HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-06 - Orange Coast Pilot7 .. 1 • Shorelin'! Sandbagging Starts. .. \"' I .. .. --' t ~..:~ .... ~ .•• ' ... ~,.\ ·~.1 : '· • Basketball Stars Jabbar a _nd Allen Fa~e Drug Rap .. DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOB~R 6, 1972 VOL 6S.. NO .... S SaciMNtS. M PAOl:t Drfltn• at Marina Breakwater Eats Fishing Vessel .. By JACK CHAPPELL • • Of .. OllUY P'llel SIM! Tbe sllattered bulk of a 53-foot fishing boat crushed· on the Dana Point Harbor breakwater was all that remained today follpwing a night ·of emerg&.cy helicopter opetiltiom, 8Jld a Coast Guard rescue off the Laguna Beacl! coast pumps could no longer ha;,.n. the water. Minutes later, the Point Divide arrived on station, the cOast Guard repcrted,-and the men were taken from the water. At this time the Tradewind! was awash and the Coast Guard detemtined II lo be a h,azard to navigation. The boat was taken in tow by the Point (See HULK, Page !) em ~,~.::,. -1"-_.. . _)-:~· ..-. . . . . r.. . ,..;• League oi .Wolllen Voters Bits Slur Froio Supervisor ~ OWlll Iii --river • • - 'Ibe ill-fated Tradewinds with three hands aboard began se.nJing up distress flares at about 7:40 p.m. Thursday, flares wblch produced a flood of calls to Laguna Beach police, the Harbor District and the Coast Guard. Basketball Star Kareem J:abbar Seized on. 'Drugs USUALLY DOCILE l;>OHENY-STATE· llEACH-SURPRISEO·SURfERS WITH SIX TO EIGHT FOOT SETS EARLY TODAY Tropic.11 Storm J01nne Mlkff for Exceptlon1l long R&dff .1t Famous Bolrd Surfing Spot In D1n1 Po.Int ~~~~~~~~-=-~ ~~~~~~~~~~ >Jter ·the arrival of the Coast Guard cu tier, PoQlt Divide, the three crew member:s, Elbert Peters, Costa Mesa; J.lm Ffvans, Newi>ort Beacl1; and-Billy Demers, ~ Be.ocb were fished from the water uninjured. 1 A cttlzerw Band fadi Oj)erator-earHer had reported to Coast Guard Search and Reacue in Long Beach a radio broadcast trorh the Tradewlnds saying that the boat's engines had failed and the craft was taking. on water. Al tl>at 11me, the TnideWlhclB' pumps·. were coping w!Ut the flooding,, the Coast Guan! "!>Orled, but the Point Divide out ol Newport Beach WU dl.spatdled IO the &Celle. A later emergency broade&r. at 7:45 p.m. from the stricken craft reporied the or .. ge Weatller Considerably cloudy on Saturday, clearing by mi~ay to sunny akies. Slightly cooler with beach temper- atures of around 70 rising to the rnfci-llls Inland. Lows toolgbt eo. INSIDE TODAY She'1 tM tDift of a lluntino- toa..B<Jlth f O<IM now. bMI Bar· bora Warburton can look liii'.2.t on o Mii doun II<"'' of ,,.,. forming wUh 1omt of £1tt gr~tl of 1how butint11. St• rodav'• Wttkmdtr, ,...,...,, .... ,, __ .. °" ... e...r , .. ........ ""' ..... '"""' .... t """"' '"" .... ...,..,. '"" T-a -.... --. ._.. "-11>11 WWtt "-.... W I 1: II• DENVER (UPI) -Kareem ADduJ..Jaf>. bar, 7·2 center for the Milwaukee Bucks of the NaUonal Basketball AllodaUon, League of W ome11 Voters Critical Of Caspers Slur was jailed today with teammate Lucius By JACK BROBACK Allen llld two other men on msplckl1 of °' .. o.i" ,.AM ,,.,, )lOSS'SSlni. marljuano and <>I he r Memben of the Orange County League "dangerous dnap." of Womert Voters today mildJy cbastiJed Jabber and AUeo, lonner teammates Supenoilor Ronald W. Capen !or his at UCLA who led M~ to the NBA cl>arlctertzltkln ol-Ne.ican ·Americans championship in 1970-71, were held iD a u "Ade.lante's Bandidos." jail cell overnJiht, then pooled lillO -At a morning press con!erence Mrs. and """' .. 1eaaec1 at I a.m: (Another Jeanette Turk of Huntlniton Beach. story, Page 17) president ol the League, fin! comp!~ Simple possession of marijuana ls a mented Cupers on h1ll "courtesy and fair· iru.domeanor In Colorado. neu durlq loog public hearlnp" In the . The players and two other men we,. pMt DIOlltha. · amsled Iller police llopped their car 00We !>ave observed tbe board weekly early !()day. during the last 10 mootha when Mr. "\he olflcen detected bunllnc marl· Ca"'°" has served u chairman and Juana comlng lnlm the aor, and lmlted have been imp.......S with his courtosy the four occupatl," aid Set. Steve even during long aftd 10metlrn8 tedJoua Metros of tho Dmver pollce vice lqll>d. publlc hearlnp, .. Mrs. Turk said. ll wu the !Int trouble with the low !or "II was with hfa 1111111 !almeu that ho Jabbar. known u Lew -al UCLA pralded lut week al the public bevtng before he changed bis name. on the proposed Alfirm.11ive AdJon But Allen twice before had been ar-f'rolratn which we supported and he rested on drug charg'" -the 1ut time voted aga!Nt," the WOl1lfll01 orpnlzotloo being given probation by a Los ~et.. p<esldent continued. Judie on I marljuona cbarie. She Ilk! tbat il WIS '"be<alllO ol thll -ln-llil-proballon ,_t, . .Alim .... !l!mtll that .... _,~ ahocked quoted u aa,tng he could "be an eum-by his recent remarks. We think that pie 1o other ,...., ~ and thl'ooO my 1UCh mnara ""' not 1n the -of Uperlence e>plal~ lo thorn the i11t ol pl pvernment." harm tl>at they do to themltlvt1. lllelr Tiie ......,, ...,. llbd II thty tbought lamlllet and their !riendl by Ullnc dnill using the term boodidoo In refettnce to ""'1 aarcotlcl." !lellctn-Amerlano wu " bod ,. the AllO 1m1tcd earll' today """' is-,.... tmn "aiaen" ID 111fUJnc of black P<O- old oollege lludmta Stephon E. Duncan pfe. of Columbia, Mo., and llordecal C. CoH• • ••c.ertatnJy." was the qu ick reply. ol S.atUe, Wllb. PollCe uld Cooke "" " Tiie women'• orpn!Jatlon luders flld drtvlnl the <ar when H wu lloppod. It wu tbelr·Lot>e that '°""' good mllht J abbar and Al1"' were In o.n..,, · come from this unhappy Ume . where llll11•-deleoled the Denver · 00For too 1..,,, Orance County ha• had Rockets of the American 8"tetbafl 1 Ntlonwlde reputation with which oup- fS.. JAlllWI, l'lft IJ ISeo c.ul'ERS, l'lfe 11 I I Seawalls Battered Beach Homes Periled By Waves, High Tmes Cllluulni ...... and lllP tldel com- Jmted.lhlo-monililc to _· .... JI-ol dollan In damac• to duat<r of -In the exdUl!ve Beach Road Colony o! Capillraito Beach. Tiie IUlf opowned by a tn>plcaJ llorm oll Baja Call!Gmla bqan bet1erlng seawalls •lone lbe abortUne community al the brellflll flour, and oborlly al· terwardJ I le.IWID at •t Bodi Road coflapaed. Tiie w1va tbre1teoed the home ol Los Ancelet Realtor F'nnk Dutra. Onoe that waft 11ve way, the home tm- medlalely down CONt, owned by -prtnctpal WIU!am Llmebroot became thrutned u well. en.. IUl11l11Cllled by tho ..,..., Dtvtslcn o! Hart>an. Beacbn and Pwb. arrived wlih belvy cable and AMbop lo NO WONDER HER . TOOTH ACHED LONDON (UPI) -A ~podo crow~ ed out ol •,_.wt Rulb Alnhlml' achln( IOOlh aft« ~ -~ extracted It, """'"'lf\I to tho Brhbb Denlll Journal "'II prol>obly .cmrled In while ""' Wll asle<p with her mouth _,;• Ind praumably nellled In a cav11y, reponcd Kopkln In an 1rtlcle In tho loum&J. I becln the effort lo ave the !root portion ol _,..,.... - "We Wtte hJt this bed 13 years qo, but U'a Just u frighten.Ing thJJ time," Ltmtbrooll: 11id 11 he pied at hi.I crumbllna •• wall. The lecik>n hit thJ1 morning la only three doon upcoast from anothtr IJ'O'IP or houJ<s which received heavy damage In a almllu a~ two )'Nn ago. R<.Sklent.t. following the eumpln ,.t In the previous on1ll•ght, have hired • local -...ctor lo bring In p-llllte bouklerl at bt1vy e:rpmlt. Cranes will be used to drop the gr1nlte in froot of lbc ""'-for permon<nl proUctloo. UftgUllrd ol!Jct.tls Nid this -.ilng that IUff rode I tide of S 7 f .... Satunlay's blah Udo rMding will ttach Ufeet .. ~ .. u tho ourl dn>pl • foo< Cll Satur- day. they lllll are ln for IOINI men tn» ble," • guard ......... Did. College Switch KANSA-, CITY (AP) -Dr. Lttfle !Coital bu rHlped .. cllancclfor ol the ~ CllY M""'P>fltln Junior Collette District .. become chanct1-.perln. t"1<1ent for the 100,aoo a..,.,,t Loo ~In Communlly Cott.1• District. Ko!tal. who fled his Mllve H11ng1ry antt the 1114 rfvoiullon, became -ol the Kansu CllY dlllrlct tn 1•. • Slrrivcr Claims Democrats Lead In Anaheim Talk Dy TOM BARLEY Of .. c:.Mf' "'-' ..... A statewide pon i..ten cturtnc ltM' pas1 week b}' Callfomi. R.tpubUcan1 ahowfd tht ~lcGOYttn-Shriver ticlcet a1'e pr!rttnl• •1e point ahl!ad of Nlun-Acntw. \lk'fo pres~lial hopduJ Sar1t11t Shrl't·t.r claimed Thunday nigh<. "Bui )IOU 'll MVt r ~ar 1bout It f'J:('ept from me," Sm. r~rce McCtOVtm'a tbulllmt rumtn1 mite told ctwrlng Democnt.I 11 1 SUllH·head no bolt cock· tall ptrtJ in Anaheim. Shriver explained Ouit the poll wu hurTiedly plBCC'!d under wraps: 11 llOOO u alanned GOP UttUllVts hid .. ,MC!d the llblllattons. ··1 don't btamt lbtm," he Aki, ''al- though they didn't .-that poll to ... the mcsaage that lneYUable ckfMt 1:1 on lt.t ··'>·· "Our tlect)on oricanl:rat'°" Ma beccme ""'1pf<t• wttbln this pall ... k.'" -safd "\'-'11hin two or thrft ftftl our alight <de• In Calllomla will -.. a cl<ar D•mocratlc pony Ind ~ the natlon." Both ShriY« and lklathom Calli.nla eampalcn dainnan Dann&n Cmnma• -rnlfllnc and doubdlll llenlocnta that they havt pmooalll' _, ""'""'ol th< R<pltbllcail poll thal ~ .,, .. McCovtm a llilht odae. Both """ Afci they bad ... -t.tb-ut.tU... [...,. 111 earU.. ()OP poll wblch thawed Utat the f(IUO>A-ttllf1ln In Cati!ornla bla -tut lo fot1r pen:oat. ··unton mombm ano pq 111 their = In ioo-lng nwnbttn." ShrlYor ltMd "'Many .,. ddYtoc A~O rn.ldml 0-Se Mtany and Aodr:lni to ( RIVEi!, ,.... It • ~ 1 I J •• % DAILY "1L01 s Frid1y, Ott.obtr &, 1972 Pair Protest Feline Abortion Fre111P .. eJ SHRIVER ... SACRAMENTO (AP) -The prtgnnn· cy of CJDt,b.la Ann, a little gray and white cat, bu Sam and Louise COok In an uproar. They $8 Y an animal agency has conflJCate<i the kll ty to give her an abor· tion. Cynthla Ann's t.leli cate condition has triggered ttlreats of picketing and a ltgal complaint. The fight involves an International lob- byist, his nearly blind wife, th e president of a humane organlwtion and the C<ln- sumer complulnl department o! tbe Teacher , 6 Girls Held lforRansom MELBOURNE, Australia (UPI) -Six schoolgirl'I and their teacher were kid·. naped from a school today by a man demanding $1.2 million r an s om, authorities said. 1lle kidnaper demanded the ransom In a note left on a desk In the classroom of the Faraday School near Castlemaine, 70 miles northwest of here , pollce said. The note from the kidooper said he "will not waste time malting threats. but any attempt to apprehend will result in annihil ation of hostages." The girls, aged S to 11, and their teacher, Mi!! Mary Gibbs, were the only persons in attendance at the small school in the tiny rural community. Four other pupils at the school, l\\·o boys and two girls, were away sick. Victcrian State Premier Rupert llamer said in a statement, "The government and police are sparing no effort to rind the children. We have tried to cover all eventualities." He said "the safety of the children is the first consideration." He refused to say what arrangements, ir any, had been made 19 pay the · ransom. The ransom note d~anded that 500,000 Australian dcllars ($600,000 U.S.) in $20 notes be placed in three suitcases and tbe other half million dollar~ in $10 ootes be put In six suitcases. 1be note added: "Delivery will be ar· ranged. Will contact Lindsay Thompscn (Victorian Education Minister ) at police headquarters at 7:25 p.m. Will not waste time making threats. but any attempt to a~ehend w\U rtfNl\ in annillilatiorl ot hostages." It was believed the children and Miss Gibbs were kidnaped during their music lesson shortly belore the end of classes for the day. The note was printed in ink on a piece or hard white paper' police said. From Pagel JABBAR •.. AS90Clation in a preseason exhibit ion game Tbunday night, 1»92. Jabbar played just two quarter1 in the game but 1eored 29 points and grabbed eight rebounds. "We are sUll investigating all the facta," Metros said. "When we gather the factl, they will be handed over to the district attorney who will make the decision on the charges." Officials for the Bucks said Jabbar and Allen would return with lhe team on a noon flight to Milwaukee. Police said the two players were ar. rested at 3:30 a.m. outslde the team's downtown Denver hotel. Jabbar was the NBA rookie of the yea r in 1968-69 and led the league in scoring during 1969·70 and 1971·'12. He was the league'1 most valuable player when he led the Bucks to the NBA title In 1971).71. Jabbar and Allen wert roommates dur· Ing their fre1hman year at UCLA. DAILY PILOT TM °""II' C•t D41L.'I' ltl\.OT, wllfl -'"di ~ _........ .. .._..,._, ....... w "" Or-.. a..1 "'*~'"' ~. s.... , ............ ..-.w..... MMMr ......... 'r*'I'• fW C•I• M ... , N..... hKll. ~ a..dll'~lll V•lllY, U.- ""'dto tnll'lt/1Md1411Md! ........ 0--,., JM _,... C.MI,_ A •lflOlt ""\olwil .. " ... •11t11• "'~ ............. flw jlrlildp,11 Mtltfl"'9 .i-nt I• •I -W-' ..., llrwf. OMre M .... C.IHwfllt. ""31. l•\erl N. W•.4 l"fflillent ,,.,. fiWlllllw J•<k l. C11rl•, Viet ,,.,,...,, -Ottleffl ....,_,... n.,..,, K11,.ll ..... 1\1111•1 A. M11r•lril11• MMlf"-....... Oi1tf" H. l..N llch•r4 P. Hell MHI'-' MIMI ... MIWI -~ ._L D WW lrt SU.. ........, a.ct.I »II ............. 11 ..... ...,...... tllKfil1 m """" ,......, ~··· 1Md11 ::::r.a.Ktl ......._. ... ~.. II C.-.. lllMI .,_, ;' en•• "''"""' C1 ,,,.. ........ 111, 4114611 ,.. c::...:.I,.... ..... L...-.... 4t1A4H ,.,.. .... .,_ C..., (II E 1111 _, .. • district attome)''s office. 1n all started two mooth! ago when Mrs. Cook. who is 95 percent blind. adopted Cynthia Ann frorn Pets and Pal.5. Cynthia Ann apparently niatcd v.1th the Cook's male cat , Cougar, ~o l\.1r3. COOk twl. her back to Pets and Pals for advice or. a healthy pre!-,'Tlllncy. "They jumpi..><l all over me," ~1rs. Cook says. "They said I violated the adoption policy that cats 1nust be .spayed and That 1ny cat would be rcsponsib lr for 10,000 more cats in 10 years.'' She said Pets and Pals took Cynthia AM av.·ay from her and sent the cat out for abortion and spaying. "Our policy is to a pay and alter." said Gladys Sargent, president of Pets and Pals. "The r+.!ll cruelty today la the overpopulation of animals. And the cat Ill or mixed orlgln. You go to any humane society. and you see thousnads of poor cats au crowded into cages -gorgeous cats ... A n1ixed breed doesn't have a chance." Mrs. Cook and her husband admit that UltlT ......... spaying was part of the contract, but they didn't ... It until •lier the - vlltt to Pets and Pals. Neverthelaa, they cootend ihat Cynlbll Ami bu DOW beeo conf~led. They wanl her Net. They said they have nlled out com- plaint formJ for the Consumer Couoctl office of the Sacramento County d.istrlct attorney'• offJce. II Cynthia Ann is not rotumed, they said they will fil e a court complaint and picket Pet$ and Pals -whose office is in the same building as their apartment. • Fr8MP119el HULK ... Divide whlcb began st~ to Dana Polat Harbor. Rescue operaUons were lighted by Costa Mesa'• remaining helicopter as Laguna Beach residents watched the ex· traordinary display from their hillside homes. Report. that a fire and an uPlosion had been observed by Laguna Beach residents were unconfirmed by Coast Guard reports today. The incident is pending investigation by the Coast Guard's marine inspection unit. "We do not know what caused the engine failure or why the Tradewinds began to take on water," Gregory Q-an- dall, Ccast Guard petty officer said to- day. The Point Divide with the Tradewlnds in tow had reached the Dana Point Harbor breakwater when the final disaster befell the craft. A fitting on the towed craft gave way and heavy surf sent the wooden boat crashing onto the jagged rocks of the south bceakwater. Orange County Harbor District oflieers said today operations are under way to remove larger debris from rocks as it is a hazard to boats. WHO'LL WEAR THE PANTS IN THIS FAMILY? Harbor District operations to clear the crushed craft were being ha1ppered by the same heavy deep swells and rough seas that sent the boat to the rocks. Antonio Molina (left), 'Billie' Ert Say Vows The craft has been declared a complete loss. by the insurance company, the Coast Guard reported. Allegedly Legal Female Impersonator, The boat owner was identified as David Packer of Los Angelea. Dollar loss has not yet been determined, the Coast Guard said. LA Sheriff Not Against Brothels F ootbal1l Player 'Wed' HOUSTON (UPI) -Slim female im· personator William Ert lifted his veil, husky former football player Antonio Mo- lina bent and kissed him, and the two men thus sealed thei r marriage VO\\.'S at .!I small, formal ceremony. The two said their wedding Thursday was legal bec.?1use they were granted a marriage license the day before, when Erl wore a miniskirt, a wig, and lipstick. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sheriff Peter ding Chapel , Ert. 30, of Buffalo, N.Y., Pitchess says he has no objection to who was hair stylist for actress Jayne legalized prostitution if organized crime Mansfield from 1963 until 1966, W1:1re a is not involved. blonde wig and was dressed in a full white Speaking Thursday at a Grand Jurors' AssoclaUon luncheon, Pitchess noted that \vcdding go\YTI with a train five yards Los Angeles is tha "most organized- long. He carried a bouquet of artificial crime free city in the naUoo" and added pink and white flowers. that organized crbne might try to move Molina, 33, a 6-foot, 235--pound all.dis. into prostitution here if it were legalized. trict tackle when be played football for Pitchess also said It was not up to law his high school in Brownsville, Tex. and enlorcement to define moral standards a· veteran of the Navy. was dressed In a and added tbe matter should be put to a 'Ille husband, Sam K. Cook Jr., ii n~ with the Leglslature u a loi>- tyill for W. N. C. Intematlona~ which be Aid does wort Cor the governments of Guatemala and Rhodesia. Said Mn. Cook: "1bll has been worse ' than a child custody cue." ' Said ljln. Sargent: "Our lnlmot Is In the anlJilalJ, first and Jut." Cougar, the lonely male cat left behind, wu mii.klng 80 much cat talk that he was keeping the Cooks awake at night. Freighter, Sub Collide In . Atlantic NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -1be nuclear submarine USS TUlllbee and a Weat Gennan merchant ship collided in the Atlantic today about 150 miles o(f the North Carolina coast, the Navy said. A spokesman said there were no injuries and damage to both vessels was minor. Atlantic F1eet headquarters said the accident happened about 150 miles off Cape Hatteras, N.C. The Coast Guard in New York said both the Tullibee and the men:hant freighter Hagen signaled they were The Navy said her complement Is slI of- returning to port under their own power. The Coast Guard said the German ship received slight damage to its No. 2 bold, but the extent or damage to the sub- marine was unknown beyond a repart that it was not serious. A Navy spokelman u.id the New Lon- don, Conn.·baled nuclear submarine wu._ running ju1t below the striae< when the colllSl.on took place. UI l!1 the~." Shriver hailed Orange Cow!ly and 111 "Increasing support for the Democrltlo ticket" f.I a "vital bellwether" In lbe • November tlect.lon. • ... And be lauded the work al "1UCh IWld-_ ard bt.arers aa Mission Viejo Rancheri:.: JUchard O'Neill" for a rlsJ.ng Ude of su~ .: port that will, be predicted, leave tho ~~ Democnltlc Party In Oranae-COUnty juat." ·- 100,000 overall votes behind the Republl· ;~ cans on election night. • .' ''That's all we need," the qukk1Uvef';_ '· campaigner said. "That kind of edge for -~ the RepubliCRN here wwks out u a margin for us in many other states and ~· puts George McGovem in the Wblte House." Shriver, an hour late for hls Anaheim Qinvention Center address, to the Na·.~ tlooal Parks and Recreation AsloclaUoo • Congress and 90 minutes late for hit Grand Hotel soiree, bad earlier strellfAI the protection of the nation's park land to fewer than 3,000 onlookers in the big ~ .. ball. -. He later amnltted that be was 11ve:ry disappointed" at the Anaheim turnout. "I ·thought we would have filled what I'm told are 8,000 seats in that place," he saicfr !" Shriver accused the Nis:on Adminlstr• tlon of putting its concern for an,U·infla- tion measures before the protecUon of fast disappearing open space that should be preserved as park land for America'1 urban millions. Shriver charged the Republican admtn-. lstraUon with "just Iook41g ~" w~:. more than 20,000 acres of existing~.; lands were lost to developers. ·· . He pledged .a $8.4 billion, fiv&-year PfO:.: gram that ~ill. he said, create desperateoi · ly needed parks and open spaces in thll:: nation's cities on the lines of those to be.· found in London, Paria: and Vienna. : • One of the first obligations of a ~ - cratic administration will be the preserva-· lion of the 200,000.acre Santa Mon1ca Mountains area, Shriver said. He described the area u "one of \he finest examples of Its kind in the wtrlct~· and a haven for those tbouaandl of Ameri· cans who find peace, rest and eoutude walking !ta trails and exploring ill virgin beauty." • Dojt~s .· Adviee Stans Thanks Pookie for Support; ALBANY, Calif. (UPI) -Ralph Ci.staro, 'll, think.! his dog has loll of savvy, but bad no idea it was political tmW the Conunlttee to Re-elect the President began writing it for financial assistance. Pookie, a 2-year-old German Shepherd, received a letter Thursday from Maurice H. Stans, chairman of the Nixon .....,lectioo elf<rt. It waa j10ltmarkecl rrom New York and addresaed to, "Miss Pookie Clstaro," the owner uld.. The Cistaros bave no children and Mrs. Clstaro's first name is Kareo. "Qear Mias ciBtaro,'~·Stans ~to Pookie. "YoUr words of support to President Nixon during l!il' llnl tenit of olllce were valuable. It helped the Prealdent In detefllllning whlch couroes of aCtion would be best for the Amer- ican people. ' · · · · "The President again needs your help In order to conUnue the kind of Jeadership this country must have to survive and proeper." Clstaro Said Pookie hadn't said whether to donate to the President's et'· for ts. They got the license from the county clerk in Wharton, a small town 60 miles east-of Houston. Under Texas law. any two persons who have been granted a license may marry. formal black tuxedo with tails and a white vote. bow tie. !....'.:'.'.:~~~~~~~~~~~-'================================================== For the weddbti at lhe Harmony \Ved· From Pagel CASPERS ... porters of equal rights for all citizens have been uncomfortable." Mrs. Turk added. "We know that the political cll mate of the C<lUnty is chang ing. We are now a blend of conservative and libcru l, young and old, men and v•on1en of eve ry race and creed. The days arc Rone when such words as "bandidos" "'ill be :i.cecptcd by the citi1.cns of our county." Mrs. Turk conclude.I her remarks \Vith , ''We urge members of the Board or Supervisors and the community to join wlfh us and the Mexican·Amcricen peo- ple In lcttins f\tr. Caspers know that ." The Rev. Richard Vincent of Dallas, wbose church offers services to homoeex· uals, told Ert and Molina to hold hands. "Will you , Bill, love, comfort, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, for· salting all others, and keep yoW'SClf only for him so long as you both shall Uve?" he asked. "I will," Ert said. The minister had the two recite the Lord 's Prayer with him, took Commun- ior'I, and prayed abou\ the gravity of. mar· riage vows, Ert aiid Molina exchanged rings saying, "With this ring, I thee wed." Mr. Vincent said, "Under the name or the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I pronounce that they are united in holy union." Ert, 5-foot-10 and 122 pounds , is listed as "Miss Billie Ert" on the marriage license. ~le said he had no Intention of a sex change operation. Gettittg Fittaf Polish Cl1eck Out tl1e Big Story h1 Simday's Daily Pilot Saanc of lhe top !ltorics DAJLV PJ.LOT wriier1 are pollshing ror display In Sun- diiy's newspa per lnelude : BEACON BAY 'llANOOUT'7 -II could be cnllc<I xub.'!idlzed housing. Seventy·tWO ran1illes livlnR in Ntwpor1. BtAch's Ben('fln flay have homes on public prop('rl y leaseri to IN"lvate i~ tcrem <t5 ye11n ARO. Tht-lctt.!lt!I beRln to run out in I ~ ytnrs. Clly off lclal11 and homeowntrs art W-tt:lnnJng to think about it ... Sunday Special BATTLE FOR ClllLD -Much of the blltrmtss onct In divorce caau has now been channell'd \n it the quest\on of who geu <'ustody of !ht! C'hildren. Stoff Writer All i!m Oeerr rcpilrt11 ln a "YOU Section" story. SONNY AND CllER -Family Weekly'• CO\'er aub,lccl8 are. Sonny and Cher hooo. Their story Includes • allmple into lheJr bu!)' lives In whkh they share each ,ther'1 llme onstage and pff ... and how thty do It. TOUGll Llt'E -Dougln• Llndaay of Cosla Me.ii.a hopt' life bcgl!\I at 40. lie'• J9 now a11d he he lost hiJ1 four chlldren to C)"K\lc flbro1la, I& dlvortcd 11.11d lw '• bf/en laid ofr from his ae rospace job . Now he has developed an unstea dy gaJt rtoctors have been unable to diagnose or curr. SUPER SLEUTH -George Peppard, tt.lcvislnn'1 &nacek. makea the cover of TV WEEK. Story of the actor who 1\lrs In lhe new 11erler I! featur!<l In the m11gnilne which lists full week '1 worth of l~evlsion shows. BOOKS FOR KIDS -TflT)' ShaMOn, the elfin IA<ly behind a dottn childrtn's books. likt• to photograph 80me of her own lllustrntlOM. mjoys working with Ct.11rle1 Payi.ant. former Dllney JI. lu.1ll"l'tor and bellevc1 you should never "write down" to 1 child. Uer Uluatrated slory I! scheduled lor C Sect.kin. F'ESTIVA I. PANNED Entel"' tAlnmen t rotumnilt Rei Reed .ssalls the New York Film festival. lie says !l's not commercinl, hut one Judge hu too much 1, aay In the wfcction of fllm1. BRIGIIT BUSINESS -Fountain Vallty lee C'ream J>Arlor dllplaya p&nt· ings crct\lt.'d by children. "nM! dllpl"Y 'vorks art H lected on a monthb' basis by lht> YnuntRln Valley Art Al!loclatkm. Slr_ry will be fentu,rcd on business page. ( I (. NEW,ORT BEACH e t 721 WESTCllff Dl.. MJ.JOld LAGUNA BEACH e l4S NO•TH COAST HWY. .. ,,..,,,, TORRANCE e 2J64t HAWTHOlMI ll.VD. JTl·l27't Yo Th me B Bids tary Viejo of the come 'll and Tru late a pie Fie tbai' tl~·f U1 T' at-0 •• c~ -report Portol Viejo IUbco Tiie be r work< those, OAIL Y l"ILOT St9ff J'tltflH What's All T~iis? ' Friday, Octobtr 6. 1q12 $ DAil. Y PILOT 3 Caspers Under Attack County Employes Blast Ethnic Siat.ement An angry, hurt group of Orange County employes took dead aim at Supervisor Ronald W. Caspers and h1s opinions about their rights Thursday. 'Ibey were reacting to Caspers' state- ment Wednesday that the county seat might best be moved away from Santa Ana "to a place with more ethnic balance." He called the employe group, Adelanle. "bandidos," in reference to their support of $200,000 Affirmative Action Progra10 for county hirin1~ and training to better the position or minorllies. Thunday Mllton Reade, president of Adelante, told newsmen. "We arc demanding that Supervisor Caspers make a public apology and retract his derogatory remarks." Reade, speaking for about 10 eouncy employes of Mexican-American eA- tractioo present, said they interpreted Caspers' statement to mean that Santa Ana is not acceptable as the cowity ~t:at because of th4 33 percent ethnic popula· !ion. say, 'have a norm al ethnic balance.'" The Chicano leader said It •·is a nor:nal ethnic balance.' " The Chicano leader said it •·is a mattt:!r of public record that Adelante strongly op- posed the $200,000 to implement the ac ... lion program. It Is an attitude and not something that has to be purchased .·· Reade thcu wanted to know ":f ~fr Caspers feels: that be does not wish to represent the minority popuJatlon of Orange County?" The prepared Lexi continued with : "Jt ts a mailer of record that Adelante <kits not seek preferential treatment ; Only f.Dir and tqual employment opportunities. ~e have attempted to work wltbln the c:ouh- ty system to further a better un· derstandlng of minority problems In the county." The statement continued, "lt ii 1n· credible ~ think that A-tr. Caspers would u!'e hi! public position as a aanctwry from .,.,·hlch he can Insult the Me:lican· American commwilty." l Asked ii the group contemplated a recall of Caspen, Reade aald that Ulty h.1d not had time to fonnulate plans. .. This all happened just yesterday. You will hear more from us," be warned. • Supervisor Caspers WAS "out or town .. Thursday and unavailable for corilmeot. Prit1ts on Alleged Theft Tool Match Defendant's partment. You'll see it on your TV screens soon. The J. \Valter Thompson advertising con1pany is shooting a con1- mercial for Planter's Peanuts at the Co r n e r of Glenneyre Street and Forest A venue in Laguna Beach. They picked Laguna, a crev• member said, because it has "a nice, small town-looking street. ''Does Mr. Caspers' feel that minor1ti1·s are so wide~able as cllizens that th e county seat has to be moved '! Jf so, \vh::it is his criteria for a well balanced ethnic ml1?'1 said t be Adelante group in a prepared statement. They continued: "Adelante is angered at the terns 'bandidos' since the term im- plies that we colTU?Utted an illegal act. We vjew this as a continuation of a series of intimidating remarks against ethnic minority employes. A previous example was his que!Uoning Adelante's vice president regarding hia citizenship." LOS ANGELES -Fingerprints found on a fiashllght battery believed used in the 15 million Laguna Niguel bank burglary match those of defendant Amil Alfred Dinsio, an FBI technician testified in federal coo rt here Tbunday. Prints identical to Ronald Barber's, he told the court, were found on a paper lee cream sack which held two waJ.kie.. talkies. These items, it has been asserted, also were located in the vehi· cle. Bids for Viejo School Will B e Aired Tuesday Bids for the construction of an elemen- tary school on Oarrillo Drive in Mission Viejo will be advertised Tuesday, tl'ustees of the San Joaquin School District have agreed. Closing bid date on the project which will house children from El Dorado and Seville tracts is set at Oct. 31. Architect Ralph Flewelling reported that he expects approval of the school by the state office of local assistance to come Nov. 24, construction to begin Nov. 27 and be completed by Eept. 27, 1973. Tnmee Preston Howell, who arrived late at the meeting, asked tf lhe com- pletion date could be moved up. Flewelling said it was doubt!ul, but that' the building could be occupied In tllllWfor the begiMlng of IOhool before it was' officially accepted by the disbict. EArlier In the evening, trustees present heaid reports on construction delays atJ twO,,cbools and problems with proposeCI addi\loos at Others. Ule Allios lntennedlate Scl>ool In El Toro wall origlnolly supposed to be ready Sept.' 10 but now won't be complete until the ..,eek of Oct. 16, Dave King, facilities planner, said. General contractor ~1. J . Snow gave a nm'bUng account of hbl cooatruction prolJlems during which he called free en· t..,..i.e "the most blessed bleulng," sakt he bas "God with me" and added thal although he tried to be on time, uthe beti lald plans of mlce and men go utiay." TiU.steel weren't satlJfied with hil 1tor)r of wby material• and pelnters, carpet layers and clecir\claN h>dn't obo\red up, especially wbeo King rtpOtted that the contractor for de Pottola element&J')' school In Miulnn Vl<;Jo "adeijuately controlled" Ibo 1811/• aubcontracton. Tbe de PortolJI ~ was scheduled to be ready by Oct. 10. but rains and one worker walkout c:aUHd dtlaya. Delplte those, King said, It should be ready the "11eek of Oct. 16. Trustees granted an extension until Nov. 2 on that project. Tiley also approved a change in k>ca· tion of siit additional clas.srooms each planned at Los Alisos and at Rancho San Joaquin Intermediate School in Irvine. At both schools, which have . ..almost .identical layouts, the e:1tra claS5l"OOtm were planned behind the library. Los Alisos principal Patrick Bushman and Rancho principal John Del Monaco \old trustees that the location would decrease student supervision, cut into athletic areas and hurt regular school operation. It will oost about $20,000 to move both buildings, architect Ralph Flewelling said, because of ncecssary changes ln the location or utilities. Construction on both additions, pending approvnl by the state of the Rancho classrooms, is due to begin Feb. JS and be finished Sept. 15. At l.(ls Ali!los, they will be moved back to the corner of Muirlands and Los AUSOI Boulevards and at Rancho, they will be moved rrom behind the mkSdle of the M::hool to the side adjucent to proposed Yale Avenue Kiwanians Back Off, Won't Host Fonda SYRACUSE. N.Y. IAP) -Actm1 and anllwar activist Jane Fonda wDI not bf mak.11'18 a ICbeduled appearance befort the Syracuse Kiwnnla Club ~aUJe many of Ill members reporttdty relt that llc!r recent actions in North V~nam were. t.oo anti-American. Richard WllAOn, the servlco club'• ntw· ly Installed preflident, said Thur&day lhAl "all bell broke kx>le" when m mbers were informed at lhb week's mf!<!t1ni.: that Mju Fonda wu to tptak 1t ont Tueiday'a luncheon. Oran ge Corutt')· Homeowners Get Phone Refunds Homeowners have already begun receiving refunds from Pacific Telephone averaging $1 for each month of service between July 31, 1!171 and Aug. 8, 1972, plus seven percent interest on that refund total. · The refunds, ordered in June by the California Public Utilities Commission following a state Supreme Court decision, are expected to exceed $60 million in Orange County and $16.1 statewide for residential and business customers. They will come in the fonn oi credit on service bills. The company will not be able to establish an average figure r o r businesses unlit December because their bills are more varied than One-party residential bills, according to S. H. KE.utz, division manager for southern Orange County. By that time, all refunds are expected to be completed. Customers who have moved out of the t company's service area will get refunds by check -sent to their last known ad· dress. Reade said biJ group felt that an AJ.. finnative Action program is necessary because the permanent county work force dots not, "as Mr. Caspen would Sen . McGovern Didn't 'Pifut' PW.ne Airer AU WASHINGTON (UPI) -United Air Lines says Democratic presidential cmr dldate George S. McGovern, a fonner bomber pilot, did oot take OV~ the con- trols of bis campaign jetliner. McGovern, who named his jetliner "Dakol> Queen ll" alter hiJ World War 11 bomber, was pholog!'llpLed Sunday seated in the pilot's aeat. But United, which JM'OVided the chartered · jet, said Thunday ''the aircraft \Yas being flown by the copilot by means o( Ole automatic pilo,," The Federal Aviation Administration announced \Vednesday il planned to i~ vestigale the incident. Fingerprint Examiner Julius C. Jones or the Washington D.C. FBI office told the coo rt there were "10 points or similarity" between the two printl found on the battery and Dinslo's prints aup- plled to the investigation agency. The battery was foond in a small flashlight hidden in the lnlnk of a 1982 Oldsmobile sedan, allegedly u3ed as a getaway car by the team of e~ bank burglm who committed the crime over the weekend of March 24-28, earlier tetimony Indicated. The flashlight was one of 58 Items In- troduced as evidence by government pros- ecutor Jack Walters ·earlier thb week . Each of the exhibits -Including three gold coins assertedly traced to one of 453 rifled safety deposit boxes -was found in the vehicle. Dlnsio, 38, an unemployed strip miner from Boardman, Ohio, displayed his usual serious, intent expression as Jones testified. Vktor Sherman, Oioslo's at- torney, made no attempt to dlscredlt the testbriony. Further testimony from Jones in- dicated that flngerprinta or Harry James Barber, 31, of Youngstown. Ohio were lound throughout the vehicle. Harry Barber and hi! brother Ronald of South Gate, have been indicted in the crime, but remain at large. Jones testlfied that Hany Buber'• prtnts also wett found on a state Depart· ment or Motor Vehicles "suspense receipt" loca ted in the car's glove con\. Jones' test imony opened with a stat~ ment that airline tickets bearing the names of A. Dinsio. H. Barber and P. Christopher had rina:erprints of the in· dividual holders on them. Philip Bruce Christopher, Z9, of Qeveland WA! the second penon ar- rested In connection with the burglary. Also lacing charges Is 31-yeaM>ld Charles Albert Mulligan, ol Youngstown. Ohio. Each of the defendants has pleaded In- nocent of the charges. Judge Criticizes Laws on Abortion DE:l'ROIT (UPI) -Michigan's 1211- year-old abortion law "trespaue:s un· jU5tiflably on the penonal privacy and liberty or Its female citizens," Wayne County Clreult Judge Charles Kaufman has ruled. Theoretically, any other clrcuit judge could rule differently and thus funhel' C!lnfuse the already tang.led luue. But ~tichigan voten wlll make their own decision in the Nov. 7 electionl with a referendum ballot Kaufman said Thunday the abortion la¥i·s vk>1att \he Ith and \4th An1endmeots to the U.S. Constitution. and Ordered local and st.n te offlclalJ not to enforce them . Johnson & Son Presents ••• l.l•eol•.COntlne•tal 4 DoerSed•a LINCOLN-MERCURY FINE CARS .. ' ~lon t•go MX 4-lloor Pillored llardtop ecou tin enta le ~tark IV e ~l ercurye Cougar e Con1 ct e Pantera .•. See them aJI Today Tfo1nt or The Ne• Car ••• .. Golffll T111u:h" c , r-,.,,1 I'• 2121 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • 540-&l30 Dome Of 11le New Car . , , ""-••-'.l'eeodt" I I I 4 DAJLY PILO] County Seat On Lido Isle? COUNTY Sl!:AT CALLING: I've been slouched here for some time now in front of the old typewriter trying to think of sometll.ing clever to say about oor Fifth District Supervisor Ron Caspers. Caspers. you will recall. earlier this week suggested Orange County govern- ment ought to pick up all its jacks in Santa Ana and move the County Seat elsewhere, like to Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills or Dana Point. Since I've always delighted in every Gpportunity to put the knock on our scrubby County Seat, you might suspect Lhat Caspers hes played a perfect role as my straight man. Trouble is, Caspers' proclaimed reason for shilling the seat of county power elsewhere was clearly un-funny. OUR FIFTH DISTRICT leader sug. gested that the County Seat should move away from Santa Ana to some location where govermnent \\'OUld find "a normal ethnic balance." Apparently ''normal ethnic balance" to Caspers means some locale where the population is' lily white. Lido Isle Ron, you see, got all huffed up because he didn 't want our C01Jnty government to put $200,IXKl into a minori- ty hiring program. The plan was sup- ported principally by a group o( Mexican- American county employes c a 11 e d Adelante. When the whole issue came up for a vote. Caspers voted no aocl he was on the short end of a 4 to l count among his supervi.soria.I fellows. TBAT WAS WHEN Caspers really got ticked off and called the emplc.yes' group "Ad~lante Bandidos" and suggested moving county government away from all thi! influence. "Bandidos" of course translates into bandit, badman, crook or thief. You cannot expect this to sit too well with the good citizens of the Mei:ican- Amerlcan community. You also really wonder what Lido Isle Ron thinks ethnic balance should be. The 1'70 ceMUs suggests that Santa Ana's populatio'! s composed ol only 11 percent of Atmncan citizens of Mexica n heritage. For the entire county of Orange, it's 20 percent. All minorities in Orange C:OUnty ac· count for just slightl y less than 15 per- cent or our total population. IT'S IRONIC THAT, deservedly or not, Orange County as a whole has a reputa- tion across the land of being right-wjng, wealthy and dollar-oriented , and lily white. Against that kind of backdrop, our county boord chainnan suggests the seat of goverrunent must fear from the pressures exerted by 11 percent or the 1$5,000 cilizens living in Santa Ana. Of course. he can extend the thesis. Racial background is only one way of measuring a mjnority. lie can start run- ning from the poor, too, lest they inherit the earth . lie can run from the aged, who need help and wi.stance. He can flee from the minority w!Jo need public help for medical care. lie oon retreat from children who need financing for a public edtJcation. BY THE TfME you add up all the minorities, running from the problems end press ures o( minorities could indeed berome a way or life. You couldn't just k<ep shifting the Coonty Seal around. You'd have lo put It on permanent wheels. But then, I'm reminded of that quip of. fered so many yeen ago by the former hea vyweight boxing champion W'hen he spoke of an upc11ming opponent. Joe Louis said, "He can run, but he can't hide.'' 3 Linked ToMerrws On Bugging WASHINGTON (AP) -Me m os describing wiretapped converaation3 or Democratic party officials were sent directly tO PreS'iaeiif Nixon's assistant for congressional relations and two of· ricials of Nixon's campaign committee, The Washingtoo Post reported today. 'M1e newspaper said It learned that the memo.s were addressed to William E. Timmons, the pre!ldential adviser; Robert C. Odle J r., a former White House aide who now is director or ad· ministration of the Committee for the [,__IN_SH_O_R_T_ .. ·~) Re.election or the President; and J. Glenn Sedom. general counsel of lhe campaign organization. The Posl story related a fresh link to the White House in the tangled develop. ment stemming from the June 17 break- in and alleged bugging at Democratic na· tional headquarters in Washington's Watergate building. e Lobby Bid Reported WASHINGTON (AP) -Chief Justice Warren E. Burger !ellt the Supreme Court's ctuer administrator to Capitol Hill to lobby against a peoding product· safety bill , columnist Jack Anderson has reported. Anderson wrote Thursday that Burger sent Rowland Kirk! to meet with House Speaker Carl Albert a few weeks "ago and to urge Albert to weaken the measure. He wrote that Burger was opposed to the bill because he fears it would clog the courts with new cases. e Nations Sign Accord MOGADISHU, Somalia (UPI) -Ugan· da and Tanzania signed a document which "demonstrated a genuine desire to a lasting solution" for peace between the two East African countries, it was an· nounced late Thursday. Ugandan Foreign Minister Wanume Kibedi and his Tanzanian counterpart, Jotm Malecela, shook bands after signing the document at \he conclusion of the two-day peace talks arranged by Somali Foreign ~1inister Omer Arteh. e Transit Plan Spurned WASHINGTON (UPI) -The House, splitting along urban-rural lines, has re- jec.ted a request rrom President Nixon to authorize use or highway trust fund money to purcha.!le buses and build rapid rail systems for urban areas. By a 100 to 168 margin, the House refused to even vote on a proposal to permit JOCal officials in urban areas to use up to $700 million in trust funds for rapid transit systems, highways or both. Brakes Slam On Firestone WASlilNGTON (AP) -The Federal Trade Commlulon has rul· ed tbat Firestone Ttre & Rubber Co. falsely advertised !ta Wide Oval tires and ordered t h e misrepresentations halted. The FTC said the Akron, Ohio, company made unwarranted claims lb.at the tires stop 2$ percent quicker and also deceptively ad- vertised that Its tire! are free from defects and safe under all con- ditions. A majority of the regulatory agency's members voted against requiring Firestone to run cor· rectlve advertisements. as sought by Students Opposing Unfair Prac- tices Inc. Runaway GI Kills Three, Flees Train Seen Peril Saigon • Ill Enemy Attncks Launched Seven Miles Away SAIGON (UPI) -Communist l""'P' ,.,.., lo SO mUes from the city along mlsoiOtll by Fill all·weathu fighter· today launched attacka on government Hlgllway 13, lpcludlng the Iron Triangle bomben. unlta within seven mUea of Saigon, block· and War 1.one D regions. 'The areas were An eJl!mated llOll OommunlJI troops once defeadod by such departed American were involved in the flghthlg atone a n. ing traffic on a major hlgbway and in· W'llts as the and Airborne DlviSlon, 199th mile stretch\of HJghway S near ~ Ben filtrating at least five hamlet$ in what Infantry Brigade,· lit A I r cav~ Cat district cap1tal, miUt:ary 90urces military sources said· was a "critical Division and 11th Armored cavalry .Reg1-said. Spokesmen said JI . C.Ommunlsts threat" to the capital. ment. wue kllled in one action alx miles Major flgllting was reported swirling Military oources said an estimated _,. of 1 b 0 town In Binh Duoog around Phu Cuong, capiW of Binb Doong three regiments o( mbted Nortb Vlei· Province with one government ooldler Province about 13 miles north of Saigon, namese 8nd Viet Coog troops were in-reported wounded. and snipers were firing on military volved in lbe clashes. The government vehicles on Highway 13 just north ol. the has at least that many regiment,, in the MiHtary spokesriien said Air Force F4 capital, the liOurees said. They said area, lbe sourtes said. Al nonna1 Phantom crem escorting a flight o1 residents were being t<Md to store rice for strength, a Communist re g 1 m en t bombers Intercepted Communist MIG2l ooe to two months. numbers about 2,500 men and 8 South jet.s and one of the North Vietnamese Allied commanders have predicted the Vietnamese regiment bas about 2,T70 planes was shot down with an aiNo-air Communists will try to isolate Saigon in men. missile. advance of the Nov. 7th U.S: presidential The fightln« was the closest major ac-No American planes were h It, the elections. To blunt the threatened of-Uon to Saigon since the start ol tbe Com-spokesmen said. But Haooi Radio fensive, the U.S. eommand for the past munlst oHensive March 30. monitored in Saigoo said three Pbantom11 three days has been sending U.S. 85.2 Clearing we.ather over North Vietnam and a Navy photo reconnaissance plane bombers against suspected Commwlist 'Ibursday ena~ed ~ U.S. command to were shot down 1bursday. positions near the capital and the big order the heaviest air raids of the week An Air Fcrce F4 returnlng from a planes overnight struck nearby targets in above the Demilitarized Zooe separating mission over North Vietnam today crash- lhe heaviest raids in the area in more the two VJetnams. Command spokesmen ed from unknown causes over Laos, the than three years. said more than 300 bombing strikes were U.S. command said. the two crewmen GOE'ITINGEN, Germany (UPI) -A Fighting was reported today from flown over the North, including night were rescued, one with a broken arm. runaway U.S. Army sergeant shot and ,---'----''---...:.. ___ __: _________ __:._:.:--:::_:::.:.:::::::::....:~:.....--:::.:.:.:.=::.::.:.:::..:.=..:..------ killed two military guards and a waitress aboard the Alpine Express today, dumped their bodies out the windows and fled with two pistols into countryside near the East German border, police said. Police helicopters buzzed over the underbrush and busy highways south or this central Gennan town, about nine miles west of the barbed-wire border, in search of Sgt. Thomas De Gregorio, 2ti. of Hialeah, Fla. and the 1st Armored Division. Men with guns, dogs and loudspeakers -both police and West German troops -beat the bush on foot and German radios broadcast warnings about "an American so.Idler on the loose, armed and considered dangerous." • ONE TERRIFIED female motorist told police "a man in uniform , waving a pistol ," tried to flag her down on a highway southwest o( Goettingcn. He got a faceful of gravel and exhaust fu mes, she said, but police could not say whether that was their man. • Officia1 police spokesmen sketched this scenario of murder aboard the Alpine Express. DeGregorio, they said. had been absent-without-leave (AWOL) from his lst Armored outfit since Tuesday. U.S. military police confirmed he had been arrested Wednesday trying to cross into Denmark and had been picked up by two unidentified U.S. army sergeants at Bremerhaven, Germany, Thursday for return to base in Bamberg. THEY BOARDED the Copenhagen· Rome express at Bremerhaven. About l a.m., they said, De Gregorio made his play for freedom as the express rocketed along just north of Goettingen. It happened in Wagon One, first car behind the engine, where De Gregorio and the two escorting sergeants were seated. A waitress was w o r k i n g somewhere nearby. One or both of the s~rgeants got careless, perhaps dozed a bit, and the butt of a .45 caliber pistol hun;; free. In the police reconstruction De Grego rio grabbed it and blazed ~way. One bullet tore through a wa11, others mowed down the sergeants and the waitress. Police speculated she was kill· ed because .she saw the shooting or perhaps because she came to invesliga te. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Otllvery of thf Dally Piiot Is 9llatantttd Ttltphonts ll'lott Or•~ COunry Ar... •• .. •. M>4nl N0tlll-SI HunlJno!On 8tKll 11111 w.,tmiftti.r , .......... s--1m .." Clt"*IN, ~Tri,. a.tt11,. S.n J-C.$1r.M, o.na Polr>t. Soulll U9Uflll. l..l9l;IN N '9l.IM • , • • _,....,_ - - USED BOOK SALE CONDUCnD IY MARINERS LIONS CLUB FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 AND 7 WESTCLIFF PLAZA TIME Is Run"nin'g Out • REGISTER and VOTE * * * * REPUBLICAN * * * * Deadline -Midnight, Sunday, Oct. 8th - • • Virginia River Overflows The following offices wBI have Registrars available u n t 11 Midnight, October 8th - ANAHEIM Three Persons Lose Li'Ves; Troops Activated Republic•n He•dqu•rt•r• 2808 Welt Lincoln 826.0300 GARDIN GROVE 13080 Brookhurst 638-9211 HUNTINGTON llACH 17791 BHch Blvd. 842.5263 NEWPORT HACH 2344 E•1t Co•st Highw•y 675-5712 '.l'emperatttre. Hi.ft ..... ft ;, fi I WtwtA1Mf: fOtOC:4'1 • .,.~~=-·· i!'G: 't'."i!E. 11.8. 811111 ...... ~=t.~ ... ..;;.J"f...":"ll::l ! rml ... Ut ~~lllOW ,,,..,., ...... ~ WoOJ11t •l 11 OW wllld1 ,..., l\t1'1:1 1>11 bv lllt !llllld .. ~"''' Of Troe>lcel $IOl'..i ,t,anes ll~ mon11>1 -· -f«K•ll lo r...:11 1' ftfll abow 110011 "-s.i11ro•~ •n1rnoon. IDOUI nlM fMI ~ ""' ltvtl O\lrlnq ttM "°""' !$oo(lt. Aboul ~ "*""°"" el tM Vlral~lt NtUOl'ltl Ollll'd _.. llVI Oii dl#t'ol I" JI lc:llmoNI i. aid 111 n11CU1tlllft. If D•nnemeyer1' He•dqu•rt•r• 9254 Weit Katella f, 821 -9800 PLACENTIA Bradford Ir Chipman 993.0660 IRYINI 11552 MoeArthur Blvd. SAN CLIMENn Suit• •IOI 109 No. El C.mlno Reil IUA 770 8re• Blvd., •I I J 529.9972 lll-9050 492.1972 516 El Cemino Reel IUENA PAii LAGUNA llACH 492-0111 M36 Manchester 305 For•s·t Avenue SANTA ANA 522.1229 494.6-475 1509 South Grind Av1nu1 COSTA MESA LAGUNA HIUS 8)5.2002 2139 Harbor Btvd. 2)561 P1110 d1 V1l1nci1 M6.IJ40 Su;+• 4, Modicol lulldin9 TOI.IA LINDA DAu• POINT 616-1776 4851 M•in StrHI -, • HAllA 993.1769 341 M So. Co11t Highway - 493.Qt!O 140 E.11 lo H•bro BIYd. WESTMtNSTO FOUNTAIN YALLIY 12131 697.1 090 1791 St. Andr•w1 Avtnuo MISSION""'-/ 194-1102 ·a. .,,...IM.,. 17151 8rookhunt .. ....., 7901 W • ~ 963-1177 LAGUNA NIGUD. 193.137~1tmlnsl•r Blvd. _. ,':lf:;f.t1-FllUHTOH . U2t2 C.mino C.piolr•no •••L llACH .. £.ol'..£.,.,..~.:i=:o :~ \ 495.Q400 ..,. unelt Jlr . M... ler•eley & Harbor M1 ln Streat and Eladrfc ~~,, ~~ 170·1521 591~72 10 r.T-B-. .'I"::: For addltlonal lnfonnatlon calla 833·9050. ~:,J"':-""11: :1!1. ~ \:l:,._ _____ ,A_1_o_l'O_R_._,_1_H_e_o_R_A_N_G;.E;..;,C.;;O.;;U .. N .. TY;..;R:E .. PU;,;•;:l;,;IC;:.A;;.N;.;:C::,EN1':.:.:,:R::;A:,:l_;C:;:O:;:M::M::;ITT~EE:._ ____ _; ' , " McGovern Flays Tax Hike Fears CHICAGO (API -Sen. that would 1"""'890 your tu· es." George h1cGovern, confronted with the suggestion that many Americans fear he wants to tax away their money for welfare, has dismissed it as "pure poppycock" stemming from Republican propaganda. F u r thermore, McGovern said, his ovethauled welfare proposals would provide no assistance for people who are able to worit. He said "the on-WORLD & NATION ly people entlUed to weJrare'' ,._ _______ _, McGovern said he does not intend to raise "the taxes or (cAMP AIGN '72) people who Jive on wages and salaries by one penny.,. Indeed, at one point he said there are probably more peo- ple ruined than helped by in- herited fortunes. Chicago, Des Moines and Kansas City were McGovern's campaign itinerary today. It was at a C1eveland stop Thursday that the tax--and- welfare question was put to him. "There is stlll concern ex- pressed bf many citizens, even or very moderate means, that if you're elected their in- come might be practically confiscated and given to those who won 't work," a man told McGovern as the Democratic nominee answered questions at the Cleveland City C1ub. "Of course this is the Republican line," ~1cGovern replied. "It's purt poppycock. . . .If you live entirely on wages and salaries, there is nothing in my tax proposals are those whose age, disability or family situation prevents them from working. The whole issue dates back to the presidential primary campaign when McGovern ad- vocated. a Oat payment of perhaps $1,<KXJ for every American. His figures were never specific but that now- dlscarded plan to supplant welfare with payments to everybody wouJd havt required a general tax increase. : McGovern jettisoned the proposal early In his campaign as the Democratic nominee. but he ls still trylnr I<> dlSllel th" impression It left with the voters. In Chicago, McGovern ac- cused Republicans of at- tempting to discourage minority-voter registration "in order to divide the community for the sake of partisan gain.'' In a statement prepared for a meeting of blaek clertymen, McGovern said there were reliable reports t ha t four years ago GOP sources gave money to militant minority organizations which, in return, spread propaganda that it made no difference whether people voted. Court Hit By Schmitz HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) -Rep. John G. Sclunitz of Tustin, the American Party presidential candidate, 81)'1 he would feel free to Ignore the Supreme Court when i t "legislated," such as on school busing. "As president, I would oot feel obligated to execute the legislative edicts of t b e Supreme Court or any federal court. That is a power grab," Schmitz said Thursday at the windup of a two-day Con- necticut campaign tour. "I would not lee! obligated to execute any laws except those paJl!ed by Congreas." Indian Tract BRAS!LIA, Brazil (AP) President Emilio Garrastazu Medici has signed a decree setting aside a large tract of land for the F.iesle Xavante Indians. Securities Agency Moves To Block Tycoon's Firm From Wire Services Greene also asked for an in- ATLANTA, Ga. -The junction barring the firm from Securities and Exchange Com-"future violations of securities mission has asked a U.S. registration and antifraud ~ District Court to place the visions" of federal securities Koscot Interplanetary cos-laws. Koscot sel18 cosmetics metics firm of rontroversial nationwide. promoter Glenn W. Turner in-U.S. District Court Judge to receivership, court rooJrds Sidney 0. Smith scheduled a showed Thursday. hearing Oct. 12 in Allanla. "In light of the patently Meanwhile, 'l\ltDer ""1t fraudulent nature of t·h e home to Ort.aq 'l1lurlday to K<KOt scheme and the def en-··await the ~ion of hb dant's shamele59 use of a trial. a green &Uit and black and while boots of W1bom calfhlde, had been jalled b r i e f l y Wednesday oo the orders of a cireult court judge who held him in contemi>t on the open- ing day of his t..lal. Hla lawyers 300r1 freed him aOO woo the right to appeal tha contempt action 'llluraday. . "Evetybody's been re a I nice," llld ~ aa ho left 1he appeals -here and . headed for bis Orlando bead- quartera in a rented car. "I'm sorry I can't say anything more." misleading sales promotion, The flamboyant young head this court should np(Xllnt a of Dare To Be Greet and other temporary receiver," said the Turner enterprises, dressed in motion filed by Jules B ··Ir:===================::.;! Greene, head of the cooi- mission's regional office in Atlanta. Buff urns' . opens Fall Fun-Fest Saturday SAT. OCT •. ?1all 9 Buflums' stores will open their doors on a week long Fall Fun-Fest that lets you put the fun in Fall, without putting out a fortune! Throughout the Bui- fums' stores, from ladies' fashions to little people's· toys ... from housewares to ·hosiery, you'll find nifty new thrifty ways .to dress your whole family for Fall. Come early for your pick of our handbags ... you'll love the handsome new imparts. You 'll also find our fin- est furs doing even more dramatic things with very special new little price tags. And you'll see good things for guys like jeans, shirts, · sweaters, suits, etc ... going on for less. You 'll like our litUe ·prices for little people in big back-to-school looks. And all your hostess hunches will pay off with long looks al short prices. Look for Buffums' ster~ Jing ways to put a 1Iow on your holiday table ... and a gleam in your eye. While you're here, slip Into all of our new Fall fashions ... discover the new fur trimmed looks for 'il ... big bu ys in ladie1 sportswear. dresses •nd <'Oat,. '- Pick up some luggage lh3t le aves lots of dollars free for the trip! Get a boot or two-- men'" and women's new- est Fall look1 -but don't tread too heavily on )'our pocketboOk . Roam thru a library o( good books ..• all Uck· eted to tempt your most acquisitive n•ture. Sfe you nt Bulfums' tomorrow. Wear a 1mug smile as you fealhe.r your Fall nl'st ... for leul ,.,,. LET US SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE THE PROPER WAY! RE-UPHOUTERY DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY ' OCT. 7th • 11 am to 3 pm A living room choir from st1rt to fin- ish. Using f1brics from our upholstery shop. · FROM 2. 99 lo 5. 99 yd. JCPenney FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ONLY •, Social Security BoiJsf,s Approved WASIUNGTQN (AP) - A three reform plan.. are tested . momentou.s $18.5-bllllon Social -Alm to bold down the Security welfare bill has steildily rising COits of tbe two emerged from the Senate car-big government health pro- rylng dozens <A new benefits grams: Medicare ror the and higher taxes. But It stalls elderly and Medicaid for the rerorm of. the welfare.families poor. • _ p-ogram indefinitely. On the other hand, the 90 Capping a 17-bour session in million perso111 whose which 40 separate paycbecb are tapped to fi- amendments weer OODllidered, nanoe Social 5ecurlty v.·ould the Senate passed the bill 68 to pay more Into the program, $ early today. as would their employers. 1be ~page bill would: Under the preseat program. -Provide or increase Social each worker pays 5.1 percent Security benefits for widowl; of the flrat $9,400 of Income in- chronically ill old persons who to the fund. The employer need maintenance d r u gs : matdles that figure. Already persons who want to retire at the deduction is due to in- age 60; others who want to crease to · 5.5 percent next work beyood. age 65; all maJe year; the Senate--approved bill retirees who now get lower would raJse it to 6 percent . benefits than women with the 'Ibus, a worker now pays a same earnings re cord s ; muimmn of '468 a year into disabled persons: elderly men the fund; the figure would go and women who need glasses, to $641 in 1'73. hearing aids and dentures, and --'-------- other groups. -SubsJ.stanllally lncreaae benefits and set a national in- come standard for aged, blind or disabled per>OM receiving welfare. THE PEOPLE 'S CHOICE As a voter, yoo11 -Continue the program of Aid to Families w It b Dependent Children w b i I e find more cl what Test Project ytiu ~ .to know To Continue ~ ~itical WASIIlNGTQN (AP)-Pres-assues, 11 depth in klent Nixon announced that your newspaper he will continue for a sec- ond y e a r a test project among 20 cities aimed at trying o u t local-reliance federal revenue sharing ~ grams. The cities include San Jose, Fresno and Tucson. Re"leased Prisoner Charged MIAMI, Fla. JAPI -Jim- my Lee Wilson, who spent eight years on death row on a rape conviction until h i s release from prison I a s t spring, bas been charged with the rape-slaying or a oocktall waitress and the shooUng death of her boyfriend. Dade County deputy sheriffs arrested Wilson as be sat down to dinner Thursday with his wife, htclva, and their two children. Wilson was charged with murder in the shooting deaths of Patri<:i,a Blush, 30, and Gerald Santore, 24. Wilson and two others were convicted in 1964 of the rape of two Metican sisters who were migrant workers in t h e vegetable fields of south Dade County where Wilson lived. at the time. \Vllson's lawyer argued that persons opposed to the death penalty had been automatically excluded from the jury. Wilson was resentenced by Circuit Court Judge Marshall Wiseheart to 15 years in prison. He was released on ex- piration of his sentenci! with time off for good behavior on May 26, 1972. DAILY PILOT fi Joh less Level Ease Downward WASllJNGTON (UP() -lrom 7.7 percent to U per- The naUon's unemployment cent, martini the first tJme it rate edged downward i n nearly two years tblt It \.l'as wit! belo" 7 percent. But Job- Septembc.r from 5.6 to 5.5 per-Jess rates for P10$l .c&lejorles cent while the number of or workers showed little ~ with jobs ronti.nued change in September. the steady rise that began,1---"---'------ more than a year ago. 'Ibe new employment report, made public today by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, said that after ad- jwitment for seallOllal factors, the number or persons with jobs increa..ed 250.000 In September to an all-time bigb or 82.t million. That was near- ly 3.8 mllUon more than in June, 1971. The actual number o f employed persoM declined aboot l .~ million in September as students quit summer jobs to relum to classrooms. but this was less than normal for September so that employ· ment rose on a seasonally ad· justed basls. The bureau said the number of unemployed workers totaled 4.7 million, down about 200.000 from August. That was about nonnal. and the bureau described tile overall jobl~s rate as vituaUy unchanged tor the fourth roll9ecutlve month. CFly Our Legs) AIR-C-L•FORNhl. """ °'-c-ty ...... tiHs (714) 540-4550 The joble!S rate for Vietnam War-t!ra veterans dropped '~----------' He/Ze/ TUR DBITISil ARE..lillllllliCO! FIND CHRISTOPHER ROllN CONTEST South Coast ?Ina mRnSPIBLD'S •FULLERTON •HUNTINGTON BEACH •ORANGE • OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 5 ONE WEEK ONLY ;'SOFA •.•••• ~ ......... 179.95 LOVE SEAT ••••••••••• 119.95· CHAIR .....••• , ••••••• 69.95 SWIVEL CHAIR ••• , • • • • • 79.95 COCKTAIL .•••••• , ••••• 69.95 ...__~ CORNER TABLE .... , .... 54.95 END TABLE • , ......... , 34.95 TOTAL .............. : 599.95 1111 Cotlplott loo& Rattan wood has been used for thousands of years for furni - ture . making. During the past century furniture made of rattan has achieved great popularity. in the United States. Its natural beauty, ability to take a finish, durability and lightness of weight lends grace and comfort to our modern wa'f' of life. ' • • DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Full Board 1or Crisis For the first time in the past six moot.ha the Capis- trano Unified School District has a full seven-man board of trustees. over from county beaches onto neighboring Art CoJony strands. And Dana Point finally has a representative on that panel. The Laguna Beach City Council is taklng a 11walt and see" stance, and San Clemente remains discreetly silent on the subject. Many residents have voiced strong opposition to any relaxation of drinking restrictions. The laws are admit· tedly difficult to enforce. but at least, It lo argued, they serve to discourage dedicated drinkers from breaking out the half-gallons or the six-packs in the park and staging binges on the beach. This \Yeek 's special election accomplished both im- portant function s. Lawyer Stephen Smith was s_elected by an over- whelming vote to the District Four board spot. Smith comes to the board with a strong background In juvenile law and youlh activities, he waged a strong campaign, introducing himself personally to his con· stituents. lJe also did his share of homework on the complex issues facing the district. discussing those matters in· Lelligent1y at a recent candidate's forum. Hotline Needs Help His fellow candidates, as well , made strong presen· tations at that event. The caliber of all three aspirants San Clemente's hotline became two years old this month. But unless a community which needs its services reciprocales with financial support, the hotline may never make three. was high. · In coming months the trustees will be facing one of the toughest pupil housing crises ever to hit the district. Voters in recent months have elected representa· tlves capable of coping with that crisis. For the past 24 months, volunteers have been on call 24 hours a day handling hundreds oI calls from persons in distress. At tht outset, service clubs and churches joined the momentum and lent financial support. Ever since, the funds have dwindled. Public Drinking Opposed The rent has increased and phone bills are past due. Exactly why the support has waned is not exactly known. South County residents and officials seem less than enthusiastic about lifting existing bans on consumption or ~lcoholic beverages in public beach and park areas. Hotline sponsors say other worthy projects have tapped some of the support money. The value of the service is immense to persons who are deeply troubled and need help from a dispassionate listener. The county Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commis. sion is mullin_g such a proposal as it concerns county recreaUon areas, but Laguna Beach and San Clemente show no inclination to lift local ordinances banning beach drinking. Suicides have been averted, drug.ruined lives re- ad/'usted, pregnant teenagers counseled ••. by dedicated vo unteers. The Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce has come out in formal opposition to the county suggestions, apparently concerned that legalized booze might spill The community should listen to the pleas for help from the hotline and respond with donations that will keep the vaJuable service alive. I Wrestling Witl• Refor111 • Property Tax Puzzlement Wall Slrtd Journal Discussions of taxation often take on a ne\'er-never-land quality in an election year, what vlith promises of reform, closed loopholes, holding the line and the like -yet the discussion can hardly be ignored or classified as unimportant . One of the most puzzling propositions is President Nixon's proposaJ that the federal government can and should deal \\'ith the inequities of the property tax. As everyone knows. property taxes are an instrument of state and local govcm· ment, and a few years ago it might have required some audacity for a federal ad- ministration to openly suggest. that It in-- tended to dictate the revenue policies of · lower level govemments. But then, <JS the country has moved e v er farther towards a natiooal society and a cen- tralized political system, old ideas of federalism have been changing. HOWEVE.'R, IT IS ONE thing to pro- mise to do something about the property tax and to get by with it without drawing fire froll'li mayors and governors; it is quite another thing for a federaJ ad· ministration to figure out just bow it C.'.ln keep the promlse. A commission cp- poinled by the President recently com· pleted a draft report which suggests U1tH federal intervention might prove to Le easier said than done. The problem, in essence, Ls that there is nothing resembling unilonnity in state and local taxation. Property tax rates "ary widely from state lo state and locality to locality -which is one reason they have been Wlder legal attack as allegedly violating the equal protection clause of thi! federal constitution. SALES, INCOME AND other t}'J>eS of state and local taxes sometimes balanrc out property tax disparities among states: thus, !he total state and local tax burden on individuals is not juite so uneven, in some comparisons at· east, as lhe property tax burden . The problem for a national nd- ministration that seeks to give property tax relief is to figure ou a way of doing so without making the disparities a part of the federal systeDl as well , Assume, for example, that the federal government attempted to provide such relief by pennitting individuals to simply deduct ' half of their property tax bill from their federal income tax blll. (Currently they can deduct property and other state and local taxes from income in computing rederal income taxes.) OBVIOUSLY, TIUS type ol dir<ct at- tack on the property tax burden -one or the few obvious lines of attack the rederal government could take -would be of greater benefit to taxpayers in states and localities where property tax- es are proportionately heavy. In states and localities with proportionately heavy sale~ and Income taxes, the taxpayers would get short shrift. Further, this fonn or attack would be of relatively little ben- fit to retired persons with low Incomes (and thus low federal luxes) who are said to be most in need or property tax relief. And the federal bene!it might even encourage low property tu states to raise property taxes. It is hard to imagine, in purely arilhmetical tenns, a federal approach to fulfilling the promise of property tax relief that would not perpetuate existing tax inequities oc create new ones. ALL OF WIIlCH suggests that this pro- posed element of tbe "new federalism" may need some rethinking. Such pro- posals, it would appear, steadily reduce the policy's quotient of federalism. 