring photos, this betore you get there. U you results In-tllijog horizons and wait, you11 be so darn busy lakes draining , off the side of trying to catch up, you'll miss the pcture. . -'. lots of picture opportunities-. A Some ~e r 'intereslli!g_ campil'!g vacation isn't the observatia~: time to try sometbirig new. Sbyneu ·B1r I a g 1 No I won't promise that the Reward -"People pictures" pointers ah!:>ve will make a ,are one of the moat camrnonly photo expert out or a camera- inlssed phOlo opportunities. carrying campei:. But I con- People seem to be quit. shy tend tbeY ril lliure your pic- about taking other people'• lures will ... better'thari the phot6graphs. They r e t u r n ~len1 l'~ie,ty.• .. New organic hair remover • Hairs off in oih~~ ~off for week& Leave,s skin beautifully smooth, free .from hair ••• without shaving, waxJng, using messy creams or foams or resorting to electrqlysis. 1 Thate Is now a new Wrf to remove unwanted hair p>rppl~teJxfrom face, arms, thighs, legs. wherever- .· • .-ild ~~ 8 alt lonsier. You use a gentle, odorless crgantc compound, called Dalila, and the result5 are s11T\PJY sensational. Delila actuallylifls out1he wholi"!ii rfrOm lhe 1 tOOiclo, •• leaves your skin ~ulil\Jlly smooth and fret1tofnha lrforweeks.' r \ 'llil //tat extra time Delila may take at fl mt won't ma«eronce you find thtt you can really forget allout hairrornbvai ••• yes, for -ks. ThofO "'"no blunt tnda. No PllctdYatubble, no nicka or cuts. And there's no quick grow ~c/c. When llt~evtntut/ly does come In, It seems oparser and tllbysoft. .,, 1 "" ·1,. t ,,. Otilia"' Natural Organic Hilr ReinoVtr. ldall lor teenagers, too. $5.95 at our cosmetic OOlfl\leB, -~...,... JCPennev ·. ;-...., . FASHION ISLAND, Newport S...ach HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach ~ '"" .. • . -' SP,ClALISTS . -Two Fashion I s l a n d Mall show artists pose with the products of their reuiecUve •~allies in pboto at rigbf. June Stevens Qefl) special· izes Jn Mt portraits and Marj ie Goodman is a framed slitchery ar- tisan. I " . • 1 l'uhlon lal1nd I l . / N,p; I Newspa pe•\f°! ~ Hometown New$ Of the Orange Coast 11.· I , • ... . '. -l t · 1' • ' I: • : c•RPET -TILES , . ' ' • -ORIO. 2't:. I ~ow2?. , 7 COLORS ,f:-'• ,...., ---Ii-I • ALL COTTON PRINT a SOI.ID YARDAGE I • ' • ' ORIO. '·". 1." , · AS.SORJED • ~ f • ' PIEC£ GOODS 1 ~ .. ''." ... ORIG. 2.4' • 2.tt ... ' \;' . ~ ' '· NOW ·1~6'~ • FRAMED PICTURES · CARPET RIMNANTS 11.88 MANY ·COLORS ...... ' ' . BLOUlE WEIGHT '• ' I • • COTIONS ORIG: .• 69 -1.2' POL YISTIR·SILK DOUILE KNITS ORIG: 7.91 . NOW . 6. 44. y4. . . ·. _.,._ DECORATOR . t.AJ.WS l .: ORIG. 1~11~ 46.91 OIU0.· 17,IO .-47.SI / NO)'( NOW . ~LD P!llNT I ONLY .. . . . SILVIR RIMMID GLASSWARE · OIUG. I.SO ' ' NOW 88' RECTRIC m 225 ORIG. 1.00 NOW 4.88 THE PERFECT FIRST 'CAMERA · F.OR ·• JS.IDS. 1 • ,. '~ ,' ORIO. I0.00• 14,00 NOW ' 14"49" ll'_';~4n . FLC\Oll ·TABLE , , , , ASST. SCINIS UGHt BOXES AISORTID COL:ORS 6.88-7.f8 " MOStL,Y :l-A!llDS,CAl'll , , PO(~ LAM~S . , • • ~· _. _....,_ ....... SP.iNISH' WOOD: PIECES I ORIG.""1tt. PLUSH VELVET BED SPREADS OR IG. l.IS-1.25 NOW ·$88. 4 ONLY I r-: ii'. \ ' PINK ' . BED SHEETS ORIG. 2.4' • t .tt ·,' 'NOW l.;9'•8.88 , KINGS,. QUEENS, FULL, TWI~. . . . TRADITIONAL CHAIR TRADITIONAL SO.FA I ' ORIG, )4'. • $]59 GOLD PRINT I ONLY . CHINA C.LOSEOUT " MORE THAN ~OFF ORIG. 12'.fJ No:.V 99.95 ' . 35mm Singl• Lens · ·itofl1x lnt1rch1"1,1ltfe L1n1 .. NOW '109 IROWN I ONLY llEYOLVING ... CANISTER OlllG. J;'6 ~ow ·1~•8 L.P. ALBUM ' ---~ 299 & . 3~ ' - SPECIAi:-PRICE! . AMERICA, NEIL YOUNG, ROBERT A FLACK, MANCINI, GRAHAM NASH AND MANY MANY MORE. SPEEQ l AK : : , . ,OR'IMOS~ SURF .. TRUCK TIRES 1 ' I • ,oSQT , . 'IAIT . . . -rllT AITIC Sllllll ' . : IN EYEll· DEPT. l -.. • " t . • '!!f• l. •\ ............. • ·<:"•• ·¢HAlll CUSHIONS .4~sa . .. ' . ' . .. TUl'TID PINNCREST CLOTMIS ·. BRUSH , ORIG. 12.tt Now'6~88 .ORIO. ,,,, . ' . . . ~ ' .. NO.w, 1.18- ' . •· BELT ·~ / . . . TRAsH uTiutt. .IAGS ORIG. 2." NOw ·1.18 30 Gil. Riii Of 51 ,,.. u,~ly .. • ' . . · ORIG. 1.tt Nc)w.'88C . ,. ' Crecliet ·Het 1'1nt1 .. ,, . c.nr.,10t. is,1 ·, . \ . : ,• .. ~; ... : ·-,,, .. CHi.cttl .. \ RODRJOilll .. ,.. . . ·6Q • I 7N111-19.88 . -' c l . GOLf .' $Ell' 0R1G. '3t:ts 911ic;. ~~.oo ast n.g· R••I 'M~SSAGER FISHING RODS ·COVERS I ' 'i . ' • , ~ · 1 ~c .. · COOKWA'RI ... sit'' " ORlct. 1'.tt , .•.. , •. '9 .. ,: NO~i' ~ ln1-• Plltlolt . . . .. . ~, .• ~Ir\.· ..... ~··" . ~ ' . I • , HARD HAT • HAiR DRPR ,ORIG.· •.tt · • NOW ;~ ' ' . .... ~UT, COLO,. MANY NAM.IS "~ ' . ' ' ; I . • ~IM ~ T1'11~ ,. ' ·'. 1 EXERC.ISER · • ; . \ • I · .OR,IG'. 2f.ll --I 1 • ORIG. 25.00 ,ORIG."tlt:tt 1_ ·• OlilG:'clOJ.ft •-7Md...,. J.,9 .. 88 -' 12 ...... NOW 466 19 99 . 0•1"' •" 4·9 88 .. . > . NOW . .vv .... ~ •. NOW • . n ...... ' Now: .• NOW '59~99 171hll-24.88 . BROKEN STOCK INl'LATAIL.,90.\T IO'L 2 44 VARIAl,LE SPEED ·'"' · • • • '" .. · ... , .. . > .. ft ... . NOW . 7;, .U , • TAKl;IJ. It.IP• l'NG. ' ,.• By TNI T1mpor NOW • 2 WboDs, . ' 1-... ~ -1:. , •••• r:-----:-~-E.TSii_ii,,li"--!1-'· .. "' .. L·IS···· CA_ ........ _ _.._, On-ly--~· --··--·-··-·.· .3 .. 19f' •. L.Y .... _ .... ~··· •.• •.1.~.0N •. s .......... ,, I GLASS IELTID POKTABLE .BAl ·IERY . 'COAST.GUARD J ONLY DEMOS . 251 ·WATT I ONLY' . ! . ' " • ' •. ~~~,. ... ] "•QQT· ... I • ,, • EL TIGRE 11 SPECIA··· AP'P11ovED •ENNaLu · ·s,.•11u . ·, . .. :...._E. s .. TAPE PLAYER ., . .MINI ,. -~· S.QLDERING I IK . ORI~. 2'.'5 • FIRE EXT. . CYCLES 'DOORS Gl:JN ' :. , I\ , ' ;• ; . 20 % OR31G.57t.tSoTo ·· NOW 18.88 -• 5 ·.:aa ORIG. 2".• • m.ao---' -• -. 0' R.:..-«·.·,,, . - I ' • • NOW ORIO•-'"·"•i\t,,,. ... , , ,. 2 Ply p.!11 .. '!.!f ~0~ •• k s.,;1""' 40l::: :1":'~11':9 9.•:.;::c~-:-.~~ · 225.-250. • • ·ilow Now· '9.aa · " ~.SJo:;~.~ -· oE$fRC.YiR ,, 2 Ply Gl111 .. Its a1t Spoikora Moot 'Al)>orlc1n Ciro Pline.. ·'5CC 7 44 · 8 ' 44 HEAW DUTY Neiti' ·J'!7.9 A\ITO C~J:ITER A. \IT, 0 c•NT'R AUTO CENTIR AUTO CINTIR A~."c;'.'m.R ...... ~'.. :·~ •:. ... -.. -~~· J·ONL-v 0 L .... i :Li.aot ... ------11------·-···--... · -·------... -----11!1 ··· '1! , .• ' •• , ....... ., \..,,,.... V.(1'¥, •·t ,1 .. JI',., .... ' I ' • \.• • :••·• ,, ......_..,.-.-.:, • ' '.:! • , . ECONOMY WORK ·BENCH ANTIQUING 'KITS ·. ORIG. 3.tt. 4.49 , ,., ., . . PINNCRAl'T · 1'. ·' • • • · . . l>Cll)lt 1&•WALk ... '"'''.!-•·lxtorler '\VALL PAPER 4. 11 .JOIN' E .. R ' . LIGl'.fTING, : d JQ 1.Y;~.~Ylo ~.. SHELVES' ' PAJt,!T : BONANZA w·~· -' .., · • · 0111d. tOf;JO · 'FIXTURES : ..tkl· · 111.is.S ORIO'. ..... · 011,JG ...... l.tt · I NOW 1.99' . ·,. • 1 ·~..:R!"88 -NOW 99.00 2s~3·'' ~ ,: ;;,J21t.:.. NOW _.~,,. NOW 0 I 9;J8 ' ' • NO.W " :-!I!.'~ 100'1 Of Rollo l'ULLE.Y.S. & ·11~ T ...,.... " ' ' ShoN'Ulllt• • 24"d0" WORK AR IA VARl ~US ' ,Y~R~.~ , . Te Choooe 'INCL~DID ASSORTID "-l.' ~.' . M", H\ih .. ORIG', 22.ff o.v. COLORS Ii . COCV11S • From. 1 ONLY ' . 1. STY~IS ' .. . "'ii1Q. PT,'.'.. ' ' I ' •· ... _ •. •ll•qNl;..i.~.·-·-... --.-····-•'iili '•.mill',•~•1'~•:"•.:•'•.•_ .. · "·I-·'-····--·····•'--.--··--, •'-•· .. :llil'm'.m'm'• .... "-~ •.•..• ~~.~~2 ~~-'mi'• Y·BELTS" & HICKORY . POWER J~ l'IRTILIZER 1 WIND c.,..._1...,,.. cl>NTAiNtll · ,. Hl4'at:t . PULLEY HAMMER CASTER: sns . SPREADERS CH~ 'GRAS.~·,5"01 ··~.s';''.\. F-~;; •• ORIG. ·". tAt HANDLES ORIG. "·" 0~10. ·u .tt , • DIUG .. 2." • 5·" ·OltJc. ,Jt;W ~ • OlllO., 1n1 '• ... .· . ' · '' "NOW ... , ... , ··1, .OIUG...'-.. ' I-Now 44c~alc OIUG.Jtc NOW 17.18 ,, No'w ;t.81 ..... l.99w3.33-'--~~ N~ :5'f.~ . · 1·M . I ALL s1~ES ' NOW 33C RetrKt•W. Sets .. .2 WHin,sTY~E """· si.o-lli.,11 • R."!~•'!l"f'-, 1.Non "•""111111v~1oo • ';.'~'s;U' ... , AND SHAPES I TO 1t OZ. For Rodrwoll 1..... J ONLY 76 C11t1y , . • l •cjNLY ' 2 hL .... ' . .. .':.J I ·' • I'! ,. '' T, •• f .\/' 1 ~ •, , .... ,..1"1-~_1: ~ GIRLS TOYS : ' HOl WHEW .ACCESSORIES ORIG. 1. It. 7.H )' NOW 88C-4.22 lu~lo l'othilft•'.:/wltJ. c ...... ...., ,., . ORIG: l.U:ll.n NOW 1.IO.i.11 .._ ,.ldl, He! '""' CllAJol T-or . } ' •• 24 · FASBlON ISLAND NEWPOR'I'' BEACH ' . , . . .. . ; ' I -.. ' • ' s ' , • •' '. 1 . : Cilt1.: "" ' . ... 1,~81: r . •CJNl'r ' Auaoul Wl\.D .ONU •• . • • ' : f ~ .. ICMllOL . • ' 4 llOllUU ·at;JOll .. .._ I I, • Pt.A y '.111.15 . 'OIUG.·llt' • ~1.22 ·. •• # f"I ' -.ti U .,, I ) .. - • ' ---· --. . . . . . . .. ' . . . . ·"· ~ ; . . -····= Wand \ _ Wodnescl1y. July S, 1'72 Jf. S • \ L. ... ... ,,.. ..._ ' \ " r •.;, 4 ·~ ~~'"::'.---,~~·-• TREMENDOUS -~-.. ~ .. ". • STORE HOURS Mon.-Frl. 1 o.t:JO Tues., Wed., Tlian.. 10.9:00 . " """' • . : " .. • Fiil TIC SAYl.NGS II 'bUY DEPT. . · .. · ~p ¥';.CLEARAN,G:E , ........... !ili... ........ ~ ............ !1111... ........ .. • I • .lo ~ ·-,, ,,_ • '.-. ! HMrr..s """' I Oll,9:.4.•L• .. li.c;A2.11· l.'Unl1as ·• ' . ~ YINY-Ls . . - WOlllllN'S CLIARANCI. SCARVES WOMl.N'S OIUG. 1'.2$. ,_,. ' WIGS '~OW · • I• · zea· ., ... 1 .• 11.. ~~y . ,:.sNsY· 'coSIZL!!S • . ALL COL'olls, ~~ ·•,ALL S"f'!LIS. • WOMIN 'S. SLEEPWEAR 288·344 . · , ASST. STYLES AND COLORS ~ IODY SHIRTS 3.99 . a1a llCNIT llYLON SNAii CllOTCH ,~ ' \.'. [~~·~-.:.:i:::-,,~--[--~·-·CJllOOP·A~,--·11---.... G.R.OU•P•l•ll ..... , .. ,_ .. WOM .. l.N'S ....... _ .......... • I \ W~IN'S I' w~IN'S Dm. :;s_ y DRESSY UNIFORMS . OUT'l!R ·. .,.._ Is c~s CASUAL ORIG. 1 ••• , .. ..,. WEAR ·~:"' NOW . CCESSORIES . NOW 88'-5.88 Mi'''''· Atom l.aert S.Choh, Cvrlsr ..,. WOMIN'S .COATS ORIG. 25 •• -JS.GI FnL Allll BRIDAL Wl'AA 20%·300/o Off ASST. SIZES Df,...,tlnuod Stylu ORlG. 6.00 Sat. 10-6 • .. 12·5 '#Ot41"'~' SUITS Tw•• T">-rM ,c. MIHy •Helf SllK. JR. Ml-SS SHORT SET ORIG, tlO ~ . I i • .... .......... oRIG. , ..... ,JM . ORIG. u • .e.. u.GO . ORIG 15 00 •• 00 : ' ;.H-..... ·· NOW;, ... --. NOW f.81 -5.1~•! .8_8_ >---12~···-• ~ • I · · SMOCKS; DRl!SSIS, NO~ Ii.SI ~ ' SHORT-LONG NOW 4.88 - R.ED-WHITE·NAVY NOW 6.88 • STRIPE TOP SOLlb SHORTS I • --·~lo.• .i:xr .. ~.~ JR., MISS AND SUIT~. ASST. STYLES Jr ....... llu1 ,.,a. HALI' ·SIZES ASST. SIZES AND SIZES t • • • --• .. -·-' ~ . .; t~":" . .. " -,S ... T$. . -, 't· ··~-·-# . OllO. }M ORIG. S.tt • .. I NI' ANTS .SHOES BOY'S WOMEN'S OXFORDS SHORT SET '. . I ' . oiuo.-u.llO' . SANDALS ORIG. J.'9 ORIG. Ltt IROKEN SIZES .WOMEN'S FLATS & OXFORDS . 100",> l'OL YESTIR Family 3-Stripo ATHLETIC SHOES WOMIN'S VOTI COLLICTION of SHIRTS ORI G. t .00 . 10.0I •: ;_,.A·•• ·1· 1 · 88 NOW' .... .•• 4 88 ORIG I tt ORIG. 5.tt '.-!·~ . Now .-~ .. '~. • '· ~ NOW · • . 4 la NOW 2.88 6.81·7.88. '-"''F°'J.O" PINK-~LUE·LILAC . ~TRAPES ... BROWNS AND FLATS AND . NO~IES :ND cus11i0!" INSOLE NOW 3.88 NOW ·~ . ' L).!"iTl.D liilS 100""1Pi:!'L)"ESTEll .. !IUCKLES . ILACKS DRESSY STYLES STRAPS , WA$HARLE , L~~ .. ..... , •. ,_. •• ·~··1·.-~-......... iiliii'•' .... • ................. ....i' ....... ~ ............ ~..,.•·~·-· ........ l!"'!"'.-.,,.,. .... i'!"IP.. ........... · -.,....,. --,.;:-,--. -J;T. ;--· • --~ .. ,.-,-. -• WOM!H'S . I'-" • • .• -.# I -',,.. ~ • , • }"l!SI~ ;.J"-. 'Jl"SSES . MANUFA ""'tURERS . WOMaN'S MIN'S MIS'6$ TU.BE ' SWIMWIAR • c...i.t l'et.Hololtr FASHION .. ~.,.. • . DREss -sHOES oxFORD.S .. TOPS o~.o;;, ... ~.!,,eo • ":!JS~r ·. BC>OTS CL' OSEOUTI ; -·~\' . ~l!J· .•··--"<· ORIG. 16.tt • . . e •. oo' < . ~?'lil.;,'.oo . ..ow ;.'SJll NOW 6.88 ~ 16·.~· z. ~l.•c u'c MEN'S· & WOMEN 'S Ml.DIUM·'Mll.LS -·• • . . . J,__ IJ.Y ASST. ·COLORS . OllG. Tl.tt ORIG. U.tt NOW 8.88 LEATHER UPPIRS FLEXIBLE SOLIS ·· OllG. J.00 l(ow · l.88 . . ~ . ~ RE[).WHITE-YELLOW ' 1 ·~af~·U"S • . <.< ,s.M-.L,. ··.•" C~POSITl.ON SOLES · l'ASHION .c;~QJIS · · s.M-l lmllll~~ll!l!ll!l-·:.,-~.~Ri}~~ ·. ~-·-~ ~ -~~...-. : • • ·~-' Oll!llmlRtl' ..... NVt--·ON .... ~ BEl-lER7 -WALlf l-S----~-~-~· -~-~~WO~ME~N'> ~~~-~ ~-,...--+! . C;OT'JOlf'l'liANNIL >GIRLS JACKET$ WOME-N'S CARPIGAN . TOPS PANTS· GIRLS ,~ PA"~ ~rts ORIG.,_~~,.. " 99 sw1AtERs· sK1ilTS' TtGHTS ORIG. 2.:tl .:t,91 ORtG. ·2.tt 1.00 iloW . ORIG. 1),00 ' GROUP I " 'Now ' , 'NOW 3.81· lie... . . ' 88C.3.88 OlllO. l.tt ' 1 88 ·5 88 .... . NOW 1 o.aa . GIOllP II >---Noiw 44, UC-·lJl8 • . ii • oRUl' COLoas· Detailed Emb~~ltlory • 4.88 _ 6. 88 . ' ••jf ,.;,,., otts AHi, S~IH ~ c.i... 1 · AND l[l'YLES '"V• ~ .... ..,.,_i4 .' ., SIUS ''i4 42 •4f·# QULAIMNTITl!IDES ~.,,·~~1M·~'~:-Si~4:~;.~1:,._:;,. .. ... ,.1.,. •I ~,..."\ ... • I' -· .t;.-.: ........ s: \~.' DQG1 .~Q~LiR KNd . 1'.0PS . ' .J • • • • •.• • • otJG,,.4.•. "OIJ(LS 1' .,. ANKLE .. PANTS- 0R1G.w.u( ' 'dll(~s rfvLOfi ' CIRE JACKETS ORIG. S.oo . ' :';<. ' -·· ' IUSH • JACKm !· OlllG,.UI GIRLS UNCUT CORDUROY I PANTS " . -.GIRLS SWlt.tWEAR <>« 10 ..... 10.00 NOY" -~-ca•• llZl'f 12· If • 1 . ' . INl'ANTS ; Jo4A t-COA1 . • ·., S~T . :: OlllG. 7.IO. tt• f, ' ·- ' , .. -_ -... llOW •••. AllT. ColORS SIIIS t ··:M .. t . • ... ~.2.18 2.11.r.11 L-. _NO,W~----.. . . . ,,......"'t":r~ -.t-·...-th • . -•'ln'\.OH. ·SURFER SWfMSUl'tS I•' : ~ ' ' -• • . -• 7Mu&..-1.~ ... - i -··~"'.""".... .. ... "' ---' ,. . ' IOYS.IOllT "SWIMSUITS ·ORIG. 2M' Now ·3.88 , SNAP ·FRONJ'"., SIZES UX. IOYS . SWIMWEAR ,. Ncnr • LIGHT-DARK aLUE • • ~ux SHORT SLEEVED SIZE~ UX -rDDD(ER IOYS-~ -· ORT COAT ' INl'AN~ PENNCREST PANT SETS ORIG. 1.00 • t.00 ~QW PLAY SUITS ASST. COLORS SIZll UX' ' . ~ ' . TODDLER PORTSWEAR . . ORIG. 1.". 4.00 • NOW I PC-:J l'C~ l"C. SIT SIZES l·l.'1 ' ' • ~ - l.OOT LE~T.1:1 ,COAt " ... . ' lmbrof<!.al'.Y Trim Vinyl lleli.il Styli"I . • • 5•.10" . ASST. COLORS.STYLll SIZES 1~ ·4 · ....__ l!IPANTS . ' OIUO 31.00 . • .,. ·1·99 5~88-6.88 •••• NO"'le88 .. .88-1.88 •• SUN ··SUITS • 1.00 ' llO~ 2~ ASST. $.TYLIS • SOLIDS··tilUNTS -ASST. STYLES AND NOW' 21.·11 ASST. ITYLIS.COLORS llJSr: c<iLOlll , . ' ' . .PATTERNS NYLON PAN•s· ' $t'Zii I.II · . · SIZES ·a.11 . ..Zl.S s.M-L SIZliS l-4 SIRI 1, I~, 2, 3 AND TOPS• •· . llllS I· 4., ... " .. .::..~ •' .............. , ... -·--------·-· .......................... -· ---................... --.... ~~-------... l & \ ~I ·. ~ . ~ • I'~ IOV'S ... l11t •• 10YS MIN'S MEN'S MIN'S MIN'S COT'rON 1'· MIN'S PIE~l'IC)OL· s·p:A'A•'sHl,....S JEANS. . CUIRTS ' SPORT llKE sa..t11... LANNEL ' :J IJ s•ll'l's 'p~· ~ K"I Si.ACKS ' ~ SHIRTS' · · 1 I 'l 1 ~ · ~ S I ~ · ..,,. ,. Ir ~1~:\tl'."'~· ' ·'~ l ... a.•·i~i ORIG. 2.tl·S.tl ORIG. I.II . ~~· IUI .. , ORIG. t• • ~ ........ 0 ! Ii • -·-ORIG. 3.,..s.oo I 1,1 · .. ai."f T:~_.:· .. ,.. ....r.ili. 1 .ai:iaa · d u1 NOW . 1 •88 :: .~.. l(OW 1.11 . • NOW 39. · _· ~ '·I~ · 'OltllN ONLY ASST-. STYLES .: ASST. PalHYS. ·· ll;ONLY .I . :uiT..tlYlrU " ~··tz:~ u:cs:.;.··~~:~11 , "' • . . Sal1B 0 Strlpn f II.ONLY.· NOtALL SIZES 1; ..-ft ID!lll-7 9'ilim a.II KNITS-WOYENS. . , • , • :z.···-· !Ill,•·.•., ._11111!,•.#•.-'•.:-.· •.• ....... _._ .. _ .......... "" ... , ..... _ .. -.......... ~·-----.•1!111111.1--• ....... _.., I ' ": . " . Mllf'S .• ' .MWN'I MEN'S MEN'S MOKE SHOP ' ,Mll«'S MIN'S ~ . . ' :;·~·:~ ;· ': sorts . . ~~~~... CASUALHATS TIES .. C~ESSORIES SPORTSHIRTS ~UITS ~ ~ ' ~ro._..... ' OR.IG. I.ti ORIG. t• ORIG. 1.so .,u,• ORIG. ,_,.-.1.11 oa1e. n.• ' I . ' 'Oil.., .... } v'\ .lfOW · NOW ' • '• ' .,,, ··~7M -iio!' ~·~·· W 6.81. Now_ 1.22 ~ 1.67 __ 11:---: 11_._.., __ ._1 _Now 2._88_ ~·Sf. :~ , __ <;-·_ .__ -~<!NL Y MOD SIGNS SOLID COLORS STalPll. PfUNTS . I '6 LIMIT'!'O-QUANTIT!IS IM"CINL'r •·rr--•CIKIH)tM . ~I WID~ ROLL UP STYLES NIWl.IT l'~IONS =~~sA::i.~~Hll~ L ..... ..., s~ MDIT .... ;, ·.-·-................. • ".·.·~_~ .......... 1i-.. .-.~, ...... 111.......................... ~ ... ,, ~· -. -. A •• i ..... ~~ -~ • ,, .... -J. CPe'n· ney. · c:~;,t;:i:.:: ~5, " -.' . KIT I •• I • ... ..... • • • • • • • Oii..! w ~... · . · . 24 ·F ASIDON ISLAND . oaiG~·"". - -:.?:!!.-. ,... . . --NEWPORT BEACH . .I ... ~~~~· . I • I HANDIAO !lift . .•· . - - -...-' .. • • . . . . .,. . . ' • t . I \ . \ DSFllAll . oaJG. 2.44.M4 ' !ICM • \ 1.66-2.22 • Ll.APIN llIAaD CHOP ITIX TOP THI TOP • :;• . I I• ••• • · • ' . ' W ..... 11dey, July S, IJ72 , .......... e ... • , Of NEWPORT & SOLVANO LIQUOR DEPARTMENT HALF l(oNS ON SALE MONTH OF . ·r 1 J&B SCOTCH $17;45 SAYE $2.50 WHITE HORSE SCOTCH $14.95 . SAVE $3.55 BACARDI RUM $10.99 SAYE $1.00 · ·storewide Suramer . . Clearance Sale ' .starts JUly 6th entire stock ·of ·. ·summer . . . . Fashions GORPONS-GIN ·$9.-99· • SAYE .61c CITY AIDE NORM AVERY flLLS MAYOR BIN LEWIS' CAR WITl1 NATURAL GAS lllyertldo City Chill Ur ... Notr.n.I ind Stole Attention to Smog WOL~SCHMIDT VODKA $8.99 · · SAVE 50c • RELSKA VODKA $8.88 SAYE 50c fA~9UIRAY GIN $1.4.15 . ~iver_s.i~ Mayor · S1,!,pports- N atural Gas Use .by Autos SAYE $1.04 , .. ~ '•Tio •. -Visit ur. WiM T 1stln9 .. , - Tues., Wtd., Thurl. & S•t. 10 1.m. to 6:30 p.m. ,, .... y & Mlndoy 10 om. to 9 :30 p.111. • SUfld1y -"-to S p.m. We· Deliver In The Ar11 • 56 · FASHION ISl:AND ' (Oppeaito ....... .,_}, ., NEWPORT CENTH 644-0991 ~ ,AdvertlslllCJ In .r OUT 'N ABOUT Phone ""..i",;' Henn Stanley . ~· 642-4321 By THOM.&S D. llLIAS .... ARNOLD FlllEDMAN ...., ..... ...., Ptlet It lookl far·!~ al lint glance, but the city ol Rivnlde bu c:Ome up with a propoal lb mayor clllms will do away with It pm:ent of the smog caUled by automobiles. The Ideal Elimlrult• liquid giaollne m Southern ca1uorn1a•1 llDO( belt and eublUtute llllurll g11 luels. Rlnnlde'a propoaal WU ~ vellld m the form of e requa1 th1t Gov. Ronald Rtagan declare a 1tate of emergency due &o air pollutk>n in western RJVtnlde and Su.Jltmardino countiel, u well u all of Loi Anie!tl and 0ranp coantlte. Rlveralde Mayor Btn H. Lewis alao uked Rtagm in e Sacramento mteting lo lllllll- dlte ..,...tnlon of Ill vehlclte In the .ar .. lo use of &moue !Utl1. TIU PROPOSAL SEEMS unlikely becaUJe of the im- pllcallona, llnlncw end in in- conv1nlenc<, ol lorcing all car 0-8 u well 11 the oil in- dustry lo awllch lo natural •¥· But, 11.wu bocked by a 7- 0 vote ,of the lltverllde ctty counell ad "' the city ooun-cU. of San Bern~rdlno , FRIE ' FLEA COLLAR. WITH ~H DUAL FUEL SYSTEMS has alr~ady converted tbow:ands of Southern California can to a system in which they can use either gasoline or natural gas. Pressure is used to pump the netural .IU lrom a ll<np tank mlo cm. Dut1 Fut! In- stalls tanD m theh-truw 11111 a switch nea1"tbe driver so be Cin--"l;eUily chance from natural gu to guolint .If ht'• m 111 area wbtre ht can't buy the cleaner fuel. That meam Southern Calilornlane who meke tht -switch can still clr!Vt their own cars· -ootside the ?egk>n with no problem. ' DPllT ,.T •tOOMIN• Such flrme u Xai>er steel of Fontana, \l.!littd Calilomla Bank, ).11yfolr Crtemtry of Los Anieles, the Red Top Cab co.DI Ventce and Dolphin Pool Maintenance Co. of Pasadena have converted all or part of theit fleets to use of natlD'al gas. PIOFESSIOllAl GROOMING 0",~:c:.- , ••••••• POODt.11, ALL lllllDI, CATI TOO • Pll°'f TIA i)'' l*'OeDt.IS TO OltlAT ...... •' N1W SUMMU HOURS POI •ROOMING l:JO ·MORNIN• TO 'l !JO Nl•HTS 1ASHION ... ,,_ ""' M.it ......... Q --UMJllC_, .... , WONDERFUL WORLD OF , P INC. . ETS #II PASHION ISUND NIWPORT HACH M4-09N a,.. 1 Dlya • BUT EVEN IF ALL govern- ment and privately-owned fleets of vehiclm in the Southern California smog belt were converted, .only 30 per· · cent of automobile smog WllUld be: ahlted. 'Ibertfore, f nd iv idu 11 vehicles mUI! be converted if natural gu ii to be th& answer TRULY DISTINCTIVE FINE ORIENTAL FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES . OUR FIRST ·ANNIVE.SARY I SALL ' 15%. 1e50% off TREMINDOUS SAYINGS I I UMITED 9UANTITIES -SHOP EARLY I Drastic Deductions · to the regM>n's smog problems, olllcials noted. • Conversion or a private car by Dual Fuel Systems costs Factory i.....-.t nl 0111.-11mp11a about $400. It enables the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ driver to travel about 120 miles between fill-ups. 'Ille natural gas, though, is NEWPORT BEACH -FASHION ISLAND cheaper than regular gasoline. open l•te maiday .ct f"*v -.!I ... ndiy 12-1 It costa «>llSUJlltl'S about 22 1 • LA HABRA FASHION ~UARE cents per 100 cubic feet and l ...... ..;-=•~lm::-:·:•:Y~· "':•:....,:;end~frl;ldl~y~nfgl=:·'"·--~~-most cars get the same mileage from 100 cubic feet 011 --------------------....:..==-natufa\ gas as from a gallon 1- of ga!IOline. · •, Uncle< tile Riverside plan, the conversions would be paid for by taxing all vehiele fuel sales both gaaoline a n d natlH'Bl gas, In the region and Challeng~ the News ~ Quia;.,, ualng the recelpte to convert private cars .. MASTER FURRIER SINCE 1933 • • . ' ' ' .. ·.:t • ... "' r A Breath-taking .Collection at Summer Prices: y~u cannot afford to miss Eesy Terms Xv11i11b.I• mat,. ""••9•, benk1~ri?rd •n~ liy 1w1y. ' M.· Acq.ue·s • DESl6NERS ind MANU fACTURERS OF WORLD'S flN!Sf l'IJAS 14 Fashion lslond • Newport Center • 644-4661 STOH HOURS: 10 1.m. to 5:30 p.m. ' Monday and Frid1y I 0 1.m. lo 9:30 p.m. ' 1 or by appointment • { .. .. F•shlt111.i.1141 . Weclntoday, Jull S, 1972 7 • Cr~rkdoWll on Parolee Crime CIJmbers Move In ··Expected by State Officers Cal Tech's Walls " Not Ivy-covered • By PWL JORDAN C91tll N-. '-k• SACRAMENTO -Without publicity, word has gone out to the state's parole officers to tighten procedures on "clients" charged with crimes whlle still on parole for previous offense!. In elfec~ according ta State Sen. H. L, Richardson (R. Arcadia}, the decision on wbether to hold a parolee -though, apparently, that term is ·~ lorigfl' used by the state's parole officers - charged with an offense is to be "kicked upstairs." A memorandum dated June I signed by J•rome DiMaggio, Department of Corrections district adminiltralcr In the metropolitan Los A n 8 e I e ! area, Jenns tbe tightened pro- cesses "a cumberlOIM at- tenuation of what hid been our practice In the pa.st. "IN KEEl'ING WITH 'l1IE temper or tbe time," DlMa&- gio contiwed, "it will be necessary -for us to adopt these m or e conset-valive methods. "1 Yi'OUld hope," his m e mo r andum concluded. "that our advocacy of the ofter maklng bail pendlar • Adult Authority tnvestlptlon of the cllarged and -1ble parole violation. Under the 1 ' m o r.1 CDD- servatJve mtUaods'' now belnC enforced, -• ...... "bold" can only be removed by a d1strict ldministrator or, ln the case of a felony, a viola- tion of pi.role. term.. or a sentence of mort than 80 days, by BoOrd of Corrections - "Parole Board.0 -action. client will not be IOl'iously T H E M E M 0 AL S O hempered by the lmpooltlon of . Probing Jffgsieries Ul'IT...,._ these new procedures." OlfJ'LINED lnf~tion to be A parol,. taken tnta amody ,•Included In alt reports of charged wilb a new offense parolees he.Id for or charged Scripps Institute in La Jolla, the famed school or oceanography, is still explo.r- can be held in custody even with offenses. ing the mysteries of the sea. Its. director, _Dr. William Niere.nberg sai~ "the bas.1c 111.e "temper of the times" theories of the ocean, the physical theo nes and. the chemical theories are still referred to Dl•Y be indicated not clearJy understood." by a number of ~U1 in-~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~ troduced Into this legislaU\·e .sesaton by Richardson. Among them are measum which woul~ " -Require a person con- victed of a felony serve the Bringi~g Baek Past . legal minlmum sentence S ll F" R ' before being released on ma irm estores parole. Plush Old Rail Cars -Require a guaranl•ed GREENBRAE (AP) the restoration o f i n e · " -. PAs.\OENA (AP) -You !em; they can't climb." cou1d say that s t u d e n t s Ubrary clhr!bers like to literally climb the walls at ~·ait politely until the facilit)I: Caltech's iibrary, closes for the night to avoid To the campus Alpine Club, undue conrrontaUon with nifle..story lt1illikan Lib.rary spoilsports who. disapprove of isn't just 1 citadel of \\'i.sdom such mountaineering quirks as bUt a to"'•er whose height chiseling k>eholds into the presents the same C'hallenge outer walls. as a sheer granite cliff. AS WEU. AS BEING ban. And the library's a wholt lot dier fo P" Alpine pracUce than, closer than the mountains. " sav ''osem:.ie Na{ional Part's 0 B S ER \1 E S p R OF . faffied 3,000.foot El Capitan CHARLES Wilts. scientilt and rock wall, Caltech offers the k limb'"'" buff • If oolv rock climbing courses in roe -c U'll; • • you California, even if unofficially, can climb the faC'e of :i 500-foot rock in Yoseinite, you C'an \\1ilts, wh<l teaches electrical climb the exterior of 8 l(}. ·engineering and a pp Ii e d story building. Or 100 stories. physic$ at the prestigious The principles are 1~ so me. sci entinc college, says for But the admin1strafion-· here some reuon scientists and fro"'TIS on building climbs, 50 proCesslonal men Sttnl to ac- \ve doo't recotrullend them ." count for the majority of rock On the other hand. fro"'"S climbing eothusWts. are sen t helples sly TUE AtrrllOR OF TUF. heavenward. because t h e ~·ell·selling ''The Climbers' Caltech Alpine C I u b ' s Gu ide to Tahquill: and Suicide handbook "A Climber's Guide Roct," Wilts as.serb that any to the California Institute of building in the world can be Technology" ad\ises t h a t scaled with aids such as spikes "guards prcsent little prob-or pins. summer sa\e famous-name wOMEtt~s SBOES minimum sentence of 25 years Doug Morgan's Jove f o r on conviction or first degree' yesteryear's plush private murder or lddnaping for railway cars has blossomed ransom . into a fl00,000-a-year business -Requlre _...revocation of returning the old cars to the.ir parole for parolee convicted of former elegance. a felony and alao require the "For fiv e employeS that additional aentence be served isn't too bad ," says Morgan, consecutively. 26, owner of the two-year-old , -Abolish the county pro-Morgan Railcar Co. here. batlon subsidy program. ~ The firm has restored a over the old cars, surrvisl.ng ~-~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;~~~;;~~~~~f mahogany, rosewood and oak cabinets, vintage furniture-and braas fancyw-ork. "IC a ear is a real museum piece, we'll restore it down to the last original detail," !mid Morgan. who advises clients to hold as faithfully as possible to original designs. "It 's a crime to destroy an old car," he $8yS. ' 50 pieces tor $29.95? .values to $36 "'' -Make it tmlawful to half-dozen private rallcars at release a prisoner on any wort an average coat of $50,000 to furlough program or on paS! $60,000. Most job! are for cor- until the minimum sente'nce poration·s or individuals who has been served. · can write off the cost. 0 WE HAVE OVER-E!\f· PBASIZED rehabilitation of . the criminal ... ta the d•gree Ulat the innoctnt Jaw-abiding citizen has suffered,'' Richardson said. "We constantly see the recycling of the s a m e criminals released time and time again a. 'rehabilitated' only to commit fresh fel ony crimes. "As a matter of fact, one- thinl o! all persons charged with felony crimes in all of our superk>r cowts are repeaters wllo are, at the Um~ their new trial, under sentence for previoua crimes. "It b, 11 Richardson com- mented, "time to correct this imbalance." Then he added, "Gradually our eUoru ""'-being felt. Over the post few months -oa the ,m«norandum shows -the 'llepartment of Corrections Is · ·resp>ndtne to Jn creasing public feeltng on tbe i>su• of parole violators." M 0 R·G A N SCRAMBLES Enrichment Classes Schedttl~ A science enrichment pro- gram lot chlldreb from pre- school classes through fourth grade will be offered this sum- mer on wet:kday mornings lrom 1:30 a.in. to , ~:30 p.m. at Sonora S!'h9QI, <;Qo.ta.¥ .... The program is being of- fered.by Newport· Mes a Unified School Dislrict in cooperation · with · · the-UC Irvine. Oilldttn are eligible from within. anf distrlct and will be taught .bY r.gular in3triii:fors assisted by h I g h school students.· His workmen include former railway employes b e c a u s e "you just can't find new peo- ple who can handle that kind ot work." · S 0 M E RESTORATIONS ALSO Include more functional modem kitchen and bathroom fixtures. A complete job may take six months and include air con- ditioning, a new water supply. couplers, wheels and forced air heating. "Out goal · is to take a car 1 and make it completely self· contained, so it will function anywhere," he said.· The most expensive· restora- tion to date was the · re~ilding of a 1925Tailcar for a busffiess executive. The prlee on that Job was f!ll0,000. MORGAN, WHO DECL!SES to name hls customers, says he thinks businessmen can have more product ive meetings on a leisurely train ride-and-at lower co!t Ufan on private jets:. , • • ' j • Coupling a private car to a passenger train cost 18 first class fares If the train travel and 25 fares iI the train crosses a state line. It would , cost $450 for a San Francisco- to-Los Angeles trip: the bill for a San Francisco-to-chicago run would be '3,700. lmponlble? Maybe. But true enyhow: 60 pl-of elegantly simple whtte paneled ironstone-full 11rvfce for 8: ~ r -t !i ~ CA ' l SJ" ~ • # ... -... ~ ... Ill ~;,: 'o ¥!z --o~ .. > 6 I Engineer El~ted Newport Beach T r a fl I c Engtnttr Robert L, J.all• has been elected ·president o! the Orange C\>qnly T r a f I I c E.,m.er!ng Cowlcil for 1972- 73, The councili · organized in 1958, Is compoled of traffic engineers, transportation plan- ners and others w.orking In relat«I f!elds tn.the county. Mor11an, who con s id c-r s ' himseU a small businessman ~ "who happens to be doing" something I like," became a train buU in grade school:· At age 19 he renovated a 1910 observation car and charged tourists for rides that helped pay !or hb college education. . l He operates his enterprise on a rail siding in this com- munity north of San Fran-cisco's· Golden Gate. • 8 dinnerplates, 8 salads, 8 sou pi, 8· sauce", 12 cu pa, au gar with top, creamsr. 2 vegateble 11rvtng bowta, ind e 13" platter. Ma~e i!i. U.S,A. Just, f29.91i Do Something Beautiful.~ • Clll!'ll Aec9Mtl 111\'ltM. ._ .... hl'fftl . ·~ .. ,....,.a..."'· SLAVlCK'S Jewelers Since 1917 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEAOH 644 1310 Open Mon. end Fr;. 10 •.m. to 9:3 0 p.m. WHt1 11ir.1\-.. •: T.,,._., °'91191. 1..,1 C"11tM, l.i ...., .. .,.., s-. D6'tf a m v ..... ~ .. I ft'•_,. fff& te ...... ••r r•••'"' fie• -It AR.11l~u1ar1 tt'l•ner• co K!lftt ' No purcllate re911lrff; ..... Re~4 ... , Ille pre1e..c ter .,...,1.,. Wl••er• """k ••lllle<I •"" pe1tefl I• all al••"' on or riboHt Wed.; 111111 '!ii,1972, ' ' . ' NEWPORT • 111 FASHION ISLANb e NEWPORT CENTER e 644.?ZOO • MON. AND FRI. 10 :00 Till 9:30; OTHER DAYS 10:00 Till 5:30 .. I t I ' - { ' I . . I • ..... ' • .... -PMMon Jal1nlr , • • • . .. .• ' ' ST ARTS TODAY. SHOP" TONIGHT AU '1'EN STORES. ' ' .4nAJl]JL.4ND~ .... _ . NilBCMTI,.... · . · . .llfl.....,Wllllll~~.-ii. . -. ·==-·illlllt~illawn.illg.45.DO ..................... -~ ..... -~::e:: ........ : .. 100:00:1u .. ·••"=:: 1 111111t11. l~•..... .............. ... . ..... ............. . ...,.::: 11oo1. =. X'<t«T. 111awn. Reg. 45.oo .... -::::: ... -.:;•1• °" ••,... . 0 ' -llm••illllll'DllllCrVi11D11~1301111111L9.SOYlfllt ...... -UI flw'•f'IWHlllellllpllld • p11111iiiiiP-Gi'.8iWi.;"0 "'' ,___........._ _, ... _ 1-:A151l1 *'lllr .z af~;:--aoo ·················••••••••••••••••••••···-.... ,..... -. u.g • •• • •• ••• • •• •• • •••••• •• •• •• • • ••••••• ...... ._,_. ~ ..... _ _, b-1100 .... ........................ _.................... ' ll}(GBRJB t ; ~~...,,. • • ........................ .- 11111 ti I 11111 · W.,....., 1 ~tar ..... llllllil .J J llll-1Q.01141111.GO, ••.•••• •lt.M·11t.tt ::-.::~slylls.S2-31.~Soo.t.OO ZJl..4•t ~llqanllllnlL 1 •.bGX.Rea.2.50 ...................... ,.-IM m1• •llMI UH • .....,...._11111 -1 l'Uikn...._ • · .,. ......... -• •-rlllllr:adllallaubyBettyClark.14oz.illg.lllg.2.00 .... ; .... , • ..:1M 11-r * 1111..i ............ illlllilldlr. ,...., ..-glntllL ..,~ S.. Reg. f...,..14.00 ... -UH.It 111111111'1lVlllllldl.12 oz. big. Reg. 1.18 • , ... , ................ ~-.,· • M1111in.)Ai••~"'-N.1J0.1u ............... 7Ut -~""'-, . ~-....._uoz.~flilD.2.50 ........................ 1.11 Hill lid , · · ' · . ·Sl11pa•.!111¥dDlll.Jilwll!l~lf..llDLl!la· .... •UJ.,.17 JIMi"i:::imlCll:J1,1 4¥111111es.1 ll.illg.Reg.1.00 .......... •Zl1AI c .................... aQ.Oo.72.llCt............ ..,..... ... .. "'••:Jtll.1~~ ~.········~········•1t1Jr1J.11' ~. 11'••••'-:rt=?• jlms. ~ aa, ••••••••••••••••••• -1/19 llMIALil . , __,..YWEAI : ,,-· . . .... ""-: .t.·~:t ·"' r::•::=·~~lfm~:1::•:..;,---.;'1--..,._---...:.--..;.- ilrtdligowne,ll>u1 111flJl!ct,lllllNlll"""'WIJll•""'1•' · ~--eilps.Reg.l.00 ................ ;;_. .............. -l.M ' Lm~ 8MriY Hiiis, NtwpOtl Bed lll)!y. . •1 8iDI &:10.llll.14Cl.OIMOUO ................ ; ..... --~· illlllllpl by11maus mabll. Reg. 4.50-8.00 .... ,, ............. -z.n.a.11 ,lllHllNmr.1111 prices on an JWR ...... ilock .......... ... llrllill~UildNll;Willll..if1111,fllg.llJO-, ........ -ta..-• LI? •llli!PllEAI' u ·•• • ' cbml1j11jji111.Alsoselectld6ennlnllndftllidlwilllt; ... • ..,.....-· . · , ~r gowns.~ 7~00 •••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••· •. -4.47 aww11111111..i-.Tf!llT•--...-.£111t. ' · . sleepwear. 11eg. ,,oo.12.oo ......................... -u1.._11 HOMB sroilB .,.,.,1illll._ .............................. ...,..., CoaDn/pot111terpljamaS. Reg. 7.00 •••••••••• ~ ....................... 4.47 • flnialll .... llllilt, '111111, ..... •1L i1111-llOJID.130.00.-ZU1·nM IOB/LIWllEWfAI • ' . • ~ !"llB ·• .... H"!!;_•t~lilJl111!••---· . . . 1•-Teny .... )Oflllat\dshartCOllDn.lllG.13.00.17.Qll .. ;·~ ... ,t ... l.IT11.l1 Pfadc1:'=dmsllld.,!lft611111S.Rlg.6.00-7.00 •••••••••·•· .. -4:_77117717 . .-••llllil ..... ,. = -.. . ............ -.... -n-13~21.00 -7.17"·-•-w•_i.00 ................................ .. ~ t•._._ ..... -r-1UJ QlllflW..'t . ...,. .UU"" ••11191111111•••111·1,1.1111,111111 ":l~J. Sltaf4Yllfll h•-D-6.0Q -·~ mii:"T'tw1~.......... iM'~iii.'ii.00::.:::11:11 Hollesswear. Reg.23.00 ••••••••••• , ........................... 1U7 ITATI •r ...,,............ ························· .... . Cllirlll ... --=Ill II.GO .•••••••••••••••••• ,. ........... ·~·~ ' F<>07"JJ7.ILtR l!ASllIONS llagltetlc .. albtlh.1.0 PIOIS •• I ........................... ..w lJ7 I' cw 11111111 ~7 1t1t ...... 12.00 ............ ~ ••• •l.f7 euar•a•w ~~kplaylagcards.ftl0.2.29 ••••••••• _.,, •••••• ,-1..77 ZILi -,.., .. ..,,.. r • -. ...,., .. -. • , ~ 'Bemlca'" pmlv. black patent Miit. lllVY: whl'8. Ladlll' walleta. "'9a· S.00 , , • !.1.' • • • • •• • •• •• ••• • ••• • •••• •••••••-1.17 a.....C.=-.... : ..................... · ... 9'111111U7. red ~-ae. ~ .._;.., _._,_,_R;,.so·oo · -z•17 Baxedilllllcifmy,Reg.'1,,00.Z.w •••· •• '1' ••••• ;-••••••••••••••••• •l'Atlf ,.,.,.,. • ;;"' __......_ _11,... ,OMlO ..... ,W-.M-.. p•,, ___ ... • 00000., •• llGGU . , • --= ,,~. ~ ....... t •ff It ttt t;t t I;·~ ... 6okl CISilo calf. Reg. 32.00 •.• ; ; f; o • • 0; 0; t,:; I I;;;;; f .~. t ~ ...... 21.11 • of AaJIO *"*"" ....... .., .................... 11.11 JWR'1'Wown';w1111100-.11onekld/Woven.Reg.2S.oo •• ;.;.,-:11.11 =-~2=1m112!!1,~2s.oo .................. -.,. 8111111(11'.1111111Jaii!1111J!llJ ... illg.118.oo-tµO ••••··-2*.1741.17 lll*Eil'l 'lllDEI ,...,~ ,........,.... ~Reg.25.f!O •·•••••••t••··-.1UI •a f·=·=--····••••••o.•••••'.• ..... ,'. .. -17"'1 =· OIP·-"'-..._ R"'2l. 002300 · t'H Wattlllsnly'allldlcnolliland'W •llcb.Reg.1.25 ......... ;., .... --....__, r... A 111 a-.,... -U.17 OIDlll u_,..Nu•llS. ... • • • ••••'"•••••••,.llW •· ,__._..~Art•...._ ... ~·9• ""00: ' -•JI.Ziii ,.......,_, ""'''' , ... W.W•••••••••••t•tl'llll• c....1.:.;iChaJN, •D-2000 l'\iHIUllW....UI• 11UUftAti ...... O. iiJ"VU, •••••••••••••••••• • W 1_...,_. · u.,.s n. •wv• . .., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••• w14.97 10YI . ., 2!t, ....,,,. _.;_lU7 ~·1•sanJuan.'Reg.23.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· •••• liw11.17 n~a.w1ngo.· .... -R ... 1000 -··7 .... -... 'tttttt"t;:·t:ttt.tttttttt.••tttt•ttttt:~ • l!o"'IWI~·-__,... lllCIWUllDo "'II' , tt:t ettltftttttttt:t: , .. Plill-.1oos9Dll.flll.1D.DO ••••••••••••••••••••• J •••• -arr =~ . -Stuffidanm1s.Rtg.2.so .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -1.zs ,.., ........... _~ •••••••••• •ll'..lr4.17 orCaressaltlDl'nll'shoes.Reg. 20.~4.00 ................ w11.11 -GlmeofSklttleLReg.14.00 ····•···········•·······•·········-... !!!1111?.r.1•11111·11 ~bnl1..i1 ....... M--"oo"-" ·11.17' ~..... ·=t°'~~-=~.:::::::::::::::::::::~~~·~t: ~A!'filclal:....._ · ---..., " , --.... ., -.....,..,_. ..,,,., , '"""' mm ...,.,. ............... • .,,............... ..,. .,, J.Olll prtlt.11111 10-ltlllll. RI(. • , ,;_ ...... ••• .-1L17-21i17 CAIUAL lllOEI · . Brlld tray, rou and scroft border. Reg. 12.50 ••••••••••••••••••••• w 1.17 •••••• ~ I • Plnaljo ihoei. llllllYstYla. Reg, 19.DlJ..22.00 •• •; tt:••:ttff l:t ;;:Wf4.H 1~~ ranl ••Reg, 1"5,00 lt•:t::t •• :;;;e:tt1:;e;;, f I; tffl-11:17 a.•wlldll .............. •.•••••••••••··-'l&IJ.zL17 SelectgroupofAri:iantlsandals.Rlg.13.00-15.0Q ................ , ... t.fi amll/ILAllWUE Tll 1 lllllnw•1111~ -3'.GN4.G0 ................. -1ur-,11.11 YOUNG WORLD wmoNS . Nerltabcllliil.42~sertvcefor8.Reg.99.95 .................. -11.17 ..., ......... -az..a1J.1l00 .......................... 14.17-11.17 No'1tUI CIJllll stlrilwart. Reg. 5.00, 6.50 •••••••••••• ' •••• ;w 4-a'l.ZI ..... , ,. 1 ...................................... ~ •• 1111>111.11 u....... ~ ~OllltDnllltl,3patllms.~for~.-50.00 •••••••••••••• ,.~M.17 a FFFJIB _ . . -"• . famous IDIJclf Sfa.Pnatellrl pants. lleg.10.00 •••••••••• ~~ •••••• ilw Lii .'TD-pc. for 1Z Reg.-100.00 • '• ,J ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lilfl1.17 •tllll 1111..ilillllr, 1 I Wk ~.00 .,.; ....... ~ .. -1UT ~lnllmrboci)'lblrla.Prfnlr, llDV9ftili.Rlg. ........ -7.17 3-lnitlal lllllllOgl'alll gllaa Reg. 8.50, 9.50 ................. -Ui,7.M .