HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-19 - Orange Coast Pilot~eneol . ' . Fe111ale Slayer Huntington Ba~ks ~Tired of Bnnni¥g!) !') Gives -De~seH Up Proposition 20!) " ,. TUe5DAY AFTERNOON, ~Ef'TW'E1!, :19, 1972 , WQ&.. 61r ·tl0. iil.·l 'SICTIOHS. •.fl~ . . Coast Initiative .. ·--- Ill, ·ll ----Israel E111bassy Bo111bed Rigged Parcel Takes Life of Attache in London LONDON (UPI) -A bomb-rigged parcel in a pile of letters of condolence on the Israeli Olympic tragedy exploded In the Israeli Eml>Wy today, tilling the agricultural attache and wounding the of- ficial who was to succeed him in a week. Bombs also were found in two other envelopes in the mall. The blast caught the ff.year-old Ami Sbaehori in the stomach, fatally woun- ding hjm. It deafened aud slightly Injured Theodor Kaddar, who was to succeed him. Shachorl was ending a four.year tour at Israel's London embassy. His wife and two children already bad gone h<>l!l~ Female Slayer, 'Tired of Cha se,' Gives Herself Up By TOM BARLEY Of .. 0.."1 Pli.t Staff "I'm sick and tired of nmning." With that comment Monday night Susan Louise Sutcliff~ surrendered to Orange County District Attorney's in- vestl;ators and' ended a chase that began four months ago when she and a fellow prisoner escaped from the women 's prison at Frontera. The 23-year-old Pomonalwoman who will now resume the life term ahe iJt.. terrupted for her role in the killing of an Orange !Choo! teacher spent her Jut hour ol liberty with her two small cblldren, a daughter, 3, and a IOrl, 1. It "" port ol a deal made with d~trlct attorney'• lnvesllcaton during the put ... et. SUsan S..tclille's neg!l!lator waa ~ mother, an Anabebn woman who told dlatrlct attorney'• ollicen that her claUlfiter hod called her from Chicago. --·a mother llkl her .....,. Wlllled Id fl!ve heneJI up on the c""'1llloo 11111 allii eoold have aome time 11a11o-:v-,,,. granted aud llllla luldllle called lnveatl(lltora _, 1:~ told lbeln abe WU -nodr to . P•llC! ., , woman tJlpeared llnd and driwft fillt otbohrt.e ...med to be In ' &ood boallh. 'l'boJ refUaed to comment an xi. 8'1 ill"'t'• -.it of her four (irll GMll llP, Pip I) Israeli Embassy spokesman Ell Taborl said explosives experts checked two other "suspiciously bulky" letters that arrived for embassy officials and found they, too, were booby trapped with ex· ploslves. He said all mail underwent security checks "but somehow this one passed t.hroURh" in a pileup of mail over the Jewish Yom Kippur religious holiday weekend. The embassy had been closed since Friday. SeoUaud Yard aud Special Branch detecUve.s ,combed dossiers of anti-Israel mUltants for possible leads to Shachori's killers. Police sources said they gave special Proposition 20 attenion to sympathizers of the Pales- tinian "Black September" guerrilla group that c a r r i e d out the Munich O I y mp i cs massacre of 11 Israeli athletes. The Foreign Office said the parcel that killed Shachori was mailed f r o m Amsterdam, where Arab guerrilla girl hijacker Lella Khaled was reported seen three weeks ago. Officials said, however, there was no evidence to link her to the bombing attack. The blast came as Shachorl opened the pucel In his office on the second floor of the embassy, located in Kensington Palace Gardens. Several other embassies (See BLAST, Page %) Huntington Supports Coastline Initiative By TERRY COVIlLE Of ... Dallt' ,lltt Sttff Orarlge County's biggest coastal city, Huntington Beach, went on record Mon· day night supporting Proposition 20, the coastline preservation initiative, in the November election. The ~z city council action rurprited many onlookers who expected Huntington Beach to oppose the measure which gives the state control over coastal land development. At the same meeting, Huntington Beach councilmen called . on t b e Legl.slature to revoke a tidelands grant to the Metropolitan Water Dialrlct (MWD) ANGEL A DAVIS ACCEPTS AW ARD SOFIA (AP) -Bulgaria has bealnwed on American Communist Anj!ela Davis ltl' highest award, the International Dimitrov Prlr.t. Miss Davis received the prize Monday from Premier , Tocti>r Zhlkov. The former UCLA pbll~ Jn. atnJCtor,. during a tour of Commun!!! oountriel, has lllo received Buslla'• Lenb Jubilee Medal and Eut Germany'a G"'at Star of Jn(emaUonal Frlendablp award. for construction of a 4G-acre offshore island for a $765 milliou water desalting plant. Councilmen opposed the Island because they said no environmental Impact report dealing with its conatructlon has been submUted by the MWD. Mayor Al Coen and Councilman Jerry Matney cast the negative votes on Proposition 20. "There are only three states that do not have shoreline protection ·bllls - Alabama, South Caro 11 n a and California",'' Mn. Norma Gibbs, who sparked the vote, aald. "I feel Proposition 20 is good for the state, the county and the clly," Coun- cilman Henry D.ike added. A touch of drama was added when the votes were cast as Jack Green first said be would abotaln, then punched the green button for a "yes" vote, then Ted Bartlett pushed the red "no" button by accident and had to swilch his vote. Mr1. Gibbs aaid after the meetlng she wu .. qulte surprised'' by the out.come of the vote. So far, among other county cities, Newport Beach cast a unanimous council vote against the coastal Initiative. while Laguna Beach was unanimous in support .of It. . Neither Seal Beach nor San Clemente (See PROP. It, Pqe I) S~pervisors · • Battle Back And Forth By JACK BROBACK Of lfle DallY 'lltl Sltff ConsideraUon or a Code or Conduct far elected Orange County officials and their appointees was put off for 60 day1 today but not before verbal pyrotechnlct ex. plocfed all over the Board of Supervhon' hearing room. Supervisor David L. Baker had pro. posed that a code of conduct be adoplod altng with t h e ncently~l)Jpl'OVed ordinance requiring regiatration and disclosure by lobbyists~ He said "We cannot on one hand lt'gue that we are protecting the public trust by adopting rules for registration and disclosure by lobbyists and Imposing rules of conduct for county employes and then e:xempt elected officials and their appointees from similar rules." Baker's code was shunted a!ide last week by a motion to incorporate it in the county' a Personnel :i.nd Sa I a r y Ordinance, but the supervisor argued that that ordinance does not cover elected officials and their appointees. Today Baker aalin urged adoption of the code, backed by a report from Couo- (See CONDUCT, Pqe II Orange Weather Swmy skies are on the agenda for Wednesday, following l o w clouds along Lbe coast. Highs for the beaches expected ln the low 70s rising to 82 inland. Lows ~ night In the ml~. INS IDE TODA. Y George McGovern'.s political campaign hat focwtd unusual attention mi South Dakota, '" peop~, its wa11.s, lti land.!. ~ sociated Press writtr Sid Moodui and AP photograoh,,..s provide an unU$UOl took. Set Page 21. L.M. ..,... '1 MIYltl '' CcCltor11ft I Mutwtl ,wMt tt Clawlfi.. n.• ~ltftM .._ 4 c-in It °"'"" cw"'11 f C!'M.-f ' If Sllt!1t t~11 Deltl'I '"""' ' tlflCtl Mtlrbts .... , l•MrMI ''" f 'ftlt\llllM 11 l11r.rta11 ...... t 11 1'11!'11'" " •WMt 1 .. 11 WHl!Mr t irw Wt• •tttN ' w-·· tMwt ,,.,~ ~ 1• W...WI ,._. f -~ 14 ' • ! • ~ • ' 'Watergate 7' Plead Innocent -...... 1! ... J MYSTERY ••. lolonda~ lo Wat Laa .,..... WATERGATE SUSPECT Ex-Nixon Aid• Hunt -4 W ASHINGTON (UPI) -Two fonntt White JlouJo aides one! nve otha men ln- dlctecl In lhe b..U.ln "' Democntk ... 11Qoal htadqulrieN pleaded -l lo- day lo lbe c!Mir1et. 'lbe tonner Whitt HouM alclu are G. Gordoo Uddy, 42, 1llo olrmerly llrumclal coun.tel for the COmmltlff to Re-elect the Pretideot, and Howard E. Hunt, ~. who Ukewile wu formerly COMecled with the re-election committee. Lawyen: {or Liddy and Hunt aii:ked a federal Judtt, al lbe1t 1rralgnmeol, lo release both men on their own rtCOgllizaDoe, but lhe government ~ jected. Chief Judie John J. Slrrlct re<Ulfd the be•rin& until later ln the day IO that an seven accuaed IA the. incident could be tntervlewtd by bail olflclals. The other five men i.odlcted Friday by a federal 1rand jury In Ibo a1Je1ed bug· ging of the Democratic office• were ar- Sophia T!arget Ax-wiel.der Demands Her Son ROME (UPI ) -A man police said was :r'ISane axed his way throu1b the wire rence surrounding the villa or fUm star Sophia Loren shouting he was entitled to lake away her son, Carlo Jr., aged 3\ii. "By right, he belongs to me," Sini· baldo Appoloni, 38, shouted. according lo police, as he broke into the grounds D[ the villa in the Alban hills a few milu outside Rome. The servants in the vtlla shared by t.!iss Loren and husband, producer Carlo Ponti, Jocked the doors and called poliCf. Miss Loren and her son stayed away from the windows, they aald. PonU ..... not there. . Appolonl kept the police at bay swing· Ing the u be used to cut through the fence but finally surrendered, they said. ''Mias Loren gave me an autograph some ume ago," ht told the r.ouce, "and thus her son belongs to me. ' Appoloni was talteri to the neuropsy• cbiatrlc clinic of Rome University. Schmitz Tours South: . ·- 'Both Parties Socialist' , From Wire Services Rep. John Schmitz or Tustin. the American Party candidate for president, Monday In Lillie Rock. Ark., lumped the Democratic and Republican parties in one category as "Socialist Party A and Soclalllt Party B." The lame duck con,reuman fro m From Pa9e 1 BLAST ... Danit the same private thorougbfatt, known u "millionaires row." Tabori said SChachori "had DQl.hlng to do with politJcal affairs, but we know that terrorists often choose soft and unsuspectinr targets. "Obvlously, we wlll now have to have stricter security precautions, but for such precautions we must of course. rely mainly on what is provided by the bolt government," he said. Tabori said the embassy had been going through a backlog of hundreds of unopened letters and parcels, most1y con- dolcncts on the killings at the Olympics. It was the second attack on an Israeli diplomat in West Europe in 10 days . On Stpt. 10, 1 former Moroct:an anny officer shot and seriously wounded an lsraell Embassy orflclal in Brussels after luring him to a downtown cafe. An il>- temational manhun t was mounted for the Moroccan. The lsraell official was reported out of danger. Tuesday 's deadly parcel recalled Israel's revelation last January of an Arab guerrilla "mail-a-bomb" campaign. Israeli po I ice said 12 booby-trapped parcels malled to Israell officials in Europe were intercepted, but one ex· ploded in the hands of an expert, cosUng him his anns. Orange county continued his presidential campaign today in Memphis, Tenn ... with a news conference. and $15-a·plate fund raising dinner. He is scheduled to appear at a $10-&· plate dinner Saturday at tbe Pasadena Hilton Hole!. n.e American Party, known in Clllfomia as the American Independent Party, ran George Wallace for Pruldent in 1968. In Llttle Rock, Schmitz said the two major parties were offering a choice between "a man -President Nixon - who broke all his campaign prorntses ot 1963 •nd a man -Sen. George McGovern -everyone ii afraid wtn keep bis and one everyone dlallkes." From Pagel CONDUCT ... ty Counsel Adrian Kuyper and Per,50nnel Director William Hart. Before discussion was well under way 1 Superviaor Robert W. Battin, who Is run- ning for re-election, urged that the code of conduct include prohlb!Uon of double billing for tlrllne tickets mileaet and that the erfect be made retroacUve to Jan. I, 1169. Baker readily eccepted Dalt.In's sug· ge.stion.s. "This is an obvious attempt by Battin to Involve me but I have no fear," said Baker. "The matter to which he refer• wa1 cleared by two grand juries and the District Attorney's Office and It was determined that there was no conflict of interest and no criminal act. "Mr. Battin is obviowly floundering for an issue with h1s campaign for re- election under way now under adverse conditions." reNd la tba badquorltn b1'pellce flO'· IJ lhe _,,q ol JUDO I. All -...,.. ladlc:Wd aa charsa ol OlllllPlriDlt .. lleol documeDll ..., .. ""' lhe bem0cratlc -The defmdanll llq wtlh Liddy one! Hunt ""' Benwil L. ·Daner, a ldleml rtal ~elate man: Jamu W. McCord, Jr., a former security -chld tor the Nixon re- election committee; Eugenio R . Martinez, an empioye of Barker; Frank A. Sturgis, an associate of Barker'•, •nd Vlrglllo R. Gomalea, a Miami loclilmlth. Slrrtca, In a brlol onler, IDOOIOIC<d dlslrict C:Wrt rulu lavolving • widely pubUclied or 1en&1Uooal cut. They require that tbe court may llsue apec!al ctd•n ,.....uni eatrajudlclal atatemtntl made by pertOftJ involved in the caae and seating tn the eourtroom of ttporten, plus anything <lse lbe court deems appropriate. Liddy, Hunt and the five othtts all Legal Gator Hunt p''' H ..._ pill}"' .... Ibo ....... .... "' ,.,. ..... ap1all - ,,. ~ ....,, :Earl ...... did not "*for~ ....... In -"'llP .. $50,tllll aal p-.oly tCr tbe a.a-men. · Hulll -l1nl to arrive at Ibo courll'oom and alld a1oad lo an·atlonlly, 11l've never e\ltn been ln • tratnc COl1rt before." Hunt wu represented by William 0. Billman, wbo in lbe 1-WU lbe chief govel'MWll prwecutor agalnll former Teamllln' Prelldeal J..., II. Ho&. BIUmaa told Ibo court, "IWll la ·Ibo. Bobby BU... case, w1llcb ---u nolorloul U UU., be WU nleuod GG hll own recocnJiance wllh DD lt!llJic!lom." This WU I rtfereace to Roblrt G. Baker, former secntarr · to Senate Democrall wbo wu Ibo object ol an I!>. llue..,....nm, lnqulry. The govmunent uked thal Bunt and Wildlife and Fisheries Commission ,;.. g e n t Paul Johnson (center) stretches out an alligator bide at the Rockefeller·Game Preserve in Grand Chenier, La., Monday. The firit legal alligator bunt in ten years ended after 13 days and hunters began bringing in their valuable skins for tagging. FromP-.el PROP. 20 ••. has taken action on Proposition 20. Proposition 20 parallels the unsuc- cessful legislation pr o p o s e d by Auomblyrnan Alan Sieroly (!).Beverly Hills). It would establish one, overall state board for control of coutal development 1,000 yards inland and three milea to aea. There would be regional Plannlni boards set up under the 1tate board. Jack Green, who serves as president of the Soulhern Calilornia AlaocleUon of Governmenls (SCAG), uid SCAG bat not taken a position on It, but several top leaden in the CAiifornia Leape of Cities have supported Proposition 20. "They don'l feel !be bill will hurt local governmerit," Greeii, who Ol\Ce oppoied the Sleroly leglslallon, said. "\\'lib a• lock of qualified etate plaMera, It is felt the state will have to rely on county and city help in this field." Green first intended to abstain, saying he felt it might create some problem! in Huntlngton Beach. but after looking at Los Angeles and Malibu, be could see the need for state control. FromP .. el GIVES UP ... months of liberty pendinf lnvestlplion ol ber escape. Miss Sutcliffe and Chino State pri.9on escapee Jerry M. Wade, 25, Phoenix, drew life terms last April in Orange County Superior Court for their ·part in tho Je. !l killing of Orange t .. cber Gttald L. Milchell. They admllled In court that lhey were the couple dlalUlsed la blonde wlp wbo hailed 1tbe leacheT and bis wife as lbe newlywedl relulned to lbelr apartm•nl from a weekend spent wltb reJaUvea. They a d m I lt e d that Wade lhol Milchell, 25, lhrough tbe belrt although lbe leacher bad compiled wllh lbe COU0 pie's demand fO< hll bUHold and loose cub. 1141'1. Karen Mllcbell, 24, told police abe waa pulling her mont)' from her J>W'le al lbe couple'• demand when lbe abol rani oul and her husband fell al her feel. Wade, who broke down repeatedly in the courtroom, insisted from the wltnCSJ box that the shooting was accidental. LlddJ llCh ... """' "' fll,111 -1114 ... nqulnd lo -....-i .,. --to -olfl<ra l!rloa a ,,... ~':=:-them dally, llllmt Mid Hunt bad tr.voled lo N .... York and c.womi. llll\llr an uaumed ,._when Ille PB! tried lo ~n him In tho ce.se. He uld Hunt moved about exttnelYely durina: 21 yean with the CIA, was n.uent In Spanl.sh and "has contacll With many people out.tide this country." Billman alld Hunt bad loot bis job and ao bad blo wilt when a reporter called Ille _..,ntih llllbwy, where Ille .,. .. employtd.,,lllout the -· p-L. lfarulll, llltorno)' I« Liddy. made tbe ..... plea In a ltogthy r«Jta. don of b1I career, most ~ 1t with the FBI. He noted that Liddy WU the aulbor of a mOvle, .. Stay Alert and Stay Alive," which ia at1ll used by the PB! and police in trainlnl. Black Airmen Take Over Hall on Base LAREDO, Tu. (AP) - A group of black alrmen tOok over a mesa hall at Laredo Air Force Base today and locked themselves inside to protest what they termed mistreatment on and off base. A base spokesman sald about 30 1lnnen were involved in the takeover, wbkb came about 4 a.m. He described it as orderly and .iakt Col. L. W. Svendson Jr., wing commander, began discussiom with the men about 30 minutes later. One ot the men inside, who ldenUfled himself as Airman l.C. Billy Williams, sald In a CJIJ lo his bomelown ne-pfll' that llO lo'll men wera In tbe bulldliig. 0 Tbe blaeb aren't a:ettlng along ~· In Laredo -whh the people in the town or on th<i bale. It's an all-around tblng ," Willla1111 told the Abilene Reporter-News. Two ltpokesmen for th-men' -one wouldn1 Identify blmaeU and tbe olber only gave tbe namo ol Ste\>e -lilted aeveral gr1evahe91 for the paper. '"l'l1ero'1 notblng down here for Ibo black airman'• 10Clal lite. We allo feel racllm 8'M ~ca~Americana in the AJt' Force and ln town," they said. Steve said blacks are outnumbered 99 to 1 on the base and Laredo l.s ·cionsidered by them ·~a remote assignment." He said some blacks could be assigned here as: long es four years:. Other complaints concerned civill.an clolbea aold on lbe --described by them as unsuita&le for blacks -and the charge that fJnt.111111 black alnnen are demoted or . punished over regulatlorm such u haircut., while wbltea get only roprlmandl. Vietnam Ace Gets 6th MIG SAIGGl'I (AP) -Capt. Cbarl•s D. DeBellevuo, 27, of Lalaytlte, La., wu boliledly cr«!lled todly with dolflllnf his aixtb MIG In air blltl .. over l'lortb Vletnam, mak· Ing bJm UJe leadlng ac8 of UJe VJtln nam .war, the A1r F~ IMOUnced. 'lbere ore lhree oilier Vietnam acea, a}XI each bu been credited wllh Bvt MIG ldlla. Tilt Alr Force alld DeBellevue, a radar 'operator in a two-Mil J'f Phoolom, shot down lwo M!Ga IJ>. otead of one u lnlUally reported on Blipt. t , Tht air bllUe took place over lbt Pbuc Yen air bue, JS · mil•• norlb of Hanoi. Her car, lo adcll~ "'*"'7'a lfll c.r..u. ud 1111 -w ... ""* fir """""::' ~ e&l'I don't M :· .....ipi," alld set. a.-....w. 1t aaalsned to tha -. alaal wllh -.. Sani',.\plburltf. • . Ont -'bit dllt lo -la lbe alaylne. of "ldlu $it.icltlon, 0. parenls live" Ip Putrlli Rico wllert lier falber holds a goveriunent Job, It the ap. parenl weallh ol both ..,.pect and victim. No bail has been aet for Anteny, a 1967 Newport Harbor Uigh School gaduata whole pat<nta live In saJ..,, Ora .• Mlsa ~elon ap~' bad no Jqll either but llved al a nable aparl. ment she Mired wllh a roommate, In ad- dlUon lo dijvlng ber •zpomlve ear bact aDd forth to college c~. , lnvesligalots 18id Miu s1n.-at- tended UCLA , bul she lll known lo hlvt been .....Ued al UC! and prior le that she was a student at Georgll Southt.m Coll•ge. A probe of tbe case abo led to a dual· life angle in which ooe prior landlady In the Los Angeles area said the vlctlm identified 'herself as an actress and claimed to work instead of going to school. "lt'1 a weird case an right," Sgt. Cib- barelli remarked, wb11e declining to speculate what may have triggered the killing, or whether it might even pos&bly be suicide. A West Hollywood talent scout with whom Miss SingJelo• bid deall durlnc her apparent quest for an acting career desorlbtd her as aeeming ralher mh:ed up about her Ufe. 11Very nice, very quiet and kind of strange," is the way the victim •a described by agent Joa DeCarlo. He was traced as the result of being listed u a peraonal ttference for the 1we1 .. yed homicide vlcUm. AnJl:eny, who is divorced and goes by the nickname "Cor," surrendered to Sau Anselmo po)Jce about 10 p.m. Sunday, roughly 20 hours after Miss Singleton WU ahol jn tilt.bead. He wu Iii tbe,company ol an attorney who ls cumntly arranging lo obtain legal counsel for him atr.ong the ranks of Oraflle QoS.st lawyers and hu ap- parenUy advised him lo keep quiet. · So far, neither his Corvette nor hil'lln hu betn recovertct by ~. wbo lalil the blue 1porll car hu • UC.111t plate saying 841 .EAE and Ille white van pu 888l4J abown .., a commen:lal lice111t. Hoag Mlmorlal Hospllal 1ldel 1a1i1 the man wbo drtpped off the dYlng WOJ1l4!1 for emergency treatment about 1 a.m. slipped away, reportedly saying he wu 1olng lo gel a second Individual who had been shot. He failed to return and Newport Beach ?Jlice beginning their probe of what may be one of I.he city's most m)'lterioua: shooting d•atha bean! nothln( mare unlll cOlllaCled by San Ametspollce.. A complainl formally c g Allbny wilh murder WU beiOI "'"' l tollay liy Sgt. Clbbarelll, wbo said lbe 1111pect would problbly be "'aigned In l\IJ'bor Judlclal Dlstrfct Coult Weilneada.Y mom. Ing. Coror1er'1 deputles completed 1 n ••topsy on lhe body lltopday, confirming that Miss Sln&lelon wa1. killed by a l>illet fired through her br1bt The caliber 11 not known bul th• mtu- lng weapon Is presumed to have blen a , plslol of some lype. Ann Arbor Aides ·Nix 1'opJessness ANN ARBOR,! Mich. (UPI) -Tilt dly council hu voled 7~ lo ban loplou daDn clog In local blrl. Council.._ N~cy Wtocher, wbo voled againll lbe ban Monday alp~ said, ••it aendl me that we live tn a society thal' Is llill Vlctorlon In IU1lal mores and maku the body a perversion." While the investigation into the Israeli ~mbassy bombing went on, an anony. mou~ caller telephoned the nearby 1.,e. banonese embassy and said "You will be next ·· The double billing to wbich Battin referred was expensea charged ' by Baker's office in 1969 in COMectlon with his chairmanship or the sta te Environmental Study Council. Then Green and Gibb!! both criticized the coaslal leglslatloo propo.ttd by slal< Senator De.nnls Carpenter (~Newport Beach) as "weak and diluted" and "not the answer." The Junk Business • • • l " DAILY PILOT The O<•llCll CM" 0All.Y l"ILOT, 'llllti wtllcl'I 11 comttoncd tt>e H,....,,.,.,n., n llllblllfWd ~r ,.,, Of"""9e CNll P11bU1lllnf c.,,.,.....,, S .... rart t'dlhon• ••• PUOlilJl«I, M""•r lloro"'91'1 f r ic11v. tor (0111 Mt11, N"'porl atKI!, H11ntif191oro BtMn f'ovn!lln V•ll1y, LID"'"' 9Ndl, lrwlntl!.10lll11Hck encl 1111 Cllme!'lll/ Sin J ufn C1pl1trane. A t 1"91• flllontl H ITllto It S1110ll1lltd lot!11ra1y1 11111 Somd1ya. Thi prl11elMI 1111blltlllttf pl1111 ts 11 J.10 W11I ••r $trffl, Coate M111, c111tor1111, ,H,.. lt.ob1rt N. w,14 ~ 1"rhkl111t 1nd ,.ublllllll" J1,lc R. C11rl1v Viet Pl'fllOtnl tlld ~M••I MIMOlr Tllo"''' ic.,.a Elltvr Thern11 A. Murpl<iit11 Mlnlllfw Edi!Ot C~11 l11 H. Leet Ri,~1rtl P. Nall >.11l1llnl M-tlnt f1llto•1 ........ C1r1t1 M.ft11 QI Wiit a1y \'"91 Nft'Cllfl ltadl! U» "IWIMl'I lwlntnl Lltlllll 9NUll ml l'trnl A- H ... Un91., 111<1'11 l111J a.di '°"""'lr11 lot11 Cltrollfll11 Al Hertll al C..INl!t RMI T .. a.1111• f714J 641°-4121 ClwMW A~ 6414671 ,,..... C.11"1 Artn S..111 " L....,. a .. u 4fJ-44Jt '""' )lwtlfl 0r-CllJllty ~In 141-1111 COllVrfOM, 1t11, 0rlf'ltl C•I ~ Com1M111r. "' lllWi ""'"" 1tt111ff1l-.:, "-~ltl -lttr er lfWrl~ llifftlfl " ti. ~-wl!f*,lt tfkltl ,,,,. , 1911 .. nr,, .... , ....... lfoe<>n!I tltH -''" H id ltt Cwtti ,!Ntl, C10to•11l1 ~lllloll " etlTW tt.U lft011lll!y; 11r 19Mll Q,lf IMlllll't'I lllfllfWl' •n ... 1ior. ti.II mt11rr.1v. I Apart11aents E11apt9 Swinging Single Action Sputters in San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) -HAfter 1 while,'' says Jim Rose, "you 1et tired of chaeln& girls around the pool.'' The death of the "1wlngln1 singles'' apartment houses in San Diego wu 1low. By last year, moat of them were one-- third empty, on the 1Ycr•1e. Now, married couples •re being 1et In . The turnover rate was too rapid for the plush 1nd costly apartmenls which of· ft red tennis, 1wimmlna:, game roorna and dancing lo lhe unaltached lookln1 for social comJ>Mlonshlp. 11 wu sim ply "loo big a problem keep. Ing people'' 11Jd Bill Henegar. mane1er of the carousel on Point Loma, which opened In 1968 with 300 single apartment• renting up to f2el for a two bedroom furni shed. At the Oakwood, now also taking In married couples, a fumlthed 1tudlo starts at $140. Across the street trorn tht Oekwood, the South Bay Club for singles hat changed lta name to Oakwood Garden ~ I Apartments West, and the social pace or both places Is slowing. Emily Trapp, recognized ltader of the stna:les set, aa)'I a lack ol privacy lDd the "r<qulremenls" did the ainglea In. "JI you didn't 1bow up 11 tbe pool on Saturday or al"°ays have your loor open and lbe accompanying fTlendly boltle ol scotch, )'OY wert out," ahe says. Ro!e, 29, erpl•inl lhal soon tbe 11r11 reallied "they had been cJven lbe aame line by your roommale tbe n1111t befon." Bili Weurdlng, another len1nt wbo lefl 1fler marrying the 1lrl down tbe hail, aayo II wu only a lad. A former man.fer ol Ille Soulh Bay Club, Richard Pyrdol, dll8jp'ffs. "Sln1te1 don't watit to be known 11 swlnprt anymort,11 Pydrol aaya. But Heneaar 1111 aucb • ur. av111 In San Diego, a chy of alrllne attl!U'delltt and fool-)'Olml men wllh b!Jb- pavtns )obt, 11 dull. Btsldel, uka Henegar, "How many college -la CID 911 '11111 to $300 lor u apartmentt1• i ' Acldmsing the C.ntrel lncliena Roor Covering Ass~i1tion. •n industry spokesmen, Walter Guintn sticl: "Too many people in th1 floor covering industry art convinced the public only wants lo buy 11Jtink" c1rptt." We're 1fraid that you might also get this lmpr11slon ·fro'" tha ada which >pacify unbtliev1b)t low ptltes. lnvestlg1tin9 thaso ads win cltltrmlne one of two things -eith1r the carpel 1s .. junl, Of tliey wlll try lo soU you somethin\ more expensive! Wa don't ..a funk al Alcle~'s, but wt 3o lwivt quattty 11 cornpetltlv• prlcas, and the boot lnst ... tlon ill tM county. ALDEN'S. CAlllrtS e DRA~S 16'3 Ploctntltl Avt. COSTA MISA 64~ 4131 l, • I • Baker Airs Tax Relief Proposal A J>l'OPOll] Iha! Orqe County earmark ant~lpai.d ,.,. • .,. 1barlng lundl from the fed<ral eovenunent for property tu relJel ha been 'Dlde by Seo- Cllld District SUpervloor David L. Baker. Bater, who llld be ha oil""-his 1111g- 1estkln for couideratian of the full Board ol Supervlson on sept. 26, estimates that the county may get $10 million this yt1r from the program I-by President lf11Dn. He quotes figuRI from the House version of the bill, Y.'bicb has now been cleared esuntially u written, which ahow total revenues under the program per year to the county of $27.S million. "nl)I MIDI would.be divided, $tU miUioll to C01111ty government and $!%.• to cilieo. If the $t0 million anticipated for this year II applied directly to property tu relief it could amount to 25 will per $100 assessed valuation on the county's $1.95 tax rate. Ba~er aald· today that· If the federal windfall could not be earmatked for tu nllel directly. be propoMS that the board use It to fund only those Jll'OlfBml which will have the effect of producing property tax aid. Under the federal bill wbkh b now nearing the President'• desk for signature, California would get 1bout $369.7 million of wbich''20$ mDlion would go to counties and $113.1 million to clU... Laguna Seeking Fiel.d Service -·Applications The Laguna Beach Chapter o I American Field service Is accepting ap- plicatlona from high 11Chool )union and seniors lote...ted in participating ID AFS Mnericans Abroad programs. Applicants may be chosen to lpend a 1UJDJDU or a full IChool yeor living with a family abroad If they qualify following BCl'eelliDg at the local and national level. Two Laguna Beach High School students lelected for Americans Abroad pn>gram1 this ,.., wen Kim Lokan, . who 11 atlfndlng lchnol in Bruil and will retum la January and Jolh Brigb~ who recently returned from 1 summer visit with I !amity in Sweden. Further informaUon reganllng the pro- ....,,.. may be obtained by calling Mrs. Tom Murphlne, 4M-1717 or Mrs. Jobn Rudolpli, -L China Painters Start Activities Orange Coa!I China painten will begiii fall activities with a meeµog and demonstration at JO a.m. Sepl II and an eahlblt ol hand-painted China from JO a.m. to I p.m. Sept. 21. 'lbe meeting will be beld at the home of Mrs. Harry Fagan, 311611 Driftwood Drive, South L a g u n a. And foJ.. lowing a 8'Ck lunch, Mrs. Fanote Lee 5artain ol Hawthorne will demomlrate the pa1oting or binis and animals. China painted by group members will bo displayed at the llland llouae at Fubloo Island, Newport Beach There will be no admluiaa charge and coUee and punch will be oerved. Saddlehack ~xchange Club Slates Picnic The E1chan1e Club ol Saddleback Valley wW hold its annual picnic from J to 7:30 p.m. Saturday at.O'Neill Park. 'lbe picnic II open to memben, llieir wives and auests. Picnic aclivltitl iJlo elude oo!tball, badminton. borlesboea Watermelon for plcalc goers will be pro- >ided by Vince Lavertu. chaimlan of Ille picnic. It is the tip top of the U.S. Capitol dome.in Washington, D.C .. Work· men are sprucing it up for upcoming presidential inauguration. The statue on top is a woman called Freedom. The 191h·foot bronze fig· ure by Thomas Crawford was erected in 1863. It weighs 7¥.r tons. The figure wears a heimet with an eagie bead and feathers. She holds a sword in one hand. The other hand bolds ·a wreath and rests on a shield. Only 70 Flood ·Insurance Policies GoOut in County By JACI; BROBACK Of ae Datlr PWitt ltatr COrps <lf Engioeert las\Jtd a report in- dicating that ~. cost-benefit ratio for comtructJon of fe&ral flood control ·pro;. eels in the area is too low. ' • TutSd~. Srpttmbtt 19, 1972 s DAILY PILOT 1 Plan to Retire? • Laguna Authors Advise Avoiding 'Trap' Hy llAllllAllA XREIBICll ................ 'lbe time to llarl planning your rein. ment is the dlf you enter the economy. Jf you're under 40, there still may be time to avoid the .. retirement trap." If you're over 50, yoo're probably already caught In It. 1bese are the C()flClusions of Laguna Beach a\Jthors Leland and Lee C:OOley as set forth In their new book, "How to A void tbe &!Urement Trap," sequel to their best seller, "The Retirement Trap, H published in 1965. Most books <ln l't!{irement are directed toward elderly. or aging readers, says Cooley. The response to their earlier volume, and the information they glean- ed about retirement inspired the writer aod hi.!I wife to delve further into their research to produce a book that could help young wage earners avoid the pit· falls that await them in the so-called "golden years." It is almost lmpoosible, they explain, for a young couple just starting out in lile to visualize. retirement as anything more th:&n a dl.!tant experience, quite unreal, which somehow will take care of ltsell, should they ever reach it. Unfortunately, it dc>esn't work that · way. Social Security, Medicare , pensions, jnsurance, savlngs, investment programs all can turn oot to t:tave been "paciliers'' that lull the young into a false sense of security about their distant future. Usually, say the Cooleys, none <lf the government programs come within a mile <lf providing adequate care after retittmeot. DAILY l"ILOT Sitt! ~Mtt THE YOUNG DON'T REALIZE PITFALLS OF RETIREMENT Authors Ltl•nd .•nd LH Cooley Oiscuas Their New Book •;,.. • I • While nine ouf of 10 older penons are "Young \Yives also should Insist that sportscaster, he had a lengthy career as receiving Social Security benefits, the • their husbands sign for survivor's a producer-director·w riter, c re at in g · avenge monthly payment is only $1 19. benefits in pension plans," says Cooley. shows for many of the major musical Most health insurance plans, including "Wives are most often victims _ widow-stars on television and radio. Medicare, are wholly inadequate in the ed before retirement _ and they are the He met and n1arried co-author Lee face of maj<lr illnesses and ooly about tragic <lnes, find themselves with no while writing and producing !he Perry fh•e percent <lf the total income of older rights to 8 pension that would have been Como Show on which .she w a s persons is derived from pri vate pension.s. due their husbands had they survived a choreographer. ..: The result, they have discovered, <lften few more years." "Cooley won renown as a novelist with ".: can be_she:er misery Jor persons whose Particularly entertaining reading are --his tale of the ~·· "T~ Run f~r Home,''• age or health has retired them from the chapters titled •·tnnocence Abroad" and and next year will publish his sixth novel, job market. · "Viva Mexico," ,vith on-the-spot in· "California," ,based_ on record~ of his "Time is the one thing we cannot save formation from American retirees who family -he 1s a fifth generation Mex-.- up for a rainy day,'""says Cooley. ''The retreated to foreign lands, fron1 south of ican-A1!1er~can Ca!Uomian on h_i' time to start preparing to avoid the pro-the border to Spain, Italy, Costa. Rica, mothers side -and covering the period blems of retirement is when we first New Zealand and other far-off places to froll_l 183~ to 1970. . . enter the ecooomy. That is also the time eke out their retirement dollars often With his wife. he has written 1n ad- when most <lf us have dozens of plausible finding diminished Jiving conditio~.s and dition to the tw~ volumes on re1 i reme~t. excuses for not putting something aside rising costs taking the edge off their a .successful guide lo wcstem land 1n- regularly to supplement pensions and dreams. \'est1nent which came out in 1964 and in a social security -both of which seem The two Lagunans are off to the East revised edition _in 1968. eons away to a couple ir. their twenties." Coast this week lo plug their book in a In "How to Avoid the Retirement series <lf tele vision and radio interviews. Trap," the Cooleys exanline various in· "In the end,"·says Cooley, "none of us vestment options open to young people, can avoid it (retirement) entirely, but we covering such possibilities as various can do a great many things to make our types of savings accounts, stocks and older years tolerable, fruitful , even fun in bonds, mutual funds, annuities and real the sense that we are doing useful things estate investmelits. · and are happy to be able to." In a revealing chapter <ln pensions, and Cooley himself is a busy retiree who how many workers lose out on them, left the busy world of television pro- lhey urge yoang people to support duction m· 1961 lo devote all bla time to legislation that will guarantee them a bis favorite pursuit, writing. vesting and·pottabllity in pension plans. A one-time radio news a n d Lawyer Fights 'Bugs' SAN DIEGO (API -A defense at- torney is as.king the U.S. District Coort to restrain the U.S. marshal's office from using "electronic evesdropptng devices'":. in the corridor• of San DleSo'F fldtrat·~ courthouse. Attorney Michael S. ffi!gner, · acting <ln behalf .of.sli: clients, a.q la a· , petition th.at lhe OOW1 order the rtlllOYal :; <lf the alleged .devices. · Although the cost ol flood Insurance bas been greatly reduced, only 70 policies have been i9Sl1ed in Orange County, Flood Control District Chier Engineer George Osborne reports. Property owners· in the unincorporated area of the · county and In &iJ: cities - Newport Heacb, Costa Mesa,. Fountslp Valley, lluntlngton Beach, seat Buch and Fullerton are eligible f()r the pr~ tection at a new rate of $25 per year fOl' $1,000 ol protection up to $1Jl,OOO, Osborne reported. Policies may be ohtsined through regular Jrivate l n s u r a n c e brokers. 1972 LINCOLN -MERCURY Year -End The former rate was $46 per fl,000 a yem;:, reduCf!ll <ln Aug . 2, tm. For small businesses and homeowners to be eligible fOr-insuranct, the: county <lr cities must adopt dev~t restric- tions in OoOd prone areas. 'Ibis bas been done through an 'ordi· . nance adopted by the county on Feb. 23, 15'71 and 0.S. Corps of Engineers stuflles have been done for the Laguna Canyon area, San JUan, OSo and Tarbuco Creeks and the Santa Ana Canyon. Of the l'V policies issued, 37 were to property <lwnen iii. the sb: eligible cities, and 33 in unincorporated areas, O!borne .!a.id. 'Ibe Laguna canyon situation was spotlighted in a .county Planning Com- mb,sion bearing last lllMch I in Laguna Beach, followed by a joint meeting with city olllciala on April II last. Tbe city ha not acted as yet. Further lmp,etua wu liven property ownm in the caeyon when on July 17 the SALE! EVERY CAR IN STOCK MUST BE SOLD! ' BARGAIN BUYS ON EVERYONE! Renewe_d · Appeal • LINCOLN ·CONTINENTAL • MERCIJBY ~ ' Clemente Recf,ckr Asking to Stay Tiie -·~or San Clemente'• neye!-lris centar, factd with an ordar lo IDOft Gal at the end of the niontb-will ,_,. lits a-1 f« the uae of I patdi lif dlJ jllopelJ al Wedneaday'1 ~ ol the ~c-u. . k Uoaal Burt will renew hla reqUill lo .... u. ..,ier operatlonl a rw • th!,... -to .. -,..u. ol lalll al the city unltatlon planl. Burt'• ,.quool f1nt C11D1 before ...,... -twoweeaago. 1Clty lawmWn ... lo ..... ~ on Burt'I ...... 1"118 llMtJ liacf attended an - -II the -locai.d OD a lot alooc l.ol Mollaol. 111at parctl -will bl deftlapod .. a comm,..ial complel by Ill owben. tail!C out the llUCCtlSfW -· ... lion wblcll Ma ...,.. natloinrldt "'bliclty. lurl. -a l1ICICWllll ~ oertpt .,nter, P'" up hla prof-lo IWt>t.&e -_.. thu a,.... qo and already i.t "'"' major """"1lilmla !nm the c:llJ, IDchldlnc the ... ol I' omplui 1cdllll ad the .... " • cli, -add ' II I worllman I« plckJac Ill'. d o n a le d material t1ch day lo the Cepiatrano Bay ..... That material' amoun&a k an average of• 1o111 a week o! DHll!flnl. which can be npr'OCelSed and • over apJn. Burt also -and _ ... aluminum and ..... for lhipment "' itploceulng llnno. Jl\nllll I« the -·· operation and Burt'• llDall -1111 Al"'l' are oblllnod ..,...., lhe 111a or the dooatad .._ to 1111,.....,L Bart ... hdf'ed often to ~ llllltlle.-.hu~u ...-. aad bu proven that nc:)ldlng -.n in Ille community. ,,. ,.... whlcb be hu .....,... "'"'1d be abool 1,000 oquari ftol. . EvenluaJty, the entira lieclloli or -"' -· ol elty ~' wW bro lil-fil fdr 1 new cljJ y...,i """plel, but lllilll lwidl are obtaliled .li:\>m the we or other cilr ~ llllle, Ille land will -fallow. ' At p-tbe cnly uoe for tho prop-erty ll · lor Ille ..,,... al city oquip--. ' I , • • • C:OME'l' •CAPRI • MOl.'l\l'rEGO •PANTERA. OUR ONLY FULL LINE SALE OF THE YEAR! , Home Of The New car .•• . "Geu-r •• ,... 2829 HARBOR BLVD •• COSTA MESA • l54oa:Jo Home Of Tile New car •• , "Gol<lett 'l'eurJa" ( • ,, • 4 DAILY l'!LOT To.,c!Jy, S.,-1'. 1972 Reds Seize s. Viet Dis,trict Capital . ' with Tom ltlne Parent Tools For Survival ' GROWING UP DEPT. -Pepper<line Univenlly, that great lnsUtutiorl of higher learning from tile Loi ~el .. nrea, iJ now down here on our own Orange Cout offerin& coursu to ad- ''anct your educatk>n. J noUced In the PIP'' Just lhe oth<r clay thal Pepperdlne has a new coune to help !olu deal wilh their of!Jprlng. ll ii c a J I e d ','Tools for Succeuful Parent- hood." For completing lhil, you get one llnit o! coUtge credit In psychology, The Pepperdlne folU apparently n· pect thlt to be fairly well attended since they are offering the Tools at twO loca· tions, both out at the Episcopal Church ln IJaguna HUis and up at the Elka Club in Santa Ana . I am not planning to attend but thll "houldn't dllcourage you . You eee, I've already had a lot of tools for perenthood. l 'vc broken moat of them. Because of my vast experience in lhl1 arena, however, It Is poss Ible that I can give you some handy hints on lists of pareot&l toola that you might take to clau thUI earning an A. SAIGON (AP) -Communllt forces have aetud their lh1rd diltrid. capital in a mootb in the ncrtbem rePon IOUtb of Oa Nang and occupied three homlelt In anotbet dillrld, military opolteom<n report..i todoy. The gains were made 1n Quan& N11I province, the .southemmo5t of five prov· tnco thJt make up the northern Mill· lary Rqlon I . QUANG NGA! 18 Ul1der the heavlett Communlat pressure llnce the start of the North Vietnamese offensive Man:h :JO. Offshore Power For the fourtb OO!lleCUtlYe da7 heavy fighting nrlrJed °"""lb the three 10Uthem dl.llrtcll of Quang NgaJ -Mo Due, Due Pho and Ba To. Norlb Vlet- namete attacb toppled Ba To, and the SOlllh Vlelnameae retnated to posJU.111 a mile IOUlhwut ol the dlllrlct capital, the Saigon command oald. The lighting allO 11pr.,d to Blnh Son district, the northern-most dlstrict ln Quang NgaJ, when enemy forces were reported to have attacked and occupied three hamlet.s. FIELD REPORTS oald Due Pho WU mlllngtnd and 11 Jut npmt ...... cmlnled with ndtbet aide Jo clear - tr•I. Pmlure .... ttpor1ed t.ued • Mo Due by the Unkup of .. annond enalry unit with government mllWamm. A communique from the SaJcaa ....,. J'fUIJld clatmod lhll Ml Norlb Vktv= .. and Viet C<11Ji troopa bod bem kJllod Ia fighting dUring the put lw• doya Ia Quang Ngal province. Gover am• n t Joutt, atW lncomplet.e, were at Jeut 31 troopa ldllod and 41 -'Ille -VJetnanwe culllltiel were apedod lo .,,_ Tooll for .successful parenthood, fl course, change as the kiddies grow toward maturity. 11lus you must break down the needed toob Into age groups. Here's a partial tool list that will help you, depending on your offspring 's age group: AGE I DAY TO II MONTHS: Four dor..en diapers ; diaper 'pail : dlslnlectant..:_ _ for diaper pail; crib with mattress; playpen with pad; disinfect.ant for crib Contracts have been signed for the creation of the world's first offsho.at. nucle~ power plant which will be moored In the ocean o!f the coast nf Allan· lie Cily, N.J. The plant will nestle behind a massive semi-circular . breakwatl!r. This artist's concept or tho facility to be built lnr the Public Service Elec· Irle and"Gas Co., snows tile two units with a capacity of 1,150 megawatts. and playpen ; new kitchen floor; new llv· 1.ngroom floor; disinfectant for floors; heavy, durable baby rattle; new window for place where heavy, durable baby rat· tie went through ; four mops: two aels of earplugs ; one box of heavy-duty aleeplng pill.I. As parents advance into the next age bracket, they must be prepared to add new tools, thus: AGE 11 MONTHS TO 5 YEARS: Highchair with sturdy safety belt ; car chair with sturdy safety belt; cage to replace pl1ypen; all·stee.l bed wllh safety belt: one family dog ; one dog Jl'n to hide dog from child: llurdy branch for switch;· four new mops; two new .sets or earplugs; one new aupply of sleeping plllo. Uganda Detains U.S. Citizens Because of War McGovern Considering TV Time to Boost Campaign Hiving weathered all thll, you now ad· ~ance to that wonderful time in life when the kiddies gn off to ochool : ~GE 5 TO U YEARS: School clothe!; tree-climbing clothes, maid to separate school from tretH:llmbing c Io t bes : orthopedic sw:geon for t~llmbera; 12 lunch pails, one lost each month ; short course on writing )ong ei:cusea: to teachers ; seven-year supply of doctor and dentist appointments ; and one friend on local finance company board of direc· tors. Finally, you reach that wonderful time In life when your kiddie becomes a teenager. You now need: AGE 13 TO II YEARS: One milk com- pany; one supermarket; one new refrigerator; one pad 1 o ck for refrigerator; three new telephone ex- tensions; three padlock.s for telephones: baseball bat to replace old switch : secure liiding place for car keys; secure hiding place for credit cards: one new finance company to replace worn-out one; five- year supply of acne cure-all; one stereo record pl ayer; four mops; two sets of cnrplugs; anQ super·sizcd box of sleeping pills. That about does It, folks. lf you forget everything else, just remember the mops, earplugs and sleeping pills will get you through aU the easy times of all these ju venile ages. For the tougher limes. maybe you'd better go sign up and take that course from the Pepperdlne University folks . By Tiie Altoeltted Pre11 Eight or nine Americans and about 50 British nationals were reported detained today In Uganda on ground• that the country "ls in a war situation" with forces invading from Tanzanla. A DIPLOMATIC source In London said the AmerlcanJ being held ln Kampala during U1andan-Tanzan ian fighting are Peace Corps worken, mls,ionarle1, and an Associated Press oorrespondent. The Britons detained Jnclude at Jeast JO newsmen. Abou t 80 Europeans have been de- tained in Kampala after being unable lo furnished proof of their idenUtles. Diplomatic sources said 12 were released Monday and that all had been weJ.l.. treated. Several West German journalists have allO been detained. Uganda reporled the Invading forces have been routed In two day1 of flgtblng and wert: relreatlng to the border. A TANZANIAN government spokes- man Jn Oas es Salaam said the Ugan- dans made 1 no t h e r air attack on Bukoba in northern Tanzania early to- day. No details were available. The spokesmn added that In a Mon- day attack on Bukoba nine persons, in· eluding three schoolgirls and a Rom an Catholic nun, were killed while ~ others were seriously injured. Radio Uganda has suggested that the invasion is being backed from a guerrilla base near Bukoba, 30 miles sout h of the Uganda border. Heat, Humidity CHICAGO (UPI) -Sen.. George McGovern may get off the campajgn trail nert week in an effort to pep up his Jagging campaign for the presidency with a nationwide television talk to the American people • McGovern's advisers 1akt t he Democratic presldenUal no m l n e e , d~turbed by hls Inability to communicate with the people through the new1 media, was "seriously considering'' dropping off the campai1D trail for a few days to return to Wubingtoa at midweek and purchase television time for a direct talk to tbe people. DOWN 34 PERCENTAGE point! In the Wicks • Ill East Rockies Steamy Too; Thunderstorms Spare North Te111perat11res c:'alllornl• A (Utllhl of cloudl It • ..., ... tllll'lfl cod, ~ Tiit ltle rllflll 1"4 Hft'I' mot!ll11t clwlll Wleuld (Olltlll\lf .. k.., "'"' (.OMlll lrfft In IM 70t, .. N1,._I W•llllr llf¥1ce Mlf, wf'llle-~ .. ·-111 , ... l11!em'lldl1tt ..,,, .. .,. ..... .,....... .. ... mi. .. .. "' ~ . .,.. HltN ltl IM IMllftltlM .,. tw"IUtl I " 10 "'1WI1olll• 1010(A$f. lo ••l"!Ot """""" f1S n n. "''' tllt Wtlrt. wm ,....,. "'"' ~llww. rWl'llll "' trOl'll 12 fe lOO dlOf'ML M1111 """ -• whldl rteonlell IOMft'""'91r.1t l"t1dl1191 IU!ldlf di"*' lnlo lhl th Ind .0. Mor-dly. Tiit l'lltll Ill lOI Allltltt -· JL In lhl IAllnf,.. lrN, fire el'flt1tlt Mi. .,10olhh foutllM of! "''" NNll '""'" """ M#lcley, lilrf ........ -"" to!tl ~ el' tr'llJlt.tlYMd "'"" '" Thi 1re1 cl\ll"lnt ""' lllt "*""" Aeolll 10f flrt fltfltlra utl1111ut'11ff tM ··-"" lemlrflftGI County" Air ,.o111111on COl'lt,., ottrc1111 M id 111'1\0f trom lfM u. ... ,...... .,.. .... Mtl'I •• ,,,,.. ltllo thl onet<l .. r t it ot Vl(1Df¥111• Wiii! "*""""""•ntt llldtni llutl• .: '"' ~ """ wn,.. a ·~ 1111 .,..r. 1oi-c:o Dll"fCtor-Don Tllofnu 1alll tN WINI ll"tm ffw MVl"-1 11ttw1 fTOm .... Loi """'" ••t111 "'""""' Ctlon '1•1 lo fflt """1 ~ V.S. Summaru A l"•·1umf!'ltf" outbf"tlk Df lit11 •1'141 humldllr ch;n1 to "'°'' of tM ""''n two-thirds ol tht 111tlon to111y, 11P9rl111' only NOl"tht,.,, WW ,,..,, Ind 1~11'141 HCllOl'lt of llM NorthN1t, Ttn11)ffll1,1rn tltlm.d l"'o tM IOt Ind t0t MOl'ldlY thf'OUllPI mue;h of Ille n1llon fl'Ol'fl tht <•nlr11 lloc klft ,.. tlM Mldd\t' Alltnllc: 5111fl. ~ flf tt1t .. -Wit 911 tip IO!lt'I'. ~· .,... tflunct.r"ltorl'nl brdlt ... f"'"' lhl UDOtr or.lo Vllllt'I' to N- lllOlolftll. llont !hi Atl1nllc C:Mfl lfld ff<ofn ,,,. l'IOl'ttltrll •f'llf ~,,., • .-1 .. to lhl ,.,.,,14 •lld IWll'llm f'llfMu. Thi Peclnc: ~' llM ••• d•""*""' "' ......... whlle tall...,.. ••• ctMr ft ad. T """Ptf"I'-befof't .__ retl9flf ..._ •I If MM.-tflt C-W Al""°" Ill Mk:Mtll'I ft t' 11 C.,.,..,. Ctintlt Nl¥1f Air ltltltft. Ta. c:'-i.I We«tlaer Mettty lllMY .....,. UIM v1rl11H 1111,... """" .... ~"' how-. *°"'"" 1111 ... *"l.. lt. ti 2t kllllhi In 1"9ro -!O*f-... Wldr!tldlt'I'. HIClfl fO. d•'I'· ,.., Cott!M ~hint ..... "'-'" S1 to 1t. lnlt!llll ..,,..,.,,....._ ,.,,.. from • tt ,.. wmr ttmrotr•tvrw ... SuR, •-· l'hles 'l\ll10A¥ S«Olld ti,_ ..... , ...... f1Sl,.tt1, •.• l«ofld tow 1!11 p.m. 2.1 WIOMaSOAY Pt"I Mtfl •..•. ·••••·• .• 1::111 I.I'll. 4.1 PIM low , ..••••••••••• 1:Ml.1'11. 1.0 S«Ol'ld llitll •••••••••••• 1;°'4 '·"" ~1 a.c.... Mw ••••••·••··• l :U""" l.t S111t a"" ,.,. 1.m. Stt1 •11-1 ""'" MOM II-4147 P."'-11'1 11•1 """' polls, McGovern scheduled appearances in four cities: today -Chlcag~ Milwaukee, Flint, Mich., and Columbu1, Ohio -in a continuation of his effort to reach as many "media markets" - areas: covered by local televiaioo stations and newspapen -as physically pos&ible. Jn a statement issued in Chicago today, McGovern -a mlnister'I IOll -en- dorsed the support of private and perochial school• with taxpayer funds, a position to which be has been leaDing for several weeks. lle said he backed legislation pending In the House to provide income tu credit.I for parents who send their children to nonpublic schools. . MeGOVEIIN ANNOUNCED, a f t e r several weeb of deliberation, that he bocked lqfalatlon to provide a tu wrlte- oll for puontt wbo IOlld their children to nonpublic ICbonlL Althooch the Supreme Court bl! not yet ruled whether 8UCb tu credltt would be consistent with the Con!tituUon's r-~tate separation prov ial on s, McGovern aa.ld the direction of the court's opinions indicated they eventually would. McGovern's etatement was a bid for the .support of the nation's CethoUc voters who have been cool to him. Some big city leaders with large Catholic con- stituencies have long urged McGovern to take a firm stand for public aid to the Catholic schools -many of them in dire financial straits. MeGOVERN'S TOP aides IHI he he sn"t been able to communicate bis complex ideas for changing American &0eiety through the regular ne"lft chan· neb and needs a crack at a nat}onwide audience \o convey bis Ideas directly. A prime example cl what can p wrong with McGovern's wide-open type of cal'll- paJgnlng came Moaday In Carbondale, JU., when a televialon newsman from nearby SI. Louis Nt down with McGovern a/tor an airport raJly for a five minute interview and, after a couplo of easy quesUons, Wed out of the blue: "Do you • the name Edmund Dowd?" "The name IOUDdl famUitr ," aald McGovern, confessing he could not place I~ •1WEJ.k.'' SAID THE televt1ion newunan, ''he is the Dtmocratic can- didate for a:ovemor of Mlssourl. "U he LI the Democratic candidate for governor; I'm eodoning him," McGovtm 11ld, not batting an eye. ----"-111. -Q-s Npt pmace ll IDldo llP of 10 -The --Ut ...._ wliidi Jo -ltlve I tolll ol C ... -1111 1'be total popllaUon ot ~ 11111 --.. '111,411-The Ba To dlilrlo! Ila a~ of IJ,252 -..,..ad lllrwCh II vlllqes. llo Due, with -vllla,.., bu a popttlatlon of 1111,'1'111, and Due Pho Jlllrl I popttlatloo Of 11,111 UvJnc Jn alne vlllap. TllJll ftGlll1NG lhll eruplod lb the pwlta lllllftay bu crated tbouunds * * * of ..,. ...iua-. lldd repotlt Aid. EarlJer. Que Son and '!lea Plwoc district -ltl to '° mJJes ..,.;i,wes1. fell to the .-y. Que Sall -tteap. wn.t, but Tien Pbuoc 18 llilJ held by enemy forcoa. Field offlcen aald tlley believe tile new wave Of attaob In Quang NsaJ province wu being carried out by a reaJment from tile North Vletnamae 2nd D!vilton, wblch took part In tile UDJUCC<S8ful effort Jn June to ,.1ze the provincial capital of Kootum City In the c<ntnl blgbl•nda to the llOUthWell. 3 Freed Pilots ·. Tour Hanoi Area HANOI (AP! -Alter :M bowl of -Wlll<lol around the captlal of the eottnlry tlley -rqularly bombed, three American pllotl lool<ed more relu- ed _, tltln tlley bad und« tile movie IJCblt of tbeJr roi .... ceremony. Social Security Pensioners Eyed In Senate Bill WASllJNGTON (UPI) -Senate DemocraUc Lader Mike Mamlleld and Sen. George D. Alken (R·Vt.), lnlr<duc!"f a bill todoy lo lna'tase tile llDCIWll of money a Soctal Security pensioner could mike without JoeJiig any benellb.~ llelldes railing from ,l,MO to $3,000 the mufmum that could be eamod from out1lde sources, Mansfield said the bill would aloo ''reduce the amount by which I per'IOD would be penallzed" for earning more thin lhll e BoMbl"fJ Profle DENVER (UPI) -'ll>ree Senate Arm· ed Services Committee members planned to Dy to Denver todoy to quelllon Air Force Maj. Gen. Alton D. Slay 1boul the ( IN SHORT ••• ) unautboriJed bombing of targets over North Vlelnlm. Slay, commander of Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, wu operations officer in Vietnam for Gtn. John D. Lavelle at tbe IJme Of tbe aJr attac:U. The Se ... committee 18 lnvtlllgatlng reports tbe United States tnlde the aJr attacks above the Demilitarized Zone on ordera from Lavelle between Novem- ber, It'll, and March, lf72. • ARtleri-Bllb WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate bu pu1bed throuoh a 1trlu of onti- crtme bllll -Including a pion to com- pens1te the vlctlmo of vkl1ent crime - but 11 leut part Of tile packa(e may be scrapped Jn tile nub of eo..,... to adjourn .. A bill lhll would compem1te crime vlcllnu by up to $50,000 paned the Senata In a vote Monday, e Foed Beeall PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) -Nu Vilt, a food manufacturer and distributor here 11fd Monday It LI voluntarily recalling on a nationwide bull 10me of ill products lhlt may carry blrmlul bocterta. A 1pokaman for tbe U.S. Food and Drug Admlnlltrallon In SeatQe aaJd that an lllllym Of tile products, mainly elbow macaroni and spqhetU packed In cellophane, ii being made to determine u !here Js .. 1mooeu1 bocterta Jn them. e B-"9 Tr•p BELFASI' (UPI) -The Britilb 11111y today dtDounced u the "most vicious kind of munler" the boobylrap killing of a Roman Catholic pub cnmer by I bomb wired to tile door of hil llUlomoblle. Edmuod Woollley, 31, died ln8lanlly wi11!n be opened the ear -Monday evenlnJ near Cromnaalen. about 35 milt.a 10Uthwest of Bellast. '!lley were tallclng about making tile long flJght halfway around the world home. Air Force Maj. Edward Elias looked willfully toward hil fellow pilots, Navy Lb. Norrb Charles and Markham Gartley, who were laughing over dinner with their loved ones. 11I sure wlsh I could get borne soon," he 811d. Deflnlle plans fer their departure from Hanoi have not yet been firmed, 1c- cordlng to Cora WeW , co-chairman ot tile Committee of Llal.lon with Families of Servicemen Detained in North Viet- nam. "It is In the hands or the Foreign Mlniltry but I erpect to be leaving with the men this weekend," Mrs. Wela aald. 1be men were released Sund1y. Monday afternoon Charles and his wife Olga planned a quiet stroll around a popular Vietnamese lovers' lane on the t .edge of a large lake in the middle of' Hanoi. Hundreds of Hanoi residents gathered around them curiously, just watching and aaylng nothing. >.. Minnie Lee Garlley and her pilot son Mark joined them, someone ahouted out, "Gartley, Gartley," and the crowd murmured but did not seem anta1oniltic. Mn. Weiss told the pilot.I later at ctm.. ner: "Could you imagine Japanese pilota walking free in New York City after the bombing of Pearl Harbor? This is fair tastlc.0 All the pilots have been •peaking freely of their detention, which waa four years for Gartley, eight months fer Charles and five months for Elias. Gartley Aid their food wu adequlle and tile general policy In the camps where he Wis detained WU acceP.able. '1We were not pel'll}lled ta' .,, way when the bomblbf of Nortll Vlttilmil'wu resumed " be said. ... . ' . Chari., and Ellu oald they wen well -ted. Economy of U.S. To Top January Nixon Forecast? WASHING TON (AP) -The mllon'1 eonoomy, otW on a strong upward path, may top tile Nixon admlni81raUoo '1 ol- lidal forecast made In January, ,....,,. ment reports. indicate. The Federal 8-rve Board oupplled evidence of continuing economic ex· pansion Monday, reporting that Its Inda of industrial production rose 0.5 percent in August after a 0.3-percent galn a mnnlh earlier. The Index ts rogarded L! one of the most sensltJve lndJcators of the economy. On Capitol Hill, 'l'reall\ll'Y Secrttary George P. Shultz disclosed that tile ad- mlnistration had revised upward its Im economic forecast, Gf'OIB Nat I o D a I Product, tbe output of tile rlaUon'• goods and aervlces, ls expected to grow $7 billion higher fl:m forecut in JaIJJary, Shultt llaid. U so, this means lhlt GNP, the broadest meuure of the economy, wJll grow by mort: than $100 billion this ye1r end make 1972 one or tile best yean for the econmny. ... - 1 t • ' \ I t I j J Ii w • • l • • • \ - I DAILY '1LOT 5 fret...rtee Allefed Suroivors 4 Corona Defense Awarded Wants New Site Man Held in· Threat to FBI Agent LOS ANGEi.Ei l UPI) - Ttqdian( Sltlnid, 41 . WU arraf&ntd Mot*y ot1 charges he challenged o d\lel Wesley lnvolfed Jn a dispule with ltooftt'I -· Acting l'BI ou.ci,. !.•Patrick Gray. Grapp his 10 dlys to re- spond to tbt letter. and CID appeal lhe punisluntoL '!be FBI •id an lnapectlon team sent from Wasbina;ton dlxovered lhat Grapp had equipped lhe office with etec- tronic devices tv r e c o r d teltpbone conver11tionl, .and dilcuNlon la the om.., "In vlolatioo of FBI polley 11111 reaul•tlonl ... Gray sakJ Grapp contdlllad that he had permlulon from Hoevu to illllall sucb oqillp- mul, $865,000 G. Grapp, the FBI bureau chief who bN blel'I dtmoted in a •truale •11.h the ne" FBI director. • Shir1kl wu charged under a GrlPt> hair betn demoted from head or the Los Angeles Bureau of. the FBI to head of the Minneapolis ofUce. Hia dtmotk>n officlaJl1 came for relUslng to carry out/jiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;ii ~~i~;s.~~ ;:!:·!.f. !'d LJo· "~ .JI',. OMr.. FAlllJ'JELD CAl'l -Juan Corona'• n·111rder trial 11111• far, but Hawk> clalmt deltn'" atlorney wants to move .his II Is relevant and cculd point toward the clleat'1 mus murder trial out of real kUJer. ca!llornla on tho lll'OUDd that the p,... In a lilt devtlopment Monday, Patton t<11tion has prejudiced his we ., warned Eric Davis cl Ille Mary1Villt Ap- Corona can't Jet• fair trill tn the lllte. pul-llfmoent tbll.be .OU!d be cll!d for Atl0"'4'1 Rlcba"' £. Hawk "'°"" · contempt if he does not aay •ht,. he formllly late Monday that U!lstlnt ..... learned tut Fri~ that Hawk bad boen . . held m contempt at an UK!Wnlll!rs e<Utor Bart· Williama be held In ..,.. aestioo for improper statements and SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -'lbe wldoW little-used I 0 0 • y t a r · o I d and '°" Of a lawyer killed In a lllht plane Callfo(llla law which provides crash 2 yearf ago wen awarded '865.000 a maximum sentence of one Monday by a. Superior Court jury. )"It for "e•et)r 'per!On who Mrt. &andta Dedlna, II, ef San Ralatl llghta a duel, or ....U or IC' and her ~ytar..,ld "'" Stevtn IV, bad cept• a challenge to fight a .oupt f:I mlUiorl for the death of Steven duel." Dedtna m, b. Shiraki was accused of issu-Mh:. J)edioa sued the plane manufac-Ing the challenge in a letter he for bavlna fQUipped hll ottlce J7 l lV ll1 ~ lV with electronic devices to re-tulTOM TAILOIS IN_ o~~O\l!f'm'. cord li!!ephone and Uher con-'"w-=r.1,""'~"' ..... ~<; .... f"-' SA VI UP TV $ft VefSIUonlJ. 2 suns s135 ... 11•1141 llii.tff (YlltM ""'"" Orilpp wu nt>< available for ft!!Lt 11rt I w.. •. s..tc .. 11, Si.ctt, """'· comment. His whereabout• '"'"" ""' .... .-. • wt hf ANT 1tu .-..~ l.olf •••• 1•1 lff •ANT lrTU COPtaa was not known . 11111 Mii.ir ••••. 11 '' • ,.,, AlftlAftOMI c.. ...... · · · · · · · 11 Jt • fAlf PATMINH .............. ''I ll ffi 1111o w .. 1 , ••••• 11 s• • Mir llilno .•..••.••• to • """" tt •• I turer and an aircraft mechanic, charging mailed to Grapp July 4, com-GRAY SENT Grapp a letter that detective tail control devk:e w11 not plaining Ullt FBI aaent.s wire Frkt•y in which the actinl: ,..._,. • .....,. Stt. f.J telnpt for talk1na aut of colll'I. Hawk al,. ·liven a IU!pended sentence of two days asked Iba! Co,,.,.., trial be clt)ayed ·two In jail, a r<port UJed by several new" properly repaired. following hlm. Authorities •kl dlrtcter said Grapp "·ould bl Shiraki also wrote a letter to stripped of bi.s rank as 1 loc1l ,.., "'"'"""""' ,... 7'lt PltMll ...... n. \Uti Dllhllt Dr, s.ltl 11 ,..,. lctl. .......... ...... • ~ u1n Cty. Antt.-IHIM ... .,,,.,., ........ ~ "· weeks so he can prapore ll\'ll'!• "fOi' a paperl. · • <binge of -GUI ol the ~-·00 Wlll!am'a lllttmtot and olhfr ....,.... EA§UER, HAWK bad brought up the lion tactlca. . 9'1<1tioo of bomosouailty and sodomy CofOCll1 31, 11 1 former fann llbor ~-for the rint Ume th ~t as he ques- tractor ICcU5ed et murderlnt ts tlOned Mr>. Soola Hin~ a •technician at tuAeranta w... bodla ' wm found'· Nlpa State Hosi>ltal who l)ves In Vallejo. buried In Sutter C'Au';lt7 nMr Yuba C4Q' ~ He uked lf lhe had anf ideas that • in M.ay and Jiane ot ltft. ·".f #i~ person ov~r. 50 who never marries might . ., · he a ...._...I. she replied that lhe AFl'Ell ·· MONDA\''8 . • cGorl "'5ion . bad no precoilarlved Ideas. Hawk oald ~·txpactaf IO ~i'l\!e Ills mo-He then _be~an astJnc q11e1tl0111 about t1ons in chlJll1*'1 loday bofol'e S,.perJo.r , llOllc!lnY, ~·)le defined, and asked · If C-Ourl Jucltle lllcbar( E. PaltOn. Tlif lilrtilr" l!Otk 'W bad bad an~ experience iucltle baa W bnluPI Jri lrom Colr•'t wllb patients wtlo act eut either the male County to bW tbo .... IQ1191ano CounJy . Gt: felilale rolt In sodomy. Superior Cllult In I ellbte of ..,ue from Siie IOld she IYd net. e All41t •Welco-' President Nixon. complaining office chief, at 136.000 a year. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tbe mana1er that FBI agents were tailing and rtducet lo an ordinary of the Soulbtm California Rapid Transit him and the "courts were special qent, at a ma:s:inu1m \Dlltrict "welcomes" a Jectslative audit •i•illsl him." ol $24,362 1 year , sent to the of his organization. · Minneapoli1 . bureau. a n d LAS VEGAS ''The d.l.strict books are· always open lo CllAPP, r.eportedly close to suspended for 30 days of an eutitbtat~ by appropriate levels of the late J. Edgar Hoover, is ~ure, lhe Times said. • •••IW.,..M1Mlttl-W1ttt1l.,.•t- IOVarnment," Jae~ R. Gllstrap, 1eneral 1--------------------1 •1.000RM••••••Sttt111M•xt••• rnaoaaer of the RTD, said Monday. • su1••1t Mtttf, thn ''"" ..i IN1tt1 e Solost Rita PG.r.E • SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) -Th• head • R d d of lhe 1tat• Senate. presiaent pro tern •• e uce James Mills, has spoken out aaalnst Pacific Gas and Electric .Co. for what he. _termed "dl!honest opposilioo" to the I . Sun•mer Rates, couUlne lnidative on the_Nov. 7 ballol. • II-0 • • • • • • • • • Suiter county. '· "!JO you ,bow.any!hin1 aboul a peraoo Sf:n. Mills, San Diego Democrat, said Mondly IOmt: ''por:t)y gentlemen" from PG&E have been followlna him on his .. bicycle campaign dOwn : the ~st for • • A Dorlot late Cul In PHk 5-o Is Cootlll...r Before H1wk rt1fd his motions Mondaf, wbG act! out the female role who ml&ht tht slzth day of jury examln1:t1cm, he have muocbistlc tendeneies. 11 hldled In quations to one p~lve She Uicl 1he bad only llihltecl juror that the killer of the 25 men oould lmoivlqe of IOdomy.' have been a ••paSsive homosexual" with ''homicidal tendmdff. '' This related to bis contention that SUt- ter County Dist. Atty. G. DaVid Teja and Williams are suppressing evidence in the cast, particularly a case that involved Juan Corona's 52-year-old unmarried half-brother, Natividad C.Orona. who was part owner of the Guadalajara Bar in Yuba City in F;bruary 1970, a year before~·the killin11i.-~ -- IN TID8 INCIDENT a man named Jose Reya was injured in a barroom fi.:.:1t and after making a partial recovery won I $250,000 judpitnt in a civil suit •1•lnlt NatlvJdad Corooa. No judgment was returned aaain1t J'uan . Natividad, accordioc to tbe prosecution, ia now in ltfelic». 1'e prosecution s1y1 the Sutter County zhlrifl· used tbe incident to obtain a aeurll warrant Iller the 1171 mus kill- inp wbich resulted in Juan's arrest, but it ioaista later inYesilaaUon 1bowa be was nol [nvolved In the bar illcident. Patton baa ruled lbe lnddeot lnldmisaible in his "00 YOU HA VE any Idea what llnd of rages people wbo act out the female role in sodomy miJht have ln them?" She knew littJe of the subject, she said. Lorne Greene ' -· --·-~-- Hospitalized LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Lorne Greene, head of t e I e vi s Ion ' s "Bonanza" clan, Is expected to be released from the hospl.tal within three days following a aeries of tests, hl1 doitor said. Greene, 58, was admitted to the coronary care unit of Century Clly HMpital Friday nl1ht wllh a 111slro.lntesti.nal upset associated \l'lth a mild hffrt disorder, aaJd Dr. Rei: Kennamer. : Prop. 20 and ''misre~I the facts'' about the coAstal preserviilon m~asure. The senator i.s a leading backer of the Initiative measure which wou1d create new statewide ·and tegional agencies with veto power over locllly · apj>roved coastal developments -including power plants -which may tedUce pUblic acceu to the ocean or damage ibe enYii'onment. e Brophy ~ 0'!~ _ _ -LOSANGELES {AP) -Asaemtilyman BllLBro!>hy says charges agalmt his wUe steinmtrig from a .fatal traffic 1cddent have ended his campaign for Corigress. "The pressure on my wife, who is very yOWlg, has brought me. to the conclusion that she nee<h my support," Brophy, R- Uls Anaeles, tokt a De1tl C.'Onftnnce Monday. "We cannot go a~bere, to any function• in this campaign, without the discussion of the trial being brought up .. " Susan M. Brophy, 19, was ordered by a ' judge last Thursday t1> appear for ar· raisnment Oct. II on charae11 of manslaughter and driving undtr the in- flaence of a drug. Akim Tamiroff, Actor, J, L. '•lafou\ts Attncy Associite HARBOR AREA Tel : 558·1500 What you need · is a little _ R •. D. Sterige AJency As1oci1t• COSTA MESA l•I: 558·1500 Financial Elbow. Room. We've got great plahs for you. Call your nearest Manulife ag.ent. Manufllife 'Tllt ManufKlUIWS Uf1 ln1ur1rK:t C~p1ny - • to S1pt. 30 to CtlebrClte Our H1t• CeslH lxpeRtlH • • Mlllw••k Sp•ti•I -Su11.t1y ththtlt Tlt11t1ll1y • • 011 104 Sp•tit l ll•1P111 Off•r•l ... L1w•1t Su1t11111r ll1t1: • :•a•0 '10'0 '12'0 : • ... .,. ...... " .. lk. 1(1 J "'""'' I Ml.I(" r•l PfMI ~~v~~ ~e!~~:.?ies r H .. d Off a: Toronto, ClnMI • Tamiroff, wl». st1yed behlnd when his He toured ~itb Al .Jolsen, wfs an In-I .Ruaaian drarna troupe rnide 1 n structor at the American Acldemy of Stage Makeup ln New York -where one American tour and became one of of hil students was Katbarin~ Hepbum- H6Uywood's best known character ac· and appeared on Broadway. ,tort, is dead. His first lmponant movie was 11Lives I Tamirofl died Sunday in Desert of a Ben&al Lancer," and be appeared ln HQJpital al the qe of '12 after 1 lon1 Ill· "For Whom the · Bell ToU,,," "Tortilla _ness, his wife Tamara annoW1ced Mon-F·lat," "The Great McGlnty," "Union Tamiroff was born in Baku. Russia.. He was esPeclaJly In demand for and hi s brother, Lex , is still a drama playing villains. daiy. Pacific" and "The Buccaneer." I UPI. T.....,.... critic in Moscow. He became a U.S. citizen in 1931 and DEAD AFTER ILLMISS He came to the United State•· with a v"ent into semi-retirement ill the Palm I Akim T1111lreff, 72 tburlng Soviet drama sroup In 112! and Springs area In the Ul60s. ·----'--------------1 Wayne Suit Dismissed . LOS ANGELES (APl - A ' suit filed over the 111e of Ulevl1lo11 wtei -HOQdo - produc<d by actor Jo h n Wayne's B1tjac ProductioD1 bu been dlsml_,, by a Superior Ccurt jlld1e. Theatrical agent Lee Savin ' contenc:led that Wayne's aon, Mlchatl, qreed to poy a 10 . percent commls~lon - .,..,GOG-for ,the sale i.o ABC fl!' Ibo -wbldl. o WU -"'l·tild llt··alllli' Jiall • , ·WE • FEATURE' Siw u ..... ......... ....... .LNI 1M .... ~ .. • Ma 111 41 lll!f . COAST~ 1aJ1£t , I do. Never miss a biUP.in. "How do I ~ around whan the" onen 111 wlth.Now,lhll'•1bargl)n." famUy Clr le 90119? I UM the l!xtra-i • Ctr1 th• RTO bus. It taltM me •nY" ~ Why •lay home Go -.iaitlng, to I I t I vi t I d ahopplng, go ~h~119 on your P •ae n l)Wn an ° go • • · an 'ElttraCar. You'll !Mi. In pa cam(>llly when tlie ttleo •19 On, 1 GO iner bar--nearly 700,000 pau'"ei!'* lid• gal' on the Exlr~Gar. , every worttlng day. ~Of In Ion, "Any eh~r oan ue whal a gOOd route mapo, time ~ \t eblione dealltie Ellll'ICtf really ls."My Monlh· 747~455 or wtlle RaPld ha111lt' Qlt- ly peee COiia only S12,., With extra trlct, Room llOD, 1080 Soulh .llload- 1onH '3.l!D HCI\ ... 1nd I ride .. way, LOI Angelet, Cl 80015. I I I I I I I I I I . I· TireBlitz 1 I Our Original Equipment Tire On New 1973 Cars/ G~ltfd9 Jumbcl 7IO-Oenet1l'1 popu'lar Orlqinal E9ul re With • •tronu Polye1ltf Cord Body ind 2 IOng m1t1age Gl .... lt•. Why tfttle for,..,, 3·Piece WIND 'N RAIN SUIT Year-Round Ouli:loor Protection S•I 1narud•• • ~~~~~TZll'PEREO s19s • A OJ UST Al!llf 1 ~~~AILE ONLY l<OOO VWSP.ECIAL General OURA·JET• WHITEWALL • 4-Ply Nylon Cord Conalruction • E11y St"rtpg Co9toured Shouldtrt ' .1611 .......... . ONt. Y '~~~t.~;t;:,'11' l tl(l lO rrr ' our , J ''·tu H I !11t . OF II lfrill'OIT C:Altl - A78-13 E78-14 1'71-14 G71-14 F7S-15 071-15 H71-1 5 $ for -- 7.00/7.35-14 ?.6017.75-14 1.00/1.25-14 8.70/7.7~15 7,10/1.26-15 7.l/J/1.55-11 ::t.i: ..:;... 2 k>r 157.to 2 fort.H.M 2 tor $71.to 2 '°'ISO.ff '• 2 for 17'.IO 2 torlst.15 2 fOf $71.IO 2 fOr $55.15 2~1n.10 2 tort64.'6 21ot U,1 .80 21or&MM 2 for $17.90 t lot 91!1.H WHITIWAU. ONI. T ti llOM"" 'nMJ . .. •. ,. ......... lt.71 ·~ .. ..... 12.81 12.51 ·~71 13.01 llllJfY llD& ..,, UITID ALIG .lt.r IALA NIC8I: . Used Tire Values Lot• 01 Non.Skid Treed t.OW Many Ct,.. AS '5'' In Sino To Flt AS ,. • "' PR?!?! MOUNTING . Retreads- M,fliltJS .. 0.. Oii a SjllJIM C...., 2 •2g!S"= for ILM*WALL , ... ,. 1. ,. .. ... ,. 7.11-11 .... ,. .. Qt "llC ,,l.f,,.,, ..... .....,..._ -· ... Charge it ~t General TJre.-e-.-,...... ............ "" ..... c, Jllli•lt .,..... ~·" ......... 11111'2 ... .. -.. ..... ~ COAST GENERAL TIRE I I I I I I I I I I I I llClllll -.MIT CALL 671-1'110 • SoLtherri California }J uiJftCM J . RAPID 1MNSIT DISTRICT L.(95 I -t ·o-J L .sis West 19th, Cotta Mesa ""°"• 540-5710 or 646-SOJJ I •• ,., -The 5*-driver tire COfllJKUO'.-...a . ' I I I I r • • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Conduct Code Needed Rationalizations by some members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors are sometimes wondrous to behold. 'fhe board passed an ordinance la.el week to require lobbyisls to register and make financfal disclosures. Then it voted, 3·2, to scrap a code of ethics lntended lo govern th., conduct of public officials, the targets of the lobby· ists. Board Chai rman Ronald Caspers justif ied bia vote agai nst the code of ethics on gro und.a the issue of moral!s 11hou ld be left to each person -a contradictory position considerin~ hi~ stand on controlling lobbyists. Orange County, as a result or the voting· last wetk, hccon1cs the first county in the st.ate to have a lobbyist ordinance. 'l'wo cities -Los Angeles and Camarillo - and the state have such a law. But Orange County re· tnatns without .an ethi cs code, although many other gov· ernmental jurisdlc.1ions have such an ordinance. Supervi sor David Baker rightly maintains that near· I)' cvcrylhing in the lobbyist ordinance is already cov· l.!rcd in the criminal code and that it is not a valid docu· 1ncnt without the co nduct code. He vowed to reintroduce the code for reco nsideration today. 'fhc conduct code should be adopted. A Blow to Snoopery In its zeal to attack organized crime, Congress passed the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970. ll required banks lo report all domestic transactions of their customers as part of a program of .surveillance to discover possible, but unspecified, wrongdoing. If the law is permitted lo stand. the citizen's right of privacy woul d suffer a severe blow. r\ thrce·judge federal courl in San Jo'rancisco has .-, ruled, howevtr, Iha! the law lrlnJCenda the conatitu· tional limlta .aa lold clown by tho U.S. Supreme Court for this kind of ltglalatlon. The law ,wl~ &till require the reportln~ o! financial tranaactlona IJ!volvipJ !orei&11 nio~ry mtere•ta and the m1crofilll)lllJ b7 blnb of .all 'd'JIOtlla and cbftks. Vnleaa the deelslon is overturned on ap~~ -•t>' parently unlikely In light' ol pasl· Supnme Court de· cisioos ~ snooping by Bil Brother inlo the llnanci1l afratrs of every Amerlc>Jf will remlin of! ltmita. Al it should. The Jane Fonda Series Actress Jane Fonda, daughter of one or the nation's foremost character actors, became a film star in her own ri~ht. In the last two years, however, 1t1iss Fonda ha!! be- come controversial as an anti·war, anti·Nixon activist. She also has won outspoken criticism from mil.lions of Americans. Jane Fonda is, by any measurement, a pubi~c figure. Vernon Scott, United Press lnte.rnatlonal'a respected HoJ .. Jywood rtPQ_rter, interviewed her recently in an effort to learn what makes her tick, why she sees only right in Hanoi's actions and only wrong in her own country's. The resulting series of articles was carried last week by the DAILY PILOT, which has edilorially con· demned Miss Fonda's poliUcal actions and words. Several subscribers waxed indJgnant, canceled their su~ scriptions in protesl Perhaps, to them, the act o! publishing the Scott report amounted to approval of Miss Fonda's actions. This Is a dlslortlon of a newpaper's function ind a wholly wrong interpretation of this newspaper's attitude to- ward Miss Fonda. · ' 'Chu,-rn' ls A .Word Hard Dear Gloomy Gus Fiction E~ploded '"4t McGovern Won't Adn,it It To Define ~YDNEY J .HARRI~ No ~Ti ler or lhinkcr I have heard of has ever been able to define that elusive \vord "charm." Perhaps the best ''negative detln ltlon" is Sir James Bar· r ir's: "Charm ii that which, if a woman ha:; it, ~ht doesn't need anything else : nnd ir she doesn't have It. nothing el!e hrlps." I \Ya~ thinking about this the other nir.ht, 11nd not especially in reference to \romcn . A local 1'V channel was sho\1•ing :.in early F'rcd As· 1:1irc film lo fill lhc J:l\r hours, I havr nl- \\';1ys b<-rn :i devolcd f;1r1 of ~1 r, Astaire 's. AS I WATCllED hin1 cavorl acrOM Ilic screen. his basic 1·harm eame throuJ!h a:, potently <1s f'11er. c11cn "'ilh the banal l111(·s and ~tupid siluat ions he was rorced lo cope 11·1rh. Ill s dancing was superb, of i·ourse: but lx1yc11d his grace and agility, there \Yas "' presence that permeated everything he said an(! did. r suspect that what we fee l. when con- fronted wit h a person of such indubitable 1·harn1. is a sen:!IC of unity ~'ithin the pPrsonali!y that gratifies us as much as 1]l1• beautiful unity in a 1\·ork cf art or of u;1l11re. Real charm, as opposed to sunr.rficial "eh~rm !Chool" technique. 