11 may well be that there is a historical movement away frtJm federalism that no administratkln can resist and that state and loca,1.govemment.s no 10r1ger attempt to resisl. The ultimate result of this movement may be a future system in which all revenues funnel through Washington and are parcelled out to states and cities in an effort at national uniformity and equity. BUT WE ARE NOT convinced that such an objective is either attainable or desirable. There are good reasons to rear that further movement towards it will bring fiscal and administrative chaos. We would prefer to see the national ad· ministration put more faith in state rather than federal solutions to property tall: inequities. The initial puzzlement or the President's commission over what federal approach to lake would seem to offer very good reasons for doing just that. Sparkman, Tarnished Hero \\1ASllJNGTON -For most or his 36 years in Congress, Alabama's John Sparlunnn has championed tht: un· dt:!rhouscd, the underfed and the un- dettducated. Some ol h.is btilttles for the poor an! legendary. But now the 'f2..year-old senator. his kindly fare begln- ning to show the raY&gel of ilge. hi,, stnlaht shoulders beginning to ring. has become the tflmiSh- ttf hero 0( the same special Interests he once fought. These Jatter-dny friends In banking. savi.ng1 and loans. real t:statt'. con· struction and the like are raising :i huge campaign kitty lo sa\·e his Senate llCUI. Threatening to take It away from him 11 President Nlxon 's former Poslmastcr· General, Winton ''Red" Blount. Indeed. the outoxne could determlllc whether the RepublJcans will win control or the Sena~. OllAHOI COAST DAILY P~OT SPAJlKMAN IS chairman of the Senate Banking, llOUJing and Urban Af{airs Committee, which bold.!l leglslatlve power over the industries that have befriended him. HI! defeat would elevate feisty, con· sumer-mlndcd Senator William Prox· mJre, D-Wi.s .. to the chairmanship. Not only do the fat cats want to k~ Proxmire out of this powerful seat. They also want to ahow their appreciaUon to Sparkman for hi.1 benevolence toward them. Moreover, Sparkman l! a member of the Small Buslneu Committee which touches not only all their lnduatrif!s, but other enterprises from phArmaceutical1 00 hardware atore1 to hoeplt.al building. mus, mt special interests are fillin g his campaign coffers as evidenced by In· complete but still aubltantlal filings under IM new campaip reporting law. Ai of September 12. aome $8$,000 of Sparkman's reported SJJf,000 l(T'OM rtct.lptJ came from the flnandlll. real esLAte, C<l\St.rucUon, phannaceut~I :uxt rthHed labor Interest.a. The tone ol the IUnd rallinf II evident from IOIDe d the letters aotni out to builden and banktn. "We In the rul ealata business." BlrmlDcJlam builder Art Rice hit writ· teo, for eumple, lo his business col· ~. ·-1 u .. iool -b .. -ancilllor Alabamian ID thla portlcutar poittlGll ol lflliorll)I, lnDuenot llltd _.,, IA 1111' oploloo, 5"'ator Sparbnan t111 ~ up the ttlopltone llld .....,,p11a11 more In n .. mlnut .. lb•• ..,, other .... dlciJita oould clo In live yea11 , •• "iIB HAS DONE MORE than any Oll>tr 1\og)e man to http cur ru.l atate profeasloo and now he -our hell> 10 that he. mlch\ C011tlnuo tn this most sensitive position which some have In· dicated to be the most powerful in the United States Senatt.> ... The ca1npaign will take $500,000 •.. " Another solicitation letter from Binn· Ingham devele>per Richard Sextoo pleads, "I urge yoo to help in the best ways you can by returning tbe enclosed pledge rant with the most generous: contribution you can make . . . Regardless of our personal party affiliations or our choice coocerning other national olflcea, our In- dustry owes it to ft.self to pull the Sparkman lever and support t h e Sparkman campaljn IUnd lint and foremost." Thelf! are sad commentaries Oil a great Senate career. FOOTNOTE: Commentlnf oo the coo- trlbuUons, a spokesman for Sparkman SA ld, "When you speak of banking, .U V• ings and loon, construction, rtal estate and relnted ii14Ystrtes, YoU're talking about some 65 percent of the economy of lhe country. The senator bu dealt with ~very legislative matter oo ltJ merits Md solely on its merita." Dear Gloomy Gus 11 our 1.00.. LIJUlllD fl able lo buy the 0>1-um, ho lboUld ...... ft to the Lquno -. It would Pill nJuana'• "buunpt rq 1" -. And lhllllt ol the -. Ind tbe tralflc, llld the polWlloo -but the money I -R-D.S. Leaders Say: 'Sex-No, No; Killing-¥ es' ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ (During i\fr. Harris' vacation, we are reprinting some of the most Te· quested columM from his fOTthcom· ing book, "For the Time Being," to be published this fall.) What if, in the past, the human raCe ~d Conditlooed Its children against kil~ ing as rigorously as it conditioned them against sex? Until this modem age, ihe sex Inhibition was fairly successful in keeping youngsters oot of trouble, what- ever other damage it happened to do. A social prohlbi· ll<>n against killing would not do any other damage, and might h a v e inhib- ited people from slaughtering one an- other through the geoeraUoos. "Aggres- s.iveoess," ot. course, will never be bred oot ol humans, but aggressiveness can stop quite short of killing. 111E PttAIN REASON this has not been done -even though homicidal violence can be shown to be a far greater threat to our species than s e x u a I permissiveness -Is that the state has always needed its warriors. If men will not kill, but will instead peacefully try to adjust their differences by reason or by other contesta of skill and strength, then the leaden have lost their prime. po'ver over the masses. The commandment "Thou shalt not klll" hns been interpreted in all Western countries to tailor ChrisUarllty to national goals, rather than to flt the country to the religious model. Private citizens are not allowed to kill for private reasons; but as public soldiers, they are en- couraged to kill for "civic" reasons that are often just as evil. , IT IS EXTRAORDINARY that copula· Uon, which Is 1 life-a:IYi;nC and joyous ac· Uvlty, has been so btdged with restric· lions, lnhlbltlons and taboos; while kill· ln1, which 11oe1 against all divine, human and ratk>nal prlnclple1, bu 1lway1 been rewarded with honon., rant, medals and supreme poWer by the state. The strength of "incest taboos" over the centuries, ror In.stance, Jndlcotes how strongly the past can lmprlbt repressions upon lhe young, ii It slocerely believes them and carries them out effectively. A 1lmllar "killing taboo" qalnst membftrs o( our own species could be equally ex· ertlaed, were It not that the ruling caste of every aocl.al order ii unwilling lo do dUs for fear of losing Ill Ultimate authority ol force . THE STATE KIU.8 "<nemles'': It kills "trtiton"; It tlllJ "'nivolutkl\lries"; It tll1a "crtmbWa"; jt even kllla mere "undellrablea." And it bl tartly the ~ lt.itll Ull1 decides who IUCb tMmJes and tn.itan Ind revolutionaries and crlmlnals Ind -ables are; It ls Its leaden-. wbo wish to pruerve themJctlv~ In pewu by all mean.s. U we ... rullJ -•bout u. our cblldrtn could be IO CCJOdltloned from birth tlllll tUlog another pe-·· Ill• would be an unl1111aJn1blo horror lbat .,,. ly the most demented or pmerted could commit. lnltud, we breed • race or monl Idiots who think It Is glorious lo do for' the •lata whit It 11 lor1>1dden lo do sln1Jy. • Reader · Counters 'Computerphohia' To the Editor: The computerphobia expressed by ~ir. O. V. Picker in his letter to Mailbox (Sept. 27) Is unfounded . Contrary to his belief, it is the bank customer tbat benefits from automatic payments and deposits. His first charge was that no check .st.ub will be given to employes who receive automatic payroll deposits. On the con- tr.uy, each employer. will be. required to give all employes. such stubs indicating (l"OS! pay, deductions and the net amount deposited into their checking accounts. REGAR.DING TIIE automatic payment of recurring· bills, the customer still will receive a validated receipt. Instead of it being his cancelled check, it will now be a special entry on his monthly checking account statement. Furthermore, the customer will be able to have any er- roneous billings corrected long after he receives his statement, something he ca.n't do with the present checking system. Maybe Mr. Picker does not have to v•orry about the Joos or thefL. of his checks but lots ol Californians do. This service guards against lo.ss and theft and also provides convenience and savings of both time and money to the customer. ARTHUR P. MERRICK Reatnieture Ol11mples To the Editor; The Olympics is as important lo the world as an all-nation sports forum, as the United Nations i.s a political forum. Some organizational restructuring to cor· reel a few obvious evolutionary defect.s is all that is required. I suggest the follow· ing as starters: J. Eliminate national anthems and subltltute tbe OlymJ1ic anthem as a salute to all the winners ot each event. Perhaps initiate a contest among the compoeen of tbe world for a new a& them. Al an addltional comideration, the nag o1 the first place wlnller could be slowly ral.9ed u the apthem is played. 2. Rutrict partlclpelion in each event to two competlton from each nation. 3. ASK SWl'l"ZERtAND, as the rno,,t universally rtspected, credible. and neutral society In the world, to withdraw rrom putlclpaUon in. 111 future Olympic games. · 4. Use Swl1.1 personnel excJus:lvely for all judging, rflftteeing, umpiring, timing, starting, etc. ln all Olympic events. F4tablfsh a Swtu academy to develop expert pmlmlonal judgment. 5. In cose ol appeals they will be heard Isn't It the Truth! By CARL RIBLET JR. It la fa5e.lnatlna to read what the future nu.y bring, to lt1m how wonderful the •-orld might be 1n another 10 years or so and to lhlnk. what it In &tore for those of UJ who llVe tmtll 2000. However, I have nevu been ,f)>le lo Dnd anybody who wanu to meet the future now. "Tht jMt11.re hu no cure for ihc pa.st." -AuthOI' Unld<111ffi<d A visitor to lht: home ilrouncls of !he species Potomacu1 Esotku.I, which is to say Coqrtum.an, 11 often unable to find merit In the lealslatlve procffdinp. What he dOH find, howevtr, are two kinds cf faces -the open and tht in-. &erutable. Both kinds mask the un-- beUevable. "'The /oet fa the hnagt of the aoul" -Clctm, BO B.C. ( MAILBOX ) Letters from Teoders are welcome. N ormaUy writers should convey their messages in 300 wOTds or less. TM right to condeme letters to fit space OT elimMate Libel is Tesenli!d. All , letters mu.st i1icLude signature and mailing address, but names mar1 be- Withheld on Tequest if sufjicfent re'ason is apparent. Poetry will not be published. by a panel or SWiss experts, composed of leading athletic coaches of Switzerland. 6. Questions of admission o r withdrawal of any nations to the Olym- pics will be decided first by vole of the International Olympics Committee, with the right of immediate appeal to the Supreme Court oC Switzerland. 7. INCREASE TRE number of Olympic sports events in those non-contact sport areas where individual skill. stamina and personal courage predominate, and where expensive, extensive stadia is not. essential; such as, tennis, four-wall handball, four-waJI racquetball, squash racquets, padd1e leMis, etc. For ex· ample, in this country, there are now 13 mWion tennis players, 5 million four--wall handball players, 1.5 million tacquetball players. 3.5 million squash racquet players. etc. -all of whom are unrepresented in the ultimate in sports competition .... The Olympics. 8. To insure a revitalized American Olympic Committee, its members should be selected for a rotating four-year term, frGm a large list of qualified prospects submitted to all coaches, colleges and universities, qualified clubs, and sports editors throughout the 50 states.. each having one vote. HENRY BURKE Watergate Caper To the Editor: Reading and bearing O'Brien and the Democrals trying to make something out of Watergate is like Bonnie and Clyde C<>mplalnina: to the First National Bank for not supplying parking facll!Ues. To h..1ve Jack Anderson verlfy tht pro- ceedings Is at least as bad. No matter bow much they try lo rover up the vital Issues or such great im- portance to America, the innuendo, . smear and charncttr assassination can be succeufuJly done only when there ls a basis and even then only by people wlth sufficient inte&r'lty and credlbWty to stand beyond rt~ Th1i would , automaUcaUy eliminate the a b o "t pertOnJ ond a lot ol othOn with them. People living in their 1Jau bouaes altould throw nothln1 harder tb10 marshmallows. CALVIN G. SIEGLE B11 Gee.,,e ---. Dear c,...., _ P.1y husba.nd slumbJa In from work holf.loeded, P>bJ .. "°"" a sandwich, llopo don on the Clllldt without a word to mt. cuJps 1 half· doieo beoni. kicks bis .-oil and goes to lletp and IDCft8 1D night. What do you think! HANNAH Dear Hannnh: I think the mallc: II bqlmlng to lel\11 your marrfage. Di Of AO 7" '" .. " Co Co t For The Dissolutions Of Marriage Smlll\, lt~~~f:..·~·~~11f:-4t,t J•l'lltl tt.u. ffi""thl1 L,.•nd 'TC . DonlJit • a.uv M. 1 • BIM111rs"'1;1, C•rol C r 11 nt atld .kllln ~L:r. "'-rv l .. Ind MkllMI 1c1ro. Grai:t11nn 111d C1rmt11 A.. ,, SIJ9 """ Md J-l!!lrl W~. """"' M. ,_, ...... A. Hffcilund, Urld1 \/. Ind O.ry B""'I Dllnl'IU<k. S!Mrron H, end 41oert _ l\rlelah c.lms. DilNI ChrO!lnt ilnd Slt'ltn <~• T ... lor. llndl Sul.In •nd ADlllf't JI/Mt 1\1111, Judv Lorine Ind Tln'IOltw Frtderlck '!J~.l}!f'· truth Mlir Ind Frank Edw1rd MCF1ll, LllQ:G., I Maro1r1tt1.1 J. AC?Ul~ · 1 }:f:-= t lneto ~=r·ll'~ ~iJ~~~~ . l . 1tm •... :t: •• J-llld Wahl, lrvln Gt'OfV9 end rl J1111 Arrtll•"°• A-Marv and Cl«QefV1 BrtlWl'I. Btrbar• l . end John p sei, lnd• LoulM .1ftd Gwllcl oaJl~~:nci. L. Ind E<twll'I J. ~~Jey K1r.n W1rd Incl Danald Gibson, Ch1r1t1 lo. 1J. Vl!"lllnl1 M9rle H':J_\i'~ Ol111f11 LVnl'I MW;I Mld\lif!I Furt1ro, ~-OllM Ind JOftpll C. Barron. Jllff,..v Steven end J111nl1 M. Cole, Wltlhit'l C. Ind I/loll HI. ost••'*r-.t.:~ t-.1n11 ~LE. Kraa•1111, Joen w. 111C1.,-0WPh T. fr..l"\:VIN!lnl1 W. Incl G\S °""'" C n. lllon _1nd Dorotllv 11 !Ion, <I-OU.I Ind 0.1n " PJ~~~· •• r INrv LYnM I Mich••• W11lf!1111r, Mtrlor!• Ann •f'd Donald F. Ila, Lydia and GIU.it Borr.go Alnandw, Bernlec• l . a1 Edw1rcl A. ~M«,haluk.{r.Mw1Mllin •nd ohnE ii r0\11, •I\ • I (1rroll I • 1lv1n, lnl lfUllla Ind Sari K11hleen ArbellG. Edw1rd Richard Ind (vnth11 '~" BlrtlM. S1ndr1 J"n andf&.ut Edw1rd Arali1. Mar11 E ~ Ar1 ~=f· 'l~~.., .. J~1111r 1"}t...,.,, Birt.I , Debr1 hcll'nls and Mlcheel R!'..:~~!-:.fi1~ Ind Rk r • s11n. Al,... F1v .oo F~r1cr L. °"""I W1r...,. e1 Jr.;.,1 Jon c . ....... • , ... :JM),l;i,'il' ~rtll~"w11rr.~ 5r .• ~MM, ... Su• Rentffll. Bartl.Ira EllM and G«>rae L""Ddro Whtlley, ltoblrl J1mn and Vl1'9lnl1 WooO Oull, Lavame K. •nd Rabf!'f Edmund R<1$9, II• E. Ind (llarl91 E. Peel. Wl111am J. and /Nry J. GorrT\iln, Donald L. •nd Jullr A. Morris, K•lherlM Elliabetn and Robtrt Edward Clartc, Barry L" and Rtalirna Pauline RablnlJGll. K1nMlll 8 . and Mally Ann Pfeifer. Suian C. and James 8. K1b M•rtorl• Gayle Ind Fran~ Earl LQWlry, Claud• 8., Jr. Ind Ka y M. He.II, El,IOeM K1rl Ind V1rnan EIUson, Donni M. and Ooo1ld L. 81.00., Llneiillrh M. ¥1d CaltwlrlM k , McCi.ncton, lA<IMrd Thom11 and WllmeM J11n JKkacln, Mounce 8. Ind EUr•ll• ROblf'tl,, Chari .. Salamon Ind .PIUllM Ellzabelh Bingham. P1trlc11 I. Ind (llllrlfl N. Davit, DafHy 8. 1nd .l.ndr'lw Edw1rd Prlru, LoufM H .• Jr. Incl RUbY MM "lltd SlflfanMr lS Mufv1ny, D1...,.lirne M. and Fl<IYd R. R ...... fMrf H-tlln Ind Jimmy. VIU.nuev1, VIII Ind Rlclllrd. HClkomb, R1ymond Lltttoy Incl 'K1lhlrlM Audrrt $11111,, Lou J .. n Ind WllLlln'I J, Rally, Wlnllrltd R. Ind John M. D~=· P1trlcl1 K1y Ind J11M1 G«nft. Pamell JUM Ind Wlllff Jahn LT'°~Ncl.JM T•r ... Md Oouol1• Stapln, Mlldnd I. Ind Jahft E. S<hulz, S11t1n .I.dell• ...ci·o1vld Llfrt. BvndY, ROMmary 8. Ind Bert A. (<111, Pim.I• Sw 1nd J1mn Mldllel wni.i., .1.n-J. and ~ E. · Shlrp, MlchHI Eml'll Md P1ul1!11. Y•rbOr'oU!ltl Tommy Ind V1rn1U. WUU1m'J 1111111 J. Ind Jatin .1.. G1rcl1, Ollq<jln Ind 1Nrl1 L. Mc.Oarllll, Tracy A. 1nd GltdVt M. Holmbero, Anloo G._ Incl H1l1n F9flcl1. Mcw•r, LI Doont and Robert F. Corr1<1, Dorothy Jotn 1nd G11par1. Gani, Ernmll111 G. 1nd M•rlllldo. BusOy, Ger1ldln1 Robtrll 1nd DOl\lld. Sctlraedlr, Judith M. and L.lwl1 w. MCPllllrlOO. Deborlll .... Ind Paul K. Taylor, Thom11 Deen ind B1rc.ar1 Fr1ncft. 1'"1lrf111, Donn• R11 and Jollnlll Allc1. Sixer, c11y100 E. 1nd o.oor1n L. M1rrkl'll, Ann M. and Dgn11d H. Gr11111n, $uz1n 111wn1 1nd Htnry Evertt. Rhold.s. Roti.r1 .1.ldtfl Ind M1rpr1t Brawn. Gaorge, Sandri Hll<Mg1r1M Ind OOUlll•s A<H Trll>f!Y, R<lllllM Mlrll Ind ~·· "IMd s.i1n1111r M 21c1r1lll, 0.11 Grin! 1nd 81rtlilr1 Ann Pl.non, Dl'fld Stlphlm Ind Sl1ll1 ··-Death Notice• aA.RM.l.ltD RIV. Willer fM!IO!I h""'rd. 011• GI' drain. OC!Cblr 4, 1'72. Chloel wvlc1 1nd '"W'' SaturQv, 3 PM, W._stmlnslw M 11 ,ark Mort1,11rv Mod c~t,.-y. F1 Jy Mlll!leltl ~Ill eontrlbu!IOOI be m«le to 1111 wa111i.r M. ll1rn1rd M-111 l'"\llld, C/0 711 lt_,-1111 ........ , P1r1maunt. •USHHOUS•M Dee· llushllcoJMn, Alll JO. of .._., Cllldel Or., Hunll'?'!IWI &.Ktl. 01!• of dffth, Oclo!M<' 5, ltn. Slii'vlvtd bY l!ulband, Fredi !Ion. Rou: d1uoh11r1 Tool Ko/In; ,...,.. ar1ndchlldl"ll'I. Stl"\'l.;n s11un1av1 10;30 A,M, PIH F1mllY co1onl11 F11111r1 Home. DUKa Kathy Oulc•, 1111 21, born M1y IS, 1f51. Dat1 ot de1th, Oct. s, 1m Survived bY l!Ultlilrw:I Wllll1m J. Oulc11 Plrellll, Mr. Ind Mrt. Kislt! M!CMIMfl. Prh•lle ~ Ices • Monday. Slllffer Mortu.ry, LlllVf'I Beldl. Ol!'9Cton., HERMANSON Wllllfill 0, H.nnt,_,, • st, of 1211 Malgy, Hunllntlon llHCtl. ServlCft '*"" diner 11 Smllllt Mafl\llry, H"1111ll11Qton Belidl. Ml&a1tv• Leklh ~·=-• ~· IMrt. Shlrln Edwin ), llelOWd mothlf' Ill J. '°'"" ..._,. gdwl11 A.~ AIM IWVIY'ld 1111 ii PrhilM ~Yk-. lutHY fi AM, t "" (l'>ufdl Ill IM l"Grtll ,,.,.,, Glenclll•, Fl>rlll LIWn Mcl!'tu.INLJ'•mHY i-11 · rnet'Mflal contrlbllllonll .,. '"1111' kl II•, Slfv•llan .1.rrrrr In I~ Ill ,._.... ARBUCKLE I< SON WESTCLIFF MORTUARY 4%7 E. 17th S&., Costa Mesa Ill tlll • BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona de.I Mar l'7U450 Costa Mesa Ml-14!4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 broa•way, Costa P.tua LI~ • McCORADCK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1715 Lapnt CaD)'Olll Rd. 01-1111 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMOlllAL PARK C-l<rJ _,, • Q.,.i -Podtlc Vl<w Orm Newport e..dl, Callltnlo -• Pl!EK r.um.Y COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME '1111 Bolu A•e. Wntmlmttr an..tsn • SMITllS' MORTUARY l!'I Malo 81. 11111111• .... -- Caspers' Remark 'S hocking' By O.C. llU!rrINGS ot tlll DIHY P'llof Sl•ff ' "Battin sat .silently while the ·-·---.. C11ctil-1ucu1 of the coonty Board of Supervisors publicly issued ,. insulting and belittlin g remarks against the organba- U9n (Adelante) that has tried hard to represent Mexican- Americarui employed by the . . • county," said Wenke. :!l · Ballin'• challenger claims I~ strong support from Santa ~:c~~. Ana's Mexican-American com- munJty. Chairman or the Mexican- American Committee to Eleet Bill Wenke is Santa Ana businessman Rudy Gallegos. The committee's finance chairman is Antonio Maxwell. president of the Banco del Pueblo de Santa Ana. * * * THE FINAL day for voter registration is Sunday. Orange County Registrar oE Voters David Hitchcock said his of-" rice at 1119 E. Chestnut St., S Santa Ana, will be open tonight until 9 o'clock; Satur- day until 4 p.m., and Sunday until 9 p.m. * * * IT WILL BE down hill all ~ J the ·way Saturday for state ¥ f · · Sen. Dennis Carpenter (R-~''~ti: Newport Beach). He 'll speak ~··. that morning at a session of J: · 1 the Far West Ski Association's ' meeting at the Newporter Inn. ~ His topic: "A Legislator's Look. at Skispart in California." DEMOCRAT Terrj Afoshenko, who is trying to uoseat the GOP's Bob Burk in West Orange County's 7oth Assembly District, will be out and about this weekend. Mosbenko plans to attend a HunUngton Beach Democratic Club fund.raiser S a t u r d a y night. The party has a Mex- ican . theme and , flill. be held starting at 6 ~fn. at the Agultar.hacienda, ·9901 Ranier Circle, Huntington .Beach. Then, on Sonday, Moshenko will travel to San Juan Capistrano for the Democratic picnic at Mission Viejo RaDcb headquarters. 4-H Clubs To Sponsor Clover Day· .. VILLA PARK -County Clover Day, during which 4-H members of Orange County will display their projects and -;: give annual awards to outstan- ding members, will be held here Saturday morning . The event marks 4-H Week, and will be at Cerro vma Junior High School, 17852 Ser- rano Ave. from 9 a.m. to 12 :30 p.rn. The public is invited and anyone between the ages of nine and 19 may join 4-H. For more information. call Mickey Drown at 493-4085. Unit Has Election TUSTIN - Melvin A. Shiff- man, M.D.. of 1\lstin has been elected to a aetond term .. president or the Orange Qxmty Unit of the Ame.rlcao C.nc<>r Society. Other new board memben are: Rajendra G. Desai, M.D., or Newport Beach, first vice- pres Iden t ; Mrs. Jack Englebar<ll or Santa Ana, se- cood vice-president : M ra . Eugene Tull of Tustin. thlr<l vlce-presidenl : Mrt. Burton Reil ot Santa Ana, treasurer; W. James Nethery, D.D.S .. ...,,.tary; and William t'. Pelis ol Newport Buch . liaison cl1r<ctor. ChiJd Group Names~ead fits D. Gaede bas been ap. potnkd -.. dlR<:tor ol the Oilld Gulclance Center or Or•llC• COunt7. • • Fr!day, Oct4btr 6, lq72 o.iL v PILOT I • • ritish ortnight ,\ i I ! ~ I .. I I . ' . r1 , j"l ! t ! . . I " I i:· I " • antiques: reproductions and real ones ' • e .. ~f. I .. " -- • , • - • ' .I • ., , .. , ' I -· ............... _, .... -" ... See our collection of onfique reproductio ns ol'ld ou the nt ic ont iq ue!>. Furn iture ond occ.e s~r ies with o fla ir. All from Engfond . Horo oro just o few pie ces from th is group. Mony one·of·o-k1nd . \ubjoct to pr ior salo. o. occosionol toblos $35 lo $1 25 b. quo;nt old clod s $I 8 lo $<495 c. cob;nets. dre;se" $225 lo $1100 d. S. Eovo.drop pub m;rror $I 80 e. Winc.hosfer pub mirror $150 f. Lumleys pub mirro r $75 g. bomboo fu •nd J'O $55 to $145 h. plonl 1lond $45 to· $11 5 j. metol hotbo <•• $65 to $100 " bros> •orv;nq pcs. $60 to $175 I. collector' 1 1;nw"o $I 0 to $50 m. decorot ;vo br011 $30 to $7 5 n doco•ot :vo bo•c•, $30 to $150 docoro t;ve hOfYl'l 1 ...1rn 1~'"11riq\ 1'4q pic tures ond m irro rs 75 south coost ~OZ4 only 'lbe ctnler, Whlch Opera\M b..,,nchH In Colla Mesa ond San Cit-le. ls..1 -proltt clinic wblcb prOVides '°""'°" outpatient 1 e r v l c e te d11ldren. 'sHOP MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10:00 TO 9:30 • SUNDAYS NOON TO 5 ' ' saturday hours 10 to 6 • may co south coas l plaza , sa n diego freeway al bristol, 'osla mesa, S46.JJ321 ~ f MA.'VCO· • ' 8 DAILY PILOT 2 Children Sought Y aclit, Freight,er Collide on Foggy Coast SAN FRANCISCO (APl - Search vessels continued to comb choppy seas off the rug- town has voted unanimously to oppose Prop. 20, calling it a "potentially dangerous treat" to land value. the Stanford Daily, Stanford University's campus paper, against a 1971 Palo Alto police sean:h of ita oUice. ged. fogbound No rt her n The measure on l h e California coast today in their November ballot would set up e Boy Mun• hunt for tv.•o children missing a state agency and regional OAKLAND (UPI) -Four· In the collision of a private ) year-old Raymond Luce yacht with a freighter, the ( Coast Guard said . BRIEFS awakens in his hospital bed The missing children were "crying and screaming" but identified as Michele Lacy. 9. ~---------will not say what happened to and her brother Ronnie, 11, of subageocies to oversee future him when abducted lrom in V W b development of California's ancouver, as · front of his home. "With every passing hour coasl t. tat t Th rsd ~1ect1'ves sa1'd Thursday there's less chance we'll find n a s emen u ay, v..-: them." a spokesman said. He the council said the measure night that Raymond would not aaid ~ntinued fog nnd 8-foot "would place a large portion even say a word to his parents seas were expected to c<1nfront of the city under the ·immedi· a!>out what happened during ate land use control of ap-searchers today. pointive state and regional the 51 hours he was missing. commissions not familiar with The boy disappeared while the needs of the citizens ... " riding his tricycle Monday. A e Pot Loophole SAN DIEGO (AP) -"A loophole for the largest mari- juana smuggling operation ever uncovered" in Southern California has been closed by the arrest of two men accused of taking $60.000 In bribes to allow narcotics to be brought across the Mexi can border, authorities said. Joseph M. Byrne, 42, of Chula Vista, and Walter W. O'Donnell, 42, of El Cajon. were named in a federal grand jury indictment Thursday. e Corona Cw e e fiag Ktde LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The Los Angeles Times said today there were indications a federal judge's gag order in the Watergate wiretap case was an attempt to prevent publication of a participant's account or the bugging. U.S. District Judge John J . park ranger found him in the Oakland Hills on Wednesday. e De roin Daul OXNARD (AP) -More arrests are expected following 11\c seizure of 12 ounces of heroin, the largest amount of the drug ever taken as evidence in Ventura County, authorities said. Two persons were booked Thursday for investigation of possession of the drug with in- tent to distribute it, federal agents said. lle11ry Dreyfuss Industrial Designer, Wi fe Commit Suic m e at Estate Sunday is SOUTll PASADENA (AP ) garage of their hllltop home moved his f a mi I Y to F'l1t1BAY -The 1nan who created the Thursday. The coroner's office California, opening an office shapes or such {a m i I i a r said notes indicated the twoli~h~e~re~w~h~ile~s~ti!ll:m~a:in~la~in~ing~~;;;;;;;;;;;n~the~l~1f~j1~!f~j:ij~!(~1}~j ~· CALIFORNIA household items as t be were suicide victlrw. It ®id his New York headquarters. princess telephone, the Hoover they died from carbon monox- vacuum cleaner and the id c poisoning. HONG «O·NG Singer se wing machine is dead '"' Tl:IE BODIES were at uo. Press Club Nixes Gllls lntemationally acclaimed discovered by a maid arriving industrial designer H en r y fur work. ~~ey~u~. w~;~~:.ea~ ~i~~ ~ l Dreyfuss, ,vho changeJ the design or typewrit· SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The San Francisco Press Club Thursday night again rejected full meffibers h lp for 60 Solons Backing#20 newsv.·omen, but with a ma· SACRAMENTO (AP) _ Six· jority in favor. ty legislators have formed a general assembly or the bipartisan committee to push membership voled 74-67 to for passage of Prop. 20, the give women full status in the coastal in i ti at iv e, say club, but a two-thirds majority Assembly Speaker Bob Moret· was required to change the by ti and State Senate President laws of the organization. Last pro tern James Mills. February, the same issue was Moretti, a Van Nu Y s defeated by a majority vote. Democrat, and Mills, a Debate centered on whether Democrat from San Diego, an- adtnittance of women would '"' nounced Thursday that 13 disrupt nude swimm in g Republicans and 47 Democrat members in the basement ··will travel throughout the swimming pool and whether to state speaking in support of admil women to the upstairs the coastal measure and will D•l"Y,.USS ers, pens, cloc'.i:s, bath- room fix· lures, tele- vision sets and thous· ands of oth· er items, was a bu siness partner with his wife, hired as his secretary when fh e designer was 25. lie began his career as a stage designer in New York and took up designing pro- ducts during the depression. His first designs were belt buckles, perfume bottles and shaving brush handles. He won acclaim in 1939 for his design of the perisphere for the New York World's Fair. CUSTOM TAllOIS IN OUHGl COUNT'r '"•~-~M~,,~ .... ~1~=-~ ... ~.c: SAVEUPTOS~ 2 sum s135 •""""'""''"""'""' IOUlll llllT ~vlt1. Soonto111, il..:U, Shi<1t. sncw. NICI .... ltOW • WI "' ANY Sill DMltle l•it •••• JtJ SM •ANT STYU CO,llD Sillo 1M1tW ••••• 1$ &a • IRU AlfiU TtONS c.,.,_;. • , , •.• , ti Sf • WT PAYMINTS IM•W.l1 ••••.• ,IJ 62 m 0.1" Sl!lo W-t •• • ,, • 17 Jf ~ 11 19 I S~lltl .......... 10 6 taC2J S.I H ~ .. ,..,_.. a Nf Ftr Appollll.;_r l"MIMI 11>-tl 1 7DCID flllllT IMPOlftl IW2 Mac.lltTHUll ILVD. -su•r• 4U -lllVINI! WOOi.UiS & OOU1U u1n Airparl Towen Norih. ()pposl!• Or9f19t C-ty AlrllOl"I GARAGE· SIDEWALK SALE! Saturday, October 7 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CORNER OF 16th & ORANGE COSTA MESA FAIRFIELD (UPI) -Ac· cused mass slayer J u a n Corona's attorney was blocked Thursday in repeated at- tempts to show that tire tracks found near one of the victims' graves were not left by vehicles owned by the defendant. Sirica issued an order Wednes· day forbidding any statements out of court by anyone c<1n- nected with the case. The Times called the order "a shocking abuse of judicial power." e 'l 'eacf1ers hotel rooms. attend fundraising events." SAN DIEGO (AP) -Teacti..1--:=;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-- IN THE IMlts, Dreyfuss BARGAINS GALORE ! --Furntture, Clothing, Appliances, Books, Sporting Goods, Toys, You-Name·lt ! e Searrh Ban SAN FRANSCISCO (AP) - A federal judge has ru1ed that the U.S. Constitution bans police searches of newspapers, businesses or citizens not suspected of a crime. lie said the proper legal tool is a sub- poena. ers marched in front of three I / San Diego public schools, car-· He/le, ·rying picket signs criticizing '11JIE Dlll'11ISil ,lBB~ff)IJf'(G! Proceeds to. Harbor Area what they called overcrowded FIND CHR ISTOPHER ROllN CONTEST classrooms and the school dis· trict's lack of concern. Youth and Community Activity Projects Sponsored by the Richard Hawk, slapped with two new contempt citations, cross examined several Sutter County sheriff's officers at length.. about the tr ac ks discovered near the fi rst of 25 graves rround in lush fruit orchards. A search warrant can be issued only with a showing I that there is "proper cause" to believe records or materials sought in a criminal in· v e stig ation might be destroyed, U.S. District Court Judge Robert F. Peckham The 43 teachers marched before school Thursday and were joined by a few students. LOCAL EDITORIALS The DAILY PILOT Quite O#en e #%0Blasted OCEANSIDE (AP ) -The City Council of this seaside said on Thursday. Fights City Hall Peckham ruled in a suit by __ ----------- We've cooked up some great range savings! . '·" Save 3095 lleg. 221.111, Biie $1H. 311' gaa range with Everkleene oven features sllleone oven door gasket, clock with minute--mlnder timer, matchleu Ignition oven and burnors, and appliance outlet. All porce lain cabinet. White, evocado, harvest gold or copperlont. ... - -rhte amount 'ltPl'"'rtl the rtqUlrtd monthly payrnent under Pt11nert Time Plfiiltil1 PIM torthl purchue of tl'lt ttlatect lttm. No Finance CMrgewfll be lncurrlel II !ht baltnce of the · .ccount In the fl rtt bllll"9 It p.mld In lull by thfl clOllr.g dttti of the neict bllllng perk>CI. Whtf1 tncumd finance Charon wlll bt determined by apptylng periodic rtttl of 13 (AmnJtl ~Rite 14.4,.) on tne first *600 and 1IJll (M'M'MJll Pen:llntlQI RllW 1ft) on ui. ""'110n-f6CIO of the pmlouo --~ -·O<cndilL JCPenney We ._. whit you°l9 lookllljj far. Shop Sunday noon to 5 i:>-.M. at the followlng ltol91: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach (71 4) 6#-23 I 3. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach (714) 8'12-777 1. ' ' " '' ' South Coast ?taza COSTA MESA ROTARY CLUB (Earn s51.so on each s1,ooo) You can earn this high interest on $5,000 minimum two year certificates. The firs t year your $5,000 certificate will eam $309.15, and more for each consecutive year that interest is add ed to the account. You cin earn $59.17 on $1,000 mini mum oneyearcertificates,and as much as $5126 on a regular passbook savings account of $1,000. M ore interest than banks ... more certain than stocks Plus &ee serviees ... sa fe deposit boxes, notary service, travelers cheques, trust deed and note collections, and many more free services are avail- able when you have the required minimum balance in your account at THE :BIG M. P lu s personal service ... expe ri enced and competent sav- ings counselors in each office ~ ~ . ,,, .. ~ to assist you in planning your savings progran1 . i THE BIG M Robert D. Aston, Monagrr MUTUAL SAVINGS 111<1 loln a.ooiltlDn Corona de! Mllr: 2867 Eut Cout Highway/ 6n·soro Othu-offices hi CovJna, '\'est .AJcad!.1, Pasadena, Clcnda.lc lllld Canoga P~rk·Chat!WOl'th I A it I c a .. Thigh-driven Cart Pedicar w Replace Auws on Short Hops WINDSOR, C<>nn. (UPI) - A Connecticut Orm Is betting it can break Americans of the habit of u1ing the family auto for short hops around town. the firm, Environmental Tran, Sport C<>rp., h a , edvcloped and will soon be marketing a $S50 Pedlcar, pn:r pelled by legpower a n d capable or going 13 to 15 miles an hour, with no more effort the company says, than t~ average person would e:a:ert walklng the same route. 11IE COMPANY has driven fllllllC[ Ille car up a 21 percent or 12 IVlll degree, ~now<t>vered slope at ,._ _______ _, a walking speed without using soowtread tires. The key to the human- powered vehicle l! the firm's "linear torque" drive system. ' Cardiologist Dr. P a u I Dudley White, a life-long bicy- cle advocate, and the late 'Money's Worth What Social Security Promises Young People By SYLVIA PORTER A cool $600 million Jn extra Social Security benefits has poured into !lie pockets or 28,100,000 Americans tilis first week ol October -repre.se~ ting the 20 percent across.-the- board hike in Social Security benefits, the biggest dollar benefit boost in the history ol our JIUbUc pension system. This mooey is being spent as ro- ceived -for most retired i n d ividuals and oouple9 receiving So- cial Security checks typic- ~•,.•• ally .don't .ha ally doo't have a pemy in extra cash to save, nor do they see any reason to save. It will I I o w Immediat- ely through the economic stream, ~tiplying" in ef- fect es it goes. For instance, tile """''' ol the food ston! who receives additional dollars from Social Security beneficiaries buying more food will in turn spend tile ad- ditiooal dollars al the clothing store; the owner of the clolhing store will In tum spend tile addili<lnal dollars st tile home furnllf>i!lgs ohop; the owner of tbls shop will, etc., etc. This OC>ealled multiplier ef- fect will stimulate the entire economy, end ID the degree that it creates more Job! and paycheck.!, it wlll benefit all or us. Actually, years ago Social became Security • major Finance Briefs e At!fJ•lsltion HAWTIIORNE -A Orm specializing In commercial shopping centers, E r n e s t Hahn, Inc., said it h8J agreed in principle lo acquire the Dale J. Bellsnuih Corp. ol Albuquerque. A spokesman for Bellarnah said the sale """1d Involve 115 mlllim ln common stock. The l&le II oubJecl to completion ol a de!IDIUve agro<ment an<l approval by the D a l e Bellemah Foundation. • economic stimulart all on its own. It oan be and it is being used as an anti-recession or pro-expansion weapon in ad- dition to the other social- welfare purposes for which it was originally designed. THE BIKE of 20 percent is spectacular on1y because of its across-.lhe-board size. For it comes on top of a 10 percent boost in 1971, which came on top of a 15 pe!'Cent boost in 1970. And from now on boosts in Social Security benefits will be aut.omatlc as our cost of Ii vlng continues rising year after year -even if the pace of rise is only moderate. WhBt, then is the meon1Dg to you, an individual planning for future retirement, of this OclAlber . hike and Of the automatic increases from now on?. The meaning is that Social SecuritY is truly becoming • · nationel pension system. on which you can build your own retirement system. It i s becoming an ever-stronger base!Dwbidlyoucanadd retirement income you create for yourself from your own ac- tivities and inve.5tment. Just consider IOllle of these totals: FOR THE retired couple f't'Ceiving t:he average Social Security benefit, lite moolhly check is now 1271; For the avtrage retired in- dividual wilh oo dependents, the monthly check is now $156; An individual retiring at 65 in 1972 can get a new max- imum checl< or $259.40: A retired couple can get a new maximum ol $389.10; An elderly widow can get a new maximum of $2.18; A you~ widow with two children can get a new max- imum or '519.30. l\IEANWlllLE, OUB enlire private pension system is heading for a drastic O\lerbaul to make it much safer aM more product.lve for you, tbe worker covered by a private co1ll0l'9tion program. This ii an obvious supplement to Social Security. Your own savings ac-- cumulated over your lifetime must be added. 1bese woold include stoclts, U.S. govern- ment and corporatioo. bonds, . mortgages, any olbe ...,.Is v.1rldl can briog you on in- come. By itaell, Soclal Security is not 8Ufllclent to llipporl any retired -in dl¢tY and comfort. Even wUh this week's bonus, l ,000,000 to l,000,000 ol tho elderly will remain below lho poverty line end mllliom ..... "near poor" will hover jult above tilts line . • Standard equipment will in- c 1 u d e a battery-pawered headlight, manually-<>perated windshield wiper, seat belts, safety reflectors and a rear view mirror. Construction • OAIL V PILOT 9 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NO'l1CE PUBIJC NG'11CZ pUBIJC NOTJCl'J Finance Briefs • ·' • .. • OAJL V PILOT s P1·ime Rate Hikes W 01·ry h1vestors NEW YORK tAPI Interest r~Hes are on the rl!le, but n'IOSt ecvno111l~s rrn1.1in conndent there \\'I ll bi' no repetition of 1tw crt"dit cruoch \vh il'h pulChed the l'\.'11llVll1) in 1969 <ind 1970. Investors. appnrt>n1I~ lt'S~ confident ha\ t' :.l'nl 1h•· slock. n1arkt'l rt't'l1njl <H E"\CfY n~ nouncN hikt' '.li\•\\'j nf pr!1ne rn1e h1kPs b\ Oli"IJor banks !'iCnt tht: Do¥i .. J nne~ i11dustrla l a\·~ra~t into n l'.!·1)(11nt tail~pin Aug. 2~. and snuppt_-d a bud- ding rally on Sept. 29 \Yith the adopuun Tue...'idB) of a 5l, pcrt'Cllt pr 1n1e rate by the San Francisch's Bank of An1erita. the nlltion's larAcst l'Utnn1crci:il b<u1k. !he 5·'~ 1wr- (·ent prime beca:nc virtually unive rs.al for the thne being. \\'hy are tnvestors so con- cerned about interesl rales? For an ans>tt'+"r. 011(' need only go back to 1969. Prime rates -rhe interest l'harged by banks on loans to !heir most credit"'Orlhy r:usto1ners -"'ere then at 81,i percent , !he highest in the na- tion"s history. "Companies like the Bell ·relephone syste1n had to pay !f3s perunt." recalled Tilford Gaines. an economist with i\1<i nufttcturers Hanover Trust C.:u , "Other companies with l('!'S credit had to pay ·12 to 13 percent -i( they were lucky t-nough to be able to gel money :it all.•· \Vith no money available for Pxpansion. 1nany companies hnd to stagnate or cut back their ope.rations. This in tum affi.'<:tcd employment. Housing starts were at a low ebb as morlgage money cost around UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 9 to 1 P.M. MON.·THillS. 10·5 ,,M, fllDAY'S. 1D-' P.M. 17141 540·$211 . lM-4 111: Se. C:.-t Pkn, Cethl M ... ....... Vlc:tf'M.~ D. DEAN HEISER <Fly Our Legs) AIR@ CALIFORNIA from Or111p County mtrntions (714) 140-4150 FINANCE Incomes To Increase Personalized • Styli5h • Efficient Order For YourMlf or • Friend loA.•Y b• u1ed on envelope• ., r•turn •ddte\I l•bel\.. Alio v•ry han dy •1 identificetion lebel1 for m er~in9 ptr1onel item1 1uch •• bf»k•, recordi, phofc11, etc. ltbel1 1tic~ on 911i11 end m•y be u1td for merkil'l9 hom• ctnntd foccl ittm1. Al1 ltbtl1 t rt printed with ttyli1h Vogut type on fine quality whit .. 9wmmtd p1p1r. r-----::.~:::-"~:::.:":-.::,::::,~:-;,:----,, I r 11t:1 l'Hflli•"' L•IMt 111~, "'o. 1~• a u I C..ll• ·-· Ctlll Fhh I : I I I I I I t I I l PILOT PRINTING 1 L-----------------------~ ... OVER THE COUNTER COMPLETE NEW YORK STOCK LIST ) ~ { \ I I .· • its alte that But mar not Jars or g • "' ." N ~·· • ~· " Thursday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List Stocks Tumble On Wall Street I, I -. '• • 1972 s DAILY rll.Or -... -.J-.... ~- TAKE 1'HE NEWS QUIZ Wt Oere Yott ... Every~ , ' I --~ J:l DAILY PILOT Frld•y. October 6, 1972 Weekend Yachtl11g Calendar .. Single Banded Raee Podalak Merrwrial Trophy Race Set ' BaIOOa Yaclit -Cluh Readies Event The Bahia Corinthian Yacht MALIBU YACHT CLUB -ll<lcx Ranger-26, T . B I r d ; OCEANSIDE YACHT CLUB Ever try single-handJni an cerU!icates In CCA. IOR, Tbe"""' will be lllled over Club will stage its annual Pacific Mu It I h u I I 'Cham· Saturday and Swlday. -Tabasco Seties, Sabot, Sun-ocean nclng saJlbOlt in an (Mark JI) PHRF and MORF. a ~ f'tom a Podalak Memorial T r o p h y plooships, PMA. • 0 D M H , SAN DIEGO YACHT CLUB day. around-lb&-buoys race! Entrl'" will bf accepted Ill>-• alartJog a_.imalely Series Saturday and Sunda y Saturday and Sunday. -Natioaal Preoident Series, SOUTHWESTERN YACHT Well, here's your·chanc<. UI 8 p.m. W-y, O<l 11 llOO;yarila · gltb6J'!Wport for the benefit of the Small KING llAl\BQR YACHT caws, Sunday: championship CLUB -P.Cal Regalia, Tbe Balboa Yacht Qub 11 ID-at the Balboa Yacht Clufi. . Pier. Yaeht Racing Fleet ISYRF I. CLUB -Trans PenkiuJa ,.rles, 5.S-meter, &.meter, Saturday. v!Ung enld"' in Ill first The nwnber ol ·cl..,.. to be Each Y wlll be requJred Padllc Handicap (PHRF) and Race, SalurdOy; PC, Sunday. N"'lb IUld Inland single-handed race Oct. 14, slaljed will he determined by to .carer D)lnlm11m o! one Ocean Racing t IOR l boats· Saa Oiego MJ~ON BAY y AC HT SANTA BARBARA SAIL-The race . is open to ~achtl the race corruntttee from the oblerver'" c ble of bud.llog Also on the BCYC calendar is SfLVERGA'I'l!: YA C)l T CLUB -Fall Invitational, ING CLUB -Mercury Race BOATING whoSe owners are members or number of entries. BreakdoWn ... the~t in: Of emergtncy. !he Avalon R'1Ce for PHRF CLUl,l-Area Chompioosbips, Skimmers, Saturday and Sun-of Ch0mpton1, Summer Serles recognlzed yacht clubs wlllob of • f1¥sseo ,,.Ul be by boat Use bl •P ers will be <>!>' yachts entered in the, ~C~o<J..'.CI u~m~bi~a~-29~,c_.:Cciro~· ~n~-~~25~,__!da!".!'.Y·:.._ ________ ~N~o.~4!,,,~Sa~t~urda~!_Y!•nd~Su~nda~y~.-~==:!:=====~-h!!!,a.!'.v.!e_!m!!!e!a!s,!!•!'.!~:.!m!!!e.!!n,!l__!l~..,gth.~!:,_-----~--'=tlonal~!!;·:.._ __ --: ___ _ Angelman Series. The race 1-~ \Vinds up the Angclman Series. On the small boot front . the Lido Isle Yacht Club will offer its Fall Regatta for sailing dinghies sailing in.side the harbor. Further north, two ~ portant event hold the at- tentioo of the ll\l'ge boot sailors. The Los Angeles Yacht Club will hold the first race of its Harbor Series for vacltts rated under the IOR Mark m rule. The race is the Huntington Harbour race and is the first of three Sunday races that \~·ill serve as tM~ ups for the upcoming Mazatlan Race. Nov. 4. LA YC race chainnan Jom !\'1uchmore e·xmphasized that only vachts with IOR 1-lark 111 ratings \vou\d be accepted in the Harbor Series. A separate race will be started for PHRF rated vachts on the first and final rices of the series. Windjammers Yacht Club at t1arina de! Rey will be host to yachts qualifying under the One-Ton Cup ratings in the Southern California Ton Cup championships Saturday and Sunday. Highlights of the SCYA calendar: Los-Angeles-Long Beach LOS ANGELES YACHT CLUB =-Eirst race of Harbor Series, Sunday. SEAL BEACH Y A C H T CLUB -Columblis D a y Regatta. alJ classes, Saturday and Sunday. WESTWARD CRUISING CLUB -Pt. Vicente to Cat Harbor. Race. Saturday. Santa Pttonlca Bay WINDJAMMERS YACHT CLUB -Ton Cub Cham- pionshios. Saturday and Sun- day; Jolly Roger Regatta, cmterboards, Saturday and Sunday. Mesa Yachts Featured AtBigSho'v Costa Mesa-built yaclru will be featured at the United States Sailboat Show which opened in Annapolis. tld., Thursday and runs through Monday. High among the domestic boats at the show will be models from the Columbia and Coronado lines. Other North American boats on display will be from Irwin. Morgan, C&C. Scampi. lnternationol Folkboat and Ouyang Boat Works. A heavy emphasis is being placed on foreign-built yachts including such familiar names as Matilda. Cormorant, Flying Sool and Aloha. The British effort inwlves eight firms uniting for a joint venture financed by th e British government . • -= 2771 Coastal Weather ,..,tt., t louO"t loday. U11l'll Y•r1.ole wind• ..ig111 •nd morl'll1111 1>our1 bKOm- lne -1-.!erl' 10 to lCI krioh I" •fl«_,, lllOro' Ind S..!WO.y. HIOl'J tod9~. "'°'"' In '°" Co.~lal ~·""'" ra1109 Ir-4111 to to. '"lll'd ~I-•l'IOt lr-611 lo tO. Wa .... '-•WIT• .._ Sun, Moon, Tide• l'alOAY S.tnd 111(111 IO:ll p.m. ... ...... -•:IV p.m. u SATU•OAY Flrtl 11'911 •:H a.m. ... Flr1I ·-l:•1 1.m. u ktoiw:I hlgll tt-.St p.m.. '" S.Ctnt low •:• p.m, ., SUMDA1' l'frtl 1'11111'1 f tSJ a.m. J.1 l'lt::ll law~ . ""'-•:~ •.m.. 1.• StCOftd hltll'I 11:'2 p.m. JJ $«and low J: If -.m. •-' t.un l!:llff 4:5' .,,..., ....,. •:» O.fll. ,,.,_ ...... ,,. a.fl'I. U't J 1$7 °'"'' LIKE SAILING? DISLlll -,11, ,. .. , hi9h 111- t•r•tt r1M1, te11., cl1,.,.ei1fio11, l111urenc•7 HINI -ce'9frH 1elll,,9, ,.. t11el11t1111nc1 at • fr1rilo11 of tlle Cott of owHnhl,.7 moua CUii PLAN Cal 2.511 •low• '1400 No..,..t S.111"1 Club , .................... .. 714/'75-7100 rz: ---·~ r-... cherve : -.....::. =---"="-J ... .. ~;:;-I "' 3r.'l90'' STODGE sm.m · 3~ The •lmpl• m1tal c:omtl"\ldioi:i. to hltp you •P lbe gorago. Gttic, or tho maltor bod.room straight. COLORED SHELVES 8x2( 8x36 8x(8 10x36 10x48 12x36 12x48 .. 1.18 1.48 1.ao 1.70 lAZ 1.12 mimSTUDDDS DD BUCBJitS STAlll>Al!DS I' 22" BRACIETS 8" 11' 10" 24' 12" 21' 2· 44• a· u· (' ... Bru1hed ahunlaum llnlllhed. 4 ittcmdatd .U.1. 3 brockot .U.1 ••• how can you go wroi:i.g? ijwt watch. dUJalllf) 397 EA. 9~. SBIQ RUG JUE ... ta .. o4 •M,tl:Mf .. i"• ....... _,,.. ••• tJ:wr ,_. fikii -. thut cmud a94 .-.11~4--.i-•·1 ............ tblU:). 144 MOBJLllRJ: ICE BOI l'Qa CUU'l;U lUID ft':"Pa For two pdc_e• t~'• two le. eopqdd.01., Ju.tt !McCl'llP summM ts ~onr.Al~-,n't meaa.you:caa'UUU g·o camplftlJo SOLB 17.88 7SLB 19.88 . ... '• ... . .._ .... . 77£.r . MEDl'lmllEll .PUWlll. -. • \ FOLllTE ••••a 9'' BLICI. D£CBl:B c:oam.CSS KOl£i ~ lfo cord.. M aolM. no z:'JhM. no ....U Ind wl llO mows ... work lor you). ea.... with lwcny ............ -....... 9 9 ~.139.88 I . I ... .. <t .... ~ .. ~· •: : . . ~~ t' \. 1 d' ol s d a B q w la w a b e m fa bl so ,. m d y y r ti th w lo ta al a c c of M or .. .. w r .. y c of 1 d D • w m • G • ti I q • ' ~men BEA ANDERSON, Editor l'rllll1r, OclMtf 4. Hn ""' 11 Un-couple Mister - And His Misses DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am raising a child alone. Lottie's father and I were divorced when she was less than 2 years old, The divorce decree states that he should pay cblld support·but he has never done so. I got tired of chasing the bum and decided to write him off as a bad debt and n;uike it alone. Next year Lottie will be going to school. I have never talked to her about her· father. It's as if be never existed. But I know I've got to face the facts , Ann. Lottie ;/'getting older and more in· quisitive. Yesterday she asked, "What was ~ your husband's name?" I was so taken by Surprtse I answered. "Oh that was so long ago l don't remem~r." I realize this was not a very good answer but my feelings for my ex-hus- band are so bitter I couldn.'t bring myself even to mention hls name. I don't want my child to bear any ill will against her father. He was my mistake and my pro- blem and I don 't want it to be felt by ber. Any suggestions? -L 0 U I S V I L LE TRAUMA DEAR LT.: Soon you will be fon:td to talk to Lottie about ber father and lt will be ImPodte to mast your nal teeliJJgs, so you'd beUer face up to It, dear. Jf·\.yua eannr· -even meatlOa. your• former husband'• name the lloltillty must be enormous. Bottled Ute can be destructive. 'l1IJt la no good· for either you qr your ~~·-Ceuse1ing will ~Ip you d1a1lpate your anger and I 1troagly recommend that you move tn that dtcec· tloa. DEAR ANN LANDERS ' What do you think of a socially prominent man and wife who enterUJ,in frequently in their beautHul home, have plenty of money, and ...-refuse to serve alcoholic beverages to guests? When I say "guests" I mean respec- table citizens who do not get stinking drunk, but people who enjoy a cocktail and behave like ladles and gentlemen at all times. I am sure you will concede that a highball or two can be a social lubri- cant and is not morally wrong. · Please answer this in the paper. The couple we want to see Jt are avid readers · of -)IOUr colUllUl. -C I V I L I Z E, D MODERATES DEAR MOD: lf a coutJle prefers not tq serve alcoboUc beverages la ~elr ltoqae I see ao reason for crHktna. It'' their home amt tbey bave the fllM to serve, or not aerve wbat tbe:y plase. Geftl'DOr Aakew of Fioricia and his wlf&-do not serve Uquor la the muslon and lte remarked receady. I.bit It wu IW'ffrhiq llow euly people &J bome wbea )'Ga don't serve ~ booze. DEAR ANN LANDERS' It bup me when I read in the paper how 20 guys retire from a firm, eacb'witb SS years ol serv.ice -or a comblned total of 'TOO years. nus ls rkficulous. Each man served the firm 35 yean at more or less lha same tiple. The service span of all 20 men was 35 years at the plant. · l{ow do they arrive at the 700 figure? l can see a progenitor with llOOS, grandsons, etc. stretching over a period of 700 years but, for crying out loud, that 700 figw-e is completely misleading. Why don't they tell It like It is? -DEAD DUCK IN DENVER DEAR DUCKY: ArUbmellc b1 M•tr been my beat t ubjed but my malb Cffo- IUltut 1t MIT ttD1 me tnt SS 1 It = 1tl. I 1ee DO re•JOa ror you t1lrqe,. Jf. J1i1111 wa.at to get uc.l&ecl •bMl liljutloe Diii mltrepr<wllallu, I cu slpply ,_ wt111 some better luuet. CONFIDENTIAL TO: I N!IED MY GUN: You Ind mllllool at olhor Ammca111 cling 10 Ille loolllb notloo 1h11 a gun II prole<tloo. Stlliltlct show thal I !Imel out of 10 theAntrudcr-ii a better shot 1han ' tho Ia,..bkllllf c11i..n, and quicker on tbt draw. Tllere fl I blJ dllfort---ctfd ud ctol. A9 IAOilf'I ...... )' ..... ti "''It~"'-.-.""" .. .. .... ~ .. .,._ ... _ ..... ..,. to C.01 ft." Seed M cutl .. cell Ud I lon1, ttll.ffdruted, 1tamped ea•tfepe to tile DAILY PILOT. ' ' I .. l -'- " \ ' . The Robert Bonners " toast success of I Lido Isle '.Oktoberfest. ' I . - ' Fun • • -ra1s1ng • Can Be Reno"bound-11r,;.-.j l11ft to rig ht) the Mmes. Fred Spe11ker, Karl M. Foss, George Rogers and J .E. Shepard , HB Juniors. Sorting bargains for Bon Marche are I left to right) the Mmes . Winslow S. Lincoln Jr., Frank Lewis and Donald Anderson . • . Three varied f'und.raisla,g event• are on the drawing board for nnaI coostructton during the next few weeU. A Reno Nigh!, Le Bon Marcile and ID OklOberfest wUI lempt lllooe In Ibo mood for frolic and fun. Hwitington Beach Junion w i I I transform the F0W1tain Valley Com· mwtity Center into a minlature Reno Saturday, Oct. 14, for its atmual ways and meaiu project. From 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. a variety of games will be available and guesti will induJge in a smorgasbord of hors d'oeuvres. According to lbe chairman. ~1rs. Fred Speaker, proceeds will be used for Americanism. conservaUon-ecology, f\.ne arts and youth commlttee projects. Assisting with preparations are the Jl.1mes. Michae l Pharris, George Rogers. Jac k Hall and Naylor Wahl . Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Hall or Jl.trs. Speaker, both ol Hwitington Beach, or 1:11 the door. BON MARCHE A different tack vi'ill be taken Friday,'-' Oct . 20. by the Newport Harbor Art t.fuseum. \.li'hich is stasing ilS annual Le Bon Marche "best of everything" sale in the galleries of lhe museum in Newport Beach. Combining the French concepts oC , .. bargain " and .. pubUc market," Le Bon Marche pronUses good buy1 in a variety of merchandise. Twenty boothJ will olfcr · somelhing for everyone , square to '11p and young to old. from antiques to y:v-dagc. Under the direction ol A-frs, Winslow S. Linroln J r., memben of the Associate • Counci l of the n1useum are organizing the booths. They Include the Mmee. PeteT Vogel, an- tiques; John Gettle, a<:ceS80riel ; Wllliam tiibblns. bibelots: William Stabler, Bon ~farche originals : Bert C-offey, books and rLw tds: · No rrnnn Lawaon and William Von Hunkle. chc:i grnndrnere et lea en· aiiiS ." a·nd 'J.fa rv1ii "RO'si7""dciUvUJeerT1a · mode. Others are the Mmes. Harvey SOmeni. nov.·ers and plants: Allen Campbell . furniture: Kenneth WasmaM. gounnet cuis ine; John Buchanan, liflCDI: Eleanor Reed. men's v.·ear: Walter Kno1. pour )c sport : Phillip Morgan. potpourri, and F"rank Herrington, travel finds . CO~l~f11'TEE LISTED Committee members are the Mmes Robert Angt'll . rodlainnan; Donald Andenon. 'A.Ork.shop chaimum: Rkhant ~ll'Clure. trtas1.u"'r; Ha 11 I bur 1 on S\\'e<llow, preu: Nora G r a Y e 11 . t.oordinator. and Pet~r UUI. IM:kf:ts . On the e\'cnlng of Oct. 20, the Udo lslti t1ubhouse will becon1e a litlle bit of Germany u lhe Lido tile W<man'1 Oub board members spon80r an Oktoberfest for all mtmbers. hu.sbMd11 and guerta. Beginning at 6:30. bee r. Yt'lne, Bavarian food and music ""'ill no w as the program unrotds. Fl.'atured v.111 be a muslCll noor thow ~1th song11 by Joseph Gaudio, 1 eom· mun1ty sing of bee r drinking tone• led b)' ~Ir. and ~1r1. Joseph Weibtw::h and IC· rompanied by ~tn. E. Mor1an Quinn, • polka demonst ration and cont.ell, and finally a prize wol1.1 and priu roc:k Md roll . D1r«1mg dl\nee muiic vdll be Mn JH{'k Tilley and ~In. Jlarold Bimkratlt. Rccei \•lng guesu wtq~ be . Uie F.arl Hardagcs, Jarnr.s Loudonl and Rly Oemous. Committee---membe,...._..,_ &be -MIMI. Del Van Omum, chairman: Robert Bon· rttr, co-<:halnnan Md Hoban Batlon. Hcmaldo AYlla. S&ephen Dingle, Wilbur f.lil b , frank ~lel~r. 11.Hter Wiils, Herb llll•y. Joo Shepordlon and Miu Dorothy IJel'uydL , .. ' J.:''.'!j__:Oc.Al:.l:_Y__:Pl;:L.:.0.:.1 ---------'-"-''.cY_OctOOtt 6, l 'i72 Mr1. Carl Hoffm1n (left) and Mrs. Paul Peterson, First L1dles of the American Medlcal A110Cl1tion tnd Or..,gt County Medical Auxiliary chat 1t Balbo<I B1y Club. Your Horoscope Libra: Lead, Don't Follow SATURDAY OCTOBER 7 By SYDNEY OMARR If you want to get along with Gemini, don't.turn the volume full blast on radio o r television. Gemini is sensi tive, nervous at times and doesn 't enjoy shouting. The Gemini woman is flirtatious. The Gemini man experiments. wanders· but usually returns home. The Gemini native, man or woman, changes moods rapidly. reads. reports. Is active. high-strung and almost imposs ible to catalogue. ARIES (March 21-April 19 l: SUrprlse public reactions are featured . You may experience difficulty In holding to11:ether a unlon. Sudden moves indicated in marriage. partnership area. Fresh start is on agenda. Bring rorth creative resources. TAURUS (April 20-May 211l ' Changes In employment area indicated. You also rind that eating and recreational habits undergo revision. Associate expresse!I unorthodox view. Listen without committing yourseU to any direct action. GEMlNl (May 21.June 20 ): Unusual dealings indicated in connection with ch 11 d re n . members of opposite sex. Changes, some radical. art due to occur. lmprlnt stamp of your Individuality. Write and read, expresa and delineate. CANCER (June 21~uly 22): Investments, long-range plans are teatured. Accent security. Don't £all far sob story. Be thorougb; maintain steady pace. Associate who is Im· patient may sing blues. Main· lain balance and sense of humor. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): You may be embarking oo journey Wedding Plans Told A Nov. ta 'Mddlna ln Meu Verde United Methodist Church. Costa Meu, I.I belnR planned by Nancy 'Ann Burr and Vladimir Geist o f Inglewood. at urging of mate, portner. Be analytical. Seek reasons. Don't take situa tions, persons for granted. Gemini and Virgo person.s figure prominently. Be analytical. VIRGO {Aug . 23-Sept. 2'1 ): Spotlight centers on settling difference with fa 111 i I y member. Don't insist on ex· penditure which you cannot af- ford . Financial si tuation is ac· cented. You gain through unorthodox procedure. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. Z2 \ Obtain hint (rom V i r go message. Shake loose [ron1 status quo. Cycle is such that you make headway throu~h original ideas . Don't follow crowd. Imprint your own style, personality. Wear bright blue. SCORPIO IOC't. 23-Nov. 211 There are re s tri ct ion s. However, son1e restraints ac- tually arc for your own benefit. Knov• it and respond accordingl y. A v o i d tern· peramental outburst. One who seems unfriendly co u Id become valuable ally . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dee. 21 1 · Doors or opportunity open. Don't be afraid to l:'X· pand. Display product, talent. Strive for universal appeal. Arie! can show tbe way. Ac· cent is on fulrillm ent of unique desi res. Know !hat wishes can be fulfilled . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): One in position of authori- ty backs you with more than words. You are given vote of c 0 n r idence. independence. Take initiative. AQUAl\IUS (Jan. 20-Feh. 18J: Trust hunch. f ollow throu11h; rise above petty details. Perceive potent ial. Travel is emphasized -so. too, i!1 education. You lenrn. Your knowledge is npplil.'cl 10 current situation. You're .:111ng lo win. PISC~ (Feb. l~Merch 20): You get to OOttom of mystery. Key now ls lo be versatile. Have alternative! at hand. Sadttlrtan can aid. Re recep- tive. Expanrt horlion~. What &tarts small is capable of growing. Tensions are relicv· ed. You receive meanl.ng!ul compUmcnt. Actress Due The bride-elect, daughter of Actress Ginger Rogers, whG Elliott Burr of eost11 Mesa. at-now Is natk>oal fashion advisor tended Eltancla Jllgb School ror J. C. Penney's, will vi!lit the and Orange Cout College. Huntington Center Mall ton ight Her fl a nee graduated !rom at 7. college In CiechollGvakla She will narrate n film nnd where hl!t rather. LadialaY give a prcsenlallon on lhe nl'w Geist, resides. look In hosiery and shoos. .... .... llltll.IMll •llM ..-M ...oN«l. 1 lf\MI bell, Mlold, Nflk toMI, ....... J,. c...... CAPACOU .... '" :-:-..;:.~ -1,51 ... ........ LAY•I ca•• 8ERUIOHOO. ""' I.ft •• ,..... Del,,, 99• - ' fl , '1'. IJ. ITALIAN DELI e BAKERY ol.uca eLAli RESTAURANT 1911 Moma ol ~-II•, Huntington Buch, o..., .... ~ ... .., .... • ~ ''"' 111.......,....,.,. n ,..." hlr IM1M .1Mt S... 1Mt C&eile4 M"': f6M44• . - ' Tennis Pl-ay:. Tough Racquet Sloriet by JO OLSON Ol ,,. 0.lfy ..... , .... Ask any Davis Cup team member and be'U tell you the competition in tenniJ is rough. Aslt any Davls Cup coach or team physician and he'll agree the atress on players is .stag· gering. Revealing the "inside story'' of Davis Cup competition, v.•ith its peculiar stresses and strains, were George McCall, former captain, and D r . Nonnan Rudy, team physi- cian. .. The Davis Cup is the greatest international game in the world," McCall t o 1 d members of the Woman's Awdliary to the Orange Coun. ty Medical Association. "But the stress we put on our players is tremendous. In rootball you can kick and swear, but in tennis the strain is gigantic." CHANGING FOOD Aside from having the sole responsibility of representing the United states in a singles match or !haring the job dur-what time ol day to quil play ing doubles, the players face becauae ol IWlStl and who will !he challenge of doin11 their k .. p the tennis balls between aames, for example. best whUe changing countries, 'lbe matter of who keeps the time, food, people and water. ttnnil balla 15 important, McCall, an Emerald Bay McCall said, because if balls resident, recalled the first are not guarded they may be foreign match on his team's refrJgerated overnight end schedule. It was in Mexico lose their elasticity. Dr. Norman Rudy, team Cily, which baa an allllude ol pbyalclan since 196> and assls- 8500 feet , so he read surveys tant cllnicaJ professor of on bow to prepare the (eam surgery at UCLA, said he ror the adjustment to the serves as "father, confidante, tour direct.9r, money changer belgbl. , and babJ'<ltter" for the team. "One said to go 48 !lours The fQOd' problem in foreign before the match and another countries Ls one of his biggest, said we would need 12 days,'! he ooted, because many of the be recalled l 17·2:5 youths on the team have For on; match in souut had 8&'\b"k .,dielJn the . U.S, ~. mllkshal!es America, the team took its ~ and ~ which are. except own food, alienating t he~ for the Cokes, unavailable in American consulate, the local foreign countrte~ press and many So u t h MILitSdAJtES tool< Instant bre01ut base• and pow-mllk to make milkabates. The doctor also work! to relieve 'the 11t.ress o( the playert by giving them com· plete physlcalJ two or three days before the matches. "Most are already in top shape but I have to convince them they're in lop shape." b. explained. Roy Emerson, a ' former Davis Qap . competitor w h o <now resides tn Newport, c;f- fered comments on bis Davis Cup trainlng and tennis in Orange County. Of the locaJ .tennis sceoe he aaid. l'l donlt think there are •enough· Courts in Orange Coun- ty~l've pever seen so much te · played in .. ooe com- mUJll! ~ Tb.IS aiea ls ready for -~~~~:!essional ===============c-~-~~:'~"""-"~--Americam. On the last lrlp to Spain, he OWN RULES Each m~ has its own ground ruil$~-~hich must be formulated before play begins, he said. Officials must decide Clip this ad, bring it with you, for a '. FREE !CHECK DUR Lew PRICES! World Itinerary Prescribed CONDITIONER with a Sham po~ and Set Lynn Hof£man travels with her husband because she claims "I'd nevel' see the guy if I didn't." I.fer husband Carl, president of the American ~1ed.ical Association, was in Orange County to address the Orange County Medical Association and true to fonn. Mrs. lloff. man wa!I along for her first visit to the county. She was guest of honor at a luncheon n1eeling of t he Woman's Auxiliary to the OCMA In the Balboa Bay Club. Al the time of her Orange County st:1y, Mrs . Hoffman had been away from her home in •luntington, W. Va. for a month and anticipated return- ing .. long enough to have my eyes refracted and get a permanent" before selling out again. countries and fi~ out what they have that's good. "I thOrougbly enjoy<d t b e southern part of Russia. I thought it was enchanting. 'lbe food was very different and the people had quite a sense of humor." In her domestic travels, Mrs. Hoffman has been in most of the 50 states, missing only Oregon, South Dakota and New Mexico. Last year, as president-elect of the association, her husband traveled extensively, and as a member ol. several Presiden- tial committees, he adds still 11101e date!i:o-hb-calendar. Mrs. Hoffman speculates th at these missing states: may be scratched from her list by the time his term expires next June. The Hoff mans' three daughters are scattered along the east coast in New York, Washington O.C. and Florida, 10 the medical ambassadors pop in to visit ~m as their schedule permits. While in Orange County, the Hollmans headquartered at tbe Disneyland Hotel and liked 'person ha.! to fJgUre out her . CALL FOl Al'l'OINTMfNT own thing," she empbasius. For Mrs. Hofftnan, It cur-646-9311 renUy II "ODNJigbt stands," , being tllanlcfUI to stay in .... GIRARDS place long enough to wash out her pantyhose arufmost of all, COLLEGE OF BEAUTY collecting new fr lends 145 Cast 19th St. everywhere she goes. the area so wen Mrs. Hoffman ilr:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:=~~=~:~::;;~===~~~'.:l declared, "We may stay!" m;o;:.!°o1e~"i :;:;::;;:;: · For A Caree r •.. NOT .JUST A JOB rlage, Mrs. Hoffman declines ~ul~~e ,:,hat:=1sh~ BE A ''WOMAN IN .WHITE" husband's tenn is finifilled, She taught junior high S<J>ool Become• M~ or Denial AuialaN ii. 4 M 7 montlu. i• H•Ullfllgton-be!Ore--h<.r-Jf -ADVAllCID daughters were born and has REGISTRATION had a challenging career as a wife and mother, but still _ REQUIRED sllll!IS the spotligbl for hersell. ........... . ..•.. ~~- NEW CLASSU STARTING October t 6 -November 6 LHetime P1ocement Assistance R.N.'' aN Mttlial pa-s.Ntd au• Mii' rtceiN diMt:al lab. &: s-nq rnilli,.1 i,. 3 inonW. To wives of young doctors who are anxious to help their husbands in their profession, she prefers not to give advice. "I'm not that wise. Eadt :::::.::.:::::::·:.:.:: 623 W. 17th, SANTA ANA 541-4461 llowe\'t'r, the slim former teacher has no complaints about her schedule, which, though making her an "instant authority" on hotels, has taken her to such exotic places as the Georgian Republic of l\ussia and more convenlional spots including Stockholm , West Germany and London. Oven Defrosts '-----------~~~~~~~~~~~~v;nt~ltAH==·•=•~""~f~IT~S~A~Y~Al~l•;u;•~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The tiewest wrinkle I n \- microwave ovens Is a defrost "\Ve were in Hussia in July as guest or the Medical \\'orkcrs Unio n. the fourtb larges t union in Russia ." she snid. "My hus!Jand is in· \crested in heailh c are delive ry systems in other cycle that thaws a 20 pound frozen turkey in 90 mlnutes, a IQ.pound roast in an hour and six hamburgers in seven minutes. The turkey would re- quire 48 hours to thaw by con· ventional mean!. Two new models from the s a m e manufacturer have a push-bar door latch instead or handles. 'l'o avoid d1sappolntment, prospective brides are reminded to llave their weddin)? stories \vith black and white glossy r.boto. ~raphs to the DAILY PILOT Womens Ue- partment one week before the wedding. Pictures received after tbat time will not be used. f<'or engagement announcements It ts lmpcralive that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be sub- mitted six weeks or more before the wedding date. lf deadline Is not rnet, only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are available In all of the VAJLY PILOT oUices. Further questions will be answered b'l Women's Section staff members at 642-432 . ~"'"" 1514 N. Main Sonta Ana S41-c391 ANAHEIM 444 N. Euc.114 17141 IJJ.1121 the go-everywhere pump By Florsheim, a friend to take you striding anywhere, anytime. Casual styli ng on an easy going heel, with a no-nonsense mood and 11 comfort conscious feeling, "Lockup" in tan kidskin, 25,00, Urbanite Shop, 35 find your size hore: I s•1i I 2A I I I I • I c I I NEW'°RT 41 '••hcie11 hl•...d 11141 •44·121 2 6 I 6V. I 1 1v, 11 11v. I ' I '~ I 10 I • • I • I • I • I • • I • • I ' I • I • J • I • I • I • I • I • • I • ll • I • I • I I · I HUNTIJllGtOH IEACH 1111 E4h•t•~ J...,,"11• 11 141 192·)))1 ' OR"1<$1, MALL .OF OlAN$f 2JOO N, T1ull11 Sh••f (7141 •••·llll Cl:ltllTOS 100 l., c.,,; .. , M•N 11111 t•0-0411 SHOP _!O·A.M. '• t 1JO ,.M. MONDAY THllGUGH FRIDAY, S~TUllOAY 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON ho S ,.M. ( ,, Moving Experience Takes Toll Wife I Friday, o,tobtr 6, iq72 OAllY PILOT J/i PUBLIC N011CE PUBUC N011CE NE\\' HAVEN, Corut 1AP 1 -Psychiatrists sa,y 1noving is far m o r e streasful than generally believed and ls a contributing factor in depres· sion among An1erican women. event," says Myrna M. Weiss- man. codirectoc o( Yale Uni· versity's Deprts!ion Research Un.it. Vale Alumni Maga ilne, deall with depresst.'<i women. Those women who had been lhrougb a n1ove generally didn 't con- nect their Illness to the move. Dr. \Veissmao and co-worker Eugene S. Paykel wrote. ··almost always, h o we v ~ r . these problems were the result of poor adapt.atlon to lhe stresses created by moving. on population. 40 million peoplt', moves at least once per year, according to census figures. academic r.tnks of h1ghe r education. ,K'TITN>UI •VSl .. fll NA.Ml tTATIM•NT '"' fgHo""""' ,__ 1, ...... ~ " ITE\1£, s1:•111a: CENTI•, ""' ..,_ ..... '1114 •• GM ... .,_, C1UI ....... D . ....... .... .,....,_ 1.-. lrvl"41, C1Uf. '2105 Tl'll1~ ... Mlnl~oYtn h!lllvklllll. s,...,. 