__,,:el 1111-1 · ............ wir11.17•11.17 IGYI'... . , , I , _ Mdlil 1uu' llla.211,00-21.GO ......... , .••• ~-1"'7 Fano9maklrpoljlstlr/cot111n allcb. lllg. 8.50 ................... -4.77 Mini! 71JC.al0kwnlll;Tellon"-llnlli; llOPPI(, gold. Reg. 32.95 .•••• -11.11 lllll•t111 I ·1 P'tl llr .... ftld, 11.01»1.00 ... ; ... wwt4.17 CotlDn/poiy,,sterplijamas.MlddyllYlt.Reg.5.00 .; .... ; .... :0 ;.,.-2.17 -51:i11Dii"8~llllwlll seb,pa hos1lss 11t. t1111•w1:1•· • .A .-.~-~ -· Socks.AeryUCorcoaon.Reg.1.oo-1.25 ......................... a11.rr ru.ft~-"!~."'!i-~·1 .. •00··························-11.11 Fii ----·-~~tMllr."1LD0 ............. -1.17·11.17 lll-lllOP: . . ·~, ·~~''CIW!'-' .... 0. ~····1 •····················-7.17 a.tlllM.-11111•· •••••••••••••••···•· .. •····•W·· 1 "feen.lncottonorpolyester,Reg. 7.IJO.fb.Od : •• ~.-•••• ; ••• -4J7.~.. =~:C,:::' .. PllllJ1LllElll~.:..,.~99 ········••········-11'7. ~~ f0.cNJi· .................. , ••••• ~-U7 "'8ntlihqrtsfro!Rawnmer1tock.Reg.5.0Q.7.00 ................. ,•._••!',~·~.~--~_.,..,._,.!-.=!_"...._._lii.w-..... Flat/ ...... . ...... '11.11,.,, .. ._ ............... ,-w -....... JI " • ·~ . ,......._. .. ,r' ... 11119 l..,...Ull OllllVWll llJ n_•I-~ 11~ ---1.11 -· •••• -.,,. . . . . . .-.... : q;; ......... eues. lleg.UN.20 . • ••. -._911 z • .-..~·························· ~mfitlcitsaminerdf'llses.Rttg.l~DO-aqlr." ............... ur.1.:n ..... ~.~-......... ~· --··-:z:;._ Cilllml'•LA-•• .... "-llllklr:)llnsllldjeln111at1s ..................... lfllllllM7.uJ ...._ .... , .... -.......,1•cii-.11r.111a.4.llMl.2ll •• -•• UI All or ......:&1••,t::tt.ft;;e;;;Ui'tftt\•••• • ,_ Clll.llEll'l 3:11 -...... 11J111-91:00 1~ _. 11 .. _,.. .... ._-. ...... ; ... -..,, lloYS'Jon.3-7111g."s.oo.s.2s 1 -· ' · · ci ::",..~w-Rii'.12:00.:io:OO"""' .... -..- ,_CL .. · Gllls'lmltlr-ihortsleM, 1ieMrii1'.·,;.::~.M:.<.50 .. ·::: ........ ·.:!-!!:!-!?, .&:; ..... lllO.ltllldHlit.collllllllnJ. Rea.11.lio:::::::::~:.m;Ja lli1 1rprilll,£jlllil.111g.21J.00.28.00 ............. -un.11.11 8lrls' ..... . .......... ~ .... ..,., __ ,,, flllld•11111, IDllL-li\.G0-34.00 .•••••.••••••••• -11.17•,7.1'1 .............. Rlg.5.s.7.00 •••••••••••·-·····••••••••··-UJ ,.,.,.,...,_, .. Dm ·· , Dnm• _ ••·Rlg.~~··••• .. •••••,-11.11•17.17 u.TTE•TDDDLB . .' ~ ·t 4 • ~-• , ~ .,. , MM2P'dlllDftllCllor1VconMlll.Alg.588.95 .................. ..... = CMRW •all!IUI . . . lnfantllnpolllld lailt$0plnltes and stls. lllg. ...... -Uf.1UI ::!.~ ~ ~ ":!;_'!,9!0°•0 .. 00 • 0 ·-·· .. -----:. Ol/IJtla/PIAJ 1111 wlllL -11.00,. ~· •• , ••• ·~ .,,. •.•• • 1,17 _ ~ TOcldler gJrts' II!'~ sportswear. Reg. ~7.00 ~. •"' ... , • , ••• -U7..U7 W ClllMNi:. ,..,, ~ • ... • • • ••• •• • ...... : •• ~IUI ~··· ....... 11111111.-. ~0.00 ...................... 1.11 -IRlrl/81EI\' FUlliiT1lliE . . ~21221 -... Fw11 ..... lllllr ..... ·Reg.21J.00.24.00; .............. 1U7·1U7 ,.._.,_,._... ---n.•""siw......... w.w~··-radlti!lnlllllfa.li'ar7' ........ , ........................ llUl81. , wtmR.,..•J--W,MIWMlwnA_-,i .. '!f~l .. :t•••ttt:._.-• ~I \'a..loo.dawft.....a..8' -•-.oo ---. ··-· ' . · DICllc:rlt.D-5500 ' . ' u · "'I""• ...._ ....... .....-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -... ~ . ~ . ....................................... -~dilfra.~Rea.159.00 _ .... ~..anpa11111a.,.... -.11:.90 ...................... 1,17 ~·1 own••Reo.2s.oo •••• ,~\~·.···••1•'i; ••• ~.~· •••• ...-1 _ .. ' .. ·111dlllml•cllnklg·setwhlldmacabk1it.·~·-~11M:i»::::-.._ _... •................... , •. .r.:···············.,.....1.11-1.11 . mrACCB1Gna • · · -Acc1Atahlil.Cot1DRV11v1t.c..•-·129.00. ' n.m i:.-llllklrcet11111ln11Lt11g.LIJ0.12.w .... , .............. U7-U7 Blrls'iill'hn"'-.,.,._ ._..._..._ .. llMS"" ' ... """"'17" ,. =•-or . {;lg""t...oo· _. .................... __ ~ r'.!":.'!'.!.-r,r"''-"t't''"fU'VUlll!o-\'79" "'fV,ltlflltt•t1,e~'1<o . ~..,-, llCtlJllY,JI ~OHIO• ::••••••••••••••••·-...... PASIUON ACCBSSORIBS . FamalismalalrkneeaoClcs. Reg.1.00.1.S0~.; .................... ;!111111/W ~Z licllliw:Llllg.189.00:. .00 ••••••••••••••••• 1 ...... 1- aGlllEI • Y1IUlll PEllPlE'S lltOEI • " MICllllAil ... ~ 111111. fpC. ~705.00 ................ --- f'wnapl .... tapl.llillv1i11r, lilllltsllM.Reg.11.00.11.o0 ... -·7.17 .. .17 llull9r •CO!Jectlon lorbcrA ~,....Rea.,13.IJ0.18.00 ....... -lM Ha_..._,.._ llt.&opc.111g.'1; 1,141.00 ............. -m.. C&llllli1lllllllimr!llllllhllll.illg.12.llO ......................... -1.11 Kedsdicltlboei.Clllld'1•....,,~111111'L ... u&:a*I .. -........ -Ul-U7 !!!111•~&.pc.dlnllv•Reg. 156.00 ............... • .... •!'..!• •~ .._.. ""' •M · f. -i• ,,... . " · IMP II'""'"' Cilll'-lonlillblll.Reg.258.oo-t09.00 .. •Z1'-• OllUl&llllWNR-·.~....,.., •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ...... f1 if: ,..... II ......... _.. ....... __...a...a_ ,. _ __... · MBN1s srou ,, -, .. ..~ .. 1211 •~..,... .... "' ...................... -zrA..n Plnliic-=4'0-8.00 •••••••••••.••• , ............... -U7 Bl CLOnilla . ". . '. ·. .. ~:.._;..~~llJR . .., __ ... ._....... . ... _.. · · --w1w· ""•d·a'"'•-............ u...,--'w111 ...... ...:... • ~ •--,·----niijlllli. -............ -llUI ,..,_ -~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ....-,. --Uh~lll•l-,..""t"'I 9WUINll ..... , --........ • .......... = ~15 . ......... . a..11nM.115JJO ,. '• ........ M ' ..._..;...,._ ••••••••••••••••••• _ ..... ==-~.._-~·--1a.oo -· .... ,w W-a1111•Woo1.·:.:·1ss.oo······ ......... -·;~ ....... ":"_-.:-::-·-,,............ t1oar Reg.25.0G-•L00 .. .-.... 11.11:11• n""'91,~-. ..... ~ v.UV"' •••••-••••••••••• ... ,. R L ~· •ivv• . ••••••••••••••·..,~··••• .. ,,._,· "'~ -•••I , Vlnyf,all*llpnntllQ._flll.: 1JI0..11JJD_ ................. .-1.11o1.11 ~ R:r!P_:=111111•11:.~ knlls.11eg._65.0IM5.QO ...... ~·~·""*_. ;;; 2 111113 . ..,,_-•. .. ~----+-_ _ C:uall W... ..., ............ Rlg.1&00«DD ••••••••••••• 1Z.11 ~ .....,.. Reg. 35.00-40.00, •••••••• , ••••••• .,.,...21.111 .. Vll!lllr~~ Rsl..--••• , ••••••••• : •••••••••••• zc.11 lllMI . . · ,.. .... ,. .. •. '· .. ·. •• ~""· ,,... ~ ~r2'.·11iil,. ................ r:.-.: ... -wNlr,~Clllllla---lllg.4JIH.Od ......... lilllU7U7 . y~ .... =:;-and •!"d<L ~8.0G-12.00 ....... ;.,, •.• :...-·= . ........ . ...... "--'..J.1...'~·-.:.: ·,·.;:;.:;,···-· ... ... _.,, w--U-1-' -.~.1~ 20.00 N-__ , ... _._ ...... U•• .-,,_ ' .,,. _, -...... , ,_ W-L • •• .. ••••••··~~< =•lfatlllllld-.s.~•M. ... -lllldr,llllh!r,anililtpdllt,_._111111.llll-L00.10.00 •• ; .. •W' -•-· • " • · .',. '· . ,"""'":°'1 ..................... -r ~ -.....--,.--... $ • • pPl'llllLlWla.~2•. ••••••••••••'•··-1 ... ilflBI • I Rfll*l!l'IOlllllHlll!llflllMlllJrts.Solldsillll~ 'o '• ' I• . ... ............ 67)181 .ftld.SJJ0 .. 00.:.,, .. ,0 •• -1.11 Pwbadldlllr, _,,._.... Rlll.Ull-20.00 ......... -... , 11W. ... ...... ...,.{Ilg. 7.SO ............. ~l.".t.· ....... ilw s.zt; itlUI '-.illlk-•Iii•=• 111.oo.eo,oo .. , ....... -1z:. w • ....,_.,.., nmir_...illf. s.oo.1.00 ............ •&a-.llUI ~lllJll&ll.llHun.caltormaldy. SolldLlllV-s:ao.1 .•Ul,Z/1~ A111q9•• ••Iii lhl -. Rsyon. Reg. t.85-49.95 .... •7• U.16 .. 1411,. ................. 2.0lt ........ •n•t•••• .. .-... ,Railinlail'I On no-lr11111hl111. Button culfs. Solids, 1trlpll. • · --MlllU . = .-...r .· · Rig. 8.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• .-.121.l/11M · c.1111..ca...-.1rm2.&0,t Including llbaraalt?ndsnl . w11r1-.·Reg;80.G0-45.00 ............................. -a.n llllpai1Fdt!lk~111g.+oo -·············~······••1111a -"'*\lld.E.'2'•~ ••••.... , ............•.••.. -1es...,, .. GokMilllll JIW*Y. Ria. 8.0D-38.00 ........................ -4.47·17.17 .... ==. , . · ' . r~ · · · · ', ~ il&lll ....... llflMt~ lncludlng llilfll'Gn llll!dn · Faitllol..-.r.-.·!i.00-10.GD •••••••••. : •••••••••••••••• -..,,~ CDtlal ' -~~~I ~ •••••••••••••• -L71 ......................... ~························--11%111 "Wblllt_.,...,11y111..R1g.a~ ................ : •••••••• 1.11 = .... v--.a-~ 4.so ••••••••• m .. • · , . •.l!llUY " ",.... · ........ ~l!llL ,~ ,' . 4.50 ..... ,.~-· , ~l•llllL1-1!2.51MUO.,.,., ......... . 8oldllld"*Y••1111...,._111a.aoo.1ao.oo ... , .. ,..,.n111 ~~·., •-" 111g.1.7S.... . . ,,, .. ~f· . ..,,,, 10.00 .... ~ .................. , ... llold'ln:li ... cillllr, llllillOr. pliL .lllg.'l!D.~.00 .............. ,,... ........ Wllal/nttan.~.! 1lzL ....... 111'1' ...... -.. -Rtg.1 790.00 ................ -~. CllllliCI • . . • .......111g.1.a ..... -1,._ • ~!leg.1.75 :::·.-.11«.a :, ,,. 'ii' . \ . 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Oouncilmen tonight wi.P receive a pro- pooed ordinance drawn by the city legal . staff • liann!ng · all but professional !li'e-ki In the cltr -an .]dea which already bu di'lwn. harsh 1ttl~cism from local veterans woo each year sponsor the f£te production from the city pier. • Tu~'• edition of the annual The relatively good safety "'°°rd this fireworks apectacular drew Uiousand• of year might co~or the council's opinion of viewers and wu heralded aa the laqest the model ordinance. in local hl.Btory. 1 Few,· i( any, ·brush firts were started this season by safe.and.:sane fireworks, The aale of home flttworks is ,W.,Ctly elthougb problems continued to persist linked to the prolesslona! display. · with firse .and some minor damage \ Deficits incurred each year from a. caused by illegal varieties of firecrack- donation drive to pay for the show are m and atyrix:kets. · made up with .Proflll !ioiii the sale of Besides the ~'!&sue of fireworks, safe-and~ fireworks. .. . ' O:wuicllmen ton1ibf: also will have their Without prOfill from the bootlll, the sliare'ol zonlng,lnatters cOnfront!ng them vets will not be able to Il'OVide the pro-on an average-sized agenda. fessiooal show, their 1POkesmen insist. \ Tbe· ttems include: •• lllO I . · li'iselaer Apologi:es ·Russian Demand ' . .. ' Threatens Match Rites Tonight ---- For.Bruce Dyer, Clemente Leader . ' Roman CAthJlic se"ices win be held in San ·Clemente tonight for well-known commW'lity Juder and former Fiesta ChaJrman Bruce A. Dyer, who died Mon- day morning at SOulb Coast Community HOlpllal. Mr. Dyer, 50, wu active u a member ol Our Lady of Fatima C.tholic Church, In the local chapter of the Knights of Columbus aiid ii a former chairman for the Fiella La Cjlrilllenija sponsored by tM Quanbor ol Commerce. Mr. Dyer, wbo lived at U9 Avenida San Pablo, was the builder and former !Jl)enltGr ol the Ajpllon Motel In San Cl......ie and ii a pMt Grand Muter o! Stella Muta Council ml of the Knighll of Coluiilllul. At the -ol bis death he Uc! hil wUe, 1betW, served as bulletin edltar.-for-the-counoll newaletter. ~ ' He Wu a member ol the Holy Name !loclely and an Ulblr at Our Lady of . Fall-. Rooiry and celtlntiaa of Requiem Mall! both will be at· the church tonlgtit at 7:30 o'clqct. GraVulde oervicea -will ho at :&lceDslon O!!Detery In El Toro .Tburodly at t :IO UIL Basldes bis -· Mr. Dyer leaves 1wo .... Paul tyw and Thomas B. l>Jor, both of Saa Clemente: thre e daqblerl, Mlldl ond Baiflara Dyer and Erin M. llomor, all of $111 Clemente; his IJllllbor, Mn. Rella. II. •Perry of San Clemente; a -· Ow'les Oyer of Ball Ctomeato and a lilter, Mydra Seim "' lleWll. . .-1 lllertltlJy ii In charge of ,,. =. Prtlodl. who wish may --In the. Our Lady of Blllldi.. """1. " • r • '• -A continued public bearing on a passionate apptal by scores of residents along the 2~ block of West titarquita over planning commission approval or a lllree-level trip!~ with no side-yard set- backs. Couneilmen beard Arll)llllenb on the appeal" two weeks ago but agreed to bl<l off their decision to allow time to In· spec! 'the site at 232 W .. M'1'guita. : -A publlc hearing to' consider a re- quest by -t11e·Jap1tut Corporation to win hlghrlse zoning tor a par<el new near • . I ·r San Clemente General Hospttal. The pro. posed five-level medicll buildlng has won apProval by planners, but still needs the blessing of t'OUllCll men before build· ers can exceed the city's three-story or 35-foot height limit. -A letter from the chamber of com· merce endorsing city plans to launch a major changei in traffic safety prcijects along El Camino Real, but only i£ )he ci· ty also takes adequate steps to launch a· project providing for new offs treet park· ing to make up for spaces lost it) the changes along El Camino. -Consideration at a bid by several San C1emente Higb. School service groups who wish to use a downstairs room at the community clubhouse for a youth center. The idea , which already bas won ap- pro\'al by parks commissioners, would involve music, social activities and adult superv ision at the proposed center. · -Di~ussion of landlJCaping of new me- dian dividers along camino de Estrella and Camino de los Mares. The strips were installed last year during tyad widening, but now grow only weeds. ' FAA Ruling Calls Jet Unit 'Safe' .... ,. • • , ' • • • • l\fcGovern Wins, Daley LOses Delegate Test . . WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. 1 CIJwll OOlll'I GI Appello hOrt today l1lllliod a YldOry to Ult force• or 1!111. G ...... McGovern In lbelr balllo wllh lbe Democrallc" Cr<deolla!J Commillee ror Calilomla delegates. lrom C.ll!omll. The Ollcutl Court ordt...t Ibo dllltlot bend\ ~rewrlto 111 declolon In 1111 Oatl!omla •ua In ao- cordanOll wllh ao opWon not 111 tued. Thi Clttull eo.rt rtJ<tlld !ht apjllal or Dlitl''• rv-ill 01M1 •111 Ind ill two others directed that stale court action be prohibited insofar as the delegates from Illinols whlch were rejected by the CGm· mJttee are concerned. • Al Ille 11'1'1 Ume, foroo ol Chicago llllrw llidiir<I l. Daley were given a -by lloo ooort In the .....,d hill of lbe dual au.ck on lbe commltlee'I holly dlipuled liecllloos. 'Ille appeala courl reversed a Dbttlcl oa.i docilloo which upheld Ibo com· ml*-''a -GI llrljopiJlc Ill delqalel In Chicago, a hearing on a request by Daley's organization to prevent the challtagen from takJng 1eata at Ule con· ventlon was cootinued bees.UH of the Ap- peals Court ruling. .. Too Matty ·Graduates Miss Their Message Dfllr Graduau1: By ARTHUR II. VINSEL Of ... !>Illy Pllitt 11111 Now 11 becomes clear what those people on the platform tried to tell td It GraduaUon Night JJ yun 4101 as twill&ht crept toward a new tomorrow. By my calendar Ind cloclc, 11 was actually 4,815 days, 19 hours and 10 mlnui.s 110. can it 13 years; who'• cowiting! The DAILY PILCYI' covers commencements each June, doubling up staff -.. All:f VINl•L home· from assignment. DELIVERY DIFFERS by speaker, bul each has that old message seemingly m.lssed by· many younger listeners: Dream. Do. Think. See. Feel. Care. Love. I-augh long wllh me, but don't lallih al II. The annual Graduation Nl&bt aul1runent alv.·ay1 brings baclc your own, when you rnlued Iha moua1e lhal aooa becoma so much more clear. Lall year I went back IJ years, to the old foolball stadium by the railroad lreck. ' L1'ITLE HAD CHANGED since 1959, when we marched lhrouah1 robed In blue. The same old soulhboulld SP fre ight nimbled put at 7:22, drowning out the brave ipeecbes about duties and ch&Jlen1u, until the cabooae crossed the Higuera Street trestle two miles south. Those people on the platform still had that menace. 8ome of them were 'the Ame -Jookinl a bit older -but teacher1 and cla11m1tea become frozen tn your own mental picture frame1 qf tJme. You ,.. them In a dusty yeerbook !Wed wtlh snapibola, 1<rlbbled wllh 1Wy, aenl- lmenW autographs . SOME OF TBE. EDUCATORS were gone Crom. !he plalform; some o! the ~~~m-• . We all had our prlvale bopu. But perhapo we were loo YOUDi to underi~ what lboH older people were lryin& to lell UI. Perhapa !hat 7:22 lrelght drowned out Ibo moet lmpol' • · Ju<Ic• Don1ld J. O'Brien of Clroult C..urt 1ranted the conllnu"""' l~er !1wyoro roprtaenllnJ bolh 1111 Daloy dol111ta1 Ind the dllllqtro oald lhty wanted 111 oppotlul\ltJI lo read tull1 !ht appeals court opinion. The brief orders of lhe appeals court carried no reasons for the action. The judaes were erpceted tci file opinion.&: Jater in the day. The District Court on Monday ruled that lhe !ederal judiciary had oo place in the dtbate over delegates from the two rtate1. The Credentlab C..mmlttee U.ues d .. lllooa !hit llrtJIPM Seo. McGo•em of !11 Callforllla 1111111111 and told MQV Dall11Dd .. ollllr • ......,llMd Clllclp dolop\ol lo 11111' llome. Thi -cloclakm were ltkened to a "sclf-destrucl button" by the party's lawyer Tuesday even as ·he fought to upbol4 them balore the eppea]a'court. Plrty COW1Scl Joseoll A: C.Hlano• told lhe tbrte jud~es lhat lederal courta have DO bnslneu ID the party's business. His argumeal eclloed tbe decision or the District Court which prompled the Fourth ol July appeal. Allies Take Quang T ~i City; Ene mie s 'Dissolve' SAIGON (UPI) -A 1.200.man South Viet.namete· force moved lnto Quana Tri city today, 1et up a ~mmand poit and fanned Out through the ruined clty'a bualness and residential dlstricta. However, government spokesmen said they would not list the city as recaptured until government troops controlled the wailed citadel in the center of the town. monlb aller they launched their m!enalva in SOulh Vietnam llllrdt JO. It la !ht Only province llW ID Norlll Vlalllameoe handa. Selbert aald Iha! l>oblQd todly'I lead elements enterlna Quana Tri City Wll lhe main body m a paratroop vaJlllW'd, 1,000 men strong and backed by tanks, that pushed forw~d Crom positions half a mile and a mile south of~ City. Quang Tri Clly normally baa 1 popula· tion of 25,000 but most of the!e fled aouth when the city wais overrun .by the North .. Vietnamese. McOovcnl and DaloJ foroe1 fppealed In lbelt n,Jtl~le o-~ die-........... uu.i. delegalet, lncludlJll Dalty, and ripped the wiMer-tak.,..U lirtie or lhe camomlt presidential primary from MCoovem to award the state's 271 delegates p~ portlonately among candidates, based on thelr percentage of· the vote. Meanwhile, the Credential C..mmlllee , completed ill preconvenHon agenda and passed on to tbe conventk>n the job of settling 13 contests ove'r the · seating or bundreda or deleptea. Military sources said the troops met only light reslatanc~ but no attempt wu made to storm the citadel, the possible Communist headquarters. · A 20,000 ·man South Vietnamese task force. moved north into Quang Tri prov. ince more than one week ago. More refugees werf. created by tod1y 's / government push into the city. So far, fighting has been relatively light and allied officers said they do not know where the estimated 48,()(IO Com· munlsts who took the province May 1 are hldin1. · / F rom Pagel AIRPORT •.. The provincial ••pllal, Quang Tri •lly, being Installed on Iha new 1111, DC!Oa bu been levelled by bombing attack.a and Lockheed 10111• He said the present •lnoe the Communllla captured the prov· DCll, 707~d 7371 wW be obeolete by Ince. 1175 w~ the Chino Hilla pnijoot la In While the lead elemenll~ved lnlo lbe ol>!rJU6n. , . clly wllh UtUe resistance, SOulh Viet· ).'!'>Jecl promolera aay the only ln- nameae martnea 1even mlln 1outbtut of Jfablted arta which could be remotely af. Qu•lli Tri City me! With a heavy North /1-~-• b · fro the j •-aft in ••-Vletnameoe c:ounteratlack .·lrom a bat· ~= Y noiae m e~ "~ future la the Olinda Vllloge development tollon aupported by 15 tankl. /. of about JOO rtaltlenla ID lbe north Brea The marinea reported no lanb ,-ked area. out but llld 48 Communllil ~ killed Orange County ~lal• had 00 With 1ovenunent asualtlea placed It c:omment on Ille pro oot today but. nine dead ond 18 wounded'.' pnvloualy Robert B . , county Two miles aoulheut.-61 Quang Tri Clly director ol avl1llon, hid adv lied at aundown Tuesday, a batlallon of about aupervllora !hat FAA approval wlJ only 500 Cornmunil)J attacked aovernment a 0 remote posaibillty." . 'troops In an,.auaull led by II tonkl. No Recently, Third Dlllrlct Supervisor casualty J:fPOtla were available. WW!am Phillipa, at the ur11DC ol Yorbe IJPI "c:orreopondent Barney Selbert Unda offictal1, auuelled matlon ol a repoJ11!d the troopo entering Quan1 Tri vaot wlldernesa area In Chino Hiila. P renaier Qulla French premier Jacques Cha· ban-Delmas resigned his post unexpected!y today -along wtth his 40-man cabinet. See story Page 4 today. F romPqe J NIXON •.. the President from another adviser, Maj. Gen. Alexander Halg1 who early this week returned. from a trip to South Viet· nam and Cambodia to determine the status of the mllltary sltuation ln Indochina. The ·fllbts lhe wmmlllee oould nol ""61Yt -tltetUdilll tht polltlqall)' U · "611'!0 -_ lie (;allltllnla and llllnols -wilt almosl intvllebly pl<>voke II lhe convention lbe bll**as that marked committee debatts between i1cGovern supporters · and backers of his opponents. Mlnority reports, from persona who dls•greed with the oommlltee ma)only, have been filed from SOUU1 Clrolina, Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan,' Alabama, Califomi•, Connecticut and Oklahoma. wllh two dlssenti from Rhode Island and thrte lrom llllnols. ' N rune Sought For Laguna ·crash Victim The Orange County Coroner's Office Is seektn1 the identification· of a middle- aged woman pedestrian who \Vas fatally injured Tueaday night n1 ahe attempted to cross South Coast Higbway in Laauna Beach. Laguna Beach police said the ·woman , now ideiitified only as "Jane Doe," was struck down at 9:35 p.m'. ln the Calliope Street crosswalk and was pronounced dead on arrival at South Coast com- munity Hospital. _ Albert Alol.s Riley, 24, of Sierra Madre, driver of the small foreign car that struck the tmldentlfled woman, was booked by Laguna Beach Police on sus- picion or involuntary manslaughter and later released on $500 bail. The victim was in her late 50s or early 60s, according to coroner's deputy Ru.ss Green, five feet six inches tall, weighed about ZOO pound1 and had brownlib-grey haJr and blue eyes. She was wearing a pink and brown dress, pink sweater and brown lhocs, which were knocked off, along with her wristwatch, by the impact or the ac- cident. , fler purse contained no wallet or id~ ti!ication, the deputy said. and ·the only present clue to her identity i& a per10nal lett.er from a rural address ln Kentucky, addressed to 11Dear Marge" and signed "Emma." Investigation of the aceident is in the hands of the district attorney 's.office. lant parl, about makJni Ibo mOlt of Ille. . Perhapa we were .Jual loo certain all 6ur dreama would c:ome true -or loo acaNd they wouldn't -: lo lruly llaten and uncleraland! _ _ r City today radioed back !hat It had beeD At Ibo .-.quell of Phllllpo, San Vl~veled by bomberdmenl. • Bernardino County aupervlaora 11Che4uled Heavy na<al aheltlng and. aerlll bomb-1 publlc beariJli on Iha propoaal two Gen. Hi:i,ig is' the number two man to Kissinger on the National Security C.Ourr ell. Meetings between the President and tbo .. two men will lake pla .. lhroughout the rest of this week in order to firm up the U.S. poaltlon in Paris. Tustin Man Hurt In Cycle Mishap A 22-year~ld man from Tu.stln suffered a broken nose ,ad other faclal injuries in the spill of his motorcycle on the Visbeek: Good luok to lho c:ombloed claues ol '72, altbou&li mony • dlltruat an ovtr~ view. Maybe I could, and abould stop to challenge lhal becauae aozno'. bow I feel like one o( you. , / . . . . / , TllERE1 JSN~ 1JM!, however, becaUM you'll learn by )'OW'Hll, IClJll!--day or never at an. ~ 1• .. Rlfhl now, lbe lonely, dlatanl ocho ~ !hat soulhbound SP 7:22 says r •till have too many pl ... s to go. And too many lblDp to do. . Beachgoers, BoatersSee Clem enfe Pier Fireworks some fS;OOO penons, many ol them In boats, turned ool Tuesday night for san Clemenle'• onnual fireworks display al tbe municipal pier. Ufeguard capt. Phil Stubbs 11ld Independence Day •rowdJ at the city's beacbe, were smaller than last year and said two penom were taken to the ho!pilal Tllosday night suffering !tom burm. He also noted that a tlleguard boat ala· _tloned jUJl offshore at the reef west of the pier \Val responalble for preventing at least six boals from running aground on the shallow reef, He said 1t1 lfut 80 boats were off1hore fOl' the annual .. DAILY PILOT firewOrk! display. The two persons who sustained bums were both taken to Mlulon Community Hospllal by ambulanco, treated and 'released. Capt. Stubba: 1aid Chriatopher Koelber, 7, of La Mlrada, sustained second degree bUms on his hand and arm when he fell ·1n10 1 lire pit at aboul 1:15 p.m. Only mlnultt Isler, Ronald Wheeler, :II, o! Dana Point, aufiered third delfee burns on hiJ face, neck and chest wben an unidentllied fireworks -buff threw-a smoke bomb at him and hit him ib the face. The ll!eguar<I •aplaln said his men made only a few rescuea during the day, when some 40,<XM> persons were on the city's area beachu. Most 9f the reacues were a result of the strona riptide, . Slubbl 1ald. 'fll9 Or111te C...t DAILY l'ILOf, wl"' which I• tomtlNd !lit Hews.l'rt•s. ts ,_,llHllMll ;, Ille Ofll'!lt CO.II P\IMIU!lnt CtrnN,,Y. 1tpe. rtrt tdlllon• •r• .wtlll"*I, ~, tl!rwgq l'r~ey, fllf' t.111 Mttl, "'"""""' lfftll, Huntlnt1ori littcll/Founltin V11try, L••- 8Hcl'I, lr.rl.nt/s.tcld ltl>Kk arw:l ·~n Cltn'ltnlt/ lfn ""'" C1pls!ft 1'111. A •Intl• , .. 11n11 tdlllon it Pllblltlttd 11hl'dl)'$ Ind SundlVl. TM prin<ll>fl 511i11t1llhln9 1111111 11 ti llll Wt1I 11'1' .IOlrHI, Cetlt Mttt, C1HIOt'nl1, 1JtH. Youths, Police Clash on Beach .. After Fireworks- a11>1rt H. W11llll P'ruodenl 11'!11 PIMll!tlltt J1tlt ·tt Cwrley Vke Prtlkltfll Ind Ci1n111I Mlnllltl' 111011111 Kt••il ltlllr T~o"''' A. M11rphi111 ---~,M""llnll l!.lh'llr Ch1tl11 H. L111 · Ricli1r .. P. Nill Aull1111t M~lllf Ediltr1 hlli Cl1"'"'9 Office JOI Nortlt El C1n1l111 Roel, 92•7? --c..i. M ... 1 ill Wit.I 11r Str .. t Nf'*flOrf ltttPll 2JU Ntwp1t ltultvlre Hwillfttttn IMd\1 1,.11 hHtl llllltllt,. l....-W llKll: Jll 1'1rt1! AwtlM , ........ f11 4) '4.lo4JJ1 c: ................... 641·1•7• s..c .................... . ' ....... 4tlo44Jt ~I. tlfl, Or.,_. C .. 11 l'llMl1lllr!t ~J, Wt MM •lor* !!Mlr•Motil. efllwlll ...., ., ...,...Ii""""" "'""' l'IWIY • i'Wi TP' Wl"-'t .-Ci.I "" ....... .. ..,,,.. """'. --~ .... " Clilf1 Ml ... C.llWllll. "'"" W utrlrr It.ii INlllW¥J -., U.11 l'Mlllfl1Y1 Mlllfm ... INI-•• """''"'" HERMOSA BEACH (AP) -'Hundreds or youths .whQ bed been watching 1 flt.works display bellied police wllh rocks and botlles for about four ooiirs Tuesda night and early today._ At least four policemen were injured, none seriously, 12 peraona were arreited and several expensive beach front homes were damaged in this Los Angeles suburb, pollce said. Several police can were also reported damaged In the • me lee. • ""'It 1ookl Ute a battlefield dowo there," ·Hid W11ty Moore, 1pokeam1n !or !he Hermosa 0.ach poll .. department. Another o!fictr aaid Ibo beach W$1 covered wllh lroken gl111 and added, "Yoo couldn't walk barefOOl'f. IJ11Wber• • 1n tht •rt•." '~ Moon .. Id lbe btod1 ho,.{l: m1ny In lhe •100,000 clou, had pl;tf,° windows btoken and olhl!{ damoge. But after 1 survey of the area today. CltJI Manager Earl Diller 1al<i lbe domegt proved lo be not '"Y utcllilve. Ing preceedeil lbe North Vlelnameao weelta ago but poatponed It when no .. plure of !he provinoe, llQulb Vtelnam'1 Orange County olficlala appearld to northernmolt, and .during the aovem-te.sUfy. · ment drlve to retake: ~ city over the Leary did today that "final neaotla- put elihl days. 1 Uona are under way for tum1 ,f na. The proYinoe fell lo the Communllil • ' , llonally 'lmown 1peclallala lo cooducl lbe llf'Oln Pqe 1 TORTURE ••• envlroomenW l._i lludy. 'llloy wW Include ecoloeJala, hyd r o.Jo 1 fa II, bolanllle, r.oolo,ist.o, omllbologllla In ad- dition to other uperto and audio tnilneera. · CoJ. ~obn Uiwman, president of the Cllion Hills promotion, said. the report on the the impact !tudy will be made 1ivallable well in advance ~ pubµ• bearto;a to be held later lhia ~ar. He pointed out 'that the envlrollmental Impact report approval Is neceS11ry to obtain federal grants to fmance the proj· ect. the jury awarded Miss· Abraham damagea. Aal>er 1aserled Zaslow wu "wldely ac- clai med in profe!sional clrclta" for bis work with autistic children. "Anybody who has ever been connected with him would be deeply resentful of that (the trial~a) caricatW'e of the man1" Asher said. "lt'a very, very tragic that they will now remember him on this kind of basis." Zaslow, a graduate of UC Berkeley, believes that autism, a s e v e r e psychological problem, II caused by a tension transfer from parents to children. His theory is that children sense paren· tat ri gidity and, as a result , withdraw in- to themselves and Wipe reality from their minds. English Teacher Courses Slated • Special training c:ouroea for volunteer teacher! of English as a second language will open In Dana Point nm week under the sponaonhlp ol the South Cout Literacy Council. ' The !irst sesalon of a 10.weet evening c:oune will be betd Monday from 7 to 10 p.m. A Thrusday mcrning aertei, from t e.m. lo noon, will begin July 13. Both aesalons will meet in St. Edward'• Celhollc Church. The lralnffJ Will be 111lgned to oenlera throughout the county where non-Engll.sh speaking leenageni and adull.s are helped to develop skills it1 speaklng, reading and writing English. Further inlorm1tion moy be obtaiacd by calling 497-1131. Burglars Steal $400 in Weapons Flrea)'l11• Vllued 11 more !hall f400 were llolen Tuelday b1 btJrt1tr1 wbo brol<e into the home of a Sin Clemento High School teacher, Orang• County Sheriff's offlcera said. • Depullea 11ld,lnmideta smaahed 1 win- dow al lhe nlr of 'a home of WW!am Daniel Hammondi SIMI A .. n1c1a I.Ga Cerrltoe, San Juon C.plllrono and ltll lhe premises wilh a Bmmfnl abollun ond a pellet gun. -om..,.. aatd 11ie Hammond family 1a •ur~Uy vacaUonlng In Europo. The hon>e woa anocoupled al the 111111 ol lhe breakin rtporlld b7 1 rolallvo • GEM TALK EXCITING JEWELRY . FROM SMALL DIAMONDS Designere of uituaual jewelry that f1 wlthln reach o! a large number of consumers are lleadlly lncreaolng their use of email gems In creattn& exciting rings, broocbe1, pendants, bracelets and pins for women. Men also are beneflttin& from this trend to Iha unusual. Ringa, cuff llnks and lie pins are now being created through combinations of small diamond•, sapphlr11, uncut quarts and sold. First prlze In the women's cat.,. gory in a recent design competition went to an unusu open-worlf ome ring 1prlnkl~ wtlh cllamond1 and sapphires. In the m111'1 division, top winner w11 a tooled cuff.tint and tie tact ae~ with amall dla· mond1 centartd la Illy-lib CUJ)I. Ill the sean:b for "IOlll9lhial d1f. ferent, 0 men and women• an alto ltiotlilr to Iba pall, 11Qy1n1 or dupll. cattnf anttque J.:!ry• w h I c It, though old, 'Will ._ ~ ..... ty of canful cnn-lhlp. W1 offer Ille latelt In modem Jonlty dlll&D. or MlutUul an- tique pi--on dllplay in our aton. (Adv.) If the iweather aloof' the South c.oaat continues 11 Jt bu, however, au will not be bar<!. work 1or Nixon. "Red Beach," a quiet, clam spot in the middle of the· Camp Pend1eton C.Oast seems to be the President'• favorite. After delivering his radio address Tuesday, Nixo.n turn~ to a small group of report~ta and said, ~•everyone seems to have a good Ian today. _ ''There's no reason" oot to with this weather." -.. · · - Then, gesturing toward the beach behind his offices, he added, "Go out on the be11ch. I've bet:n awlmrnlng every day." for the man of the moment. .. Ranch in inland San Clemente Tuesday. Police said they and an ambulance were · summoned to the end of Calle Salvado;. at 1about1 5:50 p.m. and foUnd Patrick M. Bray in need of medical treaunent. Bray, who said be fell from his cycle a few minutes beforj!, was treated at Mission Community flospltal. Movie Director Dies ' TRACY (AP ) -Hal . Walker; 76, veteran -molioD-picture and television comedy director, died Piionday. Walker directed such films as "Duffy's Tavern /' '1Road to Bali," "Road to Utopiai' and 11At War With The Army." • 'l'IANSllTO& 04A~ Silver dial, w1ttr re1l1tut. lumh1ou1 dial. ...... TRANSISTOR "B"1 Calendar, w1ter nel1tant. I~ ...... J.C. J.!u,;.p~riil~~- '-'" NEWPORT BLVD., COST A MESA CON'llNllN! lllMS ....NllAMlllCAIO-MAUii CHAR~I • II TIAlS IN SAlltl LOCATION PHONl "41·1401 • ' ( ' ' r ' sc-• --~ •Wortlt McGovern Grant Bid Revealed ~~!WM::'.' .. ~~ ... ~~.::, ~;;C~~l~.;;..U,~: ~ ~.·;~~,,~-.· ·~::;~ .. Llil'Qlltlc:: NA_SD Linings for Mond1y, July 3, 1972 _ _ .r t" ll:I : ';.;;.J.1-!! !.! " · 1 ~ ,/j, '; •---------------.... -1!"1~ ... -'!'-'~~ ~,:)I'll "I T:I !I\\~"' I!. m •• l~"' ·~ 1'.% • ~ +'" Wo 1 NC 11 11 l.1t ltf I• .+ T Mo ~ !ii;+··· "J:::tf. V.f lf -'.l ~ ;:;o;;f."' = . K1V<W 'fl JJ \o'i 11 I~ " ~... • ""'61t • •11'1' c,.. ll\t; 1"-Acldf• ·.., 1t1 41"'1 lft ~· _. •\l ,..:ic111. iot ....... " ""' ,,.. O .~ 1 I 1 1\TittAll ~~ . 1::.Js"'I: lt1' lqlh lt>U~f~ l\l !iv. --111"110\o'i $''1 ., U 1-l ··~""'° +~ l'1 I += .. :l[ij1,tai.. Jill " +1"' l\.llf COMPLETE-NEW YORK STOCK IJST OVER THE COUNiER TIWM cwc;1 .. ti-~tilt IMl'Mlol, mtf:: ~"~ ~ ~ ~:!' .~ J... !!!' :CO: ~= SJ~ ~·~ :w;: ~ t:t; ~ ~ ,!! ts r,it JN mt-" \711! :"" : JI t ,.!! ~~~-rt..t e ~ ffl:1 t ~:"!. 1 ~:r:r." ":r • ."z 5-i .. , \!:""',,.,Ai '1 • o'fAf'.;;; lfil •• U•• m' " ........ IJ" M MM°• ".\'I ll i~ ·m It :.. l 1-$1 lit'··~-,,, 1~" Ill, ~·~ it. i =-0!.-~~ to •••• ''"''··· AAJ111 ~ 2~~ .. I ... Ult ti"" ~ .. • Co IQ\"} Hllll ·-w "'~ 1'11....... 'I ,, j f: .\, + " " ~ ~.. ... Cit 1. ... E: 6tv.+1lli .. S.,_ .............. o1 M1:J~I ..,.. c.. I•~ 1 H ~. 'lllll A. w•I Ml az 33 1Ki.1m P 1u ~· J:. •,, •• t.'~ , ..• ~~ • """ ~ , ''I ist .J5ft 1 " " !:!.,.~·.~JOI~•. ,.·.. _ I - J,,, 3, 71 A.in Allfl! j • ii" ;-" f. 4 "-Mii Ell 4.1 ...... T• WI ltt lJ'.1 w "" U 1',." ' ,.• ··--I '•El W l -_1'1 !'.,."If."•"~·' ij -" ff't'Nif11 ;.,,.,, n. £::..o,,. ...., • a.ti Am"'er"• ' i •,~.1• 1 va '!"' ~-Mv 1~14 Is"' ,~'\If\ i; w.· "i •, -, , ~~ ,, By SYLVI.A PORTER t Ito ~ I~~ ~ .... Am I.II ~ J Jam •• 1 .. I oblno L ui. N ''""' "''ft Ai' , Ad u PN 7'\\ 7'!3 ~ l ,,. I t ' 24 ,._...~I~~· m :t ,,.. . ..,,.,. ~ :~ J1i::i I~~ r, " .. 1i?t ::: Fe,,~ lf~ n~ 7ta .~ I'll ~ AJC011WN1•r1• ft ~!S ~~ ~ +~ ,.1 1 ~1tt:~-~ ~;w:~ '. ·.... :::: =+ ~ • ~ i lf JI Sen. '"'eorge McGovern "1 ~~ ~~ 61: .:r fr~~ fl~ ~~''4!: ~14 :"' ;;.~" ~"' J ~:~!11 1 .: , is\\ 11'1i tn\ "1~ to ' n fr., ~. ··· ~ · 'wereu, tos. become President of ~nd an lmproVement In your ~. ·w !, ~ =-r··~ ti II!!: acl!ltfA. ,l~ :Ir.: r1·~-:nv DC ,.~ I~~ :1:~:' l~i~ m, 1: 1:4~ '~~ .. ;~ e..r 1 d J ~ti! =:~k ·1.'= ~ :ii l~ l!,. ·~... 1..t,J~// the , Ind if he then COUid ~-IM ~ ~,.. Iman V. fll&nli lttl. 20 r 11111 "'' 5 AIOtrtc!C .J2 )t 2m '1 21 .. + '-llf wt :t 0 ~ t4 1<.it1li1) ·'r 11' .;zt;l 41 + "' 111 l: put fnto effect pollcJes be h8J relative stat~S. tn'fc!: fol i~ :m" TI! Jll;t 1j '~ -'&, ff'-' ff~ r:,:le £.1 f~ n~ :=";:' ;l: 1621,_ 1,~ f' '" 1 !t I.Ii ~ -. '~TiiJ 20 .-IM •t. ~~, l consistently and -·slst•ntly As a famlly of four earning ZC'~" "lt: st~ 001~ ._:,:r ~ i~~ ui. , .... ""' s1v. $1\.1 J,," t.1 '"' 1• •~c. ,,,~ ~~ 3''° JOI'"' 1 !\-. ';f+" '"~!:! \i~ t -·~ ~~n~otf"~ ll f.t? C ~ = U :;; • J!' ~ $l2 l)OO to say Mil. 00() this A ~lA IC•~ Fo lvlt. 191.\ CA. 5ef1I' 221• ,,.. !'" C..1P ISt\ 1 l'I A 911 ~ .,. !! •,,~ t'i• t', : !j f, II 111 1 ~ ... ~i:.~ lJ f* ti 11 - \ -• favortd what might It mean • • • ....,, • Auo °'1 • 111 ~~ut! 1 14 11v. •n11111 s .J"" rMl(O :i.v. V\i\o A '11" ~ r; IN 1»; 1N. \1 1~ 0 i J" 6 :200 sr Cl'l r, ... F,•, ,.,,!J 1~ ·:a l'I ~ f~ 1ut 11 to yotl" 'vou grant program must mean at Ag~"'°\}"' 1 ~ l '1: F.Hr 1 ~ lL., sc~ 111 !!llo du '''.:ir'1° ~~ ~~~ ~=~; i1111 '' ,-. 1olt 1~ • .•~Ellf ..,,., 1ioo " ~ M +" or14.o sit 1s )1.1<1 ~f •v . ...-1 •tt •. ' JeaSt a modest incrf:ASf: in •lrll Ato ~"" • /:; tfwl \ 1~ Sci CGnlP t4-l'' •llW Cp 11'11 11 AWlf'llllucl' I 4J 211' 21~ 'Nt llti 11111111, 1,40 11 ,..,, \t V.-Va ~rn· "1 ~ Jn 11 "' .._ c· as a nuddJe-· •~· W11 '" l\S It'd .-. fli ~ lllC 1'1-r 111-1 wn Obc "" ""' Al= ludtlt j • ~ = ~ ~ 11T.!s~t.J ft': im 4 '9 h+~:t , T '°'j ,., ~ ~. ~1:! ic!ft: IPI °:"~ .. inrnme ~~k your la~esl .. Fo;~ .. 1t ~~t,. ·.~t ~~~J-'l4 "~ .. 1r"'rii! -''loi inti scr ... 1";1 t.! .... ff~ ;,~ti. 1:.. ~,,~ :l~'"~,.1~ tt ~ "'6\llot• -\\ Sttrao 1.llM » 21"-= , ... + \'I ~§ ~1. IS .u 4\'>-)~ :li:G 0 I ~-~· ~ PolD 1S u.uii 1.ui:: ra "'-~;'7 Ii ~\ Sc•:tito • l ~ l ai.. NJ "" .. "!~ell 1.10 11 " t9\;, "~ . ~"" 11111 .Jt ltJ I"' "lj,"''""" fj, . 'payer In a ... , . . a. • \t • ''~ . SH WrlCI H "' IEnY9f 11\lo 11 A Mnt ..u 12 .,"' ., 41 -.... City 111¥ wh 30 n. 12\• n~ ~ , pt ' 41 • ~ .1.-.._" II ·'° ... ,._ Ito b ta! t would be 10 addition to your I i: t = ,,. Co $014 !tt' ~.pi ,.,,r )I~ "\; ! Sue1r """' s. A 1111 ,7$ 2 !Mt lttlo 1411. +'Ii !"' lllW ., ' " ""' )l'i Jl.._ \ii =OOI ~·a ~ ~1· :~1 :~. ;1~-L .... ~ ··, '11' f i l!:t; ru a X older earrungs· and you'r• at '::& 1;1 " ., n '"l' ,j ·,,, 111sn'llc: 1:1 14 J Trio. L IJ"' 17V. A Q~ M 3 1•\\ 1•~ ,,,,. .-lty Slortt ).I 1\11 ~ Ji..-U ' I 1. .....-,.,. ,... .. ~..,, + • • 1 l 0 ,.,,. •••L ,., .. +~ •-• ,_ 00 ., • +• '" ~nrl 0 ti, ... +• •UOll 'i "'° d -·r: .. Mio f tr :JI~>-VO 4 '1 " nw FC1$ ll\.'i ltllo Awl dill' ..., •• -.. .. ..,.., ,... E -,.. U\.'t n:: •' •·• " ~ ~ a D co It· the income level where you 1 Olm l'tl'l «.., ~ Fr ~~ »14 11r e;,, 1w U\I •o P11nP ttVll Allllld5t 1.411 -~ ", •• .,S'l~~ ~~' .,,11; on ,., J 1.Ati l•Yt ~ \lo F=t~ Pit.JO ~ l,t: k'!: !r.",_ .. ~~ ~ . lj! "fl"" _ f 11 I I -m ~ L ar '"' ,. 'llo,.<llr ca..J~ .• 2lMI> Jnce Sii 1!14 I!~ AllleCISt"' ' --s1.. .... •• !ltvellt I ID ' ~ .. • :r.