1'on1cs 1n11 of 1hr depths of a personality thiJ1 is all of a piece. llEAUTY. SA ii) Aquinas. follo\l·ing Aristotle. n1ust have three things: pro- Give me OlynJpic sprinter and nae· insulter Wayne Collett's UCLA scholarship and I'll stand at at- tention all day long. -A.M.T. T~ll ffllture rell9C'.lt ~t"' VYftlt, Ml !IKnMfll1 .... et Hie ~ ... ~·-· ,_ '"' 11'tt -Yt 19 OIMl!lp G11t. Dtll'J' l'llet portion, hannony betwttn the parts, and luminosity. I lmaglne that the luminous quality Is what we might call "cbann." Some ~ thlt are beautiful ire inert: they eomj:leJ our ldinlrallon. but do not stir . our feeling -'like some beautiful· women who losa their appeal the moment they-open their n!oMths and talk. The luminous qulllty ln a per:!IOl'l can shine through, it seems to me, only when that person has achieved (or has been given, as a grace from God) harmony between the dirrerent parts or his nature; when he bas resolved c:ont.radlctlon.9 within himself, and subsumed them under· some guiding 1piritual or emOUonal principle. AN INDIVIDUAL who is genuiOOy charming possessea three attrlbutu: first, a (inn sense of idenUty; second, no need to assert or deny that identity; and, third , the abll ity to •'Jet go," to be what he is, and to feel that this personal aura he emanate:!! will be pleasin& to those who encounter it. !\lost of us are much too busy asserting or denying: attacking. consolidalin9, retreating, or defending : tryin& lo use clpnents in our environment to bolster o&rselves up or hide behind -all of this being ways (lareely ineffectual) of tryin& to come to terlTl! with the contradictions "'it hin us. Jt is the utter simpli city of charm that most attract! us -and thia may be the clue to its ultimate nature. Cold Cures Under Fire \V1\~ll lN1:T\1~ -Srn. Gaylord Nelson, l> \\'1 s., is qu1clly investigating cough and l'nld rr1nc1tics. 1.1 hich cam $1 billion a . vr:ir fur lh<·1r producers from the na- uon'!i snt'f'Z(''\_ sn1fflrs and wheezes. 111· 11111 conecn1ra1r on All ertst, l-len?cc!rc>.: inhalers, Contac , Coricidln I). Dislan. f'.;ovahi~- :11n1nir.1n, Vicks 111· h:1lrrs. V11~ks V;1. Tl'n-Nol and 111111u/;1r (\1·1.:r·lht,._t·ounti·r 1·011· 1·oc1ion" :\II or tht'n1 con. t ·1 1 n s11bsl<.u1t:cs 1\)11{'h Nelson's s11iff hri'i fo11nd to be dubi· cu"°· H not danger- 1111s. ThC'1r findings.are b;tlif<I upon study 11! n1cdicol llterature. rilANY OF TUE capsules. !>pray!i , pills, inholcrs and drops fealured in T\I com· mercials. they have tound. could be riri ngrrous: for those suffrring from d1abctt•s. heart trouble, h1Jth blood prr.,surr and thyroid dlscaS<:. l::ven for people wllh the simple snif- flt!f. too hravy l'I drug·stort dosage may •·<1use irregular heart beats. nervousness, 11kln eruptions and urin1ry problems. Quotes Geori:,e :-itielder, $1,a Leandro -"Let's not be 100 much lnfiucnccd by pollUClll propaganda. ir anyone else ~'ere in the White HOllM be would !Ind lh>l be would bavc lo do lbe same thing Mr. Nixon u OUina-" .... :... Nelson is particularly critical of the cQtd cure industry's failure to provide adequate info nnatlon to sufferers. The ~ame TV commercial, which shows • husband happily awakening with cleared sinuses. might well show him nol ""'aken ing at all if he were a heart pa· lien!. WHILE THE commercial may advise U1at the medicine be t11ken "only as directed," there Is seldom any specific warning ·what the drug may do besides temporarily drying up nasal passages. Indeed, Nelson has found that there may be a "congestion rebound" from tbt anticongestants, \Vhlch leave tht nose more stopped up than eve.r. If this iJ followed by indiscriminate Q!e of DOH drops and sprays to clear the noM agatn, the mucous tissues can be damapd IO as to fnvile infectiont of the 1lnU1tS and middl e ear. TIIE F E D E R. A L Canununlcotlons Commisslon, which tOUld compel TV to give specHk: warnings on medicines, has Jelt the cold commerch1la laraely unregulated. Nelson plans to inv ite lhe FCC to explain the l111nesa oo various dru: commercials. He expects to optn lhe cold remedy hearinJS ]. Wilh I n1ir for UJning -at lhe beginning of the 11n1rnei: season in November or Dec:tmber. Government of .. ficials. doctors and tcientllta will be call· td to testify. 1be dmg ma ken, ol c:oune, will be ln•iled lo responi!. 'Secret·-Plan'-a .,Myth of-·N.i~()n Foes . ' WASHINGTON -Vice-presidenllal candidate Sareent Shriver denies that Geor1e S. McGovern ever proposed his ,1 ,000-for-everybody plan. It wa:!I just a filure alled in a "study paper ," ac- cording to Shriver. McGovern 's ruMing mate evidently does not believe the literature of his own campaign. T h e McGovun for Presi· dent Committee's voluminous au m- mary of "McGovtm On The latuts'' COQ- tains an outline of an "'income rt.distribu· Uon plan" with an annual payment - "that might be .. much aa $.1000 per peraon or $4,000 for a family of four.'' Shrlver's denial thus takes 'on the aame plausibility aa his charge that the Presi. dent ''blew" a chance to settle tbe Viet· nlJD War. McGOVERN SPEAKS no more of the controveralal $1 .000 idea,' leading to the perbapi erroneous conclusion Iha! he has dropped it. He has not. however, dropped his references to Presldent NI.Jon'! usecret plan" to end the Vietnam War. although it is amply proved that Nixon never said be bad a "secret plan," in fact (RICHARD WILSON) had none, and did not pr't!tend to ha ve one. ~ only "secret plan" was in the im· a1inatk>n of those' who wished to deride Nixon's commitment to end the war, and is now being repeated endleaaly in cam· paign orations, new!lpaptr idvertisinehts and television broa~ 1-. WIWAM SAFIRE, , pmidentW. speechwriter and ua;rel 1 ol political lore. has , m~l'LY! the Nixon "secret plU'~ -· jh a.pa f,? ... which defies challenge. ConfrOnfed 'by the analysis, various perpetrators of the myt h have admitted their error, but not McGovern. The source Qf lbe "'secret plan" myth was apparently Nixon's Speech in the presidential primary campaign of 1968 at Nassau, N.H.: "And I pledge to you the new leadership (evid ently a Republican administration) wiU end the war and ~'in the peace in the Pacific ; .. "this' 'tate- men t wu translated by reportei:i .and politicians into tbe idea that a plan ex· isled, atlbqugb Nixon said be had "no magic formula . no gimmick" and did would tell L3•ndon· Johnson. if he HE SA.ID HE HAD some specific ideas o-hqw to end the war, and "they arc pr imarily in the diplomahc area ." That. in the beginning. was .the area in which Nixon moved and he sent h'ls represen- tative, Henry Cabot Lodge, to Paris y,·itb a new diplomatic initiative that railed. press'Ure was applied in Moscow a~d Peking in direct personal contact Wllh the leaders of Hanoi 's main supporters. Little of that could have been planned in adyan<'c. Prince Sihanouk's ouster in Canibod ia had not yet created the o~ port\ini1y for an allied incursiQn. Hahol ;ha-~ .not yet begun its outright invasion .of ' the ~uth "'hich created the opportunity antt justification for heavy bombing and ~(mfuing the harbors. Chou En-lai and '.Le0flfd Brezhnev had not yet agreed to rt~ve Nixon. In September of that · year I !Unched alone with Cabot Lodge in his suite at the Crillon Hotel in Paris. Lodge said 1hen, and . l take the liberty of repea,ting oow, that . Nixon's ·confidence in (l ·e w , 0 TJIE EVIDENCE . lhe ''.secret diplolnatic ~" vts ~d ~ ,"1llrefll_IStic.' ."1'1~ idea falls on its face. joining there Nixon ha(! le S!'l lhere woWd tia~e .t<1 be. . ·, · floor Sargent Shriver's pretense much .more u that. -:... ~ t ,, :. ;; , · ~ ' cGovern never proposed $1;000-for· The "ptan•:. ~ ,tt ~~·.i'"'!Jea rthat,, ' y. ·:which then de~lopeid 1'lil tbe.·~1lateral , int or fact ~tcGovcm has not withdrawal of Jqnericah &riftmd comb4t lated $1,000-for-everybody. This is foices from Viet.riam. at firSt cl· ' r journalis tic ronslruction on his perlmental, and · soon beeomin'g ir.:,. campaign speech in New York, reversible. policy. f the speech it.self can be exam ined in " a~or a direct repudiation. THERE IS NOTHING secret· about ~ idea is still there, but obscured anything Nixon did thereafter. He-un-> m,w:'by proposals increasing ta11:es on the derlook a combination' of military an4. :;JM!i_ term gains of investors in stocks: diplomatic pre5$Ure to force ~i td ·~ :(arid~.Jeal property, and of prim\ry con· settlement accepting ao inde~denf· J_io at least 30 million such investors. Soµt h Vleln~m. Mill~ry. pressurt ~ 1-r-. '-' .,' t plan " there was not , a plan for applied in Cambodia and Lllos, through Y' redlstrjbution there certainly ls. air sup-port of South Vietnamex'ground i ·~ the campaign rocks along with operations, heavy bomblng °' the rNortb, ~ ewbat more than its share of and mining Hanoi's harbon:. Diplomatic • 6yperbolic nonsense. Our Youth and Other Disasters The 1atest Gallup Poll shows our n•· tlon's youth now favors Mr. Nixcm by a whopping &1·36 per cent -an even wider margin than the Prtaident holds among thelr parents. WhJJe the poll sw-prised the experts, It stunned parents everywhere. Surely there wasn't 1 ra- tlonal parent in the country who didn l read the news with a growing sense of un- ease. For here , clearly was another straw In the mystu· ious wind that's been gathering strength lately. • Typical was the -reaction of Mr. Wilbur Wasp. Though a staunch Republican, Mr. Wasp felt a familiar chum in his stomach as he read the item and he automatlcally be.llo"·ed : "Irwin. come here \" ''Here I am, Oad," :!laid lrwin, lls>" pearina: quick as a Oash. "Anything I can do for you, sir?" • "Wn.L YOU PLEASE eapl1in lo me, Irwln, why your ceneraUon ahould aud- denly •..• " llld Mr. Wa11>, lookln1 up from his paper. '1lrwlnf Irwin, ls that you?" "Sure It's me, Dad. I ruess you dkln'I recocniJ• me with my new lhorl hlln:ut. AU the (UY• In my fl'at hi,. one. I hope you like it." "t never knew ycur ean atuck out like lh•t." sald Mr. Wup, frownb\a:. "Frat? Don 't tell me you jelned • lrateml(1l" "I thougbt you'd be happy, Dod. I me.an you•v_..iwaya tllked about whit tun )'OU hid th "'"" Jn coll .... And clon'I worry 1boul -Addie -· I boUChl thtm myself. I've pt .-_.-mute, on I won't hive lo spcqe off you tbla 1emest1r." "A )ob! Tell me eomethln1, Irwin," uld Mr. \'I.up, tlartai 1U.Splcloully al . c AR'l' HOPPE J his son, "are you stoned?" "STONED! GOSH, Dad, we don't smoke marijuana any more, not after the P~ldent said it might have long·range effects on our mlnds. Just a beer now and then, like you used to do. That's Oki)', isn't It?" uyu, No. I mean .... Look, first tell me why you eot a job. Wam't your allowance t1ufficleal?" "Oh, It wasn't the money, Dad. It's what the Presidenl said about the \vork ethic ' ·and the value of hone!lt toil. If e's sure right about that. J really fetl great." "That doesn't leave,you much lime,'' said Mr. Wasp dryl~1 "to demonstra te for StudenLs to End we War and Hang the President." "Heck, Dad, that was just a phase. t mean the President must know what he's doin1. He's such a swell , decent BUY· Be!ldes, il I got armted, it might hurl my chances of 1ettin1 a job with a bil corporatioo when I graduate." .. 1 THOUGHT YOU wanted to be a Cutting Colleg~. Cost,s As colleges _. for tht fall term , reports of their financial distress become mort frequent and more urgenl Abollt 3-00,000 pl1Ctt will Co unlUled lhl• yeer, with !llllll, lndeptndenl IC!lOOI• eapecla~ ly hard hit. With ,.venllel from tuition doM1, and aper.ting costa up, educators bave l>een tor«<\ Jo' re-uamlrle tradi· tlon1I c:oUere procrams and U)>lon new and 1.,. utnvacaot posslbilllle!. Jn one ouch attempt, !our U.S. coU.4., will eaperiment thb fill with the British Open UnlvmltJ p~m. Rutgers Unlvenl(1 plans lo oiler iiiurses Ill "the humaolUts, metbmlallo and ldeoce - 111 lo be pursued 11 borne with tht help ol televlalon, tapes, radio and printed lnstructl"i'; ""1-1111)' aicn up ind recel .. .,.,.,. credits upon complelton. 'nte Unlvenlty of Houston, the Unlvm~ ty of M1ryland aod San Dlqo Slate O>I· !ego alto will try oul Y.1rlatloos of the pros:ram. PR.OPONENTS OJ the Independent, 1ccredlled ttudy underline Its !!hancial, u well a educotkJnll advantage1. 1bey Point out that et Brltaln'J Open uni...,... li,, -•tartlni lie """""')'ell', 01111 • EDI'IlORIAL RESEARCH small frac:Uon of Ille tOlal bud1<t goes for salaries and ll'lnge benellts -tbe . largest portion or a conventional universi ty's outlay. "?be questton Is how lo educlte more -le, more eflectlft!Y, but with 1e.ss money," uya Arland f . ·Cbrll'Janer, president of the College - Enlrance E1ami11'11on Boan! of New York. 1be Ca"egle Commlsalon on Hipr Education, In a report luued last J111e1 auue1ted ,.,er'1 woya lo cut ~ at convenllonol c:oller•• without aacr!llclns quality. They Included: (I) r.duclqclbe undergraduate course Jrom """ ~ three years; (I) ablncloning • upena1 .. new PbD prowru; (3) j IDC~ _llCUll7 workloads; a n d (I) w,oidtili o u I ureluctant atudents." ntat 1Mt tuk ma7 not be too d~rtcull now tbll the d~ is belns ended and 1ncre..q ..-. ct deg,....boldm on ._......,.., bongo player." "I switched to Biz.Ad. Dad. I just waot to get married some day and raise a family and contribute what 11 can to a strong America and a sound dollar. Aren't you pleased?" "Yes. No. I mean. . . .Look, Irwin, wnen you're young. it 's the time to try new ideas. new ways of doing things. [ can't figure out what your generalion'I up;to now. Don't you see the danger ? ''What danger , Dad?" asked Irwin in· nocenUy . ··"Damn it, Irwin ?" thundered his red· faced father. "You 're going to be just like usl'' ntAT EVENING, Irwin recqun ted the SQeM word for word to a 1raup or his young· friends who clutch<!d their sides with 1lee throughout the tellilt&. "Mao!" Irwin managed lo say between llllPS ol latWiler when he'd llnlahed. "Al list we've found the way to realJy drive them up the wall !'' OltAMOI COAST l1Mltlij!l11f- Robm N. We<d, l'llbliallw n..m.. lrtnll, Editor Alll<rl W. Bokl l:ditoriGl Page Editor . • • . . • , .. • ,.•. Warning: The Surgeon G That Cigarette Smoking Is D .......... -..... ' • • • ••• - I •• . -,_ . - • • • • • r~ ' .. . ' • . . \ . . . ,.. . " . -( ',. . .. ' ~ '\ l' l \i.• A ' • i , J' • • • .. , " • • • • • " .. ' ' ' . ' ~ ·" • • • I I ' l I I ' ' ' ' I • •• \ • I .,·: -. -' • • • -• • ~~Rookie of ffle :fear'' .. . . • ·-... . .. ~ ~ \ ... ' • • , rp r I' • I • 11 •J . ' I ,: ' , . ' ' .. ·I. ~~.! • • I ""I 'I '1 ' • l i ..... ~ " 'I; J ., . ' I -w• .. t •I • •• ' I , I .. "· } . ' ' •.. , .......... , . ..._ ............ ., ..... . 20mg."taf',1.4 mg. nicotine av. percigemll. FTC RlpartAl'll.'12.. .. , ~l'''!a,, ~ .. ,..,.... .. _._ ... • -• .. ..- , \ • j .. • • ,. • . • , • g OAJLY PILOT QUEENIE By Phil lnterl'!ndi L. ltl. Bo-yd Actress Robbed Of Genis RALPH IClllT J 14th SeoNI .it NEWPORT •. · .OR KIWANIS FOUNDA,. PRESE"4TI " '• TRAVEL AND AD~INTdlf ' SERIES ' .. Friday, Septemb., 111 '1'12 8:00 P·"'· "' ~ ~ • r ORANGE COAST COLL!iE Al/DITO~IUM · • 2701 FAIRVIEW ROAD, ~·TA Mlli' ' ' ' -~ ............. ··~ "THI FACES Of 'fi#IC£'' , r I ; • tlAION TICKITS .) llMll Air hy 11• a4mlltl9ns! A ... t , '" """Ill.• , ...... Hml1ti.11 •I OMr , ............ lt.H) IT .,. '""" I I.• i•111t1t 1ctmlnl911 •t ll09• ............. U.tD) PINBALL MAWINES told for an aver11e of $100 each HAMS " • . So Good It Will Haunt You 'TH lt'1 Gone" IS IMIALMING RIQUIRID IY LAW? •••• , .... " .... -....... -...... It .,,..,. ,_.. •"'"-'"'"" .. ,.. ......... ffMltty .... .._ • ..... , • .....,. II te IN tr••p•rtM W ..... • ...,. .. , HeWftf, ••••IMflt ... ,,_tf.M •''"'' 1.tft"'4llto, ...... -.... ............ ef W ....... .....,. '"llllc llHlttl .. .i .. .....,. tf tk ft......i •I Nlltl ... w.•111j. by EUiENf 0 . BERGERON @Iii~ ttie UaltM ltltM h 11 .... _. ... ,..,.. ef ••r c•••tll' '"" -. .. 9'"9rJ' " .. --...... f...-.i ............. '" ., .... •f ··-•• tk ,...,,.,.. ................................. ,. .. tiff "" tkrtty eft..-..... .. •••l11ir ;altl••,..... _..._....me .. .,.,~ ..... ,.. .. .._ ... Wliil MIThll'l .. 9',; ..... ,..., ..... N rK .. •I• tW •-4'1'wHI Ml !Nell 1'I .... h I I I .. 1111 JJ ltf W *feff .. tfle hltl-......... ,...._. -., "'-"r""',,,,. ............ , ... ,. .•••• ~ ..... lltttt Mt -· Balt%·Bergeron Funeral Bo111e COSTA MESA 2 LOCATIONS CORONA tlel MAR • 646.2424 67J.f410 ' bidder for $45,000. "I'D 11/Y ONE ol lht horses for m~ grand childrin lt I had a tl,000.or JO," said IW Smit, f4, who worked M Playlahd after W0<ld War !.' Jlddtr1 were quick to &rib Ill IOrl o/ paraphernalia from tlM ocean1ldt a m u 1 e m e n t cemer which fe1tured thH1ll and food to reneralions "'tlti FrancilC!lnl. AnlOftl lilt ittmJ IOf<I llft I! dOd&Hlll cars, IOO J..,.. Dean poot~~ts ol ~11-itl!t, or tnoc:fll •• t !UeJ;• ~-fandl'I itlii . ' " MARTY DA VIS, the l11t operator of Playland, uJcI h• Uptell to r ~ • J 11 • A)>' pro1l1111tely •too,ooo Mm Ill< aucUon. "I don't llltelld to keep 1 thtn1 111,yse11," ht 1 U d , 11Busll'IU1: went down JO ~­ cent let year. I got billr to re- mind me." SEIJJRG YOB BM .. 111-m I 11.,... ... P*JllllJ_"poid"dua !!Om• cha19M.,... ---paylaq. CalltUt.g··- s.uor•. l!Jicl 011t ......,. »w mlldl}'OUcaa-)fmll-"'9_.,,._..._,.._, hoGdL6D C..laltqalL vo"11..enr lfolM.._,..,. m _____ ...., tbalilllf ..... _IW!llMlll th•-· • • , __ ,_,._......, America'' z.iv.t ' Ye•rl1 Blte Housewife· Pays 7 '1!> •. 4-YICHOOIS HA•IOlCOCTll JM .......... ,....., CllM ~ C111ft,.C. ,._ l714J f7f.JJIJ -- 1n1 I, ,,..._,,, If. ~Clll.tw4 "'· 17141 ""'''" • Plastic Cream For Artificial Teeth Jiit that.baa revolutionized denture •eann1. It lets JOU bite hardtr, ~-bet• tu, cat more natural)J. R1Xi;x>£NT lu ll for boon.. Rn1sts ~uu. ~tw-ea that lit are eaential te htalth'. See your dt:ntist ruularly. Get easy-to-U1C F1xOOENT Oentur• Adheah•c Cream. CARVE IT ON TREES, VE IT IN DIAMONDS girl who leans to tradition . reduction diamori.d wedding 14 karat gold, Set, $350. A111trcll11 l:~pren k 1nl 1M ~lier Chl'Jt .... ··FASHION ISLAND RT BEACH-6-44.1310 .•nd Fri. 10 1.m. to 9:10 p.m. : Torr•nct , Ore11ge. L~ Cerrito), LtHtll••· $an 0 1990 & Lfi Vtg1~. , •A NA BAY LIONS CLUB BIG PARADE SATURDA 'Y'. 10 a.m. LOBSTER BAKE & CARNIVAL f:rl. Nlfi, Sat., Sun. • f,.-hioft '• · · flhuwl ' irtd'!I IM ': • ••Wl:on OllllTlll& PActHC COAIT HWY. r • lnlo ahd oUI OI. 'Plenty of parking. And the crowds haven'I found It yet. Your travel agenl knows tile way . II ........ ,.. ... f ' • < \ • ' I f ! . ' I : ,f Polltft!al New COunty Education Board Backs '21' By 0 . C. HUSTINGS ot .. Dallr f'it.f St.ff Tbe Wakefield anllbllllng c• mei.sure, Proposition 21 on the November ba1lot in California, apparenUy will Win the en- dorsement of the Orange Counly Board of Education. The board, in a 4-J vote dur- ing a. m<eling last Thunday, rl ordered its staff to draft a " raolution supporting t h e . measure. But the lone dissenter, board member Donald Jordan of Garden Grove, charged that passage of the Wakefield measure "would take us back to a point we already have ' passed." Jordan asserted that the ~ Wakefield meas~re is based on antibusing emotion and ts backed by "a rather con- servative group."· '!be request for support came to the county school board ! re m Assemblyman Floyd Wakefield ( R -L o s Angekl), who drafted the balJOt proposal, also known as 1 ~ tht .. Assignment of Studenta i " io School! Initiative." i ~' It ·would repeal a state law i J which aays racial and ethnic ! i unl>alm:<s In schools shall be i prevented and eliminated. : At the same time, the ~ measure would add a section : ~ to the stale Education Code ' •., stati.Qg that no student will be assigned to a particular school because of race, creed, or col-or. DRAHGE COUNTY Pulnam. *** SHETMORE, who la seeking reelection In the 35th Senale District, also plans to participate Friday in a can- didates forwn 8ponsored by the West Orange County Republican Club. It is schedul- ed for 8 p.m. at the Velvet Hom Restaurant in Buena Park. *** C 0 N G llE&SIONAL can- didate Andy Hinshaw will speak to civics and pollUcal science students Friday at Newport Harbor High School. *** AMERICAN P a r t y can- didates, including presidential aspirant Jolin Schmitz of Tustin, have qualified for tho November ballot in 26 states so far, a party spokeamao says. . Mrs. William K. Shearer of San Diego, a national ~ mitteewoman, listed the "8 -. DAILY PILOT 9 iwo-way textorized ' ' ' / : A list,. or ~chool districts whose trustees are suppQrtlng the measure accompanied the request for action by the coWJ- ty board. The only Orange county DL!trict listed L!I the Huntington Beach C i t y (elementary) District. *** states as follows : -f====-~'"1L.--I Alabama, Alaska, Arimna, 11 1 ' ' STATE Senator James E. Whetmore will a p p e a r Wednesday at a luncheon •ponsored by the Retlred Of. flcers Association at the Disneyland Hole!. Tbe associa- tion currently is conducting its convention in Anaheim. Prin- cipal speaker at the luncheon will be newscaster George Arkansas, California, Con- necticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland. Michigan, Minnesota, Mon. tana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, north Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon. PennsyJvanla, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah aIJd Wisconsin. I Washington Okays : I County Hiring Probe j SANTA ANA -A probe of ' Orange County hiring prao-' ' -Uces has been aproved by the -director of the federal Equal Emplo:;ment Opporttinlties Co~n,• according t o Milton Reade, preslclent of Adelante, a Me:r.lcan-Amerlcan employe.s group. Reade said Raymundo Telles, EEOC director in Washiagton, had approved ac- tion on a protest filed earlier this month by a coalition of Southern California Chicano Death Notiee• WESTCLIJIF MORTUARY ARBUCKLE & SON L-4%7 E. 171b St., Costa Meu 1111111 ~ . BALTZ BERGERON ' FUNERAL HOME C-. del Mar 17Mlll Colla Me1a Ill Uzl • BELL BROADWAY .. _ MORTUARY UI Broodny,:c.ila Mesa IJf.SUS • M<OOJ!MJCK LAGUNA B&AOI IJ!ORTUABY 1111 ta,... Clayoe lid. 6'Mill • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAllX Ceme1<r7 Morlar7 Cluipd 1111 Paelllc View Dme Newport -· Calllonlll 144-%711 • PEElt J'AMIL Y COLONIAL nJNEllAL HOMll '1111 lloba A ... Welllllllllttr..,_ • SMml'S MOll11 1Al\Y 117 Milo 81. R--ma ' organizaUons. THE COMPLAINT waa trig- gered by the rejection of EUu Hernandez, county director of the Public Employment Program who bad applied for the position of personnel dire<· tor at the Orange County Medical Center. Reade said the Los Angeleo office of the federal com. mission will conduct the local investigation. Tbe Chicano coalition bu charged racial di.scrimlnlUon in hiring and promotional pro- cedure! by the ccunly peraon- nel department. Reade 'said the federal report, when completed, will be forwarded to the state's Fair Emplo:;ment PractJ.,.. ConunW:ion and evaluated in a detailed report of counly personnel practices. THE FEDERAL oom- mission could bring charges which cculd OIK! federal grants to the counly, Rade said. "Qitllng off of <Ill federal funds la the most drutlc &<> Uon that CCNid be taken, .. be 6ald. But h• added thlt lucl! action wouJ~ bmt the QijCIDOI In county government IDCft ,thlD othero. Recent county employment .figures ohowod that Mellcm- Americana r<jlreSenled allgh~ ly more than olx percent of the work force while they made up more than u peroent of the county's population Lawyer Faces Mental Test.s SANTA ANA -Psychlolrle letlJ hi .. boon mlerod Jor • SIJ)tl Ana lltomey accmed ol &eXllllJy 'riloleltlng I -yell'Gld Olnlen Gro .. girl. Orance Counfy S u p • r f o r Court l!ldp William MDIT1l1 1ppolnled two peychlolrlall, to -thl -tal lllto ol P1trtck Eu-ou~· , IO. Ind nport Oct. I OD 'blllty to face child moleot ps. Dugan wu arreatod Jul)' :II by Garden Grove pollce Ind boobd Into counly JIU on alleptiont of I erime ICalll' I cflllcf ucl !OJ pervendon. fff Is now ~ on Sl,000 bill. ANAHEIM 444 N. EUCLID (7141 IJf·ll:ZI NEWPORT 47 FASHION ISLAND. 17141 644·12 12 woven st1 etch slacks hy haggar of klepDi-'s ultrapre•e• Now, slacks wiih o lololy new dimension of slrotch comfort ond shopo-recovery never before ovoiloble in woven forics •• becouse they're of two-woy textured Ult ropr<>me® the fobric woven of I 00% Oocron® polyester bY. Kl opmon Mills. Wr inkle-resistant, luxuriou s to the touch. With belt loops, stroight legs, 15.00. sport shirts hy mr. callfol'llla For no-hossle trovelin9, these short sleeve permonenl press shirts, styled with lop pockets in fabrics by Klopmon Mills. Stripe shirt of "Grond Vino," o blend of 80 %' Docron® polyester ond 20% cotton, 10.00. Solid color batiste "Fo irwoy," o blond of 65 % Docron® polyester ond 35% cotton, with crest pocket detail, 8.00 Men'• Sportswear, 50 HUNT!N~TOH HACH 7111 IDIN&flt AVENUE 1714l Ht-SJJI OltANGE, MALL OF ORANGE CERRITOS tlOO N. lUSTIN STREET. 17141 ttl0 ll ll 500 LOS CEllUTOS MALL. 121JI t60·0411 SHOP 10 A.M . le t :JO ,,M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 6 ,,M. SUNDAY 12 NOON to I ,,M. ( •• , Jf DAILY PILOT OVER THE COUNTER NASD Lltll ... 10< Mondq, Sop ..... or If, 1'72 FINANCE Solon Hits Japanese Auto Ads PI1TSBURGI! !AP) -A Pe nnsylvanla congressman hu charged that the National Forest Service Is costing jobs and adding to the nation's foreign-trade deficit by agree- ing to plant a trte for each test drive or a Japanese Datsun automobile In tbe United Stales. The charges stem from a television commercial i n which either celebrity Steve Allen or nature photographer Anlel Adams strolls through a woodland scene and says that the auto company will pay the federal agency to plant a tree each time 1 Datsun is driven. "l believe in conservation. but you and lhe Forest Service have gone too far with this," U.S. Rep. J..,.ph Gaydos declared In a letter t o s.cr.tary ol Agriculture Earl I. But.. Allen 'Ashworth b1 df'Tomuo ' ••• lmporUd for Uneoln-MeTCllt)'. ltallan coachwork created by the brilliant Ghia StudlOI of Turin. Ford delf~ tbt 351 CID 4V V-8 engine. Four wheel In-- dependent 1Uspenslon and m\d..flhlp engine placement. Five speed 1-.r.boa, tu.lly synchronized ... PANTERA 'Pantera , •• ItaUan tor Pantlltr ••• ORDER YOURS TODAY! 1000 'eautlful Stick-on LABELS PenanaHud • Stylish • Efficient Order For Yourself or 1 Friend· May i,, used on •nvelopes as return address le.bels. Also very handy 1s identification leb•ls for marking personal items 1vch •• l>oo•s. records, photos, •tc. lab,11 stic• on glass .tnd rn1y be vs1d for m1rkiftg hom• cann•d focd items. All libels are printed with stylish Vo9u1 type on fjn• qu1lity whitl' 9umm•d paper. I ' . - COMPI.F:J'&NEW YORK STOCK LIST • I I ' g • I t , , , , , " ~I " I ' , , • , , , : , , ~I .. :I I ' New York Stock Exehang~ List • I :. ,...., y ... JI -..C .tl!CIH , • :i!\~~.l:'V~...rt:l"F;.:'!: I Ill ~.i · .~ .. ·1 [ _., ..... ". . i a ~:~: !.S ·::::::: . :.:"~ " .... ' -·"' = 1C:. ""' ' 00 -1 ...... "_... .. .... - • I • 4' 1'-,, ............. , ... : ~-im· · ............ ~ ···:~.:::::::::· ................. .,. ...... : ........ . ... .................... . '.. . ................ . --i-, •• .............,. ........ .--.................. . ' - ,Im -·-· ... .... , .. ~ ':·· "' "' "• ... , .. ~·" ••• ,., ,. ,. .. , ... ·~ ... " " • DAllY "lOT 1l e f,011 E.t:p0rts PORTLAND, 0 re, Softwood log exports from O reg on , \Yashin1ton, California and Alaska totaled 213.6 mUllon board·feet in Jl)o ly, the U.S. Forest Service rt Ports. The toUll, nearly thrtt !i"r.eS that of July, 1971. ref'r..::ts the long dock strike which par1lyzl"d the West Coast lut summer. • ' . , _ .. _ .. YOUl ••W .... 35,... ----The Big , * *TH[ <JR(AT * * DE·TROIT! WlllDI[ WA1f "f{) NfW Y.{)RK. That 1:15 pm's a biggie. It's with our DC-10 ,...-.... Friend Ship. Unitcd'5 New Yorkcr5 pre.~ent the Great \Vidc \Vay to New York. \\/ith wide jeu. \Vidc c.boice or 1imcs and airporu. \Vidc choice of foods. ~m '"m'" "' "''" '""' "' "' ~ THE CHICAGO ~ ·tc.:tc.;, ..... (::• UNtTED ') . !?,-.(r}.fi1) . (§\~<°·' . . ~ has 7 NONSTOPS TO THE WINDY ·CITY 111 And we'll toke·you there from where you wont to leave. , And when you wont to leave. o COUNT 'EM! o Wehave7nonstops. (8 :00om, I0.:30dm, I : 00 pm, 3 : 30 pm, 6 : 00 pm, 12 : 30 om from Los Angeles International, and 8 : 00 am from Ontario.) But here's the really big story. Those 8 : 00 am and 6 : 00 pm flights are with our 7 47 Friend Ships. And those 1 : 00 pm and 12 : 30 am are with our DC· 1 O Friend Ships. So we're really giving Chicago the big birds. .. fKt,tek•• UNITED FLIES Nonstops to the Mile·h igh City a a N txt tltDe 70U 1 any, call Vnl\ed. W111 a •rnnae wi.nt n1erv1t1on11 with our Apollo Sytt.m. It'11 lllllhU1 wibtllevable ~mputtr I.Mt lll!leCb I throulh &H tba Intor< -m.tlon. Wh1r1. When. . Bow. Even dlftalla llt:,::w. a,.ba: .... ~" DO NOT STOP! every day . Choose from t~l ~f,1 WHOLE SKY CATALOGUE See lµhat we mean: 8:4S am 000 12:QO Noon(jfK) 1 :00 pm (New.art) 10:30 pm OFKl UNEASY WITH THE OPPOSm SEX? You nffdn't be. And thl'ff plaen you cani be are Vnlted'11t7. fritnd Ship loun .... Yn. tht'H . our Califomi1 Commuters with near-hourly schedules, two-class service • and snacks 1b0ard. Cal1 )'Our Travel Aient for the details. ()r 'us. •• ,,. ...... .,,.,. ... Clip., ... 9-r ., ... ,.............. 7r00pM 7:00 oin ll:OO'G111 3:00P"' 7r30p!ll 8:000"' 12:00Noon .4:00 pt!'I l:OO pm ''°° Giii J :0() pM 5100 ptft 9100 P"' i0:00-2:00pm 6:00pm lhJO,P"' CAU YOUR 10CAL TIAVEL AGENT iiiii'9iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ' . :aoam, 9:30 am, 12:15 pm, 2:10 pm, 5:45 pm PERSONALS Fredi Wtl•ll .,.. )'.DllT Wilted In th• flir1t Cl111 1oun11 of 747 friend Ship h1lf tlour! You didn't 1how1 Then checked one Co1ch lounae. Tll1n 1noth1r. Ple111 com• no1n11 Sally • r • ZiihijiiiiiiMIMRiliklfaiMMMlhik::i:Hiii3ikkliklil!lllllll:tiil? .. · . . . from Los Angeles International. ----·----And 12:40 pm from Ontario. Goltd tlm11T C111412·20001 F11tl C0Unt11;1tlln11t1itlln1 setlu country's fint1t~1t1. C.11 United Air frtllhl 11 11e-2 o: \¥•'11 fly 8~11r ind tr11t him •••I')' b t 11fr;endly11 you! Conflchntlal II StllY: You tUH wh, I didn't meet JOU. well, JOU Wini on YIC .. tlon 1111 'f.'"' too much "''"'' fer hotel,, 1lr are, c1n1 t ic. If tnlr you'd ctlhd Unlltd TrtVtl Aten!. Ht''" pc:k· 111·tttt whtlt dttl. And ''''lots et montyl Uttr, Sall)', llltrl Fred YOUftl reop/el lttvt homtl Ttke tdYlll• t•t• o Un ited'• "12·21 Clui'" Youlh Ftrt tt UYI 11111 llreed, Ctll Travel Al"' °'Unit... YOUTH NqT DEN ED Heltlful, 1re1•rklut, 11mP1lhttlc typt lo perform ltercuJttn fettt ror ttundrfft. Ask ''' '"'"• Pit Strvkt Director tn ' ORIATMIDl ,WA'f flllhlt'te•NtW Yott. On Unlfl'll, n~tUra~. • ' ·. ' t ' I t \ II II /.14 .. Get elected .&e to something. 2. Or,on United. 'We fly two nonstop• lo Dulle&. A big, wide, wonderful DCIO Friend Ship lea•et bright and early at 9:00 am. And another non etop takes o4 at 12:45 pm. There'• also our nonstop to Bal·, tltnore'1 Friefldehip Field (J"bae • fre•I ne1nte for a Vnlletl 4J1lrpor1//_l.f1 t.¥,soJJ at IO :OO'am. " • . ~ .... :· ;. ~~ \ ' • • • • • onducting concerts for t he l 9th ai on are (bottom row, le.ft to · g ~t )' Lawrence ·Foster, Zubin ehta, Ansh!'I Brusilo'i' and rin Maazel. ~uest 11rtid1 re (above, left te> right I hittemore and Lc>we, Te iko aehashi and ' Vlad imi r shkenezy. ' l ""· "'\ \. t . ,, . , Concerts Prestigious For almost two decades tbe Orange Coulity Philharmonic 'Soc;ie1y bas be!n ertgaged in bringing world renowned orchestras, conductors and soloists to county audi~ces. And this year yill be oo exception. . . just e.1Ceptional, for such internationally famed orchestra, as the Royal Philbarmooic of Lon!k>r1, the Los Aljgeles , Philharmonic and the Dallas SY"!pbony have·bOen booked for the )9th season. Cooductors'include Zubin Mehta, Lorin Maazel, La!'IJ"llC<i !filter and Anshel Brusilow, ,~ ~t.,~·to appear 3re Teiko Maehashj/~Yioliiµst;· Vla<limir Ashkenazy, pianist · and Whittemore and Lowe, d"°.planisis. -· 1 Tickets for the· Serie& ,Of ~ven concerts are on sale for ,~ to members and '3£1, non-meiDbers. Single tickets, if available, • are $5 Wt , students, $2 .. They m8.j1 be ~astd·at the Philharmonic oUice,~201 W. Coast Hili!way, Newport Beach, 92660, -phone 64H4u .. Openlng the seasori on Oct. 29 will · be ,. the Los Angeles Philhannonic with Mehta conducting. This concert and all but one will be presented in UCI· Crawford Hall, and all will start prompt· ly at 8:30 p.m. ·· Second in the season will be the Royal Philharmonic with Foster conducting .and Miss Maehashi as guest violinist, Nov. 15. The third concert will be played Jan. 'll In Orange Coast College auditorium by the Los Angeles Philharmonic with Mehta conducting, and on Feb. 10 Mam.el . will conduct the Los A n g e l e ' Philharmonic and Ashkenaey will be the .. soloi:!lt, On March 24 ·Foster will be · the gue:!lt. conductor or the Los Angeles orchestra, and the Dallas Symphony will play the April 1 program. Brusilow will conduct and· guest pianists will be Whit· temore and Lowe. ~losing the season on May 18 will be the ,Los Angeles Phllhannonic with Mehta conducting. Mehta, at 36, has been the music direc- tor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic since 1962. He is credited with building the orchestra lo its present stature of musical excell ence in international ciroles. The Royal Philharmonic was th e last great orchestra to be formed by Sir Thomas Beecham and gave its first con· cert in London in ·1946. It now is celebrating its silver jubilee season by taking ils :!iixth tour of the United Stales and playing more than 100 concerts m the British Isles, Norway and Austr18. Foster not only ls the chief guest coh· ductor of the Royal Philharmonic, he al.SO is the music director of the Houston ~ymphony. He was born in Los Angeles 1n 1941 and lt was here that he received most of his training and appeared as con- ductor of the Debut Orchestra or the Young Musicians Foundation. Petite Miss Maehashl was born in Tokyo and started her violin studies at the age oI s. By the time she was 13 1M already had woa first prize in Japan11 most prestigious music competition, the Mainichi NHK Concours. r.tDaiel is the newly appointed music director of the famed C I e v e I a n d Orchestra. At an early qe be revealed extraordinary musical ability a.net wu considered so pbenomeft&J be Was~asked to direct orchestr11.s at the 1New York World's Fair when~ -• and 'llie Loo Angele1 Plillhannbnie lll>Jlojlywood·BowJ •Yl/itlalpo. .'·I •,• .;i • ' " ' ,. Ashkenazy came inl<o worltl · Jiroml, nence in 1956 when, at 19, he won firsf prize in the Queen Elizabeth Competition in Brussels. Thia season he wlll tour ~urope, Israel and North America, mak· mg more than 100 appearances. The Dallas Symphony Is one or the six oldest major orchestras ln the country (S .. CONCERTS, Page HJ A Gra~ci -Wa._y -tc Thanks , ---' ,,) . . ' I • 'I DAM.Y ,Q#r ,._.."' hlrtdl O'Dlllntll An,eJ.lbjlnte lbanl ~· staged for members of, UwOrange CounPJillhai;nontc illturday N)lht wben officers h<lstod !lie pja-<1PM111g o( DilD '•grand Tialb'.00111. Empbllis w .. on a iciocl lbnt and the 800' Jm!Y-1 • were In a recepti•e mOOI\ from the lime they boar\led cockiall hli11111 i10 the )Ill dance. Durinf the no-host eocklall hour Mn. l!dwanl S. Sdlumacber t.. ball cbalnnan (1bove, right! "1comes Herry Blbllill,' emcee and KrL .1111bblU. (See llory, Page 14 . • • I • I ., , ' t I, ' No Rockabye Baby DEAR ANN LANDERS : I was one (If those women who complained about my flusband's snoring, 11ame as your Miami griper. But believe me, when my hus- band left to go to Vietnam the silence in my bedroom nearly Orove me out of my mind. More than once 1 regretled not having made a tape recording of rity husband's snoring before he left. It woµJd have -been better than any Bleeping pill. I used to tum the radio ~ beside my bed every night to drown out the deadly silence. Even then I tossed and turned for two and three houri. Thrte week1 ago my man came back to me. I am ao happy to have him home that J thank God with 111 my heart he is at my aide anorlng up a 1torm. It's the 1weeteat IOWld Jn the world. Please print my letter ror every wife who ifl irritated by her husband's snOring. I wish I had oeen one like lt. -WVE TIIAT MUSIC DEAR LOVE: I wonder If YOll will be 1l1glq tbe same tune after tM blu1ll of your •a1baad11 ltomecomlag ht worn ell. I bope to, boaey. Tllub for wrltlnJ. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My huoband and I haven't been married long -just a few monthl. We get along lousy. A few weekll ago we had a terrible argument. J took my clothes and moved in with my mother. He Jet me 1tay there a week before he apologiud and took me back to our apartment. Now J discover I am pregnant. He says the baby isn't his. He'1 sure I saw an ex- boyfriend the week we were apart. He is mistaken. Can I have a blood test NOW and prove that the baby I am carrying is my hu8band '1? Or must I sweat out the pregnancy and then prove it? - CATCHING HELL DEAR C.H.: You'll have to wal« until lbe baby ii bora -and even then a blood teat caa't prove wblcb man IS lbe father. Jt might prove, however, which one Is NOT. Yosp" obstetrician can esplal.a tbt1. In the meaatJme, get some cou.nsell.ag, eUber with or wUbout your husband. YOW' cllUd deserve• better tbu tbe pre•eut welcomlng committee. Are you, or someone you care about messing around with drugs -ore con- sidering it? Are all drugs bad? What about pot -in moderatloo? Ann Lan- ders' new booklet, "Straight Dope on Drugs" separates the facts from the fie· lion. For each booklet ordered send a dollar bill. plus a long, seU·addre.ssed, :;tamped envelope, (16 cents postage) to Ann Lenders, Box 3346, Chicago, Ill. 60654. Series To Open Two four·part series geared to interest women -will be presented by Orange Coast Evening C-Ollege. Both begin Thursday, Sept. 21, and will be conducted from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. Woman the Decision Maker will be conducted in Island House, Fashlon I s I and . Woman the homemaker, con- sumer, volunteer and voter are the topics to be examined. In the Harbor Area Boys Club in Costa Mesa, women will gather to learn more about Creative Cooking. Lecture topics include the Art of Chinese Cookery, Polynesian Flavor , Brunch. Anytime Before Lunch and California Style Mex i ca n Foods. Buttons Back Stanley Hagler. award win· ning jewelry designer, wants to bring back the button ear- ring. For laU and winter he d~igned them oC pearl , and rhinestone combinations. D~nce Music a Big Hit· . , ' At Phi.lharmonic Party When the Orani• County Pbillwmonlc Society dtcldM to NY uthank you." t O memben llld !Nods for put <florU, II doea ll In o IInM -· " ,,,. -"" Of l>Uneylllld JloWl'I-IJ'8lld boJlnlom, 0 plo dinner-· -lllpd lor'thtl llnllo pm-. ' 'Ille pony ollnlclal ..... t1w1 · IOI -to llld ...,. vlviallty ri14Md ~ Ille eftllln&. ' BUlef. ·• were chartered for party._a wllo dldo't core to Wive. En-·~ llld hon d'oeuvrt1 were 1erved by wal-llld bartenden. Following a ~ ooclrtoll hour In the botol, dooq to !he Porty-rs '-rded bUHo.for ... y tr•vel •rtd 0 p-i.l•l,I perty. Mr. olid· Mn. Corl Mortin •re terved hors d'oeuvNL grind ballroom wore opened at I p.m. when cue.ta were seated for a fllet ml-di .. ner and Joe Mo1bay'1 orchellra provided mualc for -.. OJrrnt ruts w e r e ~ ter-oed with favorita Of the IOI, 4111 and IOs, bot going back evtn fllrth<r to the Cbarleltom, waltus a n d polku ... -to be enn blg· ·From Page 13 1orerwd~. Tablel emptied u Harry Babbllt, tmeff, 01ked ,..,_ to dance while ba aq a medley of favorites and uked ti» audience to join blm In llnclnc' thenl. Emph1~1 -on a loocl Ume, and oppotently everyQW had one, for many could be hllrd bormonlllni ... the1r wry out the door. • • • Concerts and ls markln1 lto 72nd year this aeuoo. In a city of relative youth, the symphony hu long been o dominant force in the cultural development of the SOuthweat. BrusUow, music d.irtctor and conductor of t h e orchestra, is a naUve of Philadelphia where he receiv- ed hil lonnal music traJn1ng al \he Curtis lnltltute of Mualc. He bas wqn world .,.. claim u a .viollnlJt 20 well \I' a COf!C(uclor, bovlnll appeorecl with every major orebeatn tn thlo country and the mualc capltalo of Europe. Wlllttemore and Lowe are celebrating 1 banner year tn their unique careers -their Jqtb ann;versary as distinguished duo-pianists on the concert 8t.ages of America. Piffently at the pinnacle of preotlge and popularity, they <ore imlveroally acknowledged .. inuic'• eminent piano team. Iron Will Tries New Wrihkle BY ERMA BOMBECK An ad in a mldwe8t newspaper read, WANTED : Woman -to Qo ironing for housewife 10 years behind in everything. Must have strong coura11e and sense or humor. Phone· Now there's a woman I could live next door to in perfect harmony. I iron "By appointment only." I learned Jong ago that if I ironed and hung three dresse! in my daughter's closet, she would change three times during diJl.. ner . The other day my son wanted me to iron his jeans for a class play. "Which leg faces the audlen<:i!?" I asked with my iron poised in Dlid· air. AT WIT'S END from a woman who ironed belt buckles?) One afternoon I dropped in on her as she wa.s pressinJ the tongues in her son's tennis shoes. "You know what you are, Mrs. Breck?" l asked. "A drudge." "Oh, I enjoy ironing," she said. "Yau keep talking like that and some<1ne is going to put you in a home." "What's so bad aboµt iron- ing~" she grinned. "No one does ii," I snapped. ''Did you ever see the women on soap operas iron? They're just nonnal, American housewives. But do you ever set them In front of an ironing board? No! "They're out having abor- tions, committing murder, blackmailing their b o a 1 , undergoing surgery, having fun! If you weren't chaJned to this iron.ipg board you, too, could be out doing all sorts of exciting things." "Llke what?" she chuck1ed, pressing the wrinkle out of a pair of sweat socks and folding them neatly. sitting under a hair dryer, have an aflair with the Avon lady's unemployed brother-io- law, sing along with Jack LaLanne, .• collect antique barbed wltt, take a coune in Hebrew Flower Arranging, start cha.in letters ... I don't know, woman, UH your im- aginatJon!" I read the newspaper ad agal!i. It intrigued me oo that I dialed the nuinber and waited. "Hello, Mro. Bradt speak· inl( ..... Son of a gun. It sure make! you feel good when you had a part i.n someone's auccess, doesn't it? "You could give Tupperware parties, learn to SCllba dlve.lr:n:;lll:==:_::::: ·v;::Oll~::O::F::IOL~V;:;A:;::;:;N~O learn hotel management while .. _ CLOGS "Boy," he said, "you're aurel);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I not like Mrs. Breck." ! I hadn't thought abolit Mrs. Breck in years. She was an antiseptic old, broed who used to Jive two houses down from me. She had an annoying habit of putting her ironing board up on Tuesdays and putting it away agaih at the end of the day. (What can you expect ';})ream.6 come lru• L MIN'S WOMfN'S & OULDllN'S wt• hill' lN:IO fll. IM • 1111111, IU al HARVEST ~n~m~ -/f/./'1. & SCANDINAVIAN ~IP C!/f'eotw FABRICS IMPORTS SOUTH COAIT PLAZA • CAlllOUllL LIVll ..,_ ..._ & o.i ...... Horoscope: Leo Gets Contract Off er WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 20 By SYDNEY OMARR AllIJ!:S (March 2l·Aprll 19): Work 15 required before pri; fllo are realized. II l 1 nece&IA1)' to clleck sources. Toke noth1nJ for . granted. trlenda ,_ tend to be In a hurry. MalntaJn your own pace. Refuse to be puJlied, Cl· joled Into foollllll action. TAURUS (April 20-May 20\: Be ready to auert yourself, Many are will.mg to 'hear your mesaa1e. Key .ta to be con- November Rites Set A November wedding in St. Michael and All Ange I a Eploc:opal Church, Corona del Mar ls rlanned by Denloe Mathey o Newport Beach and Peter W. Wilkinson of La Creacenta . Thelr parents are Mr. and Mn. Henri C. Mathey of Newport and Mrs. Helen WllklMon of La Crescents. Miss Mathey 18 a graduate of UCLA and her flance is 1 University of S o u t h e r n Calllornia graduate. • ·: fldent. Set sights on goal. Write, read and a p e a II: • Member of oppoelte sex pays meaningful compliment. Buie change ls due. GEMINI (May II.June 20): Your phllooophy works. Fam· Uy members become allies. Vlr10 individual flgurea promJ nentJy. Adjustment Js made in domestlc area. BuiJd toward ultimate security, emotional and material. You will un- d~stand. CANCER (June 21 -July 22) What was obscured could receive benefit of greater light. Per<:i!lve subtle nuances. Take nothing for granted. One who whispers sweet nothings may have ulterior motive. Protect self lri clinches. LEO (July 2.1-Aug. 22): Pac- ing becomes of paramount im- p:irtance. Patience now is chief ally. Older Individual obllervee and is willing to aid. You may be offered contract. .Study potential. SituaUon con· talns complicstlons. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22 ): Enlarge horltons. You will be receiving more attention. Be ready to explain Position and outline potentlal. S u b m I t format, !pedal p r o g r a m . Arlea could play tmport.ant!----- role. LI.at.en but refuse to be pushed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Give full play to creative ef. A new fall collection ot exclusive infants and toddlers clothto1 b,y BETI'I TERRELL and flSOlEL ~~>?· • ..... -· ......... , .. " -····· .................. 4• , ... -11·•··· 11 .. un1toa Harboor (111) ljj.Jlft Town " Cowdey Orange (711) "'~ -· ..... __ .... ,. -2 ... M:w.otrT ILW!, OPP fVllltfCt I IUNDAYI COSTA MDA 64 ... 1214 ~~1t~. w~l!gart: :e~:i'!:J~~-~=====:';:=====================~::'. ally but can be a fonnidabJe Speci1l lntrciductory Offer! Pl.ATf, RIPAtRI . WHILl-TOU·WAIT RILINll ajustment, pbasible residence change is on agenda. FRANCIS- '\,,'t)RR J .. ......-cv QtlACTIONS ALL llANCHIS .r . l'Cll CHILDllN • A.eui.n · e X .. AYI e PIL~INGI ' e Hl- 534 W. 19th St.-Costa Mesa ., 642·8~14 . t: DR. COALE AND ASSOCIATES.. II ·-----------U j ___,_ I ..,_ ... • Prl111 You Con "Affordl A Peffect , Pit ly'MM!er Creftomonl ' .. ' ROYAL ·· ,, CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS • T........,,_ S.lecflofl of I lm,...md ind Dom.tic fabrlal FACTORY.ON-WHEELS DIRECT TC) YOUR HOME! ONE-DAY SERVICE! " .ROYAL Cl.JS IOM SLIPCOVERS " A NATIONAL COMPANY • l - ' • r li • , I • I . I l I ' • ! MUTI AND -!JFF . FIGMENTS NANCY ' ,.,, __ .... ..!l'JESIC>ES l'HAr ... HES FllJH'i; bl!!1Y AND f'E STINK~ ... • WHAT ARE VOU POING? I DAILY CROSSWORD •• ~; ~ A. POWER I v .. ttrdav'• Pu::tdl lcWld: PEANUTS ACROSS t Aft.,.thto _ ... -·--~ ... 10 PrMt91A9: CllM;Abbr, 14 NJ:t/lfW .... ~ 21 f'M ...... • ""'of lot -~: -· "c.•u '' M~W -. ·-· 31 Htrti,"""" a Je""9 A..--··--. •c1.~-H..,..· · ·-- ' . ' ,, I ' , Nehly Everyone Listens to Landers .• MISS PEACH \W.i-of SClfOOI. S'fUOE.IJT CovR:T . PIUINS ' . r,....,, s.,..-19, 1972 DAll.Y ,.aoT JI DOOLEY'S WORLD SALLY IANANAS By Al Slllltli GORDO j) 1y1..., ......... r;;.;;._;;,*~.;_;;;t;;;l .. ;:~.,;;;;,.;i ---~:::::::::'..1 By Gus Arriola ,. .! f ----··· ---., by Eml• luslunmer 1 LIKE KETCHUP ON MY BUBBLE GUM ANIMAL CRACKERS . ., . ... ... :·. (( ~ - ltEMEMllER ONE TIUNG. La! 8f.VERCI' llEVfR 60T A STATEMENT FROM US! THE ONE I SENT AMIV,l!D AT THE RESTAURANT Tit~ DAY AFTER SHE Wl>S MURDEREPJ WH~1CMA ear r.rell'E, llODO~ ly Charles M. Schall ly Mell HOW MAH'f llM'5 MUST r TU&. YOU FltlENPS I \\I!// ' -. . . . . ' -. ---. e·. --. --: 0 • --. . - HAYa TO ;;:: WAIT OUTSIPE /! • • • • I .____) ---JI 9-11 Alf'k. ,--~~~~-',~~MIS ly John Miies ~! ITif!; PIZl!T'Ttl 600D 1 ... 110W SCOl.l tx:> I/DO 'lHllJi' llOO'LL. Fltl)ISH /? By ROCJer Bollen 'I lllJlll.lO., ~ ~IP!OINI I '11/P!WR.111!12 THE GIRLS ., "I bow IOW w•y • feW.wme1 tab It IP->"" cu'& talk." DENNIS THE MENACE •THE S161ECT IS (J/JS/11' • ;1 ,, ·1 • -~ ' U,.I Ti.....,. SAN DIEGO'S CLARENCE GASTON (21) llEATS THE THROW TO LA'S BOB VALENTINE. UMPIRE ART WILLIAMS CALLS THE PLAY. Redskins Win Germans Give Germans Clean Bill of Health Malinchnk Earns Pay , BONN, Germany (AP) - A West Gennan legislatins committee cleared ChanceJI~ Willy Brandt's · gov.ernment todax. ol blame in the killing of Israeli Olympians and decided against a further p-. With Two l(ey Plays The Internal Affairs Committee or the Bundestag announced its finding after studying an of£1clal report on the Sept . 5 Incident which ended in the death of J l Jsr1eli sportsmen, live of the Arab guer- rillas who held them captive in Munich'.! Olympic Village an<I one policeman in- \.'olved in a shootout hid to free the hostages. T..e committee cha innan, Friedrich &cliaefer, told newsmen the committee 1utborltles did everything possible under the circumstances to free the Israelis, that "suitable action was taken and the correct decisions were made." There Is llG reason for further in- vestigation , Schaefer said. adding that :he ·committee expressed "confldence in 1!1 those ~sponslble and thanks them for :heir considered action." Schaefer said the official report , deal- !llg aeparately with the role played by 1uthorilies and Brandt's federal govern· ncol. will be published Tuesdny or tVednesday. He said the commillce stud ied in· ielllgence reports Bonn had received in he _.three months preceding the Muni ch ·aid ud. found none had ~tained any toncrete warning of the Sept. 5 incident - despite newspaper reports to the con· .ra.,-. He also denied Israel offered help to 1ree the Olympic sportsmen. A "senior Israeli ofOcial'' present during the opera· :ion gave advice to West German authorities but did not s h a r e ·esponsibility nor request to; do so, he 1aid. Schaefer said the committee also 1pproved government security prt•u· .ions taken since the incident #, Justice officials in f\.1unich said Neapons used by the terrorists were Belgian hand grenades and Russian AK47 rubmachine guns. A~rd.ing to laboratory tests it is "95 >c~enl certain" that the hand grenade Nhif:h was wed to blow up a helicopter •t : Fuerslenfeldbruck in which four :.Srlelis perished was of Belgian origin, a ipoMesman asserted. l'be five terrorists 1dlled in the 1hori1out havr not been idC'nlified, but two 1f thrm 11 ere Turk1;. the spokesman ad-· le<j; ' ' MINNEAPOLIS.ST. PAUL (AP) -Bill Maltnchak -draw•-his NaliOrlbl -Football League salary chasing kickoffs and punts, charging the kickers and punters. The seven-year veteran from Indiana, on the taxi squad last week, earned his paycheck Monday n i g h t as the Wuhington Redskbu1 toppled the Min· nesota Vikings, 24-2J , in a regula r season opener. "I had faith that J would be activated because that's what I did last year and that 's something ·the coach emphasizes,·• Malinchak said. Malinchak blocked a punt , picked ii up and ran for a touchdown. He recovered a fumble that led to the w in n i n g touchdown, and was on the field when teammate Ted Vactor blocked a field goal and deflected another. "This i& what a special learn'! player always works for," said Mallnchak. "It's something that rarely happen1. But if yoo get a couple or three a year the special team has done its job." Malinchak, a reserve wide receiver, was cut by the Detroit Lions two years ago this week and then caught on with the Redsk ins. WI Jl!lnoro.i lllM1:kln1 1 ~ o 14 _ 1• M;,,nhol1 Vl~l"9J 0 I 1 I -11 W<l•~. -M1tlrn;llak. 11 run wltti lllOtked pUnl llCn•~l\1 kick! Minn. -JOf'lt1. I r~n {Co• ll lo;kl Minn. -Giiiiam. 11 peu l•om l••ktnton /Co• k.ck I ""''"· - L. Brown, J nm (1Cn)9M llli:kl V/1111. -litrraway. J "'" (1Cn)9hl lllckl Mtnn. -B. B•own. ~II frvm ftrken!Ofl CC.o• kic-l F lnl dD""' " u llushtl -y~•d1 ll·lolf, 4112 "'"!"9 "l'••d) " "' lllelurn y1n11 " " F'tllet 1-11.1 11.n o Plolfttl "' "' l"1,1t11llln -1o11 " ,., ,._ltriu -y11"111 "' •·l f lndlvkh11l Lt•"-'1 lt1tllh11 -Wttl\ll"lfton, l. B<'OWll ll·105, "11rr• W."I' MIJ MIJll'lftOll, Jon11 11"'6, lllttd 11·11. lll1etlvlllt -Wt.911lnglon. J.t1tr1011 ... 31, C. 11.,.. lof J.f, L. ll'OV!l'I 1·101 Mlnnt lOll, W1tllh19f11t1 J.IO. 6 1111tm ,..g, 8. ln1W11 J.'1. PtUlflt -W1llllntton, Kii""'' 1·1'-1, '' y1•dt1 Ml11-11, Ttrktn1'1n 11-Jl-4, 2lJ y1rd1. All~l..C:I -41,fO(I. Con1101·s Moves Ahead In Soutl1west Tennis • lps ANGELES r 1\P) A year ago votfl& Jim Connors "-'ll!oi the galleri es' ie ltght in lhe Pacifit: Southwest Open tcnnU tournament as hc koocked off one JrofessionaJ after another before losing :o Pancho Gonwlcz in !he finals. Patrice Dominguez, France, def. Frank F'roehling, Fort Lauderdale, 7-5, &-2; Ray Moore, South Africa, def. Onny Parun, New Zealand, S-J , 7-5; Mike Cox, England, def. Wanaro N'Grodella, New Caledonia, 7-8, f..2 . Fre w McMillan, South Africa, def. ••y would rather not talk abQul ii fLions' cut ),-" he said. ''It's something y- would rather forget :" · Malinchak's touchdown came on Min- nesota's first l!eries or the game. The fumble recovery came on lhe kickoff after Larry Brown, who ,.rushed for 105 yards on 21 carries, roUed in for a three· yard touchdown to give Washington a 17· 14 lead with 12 :52 to play. Just 85 seconds later, Charley 1-lar- raway swept left end for a nine-yard touchdown run that put it away for lhc Redskins. Fran Tarkenton fired tou c h do w n passes of II yards to John Gilliam. who made a spectacular one-liandf!;d falling catch in the third period tor a 14-10 lead, and ol 4 yards to Bill Brown with I: 10 re· maining in the game. Clint Jones scored from a yard out in the second period. "Giving up two fumbles a blocked punt, a missed field goal, a blocked field goal -the accumuJation of that was too mu ch to overcome.'' said Vikings coach Bud Grant . "I don 't care" how much of· tense you have.'' The Vikings, leading 14-10, drove to the \Vashington 20. where l>year man Jack Pardee recovered Oscar Reed's fumble. Dodgers Close To 'Within 31/2 of Second SAN DIEGO -The Los Angeles Dodgers struggled for 10 innings belore finally pulling out.a 3-2..decision over the hapless San Diego Padres to creep to within 31h games of second place Se1>I. l• lfD1 . 10 eo1. 21 S101. 22 Dodger• Slate All Gtmff 111 IC,I 1'40 Oi>dQttl 11 $1n Dil'QO Ood<iet1 et Sen Oitoo O~n dalt Ood<1en vs S111 Fr1nc lsco ~'.~} :::;:: 7.15 o.m. Houston in the National League's \Vestem Division Monday. Tonight the two clubs return for the second game in the three-game set with Claude Osteen (17-10) slated for mound duty for Los Angeles against San Diego's Fred Nonnan (9-9). Monday's extra·irming test was decided before what was left of a crowd of 2,556 when Willie Crawford oursed a walk with the bases loaded and two outs. Lt1 Anttlft U I S.• Olt;t !U -'orl!rt;I tllorllrtti 6 rab.lrk'wllt.2b J O 0 0 O. Tholl'loU, s• J o o O Mo11, pl! 1 o o o Je1er, p11 o o o o MlkktMn, p o o o 0 llolltrlt, 20 J o o a 01t"11,11h OOOOtff,11 5 0 00 llllchtfl, P 0 Ill 0 I Colbtrf, lb f 1 I 0 W.Pa rklr, lb ' o I 0 G111G11, d ' 1 J I W.01vl1, cl .!I 0 I 0 EHlal, rt J O O Ill F.lllobln1on, rf ' 1 2 l HUion, lb J O O t (rlwlord, If 3 I I 1 Ktndtll, c J O O I v111n1h1t. 2b 5 0 o 11 conalt1, c o o o o 111115'111,u '021Ar1ln,p 2010 YHO••· c • a O o a 111ory, p11 o o a o Joi!~. o ? 0 0 0 E.Htf'1'111Citl,pr 0 0 I 0 LC'lebvr•. pll 0 0 0 0 $1MP50", p O O O I Will•, IS 0 100Rou,p 000 0, M0t1let, pl! I 0 I 0 To1al1 JJ 3 1 l Tolal• l.J 2 ' 2 l 01 A119elt 1 010 000 100 I -J Sin Olirgo 020 000 000 O -2 • McKay P.raises USC Defen ·se l j LOS ANGELES (AP) "Def.,,.lvely," aaya coodl-'Jolm McKay of the natiolUllly ~nked SOuthem California Trojana, "nobody In the world can outnm ua." . ., with= ...,_ ..... tllo ..... i' tJon "1 UQ.\ 11111-. • --loot tbr'eo -ad hod t WO puaes Intercepted lD loolal to tfCl:.\ • and Hodgen &aid, "To boat Mlclllpn, wo j need turnoYerl. Bo ...... to pllJ -l people who will glvt ,. tho boll." l Coach Pepper llodlen of Ua.A In· cficatt<lMooday that he doem't lll'ff, At tlie weekly meelJn& of Soutllem California Football Writers, Pepper Jok· ingJy •uaested, "Jotm. let'• have a race at ~Ume." The Ulldeft1ted TrojlDJ and Utb-ranked, unbeaten Bruins don't clath untU Nov. 18. Meentime, Michigan C<l8Cb Bo ' Schembechler's emlasary, WJD Perry, says the Wolverines could qualify for any derby. A Michigan player fttmbl<d ....., darln( , the 7.j) victory over N~ Satur- day and coach Scbembelcher "tent bim t to Siberia. The player left the ll.t!I< and I ( didn't aee him return," Rod.sen Aid. t Couple Splits Grid Tickets "If yuu don't run a 5-second flat 40 yard!, you don 't play defense at Mk:blgan," said Perry. The Wolverines, 12th ranked and defending Big Ten champions, confront UCLA Saturday night in Memorial Coliseum. After Divorce l • • i The Trojana will ... at Illinois. McKay, meantime, "tried to put his Trojans into focus. "We have more bigb- caliber playen than we had In lll67," he aald. That team won the n1tional cham- pionship with a 10.1 record, and he ad- ded, "Higl>aJJber playen can 1 .... I \ LINCOLN -The Lanculff County District Court ruled M= tlllll each I party In a muriqe · utlon caae would have the t11e of Untvenlty or , Nebruka football tlckela hall the -. • 'Ibe order wu handed down in a cMe ~ filed by Charlea ff. Edholm agaimt his I wife, Anne. } Mrs. Edholm wu awarded tempormy ~ child support and the U9e of the aeuon · football lickola for Ibo flrlt tine home games of the aeason. Edbotin feb the ticket! for the last three 1ames. "We have no 0. J. Shnpaan but we do have three tailbecb who can run. Rod McNeill is very a:ood. He's &.fool·2, 211, runs a 4.6 forty ••• be can nm over, around and through you. Allen Carter and Anthony Davis are . a little faster. Cartei nma 4.4 consistently. He's (Oing to be a super back." ~ 30rt J. K.hMMcKcKay, so~d ~He wlde BOSTON -.. This win doesn't mean ·I receiver, coac ay sat : e can nothin' unless we win the pennant,•• catch the ball or he wouldn't play, and Baltimore manager Earl Weaver AJd • ~e have quarterbacka to get the ball to Monday nJght after his Orioles defeated t h1~;'.;. . • till • ..he. . .. ·r .. 11oe1on. s.2. and .JmocJtod the Red.SO• .. , f ~"""6er11, meanw e,.sai 11 nOt ye of Ont place in the American Leap satisfied with the running of his Bruin.a, East. r despite a twe>-game rushina: total of 125 The Josa dropped &ston one-half rmne yards. ?be UCLA attack will improve In back of idle Detroit while the Orioles with experience, he said. moved to within one game of the Ttprt. "We couJd have done so much better. "We jwit had good defense ton!&bt, but ! Kemtit Johmon, James McAJister and we still got to come out and ,plaiy tomor~ ! Mark Harmon can do better and they row night ,'' Weaver ll..ld. 11We only sot , will in the future ." Pattin and Tiant to face." : Rodgers aald Michigan's defense ls as "We're jwt in a pOlltion where wt ! good as Nebraska'• and the Wolverines, can't Jose," said Baltimore third , who run from the wishbone formation butDUUJ Broota: Robln:ton, who led tbt t about 40 percent of the time, are familiar Orioles attack with three bits. "Olr ! backs are against the wall ••. you've got • * -<:r * Grid Ratings to fight like there's no tomorrow.'' : .... f FlrSl .. llCt YOltl 11'1 Pl,tll!htte1, SNIOl'I Ind !NI palnlt.. CANTON, Ohio -It's Dave Wottle Da1 in Canton, and acores of aree yuunptera rKOr11b already have souvenirs -autognpbed mesh gol£er-ttyle cape like the one worn by the Olympic lllO meter IJOld medJI. I. VK (ftl M ...................... , ....•... ,.'20 2. Okl1homt 1111 1-0 ............................. MO "::tr:fe =home Mo~y oJsht ~-~: l. ColOl'tdo 171 H ! •• , ........................... 1 .. •. Qlllo S11t1 (21 1-0 • •• . ••. . •• . .• . •• •• • •.•.... •22 !. TtMltlM 12J 2-0 ............................ ilj '· \J(LA 2 .. · · ....•.••• ., ••••.....•.•.• 410 7. Allblmt I ................................... .ul 1. Loul1l1ne s111e 1-0 ••..••..••..• , ••••.•• · .•.••. m t . N.0.-ttlct l·l . . . . •• . • • •.•••..••.•.•••.• , ..... l ll JO. Arl!°"'1 $111~ 2-4 •.• · ...••...•..••.••.•....... 1'0 11. Ptn11 Sl!i•1 0-l ····-··••·· Ito It. Mklllgl .. 1-0 ................................... 16. IJ. Hotrt 0.me 0-t .......................... -..... 15' 1'. Ttx11 M .................. ·· ...•..••••.•.•.. IOt n. WtlhlnoJOl'I H . ... • .......................... IM 14. G101"9l1 1-0 ..••.•••..•• , .................... , Jt 11. Florld1 s1111 2-4 .............................. 51 !I. Mlc~isltn Stilt l.O . , .•..••.•. ,. , ..•....... · · ... ~ If. Sllnkird 1-0 ......••.• , ..••.•.•.. , ... ., ...... S, :Ill. Mls1l11I~ 1-0 • . . . . . •• . . . •• . . · ..•••.• JI acclaim of about 3,000 perlOlll who met him either at the Akron-Canton airport a!I he arrived by private plane or at I Memorial Field Home lltf.f'. Tonight more will be on hand for the ! teslimonlal dlnnes at which the BowlJn& t Green State Unlvenlty ltlllor ii to pt a i, bronze bust ol hlmsell. Wottle still wears the golfer's cap be got some time ago while officiating at a I track meet and had on when hia Jut. ditch hm&e sent him tbroogiJ Ille tape first in Munich. .... PETERSBURG, Ind. -"Above all. be was dedicated to God, family, country and the game cl baaeball." That's the ioscription on a maownent honoring the late Gil 11oc1g.,, former liar of the old Brooklyn Dodgen and Ibo manager of the New York Mets at thl Ume of his death laat EuW Sunday, two days hefore hla 41lh blrthclay. Near the monument is a fola'..lane In- diana 57 bridge over the Eu! Fork of White River, just 411. mila north of this eoutbern lndiana commufitty where Hodgea attended acbool. The bridge and monmnent were dedJeated in Hodgea' name Monday u hl.t family, former players, Gov. Edgar D. Whilaimb and nearly "t,DOO spectalora paid tribute. ' .... SAN DIEGO -The San Diqo Chargers are sa)'inl goodbye to rt<tlver Jerry LtV"llls and safety Cl>ris Flelcber !or the year while rolJlol out Iba welcome mat !or tight end Jolin Mackey, LeVlu and Fletcller, both -.. underwent mrgery !or tnee lllJurlel 1uf· fered Sunday lJt Sail Dlego'1 M-1 1oa to San Franclaco and are IOI! !or the ....... Mickey, mtanwhlle, wu siped u a free agent Monday. ' I I O>nnors, still only 20, is back in the iouJhwest this year but his days as an i~tet.lr David taking shots at the pro Goliaths are over. He's joined a pro Lour ,,imself and, while nol taking lhe tennis "·orfd by storm. has had some success 1n his first year. Jean Chanfreau, France, &-7, 7-6, 6-1 ; Andrew Pattison, Rhode sia, def. Graham StillwelJ, England, S.2, 6-1; and . John Alexander. Awitralia, der. Alex Olmedo, Encino, fi...3, 6-4. ' ' ' Oonnora, who has betn gett.lng advice Erom veteran pros Gonzalez and Pancho Se~ra, js seeded 14th In the field of 64. He JIAlrted slowly Monday nlgti1 but then ovtfP<lwered Paul Gerken of East Noi:ntk. Conn., M, 6-2. 'Ill< only teeded player to to,. wa• Charles P1sarell, 1 former U.S. Divis Cu~ from Puerto Rico, who bowed to Jhn McM1nus of Berkeley, 4-=e, 6-3, 7-6. Nlnlh l!>eded Bob Hewitt ol South Africa outluted llrJan Gott!rled of Fort Lai&.lalo, Fla .. 5-7, e.s, M . Stxteenth- renked ftOICOe Tanner of Stanford Univeraity and Lookoot Mounllln, Tenn ., ~ot by Ian Fltlcher ol Aullrallo f.7, 7~ w.· . In other rewlla Mt>oday: WASHINGTON'S LARRY llROWN sc l>RIS IN 24-21 WIN "ov!R MINNllOTA. Hope Clay Is 10-1 Favorite--Patierson NEW YORK (AP) -Floyd Patteroon rested Monday and hoped that Muha1n· mad Ali was a big favorite for their fi ght Wedneaday nlght, while All continued to train and aald he "e•pected the fight to go all the way." Patteraon, who ended his training Saturday lor the acheduled ti-round fl(ht hetween two !onner heavyweight cham- piom at MadilOD Square Garden, Nld : "I hope Clay (All) II a 111-1 favorite. i • 1'he bigger underddg I am the. better chance I ha ve to win. The bigger favorite he I&, the more confidence be has1 and the more tonfidence he has the more overconfidence he will cet." AU was such a favorite Ult& there. was no helling line on the flcbt. ldeanwblle, All continued working out at a c'ham- plonahlp poce at hit camp at Deer Lake, Pa. He •parred • total of II """""' SaturclllY, Sunday and. Mondlll'. · All missed three days of tralnlnt Jut week when he Jiad to lesUly Ill Detroit at a breach or .contract suit ~rou(ht against him by a.promoter. . "I'm not maklnc any precllctlon but I u~t the nrht to 10 all the way," gald All.' who added that he -,u hurt by ,the Interruption lo lralnfnl laat week •. · All ••llhod lit pounds Maltday and ti· pect.d to 10 lBta the ~ II 117, J'll. tenon could """" ....... , .. • ' I • 8 Pl w sh II 9 II •• s lo w H M vu 11 po w Pl wl !ft T1i w •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • I 1 ••11 DIRKT • , •OUllACI • OIDEI YOUI 1973 NOW 111 ROM TOVI PACTOIT AUTHOllDD DIAlll ASll POI RID DOIAH DAVI IOSS PONTIAC _ .._._ M. • M Dr. C:-. .,_ 141 IOl7 Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO· ' Co-Sponsored this week by WESTCLIFF PLAZA And n.. DAILY PILOT BE A PROPHET FOR PRORT s25 s10 s5 Top Weekly Prize In Merchandise Certificates For Weekly Second Place Winner Each for Third, Fourth and Fifth Place Winners Plus Bonus Prize Game Tickets from the DAn. Y PILOT -- Be a pi9skin prophet for profit. Play the Pilot Pigskin PICKER.00 9am• for waekly priz•s. Top winner each w•elr: r~ceives $25 9ift c1rtifici1te from the sponsoring shopping cent•r. Second place winner 91t1 $I 0 ctr· tificate and third, fourlh and fifth pl1c1 winnen each 91t $5 certificate. Eech certificat.e is spendable, just like money, at 1ny store in the 1pon1orin9 1hoppin9 c:enter. Sponsorship rotates with a difftrent center sponsor- ing 1i1ch week's contest. Particlpatin9 centen are: Westcliff Pl1u, 17th and lnine, Newport Beach; . Harbor View Center, San Joaquin Hills Road end M1cArthur 80"~1rd, Newport leech: Eestbluff Vill199 Center1 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beech; Bey .. sid• Center, 8e)'lide Drive •nd J•mbor•• Roed, New .. port Beech: end University Perk Shopping Center, Culver and Mich1l1on, Irvine. w,tch for this player's form each week In the DAILY PILOT Sporh Section. Circl• the teem you thinlc: will wtn In u~h 1Nirin9 in the list of 30 gem" end send in the player's form •ntry blink or• re1sont1ble facsimile. Then wetdi the DAILY PILOT sports pogH for Heh w1ek'1 list of five wlnnen. RULES t, ..... lie ....., .......... I I ..... f9nllRftt fl W .... ... _ L ._. I .. , P'ILOT PfeUCll P'ICICaltOO COffTUT, ~ 0.rfMlmr P'.O. ....... C.... ..... CA.·naL I .. ·OlllJ ... """"' .... --.-di ...... '...., """" ~ ,... ...... ""' i.tw' ......... w.-...uy ., ~ '9 .. DAILY PILOT 9"ICt '1 I ,_..._ ,,..,_.,, t. 1wt11 CMll "98 _, DAILY PILOT ......,.. .. _. .......... l•lllUM .......... •'*'· t. Tl8 l•IAKI• ILAMIC MUST II PILLIO IN ff ll'nY n 'IOfO. •••••••••••••••••••• • ENTRY BLANK • • • • • • • • • • • • • c1,... .... ,.. ..... w11wt.tWt ..... '•.-t ........ 11,...._...,.., R-vs. Bears Broncos vs. Charters USC vs. l•noh Micllltan vs. UCLA Notre Dame vs. N'.llllhftitem Stanford vs. Diiie w...i...,. .-. r.inlue o...... State YI. lowq • • •• • • • • • • • • • • Georg~· MlchllJClll SMt1111atN1e • • vs. Amry • • Navy Ys. 'Penn State : • Colorado vs. Mlnilesota • : . PlttslMwgli vs. Air Force • • • • o.,.. Coast vs. LA Halllor • Sadclleback vs. Cllaffey Mt. SAC vs. Gol .. Wflf • • • Mater Del vs. Sa111a Alla • : . c-del Mar YI. Newport : • Anny-Navy vs. o .. Hill ' • • -. FiillertOn vs. .dball . • Esiallcla vs. T•tln • •. MlnlOll. Ylefo vs, Saddllbllck HI •. • . FOOfllil n. ~ • • Rcmciio Ahatilt•11w. Fo•lll• Y~ I!' • Hlll!Jilltl• lecacll vs. MIP"t• • • GlallltW n:. i..;uiil le•cla • • . , E l•c .. Yi:" •1.ica • : Stli . Cl_ ... vs. IGllc Sr•llit : • w ............ YI. ......... iid • • Cosfa M.., w. Westetn • • Tll lll,._:D -., .... • .......... ff ......... • • ... ::.. ___ ,, . ·-. • • . .,.... ~ . .. ., • • • Clly .... • • • .-.. -· •••••••••••••••••••• I J • ' --- DAILY PILOT Jf. New Talk of Orange County CIF Section BJ aooa CA••-__ ..., .... ... An lltm lb<t lw ..... - dlod -!or ,....., .... not ~ b1 IDll1)' -.... .. -• nollty far llWIY man,..,. le come, ii boot In lbe ..... opln -.. - day's ....iq -Oroni!• County olflclob ...i lbe C!F Southern -ng...u., • _.1e Orol>i• County __ Uon for P«I' otblellcs. CIF SS eunmlsaklner J. Kennelh FIPJll met with Dr. William B. 7.occ of lbe Sad- dlei>lck Volley Unllled Scbool District, who acted 0 I cllolrmlm ol lllo °""""a.. ........ ~ • - ty coollnpal lo U... of Dr. llu --Ille aF m Wllllam L. ·Ullom ol tbe ,lblJ moti.t, "' ,. .. llloN l.qllno -Schoal Dlltrtcl Jiii! .. ......... queotlooo. u Ullom WU -Jue to o lbey'd oomt 1o .. with 0 (llO-por-1 CUlllJcl Olhen ID oi. poNI then ft'd rtudy l~" ...,. , ......... included Juloo Gqe dudes F11181"- ol lht ~-Diltrld, 7.occ •• -~ by the I.any . 1aki o1 the DAitY PIJ.01', ploY<d tbe Ganleo Groff Dlatrlcl end metling down -L Doo I-ol lbe Anohelm "We'.re just.dolnc o feulhlll· School -ty 111\idy" ond !hore 11-y "We bad • meeUcc lo • lot man study thol lw IO go -lht llllolptag.. .... lnlo it,• .. ,. Z-o g g • dladvonl-.r'o 1eporate ~ ol the newly · -. but ..... WU no ..,. -Soddleboct v • 11 e y tloa !Um by -·" llJI Unllled Scbool Dislrlct. Bt llddo: -We _ ... U. 11<1 !bot Clrqt c..mty (IO current bJgb _, ii obout the -Ilse !bit u. Son Die(o oec:tJoo WU w!Jeo Ibey lonned tholr .... IOClloo. "Al tllil point tt'1 almply • study, we're a lollg WIJ' from being oomplele. "I 1._i Dr. Ullom will make a report 10 the various district superintllOd<nta Hrly next motlth and It that time the matt.r will either b< dJ'<lP' ped OI' committed IO ~ study. "We're not far ak>ng enough lo_ my ..... ,, pl.,.a competltlon Ill .., ~ "But the l)ud(eu, .,..u progrems and whetller or not we hive the '"' !bot eould band.le • aepuate MCUoo art b<ing dtacuPed." 7.occ said !bot the lludy .... in no way a device aimed at d..emphasWnc a!hletlca. Tile lorinotlon of on Onnge County choplll' of t b e Colllornla lntencbowti< Fecl- eratlon ~ Include mony rllnifiCllionl for O r a a 1 e County athletes. lt would mun a separate ~-lo ...... -_,,..,...,...., llnllted lo -.... ,.. dad111catlm -two - ......... In( .. -two te01111fnm-- portlclpoted, Prt•ioua talk c'""leilc the molter bu -- by -· -u. bloclt· Ing tool by Oruce CounlJ ... mlnistraton: wbmever a poulbllity ..... that the CD' Southem Sectioo WOllld ,... quest on Orange Coun1J llCbool to joln • leasue outsldo of the county. HR Stalwart Veteran Santa Ana Big, Fast Oilers Defense Backed by Bond By DENNIB CAMPBELL Of ... ~ ...... Slllff Wben Roy Brummett says Bucky Bood IJlt., lo get hil nose into things, it's just his way of handing out a com- pliment. Bond play1 middle guard for the Huntington Beach lllgh School football team. "and we like to thirik we have one of our best football players in the middle of the field," says Brummett, 31-year-old coach of the Oilen. Bl'lllll!Mtl Isn't stingy about handing oot praise of bis burly middle guard; "He's as good as anyone in the area," be says. "In fact, he's as good as anyone in the Sunset League." High pralse, liideed. Bond loob the part of • rock 'em, sock 'em football player, but the penooality doesn't seem to fit: He's a chunky 5-10, 200- pounds, curly haired and lough looking, but in conversation it's yes sir and no sir. Bond reJJabes hi! role as middle guard ("I like lo hit") ond will b< the man cm the Area Preps In Ratings A quartet ol Orange Coost area prep football teams are rated ill the DAILY PILOT's olflcial llalillg of r a n k e d elevens with action t1ated to begin Thursday nigllt ot Sonia AnoBowL Second ranked Mater JieI will try lo uphold Its early prestige against Santa Ana, while three other Issues fn. volve Orange County teams that night. A top attractlon ii at ·Bolu Grande wbero eighth ranked Lo Quinta of the Garden Grove League bania beads with No. 12 Villa Pork of the cr..1..;.., League. Other games Tllunday In- clude Kennedy ogalnll Bbbop Mootgomery al Western lllgh ond Santiago and Monte Vista cllsll at Garden Grove High. Rated teama from the Orange Coast ar.. lnclude Mater Dei (s econd ), Westminster (thlrd), Edilon (loorlh) and Corona del Mar (sixth) beblnd Western Hilb'• No.l~Plooem . Oraip ~Ill)' ,.., 11 POI. -' • Ptlell l. w..iern u 2. Mala' Del f7 3.Westlnlni!u 41 4. Edison 40 5. Orange 29 I. Corona del· Msr fl 7. Anaheim 16 I. Lo Quinta 12 I. Los Alomlloo 10 10. Sonora ., ()lllort: FOWllllll Valley, VUJa. Put. Kamedy, Newport fiort>or,Senlte,Soatl .... ..... , .......... floiil e ft H ,., e V'- 1 •• • • ........ . Ul*oll .......... . ---·-"Cr &lw k•d is• l spot when Huntington Beach vblta ~ Beach Mll!lkan. Millikan coaches have com- mitted themselves to exclusive use of the wbhbone-T on of. tense, a formaUoo known to put Wldue preaure o n delemlve linemen. Tile middle guard b one of the key men ill stopping the wishbone but is rarely suc- cessful when the oileme 15 o· ecuted pro~ly. Nebruka'11Uch Glover, like Bond a middle guard, ll con- sidered the nation'• best co~ lege deleiislve lineman, ond lt Is a Wtamenl lo the forma· tlon that Comhuater op- ponents UCLA ond Oklahoma were ·able to score 20 and Sl points reapectlvely against No. 1 rated Nebraska in apite of Glover's efforts. Desplte all lllil, Bond Is not partlcularly lmprwed with the wishbone. "Fowrtain Valley 11!«1 H some against ua last year," he says. "I dcm't think H's that much more difficult than any other formation." U any man on tbt Oilers* team can put • bait 1o Millltan'1 offensive efforts, Bond appears lo b< the -· "He 1w oil the good qual!Ues 1"'I loot for In o defmllive football player," IA)'I Bnunmetl. ..He's aggressive and likes lo bit and Is dedicated lo the game. He's smart ori defense, ond that'• where be'• going lo ::,:·rir-the l '1 hil B~11y1 bu"a .... for the ball It .. just • feeling, I guess, when ,• guy blockl yoo .... oWta lo preosuro :i<)U. Re olwoyo mo... where the boll'.lo." Brumwtt, In hil lint. year u cood! of the Ollerl. .IPQ!led Bond'• polenllol'. ~tely. Well, olmaet lm...U.lilY. "He came QUt for con- dlUoo!ng drllll fut year, but be 1train<d • -.... the doctor told blm lo Joy oH ii for a few ''nets; IO we·dldn't know toe> IDllCh obout biin. "We fou.i •1 u llOOll u be put the pjldl'on. Rt Just •stood out. He'• one of iheH kids who stlcb bis -right Ill !hore." Bood, who kt<p& ill oondltlon durlnC the -by -S· In( In the oil llelcil, bu 1111 · just one penoul aoal for the -"I'd lllte lo ploy on • wh> nln& team," be 11ys. "We ha'""\ -Ill the put, but I thlnlt · U we con just got everyone lo Wort togeths we can win.'• It's lbil quollty that endws him to Brummett., 11ffe'I 8 team player," lbe coocb 1111. "He doesn't care about in- dlvlduol .,...,. • lie just ·-to win. ft • . .. Moi.t lle1 Hiib'• winning ways In their annual foothill opener at Santa Ana stadium may b< Jn jeopardy Thundey nlght when coach T om Baldwin'• big, fast and veteran Saints of Santa Ana High provldf the opposlilon. : "It's potentially our bHt team lince 1988," admits Baldwin, who has 1 dozen : . starters bac::t to mold hJs · eleven IJ'OUnd. "Lut year we had a ;· tlOJlhomor< quarterback ond ' the mt of the bocklleld con- ollted ol junion. Now I thJnl< ...... pined the --we needed." 1111 Bakhrin. Keytnr the Saints' --ollenst will lit quorterbock Mlkt Molina, a f.I, ~ junior lellermon starter wllo fired 11x touchdown puaa in 1971. He occounted for llO yorclo l>Ulinr and IOO yards nmnlll(, but lbO &ilnta wm unable 1o cub In tboee stall for vJe. tori" due to crlpplln1 ml-beeoUH 0 f fn. uperitnee. ''We fetl that four of our sewn klaes wre attrtbutld dlroctly lo miltaln,.. 11111 B1ldwln. TbeSohil'-pwlth Mqnollo _,. r6cted few O...o·lll lhl -Aio 11-tock. BUCKY BOND A TWO.WAY STARTER FOR HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH. !llendlnc 1!llll Molla -. -namlal ..... llldlo!d ;-Dllcbnm-(Nii, ·flT), ._ ·· Scott (W,. 111) ml -1- Porter (M, 1111). Irvine Swim Titlists Motocross Run Slated Friday Tbe)''re all . ret1raln1 •torten and -lo bl( Jn the Sainta' deblve plans, too, at linebfieker. Scott. Is • oeathlclc lo tho Saints' offensive araenll while Parker was the leading around 1llner for Santa Ano Jn 1971. 