0. ,._._ tr.11 1••-1 ...... Wilh !ht (-ty Clerk Of OrlllM C-f'f on~ s.tM-ll. lfn WILLIAM E. ST JOMN, COUNTY CLEA.k, by atYwly J, lo\ld!IM, e>eputy, .. •• f'J Pvoll.necl 0r,,... Ca.11 Diiiy "''°'• Slu"moe<" IS, tt. 2', 111d OCT-I , ,tqlTIOVI •l.llllHl'U .....,... aTAT.,.llfT n.. fol ......... ,__ II *"flt ll!nll"tt• ., Glt,-,.ICO ,HOTOGllA.,MY, ., w Ulll 11., Colf1 MIW, tU!1. ..... Rott • 1&1t T11•llt1 Aw, Cwl• Mftl. ""11. Tiii• IM,rllneM I• 111111111 condlle'td 11¥ an llldl~. Olvld 11- tlllt at•*"'"' HNd wllft -County ci.rit of Or111119 counrv °"· s.pi. •· 1m. WU.LIAM E. ST JOHN, COOHTY CLl!RI( l y 8•v•••v J. MUdo•· °""""'· ' .... P!.lbll!lllM 0•11111• Coetl Deity Piiot, StotcrrlOllr 2', 11\0 Ocfollllr •· '1 .. "When you ask a bunch of depre!Sed people about events that have occurred in their life recently, moving was about !he third most frequent "In no way should we say that depression~ is caused by moving," she says. "It could be a contributing factor, we feel it is substantial." The women attributed it, in- stead, to financial problems, loneliness, marital friction, career frustrations , etc .. but "These women d i d n ' t associate their depression with the move because moving is an accepted part or American life," the psy<:hiatrist.s wrolc Today, the researcheD say. ·•the mkldle-class professiona l has become America's n e w migrant worker. especially in the early )'ears of his career" as he tries to move ahead in the corporatioo or the The wife, Dr. Weissman says, feeJs she is the victim The husbaOO is transferred and the wife is left with the burden of selling the house finding a new one. and making friends Jn a new neighborhood tl'lls on top C>f a reluctance to rnove in \Ile first place. , ,,,, t.nt-n "" '':kl·1' , / Dr. WeL<JSman's studie s. outJ\ned in "SOciety" and the Twenty percent of the U.S GRE.EN HAVEN'S PATIO AND NURSERY Brown Jordan 20% off All BEAN BAGS RlDUCED IN PRICE WE CARRY ... Brown Jordon -Troprfone -M~dowcroft Col1lorn10 Urnbrello -Charm Glo -Weber -fiber Color John Hancock ond many otheri ALL SALES FINAL ••• .cosh and·corry or 'ligh1 delive-ry charge ' FROM SUNSET BOOKS "Introduct ion to CALIFORNIA GARDENING ' , t n •.•. ,,, .. '. ,, ,,, "'. COUPON I GALLON BUSHES . / !;.//" / 15 GALLON TREES (orol·Cocus Polm· Br111~100 Pepper· .loco< orl!io ·Magriol•O·I \m\- 8o11ltbr\l!>h· A~h ond Mtmy mort s 199s re1. S4t.OO V•lur fro1t1 BOX SPECIMEN TREES Up To 50 % Off COLEUS & COXCOMB re1. 6ffc ............. , ••••.......• , • 39' ~:,~t~.:~Jj.~ .~~I.~~ ... , . , ......... Derr~ S 1 OO !~~,,~~~.~.L.~s .. .. 2' ea. ASSORTED HERBS S GALLON TREES Eucolpti.J~·Myoporum·Bro11lion Pepper.Boltle Brusl'll Coral-f1cvs Rubvnoso.Agon•~ FleK · $49 S Veronica Loke·V ... ro1ucu Rubo BoH1t' Bru~h·Noiol Plurn Tut!eloi Asporoqus f~·rn Sord ff.,11 l<>othf'r fe•n· 99c rtf, S9c ••.••••... ............... 39' 6" assorted plast ic Poh rl!'J . '2Sc 14' SULFATE OF AMMONIA Re g.$8.9S 69( Norol Plun1 Grefln (nrpe1 Agopun!hui-MyoiJorun1 ~,:.~.L~~.~ .. ~USH~•~.p.9st.om $495 OLIVE BARRELS "'°"' •\ the r1mt to grew Ull your low" 99' MEXICAN POTTERY rt t . Sl.2t ..... PANSIES, SNAPS & STOCK. 39' ltdwoN Rounds And Driftwood for l•nd-$495 11;•phtt •nd 11l•"ter1 71 /2 si1e ......... . RYE GRASS 10 I•. rtt. S1.6• ........ ········ .... , .. , ,.c.10< ,.111 •......•..••.•...••. ' ' SUP(l WllD 11 fllD ~·II~ weedy grosse\ '" d1<hcuwlro lo•nt lf~u, <iobbffs ~ unii"I wvd1 • .lM llllS l ffftll1ttl IOOI, TOTAL ro• UWlllS I rr1ilizn by ~ "°" ond ·--\ Jo !ht sod. Kilt11111! prlwtnh dDndel.i1111 Dr>d 40 °""" Wffd1. l llMUO& A' CIA.IGU.SS llllll kih1 btrlNICb (dtv~ !1fOU) ond tra1'9fin1 111 61<holldro lown1. No mt\sf •iir..or 1111~~ ILADl AlllD OKNOltDIA CIAIGIUS COMTIOl P1twtl'llS ""' wltd' 111 bloclt ttCl d""°" dro loWl'ls. ll'.At1lltwn111!,fCI\ .....-ptO•"°"' ""'°"" ~Ion• food. SAVE$3.00 •••. 11.91 NOW 898 HAS IEIN 9.91 NOW 898 NOW 598 HAS BEIN 9.91 NOW 898 SUPER PLUSH ll)o'l).t-• .., ... ~ .. 1100 & 1200 off SUPIR 3-WAY WllDlllZll l&ltDtlU IPIU.011 '2" Off PIE-IMIRGI ••Ci·-· -· .. ·-· ""'"OU•,. 12" Off PARKING LOT SALE SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONl Y OCT. 7 AND OCT. 8 2123-Newport Blvd. (Co""' of Ylctoriol COSTA MESA 646-3925 ~ PUBUC N011CE PUBLIC NOTICE -l'ICTITIOUI •u11Na11 l'ICTITIOUI IUllllll!ll NAM• ITAT•MatfT Not.Ml! ITATl.MINT '~ tollowlno prrMltl It dOlflll bvllMll '~ 191iowl"ll -m ..... ... bu•IMll 11: SYCAMORE .. ,t,A.TN£RI. l TO,, 4')11 '"' "'LCAZAR APARTMENTS. 111S C1mpus O<lw. ·-••• c h . s. w-1.-, AftMf(m. C•llt, C•llforlll• nuo. c.,,_ • ·-· "'" Weymoulft ' w. M1•5"r c_,,.,, ..._. '-'""' H""'llflOlOll aucr., C1lll. ,..,., .... , 46.ll c • ....,.,.. Drlw, ·-Lind• , __ Ir.JU w.,.mou1h 1.-. 8HC1, CtHIOl'lll1 """· H""!lno!Ofl lltKh, Ca.Ht. 11>1• bulil'1!t1 It ~1"9 c-i«:ted ... 11111 DulhotU I• toelno ConGllCle<I by I P1<1 ........ lp M.,.IM<ld Ind Wiit l!mh.., w1....-t111p. l \nda Y1,1pp1 <. w MluJ.,C-"J· , .. ... ,..,....., ... ~ .. ·~ COUlllV G..,·1 ,.,..,, CIHk of O••"IJI c-·~ on; S<-ot .... 1>1:<' ~ Tni1 "•NmMI .... M~ ~ c"""''• •m . .. a ..... ,. ' -·· ..,.,, ciert oi Or•"91 Coun1y <111: Sip{. a. itn '°"n1v c•..--· By 8eY•••y ' -· 0.PlllY COllntY ·-<~- PllOll•"«I ... _ COllll 01lly Pllol, ·-· s.c.r ...... i.• ... n. .... Oc-6. I], P'llOllll>e<I ...... Cot•I 0.11., PllOI, "" m~n s.o1-· n. -.,_, •• " M, ["n ""·" PUBLIC NOTICE --PUHlJC NOTICE ,ICTITJOOS IUSIN•JS NAM• STATIM•NT -Tne ro11ow1111 '"'..,.. 11 <1011111 !lollll"'-'" ,,CTITIOUI au11N•11 .. HAMI" STAT•M•NT MDrn• COACtl SALESl-'OtACy, '" ........... -· ... ...... Suite ,,,_, ... """ Bl~, "00 D•"I~• •t: ·~· Bl....:! .. NIWPll"I Ile.en. " FIVE M GEMS, 270 (111 17111 St•e••· ., ... CO'll• Me~. C•llt. LOI.lb J, ,., ............ 11tl Tut Un Ave .. ,_ w. Thampson. ""' y,,.._, Apl. No, 11•A, Ca>I• Me••, C•. "2611. w-.!mlmt..-. Cell•. Tnl1 1>u1l11tu 11 oelno ,_u.:teo bY •" E'l1!111 A. ThomPIOfl. IJ10 v •• ....,,, •. 1na1vldu11t. We1tmin•l1r, C•ll! t.oul1 J, Peleoon rn11 btJtlllft• I• being t -llC•td llY • 1 n11 ""temt nt !UN Wiit! '"' Cou~•y Genero1I Pe•t-111111. (l~rk OI Or1"114! Co..nly on: Sept ti. 191l JonnW.T~ " !ltverly ' M•dOo• 0-.otv cw~•v Tnl• , ... ,_, "" M~ '"' c""'"• Cle•~. Clt't'k ~ Orenoe '°"'"'•on: ~timber 10. . , }t.111 1911 !Iv kYl<'ly J M-•· CHP<ll~ PuOt!tlle<I ... _ CN" 01ity PHu!, COlllll't' Cler-. Se111tmot• n. .... Octooer •• '" M, """ 1¥11 :i.u.n PUl;lilll>e<I "'-c ..... ..... Pllo• . S'"!>Ttmbe< n. '" .... a<.-•• '" "" ,.,.,, PUBLIC NOTICE --PUBLIC NOTlCJo:: I '!CTITIOUI I USINl!I S ---NAM E STAT•M.l!HT 'ICTITIC>UI IUSINl!IS ,,,. NAMI ITATl!Ml!HT 1o11owlno De'""' 1. aoing 11u1ln•u 1., '~ 1<111-!t>Q -· ... ··~ I I LEO'S STEREO, ll•O Ne-t 11...:1 , C01•• M t ... C•ll!ornle Mu>IC ll\VtllmenT~. l"'C . !1 Cilllortllo CorJIOl'•llonl ·~· ' .. ·~ r,,, ...... C1Hlor11<1 901•• f l\ll b\tt.lnen " tonauc!ed " 'ICTIT IOUS IUSOiESS NAMI! STATl!MINT 111¥0 . • '~ loUow1"' ,,... ..... It ~llQ Wli""U ., BIG C"'N"'0N RE-'t.TY, l•I• Yhll a.1 0•1', N"""'"°'' !lt~tn. C11 ,,..., 1 .. E llLUFF S REA i.TY , I'"""""'"'"" I" Cdl!10<nl11, JllO Vl\11 a~• O<Q, loftWDOr l BPCll, c •. nwo I ~" ,..,,,,.. .. 11 beltlll C-u<leG DY o c ............. 1°" • J'UHl.IC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI IUI UllSI NAMI! ITATIMl!NT l ... +oilOWl"9 -"°" It tlOl"t 1>11\1""'' l'UHl~IC NO'TIC~ •1CTITIOUI IUSUlllSI NAMI ITATIM••T tol-ll'IQ --1 • ..:ri ... -....... •• ll AjOtQ ME"C"'llNOtSING CO. INC 11011 Ot1m1., Sttf't• ,,.,.,. •- I ~t ...... "'io "7/e!i Sf-I (or"°'""., I to Ml-1 C""r> I 11'11 O•lmi.• ''"'"''· ,.,.,. """'• btJ"""' ••. DOWN TH E HAT CH. 1Jlll 0.1 l'rlOO. ··~ Pnll\I, <• Q,,yl<J ll•u<• Cr••U• 171) Ctorll<lll AY~ • W•<tnw11•lt't', " ., ..... Fr•...:t• ,.., .. ,1 •. ~I J I ---PUBLIC NOTICE -.t('f!TOUI aUSIN•SI MAMI! nAT•Ml tfT ,.,. loll.wiflt ptrMlll I• ,,..,. _,.,...., ... " P~h-Or..... C-1 O.lty ll'lloo. s.u•-H. n. JI, -00.. • ,..n i11 .. n --,;unuc NOTICE llOITIOUI l'ittlNllJ lltAMI! ITATl!Ml!llT .... ~ ... --........ ~! •O: 1"41•MQHT Hll.L, UUI Glflttt• ... ...._ . .,.,i,.., c..iuor..t• I C•lllort11• '"'' ...,,1 .... ., 1, (-11'4! .,... • C.orPot•llDn lf/ltil D L.... .. \all. Ut• OMl*tt• A...-. lrYIM, CM...,.._ l lW• .,.,,._., It IN'• '~ "' • t ~~....,... c .. _ .. ,IM 8 y H.,_, N \_ ... p,.,_,.,, rn11 ot•••me•ll .. ,, llllrl .. 1,., ,,.. c- •• (1. ~ ... Ott-c.-·· .... ..,,.,.., ... 1'11. "" c .. itorN• cor-•'IOft. JCHll 0 LIJ\I( • IOtf ,, /o.J °""""'tn o. 011010•-••••·--.,0(. P•~I '"'' ,,.,_...... ..... ""'"' .,,. e_.. (lf<'o.OfO•-(-''t'•I ............ " 111« "n 'l ~-.., '· ,,,...... °""""' HA•'"-O ~Al!Olol, Allf. 1,.-•• i.t• tl'fl Wlttflll•• 11 .. ., llti!t •• #).OC: Lei ......... Cel•twt!lt M11 ...... ' -" I Pl/Off\-Ot•ngoo COll\1 0•1/Y Pll<ll P"""I',,,... Qr..... (-1 Dal,,. il'ok>t ~~n••miw< )t •"" 0.1-• 1 11 )0 S"'VI-n, 1', 1M Ott ... • ll --••n _,. -------· PUnLIC NOTJCt: PUBLIC NOTICE • . l l l l I I I I • I 'I . .. • , DAILY PILOT ~~-----------........... -...-... --------------~ A Peek at the Varied Life of Aetress Joy Wilkerson • ~ w-~ di!JJ.' . SHE TRADES A FLUFFY WRAP AND FANCY COIFFURE FOR RACING GARB UP1T- THEN SHE TRIES HER SKILLS IN RACING AT IRWINDALE AGAINST MA~E DRIVERS. 87,000 Expec.ted to See USC-Stanford ; Showdown •srANFORD (AP ) -Two years ago, reault with a broken finger. Sports in Brief ------~""""""""""""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"=the Southern Calilmli.LlJ:ojans. yentured north, confident Of a 13th consecutive vic- "Our teams always seem to get up more for-tJSe;U-ehristtansen-adds ·'J'v.e_ tried to instill more even thinking this year, but I'd like to think we've been building for this game, too." Yet ~1cKay pointed out, "I dont think they were in danger of losing the game." Quarterback Mike :;gla and running Sharman Desperate; Alston Gets Contr.act LOS ANGELES -Wlh Chamberlain. the official holdout, has been unavailable to Los Angeles La.kers coach Bill Sharman by telephone so the coach wrote the player a letter, he disclosed Thurs- day. The 7-foot-l center hasn't worked out with the world champion Lakers this pre- season . He wants the second year of his tWcr-year contract rewritten. The Lakers say they have a policy or not renegotiating contracts. "If we had a lousy year last season," Sharman said, "1 could understand why Wilt wouldn 't want to play. But we have KAREEM ABDUL-JABBAR Jabbar, Allen Hit On Dru gs Charge a good opportunity of winning the cham- pionship again and its imperative that we get off to a good start." ,,, LOS ANGELES -Walt Alston was rehired Thursday to manage the Dodgers in 1973, receiving his 20th conse<::utive one-year contract with the National League club in Brooklyn and Los Angeles. Alston, who will ~ 61 in December, will return along with his coaching staff of Jim Gilliam, Roy Hartsfield, Danny Ozark, Red Adams and Carroll Beringer, announced Peter O'Malley, club . presi· dent. ,,, SAN DlEGO -Dru Harrison of Dana Point won his .heat in the world surfing ~ntest being staged here Thursday along with Dale Dobson of San Diego and Jim "Tiger" Makin of Hermosa Beach. The thr~e heat races com pleted the early competition in the men's division in which Corky Carroll of San Juan Capistrano and David Nuuhiwa of Hun· tington Beach also qualified for !he semillnals with second place finishes. Dobson was the winner rece ntly in the U.S. surfing competition held in Hun. tington Beach. Others qualifying Thursday included Cheer Critchlow or Ca rd.iff·by·the-Sea, Ml"rk Sedlak of Hawaii and La rry Miniard of Jacksonville Beach, Fla. The women 's events we.re cancelled for the second straight day Thursday because or mushy surf later in the day. The men's competition was on 5.o foot waves until mid-day. · ,,, MlAMJ -Two Miami area men were arrested Thursday by the FBI on charges stemming Crom a six-month invesligalion of horse race filing al East Coast tracks, agents said . Paul S. Bast.. 34, of Miami and Marlin J. Rolnick, 3$, of North Miami Beach were indicted earlier In the day by a federal grand jury in Providence, R.1., DE~R I AP) -Kareem Abdul Ja~ on charges Involving In ter 8 t a 1 e brlr, 25, rtnd Lucius Alk:n. 26. two 1 ransportaUon In aid ur r :fc.ltete ti - members of tht P.tilwaukee Bucks pro conspiracy to fi x horse races and ~i~~: basketbnll team . were arrtstl'd early I~ tion of gambling and fraud b w· day with two 01her men and charg<.'<I statutes. Y ire wit~ pooesslon or marijuana. Ocn\'f!r The FBI in Miami 1111id lnvestlgatlon poli ce ~rted. Into the ruMlng ol "ringer i'aces" at S~. Steve Met~ of the 0 e n V ~ r East Coast trackJ WM triggered b)' John Police Department $ vice and. narcot1oi Matala, former chief of security for 11quad said two untfol'IMd ofhce.rs stop-Florida'• Hlaleah Race Trick, the pcd .a car the four nMl.,!?,:_were tn on a Florlda Racing CommlJ1Jslon and tho routine tralllc check. hrsald suspected Florida Thoroughbred Racing Prote<:tl narcoUcs were discovered at that lime. Breau. ve 1be four were arrested under a lt1w which makes (I.nit poueuk>n of one half ounce or leu of marijuana 1 ID.lade· Jneanor. No bond was set tmmedlately. Police ldentUled the othc.r two oc- cupantJ of the car as Stephen Duncan, 23, Columbla. Mo. ud Mordecai Cook. ii. of Seatlle. Ooof wu driving the car owned by llwtcon, pollco Hid. TOKYO (AP) -Cllfl Rlchty advlnCtd lo lhe temlfint11l1 of the World Cham- pionship Tennis Tokyo tournament with a 6-2, 7.f v~ over Soulh Africa CUf( lli'yldalt Thuraday night But Bob Luu ol Los Angelea WU ellmln1ce!d l-1 , &--2 by Ken Roecwall of AustrallL SPORTS Pittsburgh's Aging Heroes Riding Bench PITTSBURGH (AP) -Bill Mazeroski and Jose Pagan, who've both known the thrill of World Se ries·winning hits, will likely spend the coming National League playoffs on the bench. The two aging heroes of the Pittsburgh Pirates have given way lo younger players and seem destined for pin~hil duty at best against the Cincinnati Reds. "Maz," the second baseman whose epic homer won the 1960 series for Pittsburgh, played in just 34 regular season games and batted .188. He's already said this will be his last year. Pagan, who doubled home the winning run against Baltimore in the last game of the 1971 Series. is no longer the club's prime utility man. "They fit into our plans mainly as pinch-hitters," says Pirates manager Bill Vinion, once a teammate of both players. "Of course. it's just a day to day thing. It could change." Mazeroskl and Pagan both feel they could do the job U pressed into servicr. "l'm ready to play." Mazroskl said after a drill at Three Rivers Stadium. Though he has grown pudgy with in· activity, Mazeroskl may yet have the quiclrest doubleplay throw in basebllll and there·s still gold in his tattered glove. "Of course, the only way they'll prob- ably need me is if ~ebody get!l hurt." said the soft.spok en Ohioan. "And UMat's exactly what we don 't want lo happen.·• P.agan, at 37 Is a year older than Maze.ro.iki, doesn't figure to play much third base with Richie Hebner and Bob Robertson ahead of him. "I haven 't played much, but l have been talting batting pr.ictlcc nnd doing a lot of Nnnlng," he said. "lf the manager needs me, ru play." Pagan. wM broke an arm la!lt iieuon. made the PtralC'S tbls spring arter losing 15 pound3 over the wlnter. He has not )'el decld<d his luturt plllllll. "I'll wait until lhe H:ll90fl lt over and lbtn give It ...,,. thOught." said the naUve Puerto Rican. tory over stanfocd. A fifth straight Rose Bowl appearance was USC's aim. st.anford crushed the Trojan's Pacific·8 Conference dynasty 24-14 and went on ta the Rose Bowl for the first time since 1952.·Proving oo fluke, the Indians of 1971 whipped USC 33--18 in Los Angeles en route to another Rose Bowl victory. Another dvnasty may have been con· ceived at USC this year. Of that the Tro- jans will team more Saturday when they risk a 4-0 record end the No. 1 national ranking in Stanlord StadiWT!. A near-<:apacity crowd of about 87 ,000 is expected. The 15ttH'anked Stanford team. 3-<I. now known as the Cardinals, is a three-- touchdown underdog. Coach John McKay of USC, averaging 47 points a game with a 51~ rout of Michigan State last week, insists this game will not determine the conference champion . "I doubt seriously that enyone will go undefeated in the league," he says. "If we win this game, we'll be 2--0 in the race for the Rose Bowl. If we IDSe, we'll be 1·1." "USC has a good football team aod they should be favored," says Stanford coach J ack Christiansen. " ... it's very tough for us to see any weaknesses" in the Trojans. McKay says Stanford's defense was ''horsing around" with West Virginia, previously unbeaten, in last week 's 41-35 victory. "You've got to think there was a breakdown in our defense," says Chris· tiansen. who had a few defensive starters sidelined at the end of the game with minor injuries. AU shoulc! be ready to play, including defensive end Pierre Per· Officials Ponder '76 Olympic Shift To Squaw Valley SQUAW VALLEY, cam. (AP) -Of· fie:iab here say they have been a}> proached about hosting the 1976 Winter Olympics: But although fhey adm it in· tcrcst. they are not actively 90ijcitlng the games. Hans Von Nolde, director or public relations for Squaw Valley Lodge, said Thursday a group called Citizens for Colorado's Future had contacted him about holding the Olympics here. "They osked us 1r we would be irr terestcd. Of course we're interested." he said. "We'd llke to help out and keep the Olympics In the Unlt<d States." Out he 1aid Squaw Valley, site of the 1900 Winter Olymplcl, would do nothing to take the 1976 games away frorn Denver. Colo., preaently the schedultd hoot city. "Al this point I don't think 11 'I lalr lo take something away from a ntlghbortng skt resort," he sakt. "We have not gone out and atlrrcd up anythin&." Stanford bas a new nickname but basically lt is the same team, says McKay. . "Their theory has been they only play when they really want to and I assume they'll want. to play against us," McKay says. "They did nQthing very spectacular against West Virginia. Stanford didn't play with a great deal oC enthusiasm." backs JOllri Wines Bild l!Eggle- Sanderson give Stanford the blend of run- ning and passing tbaV other Trojan foes lacked. · Offensive balance has been USC's trademark -983 yards rushing and 1,0'l7 passing. Senior quarterback Mike Rae and his sophomore backup, Pat Haden, each has-thrown four touchdown passes. Rod McNelll heads the deep corpo of . USC runners with a 4.6-yard average, compared to Winesberry's 5.0 mark. Tigers' Class Athlete l(aline-Quiet Superstar With · Heart of Gold DETROIT (AP) -There was a letter on the Bulletin board in the Detroit Tigers clubhouse Tuesday addressed to Al Kaline from a yowig fan. It read in part: "Dear Mr. Katine, "Thank you very much for takjng me through the clubhouse and meeting all the Tigers. I will always remember it. " ... I am going back to the ?\-fayo Clinic the end of October and get my :iew leg. The doctors say I will soon be able to play baseball and golf again. Thank you very much for making me feel heller. "You have to win like you did in 1968. "Sincerely. "Robert Kemp.'· Kaline Is a hero to Robert Kemp. He is a hero to all the Robert Kemps, and Johnny Greens and Mary Smith, ~gardless of age, who have looked upon hllil for the past 20 years as the epitome of a class athlete -the quiet superstar with a heart as big as <1 pumpkin v.·ho seems to be at his best when the chi ps are down. If he wasn't a hero to many Detroiters he became one in the past two weeks. not by doing any particularly heartwarming d~ for man kind but rather by simply doing what be does best -always giving JOO percent effort as a baseball player. Tuesday night the 37-ycar-old out· fielder, who signed a bonus contract at 18 in 1953 and has been wilh Detroit ever since, smacked a single in the seventh in- ning of the Tigers' game against Boston to_ drive i~ the winning run in a 3-1 tri· umpfi which gave them the AmeriCan League East championship. It was his 22nd hit in the last 44 al bats and put his batting a\'Crage at .31~13 points higher than his career standard. "The older you get, the harder it is to get up for every gAmc." the greying. slender Baltimore native told newsmen artcr Tuesday's game. "But for lbe big ones like this, it's oo problem at all." The nla:ht marked •.dramatic ending to & regular season punctuated with lnjuries for Kallne. who yearly overcomes both major and min0r allme:nll and always manages to bounce buck with a good yeer. Kallrlfl had gimpy legs all 'year, and once this se830fl when he couldn't quite reach a pop Oy be Mid : 'rf want 10 apologize lo the faltl. I bate to Jlllll up Ute that but I bad to or I would hllve ptill<d I musclt apll>. I know It looks bad lo them and I'll! llln'Y· .. hurting him ," Martin said. "But Al didn't want to get out of there. That's the way he is." Kaline's winning single came oCf Luis Tiant, who he called "the best pitcher in the league this year," and who be bas a tough time bitting. "I benched him in Boston because of that," Martin said. '"But be's so hot l left him ln there this time." A team player all the way, Kaline asserted that it was out of selfishness he got bis big hit: "I was concerned with myself because I looked bad on the last pitch. I was just over-anxious, but I settled down and con· centrated on hilling the ball." He said his muscle spasms an "cramps from beiJlg tired, l guess." A 11)..time Gold Glove winner for fielding superiority, Katine has never batted less than .272 ln his years as a starter dating to 1954 when hC woo the batting championship with a .340 average. He was 20 then, youngest ever to win it. In the 1968 World Series Ile batted .379 with eight runs·batted-in in seven games. He is second on the team career list in games played, RBis, al bl;lts, lotal bases and extra base bits. His 371 homers is a club record. Kaline, a veteran of IS All.Star games, has said he would not stay ln baseball if he foresaw he would be used mainly in a pinctHtltting role. But he has alwaYt been a starter when healthy. . This season hadn't been particularly outstanding unlll the clooing spurt, and he said reachJng the playoffs might de termine whether he'll come back again. Kaline, who leads the AL in se·1cn categories, this season beeame the first Tiger whose salary reached $100,000. Burglary Charge Against Gridders EUGENE , er.. (AP) -'1'wu sllnen on the Univenity of Oregoo football team have been •rrested after police •tfllled them ol 1teallng detkl from a Euc ... ·. apa.rtmtnt complex. · .Most Fans Say Keep O·Iympic Games Ht didn't pull up Tuesday, Ra made a hlrd-runnlng ~ catdt with two 11'4 Soi on in tltt flnt Inning, tnding lhe threat. And. is If by deslfn, II WU lhe-&-foot.-1 , 116-pound Kallne who caugbt the Qy ball for.-tbe.JlnaJ out. Pollce said 'llllnday thty book<d Lcl'rlncla Arnold. II, ol Complon. and Ktlth Da.i., II, of Loo Angeles, !or lfl. vettigallon ol burglary. Polle. aald hro detkl, valued 1t $50 each, we~ &a.ken f(91'1lJ recreatLoa ro.om at a Eugtno 1partment c:omplez. Olllcen tll<(lt! that Arnold and Davia loOk ooe de>k lo the E\ta..., Mldence lheT Jbart and were In the ..,.,... ol taklnl tile lltCOnd de>t when two petrol.,.. mad• the lrf'MS. l!!l!V YOJllt (AP) --11 •ttonc •Am<rlcoo M-1 rtr la eontllluaUoo of Ibo Olympic 01-...,..., tho llaylng of 111'1<11 ~lllltlu ..i _...,.. dlopu!i1 111.....,.~enplllllwn.ln Mllllcb, ... conllal • • 1111.\00Widf ,.0 by Ibo Jlar- rls SpoN SlneJ. 'Ille poll of ,... bouMholdl from September 17·12 showed that by ·, ftWlln 'of 111 lo • ·-1 U.S. IJ)olU 111111 led tlilt • duplte all lhe probl<ma at tho .. .,.. tMy should be held &t 1m at Denver for the winter and Montreal for the aummer." The ltll'Vey ahow<d lhat the Olymplca chollflll" football. ba,.ball 0r baaktt· ball on 1 !portl tnterul level in this country. ln • breakdown or the poll, 69 percent of ))et&Or"\I r• year. old and over nld I lhef lollowtd tilt. Olympie>, compared ....itb 13 pm:ent who ~rly follow loot- ball , IO percent who are bucball Ian• ond SI percent who loUow basketball. llowcv<r, it w•s nott!d tba~\he Olymplc'I occur only every four ye:irs. The poll al90 rev .. l<d:...fl lo 8 per. cont felt that "lhe U.S. balketball t .. m wu e:he;:ited out ol the gold medal." -76 to l,$ percent fell "It was wrong to tak, the gold meda l fnlm swimmer Rick DtMont becauae he took .Pilla !or hlJ atlhma condition." -6t to 37 percenl felt that "It Wll wrong to bon from 111 lulure Olymplcl Ibo lwo black American tnclr medal wlnncra (Vince MattheWI Ind Wayne Collcll) becau,. they did not lland at,.. tention when ·the natkln.al t.nthe:m was playtd." Blacks rell the ban was un· juslified by 62 to 12 percent. • "Thott'1 not a won! I can .. ,. All the superlatlvts ... J wOllld we them all," aald ma01gcr Billy MJnin in pra1,. ol Ka line. • . The blUM)'<d riclitriekler. who Ila<. plGyed IOmt Ol first 1!ue t(le last ... etal "'yean to give hit Jrca JOme rest, played the lsst three lnnlng1 TutJday night with a mu1e:le spasm tn "his right skte. "1 watched him 11nd 1 knew It wn!I Arnold, an offenalv"'IUard. anifllaYil, • dtfct11lve end, bad been ac:heduled lo !tart SatUT'llaf In Ore1on'1 Plclllc.& Conlerence 1•me •111 .. 1 the Unlverallp of W .,hln,ion In Scatlle. • l,' ' ... . . ~ / FOUNTAIN VALLEY'S RON STONE (6n CHALLENGES EDISON QUARTERBACK CRAIG WAY (12) TONIGHT IN IRVINE CRUCIAL. -ucc-Puts Prest·ige, Ranking.on the Line l Orange Coast College foot- ball fans have waited almost a year for tonight's game with invading El Camino. 1t1eanwhile; El Camino bad il easy -rolling to a 43-14 vie· tory over Santa Rosa in the ti- tle ga~. Tonight (7:30) OCC gets a chance to regain some of that lost preStige -but it's a big task for Tucker's forces, cUr- rently rated No. 2 in the state. year. The Warriors' attack is led by sophomore running backs Dave Darden and Paul Hom and quarterback C h r i s De Wan. PHIL BROWN DAVE HOLLAND Coach Dick Tucker's OCC club of 1971 figured to go quite far in the state playoffs after capturing the South Coast C.Onference crown. There was even talk of a Pirates.El Camino championship game. But the Bucs' bubble burst in the-initial playoff tilt with Santa Rosa and those dreams were shot down. The current El Camino team (2-0-1), ranked filth in the state after a tie with Cerritos last week dropped, it out of the top SPot, bas tiasically the same personnel as It did last Darden, a 5-9, 180-pound speedster, ls rated by Tucker as one of the top backs in JC football. Horn is a converted defensive back who eamed second team All-Metropolitan Conference honors last season. In Irvine Operaer DeW?n, a S-0, 175-pound sophomore, has been erratic in the Warriors' three games but has a fine arm. And he has one of the leading receivers in the state in sophomore erxt. Larry Ferguson (5-11, 170). Estancia, Corona Gauchos Boss Worries About Mental Letdown Up front El Camino is paced by lettennan taclr:Je Jim Obradovich (225), who ls a top candidate for all-state and All· America honors. Collide Tonight ' On paper, Saddleback CoUege's football team ap- pears to have a breather Sablnlay afternoon I 1 ' 3 o ) when the Gauchos tangle with host San Diego City College at Balboa Stadium. . But Saddleback f o o t b a l I HOW TO on Tl'lllltl! Dlrtdlfn1 If ••lllN llHlllm T1k1 1n1tnt1t1 J tS1n Oltvo Fr"llWIY) IOI/th IO Sin Oltgo. Tiki 6 Slr"lll turnofl and pracaed r1glll to 15th $1r-.t. Go r'11hl on 1$11'1 StrMI tu IM 1tadl1J1T1. Thi 1tadh1m 11 lacarlld ap- JN'OllffTlllely three Dlaclu ofl !I'll trttway. coach George Hartman says that's far from the truth. "San Diego is a very big team with lots of speed. If you don't corral that speed they 'll be tough to handle. We can't give them momentum or we 're in trouble," says Hartman of the Knights, a UCI to Run UC Irvine's cross country team will participate in the All.C.lifomla meet at UC San- ta Barbara Saturday morning over a tough five-mile course. Captain Greg Beal will lead the Anteaters In the meet that will also include most of the other Unlerslty of Callfomia campus teams. team that has failed to win in its last 26 outings. "And," adds Hartman, ''l hope we don't have a mental letdown after last weelr:." He Was reterring to the 24-24 tie with Citrus, lhe defending Mission Conference champion. "The tie really didn't hurt w:," says Hartman. "If we win the rest of our conference games, we're at least assured of being co-champioll5." The Gauchos coach was somewhat displeased with the work of his defell51ve secon- dary in the Citrus tilt. "Those two· Jong bombs by Citrus really hurt us and we're not getting a good enough pass rush. "But the kids played better last week overall than they did the two weeks when we won. Against Cltrus we made three or four glaring mistakes and penalties cost us. But overall , the team effort was better. "Our goal at the start of the season was to improve each week and we've been doing that. But we have to continue to improve. The offense is let. ting a Utue better each week .'' says Hartman, but he quickly adds that he would like w oce more suMalned drives. Saturday's tilt will be the second of three straight 11f- ternoon games. Nest week.the Gauchos duel Gromnonl at UC lrvlnt. Obradovich was one of the re~ns why the Warrion won the state JC large division championship last season. OCC, like El Camino, plays it wide open offensively and Tucker feels the Pirates will have to pass against the War- rlon to win. But OCC has had no problem with its aerial at- tack in the three games. Pirates quarterback Alvin White baa clicked on 51 of 86 passes in "12 for 726 yards and six toochdowns. ffjs two.year yardage total Is now 2,209, just 18 yarda short of breaWng Paul Lemolne's mark set in the 1967 and '18 campaigns. His four TD passes against Rio Hondo last week gave him 18 career sis-pointers, an OCC record. The former mart was 17 held by Lemoine. Corona del Mar High School. defeoding Irvine League foot· ball champion, comes face--to- face 1'ith reality in its first Irvine League encounter of the 1972 seaaon tonight when the highpowered Estancia Eagles host the Sea Kings at Newport Harbor High. Kickoff is 8 o'clock. The Eagles from Estancia are solid seven point r.avorites to win after toppling Tustin, 29-8, and annihilating Marina of the Sunset League, 42--7. Corona del Mar defeated Newport Harbor, 21-0, but lost to another Sunset foe, Santa Ana, 2H. Estancia 's biggest asset in the two pre-sea900 warmups has been a stau~h running at- tack featuring the outside slants or Dan Princeotto and the bullish driving through the line of Scott Gayner. Corona coach Dave Holland 1.., COtll'edes the la.sk of stopping l10 these two is a major one for ;: the Sea King1. ~:: "Princeotto bl one of the ~;: toughest people we have ever UCI had to conlaln. •le'a UR· ::; believable for hl1 size (158). * "Gayner II one of the main ,..., reaSOM for the succus of "' I 1 m their ns de IJlme. And tie's 1 :: fine blocker besides," lloll1nd ''' says. ... 110 Estanch' coach PhD Brown l= reels his team will faee i llUf Shackleford Fears Letdown Golden Welt Colles• his worked long houl'I thbl week on ellmlnatf~ I at e-11 •me mlllaktl In prq>&nlllon fOr lbt ~ Collfo<nla CCioflNJlCO opener oplnol Lot Mploo Qty Oollep Satomlay fll(lht .al the 0Nnp Coal -lllldlllln. Kl<""! It l :!IO. The Rllllltr1 wtU be fadng one al the tt111r favorites lo win !he confcrera 00.. The tll1il wilt-be coming off their ' fln!\ lou ol lhe .. mpoign, I SS.Ii d<feot by l'lloenix last -.m, muq the GWC Im doubll' llqb. "LA City has the blggtllt w lite clmslng "'°"' II teem we wlll play 1til1 balillme ag1imt 0>mpWn only 1ea1 on ,'' coech Ray to blwi the Tll1iln nw bldt -on! of GWC Ill"· lo I 24-ZS lead Ille In 1111 ''.l'b<1 -Verf, Vtry big ucl pme Wlih the ald ol two b> have an outotandlnl ddtn1110 ltrceptionl tnd 1 flmlble . uni~ It 11 -leldown& that · "I understand P h o t n t 1 Shac:klefonl ii c o n c e r n e d oou!m't movo Ille ball on about for S.tfudoy•1 con- them at all. LA11 own mlstaket fftl'«ICI opentr. -them the game jullt. like A )"81' ap the _,. mietabs almost cost us the were at>ad only to loll clU& In Compton come lllJI we<k.." • ' the final mlnu!e ol play. 'lbll Both teams .know of the ae-(lvm the QB 1 1IMl'ftct S:O coo<! blli lnterc<plions and r""'"' oplnti the Ruaiero In fumblel thlt ere co 1 t I 1 . three y_.. ol Kllon. Golden W ... 1oolt I 21.0 lead With the ~ actloo test in stopping a balanced at-' tack from Corona. '"Ibey've always bee n balanced and even though I understand they have some kid! hurt. they will still have a strong running game and that boy Joe Tosti can throw the football." Both teams boast stout defensive units and it may be this facet that decid~s the final score. Against Marine , the Eagles swanned all over the Vikings with an. aggrcs.'llvc rush that kept them off-ba l a n ce throughout the game. 1be rush was so heavy, in fact, lhat MaMna wound up with minus-two yards rushing and a net gain overall of 18 yards. Corona '• offensive backlieJd has been riddled with tnjuries and Holland isn't sure of several playen. Ile b a s switched Skip Laud«!rblugh from fullback to tailback and lmerted Steve Behrens at fullbA~k. Mike Minni is abet starting his tint 1ame at Danker. ThlJ means that BUI Mohr and Brent Ogden are on I.he doubUul aide after atartlng the first two games. •tt-Mo ~ Tll--41• LT-A .... ,...__, <-•-....... _ .,_ ,L-< .. ..-wl ,. _..,,,...., 09 ""' • ..,.. ....... _ '11-#fiflCWllt , .. _ ,,_.....,._ .,_,_ 110-''-"' c 4-<ft LO-O•trlrt ~T.-..(-. ,L_l_ 0 TM!I 'f•-t.:;; ......... _ .. ,.._....,, ... .._,. .. _ , .. - ... •n "' ... , .. ... •• ... 1:1 •• '• , DAILY rlLOT J . Edison, Barons Duel In Test of Unbeaten Foonlain Valley H l g h' s Barona and the FAison lll&h ~en. two u-ten Irvin. Lei@Ue-~football power I, collide tonight at w .. bnlnster Hlgb in a crucial loop test. Kickoff 1s aloted • r.r a o'ck>ct and an overOow crowd ls upected lo pack the .,..,. fmes at Wtwtmlruier. And wb1le neither <Olld> Vin- ce Aalro of F.dison or Bruce Pk:kfurd of Fountain Valley will verify k, the lm loop crown may be m the line as these two boated rivals claoh. click lo the tune of lZ toocbdowne in rolling over Rancho Alamitos and ·Hun- ~ 1leoch. m. nond....,. actloo. The Barons are one-point favorites to get their f11st triumph over Edi!On. Asaro'a Chargers , meanwblle, have operated on a alJgbtly mere conservative approadl In the offensive departnU with the one-two power pwxti oC fulibeck Joe Demetral<Oo and tai-k Fred Hernandez providing most of the yardage out al the pow" 1. Qutrterf>a:l< O..lg Way ha• tumed 1n two nlol Mints ln 1 m1rin over·Fullertm Olld 7'. tie with a t01Jib Or&DI• lligl team. Way has been~ only once in lYIO gamel wttlJ. oompi.tlng u ol 21 lot n. yards ucl I toucbdown. M the Oaargers hive not bit . single fumble. Added fl-lor Edlao! ~ the ldcldng game Wt.r. Den Mcl'berlon Is • -~ field goal -t. Foontain Valley has never beaten Edison and two ol the three previoos 1 ..... linocked Fountain Valley out ol a tie for the le8IU& tttle. The othe< verdict provided Edloon with the Irvine Le8gue cham· plooablp ·and the Chr!!•n went on to win the CIF AAA tiUe. Oilers, Vikings · Resume Rivalry Two wicked offensive games will be tested tonlgllt as Foun· tain Valley's wish b one revolves around the nmnlng of fullback Les Becher and belfbacks Mike Malcolm, Bill Ogden and Ben Dodaon. Two unpredictable and in· COOl!listent HB District rivals duh Wnight as Huntington Beach and MBrina h I g h schools square off in thf:ir an- ooal football feud . 1be game will be et Hunlington Beach, 8 o'clock, and will be the first Sunset League C'Ontest for both. Leading thet peck I s quarurt>acl: Bill Hatfield, who is rapidly beoooling the cen- tral figure in Pickford's at- tack. His passing Ms made the Fountain Valley offense Each team has come up with one good and one bod performaoce i n C'OOlpiling identical 1-1 records. .. AST KOlltr:I lftt -EdlMlll ti, Sarons l'Q 1•10 -Elll-a , a ... -• 1911 -Edltoo 10. lla•an• ' l!dUon OllMM TE -Ford T -Elliot! C -Blllflow c -J. JofmM>I! G -C•"'Pblll T -Domas SE -Gran1th QB -Way TB -H«Nnclli FB-~r1i..ot Wll-J. ~wdO .... _ o.t.1111 I! -Dtmelr•~ot T -Wll'lthlll MG -Sroakl T -llloflow E -II. Jotin.on Lii -Ford LI -lllell C.mpOell cs -E .J~ CS -Welnblrver s -J. !WWl(IO S -M. MOradO f'-.t•'-V•U., ~ TE -OvdreY RT -Ha,.,,.. llG -Napp c -Wollotd LG -SfMI LT -... ...._ SE -HaHleld 08 -Halflltd H8 -~icol!'I ,,... -°"""" Fl -ll«IWf" ,._, ... \llllty DeftM• ( -FlnldH 'T -Good- T -Nipp E -~IM\I LI -.. -'••-Lii -!Mc:ti.r t.S -Si-ca -l(n,i111"lll' ca -v1nwv S -Tn1l1~ S -Dud"'Y ri.1arina's on-and-Off Vikings will l.ry to get their running game back together against the Oilers, who Y<erc supl)09ed ;~ to have a good derense and \~ spolty offense but '>'-00 scored us 28 polnt3 ia.c,1 week against :~ Fountain Vallty while sur- l~ rendering 37. •• ... •• ... •• •• ... "' Ul' •• "' •• Marina ooach Leon Wheeler wiU have at hls dlsposaJ top running back OlllCk Sliney. gµard Nick Vorono and tight end Olarles Tweedy, all" of whom missed last 't\--eek's 42.7 debacle with Estancia . The loss came on the heels of a 12-6 upset win over El :: Rancho, a team that was ex· "' peeled w cruise rigbl by the ::: VI.kings. A1arina. on the other •• ffl hand. was a slight fav<:rite "' over Estancia. :~ HunCingtoo Beach coach Roy *' Brummett was concerned with 1tt his offense at the. begiming of ~ the le8SOQ. But the Oilers ( 1- 11:i t ~ have scored 54 points In two "' 11» games behind the ruMing or :: Paul Flsknesa and Kyle Van "~ Amenrort . "' 1.0 "I saw 1.farlna against both El Rancho and E~ancia and saw two different teams.'· Brummett says. "'Ibey play"' a very fine football pmi against El RanchG and I don' even count the E•tancl 1 game." Wheeltt 88)'1 his team can play with anyone w h e n healthy, "but we have been Jl Vl'ry uMeallhy team." Sliney may be the key b1 Marina'• hopes. The l~ transfer from 8o«ton ran fOl 124 yards agalmt El Rancho'r tQug1l defense but mi..oed lul week's game. Of lluntmgton B e a ch . Wheeler says, "on paper it looks Like they should be .... sidered as contenders for Lill' ~League.'' Hunting1on Bead! bullds !U hopeo around F-and Van Amersfon, who .. ve run for 31S and lM yards. Bnm> melt has also been pleued with the direction of sophomore quartc"rbeclr: Gree N1u.kowski. M--Ll!~U.... L T-f'r•nt IC•llfo LG-Ooft I~ C-Ml1l1 ICralk MG-fllk 1l Vor- IT-all Seller AS:--kott Wllow-09--4 ... ,, .. ~ F•-o.tt W .. ll .. 1--CJIMK~ IUMY Wll-1'1 w.tn•elft ........... ._..~ ll-~t~ L T-Clludt C..., ,.,_,,,,,,,_ C-Wtlt1 Hko&Mrl ll~llkl'lerd ,.,..., ll T-A-W•IM llE-Tarn ...... 0.-0,_ HMlll_.I He.-#flll ""'"'"' HIJ--l(yle y.,. Amlf110r1 FL-HI''" HIM "' -'" "' ... '" ... '" '" ... m ... m ... "' ... "' •N ... ... "' ... 7 It's gram's wn. erica's At timQs like the5c. more Americans drink and enjoy 7 Cro-Nn 1nan the leading Scotch and Canadian comb1!1«i. And they do so !or one reason : the taste . A consistent lightness and ':imoolhn!'ss tha t has con- vinced millions of Americans that they can Say Seagram's and Be Sure # Thank you , America. for making our whiskey )'Ol.•r wh15kcy. , ,-" I • t • I • i ' • • • ' • • • I • . • • • • • •• .. . . . Jf DAILY PILOT Big Red Faleons, 29·.2.2 · Offsides Penalty_.. :Whips Mustangs Rolli11g, 19-16 ~t I to end their chances of will· By ROGER CARLSON Of !tit 0.11'1 1"11" , .... LONG BEACH -Lakewood tligh 's Lance rs made two crucial mistakes Thursday night and it proved fatal as the Mater Dci Monarchs rolled to thelr third straight non- league cooque!>t of the 1972 campaign, J!t-16. The A1onarchs of coach Bob Woods uhlized a bruta1 ground control offense in stifling Ute Lan~rs before a cro""·d of 6.500 as Mater Dei racked up its fourth straight triwnph over Lakewood. Despite Mater Dei 's tough arsenal of runners and the sharp passing of Steve Martin· dale, it ren1aincd for a couple of tactical errors by Lakewood to decide the issue. And once Mater Dei's Big Red got the breaks it needed it see1ned nothing could turn the Lide. The first was Lakewood 's decision tG pass from its own 19 on the first play of the fourth quarter while nursing a 9-7 lead. Standout lineman Jeff Clark stepped in front of Lakewood 's top receiver, Ed Gillies, in- tercepted quarterback Pete DAILY !"IL.OT "'919 -,. ,.,"1cll 0'~11 Tcreschuk's pass and rambled COSTA MESA'S JOAOUJN CHAMBERLAIN. STOPS A SANTA ANA VALLEY RUNNER FOR A LOSS. to the Lancers thre(' yard line. -------------------------~----------------------------------Fullback ~lark Stanbra bull- ed his way over the next play and Mater Dci had a 13-9 ad- vantage. Then the Lancers started on what appea red tG be a come- back touchdown drive only to get bogged down on the Mater Dei 32 with fourth and seven. Only moments e a r l i e r Tereschuk had scrambled 35 yards for an a pp a rent touchdown. But the play was lost on a clipping penalt y. Then Lakewood made its second disastrous error and punted. rather than try ror the first down in Mater Dei ter- ritory. And that's all the ~1onarchs needed was the ball with their four-point lead. Quarterback . Steve Martindale superbly directed an 80-y11rd touchdown ~-march that consumed 7:40 of precious time and when Slan- bra went over from one yard out there was only I :20 re- maining. Tereschuk nashed h i s brilliance in putting together a qu ick TD march on kis pass- ing arm -but Gillies' TD reception from 26 yards out came with 2.1 seconds to go and that was that. Mater Del scored in the first period on a time consuming • march of 79 yards with Jim -Gardea scoring from two yards out and Mike Yost kick- .. ed the PAT. And the Monarchs were knocking at the door again but were stopped on the Lakewood one-foot line in the second period. · Lakewood took it s shortliv- ed lead on a two-yard TD · sneak bv Tereschuk 8nd a 32- yard field goal by Paul Gorham . OAM• ITATISTICI MO L Finl do'Wm rlllhl"O 10 ,,.,, -· caul"O ' Fin! down1 1'111n111!lt 1 O Total flrtt "°"'"' 1• 15 Y•rdl ru1l'llAQ lt1 Ill Ytrd1 1>41ufna '' 111 Ye•dl lo.! I !0 Niii yara1 O•lned l ftl 110 ~lfflfSJ•.,.•ta9 dlll•nc• I/SJ lll) ,.1t1tll!1Vytrd1 1'111n1ll1..i 1110 l/lS Fuml>ln/lumbl111,,.1 01' 210 ,,_ .... °"''''" Mitttr 0.1 1 0 0 17 -It u•-••11 -11 RUSHING Mii•• Del '" .. " ... • G1rci.1 " " • " 5••,,&r• " ., • u M1'11n<11l1 " " ' .. TOl .. 1 .. "' ' .. Ll_t_.... • T1rnd'M,tk • " • " Vloorl!o " " • " ·S•-••I ' ' • .. ll'11ne " • ' " H111' , " • " Tt1o11t1 " '" " .., •1.lllNO M1ttr Del .. M • • .. M< M,rtl...,lllt " ' , " ·"' L••....w l..-ffellvt " ' "' -"' Calendar Boswell Pleasantlv .. Surprised While Herb 1-lill is singing the blues aboul his once- beaten, once-victorious Loara 1-ligh School football team, \Vestminster·s Bill Boswell is going through the usual pre- game coaching lrauma. "l..oora Jost its quarterback , hut they are very impressi\'e nn derensc," says Boswell. who must open the Sunset Le.1gue season against Lo:1ra Saturday at Westminster. "Against Servile Loar a con- troUed the ball the second half but couldn't score. But I think Servile only had the ball ror about six plays." Servite trimmed Loara 2!-0 in that game. after the Snxons had stopped Warren 17-0 in their opener. As for Westminster, Boswell is "pleasantly surprised" after back-to-back \Yins over usLtally st rong Lakewood and Long Beach Wilson. "The Long Beach schools haven't beaten anyone else and must be down a little bit. so I still don't know how good v.•e are," says Boswell, .. but rm pleased that we 've beeu nble to gain 731 yards in two games." Bo.swell is also surprised· al the development of senior quarterback Dan Accomando. filling the shoes of All-CIF Jeff Siemens of a year ago. "I knew he was a good athlete, but I didn't know he'd be as poise<! a quarterback as he's becoming." • And although Boswell iii disturbed by two "bombs" comple ted against hi! secon- dary. his defensive un it has IX'en another surprise. .. We ins1alled a new dcfPnse this yt>ar and the kids had lo le.nm it," he says. The Lions have switched from a S-1 with six down lineman and Ofle linebacker to a Tcnncsse defense with an added two li nebackers. .. We had more tinel>ackers than Unen1en this year," he explains. "Also. with the more sprint-0ut and play -action pllsslng you see now our Jcfensive end'! couldn't drop off on p.iss covero.ge. because othe r tenm~ were n1nnln~ at them before they passed.· 1'he Lions havt b e e n fortunate 80 far in regards lo injuries. "We don't h11ve anyone seriously h u r t , · • BolweU says ... Just the usu11l bllmps and brul!ies." Cubs Tabbed Over Rivafs -uni After In Southern C.al Circuit First Win Of Season The Southern Ca lifornia Con· fcrence football race, as usual, \viii be a V.'ide open scramble for the No. I spot. Golden \Vest. Rio Hondo, LA H:1rhor and Los Angeles CC figure as the rour contenders with the edge probably going lo the la!ter. LACC's Cubs have been C011- tenders in al l of the three SoCal circuit seasons -win- ning it in '70. finishing sccood in '71 to llio Hondo and sharing: the titl e last season "'ith East LA and Rio Hondo. The Cubs are t11bbed by the DAILY PILOT to wi n it all in '72 . basirn l!y because they are ns physical <is ever and they have so1ne highly tal ented per- sonnel. Here's how the DAILY PILOT tabs the conference fin ish. I. l.os Angeles CC 12-11 - The Cubs h11ve a new coach in Al Ba ldock and despite the fnct he was not hirC'd until the latter part of the summer, he's still put together a fine club. BRldock coached at College or Sequoias fnr 14 years prinr to moving to S:in Die~o Stale as an <issis tant The Cu~ ha\'C 111·0 all-con- ference defmsivt> linemen in Otha Bradley. a 6-3 . 2W-pound tackle and Bob llcndPrson . a S-2. 210-pound lineman. And they have a top notch 1vidc re- ceiver in James Hubba rd (S-2. 1901. LACC has beaten Fullerton (15-9) Rod Compt on (44-71 while losing to rugged Phoenix I (23-14). 2. Rio Hondo (0-.Z) -Despite losing games to Santa Ana ( 14- 7l and Orange Coast (S5-!2l, the Roadrunners appear to ha ve the talent to again make a run at the title. Sophomore Carl Zaby is one of the better running backs in the conference. 3. Golden West (!-I ) -The Rustlers have always done well io pre-conference games, but have had their problems go ing against the more physical cir- cuit roes in the past three years. It'll be the same situation in '12, but this time Golden West has the talent and the experi- ence to stay with all its con- ference foes. Sophomore quarterback Bill Cornelius gears the passing game (the best in the confer- ence) and Rick Ri ce heads a V1'stly improved running at- tack . 4. LA llarbor (1-t) -The Seahawks. as usual, are physi- cal. Harbor has a front four that averages 230 JX>Unds, but its secondary is questionable. Sophomores Ron Cheatham and Robert Crow are two fine running backs (both were all conference in '71 ). but the Sea- hawks need to throw more kl move up the ladder. 5. 1<:ast I.A (0-2) -The Husk- ies will depend primarily on freshmen in '72. Defense has always been 21 strength for East LA and it will probably have to rely on that again this se11son. The Offensive line and the linebac kers are two big qucs- Lositag Streaks 011 Line tion marks for the Huskies. . East LA has drgipped tilts to Fresno-(14-7) and LA Valley (17-7). 6. Cypress fl-21-The Charg- ers could finish hjgher if they can generate some consistency offensivel y. Sophomore transfer Brad Hillman gears the Cypress at- tack at quarterback while Bob D11pper (Western ) is the top running back:-.> Also rcturnjng is all-<:onfer- enC'e w i d e reCe1ver Rick Emde. 7. Santa Monica (0-Z) -The Corsai rs are new to the confer- ence (they were formerly in the Metro circuit ) and have a new coach in Pat Young. an assistant ~ SMCC for six sea- sons. But 1he .Corsairs are very thin, says Young, and the ex- perience is spotty. Santa Mon- ica has been a passing club in the past and 1972 is no exct)>- lioo. Sophomore letterman quarterback J e r r y Smith guides the aerial circus. 8. LA SouthwHI (1-2) -The Cougars are also new to the conference (in football ) and it could be a long season for coach Dick Bower. But Southwest will not be a pushover by any means. The Cougars have an ou t- standing tackle in Joe Hem- bri ck (6-5, 270) and quite pos- sibly the sm11Jlest player in JC football in wide receiver Willie Norman, a 5-3. 14()...pounder. A lack of depth will hurt the Cougars. University tries to shake its offensive blues and gain its first victory of the seASOn tonight at 8 as the Trojans in- vade Brea in the Orange League opener for b o t h schools. Coach Jerry Redman 's University squad has managed only one touchdown per game in defeats to foothill' and Los Amigos, a factor that Redman attributes kl problems in the offensive line. "Quite a few of our players have not had previous varsity experience, and it has shown up especially in the offensive line," Redman says. "We start only four seniors on offense , with six juniors and a sophomore, so it takes lime to learn what to do and when." By contrast, Brea's offense is built around seniors Corey Layton and Steve Carpenter at end and quarterback. and the Wildcats have notched wins over Brea and Lowell in their first two games. Besides Layton a nd Carpenter, the Wildcats have junior running backJ Steve Seeba and Damion Stough, who have each been averaging upwards of four yards per car- ry this season. "They run a balanced at- tack, t~n1ove the ball con- sistently -afllt.. they move it well .'' Redman says. "Plus they really stick on defense, which makes them v e r y loogh." Missio11 Viejo at Tustin Junior quarterback Mike O'Lough1in will be making his second start for the Trojans after breathing a little life into the offense last week . "We got down inside the 20 a coople times, and looked good on one drive," Redman recalls, "and that waa llll im- provement at least." When 1t co1nes to comparing lo.!ling .!.1rtaks, il's no contest, but on the flcld tOf'llght's Tustln-Af i!'lsion Viejo match.up is rn ted close to beini.: an even contest . Garne time is 8 o'clock at Tu!ltln. The Tiiiers have Orange County'1 longest losing streak at the monlent, 18 straight games dating back lo the 1970 itea.!IOn. A1il'sion Viejo has n modest-by-romp1rl10n f o u r - g•me IMlng slreU, having d~ Its nnal two games in 1971 tt nd flr81 two this teMM. P.flulon Viejo'• main coo- (' e r n Is ov,rcomtng Injury problem! and avoiding costly 1nistak1:1. Tuflin ls looking for 1 better showing from ill of- fense . .. "We expect tbey'U try lo throw the bnU 1g1lnat us. since that's been wh11 they had the mott 1uctUS with in the.Jr nm two gomts." MCMioo VI•Jo coach Bob !Uvner Aiya. • .,,.,, "'"" a t juruor qu arterback who throw s the boll weJl and scverRI good receivers." The Oiablos had trouble \\'llh their pass defense last week . 5urre nd ering thrl'\' touchdowns by air. Pr111:tt{'l's this week have been sci on hn- proving thnl Area of piny. Vi'hat llUle offense Tu stin ha!! ¥e nerntec1 has Ix-en by the pass1ng gflmc, and the Tillers got ~ boost last wt.-ck rron1 quarterback Jirn Debord. who pus.setl for over 150 yards In Standings r.tw fYJT'•Mt O• US• DllTING NIAD THI HOLDING COM,ANY n14flfll .... kt!. .... ,,. • ' his first v21rsity start. f\1ission Viejo has a more ronsistcnt ruMing a t t a c k , "'hich features senior halfback l)11ve Caldwell and MRrk Mof- rltt . o 195-powld fullback. Mitt'-\lltl• Off9!1M LE-Gtl\IO!f\ LT-w11•1.._ LG-T11<"'"• C-Chlirchlll RG Mitu,.... !'IT-RIC• Rf:-Et!Oll o e -k.l'lmldt r ft-Mo!lll! t-tlJ-Ctl<lw9!1 FL-l'r- O'Loughlln pwed foc 163 yards, with his bigge!l gainer a 45 yard strike to flanker Ray Hale to set up the Tro- jans' only touchdown. LEASE DIRECT un PONTIAC GRAND PllX s108!R MO. OltOUI NOW rot IARLlllT DILIVlltY ASK l'Oll NED DORAN DAVE ROSS PONTIAC YOUft rACTOl.Y AUTHOlltlZID DIA.Liit 2410 Hart.or -· ot M Dr,. Costa M ... S4M017 -- J !!)' DENNIS CAMPBELL ~ Of tM Olll)f Pll" !lt!ff L~"Y way yoo look al It, n Crtaa heart.breaker for Costa IIbe Mustangs, winless and scoreless in two games, ex· tended unbeaten and heavily ~•vored Santa Ana Valley /High School to the limit 'lbttrs- •day night before falling •n , iii the Irvine League's first r'ootball game ~r both teams at Newport Harbor. In a contest marred by in- terceptions, penalties a n d shoddy offensive football, the decisive play was a needless penalty OD a conversion at- tempt. Trailing 22·!1, Santa Ana Valley went for a two-point conversion. Sophomore tailback Myron White was nailed just past the line of scrimmage, but COsta Mesa was· offsides and the Falcons had another chance. With 3:59 to play, burly fullback Eddie Medina crash- ed over foc the go-ahead points and the Falcons had their win. Two plays later Costa Mesa quarterback Steve Sh a r n lofted a wobbly pass to Bill Valentine, the ball was batted uo, and Gary Temoleton plucked the ball out of the air and raced 62 yards for the touchdown. The conversion attempt 1vas hlocked-and Santa Ana Valley led 29-22. In e mi stake-filled ~ame, the Mustangs made two ore GAMlf STATISTICS -(:M SAY First down1 rusnlng ] I First down• ~ulnq 1 l First dow11s penellles. 2 o Tot11I nrSI do\lln1 ll t Y1rd1 roshh'IO 107 165 Y1nl1 ~11lno 133 53 Yirdl IMI 11 4 wort ram !J31!!ftl 121 21• PoJnll/I Vet'tlJI dl1llr'ICI! l/33 t/42 P1t11l!lel/y1rds pen.ell1ed 25/73 t /71 F1tmbl11/lumbles. lo$! 1119 311 Score llJ Otl•"'-Cc11e MH1 C15IO -n SAV1Uty 0711•-2' II. Sh1rp S. ~rp Dtl1ney Glaspy Ttf'R91S Toltl1 F•1J1!o White DtF•enko Crllf l1m11111on ...... Tot1b FtUllO ftmpleloll Tottll' •USHIN<i c.,,11 "'- le~ Yf . " " " " ~ ' ' , , . "' Se11l1 A111 \11He' ' " u 7• ' . ' " . ~ ' " u 'u f"ASSl1'10 Co111 Men Pl pc plll t3 11 • S111te A111 \ltlley " , " • • ' " ... .., '·' ,., l.O '·' '' ' ,., I •.I 0 I.I 3 l0.0 a •.s 0 3.3 • •• '10 pd 133 .•10 15 3 3 " ·"' ... 1 0 0 0 l6JlSl ·"' nlng. . On third and two at the San- ta Ana Valley 31 , Sharp drop- ped baek'lo pass, was heavily rushed and instead ·o t unloading the ball out of bounds was sacked for an eight-yard Joss. With .coaches in the press box shouting for a time out. the Mustangs chose kl run their final play of the game and Sharp's pass was in- complete. T empleton's interception was the seventh of the game and capped a madc a p performance that saw the two teams exchange the ball as if possess ion were the last th ing they wanted. In the s1>3n of 11 plays dur- ing the third quatier, the ball went -back and forth four tlmes on fumbles and m- terceptlons. Linebacker Kelly Stroich returned an Abel Fausto µass 35 yards for the f i r s t touchdown and D e n n i s Delany's 44-yard interception return set up Sharp's five-yard pass to Mark Schrupp. A third-quarter fumble recovery· by Rod FiRgatt keyed Costa ~1esa's final touchdown, a 1~ yard toss from Sharp to \'alentine. Edison Adds Three Sports Edison High School has ad· ded three n1ore competitive sports to the agenda with the acquis!tion o( gymnastics, soc· cer and volleyball coaches. Assuming the duties of gym- nastics cooch is G or d o n McCollom. former Corona de! Mar High athlete and cur- rently a student teacher at Edison out of Cal State (Long Beach I. Another sp ring sport that is slated to compete in Orange C.ounty circles is volleyball and the Chargers will be led by Miss Pat Hefferen. The proposed circuit will include Corona del ~ta r, Laguna Beach, Newport · H a r b o r • Edison, Fountain Valley, Hun- tington Beach, Westminster, Marina, Orange and Pacifica. Pat DiPaulo is slated to guide the Chargers in soccer. It's a winter sport and the Chargers expect to compete in the Orange County CIF league with Fountain Valley, among others. Artists Host El Dorado In Orange Grid Opener point of the Artists' game. Hastings likes Lag u n a Beach's combination of big linemen and small backs. "Sometimes when you have a situation like that they really complement e a c h other," he says. "I think this is true with Laguna Beach.' Along w i th Jon es at defensive back, the Golden Hawks have two RU-league defensive players returning in tackle Jim Zures and end Mike Roads, both about 185 pounds. Hastings has one of Orange County's best centers in 6-3, 220-pound Tim P e r k i n s . Perkins is replacing all-county selection Jeck Fragge and he's just about as good as Fragge, Hastings says. The contest will be the third between the two teams. with each school winning a game each. Last year. the fast- finishing Golden Hawks beat the Artists 28-7 while Laguna Beacb was a 25-18 winner the previous year. L..-. ltk-OH111 .. L!-Co111,., LT-Rtftl"O LG-01tQllo C-Lou• RO-MendOt• RT-Mendo1e RT-Ollom Rl!-l tl'la!' QIJ-Mltltrd Rll-Wl!\ohlp R 1-Me11trtllt ftL-11_,_ ~ .. "'_ DlflllM Ll -IJl!vm Ll~trtl11 MG--Mll!ltaf1 R'r-O-.ilo lll!-Whlt• ll-Wl"""- l.I ""'-D"-"N,. 01-~'f0(1! Oll-111.,...,_ Oa-Tnor •a '" '" '" "' "' 'q '" '" '" ,. ,. m "' '" '" "' "' "' '" "' '" •n ' ' -• Prep Offen-sive Star·s KEVIN REESER Newport H""°' DON SPREEMAN Marina BILL HATFIELD Fountain Valley BILL SPRINGMAN 1*8111111 MIUOoLOvc~ Uat+•idty DA VlD CALDWEU. MIS81on Viejo DA VE MARl\INER Laguna Beach JERRY JACOBSON E""11cla STEVE TEREGL!I Costa Mesa For Coast Area Preps BOB ALVAREZ Mater Del KYLE VAN AMERSFORT Huntington Beach FRED HERNANDEZ Edison JOHN ANDREWS Corona del &tar Cross Country Results ' COl!QllllO IIDO $. 1:2 fTJ , 'I !· HOl!-"bec:t t , 1. M. en 1' , 1;.~f_M J. t. (HI 1IY1 ~~. 10. JIMlor V1f'Jlly M..._ VltM It. T"'ll!I it '· .. ~""'' ,.., ', .... j ri· a"! ' Vl, ), Wfhll~ "I . n• , , QIOl'llt1' {MY), H.t • l.J , 1. m CMVJ, •• A ,._ IJI f1 : IT}, 11.Mll\"(el" ( ,....,_.,... .. ~...-vi.ti 1' TtJtilrll ih w!wJ..• ,f°"+1 lMvr. 11~ t. ··-'71Nt ."'iU:.", 1%1¥ •• , v.1011111. !Tl, 111t1lflhoilrl lMVI, I. Cl .. CT . t. Wllllt M\/), 10. J""'*-' IMV), ....... ,. ..... " '~'! ..:•·-"' .. I f °'1• 111 t •U t, tdd "'· "' .,,,I~ , . •· '"' 'fL.!ir. . \l.,.m~...,. ~· Tl'INOO ( ), ·-"" . ~· '"''· .. (S(), 10 KM<lh I~ ,.,.,.... '""'' "-"'IM II, S•~ (__..., .. (" \~ °""' ''' " "· j 'M"• ll'J. _,,.(fl ), t Hl~O l ... .t A""1'_.. t J l)U,_JI ,T.11:1111' 1,.a,. ' ,.,, "' Laver to Be Honored Three ol the 11me'1 1!"11..i tennll pt01•• ,,in Mil, to lbt famous 11""" "'""" l~t Iha! will be 11 hand Tuesday for the lhlrd annual Orange Coonty Sporu Celebri· ly banquel In Sarua Ana. The charity allalr will poy tribute to Newport Btach 'fen- nlt Oub'1 Rod lAver, IL~ Orange Ooonty Sporlomon of !be Year. A"""'I lhe tpOrt> penonalltiel to honor the l•inl'I leading money wt~ner. wlll be fellow A"-"lt, f\oy 211»ttm, •ho AW now Uvts In Otlng1 Counly, •tlDll'ab&e P•ncho S<run and National Senklrs Grna Court a.am. pion, vt:lt:ran Bobby Rlgp. The lennlt ptrlOl'l.t1lllltt will )oln with namH from other tporta clrcle> In f>lll'ln& honor to Liver. Ll!lt year the cblr1- ly group feted race star Din Gurney. Open Jo men nnty, the Orange ~ o u n I y Sportsman C<lebrlly Banqu<t wUI kick off 11t I at the Saddlcback Inn In Sanla Ana. • ' DAILY PILOT I• Dana Hill s, Valencia To Battle Gals' Golf Results Membml of the El Niguel Dorothy "'""" (IS), Marvis iO. llorfl JlucWiet and &r.irn lowed by Shirley Heas (431; 1. LyM and Dorothy Levy (17). Cramer tied !or fltlt Io !be net Country Club's women's club dlvlsion wttb n. Costa life.. !Wly All11111 ,... Ille B ment for nine holes thls week ft wu soratcb and x:ramble ffigbt er-award •Ith 99 with Pat Jo'rancls end Sue for mentbert of the Co.ta while Dot Morris and Mary Foley tying rcr-f1rst place in A A1esa Golf Course women's RAtekin tied f« net honors CUgbt with J3. Bettlna llall and club this week with JMn with 74. Dot Massa Wft"t next with 15 Dalpee and Betty Waltb.all U.e Ra-• ... ., .- Tony Leon leads his Dana H1118 "kids crusade" into the psQa ol Oranie League play tonight wlien tbe Dolphins lake on Valencia in an eight o'clock game at V••lli• SPlllTS winners wUh 74. ._ i:>fll each. Other flnlabera I n c-h d·e d Peggy CUnningbam was ac· I• •11 -iu,II. W • n d a LIUy Crlbbes and Barbara cepted for membenhfp Io lhe ~ ontllbryannc Del Leonard (76\\), M ax In e RAndlo San Joequln GoU Bio.lo .""t llO Winners wi(h Aslmwl and Frarikle llursl Coor>e women's club Tuetday 11·'~ by Betty Dralloo 1711, Carole fl<los and Fallyn and promptly showed her ap- And ..... k ~1 *!'!like IUtU. el .... lllJ, tho Dana • HJ IJ• ~uore clu~ !'Ill~~ to ull<iet one ol .._ lpaj'1 I°"' Ui14 con-t.-. "Wt' .. nnl llMar lo roll o ... and ~<leodl ·Iba!'• for sure,"' Llii .,,. 11W' ha•• to loot llbeod, and try 16 Improve with eoch ·pme. We ...,,,eel to wcr-l&st weel: after a relallvely good first game, and we loobd very bad. I hope _,. play · btller lhil week, but we're up against a very good team.'' se. l)uelfi lM.-All!!Ofttlinoen with t7. BndrooRobu (Io?9) .. ~ G(-lnnyl"J Stasi«> predation by wlnnlng the ace , a ·~ "'' ·'3 • day toumame.nt with a acore : flt"' tb1e _ C flllh t, it was f ·-lllldnd lfmiur !be winner life.a• \lerde 0 l~·tbe nnt flight, llorolhy Foothill• wttb U . tlllllMd by Joyce Mesa Verde Country Club Wright (74) was !be winner. Hopitm, Marion Cook and women's club staged a low Others included M • r g a r e t Margaret Slbbert with 16. g?'05S and a low nel tourna-DtBach (73 ) in second flight, In K ment this week. Maxine StrlckJand (Tl) In the ey Tl.££,,.iild;.adliieiiiiThoiiiimuiiiiiicop;;;;pediiiiiilheiioiDi;;;;;iiiiliin;i;;;;;A;;;;i;;nO::ig:i;ht;;;;i;;iiil ;iwi;iai;is;.,Ai;ilice;i;;.iith~inl~. ;ia;;ndi;;;Vi;l;;vl~ai;in~Trouiiii;iitiimiia;.n Ii' flight with 14 followed by Watts the gross ""inner wilh (77 1 in the fourth rught. The game will match the ~-o! a pair ol junior quarterbcU, Valencia's 1 Paul Labord, and Dana HUis' Bf Sprl-. Labord threw for two toudldownl, one o! . them on his tint attempt at the vmilY level, In last week's 14- 14 tie with Bolaa Grande. San Clemente arxl Foothill. a pair of darkhorses in the Crestview football race open their leag ue season tonight at 8 in the Santa Ana Bowl. BOB HEUSSER PRESENTS Springman bas &C<:Ollnted f<r every Dana Hills SCQre this season (there have been four of them) by ruming « .pass- ing. The dilftrence between !be two teams, however, is that Laborde bas an experienced line and backfield. That, ac- cording to Leon, is a big fac- tor. The Tritons and Knights whQ figure lo play major rol~ In the title chase off their non- league efforts, match strong defense in a game that is Jllted a loss-up. San C1emente is off to a pair of victories this season, the best ltart in the school's eight- year hi.story. Foothill bas one victory and a tie with defen- ding CIF AAA champion Ken- nedy to its credit. SUNSET FORD'S FOOTBALL FORECAST Neither coach wants to claim any title aspiralions. but both hlnt that it's not beyond the realm or pcl6!ibility. Othll G1m11 EHi "We may be able to match up pretty well with them in terms d. stepping on the scales, but there's the dif- ference of ooe yeer of rnatl.Bi.ty and strength, and the experience of having played on the varsity level," Leon says. "If you have that experience you c a n play more ag- gressively, and rot worry .about what you're supposed to do on eaclt play." The DOlpbiils -have made several lineup changes this week as Leon searches for the best combinatiom. John Ulloa . a starti~ defensive halfback, will miss the game, and possibly the rest of the season with monooucleousis. DaM HH/I OffftM l E-EUMlholm l T-Chlc•1 l G-FOlrtr C SrndloN It G-V •N:[«'COOtl; ll:T--a.111,,... ltE-Rodtl~ QB-5pflngl'Ml'I F&-ColHnr H~Yll SD-Mlklos DaM MIHJ °"*"" LE-Splm lT-C•UldY l G--Clllc.tr RG-itoltlm RT-Ce......on ll:E-FOll., LD-V•nOerl;flOlc DB-H•UI DD-ll:odr~I DB-Bue• 0&-MlklOI "' "' ... ... "' '" '" ... "' '" ... , .. '" '" '" "" ... '" "' "' "' "' FV Romps Past Foe In Tourney "We certainly hope lo be a contender. but we don 't have the depth ," San Clemente coach Allie Schaff says. "I believe we're the smallest school Jn the league and in a contact sport that can make a difference." Foothill coach Bill Snyder. meanwhile, think,., his team might be a con fender. For tonight's g a me , however. the key men for the two schodls will be San Clemente quarterback Bill Kenney and Foothill running back Sam Peak. the offensive threats of their teams. Kenney wu treated rather rudely by the Knights last season. Foothill intercepted five of the 6-3, 211).pound quarterback's passes a nd turned them into a 15--0 victory which started the Tritons on the stJds to a 2-7 season. Snyder Jill'"' that game off, however and pral!es Ken- ney. "We played good defense and he had an off night last year," Snyder says. "He's a super quarterback, with more poise than last year and he's throwtng the ball u well or better than last seaJOn." Peak., meanwhile, is back at fullback for the KnJghl! after earning all~ly mention last lealOI\. He is a punishing lmkle runnr at $.11 , 17$. pound, and scored b o I h toucbdmml In the Knights· wtn last season. Defensively, the Knlght.!1 are known for their .. stunts." I bill.zing linebackers and the Uke. "Stuntlng can hurt a team. e:1peclally early In the year Balanced. scoring was evl-when your kid.I aren't used to dent everywhere as four area picking them up,'' Schaff s&f'. "We've factd some stunting In water polo teams notched vie-the flr1t two games, through tories in the opening round of ai>d picked It up pretty well." the Estancia t o u r n a m e n t ,_ ci.--. ott-. Thursday . LE-,t•~ 1.111 Fountain Valley cruised to a t~::=:, ::: 1()...() victorv over University, c-Wr..,,, 1a.J • ~ llG-Ht.ilh ltl Missk>n Viejo trimmed Marlna 1tr-..1-"' 6-3. and Westmlrater defeated lla-o.,...• ,"' O~K-'I' ri (I J>1.o v1~1 .. 11 Ore.011 h!~lll! Wll!l•m o\ M•,., Ker• S•l!t Nl!r'., '"••t Nnrfti-1••"' N11rfP,•m 11n,.,.1. c .. 1-• .. Other Games South and Southw11t • ' • " " • " " ' .. .. " 7 " " • • " " " " • ' .. " " " • .. " • • .. .. • 7 " 7 " " " • " • " • " 7 " • " u .. • .. " " " " " Other G1m11-Mlctnlt "~ ...... t=~•l'­e.u ,, ... l ull•• Ceftt/'91 M1tllodltl C.n1,.1 Mklnp11 C.nl,.1 Mlt~ c.ttt .. 1 Qllt1'-t c.. COlot.OO Coll ... eo.-rdll., Ill, .... _ ... .. Santiago S-5 to notch their Fa-...,... ,. wins. Ho.!l Estancia . :t:~~ :~ SUNDAY, OCTOlll' meanwhile, won by forfeit he Be h Its IHCi.-t9~ M-.i ,,,,., )1 .... ,...., .......... ,J• w n Huntington ac 1ot LE-~• '7' r1i. .,_... ....... -., -..,, 111 ....... , ,........ ,....... ..... ..,....,.. ........ ......_ ,....... ... signals croued and failed to ~~~ :: -.. _,_ "" "'t: ........ °"•-~-.. ' ··-up f•• the day'• 1ctlvlly Ill....,,__ '" M ............. u St ............. II '"""' ...., · llf-ltltt •M r .. "'-• ....,._.. ............ "'"' ...,_ .... ----. <•,.. tMttl ... ...,_, 1t -~ Other scores saw tourney 0L1-v ... uen "• _.. .... ,,._., ... -· 111 _.. ... favorite Foothill defeat Sonora ~..--wi::'i... :: I.-Cltr .•.•.. J• a. ••I • •••..• U 11-3 , (.()8 Ami-edge Valen-ca-o....,. '" t .. •-· •• ~ t1111 M•• ,..:::r, ..,.,.. .. """""' _.... ... ~ "" .....,.... ari.I• '' s ,.. e..... ct-•....., t• ..-... _. .,..... 1 -· ... ,. c 1 _.,.-.Wt•_,." ... ,...,., cl1 11-9, and El Dorado nlp '-"""""' "' ...,.. ,.,., .._... ••...• 11 .._ o..... ...... n Bol~ Gnnde M, all at the -._ ..---~ .....--. . . -• --.. -· r.. .-. """' ....., • -..... ""' .... Poottrl!l-pool. ..... ......... Wooh • •. ,._ 't'MI .. ll•lt - o.ty ,,.._ .._ -"" .... _ ..... "" " .. _......_ ........................ ---St.ve Lyle and c. re y Men's Golf w.w.., ........ JO "" .. •'" •••••• " Okazaki scored two JtOal1 -· · · • __. .....,..... apiece In the Mlaalon Vle}o-.._ ......, · · • • · · JJ ..,.... • • • • • • n :~:,~r ~Um11~~ t:I~ ,.,.~!~ CJub champion.ihlp quall· :,_ ........ ....: :: ':"'~ ~ .::i:= ..f ~--__., • • .,._ ..., • ..,. • -.,.__, • " "~ tyl ......, .1.1. '-!Bl ca.. ........... 1• ............. 11 Vlkinp. Pat M o o r h o u 1 e ng ""flan i.inn wee11 I 8 r ......... -... .,.. ... .--. -11 --" "" ._ l ... -. _... ... ..,. .,. ~-. SCORd three goals and JoM Canyon Country Club and wlU M&. · · · . · Jt "" ........... 11 I ,., ........ ...., ..................... Wiii -.......... ..., .._, .. <--. ..._ limmelbtrger (2) u Edison ~ttnue through Ocl . 2$. IMI to Garden Grove 7-~. Neal Laktnan 11 the def en-..,. • • U1t11 ~ .~ ~: :•· ;;,-~ • ..... ~.: ·,; ·~ ... .-• -" .. Seven "*°taln V" 11 e y dtng club mi.mpton with com-... ._. c.-....., -"· Pl•i·•n ... '1 on tbe ocorl"• -1Uon 00 1 __ .... llaY c .. o. r · -· · .. · · · 21 ,._ -.. ·. ·. u ~ "It..... u..,... UIUlJI .......... ~ • .-._ .... -_, .... ..., ........... (----~ l1t tholr '"" •hi t!l'• .. ,.... .. "" .. ... -Unl":i, lllll Jltil lluolton !Ml, ' < .., -· · • .. • H ,._ '' "" · ·• · · · " -~J'--·-~(fat-•. f .Ptm:s g I ..... ---.. J-. a.-.. -_,,..IL "°"_., .. -.,_ "-, - -"" ...,.., ~ In I twtfltllil ~~==tll' -• • - -• • trtumflla, lo ..,:_f' '--~ ,, • "'" -, .. II ........ -. ....... """' ,.. -.,._ .. _,.. ...... j!YL"""' ii Iht ~lt=td-. ,. 11!1.! I --...... H -, ..... U -, .. --, . "'" ,...., II lo• ... 1 .. ---WlllSI' -,.__...., _ _. .......... _......,u.. ........... _ ...................... . .. ~ ............... .... "'~-··~J.ll;i ~1' ~t ~~ -111 I d~~ ' ·-...... II -•••••. 27 ~-&:'lldl '1 1 I~ ~!l:'IWltJon. ..... ....... , , 24 a.a.... . , . , , , Jt ~ 1,1. : I''"' ,,.._..,.,,... to Mr. and GM9 ................... ,....,.. .... ---. • ..., ............ .,. .............. ...... 5;ii .... _ .. IJ. t.!:L =-M~M~Ncwby ~i:~ -"' -.. ---~~ ,h..-1"· c .... aa .. "1 01• 11. Semnd place at a went 10 ,_....: ...., a.a-in. Mr. and Mrs. J--liel~n Jdll~(ll ~-, """"'' 5 ' I I I::} llld Mr. and Mn. Ell<lfl ! =l rm. "'"""''IM!W •11u..tt. tlttitltf#t ~ ~I ~ .._ fte annual blpJow iOufTIA• ~· , , i • _ • • mtnt will be ttqtd at Bia r.. .....