· t --... .... ~ I ' 0 • V n ( owe taxes McGovern told the Kii "'' >f • ...._ all' 1114 11 >h-~•-L~ 161-~n s11c11 ....,.. n A11e1 s..iomt:1 '' ~ #to ' "' 111.,..E ,;,. ,, 341.a .,. ,.,,.+ ·u or • .. ........ n n11~ 1.. """ ' 1 • ........... , AR • . ~ El Ll!!rtr.1'! I"' l• t1hs f lt.-• 1,,,. ' nrrwo 2llli 24 •1111 Cll ,l,W SI llh 1~ llfll +\\ ~ l:. 1 l lS ..,.,. ,.,..., 1''6+ ... ~~""'I, I ...... )9!'t '° KICIOt m e' '"' tt squ .. ~. no Joint st.:bcommittee that, H Fr'~ NP !! rl~~ "" l.S14 f.iOll "Toh """ u" \GI s ... ''" lSVi Apl\I,. '"° 1$ 1"-, ... Ul!o-v. !\fell p ·'° l2 ,. Jl\I, lMll+" F•lefW ·H 11 ~li ~"~ ~·-.i. ~""~ . fiJ r1--rw. l v.:: ~ a fa mi I Y the grant were $1 000, the ln-1~= A~ fJ~ • t:1 c"1s. f~ fR: ':f'w,., •• <1t2~v,~:~~ J:,~ If~ ~':c 1'.D 3:f mt ~ i'!~:t: :t l:r.'1:1t' ~ w~ = lftt W' + " ~=~·~ ~ ~ i':!Jt~ ~; -· w;~l?c:-! Airi 1~ ~ ~ :ult>+ ti , close to at ·tax 'I ·1 in """w'I' l"" 1w 'lt ._»0oie1~?v·t ~iw 1:..ci. '""' A"""M; 1.:ot '21"" 21v. 2N+\.t.CNApf 1.11 ""11\.'i 2M" +1 ,r.,,"r.S1 •40 , 15 ""' 15 +,,. """''NJ,id 12 ~11 M ...,. • crease rr. es on a am1 y lldlb9 1 •i.t ~111 Jal!< 1111& so 1~·d 19•, 1t~ w ..... 1~ 1~ 1141 A E1 pr '·'° s "~ 4.J"6 "'lo':+ "'i C011t st C1 ,. •NII a 1-. 42,,.._ 1 .. "',..,$! :111 ,1 101.., 19-. r.it..4' ,, ... ,.. 20 !l" f • .,, or below the ~•T•• th.,. $IZ,~ •~-.ooo brae.let &::rn.r,,,., ,.,,,,. !:: t::•r;~o, "",.~ •,?~ .,.!."'••'• ,,:it ... 2~,,~ u,,', ~!! 1,•,,.• •,•,! ."ll.••,.• .,,,. '" .-. ......, •+ 1' c11sGtof 1.1• 1 "' " "" + "' Jj 110 st ,. . .., ~ l'I>-t. "°""' .11> 'IO i" WY"'..,.,,.... I '" ,.... ,.., -. .,... .. ., \'t SS II~ lll'i llS +IYt CoeeCOI I... tt IU" 13' IM"'+I'°' l=110U1 ncl .,I 107 131~ 2l'~ ""+ '-ICOHet • El» iii\ ,_. ••I pcverty line? M homeowner might be •Uto 8 year ·~ ~~~ 11~ ~lt ~ltt~t'' 1~U ,v.. "'Gt C1:1 1,.,. 11.,. wu1• Mt l" v A!YIAll'fl ..o 15 '' 41\'1 ~ 111 c~eo11 .u ~2 R lt\6 ,.,.. ~ --o ~ ~or.cot'CI 111 -10 ~ +" ·~·-11 . ~ . Ml lhv, 111 ""' II Frt 'M S•:'J.! ::iro " I• w:M A:• ,..., !"Am Alrllnt• '9J ~ 3' 36...,+ ""Coldwl •Mf ' ,,, ~ ~ 14 •ble lncht 11' Uh ,,.,,, 2.3~\ll\.i flllC. \.11 )0 41'4 ' ·.u . Vu wa Y Crushed by soanng • M a family eamlng .,.~f_l e 'arow ,'"'•• '"'° >ow E'\v •II& llV. WI 111 Wt \' '4\'t Amie!( .10 l:t 15"' 1)\to 1S14 + ... CDIKoln ,Oii It ri!i U .M +V. 4C Cw" It "°' 1•1 •\• 1.t fllllt ,ii Ill l~ l'lt.\4 I ~ l n .. ,M fYI ' SJ\lo ff'•v '*-•II •dim '· l \'t A arrld 2.n 1114 '6'\ 46\li '°"""' +._, ~oltco '" wl J 2t"to 211'111 AF C11 .«1 "' 2~ 221.to il•• 1 ,..,,, •T fi -" property taxes? $20 000 to $23 000 and up -~" t''ii 1 •u~~ Jr.P t S<W<tr• "~ ~,.., 1111111 M 1p1.11 1•'4 A amt i.20 4" 15'6. ,, • ~::+1111 ola•I• 11~ .. 1 1 '""' l•\ttn• AF,., 1.20 1n :io n 11 ~~ 1,,. IWNtr ·'° . ' ' di ··-"I'' a 1i· il sa~ Si.rlna 0 . 11~ 11'4 Wdal ft 1¥. t14 Am aWg -11 llJM ~!t 14 ololl pf ~,. 1100 "" Ullo $4\lo-Iii •m.lli: I.JO 10 ,.. )~. 13 . ._ ... ._. l:io -4 loo Yo 2' " Answer : Jllgher taxes snd middle to upper mid e -Lin;:' 1rt I" ~ m n~ H~ Sllll~d'f' ,•· •llh "'"" .-1 Mio •1~2 714 Am C1n 2.a 102 Sl\4o "'"" ~+ U; rn••&Alt .~· "' ?N m 7N+'4 •ms;,ot l <lo I :w ~ J6 ~ + va "'°' '" ... "" .... :n ... not much, if any, cost of living redistribution of weal.th would :: ~,s·: 1l~ lm ~~,", 1~ 91~ i;!" ':f~ lf" ~ w~,P't:~ ~~ i:= ~~·t_: '4 U ~ lJi "7\W: ·: ~=1.~/i"i fl l~ ~~ ~:\·:;, ~ :::;..~: 1:: ,: lr W.! to 't:; }: Lldl'dt' 1,.., · ~ 20"" 20~ '4 • ·, Ith lh t 13 hmll .,.,W' ~~ rkl " ' t•~s111rt111'11•1• 11Y.Wlll•mtj 2•~ ~A(;nM 17 lS '61'1 2 ~+~ ollnlll 160 5' 34 ''~ S4 +1q,G•t'(t'Jn 1.3r 31 5,41 ~ ~7 +~L•r>t8r 1 I 7't'• lli! 2614+~ IT IS IN this nnat column of mbe~ •• ang 'rteds Y,, 0 t"'rlbuwtedea A :uge /"' .... ",,,~ t4i~ tra MrG.r. ,i~ ~u mt ~::.~ NA't i!""' fU~ wl~ ;t 1~!: 714 ~~l~1~ . .fl) l' lift: r.::1' II!+ ~ :l:ol~ ,.·~ i1 1·~ ,l~. ~t ~ 8:~1~ 1'.~ '~ n,~ nl. 'fi,,~ t! t:1:-:. I I i 'l\! Jll' ~~ tf ' f. rt • • h lflr .. 14 ·~ ' 7 Sl•rllt1 SI 20 ~WIOw f.:fl fl\ AmCY•n 11/o 1«1 ,, + CoUlnpt flO ' ~ lO SO ,. G1t1w•v 1,, '' 11 ltll• II +I\ L•lll'Sltt , 1 i!"' «L m~ 1ye-pa se ries on pert.ion of the money could 111r11 s.c u2 1•1 !.!.~~. ',' , ii 21t tr1w cit •nr.kl~ vino Frt 3~ Ml'I Am 0 111111 l s '"" ' ' -~a s 1 "°" 252 -"" GCA Corp •J ' th c·-·~ LH,S" " ito-1-9 McG ' ml Ii I "I' u • ia.r. ....... ,,,. 201.li ubsc TV '~ 3 Youllll. Br 21 " ADlitT .20d IJ6 ·r-" ..... SW.-ol G•t i.u '' ~~ ~'111 ~ .!~ G•mlPll C•11 I 1-''t 141\ 1 ... ,+ 1-LHICO t~ • I i ~ ovem s econo c po c es come •·-m nowbere else but ·II~ u a 111hXN', , ""v. .uv. SllOCll Fit 1.lt. t\~ ztn Lati. 1..,, 1v, A~•I ·l~ 1 '"" •i. '"" .,, °' "ldu•ei " ""' 1, .. '''' " Gr1A1n l.•2d 3 1J11 22'• 2''• . Lu1(pf s.i 12 ""' ~ ' that I am tackling his most UV 1•rtt Ml " .... '"" • 1t'Ao220t.4 Suw El''"" lJV.Z-Uth:U JJY,A pf-· 10 13 l :X. j3 +i..colSOh I·" AS,, .. ui: 2•Hti+\4§i:AOI "ti! "SH, S0\1 5"1+'ILH1w•v . j... • You and the higher your~ ow c,. lm 22" ~t111 G•• nv. l.JV. Am ~ 1.1• :m 21 '6t\ N.14 .•. eomo E _.5 20 ,,,,. ,, 11 Alf '· '' ~ iJ 1.11o ... LHC111.N . ~ ~ controversial of all proposals· ' oc1c L• •Sl.6 lh(h 1._ 2\.i ,. I i _ • _ Ax Exwt '1 • 314 Jll'l ... cm :s&lv .., 11 ,, _.._ .... ~ •· · en••ni: .ffl 4 11\i 1 ·~ 1:1, .. L~ . 1 ,~1-. ~'? s 1 • ing9, the bigger the bl~ OD ~~N~ J,~ 1~~ OQl.llG!~ l!.,,.ll'ill. ufl ftt?rS U! LNl'er• ~Ffn?r' i'1o 131 .7 1f1 1mi Ifft+-~ cmwEd 2'.M 2ll 34\li i:i.; !':;:+~ G&~~e:~~ lfi ifi. i,;; t1~!t :.! t::: ~1f 1;: !~ ~ l~ lf'f .~~ a plan for redistribution of in-you on Rocle 1, fl • Pr iil' ·~ A Fl., 11, J l'io 1110 1~9 1,1,4 '"'* ._ &,..om!e..,11 Pl' , " 2J 111. 1 + 1• " ,, 1. 'l 1~ ,,,4 1, ,_ 1~ L.iuo. 1'°"' fl' ' IR lO\i ... come £rom the rich to the · .or.nco n ''""' S• ttlh nw. Ntw Yon lUPll-Th• 1ooow1no 11'1 A ~"a 1.111d 1• 11v. im n o;, ... 1·" 1 n4to ,,._ '7"tl + '' " ....i 1 1 ~ jj1~ "' ,. "L-111 .IO •• ~ U rrou C1t .014 dl6 ri.11 ~ :w.;, Wtow• 11\t 1toc:-1 fll•t "'"' 11lllld '"-A " 1111 .52 136 lt \.'I lt~ .. CW dllf 1.tO n :1!\.o 15.., t».+ \II Yl'ltm 1 21'1• '• ,,,_ti. LfV fd i • I> t"' poor. It is in reading this final f\.UND YOU a grant In 1"rulcll 1: 1~"' tow. rl1 IC 1n11 2 Iii "'°"' enci lost the most based an Pe•(f'lt A ""' t.to r 3Qli\ »\lo • CwE11 11w11 145 ,,,,,,. H"" n'il+ -"Elle 1.., )07 •1 661..o ..... + ~, Ltw Inc • i.1• , tN :> ,. ' r.ire1s 12'Jo alii ch M 5~ "" o1 c:INl'IH an Ille Over·t..Counl•r m41rk111 Am Hol1 A 35 12'loll 121/t 1Nt ~ IOfflEd llwt 'n7 11~ lll\1411"1.+ ~ tn Flr"'rt t I!• £" i.•o t"'I$" • 1't •v. ~ "1 repcrt, too, that you must take l.-1cGovern's $1,00I) range to "' 1nt1 1~ ~ titor c1 2,Vi nv. •$ ..uoteci bv 111e HMO. A Home 1.1, ,., '°'" 1o.sw. toiva °1WJ" •1 IJO jll' 101~ 1N+ \.i nFooct 1.40 w ls ~ •. jS\4+ ,. 1,, 11 •"'" 135i ~ .u ... " · to ·'d · h uld It 01nl'f' "' 11111 4 N1rdll o ,,,,_ -. Hit ft 1>trcenl111t (f'l111111tt •r• Ille AmHOJ11 J7 " ...i.:. '9 ~ 1.7t 11 ~ t~ 14i n Hot! Ci> d J!V. 11~+11.1o Lfl(Ol'Jlll .. ,1 It• ~ •~+ 1' Jn con~ erat1on l e extent each Of .oUS WO COme 0 Dirt Dro ?7\li. 22ll Hlrf" C 17~ 1iiJ Olftl'ftlKll ~_, r\11•rd1~·1 i.u bid Am Inv ~ '6 IO'Jo 10'.'o 111';.-.V. °"'111 'it 'II S4Vt .S.V.-1-tn lr11!r ?I 12JO ~ ~ Jlliji-11\ LFE. ,SO 1 l\o l \4 '"' •tt to whlch the senator is com-ml~elhan$200billionayear! I:~ ~·4 ,1~ 1! 5'b9! ~ ~~price•flll y'A~~t:~t•'lc•. : ~~:;t ~, {iy, im us+~ ==;:71o1/ 1f'1i 11~ 11~~ en1$p'.1cJ y nt, '' :T\io+1" t6F "{,~;.'-"f = = #tt+ Promising, backtracking, • M a homeowner, you YIM iri ~ = ,S:C,•'f': ~l.'t ':.,., ~ f-1:T~P~ 1~~2~ H: ~:i ~:, ~1!1 'T ~ t:M ,,.,.=.,., :Lt c1~~ s ,._ 21!1 m:+:? :'111111:1 ,J 4 llt! H~ ih~t1!; LlblW c~ 15 ' ,.. m-showing how a-mmodative Id xpect sharply lo er klb All U YI fi~ " ~ J3•L a. , Splr•I Mell! c ]\,. v. UP lf.O A'"" Mo1or 4112' -• I t\ ' + w -~ ··'° .,.'lS BU '•"•'· 1,11\+<'h l,,.sci 'l', ~!1 ~ ,,, __ • t'i:;t:::=~ .... ·~ 1' .E1nl lt-.lj;j ...... "'-V C0U e W thl lnll 1C\.lio NE" o, ,,• ~,..,L 4 A:ffell Prk Ill 11 I~ Uo 1113 AmNGs 2.)0 111 lHlo ~Iii :U\lft-1.fi .IO .tiS 24 llMotllf ~ ''" S6 ~ '4 'rl 1 ... IJ ... 1 h be t M G m ... ,. ti .... s Huth Tec:IW 3 "ii U11 14.3 Am $.NI .12 u 2H• ti 21,,.._"' WIS •• ~.1 ' .. .. 14 eflMCll~ ' I Jl 1)~ 1$>~ ~i • f: can and how intensely property axes. c ove , cinT 1' .v; ~' ,o 1' 1~ , First west Fin 2\.i Ill u 11 lj.l AJSlll• AOll 10 3'111 'fil ""! "" om " , u i• "'~ .;, •r1 P .ID , !"" Jl\o ;n.i-1 LlooMY 1110 14 101 101 \.'I Pracucal he l·s about J9n's · b h d-In! art" :!.. .. ..,, h 17'\ 11~ 1Mwrl( SY1tem1 lVt 1.o Up 1.SAs.m.11 1.19 13' 1'1• 1 lr:t? '-Ol\El>f,,• ... , r ll:t' •~!,.'_ .. ,· Pub 1.60 2'Jlll ','.,' 21,~,. 21,~~.-, .. ~ ~1 ... lni'H~ln~.,N7 t !?! ",,,", '•"'i , .. 1 l'l would give at least alf t ea 0 ·-''I ·-'. Nklll"' F .fl'ill ~ • ·-Ml··· ·-,, l\'t UP 'Ill.• ANS "'" .10 •1 ~ 1si. ~ °"' I 11'• ... 1~····· • ~ t . ... ..,.. Nlcoltt l :M '6 """' "" ,. . OllFCll>f ~ 7 "+ ,! '"> '''' ... ,... Llorltl WP ll 1Vo -I Presidential poli iC3. ditiooaJ taxes he takes ,from ~~!f{;c 1~1,4 l~ Nl-'1tn A 1: tf:..-n't'on~:: ~""~·~ ~: t'J :::: ~ ;e "~ ~ Ali ~ u on Frel.nt IE 4Vt ;i_i; tn ti.·•'! 6 I~ li:J 190 . At L111011 1'111 ..,. IJ\\ , .... 151'--und t • st t __ ... · 1~-~· 36 •SO:V. sni. '' ACIY.n M-sv 2l 21._ U11 1D' ,.,,,~;;,ii ~ 29 3'111 :162 »'lo+ Vt on L••lf"'I 5t t '"•-1.1i Gn SIMI Ind 22 u , 1 ) Vt L tin cv Ill I l " •I 41 +1 er the sena ors corporations, e aes l!UU Jn-bC:..1 ~ ~Hl•IHn• 11f•'• Pickq S'\'o )? u •• :sAmftT 2:'° ~lr~\51u·~~.+tt =G...,)·'i *f ,.t: ,... )11;.+-~GTE 1.ll '13 ,,~ 16\\ 16\0-'-tl~~"'.," n 1;n :m ~a:·" redistrjbution • of -the-wealth dividuaJs to the states to ~f~, ~ .... !?.~ Nolrld co .,fsrw, lll.fi U v!~s.~"'r.; 11,~ 1~ tl: •1:~ tr "1-1.~7 "!.,' tSJ '"" 6'N.1. '""' .~ onP,1>1 ~.1 1110 !If ~ 1%"+ v. GTE '' 2\\ J •~ JP.. 3t'-t " tockl'lllH ff 1~ 1~ 1 ~~ f ta o:;;• ~ ......., "'' nv. :!Ob '\Ii u AmW•tr .60 1 11'1. 121,1, l?V.-\.i °" pf ""' n 1y "'-' It 60\Ao .~ o.,.r1F1111 1.30, i~ ,.'':t ~ ~+ .. ~ o.wc'pA, •n """ 1· "' + -..' plan, every one or us -man, eannark or property x Oovl~J~' ~~,H~ ::, ~G It~ ff111 a~~~ '.10CI : .... I Vt u: lj "'w1! pf lV. %110 ll 164ili 11 +111o Oft Pllf 7.45 ""' *'+ ~ o.~ , y, -"' 21 n"tt ....... L°""'"'' ' ~ r. .. ~ .. woman and child -would reductions Your property tax-oun r e j' !l ws Enq .3t .o 11 corpor.tlon s ~ \ii u11 .1 AWupf 1..t3 .1100, '•"•'• ',l1!1""1,1,2,!.~+ "u :"c", ,Al,• 1l . .,, ,",. !!.," ~44flfi..;..,l' GMt~r .lcid 3 ,,It 1,111 l.M-" ~~ 1M 1 1 ••• • o..,.., n 0 J" !'Ill ws NtG I~ 1~ lt Se!l111m11 Assoc 10 \:, lip !'' AmtrOll .•$ l ,.._ ~· ... 2'\'--n , ••.. • ,, l ll '"L .. .... ~ ... ._, ~ , recelveanannuallrl'antf ...... m es he estimates would be :>urrron s ,.,., oSP::r121 221,1,1tsysi.msCaplt 1*~1"9 l/11 .tAm•tK.60.I 1n1tv11 l7i4-nC<tnllf •~., 15Cl6d' 'J+l-i .......,ft ·-_ .. _ -· •1..1 L-s1n11 2111 4"' ,,. '""" ' ~ £i:011 ~lb 'IVI 3 wPI> sv 23 231'120 Rocket Rich 6V. Vi U11 ·J AMF lllCll 1 2" 12\\ U 11""'\~. C COP~[ ft ~.. ~\ 'i 0. ~.c ."9 "' ,,. 3' 3' -,. I.en SIO I :tlS '°"' tflJj · ti' the Cederal government, reduced by one-third. He also F.luc sn .~. 214 0~111 (11 ,,. s.s 21 1:1vGo 1ncorP sv. "-Up • ~M"'• .... ~1 :u 33'1 ;i.i + v. ol'Pf ,,,., 1100 '~"" l''ll ln •• G•Pwllf 1.11 t10 103 1112 tot -1 L!ll'lllll.I 1n 'l 'i.: , . • ' • E Nucet 1• ,,Vi N1o1elr It• 5~ l'lt 22 Unlc1Pll1t .12 ,,.,., M .. Up .3 .. p llC . 11100 ""' IOD +3 ,.11cor11 ' .. Ololi ! ,, ... Glfbft' 1.lS 22 3514 lS'Aoo lS\~ Lono1Do ,, 1 \.'I ~+·.i regardless of our income or figures that, if you re 1n the •' 1m•1 '"'" • .,., •II c11tt 34~ 3514 ,, s1e1k & AleR1 ~"" 3•12 u" j·' •Amll('.OP .3' 21 '"° 11,;.•4 1\A-~ " ... p f.711 1u4'v. "' "'4+·~ G•ttv 1.11d s , • ._ 14 1• -"Lori1 cir, ,.. t'4 1 _ ~ 2 ~ I t • 11r '"" 26 3'~ n Or •1 51:W. :u Eoer1~ COllV r liPlo lllt U11 ·l lllPIX (p 1jl 1'lti ''"''" No-.... °"'Ill .21 131 ffii j11' "~;+ *' G91't'f'pf 1.20 2 l•I\ It ,.,., .. t •L11llCll11 l 14t ~ ~ rim ti: assets. Jr, each case, the grant $1 ,UIN"p us ca egory, you re j;' P110 13" 14\.'o °'~"' Lo• ttu n11o zs K•Y1 0111 cus1 1114 ,. up . A•r'9 cori ' ~ n •M ~+ u °"' nw11 ~ "' ,. j•,..,__ v. 011n1P1 .flldl 12 13\'t 1>&1 1J\\ . ouG•• 1 ,, ll 3114 31" __ ... ~mPS 011 tt•lt »"-'' M .> LOIE•S Arn11111 1 2' JO\"I :30\'0 30,,._.. 011Mt9 • l• 1· 1 "' lll+ \~ Glbr4111"1n SI 7 2A 2.1\1 tJV-14 , "'' ·., -''" Would be in addjtJon to and 00 probably 8 homeowner a.JN F.l'lenrf C 1614 IJ\; }'°lrrA ~~ ?,Vi 1 E1gl1 CIV O~Y l -1\lio Off ,l,l AYM A: f> ,'Vt-& -'J\ f anti OU 1 IM 'Ill ~· nV.+ \!, GICICI Ltw!s 2r 11111 1,t'io lS\\+ I\ t~ cof~ 1,7 f1"" fN n.:·:: I be pert t id lEnvlrtc d 14 d'lll JI C • jB1z.1rtnt 40 ,._1 Olfl4!Am•:r:ln2 J~\437 37'4+~ OlllOJlpft .~' 14 :1_,,.,GlflH lll .21CI 62'""1~~'14LTVCOro 1 •1~"·1 ... , .. top 0 our ot r earnings. )howler [fprot y h·g'xbees. w~e l'r~"'T~ lit; lut .;:~ : ~ ~ 'rn3:11:1: •• tc; 21"= ~~ ~II lt1 ~-::~~ • .JO l~ f,~ fl~ f1V,..:.ij ~~'Y.1 :f: ,~! I I~ t:-r+.: &::::i~ F,~ ,~: = !.~ :.~ tt tJ~,,~:I "~· lf ... ff ~·;: · I am deliberatelY shrugging e P O se your I r 1nco · ~so com 10>.1o 11 ,...tll A:~ ,~i.t ~ s orove "'''' -"' &:: 11.1 Ancl'lor N& 1 '! "~ ~ 3iU!. U ::~/pt o:f: a; SP .... ~· Glmbtl e r 1 37 24 '"4 74 + 14 LucllvS 1,1 ~ ·• 14 of! the grant McGovern has taxes. McGovern would ip 1§1'r"cec:! ·:~ ·1'tt I $("" .,~\ 1ov. t ~::cl~:;:: rv': i t.=~ gr, ~i:~ :~er 1:~ 3 4 .... 47V. 411h-v. ~"Un I.to. l' 30V. ~ ff\\-" Glnm lnc;ar 111 1ttto '9\.1 mi.+ n l:udlOW . )J t•V.· ~ mentioned most often: Sl ,000 a you, tao, by having the fed ~:I' 80\~ ~h\ 1~ ~fm .l~ l:~ i ~TT''2:~:1 ~ ~ 81~ 1:1 ::::~~ 41 ~ ~ ~~ lf;t: ~ -,i:, ;J! • jl i ~~!14 ~t U g;::~ Pr~ ~ ~~ ~r"' h°"'.:!: ~ t~'S' "•• ff 2:"5 ,~ "' g.Ve,.,,ment assume at 1 h J Comr 3N )l\'i terTN'! 20'4 '~ 10 NlllEnv Contrt l"'i-V. Olf 1.1 APKO .lU 61 11 10 Viii + V. OOPL•b ~Jl 21 ~\-\\ GlolJ.ll Mir 1tl ?:I"-n ttlio-'!lo r'll• 'Y1~ 1!1 11 11 11 _ year. ...... , 'l w11F ,v. Nt .. ~ '•· 11 1: r $Y11em,. 3''•-v. ott 1.1 APL cwp ! 22v. 2n1o 22'14-,. Clllllf"T .-I• 1 I I v. Globllun ·'° ' :n1~ J? 32 +""' Vll"Y1 '11 '° ,. 211.\ " + F McGo id J < one-third of the cost of pubhc ,·,~ Inc"""' 3(1 ,\!.,',~ ,.''l! ,W' 12 Am ~"" :,:: l\::: ~ 8ll I .I APLf.:1 ,JD \J'llo 11'14 11'16-\\ oooT .... •.,v. I 1 Ill .. t v. GoldWJI Fcl 30 I'\\ 1·~ , ........ \' 'l'nthlY ... " u IN 2"4-t1 or vem to a 01nt "'''' -·nm ... r .. ...,,." ,, • ~· ., " , , ·~" M ,, ,,.. •• •··+ J ,, 11M1 "' GooC1r1c11 1 165 ~ "~ uv.-~ -M,M--ed . db . ' the ..,..,. " ~ "Cl r " . "' II ""' OPP 1ri.. ln't' 1• -V. G-'vr M •51 21 21'°' 7i + l'MKM -r. t'-""' M Economic subcommittee onJy uca~1on 3!1 Y givmg ~~~tor"' ~·~ 3J :t•(.,,,.. 21 ~ f1 ~p1r:~tniiil: ~~'~ gr, j:: :t'C.,~N 1::: rt 1n,,. 1 fi~ 1~1Ml'\4 1>11Wt11 HJ.· 1s :m• 21h + 1.1o 0orm...i ·" 1t 71 ,.,. ,, + ,_. MICc>onW 11, •~ r:.··· two weeks ago that he didn't slate ir.centives to tum to pri> ~''"k ~f •'• 1 aSb er-t 1:Rto 13"" M Lt•HN<: .01& i v.-v. "'" .1 ArtntrDnl 1 1 m. 37v. 37'111 "" ~10 .!. '° n 1 11 JS*'"" Gou1d111C ·'' 1•1 isv, ""' lJV.+ ""MtCtt ,~ .ll o 1' IJt"' 1 'fli . · · t d (Ffi.ti ll2t'-1 2t •Pl Od'.>111 1H~l,11tP11Ml1 wt1 2"-1'1 On 5~,,-,, '"' 3' 2-3•; -~ r. .._ 1 2SV. ... 1 V.GfeceW IV, 110 2~ ttVt 21"' ... Mlc'f'IH I N ,, )I 'i:fi"' want to be wedded to the gress1ve mC1lme ms ea o Frp1 FOE 21\.'t ,1.,. "•UI it ..... ,,.,., 11 1e succen Moll~ ,...,__ 10 Off l.l Ar~~ PS 1.m 30 1i" 1~ i~ \i ;we:= c';' if 11\.'o 1 f f '"' Gr•nb'I . .o 1 1t-. ""' 1flil+-,_,~-A ,1,1o x1100 st"' ,. " 1., rt tax Fulltr H 2fV. '17 P'1ut-I" ·~ 4!olo 19 S.lsmlc COffll 13V.... ~i Off .~ Arl•ns O St SI 4'\i f\to 4'4 .:V. PClnll l'1o ~ ' ' :ti 'i Grind U .t0 7' 1.-IS\lii 1st-Vi MPCl~.JOll 61 I°"' lfa: 1• $1,000 figure. "It might be $900 prope Y es. r11br111 ' '" 11 P1vell1 ~l'i Alllecl Stcurtv '"-~• Off s.o Arltn A:ttOw '° IJl't ,, 1 "'--v. reMCo :.., I\ § ll ~ G••nltvtll 1 • 1t\J. 19\• ''""+ IJ. Mad n• ' ~ :-· G•rlln~ ll"° 13 Pvt,~ CJtl 3' ~7 21 Sottln01l1y In 2Vi--\lo 81l f.I Armco Sit I 120 20'11 20\lo 20V.-\4 r.:111 Fl J' l! J. !'I Gf•Pll W 11., JI _,. 41)\~ ...,.+ -Mao fM V ii" " it i Of $1,007.&4," •~ aJj Am · Gn Autm 2 '4 7't Pay Jrol $w ,, .... 22 1Z Pflntpg1 LlCI S -'~ f 4., Afm pt I.ID 111 291' 291'\42'"'-"'° rocbr 1:.. ..! :a6\'i w;i ~:-" ~ Gr•v 0 1.70 II 14!\ lt'io lt'--1' §' .JO 'I! • t • ru er1Can!, yearn· (';n A:IE1t I~ t\IJ "'eo<'1"1 12 J( 1l Intl Sannlng IO'to-Vi '· Armllfllf '" 1:30 "1 '3 13 IC "' riy. n; ..... •~-,.. GA.Mt 1.Ud «! lG 29 ~~Yo Mio CM'Y C• ~ ~ And even more to tJie point, ing for some escape from an gr.J~1, Jg"' J1'~ :~'ww, ,".~ ',"', ,.i.t 9~,,,,,lr;"!! ~~:= ~ 8~ ~J A,~,--"r' ,..IQ 165 :wv. 351'1 w.-·'"' =H :I! 1ll 1" i'\.!o I:l'i+·l'lo ort A&P .111 111 u '"" 11 + \'t Ma .JO 34 .,. :M¥i he has become so ac-1 w s~ .. """" .... • '"" 11:110 mi; 54\li "~±1141 ~• c ~ s. '"" n4 11111 G1L11.or 1.20 J Jt1' 37~ 3W.+ -~ .M 441 111 '' - commodative that he says he ever-rising ~cost of living -i ::~ 4 lr; 41"' =::.:n!H : ~ Ten JtJost A~tive :~~. 1 ·: ~ Jr;:"'J~?: ~~+ ~ i~ er.~ 11t L~ lJ"" J.~t U g:=~1;r 1!: 1~ ~~i: l~~ l~t ~:I'~ \:! 1 ~ti~ won't use any hard dollar youmayexpectnothlngfrom ~en m fl'i;::n~~:~ ~~ Af'llnlnll 'l ~ ~t~ ~VII il ~~ ~.':.,~ m 'alt· '1}~ ~Yt+·~&~Ff~ ~1: ,J ~~ ~~''t ~i,,,__.\\Mlr Oii ·... YI t~ totals Uni.SS and until he McGovern. McGovern is not ~~P~'~ if"' m: Pie NPwv :m ''~ NEw YORI<. IUPO-TM 10 """'' •c· ~o1l,...1.~ 211 11 u uv.i Yi u1t1 .. ,, .11 .fl l" ~ lioi,j,+,,. or1w111 u" 1.' 10\oo. 101o. 1ov. ... ~!= ~ •, even making a Pr.tens. ·01 ~,,,.,A"" '!Vi lJ .,1:;""'w •,•,• •,,·:~ tlve 11ocks lr•dtcl on 11111 OTC mtrklll Athl-Ool 2 . .io 2 s. ~ s.i t umml11 .u 21 !7~ fl9-l\ll GWUpt .Uh 11 IJ'1 13"1 IJ\lf , M "'t + ,._ beeo P ·d t Th rPYt t>f l'ti' •r ., MonCl•v It su1111ilfd b~ NASO, Auoc erirw 212 I n\ I 'Al 111111 Orlttl ! "' 'f I~ YI Ort W1M In 2 Sllo ~ S.. • j HI> mes res1 en . e '--tin fl t to uir 1111.t 61' ru P-T.o.J 11v. 1• StKI!: v.i-.'"' •Id A•lltCI c111. A1 eryG 1v. lOl s2 '1"4 5\tl. ~ wt111 Wrl l I' > ~ li:it'"' Grn Gl•nl 1 it n l'I n n -\lo MM'•'• •·," .. t I . t concenu.a g on e or !I yl'OCly ·~ s P.,,.+r !"IC ,, '~ A:•PI-Ort AOR '6.200 271'1 Sn"t-~ AIHC Tr•n• :JD 1 ~ w. vrtrs1Wr A ! l'i ' Gl"YM I CM 2'1 ~ 11 Ill.lo +~ ~~~ 1:·",. presen proposa IS n ° control inflation -outside or Hiii Fnll. 21111 7t ~ ,!...0 ?! '~lo'.. Amlfrr~ Dev 41,?0D "" ... + .... Altll-.~ 12 13~ 13 13 :;; ~ ...... 1.:00 I •, ' l\o ~ Greyhnd Wt 15' J\li I Jt.-.-" "': '7 designed for i mm e d I ate H•rPW R 11 11~ -.. 11 '"'1 "" :v1v. MCIC COfflmun 311AOD H 1.1"'-,. Atk Mt 1.u11 21 211~ :io:v. 211.t.+ 11 ~~ • .50CI ,, I' tt -" Grolllf .IO '° lm 1 1.-.+ \4 • Calling for an immediate end Htnreel F " 41 llrrrv ,., 10 l~"· IMS Intl 3',700 lOV. 31Mio+ ~ AllClr.E 1 . .CO 1J 21"11 ll\\ 21Vs ••. 'l"OrUl Ml I O SI"'., l\IJ 11\\ ... Grvtnn .2'1t 1' lM .. 1•1't ... M"' legislative action . Htu ton 25~ l'v. 11r"' °"" ~ .~>to snrt1111 H11m~• Jd,100 l~ A ••. . Al 1: (flfld 1 1S7 u\11 4Vi 5'111i+ \.It -D--01111,.. wci JO llllli 211 J! ._. · to the war and ·a slash in Ml11t1 ~m Im Ph P••"S NM 1•:14 ,.,,~ Mt lsusM1E1 ADA: 30.ooo 2M 25 -~ A Reh l1f 3""' i1010 Sl tlh ~2'h-tVI '•'f . """ .. I ""* "8"" Lit ,Jtd •I ~1.,,, "ti Mv-'fi MM'•' ...., '·~ IO , "IUVW rt :t' OSM Cir l l'fo Jllllo Uni C<toli.I 29,IOCI 1, .... '''-1o+ lYt ••R< oO 210 1•1 ··-•5"-"""+ "° ' t ••M 3--.. " ft -• <• · 'INSTEAD l t military spendmg. He ls not tion ' u ,,. ,. .... Pubt1hr 5\li '\' Am Ex~r.11 ''iSDO 511 A lli+ 2\lo AilA:cl'I prl ':a , ;m n .. '21.4-"" 2,, "" ft,._1·" Gulf on i\\. ,l , 14:1\ ,,\lo wz= .... ~:i '· '" ' , t represen s a ed bo . ,_ i.too· ... r '?:? •~"' "''"''il"c ,..,.., ,. ~"" 011?.11 G•1 2 ,200 .,. llt+ v. All• coro ,1 2111 'IVt 2,,. '* 0 'I '• c• 20 ,,, ,,,. • w -'" 1 ,r · pl¢ge tbat, if elected, 1 would concern a ut curing ~ .. ~uck Ml J\; 1v. P11t" c111 ~ ~Am Arts c r1rts 2',100 15\.'i 16 +1.,. 470' 1nc .12 d 12\.'i 1211ov.1~+·\G fl U1 111t 0 u 1 10 ov. -,,, M • ·I Prepare a detailed plan and flation via cutting the federal H-::,,P~A 11~ '~U .; • ._:~ e :~:" ~!;,"' N,t,so vPlumt' tod•v ,,s1t,100 :::t::, ~,: 65 "" .,,,. '1"'Tm n "' 21 1"' 0~11s~ ·r.2~ ~ 1:" 11~ 11 + U :ii""" ,~ ~~ budg t M Go · think' g Hv•lt C ~ ~~• ... ,.,,.. '.\.I 3~ AC1v1nc11 '33; dldfllfl 11•1 t1nen•noeCI c ~: 1~ 1~~ 162\ ·~ lt G "' iJC G 'KJ.' •...O r7:io """ '° '° -1 M l submit it to the Congress." e . c vem is, in Hwstef' c SI\.'# s2.,., 1utM P'IC' "'~ J111o 20801 1<1111 3121. :~!0cP ;:: so •V. •'.4 ~t • 1 " 1 •'" 81 •,•.,..,• ·'°' '°,.! f'~ ~ fw;:1v. ~ • · -·ci4 A · st th b k d I ,.. terms of "inftation in· Awco l1f '·"' 52 "v. .uv. u \4 * ~ 'ii " wt .. ~ ... • J11 _ ~ gam e ac groun o Pd .2• 11 ,.111 3'v. :11v. ~" 110 1 'f: 100 -1 Ml\"' l l• ' 74,,.. 1w. nv.-,.,!".El. 1. ,,. J ......, •7"'+1,. those remarks, continuing to surance" rather than "iof1a· :::r .1JC1 n 11r;, 11.., nJo+"' •&Cl 1 fl 1tt =--+it uff:''1rm'r ~ ~ 1: ttt:+ ~ =:.,t)W' ;fl 1 ''"' *l,. I ti t. " 'tal AwonPll 1.l! 275 HJ~ lOI IOI~ P&L I flt , l•1to -H.K-1.20 II •= Jh1l.Ht ,_. ... use outdated statistics wou d on preven ton -a v1 MUTUAL FUNDS Au1e 011 " st 204" 1m 1tr-t11 Mnt 1:10 .J: ml :O!li+'W H«twr 2•20 1 1'VI ~• ,..,,,._,.. ...... 1 "' '""" ·w. be even more of a disservice distinction. ••MWll .u Jf·'i\r 21v. al't+"' ~"',,.1: ! 11 ft.,+·~ ~l!1J; ,;: !; :iv. ~ = -.~ ,..,, 1~1.. 1" ,.....,. 'i to you than to the senator. But Assuming McGovern gels =~~ '" ·~'r: ?J ~ lit ~~+·\Ii 5: ~ 2114 ... R:mrt•11 .JO :tt 1''.• 1m. 1m-~Not' "'°' 'T J Je\11 D l l: gnifi to the nomination in Miami, he'll e.-...oi1 .10 3 5711!i S14to n.-... Dell!IM If 1 ff~ ··· H•fl'lll c • ., "' 1fl ..., 10"' ·• Mc C• 3ff •h'i •114 y. si · cant implications you a111c... 1.1t 110 21 21* 2m.:i:: ~ na .w ' -·u u::,iew .1: 71 ff::rt ""!~ m:-1+ lt Mc ,'1 ·~ 2ff ,._.. 11 "' can nevertheless be dug out of have the whole campaign in •11G1 "' •Ioli z•, ",.M ~~ ~ .,..• ""',, •' 'I ti' t:ai •r.•+ ~ ··-" .so ,. .. 1.,.. 21• " , ,f 1., '! ~, ~ ~ .·.i!·.· . • ·~-Ntw Yortt (UPI) OoCltO: 1'-'2 16.li V1r PIY t'20 lD.00 A:lnfrt l ~t, IJ,lJ 8",Cll 113'.. --. ~ . n "' "" .11 11'4 this proposal for a minimum whlch to clarity and add to we -l'ollPWlnt 11 • 1111 Dftx11 E 14.:it 14. In¥ Res 1.u e.cn s.•1".ir m -111 •nr:tor Pn JD '"'° 16 1• . • . ~0111 ,.., , "" ~ H•MA t.li5 '' s1 !If 56--! M ' . . •"---1 Th' of blCI Ind '"eel DRIEY,US GA:P' I ' ., '"'A" 11 .~ 12 • .(1 IMll!rfl "' 2 • a 21 a '+ v. Otl Clll I... '°' JO 1 ,,~ e·= I o; ! -. . ~ 0 • ( income guarantee. pomts m ~ co umns, I! ,r1c.n 111'1 Mu1u11 8"" [11 12.•• 14.1e Grwt11 ... 2 s.21 scu oea " s: ar1' Ill' NY 1 ,?! ?~ ~ ,,'~+·•.:: I!! •,·."., , ... ,,.,11!. 111•,• !!! ... !!, ,•,,~· 1 ,. •• !!.. ,.." •• .. ~ ~f::f•' .!.. zD, t"" · · thou h I trust ·u FUllCI• •1 1uoree1 bl' m w lt.02. 11.Js ll'IC:Ol"n 4.02 '·" 1ntr •nw 1s.121J.11 an1u Tr w _ '>-T'" ......, ~ .. ... vo _ ,. ""'"' ..... ..... ,.. • As a family close to the analystS, g , Wl '"' NASO nc. SP lncrn •.u l.'2 Trst ut '"' ., B•l•nc 1•.n '·" &•rblf'Dll •I ~M ',.~ "•-~ " .. ~.+ "i: •'•* "'J• '• , n ;;: ~= ,,.• "• 22it. 1?+ ,."" .-.. ,..91,, ·,",1 ~" ""1, ,, ", hi start <th '·-' --lfdCentll.16 12.2l Tnil t.'1 12.111 .00 tom llSO!l:·"i•rCICA: .lJ .-. ........ "' mt. 25"~ •• ,. ..,_ l•llt n-\~ poverty line, McGovern's pro-edp yotanu d. w•d a luo.:uc MeMty, lt,/W' :a. it~oNM1 J.s.s 3.s.s h ttl F11e1 xn.oo n .n s\rct11~1n3•~is, n a!r~"' i:ri i;. ~3141 ,r-,r'::"" g11 Inn" i~ ~ t•--Im 1m ... :14 ,.,,., '·" " im T:t ~:: = ' ;I: :t=t l > -" gram must mean the tlimina· un ers mg an c ear 1111 Ask NAWM:o1 1vv Ful'ICI 1.ff .. ,. Equltw • » "" ••lflM,;, 1 4 1w. 11 1m+ v. l•m SMt 1 a tt\t ftit ... ~:::.:."' 1 1l l0\4 'o ;o;+ ~ J.tD " +;:: Uon of all your tax liabilities perspective. ~~.... 2·.,23 2.n ••111 Fd XI0.20 H.15 J,·H~~ :,i 1::~ 1:JJ 171~:1 F .~et ,tfi 1,·,!~!~ ·~ 3Mi 3' 3114 ·~"" m·i= ,. 2 ,\ 1.·~ I' ~·1 ~ lnllulf ", li-'m"' 'il ~ ~ .. ~1 '; J ,."" ...... l'lo+ lll ...., .. ,.TY CT•O I -• -1~ .5\!.' u'fYl.,.._~.:l.~ II -!.§ s ~-f t i'Tf.otd __ ,,_1 "' 1 -" -·· ''° :.:"' "m "'cof f;rw1t1 'f, 1.a c:ow111 F ll.Ol-1•.M ,,...,,."' n .16 n.J• .t•L§ ·os: 81,,1,, 1.. 13 ~· .. ..y.... ..,. ·· '' w· .,.. ......... " 'rT f!Ccm •. • lJ fncm• 116.. 1 oe ICIYSTONE: Arn s ... •.'13 \0.N 's.s l 13\4 13\11 131,IO ':It '" Cl ..,.. .W-1 """"""" '" • Ii: ·-" naurn n . t 1J·'f S111ell F )l .:N 12.3' Culf 81 19.09 1t.'7 DllP • FCI lj·" I·" .,",'•"•'• ,· '' '" .......... 4~ ·~. Gt~ . "' • .,. '!. . ' t ts :15 "5 ... ~re St 1.41) II 131 I , 12' t- • AdvlMr x.4 t5 • Sick. Fii ~ust 82 JO.Al n.11 Sor S'1rs I 20' .eo 11e m nci ,",, mt ~.~.:--~:+1~. l"l~ looJ• 'f. , ' + ~ H!!~, ... e~ .,11 ~ nit ,.,.._+ ~ """"-.., '·.?! "•' ..,. ,,~ f ,.-one On One Services ::i'~r•Fll lA.F, ~JjJ Ebtrslcl x.Ulf If:~ ~~f :1 :.~~ 1::~ ~;~.i F i9.i1 lJ:Y ~,Sr:, :30$0 41 U\: jj,. 1~1 ~ OllO OfA 71 +.'.".' ~~.,;;;. "'".'.!-' ;.-fnt =:\fl Mlt'l'l~'f' Ji ] l.'l! ~·· 1<w • • AGE Fd 6" j·5t EDIE ,. U51 kl J,10 l,U ffl'ARIHl.0 01:1" ' ,.. H .... 1 ,.,,,.~ ·-" I"' -· ft ~ 'I ..... ... ... ..... '" i 11 All•"" 1.0.11~ i.J1•3I.• "'" s1 i2 . .stnJ5 ~' •so •n "'f'l · "" ........ · IOflC • 11 H ,.-Vi.., ,,p,,. ·m N ... ..,... • ... :~:11Fl 'f/l lj;1:Vo~.,'frM •:•,:~ ~:l !sf ::~1::~ ~r.f"rFd 71:i1 ~:1!:~1~! :: 5' = ~ ~U i:=r::~ •;1 , ~-,U~u1~.si:' f7 6J'-' .=u +·iA ~t :f! l t + ... ""' Ovr1 lr,l. ~'lt ~qfy Pr "" 5.11 ~ulit 4 6.~ 7.62 f1•rtw .1• J·g :-:::1· .J ~ 3' ~tlr ...... 4Sl.4+ .. fllille• ·~ J4 + I Nn'J? ')I '" mt ~ ei-l;: ... Ir flC. 1 w r j1' Product;V;ty Slack? l&Nii:1••'sr . er~ f~ ~~ff 1~~ lnfri7 i:n i:a ,tii'~~J~il~·" :~c~ ~:~ i l~ ,Yt;1i~1U ~!£11l:°i if. y + ~~ltf~ ~t= 1~ = a ' ii~ fr, ~ '=t'""' ... " • fr11t~· :·r: l~" Em.~ 1tII 1 1 ·: ~~~ GF'= 1,:,1 1j:fi =~ ti.:: rJ;~ ::nc= •)1n ~ ':~ ~~"'=: 11.J: 'n 11tt, Im 71~+ ... 1~::.. .. ! )';ii '!l!J" -· • :u.~ =i~J.i:_,j ut t~ tt,\A) ~~.~ t'e 1~~m 13 f1 1f~ ~m~ "' 1l-&1 li·ll t:! ~~J \~:ff l :11 s~"~n '•.ll li.il ;:;?ri, ~~ ~~ iJ~ fi~ ?t ~uJv ~ ;f ~ ll\t ~+·4' Mf' .i!l ,,. fol~ "~ a ~ ii:!' ".ti 'f 11;; tilt t;;-~ By J OllN CUNNIFF although tnat is often the way stkk 1~ '·" ~m aur~io.ss i&.ss Llbtw Fii ••.~ J.;: 111111 F11 lo.ls 1'·34 • o J In .s7 ' ~ 491,1, 4'14+" 1c C1 .n JJJ sit;, I .., Elter,; 1' 1n't "" 1.ot 22• l' ""' ~· · Am Grit'! '· •.II FP, CaJ!I •.f7 S.:tt Life lnlY f.DP 9.tl IC:OMA FUND : llck Okt I .,'' )...0411111!J.~ 1,,,."'++lfl IWI"• O , .. 1 .. H.• ~M-llt '-",.,27 tlH 0 ,-. ~ ll,..,.. ~. !!!"~ r',"» '.,'· Af Ill\ lJ-.. Au.cl1tt11 ,,..,, wrrttr they have been practiced in Ant 1nn t '· "°' • "'ILIT Lite Grw !·" 1.10 r111 !.nr 11.00 lj·°' 1111r Jt1 A ..,>A 7.,. ... .10 j!li ·• .-.. 14 ...,. '"" a\t 11 ""' ,. • Mui xt.05 ,.., 0101./P': Lint ~,. 1 ,,, 1431 '"" l?.tt 1 .3' l!llll1LaMn 1 a ''YI IA 1•¥1+ ~ c •. 7t 17~ 1H f ,... Ml r _,. :» .,,. a...+~ NEW YORK -There Is a th •m~ Gr 3.n •.OI Bfld dtb ,,., llU? Llf'g llCI ,,,, .... T111 '·" 10~ etocllHA: .2• n1 lM't 1"" 1sv.+ fli Ch 1.eo "'I i' "•'• ~ ~ .. •I \'./!.JD 1 l!l.11~-. .w..,,..., '.·,." ., "• '°"' 211~ .. ,. e past. Ml OI CIPllll 13.17 l")t LOOMIS ltnlur ll.3' 14 8wueDfl1 "1 II 014 di 43 '" ~· lixo -· 1 t -31..+ ~ tp m: m: <de d belie! ···t ; .. _ . GR u .. 1 ~tr· .... 10.n AYLES: Smith 8 ll" lj· &obbl• l•b "' 11'6 11"1411~"' ""' ';i .. r. p :M ,.. -"~ " .. )I ll" ,, h• + w1 sprea UJtl ..... In the teaching of surgery, c1i>111 '~1ooi • sSK .... " .... c1nac1 ni ft1 sa is.Gr .u .M ao.11111c "° lll' 21"' 1'"' 21~"' "~ "I ,... ~ " " I ''° ... ~ .. + I odct'i+.o FnCltnw! l0.2' I 1.41 C10DvllW.!1 .... SoGtnfl~.ffl .:nao1MCa.ll 1m 2'111lJ!\+111 "°'·· 411 ~ I' C• ~ ...... f:m· n 2'•-"IM'" creases n pr u 1v.~,. are be-states there is no reason Grwt11 i .1 1J.n uex 1s." 11.0t ~·1 1s.,. 1s.l6 svm •11• l:Jno.N 8onCI inc1u1 , •v. •~ , _ 14o !f ;J l ~ ft .36 ., ~ " ~ , 541 ,..., .... .,. more difficult to obtain in the w'hy students should be hud· ~= s1.-Jf .fJl J=' U:it 11t:I ':f111111A••t_., 1.so !i;i"Y11 G 1 ·if 1~:Ti =:-"Wr \~ 1~/ t"" g ~+ . ._ Id:• · 1 2s m lt 1 ·a ~ ~ I ~·• ~ ''"' ,,.._.. 1.0~ lo ~ 1 ~ h W1 N•n ltiO'\l!j ~rill\ lj.U !:lll Am &us 319 3,11 P1Clr111 O tl7 f.7'J lcrmat\t In 1$ f\li ~ ,,.._"°"*' .'O ...,"!1 .,•~l~IJ.'t--\1 ---• 8 ... 1'1'7 .~=::-Jtb I 'If::~ 21= 1'!-+ .. "" service industries, sue as died around at!n tabl ~~ .~1 s. r11n F ·'' anc1 6tll n.u •j·'° TATE ND Gtl': a , ,;:11 ,,.. 13 ).ll4I :14 :JI.Vi r>ilil•1'f I·'° ~ .~,. . _..,... ..,... cw. ti ... 30 oper g f: :x1• F lS,111 !'l~C'Aza.02 30, t~"ln 1,::r lo:= ~'J:std 1:~ 1·:~ a:tE"llf t.• JI 0 ll:tV. llS~ 'lmt2l/o ~t:\ i'': ~ r f' ?t. '.~ =~ : ~ MINr~ M 1~ !'tt l Jr'-."' heaJlh, recreation, insurance when vastly greater numbers "j:9=NioN1· 11 .lt P'F\DG~Mll,\, '$.27 :'.:"J: 1;.~ l~;g sr'rr"or 111 1r. :f.~,f '~~ ,,.:.,' ffil, .... :~ !.~.~.. ,;:i _, 4 1 l~jU It. 1U"'+.li 1,,. l: 1 l 11:._ ~ ~f".. lli 4fit ~ :m+ ~1'" and education, than in the could be i·ust as elfective1y Ful'ICI a .01 i" 'I" 1ric1 •.21 4M AMM1t1 s.so ,,01 j' Fr 1ne 1rl r 11r1'" ..,.. • ., ~· .. :t: ~ ' i .~• j,._ ~ .., ' I "" lit ~ 1.M '" n .s. ~ Stock t., ·" Fii k1c S.9" •.~Mkl Gwt J.05 5.05 11111 St,n.~4 51 t9fl1M'f 1.20 Id''" lW. ''~+Y, 1.'f 'Cl 23 'Ai+ G•M 3 fflt: MGNM 2V. I tJ'.11 Qt.4. '*"4+~ manufacture Of goods. taught through the llSt Of et? ri~ 11:U1 ,ll~:rr; V• J:ilJ.~"'tr!:mC0:~.5.5 f,,, l~Ar:AN,,~F~~ :~;,:::~~ 1i.~ ~\lo~~.~ t=i.·~ :ti~ '1 ·R~ J11t1t ~ ,3 1 \II ' =I~:·:: 11 '1" n= u~.~ And when It ls noted that the video tapes. 1:= 1,:D '•fi ,~,l~TOIS; :s:::, ',,, 1 .ll 1~~ .~,~c:=.CI J: 1':r; ~~T1 o; ! l5 ~ ~ =+ .~ °'.~!-¥!, "·~ tS!.11 Sv. n +" • 1il: '~ 1-~ -~ =: ~ !* rm lf:! ti.:\i U lied Stat my I., f:'rt. v "l l· ) ~~ Fd '·"' "·" MASI NC I lrH o~ 0 ' "rock GI .,., 23 ~ 1'11\ ~ 111 -..:co. "' Ml> '!.. .. j ' 'Ml ...... ,. Marw" " ""' "':t• n es econo SOARING health care costr .. en HI 11. l 1 ,, F11 1o1,,, 121• Mtt 12.'l I'·" ~"""• •.02 2'·°' ert111Gs t.n 1s 2JJ't ~ ~ ... , ,. "' -t-... .16. i!'I: \!In ~ Mor•·"' 31 18 , •• ~ In -l' .. 'a F '·'• 10 ... Ml(; l.t.• .,,.. •fll 1.n 11.n "'-(;om ' 1~ 1111'41 l ( • .IO .... ! ,._ '"" It" ~ -,,, » ...... ,,,. '..... " ,,.. Ila IO\H ~ steadily becom g more could be further slowed he ;r,rn w. jn 'j· I' Muni 11,1• n.j' MIO 1•.1210.M 11•K••ou 1.:M J.31 arGl'OUP IYt v :u 33"" mi.+":~ .soai ~ u~ Jh-. Md 4 IJ ••• ~Hor~ SJ 21" , ,.,,_ ~ service oriented -.for the says by the widespread~ of t=•i :ft ' ,:Jn '1,!,, t~l& f1 4 $8 :::JiJS ~:ft ~ 1:·:: 1.14 =~~~j! ·= 1~ ~~ ~VI ~\4t ~ f::rG:1 A~ ':1 "" ' 1:f 1:.':Pe~ 170 ~··~ ~ ?t m' \'.! lJU 1'°"' 1 J2: t20 +.i" first time, more money was services that would relievej!lll":.'l:!IJrn~~~~1"''" n51J::.1: •i' •Jij t::O?::I o:::l!~ ::::-~,·~ ~'"ftE ll~ F,~-·=:~;';~ '~•S::1~ 1~tll ~~T:':\! !ltt '• a~·~ ~·; ~?! tfi ... :~ spent last year 00 s~vJces doctors of chores that are uNDs : orw1t1 lf..'2 2J . .n ~,,. FJ :3. 1,,., ~MA,ro :_ \O '111.ss t:c. ~~ ~ 62 ~;v. 12 +1~ ~ml!M\ ·fl 'gt :• S ~'!! ! lfJar.~ ;~1• ,.1 Utt ·~ ~·-~~ ~ i~ ~ii+ "tt than on aoods -the notion Jeast productive. Am 0 n g 1#~1 f: ~t.n H·JI li11Cf!:V~1 ~~I\~ ~!Lt..: ~:t1 ::~ Nd!r1 1~:?: lt:~ IYdtll!I lnCl"I' m w,111 ;" ••. F.= ~~ '.:n ?J .... ""' '"'-1" """., # im'l ,.,.. « . 1 ;" ' e th to led fecord k ~Iv fhr !" 4.l7 Siik~ 1;·11 ,:3: MllVln ~ l.S, 7.0. tfT'ii1t ~ ~..:it f·!!f ludFI of • ll4 ••· !Clllon 1..111 ')6 oi.. 4) ., fl NA C 1 »t 4llllo'I I f becomes m11ed with concern: em: au m~ . -eep. ~~'1"" ' j! 1'~ f'.lL'L1.iN · · ~f7,.,., ~:t:i Jl:JJ T'::t."'cJ! .:tt ,:~; ;~:!~w '·~ 112~1.. "'r•.1ov.f~ -.~ E~ o .10 tot '°"' 1m 1.,.'.:" ~ 't J • .m :=ur i 1ff" 1 'l!ill 1 It even leads to · dire ing, sectttanaL services. mitm 211.g cusfOo•AN: M1111 T" f·o.. f·:2 tr•vr il 1j.0113·~ 11u'* """°' ,,~ 1'" ~" 1'v.+ 14 ln;.,."'l~ 1fi lm l~ lm±·:! =iMHt':i 1.lt.. ~ · ~ ~ ~ forecasts that the American In schools, ht continues, we ~""}u~ ~:ff 1!:.U ~~if""' 1tJ 1'jJg ~1'T 1r&'C ~b'tr 1 · lcl:~o 1 ;11 f'.41 l~~ • .,"' 111: ,ll ~ "* =: ~':" !•it Mlmo •7 sat s1• ~ ~ i t· • + ·u Mvtr1L .JI li> h h have old fashioned concepts •11•mr t:(j ·fl ~r r.•1111 i:tJ ~ =nc~ 10·" 11·" ~1~ 1•:: •·fi "";.l '1110 1~ 3'I "' .,.. •~+ "'fL1n""°Nftt ?I _;i~ t':: ~ \.i ~'f. · ~ -" 6111 'j -' 14 quest for the good life, W iC 8boUt the ratio teachers lO :: \'$ t:it 1t:n ulco:C'f xt~.11 I.GI 2~1iM;,~ 1:ll ~;ll HVJ/~"lf sti~clJ:U :~~.:~ ·.~ "n ~ et :t??t+i~ ~\~~o1"f ~ n~\ lit\ R;t:l~ !=t'l~I . I ~t ' ~ +-~ =J~ ' i ja represented by the growth students When through thf: Ml S~t-1.t.41 IJ.75 Fii Mt llp 11.,61 l1 .•1 fl!CO!'n S.41 , ... O~Rou,•1 :::~'uni!:. 1:: 'mt 1rr; l"v; +M EltnoC. 1.'° 4' ltllw " (){ services, ma)'. lead to a l ' HANNINO PU::J INCi" Stock Sr 1.H ,, " ' !l~ l'·" -< c.-... ,,,.(fl 1JO dct I tion of the ·nation's use of vldeo.c.asetteiJ and other u:i:~' 1 n ,,,,., o!::: i ' °' ·!? N~~ ... 11 ii' 1 ·;: '"c~~ • Jlt~ c11.w11 C• ·'° , •. ""'• '-~ "",.+ ~~::;~A~ :;; ~ ~ "" ~ ,: 1':::"1~~".1 ''! ·1 :_ co%pe~~ve position. relatively recent tecluliques, II ~f& tn b:611~" ,!~ Hls =i~ ~1 :::?! '1:" J?ll~~ ~1 ~fi €=: !,,."1 ,~ '!~ 'la. '!...= tt f::'J'i.~ ,f ;r ~ w+.~ ::.kl:l. t t1• . .s .:: ! has been shown that these """" ~·H . ol ,,·'11l1: ~::..ic,.en1 1,'H lJ:# irnll~d lll ;·&1 gr~ ... '''\~ 'L ~ m ,mt u £Ml Lr .Old • ,, .... M '" m· 1. ' ... ~ ~ A LOOK at the figures raUosnttdnotbemaintained. ii· ~en,.~J! .... NIWMlll l!: ... 21.n ~i·1ut1fj ~:m•r11:,.4' s1 °" ~ <CMttr.~:=~,i1 ,~ tt:t ~~ =--\'! fr/~ iii fif'I ·, · would tend to · confinn the '1o our own business," said iosr:N1 ~I Tr J:2' 7.3t ~:."" itll ~ffi .=.,,re '·111 16: I~~ '.!; 11'~ 2;¥1 ,,_. ,,.M+ a~'""'• GM ~ ~;; ~--~t,~ I" 1: ..... '"".':iJ '!I mt = I •" 1~ -fem During the decade of Beckett "we once belleved tn., 9fi ~1·1f 1~ aou_,. lacb-~' 1~ \~l. ''!. ~ f J· ?.;,.e(' .wi '5 14Yt 1 ~ '"~ ~ ~ i: ,i 11i 11~., 1ff" -i '" :F:E'i \;:J 1ff !, ~ " o""' 1.a the t960s, productivity In the !bat a Ille IMUrance salesman !$, : I:!: ij:!I ,\~ 1:u ~;ff~ M !ljj Jtt ~·!," ' j.~ l.::J ~"!Ll,z 'ti,;. h ... ~-;::,: ::::'"j~ I ~~ ~. l~ \! lffi~I ~1£ ,Z 1~~ '~~ ,'ti•'"'~•!: 5 =· , ~I~ services rose by an annual couldn't haodle more than 300 ~N~fL 0 ·" I M ~Ill "~~ ·n u:U ~~WM ~.17·'° ~ .. si ,~. -r~ t:~1 ': ii ~-~\ *~ ~ ~:"8:: . .: ,, ~ = ""--1• ~ l\t ...!J ~ i ~ ..... rate.of about U percent com· or 400 c:ustomm. Now we ex-I~~ n.1 . ::,',\' OA • HI ii: ~i: '!:JI l::fi ~:! i~ J:ll ·~ '""'""' ' "" '"' ,)ll lf'-• rrn r;.' l~ '~ ff" ~ lit~ ,;;r ,., •,~ "l1 + ~· pared with 3 percent in pect them to c:are for 1 ooo" ~"'" 4 ltt ,.,.., tJ.r , I " T"M 1 16 11.n b"' ,, •1M 1 ·r, ~/[' 1~ ~ ~~ ~v. J~ ·..,, £sou ire .• 15 ov.g.-4111!+ tt I~ 11~~f~ •1i 1 •'-' --~ "'"lr..l:::.'::":.;:·Mii::.,_!!,.~~:::..~.!!.. manufacturing. . Ironically. the chi 1 ef ·in. o~ 1J.~ 1 :I: ,,~'l"~flC. I · ~.f~,rc '· 1,:;" lt':~"; • "' ~~":J!l ~ ,111 .,'"' ~"k':== ~~i::r! 1:Jf... 1, "' · "-;; j'l!,T ,T i.I• •,, "" 51'11-"1~ Butthatw•s.past,andao-edient of service pro-=. lf. ,t,ULJ' l' .• ~U:fi · Ti' =c:1 1i. ·" "~"4 srnirnt?m-·"~:=1~0 2:~ Ili't' :i.-+ .. !tt,.1',T"l114 .J1:"'~"~+1t4 Sfl .. '"l'"l'"lhb cording ta M acknowledged fuctivity ii often a machine. ~°"-'llh .!J ~ ff .tt '. ~ Pn'm n if:I: 1J: Hie! "'..,~ 1'·P, :~ww .. ~ ,t ~ fl" r.,,_ ~ i~'r.1 &·'t 1~ ~" ~ ~ti ffr fii : ,f ·~ ~ ~· ~ .--• authodty On ltrVICe (n.-Jntha. C1$t!:Ofthe!nsurance JfS:l , rr~b'RO •to<T•Pl'l::I~ 1'1 .' ~111! ~::·.~ :f~11 t,'Z II W6 +•£~1ndctr• n \ .. £f'ni\+4' ~~"'lot ... "~14mil--i. AMMl .. lti!MldrtdlM,9mH!l.I .. -,. -"" -•· -.!.>~1r"I' ''I '>\I" +1 "" •w ,,_ ..,,,M,..·~r.rt"' "' 1' 1'1r'f ,._ l"'-~ 1ftl\' 1[111 1 3t $.. ;, '1\ ... tl'JcMCI IPI II tf!IN toll Mrl C: 1111 need ..... be the future .. The ef~ up pro ......... i . notltle3 him " 1 ' . • . "l•r?.' .... 1 ,Q v -,,., '.Gr J.! ~,. c. .N ..lt r I~,,. f(fl c'1m .u =~t = Il:r+1~ \ll!IUtY .n~ J "" ~ ~· .. 1\111. ~IV!Ol!1'1Dll 1~ !MIN ·~ ...,.,......,, ~" ff~ Iii' ,,..". lJI •115 ti! fl =·,,.,.· .l "'f . ~·~ 1"1 rlnd ISd $1 U\4 •o:~ 11 •• ,',i" .. f:;! 1-" .,·•. = 1t:?s,·~.~ t • ::r.·~ fictmcl<1olvolum•.hemaln-wbenitmak<1calb,lumdi .. -,. 1,: ~,.,...:11,.1 · •.~,··r.·'~.,w~·r,:~~ll:ll ~·ii 13. ,,. ~ +• ''l""I'-",,. ,.,.._,...__llJ!!m;· "' '"!'" """'" ,'tl1~•-• tal"" a-001 limited to ••• ••· blll'ng _.. l" ""jl Uw l:r• I W L llfllioN r;MH ~· ~ f'lrl'[lllllf I !17 l1•)'t, I~ ... ~+1~ 11 ,,, 1: \ 1 ~ •'4 ,•"'+·;; f:F.,1111• 't'W'lll'lt "1Nr.t .. _Ariii. I (•I'"" ..... ·~ "1':" wte I • • • ~ , • In¥ ·j : !IC m j .o14 ,,,. .,,,,. • ' t, o e1 fl\Ho~.. ""2' +" Felitar .lOCI ,...,.., ,.. J •~ ~ , . ,.. .. .., .r.ttJ , ....,.,... =-1--..11---JlfOdudlon of....._.• aJont. -Bec:kf:'ti befievf:I that the ltfl " • Ott , , Pro Pd , ·••Of' q" n·71 II\ II t nv. ., , , ,111~1t,.rll ... "' Ill! ,1 1111"6+ \6 ntn ~!ot "a ~ t~ ~ " lll•l--1 i11)~lll lrllt ' ~ • 9"""'° , "1MI In • Am ~C°'1' , , 'Ifft ·li •ll C!\ ~ , If ~ ,6\\ • -11111 In I~ -•owt •;.f. ~ m ~ \~ lCltl'Mf -iti.111 J _. C'lllt lili t Any time you have a one-on· future of productivity In-1tn1r11t l 1 "'~ . , ~IClt . :Jl .. ~ • '1 ft mt:+ " ... , :Jk F111 ~ 1Bt »~ l'::: tl!W11 •a i ·~ lnli+ ~ g:; c.r1t .,, .. ~ 1111t w.' f"!!J ts hl&hlY 1 ~· & ~-·~ IE:~~ i:Ji • ~ ~;; 1:i,'*:.:.lm.l:,.;~t·~r='ll;:i1 barbtt11hop,youhaveUmlta-dependent upon a marriage w.-1 ~ IWv.tl a•~1.v11~J!.os 1 w~ t , tntT _,; ~~Ult,~ I~ jl' '" :;';<',:.:"~ ,Ji F,-i:l•" "11.Jro .. 'ri'~i:,...;.,~,.. Uons, Beckett concedes. But with manufacturlnc. Without ~·~··V· 1 't"b'l··· if,'' ,,y ;. Ill:'" jl'l' I wi,:•u.r I: r::i ,::;: ... :ii ';! :,,. ll ~t • ~ .. 'I'.'.!., .. 1' ..... , ... ,...... ..!\ ... .,.. ••• n.:l.."C • e ~·~~ be also clalma that ma117 madllnes, oerv1tts would ,. ::•• l~ I m 0 l11 l:ll ll<"~ ~: , i:!:ll'&~ f ·I: c6i$,. 15 '! , i., "= ~ ii::~; I. !:.. ~ r, ,_ • .n '! • f ~ Z"" ._ t "' M = RS aervice jobs need not ftqUl~ main dtptndent apon bumu "~ ~ .!· ·~ll~ {SI;'" " : I: z~-1t 1 j ~"""r!rt .M 1 ll ?!!! !!~ ~ ~"'~ ~ ,i •'• 1, ~.~ :"£~ ,,, -= !ft tl 1:::: =. -. 