1be Unlversily Community Auoclation won the flnlt city ol Irvine lwimniing cbam- ploosblpo Saturd1y at the Unlvenity Jlllh School pool. 1be cbampfon"shlp1, --by the Irvine Swlm Club, included t&e 14 CODr muftlty aaoclaUons making up the city ol lrvlne . Tlie Unlversity uaoctatlon IOOl'ed 7111 polnta' lo ... ~ distance nmnenip Turtle Rock Broadmoor (133).' Slerr• Bonlta ond Village : Pork ' . •• f~Upwed ill the standings. Top individual awimmen were Donna Grochowski Jn the 11-12 girls division ond Kevin Phillips In the 1H7 boys clau. Miao Grochowski look flrst Jn 11to' so.yam 1rees1y1e, so.yard breaststroke, 2 5 • y • r d but· terfly, l O 0-yard Individual m.edley and 50-yard back.!trote, while Phillips won the IO freestyle, IO ba<btroke, IO bulterfly ond 100 lndlvldual medley. The fourth round of the motocross 1erlt1 at El Toro Speedwa) will b<&Jn at 7 p.m. Friday with IOmt 40 events scheduled to follow the open- ing schoolboy '"""· Top wmnen have been Don Stenerson (San Clemen~) In the 2IO lntermedlate claM, Johanna Stenenon ond Bryan Meene of Dana Point Jn the •oo junior duo ond Brad !Ju. bolt of El Ton> ill the od>Ool· boy class. Keying the offemlve line - the cme atta in wblcb Boldwtn II COllC<!med -ore ftlumlng storten Clruck Isbell (J.10, 1111 or.) ot center ond tlchl tnd Dovld Stevens (M, :Q, or.). The other tight end pooltlon II allo apporently In tood hinds with tranolll' Don Scbultr ill _,p, Scbuler ployed the lut --for Senta Ano Jn '71 ODd -a · CIF llnallst Jn ..-u.r In 1111 '· Ill.pound nnge. Baseball Standings DUN UWIS AMEllICANLEAGUE Detroit -Baltlmo ... New Yort Cleveland MU..lllkeo ·East Dtvllloa W L 77 14 7114 77 16 7$ 17 14 711 1111 West DIYl1loa 14 57 7112 71 It • 71 17 74 12. Pct. GB .MG .5411 II .531 ! .528 211 .441 14 .403 2011 .I'll .NO 5 Jlf1 1211 ... 15 .471 17 .319 32 NATIONAL LEAGUE Eul Dtvl•loa W L Pct. Gii PIUsburah It 12 .631 Chicago 7114 .541 1111 New York 73 17 .531 1511 St. Louis 119 74 .483 21 Montreal 14 77 .454 25 Philadelphia 1219 .lie ,,., West Dtviltoa Clnclnna~ 17 55 .Ill -7t 12 .5'0 711 lledten 7118 .135 11 Atlanta 16 71 .4«1 21 San Franclaco 63 10 .441 24~ San Die(o 53 87 .m II (lnc:l!lflltl t, Ian ,,.ftCbot • Nf'fr Ycwt: I, l"lthlM'tfl t SAYINGS!!! ON ALL '12 TOYOTAS • VOLVOS DEMONSTRATORS llAllPUI '72 STATKlll WA8DN COROUA .· MIMIT'• ...... ................... Ontrt-........ T...., .. ._.. ...,... 1~ »It alld HU .... •l) mt (intl•nd IOUMIW ..... 9vtNr .. ,, J l• ...... 1, ,.... 0 .... '· ,. llWlll'IM Onty .-ICMdui.d, T~•·---Montl'MI Cl!onM'ttrt 1•1n •I Oltc: ... (Jftlfll :lf).11) HOO CC aNGINI, AUTO., RADIO, Allt CONO. l t•him.rt (l"•lllwr•1MI 11 1oHM l,.rtln 1'-111 N• v.. (o.Nnff NI ., MHwMee (~­,,.,,, Tn• CllMmM ,.,, " MIMetO!• 1w.-.... ,,.,~ C'*-,........,. , .. 14) ., 0.:'-"11 (00-1•11 IC-• Cltr IMlftl"1NtY 141 llA ClltllrW l'IMIM ,..., •~ ,,..,_ n .. ) '' ...,. vn c~ ,.111 HovJtool M'l'-1 lMJ •f Afl9nta IMcOIMI\ WI kll Frll'ICI-(McDowell NJ 4lt aMIMltl Clnt...,. ,._UI Pfll~ 10... 1·11 mt It. \Aul• 1•111911 , .. ,,, Lit A ..... 10.fMfl 17.,) mt ..,_ 0 .... {Atllll ..., DEAN LEWIS lt" HAUOR ILYD., COSTA MESA Sonlce and Porto fw· All '-* Con Modorn Body Shop fw All C... '46-9303 Oranp CotmlJ'• Larcest. and Most Modern To;rola and Vol"' Dealer ov1a1AS DILIVllY IPICIALISl'S 239400 a"T021.010.101 '72 VOLVO I DR., 4 SPD., RADIO HaAT., RAD. TIRES 349400 JINAMCINe AYAllAIU wmt MO IO'MI PATlllM OA.C. :: :· .. " ·. ·: ·. • JI OA/l V PllOT T..Wr, S.,......, 19, 1972 TONIGHT'S TVIDGHUGHTS KTLA O 7:30 -"Sons and Lovers. HI A drama ol the close bond between a mother and her gon. Trevor Howard, Dean Stockwell, Wendy Hiller. I· ABC O 8080 -"'No Place to Run ." A young ,J boy 's aUing grandfather attempts to take custody of him after his parents are killed. Herschel Ber· nardl, Stefanie J>owers, Larry Hagman. NBC O 9:00 -"The Bold Ones." The concJugion o( a drama begun on "Ironside" last week in which surgery on Ed Brown is interrupted by a death threat against the kidnapped daughter of the sur· 1 ~ geon. E. G. Marshall, Don Galloway , Vic Morrow. CBS IJ 9:30 -''The Woman Hunter." Barbara Eden stars as a beautiful. wealthy woman tracked to Acapulco by an international jewel thief and mur· :" derer. Robert Vaughn. Stuart \Vhitman. KHJ O IOoOO -Boris Karlo!! Presents. The premiere of this collection of hour-long horror ,1 Wes. Tonight's fare: "The Twisted Image." ~: TV DAILY LOG· Tuesday Evening SEmM8E:lt 19 1111 and Art Stldtllbaum YiMI V11 Huys AirpM, 0111 of lht wo11d'1 builat In Wms of llNofb tlld l&nd!np. Elft9huiud 1r1 wr11nt uft17 reiul•tions •nd dnicts, --· I ,. .. "" ,.,.,. ""l~D lllfll al Nm _,(21vl"--t' filiirl ltom) '.tS--Clllst.11 MDrrb. 11dt.., "Mr. Henry Com· 1:30 1J (() Knnli fhH Riufclo Mon- lloek" Htn1Y Comslotk (111tr wt.om ta\b tn pl'Js Al ex P1r1no, a w1althf "" Comllod: Lade wu n1mid) auto r1Cin1 enthusint wlloN me- COlllll Into PondttllSI ltrrttwJ wHh thank: is slain on ttll M of tit· otfltr &llWf Nrons tl')'ln1 to stab w1ii'1 most /mport1nt rOld ract. • claim. followln1 tllt dulh of anolh1r m•· W llllft ch1nic OR the d1n11rous Tantalus WIW Wiid W•tl Mountain race cour11, McG1111tt DI HilltdlHM• tunli his auspldon to An1ela, pl.tY•d ....., ,.,.., USMC by Diani Mul d1ur, !l!I t!Jmoroua-f.. .... OtncH or JM pli)'bor IUIO rlttf ..... Pare VWlllkl P1rano, =• 1111M111 ~ ffi (I) al UC T .... ., """' •1 If (IO} ...,.. rtac:t It Rldl" (dr1) U S.CU• &pou ~erxhtl Bem1rd'l, Sllftnll DrM ...... Powen, La~ H11man. UI ii" r, I ,,_, JI! i\f c!..111 .... "044 TI'"B' 1" Part I ~1) '~"'Y ~pt-Your F1tM1'1 Moustacfle" fOllCll, M1urn11 O'Hl!'1, Jtm" Mtc· IE) LI lllMldM • '8 ...... Artllut. Tha rouc1!·1nd·lumblt lllt t:GO B !llmTllt hW 0... "n'lt ol Wyomln1 CLlllTJ workff, Cl•r lllys in !hi Dt1th of Str111nt SWK:lr, wilt llruUltl to r•ill nh11 Brown" Conclusion of Muon's pr1· ,hJldttft without forftl1ln1 his sh•tt mlcr• epltodt from lronskle. Elrpiri· of Spenw's Mounitln ltft to lllm b~ ment•I $pln1t su11•1Y on Ed Brown his t1111tr. b lnt1rruplld bf 1 dutll lhr11t CIS ,.... Wtltat CttNlkltt 11ains1 !ht ~ldn•PPtd d1uc1!11r o1 ...., Mfflll Siii'# the sure.on (Vic Morrow). s1111 1r1 ltl'ltll lG. M1111L1~. Otrid Htrtman ,,1111 Swetpdtbs Raymond 8Ufr lftCf Daft G1Uow1r ol ftlk Mllic lronsld1 1uatln1- c..191 TfMI Flt• I U• Vl*t Pn hcMiaf ....... C.... SMw Tiii Vlrptlln Ir. km LI~ 41 P1P1 ...,. a.o .. io 11 m ca,_"""' ICJ ltoJ Dlt Mft Sit "hf,,. .. Huldl(' (WI)-')2 -HllDioJ EHlot .Mlnll 8arbtla ~obertV1u1hn. 1:1• =ie':'m lu... .... -Trvtll tr t:i:•nt11 r:DJm[I Cn lff Ht# llfarl Ill 1111 l 11iUriflS"po1try cr11ttd ind wtllt'I lilJ LIM? lllustr1t1d br roun1 bl1ck childrtn. I LM lltq and presented wllhou l n1rrtllon. I DrMtl "Je•nfl I Rwhtl MISlcll LIVI T•llt t:4S Pn!llOI AWN La hnil .. Par Ul:OO , ®J m MIC Rtp!Ktl "Guilty by n. AMc:ltilt F\Tll of Z sptel1t RetJOll of Rttt" is 1n as.s1um1nt proptlM ... tint '#llh world aco!OI,, al 1 hlatorkll h1ppenln1 cone.min& t1pM Int ~I In Sweden, dtb•l· tilt unlqua alpt1ience 1h1recl by Inc Utt q111stlon, ''Should tl\41 DM!· 110,000 Jlp.1nts1·Americ1ns who opH Pifallona Adopt 1 Polley of Lim· wtrt tiekl In deltntlon umps ltln1 EcollOl!lic C~r (Conclusion throu&L/t World W1r II. t11 E ,._ Tlllll C.. It Mujtf Ma1t111 Wt1"', M.D. 1111 tonl&tlt 11 11 PM) (RI I ""' QI......_: "lidl tllt WIW Slrt" · I tori1 Ktllotl Pmelltl: 1;JO 11r.Ill1 Stent SIM Allen b litllr A co!ltctiOll of hour·IOlll hod. P1n1tllt1 111 JIJlll Me1dows, Illes of hofror. 11111 Bilby, Jack C1uk!J. Ind Brtndl Q) litl Cesbf Sllow lffltl. ! lr!UN•urf II lrtdwod Q hlb Surp111 "Ltdr X" Poliet 1 IHC1!1 I Equl JHstb Undlt Sur1«111 Lodi• uaa a mtdlcal chit Ln (R) Conclusion al • lwo- to uptw• • mMI bombt1. St111 ait part Information st rlu produced lo S.111 Croom 1nd Lin Blrm1n. Don1ld intorm cltlien' of somt of their con· Pl11Ur1e1 11111t1. slllullontl rl1hts. "J1Ntnll1 Just let~ II Mtvlt: (hr) .. So111 11MI LMl'I" ind ~sm1U Cltlmi Court'' lfl sllow11 (dr1) ·~Trtvor Howard, Dt•n tonf1hl. Stockwt!!, Wendy HJU1r. Stron1 pol· I ludt So111br1 lr171I of 1 ctost bond bttw11n t · • futiwtl M11lc1no mother 1nd htr son. who ftJeth 11.lncdotn of lht Stt romanllc: lnvo~emtnt upolt 1111 10:30 T•lk Btck d11t1L Trn-Mvtt1\ur1 "Un~nown Mil• W Tt Ttll t111 T~ ito' f111llJ C11ulcs 8 Movie: .. Clrffl Cr1• ol W1" lllUloa S Mowll: (Zbt) ..,. .. SU-omlnl" 1nd1 tt Htlr (dr1) '59-Jell Chand· I Outdoor Sporbm•n ler, l•~k Ptllnct. Two dlllll111lontd 11:00 ~0 EI! m@ tltw1 C!rm•n '1'11111111, rnor11I tntm!.1, ®! Hm a11 1ul1ntd th• 11lm t1sk of db· Sttp Bef911Cl 1rmln1 bombs. Mt!Ual Dillon 81 Hotl,.ood Sq11.1rt1 · Mavlt: "Path .t C!Otf' {11h) Ho11 n's Herot1 '57-l<irk DoUflas, R1lph /llteke r. CIJ Dr•rntt m Trath or (;oftslquencn I Sc1rch for M111tal Hctlth t!) C1111bUn1 c.R111 footl)tll La Mldl• Ociu 0') 'r£I" Pro111• T11M1111 I ltmtt Ted Al1R1tru111 Prt11111t1 U1tld · 1" Advocattt GD It 11 Wrlttt~ Httdlllap (R) 0) Add11111 family 11:15 . an1111 34 1:00 R CJ) M11Ml1 51111 111 ee1trkf 11:30 00 CllS Litt !-'•wit; (t) .. tto~,. Arthur and Bill Micy. Wiien Naude'1 ot Usher" ~cl1Sl1~) V1ncen1 Pnc• 1r1mbon, Phillip, 1nd tht nelgll· sltlS In moYll 'llf$10n al !ht cltulc bo(s 1ranckl1u1hlu 1r1 discovered \ljQf~ by £dltr ~tan Pot, pl17Jn1 ''doctor'' behind th• 1ar111. 0 ®I m JolntrryC1rlOfl Sdlet:l11led tlvll war Is dtcllJtd be1w•~n Ma!lde ~Qb l~IUJ•. Jo~n Oerwe.r. tnd Df. H1rmon, the 1ul's 1rand· U Mtw11: Dille (mus) 43-Bln1 Jalhtl over th• iisue ot d1sc1phn1. 0crosWby. ft'll Diel C...tt Al'" Cl;:.& m hntl\UI "tittltage of fl)~ ... rney An1'? RtltlSfd lrom prison tfttr G1nu1l lfchtrd K. Kltlndl1sl. ind liva yt1rs, .IOhn 011ndt1 (Ru~! Roi» Muhammad AJI 1r1 &eheduttd ert Unsinl) stekl lo IYtnrt his un 111es1s. t1lr 11111. ~T1Till1111 Truth 0 (I) Cl} Q) T1111penturt1 ll Wn1 12:00 MD'tie: "'So Ut1lt TI•" (drt) '1'.Jperltion rutbal:" Nol1nd per· ' 3-M1fiu1 Gorln1. Maril Schtll. forms In unaulllorized 00tr1tlon on (!) W1nd11lull I youn1 butball pltylf whllt lht 12:!0 m Collfl!l'J' MuK Tillt hospil•I Is 11ndtr s.na11 lnvtsl\11 1:00 (i) B 0 Cl) ftlWI tlon. Stirs 1ra Cle1¥011 UUlt tnd t:30 El M01Cti: (C) "Rldt Tiit M111 James Wllllll'IOl'I. I Dtwll" (wes) 'Sl-Ull RalfllS. 811111 I ntt ''" Don""7, Forrest tuc•er. Jtftl111r/hnJ Mato• 2:00 m All.Jli(trt Sllow: (Cl ..,.111Mtt1- H1t11111t1 Cor1ie I tr," "Cry ll Ole Nlc,bt' and "110 CilfWl!cMn (R) Cllartts Chimp· MH1" Wednesday DAYTIME MOVIES l:OO m "Dll1 lib ft .......... (com) '{)-Richard Crnnt, t:JO O "nit llll'M hi 'w (mus) '41 ~ Am1ch1, Allct FtJt, 10,00 (])"1 ....... _. f*11 ""1- M1tk Sltftlll, Alu Plfir:ol. . D "Rttu1n If lnN ltfltt" (•) ·n-.w cmt•k. Joh• 11e1•M. " ' ll:JO O., St1o111n, nit KJ•• (Wes) ·so -Dan 811rr, Tom Ntal. 1:00 m "Com11111do" (1dv) '64-Sttw• art Granier. Do1itn CrlJ. l:MI 0 "Rklpidt" (dra) '49 -0on Barry, Shtlta R1an. D IC) .. S1utt of tht Plll'pl• ....,.. (!_dr) '60-Jtfl R'c:llttdS. l:OO ([J (C) "llcUr Ptrt II, (dr1) 'M -RlthHd Burton, f'ettr O'fooft. @J "Dtslrt ..... (dfl) '41-Robtlf M11e~um, Grett GtrSOft, 4:00 f' (C) '1ht Urr1111ntt4 Mtlllfflt" !d!•) ·~7. [·.ther W~IHtmL 4,JO Cl) llM u 111111 - - De1plte Sound $mdn _ Stars Bring Hope for -Hospital Hy Gt.:ORGE LEIDAL Of t11e D•UV Pl... SIMI Nostalgla aboumed Sunday night a5 Bob Ii.ope and Dorothy !..amour wowed a tux- edo to tennis shoe audienct in the Anaheim Convention Cenler. llope ind company, which included sensationally shapely -figurt and voice -Gloria Loring, mockotlntry 90ngster Jerry Reed and Hore's ~ year traveling mt11ic com· panion Les Brown and his Band or Reknown, drew a capacil)' crowd. Proceeds beneUted the A n • h e i m Memorial Hospital acute care cente r with tickets that ranged from $4.50 to $5S.50. A3 a fund raiser, the-full house indicated tbe evening was a smashing succu.s. M an entertainment event, some 2,000 or IO in the elliptical con- venti on center hall, might have other views. .. An obviously embarassed Johnny Grant stopped the show s everal times as clusters or people 1tomped, booed and jeend t ti e I r displeasure al not btlng able to hear what was gotna on in the center ol the hall. GRANT, BELIEVING sound levels blasting outward rrom the center stage were too low, called for mqre wattage. Eacll boost only made the hearing problem worse as spea kers baltled with each other in the t'Onlin~ or what may be the cowity 's w n rs t acoustical nightmare. For those who could hear the goings on, the evening was a pleasurable mixed bag or definitely up tempo humor and musical entertainment. 'Beginning with the 40s tunes so aptly trumped by Brown's band of youngsters -many looked like they'd been little more than a gleam in their parents eyes when Brown was making his musical name -and ending with Reed 's guitar pickin's and now famous "When You're Hot ENTERTAINMENT You 're Hot" the evening was a :l(J.year buffet of American melodies. For many in the audience - t~ reviewer not among them -Miss Lamour·s nmtalgic pastiche or tunes from !he famous "Rood To •• .'' flicks wilh Hope and Bing Crosby, wu tht h1&b point oC the even- ing. BURSTS OV applau se grttted each of the bits of the put mool of wblch --to be written about moom: lllOOlllJght, I South pacific surf or 1waying palm!. When the romance with the romanllc put was done, it was 'Very apparent that, minus a very few pounds, Miss Lamour could continue to be a hit today. She proved one · doesn't need 3) yean ago memoriet to enjoy her talen ts. Jn contrast to the tunes of the past Wett the Up to the minute styliags of Miu Lor- ing. Youth, Jona: blonde halr and a vibrant stage personali- ty that communicates with vast audjences sttVed her well and won her the Anaheim au- dience despite the sound prob- lems. Rttd, too, overcomes with talent and a larger than life performance. Sadly, h i s personal backup on:hestra blocked him from view of fully one-quanu o1, tbe ·-by plunking tbemselv<S on th< ra.lsed cmter stage. SINCE REEi) followed the Disneyland Country Bean, • presentation of 18 Orange.. County ; lovellet "11 ...... lio, 18 cities. boring bits wilh Angel baseball start Vada Pinson and Clyde Wright, apt nothings from KMPC't Dick Whittinghill and a l~te flag ceremony, few in ~ crowd seemed to mind not being able to see Reed. After all, it was very ap- parent all had come to see Bob Hope. Joking about having to wait 2V.. hours to get onstage im- mediately won the restive crowd to Hope's side. Later jokes about sex educa- tion -with Hope taking a position again.rt . YJlle uo- doubledly because he'd bearil about Anaheim's sexed foes- however, failed rum .. Santa Ana Play lets NE V E RT HELESS, the talent that got him where he is today won out and by his en· core number -a personal version of "My Way" -he'd found a common ground with nearly everyone in the hall. 'Water's Running' ·S killfully Staged His way recognizes others may dilfer about the war or the statt. of the nation, but in short, he 'll go to Vietnam to entertain t.roops as long as there is a war and vowed he'l stand up for America as kmg as there ia aq. America. By TOM TITUS Of ftM D•IW PUii Slltf There are many easier tasks in community theater 'than putting on a quartet of one-act comedJel and hitting the bullseye wllh each.' xet · the Santa Ana Community Players have managed to carry off thb assignment with sldll-and balance . In their seuon-<1pen- lng production of "You Know I Can't l!ear You When the Water's Running." Robert Anderson is a serious dramatist who can, when the mood strikes hlmr write with the wit or a Neil Simon. His collection of comic vignettes under the overall tiUe of a line from one of them combines outrageous humor with the stabbing pang of reality - recognizable human foibles given a lighthearted treat.- ment. The pitfall a community theater must clear in present- ing the Anderson playlets is the yawning threat of im- balance, particularly since the thlrd segment leall! heavily toward soapy d r a m a • However, director Lee How- ington has mounted a well- matched set from whlch there is neither a clear standout nor glaring weak spot . IN TJIE FTRST vignette. Anderson needles his own craft by pre s enting a ~do .......... ---··-............ U4-ltlo -ot, M1hl HELD OVER ! Barbra Streisand Ryan O'Neil "WHAT'S UP, DOC?" "PAINT YOUR WA•ON .. New 2nd Feature STARTING Wl!DNISD.AY Jack t.emmon "WAR BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN" Both Color I G) Jollfl WoyM ''THE COWBOYS" "SKIN GAME" ST.A.ITS Wl!DNISDAY "YOU 10110W I CAJll 'T HIAI YOU WHIEJll THI' WAT&!lt'S IUJllNING" Four _, 'om.din by 11:-•I AndMiOft, dlrec19d by '-"·H-lno10<1. produc:!lon OOCN'dlMfw Alie• W•lk ... IKl!nk•I dlrK10I' o.n.11 C•rpefltff, NI ~n b1 J1rry ,C•rJlllTl1M, pr-led by IM $Int• AM COl!'lmllf>Hy Pltylfs Fr!dev• •fld s.tllrd•r• 11 l :Ja 11\r~n S.pt. 30 If"" Pi.y1r1 Tll.-!tr. 530 N. ltou Sf., Stnlt An.t. ll:ewrv•tlons $~J-J738, ' THC! CAS'fl "'TIM Sl'lldl 9f ltkOlllllllM" J•ek S1m1l•bd• Jotwi Lq\l'llhm1n Herb Miii.,. .........•.•.. Jim Wllll•m• Dorothy . , ........••.. Oo:inn.I McSwtln ltlttltrd Pswllng ..... Jerry C•rpenltr ' • ''Tilt ,...,..,.,. 9f Olvls" Qlorol ................ • .... Char1•• Pi ii ·1-r1rr111 ..••..........• ~ ·:«eotiol• Menu JIU ,. . . . . ....... , •. Ch9<'rl PMrllle S.ltvn.n ........... , .. Aon L•ngtern "I'll .. H-fOf Ciw1M:l'MI•" Chuck .................. Jim Wllll1m1 Ed!!~ . , . . . . . . ... Sa/111!1 llrown Cl•rlc• .•. ll:fl'lll l idol. J11n F ... llltoll "l 'm Mwtllf1" Htrt!t•I , ..• John l0Ullhm1n Mufl•I , . . .•. ,,,..ro•••I Bover the indecisive couple shop for new bedding. Charles Pait excels in his perrormance as the unhappy husband Who hates to break up a matched set, while Bobbie Me.net is a bit artificial as bis more practical spoµSe. Cherri Perrine, offering a delicious alternativi, perfonns as well as she looks. while Ron Langseth rounds out the cast as the store salesman. "You Koo""· I Can't Hear You When the Wa ter's RWl· ning" is an impressive pro- duction by an ambitious cast which deserves much larger audiences than those afforded the play on opening weekend. Performances c o n t i n u e Fridays and Saturday s through Sept. 30 at the Players Theater, 530 N. Ross St., Santa Ana. THE BEST acting of the BilT Name evening comes in the third t-J scene, in which parents' 'op- posing theories of sex educa-B tion lead into a deeper fami.ly eggers crisis. Williams reappears as the conservative husband and RENO (UPI) -"Brother, gives an exceptionally strong can you spare a dime?'' performance, while Sandie Most who were asked by the playwqght det.ermined to have Brown is equally sharp as the t..-.'O panhandlers walked on .,.... plain spoken wife. Few could ·argue w I t h Hope's musical logic 'and mOv· ing delivery which iNpired a standing ovation at the close of the benefit performance an ovation which recognized not only the evening's work, but the accomplishments of a lifetime. a man walk On stage nude in Loughman returns for the past without an answer. But his next ihow, a producer with finale and ia paired with those who dug up a coin may G.llT WlllOOD cold feet and an actor who's Margaret Boyer. as an elderly find them.selves in the movies. ·both adaptable and amenable. couple reminiscing o1: past The panhandlen were ac-('1~! ;MB!!~Tl[.!f fOI Ml• Obviously, the play was written spouses and long-sown wild tors Al PaehlO and Gene _.,., ....... .._._ · .. oats. This is a vignette which 19 . • be.fore "Oh, Calcut\a''" ttit the demands pinpoint timing and Hackman, who were portray-I~~·;•;••;";-;;;-;;-;;;;-;;·;•;-;';'..,~~ boards. both performer.a are equal to jng hitchbikera trying to getl~ John Loughman as lhe the task, part i cu I a r I y acn::m the country. Segments writer and Jim Williams as Loughman who carries the ad-of the movie, "Scarecrow," the produce r carry off the act ditional burden of a g i n g were shot on Lake Street this well enough, with a nice asshist several decades for bis role. week. from Dc.nna McSwain as a s Y 1---------==----------~--I secretary, but it is Jerry Carpenter as the overeager actor who predictably steals the show. Bed time is the theme of Ule second play, and whether lo curl up in a single or double bunk. The decision just may shatter a 25-year marriage as Cll"t latwood "JOE KIDD" (PG) Allsrelr M01LH9'a "PUPPIT ON A CHAl'N" ITAITS WIDNISDAY WoMJAlleo "PLAY IT AGAI N, SAM" ---Ctlf!DDHE ?D ... ··. ~•_., .... \-__,_ --Ctlf!DDMI ?I ._ ,-·.··r i-., --..--; ---:. StADIU!f l ... -... . -..... -,. StAUIUM 3 . .. .. . ----,, SIA/I/UM 1 .. -•11" ---- "'IUTTllJllLlll Artl 111111"' fH) ........................... ... "'1'HI H.l.DUATa'" -ntl OTHl rt• f ... J • '"WAIT UMTIL DArt•• s.-~ ............ "'TMUNDllt IAU." • "'YOU OfllL Y LIVI "'!Cl" a.tll N Ctlllt I"""'°' ".tOI IUDO" • "SOMETIMC!S A •RIAT NOT IOH'" "THI NIW CRNTUlt!OHI'" Cit) -o-zc.-.... u., MISTY l'Ott Ml• Cit) -·-..... ...,,. "'Pl.AV Mltn .... ,_. ... ,.. .... fl ) Wl<DAYS 6·t· 10 !AT.' 5Ul t·•· 6 ·I· 10 Woody Allen's . "&ery:tbing ®C1n~ know about sex* Pies SHOWT SUIJICT & IOAD IUNNll \;,;;iiiiiiiiiiCARTOON ' htll G.,d .. ''HAROLD & MA UDE" IPGI ~======-~10~3 foilCKAtL SACKS VALEIUI PEftRJN& ·~-IM· ·--. ----1!.1• AIM• IMtfl ,.,,.,.. "UOl•D STAI COISPtu<Y- .. -.... Pater Saller' ·wmoaes It Hurt?'' AlSO-OAVlO HIVIN lit' "PUDllKI 119 tll Pll • • MMt0111 ~ com~ l!DWA .. DS HARBOR.:02 ,._aw._, -.r.Oll.)I. tOtll •IU .... ft!) ~Mfx~ 4iil~9!!@ Pl•ir ·"-...... "WIA,DOTOIU.f TO AIAllD Y"' ''FRITZ & ;:';."°..:.'.un Cl•IMA WUTIJ Wesilllirnt• At Cold sw•• W•~·l92-4ffl "OT!tll & WUTll Of IOD'' ., .. ,,.,,., CIKUIA WUT I I Wull!ftllrOf~ Wnllnimttr. m.un GI090E C:.ICOTI' lnc:t'UICll 'TlllJIEW tat UJllONS' !:~ ·-;f:j llTlllATH #4 CADEMY AWARD INN'ER ~-·-~··-----········-~---BARGAIN MATINEE Every Wodnud1y, I p.m. ............ , 14•1't .......... FM ' .. ~~" OfMilO' "SUC11 I O'.iil I" . SOUN.OS OF THE HAR$0R 1----"""Fashion Island Newport Beach . I 1 ' ., --.. -----·--• DAILY l'llal' Jt . PUllUC N011CE • • • ·, J • I • DAILY PILOT PlllUC NCll'let: PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PIJBUC NOTICE 9 ,_ I -lllllf •TICI Uf\ftTI•• aJ0t llll 'I'll• .W.•KNI <'OIHtT OI' "'"• ... TKa SU,.••!Oa C.OU9T Ofll "rtoll I .. TM• SUP'HIO. C~•T Of' TM• •N> ff .. -"'1 l'TAH OP C;M.1 ...... IA I• oWID nATe Ofll U&.INMMIA l .. AlllD SUT• ~ CM.l,...•IA *Ml• NOliCI II MPllY OIVIN trlef ..... NC T• C:CMHfTY OP ClltAHa ,.. l'MI COUllTV ~ OIUMGa ~ T"• C:OU•T'r OI" 09:.U.4• • .........,. wfll • rK11fw11 .. ""' C:tfy ltO. #ATHI .... ...,,., "°· Mnl1 • C:-. ......... •1 -rr. ~:::...~ llOTK• ...... UUflfO °" ,..TlrHM lllOTK• Ofll MIA•••• °" ,.,.,TIO. fljDT IC• °' llLU;lll• .. "nrr1c. ,..0. .. ·-c.i. """-· .. .... 9iltKTI .. CO.W•Y..ute .. °" "" Ollt•CT1 .. C~'rAlllCI °' •o. DlltltTIN• co..vn~· 0" ................. ll:tt ·--""' •UL f'l:W•1tn ~ Ofil COM• •SAL P9~UYT tOLA OM CO..· ...... ,..OPllt"rT ~ otf C.C>*-Mw. Octaew &. mt. IW. ... a. ........., TllACT •Y ou.&ol!Jn' 'ti.ACT •Y HC:•IMllfT TIACT IV OllCllOIWT ..... _. ..... .-.. .t ti<• UIL • ., lff T"E IMTTP ()II fHl" ETIAlli I .. THI! MAnllt Of' THI .,TAii tH l"I! MAl"TIEll OF THI &ST,,,T£ a -,,..,,..,...,. .. ..,tclk .... , • l'rt-Of'~,. M o.v. o.c-. °"~cc,.. OA't', Ow.at-01' G•ACE M o ... v. o.u...... ..,. 00-'-""· .... c.-tJI NO'TICE IS "lltl•Y GIVIEH •lwl .,,. NOllCI! /ft Hll!ltEIY GIVEN tlwol ..,. HOllCI' '' tollUtEIY DIVIN tNI 11ot ~ Clff HMI. 71 fl .... Drl•, c,.,... _.-.. • DI-.Mt<t 0...,.. .a ••· """'*' o1 OWoN ~' Gr..._ •t •I· Jl"l1119'1 Oii OI.,.. Jpt(.t Gt.._ a ••· .....,., CMll•fll•. ... ""-,..,....,.. ., eQ!trh 9' lht "''M II Grtc.t ft\. Otr, «'\11'1'1• et tho! *tltll et Ortoeo1 M Dir Kt,111!. II .... Hltlt It Ott« ... Dir. P'Ol.IGI vaHKLl!l Wl'll:NIMG S'l'ITk ........... ,., ... -· ...,,l!Clrltl"I ""' -....... '°" ar\ ordw """'9rld ... tnd ••• ...,. ... ·~ ·-111ttoorlt1111 lltCI AOOlllGMI Mt• .. '"' #Id~ ...... ...,,,,,. tlll htl(l,lftb .. "'-hltH .. dl....:11"' .... llfKVtrlo ff 11>f ~l•I• of ctlflC""9 tN *iiK<Ntl• It ..... , ... It M oblll .... •I ,,_ dflCe ., fJ19 ~MA. *"'-M. 0.0, • ...,,.., 11 COIWft' t!w Otet1 NI. o..,, -.. -. It for.,,.., II•• c;.'"' M. Ori. d9'HW ... _, lhl 1,. ......,., f'I l'Mt' om., c..,. Mn&, ""'"'1Y 1W11A11,.. Mlcf"IDM .. l#• P'Clllltf'1V Mrtl"-"" llttt•!llld to •Cllf<'• ,. ,......,.,, ..... tiMllW ... .,...... .. Lwi. Ctluor ..... 11111 tl'lolollll bf ,...,., .......... ''" Dowtlnt lft <lmllll-1 •1111 ll'lt I'-. M ~ltn(t ortlll 1,,_ llrrni of h ""rlnl In totnp1J111<1 wllll ttw ''"'" of '""''IM It flll Clfr Cltn., Ill 1 Mii• ....... tf "" .,,_ II Wit 1"11 'fll'-....,t ol Ult fr.d _,,,__, ...,_,111 IM 'VHmlfll OI "'1' .... -(lllM fftvt'I-..... lllllcl M 11W ....,... wltll 1M ~ ,..""'" 1~11 .,., ~ •~ ,_. htto .,.-CllCICltftt In "'' Ill.ii,,,. • ... 1 "'''~ lnlt ll'Y N<.-n1 In lltf lllfllmt. aw u-,,.~ •IW ll'lt °""'"91 O.IL Iii.ti ....... .,. ..... Mt .......... tor ...... "'--..,.,, "" ....... 1,.. In o.P.~: ..... "~j ., M'llff, ""' bf.•1'1 Ml I« ht••l"I In f'KI> bid .,..p tpOCI,., uch ... ~ lfW Ill tltM•"-' J It "" &Cotvt .... 1Ultd of .,_ _,,.. ... uneci °""11,.....t ' "' 1hf •bow f'flll""' ~I ll•m 1t .., for1ll In '"' ..._,,.°'*-:Ally ~ eto 11'111 ''II er, oi Oc1oi:... nn ., Of Ocfdot•, lff2 •I t·~°":'rn"." 1"-t!K 0'Y Qr!..,,'"" 6111 d•1 "' Oc•o••· l'N •t t.• o.-.ct •II ••c.,.11-IO Hit illoldflctll- t :• '·"'· T"' r11I Pl'OPl•!r lo bf c Id I •· "'1111 M cllll'lr $111td I~ JM IU ..... t.U-T"' , ... ft!'-'' lo bt' co .... , .. h OQcrlOH •• IQllOW,. "'"'' I 1"' rNI ..,_,,, lo .. con ... ,., 1, ~·· !O llf fOr'rtl •nr 11-... IM -lnu. ... rtbH •• fOllowt : Tiit "°""""'" \1; 0 el """ No-ti! ti ' dlK•lbld ... tollow~ •ions tllOJI '"'•ound• tor ••ltcU1111.,""' L• ,,, lrKI Mu, ,.,..,., v,u,, of ltw $0!,llhW•ll ' 11"" • Tr.cl ~'"· l..o• , .. , APPi• v.i11y, Old ,_.,.of S•~ l lt'nt•dlno Co1mly. • row,..,.rp JS HOl'lh 11,;.o, ~ E!'!t :i· '0KO'Gt 01 S•n ll••n••dlno Covnir. E.wh bid J/1111 .,.. fOf'fh "" lull -09"" Stotombtt n. n n. 0 1,blo 1 & M 1,,·,,, ..,,._ <-·•••• •ltd s..,11rnt111r 12, 1•n W E ... " -W I St JOHN Incl rn.lffl\tott el •II IN•-,,.. lllfltn c ' · SI J0"H• Tiit Batt \'I of IM 50<J!"tot\I •~ of ,,,_ c0.,,.j Cl••• ' lnltfetlecl I" 1111 pr(lpOMt '' prilvJ""*'. In TOMl.l•:;Q''a C~;';IKMAll 1';'.:~'~0~,,:io''"• s:i1~,•n,1 "• s.t('' fOMl..lflfSO" "a ST•l•MAll <• .. of cor_.111o1tt.. lnch,IOe 1111 Ml'l'lfS of Ill w (-11'"91 hlM _, E · · °' · ·~ 222 w c-.in '''"'· 1•111 * "" f'rnldtm. k••lt,.,., T, .. _..,. -............... c:iilllnlll '24fl C 101 Ml, OIHl1 II & M ll Ac L••Hfl , 1, ''""r""'· CIU191'nli tf4ll M•~. in4J ...... , O<;nly, 011) ....... , T1'e CJiy c-11 el IN Cltr el , .. ,, ... ...,....,t ,., • VI . ""•·""Wt\! 'A ol .... )O<Jm .... '• Atlll'111r• "" •••<•1'1• Mtt• .... ,.,., '"' •IQfil .... IKI .. ..., ., ill'\IDllatwtl °" •K n• "' t ... Norl!Twftt " ot .... ~IKWt•I •, PUllll\11.cl D··-CO.•I 01!11 "·•a•. •fl ttldt . ..,..,,., It ;,.,.. Cotti 0111, "llol. of Sod. t5 lowni.htp ls Ml"Q<I II [•ti S.o•-· .. ~JI 1•n 1'M-n 0..ltd: Slpll!'Flbff u . 1111. · , U, lf72 2 ... -n It.I. Ol1blo I & M IJ A~ L••H:" C0un, ·----'--C' .......... __ _:=:::1 P!Jbllll>ul °''~ CNil O.Ur f'llor ,.,., -s~pr .... oe, it, 1m Uft.12 0.ftd hOl•rntoet 11, lf/7, W. [. SI JOH..,, (l\lftlV ClttW PUBLIC NOTICE J>ueuc NOTICE I Jfltl TOMLlllSON & ITEINMAll a 2'UJ ,. THI IU,.111:10• COU•T 011' THI m w. c .... ,, "'"'· Siii•... •• T"• SUf'•••o• COU•T OF lHI STATI 01" C:Alll"OltlllA '"' AMO •o• Siii ._.......,, C•ll"'111• '1#1 ,,,.,. 01" CALll'O•NIA IN .... D 1"011 MOTICI TO c11•o"a.1 TN• COUNTY 01" OllANGI 1'111 1114.f461 THI COUNT'!' 01" OltAJIQI 111,.rio<" c--i of .... Sl1ho of Clff"""°" •ttwMy1 1W f•K" .. rl• 11110. A•11•1 ""° 1111 C-tf ti Or1119t. NO. ""41141 •• •• , ' •OTK• o• H•AltUtO 01" .... TITIOll f'ub!I......, ()r111Q41 c .... ,, Dtlly ~11•1. ICf o" HIAlll"O 01" f'UITIO" •. A·1fl71 ----PUBLIC NOTICE 1"011 Dllt•CTl•O co"r• '""Ct 01" ~pl .... _ "· )0, ''· ltN , .. J.n 1'011 Drll•CTIMG co"v1r.u.c1 01' E1!1te ef OONA LO ,. H 0. f' w ••Al ,..O,.•llT'I' 'Oi.O OK CO"· --ltlAL f'•Dll••TY SOLD o" COJll. HOOGS-ON, 1k1 DON ... LD A. HODGSON. TIU.CT I Y OIC•OINT PUBLIC NOTICE TltACT •Y OiC•DfNT Dece1wct IN THE MATTElll 01' THE £5TATEl------,:--;occ------I IH THE MATTER OF THE l!ST ... lE ""le• 11 IMr•~ 1lw11 I• ni. C:•ffllon OF Gltl\Cf M. DAY. O..:.tii..r. I~ 01' C.ltACf' M DAY Otce•lell ol 1111 ·~ Mmtd dtctdenl lh1t •II C~rlttlMI ldtM• ,.._,,.. """9 DONALD ANDERSON FAMILY Of SARATOGA SEES THE UNITED STATES IN THIS CAMPER Popul1rlty of Recre•tlonal Vehicles H11 CauMd Boom in Travel, Some Problems NOTICll IS HElt•llY GIVEN Iha! ,,. Ill THI •U•l•<O• <O"'' o• '"' NOTICE 1$ HEIU;iiy GrveN 1,..1 1,_ Ptttont lllvl"ll cl•lmt -ln1t lhl 11ld ... •Ill "" deced1nl 1r• ~lrld to Ill• fhtm. wllh "''"11111 of 0 1.,.. Jore• G•lllO ••• t•· !TATE 0,. CALll'O•NIA IN AHO Pit &n °1 01tftl Jove• O••ot· •• •"<Vl•I• !he ntcffH:rr vouctwn. I" !hi Ollk• of .aitrhr et lhl "l•lt of Gr9C• M. O•y, FOii TMol COUNTY 01" OltAHGol ~or Ille ••,l•I• e>f Gr•c1 M. D1y, de<e1Hd. lh• clotk of the •boVI f'flllllfod courl, °"to -.CMt.111. IOt •11 orlMr l~lhorli1"9 111111 •O. A.f71•7 '" or er •uO,..rlrl1111 •ncl dlrtetr,., ,,,. ornent flltm, wllh llW lllCt•wr~ llllAC:ll"9 '"' llKllfrl• of lh• 111111 cf HOT/Cf o• "IEAltl"• OF f'nlTIOM ...... Ulrlx ol Ille •tl•lt of Gr.co M. oa,, vcoucllor1, lo lhl undlr•IO!Jtd ., lhl olflCI Gr1c. M. °''' ""'""· lo °'"'YIV '"" ll(HI 0111ec-r1Ho COM\liYAHCe 01' ;::et~lf<l. •o COllv•r 1111 P•OPf•ly ol hl1 •llO•nfYS. MITCHELL lo "TUCKE•. ll"'CIPtrtY llor•lnlftM dttcrlbld Ill J1ek lllAL "110,.1'.Jt"rY SOLO OH CON-'1 natter dtJCrlbld lo K•n,..tt, O. Anor,..y0 ii l..IW, $t,1lll lJlJ H-porl W1rllll' llld H1itft Wtr"" In tamJJll1nce TllACT IY D•CIOliHT M//~er •lld H111r E. Mlllt•, 1n tompllanc, F!111nclal Ctn!tt, •10 N•wetort C•nlor Travel Radius Wider Now • wltti '"" llrm• or""'.,,_ .. , ol ••It lfot THE MATTElt OF THE ESTATE "'no Ille ,,,..,,. ot lh• •O•••-nl of lilt Drlv•, NIWpOrl leoch. C•llforn!• t?660. •l'ld plll'ClllM •nl1rtd Into &y <l•ttct..,I In OF GltACE M , OA 't, Otct•M<I. 1 Ptorc~••e t"ltrta ln!o by decldtnl !" wnlcl! 11 fhl Olll(:I of Mltl"'ts ol the ...... IJ,...t ..... I I Mlltr, 111t bttn tH tor NOTICE 15 ttER611V Gl\IEH 11!1! Ille IW~ lll"lm•. •1 Hll•r, 11•1 too.., ttl tor Vl'ld•r$lgtlfd I" 111 m111.,1 Plo'l•lnl1'19 hi l'INrlng In OtPll'!,,,.nt J ol '"' •11Gv1 tn· pttltlon Ill 011n1 Jore• Gr~, tt ••· ~tdflO 111 D11>1r1,....n1 J 111 lht tbove 0n. TM ••Ille ol ••Id O.tldtnf, wl!hln IO<Jr tllMlll COl/rl Oii 1111 "h ••r Ill Oclatotr. Kulrlx 01 lht ••I•!• ot G•K• M. Doy, 11.;: '""" Oii rro. f1h d1y of Oc:!obtr, ITlOtl'fhs 11tw ni. first pllbllcill.,, of l!!h tf71 I I t :• •.m, d-C.1Hd, fOf' In ord•r •ul"°'l•ln!1 •lld II •:OO • "'· notlct. Campers Add Greater Di1nension, in Summer of '72 llll r11I pr-rtr 111 M conv•?ld h Olrtcl/119 tht 1x1e11lrlx of '"-ltltli ot Tiie rett Pl'OPfrly lo be COllvtytd h 01ted A119us1 ri, 1•12. fftcrlOM" loUow" G•Kt M . O.r. OtatMO, "' COll~•v 111, dlK•lbtd •t lollow1: OONALO MAll.1..fY By MARILYN HOFFMAN A"'6I V•lll'Y Acr11, frl(I YI...,, l..ol OtOPt'rlr hlrlntll" dffcrlMd to Jowph A. Loi 135, TrtCI YIM, 11 •hown Oii E11.ec11tor of IM Ch ' I' S · M ·1 S I t7't, •-dt o1 Stn ltrntrdll>O COllftfv. W. O\lot1w end l..lnd1 E. Din>ttw In corn. •teO!'dt Of 5•n llern•rdlno Counly. WIU af 1t111 tllOlt• ftl!Md dKtclllll MS zan cienct Ofll Or erv Ct Otlld $ootemDH n. 11n. llll•nc• w1111 riw term• ot 11w 111, .. m..,r 0 ••td Soptt mO.• 12, ,,n, MITC"•LL & TIXti:lll BIG SUR -Many people call them W, f'. U JOHN. OI Ult '"° pUrt hl .. fftltr•d Into by W. E SI JOfiH, AltwMy. 11 Llw "th t •• ~--' · th COVIii~ Cl•'* <leocedfft• 1~ Mr 111eu...,., ,1 wHtr, h•• Cou111~ Cl••k St.Ill• UlS 11_Jllll'f f'lfllMl•I CMllf" e grea escape. vurcrs C aim ey TOMLllllON ' SlllNMA" bffn "' for llt1rl"9 1 .. DtlM•l....,nl J ol TOIY-Ll"SOH .. l"rl!IHMAH '" "-""' CH1 ... D•lw are the ans wer to the high cost of family • w. C-' Slrft'I, s.i1, .,. 1ro. •!>OW '"llltod <ovn °" 11,., ,1h <llY 01 JU W. c ... n Slr"HI, Suitt .U H••-1 l lKll, C•llfolllli n... . I 1111 ...._..., c.11 .... 1111 n411 Oc•ooer. 1971 11 ,,00 '·'"· S•" '''"''"lrro. c1111or1111 ,,,.1 T•1 : c110 "4-1111 vacation trave . Well-heeled retired folk me>....,.., Tt1e •••I o•OPfftf 111 bf u ... veveci 1, IJitl 1114·"'1 "11......,, '-l!•Kvtw say they love getting back to nalure in .. ,,.,...,. '-" ••tcvt•l• dtKrloed •• 1o11-1: Allarllf'YI • .,. ••1e:ulrb Pvblllflld Or1npt1 Cotti D•Uy P'!tol "llt!llVW °''"" C.0011 Dilly Piiot, Lot1 1~7 •!Id UI. Tritt J"', AllClft l'llbUs""' o •• _ Co.ii Dtll~ Piiot, Aug1,11f lt, •!Id $ellll!'r\blr ' 17 ,,. mobile luxury. &Isl~ "· :io, u. 1tn J•n·n V•tlty. •1<oro1t o1 S•n lt•Mrdlno coun. Slot•"'111' "· 20• :u, itn 2"'•·72 19n · n...n Whatever the outburst of enthusiasm, :r.,eci s.ptem-11. 1•n, motor homes, travel trailers. and w. E. s1 JOHN, PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE campers have, this summer of '72, won • HIM Count~ Cltrk •• TH• su,.•1110• COURT o• TH1r TOMLINIO" • STEINM .. H • ttlll l"ICTITIOUI IUS1"1!'5S the phenomenal support of travelers of ITAT• o" CALlllOlllif lA '" A"O llDll m w. , ..... llrMI, Sllllt 4H IN THI' SUf'llllOll CDU•T 01" ""' "AMII! STATl!M•HT all ages who like respondm' g to the call of TM• COU/lllTY o• OllA/1110• "SIJI l tnllrdhM, C.IHOrJlll tJffl STAT• OF c•LIFOll"IA 1111 ""0 FOii "Tiii lollowl"l1 Pt•IO!'t .... .oi HO. ""''"' (JUI 1114., .. 1 THI! COUHJY 01" O•ANOI bust...,. •t: 1111 the wild, but hate roughing it. They flfOTIC• DI" M•A•INO 011 f'ntTIOM Ar:.~:::..,"' o~:::'"tc •• t 0••1" PU~! HOTICI 01' "".0 ... ~:~''•• •nrr••• ,,,,s•NOPlf'ER COMMUNICATIONS, prafer to carry their motel on board and 110• Dl•ICTINO CONV•YANC• 011 "-lom~-, "'".' -. ''· '''' • >'•>>·n' _ ll•k1r Slrttl, C'tll• MKt, '"T -. • ••AL f'ltDflllllT'I' SOLD ON CON· ..... ..... tr.'" l"Oll Dllll'CTINC COHVl!'rAHc'• OF C•lllornla '1616 to cook with gas. TltACT I V o•c•D•flfT . lll'. .. L f'ltOf'l!llTY SOLO 0.. CON· STACOSWITCH, INC 11}1 ••k1r Llk . t t the t ' I 1" THE MATTER OF THE liSlATE PUBLIC NOTICE T•Act ,., Dl!ceor"T srr1t1, COii• ""'"· c.1ilornl• ,262,. • e g1an an s, se reerea 1ona Of" OltACI! M. OAY, OtcNted. '-------:c-=cc-------1 IN THE "\ATT.!!11. 01' THE llESlAlE Tt.li bU1lnu1 It conctucltd tty • car-vehicles crawl through the WesJ. Many NOTICE 15 HEREl'I' GIVEN th1t fh•l OF GRACE M. DAY, Dtc•••f<I Plll'lllOll, I 'th b' I d . 'lb ,..1111on of Olan• Joyc.o Gr1W, ... _ ••. • ~ NOTICE IS HEllf'llY GIVEN ..... , 1111 STACOSWllCH, INC. are sung WI 1cyc es an poppmg WI -cvtr•• or 1111 1tt•I• ot Gr1c1 ""· D•r. '"sl:f-1 sg:~~'8~o~oif~:T1:~J;• ..-uiieto 01 Ol•n• Joye• G•t0t;t. •• ••· ev: Pev11ne i<. '"'* smiling children . . ~Md, IOf' '" ordtr •Ull\orli1"9 •!Id _,01t l HI COUNTY OF OltA"OI' K11lrl• Of tl'I •trll• at G••c• M. Oor, Tiiis 1t1ltm1nt wa1 flied wllh IM Cot.in-H , th , 111/r'Kfl"I lht ••ec11trl• 11 1111 '"'" of "o. A-t7J'1 °"'''eci, tor lft order 1111r-111"' •nd ty Clerk of O••not Counrv on A~11. ll. ere IJl e Big Sur. we see these GrN• M. Dir. 0«u1ec1, to '°""" ,,,. •or dlr•cll"' '"" ••l'Cvlrl• o1 1111 1111!• ot 11n veh1'cles perched oo 1'd bl"'f I'k ...,.,.,,.,. tlfflln11i.r dlt<rlbtd tv Thon\11 ,,. 01' HIAlt lNG 01' lllTITIOll G••c• M. o~ ... dtc:•••td, to COllVer I .... •1cHAllD •. LEAVITT ISQ seas e I.\> s I e R. Drlllfl •nd llt"rllci M. z1,1111, r" com-•o• 0 1••CTiflfG CONV•'l'A"CE o" P<OPt'•tv lllreln111er Oncrtoed 10 Gornol: ,,. •-If 1111 s11n', "a. j... birds spaced along a high wire ready for :":~ -:: ':r:.': ~:~ .. "r:e"": :::~T ~~o~~~~e~~~o OM c oflf. ,'.r"°,.,,c''}: ~::.,""!11~~=~1~"'1.;:!'h ::: i::.;:.i.:;,c:£~O:· ""1 quick flight. We see them silhouetted ~ Jn tltr 111111,..., ,, 111111r. "''' '" THE MATTE• OF THE est ATE ou•cll•s. "''••td 1n10 by dt¢edlnr rn"" "","'against white sand dwies and nestled into """"Ml for llM•1"9 In 0.Plrl"""I J of OF GRACE M. OA'I', 0.Ctlold. 111•11,..., •t lflltr, l\ts ~Ml lot llllr· Pvt:Jll1!wlf Or•ngo COlsl O•llt Pllol ed ood f floj -....,,. MtlttH c-1.., il!I '"' ••r 01 No11ce 1s HEii.EBY Glllf'H 111.1 1111 11111 In 0.111•1,....n1 l at •ht •bow ... 1111"' ,."'Wit 1t, •nd s.pr1m1>1r j, 12, 1,; r w orests, with the w e fragrant Oct.lllr, 1m ,, r:oe •.m. petrllon of 0 11"-Jor<:t G•'V'it· •• ••· courr "" 111e .i11 o,, 01 0c:r.:.o..., l'n 11 1tn Dr1-72 outdoors as Jiving room and playgrowid. Tfll ,.., pr:r.rty la bf t"'""'" h ecvrrl• ol lhl ••!tit of G•1ce M. D•r. f:OO '·'"· .i.tc:rlDM ••fol ow1: ""''""· for '" Wdtr •vlhorl1l119 •ncl T""' •NI Pl'OPf'l'IV lo he COllVll'J'td It PUBLIC NOTICE Lot 171, Tr.c:1 Bt6.. rtc:Otdl. II Sin dlrtcllr>O !he IXKtJlrl• o1 !t\11 •••••• ol oei.ct!bed •• t01•ow1; THE DONALD H. ANDERSON family llf"rllnllrro County. G•tc• M. D•r, ~11ed, lo c"'"'' tilt l..ol II,, Tr•<• 5"'. •«0td• o1 ~•n Dti.d ~ 12, lt7J. P<'-ly twrll"'ll" dttcrlbl!d lo Cl"" BtrMrclino C-.lf FICTrTIOUS IUllN•Ss Of Saratoga, picnics under the trees, and W. IE. St JOHN. f'oll1r In tOtT1Pll•nc1 wtl!I lhl ,.,.,,.. o1 Otltd ~ple..,oer 11, 11n. HAMI ITAT•M•"T dr c~ Cllrk 1M "'""""1 o1 .. ,, '"° """"''1 w. E s• JC»lN. Trw 1o11ow1119 .,..._ Jt 11o1111 w.1,.... the chil en swim and explore trails. The TOMLl/lllSOlll a ,,..,,,.MAH ... 1 •• -.:1 lnlo tty dKl(lerll In ..... llfellme, Coun!y Cler~ ••. CUSl OM EXEc·-·v• .,,,, -Andersons: have had a Volkswagen ,1111 w. CMt n..t, svn. ..i •• •ell .... ha• beet! st'I tor ht1rlnv In TOMLlllSON a l'l'l!INM..,H uo • ••-h ' h I ••• ._.,_,.. Ctllllnll• 12411 O*P•rl"'lnl l Of 1111 •bove •rrlllltd ct>U•I Jll W. Courl Slrlll, S11llt *' HJlftr lt W1y, HIWllOrl &.ICll. C1I. nMO C8mper, W IC Seeps tbe couple and ·1n4> .....,..1 • "' •. -'."" ''" d•r of 0c:1a1>tt, 1tn 11 •:oo s1" •••n•ro1n1. c1111w.w. ,,.,, N:,:~,ir;::~."'c',':.•·.!H! H111•1• W•r. their two young daughters, for four •°"""""'' IW l•ocvlrll "' OUJ ........ , ·-l'11l1U""9lll 0r11191 c ... 11 0.111 f'not. tiw r111 orOP<rlr 10 " <onv•vld It .... .,...,, tor ••«vlrlK Thlt t>llllna.t 11 bll"9 con0uc1.r Dr '" years. They've made several cross-coun-.......,..._ 1•, :io. ''· 11n ,,,,.72 lllr..:rlbtd •• tollowt· Puttll•hed Or•1191 c ... tt Dilly 1111o1, llldlvkllllll. try tri·pa m' ·11 and .... 1·t --~anUy for Lots JJ •!Id ~. f tl('.f StU, rKora• al ilotlmblr It. :JO. 2•, lt11 J"t-l2 f'1td T. V11i1 ......., ....,....,.. s,,, "'"''01no c-.1y. 1----'--'-'::..::::._c_:_ __ _:.:::.::1 1 h1• s''""""' 1111ct w1111 1111 county weekend trips to fa'Jorite .spots. °"""' Sl!P'lmbtt n. itn. Cler~ of Dr•nto t&lltl'ty .,.. ,.1111. 21 1,n w. r:. s1 JOHN. PUBLIC NOTICE •r 1111"' J. ••rv•'"'· Or,,u,; Countf "If we were traveling by car," Mrs. I *-Counry c1.,~ Cl.,k. And po' t t " 'd he . I '" ™" IUf'•ltlOll COUllT 01" TH• TOMLINSON • STll!l"MAH .. IHJI ersoo 10 s OU ' we paymg L tTATI 01' CALll'OllNIA 1111 AND l"D• J:U w. Clurl SlrM!, Sull• .. , • 1HS1 A:o~~1,ishtd Or•119• COlll D•U~ Piiot, Jeast $20 8 night for motels, plus meals in T•• COUNT'!' OI' OllAlllCitl s•11 •••n1rd1111• cou""""1• "*' 1H THI! su11•1t101t cou11T 011 itn 19' •lld StP'tmblr ~. 11,,·n'.n'' res taurants. This way, we neve r pay out H1. A .. 11'1 l th 1714) 114-t"l THI! STATI 01' CALll"OlllNIA IN AlllD h NOT1ca OI' t1•A111No o" ,.•T1T10• """,..'' ,... E••ev1r1. FO• TM• cou"TY 0,, o•&NOE PUBLIC NOTICE more t an $.1 a night to park in a l"CMI Dlll•CTINO CON\l•YA/lllCI Of' ,uttUtMO °''"'" Co•tl Dtllv P'llot, "0-.... ,,,, campground and we carry our own food ..... ,..OP'.llT'I' SOLO 011 COM-SIJll•rnbttr It, 10, ,., nn 1•1,·11 HOTICI D" Hf'A•IHG o" f'l!TlllOHl---- TllACT ., o•C•D•HT ----·) l"O• DlllECTt"G COHV•'l'ANCI 01' "ICTITIOUI IUSIH••s and make our own meals. tN -rMR MATTE• o,. '"I! ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE 11e1.L 1111of'11•Tv soLo 0 " coH· /111.t.Ms: sTaT•M•HT ··w k nd · doe 't l'k OF GltACll! M. DAY, o.c..... 1--------------·I Tlt ... CT SY OECIEDEMT TN following S.•1<111 Is doing bin.I ee e campmg sn seem I e NOTICE IS HE•e•v GIVEN 11111 1"" • JtMJ IN THE MATTER. OF THE ESTATE '" "'"work to me anymore because it's fun. :1~:!:: 1~11~:"0: G~r::'M~·o:~: IN T"E IUf'l!.ltlOll COU•T 01' TH• al GRACE: M. OAY, dt(tlltd. e."1~~T~~ .. Gt:!;~.E~.!-,•. !5$.E, Ntr., 130 And certainly a camper aives flexibility ... Md, for ... trdl• •vfhorllllllt ... STA"rlE o" CALIFOltHIA IH ANO NOTICE IS HERE!IY GIVEN 111•1 1he ....... ..... "' •l•tc:tl.,, 1,.. •~tculrl~ of ttw '"''' or ,.o• TH• COUNTY OI' OltANG• Dt!lt!an ot Dl•n~ JO'fct Gr"l!11. '' ••· Flor•nc:• Ktnt. 20102 Blrcll. Llnll An1 to travel with children We can stop when HO. A·'"'' ttul•I• OI lht 11111e Of Grace M . Dev. Helghll. • . C..1<1 M. 01y, dlc11Md. 10 c011wv 1111 KO••<• 0 , HEA•t•o 0, •EttTIOH dectited, 1.,, •n Otd•• ,.,,,_1,11\Q '"" T_hi_s t>uti"•s• It bsll'lll conducled ti'!' •n we need to, and the kids can play or _ ... twr1ln1rtw lllM:•lt>td la OtYIO ' · •-•,.,,, .. ,, h .. ~. •1111 •1n111 llund ... 1, Ill com-l'O• DlllECTIHG COHVE"rANCE O" dlrtc:•lno llw ••Kulrlo of Ille Hl•lt of .... ¥ • sleep in I e back while my husband aad 1 •EAi.. ,.l(Of'IElt"r'r SOLO ON COH· GrK• M, DI~, <hc•IW<I', to , COll~tr Florene• k"111 :1-:i: ~~ '::..~: !.~';-Id "'r: .. -~ -r•ACT 9Y Dll!Cll!DENT Ille pr 0" I r Ir llt•el"•"... lies-Tl\lt "'t .. r1en1 lilld with llllr County alternate driving." ftctdonl IJI hot' Ullllmt. •• Mll•r. hff IN THE MATlEll OF lHf' ESTAlE crlbld lo Miki C. Mttli,en Ind Cl•rk of O.•t111t CllUf'lly on Aug. 21, 1'7'2. bNf1 Ill tor "''''"" lft O.,..r"""'1 1 If 01" G•ACE M, PAY• Otttl!ld. G•etc""" W Mtt-"11 In compll•nct with I r lllt'Y J, Btr11t11J1. Oepuiy Covnrt tht lbe\le 1nnt11d courl "" fhl •lh dtr If HOTl CE IS HER£8Y GIVEN 11111 '"' Ille k tm1 ilf '"" 1t;trK.,,tnl Of tllt •n<I Cler-. Oc.100.•. 1m 11 t :OO '·"'· ootl tlon o1 Ol1n1 Jlll'CI GrtH. '' •x· Ptll'dla"' •ntertd lnlo ll'f decldfftl In lier PU6tl l"l"JI /4&£""''C'L PUBLIC NOTICI!: PUBLIC NOTICE During the week, Anderson uses the trim little camper as his commuter car, making it do double duty. THEN THERE JS THE semiretired businessman from Yuma, Ariz., who has a deluxe $18,500 Apollo motor home in which he and his wife, and assorted friends and relatives, have traveled 25.000 miles around the West. This super conveyance has wall·to-wall carpeting, air conditioning, and is com· '1'1ala ramper has rut us down to almost uothh1g in travel rosts.' ~ had, for four people, one week's supply of waler, gas fuel for cooking and refrigera· lion, and sanitary disposal storage. This jovial c hap says they live "like royalty" and make waffles every morn- ing for breakfast. As for costs, another couple recently joined him and his wife for two weeks of travel, and total cost for food, gas, tolls, etc. reckoned oot at $5.05 per day per person . He gels only seven miles to the gallon of gasoline, but doesn't consider this factor important When he and his wife went calling on m arried children, he said, they rolled up with their own bedroom, which was am· venient loo. A young father with a secondhand camper fitted onto 1 Ford truck cab told me he bad been transferred from Atlanta to California and so took three weeks to drive his wife and five children across the countey, stopping ~t every national park and his toric site a long the way. "This camper has cut us down lo alm ost nothing in travel costs," he says, "which meruu we've been able to spend more on sight-seeing." HIS Ji.YEAR-OLD son says be liked lbe camper because he "felt like a pioneer crossing the prairie." The smallest, a J.year-old girl, called out, "Come back and see us sometime," and I told her she migllt be hard to find in her rolling home, but that we'd wave if we passed. Another maodem-day gypsy, JoM Crook of Newport Beach, ii traveling alone and liking it. He bought his Volkswagen camper in Europe tar $3,100 and put $13,000 miles on it in three months. According to the Recreatimal Vehicle Institute, retail .sales volume ln 1971 hit a record $1,629.483,<XMI, a 4.1 percent in· crease over 1970. By 1978, this figure is expected to double to more than $3 billion. ~of.Or nomes are -the -rastest - growing segment of I.he industry. 'Ibey range in length from lS to 35 fett, and from $5,000 to $20,000 in price. ONE HELP TO consumers ·was the 1971 removal of the 7 percent automobile excise tax from motor homes, ·and the repeal of the 10 percent excise tu on the tight-duty trucks used in the oonstructlou of many motor homes. Biggest problem of owning a motor home is shortage or storage facilities • Apartment dwellers often can't find parking for them. Many residential areas have restrictive ordinances prohlbitinC recreational-vehicle parking. Some big cities are planning nearby recreational-vehicle parking lots where these land cruisers may be ganiged, pro- tected, maintained, aod repaired. There is also a shortage o f campground> and parks. Ovmuaht park· ing in a co1M1ercially operated campground ranges from $1.SO to $8 per night, wilh Sl extra for utdiUes hookup. In public campgrounds fets nm from $1 to $3 per night. A nationwide survey of 500 camping families made last year 1bow1 that the avarage age of a recreational·vebicl1 owner is 4S. Ave.rage trip taken by work· ing people involved 1$ days and was more than 2,600 miles in length. Retired vehicle owners averaged 63 days away from borne and 4,600 miles of travel. PUBLIC NOTICE Coast Area Vital Statistics Tl'll fffl pr_,,, lo llol ,........,.Id It Kvlrb ol "" , ........ G••tt M. °''· llfellt'M, It Hll .... het bllTI "' IOt .... r. A 1151 sn;: 0~119t Coos! D~llr l'llOI. 41tte:rlbld .. 1o110,.,., dlcnltd. for •n 0tder •ulf!Ofllll'lll •!Id '"" In Otptrt.....,t J of lhl •bovt ~nUlltd 11~ • 1 $ell!•mbor j. 11, It, L-ol to. lrKt s.t7i •t •llowft ., dl•ecllno ,..,. ••1JC11l•l• of the nt1le ol courr Oii tftt 6th d•V of Oc1obtr, 1111 11 Ht3-n record• ot Jin '""''dlno c-1,. G•1c:• M. D•Y• dtc11Hd, II conWy !t\11 t :Otl '·"'· Oflfd SlpltmDff I), 1f7j, pr-rly i'll<tlntlltt dtKrloed la Jollnny Thi ••ti pr-rly la bt (OllWll'J'ld h W. E. SI JOH"!, l , Vuqwl Ind 01111 8. Vl$-Z. In COll'I· dt1trll>fd •t lollowt: COUNT¥ CLE ltK oll•nc• wltll '"" l~•m• ol !hf •11•Hmtnl The Sou!lo "' of Ille Sovti...111 ·~ Ill l'tCTtTIOUS IUSt"•ss TQMLINIOll I ITll"MA" al .. i. llld ourch11e "11trld 11111 ll'f SKllon "' Town1h!p 1 NorlK Rtnot 16 Not.Me" STAT•Ml"T :Di w. Cowl 11'911. su111 • Otcf'Clrnt In Ill• ll!tllmt. '' ••II••· f\1s E•tl $•n ll••nt•dlno M••ldf•n, e~cepr. The lallow!ng .,.-rton 11 Oolr>g buslnii.1 ltfl """'1'1111"" C1lltw11l1 rt411 blln WI for hl•tlng ln D•plrlm•nl l ol I~ lherllritrn 1 ttrlp ol l•f'IO 100 fttl •1: '"'"'"""""""'"'])ii""'"'J) .... <JoWl>Jl'l'.'2:UJ10\1s,;..aMs ~ .• ..-l flfl IM-t"I the 1bllw• 1nlll1f<I cour! on IM •th Ootr ol In width '" ~ Sf' 1~ of Ille SE ''• e>! llUNDV C .. NYON Pll.Ol'l!:ltTIES, «1'1 ... ,,.,,..,. flt •111e:vlli• Octooer, lt11 •1 l :OCI '·""· •~Id ~Kii"" 16 ry1n11 !Oil IHI on ••ch l lrch SI .. Sulle 102, N•wiion Betcl't, ,.llOll1r..d Or1n111 (ot1I Otlly ""°'· tr.. •e1I P•-rrv lo "' <onverft 11 •ld1 o1 !ht tcUowlno an,•lt>ed center c.111. flMO. Stpt....totr It, lQ, )t, lt7J , .. 1.ri dfiCrlt!9(1 It follows· llnro &~lnnl"ll 11 • DOlnl on TM iOlilh G•ry P•dtflon, 11•11 Morir1n1, Loi 1'0, Tr1ct StH. •1"Cord1 o! i1n lint &I tlld Sectldl'I 11 1t SllllOll J203 A.pl. 10, LOI A1191t .. , C1r11. tOD•t. PUBLIC NOTICE Bern~rdlno Co.inrr. plu' ol(l or lhe S11<1rnern Ptcl!lc R•ll•old "Thlt bUsl,,eu 11 bel"' COf>ducltd bv 1 0111<1 '>lplembff '1, lt11. c0..,,..111 rl<;tM -O!·wlr •PJtrovtd br Ille Uml~ P1rt,..r1hlp, W, E. M JOHN, Surve•or Gt nor1! ol 11\f Stilt of Gtry Pld1"'1f'I I tfMI Countr Cler~ C1lllor,,l1, on Octof>tor ?. 111•: r11tnce Tlll1 t11!1"""1 fil•d will! tM Co11111y IN "rH• SUP'lltlOll CDUllY o" TOMLl"SON • STEINMAN Nor!h 411 d'11•ffl , •• E11I llt!t '"' CIM-"Or11191 Counly on Al.IQ 21. "" "'". STAT• 0 .. CALIFOllNIA IN ]ll W, Covrl Sl•HI, Svit• ~ mart 0, 1~,_ to t ooinl on "'" •I•! line Iv lt!ly J 91r111ttn. 011>1/lr Co.inly AlllD 1"011 TH• COUNTY 0" O•&"OI SI" •1rn1rl11no, C1lllornl1 flit! t>f 1110 S«.lllH'I 14 Sin Be•n•rdlno Coull· Cltrk. NO. A .. 17tr (71') H4·t•U Iv, Cir NDTIC• DI" HUIU/1110 0" f'ITITIO" AlllrMrl .., e•KYl•I• D•tld StPl•mDe• 1', 1911. f'O• Dt•IC"rlHO CONVIYANCI 01" llvbllWd OrtnQ• C011I OtiJY f'llel, W I SI JOH" Pt.11111~ Avouu Jt, "" Fltt51 Or1"11• Co.•! Dill~ Pltcrt, Ind Slp!tmblr j, )2, It, •••l ,..ON•tv SDLO 'Otll COJto s..,i.mlier lt, '°· ~'' 1''n ''"•·1' c~niv Cfer~ · Tlt•CT IY Oll!'C•DeNT -----TOMLIHSO" /l STl'IHMAH -- IN TME MAlTElf 01' THE ESlATC PUBLIC NOTICE :ni W. (Ollf'I llrttl. SuH1 oMll PUBLIC NOTICE 1111·12 OF GltACE M. O .. V. OK11ttd. Sin lt•fllrdl1M, Collll<'ftlt 124411 ------ "MOllC.f 15 ttEltf'llV GIVEN 11\t1 Ille • ltlSf (11•) ···"" ,.ICTITIOUS-1u5iN1sS-~llllon ol oi .... JO.,CI 0 •1911· II ••. '" "'"' su,.••totl CO\l•T °"TM• Alllf!llYI ,... ••K.trl• NAM• STAT•MeNT .,.,I • ., 11'111 111•,. et Gl'K• M. Di v. STAT• 01' CALl•O•HIA ... ""o "Olt P'IJbffal\td Or11191 (NII D•Hr "110!, Tile tollowtng ........ ••• dol"' ==· .: ~':c_~:" "'~'-~ TMI COUNT'!' 01' Olt.t./1110• Seplfmt>or If, )0, 1,, ltn )J6,•72 OWi":: 1s: Gre<• M, Oty, dKt111d. le> coiwev lllO HO. A•n&7 T PV!l l..ICATtONS. Ar.I· UI. )IOI ~ lllrtln•lter dltcrlt>f'CI la Atlllllr NOTI C• 01' "lfAltlNG 01' lllTITIOff f'ar~~lew L•ne. 1...,/ne, Cl! fornl•. I'. *-'-llOI"' •nd NOO<lko s , sec11rl!OIM I" l'O• Dlltl!CTl"G COH\llTAH(.t OF PUBUC NOTICE WIHlom L. "'nde•SO!'I, ""'" ti, :S.Ol C~MIC• wilh lhl torml of lhl llll'ff· ltlEAL-f'•Of'l•TY SOLO ON COH· P•r~vlew Ltne. lrvlnt Ctlll. -1 of Mlt •rel pu«h•1" "111"td !~II by Tlt,t,CT IY OECf'Ol!:HT lltr,.,. l . Dodd. )tt? Clirfmont ~I In l>rr n1otu,,,., .. wH••· ,.., tH THE MAllEll OF TliE ESTATE I "'" ~rvtn•. C11il • -" t for 1111,1,. I" o..>f•l""""I J o1 OF GltAC[ M. 0 .. Y. 0Ktlted SUf'IEltlOlt COU•T 0" THI Ms bvr.lntll It 1>11"9 canduttlcl tty 1 of NOTICE IS HEREllY GIVEH, l"'t lllt Sl•TI OF CAl..l .. DllNIA IFOlt Limited Porlner•hio. tl"llt •bo'le "'"'~ twrt on ltw' 41~ div pottJtlon ol DI-Joyce Gr-o<;t. '' ,,. T"I COU"TY O" OltAK91 Wllll1m 1... AMerson OC'llllllf, n n ' oa •"' v Id Is Kvl•I• ol lhl '''''e at G••CI M. O•v. N .. A•7•024 This 1111emtnt filed wllh ni. CO<i"IV Tiii fHI P;~''.V In tie (Ml tY d«fl•<'!I, IOt 8n or(Jfr 1utl'IOrlJl"11 1110 HOTl(I 01" H•AlllflfG 0" "•TITION Cl..,_ ol 0••"!1f' Cou""f' 611 Alllf. n. 1'72, ~lt>ld ~°'°i:", IJt ~f)l>lt VilllY, dl•K11"9 ll)r ••teulrl~ ol I"' •tlllf ol 110• f'•OIATI! 0" WtLL AND 1'011 lly ll•tlr J, ll1r111!tn, D1outy C4'irotr f.C:I I s.'.n 1: ..... ni .... Ce>uMy. Grief'· M. D•v" dl'<N\ld, to COll\ltY lhfo L•TTll!llS T•STAMl!NTMIY Cll!'k. t..cotdl~llmllet 11 it!1 o•&p1rly 1'er•lnttll!I' de,,rloed lo 01"1~1 E1ta11 of Alll..INE S. HILLS, •li.o .. , ... , 0.19!1W I SI JOHN ' 0. .. v!lt in compli4finc• wl!?t ll>r fermt ol know~ '1 M•S. JOH" 0 , HILLS, Oectll· ~l1llf'd OrltnOf COltl Otlly lllle!, cOuntY Cit•-' lfll •11rw-nt ol talt Ind 11t1rd1111• td. liUOVlf 29, Ind Slpltmber S, 12, It, TOMLlllSOH a STEl"Ml.N enT ... ed lnlo tty dKf'dtn! In Krr lltotlnw, NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIV(N Th•1 ltn lllf-72 1:il W CMrl I""' lull• 101 11 Mhl•, 1111 been stl klr M1r!nt In CHAltLES I!. SOlll!R. 1111 lltf'ol hlrtln t ...... .,.,....... C~lllornll llll1 Oeptrlmtflt ) et 1111 •boYt 1nfl!lell covrl Ptllllon lor Prabl,11 ol Wiii •rod tor PUBLIC NOTICE f'1fJ .... ,...1 Oii llw 611'1 4111 ol Oct<)l)f/r. 1tl1 11 t:oo l1tu•nc1 ol L1111ers T11!1m1nr1rr to ltllll ------~---.:..:----1 A"-,_ ••1uttri1 A.fl), 111llll011•f rfllrtllC• lo Wllltll It mtOt for I mtt l'Vf)ll~ Or•no• co.ul O~llV •r!ol, ll'I rell ort111rl¥ 10 o. con"•Vtd 11 t.,.-1,..r Pt•llcUlart. •rid lhtl l'W II"" f lll1 lflf THI SUf'l!lllOll COUll"r 0 ,. TMI Swt-twr It, 20, 1t, 1t72 1~13,71 t111crlbld It followt · PllC• ol IM1r!i:"<I '"' ''ml lllt 111111 '" ,"rA"rf 01' CALIFOltlllA IN ANO llOlt --Lot 11, lrKI Na. 5,15, 11 ~er al~t lor ~1111~mt11r ''-Im, 41 t :• '·"'·• In THI COUNTY 0" OltANC• plfBUC NOTICE recorded In t>oolt 61 el MtPt, IM<a• lf lht c1111,1rtf'OOm cir ~'m"'t No. , ol MO A.f77., 10 ..0. lnchnl~1. rtc:ords of l•lo 5tn Mid courl, •I 1'DCI Civic C•nflr Ot1 .... NOTICE OF Hl:AltlHO Of! P'l:TITIO,. .- l•m1"'1no C-lf. W•,I, In 1111 City of S•nl• Alll, C•Hft><nli, f'Dlt DllllCllHO C:ONVIYAHCll" 11 o '" S.P«mt>llr 11 11n Dor.H 5tpl1mMr •· 1tn •IAL ll'llOP' O H«jCI i. .,.....cw ii"" lflll (If! Julv 1l, 1 W E SI JOHN WILLIAM E 11 JOHN lltTV tol.D OH COH-ttn. Uftlllll Sl•lft "''''°"'r l•n,, • .... c . i c•-. (Ot,lnly ,,..... TllACT .... DECID.NT ~ ..,..kfftll ••*"'"°"' 111114 ... fP. TOMLlll= ya STllllMAll He••••T OALL • JOHN u. C';Al..l o~N TM~ MAn1:11 OF THE ESTATE ltlfaffon WI,... IN CMll"•ltlw ol n,. (UI• :m W Cwrt Strwl S .. lt ._. Ir: Jlillt U. 0•11 GllCAIE M. 0AY. 0.o.tlld. l'lflCT 11 •1t1bllih .. • •111C11 In'"' ¥lcJ..;11 Slfl i'""'""-. c.iflnl• ,, ... , 111 S1W1ft OU•• Slf'lll, SVl!t... HOTI IS HEllfllY GIVl!N 11'111 tht -~ 1111 . lnll'l'MCllDll .. llrcfl S!rltl .-Id 1110 ........ , Lit ,.,...111. C•Hltr•I• """ s-llllon ol Olfll.I Jorc1 Gl'9fll. II ••. MkA•lhu• ffl#ltY""' HIWPll'I l•K~. /lll ... ntl" ... ••Kfflt't~ All_,-. .., ,etlllltllr f(lllfl• ol '"' Hltft et Grlft M. D.tir. ...... c-1r. Cllllon'N. Pllf)llthf'd Drlnot COIU D•ltv "llol, Pullll.,... Oi'•llOI Cotti 0.11~ f'llol, ::::·-.:::-i:: '" .... Wf""1li"I ll'NI a.,tlft\bll' It. 1tn , -P Slllttmbtr It. 10. "· 1m )Ui-n SIPl.,,.t>or ll, ll. "· 1tn DM-12 c;...!!... M 0 n~trhr II "" u11,. If "'lllilll"*' Nt'l'llOff HortlOI' I reu ·~• . l'Y· ~MMd. fo C11fWt !1K c~ """' 0tl1r "'Ml. K1w11&11 PUBLIC NOTICE Pl'Olltl'l'I' lllftlMt11r Oltcf'tbtlll 1o C..iM "9dl. co111twn11 51P'!•,... "· "n ruBLIC NOTICE c•111e •"II ,_ c..11111 '" ~·--tot .. n wttll ... '""'' of "" •••111o1t11 ., Ml• :=============:=.! l'ICTITIOVI IUSIH!.SS tl'ld ""'UllM flli.r.I Into try ~I In Hl\M• STATllMl/llll STA"rlM•NT o" ..... "OONJ-llll"r DI' ..... IUlllnw, .... u ... hit Itel! ... !QI' For Weekender Advertising Phone 6424321 ltw 1oo1:ow1,.. ~ .. cto1111 trvth .. H Ull 01' "ICTl"rlOUS •usotlSS NAMI ri..rl111 lt'I Olcllftfrlltlll 3 et tht '"'" .... "'' Tl'I tollow!AQ P'I''-ti.11 •bllldonM ltw lltlf'lll «riirl Gfl ltof •t11 Mr "' Ochlbff, OC:tAN VIEW llCAL.T'I', •ll Ll •k!IP<ll' 11~ et IM lfcllllOl/1 fllnl""' Mfl'll "" •l·f~OO I .WI, l.,vt . (0t0N tllf Mir t?6~i ll'ltMlllT'I' DATI.,, ti Jn N. 0.•llll A\l'I., TIM rtll ~ fo M CtnvtYllll II l't!rldi. Cyrlt Waod, '" Uorli'W' S1n11 ""' '21111 "1ot(l1ltd •• IOllowl1 ""-·· eor....... .... Mii '"' llctll!out buSl...,t """' ......... IO LCll '· TtKJ .... l'KOlll•· of S•n llllt bvt!nt11 .. olfnt ~ by '" l llllYI Wll mtc1 I" Or..... c-tr *' hff'llrtl111 c-ty, llldlvhlU•I, Flbruary 1, 1'1'l. 0.ltd S1plll'flfltr "' 1"1. ""•le-c. Wood Thom•\ ,, ...... :MM S1nt• c1 .... Cir· w, £. St J"liN. TKlt U1t1m ... 1 llltd Wllh lhl (°""'' cit. Cotlf Mtw m2• COunly Clwt (!Irk el Orono• (-ty IN .... ot ••. ,.,,, '"" Ml .... , ..... , clllldW.lld ~ In '"' T6~1LtNSOH_ & ITlilflfMAH Ir 11.t!v J ll1rg1~n, OtpUty ~~Illy dlvld110I, Jn W. C-f llrteT, Sulll <IN C""~-111om1t c ... 1.,. ..,. ... 111n:H111. c1Hflnll1 n•1 nt111 fllN11 1110 ie4-t4SI """llt.of °''"" CN•I D•l'l' ,.!lot. '°llbfh~l'd Or•"V• '"''' 0.11~ 1111~.!t Atlenolyt .... ••11:1111r1.r Sttl.,,.Otr 11. It. )e •ncl Dc.tor..r J, S~llmt>tt' It. U., 11\d O<lol'.ltl a. -.v. "lltlll~l"lllCI °"'"" COllll Dtlly 111111. 1..------------'' 1m ms-n lt12 1441.n '"''""'°'' .,, :io. ,., ltn t~111-n t 1 I I Diss.olutions Of Marriage f'Hllll A11111tl :If Hu!mt. J1M! I... •nd Jerry I . Bvtlos, Lindt LH •!Id Ollbfrl J. 0-r, Wlllf•rn Otvld •nd B1rblr• Je•n l'hllll1>1, Shlrrl• Sue •!Id Robert C"'-•111 D1rl"OCll, lfulhtnn •nd Don.ild J•mn Bl•lr. Edn1 H, •nd Alblltl J. Sclltr•r. Nor i 0 . •nd Br1Kt II.. Wvll1. 11.0C:lwood E. •rod J1nl• 0, Lo-..,, ""°"' Ind O...n!1 W1yne VUl•IOhol. J•net llld i&f'ftl'll Wl>tr!lr, Otvld l(lllftllh ind S1ndr1 J001e1 CGnlln. Judllh It. 1nC1 CK.,.le' E. Sttiot.\t•ld. Jtr°"" llld JUllllll M"l'lln. LIWflftC. J•"'ll •nd l(lmblf· ,, J\lnt; V•111thn, Otrlt.,. LHUtn •nd J1,.,.. W•llttc:t Oomln11. N-y Ell1•ttolh 11\d Fr•nk C1tl f'tOClot , Dl•n. Jo Ind Mlchte+ E~ ltfflt. Crli E·. •nd 11.lcll.,.d A, Montfll, ""'-llltkt Ind Evelyn Anr>e lltlf,,.,., DllH'I IVtn Ind 0ontld lff. ''· Soni.._. Oortnl lrnllf' trod Jerry o. H1r'ptr, Shlrlty c.,ol tlld Thom•1 All ... ,.ord, Morjorll IEHlfl •l'MI Arthvr Gtol· fr1r Fllt:K. Jol'llnnl1 Act •!Id Clndr Lt• ...... Atlllllll Jl Otnnv. "•1J1C11 1(1y Ind J-.:-1..to11 llltltK. Nell llor1t:1r •nd Vlrqlnlt LH Goooton. SllttWll tlld tl•lr C. M11tot"k, v1ru1n11 Mtrr 1nd llvswl .... M IFol•r. Nonq C.-ro!I Incl "'"' """ Burton. Jof'n Alffl\ 11\d o-ve ··-•1111-lof, .ltttrty Orlan llld Sii.iron "' si.1~. •~ ,.,""'· Jt. llld $1......-dr• 1(.-yo fTl*ltl - Wlhllo,lonyJ .... ~M. 9ll1M, •llM Mll'lll ~·· Ind AlbWl ltofW KWfKJI. CWll'lll tnd .Htwl f , w.ctlfl, l'oOltyft L. W AnlW II. "°""'' ............ ,Md ......... Oii• ,.MW'¥', LI W.-""-Mii llotlllif't --c ....... JMJ9 W ..._., Croll Huru.,, Crllgtllon D . .,.. °"""llf l... c--.., lt1cMrtll M, and OlorM .>. Ill ... C1tllttlltl ow.tllr IM 0-.,. ·-Ortlftltl. J""' It. Wld ltuutfl W. W.Dorllkl, hlrldl L. .... ,,...,. o. .............. khrCIMt•. ,,..., $. ~ J~ Ci, O<'!la, Mlc•I• Ctnt\M MMrl htwlo M1nwl Y1rtm1. c.try'll E..... .,. °'""If Wl/111111 ~ --c"""'"· .,"" u. "'"'•IMfi•nt "· •-1, WlltN !'.,.. .,.. L"" (~Hltlf, Gllf flilWll I . ttlf fHHNll .. ' l"rwntl\ M1r11rw1 A• •111111 •*'t ltll• Hol<'l'ofltr9, UMI Mlfll _, ,,_ ..... I . .. ' /, l • . . _ ...... • • • ~·. IJalota: tLittle,. K:nowH State E1nerge• '' 'I , • ' MOUNT RUSHMORE BEARS ONLY PRESIDENTS SOUTH DAKOTA HAS PRODUCED SO FAR -HEWN FROM SOLID ROCK TH!Y'VE GONE FISHING 'MAW' BURKE STANDS BY LONE SILVER CITY FIRE TRUCK TWO CUL TURES MEET Associated Press Photo• • Residents Astonished At Rise of Native Son Br SID MOODY SOUT•t DAKOTA (AP) -There she stands, South Dakota, lost somewhere out West like a rorgotten box car far. far from the city limits. U perceived 1t all, it is as a mother of Presidents -aU stone. THAT SHE MIGHT have bef'n horn a real live one besides the ~It. Hush more Four is a matter of son1e astoni!:1hme111 to South Dakotans as ~·ell as those of their countrymen wondcru1g \\'hat .-i nd where a Sout h Dakota is As one native said , the slate has a "hired hand complex". a sense of uneasiness. ir not downri,::ht Inferior it.\. that one of its own should dare stake a claim on the While !louse. Yet a'\ GMrgr McGovern goe s, or at least is. is South Dakota, a land where paradox plays more freely than the antelope. Yet they, as McGovern, arc ;in ultimately practical people, weath<'rrd bv the realities of their state. \Vere the In· di ans friendly? Would the gold pan out·~ Will the grass grow? \VASN'T THERE STILL more ore i n the Black Hills than had been takl'n out. l!l: ma n once asked an orficiat or the Homestake Gold mine, the biggest such in the \\1eslern hemisphere ? "That's one theory ," he replied. "The other is that there isn't." Such fatalism is born of the turnstile of the state's history : Arikara Indians Co.llowed by Sioux 1 ask a Sioux v.·hat hap- pened to the Ari karas they supplanted and he'll grunt a grunt Custer must have heard) followed by trappers followed by gold seekers followed by soc:lbosters followed by grasshoppers followed by cattlemen followed by sheepmen followed by fences followed by gunfire followed by r adroads"TOllOWe<r6y-saindaniVians anCl- Gennans and Czechs followed by bankers followed by Populism followed by oc· casional showers but rarely enough . THE LAND, ITSELF', has a strong straightforward beauty: the prairies of West Dakota. old, wise, crannied and rounded as a buffalo's hu mp; the Bl ack Hills where the pin es camp along the ridges like dark green teepees. That when one thinks of South Dakota ooe sees Mt. Rushmore is a pity . The four great stone face s are as the Budapest String Quarter: They look like their pictures. Tourists take them by the millions as they speed breakneck across Interstate 90 on their·way, to the rue of the motel and the Take. A· Piclure-WilO.A·Real- Breathing-Sioux people, towards Yellow· stone. South Dakota deserves a closer Jook. n ts A STATE of small towns : Avon , McGovern's birthplace, populallon 61 0; Wallace, Hubert Humph rey 's birthplace, population 95; K ado k a , Dupree, Trail City. Sioux Falls, the big· gest town in the state. has only 72,000 people. The next city west that's bigger is Spokane, Wash. "You can't talk bad about anyone out here," aaid Don Howe, an official at Homestake. "You either know 'em or are related to 'em ." Politics, too, ii person to person. Wlii?n people talk about McGovern they talk •fl.nit hand: i"Jlie last lime I saw George, I said. , •. " "M l ·wa s telling George, 'George 'bow in bell. •.. ' " THE RE°AL South Dekota Is off the main road: Prairie dogs perehed at the lip or their tuMel surveying the world ; buffalo, now • cash crop, aoouting the grassland ; achoo I boya JearnJng to wres- tle a calf while their elden look on ap- prai:dngly from the top rail of a rickety rodeo ring ; two Inell.an boys rldlnC a calico pony bareback through the tall grass o.r the Pine Ridge reservation, a scene right out of Charles M. Rusaell. h1rs. Joe ''i\law" Burke gJTW up in a sod hut, surviv!'d five straight crop failures, learned lo throw a curve, hunt. fish and can pain! out the Jog cabin the !inlt Tived in in lhe tiny mining hamlet of Silver City. pop. 25 .vhere the jean-clad ~randmother is postmistress, genttal sroreket>per and volunteer fire man. "I guess I'm kind of a Calarnity Jane, only I don't play poker." said Mrs. Burke \\'ho is currently packing a smaU six· ~hOOtl'r to discourage the miscreant who burglarized her store. "f don't want to hur t him: JUst leave an identification n111 rk " :\lr.1.. Nester Erickson or Deadwood skrtches. \\rl lrs poetry and talks of her faiher. a depuly marsha l who rode into Dcad11 ood 11ith \Vlld Bill Hickock, helped J;iy hnn out <ifter he was shot, was 1hot huns1'lf through lhe hat by an Jndian and ont'e 11•ns ihr target of a man he 'd sent to jail who '''al ked 400 miles lo shoot him but rndc·d up helping him dig post hole!. TODAY, \\'ITJI F EW industrial .)obs availablr. a young man either wa.ils to in· herit Dad's farm or goes West, East or South. There was a net out-migration ct 92.560 people in the last decade leaving 660.000 people back horn~. Of 12.445 <.'hildren fi ve years or age in 1950 cnly 7.249 remained 20 years later. If !here "·as any flaw in the creatk>n or th is C'.od's Country, say a number of South Dakotans, it was in not dividin$l Dakola Territory East and West instead of North and South. The ~fissouri River makes the divisk>n almost exactly. The change is not only geographic -in East Dakota farmhouses hide behind windbreaking groves of treea to kffiJ out lfie'Winter wind U'iat sweeps over flir land givin~ way over the river to ranches and prairies that roll on like an endless golf course. Tl1E rEOPLE ARE different, too: Farmers in the East, ranchers in tht \Vest. The cowboys arc something elae. ''They're not Democrats er Republic•ns or Catholics or Protest•nts," said writer &b Lee in Sturgis. "They're cattlemen.,. ''It's al\\·ays good Politics to say you're a friend of the (armer," said Lee. ''But don 't say you're a friend of the rancher because he doesn't give a d111mn." And yet. paradox. "We kid our ranch friends that they figure lhe)l 're con· servalive and independent, but when the money 's handed out, t.hey'n finC in ' line," said Let Helgeland, 1 llattboult veteran, Jn Yankton. '"TREY DON'T deny It.,. Just abollt last ill lint Is the ladlan, who once waa firat. "We're still dlKTimlnated qalnst, • said ~trs. Eva Nichols, a Rapid City tribal wor ker. "It'a just a little more subtle than It used to be." Custer and Wounded Knee are oot just da tes. And yet more paradox: half hid· den in the grf,SS next to the gravelled pit that holds the dead or Wounded Knee'Ues lhe gral'e of another Ind ian1 ~file Afraid of Hawk Jr. •te had weii •in Korea, fighting for his coun try. TllE SOUTH DAKOTAN voter has..,,.. ven in his 83-year history, however, that he goes in cycles, like grasshopper1. "Every 20 years they're golng to -throw the rascals oul no matter who's in." llid Bob Lee. "My brother-in-law hat.es McGovern. lor his war stand," s~id history profenor James McLain! .. "He hated him wllen ho stood up with the Black Pantbero. And ho voted for blin every time." • SOUTH QAKoTA BADLANDS -YOU COULD WALK FOREVER RELIGION ON HIGHWAY }I _..,, . DON HIGHT OF MURDO SURVEYS PART OF HIS OWN HERD OF NEAR ~;:; 1 · . : • , TllndV, S<pl-19, Im &•ryone Has Something lhet SomMn• Else W anft DAILY PllOI CLASSIFIED ADS lfou C.n S.W It, Find It, T red• tt With • Want 1114 ·The Biggest Mar~tplace on the Orance Coast -Dia 642-5678 for Fast Results _ .... . 0-rol IN r,IESA NORTH, NEAR SOUTH COAST One of the finest homes In a neighborhood that Is close to South Coast Plaza, within walking distance to school s through junior college and easy, but not too easy, access to the San Diego freeway. Four bedrooms~ 2 baths, fresh paint and clean carpets. Circu- lar driveway leads to double garage. FHA or VA terms on the low price of '30,500. CONTACT UNffUI HOMD OP Ma.A YIROI 14 .. lttl U~IC>UI: ti()Ml:S REAL ESTATE ----------General General INSTANTLY APPEALING • , , ••• •..•••••• THIS VllW Just remodeled 3 bedloom, 2 bath, tltnlng room (or family room), fireplace, cheertul buill·ln kitchen with tnvlllnl SUNDECK for your en tertaining pleuun, overlooking the canyon & view of the ocean. . . . . '68,500 GET IN THE •••.•.• ............ SWIM JUST REDUCED -This 3 bedroom, 2 bath family room plus a convertible den, 2 uiid brick fireplace•, builtins 111 kitchen tlDd &SQ with PR!V ATE guest room & bath. Entertain around your own POOL In CAMEO HIGH- LANDS. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ...... fl2,ll00. DELUXE •.•.•.. , -·-• I :---lief --.. I~ I -·-l•I .. , ... ....... ****** * TAYLOR CO. * IRVINI TIRRACI -$14,M Attractive 3 ~ borne Oii cWce comer 1tte In a vary elite area. Formal tllntns & 2 balhl. Slone llnplace, lovely pool lllJ'l'OWICI. ed by lar&e patio. Near Fulilon Ialand. "Our 21111 Y11r" WESLIY N. TAYLOR CO., lealton 2111 San .1e..,1n Hiiia R,..i NIWl'ORT CINTIR, N.I. -II Genorol 0-.11 SHOWN llY APPOINTMINT 101 Lindo Iola Drt .. . ..... -------------~--- VIA PALERMO Uvlng on Udo Isle ls a dlUerent way. of life. You'll enjoy the private clubhouse, beach11 & tenniJ els. We'ra offering ID attr. 2 bdrm •. & den home, which Is spacious, has a Jge. South (sunny) patio, & iJ located on an utra wide i50 It. lot; fee land (not 1 ... e- hold). 75,000. eom.nl1tll ~ to be a "DROP.IN• at~ A -Rwll>' &75a (lj BA\ < Bl .\Cll , · 'OCEAN VIEW 4 llDIC)9M & NEWl ; CllSTOll ' --2Mo balll. hup ~...., -""""'l -· -Jot with ample room tor' p o o l , camper. boat •ll:ll?lt· Great view ol Catal!Jla and the . wattr. BUilt>ln ttefeOt ..U. deanins oven. and al the finest finlabllll ~ • C\lltOn\ -has. Jlo!>'er bu clloico .. -ol carpelln£ S!it,000. To *· eaU &&.nn. TAKI IT WY ln th1I s bedrm 2 bath with all blllltlm. patio, double ....... d-•poo!L CONDO, fDr a low, bv price of $2),900. CAIL quick, won't lat. act rut! -----,;;;;~;;;:==;;.·-=.1 Hldd•n 2 Story •.••.• CONDOMINIUM IN BACK BAY AREA -2 Story, 3 Bedrooln, 21> bath, buillln kitchen, stone ftreplaee, FAMILY ROOM, community pool & REC. ROOMS including billiards. Fee land and close to everything . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $33,500 Lovely 5 BR., 4 bl. home with downstalrl watartront matt. sulte a. Jge. pme rm. or study. Mezlcan We floors, beam cellln11, '!Uallty construcllon, .Up . . . . . . $1M,OOO. IP_lllJl!l _____ "'!!l_""' _____ I Only ... ol 1hll plan 0-rol 0-rol availoble. Homeabl!Uy IOlved! Come look •t thl• loYely 2 story, 4 LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? bedroom ruttlc home. You Look no further. For a wry will undoubtedly enjoy the l'lm&!I down you can OWN prtvaey ot thll hard to f1nd this f bedroom beauty with cul-de-lie locatlOn. And w/w carpet1, drapet, flrt- don't miss thl• Jieht and place, aluminum covered aJry klkMn wlth a tarp patio, quiet rollin&: hills Jo. encloltd patio. Back yard cation. ASSUME VA LOAN, BBQ. Prlced at $34,500. call payments juat $25. per mo. • 847--6010. more than same hOme renta for. HURRY! 1 o ·T1-u: RT:AI. "\i ESTl\Tf:RS DUTCH CLEAN 4 BR-21/z BATH Comer locatlon to store that Joa..--co:Ts ~WALLACI REALTORS --.l5i414'>"4tl41- 10pon ......... aJ boat '1l trailer. 2 ml.lea to ..,!!11!!...,,!!!0-""'""''"' ~ch. Convenient to lro<way. 129,4!0. 111% loon. ~ '1 '.II ...,..,•<II,, Oanoral I PRIME BIG CANYON LOT Po•slbly the finest view Joi tn Big Can)'OD. 200' Frontage, overlooks fairway•, lakes, club house ; on a cul-de-sac. $82,500. Geo. Grupe TALK AllOUT A VIEW You will talk, too, about beauty, boat1 , bay, ocean islands, sand & sun -all in ever chanritng pictures at your window. •195,000. Call f>aul Quick S llR., LIDO ISLE, ON VIA WAZIERS This top loc. borne reflects the love & care of Jt'a owners. Beaut. kitch. i beam cell .• charming patio. Good for 1mall family, too. '80,000. Charlene Whyte BE RIGHT ON , , •••• ....... THE WATER POOL, PIER and SLIP too. New carpets and drapes, 2 Bedrooms, 2'h baths, WET BAR, marble fireplace. Overlook THE WATER from your patio and enjoy . . . . . . '85,000. EXPECT TO BE • , ••• , .•• • , ••• , .•• ENVIED -'!'hat's-part-of owning thls1 paclous--'PWO- STORY home in the BACK BAY AREA. 4 Bedroom, FAMILY ROOM, 2 baths, bulltln kitchen with many extras. Priced below mar· ket al ............................... '39,l!OO. "'1"41111-Sl#fd ·-~--. REALTORS 644·7270 2121 EAST COAST HIGHWA~ CORONA DEL MAit, CALIP. o;;;; •• , HOUSE + DUPLEX EASTSIDE COSTA MESA $20,000 Unbelievable bl.It tniel Need.!1 work, but Whtre e1Je (!an ycu ftnd a 2 bednD home plm 2 btthtlor units b' only $J:t,0001 Sound tntm!Stlng? CALL UI for complete de· tails. . 546-580) Open Eves. DUPLEXES, DUPLEXES & DUPLEXES I -to-b:om -adYUtaCe of tht tax llheiter -NEW ONES -1- lnveltm<nt. NEWPORT HEIGHTS- YES SIREE I! Adult cared for -• N~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;;.;;;;.;;;.;;;,..----c.n •= (()ptft Efts.) MACNAB . Charin, Warmth, For Complel1 htformotlon On All Hemu & Lots, Plaa• Coll : . HERITAGE BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR COlllfort In IRVINE M•sa Yarde . REALTORS 341 Bayside Dr., Suile I, N.B. 675-6161 WATCH THE $32,900 4-IEDROOMS Gentraf Super Dut'.~~ on 'Balboa d This duplex hu 3 br. 2 be • _end 2 kltcheni upat&Jn.. 2 br. 2 bL and two kitchenS OOwneWn·Pl-ol...,. to have a rental, and in-law area, your own livln& umt and a private roorn fer a youns adult The balcoby view of 1a1and livbv ii &Jftt and the view from the 3rd atory aundeck ls outstand- lnr. Call 615-1225. COLWE LL r~R();.J[Rl:t ..... IN ( RE.ALT(JRS REDUCED Fabulom lamlly home tn fuhlonable ~ on 11;' Iota! With. all nf1f ewpeta, lruh pabttUd De'W bullt·in appllanea 3 Bedroom plus --..... room to add OQ $12,«XI ' ••• t (' • "·. t "J . . . REALTORS SINCE 1914 Goneral SUNSET AT When yau "' lhi• home. $31,950 --------1TURTLEROCK HILLS you'll realize the true mean-Come see thi1 well kept fam. La Cu-ta 4 BR, FR, President llome! ing of the heading above. i'" home in one of eon. •• ~ .. 0~~·1o1-900•·/ Features 3 bedroom1, 'I El Do--'-M·o~d'd ~ -~ ·~ " ~-· · 1~ "'""'' beat..-l!Jtlu + nnlV """ .... l&nd! Ludo Sb ark an 1 wi:•n&• dinlna:: ma. ~ dlbWlbr Beaut. COftftd $45,500 -: (E23)' bandtba, -~ h-patio patio, nk. ._. 51' - -· -- . ---HARBOR.VIEW-_.a. _yard .t -'"""' -·· l>&l'Dl.--lal -mot SM lliir ""' ualta -at HOMIS apdnkler ,,..,..,, detached Call 9'19-ltliO. 142.!181), --!hit Ema !up Jot! Beout!IUJ -and . ,_,, for oil· beautttul upcrliled home 2 + di!l:i (or 3 BR) home! _strftt parkuc ol b:lat, with lmprvviemeata vabaed Excellent~. camper/trailer. Vay ne•t at&pprOL ___ s -· -...... ....., --bedroom!, famll1" roca and btlt Jacation! Priced for phoi'9 M6-2JU kr ad- 1ormal ~ area + am quiet .ale! (£29) cbtioMI info a n d ap-~,.;;:;;;=...,==-I '"· tt. ·-tultol>le for EASTBLUFF · ~ NEWPORT IEACH · ~'!.,~ ~ ": 0 LUSK-BUILT DELUXE TRIPLE< · dltiontl llllo j>lealo pla. PEN DAILY 1-5 p.m. 2201 Oooe ., ba) A ....._ Good -AnlJa. 5 BR. ! bath, FR. ... ta1 ---' 1111, 2 ba \.· Jack HowftJ IH-a'.IO. (E.14) A one ! Bit. 2 ba. Aft . DOVER SHDRES NEWPORT·CK>LF beauttfully -. Out ol Ivan Wtllt bllllt, boy a . $36,9501 .,.. ........, ....., ..- mountain W.. 1rom .....,, m.a3: !)yu, --room. Lorre FR a Jot m. Formal Dine make thia the perfect home associated * SIX UNITS * 1or tile -t.miJ>. $73 000 (Elf) •, 1;;:::::;::::::::;:;;:;;;:;:;;:::::=;1 ~~": lfl,MlfrQ·I ~~A_!_~~~ 2 ttnc *"...,..,.. --- -.__, Willl buUlf:n ...... ~ - ldtdJeol and --1°" clown and wtn "'°" '1111. mo. ·-· COUNTRY ESTATE Laury bane r a ft c b • tffwport ~ country home with 4,200 8CJ. ft. of lux· ...-uWIC.4BR.4bah. Fomll1 rm. "formal -nn. Omtnl alr-cond . Htt.ted pool. l.3 ACtt1 with bait -pipe coonb, leod roora A lade room. TNJY ., Folrvlow 6461111 (onytlmel Just mlnutes to abi>art, beach or Newport Center! Opposite new G 0 L F COURSE site! Ma• al Ye BR0i...f>?-.. l.'ir,.;~1 <.1·~: 101' ""' f,. 1 '" l ;~1 ! • brick fireplace. FORMAL ~ YOU DJlllNG! Cheery country -• ldtcben. Giant muter IUll< NEED • , • with bulli-ln delJr. Huce A 2 BEDROOM ~ patio. llllMACUIATE lrcml eoadomJnhun, Jn 1oYe!J windina stone walkwq, ll'"l!belt arat 2 poola + bridr: t.ca.de to l a r I• recf U m.bn1te1: to Newpart leduded parlollb )'anl. C.ntwT $19,950. NOTHING BUYS IT! Hurr.r -Clll ~· 66-0303. i tile .......... ~ 0..,,..1;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ' County. Priced at $198,000. 1 • And It's a dtu little J SllllDrN llTl' Call Bob Mad.ean 637-4000. BEAT THE BLAHS bedroom ,.1. .. ru u we FREEDOM UllUILll'f o4l EvH 5'7-2917. know thta ,is the least ex- 673-4400 'IP.il'l'2~!'-!l I bedrocma, b a t h a • 0. temporary home with 1arze MBR aulte ... Quiet neighborhood. """" ~ -at a buncll pensive horn• In town. GI,. S25 '1U HOME Wooded garden w/old brick ,. . red ·h1·11 ~~-tittdlutdopl ' w.u. W• havo us • call on this "walk .. ,..,. entryway, leadinc to a .,.., so on -lust listed the beach" Jt.2 special Can $21,950 ""'"'"'hake roofed 3 BR., 2 >uper ""'' 3 bdrm, family be ~·-•t wilh onl• ··~ "SECLUDED" roo 2 balh -~ "· -· ' ~~ QUICK HENRY, THE CARI Come see a very attractive 4 BR. with elf" ceptlonal bay view. RefreshlnJlY clean & well decorated. P rice $65,000J1m.,Muller COV'T. REPO with 3 big ba. home. ~e. country m, ll .... ,.... spa, "ling down, Call 673-8550. Move into thli lovel1 3 •;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 bedrooms, tile kitchen with kJtch. w/frpl. All finest REALTY pool, Absolutely perfect in· bedroom Mme. Gracious • wood cabineU. N!"!VJy dee· quality, WAllc to priv. beach. 1~~~~~~~~ side and out -New shag WESTCLIFF AREA NEW LISTING. A really sharp 4 Bil, 3 Ba. home. Large liv. rm. & apacious fam. rm., both w/!rplcs. A real great location, w/pool· slu yard. Call to see. Bud Austin THREE TO SEI! Big Canyon -magnificent view lot '81),500. a Arch Bay -retirement home fM,500. Monarch Terrace -great family borne '89,7i50. Call Bob Yorke QUICK OCCUPANCY . Owner bought another & ts ready lo sell this S Bdrm., 3 bath Harbor View Home - '86,000. For app 't. to see call Howard Wella. EASTERN BUYERS Beautifully constructed 4 B<lnn home; famlly rm., formal din. rm .. den : complete with attics, basement, pool & 5 separate gardens. $120,000. Marcia Bents cozy COTTAGE-CORONA DIL MAR Walk to beach ; 2 Bdrma.; frplc ., new shag carpeting. Immaculate, "move-Jn" condi· Uoa. "9,500. Triona Bergin LIDO NORD BAYFRONT BeaullfUI 4 BR. home with space for lge. boal Pool table •ize family rm. with co•Uy pUeilng, Fantastic bay view. Two frplca. Eileen Hudson OCEAN VIEW Be ION to make an app't. to see this beau· llfUl lAlak 4 BR. home In Harbor \ijew Hilla. Fam. rm. has wet bar & fl'pic. '89,500. C. Tmmllle JMna room •nllancod by SPYGLASS PLAN 74 orated irullde A out Ud bu R!J>UCED -.NOW SIS,!IOO NEWPORT <arpeta etc.· Eu> lo mall> handsome flttplece, built-in 3600 plus aq ft in thls 5 bdrm, a double car Pf'llt, Down COlllN ta1n Yard. Fenced front Ir dream kitchen, . "'n • ' ba, plu. bonus nn home paymt only Imo. Pl>u>ta • TOWNHOUSES .... with ....... ol 1.,.. FIXER "PPD cfish\.