-. ' ' 1 1 -1 nyon on Oct. Jf.IJ wtth IJI ~·:::·~~JJ;:."':'1111~ pClytn ln~vld. II •IU be. "'-Gct6dt .. (II, l lli """"91111 rll btlnd drlW f(I' pertnef'I w1tb I ,_,.. U o'clodt ahotiun Utt boOI .......... T-111 da Ml""" """' 2. aMCM Aleml• I ya. Jae Yallly Yllw Tn Off F• ~ ': u • " • .. • ~ .. u • .. " • .. • 0 ' .I DAILY PILOT Friday, October 6, 1972 QUEENIE "Don't give me that blank look -you know very well what l 'm talking about." L. rn. Boyd Friday tl1e 13th Bad Busii1ess Day Highly athletic y,·omen do not tend to llave a particu- larly easy·time in childbirth. Seemingly weak and fragile girls quite often do. A medico named Dr. V. R. Rhodes therefore concludes. ''Muscular de\·elopment is contrary to essential femininity." EVERY TTh1E a Friday falls on the 13th of the month, say the computer boys, businessmen drop about $250 mil- lion. It'll because so many people then won't buy, won 't sell, v:on't even gob v.•ork. WlfV ROACHES are significantly niore susceptible to insecticides around 4 p.m. daily al.so remains a mystery. But Dr. William N. Sullivan of the U.S. Department of Agriculture re- ports such to be the case. QUERIES -Q. "How many of Lhe so-called forcible rape cases turn out to be phony complaints by girls y.iJo want to get even?'' A. Exac tly 18 percent, police records indicate. Q, "HOW F'REQUENTLY do the real big poultry oper· ators gather their eggs?" A. As often as fou r times a day. Q. "Ar.tONG mammals. all males tend lo be born big· ger but 'ft'eaker than females, right?" A. Except for the rabbit. \\'hy the rabbit is an excel>" lion I do not kno\v. DEBTS -Mister. if you 're be.tween 35 and 54 years old, and if you're married with some youngsters, and if you owe creditoni 78 Percent of your annual income, yoo're exactly average. But consider, too: If you're between 55 and 64 years old, and your children have moved out. and you O\ve credit.ors just 4 t percent of your annual income. you 're al so average. The foregoing includes mongages, please note. A GEORGIA LADY asks our Love and \\:ar man lo name the one 1nost essential characteristic of a happy marriage. All right. Aft.er that thing called love, he avers, the big thing is the ability to cmfide fully, freely and frankly in each other. He's thinking of writing a "how to" manual on tili.s maUer, too. l\IOST OF the muscles in a y.·oman's arm s are partic- ularly weak. Relatively weaker than the other n:iuscles in her body, It's said. Except for two of these arm muscles. One. the latissimus dorsl. That's the one that gets the work when buttoning or zipping up a dress in the back. And two, the deltoid. That's the one most exercised when brushing the hair. JN LJGllT or the fact there arc about 1.000 symphony , orchestras in this country, why is it you can't name 10 of them. sir? Neither can I. can name 10 professional football tealJIS. though. And then some. ONE study shows the safest cubbyhole in the house during a tornado is the southwest corner. That's just sta- tistical. NO SIR. don't 1o1.•ant to go .to Jamaica. An honored guest there sometimes is served a plate of crickets, still . CAN'T say exactly why the mink coat has lost some popularity of late. Do know, however , a mink fur bears a remarkable resemblance to !hat <Jf the English polecat, an odoriferous beast generally known to be antOOcial. WOULJ> you say the grocery bin for a famil y of four still should run only about $5() a week? Such Is the latest estimate of the U.S. Depa rtment of AgricuJture. ~JUST ~fENTION, before quittlng, you've got about 45 miles of nerves just in your skin. Addrtlls nuiil to L. !tf. Boyci,P . 0. Iiox1875, New- por£ Beaclt, Cu/if. 92660. • I See by Today's Want Ads e ATTD\'TJON: ..To lhe per- *lrl "'-ho had an old rk>clc Clllf! for 1ale rectntl)' • -la l1>'ln& "' 1Wdl """" e HA VE A Dt'NNER TOR 12. l:tli be-&Ute )"00 UICI th1• Rt.rltake Pf'OKJ't!•lon 4'ftlna.. ll"t Pfft1 \\'hlle and . comet with extra p1..-__ _ e Otrr OF STATE and out of thlt ""'kt. lhal'• ~· land ~·u !Ind In 0reaon. Ovtt 100 1Me1 ln Kllmalh (punty, M&ke an tnvnt· ..... ond buy • WHITE THAT lAIT 5 YEARS OUR REG:P ICE 6 FOR 1.1• . I sac long ·life illumination. Choice of 40. 60. 75 and 100 watt light burbs. Stock up nDW 1 at this low pr1cP. •r NEW CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS OUR REG . DISCOUNT PRICE 69c Quality spark ptugs you can depend on 101 top perlor · martee under· normal driving conditions. fit most cars. CHAMPION •ESISTOI S'All 'LUGS, r11. lie 6k 54c MARX "BIG WHEB." SPf.ED CYCLE DUR REG. DISCOUNT PRICE 13.91 . gas Low slung suspensron for no·tip action. "Real" ' f!ngme ~ound Horizontal leg dtrTe: adJLIStable seat. S."'t 'f"•tttltiet "'•Y h lirwitt t1 .•• hwrry. , . ' 8 FT. RECTRIC EXTENSlll C8ll MEN'.I NEW WUllRN SPOii' JEANS OUR REG. DISCOUNT PRICE «c 22c General EleCtric.extension cord for interior use. Un· breakable molded conneclBrs. U.l. Get se'tC@J! OUR REG. DISCOUNT PRICE 3.61 Smooth 100% cotton: Spur Brandtt with 5 poc~et st_ylin_g and dBuble-stitch seamS'. Colors. Waists 28-38; sfiOrt, med., long. •a, .. •SBIOLD CLEANING HB..PIRI DUR·iEG. PRICE 1.29 11 T.59 sac • 17 111. Super lkno Floor W;u ••• even ~et!!rgeM wo1(1 dull the slt1.-e • 811 Wall1 Wall Waslle ..• willl Joarllui& ldlOll, by ea lollnsoll Wai • r.wor Fuin1tu1t Pm1sh ... 17 ounce aerosol c:111. • ifvERllBLE IAS-WfAVE SCAI IEll OUR REG. DISCOUNT PllCE UI -s1 2~x45" throw rugs that reverse fo r double wear . Ideal "~illdergarten" naptime mat. Machine wash. dry. M>mon <at1ltd. I CHILTON I CUP llRTllC PHii HUSH I PUMP I FILTER Ill OUR REG. DISCOUNT PRICE U9 3ss Quick heating, easy cl 841\. l yr.over counter replace· menl. Avo"do , llaivest gold. #1198-41-44 OUR REG. DISCOUNT PRICE 3.H 244 Metaframe's J)Ump, bubblf up corner littei, air tubing, filler floss and charcoal: keeps water clear. ' ' 1t.2tl LOOI WHAT YOUR DOLUR BUYS WHEN-YOU SHOP HBIEI FACELLE ROULE BATH TISSUE OURIEG. 5 FOi 1.55 5 1 ply "Sun Counlry" dee · TWIN orative bath tissue in hi· PAIS f1sh1on colors. FOR FACELLE ROULE PASTEL FACIAlS OURRE6.5FOR1 .40 _5 3 ply, sott and super absor - bent: 125 pastel tissues. ~ FOR FACELLE ROYALE DESIGNER TOWELS otJR REQ. HOl 1.35 4-Jumbo roll of 100 sq. feet. ·strong and absorbent. Pal· le<ned. (FOR STOil HOUIS: DAl'ifAiii HT.,_IO AM TO t , •• SUN. 10 TO 7. THiii'' A WHITHIONT lllAI YOU! 3088 BRISTOL ST. San Diego Freeway at Bristol ESA TA • \ \ .- \ . ~ . . .-. \ Dan~ l;Orps '1' :a . ·, SA,NCFRANCISCO •BALLET "PERFORMsl.FO!JR•Cl>NCERTS.AT-GOLDEN·WEST " Laguna Gaining ·Museum ' .. .. ·The wQ~1d.1amoos San rNtncisco e&uet c'p~J>8!1Y.i0 i~ rtrst t9'j2-73 program.in Orange County will appear iii four con- 'certs in Golden West Collegt's·new com- nilliliy:tneater', Friday through Sunday, Qct. 1:1-15 . . The company will bring 30 o! its prin· clpal and solo dancers to petform in p~ gi-arns :at ·s: 15 p:m. each evenirig and 'a children's matinee at 2 p.m. SWlday. ·Beiirining and a4vanced dance students in ·lhe· area also have the op- portunity . to particip8te in a master dance class cooducted by the ballet, at 10 a.m. on .Saturday in.the.college dance studio. D"l'ce highlights .of lhe Golden West . progra~ include "Celebration," with · rour . ballerinas . appearing together; "Jim:," a dozen d~rs in a story of a ~ 'cll't'US •juggler; "N.R.A.," musk= and dance oi the 1930's; "Statement.!," an . abstract· ballet in Six movements deplet- ing cUfferent moods .of people; ~·sym­ pfxxllc Impressions" a three-movement .contemporary baJlet: "Tarantella for r Ten," danced by five couples ; and ro-. \ l"'> 1!1f.,.. malitic· treatnient oe ·two pas de de'Jl. , .BARBARA LORD, JAMES ARNESS IN "GUN SMOKE" SCI.NI! Fbunded.1 in . 1933, the company lo· troduced the first full·length "Nut: cracker," "Swan Lake," aod ''CUppelia" u ~us'1'1 •,i.fe Looks Bae' k . . to American • aud.Jences. While these l J:f.J c;;. 1AJ classics are atlll part of the repertoire,. the. oornpany·has achkfyed added 1tature through new works created by its dir~or o H A • c ' · ~.=pal ~horeogniphe~·~.Lew _ n er cting a reer · QH;steftsen 's "Filling Station," p~ duced in the 1930's, was the fint com· pff:lC.ly American ballet with American choreography, costumes, sets and music. · Under hls direttion, the 'San Francisco Ballet-llas abo ·become & truly in- . termtloMI company .. Three it.ours under . the-rshipof1heV. s. s~te Depart· 1 rpegt...'f>ave taken the dancers to tbe Far Eas~ LjlUn Arneri~a, the Nej!r E&jl and . Norlb·Alrlca. By TOM TITUS Of Ille O.llJ P'tlM St•n "I didn 't care much about being famous ," Barbara Warburton says of her half doz.en years as an active p~ fessional actreu. "I jusl wanted to work with good people.'' That she did. Jn her l::rief career before marriage and motherhood intervened, she shared !he stage as Barbara Lord with such luminaries a,, Maurice Evaiu. Peter Uatinov , Edward Mulhare , James Gamtr and Edith Evans, as well u a host of television start, before her pro- lesaional life "died" with her ln the arm1t of Manbal Dillon on "Gun.smoke." 1be wife ol a HW1tlngt.on Beach physi- cian since 1981 and the mother of four children-born five yean apart, Barbara l.ord WArburton has had tittle time for acting since that propbeUc gum shot. But wtth the youngaten all out or dlapers now. she may llOOn try her band at theater on the community level. PORING OVER the scr1pbooi her mother kept oo her ("I never bothered to save any cUpplnp"), Barbara traces her llage Carter beck to her teen-ace years at the American Academy of Dramatic Arta In New York -the city 5he ca lls home though ahe was born in Chlcaao - and a children's production of "The Wizard ol Oa." Barbara played the role of Glinda, the &ood witch. In that 1how, while the cowardly lk>n wa1 portniyed by one of htr best friends of thll lime -a youn5 movie nut named Peler Bogdanovich, who JS year1 later w11 to capture th!! Oa var of that pmoo on rum In "The Lut Picture Show." Both ahe and Bogdanovich won 1rbolanh!P1 to the A m e r I c 1 n ShUespeare Felllval In Stratford. Vt., thal year, and Barbara rtcelved some fn. li&ht Into the mental -klnp ol the Mutt movie 1tt1IUJ. 'WORK WITH GOOO PEOPLE' Acfrfll Barb.re Lord W•rburton and ~ 1r he rtmembered hi• prom~ ... "-'hlle Bogdnnovlch's lnl ertttJ: nn to the motion picture, Barbara put her at.age training to work frnm IYA to 19111. She crbscroutd the country In a oumbrr of 11oct productions and wadcnt~ Juliet In the 8l'Oldway produl'tk>n of Peter U1Unov'1 "Romanoff and Jullee," playing the rolt on acvtral ~uk!N. She a l'° made about :ti> 1pparancu In lelev!Mon dwine I.he medlwn'• more notabh~ dl)'I 11 1 ahowcue for dramalk .. 1mt, pl1 yir13 In the U.S. Steel !lour, Alcoa rtaytiouw, Alfrtd 111 t c h c ot t Prelenll and , vf OOUl'1e, Gun.smoke. ORIGINAL LAGUNA BEACH ART' ASSOCIATION·OALLl llY "Peter ,,.., alw.,-. Jeamlng," she rec.lb. ''At rehel,...11 when other actors weren 't busy they would clown around, but Pelu would alwa)'I sit ln the au- dience, qulttly ohl<rvtn&. He WU I Y<rf lntrolpectlve Youn& man." "I STARTED oul u a ~avy dramatic ftctrt;U, Vtty lfrioul," Barblf'I says. "and lhen toM of iravttattd Into cunedy. I dorf t 1hlnt I could do 1001e of Ow tlUnp lhey'ri! doin1 on the prol.......,t J1aCt. oow. l'nullll very purltaMlcll. tn my CUlloot, I gut11 " By BARBARA KREIBICJI Under a three-phase program, at· ' ot _. e-ny .,., ... ••ett tentlon first will be given to bringing an- At the rlpe,ag&d 54, the Laguna Beach Uquated Rtumbing and electric wirlog up Art Assoclation1la getting a new lease on to code: Two new wings will provIBe ute. space for a pennanent loundtrs' gallery, Just half a dozen years ago the Art with worts ol early Laguna 1artist1, a Association, seoOOd oldest In the state print gallery, enlarged sales gallery , (Carmel's is older ) was so down on its ·storage space, oflictB and pa(klng atta. luck It offered to ICll Its elderly Clif[ A total o1 •,3111 oquare fitt •ill be edd· Drive_aat..O. to the clly for '1 t0>eteapt f'I to·the galklry'1 lmlsuiic.J.!!IO oqul!" an inluppottablt tax burden. • feet . t l · Today ti has a new name, the J.11!111"' Fim phuc if·u4-'projetl will -111 Beach Muaeum ol Art, and a new,outJook estlma"'1 154,000, of whlcb $40,000, that tncludea • Y<ry, real pi.ls for • alrtt<17 ts Pkdled. '11ts 111Clodel fl3,IOO $200,000 expallslon aJ\d ~l)abllljitloo pro-tn cub, of ·,.hJd> 1 CU.O\IO eub - gram. · 1 was made by the James lrvlnl Fotlto- Thfngs be&lil lo look up """' the _. dalion. • ty .,.....r was persuaded lo Ughton the Laguna'• Ftsilv11 ol Aru, whlcb wu tax load Oil the 1allcty'1 •aluabl< Heliler ort&Jnated by the Art Allodlllon In t~ Park IOCltlon by l'«Olllliiirl1ItII1 noo-bu prnmiltd up lo 111,000 in•Jlllld1Jng prom cultunl enllty, 11 1i.te and federal lundt, to be paid in lncmnonts ol llUIO tu__..,tbor-alrtldy hod ----oVel'-+-.)'el~ ported. - A membenhlp drive nlUndtd up more , The ll>creased txhlbillon tpaOt w1U than 1,000 paid members and 1 gallery mako It -ible, 11)'1 gallery dlloclor entry fee helped balonoe tbl budget Tbomu Enman, to c11'r to •II &rtlotlc The board of dlr<ctors, \nlaraed from llslel b7 providing llrnullllleoul elhlblt1 nine mcmbtrl to 12 l.auncbed a fWKI or modtm and traditional an. At drl"e to rehablllta!e the londmark preoeo~ mu<h ol the pllery'1 p<nnanent gallery, bullt in flll9 IOd enlarged lwlce, colt«tion o/ workt by foundtt 1rtilll has in UHi and 195L to he stored or dlipl17ed 11 othor ' . locatlons.. . Valuable--art works recel•ed -11 Slits. Including a Q.enoir, a Vlam~k and a \Vye th , are ctfrenUy stortd ln tbe vault. 1be name change from Art Aaoclatliln to Museum ot Art. Jays Entn1n. · b tx· pcctcd to ladlitate re<tlpt •of,' euh ond nrt gilll lrom priv1te donors whole sup- port ls essc:n¥al for main~ of tbe- lacitity. "°*"-~lo ,....i • --E~I ·-.. .-Otloo ol "'bl explaJaod lfowews:, em:pbs ew, ''The Art Allodlllon ~ -the """"'"8>111 lor M ,_. K'1 much too nluoble lo be -droP CMll "' lllht. Our ... ,., will be JDtth 1Jb lhlt al 1be Por1lald Mlll01llll lod'the PwtlMd Art "-la-ui:in... • The~-ald-. -1d -all of Orlqe ~!Y. •blch <UmoU, hat onlJ --rollle" m\lltt.lm, tht Bowtn Jn S&ata Au, whk:b 111• ltt·einillouts Otl hlllory. ' Undtr tliel oew plan, hall al the mU>eUm l'<Jllld be ~t 0p<n to the publlc, r ... ~charat, wbllt the hllanco -1d ltlYt a pllo ry lor rotalln& lrl lhoWI IOI' hich odmJmlon -kl be charjed. 1be early Laguna artlstl held their nm fonn11 exblb111on of painUnp in the old Town Hall on July 2'1, 1111 Ind the Art AuoclatJon Wll locorporated 8J & nonprofit or&anliatloo tn mo. The land 111 whlcb the pJltry lllndl WU dooiltd by Mt. odd Mrt. llowurd G. lf<iller Ind fillldt 10 bullet the plll't)' in 11111 .... titted by ..... 1-t. """1!""' *"'Mn. J..-1..h!.r •t~ 'i: Ill " fllntr.llWD~ ..... al 1--n...li 0..-. ....... Ibo pillorfto ... ..-i 1111 oad In l•t I lltW lddltJaa WU openod ID -·~--Ion "' ..,ty 1"cma Belch polattn. lloay -!tom othor .... "" ....... """' .-.. the_t_' la 1111 Ibo Art A.ctotloo .... II> -la ......... the Lquna -..... ,., Art, -has Ollttlttd _..., ..... 1111. In lddliton IO nplor mtmbmldp lllld r.......,i -lhowt, J1>e t.ac-a•lltlJ .....u, 1a the -. a1 the Ca!Voml1 N1llooll W11tr<olot so:~ Elblblt ... the All CalllGmla -· of wlddl clrrw-to -al t,IOO thll ,..,, SK8 TEU.S ol the lime Bocd•novlch look her to tee 1 IKnfrllnl: ol ·~Camille" -and ot learning l•t~ that ii wu the 1hlrd llrne he'd tttn It that wtek. It wu then. the rectlls, that Ptier told her "()no cloy I'm IOinl 14 1111le 1 movie ol Tree' !the GollwMhy abort 8...ctwoy muotcatJ Ind to plo y lhe wtle.'' lttl,..,.,ly 11uo1 he ... nnouy lhat Olm," lbe smf'9. almott l'"'pkd '° call him Terrlriff 0''""""1 ._,,, tM time he watchM Allen Furit mow Mt undlill ce""'' lnte 1 W h II t Pl11M; N.Y. -..... , •• ".lo O'Fl1her1y, '""t ....... fflled 111_,io 11 •lt<!uhl"t t h 1 wlm fw the llfltll"t •"" the ' UrMrl. ..Ctftee.llmttit h a ..... tf time." S.. ttOty on P ... 21 I • Of 1111 htr 11age and vldro Cffdlb, Rarbeni ii proudc!lt o( a ftle\•llian pro. duction she made f0< the Conldlon Br09dcutint Corupony, • revlnl d Otclr Wil~'s "Tha lnlpor1JUICt! of ~ Kom<st " She plli)-.d c.dly, one al lhe l•-o .love lntuau, ln 1 cut that lnduded Dame Edllh ~vans, t:ctward Mulbare ud Palrlck Mocntt, all tt:uoned Dl1tllb porlo<mus. l'or !he pos1 drcode, honv0<, !tor career bu a>nlllled of beUll Mn. Jolto <;. YO'arturltn. Whol To Do Chi...._ • lndlon si.w o-, ....... 1 '"Ge41pellH Prl-~to< In the 0.llerlff TV lot Modffn Helwew Sh""-" .. . ' f OAJL Y PILOT Fr1di1, Ottober b, 1CJ72 W1Mrt .!,! Do~ Wlaere to Go Big Bear Goes bermari for -Annual Oi: otierf es TflllQllGll OCf, I aJG BRA• u.p • tMI Annu~l OkU>berfest realuring u <:flr- n!Yal, boollil, fulk d~cea, polluls, German bands. be<:,. drinking oontH111 it Qfrmail buffet and a beauty contclli. lfeld al Snow 8'!111mlt blft1 11011ih o! State Road 18 oo Sum· inll Boulevard on twt_pu~slve weekends. THl\OllDH OCTOBER "L.A. ZOO -Featuring animals of the world, tbe Los Angc'.es Zoo is open every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Griffith Park. Take Los Feliz turnoff the Golden State Freeway. THROUGll OCTOBER • MOTORCYCLE RACING -Every Sunday at Escape Coun· try. Take San Diego Freeway to El Toro Road, follow the signs 13 miles east. Races start at 9 a.m. cash prizes and trophies. ocr. s MONSTER PICl'URE DAY -Realistic settings of horror and fright wil l be open to photographers to take pictures or roving monsters at the admission price of 50 cents, at the Los Angeles Photo Center, 412 S. Parkview, from 1 to 4 THROUGH OCTOBER BEE TREE - A live bee tree highlights the exhibit at the Valley Plaza Nature Center, 6911 Laurel Grove, North HolJy. wood. Minerals, Indian artifacts and live reptiles are fea· tured in the new nature musewn open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, except Sunday. THROUGH OCTOBER 'rRAVEL TOWN -~rtation vehicles of all types and vintage are on display at 4730 Crystal Springs Dr., Los An. Indians PmeWow Rare and expensive are the exquisite pieces of Indian iewelry shown by Bar· hara BrudeHn. Sioux, Zuni and Santi> Domin· go Indians carved the jewelry out of turqu<r ise and silver which will be displayed at Chatt's American In- dian and Western Relic Show Oct. 13-15 al the Great Western Exhibit Center. gc les. The unique town offers trolley tours around the park ind allows children to play on the reties. Open 7 days a week. THROUGH OCTOBER CHRISTIAN CONCERT -Every Saturday at tbe Calvary Chapel tent at the <.."Olllel' of Fairview Road and Sunflower Sll'e('I, Costa Mesa, begiMing at 7:30 p,m. Appearing Oct. 7, Chuck Butler and The Children of the Day ; Oct. 14, Bart l'cak and Love Song; Oct. 21 , Becky Rife and Mustard Seed F<iith ; and Oct. 28, Selah with Debbie Kerner. Admlssion free. ocr. '" Allt SHOW -2nd annual Lancaster mow at Fox Airfield from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., dally. Sky diving, gllden, hot air ballooos. aerobatic flying and military exhibitions of pre- c1s1on flying. ocr. s lllSTORICAL VEIUCLES -3rd Annual National Show for cars. trucks, and motorcycles built between 1928-1948; shown at Cars of the Stars Mu.seum, 8920 Orangetborpe, Buena Park. ocr.1 FOL~ DANCIN~ -UCI folk dancers meet every Sunday from 7·10 p.m., in Crawford Hall . Dances of Greece, Yugo- slavia, Israels and the world taught, in adWtion to regular teaching of beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers. ocr. 1 COUNTRY WESTERN -2nd Anniversary Coocert and Dance, Anahtlm Convention Center. Starring Jerry Lee Lewis. ocr. s DIXIELAND MUSIC -Jazz Incorporated will hold Its regu- lar monthly meeting Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Elks Bldg., 211 E. Olapman Ave .. Orange. FeatW'ed group for the meetlng will be Ed Lead! and his 14-plece Zula Street Paraders. Public is invited to attend. ocr. n-t5 INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW -The Forum in Ing! .. wood filth show to benefit City o! Hope. 600 horses compet. ing for biggest prize money in U.S., plus trophies and rib- bons. Night performanC<S, Wednesday lhroogh Sunday, at 7:30 p.m. Matloees, Saturday and Sunday, at 1 :30 p.m. All seats, $5.25, 14-25, 13.25, and $2.25. Children under l6 ball· prit"e. ocr. 11-15 AUl'O SHOW -9th Annual Orange County Intemational pn!9elltatioo at Anaheim C..veotioo Cent.er. Dol!le!llc and foreign c:ara, aloog ·with factory displays, prototypes, reo. reattmal vehicles, campen and trucb. AduJt.a, $2; Juniors 1.2-18, $1; and chlldren under 11, free. ocr. 11-15 FULLERTON FEST1V AL OF ARTS -Muctenthale!' Cultur· al Center, 119 Buena Vista Dr., Fullerton, beginning at 10 a.m., Saturday and ending 7 p.m. Sunday. Featured are ootdoor aria.and crafta booths. Juried watercolor e:dl!bltloos in the Main Bldg., puppet shows, band concert, dance per-- fonnances, choral groupo _... llatll per!,,_, oor, fl.II INDIAN SHOW -Arnerlc..;f-j lll!d. )1'•111'111 Relic Show takes place al the Great W , 1 ll!ltl'll ctnt.r in Loi ~ 1eles for a three-day run, U.il, µ, ,.dlao Pow Wow featuring a variety of dance.rs *t qi,klrf)ll tribal COltume:I JI the main attraction aloog with an tndlan handicraft dlsplay. AdmJ53ion, $1.75 v:ith Indians in costume admitted free. Doors open dally &I noon. THROUGH ocr. 14 SOUND OF MUSIC -Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Im An· geles Muslc Center. Popular Rogers and Hammerstein ml)- sical lllarrlng Sally Anoe Howes and Bob Wrl&bt. ocr .. u FABRIC FAii\ -Orange Coo.st Evening Colltge.at tbe Stu- dent Center. An educational program featuring fabric dis-- plays, demonstrations and lectures, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Open lo the public, admissloo ts free. THROUGH ocr. It OOEl\NA110NAL FESl'J~ .U. -'Crall displays, foll: music and dl!lclng to celebrate -Ing of foor floors ol boutiques and restauranta in Atlantic>Rlcbfleld · Plaza, Figueroa !l'ld Filth Street, Los Angel ... 111ROUGH OCT. 15 PLANETARIUM SHOW -"Flytng Saucers and UFO's" will be tbe subject ol diacussloo at Griffith Park's Planotlllium. Admlsslon ts 12 for adults and 50 cents for those under JB. For obowtlmes and ...,.. lnfortnaUon, call (213) 164-1191. Candid Courthouse Antics Caught By Tem:ntt O'Flaberty Fifteen years ago Allen Funt made a discovery that turned him into a millionaire: people are fu.My when they are ag- gravated. By posing as an employe in hundreds ol custorneF~ented businesses he managed to draw Academy Award performmices out of people who never knew they were fwmy before -and pro~ ably haven't been fuMy since. While Funt was talk.i~ about "Candid Camera" on the Dick Cavett Show one night recently, I ?<Called my own experience with the show y-. ago. I bad elljll'USed disbel1el and Funt dlallenged . ' me to come and see far myself. The ecene was the L'ic!nse Bureau of the county courthouse of White Plains, N.Y., a typical collection of o v e r heated, high-ceilinged rooms fil led with lines of weary people waiting to get marriage licenses, building permits, drivers' licenses and other' passports necessary for travel tlwoogb 20tb Century bureaucracy. A member of Funt's crew sat alongside the clerk at one of ttie final dieck-out windows. Whenever anyone reached the count.er wbo appeared to be a suit.able victhn he nudged the clert who sent him to a room · Cal State ' Begins Dance Festival on the secoOO 1 floor for "ad- ditinnal t>sting." (Funt ... plained: "Only a certain type is good for Ille show. They can't be too <ilmb or it looks as if we're b.ploiting tmm. When tlley're wise to the gag they show it very soon and that can Ile fuMy too. The anger is not l'lhat's funny ; it's tbe reaction.") Inside the room Funt sat at one desk and fidgety old Marion L«ne sat nearby behind a nameplate that said "Miss Flora Gnunback." 'Ille place was lighted by foor 151J.. watt floodlights strung witbout any attempt to conceal the wires. (O>ncealment is a waste of time according to Funt.) 'lbe first t.o arrive was a short, stocky chap named O'Brien. He 1 I v e d in Musachaaetts but be was air plying for a New York license so he could drive bis sister's car when he visited her in White Plains. Obviously this situation was just far eoough away from the regular licem- lng routine to ~ out the despotic l<ndenci<!s wblch lie so ctooe to tbe surface o! all city employes. Funt made the most ol It. He asked him why he wanted to visit his sister in the first pia<:e and wily oouldn't SHE do the drl~? Besides , what's the matter with using the bos? He ooocluded by sug- gesti~ that the man come back next Monday. "L<lok!" cried O'Brien. "I been here three . b our s already!" Funt explained that be persooally wanted to grant the lieeme but under such special circumstances he would have to call in Miss Grurnba:ck who was an authority on out.of- state. matters. After Miss Grumback had given him the business, referring to all sorts of statutes, he was ready to fiip. To top it off, when Funt let him In on the gag, be had never heard of ''Candid Camera!" It was Foot's turn to burn. Television Special Sings of 'VD Blues' Children, ·Bused to Ballet . ; Tniosportatlon ts being of· feted to the children's matinee ol the San Francisco Ballet Com:pany at 2 p.m. Sonday, Oct. 15, in the community theater, Golden West College. The bos, provided by the Fine Arts Committee o f Newport Beach, wlll Ieeve .at 2 p.m. [rom Mariners Library. 2005 Dover Drive. Newport Beach. Adults. enlisted from the Newport Ballet Associa· lion and the Division ol Beach. Parks and Recreation. will supervise the bus and the block seating at the theater. nckets for \be eyen t, which includes transpoltalion, are $2.50 for children and aduls. ~fr!. Andrew Carey is ac- cepting reservations for the bul ride and matinee at 642- 9416. Bus will return al 4:30 p.m. Mrs. Carey, a member or the Newport Beach Fine Arts Committtt. is responsible ror upcomi ng ex hibits at Marine,.s Library. She is atten1plin1.t l() Introduce all of the art form s, "the pt:"rforming as y,•c!l as the visual arts." The theme-of the first show, which runs through October, ls Ballet ... the Total Art Form. Through historical and con- temporary information, she hopes to show "that ballet is more than just dance.'' Chinatown Celebrates With Parade, Festival A balleA. demonstration and filn1 will be presented at 4, p.m. Friday. Nov. 10, in the lih rary's multiUW"POse room. The fllm wUl feeture h tem11tionally k now n Soill Aryola and Leri Ahonen ol•the Na tional Finnish Ballet and the San F'rancisco Ballet Com- 1mnv who will perform ex- t..'l!rpl.oi from ballet classics. * Al• ......... ,"'"' • , ...... °'* .... .;., .. . ,..,,..,. . ~ "-'"· Tb• w .... ~ Olcktt " Finn\ Bool!atore Servin.fl: ~Jl(ornle Siilnc<!iililjll&l .. J ............ j Come Mi! and skate wilb ut durlng our special preview tlme.s -~o,..~oot1_..-ir_ 9 A.Jiii, • 1 iP.if. Sat., Oct. 7 -Wed., <)ct. II. 0//LY I I I ' I GRAND OPENI G OCT. 16~ ICE CAPADES CHALET i M ... Vlfde Sliopl .. Ctttflf 2101 HorbO< llff. · Colla M-, CaRf. '2'26 TeL 17141 979·1110 Where To Go Looking for somewhere to go, something to do? No one gives you better tips than the WEEKENDER. It's publish· ed every Friday in the DAl- L Y PILOT. LOOK AT OUR SPECIALS! No wond•r we do e land office business! You not only get low prices, but you 9et N.wport Produce Quality, that hes made us "nationally accl•imed The World's Finest Produce Housel" Come See, Come Sevel SINSllLY PRICID HllE ALWAYS L~S HERE COMPARE OUI PRICIS ················~············· • MARGAltlTI • OUTDOOR GROWN • GORGEOUS • DAISIES • MARIGOLDS • FRESH CUT • • • ROSES • • • • 6in. .'~. • 6ft6 119 • 8 to 10 9-• • ~ --• -,. hach • lnchn 7• DDL • • • • Lon9 • • Limit 2 • Limit 2 • Limit 2 Doz. • • With Thl1 Coupen • With Thi1 Cou,.n • With Thia Coupen • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ENJOY A I ALAD INJOY THISI NOW INJOY A SAL.AD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • LA.IT i' • LA.IT O' THI YIAI • GITTING LA.ROii NOW a • TOMATOES • CASABAS or • ICOElG : : SALAD $IZI : WATERMELON : LETIUCE • • •• CHl,ARY • 4c Lb. • 1 sc· la. • : I 9C lo1 : Llmlt .r la<h : Limit J : -----i.1Mlr:r-if IRtr---W1th Th• Cou,." Wltfrl 1"11 c....,... • 8 With Thl1 C.u,_. 8 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COUPONS IXl'IU OCTOID 11, 1 '72 In th•ir n•v•r •ncUn9 '••rch to glvt th•ir c:u1tom•r1 th• fln••t th••• r•1ttur1nt1 l•rv• N•wport Produc:el Patroni1t them, you'll ntYtt re9tat itl 0,. St••a. Newport; Shh .... leet, Newport; llltlt'1 Dtl, Coit• Mt1a; ...... L..lr, New- port; FW!ttm•, Huntington Bt•ch •n~ over JOO othtt1. How •bout your ,,.Wn9 u1? "Ol'OnQ< Cownty1 ra1iu1 CrowlftQ ProdUCf on4 l'lowtr OrQO•fzaffon• NIWPORT PRODUCE Opt11 7 .,..,. • W ... I ....._ to I ...... UU N'owport ... 1-4 oo HM roo ...... -67M711 ,,,..n1 '7M2tl 113.~ Ye(lrl of ProdtlCt Know Ho to .. IOHDlO FIUtT SHI ,,EA fOA JI TfAll;S "Whe,. QtAalltrf II lllo Order of lh• HoMle" " ' . l=rlGay, October ~. 1972 DAILY PILOT %:f She ~ha2es Up Show BOSTON I Al> l -Being quick and clever helps get a role in "Godspell ," says Nina Faso, who should know , since she is director of productions of the my,sical in Boston. \l.'ashington. Los Angeles and Paris, 1'"'rance. "Basically we look for peo- ple who are Quick, clever, can sing, dance{ pantomime well and look well. not just cute ... ," Miss Faso said. "America is unique in finding young actors with those at· tributes." Casting the Paris production took a long time , she elaborated, because "French Productio 1i Cliief Keeps Spell iii 'Godspell' actors don't have a musiclll comedy background. ''Their stage background is i n slraight drama or opera. The Paris production is in French, and Miss Faso, who speaks French and Italian in addition to Englisfl, spent t\YO months there adapting the show with a bilingual translator. In between such new pro- ductions, 1'.1iss Faso, who is Z3. returns to the ones she opened earlier to see bow they are going. The idea is t.o "make sure the show hasn•t gotten out of shape," she said. Her usual metnod is to "drop Jn on a performance and call a rr-hea.rsal for the next day," at which she talks to the st.n ff. "Usually I try to stay for three performances," s h e said. Another one apt to drop in on a performance Is the creator of the show and the director of the original pro- duction in New York, John Michael Tebelak. As for differences in the original Tebe.lnk-<lirected show and in productions a h e directed, ~1iS8 Faso sald, "The concept of directing in New York Tebelak's Is right." She said, "Yoo don't change the concept. It Is there for all time." \Vhere the productions differ is in the di£ferent actors, she pointed out. "So much of the show is im- provisalion. thnt productions or singing to an extent dep."nd oo 11o·ho is selected for the cast.·' Miss F:iso met Tehclak while both were students ut <.;."lrnegie-~iellon Univer.s1ty in Pittsburgh. Tebelak began "'Orking in "Godspe\I" as a master's thesis at t he University. She acted in his sho" s at a summer repertory cemp Jn Ohio. and alter grad111tlJli with honors. she wvrked with a ulirical lmprovl3ational group In San Franclsco. and three months bet'otti the May, 1971 , opening of "Godspell" In New York, she jolnod Tebelllk there to he.Ip. wlUl the original production. "I stay"1 with 'G«bpoll" because I lovt tbe show," ahe said. addi~ that she alaio likes the producers. and "I can't cc.:nplain about the money." She enjoys acting, end said she ~'Ot•ld like to start pro- dul'ing some day, to:>. "I like w1ylhing in the rheatcr,'' she said. "If a pro- duction cxcit~ me. I'll paint scenery, I'll do anything." Ivy Tigers Turn Thespian Editors Note -FoT the f-iTst time in 226 yeaTs, stit· dents at ivy-dappled Pri11ce- to11 can take courses ii~ theater. The new thespic thrust could irritate conser- vative scholars, but Tiger· town is looking for success. NOTHING LIKE THEH EYER SHH BEFO!lE.THE FUNNY.WOMOlRfUl By WILLIAM GLOVER PRINCETON, N. J . (AP) - Among the values of Princeton University's new theater thrust, carrot-thatched Daniel Seltzer calmly I i s t s the abrasive factor . "The practice of t h e performing arts on any cam· pus can always be something of an irritant to conservative scholars," he concedes, "but it can be an exciting quotient, and doesn't have to be un- friendly. [};[],~~ ~ IB/illl®o THEY PLAY POPULAR SONGS Of THE DAY IN TIHE ANO TUNE ON 1116 COHH!lff lllM$$ BANO -.ANO TlllY Alll UIUOU Tltllll A -0-llolNOlltN Circus ' In Tow11 Recalling the spirit of the Big Show in the lat.e 19th century, a special collection of period circus posters is on display on the mall of Fashion Is1and Newport Cen'er from now through Nov. 12. The · giant posters portray sawdust and canvas and some of the ;,greatest shows on earth." Seltzer, down from 15 years or tutelage at that other ran1- part of ivy-dappled culture, Harvard, is an English pro- fessor who heads tbe faculty COCKTAJLS ENTERTAIN MEN) Ht,luMi Quallty Open 7 Days N011 .. Mubn F-U Jii~ W ... Dtrys: 11 :30 A.M. to 12:JO ft-I. oftd Sot. 11 :30 "A.M. to 1 :30 s.,,.c1oys: 4:00-11 MIDNIGHT NOW APPEARING ROBERT YORK DUO $tartin9 Tun., Sept. tf EVE EVANS Notff So!MJ Stylhr 9093 E. ADAMS, HUNTINGTON BEACH 962.7911 NEW1 ~ 1rht ~upper l'arlonr • -0 :_/. ~'11£,;g ~(13 ~// · Diue i11 Exquisite Old IY!orld At111osphere LUNCH ~ DINNER-COCKTAILS BAN.QUET FACILITIES WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS UNDER NIW MANAGEMENT SONDAY IRUNCH 11 A.M. • J P.M. For Reser'°ations Call 638-7250 10381 Garde" 'rove Blvd., Garden Grove MEADOWLARK COUNTRY CLUB Lark Room DINNER SPECIALS Choic• 1f Soup or S1l1d 81k•d Pol•lo ot RiC9 Pi1•f e 61tlic:: l r••d B•"•r•IJ• e D•n•tf committee in charge o r 1'igcrtown's carefully plotted draina refonn . After several decades of in- forma l theatrical activity, the university has posted $100.000- augmented with Rockefeller and Mellon foundation grants-for establishment of a professional resident acting company as an integral part of undergraduate facilities. l'~or the first time in Prince- ton's 226 years, courses are open to students in thespic topics. starting with acting and later to include playwriting a n d directing. Cast members are to be class instructors. Seltzer stresses a desire to avoid traditional educational theater n1ethod. "The practicing a r t i s t doesn't deal with the end .prod- uct as an art, which is what a professor dea ls with and teaches,'' asserts 39.year-old Seltz.er. "He deals with why art changes and why it tries lo make civilization change. The people 'A'ho practice and tea ch these fcrm s are likely to be unconventional." The program. b e i n g Jaunced with the fall term and Oct. 26 premier of the acting company, has been instituted after a more or Jess agonizing reappraisal to determine Just how much attenUon and funds t h e collegiate corporation should allot to drama. For 10 years. Princeton tried several types of resident repertory boo!ting in the hft'Carter T h e a t e r . the school's 1,100-seat Gothic auditorium. There was never any effort. however. to n1nke ii an adjunct of the teaching curriculum. A one-year titne out from drama was taken last year. a., Seltzt!:r puts it "so the university could find out H it was gelling its artlstic 4oll:irs' 'vorth. and if the operation could be made organic to the undergraduate oommunlty. ·· Student interest In the new NOW SERVING 24 HOURS DAILY CAPTAIN'S TABLE COFFEE SHOP P"-l»-2770 . c:..Airporter C/nn C"Liot·J· 117o0"MAC: ARTHUR BLVD .. -n• ...... (~lie~ II"'°") N~'#.-OllT ~ ~elccled CaUfonoio .-.~ S or /111po rted \Viues Broiled Sahnon Steak $3.00 Evtry Monday Nitt: Ladies with Escort * Price oii a11y menu iten1 with This Ad. OPEN DAILY 11 :JD r\.M. LUNCH DINNI• setup has been sho1vn '\'it h over 200 applicants for the launch-off courses u1 acting: ,styl('S. About 50 stud1•nt s "'ere accepted. Next spriog, Jean- Claude Van ltallie, a highl y praised n1ember of the younger dramalist battalion, will tutor a \\'riling seminar. "\'1e \'Cry mutil have an awareness of feeling our "'a)'." Seltz.er says of !he en- \'isloned expansion of drama courses during the next three to five years. "'nle University is not on the verge of creating a full -fled ged drama department.'' h1ight Princeton eventual\v aspire lo compete artistlcallY with ii! ancient ivy league rival. )'ale, wflich has lung had one of the coun1ry·s rank- ing graduate dran1a school~. "There is no rivalry," smiles Seltzer, "Although one does learn a great deal from the experience or 01her universi- ties." "There are iOme star name-~ LEADS ACTING COURSE Prof. Daniel Seltzer lurking 111 vur spring plannini:. :ind for the rear after we \v11I have some household names. But they will nt!Ver be hired ju.~t for the gllttcr. We won"t l'Tilploy them unless they also happen to he wry talented people ." Real Cantonese Food eat here or t11ke home STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st Pl.,"Newport Beach ORlole J.9560 o,_ YHt At••-' Deity 11·11-ffl. "4 Set. 'fll J •·• 496-5773 499-2626 EN fERTAl'IMENT T,.•M•r fluu S•tur4•¥, l 1JO to !:JO BRANDIE BRANDON DUO of 'ijCht ~htl.sta '5ar WEDNESDAY -Top Sirloin Steak -·-·---·--------$2.tS Dw9'ey ,_.'-...., 11:11 THURSDAY -Prime Rib --------·····-··----·-····--------$3.40 SHIP AHOY a.,_. 1....,. Day• I ·=· ... ,,,,,.. 6,JO pm I "Promage a la Raclettc"(Swilurland .. .s '"'"' """"'°',.,, dlsll) and "Fondue Chablis" (with 4 ipttial dip1) /.fore than a Snock ... U!u than a Di"11« . S delightful Jiostencs 10 &reel & K111'C )'DU ENTERTAINf\tENT TALENTED VOCAL GurrARIST I BOB ~tOLINB I I I I I I I I 1 26Q Vi. CST HWY., ~T OCH. L-------- \ r FRIDAY -Beef Strogenoff ·······'·-······-·······--···· $2.tS LUNCH e DINNll e SUNDAY llUNCH SATURDAY -Tournedos of Beef ····---···-·-·----$3.25 31727 so. COAST HWY .. SO. LAGUNA 11 .,., 4 _,..-.. f ill•·•· .4 , .•• SUNDAY -2 l obster T11 ils ·········-····---············· $5.10 (NIAi MONARCH IAY} 4tf.HOO J2102 C·OA.ST HWY. Ill C-V1.., ,.._••JI Orange Co1u1t11'• Top Et1ter1alt1t11ent 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=1~~~Lr\~G~U~N;A~N~l~G~U~f~L===~=~ JOE LIGGENS Th• Orltlnel HoneyDrl,,.,. with WILLY JACKSON ' 81nqu•f f•i:il ill11 11p to 4SO P•ople 1t712 GU.HAM AYINUI IAt W.....,t f'tUNTINGTON IU.CH C7l41146-ltl6 1213} lt2·1fl4 ., 'GERMAINE' ... ... ROMAN BROTHERS ARE HIRE IN SANTA ANA • DINNER DAILY S P.M. 'Iii 11 P.M. • BUFFET LUNCHES MONDAY thru FRIDAY • SUNDAY BRUNCH 9 A.M. 'ta 2 P.M. ol Santa Ana 1600 E<JM Fird Strnt ol Royal Jn,,. Hotel SEAFOOD GIOTTO ........ ._ ph-(714) 815-8545 SU NOA Y JAM SESSION -2 P.M. Specializing in SEA FOOD also STEAK • Rack of Lamb AS PREPARF.D llY OUR NEW . AND NEWPORT'S Wt;l.I, KNOWN Cll t:t• SAT. & SUN. BRUNCH LUNCH 11.3 e DINNI• S.11 ........ ....., .................. c- tt0.i1:1; , ........ J .... -- 675-7760 100 Main St., 1a1boo ,. HENRY JONES t'ormerly or lhe VILLAGE INN AND BALBOA INN I c i a I ) • ' • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. 1 2~4,,__=D=Al=LY.cc_Pl=LD~T.cc_~~~~~~-'='="'~Y=· °':.:::''°":::.:.=b=·~l9::_:72 Nightly Dinner Sp ecials $~9S 400 MAIN, BALBOA PENINSULA PLENTY OF PARKING I 673-4633 THE BLACK KNIGHT RESTAURANT INTIMATE DINING COCKTAILS • DANCING SEAFOOD BAR ENTERTAINMENT Open Daily 10 A.M. to 2 A.M. Lunch 11 :30 to 3 Popul~~'~•~ond JERRY LAMBUTH 330 EAST 17TH STREET COSTA MESA 548-7791 t\.1'-\. Announces the opening of ~llr The ~~ LIVING ROOM We have soft music, beautiful people, deli- cious cocktails, relaxing atmopshere, and dancing. We are sure you'll enjoy our den, too. ENTERTAINMENT BY RONNIE VERGE 130 E. 17th St.. Cost• Mesa --646-3666 ~~ •PECIALS Served Monday, Tuesday, Wedn~sday, Thursday RED SNAPPER .................. 1.95 GRILLED SEA BASS ............• '2.25 MAHI MAHI . . . . • • . . . . . . 2.25 TOP SIRLOIN ...........••• , .... 2.45 NEW YORK STEAK . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2.95 LOBSTER TAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95 STEAK AND LOBSTER . . . . . . • . . . • 4.95 dinlMl'I include salad, garlic cheest toast. dloit:• of baked pot1ro or rice Hawai"M 11U11 ~ C-t Highway_ Hl,lllClngtOl'I Be.ell !21~ 6"2-1321 lurrch~on • dinner • banquetr ~= ... Jor<hebest Food -Cocktells -Entertainment -Doncin9 Now Appearing CHAPTER Ill DON-JESSE-DAVE Tund•y thru Sunday 1:45-1 :30 OPEN DAILY lrffkf11t -Lunc:h -Dinner -Sunday l ru"ch EARLY IU FFET DINNER--$3.25 to $-1.25 Salad Bar -Chol('c-of 7 hot entrC<'S Sundays--4 to 7:30 p.m.-Mon.-,rlday-J..7:30 p.m. 31106 COAST HWY .. SOUTH LACOUNA -499-2663 Ample ParkinllJ ha the Galleries Adams -wate rcolors at Hatch Dec k THE UATCH 01-:CK GAU.ERV -2630 "D" Avon St., New- port Beach. Watercolors by Harvey C. Adams through ~ ber. Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from IO:SO a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays, Fridays and evenings by appoint- ment only. Ca11 8"-1178 for appointment!. FOUNTAIN VAU.EY UBRARY, 10200 Slater Ave., Foun- tain Valley. Acrylic palnttngs by Nina Rubanov of Fountain Valley. Through Nov. 1. uPSTAJRS GALLERY, Edwards Newport Cinema, Fashion Island. ~ii palntlngs Dy Mary Ellen Greelman of Newport Beach. Through October. GOLDEN WEST COLI.EGE -1S714 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. National Invitational Jewelry and Fiber Es.hibit by 20 leading craftsmen from west and east coasts, through Oct. 18. Jewelry elhibiton, whose styles range from primitive to streamlined and classical. participated in Aiental Experience Show last spring at Oakland Afuseum, largest silversmith show oo west coast. Open daily noon to 5 p.m. except Saturday, and Wednesdays, 7·10 p.m. ~tARINERS LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. Early Newport Beach historical pictures includes pictures o( Lido Isle when it was mud Oats and open areas will be on exhibit through October, collected by the Newport Beach Historical Society. JACK GLENN GALLERY -2831 E. Coast Hwy, C-Orona del li1ar. On exhibit through Oct. 20, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily, color field paintings by Allen McCollunl, David Diao, Dan Christensen and William Pettit. Also works in fiberglass and plexlglass by Ron Davis, Ed Moses and Tom Holland and wall construction of planed wood by Jol\n Okulick. BOWERS MUSEUM -2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Tues· day through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Sunday, 1-5 p.m., THE •1LL McCLURE PARTY '"'"'1"• PAnl PARKER . NOW APPEARING Monday throu9ll Saturday 8:30 p.m. to 1 :30 a.m. CULLY IS BACK AT THE PIANO BAR Tuesday and Wednesday NADRA'S WAZURI Thunday, Friday and Saturday Nites DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS CORNER OF PARK AND MARINE IALIOA ISLAND 673-4530 Rel•JCed and Casual Intimacy ~~ HOUSE OF SEAFOOD NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH 11 :30 to 2:JO TuH. tin frl, Nightly Dinner-Cockta ils '4 to 11 p.m. Sunday 2 to 9:30 pm-Closed Mondays 1814 N. Coast Hwy. IEI Camino Reali SAN CLEMENTE 492-6571 OKTOBERFEST Wednesday and Thursday evenings, 7-1 p.m., closed Mon- days and Holidays. Toy Exhibit through Oct. 29. Calculated to prepare for the mood of the holiday month of Dectmber. • UCI SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS -Tuesdays and Sundays, October 3 through 29, Art Exhibition by Eric Orr in the UCl Art Gallery from 1-5 p.m., admission free . BATEMAN HALL -California China Painter's Art A!socla-- tlon, 11311 Ernestine St., Lynwood. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. State el.blblt of 200 members, Oct. 14--15. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE -2701 Fairview Rd. Costa Mesa. Drawing Show by Alan Zaslove, associate professor of Otis Arts Institute, U>s Angeles, OcL 2-27 in OCC Art Gal· Iery. Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. AVCO SAVINGS ANO WAN -3310 Bristol St., Costa Mesa Watercolors by Soozy West. MARINERS SAVINGS AND WAN -l5l5 Westclill Dr., Newport Beach. Paintings by M1rim Schlosberg through Oct. s. COSTA MESA LIBRARY -566 Center St.1 Costa Mesa. Oils by Lydia Southworth. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ORANGE -1650 Adams St., Costa Mesa. Oils by Maria Taggart and Carol· McRea. GLENDALE FEDERAL "SAVINGS -2300 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Oils by Bernice Houser. MESA VERDE LIBRARY -2969 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa. Oils by Robert Reiling and Pastels by Bonnie Relling. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK -196 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Oils by Gertrude Mattocks. TRANSAMERICA TITLE CO. -170 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. Olis by Anny Krlkl. CHAUJS GALLERIES -1390 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. Recent oils by Rex Brandt, A.N.A., F.R.S.A., A.W.S. Oct. 1·29 daily from 11 a.m. to-5 p.m. Purchase! of paintings may be made on first come first served, basis as of 11 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 7. Exhibited concurrently will be scu1pture by Johanna Jordan. NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUM -2211 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Through Oct. 15. Main Gallery. ex- hibit of work by Calliomia artists spanning 20-year period and featuring landscapes by William Keith, light lyricism of Arthur and Lucia Mathews, and new-impressionist gar- de.rt scenes of Joseph Raphael. MUCKENTHALER CULTURAL CENTER -119 Buena Vista Dr., Fullerton. -Orange County Art A&&OCiation Juried Membership Show through Oct. 15, concurrently with Am· erlcan Watercolor Society Touring Exhibltion. Gallery hours 1-5 p.m., Tuesday tbrou~ Saturday. TEMPLE GARDENS Q-ffN£:s:gResto11ro~t RICKSHA COCKTAIL ~~-~~.~;E f'('nturing Exotic 6 Trup\cal Drinks Luncheon & Dinner Da ily IUfflT LUNCH 11 :JO·l :JO ' M;oltdcrt ttir11 frldoy 15001 ADAMS lat Harbor I COSTA MESA 540-1937 540-1923 THE NU-TWO P~ul O'Brien & Walt Dolan We4.*-Sd· SU NDAY I RUNCH IOA.M.to 1P.M. IAN9Un f ACIUTln 317 PACIFIC COAST HWY. HUNTINGTON llACH 536-2555 PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT WOH THI . OPEN 7 DAYS AUSTRIANS -Q> () ... .L-LU~~~T~~~LER SINCE THE . OLD DAYS Nc:rw Me 'n Ed's mobile oveni speed dalicio\IS plpln1·hot pfu.as to your door In minutes. for ...,..pt""'"• phon• 646-7136 (Newport Beach/Coste Meu·l7th and Tustin) ., 847·1214 (HunUnaton Bt1ch-llffch and H;ol). ' ~ £+¥ -~ ~-~ COCKTAILS T•• SEA F001}-STEAKS-PRIME RIB BERLINER INTERNATIONAL ENTREES FROM $2. IS G9frn1t11 Mutlc Fri. S. S..I. Nlgl!l1. Olnc:lno S..t. NIOll! B•"'111el F11<LU!l11t. llMt INt~ I/Vt. H.,.11.., ... IMtil """' & C-try Cff. - BANQUET FACILITIES ~~~~~~~-. JILL SAYS: ''YOU ONLY HAYE TO TRY IT TO LIKE IT." Primo Rib • Lwch f2.25 -D""'or $3. 95 p.,.1 ... Cot $5.95 LIVI E RTAINMENT DANCIN NIGHn Y Lunck-Mon. thru rj. 11 •• m. to 2:30 p.m. . Dinner-Mon. ru Sit. 5 to IOf.m. Cornptlrn•flf•ry l 1k1 .. Ali 1 for 111 llrlW1y1 A1111!v1r11rl1t 2645 H-llwd., C to M-545-'471 Art Exhibit . . Di.scwlsing the 52nd Annual Call, fornia National Wat.er Color Socl- e\y exhibit at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art are Nick Brigante and Elizabeth Hutchison, juroni for the event, and John Selleck, society officer. Fabulous 50s On the Screen ' "W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings," a c o m e d y. drama laid in the '50s, will be the new Marvin Schy,·artz pro- duction for Warner Bros. •mI'Ei.ifl M<l)(lo(.1'N ~Mlatnt1.17i; "Finest Mexican Food in Oran.ie Co." · Ch•r~ller-food ta Go Entertainm•nf The film, an original script by Tom Rickman, will-be directed by Dick Richards and produced by Schwartz . Richards recently directed "The Culpeppe r Cattle Com·I~~~!""'!!""'!!""'!!""'!~~ pany." RMEftA. ru:STAURANI' Continental Cuisine Cocktails Serving Luncheon and Dinner Monday through Saturctau. Closed Sundays We ere located next to the Mey Co. in South Coest Pl•1•. JJJJ s. ..... 140...1140 GllNADINI OF 1111' TIHDllLOIN ........ S1uteed in butter witt. 1h•lloh, 1c:1Ulo111 mu1hroom1 end r•d win• AMON& 20 SILICT DINNll INTlllS VINA HAR MER DUO Entert•lnln9 Fine ltolion C11lslne Coek&••b 2325 E. COAST HIGHWA-Y 673-8267 Reservations Open Dally -5 p.m. to 2 a.m. CLOSED MONDAY ""°" Fas.hi on Island N ew port ·B each STEREO SOUN S OF THE 1 HARBOR -l i I I I r e J l:tl ,, 1. 7• •• ' l I u TV DAILY LOG TV HIGHLIGHTS KHJ 0 7:30 p.m. -''The Pride and the Paasion." MUlion Dollar Movie presents Cary Gran~ Frank · Sinatra and Sophia Loren in a 1957 drama about death and greed in the desert. CBS.! 9:00 p.m. -CBS Friday Night Movi~ i>tes- ents To SU', With Love" starring Sidney Poitier Jhdy Geeson and J:,u!u. Poitier pla1s novice teacbu w. o accepts Job ill London's toulih E'lst End. He tries lo mstill m them disciplin9 and self-respect. Friday Saturday Evening Momihg OCTOll[R 6 OCTOIEll 7 •••'ao11111111J-1:ooa--m111-a a m-•....,... "TM Drt1m Riders" 0 ([I (I) H.I. hfllbt Cl) Ill Sutt m Brok Im 0 WIW Wild Wiil · ~ Tiit Dectrlc Co•p1a1 m TM fllnbtH11 7:30 II hstr't Tmhoul 1111.., r,'9 USMC 0 m TH Jeboos OJ) a.car 1r...r1 Coflwlll It C.•plll PnflM f.1 .... Pin Vel'Ollkl U Ill m......, 1"' ra _,..,, ""' 111 """~"' CBI...,..., lf1t m Meirila: "All Ill Youq '*" ID> LI ........ ~ (dr•) ·~•n Llcld. SklnlY f'olo. STllflt...... tier. ''lttttr Vlctoff' (dr.) 'SI -uom-·1-R ~ iclllrd Burton. Curt J11r1tns. a-: ICl C90> .. _ m~ " ll1l """' ,,,.,. .... ......, 111111" Colld. (dr1) '62 -P111I L'tO II (JJ lllp 1_, 11..-n. G1r1ldlnt P111. Q fm rtlk l'llltMr w e1111n 8 ....,.: .... Stlll" ('ns) ·34 Ill Merv lrlfftl.. -John WIJlll •..,, •-a m CIJ,,,;, -I::"'',_ m ... .., - 119-I "El"' Hotloos fli)il])S...M strHt AsborlomJ P1rt 2'' l:lO II (J) Sabri111 11!1.,; .,_ -D ®l !Dlho "''""" a--·-U IIJCIJllC ,...,... _, Eil) Ptlcull ..,.,.,. lletb the Ma WIM ED Dot 42 ,.. Hatld U1Plat" &J Utt11 1tnc.a1a 9:00 II CIJ llll Aauin& tun 7:0D II Cil 0 m""" D 91 m "11iun Holki•JI 8 ..... I ftf Doll1n U Mnie: "Qulin f11ry" (m) '50 CIJ Trvtll It' ~lllllCtl -Jlmmil Biison. Russ11i Hayden. (IJ C1m111 tJ Movie: (C) "HOlllld ol tltt In- CJ WUt'1 My UM1 lltnllln" (mys) '59-fleter Cush· ID I Lovt Lucy In!(. ID t Drt•• et 11111111 ID Mtvlt: "Kint tf t1tt 'Mkl SbJ. (ii) l.U.t ?Z 11111'' (wes) '59 -Gtorae Mont· fE hrttl• eointlJ, Oline Bnwster. fJl) DEIUT Uwly Art1 OJ) 1111 Dlctric C111pany CE 0 Allor TitM di Multt' tm·M111tr lll&tft' NliP~ a M.a,: "ftftl DI .lltms" ~ IE CilM .. s. Casa Ql--l<JOIJ_ ..... ,..,... 7:311·-D llil ll!i"' ......,.. -It--(IJTI,_: WI-to IM'°"' e _, ICl (2lo<) "" ._.. -·u·m,.,--·.,., .._., (dn) '6&-Stuut Whltmu. 1 CIJ C1r1M1 CanlNll Cil T1 Ttft IM n.tll. ED till S.-strtet (I) Tlll TldlmMn QI Sii H111t G SINATRA, GRANT, IO:GO 8 Sa•" o. *ANDLORENIN 1'The u a m-_ ..... Prtde and the Passion" M•Jor Le•flll DhlsioNI P1tr-Offs. O -1 _, ICl "tho Cil lloOi• Ho-"'" ,.... ad till P .... " (dtl) '57-0 Cil Kill .... Clry Gnnt frank Sl11ttrL 9 hlllf C.llllS a Tlll PTk.. •• IUrht lO:J!I e Merit: "I SW ..... ,..... -. tllpe'• Menn 1. , (wa) '4~.101111 lnl111d, B1fbar1 • rn Dr•Pll erlttort. [II W•lll11(1on WtH: In ltlYitw 0 (]) CIJ UJ NCAA Clllp: Feol· &J Lit ll'l'lr1y .. hr1lvl\lo bill Notre OJ me •!Id Mkhi1111 fl!) W1ft stnet Wut Stile. fn U11tlrntd World (I) Jo.lit ind Hit PllllJClb Q) Th EJiilon11 0 Mule: "My Cun b Qlllck" fiE Ad411111 F1111llJ (mya) '57-Robert Bray 1:001J [J) Solnr ind Cher ID Qnpel Sinafn1 .hlllillt e Iii m Slnltnl 11111 Siii "Jell· {g) The Bldrlc CollJillf u Ill 00 Ell"' '"" ..... fli) ............... ....... • n.t Q1r1 11:00IJ (I)1111 FlltrtstonP . ..., '" • m...u• = l..rm~llOS :,.ie""' m 9 Z.O~! . fD Q]) W1sllinfl011 Wtlll ill Rrritw 111 Llldll Librt @II En1esto A101111 Pr1•ntl 9 Tilis Wu• 111 ha Ftotbld Ci) LI lnthld1blt 11:30 m Unlultd Wort&t '1&1ncct" eJ Mowit: (2hr) ''TM Crtlt O'MIJ. ~ ~: ''TM llue Ll11p" (mys) It(' (dr1) '37-P•t O'Britn, Hvm· 51-0irll Botarde, Jimmy H•nleJ'. pl111y Bogart. fD Im TIM Dectrlc Colrp111J .,,. D ®I !lJ"" '""' ...,,. Aft O IIJIJJ Ell""'-.,'' emoon m Mtrr l:riffl1 SMw 12.1!0 II (I) Ardlle's TY F111nlts Cill The Jlllt Cttltntioll 8 Merit: "Dml Rider" (wes) '37 fD llJ) CICywltdlen "Ntw Dotrn· -John Waynt. town" Set Tues., 7:JOPM 1istlna. G Mnll: *Oflrtand PICifk" {dr1) m Untlmtd World '51-.lotk M1hon8J. S:DG II([) CIS Frldly Mtwll: (t:) (Zhr) m TIM l:htst ind Mra. Muir (C) (Ziii') ''TD Sir, Wltl\ I.mt" (dr1) Qll W: '67-SidMY Poltlu, .ludy GllSClft. fl:) MldH .... rs' "liflibtrllood D ®I li!J '""' ""' 8 tho-· a rnoo m •••• 222 U:JO 11(1) r1tA1111rt 'tH CoabJ Kids OJ Un V1r1no h11 l~r m 0-.lrllry fhn ro 11JJ M11t1r,1ec1 T11Mtn em $tu .. StJHt di Le Colq11All tD SIWls Mqm la Tht Ylrr!nltn Qt TN 111 V1llry 6'i) Drt•• l:OD 8 (I) CIS Clllldnn'1 r~111 Fu:ttvll t:JO D hlW 11 W. 11- 0 CD Cil l!il"" °" """ m"" '"'' 011-111- QJ) "°" IMeWIW: 20lll c.twJ II) Cill 11 II T11M Mu 1 :JO G Mlwle: IC> .,.lllr lilic9MI 9:45 fB Pnfttll Aldll St.r(' (wa) '53-Shlron F•rretL IO:OOBllili!.l'-' 111""""''""' I~-ID ____ ,.._,.. · CIJ m"" -""' a-· ICl ..... '"' • -a 1n11,,.... n.. uee ....,.. r ........ ·-·· CI!_,....., .. -~-'71 ' D IIl-flil .... , (i) """-.... Ill........... • ..... m """ .... m--Iii)_.. [~ .... -... IE 1111tM ti Ill SM IDs.. .. 1tntt 10' .. IJT .. W IDTr""'" Cl,,.. ...... "Rllll to Ult GI) flf1. ... " ...... Horth" l:J08 .... ti~ l!JI ........ ,..., D IIl••-m--llll••""" a ... : (CJ ......... .. ... mc1 uul'llllel ... _. &JTlll_ ..... ,_, m.....-....... s:1111n..-... ....... ,."'"' U:Gl~~lf..GGrl,.. :.f'-- ..... -a m.-00 MlfWI ... l1J F• he fldl o---0 -IC) .... -.Tnrtll lfCI llQ IS I f ... (Wtt)'fi5-Ad11t1Wfll I ""'""""' ... .,, ... I I(' <rt.o lnll' T.. ........ 'Cl--Olrtl G1We, Liiii f .... 11'111-" -.,.,_ U:JI CIS ~Ml* (C) '1M 0 1t•11110 .r1-1·--· ·---I .... es•--l lll_,_ ..... ! ~ "'Tiii ..... (4r.) ,...1111 Ii -·'6-SttPllll """ Bt --... : II Cl) at IWI CMI J:JI ..... /01111 .. (fl-= ·--1,, , .... ,..... Cl)lllllllr. '"WI., ...... .,.,. --llw t•r'•....-·-12:11 -""""11·,.. e Cll ""·- t'*l '_ Uito_ tRilho--12:11•---f*') ·-'Sl--Uo Gtllll. ~ .... , .... 1:t11IJDD-m- 1:11•-tc1 -11 uo e - •111" ("'l .,. -Jt(!"' " .. ~ 00 ·-"....,_ 1:410 _._ ....... -__ .... _.,.... t••>'•---a---lll-- ' 'Bravo' Examines Mexican Culture Heory Darrow of "High Chaparral" sings and hosts "Bravo!", a musical special to air Sunday, Oct. 8, 10 :30 p.m., on ChaMe1 4. The program is anothe'r In a continuing series of ethnic speclals presented by KNBC, offering a platfonn for the performing arts of the minori- ty communities in Southern California. The program is a hall-boor of music and songs that are derived from Mex.lean culture. As Darrow explains, "The pro- gram will offer a better understanding of us through our music." Scheduled are Los Cam- peros, the world renown mariachi band, . performing "El 9usto," "La Biquina ("Good Morning Mrs . Sun shine")," "Cucurru-<u-HOSTS SUNDAY SPECIAL cu," and "Tierra Mia." Si H D nger enry arrow Vocalist Annette Cardona sings "Nuestro Mundo" and Darrow offers "Sabes Que." Concert Canceled Music Center Presentatiom has received a cable from Paris advising that Algerian singer Enrico Macias has cancelled his Music Center Pavilion appearance, for reasons of health, on Sunday, Oct. 8. The chansonnier also has cancelled his entire American tour during the month or October. Ticket holders s h o u I d present or mail their tickets to the Music Center Ticket Of· fice, East Plaza Pa'vilion Box Office, for refund. • AY 6, S SAT. & S\JN. 12,45 Woody Allen's "E . rJ.thing . ®~~always wanted to know about * PLUS. "HAIOLD AND MAUDl"' WKDAYS 6:-iS SAT.&.SUN.12:45 IKMAlt ...... IK "WMll TNI UllllDS Dll" (P,5.) . ... "THI CULPIPPll CATTLI COMP ANT" (P,I.) (~ •••••• STlltSAH I nUIO'tlllU "WHAT'S UP DOCt" (II "IOM'T STAil TM111¥0lU· TM* WITHIT Ml" (Pl) Both songs were written by Antonio De Ma.rs:o. wbo 11,Jso_ produced the program. Dar- row's second song is the old fa vorite, "Cielito Lindo," with everybody joining in. starrin1 Fond O'Heel • "A cut above the others" FllED FUCK "The story with sole" CINDY CINEMA "Real platform involvement" ltfAllV llfOVIE DAILY $13.99 MO\/IE RATINGS FD6 PARENTS AND \'OUNG PEDPlE .,,.,. NjtdM ol 11'111 ,..,.,... ,. •• ,,,,_ ....... 11'111 .......... ~ COllNWlf lot ·~ bJ' ,..... cllilflr9n. ------------------- .•........................•. "'4 a iC!'l -~ ...... _. .... --«»"'---~-_.. ....... ,.......,_ WOODY ALLEN "Take The Money & Run" ALSO PG TOM LAUGHLIN DOLOIU TAYLOI "Bill Y JACK" CHt. S_.,. ,..... J 1 ... Mlew 5terfl 7 P.M. "1.::r. I -· -·-~ ---• "SLUTI" ""C.llt.IU.L • IONNU'.oet• ---.,_. ...... ..... , ... ... ---..,., ...• t\Wa .. -·-'" ---· ce.1CfM1111• --._. ...... . ... .. '*" , ... , UIJLY hJ.0< IS LIVE THEATER Learn Modern Hebrew In Front of TelevisioR • IS super big! NOW! BRING THE WHOLE FAM/l YI Nearly E veryone Lis tens to Landers Exclusive Engagement! ., .. -.. ~~~ ,_,,JI.MU . Exactly As Shown In Its Record· Breaking World Premier Engagmenc! This Year's Muse-See Movie! AT THIS! THIATRISI -"ClOCWWO•l .. .... ... 11 .......... ...., IN "DIALING" .... , ''T HI FOX" MtCIWSATHSI -.,n...1 .... •n ..... oo.11MO ·W ._ 1.lf>.l 1~10 00 boiHfl ~KU" ADULTS $2.00 JUNIORS $1.00 ( aww-...... 12 flll •ilto ,_, ' sm THI-OOlllS11C •.fOlnol( (AIS.UCTOIJ OtSPIAYSJIOIO-mts llW.ll IHOW CUOIOTOI _...A VACATION VllOCW AU U-ONI &IOIOOfl SPKIAI IHSCOUllTTICltTS AT'iOUI fAVOllll OIANOl COUllT't -CAI =-=-.WUI -NIA Mall, lt9m Dl\19 Sllllt& W. ?ND BIG WEEK "ISLAND MAGIC" PANTASTIC NIW SUOIM6 FILM (itf L JeM Hlfdlqd; 7:Jt I ':JG U.CH IYINlff ....... llCHAID IUITON IA9UIL WILCH IN Ill "BLUEBEARD" DUSTIN HOffMAN ANNI IANCIOFT ''THE GRADUATE'' MN ..... l't. 0,-••• ...... ,., ..... °"" ,,,. t"' IMW 11 °"*/U..., 1 ,,.. *********-** FOR FUN! PROFIT! BARGAINS GALOREI Vlalt S11,.r Sw•11'-M•il1 ·--. · S1turcl•v l Su11d•y All D•v I A,M. to 4 P.M. ~ ·~ > '~ .. ••A'>• '~~" IJl·l'1t A.DOOZ•Y, MAUW!!A~ UllCMl lPI~ nlflol(.••U!" "IAWTHM C ... KU" Ml '"" ·'" ... -···· .. "'011 It\ •111 ;•' f4~ I " r I '-••" -•• '"'fl ,,,, .. ,., AUCOlHf'*l.JIJlitWI , ......... , .... "'"°''· CO,.U JtOllM" l•I ... •••• , ••. i:.i ...... , .... ltl ·~'-·~ .. , 1· II•·~ .... ti ' MJ Mlt ' .......... "''"""'''lfflrCPtl "'"' ..... ,_. ".flHfH(li'll ·--.... HMfltt .. r• .,. •••• CJl&fll'1Ll" ..... ,, ............... • ' - l ! r: I ' - 8 DAlLY PILOT Truffaut Malies Film -Of Picture Industry Franl'Ois Truffaut has begun fllmh:i" "La Null An1er1caine" 1or Warner Brus. on location at l\ntibes in the South 11! Frau~. The fihn. \\hil·h take'\ ;,i , satirical look at the mulluu K ul \ p[c \url' 1nr.lus1ry, f ca I u r t' s 3V8.ll811 ~ l eight !-'.lars . ua·ludinj! Truffaut Sets Poem ~ To Music A concert ve rsion of c:on- ten1porary and conlrovers1al pot!I J a n1 e s l\ava11;1u~h's ''There Are Men Too G('ntlt.:' 10 Live Among Wolves." 11111 have its preinier cngaAcn1l•nt at the ~1ark, Taper Foru1n. ~1onday , Nov.&. at 8:30 p.n1 . Kavanaugh wjll read his y.·ork to a !COre compose<.! ~nd perfoMTled by Elmer Berns· teln. Guest artist Jea nne EY.- ing win-sing the songs of Kavanaugh and Bern stein. h\1nse lf. \1 ho plavs 1]1(' role ur a n1ut1un picture thret·tor Jac{1uel inl' Bissl't, Valent111a Cortl'St'. Jl·an-l11crre Aurnont . !Jani, the frrnth t•hnntt•usc. Canudian at·trt•ss Ah.·xandra Stev.art, Jl:!:in-P1crre Lcnud :ind lJa1 id \lnrkham jl)Jll the lan1ed French direclur u1 the cast. "This film ," sa1·s 1'ruffaut, "" tll be the su1n1l1at1on of n1y tv<CI\ e years in the mo1 it· business. Arte r thi s I v.·111 gu on 10 othe r things ... "La Nuit Al\1ci-icainc " rt." counts t h e ·co1nplications. frust rations. joys and satisfat.:- tion encountered during the m;1king of a fil1n . Truffaut is directing the fi ln1. \l'hich is 1he second of his picture~ in 1\'h1l·h he has acted. The first was f 'eat111·ed V oculists 'Feat' to Interpret Shakespeare "111e Fe'at of t.anguage," a special eight-part series deal· ing with the magical mystery or the Sh akespearean tongue, will begin Thursday Oct . 12, at 7:SO p.m. on Channel 28. Each program in the series will present many clues on what to look for when reading Sha~are, and will deal with several aspects of one play fodtsiog on the life, vitality and beauty of the English drama tist and Poet's works. Alan Levitan, associate professor of English a t Brandeis Uni versity is host of lhe series. Levitan explains the words . and devices Shapespeare used in nlOlding various characters and effects. He does not present the totality of an en· tire play, rather he exposes the genius of details that often pass unnoticed. The first episode deals with "Richard 111," a ·witty villain who against all odds fights his way to ab9olute power throogh and again on Saturday, Oct. Boston. 1rtd i1 made Pollfbl• ruthless wit. "Though a lt, at 1:3U p.m. b)' a grant from Sirmuel C. vallain from the 11 t a r 1 . • . 11The Fea t of Language'' i! Bretiin ln association with a production of W G B H . Brandeis University. Levitan no tes, "he compels the --:......----------------'----- audience to accept him both as entert·alner and murderer." Based on the assumptloo that the n1ost difficult ob.5t acle to ove rcon1e in r e a d I n g Shakespeare is his use of language, Levitan works with readings 10 dcrnonstrate how words are used to set the mood for each play. He "Interprets" the plays, n1ak- ing them understandable for modem reade'rs. Other programs in the series Y:ill focus on su ch outstanding Shakespeare works: "Henry IV," "Love's Labour's Lost." ''As Yoo Like It," "~1easure For Measure," "King Lear," ''Anthony ·and ,Cleopatra.·• and --· CtkFOOMF 2/ ,,;, tt.~~·'::"~ ----;.-. S fAOIUM ,,? •11 Ill. .--::;"l'I Wt:. -=- -- -or. SrAotuM,3 . .. • ~ •• .._._1111-.:----_-:-...... SIAD/UM ·4 .. -.· ... '"£'1::..---- l lM "'LAY IT AGAIN, SAM" ll'~CIUllYI Ent ... IMlll H-NI •-rwd s .. 11 Wi-r of J Ac1 .. my Awll'llt "Jl'IDDLIR OH THE ROO"" M•r'°" lr•l!de n ''THI! GODFATHER" Ull ' . "THE WILD llUHCH" IRJ l !tl CHllY . ••n Culp "HtCklY I IOOQSM tPOI • "RETURN OF 5AIATA" IPO I I.I ... Ml"t UI "CAIA•l!T" IPGI • "I.AST SUMMER" !•I "'TKE HEW CENTURIONS~ IJll Wiii! O-. (. S<Olt pl~I Hl'l.AY MISTY FOlt ME H lltl "The Winter 's Tale." 1------------------ KCET will repeat Part I Friday. Oct. 13, at 8:30 a.m. Produced and directed by Paul Werth. this unu !:u<i l theater piet'i! will begin a cross.country lour followi ng the Taper engageme nt. ··L'Enrant Sauvage" \"The ____ _ Guy and t{a.l na. of the L.a\\•rencc \Ve lk Sl10\\', \Yill appear at John \\'aync 'fhcatre, Knott's Berry F'ar1n, on Sund ay, Oct. 8. Honky· tonk pianist Jo 1\1111 Cas tle stars on Saturd ay cve nin~. \v hile country/ \\'Cstern f;ivorite l::ddie Dean is fea- tured toni ght. •• \Vild Child"). 1111 Coabr a"~ lebeft C11lp h1 "HICKEY AND BOGGS" 7:00 AND 10:50 ALSO "RETURN OF SABATA" •:DO Co1t1l11110111 S11Rday Moth1ff 2:00 I Of Tiie Yffr'1 To' "lleeper1" GINA 910WLAND5 "MINNIE and MOSCOWITZ" AtM -l1tek Ho11ry 111 a .. .,, c.-dy by Miio '-'"'•• "TAKING OFF" ITAML&Y ICUllRICK 'I ..... ~., ....... _ --~...._ .. ........ -:._""'- ~"' Alio • IAAIAAA HE~SHEY IN"DEALING" I All NEWAND BEAUTIFUL IN THEATRE H4 t~:::::~~~~::::: ···· Nicholas •nd Alexandra IN THEA TAE '2 li:1 M11'1/lf'fh 1"~~.e '"~ ~~~sT EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT IN THEATRES I 1 AND #l GEORGE C. SCOTT STAC'l KEACH 'TBENEW "0 ..... CENTDBIONS ' .r. ( Mr1011 ~·i~u~ II ~mnn oJ"! I ;i1H iiLnir~ ~1'.li11n l:,ie;r ~u1Jll SPECIAL LIMITED tNGAGEMENT 2ND TOP ATTRACTION ~(<;;ti[ ............. T~· "' ... 0 ,0 1 .. W• ~· llf"l(,.;::00'·"~';,"!'!',: 911 •.f9l • ., ' •. .. : .. ,... ".o.; . ' .. ' ' : -. "l; .... NOW THltU TUlSOAY ! WINNER Of 2 ACADEMY AWARp s1 Ryans Daughter ,I ;i:• 111-•lP(t~I! IMfl @.,;::~· . . • NOW AT ALL 3 THEATRES POSITIVELY ENDS TUES.DAY OCT. 10 " - • •., ·THE ATAf 2 Mufon irin~o II ~tin~ Jimii ~in i1clm~ t11!~l1no i~i1! ~rnll i._ ... '"-""' ii~' [Eo rl'C~_ --·,_ ............. ·~l'lll'll -ta•@CP ' SH OW RATED (R) ATIENTION . MOVIE GOERS! Following this speciol engagement ot the Newport Cinema Theatre "A Clockwork Orange" will be wilhdrown from re- !eose ond cenoin controversial scenes will be eliminated; it will nor be shown ogoin unlil Chris!mos Holidays. This engagement of "A Clockwork Orange" is the originol and uncut version ond is roted X. "A Clockwork Orange" wos nominated by the Academy of Molion Picture Ans one! Sci· ences os !he best picture of the year; most people will enjoy seeing "A Clockwork Orange", some will not. Roted X. Posi· tively no one under 18 con be admitted. ..... -...... == ..... ........... •••• • Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests ore rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven. RATED ''X'' POSITIVELY NOONE UNDER 18 CAN BE ADMITTED ' • BEST FILM Of THE YEAR. BISI DIRECTOR Of THE YEAR .. ' .~ ,,.,,. ITMILEY ICUBRICK'I "~-o~· .. c.oc~.VIY'~&A"'-~ ~-~·""'•'.,... . .,,_ I#'• OO'<l ... _K•""·~u .. -o,~·-,t"""<\•S.,od"""'•-............ e.,,~,..l'o __ °' .... .,,~ .... ., ........... , ... ~ .. --. ....... ,_ ... ~, ...... , .. '" .... ~. O•.g;•ol •~o•d>1oc~ .... 110~11 °" w.,. • ., !•o: r ,,d, 2ND TOP ATTRACTION BARBARA HERSHEY ROBERT F. LYONS DEAUnG: Oii nt( -10-00l10ll l'Olll'MINOl 10/HlllG llWU PANA Yl1101f. TIC MMl<OlOa SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT "Hffl\E\' & U(N;G.4'" COLOR PLU.S lft VAN ClEEF "RETURN Of SABATA" f Pater Sellers .Where Does H Hurt?'' o,,, ... " 111 l•••t . • : • • • ••••• •••••• •••••••••••••••••• • • •t•C:"' .L,,D, At •lLll ' ' ••• co••• Hw • • ••• o .. oo ••• 1.o?·••OI • HU ... fllfOfO"" ···~ ·I ' • Th• movMI llght11 up ri ' the'eli.yl AN 4RTISTIC-r MICHA.fl 'l'ORK--- • TRIUMPHr·--.-._"' • HELMUT GRIEM ~. NOW IN THEATRE # 4 •' • • • • • • ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! JANIT SUZMAN MtCMAIL JAfSTON : '"''""" Nicholas • JAA.~IJ.lll JSCllAll#I~ and ~RODUCl(JN Alexandra • AK!ll\llI)lj ;lM hM 'Ol.UM81l l'IC1\lllS fGP) • • le ...... j, J1~t.)'Ol.l~1~ · llott<"" .. tll~'U' J SUlfl\ll · ,-.. °' 11• ll'll'-'l {Qlll •••••••••••••••• SAUT lfUllMAlf 'AUU. l'IUlfKI ---"'Ill of the •d Hot 11111 ..... ~CUfTtl •owAttoa HARBOR ,i::, 1 I BILLY P ILGRIM LIVES FROM TIME TO TIME TO TIME .,, MICHAEi. SACIS HON LDBMAN SHA!ION CANS VALE!llE PEJlllUNC "SIJll6MlfDE. FM" ·-"""':VP• "-""'i.!Jo ' , I .. . . . . • - •. .. . -' . •' .• ' , . ,• ,. · . ~ . ' · . .• ': 1 '. ' . I ! .• DICK TRACY ' •TUMBLEWEEDS . . -REnlll ACT1CN l'AOM -sr~FIR£5 'n<f c.IJN. AS TR/Cf l<ICKS 'n(E GUNMAN'S kNUCAPS. • r \?O~ I HAVE 'TlllS AWFUL ; :Jfr: !al!: E'VERY AIJ11JMN : • F!:A1l-IE'RS DRY LI' Hi' Dl'l?P ' • OUTOF/11Y ~NE'T! -Mun AND JEFF • FIGMENTS . ; --I . 'ifJ ·~ .~~ ' "" . ' • . --' ---o :~ANCY •. . · . • -. . .. :~DAILY CROSSWORD ••. by R. A. POWER I :• ACROSS 41 Com~iU.. Yestero.y·sPuuleSotved: .; 1 Uni'ted Scates endi"!I ~-A<•mv 42 C•&I Cl.II ·~ AnerYI!: 43 Rod us&d -.~ • Abbi'. kn1t11ng • ti lnUlgu11 46 Fotmer &11d -(o lmp1e1s !•ether ct.••tv 47 w..,der.,. • M Stlxtv, 48 T&rmol-'~ 1uenti1vetv stln: Abbr . . • 16 Aller! -···-: 49 Game• • • , Frle11d of 50 E•ckf!led • Robin Hood lrom un • 1-' F~tcovering 53 Hu11y J7 Boy's name &4 Screeros ~8 John -·····---: 58 Second· • Ak:ohol+c gr1de • tiev.r1ges entensinet ·: 20 Min of 61 Food and promil'l«ICe drmk • 22 G..,1ikt: 62 S11rroonded ,: Yiddish by 23 o-n.1r.< 83 w .. __.,. • 24 Amber, IQf S. lmll1jl•: P•efnt -66 C•uan10 28 Ellctl'lc10! decomp.oH uni!: Abbr. 911 Thic:khHMd 71 Tr-oedv b'( 61 Coln Sti..k"9"11111 DOWN 10 Slillted 1 P'rlPlnilion aot lf'I rapid ~ Pflh' pl8n1 llmOO: M"* 3 ,..emblr of • WIMO(l9'• lo S'lmftic ~Wfl ' ""°* a& R-~: 4 Replant 11'119 Suffhl wl!tl tr- p Grlldu•tlonof S T11J •color fi Sl(Jwty: 31S ..... Mu90C ._.,tlon: 7 HouH or/ ..-.1omwi1 Lords 40 Fithemwn'I membll' ~ 8Frllnd 9 C.S.A.i- 10 GetlrM 11 Nonegod 12 MliNI IJ Fem1letwds t9 Neighbor of Saudi Arabia 21 Clo1hlng K<,_., 25 Splllld ov.- 26 S11\1t c Comb. .... through fur 35 Olsperw 39 Pronoun .0 Showing •••lledjoy ct Cy11ndtf '°' F1hlMoM .. ,. '8 8tfllft ,, on... .. 1u1 "'9 ·-l ... 50 Ru1slan ~ .... ~ 27 E'f9 51 Sho111\d a °"" ,,_1ng -...: .... ~l 1MouMI 2'I! ()fofteslfl 12 flie .. i.tdlf ·-fl-SJ flwc. 30 C.-d .....,,.,..-li6 frirMcl word 68 Vecuom 31 s.rvle llllf· tuti.: S"""• .. .-., 57 Oitpetdled J2 Aoman SI Man't offlcill of llidlnerM old ., '"V..ir- 33 Dit<:oinge botll'" Ne~Jy Everyone Listens to Landers E<E; I WA~ Q./LY TRYIN' lb HUITT IT _,.A LITTLE! RUN, SLl.!GGO, RUN fEANUTS JUDGE PARJ<ER YOU $f.,V vou'Vt FOUND THE MURDERER. LIEUTENANT'? MISS PEACH PERKINS by Chester Gallld ELD AS TWOUGM IN A VISE, TME GUNMAN IS PRl&ON~R! by Tom K. Ryan I roITT KNOW WHETHER TO RECOMME'ND A vrn:RINARIAN OR A TRre SUl'l5f0Nl • by Al Smith by Dale Hale by Emie Busltmiller . , ' I ,1d1J, ()clobtf 6, 1972 DAILY PILOT 27 by Roger lrcldfleld DOOLEY'S WORLD SALLY BANANAS ~ y .ean1.0. ~ ~·'<;~ . """'4 ~!~ GORDO • ANIMAL CRACKERS Wf!Y, THAT ~rm.I! 'SO·.Af'olt>·SO ! 111.t. T!U. H•i" Off BOT<SOODI by Charles M. Schull I CAN1 GIVE YOU TMAT INFORMATION VU ... e11T YOU'LL PR06AlllY Rl!Al> IT IN TMf PAPER TO,y,,oRROW ! • by Harold Le Doux by Mell • By t.• Chanes Barsotti (~ ~ by Gus Arrlala by Ferd ........ Hsu.o .• 1 HAW A . CIOIUCT ct.LI. F<* 1119 MYNA llUltRD Ff'OM- DENNIS THE MENACE ~: r BRAND NEW ·.1972, PLYMOUTH Satelllte \;oupe $ NUS SAVINGS .ON CHRY.S~ER;' BO FACTORY-' EXECUTIVE CAR ... }.-~~~~~~~~~~~;...~~~~ 1972 :CHRYSLER NEWPORT1ROYAL '4' DOOR' SEDAN. S1•i1I • Cl'41 ·M2C.266llJ A11tornork tTa111Mh· .io•, ,.di., he111Nlr, ,_ ~· ... ,. .. ., dllC aw.lies, •Ir cHdl ........ s -~- ·-- TIME TO SAVE REALLY/ IMPORT ANT MONEY ON T1'1E PURCHASE OF .RI· MAIMING '72 CHRYS. . ' . LERS AND PLYMOUTH$· HERE'S HOW! . '7l1 .... •ue•E NOWt GrMI 5 .. K llon . • , tm- m«llele d1llvery on 1~1> Olry1!w. Ind Plymoo!hs •.. Oulllltndlng Yll\19 , '131 11 '12 prlc.tsl A~tlc, llr Cllll4. .....,. r.dl, ,..... STftf' lnw & t111e llt"alt.., n.t.11 · tlllJ• 1n, Ykl'ff s1c11 mld11.. wlllhl ••It tlr•. USED CAR 'SPECIALS \ ·I Al C.S ere Mbject to prior .... All prlCH ... ,... ........ u ...... .... pr1c .... . w• •ti 10:-p.m., S•dlf. OctoMr I. 1972 ' ' • '70 CHRYSLER N1w· Yorker• Or. H.T .. Vt, 11.fto., ••· cl io, lt11+.r, pow1r 1t11r!119°br1k11· 111h·""i11clow1, tilt w~11I, 1i11yl top, e!r co11d., cu1i11 c11trl., '''· IOIOASJ ) s2295 '67 FORD GALAXIE '71 V.W. CAMPER Pop top, ttnf, r1dio '"d h11t1 r. 1129· Cll I s2595 I '67 FORD GALAXIE 500 • Dr. S1cl. VI, evtcf., retflo, h11t· . er, power 1te1ri11g, power br1k1t, WSW, •1 Jr ·co11dlt1011i119.-IULP7·121 '69 CNRYSLER N-port 4~0r. --'H.T. VI, •uto., RIH, powtr 1fftrl11t • brtli:tt • •••t• . wlri. down , 1plit be"eh 11tf, t ir condition· in9. 12CCIJ71 s1495 '68 PLYMOllfH FURY Ill _. Dr. H.T. VI, autemttic, rtcfl•, h11f· 1r, pow•r 1tt•ri .. a i.rok11, WSW, elr coltdit!Mlnt.-¥inyl.>top. IWIK159) s995 ., __ _ '71 CHM 'CAMPER V1". S11ndi1I. VI, 1uto1T11fic:, pow1r br1k11, 1ir, c:ond. Showtr, c:htl'l'I. toi· ltt, 1in k, rtfrigtrttor, 1tove. ! 397. OJK J s5595 '70 FORD LTD VI,· t1,1to1'11fie, r1dio, h11f1r, powtr •lttri"g I br1kt1, WSW, 1lr condi· tioni"9• viriyl roof, 1527AFXI $1695 '64 OLDSMOBILE v.1. 011+01T1ttic, r1dio, "••*•'· 1ozw. 0171 s495 ' • l • • I I I •• I I . . ., • • .. " . l . •' ' ' . ' "'' I ~, 8 TOYOTA WAGON $1188-. WAGOMCaOWN • ~;~·;oni.,"'~'~o, heot•r, l itens• Ho. . Friday, Octobtr 6, 1972 DAILY PILOT i '70 ~~.:~4l~; ... $1488 '72 ::~~,"~.~~~~;~~~ ...... $2188• '69 PICKUP CIUV. CISTOM CAI Y·I, l'ldlo, 11Mt1t.l il:aoiw-. 6'0'40 51488 I MERC. WAGON $2 71 "' ~" .. ~~!'.!~!!-............. 688• ,..., ,_.., 11""'9•'-........ ,_. _,, .. ~-1--"' • -, " " I DAl\.Y PILOT Frld11, O<toblt 6, 1972 Eotaryona Haa mething That Som he Elie W anh DAILY PllOI CLASSIFIE'D ADS You Cen Sell It, Find It, Trede It -With 8 Want Ad ·The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast -Dial 642·5678 for Fast Results I 11 _ NOW OV~R 120 SOUTHLAND OFFICES •• J l IN ORANGE COUNTY! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~I =: ''REAL ESTATE CAREER NIGHT'' : 'd ' I • • • • • • • • • • • * OPEN . TO THE PU,BLIC * : ,, REAL ESTATE LICENSE SCHOOL • ONLY $60.00 : "IFOl .. COUlSI THAT SIW MANY PLACIS AS HIGH AS s1so.oe1· * SPECIALLY DESIGNED 8 WEEK COURSE : * PRE.EXAMINATION TESTING , • * DELUXE AIR CONDITIONED FACILITIES • : * PERSONAL COUNSELING • FREE PARKING I. FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE .. . , e FRll RIFRISHMENTI e COME AS )IOU ARI • • • ,: _ -;::::::::::::::::::::;;--;:::;;::::::::::::;;--: e PART·TIMERS WELC~ME e B~ING A Fltl&Nlh ' • "., ...... f,P~IR~E~PLA~,,~A;;~~ •.t cA)l'rftRY VILLAG°I!". • ._I _•_1a_r_b0_a_•_.l ·l 111 '.E05tc1 M•sa •I : limite,d Seating • Call For Reserva.ti.~ns'~• ~l!fl ~:· ·~!ll-1• . t · Ill Til"• ,,!~;o~E •wo '"" R al E C 1733 . W llff o~ · J N -1ft • ..._ · h • • mU.tv. trnio!n "!l!t . !!Ith "" odd1t1ona1 paved lot DUPLEX WITH POOL TABLE, $29,500. • Century 21 t Stat9 orp. etf'C ••1~ -c a<ljolnlrig dinliiatoom. mali;i! tor pack;ng, 0, ;, co"ld pe.-.. A VIEW Along with it com"" a 3 • TUESDAY OCT 17th 7 30 p •.. .,,,,.RP • o"' spacious home R m"st haps be "'""' to' addlUoNJ bedroom, 2 bftth home with • 1 • I I • • .allA • for the larger family. 4 C'Onstructlon. Stucco bulJd-A d"i l•x tit"t I a h"ge, hu <>e game room that BR I nlng ~m J I -~ dlt' u J... u s io\vs a pro-" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • .. s pus eve • ....., . ng n ,. ............ con ion, ap-fit, at the bt'ach. Easily has.a spectacular brick fire-A\\'ard winning kitchen, cov-~ars to be parUaJly stres&etl.1 rrntt'd due to choice loca-place wall. Really something EASTSIDE TRIPLEX )J MESA VERDE THE LUCKY-LIVE ered patio, completely land-tor second story. Flnd your 10 get excited about. CALL PRICE REDUCED I INNER CIRCLEll e HuntinMon BY THE SEA scaped .. asking $54,500.00. niche in this growing art. lion, near beaches, market, 546-9521. \S 36J. 1 1 "2" En I c late x..,, CALL 4$4.9794 (#51). colony '°' $125,000. ~··• (},,·n<'r says, "sell now!" Very large home on qu e Beach e onnous, mma u , e -=-.• ~ library, and bakery. It could ROMPING ROOM Large 2 bdnn duplex with cul de sac. Truly one of the utive home. 4 airy bdrms, SIP YOUR 675.4630 <•47>. WiP a llttle tl'nder loving Neat, clean 4 bedroom home bach unit attached on king finest hon1C1 in fabulous fonnal living & dining EVENING COCKTAIL earl', hut it Y•ill reward some with huge backyard. Plenty sized lot 62 x 165', double J\1esa Verd<'!! Nea.r the ~oil SPANISH CHARM rooms, tribe-size fa m 11 Y And watch Catalina Island fortunatl"' buy('r proportion. of space for a pool or base-dctachl'd garai;:{', idt'al for an counie. Has everythng! Un· 4 Bedroom, 2% BA, 2 story, room. PLUS a bonus rm. J.. put the sun to bed, from l I I d ball dJamond (or th.-. kid&. owner occupant. $41,400. su-~~....i at $57,500. CALL 11 1 · 1 ·i C8r garage, boat-gate & pad. yo"' iov•iy D.Y.0. Ocean-a e y. !c>a y lo gout 854,950. ·~..., rep aces 1n anu y room Ex ti 1 1 • • Tree lined slref't nf'ar !lhop-CALL 642-1771. (#3). 979-1050 (#45). _., cep ona v a u e near front an<n·tmC'nt. Two spac- • Newport Heights • C,'\l.L 67:5-16.10 ( :t44> 900 ALL OF THIS _ and rden. Mo:uiterranean ex-BEACH. Any terms. CALL ,...... pine. VA or flfA $25, . terior with view courtyard lous bedrooms two extra CAIL 546-9521 (•39) 1 ACRE EASTSIDE ONLY $31,950 e-ntry, large covered patio. 962-8847 (#56). large baths. Award '"inning NEWPORT HEIGHTSll • Capistrano Beach • BUILD 14 UNITS 4 bdrms, 2 ba, crackling Professionally decorated. YOUR FIRST HOME kitchen, epclosed lanai, dip HOME -INVESTMENT~· T\vo older houses in l acre 1· la ,.,.. ,~~ in surf or pool $61,000.00. s-th,·s 2 BR ~-n>ted' ircp ce. s • ......, COY ........ • Near beaches, $54,900. CAl.L SC1o DOWN c~ •=o'""u Easlside Costa ?t1esa.. Not t io, beeutifUl J.andsca ng t t CALL 4$4.9794 (#50). older home I: you'll buy itll, POOL HOME $22,500 ...... _____ .. location for rental units. 1 $3l ~· F Int mint co.ndttion. Sunnr·brii:ht Tl1E '-1VING-.-~.·: • 1.l"-~-· -eA • t OCEAN VIEW LOT ONLY $10,000. In Mesa Verdt;. Sharp 2 l;led• room ~ornlnlu"' m beau- tiful area near J>Uk -It ~cbooll'I. Modern. conwntenl kitchen with all the built·: tits, ~umable TIU lnaO: many of these left. Excellent and much, much more for 645-7221 (#71. Fantastic 3-br 2-ba home In ..1r EAW s·t :Jl~lm R 2 lot' Submit your offer now -on Y ,:7<N. 0" appo • 3 BEDROOM ldtch@n, luxurious flfeslde In 1La~ Ni*'*!, enj(ij',' A \Vl ~-, Y · grea This won't last. $55,900. nlent CALL 979-l050 (#"4): Uvlng room. Pride of OWn-new lllesDfe in con®mlfthlm uyl' ond ,900. Owner ~ CALL 642-1771 {#5). ..--------. $2G,900. Assumable VA Joan, entdp in 4 out See It today li".ibl. Lbait~*'2.t Q~~e CAlll 97'~1f,:llld(T.D.)Hurry. That's rl,gh t'! Choice emaller lot above · trffway with an unobs tructed IX.'('"an vfew. ready to build. This is a slCC'per--o"•ner Y.i ll finance y.•ith onJy $2,000 dn. CAU. 64~-1771 (#61. • Fountain Valley • HAPPINESS IS - YOUR OWN POOL Thl' finl'St FAMILY pool hun1.~ )·.,ti"!! t•vcr sre. Sc11£1· ratr frnc1-d play yard, cul- de-snc luca1i11n, waJk to FV 1-llgh & 1-;Jt•rne ntary-i;chools. 3 sr111cio11s tirs, 2 s pnrkling baths, unbcli1·vnbly lK'auti- ful throu~hout. Fun-ori{'ntrd FAMlLY luxury to !it a brcadv.,inncr's budl;et. CALL 962-8847 (#531. CALL ~952 1 <•38l 3 'MINUTES TO. BEACH . ' . ' Chatrnlng 4 bedroom hnm<' with huge backyard & extra large bedrooms. Exterior f1·(·shly pni nt<'d. Attn'll'1ive landscapin~. $f'JIC'r v" 1· y 11-nxious. Onl)' ~27.950. CALL 546-9521 (#40J. 5 BEDROOMS & DEN Spacious home In excellent arra near park .t. closr to all school!. kindergarten through college. Decorated \\'ith attractive, textured y.·aJlpaper & good carpet. CALL 54§-9521 . f #37J EASTSIDE 4-PLEX ONLY fiSS,000. $7,000 Dn bUyL this prldc or o\vnc>1-ship 2 BIR 4-plcx-has all 1he built-ins, nice carpet- ing & d1·apcs. necently dec- oratf'd, located close to town -llurry~ Won't last. CAJ.J.. 642-1771 (#1). MESA VERDEii $31 ,950. Buy of THE MONTH! Large 4 BR beauty '"lth custom drapes & prof. landscape! llu,t:c cov. patio \V. built-in hrick BBQ~ l'ri1n1' location only 1 hlncks to shops. llurry! CALL979-I050 (#42l ONLY 5% DOWN!! 4 BR .. SPANISH De-li.c:h!ful, neat homestead In IJOputar Rnncho Mesa. Q\vners moving & want ac- tion! Gorgeous lam room opens to covered tile 'patio. A truly line home & only $32,950. CALL ~1050. ( #43). A BUILDER'S PLOT Oldt•r house On two large lots close to Seventeenth Strret Shopping. I-louse. is i;ubslantial and \vill provide a rC'!!ldcncc for years if de· sired. but true potential is In land. Property clear. Ask· lng $35,000. CALL 675-4630 (#45). Gener•I I • Eastbluff • I monthly payments $219 P1TL -at $29,950 -it won't goJt-tout¥.~ S~Ous 3 ilij~2 ;J"" ._ •41 . Sharp home, neat area near ~~ CALJ.. 1 ~2~7 (#55). bRthl stipJ ..wtng kitcheh . "---------'· schools, shopping. bc*bes. f. • • Air · coridltJoned. -~:lfj , EASY LIVING CALL 645 22 • I I sun.a.__,. prlva'teL~ t ~ ·1 ' ' 11· -•tnv-•tor's 0 ·111y• · """"" .. ._..,..._ ____ __, A condominiwn that makes va ties available, • you're gonna • OWNER SAYS SELLI love tMs new way of life. OWNER MOVING living a pleasure In this \vell-plAnn!'d rC'Sidential cen- ter. Three bedrooms, ont' and a half baths, closed pa. tio 11nd electric gara~c open- er. l-Tas dishwasher, disposal, and is fre s h I y painted throughout. Under market price at $36,500, llilL 675- 4630 I #46). • Carlsbad, Cal. • 9.4 ACRES Beautiful ocean I mountain view, ready for residential development -Excellent topography -utilities next door. Asking $145,000. CALL 642-1771 {#6). Immaculate 3 -br 2 • bath much -desired inexpensive home. Beautifully decorated & landscaped, light & airy. Conveniently located near schools, shopping, & SD Freeway. Take over existing VA loan or $22,900. No quaU· tying. CAl.L 962-8847 (#54). OWNER'S BOUGHT ANOTHER. MUST SELL Thls elegant 4-br 2-ba fami· Jy home. Huge separate fa.m· lly rm, formal dining nn, 3..car garage, boat gate, fin- est executive area near Bc>ach, all schools, new park. 2.000 sq-CL of luxury at a sacrifice price. HWTY! can ~-7 1•sn We have several beach prop- erties in various categorle&. Some in production: some under construction. \Ve wlll be happy to show earnhis · percentages, a n d suggest possible tax savings to you. 1'"'rom indlvidyals to syndi- cates. wl''re ready for you. CALI.. 675-4630 (#48). $47,500.00. CALL 494-9794 SUBMIT OFFER {#52). I • ~n1i fr%• I 7 UNITS· ' $42,000., $5E!O" Jl¥)nthly gross Income." No vauncy last 5 Sharp rustic 3 bdrm & den home on quiet cul-dc--sac- fl'atures air cond, firepl, fully carpeted, brick patio, lush landscape w/sprinklers -.Jr. must to SC(! -Only $31,500. CALL 642-lTil (#4). years. Persontl drcumstanc- 1 es lorcee • sal•. 1Jtvesto" •Upland, Cal.• I 1---•·-----.. t 4rea.m' at thlli price. CALL • I •Laguna Beach• I 04"'~' C•tb>. ' OLDIE BUT A GOODIE Enjoy living near the beech in this older house now. Close to town and shopping, Dutch Girl clean. For future Jnve!tment, add more uni~ later. $44,500.00. CALL 494. 9794 (#49). MOUNTAIN HIDEAWAY I • Newport • I •---•'-----' 2400 sq ft ot picture book HOME I. BACH. APT. COMMERCIAL ZONE Old but solid 2 bdrm home plus bachelor unit on com- n1crcial lot-rental Income Is low at $230. mo. Ideal for business-home combo -this Is a sleeper -onJy $28,500., c.AI..J... 642-1771 ( #2). beauty on 1.2 acres with II' x 40' Olympic pool -mtt\. utes a\\'RY from ski lift. Home customized thruout.~­ !or ultimate living. GJoriou.sJ ' contrast tor the best to get away from it all. CAIL ~ 7221 (#11). _ ..... _ ..... General $28,500 6°/o LOAN COTIA.GE NEAR OCEAN clinda !J:i/e BACK BAY . ~ • .., ..... ..,, llllNctNy wttfl ,.. ... 4 ..... . PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES A.uume 690 VA apr loan now on property and your monthly payments are leu than rent and include taxes. interest, i111Ul'1lTICe and prin- ciple. Lovely home with 3 spaciou.s bedrooms, 2 baths. elegant fireplace ln gracious living room.Gourmet's pride builtin appliances In- clude dishwuher. Beautiful thick padded shag carpeting tbruout. Attractive landscaped ;yard and palio. BRK 54ir173J. Why continue to rent7 For $130 per month' you can own a co:ey 2 bedroom home ,Jeu than one year old. Velvet green lawn lum>unds 'this dream home, "fenced )'tU'd. nice pa.Uc, kinnal dining area, µlee hew we.U to \val! carpeb and custom drapes. Aiurume hlsh balance VA lonn • a value for only l28.500. New listing! On a luxurious 4 bedroom home ~ with view of upper bay. Great den, formal.i i dining room, terrific yard with large pool. i $72,500. J ,.. ................ Ah ........... 1"""1 .. .. .. ~ .. ,,...., ..... .., ..... "' .... ... ...... I• ....,., DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. ~ ....... 0"4 ......, hf N .. 9t' te ,..., ... ..-4 te ltlt -• 1~ .. II tWt c.i-eocll PrlHy, S.. .. ,.,, s...-y. HOUSE FOR SALE (3 Br. and Fa"'llY Rm. or D•n) 2030 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550, Sll0,200 (Daily) 1215 Somerset Lane (Dover/Westclirr) NB. 644-2430, $98,500 (Sun to Thurs.) 711 K-Thanga !Irvine Terr.) CdM 644-2430, $89.000 (Sun 2'5) (4 Boclroom1) *4521 Brighton Rd. (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-81.'lS (Sat & Sun 1·5) 9221 Paddock. Hunlinglon Beach 540-1120, $28.000 (Sun 10.2) (4 Br. and Family Rm. or·Den) *2118 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 644-6200 (Sat & Sun 1·5) ttl653 Bayside Dr. (Yachtsman's Cove) CdM. 67&-1935 !Daily) **904 Vin Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 1144-2430, $335,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (5 Bedrooms) 3801 O!:•an Birch (Spyglass llill) NB 644-USO, f122,000 (Sun 2-5) *31741 A=•te Rd., San .Juan Capistra· no, 844 , f159,500 \Sun 2'5) (5 Ir. end Famlly Rm. or Oen) 2072 Phalarope tMesa Verde) CM 54&-11343, '54. 750 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **•46 Linda Isl e (Linda lslel NB "\WU235 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 2201 Arnlia (EastbluU) NB ~ (Sat & Sun !~) **54 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) .. NB ""4-~ (•un 1·5) LOTS FOR" SALE ' '**1813 Bayside Dr. (Yachtsman's Covel .. OilM'. tl&-1935 tDally .. ,... . * Wlllf'tu\iwt ...... " ....... __ \ ... homes ln vc>ry good ron- dlt.lon Inside and out. Sound hM"Sl1nt'11I. $74,700. SPORTS\Vt;AR Shop In bU8Y BhOJl(ling t.'f"lllet. $3000, COIN OJM>rnttng Laundry Bu5ioe11s. $44,000, HlGll Profit Restaurant. $30.000. NE\\IPORT BEACH \\000 & f>.letaJ Pattern Modf>ls, fully e q u I p p e <I • SZ>.000. ''UCAIPA 2$ ACRI!: llor:¥ Ranch with oozy home and arthiln n well on the HCJ-e-llle. l: n j oy bl'aullful view!. Xlnl tcrm11. fl 71 ,()(M). 10 Ul!:J\UTIFVL ACrt8 prin1c> 1ubdlvi11kln land overlooklni.; l!nHl't' Yucn.1JM' Valley for only $5,!'JOO per 11cn>. t~or ad<IUlonnl lnfonnatlon on tht>se and othtr prop· erll1'•, 1•lcue ctlJ u .. I • • SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 3 Lindi Isle Drive -Open Sund1y Beautiful new 5 BR., 41'.l Ba. home. Wat er· front living rm . & formal dining. Handsome oak paneled fam. rm., frplc, wet bar. Large master suite has frplc. & cozy lounge area. View ol Bay & the mountains ..... $179,500. 53 Lindi lsl1 Drive Elegant 5 bdrm., 4th balbs; on lagoon. New carpets, drapes & wall paper. Lovely garden & large slip . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. $212,000 57 Lindi Isle Drive Custom 4 BR., 3th ba. homo on Lagoon. Mstr. BR. has sitting area & lrplc. Waterfront family rm w/conve?'!ation pit around the frplc.; lovely garden, lge. slip ..... $189,500. 101 Linda Isl• Drive Lovely 5 BR., 4 ba. home with downstairs waterfront mstr. suite & lge. ga me rm . or study. Mexican tile floors, beam ceilings, quality constr'Uction, slip . . . . . . . . $155,000. For Complet• lnform1tlon On All Hornet I. Loh, Ploaao C•ll: . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Dr., Sult. 1, N.B. 67M161 I ' ' TARBELL 2955 Harbor, C.O.,ta Mesa AWARD WINNl!R! 'J'wo time winner of annual Ol«hl Meu. Ch amb e r Beaulll1cation Award. Very clean, 3 bedroom homf! on CO.ta Meu.'1w e •t1 Ide, cloee to tcboola. and shop- ping. Big oovered patlO with lots or growing iireen. Automatic sprinkler systen1 front A rear, llurry, It won't last lotia: at $27,500. Call ~nn. l'5Jllrii.. COATS ~wAti.Ace REALTOlll Opon Evanln9' • 962-4454 • BAYCREST EXECUTIVE CORONA DEL MAR Large family home just 2 blks. from the ~ ocean. 3 Bedrooms plus family room, open·"' beam ceilings, all built-in kitchen, shag car-~ pei... $12,500. ;. , 12 DELUXE UNITS 1 Eastbluff area. Excellent rental record. ~ $260,000 Fll'IJt lim~~!~ II IA 11 pleamire to lnlroduce UWJ J; COMPANY REALTORS ' bcnuttfuuY decorated 4 2841 E. Coa1t Hwy., Coron1 del Mir bedroom, 3 bath, ~ roof "S.lllng Rul E1t1te In Newport H1rbor home. '"'8 many ieatUtts Since 1944u l lnclude tonnal. dining room, 673 4400 _ h""" den with Paloo Venle • ~: rtreplace, 11eparate eating J "!!"''""~'""""'""'""'""'~""'""'""'""'""' .. ,..,,,,ji J area Off all electrle klt.chen, G~neral General ~ laf"IJI! 81!'l"Y!t-e porch, txotie 1----------";;,;;:;;.;:.;.... _____ ;rll 00>"'""1 patio,. .,.P.naivc * * * * * * <, carpeta 6 m.pes. For extrn IUXUI')' -t:lectr1c a I r :::n:·~~ own the * TAYLOR CO * !· f -. ~ , .•• 1•1 MESA VERDE -$37,500 ; Immaculate homo with 3 bdrms., !am. rm. i enclosed lanai and 2 baths. Lge. rooms, • beautiful stone fireplace, good floor plan & I lovely yard. Quiet street llruned. po.11 . WESLEY,N. AYLOR co., Rea : 2111 San J .. 9'1ln Hiiia Road "Owrlooldnt 811 Canyon C0'"1try Club" : NEWPORT CEN'fle N.8. M4-491t I for Action •.• Call 642-56 , Daily Pilot Classified A · ' I I B r i t 3 2 G I " 1 H T 4 f 4 0 0 r • I -.... l~l ---I~ P ete Barrell Jeaft g predenld BEST BAYCREST BUY DESIGNED FOR FAMILY LI VING -4 Be<l· rooms and dining room. plus family room as f.he hub of activity. Adult privacy assured in master suite. Note price and location! $64,5-00. 2015 Commodore, N. B. Open S.t & Sun 1-S HELLO PENINSULA GOOD BUY, DUPLEX -lmmaculate larger unit of this duplex perfect for owner or top rental, plus great bacheJor unit. Can see ocean and bay ... $49,900. Call for details ADULTS ONLY RATED X-SEPTIONAL -We are presenting this new listing for your viewing. Spacious 3 bedroom home in a private community. Putting green and swimming pool in a beau· tiful park setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $56,000 2323 Private Road, N. B. Open Sun 1-S GARAGES SALE ! COUNT 'EM -Five plus carports. Near new, low maintenance 3 bedroom home. lt's "Different" and fun! Ideal for car buff, boat- er or traveler. See it -all for .... $58,500 1700 Paloma, N. B. Open Sat & Sun 1-S HARD TO FIND THIS SIZE IN SUCH A GOOD LOCATION - 4 Bedrooms and large family room, delight- ful bome)t atmosphere, xlnt terms, Newport Heights area. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . $43,000 404-16th Street, C. M. Open Sun 1-5 Office Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARREIT REAL TY 1605 Westcllff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 4 l.NICU'. tou: MESA VERDE MANSION ON MANDARIN This is a BIG family house: like a master suite that's 19' x 25'. There's also a formal dining room, a super living room and a fami- ly room you'll never \Ya nt to leave. This four bedroom home is exciting and the landscap- ing is lovely. You should see it. PHONI UNIQUE HOMES, MESA VERDE. 54,0 5990 NEWPORT HEIGHTS $34,500 t)redhill RE,\LTY Univ. Park Center, lrvine CaU AnytimC', 833-0820 Office hours 8 AM to 6 PM OCEAN VIEW HOME REDUCED $10,500 Owner says sell this choice large 3 bedroom home in Corona de! ~far. Outstand- ing ocean vie\\•, Kingsize U -..J l"U S: Ji()U II=-~ bedrooms. 3 full baths. 1""'11 .,., L ~L~ Spoc»"' iiv;og room aoo REAL ESTATE 1onnaI dtltiog room. Extra l'!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!I large recreation room. Now l! priced be low mark('!. Only LIDO NORD so· END OF ISLAND OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5. 904 VIA LIDO NORD -BAY. Spacious 4 BR., F /DR combo. Huge patio. Finest vie\v! Next to st. end, beach & slip. $335,000. Charlene Whyte CAPISTRANO RANCH HOME OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2·5. AGUACATE RD., off Del Obispo. Custom 5 BR., 50' pool. 1.27 Ac . Huge trees -If.? Ac. Avocados. Horses 0.K. Near harbor. $159,500. Geo. Grupe BIG CANYON Building site. Cul de sac street. View down [airways & over greens. A best buy. Only $69,500. Call Bob Yorke IRVINE TERRACE -VIEW Custom de s i g n for candlelight & 'vine. Marble fireplace, 'varm wood s. Gourmet kitch., den/game rm. $89,000. SEE SUN. 2-5. 711 K-THANGA. Paul Quick LIKE CARE FREE LIVING ? Don't miss this new listing! 3 BR., fam. rm. townhouse in University Pk . Quiet, private: choice Joe. Call to 11ee. $46 ,000. "Chuck" 'Lewis TRADITIONAL BUYE R Beautifully constructed 4 BR. home: family rm., (or m a I D.R .. den, with attics, base- ment, ·pool & gardens. $120.000. fl.1arcia Bents PRIME DOV ER SHORES Beautiful home In choice locatlon. 4 Bdrms. Pool. AJr-condilioned. Oversize living rm., formal din i n g. Mu st see to appreciate. Eileen fludson NEE D OFFI CE AT HOME? iS!us 4 brlrms., su nk en living & family rooms, formal dinin g. large kitchen -then see this home al $66,000. For ~pp't, call Howard Well s SE E THI S -PRICED TO SELL A really sharp 4 Bil 3 Ba. bQU!e in WEST· CLIFF AREA. Enjoy 2 lrplcs. & large famil y room. Secluded pool slzcd yard. You own lhe land. $72,500. Bud Austin 133-4700 Cold\veO,a..lcer ~ 550 NEWPORT Cl!NTER DR., N.8. for Action ... Call 642-5678 $99,500. Call ~- DOUBLE UP Largr 3 bedrm hon1._.. w/flro- plrtce. oo front of lot. rtnd a cute 1 bedrm rent-.il on rcllr Of Jot. Present incotne from both is $345 mo. Full price - $29,500 Newport •• Fairview MUl11 (1nytlmel Cinderella Home College Park Seeing bl hclleving this 3 bedroom. like new, i.ne. B " a u I I f u I w11.ll-10--1vall carpeting. New lush drapn. Ht>eently painted. Owner ha.s jusl spent Ovt'r Sl,300 replacinn plumbini: with all oopper and over Sl,OOJ in rlrnpe". The yllfd is a. park !hat you \.\'OU.wt he proud to have. Prict'd al $37,500. Call 546-2313. ~···· THER4 BSTA'l'ICRS OPEN u 9PM INVEST IN FAMILY HAPPINESS BALCONTF.J) BAYCREST f{oom for cvt'fylhlnliC 11nd 1-vl'ryon•'. .i 0Nlrnonu1. dln- 11\A'. room, llt mlty mum, tk•n, l11ri:c• *'''Wini;: or OObby room 1u11t pool' Rlllfil\nl hl"allnK. 2 f1N'!H1t(.'t!S, 3 car lflllnlR't' • • • • .. • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • S9fl.50() Pm BARRm --REALTOR- '· Frida7, Octobfr b, l'J72 O~L'Y PILOT ESTATE LIVING \Vilh large talenf and little money yQt1 can make this huge home the show place or the Peninsula Point.' Built on three lots with beau- tiful walled, tile courtyard. seven .bedrooms. Upstairs party roonl. Large sun deck. One bloc k lo bay tfr beach. $135,000. ON THE i~cH DUPLEX Beautiful oceanfront duplex r~ht ·on the sand. A delightful quieter stretch or beach. Large sun deek a neat dwelling for beach living. VIEW -VIEW -VIEW ! This property is the "why'' people come to live near the beach. 160" panorama "ENORMOUS" lot size, patio and beaut ifully manicured landscaping. Fantastlr financing available too! . .\sking Sl00,000. Deluxe fou rplex -spacious and secluded apartments in an. exclu· sive and essential location. No vacancies. Expand your portfolio \\'1ti1 this one for a very low down. A FEW LEFT! Peninsula R-3 Jot -2 beds. and family roon1 home on property at present. plans and permit included for duplex in purchase. l"JURR'' ON THIS ONE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-POSmVEL Y High beam ceilings with lots of gloss and sliding doors -Adult cared for, 4 bedroom and family room. 2 baths. A beautiful contemporary home \Yith large MBR suite. HILL BILLIES R·l lot hig h on hill -Area or $40 ,000 -$80.000 homes. $8500. ARE YOU A TURnE? 1\ steal at A Park! A Pool! A Tennis Court ~ Everythin g you want near a beauti- ful 4 bedroom. This home is nestled in U1e City of Irvine in a quiet, safe, clean atmosphere. Superbly maintained . There aren't many like tbi' one. Asking $52,500 . MESA VERDE FAIRWAY Large deluxe hon1e with 4 bedrooms. family room . dining room, and kitchen "'ith breakfast area. Plus beautiful c·overed pa tio. Atriu1n with waterfall and many other feature~. ON THE CAMPUS? No. College Park! Beautiful 3 bedroom. fanlil y roon1 , J ~ owner, adult occupied, Col lege Jlark home. Only $33,500. LIVE EASY! bath, one A condominium -l{elax & enjoy $250.000 recreational tenter in· eluding poo l, putting green, adult lounges, hobby rooms. and teen center. AJI this plus large 4 bed ., family room . 2'h bath home with fireplace, nice enclosed patio. newly installed continuous clean Tai>" pan oven, Kitchen-Aid dishwasher. only $32.800. 10 '~ dO\\'ll terms available, and IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A POSSIBILITY Try this 4 bed. home on small Cul-de-Sac . Beauli!ul hardwood fl oors. Fireplace, F.A. lieat. Electric builtin kitchen, large double garage with builtin st.orage and work bench. Raised patio deck overlooking tree shaded rear yard. All thi s for onl y $31 ,950. KENTUCKY COLONELS :___ 77 Acre Valley Panorama -Even your horse will enjoy the vie\~· -Suitable for subdivision -Exercise track, sauna bath. and <»her training facilities at nearby San l.u1s Rey Do"·ru Development -<;:heck this out with your horse" OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY 4 bed .. 2908 Ar<lad. Ne wport B<:h .• $56 ,USO, 1145-4040 . Sii. lo Sun . 1-5 4 bed .. 1783 Pan ay ('l rrlt', C'oun try Club tJr .• (' .. \f. SllS.000. 6454040. Sal. & Sun I ·5 4 be<I .. 200 Susanna l'I . I" M. $31.1150 645-4040 . Sat. & Su n. I-4 4 bed .. ('ondo. 334 ·rours l..a nc . ('~I. $32 .800. 64!>-4040. Sat. &: Sun . 1·5 4 bed .. 18962 llacine Dr . Irv ine $52.500. 645-4040. Sal. & Sun I-5 3 bed .. 1311 Kings IM . l'\ewport llch . SI00.000 . 64!">-4040 .. S.I & Sun. 1·5 7 l)e<I., 1511 1'.111.1 ~lar. ~ewpnrl lkh , S l35,000. &l!HO..O. Sal. & Sun. 1·5 3 bed ., 332 llurknrll k Sun 1·5 ltn:ad, l"ost1 ~lrsa. S33.500. fW&--4040 S.L "REALTORS" SERVING GREATER NEWPORT HARBOR AREA MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE • I • : : • .. ,, I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • .. • • e: ,, = • • • • : • • • • : • • • • • • • : • : • ! I : • • • • • .. • = • • • • • : • • • • Fr\dor. O<IOW •.-19n ~~~:;;~~1;.-iiiiiiiiii"'iiiii .. ;.;1~a1 ;;-~-.. ;;;J~;;;ie :r ---1~ 1.__-_ ..... ___,1,~1 1 _ ..... @J iil-___ ,._ .. __, .__-_ ... _ .. ~1~ 1 ·--'!J~ ~G;;"';:";;';;;t';:';:;:~;;:;;:;:;;Goo;;;,.;';';_;';:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;J·-::=-::'"~';"l~:"";;;;:;--!;:.G;:.•""='°;;:;I:.._ _____ Gon.,ol l !C;o;at;1;Mo;;;"';;;;;:;;;~\~D~1~no~P~Oll~lnt~;;;.;..1 ~H~un~tl~ .. ~t~ .. ~S.~o;dt;.;;;;;~H;u;nt;l"lm'°"m;a.;;o;dl::;;:.1 $24,500! ASSJ:inc,N • , .. ~~~~:~~g..... LO~~N~R~R OPEN HOUSE "";;;~:s--- NO DOWN "'"" ot ,..uz.i For on!> """ .. 11. 118,!00. OPEN SOMEONE s.t • """Oct T"' EST GOOD ENOUGH , """"'"' ""''' ,,.,,,. • .,.,, :, sm }'Oii ..., .....,., °''' ,,.,, .. "' eih st.. N.e. I.& IS THE B gle».1r1u1~ l>uttt~. l•tu!l-1111 loo.n &No~.~ 3 br, 2 ba SPECIAL C:O~ :IEWI , •• FOR YOU? .•• dream kilcl\C"11. 111 o I at I'd hOmt. o '4.,..ttytna nMdtd. e Approx. 5 acres San Juan Hu,e 2 ~tocy, 4 den+ or j f\"lir llvtn~ roorn -('harm U18 pet month Plt1• all! C;;po, 2 ml 10 S.D. fo'r>.l·y bl>droon\ executive's homr. 3 BEDROOM, l BATH, m •n.hanc.-.d hy 1 n,,1 1 1 T+ ~ s~i6.;,QO. t:oata tile.a· .. best &N'n. ~RM•'T, Jo'A.MILY ROOM, We ol HOME BROKERS INC. will off" you th• followin9l I t\replaC('. Ent·l11:-.o•il rr1ull C&U 642-.85l0 Near Bah!llrlC SchOOl. Very to.., AL DINING ROOM, yard. De1lghtlul t"t)\'t•t'f'd OM -illce •·-·•· "ard 1,, • quiet 3 FIREPLACES. WALKING • A real prolessional oUice * H E & INCOME ~ , DISTANCE-TO H•nnnlt • pa.Uo. One mllf' lo ilcnch! area. No do'vn le qu11llflf'd ....... ......., e °'J'be c~oicest Jocatlon In Southeast Hunl- HARBOR Vll)V H,OMES BR.K ~1720. llealtors 646-ml 3 HR. ff.m rn1, + 1 BR. In--\'ett>rant . CALL N 0 \V SCli.001..S. 2(H3 \Vestclill Ori\!' l"tlllll' uni!. Top Col>lll r-.h'Sll BEJo"'ORE THIS ONE IS Anxious Seller Has ln&ton Beach. • Super working condition• 0 till 9 PM IOI.'. cloae t() 1·V~·r;1.hilli. • Lush new offices . . . One of the mosl deoirW>le devolopments in the BARBOR ARF.A. An'ldeal llmfl'phere tor the gro"·m~ family ... attd 1his S bdrm. boine fits perfectly into the pi~ture. There is a 3 car garage plus an area to eDclose for the recreation trailer -all ot this plus a htd. & ltlt'd . pool, complete w/jacuzzi, fur $74,900. pen 0 -· . 1 d GONE. Priced a.t $45,0CXl. OWNER ~:;;. llhX>OUS. inlly re " -11"'"°" coo"""• ""'' """ VACANT, &11·m BAI.BOA !IAY PROP. Reduced $4000. TARBELL =W,\lldli I\ lEl lltf.lton 545.9491 NO\Y AT • The best Sales Manager in HunUn&ton Beach (12 years experJence ln the area). • Training program for new aalea peraoMel TRAVEL BUG BIT ' l>Olh•, "•"· .,,,, ''""•" * 642.7491 * L1k(' new condition. PriN<I I •iiiliiiil .. OiiiOliiiioiiiim I Own.·r :1n .... 111us '" luk•· •1tf 111 at appraisal S30.500. AU * GOV. REPOS. * hhs tlC\\ 1110\or 111.1111•· .ind ll•rms. CIOSl' 10 South C0<1•t 3 Bedroom• • 2 B•thl Open Evt• ! ea...ow MARKET VALUE aboo~~~~!.!CT~"'" $45,• • Members of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Newport Harbor, Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. wanlli his liUfll.'r :11111.11> 3 Pit.la. Xlnt buy. N'pl Bet.ch '30,T!=O. $750 On. 671: 1)000 bedroom f&rrtlly ~m hom" CCU.INS & \\'i\TIS, INC. Cos1a 1'1esa. $24,650 Sl ·l:JO On. are moving to horse ranch CHAPIN R•AL TY • The two owners have 3.5 year11 of general real estate experience and know-bow ~ c!uding investments, exchanges, industr nal, etc. c.mi,·rnieot parking -l!ll..!y to bfl a "DHOP-l X" at nay & Beach ReaJty ~ Mild fMt. Sht•kc roof. bll"ICk 962~5523 Authorind Broker and v.'ill ~Ip buyer \\'ilh 492..$120 costs. GI buyf'r SlOO total "'all ft>nc'f'. 11r;r1n,•r unrt * C & W * * 54U570 * loh; or f'Xlra-.. s. ... · 1111,.. un"'--~~-~---'--1 '""'!1!!!""""""'"""""!!!!!""'! l"'OSls. Ul\'e\y 3 lxlm1 in East Bluff prin1e C.i\I. area, only ---""=-----H•r• 11 your opportunity to be •t ''HOME'' with the profe11loMl1. It tin" "' 131 ,95<•. INCOME $345. SURF & SAND . ' Call ~11~1 lOp.·n l•:\'cs.J MONTHLY Short walk to beiu:h. 3 BR. 2 =-----. .<.-HERITAGE :J UNITS close to all shoppina. SA, kit bltn1. lg fa n1 rm, Priced right <.it S32.500. frpl.c, new rotd s.hui e111t1 l·<.o;;:,.;;:';;•;;I ;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;:' Gen•r•I Call for app1. to set« t hruout. Obit> ~ar \\"/door !• CALL ANYTIME 01>1.>i1er. Li patio, privacy, I HARBOR -646-3928 or Eve, 548-8651 ""'"· BJ<r '48-71'511. REALTORS Salisbury l a.!~G-H~N~~ 11 Ea~~~R!_!,':!'~!i~m.. Walk to Beach · t"\\ , l"a< . am Y fnn1Lly roon1. frplc .. La~{' l -Sry. A·Fran11·. 3 BR., l " n.·.i:tiOO~. Convenicn1 !o im1io \\'ith ln·i··k Rttr·B-Q _ I ha. Beam~. hltnt. Tennis, . ' ' - ElCC\.USlVE CARHA~ COVE m'£M SAT. I..! '.'ol.lr\1:"'rs ' &:hool a.nrl perk i;rea1 for o u 1 duo r i·n·I.::========= pool1 nearh~·. s:tl.9CKI Finn. llUJ ~l hits ho PP 1 n lit . lertaining p1U$ alley acecas. • POOL • I CAYWOOD REAL TY C't-.artnll'I& lhrtt bedroom, O I $31500 * 54B 1290 * 1.1'1 bath 1111h 1 ~....,I'.' added ny • · • lit S.,..a.. Pl•ce '!iMr.:1r Pl&."'f' Dup."-'· 1.11 .-.« !511 ~ af'C'P. 3rrl inH·r· I s M ;totr, ~tra pat"k1n~. T~ Lani:! QOU own ii: 1. Thf' I ~ bi.'»! privlllf' & quiet Ma.~-ti Ju ... at1on. $210.000 Call !or Appo1n1n1cnt • -\.,k for 13e11v Lvnt·h E\'en1ngs 675-44.31 Salisbury Realty -• FIXER UPPER BEAUTIFULLY rlceora1f'd 4 t 1n11l) n10n1 11 l\h firrplac('. • beclrooni, 3 bath. 2 stotii ll::ird\\'ood !loons. st.>t:Juded Can Be n DOLL HOUSF:! home 1n pnnlr )<)Cation, front t-Ourtyard patio. qult>l 2 BR . Ni-ar N'pt Heights Coun!ry size kitl'hcn, formal lilret-r. Shown by appC>inr-Askin~ $2'2,500 dining. Jan::t" yard and 111cnl. C"LL G> '46•J414 enclosC'd POOL. llard·lf> c. F. Colesworthy ;1,;, .. 4~-find " only 15.1.500. CaU & Company r.~ ;i;.w.1. wurn COAST N N REALT0fl5. '40-0020 ... , ••P•rl •••t 0 ~ l-".:C.."--="------ -NEWPORT BEACH-*BALBOA* PALM SPRINGS VA REPOSSESSION Pen ;nsula Po;nt IN COSTA MESA Just relr!ued · J Bt.'tlnn 2 Charming '.\ RR. home. Nice , , , . lm1h homi• on a largl' 101 patio. lge. rlbl . .L":ar. Choice :n5 !'11ARJNF. A Vt:. ! 11:1 1 :-. rti1• l~hng you Ret 111\lh roorn rnr hoat or tr!r. IO<°. -just stt•ps 10 Ocean DALBOA JSTA~D 11 h1•n yu\J apprtiuPh lhl.'! F.1·t•1y11nl' ls 1•lt'gibk• for 111~1v t'ront. tl:lu.'it s«'! S.17,500. CALL 613.6900 lil11rly :"I bdrm.. 'i hllth VA lonn 1vith nnly S750. Josephine \Vcbh. H.c:tltor I"'""'""""""'""'""""'""'-""'' ·· 1 us110 1 n1 Uuilt ~~~1c. co1111 · do1\7l . At S30.7;JO. in N1•\\'flf . B•lboa Real Estate Co. SUPER p ee Y aurrouuu-=d \V I h Beh lt won't last! 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa oiany pahn t.rces & block CALI. 5-1().llSL Open Evl'S. 673·4140 Eves 6TJ-:t')96 OLDER HOME \\'8.U te n("('. l.JJ\'ely patios, . inaximum pr1vary nn•I low * Fixer Upper * LARGE LOT mnh11en11nf't• f•rk·•·rl '" ici•ll One n1an's loss is aoother Unusual oldf'r. 2 t)('{iroon1, ! ri l S29.!l00. nu1n's gain -3 Bedrnrnns 2 I'~ hath hn1111• on large tot. Call 546-~ i0pt'll Ev1•s.1 ha1hs, L'Ountrysiz('(I kit1·hf!n, COUid build anothl'r huust> euzy us('(j hr1ck fireplace, on rcrir. Prict'd at only heavy shake roof and la!"ie S33.~. Adrtlttonal p1'Qprrty * WATERFRONT * boat yard. suhmi1 your adjo1n1ni.:. RVl'l il11hl,. 11l!lll. PIER & FLOAT 1em 1s $30.7511. Ci\ L L Call fi.16-7171 . M Qrlen1, l1n1nnculatr 1-lcVf't M.~!142·1. SOUTH COAST ....,...,. REAL 1 2 BR-TRIPLEX ~An1e ... '.111 ~;-~ 11111.1 t1·1·plc., REALTORS. ., ~ ~. , ,.,_.at "'Ill•' 1·11 re sar ES x·..a.nRS $77,500 street nrar Lulo shops. Jn1-C-2 OPEN"ltr11... 9PM j Build for thnt rainy day. n1 NI. 1K'("11par11·y. STI ,500. llOME & BUSINESS for U1e --__ Q11;.l1ly bul11 -u nltt1 -tn AIJl>f'nlf.'f' 01\'Jl('I' 11 u y s, tna-enious eoup!e ,CIOSt' to PRIVATE !iU ITI·: Thi-. r·u"ly d~u~'(' Cnrona de! Mar loca· "sell!"" 17th & Orange, C . .\1 . Sl3,750. hornt' 11;1.s n ~111<• of 1'o••rli~ 11un. ~BR 1•aeh. Builf in kit-Cull: 673-Jr..G.1 673-iiOSC Eves. fun1ish,.oJ. \\Ith ;1 p!"lvat1· eulr;111<'0· ll1a1 l'hen "·ith rtl!<.h11·11sht'n; -one l'OUld P1!h1•r ht-" 1u11i11t•r unit has rlrep111.ce and J l' bt><h,"1111 fir 11 tf'11u1l unil. hn•hs. Quality W/W Cpt11 & ·rtt,., l:1r.i.:•· y11rd \1i1h .1{11nlt•11 Orps -F.xec ll en1 income 1:111d (n,111 t1't'l.'S and 1hl' Cul asking $77,:iOO. Call rur associated DR OKERS--RfAl roRS Z 02~ W Dalbo<> t.1l·lb6) lh· Siu· i.~:i!.l1on :u'(• l'Tl'<\I! I (}l•Ullla 6~'10. I-====== Cull r,7;,_722~1. I• I~ ~, · THE REAL FORECLOSURE < PRdroom. 2 R""'· 3 Blocks ~ '~• ESTJ\TKRS $24 650 fron1 Beach, ALL huill ·ilUJ I ~ ' OPEN Tll llPM . • ~loublc cnr ;.:aragl'. 11·c1i --·--·--·i ~r°" ______ 10111• 111an 11 losa can be your landsca(X'd. 8·12-2535. · ~ · ;. ''U'-'-FlXER i:h..ln .. .J B«lroom" 2 baths. --------~ I uv~r111z1'1"1 doublf' pruge. ··nm REAL \V~$101111tY °' M (otwtu co. 2·STORY brick ftrepll1~ and good · ESTATB:RB MEDITERRANEAN p I $17 750' ......... L.a>i<e lol wilh oom·1 '.:::=:::::!0PE~N~'T:!!•~·~PM~ 00 , • plet<> privacy. Low (l<J\1·n 1-PLEASURE Huy 1hi5 :i.s1ory ho11tein pe.ymm1. H UH.RY~ Bayfront Condo Jrnaglfll' your.wlf l!v1ni::: 111 '.\I I Ml\'~ l"A\'.\IE:"T OR !Hti·~ <Open E\"t'S.) . tltiJt beautiful :<p;u·1011il \ ()~l.Y S~'OO 11t111'hC'l'f'I' w11,y 3 Br, 2 Ba, pool, pter & shR, Bedroom homl' in N('\\"IK11't Ye •l" •ru:illlv~ INCLUDF:S Oell!:;htful $7!1,500 &aeh \\"llh love!~ ~pnn1~h \I \.-:1!1·'.H. 0 DHYEll AN D 6 EMERALD BAY de<.."'Or -Beanll'rl l'1•1hn~s -1 l:Ef!:JCl·JlATOR, T 0 0 I l.tnmaculate 3 Br + lam rm. Stparnt(' f)\nlnll' Roon1 11r11t 1'1.1 ·s SWl!ll~t!NG POOL! __ Vit·1v ltedue~d to S\29,500. Family Room -c111n .1 Hui 1)' 10 st'"l' call 64S-0300. OWNER MUST SELL T.d Hubert & Assoc, roorn -IJt1rkror11n 1)1 ,•r Niel' fan1ily ho111t• 111th :1 IJd. 347 1 Via Lido 675.8500 2700 ,;quon· f(•<'t :111<l 1111ly :: r ms .• l •:i. lw~th~; t'11qM1rt 11·/ * OWNER SAYS * SEEKING J)<'nnanent UIOC. wilh bwlioes.s firm or family. Need new direction from AttOl!lf130I". Educat@d, f'X· per.. adaptable, some In-I vest. later. Conside r all. Box ~. Manhattan Beach. BALBOA Coves. N . B . waterfront. Private ramp & noat. ~1odem 3 br. $71,500. Call owner, 6'75-0'00 for app't. Principals only. NE\V DUPLEX ...... $48.950 l-2BR & l-3BR apt. 151 E. Bay. Cos1a Mesa. 642-1837. 81lboa Penlnsul1 * WATERFRONT 46 fl. pier " float. s.cro 9f!· rt. si95.IXM1 Duplex 4 & ! Br. $92,500 MarshoJI Realty GTh-4000 OCEANFRONT, 4 BR. 5 Ba., fan\ rm ., wet bar, elegant 2 11tory. Ph. tor appl. 67J..6892. C•pistrano Beach FOR Sale by owner . CapistrllJ"IO Beach B I u r f view. L"'OITlf'r lot, 2 story. 4 br, l% BH .. formnl dining, den 11•/v.'Ct bar, drpit, ('pts, lntcr<."'Om. Con1 plet e l y fenced, patio. Acro8!1 from park. Approximately 2.600 sq. It. 5 min. to sh~ & hvy. $62,500. By 11ppt. only 4!!6-t..020. Corone del Mar * NEW LISTING * So, . or llwy. Channing 2 hdrn1. hon1l' plus b..1.{'helor'.1r uni!. Xlnt <·ond. & very g"OO<t locution. In 10\v $50'1 *RENTALS* 2 BR, &: den .. SZI() Mo. 3 BR., :Z hatht -$300 Mo. MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 67S-6459 )'tRr. olrl. Ont~· SIJ!J . .'iJO 1 ~nlrenf·<' fl'lr ,hon!. or trellrr *''SELL NOW'':* M&-7171 . Conwnlcnt !01·1111u11: rwrds 4 Hd 2 1 1 b. · . . OPEN HOUSE DAILY aornr W1lrk, O\\·n .. r rnu~I llf' mi .~. .Jnl 1· 1.i:: f •. inHQr Thlli beau!llul ~ ~droom, 3 $32,0CXl all 1erm1. 20th Sl. l- Tlu1tln Av., C.M. CAl.L 842-14\R ·~· 17171 Beach Blvd., H.B. Feeding A Landlord Mesa Del Mar 4-pl~x. Room for a pool. Great financing - 101i\ down. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths each. :i--un price $62,500. Owner will carry 2nd T.O. This won't last, call u1 today! Reo.IKJn 545-0e Open Eve& OPEN HOUSE Sat. and Sun. 1-5 Pl\f. ~ · Phl..larope, Mesa Verde, 5 Bedrooms. Dining rm. l-luae Family Rm. S54,T';iO. Vo;el Rea1ton 548-93-16. LOVELY L.RG 2 sty 4BR. home, 2"8 ba. frplc, bltln i::1:1s kttch dsh/"·sh. Furn. H*'f' yard. Sp r i nkl f'r s $4.1,CXXI. Owner, 976 Denver Or., C.M. 540--2442. RV Owner: 2 BR. Adull Garden Condo. frplc, bJtn gas k.lt, nu dsh11.'Shr, F'/A heating, lra: PQOI & rec rm. $18,700 645-1754. 5-4&-07l). OPEN HOIJS(', College Park. Clean 4 hr home. All tenns financing. 229 \Va ke Forest, Co.'\ta ~1esa. Sun. l2-5. 842-4455 Bkr. 3 Br. 2 full ba, fenced lot, new crpt. drps, new dlsh">shr., frple. Nr Elem. K'h\. $30,500. See your broker. 540-TI70. BY owner. lnvely 4 br, nctwd firs. lg~ lot. Lush lnclscPa:. Xlnt loc. Low $ J O ' 1 . '4&-2083. EASTSIDE 3 BR, 2 BA. Oen. Fam. rm. El.cc. bltit\s. Cpts. Corner lot. $34.500 Owner. 642-5582. COLLEGE PARK , Ct-1, 4 Br, + den, 2 ba., trplc, new crpts, lrg yard. Owner-By appt. 557·1641 BEAU • .J BR, 2 BA, Fam Rm. Ne"'llt Har schl .. R t'(' f11c. S.11.500 OWTil"r 121.ll 8.19-fm.ll. SPEC. vie"·· l BR & tam rn1 w/frpl.. 2 BA S39.~. :\3252 Mesa Vista. 493-3359. • 'nm REAL I """"" .. '""'"""""""'"""I in Tu('fiOll Uy lhl' l1t1 & rH'l'd11 rrn ._. l O x24 11·ork~hop, low barn, two 11tory wlll lll'.'11 this l£EI l~TB:RS an orfrr! nuuntennn1••' .vanl. C.ood Wttk! Ccmt !M't' 1969 Port OPEN 'TIL '™ Golf Course Home DUPLEX co.'ta """ '"""""''· '""' 01"''''•h ,_, p.m. 184·"°· TIME FOR Xlnt Jncation, Eu111lrt1• Cu&!/\ prii:c $30.900. \i·/HY~ tlown, Bkr. 675-7225. ~ Wh I Th" Lan;:-f' 5 BR. 3 h:1th:'I; family MeAA, l f:klm1a. eneh. Good *FU~LER REAL TY* • DUPL.EX _ excl!l kx' le 1ne 0 e lftCJ rn1. \\/frpl.. lorn1al din. 1111 lnc.-on11•. Oul o r t<i\1•n """'nt'r S46-0Kl __ Anytime cond . 1 Br--1 ba ea. (.'Q:\l. QUICK CASH htu l)l"en r•'llrl"'11 <1H'll. fM•\\" View of Mesa Verde Coun-\\'IUtls to acll. B•rn-Styl& Home PARE. ~r. 67'".>-193t C&TJK'IS, p:un!. l.11111-· illllfl,A. 1ry Club. O\vner huildir)f MORGAN REAL TY Earrh ](}\'t'J'"s k1nrl or Hvin'! H ARBOR VIE\V 1-ULLS TH ROUGH A elr .. 111 1111~ ln1• l1 'l IM"1rn1. llt'\V htlmf'. wlll ron11der 67)..6642 47>6'59 \\'ar1n hrl'pln1·1•. Kut~ 1oom1. Dce11.nview 4 br, 2 ba. :1-:;;;:~c.:~;;11~1~ ::;:~~1;'.1~1t;11~~ ~·:J:n =~1:. ~~~:·~:DESPERATE ~;11~~1~·1:tr·h1>n, $?.O,!XXJ. nnwa Xlnt cond . 64-t-1534 DAILY PILOT he<t\'Y 11hak•• f'"••f •h't'an1 1l<'lall1 & np111 . to !Ol!C TO SELL REAL ESTATE Coit• Met• patio, !!pn nkt·r:t 11"1111 & CORBIN TREASURES I~-' O"·~r 1nust "'(l\'C 10 dt'M>rl ASSUME 6''°" loan on :thn..., WANT AD n>'U'. u-ILM"lllnl ™ IK'I' niu~t I • I 31 W 1·1r NJ "'""-• • lor hralth reM0111. 4 BR. t>Stt· 1 • 1 '! ....:.-. ... u Eutalde 3 BR, 1 .... RA. 1 •. movr n1111h 1\~~11111 .. l.iri.:1· .,. VA loan Ai-l.1111.: ~·:.1..-~~1 MARTIN :.l1i KA. In:. r"tin;:: arc11. ••1.J ll~ITS, ne;ir mp., htc1. JX)")L f\EK \\" 11 1•rp1,i;. Call 540-ll:>I (jl!'l'n i:;,l'S f1,111. &._ ).\J'I& Ill:;. ~ti. Goud 11K,•Tn(' $2::.~. 10·~ rln. or drpa. SJ'l,:liO. By u11111•r 642-5678 tounl•1n V•llcy lat•a tlon•. r\\"hftllJ.:{' dn. Agt. ~>l!°>-8b'25. M.~·30.10, ! HERITAGE REAL TORS 644-7662 All tcrn1s Pnf'f' ontyl====='====:.;;:========..:::=======:;. . . REALTORS Mesa Verde One Story WHO'S THE LUCKY ONE? Sll,900. COL.LIN!\ ~ WA'ITS, INC. 962-5523 * C&W * ( h\ 111•r h;,~ nioved to Al11.1ka Hn!l cnust sell this Ktinrv 3 ''NEED SPACE FOR tii ·dronin nr1rl f111nlly roQm BOAT & TRAILER" 11,.:ir S.iuth Cout p1aza. The Thil bla lour l•~lr<M.1111 nn a lw~( huy in North Oi>IW. hurt' cornrr 11.1 hR~ roon1 ~IP1tu. ~'ull prk'e $29,500. tor all II"'"'' thinit11 11111~ ~ C,\LJ.. f"41).USl. OPtll Ev ... bath1 and • heautttui 1tone nt't'pla~ lt'R VllCUnl Ai ready. Drellm up )'OUr r.wn j tfll"ITI• arwl suhn1it , h111 tun .. I')'! S2'J.4li0. • ~-HERITAGE . -REALTORS Tiil5 4 l>C'(lrnnm h(ln11• 1t11 ·1110•1l o 11 tl'ei'-llned cul-dr-)>11t· lt!'f!('I jg in wtllldn2 diltlUll'•' to M:hOolS Ind i:"l'\lf rout"i' Thill! IK11ne-hat been "'l'll j c•n!'d for and In rnovr 111 cooclltk>ri. Only '33.999. r au I !46-~1.J !or morT Info n111! appt, to ll'C. ~;;;;;;;;;~~;o;1 nm: REAL Free and Clear = ;,:dflif\ f, Ill m:r'I'ATKRS N t N t N-Realton: ~~ -ofiN ~L 9PM e e •• Open F.ves. J~========~ ThrN"" 11111t .... all occup~ by ---='=-=-==---"TWO LITTLE """" '"'"' """' •enam. $19,950 H"MES" To<•• •wrx. "' n. 12.m "CHEAPIE y Sinai•• atory. LoNited In the on 11 hUlltde dean A f'rell1 u IK!ar1 ol U.. Al'ifltltl OJ. Jn. TE£ .. PEE'' a dalq. Good eutlide arr:a. ' rlwillial an·ti. Annual ~ l Sedroom 2 both homt' with lJw In ontt and N"ftl U. ~ $;1,400. PrtCI" $."'"i§,I». ramlly .,.. for only S1 9.ft'""', Olbw. A rare t:lnd •t Ut.~ Call ~1600. Good for a l(.attt>r home .All t.-ma. rNVEST'MF:Pn" OIVlStON You ro1.11f call now ~ ~' 11 1 1·~ I·' ~· ,. ' SCC~olllA-~'Btrs· Tit,,, Pun.le with th• 8uill-ln CltucHe 0 UNsCRAMll! l[lllRSI rot ANSWEl .I I F I I I I I * niE BLUFFS * Ry Owner, l Br, 11h Ba . lo maJ.nt IJ"l!IL '33,900 641).0lfi& * 6'l)..022T BY Owner, Lw!k 5 BR, SBA, Par din Rn1. cul-d•aac SL Xlnt conc\. $72,000. ~. Fount1ln V•H•Y MA~K SPITZ GREW UP WITH A POOL . . and so can your chil· dttn. See thl.1 lllP"I' f bed· room with family room klld covered patio Sol Vltta for only $44, 7SO. CALL MR. ED. SAMUILIAN FOR APPOINTMINT 962-88S1 BROKERS INC. BE A WINNER Elegant 4 bedroom 2 bath with family room, COYered a.nd enc~ patkl, lU!h car-J.·~-'.'-!!~-'.'-!!";-~-!!~-'.'-!!!:-~-.. -!:~-.. -!:~-.. -!:~-<!!-~-<!!-~~-~-~-~-~-'!!-~-~1 pelt: and dl"l.pu, new spuk.i· I ;G::•:;rdc::::•;:n..;G::ro:;:.:ve:;_ ___ 1 Huntin9ton ... ch ~Iyo:::.:."" .. ,..,,.,.... WHITE ELEPHANT IAYSHORE WIDE OPEN SPACES 3 bedroom I ball> born" T,OWNHOUSE , -1 •hru'p ne ighbochood, ---•, Cl-oo"'' ........ 0 glua walls. cathedntl ·~ u;o CflWnga, sunny kit('hen. paint, $500. moves you in, Low Price Only $24,SOO. Altume 7% GI O 1y llCJ'ef!l\Cd-in lane.I, 3 bdmi. loa.n. n 2 bath. AJl rhls and a corner $19,990 lor lor only $36,000. CALL THE REAL These new homes are k>c&*f CAU. ~0458 ESTATE FAIR, 10 n1inutes froni the beach 536--2551 A c10Ge to major iilloppina ••• O\VNER muat itelL Most breathtak!na landscaping. unique trees, colorful ahnlbl and flowers. Larae family room. 4 Bedrooms with In- viting tin-place, d I n I n g room for banqllt'ts or in- t1m111e candlellghl n1eals. Oclu.'<e bulltln k I t c h c n , dlsh,vashf'r. Jfand&0me bar. Hobby room. Patio. BRK, $36,500. 962-8865. GREAT POOL BUY Huntington-Beach NO 00\\'N NO CLOSING COSTS JU51 YOUR GOOD CREDIT A cozy, 1varm hon1e for tl1C holidnys can be yours. THINK ABOUT IT \Vhat could be a nicer s:i1t for the ones you love, they lleserve ii and so do you. 3 Bedrooms and I a r g e famlly/dlning room. \V/1% baths. Fully builtln kltchMi, 2 car prage and to add to !hat vo>arm touch a t Christmas, a (~place for Beautltul Prescly p O O L the kids to hang their at()('k - h o n1 (' , pro le ssionally ina:a on. You will lo\'e the landscaped. upi'!'&ded shag, nelahbon, they're o u r 2 large fireplace• and wet friends. Don't \\'lllt, lei bar. Thia home ha~ over -Mcvay sho1\' you !he way. 2700 llQ. tt. Hurcy. Call CALL ~- Realton 56-9491 Open Ewa OWNER 111.criti~. ~%. % a.pr VA loan now on property. Ulvely 4 bedroom home, clc1ant fireplace In iiracious Hvlne room, picture wl~ <lows overlook• a pretty tree lined 5~1. Entry hall. reception room, formal din- ing room, electric push but- ton builtin k 11 ch en , dishwasher. Patio. J r . estate around:t-landscaped lo picture perfttt perfec- tion! BRK, $34,500. 80-5566. EXECUTIVE LIVING in this -4 bedroom 2% bath townhouse, f1replace, family room, dining room plu11 teclud@d courtyard, twlm- mlna: pool, aUITOunded by 21 nt:'re park Only S31,950--l\ll.me your terms. CALL THE REAL ESTATE FAIR , 536-2551 ·~ 6 Bedrooms $38,500 U you have 11. larre family and need 1. b\i home, don't \\•alt on this one. Located on n quiet cul~t.'-sac atttet and close lo all SCl\OOIA.. There are not many 6 bedroom homes for $38,500 that v.111 sell ntA/VA or s~tr. down. Call n o \\" 842-2535. • THSJIEAL KS l!l\"l'ERS OPEN Tit.. 9PM O\\'NER anxious. 5~ •,¥, VA loan and your monthly ln- s ta 11 men t s are low, Homemaker's pride buUt-ln applian c es , e\'cn • dishwasher! One day old water healer: Free awim pool. Lush k>w m&lnten11nce landscaping and an Inviting E I LI p11tlo. 4 Bedroom, hu~c xecut ve vlng la.mily room. BRK. $29.500. At Jts fines t. Ulvely 2 1tory, ' B IW.2-fi691. , R channer. Corner lot, ===~--~~~ \'l'l\Tty I a n d 1 c a p 1 n a: , OWNER deapet8te, No down L"'Overed encloaed pat t 0 . G.1. tr:nn1. Lo...,..low down Community awbn pool &: norM•cts! Exdtina: home i;:t"l'en p.arki. L u x u r I 0 u 11 vo'ith a be11utiM covered and ,.. n tcr1 nlnlns;. Ch.amPllj"ne enclosed patio for year liviill> at a beer pl)Cket round PI'-' a 1 u re . :1 rirlee. Priced In the ktw Bedrooms, den, all eh.-etrl(' 40•1. "Award" buJltln kitchen. ' R.ell•ble Re•I l:•t•te diAhwubf'r. 4 1ea90n patio. Bring boat and trniler- 1846-3391 894-229S tvet. there's a tjx60 It. ttn1ent I OWNER lranaferred, Llg-ht pad on side yard. BRK, anrl airy home, 3 1po.cln1.19 S.l3,SOO, 90-1313. l11·rlroom11, 2 balh1-Elegant D"",,_ "TE lircphu.-c In family area. ad· ~~ J11L~nt the! bul1tln dream k'lt- •·hf.tn. evtn a dlahwuber. lA!vt!\y patio. lmmedlatfll JlOl!"t'Mion. No down 0.1. to·rrn11 & low do\\•n non-vetA, BRK. ~.OX!, M)-256L 1n payments. Must !!Cll NO\V. 3 Bedroom. 2 bath, garden hOme w i t It ri.-crc•tlonlll tac.ilitie1 and JX)(ll. CAl.J. NOW. ~1-6010. , A 1chools. Your choice ol carpeting also includin&: dlahwasher & builtiru. 5% Down w/paym!!llts !cu than S200 mo. This is a n1ust see for those \\'anting lots ol. luxury for a moderate price. Call fo.r information. 962-5523 Or Stop By The Sa.Jet Ottict; Located on Newland, Be- hind Slater &: Talbert. COIJ.JNS & \VA'M'S, INC-* c & w * SPANISH HACIENDA "OL'Ell" -4 Bedrm, famUy nn, onJy 2 yn new. Fully Unproved I: uPJrl'&ded-many decorator tten\a. Law! Jo,v! maln- !enance groun<l3 w/lullh ld~Pi· The warmth of the b11ck yard with lt'1 pa.tial and benches v.·ill pve you the fcellna or Old ?tfexico. Only \ii mile to beach. Full price $45.!XX}, CALL 962-8851 19 BROKERS INC. PARK THE BOAT • rlgtit beside this Immaculate 2 11.0l'y 3 bedroom, 2% ba.lh beauty. Walk to beach aod parl<, '"'" prl"9 only 13!1,9tlt. NEW LA QUISTA SAM MIGUEL Co!'nt'r lot, poesible botlt a.c- ceu, -4 l><h'1n, 3 bath, 3 ct,r l{l:IJ'll&f!, sharp, clean a,.t upgraded thn.tO\ll. Only $43,900 .. , !!URRY! CALL se-0458 •• VA NO DOWN J 9R 'l BA Rancher, tltuat~ on ovt!nh:ed beautitulb' landscaped fenc@d kit with sprinkl('rs / knee hlah ~ crpt& & luvely drps. Rtd hrlck tlrepl, bltin RIO, boat •\.'CHI. Xlnt loc. jlllt $27,950. ,, ' 1' ' ' '\ tu.M , , . - Top fj)uallty lty Appre.INl lt In at $2:1,500. an« what a buy! S>arp f h~rgc bdrm,. :l bath ud park·llke yard. 2 bk>cks to c.lcm,.ntary, newly lilted • lluM')'' C•ll 80-1-411 -"'NOW SEE THIS" ~ TJIS JIEAL~ ""'"'''""' < """"· 01n1ng ESTA,TSRS -~ M nn lv•me: W/1Unk "llv nn, ';;;;;;;;;;fll'Ell;:~!\:;i~PM:;;::. ... .....,. ... farn rm w/'A'll bu, Roman • 1TI71 Ikach Blvd., l l.B. l.ih. Ptk•d , ... u 113,000. $22 500 SPLIT RAIL FENCE -lCASABIAN R.l: t • front ol Pl"Opn1;y. P1m Ud I fl62....li&I~ Evet 002..6889 ll«> mo. p1,y1 111 °" lhl• ti.ncing lh&de tf'f'f'I accent OWNER. 3 BR. 2 8A beaut fre1Shly p11!nt1'1'.1. n\cdy thr ""'""Y 11hB.kl' mof ud d"'-_ • frple. rlerort1tr'<I 1·ll•an·n&-t1·pin, 2 · .......... l'JM'llna. 21x21. Rf'C bed · ('Ondo i P'rk rriM-<'rnlt.• \\'indow panes. 4 rn1 . Pl\11 h1dscaPl'CI Pillo Ire nn . n a -Big h<'ltrwma + lonnll din- ,. hukl!.lllflll i-'o u t I ' like lftOfiC. Min $1~. dn. Ina; room. An oldM' propert:J Oikk.-s.ac. lmrne<". Wik ~ If l'f"Van111r(\ lo l"flaln dtum., Fountaln V1Uty 1 c h I 1 •00 odd modern COOV• 131l.:m. -· . 531·51111=1 Pl·IHI 1.,'',...""-,,";:;· ;:;"KJI;;:.' :..;9&;;::2-:::"'::1:::,1·=-I Hun1inoton &Md\ BY Ch-·1icr: No quallt)1nc ~--5IU49I r.emA"TSB1 ~841-tOI;,.... •SJU.~ °'*" -., ' ~ ll"fffjL PPM , ii81!A.l'J:R8 CLAilSiiiiD· wUI .... fl NIOCI • "Pad"T !'!""' an 1u!t onjiJ!. !fM 1:=;:=::..:=.::::..:=..=--·~.:;;;.;::,...;.;:;::..;..:z::-=.=· lM1>1AC 4 br, nr Adami & Mqnolla. Ne.w w/w cpt _s_c_RA_M_·L:..:IT:.:..::..s...:· A...:N:..:S.:.W.:..:..:E:::R:._:.:.IN_;_:C::LA=S::Sl:::F:.:IC=A:.:n:..:O::N::_:B:.:l~S~J....;;~:::"""=•~:::;':.~'.', ~i.:.!"',,., .; BY owner, 4 br, tam nn, din 'l'alm O\'tr li11A. $800 dn. rm, trl le~t S & S Park Ex.l1fg 11ymnts SZll. 3 Br, 2 HuntliWtOn homf. i.o.dl of BL nJce 6 ntat, erpt1J 6 xtrd. M'T,500. 20031 Biit drps lhnH>ul S3)-U03t-rM Bend. -· Gl)-23.011"--. ___ _ -• ' l l • 4 l -..... llell -..... Huntington leach Hunfi"C"ton Bli•ch Newport S.eel'I 1-~--~~~~-~~~~~~~..,..1 Newport BNdl Condomlnl-. for NI• c....tlomlnlum1 110 for .., .. 160 • ..•...•............ , MIWON DOLLAR KEITH R. SNIDER Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley Board of Realtors presented KEITH SNIDER their first two-year Million Dollar winner with a plaque at their \Vednesday morning meet· mg. KEITH has over one million dollars in re· corded sales and listings so far this year. • 'We at VILLAGE REAL ESTATE like being associated with a winner and a real nice guy. If you have a Real Estate need . why not call a true professional, KEITH R. SNIDER. V I L L A G E REAL ESTATE 962-4471 •••••••••••••••••••• Huntington Beadt [ Huntinaton Bead1 PACIFIC SANOS -2 Bd l'l• Coodo, close to S!'Ja,rp 3 Br. 2 Ba Bltn R/O. beach, St.'hools, shopping, 5% dn total. Seller will pay pool area. a1I: buyers closing costs. ONLY $24,SOO. Hurry on this one! Standard Real Estate 963-5538 or 833-2639 ARTISTS BEACH HOUSE - mile from ocean, 4 bedrooms, study, f a m i I y tOom, formal dining room 'AND the most unique food ·preparation area we · v e sttn-& creative c h e f ' s _paradise. BKR 9G2-55ll. -0\VNER TRI LEVEL SOL VISTA G.I. 4 LG BR. SEP DrN R1.I lfELP . Owner moving out of state. 3 Bd 1'\i. BA. Close to beach. $25,500. ~1ake an orfer. 962·5031 & DEN, WALNLIT BLTIN * * * * * CABlNE'I'S TH R UOUT . I Pat Cook FRONT & REAR PVT I 8721 Page Circle PATIOS. $47.ooo. 842-mtl. Huntington Beach You don't 11('rvt n "ltn tn I Ynt1 :tr<' lh<.' 11·in1H 'r of "Draw Fasl" when yo~ pi1 li:" I : 11.-kets 10 lh1· In ad in the DAILY PILOT 9th Annual Orange Co. WMt Ads! Call now . . . lnt•rnational . I Auto Show at the Pre-Grand Opening Sale! CONDOMINIUMS t:-ctOent (enwtnlioft•I (l'ln•nclng Huntin~1or. Beacl'I Lofty living awaits you! Act swiftly lo select your own Newport Beach condominium. V1s1t the 1emporary oflices of the Newport Crest lnlormalion Center, conveniently located 81 2400 Wesl Coast Highway Suile B. Newport Beach. Open Daily 10 a .m. to sunsel. 17 14 1 -- Laguna B•adl ----------1 ,, ONLY $218. Assume this G~i•/,, F/{A loan. 3 BR, 2 BA, crpts, drps, bltins. Only 4 yrs old. $29,500, LOCATION END THAT SEARCH Because th ls lovely 3 bdrm. 3 bath home is in movC"-in condition. \Voocl pwielini Jhruout . Located in quiet \\'oods Cove 8.J"C'8.. OUl'rs great l0Xpansion potcnti11!. J ust Z btks. fron1 the lx'al'h & shopplng areas. ~ or call Joe Tomkinson. $59,500. ~Ian REAL ESTATE STOP PAYING RENT!!! Take Advantac)• of Our "NO CLOSING COSTS" SPECIAL THAT'S RIGHT, NO CLOSl.NG COSTS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE • Minimum $950 Moves You In. • No Closing C<>sts. • Immediate Possession. IN ADDITION, you get 2 & 3 bedrooms, I¥. & 2 baths, built-In range, oven, hood, dish- washer, disposal, individual laundry area , en- closed private garage,· private eatrances, choice of carpet color, cable TV, swimming pool, gas B-B-Q & park-like recreational area. All this for as little as $207 per month, in· eludes everything, on our least expensive unit. PRICED FROM $18,950 TO $23,450 Santa Ana Fwy. to Culver, right about I/" mile to Walnut (1st road on Jeft), left 1 mile to "\Valnut Square"; or San Diego Fwy. to Culver, Jeft about 3 miles to Walnut, righ t to "Walnut Square" or call 714/832-9670. _for .. N•wport Beach -·- Mobila Homes For Sale ]~ 125 . Belboe l1lend C•t• MeM U 11 111 f,, n10W1 Lake Hava¥u. I!'.:~:!..!!::!:.::.. ____ ,.:=:;;:~;.:.:.::.."'.:""""'.:'"'.'.:-"-I 1 1~11ne of the world famous • BEUEVEl 1 Br. Qntap. l.nndon Br\d&e. L«atcd 4 BEDROOMS & SIT· Stove. rdrf&'.. El11de. WO. 1·10~ to all IChoolt A city. TING ROOM vlewl No ALA Rent.ls•~ ~or will trade far Costa pets. YNrly t •a 1 • • NO GJNGERBR£AD! a ! r.tesa or Newport Beach In. $425. per mo. BAR· Br. ~-• ~. Encl -•. eon1e prop. 644-4687. """-' ,,... •- nE,\LllFl'L ocean view RETT REALTY, "42-Klclalpets. SJ40. l2GO. ALA-Rentol1 • MS-3900 !111~, Sl~.r..() & up. Ttrn11. i·ndl'rground u!1!111('S. DELUXE 4 BDRM. 'l!H-9388 WINTER. 4 Br.. nr. new, t'P.,., atory Mesa Verde hOme PORTAFINA LAGUNA baytronl, $360 nm. \\'t' ha~ nr Sant• Ana JUver. Larae others bayfront or 1Mide. l~Uy room wttb 1$ Sep. Out of St•t• Prop. 171 SALISBURY REALTY arate dlnlna; mi. SWl~mlng OREGON-Over 100 lake~ In l lS Alartne A\-e. GT3-6900 pool and Jacuzzi. For leate Klamnlh County. 1.JO Ac, BelbcN P•nrnsul• ar lcue/option. $4Th mo. 11:_11, n1;U\y .''~·l·s. Sll}i~ rii.sh. \VlNTER on BAY $300 JBR Incl. pool care & ~'8ter. 01 SICS d\.\n. $1!1.62 mo !or 2 BA trpl CTV \V D 619 V01l'I Realtors, ~9346. 60 nios, al 7"': · Agt W ~ •• 'bl·k 10 ' / . 9 CRASlf P AD! Spec tum • 1-19-l'l . ..,..,,., ocean. at . ":r--· Buena Vl&ta wtth view. Bach. All util Ulf"I. S75. RHI E1t•te W•nted 184 61J..M67 or 673-6050. ALA Rentals e 645.-3900 * Quick Cash-*' BR. 211 !"'· '"""'""""' ': • NEED Mo"' Room! 3 er .. , car pnrk I · $350 mo. YI.> nr ~his, ldd~/jlf't ok. $175. \\ill buy }nur property, All 1'tontero l-81'-!1991. ALA R t I • 64' -c11sh \\'itliln 72 hrs. Call • en • I ro171N Coroftll d•1 Mer 3 Bdnn & dl"n. 2 Ba, bH-IM, BROKERS INC. 962-1851 2 BR. tum. CklN to bMch ('l'pfl!i, d111s. db! gar. C4rh •'· Ptrf~ tor· l"OIJp&l'. No peta: nil'nt N. C.O.ta._ !\fesa. 11"1(' Yearly. $32S Month Av111I Oct. 1.'l. $26.l/nto Don Frvlk11n Rltr. 67J-22'l21-".,'",.l!&l6=---· ~~"'°-~­ raoNT 2 BR. Adults onl)· no * 2 Br .• l Ba. TownhouM", pl'ts. $235/mo. U!ll Pd. wash r /dry hookup . N Albe l90n's 6~ Paoo/Ka.r/pool. $1Z. Child ear r . . ok. ll...l3-89'7·1. PB.I/pty \\'lllll!i vru:llllt lot or Le1un• B••ch BE=A~UT=--.~,~~B~R--ld ho N t ~.new .. tn 'c " d ml :, !:: .!!!r ' $125 . Util Pd. Nice Bach. No. trlplex, pr1v vaN. P'l11i> . nrona e "ar. "'.,...''""'· !'al' ,..."' 1 I 1 ,,-1•19 ~~~~~~~~~~I end, Pr'l\'!lff' Pftlio. Quiet. W • '" ")( "":" M>ll. u i.r ~ $150 • Utll pd, New 1 Br. So. Sngls or •'!•lo \'fo4'1u lL 1 Br I~ Lagun11. palio. Cat ok. ~ar. Brin~ kHt~ Jll•t:< $300 . Oceanfront! 3 Br, trplc, Renr-A-House 979-8430 ;mmmmmm;;;" iiiii~I ~ deck ~ar Beeut Vu! ---NU-VI i:.W .RENTALS 3 BR, 2 R,~·· ~lr&.'l Vtn!f' 1u"'11.. Bit-in.~. lncd )'?"1. Business 673-4030 or ..sl-3248 J27a/mo. 557-8000 ('\'CJ, Opportuftity 100 3 SR, ocean view, $250 mo. 1 LC 2 BR In cout1, enel gar, l * • * * * BR. $150 n\O, Utll pd. C'hlkl ok. no pPll $14j mo Foster N. G•rn 494-1396 or 2ll: 244-63116. 6-IG-IT.ltl/642-4·122 1100 Dolphin Terrace, L.ldo Isl• 3 BR. 2 BA. Fa.n1 Rm. Newpt Coron• d•I Mar LIDO ISLE beaut furn ltarbor !!Chi, pool. $.'IO. \'ou lire the winner ol house, 3 BR.' 2 BA, tc patio, (Zl3) 8.~ 2 tickets to thf' acroa 1treet from Bay. Fountain V•RllY 9th Annual Orenge Co. Prlv dubhoule inc Id a:l'-==.;;;.-"';.;,;"----1 lnternatlon•I ut111rnrdener. Oct li to 4BR converted to 3 Auto Show June 15. $'100. mo. 673--4414. plus 1arge family rm, R[ lhl" 2 RR. 2 BA. FURN. CLF:AN fpl., super sharp. S300 CONDOS BACK BAY ANAHEIM & otEERFUL. THRU per mo. X I n t . nb r- 2 ba, iJet up Dana Pt Park CENTER Newport Beach der, 962-4471or963-2107 DEL 11·1cte Great Lakes, 2 br. 1 CONVENTION JUNE rn.2504 b oo d . Call Mr. Sni- $8950 or "'Iii trade u partial l)t·tohcr JI U1 lhru 15th Agt. Xtra nice, xtra JargP, xt ra dwn house or unit. 557-9390. 1 Pl~·n ~· t•all 642-S67ll. rxt. :n•I $150 . uw pd. huge 11.udlo. ~~--------1 rec:reation facilities a.ncl xtrn -IM•fl\Cf'n 9 and 5 pn1 to cllum beaut furn. Rlitbt on priv "'until'\nton Be•cft ~'OOrl ldscpg. land 4 tx-dm1.~ ynur lll'k!•ls. 1:-lnrttt (011n!y IXYll. ls lhc-"name of the gamr•" l\'hC'n buying 11 hon1•'. This listing \.\"il really fit U1r hill · 3 bchms., 21,.; baths, fan1ily rm.: backs major greenbl'll, vieo.Y of mountains beyond. Profess. decorated thruoul. A 1'fUST SEE~ 11 ·i baths, up !o JS50 sq IL I R••IE1tlt•. ) [Ml' *"ll il't••• nuntbcr is5-I0-1220•. SI~ -C•l\1 I nr. F1111.-. Gar • l)llEA1'1 Stuff ! l ~r. Eocl ll!lO Glt•nnl'yl'e Sr. l'rl•'I'• fmn1 $2>1 !.00 lo I Gener•I ~ .. • • • Il l)! l.;11\" .r. /l{'!,_•k. ;::ir n10d/pcl_ Nr heh. 4~-9473 :>i9-0:ll6 S:i5.1l00. \\'e:>t side of Ne11 · s=" l B " t! t~ tl'·l $1ZJ. Liquor Storl'S .. ,;:i • r. .. :t. ,.,.c, u ALA R I • 64' -MYSTIC HILLS port Back Bay, drive by l Dress Shop gar, OC4!9nlront! •nt• I ~YW SWIM POOL Irvine Blvd & Santa laa· Apartments I Bnkery NU.VIEW RENTALS e FA.It out~ 2 Br., tned yrd .. BEAUT. 3 BR. 2 Ba. on ror-!)('lie, and follow signs. foi-Sele 152 Bo •au!y CoHt·~<' 6T.\.40'MI OI" '61-32-tB Prw·I 11Ar, klda/pel. $1.55. OC'r lot. Lge din. & fam rnts. IO: 30 Al\f to 5:oo Pl\t. dally. NEW 5 U AT BEACH \\ d!; ,., 1>1 1· ~1rh $95. 1'tobl" ALA Rent•l1 e 64~3900 11•/t-eam ceil's .. a \'ie"' or ll HOLLAND B 5•1•1 ,, u 11 1 l\.".6:.! \tlnnt HD SJS.67~ _. . ~1· .• _ 1 ~irr •. '''"" ll•lll. 1 no · \\'•I ," to l••111•h, 3 hr. 1 hn . holh (IC('an l: h.ills. Custom ' 0 • • ' J i\6 llH1n ~1·._r ., i.1.}-41,0 Rent-A-Houle 9794430 l'lil t'lt>e khch, il-Wr, ""'!. ""'"~~" "''· • flt. poot . 531·5111 I :::1 531-5111 " An exceptional' piece ot , ,.~~~~!!"~~~"' Duplex•s/Unlts LAUNDRY I * 2 BR funi houle, on df"Pll, St-11 din nn. Fncd yri, property at $65,000. I' ELEGANT CONDO nl• 142 CLEANING PLANT htach. 10 June J • t ti!<". sm mo. t71:tl 697-0042. * 4~2!1K> * 1-="'------= Coron• cMI Mer. P•ctflc J,.W/mo. 646-9291 or 540-ORrvE By 8421 Jndtanapolls . Close to ocean. 3 BR. 2 b8 ., I BALBOA ISLAND Thi• Coest Hwy. An n u • I 2846. s Br. 2 ha hrxnt-. B11ns. sn;; rrplc., pool End unit, adull versatile 5 Br. 4 Ba. floor gross $25... PETE -s mo + $75 dfipos. 1213\ romniunity 10% On. plan has 4 ki!chens nnd 4 BARRETT REAL TY House• Unfum. """ ;.%-29-IO. "' 1loh "11111\il. ----1 h11li11 r !sf \Vestem Bank Bldg. 4.r'~ _ University Pa.rk, Jrvinc {~INDEX) ·1 -·or••· I~ ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER "SINCE 1946" m?l~-\'.!t~~~IFfh,''''">:J.~ Octolx>r lllh thru 15th Days 552-7000 Nights ,.,.._::;.=c-. PlenSl' call 642-5678, ext. 314 1 :::~========1--------­ between 9and5 p111 lo claim BETTER THAN NEW Laguna Nigu•I GEM outsif!c entrances. \/pry in· ~~~~-o--___ , tercsting locntion "'ilh a 3rd 641-4353. G•neral J eR., 2 Ba., bltns, 3 yn IGlO \\'.Coast llwy., N.B. noor 11unde<:k for Vie\\'S o( f>'Ofl Sale By 0\\-ner: Mex-old. 0.11n. vacant! S285/J)l!'r your tlck!'ls. ~Norrh County Elegantly deoorated 3 bdrni., toll-free nun1ber is 540-IZ!OJ. O•ssific•tion I 00-124 I'-------· ....... !~ Cl•ssific•tion 125-149 ~flnano-'_'' __,J~ c1.11ification 200 -260 1-..l.~-___,.-'"_ ... _. ,..JJle J Classification 300-3;;5 • • • • • NEW PAINT 2 BR, wall !O wall Clll'flCt~. i)uiltins. Large> ron1t>r lol, vacancy fllr quick tX'· cupancy. Only $1.000 down, full pri1·e $19,%0. CA LL 9G2-88;i!. BROKERS INC. DAZZLER [ I~ This hc-11uty 1vill N'rll'"' your ApartnlMlt for Rlllt ell l('Sf for livinl!. 4 Big: bl'd- -. • nn!l:, 21'.! h11ths, lorn1al din- Classifie•tion 360-370 lm:. li\'in.ct rm & sepnrn!r I ~ fan1ily rm .. ~ (':ll' .c:a1·. Pool ""'"" I & s1ie lot. 2700 ~ ff or fan· . ,-tastic living Hrca. Jus1 ~c::1-.-.,':'m",c-,-,'";.-.-4~00-465 hstf'd, ;~L SiJi~1~ Hurry - f· ~'" ll1i14J • !:JI!~ • Cla111f1c•t1on 500-510 171 71 Beiu·h Blvd., !LR. I~ ......... I~ Cl•ssific•tion 525-51:) Lost Md f\Mld )~ Cla11ific•tion sso .r.ss I O l, lnftntetion . ' I~ c1.11ification 676-580 ·1~~ ... ·-I~ • Oa11ification 6004 699 l --· ![)]] Cl•11ific•fion 700-710 [§] '=-1".-.. "'11"1<-.-:,7;.-.-:,::::00.116 - l ........ _ l!B Cla11ification 150-151 I _ ... ~ liJ ~ , Cl•11ific-etlon 916.949 O\\"NER e:<trcmcl_v a.rl'<ious . Submit no down G.I. tena" try 5'; flown non-vets. 3 bl'rlmoms, 2 ~para le ha th.,, homenu1kcr's d ~o n1 buil1in kitchen. Ol>lighlful pntio. BRK, S27.00J. 846-0004 . REPOSSESSIONS ror tnJormation and kl.·nuon ur rheu F1IA A VI\ ho11nc11, contocl - KASABIAN Rtel Est•te 962"'644 WEEKEND SPECIAL No down, nn clO!llng C081'!' ror Vets. Benul, M ~red 11 h GArdtns 4 Bit. 3 RA. AJI the utras! $49,950. Standard Re•I Est•t• 96.3-5531 or 833-2639 family roon1 home. LuM landscaping surrounds the l1ul(e patio. Overslzed lot on rul-de-sac slrCeL Reduced to S.17.350. Qrecl hill REALTY Univ. Park Centf'r. Lrvine Call Anytime, 833--0820 Office Hours 8 AM to 6 PM TURTI.EROCK ftllls, 4 Br., FR. exec. View. Bl' low market. Also lease at $<1'1:> mo. 833-1710. Laguna Beach STUNNING home with 4 bdm1s., plu s .~ l~th.<;; 2 c11.r garai;::r. Plclurrsqut• "oodland st•t- ring. f''anta~tic (l('l'af\ & ran- yon vlr"' from l lvi~ room. I lug:r run1pus l'0'.1111 for 1·luldrcn. i''rlend!y, l!kul:ilr nr1ghb1rhl..wJrl PJ,•11«." •·all F.arl \\"a!rrt>tu-y f(lr n u1r1• drtalls. S5~l.!XJO. ....Jo tan REAL ESTATE 1190 Gl1:nneyr1' 4.flt-947.1 ;,46.-0316 IA)VELY 3 BR. 2 BA home. Ma11y C'Ustom IE'atures - wlllk-in pantry, huiltJn Vlllll- ly ln mruitl'r nn. 11t1rll!l(."f! "'nils, bl.llllln hookl'f;MM;, UMbtctructive VW\\', l rk>cks. $48,500. 4~ by apPt only. NO BROKERS. CUSTOr.f Mmt'. Beuu11r111 !W"('ll.n V\{'W. IJntteriuoun1I u11l lrr<'t. 3 Br., 2 ka. $69,995 1\tr\\1m r l'l1111tn1n l'ort.atln,. l.nJnln(i 714/494-93AA ' REALTORS 642-462:1 mounlii1n1 and harbor. Coill ican Food lo go, fully equip. mo. \VIII Mlll S900 dn. 675-7225. pe<I, In 11ma.ll shopplnf s.n-1103, evt• fl.12-2312. NE\V CONDO on East 9, ttnter. Priced at $.l,000. For RINTALI " BR I-' "' * PIER & SLIP * ~ ., , ,,.c, ..,.IM, conrlo view golf COU?'!le. 3 Br, 2 Ba, ~ quick Mil'. Call 842-1311 HouMe * Alttl. Sl!ri. 197.(2 C 0 v ro n ! r y owner, 6T.~J033. 60 Ft., 3 Bdrmll., 3 baths B~ ~ii )loo-ThJ.n'-Snl. 9 :J()-7;~ pm. ltl.l-1100 cla,)'i , 5t6-STh4 """· Immaculate! $240.000 I , . * 141•0111 * Lido Isle LIDO REALTY JEV.ELR\ Storf' in hotel. Alon!" 00 lot Vacant. t'r1ed * REDUCED * 3377 Via Lido, Npt Bcal"h «! r?t , llunting1on Bcac:h. J I. W.111hCOITAMllA S14l CrptJ1, drpa. * 673-7300 * -·-·-· Ynuni:: P.rnl1y. 847-1216 I S9'1.50 . J~<.:ltt>;o1uu:: 2 Br. Rent-A.Houle m-1430 Spa .. ious 4 OR. 4 batl1s: fam-sul.SIDt.UY Of IHI COi\llflU co. 842.8540 J,riv hon.r. Car. 1.l•ture --, ily 1·111. 1vi1h wet ba r. J-~rplc .• OPEN HOUSE e cpl . EXECUTIVE 4BR, homl'. in m;is!er ~uite. Newport Riviera NEW DUPLEXES MOMy '° LOln t.O * Golden Wttt estates. nt NOW $89,500 \\'est side of Newj)'lr! Bnck BUILDER SELl.JNG NOW. 1--"'....;.-------SI Z'l . STF.:PS to 8&)'! I Ur. Oou&Ju. $315o, 9B8-32'T3. howcrRl>r.....-1 ... "'' , """' , • , "" $45,9so 1st TD Loans '""· u'" "''" °'"' ""· 2 aoRMs , .. , ... "'""'· MOlCoA CONDOS from $28,900 10 Cor Huntlngton1Adrun1, ll.B. * Olildttn A pet OK. $22:\. ptt 3416 Via Lido 675-4562 S35,!KKI., up to J,'(j(l sq ft. 536-8181 . 6;1& % tN'fEREST Sl~,j · Nt.:Alt O..ach: 1 Br. mo. Arent 90-44'Tl. \\'ANT Lido Isle 2 or 3 BR Big mstr bdrm~. 2 car R'ff'" >----------2 d TD L Stovt. CID. l111·d t o r Irvine <mt din• liv "" w1rvt: 1 _tn_c_om_o_P_r_<>,_po_rtv_,_ __ 166,.. n 030S "'"''"''· 1;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;01 up lo $."5.00J. !lave lrg equl-baths, huge l't'1' facilltiC'll. _ * I~ 1Y nr Country Oub. \VUI ex-Drive by Irvine Blvd &: NEW DUPLEX $41,9.SO. i.l'1\'f'.t1 r&tl'I Oran~e Co SI~ . f'RF~9 t A (.i."n~ 3 Br. 3 BR. 21 bath · "" ·· · · · SllCJ l'hangl! or rcfin. Call !\fr. Santa Isabell e uni\ follow le,.tu:ring 3 bdrm., 2 ba, "WE BUY TO'S" NfW rf1)U dJ'p9 Y"1 fnr 4 Bil., 2 " b:l, l1tm rm •• ~ r..!onti;:omery, Realtor (213) signll, 10:30 l\nl 10 5 pm "O"'nt>r'.t unit" w/fpl. k 2 kidl/pl'1. ' ' 4 BR., 21,\ blll, l11m rm ·· $425 96.1-75n. daily, bdrm., 1 ba. Jnconie unit. S•ttl•r Mtg. Co. * Mesa del M•r 1, Xlnt loC'allon. l.arJ::e nttr;tr• 642-2171 545-0611 $2l$ ... AJ.tJL\' \\'1&nt1NI! 4 ti\'(' 11nll1. Quiel privacy, Srrv1ni.: Harhor arr 71 }'Ml Ur ., 2 Ba., &"al'. bltna. AvaU OPEN Sun. 1-5, 4 Br, 2 ba. Al!Ct triplex for aale $67,950. • ~TONEY to lonn nn n!"I rmv. ! I I . I : I ' I '. " ! 1 ~ ~lany xtraz. $3.5,000. Owner. 531·5111 ( =J 531•5111 ~e 151 E. Bay ~'. C1'1, C'lllnle. Rf'ai.on.nhle rnlf't, or LANDLORDSI 54!HXl2~. &t2-4'lri. "'Ill bey your T.D f'RE'F. RDITAL SERVICE "SlNCE 1Jt11•• M·-,,-;,-.,~".-n "'v~t'"'•i~o----I BACK BAY FOURPLEXES •BROKER 642-7491 • BEACON RENTALS ,., "''"'""' ""'* B>!r . ·-· 1:111lli11' VACANT OPEN DAILY ICO!!ta 1'IPS8 . Unclc-r 1'00.,rnK'· \\1': n.min;;rr Isl A 2ntl flt: * 645-0111 * Unlvenit)I Pat1c. JNinc 5" TOTAL 00\\.N 1930 IRVINE Uon B1u'fl'.11ln r-.1~~ innney lo1u11. Al1t0 purt'h"M Tl~. Huntlncton Br-11rh • r••. D•yt 552-1000 Hlghh Qur •1f <1ren Ol\''Wr n1ugr M'll BY Own••r-4 B d r n1 ~Fa m on 11.ppl1.'l'IBllOf1; f-.su•y trn·n~. l\kr, 492-83.'t2, 49'MtU. ~tuu·p 3 bedmm11 Dulcill":=========I 1 R.lrm hnme loc11tl'd jn rm.-lJcon. Redecorated In-! Art qull'k s7t,j00. Mortg.,.1 ll evt'n Mrt1r NPw 11tuiicl~ lt·rrifll· 1'1iuion Viejo. Brit1c /m1t. 5'16-1431, 548-6237. Phll Sul11\1&n ltrr1l1M I Trust ~I 260 rnrp;1t with m" t C' h Ink 3 fill, 2 t.1h1 . , . ,, '1%1 r1n·p1. l"lt'I.· hH lna. Only 5 :H.~·6761 clrnfl"•· ~1>art<llnc c·lttft, 1 DR 1 hlllhs · · · · · S:IO'l yrs. nl1t. Total prict• s~.iXXI. N•wport Heights EAST·11de C.~I. houMl & i':X('FJ .• Lf>~NT $14.00l fln11 lt.•n1 111n) P"T' month. 1 lilt. z IJ1i•l1.oc • •·UV! Call R1T.MOI) duplex. I~ lll'.I, i»,y. TD. for Mif'. 10 )'1"11, II '« l llot'drootn, 2 !with C"lta i eel h KATELLA REALTY nvnt on lit 'TU $235. $10.00> Int . fl&)'I Sl691mn. Wlll dW· 1.teu •n"1t. Double PrN!'t. • .,,, %1.'nl El Toro Rd., El Toro TWO BEDROOM riuh to loft.n. Totft..I prlrf' l'llUnt S 1 . 0 0 0. P'hont N'l\?ft'd .,.oo, ,... J)llinl. . I , 01.0F:R llOM-E with lovely. 133.!Y.iO. <l w n r r I bk r. 11 5/11-46-QTI. Jr.need yant. rl1f' ttnl or~ B\' OWNER lavt!ly 4 Br, 1 ~. I I ,. I -• ~u w~ I 111M •·ur..,, AWJU and 6J6...56.to. Uon •l -per mom ... -Hf.AJ~TY Bn on cnMIC!r lol. 20CJO IQ It. f I ):IU'~c-, or oo Y ~ Un1¥ Paril Q-n1.,.r. In 1- kllch<'n, Air Cond. Custom $25,0 • BUJLOi'::Jt SELLING NO\\' HrMet ._..,.. ~ <.'all An)'ti.nw, IOl-OI'» Nr 11<:hoot, nil f'lee. bltn OO NEW DUPLEXES [ I " d'l)!I &: lTj)I, trplc In Roy McC•rdle Re•ltor $45,950 I ~~mii~~~~~~~1:ll<:""'""':~~~~~..,._== Ottk't' houn I AM IO I PM l'l'.l)8Ci011! I i vi n ._ rm, 1 ~10 Newl)(lt1 l)IV(I .• C.M. Cor Huntlnscton Arlan11. II R. Oprft Eva. l '""''"''""'· Xlo! 'o n d . 541-7729 5u.tlll Ho.,.. Fuml1hed 300 LANDLOIDSI °"""" a.oc~ $48,5(11. 71<1/)2'}-2071. I II •-·•! N l ll'i . l •itb br<arh ,\!ll"M.' 1 TREVINO -m.soo Ne.AR NEW -tN c.M. ·~ d u P 1" x "• · • • • • • " .,,.. ... ._"' 1a ""POI" nr ()(un v..w· Supr-r 11h11rp T'rt>vlno mtxJd 3 BR. 2 ba .. 