111 11'-.i one wwt« for each client, energy. ., 11a. :ff "i: I: ·~ ... lli 1:~': ., • • :.=,.tait. •rir., 1~ ,,:: ,. m .. n:-... ~::'~ 'i ~ 'I ~" cn,ilf ~:D .,; 1t::.f 1 1 ·~ ,. . , ' ' • • 0 " .. WtdotMlar, Jvly 5, 1172 D.lltv 'JLOT Wall Street's 'Language' ·A 'Hindrance? more about the u.;tr than it dares to pcneLrale lhis world_, word •hould. be 1y1tematlcally NEW YORK (APl -Wall communlcatt1 to the Uatener. lest he be revr:aled by 1 examined to determine ir il ii Sltee1'• ttrort1 al seJHn1 ltaell "Tht cuatomer can hlv' 1 foollih qunuon. Languasc or c:onslltenl . "ith the ttottJ ol. to lhe pobllc an being lld I I odd I I " that IOrl It mean! I o a:ood m a r k e t l n a: com· betr1yed, a dl1tingullbed rou 0 or an ° ' iayi munlcatJon1." Kendall. "He c1n have 11 BJa discourage questions: Some of He thtn pro......,414 formation . ' worda used in dealing with the \'ocabulary 11 developed, il public. Needed, he said, are will taU reproarammlnt or "ne•. fresh, J)O!lllve. descrlp-our sslesmen. our operations live, modem terna.11 people, even our owners and That wouJdtbe the be&lnnlnl • managers to Jmplemtnt It. It •1wben a succeufuJ ne~ may even takl 11w cha.nlfl·" , HCUriU11 official bas characd. Board stock or perhaps an It can be tr1c:ed back lo the ~ Tht! traitor : lhe language, over·the-<!ounter stock. Jr he '1 day whtn the public wasn't of a profeiilontl marketlnJ,-;~~~~;;::~:::-;;;Jjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii!!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii Will Street's vocabulary 11, lucky, maybe even a hot iuue. needed. Now Jt 11. committee to explore thell LIAVIN• TOWN? ml ,. to apeak. the lan&W!ie 2f "If he's a little more Kendall temlnded • recent --All~•"ll"""'' ooH'T Lt:AvE vo1J11t 1St &1 2 sophl1tlcated, perhaf)I we can marketing meeting of the New HOMI! UNPROTICTED R E. LOANS lhe atreet. 111' unique, quaint, orrer him 1 pot or 1 coll, York stock exchange lhal • How To Hohl · R E N T • my1terous1 11\angy. And, In the itrlps, straps, 11 r 8 d d J, 1 , poor vocabular')' not only !PALS£ T££JH AN ULtltAtOHIC • It.HI .. Stt.IOO opinion or Leon Kelldall, "It IJlf•adl, or maybe • diacre-lhnlla the capacity to think, r,. I u R G LA R • ..... .... .. binda our thougbl proee,...." Uonary sccount. but mort imporllntly,'il llmils S.cuNly A LA R M : ::; ~~ ~,;. CAU Kendall ii president of the The vocabul1ry or Will lhe ability to pick up new ~.J~•t,!:.''!Ji!:~~':'i.'f..u111b~ S Y S T I M Strtet It .1poken swlltly and bu1lnt•. orfatklAdtnhtnadbetl••ee.11"-!p. Nt l11tt•ll•• Cfl•,,. . 847•1200 8ec:Urttle1 lndu1try AJsocla-with auurance that only thoat "Whal do we do about It?" 1ABTEETH•r1"'dent11rt1a lonr.. cALL ,o .. tNl'Oa.MATioN Uon, 1 trade group that \vho ihould know will un· he asked. And he answered: ~ =~b~ ~~d~-::U~; AL::~ ~~~~~Mt RILIAILI represents many or the lar&e derstand . "Get a new language." and ~1111on, -_fMJTEJ:TH Dto-oi¥1t1H Of ... CM•t t 141n. _,,,, Ot•• c.. ttttc• '"'' n..uu ture Ad&ttl•• Powder. Otaturff 1611 Placentl.-C"t• Meta 11111 ct!Mr:t, • ""' J ,_~·~toc:~k~ma~r~ke~t~fir~ffi1~·~Al~~he~~N~a1~tu-ra~i~iy~tno~u~gh~,~·~m~e~m~be~r~~N~~~·v~e~ry~w~o~rd~n~e~ed~be!!_~tu~1~n~t~""~,..~·~t1•~t~to-ltn~lt-~-a._..!~~~~'4!1~·M;H~~~~~'!!!!!'!"!'*'~',..'"'~''~ I 1ee1 it, slreet talk reveals of the buying public .eldom chan1ed. he 1aJd, "but every 70W' dtnU.t tt1ular1¥ • . Netb SkaRner ' . . · Royal Savings and Loan A1socl1t101i hu opened the doora or ll• new :seven·•lory building, pn El Toro Rood. The newel! addlllon to the 'Mluion Viejo-El Toro 1kyllne wu completed last week. The archl· l"'!I wu O.K. i;;arl. Royal Savina• will occupy the firlt Jloor. · ' . . i . .· ~lue Cross Battling Automobile Insurers By JOHN CUNNIFF • • .., 111 ....... AM1Y*9 ,. NEW YORK -While I ma· jor , bill!lo Is loudly waged be lwHn advocei•• or I&• praenl "lau!I" syalem or v1h~lt i111urlnce and "f>l'O- ~ntl of 1100-fault," another ballle ii being roogh( betw;en Slue Crost and auto lneurers. To .. Y that'lhe ~lld tot> ntcl 11 a amallee one nllghl ctuae one 10.n1Isjudge ill ilto. J! loo Involvtt hundred• nr mi/bona or dolilor1, e v ;, n bll fona, and eveotuolly n1lght Ill Oil Jdat 11 many firework.a. ·ll.11" JN lbe p r e 1 e n I lotlalaUve context, It la Ille ballle Within the bllllt, !ho btotdlf one belhg whether 111~ Bhollld remain with 11\llt lru!urance, 'In whl uh paylntnls are madu by tile neJ{igent diivtt"s lnaurer,. ort nK!iull, in w~ich the .dHvor•i awn ln1urer pays, rl!gal'dless of laull. · .', • Siu• Cron, which provides health Jruuranca coverage tor 7l milUon 1ubicribei'll, f;.,11 llJ&f it ihciUld conlln•• to be lhl; primary provid~r undl!r r' . I 'l1icomes' ·Dip i)t SF 'SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -The av,,;ose 11mlly r .. C!9"\! in San F~l8co1 a1 fiilured ilcc6fding lo tht 1970 ce""18, was f.10,503 a year, a bit below the . itttewide figure, l!aya lhe Oen!Us :aureAi1. .11\e st1tewidc ever.a&e. the bu reau reporte9 ~er t6e week111nd, was $10.732, li>r 11611-the lasl avellablo aovenuntnt figure . , 'lilt city'• 7 1 5 ,.C 7 3 .midenu II yelll'• Ind older, fncluded -61 pel-ctnC Jn white <oilat jobs alld II P.:f'C9nl in government Jtlbl, apparently also while collar. Seventy·t.hree percent ot the meu and 50 percent of tbe woltljn ·wore ln the l•bor l!Jlce, the \<port •Id. any state or. federal no-fault plans .. Some automobile in1urcr1 lo•I differontly. With big prern.!urru: at 1takc, they seek a major role In sellh\11 health coverage 11 part of the over· all auto inaural'tce packa111. SO fir, Blue CroS! h11 been wagtna .a ·1e1s tl'ian 1ucce111ru1 batlle, ha'llng won no clear-cut victory in an}' of the 11ven State pll.nl thil qualify, more . or le!I, as no-fl.lull. ft j11 still tiiOlting in other states and WaiblJlilon, D.C .. The auto irllurers. 11)'1 1 Blue Cr<>11 spokesman, 1rt powerful iobbyilrts. but non· .profit Blue Cross still hopu to ni1ke a major-impact on 11n)' federal leg~lallon. · ' AJthough a federal n~fault l1w 11 unJJkely in this M•1lon of Congre11 will at least Ht up guidelines wilhfn which tho stg tes must work. ·WHY DOES Blue CrOls want the busioeas? First of sll1 because ·jf already ha1 il. In the view ol Waller McNerney, lllue Cross pre•I· dent, auto lrtlurers shlbkt 1upi. plement re11ular ·health care protection only in prbnary health coverage is inadequate to cover tbe eo1t of cAre. If 75 million American• are already covered by Blue Croas. he arguos, why •llould Ibey be roreed 10 pay ad· ,ditlonal premillml ror duplicate coverage by auto In· 1urer11 · And there ii the matter or efrtoiency ~and coal. ••our overhead 11 only 7 cents on the dollar,0 says Mc Nerney, •·'f'hein1 is 40 cents.'' / More thsn II blliion· in medical expens•s wlli lie peid beceUJe of automobile ac· ciderils thl1 year. If the11t C!X· . pcnse1 "'.Y e r. e underwritten 11oh11y by aulo ln 1urer1 MoNerney claims,· that bill would tlse by l400 million. By conlrast, be ·adds, ii D!Ue Cross and' Blue Shield had eoie respontlbllity !or under•rltlng theie expen1e11, admlni1tratlve or operatln_g costs would add only $10 n1lliion to the bill, or $3/IO million '"''· MOREOVER, he •dda, tho nalton's 74 Blue cross pl1n1 afe ill a much stronger pot1I· lion to exert preMure on health care COiis, which ha ve been rl1ing swlruy. Ditwl I c;.. ' M WMM •971 JUL AUG El'! OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JL 71 1 +--+--+--+--+-+-+<-+-+-.J-4-.J.-I ~l t--t--+--t-+-+--1-+-.J.--.J.--~ ' 65 •621 -1--1-4--1--+-1 .59 1J.:t!..4-,M,.J,.-+..;...~f:i;; ::i::~;;;;~;~~ I • I ) Nation's Largest Federal offers Nation's ~est~t on insured savings 6%, $5,000 minimum c"tllio1te iccottllts-tfio to .five yeu terms.''' pwbook acoounl• available al>O. .F.REE Parklila WWlo la FREE Trmt Deed Note ColleetiOI Wit~ If ,ooo ·--· FREE Sarilp --· Banks FREE • Loan Collllellnc aod litentn .. •r, · pool, pro"'11 ill,.._t Hlaiobift ... lonl. • FREE Monty Ordm Wiik SJ,000 . ml•--- F.REE M<rilT Maaey Plan ' -nEE Photocopy Smit* Wilh S1,000 ., .... lllmtt. .. FREE Tratelers Cbecll• Wllh SJ,000 Jninimum btll.,.. FREt NoltlT S<nice Wilk Sl,009 _ ..... _ FREE Sn•'h1·Mail Posc.ae FREE Exchange a.eeks · • FREE P1yro1J Savl"5 Dedactlon .Plan I<'.il'EE Inlttbruch Deposits • and Wllhdr11.-11s 1l 1n1 or twr tllka FREE O•Llle tltdrollc lllllallt Strlicr FREE Cll<tk Holdt!$ rer~ •llf<ks. FO~ YOUR CONVliN1iNCI ••• ALL OF,ICll ~ILL' II !)PIN IATU'~DAY, JULY I, PROM 10 A.M. TO 2 PM. Costa Mesa Office: 1700 Harbor loultvlld 5*'300 . Anaheim Office: 800 N. Euoild AYltlul 11e..11U . ' \ ' ' , (. I ' • . - I • • • I ( .. I . Wednesday's Closing Prices-Complete New . York Stock Excha1w:e List Glamour Stocks Pull Market Up '~ .. ~": ~'· ,1111 trllne .~...,. 'rcJ'!r.., :. ~·I :=f'JJ\ . t~P,<o01 ,00 NEW YORK (AP) _ Plices lo.rg!lll t!J bstantial "" • 11 gaJns in today's sroCk~m_arket, although they sUpped ~r~-~. • bllcl< a little at !be lbtlsh. Trading was moderate. '::iiJ':;I' • . There were no major econoll)iC or international ~~I~':? ' developments to stl.mulate investors, but analysts ~~"illr 1, said that with the help of some glamour stocks the ~::f9~ '. market pulled ahea.d in a reaction to Monday's in· ~11tvFO • chutv.e holidlfy session. ~:A~co '. l\l~Oll ·" C.,,., ............................................... ,YOrMf 2.~ ytllOl'I Don • ~. SC ,I:\ ........... ::. DAILY PILOT klei Ntt (IMIS.) Mltlll Low CNM (flt, Finance Briefs e .ll•M 6'9nt WASHINGTON -Tho Of- fice of Economic Opportunity ha &lven tho .Rand Corp. of Santa Monica, a 11.5 mlUlon fl'lm to acqllil'a data re1 .... t llf&mto acqulrw data rell¥mlt !• _11olicy decisions la lbe *1111 lnluranco ..... 8lnco ~--con._ II "°"'-' .... nna reform 0( 1 b 1 Med.icald program and ,..... 1jon ol • nal!Oiial hallll .,_ auranco oyatem, OEO olftGllll .. Id the rtsearch prognan lo almf!d al develo•i·~ data dial can serve u a bas?s for ~ nalional policy dlclllons. • • • I • ' • DAILY PILOT Wed~, July 5, 1972 I 3 LB. s1zE Moaatain Grvwn •. • FOLGER'.S COFFEE 2.25 1,000 SHEET ROLLS PAK OF 96 Scot Tissue '' Efferdent'' White & Colors 8 ROLLS For - . 00 ANTl-PERSPIRANT .,. ·39c MIYl.\Y .89' lOW l'IKl • SUPP-HOSE PANTYHOSE In Proportioned Sizes DENTURE CLEANSER : TABLETS TWIN PACK 'Q-TIPS' COTTON SWABS AMERICAN PEETING "Holly . Hobbie" .;Ci:~ '-4-0~ ~ Distinctive verses .around full color artwork. 11\i-Un •lllJ111< ... 3.50 ; wwe. GIRLS' Dresses for FALL Mod mixtures of designs and fabrics in new Fall colo rs . Nautic al red, white and blue theme with zip back, knit fop and long sleeves. Sizes 7-14. Rec. 3.99 2 i&.98 LADIES' • . , . - . . Snappy outfits in den!m or cotton twill with zi p back and buckle shoulder straps.1 88 Sliorts have cuffs and Z patch . pockets. Stripes or solid colors. Sizes 8-16. Rec. us u . • LADIES' Knit Shorts Comfortable double flat knit fabric . Elasticized waiSt. Ideal for 1 88 traveling . Eye.catching solid colors. Sizes 8-18. Rec. 1.99 • . Girls' Dresses Da inty cotto n prints w/sh irred tops trimmed with lace. Short puff sleeves. Various color · comblnatiOilS:· ·rail'orfd button down the front style in deep solid colors. Sizes 4-6X ·Rec. 2.99 2: 4.98 G:~tt'f ashions little girl versions of grown up styles. latest colo rs in easy to care for fabrics. Enchanting details .•• perky pussycat bows, ruffles, belts, etc. Sizes 4X6X. Rec. 3.SS 2 i 6.98 . . .. -- Wedlltidar, July 5, l '172 5 OL EXTRA LARGE SIZE ''CRESJ'~i . TOOTHPASTE Recular or Mint flavors • • . -· PILOT-AD~ERTISER :J BOX OF 40 16 o,. AEROSOL ,.,._..,,. 'Modess' NEW FEMININE NAPKINS . ''Aqua ·-Net'' HAIR SPRAY - Double · · Deodorant Ghost Writer & DEVELOPER The spooky way to write! Invisible ink .•• only the. developer will reveal your 1 message. ~le 619~ !!II> "pHisoDerm" 59~ !: 89' lOWNICI 2 oz. CREAM MITCHUM · SKIN CLEANSER 10 LB. 11 OZ. FAMILY SIZE ''TIDE'' DnERGENT 3.39 ~~.D!S?~i'~~, ~ t Ji ·~!~fl!J.'ft'ttl'fi!i] E:CC~ METAL Footlocker · • ~~ND ''SPONGES'' 2._29 11 oz. SIZE ''NOXZEMA'' MEJIKATED SHAVE-· 2Y, oz. STICK or 4.oz. SPRAY . ''OLD s·PICE''. · . . 77~. SPLATT.ER . SCREEN Fine, see·lhraugh mesfi save s hour s ol t itchn clun·up! MmAY 1.98 1 49 lUWNICI • I SET OF 4 THERMO Insulated Cups 1.39 IDUBARRYI ~ t1l 'Moisture Petals' HYPO-ALLERGENIC MOISTURIZER LOTION All PRICES HEVAlb 1111rs411, lily It~ 11111 S.IQy, Jllf '" DRUG StORES OPINtAMtolOPM ,. .. ~.;. 11AcH -, .. 7,Rel~'L HUNTH .. TOM llACH -..._ a .,....... NUffTINITOfl llACH -•••t•ll & ...... IL TOH -Mm. ........ M. I 1 ... Sil( JOHNSON'S Baby 1.Sllampoo No More Tears I Pure and Mild. 165 TABLET BOTTLE OF ''Gelusil'' 1.98 PET 'M FLE4 COL~ARS for CATS & DOGS 99c • · 32 o~. SIZE ''FINISH'' ' DISHW~SHER DETERGENT 49c -. ''BAYER'' ASPIRIN TABLETS ' • I \ I ' I • ' I • 17 j ' • • • • ,I Lag1111a lleQeh EDITION VOL 65, NO. 187, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA \, ,, • l~•Y'' Flnal ~ I '· • N.Y. Steeb · '· WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1972 TEN CENTS Soviet Demand Threatens Chess Title Match · REYXJA VIK, Iceland (UPI) American cbeu · challenger B o b b y rucher apolOfPud today !or delaying tbe start ol tbe world championship match wttb Ruaalan Boris Spusky, but a de- mud from the Soviet cbea federatlon threatened to cancel-the Zt--game series. The RulSlan cheaa group cabled Dr. Mu Eqwe, president of the International Cbe9 Federation, demanding t h a t Fiacher bO ordared to forfeit the ·first rame because 'be did J10t abide by an. •· agreement which said both playera must sbow up within one bour of the scheduled game time. Euwe said be could not (Ive tbe f¥ game to Spasaky becauae tbe Rlislians did not object to the first postpon<> ment. However. he aatd the entire match ~uld he endangered lf the Soviet. pressed the issue. 1 "II the Russians insist.on this penalty, I believe the whole match is off,'' said Euwe. • • "We are aorry that tbe world cham- pionships were delayed. The problema causing the delays were not tbt world champion (Spassky) who I respect ~ a player and a man," Fischer said: "JI gr""'"'aster Spossky or tbe Soyiet people w~ inconvenienced or dlscom· lite<( I am indeed unhappy !or I had not the slightest' lntentiOn or this occurring," ·Fischer said. • O!fJolala .boped . the • twl~lponed tournameot eould aet wmr way· Tbljl"I-.. • • day but, earlier, representatives of both Fischer and Spasaky broke of! talks, casting doubt. .. the possibility the match would he held. 'l'be start ns Postpooed from Sunday while Flsche.r stayed in New York, bar(ainlng !or)DOre money. lt was postp!¥ttd a second time Tues- d11;y after Spas.Uy said Fischer insulted him by refusing to show up to dtaw lots • to see who got to make the f1rst move. He demanded Tiaclter apolotilze and said • the federation mus\ censor rl'"scher. Fischer, who has remained in seclusion since arriving in Reykjavlk early Tues. daf, apologized in a statement read by his second, the Rev. William Lombardi. The demand from the Russian chess federation followed soon after represeb- taUves Of Spas.sky said they had broken off talks with Fischer's representatives. Earlier, the official Soviet ne\vs agen- cy Tass · criticized Fischer and said he Ill(). • .} .Ir- .,; • Love Ani111als? . . r---·-··· -......... -·-······---......... ·.-·-·'"" ........ --· .. _ ........ _ ....... ··-.... . ·Eatery No Place for Camel, Fowl 'Yc;iu know how It works. Ut a camel get his nose in a health food store and pretty soon the whole beast is inside - which unsettles Laguna Beach police. The Ull!ettl!ng .saga o! the dromedary began beca~ Lagunan James Douglas Roberts is an anim81 lover. At 7 p.m. on the Fourth of July, Roberta' enthusiasm for his four-footed friends landed him in the arma or the law. 'Ibe charge; aUOwing animals (one cal11el and tbrtt dOgs) in an eating place, Name Sought F9r Laguna Crash Victim • The Oranre County Coroner's Office is aeeklng the ldenllllc1Uon of a middle- aged woman pedestrian Who was fatally lhj..-.d Tuway night as ahe attempted tO croes South Coast lllghway in Laguna lltach. Laguna Beach polite said the woman, now identified only as "J aq_e Doe," was struck do.wn at 9:S5 p.m. in"the Calliope Street crosswalk and was pronounced dead on arrival at South Coast Com- munity Hospital. Aplert.Alois Riley, 24, of Sierra Madre, driver of the .small foreign car that struck t)te Wlidentified woman; was l>Q!>ked by llaguna Bqoh l'olice quus- plcion of involuntary manslaughter and later releaaed on ISOO hall. 1 The victim was in her late 50s or early 809:. according to ,corooer'a deputy Russ Green, five feet six inches tall, weighed about 200 pounds and baa brownish-grey hair. and blue eyes. She was wearing a pint and brown dress. pink sweater and brown shoes, which were knocked off, along with her Wristwatch, by the impact of the ac- cident. Her purse contained no wallet or iden- tiflcatlon, the deputy said, and lite only presO.rclue to her Identity is a personal letter from a rural addreu in Kentucky. addrt:Sled to "Dear Marge'' and signed '!Emma.'' ·· Investigation of tho-..aclent is in the bands ol the district attomey's office. in violation of' the health and ,_rety code. Roberta' pr6blema started when police ofricer Paul Role spotted a large crowd ou tside the r~taurant, 782 S: Coast lllghway, and found they were admlring a young camel, with a rooster riding oo its back. · Rose called the station to see if there might be. any local law against keeping camels on sidewalks -Uien amended bis query · with ' the information that the camel had now entered the restaurant. Sgt. ~orman Babcock made a hasty search of the municipal code, found that domestic anlmals are definitely barred from eating pla~. WUd animals cannot be kept in the city. wltbOut special permission from tbe city council. , ~.:l°~""'=·~; b.frd'J7.i , for He c8IJ'ed cur Al' torney -.1el"l'oor who said that in ·~ lawhook tblJ·wtilJd cj~•lllY.l camel as a domestic anlm_aJ, ·\befMore not pennit· ted in restaurantJ. · ' The Information -!ranimitted to of-ficer Rose, who tmparted It to Roberta and the camel'• owner, Ode Lewis B. Marvin of Topanga. . Marvin said he'd bn>ughl tbe camel, and the rooster, to Laguna at Rohem' request as a sort of promotion stunt for the health lood parlor, but he'd bi glad to remove It right away H it was apinst the law. Roberti, 21, or 1564 Pala Way, was cited [or violatioo of tbe health and sa!~ ty code. The camel, police reported, was loaded into Marvin's vehicle, a converted black Cadillac hearse, which was last seen · ]leading north on Pacific Coast lllghway, Council Weighs $500,000 Loan I' Laguna Beach city councilmen, at their regular 7 :30 o'clock stsslon tonight, are expected to authorize City Manager Lar· ry Rose and Finance .Director Robert Green to borrow up to $500,000, In tax an- licipaUon warrants, to Ude the city over. a linanclal dry spell until property laJ: receipts are available later in the year. With only 131,AI ldl Jn the city coffers at the end ol lht lllcaJ year, tbe council appears to have no dK>ice but to borrow enough !Wlds to maln!atn operations dur- ing the coming months. The use of tax anUcipatk>n warrants is common practice In achoo! " district., which are almool totally dependent upon pfoperty tu revenuea , but cities normally have sufftclent revenue from other aources It operate without hor· rowing. • 8trirce vp t1ae -fltmc1 · ~ . . .. Tlie outdoor concert held Friday by .the Wjcblta . State University band found this junior conductor bQsy lbrough in9st of the aession. Band directing can be •tiresome work and the iast photo slrows a once-firm arm drooplnc a bit . . Wtioflland Drive 'Issue ' taguna . Zone ~uror D~e? By JACK CHAPPELL Of .... ~ ........ Laguna Beach's Woodland Drive Is &bout to be rezoned bact to residential in a land uae flap that , ... back more than five years_ and shows signs ol being. • • . Now, the l~lanning Commlaslon la Considering wKloing What wu done before. And a new Laguna flap may be brewing. •· The plaruiip( commission Mooday renewed. -55 · p The 1167 ' PWiniDI' commiulon once ,000 erSOJis · took a look at a parcel ol canyon prop-• • · , perty and decided u ·wou1d be a dandy H . . =>· .. '~ ~ man~actur1ng . (Ml·A , it Laguna Sand ,,., ' ' The.city needed indultrial property, It DeOpite stiff cool omhore .-tiJndl an '""Id ~ tu -wltbout Ip-. ' . ' ~bly IQcreatna ~ft,. aervJC. l)eeds , eatlmal0\1 55,oOll -. packed the aand incl a lllted ....Wtanf'reeonuileiidecf lt. o1 Lagilna Beach over the Fourth ol July , A !Jci~ lfoi-ped when ocme of holiday. , • ,, passed to the second public hearing July 17 a proposal to zoot the &lftected ar,. back to residential. lJndtr tbe present Ml·A zone resident. thero may continue to live in their homes, but, only limited Tepair _and_ remodeling may be undertaken aihce lite mldentlal use la non-conforming to tbe zone. This means that ""1lhborhood upk,.p has surftred and it meana that resident& ·w11ooe homes have heei! deslroyed bT fire or ~er colamity cannot rebuild. If the comml.saJon were to rezone, the 'residents could rebuild, refurbish ·and (See WOOIJIAND, P ... I) ' the .~ of , the area between • The llle(Ulni ~ lc!d&ed IZ 2 LA M H ~d Mllll(an and Woodland Drives lllong . reacua and 5' 111'11 alda ~y, nollng . · en ·~ , Liitma Cinyan Road 4eclded the)' didn~ . tbe number ,of Jncldenta wu kept down '!l"t . to be lftOl!ed. The COflllllluion because ol a chlly 51 degree water Q Le d £"..:. d reaonec1.the land ..,....y. temperatun. . • ....,,_ . D .W u.iD UCt PSA Jetliner Com»lande.ered Over California 'Therapy::: C.~lled ·Torture , ' - Rap in Laguna · Two Loa Anltles •roa men wm:e released on hall late Tuetday alter being arrested on the· Laguna· Beach boardwalk on auspiclocl ol Jen condud ia a pnblic • • . ' Coed CJ,aims T-ickle · '1'T-eatments Left-Bruise t--~ . ( ' . SAN JOSE lUPI) -A farmer coed wbD u ld sbe ,,.. ulclr'ba'ed" br 1 ..,...,gist Ullnc bla .... tlylt ol tlwlpl' has been nu<led 1171,000 bT a Supertltr Court jury for lnjurlu ....uittng from the troatmont. Ptttlli Abrlham, 12, wm the award -.. fonMr -· Dr. Robert w. Zolloll, prof.-ol PIY'holosr at Cal jllat. .-, J•. Rt II upectecl to appeal. ~ ii ...... ol a tecbalque known• "r111 rdactioa." dacrlbed u "tldllrtc. potJq 61 IUJllulatJnc • ... lltnl .. -pet"""""91 ---· lit ..... a dlde II Mlrby Loa OllGI, tlHlq autllllc cldldren -lhoae wttli llnlaq and ~awal pri>blems. -' Miii -•· -ol lettl-f1111!! • advice o! bet-phyalcl•n that -ol tbt tbenpy ml(ht ~ a--. Blit ahe takl In '* oull that • pold l4tl! I« a J>llour llllrapy _ ... to try to ltlolve an.llllOlll!lal problem. , . ''J -tllrluretl,' lnclqdJnl choklnc, bellbtl, ~ uf IY!nl me down and lllcklng n_. In 111,J -. " • llld la ..... ,llllt. Aa a -· "' tbt --• llld, ___ ...., .... ....., .......... .....-. llniiM allaal tlio c!l.i, '-&114 lep and a lacerated ~ A tape.d Ibo u.i.. .-., ptlldDo ' • ated wtlll li?roaall · and pleadillg1 was played to tbt jury. . ' Thne tiiodleaJ docton testilted during ' Ute IUllJ . trial thal · !iJs technique "ea· ctedod the bouqtla ol customary medical . tnctlte." · 7.oalew told a district 1ttorney'1 Jn. ._.lplor, "ilhlnl< I di' her a favor.'.'....! Of Ute tmlment, he said, "We do It lut1otl;. Wt tlel!le 1tt11!Uve points o[ tho bo-'1 11.Jn<:uce i,unhter." . r..iow -dactibed Tuesday as a .., !IGled !or develoJ>ln( 1 cure !or ntlldc ""'l"ren. Dr. J ~;\..her called It trail<" that ( .. ~·Parell I , ~·--pl ·~ --- Police Sgt. Ntil PutteU and off1Ctr Rick ~ made )hi an-esta afltt alle(edly oboerving the two on the hoanlwall: near tbe El P-~ lot. The urests, PiirceU Aid todoy, did, 119t Involve IOlkitation, IS did Ove earlier Art C<>tooy llTtlts that oparked 'I mass protest by the Laguna homoaoual com· munlty. Tho officer said be and KPlzln wore -king a narcoUcs a..._t wllen the)\, o-.ed the polt IQ what they tenriM a vlolatloo ol tho law ap\Dlt lewd condud. 8"olced II the LquM Beech police at.lion and later -Oii ""11 "'"' John Allen Pad,.U, 21, ti Weal Loa An(ales and Donald Manholl -. 14, "' ifoll1woed. -· and his backers planned to l1!t 1 com- puter 10 try to win Spas.sky's liUe. "'It has b<:.elt learned in joumallst clrcles here that Fischer's patrons hav& '''or ked out rather original playing tactica for the match in which they were not guided by chess interests ," Tass said: The news agency said Fischer's followers worked out an arr~gement 'vith a.computer center to transmit each move and the computer Would calculato a counter--move. · ' FAARu1ing ,• .. ,_ -· ·------····-· ..... -· .......... _ ···-··- • Calls Jet Unit 'Safe' The Federal Aviation Adminlstratiol has given lb approval to plans for a ne1' jet age airport at Chloo Hills, north of Yorba Uttda. Leo J. Leary, spokesman !or Chino 111111 Alrport Complex tne., said the FM ruled that the proposed jetport would not adversely affect the sale and efficient use of Cl.Ufornia airspace. ,... There "" one ratricUoa, however. The federal qeacy approval la !or a modified plan, sreotty re<Juced bl scope !roqi the .,.Joel flrtl 111'-'1 ln NO\'tml><r, i'i'lf Intl calls lor . no incn than llll,lltlO. -.:lal -.,.. .. tlOlll aMually, Anotltfr hurdle ii a .-.quired •n- vlrp!'ITIODlll Jmpoct report that will Jn. elude nolle and~ - Learj ald Jlrml wlr'e beln( contacted now to make this report which must receive approval by the FM and ll1'I Southern California Aviation Council, a branch o! the Southern Calllorola A!aoclatloa o! Goverrunent. (SCAG). · No e.stlmate of the cost of the jetport and support facilities has been made from when the first fonnal an- nouncement of the pro/eel surfaced lut Oct. 20, ~hen a "round f gure" of '200 mu. lion wu "(oiced. The comintrclal operation 'rutrtctions should .no~ ..be a. harcls)Jjp, Lea,; aald, pointin( out _that Oranre County Airport had le11 than 29,lltlO such operations in all o! 1971. Location or tho propoaed a~, Jong a project bl Santa Ana ~ Wood, I• north of Pr~do Dam and the -Freeway and toulh ol _Diamond Bar ID Los Angeles County. About 48 percent of the land invol ved -23,000 acres -Is in Oranae County, another 48 percent in San Bernardino' and less than four percent In Los Angeles County. Leery said no objection had been voiced by San Bernardino County Qfiicials or mldenW -and north~o[ the proposed project. Put objectloni have come from citizens and officials of Yorba-Linda, Brea and other northern Orange County cit!•, principally al a lteorlng held in PlacenUa lul February. Leery eallmatea that the airport when completed will be handllnG about It million -ngers by 1110. He pointed out that nolae should not he a !actor Jo lhO future with the Improved enrinel now ' (loe AlllPORT, Pap JI ....... 'Cou& • ........ Tba t.mperahtnt II cotnc ap oJonc the Orance a..t, with beacli readlal• ol Ill ......... rlJlng lip to Ill lnllnd. Varllble hl(h --""""8Jtout. the" dlJ 'l'lllndlf. LoWl- INSmB TOD.t'Y • sovth c..,1 ~--­another Weft Cout p,,,,.,. t~la '°''"""' -Ille c-Mtta com~nv 9f""1ICI "ff°"" Birthdau, Wanda Jtme." Sec .,.,.. '· tainmcnt; POQc .50. L.M. lml 1 A• ......... • ... "., n~ • c1•1_.. • ,..... 911 C:t1Cln.i •'I Ma~MM .... M CMICI • ....... t.-r M crr·...nl • WM• ,._ • :r;:,.: ... ::. -: e ---~:i l :;."wt--..... _.... -,.... ... ........... " ...... . .... ,... . ._... .... ... r •. 4--.~-------;2 OAll.Y PILOT LB • -----"---~ ""u '"":::"=..,...::.....i-.-::IJ:::•:;:'::;i.="f'""er-;:-· E_lder __ l-:fl__;,. PrQpos~d .Zoning : .. Move Into ;Qu~ng Tri t . :sAJGON (IJl'I) -'A 1,200-man South :i1<1n1me,. f0r<e moved Into ~•111 Tri 41,y today, set up a command post and ~ out through the· ruined city's "'"""" and residenUal di~trlcts. :;Bowever, pv~ent spoketmen said ijey would not list the city u.rccaptured llplil government troops, c:onlrol!ed the lf!llled cllll<!el in the center of the town. 1 :•1'Ullta'ry sources sald the troops met. tiitly Ught resist.ince bot no attempt was Jiade to storm the citadel, lhe JlOllible i:.nunun!St headquartera. • :J, 20,000 ·man South Vietnamese task 1'ce moved north Into Quang Tri prov· ~ more than one week ago. •:so· tar, fighting has been retativ<ly llBbt and allled officers said they do JlQI l<iiow where the estimated 411,000 Com· luUnlJts wl\o took the erovince May l are lllding. . . ~·The provihcial cl.pita!, Quang Tri city, li.s been levelled by bombing attacks oince the Communists captured the prov· ~· . '' 'I -· Huntington Not Backi~g . ·study of Pacific-Ro.ute :•Wldle the lead elements moved into the What's it rt or Pacific Coast Freeway anYway.'' · PiY "1th µttte resistance, South VJet· was handed a solid setback Monday night Matney then moved for an o(ficial vote JfmJime tnarines seven miles southealt of declaring that the council would take no 9lana Tri Cly met wilb a heavy North ·by Huntington Beach city councilmen. action on a resolution supporting Burke's ~i.nese counterattack froltt a bat· They refused -in an odd. manner -:-to bill. lillOa tupported by li tanks. , ' support a proposed ,five-ye;w study o'Nhe Mayor Al Coen, frustrated by the ;!Tbelnarinee reported no tank! krlocked f eed fro Jhe Lo Angeles freeway batlles, declared, "I rea11y don't 'out but said •• Comm"•'•'· were killed ree.way n s m s ,0 .,.....,1,;11 Co t 1· t th Sa t A R' understand this whole thing. I C<Juld with government caaualtie111 placed at uny me 0 e. n a na .1ver. throw it into a deadlock by abstaining." nine dead and 16-wounded. The measure is proposed. by State Coen did abstSin. So did Gree.n aod Two miles southeast of Quang Tri City ·Assemblyman Robert Burke (R·Hun-then councilman Ted Bartlett also ab. at IWldown Tuesday, a battaUon of about · tington Beach) who was looking Cor suP. stained', leavi.rig Matney and Duke on the . . ' ~ . Draws Residents ~ A proposed rei.one to permit a seniqr cittzens apartment cornplO drut.a 3tand-- Jng-room only crowd to the Laguna Beach City Hall chambers to speak on both aides of the appllcallGn. That reione request wa1 sent on to the occond public bearing July 11 by planning commissioners Monday after some con- fusion surrounding the p o s s l b l o withdrawal or postponing of the matter. Developer John Elden told com· m.lssioners that he would like the request taken "off tlfe calendar" for a while to enable him to work further wtth the clly planning department. He said that his development actually called tor a new zone rather than the M, multifamily zone he was applyihg for. commissioners declined, noting legal requirements for the public hearings 9.nd observing that city planning staU was. too. busy now to initiate research on a zoning ordinance revision. · The public &earing which lasted nearly two hours was punctuated frequently by the rapping gavel of 1 acting chairman John McDowell. Commission chairman Carl E. Johnson relinquished his commission seat as his home is in the area of the propl)Sed development. Eld'n told commissioners that hia pr~ poied complex on the 7\1:-aere 1ite_oo the hill above City Hall would serve a critical need for the elderly. City planning staff recommended again!t approval or the development's re- quired rezone "although 'the motives are wortby.'1 A _petition signed by 160 persons, and 47 letters in oppositon \vere received by commission. Ten letters 1n favor of the proposal were received. Critics charged that the tow-cmt apartments would place a d d i t I on a I dernanda on city services, tower property values in the expensive ·nlei;u>orhoOd, be built on unstable ground, not meet paik· ing needs, have poor aceess for emergen- cy vehicles, and, co~ld noi guarante\, residence only for senior citizens. Elden said his pedest~ian-oriented complex of about 200 uni ta would serve · only the elderly and tbat a pr~liminary advertisement bad drawn 250 applicants. Numerous statements oo that ap- pllcaUqn form stated that long time _Laguna residents were quickly being priced out of town, Elden said. The developer said that his proposed complex would be more beneficial to the city than presently allowable single fami· ly residential development. La Mirada Youth Arrested 500 Co_mmunilts· .attacked government port from Pis own city, He didn 't get it. short end Of the vote. I ~=lt~n ~:~~/~?~-~~~J~ks .. No ' .t·o~~:~~h~~~~~1~;~6'1:..!,.:0~f!rn~~ .. po~{~e~·bllr~~~nkW1~ ~~~~,T~· ...... w--..• !t·k .. ···P·Jrl . ·1· . 4·· Fo' r ... oru·-·-·· _ .. gs' ·-......... Ul'l""<O!Tes]>Olldetit Barney SeiDeit Councilman Jerry Matney. "Huntington, it the kiss of death as.far as local support 11 \7 ' ' . reported the troope: entering Quang Tri Beach ii the only portion of lbe freeway is concerned. City today radioed back that it bad been still left." Two councilmen, Donald Shipley and leveled by bombardment. "A freeway that goes nowl:wre ls no Norma Gibbs, were absent. Both are in .• Heavy naval shelllnt and a~al born~ 8sset," added Councilman Henry Duke. Europe, but bave previously upressed mg preceeded th~ orth V1e_tnam~e Councilman Jack . Green defended anU-!reeway sentiment. capture of lhe provmce, .South Vietnam s Burke's proposal, saying, "It's an at. At one time, Huntington Beach was the no~t, and during .the govern. tempt to bring a Dttle order out of chaos. lone coastal city in Orange County sup- ment ~ve to retake:, tbe city over the I'd Jove to get some of these people porting the Pacillc Coast Freeway. J>ast e!ght days. . . through town, even U we just dump them • The province fell to the Commuru~ a jn Newport Beach." . month after they launched the~ offensive Later, however; -oreen 'threw u-p hi! .!n South Vldnam March 30. It 11 the only handa and .Xclatmed: "If dlieini make a .P;rov!nce shll; m North Vl.etnamese ,hands. damn bit of difference what we do, ~he Court Restores State Delegates To.Sen. McGavern Seibert said that behind today s lead legislature will do what it wants ~lements entering Quang Tri City was .flle main body of a paratroop vanguard, ,J;OOO men 1trong and backed by tanks, ,l!Jat ptllbed forward from positiOlll ball_ a inile and a mHe oouth of the city. " Quang Tri City normally bu a popula· ·~on of :15,000 but most of these fied oouth when the city was overrun by the North 'Vletnamese. .... More refugees were created by today's .iOveromeot pu1h into Ifie city, _ ~111 Pagel TORTURE ... the jury awarded MIJll Abta'l""' tho damages. Asher asserted Zaslow was "widely ae-· claimed in professional· circles" for hil work with autlsUc children. · "Anybody who has ever been conne;Cted with him wi>uld be deeply resentful of that (the trtaJ's) caricature of the man," A!her said. "It's .ary,_very,.lpigic.Jha.t they will now remember him on tliis kind of basis/' Zaslow, a graduate of UC Berkeley, believes that autism, a s e v er e psychological problem, is caused by a tension transrer from parents to children. His theory is that children senae paren- . tal rigidity and, 1as a result, withdraw in- to themselves and wipe reality from their minds. Movie Director Dies TRACY (AP) -Hal Walker, 76, veteran motion-picture and -relevl'Sion comedy director, died ·Monday. Walker directed such films as "Duffy's tavern," •lJtoad to Bali," "Road to Utopia" and "At War With The Army." OUN•I COAST .. President Tu1·ns . To Peace Talks, Foreign Aifa~rs President Nixon will shlft ·empbasis ~ day 1from hollda'Y relaxation to in- ternational afrairs -primarily po,n- ~ering the U.S. strategy which will be put to work when the Paris peace talks resume July 13. The President spent -~ of the Independet:e Day holiday at home with family and friends, taking a short time out to deliver a traditional radio address ffum his otfioes. ~ - Later In the day he and two close triends hit the bc8ch -something they have done every day since arriving last Saturday. LOoking rested aiid well tanned, Nixon repeated his earlier orders to whoever would listen -Hgo to the beach and try --.. WASIIlNGTON (AP) -The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals here today handed a victory to the forces of Sen. George McGovern in thl!ir battle wilb the Democratic· Credentials Committee for California delegates. · .. .. · At the. same time , forces of Chicago Mayor Richard J, Daley "were given a setback by the COlll'I. in the IOC<ll1d hall of the dual attack on the comri\ittee'a boUy disputed decislolis. The appeai, 'court reversed a District Court decJsi°'1 which upheld the com· mittee.'s action of stripping 151 dell!gates from CaJifomia. The Circuit Court ordered the di,§trict bench to rewrite its decision in the California case in ac- cordance with an opinion not yet filed. • From Pagel WOODLAND • • • some swimming." .... Since his working ¥acation began Jn repair, but the folks who bought Pl'Q~ san Cl emente Saturday, Nixon has had er:ty in tile area with an eye toward two house guests, Charles G. "Be.Bev-developing light · manufacturing uses Reboro of Florida and New York in:-'would be out in the cold, dustriallst Robert Ablanalp. · In the years since the 1967 decision, ';Ml-A Uses have encroached" Into the Laguna Leagtie Chooses Johnson The Laguna Beach Civic League board of directors had endorsed Carl E. Johnson as the ritan to replace Coun- cilman Edward G. Lorr in the July 25 recall-council election. residential neighborhood, planners were told. i So now the dilemma. 