\'&SMr. Beautilul pa.Uo. on a V.I.P. location. Central $185. mo, includes tans 2 Br •• 2 Ba. Fee Land _ detac:hld 1afll1 room. Real -v Pool -well .,,._peel oJr cood., btteroom a bW!t· MARTIN -m pado.W.. aetttow. Full price Can bl a DOU. llOUIEI .,.....i.. Neor all .,,.. bl noord Jlla>or. No-wu ........ 3 '; •• 2 ea. Pool • 1!2.900 '31.!11f>, 2 BR. N•U' N'pt. Halllita ,.n1,...,. Brk. 540-rno. vloy~ ahas carpetlnr, waJ. 1t RIAL TORS MU'62 s Br. -2 ea. Blu!ll • 134.!IOO Call llJl.llll Open -.. Alldnc $1!,500 TARBELL --lnkltdlen,pooJ· 1·-ii=::::-·1 · Br.~, n.. V1lta -• CALL .. .. •• ,."· -ol ....... co.uJIJn<. '4Nl11,....... 3 Br. -2* Ba. ear-Loea· . ~... : -Jot lo br .. tb-taldll( .......... 4 .. ..._ 135.!IOO. 91•-' Yoa <U celebrate the holl· $21,300 I lion-r.. $111,l!JO. ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• I alAL~Y 2965 Harbor, Colta Mea dan ltt )'O\D' new home. CalJ CwJt••-1 ~t lp)nW to .ii on CID ~1115 • ...... """'"' hit Otnt. ~·~~~~~ ~r.OOOedlncl•dh,.,, ·,·-11 THE atuf Fs $p~~J;5 ~ :.;~~ z: a-Call :w;.;:: ~: • m NOT I'll• us1 WE ""' plUlb _. -.. a-beach. , BA. onJy $18,llllO. r .. -. ~ 3~~= REALTY . WW. dl'l::''Preiey patio. 'Pork -· 211 bath tn-llWI tm11' -· d r • p u and th>tv. Park C..w, !JvJne JUST u1y HAVE Tll£ lib yard, Brit. 5!0-JllD. l•;;;;;;;;;;;i;m;iiiiii~ I with _,. bmily """'· COLLINS a WA'ITlf, INC. wm...p1ns. n •. u 1 11u1 Call -· mmo l'M VACANT "" • Sii.• Call NOW "2-SIU caveftd patio a Jot ol bom1 Olllco boon I AM lo I Piil si..r, { -.., t bath, Not1h I0-'51S * C ir W * "" only $39.9!!0. c •JI PUN f OR YOU. -a.a -1oom .. ,._ ac.2535 Today. OWNIR • -· Colla 111-t ......... 1arp fam11y .,....... C•d1 O THE REAL "'\.. LSTATI:RS TRANSFDRED ·~ Finl ,t: ~ -· :"~~=:'.'!': CAMIO SHOllS ~,:0"""' ... :.,_°t ' PllCID TO SILL ~ ~1' !Jtt' 1.-1oc1 llltchtn, ·---11on. 1~••1 • "l'•rv•TI llAC"" 6 IMIRAID IAY. '_,.. ~•·--• I f &, -ll'1'll" lamU, rm., 4 -Ill pa!IO. l'rkod " " n -It I Ir ~-, **IXCLUSIVI** ~."'iil1>aih'":.... · f'.! -... -1'1ca· Olllr $21.GllL and lmlllld ~..:·:i= vi... +ii-I POOL wtlh 1.,.. fOml1y "'°"' 1n • ') rca 11 ~=-MOlllU9:>N J:' .=w· (()foo ltWl.l 1111 blth -All .W. Toti Hullort a AH•L : NIWl'ORT llACH quid "'~ Hu a ., aequ1ra a ..,.uti--at 1111 Via Lido -: Be1u1111111> -lld 4 BR, I pool tlud lot willl _,, for 2114 Vitia del Oro • "**• -ltl:ALTOlts. a - -price m,ooo. LOW DOWN-n.w ~home In~-a boat 1at1. Plrced fOt' a N"""";'~ *l'olil~ --..,_ I -1 1oc. c;;;;..,, 11n l;ikh:° ·quick ..ie at '3!.llllO. Call ..._11.l3 ~·--~ ~~v~~ --• ""'., .. m ALL TD.MS tomia1dlnl1w.lupw.ta --1RIPLEXES **•** ._ ~" .. _ ... -..,. ~~~b= $41,500 (()pan EftnlllP) -·Ill ..... Ml , $S.l,llOO, belt 1m'JI Call... TAKE YOUR PICK DISPERATE • AVMYILI NOW = .!°:i : ~: dualw wtth S0\1'1'11 COAST • S • Z Bit unlll. N, Cloota TQ SILl HOLIDAY llOAJ), Nsw-.,._ a ..,_ REAL ESTATE.-· ISTATI 111-* 2 BR...,... + . POllTlllM:A.1--............. ? ··--a ... ..,.. * T th>tbt -$C.00011510 mo. "-2Mo ....... S bat-, &llidl, c.JL °"'*' --It -lillllJ -llllil MW1J n. llt Miiii -... -Dt ~·· • Ill Ilia ..... -, aro Bedroom. 2 B&tb Home. CENTURY 21 .a..tm ... heal.Cb ....... llR, 11.atat1111•• •• ...., •· ., UUl!W.. J I .... J • lllnml ...... .. * S Bdrm., dulth clean, ,,,.pbct. Sllab Rool. THI ILUFFS. 4 Ill 21' BA. Ill· .a.a W , ,_ ~ lladr ,.r4. Balllo,~-.ao. .......... !al. Cil 121.IOO. N-Hartior Hlsh-rm lamllJ'fm. ..,_ trpL 6 -Ill-,._ a-t ................ , ... $11.ma. It ........ llllil -..,...,. -- * •Bdrm. beauty .... $54,SOO Scboo1" lllltrlct. ~ tor ma1 dln."im .. ~"' ki1o11._ :-=.,. V~•t:t PETE BARRm Olhnd • ..,.. Call * u """· oeHn/ml. view. $215.000. Call '419115 Pri•. -patio. c.-. -. 4EALTOR-~...... '1~--&.o l>tltR:AL"':;Ttr'i QOWNaWATl'&lilc. i W ·~ ~21 llllW~I~:-:-. .• ::;. r.u....-..;.;: T NEW DliPiilC ...... fiii iJil It ,_, Oiir &ii'a 1""':"'° ~.1111 ... _. m N~l'OR CENTIR DR., N.I. 111 .. tit-. llllr a. 1, t, llolrm. Ul& l!iir _.,_to•,..i .. , ._ _ _.. .. .......... l!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!1•1!!!1••1 REAL EITATE 115-'12Zl --. O»ta -.. -I-·-·· -iili ............ I.!~~~!:!!!.--~~....,~---- • ' ' I I -• ' ' . . Buy a Border Border Bargai Every classifi tCI want ad in the DAILY PILOT appears in every edition every day. That means your ad will be seen in papers delivered to homes and sold from newsracb from border to border . eR along the Orange Coast ••• aD the way from -- Seal Beach to San Clemente You Get It All ••• Huntington Beach Fountain Costa Valley Mesa Newport Beach Laguna Beach Irvine Saddleback San Clemente Capistrano (Plus the dally newsrack ecfitlon) For One Price With A Classified Ad Phone 642-5678 YOU CAii CHAISE IT, TOO II- ' I • - ---..... ··--~- Tunclly, Stpt....., 19, 1972 DAILY PILOT I --.. ~I ---I~ I ---I~ l --s. 1~1 ;1 ;;_;; .. ;; .... ;;;;;,;;;;1~;;1.:.1 ;; .. __ ......... ;;;;1~~~1.liiiiiiiiiiii-=-iiil":r'~J(il~1 General Coote Mete Dana Point Huntl"llhln lleHll Hunt..,.... - Family~ PenlllSUla Point Thi., Wil h The SPEC. Vlew, 3 llR • fu1 m1 1 w/frpl, 2 BA, "9,<SQ, 332;:! W HY NOT 7 Last H-You M•,. VWa. "'1-Jll9. JI"'' have a drltgM1"1 • l><lnn, J Ult listed, a 4 BR. 3 BA 1amil,y b:>tne on the Po.Int Look At El Toro 2 bath houlk" that i' supe1· shari> and Include~ a wlUt all..,.."'°""' oddinl Eastslde Beauty • VA REPOs.SESSJON • • Grandlnlhr. cloek buill lnio up &o a &rnel"OUI ZOO IQ. ft. Suprr sharp 4 bedroom Bdnn., doae lo acllls & the' wall . All upgl"8d«i el'J)ls You'll ~tat the no care home, gracious living in shopping. Brick flrt11I .. King Ii drp&. xtra lrg: kitch. bit front yard, the charm1n& 2991 sq. rt Ma 1. 1 iv e size rear yd. Total pa,yml<> 1)11.Ck yn rrl y,•Jth block y,•ali patio, the sundeck off the step-down rumpus room of $237. nKl'ly. lncl. 18..\.f'S I. fC"rlC'f', 2 blkl'i fron1 gra<M> muter ~m and the big from completely modtrniz· ll\ll, KATEU.A REALTY, school, prlet•s to sell at country kitchen. Not a rd chambel'I, kit c hen, 831-9400. $Z7,500. \Vhy no t SC'f' lhis house but a borne. $87,500. separate family room. 2 Fountain V.tlley 1oday. Call 873-8550. ftreplaon + BBQ & inside I' O T l IF: R!.:AL ''\. l:STAT[l-IS ftlh pond. Thia ontt will 0 \VNER m~st sell 4 )T l 1 dan1' your lma&lnatlon. new-•hon b'k' lo b<'O<'h! 3 5"·5111 ( -)"'l-5110 bedroonis, 2 baths, d<•n, •1 -.,. BY Ownn--4 Bdnn., 2 bl.th, paneled tam. rm., built-ln kilCMn. 2 alory, l8x36 pool, k>ts of tropical landacaping, e.:cellent cond. \Ve want to sell! Priced below markel at $35,950, 557--4023. WE ARE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE OWNER .tranlfernd, built-In SPECIAL stereo 111 Living room in- cluded. 3 bedrooms, 2 Huge 2 11tory, 4 . d~n+ Of' 5 Aeperate bathl, secluded bedroom ex~utive s home. living room with fireplaces. Costa Mesa « best area. Ral1gt', oven, washer 1~ Near Balearic Sc_hool. Ve_ry eluded. Freshly painted. A nice back yard 1n a ~u.1et quiet cul--de-sac s t re e 1 ! area. No do\vn tG quali!ied • veterans. CAU. N 0 W Brk, $Z7,450. 540-lT.n. BEFORE THIS ONE IS STEPS TO BE'ACH GONE. Priclod at $45,000. NEWPORT SHORES Attr. 2-sty. 2 BR. Walle to beach, tennis, pools, Carp., drapes. bltns. $28.000. CAYWOOD REAL TY * 548-1290 * Realtors 545-0-165 Open Eves m CATCHING $34,950 S.ycrest __________ 1Beautitully decorated -4 BR BY owner. Dix 3 br &'. den home with a Family room horn · Ba 1 000 overlooking a nice yard e, 1" ycrest. SS ' · with fruit tree11: and a cov-Principals. 646-.'i169. . ----------1 ettd patiO with flagstone Corona del M.r and a built-in barbeque. Children can walk to -...,..,.. ..... ....,..,..-,,,..,,....1 schoolJ!:. Don't mis& this AND THEN THERE k>Yely hom" Call GIJ;.7171, elegant littplace in fnmf!y room con\'enient to r~ built.in kitchen, ha n d y dishwasher. Lo\'ely patio, loads of <k'cking, heated &: filtered pool. C a rpel i n g thruout including kitchen! Brk, $30,CXXI. 84~1. OWNER leavlng. Rich v.'OOCI p an eling, experu;!w wallpa.pt>r accents lends personality and charm to this distinctive -I bedroom, 2 bath. home. El eg ant fireplaett, dclu)(e built ins, dishwasher, t.'Overed patio. Near fututt park and ne\\' schc:"lol! Brk. $3 1,000 . 962-5566. OWNER sacrifice. 4 big bedroom~. 2 baths, Isolated rear living room enhanced by fireplace. Bulllln kit- chen, dishwasher. Forced air heating. Striking 11.J"'ge family home! Brk. $31,000, ~. BY O\\'Tler Tiburon Condo. 3 BR, 21,ii BA, den. Next to pool. Beautifully decorated. 132,900. 963-2313. Huntl1191Gn Beach Family Splash In ENJOY THE SECURITT $28,950 Located in one of llunt1ngton Beach's most dr s i r a b il' areRs. 3 bedroom. 2 barh homC' near schools and shoppini'.-11 Y.'On 'I las!. Call 847-0010. $15,900. 1 BR CONDO, all elt'e btr in appl's, erpts, clrps. rt'frig. w&hr, dryr, patio, ld5".'pd. 1 Block 10 major shopping- crnter. ., 111.ige Re,11 EstJt e t6ZM71 I =J ~IOJ * PRESTIGE l.ovl'll! prnllr• horn•• known for their quality ltt1.t'U.rl!'t I.: l":<Ct'JI nbrbood. 3 to <'hoose from · e 3 BR , ........... $37,lbO. e 3 BR. ............ $33,950. e 4 BR •..•.•..•.. , $34.~. All o( tht'Ae homts are in xl n1 rond. und term:. arc nvall. lfurTy for choice , • , CALL 8-42·1418 M .l:Jl'n M ..... •W l fWI .. 1TI71 &•llC'h Blv<l., 11.B_ Luxury Uvlng +Low Down F'amily fun in th.is J BR. 2 BA 1.-inu· y,·/big pool RM'"/l & llO )'8rrl \\'Orie 5%•;f. fllA Or In\\' :1•; do\\'n to handle, rlc1· ki t. telT8zo entry, lrg. master Ucdnn ., pr i r r '25.900. For st'nl>iblr . prac- li<·:tl liviug: see todny! I' 531·51DD I ::::i 531·5100 -WHO'S-THE- LUCKY ONE ? 3280 is a ll you need to huy thi~ targ£' II br 1\'1!h ran1ilv roon1 in Ont' nf Costa ·J\lr.~R's rincs t a 1'f'11s. Anxious sell11· \\•ill pay all your ol her costs at the pr1t"C' ul $29,000. Cen. lral IO('ntion ne1u· South Coos! Plaza and ideal for !lC.'hc:"lol!ii. Qill C wAll<lR & LE l llcaltors :~1:~9-191 HI ' STOP PAYING RENT!!! Tale• Advant114Je of Our CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL O n Th~ Last 5 Condominiums IN PHASE TWO • l\tinimunl $950 itoves You In. • No Clos ing Cosls. • Free Upgrade Carpet . • I1n1nediate Possession. JN ADDITION. you get 2 & 3 bedroon1s, 111c & 2 baths, built-in range, oven, hood, disbe \Va sher. disposal , individual laundry area, en- closed private garage, private entrances, choiee of carpet color. cable TV, s"•imming pool, gas B-B·Q & park-like recreational area. All t his for as little as $207 per e ludes everything. monlh. in- Santa Ana F \vy. to Culver, right about 'I• mile to \Valnut (Isl road on left), tell I 1nile to •·\Valnut Square": or San Diego Fwy. to Culver. left about 3 n1iles to Walnut. right to "Walnut Square" or call 714 /832-9670. Open Eves (, BY ov:ner. 3 BR_. 2 Ba. coun· L HouMlforSlle Condomlnlum1 for 1110 uo ELEGANT 3 BR, 2 bra, fam rm. pool, rec nn.-all Jor try kit., Jaree hv rm., frplc.\';;-;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;~ Must sell. $28,300. Prin-JI WERE NONE! .B.ELOW COAST.. HwY·; O THE REAL "\.. I:STATERS Yes, there Is room for the whole family to ~lash in this -large pool home, -5 bedroom!!; in Prestige area. lush shng c11.rpctlng, low maintenance yard, H &. F Pool with automatic pool sweep. Better see this on!"' fa.st -it v.'On"t last. Only $44,950. Call 847..QJJO. COlY 2 BR, plus den. Perfect for n'tired couple or lirst honll.'. Gianl rustom p.i.tio. Largf' 20' kitchen. J>,reshly painted & deroralt'cl Interior. Shag carpet thruout. 211' yrs young, 1 ~ mi. to beach. Assume our loan ror $179 month I y pa_y_!!!ents ""or _!.'C'finance. ~ll terms. $2:>.~. 536-364~. clpals only. 962-8329. Newport 8udi Irv in e ~ leu than $35,000. Apnt, ~~4-.---·---~ Comer roomy 3 bdrm. home, neat 2 bdrm. unit. $72,500. NIC< 2 bdrm~" 3 bdrm. * FAMIL y HOME split-level unit for top in-XTRA NICE 1700 sq ft. 3 come, Just liated at $1'9,500. Bednn on comer lot, :fully Your choice! Side by siden. 2 Blka. lo beach '= bay, $88,500. to $95,00>. See plans at our oU\ce. We have others $64.,500 to $96,500 University Re•lty ~ E . Cat. Hwy. 673-6510 DUPLEX Soon to be built, So. of Hwy. Existing 2 & den plus new 2 bdnn. unit over garaa:e. Xlnt loc. A!Wng $71 ,500. 703 BEGONIA Lovely duplex, So. of Hwy. Charming 2 BR. plus turn. 1-BR, w/elec-. blt·ins. Cop- )>eT plumbing. Xlnt location. Good financing. Owner may cany. Drive by I; call us to see. Only $68,500. fenced tor privacy. Dbl fire. pl in living rm. le family rm., sharp shag, boat pte, Jots more! Hurry! Just li&t· ed! 1''or aCldltionaJ informa. tion • CALL 842-1(]8 lTI n Beach Blvd., H.B. TWO UNRS * EASTSIDE * l ·l BEDRM, 1-2 BEDRM $30,000. Roy Mccardle R1•ltor 1810 Newport Blyd., C.M. 548-7729 MORGAN REAL TY ENTERTAIN 1n iiuge aro 673-6642 675-4459 w/heated POOL. cov!rec1 2% baths, family room, open patio, Towering tree3. Prof house daily, 3860 Ocean lnd.scpd, 3 BR, 2 BA. Fam Birch. Corona del Mar. A&t-Rm, nu shag crpts, many 675-7225. xtras SPotlesa! $34,950. For appt. 546-6856. Coste Ma11 *SHARP* ---------Pool home, close to LOVELY lrg 2sty mR, hom.. everything. Extra l a r 1 e 2~ ba, trplc, blUn gas kltch muter bdrm. New carpet ~wsh. Furn. HUie yard. Many extras. Only $34,COJ. Sprlnklers. $38,500. Owner, Call Bkr. 642.-4156 9'16 Drenver Dr., C ?tf • MESA Verde North. new 54(}-2"2, atrium model, cust decor, lnd.scpd, 4 BR. trees, fire rin&'. $4-4,500. Open Sun & Wed, 11 to 5. 1658 Texu Cir., C.M. 557·1521. THE BIG ONE in Mesa Verde -5 bdrms, dining rm-Famt:y nn-Hur- ry on thi.s! Vogel Co. Real tors 548--9346. BY owner, Eaat.lide 3 br .. rumpus rm. w/ffrepla~. luge lot on quiet Cul de Sac. Call~ 1WO 1!2BR houses t?" one lot. Rootn to build. Xlnt in- ~tmenL &t2-24.1J. By own e r . 3 BR on 'Ai aett, zoned t:ir 7 unila, $32,500 * Call &n-lll8 * O THE REAL ., ESTATERS ' ' ' FREE POOL!!! Fantastic price! 3 BC'droom, 2 bath. 500 sq. It. bonus rm., hUJi:e lot. You can't beat it Jor SJS,CXXI. CALL 968--4456 * PIER &: SLIP * NEED AN OFFICE 60 Ft. 3 Bd"1!11•• 3 batlu AT HOME? lnlmaculate. 3250,000 * BAYFRONT * 4" bdrm., 3 bu. and of~l<'<' or, Choice 35 fl. NorCI. 4 BR. '.) ;.i bdrm.s. Perti::ct selling for ba. Pier/slip. $l9S .OOO. the aclLve famtl_y. One block * NE\VPORT SHORES * 10_ sehools, tennis and .sw1n1· 3 Br. 2 ha, 2-ftlory. Mooring •• ming. Let us show you Uu~ · u '" 000 tod $68 900 pr111 . ..,,, . · one ay. ' · LIDO llEALTY iQ .. ,.J h•11 3377 Via Lido, NB '73,.7300 F~~~~~~~1e.~~n • Qlt I 19 ,B~~~:E!~p~o~Twl1h of these FHA & VA bomea. REALTY appro11 1"'d plan.~ for 2600 sq Tiled atrium entry, fonnal contact -Univ. Park Center, Tl'\i nr ft 4 Br, ho1nl"', SHl,750. dining, < b<drm., m bolh, KASABIAN Call Anytlmo, 833-0820 GEllMll--- PLUSH SHAG DRAPES & WALLPAPER fam.Uy rm., sep. laundr, Real Estate 962-6644 OU!~ hours 8 AM to 11 PM 1610 \V. Coast Hv.'Y., N.B. sprinklers front & rear. !"'"'""'""!""'""""'""'""'"~IREAL.TORS 642-4623 $35,1'0. CAU. 008-4456. SELLER MUST GOI Logun1 -h •• ' Lovely 3 BR home. Tmmacu-HARBOR VIE\Y HOME ALMOST NEW MONACO. 2 + don, 2 bL la!e thruout. Beaut land- scaping w/waterfalls. Boal/ lrlr gale, 1 blk lo goU Model Homes R.tt~~1.m~~.:"'e~11':i. 846-3391 Eves: 842-6323 Fee. Owni'-ql. SU..25.111. This bcaulitully remodelei:J 2 JBR, condo, Best Jocetlon In bdrm. channt.'1' reflects top Big Canyon. Panorarnle Vu value for the ~t desirable or ocean & city. 644-ll92 buyer. Ask for Jim Toohey.I =~===~=~-~ ;54.500. 4;}' BAYFRONT, 5,000 sq, fl. F S I * JUST LISTED * ,l/' or a e 3 BR, 2 ha , ramlly nn, In ,,/TO/tz/l, home. Pier/float, $1.95,000 Marshall Rea.II) 675-4600 Phone (714) ~:;;~;,',:~','.; ~;~':: REAL ESTATE Newport H•iahts Assume 614 '.4 loan. $38.500. ll90 GienfN!yre st. NEAR NEW e I N C.M. George Williamson 494-9473 54~ 3 BR. 2 ba.. 2 trplc. + Realtor S4M570 fonnal din, rm. + + 20x20 962-6605 SPANISH VIL.LA ram. nn. S<ll ,900. Conlact * BY OWNER * Ovt"'rlooking city k beach. 2-Jon Mm in. Nice family home. 3BR. Sty. stucro wired tile roor. LIDO REAL TY ===----:--~~-~--2BA. Nice patio. Fenced 4 BR 3 Ba 3 trpl I 0"1NER , anxious. Prid. , of Y"'<I. Children'' .. -a le """'-·• ., cs., gn. 3317 Vla Lido, N.8 . 673-7300 ..... " .... din & fam rnu.. beam =~==--=~= ownership home with 4 uipment Off Bushard in cell's .. Iota 01 chann, plus 1• BY OWNER 3 BR, 2BA, spacious bedroom•, 3 • HB $24,00o. 546-5587. BR l.'UeSt apt. BeautUWly rem odel.ed, redecornted. gleaming puJJman bath.I, lndscpd lge lo! $89 u.n Open house 12-3, Mon thru deluxe buil lin kitchen on. OWNER cleq>('rate. No down . . ·"""'· Fri 1 • SU $ 3 8 5 O 0 ,.,...lie the famlly room w1lh tenns-Out of State owner * ~2800 * ' -. n6. ..~d 0 .,0,, ' ~--I . ' • B ..._.__ 673-lMll, 875-7 16, .....,...,...,.. fireplace. Completely in-exu>:me 'I a n x 1ou s . .. LL\Z ~ sulated. Qu a 1 i t y con-bedrooms. 2 baths, large ~ Sen Clemente .struction. Patio. Sprinklen:, family room ·with fireplace, !!.!-.... ~~ .. ~ SELL f$44,900) or trade 3 ex""rlly Jandsca.....A. Brk, builtins, dishwasher. Lovely -·"-_, r-"'''"' tio B k $34 950 842 2561 _... ... ..._.,.... BR, 2 BA ocean view home $33,950, 962-1373. pa . r ' ' . . . TRI·level custom home. VA San Clemente for N. Orange O\VNER dC'spcratc, 3 bdr m. GOV'T. OWNED 1inanclng avail. 3 Br .. 180·1,cioi.i5i4i4-4i294iii.iiiiiiiiiiiii home. BuUt-in d r eam ftt.'poSM?SSe(I homes. Low ocean view. 1, kitchen, family room ad-down. Gov('rnment pays $74,995 jacent v·it h an Inviting closing costs. Call 968--1441. Seeing ll llU,ylng tireplarc. 16 x 24 ft . E'nclos-* Crest R Portanna Laguna ed patio \\•Ith cascading 714/494--9388 v.·aterfaU. J-iome freshly 7 Blocks 10 Bench. ATRIUM ENTRY painted exterior. Br k. 11tory, close to ~llools. Brick walk•&: Iron gate lead Mobile Homes --I ~ 125 $29,950, 846--0&')1. BR. 3 BA. fam rm .. &ep. din to unique 4 BR .• tam. nn. For Sa le L.avln" Town Quo'ck rm., cul-de-11ac, S-40,950. By ho t-r -· 16 ----------,= This beaut~ 3 BR home mu.st 963-2408 m.e; 'I' ., many e ..... .u 2-BR. MOBILE HOME -•. _ )"""' .. b:.:., .... Good owner. · ~~ 1re: '°ml; pool: canyon ri~ht off Back Bay, e-••:1 inr> nu..... BY Owner· 3 Br, 2 Ba, 3 vn:w $65000 H/R JcftnUon. one blOC'k to yn:. old. Crpts. d r p 1 , MtssioN 'REALTY 494--0731. a ults onJy, no pets. gOu course, one mile to SJ)l'inkln. $900 dn. Price CUSl'OM home. Beautiful $4,000. Lo c a t e d on Dou&lu. f.!.·~;. 833-1103, e v e s, ocean view, Under(uound trailer pad. Rental $55. R11l1ble R .. I Estate ~ -ill per mo. 962-4471 Ml!. 846-Jl91 · 894-2296 eves. BY OWi~. 4 Bdrm., 2 ba. u !lies. 3~f~·~:a, CATERINO. 2 Br. lrg lot. Appl~s Any day ts the BESI' DAY to 6%% Gt loan Can a&.~umc. Alrium·Fountal11 NEA R ON'nn. Beautiful cpt, lncki. $1450 dol\'tl, Assume nm an ad! Don't delay · . · $34,000 net. 1'~inn . Z13 I Portafinn Lni:::una 2 Br., ll{C kitchen, bltm. DAILY PILOT loan. 642--0328. call today 642-5678. llA 5-2349 or 323-141.":. 714!494--93.ci8 A~kln~ $6,200 or milk~ oiler. l;;i"==""""====;;.;...;;=========.'.=========" $64,t tS Call nft 6 pm. 536-9629. Unlin1ite1l uc1m.n vie\\'. 2 Br., LIDO V 111 age waterfront The ORANGE COAST'S leading tMarketplace The Pm/• with 1he Built-In ChucH1> •r='":.i!r-~ :: Sow to fonn four lif1'411-WOtCh llOMEDA LEC E R I' r.-l r-'I i--'-1 IF--.li-1. i f- l( A 8 DE I ! 'W1'don1 ho"" lo wy a l-..,01 "°'1"•""'1"'""°'1.-i • prayer before we eot ot ·our· -~--~-~.-.... -~-• house,"' announced the younQ· .---------dinner guest. "My mommy l$· R 0 6 A F E I ~ good~" .... 1-...-,-,-.,,-., ..... .,--1 G eomPI• "'• mu0.1. qvo!ecl I It I J I I bf fflllng In fh• tn!Js7ng word - --- -• )'Ol.I dwff>p ''°'" slep No. 3 b.low. •11~s~;,umu1N . !1 r I' I' I ·~~lfllUS I I I I I I SC~Lm ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 800 I 2 Im. bargain. 13495. Also Jiuury Portaflna Lagun• dbl wide at $1995. 613-3817. 714/494 ·91~ LGE. 2 RH. ~w home. clo~ l ... __ ""_'_"_'_"_ .. _ _,I r.i] to Vlclor lfulf0'1: R~2 lot. . Glnlrll . ~ rm. for 2 more unit•. 33ll P.1AGNOLIA 4!'.M--1297[••·-----mr laJiuna Niguel Business Property 154 BEAUTIFUi. 5 en:-TiiA. * Money Maker* 11\~t' f)ft01. master BR $31,500 Down $210,1'.m F.P. dQ\1·ru;ta.i111, JOCK! f<I. ~· Stll SM>pplng center w /so 11 d SJ0,001 untlcr nlkl ·will lake tenants in a;reut ar~a. &how· 2nd. ~lust 11ell, moving Oct . ing a eolld U 75(& cash 1 r ·, :1 \\ int.hnlll ~. ipenda.hle on p~je~t!M m. No R{.:t'nl1. ( $30 •= All ---_ come o ,._.. OV.'~ SF.\Y CONOO on Eluil 9, for mgmt., re8ef'Vt and virw ~otf roul"'M', 3 Br, 2 Ba, vn~ncy of 13% fiiNrtd in. o\1•nt'r. 67:~:.011. Don't w•it on thi1 ·baf'Rtll.n. Lido Isle Not fAncy. just profltahlc! VI A HAVRE * 9 Units * 5 BR., femily rm , J..i.?c. child· Sollit mulU·ltnMI, lndUJ1rlrJ r~n·11 p111)'ml., .undcck. LJ. building. $.?20.000. In, South patio 40xUO' IA! tl25 OOO Santa Ana. Only 2-yn. old. · • ' · 2G~ Down, yields projtcted _1.oweon , .. MOkCNI 3416 Via Udo frn..-4562 11'1~ cash return on $32.928. J!Cheduled lnoome. Grubb & Ellis, Bkrs. $51-7900 SPO'I'LESS 3 en b)' owner. 40' lot, $69,800. :m Via Nlcc.10A_pd _____ t_ ... -.. -,-eood--... 675-3984. vestment. • Dupl1x11/Unlt& .... 10 NliW DUPLEXES lrnnltdlatc occupant.")'. Near beach in lluntl~on Beach. Open noon Iii du!llc. \Veit of Beach on AclamK, south on Huntingron St. to Portland Circle. $35,950. aJG-8138. SUPER delux Spanish 1t;yle Duplex. East Cosla Meu., Each 3BR. 2BA w/1hq: crpl, All elect kltchn. Spanish decor. Klngaan:I Real Eltate, 642--2222. NEW triplex. Collta Meaa. 3 1'11. 2 BA and (2) 2 BR. 111 llA, 3 dbl _., Ideal O\vntr eetup. $ 7 2 , 5 t O • ...._ ) NEW. duplex 3 BR., 2 Ba., 2 BR, 2 Ba, frplcs, ocean, 1>11 vu, aood rental toe. Owner. $19,950. 9fl2-0 3f9 Ill' 21!/t9<-U83. lname Property 1'6 Nl!W DUPLEX $41,'50. !eaturlfli" 3 lxlrm., 2 bll, "Owner's unlt" & 2 bdmt. l ba. income unlt. Xlnt ioc;._ tion. Large attractive unltl. Quiet privacy. SM 151 E. Bay St ., Costa P.t e a a , ~'- INVESTORS SPECIAL -Sharp triplex, HIJ. f"I at 7X'• gross. 0..ly $42,500, C • I I T H I! REAL ESTATE FA IR, 536-2551. TRJ-PLEX 2 BR., each w/patl0&. Prime rent aJ area in C. M. Only $-49,950. GRAHAP.1 Re11.lty 646-2414 * ~pl ex nr. So. Cout Plua. Deluxe 3 Br owner's unil Bkr. 54~2321. lndustrl•I Property 161 * M-1 CORNE R * W/Older house. prim" loc., C.M. Ann, Fare! \Valkcr Rltr, 642-8989: 646-7414_ Lett for Se le 171 Developers- Newport leach FnnlRsli<' bulldlnt sllC' for 21 units. R-3 property ~·ith pos~lble ocean vil!W from ~ncl irtory. Thill i1 located In on(' of the fol developing art'!ll of Newport Beei·h - Full price only $37 ,500. For more Information, call our Inve!ltment Division a t 546-1000. o 1THE REAL \.)( ESTATERS NE\\,.PORT Beach 90' frcrn:. tagto, vle-.• of ocean • harbor . $65.00>, 646-3613 -· •\V11trrf'ttlnt. 30' ttoat 1Up. Lot 7. Collins J al and . fi7J....mo. TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT . WANT AD f • • • • • DAILY PILOT r .. ....,, s.,u-19, l972~!!!!!!!!!!!l~~l~~~~~~~~l ~~~~~~~~:l ~~~~~~~~~I ~1li;i :1 ~~1lil:l ~1 -~-~-~1~~~;1 ;:-~--~1~;1 ~1 ~-~-~-::1~;1~1 -----~1~iiiii:11!1 , .. , • ·-~ 11t1 , ......... -1rtl1 L.io for Salo .:::l1' 8'1•'-' Hou111 fumllhod 300 -u-... * Ht 11 ~ •-o. ::i:;:::..:.,;:;;;:... __ ...;:•;;c .-,r. U.lllAA M5 Afil· ~ :;.;:..P.;;R;;.IM...;E;.;;;C..;.,1-LO-T--".;. OpporlvnJty !ti Bolboll P.,lnoulo Corono dol Mar NowptHt -........ aHi~; ~~urlon's1~. ,_ ·:;;_;;:;;-o:_;:;-;;;:;;_;;-:o;;;_;;_:;;;;:_;;_;;_;:;-;. WINTER on SAY UXI lDR, ________ _ ., • ·-~ ~ I• ----2 BA, lrplc, CTV, W/D, "19 *2 BR. 2 Bo. Homo* *DELUXE a. BE.t.l!l'U'UL LRG 1 B<. Hlcoly ""'1. Cd11. f7' -... "' 1.28'. NEW FOURPllX w. 11<1. ""' to "'""· a• 2 ear -· Carpeu. 8raDd ............ -'"' 3 •/pool. lllt/mo. No ,,.... SINGLE llYD. Xlnl ..,. omaD oa;.,, bide, Bu•na Vbl& wllh v~w. drapu, bit-Ina. Loe. l"" THE BLUFFS Br .. 2 halhAI, 1ltllc. Oooo lo 1111 MonnMa Ave. Ho. 3, 'tnrt, ~c. $$1.$00. Bkr. Real Moneymaker. 1WO t73-66$7 or 6'1$-6000. abort bHc. from Ocean Blvd. Two 10f1eOU1: 1 •tor>' ! br 2 North Bay. Unturn. $4511 c,.._=~;:_ ____ _ VILLA MARSllLLES SPACIOUS 1 & 2 llEDROOM APT. P'umllhod & Unlvmlthod 6'7!HllOO. J--BR. 2.-BA le 1WO 1 BR Cotta MeN $450 Month, llllllua.l/lt!ue ba hcnnn. Available •' H25 mo., )'tU'ly, cw furn ... 1 Br. Lrs. Stow, retri&. Ap" -"""""· drape" e1<. ~---,.-,,..,.-,,.,....,,.. BAY & BEACH nch + • "Knoclc OUt" • wtnta, $350 month. O,.ta, c1rpo. patio. nt>. Mounte•n, Desert, ...;.;R:::"'::::;"":..---~ MOBILE HOME Adult Living Dlshwaaher color coordinated appllancoa • Plu•b shatz carpet • mlmlred wanlrobe door> Indirect llghtlng lo kitchen • breakfast bar • huge private fenced patio • pltah l&nUc"I" log • brlcl: ~ ... large h8'ted tJOO!• PARK Excellent water1ront Jocatk>n on lhe Colorado fUW'r • jaeent to JloUday Shm't'I development, SPQCf: for 24 mobile homes plus a dupll'x. All utilities are available and &hopplna; i1 clo&e for all your needs. Also IOC'luded Included, Clote lo ohoppl"" LOVELY. BR. 21! BA. N" Roolty 675-3000 Br, 2 ha -(Oct SAlllbury Real~ -Mature adull&. 548-4562. nnd beach. $77.~ -1ubmit "May Co. Dl&b!o•, linens. l.June 1) at $600 per mo, Furn Bach & 1 81, Ex· down. .,.hr,.,.,.r. W.hwl~. lrt Cooto M<llO ~ jfiii c:.pltonolly nlcol 2111 BIG & BEAUTIFUL ~.:~~~. -:.~ 916 .-... -N-0 N-~-. -oc-bl>-,.-,Kld-B-:,-;.-~ c:st t.,~[·l·l'~~ G ... -. ....... ~ Nowport Blvd, c.~ DUPLEX LARGE 3-BR, 2 SMALL 2 bdrm tum. n!ar $140. Of-v ~t. .,.,H •;;un;;;;tl;;"f;i;;hln;;;;;;-:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;; BA. view. betm celling, -· Adul ... No,,..., l150. At.A Rentol1 • '45-3900 .~ ..._ re• ty Apts. Furn. 2'0 • quallly """'" ~ dnlpe•. .54:.:S-:.:Jl14=:.· -----V LiiaulNTA HIRMOSA ,teparatt-ldfchens. $59,!0J -e HO¥EY! OldeT 3 Br. ln 2414 Viti.a de! Oro Balboa ltlMd $pelQ Collntry JMaie U.. v.·rth excellent tmm. L1igun. lkKtt Npt Hgbta. Child/pet $185.. bw 6 _...._ Aptm. 'fW.. .a.-Unfvm. J6S •-t. Unfum. LUXURY. VIEW 1120/Util pd. N'°''' tum ALA Rontol1 e '45-3900 Newpon Beach CllARMING Baylront1 _. pool; -. ,..,..,...:....;•·------...,. & 1ana1. Air condWonlnc. _ 3101 So. Brlotol St., Soni• Ano 557- COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. MANAGING AGENT -----·----- are two boat docks and a CUSTOM BUILT DUPLEX laWJChing ramp. Owner wW Very la.rgt!!! 2-BR. 2-BA ~vlth "'<change for local proptr1y. hreathta.kioa: ocean Ylew, Price $137,500. CaJI our Top quality aJJ the V.'8Y! Cpl 644-lll3 ANYTIME Wlnter Botti w/-.J"' • •"-"~ BBQ U ...._,._ .. ,_ • ·--r • Bach. Beaut patio. Ok. SHARP • CLEAN large 3 .... _ ..._. • nu.uavaw. .... ._ • a.n.o. Island $180-Util pd. 1 Br .. 2 hr.es BR. 2 BA. tamily nn Ir $225--2 Br. BlblS, new crpts 3 BR, 2 BA. 311 N. Only !rom bch. Patio. Tmy pet fireplace. Quiet cul-de-a.c Cll>t/drp1, gar, channelfnrt. Baytront. $350. 2 BR. 1 BA, 2 BR. STUDIO • $240 ok. location $775/mo, avail next Dock. 401 N. Bayfront $ 3 0 0 , AJJ. 11l'Il.mES PAID szz;>-2 Br. ~anfront. f'rlllc. week. CALL DAVE' PXl-3 Br. 2 Be.. Bltnl. Gar.J..::.~:.:..:='------Adults No pets Beaut w . Big clttk. 541}..llSL Vu of bay. 50' ~an. 2 BR nr new FIA heat e2 Bedroom. ~ bath. w/w cpll, bltna, pallo. UplWn. No gar~. $214/mo. year- Jy. m,..pn or 615-5691 Coste Mesa Investment D I v I 1 Io n , $63,500 ~'ith 10% down. NU-VIEW RENTALS $400-2 + den. ' Ba, F>plc. W/D. D/W .;,. deck. Nr (4 blla s. ol San DJeao"""' 546-1600. DELUXE BEACH HOME 673-4030 or 49f..l248 OWNER. 4 Br. 1%. Ba. Lrg Beaut. pe.Uo w/dock tncl'd. So Ba "5% '~ibyn Beach. 1 bUc w. cm Holt . lenred yud. CUJ..._..c NU VIEW RENTALS . y. tolS211P11"'314eLane.) llolboll p.,~ \.?.))THE REAL ~ t;~rA'.fER,S LDT ln famoua Lake Havuu, home of the WO!'ld famous London Bridge. Located cl~ to all lllChools A city. $9000 or wtll trade for Costa Mesa or Newport Beach m. come prop. 644-4687. BEAUTIFUL ocean view lots. $18,7'50 le up. Tenns. Urdef&round utilities. 4»-9388 PORTAFINA LAGUNA .ARROWHEAD, golf course lot nr. club. Lake view. Fare! Walkel', Realtor Ann &t2-8989 646-7414 Ranches, Farms, Grov11 180 1....;;.:::.:::.c....__,..,,.....- BY Owner: 10.12 acres beautiful Z.yr. old avocado grove, Bonsall 8lft -95% Hass, 5'k Fuerte. Complete. Jy fenced. Excellent 10ll. 29%-dawn ---will carrt papers. $1D,900. per acre. LEASE -fully furniahed 3-BR ocean front quality l)ome. $375 mo. DANA HARBOR REAL TY 24671 LA PLAZA 496-2790 Lido Isle strttt. Children/pets: ok. 67' ..:... or ~ ~·· ?;!.157~. tbru Ji.me '73. NOIT S Br, 2 ba Dlr: apt. Jnd frplc, ·~1 S<>-7350 ~ ·~--.;;,::;.::~~--=~_,-=...,..-..,...,.,m...,•>.,IM7...,.SMJ...,...,..,11 3 balcorue., din nn. & ;. 1 WINTER 2 BR, 2 ha, 90. Oean. .,.,.,, mo. ' 3 BR, l ·sty, Newport Shores. N 0 RT H Bayfront-Winter !! b11c from bay &: ocean. l yr pal.lo. dbl gar, trplc, F.A. Ref's, Avail l 0/15. Bltn!, etc. Walk to beach. rental 3BR. d w n 8 ta i r 1 $145 • $165 lease. Days, 6#-4161; nite_s, heat. (213) 794·56&1 _!I~~ • QUIE.T &AUPrivilatelncl! ~ 1 $325 mo, yrly, 548-1290/213: $250 mo. 3 or 4 BR upsta~ Baclrph<lol ' r & . 1 BR. patlos,m-·:::.2306=::.· ~~=~-- (213) 793-7832 eves; u1;i-~ Br. Furn. ut • _.. 639-JS.59. SJ00.$350 mo. ID/349-3669 cs, pnv. prages --BAYFRONT wlmds ALA Rentals • 64$-3900 NORTH BLUFFS • View, 4 213/84~2824 ~~ i:th ~ :i ~ Brand new cuat. triplex (2) Newport Bwch e COOL Cracker·Box! 2 Br. hr, 2"' ba townhs:e. FamJW.::;;INT~E;,,R::ren:.:...tal,..,.-."'11.,..,b~lk-,-to pool tables, sauna batha. 3 Br, 2 Ba. 0) 2 Br, 2 Ba. $94.30-Utll pd, Bach at Fncd yrd tor kids/pell. rm. Pool. Cu~t features. Nr water. 2 BR, $250 mo., 3 See tor yourseU! 11301 P\rt bch & ,Pier. 546-0370, beach Ideal for f!tudent. S150. •chls. $425. 6"--0Z15. BR, 2 BA $275 mo. Lraae. Keelson Ln. (1 blk W. of Bal~ ALA Rentals • 64$.3900 $125 -Util pd, 2 Br. Cl"pt, Frplc A: gar, No pets. 124 Beach. 1 blk N. of S.ater). Corone clel Mair ~ $17:>-2 Br. Frplc, gar, patio, 4 Bdrm, Family Room, home •love, cples/s:ngJea/klds:. Opal 675-2773. 842--'1848 or $225 yearly. for lease in Newport Rent·A·House 979-.8430 WINTER (,:;:-yearly, Newly ___ .:.::_ ___ _ 2 BR., walk to beach PooL Adults only • Butcher shop • Beauty salon e Fish & Oiiiit • Mfg. unique prod. HOLLAND Bus. Sol11 1716 Orange, C.M. 64.S-4170 Monoy to Loon 240 HOMEOWNERS! BORROW $250-5 dn. OCf:an. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Heights area. Top Con-decorated 2 BR Lagune Bea$ Frp:lc, gar. Patkl. Yrly S35(1. dltion, S43S rno. Call Mr. University Perk days.-673-0UD or eve 11 QtiiiT Oceanfront 2 Br., NU·VIEW RENTALS Bailey Agent 67J..8550. CHEERFUL 3 Ba. condo .:675-34c.:.:=12::.. ------tum. Frplc. 9 mo rentaJ, 673-4030 or 4 94-3248 VERY Clean, 4 BR. & gar. Park location. Swl.mming, BAYFRONT, 3 BR, 2 BA. $225. Mature adlts, no pets. WINTER rental.I on beach, 2 Lrg. fenced yrd. Crptl & voUeyball & tt!!!nnis. Avail. !um. $450 yrly or $375 -~=.::-=·----~~ Br, house $330. 1 :a..~ drps. $235/mo. SD> dep. No Sept. 23rd, $350 mo. lease. winter. 403 N. ~nt, OCEAN side' 2 Br., 2 Ba. Ul). 646-9291 eves. pets. Jnq: 649 Ross St. 5.52-7647. BaJ. Island. 67J..8540. Villa. Pool!, pri. bcb. days:. 642-SSn. Westminster WATERFRONT, Chrutian Wlnter. 546-4678 or 499-3906. \VATERFRONT Cabin for l * 2 Br, 1 Ba. Townhouse. guy to shllre with 2 othen:. 1 Br, North end. Ocean view: or 2 adultl. $135/mo. Util Lrg. patio, gar/po o I . 3 br, 2 car gar. ~ clea~ Wrnter. $135. 100 GarneL pd, Wintt'r. Bayshore Trailer Was:her-dryt'r boolrup. $205 Ing dep + 1st & last. Opt to[.::=:::.:..::::::...:::...==:.... Ooee to bch le shopping. No chldn, no pebi. 494-7079. $1000 • $10,000 Up Park, Ph. 64fr26.14. to S225. Child ok. 833·8974. buy. 891-95?5. Balboa Penlnsule :.;;;~;;~;i;'.ii;:;;;;;;,.J~BA~CH. at CrelCf:nt Bch. LOW MONTHLY on the Beach. Sl75 3 br hm. CHARMING 3 Br. Bltns, H_ouse1 furn. or _ ._..WK...a,...v.p.-Ga-. b' TV, llttrpd; ~· _ PAYMEl!IJ'5.__ -"'>t-pd,.l(lds-.1<. · Tncayrd:" Ctjila, arp,. "NF Unfum. 3TO Lovely Bach • 1 Br. $50 wk op.<94-250!!. AGENT . 644-41148 ON TEN ACRES e TOWNHOUSE 1 Apts. 1'unl./untum, Lea8e 2 Br. 1.,. Ba. Crpts, dtpl, :t Ftreplace1 I priv. patio&. stove, priv. patio, Carport. ~ Pools Tennis Contnt'l Bkfst. Adults, no pets, 146 Melody j 900 Sea La.ne, CdM 644.2611 Ln., CM. , MacArth~ DI' Coast Hwyl ..1.JEEF;t, clean 2 Br..-encl ::,__ 714: 728-2341. ·SPORTSMAN 'S PARADISE. W/apProx 1000' Saclo. River frontaie Ideally situated for private ainlrlp. 0 l d e r bldlnil!I. Priced at $110,000. Pref. lcllin& w/good lermll but may consider f'Xchange. Please phone 714-~. i.OANS-on ANY -HOME, Rent·A·House 979-1430 westcllll Plaza. $ 2 5 O. B•lboe Island Rooms, Maid Sf:rvice -Pool Newport Beech PAID FOR or NOT BAYFRONT _ l BR furn, No 837-9517. • UtiJ Pd. _:;.:;,;:.;,;..,;;.;..;,;;;;... __ COMPARE OUR COSTS dogs. Sept. thru JUM. $165 Lrg. 2 BR REDEC. $135. NOW ilr your chance to live e Can 675-.8740 e We have Winter RenlalJ FIRSI'I mo. 1-538-0778. Kids/pets ok. ~lose to the So. bay on the 2 BR, l~ BA, patio, balcony, Will Take Students ~U~~ Newport Heights Rent·A-House 979.1430 island, yearly, for_ only $475 315 E. Bay, $250 mo. on yr:ly 4 BR. 2 BA , ••••••••••• $350 TWO bdrm., 1%. bath , fireplace. $245 1hcl AIL uWities. Phont!!!' ( '114 ) 644-8814 or ~3073. gar. Nr. OCC It shop'g. Z ,Adults, no pell'I. 2984 Royal ' Palm Dr. $1 52/mo. 645-J515. Real E•t•f• Wented 114 -.... --* tj>ulck Cqsh * ill buy your property. All caih within 72 bn:. Call BROKERS INC. 962-1851 WANT to lease or purchase well locntcd pref. Colo nial older type hom~ zoned C· 1 Please phone Information to 543--0946. WANTED: duplex or house on R,2 Jot Jn Corona del Mar; under $60,000. AGENT 644--752.S G ' b I .p rno. lrnmac. family home; •-·. lnq. at Apt C ~ 1521 3 BR. 2 BA •.•..•...••. $285 Coste Mlwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shady E1ms and Pool 1 & 2 BR. $140 op. U ~• can .. t the SAME CHARMIN r, w w cp..,,, 3 BR • d un! ady ~ ••r B 1 BA 11-w:::,"" ..ftom any OTHER 3 br, 2 ba, lrplc, pool. lge yd.,Married cpl only. No t . -lne~.. :irnl36·· ;e or Sfi.-7771. 13 BR.,hom .••••.••.•.• -~ HARBOR GRrrus $385/mo. Avail Oct. L 1B5 646-8226 o move 1uuay. OPlUJ R. e ••.••••••••• .,.,.,, "'" LEN ER 111 California at d .,,1..,.~ pets. S -WINTER Jeue, on the North WATERFRONT Spac. 3 BR CALL: 673-3663 SPAC 2 & 3 Br apt $140 up. : WE Mrs. Dow ' vu.-'NJ F boa k y ' RATES LESS THAN VERY nice 2 Br. Fncd yrd. bay, View, 3 BR., family & IR, t doc avL r. fumllhecf & Pool, cpt/drp, bltnl, kids olr • OFFER, return the S.n Clemente Crpts, drps. Nr Weslclill rm., furn. $425 Mo. lse. S32i. 675-8792 or Unfumllhld 1996 Maple No. l •... 0-Mtl ~ Furn. Avail. Oill~n11 Rd. , ELM GARDENS Apll, lTI : E. 22nd st. CM 60-3&15. ' MONEY within 15 days, and w· 3 BR. 2 BA, fam rm, Plue . .$165/mo. 837-9517. WINTER lease. 3 Bclnns., ~ 642-3559. 23'.lS Q>llege No. 5 ... 642-7035 • YOUR I.DAN with US ii patio, OCf:an view, priv bch, 2 BR, 1 BA duplex. Fncd baths. $300 mo. 236 Agate YEARLY, bachelor, Balboa from $130 to $215 mo LRG. 2 Br., 2 Ba., bltns, • FREE! R.C. WERNER • guarded gate, 492-7502. ya.rd. Nr. &bopping. $175 mo. We havt!!! many other area. $100 mo. • --1..-loro e I Bclrmo prlv. + resvd. pkg., gar., 1 Pr'e.c:lclf'nt ~~~~~~~~~1 557-0087. winter & ~arty rentals 673-G?90 -w"' view. Nr. So, c. Plaia. Thrift ; avallable now Winter Beach Rentals 2 Bcfrm1 • 3 Bcfrm1 ~ FIRESIDE I I~ Hunti-Beocli WILLIAM WINTON co,._ dol Mar ,.L or 2 Full B•th• ~""-==-.,..,,,...,..-.,..._d,t 2328 Harbor Bl., C.M. 645-1000 HotMt,... !Wt ..... REALTY 67' •331 1 BR apta w/patlos YZ AV AIL. Sept.. JC. Lrg:. clean 2 nc:r HUNTINGTON ~ FURN. Apl. 1145· Util pd, II Br 2 Ba. u per Pool Util 819 N. Main, S.A. 5f7...(1684 I:~-----~"~~' bl.k t an. No ts. 2500 Avail Sept to June. Muter abe bedrooml w/ ·• P • , BORROW TO 125.000 .. tho HARBOUR Condominiums .... _ ~ oceCdM. pe 1 Block to bay A: Ottan .. ~ .. h beam cellinP. large pd. Adlta over 35. $16 ' 305 Unfurn. 320 ...,aYJew, $125. Month iMna room w/eu or 645-4636 or 548--2407. ~ equity in your house. Uu I :H;.;ou;.;;.;Nl;;.;;._u_nfv __ m. ____ I Adult Condo ~ Duplex-1 BR w/yard. Utll S.•shore Rul E1t1te woocf bum1ng ·ttreplace. I & 2 BDRM apta. raraaes. ~ tho monoy tor.., Jurpo";. Gonorol Prestige Joc:atlon. Spacioos & Gonorol pd, S1B5 mo. Clean & cute. 675-1573 Conven!ent laundcy .,.. pvt ganJen patios. 1135. & ' ~;1" :~~lo;:~~s~~ :;_:;;;;;.:._ _____ smartly decora led 1 LUXURIOUS 2 bd. 2 ba., Adults, no pets. 836-6069. ·U~ kl~cbe~~~ ~· up. UUI pd, Furniture avaU. : AVCO bedroom & bath. Neuby Nwp. Bch. Bluffs:, $375 per Costa Me111 OCEANFRONT <:Orn4!!!r dplx, I&""" -a"o--n poocl~U. 531-8508; 548-$992 • BJue Pacific. Ideal 1Dr I TI<!"~•"""" winter; 2 Br. Jwr, frplc; 4 ... _, .......... ..., facl FINANCIAL SERVICES si.ngle person or couple. ~is911~ ll'f'r'a..,.. or WEEKL. Y·MONTHLY Br 2 Ba upr, bltn kttchen. ties. Security auard. No ** BEAUTIFUL 1 & 2 BR. 500 N. Anaheim Blvd.. Secure & private. Im-. Executive Suites 5011 Seashore NB, 646-9079. pets. Contt!!!mporary Gardeti Apt. 1 ~~'.";;uclid Sl, 5352816 mediate ""'"J>MCY $300 Per Cosio Mooa 2080 Nowport Blvd. "' 213, 693-0012. Madol1 Opon 'Iii I pm. =70. ~ 's'.:&:s1d"""· ; Anaheim 776·5250 month. 3 BR. 2 BA, crpts, drps, Costa Mesa SEACLIFF Manor Apt& • 1879 Harbor Blvd., Eestbluff Realty bltna, $235 mo. Otlldren, 642·2611 Bachelor apt, utll pd. 2700 Peterson Wey, CM 2BR, w/appliancea $lJ5. $50 ' Cosla Mesa 642-3484 644-1133 Anytime pela OK. Swim pool. STUDIOS & 1 BR'S 1118.50. Pool. 1525 Placentta nr Horbor Blvd & Seeurl~. e FREE Une Ave., uk about our <Usoow:rt Ad 54S-430l 617 W, 17th st.. $80 • PRIVATE Bachelor BEAU11F1.JL, spacious: fami-54&-3710. ns 548-2682 •ms -,~=~=--~--1 Santa Ana 547-4431 w/kltchenette. Vacant. All Iy home with 4 bedrooms + Huntington hech • FREE Utilities · £.j1! 5025 • TROPICAL POOL • zn.7 S, Main St., Ulll pd. dt!!!n + separate family • Full Kitchen OCEANFRoNT 1 hr, cpt, yr-"""° 2 Br studJo, l~ ba, frlll. 1'5 Santa Ana 549-3361 * room with fireplace & wet 4 Br, crpts. drps, pool, RIO, e Heated Pool• ly & seasonal. Idf:al Joe. E. 18th St., No, 15. 548-1168 I~ 12091 Brookhunt Blvd., $125. HARD 10 Beat! 2 Br. bar, 3 bath!. Three car whr/dryr, refg, clubhae, •Laundry Facllitit!!!S Working bach pret 1416 W. *3 BR. 1"-ba, $165 mo. .-inlnclal • Garden Grove 530-t300 stave, kids/pct welcome". garage + space 1' or $225. 548-1405, 537-538l : ~~avail Oceanfront. (21J)698-J627. DELUXE Deposit le ttfs req'd. Chldn 1~;;-----~j;' 6411 Westmlnster Blvd., * boat / camper / trailer. 2 BDRM, drps, washer/dry-3 BR, 2 Ba, nu c:rp11. APARTM!NTS OK. Ms-4225 II Westminster 89J.SOOS $165 • PAR 3! 2 Br. nr. golf Lease at $395/mo. including er, ttfrig, pool, Near Har-* $30 WEEK & UP * Monthly. 2.0'1"' 42nd st. Air Cond • Frplc'1 • 3 Swim-'1'1"LR;';;;G:;-,::sunny::_....,l"'Br..-. u-.. -,,...-·I 1st TD Loans course. Encl. gar, Av! now! water&: gardener. Available hour View School. $250. e Studio A 1 BR Apts $275/mo. Nr. be a c b, mine .Poot. • Health Spa • nu crpts. drpa. bl.bis. refrls. * approx. 25 Sept. '7'2. Please (213) 592-2418. • TV A: Maid Service AvaD 642-Mn. Tennis Courts • Game and Sl«l/mo. 545-S.270, m..35tO. 8u1ine11 Opportunity 200 Owner· Manager Positions are now avail- able for per!Ons w/one of the fo1!01ving bkg.-nds: Engineering, acct'g, pro- duction, shipping & re-- ceiving in the marint' &: associalctl recrl!allonal industry. Qualified per- 80nl!I must be flnanclaJJy• stablt!!! • ca~h inves!mcnt req'd $25,000. Salaries commensurate with ahll· lty & share of profits 1~1hich 1hould t x c e e d $50,000 per yr, For appt. send brief resum!', incl phone • to: Enduro Recr11tion1I Products 522 "C" Old Dock Rel, Tenninal Island, Calif. Or call (213) 547·2.102 6~•% INTEREST 1170 . STUDENTS! 3RBr. 2 ptho .. lnlo962-8J18ti0. or 673-Tm Newport Buch ·.~.~Pet~~~. BABY'FRONT-Dlx ypper BUllard Room. *Stunning 1 • 2 tr, Ba. Stud lo. I 0. or nna n. ....... ~.n: • """'uu duplex. 3 Br. 2 Ba. l BR. Fram $160 2 ba. pool, ht: area. ~ 2nd TD Loans Crpl/drpo. F*amily ok. 3BR,2Ba. .. wlydec<l'.Nr . BEAUT. GARDEN. Pool. ~~~~d~ Y•ly-w<J, Adlla. 233 19th lBR.AllenFromllllO 645-55.10.now.UJhSt,C.M. beach. Boat gato. $240/mo. 3 B•., 2 ~ ~""'· Tbla~Ad·~ Wortbor $5-on •'-n1 Sl, No. C, S'J>.-0236. MEDITERRANEAN LARGE 2 BR. Bltna, -. Lowe.st ratt!!!I Orange Co. $225 -OCEANFRONT! 2 Br. 968-6215, 962-8851. u•..-...~ ~ 4 BR, 2 ba on beach. Avail ..... ., ... "WE BUY TO'S" furn. Frplc., gar. Util pd. Alone on lot $145, Priv fncd Santa Ana El p u---now thru JllDt!!! 1, l!m. $425 VILLAGE dl'pt, patlo, tan.ge. No pets, I· LANDLORDS I hmne. 0,.ts, drps, uerto ....._ utll Jncld. 64&<1245 or 2400 Huber Blvd C.111. 1140/mo. 557-50JIO ' Sattlor Mtg. Co. FREE RENTAL SERVICE Renl-A·HOUIO 979-1430 NEW 3 8'. Cornlo at ''Brad· I BR's • $130 UP 547-ms. Bob In<) 561-8020 2 BR, 2 Ba. ""8, drpo, bltna, ~ 642-2171 545411 BEACON RENTALS lord Place.'' Cali all I pm, Fuml1hod Apia. RENTAL omCE gar. Harbor/Baker area. ' &orving Harbor are .. .21 yn. * 6.4$.0111 * l.~v-fne 544-81.16. All Utilities Paid DLXUo. wan~..! 3 Br.~ ~·2· OPEN 10 AM to 6 PM 162.l Cortandtt Dr. 557-5GI. 1 ? I-"'--,.=;,.:=""'--" I.;;--.;:;;:;;:;;:;;,_:;;:;;;;;;;-;;;; Pool &: Recreation pa ' oa., ,......., mo, -"'· * NEED MONEY ATIRACT!VE • 2 ha •·-·~ TownhoulO Unfum. 335 •-• ,,_ I A CM. Br., patio, dock prlv. $260 Pork·Llko Surround!-2 BR. API'. -Ill! I \Ve represent several private 3 bdnn., 2 ha'" home "'th 2 3 B... , ........, rm.. ••• ...,., .l..J,J;J ina.p e ve., · 1 .,~• ....... ··• Cpta, drps. blt111. No pets. ~ •u .... R 2 ha. 13311 H •-mo, W nter . .,...._...,.w. QUIEi' DELJ]XE lenders. Borrow against the fireplaces Sliding d 0 0 r 3 B I ••• •• .. ••••• untington -Rh LRG l Br. $145 + dep. bltns 2 • 3 BR ~ 2269 "E" Maple, ~ ; equity in your home. Call from fam,Uy room opens to 4 BR, 21Ai ha, tam rm.. •. $425 Crpts, carport A: lndry 111 3 tos:;; ~~-~ ~= Pvt. Patlol * Htd. Paola 2 BR, unturn. Crpta. ctrps, for free appraisal. · and I sed ard 3 BDRM, bltna, frplc, n@W bldg Nr sOOp&, achls A: N Sbo , AduJ --1 ----No ....-... BALBOA BAY PROP. pauo •oco y . shag""'· Poot No pets • ..._; 9911.Elr·-•-Aptl, mo. 642--0177. r Pl* ta Only ·~·-··~•· -I Kitch<• ""' aU bwlllns and Alao 2 bdnn. 962-1674. Ciii'.'--~ 3 BDRM&, ' BalhAI, 2 ...... Maninlqu• Apts. ll«>llno. 968-1455• I * '42-7491 * door opening directly fl'om 0 I ••• ~--·· Y•arl•. ~-lm •·~ • -A••., r ... Dono Point garagf:, Best of all ilr loca· up •X•• Fum. -SHADY ELMS and POOL ... VIII. ........... # ........_... ._.. .. -... ~ tion In North Mesa Verdi!!! on Newport Beach 1 A: 2 Br. Pool. $1«1 up. view. Sharp. f13..2825. ?qr. Apt. ll3 &16-5542 OCEAN .tew, laqe 2 BR., 2 cul-d .. aac street Adu!" Unturn. Av a JJ , ELM 2 Doon """1 heh. 2 Br., * * $110 * * BA. cpto, drps, & bltlno, ""' preferred. No pell, $285 per "SINCE l9t6" 87' WATER frmlag@, 2 BR. GARDENS APTS, ln E. part. furn. $250/mo. ~ 3 Br, 2% Ba. newly p.itrted. b&lcony. suo. pa mo. mo. Call 546-36811 -f:Venlna:s, lat Western Bank Bldg. Frple, Blt-lna. Lri dock. 22nd St., C.M. 60-3645. lse. Cpt&, d1"JlS. 642-3443. BUns. crpt/drps, encl patio. 837..J92'7 or 837-6178. ~ Hou .. 1 Furnished 300 673-6568. UnJvenlty Park, Irvine avail. Y@ariy n::te. $350. LRG. tum. 1 Br. a~laund-2 BIL Apta. Oceanfronti or Nl' IChll A shop'f c::bi1drtft E'. • Bluff t HUNTINGTON Beach area. Deys 552·7000 Nights 675-7599 or 71S.791J..fi212. gv., quiet. Nr ·m kt 1 , nr. btllc:b. wtnter or Yevl;y. ok. No Pt!!!ll. 880 Center St, -•-"e--.,..,...,,,,-.,..._ f Gonorol Sharp 3 be<lroom !Mch NEW 3 Bdnn, lrplc, dahwhr, Woman pn!rd. 1125. Fiim. 646--0525 er tm-7811. CM; Cali' Mon's, Wed's A e DELUXE e : Fr" Rental Services Haven home. Nt'w shag We haw 8 eood selection o1 blbll. 42rKI St. $325. Avail Sl.35. 1922 Wallace, Apt. B. 'OCEANFRONJ', Frl• 1-4 pm.., Tuet to 11:30 ! BR. 2 BA Apt for lea.. J TO carpell with mat c b In g homes I: townhouses. Oct. l6t. 54S-5120 SC!J.-«)18. 28R, l.BA, frplc, patio, BBQ, am. AU day Wknds. "2-1H> lncld spac. mute-suite, din LANDLORDS .IND draJ>"'. Sparlcllng cloon. CALL US NOWI 2 Br., tum, aU uttJ pd. '250. * $25 PER WEEK * 1225. Winier, -"111E VICl'ORWf" • rm a. dbl-; auto door I TENANTS Rent ii $230 per month. 8 red .,.,, 3704 St!!!uhore, N.B. il Up. Pool Ir maid service. DELUXE 1 Br a'pt. Steps to J Bl' W/ ~ult.a, epbl, ~~."";avalL~ e Pool A J All prices and au areas 673-.6578 Khdltns avail. Motel Tahiti ocean. $140 + uttl. drJis. ~ yrd w/ patio. ~ 675-7225 58U222 bor Vi tdrla. ~ WO' pd. Cali btwn W, • AVAILABLE NOW AVAIL. Sept. 23nJ.3 BR. 2~1..:"'"""=::...:H:::"'=:....::•-."=--•. Aml&oto w.,, NB ,. Large Corporation desire• Realtors~ REALTY ha. gar., tncd yd,, drp.. 2 * CLEAN I Br. Cloee to ** f BR.. 3 ~tb. 1\!rn. 861 Vlctorta St (E) •• , $155 Manqred by , permaneot resident to dis· Open Eves u Iv Park Center trvtne childrn. ok:. Im mo • ahOpe. Mui.ts onJy, no pets. J'rple. 1 ~ to bMch. LRG l BR. $140 + De WILtJAM WAl.TERs 0). lribulc Tenoo (a Dlvio~n ot LANDLORDS! ;.,, -·· m-0820 5'&--0346. loquln 111111 Rocbester, Ytotly. Cll1 '7Mm. a.cs. -• lndly ~ Hunt...,., ... T HE COCA.COLA CO.) Wt Speclallit tn Newport Offil!f: hours 8 AM to 8 PM BEAUT. new 1owtt duplec. C.M. 2 BR. Pa~ J car pr. )Valle bids. Nr. lbopt, td)J.I Ir ~ Cofttt Product1. Can star1 I ='"'.':'""~:"="~=== I Beach e Corona dt!!!I Mare Avail. yrly rental. Walk to LRG., dee.n l Br., 2 ba. to Beacb. Muhs. Ho ~ ttwy. Aftlll tlm.. -1:1 J aa ..-a .. H ..• ,.,, full time..(S..10 hr1. JK"r wk.), Balboe l1l1ncl A lAguna. Our Rental Sf:!' TURTLEROCK Hills 4 br, beach. &hopping, schls. un-Adu.lb: owr iS. Pool. Util $ZiOJmo i.. ~ Cemte Apt l. Clf • ....._ ~~ Compa0> eslablisheo b"'" WINTER R'"tala • f B•.. vlco la FREE to Yool Try F.R. View home. l'oo1 tel>-!urn. 3 BR $2!S/m1>. Zl5 Jiii. $130. MM636 or OCEANfRONT -· 3 be ,... ' 1llllaoo Car. lneu lo• dlstribulo'1, """ new, 8 a y !ro nt. No-VI.,.! nia. Prlv, 1476 /mo , 3.'Jrd St. lnqulro, l1M223. 5il-MJJT. """"' h)>lc, -· Vltw. DEWDI 8r lli ...... ;wl::;;;;;· lt!::;1"'c..:;;,,_,_ ____ 1 Umlled~~=~~Cash"· 13641/mo. We have •then. NU-VIEW RENTALS 833-lTIO. OuploxulJnfvm. J5ll111r.or2Br.m'.abo ... Pnot $290mo.,..-, 00111 1.,.'-. o.,,., j a Qt a.... - quired $2498. Write includlng Bayfront or inside . m.«n> or . «M-!248 L19une Ber~1' • _ __.._ UtB pt Adults. no petJ.18&1 WINTER ~ avail • s drPI. llOCll. ...... ,..... o,ts. .,._ Qld A ..a ..-,.._ number. S/lli~bury Realty, 315 * WHY RENT! Wt haYI!!! Huntlneton --.;:r1 MonroYla. 54M3.16. BR. 2 be sM; 2 BR. 1 a. patios. SlSS. 1 dlDd ct, No P1f: «*. SJ.t)lmo. "7-11& ......... "" r.1 · 67J...6900 · $15G-l Br. Ga.raee Apt. nr. . • REDl·BREW an"' A•T. • -. avoil tor nolhlnJJ bell. Child/pet cit. No. end. IMMEO. OCCUPANCV: BEAUT. fVRN 2 BR $180 Pll. Nt.-. !l>flll. -ll<f.'1154. LR0 31111, 28A opt. bltlm, I CORPORATION CUTE 2 B•. hmne. $215/mo. down to """ • •% down to !210-2 Br 811111 • ..,, ""-2 • • Bdnn. .... wllh IOcL util. Hid Poot Adlla, no DCEAHl'ROPIJ' q . I BR. 2 oEtrn 1 • 2 BR. l • I .... rm. .. -'1lO ... 1001 lloward Ave. \VinlPr. Call aft fi pm or anyoM. C.ll a n Y t I m e , deck. Be~ut oce~ view. dl11hfr>ubfr, . bltns, db J pet&. Also 2 Br unt HJ..9520. BA. upper. Frpk, arw fin. bl. "80 ap: .,.._ ~ 19' .,._ aft.'. 2 Jrn. San Malec, Co. 944t1I wkod•. 640-1156. SCO'IT REALTY, 530-75.13. $300 2 + den. 2 Ba. Frplc. aarqe w/laundry, Ihle ISO a up. Nlctly IUnUobod l wh .. t/yrly. IM5-2DU. Ut1 pd. 3'f E. 2Dtii SL, $1f0 • NICE l BR. ~ ruu. Tlme/Part t Im e · e 4 BR, 2 ha. 119 Marine. EXEC. 2 1ty colonlal 5 BR, 3 Gar. Patio. Yard. Octan Cpt, Wtst of Buch 00 Br 'l'n1laft. A.4 ul I•, OCEANl'ROfft' t D,. 2 Ba. tfM'MJ. ~ ftQlt • OW!ln ~ Would you like to makt $500 $300 mo, winter, can Lou, BA. MWly deco r at 4!!! d . vlev.•. Capo Beach! Adams. IOUth on HUnttrwtoo ~ 132 w. WlJ.a\ CM, 1'P,l.. ncnr mrp. m Month LR.a. 2 BR, 8llflrD. --Pl'lle. ts:a...e!! " a month or..,.,., Jd .. 1 l<1r 67l-6900 64e-832!1'"' 133-33Sf, NU.VIEW RENTALS St. to Portland Cln:lt. QlllET 1 bd. op l<1r middkt ....... Afoi1t -· 1'll!P lAM, °"" Ill-, I• Bit ••llwww w/-:Ul!ban't;N "11 " For ap~I' Balboo Ponlnoulo Corono dol Mor 6!:i.<0.1tl or 49f.3'f8 536-8Ull. 'It' ......._ Newly fUmWI. Afll, Ulll-~ Coll !or "'1 --wahr/.ir,..., Ill,,., pallo. NEW flower lhop prime 190 ·Mob llm. Sep C•raae UNIQUE Runic 3 Br+ loft. Loguno Hiii• lrvlno ,;t. -· .... U, 'DUPLEX1Br.--. 11811. -C.M. location, !.,;.. l'ent, Unll 1100. Bal 111 112S. AU 2 lrplc'1 2 hatha. -r...1. LOVELY 3 BR & den. 2 be I BR. 2 Ila, llome o•-. SUS ldl1 pd. a. ... _,11th No clop, call _. -<r LAllQg I BJU BA. .,,,.. """'P· C.ulpJJe<f. ll"•band ulll pd, N .. r .;,... & achoo!• beaut landlcapod, Pnle~ adll. pool In Un iv. IWI<. a Newpirl, 8iqilo ldlt Slel1-Im lnloo, --SO.ml. ~ :'""' ~ 90-lC!f, -·-· 13r.oo wi ll h.,.. Ront-A-Hou10 '79-l430 l450/mo. 841>-!50&. potlo. CUiiom """ A drps, l32S. °'""' IM-llll. _. AIJt A A ~ -· I 8r, V--.... ....,, 111t111 ,..;c,,;:;.:"':;:.;::;;;:;;;;,,..,..,= die lor quick ,.Je, 491J.21ll0. 3 BR. 21\ & ........ Im!. ;i. 3 BR, 2 BA. Harbor Vlow d1hwshJo A bltro. Frplc. Don't a>v. QP llMt -* SIUMIJW 1 a 2 BR. 2 Ba. Blt·ln ..,,.., "°"tod flOOI. a:. -. ~ llor'< LG>r 1 & 2 llr. $!il A ,S\51. k' 1350 30S Sehl dlatnc:t Avail Oct ht. Ove•looka Ltlour< Worid ''Lio!" It hi dujfflod, Oonkm apt, ....a. llM>10. Watlbtt lw« ... Open »1 ;_!II. .. o Piiot End pr, -Illa! ml. r:. i::::,:;=. $50. tn ~::: ~l ~ Lout. 8!3-fiu. Goll c.un.. ml.13().1712 .. Shon -I -TIO w. ~II. QI~ • 511-1129. Co ',. ---.1lo.,JldL NI •! "' • I f ' • " I • - "'•""·-"'..,. L ~"'--1 .... 11 ,. n .....___..,.. I "a·u ' 0IJ ~I _;';•;• •;• ;·;;;~lf:•:•:J1~ ~~·~•;1~~·~~~ ~f~lfl~~U~.~lw~ ... ~~~~~;··~ft~· ~!Jlt~~ho~-~ .. ~~~-~1--411 .... 111olo m lc.,,:MlkC llor11111 I C Ho1p W ...... M & F 710 ltolio W-Ma F 711 ""' W ...... M & P N *NIVAT• •OOM• • HJNt>O SPDUTUACSI' * 8A8iiil riHG ...... tD I Mll4 a. ,., OtlpN. AA II ... RM81v.W. C!HD..D cut, ,.. JC\. IOale EXP'D a. http • ..,,. 1111 M •• I...... 1l-1 IMcll lor ambala_,, ~~ Let _.., ad challllt )'IOQI' yn. Elptr. motblr. LoY1J1C wm41"' .... el e. We an: loold.ar tor...,... Sala. I yr old lh'I· My c •tb.ter .. haltn.. 8ln 0 ..._. Wifiirva. 2 mt.~ tio bHdl. No JDod. *e c:bmftd """' wtdtouiloot•1111t•tta •ttdW ,..._ DQa « a.ld/cma'L SST-1142, w~ t'll;p. tar home, Npt Bc:b. ~ Brown 1 SllOI S. Cat ffwJ', !.. pttl. $Z1S. mdbel Mtle' Pr« , ...., ~ ~'!'-PL .... H.B. StMlU. ~ wen.. Tbil lltrtOn dQI; ---net. ~-~. ,.· .. '" Miii MclAad •FAMILY APPAIR • Gto wuua""'"R11r5*CIO "" * ;;::;, ~-· * Ulr. ··-'·• ltoodl --··· I· S 6 I Bl\'L Sllil .. $23S • -~·-'"' . ._..., Expo<! """-cleoftl"I lhoald .... • n un-OIJLD ---1-==:..:.c::...::C..--~- Tamll ct, pool. BBQ. child DELUXE S Bil. S BA. fr1>k, COME -· .. ,,. ,.... pon111 -· Ill AK-Ill p ¥-. FO!tMEll ·-ollcn Sy Ile)' lid>. 1311--0618 d........U.C " clertc:.l .,,._ 1CbOo1 rid< Fountoln Valley EXPERJENCEI> -pJq arM. D.; cut mter, bltm. p&tkJ. ~ blk bl,y A ear.I. tor u )'OU would do, -...US, 8 •"L m No El sn:at care It tun plw to l)M~ CINn'-trol ot Accouts ?telivable. Area. 531..,im alter ' pm. Part Ume • on ed . • --........ lad. -........ $230. yrly ---, --·-. ca.ma c. m In. II. a I • s.. pla:r .,. """' child. M. v., T ... •• Dota ....... '"' "'-'-~. R • .......... ~ • -~ -~-. ..,... ....uv r•uu•""" rt&-te. a.m • 5 p.m. S.1105 * WE DO EVERY'DIING * helpflal. Ll&hi b.&t t CLEANING woman, .._. am 6 piJty no&. DESIGNED OCEANFRONT;"°' 3Bll..2 V-lon Rontola 425 ........-• • ~:... .. ~.~ ~ . •-Ilda. n.. .C. -typ•-,~n. aloo ~· dable. Nlte •wk. Ole bide.. . ~.. 6 J'OR. THE GR.OWING bolhl. ~ HUNT.nsH-<:AKP. Prtvak __ ,,..,,..,~. ·•-·~--· NptCnlr.Pdvac •tnour.t0FINAN·-.,_,. F A:J(l Ly~ SEE ruRN. Tbl!l lrwtn e.o., Rltrl 644-6111 ** BJG Bear Lab • (AIJt Ul'dOwded· nncbtt: wttta I: ap. I am-t pm. wkdr. Prof. Carpet CIHnlng Excel company benefits. hrs wk. Write, Clauttitd Ad econom~ lndeptndera can MODELS. (114) aa.om. PARK N-Apt ... cabift avail. bY weeb.nd or eablni tr~ A eemplnr SS per dq ind.. 11mchtt-23f. Alao wtndowl Is Goor care Call TM Conununlcation11 No. 414. Dally Pilot, P, O. be youn. Natk>nal 0>. klok· MOl WARNER AVE. &Jbltue i"B;.~ wd. apt. week. Rnerw now for .f.aU arwa. JUvtn. lPel. ocean C J1ower St •• CJL U.U). Call Dut.cb 53T·lD. &am-Gpm Co.. Judy Zand1· n+ Box 1360. Costa ?ifeaa. eaw. tnc t.:r creative people who * MOVE IN TODAY * -...., 1411 y c1ays. 6 -· Mt-JSta. lronl Doer, -Wild plJ. Bob111-In "'1 1bDe HOUSE OF CLEAN "7-HIO. 9'626. can train" motivate otl>m. - I te Sha 4lt qplaDd same. etc. $150 YI' An,yttme. S4 per da:t Fkxn. wlndowa. erpt, walls.. An Equal opp or tun it y Call fTitl 540-2270. s::..• ;,..~ ,!: !i:"' ~ $an C-119 • ,. w/...,.bmhlp In pdvate • 5'°-1119 • I,..... In....._ ~ Employor CLERK TYl'IST Fl.ORIST. .,...... tn ar- -· i'n>M $Jl9. S.. OIARMING quiet Ocean a LADY ...... ""' '°"'1' ' Br dub. 1• 2IS5. ca,,...tor HOUSECLEANING • O w n ACCEPTING ~' nnainz • display ol flolll ll&r.lmtx.eboo "B"". ((Vd,.vlewapt.2BR,bor, 211 Ba."°""· Frpl•. 5ocl1IClulNI m -.a..o.,.RdlAExp.°"*" Rdle•6 dlnner S.laaOrdtrOopt. "°""""2>+hrLperwll. 98f.'13111 o< an..a. pr1v pr, b11i ., bCb a 0-.. llnona, WIN/-. LARGE OR SMALL • 5li.zu • Hollea/cubla" Pit -Top pay. 61:Hl291. lhopplJw $16S. ..om dlhw?. Us )"I'd. Nr. Ya,y mm YOURSELF '11. Typa Wodrt Olt doan. Dbbwuber' over JS pvyd. Accurale 1ypi.!11, 1iO "-'.p.m. FURNITURE. 1a1BRap11,erpts,drpe6 • • · eo. $100/mo. P!<ue no IN SOMEONE El& --• -~ l t olob, Jonltorl.ol Cocktoi1 wa•tre11 a •SSIMllLERS & W-1-DISCOVER -.. ·~ ...._ ... _. electric t)'pevi.Tittr, Exper. ~ 'bltm. 2 BR bu trplc A Mt __ r mnokf'ra, no d r in II: 1 r 1 • frame, npain, etc. 'lr:.ue.t. J~1 O..nlrw Service waltnats. AW-1 at ~.., in otder pl'O<:f'Mln1, inwlc-SEAMSTRESS!$ bar.~~.~= JMMAC, lie. 2 bdrm apt., ~UC. n~OVE~-33:93 CIJ!TOM woodwwwk panel-ltll:ldent1al ,. Ccmmm:ia1 ~-~~~" • San Juan Ill.I, A: e::port procedw-es Exper iftr. New 0ranae Nr. ' pool, q u i e t atJ:bOlphe:re, OCEANFRONT 2 J:lr tum lna· CablneU. Gen'l repairs. * ......,,... * ~-helpful. County Company. Grut tu. A.Pt. A. 5.1&-44iX5. beaut landtcapttl. Oole to •Pl w/llU!'ldeck, $150/mo. Ph. Duke D a D 11 r k a , ADVERTISING turt. ?t.f•ny be:ndita. Domino S Br apt, prt patio, bllide s.n Die&O Frwy. $140. 13861 Seubott Dr. NB. Yemrly. lr;=\l 616--1593. MelOftry SECR!:I'ARY Call For Appl JnduJtries, 17672 Armstftq: pr,' entry kl apt. tlec a:ar Cedar. 893-0«19. Female. Btwn 10 A 1', Liit INI '-'IL:1.J • CARPENTRY e Roush 1; BRICK, BLOCK I. Great oppty. tor ambitio\n, Industrial Rtlations Avt., Irvine. 551.£.052 ~ dr.' 1\tll Qopt/I>rps. $260. ~ 645--0111. Fini&h patio Tops A: cement. stoDt work. 646-1903 hichly lkUled airi. Brains.;··"~"';·~==,_,,....,,...,..,,.,, ~!32.!-.-. ""!· 963-JZl8, Fu;,,. or .Unfvrn. 370 WANTED 1 er 2 employed 646-6971. ~--!':~tta1~. I< SH ""'d. (7141 4f4.94Cll f'u I\ N rTURE Rofinl-_,. roomm&\'< to share larao Found (he odsl 5!0 Polntlnil & -··~ ,,..do<!. Full l part time. WALK TO BEACH Coat• "MIM boooe In L11Una w/oco.. C.•rpol S.rvlco P1pOih4i"ll"I ARCHITF£TURAL Drafto· TELONIC Coll d.,,s. fnl..4227. 1 l 2 Br. Cpla, drpe, view, uni=. 491-6351. Kl'lTEN • Approx. 4 mo-blli JOHN'S Cut>ot l Upholalery Ho Wun.., man. lnl0nn"1lale. Min 4-S INDU511llES FU LL char .. bookl<,.por up dlhwthr, 205 15th; n: lBtb. TEACHER will ahatt a cute muk ii body. 4 white paws. Drl-ShUlpoo 1 re• Scotch-* WALLPAPllt * yn, exper. Type 5 blda•· lhru financi•I statements. M'J-3957. ** NEW ** ~. on Balboa. Isle ar vlc Sleek ahrt :l\lr, Vic Fernleaf suard (Soil Retardants). Wbm ,_ Cl&tl "llac·• ProKreulve N.B. firm. Laguna Baath Sa1ary negotiable. Dura-!ilet llACHILUFF Apt1. w/fem. Jean, 175-5331 aft 6· A Conma def Mar. 675-4115 Degreuen It all color 50-l+H -.J.T.11 979-30f0. M f 1 ., t 8 o 7 1 Mo unt 2 Br., 2 Ba., pool, l*tio, 11 COSTA IDft MALE roommate wanted to eves. brlghtenen I: 10 minute YOU Supply 1be Paint Rnt• ASSEMIL E RS Equal Oppor. Emptoyer Wuhtnaton, F o u n t at n dllrwW. mt Elllr Ave. U Ar I~ 11bare 3 BR b9e on Balboa 2 kitttns have adopted us. bleach for white carpets. Painted $10 ea •VI· Abo, $1.90 Ptr Hr Up Vallf'y. 347-2236. b:. Yrly. '15-00'70. Approx 2 DlOI. pure blk-' 4 Save your money by aavin& exterU. Rm 30 Yn expa. Llte exper. A: tn.inees * 3 BIL 2BA. l blJi b> boom. I & 2 Bedroom Office Rontol 440 mo, tabby. Vic: -l me extra trlpo. Will dun 5'°-1046. CALL US NOW! Yurl,y. eBuilt·in••w~~~, SPir:::· ... 54M.YIW H _:._ .,--~ llhallvtna"r:a··.~ rm.IT,! JNT A EXT p&bitiJlc ,.~r P.P.S. Male. All shifts. Call l'B-2455. • Ora~• • .... m ~... ~ a-. ~ ....... ""V rm. .i!O,I, ' Pacific lnterviewln.s for work in Los VOLT • Swimming Pool ~ mv ~ Ill' ~ tW 536-~. Aak: couch $10. Chair SS. lS yn. bal!llnr, natural wood utuM ._.. e Bar-~es ~~~ w11tf.Ai'H 1or Jett. exp. ii what counts. not tinJtMrc, 541-7905 or Personnel S.rvice1 Anaele• until move to Instant P1rsonMl \~W¥"" ---~ SCl--2159 llJ No. Thwf'r Newplrt Jn lite Stptember. Temporary Snvlce ()(%ANPRONT, Condo, e Enclosed Garqe id FOUNDBlkliraYCock-&·J>OO method. I do wan ftl111!ll. • Union Barut Square FREE Dally. bus 3848 Camput; Or., Suite 108 BlueBird 8ch, 3 BR . AR Utilities-Pa .L~..!. ~!:e.sttv:i..;.oL..,,. Am. L.B. Good ret. S.11-0101. HaO~~~ 1inl:n:~: o~. Calif. tranrportatlon (JftMded un-Nf'WP0\1 Beach ~a. elevator A pool, $400 per SNll wtlwft•t ••• 111 ~·Hi -·~or--· Celllng• 547-6446 lil move. Equal Oppor. Emp!O)'er mo., 1 ""'· ieue-, ,.'1188. •-'·-'''.DO pell """*'' ••L ~11c11M twii!11rin1:1 KEYS on k•y _._ Nr nuonable. frff 11 t · PACIFIC MUTUAL Clerical General Labor J• IWUI-rlfltet .,._ •• " 1119 IWblrJ' C..t ....... • * SPAR.KUNG WJQTE n4!5:Jl..6857. Alk for Rachel May 1 BR. 2 BA. delmr. apt. N. Walkinl diltance to n..,. .1111.i Pililtc"""" -pn.p u.le an E. l9th C.M. 1-..;;;;7.i;;i<ri.=..-'--APPiy Mon thru 1'~ r l . Gm.L Wanted from 10 am to , end;. lie, $215 mo. AdJtl, no shopping centtr, ~,Jlfil!. ~ ~2153. New acoustlctl et:Ulnp SEPT. l&le, bi& d I Jc., ATTINTION 9 am-12 P\1' at our new 2 pm, 5 days, for con.. , peta.491mt. 354AvocMoSt.,C.M. ~,~ .... ~BLONDE puppy found in Anytbntf,Ml-71!31\ue. 547-MIG,...Upaperi:b&nr-S•lttwefnen&Men balldflW, '1llO Nlwpo1't 1 hop . 5019 W·. Ide ale '4:t-'70I -·• .,... Pleue can carnent, c-,.,. in.. 10,000. Samples The $15,l!OO to $50~ 1 ~c.n~tu;.;;0r;;;1;;";;;· ~~"'i!~l·~Ed~1n&er~1~Euc~11d.~-;;r:;.v;. re; L I __--~ -DESK apact available $60. 548;S34Q. ---~ --_Hangman. ---Glami>rou1, ex'eltlrig, a<lv~n-f! GRANDMOTIIER needed e BAU'RONT-3 BR, 2 ba, mo. WW .provide furni~ FREE ideu, advice and PROF. Paintfnr, a1Jo roots, turous Ales carter with COOK, exper_ Park Lido Occal daytime It 4 day an bltnl incl wuher/dr)'tr ~-..... &Q at S5 mo. ADlft!'inc liervlce ~~ld. pu~ua ~m:1! estimatn. All l charae for accous. otll., tnter/e.'<ter. Clubpaciflca fly ina all of Conv. Hospltal, 466 naphlp b&by.ittlng In our home for 1 a: tNezer, frplc. p.r. $500 ~u..&anU' avail.able. 222 l'oreit Ave, are Costa Mesa 545--87'9. is a beautUul job at a ttaa. Uc/Ina. Free-ett. il5-519L U.S. • Mexico. No are bar-Rd., N.B. 642-80H. 2 small children. Please call mo, yrly lie. Avd Oct. llL SparkUlll New· . .Adult" Apt&. Lagum Beach, 4!N-MS8 a. · ' price. &&-5073. PAINTING , Honest. dean, rim. Eam a~ you learn. COUNTER rtrt for donut tor lntelV\v. 963-3390. 6'G-i687. • 2: BR. 1 BA. l'urn.$225 DaK Ill*" aftllabif '50 FOUND watch SUnday .• on PAnOS-SJDEWAUCS auaraateecl work. L1oeDled Call !.tr. McDonald at shop Mature, exPtrlenced HANDYMAN _ All kinda of Mna Vtnle • 2 BR. 2 BA.. t1nf. S210· mo. Wiil Jriwldl fm!dblrir, be•ch near Newport Pier. CD.a:NT· OJNTRACT01t A inlured. 675-6741). 545-94n or 557-4751 woman. age 25 or avtt. Full work smaU job& a Private patloe:, lmb form at. mo. Awww'll .....,.. m-..-. can Max ** ~ PAIN'ItNG 1-. PAPERING AVON cmusrriw EARN· or part ti.me. 847-7CO) lptt~ty. 956-937'-I D,!;j~/!;~:·i.:i =--~~~ anllablo.IT1'15Boadl~ WHITE C.Ckapoo. VI•· •cusroKCEMENTWORK I9ynlnllarbcruu.LlcA INGS con belp mike tho DELIVERY o1 DAILY HEALTH Food S..,....llnp. Oft., -3095 .-. Mac;e Ave., ===;.;::;..:;:o,.--RuntinltOD Be&cb. MM!!! Orange County Fairpaundl. Drlve1. WALKS. pa.Uos, bonded. Refs tum. 60-2356. holidays happ~ tot' yoUr PILOT, SUNDAY ONLY~ to )'OIJ111 (iri 1/tinK'. ApClly R·.a .. MJ, New,..-tlMdt IAYYllWO,flCES 546-7308. poolded:a.Don."2-1514 PAINTING, Carpentry enttrefamlly!Jt1asyM"ll-new1paperboy1. Requlft1 Hubor View Ctr. lGl 1 __..__,. De!tEXet &lr-Conditkmed FEMALE ll"l'Y a: white cat in&. tine Avon producta lor the use Of a Station waaon., Ollila<Arthiiii;;;,;;iiuri;;iiBliiivdiii.iiNiii.Bli._•I Ni.,.,. 'leach • Redecon.ted. IJdo ma •PJll'OX & mos. old. Vk. '4th PATIOS..PLANTERS rtp&irs. lB yn in¥"&. San. our ip'Hiltible Orr1stmas or Van. Contact Mr. Harrylt . Ll\lie l\eOlommlcl; Bkr. rn.mo " Balboa. ..,..~ All Coocme "°"'· Brtdr. Jobs ok. Call Bob 646-M46. caw..u.. co11 Now. ~ .. "'·"'330•u. w,,. Bay St.. HERE ARE •&IJ( NEWPORT alnmpotono wit 19<-3533. Pl.oater, P~ R-lr 540-100. ~ rft · • BAYFRONT omce tor rent WEIMARANER -Owntr PAnos. w.lka. d:rivta. Saw, ----·-·-....... ~...,..,,.I=====---:--::--:-Al'IRTMENTS .,,,,..... llOO ... It. on 2nd ld•ntlfy. 546-m!. b lk " place * PATCH PLASTERING BABYSITrEll, part tim•. DENTAL AMl,.anl I Re-THE JOBS . Oii the bay .b.,g =·~$.140pumo. ~:i:tctrtstoum~~c ~te~a':at. All~~ltimatel :;:~~2 ti:•a: :=sthaa=:r:·~ : Laxmy apatment livinc OY• Contracter mine. JmauJar hnl. ;>ome te.lllgent, enf!fieUc rhairaide ·-tho..-. Enjoy OFFICE-o;-. sis ... "' O!f Leat 555 --------Plumltl"I OV<rnlte1. Hrly or mo. U&!llant. Fu,_ unlimited. T.U.S. $150,0» baltb 1111. T IW'fm. St. Plq'. UtiL 2152 N•wport REMODEL er renovate. --------IT-~-1 M4--8341 &ft 3. Mull have exper. Sal open. Note Tellen • ,,,, ,. mvd., CM 111>-1'52 REWARD k1r klol % Enallob GooonI ..,......., • oons. Dralmi uncioaod • .~ ';;:r,n;m;;;;:;;-::;r;;;:,;:-;:;; mlil& pool" • ..-•~ 1..,. $ Sower line to 100', SJ5 'BABYStl'lEI\ • 5 d"~ T,30 cN:;,T:,'-:::;:-:::-==:-"' Now AcCtt. Clorb oil -· pltu m\)el of "'om 140 PWSH oma!I 3-<dflce ltl!te. Sbeo-. . JO ' H-Lie. a bobdod. 30 )'l"L "'!'· * 50-ZOI * to 12 noon. 1 ocbool cblld, I DENTAL -· <X· bteyclt traDi, pu~·lbuf· II' ' '1 . ' . New.,on Center. 6f1.8114 or Puli. Gray heavy cioat. Frff eat.131...J.109. -====-==.,-!infant. Ute houlekeepin&'. fteboud, eraquet. Junior 1'1 Oakwood is~ $1 milllon tn &C-3073 "Sidney". If YClU have1ound 3 Ac K T • u I an •Repair PLUMBING REPAIR Traniportatlon 1; reta a =:t:~~~~· :,; "':"::!:~ Openi'tS IA: from $1'fUO maatbJy: ,i.o 1 recreation,· Swi mm Ing 2 Mjoinin& oUicei, bulY in-hlm~!~.!'1"1-hl121m O.to remod .. addlL 2> yn. exp. No ~ .. ~.,:man must. 55'l-a96'1. enthualutlc A: chetrful. L•t•~ a,,.L ml ,__ pWll ml -C.M. 19>. · Ulll'1 UI, ~ ----~ -·· Llc'd. My W"" Co. S47-ll036. --=~*~!""'""~~:.*=,_liBAB~iYirsiiT1:fui:R:lt.-l-;;or.-.4 •·-_, • ~ ....,, -El,.. pools. Health clubs. KAZAN .we lheplbUllty BING &46-0654. Son Juon C1·•utr1no ~, Saunas. Tennis courts. ind.~ ' . , OC Addition• * RemodeJlr11 COLE PLUM weekdaya:. 2 PM to 6 PP.I. Departmental Clark ,.. tric titdlieal. private paHol .U mix, tidge · wfblack, Gttwicll: I: So 1J 'd 24: hr. lel'Vlce. &e-11'1 Bu 1 b.& i' di Atlanta H.B. at~ ..... lln(. -Biiiiards. Indoor golf driv, , .11u,..,,1_,1noo..,,.,,,1.,R,,,ant=l:::I== tar. rod 1 .. thor collar. Loll n. c Ua. typ;nr. reno!°"l office, DMQ.lfements· perid. .sutiterranMn park-lngrange.SandVolleyba11. 'i.EASE PROFE$10NAL Sunday vie. Mesa Drtw, 6'73-Q)tl. * SC9-2170 Plumt.lne !:-==-·====::-;-;: .fillnc, ditto machine. "'"I • Ille wllh .-Optlqnal Whlrtpool Baths. And lots SUITES. ""''"' 'Laruna C.M. 54&-51"3 or 49<-9461. Drtvewoya L.I\. OTIS PWMBING BAl!vsmm ........ tnr I ll G.ULTON INDUSTRIES . ' maid ll!l'Vke,. Just ncrth al more. A resident tennis Beach. Doc1WI, aUcrneyt, 2 Mixed poodles, mini. black ~.,.,.._,,.,,.,;~...,,Conltr-· -.-:eo." Remodels I: Repairs: waw ~YA Zli br'I ~· 16" Whi~!r .. ~!!'e., C.M. AcO:idr1t11t~iHyf •k!!!! FubioD llllDd at Jamboree pro and activities director architects, accountants, A 15 lb. It brown. clear nu. OUr spedalty in upha]t heaters. dlspoaah, tumace1, eves. · ~ft!N , .... - .. and·SU~HWsRold. who plans free Sunday related profnakma Jftfer-collars. Sept. 10. repatn,pavfne, lellcoatfns, dshwshn. 979-3730 MIC 1; BABYSITtER -hi achl. DllHWASHERS fo~ theM potltiont • . Td..,_. (114) 111-1900 brunches and barbecues. ttd. Contemporary delJ&n, Brookhunt/Atlallta,. H.B. jet-seal " Cf&dl.bl M5-617D. BIA. All Dally PUot areas. senkll'. Aftemoonl. CdM. I. We woukl prefer in.. fDr --..Otloo Starting as low as $140. ..,.... vlow1. ,,.._, '"' 963,1TJ&. Eloctricat PLU!dBING npa;n ond Jn. ~las aft 6 pm. IUSllOYS dlvldual1 w Ith It SEAal1T Manor Apt.I. 1 Singles, one and two-paridng. Xlnt ten:n.1. Im-PEARL JUne, in or about ..;....;'--~-----itallationl, paintlnl'. Frff BAR.MAID • Nita: APOb' in le~~~t1~1~ b:':,'~:: Sr. $1.M. 2 Br. $1K.,Pool. bedrooms, furnished and mediate occupancy. Aak for Coontry Cautlm Mrkt ln ELECI'RICIAN, licenled, Eat Call il uve. ~ permn.. Jolly'1. 700" E..Bay Day & Nit• fhl- Qpill, 'clrpl. bh:nl. prb. unfu rnished. Sorry no Gaey Fatter, .e.usr. Mesa <lei Mar are a. bonded. Small jobs. m&int. Remodel I. R .. lr 5 A:::.Balboa betwn 10 am ii must be 11 or over •I. le•n,., diJpl.. Im.Placelltia Ave. ch ildren or pets. Models LINGO REAL ESTATE Reward. 557-., a: repatn. 541-6113. ..... ance c • m P • n Y; Mk about CIUl' dt.counL 0 7 2 O! •· .-....... tor e-....t.:.11-'"'·-·'"' _--... INTERVIEWS 3 S PM however, there •re ,.... open daily 1 10 • c. spaces • -...,... SIAMESE Sell.point, ¥-6 Gatdenine CUSI'OM Home ~-~• ouaua>U .-.. • ..-. • ha k lease. 800 to 1700 IQ· tt. nm. vte. 19th Ac Placentia,. -==.-,.,=~=~ Altfta.&na. Kttcbt:m. David LotUI Room. Calta Me1& many rel1ted c • tSPACIOUS l UllUltll1 2 BR 0.kwood Airlcond.. 2 °'hoad dn. c . M • R , ward ! BOB'S GARDENING Stmrt A1110C. 963-&31. -c: 9rouncl 1klll1 t h I t --,,,. ~. all "'·rd•n •-rt-•nt• Next lo-··· p ... eo... ·--~M -·. " LANDSCAPING ''"'" /A -.. "-~ , couhl ... 1ult1tltu1M old. Call aft 6 -..,.. "~ --uotrlaI -•"I fter•I ouly ..,...ro •• ro OCO 6 IN k - bltm. f ~...... or •• h trol. 696 ~-pli A!;~· REWARD tor ntmn of white 1~ .. ~ -~--"'-"""'"'" ,.,.,,,. ~··· -wanted New aradu•tet wel· for •ctual n elC• ~ Ntwportv.ac C.M. 546-Mn> ..... fol',... SamQ1an-HUlk;y puppy, 'UIW...,,.es. VlCKl'SORJGQ!l.\U come' GUarante~ + com· 1555 W. Adami per, YF.ARLY, 3 BR, 2 BA. block IMnt and 18th Barden. femL Vic Heil A: Edwards. 557-4291 afttr Spm. Cultom dftilnlnc 1; nll)'llng ma.km. Apply 1n person, Coste MeN -.... $ZIG. Avail ·-·---·· .14_2 .. ili7iOiii •• THE FACTOl\Y"1' con-H.B. 8'Ts:ITll. HALLOl\AN"S lawn """"'· • olt-tion1. 645-4325. -.... Wan!o Beauty --:::====...---1We Offer: Ocl. 15. No -61M18l -"3'unlqueboutlque SAMOYED pup, F. "°""" ~workmaoohlp, AINrotlono-"'42-5145 Salo1H2ndtloorl, T7TTHunt· DISHWASHER -!5. l~'-~l -bu 2 .......... In the ., "Loplo" Vic. 10th a W. r<llabl•, ,....,...ble after I Nol, aoc:urato. '11 yoon--COnter, Hllr Bch, F/Hmt • Nit.,, ApplY to NEWLY-· upper 3 BR, --rnall n.n&lnl limn Ill> mo. -. NB. H2-9t51 p.m.. 96!1-9703. Tiie . IOYS: penon, Colony Kilmon, 3211 JtJL,trplc.Jrlyieaae$280 4Z30thSt.,Newport.Beacb, Reward.I EXPERT Jap&11e1e HarborBl.,CM. mo. Newpart ! bor • 1, 673-8606 or ~ $50 Reward. Blk ~ white. Gardener, kn ow, bow, CERAMIC tile new A l need twa bo)'i tio till vacan-OONtJT maker hom 1 am ~· RMl'ftl ~ _ • Reftt•h Wanted 461 •ht.aY haired doe wearirc ._teep, plant, pelt, trim ,.":!:~~~~Small :-.~ ~ ~ 'til 6 am, Thurs thr.· Moo. OCEAiilBAY 3 Br, ..2 BL ··-~ n .. oollar. Vic -St, cleanup. -~ --~tlmd. Top -· APPi> In -before Yrly $2911 .... AduH• • "' ROOllS Ill wt. •P w/ldt. GAMGE w~~ . NO B. 213/811"1192. * LANDSCAPING * _,, --~ !lam. Adams Av• llonutl, Balboa Blvd. $30. wk op Apt&. Low lurnlim. ........ Call N. and bomlL An ,... ..,.d pet1.17ll~W. monthb'r&te12S1INewpon *&'73-9ll9* RX E)"e1Lu8el·fn bllt cw New1Awns.Spr11'klere, 1 , lri"i'\ enou*211o QUa11tyt U IO 90S9AdaruAve.,N.B. =:. ~e:.~ .Blvd. CM 54lo-9'B5. Ml1e. Rentals 465 :~*'~in ~~: ~dHDup, Stale llc'd, . I::"": al '"' c:d: $6-3MT D~~RY~:~m ~~ '9 ' -· 2 Br 2 ... 1115. FURN. trtll. otudonVprolel'-FOR n-oil ~ _..,._ Hi. ~,.. ~" -'~4. DUTCH -~'-,_ 1 wiiiiiiiiiiilii-~iil·-1ra~=ii:ir---u. Good hn ·~-l -~ " ~ ~-.. OCC1UCI 1;5 ~·.. ~ ..--~ ~ ·~ •~-·· ~·.i·J~ w.~·. ~,,, _ aovs 1:1-1' ·~---·· n-plc., ocean/bQ v u • ~~ ......_ • tpaeet 1Qx30, nJcbt llshtmc. LOST, brown • w hit f! cmplt. 9'1'., call Gm1t; -m.-m11rw ,_ Join Top Crew aeDirc 0ranp wortdn& oonds. N • B · Fine 1t11rtlng ul11r, I • 1 1 a n excellent new benefits p r o • gram, ple111ant con: temporary worklnt1 environment a plan. ty of -rlunlly for acfv1nc1ment. Contact Richard Holch 17141 ~TU ~ Gl' . 2:13i&!M-U&l. mo. 64U5ZI. $10/mo. ~ B Newport cocltapoo penlnaUla. AM to 5,36-.DXI d9yl w At t • O>ut't f&YOrlte Newspaper. ~--1153.~~~~~--1 BAJ.BOA Penin. Delmr.e 2 A: ROOM tn laf1" 1A.guna Blvd., Costa MHA. S0.1321 "Ernle".' No JI). ~ 213!f30.6t63 p.m. SALES Mrt • 1I yn. exp. Wart 2 rv~ and Satur-• 550 Ntwport Center Dr s Br. Frplc. Patio. °""" homo, luH Pri!:, '!'.,!emal<· LOT, -lilinre. C.ld. 102t llalboa Blvd., Apt. B. AL'S IAnd..,.plJw. Tr•• ~P~~~ = .i... a-O>mm!ulon EJISINE£11HG Newport Baich, Co Mew. YHrb'. MU14B. GT..p44 dQ, _., "'· Boats, campm. etc. 50c per LOST-Male Jriah Setter removal. Yard remodelina. and BonUJ. Make Money ft/11.50 mh\imum. l4M5IJ). wudnC red 11 1 n d an n a , Truh baultna. krt deamlp, now, and Keep up with School· ASSISTANT * * ..,..nd on aide, ne•d• l\opalroprlnlden.61!1-IJ8'. JciltW.-_l'-111'2 WOik, "°· 557-6139. * ~ medication. Call 66-1534. EXP. U...Ulan . Gardener. GOOD TYPlsT llOYS * * Li ·---------------,\ [_. Aoo hi ,.,., ! • 5 MONTII old tomaJo Iriah Complele ...,...... oervlce Wiii ... your ~ A., 10.H 10 de~m papen Callfomia St.. H .B. COMPLETE Lawn Ir: .ncl.del~;lecai .L, mente areat. " lli~·;· ~~;;;1~~ s.uer loot Sept. Slh vie. Kamalanl, MMm. hor ._,. WI r· ID 11te Dana Poln~ San Clo-T-..lftr's Parad1•se· Au19 tr•1•1rtatlon 121 -· ~ oervlce. Haul!nr P.V., WHt, 71c ptr... DAILY PILOT RF I. microwave component manufacturer 1 e ~ k i n I penon w/lnt1rest in learn-q enc;lnretrhw d t 1 I 1 n paramtt•-r• EleC'tro SECURITY PACIFIC BANK I °""" • LOn' male tmh s.n.r. 9 •.-.Jim-. or wlll wodc ~ i-r -' ~ m:m --·Loew mo. old; hD lldn -JAPANESE Gardoner . coll 147.-S. BlJSBOYoxp.pttf.Apply ln 11• nes· CtlM I -.... "'"'nlowl Vlco H.B. ,...._ SG-TtSS. Oomplea. Yar<I Worit ar.1 penon bet. 10.1% am Mon. ~4pm.,tn.3IMI, P'"T .,.k ___ cat. wtarirC Olu-' l'nt..a..IO-Jtm· NEED help at ~et WI tbru Fr\. Thfl Alley WM All> --.un;-up. have AJdH e Nuntt e Real. 2106 E. Octanfront, meeb&l'llell backpound .t Equal Oppor, Employ• 11/J' tll'Olllnr exper. 6 .-..icat!on l'!!!!!!!.,...,!!!!!!!11!!5-•I requlfttl. t •1 mes OH. mhar, vie Dana Nm. Haullftl Hou.lelcpT e Ocoa••'"W N.B. . I ~ -G3-l4*, .. 5511. ._. Upjalm ""'"-=====--.. ll , wr:o.,-sa...;od male, TREE•ltsplane-U. ;,~ • CARPINTllt dollars · · wflpoto.v!c-Vlltl• -_ ......... 1ard ' lyroxper!enoelobc&lml& -Joabet, c.x. Mlsll81. -~ CaD l'C -/Oii Jdar. Prellr .. c:obblel ohop. • ,.,,._.. • p•••~ ~. ,.-,"BeIIO ILlT.IG-1«11. • PT,..,p1ac:ecr)'Otll'l.WllI ISLANDER YACHTS ft,JUl,U • -_, • tab FC your bOolr:s cw train m W. 17th St A ...,_ ...,.iucto. oil. II' tabt1-. ..tboal. ii1i CASH FOR COINS ~ ~ ~~ y~ ":::: ~ • _. )'Otlr alrl m311111. eo.ta M,.. - va!tor•IH5lllil"91; 1111'w,Gold,~ -~ Drh•••J•, ~ HolpW-.M&1'7TO~EFwontedlor!IO'-.r Iii ACRES ' No. • Celll. ,.,._, dole to town a -· 13lllOo ... .,. Tnde .... OI' '' !nil- · w~ ...0..~•ftl. ---· "O.a. .,... LllSf kl Mal< ~,... --· an--. . -;;.i,, leavlrW Ca1t1. In Nov. -Jot! ~ wl. Ttd 1Welp an4 --In Coat& -. JlnOrtl. YARD 6 -Oouop. """"'11tanlo .. 11211 tar -"""° lo ot1orflt1>r_1uo_ P~~~ -, ,._ ..i.·1 di!'.: Call rte _ _. slOli Carlbbeon,MtMll-.n• HAVE 12 -utt!i.. N .... m nnot. L.B. • •7TTT • --• EHC. Secntarlu llliO A ... s.... 6 ...... In :::""'tJ.-:::.-PROBl.DIPTwanuC7-C.. I ... .. 111"1 GEN. ~ttllJw. "hM/lllrub ~ = ::·.::::::::..°'~ THE mWlll CO. -. I J • • • ! t •tie . . :::-llC~ ,;:~-~ ~-~-$4i!O olnlle, 30-60• 1"' " op llULTOM ...._.,.,, IHOS '"" ..,. ..... ~ ~ ~' ~-Open w/)ll'IVloul )'ocht -· EQ1J1'1'Y oi M lot-;;: ~ ::=-"1" AP-W ull & ~Dq.··-Onltll' ~ I* -be ....-., 6 OX· -. rrpt lltto. + t111" lie ' •w11wllll• m -. __ ~!:~ .. ~~ --Nlol~"'"'T $110 -.i, .-. .. / to ,. ot°' ~ ta u ~. -tor ALCOHOLICS -• • ~--"""" ol<0ho~ 11tt>11"' _.... ;: -";}..ii MB.I ,._. 50-1211 er Wlttl ..Lutot;;;;..u· ........ lt1•1ll11nl.. ar11wl ~y Jft\'loal CIJ\ploJmlnt A 1-0. Prtncaolr.W-P.O. ... ms,°""'-. lor-__ ..... DAY WOllK lfl "-::! .!:,;.• N.I. ...,...._, ., n .. &1""1 ad ~ 'l'bo __ ... -. ~ ~ -· ... -· ... w. .,. Do11J Pilot, * * 'Jr * .. • , .& 11111' ftol a 1'5111 " ... -ad 11 0 ...... I nn 0 da1 --P.O. Boot U!O, C0ota -·-------··ll'!l••l!l••li .._ ....._ a Mmct. ,._.. flflitt PIMto edt a..AW:llD d .. tt! ~°'-'-•-·-·-----) ,, . Call Foo Appt TIME FOi Industn&l Relatkml (7141 _,.., TELONIC QUICK CASH INDU~ES L.,unoa..ch F.qUll. <>pt>or. Emp!OY,cr THROUIH A EXPER.lENCED do u b I e needle • blind 1tJtcb ... ,. DAILY Pl~OT -Ofl"'lor. Spoltllb opeaklnr ol<. ~ppq Soll &i111. 125 w. lltb s~ °""' Id .... WANT Al DAILY PILOT CLA.SSIFllD ADS FOi ACTION •• • 142-5171 MZ.1671 • • ' - -, r...,.~1t,1m l[ll] i:.f -'" 1 ;'' ~? ~l[fi]~IJ~~I ~·~;I jl~-·~~15~-'5"''5f~mi~·~1 i'~' ·~·;~I ~l~[ll]~I~~-~: :·,=~~I • I ~ ' _ .. .,. Ii: .... .._. HelpW-.M&F710 ............ M&•710 14!'P W-,M& .. n 1 ....... -..M&Pnt JUloli 2n...SUD l ;i••--~-MAH to-~ prr •-,,, p~ .. -HelpW--M& .. 7ll Aoltl"'u • t.n111• Ill n-. .. HOUSEKEEPER. Uve in, ror _.. m ren..., rwuuulen Plttnftero 1,-..,;.::,;,.,• _____ ~ al Pn Rm ,.., """' haw n •at _,.,.., ol llMll _,,_ RQllMCAN'S ~·~ -DOIU BEU. k --~-DAIWNG -_, IO • ... -It a ....... , .• wom1n one. . ., handwri . A ~ ~ _.._ 1•.-r ....... ~ ~ __. lane Coad icbld' nArrM,_ Oo••" v.. llnS oppearanee, tro mtcbanlcal --MA,.HINIST ..., --,,,,,,,,,,Pl ...,,.,._Auto or mam•t I -. ' r.<7-3"8/oo.®l. avall all day on WW. Sa'°', ......,. with 1-2 )Uri np • HliWP.OllT e "' Soo!& u..ie ,,,,,,,,,,.,,, $45 ...,.. i.-2 yn old, $200. :!' 6CM8I! do1a; 5IW885 botloo -. I Ills - HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 3 da.,v. ~k. 1 child. Mu.s1 have reft. It. °"''" transp. Alt 5 • pin. 8l3-265'J. e HOUSECLEANER, f.'xp'd. w/refs. <I to 5 hall-days per ~·k. $2.::.0/hr, Own tran1p . .j[l.1-7432. HOUSEKEEPEJt..Cook. Fri, Sat & Mon.. l~. Business , eouple. $3)/day. 6T~L ' HOUSEWORKER. part time, · 5 day Wl'l'k. •teady job. Own car. 644-7344 JBM Mag card T;ypev.Titer Opr. Exper. Eves p/time. SJ.SO hr. 642-2155. JDEAL for 11tudent·P/time job. evet1, Mon.Fri It Sat AM. Hrly Wll,ie " bonus. Apply 15056 Jack1on, Midway City. 894-2331. IMPERIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION LOAN PROCESSOR TELLER • Sun. WW train naht man. plannl"" """" ... -. BEACH PIOTOTYPE ~ Teny Lee ...... $35 -•I• ch 0 0 I •1~~·~----~ .,... """ a -. Ult,lo Apply in AM, 1930 Newport CULTON INDUSTJUES Be u&. to do on -Marpret O'Biitn •• , •••• J40 calaal&klr, C3UO w/travel l Male cat, 11$ )'l"I, % bo~ bodJ....U. abpfd .. a~ Blvd., C.M. l6M WhJtutr Avt. C.M. Hu openlnc far Sbart ltnJi. 54$-2* cut, 2 yrs old. $!50. Call cat. 1 male, l yr old, '!'ii Tmrlel' PIP• ,_ 9danble' MAIDS w ..... , Apply 642-2400 MAINTEN•ucE lrvlno 5404450 * ANTJQiJts '. Ctn>a'JMO a111er1J,;.;. Jm.1714. -· II Slames•. '-!~~ Ex.ecuUve Suhet Mot1-I "'" NEVER A J'EE AT 'I1;MPO antiqur &. 'foot table, KOBENA Gl 5uta' I movie · 64S-412'7. ---"'c.:.:;c.;:...:.;.;;::.. __ ~ Ne.,,..., Blvd, c.M. Radio Tach $200 wk MECHANIC TEMPO Wilt/let &Cid IOlld op. c:amerL Inotaat ctl1rlds• SIAMESi;, alttted male, OBEDIENCE clul ., 11ut fl.1AINTENANCE man I cu• eauEx::.!dt Pvt Tinw, Expttlmctd TeinP.IH"•ry Help Vllut.$3DOO..,Jlli0 1or;belt of. ~ Powtr telephoto &traid. of children-loves tn t ha Irvtoe(Newpmt todlan. ExP<'r. pttrd. N.B. WESTa.IFF JANITOR · • · ftt.2....U_.tallletpso. wide :ulaJe 1ene. Aimott adul .... 546-0749 between l .. Beach area, Wed., Oct. C. area. Ca.U 642-241D, M·F Penonncl ""ency SOUS OeJ ltW' 2nd (lOOk Pllk'·f'l'3..0lm: -new. S'l5 w make otter.1.:,pm..,.,.,~------7:30 pm. Open to Ill dop 8: 30-5, """'~ W tcllU ~ F\111 Tbne wlbotel ,.