2 lrplc. + clMn, ~ ~~~ H•rley E . Newm.an '~ftd'! e OJmN di-I M•r e sni . ~ 2 llir ·N,... "11'• f~all~ J Hl't, pluah ldlllCPJ formal din, rm. + + 20dJ Prfrr nNy. 300 I ~I u:1h 106I El C•mlno Drive ,t l.uuna. ~ .. R"'11LJ ~ hi! .. • tit-di 1'. nd • fronl .t-~11.r A1r-rond. + lnm. nn. $4 1.!m, Ptac., C.M. $G-CZ8S ,.,~.C~t•, •• ~1~ ....... .J """'• \"~~'REE. to YOU' Try U:0 . C.0,.fl<)w :;.,: 2 Ufl + w w crpt1' lhn.IOUf, quk-1 CaJI for App·1 "" .. ~ , .. -.. •u,. • "' 11 ......-drn + ~1 "'1*' ru1~1,.. . ..,.,. 11trt>e(. All terma. LIDO REAL TY * ~pkox rr. So.. Cout PLazA, I 1 '~'k"'' tn !ht-NU·VIEW lltlNTALS MU·VIEW RENTALS CAU. ll17·S400. l.177 Vi8 Udo, N.H. 673.T.WWJ Oetuu l JJt owner'• Ulllt. ..., Annual Or•nve Co. rJJ.«tlO or *4..3'111 ~ fir 61-.12-M KATELLA REALTY S•n Ju.n C•plstr•no L:· :s:~. IJO 'r;:;:•~:I ~_7_1_bo_•-'-''-------I' Bk. 1 b01t lrit: clt!dt, Newport Beach 111 thr l DR. ' RA. 2 ""' pr. "" -•n \'\I. ttlr11t S2!JI? Pf"' 4 hr, 2\., bli. l1m nn. r!ln rrn. St•rt YINt "'"" •lboll1 dadr. Yrty, mo. Lr"" l09 om a HARROR Vin' h nm•, (rpl('., bUIN. lncd yd_ I ml lnv•stnMnt Progr•ml ANAHEIM nso er.,..~ PAlrrmo, 4 Br. tam nn. OllM Pt IW'tw'lr. By ownrr AllMU'. " acre •Ww Iott COHVENTIOH · -IM,,IAC l Bdrm 2 t.tl\. {'/0, h1 nd.e..pf'd, S67.0'.Wl 493--3143. w/cil)' wn rror. wflhln 1 i:nlle CENTER Cor°"• HI Mir · 0 • ft.JO...O))J, of mulU.mlllJon -·· IJr'lnl .. r I l'h tlu·u 1:-.i:h n-.. • ... r A ... ,.,w .. -.~ """~-!!., .......... , "'"""· Ml ,14 ) ,,..-,. n. • ,,., I ~ IMnl. ••-• ftr _....._ ll11i+nr Vltow H nm" t ~ ""nlf'r, a:oif cou.rw A 1 s:r;G/mt1 4 2 •ft ). ~IONAC"O. 2 br A dm. Im· ..._...._ I ~·11.y. W'O ()i:Jla'n, SS per brhrl"t'fl' and :, rim tll ··1,,•m !Tl/YIM' rtiD.';;-"':<O.-r:::-:;:;;--;::::o I n1•"L "-ip. Ry ~,-r Jllllli1 r 1J ·-...... )"OUf' tlckrt.1, INnrttt r~1nl) llf'IW!tn:lpe ST~I " !PAC. t Bl\. '19, Inn!'. ~ .......... ~.'~n~ 1.~ ..,....,"" · """ 11 prtl'!' _. ..... "'"' n v •. ,...,. Mlmbn' 1.15"«112>11 fiT;p-"7. tfr. ~ Rent M.50 mo. '""~:o ..,..., ~ l1('f'd tu lrffk. wtU tnde .~---fur \11r1ll lntOnM! Jlftlllft'f.r, • • • • • '°=tt''"' M*f• re,..., s-n1. e lfl-atiD. BLllfTS • Vlow 4 e.. f"i ·~J-t• ..,..,,. ~-, Alt ~ •--,-•--t ~,_,.,._, McNASH REALTY °"'boo lalaM 11-.2bo,bl-.lee~~ ~v"''~ • •I-~ '"'· ' .... .._., .am at'f'n. For S.te 152 • incu ,..... Ch6ldft OK. sm Pool. CU. By Ownt:rr _..;..;C..."-"""----= '4'1--~ y ..i...-....... ........_ Ml.adn. P"t1 OK. Im mt. _..,• 111• _ .... -SI~ 950 llt.U.-'~"'"'" ''"-"'•""""• .......... m ,,.._ .,.., !:~-~-~!'"'~=· :::·:1 • , ~·~ Contemp<M._. Hiiis ~T.Wl'ORT 8-h IO' ,_ Olt1atf 2 n.. o. fr>I<• --· 2 t.c itur>1nte. ~ door. " On11 s 'Piii-""' "'n ' AdUrt 1~. ,.lf'W °' CIC'Nn • 1'111~. 0.,.. .n..un. "~ 2-m H«Wt1 dec.wwffd. m 1 • blk from. OClWI btloeb. pAtk. ~· tn U.1~ ~ SQ,000. Hi--3IU f?l".JOJ or l7HO&l.. n. i.,. yvd A ,.U.. M' 11-•• --.... .,.., .-• .,.. ,,.,. ..,... ..,,.. w,., r;,,i.. m $lt'i,(Q) t•. Aa1 l'7J.f:Slll. \\.nrllt, m1l RKI&• llaMlt 'tt tnrl r~~~~~~~~::.:~~~~d;;l>ll~~C.CU~;l'l.~~Ol~iand ,., ... t ._ ,,._. rM. t Be. Ukl' iO Tftdef Our 1'1'9dn"l Dr .• inf! Maultoo Pktvy.J. •W1tt"f'hnt. 30' bClllt •111'. .. Or." Y~ ......... )IOU piA01 J BR~ lhd:lwd ~ im" mA. IJli)S AO-• al Panct.i1i! roham• 11 for J'IU.f LM\lna Hilb. TJ-1 ~ ~ 1. r.oUl.m I 1I1 n d , u ..S kt rt. DAILY p Dbl pl", pcJQI/~. 15, Kra. ~-r.. A S llnet, lda,a for 5 illllcb. :'(~a ·•PMf'"" ~ 1111 id! l'TJ..Tnl W•M Adtl call _. ••. M$..&'tll alt I. wtrnck. ~__,,__,--- I • '• •' -. . - ' 34 OAILV PILOT Apt. Unlum. JU l~-~ ... -~l~~~l ~I ~-;;"'~-~l~~e~\~-~-~ .. ;;~;;~~.!.~-\ ~I ';·=" ~-... ~-;J:ll!J~I ;;-;;-;;"';;-;;l~~~\~c·:•t•:Mo: .. ::-\.~l .. ;;""~-;_;"';;-~l~~~I -~·;;·'";;-~l~rtJ~l1~~1-... ~-·;;··_ ... ;;,.,-;;-~l~;;"J 1 tiou•H Unfllrn. 30.5 OupluH UnfVrn. :151 Apls. FUl'n. MO Apt. Untvm. 165 Apt. Unfvrn. 3'S HARBOR GREENS """'=·-U.;;.nfv=""=--.:"'=.::Af'!::t;... U:.•:::'".:'"~· --~16S::;:_I Aph., 1;...;... ____ .;... ___ l 1-~urn. or Unfum. Lido Isl• Costa Mew Cott• Meu Gentral G.Mr•l Fumlshod & Newport lluch Newport Beach •Br. 2 &1, !I-pie, <Tpl.!i, drp5, ~·urn. avollabll'. A1all to June Isl. 6~9159. 2 BR, 111 ba, ""'° -· retlig, encl patio, pr, No pets. $1fiO mo. ~2951. Caso del Oro AlJ~ tmLITIES PAID Compar~ ~fore you rent M•'\111 V•rd• Huntington Be•c:h Custom designed, f~turlnii: e Spaciow kilchen with in· l\fESA Verde 3 Br, 1% ba, NE\V 2 Br. Priv. yard. dh"t'Ct llK;htlng drp11, 1·111, bttns. IM:!V.' pa.int. Dmv.T, rrpts/dt"pll, gar, e o.. di • $2f\'5/1no. ~-$175/mo. $ 3 6 ~ 7 6 3 3 or .~pantc . n g area 536-2652 • llome-like stor~l' HACIENDA HARBOR From $150 DELUXE I & 2 BEDROOMS Furnished & Unfurnish.d Heated Pool -Garages -Shag Carpeting Dishwasher -All Utilities Paid. Adults Only • No Pets '241 Avocado St., Costa Mesa 646-1204 Unfurnithed From $130 to $215 mo Bachelors • 1 Bdrm1 •·2 Bdrm• • S Bel~• 1112 or 2 Full hths ~tuter &lze bl!drooml wt hi1th beAm" etUIDP. lll'ge living room, wlr;u or \\'ood burning fin.place. lt's all here for yo lo enjoy Saturdays and Sundays and all week long, too. Newport lloadl Newpo[ArtSBJeBolcUhff _ ~~~~~~~ • Piivate ""'"" : • Cl<Mied g&r(ij(l' \V 11101'1\J(l' 11~) • Marble pullm•n Ap.airlmettU fDI' Rn ...... e King-a:;r: Bdrma VILLA MARSEILLES SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. Co n..,ntent laundry "" $750,000 health spa, 7 swimming pools, 7 li•ht-otf kitchen. Ehcloaed pa· ao ""'· 2 IWlmmlna pool>, ed tennis courts, bicycle trails, putting green, sauna, recre•Uon facUJ. shuffleboard,. croq~_et. Spacious junior l's 4 BR./FAM RM/VU • l'l>ol · BMboqu"' · '"''· Furnished & Unfllmlshod Unfurnish1·d llt $525 lll'r ••••••••••I rounded Y.'ilh plush !and- n1onth .. \ pl·in1e property u1 Apts. Fum. 360 S<..-aping. outb"larxhng area. Nearby Adult living at Its best Adult Llvlog Dishwasher color coordinated appliances Plush shag carpet -mirrored wardrobe doors· indirect llgthtin_gjn kitch!n__:_ ~reajdast bar • huge pnva e fencOO patio • plusti Tarulscap- ing -brick Bar-be-Ques -large heated pools & lanai. Air conditioning. ties. Security guard. No from $174.50 monthly, plus 1 or 2-bedroom 400 pets. plans and 2-story town houses with 2 or 3 bed-1_R_-.. __ s _____ _ J1<·hool!1, 1.ark, marltet. Va· 8-lbcN Island Large I BR $180. 1-;1nl, clean & waiting. Call • I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;:;;;.~ No Peta Models Open 'HI a pm. rooms. All with electric kltchens, private bat-• • • • • I ~~--~-~-1_cony-or patio,--Cal'p8ting,-di'aper-141fh.-Su • llruc.--M..-odl~~~ 700 eterson Wey, CM ranean parking, elevators, optional maid ser-26011 Av•· CabrUlo nr Harbor Blvd & vice. Gourmet food market, dry cleaner, San Ju•n Capistrano I' 365 w. \vtlson 642-1971 ,'.~ Macnab-Irvine 6--st (~ .P-Juf(' WATERFRONT LIVE LIKE A KING A I Budget Prices! 3101 So. Bristol St., Santa Ana 557-8200 Aclims beauty salon on grounds. See beautifully fur-You are the winner ot nished models today, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Other ,2 tickets to the :tC"> ~ .,_, 2 BR. I-car garage. Utilities incl $325/mo., ye&rly. Dona Chichester 642-8235 Ol-391 FURNJSHED- UNFURNIS!IED times by appointment. Just north of Fashion 9th Annu11I Or•nt• Co. Island at Jamboree and San Joaquin Hills lnternat&onal COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. MANAGING AGENT 546-0370 211 •1 \1isut del Oro Ne\\·porl Beat.ii 644-ll:J.1 ANYT IME Roa\!. Auto Show Macnab-Irvine *POOLS Really c * ENCLOSED :.A:,;P.:;•s:.;•..;F:,;u:.;rn.~---C:360:: Apt. Unfurn. Newport h•ch Costa Mesa 365 DELUXE "'K N TM S a t the APARTMENTS PAK EWPORT APAR ENT ANAHEIM ompany GARAGES 64?-l2J5 '44-4200 *CONVENIENT Air Cond • Frple'• . 3 Swim-on the bay . CONVENT·IOI\\ ming Pools · Health Spa · relephone (714) 644-1900 for rental fnform1tion. CENTER $225 -Lrg 2 Br, 2 Ba. redec. Child, sn1l prt ok. NEARLY new 3 BR, 2 BA, compl. furn. All elect kltch., frp\c. paUo. BBQ. Lt'11se Sept.June. 638-8470/539-8831. TO ALL BEACJ-JES We have Winter Rentals Will Take Studen1s wesliB.nu 20 Tennis Courts • Game a.nd October 11th thru 15th Billiard Room. Apt. Unturn. 365 Apt. Untum. 365 Please call 642.-5678, ~ 31' $250 - 3 81· 2 Ba. Bltns, deck. 2 hst"s fron1 bay. $350 -Exceptional 3 Br. 2 Ba. Bltns, frplc, gar. Patio. NU-VIEW RENTALS 673-4030 or 494-3248 SHARP \\'aterfront Home. 4 FROM $135 MONTH ADULTS PLEASE VILLA POMONA PHONE 642·201S (1760 Pomona Ave.) Also oceanfronts avail. 4BR.2BA ............ S350 1 BR. From $160 Mes• Verda N port • _0 h between 9 and 5 pm to clafiv 1 BR. & Oen From $180' ew 1111 c your tickets. (North CouJ\tf Sparkilng New Adult Apts. 1 BR. Furn. $190. 2 BR, l~ 81\, unr. $190 2 BR furn. apt, newly decor, frplc, $200 mo. Garage & util . 213: 246-3162 aft 5. 3 BR. 2 BA •••••••••••• S285 1 BR., 1 BA •••••.•.•..• $175 3 BR. home • • . • • • • • • • • • $275 2 BR. l~ BA. Furn. $220 MEDITERRANEAN DELUXE 2 & 3 BR .• 2 Ba. PARK NEWPORT totl--number lo 541l-!21oJ..: VILLAGE encl. gar. Sl55 up. Ren"! APARTMENTS • • • • .• CAU.: 673-3663 Private patios, lush forest setting. Carports, gas pald. Ole., 3095 Mace Ave.. BDRM w/kit privil in best 11-i E. 3}th St ., C.?tt . !)18..-0137 2400 Harbor Blvd., C.M. BR lrg ti Dock DELUXE 1 BR furn or un. WEEKLY·MONTHLY NEWLY DECORATED 1714) 557-Stllll 54&-1034. on the bay Htg Beach area, woman Luxury apa.rtmenl living ov-only, $90 mo. A1Ml lge Bdrm erlooking the water Enjo)' w/J'M bath slrltab~ for '2 $750,<m health spa, 7 swim-girls, $70 each. 968-4914. ming pools, 7 lighted ten. Wil.J,.. rent part of my 3BR nis courts, plus miles of house comp! tum. t o bicycle trails, putting, sbuf· reliable penon, 842-TI.91 fof fleboard, croquet. JunJor l 's interview Ir: appt a (I from $174.50 monthly; alao J 6:30pm. Executive Suites 2 Br w I gar fncd yrd v.·/ RENTA!. OFF1CE 2080 Newport Blvd. patio. Wtr pd Call btwn 1 & oiiiOiiPiiEiiNi0ilO"'"Al>iiliitiioii6iiPiiMi0iol THE NEW • pa o, glll'' avail. Winter or yearly. turn. $200 mo. No pets. s 4·0 0·1 s ...-~ o. 6 1 3--0792, ="""""'==-· m-=.:.n:.:n::'--- Newport Beech associated 673-0098. Balboa Pentnsuta BROKERS-REAL TORS 20 2S W B0Jbo<1 07J.J663 Costa Mesa £76-~~nlia Ave ... 1140 e NEWPORT e VERSAILLES Vacant 2 BR + Oen. Has everything. Fncd for kids & pets. Rent-A·House 9794430 BLUFFS -View 4 BR. 2~ Ba. Twnhse, ram area. Pool. CuslOm. S 3 9 5. 844--0ZI>. WALK to beru::tt. 3 Bdrms. 1 & 2 Sty. $32:i to $350 Caf\'o-oocl Realty 5-18-1'290 * 3 BR, 2 BA. priv hcach & tennis 1'(l1Jl'I. No. 30 Bca<..'On Bay. 673-8203. Newport Shor•s NE\VPORT ShorP!! 011 \\'ate!.·. 3 BP.., 2 BA, Fan1 Rn1, frplc. 1.Ra,;c. :;.1s-f:!W'.O e S25 WK & Up-On Ocean 642-2611 WINTER_ 'Attractive 3 BR, 2lll2-D Placentia Ave ... $135 e APARTMENTS e on the BLUFFS Lovely Bach -1 Br.ooi STUDIOS & I BR'S beBllt. paneling & crpt'g. 2566-A Orange Ave ..... $140 2450 Nl'\\'J>Ol't Blvd, CM et NEWPORT Rooms, Maid Service -P • FREE Linens Blt-ins. Surldeck. S250 lncl. 548-C Bernard • , , ••••••. $135 1 BR & 2 BR. Ocean view, 24 hour house -Util Pd. e J.'REE Utilities tits. ALSO ALL UTll.JTIES PAID e Call 67"":>--8740 e • Full Kitchen u ; 2 BR. Frplc. (2l l BR. Duplexes, newly security, apartments de- ' Beam eeil. SDI incl utils. decorated. Crpt'g thru-OUt, $138/Mo. to Mc. signed with a Master's BALBOA PENIN. POINT e -feated Pool Call !Tiil 9'" "t<l'>1 '""-"!"-OK' · La d F eves «-1041. or drps &: frplc. Complete ... 111 wl:"n . touch, exclusive club ""'I th 'n-.. 2 Br, 2 Ba. C".....,,rt. • un 11' aclli1it"S see wkends at 222 35th St. Call 646-1038 A b I · ._.5., ~.,.... e TV & maid serv avail privacy w/scp. entry. Yard unique qua ar, ounta1ns ChoiC1! location. No pel'\, • Phone &rvice SEACLIFF Manor Apt s & garagt". Convenient to I """""""""""""""""""I and formal l'.{ardens. All S:Dl/mo. Yearly. 675-1358. Bachelor apt. uW pd. park & shop'g, AvaU . im-New duplexes & part of the South Coast's 1544 Miramar Dr., Balboa. $14S.50. Pool. 1525 Placentia med. on lease. $170 per mo. triplexes finest apartrnl'nl con1mu n- 2 BR, 1~~ BA, patio, balcony, HARBOR Aw., ask about our discount Pets welcome. For info call • 2 BR -adults -$195. ity. 31" E H"Y s~ I 54" ""'"2 540-883.1. • 3 BR -1 child . $295. l b«.l1'00mt s'11dios rronl S195. a .. .. , ~,JIJ mo. on yr y .::..:~::...=~=-~~--- lse. Tnq. al Apt C 673-1321 TOWNHOUSE' 1 BR. Apt with all facilitie~.1 ~3B~E~D=R~M~.-2~B-a-th-.-$~2~55. Beaut., new, !lpac.ious apts 2 Bt•droon1 fro1n S21J5. or 5-1~7771. Ground Door. Avail. Oct. 16. B N 1v/fncd yards, patios & quicl DehLXe 3 bl.'(!roon1 eaut. ew Westbay 21 privacy. No pets.151 E. Bay Mode ls open 9 A.l\I. to 6 P .M. BAY VIE\V. 2 Br, S2;,Q. l Z217 Harbor, near WilffOn to Dec. 1. $50 per wk. + apts. Pool, spa, lush st ( t F II 1 St} c M VERSAILLES BR. $170-$200. Util pd. Bch, I BR. 1-~um. Bachelor Apl. deposit. 645-4242. Just N. of ldscpg. Adults.no ""''· , p" Ou er on . ' .. I • k. I >n • ltn.a.a Hospital ,.~ H NE: 6424837 oo the BLUFFS Per • pr g. Ad I!!. J..i3 f~. Fully c111!"d & drRped. Very ......... · 151 E. 21 st., Co st a Edge"·a ter. 1-871-2866. Qui(•t. EIN" kitchl!n. *NEW oceanfront apts. * Mesa. 646-8666. Park.Like Surrounding at NEWPORT PF:~THOUSE. 3 br. i-oni·t Sl28/MO. Beautifully tum. 3 & 4 BR. DELIGllTFUL 2 llR QUIET DELUXE Fron1 ~f!\\'port Blvd., tum at I · • 0 ti t I n--1 N Sh • • K' I 0 K L.__ •~?<; To • upper. l, 2 & 3 BR APTS. t·losp•'tal Ro 0 d II bl-k ten, VIC'\\" to Cata lu1:1, t•a ('f .-uu -r. opg ICS • • r1 vm ~ Qui " .,._ South Laguna F'rplc, $375 ~Tly. $325 11·inlt•r Adults, only, no pets $JOO; winter/yearly el Mesa Vcrclc area. ALSO ~~URN BACJ-IELOR abo\"e Pacific Coasl lhvy, at I "·l6-~ p 'd Ex h £=8800 Trees. Bit-ins. Encl gar. Pvt Patios * Htd. Pools Lido Isle) ro entrance. on Y· .,. o.-~J. I . yrami c angors "'" Adu!lii; only. Sl•l5. 2853 N Sb · * AduJ'-Onl Westminster r op g .,, Y 900 Cagney ..,'Ule, Ne1vport e 2 RH. near beach .~ l>.1.v. 1 SHARE _an apt. $17.50 to. S25 e STUDENTS NO FEE e llickory, Apt D. 64&-2627. 3 BR. Hom. I C<>.-nnrf. lndrv. . $215/mo. 1dc Ut.11, phone, pool incl. Beach rentals. 3 & 4 Ar. $275 Martinique Apts. Beach, Ca. 92Ci60. Telephone: ~I"' GAP.DEN sludio apl. 2 Br. ITI41 645-0060. Sl 9S. \'early. 673--4326. i\lrn or 11·omen. 2 3 7 6 Up. Abbey Rlty &12-:wiO l lJ.~ tm. I~<' rmtkt. Artu!t!I on· im Santa Ana Ave., C.M. -'--'-'-'-'--'-'----- 817-f,(L?} .~ Bclnn ,\ril. F11u 11 ~ ,. n t Nr1V{lf)l1 Blvcl.. C . rit · 1 • \\1NTER -\"EAR.LY • ly. Sl75/mo. Call Mrs. Ufgr. Apt. 113 646-5M2 BRAND NEW loH~o-use-s'F'_u_r_n-.-0-,---.Junt>. 101:1 n ·. Balbo<t Blvd, u-l:.-:l'.)67. Newport Heights Bates, day11, 846-332 1 : ** BEAUTCFUL 1 & 2 BR. AU. trrlLITIES PAID U"furn. 310 No. 3. Call 5.1.'l-6786 H • 8 I' nights, 968-3866. Contemporary Garden Apt. Furnl.shed Avallable :i or 4 heclroorn. 2 lJalh hnn1es for rent $2'l:i to $250. Available now. a.16-1754. Corona del Mer unt1n9ton each CLEAN l or 2 BR. Adults, no OCEANFRONT 3 BR., den, petll. Lge kit. $135-$150. 2421 •SHADY ELMS-POOL• Pa~os, fr PI c · , · pool. $51}--0ff 1st blo's Rent, on !rplc Winter $400 incl util E l6th St NB "~-1011 Carden Apl~. Chldrn. SIAn $155-$170. Ca11 5-1&-5163. ""ariy lease. when -~ 67.-~7726· o· 2131•~-2306. . LeQUJNTA HERMOSA · " · .......-· ...,. J-'"u ,.. • J<J<r $170. I & 2 BR garden apts. $1.l;i bring in this ad. c1,~hl~ac-k--t:..o_oce.:_:anc:.:;.:..Furn=::_2 Spanish Country Estate Liv· San Clemente FREE FURNITURE PLAN u11. Gas & water pd. Pvt 20102 Birch St (nr O.C. BR, w/vlew includin~ util. tng & Spacious Aptll. Ter· OCEANVIEW, furn. 1 BR. 177 E. 22nd St. 642-3645 patios, carports, Furn avail. airport. S. of Pa lisades Rd). $225. Cati Eves 675-lt'i31. raced pool; sunken gas 0.....,. beftm, $160. including LIGHT ,I( Alt>v 1 ..... , 3 BR, ~ll-~ or 548-8992. Priv 1)fltio, billiard rm, BBQ. Unbelievable Living -'" " · J ·" • • N UC I · O''.•y utilHics, 492-1032. Studio Apt . Sep. din nn. J:1cuzz1. 1·. rv1n~. Corona del Mer o p • , M"r 91" 00"" 1 BR. FURN. $17S A,,t. llnturn. 365 Palin. Yard. $200/mo. 970 a ~a ~-n ""· ;rooo" Al.L UTILITIES PAirJ Valencia, CM. 213: 388-525.'1 OCEAN" \-;[~~~;-2BR:-2 --EASTBLUFF and 2-bedroom plan!I anc11'LRG="'."ea=-c7h-. "°27b"U..~!ro-m~H"B. 2-stoey to\vn houses. Elec· pier. Student pref'd no pets. tric kitchens, private patios ls! & last mo's re~t req'd. or balconies, carpeting, dra· $55 & $75. (util pd.) 536--0300. peries. Subterranean park· 2 Roo t bl,y tng 11·ith elevators OpUonal mma ~s. 11rerera niaid service. Jusi north 01 studenti;, to share 3 B~: 2 F11shion Island at Jamboree B~ home. 1st & last· an<l San Joaquin Hills Rond. G4:r-l5'.!0· ,~~-- Tt~lcphone ITI4l 644-1000 B.OOr.1s $18 ll'k. up 11·lld1 for rental information $30. 1vk up Ar:i1s. 1_., • NE\V Duplex 3 BR, 2 BA, monthly rates 237G Ne\vporll $l)I) Blvd., CM 548-9755. e 123 39th~·t e ROOM w/household privgs. I 870-3631 or 879-5.994 for man. Garage & Pool.• Ne1vpo11 B e a e. h . Ph. Newport H•ights S.18-6254. QUIET 2 Br w/ sundee.k. Rootn--. ~N~,-w-po_rt_Be-ach- Crpt, drps, pool. gar, adlts. $35 \VEEK. no pelf. $170. 642--fml, * 645-3143 • 5484922. ROOM, for female; student Wflstminst•r Pl"t'f. Convenient Cos t ll 28 M~ location. 645-1984. JMMAC. l..rg R, Beautl =o==~---=-='--­landscaped. quiet at· PRIVATE entrance & bath. 1 mosphere, pool, Nr San block to beach. $70/mo. Diego & Grden Grove CaH 6~2168. freeway. $140. 1.3861 Cedar. G 893-0-09. uest Hom• 415 Apts., PRIV. Room, n1 e n I o r Furn. or Unfurn. 370 women. Loving care. Close to park, llbr & shops. 3 Br, 2 ba, all blb15. $300/mo M0-2562. winter; $375fmo yr l y .l ~=~-~-----1 Days, 213/696-6736; wkMs, COME see, liave your pa.rent n4/6~. ~are<! for ~.you would do, Fr•• Rental Servic•s TO LANDLORDS .'.ND TENANTS FURNJSl{E]) Apl-$145 util pa.id. ~2 blk to ()C('an. No pets. mt Seaview. Cdl\-f. Adults No pets Balboa Island or 213:622-9193. BA, sunken Ii\' rn1, dining Villa Granada Apt5. SPAC 2 & 3 Br apl $140 up. lil'l'a, bltns. crpts. drps, e EXECUTIVE -Townhouse :C;:oc;:s;_;ta:.;_;M.:;•;.:5;:•c_ ___ _ Pool, cpl/drp, bllns, ki(ls 11a1io & yard. Sl90/n10. -Spacious :i BR., d<'n, 3 Ba., t. blk S S LGE J BR, 2 bu, frplr, time pemutllng. 642-9278 · Rentals to Share ok. 1 M.'.)7-3927 or :ol37-517X. frplc .. \\"Cl bar, attached 2 2206 College No. 5 , •• &12-703:1 car garage. 2660 sq. fl. FRONT 2 BR. Adults only, s . ol an Diego Fnvy 1 I •~-N ~ Be h 1 I s ove re. ... "6. r l!IO. uoy. no peU. $235/mo Util Pd. on nc . b k \V. on llolt $300/mo. ll7% Diamond, All p1·ice11 and all arCllS 586-0222 Nelll' Albertson' 673-8936 to 16211 Pnrkskle Lane.) s. . <TI41 8'17-5441 675-328!1. A'ITRACTIVE NEW 3 Br. 2 '""""""""""""""""" Balboa P•ninsulai APT 3 Br, 21 ~ bu, !rplc 1996 Mllple No. 1 .... 642-3.lll:l 1. 1 ..... ,, ' $·175. pa 10. gar, LW· • Pool Fucllities • 2 Br Sl'Xl/month Custom drps, dish1vasher \Vtr pd no children/pets 378 Avocado. No. 7. 612-5191. ~ Ba. \\•alk to the beach -!IUb-:o;;;;;.;;;:..._;_;_:.;;;::::.:,;; __ ~ • n1it otters. Bkr. 67""~7225. $l45 • $l6S 1 BEDROOM units--<lesl.gncr I~ I ~ Bachelor & 1 BR. patios, decorated, a block to ocean ~ Coste Meta frplc's. priv. garages - • ill .! -*-530--W-E_E_K_&_U_P_* Divided bath & lots ol ~d. ~~n":t ~· S:~ r :i cl~t11. Rec h:~u. pool & e Studio Ir; J BR Apt.! BARRETT RE ALTY 2 BR, Sto\'e, refrig., nu Wl~utAIT or THI COlWW.(O, • TV' Mafd Selvice Avail pool tab!es. ll<'lUna baths. 642--5200 decor. WIW crpl'g. View. 496--0988 Nr. CdM High Scbool Garden Grove 835 Amigos Way, NB 644-2991 LA PARISIENNE 2 BR studio, nu shag, 1 Br'!! unf. $1 35 to $100 dshtwsh, patio, Close lo F1REPL4.CE. H E AT E D Sunp)'side !IChl. 13301 Verde. POOL. Adults. Sec for youl'S4'U! 17301 ,;c;.,::~·7-.,.-~~~ Condominiums • Phone Servtce-Htd Pool Keelson Ln . (1 blk \V. of BALBOA Bayfront Pri beach Adults, no pets. S235 & Across from Golf Course Unfurn. 3'20 • ('hildren &: Pet section Dc11.ch, J blk N. of Slater). Dock avail. 2 Br, 2 Ba. i;:-ar, S240. 10 to 4. 3 2 21-H-:":-"-;';:;":::":;'":-r:. :;B-:•:•::c:-:h:::--:--1 -~204~32~Sa~""''.".".!.Ana~.!_A~v'."c:..· - 63G-OOM. ·(TI4l 979-1268 2376 Newport Blvd. 01 S4~7S4S frplc, Yrly lease. 673-2162. Hcllo:trope. Apt B, CdM. E t 81 ff ~~" """~ ~-* MOVE INC TODAY * STEPS to beach: beaut. un!. as u .....,...,,;ii;i or 64$-3967 YEARLY ·. 2 B•·. Slovc. e TROPICAL POOL e S 2 & 3 BR I ti Thi Ad \V rth S5 R * FURN 1 SHED pac in 4-p ex. A 3 BR 2 bn. apt. F'l'plc., 2 BR, $2611. Lease. C1oee to 11 0 on en! RA c II EL o R u NIT , refrig. Gar. Adults, no pets. 2 Br Studio, l l,? Ba, trpl. sprl extras. Pool, rec bldg. Kids blt-i~. carpets & drapes. Blurrs shoppirl!!: cntr. Pool, •SHADY ELMS.POOL • $l00/mo $225. 673-6244, 673-8224. strca~. Sl9:")/mo. Gas & welcome. From $139. See Only $300 mo. year 'round "rpt11, 1!11>5. hlHn.~ 5.'\2-454.1. Garden Apts. Chldrn. $140-c'-•1 547 =•,1 C d I M Wtr pd. 145 E. 18th 548-1168. Mgr, 17371 Neelson "'B". NE\V 3 BR. 211 ba. ~-•Jo SliO ----''-~~-'--'-~'---iioironiiieiiieiiiiairiiii• I DELUXE 1 & 2 BR, 1 & 2 ••~ Hunl'·ng lon • och -L B 968-7510 or 847-4260. apt. Unf. Balcony off uppe' ue fREE FURNITURE PLAN -.:•;:.g.:u:,;n•:.....:.":.'.;;"':;_h:_____ ba, $160 up. Pool. Adlall!. 177 F. 22nd s "'2 .,., -BEACH BLUFF Aptl. llv. nn. Fre!lh & bright. $350 CRP1'S, rlrpti. pool, R/0, I -·· I. "'' -,){115 $140 n10. up. $45 \Vk. Color ...... ~ Utll pd. 324 E. 20th St., 2 Br .• 2 Ba .• pool, patio, On yt>arly basis '1hnlrrr. 1i•lt:. t·Jllhs•'. 3 Br * $25 PER WEEK * TV nr beach. 1435 N. Coa.'\t. ~ 64f>.4761 <lshwshr. st11 Ellis Aw. DAVIDSON Realty 64EHi077 S~'IJI. I Hr S2'l~1. 54!1-1405. & Up. Pool & maid !lt"rv!t"c. Ap!11 open to st'e, 5:30 to 9 ~ ..... csru="N"N"I"N=c-2~B-,.-, ~,~Ba~. 847-2226. ADULTS ONLY - Laguna Niguel Kitchen11 11.va·1. Motrl Tnhitl p.m. Pool, rec. room area. WALK TO BEACH PET OK mmer Harbor & V1rtnrtn. 1 Br. North end. Ocean view. ON TEN ACRES 615--5530. 710 \V. 18th St .. CM. 1 & 2 Br. Cp,., d·ps. DELUXE 2 BR., $190 3 Bil. 211 llA In Sea Terrace, Apls. furn./unfum, Lcue • 1 BR & 2 Bfl. Chllrlrf'n ok. ClollC' to bch & shopping. No **1 BR. Stove & Re!rig. d•h"•hr, ~"th·. 308 16th. LARGE I BR., $160 11t'('11n \' i 1• w , rptit/1ltp!I. ........, Fireplace• I prlv. patios. "" ~ ..., LA MANCHA BRAND NE\V WA.i.VTEO: Lady \Yith car to DELUXE UNITS 1 share Laguna Beach mobile Rent Now for your con-horn~ ~>Ith same. 4!}4-1972.Qr !lnlction aJlowaoc'C of l 830-5070. -~--~----month" s Free Rent. LADY \\'anted to share ex- 1 BEDROOri1 penses in N e w Con- 1 BEDROOM & DEN dominium at Lei!lure World. 2 BEDROOM Priv. ha. ~99. J BEDROOM Fmm $15.5 ROOMMATE REFERRAL Dishv.·asher. Enc Io s e d Serv. garage. Swirntning Pool. Find The ldea1 Roommate Bar:.n.=Ques. Scm Clnts (TI4) S.U-0302 642-~ 778 Scott Pl. CM GIRL to !lhare 2 BR turn apt Huntington B•am on oceanfront w/11ame. $100 ea. 673-6822, 675-3127, HUNTINGTON Garden!ll-~-~~---~ Apt!. I-lei! at Bolsa Chica. MALE 30-40 to 11hare 2 Br 846--1.323. Compare _ See apt, C.M. $110. Sep ba. Pool. what you're missing. Fr. Rec nn. 979--6956 eves. $13()-$260. DELUXE Apt-priv. patio, Garages for R•nt 435 mu.sic. 6. pooh!, sauna, ten-CLEAN 2 car garage next to niA, $13(). Spacious Poolside C.M. ..Polke S t a t I o n • Bungalow $100. 84&-02!'19. $50jmo. A v a 11 f'I01ll. 979-3499. , • llOO ALL trrJC p<l , f'r. $1.\~ mo chldn, no pt'ls. 4!»-ou•"· $135/n'IO. Adu!L'l, no ""IS. .,,7_3957_ D·"·h•. fl'plc. s"'m pool o..t'll'il' tnn. in(', A:i\.'ln Pool11 TennJ• Contnl"I Bkt.111. ,,,. ,,.. " • · "'' , to nio 2450 Ne\\'port Olvd, EFF'lCTENCY 11.pl . w1th pool 820 Center SI. 642-MI~ 557 2125 20.142 Santa Ana Ave Off' R I du~s. 13: 322J.uiG. Ew. C1\1 ~1038 !nl Sea. Lane, Cd~1 fi.W.llill EXTRA lge 2 br, utlls pd. · · •· · l BR, Fantastic VI e w . tee ent• 213: :12"..!-2202. 1 • nvall. thru Oct. 13. $14 day. l\1acArthur nr Cout Mwyl ./ ./ LnC, i;unny 1 Br. upper Cpts, drps, patio, no pets. Yrly. BaJboa Rentals. Garage. Util. fum. $300 mo. Ncwpart B•ach Furn. Ba.ch. & 1 Br. Ex· 497-275'1. nu crptll, drps, bltns, re!rlg. tads OK. $165. 536-0121 2 Bdrm., 2 Bath $250 494-2142. BAYFRONT offices. Appnm. ceptlonally nlcel 2110 2 clean t hr unltA, pa.kl u!IL~ Sl40/mo. 5'15-5270, 833-3540. 2 BDR A 1 "" M 2 Bdnn., 2 Bath $265 N•woort Beech l.lOO SI· ft. Newport Beacfl BRAND 11('\I,' ~xec. home. 3 Br., 21 ~ Rn . TIK' Bluffs. S:-,OO/n10. 1,.1 8.· 111~!. $~ 1tr1JO!llt. A'·nll now. lt1.'Hl6.15. Condo. Furn. or N t Bl d C M Tl9 G vlota. B 2 bedrooma each. Bltlns, . p . • ........ o. 3 Bdrn• .• 2 Beth s~, _ _,;,c;;.;;;.;...;;.c;.;;.;;;;... ___ 1 on tne Bay. r.wi per rnn. •wpor v ., • , + cable. a Y fireplace, c 8 r pet 11 & 1 &:: 2 Hit. Adults. no pets. Deco ted 17361 1 .. ,J .... , ... , the -a" $1= & Sl~ BA'' 'l"AOO'"S APTS. 1"8 -wens 4 Bdnn .. n--0 •!ron\ -•cr:n n4: 772-9050. ' • Stunnln" I. 2 l 3 BR. 2 Ba. ......._ "• "' ..,, rlrapeg, choice Io ca t Ion . '' '"· .,. H B .,..., °""" V\."1::n.o• ~ • ,.. 387 \\' B: S Lane -· · ~· Dav~. 675-19'72 or 494--0615 L Ganten 11pt. Pool. 645-5530. Newport Beach LcaAC $3)0 pr month. Call . riy . I. CUi frl6--007J I -2 BR j t i ted l~e TIO W. 18th St,. OL 6~ RLTR. ENCLOSE!) yard, 2 BR, 2 bA * ~--' us pan . NE\Y channelfront -VIC\\' 2 Bfi, 2 be w/trplr, r1•frl11:. 1 ,. $140. Ptlonc now, &17-8149 or 1 4 BR 3 ba 3 B BAY VIEW OFFICES ne1ux;, Air-conditioned Redecorated. Lido are11. e FURNTSHED he h I llELUXE Tcm·nhOU5f'. J 0\1·e.r . ._rpts, drp!I, hltn.s . ........_1,,.,.. a p . ·· . or r. ~ blk to ac . Part Y tum . St"" ~.A,,"""" ;i<;U-°"''• pt d s· 1e 1· all u~ BACHELOR APT-$115. 2135 ~ mo. ••"·-,,..,.,__1~ .,1 Bdnn, 2~, bft. fr p I r, ""· .r.......,...,..,. us en. 11 ie av · ~·4J b• ...,., "t.""'' .,..,,..... """ ._ 2 BR. 1 Bt)'. 4-plex, crp18, !\to. VcM'ly. Ovmer. Elden Avt, Apt 6, C.M. 2874 days: e\.'ff. 497-2810. d!!hwshr, w/w t'11llJ1~ l'i CLEAN. lrg, 3 BR, I~ 11A. df'p!I, tncd, gar. Child ok. 675-!9'72 67S-407S 1g FOR LEASE -On the I Br. SlJO It $1.•IO. Adult1 only. l'>lks to bench. Yenr li;c. $16~1/n1n. Oepoitlt .ti rcf1 $125, 1\28-5411. SEACLI~ M·-Ap·--. 2 3 DR, 2 Bo. newly dC!COr., fi7;>-Dl9 evrs & w ....... ~. .... · 1 ~l<I k '·'"!"''~ "r ,.,.... "' bay, J bod room , 2''• S/Pool. Idtal tor 8'cheloni w I w, ... r,., 11 • h 1 1 n a. ,., • .,. • ~'(1 r · '"'" rn ° · """'"' ~-r; " ,. -DELUXE 2 BR. 1% bll .. pvt Br. $164, T>ool, Crpt~, drpA, Unfurn. 325 Realonomla, Bkr. 675-67~ 2 MJ;;1ntng offices, busy h\: 1ei.e.t1on C.M. $90. Util~ Inc., eiljolntng 1 BR film. apt av&.11. 642--6560. bath, plus boat alipl 1_Ul!l_.3_0,_u_n:_h_S_1_· 543-9633--"-'-'-w/w, drtHI. hl1r11t. C:hlrlrn P:. ol Hwy, 5~~ Begonia, 2 E·SIOE 2 BR. $ISO yllrd, gar, close to beach. bll,,_, garb. dlipl. 1525 PETE B A R R E T T S1!l.50. Sntall tum trailer w/ 1n1l fl'?I ok. G42-Ki20. HR. bltn$, retrig, 1n1ndeck, Bltns. w111•, r•·fr11::. Pool. S.16-7029 Placentia Ave. Ask about REAL TY, 642·5200. eanabll. Utll1 pd. Adil•, no BEACITT"'RONT, 2 BR, colt\r frple, gft r . $225. Opr.n 9:JO 10 Ailullll, no pr1.~. 642·!1:):.!0. NEW trg 2 Br unf apt . Yt1.l'l'.I. out' d~count. !>48-.2682 Pl'I•. &44-11\39. TV, 010-, <I • h I w ·lo, 4:30 Sat/Sun. 545-3itS3. 1 &: 2 BR ,,.,,,.,.,, •>V••ll. Ht<l TownhouM Unfurn. ll5 Cott• Me•• '''" " Walk 10 l!untlngton Center. SPACIOUS 2 Br, 2 Ba, 1 blk BEAUT. FURN 2 OR Sl75 up bltins, wah/dryrr, pnllo. T\\'O bdrnl., 11,;. b ll l h · ~I. $130 & up. AdullJI. 8113 $160/mo. 71-t: 828-541 7, to bey, J blk to ocean. Utll pak.I. lltll Pool, Adltll, no SU>. Incl. 11HI. MG-1234 H.nn, tlrcpliu.-e. S24S Incl ALL. O!nler ~t. fi4~1. LGE. 2 BR In quiet •-plex Ye1trly. $230/mo. Dk r , pel "-2 Br uni•~" --ulllltk:~. Phone l 7 1 •I ) ~=-o-o--=---~ ~ .. null v.-..-.. .• &lboA PC"nln. 3 un. 2 RA 614-AA14 or 6'75-1i2i. 2 DI\. 11.o:i BA. crptl, dri>s, SlSO. Encl rar. patio, fn<.'ll·1...:m-<c:.:_:;9::ll:.:·_~---- 3 b 2 bfl bl 1 1 BR, utll Inc:. $1l0. Older over Jt&nutf, On b" )' pool . U!U pit Adu It •. ynL No peta. 842--4549. $3iO mo yrty, 2 Ir, t bf!., 11.1\8.g r, • I n.oi, 2 car Kft.r. te-nantt 1'/adjo~ 2 nn. w/IK'ftrh. UHi µah1. S.1ti0 nK:l 2 BR apt avail Nov 111 , wlllk SlliO/mo. 6-12-211!l. !owe ,_1 bl Nr shopping, achlfc. S210 mo. _.,._ val'-ble .. ~~ ................ _ _....cot!•-' to bc-11.Ch. adull1, sm. ~~-------Laguna ISHch crpt, r gar, "t"'c• tns, ,..." """l'> ..,.....,..., a ""' · ~· ...... v.v-•-""'· 2 Br. 1 hn, ~h•Vl' relrl•· -1.' ;;:.:;:;;;;:...;;:.;;.;.,;;,; ____ I n('wly decor. ~ bUr heh. ........-v:> ..._ 8n-1•171 or~-~,. t· Huntintton 8.e•ch l BR. furn apt. Adult.I, no $250, 2 BR, All utll rwt unlil 1lrµa. $160 1no. \\'aler paid. BEAtrrl1'1JL 2 Br furn. Utll 675-1006. ~l231. pets. I TO Im o . 1876 July 1. 3701 StlUlhore NB, 2 BR. 2 BA, 2 BU<.'; f'ROM ~11!1-11!11. pd, 1 blk bch. N. IAIUM· PROfi~·y ~-condo. 3 s . Br. sparkU11t n fl .,. F'\illBtOn, C.M. 54&-US6. 6n..&j71c.~=----l1E.\C1I, 330 M1&rguerlte. AITRAC'T1VF. l'lt'W 2 br, 1.. $265. 4!J4..6104 am. nr .. 2 bR, trplc., pool. Dbl CTPl/drpe, l:illn,, pool. Walk • TROPICAL POOL • DEiJlX 2 BR. furn. or un-G7:H>9l7 or ~-apt. No rhlldttn/no pets. NEARLY nit* i t1•2 BR apts. i;rRr. Elcc openu. "' mt. to lo golf coutM, lldll•, muds 1 Br. f'um $145. Cu 1: Wtr turn, 4i blk nre11n/bl)'. l mt W/guetlt hdrm It balh. SIOO. ~l~I. Adulfi, no pets~ 1185 -$27). bch. $350. 645--2346: 645o-4110. 1. lhopc. S .. ml'a to bdl.. Pd. 1"5 &. 18th 5*-0.68. 67'"~ ot 66-0lZl O'p1~. dJ"P*, patk>. Adulf1. :2-=n=n-c2~k~I ,~----ll~ S. Olut Hwy 2 BR 2 BA -· " M~/mo ~-121•1 YeMlylcll..!JC!, ...... -. -<~ uk, no petA. • , , new ... 1·•1 • .,. .-. • r.. ,. BAOn.. no cooklfl( tac, $60 \\'ATF.Rt1lONT DPl ... X, di~ 3 ,,.,,..._,, Clelln Sit> J)<'r mo. C.11 L•9'1!'! N!pl ml lo be!'ch. 91 t-1 n-a. -..ruo. per mo. Utll p.1.kl. N<t one hr. Jtar, 14und, honl dk. Cott• Meta &'6-4720. TIO Shalimar. $00/mo. 646-4033, &G-3829. Newpott lhKh a.ndtr ~ no P,etl. &U-37BO. 6i3-7'86t or (Im) 68'Ta&381. * * $180 * * 2 Br upJln'. Dl!lhwulw:!r, LAG&U~~~EL NE\\' rluplec I le 3 BR. MATURE adub. S OR. ~ B8AU'I'. 2 Br. Upptr duple?C. flJRN 3 BR, 2 ba., litl>t' lo 3 Br, 1\, Ba, new!y paint('(!. drpt1, '-Tpl1. s1:~. I Br., 11f:': S:t!$ e 2 Or., I s:rr.•11325 yrty. Near octln ba.i lfew Cl('JI, ftrpt, pmlnt... Jmmac. Prlv. pr A patio. beach Ocean Vu, 6i.i-4f.OO nltns, crpt /drp~. Mlf'I pnUn. I oc==,,•~;,,-·7~.J-'-!128"----Bi: .. • 2 Br .• 2 Ba .; &: NIJ , 002.-0349, pr. Pool.-S300. MM9111 Nr. Wl'!tCdltt. ~ 61~1&49. ~0'c_.:.""':c:;:;123.c....-=---Nr IC:hla Ir. 5bop'it. Children SPACIOUS bach apt. Nr col-sm . 3 RR. 2 1111, nc.iw. trplc, ~ blk Rllr. CU!AN 2 Br, dole lo 1hopl. 2 Br tum mobile hon1t'; ok. No ~l•. 880 Cenlrr SI, lege & sho11phlf:. $100 mo Incld GU. 1V Cable "'\\'lr frorll hrh. t"O>/mo yrly. Pet Proftt 11 allAIMd When Adulta only, flO peta. Inquire aduJta only. no Pct•, CAL Call f'O l 1in1 wkdl\y1. ul.l.I• pit, !rnHnM. f\llly crptd .: ttrprt. r~ Chttdie 673...0COS eves. • :· '°" 11!11 ~ ~· l'Mi Rochmtt, CM. SlGDlrno. Pool. l'TJ..1331 All day Wknd ... li"12-tl340. 3 en, VErt\.-,.-;_H"G~.~B~l-:A~lJTl=· l.atU. lltd Pool. BUQ,nft'IL EAS'T'Rt.llfT 2 Br.,~~ Ba. tlfll Mly Pilot O"""'d lfOUSJr. lfUnt1ncT Watch tbcr Fut r.sultJ aN jUlli a phone: "Ult" It ln e:h1.•lfttd. Ship FUL" Avnll ~·t ll}th 1210/ 2*t A1omA AW.. •·rp1(', All t":lec!, DOI gar,. Ad& 60-6611 OPEN HOUSE column. call.awu. &eaS1L to Shoff' Rt'"'lull.!I'. ~. m~ w .. :ilfli ~ or -49:-,..Qi-t 1~1 nrarby. 644--M05. ' from $140 OFFICE and/or desk ..... Avfl.11. now. llllfldy to ~ Dlego Fwy. Located lo OekwoOd Is $1 mll lion In Laguna Niguel 831-1400. recreetlon. Swimming IDEAL llarbor Blvd. oUl.ct pools . Hea lth clubs. location, CoatA Mesa, 1000 Saunas. Tennis courts. Ml 11. $13-5554, M&-~ Bil11ards. IOOoor golf driv-nl~. lng range. Send Volleyball. loP=LU=SH=~,-m-•""lt~~,....,~-,-.~,.., Whlrlpool Baths. And lots Newport Otnter. 6"-8!lt ot more. A resident lennls Mi.3013 pro and ecttvltles dlrectorp =no=i=i=:s:"':s"IDN=:AL.,-,SW'"""""t•----:'IJ wno plans free Sunday JfO ao. HtU ,1 Bolla ctUca. bNnches and ba~cues. H.B. s:mimo. a.1323. Starting es k>w as $140. Slngl11, one and two. bedrooms, furn lshOd and unfurnished. Sorry no children or psi& Modelo open dally 10 to 7. Oekwood Oerden ,\pllrtmenll Newport Beach Irvine and 16\h &45-05$0• 142-&170 I ·l TIME f.01 9UICK CASH I THROUGH A DAILY PILOT , I WANT AD 64%-5671 I I I\ . . ---··~·. ·~,,_· --I -----~ ) "'""· October 6. 1'172 -""""* l[j] l.__""'_ ... _ ...... __,J[S] 1---...1~ .___I _ ..... _ ..... __,l[il]I " .... , .... l[Il] I .... -l[Il] I ..... -l~~I ...... ~ Offlco Rontal / .-0 Pel"SCH\alt. 53C. Lott SSS .:;etdening Help Wanted, M & F 710 Help W•nted, M & F 710 Holp Wan!ed, M & F 711 Holp W•nted, NI & F 711 'iolp Wanlod, MI , 719 DESK tpace av'1able $50 mo. WUI provt< f\u'ttlture at as mo. Ans~ ln& terVlce , avauable. 222 ore1t Ave, Laguna Beach, ll£SK space Ulable S50 mo. WW ...,. de lurnltutt •I $5 mo. ._ strviCf' available. rn Beach Blvd. Huntington l.,.h, ~ Buslnest 1 ntal 445 1:.THE Fct'ORY", con- ,&lsttng" : UJ\lqUe bo"tlque lbops, haa openingl tn the mall ... trom $80 mo. Card, to Lero &. yardage • lhops •• ......._ .,, -St., Nt -port Beach, 67>-9606 I' 64>-8!00. HUNTI IGTON BEACH Vacant. lx24. otc/Sml shop Free t'k'i: $95/mo. SCM Main. V..2224, 536-9689. Indus ial Rental 450 :~---,Banks ;~ ' I LEASING 1,000 FT. & UP Improvements to suit Major 1treet idenlif1calion, Knott Ave, off rainp of Garden Grove Frwy. Richard Acker (TI4l 892-8374 ~~~~~---1 -~~~~~~ * HINDU SPIRITUAUST * LOST M1nl. teml. b1k poodle, Let lhll ad change )'OW' Warner &r Magnolla area. whole outlook on life fOr the Red coJlar. ' ' S u s I e . ' ' bettf'r ProtnaioNll advice Reward $15. 8 3 9 -3 2 2 9 ; on life. Llc. Re.adinp dally. 835-1449 alt 5 pn1. 10 AM·lO PM. 492-9136. LOST from n1y home 26'2 492--9034, 3U No El Camino Vlctorla, SC. Male, Persian Real, San Oemente. kitten, G mo old, whl HAVE TABLE, W r LL wtgray shadings. Reward. TRAVEL Fonner p r o f 492-5578. wrestler now taking appts LO-st----M-al-,-,-,~-h-S.-tto-r. Has wound on side, Needs medication. Vic N . B , * BOB'S GARDENING & LANDSCAPING Irvine Industrial 1 c.omplexes. 557-4299 after 5pm. LANDSCAPING * New lawns, Sprinkle r 1, deck1, cleanup. State llc'd. 536-1225. SPENCER'S Lawn Setvice. Free est. Lawn care. cleanupa. Reaa. Xln't apt care. 5'8-5213. Tho DAILY PILOT EXPERIEN CE D "°"" MAINTEu•NCR I I kl I stn1cUon aecretar)', HOUSEK£.EP£R, Babyalttn ""' ii:; • 00 ng or 979-DXI between g &: s wanted f/Umc, mature I WELDER an tKperlenced n>llAblt-, own tn.Np, Hn Able to wpervbe. Xtra )orw wlesperton for r~ee Paid 71l1Tl'"'Vtlril"d art lf re. tf'n1l ...isnmenl. A D VER TIS I N G Sr. A=t-CPA/Coru<tr S15K "~da)". t"hUdttn ..., 9, 7. Imne - SA LES Mech. """""' 18'5 " All "' '"''"· v I e ' N~V~R A FEE AT TEMPO Extt'. ~ta.ry $100 Klllybrooke schl di.st, Call Tl.'mpo temporary Jlelp Top opportunity for right perso n who Payroll Ch·rk ~Tr SOSO J udy at 557-0124. is lamWar with outside Classified Ad-AP Bookk~ O>Mtr $600 11ouSEKEE'.PER, n1 a t u re vertising sales techniques. Should be Sales n ... p/Aclhetrlve1 Sll.K IOt' ~ adutu. GM'I Utq. able to handle automotive, real estate Tu St-creta.ry to $600 No L'OOkin&:. oo ~vlng. 5 J-h11 accounts and other classifications as Adnl Asst/At'{'tng SilOO d-.y. f> day!!. .... k. Aft lDftm. Once In A necessary. A little creative ability can Medical As.sts 10 $450 613-1051. Corne sec abou1 Lif t' Op I Ahlo Fee PoftiUons niC'C' job, • 1me portun ty MANAGER for body l'fUllJ3qe. Your home or mine. can 557..-9186 wkda,ys btwn 8:30 & 11;:1> 979-9.158. only make you more money. Salary and NEW a .m. General S.rvlcea 4 Id Oct 'VI commission program based on enthu-PORT llOUSEKEEPElt -&b)'ill· \\"1• ...... i.; u1111'Jtand!~ sales ,.._ mo. o pup. . ~ c. Per•-nnel A•oncy PROBLEM Pregnancy • ....,n. Santa Ana & 2Jrd. Goldt'n siasm and background. Good company -• tl'r, n1aturt', t'XJ>ff. 1-U·ht or1t•n1, .. 1 lu.dy tr1 n1:U111Jt<' fldent. • Y m P •the t 1 c tan 2/ldentical eye color. * * * * * employee progrwn. MUST be reliable, 833 Dover Or., N.B. Tues & FrL 9am-5pm. $40 Tt-:~ll'(J"S n•"\l.l'SI offlct' 1n pregnancy counseling. Abor-Reward $l0. 646-4.m. Debbie Winegardner dependable and capable. If you're inter-~~!!!!!~64"2~-3t!!!!!!7!!0""!'~!!!!!•I 'A'k. 3 ChUdtt'n, 2, 6 & 8 )Tl!· lrv1rw. 111c-a1 ror rl'llulls or- CARE tlon ' ... ~~~~."' ret AP-~R'=E~W~AR:,,c,D.:._~125c::c_ ...:Cc"'0-1 .~,-n 1480 Monrovia St., ested, apply: !'.: F 1 bl Udo, 673-0003. !t•nt1."1. r.u'('~·r mlndf'd, vw.........., Retriever, u mos. Newport Ba•ch PERSONNEL DEPT. emae AIMm ert. HO US EK EEPER, llYt' 1·N"all\'<' J:.11 •1o.ho like• to PALM 1: CARD READrnGS "Marco". No tags. 187 You are the winner of The DAIL y PILOT h-~ilelmho-~ rnanu.laMu~1 r in w ed tamll)'. Pvt nn. run h•T 0\1 n sl""'" 1 This ts p t t & fut 2 Uclcets to the ·~ 0~·-operungs n Xlnt wkg cond. Refs rerftl. a rl'lfpoll."llt1J•• IYMW linn v.1!h Advi:·~ in m~~at· Jasmine, Laguna. 837-3256. 9th Annu•I Orang• Co. 330 W. B•y St., Cot.t• M.sa finish cfttlK'nlry, cabinet 831_9678 !'oJ. C'1tlif''f lnai•·~t J:nM~ tent 213: 694-1350. Fully lie. l.DST fem, Irish setter, 9/'ll. International Help Wanted, M & F 710 assembly, wall llMt"mbly & . ~, . trmp..orary h1·l11 11rf'\•lc". Ex- La l{abra. Call for appt. Vic: College Park, CM. 1 yr Auto Show 1 ·~..r-1~ all areas of mOO\le home HOUSEKEEJ ER, i..."()04(. !2 c1•lh·nr MlllJ'Y & k1;1dx of old. Wht spot on chest at the ___ AVON OffiIS'ntAS EARN-manuf. Apply 9am-3:J)pm. JlQOn · 7 pm. J\~n-Th6 urs. $::11 h1•111·lil!!. ATTRACTIVE Reward! 557-7094. ANAHEIM INGS can help make the Levitt Construction, t<»iioo week. ~9163 an pnl. 1tarving dance teacher will LOST: Gray fema1e German CONV ENTION holidays happier tor your Kalama. River Rd, Fount. * INSPECTOR * Call S.a, 5ll-2m under bid anyone. Call Schnauzer, "Gretle" blk Plumbing entire family! It's easy sell-V I Y. E q ua I 0 P po r . 1-2 yn, exper. w/machln1· For Confidential Norma Mae, (213) 432-7921 nea collar. Vlc. Paulo CENTER ing, line Avon products for Employer parts. PJ11J1,ti1·s exper. hell>-Appo"intmont ~•) •~J.249 October 11th lhru 15t1i 1 · · ~ or ( .. ...., ~ . Drive-In. 546-6148 aft 5. L.R. OTIS PLUMBING our rres1st1b!e l .. nri&tmas FOOD Mgr .. basically wknds tul Appl.y In JJ(>NiOfl, 1.,._..,,,,,,,.....,_,..!!!!!!•I Please call 642-5678, ext. 314 n -,_ Catalogue. Cali Now . k ·--" ., •-Edi I d rl I " *EUROPEAN PSYCHIC* nuSH Setter, fem, 5 mos betweengancJSpmtoclalm .-wmodeQ & Repairs. Waler S.tG-'l04L at !IM C . !l1.11JJ1J • ..., ,... er n Utt! i'll, n". t.1,\NAGEft for l'lt'arly Jl('\11 -U h H B . k ( Cou heatcni, dlsnruu•ls, fw-naces, ~U03 before noon. 2101 l))v(' St, 11pnrt1nent hou.w. Laguna .,~..... old. Vic I-le & Beac , . . your be ets. North nty .--Appt1. avail. thru Oct. & Nov. 897-8119 or 8 4 2 _ 9 7 6 5 toll.free number is 540-122(1), dshwshrs. 97S-3730 M/C & BABYSITTER -young rnY. Cook, exper. Sat & Newport BNlch_ Bl'llCh, 4!»-2101 nMer 5, <n4) 523-4156 Rewfll'd. * * * * * B/A. All Daily Pilot areu. woman, IS-up. own trans. Sun. Day shift. A Is o , ~Acl'ON from O.C. Airport) t.lAN OH. \\'O~tAi'l 10 suppl,. CLASSES ln ESP, Meta l.DST, black & white long HANDYMAN • All kinds of PLUMBING REPAm for steady pt-time work. dishwasher for same hrs. INSPECTOR · TRAINEE. c 0 111 umt'r.t w/Ra.,.,\rlgh Ph I •~ A t ology No job too small 2-6:00 PM Mon-Fri. in our n,e Rancho San Joaquin inprocess in:q>ectton, 'Aili llou~holil Pro\cl""''· C•• Y1i cs "' s r haired o-1 ... er cat, female. Vic work, small ,.. b< a h · f b "' '"' tarti Oct 16th or 17th. '--'*' * 642-3128 * om e , car 1 n g o r Golf Course, 180Zl Culver train. Apply In person twn l'IU'n S60 weekl)' ?8-rt·Ume. 8 ng Belview Lane, Ba Ibo a specialty. 956-9374: 546-9723. .,.,·ell-behaved 6 yr old 90n. Rd., Irvine. (Across from 9 & 3 at SAE Advanced S150 &: up full lime. CaJI Call S42-l71B. ITT!H<l05==-·-,-~~--,,I Hauling Drains unclogged-S7.50 S25 per wk. Bal. Pen. area. CCII Phone!'&-915lukfol' Packaging, 2166 S. Grand (1.·o!!e<:t• 14151 444-7833 or ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. VI~ C ~•-I , Da port Sewer line to 100' -$15 Contact Mr & Mn Roy W A SanUL .. ~ft An ~·B' · Phone 542-7217 or write ~ .. wa er°" ven ' * ~2502 * aynr. \'t", "'.., ~,__. .,.,T1\e Rnwl~lgh Co.. 308 Htg Harbour. Male JAPANESE LADY TO OO Klotz 6'5-7614. 9'r.Hi070. FRY Cook, f/time. $2.50 per opportunity cm~yer. Adt>l hK> St ... 011kh1nd Ca. P,t:ODERN 11 pr Ink\ ere d P.O. Box !223, Costa Mesa. Siamese, 3 yrs. Blue collar. H 0 USEC LE AN 1 NG. COLE PLUMBING BABYSIT T '.ER, light hr to starL Chance for ad-~~ 9-1007. wt\l'ehouse space, 3152 sq ft WANTED an old uprl~ht ~(_213~)m-__ 14_3S_._____ NEEDS TRANSP. 24 hr. service, 645-U61 housekeeping, 7-4:)). 2 va.ncement. Cottage C.Oltee IRY[NE PER5C>NNEl. 1-.IA N or 1o.uinan for v.·tt-k-end &: 3280 !CJ ft at Uc per ft. Hoover swee_.., 7 per ln 6 wortgng l.DST-1...ge male Siamese in 546--0724 PLUMBING repairs and In· hoys, 3 & 5. Bluffs area. Shop, 562 W. l!tth St, C!'tl. 5c:O\N'""C:C•Arc: ... irv hcln Jn Dana P o 1 n t .._ .. ,..,. SKIPLOADER & dump truck FURN_ ITURE MFG. , .• , .... .,...,. "--!!"'"~ l'K''#ii ,,..,..,,...J btocr bar, 2991 Grace Lane, Costa I .~ro~nd~·~""~~~~att~-~-~~~ I the area of N. 1 ft-~ft. stallalions, painting. Free 640-1158 afttt 5 pm. U\.Y~ ~""-' i~h~~--itesa.. 8 am to 4 pm Reward for inlonnation or Est. Call & save. 839-0372. BABYSITIER wanted f.fon, • "' "~ ... '""' """' -t9&-4.576 n 12 548-5551. I l[S] return. 497-2583 or 494-2918. ~~. ~=-~~· Sewing/Alteraaon1 Wed, Fri. f.ly home. Own P::nt~:n:;:,bl: ;~SecMa'::g<'r ·· '~0S!~ ~S~EU;;'" MANUFACTURING 1200 sq l.od .ct f'..s BLACK & \Vh"t · lat -.--.. • -... transp. Call aft 6 pm, t N Q Co head ~ec. N' ry ··· · ~ ..,~i: . ie rrun ure YARD, ~ cleanups. SEWING-DESIGNING .. "7592 sup. ew range . -Sec'y!R..,,ptioni.st •. ro S600 C.oocl ttOUnJ, xlnt SS. ft., xlnt location, ., ........ mo. '---------' fox terrier, fomale, "f.fin-....-.o-• --.. ---• ""'m-•y Groun<f "' -.. -Remove trees, dirt, ivy. QUa.1•~•t:1..1~u ...... · Girl Friday toS550 ... ~1oan1to5pm ' 2032-D Placentia Ave., C.l\I. nle". 545--0739, 847 2666 Men/Women. Reas. Rates BABYSITTER, p It i me, floor opply. Call 557-Gli2. • •• .. •· • · · 64&-7512 or 547-2A12. Found (frff adt) 550 REWARD: Female white toy :::~· ~=-C1e~up: SlO min. Call 8~7450 Tues, Fri, \Vkentls. 1 Want. Exp requirf!d. ~~~~~!~~.:;·~:: i\~!~~~DPt.~~-Zi ~· UNIT, 500 sq. ft. $65. W. 16th .........-.... , poodle Jost in EastbluU Free est. 7 days. Call Alterationt.-642-5845 673-5109 Salesman Adhl"Sivl'lt to Sl2K Call 4gg..2835 st., N.B. FOUND: Ba.sset Hound, 14" area. 640-0928. Nest, a.cairate. 20 years exp. BARMAID p nallty GENERAL · C 1\1 646-172A high brown & white. Did anytime, 548-0031. -eno a 488 E, 17th tat ll'\1ne1 ·' , i\IEDICAl .. St>t..ntary I Ill. .. bite friendly retriever-must -----~--. GEN. Hauling. Tree/shrub Tile must. Apply before 4PP.l, ___ '4!:.!_4~ _ -c'C'plionh1t . GoOO lyplst. fup find owner! Vic. U2 w. r . I~ trim. Gar & yd cleanuP. CERAMIC tile new & Knotty Keg, Zl25 Harbor LABORERS ---------~ only. \\'I M'lm~ knowlei:l~e of BUSINESS woman desires Coast Hwy, Space J-ll, Serllcelandft.,.n Est. 839-2303, 557~. remodel. Free est. Small ,8=,1'=v,:.d,':C:;,·o,M;,·=~-,,== * * *" * * tml'k Hrflro-. P I J•uUlim~ . . Job• welcom•. r .... <IA""' •BEAUTICIAN \V/NEAT VOLT J•mes Edit.on ll11.<;y GP Ji.U kl'l'I. 847.2547 lovely rum or unfurn 3 or 4 .N:::;.B;-~64C::HJ~7547' . .,--.,.---= Housecle•nfnn ...,,.......... 17951 •-t · · · Rent•lt. W•nted uU Olde -..• APPEARANCE, FOR -pen rff Br Eastbl home, I r LITTLE black dog w/tan BUSY SHOP. 54&-9919. Instant Personnel Irvine i\1ENS \\'car 1111.le111nan for aection). Lease or buy. paws, male. Vic. Huntington .J.;ysittlng Prof. _Carpet Cleaning 1 mJIJ Temporary Service \"ou are the wlJlntt of pru1 time, evenings. Contad Principals only. 979-90'Jl; Harbour Boardwalk Shop----------Also windows & floor care BOOKKEEPER 3848 CampiL'I Dr .. &llte 106 2 Uckel$ to the (;Ill")' Olllt'n, Big f'tlla Ml"~ 979-909o. pipg Center. lfas chain. c 0 s TA MESA PRE-Call Dutch 537-1508, 8am~pm ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ T $700 N~'()Ort Beach 546-41'11 h An I 0 c \\'ear, 1912 lllU"bor mvd., WORKSHOP req'd. English 846-3786. SCHOOL, l 8lh &: Monrovia. E t H I • 0 Equal Oppor Employer 9t nu• r•nge o. C.t.1. betwe.>n 10 &. 6. xper ousec ean1ng Full Charge for 'top '"""" ,.,..,..,..,..,·.,.-.,..,.•! International -- & French anUq's, Vlc. of FOUND: Black Labrador NEW HOURS 6:30 am-6:30 By Day. Reis. 8J6.()648 J b W -• M I 700 Sh i\I E RCHANDISE kandM!r (n.l ~ · rl arl o ant9U, a,. Compan)', GENERAL Ofc: Matur e Auto OW 16th St, CM area. c•->-fml puppy on swan Dr., pm. Music, 1>to es, . HOUSE OF CLEAN .. _ full llrn,. Mk for mar. Mr. 1649or te4~ ango, C.M.Between6.ll2weeks Reas. es. c. ~-YOUNG man seeks • • • ANAHEIM l'...,,tlt", BeA.1·11 Furnllu~. J wrl ~ M · Id Rat LI 'd 64" -P P S NO FEES aim d<pendoble woman lo< " hw P CdM old. ll .,...., think she's youni Eves. 838-5237. Floors, windows, crpt, walls. full/pt-time employment in p ·11 Jl('rm. job. Wiii train to~ 1100 lrvlnf" Avt, N'pt Bch .,~~ 6 yrs. in area. 642--6824. act c die customl'r&, a pleuant CONVENTION YOUNG mature Christian please call Tina 545-8395. DAY Nursery, babies to 5 landscaping & gardening. Personnel Services phone manner. ~-ping etc. CENTER i\1T/ST Upcnttur fur N.B. I fl hlld -··" 3 br $IS k '~5788 Dedicated Cleani-Exp 64&-7'151 112 N r '' I 1 ''·'! ;~ coupe w c 'I';!\."' FOUND year-<1ld German ~-per w -~ or *WE 00 EVERvnrrN"G * · · o. OWl"f' Medical IUJ'J{iclll ahop. Send OMohl?r ll!h thrn t~h aw inn........ ..,...,,_ I.or hse. $200 max. C.M., N.B., Shepherd, hnl, Black & Buff Refs. Free est. 64&-2S39 Job Wanted, Female 702 Union Bank Square lrlter Classlfit>ri ad no. 389 PIPlt!lt" CAii 642·5678, exl. ~14 •".;PP;..'-,..,..,..,..;o;o .. ,..,.I Lag. area. 646-1346 colored-no collar. ll B. Carpenter Orange, Cal!J, c/o Dally Pnot. P. 0. Box bct....·~n 9 n.nci :i pm to rlWn1 2 BR"°""· s.al Beach 0, 968-2355. _.o.,.______ Export Hou1ecloaning GOOD TYPIST 547-6446 1560. eo.ia M•M. C• 92626-'""" tlekeu. tNonh c'"'""' NCR OPERATOR Southwood. Winter or Yrly. s MALL Ion g-ha i rvle d ~o~ ==~-:~!; By [)Qy. Refs. 836-0648 Will do your typing at Ask tor Rachel f.tay Gen' I Office to $575 roU-lrtt nwnbt'f' l.!l 5«1-11411. N•wport Buch To-$3Xl. 213-£57-2008. Cbihuabua, female, tan, c. f' Call 54o-5560 EXP. HOUSEWORK her home, Wiii rlclcup BOOKKEEPER • sen l 0 r , Lite bookkeeping * * *" * * . Misc. Rentals 465 McKenzie & La.Paz, Mi.ssion -roo ing. . S4 hr. 642-TISO and dellver loca H.B., exp'd to trial balance. C11..ll Lon-aine! JANITORS. wax.en le Ntl'd ~xpe~ NCR. FOR Rent oU strettt parking: spaCes 10x30. night lighting. $10/mo. 2436-B Newport Blvd., .Costa Mesa. 548-1322. I~ Announcements 500 • • * • • Douglas Richards 17942 B•scom Irvine You are the winner of 2 ticket• to the 9th Annual Orange Co. International Auto Show at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER Viejo. 831)-8154. CARPENTRY, Addition.111 & Experienced Housework F.V., West, 75c pt'r pg. Sa1aTy open. Retail sales. \VESTCUFF Maldll, e-xper. p/lim'" 4 hnl Of>e"klr •'ho can type 50 MALE shaggy medium size repair. 20 years Harbor By the Job or will work by hour 1-1.B. area. Submit rcsurne Per!!Ontlf':I Agency eve1. Call 546-5.151. 'W.p.m, A Ille 10 key addtrw d hi' • h 1 area. 646-2115/6~294. • 64, ~= • call 147-3095. 1 ~--~··~ d N 2 1 ~.3 \" 1 II" ~ NB mlll."hine or calcul11 10r. Poll-og, w e "" pe:ac co or. .v-1J..N o ... ._uh,,.• A o. 51 co ....,.. ..-e11 c u ..,,., JANITOR. part Un1e. e<.'t'!I 100 lnYOIYt .. flf'!'vy mn.chlne Vic Harbor & Fair, C.M. C•rpet 'iervlce ltousecleanlng S2.50 hr. FEMALE age 42 seeking p/t Dally Pilot P.O. Box 1560 64.S-2770 Including wknda. Will train. hookkN-plnic " P 0 "1 1 n I:. 979-8135. JOHN'S Carpet & Upholstery Newport Beach area. Own emp. exp: 10 yrs. med. of-Costa Mesa, Calif.~-GIRL FRIDAY $8---7616. journal t"ntry h> I.hi• ~~nU MALE MED SIZE DOG Ori-Shampoo tree Scotch-trans. 673-2418. flee fr & back Lite bk. type, BOYS 12-16 Great spot tor pl who Ilk" Jr. Desin-r/ lr'tlrr. w!lona: creme cO!or waney -•n....i !Soil Retardants). Janitorial file. Willing to learn any In-Joln Top Crew selling Orange a lot of variety. This tine E I 7"·-f'om1111 l'dunt.tion In -.... I ~ . & H-..._ 5 ..... u tere!illng oUice }f.B. area. _. l-" --coat vc •all' a.1L.t1Jr, Degreasers & all color ---------Cout's favorite Newspaper. ro. I!! locatno tn !he , ... nf' •• ., ('()Unllni: rNfUln!orl. E:xoe!JenC CM. 979-8135. brighteners & 10 minute Jeff's Oeaning Service Write class. ad No. 5l&"f!/o Work 2 eveni.n&s and Satur-romplex l.l'M. SI.art S-IOO. Wanted to fill ~ ~1tinn t~. bml'fHa, 2 Gennan Shep pups. N.E. bleach for white carpets. Residential -Commercial Daily Piiot. P.O. Box 1560 day, Genero1111 Commission Call Unda R.n)'. 54()..f,(1!16, in ·~~pt J':ir1 p1.·r Santa Ana area, Call Mike Save your money by saving * 64&-6384 * Cmta Mesa, Cal~-and Bonus. Make itoney coastaJ J\lency, 2790 ll&r· In de&i.&n It ml.mg 111..,•!1.'.l" Call 53&-7734. me extra trips. Will clean WE will clean apts. business NEED belp at home? We and Keep up with School-bor Bl, O f thNt"l poWel'l'd yaeh'~ l't'(f"•I. '44 2:3" FND, 1 tame Angora rabbit: living rm., dlnlng rm. & buildings or trad homeA. have Aides, Nu r 1 e 1 • i-•-·or_k_.:·_""'_;·~"''°"'7-6T.19;,,.;;;:;·___ GIRL FRIDAY Advancmitnl oppor, ..-xtn 1 Betwn I am & 12 noori Vic Fairview & Fair. hall S15. Any rm. $7.50, 543-1.SU. H 0 u M?kpn, Companions. BOYS h-f an A 1 ement CoMultanl ro bentof1t•. Stnd n:sumc lo Only Cha 15 Homemakers U p j o h n . It E J Pooa.-979-91>69. couch SlO. Ir $5. yn. Landt.ceplng Aie 1~14 to de!lver papen lll!t!klng Exl!CUlivt! ScaTlary · · · • FOUND-Vic. Villa Sweden, exp. ls what counts, not 547-al. ln the Dana Pol.'1t. San Ce-who ll hlply Of1Rnl1.!Pd wUh Columbia Yachts NnT. Oer1t·Exp-r.cnveyan! CdM Gray striped ttge.r cat. metlxxl. I do work myself. LANDSCAPING "'tll!I., W•nt.cl, foA & F 71D tnente attu. outstandint: C'lmcal 511:11111 A Div of Whilllt.ltrr Corp. •hlf!. 11pm·1am. Ca.II Bill 4 94- 7346 _ i.cGcod==--'-"'"f-.53'-,--1--0..=IOI""-.---For unique & penonalized DAILY PILOT and public rl'l&tt on1 275 &!1..<ormk'kA\-.~. Schnrltkr, 9un-12hoon. C t C _.._ style ln land.sea.Pin& call Advertlsl-•--rotary 492-4(1) per10nality. Ph. 6oM---063S. Cotta ?ttf'M, Olht, 92626 Nrwporter Jnn. N, B . CLASS 'Ing Of ·-. Vie of ~•n • one.-.,. Jam-C. Elm•• _ • ·--'. "• ~ Eq ~ Em lo 'I f' 64 1-1" -.... lAIJIJ Great oppor. for ambitious, Bu.boy, 12-2am, Mon thru GKANDMOTIIF.RLY-typc UA.I ..,.......,., P ycr " ___!:_:_""~·------·< basketball courts betv.-een PATIOS--SIDEWALKS 11Caplng .I: Maintenance Co. highly skilled g\rl. Brains, Fri. $2 hr. wan, r tt tor ncr~ionn.1 KENNELMAN-NtJHSl-:S llkll .. • i.'q'd mii. Npt &: Balboa plen 54&-5679. CEMENT CONTRACTOR "Renovating lawns, A ne-tnit1ative & lh required. Dick Churches Rest. bobylltt\111 on Ralboa Pen. DRIVER ll:iy ri.hift. Apply Dir. of NR. Harbor & Gisler area. Call Max ** 644-0087 cesslty at this ~me." Free 833-1670 2008 Newport Bl, C~t ~5006. ror a.nim&I fhf'llM'. C«itl NuNlt11. 1030 W. Wa.mror S"""'"' white mini poodle. CUSTOM CEMENT \"ORK est. 646-7229 aft 5. =~i,-'--'-,-:CC.:_;;:::,_::.:--1 ~1 --•-XI •1 f-' A\'P !'a.nla An• .,.., ,,,,,._,, '""&&J' ;y CAR lot man. Prell'r t"Xf1. 11ANDYMAN ~r 40 '4"0• .. ru: <VI ....... n ~•rt.I:' • • ·-· ................ No collar. 557-3939. Drives, \VALKS, patios, Moving ADVERTISING GI r I s· Must be oVtt 21 &r: have 1...8.l{Unit Ll<io Apia. bMt!tltt1, V11lld t'al~t. llM\" NUl\.4'i"~ Aids, e :r.: pe r , October 11th thru 15th Pleaae call 642-5678, ext. 314 FOUND: Jrlsh Setter. male, between 9 and 5 pm to claim Meado\l.·lark Goll Course your tickets. (North County 1 _.:HccB::·..:84&-0:.c:.c.1~46---~~-~ toll-lree number lA 540-1220). Sell the old 1tuU. Buy the pool decks. Don. 642--8514 °"'.;..;.~-------1 Women F/Part tlme doing drtveni lic\>nte. Stndy job. .f9'.r2!'.J;j er'1 Ile. il Kt! drh·1~ rt'<'. pM"f'1I, Park Udo Com. MOVING ?? Owner, driver pie•·••t lelepl--,~. )n -·d 'POIY at ~12 I '' c· '~ ~• PATIOS-PLANTERS wflarge furn van. 14 yrs our"";iice. Gua'.;"'"~ & 1-''ringe benefiu.. Apply In llANOY~t.AN -PAJNTElt ;;;;,._ 'C:Uron ffd 7.:11: 1"11'1 "'"'"",,"""=·,..~=-~...,..=~-- All Concrete wcrl. Brick, (Savi...,.. "~) T --1 • penon only. Set" !'ot r · 0.1 Unl!L 1100 ('lff mil. Call ' · Ot1'"1Ct~ c.11:tk·Tt'.t-.hn .. A exp. "e.~ '· ......_ • gene:rou1 bonuses. Call " LE O rook ... .,. ... slumpgtone wk. 894-3533. ?? 539-1319. !l63·58M. Nlelaen. Tctry Buick, 5th Ii 642-:t&45. ':A to 1n.1pervt.e <"Uh rt!1t)lttt a,..,.. n~ -hlld C WAinut. 1-luntington Rearh. E ~111 ~ratlun I. ~ fArl'• Aumbbw. JP1-. 1sM • * * * * new stuff. are Painting & ALF.RT ShOrt Hair. Oc· H LPI In P.M. 1 Thf' lluntlr~ton, Nf'wport HIYd CN. P.narh•-lng ---~ CASHJERS 1o.•antcd p/limt> '1 NM'rl pro(l'tflloNI ft..E, salrt· ·-i n~·l4, lf.B. M" -. • * • CHILD CARE.' .C'-"'~==··•="---1 <Mionat ~••· lllgh poy, -~ t ... I -~• ~"~ "-ion i • .......... , n rnr w.... oca· J)ll011l1• In hdp our cllt'nt. ......,.rat I Analy1tt. No -·-n• short hn1. F.xper. helpful. ... __ F l'ly o-••• s A. L"~ •· ~-~-, 5 day ~-,_ Dependable ""-" ~n'I helper ~. uuus, · · ....... ' •· · buy, 11otU or EXOIANGE. •·~· ................. ,.... ·• u-,-,.m""" )'Otllltr vrr11nl.1,11Uon Jfarbor!Baket' Area. *•WALLPAPER * Must drive . .__,1 ?r!pm. C.M. Call J uaDila, &4M460. l..eftlf-' tum. Pl~. w&lk· "'k. pYI rm II ''" Spe.nlM hilt oprnlna !or lf'hrtlulf' It 4 When ~1 ca.U "Ma c" ~.,. in affkt. tpeaklna ok ~Im xtl 6. OJll!TiltioN aMQl•t• t:ndt-r 5 6 • 4 1 4 5 "'"1'44 ""Int Rental Read1'r, 569 w. !Jth. CLERICAL di In 1 ;;r9fr _. PYH.A,\flO F.XCH.ANGORS n"l'1 no n l''"r a t lu n .t * * * * * Trader's Paradise lines times dollars Contrador AddlUons * Remodellna Gerwick &: Soo. Llc'd 673-f&ll • 5&-2170 J AC K Taula.ne • Repair remod., addlL 2) yn. exp. Uc'd. My Way Co. 547-«136. Electronln COMPLETE r.lectronlc lltr'V. color T.V. fllfl, auto. ltttN, EXT -,..c~M~-==---=~o----,-,-PACll'IC MUTUAL ti)( Me•·adden Pi. LUH~S BOAT CO. n1atv11t•·r. "'""· Jr..-'ft!tt, a. ~...! ._ __ , ' paperd APROPOS. 29 Fa 1 h Ion Appl y 1\M>1, lhni f'rl. g am·12 Nf'WPJrt Brarh «15-JNlJ "'ow lllnll1it •·hMtul~ routn. Owirt I .-.. ... na:. n&lw-iu w o 0 Jaland, N . B. lnlll'.111-nt pm al ---~-,·1,11••, -Fl I h C. _,.,. •·•·••-5'1 7905 or ..... ..,... ,...,_.,.. . .,. '"" .HELP WANTED ns r,....... .,~ "'"t11 1t ('hl'dule1 . ............ " • woman ll\\'"l!IJ'C of hJ-fuhlon Nr<wporl Centtr Drlw. Routh Cerptnten & Al.tlst opttllliOftl ..._....__ 548--2759. •-·Nia Ex-. bofpllll. No '-."""""'"""'""""'"'""""' CHRISTMAS E A---"' ··-~·· ~ ~ 1' DECO" •TING •pet'· •~•rt 1n dally M.1.lv\IW.. BA IJf M PAINTING &: PAPERING, lelephone ca.111 please. DELIVERY ol DA IL Y ""' Apply In r.n.on In Rultnr-. Entmmlcl f'll 19ynlnHarborarea.LlcA: ASSISTANT food Mgra., PJLOT,SUNDAYONl.Y,to IOCAl.ARt:A M9\\'.1AllhSt., Tr•na p o rtellon, 5cnd l>Onded. Ref's tum. 60-2356. perm p/tlme wluxb. $2.50 nrwspa~bo)'I. Requlrea Nn •i:r llm~L ldttl Im' ttv< 0-... MN9 nosum~ lnrl. ub•f'1 ,,._ PAINTING • Honest. clean, hr. SJS...1103 be.fore noon. the use of • Stllttott Wqon retll't'(I, or lhoM •antlna; • qultctTW'nts 1o Clul.tt\t!d Ad guaranteed wotlc. Llceued -'-....CC.A=n=E~N=T~ION=,---1 or Van. Contact ~Ir. llany l"Jll (,If ltlllfllhl •"IX"k M hol!· l.VN'll. ··rr • 'P(T. l tn ll Nn. !114 C'JO Oll.lly PUol. le: Insured. 675-5740. Sa'81wonMn & Men Scclf')', l30 \\'Pfd nay SI., l'IA)' trm~. •ta.11lnl Oc:I . i:. MIM. f".d. atan ...... Ei!p. p 0 no,c I~ Cblt• M~ PROF. painter, hon.it work, $15,000 to $$0 AM Cn8ta ~fMO A+Ml!l3 t;,r fletaill • •PP' fl"'C APf'ly ~f'C!ci?'° ot C~lli '1ar. , 0f'a d11 n ~ 2~ ACRES No. Calif. Trees, <'IDie to town 1t.nd lake $3lOO value. Trade tor c&ror ff? iTI4) ~:m 'Mki poles, #fl\eldl, be-ams or hand c • r v e d rrdar. TRADE for car, motorcy· cleor ! ! 1. • 548-7859 • NEWER, wdl kempt triplex $&3,900, San Omlcnte nr ()('ffn/shpe. 3 BR, 2 Ba A (2l 2 BR 1 BA unllA lor hoU.lc. All, 496-4f"M. DANA Pt, delwi:r bouae, 3 ovenlztd BR, 2 Ba. ~-llv nn beam «illna:J. view, $37:500. for 4 ptu Van N~ a.ree.. 41. -..e&4. Cal lie. Padtlc E::tectronlCI HAVE: '69 Hem! Ro&drun· Co., Dana Pt. 49&-3233. net, everythlnc new, wot1h Gardening reaa. llc/lru. Jnl /t.Xt. free Olemoroull, exdtin11:~dvtn· DISPLAY -M~n or Worwn. llO~IE 7'f,.Jnt,.n&l'IC'lll . Uw 1n Sul"lrttr. llM \\. \\an M:t, 10/16112. EX)E. el1. Refs. 54$-2759. hll'OUA Al~ <'&N't'.r wllh rnatUJT 1'. np'd only nrf'l"I Oppty for matlln! ltudrl'nl ~"1" Ana, ~ OROF.'RLY t'XPf"' pntd FOR clean A neet palntlnc. Clubpactnca fb'lnc all of apply. Call Kr!.7'..0. "" pt1'9Qlt •fW:IrM lpllN' --r\iN1S EXPER. 1.._111· L. O>nv. O!nift'; interior. ttu. rate.. Call U.S. 1. Mt-llico, No ap blr· EARN !tCQ Bl~ Ch Ip tlrOt". ~ ll"\IW • ~1tnrl'!I Aid•••. ~ '4).D(. =;· _D=ie::k·c.-"'-,...;.;--'----~ rlen, E..m as you learn. f;ta.m~llave • toy ' 1lf1 Hot.nt1 MACHINIST rAJtT...,,MF. Ar 1 ; PROF. Painting, ai.o roofs, ~Ir. ~1cDonald p11rny ~n your h nm I'. nubhowr, th•lre W-UHI"' To r-.rtk'lpe.1.1• 1.n hulktlna UQOOR Ct.ERK .-• S2500. TRADE for evty 1----''----- Corvtttr + ?11 Dtrr'CH prdene-, Call 536-8017 cmplt. ..,., call TRADE 5 acrtt comer of 53&-2300 d"Yt or M!Ctk>n. Roed on 3 11dn, 2l3/630-6t63 p.m. near Victorville fur Ora~ AL'S l..&rkt.caplna:. Tr e • Oowlty ,,_..,,,_ mnoval. Yard .....-uns. • -• Trull bllllU., lot ......... UPRIGITT tretur, ~ cu Repe.lr qrrin)dfn. 173-1.lm. n, nma bf:aut, lotitc.I beeout. E X P E RT J a p a n e 1 e TrsM for velvet Spc.nhh or C a r d t' n c r . C o mpltk Medlt llt)ilt IOre il ~t. G&rdml111: ~-NB, Ott IM&-215&. Uft 546--189-1- HAVE duplt'X, ())lfll Mf.llL EXP ER. T J a p • n •a• Uve ln orw, retJt tht CJCtw1', pt'dtntr, knowhow, Q~p. Want l!Jcft'-4i11Pf:r, N'pt. or p&.111. pn:t, trim. cleMUp. O>lta Mna. $15,«X> Equity 1.:.-;o.:c;;_:';._=~==~ Bal boo 8a)I Prop. <Il2-T«ll CARDEN INC SEkVICE WIU. tnde 20 A pan."ebi RtuJnabl,. -Rdlable N • .._,. ElkO, f!ll. recrff.UoDlJ land acc.'OUI. celL lnle'l'/exttt. 557-4151 m-on. ra1.,,,1 for dNlhw w puh111 . llll'Uln mN+t tfDp ~ _. app'L Uc/lns. FM ut. e&i.191. APPUCA110NS 11re twolng Elec.trlul Oetiptr varvd dutifs. l4 hr 16 k. SpeirlilltLt1.rc ~ vn1 pur-l-9p.;;t;r,;fjiii;;,i;i;1· 1 lll .-ltnd 6 ..ne f'\'I! hn. 1'111 ...--. & ~•lnrl m..tillnln1I arw•i.:; ~ Complete 2 cot.ts , t IC'\..,,tM for <'a f tt I" r l a Exp. Powtr, urn lnatJM, ,~-· ,~,, -'fiop -· ~ ~·~· ,., J-"· NI ma.nmt Jl(8hlon.. PIN!v II _,....._'Pf' ' .mall pm-.....,, '" ~ story $29!1, 2 dory 1331. hfolpen lo iaJbltltute Jn thr Comtntt'C."uu, ,,....at · •JICllY 1..,_,9dlldlld Oft', ~~=~ "'"' btt _, 'i''f'd, Ttun., f"rt, betWft t A Neat ~ ,,_, IC7·'-Lag\IM llNch Sc b O o I buUdlfC*.. Exttl f)PfJO' ....,, ... , .......... .._ , .....,,.,,. 7 .-11-.,._, -·~ -.-....... _ ... 1. l.EJSURE \\' RL0 f'll11n'J rit ,,_,_ -...... _, 0 - Ero ~ ,.,_ Dlatrk1. Appl.y al the hmrflt•. jYU", n..,,..... YOUND TIOS ,---·~·· •-·-· .. nnt :tal I!. Plld.ftc Ott,._ f"R "· ~•· """''· llOUSE Dbitrici Ott~. &iO Blumont. ~. ~1111.AkOlk'h, Wot~ A ' trl!'ftllnc "'°"" ~bUlt} • • • .. ,, PAINT1NO. Olll t4S-Ci.9 m22 P&Jllf'O dro> \'•~ • ~ Mlll( ~""' N li. A. liLw Dqibne. ~~n 5 and GPM. AUTOMOTIVE ~ '"°1 MAr m-nn Admln Olds 1.quna Hlh rn·i rnwh.. ~ ~P"" , PnX Olf'M1tltllr, ..m ....... A·Z HANDY MAN LOT IOY i":t.J-rmo~cs· Yourw ": 11~. """' n. C'9C-blht1 '° uu r-hUI•. Ka.nun T,.~ ,.,.,,.,,,.. QUALITY PAJHT1NG Mual be hard war1rtt. APf>ty ~o'r: °arm i:,:i:rwl llayt or ntn. Apply da!ly, tndud1rc bkfl1'LI fOU1' ,,.-n tnic Srrv, ~mt. • C9-D.ll .. In pencm IO Mr. T. kr ttthnln1 ~L Pr.I 10 »tl·lO A.". Ml Cua It* • pn>elurt..inr thfo won TIME FOi Patios DAVE ROSS J-:lr c.t r onl r s, lltl Mnk'an Rfrlllurwil, iM E. r.mtlrc ~ r.tJ!hd r PONTIAC y,·.,11mln11,.r Avr ., ITrt.81 ,C.J(. but mt~. P'ftMtftr11 CJ\.EDf 1'r'ff OntrucUon MD ll•rtlor Blvd. U'r.rtmlnl1r.r. lfOU~RK. pi.rlollmf, ) "' ... 111-~:: ·~1~~ ~ OUICK CASH c.. Spoctall•.. "' --•• , --·-job, Own ~--· • --····· ., •• patio c'O'lfn I~ Local 1-,-.,..--°"-"-'-'"°----f"XP. Nft'd)e pol.nl r.nfTVQ Call Mt--k«oplrc 6 nk ~II""-T ROUGH A "''· Bill F'vllon, 54f..... A11tD • p;ilnll'!f . MLISI do ,....n•p:i&nl ~"°;;.;..''.,.;..;;;_..;;_;.;..:'IJ44..:.;.:;_ ___ I M~ 6 f'qtJlp wallinl ~ EYH. ~1401. Import NI' D.Jnman, On~ ~or &rH1l1'i ltOU.Vl<l::&rt:n • llElJ>t:R for ltw r\rtll l~ldual. l..n. . - • RADJ0-1V Tm EquJpmeit Nu/UM."d·lube..:ompanenta, l'fflltot'I. capadtors, 1tor· q:e c11blneU, tooLt rnltr • nr Mc<:."ll.llOUlt $pr1QI Creek COMPU."'TE L 111 w n A dw. b' r..I tllftte. or r of Cudc!nl.na 1ervk"t'. l·la.uJU\a eq value. 847-IMl, A c:k!an.-up. Jim~. Platter, Petch, R•lr ~= moat l'lt•hllil"tl ;;~~-c.4111~ r;, ~ ~~=='"""'"=·="=·=--~·-'""'-_ =~;u~n: ~':'~C: DAil Y PILOT ' For m..t (lit cycle. &48-9831. * * * - * * I ... * PATOI PLAS'1'EfUHG f"rlt• Wamn • -lln"" lhal )lnir tnlo f'Mll llOIJSDtED»J.:R -Coat. a-tad flWftM' kif fvrthf'r ,,,._ WA NT AD All tJ'P"-~ ftltlm&tn SPORT CAR CENTER tr1th • o.u.v P\bt 0 •pJDed prr. tor """lftAn ...._ ~!,IA. 0-11 ~7 "tltl, MQI\ lhnl "4 can S«).425 nor .. 111, ~·AM ~1miw CAJI fO-M7I ~"""--.-._ • .....;nio.....;.;.:rl'Hm.::..:::.:;;__.;..:-:::... ______ _ i • • --. SC DAIL l PILOT l""'' 1 • l[Ill [ -l~ [ -f'i 1a You Help Wint.ad, M & F 710 PHONE DISPATCHER 1,,,. long estahllshed tervice ... '(). Pel'J)llUX!nt job tor riaht 1)('rson. Apply mornlQllB, ~ ~[ ·-· ' iiiiiiiiiiiilts, ~]~~I i[ iiiiii-· Help Wo1nted, M & f 710 Appliance• I02 Furnitv,.. 111 Gar.,. S.le 112 MlscellaMOUI 811 Mi1cell.1necu1 111 •' STUOEN'I' U'oe-ln part-timt' \VAS JI f: lt S, Ur y ~rs, NO JUNK HERE Knotty GARAGE·SIOEWALK STER£0 197'1 G 11 r r a rd * OLD STOVE * help with _bouae &: 2 school 01.ihwtu.l\l'rs ru:ondltloned, maple thick, 90(\d coUee SALE n\Ode.1, 11y1!{'1niicd full 11ze Smaller °'" \l.'OOd burning e r m .a n /Collle mix, 8 mo. m.&34 age c~. Pr111a.te roon1 . i; u a r n , n {' l l \'e r c d table w/match end..-ideal Sat., Oct. 7 chan~er, AMIJo'l\.t stereo 110\'e! 2 holet on top, front both. TV. S:malJ Wan.. I 516-i'l21~/S.'9-7620. for game rm or L.R., _ 8:00 a.ni. lo 5:00 JI n1. rbdlo, RCA tape deck f)lua door. Needs • loll ot work DAVIS -BROWN Co. 4.11 Jo~. 17111 $L 01. t!lf-1684 Esnerald Ba,y. 494--9532. R£CONJ). trade -l n ap-l~ps free! Alao sn&I bed, CORNER OJ.' in type jacks. A Ir but could be real nll.'e when STYLIST WANTED ptin_n<'t:':; s. TV:;. ount11p·1, frame, w/n1>sag box ll)r'I 16111 It ORANGE-: suspension speakers. Still tlnlst\t'd. I 1tarted sandinl,; P URCHASING AGT. ' \\'ill l'raln, elt"pct_ hclprut. Long li!1•m ~omtonl. lrvinc MQ.4450 NEVER A P"EE AT TEMPO lXW N t Blvd c M & tnnt>r sprg matt, Also 3'x5' COSl'A MESA new ln box & guar. Was left it, bu.I didn't (lnls:h, so It's F.xper.' In wi&leb, CW1Cadt's t'\\'IJOr " ' ' walnut b,Js.,exec.<Jesk, Uke BARGAINS GALORE! unclaimed. Originally $'1'10. quite rusted. A $10 gand· & syn· theUc-w1-. Sales ........ S.l~-77 ·c_llO:::_. ------1 .~ v1,---new! Call ~7316 for-appt Furnlturl'. Clothing, Now $75. Cash or p~yments. blasting ,loll, would take ""rlunily. Call Cher ,.1 l\.tAYTAG re11u1rr11an ha11 T 4 "" in AM or all day sun. Ai>1>llanccs, Books, O)'B, Layaway Dept. 714:893-0501. c re or I.hat. It would make a.&8-3446. wa~hers $'.\.5. to $100. Can Sporting Goodi1 a cu\e planter: or us a <..'On- SUPER TYPIST deliv~·r "''/l yr. guorn, TOP quallty Early American YOU NA~iE IT!! \VELDING Supplie5, Ga.sell, veN1atlon piece-an end table 1'en1po Tem{IOrary Help f'er1nanent P/titne. Hell\'Y cas ualty inuran ce backgrowxl. Top $$$. 839-1718. Pine furniture. H a r v e 11 t table $40. Smaller drop leaf P~s to Harbor Arl'a Fire Extingui.shcn, Safety y,•lth a n1agazlne ledge. 1 Real E1tatt Sa1e1 Rent Washers/ Dryers $:?. \\'k. t'ull n1aint. table $40. Chest of drawers Youth and Comn1w1i!y equip, C02 & Dry paid $35 fo1· it-make ofter. S."\O. 4 Black Captains chairs Al·tlvily ProjC'!.:ts ice. Complete Welding Out-M2·1734 evc11 and weekt>nds. FREE • 6.19' I 20'J • $10 ell. 36" Round, heavy Sponsort'd by the fits from $69. Oxygen SCRAM LETS Cameras & cot.tee table. $25. Dark COSTA MESA Service Co. 2072 Placentia, - license Traini;::, Tempo Temporary Hl1'lp Equipment 808 green tweed sofa & chair ROTARY CLUB C1'1. &t!">-8870. TO good homes - ll'Vine 540-4430 NEVER A FEE AT TEr.1PO ORGAN HOBBY limited Timti On y TELEPHONI': Sales; Sell , _ _;___:.__,;_;.;....____ $125 botb. 640-0327. F"ANTASTIC multi family 1961 R.M.1BLER stat i 0 n ANSWERS Don't buy anyorpn UTIUI you ~~ .,..~~l=anecat~ Famous license course now Southern Orange County's Rental Dark Rooms l.llSTRESSED Oak D k gar sale. Bunk beds, can play! Non-playen wel-1-,c'="===~~-->~-"' avaOable thn1 Tarbell l»m· Favorite Newll'eJ>e'r' tram Special studl'nt rates, Ma.hog end t61s, \Vn~nui dres.qer, chif!arobe. knee w~~· $85. ~;0~Ja;, JlamJX>r -Abash -Gamut come to attend free work ADORABLE blond poo pany. App\lcirnts fully re-your home. Make u much DAVE'S CA !'ti ER A EX-hanging shelvt>R, Bistro hole desk & chr, beaut bug· ": ui eng, • · . 8 a -Falter -TllEATERS shops. For Information $40. Days: 642-481.8. ft. '6: imbuned uoon qualification. as you need. Generous com-OL\...T\"GE. 474 E. 17th, C.M. Set, Misc items. Lanips, gy tA·l condJ, cradle, n1pl ~~~tb~~;10 ~ ~~i;t"!~~: Query: Have you no(1ced Contact: Tom Dieteril.'b l=534---3885C"-~·~----+---- New or ell:perienced sales mlsskln on each sale. CaJI 646--2136. rugs, ~ hi chr. baby jumper, crib, & love se~t c. us t 0 m haw many people with <.."OUghs 642-2851 BLACK Siamese kit -p1 .. o -nino11 avallable. 1 ~55,,,-.7-07~39~--~~~---· •1 solid redwood gym set incl ' · never go to doctors? They an •·-ld f.:..J-...-"' KODAI\ lnstan1at1c " 70 OLD OAK _ section a I 968-{;219 .. -Coast Music Service v"..., o , ree to ~olete training program. T I ph H slide, clothes -incl 2 coats, ------~---to the THEA'rERS. ""' AnA21J5 """'I.. e e one ostesses n101·i(• projl'Ctor. goori cond. bookcase w/glass doors, 1-Ne\.\•port. Blvd. at Harbor ....,me . ...,...... · Future man""emenl oppo'-N u· ,_ f I I nd C !t"' "'II $135 8"3218 . sz 12. Tyiiewriter, TV, FURN. Antiques. ironer, ex· DECORATOR'S DELIGHT --. o se mg. \\'ot1' or op a ost u.i •• ><; • 'tU-$175; hig'h chair w/tray, Costa Mesa 3 KIITENS to low tunltlet1. Call P.lr Sloan at com.,....., making dinner rt'!-F _1 llO = .., ,146 nntique ice chest & more! erciser, paintings, riding old metal and brass scale, lf ~u not even ulty. "'"-55Bl. t'"""''J urn1 ure ·~=·__:~:_;_:___::_::;-___ ~--Fri & Sat, 10-3. 1.848 Port boots, old quilt tops, realher PIANOS .. ORGANS ~y are 17" ervations by phone, No C'XP -L -d SOO: wooden fern stand, 675 ,,,...... alt 6 nee. No o.ae barrif'r. Top 5"T'ACt: Coa<·h bunk beds. ahog dlnin bl <2x6G uropenn. l. , 100; TARBELL BEAUTIFU LY gr a 1 n c Kimberly, llarbor View bed, clothes, yard tools, E 4 f tall $ Hammond, Wurlitzer, many ...........,,~ pm. salary. Ge~erow honus4•s. Vl'ry unusuul Nt'Y" S2fil. Sell M /l"g ta . e ... _:__. Homes, N.8. miS<'. 2522 Santa Ana Ave., old metal pepper mill, others. Pre-season specials, FREE to good home. utty oval, \V sann wvuu FANTAST IC ••• ,.. ..1 •. Cl\1 Sat-Sun. s~nlsh, ·~-. ~•• unique model close-outs. Piano & calico kitten, 9 wks. REALTORS lntervl~v daily from 3-6: 30 $115. Brand ne\Y cond. "--' & 6 ha' 558-7896 • .. -.. ~==~cc---=c:-:--o ,.. ~ •-pin . ~J2·7345. ·-G73-824·1. IJU•"er c irs. · Scy,•lng mach, mini bike. 3 2 BOYS Stingray bikes, 1 por<:elaln French wine Organ rentals. Money sav· * 531-7631 * REAL ESTATE TRAINEE OPENtNGST ~=R-A~N=sFE=R7E=D=.-=L=lv-~R~m-IJo'AMILY Break up HP, O.B. n1tr-3 HP. silver w/3speed. $15ea. B l ond dispensers, 2 ft. !all, great ~ ~alns are here right[~~~~~~~~~~I PROFESSIONAL \\'l" wiH train you to become furn, Color TV, King Sz Everything ·must go . tea !!el, drum sct-Astro 7 Stork line J r. OOd comp\. for table tamps or bar, Sl.80. -1;1 Houseful of fu r nit u re· u I 1 20" TV M t hlng dresser Good 644-4146. Wallichs Music City ,.,..,. "-a branch manager of oul" Bed, c1c. Top con d . 675-5974 J>C', n eye e, • a c - Salesmen & brokers! The op. !'00 branches. A scheduled 548-6.1'17. · bicyc-les, puppet s I age, cond. S20. 644--1495 * AUCTION * South Coast Plaza 540.2830,!~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiil~ portunity ls here'. You are training program will givl' SECTION_A_L_co-,-,-,,-.-1-2-,-7-: ANTIQUE Hoosier. brass Buckle !;k\ boots. guitar, AITN: Carpet & Drapc.'t"'y Fine Furnitlll'e *PIANOS*ORGANS*ll nreded lm1nediately for our ,_, u-•'"'·nc & exp. in Office bed, Old ic<' t111nks. boating aceessories, toys, Shoppe". Nylon, tweed, Cati 152 l nd. R 1 v "" ~ coff£'e tahll', 2 end tables, · F · s 1• o 1 .... _,, & Appliances Going Out For Business ' '-'-"-------.:;:;:i rapid y expa ing ea P.I an age men t • Budget 842-87.'\6 m~sc. n· un, """' . '"" shag $2.49 yd. Linen texture i• Euatl' division. Posihve op-Counselin£!, Busl n e s s conK"r table, odds & ends -----'-'-'-----8~1~2 l\f1ramar, Balboa Pen1n Pt draperies n.ro. FI o Yd ' s Auctions Friday, 7:30 p.m. Best quality -prices. serv. * * * * * I f d t ·~ 646·2837. Garage Sale w· d ' A ,. 8 Kawai-Steinway-Baldwin, etc Jess Sell pcirtunty or a vancl'men. Promotion, Personnel PREMIUM Floor Covering. 530-2901. In ys UC ion arn STUDIO Berl Al t Player Pianos & Rolls 1009 E. Balboa Blvd., Phone. Su p er vis ion. Excel. Sl'I, mos new PATI0Sale,5pcdinettesct, GARAGE SALE \"OODEN .... ...1 furniture, 4 20Th~•Newport,CM64&-8686 Re ta! W B Sell ...., cost~ Chair SS Cot h ,... :!