2.one back· to R-1 and make the resident.! happy and the light manufacturing people unhappy, or, leave the zoning as it is and keep the residents _1,inhappy and .. leave t b e manufacturing folks alone. The commissioners received soml! ad- vice from the community. · The commission received six letters supporting the residential rezone and two • A 19-year-old L;l Mirada youth iJ In custody in Laguna B01cl! today after allegedly supplying acconal tablets - known as "reds" to a 14-year~ld girl, • also from La Mirada. Police·were summoned to the Wood's Cove. Bea~h at 3:40 p.m. Sunday by a i:tttzen who reported seeing the youtblul pair on the beach when a large wave came uP and doused them. The two shed most of their wet clothing, hanging It on · a bush to dry, then returned to. their l!lanket where the man allegedly produced a pl8stic'bag full of red pill! which be and the girl began eating. The couple appeared to pass out on the blanket. the citizen reported. · • Polic:e l'Q!!Sed ~--~·pair and took them into custody, ilOll( wtlb.15 of the red pill! found on the blariket, Sgt. Neil Purcell said today. The glri w" tramfemd to Juvenile \ " Solon's Journey Ends HONG KONG (AP) -U.S. Reps. Hale Boggs and Gerald Ford arrived in Hong , Kong today after a lo.day visit to China which Ford said he hoped woul4 "help expand the growing relations between the People's Republic of China and the United States'." Neither would comment on discussions with Premler-Olou En-lai and other Chlnese leaders until they report to President Nixon. GEM TALK TODAY by I. C. HUMPHRIU EXCITING JEWELRY FROM SMALL DIAMONOS DAILY PILOT The board Vote was unanimous in sup. port of Johnson, a past president of the Civic League. letters opposed to il . Andy Wing told the commission lie Designers of unusual jewelry. that would like the zone dionged back to the is .within reach of a large number of Tl'I• Or•no• l:ol•t ~ILY PILOT, wltll wlllc" I• com&>lntd the NtwJ..Prtu, is publlstlt'll tir tile Or•• co.at Publltlllng COl'tPlllY. s~ rfll• edl!IMs •re publbhtd, MOfld•Y tllra11gll Frlc:l•r. for Cost• Miii, \H""POrt •,•Kii, H""1tlngtor. &rtch/P:Olllllllfl \ VIHfY, L1gun1 8tld\, lr.tM/Stddlebadl find Salt Cllrntflhl/ S•1t Ju111 Cap1slr1110. A s1no11 rttlOn•I tdlllori b PllblWIM Sllllrd•P end Sunc11rs. TM prlncJj:)al pub11sPllng pl1nt b II )» 'N!!ll air Sir"'• c..-11 M.a, Ca1uom11, fH2', A statement 1 s s u e d following decision cites Johnson for his work on the sign ordinance, support of the Main Beach Park and work for the 36-foot height limitation. .. Johnson,_ 50, is currently chairman of the Laguna Beach planning commission. Along with candidate.'! Larry Campbell, Wayne Baglin and Beth Leeds, tie is seeking the council seat . now held by Lorr. way it was. Wing's homo Uhree burned consumers are steadily increasillg down some time ago and he would like to their. use of small gems in creating rebuild, but he can't. "Residential use of the area should be e~citing rings, brooches, pendaqts, protected by residential zoning. There bracelets and pins for women.~ are no manufacturing uses there other than those which are permitted in the Men also are benefitting from this r.esidenUal zone.!~-Ii.kl Wlng.-He meant ·· ··trend··toLthe unusual. Rings, cuff the arts and craftS undertaken by area. links~ and tie pins ar~ now being artists there. b' t" ' f Paul 1Yestbrook, Laguna real estate creaied through com ma ions o Hall, he added, and the youth Is In custody, awaiting an-aignment Thursday on charges of J)OS.'ession of dangerous drugs, furnishing drugs to a juvenile and contributing tO the delinquency of a juvenile. . In other narcotics activity over the (our-day tloliday in Laguna, a dozen persons, eight of them lOcal, were ar- rested on a variety of minor narcotics charges in the areas of Victory Walk, Woodland Drive, Victoria Beach, Cres- cent Bay Beach and Sleepy Hollow. · Planning Clerk Receives Honors ' .. Judy ,Ronaky, Laguna Beacq_Planning Commission minute clerk and a city planning secretary, has been honored for her meritorious servi~'~ in 10 years of ci· ty work by a commission ~lutlon. The resolution cited Mn. Ronsky's dedication and hard work through the years to the Laguna Beach Planning Commission. HThe thing I always liked was that in lbe minutes, she always makes our com- ments sound more l'ntelligent than they really were/' observed Carl E. Johnson, commission chairman. Mrs. Ronakv Will leave her post on July 15. She is t6e wife of artist Edmond Ronaky and lives at 1295 Dunning Drive. for the man of 'the moment ... CARAVELLE• by BULOVA Jet Saks OK ·_ To Red Cliina WASHINGTON (UPI) -'[he Commerce Departm.at AJd today It approvtel ,. flto-mllllot -1 license tor the Bo<lng CO. that I would clear tbe war for t~ sale or Americtln-msde commercial jet airplanes to Q:immunist China. The license means that the Administration has given its bless· ing to the snle of seVeral 7~ aircraft to the Peking government if Boeing and the Chinese can come to terms . "We are still negotiating with the Chinese on this purchase, 0 a Boeing spokesman said I n \Vashington. "\Ve have not got anything signed on the dotted line." From Pagel AIRPORT ... being installed on the new 747s, DClOs and Lockheed 10111. He said the present DC8s, 707s and 737s wi-11 be obsolete by 1976 when the Chino Hills project is in operation. Project piymoters say the only in~ habited area which could be remot«:}y af- fected by noise from the jetcraft in the future is the Olinda Village development of about 300 residents in the north Brea area. Oradge county Airport officials ha4 no comment on the project today but previously Robert Bresnahan, county director of aviation, had a d v ised supervisoi;s that FAA approval was only a "remote possibility." Recently, Third District Supervisor William Phillips, at the urging of Yorba Linda officials, suggested creation of a vast wilderness area in Chino Hills. At the request of Phillips, San ·Bernardino County -supervisofs .. M!heduled- a public hearing on the proposal two weeks ago but postponed it when no Orange County officials appeared to testify. Leary said today that "final negotia- tions are under way for teams of na- tionally known speciailsts to conduct th~ environmental impact study. They will include ecologists, h y d r _o I o g l s ts , botanists, zoologists, ornith-Ologists in ad- dition to other experts and audi() en_.gJp~{S,. Col .. John Lowman, president of the Chion Hills promotion, said the report on the impact study will be made available well in advance of public hearings to be held later this year. He pointed out that .~he environmental impact report approval is necessary to obtain federal grants to fin ance the proj· ed. Additional funds, Lowman said, could be raised ·through revenue bonds issued by a special airport district, a municipality or one or more counties. Tustin Man Hw·t In Cycle ·Mishap A 22-year-old man from Tustin suffered a broken nose and other facial injuries in the spill of his motorcycle on the Visbeek Ranch ln inland San Clemente Tuesday. Police said they and an · ambulance were summoned to the end of Calle Salvador at about 5:50 p.m. and fowld Patrlr:k M. Bray in need of n)edical treatment. Bray, who said he fell from his cycle a Cew minutes before, was treated at Mifsion Community Hospital. TRANSISTOR "A'! ·snver dlal;~~ Water re1illlant. luminous dtal, ...... TllANBlSTOlt "11"1 Calendar, water rnl~tt.nt. lamlllo111,<llal., ..... ~f 1l:ali1rt N. Wat' Prakltnt end ~llblllhtr J•ck 11:. Curl1y "le• Prl!ilk!Slt 11'111 Gener.I MIMIH!' Tho11111 lC11vll Ellltor man, observed, othat _ first mning small diamonds, sapphires, uncut declsion was not a very intelligent thing. quartz and· gold. to do. People wbo do want to improve . , property should be allowed to do so." First prize in the women s cate- TRANSIS'l1JRIZED · WATCH Th11111• A. Murphlt11 MIM111111 Editor Ecology Group Behedules_Blm Mic'1<\el Schley, president of the gory in a recent design competition Citizens Town Plannlng Association, s~ ...JYenllo.an..unusualopen,,workJ!om,.._.., ___ ne Cuo..U.'l'multtou•"'"oeda -·~rter an, we are lll~iness of plan-ring sprinkled with dU.monds and wSDdJq:. ltl nU•bl• little tn.n•l•tot ud CfitrlilH:-loo1 Rlcll•r4 t. Nill As1l11M1l M1111gi119 i;dllon Ut••• 11.c• Office 222 Foreit Avotiu• ~:-Melfint ,.y,,,,,: P.O. lo•.,,. t26Sl ·-°"'°'-C.S•• Meta: :QO w.l l•y 3tr.t Hft'Plfl htdl! »» ....,.,.,, let.llw1rd H\111'1111'1~::.:.Mctl! 1711S l•dl IOufftvlrd It!! C : * Hw'llt RI Clmlfto llNI Toi.,._ 17T41 '42 .. Ul Cl•"'-" A4u•ftl .... '42•1671 a..,.. a... Al O.,w1 ... 11: f ,.,. ••• 4f4·t••• ~'· '""' 0r... C'Mtl """l"'lrlt CGmtiitnr. No ntWI 11Mla. n1rn.1rtnom, Mllod1J --• ldWl'lltll'M'ltlt !llfelri Nr .,. ~ •I"*"' N«~t ,... ""''"" « .,.-Jthr ...,.,., • .,_,., a. ........ ,.., ., C.lt Mftl, Cfll!ftf'llll. .....,,,,.,. .,., "'"ltr a.# "";":L.., ..... SJ lS. ~'"''' 111111f"" tn AM "'°""'"'- • Pro-environment People (PeP) of Laguna Beach will prese_nt ' color movie and slide presentallon on lit~r and waste managemen t at 8 p.m. 'l'tlursday in the City Hall Council Chambers. Environmental rllm, "Things Worth Saving" takes a Jook at current municipal collectlon and disposal prac· tices wilh specl.al emphasis on the new systems of recovering resources from wast~. · Following the movl•, Pcl' will pro1<nt the slld .. lecture on the challenge of litter and solfd waste management. Dlustrated are <he techniques being demonstrated at various clcltles in· eluding Wall Disney World in Florida. Public admission to lbe presentalion is free. • ~~~t ~'?" people. And this ts what people sapphires. In the men's division, ~=b.C::::1r!!':~· y0:.: 1~J. Bui two property ownen of the area lop winner was a tooled cufi·link . ;· ••• &e lotpt tlM tloll71rind·and·wto~ don't want a r<Sldenual zone. Sltd tie tack sel, with small dla-GI" tnnllitorlud tlm• by Cuovell~ They say. that they bought the land monds centered in ' lily·llke cup1. ta hth nplu Id calodu mod•~ wtth Ml·A use in mind and that to ...... 1osee.t1e, change zones in mld·stream would be d.. In the search for "something dlt· nylng them their rights. ferent," men and women are also "It would be an injustice to the people looking to the past, buy!Dg or dupl(. who hava bought d"'*11 there wfth the in-h I b tent o1 getting an iltdustrtil loan," Kathy eating antique jewelry, w c , Benson said. though old, will never lose the beau- Sh• charged that most of the property ty of careful .cralu~anship. owMrs don't live on their land there, that the/ rcn1 out to undesirable people and "don't care what happen.s.11 ~ "As tor the discusslon about It being a illce place to live, 1 thlnk ll't'Just crum· my!" she aaid. We ofier · the latest in modem jewelry design, or ~autilul an· llque pieces now on dbplay In our llore. (Adv.) J. {!. .J.Jumphrie:J jewefer:J 1823 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONyEf;lllNt TUMS IANICAMlRICARD-MASTU CHARaE ti 'l'tAlS IN SAME LOCATION PHONE 141.)401 . f . . • • --------~~·-.,-.-----• • ' • vor.:. 65, NO. 187, 5 SECTIONS, 74 PAGES ORANGE COUNlY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1972 • • • Today's 'fih•I • N.Y. StQeka TEN CENTS • ~ ... _ Soviet Den1an ·d Threat.e.ns · Chess Ti·tl e Match · REYKJAVIK, lctland (UPI) Ainerican chess challenger B o b b~y Fiacher apologlud today for delaring the . . ,star! of the worlli championship match With llu!!lan Boria Spueky, bUt a de- mand from the Soviet chess fedefation threatened to cancel the 24-game series. The Ruisian chesS ·group cabled Dr. Mu Euwe, president of the International · Chess ·Federation, demanding t h a t Fischer be ordered to forfeit-the first game because he did not abide by an agreeroent which said both players· must show up within one hour of the scheduled game time. . • Euwe said he could not give the first game to Spassk;y be<'Jl;use the Russ.him did not object to the flm ~ ment. However, be sv,Jd the entire match would be endangered 1f the Soviets pressed the issue. . · "If the Russians insist on this "(>enalty. I believe the whole match ls otr;~ said Euwe. "We are aorry th&t the world ctmri- pionshlpa ,were delayed. The problems causing the-delays ·were got the wOrld champion (Spass~y) who I resj)ect u a player.and a man," Fiacher said. "If gralidmuter ·spasslty or the Soviet ' people. were inconvenienced or discom- fited I am indeed unhappy .for I had not the aligbtest Intention of this occurring," Fischer said. · O!ficlals boPed the twice-postponed tournament could get under way Thurs-- .day but, euller, repre.entaUveo of both Fischer and Spassky broke off tal ks, casting doubts, On Ute posslbiHty tile match. would be beld .. The start was pciotpooed from Sunday while FiacMr oliyed In New York, bargalolng for more mpoey, lt WU ~ a aecond time Tue!- daj'> alter ~said F:lscher IP"!lted him by refu!lhg to'show up•to draw lots to see who got to make .. the first move. .He demanded Flodie): apologfze and said the !ederatloo mll5t ceruor Fischer. Fischer, who has remained ln seclusion since arriving iii Reykjavlk"early-Tues- day, apologbed in a s~tement rtad by his second,. the Rev. William Lombardi. The demand from the Russian chesis federation followed soon after represen-• .taUves or Spassky said they liad broken off talks with Fis~er's representatives. Earlier. the ofricial soviet news agen- cy Tan criticized Fischer and said he and his backen planned to use a com- puter to try to win Spassk;y's title. ''It has ~ teamed in journl!ill!t circles here that i'ischcr's patrons have l\'orked out rather original playinf: tactlct for the match in which they v.'ete not guided by chess interests," Tass said. Tbe ne_ws.. qency s,aid Fischer's followers worked out an arrangement with a com puter center to transmit eaCb move and the computer would calculate a cow1ter-move. · First .Meeting . Of Saddleback Trustees Set lVlcGovern ---·-·····-~···-·········-1······--·····"··················· .'the first official meeting of Saddleback Valley Unified' School DIJtrlci trustees will be held at 7 o'clock Thllrllday morn- ing In the multipurpose room of La Paz lnterme'.(iiate School in Mission Viejo. U.S.-Jurists Award Him 151 Ca lifornia Delegates The board chose the early morning meeting hoUr at a recent informal sesslon in order tO bave time to act on a bond electloo pi:opo;.l prior to the 5 p.m. deOdllne Thuriiliy. • ~ are expected to vote to bold a bond elect~ Sept. 19 and ask the voters 1n the ' newl):-lormed unified school district to piss 'an lt~mlllion bond issue to finance needed~ construction. Coupled with state ~· the money WASHINGTON (AP) -The· U.S. Circuit Court of Appeels today reversed the Democratic· credentials Committee and decllred the party's action "null and void~' in stripping Sen. George McGovern of JS! California convenUon.delegatea. The lengthy opinion tiy the appeals court declared ,!hat the <XJl!llsion of th! 151 California deleg8tes "w•.1 in- consisle!lt with fundamental principles of .due. process." · The losers are expected 'to ask Chief .Justice Warren Burger to call the Supreme c.ourt, whJCh' 'aajourned last week, into a special ~er session to . hear appeals. A copy of the circuit court's· apinion was dispatched to Burger's office. He will have' to · cootact tfie vacationing justices before deciding. on a special sesajon. 'J1le· courl haa been cailed Into special session only three ifmes in its his\l)ry. Meanwhile, .attorneys · for Chica&O Mayor Richard J . .Dal~y's 10-,~ whose ouster wu vplleld· by t!>e cfrcWf ~. ftlfl( a mot loo ,nsltlng the circuit court to · at'ay Its owh action. , . ' , ~ ' The appea\S Court directed the 'district cow;t to wrile an order ""'°erltlng the party from ·:~~ . theae rei~ California delegates becauae of their selection in a winner-~kHll primary." • The circuit court opinion noted that the Democratic Party reform guidelines while urging representation d minority views, "explicitly stops short of abolish- ing the winner-take-all provision. · · "'11te WJderstanding that winner-take-- all was still' a viable coRCept for the lm 'c'onve11t1on wu also reflected In the 'Call for the 1972.DemocriUc National Conven. ,lion,' " the cpurt said. The court said the interests of the Political candidates, the voters and the 'state of. CallfOrnia were :substantial. would be med over the ~ve years to . • • finance the-construction !i2 new w1 T...,...., ~ , ,. 1 , schoolJ 1n the MWioo vtej Toro-Premier Quits · · ·" · · Laguna HIU. ates encompassed x the . • . Ho. me Sat.e,Fr.aud.. ,j L ....... r ;n:· .. An' ··m· al·tl;:l~. district. lt WW 1require the approvat~f French: PJ:em1~~ Ja~quep ·qh~-· v · y ~ ~ twi>thtrilJ 'ol the persons voting In ~an·Delmas .res1gnetl'h!" JM!SI , £"::: . ·v.1•e1~.o'.· U.~· ·n' .· ·,· , ... " .. "•. '• ·• 't . election for the 1le>ndJssue to pass. ~·!~ededly todar, ' ·aloil,g • be~ . • l tta : ' • . . ,, . "" '· :.ii;· ' I ' -. r::-.;.:i~~el!,~de~ considered at the 'o~y r::g:~~:A'a:.·~mel, ~ ~ ·.y· ' '. '.s ... · J •' T-,..~ ., :;',1£flWi~ N:Q :·r~e ·f (ir I CO:irie f,,.F owl -Appfoval Olanapplicatlon for .aloan .J.•v "i.' ,.f.:4 ~"r ._J, J · ••1l"l. } •f ,; . •:. l .•·'" .• •I l , .. ;._{ _J_l ~ '{ -l. .; • ' l.t~' '( • t (\ • "' ,,. .. 11But the fundamental basis or our ac- tion Is the erave Injury to the lalmesl and legitimacy or the -ol electlte the president of the United States," the court's opinion contJnucd. The court aald tbat It may well be that the winner-takwll kind ol. eJectlon ts not as fair as a proportional allocation of delegates. "But there can he no dispute that the very integrity of the process rests on the assumption that clear rules will t,. <31abllshcd and that, once established. they will be enforced fairly, consistently and without discrimination as long a1 they remain ln forct:." ,, FAA ;Endorses .~<>a~~rt . At .. Chino· Hill1 · from a ~ sta~ to finance ~ < .. • -, '·'· a You mow l!O• tt worl\(..i.et t,' me! 1n1ni g·piaces. Wild operations of the fit dlstrict until it PSA ~e'r · A MisstOn Viejo mon aald )y latfict get bis nose In'. J. health !ood store and he k~ "In the ctty withQuV special ,_:ii-11~!.~· ~ .,,..,...,..., takes over ope ration · the schools on Ju· attorneY'1 lnvesti1atots'~pocjleted . in:e\tY ~ ~'.""1Je.beut \I··-·poriniaiton 11om lhecl\f~~il: ·~ ·-.. -=-jjf) ly· 1, 1173. Trustee> hava Indicated they · • lllOlt lbaJ! $11,111 la a ol 'bolne whidl ·-~ Llpla ~ potke. , . Tutnlnl. l o the dlc , Babcoct< will apply lor $1!0,000 aQd s(IOl1Cf a por· Co · d sale lrauils has boon to ooe The .-tung ..... 111 J~ 'dnm!edary · notecNJial tlie camel la uMd u a beast ol Jet age a!tport at Clfno 111111, nortb ol tion of the _..y Jn hiring an ad· mm all e . year In °"""S.,°'.unty Jail. beiaD boca•eL&IQmn Jamf 'Douilaa bun1m ad for food. He eilled City At· Yorba~ mlnistrator, renting office space and • . ,.=i!., drW~Jaii341 ~~ f: Roberts ta,an llbiol laver kn1J 'N))' ~·-...,, aald, ~t In Leo J. Leary, spokesman ror Chino purc~lng office suppUes for the 0 Calif • l<l1ll :At ',1 R~ F';J;liiT(tC Jult. hlala!dlook wouldquiltl;y 1 ctmel ns HIU. ~'Complex Inc .. said the FAA district.' Ver . Orm~!~~ io~:':. gos~·:~.~~ RobeN' tor 15 ~ ·•· tllereflra'aot permit· ruled that the prop'osed jetport would not --Selection of a name for the district. · 0 -.. , .. -~ (e friend. Janlled • In IJIO 'Irmo ·ol' the , ted· Ip · tauranll.' , " On the unification election ballot It wos , . Judge .Tumor "l"P,ended i the. sta law.,..,,..~.-: •.. ~....,. ....... ~'·(~ o-~•-.;.. .• '--'-'tted tool· adveraely llfect the safe and efficient LOS ANGELES (AP) -A PaCi!IC priaon term ' of ooe ·Ito l O -ara and ·.,-..,.-.., ·.-,,. -.~ w~ ·-r-.....,..u r Calli I Ir ' rel erred to as tbe Misslnn Viejo Unified Sot!thwest Airtlnea . Boelni! 737 jetliner QO;dered Hartaon, cciutr<>Uer ;[ Hartocin . camtl and lhr¥ !llPJ,ln In eafiaf ~. . Ro.., who 1-rted· H. to ~ use o '"'" a a space. School Dlslrlct. Howe~er, all-truslee can-•with' 81 passengers aboard .was hij~ """"'rtlea. Ille., of <;Orden . <;rove, lo In viOlaU<ib al tllO liOoJlb and oafety ..,..se. ~ the camel'• owner, ..,., LewlJ B. _Thero wu one. restriction, bow 1 ever. didates indicated they wanted to change betWeen Los Angeles and San Ft~iseo Hne-~ve years probatiOn. 'Rober\s' problems~ when. poll~" lfarvln ol 1Topanp, .l • ... , • , .411e federal agency app~val JI or a tUbrue.finamed School• to Dtsthetric. Sat. ddlebick Valley todily, the . Federal • A v'l anon A coridi~on o~ the probation was that . cilllcer Palii~ llJO!ted a Jai'ie~ · Marvla aald, ~'!l btouih! 'the eamtl, modified plan, greatly reduced In acope Adlninistrallon said. · ,. HartsonmuatmmieslttutiontohlsvJo. outalde tile·~~ 711 S. . ,and the -.. to l,IJUu at Roberti' ~rom the . project first f'oposed in -Selection of regular meeting dates A spokesman said the pfane w'5.'com:-tiln a. . , · HJibway, Ud.,fpuni'!.tlleY·wete 1rfn4 uqueat 11 •8--~ of Promotion stUnt for ovember,, 1970 and ~alls . or no more for the scllool ~d. D!andered at 10:23 a.m., landed at ,S4n Hartson wu arreStM 'after' an Ohio a you,ng ~· !"lth;it rooafpr rldlnc on • tbe healt h l"9d parlor,.but·l\e'd'be Clad to ll:,"~ :!utl~l)~.ommercial atrcraft opera- -Election of 1 board president and Francisco lntefnational • ~rt, tJ>en W<llll&n .wbo oWJie!I 1 ~· Jllleria ilL!Jll~r.:,.. , 1 "~ ..£.. . . remov, 11.rilblo ,uy_ll_~ -oplnst '-" AnOtliiit hurdle ii a required en- cten:--. took o!lagaln. -'2' -· ' Part !Olduiellouoe'tlirough Hartson but, &Oe C8tltQ the ~to ,... if theie · ~ law. . , , vlronmanlaf impact report that will In- -A 'decision <Ml stale school bUllding ' At rast report'lbe jetliher Jl'as Circling never rOCi!lv.d tl!e $%5,~clieCk bo.proqr mig!it be an, lp¢a!; i.ii aplltlt keeping ~rta'. 21, of 1561 Pila WI)'._ wu elude-..... and 0<0logy·studles,.--~ J1::~u~::.,::~to :i!i"t,~~~t~ ~XA~~i~anciaco area at 5,000 feet, the ~vesilPtora said H..;.,,, slmll~ly . ~~ :::-:-~~"U\'!~: . ~~ violatim o1 !Iii bealdi ii>cf iaf.. ~ ':~":, •::...i beilWb:'': The applications would ask for 13 million It was llo\_ kriown ti any passengers bilked several other ho""""'1iers In trust camel had Tf!I ~ the iestaurant.. ThO Cl\ftl<I, p61tce ~ported, WU loaded =ive approval by . tho , L ind tlle In stale loam to build two elementary were allowed to disembark or whether deed frauds that led to the filing of Sgt. Norman Babcl>ck made ~ basty . Into ~In'•. vehicle, a cooverted black s.u••-n-•irorrn'a Aviation Co·-·", a lcbOois. All three new untiled school , :!:: plane refueled while on the ground, grand theft charges. l seaJ'Ch ol the mqniclpoJ code, found that Cadtll&C hearse, which was last oeen bra:io'b" of the Southern eau'fu:.ota boallcrdatlolllUSt appr0ye the filing ol the ap-lnFSanAA sDa1.iegd.o, p. SA headqua~-rs •·'d ' dome.st" animalJ 'are dellnlle\y barred heading north '"' Pac!flc Cops! Highway. Assoclollan of Government. (SCAG). p _. O:.;,,,m.tlon of the method to he two hijackers believed to be .:.1.1~ w;;.. Sulidivisi.on Map ,, No eaUm.ie of the cost of the jetport u!ed for aelectk>n of a superintendent of d~manding •,ooo and two parachutes. . · and Rapport facilities has been tn1de thenewdls1r1ct. -~Abe~~he~!\~az.":1~~ Overhaul Backed· "lr¥ine, N-ewnort 'Will Try· ." :~':01 ~i:i:t:,r:;!ii:~ Johanna Andre 'Service8 .SlJilday CiSCO When it W8S hJjacked. ' t 'f ' r ()ct. 20, When 8 HrQUnd figure" Of $200 mil- The jetliner was scheduled to have con-lion wu voiced. tinued from San Francisco to Hollywood-Frem Wire Servicts ~ The commercial operation rtstrlcUons Burbank ai'1>9rt at Los Angelea. SACRAMENTO -A s w e e P I n g T ' A · u f L d should. not be a hardship, Leary aald, overhaul ol the stale's~lsion map 0 gree 0 n. se, 0 an . pointing . out thal Oraoge County Airport law bas won $enate Val here had m than 21,000 aucb operations in all C t F • p t despite criticism • by n. · D en n i s of 1971. OUD Y. tremen U . . Carpenter . (R·N~ .Beach) that, it ' • · Location or the propojed airport, long a Servicts wlit be held Sunday at 2 p.m. Out 56 Small Blazes would open the diJ6i' to "oUlclOus ·1n. Newport Bucb'and Irvine city, olflclali MacArthur Boulevud lrom the airport f,roject 01 Santa Ana realtor Reg Wood. In the · Ch a f e I o1 While-Emerson termeddlera." i · tonight will try to patch up their .dll· alao adjoins Jrvtne ctty boundaries' and s north of Prado Dam and the Rlveralde Company, W h 1 11 er, for Jollonna H. The bill by Sen. Arloit Grqorii> (o.San ferences and see ii they can plect councilmen In the new ct•· have uked F-=1 -~ of lliamood Bar In Andr u ... •-~-~ M'-~ V'-Oran-,. __ ._ 1Jremen were •ept M to'"'•'--'""e'~r 1 plan whe...., both cit'·• will "' ·~· "'"'w e, -~-~ vm•, _,.., ~ o• _, • aleo) went .....,......,,bly Monday.on -. ~ ••• , ~ Newport_Beach to, delay flltf actlCMI until Los Cotll!J. About• perctnl of Jo, who died Tuetdl)' at the age of 13. l~ :;f thegra. !~ !~~~ a 21 toJ.l 1'0le, a bore ina~Y. In the 411-Orhav; a ~~ ~~~ laild 'IW'l'OUndlng a joint muter plaii Int the area can be the -"" -111,• ...... -t. in Mrs. Andre Is .aurvtved by her putting rr.emher upper ... ange ~uf. _,...." • Orance Count)' -4' perceat bt San daughters, Dorl• I'. Diamond or Mlssion carelessly used ftreworks. It ,,..id ~ public he8rlnts on ten-Uaison commttleea ot both city coun-developed. , ' •'-• Viejo; Irene ll. Edwards of Spring-Fir~ <l!l!olol$ .. :!llid 11,8 b1'1zes directly at-taUve•1111idlvtsloil JDlll!I before plsmlng · ~ !1'1 meet 10nJPt at 7:!0 In Newport. __ ,1 _The fl!''t b~~i/?~~deid~JJ'\~-· -~=-~~ ~]: --· ville, Cellf. and . V·e I m 1 Heintz of trlbutable to fireworb· were llllffed oul compUaalon. dty , councU .... bowel of Beacn City Hall _ fwe dayo , before ort w11 • .,..... -· ., ,.. . • • ... Peoria, 1!1 .. 1 brother, C.Vt Stamer John during tbe ·holiday weekend. All were aupenilon. It woold ano,r· oppontnll 'of Newport tom>cilnim are slated to act on Beach's lame duck Planntnc Commia1ton of Peoria; seven grandcbildren, 15 great minor Jn nature with the largest ~ a ProPotecl --lo -1 a com-a muifve SUS 1nllllon.development plan Chairman CUrt Doth ·wbo Is a !'llllli>er Ill grandditldren ·and cme great-great over hro acres ~y aflerno9n at ll!illJoa decilton to.~ or city fortheCollltls-Qw!>ponypropertf hla city's llalson panel. · srandchlld. · Trabuco Road and Los Albol -lrd. councils • · • That 171-iCii ._;;;;., located acroos llOah'• lenn '"' the oommtufoo uP!"fl · ~rs. Andre, Who wai blind, was a V • ·•. , 1 ~ ' • '["':"' ;June 30 ljpt be remains 1~untll 11 charter member ol the. Whittler Blind · • · · · 1 • succ:tsaor'U named by the counctl., :t~:~~;l.; ... :~..,~'--'Ther11 nv' _:Call-e·ci~T o rture-~~:~"3 fli lrnlnunent will bo at Sp r In 1 d 1 I e , --r J , . And It Col a curt reply lllat touched oil Cemtle)' lo Peoria. ' , · . • a ha"1I ncha!>ge ~-olllcllll .of lrvipe C.Ompany . Loses Machines · Coed Claims . Tickle Treatment.s Leh Bruises " ·= :"':'&~ u:i:i ~=~ . • · " . · . gatberjag. . , JOOE (UPI) -A lornw ""' With fantasy and wttbdra~ iirobltDlll·. ated 'with OOl'eama uld pl .. dlnga was Neviporl City Manager Robert L. w,... wllo said Ille -•ioitured" bl' I Mias Abraben -ftlft'fed of tall-played to the jury. tS.. LAND UBE, l'qe I) 1 payoltok>gist lll!nc hla own style " lyln., on adviC:e o1 ber phys!dao lhat Tine medical doctors tesllf\ed durbig tbenpy has been awanled 11711,otlO by a recoflectlon Ill tho ~PY micbl ~ Ille 17'411 trfal that hla' technique "ex· --· and bl SUperlor Court jury for. Injuries r~ a • •--W.W.. ~-equipment I port.I e from the trea!meot. ' . But abe uJcl In her lull that Ille paid ' ~ the bounds of cus\omary medical televlaton -. catrlld oil 118day from . Paulo Abraham, ., -the ·-flOO for a ~ therapy oeuloq to try pracUct." an 1"lne flnn by butjlfara wt>) forced . .., • ~ ~ ....... , _...... the rear door o1 tho jremlaes, OranP lrdn\ her fonner tpcber, Dr. -cJ!i to •-•• an ................. ~... Zatlow told a dlatrlct attorney's In- County Shertfl's o111<on said. , ZU!ow, prof_. o! Pl1dlololJ al "I WU ~. '1lcfudlnc dlofll\lc. ••II tor, "l ~ l did her a favor." . DepatJeo -tha .,. ai the Reichert Slate San J .... lie la expected te ""'"1 beotlms. ltofdlng ad tJbt1 me down oriel Of Qo tna-, be 11id, "We do It bry Wall 0om,..,. 11111 tltypart Clrclt, Zalow Is de..,... o1 • l«htlqnt lli<tq llBpra fn Dt1' moatb," • uJcl loYtnlllt. We tl<kle sensitive polnll of the 11 m lid~ DllClllM, a typewriter, a known u "rage~" -.w • In her ltlft. be-'1 te lildla:fautbter." cW•rfter and tlle tehvlaion aet. "tk:kling, ~!ting and ltimulallng 1 pa-' Al a """" ol ~ treatment, she llid, IOoJow ,... detcrlbed 1\iesday at · 1 Qlllcora aid dlly -.e lbe lntrud<,q._ 0tltllt~tboloclcll ,_...,. llte sol! ... -.fatal llldney damaiet man noted ror developing a cw. for -1 i.. """"11 to lfloct entry al the · and ." ...,.. -aboul_the cbesl, lilpo-autllllo dlfkfren. ,.._fii"'iif .. Wlldi• bt the lrv!q_t He atea a clinic at morbf Loi lop and 1 lacented mouth. Dr."-J. Ashtr called It tralic tbal • Omt,ia. 'I Gatos, trutlnl autlatJc: cblldrta tllolo A tape ol the U.b!Jur pmcta-(._ TOIITtl P•S• 11 • Irv~e Fire Station • Gets Sµper visor Nod County aupervilotl hive approved a contract for COl1ltrUctlon ol a CGUllly lfre st,atlon In the Irvine lnduotml Complu. The projec\, to -111,MI, wtU p<o- vide a staUon In a !ut·arowt .. area that does not at presenl have adequate !Ire protection, officials said. nit low bidder lor the pn>ject Wit Daro, Inc., ol o.na ~ I ...... C".•• .......... ,,_..._... ....... .. aJoac the°""" ..... --readfnp "' • ...,,., rlolas .. to ID Inland. Varlat>lo ~ cliadi I tlnulbout the da,y . ~· Lolli ...... INSIDE T8D~Y ......-' -. cenr • • -.... -. .... ._ . o.:·11. --" _ .... . llllfWt .... .... ,..... . .. .... ... ..... .. .. ,.... . j • ---. -I £'.!>= "i =,....·= =--= -. _, __ 1 • • • • -·~==\----·~--------------~----- ' 2 DAILY PILOl F~works ·Fans Sparl{ Beach Riot w-,, ··~ 5, 1'72 • . u~s. ·w 4tplane~ -·•,Bomb S. Viet.! QUANG TRI (UPI! -U.S. warplll!Q fl y I n c Poth..,learln( t111Jalonl for IA>dly'1 Por•troop ad· VIJICI accidlllllli,y bOmbed I JOV. emment poolttoo, ldlllnl 10 10ldl•n and '"oundlng 30 othtt'S. • • Beula Aet•Oll -. Batter·ed ·Route Slu'gged Again • · The U.S. command sald the ln- H!iltM06A BEACll (AP I -Hundreds cident, the !lr!l of It! kind •Ince the What's left or Pacific Coast Freeway B,.ch u the only l"),rtlon of tbe 1r .. way ol ,.ulltl who hid been watching • government thrust lnto the prov· was handed a solid ,.tback Monday night a till left." fireworks display battled police with Ince begiln, occurred Tuesday five by HuntJngton Beach city councllmen. "A freeway that goe!I npwhere is no ...... \. ...... -~ boiUes fnr aboUt four hours miles southe11i of the cily. asset," added Counellman Htnry DUlte. • ...... -11.nu r They refused -in an odd manner -to ~-'-"'·" and tarly tod•Y· The command h~ few other CoilncUll)an Jack Green df!ended ._, .... ~ d 1 u · support a J)topo1ed five-year 1tudy of the B k • ro-al 1 1.. "It' n • At leut four pollcen'len were injured, e 4 1· ur e • P ,.... ' • Y...... • a a"" freeway need• from the Los Angeles tempt to bring a little order out Of chaos. nol)I ltrioY!Jy, 12 penona were lrt'f!sled County line to the Santa Ana River. I'd love to get aome of thege peeple and several expensive beach front homes Black Raven The measure is proposed by State through lnwn. even ii vie just dump them were damaged in this Los Angeles in Newport Beach." Assemblyman Robert Burke (R-Hun· 111burb, police aid. Sever•I pollce cir• Later, howiver, Green threw up his were al.lo ·reported damaged In the tlngton Beach) who WI! looking for sup-hand• amt fitclalmed: u1t d0t1n't make a Fl . Coo port from his own city. He didn't get It. damn bit of dll!ttence whit we do, the lllalae. teS p "It's a political study that has nothing Je•'·Ialur• will do wha·t tt wants "It lool<l llke 1 battle!leld down there," to do wltr our real problem," complained a."y';..ay." · .Nld Wally MJ>Ote, ll)OkHman !or the 1 M A. Councilman Jerry Mainey. "Huntington Mainey then (!IOV6cl for an ottlclal vote HeMllON Beacll police department. ·ll eSU fell declarln1 that the council would take no Another officer ,old !ht beach '\'81 action on a rHnlutlon supl)Ortln1 Buru'• .. i:0verec1 with broun 11 ... •lid ick16cl, Supe· rvisoi·s Give bill. "YIMI coiUdn~ walk barefooted aniwhere It you've be•n mlsslhg tools from your , Mayor Al Coen. lru•traled by the In ... ·-•·" . co.rage or found your shoelaces untied freeway battle1, declated , "I really don't • •• Jet Sales OK To R"eil China . WASHINGTON (UPI) ~. Tho Comm.,.. llt~I uJd locl•)I II ·•Pl'fOnd a fllO mUUoa npor! license !or the Boo.Ing Co. that would ·clear"tht way !or the saJe of American-ma~ comltlercial jet airplanes to Communist China. The license means thlt the Administration has given lt1 blcu· ing to the tale <>f aevtral 707 :ilrcrart to the Peking government it Boeing and the Chinese can com~ to terms. "We are stUI negotlaUng with the Chinen on Ulla purchast, 1.1 a Boeing 1 spokesman · 1ald. t n Washington. "We have not got anything slgqed11n tho dotted lin e." Name Sought For L?,guna Crash Victim --· I t I •· "B k h t" ha p ti { B · kt' understand this whole tblng. I could Moore said .the beech horn.,, man9 In a 'y, o.wncet are hooduc W ea 6 ftr a, RC fi!! throw 'It tnlo a·deadlock-by·abtt1lnlng.''- the $100,000 class, had picture windows been in your neighbor · 0 Cben did abstain. So did Green and The Orange County Coroner's Office is broken and other damage. The seven pound' blac,k raven with a To Welfai•e Plan then Councliman Ted Bartlett also ab-seeking the identification ol a middle. But after a survey of the area today, wingspan of four feet ii mlssing from stained, leaving Mahley and Duke on the qed woman pedestrian who Wll fatall y City»--·-"•rl Dilltr !lld the damaie the backyard or Mrs. Marilyn TYier, 309 short end of the vote. tnjutoct Tuetdafnilht ., she •llampted -,.. ~-bl Hood•·· Co t M By JACK BROBACK Nobody, however, would move to 1Up-nrt1Vld to be not v-o:tenaJve. .nu 8 1.~ue, 8 1 taa. 01 t111 Dll"' ,1i.t 11•11 B k • bill hlch I to ClOll South Coalt HJghwav in La1una """ -1 1•1 • alt I di bl ·• port J!r e_s ·r·· w n essence 1ave / ••w1 hive a lot of' dtbrla. but v~ Jlttle t • 1 re r en Y rd, bigger than a Orana:e county supervisors today it the klu or deaib as far 11 local support Bf!ach. 4ama1e,u said DOier. "There is · debris crow," say1 Mrs. Tyler, who suspect11 declined to participate in a new state Js concerned. / Lquna Beach pollce 111ld the ·wo:man, from the flreworb and eome broken glaSs that it may have met with foul play. PEP-Welfare demonstration program as Two councllmen, Donald Shipley and . now identified only aa "Jane Doe," was but pothlng big. There are houses with "We're afraid someone may have. taken an "employer" but agreed to endorse Norma Gibbs; were abSent. Both are in •truck down at 9:35 p.m. in the Calliope broken windows, but very few." h d h partlcipatlori of other agencies such as Europe, but have previously expressed ~ J!•vi this account: er an caged · er." cities and school dl11trlcta: with Oringe anti·f.rttway 11nUment. Street crouwalk and wa• pronounced ... fu~esti~~~~iiW=t~-'fu':J·-····dai~~·~'f';!:';~~~~~·e!~~hlt~~b~~~ ~~~[~·"governmerit as a coordln•tlng · 10::·~=s~~~i:urnUnJr~~8~e~~n~;s8~; ::!t:°Ho~;i~:~~ •t South Coast Com- band on the beach. They were greeted by the summer by Mrs. Tyler's son, a 24-The partial ii.pproval of the new pro-portlng the Pacific Coa11t Freeway. Albert Aloia Riley, 24, of Sierra Madre, rocks and bottJet from a crowd of Id I d B 1 ham gram wa1 contrary to a recommend. atJon cir aev·-' 1 ...... ~~-..1 vnu"-w•c"•• 1 year o zoo ogy stu ent at r g dlr lVer of the IJDlll' foreign car that ~ 'lllUN.I"' , .. ww •~ ...... by Granville reoples, county eclor of fireworks dlaplay. Young University. soclil welfare, who Said his department s v· E struck the unldentllled woman, WAS "He found her several months ago In would "pre!er to concentrate on pro-• 1ets nter booked by Laguna Beach Police on SUS· an •bandoned nest. He hand-fed her and grams leading to private fmployment plclon of lnvolwitary manslaught~r and even though abe hu her fU1ht teathera, rather than the development of more B } d C • later released on •&00 ball. · abe 1lway1 stayed close lo home," Mra. public service jobs.'.' e eaguere Ity, Th lctl in he I i10t Tyler say11. Supervisors were swayed by the strong e v m Wat r ate or \early Buckwhe1t11 favorite pastimes include urging of Dr. David Painter, superltl-· R 8011 aceordln1 to coroner's deputy Russ landinl on the 1houlder1 or unsuspOcllng tendent or the Carden Grove Un med Seek ed uni ts Green, five feet •Ix Inches tall, wel1hed nel&hbon, untyln1 tbelr shoe laces, or School District who 1ald that current about IOO pounds and had brown!Jh·grey anolcblni away amali tools and flying PEP proarams have been very sue-SAIGON (UPI) _ A 1,200.man Soulh hair and blue eyes. them up onto the roof. ce!lsful In his district and that the ad-Vletnameie fotce moved into Quang Tri She waa weartna a pink and brown If a machlevoua culprit fitting that ditional aid was needtd. city today, set up 1 comtnind post and dreu, pink 1weater and brown shoes, OAgLAND (AP) -A 19-year-old 1lrl, deserlptlon.. baa beei> 1talkln1 your The new state program provides 15 laMed out through the rllined city's which were knocked orr, along with her -appamitly caught In croafire between a neighborhood, Mra. TYier uraea you to million for the county Umlted to one business and resldentli) district.. , wrlatwatch, by the Impact ol tbe ac- group of men shooting, at eaoh other give her a call at 642-6569. calendar year and the state Department However, government spokesmen said cldent. outaide a Hells Angels , hangout early to-of Human ~sources Development has they would not list t~lly as recilptured Her pun:e contained no wallet or iden· estimated that about 800 new "'bs could tlflcatlon, the deputy said, and the only · day, wu killed by a bullet in the neck, -;· ,... un,t.il governrnwt t pa · controlled the P ide t T be created. walled citadel in the center of the town. present clue to her identity Is a personal police aald. res n Ul'nS Peoples pQinted out that the county is ' letter from a rural address In Kentucky, Fi d d , th h t;•• Ire d I Ul be In I Military sources said the troops met addrea!!ed to "Dear Marie" and signed ve men were woun e m es oo .. 