· dub exp, ea.ai VJClOR ••u-t.... ·r.t-.. • 50-l'BC ~A weekend&. '4lJSl' find borne or Co to over 5 mos. St& t92& -es Dr., NB. t ..._.,,... ._,,,.T CO 1' 1'.fALE or female manager 645-2"0 Excellent Benetlts Ol' appt, Big Canyon ~ ~ ExotJ. eond. 9 Af.BO Sta1nletl ated l1nQ P ~ U D d • SbepPerdJ'I'mie DACHSHUNDS pupa. mm., " canteen, !/time, Ex c e I try Club:· 6'4-6kM tu~~ ~back. cane ·le ft1r1c. W / 1 a r b a 1 e IJUPI-LoveaNe, 5574138. AKC. ahota, lll&bos nd; ~'Orking cond, 522-2819 R.E. SALES .Apply in per.on lo.S pm TELEPHONZ Sala: Sell eeat din rm a Brua •lnal dilpolal It cabinet $15. FREE to )'OU. Dutty ·&II white black/tan; vt1'1 mil mil MATURE woman tor ll-1 DO IT NOW! •2 Fuhlon hL, NB Sovthen 0.-• Coun'1'1 beds. Bras& crib. ~7317. ~· 447 Lido Soud, ldtt..._ q . 53MT!l. am shift. Sa..,.,.... Home, Equal Oppor. Employtt Favwtt. Nnrspapel' from _._.1_ · 846-S6lJ after 3 pm. * TINY blade__.,., .... -, ~J~·-We're on the move and Med ...__ u_..._ .,..,... ~ rw.1.nn.:-........... ~ 646-6716. 2619 Oranae, C.M.. )'OUr' _.... --.. a moch ..-n.r.c-.1. FOR SALE 1 Yrar old »-._,;.,., ..,..,,_ $15 and other breedl-'"" belp! U you wa.nl a Prate. u "1'l nee4. Cenerws by ,, __ ' ·-Call ·----~ -MATURE, affectionate liooalCareer-mtJuat• SaJes on-MAYTAG repairman hu ...... .,..•-r-· Hound. Call after S pm. 642-4818d4¥1; 53t-Jll5 v."Oman wanted to cart tor job. and are willln& to make Toy I Gi~ P•rfies m1-km on eldl Alt. CaD wasben $35. IO $100. Can ~tS • 540-ati 64.S-007T. eves. well behaved girll, ages lG, a Suecns Committment l ffoutewivet, demonstraton 55'1..s73:9. deUvtt wfl )'!'. nam. OLDER* ~1MA7.!'AZINES* * Beagle, male, beaut RESERVE now. Dark lrown 9 & 6, from 2 pm until 6:30 want to talk to YOU! Look earn to $2,CXXI by Dec. L TELLER ~1778. ·~ -marki~. Had papers, but Toy Poodle pupt. Welped pm, Mon thru Fri in my atthebendl.tt-expandlng NODELIVERIES,NOCOt.,. WASHERS. Dryera evt1Aweekmis lostthem.&18-a'.65. 8/W12 $3)0. 5.n-7446.. Corona del Mar home. Own ALL. Departmentt. PLUS LECTIONS, FREE HOST-Diahwasben: reconditloneci USED BICYCLES --~c.=::...:=---I ;AK:;;;;Cc-;Gec:nnan=::::-•Sbepbml==::-1 trans. Please write stating NewHomesSa1e1,toornew ESS GIFTS. Need car. Savinas It Loan exper. guarn. DeliveredAlltypea.. 642-UTJI~~~~~~~~~ montha. Muat ltl1 Ya)' qua!. &. salary req. tract.I Some ._,, .. _na ~-•. 979-4.1a7. Gifts 'N GaA-ta, neceu. ~"''"0/--SP~ ... , e1.... Ir · reaaonable.847~•• Classified Ad No. 491. Daily ..--u.ao QCl.I "'6~ .,,.,.....,..., o=-iv.w. ~ .._ Carpet SaJe I 11~) I~=:=::=;..:.:.:..~=•-;:__ P!lot P .O. BOX 1560, Coata ~+ ~nurUuiona, othera SECRFJ:ARY, exper. tn l!lh. • ApPlY In Penon Rent W ........ /Dryars from $2.85 yd. Can m.tall PMI Md....... r\ GERMAN Shepherd puppltt. Mesa, Ca. ~. ant Drawa high per-. Willing to learn It. operate $2, Wk. FU1J maiDL · ~R~ea~.1~G~uar~.~SG-'~1J01~~.,.~·~1~-iiiiimmm;;;;~ AKC reg. Blk &: tan. Sbotl. Marine Mecha n ic cent bonus, paid vacatJona. MTST typewriter. Call Joy, Marintn Savings * 639-Ul2.* *-CX>RVE'ITE hub capa & Born 7/YJ/72. M7-99f7. Quati1:ied, exp, call for appt. ~~O~ I~Y!:11'n::· 1:!~~~r Jnn. N • 8 · 1515 W•stcllff Dr, REFRIGERATOR used, beauty rim&. Make otter. P~, '6-r•t l50 TOY Poodln AKC res., fi?l--0360. Call JOHN SEYMOUR 1-"'-="------N•wport Beach works It looks like new $50. 542-l'll4. eve• & wknds. shots. ~ Tiny Toys $11. MEDICAL r ecep. lioll!Jl:-Medical Exp pref but not nee. Salary open. Call Mrs. Meslllngft'-557-6300. MEDICAL assistant, back office, experienced only. can betwn 10-:;, 644-1.0'lS. CALL 776-2231 SECRETARY ' 1J30 Wemnirurter Ave. * USED CARPE:r!NG · ROLµ:R Pigeons $.75 all * r.<7-,1851 * • SEYMOUR F8't paced P r o P' r t Y TELLER OVER :m wuben, dryen, approx 50 oq, yds. colon Sil.VERMlllla-- 6 wks, $25. each management co. nee d 1 refrigerators from ~.95. beige nylon, $60. 54&-9854 968--083.1 Rea h-y & Investment sharp, personable, a 11 Put Time 545-0'l*J. EARLY AMERICAN dining C•b 152 around good girl to organize Experienced C set S50 138 E. ~ ... L Sl ,,.;..;.,,------=:: hectic front office. Excellent APPLY IN PERSON ·e~a· • IOI 54M48S. ..LOW • C.M. PER..SI,<\N Kittens c FA Aighan puppy, 8 mos, typing" "'°"hand skilll a ANAHEIM SAVINGS qutpment MllCOIJ..,...., -· Sbo ... $35. !emale. $100. musL Heavy phones, weekly & LOAN KOBENA 421 Super 8 movie W__...__.. -546-9965 ~l292: &a-4122 . 545-4270 after 5 pm MEN & WOMEN 3366 Via Lldo, Npt Bch needed tor Educ at Ion a 1 I 613-IDO medical training fields, A.II REAL ESTATE SALES re ports, OOITespondence, 411 Main Street camera. Instant cartridge ....... .no "-s e OLD ENGLISH SHEEP· working wifli numbers & Huntington Be•ch loading. Power telephoto WANTED. Old small wtckerl -~..,.~0"'.',... ___ .;154::; DOG, AKc. 11 mo, $500. assi.!iting field rep. -all in An Equal Oppty Emplyr wfde ~e lens. Almost &II buggy with w 0 0 d e n A F G HANS, exceptional 0846-S2SI.==-==----- equa .opfrtunlty employer race• Ages 18 thru 75. INSTAI..J..."°fRS for un-Medium height le wt'ight. derground cable TV. Exper. No viii.hie scan or ta tool. ~ ~ta:~~ in: TOP Drawer h looking for new. $75 <r make offer wheels It wicker chair. J>ediez'ff. AKC, Must aelL ADORABLE male A KC surance berietita, paid vaca-an attracUveo young minded M2-1734 eves &: weekends. Shbiey Temple blue mua Fantastic price! $100 a. lJiasa Apao, U wb, $125 · dealred, ~ conaldered. For inter contact John 2624 \V. Coast Hwy, N.B. Branscom. 636-Jli40. Teleprompter-"An equal op-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,..iiiiiiiiiiiio Opening in old established · alt saleslady. Sat & Sun. + A~ F (S.T. name pin), 1-;;96>-9805.:;.;;,;;;;;.,.-,;--.,...= w/l!lbots. 645-41!2. tinn In best resale area. tion er 6 mos. Send ply in penon, 221 Marine, umitvrw 111 6 inch and 13 inch Dk> I HUNTERS Fish resume to P. O. Box 1810, Balboa •·land -"~· 1 nne ! Ownp AKC l.,--------15;:,;;S Reliable broker autstance Newport ~acb 92663. ..., · MAPLE trundle> beda com-" ...... up et doll Field line, Engliah Spring. to complete your aales. ;;;.;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;, plete $15. walnut china Small old child'• wooden en, .C mos. M/F, ~. * AQUARIUM, 26 pl lbow. Licensed only apply. Secretary Tralftff cabinet $75, desk designed school desk. 979-232!t. Fi&h plus mm. Clll por. employer". MESSENGER FILE CLERK lntpeetor, ln-proce11 2 yrs recent experlence in PC boards, cables • read blueprints, 8Chematics, al80' color code. Excellent oppor- tunity for advancmient with )'OUng e~panding computer I buslnen. Come in &: fill ap. plication at Male 1!1<1erred:..I'lloll!0!1 Jn. volves some heavy lUUng. Will work in Loa Angeles until move to NE'WpOrt end of Sept. Free dailY--bus · transportation provided. PACIFIC MUTUAL Apply Mon tbru Fri. 9 am-12 pm at our new bulldlng, 700 Newport <:enter Drive. Call: BUD CORBIN 644.7662 Ad • A··--Llers as ~Id &ehool desk ns. six 5623118 I.DVE tot aa.le $1001 White 830-GlS before 9 pm. For Interview App't.. min1strative ~··•!!' --. dining.room chairs $5 e~ch, s.MAI;L Piano, reaaonable fluffy, toy poodle needs new Horut _ __ 115' Secretary Female. All shifts. matching banging and table airllSh look1na bunk beds home. AKC male 10 mo BEA With experience processing I VOLT _Ja;;m,,;ps:;;;-$20-:. 54:=-9--0283==·,,......,.~I re a l!I on able ' sola-bed tm-2313. • • . Ge ~ut Quarter Mare. n st•nt Personnel DINING room set side ~at me. p h 0 n e PART doxie re~ ' ,...,_sp~ted-A ~e~=· =~J 3848 ~~~~~ boud,-table wn ea1 (6~' 64f.,4687. Cockapoo 1; cute~=~:! i only ~:~ tior., to real ertate, loan proces· Newport Beach 546;-4?4l open length), 5 chain & GONCREI'E table & benches weeks, $11). each. 642-4818· Sell \die ltenre Call ling, legal or escrow a nee-Equal ()ppm'. Empl-.i.r Hom chair. ~. 548-8404 far -patio. Also patio tablea ,_5.14-3885..:,:.;;:;0:•:,. .. c::;:'·----· ~Now! DOW! . essity. The individual we u;yi: alttt 7 pm. &-chain in near new cond. r: select must have ability to TRA VD. AGENT LARGE 8' oo!a, loveseat, & 66-<lSOO. •• ••••• ••• •••••••••• Corbin-Martin Inc. Realtors CORONA DEL MAR Documenter Division Addr•••orrapl,.MulO.,..ph 29%1 S. DoJmler, Santa Ana 546-3551 NEED yna. married man Inmrance with aome painting exp., Real Estate S•le1 FREE interpret le draft legal docu· Exper. Immed. 0 pen in g , overstufted chair. White Muslc•l Instruments 122 ments. TYPing 70 w.p.m. "I'ransikibe travel, CM crushed velvet. Sold new ,.,.. __ ;;;.;,;;..;:;;;::;::.;:= CaR Mrs. Smoot 646-5(0), $1SOO. Sell $765. 6t6-6444. <7,UNA ~bl.Det or h\itch, an-~3319 uque vr new. Lara: e . TYPIST. (60+) lite clerical. *** Sofa le matching love Reuonablt!'. 6"-4687. Law ofc. 4 hrs per day. seat, never u,d. Both $1SO.l-;0:::"='"":.;:.:::.:.::::.:=-1 N_, Cali! ,, ____ , In-must do neat work. ~ • -OK.,,,_ 847-1158. LicenH Tr1fnfng 1urance agent for Anaheim :0:""'~=--~-­agency. Dulles al't!I varied, NEWCX>MER WELCOMING: lnleruttne " provide a ffuepltallty Ho.tell Llmltad Time Only Famous license course now available thru Tarbell <.:om- pany. Applk:anta lully re- lmbuned Upon quaillle&tion. New or experienced aales people, Openln&:s available. Camplete -program. F\lturt manaaemcnt oppnr- tuniticl, Call Mr Sloan al w.5581, Irv!~ airport c e n t e r. Private. ~7910. Ferxter Stratacaster $12J. &n.903L MODERN FURN Xlnt __ _. Fender Telecaster $140. • Secretaries $450-$600 e F/C Bkkp" - substantial income. 'Ib Call LOCAU..Y Oft new Call Dtt Keller 6.15-(13)l rel.ldent tamilles bringing • Legal s.c·,.. 1625 • Trnees w/typing $350-$400 100% Fee Paid By The Co. Waiter·Room Service MU5f. be exper. F/Ume See Penonnel Manager Balboa Bay Club l22l, W. Cout HW)'. • .......A.I. • 642-42.liO • Bed, '°ta. wa11 llnit, rug, Olll .. Fumnu / ---..:.. -t<l1to .. dvlo into, Goocl pay ._.__~ P/time. Must have happy Lb: Reinder's Agency 4500 Campus Dr. chn, ete. 642-1401. E re G•r ... Sole 112 quip. ~ For on od In Wom•n'• World Ctll Mary "l" 642-5671, ut q llMJE PERSONNEL SERYICES•AC.ENCY FEE PAID Set:retarles lo $675 Management Trnes to $650 CIM Typl!rt to $450 .Mail Clerk/Male $350 File Clerk/Male $365 Ex Scc'y/Electronic1 to $625 Sec'y/Brokerage to $6()(1 Al110 Fee Johll . 488 E. 17th (at Irvine) CM 642·1470 JANITOR, part time. Mesa Verde C.onv. Hoapltal, ti6l ~nter, Costa Mesa 548-5585 JR. SECRETARY: Great public relaUons job. & in charge of membmihip 11.c- counts for M!'r'Vtce club. On· Jy lite sh rft'dcd. Start 5400. Call Linda Ray, St0-6055, COlllital Agency, ~ 7 9 O Harbor Bl., C.Ptt JOBS URGENTLY NEEDED a Secretariell e Keypunch Opt'rators e lndul'ilrinl a Billing Cleric Typist lrvlrl(.• !'.40-4450 NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO Tempo Temrorary Help L.AUNDRESS, full t I n1 e. Mesa Vcnle Conval~nt Jlosp. 661 Center St., C.M. !)48.. 5r58;i • LEGAL Secrt-lary w/corp & banking ~~Pl'ri~nce. Fringe benefits. 64>1550. * LEGAL Secn-tary, pt. time, 10 hrs. \\"K'k. 962-gjJJ aft 1: :\0 ptn. * LVN, pt lime, days, At· tendant. midnlte s h i J t , Newport vn1a. 642-5861. LYN'S E XP ER. &-Nur5et Ald('5. 5~9<1061 MACHINIST Small precision switch Cf'lm· ponent1. Setup &: (lperatr variety of machines in· eluding turret l.11.lhe, vertirnl mW, short rum;. Small shop. Coed working conda. STACO, INC. 11 39 B•ktr SI., Cost• Mes• (714) 549-3041 Equal Oppor. Em~r TIME FOi OUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT Al 642-5178 smile, car, b'Pine ability, 547..J095. NEWPORT Harbor Yacht Oub now acceptine ap- pllcatiooe for lull A part time help. Good \¥8.ifS ft world"" condo. ApPly Fri., Sept 15th mon W 3 pm. NURSES Aides, e x p e r. Jnl'd, 7-3:30. Park Lldo Conv. Ctr, 466 Flqmip Rd., N.B.~ NURSES AIDES Full time-Permanent 7·3: 30 &hilt. Hunt Bcb C.Onv. Hosp. 188ll Florida AW., H.B. 847-3515. TARBELL REALTORS REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL &f6..2118 N1=wport Beach Newport Beach Secretary WAITRESS. Men thru Fri., With 3 years experience. 10 to 5. $2/br. + Mature, Background in conslruction experienced, dependable, field working w/archltects, permanent. El Moro project manageni desirM, Restaurant, 16655 Ptlclfic Accurate 7U w.p.m., sh or Coast HWy., Sunset Beach. dlctapbooe proficiency & _846-3:..::;,;:1:;71::.·--~--- ., NEW walnut 44"x82" ex· 11.4 Plywood, W, ~ ecutlve desk 1;. matching ~ $3.50 to $7, Dll8C. chair. SacrW~ both for ~ to $2. Hallow-core $000. Phone <n4) 644-8814 cabmet. & passage doon, or 6Q..3072. mJac al!el Sl-46. Auto minil iEXEC.m°""'""'<d==-<hr.,.-""'115-=21~1 bike rack $10. VW tow bar Sec'l chr $8-18 nedm files $25. Kiln. Xlnt cond. $65. atla. 867 W 19tb CM Tandem bicycle S 5 O , 642-3408. ' 645-1400. 1121 """"' Rd N.B. · Pltnoo/Org1n1 126 ablllty to operate 10 key Weltr11H,.Exper. adding machine required. Apply in person, Kai:Ian's 586 Canyon Acres Dr., Fri.. PIANOS • ORGANS C•ll Mrs. Smoot Restaurant I Dell, So. Cst Sat., Sept. 22, 23. 9 am·7 Hammond, Wurlitier, many 644-3319 PLaza, C.M, n..ower level pm. l,.ota of good old & new otben. Pre-sw:on •PK!ala ~~~~~~!!!~!"!!I next to May Q).) ch~dren's &: adults' c:Jothes: model closMuta. Piano &_ SECRETARY . Girl Frida,y W it L. I I weird outfits for Halloween! Organ rentala. Money uv-tor amall electronics co. 1 • res"" •ne I r Many odds &: ends. BE'nelit lnll ""-am. are h-~&bl Ahle to work anu shill. Owr I ' ---.. ._.., ~ ... ~·· girl ofc. Should have -" -v or _ ...... 0 u t re a c h ' s now at: m;u 20. Sir George't, 18782 Beach KOINONIA HO skills & like varied dutte1. Blvd., Huntington Beach. · · · USE. W all ichs Music City '4&-77'1<. Equal opportunity Ml ... 11•-Ill Sooth Cbut Pl"'• ... -· S.WandCrochet J CoatofScpiaresl • " NURSES Aldt'I, J1·7 Mesa Verde Conv. Hoap.. 661 Center, C.M. 548-5585. Orderly: N.8. •rea Call 642·2410 M-F 8: 30-5 PM employtt. WAITRESS EXPER. .._ ..---.:.u !64jq.1H..,,(,,1SECRETARY. boat • ir°u~DDOinnorLP,.,HifltN. *OLD STOVE* *PIANOS*°RGANS* brokerage. Some ~kend Smaller old wood burning Going Qut For Business Operators We .!ll'e growing! And looking for EXP. INDUSTRIAL SGL NEEDLE OPERATORS to work on custom surf trunks. Ir you quallly call KANVAS By KATIN. 213-728-6230 or 714·5214880. PART time driven & cook1. Over 21. Apply at 16@.2 &ach Blvd .. H.B. PAR T-1 Im e accountant. Pn>fer semi-retired or retired man. 6(5...6542 Im Rpp'L PBX Operator, exper. Work Includes \\'knds &: evel!I. Call J ane Ellen, Newporter Inn, N.B. 644-1700, PBX anl!IWering Hrvice. Day hrs. including wknds. Ex- prr. prt>f'd 542-1164, C~t. e PLASTICS e Injection Mold Op r. Fnr Plastics ManufactUJ't'r. Da ys & Graveyard shift. Must be neat &. dependable. Female llJ'('f'd. MUBt be able lo ~·ork Sat. or Sun. Apply 1 PM-4 PM * Orange Coast Plal'!tlcs * Rm West 18th St. COl!la Mes.11., Callt R.E. SalH. All new concept. Women only, Work H.B., F.V., C.M.~area. Recetve up to 90% comm. Gd. ad pro· gram. Leads provided. No broker competition. Gd, up time. Xlnt training, Reim· burse school tor those not nnt lie. STANDARD R. E, Ma ry or Lot, 833:8700 R. E. SALES Earnings of $1500 or more per month is easy the Larwin way. We tumish li!llina &: selling tract refer-. ral leads. }Ugh advertising budget, loll of noor time, bonus P~. monthly ronteats, medlcaJ insur. paid. Call for app't. Lou Sangermaoo. larwin realty Inc. 9684400 (24 Hours) REAL Estate Salesm.11.n for subdlvll!lion 1n La g u n a Beach. 494-9388 or 213: 336-6454, Broker, Recreation Coordinator The lrvl11C Co. seek~ a rec.. reatlon coordinator for large apt complex. ~ In rec- PlZZA cook. 21 or over, ap-1 reaUon or ttlatcd field de- ply In per!IOn. Piru Jfut ainble. Mtn. 1 yr exper. u 1~71 Brookhunt Ha aoclal or rttre1Uon dlrectetr ,...---~-_,;;,· =· "--of lft1'Je 1pt complex rt- l'.011.'f'r 1-faf'hine operato~. quired, Hts 2 pm-10 pm. ~l~glf' _l"K'edle uper. desired. Xln't worir:U,,. conda I: co. .,1~. • benellt~. . PRESS OPERATORS Ctll Mrs. Smoot Women to work for plutic 644-33" nee. Apt. tor f I g u res. 3355 Via Lido, H.B. stove! 2 holes on top front Best quality· prlctt -serv. 64&--0551. WAITRESSES, exper, over door. Needs lots or' work Kapwal·stetnway-Baldwln, etc 18. Apply in pt'r'lon, Jim· but could be reaJ ruce when layer Pianos &: Rolla '--'.~ SERVICE Station Attendant bo tinisb-' 1 leg ,,,,, to .. _ Rentall ...... , •. We u. ... ..$ell r p/tlme eves & wknds. Ex-'!I, 3050 E. Coast Hwy., .:u.. • ....,,.,..,, Ull' Daily l0-6 ... YJ per• Neat .... arance. Ap-l 1~C~dM~. ~~~~~~~ 1 . w.elded on, I started sanding , Sun 12-5 Jt but didn't fin1ab. ·90 it's FIELDS PIANOS ply morns. 2>90 Newport ~~te rusted. A no Costa Mna <n4> 645-3250 Bl .. C.M. .aandbl-·job would take EMERSON of BOSTON SFERullVICEu•:_ta; ExperAttendAant Me:dw: •• II"""') ~Of ~t It WQUld Jnake table top grand piano 6 or p ...,,...,, • p.. . V a .. u,e p....,,ter; or as • oon. octaves, vay rart, Manu- ply, 1n penon. Brown's .ven(ation piece-an end table factured around 1850's SICO>. Shell, 990 E. Cst. Hwy., Ant,._ llO w1th a magazine ledge. I or otter 5C8-8401 after & pm. N.B. paid S35 for it·make otter. WURlJTZER spinet-Like SERVICE Ste. Attendant, SCRAM-LETS 542-IT.!4 ,.,. and week...,.. n0w. $500. Call a!ter~5 pm, exper. """"· po,i11o.. Ai> * AUCnON * "*'1758. ply Urllon 76, 1476 Palisades 9209 10-18 12Y,.22Y, 7427 ltq A6.. 13 .. ,fl. Rd, (Brlskl!) c.M. ANSWERS ~~ 57:; R•~···•nr. m SERV 'Sta attendant. full It. "'........._ Be comfortable and part. Daya, awing, grave Meadow -Creel -Baked _ A~• niday, ?:SJ p.m, ISLAND Display Fixture fident in this smut. aHm yard. Salary + comm. Foraae -COOK Windy s ~uction 81m $10, -plentyl ~ r.., :flT -f1T _, coat. ~. "We don't have tet say a ~ NtwpO?t, CM 6M-a 6H-t687. lll""ai.._ lllM'.IMt Welcome chilJy 4111 with SERVICE estab. Fu 11 er ~er before ft e11t at our Beblnd 'l'ony'1,Bldg Mat1 · 8x4 Folding wall di.splay, 6 fashion's faYOl'ite coat of Brush customers. Xln't house,'' ahnounced tbeycuna SI'EREO: Deluxe 1972 panela, both sides usable 2 ~ you need ~ m~ colon! Crocb •t earninp. 90-00.6. dinner ruest. "My mommy ii Gunrd model, large pro. .ets avail. $!&ea. 613-7065 alJmmin&, llkinunbl&, low· squares with ftnaa1nc yam S>JR~=Vl="CE=-"'=s1a=tic"•--m-.-.-l a good COOK.'' fHalonal cha.rtgft>, a Q>takir TV -~~ F . pleat dress, tunic. pants plUI Ulen join ... wri ..-1 • w/exper, far eve. lhlft. Age BEAl1l'IFUL ant 1gue1 • air l\ll!lpension a o u n d / ~ Hl I, easy-crochet lhawl to bis =uJ!': Mluea' S1zq 1-11 no factor. Good pay & Bureau, French lace, bead-I}'• t em. 15 0 W att tweo 13' ave all. mmni. Apply Cbefton Illa· ed dreu: 1; bags, shawls, AMJFM/MPX radio wJth ZENln( &: RCA TV'S priced Prln~ed Pattern r.»9: NEW ~nv& omt!I toys, tables, chairs, odds " F!:r, Tape deck. Still new lea tb&n the dl.ecounters ! Miaaes' Sizea 10, 12, 14, 16, each .-Hern • -tldd· ~:.::. So. Cout Hwy., ends. Also Hire new upright ·WaJ ·left · u nc 1 a I med: )'I' pkture tube.1,,-pnb a ~l ~ Halt Sitt• 12%~ ~~=-.:i~~ SHEJT belt qt&s&qa', elee router. Guaranteed. Orig, m .95. tlll"Ylce. All •vaJJabl • ..,.., 1 71' ~. 201ift, %l'9, tng: otbtrwtM. Call alts pm, 673-4941. Now $210. '!'=•· Collectlaol -In -· Ca!h 90 Pl&8E ·#U'O 'DRU8 deJ!voey •'w1lJ - EMERSON of BOSroN dtpt. 7lf: m.o50L plan or up to 36 mo. flnan-SIZE. wttlcJ 'or men. Sl!ndl to METAL table top arand planet g oc-. STEREO 1972 Garr•l'd etnc.PhoneprlcnOK.ABC MtENTl'..nnJ (ID'ft Alice ~ the DAILY tews, _,. ntt. Manuia.. """'"1. lull 11-..,._, al.r Color 'l'V, 902i Atlante, !:rt. .. : :"'pa~ : PlLOI', lllll, NNdleeralt Wo.IERS & tured aroond l!IO'o. $1000. --· opeak1•1 , ir-.tmlloaclilD'319' A1' Jlall llld Special l411-Oept.llclllll,.otdO>dOM or otter, "'8-l40I all« I AM/FK -ndlo. T..,. STEJIEO SA :mo Kenwood "''-, otlMrw1ot -~· .. , ;. Stalbt, NIW Yan, N.Y deck .,,,.,. tn f-. .. i.. Brand -•; UlmKIUI 100U. Print ......_ 4 't I pm. .,.. --, SS 111 a.., oplcn., del""'7 wtJJ lllot lllrM -~ .,...,,.,._ , •· WWW\ ELECT.I w""AU<UT=~-=""="'I ,...c Gvar. Wu lelJ ~tape deck. - -"' :non. -lo ..., ~ _ ·- • • !10 x "'" = ~ ~ -1•-· on,. $119.95. IOI. -~ ._ lhrlu Mutlni'u. DAILY .,....., --_- CIA NS Both bcl. --lllM733. -185 'l'erm&. ~ all 4. PIIJ}'I', .... Pa!Wm Dept., -OllltSls cnmmtd <l<Pt. 'Ill' 19).«jJl, 8 A CRD1CE! Halllcnlter flt Wiit 11111 st., -llnl~ "°"""' llll'la, -' ·------·I m>RAGE -Ironer, SX'G;, _, ...... -yon, N.Y. 100lL -. ~ -~--.. roclt _,.. ...... table, 7 """""' =-.. -lo.um, .,...... wit!\ .. -.. d:aln,,.ilotr-·-· -· ·-aod lllTUl llZWI-~-For Irvine_ --llri'• 3 opi!; -LMnl ........ ----. -· -1 Ill • ,... FIJI.-Pat----....... ,p, -~ -""'---·-. -• --.. ----.st. molding plants. 546-3370, Top Ratei RECGtiVNIST _ Law ol· AblOlutoly No ,._ PRODUCT ""'· Age ·-· '!'ypfnr. (l That lo U.. TNll>I l Daily Pilot ENG INEER $3004350. -Call lmmadlmly ~spon~1blt for de 1 t g n , RN Ch•re---D•yl 547-6446 docurn'",.tk>n l f>roducilon LVN Relief P.P.S. line support ol 11malJ electro N Al'· D p mechanical devices. 3-5 Yn ur1e1 _.... •YI •clflt: J'l'a!nt eXPtr. Te c J:J n l ca I Apply In p!S"l(ln, Gufltkl Penonntl S.rvfa1 -o 11•1 • b a k d Omv. Hoop, 7111 Oer!lekl 112 No. Tow.r " c crou n Ave. JtB. MT~ 'Un1on Bank ----dlltrtd. Send rt1um.e to ' · ""'<I-• 01a1Ded &d no. 521, c/et Uke to tradeT OUr Tradft"a =o:s"'°'""'-iE''--C=OI=~=·-.,.,. OaliY Pllo~ P.O. e.x wo, Parodlle colllDlll II fir YoUI Haft ~ l'!'I -10 &42-5111 0>1ta 11 ... Ca!JL 9'J626. 5 llneo, 5 c1aJ1 llr J bucb. oellT Clo-· a do M Oill-........ '!!"'-• 1------· I ., ~ ~ -~· 1'1111 Ft-....... --... $It 16' -Exoel .-. fl5, I u.,... ~n...,... --.-a FREE -a--. ... p, 2 Irle< -mh i:attem. 7!I C91IL -Giii -.... ,,,,p, ... JI" l2i'O •• ·ri;-• n11 KlnlNS INrr.ufl' SEWING BOOK c , .......... ""' ... .p, a.st st 2 annp; ._. ._ " , * ...-* ..,, tilldq, 1"11' tama1:1ow. II 1Uf1 ... ...r ..... a at. SL 11-'W -.... IOI 3 nlfi, Sii. I* lbl. * DIRT ,• ll'ILL " DIR'!' * INSl'AllT FA 8 H I 0 N --l H ...-.. $lS. l2T ' 2'IUI 81.. N.B. nu:tl""" IMlulilor • IO !odl 1100S -H-o I !I .:a .-• .. 173:31'12. • • -** ~ .--.p, ...... ,..,_., e USED OOPl' llAQllNE, WYl:AllU: lilt La~- W. ..-, -a -Jlltlp-""· •••o. ••••••••••••••••••• •• •L •nmnr. m •• , ~ I -' --- OAJL Y l'ILaT %'f -'"l=· ~ I ?II ... -llil I· -·-I§] I -·-I§] II ---I§] I -·-: 1§1 I -·-l§J I ---J§l I _.... l§J 3J Foot boat bull. $2S. 2078 Thwin, CM. ~7-4690 alter 3 PM BHts. Power t06 1-----~---"lm SEA RAY" '55 Olds, Pa~)!!t, 2>', 2Xl Series, F.qulpped for Water Skllng & fiahlng, tandem trt.iler. Call after 12:00 noon. 1n4) IJ0...6482. MUST SELL! BOAT for-sale by owner. 1961 21' t.M.P. built, in· board/outboerd. O . !.1 • c . outdrive Olevrolttl VB. doU· ble hull flberglus. Use-d 31 hrs. $4,295. Call after 6 pm. 213/:i92-291&. 13' Boston Whaler 33HP. Johnson motor. Canopy & full canvu cover. n.251). • 597-3732 or 6t6-0703. 14' 0/B Fibe~hw S250. 17' 018 w/trler SSOQ. 16' Out- board S200. 12' Aquil Cat. $350. 546--4990 vrkdays. '71 15' tiberglau skiff. 9;2 Motor Home Rentals SALES & LEASING full i;ervice facll ily Danmar Motor Homes 531-6800 HP J ohnson, fully equip. Rent A Motor Home $560. 675--41)8. for your Vacation 16' Built R!to, 50 llP * 139-4301 * Johnaon. Tllt trallN. $1395. _N_El_"~LIF~-ET-IM_E_S-_l_h<'~wo-rl<~, 1 592-5705, 673-5810 & at fantastic rales. Pvt 21' Dorset 1960 • M.any ex~ pty. 838-0533 TUs.lin. + trlr W/elec winch. Good * WINTER RATF.S * cond. $1950. 642-1.SM :f.itr home renlals. $165 v.•k + Boats, Rent/Ch•rt'r 908 ml. ReS<'rve now. ~291. SHASTA mtr home, for rent, 18', sips 6, self cont., A1r. Pvt. pty. All &. 497-2384. - Trailers, Utility 947 T....... "2 • $ $ $ s $ • • s '59 FORD v.a I TH -A... 'l'rlnl, PoWft' Brakes, Electric Fuel Pump, (764). $1495 ~'"4~ 466 E. 17th, Cost• Mes• 64>0466 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '71 JEEP 4 wheel dri...e pickup. v~ engine, flO\\'er sleering. air conditioning. <448C1Bl $34!!1. DAVE ROSS PONTIAC, 2 4 8 0 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, 54&-8017. Price effectiv" thru 9/'l.fJm. '67 EL CAMINO. 4 speed, huckel seats. radio, heater. IQ29500) $1499 DAVE ROSS PONTIAC, 2480 H a r b o r Blvd., Costa Mep,a 546-3)17 PriCf' effective thru 9/'l.fJ/72. 1965 FORD % TON PICK· UP. Good cond. SU95 * Call 833-1213 Auto Le•slnti 964 LEASE NDW '73's LEASE ALL MODELS AND MAKES Southern CalHornia 1st National Bank L~sing 2022 Business Center Drive MOONLIGHT SAIL • 65' SCHOONER. Thun. Sept. 21. Depart DRYDOCK Restaurant 8 pm. Return 12 pm. Mix-lee.snacks $10 per person. Reservation!! TI4- ~191. Eves 642-1122. TANDEM axle trailer. IdeaJ Irvine, Calif. 92664 TI4/833-862D 213/6Z7.0367 for 2 buggies or race car $350. 5.57-5603. Autos W•nted 968 Boots, S.11 '°' 1----==...,. .... -BABY MUST GOl I lT' Racine Cat WUI Sacrifice to a a'OOd home. Days 546-8045, eves. 673-4019. '72 FLIPPER No. 1026. Ne~r used A relll buy at $345! 67>-4600 ANYTIME ** HOBIE 16 ** Llke new! Race eXb'n1! Must See! $1650. 645-1765 Boots, Slipt/Docks 910 BALBOA Slip for 40' boat Oct '72.J'une 'll. Ample parkillJ? i90 monthly . 673-ml. WANTED: 50' slip or Ede tie for month or year. Call 673-1988. DOCK avan up to 25' Pwr. ()nly. $2/ft front t I e ; $1.80/side He. 673--7S<li. 45· l\fOORINC: w-40' DSL fix. er-upper. '2500, Ha 1kt11 Yachts 543-3163 , Boolt, Spoed • Ski 911 18' Manta by Arena Craft, trl-hull, OMC.V.O 1 tern drlve. MlnY Xtru. Mlnt cond. nr lncl. All tm. 13.950. 557.QDZ BOAT trailer, n(.'ed!lo ¥.'Mk. C<>uld handle up to 14 ft. $15. As Is. 644-4687. MGIC TRANSMISSION 546-0135 1967 VW 1500 cc engine. Dual po~ heads, oil cooler. Hol· ley 2 barrel carb. complete $350. 551-5003. * CORVETI'E hub eap& & beauty rims. Mab! offer. 542-1'134 eves & wknd11. Antiques/Cl•111cs 953 1934 Chevy Coupe, com· pletely re1tored. Good eng. & trans. Run11 beautifully. Sec tO Appreciate. Best of- fer over $1000. call Steve a.It. s. 819-3828. Dune Buggies •56 1971 Factory bit street du~ buggy. Excel cond. Side curtains &: radio . $1500. Days 644--0878, Nit es 64').07'6. 3 Mo. N-•• -•. -B"u-s.,T"t,--axl°'e~& bus rear torsion bar. New 1300 VW eng. ST/legal. Campers, Salt/ Rtnl '20 ='~1450"·,..·-=8'6--0'135c---·=,...,=--c DffiT Buggy. Dirt Cheap! JO~J ft. cab over teardrop. Complete and running with sell-contained. ·cu, e:tec. or extras. Fint $175 take1. battfcity, U495 <ll' best oUer, Gi-4747 ()r 494-0688. 847~. '69 VW Dune Buggy, New VAN '68 Dodge, rebuilt rng, wheels, tj,res. Sh a r p ! Radials. Clean. S 1 9 5 0 . $795 call Larry-838-3593. &42-439l; eve! 642-2'789. Trucks "2 Cycl11, Bikes, Sc°"ter1 PARAMOUNT 23" Schwinn Paramount Reynolm m dbl. butted frame. Campi frame tips I' fork ends, campi crank, PR'11, tiub11 I: llngertiJ>ll. Center p.ill brake11 " firm. 54l-8404 aft 7 PM. '71 CB-SOM. Bronze 23.10 ml. Like new. Bought NOY. '71. $1:nl. dlfl, 646-2486, eve1, &4S-7&43 $$$$$$$ $ $, '62 Ford Econoline (Paneling} (RtJV) (Nice} (U9539) $899 ... ,"'~ 465 E. 17th, .cost• Mesa 645-0466 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -·n Motador 1soT, .n "'u'?· '70 International + trick ext, lo ml. Perl 'ii Ton pickup, vt, 4 1petd, cond "72 strt plates. $800. radio, heater, heavy duty ~2329. equ.lpment, low m 11 e ~ . '70 Honda .SL 350, 8000 mi'1, <'l'l9S6F) $1995 dlr. Call Very good cond, C 111 838-6535. ~~-------~ 1600. 'GS Metro Van, he\\! engine. 19'10 JIDNDA 350 -Sttfft I •pArt Pt to.nk. 2 1pn.re Ure<1 dirt bl)Je. $400, 963-l.!165 or A tubff, IKIMe 12 voll, 968-1817. equlpmtnt, 3 1peoed trart11 .. 1911 HONDA TRAIL 70 $600 or offer call ~ MOTOOlOSS BARS. XI.NT. ,,atte~r_,T:'pm--,-~,--.,.~. COND. $1'111. 54&-83SI. 'TO, ,!i Chevy. Auto trsno, full REWARD WILL PAY OVER Keny Blue Book For late model, cle•n, low mileage clome1- tics, imports, trvcJc:1 or c•mper1. Call and ask for Buyer DAYE ROSS PONTIAC 2480 Horbor Blvd. Cost• Mes• 546-8017 WE PAY TOP CASH ---·-·""' can ............... ..._ GROTH CHmOlET " ....... _..._ 11211 Besch Bl"'- Hunthcton Beach 11!.eorl Kl f.3331 2833 Harbor, C.ostei Mesa -~ WE buy all rn.akn cf clean used sportt cars. paid for or not. Please drive la for -·-NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Cout Hwy,. N ........ S.acb 642-9405 WE PAY TOP OOll.AR }""OR TOP \1~ CARS U ycur cat h otre clean, 11et1 WI l'IJ"lf. BAUEll BUICK 2925 Harbor Blvd. O>lta Mesa 9'79-2500 -ll!POR'l'S W AJir::o- Oransl• Count¥• TOP I BUYEll lllU. MAXEY TOYOTA l!S31 Boacb BM!. H. Beach. Pl'!. '47.- STOP! OM·t-Junk ·u:-An).Car that runs. Ltt U1 buy your lf'OOble. Up to S l , O O O • 5-0"'°"5. -TOP DOLi.Ait l'OR JUNK OR WJU:OraO CARS. DQ or rtltt:, '37-am Aul .. , lmPOrfW · 970 SCHWINN Stingray bleyd4 5 pwr, air. 1:>tx cutl · eab. sm. 11u Pomona. SJiace .a.1.f• •o .. EO 1pd., Pn Ptcloor nmel. lx· 0 C M .. ,. " ,.. '10cet.Kacood".~6~1 .... tended °"•oo::-:~:-<>rd-,· ...,,ECO=no11= .. -,.,.111..,.-· 1 '60 Spider 2 1Jter, s spd, ~· --s·-II"~ .. "l'ottrtnsi mode.I. $695 cuh, or f-k"' fll:Ol!lltlrt ocmdtUon, -· -· • .... ... .Ao~* will con~ eqult•blf 64&-44'12 aner I pm. ,.. • .....,,._ tradt. ll68.JSt9 '10 SUZUKI TC IKI, ,..,00 '!Ill O>evy v ... VI, lfM'lled, mu ... d>"'""" bike. Make ..,,., m..., ltl!W rubbtf, IMW otter. 615-1921 lft ,,Jr, Good oootl. illt>r;. ~1'i'l9. -------Vlllt oar .. bomef -~-·--= _,.. -L.'l'&Elatbod """"-..:mi IS!!. ** ~ BULTACO 125 Pur1an1 . * CHEV"f, 1~ * I ' • "White ijOplllnt~· -e 1960 i:L CAMINO _, t ____ ,,,__I_""' . y ......... 111o ''CUii" , •• ,.. ..... ~n •11t1 10 CAlt -. .... Dollr Jlllol On 1-.. iiiiiiA iSiMO in .....,. .... 1lJll .. Iii _..,.. ... flMlll, a.. ---- !iiiii~iiiiiiiij I '12 OPEL GT O>up.. °"""· ,. 4 1peed, ndlo. bN.ter. f'JC• '72 248Z 2 Dr cpe. 4 1pd dlr Take older <'ar or will finance balanre (ltl..S38970) Cali 546-4052 att 10 am 494-9773. FOR Sale, 1968 Datsun. Good oond. $875. C11.ll 833-9170 1967 DATSUN. very iood cone!. $65() Call after 5 pm wkdays, 97S-4887 '67 Datsun station wagon , transportation + .f spE'ed, radX>/hcatcr. S500 or otter, 548-8404 alter 7 pm. '68 Datsun 1600. New Con· vertiblr top, tires &: battery, Low miles. RuM great! $1,1511. 642-3697. FIAT '69 FIAT 124 , 2 Dr. Sport Cpe. 5 spd dlr. Take small down ()r pickup! Can finance <ZWW370) call 494-Sm alt 10 am, 546-4052. '67 nAT sedan. Good cond. $351). Call 963-1923 _JAGUAR '68 JAGUAR 2+2. Ccirdova brown, auto. trans.. air rood .. '>''ire wheels. IAZV852i' $3699, D A V E ROSS PONTIAC. 2 4 8 0 llarbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-0017 Price effective thru ~l'JJJ/'12. JAG XK 1511 H.T. Cpe, Elffiric overdrivP. $750. 557-<556 MAZDA llAZI>A LEASE SPECIAL New '72 RX3 $57.56 Loaded. ROTARY powered. 36 mo. + T & L. l'or rtsp. pt;y, Trade• rons. • 72 ROTARY'S "Demo Sale" ID TO CHOOSE "BIGGEST SAVINGS" "Service i11 the dltfet'f'nC"e'' HUNTINGTON BEACH MAZDA 113!1 Beach Blvd, 842-6666 Lease Mgr, Mr. Fry ltm 190 D!t11el. Xlnt cond. New tires & brakes, nu paint. $750, 847-1970. OPEL '69 DPEL KADETTE LS 4 speed, radio, heater, (ZXZ. 666). $975 dlr. 831H1535 • ·n OPEL sta v.·gn. 1900 auto, ltnt mile1, ()rig. owner, ex· eel. cond. Sl,900, 96.1-4S73. Sell the old 1hill. Buy the new stuU. • «!lent. t 130FVJ > 12 '9 9 DA VE ROSS PONTIAC. .h80 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, 5t&-8>17, Price el· ftttive thN 9/1:1111 PORSCHE 1968 Porsche. Air, tape, 1'1'50ci:. See to appreciate. P700Joffer, &t,5..191R. '71), 911T. Emerald gr.:•n. l\1'ags, A1"1-1''1"f, 5 spd. Ex· lras. $6500. 54~1695. '69 9UT, lo mi, many xtraa, red, elee ip, ch. wh1I, xlnt, $48:5(), - '611 912, A·l «iDd,, comp! reblt. r..rus1 ~I by Thun.! Bes! otter. 548-3869 ROVER --------$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '68 ROVER 4 Or, T.C., Alf Ccind, 4 Spd, Radio, Heater, INFL191) $899 ~~ 465 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 64>0466 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBARU ,..,.,.. __ * SUBARU * M Low as $1599 FRITZ WARREN 'S Sport Car Center e ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST no E. 1st St., S.A. 547--0764 TOYOTA SAYINGS ! ! ! ON ALL '72 TDYDTAS & YOLYDS Demonstrators Examples: '72 Station Wagon CMO!la 1600 CC. Engine, Auto., Radio, Air Cond. $2394.0D '72 YDLYD 2 Dr., 4 Sp., R•dio, Heit., R•d. Tires $3494.0D f #262730) *Financlnq Available WITH No Down Payment O.A.C. ~ UADi& .'foYOTA 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6'6-9303 ·n TOYOTA C<>rolla 13,lm miles. auto. $1600. Call after 6pm 847-2948 '12 Corona. Dlx, AM·FM radio, air cond, auto trruui, $2600. 640--0310 aft 6 '70 TOYOTA Marie 11 w/air, FM radio, au.to, .1 owner', W<>man driver. 83(}-4792. TRIUMPH 1953 MAYFLOWER Great beach car! Looks likt rninl Rolls, See to appr~ ciate! $600. 644· mJ. '60 TR-3, C.Onv. Clw:Try red. Pert body. Nu paint. AU rtteipl!:, $295. 833-1122. '62 TRIUMPJ.I Hfl'a.ld, Spit· fire enilne and Isch. $225, 646-1390. m AIMI. u.e "° Aul-. u... "' A-. U... t90 VOLKSWAMN -----CADILLAC CHIVROLIT JEEP '70 vw CAMPER '71 CADILLAC $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ·~·, '!i' ... ~ :: s.dln O.Vlllr. Vinyl top, '68 CHEVY 4 W.lJ. $ '62 WW)'f wqon. Al1<b,. 11000. _.,, ... -Interior, Ill! whttl, CARRYALL ,...... tlnance private party AM./1'M stereo, ~r door . ....-. INTERNATIONAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '66 SCOUTS 16.UBEO) ~ o t toca. twilia:hl 1 en1 t n e 1. Hunting S.•aon Spec:l•I 49l-9'773. aorpow: car. C718CQ!) 4 Wh~l Ori\'e, Pov.~r }Utcb, '69 VW WNtphalia. ......... $5555 tNo. 1'321. Campe< w/lont. AM/FM. NABERS CADILLAC c2495 Front mount spare tire. f HeadeT exhaust. Trailer 2600 Harbor Blvd 2 Te Choose From 4 Wheel Drl\le. New Pa.int 1•~> fassnn. hitch. MAKE 0 F F E R ! I --""~'~"~M~"'~~S<0-9~~100 __ 536-3645. YOUR ONLY $1299 '67 V\V, Rwu gtt11,t, R~nl f'ACI'ORY 46S E. 17th, Costa Mes• 645-0466 ''''~ Job. Good brak•" AUTHORIZED \ires, • ong. Many extras. CADILLAC ~~ .. $850. 84&-7528. 19'l0 VW Adventure camper Excel cond. Lo mtleqe, W /lent. Prict'd S 3 5 0 0 . 96>-0i67. '63 vw. 9,000 ml on ttbll eng. New tires & brks. Gd cone!, $550. All 5 p m , 832-548' '62 VW Camper, brand new 1600 eng, oil tlltrr & oil cooler. $800 or best otter. All 6, 53&-4992. * '65 VW BUG-Nrw paint, good running cond. $585. &16-1355 * '70 VW Sedan * SUPERB CONDITION ** 4!Jl..CM1 ** VW '68 AM/FM. Good cond. Best oUer. Orie owner. 536-2331. '69 Bog, Af.1·1'-.1'\1. Radial tifts, auto atick, xlnt oond. Cheap! 645-8923. '64 VW Bug w/Baja kl1. New paint. Xlnt cond. Mu.st sell. l\.take ofr. Pvt pty. 847-5015. '60 VW van, reblt 1300 eng & new tran~. Pvt ply. S500/of. fer. 83()..3613. 1967 SHARP bUR. Perff'ct Cond, Sl.200 or best offer. 675-1753. '£5 V\V, low miles, excel cond. Beat ()ffl'r. 54()..9511 1971 Volks Super Beetl~. AM/Ffl.f stereo, m a n y xtras. Like new. 64~S. 1969 VW Sedan, AM/FM. radio, excel. oond. $11.SO. Ph. 53!'r-2803 call after 5 pm. VOLVO 1969 VOLVO Stallon \Vagon w/air, Xlnt cond. $2450. 540-4059. '69 RIVIERA Vinyl t<>p, vleyl 1trato bench seats, full power, factory air, tilt wiled, radio, bet.ter, new white wall t 1 re 1 • IXRG638) $2666 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 '70 BUICK Electra 225 Umite4 Full pOwer, iac· tory air, vinyl top, tilt wheel, aul• control . (ZJT069). $2999. DAVE ROSS PONTIAC. 2 4 8 O Harbor Blvd., Co1ta Mesa. 546--&n1 Ptlce effective tbru •l'IJm. '69 Buick Riviera, fully eqUlpped, all pwr &: 11.ir. Le mileage. Brome In color, blk int. $27;i(I. d a y s , 646-2486, eves, 645-7643. 1964 Buick Wildcat 4 dr HT A/C, P/S. P/B, Good cond~ Clean Nu paint. !3HS16. CADILLAC '70 CADILLAC Coupe DeVil~. Vinyl t()p, full power, factory air con- ditM>nlnt; tilt \V h e e I , AM/FM atem:i r a d i o . (939AVA). $4333 NABER$ CADILLAC 2600 H&rbor Bl\'ll Cbsta Mesa St()..9100 • $ s $ $ s s $ DEALER 1970 Chev. Concoul'$ E5ta\e, t..arpst MleetioD of Cadll· 8 Pass. Sta. \Vgn. Pwr. $ lacs tn Or&nl9 Cowil)'. Steering &: brake~. AM-F~ S&l•·Leu:ln&. Ster«1 radio, rill steer. whl. 465 E. 17th, Cost• Mes• 645-0466 $$$$$$$$ UN COLN new llres &: bra1'es. Pnnel· r---------• Naben Factory Air, lugi::;ai:ie .. ack, Cadillac i.ng. A:o.k'1ni; ~-..~'9':1. :"i17·4361. ·~ O:lntln:eni.1 ~ d r. 2600 HARBOR Bl. --AAf/FAf, air, elc. EleC' st111 COSTA MESA • '70 Nova 2 Dr. HT roof. Ex"'! "''"'· $1.41>. M0-9100 Open Sunday V8, aulo. 1rans., Pf!\\'rr stN'r· 537-7883 day1: 49-~ aft 6 '61 CADILLAC-ln,11', po11·~r brak('S, lint. 'GS Linrol n 2 dr, medJum Coupe OC'ViltC". \'inyl lop, glass, r 1ul10, h1>11t1·r, "tiltc blue/blk top. 1356 Galaxy. cl()th &: Jeath<'r intl'r., full \\'aU lin!s. (66Jl-\Q0), $1995 N.B, 64:>-31711 dlr. Cnll S."16-6;">-:"1. l--~==~=o--1 po"•er, lnctory air, tilt·tl'irl---====-=,,--MUSTANG wh,.I, AM/FM 'n d ; o · CHRYSLER pov.·e1· door locks. l"lC '71 MUST ANG FASTBACK (516EBR) 19&1 Chryslrr Nr"· '"01·kcr V·S, auto tran!!., f11.ct ait, $2555 1'1ne merh. rond. S4!1." tinted glass. 1'~M/STEFLEO, NABERS CADILLAC e 6i~215 • P'vr. !!IN'ring, al' vinyl in- 2600 ilarbor Rl\'d., '69 NEWPORT ter., heavy cluty s11spen.c;lon. Org. $4DJ · Sacrifice S2ml Costn l\tesa 540-9!00 Fnclory 11;ir &. lo.'lded. $1695. or TRADF. for cash I: older '68 CADILLAC Coup r 1020ABR). cUr. Call 8.'\6.65.15. van. 64r ... 7909, DeVilll'. Londed. r· u 11 ·54 blnt·k 2 dr serlan ·n-Ma--h-1 T----,-G-' Ali It' · c -op co.,,,. ra"" ))O\l'er, I 1\1 ~tr t-eo · Chrysler. Runs JOOd. $100 or ber yellow w/hlk int. Air. powt>r 1v~ndo1~·~. vln};I. ~I, brsl ofrer. 5.'IG-6693. ta,pe deck, auto 1\•indov.•s & leath<'r 1nter1ot. (\\~P6:17) trt.ll8 $2995 615-7'200 S2799 DAVE ROS.< PON· CONTINENTAL . . TIAC, :M~ llarbor Blvd.. '10 Boss Mustanz 302, ma.g11, Costa :P.1esn 546-S017. Prier '71 Lincoln Cont. 4 dr., fully headttt:. .Bala.need. $2700. effective thm 9/20/72. N!Uippcd, $5000. Call Dee · ~l»-_,1~825.~=~==~-I $ 17•3550· -OLDSMOllLE $5$$$$$$ '62 Cadillac Sedan DeVille fLoaded l f2XV5.t5i $249 """"'~ '64 Continental 4 Dr. Xhtt. oon~ ~it 64.(.2147 * $ $ $ ·• $.. $ $ _$ $ • __ C_O_R_V_A-IR __ , '68 OLDS 98 4 Dr. Loaded, Luxury Sfdan. 1----------b-lt Air Cond. t•30012). '6~ Cor\'Rlr vlln. New ,.. $1099 l'nb. $300. :~1&-{;69:1 465 E. 17th, COUGAR ---···· -.......... Cost• Mesa _________ ,_. ,,,._.. 645--0466 '69 XR7 3.iO 4-bnn't'I Clean. 465 E . 17th, $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 38.(XXl n1 lll's, P\'l11·cr dl!C Cost• Mesa ,69 EL DORADO brakf'.:"· P"T sterr.init. air, '4s.o466 . AM/F ~1 slf't'l'Q, \'111yl top. • $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Vinyl top, leathl'r i~ler1?r. Bes! offer oi·cr $2,CKXI. ! _____ -~- Full power, fact()l') air, tilt· 64G-J029. OLI>s 1969 442, air cond., tele wheel, AM/Jo'~t stereo, , . . AM/FM, loaded. S 2 O O O. power door locks, cruise 67 ~u.gai GT. ~'.1 ' auto, PS, After 5, 832-7482. control twilight sentinel P/disc B, val\( job. New ="'°-=~~-=--(YPBr72> paint. f\.1agii. $925. 847-5418. OLDS F85 deluxe 'M, air, $3666 DE SOTO ~:"'· x1nt c 0 n d. NABERS CADILLAC 1948 Df.'Soto !\lint cond Fewl917 ct.rn..ASS Station 2600 Harbor Blvd., owners, ~ mileage.· $500, WllOft. ah·, Jelnt mech. Col!ta Mesa 540-9100 67~ Q09d. $1(0, ~ l9'IO CADILLAC SEDAN DE 'IS Oldo. Good Um. I -.. VILLE. ALL ....... DODGE 1115. Ollloi, 519 WI; l<.000. --· -· '70 CADILLAC ? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PLYM Fun oow•r. factory.;,, vin,1 68 Dodge Polara OUTH t~p, cloth a leather interior. V-8, Aul? Trans. Air Cond, 'M Saracuda. ~ c.J. 4 tilt-tele wheel, AM/FM (343AVJ:::). Cragen Tractkln Bari. 4 ,, • ....,, ,,,...., door . tock•. $795 -· $350. Firm. 543.'69t low mileage, exceptionally '""',,,....,.,,,.,.,====--I ci•an. (185EOJ> 64 VALIANT $75. $4333 ~~ •548·9854 • NABERS CADILLAC 465 E 17th PONTIAC 2600 llarbor Blvd.. ' ' eo.ta M•sa 54().gtoo Co1ta M11a $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1965 SEDAN de Viii•, good $ $ $ ~5-f~ $ $ $ '65 PONTIAC cond, Make offer. -Conv, Auto Trans, Drive • * 4~ * AfUSf 8Cll Immediately! '69 8u.>' (UEUl501 . '6' CADILLAC Coron«. v ... auto. mag" $389 Xlnt rond. Forc«I to 1ell Coupe DeVillt!. Vinyl top, IOOn. $600. 540-4013. leather inter., Fu11 power, .=--==,,,--,,.--==! factory air, IX>"" door ·n DODGE Dornon. 28,000 --·-1Jr-. locks, AM/FM ww, etc. miles, clean. $1 .7511, "'41 Vecy low •Iles. IZ~) 968:6104 465 E. 17th, $3666 '69 Dart. V8, sulo, Co::~ll NAllERS CADILLAC 11:ii: :;~~',;:';"pm $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2600 H~bor Blvd. Collta Mesn 541)..8100 '66 DODGE 6 Van, rcblt en1, '70 PONTIAC Bonneville&. 9 ~~~~=-~~-I auto trans. Xlnl cond., ..w:., pa" wogon• Auto tr••• CAO '£i6 OeVille, all xtra11, "~ -• .... -., 492-l:J02. VS, power SleerinJ,, factory gd cond. Pvt pty. Call air, roof rack, lo'v mil~. 840-9&16. FIREBIRD Ci62400R1300!1) Low a • '70 EL DORADO '69 F. bird ·~ t1199. DA VE ROSS PON· V. 1 ,_ 1. 1 1 1 r IJ'(' ......... Xlnt cond. 1ny wp, 1rem 11 pan , Air, AM.·FM, + xtl'M, TIAC, 2480 Harbor BJvd., leather inter., full power, sms Pvt ply 962.4105 Coat.a Me1a 546-S017 Price factory air, tilt \vheel, · · · toltecllve thn1 9/20/72. AM/FM 11tereo, po\\'f!r door FORD ''70 PONTIAC GTO v.a 4 loC'kt, twillRht sentinel, low . • ' mile e. 13'10BSTl $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ •peed. !Actory air, pov.•tr ag 1 ltttrlnt A brake11, power $5111 69 Ford Golaxle wlr<low•. rao ;o . ..,.,.,., t .... NABERS CADILLAC 4 Dr. Auto Tran!!, Air Cond, tow mlle11. <224Bh'Vl S2199 200) Harbor Blvd., Power Sl~rin"'. Clean CU. DAVE ROSS PONTIAC. O>sta Me11a 540·9100 $1399 2480 lfarhor Blvfl .. Cost11 '11 Cadlllace Sed dt' Villf' Me":°, 54lr8017 Prl~ ef· fully loaded. Stf!reo tape, nu ft<'tJve thru 9~/72. tires. 830-1584 837-1110. ... .... ~ 'SS Tem~•l Ste. \V11,gon. red CAMARO A wblte, r/h, 13.000 ml .. 6 465 E. 17th, ryt. llun. ceod. 1530 . ----·.. Cott• Mete 548-49"10. 1!168 Camnro V321, Delux 645-6466 CJ. CA:T P011t. A/C, Pf~. vinyl top, 'f,.•i(le S $ $ $ $ $ S $ S '64 Pontiac Bonneville • Xlnt ~,sc~ .. good "'""· 'tl-COllNTRY-SQUIRE =~~., "°""· 1600 • 'M Camnro. Excel cond. 371 SI tlOn VB t i!l65 CT0 Tri·f>O\\'er, 4 rpd, <'U ln., \\•1rle ova~. magi. a 1w1R<1n, · au 0 69 000 ml SS50 console. Sl.500. 613-1482. trans, actory tlr, powrr , .841-7002 wtndows, power ateerlng. l;;;--==-::-:c==-= '68 CAMARO. 327. Go() d power brake11, whilt! wAU '65 Ponllac 2 dr Catalina. Gd cood. $1,400 or best Dtfer, tlrtt, ('732CAK), $.~ dlr. cone'!. $275. R It It, PS/PB. * 67J-1Ui6 * Ca.II 836-G5.15. 675-5696. CHEVROLET '65 FALCON 2-dr. 50,000 mi. TERRtnc Im Safari P/1, R&JI, ~\Y tit'f!I. \\~n. takt! ~ pymU. ·~ 1 pal C ~ PS PB Perfect car for wife .. $400, A/C, lug rack, ~ •• m a usl "-1""'· • , 897-Tilf fllr, auto. Almost nt'w rond. 1-;;;;--rd· -RAMILEI ~lust 14:JI fOI" buslneAS "'" Fo Counlry Squtn?·1--------- rea!!<>n!I. ~·· 54&-93M; Fae alr. radio/hc~ler. $600 '67 Rambk!r. FanUilt~ eon.. nitH, M0-4U9 642-3115 dltlOn. Blact lJitftQ .""''lllilt '83 CHF.VY PANF;t. ·n PINTO Comm. Spcl. :!COO Otttt', ~140, ....... Magi • Tlreo • New PA!nt cc cna. Dile b...... • ••"· T ·BIRD RuMl'I Pefec.1. S700 11~ new cond. M&.m;. G'B-1345 dte:r 6pm 19llO"Ford Falcon wqon. Ex· 'TO T·Blrd landau. Alr,1wfn. l!T1 QlEVY Monte Carlo, eel cond. )Cu.at aeU. doWI, Sln"fO. c • 1' t I I 111 Jdnl c:ond, 1uto. PIS. P/8, 9'f9..4828 ~fained. $.1350, fT5..lll5. Mii. alr, -· sva"' HORNET ·~ T·Blrd, .U..r yJ1>1>c11 --1 Int. Nftda ...... wM. 19'10 Impala au,_ 2 ti» ·n """"' Bportabout. For Jlt"'1 • lnl . ...,i. Iii il!W. Best ..... Xlnt <ond. 4 new Al• or lrMho "ll!li¥ ft>I Aey d"1 (I Ult BUI' DAY • ~ bf:lted 1lftl. NIW alder car. f45.;.1"19$ ett t:3D na u M\ DWt ~ , • • -!2200. -pm. eo1I "*' - • • -· II t.. ....... '·~ ... • • • . ' ---1 ........... ,....._ •• .\.\, .; •• -' • ' GATHER 'ROUND ''BUICK for ·'73'~ NEW CAR SHOWING! THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY - - - - fP . ... -- --· INTRODUCING FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE ••• ~-. 1973 Cent_U~Y-·--~c .. AND THE SENSATIONAL . Regal Le Sabre Centurion Estate Wagon Electra · 225 Riviera ' THE 1973 OPELS *Pf 1,L6• . Featuring the NEW Manta Luxus SNEAK PREVIJW WEDNESDAY EVENING, STARTIN.G 6 P.M. · . ' • REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED IN THE MAIN LOBBY. ------··- ( I . " • . 1 7 \ • 23 11 H . • ~ • I - San Oeme:Die Ca istrano voi.:. 65, NO, 263, 2 SECTION$. 21 PAGES • ' OltANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • • Teday'• Final N.Y. Steeks TUESDAY, SEP'JEMBER 19, 1972 TEN CENTS Outbursts Explode Over County Conduct Code By JACK BllOBACK Of .. ~ ,.., tMft Coaskteration of a Code of Condud for elected Oran«• County 0Ulclal&.1nd their appointees was put oU for IO days loday but DOt before vabal pyrotechnics u.. ploded all over the Board of SUpervl>on' bearing room. . &Qpervlsor !!avid L Baker bad -poeed that a code of conduct be adopted lkng with t b e recently-approved ordinance nquiriog registration and dltcloounl by lobbyillt!. He said "We cannot oq one hand argue that we are pro~ the public truat by I adopUng rules for iiptrauoo and dilcloelre by ~ and Imposing rules of coodoct for county employes and thee eumJ>I elected ofJldal• and tbelr ap\)Olntees irom ~ rules." Baker's code ""' abunted u1de 1ut weeJI. by a moU.O to.~rat•rlt In the <OW>l)"S P..-1 ned S 1 I 1 r y OnlinaDce ' bof the supervbor argued that that' ordlmnce 'dOet not cover elec:tOd ofllclals and tbelr appointees. Todey Baker agal{t IU'ged adoption of the code, backed by a report from Cou1>o ty Cooold ~dria!! kqyper and Ptrsoonel Director Wllllam IW1. ' Before diacu.ssioo wu well under way, SUpervl>or Robert W. Battin, wbo .ls run- ning for re.eledioo, IU'ged that the code of conduct Include prohibition of double btlllng for airline tlctets mlluc• and that the effect be made retroactive to Jan. I, tiff. Baker rudily ~led Battin's sug· gestlons. "Thi.s ill an obvious attempt by BatUn to involve D1e bat I have no fear," said Baker. "The matter to which he refers wu cleared by two grand jurieo and the District Attorney's Office and it was determined that there waa no conlllct of Claim Value .Revealed Former Clemente Officer 'Seeks Overtime Fonner San Clemente D e t e c t I v e Burdell Bure~ one of several officers filing claims against the city for unpaid overtime after lhey left local service -lias fjled an oUiclal version of hla re- quest for '3,11111 this week. Councilmen Wedneoday will take up tlie matter of Bun:h'• nquest for ~­ The detective oriiJnaDy filed an opeo- !ffled requeJI earlier lo tbe year during !Iii' period wi.·pollcO ·-11\d (rlnge bo'neflta ~ a JliaJ!"' -.fn. !be city. ---~.-...... a ~ .... hi Lakewood, Colo., ... aet ·=-.. tbt caUm. '· . Police Uncover l,\loodstains fn Coed Slt:tying By ARTBIJll R. VINSEL Of .. Dlttr , ...... Mystory contimles to cloud Newport Beach police Investigation of the klllin« OJ a pretty blonde who apparenUy led ~µal Uves J'OS!lll u an actrtss while' a~ ~., cone;.. anti driving a f!J,000 l!POris car but having no known job. ·The man 8ccuaed of b<r murder, meanwhile -an unemployed studimt teacher with a baylrool luwry apart- ment and two 1911 c:atl -loday awaited filing of lnrmal . charges, while - talnlng ·a wall of lllence about the cue. earu.. K. Ankeny,~ was turned' over to Newport Beach Polico llel<cllve Sgt. ~ Clbblrelll Monday morning at San Franclsoo l!lltmatlonal Airport after lllllTOlldor!ng himself to San Anaelmo police. Police allege he Is the man who drop- ped off falalJy.wOWlded Diane Singleton, i2, a atatuaque blonde UCLA student •bo attended UC Itvme last year, at Hoag Memorial Hospltaleariy !iunday. ; Mis! Singleton -who wu featured .ill a Wat Magazine photo layout two weeks Igo with lier Mereedel-Bena sport sedan 1'earinl .tile peraonallud ·-pi.to. lllZZAll -dled about flcht.boun laler. ... bad -lbot tllronj(b .the bead (See MYSTERY, Pqe II The officer insists that be perfonned hwidreds of boun of ~ce with oeither time off nor cash u compensaUon. He ~ vowed to take the matltr to court and baa refuled to aetlle the claim unW the city grants overtime iaivileges. Under terma dl .negotiations -ked out alter the origioal claim waa Wed, the tlty now grants ....., overtime pay·to Ill police olflcen. · . · "'m''J111l flit•.11Je J>OUllCll fl ... pe&l be •. Of routine denlal and oenclq the c1a1111··to Die city'• lpOc\al -(Oi' .... ..,._. . ' Other jtems liiclllded In the email ., .... da for the council include: --Consideration of a format resolution broadening the duties of tbe city's park~ ing and traffic commission, glvlng it full advisory atatua similar to that held by the Plannin« commission. . -Discussion about eng-..U.g d .. ign aervlces for a $1.3 million sewage in- .....,ptor line propooed to nm the length of the city. The line, crucial tO growth of lite ooutherly portlol!I of the city, might be. (iinded .tlnqgli .I •IMO grant )rilh the FecfeRI oepariDleal of ··nous1nc and l]Jbon ·Development. 11 _,id take the lt>l!!I oU a Ylntqe line which operates al lliD capacJ11 MUch of the Ume. Rigged Parcel Kil'-s Attnche From Israel LONOON (UPI} -A boml>rigged parcel hi a pile of letten of condolence on Ille laraell Olympic tragedy ezploded In the Israeli Embaaay loday, kllllng the i(rlCultural attache and woundlq the ,of· flcial who was to su<ceed blm In a week. Bombs .WO wue fOWld In two other envelopes in the mail. Tbe blut caught the 44-yeaMld Ami Sllac:hoff In Ille stomach; falalJy woun- cllnl him. It deafened and sligbUy Injured 'lbeodor Kaddar; 1'bo was to succeed him. Shachorl wu end1nl a four-year toor. at brael'1 Londo4 embassy. His ..Ue and two cblldren already bad gone borne. -israell Embuoy ~n Eli Taborl said esplOliva uper!a checked two 'other "1111plcl!>mly bolky" letters that arrived for embusy ofticlals and found they, too, were booby trapped with ex~ ploslvta. He. said all mall llJlderwenl ltCllrity checks ''but somehow this one passed throu«h" In a pileup ol mall over the Jewlsb Yorn Kippar religious holiday --· Tbe embuly 1/84 been closed aince' Friday. • ScotUnd Yud and 'Special Branch detectives combed -. ol aml-larael mJ11tan1a for ~ ·-to SbadJort'I ~rs. . . . . Pollce ·oourca Aid they gave special atteninn to sympathi2erl of the Pale .. t l n I 1 n "Black Septenlbet" perrilla group that c a r r i e d out the Munich O I y m p 1 c 11 mUSlcre of 11 Israeli athletes. TJ>e Foreign Ollice said the par<tl that killed Shachori was malled fr o m Amsterdam, where Arab llU•rrllla girl hijlclier Lella Khaled was reported aeen three weeks ago. Officials Wd, however. there was no evidence to link her to the bombing ettacl!. The blast came as Shachori opened the p&l'C'l'l in hi!: office on the second floor of the embassy, located In Keoaington Palace Gardens. Several otber embassies flank the same private thoroughfare, known as "m.lllionalres row.'' Taborl said Scbachorl "had nothing to do with political affairs, but we know that terrorists often choose soft and unsuspecting targels. "Obviously, we will now. have to have stricter security precauuons, but for aucb precautions we mtJSt , of course, rely mainly on what ls provided by the host government," be saJd. Tabor! aald the embassy bad been going through a backl91 of hundreds of u_...r letters and partel1, mosdy coo- dolence1 on the kllllnp at the Olympicl. tt wu the second attack on an tsraell diplomat In West Europe In 10 days. On Sept. 10, a former Moroccan ll'DIJ' (See BLAST, Page I) Interest and .. aimlnal .ct. "Mr. Battin fl obvloualy llooodering for an Laue with hi& campaign for re-- e!ectkn under w~ now under adverse coodJUcna.., The -btlllng to wblch Battin referred waa upenaeo charged by Baker'• olflce ht llU ln .coMection with hla c:bairmanahlp of the • t a t e ~·vlroomental Study Council. Baker, during the dilc:usaloo, .WO aug. gest.ed that 1ttomeys who are rnember!I of the Board of SUpervtaon be probibited from representing firms doing business with the county. Battin ill the only at· Legal Gator Bunt lOrney on the board. Battin In Lhe verbll u changes also refernd to the recent Mile Square agricultural lease scandal. He said ··an attorney from tbe County Coun!el's Of· (ice during the period when the Mile Squart lease was be-ing negoti ated four ye.a.rs ago now represents the farmer who is leasing the property. "How do we know that there is nol a payoff involved!" James Okazaki, Santa Ana attorney who represents tanner George Murai ha s not betn a member of the County Counsel'a Office for the past five years Wlldli!e and Fisheries Commission Agent Paul Johnson (center) stretches out an allii'tor hide at the Rockefeller Game Preserve in Grand Chenier, La., Monday. The first legal alligator hunt in ten years ended after 13 days and hunters began bringing in their valuable skins for lagging. August Dismal Though San Clemente Lifeguards Log Most Active Summer Despite a dismal month of August when weather chased thousands from South Coast beaches, San Clemente lifeguards have logged their busiest sum- mer in memory. As summer officially draws to a close, stall.sties for the put month as well as figures for the year to date have shown that attendance at cowtty beaches patrolled by the local force is soaring . While city beach attendance oo far this year ii up about I0,000 penons, figures for the same period on county strandJ ahow beach use about '100,000. The bulk or the beach use , say 11U•rd s$:esmen, 11 at Aliso Beach. If Salt Creek Beach becomes a popular public recreation area by next summer. these figures for county strands will e1- plode even higher they predicted. Couple Suing Deputies Over Arrest in Dana , Once More, With Feeling Go·p, Democrats Blasted A couple who claim they lost their liberty, their 3-yeaN>ld son , their car and their dog when Orange CoW1ty sheriff's ofncers arrest~ them for What they claim was no reason In Dana Point have sued the C9UJtlY and the arresting deputies 10< ftll0,000. • Rep. Schmitz Categorizes Parties as~ 'SocUilist' .. ,.,_ Wh .. ,loll Party, ran Coors• Wallace for President Rep. JobD SCbmltl el Tllllln, the In 1• -PorlJ ~ lot pntddlnt, Ia LI"'-a..... llal>mlts said the two -, ID Liiie Roct. Art. lump8'I Ibo · ,.. • ....., · -.... llld .Jlepibllc..i . portlfl .. ~· JPBllm ..... offering a choice • ....,. 11 ·-lot ~ A llld • We-"a - -Presldeol Ntaon -~ ~ B." ' n lnlla all lolo -1P pn>ml3es el no -duclt -from lt9 llld a m•a -Sen. George Or-. Comly ~-bfl ~I llcGeftnl -11ttJ• fl alra~ wW kffp ..._... todo1 ID llempbls, 'rml, wlUI bla llld -••Wjlll!i dflliloes. 1 .... -IDd '1Mf!llt fllld DIAcWI ......... Nixon and rallflll dinner. MeGonnl vttr a:.rttnall war ls "II Be i. ldteda1ed to •-at 1 '11>+ pillllly as a tonal ~ ploto -S.-, af the -maldl." he·aald. -llolol.. "Ni19 ~,,=~· .. 1111! 'l'be A-'-Party, ....... la lllllmolll.. • -'°' ~a &M Azfl1cM ~ u1 .... rtctata.J,"..,.lbdllrpd. ,'{ B• blOltod the Nixon AdmlnlslraUon for Pnwkllna tbe "• In e w 1" for coo-- duCtlq the -to both sides. He takl N1son lhou4. atop the 0 ald and trade" with li...ia wblch C01Jld then "no Joe1er ~-the material to North Vietnam to coatinue.the war." In rele,.... to h I 1 candidacy In Ar~naa1, Scbm.llz said he w(l(l]d have little dHficull)> ge1Un1 on the November ballo In the state. Cl.,..t C4aH J-Wamn,&. Wood ol JAi* R;ct rilled w-..ia, lbet t11e poriy'1 iomlniU., peUtloel wer< not In ...,,.lance with 1tate elecllclo law and 11111111111 mUUed. to a place oil Ibo ballot. 't Peter Tbomhlll and Catherine Povlch alltge In their Soperior Court lawsuit that Olflcen "Joha DoO" Oeary and .. John Doe" Stover 11au.1ulted, shoved, beat and struck" them last Dec. JI wbUe arrestlng the cour,le 1: the' lntenectlon of Sireet of the ·ao den Lantern and Selva Street. Thomhln and Mias Popovich stole they were wrongly eccused of child abuse. They stllte lb.it the ch!ld. B'ba Jqoeph Thornhlllt l, wa1 unlawf'Ully taktn from their custody ind lodged In t~e county JuVenlle home. The couple complain that It ~t them II to rttrievt their dog from the county pound. They alao allqe that !hey had lo pay '29 to recover tbelr impounded car. and the record shows that he was never invo lved in the Mile Square agricultural lease negotiations. Supervisors, after debating for ·45 minutes, voted 4 to 1 with Baker dissent· ing to refer the Code of Conduct back to the County Counsel's Olfice and to the personnel director for "amendment and clarification.'' Ba1tin's amendment referrink to the alleged double billing which he later at- tempted to push through was defeated by a 3 to 2 vote with Baker supporting the mo1 ion. saying, ''l ha ve oo fear of :such a probe.'' • Coastline Initiative Supported By TERRY COVILLE Of ... D111y Pl .. t Iliff Orange County's biggest coastal city, lluntington Beach, went on record Mon- day night .upporting Proposition 20, the coastline pre1ervation Initiative, in the November election. The 5-2 city COllllcll ·~Ion. aurprlsed many onlookers wbo expected Hunrii Beach to -the ........ wblcll "8 tbe state t'Ol>tni Over cou&ll developnent. . At the same meetJnr, Hlllltlalton Beach touncilmft callad Oii t ft I Legislature to· revoke a Udell.ndl 11ut to the Metropolitan Waw Dfllrlct (MW!l) for construciltn OI a 40-acre off1hore island for a f1l5 mlllloo. water desaltlnc plant. Councilmen opposed the island became they .said no enl'ironmentaJ impact report dealing with ill construction bu been submitted.by the MWD. Mayor Al Coen and Councilman Jerry M1tney cut the negative votes oa Propositloo 20. "There are only three states that do not have aboreline protection billl - Alabama, South C a r o 11 n a and Calilornla," Mrs. Norma Gibbs, who sparked the vote , said . # .. J feel Propoaition 20 is good !or the state, tbe county and the city," Coun- cilman Henry Duke added . A touch of drama waa added when the votes were cut 11 Jact Green first llid he would abstain, then punched the grem button for a "yes" vote. then Ted Bartlett pushed the red "no" buttoo. by accident and had to switch his vote. Mrs. Gibbs sa id after the meeting she was "quite surprised" by the outcome ol the vote. So far, among other county cities. Newport Beach ca.st a unanimous council vote against the coastal inltiative, while Laguna.Beach was unanimoua In support of it. Nei ther Seal Beach nor San Clemente has taken a,cUon on Proposition 20. Proposltlon 20 parallels the unsuc- cessful legilllatlon p r o p o s e d by Assemblyman Alan Sleroty (D-Beverl)> Hills). It would establJsh one, overall state (See PROP. If, Page I) Oraa•e Weadler Sunny skies are on the agenda for Wednesday, foUowlng Io w clouds along the coast. Htghs for the beaches expected in the low 70s rising to 82 inland. Lowa to. nlgbl In the ml~. INSIDE TODA 'l' GtorQe McGowm'1 polftical compalgn llu /OC111cd ••....Z ott<n«on on South ~"" Ill J>fovle, cu wavo, ill lolli!L, i• 1ociat<d P<t11 wnt<r Sid loloodr Otld AP photoaroDhf"I prootdt c111 uniuual look. See PoQt 2J. L.M, rm , ~ ,. c:n1 • ..,, • s 1111111111 ,...,. 11 Clt •lflH H•M N•:~tl ,..... 4 C1"':t, 11 O~•llM C...., 9 ,,..._,.. 11 '""" .. ,,. 0..111 Ntlfei'' ' S'M• ,_.,... ••1 ... t.,111 ,_ • ,,,........ • •tt'tt1•11MMm It Tilffh'" • PIMN:t ,.11 WM• 4 Pw IM •tcM t w_., ""'-ta.1• KllllCl'I IC w.t'N ...... • .. l ..... l4 ; I .J DAILY ftlL01 SC l!Jftdaf, St,ttmber lt, 197: From f' .. e J MYSTERY ... ... wltll • 11111 llt!IJ bol"I! ""'gbt todly by ln- vellJcai- Anliloy , malnl4ins a $«11H-mooth bly&onl ' SUit. In Tbt Towtn . 3121 W. Coast •Ughway, Newport Beach. 1bt newest evldenct obtained in the CIR, Sgt. Cibbarelll said today . is a !14mpling of bJoodstaim found in Apt. 70 at the Towers, the a;u.ite whlch Ankeny occupied . "11\ere we.s a lot ." the homicide in· vestigator confirmed. One aspect of the bizarrt ea1t In- volving the attracdve young woman whose car license predicted the nature of her own violent death w11s discovered Monday in West Los Angeles. Her car. in addition to Ankeny's Im Corvette and 197% Dodge van, had been 50ught for examination. "Three cars just don't disappur overnlght .'1 said Sgt. Ci bbarelli, who t. assigned to the case along with Detective Sam Amburgey. Ont possible clue to circumstances in the slaying of Miss Singleton, whose parents live in Puerto Ri co where her father holds a government job, is the ap- parent wealth of both suspect and victim. No baU has been set for Ankeny, a 19!17 Newport Harbor High School graduate whose parents live in Salem. Ore. DAILY ,ILOT tt1fl ,!loll Miss Singleton apparently had no job either but lived at a fa shionable apart• ment 'lhe shared with a roommate. in ad· di tio n to driving her expensive car back and for th to college classes. Investigators said Miss Singleton at- tended UCLA , but she is known to ha ve been enrolled at UCI and prior to that she was a student at Georgia Southern College. SUSPECT ANKENY, POLICE DEBARK AT COUNTY AIRPORT In Newport S.ach, Mystery Shrouds Murder Case A probe of the case also led to a dual· life angle in which one prior landlady in the Los Angeles area said the victim identified herself as an actress and claimed to work instead of going to school . "It's a weird case all right," Sgt. Cib- barelli remarked. while declining to s~ulate what may have triggered the killing, or whether it might even possibly be suicide. Capistrano Raises Fees For Adult Scl1ool Class Police Arrest 4 111 Dana Point Burglary Case In 1 series of four arrests In Dana Point Monday. Laguna Beach detectives said they cleared up 1 weekend burglary case and recovered more than $900 in cash and checks taken from the Laguna Cir Wash, 540 S. Coast Highway. Tbt burglary, which took place bt- tween 5 p.m. Sunday and 1 a.m. Mooday, was reported to police Monday morning. The money, $836 in cash and $8'7 in canceled checks, had be~ taken from the car wash safe, which had been op- ened by someone who knew the combin· ation, police were told. Monday evening detectives followed employe Armando Reys Olivas Jr .. 1.1, home from the car wa sh to 34132 Slrttt of the Amber Lantern, Dana Point, where he was placed under arrest at 6 p.m .. on susnlcion of burglary and grand theft. Three hours later, at the same address. officers arrested Olivas' 16-year-old girl friend , her mother, Dan iele Myriams Douglas, 34 . and Jeffrey Scott Keebler. 23. who are suspected of complicity in the OOrxlary. They were arrested on sus- picion of possessing stolen property and being accessories to the burglary. On the basis of information obtained at the time of the arrests, police said they went to another Dana Point address where the stolen money was recovered. In another weekend burglary now un- der investigation. silverware, a television set. an an tique clock and a coUectlon of coins were removed from the home of Dr. Charles L. Pearson, 691 Mystic \Va y. The two-story home apparently was en- tered between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday . poli~ said. Total loss was placed Bl II.JOO. Also under investigation is the theft of $451 worth of stereo equipment and cloth- ing from the home of Willard Allan Oney, 306 Canyon Acre!! Drive, who reported the items were taken between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Monday. OUN•t COAST DAILY PILOT Tlle 0r•119'1 C..111 OAILY .. ILOT, wl'Jll 11'11teh '' ~omblnH ll>f H""·l'r•n, Is pybUtlleS ~ tl>f 0••"'• Co11! l"vbll1hlflt C~ny. ~ r•I• tdltklol!1 •rt Pl/6!1.,..._ MO!llll•'f tl!ro119h 1'rld1y, tor Co111 M•t•, frltWPOtl 8r1c11, H..,,,11,,.ton ••ecll/F°""llln V•!'-Y· L1~11n1 affU!, lrvlnti/Saddl•blO. lfld Sin C.11',.,.nt•/ San J111n C111b1r1no. A tl"flll t11'9•on1I Hltior. lt 11Ublt11'11d S1t11rdl'f' ...... $und1yi. TM jlf'llKlp&/ "'91lt/lint pll nl !1 11 ))I) W''' ··~ $Ifft), Ctll• M• ... C1Ulornl1, ,,..,.., Rob1 rf N. W11d P11udtnr tnd l'voll•lltr J 1 ~li II:. C11rl1y \'kt Prnfftnl Ind Gm•rtt M1n111r lhom11 K1•¥il l!dllor Thom11 A. Mu1phi111 ~'"' f:dltot Ch1rl15 H. Loot ~i ch1 rJ 1. Nill AHl1t1nt Ml""'lne f:ll!Ot' S.. C...._ Offke 105 Norffi El C1mh10 ~ttl, '267? 0.-0flluo C..11 MIN; »O Wnl llr 11r-N•wptn lttcll; »» He.,.,t .... 1..,,,, H1o111tWofHln l11tll ; 1"1J 81K/\ 8""1t"trd ~ elk!I: m ,._t A""'YI , .. .,.._ (714) '41 ..... Jll Clwl"'811 AMttl.a., '41·1171 jm C.._.tre Alt D.,.,,_ttn: ,, .. , ...... ,, ..... 2. ~-1f'2. 0!'1r199 C••tt PW!ltlllflt ~r. Ho ,..,,... 111•1•1 111.,.,,,,1~,. "'"'"' -II• tr ldv,rll1"""nt1 ""'•I~ "Nf .. rW .. 11(11111 wll"°"I NIOC.ltl Hr> ""··-.. "'.,,.""" ·-. ...... c: ... ,_,,._ Hilt ti Cotll MtM, Students e~lling In the adult school program in the Capistrano Unified School District in coming weeks will have to dig a little deeper into the pocketbook this time around. District trustees Monday agreed to increase the fees for adult school to help offset! he costs or the busy pro- gram offering scores of different sub- l'romPageJ PROP. 20 ... board for control of coastal development 1,000 yards inland and three miles to sea . There would be regicnal planning boards set up under the stale 00.rd. Jack Green, who serves as president of the Southern California ~ation of Governmenta (SCAG), said SCAG has not taken a position on it, but several top leaders in the Callfomia League of Cities have supported Proposition 20. "They don 't feel the bUI wUJ hurt local government," Green, who once opposed the Sleroty legislation, said. "With a lack or qualified state planners, It is fell the state will have to rely on county and city help in this field ." Green first intended to abstain. saying he felt it might create some problems in Huntington Beach. but after looking at Los Angeles and Malibu, he could see the need for stale control. Then Green and Gibb! both criticized the coastal legislation pro~cd by state Senator Dennis Carpenter ( R-Newport Beach ) as "weak and diluted" and "not the answer." "If something isn't done soon, we'll get more and more radical bills." Green sa id. At the last minute he cast his vote favoring Proposition 20. Matnefs only comment Jn opposition \vas that he had "heard all the coastal bills and none ol lhen1 were any good.'' Landing Gear Breaks LOS ANGELES fAPl -A United Airlines OC8 was taxing for takeoff at lntemational Airport "'hen a support on its left landi ng gear broke. carving a trial in runw ay cement and stopping the airliner, officials said. The fl ight's 68 Ne wark, N.J.-bound passengers left .the disabled jet on a portable ramp and boarded anoth~r jetliner Monday. jecl.!: during evening hours at San Cle- mente High School. The board raised the fees from a flat $5. per semester for any number 0£ classes to $6 per class, per semester. The fees. however. do not apply to persons attending the classes to gain ('redit toward a high school diploma. nor do they apply to students in American citizenship classes. The board action came after debate arose last week over the burden of the costs for the eourses absorbed by lax· payers in general. Trustee Gordon Peterson of San Clemente led the discussion. He noted his concern over the fees not adequately tak· ing up the financial slack. He said that if the fees were to pay the entire costs, the price would have to be raised to $20 per course. Some government funda -about $12,500 a year -are available to offset the costs. The new fees came de.spite objection from Adllit School Principal Al Valen- tine who urged board members to kc'ep the dollar amount keyed to $5. Because volunteers help in the busy registration, he said, making change for a $5 fee would be much easier. He said that bookkeeping headaches as well as needing a large amount of dollar bUls for change would be averted. Valentine did agree, however, that the district 's structu re was lower than other districts offering a comparable program, George Reynders Rite s Th.ursda)' Funeral services will be conducted Thursday in Sioux City. Iowa , for George Richard Reynders, 69, of Capistrano Beach. Mr. Reynders died .,Sunday in South Coast Community Hospital. The rites will be held in Christy Funeral llome in the Midw est city. Mr. Reynders had been a Los Angele! businessman before retiring and moving to Capistrano Beach about three years ago. l\1r. Reynders. of 34521 Via V e rd e. leaves his widow. Erma: two daughters, Arl yne l\f. \Velch of Ca pistrano Beach and Phyllis Reynders of Sioux City, and five grandchildren. Visitation will be until 3:30 o'clock tonight at Lesneski Mortuary, w h ere local arrangements are being conducted. Dana Point Candidates Will Present Stands Five candidates seeking election to lhe vacan t Dana Point posl on tDe Capistrano Uni fied School Dislrict Board of Trustees will present their views to the public Sept 26 at RJchard llenry Dana Elementary School. The special eandidate's night will start al 8 p.m. under joint sponsorship by the school PTA and the Capistrano Bay Area League or Women Voters. The election, which will be a spttial b~lot on Oct. 3, will determine the oc- cup11:nt of tlM' board !li('at lert vAcant last spring by the resignation of Robert Dahlberg. Dahlberg·s tc.rm !Asts un tll next July I. The five candidates ~king the posl are Robert Greco. Stephen Smith. A.nlhony Ste vens, Lella Stockett nnd Jr'rederick Taylor. educational background. work • n d volunteer experience, reasons for seeking office. school issues and the aspirant's proposed contribution to the board. Trustee Arta Four-whose residcn~ will be the only ,persons to elect the new turstee-covers all of Dana Point as wtll as the portion of Dana Knolls south of Stonehill Drtve. the Broadmoor com· munity and Nl~el Shores. Mrs. Wilma Bloom, 1 rectnl candidate for the board herself, will serve 11 moderator for lbe evening forum. Each candidate will answer que!!tlons from th<! audience as wtll a~ querles by the moderator. Fugmve In Slaying Surrenders By '!OM BAIU&Y CH ... Dllltr '11tt Slaff ''I'm sick and tfred of running." With that comment Monday night Susan 1"ullt Sutdllfe iumndmd to Orange County lllltrlct Allorney'1 ln- veotlgato!'s and endtd a chaJt that btgan four month,, ago when she and a fellow prlaoner escaped from the women's prison at Frontera. The 2S-year-old Pomona woman who will now reswne the IUe term she in· temipt.ed for her role in the killing of an Orange school teacher spent · her last hour of liberty with her iwo small chlldren. a daughter, 3, and a son, 2. lt was part of a deal made with district attorney's investigators during the past week. Susan Sutcliffe'.s negotiator was her mother, an Anaheim woman who told district 1ttorney'.s officers ttiat ber daughter had called her from Chicago. M1ss Sutcllffe'.s mother said her daughter wanted to give herself up on the condition that she could have some time alone with her children. • The request was granted and Miss Sutcliffe herself called investigators Monday ni&ht and told them she was now ready to surrender. Police said the woman appeared tired and drawn but otherwise seemed to be in good health. They refused to comment on Miss Sutcliffe's account of her four months of liberty pendfn~ in\'estigation of her escape. U Miss Sutcliffe and Chino State prison escapee Jerry M. Wade, 25, Phoenix, drew life terms last April in Orange County Superior Court for their part in the Jon. 21 killing of Orange t<1cbtr Gerald L. Mitchell. · . They admitted in. court that they we.re the couple disguised in blonde wigs who halted the teacher and his wife as the newlyweds returned to their apartment fro m a weekend apent with relatives. From Page J BLAST ... officer shot and seriously wounded an Israeli Embassy official in Brussels after Jurlng him to a downtown cafe. An in· tematimal manhunt waa mounted for the Moroccan. 'Ibe Israeli official was reported out of danger. Tutsday'a dt1dly parcel recall«! Israel's revelation last January of an Arab guerrilla "mail-a-bomb" campaip. Israeli p o I i c e said 12 booby-trapped parcels mailed to Israeli official.I ,in Europe were intercepted, but one ex· plocled in the hands of an eJ:pert costing him his arms. ' Whife the investigation into the Israeli embassy bombing went on, an anony- mous caller telephoned the nearby Le- banonese embassy and said "You will be next." Bands to Get Noise Checks Fullertoo High School ha.s a new provisk>n in contracts with rock bands that play at .school dances. A decibel meter will be used durlng their performance and ii the sound Jevel goes over 92: decibels, they don't get paid. The limit .. t I• equal to the level or noise produced by a jet plane 500 feet overhead. ' ' Watergate Sevelfl ' Plead Innocent WASlllNGTON (UP!) -TWo formtr WhUe House aides and five other men in· dided in the break-in of Democratic na- tional headquarters pleaded innoceAt to- doy to the chargts. The former White House aides are G. Gordon Liddy, 42, also olrmerly flnoncial counsel for the Committee to ~lect the President, and Howard E. Hunt , 54. who lili..ewi.se was formerly connected with tbe re-election committee. Lawyen for Liddy and Hunt asked a federal judge, at their arraignment, to release both men on their own recogn.iiance, but the government ob- jected. Chief Judge John J . Sirrica recessed th~ bearing until later in the day so that all seven accu.sed in the incident collid be interviewed by bail officials. The other five men indicted Friday by a federal grand Jury in the alltged bug- ging of the DemocratJc offices were ar~ rested in the headquarters by police ear· ly the morning of June J. All se ven were. indicted on charges of conspiring to steal documents and to bug the Democratic ofticcs. The defendants along with Liddy and Hunt are Bernard L. Barker, a Miami real estate 'man ; James W. McCord, Jr., a fonner security chief for the Nixon re- election commJttee; Eugenio R • Martinez. an employe of Barker· Frank A. Sturgis, an associa te of Bark~r·s and Virgilio R. Gonzalez, a Miami locks~th. Sirrica, in a brief order. announced district Court rules involving a widely publicized or sensational case. Th~y require that the court may issue special. orders governing extrajudlcial aU!tements made by persons involved in the case and seating in tbe courtroom of reporters, plus anything else the court deems appropriate. Liddy, Hurlt and the five others all pleaded "not guilty" when the charges were formally read against them. The .prosecutor attorney, Earl Silbert did not ask for any change in bond of uP to $50,000 set previously for the five other men. Hunt was first to arrive at the courtroom and said aloud to an attorney, "l've never even been in a traffic court before." Hunt was represented by William O Bittman, who in the 1950s was the chief government prosecutor against former Teamsters' President James R. Hoffa. Bittman told the court, "Even in the Bobby Baker case. which was almost as notorious as this, he was released on his own recognizance with no restrictions." This was a reference to Robert G. Baker, former ~.i;e~ry.:. to Senate Democrats who was the ot:iJect or an Ur fluence-selllng inquiry. The government asked that Hunt and Liddy each be held on $10,000 bond and be required to make personal ap- PTAs Seeking Kids' Clothes Volunteers for the Capistrano Unified Council of PT As i~ued an appeal this week for clean, u.sable children's clothes for their annual "Clothes Closet'' pro- gram. Of particular urgency i!I lhe need for good school clothes for needy young!lters. "Ev eryone urually has good, outgrown clothes around the house. Giving them to this project is an excellent way to put them to use -for others in need," said project chairman Margaret Koster. Persons either donating or in need of donated clothing are asked to contact volunteers al 496-SSM. pearances to bond officm twice a wee~ and to telephone them daily. Silbert said Hunt had traveled to New York and CalilornJa under an auumed name when !Ile FBI trltd to qu<Jllon hilll In th• C&H, U. said Hunt movtd ·~ extensively durl"I! 21 ytan with the Cll\. was Ouent in Spanish and "bas contacts with many people outside this country." Bit lman said Hunt had lo.st his job ant! so had his wlfe when a reporter called the Spanish embassy, where she wa employed, about the cue. Petet' L . Marulll!I, attorney for Lkhfy, made the same plea In a lengthy reclta- Uon of his career. most of it with the FBI. He noted that Liddy was the auth<.r of a movie. "Stay Alert and Stay Alive/' which is still used by the 1'111 and police in training. He said Liddy waa appointed In 1999 as special assistant to the secretary of Ute Treasury and worked on task forces en organized crime, drug abuse, and ex- plosJves control before being named counsel to the finance committee of the Commlltee to Re-elect the President. Ke also worked on the White HOUie ata!f, the attorney said. Singles Action Slows to Trickle In San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) -"After a while," says Jim Rose, "you get tired al chasin& girls around tbe ,pPOI." The death Of the "twinging 1lnglea" apartment houses in San Diego was slow. By last year, most of them were one- third empty, on the average. Now, married couples are being let in. The turnover rate we.s too rapid for the plush and costly apartments ~hich or .. ftred tennis, swimmJng, game rooms and dancing to the unattached looking for social companionship. It was simply "too big a problem teep- ing people" said BUJ Henegar, manager of the Carousel on Point Loma , which opened in lMa with SCIO s&igle apartments renting up to $!65 ror a two bedroom furnished. ~t the Oakwood, now also taking ln married couples, a furnished ' 1tudlo starts at $140. ""~': · Across the street froz\li the Oakwood, the South Bay Club for slngles bu changed its name to Oakwood Carden Apartments West, and the social pace of both Places is slowing. Emily Trapp, recognized leader of the sing!'