°"""' n s ·-······· e UY· Balboa t'mployc benefits & regular ..... ~....,. · -BR set & Misc Sl'\Vares. Oct 6, 7 & 8. 323 Morning pieces, metal round patio Beh.'nd Tony's Bldg Mat'I Daily lo.6 Sun iz.s • . salary increases based on fee !able SS. Night stand $5. Sat & Sun. 3051 Johnson Star Lane, Dover Shores. table $15.. Car-top carrier Miscellaneous FIELD'S PIANOS You are the wmner or your progress. Call 673-684l Ave, CM. Cameras; ell!(: cooking ap-rack $2. Motorcycle rack $5. Wa nted 820 Costa Mesa (n4) 64S-32!j] 2 Uckel!I to the PacWc Finance •••Sofa & matching love GAR sa1e, Sat. Walnut bed, pliances; dishes; ladies 531-7255. . . 9th Annual Orange Co. 1778 Newport. Blvd .. Costa seat, nev£'r used. Both $150. chrs, tools, misc. 3)1171 clothes, size 9-12, etc.; nC!Wl==~---~hed~~1,~-CHINA cabinet or hutch, an-PIANO, exquisite Fr._ Prov. International M('!la, 548-2233. Privat<·. ~·7910. Somerville Ln, H . B. sewing marhine & elec or-T\VIN sz. canopy . Sl:'ts Uque or new, L arge. Kimball, beaut fnntwood, Auto Show -·-' o · E lo bedspreads) Twm sz bed like new. Orig $1100 Sacri.f! R. E. SALES f')uT1ings of $1500 or more per month Is easy the LRrwin way. \Ve furnish lisllngs & selling tract refer· 1"11.\ lead!I, High advertising Equcu pportun1ty mp yer SOF"A SLEEP SET & corner 53&-TI91 gan at fractk>n of original Reasonable. 644-4687. $695. alt 4 pm 543-9576. at th@ SSES cost. 5-18-8531 or 540-1419 wthen?board Ccompl 5 yr 'c''='~~;-==--=-c::---ANAHEIM WAITRE table, like new, S 7 5 • CANED chairs, adult & child.,---------~·-Hotpoint w"~her _ xlnt cond, OLDER style Ham i 11 on I :WURLITZ -"-"" '"l7 ·--ER m-gan. u~n-y CONVENTION Sid's Blue Beet 67,3-9904 .,...,_,., . Plain glass leaded windows, JUST moved-xlnt cond. 18' 64"7229 Beach mixer that works. ~-wood -~ model, like CENTER * c. E. 1JOrt sterro $25. dishes, misc_ 2048 Paloma C.E. rerrlg, gas slide in ro=R=T=AB==LE~=.-.,=-ld=i-ng-12x"'"~18.. 675-13~5 eves. new, sacrifice $1800, cost October lllh thru l5th {ksk-vanity y,•f mirror, Dr, CM. stove -both copper. Llke Wood const 2 rntS wired, OLDER Hoove r up r I g ht S3240 546-2759. Pl"""~n ··•II 6405678, ext. 31, hon11s program, mo11thly ~ ~ bU!i~~. Iota or floor time, I~ $25. 646-172'1. · · new twin mattr & box spr. ., ' . · kl nd """"' " "" 'i LOTS of fumtture & mlSc. Cnir Riviera set. Drexel dbl Great for trier hse, office, sweeper in wor ng co · Used Organs Needed bchvel'.!n 9 and 5 pn1 to claim 3164 YelloMtone, C.M. Sat bed att bo r M 1 d" etc. EZ to rnove. $875. Lc53'"'77--<54==77a~f~L_6:.,. __ ~-= .Highest $$...Eaiclin Cash your tickets. (North <;ounty t~lfi>llt.'!. mt'<lil:al insur.1 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.:-~V;;,i~ paid. Call for app'!. Lou Sa1tg(lrmnno. 800 larwin realty inc. 968-4405 125 lloul"'!<l \\IHOLESAL1':: Antiques R.E. Sales. All nc·w l11ncept. GRAND RETAIL \\'omen only, \\'ork H.B., OPENING OCT. 7 Jo".V., c.~1. a rea. Recc.ve up ROBBI'S ANTIQUES DOUBLE bed w/ n1aple frame, s2:1. • Call 642-5.101. * ROCK maple dining table, 6 chairs, good condition. * • 495-5990 * • r·11s1 results are 1ust a phone call a\\'ay 642-5678. & Sun. 540-4403 • m • x sp · P in 54&-6856 \VANTED Lovesent size sofa· ,...~,, ,...~ue-t 213, 874--67,..,. toll·free num"-,-, "'" •-i. r1n set. M.illC tbls, bookcase, -=-'~;c:~· ==o--c=c=---........., ......., ... u~ =•-.....,.....,.w MISC ilenl.S for sale· Sat & etc. Collectors items. Must e SURFBOARD. 5'10'', good hide-a-bed. 644-4687. PRIVATE PARTY WANTS * * * * * Sun, :5172 Ericson Way, i;ell. Priced right. ll2 cond $45; Short-wave radio Musical Instruments 822 TO BUY PIANO FOR CHAMP sired & reg Laguna Hills. 586-0572 Diamond, Balboa Island. $20: Guitar amplifier $60: CASH. 8.35-2Z78. Himalayan kitten. Adorable. 3 BR bouseful"of furn . Rcfrlg 675--6ZT8. Eldon racing car set l20. FENDER HAMMOND Organ, C-3 & 3 n1os old. $125. Mt 6, bedding & dllibes. 130 58 Pearl STEREO, sofa, f.ishing rod, c..,,_:.=..=23::15=-.-___ ~~-CLASSICAL Lesley speaker. 1_6'1>-_8250 __ ------- Balboa Island. 675--01 · all 8'. 2 Blktwht TVs, 2 e FOR QUICK SALE-Couch I-lard to find F"ender, small 847-TI43 HIMALAYAN kittens. CFA. to 90'; comn1. Gd. ad pro-\Vest Coast Oullel For grant. Leads provid('O,i. No Saulsbury Antiques of •••••••••••••••••••• ell!(:t rawrs, 2 elect blnkts, y,•ffold--Out bed S90; Refrig body cla!;sical guitar. Ex-HA~iMOND organ model l\1-B!ue & sealpoint. Call Elec:t hair dryer/setter , SZ5; Kitchen table $10; cellent finish, sculptured ill; wa1nut: Marie preset & 551-2939 alter 4:30 p.m. vac, sew mach, Tons of bed-La.mp $10; Bookcase $5. n1achine heads and new grill. $900. Eves 673-5122. CFA Silver Persian kits & din)l"/tO\o:els. Womens & bo)'lt 496--0988. Augustine strings. Original· H1mal clothing. Fri & Sat only.IA-~r=n=1~.E=s=s~s-,,-.-,-.. -n-_---,0>~-m-ly acquirf'd for $150. This SHONINGER rebuilt upright ayan kits. Blue & \~'hat you don't get Salva-plete gun...Jips, gas eng. 50• won't last ·with first $75 w/glass front, U75. Call &>al. Shots. SJ5 up. 839-7538 11011 Army does. 3 8 0 0 hos!'. $550. Frigidaire Re-laking It home. Call P.1ike. ~ PERSIAN KITTEN P11rkview Ln, Apt 21 B, frig 675--3901 67a.J527 aft. 6. Hammond M-3 W/custom CFA SHOTS Irvine. 552-8101. · · s k irAAn be t M&-9965 LADIES 11ew r a s h ion UNIVOX guitar. 2 pickup, pea er. """"or s ',54, '55 & '56 Austin Healeys samples for sale. Size 8 10 adj bridge, $75, Tnc case. OHer. 644-1875 broker rompelitlon. Ctl. up MiMesola time. Xlnt tralninp;. Reim· ROUND & SQ. OAK TABLES burse school IO'r those not PRESSBACK CHAIRS, lie. LAMPS STANDARD' R. E. HOOSIER CABINETS, Call Mary 96.'\-5538 ROCKERS ur Lee 833-8700 ICE BOXES R.E-Trainee:. Brkr & AND MORE , .. , developer will train & lln. 11-5 541 Cmter St. sponsor for Ile. Call IM'tween 642-5.113 Costa M('!lll, Ca. For an ad In Woman's World in a basket. $500 or best of· 18. St & up. Sat only. 9 am Gibson amp. gd shape, Rvb ·1911 Ne lson antique. Needs St. Bernard Puppi" fer for basket. '31 "A" Ford to 3 pm. 968-6219 Tremolo, ft pedal,_ $75. work. $100. No reasonable Top Show Quality 10am-3pm. ~5-1.124. !W7-440C1 for appt. REC-'==EPT~~lO~N_:,lST,C,,.'--_~T7yp~is-t.· 1one Block North of Harbor ~ agency has BlYd. & Newport Blvd. In· Call Mary Beth 642-5678, ext 330 coupe w/Olds eng, trans &1 24 ,c.,:.,, '-"'c"i---""rv"""ll=TO-A~t-644--108) eves. offer refused. 497-2016. Top Champ Blood Lino rear end, $500 or best offer. oor . u o. oJ)('nU~ for aUracfive. in-1 ·'-'-"-"'-"°"-·---,--c- 1elligent penon. Hvy typing. • * * 1t • !<pi...oe<I to 60 wpm, d1<..1aphone Monty Snyder not rrq but h"lpful. Handle 9092 Talbert Ave. simple 4 line telephone. FO\lltt•in Valley Salary ~. \Y(Ext'el )'ou are the winner of bl'nefiH1 & f'Xceptional .. "Ork. 2-ttckets to the 1ng ('flndltion:s. 0 r ange 9th Annual Or•ng• Co. Crounly airport 11rea. Call International t>.·lrs. Robl'rt.!I. ~2963 Auto Show RN Supv....ll..L£m£.r 'd. nt the Apply Dir. nf Nun1ing, 1030 ANAH fM \V. \Varner Ave.. S.A. CONVENTION "16-6450. CENTER SALESP.1AN \VANTED. Sell Cktobtr Ulh lhru 15th 11mvrn indu!!lrlal cleaner to Plea5e call 642-5678, ext. 314 hu!lines.!l industry & guv't. between 9 and 5 pm to claim Onpty f0r !lubstanlial In-yOUJ' tickets. (North County C"Omt' & personal growth. toll·free numbcor 1!1 S40-1220J . f:nr rn"C. Cull fnr Interview * • * * * Smoothly Shaped 9161 8-18 ) l. & appt. 714:1142-8895. SALESWOMAN. matu r e, \l.B. <\r i>s.!l sho p . l'IT'f'M/!lpls\t'r exp req'd. Steady part time incl Su~ day1 8§--\-6132. * OLD STOVE * .__.__ •-'. <l> Smaller old wood humln~ -=;·; ! ~ :f.:. · .. SALF...sGIRI. -Jo'IOI" jrwt'lry !!tort-. ContAct P.1r. F"ow\er, l{lric Jrwel("n:., Hun1in,;ton Center 892-J.iOO:_::L ___ ~ SEAMSTRESS to wor1t ln ~II loft. AlllD, '>''Omlln for patrh cutting dept. Ex.per. would help. Apply llor11I &J.lnie.ken. lfjl W. 18th, C.M. SERVICE STATION AT· Tt:!fDANT, Alrpos1 ,,.,,..,.,_ 4671 0amJ>ll' 0.., N.B. STORa ERS tmmed Jat• polJlloNI ava.Uable In c.mit.ol 6 SouOI o.ol ~. O>ol• Meea. Mu.I haw previous 1'0!MD'• Ql».rel ·~'1 1hbp mcp. wltll f g I I --or hlndltna .u manage,.-deta.111, c.au Vr. e. 21s, 1(7-Gin. 11tove! 2 holes on top, front '1-·. f-#'.::-1 "'ti. door. NE"eds lots of wol'k { 1., ·+j' _-,·~ 1:,11, hul could be ren\ nice y,·h(•n I ~ ~ 'I finit1he<t. 1 s!uJ1l'<I sn ndln~ I• -1 J It, but didn't finish. i;ci l\'11 :;_'!:,;,>. +t~:.rP.(f._-._ ~l'.: quite rust(!(I. A $10 Blind· '"'" ~ ~J hlru1ing )ob \\'fl\lhl take ~i ~ • ~f:·fl" ~ ~are 01 thal. II '>''l"lulrl 111r.ke :-, , • • .. ~ :h 11 1·ute planter: or a~ a 1'()n• • "·'.:4-'.• t-' versation pieee-un end tabh.• 1! • .., ;..i__·. +' "1111 n magiuinl.' led1'e. 1 , .... !7, - p;11d $3.5 fQr U-niake olfc•r. [.__1_;'~-~~:.::.,p-:.> au.1734 e\les and weekend,;, ! J OAK dining rm set, 60" md 11.-lth :; ml\tchlng ctmlrs &: hand c~rvt.'(\ bast!. EKlnt ~ l9ro wicker rocker & tnhle. 53&-4.cn.2. f_. 41'" .nT ANTIQUE Chh ..... fomllUN, "'1 lllMiM: 1ne.."T' ... Persian rup, R u 11 • I • n ~n1ovon1, many m o r I'! artih&d!!. 12131 439-8267 •\VIU. the prMIOn having old clock. cruie t.or u.le ref!E'ntJy, rteiue ca 11 5,16, •. ::s.12 \VANttD. l..o.l'KC c h I n a 1•11hinel. Rett11o nabl e. 6-14-4687. BEAUTTF'UL old trunk item• 11"1<'1 48 yr nld doll•. f1.Z. 2'm W""°"'. C-M. 6U-3S3$. • Old oak coffee tbl. $75. °"""" stool. m. Mll<- "43-5150- ovm 2111. wuhttl, rrrrl~eraton from ~- REFRIGERATOR, flt'W C.E. u-:d JM month~. cop. pcrtone. $125. 846-7239 MAYTAG au19 "lll'uht>r, Old. but wOrkl fine. sis. ·= )!t en ft 111tt~ by •kl(' n!lrtc h'ffttr. Gold At1rnlrt1. $100 m.29111. IlnVPY hri,;lnnirn! tnr busy doyA • Jll"I .'llJp into th~ l{T'll('"f'fui. CUTVl"CI fllrim. \.\-ifl'I d~lln"·Hvf' yoke clc1aili ng. ChO'l'.!l!I' 11onchnl11nt knit~. Print('{i Puttern 91fU ; NEW MIM4!1<' S!1.t'i 8, 10, 12. 14. 16, IS. Siu-12 t blL'ff )0 t&kts 21A. '¥!ln'lt; .(',.lnctd•l:rlo. SF.Vfl'\l'rl'·f1YF. Cf:NT8 for each pattem • ack> 25 cent.I for each p.'\Hem for Air Mi.II find Sprcllll 11An· dilrl$l:: othf'rwi.o lhlnklllP delivery wtU take thn!t wwk.• or mott. Send M ti1lllian Martin, tht DAILY PILOT, "12, Pattnn Dept., 112 Weal 18th SL, Ntiw York. N.Y. 100ll. Print N'.AM& ADD...._. with ZTP, 8IZJl a"1 STYLE N1l:\IJIEI\. 100 Top Fall·\Vlnltt Pat· tnm ln .U-new l'uhJCtOll lo -Clll""'I Pim >">'""°"' bon111 -dlOOlll • FR.EE J*ltam. '15 ttnb.. INtrrANT '!llWINO BOOK . .w toal,)>, Wat tomorrow. IL INtrrANT FASlllON BOOK • Jlunclte<ts of fuhlon fllCtl. n Super Pantsuit Supr-r toge t her or &t"ptu11.ct'ly! Cnx-hel this duo l'IO\I'. Instant Crochet pantllUit - Ji.tm '>''till a11 the ltirift want fur now. Use dftt1u·r tone !or pulf.stilch IWJCI&. liKtitC'r for 'inach! crochet. P&tlt'rn 72$: 91-leii 4, 6, 8, 10 Included. SEVO'n'V·FIVE CENTS fc,ir each patlcrn -add 25 ccnt..s for each pnUtm for 'Sl Chevy P.U. bed $35 or washer $50 Chain saw $65. '60 liERMANOZ, Class. $150. BABY ~~ PIANO ,; OIJered lo discriminating best offer. Misc ? Fri, Sat & Motorcycle. 50cc s 5 5. 'GO Antonio Lopez Flamen--Ebony finish. Howard, 5'7 . people who are interested in sun. S49-2l69. C64~6-"848,:_-:;-::~· ~--,-'"7',-----ro, $350 Tues, Thurs, Frl aft Fine cond. $495. 4~1635 show'ing & loving theM: Beaut F'TVE 1 I) •-5 Spd. Stingrny type bike 1 -6~·-4_94-&53 ___ . -----~,,o,.tinq Goods 830 St. Bernards. Come & see am Y garage SR1'!". QUILTER Amplifier w/slx 187 8th St, Nort.'O. 734-1463 3907 Inlet Isle Dr, CdM. $30. CHESTER Mod 1 Sat & Sun 9-5. Mou,,cy•le•, 979-4575 12" speakers & Les Paul WIN e ** WANTED Friend! ' 1~-=-----~-copy guitar. 979-4199. 71-Lever action r if 1 e, : y, Fu_rn, lamps, appliances, LOVELY Magnavox 21" col· caliber 34R $250 Win-loving home for darling chlldren11 clothes, toys, or TV, fruitwood cabinet. Vox Cambridge Amp $65 cheste!""-Mod~l 12 ~um female Silky Ten1er pup. patio furn, bicycles & misc $1'15. 6'12-299'1 Fender Telecaster S12J Duck gun with new Win· Housebroken. All 1 h o t s • trcuures. GE refrig, $50. King sz bed ---•-=-53&-=-""==--=•'-----chester ventilated rib, 30 Best offer over $ 115 . 1t REMODELING SALE -S50. Both Good c 0 n d . EMBASSA Y Flute, Excel inch full choke $ 2 0 0 . "~831J-8333=c,:.:.,· _______ I 1-lotpotnt d i s h w a s h er , 675-3104 cond. $120-54:>-5625. SILKY ten1er pups. AKC Gaffen & Sattler range, 54&-TI35 US Divers wet suit, like new. champ quality. Odorless, disposal, sinks, louvered NEW Yam~a street bike. 90 Office Furniture/ Finest quality. Woman's no Rhed. Pvt. pty. (n4) shutters doon 4-poster bed cc. $25CI. w Hawaii Surf Equip. 824 all 38x28x38 $40 64&-2562 538-228S • mt_.Sat 1~. 2572c,·-1, line surfboard. $85. 673-f.613 t . . . __________ 1 "" .... TV R d i Hif' SMALL mix breed, 1 male, 1 Dr, yshore11. ANTIQUE style pool table, ANSAFONE. \Vill answer • a o, •, ..... feml. $5 ea. Had 2 puppy . 4x8' slate $425. your phone. take messages Stereo -ho 6~~ GARAGE Sale-% sue bunk Cal-l "'"l'"7 s ts, •.rv•.JU, betwn 11 I: be<h, Hv rm rattan furn incl ..nv-...., • & play back to remote con-FISHER S. sofa·bed, tables, chairs & N 0 RITA KE Progression trol holder over any phone. =rn=1=s~H~,.-1-1,-,-pu-p-p1-.,-AK--C I grass matting, refrig. This china, pearl white, service s275. M7~· POWER! Wormed. distemper vac- ~t & Sun 37 Beacon Bay, for 12 xtra pc!!. 642-fi879 NEW walnut 44"x82" ex-Fisher KX_.9() 40 watt RM S cl~. Excel background. N.B. 675--0781. \VANTED GO-CART \VIOR ecutlve desk & matching stereo amplifier (power 962--2768' GAR ··'•. Sat o·'y, ~3. \\' ........ OIIT ENG. chair. Sacrifice bo1 h for .. i. ) d 1 1 ====~-----1 ,..... '" ,, '''' irt:IVI p 1714) ,,.A 00 90Ul"Ce o .... y_ • an wa nu SCl-INAUZER pups, stud M 0 V ' -n g . ~, ,,_ • "'0 3297 • """'"' hone ......-aol4 C -1 I d loud ,. '""' "" ......,.. or 642_3072. case. onuu s inc u e: · serviee, grooming tenns refrig-h'eezer, Blereo, ping ·· PRIVATE tennis club $100 I cc_::_;_:__:_:_c::_ ___ ~--ness contour, high filter, 4 (TI4) 522-8366. ' ' pong tbl, misc items. 1607 rliembership fee & only SlO EXEC S\\'VI chr Sl5 • 23 Sec function .selector, 2 speaker TOY Poodlet· 2 11 1 Kent Ln, N.B. fWestcllffl. per nio. 673-Sru. chr $8 • 18 desks files stls outputs concentric bass & • 8 ver, 867 \V 19th CM 6(2..3408-treble, iape moTiltor & head· black. Females. AKC show. SAT. ·& Sun. Only! Toro power mower, power bim edgt!r, girl's 20" Stingray bike, lan1p, etc. Zl7 E. 21st St. 0 1. SKIS, bike. ping.pong table, lamps. headboard, tables, lBpe l'fcdl: .l decor items. 968-8738. 111126 S a n t a Arabella, F.V. P.1UST sell 110fa, twin bed•. <lresM"r set&, ("nd lt1.bles. lamps etc. 4612 Seaahore Dr., Npt. Bch. Sat 1()..4 pm. RF;Pf:AT GARAGE SALE hfost Things 1\ Prl<»&\t. 10 Al\1 1416 Sandcastle Dr .. CdM. HovnholdGood1 DAILY PILOT INVITES YOU phone jack. Cost $150 ne'\11 $lOO ee. &93--0564 alt 6· . . , wire It into youf i;:ys-SASSET pups, AKC, 6 wks. tern for only S65. Call Mike $50 ea. at 675-1527 after 6. 633-3337 or 538-1044 '73 ZENITII & RCA color TV ~-TALE Whippet puppy, Show specials. 18'' color fi'om quality. $289. 19" Chtomocolor or • 82&-9781 P.1atrbc $375. 21" Solid Stale * Colden Retriever pups, $479. 23'.: RCA table models AKC, 8 \.\'lls, ihow I: f'eld. $399. 2.1 Chromocolot from shots, priv pty, 526-5687. $475. 3 yr plc;ture tube, 1 yr * IRISH SEITER PUPS partS & service on all sets. C • ABC Color TV' 9021 AUanta. "¥ ttf. 8 wks. ShOlA. lfunflngton Beach, 968-3329. 548-<48112 8' Stereo console, 1% yr:g, AFGHAN Rea:. 10 mo. Reas. old. $200. Xlnt condition. ofler. P'em.. All •hota & Lie CR.II 673--7'737. 64~7989 or 548-0ln. STEREO 8 tl'llck recorder '* * Shepherd-Collie mixed nt."Vtr Msed $100 W-6t<E puppicJI, 5 wks,"' Air f\:la\l and Speclul l-landl· ROYAL DOUl.TON 12 plsee after 2 PM. · 968--3041 RCA colQr 7l " TV. AJ<C SHIH-TZU PUPPlE.S, Ing: olht.'t'W'lse thlrd-cltWJ lll'llillll!. 102 pct, $400. dellvf'1')' wil) tak~ thrrt1 ROVAl. CROWN DERBY wctk11 or more. &nd to 12 !K'Nlcc pli\ICS. $400. Alll.'8 Brookt, the Div. App'x ll% ~11111. Pvt ply, PILOT, 105, Nf'edlec I.fl 95&-7407 Dt'Jll ., Box 163, Old Che • I ·cu-STO--M--!l.'l .. -1--1-•• --.. S1alion. Now York, N.\'. . rtnip, ' ·· • 10011. Print Na.me. AddrClU, mftn 1 v1del chnlr SJl. Blue Zip, PaJlen Narnbtfo. \.\ulW'r '-t11')1'r, $15., need• Totall,y lliew 1171 Nf!f!dle-npa.lr, 4!J&.IOOOI. cren c.~ crammed with Machinery knit, erodw!t 8tyles, crafts. I----'----;;.:,_ 150 ~ FREE pattema BENO~ Ma~trr MW , fl):). °B ttnla. 191'4 Conllnl'nl•I, C n ~I ti ~I l.Mtul M01M111 Boole. P.Ttsa ~969L t.eam to make extn dollan 1_Mc;,ol•;.<::.;•'-'l;.;l•;;.n::;'°',;;o-;.u;.• __ ...:;:;;1 trom )1)Cll' r:ran1 •••••••. $1. Witut MaeNcne llool!: •. $1. R&lt'PI• Cm..hd Boot; •• $1. bu11ta111 crochet ......... $1. futant Gin Boot' ........ $\. eompeete Af,ctlld Book ••• s1. II 'lttJ Hup Book .••• ,,5()(: It PY1~ .lflhaM Bocllc ... SOc Qullt Hoot 1-16 palt«!mt 50c ~tu~mn QoOI &Mir . 2 50c CARPf.T FOR AALE "" c.,,,.. i:..,.r, Call • M&-Sre • !MO-n& NICE, CLF..AN B!:ollooM SET. COMPLETE. $00, 13!1 E. 18th ST CM 548-+135 CUST made 11tcrt'Ct cabf~, Solid \\i(lfld l>f'Can finish. Beaut. $):ii), 968--7371. II QllUI" tor 'l'odq Boe* 50c Fut nrsulta are J~ a pho.'W eall '"'•Y 6"12-$i11. TlHt DA ILY PILOT Mol~ 11 ... ,, Jwt °"II .......... l'M ct..ltlell toKfl.,. fot .. ..,., .. 1"""9 ......._, -. If fH "-Ill ••• -l .. t ••M 641·•671, f.rt, l14, ...._ t ·-l. •11141 1 , .•• '• ..... --..-.... ~ .... ., .,. .. 1•kift .. 11y •-l•llt DAILY PI LOT .Hlu. T11ble modf'I y,•/!~s. Sl~2..t00'7 aft 6 &: wknd• Worb pert ms. Mlr-340..'i PORTABLE TV Mii, O.'ll!!nt condition, $50. Call 6'2-7184 .,. * PUG PUPPIES * AKC, 7 wlct, 100tt 114: .f.H-'7971 RCA hl·fl pbono, 1-loftman OLD Englbih aheep dolt. _ Si.l\ICl'tont-n''L Radio 1: mate, aie 14 mo, Al<C' - phono hl·fi $50, 54i-9H32. lovta chDdn!n StOO. 54&-2759. CONSOLE Stl't"f'O-Solld State (l)U,JE PUPS FOR SALE.. 'P.i waits. Exc.-ellent con-NO PAPr::RS. dltlon 18). -c.u tl4fHl870 f'OR 11\le St. Bnernatd pups. ]fl Sl75-$2'J5. Only 4 lt':ft. Cl.II ,,.. to You S Cindy, itli-2&t7. I'-------' Ake Baw.t puppies. Tri ~ 2 Lines 2 Tlmn $2 00 .,.., Open &: ~ pattf'rn. ' ' ' 841-45."IO, nu:£. 6 mo old SOOphrrd. IRlS1t Setter IJ!JPI, A KC • Needt good horM. Lo\'n killapy lint, shot• I: kk"-64&-2398. ..,,.,....i, 960-1390. FREE KITTENS HorM• I.It 841...1002 GELUINO h ctal thy. WANTED: A l'f1 hclmf' for • ••t ll·lr•lnt.'<I. lt'10d tr 1 I ( 10 mo tlld Lab Nr-eoiJa PA· honr. $ZO Incl tllllclla. tic111T .t row. 14tr-l596. __ ._,.._ __ . -------'A"'iOOd"" waot ad ll a p)d ~ .,......,, Like to tntde? Our Trader'• Pa'radUie roiumn ll lor )'OUI 5 Ul'W!tl, 5 dn,ys 1or s budu. Call 642--5671------------------ J J • -~-!§JI 968 1 Autol, lmpor1ed CORTINA 970 Aulot, l,,_rtod -M-ER.;..C_E.:...D-ES--,IE""'NZ"" TOYOTA 970 -A~ut~o~•·:_;l~m:!Jpo~rt~od:!__:.;":_.:A:,:u::,t::;o•::,• .;1:;;11 ... ::::•:.;l,:ed:.......;f;,;:ll~j l;H.;,•;,;•.;,M:;•:_ ___ .....;156;;:;; C•mpon, S. .. /Ront '20 Auto S.rvlce, P•rt1 M9 Aulol W•nt..i HORSE Boarqinc. Back Bay 1971 FORD Eco no 11 n e ANSDi lllail· 2-llxS.li;, 2- &rea. Reuonable. Camper Van. Bubble 10p, ~s~. 2-L.60 x 13 Goodyear * 5S7"3t2 * .seU conta!ntd USSO. Finan-R&U,y tlrel, !l'' wide tread. >""OR u.le. Standard bred clng available m-«nG. ~. REWARD .. ,dlr<t. ' "' old. 12SO. FACTORY DIRECT 1965 Re1>um 4l3 Q,mler WILL PAY OVER '68 Cortina GT, WOWI ,.._..,. DATSUN !~~-~~~~~~~~ 1 Full.)' furn cabover cam pen, ena1ne wllh torque fliabt K I I no down, $31. per mo. Camp-tnnaniukm $250. ft.rm. el y 8 ue Book 'ffi l);J1.!lun um nll'tr. Gd Or.•!1·JC-(GL'"• L.Hq•·\l Se:•"''1'"J11 Ni·,.. & L1 .,,. " Mer c;.J .. , I'• J'1' TOYOTA DEMO SALE [ II~ I er sheUs. No down. &12-84n. Call 673-6841 F I f mod I I toncl. l?eblt ertg. l'l'ew batt &: _.,. 10' l D Id Antlq•-1/Cl•11lc1 9SJ 0 ' • • 1 ' c ••n, 1 1r,..~. 11·175. 8 3 9 -7 8 4 1 ; llllllrtM f4'"r---* . te escople Me on a __ ,_-_;...._____ low mileage domes. ..., n l camper w/boat rack, Jack, 1959 MERCEDES .-. SL. tlc1, lmporto, frucks or 6-l!Hi546. • -8"" an.:• •le "~ ••• ••--'71 DATSUN 1~ f•tbk . 4 WI' WllO · .,....... . ..,...,...,.._,, Pert. eond. New engine. campers. ~ TOYOTA 11oo __ 1..;1'-,_G_•..cn_•;_r,;;•.;.l __ .;.900.:.;: Cycles, Bfkes, 637-7556 or 'l'n-651D Mr. Call 1U1d ask tor Bl.I.Yet s1~1. H&II. 10.000 ml. Xlnt ____ M_G----.-1 J im Si emo n; Imps . . , NOW IN PROGRE SS ., e YACHTING OOLLEC'TlON. PRESENT. S __., -or CfJnd. Pvt ply. All 6, - MAGAZINE ·-••rs •u Davi•. DAVE ROSS 646-8.IOG. 1961 MGB R<>adstor. 4.2,000 1966 """"" C.M. 646-9303 • ~?421 • 1928 TO 1971 Yamaha RT-1 Enduro. 1936 FORD 1~ ton Truck. '69~=oa=,.:c.,-,-1600=~Rd,.,..,.,--,., "'Gd" ml,~ owner. Excel L'O~. TOYOTA C.Orona '69 WJurio 360 CC'L Dirt or atreet. °!~ermlldemonatraltion..:.~~~ PONTIAC cone!. $850. Bhlsrltis~ r:-e/~n. ::: feat~• 4 dr, aulD, Ex-Parts & ~rvlce manuala, 0·'6· es. A· ....... ..,... Call 83,5.-4296. aft 6 w u op, res, ' cepliona,jly elea.n . 17,100 mi. 8oaf1/Mtrlne extra speedometer & cond. {TI4) &K-8136. etc. 64-1-7278 or 646-T131. $1.535. Orig owrwrr. 646-677'9. Equip. 904 helmet. !650, 1078 EI Dune BugglH '56 c.!:!° tl!~:bor ~17 FIAT MGB tm T.,.,. """' II. < DR. 1 -.=.;:i=.:~-----':.: Camino, Costa Me I a· I :;:;'-":::-:;~:;;:-;:--;;::;:--;,:;j~~~~~~~~~ -------------------1 Radio heall'r. Air / cond. 001.LY tor Sabot or dlnghy. 546-9343. '68 V.W. Baja Bug. Just WE PAY l'OP '72 FIAT 1970 l'ofGB GT, Am-Fm "New tu-e!I. $l!IOO. 962 _ 1464 . Factory built. 3 wheels & 1955 BSA 650. Perfect run-completed. New 1700 cc CASH Demonstrator .,~:ilh 11".U than radio, air/eond., t o w J.=-=--=~~_,,..-.,. cradles. 642-6126. ning oondit19n. Completely eng., new paint, map " 1000 1niles. 1972 Piat 128 4 mileage. \\'ht w/blk int 'TI Toyota Hm Corolla, air B.,ats. Pow•r 906 rebuilt engine. New chrome. tires. Must see. 2150/offer. dr. sMan, fully !aclory &I0-1329 cone! sta. v.·ag. 673-5054 • C&.11 830-8'.<?ii Wire wheels. Looks new! • eoquippt'd includlng AP.1 1963 MGB wfho.rd top. Runs =--=--'-c'-'ii:"'ic'--;;;;= $500. 494-3432. DUNE Buggy. Sandwinder for uRd cars I trucb, Jtai ra<llo. l\lotor Trend maga-good. Newly reupholgtettd. ·ro Toyota Corolla. 22,000 body. Excel running ...... 36 C&ll Ila k.c' free e1Urnat~. zine's "Ecooomy ear of the $450. Call 552--TS31 aft 5. miles. I OV.'llt'r. VPry good , "1971 SEA RAY'' 455 OlciJ, Paclc-a.-jet. 20', 200 Serles, Equipped tor Water 10 SPEED MAN'S BIKE skiing & fishing, tandem MANY EXTRAS! LIKE NEW! trailer. Call after 12:00 tx>On. cn•l SJ0..6t82. MUST $flO * 979-4875 SELL1 '72% llONDA 350 CB SI.Teet bike. Pert cond. Muat sell. 27' Unillte Cruiser '69 Perl T.O.P. or $675 or offer. 2214 cond. 450 hn, auto pilot. 101 watt SIS. 24 channel CB, HoU.y Ln, N.B, G4).J'700. Fath, Trlm tabs, aux f\lel YAMAllA 180 YCY;l, elec. tank, elect head, fish equip $2'15. Yamaha 125 ASIC Bait tank, outriggers, fish :fiOcc, $225. CT rad e) bags, etc. Very clean. Make 548-9832. orfer. 548-6577. '70 HONDA 125 street. 4,800 TROJAN 28' twin SCN!W, miles. Like ne\v, Ofter. V-8, Trim tabs, excel cond. 673-5054. New betteries. Great • 1970 ESSO speedway race Catalina boat Best otter. bike. New engine, top 64&-8247. shape. 968-5078. 18' Glaspar · Cabin Cruiser 1970 HONDA SL 350, dirt &: 75hp Ev. W/t'rler. Uve bait street, low miles. $500. or tank &. boat cover. Now in offer. 645-0628 Newport slip. ~1229. ~,968~-'KA.C.,,W~ASAKI~~~350C=~c.- CHRIS '68, 36' Tri cabin. Like new eond. 3400 mi. CUstomized, Xtras. Ideal $450. 644-2647 llve-abrd. $24,<XXI. Pvt· ~197l=~Kac-'-wasaki-~'~l25c=-.-. ~Ex~cel 530-Q'.MS. cond. Lo miles. $375 or best 14~' Glasspar Marathon, 75 offer. 548-7557. hp Johnson, tilt trlr. canvas" -"0"N"o"A=500=_.::..4._V_<11' __ n~;-.,., top, 0-J prop, $800. 17801 Low price. Oak Tree, Irv. 5.52-7266. 54>1318 GM 4n hvo to one redue. '71 Yamtha 250 Enduro. Never fired. Since reblt. $550. 646-1788 Need larger eng. Mu.'lt sell $2,500. 6'13-6822, 548-4428. * 'Il SUZUKI 1B5. XJnt 12' Fbrgls 0/B, 7 HP cone!. Many xtras. $425. Aft w/trlr $275/best ofr. :lll61 1 ~·~·700-=""'"""~·-,--~---,..­ MarW&., H.B. 962--0121 . MAN'S Schwlnn heavy duty Boats. Sail blke, excellent condition. Cost $85. Sell $45. 846-3218. RANGER 26 , fast, HONDA 1971 SL 35(), 600 bcautif\llly malnt. boat miles Perteet. $495. w/3 sails, pulpit & lifeline, 968-1865 compass, RDF, 12.9 hp out-1970 YAMAHA 80c:c brd, 2 anchors, reef gear, Good oond. Make offer. fabric cushions, stove. Call 846-1598 many other xtra.s. This boat ls ln Uke new eond. Motor Homes $8600. Pvt pty. ! 71 < l --'S"a"le;;,/_R_e_n1 ____ M0_ 1 83fHl82< NOW SHOWING """"· New tires. Tow bar. GROTH CHEVROLET '""" Now "" sal• al Bill PORSCHE "'""· $1095. "8-<142. Best offer. 6*--8247. Ban')'s. Ser I a I ~ o · '68 Toyota Corona. ~.000 Trucks 962 Aak tor Sa.I" Manaa:tt lB21l Beac.b Blvd. Hunttn&ton Beaeh l2SA0860'11E. miles. $795. $59.DD DOWN USED 897-521• 8f7 .1D7 Kl 9-3331 VANS WE buy all makes of clean VAN CONVERSIONS "...i "''"'' can, oaid '°' $59.82 PER MO. PORSCHFS TRIUMPH Ny OTOR or not. Please drive in for MA M -•ppraJsat. HOMES Yes, just $59.00 b the total down payment 11.nd only $59Jl2 is the total monthly payment including lax, lk·· Large selecHon or new ense and all finant.>e charges NEWPORT IMPORTS F O R D S , CHEVROLETS. for 36 monlhs on approved GMC'S, DODGES. With credit. The cash price is CONTEMPO. The West's Sl,907.75 includin&: tax & fll08t popular conversion. 3lOO W, Coast Hwy., license. Deferred payment Also 1973 Pride-N.Joy. Many N~940~cb price is $2,212.52 which in· lt1otor homea to choose from. I -=~-"~:,;,:::._~--eludes all finance charges, All at huge discounts WE PAY TOP OOll.AR sales tax & license. An· Bill BARRY U ~! ~ ~S:x0tra~an. ~~~-pe~~ntage rate Is PONTIAC-GMC·FIAT ..... BA~ BUICK BILL BARRY 1't St. at S.A. Frwy. 2925 Hubor Blvd. PONTIAC-GMC-FIAT ~ E. ht St., S.A. 558-100> Costa Mesa 979-2500 -(]st St. at S.A. 1'"'rwy.) '70 Chevy 3/4 Ton IMPORTS WANTED »00 E. Js• s1.. San1a Ana Orange C.Ounties 558-1000 PICk·up. CUstom cab, vs. TOP • BUYER auto. trans:, lacl~ry alr, BIU. MAXEY TOYOTA 1 1968 fola1 850 Spyd£'r·Enitine t power !!teer1ng, rad10, heat-18881 Beach Blvd. yr old Best offer. 830-5680 er ,step bumper, nlirrors, H Be h pi, 847_8.'i..55 I ="~"~'~'-''~·~~~-== low miles .. (37693FJ. $3195 .....:. . ac · · dlr. Call 836-6535. TOP DOLLAR FOR JUNK '70 Fiat 114 Spyder. Art1-FM OR WRECKED CARS. ateroo. By owner. Best of- '72 Chevy van. Llke new. 350 Day or nite, 637•3720 fer. 640-1765. VS hydro, P.B. Hvy d"ty<1-...=.::c..:.:_=.:::...:;c..,;:;=._ JAGUAR package. $3399. 675-$t9 * CASH * eves; 847-3531 days. Wan!ed cars neeWng work. • 1950 GMC truck, good run-Private party, 548-7859 ning eond. Body needs Autos, Imported 970 work. $175 or beat offer. * 646--0388 * '70 911 'S' CPE. BARGAIN • $695/offer . 1967 Red Tr. MK n Spilflre hllrd Ii soft top. R/H, O 'drive. 5 spd, AJ\.1 /r'M, ~ tires. Nl!i!ds minor mechanical. (996PXDl. 847-6215. '69 911 J 'CPE. l97_0_Tri_'_"m_p_h -Sp-ltl-fre-. _Excel_, cond. All maint records. New tires, mags (YNW223). '68 912 CPE. Red w/tar. int. 2'1,000 ml. $1600. Pri/pty. TI4-846-I764 1t '68 CT&. Radio, htr, win! whla. $1200 or best oUer. AM /FM, chrome radial tires. 642-9692. (#1900'1468) ·=--=co--,,,""-.,--~~ '68 911 L '68 TR-6. 39,1'.QJ ml. White w/blk lot. W•ll ""'" for. Sac. $1.~75. 6G-8721 . A..\1/Fltt, s s:rxt <XSRM.J). '69 911 'S' CPE. VOLKSWAGEN AM/FM, ; IYDN823). spd, lo.&ded. WANTED Old vw~ running or not . 646-4716 aft 5 pm '71 911 S TARGA '66 Camper. Low mllei. excel . d C rond. Sl.295. Consider rrRrle. New never regist.erc ar-645-8721. rl'ra 6 engine, special chas-l-'-"':::C"------- sis. (#lll2452). '65 VW. Good lran.'iportation 8·111 Yates ci .... :~:r393"': ""'" · '61 VW bug. sunroo---r:-- Gcl tires. Runs gd. Authorized Volkswagen $395. 675-8642 Sales Dept. Open Sun. ll-5 '61 VW BUG~-- Sale • Service e Parts Gd tran.orp/$250 R92-6154 • Rentals • Leasing 493-4511 499-2261 8.174800 1970 vw bug. Xlnt cond. San Juan Capistrano . along· At-1 f~f radio. $1400. !!'de San Diego Fwy, • San 6#0020 btwn 8:30 &: ~;30. Juan Creek OH Ramp. J9n SUPER BEETLE '70 PORSCHE 91 IT $l700. Xlnt c.ooditlon • • 492-7289 • * ONE owner, 25,0CMl miles, --::.~.::. ""vw::;::bu:...::•."'--- chrome wheels. A1t1 FM radio, Lie. No. 22'F840. Yet, It's clf!flll~ S550, ., 36111 !\farcus, N.B. Drive a DATSUN Plant a TREE! I'« .. ..., penoo wllo Int dri ... e NEW DAT. SUN, Nf,,_ M-Co. lo -1-ttoo ..... tM Notloftol forfttry Senlca will pa.t • "" ill your Rame. Allo HEE to yoa ia our sllowrii:ialft M ._.. Act.ts KHic poster, OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 15th, 1972 The l.R.S. Is Your Friend 1912 DATSUN ''510'" . ..... SIDAN l.lt.S. ;...:i • .,..Mt ... 1 ,..,, ,111pe11tlo11. J,,,, ••P4n1iw1 it111'1 11ot fo1111d ori "''"'Y otk1r e1r1 lik1 DATSUN SIO, W1 offer ov1rh11d c1rn 1119in1 111d 11f1ty froftl di1e b••~•lo too. + he1t.r, d1fto1t1r, "'llit1 .. all tir11, b•""P'" 11u1rtl1, locli.i"9 911 e1p, 11111eh, "'11ch -••· IAIY TO CHOOSE PRICEIJ. FROI 5248550 ~~~E la.A.NO NIW '7J "1200" 2-DR. SEDAN Pa.... TGl< .. Uc. St•11d.,d •qul~11f i11<lud.1 h.•""· d•ftolio,, •"'*._ w••I tiro1, bump•r quo,d1, lo<ti11q q•• t•11k, 4-•IN•d, oll 1yl'<hro tro111, I 11111<h 111oro Mi.c.IMi11' •••r JO Mllo1 ..., ,.11011. S2026 P'lUl TAX l UC. FULL PRICE LUDERS 16, No. 35 Bandit. Full race. S sail!!. 0-B. Possible slip. $ 1 8 0 0 . 642-4598. 1973 PACE ARROW $569'1 CREVIER BMW Autos, 11"portad 970 Autos, Imparted 970Autot, lmporffd KITE NO. 423 with trailer. Good condition. $450. Call 638-7427 art 5 p.m. LIDO 14 with sailing gear, trailer. GoOd cond. 64g...2469 eves. 1972 VENTURE 24. 6 hp o/board. Trier. Cust Int Pri pty. 96&-1396 1973 TIOGA IMMEDIA T£ DELIVERY CREVIER MOTOR HOMES ~ W. 1.st., S.A. 835-Jtn IS HERE '73 GMC VAN, completely paneled interior with car· petirtg, ice box, side bunk and rear speakers, Beauti- ful dark blue metallic with matching interior. lmmed· late deUvery, Serial • TGYl5.145002lB, BILL BARRY ' 208 \.\'. 1st SI. San111: Ana 835-3171 '65 Porsche 356c, R!H, Ollie brk:I. reblt en&, Nu paint Loaded. ROTARY powm.-d, Red w/blk int. $275(1, 36 mo. + T & L. For resp. 548-40'.l'.l. pty, Trade• cona. I RARE..:.::..:::_."66-911---8.-E~wo-.. -.. • -ROTARY'S modeJ, xJn't oond. $3300. '6. Jean, 548-3446 or~. "Demo Salf.l" 1967 Porsche 911. s '""· "'· eel cond. Priced $3850. • 10 TO CHOOSE Call 644-2406. "BIGGEST SAVINGS" '62 Porsche, rebh eng., oo "&rvice I! tht' diffl'rf>l"ICt''' int. FM, x1nt body, Sharp! HUNTINGTON BEACH smo. 842-1702 ...._ MAZDA ROVER 17331 Beach Blvd. 842-6666 Lease Mgr. J.lt, Fry '69 BRITISH Land Rovtr Lots of equipment. 837-2688 after 6 pm TOYOTA '71 Landcrvf.Hr Warn l!ul>ll, ~ mlli.-s. e-xtn Clean, (:>93£AZI . $2966 See It . ltou'll Huy II We -r be • Ritt• -.. awoy, bvt .,.. .. ...,.. th ....... •• - lt. Dri¥e otrf 10CNt -•'•• our U:IOCtlOfl ft.e OftCe OYlt'. '11H tWte ftte Ccm' y• IUce kif CMlf fo. o test drl••· We wont Y°" for • Mtltffed cnto- mer ot Gord• w .. t Motors. BRAND NEW VW CAMPMOBILE $199oowN Sift fl tM t .. •I ,.,h ,..., & StS.U ,_.. l'fteflth r.r 41 MWtth:t. T .. .11 caw. ,,.tee lnclvPlll"I te• & lk11ttM 11 PmM. Dtt.1M ,.yf!Wof'tt ltf'l<e 11 f47UM lttel.,-Mf te.a & lk9ftN _. .111 flflo.lftClfll c...,,.._ Aftnul ,.n:eftt.1,. r9te .. 11.t1-,.. TREMENDOUS SELECTION NEW & USED TO CHOOSE FROM '66 CAMPER I 00 % werrenty •nd fun . I SUTJ61 I full of • s1295 '67 vw 4 tpeed. lt•dlo & he•t•r. IUOH 411 1 S695 '68 CAMPER Equ lpp•d. R••dy to 90 fun. 1v22.011 1 s1595 full of '69 RENAULT •H to eppreci•t•. I JCRX. s595 GARDEN WF.ST • • ' • 1§1 I ---I§] I -..... I~ I _ .. ,. I~ I -·-l§l I -·"'" 1§1 I -·-I~ -·-1§11 ,.. .... -l§l I 1.-iiiiiiiiiii~---------·- liA;;";;';;.;;'';;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;BO;;;;A;;u;;to;;';;';;N;;o;;w;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;";;uto;;;;';;';;N;;ow;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;80;.1:•:":':°"~1=m~pot=rt:od:.._~':70 Autot, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos. Imported 970 Auto1, UMCI VOLKSWAGEN YW VOLKSWAGEN BUICK f90 CHEVROLET I ·Step Up To Luxury • • Excellent Selection Of Previously Owned Mark Ill's and Mark IV's 1972 MARI{ IV LIKE NEW Emerald moon dust finish with matching interior, \vhile Landau roof. Equipped with the finest, full power, auto. temp. air cond., AM/FM stereo, tilt wheel, crUise control, etc. (734 EBT) SALE PRICED SALE! Outstanding Group Of Choice Car!!! 1970 v.w. Bus 3 SE.ATS Red ~·ith black Interior, radio, heat- er. Looks & drives like new. £919· BS\.V ) $1815 1972 Co111et ID,000 MIL!S, LIKE N~W Comll('lltlon ycllow finish, saddle tone inlcrlor, auiumatlc, radio, heat· er, J.111\\'Cr steering, dt'lu~(' trim, i'l.'.l9£SDI . $2375 1970 Ford LTD COUPI Gold metallic w/matchlng interior, black vinyl roof. Automatic, radio, hcnter, po\ver .tlel'rln&: & brakes, f1tc- tory air. (MOAEL> $2 47~ 1972 Cadillac FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM 14,000 miles, like nev•. Luxury equip. ped thru-out, Full pou•cr of course with individually adjusu1ble power front scats, factory air, AM-FM !tereo, cruisc control and much, much more. See & d1·lve today. (971· f)ZJ(J. SALE PRICE 1989 Monterey 4 DR. H.T. EXCELLENT U ght ivy yellow with black landnu, matching Interior, V.S, auto. trans .. radio, heater, power stCf'ring, power brakes, a.Jr cond. CYPS833) $1875 1967 Cadillac H.T. SEDAN. IEST IUY Dt'l~c v.•lth parchment Interior, tull pc)\ver, factory air cond. (T\VP400J $1875 ALWAYS A GREAT SELECTION OF TOP QUALITY CARS . . . ,\11 l~i .lil\'V I 1 ,\Pli I 2628 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 540-6830 Homo OF The New Cir "G.iffen 'Tolldt'' I • VOLKSWAGEN '61 VW yo-bug. I ,Ir! owner. New clutch &. &;men.tot. $750. 6'l5--6161. '68 vw Squarebacl<-Reblt erv • brakes. 10.cxn m!. ht $1l95 W<eL 84H&IT, 1972 VW SUnpm-Beatie. Only 3 tno1 old. $1,850. C a 11 6'1S-5843 wknds or eves. VOLKSWAGEN 'Tl V\V Pop-Top camper, 25,<m ml, Ne1v tires, Xlgt cond. $7700. 968-~i872. '61 VW. Gd tlre11, brka. R&H. Gd bocly. Runs beaut. $300. 53&-8400. '71 Karmaru1 Ghta Fae/ Air Immaculate! $1!>50. • $3-2539 . BUSES 3 TO CHOOSE FROM l-'71 2· '72's Prices Start at $1866 VW'S '68 Bulc:k Skylark '68 vw SQ"·REBACK v~. outo """" factocy '"" "" oondlllObl~. f!O\''Cr 11'.ICCr· 4 speed, radio, heater, extras. iM:lBSO) $1295. '70 POP-TOP CAMPER Fully cqulp(K"(I 1908AVBl. in.g, power brakt..>s, tad!o, heater, white wall tires tinted gla&H, wheel cov· , landau top, vinyl !ntf'rlor, A beautiful car. WIL123, $1 395 NOVA '69 282 3 sptJ. special or rhe: dacy, ~recn exterior & lnleriOr lTXB2.831 $966 l Sci-It • You'll Buy 1t 1967 vw. $500. 968-39B6 or 646-7410 '70 vw Customized $1.295 See 'Em . You'll Buy 'Em: '"""· '70 YW BUS BILL BARRY aPeu.llmu • rororA Sunroof, 1800 cc r n g • 962--0516. '68 VW~7 pus. Bus. Oean, reblt eng. New belted tires. Extru. 546-0341. 1965 Volkswagen Squarebat·k. New brakes. clutch', & tires. Call 847-8231. '70 VW camper pop top, w/ camping equip. Gd cond. $2l)OO. 842-1092; 592-2108. Scll ld1e Items , •• 642..$18 AU10S, Imported 970 '&I V\V Bus $650. Big tires. tape deck or bPst offer 53&-8150 Autos, I mportlMS 970 ATTENTION Small Car Buyers If you ere in the market for e small car you owe it to yourself to ask the dealer these four qu•stion1 about his cars. e What kind of rftClle value dots your car hcrte7 e How 1oftCJ Is the worronty? e Are park Gftd sertlce easy to CJet7 e What improvements were mode tt.ls year? If J..e's not a Volkswagen dealer, he may find these questions a little embarassing to answer. Ask us . Wa've got the right answers because we sell Volkswagens. It's a lot of c.ar for the money. --....... SALES DEPT. OPEN SUN. 11 • 5 SALES e SERVICE e PARTS LEASING e R~TALS & 493-4S11 499-2261 837-4800 iSUI JUfll C:•plsl,.~ • i1lo11911d1 Sin Dlf'9 fwy. - s ... JHll t:rffll Off R.•mp Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 4 ii:r.l!.'(·d. radio, heater cm. PONTIAC·GMC·FIAT BNOI. $1395. llst St. at S.A. frwy.J 1966 Harbol", C.M. 646-93().J '69 VW FASTBACK mi E . J~SliOooSunta Ana J iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J 4 s~, radio, hcatl't' (XTE· '70 Buick Custom Skylark ~mlwii4 -TOYOTA '69 VW, Radio, healer, auto stick shift. 47 .t:m mi. $995. ruue Chip Auto Sales 443 \V. Bay St., CM, 645-5940. 101). $~. ' Wht, Blk vinyl top. P .$. '63 YW CAMPER P.B. R&H., faot, ,.;,. Urnl" 30M. S425 undtt b ook. 646.1252, 644-2228. Fully equipped. (JED004).101~971~C~~--~---- $79'5. . enturion, all extras B"ll y Nu tires, Best offer over '71 VW, Front ""' damaged, ' I ates ~'!500 .• 557-7000. 9000 mi's. nooo. No Ins. for *' '61 BUICK SPECIAL. repairs forces sale. 545-7101. . MEClIANICAU. Y SOUND, ~t;,~ B:3o am-5 pm, ask Authorized Volkswagen $200. 642-7289. or · SALES DE?T. * '67 VW BUS * OPEN SUN. ll·5 '66 BUICK Skylark. Alr, vinyl top, new cond. Xlnt cond. Incl 4 new Sales e Selvk'i! e Parts 64&-8832· 548-4984 belted tires. $1195 firm. e Rentals & Leasing ' · J\.1ust go this wk n d. 4934511 499-226l s.17.4$00 '67 Buick Sports\\'agon, full 673-8244. San J uan Capistrano . along· pwr, good cond. $1075 or 1959 VW double door bus. side San Diego Fwy .• San best offer. 494-5826. 19'12 engine, reblt trans., Juan Creek Ofi Ramp. CADILLAC new brks. All n e w throughout, $9&1. ~. '72 V\V Camping B u s • Po~top. Like new. Best of· ter. 1827 \V. Balboa Blvd. Apt. 5 NB. LEAVING: Pretty good '70 VW Westphilia c a m per \v/Pop Top & tent. Best of· f~r 675-8683 eves. '69 VW Sqback stat wgn AM/Ft-.1 radio, average miles $1425. 642-6406/644-0219 aft 6 pn1. 1971 VW Bus. Trailer hitch. Xlnt cond. Low miles. $2250. Call 6~1700 days. Baja Bug, FAST BEST OFFER Call eves aft 5 557-7592 £ell the old stuff. Buy the new stuff. VOLVO VOLVO DEMO SALE NOW IN PROGRESS at ;t)Wtlwii4 -YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 641)..9303 * * * * * George Persin 2692 Club Mesa Place Costa Mesa You are the winner of 2 tickets to the 9th Annual Orange Co, International Auto Show at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER VOLVO '67 Excel cond. October 11th thru 15th Owner $UOO. P!C'asc call 642·5678, ext. 314 __ A_l_t_S~' 30_-~•94-~2090 ___ 1 between 9 and 5 pm to claim '66 WAGON your tickets. (North County A-1 CONDITION. P/B. tol!·free number is 54i)..l.22D). $950 * 642-3596 * * * * • Daily Pilot Want Ads bargains galore. YOUR ONLY Autos, UMd 990 Autos. Used 990 FACTORY AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER Largest selection or C:adil· lacs in Orange County. Sales-Leaclng. ~Nabers U Cadillac: l.966 llarbor, c.a.1. 646-9303 1970 Chev. Cont'OIM E.::sta~. 8 Pass. Sta. Wp. Pwr. Steering &:. brakes, AM-FM Stereo n.dio, dlt ateer, wbl. Faclory Air, luuage ,.adt. new tires & brakes. Panel· ing, Asking S2725. 557-4861. '71 MALIBU 2 Dr hardtop. 4 speed, flc- rory air, power sleerhlr, radio. t•.21~) $2475 dlr. Call 836-6535. '72 MALIBU Power artl<ering, pow e r brakl'S, AM/FM radio. $2600, 979-4130 or 640-15'16 eves & w~end,., '70 CHEVY Kingswood, 6 ' pass. 400 cu, ln. V-8, auto, air, pis, p/b, clean, radial tires, 41,000 miles, $2,500. 5.16-1609. '56 CHEVY WAGON !\fags and chrome wheels. V-8, auto, 8·track tape deck, curtains. Sl;iO. Call 543-3691 1967 SS Impala, 327 engine, full pwr, one owner. Xlnt cond, $1300. or best offer. 492-2482 or 492-5324. CHRYSLER '69 New Yorker-P/S-P/B. Pov.,er V.'indows. Eleclrlc scats. Powerantenna. Air. Radin! steel tires $2700. 5.11-7255. CONTINENTAL '68 Continental. Ex:ccl cond. New tires, low miles, $1,900 ~. &U-1833. CORVAIR OORV AIR '62. $175. RUNS GOOD. Call 5lS-fil2j COUGAR OJUGAR '69, aut6, pb/Jll. rad. 1 owner, 29,00l mi. $1795, 673-7375, 542-3583. DODGE DUE TO OUTSTANDING SALES OF 'OUR · 2600 HARBOR BL., -· COSTA MESA ·n OODGE station wvn. Auto trans, p/s, J?/b, aJr cond. Excel cond, low miles. $2,125. Call 546-1J2; aft 1 pm. '73 CADILLAC WE NOW HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL, PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS AND OTHER FINE CARS, IN OUR HISTORY! HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES: '72 Sedan De Ville '71 Coupe .Qe Ville Factory executive car. Vinyl top, leather in· Vinyl top, cloth or Jeather interior, full power. Lerior, full power, factory Etir conditioning, tilt wheel, AM·FM stc~ radio, dual comfort factory air conditioning, tilt wheel, M1-FM seats, tape deck, cruise control, twilight sen-stereo, power door locks, etc. 3 to choose tlnel, power trunk opener, virtually every option. (187215) /rom. (759CZNl '72 Continental l\iark IV '71 Riviera Sunroof. Vinyl top, leather Interior, dual com-Tuxedo black/black interior/black vit)yl roof. Full power, factory air, AM-FM stereo radio, to::-t. seats, full power, factory air, tilt 1teer· lilt wheel, power door locks, cn1isc control, Ing wheel, AM-FM stereo radio, power door chrome sport "''heels, Extrem('Jy low mileage. locks. very low mileage. (40440'2) (887CTNJ. '72 Buick Electra '71 El Dorado 225 custom, Vinyl t op, Vil\,YI Interior, full Fh't'mlst exterior/padded vinyl top/full lcath- l'IOwer, factory air condi tioning, till steering l'r interior, full power , factory air condition· Wnee1, Al\.1-FM stereo radio, white side wall Ing, tilt steering whee.I, AM-FM ster~ with Lape player, power door Joe.ks. twlllght sen- tires, etc. Very Jo,v mileage. Immaculate con· tine\, power trunk opener. (700CPK). Several dltlon. (641DZZI to choose from. '72 Olds 98 '70 Coupe De Ville Sf'dan hardtop. Vinyl top, tapestry Interior. Electric sun roof. Vinyl top, lrn.thcr Interior, full J)ower equipment plus factory air condi· dual comfort seats, full power. factory air, tlonlne:. Ult llt«'rlns:. "'heel. Low mUe&ii' tilt wheel. power door locks, very low mile- beautiful automobilf'. t588EADl n1;e. C802APRJ. '72 El Dorado4:>en10. '70 Sedan De Ville Flremlst point, Pllddcd vinyl top/ta~try &: lcalh('r In terior. Dutil r'fln1fo1·t M!lll!l, JI p(IV.'· Vifl.}•I top, leather interior,· full po"•er, tac-Pr, [actory air, tilt Whl'l'l, At-.1-FM slcrto with tnpe player, J>O\''t'r door lock5, po"'-er trunk lf»'Y a ir conditioning, t ilt "'heel, l)(l'ver door 1111t•ner, crulsc contl"()l, t wlll~ht ~<'nllnel, cteel locks, M1-n1 stereo rndlo, twtll~ht sentinel. l>rlted mdlal t ires, e.rlrl'mely low mllea~. St.'Vf'l'lll to choose fron1. (7058F.:J). t424rn1. '72 Impala Custon1 Cpe. '70 El ·Dorado f.lntndor l't-dlhhu:•k Interior/black vinyl roof. Vinyl top, lc11t hrr in1 erlor, tilt 1teerin1t whei>I, VS, automatic, radio, hl'Utl'r, po"'t•r 1tt'Cr1.ng, A M-F~f 1ll'.!t'l"O radln, P<'"'"r door locks. crull'lC powt!r d l1c bta"C'S, whllr 11ldr \\'flll u~. Ex· control. lwlJIJ.tht Renl/fl(.•I, J.'ln!mlst paint, lrt'1nely low mUeAge, CS350T01. 1:iowrr trunk 01)1\ncr. (2l3557> Iionrs: 8:30 Al\I to 9:00 PM Mon . thrn Fri. 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. NABERS'-""" 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-910'0 r 540-9100 Open Sunday 1970 Cadillac Cpe. DeVille Full Power, Cruise Control (222CCM). $4150 Southern California 1st National Bank Leasing 2001 ~1ichelson Drive (Corner of t.1acArthur) Irvine, Calif. 92664 714/&.lJ-8620 213/627-0367 '70 COUPE de Ville, vinyl top, full lthr int. Fact air cond., tilt strg whl , AM/FM slereo, pwr door locks, twilight cent., pwr trunk opener, dual comi'ort seats, Ctuise control, new radial tires, ~ial shocks & rea:r load levelet'!I, imrnac cond. thruout. $4500. 494-8960. e 1968 EL DORAOO e Very Clean $300tl 492-1338 ••• 835-1104 '67 ·cpe. DeVille. 50,000 act. miles. while/padded lop. xlnt. $2200/offer 6'13-5C64. '68 CAD Seel. Deville, mint. l''"ull pwr, air. $2500 firm. 494-2792. '71 Coupe de Ville, Red/wht lop. 23.000 miles, $5300. Pri pty, 673-2863. '64 Dart, radio, heater, runs xlnt. $250 or best offer. Must sell. 497-2016. '&I Dodge Sedan, V-8. All pwr-Auto-Air-New tires. Xlnt rond. $695. MS-1433. FALCON 1962 Falcon station wagon. 6 cyl, stick shlfl Aaklng ;u;. 96:h'l947. FORD Mustang '69 HT, vinyl roof, radio, heater, mag wheels, exccllent ttod. $1666 Scc It • You'll Bl()' It lt>eu. l.fADii -YOLYO 1900 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '66 Ford Falrlane Squire \Vagon V-8, AT, P.s .. R.H. Make offer e '67 Ford Squire 10 Pus Wagon, Air, AT. R, H. '68 El Dorado, immaC'. mi's. Mnke oUer. Lo P.W., Roof Rack $795 e '68 Country Sedan Wagon Air. AT. R, H. Call 548-5155 CHEVROLET '70 Chev. El Camino, ex· cellent running cond. rebuilt eng. TranB. PJO. T.0.P. call Stew, ~ after 5. 1964 Chevy Van. Rebuilt 2014 Harbor 645-6644 1970 Ford V-8 10 p&!S WI"• Stand tras. Radio/beater. 34,000 ml. $1550. Blue Qrlp Auto Sales 443 W. Bay St, Cfl.f, 645-59.JO. motor, good tires, runs good. ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!l!!I NC<.'d~ paint. $800. Call : ss1..o"" to ,.. anyttrne. '70 Ranch Wa9on '68 IMPALA SS. Aut o , VS, auto, tran4., factory air, alt/cond. Pis. $USO. {10\VC'r i;tttring, rndio, white Call 673--0617 11.'alb, wheel eoven, luggage '67 Chevy VM, paneled, l'l\t·k, { •2l8991J $2495. dlr. (Tl)td, Best offer. Alt 4 pin. Cull 336-65.l5. 833--0352 '70 t~TD Country Squire I 1960 CHEVY Impala. ninnltla cond. Sl95. 645--0559 Good '6.7 Jmpala eed. 28,fiOO ac1un.I ml. .PSIPB, A/T, S650. One owner. 54s-6S38 aft 4. ·~ EL CAMJN<rVS. auto, xlnt cond. $1000. Call"4<HIOllS * * '64i NOVA siatlon wap, ..,.,. """" cond. 14 9 ' ' --191'i Impala.. 4 dr hd top. p/,., p/b, r11idlo, air. X1nt oond. -·-· '63 Nova, Sporl Coupe, ttblt V-.S. nu tlrct, $315. Pvt pty. ll<:Z..29"'4. "\Vhlle Elephants" over·~ nlng yoor bou5C!, Turn U'ltl'l'I Into "CA~h" , . , lftl them pavengtt Wqon. Fact. Air. NC!W tlttt, iow mneaae. ~1any extnu $3295. 83&--m7. RAN'ClfERO 1966, 8 cyl, Run.s '*"ll, nu Urn. 673-4200 'TI LTD Wq:, 9 pua, P'fp~ A~11nt stereo, air, 22,(D) ml. Below book. 968-3555. ·n Ranc:hero, tull)i equipped. Xlnl 8hape. ~ Olk! 675--361'2 aller 6 PM. '68 FOllD FairtaM, cond. Mutt ld1. ti46-358l at! ~. '66 FORD 1t110on wp Ml-t. auto. e~ IMt wlndowa. $3!0. 114>-"83 '61 F'ORO S'l'A WGN. GD TRANSJ> CAR. $100 .......... thru a O.lly Pilot Oa111nod Clwlfk"tl A4.J ••• IG-alf7S. ad! \ \Vnot fld rnul!J •• , &U-'6671 DAILY PILOT 9 WE'VE BEEN USY SHAVING '67 CHEY. CAPRICE l Dr. H.T. A11tom•tl1, ,ewer •••tt I wl1H11ew1, •1r ••IMI. IVlAllOI '67 MUSTANG VI, aut.wi1ff1, '"'I wh1al1, r•· 41e, h11t1r. 17l'OIC1t61!61, ---""' '67 INR. SCOUT Utility trtol1/ <4 wheel ch l¥1, -(10«7KI '66 ALPINE Rotdller, 4 1p11d. !T88911 ) '62 GRAND PRIX <Custom Winner) '66 FORD GALAXIE '69 FORD CORTINA 4 1peelll tr1n1min ion, r111Uo 1114 ~ttt1r. IXTKOlll '65 EL CAMINO CMUST SEE!!l '68 MUSTANG • . A11lom1ti,, powe• tl•t•i119, 1ir c11ullilio11in1 . ! XOA561 l Ce11pe. I 1p11d tr11uml1alon, r1tlio en4 ~11t1r. (114CQSI, Thll one's an •w•rtJ win ner at '1599 custom car shows. 2<4,018 orig- inal miles. Automatic, power j'i•s1;n9, "dio, hHI••· IGBT. This car has over $2000 in the motor & transmission. -1 speed, radio and heater. Must see . 194500KI '1599 Duelto Spider. 5 1p11d, 1 !opt, lo, lo ,..;1.,. !WUT93Jl Choic:• of 4. VI l •'•, outofl'I•· tics, •ir c:ond., Yinyl top1, Low ••· 1Vlll77) '68 DODGE GTS Cou,o. VI, t utolflttic:, rtdi•, h11t1r, 1xc:•U111t ool\41tloft, IWXF711J DAYE ROSS ........... --- Auto•, UIOd 990 Autos, UIOd 1;;:;;.c:..;.:.,;.;.;..;;._ ___ I 9to Auto1, Used FORD PINTO '68 BUICK nECTRA 225 c:on,.•rt. F1,1ll pow1r, fee:• tory elr, lo, lo flllltog•. IVCiZ· 7171 -= ----· '72 LUXURY LE MANS '67 CADILLAC S•citn DoVillo"t1=ull power, f•c:- tory •ir, Yinyl roof, pow1 r •••h. ITYY045 l PONTIAC '70 TOYOTA CROWN '66 AMBASSADOR 4 Dr Sid. A11to,..otic:, oi• cond., Yinyl top. (2l911AJ Kellv 1u9- 9~ilod r•t•il $2080. H.T. Cpo. VI. f'.S., r.ctorv 1ir lo. lo "'ilo190 IYQC. v~. pow1r 1+.ori~g. oir cond., ¥1nvl to,. (I 14J78N4677111 All Sale Prices Effective thru Monday, OctolMr 9th, 1972 2480 Harbor Blvd. at Fair Drive COST A MESA Ph. 546-8017 l'IJ MILE SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FREEWAY OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. SUN. 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. Autos tor .... Autot~~ ........ -1r ... 1 1 -... - 990 Autos, UMd 990 Autos, UMd PONTIAC PONTIAC RAMILER T·BIRD 197:1 Pontiac demoru1trator1--------------------'---- luxuni Le Man•. 2 dr. b.L '61 Pontiac Tempett, OHC 6 FOR Sale. 1963 Pontiat. $?~·i0. '67 BONNEVILLE OLDSMOBILE 71 COUNTRY SQUIRE LUXURY PLUS EXCELLENCE ·n . LOW miles, 4 1pd, polY- 1lu, dlac, big ena. $1.600. f>l()-0024. cpe. 1',uUy factory equipped cyl, xtra sharp. $695.. Alr/cond. Radio/ht, P/S Auron1nt1l' ltu·tory 1ur power includina: Pl. pb, radio, con-CaU U&-6768 fi.15--0U.5. i;tf'i•ring. · ~ brakes, • '&2 •ta wp. Good trantp. PB/PS. Gel tl rT~. $3%5. &U-5299. * '$1 TBlnt. CtJrv't'llr blue, rhron11· \\hl.11 , $1-aM ur bell olJrr. &IHl69'..I. Station wqon., vt, auto '70 Olds 91 Coupe trans, factory alr, power GOLD/wht vin:yt top . windows, power ateel'inl, AM/FM ltereo radii> & PLYMOUTH sole, rally 11 wheel.I plus Need a "Pad"'!' Place an ad! 1'1UST !!itll qulck -19n rarllo, heafer, whllr waU 1 '1"'1a"',.~oo"'mo=th'°'Jnr,.....you=-•-,-.""'t to· Hl\'t' 1e>methtnc' )'00 want to much much more. SeriAI No. Oatty Pilot Want Ada have Catalina 2-dr HT. Xlnt. lire•. tinted 1tla11 l\VHE082) aeUT Cla11U1ed ada do U 911J T Cl.auit&td •fi• do It power brake1, white wall tape. Air, Pwr steer, P'l\T --------2GSTM2Z108422. bargain1 plore, cond. Lo mi. 979-3261 al1 6 W::r1 11J1·. ~. "'ell • raH NOW &l:J-3678. weU • call NOW 6U-5511. $299 DOWN Autos, Imported 970 . Autos, lmportod 970 Autos, Imported '70 Autos, Imported 170 Autoo, Im""'*' 970 tires. (732CAK J. $3395 dlr. brakes. pwr windows, radial Call 83IM535. tiret, 38,0CXJ miles. Best of. JEEP fer, Call Mr, . M as on • 5'16-926.1. aft 5 Call Mr. r---------1 Lohr 644-ll75. 'BT JEEP Commando, 4 wh11-,----~--- dr v ... roll cage dual ex-70 OWS 88 Royale 10 pt • t bold PLYMOunt late '6 9, Roadrunner 4 spd. lo miles, Clean, Must 1eel Johnl Arco, 646-5558. 'M Plymouth. new tires, Looks ugly, rt.11111 well. S90. cash. 497-:1116. $111.58 PER MO. hautt. bu~ K&Une KU tire CLEAN SPORTY COUPE ~ '°" 1 mech. oonc1. aamboo1b1ac1c """" 1op. u, PONTIAC ="""'==....,---=_,.,,I AM/FM stereo, pwr iteer, 1--------- \'es, just $299.00 is !he total down payment and only $Ul.58 is the total monthly payment including lll.'1', lic- ense and all finance charges for 48 months oo Approved credit. The cash rnic(' is $4MEl.91 lncludina' tax and license. Deff!l'Ted payment price is S56St84 W'hlch ln· eludes all finance c:harp1. 88.les tax and licenR, an· nual percent:ali! rate is 11.83. 1948 WILLYS Jeep. Reblt pWI' brakes, radial tires. '71 trans. Nu tires. $900 Firm. 40,000 caretully d r I v e n 5IH3l8 mil••· .... o11or. eau Mr. Grand Prix '19 4 Whl drtw, I'd Bronco. Muon 546-G3, aft 5.. Call Full power, air cond, imrnac- leM than ~.IXKI ml. Orig Mr. Lohr 6"-1315. uiate, save today (581DVHl. awn., xlnt! 54&-1464 att 6 '61 OLDSMOBILE $3966 MERCURY New tires and brakes, power SN• It . You'll Buy 11 t---------t steer .. IXJWft' bnlkes, pow· '69 l\lerc Colony Pk sta wag. er wlnctow.. Runs good .•. Loaded, on wami. 1st $250. Phone 543-3691 owner. Beat offer over •n Toronado lmmac, All aPtmtltAOi& W YOLYO BILL BARRY PONTIAC.OMC·l'IAT lllf. SI. at S.A. J'rwy.) 2000 E. lit St., Sant.a Ana W-1000 nm. 646-4071 or ~ xtras, $4795. MUST sell '87 Mercury 645-2736 1986 Harbor. C.r.t Colony Park t ~· Autos, UM Call 642-7499 alt 6:1) pm. 990 Autos. Used MUSTANCi '86 Mustang-Xlnt Inside &: out. AT, R&H., nu tire1. Dk anell/Wht -HT. Orig lady owner. Belt oiler. MCH>309 or (wkdays ) WOW! ~=· EW "72 Mu.tans. S,500 ml'J. $lBXJ u is. SSl en&· air, p/b. auto. ""'1899. '67 Iii~ V-8, auto. P/S, P/B. Good oood. $950. e tlWIU e '18 Mustaftl. X-cond. V-8. ..... Good -!loo car S9'T5. 13)-1111. " OLDSMOID.E • SEE THESE GRIAT BUYS '6' MALllU H.T. C.11,.. t c:yl., e11t., tra111. 1lr 11;0~ .. ltlH. IYl'S511) $1895 '61 CAnlCI WAiON ' p111, Ulto 11ew, olr, P.S., lloc. will• ciowt I '"'"' owff•t (44,,Lll $1791 '61 COMAR D7 Air ~ .. ,,S,. A .... TroM., lop. Nice! IXIX12tl $2091 ... ~ A '7Z LAND ClUISll S+otle11 w ...... 4 wtl., AM ll'M, 011lv 12,000 1111101 -11110 M•I (21 0F-0H I $4295 '71 DA nuN PICKUP 1 •••• Shi ,., ••M ,.i. .. ,..,. .. '•i1H to 1111, C 41,IIS I $2395 '7Z DA nUM IZOO F11t\t1t, • .... UH, ,.W. o..ty 4000 111Uo1, lt~o HW. r•,.tll $2195 -o;o POU iilii VAN l1 .. 1ll", VI, AT, IVH, wMo/T 11J" ....................... 1-1111 .2691 ''1 cDMT11•nn Selo ,,,, .. At lt IUJl?Jll $1091 ,. .. ~Of er.ltt GARDEN GROVE DATSUN O'i •• ' ,. YOU CAN CUT YOUR COSTS IN HALF! If you're tired of paying expen- sive fuel, service and repair bill s on your present car, we can •how you how to cut those expenses in half! T eke a test drive in one of these little beau- ties today al Harbour VW. '69 DATSUN 510 SEDAN .......... $195 • Deer, ...... tXWH •11 '71 VW WISPHIUA CAMPER ..... SAVI! ~•pl I.All of Gclodi.,. Im CltL.1 '67 KARMANN GHIA ............ $1095 '67 VW SQUAREIACK . . ......... $995 ,....... lltoll ~ .............. • ...... (YQX t•I '66 VW CAMl'ER .............. $1395 '68 VW FASRACK ......... . $1195 '69 VW IUG ................... $1295 '71 VW SUl'ER IUG ............. $1795 '69 KARMANN GHIA ............ $1295 '70 VW IUS ................... $2395 ~~!._~_!!~G,~~. .. .. · · $1195 '69 VW SQUAltl!IACK ............ $1795 ,.,, Crl 'I , a. l.99 ~ ...... llO'I' M l :" ... _vw_1uG . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SH5 '68 IUG .... ' ........... ' . . . Sff5 • c•VM 11fl •..-. ....,..,. .,_.. ...... err .., '61 COlTINA CiT ..... · · · · · · · · .. · 17'5 '...;69..;...;...TO'--Y-O-T-'A-C-'-OR-=O~l-I •-.-.. -,-.. -.-.. -.-$-3-ff ' ..... _... MMJW. tlll."Clll '66 YW DIWXE IUS ............ SlOIO _,..,. ... -~,.fj(t '69 AUS11N Al l&JCAN . .. . . . . . .. . 17'1 '71 YW 411 WAGON .......... ' sms ---~~ .......... ...,,_.,....... .......... L .. ""'4t '69 VW S9UARllACIC ........... $14'1 ~..._. ......... 1 .... ltll J .. I 0 DAILY PfLOT Friday, Oclobtt &, 1972 .HERE ·NOW ALWAY .S , A. ST.EP AHEAD ~FOR IM·MEDIATE .D_E,LIV.ERY ' ' WHAT'S NEW?? . OLDSMOBILE'S ALL NEW LOW PRICED COMPACT CAR Brand New 1973 SEE AND ··DRIVE TODAY. ' OMEGA $ 70 ORANGE . COUNTY'S IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NUMBER 1 HONDA 3827DJL101474 Only •••• GMC l~.fE~fi~~ HEAD.QUARTERS . ' WE'RE CLOSING OUT OUR OPEN ROA·D CAMPER LINEALLG~UST AT OUR COST CAR DEALER We Have The Largest Selection SEDANS and COUPES 1972 HONDA CAR Fully equipped includinq Stereo $ AM/FM Radio and Tape Player. Demo. ·;tAN6001051525 WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF Recreation Vehicle Special This Week! ANGELES VAN-A-HOME SELF CONTAINED 4 ST AR 14,7tS ft'lilel. White with''"" trlft'I, Wall .... ,.,, el~tro Motk toilet, 4.S Cll. ft. , .. C I friqflotor, llllt .. t flot w.,.., No..,., 61*p. ampers er, do•ble •tol•lnl al11ka. 4 b11n1er ••o•e & • o•ell, olr co11dltlo11htt, G.M. rado, buck .. ____ __, Haft. fGEJOIUll5l02J SERVICE---PARTS---BODY SHOP Open Every Saturday 7:30 'TIL 5:30 GREAT USED ·cAR SAVINGS TODAY!!! '69 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1969 TORONADO '70 EL CAMINO '71 OPEL GT P.-t t9Wl1tt-bn!Ut·wh1do'"""'ffh $1595 You "'111t Me .$1980 4 •P"d tron"'lulo11, $2093 Yi..,! top, olf Cffdttio11l11t, Full pow" lnchldhlt seots & wlltdows, AM-FM stereo Clltd drlq Hib bea•ty. rodlo o .. d flooter. 14,4Z2 rodio G"d heotn. radio, air condltl011inq, Ylnyl top, tllt st HrllMJ wheel, IS70J7fl -tuol mllft. C416CCNI IYCM 4ZZ I luxury cor at ecoitomy price. Trade-In on o new T .,..onado, I 394879M620754 J , '71 OLDS DELTA 88 $2488 '69 CUTLASS CONVERT. '70 DODGE WAGON Cn .. ~ 4 0. H.T VI,.,,._.., pa-s3175 YI, ,-t...-k, roclle, -..,, 5167.2 440-J wot WOfotl ., .. , ••tolftCltlc, 52184 1t-l1tt•'-r•k-wl11dowt-teot&, ...... ,..,. ltMtl•t· ,._ ._,..., foctory rodl•, heoter, ,..,. 1te«I .. & rltdle, cr•he celltrel, .1 .. ,1 ,.,. •Ir co11dltJt11liw,. I YNltl 111 . broltH, foctery oh c••d., J.14 a.., n .... 1405CXWI roof rock. C6l21SGI . I • • / 1 I I 2 DOOR HARDTOP Full Factory equipped (ll,Xllll~lOSlt 'ltt'l•1•i.I"'·'''"'· 111"' '""' -"'""·ft! ..... ic ..... FULL &olc...., .. choor .. •oo-. ..... 1 ,., , ..... o., ..... ''"''· ,.;1 t I 11SJ IMI, I•• & PRICE ·-· -· "''"'"" Ull11.12'11o .. . . . ,. ·~- . • $199 DOWN $84 A MONTH s2sss FULL PRICE ·' .,RANP NEW 1972 DODGE COLT . 2 DOOR COUPE ---· · G.ifl~ ·i BRAND WhiltwOll hm, ~I whotl, .......... ~ · I Slat,' f.-11 foctory tquipt. -.. ~~· NEW 6621w:iose2" FULL PRICE '71 DODGE SPORTSMAN V.oo 121'.'..!!!hte! bos1. I tan. 3 mf'-591Jlf, • · · '70 Maverick · '71 PINTO . .. '70 '~""":~ t: ~~.?,!~,~.~!~''"'"''•·•··"'""'"'· $1288 5141111: FUllP Kl ..., '700LDS ~~~~.! ·-· ~· . ._: ""'" .... , $1588 -.i top, 4251ZW . WE AftPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS • mlPllCI . • ..... I'. ' . ... tnrii~ ..... flentk, whffl CoY#S. 01lux1 dlrorM moldlllp. Sl 7Altl Frld•Y. Octobtr 6, )972 ·:: 0 '73 DODGE · SPORTSMAN VAN Power d 11c brok•1, AM rgd.o. , d ual morror1, •mi1,•oo coo1rol l'l'lltem , el•t l toC ig n oloOn \y\ FULL PRICE , ..... , ... , ....... 111 •• _..,, _ _..,w_ a ti-...,_,...-· <•fflt ... ,. ... •o1 ... .. ,,., ,,.,,,., ......... . ... _ ._ ,,.,...,...., U lf 1•1)' 1972 DODGI 8100 ; ,. ''· \·vaN J $ t t· Full ~ , , satori rock. outiii1 tir1 mOl.lnl, point \trip•. low '71 .VEGA Rad io, heater. ~inyl bucket StOIS. Yioy l inlltlOr'. whitewall fires. 373CR8 • '69 PL • ROADRUNNIR. . ' r ,.,..,,,,a11<Used.· 'V·I, 4 \Pffd, radio."'°'" mid w+.ift,wall tofti. ZXX427. '70FORD 4DRSedan V·l. llUfO. h'llll . '°""" 1tHlll'lg 'brabt. rflfll, "'°'" (IJSllMJ '70DATSUN 5104·DOOR full~ fol:taty •ifl• .. iMludul; '9dlo ' '*'""" 4718. T. '70PLYM. PURY Ill 4 Or M41n. V·I, wto. tr-., • 'Mll00'24061 '67CADI ~~!!~!~!~,~ ... , ............... $10 g 8 .. ~. '69PLYM WAGON ,_,.. V.1.,....,11W.,.,,.._,hMt•.~tl'9'\ .. ttOS • . . • • I ' I • I ,... I I • - ! • I ·: • .. '~ .. I lo., • : "•. ... \' . ' ., " .. ' "' I"·-~ ••"I • I ' l • • • . . . . . .. . New '72 ·with; tr.ac, lock limit, .....slip axle, V__,81.pg.,..mud/,..Jnow tires,1;,,ti;a 1 1 fu,1 ~-ta,,k, com- plete ~pf,,opkg. <P.3'!D7l• ... ... . F'~et. Stkr.,\47113· · Sille•l>rice $3961 · ~ . ' . -. ---. ---·-. . , NOW! .. . • -·· • • •• '~s llN- I NOW! su ONE OF,; 'TME ,,.M' o s T coMPtn! si LECTIONS OF .. NEW '1973 FORDS -Ali.; A ~ ' . r, :S I --~ --....4 4' - THEODORE ROllNS'''J'EAR·AROUND. VOLUME' D'~ , rr . -~ COUNTS~ YOlJ DOfi~ H~VE TQ W~~T TO~SA:VE~ ENJOY YOUR ' NEW '73 MOl>EL: NOW! . . · .. • ~y··~EW :~~l'iJY!·:·~l~EAqE': ;;~: .. · '72 STAFfl · CAl, AND '72 ' T«UCK : . : . . ")' .. . ' NOW . jty· ,,ijlL. ClEARAN~~.~ ~~ ::~11 •• 1•{ DISCOUNTS. :~RRY FOR S~t.ECT'°"ff' · . .... .. . • • • II''\ • . '72 COURIER .. ICKUP 'MITH LEASE DIRECT CAMPER 'REllQCE! • • l . _fJ.URCiLASS CAMPER · . ' ~2379 ·COMPLm FOR .LESS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .ON AU. Seven hlcky .peciple can buy a new El Doraclo.·camper for less than. a dealer pays' the manu· . focturer. ONtY 1 t~Ft , See ouf big·selectlon of Econ· . . . Ll._n:ED OFFER-HURRY • 11 ' (2499) . . . 1973 · MODELS -; . .. , .' . . '' ' '.. . WE WIL ll .sHOw·you TWE INVOICE ROBINS READY. For the -frt•t: JO cl•v•, or l ,000 tn)l,.t ,.our,_ ford Otiltr 911.r•i.t.•"'to •,.y, 100 "!.f'for •n'f.'m•ior I . ' rtptir1. ~ • • • t for the ,..; .Ji.>. "'on°th1; yOtir-Fm1DHl'9' 9uere11· t•e1 • IS ~ dR~u;,.+ on rtp6irt· c.;:,e;~ unilt r. ihe ' 11tw A-1 W•,,..ntv. You 9et A-1 pr4ft(.tion when you're out of towt'I tool 111 eW.rv Sty..,of tbe Union yeu'll .find p1rtici· p1tin9 Ford Dt1ltr1 who will profftp~y 1t'lcl Courte· ou1ly ho4..or ;tbe~ 24 f!lonl"ll['rovi.i611.1o of {#!Jr. A-I W1rr1nty, , ._,. , ') ' • •• l' . • Ce"'e ••• our •ele(.tion of ~-1 ·W•tr•11t.1d used (.1r1 ... to~¥1• A-1 W41rr,111~ftdq11~er1 in thi1 ere.MM\.tJiir dla'""h~~-you IH'l'e yo11r wo1rit1 011 oor dc:jjnl•p. . .i,' • ' •1 1 " f91.1A •-DD .' I ' ". trft"'1l'V11!; . fALCON SED;(N l.fi;!o:t \; v : I ~. ·~--my. ~-\ 941..,,_. Geed r • Mii& IOSS 2041 ... ;...,,\'"•'' '•y ·'' ' ··. i; -· ,,,. ' .r ~ , ' ( I ' • " •• . "'l~ .. io. • -• LOOK FOR THE CARS WITH THE T·B,RD SALE WAGON SALE ' ' . ~ •. 's ·AVAILAll.E-'68, '69 & '71 MODELS 10 AVAILABLE··'62· to '72 MODELS · 9 ==~· ;:: :: s· ·17·9 P.S., radle, ......... . , , . , .... Miies. IYMM· . .... JJtJ ,. .. . 2 TO CltobsE fROM . . . . iJ- '72 LTD SQUIR~ WAGONS. 10 PASS. vi ........ l&H,.,.w. 5429 ·"' ,....,, ... ,.., ~·i wsw, wt.I. • • ..,., • ' ..... ..,.,. 1164- IYMJ (11611MJ . . ·YOUl CHplCI .. '69 SHELBY · l ' . . COBRA GT 500 I ! ' .... $1996 • 4 .,.., ,..... ... ,' • • ..... ,_... 1'"1'• ~~;"" ~ ... .'110· " ••• '66 MUSTANG .. HARDTOP 9 . .. f •·I I ·r ....... ..;i,,H. .......... <QJ.~2111 < , . " 1966 .·SHELB¥' 6'riso ·· ·' · ....... -..... ...... ............... c..,...... .. o,..,.. COHAfJJ '66 FAIRL:ANE GT CONVER111LE I ...... ·;.,..,, ..... ........ IUJHl lO J $. .. '70 VOLKSWAGEN WESTPHALIA . CAMPER . $ ., --...... ................... ... (41JllfY) l · } . 100 4 Dt. lH,T.'s. YI, · ...... P.S .. W, lew ..... Win • """"' ·9111Yl """ · 1mn11 IYllllDJ IZSS4JIJ YOUI CHOtcl w ..... "'" ,. ..... ·pH ...... IUP.IJ6J '64 INTERN,t0Jf4L; SCOUT 4 W . ~ ~ ·M·A~ OF~~· • .... ... k . w ..... ...,.,.tw. (211AOXJ .. • • ett::· ______ ,, --·· " , < . • San Cle111enie • • Todlly'8 Flaal Cap1sf rano EDITION ' VOL 65, NO. 280, 5 SECTIONS, ~ P~~ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOl!.NIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19n TEN CENTS Fishing Boat Demolished on Dana Breakwater By-,JACK CHAPPELL Of .. 0.llY P'l191 Sltff The shattered hulk 6f a 53-foot fishing boat cru.s:bed on the Dana Point Harbor breakwater was all that remained today follow.Ing a night of emergency helicopter 9J)erations, and a ~ Guard rescue off the Laguna Beach coast. 1be ill-,fated TtadewJnds with three hands aboard began sen.Jing up distress flares at about 7:40 p.m. Thursday, flares whtcb produced a flood of calls to Laguna Beach police, the Harbor District and the Coast Guard. After the frival of the Coast Guard cutter, Poln Divide, the three crew members, Elbert Peters, C.OSta Mesa; Jim Evans, Newport Beach; and Billy Demers, Long Beach were fished from the water uninjured. A Citlzens Barut radi operator earlier had reported to Coast Guard Search and Rescue in Long Beach a radio broadcast from the Tradewinds saying that the * * • * * boat's engines had failed and the craft was taking on water. At that time, the Tradewlnda' pumps were coping with the flooding, the C.oast Guard reported, but the Point Divide out of Newport Beach was dispatched to the scene. A later emergency broadcar at '1:45 p.m. from the stricken craft reported the pumps could no longer handle the water. Minutes later, the Point Divide arrived on staUon, the Coast Guard reported, and the men were taken from the water. At thll·tlme the Trldewinds was awuh and the c..t Guard detumlnecl It to be a huard to navigation. The boot WU lMtn In low by the J'oinl Divide wblch be8an oleamlng kl Dona Polnl Harbor. . RaClae oporatlons ..... IJibled by r.osta Mesa'• remaining bellcopt.er u Laguna Buch1resldents watd>ed Ille ea· traonllnar)' cltaploy from their hlllalde homes. * * Reports that a nr. and ID aploaion bad been oboervod by Laguna Beach reaidents were unconfirmed by coast Guard reports today. The incident Is pending ..-Jptioa by the Coast Guard'• marine huJpecUon m'itt. "We do not know what eemed Ille engine Wlure or why the Tradewlnds began to take on water," Gregory~ dall, Coaat Guard petly officer said to- day. The Point Divide with the Tradewlnds in tow had reeclltd the Dana Point Harbor breakwater when the final disaster t>trell the craft. A fitting on the towed craft gave way and heavy surf sent the wooden boat crashing onto the jagged rocks of the south breakwater. Orange County flarbor District offk:tn said today operations are under way to remove larger debris from rocks u It ll (Stt HULK, Page !) I es ama om es Basketball Stars Held / On Drugs DENVER (UPI) -Kareem Aodul.Jab- bar, 7·2 center for the Milwaukee Bucks of lhe National Basketball Association, was jailed today with teammate Lucius Allen and two other men on suspicion of oosseSsing marijuana and o t h e r l1(tang~ drugs. n Jabbar and Alletii former teammates at UCLA who !I'd !l(llwaukee I<> ilie NBA champlOmbip In IS'I0-71, were beld In a jail cell overnight, then posted $200 hood and ....., relea!ed at 9 a.m. (Another story, face 17) Simple Possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor In Colorado. , -The pJayers and two other men were arrested after police stopped their car early today. "The officers detected burning mari· Juana . .:oming from the car, and arrested the four occupants," said Sgt. Steve l\ietros of the Denver police vice squad. It was the first trouble with the law for Jabbar, known as Lew AJcl.ndor at UCLA lielore be challged bis name. But Allen twice before had been ar· rested on drug charges -the last time being given probation by a Los Angeles judge on a marijuana charge. · In his probation report, Allen was quoted as saying he cou1d "be an exam- ple fo other young people and through my experience erplaln to them the risk of hnrm that they do to themselves, their lemilies and their friends by using drugs and narcotics." • Also arrested early today were 23--year- otd college students Stephen E. Duncan of Columbia, Mo., and Mordecai C. Cooke of Seattle, Wash. Police said Cooke was driving the cru-when it was stopped. Jabbar and Allen were in Denver, where Mll\t&ukee defeated the Denver Rockets of the American Basketball Aaociatlon in a preseason exhibition game 'l'llllnlday nlght, t:IM2. Jabbar played just two quarters in the game but scored 29 points and grabbed elg!Jt rebounds. "We are still Investigating all tho fact.I," Metros said. ''When we gather the facts, they will be handed over to the district attorney who will make the decl!:lon on the charges." OlfJCials for tbe Bucks ll8ld Jalibar and Allen would return with the team on a noon fight to Milwaukee. We•dler COll.dderably cloudy on Saturday, cle&rlng by mid-day kl 11111ny skiea. SligbUy cooler with beacb temper· 1tures of around 70 rtstna to the mld-tOI Inland. Lows tonlglrt IO. INSmE TODAY Sh<'• tit< wf/e of o llundng· Um Beat:h doctor now. but Bar· banl Warburton oon look back on a Ml/ do:eii 11fars of ~r· forming with 10'7U! of the great$ of •how bUlineu. See toda~'• W1tktndn. ...... -. ~ ·~ --~ : --' ~ ...... ,._. ,.11 ....... ..,.. ' ......... w --~ ,, -. -- --M --.. OtMtt c..tr , .. ... , ............ --. ..,,..... , .. ., ............ "'" ·-. """'" -......... . .,_.. ...... It.If --.. .... II St.ti f • USUALLY DOCILE i>oHENY STATE BEACH SURPRISED SURFERS WITH SIX TD EIGHT FOOT SETS EARLY TODAY Tropical Storm Joanne Makes for Exception•I Long Rides at Famoua lolrd Surfine Spot Jn DaM Point League ofWome11 Voters Critical Of Casp ers Slur By JACK BROBACK Of tM 0.llY Plitt Sl.IH Members of the Orange County League of Women Voters today mildl)' chastised Supervisor Ronald W. Caspers for his characterization of Mexican • Americans as ''Adelante's Bandidos." At a morning press conference Mrs. Jeanette Turk of Huntington Beach, president of the League, flrlt compli· mented Caspers on his "courtesy and fair· ness during loog public bearings" in the past months. "We have observed the board weeltly during the last 10 months when Mr. Caspers has served as chairman and have been impressed with hi! courtesy even during Jong and 800letimes tedious public hearlngs," Mrs. Turk said. "It was with his usual faimess that he presided last week at the ptlblic hearing on the proposed Affirmative Action Program which we supported and he voted against," the women's organization president continued . She said that it was "became of tb1s fairness that we are especially shocked by hia recent remarks. We think that such remarks are not in the interest of good government." The women were asked U they thought using the tenn bandidos in reference to Mexican-Americans was u bed as the term 1'niggers" in speaking of black peo- ple. "Certainly," was the quiet nply. ·'lbe women'• organization leaders said it waa lllelr I.ope that llOID• good ml&ht come Crom tblt unhappy time. "For too long, Orange County has had a natlonwlck reputatloo wilh whlcli aup- tSff CASPERS, Poao ll FDR So.n Due James Roosevelt to Live on Comt JAMES ROOSEVELT, eldest oon of the late Pmldent Fraaklln D. Roose- velt, will be moving lo Spyglass Hill In Newport Beach at Ille tDd of lhfl month. Roosevelt disclosed his moving plans 'lbursday during a preu conference held to mark tbe opening of the Democrata for Nl.z.on beadquarten: in Ana· heim. He is chairman of the Southern California Democrat.. f« Nllon. THE FUl'URE Newport Beach resident In lnaugunlltig the polltlcal olllce in the Hyatt House Hotel said that Sen. George McGovern .. l.! not qualified to be President." He said he believes the Democratic DOtninee bu neither the quali8cations, the record, nor the confidence of the people to execute the office of President.. il elected. ROOSEVELT SERVED six terms In the HOUie of RepmentaliV<S from Beverly Hills and has also been an ""'11COeSSful candidate for governor of California and mayor of l:os Angeles. Wbile be Is supporting a llepubLican Utla year, be maintained ibat Ille Democratic party C®Jd make a comeback in 1976 as tbe GOP did followtna Goldwater's defeat in 1964.. HE SAID be will maintain his membership In the llemot'fttlc party. Shriver Claims Slight Lead Over Nixon-1'gnew By TOM BARI.EV Of .. DelfY , .... S1tft A statewide poll tskeo during the past weet by Ca!Uomla Republicans showed the McGovern-Shriver ticket one percen~ age point ahead of NllOO-Agnew, vice presidential hopduL Sarlent Sbrtver clalmed 1bunday night. "But )'OU1l nner bear •bout It except from me," Sen. Georce McGovem'1 ebullleol nmnlng mate !