06 a a y invo ved, or w our or only light resistance but no attempt was .. Emma.11 Shot Kills Girl ' ' Caught in Fight ~t Oakland Bar . -.. Fron• Page l AIRPORTr .• Lo• Ah1ele1 Cotu1ty. Leery 10id no objection bad been voiced by San ·&.·nardlno County olliciala: or re1ld1111J east and nortb or the proposed proje<t. Past objecUon1 have come from citizens and otnclal! ~f Yorba Undo, Bre:i and other northern Orange County citiei, principaUy cit a hearing held in Placentia last Februory, Leary t stlmates -that the airport when completed 'lll'lil be handling about 11 mllUon passengers by 1980. He pointed out th.It noise should not be a factor In the future With the Improved engine11 now being .Installed on the new 741s, OClOs and Lockheed 1011s. tie said the present DC8s, 707s and 737s will be obsolete by 1976 when the Chino Hills project is in operation. · . Project promoters say the only in- habited area whic~uld be remotely ar. rectfld by nol.ae !ron\ Uie jetcraft in the future is the Olinda Village development of about 300 re1\dents in the north Breu area. Orange County Airport olllcia!J had no com01ent on · the projei;t . ~ay but prevlou!llY Robert Bresnahan, county director of aviation, h.ud ad v lsed supervisors that FAA approval was only a "rernofe·posslb!Uty." Recently, Third District Supervisor \Villiam Phillips, at the urging of Yorba Linda officials, suggested creation of a vast wilderness area in Chino Hills, At the request of Phillips, San Berner di no county •supervisors saheduled a public hearing on lhe proposal two weeks ago but p()lltponed it when no Orange County officials appeared to testify. Leary said today that 11Dnal negotia- tions are under way fQr teams of na· tionally known specialists to conduct the environmental impact study. They will include ecologists, h y d r o I o g i 11 t 11 , botanists, zoologists, ornithologists Jn ad- dition to other experts and audlo engineers. • Col . John Lowman, president of the Chion Hills promotion, said the report on the impact study will be made available well in advance of pu!Jlic hearings to be held later tlli! year. He pointed out that the envlromtjental impact report app;.pval ls ne•ary to obtain federa l gran\'s to .fin~e tbe proj· ect. Additional fund11, LoWman said,-could be raised through revenue bond.I issued by a special airport di11trlct, a municipality or one or more counties. From Pagel LAN O USE ... outllcft the Hilltop Bar. T p T lk . five othel' simi~ar work programs and. made to atorm the cltadel, the pou1ble One o[ the wounded Wa!I held \lllder 0 eace a •s, that this proposal would jwt add another Communist headquartert. lnVe!tlgatJon O[ the accident is in the said this mo~g that there is no formal d Varlauon In admm. 1'straUon and agency hands of th.e dl!trict attomey'.s oUic.e. poll_se auard, at an 'Oaklan hoapltal . in A 20,000 ·man South Vietnamese taak agenda for the session and he is unsure conriedlon with !ht ···l'• death, =ice F . Aff . involvement. f-mo·~ -~-in•· Quang Tri -v. ,_,, I be bl ... .... ore· Dl' a•rs id h din f $5 ·1r f ......... •ll:U U\11 UI w Y'"' uuw extensixe y the panel will a e to aald. · "e " · " He 88 t e spen g 0 mi ion ° Ince more than one week ago. Ad • G deal with ' the major sp0clfic issue at J,l.l!UIFu&Jersaldtbe deadatrLNancy public funds "cannot be jusUlled on the So far, fightln& has been relatively VISory roups llolalho, wu In • car with three men President 'Nixon will lhllt emphao!J to-bBJIJ of Ald to Famllles With Dependent light and allied o!Ocen aald they do not • -. • . hand -the Collins proposal. that dro\.e pUt tbe bar. Tbey hoard ihe day · from holiday relaxation to in-Chlldren cost reduction and 11 is clear know wbere the otlmated 4',000 Com· He noted that councilman Milon -g. circled the block and came !)ack tmiatlonal •!!•Ir• -prtmarUy pon-that there Will not be a corresponding munl•ll who look the prvvlnC\ Moy I are Mee tin. g T. onig~' ' Dostal, chairman of Newporl Beach's In· to ... what wu happening, the olllctr clerlJ!f t~ U.S. strategy which wlll be put savings ln welfare funds." · h!dln&. · terclly cornmlttee, .may be excluded aald. to work 'li'hen the Par!J peace talk! Peoples pointed out that In Ali'DC The provincial cepltal, Qu••• Tri city. f 1 I In In r al At that moment, be u.ld, three abob resume J uly 1S caseloads, particularly for unemployed h bee 1 !Jed by bo bi• tt k Three city of Irvine citizen advisory rom part c pat g any orm recom- bk ~car ia'f'de ~~!'!ft,"!1:. lkX.;~· at· The Preltd~t apent JJ¥.llt'~of t~. ~~~~~~~~~~y~e:~~~~J::u~ si:ce then ~unist1 c~°'tJJ! :v~ :~~tees ·will wnduct public meetings :i~~°:esca~e'~e ~l~I~: ~:in~~~:! t In ,_ -~ U f th Jndependence Dpy holiday ft ho with. -ib.-<ounty. . _ lnce. The public safety committee will meet =~:. lo ~ternwoe a mo ve or e fami ly and friend•, laking a liltort !me Re pi-edlcted that private emplo)'lllent Wblle1he lead element. moved Into the at 7:30 o'clock In the city ball annex of the council as a public bearing Monday The klentltltt of the !Ive men were not . out lg dellvei • tradl~onal radio addre'\. would conUnue to arow during the com· ~~~:~~~~ :.~~~. !:'i:'~a~:; lrvlna Town Cenler. ll night. tmmedlatoly av&Uable. . from hlo o!flces. ' ''Jng year. The Ywth opportunltieo <Ommlttee Wynn said Cily Attomey DeMl3 O'Neil Later In the day be and two close "'1Thls program 1s ·a. year to two years Quang Tri City· met wtth a heavy North will mttt at the Untvenity>Park Com-has ~en asked to determine the friends hit the beach -something they too lite In point of titlle due to the Im-VietbamelO counterillack from • bat-munlly Center on Sandburg Way at 7:30 legalities Involved. have done every day since arriving lait prov\ils..~conomy,'' Peoples charged. "A talion oupl><!t!ed by 15 taots. o'clock. · Wynn said a problem might be created Saturday. proatanf'1>f thl• 80rt ill more appropriate The marmeS rej>orted no tanks knocked Parka and Open Space Recreation If the committee were to deem that Solons Endorse Looking retied •nd well tanntd , Nixon during a' period of rll'lng welfare out but aa1d 48 COmmunltta were killed committee members will meet in Irvine's request for a delay was recom· -repeated-his-earlier-orders to whoever caseloads and unemployment.., with covernment caiualtlu-plac.a at Cr•wford -Hall at UC Irvine at 1:30 mended by the committee.oo which.Do&. would listen -"go to the beach and try Second Dlllrlct Supervisor David L. \')nlnejiil;d;";d;andm;lS;w;oun;;dad;;;;' ;;m;iiil•lfio;'ciiilociiilk .• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;imm;iiitaiiliisaitsE.SiiimCl:iiil:iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiil .. Abortion Stu y A bUI aulhortd · by A!3embl)'lllan It-Obert Burke (Jl.HUiltlnllOO Beach) to .. t up a '2!,000· study of the el!ecu .of Cllifornl•'• liberallxed abortion law wu •ndorsed by the Auembly Monday. Burke'• bill, AB 1549, W@l.s leDt to the 8en1te on i M-1 vote. Vader the blll'i study · provisions,• Buru aald, the State Public Health Depetltllent would look Into the "lar1e mnnlier'"·o1·allortlona granted under th• ment.aJ health clause ol the 1987 aborilon law. The taw pennlll abortion U a panel ol doctors determlnea ha\llng a baby would cau1t physical or psychological damage to the woman. OUNal COAIT Is DAILY PILOT TM Of'I,,.. Gtht DAILY ,It.OT, •Ith Wllkll 11 com~• tllt N....._l"r•s. ii JIWllMM n ni. Ot•lltt C..1t 1"\111111111111 Com11111r. StJNI· ............. ·-ntir ·•1''-·•re·~;·Montr(-thf0iltlt ·· Frldtr, "' C0.!1 M$, H._I tffc!t, Hllfllinflwl 8t1dl/Fourn•IA Vllll'f, Latllftl IMd\. lr~lllt/Stdlfltblck 1CMl.h11 Cltl'Mnltl S.n JHft C•pbtr,no. A slllllt rttlarotl lldltbl h pu1111111• i.•vr••rs •nd Slllld•l'lo TM prlfl(INI PlllNIPlinoJ plant It •I no Wnl hf :5trett, Coll• Mt11. Ctllfornll, nt2'. Roi.1rt N. W11( Praldlftt Mel h!Ml"1H J1tk R. Curlty ~ Yiee Pnlldlnl ll'lcl ~l Mlnl9tr · T1i""'' IC11'til ,,,..,. n.:M•• A. M11,,hi11• Mllilltflll l"dttor C\1rltt H. Leot 1Uc.hal4 P. Nall AMllJ•nt M ...... fnt lflllft ' ~ _ Cfl .. MM: J» Wtlt hy 111'1tt Ir~ 01kldlt mi HtWfllN .huM•trd . uo-....... tit ,,,..., ........... ~,.. .... , .,.,. ~ leulrlt,. • ,_~at,..,... &I Clm•a ... nr.,._ 1n•1 MM111 d t&'r.I A4;1f1W11 M ... •71 s. c ...... Al ........... : T1ls••121 4~10 l:".<:T..~.Z'-.: ..... ,:.; .. . --.. ...,,........,. ... ... ..,. ·---·· ----· C.•• ... .. .. ., .-nWr_, .. .., -~ .... ·---......., ... u. fllfll!Mltr, mtllllft ·--· I """"""· ' 1ome...1w.imming." · Bak et moved approval of the project. Slnce bit working vacation began in without the county becoming a n San Clemente Saturday, !'lixon h11 had employer lltlelf but allowing the other GEM TALK' two house guelta, <Jharles G. "BeBe" district. and cities within the county to -- Rebozo of Florida and New York In-receive the funds. ctusti1alGl Robert Ablanalp. Peoples assured the 1Upervlaor1 that In HU top rorelgn allalrs advlJor, Dr. this way there would be no additional Henry Kissinger , also has been in San burden on the welfare department. Clemente since that time, staying -at a Baker's motion was approved by a 3 to private re1ldence in nearby Cyprus I vote with supervisor .ftoQa1d ·w. Shores. C.open of Newport Beacb oppoolng. · • · Laws Can't E~tinguish ·Fireworks in Newport • BY JOANNE REYNOLDS even more ol them probably never heard . ot th• o.11Y Pu11 t11tt the warning over the din created by the By 10 p.m .. a thick pall or smoke had mass !!rework! clllplay. ·aetUed ov<!r the harbor: ·The explosions According to the fire deparlrnent. there wera only three ftreworko·related fire• ln and !ires which bad r11ed on !ht beaches the oily Tuesday. But, 81 one police or- • few hours earlier had ceased. fleer l")inted out, a tot oJ !Ires W!ri put The uneasy quiet was punctuated by an out wJth. 1arden hoau and the fire occasional explosion or tbe flilht ol a de~ar1111ent was never notUled. random Oare. The biggest and most impreaslve It w11 not the end or the batUe of display came from Newport Dun~s. the Guadolcanal. It wai the closa of the private marina , which has the only d!y· Fourth or JUiy In Newporl Beach. sancUoned display. ''I'm sure glad we .. have an 'anti-But many residents seemed determln- fireworka ordln11.ne!fLone-re1ldent was ed-to not be-.'.outdoner-F·lares 1hot--from heard to remark lo another. "Otherwise the Newport-Balboa Peninsula zinged 10meone might-get hurt out there." over Lido Isle ; Roman candle1 ignited on New~rt Beach'• ban on the manutac-the beaches or Balboa Jsland bunt over turo. Hie end dbcharge of fireworks boats In the t11lddle o/ tbe hatbor, and all date• !tom 1965. But Jn that lltn.e._along the bay and o c e a.n .. beachea, Independence Day celebrants have been lhouaandll or le6Ser firework! ""t• being undaunted In annually observing the dlschar1ed In a coiutlbt d!Jplay or 1Uv.r Fourth w!tb fireworks. ond gold. Polico elfok. to en!orce the ordinance Al one point, retldenll of BeoCGn Boy hev .. betn leetlle at lint when cornpored appeared to ba aheliln& Balboa Island wtth tbe overwhelming nlllnber ol v~itors with Iara• Dune1-type flltwurka, Some and relldenll who take to the beacl1<1 to went of! is plaMcd, ·hut others blew 111> oel off thelt pyt'Ole(hntc dlapla)'3, on the launcttin& p•d and a couple more City li!etunrdl estimated uo.ooo come skipped acrou , tht narrow channel to ·Newport'I beaches Tue6cl•r• and n aeparatln.( the l1land and Beacon Bay, to t11ljo<lty of them stayed to U,h ort their uplode ln front Y•rds or on docked 11tewvr1<1. bo•u. At tbe belabt ol Tuaod•y night'• bom· The scene wao not t4o much dlflertnt bordmt11~ tbt pollco helleopter, br•vlng at other location• In Newport Be•ch. th• fiak frotll tho beechH, buzzed crowds Bright red or white Oaoh01 would urslnt peoplt to •top eetting orl tbe blo!IOm on tbe horizon lolloweci by• dull llroworka, · boom to attest · to the qualtty 'o! Maoy rl. them lgnon,d the ai'Crah. bul !lrewori<s In otl~ lllflll dllpl•)'t. I . - ll TODAY by J, C. HUMPHllll ' I XCIT INO JEWI LllY l'llDM SMALL DIAMONDS De1lgft rt o! unusual jewelry that Is within reach o! a Iar1e number of con•wners are steadily lncreil•lng their use of small gems hi ct'eatlng exctl)n11 rings, brooches, pt1tdanls, bracelet1 and pins !or women. Men 1110 are btne!ttttng from this trend to the unuaual, Rlnt11, cilff links and ti• pins are now being cr•at•d through combinations of amall diamonds, sapphires, uncut quarts and gold, -FIYst prl%e In-the women's cate-- gory In a recent design competition went to an unusual open-work dome ring l)>rin.kl•d with diamonds and sapphires. In the men's division, top wlt11J•r was a tooled ·cuH•link and tie tack 11t, with small dla· mond1 ctntered In ill:rllke c11p1. In th• aeareh for ''1ometlltng dll· lettntt men and women ar• alao lboktns to the pHI, buylns or dupll· calilii intiqtte jtwelry, w h I c b , thou&b old. will never lo1t tft• beau- ty of cartl\tJ ciatlsman1hlp • We otrer the 1111111 ill l'Do<lern Jawelty dulsn, or bHullltil an- . ttque pieces now on dl1play In our for the man of the moment. .. -6ARAVELLE• byBULOV ' TRANSi -1.,MATCH.:__ -~ . TKANSllTOR "A• Silver dJaI. water rt1l1t1nt, luminous dial. .... TltANSISTOR ... ~ Calandar, water re1l1t1nt, Jumlnom dlaL1 ..... J.C. .J./ump~ri116 Jewc4r6 .. ran NEWPORT BLVD •• COST A MESA COllVINllNT TIU.II ~ -~1,-IYIA•S IN SAMt\oc/.TtOH • ~ IANllAMl•ICA•D-lllASTll CHA!ll PHONI 10.UOI store. (Adv.) • t.•im--------.. --r.1111------~ .. , • • ' \ , ' • \ • .. • • • n-•ingiqn Beaeh • Fountain Valley ~ i.'oda)''s Flnal .N.Y. Stoeka ' VOi:. 65, NO. I 87, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1972 TEN CENTS • > Horse · Lo~ers ·May Still JVin by Nech BJ TERRY COVILLE or-. IM61r """ ,..., 11 Hw:dlngton Beach on the verge of becoming a one horse town? Nearly 100 horse loven and stable owner:i packed the city council chamber Monday night convinced. that wlD happe n U a ioup set ol !table ~ is adopted by the city. A te<bnicallfy, however, may keep their ~ all" by a neck. By city cllarter it takes fOllf _, to adopt a new. ordlnlnee. With two COW1· cllmm -Doaald SIUPieJ and N ... ma Glbbl -ID Eilrope, the pippooed stable ordinonce ma~ oot get loor -. from the five rem.a Ing councilmen. Jack Green and M1yor Al Coen iald they did oot feel the new standards were unreasonable. Stible owners claimed that if the stand- ards are adopted, they will make it econom.ically-impossi~ h> k*P horses in Huntington Beach.· At last c:ounl, the ··city ·had 35 stables and 616 horses. posed riding trails near any of the. mtijor stables. -A ban 9n rjdlng in the streets. · Police chief Earle Robitaille said state lil\V (orbiM riding horses · on ,' public streets, except at pt_!>perly deslcna tcd equestrian CJ'06S~ncs.._ The clty currently has rio such equestrian crossings. 11Just to keep., t\\'O horses, you need a 401()00 square foofTot," he protested. ' MariOn helped write the stD:ble sand· ards, but said the. setback requiren1eril was added by the city plannin& com· mission. They loll the council meeli!ll! dejected, coovlnced they had' lost when .~un­ cllmen. oifljplit ~2 Vote, oroeted tlfe' c·~ ty attorney to write an ordinance from the propo<ed standards, Uesplte the pro- tests . It lt't beld until Shipley and Gibbs return, no ·one knowa bow tbey might Tbree" main objections were raised: , Coen and Bartle~ both agreed thot the 300-foot setback req ulrement might CCQn0mlcally l).urt !he stabl~s. ., A-; c.~Mal'l()n,a local Stable..O\\'Oer, said such a setback i;equirement would 'mnke it impossible for him • to kee:p his row·- Most of the equestria n .. fsns said Uwy 2~recd \\·ith the proposed standards which controlled f~d and water, C.'O{T&is and health con~itions. ~Tl'le---propost:d-atable... Standards were supported by Brian Parkinson, president or the ~lunlington Beach HOME Co un cil. who said:. •·\\'e have a situation here vote. , --• -A requirement which wou~J ke:ep . Co"!"ilmen Henry Duke and Ted horses 300 leet (setback) fro"! any Bartlett sided with the bm'aemen Moo-residential' property line. and·a·half-acre sfa bJe. · '"' day, while COUncllmen Jerry Matney, -lbe lack of aay established or pro. , en t .. Court Ae.tion McGovern Wins 'Lost' Deleg~tes WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal! today reversed the Democratic Crej:lentials Committee and declared the par\y'• action "null and void" in stripping Sen. George McGovern or 151 Califoolia coovention delegates. The. lengthy opinion by the appeals courl declared that the expulaion ol the ) ·' Marine 1Dies, Hit by <;ar Along Coast 151 California delegates ••was 1n- conslstent 'w!tll lnndame.111al principles d. due <J>rocetS." nle lows are e>peeted to ask Chief Justice Warren Burger,· to call the Supreme Court, which !Uijourned last week, into a special summer aessioa to hear ·appeals. . A c:opy' ol the circuit caurt•1 opinion wa cllspalcW la Burler 1 office. He wW• ,bave, i. ·c:Onloot 'llie ncalionlng justices liflott decldlng an a special seslion. · 1 11le aourt has -called ~ ~I sesslfft ..,iy three !Im• 'Iii its hiltory' Mamwhile," ittorneys for Chicago Ma~ Richard J. llaley'• r ........ ..- oustei-..U upbeld by Ille clrcull court, ftled a motjnn U"il!nc the circuit court to stay1it.s o;wn action. · Tbe appeals court dire<led the dlltrlct An 11-yeai:-old· ·~ Corps private, CoUtt to 'write an CJl1ler prevenlloo the darlnf the beavi< tralllC an PacUic Coast pafly~ from "e&A:ludlng -.arect.d Highway In the Bol' Ch\CI bluffs area, CalllornJ1 .delegetes be:au,. ol their was killed Tuesday night when he was sel!ction ~a wlnner-tak..all primary." •truck t)y i 1m1D !Orolp car ·and carried '!be clmllt court opinlcm noted that the more than 7llO lee! no the car's booci ac-~ Party reform guidelines ...... to the" li ' wbUe ....... npresentatioo of minority co. W&&l6 • ~ ce ~l views uexsildtly ltopl abort of atiolish- HWltiogtan.Boadl olficien said Rostam-.1ng the -provision. Sbartli, 18, ol jledwaod City, was dead oo "The ~ that ~ .. arrival at Pacifica Hospital .despite the all was stW a -concept far lllO Im efforts o! H~tington Beach lileguard to · conventloo -a11a rdlected In the •can , keep him. alive with ca~pullmonary for the im -.11c Natlnnal Canven· resusci.tat10D'. tJoo,' " the court aid. Sharili WBI struck at 10:30 p.m. by a The court a1d the Jnteresti "-the car dri~n by Frederick Altan Kihala. 30, PoliUcal candidates, the . VGllrl and the ol, 8071' lllaln Street, Huntington Beach. state ol Collf1lnlla were substantial Kihala told police he wu driving eul· "But tJie lundamenW haais r ..;. ac- bound oo Pacific Coast Hlgbw.aJ al about tUin .11 the II' ... Injury to t~ : .=: :f'!.:1' wbm Sharifi darted out and Jecjtimacy of Ille proceos ol electing . The yoong Marine was knocked Into ; . (llee DllLEGAT&'I; Paet I}" · the-air and Ihm landed OG Kibala's car knocking ool the windshitld. Kibala drove !or abou( 7'0 feet before he wu able to puU over ·to •the ltde of the road, according la polioe. Police said SbariO wu nmning across the street with tm. other friends when he was hit. Two lifeguards anlnd at the acene or the accideDI aoon -and tried to keep Sharifi alive in ibi 1mb11I1nce while be wu bein& taken ID Pac!ftca Hospital . Police said DO charps were pending against Glhala. Battered Route ' Slugged Again By Beac~ Unit ..i What's Jell ol Pacific Coa81 Frf.ewty was handed a IOl)d lltblck Monda,y night by Huntil1gton Belich city councilmen, They relwoeclr Jn in odd manner -to 5. rt • propOsed nv .. year study ol lhe needl from the IAI Angeles y Hne to the Saiila Ana River. Tho melllUl'e ii ~ by Slate Assemblyman llolJert Biute (R-Hun- tlngtOn Btacb) whQ W11 lool<ing for IUJ> porl from hil °"" dty. He didn't gd It. "It'• I IOllllcal lludJ tat has nothing to do with~ reol problem," complained Councilmon Jerry llhlllley. ''Huntington Beach ii the onl1 P>flloo ol the lreewar lltill [ell.. -..,-,'~- "A lr<eiray that pes nowhere Is no -~" added Coundlmaa Henry Duke. • c.uacu-Jacll ~ defended Batre'• Pl'UIXllll, ..,.., 11lt'1 an. It. tempt lo brui1 a llllle ardor out ol chaos. I'd loft ID gel -II h people throuch town, -II we Joa dump them Jn Newport Beadl. • Later, bowt••. G.-tlni up hil halldl and...._, ... _,mike a damn 1111 of --""8t ... do, the i......-will ·• wllat lt wanll anyWIJ." .... . lllllblJ u.. ..... u .... olllclal - J , . . ,; DAILY rlLOT~•lt rlMiM HUNTINGTON BEACH BILLS ITSELF AS RECREATION MECC.i WITH PARADE FLOAT For,Some, 'Fun in the Sun' is W1tchifti' City'& Annu1I Fou~th of July P1r1de ' . . . ' 185,ooo See ··Beaeh ·rarade ------r .. - - -\ ' • ,l . hon.gest, Large~t,, May,be"'"1J~st <iri , Cit y's -History -. h-\ 'J ( An estimated 1811,llllO ,cheering spec- tators packl!d the . slf<Ots o! downtown Huntington Beach Tuesday to watch the blggei! ~ orJolly parade the city's history:· • • A total or 4,000 participants -in- cluding 1,500 musicians -marched in the "Salute to American Music," making lhe parade the largest In the 63-year history of the event, according to parade officials. The P8;"ade began promptly at 11 a.m, amid loUd .cheers from the crowd as • M~rine_ Brig. Gen. Adblpll G. SchweQk, took bis pasitioo in the grandstand aS of- ficial l'l.1[!ewing offi~r It was nearly.i three boura before he could Jeave,r mak- ing the parade the longest In history as well as the largest. . "We 'were tremendously pleased," said Jad< TatbalJ! I'!' the• parade-spo'l'Ofing Hunt~n Beach Jaycees. "I ta!J<ed ta many ptaple and they all agreed it was the best parade we've ever ~"be said. "I _thought.ao, too." ~ The parade, however, wu not withOut reml,ndm ol lhe lortign wars.and raeial tensiom that have wracked thiJ nation-in the l!l60I and. IJ700 •• A. gro~p o! maimed and ·disabled Viel· nam veteran! were wheeled tb a location besid,e the o!f'iclal r'viewlng stand to watch the pa,rade. They rarely cheered. And long.Jiaired spectaton were con- spiClKNI fo_r their failure to stand as .Old, Glorj p'assed in rtvlew. 1 But on tbt poslllve ~ a gr<iup o[ all- black (Iris, "the La Quleruean Junior Drill ·Team, won flht place 1n ill division against heavy tompetltkni fbr a "soul" lno lhal waueythlllg.l>l&JJ;adit" I. • PATTY CLAY, 15, VIEWS !!ER HOMJTOWN PA~DE . Wlt1' Fl•g in H1ir ind Cation Cliidy In Hind . The SWeepolajr.e1 award winners Jn. eluded : Bell lluslc: Klngsmen Drum and Bugle Corps; Best M'arthing: Garden Grave Guardottes; Bell ·Float: Indian Glliclel G"'81 Couta1 N1tlon from Hun-tJncton , Beadl; and Best Specially, El Be"81 Shrine CloWTll !ram Lnng Be·ch. _, . ~~~~bi~ h1~':Z 1,032 Die in Accident;§ Over 4th wived the brelkdown ot the plibllc Id· • • ' • • • d,_ system In front of the reviewing , • J'rom Wire Services dut~ "1!1> Tl reported .at latest count. . lfo-..S.,_ lht fnd. .At lean 1,lm people natioawidc were Tua~ bod fl lnifflc deaths and New · Pallco nparted no majc\r lnclclents u 11!1'~ th r VMk 1nd Michigan uch hid :II.' Ille ll!ae crvw<1 Jolt 1or home. Thtlt .,., -In ~!dents during th• F"'."" • A • breakdown ot 1KCldeutal dellhs the" Dsua! rub of fonder-bendtt ac-July holiday ,. kmd, according to ac-the naliM shows: ddentl. llsum • rele:ised Jodt\Y by la" en--Tralllc: 7., where a person could invest *·000 In a honle, and Jose part of its value bec1UM he has horses next door." Councilman 1.fatney defended his posl· tion. saying he had no intention of driving horses out of town, but did intend to pro- tect home 0\\1lel'S, ~tayor Coen added : "\Ve have to real- ize the current equine centen are tem- porary, tbey won't exist in their present locations in the future." "I can 't go alo~g with some or these specifics," 6uke protested. "\Vc're over· rcncting. tt Isn't equitable. ( wish we \\'Ould overract· like this on apartment.IJ." • I Demanding $800,000, Soviet Trip SAN FRANCISCO (UP[) -Two men with shotguns hijacked a P 1 c If I c Southwest AJrlines 737 today and demanded -.io,ooo ransom for the plane and 86 persona aboard. The plane, PSA's flight •'110 from Sacramenlo, landed at San Francisco International Airport and t0o~ on again. An airllne spokesman said the hijackin& occurred at 10:13 1.m. The piano clrclocl aaD Ffucioco while the airline attemplecl to rallo the ransom. - , A opokesman> .aid tlie lilloekn demallded two P"oebuill. Ho aid lheJ spoke vaguely of gqtq 0 to Rullla." Eighty...., -en, Jll• llvt crew pcrBOnnel~ .... abolrd. PSA preoldanl J, P'laJd AlldnWI said In San DltF the hljacbrl aald they would c.lrde lot 45 minutes, then·contact the lirl!De ta aee II their demands would be met. Andrews 11ld the hijackers told tbe plane's crew they ~ release ail but II persons, whom they woukl keep u hostages.··_ · The Boeing 737 is a twin-engine jetliner designed far shor~range flights . Ii cloea not have the rear stairway of the tbree- Jet Boeing m, which h ... been -by h1Jacker1 wbo jumped with parachutes. The San Mateo County sheri£r1 depart. ment 11ld the alrlfne ,,.., flying a Boeing '127 to San "Ji'rand".CO to take the hi- jack.en to Russia. The 727 was sum- moned 1t the hijackers• demand. 'The hljacke~ l'ere deacrlbed u wlllM ,males, both about $'10". ' Police Disperse ' , Huntington Moh After Mini-riot More than 100 unruly spectators throw· Ing rocks, bottles and firecrackera climaxed the Huntington Beach Fourth of July lim>oru show with a spectacle al their own before they were dilpersed by police Tunday •· Two-werebnolrenatthe Fisherman Rellaunnl on the pier where the melee tool< ptaoe about 1:31 p.m. 8pec:ta!On llllCI uniformed police w ... bombUcled by projectil .. before :I! pollca O!OCtll'I .aided by a police doi aJlC) a hell<Opter, wwe able to brut tlie• cro'!d up, llCOlll'dl,. to pollce_ Tw<nty-atx -...... emoted Oil , virtaUI . chars• of ....mlq ~­~ pollce ol!kera al!ll JIOl••i«I of dallgerouo dnlp,.pollco llkL The belldl -....... Ille pier -closed off ~.Ibo llllall riot whldl WU under caatral bJ Jt p.m. aecoNlol to police. 1 No seril'UI f!IJurltl w'"' ._.,. bJ pollce~lollowinf • Illa pall 11r1..- dll!turhance. Vince -, -If ""'91 and beaches, said tailOy tlllll a..:..... "wall to wall" people om die ....... the lireworu shaw. Tiiey _. al...,. , to letve .once Ute riot broke oul MoorhouJe 11td lhel't ... -1 "1114 · clement" In lhe pier ana II a. -~or 1'the last t""1e yeon Utal Ibo rll'tWorkl abow. · Police also reported a-• ttalllc ll«ldentl tn .Huntington _., fDllwalal the 'tire -ks lhow lll1lll aboul II p.m. Tbls lnoluded ... latalily .. -Coast Hilbway In tho 8oia ~ lllUlb ...... cloclartll thll .._ -9 -1d take .., actlce OD I , .... ~. ~ Burb'• bill. M1yor Al Coon, hlb1llll by the freeway balllll, dodand. "I really doo\ The ~ Included JO 111atchlns lor1tment •aOM~es. -Dro•1 .. nlnp: 181. i.u., at PIJy decorated llotta, ~ ~ tlwt hi~ ot tho,. were traffic -Plones' ---'"'-'"· -'1bllh wwt 3' tralllc .............. · day. Fourteen d. ~ lDwlvod -i. : Juries, pallcl llld. ( .. IWW•Y, .... I> ., tuardt 'nd ocorell al ,questrlan, aula, acdiliuls, which 1atrued 741! £1talltles. -Oilier: 81. (See PA&Alll, hp J> Caltlania op1n 1"1 lhe n•UO!! In tramc -Tot.al: 1,im. r t I f, I r t •• .... -- OA!~V PILOT " Wtdftltdll, J,~ 5, 1912 Capsule Co11ncil Action ~ lo capsule ronn are the major ..UOO. \ateo Monday n!lht by lhe lltmtqtM '!l.ach City COuncU: · -·· ~ Ille ctty 1t1<1mey to drill 1 nt of •ltln&"'t rulu ...,. -. . ... • . BbardRole ln W ell«re I -. •• \) • FAAOkays Chll10 Hills INlllll 1111 llllbU.bmont ot et1bl••, dliplte protests rrom 100 itabte owners adfllno flll!. PEllMITS: Delayed for two weekl • public bearlnfr on • conltovmlll police pennit ordlnance involving maasaae parlors, surf ahopt, pawn 1bopa al'MI about 40 other businesses. Test Nixed -~ )et Airport FRE£WAY: Refused to support Assemblyman Robert Burke (R·Huntlng· ton Beach) ln bis cffOrt to establish a five-year moratorium to study the Pa· ciflc .Coast Freeway situation. SALAIU:Es: Signed 1 thr~ycar contract, caUing for five percent rai.sel each yur, with the 401-merober Municipal Employes Association. POLJ}'ICS: Reduced the cJty 'i. residency requlr6!11-ent from two Ytll'I to one yeer for pubUc oUice holders. The two-year reqwrement was declared in- valid..by the courts during the April coWlcll elecUon. SU'llFJ.NG: Outlawed the use of bellyboards St t~e city beach from 11 a.m. ., ., e.m., June 15 to Sept. 10. This put& bellybcards (very short surfbcards) Jn the ame class as full surfboards. ' " . ' Fisch~r Says He 's Sorry By JACK BROBACK 01 11141 0.11)-,11111 Sllff Orange County supervisors today declined, to participate ln a new s~te PEP·Welfare demonstration program aa an "empklrer" but agreed to endorse participation of other agencies such as cities and school districts with Orange County government as a coordinating agent. • '111~ partial ::pproval of the new pro- gram was contrary to a rect1mmendatlon by Gran ville r esiplcs, county director of social weUart, who said his department would "pJ;"efer to conetnlfltc on pro- grams Jeading to private employment rather than the development of more public service jobs." · Supervisors wtrc swayed by the strong But .Russ'l·an· Wants More urging or Dr. David Painter, ~uperln· tendent of the Garder# Grove Unified "-_ School District who said that current _ '..,, PEP programs have been very suc· REYKJAVIK Iceland (UPI) ""To "We are sorry that the world cham· cessful in his district and that the ad· 1 " dltional aid was needed . American cbes5 chA.lleoger B o bJ> 'I ~ionships w.ere delayed. The problems The new state program provides $5 Fisc~ apologizest.todaY-(or UY-Wg _Mle cau.sil!g the delays were n~t the world million 1or the_ count)'. limited to one start of the world championship match ~Pion (Spassky ) who I respect as a calendar year and the State Department l'lth Rullian Boris Spassky. but a de. playe}and a man,''.Flscher said. of Human Resources Development has mand from the Soviet cbw federaUon ''If gr~aster' Spasskyo? the Soviet estimated that about 800 new jobs could be created. threatened t~ cancel the 2'-game series. people were s· convenienced or dlscom· Peoples pointed out that the county is The Ruaian Cheu group cabled Dr. filed I am ind unhappy for I had not already involved, or will be in four or Max EL!we, president of the International th 1· ht t . t . I thl . " Ii th . 'tar work programs and Cbe$I Federation, demanding that .e s 1g e~ men ~'~ s occurr1ng, ve o er sun1 The Federal Avlatlon Administrition has given its approval to pl:>!\! for1 a new jet age airport at Chino 1-lllls, north of Yor ba Linda. Leo J . Leary, spokesman for Chlno Hills Airport Cbmptex Inc., said tho FAA ruled that the ~roposed jetport would riot adversely .af£eet the Safe and efficient use of California airspace. There waa one r.cstriction. however . The federal agency approval is for a modified plan, greatly reduced in scope from the .project first proposed in November, 1970 and calls for no more thap 120,000 commercial aircraft opera- tions annually. Anothit hurdle is a required en- vlrohmental <impact 'report that will in· elude noise atitl ecology studies, t ' .. Leary said !Irma ljtfe being contacted now to -roake th1s report 'whlc,b must recelve approval by the FAA andt the Southerq C8ll!Qrnial Aviation. Ct>unc~. a branch bf the 1Southern California Association o! Governm~n~ (SCAG ): No esymate ~the cost of the jetport and support f cilities has been made from when e {lrst format an- nouncement ()f he project surfaced last Oct. 20, when a "ro und figure" ol '200 mil- lion was voiced.· Fischer .be ordered to forfeit the first FlScher said. .. ~ that this proposdl would just add another variation in administration and agency game because he did not abide by an Officials hoped the twice-postponed jnvolvement. ... agreement which said both players must IO:W"nament c~uld get Wld way Thurs-He said the spending of $5. million of ~ commercial operation restricliq_ns shouJd not be a hardship, Leary said, pointing out that Orange County Airport had less than 29,000 such operations in all of 1971. Location of the prOposed airport, Jong a project of Santa Ana realtor Reg Wood. is north of Prado Dam and the Riverside Freeway and south of Diamond Bar in Los Angeles County. About 48 i>ercent of the land involved -23,000 acres -is in Orange County, another 48 percent in San Bernardino and less than four percent in Los Angeles County. . . show up within One hour of the scheduled day but, earlier, representab~of both public funds "cannot be justified on the game ti.me. . .... ..... F~er and SpaSB.ky b(Oke . . talks, basi!I of Aid to Families With Dependent Euwe said he could pot give the first castmg doubts on the J>OSB!b the Children cost reduction and it is clear game· to Spassky because the Russians IDltch would be held. that there will not be a corre!pondlng did not object to the fiist postpone-.The atart Was postponed from SWlday..._ savings in Welfare funds." ment. HoweVer, he said the entire match while · FJscher stayed in New York,\'-Peoples pointed out that in AFDC woWd be endangered if the S<>viets bargaining for more mooey. ~seloads, particularly for unemployed _prested the issue. . It waa post paned a Second' time Tues-fathers, ha Ve been ·deciiRing--as a result "If the Rtwlans in'aist on this penalty, day after Spassky said Flscher insulted of iini!rovld employment opportunities in I believe the whole match is off," said him by refusing to show up to draw lots the coW\ty. · . · Euwe. to see who got to make the first move. He predicted that private employment ·~ He demanded Fischer· apologize and said would coritinue to grow during the com· the federation.must censor Fischer. ing year. • From Pagel DELEGATES • • • the presi4ent or the lfnlted States," the court'• opinion continued. Tiie court said that It may welt be that the winner.take-an kind m election Is not u fa& as a proportional allocation of delegates. < 11But ~re can be no dispute that the Wry Integrity of the process rests on the auumptlon that clear rules will be -lllllbed and that, once estabtlahed Ibey will be enforced fairly, consisten\ly and without diacrlrnlnaUon as long as they remain in force." The opinion said the decision to exclude the lit Ciltlomia delegates "jeopardizes the ln\airity o! the election proceas 'and tbonlore Injures e1<ery voter In lhe Unl\a<I states and every Individual ond lnstituUon subject to the authority ol lbe president... .;. In a·dWe!ltlng.oplnion, Judge. Charles Faby raid tbe decision of the CredenUals Committee in the California case should ·have bee1rupheldcHe said the committee bad acted to cn,trfbute the delegation ao- cor'dlna: to the jJopulai will. HSucib a decllion cannot· in and of itself be detcrlbed u a denial of due process of law," Fahy said. "Moreover, it ls quite conaiatent with the ongoing reform move- menLwithln the p.art;y. 0 _ In the lliinois case, the three judges were unanimous in upholding the Credentials t"ommittee decisJon to oust Dale) and 58 other delegates. In addition, the court held that an Injunction blocking state court action that could affect its decision was 0 necessary to-wrect and effectuate our judgment upliolding,the action of the credentials aeommtiae here." ':i The court said that, U the Daley fortes Fischer, who has remained in seclusion "This program is a year to two years too late in point of time due to the im· since arriving in Reykjavik early Tues-proving economy," Peoples •charged. "A day, apologized in a statement read by program of this sort is more appropriate bl! second, the Rev. William Lombardi. during a period of rising weUare The demand from the Russian chess caseloads and WJemployment." federation followed soon after represen- tatives o! Spaasky said they had broktn off talks with Fischer's rep~ntatii.:es. · Earlier, the official SovJet news agen: · cy Tass criticized Fischer and said be and hls backers planned to use a com- puter to try to win Spassky's title. "It has been learned in journalist circle,, here that Fischer's patrons have worked out r1tber original playing tactics for the mat1.