! set, says a lack of privacy and the "requirements" did the stngles in . "If you didn't show up at the pool on Saturday or always have yolD' door optn and the accompanying friendly bottle of scotch, you were out," ahe says. Rose, 29, explains that soon the girl• realized •·t~y bad been given the same line by your roommate the night before." Bill Weurding, another tenant who left after marryin'g the girl down the hall, says it was only a fad. A former manager ot the South Bay Club, Richard Pyrdol, disagrtts. "Si.I!gles don't want to be known as swingers anymore," Pydrol sar\; But Hen~gar says such a llfe even tn San Diego, a city of airline stewardesse:s and footloose young men with hlgb- paying jobs, ls dull. Besides, asks Henegar, "How m1n1 college people can pay llllO to '200 for III apartment?" The Junk Business Addressing the Central Indiana Floo r Covering Association, 1n indu,try spokesman, Walter Guin1 n .. id: "Too m1ny people in th~ floor covering industry ore convinced' !ht public only wonts to buy "Junk" carpet." We're olraid that you mighf also get this Impression from the ads which specify unbelievable low pr ices. Investigating these ads will determine Ont of two things -either the carpet IS junk, 0t thty will try to soil you something mor1 expensive! Wt don't sell junk at Alden's, but wt do h1vt quar.ty 11 competitive prices, end !ht best ind1Nation in the county. ALDEN'S CAR'9ETS ·e DRAPES 166J Plocetltla •••• ·COIT,\ Ml!A · 64M831 C-./lflll"'I&. ~~Ion llt' c1rr1tt tt,U MilMPlh'1 -N il U.IJ monffllt'/ "'lf""7 ..... , ..... .,, .. "*'""'· Resumes on each candidate wlll be' mode avallnble to persons attending the forum. Among the . issues to bt txamlntd Jn fl.frs . Bloom 's questions will be! can· dlds tes' views on all~year school,. tbe I method of electing trusttt11 to the board, dlslrlct financing methoda and tho Stull Bill which asmtedly tmprovea edocatlon l by more clearly outllnln. leachloi ob-HOUU: ' joctlv., ond "lllna 1141ldanll to -• • Moio. ThN Tliun., f 19 S:JO-FRI. f 19 -:~T.~,,30 19 5 r Each mwne will 1Jve the candldatt'I those&oals. ._ ________________________ ~~----..;...;...;... ...... ....;, ... ~·--~ I t \ • • I ln t D u te w I • • DAil. y I'll.OT SC OVER THE COUN-T-ER FINANCE Solon Hits Japanese Auto Ads PITl'SBURGH (AP) -A P e nnsylvania congres.!man hu charged that the National Forest Service is costing jobs and adding to the nation 's foreign-trade deficit by agree- ing to ;>!ant a tree for each test drlve of a Japanese Datsun automobile In the United Stale>. The charges stem from a television commercial i n which either celebrity Steve Allen or nature photographer Ansel AdaD15 strolls through a woodland scene and says th8t the auto company will pay the federal agency to plant a tree each lime a Datsun is driven . .. I belleve in conservation, but you and the Forest Service have gone too far with tlW:," V.S. Rep. Joseph Gaydos declared in a letter t o S.C..lar)' of A&rlcWture Earl 'L Bub. Alie• Athworth ............... ""' ,. ...... , .• ,,,.,..., .. , ... ..,...._ .... • ,..... ... ,,.,h ... 0....,. c.. Asbwar111 .0ptical ......... -.--., :a A..-a., ..,..1ns --· by 111eTomuo , • • Imparted for LIDCol>Mercury, Italian coachwork crated b7 the brllllant Ghia Studioa of Turln. Ford drslg~ the 351 CID •v V-8 englnt. Four whffl ln- cleptndent suspension and mid4 hip en&tne pie.cement. Five .peed ..... bo"-'"""-.....i ... ' PANTERA • -Pantera ••• Italian for Panther ... Onlor For YourMlf or 1 Friend· M1y be u1ed on •"v1lope1 •• f!*urn ,1dcf~s1 IU.ls. Also •ery h1ndy •• 1d1nt1fic•t1on llib-11 for trlMkint penot11I 1ttm1 such •• l:J.ooka.. records, photo11 1te. ltb1l1 stick on 9lu1 eftd "'''t be u.sed for m1rking home c.enMd focd Items. All l«b1l1 are pri!rled with 1tyll1h.Yogu• typo on fl•• quolity whit .. 9umm1d P.•P•r • ... ----------------, I , ...... "'"~,.., ... ...,. .. ,, ... : 1 Pl"' l'ttllllftt l.eMI DIV .. '"'· .... 1• I ! .............. -I I I . I l-~-~!.L~!_~~!!~~--J ' I I COMPI,E'l'E-NEW YORK STOCK UST • • -.. .... , ....... a.-. I Political Note• County Education Board Backs '21' By 0 . C. llVSTINGS Of tlM D•llr Pllft Sl•ll The Wakefield antibusing 1neasure, Proposition 21 on the ' ~ Noveinber baJlot In Californ ia, apparently will win the en- dorsement of the Orange County Board of Education. The board, In a 4-1 vote dur· Ing a meeting last Thursday, ordered its staU to draft a ruolulion supporting t he ·rt measure. 't ~ But the lone dissent.er, board member Donald Jordan of Garden Grove , charged that pauage of the Wakefield measure ''would take us back to a point we already have passed.'' Jordan awrted that the Wakefield measure is based on antibusJng emotion and is backed by "a rather con- aervalive group." The requeat for support came to the county school board fro m Assemblyman Floyd Wakefield ( R -L o 1 Angeles), Who dralted the ballot proposal, also known as the. "Assignment of Students , to School! lnitlative." I' would repeal a state law ; ''1Vhkh says racial and ethnic urlbalances in school! shall be preyented and eliminated. · At the same lime, the j tfteUure would add a sedion to. the state Education Code staling that no student will be aaigned to I particular school because or race, creed, or col· or. A llJI of school dlstrlcll whole trustee1 are supparting the mea8Ure accompanied the request for actJon by the coun. ORANGE COUNTY Pulnam. * * * SHETMORE. who is seeking reelection Jn the 35th Senate District, also plans t o participate Friday in a can. dldates forum sponsored by the West Orange County Republican Club. It is schedul- ed for 8 p.m. at the Velvet Horn Restaurant in Buena Park. *** C 0 N G R~IONAL can- didate Andy Hinshaw will speak to civics and political science students Friday at Newport Harbor High School. *** AMERJCAN P a r t y can- didates, including presidential aspirant John Schmitz of Tustin, have qualified for the November ballot in 26 states :so far, a party spokesman says. Mrs. William K. Shearer of San Diego, a national Cilm- mitteewoman, listed the 26 DAILY PILOT 3 two-way textorized • ,,,, ,,,, Ill I ly board. The only Orange County DI.strict listed io the Huntington Belich C l t y (elementary) District. *** states as follows : 1 ,~===::11,,.--:L--J Alabama, Alaska, Arlzona.i I STATE Senator James E. Whetmore will a p p e a r Wednesday at a luncheon l!pO<l!Ored by the Retired Of. ficers Association at the Disneyland Hotel. The usocia· tion currently is conducting its convention in Anaheim . Prio-- cipal speaker at the luncheon will be newacuter George Arkansas, California, Con- necticut, Delaware. Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky , Maryland. Michigan, Minnesota, Mon- tana, New Hampshire, New Maico, north Carolina, Ohio, OkJahoma, Oregon. Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennesue, Utah and Wisconsin. W ashingwn Okays County Hiring Probe SANTA ANA - A probe of Orange County hiring prac· lices has been aproved by the director of the federal Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. according t o Milton Reade, presicient of Adelante, a Mexican-American employe.s group. Reade said Ra y mundo Telles, EEOC director in Washington . had approved ac- tion on a protest filed earlier this month by a coalition of Southern California Chicano De•th Notltt• WESTCLIFF MORTIJARY ARBUCKLE & SON 11:1 E. 17111 SI., C.•ta Men '4&-<888 • BALTZ BERGERON . Ftll!iERAL HOME organizations. THE COMPLAINT was trig- gered by the rejection ol Elias Hernandez, county director of the Public Employment Program who had applied for the po,,ition of perso~l direc- tor at the Orange County Medical Center. Reade said the Los Angeles office of the federal com. mission will conduct the local investigation. The Chicano coalition has charged racial discrimination in hiring and promotional pro- cedures by the county person- nel department. Reade said the federal report, when completed, will be forwarded to the state's Fair Employment Practices Commission and evaluated in a detailed report of CilUDty personnel practices. THE FEDERAL com- mission could bring charges which Ciluld end federal grants to the county, Reade said. "CUtting off of all federal funds is the most drastic ac- tion that could be taken," he said. But he added that ruch action would hurt the Chicanos in county government more than others. -de! Illar 673-!HSI Recent county employment figures showecf that Mexican- Americans represented slight- ly mare than six percent of the work force while they made up more than 11 ptrcent of the county's papulation. ceita M... 616-ZUI • BEU .BROADWAY MORTllARY Ill Broad-, C..ta Mesa LI"-• McCORMIClt LAGUNA BEACH lllOR1"JARY 17'11 LaJ(IUIO C..yoa Rd. lH.flll' • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL P.ARi: C...etuy Mtrt1C7 llLlpel -Pllcille View Dr1n Newport Bnclt. Ca!UorUI 114-11111 • PEEK FAMD.Y COWNIAL FT'NERAL HOME '7Ml 8'1111 Ave. Westmln1ter IP-$'%1 • SMITll'S MOR111ARV 11'1 Main SI. R11tln~"" 1'eacb ~ -.. Lawyer Faces Mental Tests SANTA ANA -P5)'chlatrlc tests have been ordered for 1 Santa Ana attorney accused of SfXUally molesting a Din~ year~ld Garden Grove girl. Orange County S u p e r I o r Court Judge WU!Jam MtJrTay appointed two psychiatrists to determine the mental state of Patrick Eugene Duggan, 50, IDd report Ocl 2 on hi• ability 1o face child molest charges. Duggan was arrested July 2e by Garden Grove police and bool<od into county jail on alleptlons of a crime agains' a child and sex perversion. H£ ls now free on 11 ,000 bail. . - ANAHf:IM NEYiPOAf woven stretch slacks by haggar of klopman's ultrap~me• Now, slacks with a totoly new dimension of stretch comfort ond shape-recovery never before available in woven farics .• because they're of !wo-woy textured Ultropreme® the fobric woven of IOO"/. Dacron® polyester by Klopman Mills. Wrinkle-resistant, lux urious lo the touch . With belt loops, straight legs, 15.00. sport shirts by mr. c-allfornla For no-hassle traveling, these 'short sleeve permanent press shirts, styled with top pockets in fabrics by Klopman Mins. Stripe shirt of "Grand Vino," a blend of 80"!. Docron® polyester and 20"!. cotton, 10.00. Solid color botis te "Fairway," a blend of 65 °/. Dacron® polyester and 35 °/. cotton, with crest pocket detail, 8.00 Men's Sportswear, iiO 444 N. EUCLID (714) IJS..flZI 47...FASHION ISLAND. (7141 t-44--1212 HUNTINOTON IEACll 7777 EDINWER AVENUE 17f4J "2°JJJI ORAN&E, MALL OF OR.ANGE 2100 N. TUSTIN STREET. 17141 991-lll 1 SHO, 10 AM. t• t :JO P.M, MONDAY THAOU&H FRIDAY. • Cl!RITOS 100 LOS CllAITOS MALL. f21JI 160·0411 SATURDAY 10 A.M. te 6 P.M, -SUNDAY 12 HOON t• I ,,M. \I ' I I I ' • • • • • ' ~ N N ' N N N N N N N ' ' ' N • • • • • t N ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' • ,. t. •• • p ,, " .. •· ,, ~c ,, ,,, '" • .. .. .. .. ... .. •• ... '" •• '<• •• '" ~~ .. ... " " '" .., " Pr" '" I>.:;; ··-Pi' ,, " " ' •• ' • ' • • • ~ ! • ' • • ' ' ,. • p Pl : , .. Pc-: ... .,,. " -'" ~ ,, '" Pr• • " ' ,, • :1: •• •• ,. ~], r....,.~n.1m Tuesday's Closing Prices· Complete New York Stock Exchanee List ' Market Rallies, •· Then Falls Off .. NEW YORK (AP) Tbe stock market lost ground Tuesday afw an early rally attempt fizzled. Tradine· was moderate. '11 wu a dull, cautiOua market, g01Waliy re- pullng tile paltern we uw lut week," declared Newton Zinder, analyll wUb E. F. Hulton Co. Inc. Ntl 0-,11 1.05 Hu...,, .:IOll H•ll lf.i N11 1•1 14 Ht-1•·1.I N .. ~ M N• \'-lld .7S "" ... ·; N1.5~ t!tJnW ...> ;; •• ~ma. ' Hl , .UM All H l1 l"w l ,)O "t""' ~ ~c:~,I!~ J· N•wlllll . Hwmnt l. Nwmnpf l\o\ NYHlll'I .11)11 NYSH t.• HY:i!' "6 NI I.II ""· I·" N14Mllf ... Nl:t:jllf •.U ~:.,r .~ii: NC ~"' ' NL T ~p .llOd Nott kWi I Norlf,,C Ad Norrllf l.o.t aA Coal .to .4,MI 1.•24 Am Jl'llU I NoA ltk I.Ml H~,t.lt pf 4~ NAR_,. 1.¥ N~I UI .N NtiJUO. I.ft NUGI~ J.tO N In ~S I.JI' N11Nt<k t.iO HoNGol· s.tO ~~lie tl! =GS~ t.:: "lorltlf91• ' =:::me . .t5 Nw81ftc. l'h MW$! 11111 .l!I ·~·I" l MW11 I Ill ·~·1~ •. NWJI NttC I MwMu · 1."d N-llltl H lo'~rtnl".o l'lt =m.s,r ,iJ N•i-Cott NV!'"•. >GI ri~• kw u ""i .1211 ~! pf 4 lk-11: 09derl(p 60 (lr'!;\"' 1 •1 "''! Etl 1.14 O" JM ,..., :,'i'".'%.~ 'I !J' .. w, g~~,rr" · ""'~'. I p AA I ~ft I 1.20 ~~'i::rl'a_,l 1ti~ dlflll ... ' ' ' -.. lwr.J .......... a-°" AmerfC"an S.les l'el11111e It IWlY P!lOT Phone 6424321 For Jl Weekender Advertising ' ' .1% DAILY l'ILOT .llN&n u:e · • . . _ .. _ .. 'tOUt••'J I .... 3,S,... Tba Big DE·TROm And we have That 1:15 'pm's a 2 nonstops there. biggie. It's with At 9:00 am, fOd our DC-10 . 1:15 pm., ,--,""-Friend Ship, • fu~*'!*~Tti[ (JRlAT * * W~IDIE WAY TO NIEW lr'ORK Unitcd·1 Nrw York ers prCSt'nt lh c '• Great WJClc.Way to New York. \Vith wide jets. \Vjde choice of limes and airportt. \Vidc choice or roocb. See what we mean: 8:45 am l)FI() • 1 ~:00 Noon OFKJ 1:00 pm (New1rl<) 10:30 pm l)FI() • ~mmmmTn "' "' '" "' m '"14 UNEASY WITH THI! : OPPOSITI! • SEX? : THE CHICAGO You beedn't be. e And three pl•eet you can't • be are Vnlte-d'I 741 e J'rie.,d llhlp ~ • • irLineS ~1t~ ~-r,.· .... . ... ~~_;.~~-'....;.'"'::..:~='"=·~~~·I• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • Nobody can .sh0w you more of it than United. . -~UNITED;,:· ~-..(~) C§A.!~*1 has 7 NONSTOPS TO . THE WINDY CITY/ 11 And we'll take you there from where you want to leave. And when you want to.leave. fl COUNT 'EM! fl · f-----Weliave 7 nonstops. (8 : 00 am, l O: 30 am, l : 00 pm, 3: 30 pm, 6: 00 pm, l 2 : 30 am from Los Angeles International, and 8: 00 am from Ontario.) But here's the really big story. Those 8:00 am and 6 :00 pm flights are with our 747 Friend Ships. And those 1 : 00 pm and 12: 30 am are with our DC· 10 Friend Ships. So we're really giving Chicago the big birds. Nonstops to the Mile·high City every day :IO&lllf 9:80am, .12:16 pm, Z..IOpm, l:tlpm frDlll LDs Angeles lnfFm.tional. An(12:40pm from Ontario. ~ ' D' 0 Nn:t time you II ili. call U'nlted. w111a II lrTanp lnltant rearv1t!an.t with aur Apollo S11tem. Jt'1 • •llPU1 UtJbelltvable eomputtr that ltleedl I Ulroulh all the lnfOJ"· mat!on. When. When. Ha,.._ lv.n dttaila 11. "r'~ II •• ~llftdt. Leave for ••• DO NOTSTOPI Choost from 2 nonstops: g:OO am and 1:30 pm. (Tht 1:30 pm is a DC-10 Friend Ship.) 1 WHOLE SKY CATALOGUE . PERSONALS Fred! Wh1r11r11ou? Wtit1d ln lhl Finl Cll JS 1oun11 of 747 Friend Sh ip half haUr! You didn't show! Thtn checked ont Coach loun11. Then another. Please come home! Sally Cood tim11? Call 412-20001 fast ! Country's bla1st •irtln1 s11k1 country's ,fi nest pits. C•U Unll1d Alt Fr1i1ht at 776·2000. We'll fly Bowser and lre•I him IVllJ bit •t friendly II )'OUI Contld1nU1I ti S.llJi You 1Httt wf'ly I didn't mt.t JOU. Wall, you went an nca· tlon and 1,.111t tot much mtl'll)' for hotels, 11, brt, Cl'*t etc. If onty JOU'd c1lled Unlt1d,'!'r11111 AJ•nt. H1 uin paek· a11 lh1 Wtlt,. dt81. And ""' lots of money! Lattt, S.lly, 1111rl Fred Youn1 "911ltl ltt'll hom1! T1k1 1d'11~ t111 of Uhlt1d'1 "12·11 Club,. Youth F1rt I• u" ~IJ. •read. can Tra•tl ~ent "u"""· YOUTH NOT DENIED H1lpfu l, 1NCtrious, s1mp1th1tlc t)'pt It perlorm Htrcu61an f11t1 for tumdrldL Ask tor Fritnd Ship Sarviet Dirtclor tn Glt(AT WIDI: WAY lli1ht1 to,. •• Yertc. On United, neh1r1lty. / ' : 0 0 00 ~- ,• ·¢00 ~i SAN FRANCISCO Our Cellfoml1 Commuters with nut-hourly schedules, two-elns service and snackl abolrd. Call )'OUrTrlvel Al:ent for the detllls. 'Or us. · ..... _ ................ ..,, ., ........... ..... 7i000111 11:000111 3:00,nt 1:00af!I 12:00Haorl A:OOp111 -v:oo -1 :00 p111 5:00 pm , ..... 7,30 plll 1:00 p!R . ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Portland:5 nonstops.More than anybody. (At 7:45 · am·; 12,-45 pm, 3:25 pm, 5:i5 pm, aiicl-7 :30-pm.) -Seattle: 6 noostops·.(8:45am, 10:45 am, 12:30 .Rm, 2:30 pm, 5:00 pm, and 7:30 pm·.) And that 5:oo· pm's a OC.10 Friend Ship, the only big bird bo\Jnd tor Puget Sound! What's more, United can fix ):'OU up with lots of mOney. , saving package to urs of this breathtaking part of~Uf· land . That include hotel rooms, rental ~r andairj,.vel'. For weeks ·or weekend. Take a business,trlp. hin throw in a pleasurable weekend in the_ barpln. · For details, call your Travel Agent. Or Un iteq_ at 482·2000. (Or check your phone dir~ory for the be$! waytoµll us.) fOR DETAILS . CALL YOU R TRAV El A Gf~l OR UNITED 10:000111 2:00,.. 6:00,.. 1100,.. CALL YOUR LOCAl llAVEl AGENT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . . And there are 4 nonstopa a day. 9:3C) am, 12:30pm; 3:46 pin, and 7:~0 pm.. S!> tbeze'1 !8*11Y only o_ne way · " yo11canao.totiieto1oD<loWitb1J1.Biil :ouR Lil l l.t COR NER OF. TH~ WOR LD ' . ---- UinJllMlllWHI# I ~II • ~ ' , iliMIM#hifililiMMiliiMMfflMl)llililMMlllMMllHMIMHMIMkiiJidi;U • • • • R ~, ' • -Get electe~ Aa to something. .. ·or, on Un ited. Wo fty two non1topa to Dullei. A big, wide, wonderful OC.10 Friend Ship leaye1 bri1ht and early at 9:00 am ,"And another non1top taket ol at 12:45 pm • There't Wo our Donttop to Bal- ·lilllore'rFriendsbJp Fleld'(,.,... •fr••& 11ame /or .t Ualt•I olrponll) h tabs oJr arlO:OO- HlmTillfl ' JET YOU!t ·W.fY TO ltfJ(J(IT (/TY,.--. IT'S YOURS~ With 2 nonstops 1!1-M'.Oll)phis each ~At : S:45 and 1" · \ .".'ma ~ r nm •• ~ ' •· ,·r1 r,~ I ! I' \1 l f' " I I , 1 I' I ' \ 1' . ' : ' -· 11118 eh Teday's l'hlal N.Y. Stocks ~ VOL'.. 65, NO. 26l, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1972 • TEN CENTS ' Firm Eyes Po·ssihle Laguna Beach Land Deal By JACI<; CHAPPELL Of ... D-'IY l"t.., Slaff Upland Industries would consider a pri>posa.I f~r + leue or purchase of lt.s oceanfront land5 u the clty or Laguna Beach wete to make one, an Upland's 1 real estate represent.aUve 11-.s revealed. ' ;J'be property involves 415 feet of ocunlront land looaled ' < n e r a II y between Sleepy Uollow aild, the Hotel J..4guna, just a short distance south of the ci(y-0wned Main Beac)I Park. • . Homicide Evidence Uncovered ' By ARTHUR 11· ~SEL OI .... n.ttr ~ ltSt9 Myalery conttnu.. to clood Newport llj!ach po11ce tnv..ilgatlon ol the killing of a pretty b!Oltde wbo aPPP<nlly led c1pa1 lfva poo1n1 • ..a -wilile·at- 1'ndllli eolleie """ \!riving -. ftJ,000 qorti ... '""~Ill~ job. . Tb<· man . --.a-, .t~ _.,., niei:Mrblle ~ Ill mwuti¢ ilildent __ . .,...,..~ ....... ment lllltl-1m con -t8dar awa11«1 ming of. 1orma1 charRes. !l'l>Jl• maln- lilntng a wall ol lllellCO -ti.. eue. .Carillo K. Anlieny, 31,_ Wl!I turned over I~ NflllJO!'lll<Rll-P~llct1llll•<lh't-Sgl. Ed Cibbarelll Monday morning at San Francisco International Airport alter ourrend~rilig hlm3ell to Saa Anselmo police. , Police allege be is the man who drop- (See MYSTERY, Pop I) ~rs. La Vigne l,{ites Thur~ay In La~~na ~~arh • Servic<4 wlll be held ot ! n.m. We<!· nesday in McCormick Laguna Beach Chapel' '!or ~eann~lte E .. LaVigne, 50, longttpie employe of the Laguna Beach • P.oUct lleP,artment, who died Sunday In ~ Clerriente 'General Hospital. . Mrs. LnVlgne was aupervlsor In the P<lllce ilfl'artment Records Bureau from 1951 to I~"' She bad lived lo lite~ area for tbe ·past 14 yeara. · She ls survived by her husband, Maurice C. LaVigne of the home, 25171 Armaaou Drive, Laguna Niguel: a at.l'500, Donald LaVigne of Costa Mesa ; three brothers, Sigmund, Leo and Stanley ftozak ; and four sisters, Mn. Kate George, Mrs . Annet Gorlewskl , Mrs. llelen Schilz and MMI. Lucille Reutter, all of Milwaukee, \Vise. Dr. Albert O. HJerpe or the Community l'rubyterlan Cburch of Laguna Beach wur officiate at the chapel ..... 1 ... with burlal following at Pacific V I e " 'Memorial Park. · . · weatller SUMi' skleJ are on the agenda !or Wednesday, following Io" clouds aloog the •· ~ for the betchel expeetiid ¥ the low • 10s r1a1ng to .es -Lows to. ni,!ltl In the 1111d-5111. INSIDE TODA~ GeorQ• Mcq,>wn1'1 politlcal ...... ,,.ign ""' /.ocicHtl ... lllUCll otff111km on !out~ ~IG, Ill ptopla, ill tooVo, lb kmdl. A .. 1ocloted ""'" 10riter &ld Jfoodv o1td AP photoQr\ipllnl fln>l1ld< •• ··-look._ Sc• Paa• Jl. L,._..,.. I ...,... ll ~ ' ,...,... ..... " c:...... 2).# ............. . ~ IS--~ t Cua et II lf .....,. ~If ow.. ...... ' ................ ...... .,... ' ,........ . I 1 $11 I lltl W ,,.....,. M ,..... .... ........ . ........ ' .......... ,> .. .... ,, ........ . .......... 14 ,J-. • • "I believe the (OlpOl'atlon would con. sider an olltt for purchase or lease of the land," said Leonard T. Bourke, Upland director of Real Estate Develop- ment. Bourke ooted, however, that acUon on auch a proposal would have to be cleared with the Upland's mah: office in Omaha, Neb. Laguna Beach City Manager Lawrence Rose Mid tbe clly had nol been cootact· ed by Upland, concerning purchase or lease of the property. The company bas Waste ·Program hinted that the only W11Y lhe clty could insure development ccnststent with the atmes of .the Coastal Development Liai- &on Committee would be fot t.be public to purchase the land. "I don't know where we'd get the money," Rose said. He observed that the city was still paying for !be purcllaso of the Main Beach which coat the city $3 million when purchased about three years ago. Cost of Upland's property was pegged -Tax Repeal Seen In Laguna Beach Laguna Beach's complex and con· lrtlvenlal waste management tu pro- gram is e'J<pected to be laid to rest by tbe Ju~e. Favors . ,. ,, . . \l --e·', a I -~~. In Court Suit ~----- Some red tape entangling a ,Village Laguna suit against the City of 1.1guna Beach over the campus Drive land purcbaM was cleared away Monday. Superior Court 'Judge James r. Judge ruled In favor of Village Laguna which soucht ·to remove Pyne Estates in- tervenUoo In the ault between Laguna llel!ch .pl ,vmaie Laguna. Pyne ·Estalel whlcb had sued the city in u effort to get tbe long-planned road moving bu dropped !bat action as a reault ol motions filed by attorney Barry Slmotta ..,resenting Village J,aguna. Sul!> against Robert and lac:Quelynne Moffett and Wiiliam Leak by Pyne Estates have also been dropped. Now ~eared of outside intervention, the suit between the city and Village Laguna ls set for Oct. 20 in Division J o( tile Superior Court. The dty bu been prevented from dt:posiUng funds far the road purchase into e9Ct'OW by a tempol'.8l'f restraining order issued Aug. 8, in connection with the~ llllit That suit charges !bat the city bu fail- ed to provide an adequate envlromnenlal impact statement u required by atate law in connection with the purcllaso of land for'tbe es:tenslon o(,Campus Drive. Routing oMhe road wotild pw throo~b tbe Boat Canyon region ol Lag)lna Beach. Ortgmally, the tborousl>fare wu·to be a feeder rood to the Pacmc C..st Freeway. The Coast Freeway bas now been eliminated. Conduct Code Sparks Clash fly Su peroisors By JACK BJIOBACK Of .. ..., ,.,... .... Consideration of a Code or Conduct for elec~ Orange County oinc1a1s and llteir appointees wu put oll lw It day• today btlt not W.. verbol pyrotec:bnlcl o- plodid al! over tbe'~ ol $111<fYbors' beertttt -• . . Suporvllor DHtd L. Balter had pro. _.t lllat I code ol eondttct be adopted lknl.Wltb t h• recen~Pitwed ....... l'lqldrlnJ ,..i.tratloD and illldWnllr~- 1111114 .... -...... !!pd ...... =.:.-~:-~--= dlat:looan by lobb)'ll!la i'!?-rulol ti COttdttct for CGt1111J tlloll enmpl eltcled olftcloll -ic:r,• from slmllar .... " I code WU -Mide Jul -by a motion to lncai poiala It In the _,,, Pv-' Ntd Salary -Or Pl a oe, bat tllo _.11or ..,....i tbol lbal--dots not ..... (e.OONOVCr, ... I) ' City Council Wednesday night with final adoption of an ordin8nce repeallng the tax. ·- It will be replaced, however, with two new ordinances, imposing ~wer service charges on real property and !tiling ratea for refuse collection service.: Ealabllsbment <( lllOJ, aeperate nla ~ ~ . to et•~ COllfusioll that a-whe!! llOth nan' collection and sewer semce charges """ lumped together 'Jn a single waste management tax. The proposed new refuse collection service charges are $2.20 a month for a single family resk!ence; $3.50 for a two-- fLmily residence ; $4.75 for a lhree-family residence; $6 for low-families ; and $7.15 for five families. Owners of properties with more than five wlits negotiate their own agreements with the collector. The new rates will become ellective Oct. 1. In a separate resolution, the council is expected to set the following aewer service charges: -UnlmprovOd lob: 11.so per month. -ResldenUal property : singl~f_am.lly, $2.40; ._lamlly 13.75; three family IS; four family 16.25; five family $'1.50. -C.mmercial property: 13.50 per month for each separate business oc- cupancy. Commercial-residential (over five units): $1.25 per unit per month. Industrial: 13.50 per month per btlilding. An addJtklllal council action, which 1s eipected to yield between $30,000 and $60,000 of annual revenue, depeJ¥iing on the number of btltlding pennita issued during the year, will be an ordinance establishing .1ewer connection fees for new residential and commercial struc. tures, based on legislation now in effect in other cities. The proposed lees for residential unlls, blCluding single family homes, duplex, triplex and apartment units are $200 plus ~IO per 100 square feet of floor area per unit. Hotel and motel units will be similarly charged. Mobile home parks will be charged '250 per house or trailer site; reslauranta and industrial properties $400 plus $20 per 100 square feet of floor area; commercial and all other buildings and struciures, $200 plus 110 per 100 squar! feet. Mesa Youth Hurt In Laguna Crasl1 An. 18-year-old COSta Mesa driver etlCllped with minor injurl.. in Laguna Beach early today in an accident that left a trall ol damage -Including a tr .. , a fence poet, a water line and h1a brand new car. Police Aid Patrick · Joaeph Day, 1725 Cllltr ,. .. ., Ooola M-, appattnlly fell llleop at the wbeel while drlvins north 0. lfor"1 Cooat HilhwlY lbortly before t a.at . ol 1lle LBCWD, IOld the agreemenU .....-the ttrrltory from the northerly boundary of the diltrlct to Crystal Cove. ll1tl car careeilod ..,ron ·the highway slamming Into tllo carveJI Ice Crum atore oo the comer. Day -lalten to South Coast Com-=J Boapltal by ambalance, .ilJt after --for minor facial ---. at from l!,!00 to lt,200 a front foot by Bourke. This would mean a tota l sales figure of between ft.57 million and fl.74 millioo for all the lands. Bourke said previous reports of Upland's d e s I re to unload the con- troversial octanbluffs at $1 .3 million were not valid and the repre.witative who had made the atatements was no longer involved in the Laguna Beach project. The city manager a ck now led ged • IDS Laguna Beach ' could be Upland's best customer if the large corporation were of a mind of dbpase of the propeny. Upland, a subsidiary of Union Pacific Railroad, at one time had plans for a oondominiwn or resort.type h o t e I development on the beach and bluffs area. However, a .series of delays and growing public controversy over the land have stymied any developn.ent. "I guess we could plant it ln corn,'' Bourke said emphasizing that the cor· LAGUNA BEACH SHOPPING MALL WIUS APPROVAL Model Shows 29-unit Forfft Avenue F1cllity • R igg ed Pa rcel l(ills Attnche From I srael LONDON (UPI) -A bomb-rigged parcel in a pile of letters of condolence on the Israeli Olympic tragedy exploded in the Israeli Embassy today, killing the agricultural attache and wounding the of. fici~J who wa.a to succeed him Jn a wetk. Bombs also were found in two other envelopes in the mail. The blast caught the 44-year-old Ami Shachori in the stomach, fatally wouzr ding him. It deafened and slightly injured Theodor Kaddar, who was to succeed hlm. Shachori was ending a four.year tour al Israel's London embassy. His wife and two children already had gone home. Israeli Embassy spokesman Ell Taborl said explosives experts checked twO other "suspiciously bulky" Jetten that arrived for embassy of{icials and found they, too, Wet'f: booby trapped with ex. plosives. He said all mail underwent security checks "but somehow this one passed through" in a pileup of mail over the J ewish Yorn Kippur religious holiday weekend . The embassy had been closed since Friday. In Paris, an Israeli Embassy spokes- man said two letters containing erplcr sives arrived at the embassy there today bot were detected and dismantled be/ore they could cause injury. The letters were addressed to dillerent diplomats at the Paris Embassy, the spokesman said. Scotland Yard and Special Branch detectives combed dossiers of anti-Israel militant.a: for possible leads to Sbachori's killers in London . Police sources said they gave speclal attenlon to sympathizers of the Pales- t In i a.n "Black September" guerrilla group that c a r r I e d out the Munich 0 I y m p i c s massacre of 11 Jsraeli athletes. 'The Foreign Office said the parcel that lSet BLAST, Page Z) Water Pacts Approval Cited in Annexation Local Ae~ncy FormaUon Commllalon approval last week of annei:aUon of 2,258 . ..,... of coastal lands between wguna Beach and Corona del Mar to the Irvine Ranch W•ter·Dlatrict wu contingeril On two agreemeni. made by the WifUM Beach Coanty Water District. Tho agreemeni., In eaence, uy the LBCWQ will PfO"lde water to any of tbe Irvine lands to lhe north that may be an- neied Jo lhe city in future yean, dtaplte the fad the lands ore now In the JRWD. The JRWD ha• 111d It vohmlll'lly wlll de·annu •JU' of Ila coastol holdinp If the City o1 Laguna Beach 6ltd !ht L8CWD -lo annt• to1he north . A. -" -~ with · lht Irvine .Computj 11ai<. tile' .,...Ive landowner \ ' will not protest any LBCWD northward annexations. A similar Btt ot agreemaita were ratified between Newport Beach, the mwo and Uie Irvine Company. The agreemenll. were hammertd out between the varioua agencies to atop pro- test of the JRWD'• annu11Jon bid by the LBCWD. Joseph R. Sweany, 1eneral manager the LBCWD. said the agreements cover the terrilory from the northerly bowr dary of the d13trlct to Crystal Cove. Sweany noted the LBCWO will continue service to El Morro Elementary School .al)d El Morro Trailer Parlt, two blands IUft'OW!ded by IRWB lerrltoty. • poration "can't live with " the guidelines established by the Liaison committee. The Laguna Beach Planning Commission has approved the committee report and fo r"A·arded it to the City Counci ' for final actio n. The m a t t e r is on the council'• \Vcdnesda y agenda. The city council previously has placed an eight·montb n1oratorium on new construction in the area to enable a spec ific plan controlling tSte UPLANDS, Page %) • Ill Unanimous OK Given By Planners A multi-level Forest Avenue ahopplnc mall bounded by 29 offices and lbops received unanimous approval from the Laguna Beach Planning Commlaaloa Monday night. "lt 's one of the best things I've ever !ieen presented to the commissJon," com- mented Chairman John McDowell follow. ing the meeting. The mall will all on five parcels of land at 332-336 Forest Avenue. Four of the five lots oxtend throuah to Ocean A-. Pr.,.nUy localed on tllo pnpor11a are tile fire.gulled •lnlcliuw . of AtlYllliuro Tra.., ...i the nor,IJborlof lonnei llomo of Ille Volun-Poat , Psrklnl ~ 24 can -four moro spaces than required by law -will be Jooated beneath-lhe-buildlhl"·~--- The tree and planter-studded mall will b< bounded on both the eut and west by the office and shop space!. The height ot the building wUI vary from e.ight to 33 feet. Rough cedar .siding and heavy Umben slang with Jara:e windows of tinted glaaa will be used on the exterior, uplained. architect lb Christian Abel. The. project will be bounded on the west by the Pepper Tree Park and the 10-hour Fore.st Avenue parking lot. On the east boundary are other commercial businesses. Commissioners agreec; to approve a variance freeing the project from a loading dock as required in the M-1 (light manufacturing ) zone on the property. Curb space along Fore.st or Ocean Avenue will be painted yellow to denote a ·· loading zone. The project Is valued at $300,000, ac- C<lrdlng to builder James Schmitz, who along with Lucien Brack and James Decker is backing the project. Schmit& firm . Beach Construction (;o., will build the shopping mall . Demolition of ei:isting structurn, will begin within 30 days with construction of the new building to be under way within six weeks, Schmili said. In other action, tile commission : -Voted in a 3 to 2 spilt decision, to recommend the city not purchase a piece of property on the corner or Thalia and Glenneyre Streets. A repreaentalive of the engineerinf department argued that the land sbould be acquired as a prelude to stral~ the lnten:ection of the two strffts. cam;. missioners Roger Lanpbear and Joba McDowell supported the acquisllloo, willl Lois Jeffrey, Laurence Campbell and Michael May dissenting. -Selected Comml ssionera Jt o I• r Lanphear and John McDowell to 9tl"ft on a Committee ta study possible acquldtlon of the "eucalyptus grove" near the Woodland Drive area. fot use by the city • -Informally agreed that window displays of photographs and merchandlle do not comtllute signs. Robbery Sus pect Turns Self In LOS ANGELES (AP) -A man being aought for Investigation of robbeey by detectives when they mislaltealy DI Uill kllJed inother man was in·CUlkld:Y lodaJ .. ca'rl Spotrvllle, II, IUmndind lo Illit. Alty. J°"pb P. Busch SUnday olibt. aaylnR he had been hiding out for feat ff his life since the Aug. II 8hoollftC ~ Phillip E. Johnt, 13. "After they made a mistake and killed ti.at other cat, I figured they wouldn'I take 1ny chances with me," Spotnil1t said. He wu booked for inveatlptlon ol four counta ol robbery. • • Brown Eyes Fugitive In Slaying Surrenders IAg1111G Burg""' Four More Initiatives SACRAMENTO (AP) -Secretary ol State Edmund G. Brown may attempt to remove four more controversial voter in- IUatlVfl from the No v. 7 ballot on grounds of fraud. a spokesman for the state's chief election officer said today. The ch!llenged measures are the in· 11 \ative to restore the dea!h penalty, the Watson property tax initiative, an an4 tibuslng measure and a proposition to limit the governor's veto po"'er over state employe pay raises. Bro\\'ll asked a Sacramento court last "'eek to have Prop. 22. the farm labor in- itiative. removed from the Nov. 7 ballot on grounds of widespread fraud. He accused ci rculators of Prop. 22 pet~ 1ions of concealing the official summary of the initiative prepared by the attorney gent>ral with other material and said he had evidence of forgery of signatul'fll. Jn a news release issued today, Brown said backers of other initiatives which have been certified for the ballol "ma)' also have misrepresented their measures by using special cards to conceaJ the at4 torney general's official summary." Brown's statement said' he ii notlfying the attorney general and district at4 torneys in Loa Angeles, Alameda . Fresno and Sacramento counties of the new allegations: of fraud . Brown gave no indication in the 400- word prepared statement of which in- itia tive measures he is linking wilh fraud , but hls chief deput.v. Thomas Quinn, listed Props, 14, 15, 17 and 21 as the targets of the new investigation!'!. Quinn said there is clear evidence some persons circulating petitions for those measures used the same technique as the Prop. 22 petitionera, concealing the official summary of the measure printed at the top of each petition with different, promotional cards. "We have no idea now how widespread this wu," Quinn said. "ff it was just used to a limited extent, we will probably do nothing. If we determine these cards were used as a general practice, then either we or the attorney general's office may move to have them removed from the ballot." Quinn added that the same company ·which Prop. 22 sponsors hired lo circulate their petltiorui also circulated petitiorui for the other four initiatives, and that an official of that firm told bbl inveatigatoi;s that exactly the same techniques were used on aJJ five peU· tions. A. total of nine voter-initiated pro~ • ositlons are among the 22 measures certified for the November ballot. Jniffatlves not challenged by Brown In· elude proposals to legalize marijuana and enact sweeping new coastline protection regulations. From Pagel BLAST ... killed Shachorl was mailed f r o m .Amsterdam, where Arab guerrtlla girl hijacker Lella Khaleel was reported seen three weeks ago. Officials said, however, there was no evidence to link her to the bombing attack. The blast came as Shachori opened the p<.rCf'I in his office on the second Ooor of the embassy, Jocah~-:l in Kensington Palace Gardens. Severn! other embassies Clank the !lame private thoroughfare, known as "millionaires row ." Tabori said Schachori "had nothing to do with Political affairs, but we know that terrorists often choose soft and unsuspecting targel!I. "Obviously, we will now have to have stricter security precautions, but for such precaut ions we must. of course, rely mainly on what is provided by the host government." he said. Tabori said the embassy had been ~oing through a backlog of hund reds of unopened letters and parcels, mostly eon• dolenccs oh the killings at the Olympics. It was the second attack on an Israeli dinlflm~t in \VP!!f Eurone in 10 d;•vs. OIAN•I COAST I.a DAILY PILOT n. or ..... (Mii C».ILV PILOT, wUh \fllflk" 11 tonW:llntd 1he Nt"' .. Pt Kt, .. Pllbllll'ltd " .,,. °""• Co•1t P11t1Ulhl119 C-Plnr. -.. t•I• .cl/!lons ''' Mlllhtd, Mtl'ldl'f' th,_,., l'rldty, fOI" Cm" Mnt. N""P9rt •..et1, HvfttlFltllon •e-•cn/Founltln V•lley, Llflll'MI leach, lr'VIMll•OdleblU. W $tft C1emen"'/ $11t JUM C.plslrt no. A •1"911 r .. lol'ltl ldllloft I• M ll•tltd S•llJl"ll•rs •!Id S...,..,•Y.· TIMI pl'lnc:IPll 11'/blltlllnt ~lftl II 11 1JO Wlltl ltY Sir"'• OIJll Mtt•, C1!1f0nll1, f»Jt. ltobert N. W,,4 Pro.lei..,. 111(1 l"ubli...., J1cli II. Curlty Vk • Prmldtr1I erod Geor11 IMMOtt, Tholl'l•I kt1Yit Eclltw Thom•• A. Murphin1 Mttllllftl Eclltor Ch1rl11 H. Lo•• ltlch•" t . Nill AUlllatlf M ... lflt EcHllf"t .......... Offlc. 222 Fo,..1t A.-01111• M1illn1 A44r•tti ,.0 . k1 •••· '2612 --Cotl• M~ m w'!,:!T SIT• Htwpotl lttehi U» H IG\llrtJ,. H\l!ltlnsitort llfci'lt 17111 l•dl ._,...,,d S.n Clemtftt1: m NOffll II (.enifne ..... , ....... (714) 641 ... JJt ClwHW A4 ... llalat 64~-1671 I.tit ............ h, ...... , , ... ,. ..... , .. ,.,, COpyrl;lhl, 1•n. Ot•lllHI ~11 Plllltllhi'tl '°""°""'· "'' -"°""'· llh1ttnlfltftt, Ml•twl.11 -"" " .. Yefl lHl'l'ltfth ,..,...... ,...., " rftll'(Nlucfd wlfhour .,,.. .. , ,.,. M\lti.ri of coP'(rifllf -· $IUnll t 1"1 _,.,. Hid ti , .. , • ...._ Ctllfwfllt. kltlta'l-'lfll IW c.trrllW SIM _,....,, ..,. -" &I.ls. """"'"'' f'lfllftWf ClttllMtle:'lt UM -ftlly, \ DAILY PILOT Sflff ~ Four Arrested, ..... . . $900 Recov~r·~·d By 'roM BARLEY Of .. O.llt .... , .... ''I'm sick and tired of runnlna." With that comment Monday night Susan Louise Sutcliffe surrendered to Orange CoWJty Dlatrlct Attomey's In· vestlgaton and ended a chase that began four months ago when she and a fellow pril'loner esqiped from the women's prison at Frontera . 1be 23-year-old Pomona woman who will now resume the life term she in· terrupted for her role in the killing of an Orange school teacher spent her last hour , of liberty with Iler two small children, a dat111hter, 3, and a son, 2. It was part of a deal made with di.strict attorney's invea~gators during the past week. I In a series of foor arreats In Dana Point Monday, Laguna Beach detectives said they cleared up a weekend burglary case and recovered more than S900 in cash and checks taken from the Laguna C.r Wash. 540 S. Coast Highway. The burglary, which loot place. be- tween~ p.m. Sunday and 7 a.m. Monday, was reported to police Monday momtng. The money, $836 in cash and $87 In Propositio11 20 Gets Backing Of Huntington Susan Sutcliffe's negotiator was her By TERRY COVILLE mother, an Anaheim woman who told 01 tM o.11¥" ,.,.,.. '''" district attorney's officers that her daughter had called her from Chicago. Orange County's biggest coastal city, Miss sutclUfe'• mother said her Huntington Beach, went on record Mon· daughter wanted to give herself up on (he day night :wpporting Proposition 20, the eonceled checka, had been 'taken from the car wash safe, which had bten op- ened by someone wbo knew the combin- ation, poUce were told. MondaY evenin g detectives followed· employe Armando Rty1 Olivas Jr., u; home from the car wash Ill 341'2 Slr<et of the Amber Lantem, Dina Pein~ whert' he was placed Ullder arrest at f p.m .• ·oe suspicion of burglary and grand theft. Three hours later, at !he same adc!res" officers arrested Olivas' 1&-year-old girJ friend. her rnotber, 04nlale Myriams Doliglas, 34, and Jeffrey Scott Keebler, 23, who are suspected of mmplidly Iii the burglary. They-wert arrested co su~ plclon of possessing atolen property and being accessoti'e1 to the burglary. On the baaJs• of infOnrtation obtained at the time. of tbe arresll, police said they went to &1J9ther Dina Po1nt addren where the stolen money was rtcov1rtd. SUSPECT ANKENY. POLICE DEBARK AT COUNTY AIRPORT In Newport Beach, Mystery Shrouds Murder Case condition that tbe could have some time coastline preservation initiative, in the alone wit h her children. November election. The request was &ranted and MlJs .~'..:nie 5-2 city council action surprised Sutclifre herseU called lnvestia:ators 'many onlookers who expected Huntington Jn anolher weelrend burglaty now un- der investigiUon, lllverware, a televisiol set, an antique clock and a colttctlon ol coins were removed from the hom6 of Dr. Charles L. Pearson, 691 Mystic .Way. The two-story home apparently was ei> tered between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday, JIO~ • aaJd. TolaJ lou WU placed • ' 11.100. • AJ90 under lnvesllptlon,la lbe lhefl of $451 worth of stereo equipment and cloth- In~ from ·lhe fiOme of Wtllard Allan Oney, 306 CanYon Acres Drive, who reportea. the items were· taken between 7 •·Ill· and IO a,m. Monday. Caspers Seeking Ecology Award Project Entries In a Jetter to the Laguna Beach Cllamber of Commerce, Fifth · DU.trict: Supervisor Ronald w: Caspers has re-- que!lted local entries for his First AMual Orange C.OUnty Business-Environment Award. to be presented Dec. 14 at the Orange County Town Hall meeting. "Since so maily Orange County businessmen are not just talking, but really doing things to improve the world around us," Caspers write!!, "there may be more than one award winner." He requests a one-page description of projects submitted for consideration. whJch need not be solely architectural, along with appropriate illustrations. Entries should be sent by Oct. 14 to caapen• office , Orange CountY Administration Building, 516 N • Sycamore, Santa Ana, Calif. 92702. ne. •"•rd;. says the supervisor. _J, d<slgiied, "lo en<ourage and ' duly recognize the private sector of our Orange County economy In preserving and enhancing our p r e c i o u s en- vironment." Laguna May Slap Advertisements On Local Buses Disc reet signs heralding local cultur~l and social events may be placed 1n Laguna's city buses ii the City Council approves such a proposal Wednesday ni~ht. The advertising signs. prepared ac· cording to specifications set down by !he city, would be placed in racks running around the inside or each of the four buses of the Laguna Beach Transit Line. The space would be made available to clubs and organizations ·of a social or cultural natu re. but no religious or political advertising would be permitted, except for announcements of meetings or social events. Suggested regulations include limiting the signs to 11 inches in width by 14 to 18 inches long, of thin poster board in any color. and bearing nee t, easily read let- tering, "in good taste." From Pagel MYSTERY ... Monday night and told them she was now Beach to oppose the meature which gives ready to surrender. the state control over coastal land Police said the woman appeared tired development and dra\vn but otherwise seemed to be in At the same meeting, Huntington good health. They refused to comment on Beach councilmen called on t h e Miss Sutcliffe's account of her four Legislature to revoke a tidelands grant to ped off fatally-wounded Diane Singleton, months of liberty pending investigation of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) f'rotnPageJ 22, .a statuesque blonde UCLA student her escape. for construction of a 40-acre offahore who attended UC Irvine last year, at Miss Sutcliffe and Chino State prison island for a $765 milliou water desalting Hoag Memorial Hospital early Sunday. escapee Jerry M. Wade, 25, Phoenix, plant. CONDUCT .•• Miss Singleton -who waS" featured In drew life terms last April in Orange Councilmen opJ)OM!d the island because a West !.fagazine photo layout two weeks County Superlor Court for their part in they said no environmeotaJ impaef repart elected officials and their appointee!. ago with her Mercedes-Benz sport sedan the Jan. 21 killing of Orange teacher" dealing with its construction bas been Today Baker again urged adopUOll .of bearing the personalized license plate Gerald L. Mitc"Y. aubmitted by the MWD. · the code, backed by a report from Co~ BIZZAR -died about eight hours later. They admitted in court that they were Mayor Al Coen and Councilman Jerry g;~~rsei~:~ ~per Md PerlODDel She had been shot through the head the couple disgUised in blonde wigs who Matney cast the negative votes on Before discussion was well under way, with a gun still being sought today by in-halted the teacher and his wife as the Proposition 20. Supervisor Robert w. BatUn, Who is l\JD:' vestlgators. newlyweds returned to their apartment "There are only three states that do ning for re-election, urged that the coc$t Ankeny maintains .c $4!JO-a·month from a weekend spent with relatives. · not have :shoreline protection bills -of conduct incltide prohibition of doubie Alabama, · South Caro I In a and billing for airline tickets mUea-and bayfront suite in The Towe rs. 3121 W. Californi<>," Mrs. Norma Gi.bbs, who " C st H. h N rt Be h \"' that the effect be made retroactive tO oa 1g way, ewpo ac · Frona Pqe J sparked the vote, sai d. J The newest evidence obtained in the "I feel Proposition 20 is good for the an. l, 1989· case, Sgt. Cibbarelli said today, is a UPLANDS t t th 1 d h Baker· readily accepted Battin's sug. sampling of bloodstains found in Apt. • • • ~irme~n Hee CO)!l!DuYkeanadd~~. city," C.OUn-gestions. 70 at lb To lb uile hich Ankeny ru'Y' 1 ~ "This b an obvioUJ atlempt by Ballin e wers, e s w A touch of drama was added when t•-•-· ol but OCCUpl. ~.1 uc w mv ve me I have ·no fear,·" Aid ~. development to be drawn up. The specific t · t J k G fir · "There was a lot.'' the homicide in· vo es were cas as ac teen · st said Baker. 11Tbe matter to which he n:fer1 ve!'ltigator confinned. plan would in part replace the strip zon. he would abstain, then punched the green was cleared'"by two grand jurlu and the One aspect of the bizaiTe case in-ing whi,ch has been placed on the ter· button for a "yes" vote, then Ted District Attorney'• Olftce and it was volving the attractive vnnng woman ritory. Bar.tlett pushed the red ~'QO'', txd.ton hy dete.rwlned that there WU no amfUct of whose car license predictedvtt; nature of The guidelines forwarded by city's accident and had to switch bis VO\e. ·'""" OO~~·M"ctbfil'n)) act: , her own v-'9Jent death wu discovend Mrs. Gibbs said after tbe meeting she ·"Mr.1u .. Battin 11 obvioulJy ·nounderlnc Monday In West·Los Angeles. Coast.al Liaison Committee encourages a was "quite. surprised" by the. outcome of fOl\-u Jisue·1 Wltltt·MI campalp.1 fort ,.. Her car, in addition to Ankeny's tm "Ports-of..cati" type 'Charactef to the the vote. e!ection under way now under adveno Corvette and 1972 Dodge van, had been development. So far, among other county cjties, conditions.'' sought for examination. "Primary use of the property should Newport Beach cast a unahlmousctouhcll The d9uble billing to whJch Battin "Three can just don't disappear be commercial, oriented toward tour-vote against the coastal lnitiatlVt!:··wliile referred waa txpenleS charged by overnight,"-said-~t. Cibbarelli,-who is ~I .n;;-_ =· -~aguna Beach was unanimous in'sunnnrt Baker'a office In 1969111 corrteclioo with -"l!i iSm, me Uwug restaurani.:J and other of 11 rr-· his chi'-ansh1·• of !he -t t assigned to the case along with Detective · uiu ,. I I e Sam Amburgey. facilities to encourate night life as well Neither Seal Beach nor San Clemente Er1vironmental Study Council. . On.e possible clue to circumstances in as daytt.me activity," the report states. has taken action on Proposiuon 20. Baker, during the dlJcuuion, al.to IU£· the slaying of Miss Singleton. whose "Permanent residential uses are not Propoaltlon 20 parallels the · unsuc. gested that attorneys who are member1 parents live in Puerto Rico where her considered compatible with the goals of cessful legislation pr 0 pose Cl . by of the Board of Supervlaors be prohiblted father holds a government Job, Is the an.. "-5Semblym.an Alen Sieroty (n.BeVeriy from representing firms doing busineu r the General Plan," it adds. HJlJs ) with the county. Battin is the only at-parent Wealth of both suspect and victim, Th rt al 1 lh 1 11 · Id ti h · . torney on the board. No bail has been set for Ankeny, a 1957 e repo "° sugges 8 a wou estab s one, overall state N rt H bo H. h School g d te boardwalk or beach promenade be con. board for control of coastal cleve!opment Battin in the verbal exchanges allO ewpa ar r ig ra ua t,000 yards inland and three nillei to sea. referred to. the recent Milt Square whose parents livt in Salem, Ore. tinued across the top of the bluffs for the Th agricultural tease .scandal. He said "an Miss Singleton apparently had no job run ocean frontage of the property, and ere would be regicnal planning boards attorney from tfie Cowity CoUnael'a or~ either but lived at a fashionable apart· that no structures be constructed on the set up under the 9tate board. . fice during the petlod; when tht Mill ment 'ihe shared with a roommate , in ad· sand and allowed on the bluffs only Jack Green, who serves as president of Square lease -..as beinj-negotiated four diti on to dri ving her expensive car back "under the most sensitive control." the Southern California AMoCiation of years ago now · represents the farmer and forth to college classes. Upland's ·answer to the recom-GovernmentJ (SCAG), said SCAG bas who 'll teulng the pi:operty. Investigators said Miss Singleton at-rnendatlons by the llai5on committee was not taken a position on it, but several top j'How do we know tbat there ls not 1 tended UCLA , but she is known to have to suggest that while a "Ports-of-Call" leaders in the caiifornia League of Cities _payoff involved?" been enrolled at UCI and prior to that development might be attractive, "we have su pported Proposition 20. James Okuakl, santa Ana attorney she was a student at Georgia Southern are fl.nnly convinced that such a project "They don't feel the bill will hurt local who repreaenta'fanner Georte Mur.ll bu College. could only be successfully put together government," Green, who once opposed not been a member of 'the Countr A probe of the ·case also led to a dual-by a governmental entity with the power the Sieroty legislation, said, "With a lack COunse1'1 Office for the past five yeah life angle in which one prior landlady In of eminent domain," and not required to of qualified state planners, it ia felt the and the record shows tbat he wu never the Los Angeles area said the victim show near term profit, the letter signed state· will have t.o rely on county ·and city involved in the Mile Square agricultural identified herseli as an actre!ls and by Bourke said. help in this fteld ." lease negollatioD!I. claimed to work instead of going to c-;;;;;:;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;-school. I ''It's a weird case all right," Sgt. Cib- barelli remarked, while declining to speculate what may have triggered the killing, or whether it might even possibly be suicide. The Junl\. Bu~jness 'Aparttnents Empty Addressing tho Centrel lndiene Floor Covorln9 Association. an industry spokesman, Welter Guinan seid: Swinging Single Action Sputters in San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) -''Afte r fl while," SR.VS Jin1 Rose. "you get tired of chasing girls .around the pool.'' The death of the '·swinging singles·• apartment houses .In San Diego \Vas slow. By last year. most or them "~•ere one· third empt y. on the average. Now, married couples are being let in . The tumover rate was too rapid for the plush and ·costly apartment& which of· ft red tennis, ~ming, 11me rooms and dancing to the unattached lookine for social companionship. It was slmply "too big a problem keep- ing people" said Biil Henegar. manager of the Carousel on Point Loma , which opened ln 1968 \vllh $00 single ap11.nmcnts renJlng up to $2(15 ror a t\VO bedroom fu rnished. At the Oakwood, now also t1king in married couples, a rumlabed studio starts at $140. Across the strtet from the Oakwood, the South Bay Club for slnglcs ""' •• changed Its name to Oakwood Garden Apartments West, and the social pace of both places is slowing. Emily Trapp, recognized leader of the sing les set, says & lack of privacy and the "requirements:" did the singles in. 1 "If you didn't show up at the pool on l Sa turday or always have your door open and the accompanying friendly bottle of scotch, you were out," ahe sa)'I. Rose, 29, explalns thal soon the clrls realized "they had .been given the same line by your roommate the night before." Bill Weurdill(, another l•Mnt who Jen . alter marrying !he fir! down the hall, says it was only a fad. A former manager of the South Bay Club. Richard Pyrdol. dlJ&grees. "Singlet don't want to be k n o w n as S\VinJCers anyrMrt," Pydrol says. Rut Henegar says such a Ille even ln San Diego, a city of airline atewarduses and footloose young men with hllb- •paying jobs, is dull. • Bc.11des, esks Hentgar, "How many ~ollec• people can pay 1180 lo qoo for an apartment!" ,.. "Too mony people in tho floor covorin9 industry are convinced tho public only wonts to buy "Junk" carpet." We're afraid that you mlghl also gel this impression from the •d• which specify unbeli .. a~lo low prices. lnvoslig•ling those ads wnl dot-ino on• of two things -oilher the carpet IS junk, or they wiU try to sell you somolhin9 more o"l'"n•wol Wo don't sol! junk o.t Aldon's, but wo do fiov! . qu~lity •t com~tltiv. pricos, •ncl lh4i best insteOet on in tho , county. • ALD:EN·'S ·· CARPETS e DRA.,~S -' l • ' 166J PlllCtntla A••· . ' tOSTA MESA ' 64M131 • I \ • fl/ do w 'Ir! • .. • • ~·.1 • ' • •• ., .. • Sadd.lehaek Teday'• lbud N.Y. Steeb • VOt l>S. NO: 263, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllfORNIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1972 TEN CENTS ' Advisory Panels to Face Irvine Scrutiny Jrvlne'1 M\leraJ citizens advlaory com mlttees face an uncertain future as coun· c,Vmen ·meet at 7:30 tonight to discuss J!:topoled rules and a reorganization wbicb ma,y streamline the citizen in· vq:lvement 1ystem. Mayor William Fischbach said today, "We shoUJd move very slowly and melhodieally Ir. considering aPpoiotment of a wide range or permanent 'com- mlsaions. or .committees. '"I diio't favor appointment of any ~t number of committees tonight," f'llcbbach aaid. ,jle noted he has diacuseed with all ~ncilmen a major revision of the struc-- l r ' , lure proJ>OSed by c.ouncilman Gabrielle Pryor. Mn. Pryor urges establishment of sit permanent commlsslons to be governed by rules proposed by the mayor. Y/hile Fiscbbacb will continue to press !or adoption of his proposed rules, he sa id today he wouJd hope tbe . council might limit its inltiaJ appointments to one comisssion. "Call it human enhancement, citizens affairs or a coordinating committee or what .have you," Fischbach said, "but I feel its main thrust should be to coordinate, to heJp tbe City Council in " : SUSPECT ' ANKE.NY, POLICE DEBARK AT COUNTY AIRPORT In New port Beach, My1tery Shrd<H!• Mur<ler C•M {lloods tai ns Get Study ln ~ysterious Slaying By ARTlllJI\ R. VINSEL of ... D11tr Pllt ttMI Thick, heavy blO!)dstains we r e dllcovered Monda).' in an expensive a~ot overlooking Newport Harbor, J"bert police believe a pretty blonde doubling as a college coed and actress wei lbot and &lain Sunday. •. Mystery otherwise contlnues to cloud Ult investigation today as detectives . Qied to piece together the tangled tale of lri Diane Singleton, 22, lived and why .~ \died. ,,_,. man accused of her murder, ~whUe -an unemployed student leld>u with a luxury bachelor pad and two tm cars -today awaited flllrrg of .fomial charges, while maintaining a wall of ·111ence toward police. Carlise K. Ankeny, 33, was turned over to Newpol1 Beach Police Detective ~· f'4! Clbbarelll Monday momlog al Sao f'rUcilco International AirpOrl after Coalt Weal.lier ' Sunny ·lkles are on. the agenda for Wtdntaday, following low douds aklog the coa~. Highs for the beaches expected" In the low 10s rlslni to 12 Inland. Lows to-·' oJcbt In the ml~. • INSmB TOD-'\' . · G•oro• McGoiilrn'• political ·• compoiil" llas fOCwtd un.,..l ; ott<nlioto °" Sollll. ~lo. 111 peOJ)lc, its to0V•• its lmlds. A1-iocloi.d Preu writer Sid lloodv ond AP photoaraPMrl' prooldc . .,. •n....Z look. See PQ'JI 21. ........... I....... II .~ .. i:-=:..": ·~ "li:iift"" II OtMM """" • 0....... ,. ....,.. , .. ,, ....... ' • ...-liMrtt'ttl lf.11 ..... T .. ..._ W. ~ ,. .,...,.,.. " ~ •11....... • ..,. 1 4 ............ ,,.,, .. .,, PP' Jlf WWtll..... • ... .._ " • surrendetlog hlmsell to san Anselmo police. Police allege he ls the man who drop-. ped off fatally-wOUnded Diane Singleton, 22, a staiuesque blonde UCLA student who attended UC Irvine last year, at Hoag Memorial Hospital early Sunday. She bad been shot once through the head by a gun wh.ich has not yet been recovered . Miss Singleton -featured in a West Magazine pbo\o'leeture layout two wttks ago with ber llJ,000 ltfer<ede>-l!enz sport sedan bearing the peraonaliud license plate BIZZAll -died about eight hours later without regalnfhg cOo.sciousness. 'l1le fatal incident, no motive fl)r which Is known yet, apparently OCQll'l'ed in Ankeny•s $400-a-month ba)'lront suite in The Towers, 3121 W. Q>ast ~bway, Newport Beach, lnvestlgati>n Usert. Newest evidence obtained In the bi· WTe case of the girl with BIZZAR OD her car license plate.I wu tateo when m. vesUgaton entered Anken1'1 apartment with a search warrant M<llday. i•1befe was a· Jot ol blood," said Sgt. CibbaNlli. One aspect ol the blt.arre cue In- volving the attractive ')'OW1g woman whose car Uctnte precUCted the nature of her own violent death was dilcovered Monday in West Los Angeits. Her car, in additloo to Ankeny's 1972 corvette and 1m Dodge van, had betn sou~ht for examination. . ''Three cal'I just don't dlsoppear overnJght," aald Sgt. Ctbbarelli, who ls assigned to the case aJooa with Detective Sam Amburgey. One -1ble clue lo clrcumstancel In Ibo ala}'llll ol Mia Singleton, w._ parmU !he Iii Puerto llJeO wber9 her laths boldt a ......... t Job, la tlio ap- ponot wultla ol -IUIPOCI and Y!cllm. No boll ma -Ill IOI' AnklaJ, I U.7 Newport Harbor lllat> School .,-. -JIOl9DlO Uve In Salem, On. · M1s1 Sioeleton appanntly 1*I • Joi> eltllor bUt lived at a lalhlooallle aPlrt· ment 9be llhlred wllb a roommate, In ad· dltion lo drill ... Jlor _.sive car back and forth to coPece cm.. I~ aid Mia 61,.letoo a~ lalded UCLA , hut lbe la t-. to; bove (ho llYHAY, .. II '· detenninlng the oeed !or ad hoc, ta.sk-. oriented bodies." "Great insUtutlonallzlng and spreading of the com.rruttee iMtituUooa won't add to citizen input so much as It will put a barrier between the people of Irvine and their City Cooncll," Fllcbbacb coocluded. 1be mayo11'1 recoinmendatkm for ap- pointing only the one committee is related to a proposal made two weeks ago by ctty Manager William Woollett Jr. 1bat report was re.leased to the press today. · Woollett urges appointment of only two commissions. One, the planning com· mission, is already functioning, and the otber would dul with alfaln related to tbe city's department ol bwnan enhanc&- ment. Woollett suggests that allot.hen remain at committee status and be assigned lo ipecllic ta.ski. Meanwhile, Mn. Pryor said she might SUPPort the mayor's limltallon on a~ pointme.nts tonJghl, but ~d continue to press for continued ln•olvement of citizens in their government Noting she hoped to receive the support of Councilmen John Burton and Henry Quigley, she said today, "We should be involving as many people as possible in the committees. We'll keep as many of the preaent corrunUttes • we can," she added. Technlcally, the present 10 advisory commlttea go out of ex.istence on Sept, 30. Since last March. the committees have been ma~ up of volunteers in- terested ln working on specific issues suggested by lhe council or planning commission. Under the mayor's proposed rules, he wooJd nominate and the council would appoint members or commissions or committees. Residents of the city who are eligible to register to vote are the only persons who cou,Jd be named to commissions, while anyone with an Interest In the city cauJd serve on committees charged with stu- dying specific Issues. should the council favo r Fisch.bach'a proposed rules. ~1ayor Fischbach's revised draft does not inc lude three rules suggested by the cilizens coordinating committee. Those suggestlom hinted a grealtr permanency of the advisory bodiea .in- cluding l"·o-year tenns. and requirement of a fou r-fifth.'l vote of the council to remove members . The third suggestion would have allow· ed a una nimous vot e of the council to place a non-resident on a pennanent commission. Beach Backs Prop. 20 Huntington Council Vot e 5-2; Action S urpr ise By TERRY OOVJLLE Of ... O.Mr Pll., fr.ff Orange County's biggest coastal city, Huntington Beach, went on record Mon- day night •upportlng Proposition 20, the coastline preservation initiative, ln the November election. The ~2 city council action surprised many onlookers who ezpected Huntington Beach to oppose the measure which gives the state control over coastal land development. At the same meeting, Huntington Beach councilmen called on t h e Legislature to revoke a tidelands grant to the Metropolitan Water Dislrlcl (MWD) for construction. of a to-acre offshore Island for a 1765 milliou water desaJUng plant. *.. *··-* ' ~po~-eaeh .cha~~ .,A gainst Coa st-Initiative- Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· rne:rce directors voted unanimously Mon. day to oppose Proposition 20 -the California Coastal Initiative -on the November ballot. "If th.is passes, we would have another new horrendous layer of new government that would take away a 41eat deal of local control," said Richard St.evens, chairman of a chamber committee that •llldled the lniUative at the board's direc- tion. "The new bureaucracy would be tre- mendously expensive, hard to organb.e and even harder to deal with," said Stev· ens, an executive with the Balboa Bay Club. The proposed initiative would establish a coastal zone in California and would put development in tlle zone in tht hands of a series of regional boards. "This ls a very compla issue but in the Jong run it means total loss of local conlrols on coastline development," Stevens said. "Analysis shows that the effect of th.ls measure would be to stop everything," he ssld. "All types of bulldlng In lhe coastal zone, big or litUe, would come to a bait." Stevens also said the initiative would halt virtually any project coastal city governments undertake. Councilmen oppoeed tbe Island because they said no environmental impact report dealing with its construction bas been submjtted by the MWD. Mayor Al Coen and Councilman Jerry Matney cast the negaUve votes on Propasition 20. "There are only three states that do not have .shoreline protection billa - Alabama, South C a r o I l n a and California," Mrs. Nonna Gibbs, wbo sparked tbe vote, said. "I feel ProJlOO!ition 20 Is good for the state, the county and the city,'' Coun- cilman Henry Duke added. A touch of drama was added when the votes were wt as Jack Green first said he would abstain, then punched the green button for a "yes" vote, then Ted Bartlett pushed , the red 1'no" button by accident and had to· switch h.ls vote. ~. Gibbs said after the meeting she Wl\S "quite surprised" by the outcome or the vote. So far, among other county cities, Newport Beach cast a unanimous council vote against the coastal initiative, wh.ile Laguna Beach was unanimous In support of It. Neither Seal Beach nor San Clemente has taken action on Proposition 20. · Proposition 20 parallels the unsuc· cessful legislation p r o p o s e d by Assemblyman Alan Sieroty CD-Beverly Hllls ). It would establish one, overall state board for control of coastal development 1,000 yards inland and three miles tO sea, Rtgged ¥-arcel Kills -A-UaGhe-F___,.om Israel LONDON (UPII - A bomO.rigged parcel in a pile of letters of condolence on the Israeli Olympie tragedy exploded in the Israeli Embassy today, lt!lling the agricultural attache and wounding the ol- ficial who was lo succeed him in a week. Bombs also were found in two other envelopes in the mail. · The blast caught the 4~year-old Amt Sllachori in the stomach, falaJly WOU!l- ding him. . It deafened and slighUy lnjUred Theodor Kaddar, who was to succeed him. Shacbort was ending a four-year tour at Israel's London embassy. His City to Lea se Spot in Station Use of 20()...square--feet of office space in the University Fire Station by the city of Irvine has been 1pproved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The lease became effective Aug. 28 when the county Department of Real Property Services negotiated a lease 'at $80 a month. The area is used by the city's police and pi•bllc information deo>arlments. The temporary rental setup ls on 1 nwntb-to-month basis with the Option by either the county or city to termlnate with a »day notice, according to Stanley Krause, real properties director. wire and two children already had gone home. Israeli Embassy spokesman Ell Tabori said explosives ezperta checked two other "suspiciously bulky" letten that · arrived for embassy officials and found they, too, were booby trapped with U • plosives. He said Ill mail underwent lleCUrlty checks "but somehow this one puled through" in a pileup of maU over the Jewish Yom Kippur religious bnllday weekend. The embessy bad been closed since Friday. In Paris, an Israeli Embassy spokea- man said two letters containlng eiplo- sives arrived at the embassy there today but were detected and dismantled before they could cause injury. 1be letters were addressed to different diplomats at the Paris Embassy, the spokesman said. Scotland Yard and Special Branch detectives combed dosslen of anti.tsrael militants for possible leads to Shacbori's ltillers In Londoo. Police sources said they .cave special attenion to sympathizers of the Pales- t l n I an "Black September" guerrilla group that c a r r i e d out the Munich O I y mp i cs musacre of 11 Israeli athletes. The Foreign Offie< said the parcel that killed Shachori was malled fro m Amsterdam, where Arab guerrilla girl hijacker Lella Khaleel wa1 reported seen three weeU ago. Officials sald, however. there waa no evidence to link her to lbe bombing attack. Tbere ,,...Id be rqtcnal planoinc boordo set up under the slate board. _ • JaCk Crffn, •bo serves as ptttldtnt of the Southern California Association of Go\lemments: (SCAG), said SCAG ba1 not taken a poaltlon on II, but several top leaders In the CaUfomla League of Cities have supported Propos.itlon 20. "They don't feel the bill will hurl local government,'' Green, who once opposed the Sleroty legislation, aald. "With a lack of qualified state planners, it ls felt tbt state wiU have to rely on county and clt7 help In thia field." Green first intended to abstain, uying he felt It miJ:ht create some problems in Huntlngton Beach, but after looking at Los Angeles and Malibu, he could aee the IS.. PROP. zt, Pqe I) Planner' ft Trp Not Planned City plaMen -and lhell prow they're only bwnu-allor-all.-- Ed Howorth ol Turtle Rock, plan- ning conaultant to the new dty of lrvine, hadn 't planned to 1et up 1t 3 a.m. today. But since the early morning trip tO Hoag Memorial HMpitaJ resulted in the birth of Robert Howard Haworth, h.is second child, he'a not complaWng. Conduct Code Spa rks Clash By Supero isors By JACK BROBACK Of lfl• D11lr ~1191 ll•H Consideration of a Code of Conduct for elected Orange County officials and their appointee1 waa put off for 60 days today but not before verbal pyrotechnics U· ploded all over the Board of Supervl!ora' hearing room. Supervt.sor David L. Baker bad pro- po1ed that • code of conduct be adopted alt ng with t b e recently-approved ordinance requlrlng registration and discl.,,ure by lobbyllts. He said "We cannot on one hand argue that we are prol<ctlna the publl• tr\111 by adopting rules f.,. reglstraUon ind dlsclosure by lobbylsta and lmposinJ rules of conduct for county employes and then exempt elected olficlala and tbelr (Boo OONDvcr, hp I) "For almost any project, we would have to go through another layer of bureaucracy for approval and that means anything from seweis to bicycle trails.'' he said. Chamber Director Nolan Frlz.:zelle said clllze.ns are supporting the lnltlative because they have lost faith in the ability of their local governments to protect the 'Bill Won't Help District' environment. "Many people don 't believe in local Car pente r Aide Says School Fina 1ice Measu re Dead government anymore,'' he sakl. "lt will A. achool finance bill which waa be dllOcult to oell the concept of local 1peciflcally deslped to provide ad- control but that Is ultimately the moat dltlonal money for ochool conttructlon In Important thing for ua." the San Joaquin Elementary School Stev1111 laid Ibo bell direction !or the District, ....,·t belp the dlltrlct. dlamber IO take woUld be to educ•te the Nor wUl tt benefit tither o1 the two public oa Ille moosure's drawbacks. dlatrtctl which wUI unUy out o! tbt Jar1e '"l'llo rul prolllom ,here Is 1 lack of tlemeotary district next July. complete -m the part ol the Thet wu the won! today from Rlcbartl publlc." Ste¥em aid. ••it II up to us to Rohrbach, admlnlltraUve a.ulstant to 1tt the eome1 malerill In the haoda ol • stale Sena\er. Dennis carpenter (R· the_.... Ninrport Beach ). aponsor of the bill. Cblmber dJrectois voted lo add • Rohrbach uld the me1sure, which w11 chamber's ooooeilloo to that •lfeodl nlliled through the state leglslatun 11 "'Iced by the-f(eWport Beac~ City iJoori' "-nllally dtad" becou,. it bu not c1l ltld asked Stevens' commlll!M to u• t on the November ballot !or •P- ploro ways ol edolcallnl the P'lllDe on the by the voter• of the elementary ~ problatlll <l the ...-.i &.. . I dfltrlct. ltialift. . · t · 'bliI II deslcJ!ed to lncreaao tbt ' I - celling on bond sales capa<llJ o! ID elementary district from five to seven percent of the district'• auetaed valu• tlon. Rohrbach said eorlier this year repruentaUvee of the San J01quln district asked Clrpenlt< to oponoor the bill '° that they could get more monty Immediately for ochool conllructlon In the ovemowdtd district. .. _ wu started befo,.. the people In the district decided to unify," Rohrbach explained. He aaid thal the bill II written In IUCh a way that il the bond soles capacity tncrtue were approved along with a bond meuure In November, the money would become avaU.b1e prlor to the dlvlllon of the elementary dllltlct I~ lo two unified dlltrlcts -lrvlne and ~ die back. "It's llke any other ocbool - measure," the aide Aid, "It requira a two-thlrda vote to pau. It WQUld be -m at the a.me Ume u a bond prop- oslUon." Corpenter's aulltlnt aald tbt ad- vantage of ualng the bill Is that a larfer portion ol I bond lslUe could bt IOlcl followlna appn>Vll, maklne men _, available oo an immediate bMla. ' Thus, districts auch 11 San Jooqma, with a re1aUVely small aaeut4 'TU.. lion aod 1 rapidly growlo& liol>alaU.., could u,. the bill IP fllcltl; gel i -tor sum of money ... I construction. Bui Roh -that the -tary district hal DOI put I bond - (Set l'lNANCE, hp I} J OAlLY PtLCll Fugitive In Slaying Surrenders By TOM BARLEY Ot .... bti1' "'"" '''" .. I'm sick and tired or running." With that comment t.Jonday night Susan Loulse Sutcliffe surrtndered lCJ Orange County District Attorney'• h.., \lcstigators and ended a chase that began four months ago v.·hen she and a fellow prisorier escaped from the women's prison at Frontera. The 23-year-old Pomona woman wt» \\'ill now resume the life tenn the l.J>o terrupted for her role in the killing of an Orange school teacher spent her tut hour or li.berty with her two small children, a daughter, 3. and a son. 2. It was part of a deal made wltb dl.ltrict attorney's Investigators during the put week. Susan Sutcliffe 's negotiator wu her mother, an Anaheim woman who told district attorney's officers that her daughter had called her from Chicago. Miss Sutclilfe's mother said her daughter wanted to give herself up on the condition that she could have some time alone with her children. The request waa granted and Miss Sutcliffe herself called investlgaton Monday night and told them she was now ready to surrender. Police said the woman appeared tired and drawn but otherwise seemed to be in good health. They refused to comment on Miss Sutcllffe's account of her four months of liberty pending inveatigatioo of her escape. 1 Miss Sutcliffe and Chino State prison escapee Jerry M. Wade, 25, Phoenix, drew life terms last April ln Orange County Superior Court for their part In the Jan. 21 kUJtng of Orange teacher Gerald L. Mitollell.-- They admitted tn court that they were the couple disguised in blonde wigs who halted the teacher and his wife as the newlyweds returned to their apartment fri,m a weekend spent wllh relatives. They admitted that Wade shot Mitchell, 25, through the heart although the teacher had complied with the cou· pie's demand for his billfold and loose cash. Mrs. Karen Mitchell, 24, told police llhe was pulling her money from her purge at the couple's demand when the shot rang out and her husband fell al her feet. Wade , who broke down repeatedly in the courtroom, insisted from the witness bo1 that the shooting was accidental. E',...,.P"flel PROP. 20 •.