-b in whi,ch they were not , guided by chess interests," Tass said. The news agency said Fischer's follqwers 1worked out an arrangement with a computer center to transmit each move and the computer would calculate a counter-move. Bile~ l'rail Bid Along River . Goes to Company A contract for ~truction of about flve miles of bike trails· along the Santa Ana River has been awarded to the Sully- Miller Contracting Company. County supervisors awarded the proj- ect to the firm after it submitted a low bid of 137 ,550. The trail wilt extend along tht.,river from Atlanta Avenue in Hun- tington Beach to Edinger Avenue in Fountain Valley, ; Second District Supervisor David L. Baker moved approval of the proj~ct · without the county becoming ~ n employer itself but allowing the ~ther. districts and cities within tbe county to receive the funds. , Peoples assured the supervisors that in this V@y there would be no additional burden on the welfare department. Baker's motion was approved by a 3 to f vote w1th supervisor Ronald W. Caspe~ of Newport Beach 'opposing. From Pagel fREEWAY ... understand this whole thing. I could throw it into a deadlock by abstaining." Coen did abstain. So did Green and thi!n Councilman Ted Bartlett also alr stained, leaving MatneY and Duke on the short end ot the vote. Nobody, however, would move to su~ port Burke's bill, which in essence gave it the kiss 9f death as far as local support is coneerned. Two co\Jncilmen, Donald Shipley and Norma Gibbs, were ab§ent. Both are in Europe, but have prevtously expressed anti-freeway sentiment. At one time, Huntington Beach was the Jone coastal city in Orange County sup- porting the Pacific Coast Fteeway. Movie Director Dies · were successful in their -state . court at,... tacks on their successful cballengeri," one likely result would be that no delegates from the challenged lllinois district& would be seated at the con- vention." A total of seven bids were received for the project and-county officials noted that 1he low bid was abcut $12,000 below the estimated $50,000 cost o! the project. The Santa Ana River bike trail will be one of the first in a proposed network of county trails. TRACY (AP) -Hal Walker, 76, · veteran motion-pic.ture -Md· -television comedy director, died Monday. Walker directed such films as "Duffy's Tav:ern," "Road to Ball," "Road to Utopia" and "At War With The Army." OIANal COAST •• DAILY PILOT ™ Ottn11• CU.I DAll.Y PILOT wrift which It comtilMd t11e H.,...p,... .. b publr.Md by flit Or1119e Coto1I PilbfWlll'lt COmplny, S..,.. rite tdllloN •rt 11Vbll1Md, MondlY lhl'Ollllh Frld1y, for CO.It M ... , HIWPOM leech, H1111tlngloft 81kll/Fount1ln Vttlty, LllOVl'lt atKh, lno1M/$tddltbKk and San Clcmenr•1 Sen J111n .C.pl1tr1no. A ,all'lflt . r1Qlot11I edition II ~llsllld •1t11rdlY• tnd ~SWWltYt. n. ptinc!Ptl pnn.n1111 ~pltnt .,, 11 UI Wttl .. ,. 11,...1, Cotti MIM, CllllOl'nll, nt.21. 1t1Mri N. Wt~ Prtskltnl Ind PVbUM\tr Jtclc. R. Cvrlty V'i<t ·Prnldtnt tnd Gt11er1I M1nta•r , TI!om11 K11vil Ellllor Tliot1111 A. Mwrphine M111111nD Editor 1:.>.>rr-~l-CMrlt1-H. t.·01--klcht!'il P, N•·ll • • Aullltlll MIMOlllll EOltofJ I T•rry Co.,lllo W..1 Or•nee c:;wn1., lOltor ............ Offk. 17t7S lt•ch 1011/t.,trd M•ilin1 AllJr11t: r.o. ••• 7t0, t2••• ·--LIW'lll lltlCf'I• m ,_. .. , AvtrM CMll Mtu: UI Wttf .. , S!r"l ~ '41ltll: 1W H~ 1•111!..,.rd ieft CMtnlntt: 30S NMfl'I El tamlr'll lllMI , ••• , •• 1714) '4J:-4Jl1 --A-iolot Ul·U71 .............. c.., CMl ... lffte 141-1111 ~. ""' or.,.. '*' hMlltllflt .....,., Nit """ ltro!'ln. ll1Vat ... !l9m, _... n111n.r ot '°"'rtltem9'!11 tffnln -.¥ • r•ldllc• •lf!IWt N11Clft ,.,. ..... ., .,, ........... """. ' -.................. _.e.,..c.ui...Mf ca• • .,.,_,.....,.. .., c.rr1itr aus awAIJf! W MIJI G,IJ '""""'"' mlUl'UY ~ UM rn.dllJ. • Nixon Turns to Peace Talks, World Alf airs ' President Nixon will shift emphasis to-on the strategy for the peace talks .. day from holiday relaxaUon to in~ A repo,.rt already has been deUveced ternatlonal af!alrs -primarily pon.. the President from another adviser, Maj. deriog the U.S. strategy which will be put Gen. Alexander Haig, who early this to work when the Parts pea'<!' talk) >tk'fetumed-fronfa·trly1o South-Viet· resume JuJy 13. nam and Cambodia to determine the The Pmldent spent most of the oitatus of the military-...sit.u~tion in Independence Day holiday at home with Indochina .. lamit/ and friends. taking a short time Gen. Haig Is the number two man to cut to dtll\l'er a traditional radio address Kissinger on the National Security Coun- fl<lm his <llllces. -~--'cU. · ;;;Jer Iii Ifie day Ile and two cloae Mii!lng1 bet\veen the l'resli!Oiit ml' friends hit.. the beach -something they those two men will take pl{lce throughout have done every day since arriving last the rest of thl! w~k In oriler to firm up Saturday. the U.S. position in Parts . Looking rested and well tanned. Nixon Ir the weather along the South Coast repeated his earlier orders to whoever continues as Jt has, however, all will not would listen -"go to 'the beach and try be hard work !or Nixon. some swlmmtng." .0 Red Beach," a qulet , clam rpot in the Since his working VOFaUon began In middle o! the Camp Pendleton · Cout San Clemente Saturday, Nixon has had seems to be The President's favorite. two houio guest&, Charles G~ "Bell•" Alter delivering his radio· addr<ss Rebcm o! Florida and N!w York In· Tuesday, Nixon turned to a smati group dustrlallst Robert Ablanalp. of reportero and 11ld, "everyone sotins His top lorelgn a!lairs ~dvioor, Dr. to have a &ood tan today. ,, Henry Kissinger, also has been in San "T'l"re's no r,...n not to with this Clemente 8lnce that time, slaying at a weattter." ' ~-pri>ale re$1dence In l!Wby Cyprus 'l)len, gesturing toward the beach Shores. heblnd his omces. be adddll, "Oo out on Dr. Ki..,ingcr wlll tnke • ~ey role In the beath. I've be<n ewtmmlog every discutsbns with the President this week day." 1 • DAILY PILOT l"llelt 1t7 Rldllrd Drake HUNTINGTON BEACH PARADE HAD PLENTY OF BRASS Officials Say Fourth of July Event Biggest Ever Youths, Police Oash on Beach After Fire'"'orks HERMOSA BEACH (AP) -Hundreds of youths who bad been watching a fireworks display battled police with fOCks and bottles for about four hours Tuesday night and early today. At least four policemen were injured. none seriously, 12 persons were arrested and several expensive beach front homes were damaged in this Los Angeles suburb, police said. Several police cars were also reported damaged in the melee. i•1t looks like a battlefield down there,'' said Wally> ~1oore, spokesman for the Hermosa Beach poli~ departIDent. Another (lfficer s1lld lthe beach was covered with broken glass and added, "You coq.idn't walk barefooted anywhere id the area ... ) .Moore said ihe beach horpes, many in the $100,000 class, had picture windows broken and other damage. , But after a survey of the area today. City Manager Earl Diller saici the damage proved to -be not \'.ery. extensive. "We have a lot of debris, but very little damage," said Diller. "There is d~bris from the firewor'ks and some broken glass but nothing big. There are houses with broken windows, but very few." Moore gave this account : GEM TALK TODAY by ~. C. HUMPHRIES EXCITING JEWELRY FROM SMALL DIAMONDS Designers of unusual jewelry that is \Vlthin reach of a large number of consumers are steadily increasing their use of small gems in creating exciting rings, brooches, pendants, bracelets and pins for women. Men also are benefitting from this trend to the unusuat. Rings, cuff links and tie pins are now being created through combinations of small-diamonds, sapphltes, Ulicut quartz and. gold. First prize in the women's cate-- gory in a recent design competition went to an unusual open-work dome r1ng spr!iikled w1lliolamonds and sapphires. In the ltllln's division, top winner was .a tooled cull'llnk. and tie tack sel, wltli small dia- monds centered in lily-like cups. 1 In the s~arch for "something dif- ferent.'' men and women are a110 looking to the pos\, buying or dupll· caUng antique jeweliy, w b I ch , though old, will never lose th' beau· cy of ~arefUI craflsmans~lp. We offer the latest In modem jewelry design, or be•utllul · an- tique pieces now on display in our f From 1•a9e l PARADE ... and clown entries. \Vestminster, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Orange, and Hun- tington Beach all provided Ooats. Garden Grove won the Mayor's trophy for best neighboring float. Grand Marshals for the parade were the Marinres. a singing group from Marina High School in Huntington Beach. Other dignitaries included newscaster George Putnam, Assemblyman Robert Burke (R-Huntington Beach ), State Senator James Whetmore (R-Oarden Grove ), and Orange County Supervisor Robert Battin. Actip~·e Bill • Makes Pl'ogress SACRAMENTO (AP) -The bill to permit acupuncture, an ancient Chinese technique said to block pain and relieve certain ailments, is on its way to the Assembly floor. The bill won unanimous approval of the Assembly Health Committee Monday. Introduced_ by .AssembJyma_n _Qordon Duffy (R·Hanford,) it would permit acupuncture to be practiced by non- physicians in Calilomia medical schools for research purposes. It would not pennit the opening of clinics. Leary said no objection had been voiced by San Bernardino County officials or residents ·east and north of the proposed project. Past objectio11s ha ve come from cltizens and officials of Yorba Linda, Brea and other northern Orange County cities, principally at a hearing' ..held in Placentia last February. Leary estimates that the airport when completed will be handling about 11 million passengers by 1980. He pointed out that noise should not be a ractor in the ruture with the improved engines now being Installed on the new 747s, DClOs and Lockheed 101ls. He said the present OC8s, ?(ffs and 737s will be obsolete by 1976 when the Chino Hills project is in operation. Project promoters say the only In- habited area which could be remotely af- fected ''by noise from the jetcraft in the future is the Olinda Village development of about 300 residents in the north Brea area. Valley Trustees Set Election of Officers The annual election cf new officers will take place Thur:Sday night when trustees Qf the Fountaiii Valley School District hold their first meeting of the new &cal year. A regular business session will also be held beginning at 7:30 p.m. at district of- fices, located at the comer of Newland Street and Talbert Avenue. • 'l'lANSISTOR "A~ Silver dial. water re1i1tut, lumll'.lous dial. ...... 'BANBISTOR "II"~ Calendar, water re1l1tant, lumiaous dW., ... ... • 11ie c.r.V1Ut Tttna!•tor nrnr n11d1 _.,._Wtndlnj. rtf nU.•Teli e tran1!1torua- el1ctrontc clrcutt:ry operate oo • tlDy • Jonf'IUt batttl')'. Prom one ,.., to the ,,.. SO.lorpt Ibo d"t' ptnd·ond...,.d. . Clv• trauletorlud time by C.ravtlle. In botll N.,,W '"d ..i .. du modoto. .'39.lltolat.11 . . t8p3 l'jEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA C0NY!N/£Nl llRMS IANkAM~llCARO-M>.SlEl CHARGE I . . 21 TEARS IN' SAMl LOCATION PHONI Ml·J401 1lore. (Adv.) t:.:----~-----------~---.. • t ' . \ , r • t I , --------------~----- A:llies -"e a rch: Battered ei y ' North Vwt.s Suspected in Quang Tri Citadel SAIGON (UPI) -A 1,200-man SOuth Vietnamese force moved into Quang Trl city today, set up a command post and fanned out lhrougb the ruined city's business and residential districts. until govmunent troopo controlled the walled dtadel In the center of the town. However, government l'lpokesmen said . they woold not list the clty as re<:aptured Mllitaiy -said the troopo met only Ugbt resistance but no attempt was made lo ator.m the cltadel, the possible Communist headquarters. A 20,000 -man SOutb ,Vietnameae task Name Sought For Laguna Crash Victim The Orange Count)" Coroner's Of floe is seeking the identification of a mlddle- aged woman pedestrian who was faiaUy' lnju~ Tuesday night as she attempted to cross South Coast Highway in ·Laguna Beach. Laguna Beacfvpolice said the woman, now identified only as "Jane Doe," was •truck down at 9:35 p.m. In the Ca!JJope Street Cl'QS3Walk and was prooounoed dead oo arrival at South COast COm· munlty Hospital Albert ,\Joi! Riley, 24, of Siem Madre, driver of the small foreign car 1hat struck the unideotifi~ woman, _wu • booked by Laguna Beach, Police on sus- picion of involuntary manslaughter and later released on $500 bail. force movtd n<rtb Into Quaog Tri prov· ince more than one week ago. So far, fighting bas been relatively light and allied officers said they do not know where the estimated 48,000 Cam· tnunists who took the province May l are hlding. U.S. Warplanes Bomb S. Viets QUANG TRI (UP!) - U.S. warplanes f t y I n g patl>dearlng missions for today's paratroop ad· vance accidentally bombed a gov· ernment position, killing 10 soldiers and "'ounding 30 others. The U.S. command said the in- cident, the first of its kind since the government thrust into the prov- ince began, occurred Tuesday five miles southeast or the city_ The collimand blid few other details: Shot Kills Girl Caught in Fight At Oakland Bar ... The provincial capital, Quang Tri city, has been levelled by bombing attacks &nee the Communists captured the prov. ince. While the lead elements moved ~nto the city with little res1stance, South Viet· namese marines se.v..ea mjle.s southeast of Quang Trl City met with a heavy North Vietnamese counterattack from a bat· talion supporied by IS tanks. The marines report~ no tanks knocked out but said 48 Communists were kil led '1•ith government casualties placed at nine dead and 16 wounded . Two miles s0utheast or Quang Tri City at sundown Tuesday, a battalion or about 500 Communists attacked government troops in an assault led by 18 tan ks. No casualty reports were available. UPI corre:poodent Bamey Seibert reported the troops entering Quang 'l'r i City today radioed back that it had ~n leveled by bombardment.. Heavy naval shelling and aerial bon1!r ing preceeded the North Vietnamese capture of the province, South Vietnan1 's northernmost, and during the govern· ment drive to retakt the cit y over the past eight days. The province fell to the Communists a month after they launched thei r offensi ve in South Vietnam March 30. It is the only province still in North Vietnamese hands. Seibert said that behind today's lead elements entering Quang Tri City was the main body of a paratroop vanguard, 1,000 men strong and backed by tanks. that pushed forward from positions hall a mile and a mile south of the city. I ' ~· ' ' t:t.,..,, JltJ 5, 1972 H DAILY I'll.OT S DESPAIR ETCHED IN FACES OF FLEEING VIETNAM REFUGEES Man Carrie1 Child Away From Battle for Quang Tri City • The victim was in her late 50s or early 60s, according to coroner's deppty Russ Greeq_, ~ve feet six inches tall," weighed about 200 pounds aod bad b~y hair and blue eyes. OAKLAND (AP) -A 19-year-old g~l. apparently caught in crossfire between a group of men shooting, at each other outstde· a · Hells Angeb-·bangoul ·early to-· · day, was killed by a bullet in the neck, police sai4"' Quang Tri City normally has a popula- tion of 25,000 but most of these fled south when the city was ovemm by the North ·vietmtmese. -----~····-~ --···-···· Man Surrenders .After ····-··-· Lave Told Vice President and Mrs. Agnew have announced the engage- ment of their daughter Susan to Carroll Stein, a Maryland state employe from Baltimore. 'Miss Agnew, 24, and Stein, 30 plan a winter wedding. She was wearing a pink and brown dress, pink sweater and brown shoes, which were knocked off, aloog with her wristwatch, by the impact of the ac- cident. Her purse contained no wallet or iden· tification, the deputy said, and the only present clue to her Jdentity is a personal letter from a rural address in Kentucky, addressed to "Dear Marge" and signed "Enuna." Investigation of the accident is in the hands of the district attorney's office. Strike Talks Resume MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) Negotiations in a contract dispute between Northwest Airlines and its 1,600 strildng pilots resume t6day. The strike has kept most Northwest planes out of the air for five days. Five men were wounded in the shooting outside" the Hilitop Bar. One of the wounded was held under police guard at an Oakland hospital in coilnection with the girl's death, police said. Lt. Bill Fugler said the dead girl, Nancy Botelho, was in a car with three men that drove past the bar. They heard the shooting, circled the hlock and came back to see what was happening, the officer said At that moment, he said, three shots b1t the car, one hitting Miss Botelho. Fugler said investigators were at- tempting to determine a motive for the abooting. The identities of the five men were not immediately available. Love Ani1nalsil Subdivision Map Overh aul Gets Sen.ate Approval I Eatery No Place for Ca mel, Fowl From Wlre Sen'lce1 You know how it works. Let a camel get his nose in a health food store and pretty soon the whole beast is inside - which unsettles Laguna Beach police. The WlSettling saga ol the dromedary began because Lagunan James Douglas Roberts is an animal lover. At 7 p.m. on the Fourth of juJy, Roberts' enthusiaSJD for his four-footed friends landed him in the anns of the law. The charge: allowing animals (one camel arid three dogs) in an eating place, in violation or the health and safety code. Roberts' problems started when po1ice officer Paul Rose spotted a large crowd outside the restaurant, 782 S. Coast Highway, and found they were admiring a young camel, with a rooster riding on its back. County Fireme'1, Put Out 56 Small Blazes Oraoge County firemen were kept jumping over the Fourth ol July weelrend putting· out gr,,.. fires attributed ol carelessly used fireworks. Fire officials said 5( blazes directly-at- tributable to flreworkl: were snuffed out during the holiday weekend. All were minor in nature with the large.st burning ovel' two acres Tuesday afternoon at Trabuco Road and Los Alisos Boulevard. Rose called the station to see If there .rnlght be any local law against keeping camels on sidewalks -then amended his query with the lillonnation that the camel had now entered tb[e restauranl Sgt. Norman Babcock made a hasty seareb of the municipal-code, found that domestic animals are definitely barred from eating places. Wild animals cannot be kept In the clly without special permission from the city oowicll. Turning.Jo the dlctlooary, Babcock noted that the carnet is used as a beast of burdeo and for food. He called City Al· .torne,Y Tully Seymour who said that in bis lawbook this would qualify a c'amel u a dorbeatic animal, therefore not permit· ted in restawants. The Wormation was transmitted to of· fleer Rose, who imparted it to Roberts and the camel's owner, one Lewis B. Marvin of Topanga. Mariln laid he'd brought the cainel, aod the rooster, to Laguna at Roberts' request as a sort of promotion stunt for the health food parlor, but he'd be glad to remove It right away if It wu against the law. Roberts, 21, of 2564 Pala Way, wu ·cited for violation of the health and safe-- ty code. The camel, police reported, was Joaded Into Marvln's vehicle, a converted black Cadillac hearse, which wu last seen beading north on Paclllc Coast Highway. SACRAMEm'O -A sw eep i ng overhaul of the state's subdivision map law bu won Senate approval here despi~ _ cr!~clsm. by Sen. D e n n i s Carpenter (R·Newport Beach) that it would open the door to "officious in- termeddlers." The bill by Sen. Arlen Gregorio ([).San Mateo)· went to the Assembly Monday on a 21 to 13 vote, a bare majority in the 40- member upper house. . lt would require public hearings on ten- tative aubdiviJion maps before plaming conunisslon, city council or board of supervisors. It would allow opponents of a proposed sulxlivision to appeal a com- mission decision to supervisors or city councils. Carpentar stronsly oWJOed the bill, µying it woold aJlow "officious in. termeddlers" to interfere with mierly development. Gregorio said the bill was the result of thre< years -t by the Leoguo of California Ciu..1 and Ille Co u n t y Supervisors As!ociation of Callfomla. Havasu Death Probed LAKE .HAVASU CITY, Ariz. (AP) - Authorities are investigating the death of Donald Paul Klbzey, 28, of Lake Havasu City, whose body washed uhore near London Bridge. Kibzey apparenUy had been dead four or five days, before being found Monday. 'Th erap y' Called Torture . . Coed Claims Tickle Treafme1its Left Bruises -SAN JOSE (UPI) -A former coed who sald she Wll "tortured" by a psychologist using hit Olfll style ol ther~py has been awanled ft70,000 by a But abe laid In her 1ult 1hat 1be paid Zaslow waa deacribed Tuesday as a $400 for a IS-hour therapy .... 100 to try man noted for developing a cure for to resolve an emotlonal problm.. i_utlstic children. -"I wu tortuied, lncludlna choking, Dr. James J. Asher called it tragic that beating, holding and ·lYinC me down and the jury awarded Miu Abraham the Superior court jury for il\iurles resulting sticking flngera In IDJ' mouth," alie said damages. -lrom the treatment. ---in ber-aiit. . ~ aaert«t Zaslow was 0 wide1y ac- Paulo Abraham, 22, -the award Aa a result of the trealml!lll, •be aald~aimed In professlooal cirt:les" for hi! from her former teacher, Dr. Robert W. she suffered near-fatal kidney damage, work with autistic children. Zaslow, professor bf psychology at Cal R't'ere bruises about the chest, hJP1 and "An.Ybody who baa ever been connected Slate San JOle. He ll expected to appeal. lep and a locer1led mouth. with blm would be deeply reJentful of Zaslow is developer of a tecimlque A llpt of the Jl.bour oeufm punctu. 1hat (the trial'•) carlcalW'e of the man," known as 11rage reduction," described u 1ted ,.Ith tcrellDI and pleldtnp was Asher 1aid. 11lt'1 very, very tragic that "llckllng, poking and stimulating a pa-played to the jury. they will now remember him on this kind · tteot to reduce pathologicpl resistance Three medlcal doctors teoUfied during ol basis." and rage." · the 17-<lly trial that blo technique "u· z..Jow, a graduate ol UC Berkeley, Ho Olltl'ltes a clinic at nearby Loo ceeded the -ol cuatamory medical believes that auuam, a • e v • r e Gatos, treating 1utlstlc chlldreo -those practice." psychological problem, 11 caused by •a with lantaay and withdrawal proble~. 1.eslow told a dlstr1ct at1«!1e7'1 lo-temlon tranafer from parents to chlldren. Miu Abraham was relieved of test> vestigator, "I think I did her a fiver." Hit theory ii that childreo aenso parto- f)'ln« on advice of lier physician that Of the treatmeri' be llald, "We do tt lal rllldltJ llld, d a raul~ withdraw ln-recollectlcio of the therapy mf811l cauae lovingly. We Ucklo lll!lllllln potnto of the to tbemaelves and wipe reality from • nervous b.-kdown. body to Induce lauchter." · their mlnda. · .. • More refugees were created by today's govern1nent push into the city. Solons Endorse Abortion Study Buffalo Hijack Attempt A bill authored by Assemblyman Robert Burke (R-Huotington. Beach ) to set up a $25,000 study of the effects of California's liberalized abortion law was endorsed by the Assembly Monday. Burke's bill, AB 1549, was sent to the Senate on a 55-1 vote. Under the bill's study provi sions, Burke sa id, the State Public Health Department would look into tbe "large number" of abortions granted under the mental health clause of the 1967 abortion law. The Jaw permits abortion it a panel of doctors determines having a baby would cause physical or psychological damage to the woman. • BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -A man sur· rendered to an FBI agen t early today after holding hi s 17-mon th-old dau ghter hostage at knifepoinl and threateni ng to kill her in an abortive altempl to hijack an American Airlines jet. police said. The FBI said the man. identified as Charles Smith, 23, or Buffalo, agreed 1o give up after being assured that police would not harm him. According to the FBI and local police, the epi30de began with a stabbing in- cident In Buffalo's inner city during the early morning hours. Richard Ash, special agent in charge of the FBI office here, sald Smith boarded the unoccµpled jetliner as it stood near a terminal gate about 5 a.m. at Buffalo International Airport. lie demanded thnt the airline provide a pilol for the craft and said he would kill lhe child U hls derrutnds were not met. "lie apparently decided he wa.s not going lo get out" or the alrport, Ash said, describing how Smith put down the knife he was carrying and walked down the ramp of the plane 21il hours later, car- rying his daught er . He was accompanied by an unidentifJed FBI agent who sneaked abroad the plane, The child ldenttrled u Jtluan Smith, \\'as ooL Injured, Ash said. She wu taken to a Buffalo hospital for obaervatloo. Aah said blood on the Infant'• clothllW wu Smith's from a wound hi llU!l- earlle r. Ash fuld Smith wwld lace a c11ar,. of at!tmpled hijackl111. 8rentwo0d Sapin91 announces its . Costa Mesa Grand Opening : Phase I Beginning July 5th and continu- ing through July ·31st, we'll be holding open house in our tem- porary quarters .----- at 1565 Adams Ave., just one block west of Harbor. Stop by dur- fng business houi-S(Monday thru Thurs- <t JUIY G 5 day, 9 a.m. ---• to 4 p.m., . Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m) and meet our staff. Sample the refreshme nts. And pii:k-up a free surprise for the children and ·yourself. _..,_.,. Justlook forthe~ign that says Bre ntwood Savings and Loan Association. And keep an eye out for the announcement of the Costa Mesa Grand Opening- Phase II. It's coming up this December;just<1s soon as our new building is completed. We're delighted to be in Costa Mesa, and to offer.you ''personal interest" -the way you like it Phase II Opens December, 1972 1565 Adams Avenue Costa Mesa Phone: 979-3910 BRENTWOOD SAVINGS ~ I LOAN ~ . !~~~~ON Wt>'T l'ilSANGEl.ES I SA 'GABRIEL VAi.LEV I o6wNTOWN LOS ANGEL.ES I WEST SAN FERNANDO YAU.ET SAN MARIN0 1 lt UNTIN~'TON BEACH I FAIRFAX I I.ONO BEACH I P!()().&OBER'l'SONI C05TAMESA I , . !\.I • DAILY PILOT wUJa Tom 11rplaine -~-... ;., -Now They're Taxing ,Taxes SAME OLD STAND DEPT. -Well folia, if you're read.inc this, it can bl . • • • • pr..wned tllat you are a Fourth o! July aurvlvor and we all· had a great· time celebtal!ng our c:iQuntry's birth when we got rid o! the Briti!h and tares all at the same time. Wait a .minute. Tbe BrltiJh governcrs · (;elebration Ti:nte may have Ion( de perted but you have to - suspect that maybe we dldn1 quite get· clear of the tu part. Just to remlrxl us of that, our wise legislators up in Sacramento had a new tax 10 into el!ect lat! Saturday as aort of . a pre.lndep1nd<noe Illy celebration. TBIB LATEST OUTRAGE Is a 1ax upon a tu, juat to make it a little more unpleaoaht. It happens to be on gaaoline, which, as all us 'motoriats know, is a pretty well·tned commodity to begin with. Before this atrocity went into e(fect, you already paid a seven-cent state tax and fOUr-cent fedeBJ tax OD every &allon G-Ov. Ronald Reagan and wile Nancy were greeted by oomedian Danny Kaye on their arrival at the Rebild, Denmark Independence Day celebration. The festival is held to mark the American holiday because of strong ties between the two nations after years of immi· gration. Kaye was the main speaker. He played the movie rtile of Denmark's best known author, Hans Christian Andersen. Mental Hospital Blaze /(ills 30 Sleepi:ig Men • I Tan.a a pan a • • . Rags-to-Riche8 Politician Succeeds Sato . 'f'OKYO (AP). -Japah'1 ruling COll- oervatlves today named Kakuel Tl!llka. a dynamic ra1•~ricbel conslructloo man turned pcliUclan, to be , prime minister with a mandate !or bold new ap. proacbeo to the Unfted stateo and Ollna. The LiberaH>emocrallc Pllrly in effect turned ;ta bacl< en the ....tlous estaJ>. 11.iun<nt pclltlcs ol Prime Mlnllt« Elsaku Sato, wllo ts retirfn« al 71. It de- clsively rejected the bid <l hls protece, 67-year-Old Forean Mlnlater Takeo Fukuda, to ~him. . political Ille for a quarter or a ce11tury. Wbat~ver the United Sljltes wanted, it UIU&lly rot. Including muaQroon!ing trade, support for the Nationalist qw>ese regime on Taiwan and ofllclal boycott o! the Chin ... Communists. The crunch came when Japan achieved a favorable balance or trade_ with the Unfted Stat.es and steadily widened it with a river ot low-cost, high-quality goods Jl!"'red onto the Ametlcan market. Angry talk combined with American restrictions aoured tl!e old relationship, and relations are still strained despite a visit last month by presidentlal adviser Henry Kl.utnaer. President N11on11 unexpected rap. procbemeDI with Paking w!tboul prlot consultation with lt1 chief Asian illy. alao hit Sato in -the political jaw end ,. .. ken- ed bis standing within the country and the party. And Peking 14id there could be no· real improvemant in Japanese. Chinese relations witil Sato went. Tanaka, at 54. the youngest prime minister since 19'5, \\Ul the party presidency and witb it leadership of the government at a convention of the party's members in t)\e Diet, the Japanese parliament. 1be: ~on the' sec- ond runo!f , ballot wu 282-190, with four blank vot~. French Premier, CahUiet The Diet will meet Thursday to con- firm Tanaka as prime miniJter for a Quit Posts to Aid Leader three-year tenn, a formality ,since the -.. party has ~ sizable majority in both PARIS (UPI) -renc · Premier houses. He is expected to announce his Jacques Oleben·.Delmas and his 40-man cabinet on Friday. .. cabinet reil&ried today to allow President Georges Pompldou to build a new cablnet Tanaka's victory resulted from grow-t? meet expected . strong opposition in ing restlessness within the party over next March 's Nfltional Assembly elec- Sato's JnabUlty to cope witb the problems tlons. of Chine, the United States and mounting Chaban-Delmas' resigntJ;tion has long domesUc difficulties. Little change would been nnnored and ofncially denied. The have been expected had Fukuda been action was announced in a COf!UJlUnique chosen. from Pompklou'1 office 1ollowing today's The leaders of two powerful factioos In weekly cabinet aes•loo. . the party who also ran, fonner Foreign Pornpidou's Gaulllst coalition, ~bicb Pompidoo rett Jt was t>etter to have an enUrely new c1blnet rather than rtihuf. fle the old one, political lbizreea said. ' ' $999,000 Bond, Set on Suspect In Texas Death ~1inisters Takeo Miki and Masayoshi has been in power for 13 years, faces Ohira, stood out lo< change. When they stiff opposition from a newly formed TYLER, Tex. (UP\) -Police held a were knocked out on the f1rit ballot, they Communist-Socialist coalition, even'"'<-. 51-year-old murder S\15pect in jail today threw tbeir support by advance agree-tho!Jgh the Gaullists now control 380 out . . ol .... ~. . rnent to Tanaka. of the 487 seat! in the National m lieu $9911,000 ~ the h1getat ever Tanaka made a brief, restrained ac-Assembly. set in Texas. Tbe suipect, who was not ceptance speech stressing that unity of Pompidou did not inunediately an-identllied because police had not e· Nixon··Bla.sted· lhe. party .. must .continue ... He bas said nounce ·a succeasor· but ·he scheduled ... formally charged him yet, was accused DETRO.IT (AP) _ The national con· previously that be wculd give hi! major meetings with Defense Minister Michel of. beating to death a molher of DiDc · o!·!\ld·70U·boughl· f .. lbe.okUamUy .. buJ. ........... SHERBORNE, England· (Al')· -Fire That's a total o£ 11 cents per gallon and swept through a wing of the. Cold Harbor ventk>n of the NAACP passed a resolu-attention to repairlng the frayed rela-Debre and other Gaullist leaders for children. .. t.ion Tuesday accusing President Nixon or tions with the Untted states and to bri.Jlg-later in the day. In the past, judges were allowed to "arousing J)A!Sfons or Date and bit-ing about diplomatic rttlations with Chaban-Delmas has been criticized deny bond to suspecll: accused or capital Is reflected on !lie posted price you fmd Mental Hoop.Ital early today, killing 00 of on ~ peollne· pump when you drive in the 36 male patients sleeping m e ward. t _.,,........,,, ..... ......._station. · The nUNJing s1>!f rescued seven of the o,.-.. _, .~ . Thenursingstefrrescuecdsevell!I ' 'Ib!.11 ··ti· the pump disp~ayed is 36.t of the men, but one died later. The other terness" with his stand against school Communist China. ~ from within hL9 own party for not being offenaes. But since the abolition of the busing for racial balallCf:. Japah's conqueror in 1945, then its tough enough in dealing with several deatb penalty, defense attorneys have ceDtl .per' 1atkm. you are actually f'lYing six suffered, minor injuries. ln the only resolution pe.ssed by the benevolent occupier and friend, the financial scandaJs in which Gaullists filed two sepaarte sulta areuing that 2,300 delegates Tuesday, the 'second day United States dominated Japanese were allegedly involved. bond must be allowed all defen~ts. only, 16-' ~)or the g1J and tbe othe; r. _. ---------.., 11 cenll go.I to the fed«a1' aod the I I of the week-long convention, the groupl-----'--------'--------..0.-'---------------------- statehouse .boys. IN SHORT ••• called Nixon 's antibusing remarks during his recent signing of the Hig'her Educa- tion Act ''a divisive Mrategy totally destructive to a constitutional form o( government" amounting to "changing the rules in the middle of the game." Comes: now the new five per~ent · • gaaoline tax that started Saturday as the _ • brainehlld of the revenuHiunters up in tlie capitol. SO YOU ARE -;. reasonable fellow and you MY okay, tbe state needs.the money. So, add the five percent to the 25.9 cents I'm already payln( for a ...tall gallon. Oh, no. They're not going to do that 'Ibey are aoing to levy the live percent · against the 25.9 cents for the retail · galk>il AND the 11 cents you are already peylng in stale and !edenl-taxes. The ~It IA, cleerly, that you get taxed ·for paying your tax. You have to figure that the Sacramento boys. J'eCOinlzing that gas taxe, are hid- den taxes, just figure they can hide this t>ne 81!8Y too. ACTUAUY, JT'S just like if you walk- ed into your county tax collector's office and announced, "I'm here to P'Y my pro- perty taxes . . . " Then the man behind the counter says, "Fine. Let'• see. That's $374.85 for your property Lax and $32.20 sales tu.". And you spltter, "Sales tu on what?'' And be answers, "Why sale,1 tax on the $374.SS JX'Ol)erty ta1 you're paying, of (.'OW"5e," You suspect if something like that hap- pened, folks ·y;ouJd march on the county courthouse in Short ·order. But the Sacramento tax-thin}tet-uppers will 'prcr bably get away wJtb -tacking another two-- cents per gallor;i On Y,001 tab. So now you'll be paying the gasoline company about two l5lt1 and tbe 1ovemment 13 e<nts for every Jlllllon ol petrol. This new ta:r oo your t a :r e 1 is supposed to raiot $17U million every year for Sacramtnlo. Most of the money is eannarked for good deeds, like fixing up · Out rural" road! and getting some rapid transit ia. the cilies where it is lik~ Jy nobody will use it. Alter all tllal's dooe, there will be $35.5 million left Iba! isnt earmarked for anything. But you can bet your la!t gasoline dollar they'll find something to spend it on. . Probably ai study to detennine where they can find new sources of tax: revenues. By the lime it's all over, we may welcome lhc British back. I One or the dead patients was 16 years old and the rest were described as mid- dle-8ged. Most died in their beds, but the main doors were said to have been unJocked at the time of the blaze. About 325 patients were in other buildings of the hospital. 'tbe fire oc- curred in the Wlnfrith Villa, a wing which opened nine months ago. Dr. Peter Johnson, chairman of the hospital .i:nanagernent commit!#, said the most aeverely handicapped of the male _pa- tienta were kept there. e Trunaan Saluted INDEPENDENCE, Mo.· (UPI) ~ Citizens of former president Marry S Truman's home town gave him a.n . Independence Day salute Tueaday and aeut wishes to Resear<h Hoopltal in nearby Kansas City lhat Truman recover and return home soon. Truman, 88, remained 1n satisfactory condition with an unspecified gastrointestinal ailment. He w a s hospita~ . Sunday and doctors have been taking blood tests and x-rays since. e Blast Kilb J WAUCONDA. Ill. (AP ) -A 24-year-old man was killed and three other persons \Vere hospitalized Tuesday night in a fireworks explosion at Banks Lake near Wauconda, 40 miles oorlhwest of Chicago. The dead man was identified by hospital officials as Edward G. Bulger of McHenry. e . .Korea11s tt' 11r11ed SEOUL (AP) -The South K0<ean government warned its people today not to expect speedy results from its agree- ment with North Korea to work for im- proved relations and reunification of the Korean peninsula. Premier Kim Jong·pil urged the nation to maintain its vigilance, asserting that a piece of paper Crom the Communista con· laining promises does oot mean anything unless the pledges are implemented. Kim told the National AMembly lh•t Part SUng-chul, North Korea's second vice premier, used "undescribably abusive" words in attacking the South on the same day the North-South agreement was dlscl06ed . Two Protestant B1·others Slain In New Violence-- BALFAST (UPI) -Assassians killed two brothers today and . dwnped their bodies in a ditch near Aldergrove All-port. Tldl::deaths-r.aised-to-10-the-numr ber of persons killed sin<;e Friday . Police identified the victims as Malcolm Orr, 19, and Peter Orr, 21, Protestants from the Alliance Road area of Belfast. Authorities said one of the victims was shot in the head in a gangland-style execution. Earlier gunmen shot and wounded an 18-year~.ld Protestant and a 22-year~ld Roman Catholic in separate incidents in Belfast. The two deaths raised the toll In almost three years of Ulster strife to 403. Commanders of the 13 Belfast areas of the militant Ulster Defense Association {UDA) met to discuss a ®W con- frontation with British troops thi.8 weekend, UDA sources said. "We are going to do some things in Belfast this weekend," one UDA official said. "Obviously we're not going to tell you what our plans are." DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Delivery of tht. Dally Piiot Is guaranteed MonQy..Frlday: If 'l'OtJ do not ""' "°"' IW'W Dy $:30 p.m., tall •nd 'l'CMI" COPY Wiii Dt brOuQf'lf • yiou,, Olli• ''' ttklfl unlll 7:JO P.11'1. S11vn:1ar ll!ld S\tl'lll1y: Jt YOll do not rialv. yovr CVll'I' by f .. m. Sllurday, Olf' I 1.m. Sund1y, ~II Ind 1 COJIY w!U lit brought to vou. Clllt 1r1 taken unltl 10 1.m. . Telephof'l6 lt'.Ol;I Ortllljlt C04111ty ArtN ., •••.•• '4J.q2f NilrthWftl Hllllll"'ton Btilclt and Wnlmlnlttr •••••• ,. .......... S.-1221 Ian Cle"*'N, C.pbltll'IO IHcfl, I Sin J~n C.plltnno, Ollnll l'G/nt, SOUtl'I lt;IN'lfl, lAtllnt Nl9uel .