• need for state control. Then Green and Gibbs both crltlciud the ~ta! legislation proj)Oied by atate Senator Dennis Carpenter (R·Newport Beach) as "weak and diluted" and "not the answer." "If something isn 't done soon, we'll get more and more radical blUs," Green said. At the last minute he cast his vote favoring Proposition 20. Matney's only comment In opposition . was that he hRd "heard all the coastal bills and none of them were any good." Vandal Succumbs After Break-in HOLLYWOOD lUPI) -Vandals set fire lo the building housing Nixon re-elec- tion headquarters here Monday, but one of them was trapped by the flames and died, fire officials reported. The dead man was not identified. Firemen said a group apparently broke Into the Star Distributing Co. through a rear door, and then smashed through a panel wall separating its offices from those of !he Nixon campaign gro1•p. OUN51 COAST " DAILY PILOT TN Ott• Cottt OAllY l"llOT, wlll'I wt>l(ti It conltl1"90 "" Nft'l.Pl'tN. is OUfll~ by t1W Ort• CN1! PutllJll!lng Co~nY. ~ ,.11 ... lllon1 •t'tl PllOll~hld, MOnd•., l~t'Ollfll floid•r. .... Cot!• M..... N._i at1cl\. Hlll'ltl~ -..c+i1~-t1 ... V1t1er, l .. ..,... •MC11. '"'""'''""''"° n s111 c..._,,., S.n Jv111 Ct11l11r1no. A 1i,,.11 r111111oMI .Ollltn 15 siublilll«I $11Vro!t)'5 •ncl S11r11Uys. r ... ,,lnclpel OllbllWlint pi.111 11 •I lJO Wtal 141., ltiwf. COt" M11a.. CtlHoml.I, Q:W. •o .. ttt N. W11d Pruldln1 •nd Plltlrlther J1tlt R. Curl1 y VI~ 1"1nld~• •nd Gtnt<rll Mllotttt Th•m•• K•1vil IEClltor Tho111•1 A. Murphi111 M•~O!llCI Eo!llor C\1111• H. Looi Rith1rJ P. Nall "'61111<11 M.,,.gir19 ldJler1 C'Mf'I: ....-: .UO Wfft atr $"'"t R""'*1 lnc11: SW •fWPOl't ...,.,._..,,,. utuN leK'tl: m "°'"' ,.,_ H\ll'tllnlJIOll .. Kfl: ,,.,$ SNCl'I loultY•t• IM a.rrwitt: as Norll't f.I Omlno. ""' Tel ...... 1114) .'4MJ21 CJ•lfW ...,..,... '42•1671 -.. Cl1a1Ms Al D•••••--•i T1f1.l 1a1 4'J...Mlt CM\'fltlll, "11. Or..-Coell ,...... .... C•ll'lflt11r, ,.. ~ ..,Its, Uh•lr••ion.. ffr..,,.1tt Ml-" .....,tlff!Nt!JI 11 .... lo!. ""V .. ~ ....... IHCIM 1111" ,._..._., ..,, ....... . ,..... clMI ...... ..., • c.at• .... c~"""'i., 11Abc.tlfof1911 .,., c1mtr P .•J .....,, .. 1'11111 "'lf ~, ....... ,, ....._. G.65 monlfl"· ' • DAILY PILOT St.ti ,,,.._ Farmyard Firehouse North Irvine homes and brush areas will be pro- tected by an Orange County Fire Department sta- tion temporarily located at this Moulton Parkway farmhouse, located between Jeffrey Road and Sand Canyon Avenue. In 18 months Valencia station fire- fighters will move into a newer, more modern fa- cility at Walnut and Yale Avenues. Until then, how- ever, the 865·square foot house rented at a cost of $250 a month by the county, will be home to the 24- hour·a·day shifts of firemen. Ceiling on Bond Sales Reviewed A report on Sen. Dennis Carpenter's school bond sales ceiling bill will be made during a special meeting of Irvine Unified School District trustees tonight at 7 o'clock in Room 306 al University High School. Trustees had been lold Carpenter's bjJl would allow them ti? sell bonds wort h up to lf percent of the district's assessed valuation. The current limit is IO pe r- cent. Carpenter's aides recently said the new increase would apply only to elementary districts. Also on tonight 's agenda Is a discussion of the Jrvine general plan. City officials have asked tru5tees to examine sections relating. to schools. From Pflfle 1 FINANCE ... osition on the ballot for November, nor flas il placed the bond sales c~ilini measure on the ballot. However, trustees of the Irvine Unified District, which will officially come into being in July, 1973 have put a $50 million bond propos ition on the November ballot. According '10 Rohrbach. Carpenler's bill does not apply to unified di stricts. "If they (the Irvine Unified District) were to get any money from the bill. it has to be done before unification officially takes place, when the district is still part of an elementary district," he explained. Fred Koch, acting superintendent or the Irvine district said he has been meeting with school finance specialists in an effor1 to "find out if there is a way to have It apply to the district before unlflcation.·• The $50 mlllion bond Jnue proposed by the unified diatrict will go for cot\6 struction of a high school, two in· termediate schools and six elementary schools in Irvine. The bond sales capacity for a unified district is currently 10 percent of the district's assessed valuation, which for the Irvine unified is $108 million. Ac· cording to Koch, that means the bonds will be sold over a five to ten year period. Schmitz Tours South: 'Both Parties Socialist' From Wire Services California as the American Independent Rep. John Schmitz of Tustin, the Party. ran George Wallace for P~esident American Party candidate for president, in 1968. -"Monday~ Little--Rock,~rk~lum~t~---1n LittteRoCk -Sclimlb.said _the_iwo Democratic and Republican parties m . . ' · . . one category aS ''Socialist Party A and maJr~ parties were ofrer1ng a choice Socialist Party B." between "a man -President Ni.Ion ,_ The lame" duck congressman fro m who broke all his campaign promises of Orange County continued his presidential 1968 and a man -Sen. G e or g e campaign today in Memphis, Tenn., with McGovern -everyone is afraid will keep a news conference al)d $15-a-plate fund bis and one everyone dislikes." ralsing dinner . Disagreement between Nixon and He is scheduled to appear at a $10-a·. McGovern over the Vietnam war is "as plate dinne r Saturday at the Pasadena phony as a professional v.Testling Hllton Hotel. match,'' he said. The American Party, known in "Nixon wants to surrender on the in- Ellsberg, Russo Sue Government For $1 Million' LOS ANGELES (AP) Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo , charging iJ. legal wiretapping by the government, fil· ed suit today with 17 or thei r attorneys and consultants for nearly $1 million in damages. The suit, considered a "test case," was filed in Washington by the National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, but was annolUlced in Los Angeles where Ellsberg and Russo face trial in the Pen- taaon Papers case. The suit is against the heads of elaht guvernment departments and agencies and former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell. Ellsberg, RU$SO and their defense team cltiim the government i 11 e g a JI y eavesdropped on their conversations and that "such overheard conversations in· eluded matters relevant to the defem:e of Ellsberg and Russo." The eavesdropping, they say, violated their 1st Amendmen t right to free speech and their 6th Amendment right to "the effective assistance of counsel."' stallment plan and McGovern wants to surrender right away," Schmitz charged. lie blasted the Nixon Administration for providing the "s in e w s" for con- ·ducting the war to both sides. He said Nixon shoult.: stop the "aid and trade" with Russia-which could then ''no longer provide the' material to North Vietnam lo conUnut the war." ln reference to h i s candidacy in Arkansas, Scbmit:I said he wOllld have little difficulty getting on the NoVember ballot in the state. Cifcut Court Ju~e Warren E. Wood of Little Rock ruJea Wednesday that the party 's nominating petitions were not in compliance with state election law and thus not entitled to a place on the ballot. Ann Arbor Aides Nix Toplessness ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPI ) -The city council has voted 7-4 to ban topless dan- cing in local bars. Councilwoman Nancy Wescher, who voted against the ban Monday night, said, "It sends me that we live in a society that is still Victorian in sexual mores and makes the body a perversion." Newport P~ • ' Airport Plight Film 'Considere-d! By L. PETER KRJEG Of ... .,...,. ....... SllH Newport Beach hasn 't been able to tell fts sad Orange County Airpor~ story in words slrong enoU&h to conVince anybody yet. So It may try to do it with pictures, The city has obtained proposals from three film producers for a movie that would visually tell the plight Qf Newport Beach homeowners who dally contend with the noise pollution of jet planes. The proposals were obtained at the re- quest of Newport Beach City councilmen after they viewed a film produced by a Long Island, New York, community under the Kermedy International Airport flight path. Assistant City Manager Phllip F. Bet· tencourt said he'll take the proposals to councilmen for consideration later this month. He disclosed that the cost or making the movie. which would probab1¥ run less than 20 minutes, Is somewhat higher than the New York film. That 13-minute documentary cost about $15,000 and Bettencourt said the pro- posals he has in hand have price tags ranging from $19,000 to S.:U.000. But he points out that the New York film was made three year-: ago and that the Newport Beach film will try to tell the story from a little different point of view. From Pflfle 1 MYSTERY ••. ••'Mtert's no use prepa.rtng a film to ttll the people in Newport Beaoh that Ibey have a problem." Bettencourt said. "The purixise It to get aympathy and understanding for our plighl and how we have tried to cope in a rtaaonably patient manner. "We want to convey that mtssage thrQUgbout Orange County and to the Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Aviation Adrninist1'alion the C i v I l Aeronautics Board .,and m i 11 t a r y authorities," be said . Bettencourt said he plans to make ncv recommendation to councilmen on whether or not to J!lO through with th• movie or which producer shoulc be hired..• "We were told to find out if It i! feasf:i ble, to get different approaches to scri~ ting and to learn costs and production times,"' he said .. "We 'll give the council a progress report and see U they want to pursue It," he said. The New York movie spent much of Its 18 minutes showing what happened to various types of people and rituatiom: tn the community whenever a big jet new over. ~ From Pflfle J CONDUCT ..• appointees from simUar rules.,. Baker's coQe was shunted uide last week by a moUon to·incOrporate it in °" county's Personnel tind S a la r y Ordinance. but the aupervl.sor 11J1Ut!1 that that crdinance does not covs elected officials and tbelr appointees. been enrolled at Uct and prior to that Today 8'ker ,agaln ur~ ~ of she was a student at Gecirgia Southern the code, backed by·a report from CoUDo _C.ollego __ -· _ _ -----· ty Counsel Adrian Ku)'W and Penoitdei A probe of the case also led to a du~L>rtmll~Hlrt life angJ~. in which one prior landlady in Befc~e ~n Wll well under WI)*, the Los Angeles area said the victim S~pemsor Robert W. Battin, who la~ identified hersell as an actress and rung for re-election, urged that tbe code claimed to work instead of going to of conduct include prohibition of doubll school. billing for airline llckell mlleqe ltld "Il's a weird case all right,'' Sgt. Cib-that the effe~ be made retroactive to barelli remarked while declining to Jan. l, 1989. sp;eculate what ~Y have triggered the ~ker readily accepted Battin'• auf" killing, or whether it might even possibly g~Thitions.J.s b . b be suicide. s an o v1ous attempt y .Battin A West Hollywood talent scout with lo invol~e ine but 1 have no fear," said. whom Miss Singleton had dealt during Baker. The matter to wlµch he rtfers her apparent quest for an acting career was ~eared by ~ &rar;»d juries ~ the described her as seeming rather mi.led District_ Attorney • Office and 1t WM up about her We. ~eterrruned that there wu no contUct ti ''Very nice very quiet ~ kind of mterest and no crbnlnal act. strange," is 'the way the victim was "Mr .. BatUn ts ,obviously ft~ described bY agenf Joe DeCarlo. ~ ~n issue with hi! campelp lfor ~ He was traced as the. result or being e.ect~ under way now under ad.'11:1'• . conditions." listed as a pe:sonal _re~erence __ for :the The double billing to which Battin hazel-eyed hom1~lde, v1cum. .; : . referred wu e:q>enses charaed b Ankeny, who is d1vorc<d and.'°" by Bake(s offt"' tn 1969 tn comectlon wt:h the nickname "Cor," surrendered to.San bls chainnanship of t1-it ate Anselmo police about 10 p.m. Sunday, Er.vlroruneotal Stady Council. roughly ~ hours after Miss Smgleton Baker, durtng-the'"dlstus.!tatr,-alscrsug. was shot 1~ the head. gested that attorneys who are members He ~vas tn the company ~f an attom:y Of the Board of SupervillOn be prohibited who 1s currently .arranging to obtain from repre9enting firms .doLng business legal counsel for htm arr.ong the ranks with the county. Battin is Ute onJy at· of Orange <'._oast ~awyers and . has ap-torney on the ooard. parently advised him to keep qwet. Battin in the verbal exchanges also So far, neither his Corvet~ nor hl~ v~ referred to the recent Mile Square has been recovered by police. who said agricultural lease scandal. He said "an the . blue sports car has a li_cense plate attorney from the County Counsel's Of. saying 646 EAE and the white. van has fice during the period when the Mlle 88864J shown on a co mmercial license. Square lease was being negotiated four Ho.ag Memorial Hospital ai~ea said the years ago now represent& the farmer man who dropped off the dying woman who is leasing the property. for emergency treatment about 1 a.m. "How do we know that there is not a slipped away. reportedly saying he was payoff involved?" going to get a second individual who .had James Okazaki, Santa Ana attorney been shot. who represents farmer George Murai has He failed lo return and Newport Beach not been a member of the County police beginning their probe of what may Counsel's Office for the pa.rt five years be one or the city's most mysterious and the record shows that }le was never shooting deaths heard nothing more until involved ln the Mile Square agricultural ~ontacted by San Anselmo police. lease negotiations. The area which--will become the Irvine school dU.trict currently houses its 13,000 students in one high school. one in- tennediate school and six tlementary schools. Ellsberg and Russo ask a joint award of $50 ,000 in damages. The 17 attomeys and consultants ask for $50.000 apiece in pun itive damages plus $100 per day for every day they were under surveillance since June 19, 1968 or $1 ,000 each, depen· dinR on whlch figure is higher. The Junli Business Delay i11 Sprague Sentencing R~ed A delay has been ordered In the Orange County Superior Court sentencing of Newport Beach builder Henry \\'are Sprague. Sprague, 51, of 64 BeaC<ln Bay. has now been ordered to appear Sept. 29 before Judge Kenneth Williams to receive what could be a state prison term for his con-- viction on charges of pimping and con-- spiracy to C<lmmlt prostitution. Depu ty Public Defender Ron Butler i~ scheduled to present a motion for a ne\V trial before Judge Williams rules on the disposition of the defendant. Sprague v.'as arrested Feb. 29. 1972, followln~ Investigation of the "Executive Escort Service" he operated from offices at 2112 Dupont St .. Irvieye. 1rvinc City Manager Attends Coulerence Irvine Clly Maoaaer William Woollett Jr. Is attending a conference In Min· nc.apolls. Minn. UnUJ Friday. Woollelt will b< out of the office. He is attending the annuAI meeting or the International City Management Association. The trip Is \\'oolletl'll first 11bsence from Irvine city hall since he was named city manager last March. Ellsberg, 41, and Russo, 35, both former Rand Corp. researchers on government projects, are accused of es. picnage, conspiracy and theft in con· nection with the leak to news media of the top secret Pentagon Papers detailing orig ins of the Vietnam war. Their trlal is in legal limbo because of a related -challenge of government \viretapplng in the case. The U.S. Supreme Court Is expeeted to decide early next month whether it will consider the wiretap challenge and necessitate a long postponement of the trial. A jury has been s\\o·orn to judge Eli!oberg and Russo and Is awaiting a call l.o court at any time. Ex-mavor Dies . After Excl1anve ' WOODSIDE (AP l -Robert F. Gill. former mayor of Woodside. died of a heart attack lifter an exchanife of words with the man who defeated him In the 1968 mayoral elections, the San Mateo County sheriff's department said. Gill, 58, w11s rldinR with a dau1hter. I Virginia, through Woodside Trail Club horse paths wh,.n they came to 90me board! blocking the trail near the homf! I of Slonley Makay. GJll dl•rnounted , took down tht boards, and rmunted 11aln. Makny approoched and aiked him ·why he removeff the boanl1. Glll said. "I clon 't want to talk about U now," and col- lapsed. • I Addressing the Cenlrol lndian1 Floor Covering Association, an indu,try spokesman, Welter Guin1n .. id: "Too many people in the floor 'coverl"g industry are convinced the pubUo only wa~ls to buy "Junk" carpet ... We 're afraid that you might olso gel thi1 impression from the ads which spocify unbeli1vobl1 low pricoa. Investigating th111 1d1 will dtlormine ont of two things -either the carpel IS junk, or they will try to 1111 you something more tapensive! We don't stff junk ol Alden's, but wt do havo quality at competitive prices, ind the bost fnsl•ll•lion in tho county. ALDEN'S CA1tPETS e DRAPES, 1663 fllacHtf• Awe. .COSTA MESA 646-4831 HOURJc Mii!. Thro Thurt.. f II 5::1()-FRI,, f It f-SAT .• '130 lo 5 ·-.. . . .... . .. Huntington · Beaeh ountain Valley VOl.. 65, NQ. 263, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORAN6E. COUNtY, ·----... - LFORNIA •• • Today's ~·!"•I TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1972 TEN CENTS • Outbursts Explode Over County Conduct Code By JACK Bl\OBACI( Of ... DallY •lltt .... C..Slclerallon ol a Code of Conduct far elected <>range County officials and their appointees WU put off for 80 d&)'S today bolt DOI befOl'e verbal pyrotedmlcs ex- ploded al) over the Boan! ol Supervisor>' btarlng ...... Superv!Jor David I. Baker had pro- ~ lhat a code of cooduct be adopted alt ng with t h e rec:enUy-3pproved ord~ requiring ttg!straUon and disclosure by lobbyists. He said "We cannot on one hand argue that we are protecting the public lru!t by adopting rules for ftgistration and disclosure by lobbyists and imposlng rules of conduct for county employea and tbeo eumpt ebocl<d olOclals and their appolnteos from aimllar rules." Baker'• code was &bunted ulde last week by a motion lo illcorPo<•te tt In the county'• PenoMel flOd Sa I a r y Ordinance, but the IUpetvilor argued that that Ol'dhwlce does DOI cover elected officiala ·and tbe1r appointees. Today &ker again ID'l!ed adoption ol the code, becked by 1 report from Coun- t) Co..,..! Adrian Kuyper and Personnel Director Williim Hort. Before discussion WQ wen under way, SupervlaOI' Robert W. Battin, who IJ run-' ning for rHlection, ID'l!ed lbat the code of cooduct Include pnihiblllon ol double billing for airline t~els mlloage and that the effect be made ,_Uve lo Jan. l, 1119. I Baker-'tudlly acc:epted Battln'I sug-gestions. ·~ . "'Ibis IJ .. ~ attmpl by Battin to Involve me but I have nq fear," Aid Baker. "The matter lo whlCh be mera W>S ~ bJ hlo grand jlWIOS and the DistrlCI Allomey'1 Offico and It "'' detmnlned lbat there WU DO coolllct ol Prop. 20 Backed " Huntington Sup porting Initiative By TERRY COVILLE the Metropolitan Water.District (MWD) •parked the vote, said. ot .. o.llY ,...., ,,.., for construction of a 40-acre offshore "I feel Proposition 20 15 good for the Orange County's biggest coastal city, Island for a $71S mllllo11 water desalting state, the C0W1ty and the city," Coun- Interest and DO ttlmlnal lid. "Mr. Iiattln IJ obvloualy floundering for an issue with his campaign fOl" re- e!ection under w1y DOW under adverse condiUon1." '!be double billloa In wblch Ballin merred wu .._ charled by Baker's office in 1•' in· comectkm with hia c:halnnanshlp of lbe 1 t a I e Er.vtrorunental Study CGuoc:li. llaker, during lbe dllcuaolon, also sug- gested Iha! altorneJS who 111'1 m<mber1 or the Board or SUpervlaon bt problbited from repreoentlng flnnt doli!g buslnm with the county. Ballin II tlio only a~ ..ll~o!im:JQn Beach, went on record Mon-_Jliant. · cilman Henry Dub added. day night dUpporting Pi0poal1loit20-;uie · COW!Cltm<ti opjiii!Od !Jie"l!liiiOlieCause -Al<iucnOI di'ama was• · ed when thO -. coostllne preservation initiative, in the they !aid no environmental impact report votes were cast as Jack Green flflt said November election. dealing with Its construction ha3 been he wouJd absta1n, then punched the green TM 6-1 city cooncil action surprised submitted by the Miro. button for a "yes" vole, tben Ted numy·nntookers wll> expected Hunlinelon Mayor, Al Coen and Councilman Jerry BarUell pushed the red "no" button by Beach to appose the measure which gives Matney cast the negative votes on accident and had to switch bis vote. the state control over coastal land Proposition 20. Mrs. Gibbs said after the meeting abe cfevelopment. "There are only three states that do was "quite surprised'' by the outcome of At the same meetlng, Huntington not have shoreline protection bills -the vote. c - Beach councilmen called on the Alabama. South C • r o I i n a and So far, among other county cltiest Legislature to revoke a tidelands grant to California,'' Mrs. Norma Gibbs, who (See PROP. 20, P11e .J) \ Capsule Council Action He!'!' In cal'!ule lm:m~ the .major actlono taken -1 night · by Hun- .ting too Beanlt ~itf :~yam · --_ _ ·-.... .. . ·• City Council Seeks D~t~ ' torney on the board. Battin in the verbel exchanges also referred to the recent Mile Squa~ agricultural lease scandal. He said "an attorney from the County Counsel's Qf. fice during the period when !he ~tile Square lease wu being negotiated four yeara ago now l'!presents the farmer who la leasing the property. "How do wt know that there is not a payoff involved!" James Okazaki, Santa ¥Ja attorney wbo represents famter George Murai has not been a member of the County c.ounsel'.s Office for the past five y.ears and the record shows that he wu ~er involved in the Mlle Square agricultural le11se oegotlatlons. Supervisors, after debating for 45 minutes. voted 4 lo 1 with Baker dissent· ing to refer the Code of Conduct back to the County Counsel's Office and to the personnel director for "amendment and clarification.'' Battin's amendment rtferrifli, to the alleged double billing whic}: he later at· templed to push through was de(eated by a 3 to 2 \'Ole with Bak.er supporting the motion. saying, "I have no fear of such a probe." l'l\OPOSrl'ION •: Batted In • 6-2 vote ifie cmtrovenlal coasl1tne initia- tive whlcb goes tM:Jore CIJilomia voter& Nov. 7. Of MWl).iJiJ . . /f t ' . . u n:y ....,._~...._ ELECTION WORKERS AT LAMB SCHOOL STICK TO KNITTING WHILE AWAITING votiRS DOI.SA JBLAND: Asked the Legislature to r.vote the Metropolitan Waler Dlatrlct's tld~ands grant for a ptoposed l7llO million offshore fJland !or a water desalting plant. TOWN LOT: Imposed a 90-day moratorium on building on the city's old Town Lot secUon, saYin& the purpose or the eD\ergency action is to allow time for a planning departmtnt lludy ol lhe area. EU.IS A VENUE BLUFF: Refused to anow con:rtruction of homes on the bluH, where an arcbeo!oglcal site was discovered recently. Also refused to comment on the action in the face of threats from the property owner to grow cabtiages on the Indian burial grounds and to cut the nearby eucalyptus trees to pay his taxu. INDUSTRIAL LAND: Turned down a proposal for residential zoning on 28 acres near Gothard Street The land, currenUy zoned for industry, is in the path of the proposed new route for the Huntington Beach Freeway. DOME OCCUPATIONS: Continued a hearing on new rules for home oc- cupations after it was diacoVered several residents may have been granted illegal businesa licenses by the city. MASSAGE PARLOR: Delayed a hearing Oil the bu>iness licen>e for the Aqua Bath Heiltb Club, a local massage parlor. • Bloodstains Get Study f n My sterious Slaying By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .a. Dlll'f' , •• lltl'f • 'lbicl<, heavy bloodstains we r e dllOovered Monday In an expensive 'pmment overlooking Newport Harbor, 1'bere police befteve a pretty blonde doubling as a college coed and actress was •bot and slain Sundjly. • V..ystery otherwise continues to cloud the investigatloo today u detectives tried to piece tORether the tangled tale of bcw Dl"ne Singleton, 22, lived and .why •• died. ,; The man accused of her mll;rder. lh!!anwblle -an unemployed otddent teocher with a I~ bachelor pad and l'(IO 11711 cars -i.iday awaited lUing of tUtmal charga1 while ma1nt.11nina a wall ol lilence 'toward polloe. C.rllu K. Ankeny, !3, WM turned over t. Newport Beach Polko DeteCttve Sgt lld Clbbve!H . -y, m«nillc ,at Su Ffancl!CO Jntematlonal Al'1'0rt Iller ~Ing . hlmseU lo San Anlelmo police. Police allege be ii the man who drop- ped oU fatally-wounded ~ SlniltM!t. 2'-a .tatuesque blon<le UCLA 1tadenl w1>o attended UC !Nlbe laat 108f, ot Hoag Memorial Hospital early Suaday. Sbe had be<n abot once tlmloll> !be head b,y a gun which hu not yet been recovered. MIU Sil18Jeloa -leolured In • West Magulne photo-feature layout l1!o weeks ago with ber fll,000 Mercedea-Beiiz spOrt sedan bearing the pel'1IOllallzed license plate BIZZAR -died about eight hours tater willlout regalnlNI COlllClousnesl. '!be fatal Incident, no motive ror which ts known yet, apparen:Uy OCCUMd in Ankeny'• '400-a·monlh bayfronl suite In The TowerS, 3121 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, investigators assert. Newest eVidence obtained in the bi· zarre case of the girl with BIZZAR on her car licen>e plalel >tU taken 11ben in- vesUgalon eetered Anltmy"1 apartment with a se•rch warrant Monday. , "There wu a lot ol blood,·~ llld Sgt. ClbbanllJ. One .upect ol tho blurTe cue m. volvl!J the atlractlve -'IJPIDAll ,.,,.. ... u-~tho-of her 0'111\' -cleat~ ""' --1\londay In Weot Loo ~-Her car1 in MldtUon to Ankeld'• 1171 CGrvetto and 117ll Dodi• van, had been toegbt for ellamlnatloo. . "'l'hrM can jull don't disappear omnicht/' Nld Sgt. Clbbonlll, Who la lllilDed to the cue aloof with Dttectm -~· Don't .Forget • • Huntingt,>n Beach win ask the state Jegislature to revoke a tidelands grant given to the Metropolitan W-Dlalrict (MWD) off Bolaa Chica Stale Bel<b. For (from loft) J.,,ni. McCollo119h, S.tty Foderoff, Juno YalH and Marjorie Han ... man lusln!!" 'Wn Slaw '!be city rouncil's Monday ni&ht action waa the second sharp blow delivered a~alnst MWD's proposed '765 million offshore island and water desalting pro} ect. The first blow was'delivered last week by the city planning comm>uton which turned down MWD~~ env~lal im· paCt report on the 'ptoposed purcha!e of 88 acres In the ~ Chica marsh. Council.i'nen agreed with the planners' action and demanded Bo environmental impact report from MWD wbJcb IXIYUS the Island project as well as the mar>h land purchase. "The MWD does not appear to be abiding by state law which requlrts an impact report on' the etltire project, not just a portion of it," complained Coun· cilman Jack Green . Green also suggested, and other COWl"' cilrnen agreed, that the city ask the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a ruling on the legality of MWD's parUal impact report. ' Councilmen were careful to point out the'y are not in na& opposition to the massive MWD project, but that they will not support Jt until they have full in- formation on all aSpects of the project. "The MWD, at this ·point, has noi (See BOLSA, Pqe Z) Early Vote Very Slow On Huntington Bonds Voter> trickled lo the polls this mom--this morning, the highest turnout was 88 Ing as the Huntington Beach Union High • out of 2 259 voters at ·the Meadow View School District's Iii mlllJQn. bond pro-Ele.,..b,y achoo! ill Hunttncton Beach. po.al began tls day of J:«korung. In a random survey of thf: polls taken 1'ie secood largest turnout wu 65 out Valley J a ycee Unit Acc orded Top Honors , The Fountain Valley Jaycees have been selected as the outstanding Jaycee chapter tn soulhem Orange County for the first quarter of the 1971-73 fiscal year. Thirteen chapters competed for the award Which is presented to the group with the most oulltandin~ service to its local community. or 1,119'1 voters at McGaugb Elementary School In Seal Beach. 'Mle .smallest turhout was a t Westminster High School wbere only 30 out or 1,896 voters had cast the ir ballots between 7 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Two precincts in Fountain Valley also reported llll811 turnouts . At Fountain Valley Elementary SChool, 4" out of t,631 voters had turned out, while at Moiola Elementary School only 50 out of 1,467 voters bad turned out by midmorning. ln Huntington Beach, the second highest turnout was reported at Hun· tington Beach High School where M voters out of 1,5'9 had cast their voters. Development Plan Blocked Huntington Co uncil Ni xes Burial Grounds Hom es Silent city councllmen blocked a plan Monday night to build homes on the bluffs near Ellis Avenue in Huntington Be.ch, site or an Indian burial 1round and a tall stand of eucalyptus Ines. . Alter oouncllmen turned down the ten- taUve tract map on the 29 acres or blulf land, Ibey reufsed lo comment further on the future of the archeology site. Tbelr silent action prompted the angry land owner. Reuben Dobkins, t o threaten: "Come the 11111 rains I'm going to plMI cabbage and U any Indians are in the way they'll have to move ! And I'm 1oln1 lo hamll the trees lo pay my t.ueal'' De.tptte DoWnl' angry th~t, coun- dlmen maintained stonJ• •llen~ WJieo an alarmed aret CllrJbers. chairman of \he environmental council, stood up to talk about Dobkins:' threat, she was asked to say nothing. Mayor Al Coen aid today the couocil wu 1lltnt on the subject uoder advice from Deputy City Atlomey Dan Whit<slde. "We ....,, told ill execuUve -lo take nnlr lbe auggesled action and mate no furflief commenta becauae ol polellllal U"gaUon," Coon upl11ned. He said prior lo Monday n1&ht, the CO(lOci] had no Idea It would be advlaed lo muffle commenta on the project. Dobkins' land IJ partially In Fountain Valley and the two citleJ have attemptad la work oo! a joint plan to savt tbe t!ffs oncl • archeolofilcal lite, while allowlnl .. .. ,_ to be. built Oil the bluff.' The request Monday was Cor R·l fsin· gle ramily ) homes. II was turned down. councilmen said ofilclaUy, because the land ls not oultable. In the past, it bu been Sl1ggested lb.at Dobkins be allowed to bulid a planned development wbJch would provide more homes on 1maller lots, whUe preserving 10me· open space for the trees and arcbeologtcal slle. Planned development mnijlg for the properly Is on tonight's plalll\lng com- mission agenda. - The cltJ, hoWever, now has 1 moratorium on all planned df!vclopments which won 't expire for aevual more weeks. Tom Shelton. a consulting enitneer for (See BLUm, Pqe I) Kidnapers Seize LA Business man, Demand $20,000 LOS ANGELES (AP) - A busines .. man was being held by kidnapers today for $20,000 ran50m, police said. Jeffrey Hawkins, 26, apparenlly was abducted Mooday afternoon afier he left his income tax service office here en route to a bank in Hunttnctoo Park, au-- thorlties said. Hawkin!:' brother, Yancey. received • telephone call at home Monday night say· ing : "We have your brother. We want $20,· 000. Get It for us or else. We will call you 'back tonight." Hawkins' brothe r did not receive an· other call, but detectives said they sUll expected to hear from the kidnapers. .Coaac H'ea dler Sunny akles are oo the qenda for Wednesday, following J o w clouds along the coast Highs for the beaches expected in the Jow 705 rlslng to 82 inland. Lows t~ night In the mld-.IOs. I NS IDE TODAY George McGovtrn11 political campa ign hat /ocuted unu.tual atteniion on South Dakota, itl people, 1ts 'IDCl1/I, it.I land!. A•· sociated Press writer Sid Moodv and AP phatographrrs ~ an unwual look. See Page 21. L.M. ..,_. I ~ ll C•llt...111• I MllNil '--ti Cl•Ulfl• tt-• NMtWlll ...... 4 c-1c1 ti or ..... ~ ' c .. ~_.. ,, ...,,. t•tt O..flit Ntlk" ' li.t: ~ .. ,, 1tUJtr191 '•" 4 T........_ 141 lll'lrflltlfll•f ,, """..,.. 11 "'"'"'' ,.n w......, • ,..,. "" lt<tnll ' ._.. ,.... U.14 ".._.,,.. ,. ..... ..... . AR•~ II . ... ' to te; t ' ' •\ ' Polls Open Until il • DAILY PILOT H U,ITI~ 1' epl Secrel Chester A. Arthur, 2151 presl· dent ol t h e Uciled States, learned after he took office that he was dying from a kid· ney disease, and died more than a year after leaving of· lice. He bid from history, until it was d isclosed Monday by Dr. Thomas C. Reeves, associate profe~sor of history at the Uni· versity of Wisconsin. Council Imposes Building Ban On 'Town Lot' T ... J, ~ 19, 191Z , Brown Eyes Four More lniriatives SACRAMENTO (AP) -Stcr•tary of State Edmund G. Brown m1y attempt to remove four more controversial voter in-- ltiatives from tht Nov. 7 balkJt on grounds of fraud, a spokesman for tho atate'• cblef election oUlctr aald today, The challenged meaaurts are the in- itiative to restore the deat h penalty, the Wat90fl proper1y tax initiative. an an- tibusing measure and a proposition to limit the governor's veto power over state employe pay ralatS. Brown asked a Sacramento court Jut week to have Prop. 22, the fann labor in- itiative, removed from the Nov. 7 ballot on grounds of widespread fraud_ He accused clrculaton of Prop. 22 petl· tMln1 of concealing the official summary of the initiative prepared by the att omey general with other material and said he had evidence of forgery of sfgnatures. In a news release Llaued today, Brown said backers of other lnltlatives which have been certified .. for the ballot "may also have misrepresented their meaaures by uslng special cards to conceal the at· torney general's official summary." Brown's statement said he is notifying the attorney general and diatrlct at· tomeys In Los Angeles, Alameda, Fresno and Sacramento counties of the new allegations of fnw:t . Brown gave no indication in the 400- word prepared statement of which ln· itiative measures he is linking wllb fraud, but his chief deputy, Thomas Quinn, li81ed Props. 14. 15. 17 .and 21 u the target.I of the new invesUgattons. Quinn said there is clear evidence some persons clrculaling peUlion1 for A to-day moratorium, effective 1'"" thole meuures med the same technique mediately, wu tmpostd·Monday n.Jght on as the Prop. 22 petltkir.en, concealing he b T Lot sectio the ofOclaJ summary of the meuure t Huntington Beac own n printed at the top of each petition with b the city councU. different, promotional cards. -The cifYpTaDlio uae-u,;~ildlng ban "We have no )<lea now how widespread period for a thorough study' of the Town this wu," Quinn aald. Lot neighborhood to detennlne the best "If it was just Uled to a llmited extent. method of developing the area. we will probably do nothing. If we The mcratorium section is bounded by determine theae cards were used as a J7lh and Golden Wet:t streets, Pacific general practice, then either we or the Coast Highway and Palm Avenue. attorney general'• otflce may move to ho J>r9perty owners protested the have them removed from the ballot." bulld4>g ban. Quinn added that the same company "Our property ls worthless, we can't do which Prop. 22 spcmon hired to anything with it under tbil," complained clrculate their petitions also circulated Joe Brown. petltloos for the other four inltlallvt:ll, Coundlman Ted Bartl•ll abstained and that an official of that !inn told his because be owns property in the Town invt!ligators that ei:actly the same Lot aectlon. Councllm1n Donald Shipley techniqut:ll were used on aJJ five peti· finl voted agatnat the emergency tlonl. . 1 meuure, . .bul ,1wl!c¥ ~jl vole q11rely A totaj of nine voter·lnitlated prop- bec.IUM the 'count wu 5-J . osltlons are ·among the 22 meuurts It takes all votes to pass an emergency certified for the November ballot. meaoure and Shipley .. 1d he would InlllatlY ... not challenged by Brown ln- sljjt<h lo allow U.. moralj!rium .. ....,,.,.. clud• 9"JX111l1.to l<gallu marijuana and it's the will of the majority." enact !Wee.ping new coartline protection The Town Lois are In the old oU field reauJaLlom. section of town, 8.l)d 1ecent1Y.., )llvL_ fe!ltured numerous smalJ lpartment PfuJ· · · ects. From Page J The city wants to determlne what type ()f apa rtment.I or other development ought to be allowed. Some conskterallon may be given to high rise compleies fac· ing the ocean. Dela y in Sprague Sentencing Ruled A delay has been ordered in the Orange Couniy Superior Court sentencing of Newpbrt Beach buUder Henry Ware Sprague. Sprague, 51, of 64 Beacon Bay, has now been ordered to appear Sept. 29 before Judge Kenneth Williams to receive what could be a state prison tenn for his con- viction on charges of pimping and con- lipiracy to commit prostitution. Deputy Public Defender Ron Butler ls scheduled to present a motion for a new trial before Judge Willia ms rules on the disposition or the deleodant. Sprague was arrested Feb. 29. Im . following investigation of the "Executi ve Escort Service" he operated from officts at 2192 Dupont St., Irvine. DAILY PILOT 'f11• Or•1'411 Cont DAILY l'I LOT wlill Vl'f'lk h 11 (Mltllfl(d l!lt' N•-f>•KI , b pUlllltllfd by """ 0r•llllt' CNll l'vtlllthl!lt C-111. kN• ••I• ..:llllon1 ••• llU'illithed, Mondi'/ tl'lrol/llt Frilfl'/. far Cott• M .... NfWOO<'t 811e;I\. Hunlln910n l.-<11/foun!fln '1•11•'1· Llt VM attdl. lrvln11S1dd!e0tCk •nd S•n ClllTMIMI/ S111 J111n C1pl1tr1no. /I 1lnol1 regloner edition i. Pllblb!lld hlur111v1 1nt1 suri111,., T"9 prlnclOill pUbll1t1!nu P!•nr ts II )JO W~ll •• , 3.lr"I, CO.II Miii , (.lll!Drnll , '21~. Roli•rt N. W11d l"r n ld ... 1 •1'111 P~bllll!ltr J •ek ll. Curl•v Vlol·Pralll .. 1 ~ Gtnt ••) M•11111r Tho"''' K1e •il Editor Tlio1t1•1 A. Murphin• M.IMtitlt £411,,, Cft1rfM H. L.01 lt i,ll•rd r. N.11 lltul1l•"I Mlnet~I El ltor1 T"ry Co•ill• W..1 er.,._ Counl'/ Edll'ltf H_,.,,_ IMdi Offlc• 1711S 1.,,11 loul•••rd M•iJ;,., Addr•111 r.o. ••• 1to, •2•+1 O..OHk .. L~ 9ltldl· m '"'"' """"" Cott• M ... 1 DI W•I 81~ llr .. 1 NfWPDrl l ffcl'I: UD NtwPDr! loui.vtr.1 S.11 Ci.tnlntt: :aH N•lfl II (lmlrlo lt .. 1 '"•••••• c11•• ••1-4J11 . c~ AINttl•h• '41·1671 I'-Mfflll Or ..... c..ty C.-11'" ..... 1:ra ~. ltn, Or""" tMP ~1111..._ ~. No lltwt ,..,._, \lllllTrtllollt. • ...,.. ~-.,. ..,.,.,.,""'*"" Mreln Mir • ,._uail wltllwl ...WI HI• ~ .. °"""""' --· ~ <IMI ,_., ... NW el (Ml• Mnt. ca'"'""'. SuCiiKr......., n <•rrllr U.4.1 ft'IM!M?I~.., -11 Q,IJ """""~' mU;t.,., ......-.DM......W. BOLSA ... resurrected the projeet," Green e:t· plalned. "But they want the marsh land for a corridor in case they do. But I think that is improper at thl:!i time because it wil !take land oll the city tu roll." The 88 acres or marsh land would serve as a right-of-way for power and water lines it the 40-acre, man-made island is ever built. Green pointed CUI lhal If' the Ud•lands grant is revoked, MWD would have to start all over again, with a full tmpact report, to obtain a new one. He sald the old tidelands grant was given before 1'70, before environmental impact reports were required . "We held our guns on Edison {refer- ring to proposed u:pansion of the Hun- tington Beach power plant) which has now come up with a fine proposal," Jerry Matney commented. "Now we need to hold our ground until MWD come s in with a proper repcrt." If the island is built, MWD plans lo use ii for a water deu.lting plant to tap the ocean as a new supply for Southern California water users . The island might also boU$e a nuclear power plant. Ex-mayor Dies After Exchange WOODSIDE (AP\ -Roher! F. Gill . former mayor or Woodside, died of a heart attack after an exchange of words with the man who defeated him In the 1968 mayo ral elections, the San Mateo Cou nt y sheriff 's department said . Gill , 58, wa s riding with a daughter. Virginia. through Woodside Trail Club horse paths when they came to some boards blocking the trail near the hom e of Stanley Makay. Gill dismounted, took down the boards, and mounted again. Makay approached and asked him why he removed the boards. Gill 18..id, "t don't want to talk about It now," and col- lapsed. FromPllfJeJ BLUFFS ... Dobkins, pleaded with the council to say something about the project's future . "We expected this denial. bul we'd like some dtrectlon on whit we can do "1th lhe property. The staff and planning commission ltW seem confused. Thts hit dragged on for seven montha, 11 Shelton complained. "If the law doc s not requt" ua to Jive you a plan, then we don't bBve to do it," repttee Coen. New Home Carrying an African doll ·under one arm and a Western doll under the other, Cuckoo IDderjik, 12, arrives al Stansted Airport in England. She is one of the 193 Asians expelled recently from lfganda. Newport Harbor Chamber Opposes Coast Initiative Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· measure would be to stop everything," merce directors voted unanimously Mon-he said. "All types of building in the day to oppose Propcsition 20 the coastal zone, big or little, would come to California Coastal JnitlaUve -on the a halt." November· ballot. Stevens aJso said the initiative would "If thb passes, we would have another halt virtually any project coastal city new horrendous layer of new government governments undertake. that would take away a great deal of "For almost any project, we would local control .'' said Richard S&evens, have io 101 th(ou&b, -lnOther:~ tl!Yt.F o( chainnan of a chamber committee that bureaucracy for approval and that studied the inJtiative at the board'a dlrec-meam att)rlh1ng from 11wer.s. io bicycle tlon. tralls;"1be uld•· ··• ' 1 1 " .,. " • •·nie new bureaucracy would be tre-Chamber Director Nolan Friizelle said mendously expensive. hard to organize cltize.n1 are auppor.Ung .the ;initiative and even harder to deal with," said Stev4 because they~have 101.t laiu\ iii tbe,abllity en~ an executive with the Balboa Ba}'._of the1t.Jocal.go.v.emments_to_p.rotect ~ Club. environment. · The proposed initiative would establish "Many people don't believe in local a coastal U>ne in California and would government anymore," he uid. "It will put development in the zone in the hands be di!ficult to sell the concept Qf local of a series of regional boards. control but that i1 ultimately the most. "This is a very complei issue but in important thina: for us." the long run it means total loss of local stevens said the best direction for the controls on coastline development," Chamber to take wcwld be to educate the Stevens said. publlc on the measure'• drawbacks. "Analysis shows that the effect of this "The real problem beH ii a lack of Warner Bridge Gets Repair OK In Huntington City eouncUmen Monday n I g h t authorized the spending of $40,000 for im· mediate repairs to the Warner Avenue bridge. near Huntington Harbour. complete oducaUon on lhe part of lhe publlc," Stevens said. 1•1t is up to us to get the correct material in the bands of the people." Chamber dlnctora voted to add lhe chamber'• oppo1IUon to that already. voiced by the Newport Beach Clty Coun- cil and asked Stevens' commJttte to ei:· plore way• of educating the public on the potential problems of the coastal in- iUaUve. ' Slu.ltlA~ .. -• 2. Firms'Approve_ Nuclear Plants ~. .. ATLANTIC CITY, N.1. (AP) -'l1lr!e miles out at aea, execuUves of the PUblic Service E I e c t r l c and Gu Co. and ott&hore Power S)'lteml met to sign a ccmtract for two nuclear power planta to be buUI In the Atlantic Ocoan. The 175 0. million contract, liped Monday 1board the yacht ()ttella at the proposed plant site, wes said to be the largest equJpment contract In the h.i!tory of tbe electric uWity industry. (Picture on Page 4) Constructkm of the plants, generating 1 total or l.l million kilowatts each, will begin at a Jacksonville, Fla., auembly line in mid-1975. They will be built by OPS. a joint ventu,.. of Teruieco Inc. and Westinghouse Electric Corp. Once they Art! buUt, the plants will be towed to Ooating platforms which will be built In the site by the utility. They ,,.. expected to be ln operalioa by 1980 at a total eotl of fl blllion. According 10 Richard M. Eckert, lhe utility's general manager of engineering, the parties are firmly convinced that the plants are "envlronrnentaUy, economi· cally and technically aound and that such facilities will be a &teat help tn provldihg the :!!late of New Jersey with the energy it requires for future years. "We are also coovlnced," he . said, "that this energy can be provided without any significant hann to the en- vironment." John W. Simpson; president of Westinghouse, uid the plants -the first of their kinds -were "an idea whose time }µls come." He called opposition to them "misdirected." A I r o u p called Atlantic COunty Ci-- ti:.ens Councll on the Environment and various individuaJ conservatloniats have been the chief opponents of the plan. . ·TIJe plant site is nearly three milt:ll off fhe mouth of the Llttle Eu Inlet and about 12 miles northeast of Atlantic City. Officials ~id the site was selected over possible sites in North Jersey because they felt the plants should be uas far removed from major shipping lanes as possible." Each of the two noatlng platforms will be surrounded by a .stone and concrete breakwater, officials said. The breakwater, measuring 300 feet wide on the ocean fioor and 30 feet wide at the top, will be "the largest and strongest structure ever built in the ocean." Officials said the plants would be able to withstand sustained hurricane winds of 156 mites an hour and tornado winds of up to 300 miles an hour. More:'· than three million tom. 'of lilaterlill wlll'"go rlhtll"tbelr ~h. enough materials to construct a tri-lane blghway 200 m11 .. Jong, It -· Each plant will measure about 400 feet square and be lM feet high with a"'draft of atiouj 3!! f~t. accoallnJ._to thtLco tract. Underwater and underground cables will connect the plants to a p!'tiposed switching &talion northeast of Tuckerton. Bands to Get 1• Noise Checks Fullerton Hilh School his a new provi!lon ln contractl with rock bands that play at :!IChool dances. A decibel meter will be used d~ their performance and if the IOl.lDd level goes over 92 decibels, they ·don't get paid. · The limit set Is equal to the level of noise produced by a jet plane 500 feet overhead. In addltkln. U1e ptanll wlll mntaln DY. Intl quarters for 100 "In cue weather makes It lmpoulble to transpon - baet and forth from lhe planl to the .shore... . Some ~ permlll and 111thorllatlo111 wlll ha,. to be obtained from local, atata and federal agencies before actual con- struction begins. All Atomic Energy Commission bearing on tho Issue wW be betd sometlJdt In 11'1~ Aleuncler P. Zechello; pttSldenl of 01'5. lllld oome I.~ pmom Will be employed at lhe JacbciaYlllo -bly tin.. He aald quality Is ooe advantap of bulldlllf the plants at a faclort nu. than at (lie olfJhore Ille. 1 "Wben lhe •ntlre plant Is built In a ,.,,. tory •ituation, It ls , m u c h eaal,lr to achieve the strict levels of quality control which power plants demand," he tald. "Ours wlll be 1 trained labor !om. r a th er than a tranalent conatrucUon crew," 11e· added. Eckert said the plants 1'wlll go a long way towards eliminating the energy crisis which could exist in the comina years." F...,..PqeJ PROP. 20 ... • Newport Beacb cast 1 ~council vote against the coutal inJtlatlve, while Laguna Beach was unanimous in IUJ>PO{\ of it. __ Neither Seal Beach nor San Clemenle bas taken action on Propoeltk>D 2.fl. ~ Proposition 20 paral)ets the WllUl:ii cesslul legi.!IB~on p r o p o 1 e d by Assemblyman Alan Siuoty (J>.lleverly llills). • • It would establish one, overall atai.. board for coctrol cl coutal development 1,000 yards Inland and three mllea to ,..., There would be reglcnat plllllnln& boarU set up under the state board. i: Jack Green, who serves as president of the Sootbmt California .U-IBUon ct· Governments (SCAG ), said SCAG bill not taken a posiUon on it, but aeveral top' leaders In the CaUlomla League of Cltla have supported Proposition 20. · "They don 't feet the bill will hurt tocal government," Green, who cmce oppoeect the Sieroty ltglslaUoo, said. "Wltb I )aclo of qualified state planners, it is felt tlkt stale wW baYO to rely oo county and cltJ' Jielp fli 'thli'fteJd:• . Gre<1> ftnt mt.nded ·to abatatn, llYlrii: h• felt It mllJbt create acme probleml In Huntington 'lteacb, but after looklllf II Los Angeles and Mallbu, be could IH Uttl needlfOr stale control. Then Green and Glbbe both criticised the coastal legislation proposed by atalf Senator-Dennlrt:arp-(il>Newpott' Beach) as "weat and dlluted" and "nq( the answer." "If something bn't done soon, we'll get more and more ncUcal bUls," Gr"" said. At the last minute be cast hil YoW favortni Proposlttoo 20. ' Matney's oilly comment In oppooltloll was that he bad "heard all the coutaJl bills and none of them were any iooct." ! Boy Accidentally Shot. 1 VENTURA (AP ) -A U-yeaN>ld boyJ was shot In the bead and killed &lndayl whee the,rlil• bis brother w .. ~ t b r o u 1 b the house accidentally dlaoc charged. Police aay Roy Elllston, 11! was returning a .2kallber rifie to a: friend when he tripped, dlacharging the: weapon. The bullet atruct Roy's young•. er brother, Michael, who was w1tcblnc; televtaion nearby. '! •• Jim Wheeler, director of public works for Huntington Beach, said today the pll· ings under both bridges -there is a separate bridge for each direction of traffi c -must be repaired "as quickly as possible." 'Fhe Junk Business . .. He said there is no danger to nonnal vehicular traffic. or delivery truck!, but if an exceptionally he~vy load crossed one or the brklges, It might break. Wheeler said construction work wouJd start as soon as possible, though It might be a week before bids are lef on the work. During constructlon, one bridge at a time will be closed, he said. Construction should last about one month. The bridge will oot be rebullt. Wheeler explained. but the underside of it will be repaired and strengthened. The Warner Avenue bridge crosses over a shallow channel of water that con- nects the waterwayt of Huntington l-larbour with the Bolsa Chica manh. Harbour resldenll In the past have 11k· eel that • new bridge, of blgber etevallon, be built to allow boat PISUI• between the two artaL This projeet. however, will not Involve a high rile bridge. . Airport Director's Jury Trial Delayed A Jurv trial on dnick drivlnlc charge• againlt 0 Rol>ert ~. 9,.-.,., dlr«:tot cl aviation for Orance Coant,y, wu delayed , this momJng UllW'Nov. 7 • The 6l·)'W'Old COUllty airport Chia! was arrested June 11 In Fountain Vallei'- Trlal on the mlademeanor oflmse had been 1l1ted for today In Wost Oranp County Judldal Dlltrlcl Court. Add,..ssing the Central lndiln• Floor Cov•lng Assocl•tion, en industry 1pohsm1n, Welter Guinan 11id: • "Too meny peoplt in the floor covering industry eN convinced tho pubt.c only w•nls to buy "Junk11 carpet.'' We're •freid that you might elso got this impression from tlio .d1 which specify unbolioveblo low price•. lriv11tl91ting tho10 ed1 will determil!9 one of two thir\91 -either the carpet IS junk, or they wiB try to .,a you 10m1tliing more erpenaival Wo don't IOll junk et Aldon's, ~ut we do i.. .. quelity et competitive pric11, encl the best litdeLtion in the county. • ALDEN'S • CARPETS e DRAPES 1663 ..... tie ~··· COITA MISA • ,., 4131 • HOUllSt Mtft, n,,. Thun,. t 19 ldlJ -PAI., 1 19 t -IA T •• ,..JO II S • I, •• .. .. ·i ') .. .. :r '· • ) ,, " • '• ;· '· ... I It i ,) • ,, B E F , . . • • A d --- T-. 5tp......., 1', 1'n H DAILY PILOT 3 'Watergate Seven' Off er Innocent Plea j Woman Fugitive : Gives S~H Up ENDS LONG CHASE F119ltivo Sutcllffo ~aker Suggests ~mploying Funds For Tax Relief A proposal that Orange County earmark anticipated revenue sharing ftlhds from the federal government for property tax relief has been "lUlde by ~ Gdd DU!:trict Supervisor David L. Baker. "'-Baker, who said be bas oUerec.. his sug~ gesUoo for con..ideration of the full Boatd of Supeniaora on Sept. ZS, fltlmateo tha1 the county may get 110 million • this year from lhe program fqotertd by· Pmiilent Ni:ron. ,He quotes figures from the Howre vm.i<>n of the bill, 'l!hicb bas now been cWered euentially u Written, which lllpw total revenum under the program IW year to the county Of $:1'1.3 .million. 'l.'bis sum would be divided, llU million .,00111\!Y government .and 111.691<> citi ... If the $10 million aaticiP.41ted for tbi1 l'#lll'·il appliejl dlredly,~·PrPJlt<II lu ~<{;~-Id amount lo 2'r'l'll\IW 1100 ~ valuation on the oounty'1 II.Iii W. rate. , Baker aald today tliat If the lederal Windfall could not be earmarked for tu lllief directly, he proposes that the' board 'Ml' it to fund only thole programo-wbicb 'iQll-bave the effect or producini property las ald. .Under the !ederal bill wbicb la now ,,;8ring the President's desk for '1!8"4lure, caJilornia would. gel about $319.7 million of wliich • nlillion would JD to counties and 1163.ltmillion to cities. Once More, ·With Feeling U Bob Teuier and John di Luzzlo ;; aro ball as convlncing I D _ perlonnance as they are during ; auditions, they should both earn : rave reviews. . W.,.unlnster ·police, mpond1ng , Monday night · to a reported disturbance In a store al m7 Westminster Ave., found Tessier, 21, and Di Lu l.lo, 19, engaged in whlit :ap)ieared to he a 'shouting match. " "There's no trouble,'' explained Jeff Newman, director of the up- coming Westmlnstu Community Theater production of Thornton • 'jYllder 's "The Skin of Our Teeth." Ttlsler and DI Luszio were trytnc . out for parts in ·• ~ whk:b demands a good deal of verbal 1c-tloD. . , Both actors got !be parts. • By TOM BARLEY Of .. ~ ...... ,.,. "I'm sick and tired ol running.• With that comihent Monday night Susan Loolae SutcliHe sun-endered to Orange County District Attorney'a ill- vesllgalors and ended a -that began foar mcmthl ago wbm lbt al a fellow priloner escaped from the women 's prison at Frontera. • 1be 23-year'<lld Pomona woman wbo will. now resume the life term ahe ln- tenupted !or her role In the killing or an Orange school teacher spent her last hour of liberty with her two small children, a daughter, 3, and a aon, 2. It was part of a deal made with district attorney's investigators during the past week. Susan SUtcliffe's negotiator was bet mother, an Anaheim woman wbo told district aUoniey's olficers that her daughter bad called her from Olicago. Miss Sulclilfe'a mother aald her daughter wanted to give benelf up on the condition that abe could have oome Ume alone with her children. The request· wu gnmted and Mi.ss Sutcliffe herself called Investigators MondJly night and told them abe waa now ready to sun-ender. Police said the woman appeared tired and drawn but otberwile seemed to be in good health. They refuaed to comment on MW Sutcliffe's account of her four months of liberty pending invatigation or her escape. Mi.is Sutcliffe and Ol1no State prison escapee Jerry M. Wade, 25, Phoeni:r, clnw Ille lenns · 1as1 April in Orange County Sujierlor Court for thi!Jr part in the Jan. 21 ki1!ini of Orange teacher Gerald L. Mitchell. They admitted In cowt that they were the couple disguised in blonde wip who halted the teacher and bla wife as the ~w.IY!"fda. returned lo their apartmeDI from a weekend spent with rel1Uve1. '•'l'ho)\ a d·m II t e d lhit Wade shot Mltollilll. 25, lbrUlgh 'the hurt although the. ~ bad complied with the cou- ple'1.,;anaJlci' for hia billfold and loose caah.' J.lrs<. Karen .Mitchell, II, told police abe WU p1lllQI ~~b«_~_lt the couple'• when the Ibo! ranc out and her husband fell at her feel. Wade, who' bmkO down repeatedly In the caurtroom, inlllted !rom the witnea ho• tblt the shooting wu accidental. Three· Persons Die · in County Vehicle Mishaps Three penons lollt their 11 ... In vtl;Jcle accldentl In Orange COunty Monday, the coroner'• 'officer reported. The dead: -MkUel · Lyle, 21, o! 1133 Bettes Place, Anaheim. -Ednrd A. Orduno, II, or 'I'll Lama! Road, La Habra -BeDrJ T11lor, 41, of 141'4 Bora St., La Mlrida. . Lyle, polict reported, lllflered fatal m. Juries Monday when. a truck he was wwklng under fell, and atruck bla bead. · Orduno waa killed wi!en the DM>lor<ycle he was riding collided with a car on Ha- cienda Road near Madelena Drive, LI Bain, the -aaid. TaJlor died eorly today In SI. Jude Hospital In F'lll1erton fnm Jnluries ,....lved Monday evenln( In a two-truclc collision oa Birch Street Ult ol Kroemer Slreet In -· police nported, Only 70 Flnod Insurance ' . . ' . . 'f'olicies Go Out in County " h IACK llROllACJ: , .. -........ ,.... ..... tAJlllqb 111o -or flood ....,._ .... -~--~"= ... --In Orlilp , l!lood Coalrol -Cblel ~ Ooorr• -npoiU. :Property owners in the ~ .-. or the oounty ud ID m cllloa -~ Beach, Gotta Mat, ,._ V~ey, Huntlngtoa -· lloal -'!!'I Fullerton are oll8lbla b' lhe ,... IOeilon al a new rate al • per ,_ for $1,000 of'protectlon up'to flt,wo, Oollorno ~ Pollcla m1y .be oblalned -gh rqular private l n °"' r a ~co -· • The fonner rate wu llO por. ti.'1 a 1'tf, ........, on Au1. s, 1m. :hr *"all bull,_ and homeo••• Jo be lilglble for 1,_..nce, lhe COUldJ er dliet mPll adopt -lopmenl nolrto-~ ID Good pnifte arm. ' ' • ... -.- Legal G•tor Hunt Wildlife and Fisheries Commission Age n 1· Paul Johnson (center) stretches out an alligator hide at the Rockefeller Game Preserve in Grand Chenier, La., Monday. The first legal alligator bunt in ten years ended after 13 days and hunters began bringing in their valuable skins for tagging. Schmitz Tours South: 'Both Parties Socialist' From Wire Servlee1 Rep. John Sclunitz or Tustin, the American Party candidate for president, Mooday .in Little Rock, Ark., lumped the Democratic and Republican parties in one category as "Socialist Party A and Socia!lst Party B." The Jame duck COllgl'tMman f r o m Orange County continued bis presidential campaign today in Memphis, Tenn., with a news cooference and $15-a-plate fund raising dinner. He .ia scbeduled to appear at a $l~a­ plate dinner Saturday ·at the Pasadena Hilton .Hotel, _,/ ' The Americafl Party, illlown in Calllomla aa the Amerlcan".lnde~ ~~r"8-Georp Wallace Jot Preslilent In Little Rock, Schmitz said the two majr~ parties were offering a choice between "a man -President Nixon - who broke all ills campaign promises of 1968 and a man -Sen. Georg ·e McGovern -everyone ls afraid will keep his and one everyone dislikes." Disagreement between Nixon and McGovern over the Vietnam war is "as phony as a professicnal wresiling match," he said. "Ni.Jon wanta to .~r on the P>- statlment plan and McGovern wants to surrender right away," Schmitz charged. He blasted the Nixon Admlnlstrallon for prOviding tbQ.: "" 1 n e w s" for coo· ducting the war to both sides. Attorneys Skirmish Over Bail W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -Two former White House aides and five other men in- dicted in the break-in of Democratic na· tiona1 headquarters pleaded innocent to-- day to the charges. The former White House aides att C, Gordoo Liddy, 42. also olrmerly fina ncial counsel for the Committee to Re-elect the President, and Howard E. Hunt, ~. \\'ho 1il.ewise was formerly connected with the re-election committee. Lawyers fer Liddy and Hunt asked a federal judge, at their arraignz:ncnt. to release both men on their own recognizance, but the government ob- jected. Chief Judge John J . S.lrrica recessed the hearing until later in the day so that ali. seven accused in the Incident could be interviewed by bail officials. The other five men indicted Friday by a federal grand jury in the alleged bug- ging of the Democratic offices were ar-- rested in lhe headquarters by police ear- 1y the morning of June I. All seven were indicted on charges of ~iring to steal documents and to bug the Democratic offices. The defendants along wilh Liddy and Hunt are Bernard L. Barker, a Miami real estate man ; James W. McCord, Jr., a former security chief for the Nixon re- election committee; Eugenio R. Martine%, an employe of Barker; Frank A. Sturgis, an associate of Barker's, and Virgilio R. Gonzalez, a Miami Jocksmlth. Slrrica, in a brief order, announced district Court rul es involving a widely publicized or scnsath>nal case. They require that the court may issue special orders governing extrajudicial statements made by persons involved in the case and seating in the courtroom of reporters, plus anything else the court deems appropriate. Liddy, Hunt and the five others all pleaded 11not guilty" when the charges were formally read .agalnst them. The prosecutor attorney, Earl Silbert, dkl not ask for any change in bond of up to $50,000 set previously for the five other men. Hunt was first to arrive at the courtroom and said aloud to an attorney. "l~ve never even betD in a trafiic court before." · Hunt was represented, by Willlam. O. Blttman,.who In the· !llel waa111111 dJlef government --apilll · ronner Teamsters' President James R. Hoffa. WATERGATE SUSPECT Ex·Nixon Aide Hunt Black Airmen Take Over Hall on Base LAREOO, Tu. (AP ) -A group or black airmen took over a mess hall at Laredo Air Force Base today and locked themselves inside to protest what they, termed mistreatment on and off ba!e. A base spokesman said about 3Cl airmen were involved In the takeovtr. which came about 4 a.m. Re desdibed lt as orderly and said Col. L. W. Svendson Jr .. wing commander. began discussions with the men about 30 minutes later. One of the men inside, who Identified himself as Alrman l.C. Billy Williams. said in a call to his hometown newspaper that 60 to 7S men were in the building. "The blacks 11.ren't getting along here In Laredo -with the people in the town or on lht: base. It's an all-around thing," Williams told the Abilene Reporter-Newr. Two spokesmen for the men -one wouldn't identify himself and the olhel" onJy gave the name of Steve -listed several gr\evances for the paper . "There's nothing down here for the black ainnan'a soclal life. We also feet racism among Mexlc~Amem&m in lhe Air Force and in town," tbeJ' llkL Steve said Nicks are outnumbeied 19 to I on the base and Laredo fl coiislder.d by t1W1tt "a remote~" HI Mid oome blacks could be UslJDOd bori aa long at l'oilr yean. . • 1-972 l:INCOL~MEKCURY Year -End SALE! EVERY CAR IN STOCK MUST BE SOLD! BARGAIN BUYS ON EVERYONE! • LINCOLN·CONTINENTAL • • MERCURY • COMET • ~A.PRI • MONTEGO • PANTERA: OUR ONLY FULL LINE SALE OF TiIE YEAR! Rome Of The New.car .• , ·~I'•-"" hnson&son Rome Of The N.,, Car • , , "Gellleaa l'elldl" ' ; l • Tllf1day, Stpt.-19, 1972 4 1W1. Y PltOT Seiz-e s. Viet--Disti:iet-€ pita! Parent Tools For Survival GROWING UP DEPT. -p_.nn. UniversJty, that great lnsUMkln of higher learning from the Los AJweles iirea, Ls now down here on our own Orange Coast offering counes to U. vaftCe yoor education. I noticed in the paper just the other day that Pepperdine hu a new coune to help foli.s deal with their offspring. It is c a I I e d "Tools for Succeslful Parent~ hood ." For completing this, you get one llnit or college creiit in psychology. The Pepperdlne folks apparently n· pect this to be fairly well attended since they are offering the Tools at two loca· tions , bo th out at the Episcopal Church in Laguna Hills and up at the Elks Club in Santa Ana. I am not planning to attend' but this shouldn't discourage you . You let, I've already had a lot of tools for parenthood. I've broken most of them. Bec'ause of my vast experience in this arena, however, it is possible that I can give you IOllle handy hiDts on llsl3 of parental tools that you might take to class thus earning an A. SAIGON (AP) -C«nmunlll I««< have seized lhefr lblnl d!Jlrlcl capital tn a month Jn lht northern rtg1on IOUth of Da Nang and occupJed three hamtet.. In another district, mJJitary spokesmen rep-Orted today. The gaim were made tn Quang Na:ai province, the southernmost of five prov· inces that make up the northern Mill· tary Region 1. QUANG NGA! IS under the heaviest Communist pressure since the st.art of the North Vietnamese offen!lve Marth :.J. Offshore P0wer For the fourth o>mecullve day heavy fl&btlnc •wlrled tbtoll&b the tbr« 90lltbem dJstrlcta of QulJltl Ngal -Mo Due, Due Pho and Ba To. Norlb Vie~ name.. ·-toppled Ba To, and tlle South Vietnamese retruled 14 poattlotll a mUe IJOlltbweat of the dlalrid e1ptlal, the 8alJOll 'UJtDmand lllld. 'l1>e ""'""' a!lo • ..., 14 Blnh Son dla1rict, Ibo nortbortHnoot dtatrtcl tn Quang Ngal. where enemy rorce.s were reported to have attacked and occupied three twnlets. FIELD REPOR1S lllld Due Pho WU endangered and al lut ~ wu btlll( cooleo!ltd with D<ltba-aide in cit&' COt> trot. Pressure WU r<porled euod ol Mo Due by tlle llnkup of an armoNld cnl!ry unit with government milttlg>m. A oommunlqoe from the Salp CODI• mand claimed tbal st6 Norlb Vi- and Vitt Cong troops had been ldllod tn fi&btlftg durtna tlle put two clays in Quang Ngal province. Government lotaes, tti11 incomplete, were at least 38 troops ltllltd and 41 -Tbe South Vietnamese caaualtlel were espod>d 14 Ul"IT......_ Tools for successful parentlxlod, of course, change as the kiddies grow toward maturity. 'l'hus you must break down the needed tools into age groups. Here's a partial tool list that will help you, depending on your oUsprizli's age group: AGE I DAY TO JI MONTHS: Foor doUn diapers; diaper pall; dialnfectant ~for-diaper pail; crib with mattres1; ' playpen with pad ; disinfectant for crib and playpen; new kitchen floor; new liv· ingroom floor; disinfectant for floots; heavy, durable baby rattle; new WindoW' for place where heavy, durable baby rat· lie went through ; four mops ; two sets or earplugs; one box of heavy-duty 8leeping piJIJ. Contracts have been signed for the creation of the world's first offshore nuclear power plant which will be mooted In ·the ·ocean off the coast of Atlan· tic City, N.J. The plant will nestle behind a massive seml-drcular breakwater. This artist's concept of the bcility to 1)e !Ju!lt for the Public Service Elec- tric and Gas Co., shows the two units with a capacity of 1,150 megawatts. . As parents advance into the next age braclcet, tlley must bt prepared to add new tools, thus: AGE 11 MONTIIS TO 5 YEARS: Highchair with sturdy safety beH; car chair wilh sturdy safety belt; cage to replace playpen; all·steel bed with safety bell;' one famllt dog; one dog pen to bide dog frOm child; sturdy branch for swltcll; iour ntlt' mops; two ""' oeta of earplufs; one new supply of sleepini pilll. ' I Uganda Detains U.S. Citizens Because of War McGovern Considering TV Time to Boost Campaign H'avin'k weathered all this, yoo now ad· vance to that wonderful time ln life when the kiddies go off to school: AGE 5 TO U YEARS: School clothe!; tree.ellmblng clothes, malc!_jo separate BCfiOOl from tfee.cllmblng c Io t h e 1 : orthopedic surgeon for tree-climbers; 12 lunch pails, orie lost each month; short course on writing Jong excuses to teachers: seven-year . supply of doctor and dentist appointments; and one friend on local finance company board of dlrtc· tors. Finally, you reach that wonderful time In life when your klddM! becomes a teenager. You now need : AGE 13 TO IS YEARS : One milk com- pany: one supermarket ; one new refrigerator; one pad Io c k for refrigerator: three new telephone ex~ tensions ; three padlock.'! for telephones; baseball bat to replace old switch; secure hiding place for car keys; secure hiding place for credit cards ; one new finance company to replace worn-out one; five-- year supply of acne cure-all; one stereo r ecord player ; four mops; two sets of earplugs ; and super-sized box of sleeping pills. That about does it, folks . If you forget everything else, just remember the mops, earpl ugs and sleeping pills will get you through all the eas y times of all these ju venile ages. For the tou gher times. maybe you·d belter go sign up and take that course from the Pepperdine University folks. . By The Auoclllted Pren Eight or nine Americans and about 50 British nationals were reported detained today in Uganda m grounds thal tbe country 1'i.s in a war situation" with lorces iDVading from Tanzania. A DIPLOMAnc SOUrte in London said the Americans ·being beld in Kampala during Ugandan-Tanzanian fighting are Peace €orps worker1,-miseionaries, and an Associated Pree correspondent. 'l1le Britons detained include at le8't JO newsmen. About 80 Europeans have been de- tained in Kampala after being unable to funlisbed proof of their identities. Diplomatic sources said 12 were released . Monday aod that all had been well· treated. Several West German journalists have a!lo been detained. Uganda reported. the invading forces bave been routed in two days of flgtbtng and were retreating to lbe bonier. A TANZANIAN government spokes- man in D11 es saJaam said the Ugan. dL'll made an o t b e r air attack on Bukoba in northern Ta.mania early to- day. No details were available. The spokesmn added that in a Moo- day attack on Bukoba nine persons, in- cluding three schoolgirls and a Roman catholic nun, were killed while 20 others were seriously injured. Radio Uganda has suggested that the invasion is being backed from a guerrilla base near Bukoba, 30 miles south of the Uganda boroer. Heat, Humidity ClllCAGO (UPI) -Sen. G<orge McGovern may get off the campaign trail next week in an effort to pep up his lagging campaign for the presidency with a nationwide television tali: to the American people . McGovern's advisers said t he Democratic presidential no m i n e e • disturbed by hia inability to communicate with the people tbrougb tlle news media, was "seriously considering" dropping off the caJ1lpail!D-trail-for...a few days in return to Wuhington at mldweek and purchase televlsioo·tlme for a direct talk to the people. DOWN H PERCENTAGE points in the Wieks • Ill East Rockies St.eamy Too; Thunderswrms Spare North Te1nperatures fo r1not M""""" U Mf 72. "9111e 1M ... ". wlll fllw -~ """""' f,_ ll " * ..,.... MMIV 4'Mr1 .,.... wNc::h ~ tOO dllll...,,.W rtfflnot lllndly dlpPH h1t1 t1M IOI el'!d to. MOfldar. TM llleh '" I.Al ........ n. 111 !tie teMI"' -· flN Offlcl1l1 Mid lnai'll•ft l'o;,cP\1111 off lhr .. WNll llrWft. fir" MW•r• brlllffl'll to 111~ "" ... """""'*' .. ~ "'" 111 tl'le ''" fllrlno Ille led '"°"t~ ~tAIN 1;.-~~!l•NOW f7"."'7l '--All ~WtOWll~ ......, llOW poU.., McGovern schecluled appearances in four cities today -Chicago, Milwaukee, Flint, Mich., and Columbus, Ohio -in ' continuation of hi! effort to reach as inany "media lll81'.kels" - areas covered by local television stations and newspapers -as physically possible. In a statement issued in Chicago today, McGovern -a minister'• son -en- dorsed the support of ·private and ' patoehllll"RliiO!SWltlltiXjiliyet' !Und.!, • poatllon to wblch be bu been leaning for several weeks. He said he backed legislation pending In the House to provide income ta:i creclita for parents who send their children to nonpublic schools. McGOVERN ANNOUNCED, a f t e r stvtnl Weeki of deliberation, that he backed legtalalltll 14 provide a tu wrilt- ofl for parenta .mo IODCf their children to nonpubUc-. Although the SUpnme Court bu not 1'I ruled wbother IUCh tax mdita would be c!ona:istent with the Constitution's chordHtlte eeparation pro v i s I on s , McGovern lllld the direction of the court's opinions indicated they eventually would. McGovern's stafement was a bid for lhe support of the nation's Cetholic voters who have been cool to him. Some big city leaders with large Catholic con- stituencies have long urged McGovem to take a firm stand for public aid to the Catholic schools -many of them in dire financial straits. McGOVERN'S TOP aides feel be hasn't been able to communicate his complex ideas for changing American BOCiety through the regular news chan- nels and needs a crack at a nationwide audience to cmve7 hla Ideas dlnctly. A prime oxample ol -1 can p wrtllll with McGovena" wldb<lpen type ol cam- palgnlng came Monday in Carticmdalt, Ill., when a televiaion nenman from nearby St. lGuJJ sat down with Mc<lovern after an airport rally for a five minute interview and, after a couple ol easy queationr, asked out of the blue: "Do you know the name :Edmund Dowd?" "The name IOllllds familiar," oald McGovern, confessing he could not place lt. '4WELL," SAID 'l1IE t e I e v l 1lo1l new.smao, "be ls tbe Dtmoc:ratic ca~ dldate for governor ol Mllaourl. "ll be ta tlle Democratic candidate for gove:mor, l'm endoninlbbn," MtGoVWWi aid, not batttn& an t'je. \ -... final repnrll ... In. QtWll N,pt prorinoe ta made up of 10 dllltrlcta. Tbt -contatn !JI v!l1-which In tum bAtve a lolal of 403 bamleta. Tiie total populatloo of ~ N,pt pwlnce ta 711,47L Tbe Ba To dtalricl has.a populalloa ol u,m pa- spreod u...,.i. It vtllqa Mo Due, -lt\'en vUlaga, hu a population of 1111,779, and Due Pho ltata a pop<tlaUon of ea,989 living In nine 'flllqq. THE FIGHTING that erupled in the province Saturday bu c:reallld tboullDds of new rofugees, fleld r<porta lllld. Earlltr. Que Son and Tim Phuoc dislrtcl io-, Ill ID IG mlla nor1lnre'!t, fell 14 the -· Qoe Son wail r<eap. lured, but Tien Pbuoc ta .UU held by enemy f ....... Field offlcen lllld they believe the new ..... of ·-in Quang Ngal pn>vlnce WIJ bein1 caJTied out by a regimerit from tlle f;ortb Vietnamese 2nd Divtalon, wblcll took part in tlle UlllUOC<UfUl effort in June 14 ltlze the provtnclol capital qf x..-City in tlle central blgbl•ncl• to the aouthweal ' * * * * * * 3 Freed Pilots Tour Hanoi Area HANOI (AP) -After :ii botn of freedom walkJn& around tbe captlal of tbo country they once rqularly bombed, three Amtrtcan pllota loolttcl more reJu. td Monday than tlley . bad under tbo movie lights of their release ceremony. Social Security Pensioners Eyed In Senat,e Bill WASpINGTON (UPI) -Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mamfleld and Sen. G<orge D. Alken (R·Vt.). introduced a blll today 14 Increase the ainount ol money a Social Security pensioner could make wltboot losing any beneflta. Besides raising from $1,IBO to f.1,000 the maximum that could be earned from outside l!Otlreel, Mansfield said the bill would also "reduct the amount by wblch a person would be penalized" for earning more than that. e Bo111blng Probe DENVER (UPI) -Thiee Senate Arm. ed Strvlces Committee members planned 14 fiy 14 Denver today 14 queation Air Fon:e Maj. Gen. Alton D. Slay about the ( IN SHORT .•• ) unaulhoriud bombing of largt!a over Nortb Vietnam. Slay, Clommanch!r of Lowry Air 1'I>= Base in Denver, wu operations officer in Vietnam for Gm. John D. i...velle at the lime of the air attacks. The Senale committee ta tnvestlgatlng reports the United Stales maCle Ifie air attacb above the DemllJtarized Zone_ on orders from Lavelle between NOVft!loo ber, 1'11, and Mlll<h, 1972. • A•tierilllfl BUia W ASllJNGTON (UPI) -The Senate has puahed tbrouah a aeries of anti-- crime bills -incfucling a plan to com- pensate the vicllma ol violent crime - but al least part ol the package may be scrapped tn the rush or Congress to adjourn. A bill that would compensate crime victims by up to ~.ooo passed the Senate in a vote Monday. • l'-4 Reeflll PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) -Nu Vita, a food manut.cturer and distributor here said Monday it ls voluntarily recaDi~ on a nationwide bull 10me of its products that may carry barmful bacteria. A apokOllllllD far the U.S. Food and Drug Admtnlatration in SeatUe said that ... analyala of the products, mainly elbow macaroni and spaghetti packed in cellopbanO, ta being made to detennlne U there Is aalrnontllll bact.ria in them. eBoo .. Trt1p BELF AS!' (UPI) -Tlje British army today denounced u the 0 most vicious kind of murder" the boobytrap klllinc of a Roman Calhollc pub owner by a bomb wired 14 the door of hla aatomobfle. Edmund Wootaley, 31, died m.tana1 when be Clpaltd the car do!>r )llondaY, eventnc -C!vamaglm, ahciut 1$ miles llOlllbftsl of Jle!WI. .. Tbey .,.... talking -.i maklnl tbo long fii&bl hallway around the world borne. Air For<e Maj. Edward J!:ltu Jooteil wistfully Iowan! hla fellow pllota, Navji Lia. Norria <llarles and Markhaoi Gartley, who were laughing over dlnnet' with their loved ones. "I sure wish I could get home soon," be said. Definite plans for tboir departure from. Hanoi have not yet been finned, ac~ cording to Cora WW, co-chairman ol the Committee cf Llaison with Familiei or Servicemen Detained in N<rth Viet- nam. "It Is in the hands of tlle Foreign Ministry but I expect to be leaving w:itla the men this weekend,'' Mrs, Weiss aaid.. The men were released Sunday. , Monday afternoon Charles and his wif• Olga planned a quiet stroll around a papular Vietnamese lovers' lane on the edge of a ll!J'ge lake in the midd1e oi Hanoi. Hundreds of Hanoi residents gathered around them curiously, just watching and. saying nothing. A> Minnie Lee Gartley and her pilnt son Mark joined them, someone sboutM out, "Gartley, Gartley," and the crowd murmured but ·did not seem antagonistic'. Mrs. Weiss told the pilot! later at diJ>. ner: "Could you Imagine Japanese pUota walking free in New York City after the bombing of Pearl Harbor? TbiJ Is fan- tastiC." All the pilots have been speaking fmlY of their detention, which was four yeari for Gartley, elgbt months for Charles and five months for Elias. Gartley said their. food -~· and them-. hi-111e·-1- wherebe. ·-e. "We 1'ef'e: • ' . ' ,,., ~~.!'°i: =.iof N\l'ili ~. .,;,wa: <llarles and Ell8' said they .,;,,;,, ivt1J tzeated. Economy of u:s. To Top January Nixon Forecast? W ASlllNGTON (AP) -Tbt ftltlon'a economy, still on a strong upwar«! "t{I, may lop the Nixon admlnlstralltll's 'o'f. fklal forecast made in January, govern- ment report.s indicalt. '!be Fede<al Reserve Board suppUed evidence of contlaulng economic ex· pansloo Monday, reporting tbot ita indu of industrial production rose 0.5 perctr& in August after a O.S._percenl ptn a month earlier. The Ind" ta rigarded u one of the most sensitive indicators of the economy. 0n CapiwI run, Treasury Secretary G<orge P. Sbultz dtsclosed U..t the ad· ministration had revtsed upward Its 197% economic f~ast, Gross Na t i o n a l Product, the output of the rfation's goods and services, Is · expected to grow 17 billion bJgber t/:m fo~st in January, Sbultz said. U so, thla means that GNP, the broadest measure of the economy, will f1'1'I by more than 1100 billlon this year anti mate 1m one of the best years for the economy. WIT ...... Bea time J. Ovl bu ~ reco how C<>U 1ald 100 -Si !3' n'IUI t I ... -I • • EDITION N.Y. Steeks VQL 65, NO. 263, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1972 N TEN CENTS Hoag to Close Down Family ·Practice Center The mtdlcal stall of Hoag Memorial Hospital Monday night votod to lhut down the hoopltal's family practice ""''er which lw been the 1Ubject of con- troversy •Ince It opened three yean ago. The center offered general practice care for about 50 persons a day -1,500 per month -but It lost 1184,000 !Ml year, a hospital spokesman said. The decision to close ita doors as of next June 30 came even though ho.!lpital offlclala conceded there aren't enough ceoerat practitioners to serve the need• of the Harbor Am. "! don't -wben -peopie (tht patients) will go. That's ping to be a problem. Thero 11 a aborlqe of general practillonen in the a>1nmunlty,'• said Carolyn Fisher, Hoag public relations dlrector. Viilcent . Jorgensen, president ol the hospital'• Board of Trus....,, said there will be no attempt by the governing body to try to influence the doctors to reconsider their decision that came on a voteo!73toC. He stuck by their cootenti.on that the action was taken because of the financial ilia the program was experiencing. He denied the claim of one of 1S )ll!ysi· daM fulfiillng their residency re- quirements that the doctors tn the com- munity don't like it because lt'a com- petition for them. "The family practice center has been highly controvenial," said Dr. Chales Patterson, who admitted thlt by saying anything he•s hurting bla chancts of gel· ting another hospital re s I d e n c y anywhere. "But h's compeUUon for everybody and It cuts kind of deep here and there," he said. 1''Ibe decl!Jon l~ves me out on the street and I'll have to k>ot for a place for my next two years of residency," he said. "And the thing ls, we're not really competing with them on the streets. We take a lot of patients they wouldn't want to have. Now they will be saddled with them," he said. ?(either Jorgemen nor Mn. Fisher ex- plained why the center wasn't making money aince it charged rates "com- parable, and sometimes more'' than doc- tors in the communJty. She said finances are wit hin the purview of the doctors. '•Yes, Jt's a concern for the hospital ad· ministration," she said, "but the doctors are concerned about the dollars and cents because they are concerned witll the hospital, the hospital's growth. because the hospital serves the doctors very well." She said she didn't know wby ant alternate means of flnancinc the program like a public subscription campaign bad nc,t been tried. '"lbat's not really a prop- er method, maybe," she :said. The doctors in the communit)' had little to say about the vote this morning. Dr. Shedrick Moore. incoming medical staff president, called the decision "un- fortuna te" but would say no more. He had \'oted to retain it. Dr. John Granzella. current staff pre11i· dent, could not be rtached for comment. Stains Uncovered No Position Newport Presses .Slaying Inquiry ! Taken Yet On Increa.se By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tlle DallY l"llet St.tr Thick, heavy bloodstains were dlscoVered Monday in an exPensive · apartment overlooking Newport Harbor, where polite believe a J>retty blonde doubling as a college coed and actress was shot and slain Sunday. 1.:]Stery otherwise conUnues to cloud the Investigation today as deteetives tried to piece together the tangled tale of hew DiP:ne Singleton, n, lived and why •• died .. The man accused of her murder, Newport Beach Charter_ Needs Rewriting? ... 1'he·man who chaired the Freeholders Commisalon that wrota the Newport Beach charter 17 years ago thinks It la time to rewrite the document. J. LesliO s..-tald the Women's Ovic League thla momlag that the time bu come to review the document that ~t into efled in 19116 and hllni been <?banged substantially aince. He .,.;d he d.Jdn't have any speclflc reco1 .. :endatloos for changes right now, however. "I really don't know what needs to be done," be said, "bu.tr it's a good time. Every so often It should be reviewed by a Olarter Revtslon Commission." · And that commlaalon should be made up of a group of elected ~ldera, just like the ooe that wrote It. be aald. StMrensen did endorle the present council-manager form of government and said the concept of councilmanic districts should be retained. · St.effensen toltl his audience of 20 gathered at the Mariners Library multipurpose room that one or the basic concepts behind the charter wu to fir'Jn.. 17 establish a representative form of government. And he took a little swipe at pressure groups who keep hollering for referen- dums and lniUaUves on local issues. 11J believe tn representative govern- ment," be said, "amt repreeentative government means decisions 1n the city are made by people who are elected. •'They do not represent a small citizens group but all the people," be oaid. '"The charter makes proviaions for pro- testa, and I believe in protest groups, but Wea titer . SUnny skies ilrto m the agenda for Wednesday, following Io w clouds •loo( the noast. Hlgba !or the beachet e~ in the low IOI N,bl( to 12 Inland. Lows ~ night Iii ihe mld-IOll. ' INSIDE TODA l' G•org• McGovtrn<. political compalg• lull fo<MHd ••-1 ott<nlfon cm Sovtll Dakoto, Its l>"ople, Iii tDOl/I, Iii lolldl. _.,. sQ<loted Pr•11 ..wi... Sid lloodr and AP pho~I proofdo o dffl<r<•I loolc. lfl ,..,. JI. .......... 1-.. CIMlnlf• ..... .... • - c....-. ............... . .. =--. Cl .. " ....,. -=-...... t ........... »1i = , ... ,......... . ~-iiiit-••· .. ,......,. • ,.... -.n ......, • ........... ' ........... , ... :l.J..... ~ .......... . meanwhile -an w-..mployed student teacher with a Jumry bachelor pad and two 1971 cars -today awaited Jlliog of fonnal charges, while malntafiling a wall of sllenCe toward police. Carlisl K. Ankeny, 33, was turned over to Newport Beach Police DetecUve SgL Ed Clbbareill Monday morning at San Francisco International Airport altar aumndering hlmsell ta San Anselmo police. Police allege be la the man who drop- ped off fatally-wounded Diane Singleton, 22, a statuesque blcmde UCLA 1tudent DAtLY PILOT tteft """ TIME FOR SOME CHANG!S Ch1rter Witcher St1ffenMn the final decision should go with the city counCll?' he said. "Strong col.Blcilmen vote," he said. "Weak COW'lcilmen appolot com- m.ittees.11 Before bla talk Stt!!eMen said be thinks the present cooncll "is a rood one." He at Ont aald ·~slro!Ji'' but then Aid, ''Say the current council ii a good one. "Tbott II a laJdeney to be inlluenced by the presence of 50 or 100 people at a council meeting,·• be Aid. "I think that ii wront; "The councilmen are elected to hear anyone who comes before them, but they are eleeted to repteM!t the 116,000 people or Newport Beach," be sal~. Steffensen began h11 tall< by pointing Ol.1 tbat the basic controvetliea over land (See CHARTlll\, Pap J) ... who attended UC Irvine last year, al Hoag Memq__rial Hospital ~JY. Sunday. She had been shot once th.rough the head by a gun which bas not yet been recovered. Miss Singleton -featured in a West Magazine pboio.feature layout two weeka ago with her $12,000 Men>ede.s-Benz sport sedan bearing the personallzed ll""1SO plate BIZZAR -died aboul eight boun Jatar without regaining CIJllSCloumeas. 1be fatal Jncldent, no· motive for which (See MYSTKKY, Pap J) Proposition 20 · Gets Baeking .....,_ ·--- Of Huntington By TERRY COVILLE Of -. Dliillr ''"" tt•ff Orange Counl):'s ~lggest coastal city, ' Huntington Beach, went oo record Mon- day night dllpporlin( ~uo. 20, the coastline preservation initiative, in the November. election. The 5-2 city coondl action surpriled many onlookers who ezpected Huntington Beach to oppose the measure which elves the state controJ over coaatal land deVelopment. Al tile aame m..ttng, Huntington Beach councilmen called on I b e Legislature to revoke a tidelands grant lo the Metropolitan· Watar Dmrid (MWD) for construction of a 40-a<:re offshore laland for a 4'/'5 mililoo wat.r desalting plant. Councilmen opi-f lhe Island beca..., they said no environmental impact report dealing with Its construction bas been submitted by the MWD. Mayor Al Coen and Councilman Jerry Matney cast the negaUve votes on Proposition 20. 0 niere are only three stale! that do not have lhoreline protedioo billl - Alabama, South Ca r o 11 n a and Calilomla, tt Mrs. Norma Gibbs, wbo 1parked ~ vote, aid. "I !eel Proposition 20 ls good !or the state, the county and the city," eoun. cllman Henry DUlte added. A touch of drama was added when the votes were cast u Jack Green first said be would abstain. then piincbed the green button for a "yes" vote, then Ted Bartlett pushed the red "no" button by accident and had to switch his vote. Mn. Gibbs said after the meeting 1he wu "quite surprised" by lbe outcome of the vote. So far, among other county cities, (See PROP. II, Page J) DA1LV1,ilOT lhlH ,.,.,,. SUSPECT -ANKENY, PO~ICE DEllARK AT COUNTY AIRPORT In NeWport lleoch, Mystery Shrouds Murder ca,. Newport Planners Delay Balboa Island Rezone By WILLIAM SCBREmER Of tlll Delly Plllt lttff Newport Beach p 1 s n' n I n g com· missioners Monday night delayed action on a proposal that would have put all multi-family and many commercial Iota on Dalboa Island Into a new limited duplex zone. But It toor commissioners nearly five hours to decide to do nolblng. Although the proposed R·l.5 zone bad the endorsement of the Balboa lsland Improvement Aooclation (BllA), the majority of those who addressed the commission disagreed with the proposal and with the usoclation's support of It. Most ol tho9e oPP.,..lng the proposed a. t .5 zone felt the slae llmJtatlon oo tbe sec- ond unit -650 squatt feet or one fourth the lot area, whichever ill larger (up to 800 square feet ) -was too·mtrictive. Debate and audience comment on the pros and cons of the limited second unit finally triggered 1 series o( motions just before midnight. All but one failed. The first motion, by Commissioner William Martin, was that any attempt to "down-zone" existing R·2 lots would be unfair to ownen aod the wrong way of approaching traUic ancf density prob- lems. He said the zoning should rt!maln as is for the time being. "We haven't gotten down to what Balboa Island residents really think ," Martin sald. "We need to get an accurate reading on thelr feeling• belore we make any effort to change zon.!ng." Martin was joined In his effort to re· lain the ft..2 zone by Commissioners Jackie Heather and William Hazewlnkel but the motion lalled 4 to 3. Commissioner William Agee, whQ said he favon: the most rtstrlctlve controls possible on the island, said that those who didn't show up for the hearing were gfvlng tacit.approval of the R-1.5 zone. "We provided seatlng for twice 111 many people as showed up tonight," he said. ''I can only assume thlll thote who favor the proposa.J stayed home ,since most of our audience opposes it." • The second motJon came as an out.growth of Agee's comments. Conduct Voting Delayed Commissioner Joseph Rosener, who had pushed most of the evening for an 800-square-foot maximum with a limita- tion of one on the number of bedrooms In the second unit, offered a motlon to that er!~t. His motion failed 4 to 3 when Com- ml sslon Chalnnan Gordon Glass. who bad voted with the majority on rejedlng Martin's moUon, joined M a r t I n , llazewinkel and Mrs. Huther in voting But Debat,e Explodes • in Supervisors' Hearing Room 1ppolntett from similar rulet." 1estlcm. Baker's code wu shunted 11ide last "thil ii an obvl~ attempt by Battin wetk by a motion ta incorporata It in the to involvt me but I have no !ear,'' said county's Personnel . 1·od S 1J1 r y Baker. '1'be matter to which ht refers Onlinance, but the litlpervlaor argued .... cleared by two grand juries and the that lbil.t Cll'dinanee does 'not cover District Attorney '• Office and It was ..,._. """'"" md their •J?POln..... delonnlned that theta wu no cOnnlct or Tolly lllrer apJn urged adopUoo of lntareot and no criminal •ct. a.. code. llldlled bf a report 1rom eou.. "Mr. Battin la obviously nOunderJnc ()' -Aotlll llljper and Penonnel for an lllue wlth hla campaign for re-~ Wlllllm Birt. e!ectlon Wlder w1y now uhder advent ..... Id 'at Wit well under Wlf, coi1cUUCN." 11ap11 tllor -W. Battin, who la ,... The dpilble bjllin& to which Battin ... lot tHlecllon, uried that the <Ode relemd wu expen1ta Charged by of c.iicluel looludl probtbltlon of dollbJe Baker'I of!Jee In lfllll In COMedlon with bllJlni !or airline tlctell miJeoilt 11d hio cbalrmanablp of the 1 t 1 t e that the eJ!ect, be m..i, -'" to Er.vi-al Sludr CQuocll • Jon. 1, 1•. Saker, dUrllll! tile dllCUlllon, also 1ug· lllW tudilJ aeilfled. lllllA'a .... !• (JM OONOOt'T, he• II --... .. no . . Glau then ofrered a 1ubstltute motion limiting the second unk to IKlCl square feet and two bedroom!. "I am doing this because It Ls a 'ood selling point ror a rental unit, 11 Clan 11id. " We want these to be attractive to good tenant.I." Glau' motion failed for lack of a 5eC"' ond. Martin 111ggested 1notber motion -to ~-zone 111 property on the l1land lo R· I -which be aald would bring out all the residents to see where they really at1nd c!n the IOOlnl Issue. BU\ Marlin let the motion drop wbeo a . oubstitUta wu olfered by Gla11 to con- tinue 1cllon on 'tbe R-1.5 zone until afttr the joint City Cou'I'" ... . lllet Pl.'"·-., A spokesm411 lllr the Newport llertiOt"" Chamber of Commerce will outline the Chamber's position on a propoeed In- crease in the city's building excise tu when the City Council takea up the mat- ter next Mondly night. But as it atlnds now, the Chlmber position is to take no firm stand one .,,.., ar the other. Chamber directors Monday heard • report from a committee headed by William Ring on what approach the Ol.amber should take before the council. C.Ouncllmen at their last meetlnc postponed any 1clion on the lncre1ae to give the chamber more t1me to uplore the propoaal. Chamber · dlnetor1 bad already • ll\!Cll'lnl the tu -for a month before lhal "I thinlt mort dtlcullloft II lllll -.1- ed, n Ring aid. "So l Jut can't tiler • position.now." . ' '11te board·debaltd otllo llllM brltl!J 11111 came ta the ....,lullon that no Ollmber stand was poulbli !l·lhe eomrnlttll'- unable to unr1vel ell the cletalll. The propoaed ·-would boolt the building excl.se tax on new residential building to 15 cents per square foot from the current.flit rates applied to varioul types of struqures. The rate on commercial or lndultrW. facilities ~ 10 fl'(lm three cents to 11 cents per square foot. The laJ ""' originally levied to pro. vide money for fire stations, police ata~ lions. perb ind other public service facilities. "About the only solid position we have decided on ls that we should ask the council to atve us 10me idea of how thl money would be distributed." Hing •kl. "We will ask what artaa will benefit and what plan lw been made !or opllmW11 distribution or the money." Chamber Pr"ldent Robert M~ said that unleas the Chamber comes Up with a firm stand for or against the in- crease before Monday, the chances are any halfway opinion would not do any good . "The council is expecting aome kind of PoSitlon. U we glve them anythtnc less than that, I don't think we can affect the outcome of their decision," McQirdy said. But Jacking any llnn direction from their committee, directors flnall y agreed to send Ring or another Olamber represent1Uve to the City Council meetin« to lnfonnaUy present 1ame of their feelings concerning the tu ln- crtast. · Balboa Fun Zone Judge Bows Out After Objection Orange County SuperloT Court Judp Claude M. Owens today stopped don ' lrom the Balboa Fun Zone ute permit case altar plalnttlf Allan Beet objected le Judge Owens bearing the case. Beek'o attorney. Richard Newell, ,._, jected to having •Judfe Owens prelfcll, acting on beb.all ol Beet. Newell rt.tu.I to divulp any reasons lo< the objeclloo. County courtroom obee"e:r1 noted. however. that Judge Owens bid bed presiding when 1 group of interv....,. aour,ht to nulllly the Upper Newport Ba(. Udtlands txcbonge with the lnine Como pany. Beek bad been one II the lft. tcrvenors. Judge OWem ruled lo lnw " the trade. , To:!1y'1 •etlcm was~ to .. ,.. some aew delay In U. na · Zone c:i.. ta another Judie. t -a,, pears presiding Judie Bnace ••11Mr wll assign lt to Judge Robert 1lllOV4. I Bttk actks to overturn a Newport p 44 " ,..,. ,.. ••• .. en adloQ wbicb would " of 1 tT-l•lt -...... ., ......... 1 I ' ' I 1 DAILY PrL.01 ,. r&ltSdlJ, s.a•: tt, tm I Ciiy FilDt? Newport May Tell Air Story 11J L PllTER )(RIEG 01 .. o.llt' """°' Sl•ff NewPorl Stach ha.sn'l bffn ablt to tell Ill sad Orange County Airpor1 story in worcb ltl'Ong enough to convince anybody re1. Solt m1y try to do it with pictures. The city tuis oblained proposal! from three film producers for • movie that would vllUally tell tile plight of Newpm ~ach homeowners who dally contend with the nQi!e poUution of jet plan6. The proposab; we~ obtalned at the r~ quHt of Newport Beach City councilmen 1ftu they viewed a film produced by a Long l1land, New York, community undtr the Kennedy International Airport rnaht path. Aasistant City Manager Philip F. Bet· tencourt said he 'll take the propoaals to councilmen for consideration later this roonlh. He diliclo&ed that the cost of making the movie, which would probably run le11s than 20 minutes, b somewhat higher than the New York film. That IS-minute documentary oost about $15,CKX> and Bettencourt said the pro-- J>OSals he haa in hand have price tags ranging from $19,000 to $34.000. But he pointa out that the New York film 1'11 made lllrft yun.,. _. Iha! the Newport Beach Olm wW II)' to tel tile story from 1 Ultle dJHennt point ol view. "There '1 oo use prepartna 1 film to tell the people In Newport Beach 1hat thty have a problem." Bettencourt ukJ. "The purpost is to get 1ympathy and understanding for our plight and ho~· we have tried to cope lD a rea.90nably patient manner. "We want to convey that messa1e throughout Oran1e County and to the Public Utilltiea Commiuion, the Federal Aviation Admlnlstration the C I v i I Aeronautlct Board and m i I i t a r y authorltle1." he sald. Betttncourt said he plans to make no recommendation to councilmen o n whtt.her or not to ,o ttirougr. with the movie or which producer ahoulc. be hired. "We were told to find out If it is fea!i· ble, .to get different approachet to scrip- ting and to lurn co1t1 and production times," be said. "We'U give the counCll a progre!!I report and set If they went to puraue It,'' he &aid. The New York movie spent much of its IS minute! showing what happened to various types of people and situatinn! in the community whenever a big jet flew over. Newport Harbor Chamber Opposes Coast Initiative Newport lfarbor Chamber of Com- merce directors voted unanimously Mon· day to oppose Proposition 20 the Callfomla Coastal Initiative -on the November ballot. · l•(f tbJa paSJet, we would have another new horrendom layer of new government that would take away a great deal of Jocal control," aaid Richard Stevens, chairman of 1 chamber comm.Jttee that studied the initiative at the board's direc- tion. "The new burtaucracy would be tre- mendoualy upen.slve, hard to organize and even harder to deal with," said Stev· f!llll, an oecutlve with the Balboa Bay Club. The propc>Hd lniUaUve would eslabli.sb FromP .. el CONDUCT ... gested that attorneys who art membera of lhe Board of Supervlm be prohibited frun representing firms doing business with the county. Battin b the <>n1y at· torney on tbe board. Battin in the verbal e:rchanges also rderred to the recent MUe Square agricultural lease scandal. He said "an attorney from the County COUmi:el's Of· rice during the period when the Mile Square leaae was being negotiated four years ago now rtpre!tnts lhe farmer who ls leasing the property. "How do we know that there i.5 not a p.1yoff Involved?" James Okauki, Santa Ana attorney who reprt.senll: farmer George Murai has not been a member of the County ~!'1 Office for the past five years and the record shows that he was never involved In the Mile Square agricultural lca1e negotiations. Supervisors, after debating for 45 minutes, voted 4 to J with Baker dissent- ini to refer the Code of Conduct back to the County Counsel's Office and to the personnel direcuir for "amendment and clarlficatlon." Battln's amendment referrin5 to the alleged double billing whict: he later at· tempted to push throup;h wa5 defeated by a 3 to 2 vot~ with Baker !upporting the motion. saying, "J have nci fear of such a probe.·· OIAN•I COAIT M DAILY PILOT TM Or•,,.. CW1I OAolLV ,ILOT , •1111 wtioc:ll .. ~) ...... ,... ..... , ,.r.s •. ,, "'9111Md .., ,... 0r ..... Ca.11 ""•l11lllfto Comi>e,.r. S!'P9· rlllt H l!ion., 1rt SNblotlltd, M-IW lll"°"'!th ll''lcl•f• Mir (OJll Mfll, Nt•JXl•I 9e...;11, Hunll .. IGll ltl(l\IFDVll!li" 1111 .. w, LIOUl'll at1<11. 1r .. 1,.,.1s1u:1e1111Mo,~ ""' S•~ c1tm1111t/ S111 J11.., (1p1J1r1tno A ••~I~ •t11•on1I ••llU"' h pullUY!ed S1h1•d•yt '"" S1md•r•. ,,,. Pl'iftclptl ""°+111>1"0 Pltnt ,, " llO W111 .. , Slr .. t, Co1!1 Mt", C111!or01i1, •l•U. -oliitrf N. w,,J ~tft+d'"I tllCI P~hlll« J1c~ R. Curle.,- YM l"ruldent IM G-111 JMnagtr l"•"'•• kitevil IEOftor T"'"''' A, Murp"i111 MaMtlllt lcl+l'tr L ,,,,., 1Cri19 N9wpDrl atl<ll C11y !OfllOr N..,._, IHcll Offk• 33JJ Htwporl loYlit•••' Malllftf A4ilt1111 ,,0 . 10 1 1115, '16•1 -Offkft Clt'9 MIU: DI Wttl • .,. Slrttt u.-Ml<tl: m ,...,.., "-Hllnllftt• .e.c:111 1111i l itt<:ll 11ou1 ........ .. ~ c~ -....,.. II C.rn!nci lllMI , ........ 17141 '42-4JJ1 ClrrlflM MMlf:I I '42·5671 ~. ten, Or_. C..I Nlltll'"' (IMIPlfl'I'. Ho ,.... t19"1ft., l11111lrtt..,,., Mttotlel 1¥1111.,. # liltftt'l~h llortfil 1Nr • ,., wwcoe -.~ "'*"'• ,,.... "'i."'" "' ..,.,.,..,. ,_.,., ,..,.,, ..... ,...... H• .. (•I• MtM, t.flflnllil. ...,..loll t¥ CMrfort U,tJ ~· .., ,,,.. J.J.11 ,,....,.,,, .,...u.,,, -.nMt ... GM ~r. ' a coasta1 :.one In California and would put development In the zont in lhe hands of a series of regional lx>ard1. "This is a very complex iuue blt ln the long run It means total Josi of local control• on coa11tllne development," Stevens said. "Analy1is shows that the effect of this measure would be to stop tvtrylhin&," he said. "All IYJlll of bulldlng in the coastaJ r.one, ~Jg or little, would come to a halt." Stevens 11Jo aald the lnltlative would halt virtually any project coa1t1l city governmenll undertake. "For almost any project, we would have to go through another layer of bureaucracy for approval and that meam anyWng from sew~ to bicycle tr1U1," be llld. ·' • Chamber Director Nolan Fri.rzelle aaid cll!Jena are .._uni, the lnltlaUvo beo1UH lhey have !oat faith in the ab!Uty of their local eovernmenll to protect the environment. "Many people don't believe In local government anymore,'' he said. "It wilt be difficult to sell the concept of local control but that is ultimately the most important thing for us." Stevens said the best direction for the chamber to take would be to educate the public on the measure's drawbacks. "The real problem here is a lack of complete educati on on tht part of the public," Stevens 11id. "It is up to us to get the correct material in the hands oC the people." Chamber directors voted to add the chamber's opposition to that already voiced by the Newport Beach City Coun· ell and asked Stevens' commlttee to ex- plore ways of educating the public on the potential problems of the coastal Jn. iUative. From Pagel PROP. 20 ....... t\ewport Beach cast a unanimous council vote against the coastal initiative. while Laguna Beach was unanimOUI in support of it. Nelther Seal Beach nor San Clemente has taken action on Proposition 20. Proposition 20 parallels the unsuc- cessful Jeglslation p r o p o s e d by Assemblyman Alan Sternly (0-Beverly IU!ls). It would establish one, overall state board for control of coastal development 1.000 yards inland and three miles lo !ea. There would be reglcnal plannin& boards set up under the state board. Jack Green. who serve111 president of the Southern California Asaoclatlon ot Governmenls (SCAOI, sa\d SCAG has not taken a position on lt, but se\•eral top leaders in the California League of Cltles have supported Pro!)Oflltlon 20. "They don't let! !ht bUI will hurt k>cal government,'' Green. who once oppoted the Sieroty legislallon. said, "Wlth a lack af qualified state plannen. It i. felt the slate wiU have to rely on county and cily help in this Otld." Green first Intended to abl!taln, uylng he felt It might creale some problems In JJuntington Beach. bot after looklna •t Los Angeles a~ Mal ibu, he could set the need for atate control. Thtn Green and Glbbli bolh crltlclud the coutal leglalatlon propoled by 1tate Senator 0.M~ Carpenter (ti-Newport Btach) 11 "weak and dtluted" and "not the answer." "tr son1ething Isn't done soon, we'll get more and more · radical bUll," Gmn uld. Al the last minute he cut hll vote favorln1 Proposition 20. Atatney's only ctimme:nt In opPQS\lion waa that he had "heard all the coastal bW! aod none ol them were any 1ood.'' ON THE GOLD STANDARD Police Olympi1n McEv1ny Newport Officer Tops in Police Olympic Swim Newport Beach police officer Mlke McEveny. emulating Mart Spitz, has swept his swimming events at the Californl& Police Olympics. · -· The 26-year-<>ld patrolman won three gold medals in the 50 yard backstroke, the 100 yard back1troke and the 200 yard lndlvJdual medley in the compeUUOn held Sept 4 througll I in 8an Diego. McEveny set a meet record in the ln-- dlvldual medley to go with the records he currently bolds in the two backstroke events. Meet rules limit participants to three events. A five-year veteran of the Newport Beach department, McEveny has ac-- cumulated a total of II a:old medall in the five years he bas represented Newport Beach in polict competlUon on the state and national level. ,l\l<Ey~ny ~bad a 191 of,u~nc:e In swlmmlna. He began bre1iln1 records When he was attending Lakewood Hi&b S<hool and during his college career at Long Beach City C<>llege he was selected four times as an All-American for water polo and swimming. Stock of Former Newport Resident Offered Publicly The financial concern founded by the late Newport Beach resident Howard Ahmanson bas asked the Securltifft and Ell'change Commission for permiss ion to sell its 1tock to the public f« \he first lime. Experts say the offering of 3.6 million ahares oftthe H. F. Ahmanson Co. e•· pected to fie worth $100 million would be the largest transaction of Ill kind since 1956. Until his death in 1968, AhmBMOn maintain~ a home on Harbor Island. His yacht, the racing sloop Sirius II was well known , finishing first in, the 1961 Transpacific ract to Honolullt and aettlnl records in the 1964 Acapulco race aod the 1964 Mazatlan race. AhmanS<Jn had just graduated from USC In 1928 when be founded hit com- pany as a casualty insurance flnn with exactly $588.21 in the bank. At the time or biJ death, the company had grown Into a multl·milllon dollar financial complex, of which tlMi fiagahJp institution was Home Savings and Loan, which today has assets of f3.I billion. Plans call for 800,000 shares In the company to be sold by the company itself. with the rest offered by trusts and foundations controlled by the famlly . Officials said the sale by the holding C()rnpany would be the largcat stnee 19$6 when Ford Motor Co. offered Jts first 10.2 million shares of its stock to the publlc for $651 million. Investment corrununity sources uld the price will be about $25 to '27 per share for the stock. The Ahmanson complex also owns U.5 perctnt of Nationa l American Insurance Co. with assets of $57.4 million : aU of N• tional American Llfe Insurance Co. of C..llfomla, with Insurance wortb m million in force ; National American Title Insurance Co., with fl.I million in assetl; and Allmanson Banl ind ~ Co., wll h $18.7 million in deposits. AccordinJ to the papen filed with the SEC, the company had • net incomt al. KU .million or $%.01 a •bare In lfll, up from 123 million or $1.28 1 ahare In the previous year. • , • .......... fta•P .. 1J • Israel Attache MY~Y ... II 1mown yd. o-U, .........i In AllltftlT• ........ lb ~ ..i .. 19 '!be Toftll, Sltl W. Coal! lllllm1, • """"""...., asUllfll<n-. -.. 1t1oaoo *-.. 1111 ... , ~Killed ID Blast W1't cose al tbe llli wltb BrazAR .., Mr car liceme plat• wai taken wbto bi· .-tgato.. entered .AnUfty's • ...,,..,... wilb a aearcli warrant Moodly. LONDON (UPI) -A boml>riged parcel In a pUe af letters of condolence on tile Imel! Olymplc tragedy expk>cled In tile Israeli Embwy todly, kllllDI tbo qrlcultural attache and WOlllldlJll lbe of- fleial who WU to suc<ftd him ID I week. Bomba also were found in two other envelopes in the mail. Tbe blut caugllt the 44-year-old Ami Shacbori in tile stomach, htally woun- din& him. 11 deafened and sllgbUy injured Tbeodor Kaddar, wbo '#U to succeed him. Shachort wu ending a four-year tour at Israel'• London embasly. His wlfe and two children already bad gone home. J1raell Embassy spokesman Ell Taborl said explosives experts checked two other "•usplcloully buiky" letters that arrived for embassy officials and found they, too, were booby trapped with ex· pl<>slves. Fro111 r.,,e l PLANNERS. •• mission meeting next week. The continuance to Oct. 5 was unanimously approved. Atost of tbt Balboa laland reaidents and property owners who apoke at the meeting opposed the R·l.5 proposal for variOUI reasons. "I can't imagine a t"'O bedroom apart- ment ln IOO square feet -that's a decent one bedroom," ~~ .Hanna Flynn of 110 Garnet Avenue. ·-· --- "People want quality oowadays and I can't believe a tiny cubbyhole <>f '50 square feet i.a going to attract the kind af quality, year-round realdenta we want on Balboa Jaland," she added. A number of speakers Hid the answer to Balboa Island crowding problems was not in changing the zone but in enforcing the e1istlng zonlng regulations. Cecil Lynch., a Balboa Island resident and former inspector for the l« Angeles fire departmtnt, said violations of lhe ex- isting zoning laws are flagrant on the island. "I can show you 50 illegal living units and other such violations on just a couple of bloc~,'' he sai4. • , "I pefsonal!, ietl that moat ot'lhe prob- lem on Balboa Ialand is not apartment size but lack of enforcement," Lynch ad· ded. Connniaaionera generally agreed with the commenta on enforcement problems and encourased rtaldenU to pressure the council Into providing more money to hlrt inspectors. "Rlaht now, we are under SC> much prtSSUre and work load, that 'ft· just can't do au tile ill!p<Cting we probably should," said O>mmunity Development Director Richard H<>gan. Several memben of the audience, in- cluding 1 ,._1auve of tile BUA, spoke in favor ol the propocal u the only way to cut bacl: tile croodlnc. "Free air ind spece are at a premium," said Robert llison, US Agate Avenue. "This I.I by far the be.st possible ordinance if you can pw.h it through." George Woods. who represented the BUA hoard of directors at the hearing said his group alwaya 1upp:wrted such e.f· forts to minimize density and ~ding. "We have only one reservation arid that Is !hat the upper limit be aet at tlOO square feet -that would be n\ost equit· able to the property owner," he said. Ht said 111 mall underwent security check& "bot 11on1ebow lhll one pused throli«h" In a pilellp of mall over the Jewish Yorn Klppur relJglous holiday weekend. Tbe emballl)' bad been cloled since Friday. ln Paris, an lsnell Embusy spokes.- man said two letten oootaining e1plo- slves arrived at the embassy there today but wert detected and diamaotled before they could cause Injury. 1'be letten were addrused to dlffennt diplOl!llb at tile Paris Embassy, tile spokesman said. Scotland Yard and Special Brlnch detecUves combed doalers of antl--lsrael milltantl tor poulble leada to Sbachori's killers ln !Andon. Police SOlU'tt:I said they R•ve speclal attenion to sympathizers of the: Pales.. t i n i a n "Black Sept.ember" guerrilla group that c a r r I e d out the Munich O I y m pl cs mas,,acre of 11 Iaraeli athletes. The Foreign Office said the parcel that killed Shachori was mailed f r o m Amsterdam. where Arab guerriUa girl hijacker Lella Khaled was reported seen three weeks ago. Officials said, however, there was no evidence to link her to the bombing attack. The· blast came as Shachori opened the pt.l'Cf'I ln his: office on the second floor of the embassy, located in Kensington PaJace Gardens. Several <>lher embassies flank the same private thoroughfare, known as ''mWlonairu row." Tabort said Schachorl "had nothina to do with political affairs, but we know that terrorists <>ften choose soft and unsuspecting targets. "Obviously, we will now have to have stricter security precautions, but for such precautions we mu.st, of course. rely mainly on what is proYided by "the host government," he said. Tabori said the emba~sy had been going through a backlog of hundreds <>f unopened letters and parcels, mosUy con. dolences on the killings at the Olympics. It was the second attack on an Israeli diplomat in West Europe in 10 days. Reagan Speaks At Irvine F ete l1i Unity-Move Gov. Ronald Reagan vi1ited lrvina Monday ~ternoon to c.ampai&n for the reelection of President Nixon and to pro. mote unity among Orange County Republicans. He was guest of a reception at t h e Airporter Inn,· hosted by the Orange County Republican Central Committee. Reagan's »minute speech covered the accomplishments . of the Nii:on ad· ministration and was characterized as a "pep talk" by per80ll.S invited to the closed-door reception. "He talked about the splintering of the RepubUcan party in Orange County and the eslellCe of his talk WU that there wun't any," said Jack Hammett, mayor of C.O.ta Mesa. The governor reportedly did not focus on tile candidacy by the lamo-duck Congreuman John G. S<bmitl from Turtin who la' challenging President Nlx· on under the American lndnependent Party banner. John Myers of .Fullerton, executive secretary of the Republican Central Committee, barred members of the press from the reception. "The governor will probably discuss campaign strategy and we don't want that publicized," he said. ''TbeN: waa a lot ot blood/' l&id SCt. CiblJonW. One upecl of tile blzaM CUt Ill> volvtng the auractlve young woman whole car license predicted the natuft of her own violent death was dlacorrered Mi>ndiy in Weat Loa ~eles. I Her car, in addJtlon to Ankeny'• ttn C<>rvette and tm Dodge van, bad been sought for examination. "Three cars just don 't disappear overnlib~" ,.Id Sgt. Clbbarelli, who IJ wlBDOd to !ht case a!Olll wltb Detoctlve Som Amburgey. One poisible clue to cin:umstances tn tho sla)'lna of Miss Singleton, wholt parents live bi Puerto R1co where her father hold& a government job, la the ap- parent wealth of both SUlpect and victim. No ball bu been set for Ankeny, a 1957 Newport Harbor !Ugh S<hool graduate whose parenta live in Salem, Ort. Mill Slnileton apparenUy bad no job either: but lived at a fashionable apart· ment libe shared wilh a roommate, in ad· dition to 4rivlng her expensive car back and forth to college classes. Investigators said Miss Singleton at- tended UCLA , but she is known to have been enrolled at· UCI and prior to that she was 1 student at Georgia Southern College. A probe·of the case also led to a duaJ- life ang!P. in which one prior landlady In the Los Angeles area s&d the victim identified herself as an actress and claimed to work instead of going to ochool. "It's a weird case all rlgbt," Sgt. Ci~ barelll remarked, while declining to speculate . what may have triggered tbf killing, or whether it might even posslbly be suicide. A West Hollywood talent scout wit.Ji W@DJ .Mj.ss Slnglet{>n flad dealt dJJrinl' lier 'apparent quest for an acting career described her as seeming rather mixed up about her life. "Very nice, very qulet and kind Of strange," is the way the victim was described by agent Joe DeCarlo. He was traced as the result of being listed as a perSonal reference for the ba;;e!-eyed homicide victim. Ankeny, who is divorced and goes by the nickname "Cor," surrendered to San Anselmo police about 10 p.m. Sunday, roughJy 20 hoors after Miss Singleton was shot in the bead. He was in the company of an attorney whcl is currently arranging to obtain legal counsel for him alT'ong the ranka of Orange Coast Jawyen and has ap.~ parently advised him to keep quiet. So !ar, neitb'U his Corvette oor his van bas been recovered by poUce, who uid.. the blue sports car bas a license plate.: saying 646 EAE and the white van hat 888MJ shown on a com mercial license. Hoag Memorial Hospital aides said the man woo dropped off the dying waman for emergency treatment about 1 a.m. slipped a'vay , reportedly saying he was going lo get a second individual who bad been shot. He failed to rtturn and Newport Beach police beginning their probe of what may be one of the city's mO!t mysterious shooting deaths heard nothing more until contacted by San Anselmo pollce. From Pagel CHARTER ... use haven 't changed since ''I built a house in tbe middle of a hay field in Corona del Mar In 1938." But he said he thinks Newport Beach 11 a beter place to live than it was 3i years ago. "We've got golf courses, lhops, restaurants and things like the Univeni· ty," he said. "I can go to concerts and plays. The Jurik Business Addmsing tho C1nlr•l lndi1n1 Floor Covering A1soci1tion, 1n industry spokesman, Walter Guinan nid: "Too mony people in tho fl-covering industry oro convinced tho public only wonts to buy "Junk" c1rpet." Wo're 1fr1id th1t you mighf olso gel fhis impression from lho 1d1 which specify unboliovob!. low prices. lnvltligotl09 these ids wiH d1formln1 ono of fwo things -eifhor tho carpet IS junk, or they will try lo soft 'fOU something mo,. oxponsivtl We don't ..a funk ot Aldon's, but we do hove quor.ty •I compotitivo pric11, ond tho best lnst11lotion In ti.. county. ALDEN'S CAIPETS e DRAPES 1663 PIMllltlo AYe. COST A MlfA MMl31 The documents show Ilse com-bu Cont01Jdated Ule!J of fl.f blJiioil, llabUltles of 14.1 billion ancl lllattbOldets' net worth of 9131 mllllcn. The MmaD10o ll'ountlolloa will lllll I HOUtlli Moil. T1wv n..., t 1o IOO -Piii. t .. t -SAT •• 9:l0 1o s own SI peroenl of tbe ....,..., •• llock ,_.., _ _. ______ _,iiiiiiiiiiiiiio _______________________ , aller the salt. , I ·, • ' ' • .l ., ·- ge Coat EDlllON TeUy'• l'lul NeY. Steek• ~. ¥· NO. 263, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAl.FORNIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1972 c TEN CENTS , .. ' , ~oag to Close Down Family Practice Center "' "'!'he medical staff of Hoag Memorial llOopltal MOllday night voted to sllUI down the bospitaJ.:S family practice ,. . COOier w.hidl has btelt the subject 'of - UO....., Sil>ce It Clpelled Ihm years all"- '!l'be ·-.. offered general practl<e care far !ll!WI 51! penons 1 day -1,IOO per lllDllih' -but it loot '214,800 last yur, a1>olpital spokesman •Id. . The decision to close its doors as of ~ Jwie ·31 caine even though hospital ~clala ~ there artn't enough al prictUIOiiera to 1«ve the needl . .. of the Harbor Area. "! don'I know where tbeae peo(lle (the patients) will go. That'• going to be a problem. Then Ii 1 ahortqe of general practitk>Den in ~ community/' said carolyn Filber, Hoag public relatiom director. . Vmc...t Jorgenoen, pnoldent of the boopital'a Boord el. Trust.a, said there will be no 111empt by the pverning body to try 1o inll-the. docton to retonslder their· dlclaion that came on a vote of 71 to a. 1 He stuck. by their conlentlon that the action was taken becauae of the financial ills the progr1111 wu experiencing. He denied tbe clllm of one of 13 pb~· clans lullilllJll their l'llidelley re- quirements that the docton in the oom· munlty don't ua· it bec•w It'• com. petition foe ~. . . ''The family pradlee ... ter bu bffn hlghly contronrsial," said Dr. Chales Patterson, wbo admitted that by •ytog anything be's hurtlni bis chances of get- ting another hospital r e I i d e 0 C y anywhere. •1iut h'a competition for everybody and it cuta kind of deep here and there," be .said. '"l'tle decisJon leavts me out on the •-t and I'll bave to look for 1 place foe my next two yean of residency," he said. "And the thinl U, we're not really cro>petlng ·with tliem on the streets. We take a lot of patlenta they wouldn't want to bave. Now they will be &addled with them," he said. Neither Jorgensen oor Mra. Fisher u:- plained why the center wasn't making money si~ it charged rales "com- parable, and sometimes more" than doc- tors ln the community. She said finances are within the purview ol the docton. "Yes, it's a Concern for the hospital ad- mlni!tration," she said, "but the doctors are concerned about the dollars and cents because they are concerned with the hospital, the hospital's growth, because the hospital serves the doctors very well." SM said abe didn't know why some alternate meaos of financing the proaram like a public aubecrlptlon campaign bad not been tried. "That's not really a prop- er method, maybe," she said. The docton ln tht communit) llad little to say about the vote this morning. Dr. Shedrick Moore, incoming medical st aff president, called the decision "un-- fortunate" but would say no more. He had voted to retain it. Dr. John Granzella. current staff presi- dent, could not be reached for comment Sign Bill Pushed Mesa Council Finds Policy Weak • .t aAtLY PILOT lt•ff .....,_ JOSEPH RANDALL FORBES, 3, H~~~:.;.IEC~ OF U.S. HISTORY IN HIS HANDS A , _ .... A!:••191 Took,S~!Hm ' Of!i-atla~ofT"-'!ton ·ln 17!6 . !!"f 4~~.j.:.; r ":f ~f•\(-1 t'i< • ( ~ ~ I • • ' ,,~~ -~.r.~ ' • f Costa Mesa Will -Exhibit >-• I ~ . ,. RevoJutionary WarSword ~ ~ lo lmarove ttalllc condllloM 111 Bay' Str#I anif'wa..oa street by Im-fBy RODI NlJIDZIEUIU the past two yean as ·the museum's only ~'I park1Di ban were fejeCted Mon-: Of ... ..., PllM Stefl' artifact "from the other side" from the illy night .. by the Costa· Mesa City A l1j01)! ,capQ\red from a Hessian of· 1776 Arnericlin Revolution. c;ouncn. ficer during !bf Batlle of TrenU>o wben A Bicentennial Coqunitlee, officially · A-·~•.: bo, w•,•• ta pr<ssUre, ..., w'~•s-J11eb Cl'Olled the, Delaware crealed-ey the eosta Mesa CitY' Coundl ...-~ • .., ,,. "' will !jecome t!ie local· poi!it of Costa Morulay night, will be cbarged with the ~rtmen~ tenants, apartment owners, Mela'B own U;S. Bicentennial exhibit. gathering of other Revolutionary arti· Pl •1Jo1illnettm..i, ·the <OW!CU turned 'Owled . by tfrs. Bever I~ Cs,.y, the facts be!°"' .19'16 when. the Uni led Sta\eS down tbe Traffic Commlsslon'• recom-aithilly engra~ sword Was on display celebrates its 200tb birthday. iiiendatlons by • 4-1 vole. at t1je Los Alifieles County Mu.seiim for '!be sword bears the inscription, "Csp- ."-The pm-king· ban was envisioned as the L , tured from a Hessian officer Dec. 26, ljnt lll<p to WldeninJ! both roads tO' fout. • i" ·' I . 1776 at the Batlle of TrenUlll by Ll JaM'. capacity and thereby reducing ac-W • · ht Lo • George Hare of the C.Otlileotal Army." htdents. .,; er.g , Stng !ts r<vene side ,.ads, "Presenled to Apartment ownen on Wlloc>n Street 7 the great-grandsoo of Lt. George Hare by boW...,. ai'rrued ' lhi!t the. 1ane 1naease n:rouram 'Ga:ns' R. H. sr1w. his 1ather." ~ lUncl«'n. Oii, , ! ~ratbei' tbali belp, traffic .r;i I,_ 0 / · . ," R. H. Briggs Ls Mrs. Csr<y's great-clrrtlll -i grandfather and the heirloom has been 'lb"t1narr0w nJne..foot lanes ·would have ~troOg ~-have led to a 4oubling passed down in her family for nearly two made drlvinl! amditionS mor< danRerolls. ol Costa . Mola Recreation Department centuries. .~ to aporimenl owner Mel ~!!i'Ytl>m. el•"'!• d""'-. wbicb Ulttmalely the sword. will be presenled lioneger, who told-~ -that i:F--:· -·• to Joseph Randall-Forbel, 3; of Santa !ruck• would bave dllfic!ilty Jn · passing · &llnunlng 'WMlen will Invade the Harbor Ana, Mn. Carey's grandson, who also Without encroacblng Into other lanes. ,Area Boys-Club. ' bappeos to be the, great-gre&l-j,.•t· ~It was also pointed out by tNmerous '" RegiltratioD for the class · featuring great-great-great-grandson or Lt. George Wilson Street residents that the !$-fool ~c!elal ezuc~ will begto Thlirsilay at Hare. Oirb Tldll would require them to turn Jn. the Community Recrutioil Center near '!be authenticity of the sword which lo their cf1veway1 from the 'center lane the weal pie of the Orange County bears an Ivory bandle and a dog's bead ind ii1danger other driftrl. · · J'~. bas never been in doubt, according to 'Councilmen ctro•-' the Wilson. Street , .• lnljnictor Rene FIOfO, a former stu-Mn. Carey, but .. actiy bow It wa1 cap-denlQc concept 'b.favor of lncrtulng ck!rit ol'lbe Martha Graham stuifiq and 'tured remains a mystery. li'afllc capacity oo V)ctorta street. one ot N'ew· York'i New Dance Graup, says It ts known that it belonged to one of clty'a f.,. eut·wal tbon>ulhfara .. ' Sept. 25 .la~ date for the Clules, I . !,too mercenaries sent by Landgr8Ye 'Ibey ul<ed for 1 -lied -1 of tnf• 1<311 to 10:311. 1·.gi. .-nmiD( Mon-Frederick U of Helseo to bolater enemy 60 COlid1llonl OD Vldoiia Stnot with ilia clan '!Ind W!'fneodal'l llld 'l'llladayt RI forces at Trenton. .tlltlmate olljectJve of wldOnlna .. lt, 1 !ft~, Tbunda,Ja. • • ' -· Frederick U, wbo lived from 1711H785, ect whldl icairdlng to Councilman ~ wiD bi cooducted at the Boys' a<tually senl 2Z,OOO of his soldlen to help AI.an.. Plnldey "oould ooat $1 m1l11on • 1 Club Central BrllJJP: .. •t Anaheim • lbd fipt the ,.volutiOnary Americana, but ..Ue... ( Center •lreela In ....... Colla Mesa. (S.. SWORD, P•&• I) , A '2.5 lnllllon •\dening projeel' /JI\' ' • . • • ''' • Costa Meia city councllin<n Monday nJi!bt begao p<l!illng for a new onflnance regulating advertising signs. 11le need'became-apparedf When cO\m ... cllmen tried to apply their ul.stlilg sign policy to a real estate agency sign and diaoovered tbat It was ambiguous and friugbt witj! loopboles. · Costa Mesa does not currently have a 1ign ordlaance but only a ioole-lmlt policy. An onflnance to ,.place It Ls cur- rently being developed by the planning department and will become subject of 1 1peclal councll study leSSlon out Mon- day nJi!bt. Meanwhile, councUmtn held over for two weeks a ftqU<at by R<~to< Ginny Mottlsolr for· a 1112-square loot sJffll, top- ped by an Ametjcan Flag, at her piace of business on 1505 M ... Verde Drive East. Mn .. Mmtson uked ·for a .i-S5 feet . Iii """11· 4'.~', jilacOi[' ·~ 1m--.r· •••Ai •• ¥,,.. ' !'l-fiil ~ ~~ ... -1e1(Jt!!IOd.11-.-.•:n.rti· ~ . . ....., lbe lip~ adoDlid In lfll, ooa1d Dot m:eed a belibt till tee\. Mn. Morriloli, however, contended tbat bm WU I freHlanding alp, Ind Ibo council ...... alnce the j)Ollcy. -Mi specify a mtnlmwn dilitance between slf!l1 andJ:lfdllJI ' • Wltb t .etiled, council membm then atl(mpted to apply the poltcy'1 lo,rmola &r computing the copy area of free.atsndlng alfflll. K.idnapers Seize LA Businessman, I Demand $20,000 LOS ANGELES (AP) -A· biaine11- man WIS being held by kidoapen today for $20,000 rlnlOm, police said. Jeffrey Hawkins, I&, af'l'&'<DUY was abducled Monday afternoon alter be left h1s income tu service office here en route to 1 bank 'ln HuntingU>o Park, au- thorities said. . Hatvkina' brother, Yancey, received a telephone call at bome Monday night say- ing · "We have -lour brother. We want S20,· 000. Get it for us or else. We will call you back tonight. .. Hawklns' brother dkf not receive an- other call, but detectives said they still upecled to bear from the fddnapen. AuthorlUes uld they did not know whether Hawkins was se.bed u be trav- eled to the bank or u be r<tumed to bis office. Detectives alao 111d they bad not de- termined how much money Hawldna wu carrying. Hawkins IDd bis brother .,. partnen II) the Command Computerlud r .. s.rv- loe and own a cocktail lo!mge here. ' , :::: waa therefore abandoned by Z . . '.~~;:::t: Conduet Voting Delayed ,... fer the putq --. 'mild • • 'ttolfPal ol ....... and • .._... line rn:~·==~=ir• .• (._ PAllDIQ, I) ' ' Bands w· Get ' Noile Chech But Debme ·Explodes in Supervisors' 'lfearing Room • • ,..Uonr. "Tl!fl ·11 • -attempt by Baltfn to tnvolte me but I have no fear," aid Babr. "Tbe mattar to which he men waa cleared by two lfllld jurloa and the Dlliricl At-y'I Ofllce and JI, Wll I 4felarfnlned thet tbon WU DO coalllcl el. lnleral and DO crtmlla1 «I. "Mr. Ballin fl obriolllly t1oundt:rllc for 11 .Ilia• "10. bit eampolffll for .re- ~under •11 now -ldvtrae cc.dWOni." • Tbe -doublt 1lfllng to whldl Battin ,.,...... ... ·-cbarttd by -·· olnoe.1111 •• In -...a... with .. ~ el. a. 1t1te ··~....., Oomdl ~. :::1&.. • • •. lllO ... . , ... ~., But the policy, wblcb spe<Uln tbat f ..... tandlng llfflll 'be no greater thin 40 ~r<:ent of tbe buildi!ig area, proved to be amblguouj. • --· -- Q>uncllmen appeared conrused whether this meant 40 percent of the floor area, ~ percent of the building's frontage, or 40 percent of its side. · On a motion by Councilman Robert M. Wllaon, the subject WU tabled uatll 1111 councU bu ·the opportunity to lnterpnt the 40 pen:ent clause. • _ Councilman Alvin Pinkley was the aalJ man to vote against the measure. Although a frequent critic of advertlftnt signs, he said Jt was "unfair" to turtbtr delay the appltcaUon Mn. Morrlaon bad pending """"' July 15. Mesa Council Action Here, In capsule form , are the major actions" taken by the Costa Mesa City Council Monday night. PARKING : Backed protesting businessmen and 1partmea1 rutdeflts In tbelr requesls to maintain on-street parking on Bar -and 'RllDcBlreel . . ,SIGlll: Asked for an ordlnaDce regulating ~ llpa to ci. lilQp. bOIOt In tlli .-·· 1111t1ne ..... policy. • llllillNTBNNw.t ~ -1tt,e far,,.,...-···~ • It Amerlm'• IOlltli bb1iMliif ~ ' . .:".""-:f ' - . cABLE "l'V: Adopted l..o1uuona against two 11.afa·Wlll ...di tlllJ .._ lieve woa!cf Infringe on, the ri&hl.s of Co•ta Mesa .and other OrUp t:.a clllet to fraDdUee a cable televiJlon network. GOLF 'COVllSB: Signed 1 new agreement with Harry S. Green for -· Uoa ol the Colla Mesa Municipal Goll Course. FllDWAYI: Oppoaed a state plan whereby maintenance ol lreew1ya would be turned over to cltlel: Bwodstnins Get Study In Mysterious Slaying By ARTllUll IL VINSEL Of ... DelW '1llt llltfl Thick, beavy bloodstains we r e dlSCOYered Monday in an expensive apartment overlooking Newport Harbor, where police believ_e a pretty blonde doubling u a college ooed and aclresa -lhot~ IDCf"llllDSiiiidi)'. l~7stery otberwile contlnues to cloud the JnvestJgaUoa today u detectJvu tried to piece loletber tbe tangled tale of hew Diane Slngletoo, 2Z, lived and why she died. The man accused of her murder, meanwbUe -an UMmp1oyed ltUdent telcber with I !usury bacbelor pad and two 1m can -today awaited filing of formal cbarp1, wblle malntalnlnc 1 wall of •llence toward police. ClrllA K. Ankeny, 33, wu turned over to Newport Beacb PoUce Dettct1ve set. Ed Clbbertlll Moaday morning at Sao Franciaoo lnlematlooel Airport after surrendering blmseU to San Anselmo poflc. • Poflce alfege be Is tbe man who drop- ped oU fatally-wounded Diane SlngleU>o, 22, 1 statuaque blolide UCLA student wbo attended UC Irvine last year, at Hosg Memorial llolpltal early Sonday. Sbe bad beeo lhot once through the bead by I ll\ID which bu not 711 beeD recovered. ·Mlil lllnclclon -leablred In I West MqnlN l'l>oto-leatlltt' tayoal two -ks ... wllb ... '12,080 .......... _ ~ -bearing the penonallsed ._ plate BIZZAR -'cf1ed aboul ,tllht-. later-wt-nplnlng ......... _,. IJ'he Illa! -. no -ive for wblcb lao -,., 1pparent11 occumd In Ankea1'• ....,_th bayfroat llllte In Tiie T-1, 3121 w; Coul f!labwoy, Newport Beach, ln...U,1ton US<rt. N-·-obtained In the b~ um Clle of the &lrl with BIZZAll on her car llceaae plalel 1'•• ta)«n when 111--lpton entered Ankelly'1 apartment with 1 -wamnt -r.· '1There wu 1 lot ol blood, ' Mid set. ClbblnllL ()ao Upool of lllo lliaam CUI Jn. ....... ll!O 1ttractm-- ...... car -pndlctad lllo -el. --~---­_.,. .... Loa ..... Her car, In lddf!laa to ·Allbqr'1 Ull Corvette IOd 1m Dodi• ..., bid .._ sought for uamlnltloo. ·~ Cll'1I just don't dtsa_. overnlC(tt," said Sgt. Clbblrelll, wbo 11 assigned to the case along wi1ll Delectlva Sam Amburgey. Oile-poufhle clue to clrcumatances In the alayq ol Mias Singleton, wbooe parebts five b1 Puerto lllco wbett ber lather bolda 1 government job, la the ap- pannt Wealth of both ~ ud victim. No ball bu been Bel for Anlceny. 1 1957 Newport IW1lor llti1I School graduata wbooe P11eldll lift In Salem; Ort. ~Ila •!lqlatoa lpponntly bad no Job either 1"!111 ... at a ,_,bl< apart-' ment obi lllnd with a rimmale, In ad- dition to ~ bor .el{J s h• car bed: and forth lo collep er... lnveol:.:n said Mil! SJnileton at-( llYSTEllY, Pap II Weailller Swmy -.... the ..-for WedrJac!ay, fDl1o-trJD, It" cloudl •loo& 111o -. llflbs for the beacba eapectod , II .a. .... 'IOI rising to a fnlmd. ton to- nliht In the mJd.60I. • INSIDE .TGD.\Y George McGDM'll'r poUllcal compolgn hor /oaued ,.......z . ollcnUon ... SOMlh Dakoto, Ila ptoplt, lla ...... ltt lotodr. b 1oclated l'rer1 mt1r Sid Jfoodr ond AP photogra1lllm"iw-·a dlfltrt•t look. Sri Po41c-J/. · L.M. lml I· ....... 11 (•1"'111• • ...... .... .. , ............ ~-. CMIM1 11 -....c.... t c,....... ti ..... ..." DMlll ...._ ' =-=--•n ....... ,,_ . : ......... ,, ~ ,.._. •n • ........... ,. ....u.. .... IQLJJI M... f ...._._. M • , ...... ,, s.-19, 1971 .. DAILY I'll.OT Sl•N l"ltm BIRTHDAY NOT FORGOnEN Coit• Me11'1 Sera Morris Friends Help Mesa11 Observe 90th Birthday By JAN EDWARDS or tM oall'I' 1'1"1 St•ff By Mooday. Sara Morris' 90th birth· day. the postman had brought her 72 messages from friends from 13 different It.ates. On Sunday, 58 relatives and fr iends came to celebrate wlth her at her Costa Mesa home. •'The · house was packed -they Were crowded in here, in the dining room and on the porch ... and the children were all ..._ _ __outdoor.s~rs. Ml!rrl1 salct__"W~ had a •onderful tlme." _ Her home, built on Maple Street by her husband Arthur In 1926, Is now also crowded with many potted nowers and bouquets which she has received during the past few days. A birthday cake. baked by ber daughter, Mn. John Hoyle of Costa Meu, was decorated with red rosts and crowns to set lhe theme of the party: •1Queen of Our Hearts." Mn. Morris has two children, six grandchildren, 12 great.grandchildren al)d one five-month-old great-great- grandlon. She 1ay1 everyone in her large rainuy either came to see her, telephoned or wrote bet their blrthdax wishes. ~ \Morrl,.s moved' IC) the l!JJ:boT' Are& I~ 1916 and built a borne In lfli 1'on a barley neJd, with scattered otange and lemon grove1" surrounding them. They owned one hor!e which plowed their 111,- acre vetetable field and allalf1 patch. She recalls there was no gas but her t~te husband, a contractor, Included eleC- triclty In lhetr new home. The Co!:ta Mesa· area was then called Harper. One store served as po!l office, grocery and department store, feed store and service station, she says. All roads leading Into and throughout lhe area were dirt, but she finds today's extensive network of pavtments "nicer now when we don't have any dust." Her interests Include painting and needlework. And she often spt.nds many hours a day leisurely 1ardenlng in her flower beds and yard. Airport Director's Jury Trial Delayed Harbor Chamber Opposes Prop. 20 Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce directors voted unanimously Mon- day to oppoae Proposition 20 the California Coastal Iniliative -on the' November ballot. "If tbts pauea, we would havt another new horrendous layer of ntw aovernment that would take away a great deal of local control," said Richard Stevens, chairman of a chamber committee that studled tht in itiative at the board's direc:· lion. "The new bureaucracy would be tre-- mendously eq>en.slve, hard to organize and even harder to deal with," aaid Stev- ens, ap executive with the Balboa Bay Club. The proposed initiative would eslablish a coastal zone In California and would put development In the zone In the hands of a series of regional boards. "This is a very compler issue but In the long run it means total loss of local control a on coastline development," Stevens said. CONDUCT ... geated that attorneys who au members of the Board of Supervboro be prohibii.d from reJi'esenting firms doing business with the county. Battin is the only at- torney on the board. Battin in the verhlll achangu alJO referred to the recent Mlle Square agricultural lease scandal. He u.Jd "an -aUOrneY-from .the.. C.OUaty...Counael'I Of-.. fice during the ... period when the Mlle Square lease wu being negoUated four years ago now represents the farmer who is leasing the property. "How do we know that there Is not a payofr involved?" James Oka.zaki , Santa Ana attorney who represent. tanner George Murai has not been ,.1 member of the County Counsel's Office for the past five years and tht record 1bows that be wu never involved in the Mlle Square egricultural lease negotiations. SUperviaors, after debating for 45 minutes, voted f to J with Baker diuent- ing to r<fer the Code of Conduct back to the County C<iu.,.J•o Office and IC! the per10nnel director f<ir "ainendDwrt and clarUlcatk>n." Battln'f ame!l'!mtnl rel=Jni IC! the aDeged'""°JIW tilDlnf which lie' Jam al' tempted to push tbro~ ns defeated by a 3 to J vole with 1Upportlng Ule motion, aa}'ln&, "I have DO feu of tueb a probe." Stock of Former Newport Resident Offered Publicly The financial concern founded by the late Newport Beach resident Howard Ahmaoton baa uked the Securities and Ettbange Commll&lon for permlS1lon to .sell ita stock to lhe public f<:r the first time. Experts oay the offering of 3.1 million shares of the H. F. Ahmanson Co. ex· peeled lo be worth $100 million would be the largest transactJon of Us kind since 1956. "Analy1ia 1how1 that the effect of U1ll measure woukl be to stop everythtftl," he said. "All types of building In the coastal p ne, big or Uttle, would come Lo a bait." Stevens alto said the tnltl.ative would halt virtually any project coutal ctty government.I undertake. "For almost any project, we would have to go through another layer of bureaucracy for approval and lhat mearu anything from stwerl to bicycle trails~" he sald. Chamber Director Nolan Frizzelle .said citlzeru art supportlng the inJtJative because they have lost faith in the ability of their local covmunenta: to protect the environment. "ManY people don't believe in local govermnent anymore," be uld. ••1t will bO difficult to sell the concept of Jocot control but that is ultimately tht most important thing for WI.'' Stevens said the best direction for the chamber to ta~ would be to educate the public on the measure's drawbacks. "The rtal problem here is a lack or complete education on Uw. part of the pubUc," Stevens said. "It is up to us to get the correct material in the hands of the people." Chamber directon voled to add the chamber's oppoalUon to that already voiced by the Newport Beach City Colll). ell and asked stevena' committee to e1· plon1 ways of educating the public on the potential problems of the coaatal Jn. iUative . Newport May Use Film to Relate j Airport Story By WILL1AM SCHREIBER or .. Olltr Pllf ,,.., Newport Beach p 1 a n n I n g com- mis.slonen Monday nlaht delayed action on a propoul that would hive put all multi-flDlily and many commercial Jots on Balboa Ialand into a new limited duplex: zone. B~ tt toot.: comml!a:lonm ntarly five houri io decld~ to ~ noulJn,. · Although the propoaed R-1 .5 rone bad the endorsement of the Balboa Jaland Improvement Association (BilA), the majority of those wbo addremd the comml!alon disagr<ed with the propo11J and wtth the auoclation'1 support of It. Moat or those oppoain& tbe proposed R- 1.5 zone felt the size limitation oo the sec- ond unit -650 square feet or one fourth the lot area, whichever i1I larger (up to 800 square feet) -wu too restrictive. Debate and audience comment on the pros and cons of the limited second unit finally triggered a series or motions just before mldnJ&hl All but one failed. The first motion, by Commissioner William Martin, wu that any attempt to "doWMOne" UIJllng J\.J lob would be unfair to owners and the wrong way of approaChlli1 tra!flc and den.ally prob- 1entJ. He uld the zonin1 sbou1d remain as is for the time being. DAILY PILOT Stitt l'Nl9 . J l ,.. •• r..-• MYSTERY ••• ~ UCLA . but she 13 mown to bavo been .... 11e.i ot UCl and prior to tba1 abo Wll I student at GeorJia SOUlbenl ~be of the can aJ90 Jed to a J. life angl~ in which OOI prior landfady. m tbe Los Angeles art• aald the victim ldentified he~ as an act~ss and cltlmed to work wttad of Jiollll to ochool. 'b-"lt'• a weird case all right," Sgt. Ci barelli remarked, while decllnhC to 1pecu1ate wbat may bave 1rlggered lbltho kWing, or whether It ml.gbt even pOll 1 be sulcltle. 'th A West HoJJywood talent seout -:1 whom Miss Singleton had dealt dunng her apparent quest for an acting c~r described her aa seeming rather mixed up about ber life. "Very nice, very quiet and kind of stranae.'' is the way the vlctlm was described by agent Joe OeCarlo. • . He wu U-aced as the result of bejng listed u a personal referel)Ct for the ba;;el'4)1ed homlclde victim. Ankeny. who ts divorced and pl by the nicknlome "Cor," surrendered to &tn Anselmo police about 10 p.m. Sund•Y· l'O\llhJy JO houn after MJ.ss Slngltton was sbot In the bead. He was 'tn the company or an attorney who is currently arranging to obtain legal counsel for him aw.ong the ranks of Orange Coast lawyers and ;.as a~ parently advised him to keep quiet. SUSPECT ANKENY, POLICE DEBARK AT COUNTY AIRPORT In Newport Beach, My.tery Shroud1 Murder CAH So far, neitbtr bis Corvette nor hll van bu been recovered by police, who Wd the blue sports car bas a Uceue plate saying 848 EAE and the white van has 888MJ shown on a commerclal liet.Mt. Proposition 20 Huntingwn Supports Hoag Memorial Hospital ald" Mid the man who dropped off the 'dylng woman for emergency treatment about 1 a.mt slipped away, 11porledly sayinl be wa~ going to get a second individual wbo bid -sbot. ~; He failed to r<tum and Newport BueJt police beginning their probe of wbat may Coastline Initiative · be one of the city11 moat m~ shooting deaths heard notlllng more untili contactl!ll by San Anselmo police. By TERRY COVILLE Of 1111 ~Ir Plllt $1tff Or&nJe C.Ounty'1 biggest. coastal city, Huntington Beach, went on record Mon- day night 111pporling Proposition 20, the couWne preservation initiative, in the November elecuon. 1be 5--Z city ooiincu action surprised many onlooken who erpected Huntington Beach to oppose the measure which gives the state control over coastal land development. At the same meeting, Huntington Beach councilmen called on t b e Legislature to revoke a tidelands grant to the Metropolitan W4ter District (MWD) for constructk>n ol a 40-acre of£sbore island for· a f7~ mllliOll _w~ter desalting plant. . Councll'.inen Opposed tbe Island beci'use they said no environmental impact report dealing with its construction has been submitted by the MWD. f'romP.,,e1 PARKING ... . Mayor Al Coen and Councilman Jerry Matney. cast the negative votes on ProposiUon 20. "There are only three states that do not have shorelint protection bill! - Alabama, South C a r o I i n a and C3Jifornia," Mrs. Norma Gibbs, who sparked the vote, said. "I feel Proposition 20 is good for the state, the county and the city." Coun- cilman Henry Duke added. A touch of drama was added wl>M the votes were cast as Jack Green fltSt said he would abstain. then punched the green button for a "yes" vote, then Ted Bartlett pushed the '¢. "no" bi/lton by accident and had to .. swtch his vote, A complllnt fomWly charging Ankeny with murder wu being aotlihl today b)!, 5B1. Clbbarelll, who said the auapec\1 would probably be arraigned Jo Horl!o~, Judicial District Court Wednaday mom-. Ing. Coroner*s depuUes completed 1 ~ auto)Jly on the body Monday, conflnnlnt1 that Miss Singleton was kpled by a bullet, fired throUgb her brain. The callber Is not known but the mJss., • fng wupoo is presumed to hive been a pistol of .some type. FromP .. e1 SWORD ... ' I ' Mrs. Gibbs Said after the meeting she was "quite surprised" by the outcome of only 1,400 f~ ~t Tren\on. Of thiae,. the vote: · ' 11:1' · " ' l,OOO ·wert taken as P,'ll<nerl.--. ~ So far.. among oiber oounty clf.ie11, History boob iDdicate that tbt; Newport Beach cast a unanimous council landirave received 21 million "Thaler'' vote against the coastal initiative, while for their hire. "Thaler" is a fonn~. Laguna Beach was unanimous in support German coin denomination from which, of it. · the American "dollar" is believed tq,1 Neither Seal Beach "4r San Cl~te originate. , has taken action on Proposltlon 20. , From her research, Mrs. CareJ:i Proposition 20 parallels the µnsuc-suspecl..1 that Frederick n received' the cessful legislation proposed by entire pa)'{Jlent and his soldien notbini.J Assemblyman Alan Sierbty (0.Beverly "It lookil like he just sent them ovet with residents or the Bay Meado"A's Hills ). there and he collected all the loot,'1 1be" n•M says. ' a_. .ments on Bay Street. It uld t blish > Susan Trolechaud presented the coun. wo es 8 one, overall &tate Meanwhile she is attempting to contact:i ell wilh signatures from most of the board for control of coastal develop!Pent ~ cultural minister or Hessen, • sta~ Id f I ,cm yards inland and three miles to sea. m the German federation, for furlbtt in-: res enb o the oomplex at 3871> Bay There would be regirnal planning boards f · bou the H " St.1 all of whom were opposed to the set up uoder the state ~· • onnalion a t eulan involvemen., parldn1 ban. Jack Green, who serves as presi.1·nt of in the war. Heuen still o:!Jta II a sta~ The an•Pl .... .,.,+,, rd' 'IA:a-W: today &nd its Clpitll iJ Frankfurt. ' · · .,.... u""'"' ... , acco mg to "ms.3 the Southern Callfomla A§ociation of "From wbat l"e ~-n -ad'••, "-•I Trot~ud, have spaces for 105 cars but Gov •· (SCAG l 'd ~ .... ... ~·•'\/ he emmen... , sa1 SCAG has Washin..t""' took the: enemy by m•~riae.< t re are 107 cars in the compler. not taken a -·ti It b t J •-" -r • """·-,.....1 on on , u severa top It was Chri.stmu and they ~ "111U"C'I juat no room for them~" she leader · the C Iii ml Le of Cltlea said. s Ul a 0 a ape celebrating and they were stoned out On have supported PropOsltion. 20. their minds by the liquor," says Mn,• ?y t"°'O Bay Street residents, Mr. and "They don 't feel the' bill wlll liurt local Carey. < Mrs. Frank BizanU, were in favor of the government " G ho -"" , reen, w once op~ Persons interested in parUcipating o1'~ ban. They told the council that parked the Sieroty legislat-ion, ~d. "With a Jack the Costa Mt!a BlcentennlaJ Committee! car:s create a traffic hazard, obstruct or qualified state planners, it is' felt the over the next four years should conta'°'I their view. and that drivers litter state will ba to J unt ··• J " A jury trial on drunk driVinl! charge! against Robert J . Bresnahan. director of aviation for Orange County, was delayed this morning until Nov. 7. Until his death in 1968, Ahman90n maintai ned o. home on Harbor Island. His yacht. the racing sloop Sirius JI wu well known, finishing first in the 19'1 Transpacillc race to Honolulu and setting recordJ in the 1964 Acapulco race and tht 1964 Mazatlan race. "We haven't gotten down to what Balboa Island residents ualty thlnk," Martin Wd. "We need to get an 1ccur1tte reading on their feelings before we make any effort to change zoning." Martin was joined in his dfort to re- tain the R·1 zone by Commissioners Jackie Heather and William Hazewinkel but lhe motion railed t to 3. he. r d ve re Y on co y au11 c ty Mayor Hammett, Tl Fair Drive, co.•-" t 1r ront yar with beer carus. help in this field ." M " llF";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii;~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~·~sa~ . ..,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii.j~ " The 51-yeaH>ld county airport chief \\'as arresled June 14 in Fountain Valley. Trial on the misdemeanor offense had been slated for today in West Orange C.,untv ,Judich•I District Court. OU.~•1 COAST DAILY PILOT Tll• Or•,.. co.Ht DAILY ,,,LOT, wl"' wlllcll 11 cott'lll!llci' "'9 /111-Pra&. It. ,_i.... "' Tri• Or11199 CO.II l'llbllthlllt ~llr, S4N- rt~ l'dlllM• •r-e .,.,,...ls~td. Mond•r """""" f rldt Y. f9r (Ml• M"I, NfWllOrl e..cti, H"'"n"~'°" &11cll/F1>Un111n v111tr. L911- fl11ch. 1,..,!111/Sfddlllb.!c~ and Stn CIMMnlt/ ~•n Ju•" C1pldr1no. A •lt>Qlr ... IOl\ll Hllilft l• 1Nbll11!1d $1tur(l1y1 and SilfldlYI• lf!r prlt1c ;l)JI PllOll•l'llnfl p11,.! h •I l)I) W"'I l ay S•'"'• cos•• M-, c1mor11I•. •Hlt. l rohetl N, w •• J P rHiclft1I lfld l'ullll1P!ef" J 1c~ l . Curlev Vic.I l'rWl"'MI 1M GIMf"l t """""'"' Tho,.,11 k11vll Ell!.,. lho11111 A . M1rphi111 M•lllO .... E.ilor Ch1 rl11 H. loot ll.ich1rtl '· N•ll Aul.,lnl M11119i..t h llWI c.. .... °""• lJO Wo1t toy Stro1t M1ili11t AJJro11 : P.O. 101 1 l•O, 'J•Z6 _.._ ...... ...., •HC111 .am "'~ .... 1t ..... Ll9\IM IMefl: m '""t A-Mllllllllttwl tH.;11; ln71 IMCll tovloYtr• a.11 c .. rn111M: JU ....,,,. 11 Clmlflll ""I , ........ f7t•I 642-4211 c......., ........... 642-1671 C_.,,lfllt, 1'71. °"*""' CH1• l'uM!1lllrlt CWNNinr. ... _.. 11tri... mu11,..1t.11, «tlfWlfl ,.,.,. ,, HVtfflwntnh ...,"" '""1 111 r~ •~'*'' t.PO<i.t ,.... "'""*' " ~ ..,,,.... i....i (llt.t ~ ...... ,,, •• , ... MIN. Cellf111'11lo. ,_,,rltlll!I ll!f <1rrltr a.6t .........,.,1 ~ ,.... .. u.u "-"ill'; """'" .. wt .... aAt l'Nlltthlv. • ) ' Ahmanson had just graduated from USC in 1921 when be founded hl1 com- pany as a casualty insurance firm witb eaactly $583.21 In the bank. At the time of his death, the company had grown into a mulU-milllon dollar financial complex. or which the flaa:shlp institution was Home Savina• and Loan, which today bes assets of $3.& bUUon. Plans call for 800,000 aharu in the company to be sold by the oompany ilself, with the rest offered by truata and foundations controlled by the family. Air California Asks for Boost Air cauromia of Newport Beach his asked the st•te Publlc Utilltlea COm- mission to let it charae ~.so instead of S2a for one-way flights b 1: t w e 1 n Orange County and Sacramento. The alrUne calttd current farts "too low to return an economic profit" and alSto asked · to increase one-way farts from 114 to IU bttween Pllm Springs a n d San F'r1nclsco, San J o a e and Oakland. An over·all 17 perce.nt tncre1tse In minimum air freight rates iJ allo belnl sou~ht by the Newpcfrt Btocb alrllne. The lar1e1t would be for 16 per 100 pounds Instead of 16 per 100 pound1 for s n Francl~co-Oatland, San Fr1ncllCO- San Jose and San Joso-Oaltl•nd frellht. Offlclslo aald the Hie by 1he bciidlnll comJ>My would be the largt1t since llM wh<n Ford Motor Co. offered 1!1 ftnt IG.I mlllloo lh•res of lb stock to the public ror 1654 million. , Commissioner William Agee,. who said he favors the most restrictive controlt poosible on the illand, said that thoee who dldn1t show up for the hearing were giving tacit approval or the R-1.5 iooe. "We provided stating for twice u many people as showed up tonight," be said. "l can only assume that thou who favor the proposal atayed home since most or our audlenct opposes It" The second motion came as an outl{f'Owth of Agee's comments. Commissioner Joseph Roaentr, whit had pushed most of the evening for an 80()..square-foot maximum with a limita- tion of one on the number of bedrooms in the second unit, offered a motion to that effect. Delay in Sprague Sentencing Ruled A delay bu -onltred In the Crance County Sllptrlor Court ,..Wlclntl of Newport Beacb builder Honry Wara Spngue. Sprague, ii, of 14 lie-. Bay, baa now been on1tred IC! appear Sept. • before Judge Kenneth Williama &o receive whit could be a 1tai. prllOll term for his coi. vlctlon on cbaijea ol plmpl111 and col> oplrooy IC) commit ~tl1utlon. DeO<Jty Public Defender Ron Buller ii l<beduled In pre1111J • 1110tlon for 1 new trial befOl'I Judge wuu.m. ruJ11 Oil the dlll)>Ollllon of tile def-. Sprague .... llTtltad hb. •• 1172, followl111 ln_..atlon ol tlW "Encutlve -t S<rvlce" la _.,tad from o111cto a111• Dupod .. - • The Junk Business Addreuing the Central lpdiana Floor Covering Auociation, an industry spokesman, W1ltor Guin1n 14id: • "Too many people in tho floor covering industry are convinced tho public only wonts to buy "Junk11 carpet." We're •fraid that you might olso got this impression from the ads which specify unboliovoble l~w prices. lnvosti9otillg those ads will determine one of two things -either the carpet IS junk, or Jhey will try to sell you something more oxponsivol Wo don't seN junk 1t Alden's, but wo do hove quality 1t competitive prices, end . tho best instanotion in tho county. • • ALDEN'S CARPETS ·• DaAPIS I ' ·1663 Placelll .. A••· ' COSTA MiSA 64Ml31 ' . HOURS:~· Thru Thurs., f 'Je s.JO-fRI. f le f.!...SA~ .. 19:30 i.'S '" I . -'-·-·'- r , • r 7 I . ' . . . , .• . . . . ·