•• , 4tMUI Autumn Chill Hanging ·On (qol Jul y 4 Breaks Records: Stornis Bririg Fwoil Fears Te1nperatNres V.S. S••-rf "'AllONAI WIAlMt• "llYICf l'()lt(A$l I• '•M t•• 1 i • 7) T-•rklc .rr penetr1t«1 n t1r .tOUltl " Tan1 wlllct1 1tso rHl•lwrM record IOW fMOlntl Tllt.o.iJ'. Tllundlfstw-· K11Ye "" ""' 1W1wt1olMlt tOtOC.•SI. Et51 iffld ttlt $0\lfh wltl't IDctllY lltn"f-n1nl1t1 llCllM •~•s. Tiie Slorml lrifft~ flt5ft.llood Wlnll"91 "' ~· of Wnt v1 .... i..11, ,asttrn Ktn c;ty tnd IOlflhWttllf'fl Vlnll"lt, w 11 ""' 1111"f'°"•bff chrn 1111rlff 0¥1f !tit Mlfwu ' ,,.. Soutttwe1t rt- tM!ned Uftdtt' tflt ,,i, Of • lont llJl'll-·mg.~ wal~~turn 111 10mt or tht ..-:.l"'rff Ol'l9 YI -rid Mlt "' :.1111vt !fie 1'QO "''" m.rt rm fKflll !f:m.,.rtltlrft ·blftrt d.lwn r""91d flrcM1 " It Ptll1ton. Midi., to " •I llYfl'lt. C•llf, Coutal Weather Fllr fod1y. l ltfll vtrl1ble winds "1v111 111c1 mor.ino ~ titcOl'l'llnt w.sltrfy 10 lO 20 kl'\Ot1 In 1fltf'noo1U fodly •!'Id Tttu...Ooy. Hlllll toclty H, NrWOl'l'llfAHI Mliit..., COlllll lt1'1'19frtl1Hff rtngt !'nm '' \... to H. lnltnd ttlt'\per•tum r•l'l9t rrom tlCl"'O from" to to. W1t1r ttmterllur9"' !!!!ml """"•~" -SNn, ltloon. Tides ~tAllol ll!l.:JI '"" WRONaSOAY [filJ '-Alt SfCW ftloh 5:16 p,m, $.t 1MOW1 IS """' I I OW WON! low THUllSDA'f FTnt lllOh r:tt 1.fl'I. l.t '"'' ""' ll:to ''"" ••• IKond "'"" •:• p.m. '·' $tCOM ... 11 ·'1 ""'" 2.., The no-charge e,hecking plaq for frugal people. . Here's how Frugal Check works: .., You keep a minimum daily t,>alanc'e of $100 in your personal checking account, and ·you can write all the checks you want. For free. No service charge whatsoever. If your balance dips below $100 , we'll only charge you one dollar for I/lat month. No matter how many checks you write. ~. So you see, you will save money. With Frugal Chec k. Wllere il'1Ytbia& stlrll• witll you f _, ,. ' • • •1t12 by U11lttd SlltM Nlll~~•I l•nk COSTA MESA orrICE 1845 Newport Bt<rd. (71() 848-3291 F. Frank :tNbiec, MOllOltr SOUTH COA!lt P'UZA OFFI CE 338ll Bristol St. (710 640-MI J, H. M. lltolte, NoNJI.,. H~ING "11'llEACH OFFICE 302 Fiftll St. (714) -IMI VictorJ. Rutdy, M_,., "" ~kl dlll <""-.. M4I If ill ~.,.. .,., .,~ r""' .,... '""' AWifM ,.. Mltfl#t• ""l eotlbt ~tntt °V..:.;re~IHtd ,.,!R ln•o. tr-• ~ 'lr:~ttt ~~i..'"'~ ::~'~ SUf lt;w. 1 ~ .. m. Jtll I.Cl". p,m, • '\" .,._ 1.• 'l.m. Sth ~:DI p.lft.l __ _::;:_ _ _:_;::C.:... _ _:_:. _____ _:.;;._ __________ -r-----'--------- . t ' ' . ' ' • \ • 117, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES . . • • 0 I'dl sure 11ad we have an anU- ftreworks ardlnance," one resident wu beard to rell)ll'lt to -r. "Otberwile -mJcb1 &"I hurt out there." Newport -·· boll m the manufae. lure, sale and discbarge of llreworU doles from lllli. But in that time, Jndependeuce J:My celebrants have bee! undaunted in 1111uolly observing the Fwrtb with flrftQrb. Polloe eff«ts to enforce lbe ordlnance ha,ve been feeble at -wbea eompm!d --. .. • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' with lbe oven>!JOlminc number of vlsiton and tttident.t who take to the ~ to ... off . their pyrotechnic dlspl•7'· City lileguants estimated llO,Ooo come to Newport's beaches Tuesday, and' • majority of them stayed to Ilgftl of! lllelr fireworks. , At the he.illht of 'l:Wdaf night's bom- bardment, the polioe bellcopler, braving the Oak from Ibo beaohoo, buzzed crowds urging people lo siOp 1tlting of! the fi.....,rb. WEDNESOA Y, JULY 5, 1972 private morina. which bas lhe ol11y cily-llJ1Cliontd di5play. But mloy reaJdentl seemed deterrnin- ecl to not be outdone. Flares shot from the Newport·Balbpa Ptnlnsula iinged over Lldo Isle; Raman candles ignited on ~ beaches of Balboo Island burst over l)o4ts in the nliddle of Jhe harbor, and ali along the bay and o c •a n beact:es, thoUsands d. leaser fireworks were being discharged in a constant di5play of sliver and gold. . N.Y. St1rk1 NC TEN CENT'S Al one point, residents ol Beacon Bay appeared lo be shelling Bolboa 1.w.i wilh large ~ r~. Some went off as planned, blll others blew OJ> on the launchlac pod and a couple more skipped across the , -narrow chlnntl separating the island and Beacon Bay, to explode in froni f3rds or on docied boats. - ~The scene Wai eot too mucb diffemt at other locatM)i\s in Newport Beach. (See FIUWORKS, Page.I) Gunmen S.eize ' ' etliner Pirdws Demand ,$80.0,000, Flight to Sib~ria ,. ' . ' . . SAN FRANCISCjlO (UPI ) -Two belore DOOi! all« 'PSA olllclalt said tlie opoke vaguely of going "lo Russia ." gumnen COQ"Yin(J 8botguns hijacked ·.& hijacloen' demonds _,, being met. • Eighty-one passengers, plus five crew hijackers who jmnpe9 with parldultea. The San Maleo 9'>Unty 1herlf1'1 depart- · ~~~iaoo%i~ror~-·t.-~=-~~~-~~··-per90An·nne11de,~~~arbdl.j -:······told--.... lbe ....... m·entsal~1he.-mllnewaS'Tiyllig-ii'l!Oiliiit ......... . aircraft and lhe 816 waona aboord. San Franciaco ·Bay. a --·~·"' Mt..-~ at s.D Franc1aoo airport The ruJaWn -to lit .., of the · p1ane·1 crew t11ey woold r<1tue all bUt 11 .at 10:23 e.m./the cioalt toot oil agaill 20 puaencen leave, while Ibey· r<qU<Sted person!, whom they · wook1 keep u mioota later and1dr<led Ille airport for weather charts and ._. tP>wing the hostages. . . about an ~ wl1jle PSA olllcials aougbl route lo Siberia over Canada' and "!u~. The Boeing 737 is a twi.,.nglne jetlll)tl' to raise b ranei;m. 'Ibey also demanded a fuel tnK:i. ~ designed for short-range Oight~. It dOes The hijacked <Jllfl landed for a second A .:l:ikestn&> said u.! hijackers not have the rear stairway of Ibo lhree- lime at San Francisco airport sbortly de.ma two poracllulel. He said they jel Boeing m, wbicb has boeft' ....i by ~ .. ' Coll.lit Gives ' . lS De~gates f- ' . ·Thief .. on .. Leose . . ' . . . , ; ,...(:... .Bird Flies .co,Q-p, M,a •· Steal Agairi ' 0 M...F"--,e'r· n· ll)'<ll'vebeen -mlMl[W-,thn).~ .1'1' Old IOOlogy student al Brigham m to Sfir Franctsco 1o lake 111a : i.. ~IORlmla.TbettlWM.- .-at the bljocken' demand. Tbe hijackers were deocrlbecl u white males, bolh about five fool 10. The Jlljackinc was lhe 5tCOncl lnvoMnc a PSA liner in the last four months. The airline m .. col)' within <:allfornla._ . Soviet Demand May Threaten Che8s Series l,"\7U'V , garage or !°""' "ft.ir -~ YMiat ·University. • ' ' latli!y, -ate "~ tbu · "Be IOllld bet' ,.veral monlha. ago In .. • ' .. WASii!NGTON (AJ>) -The U.S. been in 1CUr ~ , . • ·an $'nest. He hand4ed ·her and REYK.rAVIK, Tei!IM 'lUPI)' • ;---Clr~Court·of-~ ~ -""8-~~=~..,a ...., fheliioberfllibll~U,,ra, Amtrlcan .... '4111111 .. •bby -·Ilia llinl0ctailo'~111 -· .~.ft/;. I ~ .• llaJ'\ll'lll"t.~'-· Mr-. Flldlor•Po"411"'_,,.' T•tlba ~-~ 11 ~ ..... ~.:o. ... ,~ 't.:i1:1a iil.j'~ -llAri:.:...-1( I /J,,11 ... .... "! S.. ~e lofsGovem · ;;!.'ft' I lrfiidlt'llli.i: "--io • lanCltitl'.., ~dm of 'll'lfh Bolll Ip nt1, 1lat 1 * .. ol 151 ~ornll oonvenlloa ~-, erow," .,Mn. TJler,. wltp' ~ ~ .. IDllYtnc their .,hoe i,-. 0< maDd ·'-Iba 8ovtel ..,_ M -. /I'll& lmltllJ ......,. by tbit • ..,,.., ~ _. ':" ,: .::.:: .~· :7 ;w.,r,. ::,n ~ and 1b'lng ";;:T' 'l'na:::olllt ~J":~.~--1 ,.1 =~, JW.i..~ -~ llf"tbe iiiiFliid= lw." . _I It I mtut•mi. <Uljlrtt Oltin( tbat J\lu .... ,....1 .. ~I w ~ --.•lei "WU In-Buckwbea~ 'm"""' llico lite 'l'lllra-dmctllllioa , .. • bofeu alalking )'OUT Chea Jl'edlralion, demanding I h I I -Wt4li ftmdamental prlnciplea of day of. Jut -· -_,. llome for ~. iln. ;ryier '!'Pl you to FllCher )e tl'dered to forfeit the llrsl due __ .. · . the aµmmer l>Y )In, 1)1ir'a.-,. 116-.. lf .. ·ber 1t.all·t(MI11•. , game -'he did nol abide by an ~ Josen are e:rpected to aat Chief , •, .' ,_... ",·. . , • 1. "· • • agreement wbicb said both J'layen must -'. A,·", . ·; " , ' : ........ ~...,~ =:.. w~ !:f."...-d~ ~ 1· t " . ' .. t i c· h .. . H·' ~lh :~~:,,..~ooebouroltliescbeduled Stlut~:.o..Ti i S8 . ~ete,..,.i i . ': I ' _-.,Into 1 •~'summer,....,. lo e po·r , n · • znn l . Euwe 11\d be could ·not.glvt the !Int ~ ~ J ·~--~~ ~-. , " · ~ ~ ~ ' ~' ...,..i....; > -i. bear appeals. • • · · / ' . f MJ' _ game tQ lplllky ,becaute the Ruulmw ·.'Y6u'-can "ll1'1:!J! tell the seuop. Lg N•~ Beaeh lly' e •fraHic.:i A copy al Ute clreult cliurl'•' oplnlon ~ ~ • , , • .,. l , 1 ~ • • did not objoot 1o Ute first poal- -'Whelf·c1r1 ·...,11ned up 'lite'"lhiB ;;Ji. .. ind1a!t"-'on Ys/de Dri... .. .. dtspatcbed to Burger'• olllce. He G. ·'·Ar . · z . f PAA .. menl H-. he said the enllro match ''!'i!~g ~-tht'Cqa!t Hlgll~· c 'sigrial, you c . W• Slpll•; will .have to eootaet the vacalipning lVelJ' pprova 0 would be> endangered II the -,mer. (In .!ict,.lt in!pt even be th,e Fourth of ~.uly., ' , , l . , · justioes before deciding 08 a special . preae<1 Ibo taue . .' f , .. 1 1,, ., . session. . .. · · . · · "ll the Rumlans inllat on lbts -hy, < i .. :,'"" ' . • ' The Court bas beeo l!'allbt Into' special .. ' ' ' • .. • . 1-llelieve Ille whole match II off?~ ~~.t! ~. ·~,· ·e·_, Newport ... w··, : Try~. ae::::tre~~ in 1::, ~.;.go '-"lbe-n11.ra1 A~U'!" Mmlnlslr•Um froni -r11e• ,the lii"lt '!onnal .... ~;~ ... aorry lbal lbe -kl -~~l' Ill . _ Mayor Rldlard J. Daley's forces, whose bu gi_ven lit approval to plans _f•,a -llOUJlC<llitnt of the project surfaced lul plolllhlps _. dellJM.. 'Illa:,,- ' ' ' .. . , 'f ~iledter wa1 upheld \If the circuit cliurl, jeYolrbaageLlndalirport at Chino lllUa, llOrlb of Oct.lion. 20 .... -,.o1c':.:.round flFt" ol $ltlO mJI., • 'C:.":f tlle(lp=)~-1 __.. ..W , '• • ' / " a motion aaklng the,~ court lo , , · . -· • ,c ., 'lilio : • ..,_. n' T fl A. : "' -;:·· · u • 1 ', L d stay its own action. ,Leo J. Leary, tpNwman lot cblno Tiie commerclal --restrlcUoos player ldd,a man," Fltcber ut.L ' ~ .• · ;. 1 . ." ~gr· e·e on .so, o., ',-an The •-11 court directed the dlltrlct Billa Airporl Comp!H Inc., said the F-AA abould ao1 be a. bardlblp; L< / •said, "ll grandt•WJler,Spaaky or the Scwlet U -'-> . c1iur1 lo write an <O'lllr Jll"Uentinii the ruled 'that the piitjiooed Jetport Would not 'pointing out that <>rap County Airport -1• ... Inconvenienced or dlacom- ' party from "excluding U-elOcted dvmel affect the 1 and efli leat bad ~-••-· -000 --~ u in .u flted I am lncle!d unhappy for I had DOI " i ' ' · · I ' · California delegates because ol their 8 · Y • " e c --·-•· ·-~ opera ona ..,. ~ lnl•ntioo of lhll occurring,• N~rjBe~·~~rvbie'cltyofficials deal wltb ,,J J.(.,. apeclflc llsue ~l aelectli>ninawlnner-takHllprlmary." uae)lf Californla llrspace. of' 19'11, • illd. tonight , "'11 ll)l to polcll i., their dlf. band -~ ~ lfnlpooal The circuit court oplaiGn ooted tbat the There wu ..,. remlctlon, howev... Location of the pnpoaed alrporl, loili • Off1clala lloped lbe twice-postponed f-and ..0 11 c °"'T -piece lie --t • ......uman -Milon .. De1nocralic Party reform (!!idelliies .'lboJeclenl--iPPl"'al -lll-iir--a-project of Sinta Alla naltor Rec Wood, -°'"'Id get-under way-'lllun-toplbOr 11 p1an ~~ dlles will Dostal, , o1 Newporl Beach's II>-while uriini representltlon 'o1 -miii0rity ~ ~~J:'tlyO::S-~ "')! 11 aortb.of PraclO IMm llld the Rlvenlde dlfbat, earlier, repreaenlallvea of bo111 bai·'asay;•tbo.,_tt_IRll'l'OUDdinc ten:lty !tee,, may be udllded views, "uplldliy stops lbort of abolish-November, ll'IV and calll lor no more Freeway and ooulll of Diamond Bar In l'locher and S-ky broke oil talu, r-'""' -from la 1111 formal -Ing the winne<-lake-alJ provision. than 120,000 commercial alrerlll opsra-Loi Ansel., County, Aboul .41 perceat.~ .cutbtc doubtl on the ~blllly Ibo Or-~ NrP>1t · m.aa -far~, w an1lhlnl "The li!llferltandla lbal winner-take-lions aonually. · the land involved_ 23,000·....o _ 11 111 maldl-1d be held.· - uaU0n ~off bolll dty FO'ID-olle -Jlio la ....... befon all WU tllU I Ylable "!'"C<J>I for the 1972 Another hurdle .II I roqulred ... -Jn Saa 'l'ba. llul WU poat_.i from 5"nd11 cill wlll iBI toalllll 111:111 II Newpoi:! tbe ""°IJdl u • bearblc lftinday conv-waa a1ao reflected In the 'Cell vtroamentaJ lmpecl report tbat wlD m. Orance County, 41 pemnl wllllo ,_, 11a,..i 1n New Yort, lle!ldt' aiy B.a -lhoo . ._ 11e1o19 nlgllt.f; . for the Im llemocraUc National Cooven-clucle.aolae p oooloei11ib-Bernardino and lea !ban !oar per<lll In barplnlns far more maaey. Nt-' .......,_,.. .ioted .co aci m · Wp llld Cll1 AllDllley llem!la CY.Nell lion,' " the cGurt aid. , . Leary ..W nn.,,.... be1nl conlacled Loi Anselot County. It -pellponed 1 -time Tun- • Hilaolw fill --~ p1aa bu ' -lllbl lo determlae tile The court said lbe _. of Iii< oow !O mua lhts raport wblcb mllll · Lealy said no objed.ion bad been v"olceil dly aftor tlpuUJ said Flacber Intuited for Ille~ -_'9i!iq-~-le&aliU.. llftltl& · polltlcal candldaie,1 Ille tUlen and lbe .....we approval by tho FAA and Iba by San Btrnardlno County offlclala or blm by -.i 1o -up to draw Iola Tllat 177...,. ...... locato4 otriia lf1m ai\tl o Pl-m!pt be created • Ila~ el~-. 10bttanllal . 8onlbern C..Ufomla .A-Coomdl. 1 midenla -and llOrlb ol the pv,-to'"" •· f! to motro tbe flnl ,...._ M.w1lmr i ilm'NI --tbe lirpori u the Cllmmlttee --lo deem that "But Ibo ~ -elf our -branch of the -Calllomill iiror ob hi ..:.:... He illmlMed ~ ........ and Aid alao~ "-O!fr -llld ~'•;raq9t flir'a d'llay .wa recon>-lion II Ille grne lnJvr1.1" tbe lalmej!ll Allodallao of Got11wwwata .(llC4G), • ctUut ~clall '; v:t: JM Ille,...._....,,,_., c:oUndJmM 1' l!'t -ctty 11a .. aaked Ji>eJ"""1 by Ille -mlttee'« wblcb .Doa-and ~tlmacy ol ·l"' -'!I el..-, No estimate of. the cell ol the Jetport Br:"° and other noribem n...-~ .-· ----· -------. Newport'~ to deli1 .., -until 1111 • · (llee DELllXlA~ Pqo a1 llld support lacili~ bu bean lDlcle ~I--'-lpall• 11 a .:::.<~bold In • I jolnl maaloi pla far the -eaD be ., , ,. ~ r-' --..... cletolqped. -l • . . • 1aa1 ra-y. c. ... 1~,:i::::,11r~~~, No ,P..WRf Sp Eptl ,. . , . :_i.;...u;:m•be°'."~atrpcot:U lleP'• ~¥ 1'llallllw ORn!l>laalon J . -~ mlltlon 1511! '"" tiy 1•. Be polmm =:qi·~--"'1 B h. · 1· B w·. d :::.-::.~~.:::.;: ~h.. ·~~· e~c goers o · e arn~~~~~~= --"!·!"'IE '9'11ir-' -r .. oot 'for Jolnl-~ ~ ' ---. -, = Iba Cldiiii Hllil· poject II In atudlel -... I~ llJ"L. PBiik DDIO to ll8e arou.,; No·-.. --C!flllevehi. l'IOject ........... uy Iba 1111y t. roel ~-k . 1•<rlon "'., - - -, "We'n leylnc ID come ., wltb the c1e r-bu --bat Jalio balliled -wllldl could bo rtmato11 aJ. -~l;oll "°*"'"t ..... cllr alldoll .. -· moat ellectitt m llPC< ..I the mail el· aald II poUca .,. -to achranr brm foCtled by 1PDlla Ire Illa jolcrall ID 11111 . = ~ lrW .. ~ ~f-tllat wW let1 ,_ locatlan" aaldJllD --..... ....,, tin .... -to Ill ·-~ la tho Olnda h ......... 1 bolh -- -= ;"W-\:91rr ":--i..c -i: tanl pubUc -t. dlNCtor. ' • cspllom • ,of -1111 -It In DDr!b .... tlloy , ... wlll •1•u • toaltltn IMB1m 11U-"'"fir•l'll'*'c-... NOiin noted tbla mom,. that -II He ...... Pl 111111 ....... pe!111Ding Ill .... ....,.._ • Iba ..... ,... 11 no-. the ..... could bo built and ID-Balliol llland. . , ~ air,Rsoiii-1. w,., stalled lhla ...._,bat llld ellortt n B 11111 __,. ~.-. ...... M peysi. p l B n:... uldll*~tl&..,.!I•,.,... "Tom1otaolllara"11w1ra11111J-. belnc 4Jrected to bate at --1n -._... '° -aa11a on11 ear uc;k .octter •-~.~~~--1111 ....... Wiil ltf<=IJ -.. ~-year. ' ' r ..... and """-n, tbe -,,_..,., ---"AD ...... ""'•ltloil1 "'8." Qly cwmcH-, In ~ pannlta all podeolNaa, bleydiltt, .-... -....itllb>"".... lla•'lir 'ftt EI •. wll lo ~dtlll m '1 ....... ID --alp,..,_ of ....... II 1111 ..-itn 'ct Iba FlUs OF WYE . ~ tlll'll --......... ... , ... _.~ .. .. ... ,.,_ old l(lrt rn.I I rlu•· · • • ................ _. .. .. pllld...., mlllll be -..... -, ... 11111 .. - -l•1z la ..... P.• • -lllnilt, w'*lr illm ccutd be -U I "No Mir lhdl" llld autborllJ ... Ito ................ s... --pallll. deoctllNJ In Ilia manlclpel code ... lhe Tr6 e:~ Jlllo llld Gii ~"'-Robert I. Wynn •kl tbts Balboo P..in.ri.,• Jaffe said, oddlq, dl1 -...._ .-Illa /ltlO'f -1*'1 tlrat h landa wlll mt bo ,.ct "ho1"•a, '11'1111 trafllc eoncootloo ...,. ~ "Ila I'll lf'lnlllo=P lo -a atp m Newpoot lloultvanl. A lllarq to -.t, there II no quootlon • • • Jal I IM .. ...... Cid aam>d lillP Oil llalbol lloirlrlanl wUl be tbol alOUI OONidonlioa ~, be lllnl 111 I el 11111111 ... . -Jator. ' (Sol WilNINQ,~ 1) • . .. ' ' llUTLAND, vt: iAP) -Rulland ......., ~ 1nip1-o • ..-1n tbe ..... -.. N9bol Pr!»~ author Pwl ..... k. """ ea1..-i Ult hoopilal -.,., with ' pleurisy. "Every Jn. die-II that her Pleurio1 condllloD II lmpm= under the ~ --ol trt ' h, '' tbe hospital llld in I bulletln ~. Tlla ·-_... ber ltllh bttlldlot J1111 •. ....... Tiie i...aau. II ... .. @aD& tbe Orqe~-­reodinp ol ... , ... rll1DI .. lo to Inland. Varlalllo 11t -~ lira ., """••-·· • INSmE TO•.tY ..... _ :... .--·-' .. • I -: Dlttll .... ,. ......,.. , ... . ---·--lltw ... ._.. .. * a • • I ¥ ---. -. -.. ==-J =-..: =· --- f ' • • DMlV Hltl H C Wf Battered Route Slugged Again Wllll's lell of Paci/le eo .. 1 FrffWay Beach IJ lho iol:, portion' o/ lho "'""•1 -binded a oolld salhlck Monday nlghl stJll left." · by fluallniloll lltach clty ..Uncllmen. "A fr::l', Illa! gou nowhere 11 no They ,_ -In an odd --to .... 1," Coolndlman Hoory Dulle. ·~ •:ud ftve-""' itlldy ol the Councllmaa Jack G..-dolllllded f from the Lo& Angel• Burki'• ~. aaylDf, ••tt'1 an at.- llol 11 Ibo Sillla Ana River. , tem]ll to liririg a IttUe order out ol chaOI. '1111 Ir propooed by State I'd love \o get aome of th... people. = Robort Burke (Jl.Hun-throulh town, even ii we jull dump them I In .......... ft··ch." ) wllo wu looking or sup-"'",... • - • " -Auto_psy Show~_~ Poisons~-Doctor By TOM BAllLEY by tbem In Mrs. O'Donnell'• remalna. I °' ,.. Dtltr '11" 111• Dr. Sommer said today he found no A palh0lo&111 wbo conducted an trace of lwninol. He aeld the type of autopsy on 5usan Jane O'Donnell'• body barbiturate ha found In the remains were nearly ooe year after the died In Mealco "qulddy dlaslpatlng" drugs that <Wld taolllled today In 0rqe Counly SUpertor hive lllloD within a wide 1'1111• of Court that her Cleath was cau..ed by bari>itunitas "barbiturate Intoxication." . w11ne,... lbr Mn. Barnett and Ben Dr. Melvin Sommer of Beverly HUis Haggott, Mn. O'Donnell'• lathe•, have ~the Jevela of~ •~"'~ ! ' he found tn the bodly ilecompooed re-~~ Iha O'llclllnill ncUlled them by Jet Sak• OK To Red China .· W.\SWNOTON (UPO -~ Obmmeree .. Deparlm<nt 8lld 1 .... y It approved 1 11511 mWlon export license for the Boeing Co. that woo1d clear the way ror the sale of Americln-made' commercial jet airplanes to Cominunlst China. Th• ucense means that the Admlnlatration has given it• b)ffl· Ing to the saJe of several 1f1 aircraft to the Peking government tt Boeing and the ChlneH can come to terms . "We_,. 1t1µ neaoUating witb the Cblnesi ori thll purchase," 8 Boeing spokesman said f n Washington. 11We have not got anytblng signed on e dqtted line." part-dl)<, He dldn~ gel It. ,Later, bOlrever, Green thttw up bis · M4'*11 ' llfady that bu nothlng hand.I and erclolmod: "It doun~ mete 1 · ro• ·-JIQblom." cilmplalnoid . damn bit of difference what we do, the malna or Dr. Mmtll< c. "Mike'• 0'°"1-teleF.'.'!' three days alter Mrs. O'Don- ntll'• wife were um to seven Ume111 nell • death oa March. 19, 1988, that the C-Cljnw .lblney. "lllmlJngtoo leliJlature wW do what It wanlJ anyway." below""* IO!lnd by Me:llcU phy•lclans •ttracttve artist had died u the ttsult of Supe-~sors Give wbo enmllltd her body abortly alter an auto accident. & • .& G-1ava8 Backs I Firework Law In .Newpo1' Pollet dtlef .B. •-Glsp<u aald to-day he agrees wtth .dtyc Fiil Chief t...I !,ove oo the necessity for retaining Newport Beach's anti-fireworks or+ance. . I "I certolnly 1"lllld not adv..-te the ttpeal of our extatlng ordinance. I would bate to see. tht.door thrown wide open on tbil," llid Gllv111 adding that he would like to aee Costa Mesa ban fireworks, loo. "Ooe Wtig ibat made ~ year the Mainey then moved for an official vole declaring that the councU _,Id take no 2'.Ctlon on a retolutlon supportq Burke's . bill. . ,Mayor Al Coen, frustrated by the fteeway .JJattles, declared, "I really don't understand this , whole thing. I could throw it lnto a deadlock by abstaining." ' Coen did abstain. So did Green and then, Councllman Ted Bartlett alao air Nlned, leaving M1tney and Duke on the jflorl end of the vote. Nobody, however, would move to sup- port Burke's bill, which in ewnce eave it the kiss or death u far as local support is concerned. Two councilmen, Donald Sblpley and Norm.1 Gibbs, were absent. Both are In EurOpe, but have previoualy expres.sed anti-freeway sentiment. At one time, Huntington Beach waa the lone coasial city In Orange County sup- porting the Pacific Coast Freeway. DEAD AT 52 lngl-,r-yacht1m1n N11h Russert Nash · Memorial Rites Held in NewpoPt death. . Tbe~IesUlled that O'Donnell VIJiled Sommer 1est111ec1· that bis patbo1011 the ott 11ome 11ve days alter bis Pam· ·81 B c1 4m· ti work waa carrted out on organa thal are wile's· •th. and told lbem that ahe had Ii 0 net normally uaed to delect the'pn!lellce • ~ l(iack iq ~ Cozumel Island p of potlOllS hotel and died ~ 1ew hours liter. T W }'l ' J But the 0 dete..,iiatron of the body hid' ~y aaill O'IJOnneti told them that he , 0 C f8 e , 80 made tt Impossible !or him to· carry out uaed the a<eount of a traffic death to · his tests · on such organs as the Jlver Md spare them as much shock as pos~lb1e. By JAQC B OBACK kidneyw, he said. Somme!' said his analy-Dr. Sommer teftified today thi• be ex:· Of ~Dffhi •r •l•tt sis, limited to the skeletal muscle, attll amtned the remalm of Mrs. O'Donnell Oran1e Con'!IY perltsors today led htm to support the findings of MW-and a1reed wt4li the flndfno of the l\fea-docllned lo portlclpo In ~ new •tole can pby>tclans, ' 1£UI ~ "In the alistnce of ony PEP·WeUore tkJo prOgnlll as -The death certificate issued by ot!JerWI ceuae of death.'' an "employer" but ~ to -~-· Mtldcan autilorttes ii J>lrt of the evi· -for Mn. Barnett have ... -, .. -~ Memorial services were conducted to-<f<nce ~Judge 1.E.T. "Ned" Rutter ll!otUled that tflO O'DoaneUa toot the trill parttclpltion ol other a~ IUCh as day at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church In tbe non-jury civil trial. It st.atea that lo Maloo will a vn lo ...-Ill-'c!llH and school dlltrlctl Wtth Orang• for "'"'-··yachtsman Russer! Nash, Mrs. O'Donnell, 38, died rl. "barbllura_te lllJ.r~-lllloaf bo4wwww the couple. CClunly governmant u a coonllnatlng •---acid pollonlng." ""'· D'DoaneJI, ~ ........ruI 1rt1Jt wbo apnt who died Sunday at bis Newport ~ach Dr. O'Dollnell, 53, of 307 Placentia Ave. ta\Jlbt art llld wbo lnquently 'uhlbited Tbe0 partial approvll of the -pro- bome alter a long illness. He was SI. and 2011 Westclilf Drive, Newport Beach, at the Lapa Bead! Foatlval ol Arti, 1tam wu contrary to 1 recommeodatlon Friends and • ahipmates potd !Ina! is accusocl In the action liled by Mrs. had lllltntatnod an apartment In Santa by GranvWe reoples, county dtnctor of tribute. to the welf.f<mwn yachtsman, O'Donnell's mother of respooslbWty for Ana 10<· -time prior lo the couple'• IC\CIJI well.re, wbo Did bis department who served aa navigator aboard local the death of bis wile. visit to Cozwnel Ialand, would "prder to concentrate on pro- yachts In blue waler races Including The $1 mtlllon la•t liled by Mrs. Mn. BarneU'• lull -. lo bar O'Don· IJ'IIDI Jeadlng to prlv1te emplo)'ment 1everal Tranapacll'ie races. Gertrode Bsmett/ IS, of Sell Beach nell from lnl!erlttnc bis dead wile's rather than the development of more Mr. Nash, an engineer with the Ralph Leisure World alJeted, that the surgeon estale. · · p!ibltc ll<n'lce jobl." M. P'IJ'aons Co., was burled Monday In inject~ lumlnol -a blgbly toxic If bu been te~ that,,)&n. O'Don-SU~no w.re swayed by the strong private c:eremnnles at Pacific View berllitunte Into bis wife. nell wu bwied In Mexico uie day alter Ul'llnm of Dr. David Painter, superln· wont IO far wu the prollfera..Uoo of M J , roadside -on our bordeno," the esan n1ured paUce cbief said. "'lbe ready ae-j Memorial Park. Two Mexican phystclans who sul>-her death. Her ·remains were later ltlideftl ol the Garden Gill•• Unllled He had been a: sallor since bis boyhood milted dep0t1Uona u part of the Barnett tfanslerred lo Mealco Ctty for autopsy Scbool Dtatrlcl who aald that current when he apent summers in Newport case stated. they wire UaJmost certi.ln" and crtlons ot those temalns were PEP PfOll'al!ll have been very IUC'- --1bflll)' of Ulele 1land1 does hnpart to ,.. . • • people ltial nrework• are 1.,111 .. ·in Collision Newport. Beach. People a.. surpr!Jed , , w1len WO ld\'lle them of the ]IW. Beach. He moved to Newport Beach !hot !umlnal was the ,~~te traced =•~~ct lo the United Statea by Dr. cwlul Jn bis dlatricl and that Iha ad· ' Other -.Vers noted that several ol the flreworu stands Jn neighboring Costa Uea bore signs indicnting sales would ~ NIWport Beach civic orgln!Ja. - ......_P.,,eJ :FlREWORKS • ... A Costa Meaa woman waa underg()ing from the San Gabriel Vllley nine years dttlonal aid wu needed. . e<ry this Ing alter ber motorcy-ago. B,tsldes his 114filng activitiea, Mr. The new state pro1ram provldel $6 • lid wtt a COl' driven by an off. Nash built yacbt models for local owners. Pia·~. ers. Stt1dy . . 1'-. P-· 1 mWlon !or the county llmlted to one ty t llead1 policeman early to-His laJI Transpec race was aboard • ·--..~ calendar y..,r and the state Department ay. Peter Grant's Nalu II In 1963. Mr. Nash DEL. EGATES ol Human Reoourcd Developmeal has Bari>an Patton, 2:1, iii m w. wuaon and bis wile, cathertne, we~ married a 2 Restaurants · . • • :U:,.~~t abo<J 11111 new Jobi could St., reportedly sulfend fractures ol few weeka before the race and spent Peop•-polo'·-' out that the coun"' Is majcr bollOI from the accldent·ot the tn-thetr honeymoon In the Hawaiian Jaland!. the -•dent of the United Stat " the ~ "" '' teraactlon of Jamboree !load and Brbtol Mr. Nub, .a member of the Newport J B A d ,. _ es, alreldy Involved, or will be In four or ~::i~·i>~itonwaseastbound ~~~::4~u~:'!'7:.: n · usy ·g~ ~ C0:'.!tm:~~:1-may...nbe.that \1':1~pro~w~j:::"'~ on Brlstot when ber motorcycle collided member of the Loi Angeles Yacht · Two ~ -·""""' Ille .the 'lrimler.UtHI! kind of electlon Is not variation In admlntatratlon and IJtllCY wllh the northbomld car drtveo by OI· c.,~, also s¢led In aucb ocean races., dlannel lrom Balboa ltlud, a luw1iboule u flir u • proportional allocaUoo of Involvement. l!rlabt red or White flubes -1d fleer Tom Stewart, 27. Sttwart, an ac· ~. Diego to Acapulco, Loi Angeles clu9ter Jn the beort of Con>no de! Mar t1.,~~.:._ . He -the spending of 1J mlDloo ol 'bla J • oa the liorboo fellowed by 1 dUll ctdent lnvesltgator for the poltce depart.. to Maza 111 and lhe llltami to Jamaica. and a gel! coorae ore t1JreO tey -to ~1 "~~ can be no dlapute !hit the publtc fund! "cannot be Jm{Jfied on the -· lo 41lell to Jl>le.1 qualtly of ment, 'fl'll• on Ma '!'ay home alter ge«!Jm, lje aerved Jn the u.,s. Nayy during be oonaldered by Newport 'Beach plin-very l!it•lrity ol the process rests oo the bull of Aid lo Fllllllta Wttb Dependent 1111-b In other tllegal dlJpla)'I. off duty, • World, War D'lfter ,aradn•ll•• from the ~-Thursday. . · '8Numptlon that clear rules wlU 'be Children coat redudloa and tt IJ clear -dlJ l1tben hive suqelled that Tbe ·Impact of the colfulon threw the Univeralty of Southern ~;.. ·1n llKZ. Ill -tl>e Irvine C«n--bi!JhOd and that, once ' 'eatabllahed µiat there wW not be 1 corrapondlng ._i of th&. ordtnaaoe mltlll · be In ~woman !ram her motorcycle, onto Beaid<s bis wife, of t4e f~ home, pony s, J-Creek ttoiclenttaf Ibey will be enforced latrty, conalltenlly 11vlnp In wellare -·" • order,, comldertng the !act that 11 IJ io the hood of Stewart'• oar an! then onto , 1508 Santiago, Drive, Mr. N'ab aurvtv· oomp1tJ during the l p.m . .tudy llelllOll and without cfllcrlmlnattm u long u Peoplea pointed out that tn AFDC 'lfldel1 lllld ft«ufarly ...-. But elfona the l!"vemilit. · · ed by · ........__, _, •·~·i •·-Ii dly hall aOcl wlU bear plam !or tbe they r<meln In force.'' cueload&, porttcularly. !or Ullelllployed • ' • 'to take li olf the books hive filled, Thi 0~ tecefved l*<Jal .C:Uta ft<im 'suuest!r ~~7 ~~lb~ 't. re.ta1ftllls and office )lulldtn. Dn Bay· Tiie OtilnlOllllf =lo eldude ~' have -declining • I result ia:-..=,-:.:~ ~~l~~'!nf.'"~1= '!!oai M-111 Hoopltaf. ·. ~:.--•at twr'f:llbp.m,·,..ur ~~ ·in.~ ir.!:~~~~l~Uuln ""lnfl to ... -io-the'i:ounin;equeCi01r-llat.n-,,cickH11tr.-. -·---· ·--~·--~.----------------:'. TIT!lt!Jll·r c0.<1m1"'•1Jd.,...ctal .,,..,p1ex, aiao-omy voter In. lbe-=m~jiiillctiGlliifjjrlvate empfOYriiiri'~-- . Cities In on 1ttempt to 1et, 1. counlywlde Traffic olflcera •Id today tile acckl<nt ........ Page I vine Company 'develcipment, ii \li1lpooed United Sta tel and ·•""Y lndMduat and would continue to grow clurluc the com- ban on ftreworb. SO lar lhero 1111 boeD •la undet Inv~ · !or Ba111de Drtve. -ol Marine Avenue . lnllttutl'1 subject to the autborlty of the Ing year. I "" -1n that dlttct\on. Tbe mall •• the only -Injury w· ... RN. . ING . . . and the coc1roven1e1_ Balboa Wharf COii!" pmlclent.'' "Tbls program 11 • Y•" to two years Newport's Fttt Cblef Leo Love alld to-ICCldent In Newport Beech for the holl· ft m«dal plaza thll Irvine offlc!ala with-Ju a d....,ting oplnloa, Judge Chl!les loo late In point ol Ume due to the tm- day bl !eels the present law la a good day. Traffic 9'fkor Stan Bresller laid dr<lw amldtt ltrq')lt'Olilt from llolboa Faby~ the cfedalon of the Credential& proving economy," Peoples chaipd. "A ..,., · traffic ..., very baoyy but nc moJor ac-liven tile enaclment of similar regulation lalond ,..Jdeata, · · Commtttao In the Calllomla CU. sbould Jli'OltatD of this sort is more appn>prlJte "Every ftre chief In the .• ty _,Id cidenlJ ,..... Joaed. • in lliis J>lrt of the dty." Conm>-• m ~ the hive -""1ell!. He said tile committee durlng a period ol riling -. lib lo have an ordinance jllO ours," be Jaffe auggested ''varlJble mesaage" ·propooec1 9-hole golf ~p!amied at hid acted tb !fiflrlbute the delegation ..,. caeeloads IDd tmemployment." ~illild. ~i:.. ...... 'It'• <lot widely ""' Bike Trail B1·d signs be-installed an! IN'ged tile "'ltY the tlp (ff Ujij>er Newport -· at the cordJua·to t!li popolar wlU. Second District Supervtsc>r David L. ....... •-H'1 I &Old' law." opend up .to $10,000 for a cooaultlng rtqUOlit of ccuncilmen. "Sudt a «fecilton cannot In and of ltaelf Baker moved approvll ol lhe projed !me ocbowtec!IM that "there are qlrwr to deifsn 'them. . The J-..ntne Cttek Development plan, be delcrlbed u • denial of due proceu ol without the county becoming an -1• who lguori the ordlnlDCe. But 11 G · Co · Couucilmen lollowed a recom-m ·a partel below L1ucc1n ~ wwld law," Fahy aald.' "llfoioover, ll IJ qutte employer Itaelf but allowing the other a.parent llld a dty ofllctal, I don't think 008 fo mpany mendatlon lrom .Jatt.'s boos, Publlc allow u many u · llll town-c:onslstent with the -fni relorm move-dlatricta and cltios wtthln the county to tt'1 wile lo Ignore the para of the low Works Director Joseph T. Devlin, to go -· city olftcial1 said. 11191 within the party." receive the fund!. that you don't like." A eonttact-for.·construe\kln or about ahead and-Wild at least one ex~ He alao ncted that the'" •~ 5,000 peo-live mUes ol bllre traI1s IJong the Santa perbnental sign -for the same amount pte In the U.S. wbo are Injured or killed Ana River has been •warded to the Sully-of money -and see bow it works. by fireworks emy year. According to of-Mlller Contracting Company. · GEM TALK flclalJ at Hoq Memorial llolpltll, County aupervlsors awarded the prcj- several miner Injuries were U..tod II> ; eel lo ,lbe ftnn after tt 1ubmltted a low the boopllal's emergeucy room,. but ' no , bid qi $37,$56. Tbe trail wW <Itend aloog one wu admitted lor a fireworks related the rlvu I/om AUanla Avenue Jn Hun-In~<. atUtude toward . !!reworks. In ~taln ~~y.'° Edinger Avenue In Newport Beach might best be lllustraied A tolal of seven bid! were received lor by warnings POlted at the Duua. ri\ 'the projed and county offlclJls noted years pas~ VIJitora to the aquatic parlt that the low bid wu about 111,000 below have been told fireworks on the beach the eaUmoted !50,ilOo coat ol the project. ore illeill IDd would not be tolerated. Tbe Santa Ana Rlvtt tilM tntll will be . This year the menagernent llmpti told · one of the nnt Ill a propoaed network of visitors "make sure you clND up your county ttalla. mec;' ROd he CArP,(111." San Diego Gets Aid SAN DIEGO (AP) -Major Pete WtllOn says $~9,000 In federal lunda. wtll ·be &!•en to Son Diego to help pay coit.t In pr<parJng 10< the llepubJICin NaUonal Conven)ion later moved to Miami Beach, FiaJrtllOn said a team ol audllora from tht .i.w Enforcement A s,s l 1 ta JI c e Administration come up with the llturt. ''That amount wlU be lorthoomlng," be laid Monday. ·j(-; f , .:1. ,,, , .. ··~ ;r- l ~ TODAY by ' OIAllM: COAIT IT DAILY PILOT Nixon Turns to1Peace EXCITING JIWILltY l'ltOM SMALL DIAMONDS . Designers of unUJUlll jewelry that la within reach of a large nwnber of consumers are sjeadljy. Increasing their use of small gema In creating exciting rings, brooches, pendants, bracelets and pins for women. ,,,..Oflilltt twit °"tl Y PILOT, wttti titt"" .. ~ 1ht ...... ,,...., .. "*'llMll ,.,. Ttl9 ~ CMlt Nlllt>llne °"""""'· S.,.. ,.,. etllllMI .,.. ,wllltl9I, Mtflny "'""'" PrlAr. ,., C•I• Mfl•, ......,.,. lffCtl. Huntl1111lon • St«ll/Fount•lfl V•llty, lttWM 8ffCll, ll'flntlSHllltttKk M11 "" Cltmlfttt/ ht! Jwn c.,ittr•,., A 1111tl• rt110M1 fldltlM I& Pllbl~ S.klnltYI 8M Slill'INYt- Tltt prlnc~I JIUMW.1111 Jllnl b 11 U1 Wat a1r $1fMI, C.tl Mttl, Cllltorni., ""'· --. llo~1rt N. w,,4 PrnW.W •"' Nllillif" J1ck II. C11rl1y Vkt ~rnkl.-it lflllll OtMrtl ..,....., Thollii1t JC1ovll ·-...... A. M11r,"1111 ~1nt1•1- Ch1rl1• H. L.ot lll~h•r4 P. Ntll• AMblltlt M1Mtirit ldlltn -... ::~· ·-~ • .,,,.., .. r ..... ikt(tl: DD ""'*' llul""tf ...... '""911 ....... , A,'WllM tt1111""9* hlefl: 11'1J ~ l~t11 .. ~ •• ..,... 11 C.-.. .... , ..... 11 fn4J t4MJl1 0 IW Me•l1 t I •4Ml11 ,... Cllllllll ...,... .... ., lAflM ..... ....... ,,.. .... -:,c;r ................. .. ~ "" °""" °"'' ~ ~ ............... ,~ .......... --.................. .... .-Y •••••sci•..,_....__.,,.. ..... J!...,,., .-. --~--MC•ttMIM., ~ ._ Gfftw llM .......,.,. .. -...... ..,, "IUllllW ............... Talks, World Affairs President Nb:90 will shift emphuls to- day from holiday relaxatlon to in. ternational aflalri -prlmarlly pon- dering ~U.S. strategy which wlll be put toiiilrk wl1'!1 .. ..the Parts peace talka resume Jiily 13. The Pmldent spent most of the Independence Day bollday •I home with famlly and lrlenda, taking a sbort time out-to-dellm'"a"1nidtltollll raiflo ii<lifi'iA from bis offlca. Liter in the d&y be and two close lrlends htt the beach -aomothlng they ha•• done evtry city since arriving laat Saturday • looking rested l!ld well taMec!, Nixon repeated his tttrller otden to whoever would listen -"go to the beaCh and try some awtmmlll&." Since' hl1 w'orklng vacation bef1n In San Clepiente Satwifay, Nixon has had two boule: Ruest.a, Oiarles G. "BtBe'" Robooo of Florido Ind New Yort tn- clultrllfllt Robert Ablanalp. .Bil top fo"'lgn tll1lrs 1d\llocir, Dr. Henry KIMtnt!er, allo haa been Jn Son Qementt,1Uict· that time, ltaylng at a = r~ldtnce In nearby, Cyprus • on the strategy !or the peace talks. A report already has been delivered the Presi&ent from anothtr adviser, Maj. Gen. AJexander Ha.Jg, who early this week returned from a trip to South Vlot· nam and Cambodia to determine the status of the mUitary stlUatlon In indochlna. . Men also are beneflttlng from this . trend to tht .unusual. Rings, cuff ' links and tie pins are now' being created \llrough combinations of small diamonds, sapphires, uncut quart% and gold. Gen. Haig h the number two man to Flrat In the women's Cllle:_ 'Kissinger nn !lie Natiqnal Security Cow>-gory in a recent design competition cUMeetings between Jhe Prealdent and went to an unusu~ open,.woit dome . those two men will take ~1-throuihout ring aprlnkl(d With dlamondl and Ute ttst ol this wee1c In onlet to 11rm up sapphires. In the m111'1 dlvlllon, the U.S. P01lllon In .Parta. . top . winner wu a tooled cuff·llnk If the weather alq the south Oout and tie tick iet with mWI dJa. continues aa. It bu, .however, all will not monda .centered ;. 111 ... IJte cups be hard work lfor NlXon. • ""' ~ • "Red Beac:b,". quiet, Clari> ipot In the In tht Huch for "JOmtthing dlf.. middle of the Camp Pendleton Coul seems lo be the President'• l1vorlte. lertnt," men !llld-. women an aJaq Allor deUverlng his radio -loaltlnl lo tht p111t, buylns or dupU>: Tu•sday, Nixon turned IO 1 illJllll ,,..P cat1n1 antique J!we!ry, w li I o h , of reporters and satd, "IVtr)'OOI _,,, tllou'1I old, wW nner Ion tilt beau. to have a lood i.. today. t I refill crafls-•••h•• • "Thers'1 no rt•aon not to wtth tbls Y 0 ca , ·-· -W'ellhtr .• , .. • \ • We otftr tl1a 1118'1 In modem Then, gesturt111 tow1nf the bueh Jew••-dealon, or beautllUI an-"1hlnd 1111 ofllcu, he addod, ''Go aut on _, ... ' .. for the man of the moment, .. CARAVELtE• by BULOVA , ftANlllTOt .. A• SUverdl&L · W•lsr ral1tant, lumhtom dill. -'IMNlllTOR ..-1: Caladu, waler ml1tant. ha•lo-dlaL ... TUNSIS'IUKIZEfl WA'fGB--'-'-'-'-~ . J. f. J.lump~rie:J J.w11/er4 112) NEWPORT ILVD., COSTA .MESA ~INTRIMI IAHKAMOIOAID -MASRI CHAKI I 21 TIMI IN SAM• IOCATIOH Jift.toNE 141oMOI Dr. Klulnger wlll take 1 key ,;,,, tn dlSC\ISN0118 wilh the President thJi Week 1_ the beach. I've been swtnunmr ....,. Uqut plepl DOW Oil dllplaf In our day." store. (AdY.), ill_, _____ !!11. ____ ""! ________ iiliiiiiii . . • ' 1 I