<>Id cheering Democrals at a $1~ad no -cock· lell pony In Anaheim. Sbrtver e>q>lalned that the poll WU huni<dl1 placed under wnps 11 _, u aJarmed GOP ..ecutt""' bad scanned tho lebulatlonl. "I don't blame thtm/' he ukl, "al- thouell tbeJ dltln~ need ibat poll "' ,.i ·the ._.., that Inevitable defeat It on Its WI)'. "Our ·-orpnlzatlon bu -tmlpfete wltllln this past -k." Sbriftl' Clemente Launches Pier ukl. "Wlt.bln two or Une weeb Cllf allght ed&e In Ca!Uomla wlD-become • clear Democrltlc party lead tllrouChout the naUon." Both Shriver and SOUtbem Caillomll campalJll cha1nnan Donnan Oonunonr -....i mlllln& and d<albdlll D..,..,,..,. that tbey bon penona"1 -COfJles al Ille 8'publlcJn poll that roputedlf II""' M<Govon I lliO>t <die. Entry Improve ment Joh San Clemente dty ""'1ndlmrn n.a. .day fonnally lsuricbed 1 lontl ... alted pier entr1nce lmpro-vement project, ordering tho city .,..._.ng rtalf w 1 prep:1re working drewinp and 1pecific1· tlonr f<i< Ibo project calculated kl c:Oll about 113,000. The renovation al the lleJ"...itiMn entrance farmed 1 major iSIUI In OJe munlclpol tlectlon campotp laot lf"lnl and bu been aaaalled u ID .,_. and a mu,. fer lolteron by ltr crtticl. Fundr have been budg<ted !or the pro~ ect. The city atalf wlll drart t b e data _..ry w place tba project up for bid beloro the ml cl Ille ,..,., ""'"1t:llmen agreed. The project lnvol.., Ille mq Of the steps, short walls and the -..... "' tho entrance or Ille Inland 11de of the railway lwlncl and repladng Ille old CO<> cme llructuro with 1111n 11art1ng at Ille 1kSew1lk level. City olflt:lail hope that Ille .....i-moat Of Ille -will cnlll '-i cl I lot-= 11111"'"'"" ~ polloo I --ol tba ... --totbettnti. The project -not lncludt .. , modlflcJtlon al the .. 1nnce ... wan1 of the ....,...bi.., lwvlt!I, 00.....r . A more cmclae estlmat1 of Ille ,.... wtll be ·--tba q lnOertng -'It "'"'plotM,......Umm........._ Both ..... u1d they bad .... -lei>- ul•tltm f-an -u.r GOP poll wtiioh -!bat the N._Apew ...,.,. ID {loo llllUVD, ..... II NO WONDER HER TOOTH ACHED LONDON (UPI) -A -Upeda Cl'llWl- ld out of .. ,....... -Allralllml' adllnc -allor --ltofltln esbK'lld It. .......... ID die llrilWI 0..111.loumal "It ,.....1>11 cnwlocl In while 1111 - lllloep with her -" opm,• llld ~ -ID I cn1t1. roporlld kAlpklll In ., -.. Illa joanlaL Nuclear Reactor Foes Given RoLS In Clemente War By JOHN V ALTBRZA Of .. DetfY ........ A coallUon of local and statewide foes kl propoaals In bulld two new nude1r reactors in San Clemente wu aae- cessfully battled before ID Atomic EnerKY Commlulon ponol 'nlunday for Ume ealenl1om allowintl tbeln I formal place In ma~ bearinp later tbla year. In a lilbtlY nm prehearlng conference held In San Clemente civic center, the AEC"s Reactor Safety Licenrlng Board agreed kl a !May ellenlJon II allow I lawyer for tbr three pwpa kl propano COllly and ~ documeaU clarifying I ion( list of hanb alleptions against the concept of adding reocton at San Onoh. Those three --all .... oomted by Santa Marta lawyer Brue< Sbarp-ere tho lllltewt&o llltorellne "'-tvatlon Conference, Ille San ct.memo c!Japter al the American AllocbUon of University Women and In org:1nllatlon called GUARD (Groups United Aplnrt lladla· lion Dangen). What tbole three -IOUlht before the tbree-m1n panel 'l'bun:taJ WU formal "Intervener" statur In Ille pend- ing bearings on the 11-btlllon react« .... joct. ,,,.t lllltus would p.. tba _. -1 tho rtaJU to subpoena, ,,_... amino and tat. othe!' action. S.t that aame c1e11i.,..t1on alao """" with a major dpll• tor tlnw<"On- sum1ng _.,.11on"' lapl ....,..ia In the r-• .... agalnlt tloulllonl Ca1Uomi1 F.dlooo Compony llld San DleCI> Clol and Ele<trlc Com pony, the appllcmrla for pennlta to bu11d tho 1.. ·- -of the --.. tlon. ~y. board mtmba'I ltr•1e~ that tho ctw.., .. -darwm cmtecl by eortllquau. 11 b o ta 1 • . negl'-and poor dollp -be _.nod and -belon tbs boanl -1d allow them Into~ Slw1' lftd I lq till of lllepilans about the .,._.i and fllt&n l>ldear planta. tncludtng dllrpa thal dala .. the ulstlnt -· _.11on bW -"ILIPPi II !d" by uUUt1 olftdalt. -tho emf ........ -not lft. dude -te. utlllty flnnl could p.. no apo<lllc -"' the ·~ "-! mombenl--. Ibey ..i apln In W= D.C., Cit NoY. 111to t:anllru 11lo -10 ....... ·-Id ha¥1 w be -""" ...... Po poNd er Ibey •ftl not ... allooi<d "' lorm part al teatl"""1 In die ile8rtn&J which • y.t bovo not -fonrlllfJ 1e1. Atlorot)I fa< bods -......., la ••to=----. ~~llod ., ~~!Ml..:: H11J In 5ep.smber ID 1PP17 for tbs formal_ Boord momben, """""" -aa -............... P.-fl'lbbc lft. -· and -ut111t1 -.. (llH llEAC1Vll& f'lll II Sea Wall Collapses Under Surf Churning waves and hlgll tides oarn- bined this morning to create tbouaands of dollan In damage to duster of boUltl In the e:rcluslve Beach Road Cok>ny of Captatrano ae..h. The surf spawned by 1 tropical llorm off Baja CalUomla began bolt<rlnfl seawalls along the ahcnllne community at the brtakl... hour' .and aborllJ al· terwardl a aeawall at •1 Beach Rud collapoed. The waV<J tlnalellld tba ...... "' Loi Ancelos IIMltor llnnll Dutra. ~tllot wall pvo...,,, tba-llD- -.i.IJ down cout, ownod by -prlndpal Wllllam Llmebrooll boc:ame tluutnod aa ... u. er..wa IUllVl1Cllled bJ Ille -Y Division of Harben, l!Oachea and ParU, arrived with heavy cable and sanclbop kl becin th-•!fort to save the !root portion of the e:rpenslve boules. "We Wtte hit this bod Ll ,.an qo, but It '1 Just u frialJtenlnc this time," Llmebn>ok said u be gazed at bis crumblin& 1ea wall. The -Ion hit tblt momlnC Is ooly tm.. doon upcout lrwn IJIOiller p<Up of houses wtucb received beaVJ dlma&e In a simllar 1dea:e two yean qo. Raldents, foflowinl the cumplel ott In the prevloul IWlllsucht, have him! a local contract« kl bring In IJ'llllte boulden II heavy ·-· 0--will be uaed lo drop Ille IJ'lllll• In lronl cl tba -fa<--~ Llfecumf ofllc:tail llld this lllDnlilW that turf rode I tide Of 1.7 fall. Satim!ay'1 hlsh tide ....un, will .-. 5.1 feet . "Even If Ibo 111rf dropa I fool Cit Sllltr- doy, they 11111 .... In for -.... trou- ble,'' a iruard spotamu Aid. * * * Tropical Storm W hi p1· Up Waves Awng Comdine By llTZVB Ml1QlllLL ... .._.,__ Tropicll s...... -1111111 ......... up the eoo11 of Boja. Clllfomla. clolplta p...tlctlona from Ille -lbor people that 11.e WIMlld dllalpole by 'lllundly ~ Joune baa loll -al bor boftvtr, and la DOW ..,_n0a& 15 -11 lllf -· S.00. i....,. beadles.,. f..U., her -tllotlCb, II 1arc1 brullm pound ar-. ~ ......... The Loi All&<ln Weather -11y11 Joanne will dlalpole lllor -,. altbouP beavy -b pt..tldad tbnlO u.-. UH CLDlllHTS llfflw• '-' tbnit 10 --wtlh...., ...... LAGUNA BEACH _,. Oft Md U. fool -IA pourlnlf llnlilb wtlh OU 51--... tba bait ... 1"' ..... b ao•tlod wtlh --IOd Ill_..., -IUrftn ... ..,.... ... the bNda. f>~IMQI~' ~ lltlft ,,..-... ..,. .... ""' ........ ~ .. I( l ..... I 'hi ~ .... u ii still .,... ... -... ... of boord IOl!en IUI lodl!J.1 .... lhrrw wUI be • '°' fDOft tNt 111'1Md. Wo'ro llalllnc up fer k bee • I -thalllo--Mfen.,. ... tt ll) to ride lh1I 1tt11r • ....,, • tJto IUlll'll«I, .... II .. I ' OAIU PfLQ, U.S. Lifts Quarantine On Chickens 1bt government Thursda y llftetl the quarantine in Orange and Los Angeles counties that has been in forte for the past seven months in an att empt 10 stem the epklemie of Newcastle dise:i~e in Southern California poultry rtocks. The quarantine romalns in effect in Riverside , San Bemnrdino alld Ven1ura counties. A showdown he<1ring betwee n agriculture official s and S o u t h e r n California poultry ranchers today in Los Angeles was expected to focus on the controversiaJ use of "&...'tltinel birds" to determine whether the disease exis ts within poultry nocks. Today's hearing was to be another in a series that have centereC on poultry ranchers' accusation.s that the federal and state task force trying to control the cur- rent Newcastle epidemic is using ove rki ll methods to achieve their purpose. Newcastle disease. fatal in poultry bu t harmless to humans, ha~ been rcsponsi· ble for a quarantine or poullr; in several Southern California counties and one Ari.zona county. So far, several million birds have been destroyed by the task force in mass eradication programs. The "sentinel bird" technique has been criticized by poultrymen as arbitrary and unlikely to be successful. A proposed change in state regulations \\'ould permit authorities to introduce a "sentinel bird" to a poullry nock at any time there is a suspected outbreak of Newcaslle disease. Plairners Order Stiff Ecology Impact Rules San Clemente's ratlier relaxed attitude over the new state~-0rdered en· vironmental impact reports shifted Thursday as councilmen ordered plan- ning commissioners to draft a stiff set of rules governing where the reports will be r.qulr<d. Earlier, offlcials had said the new state court rulings which have caused headache! ln other cltles did not cause much alarm in San Clemente. Since the reports were required. the city staff and commission have detennined which new developments might require an impact statement. No specific guidelines, however, had been established as a matter of city policy. . Presumably, the planning commission -starting at Its meeting next Wed- nesday -will begin to draft a specific set of rules covering the contents of the impact studies to be required £or certain project!. Previously, the city sta:: first reviewed each new project and detennlned if the commission mould review the matter of the reports. C<lmmissioners then COUil: establish the reports as one condition for approval . From Page l CASPERS ... porters ol equal rights for all citizens tiave been uncomfortable," Mrs. Turk added. ··we know that the political climate of the county ls changing. We are now a blend of conservative and Ubera/, young and old, men and women of every race and creed. The days 8re gone when such words as "bandldos " will be accepted by lhe citizens of -our county." J.1rs . Turk concludeJ her remarks w\lh , "We urge members of the Boord or Supervisors and the community to join with us and the Mexlcan-Americen jX.'()- ple Jn lcttlng Alt. Caspers know that.'' DAILY PILOT 11'1 0....,... C-1 DAU,.V .. llOT. wllfl wt'I~ 11 ~ 11\t H-·''"'' It 11W611t114111 toy !he Of ..... (Mtf """'itlllnf (-.,."'I. Jt... fllN .. 1 ...... •rt ... UJNd,, M ..... .,. ........... P'ri.ay, M CM!• M'*•· H .... wt ~ ""°"""'""' '-"'"-""' vz:i.,. UWM IJ-'I, lNlltt<l ..... lft!K.k -11 (*-'Ill kll .lt1911 '""''-"' ....... •t0-1 •It"" h lllVt'I~ S..tvrll•'rt ....,. $Vfllll..,.. t'-IWh'IC!pe,I MIUllllll 111..-rt II •I J.lO W"I le~ ftrMt, CMlt Mnt, c.•iw.ii., ,,..... ltolttrt N. w,,, .. , .. llttl'I •• ,.. ,..,.,1 .... Jtclc I. Curl•y \'le# l"fftlttnl tllll DIMt•I IMnltlf lhom•t ll:to•il 1111i.r llle1111t1 A. Murphl110 ~N ldi1.,. C.ttl•• H. L••• -lch •r4 '· Nill A .. r.u ... 1 M-.lnt I••'-" s. Cl••••• OMc.. JOI Nertli ll C•1111l1t• 1111, tl67:t --c.tl ,._, ,. ":.':!:T '"'"' ......... ""4d11 mi ......... ,. tM!llfltlM a..ctl1 ll'ltS atwPi --""'•'11 "'""' ._,.I m ,.,._ 1>.'llOllUI Ttil'11• 11 fJ141 MJ.4JJ1 Cl sn.t M•fl:t ; '4W ITI S. C1 :•o Al hpa1•111a.: 'ftf1ra 111 4'Ji,44H ~ """ ~ (Net .... 1191111'19 ~ ............... llttttrf!llM. ......... IMftfl" " -..rt...,_.. ........ _, .. ~-wftllWt "*ill W · ,,,...... • -..rllllt ... . ~ ,.._ ............ It C.1 MIN, ea..._. ~ 1¥ unwr a.~ flllll'IWJ'J • IMll u .11 _.,.,,, ""tf"''' ..,.,_... llilf _. ... ' • UPI Ttl"""'- WHO'LL WEAR THE PANTS IN THIS FAMILY? Antonio Molina (left), 'Bill~e' Ert Say Vows Allegedly Legal ·Female Impersonator, Football Pla yer 'Wed' HOUSTON (U PI) -Slim female im- personator Will iam Ert lifted his veil , husky form er footb3J] player Antonj o Mo- lina bent and kissed him, and the two men thus sealed their marriage \!Ows at 11 small, fonnal ceremony. The tv.•o said their wedding Thursday \1•:1s legal bec!use they were granted a n1arri!ge license the day be fore, when Ert ~·ore a miniskirt, a wig , and lipstick. They got the license from the county clerk in Wharton, a small Lown 60 mHes east of Houston . Under Texas Jaw , any two persons who have been granted a li ce.nse may marry. The city's vice squad chief said loday he would press fraud charges. Police Lt. J. ~l. Albright sa id he though the county clerk who issued the ma rriage license to the tv.•o n1en "'as duped nnd From Pagel REACTORS. • • i.:ive the foes informal 11latus at lhe hear- ings. One other main action of the board \Va;; to deny a telegram request for the same inter"ener status to the Orange County People's Lobby. because the group made no effort to follo\Y up its informal telegram with attempt s to fil e more formal documents. Before last June's primary elections !he People's Lobby had taken the key role in battling nuclear power plants in California. The projects slated for completion late in the decade at San Onofre have been delayed for several years because of re- cent shifts of emphasis in the AEC, in· eluding a heavy stress on cnvlronmcntal protection. Although the utilities have filed a 750- page, two-volume environmental impact report, the AEC as yet has not completed its evaluation of those volumes and that function must be completed before the all·tlmportant hearings begin along the South Coas!. Since the permit process slarled, the projected costs of the twin reactors has doubled. Orlglnal predict.Jons called for a half. billion-dollar price tag. The latest figure Is an even bill ion dollars. Texas law violated . For the wedding at the Harmony Wed- ding Chapel, Ert, 30, of Buffalo, N.Y., wh o was hair stylist for actresa Jayne Mansfield from 1963 until 1966, wore a blonde.wig and was dressed in a full white wedding gown with a train five yards long. He carried a bouquet of artificial pink and white flowers. Molina, 33, a 6-foot, 235-pound all-dis- trict tackle 'vhen he played football for his high school in Brownsville, Tex. and a veteran of the Navy. was dressed in a formal black tuxedo with tails and a white bow Lie. The Rev. Richard Vincenl of Dallas, whose church offers services to homosex- uals. told Erl and Molina to bold hands. ''\Viii you, Bill, love, comfort, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, for- saking all others, and keep yourself only for him so Jong as you both shall live?" he asked . "I will," Ert said. The ministe r had the two recite the Lord's Prayer with him. took Commun- ion. and prayed about the gravity of mar· riagc vows. Ert and Molina exchanged rings saying, "Wilh this ring, I thee wed." Mr. Vincent said, "Under the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost , I pronounce that they are united in holy union ." Ert . 5-foot-10 and 122 pounds, is listed as "1\1iss Billie Ert" on the marriage license. He said he had no inten tion of a sex change operation. From Page l HULK ... a haiard lo boats. l·lnrbor District operation~ to clear the crushed craft were being hampered by the sa me heavy deep swells and rough sefls thnt sent the boat to the rocks. The craft has been declared a complete loss. by the insurance company, the. Coast Guard reIXtrted. The boat owner was identified as David Pucker of Los Angeles. Doller Joss bll3 not yet heen determined, the Coa!t Gu:i rd said. Getti119 Final Polisla Cl1eck Out tl1e Big Story In Sunday's Daily Pilot Some of the top ittories DAlLV PILOT \Vriters ere. poli~hlng for rll~pl1y In Sun- dny's newspaper Include: DEACON BAY 'llANDOUT'~ -It t"Ould be called subsidized hou11ing. Sevenly·two families living in Newport Beach's Beacon Bay have homes on public ptopcrty leased to prh•ale 10- terestJ 45 years ago. The lea11et1 bfgln lo run out In IS year~. City officials and homeowners are ~ginning to think about It ... Sunday Speclal. BA'M'LE f'OR C.:lllLO -l\!uch of thC" bltlerneu once In divo rce ca~ hns now been channeled int<. tht qUe£Uon or "'ho gets custody of lht children. Staff Writer Allison Deerr repvrts' in a "YOU Sactlon" story . SONNY AND CHER -Family Weekly's oover subJf'Ctl are Sonny end Cher Bono. 'nlrir Mory lnch>des a Hilmp e illto tbdr busy ll\'llS 1n wlllcb they share ouch 'th<lr's time onstngc and of{ ... and ,how they do It. TOUGll Ll!''E -Doughit Unfl3iy ol CostJI ~tesa hopes urc be11:lns i i to. Jlc 's 39 now nnd he has lost 2 of 4 choldrcn to cystic Dbro!IP, 1;11 rtlvorrt'd and hJJI been JaJd of( from his aerospace job. Nw be hu devtloped an unsteady gait doctors hnve betn unable to diagnose or CtJre. SU PER SLEUTil -George Peppard, telc\'lslon'l'I Rnnacck, makts the cover of n · \VE EK. Story of the actor who st"r!I In !he ne.w &t"rics Is featured In lhr: mag:ttloo wbk:b ll!ts full week's worth of felevlslon shows. BOOKS FOR KIDS -Terry Shannon, the elf in lady behind 11 dot.en children's hooks. llkcs to photogrRph 10me of her own lllustritlons, enjoy1 working with C~.arle~ Pa)'7.ant, (oimer Oimey 11· luslr1ttor •Dd believtt you shou.Jd never "write down" to • ctilld. Jftr n1u.str•ted 11ory Is 8Cheduled for C Stctkm. FESTIVAL PANN!ID -fattl' tatnmt.nt coiumniJt Rex Reed uuJ!J ~ New York Fiim Festlval. He uy1 it's not commerth1I , but one judge has too much 1 .. MY In the MlN:IJon or nJmt. BRIGHT BUSINESS Fountain V111ley Ice cream parlor dilplaya paint· Ing, created by cldldttn, Tho dlJplay wnrks nre ae lected on a n'i6nthly bu!J by the l?ount1 ln Valley Alt AssotjlUon. Sltry wllJ be fentured on bu8Jne-P pagi. Fro•P .. el SHRIVER ... Calllornla hu l>eea cut to four pment. '"Union nwnberl are giving us thelr support in lnCreuJ.na nwnben," Shri ver explained. "Many m del)'ing AFL-C!O Pr.,ldent Georce Meany and Docking to UI by lhe thousands." Shriver hailed <>ranee county and Ill 1'lncrea1ing support for the Democralic ticket" as a "vital bellwether" in the November election. And he J!!luded the work of "such stand· ard bearers as Mission Viejo Rancher Richard O'Neill" for a rising Ude of sup. port that will, he predicted, leave the Democratic Party in Orange County jUBl 100,000 overall votes behind the Republi· cans on election night. "That's all we need," the quicksilver campaigner said. "That kind of edge for the RepublJcans here work3 out as a big margin for us in many other statts and puts George McGovern in the White House." Shri~r. an hour late for bis Anaheim Convenlloo Center address, to the Na· tional Parks and Recreation Associatkm Congress and 90 minutes late for his Grand Hotel soiree, had earlier stressed the protection of the nation's park land to fewer than 3,00) onlookel'3 in the big hall. He later admitted that he was "very disappointed" at the Anaheim turnout. "I thought we would have filled what I'm told are 8,000 seats in that place," he said. Shriver accused the Nixon Administra- tion of putting its concern for ant.i·infla- tion measures before the protect.ion oC fast disappearing open space that should be preserved as park land for America's urban million.!. Shriver charged the Republican admin-- istralion with -"just looking on" while 1nore lhan 20,000 acres of existing park lands were lost to developers. He pledged a $6.4 billion, five-year pro- gram that will, he said, create desperate- ly needed parks and open spaces in this naUon's cities on the lines of those to be found in London, Paris and Vienna. One of the first obligations of a De~ cratlc administration will be the preserva- tion of the 200,(1()()..acre Santa Monica Mountains area, Shriver said. From Page 1 SURFING ... Harshbarger said. HUNTINGTON BEACH reports six to 10 foot s..ts with excellent shape. Capt. J\fark Bodenbender said the wav~s are SURFING 1Fall '72 fast and hollow at high tides and the water is congested with surfers. Lifeguards up and down the coast are predicting good stuff, if smaller, for the weekend. 1bey warn beginning board riders and swimmers to use caution due to heavy riptides and a lateral current. Here's the Ude scoop for Saturday: First low Ude at 3:22 a.m., 1.1 feet; first high tide 9:34 a.m. at 5.8 feet; sec- ond low tlde 4:07 p.m. at C.3 feet; sec- ond blab tide at lC: 14 p.m. at 4.5 feet. (. • Court Rulitag Building Permit--:· Freezes Mulled •. Depuly Orange County counsel Arthur \Vahlstedt joined county legal advisers from throughout California in San Fran- cisco today to discuss the state Supreme Court ruling that has caused a temporary freeze on building permits in at least four counties. ~ The lawyers were to meet with some city representatives and members of the attorney general's stall to discuss the ,.problem. The court stiffened requirements of the state Enviror.mental Quality Ad by rul· ing last month that state and Joca1 government agenciu mll!t rue a written environmental impact report before ap- proving a private application for a con- st.ruction project that miur significantly affect tbe environment. Marin C<lunty Counsel Do u g l a s Maloney called the meeting and said most county legal officers planned to at· tend to talk over problems created by the decision. State Sen. Donald Grunsky (ft-Watson- ville), has sent a telegram asking Gov. Reagan to call a special legislative session on the Issue. "A complete stop on construction in this state would be disastrous," Gransky said. He contended a special session is needed "to consider a solution to the virtual halt of building across the state which could result." Temporary freezes on building permits were enacted in San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco and Santa Cruz counties this week as a result of t.he ruling. In Orange Ciounty, however, Building Department Director Floyd McLellan h1S established an interim policy which aUows for the issuance of pennits in the following cases: -Accessory structures such as car ports or swimming pools. -Additions to existing residences. -Interior improvements of existing buildings. -Single family residences in establish- ed tracts. -Apartments or residences on lots certified as rough graded as of Sept. 29. -Any structure on a lot that is Floods Damage Arizo1ia Crops PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -Flash nood warnings remained in effect throughout most of Arizona today with more showers and thmJ. derstonns forecast from a storm which has caused an estimated $4.7-million damage to the cotton crop. Estimates of the cotton crop loss came from University of Arizona agronomists who said the lOBs was expecially heavy in Pinal, Ywna and Maricopa counties. I ~ .:;. certilled as finished or precise grading as:$ or Sept 29. McLellan said maoy other permits will .... be"' evaluated on an Jndividual basis by -C: blmseU or hla deputy. · The SOp~e Court ruling involved a ' ... suit by Friends of Mammoth, an tD-o ~ virorunental group, who took Mono Coun--" ty to court, arguing that the 1970 act re-,;.. quired ao environmental impact study before construction of condominium ~~ apartments could begin at Mammoth .; Lake. -The court agreed, marking the first ·~· time the Environmental Quality Act bad been applied to private development Airport Land Use Unit OKs Tower Plans Orange County Airport Land Use com- missioners Thursday rtight approved the.: plan for two 14-story tower additions' to:; Rossmoor Leisure World in Laguna Hill!:: and deferred action for two weeks on the : : proposed Canada Foothills planned com~·. munity in El Toro. ~. Commissioners voiced no objections to': the 311-unit condominlwm at Leisure~. World, planned at tbe comer of Santa. Maria and Santa Vittoria Avenues. The towers will be connected by a central,~ two-story building. •• Orange County airport noise abatement specialist Norm Ewers said the units are outside or the 65 CNEL zone, judged the maximum noise level to which residents can be subjected. I . i'he project, like the Canada Foothills proposal, was referred to commissioners by the planning commission because it is near the Marine Corps Air Base in El Toro. Marine Corps Col. Murray Staples said that although the Marine Corpo has no objections to this development, "we would not like to see a proliferation" of high rise developme!lts encroacb.lng oo · the air base. . •: The big)> buildings can afled the ; altitude of approaches to runways, he ex· plained. Commissioners del8yed comment on the Canada Foothills development: which . would reportedly house a population of : 3Q,000 people, to see if an environmental;* impact statement is being developed. .,,.! The planning commission set a public · hearing on it back two "!eeks to Pct. 31 :: after requesting such a statement. · .. In a previous action last month, land ... use commissioners approved the part of ..: the project outside the 64 CNEL zone. ~'; NEWPORT IEACH e 1717 WESTCLlff DI.. Ml·lDll l.A9UNA IEACH e >41 NOITH COAST HWY. .., .. ,., TORRANCE e 2J64t HAWTHO•NI ILYD, J71·1f7' I I II • Friday, Octobfr 6, 1~72 DAILY PILOT ' Thigh-driven Cart Pedicar to Replace Autos on Sliort Hops Briefs PUBIJC l;IDl'ICE PUBIJC NOTICE PUBIJO NOTICE Finance ... .,, • 1f1Ml tiWtltoll COVllT _. TM• PH:'flTIOUt aUllMllt PJC'T1TtOUI IUS .... IUl'htolt COUH Ofl' TM• n'&TI O• ~1,-ollfLt. P0a llAMt _n.t.TllMIWT ....... ITA.TIMl#fT IT.t.T• OP CM.J~NLA NII TM• C0UWTY Oil'. MAHa nw ltlf\11'1111 .... '*'°" It NI ... ~ T~ ......... ...... .. .... THI' COU.lY 01' OL\MOI -. •7a ... M'-"1 M. ...,..,,_ litOTIC• Of' Kl.Mii ... OP """'°" THH ~l!WllllO jll.r.CfO'IY lff1 w .. 1 LI~ Ol'fl'K.. J«•VIC'U. -NOTICa Ofl' MIMI.. OP l"fflTIOtl flOlt l"tlOIATI! Oft W'IU. AltD l'OA o. ......... ,_ P:uli.tlOll, ee.Ur.u ..,........ 11~.1 a.ti ,,._. C...., POI ... OU.Tl Ot1 WIU. ANO 'Oii LITTlli TISTWNT&IY earrv It"~ 11m' Wet I •tt. It. ll{fQ. !lN ..... n L-., I L.ft1'11J 0 fl AOMUltnUTIOM ll1l•lt' Ill IYAAO R . .tOHU. ~. Ol'e119tlto0r". Ful..00ll, C.llfOtfll• Nl'WOOl'I &ff(fl. C•, f'JWt W.,..._THl.WILL AMMllUO. !+O'flCe II 11(1U!IV GIYIN INT Tiii• ~ b b<t!llQ CVIOOl.oe'-1 iiy .., s~ A. Krlt. 16* AlllNlf• ...... "' DILL.A M. JOHNSTOH MOllTOH DAVID JOHU hit flied nw.in 1~1¥ktu•I. 11nt/11, Ce. WINDSOR, CoM. (UPI) - A Connecllcut firm Is belting il can break Americans of the habit of u&ing the family auto for short ~ around town. The firm, Environmental Tran Sport Corp., has edveloped arxl will soon be marketing a $550 Pedicar, prcr pelled by legpower a n d capable of going 13 to 15 ntiles an hour, with no more effort,- the company says, than fhe average person wouJd exert walking the same route. ~ ' Pttlllon iot ,.,.._ .. Ill Wltl an.I fOt a..rry ··~-.ct Tl'il1 ~ 11 bflftfll conduc:ftillll ..,. I P Id IE I h , • Dr NOTIC:C Ii H!OlllEBY GIVEN '"-' 1.._-, Of t.ttlwa T•t..,...,...,,. to lfW Tlllt •lft..,.,,.i *'•• 111..S '"'"" ll'le c-,.,,,,...llllp res en sen owe r a 01te Target Ol!LL.A M. VAMce, .. 11 .... ._.,,, • """.._· r....-...c. • ,......_ 11 rn.. tor ,... °""' °' Or•no. '°"""" (Ill """"*" Rit; R. 1<rlt ••••• h · I '· I d _,. lot "'Obi" ol Wiii •nd for ~· fvrlfltr .-rflcvM.tt. aMI """'...., nlM ~ » 1m llllt ,,, • ..,.._, l'li.il wltll IM ~ty perovuw P ys1c an, u:S rove w ASHINGTON _ 1be Navy lilts e1 Mn'l!Mttr•Hon Wiit! Wiii ..,_._., ~· OI ,_,1,.. "" -,_...,. Mf for • · 6tM>C C1trll OI °''"" cwmv ori: ,_...,,... it a N'f•totype of the Pedicar last ••• --~~ Teled ,..,.,._. '° \Ofll(ll la,,,.,.. tar ""'"" Ocf!Otler 24• lm, '' •1• •.m .. "' ..... •tt•llWllN & tT•NTON "" Hn. WILLl.v.I 1. ST JQHH , COUMTY ,.. " UG:J &wa1..rou yn&-Ryan ~ _. tlwf lfW II-end pl1e9 c-1r_, ot ~ No. ~ "' Mid .. -.... 1--.... • '" CL!:Rk. 1, .... ....,. J MMdOlt. ~ ked ds A I·-I "--Of Mlrl1lt "" -..... ....,, wt fol' Oc· C-1. ,, * Ovk c...... Orm w.t. In "' ....... • • • • year over snow pac roa eronau ~"B' o .:JrC111 Diego a lotNil'" 17 1m ,1 ,,00 """' 1,, "" owri '"' cu, o1 Sin•• A"' c.ii,..111, L• ,....... ca1ow-M1 ,..u 1t1N in nine degree weather. $4,731,400 contract tQ build 112 ,_ of 1 ~mtti1 He.. ,'oi ...id oufl: o.t..iw~L~ ... s.,nn,' ,· ........ ' ~ °'~ co." o.ltof 11i!r~ $Ip!~::" ,pr-:-,.c-~ 0:7.:''°!: --•·-· target crones 11 109 Cl'lte C ..... r Drlw W .. I. l'I #19 ,...... ' ,....,..,,., Seel.,.,.,. n 2't OC1ober ' ltn ' ' . ' ts!ilt-12 •11t: uvcwr, who was 84 at A · k Cltv of ""'' .,.., c111torn11. oiasON~~tz,rf~.urcM•• 1':"''.'...--==·=~· _•cM=,--~1;,,~·~~1---Piiiiii:icN<miCi<--the time, saJd he was im-company spo esman said Dtttdw~IE27s,'~N 1y1 w11t11"" .. ~ 1-PUBLIC NOTICE pressed by the way the vehicle the contract was for a type ol c-"' c1ertl ' JM N......-t '"''"' Dtf.,.. PUBLIC NOTICE ' ""-----..1-UD• • 'rOUllO 11""'9 .. Id!. CIOI. n..t took maXJmum advantage of \.LIV.a.J n-by Teledy~ cu. • T•h 111•1 ...._1t11 1110T1c11 of' ,.u•L1c H11a.•111a h thj ft f.he BQ JIS W .. TWnll ....... A,.._,,. ,...l hf"'-r llOTl(I TO CRllOITO•S NOTtCI! IS ME•li.llY OIVll.N a.t t e 'gh muscles. --yan, , f.f·34A, that ~AU.~·=.:.~ Publlw..d Ot•nga Coast D•llJ Pltot, tUP••IOlt COU•T Oii' TM• P<ml•c "'''lnQ will Oo1 held b¥ ftw City travels nine-tenths lhe speed li'ut1H.n.d Or...-Coalt Oally Piiot. Ocflfltltr I, .. It, 1t7:1 JAtt.1t STAT9 °" C.U.lllO•NIA f'O• Courocll ol ,,.. c11, tlf C.l• MIN - THE PEDICAR'S three-way of sound. The drones are .. ~,.., s.ci...,,.. 2', • .,.. Odober ~. TMS COUllfTY °" OllANO• oc1_, 1'. ••n. •• 111o1 "°"" • ••» p.rn .. ~ 1t12 w•n PUBLIC NOTICE Ma. •·nm or •• -. ,.,.,.,,,..... " 1t11 -"'"' _., pedal system allows the driver /for target practice. ,, .... at IETUEL M. LUNDE, •t• a. 1oe hHrd, '" ..,.. c00Md1 c'*'*" e1 ,.,. lo "th onJ B "'" M. LUNDE. OM:MM<I. Clly H•ll. n Fal~ Drtw, C.fl ,IMw, pump wt y one foot if • ~•....i-f S Id PVBUC NOTICE sUf'll•toR cou•r 011 TM• NOTICI! 1s HE•Eev G1vE N 1a ,.... C•U•OI'"'•· on n.. fotlolo1n1 '""': THE COMP ANY has driven the car up a 21 percent or 12 degree:. snow-covered slope at a walking speed without using snowtread tires. FINANCE be 50 chooses, use both feet USV.. Oft 0 STAT• Of' CALIJ&OltNIA f'O-. C>"tdltot't el 1111 1DOW "•me<! llt<taent A:ElONE PETITIC>fr4 11:·'2-21, Mlllll thl I TM• COUNTY 011 out1•• """' ............ lllYlno d•ltnt •O.OI"'' -•Pllllc•llOft ol ,.... COtl• MIN ,...,,,,..,,. a ternately1 or when an extra SAN r RA N C J Sc o suP•RIOR: cou11:T Of' TH• Na. 1..1m1 ..id deceMflr •r• """"1,.., 10 m, ,,,....,, cor11rn1u1on, ,..o. ao. 1200. ce1111 Mftl. I . eed F M K STATI! OP CALlf'OltMIA f'O. llOTICI! 01' M•A•ING o•. ,..TrTlott wlltl ... _,,, ~. !n , .... otlk• for PltfYlolliotl lo •• ,_ pr-Ty loc.lftd surge 0 power IS n ed, orernos(.., c esson Inc. an-TH• COUNT'r 01" CMtANOll. l'Oll ,..OBI.Tl! 011 PORllOJI WILL of tM (itflt of tM '°""' ""''""' toU<! (II' ••d of BH• Ml-5""""-" ·-depress OOth pedab at the nounced it bas sold its Curtin JI .. A-7m1 AMO l'Olt LITTl!ltl TlllTAM•NTA•Y to .,_, ""'"· wllll '"' ~..;e•••rv """ ,.,. Son '01~ F,_,,, '"°"' Cl<P same time Sc' ntifi Di . . to Sci MOTIC• °' tllfAAI• o• f'ffrTIOH ~ ol CALVIN L. OICKINSOH. Y0\1C11411'1. lo !!It'~-•• I,.,.. ctll(t to Cl s Tb dr. . I cha I :~__.~A-AIVISIOI Nn y -~ed r~::f""111, °" .:!h~1::'lAT':X: fl'':'ITICf IS HEREIY GIVEN ""' :A:t!"~"e:-;:.''No~,·s~'toN~z~~0 ... ~· ~~~Et.:.:"c,,"t::.NNEY. e iver can a so nge nLQuaUlAWI o f!NI ork in a wlTH·nt•·WILL MMax•o Doro111v o. 010i1.._ Mi 111ec1 ...,...,, • ~ 11 II•. IGOO J•r;in1 ,,.,,, ''" o1 ,00,. M .... The key to the hum.an. Cardiologist Dr. P a u I gears on the five speed $14 million transaction E•I••• of JOSliPHUIE E. WATSOt\I r;tt''°" tor l"rllball of FOf•l\Jft Wiii "" 111111111,.,., ,,. e"t ClcMn 91wO. L<>nQ By: OoM. M. ""'•II<•• hro ··• ' CUrtin . . . ~ IH111no::• OI L•tfffl T"'''"'"'•"' lo "Kii. Clllforrlll '*2, wtllch '' '"' l'l•<t °"""''' c11v ci.r,. PoWered vehicle Is the fmn's "linear torque" drive system. Dudley White, a life-long bicy· cle advocate, and the late sync mean transmission IS an international NOTICE 15 HEA:'EIY GIVEN ""' r" =io.-~enc• '!t-:;.,,1c11,11 "ttldlt of~-of""' llftditnlOnecl In •II .... t (l!y of COlll M- system at 8ny time whether distributor o{ scientific an.. MARY L. M11e1t "-• lllld Mrtln • pa11 .• ~ ~ .:':0!~1~'·1~ 11mit' 11: to!: ,..., flt"l•Wi to..,.. .. ,,,, of ••Ill d.c•· Pllbl11,..., °''""' eo.11 o.u.., Piiot, . . ,., tkM> lot Probete of wrn ll'ld for lt1111tftC1 dent, wllllln -monrh• 1tttr ,,,. •!rot °"'-H7:1 111)3.n the vehicle IS moving or not . paratus and laboratory sun. ot Lllt.n of 1.c1m1111f,1r111or1 wi111-1fll.w111 wt '°' 0ci-.. u. un. '1 •:oo '·"'" '"pUC11lcet1on of thl• llO!lct. --'-'· _ , , I"' -.I, rltfll"encit to Whlcll I• mad• tor llllt caurlroorn of Df1Horlm1tnl No. l of O.led Sitptem_. JO, ltn Robert L. Bundschuh, the plies with annual sales volume lvrltltr parflctM.,.., ,11111 ""' 1111 """ 1nc1 Mid cOUl"t. '' 100 c1.1c: '""'" or1.,. °'*'t Luroclt · PUBLIC NOTICE 38-Id · rail . ol aboot ~ nu"llion lllact o1 11aarino 1111 """ ,,., bftll 111 wnt, In"" City of s ..... A111, c111torn11. Mlllm ~ Y':Clr-o 41.t'C engineer ~ · 1w Octobltr 11, 1m 11 t :OO •. ,.. .. In "" D1•1<1 Oci-1• 19n. C.O.l!xtcVlorl of 111t w 1u •-lf11. 111• and inventor who designed the cowtroorn ot o.Partmtnt Ho. l of Mid t"~~~.~k sr JO+!N, of IN ~ lllmltd dl<:eoen• HOTtc• TO c•1101to•1 Pedicar says bis dr1"ve syste • .Joint Firna court, ti 7IXI Clvfc Clftlll" Drlv1 WHI. In e11SOM. DUHN & C•IJTCHI• G•ISHAM. WtllSTOfil, VAHOl!M•lf•G. Ofl II.ILK T•AHSll•• Mo1aey's Wortli What Social Security Promises Young People • m !ht City or S•t'lil Af\ol, Oilllornl•. .,. WHll•"' A • .........,, NOTT & CGMW"'Y l~KI. •Hl-4iltl u.c.c.1 ca ri convert 96 percent of the WASHINGTON -1be Com-011..i Slt9flmblr v . 1m •• IMwfwt c~"'"' 0rt... 1• ,....... """' ......... NV1k• 1. ,,.,,t>Y ,,....., io cr1<11~ et f led th ped ls . · t" Sa•-lJj ,.,.._ WILLIAM E. $1 JOHN, H_,.,, -..Cll. Calll nMI Ill 11111 0C... •1.... Ike wl1111" n•tne6 "'°'1111 !Mt • llulll; orce exer on e a ur mwµca lODS "" te .......... .,.. c-IY Cl«ll Tml i 11141 .....,..11 · u.e -..ct1. ClllteinlU..., 1••n•'•' 11 1ntendad to n.. ....,. °" to driving power Lockheed Aircraft ,.,,_,_ and WALTla a. 11.1tAJ11011t An-11 ..,, ,.,1111_ T .. , 11111 u,.1•n P1t••un•1 Dr<ll>'l'<tw • .,..,1 ..... n ... ~·1-..i. " . ......,. Y · Alt&nMY II Llw ,.!,lblllMd Orange CM1t DtltJ Piiot Allwwyt IW C•._..,. Tiie Mme •nd 11<;1'-u _,,,. of 1111 MCI Convnurucations C.Orp 1•1 Wllfdtt Drl .... Sltlt• m OCtobef s , 12 i•n 2611.,; Pu1>11W>ec1 °"'"'' coa1• O•llY ~Ila•. 1 .. 1_.a t••n•""'°' ,, •. TBE PEDICAR we i" g h s •·ve signed·-~ I . "'"'""' .. ac11 c111...,...""' .• , Seil,...._. :n. ,., Ind ec1oblt• '· ll. c ~A1sr" MAZ1EA, mlJ A1ior1 •• o1n1 'lid ..,, '"""'" .............. ,. or Ttti tntl MMlM PUBLIC NOTICE 1tn 21n 11 Po1M, C•ll tornl•. ~lightly more than 100 pounds, a j~ly ow_ned .company .to ·~·0i;:,:_~11 oauv ,.11o1. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 .. ~i;;:..1~,:~~· 1Ck1••11 ., "'' IS about four feet hijll arid provtde -nat10nw1de satellite Stfllember 2', » and Octobtr •• Ll!OAL •OTICll JOHN N.\POLI ..... JO ANN HA"°'-'· about three feet wide, and has communications 1t12 2''l1·n MIWPOaT-M•SA uN11'1u •·"'" 1ll71 C•ttt• w.,. w1111111tf", C...llllnl'I. By SYLVIA PORTER A cool $660 million in extra Social Security benefits has poured into the pockets of 28,100,000 ·Americans this first week of October -represerr ting the 20 pen:ent across-the- board hike in Social Security benefits, the biggest dollar beriefit boost in the history of. our public pension system. This DlO!!ey is being spent as re- ceived -for most retired I n d ividuals and couples recei'{ing So. cial Security checks typiC· ll'Oll:TfR ally doo 't ha ally don't have a penny in extra cash to save, nor do they see any reason to save:. It will r 1 ow immediat· ely through the economic stream, "multiplying" In ef- rect as it goes. For instance, the owner of the food store who receives a<ldittonal dollars from Social S e c u r 11 y beneflclarles buyq mOre food will in tum spend the ad- ditional dollars at the ck>lhlng store; the owner of the clothing store will in turn spend the additiooal dollars -at the home furnishings shop; the owner of this. shop will, etc., etc. This so-called multiplier ef· feet will stimulate the eriire ecooomy, and to the degree that it creates more jobs and paychecks, it will benefit all of us. Actually, years ago Social 'became Security a major Finance Briefs e Acqulsltlon HAWTHORNE -A firm specializing in commercial shopping centers, E r n e s t Hahn, Inc .. said it has agreed in principle to acquire tbe Dale J. Bellamah Corp. of Albuquerque. A spokesman for Bellamah said the sale would involve $15 million in common stock. The sale is subject to completion or a defmltlve agreement and approval by the D a I e Bellamah Foundation. e Micr0t0a.,es SAN FRANCISCO -The F e d e r a I Communicatlom Commisslon has g r a n t e d Southern P a c i f I c Com- mtmlcaUons Co. pttmltJ to build the lint llnlc ol a pro- posed J 14tate common earner mltt0wsve ~twork. The permit& will allow lhe comp.any, a wholly nwned 1ubskfiary or Soutbcm Padfic Co .• to build 19 microwave sta. llonJ between San Francisco and Lot Angeles 11 a cort or $3.4 mllllon. eAeri•l Su..-..e" BEYERL Y HILLS -IJUon Jndulhic:1 toe. uya k has compltted an eden11lve atrial survry oncompuslna L 7 m illkln aquan mUet o f llrnll's largoly- Anw.oo junaJe. The i!ev«i1 Rill• corpon- tktn ""'""""" the ccmplolktn nl 'ihe projfd llYlnt the Brarilian ~e111nmt ('OID- mis.rloner oontnct was "the J.nrgllt and most compler mapplnc P"'l«l -un-dfrt.U. 1nywllero In lhe workt_" economic stimulant all on its own. It can be and it is being Wied as an fillti-recession or pro-expansion weapon in ad- dition to the other social- welfare purposes for which it was originally designed. THE HIKE of 20 percerit is spectacular only ·because or its acroos-the-boafd size. For it comes on lop of a 10 percent boost in 1971, 1'ilich came on top of a 15 percent boost in 1970. And from oow on, boosts in Social Security benefits will be automatic as our cost of living continues rising yeac after year -even if the pace of rise is only moderate. What, then ts the meaning to you, an individual planrllng for future retirement, or this October hike and Of the automatic increases from now on? The meaning is that Sooial Security is truly becoming a national pens.ion system on which you can build your own retirement system. It i s becoming ~n ever-stronger base to wltloh -yoo can add retirement iftoome yotJ. create for yourselr from your own a~ tivitieS and Investment. Just consider some of these totals: 58 . h h . SCHOOL OltT••CT Tl\al '"' P•-nv Pl•ll,...., '*'"°' I• a me w eelbase. It has a Each of three OOflXK"ations PUBUC NOTICE NOT1c• 1Nv1T1Na 11os J10T1c1 To c••o1TCM1 11eoc:•1111e1 1n 11....,..1 ." ,,,,.,...1.1 .. ..,. welded aluminum a 11 o y will have one-third ownership _ .:!J1~e E~~~~E!Y i:1~'!:~lw~ s~~;~·~~· ~~:JR:~. 1 ;:. ~':.;iiur•~~:i;:;:~~tocrii:~. ~~. chassis and a body made of in the company under the NOTlc• Of' IMTllllTIC* TO SllU Unlllltd 5cr.ool Ol•lrld af OrtftQI County, TH• CCXlllfTY ~ ottANO• ... ..,,.,.0 ,,,_a ......... !\. bu~-Incl Cyco!Bc the I . I . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pl.I,....,,, c.llfoml•. will rteitlVt Malllll bid• ltP IC ....... ,....,. oooawm of 111•1 c ... 1.1n llHuty llUM-• same ma er1a agreement filed With the lo"" PfiM•I-of Skllofl ).WO.I of"" 11 :00 A.M. on lht 15111 "'~ of OC!cblt. E1ttt. 11/f Ml.AV F. AOOY. 1114 ~now"~-... , LA MARIPOSA IEAUTY used in proressional football Federal Communications ClwH COdl OI ""St•'-of C1lltorfll1, ""' Im ., '"" otllce of .. Id ScMol Dlllrkl, II MAAY FISH ADDY, Decff-. ~ALOH '"° ll kK•ltd •I: )Itel ~ helmets Com . . MlldrM w1iw. 111111 Aud""f 9Mrcl, v-loclled It llD' Pll("'tl• ·-Colli• NOTICI! II HIRl!•Y OIVl!M to 1111 crwdl· (•plll••no. s.,, J"'" c • p 11 I •• II e. ' lJWISlOll. dorl. ol ll'l12 VKl>I Dnw, City of 0.111 Mffa, Calltornlt. •t ""'ltll 1111'11 Mid bldl tort of !hi &DOW named dleedltnl trut Ctlllornlt. It rides on (our bicycle-type Point, c-tv of °''""'' s11i. of w111.,. pu111rc1y-""' 111111 rHd tor: 111 perM1111 111v1no ci.lmt '9flln11 ,.,. u1c1 tl\at .. 1c1 1>u1• ,,.,.,,., 1, '""""""to 11e • MGM St k C•Ufomll. lnllnd lo wU la Jitrakl C~ TRUCKS AND V"'NS dec_,,I 1r• floQU!rtd lo 1111 "*"• wl"' co..1.,....ltd •' 11M ttllcit 11/f Met! ...... SPoke wheels, two of which Of! ,. l'lll'IDl>flm Ind Judi"' C111111lnol'Mm, 11/f :m111 All bktl ,,. io be In aa:ordltlCI with tr. r.tt"••rv _...,.,, In tl'll ollk• °' ll:w1ty •tc.-.w DIYl...... .s.s .,_.. · are equipped with disc brakes BEVERLY HILLS _ Finan-S.•t>rt""' SffHt, City o1 D•111 _ Paint. canc1111-. 1 n 1t,11 c11 0", , •nc1 "" dll"tl 11 "" '"°""" tn1111..i c-i, .. 1o ~•rd, ttoi•YWOOd, c..111wrt11. °" .,. · Covnty "' Or•llOlt• S1111 o1 C•llfoflil1, Ill ~lkl!ION. wNcl'> .,. -"' 1111 In pr•Mnl ,,....,,, "'11111 n,. l'llt(tn•rv '"" Dclober 1•, 1tn The cockpit, with an ad· cter Kirk Kerll:orian, who tt1a1 C1trt1!n ,__.1 prol)lff'f CGM1111"' ""'offlc• o1 1111 Pu•c111&1n1 .t.otnt o1 wlcl "°"'"""'' 1o tM -""*' 11 1111 ottk • So ••r •• 11 ~-to wld ,,......,.. J'ustable antiwbipl h buck I already ~-41 9 ~ ol ..,....,11y of Ml •lock In tr-.. ll•ll.lr". 5(tlclal Dhlrkl. lt!1 Pll(lftll• AYtf'IUI, °' I'll!' •'"'"""· LATHAM .. WATKINS. Tr-i.r.n Mid Mf9nclilod Tr---..... as e ""'"" . ~""'"~ equlpmitnl •nd OOod will ol. el'f'lllft Afl CUI• ,..,... C1Uloml1. Sil Soulll Flowtt StrNI. LC>!t A.llOltlH.. ,,.. lcll(:lwl1>9 l(l(ll!lorlll M l-- seat and coJlanc:ible aircrart· the outstanding stock in GIJllly Ml-""°""'" 11 w11en Art EK!! bktd... rnu11 1ullfflfl • 11111 111P011t c111101n!• tc1011 wNc11 11 '"" pltc• °' •"" -....... w11111n "" """ 1'11., IAat • I"'~ • GlllltfY, laellflod II :M71U V.rc!llOO StrNI, In "" '°'"' of • c"1Ulitd or C1'1>1tr• butlntu cl ""' unclltl"1lonld ... •II ""'""' 111•1: ,._, type Steenng yoke, wJll ac-Metro-Goldwyn.Mayer I n C .• City of s.,. J111n C#l•traoo, Count' o1 dllcll Of' 1 ti111 bond '°"''1 1o flwt ~·c..,1 Plffalnln1 to '"" n1t11t o1 wlcl ~n•. 0.1111 0c1ao.r ~. 1tn commodate an adult up to six. said he has an option to Orange. s1.11 of c111100'11la, •NI '"'' "" tS1'.! °' "" ,_, °' '"" bid, ~ wr111111 tour ""'"'"' •tt•r .,,. ll•1t .,...1111<•· o.ry1 s1 .. 1>111 f f , PUt'CllfM prk1 ll!l<'IOI Wiii be paid orl l!'ilt paltbll lo !hi ordll" f14 tlll N--l·M ... lloro ol lllb l'OllCt. itctl"' •1 19""1 fOf' oot· our, with space lert over purchase up to 365,000 ad-1'"' "'" °' Odober. 1t1:1 1t MJ1t1on ••nil. un n..t Sc1lool Dhtrlc•. A ,.,,1ar"'•r-c:• Dlftll Oc9-1. 1m JOM a J1 ... N•POlt for a preschooler a couple of ditiooal shares 800 Gt'""'°'", City of Lao11n1 Saac:h, Bond m1r be reQll!red 11"" lllK•itnon 11/f N.no-.t.. GI'"'°''• 1.c1m111111•11•I• tn1enc11te1 Tr•m•-•· , • , , , • , Ccunty of .orlftOI, Slit. of C•lllornlt,. llM C'llttrlcl. In thol ..,...., ol l•llur• le w11'h-IM·.-ltl ·-~..S l'litllll""' 0.""ff COii! D•llJ "llet. bags or groceries or a p1cruc Kerkorian recently invited DATED. Soltf. 20, 1m. '""" 1,,ie wet> conh"1C1, ..,.. prO(lo9d• lllf o1 "" '""'' o1 oc•-r 1, 1tn 1*12 lunch. the tender of 170 000 shares ol. e= Burd !hi cl!Kll Wiii be lorlitltad, er In UM of• Wld __,..,, ' bond, 1'lla 11111 wm lhll"tol will ... LATHAM & WATKl•S PUBIJC NOTICE Standard equipment will in- c I u d e a battery-powered headlight, manually-0perated windshield wiper, seat belts, safety reflectON and a rear view mirror. common stock which expired ~,.::;;' Watlrl lort.lltd IO Wiii School Dlll•lcl of °''""' B~· • ...., •. 8-f'I Sept 29 Of the ,,, 000 --~ C:iuroty. Ill ""'"' ,.~ ,,..... OllOIHANCI! 110 n-as · · ,,,_, ~""'"'" JUOll!> A, Cwmlng~am No bkl!Nr l'l'llV ... 1thclr1w hh bid tar• Litt ......... C.it ....... MU AJI OllDllllAllCI Of' TM• CITY oP which •were offered, he ~ ~= ClllWl!ngNrn Pl"kld ol lorty·llW (CS) dlY1I •1111" , ... ""-Y'I .... MmWlilr•tr1• CTA COST• M•IA O•LIO.-,TINO TO Tllll• obi. led ID ~--t 1--V9"dltlt "' ... Ml "°" tM -11'11 ""'"°'· f'uell-0.tnM CM•I D1Uv "llot, ll'V•LK CAal..• TI LI v I' I 0 JI 1ga puri.;ild:IC a ~ Pvtllllhld or._ COi l 0 H "'lol Tiii BQ.ll'd of Eduul!on ol"" NIW'Jl(Wf· Del_, •• u. 20. 21, Hn l1'f·7:1 Al.ITHO.ITY THI lllONT TO MOLD 170 ()QI) on a n~IAll basis Oc!Otlltr .. ltn 1 1 'f' 2101 ' MitNi Unlll.O School D11trlcl rttitN1t1 IM f'UaLIC H•ARIHOI 011 TH• ' ... ~........,.. 1' ·7:1 tloM le t•liKI lft't' Of •II bldl. Incl no! ••AMTl•O 01' 11111.MCHISh POR and can buy eny or all of Uxiee 1 .. c .. Mfll't' tcn1>1 "" 1own1 bid. arc1 to PUBLIC NOTICE PUaLIC CAIL• T•L11v111ott w1TM11t rema1nina PUBLIC NOTICE w•I~• •nv Informality or ltrltf\lllrlty '" IAIO CITY. an .1n .. -~· •nJ bid rtee!Vltd. •OTH•I TO c•IOITOllS WHEllEAS, -Cltltt ol COii• -· AV.tUl.JlOl.E AS options will o.1ao;1 Oclct>I<' s. ltn. sUPt•tOt. c.ou•T OI' TH• "-"t" v.u..,, H....i1"'1oe a.ac11. be a speedometer, sunroof, PUBLIC NO'nCE NOT1c1 OP T•usT•e·s SALi NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED ST•T• 0., <"ALlfl'ot:NIA FCM .. __,. ••ac" ~ w .. 11911,.,.,.. ,...,. On Ha. INY SCHOOL Dl1Tlt1CT TM• COUNTY 01' Of:AJIOll lll't W'°"1l¥ ••.C..,1111 1 ~"' _, ..... . radio and tum-signals, l'ICTtflOUI BUllH•IS CktoDltr is. im, II ll :OO A.M.. ol 0f•!'IO" CouMV. C.ilUor"I• NI. A·72tf• """' P<ovlcllr>a tor. CNl\CW'......., .... <•069 Ir all NAM• STAT•M•MT Oil.I.NOE COAST FINANCIAL CCWl:P., 11 Sy Oorotll't' H•""" Fii"" Elttle ot J()tolN S. Mll>Kllt DKHMll 1.t1twl1lcn 1vi1enO; •nll goes as planned, the TM lolloWlftQ Pl"...... .... dalno dlllV •PPOlnlecl Tr'Ull" 111\Mr 11111 Pu•Clll1lno A""I NOTICE IS HE•E•Y GIVEN to ""' WHE•E.\S. ...... "" , .... Jtl"• stubby iiUle vehici .. will be buslnei1 '" '"'9111"1 to DMd °' 1'""1 recor~ M•Y ~1100 crtdlt°" o1 1111 •-,........, dt<..,..,,l ,_,, ,\(t, (II~• ''' ....-11..i to TOBI l$HI, LTD .. 7 IMICM B•v ... im. Ill book 10112, P1111t no. al Offlcl1I Puell1hld Otanot COlll 0111, Pllol, ""'•ti --... ,,.,,. Ci•lll'll ........ 11" Wtnll lain! _ .. ,iqitn(: ... 10 ...... ,.. rolling off tile company's N~' aeac:11. 91662. ' A«orll• 1" tM offlcl °' "" County 0c-r .. '"" Oc•ot>e• ll. 1tn 211s.1:1 Mid d.c:1111tn1 ,,, '"""1rt111 to n1 • .,....., e""" •"'-""" to ....-•• bl line short! aft he 8'rclay W. Ardell, 1 ll•IUlll 91't'• Atelll'dlf' of Ora"°" COUl'lty, Stall of wit!\ 11>1 ...c..turv ..eucNr1. lft '"' clflce NOW, TH~A&FOAll!, THE CIT'Y assem y y er t N8WllOf'f BMcll, '2!662. Otftomla, WILL SELL AT ,.UBLIC AUC· PUBLIC NOTICE 11/f ""(\en"'"" lbow 9"1111ed ~'·Ill' COUNCIL OP TOIE CITY °" COSTA first of the year. O•-:ld •• At~ll. 105'16 L• Mfldo, ""· l.:.';'!...-r.0.~~g::.e::r .!~!:.= ~ ~-' , ....... _. -'"' "-' Mt .... ,.., MIEIA 00&.S Hl•EIY Ol'DAIN AS Present I II I ttollVWOGd, '1.01. ., ... ualf«I llef9lf ...... ,.._, IT" tU,.••lOlt COWT 0,. TM• . "'N ~..., ....... , (/& lltoNrt FOi.LOWS: p BnS Ca 0 r O.nl-4 M. Al'Otll, t2 ChlbYltw Lant, to !I'll Wntmlns"" City H r = STAT• Of' C.U.lf'CHtltlA llOll "· I••'"""' A"-Y •I L-. Vtl "'°"""llllllndlllll '"' ,,,_,.._ fll "-marketing the p e d i c a r s ltalll"' Hiib Eltlllts, fOU&, WfflJnlnlllf' BIYd,, w ••I m 11n ~ t.' . TH• COUNTY °" LOS .... Liii Nlrt>lr llYd.. Wft *· CMt• Mlw, C/l'f «* .. "" (Oftl•MI" !hf ~...,le through . . This bu&lrttM 11 1>91"11 eondudld tlY • Clllfomla all rlOfll, trite Ind lnl11ttal con-MO. Sii p WU I C1lllornl1 '2ill. wlllCl'I 11 1111 plf<!I el c.t>M TMY11Jcn Aulhorl", • Ill"' ~ the existing network Llmlltd f'ltrtllltal>lp. wyed to Ind -held bJ It Ulldtr 11111 llOTtC• Of' SAL• Of' 11111.L PRW•llTY llullNU el fM ~Md In •II rNH.,., ~y. la ..... Mtt' •111horil..S to c-...c:t of some 40 000 b I I 8•rd•Y w. Ardtll D'9d of Tt\111 In lht prOptrly llllualtd In AT ,..IVAT• u.&.• """""""' "' "" "' ... "' MW 4'ctdlont, ,.,.,le "'""• "" "" lftelttf ., ~ . . ' c y c e Thll lllll!Tlltfll Oltd wt."' "".,,C'f:,'l Mid County'"" Sltll dncrtl>ICI 11: Jn"" Mitli.r of thl Estm Md Gwnf. .ilhlfl .. _.. ...... thl ""''""'"ti· '*>Ilion ,, __ ,. .... wlflll" llW ''"'· ... retailers. ~~~~I~~ ~z rev~ cLERK l.of 15 of Tr.ct No. 117t. In 11>1 Cltv Of l1M#llp o1 JEFFREY MOWA•D sunoH '*'O.:.."r.t .... ~tm ~ fll thl 01'\1' c-.-.1. Helf>I"' -FOR nfE retired couple · co.11 MIM " Pll' """ rllCOf'ded 111 and w1LL1AM GREOOA:Y aun°" ...; O. w · .._ ••IMot l>lfitln tNu ...._. .. "" ..,,_tty ey !lfllrlJ J. Macldcol Olpuly. Sook SJ, Paott •7 lo ., lndullwe, Minor' ' ., ..,. ~ lefe ':''""" """'• 11/f 1t1h Of\' C-11 to.,.,......,. Ille•-•• receiving the average Social 11 ..a Mltctfl•-Maps in 1111 office ot "" Noflc• 11 M..Oy 111....., ""' tM ..,,,. • o1 • "~"· Security beriefit, the montbiy Constructi'on Publl!.llld Or•ng.e COl•I Delly "11,,01• C-ty AteOl'der cl°''""" Coornty. lllrllOntd wlll Mil,, ,.rlvllit S.11, .. "" 11:oe• .... ::".'!.:::.~ ~ 11'.Ul(O ANO AOOl"TEt> lhh Jrd"' SltJ!llltlbef' 2', trod Octobltr 6. ll. • Tlllt "'"' lddrn1 and other cOtflman hlghltlt •nd ""' bldclll' IW!kf lo «If". ....,,_ of on.c-. "" check is now $271; 1tn 1611-12 dlts!on•tlcn. II •nv, ot 11>1 •••I pr-•" 11 • ..,.11oro of wlcl ,_Jo, c-i,""., g:,:'=~-"""'"' J•CIC HAMMl!TI For the a·~ge retired i·~ PUBLIC NOTICE a.tcrrbed •bow• 11 Jl\Kpor11<1 lo be: "° ''"' '"" i1m ••v °' 0c1-. im. •I"" in•J ...._ M.t.,... II "" ww01 •• Vlctor11 St .. COiia MitSll, Calltornl1. Ol'llC• o1 tK>WAlllD MEMINWAV, At. Cl!y ef C•t11 "'- diVJdual widl flO dependents, p o u l-----~c-c::=------1 fl>I undll"&IOfttd Truolltt lllKlalrni •ny l"'lleV 11 L•w, !Ol.0 All•nlle BouW<ttrd, ~ ~ ATTl!.IT: enmts P B m19 MtblUty !or lftJ lrKorr..::IM11 of Ir. olf.,I Ly11woo<1. c_,1y o1 Loi ............ $11tll 11 .......... 3'': ~°:.Uy is.'"=: OOffJIA Mi. WILKll• the month!)' check is now SUPl!.IOR COUllT 01' THI: lddr111 •nd ollMr (Of'nmOn dltllONllon. II C.lllonll1, •ti ol "" rlthf, !Ille 111111 ~ 19'1 sim.n ~ Clty (kn ., ""' $156: STAT• Of' CM.ll'ORJllA l'OI: ....,, .,_,, l'll!'itlft. *"' of 1111 "Joi n>lllOtt ~ tll of tlM Ctty t# C..11"""' TMS: COl.llillfY OP OllAMO• S.ld Miii wll1 bl' midi, ~ without riot!!. !Ille llflll lllt.l'nl flwt 11>1 Mid Sf"'fl Oii CALll'QltHI"' 1 An individual retiring at 65 J La NO .ua. co...,.."' or W•rr•ntJ. •ill>l••s or lmpllfd, .. 1,1e llNI ~rdllMNp of"" Mtd ,.,,_., PUBLIC NOTICE COOffTY M OllANOI! 1 11 " J9'12 t n guna NOTICI Oll' MllA~INO PnlTION 110• "9'tVlftO !Illa, llO'NtllOt" or ..,. "'' ~rl<I b¥ ...,lftoll fll i.w w CITY ()fl COSTA Ml!IA I • In can ge a new max-,.ll:O•ATI OP WIU AND 11011: L•T· ~r.:.bt:::i•0tlon!"~ ••m~nl~ prlrd olhll"wlM In •.w:l lo all""' nrttln .,..1,.... I'"" ,, llLE•N "· PHIJINl!Y, City (.Mt:~ imum check of $259 40· TE•S TEtTAM•MT••Y DMd of' f • -:r ... ,...... ,... pr-ty 111111• "' ... c-"" Cl" of c .... ~ ..... ·~ . , £I t of EDWA•D l'lSICE O'HA.AA ,.,.,, ........ t.l.000.00. I'll 1"' IV of Ol'lflO', Slit. 11/f C.•llfwllll. leo•lly tUl"••IOll cou•T o• TN• Clerll II "" (llJ c-;u .. thl (llY ., A retired couple can get a Construction activity l n o.c' •.:.i · ..,..., "'--•• ~ 1,, Mid "°''• dtecrl!IM " 1o1io..: n•T• Oft c.U.1POt•1• '°" c111• Motw. _..,. , .. , • ..,.""" .,.. ....... . ol $389 10 •• . l<IYance., Jf 1"Y· """"' "" ........ of t.lkl Lot rl lfl llkK-' 11/f Tract "' '" ""' TM• C.OUllTY M oa1.1110• -......... ~ No. n·• -~ new maxnnum · ; Laguna Beach continued its LA~~: ~l~E~ ~7'fli!i''ti!-::~ o-1fllTrwt,..,..cl\lrvel1.w:i ••-1o11 ,.,,,ty o1 °''""' ll•fl o1 c.i1'-1!1•. -. a.?ct "__. _ ~ ...-..,. -· An elderly widow can get a upswing in Sept ber 'Ut " It of "" Ill ol of "" Tl'VllM llNI ol Illa trush crMltd 1$ Pl" -.-.COl'Md '" ..... ,. .... JIOTIC8 OP M•UINO Of' •tTITIOtll ""',, ....... '"-llftl of""' ..... City new maximum ol $238·, • ~m · ' W1 :~~Ao ~1s:E~w1.u. ct1tH.:C.. •nd ~=Id=~":;,. Mid °"" of ~:"~' ,~"';!.cen~ Meipt;...'" "I: ~r.*:117':.i:;~~.""'0 I'm c-11 -"' ,,.. '"" _., "' ..... valuation ol pernul.!J issued '°' ,....,'"'' of lefter• 111tam..,11ry TIVlt '*"'°'°"' -"*' llld oe11...,.a c .......,. ~ .. .., ir.n"' d EMMA aaLtc. ow--. ..,_, im, .,.. ,__. ...... .,.. A young widow with two date in ]972 ex~ by""''°" ta pallUonitr, r"9fe<1C1t lo whlcll lo t11t ~ 1 'M'lltltfl O.Cltrttlon T=·lllf NII<'"" tn 11wf111 ,,_.,fl NOTl(t' 11 HJ•l!IV' Orvt:M lfllf ~ ,,::..!.. "'::*' .... ~ ..... -~ children can get a new max 1-....... 12 .11. the 11 nwici. 1or 11ir1111r p1flk:vl1r1, 1111111 ""' of DlfWlf 111111 °""'*"' ..,... s.i.. •nd • "" u"ffld ''''""" (lllftl!,..,,..tten 11 .,11 HAltav JattOM9 01u.oN """ t11111 .__..... ....... .. . • 8u11UM m1 Jon 1971 "" """ end plec• of "-•rl"' 111 um1 wrlttMI "'°"°' o1 o.t1u1t and Eltetlon to ~ citr1t ot • .._. 1114 1e M -.in • ""!Mn w ..,....,. e1 W111 .,.,. '" ""' '"" ..,, " OctWw. im. " "'* lmum of $579.30. figureforthesameperiod. :;:."'"""~ ,~rM.~~:; :''DZ~~~~ :i"l :,Dl1: • .._ ~ ":::!'n "':;"' ,,, _lflftt...,. ... 1 ~ =.,~.!'!!::"'~-;:..:: ~1 ~~:;-~1 H'"""''''· During the month 5 8 , of Hid C<11,1r!, ,, 100 Cl'tlc: c.,, .... 0.-IYll.. ,._,,.. In "" _..,. *"--!hit ml -.......... •I .... 1IOf'9Mld tlflcl •• l"Y for """"' ~ 111111 ""' ,.. ,._ ,,.,_, ~. WU-. ._,., MEANWl:llLE, OUR entire -us for _,..._.__., __ '..-1. In 1111 Clf'r of s1nt• An•, c1111etn11. pr""'1"f hi loct!H. '""-'"",,,.""'Miki"'"-...""' ...,. ,... ",..,,,..."" --. 11otM1 ~.,•,•,.;~~-, ' --,.,..., .... , ....,...,uu1..w1 ,....,. •u D•IW: OC!cbll" 4. 1'72. Dehl: s.p~ U, ltn. ~ 4'1e 11/f NM. ..t ... ~ IT. tm. •'ti• •.1111... llo .. • ,._, -! private pension system is $715 039 were issued ............ WILLIAM E. Sf JOkN . Olt•HO• Cat.ST l'IHAHCl.tJ.. 0.fld 11111,,.. ur of~-"71. !lie ....... .,~ ...... ).,.... IN WITNIU WHIR•oP I ,.. .... headln f d ti h I ' • "v•u-Ccun" Clitr1< CORP, WILLIAM M. 11/lTO.-~ ... M CMc C...... 0'1w W..!. WI ,..._..Ml -t -..... .rft•"' ._ ..... g or 8 ras c over au pared with 47 penrtits and a ou.u• J. Ol"f'IDAML •• ...-T"'*""' Gllel'dlen lllf "" l!ti.•n., '"' cttv e1 a.II• ...... c"'"'""'· ., ""'(th'"' C..Jt -.. • .,.. ,... ,.., .. to make it much safer and val·-"·· of -••t · ~ 1MJ1 11. 1m,,.r1e1 Hlellw•v ly wr1111m •· OCludtMult, J..,...,. "--'' ""'°" ..,... o.tM tq:1s1• M. Mn. Oc...,, 1"'-more productive for you, the ..... LIVll ·~·" m ...... y ltrlfl 116"' • '""""'"'' ...,..,. ,.,IMOllfJI Wllll•m Of19orY INftcfl. MJ#llrl WILLIAM I . St . .IOHff l!•Llllll "· ..... IHNllY tember last year S•nl• ,. ,.,.,.. Cllltenil• ...,. """-1• .......,_,,... lfOWAaD MIM9!•AY C-.r'Y Owt: Ofy °"" .... flr1'Ml:S. worker covered by 8 private . UU) llM74S ITATl'WID• l"V•UCATtOlt ••11v1c11 AINr'lln' II ..... KMVIMCM•tt & Mlllf'f'AllD , ... , ., ""Caty C-11 .. Totals for the year sho\v 489 "'*""" ._. Petti'-u11J m-619 ,.. A*-k •-• T ... a ~ • ..,. -c.11y "' c-• ,,,_. corporation program. This is -:•-and al . 1 ,.11t1111Mct or•noit Cotti o.uy Piiot l".O .... ..,,. L.,........, c.....,... tdtJ on.a. c....... ... or DOfilKA ,..._ •M.At•• an obvious supplement to pe11u1"'3 a v uation o Octotitor., 1 n 1m 211,.12 u. ......... cai+t • ...., .. ....__ ,.,,111 t111•• .,.,.,. T•1 ,,.., .. ,.,, °""" Clf\' o.te" Social Secu ..... '5_,_33!,367 in -the first nine .. , • hblllf>ld °'!: '&:.1 O.llv ,.llot, """'-' IW ~ ·=::....-o..::-'c-ii O.ity l"I .... Ol'J ICt ... '::9 ~':L" C•at ..... rity. months of 1972,00mpared with PUBUC NO'llCE s1p1111-Jt '""' Otlotllr ._ 11. 1m "1lbll"*f 0r.,.. CMtl O.lty ~llef, luau,.., "· ,. llfltl ~ ., 1m 11'111>11-Or...., c.11 Delly "''°' Your own savi ng s ac-420 pennits for construction • ,,,.. ,.1"" oo.o. s. 4-IL 1t12 ,....n •11-n Ot-.. tm '"' n cumulated over your lifetime W<rih $3,467,546 in the same t10Tic• TO c•11oiTo•t PUBLIC NOTICE PUBlJC NO'l1CE Pt1BLJC N011CE PURUC NOTtCt! mu.St be added. 1bese would S1.tP••1oa ~·T 011' TH• include stocks, U.S. govern-period last year. •TAT• Oii' CA1.t•o•M1A 11011 Pennits for 24 new dwellirw TM• cou•"•"·.~~OIWI011 ment and corporation bonds, N•e .. ,_ mortgages' any othe a ... •n units accounted for $682,983 11111• of ll'lORl!HCE E. O'"'NCHISI. ._, , 11l1 FL.O•l!NCI: I!. MIRIHO, Dt( ....... which oan t.-irig you en in· for the Septer'llW valuation. NOTICE IS HllRliSY OIVl!N to ... come. These1 d el~uded 11 single-fami1 1• =1:·~..,:-,,.-:; di~ ... O:::: By itself. Soclal Sec:urity is Y w .. LO& .. and three mu t -""' '*"'*' .,... '"",.. to t111 """"· not sufficient to support any fam1Jy dwell.. ;:i:,. ~-T::w~' ;:::,~:,. ~~ retired Amertc.an in dignity Other permlt.1 c o v e r e d ~1,.. ::::"'.:.~~ "-itt ~ and comfort. residential and commercial lllf ,,... '"°"""'' w.1.... •· .... Evon with this week's bonu•. altemtlons, wall.I. fence 1, .,..., 1•1 'lfflrrcttH art... w .. , , !Jll, MIW!lett IMCll. Cll""llla nMt, 3,000,000 to 4.000.000 of tbe swim m 1 n g pools end wNc11 11 "" p1-°' 11u11,.. "' ""' elderly will remain below the ntlscell.a.neous construction. :.·~ oi1",.'I: ::!t.":~~'t: j>ovarty line and mJUi0111 more ------------"'°"""-•""' 1t11 ""' ~ "' !Ml "near poor" will hovor Just "°'~ Ocl'llltr J. ""· above this line. flLllT'lrlH MALL. ••19(¥1'1• AND TBE GREAT majority of thole retired who depend solely on Social Security benefits for thei.T rttittment h-.:ome stilt will be II~ well below the levela Ute' Bureau of Labor Stal~ics com:iders necessary for an ·•in. lermedlate" atandard ol Uv-lni: $4, 77! f<>< • retired c:oople and $2.627 far 811 lndividool (try li\ing on 11 budgco_t at that level ). But yoo can build an ad~ quatc retJmnenl Income on 1,.,_, the t:.tt °' such total.I •• Soolal Securlly now provides. '11111 " • • .. 1-oo)«llvt. Mlllklnl al )'OU can rudl It - II )'OU llart plannl..i .. rty •l!Olllh llld ""' no more than \:am.non __ ctly Our Legs> 1bat'i the mllftUk:ent mt•D- in1 to 10ll -who are still payq the mounllnl ...... aod a.rt Ye.rt from rettre11ttnt -or all 11ta1 '1 ho_1,. Sooial S«wily .... I ., "" .. " .. tM lllolll MMMI ...... , WALTll• II, IAIA.Ne•l ,,., -....Cllft om.. """ :m ....,.,. a.llC:ll. (. .. ..,.. """ 'Tll1 ltMI,,....... "'*-IW 11-.M• l'vlliN"'" Or.,... C...i Ollty .....,, Oc""""' .. IJ. •• "11. "'1 ~II PUBLIC NO'l1CE ,, DAil Y PILOT SC Fridof, -6, 1972 Prime Rate Hikes Worry Investors NEW YORK IAP \ lntertst rates are on the rlst, but roost eronomlsts remaln confident there v.·111 be no repetition of the credit crwlCh which pinched the economy in 1969 and 1970. Investors, apparently les.s <-'Onf1dent, have sent the stock market reeling at every an- nounced hike. News or pr une rate hikes by m3jor bflnks sent the Dow-Jone.<: lndustruil average into a 12-point tallsp1n Aug 24, and snapped ll bud· ding rally on Sept 29. With the adoption Tue..,.dny or a s~ percent prime rate by the San Francisco's Bank or America. 1he nation's largest commercial bank . the 531 per- cent prime becan1<' virtuntlv universal for the t1n1e being Why are mvestors so con- cerned about 1nteresL rates? For an answer. one need only go back to 1969. Prime rates -the interest charged by banks on loans to their m os t creditworthy customers -were then at 8\2 percent. the h1ghe!!t 1n the na- tion's history. "Companies like the Bell Telephone system had to pay 9% percent," recalled Tilford Gaines, an economist with ~1anufacturers Hanover Trust Co "Other companies with less credit had lo pay 12 to 13 percent -1r they v.•ere lu<'ky enough to be able to get money at all ' \Vith no money available for expansion, many companies hnd to stagnate or cut back their operations This In turn affec ted employment Housing slarts were at a low ebb a~ mor1 gagc money cost around flf'll lTED STATES I'll A T I 0 I'll A I. B A I'll Ii SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRANCH NOW OPIN SATURDAYS 9 to 1 P.M. MON.·THUll:S. 10-1 P.M. fl.fDAYS 10-6 P.M. 1714> 540.1111. LocotM "'' So. Coat PS.u, Cost• M ... 0. DEAN HEISER CFly Our Legs) AIA-CAUFORNIA hm o...., Co""1y rUtrnlions (714) 5411-4550 ORDER :~t YOURS \ TODAY! FINANCE State Farm Incomes To Increase Beautiful Stick-on LABELS l'ersonali1ed • Stylish • Efficient r I I I I I I Order For Youn.elf or • Frl•nd M•y b• u1ed on •nv•lop•• •• r•turn •ddre'' l•b•l1. Al10 very h•ndy •• id•ntific •tion l•b•I• for mar~inq personal item• •uch •~ boo~•. r•cord1, photo•. etc. Label• stic~ on gl••• •nd m•y be u••d for mer~inq home canned fotid lt•mt. All l•b•I• •t• prlnt •d with 1tyli1h V09u• typ• en fin • qu•lity whit• 9wmm•d p•p•r. I I L----~~L~!-~~J!~~~--J OVER THE COUNTER COMPLETE NEW YORK STOCK LIST NASO L!!tin;s for Thur&day, Otcober ~972 .... MUTUAL FUNDS • I • Friday, OctoNr &, 1972 SC Friday's Closing Prices-Comp1ete New Yorlc Stock Exchange List • New Peace Off er Peps Up Market NEW YORK (AP) - A fast but brief spurt In today's stock market, based on a report a new Al· Jied peace plan for Vietnam was being prepared, snapped prices out of their downward path. Trad· ing quickened, but the flurry soon ran out. Earlier in the session, the Dow Jones average of SO Industrials had been off more than 6 points, :ind declining issues on the New York Stock Ex· cbange held a wide lead over gainers. The Dow was around 3 points on the minus side when the rally began. Nl>f't!l'\C .'5d Norrl1I 1.b-1 NA Co.I .f(I NAM!\., .. N AmP'I\! 1 NOA ll:k I.'° NoAR llf '"' NARkGt 1.31 Noes! Ut .91 NOClllGI .60 No Ctn !\•II NoUIG1 1.12 NlnPS lf, NoNIGs 2. NaN pl 5. "'!/iw 1. 7 Np POI 3.60 Ne>SPOI •.Ill Nl>SPPt l.11 No~tt e Nortt\rooe r Nws/Alrl A NwBapc IVt HWlll Ind .U Nwsl lnd ~ NW5t In Of S Nws!IPI (.10 aWllll>OfC 5 wM 1.61d owsrs11 .76 ar'lnCo I ll) Nort 51m .1S NrtSlpt 1.AO Nucw CCl!p NVF Co 71)1 Oak llld .16 Oakl~Pr .IO ~ .lah O<;cldPI 'I • OtcPlpf .60 Oc:cPtpt 2.)6 OgdenCp .60 Oiidn ot 1.tr 0~10 l!d 1.5' Of! E pt 3.90 Oh E Pf (.40 Olli.GE j·• Oki.NG ,J( Otll!Corp .N 01Nr1! Ill ,, Ono!llHL .10 Ollf!llk1 M 1 Or 11.ckl 1.29 OU1ElCo 2 OulbdM LOI OullttCo .(5 0~1rTrn .6' Ow111CF .11 OW'ltllll ,..., 0w ... 111 pt ' Ownll pl ~ Oxlrcllnd .60 Pa~1 l.n Pac Llg 1.61 P1cP1trt .olO PocPwr JV. P1cSW1t Air Pc T&T 1.10 PcTloTlll 6 P11c Tin .601 P11n1w .0111 P1l1111Cll' l.:IO P11m a,. .u P1mkl1 tne Pan Am WA Panllell l .IO P1wcrt .60 P•ro•s .11 ParkHn l.p.t P•rk<P ,..t2Ji PascP 1l:: P1~ltt . P110 G" on Pinn Ctntr PenMV 1.G4 PenOlx .. 1t11 Penn rruft Pe<1nPL 1.6t PPLPI 1.7 t PPL pt 1.4'1 P Pl pr IAO P11•l Pl'" I PPL p( •.«I P PL pt •.JO Pennwl 1.20 Pnwf of 1.1.0 PenlllOll .to Pentlpl 1.33 Pll'OPI or .!S PeooG1 2.16 PtPSICP I Pt1"klnEI .ll Pit Inc 1.)S Piet llK pt I Peltf'I l .'JO P1trlt 51 .«I P•jrllfnt .l" Pt rlC 1.46d P111tr In .6-1 Nip 0 2.\0 Pll!!fE\ 1.6' PhEI pf 1.90 PMIEIDf 7~ PhEI Pf • . .0 "'f:' ~ uo hll Vb 1.20 Ph llpM 1.l1 Pnlll'tn .za Phil ndpf 1 P!IU d l.lO hUVnH Al Plckwllo: lnll PledNG 1.1• Plllsbry 1.s1 PlanNc;. .I• Pltn•v 8 .4"11 PlllForQ .to ~1~·p~.m Playboy .n PICIMY .lJ Ppl•,.oid .11 Por1tc .In PortGI!" 1.C Po11•rth F I Pot EIP 1.i. PPGlnd l . .66 Prernlnd ,JQ Prem pf ·'" Proc:TGI 1.1' Pl"OdR.-.10 "V5 Ctl 11.6 ·1·~ 1.11 p E 9A1 P5E l . .O PSE of •.II Pu5 1r:: rn P ub! ol l.N PS111C1Pf 1.0I P$ MHI 1.6' PV<CM1 l OI ,.~blick• II p .... ~lol .7'1 PuolS" 1.1• ~ULlm1~1n 2 u••~Cll .I• uro11tr .I• ~ Dow Jo••es " Allerages " " ., DOW JOrJS STOCK AVl~AOIS " .... Ill t'"' 1~1.,... t-1 " » 114 ft·tr lf·UIU •J-11111 \!i II ''"" •••. nijg n~ 111.)11 ~ ll '•..... .. •• -,._,, 11..ilJ " ,, , '·'"· ..... m.,. 14.0 1JI ... 1:'· ~. ~ 11.m ••• ,,, Ml,. 1•. llf'll 1' lo 11.m. , . '4J~ 11,_tt I 1 )1;11M ~Cl-. , ldjt flf.M Ill :11111) V. l<f~ dOll. ,, +. + .10 -+0.17 +I ~l P , '"-· ••• +o.•J +o.,, +o 21 e Sil ~ ' .... '" • (Mt.I H!iill l ... CloH Cit" li:::::l'l, ·fl' ,, "" » ll>""-'• , 21\o 11·~ 211.-'• llVllf\10 .17 .-'J 121. n•,, " ..: Tl Corp 1..)2 '"' "' JS•i-+t l jdeM•• 11i " ,,, .. ... 25-, 1-lr> I. • .... ••• ..,~ .. Tlrn~M .S'l " ii'. ~·. h ,__ '• 17 fl"'k'" '·'° " ... ~·· 311>, ;-" I • !~::-0 :'1. " ~-... 19•o-"' ' , ... "" 10 .... '' To:1e1~t10 .M ' ,,,,, "" 21V.-~ 11>1 Ed 1.M " n" ~·. 2'''•-·-~ Tool R.ts<: 51 .,. .n•o "~ ....... ,., .... ' loot1RI . .WO » "" " 11'•t ,.. • ••neCo -~ ~ ... 61"• ... ' Trmm ·""* "' '"' 11•0 T7lt0 +.,., Trnsclln rt • 12'\ 11 .. 17' .+ .,, T,..nun '·" ~ .... "' .... .._~ Tr•M W .,, '~ ~ • ~~\Ii TWA cv • • "~ f••nsWFn I in ll'. 14\."t:j: ... r•vlier1 .U "~ w . ~'I Tr•vtr5 ptJ ~ '"' ., .. ,,,,_. '\'riv L .1 10 "' "• 1411.+ ... 'l'•ICon 1.0MI ,, '" " ll~:t 11. TriCU pf 211 • ·~· '" ,,.. " '• lrl so l.79d " ·-•• J"'1+ '" ''• Trl1n<1ln .., • is~. 15\~ l~~'· , Trl1" p .Ub " !I'. " 181·t i, .. T•lnllyln .S. '" ... ll ... l•\. ~ Troo!c1N1 ·~ o•,. "" (}\1 11 -ti Tll.W TIKP 1 9 "" ,,,, :Mlo •••• Tll.W l>f' '·'° • "" '"' IS\~-\'t ~ TuaonG .II • '"' '" lJI~+ Vo ,.. T-Cn Fx ... 10 "' ,._" := Tvl1r c-•n ,,. ,,.. ,,,,,,+ :1,1, -U.U-. ... .. .. Co1np1ete Closing Prices-American Stock Exchange List Stl• Ntl Uldl.) Hltfl L ... (lolH C~I· UWll N-1 Cllfl.I Mltll I.ft Ci.. CJtt. DAllY 11LOT 11 • Fridliy, OttQDcr 6, 1972 Weekend Yachting Calenelar · POdalnk Menwrial Trophy Race Set Single Banded Raee Balboa Yacht Club Readies Event The Bahia Corinthian Yacht MALIBU YACIIT CLUB -Rocx Rangcr-26, T ·BI rd , OCEANSJDE YACllT CLUB Ever try single-handing an cerlll.lcalel in CCA. !OR, The races will be oalled ovtr Club will stage its annual Pacific "i u l l 1bu11 Cham· Saturday and Sunday. -Tabasco Seties, Sabot, Sun-ocean racing sailboat in an (Marlt 11) PHRF and MORF. a triangular course from. a Podalak Memorial Trophy pionships, PMA, 0 0 M H , SAN DIEGO YACHT CLUB day. around-lhe-lluoys race! Enlrieo will be accepted un-starting line approldmalely Series Saturday and Sunday Saturday and Suoday. -National Pr,.ident Serles, SOUTHWESTERN YACJJT Well, here's )'OW' cllance. W 6 p.m. Wednesday, OcL l1 500 yards south ol the Newpon fO< the benefit of the Small KING HARBOR YACHT Cal-25, Sunday; championship CLUB -P-Cat RegatUI , '!be Balboa Yacht Club 11 b.. at the Balboa Yacht Club. Pier. Yacht Racing Fleet (SYRF), CLUB -Trans Penin.suJa seTics, 5.S-meter, 6-meter, Saturday. viting entries in its first The number of classes to be Each yacht will be required Plclflc Hand.leap (PHRF) and Race, S.1turcby: PC, Svnday. North and Inland singJ~hancled race Oct. 14. started will be detennined by to carry a mlnJmwn of one Ocean Racing (!OR! boats· Sao Diego MISSION BAY YACHT SANTA BARBARA SAIL-The race LI open to yachts the race committee from the observer capeble ol bonclllng Also on the BCYC calendar is SlLVERGATE YA C HT CLUB -Fall lnvitalional, ING CLUB -Mercury Race BOATING whose owners are members of number of entries. Breakdown the boat in case of emergency. the AvaJon Race for PllRF CLUB -Area Champiooships, Skimmers, Saturday and Sun-or Champions, Summer Series recognited yacht clubs which ol classes will be by boat Use of spinnakers wUl be OJ>- yachts entered in the. _:C~o..'.l~u!.m~b~i.'!_•·::29~._Co~ro~n~•~1d~o-::2~s._d":a~y1_:. _________ __2N~o~._!4:.., ~Sa~t~urda~!y~a~nd~Sunda~~Y'.:.·-~========::::'.:_,.!h~a~v~e:..__m!';~e:.;a~s,!!U.!.r~e:_;m~e:.;n!.t~,!!len:!!!gth.!!':_ __ _: __ ..,.. __ _!ti!;"on~al!:_. _______ _ Angelman Series. The racef· winds UP. the Angelman Series. On the small boat front, the Lido Isle Yacht Club will offer its Fall Regatta for sailing dinghies sailing in.side the harbor. Further' nor t h, hvo im· portant event hold the al· tenlion of the large boot sailors. The Los Ang61es Yacht C!ub will hold the first race of its Harbor Series for yachts rated under the IOR Mark ID rul e. The race is the Hwitington Harbour race and is th<> first of three Sunday races that will serve as twie- ups for the upcoming Mazatlan Race. Nov . .f. LA YC race chairman John ~luchmore exmphasized that only yachts with IOR Mark fl[ ratings would be accepted in the ~!arbor Series. A separate race y.'111 be started for Pl-IRF' rated yachts on the first and final races of the series. Windjammers Yacht C1ub at ~farina de! Rey will be host to yachts qualifying under the One-Ton O.Sp ratings in the Southern California Ton Cup championships Saturday and Sunda y. Highlights of !he SCYA calendar: Los.Angeles-Long Beach LOS ANGELES YA C II T CLUB -First race of Harbor Series. Sunday. SEAL BEACl-1 YA C If T CLUB -Columbu~ Day Regatta. all classes, Saturday and Sllnday. W E S TW ARD CRUISING CLUB -?t. Vicente to Cat Harbor. Race, Saturday. Santa l\1bnlca Bay WINDJAt\1MERS Y A C Ii T CLUB -Ton Cub Cham- . pionshios. Saturday and Sun- day; Jolly Roger Regattl'll. ttnlerboards, Saturday and . Sunday. Mesa Yachts Feahrred AtBigSho'v Costa Mesa-built yachts will be featured at the United States Sailboat Show which opened in Annapol is. Md., Thursday and runs through Monday. Hi gh among the domestic boats at the sMw will be models from the Columbia and Coronado lioes. Other North American boats on display will · be from Irwi n, l\1organ . C&C, Scampi. I n t er nation a I Folkboat ;and Ouyang Boo.t Works. A heavy emphasis is being placed ·on foreigrH>u..ilt yadus including such fami\lar names as Matilda. CQnoorant, Flying Soot and Aloha. The British effort inwlves eight firms uniti~ for e joint venture financed by l he British govemmen1 . •• Coadal Weather "•rtlY c10VdY locl•Y· LIQl!I v1rl1bl• winch "1Qhl •nd mornl"9 houri bleom· lft9 MW"ltlHIM•IY 10 Iii lO ltnotl In .n.'""""' loo"Y end S1twd9y. Hlgfl tod•I'· rnotlly In I01.. Co.1111 i.mP"f'1t11"" ••"'9 fl'om iO to IQ, lnlllnd l.mp«lllll'" ••"9t from Ml 10 l'O, W11..-i.mw ... t•• "- .. RIOAY S«Ol'd l>lttl 10 ,. p "'· ., .......... ' 01 p.m, '·' SA1'Ullt0AY' ,.,,.., l>lgfl t SS 1.m. ... l"lrll ,_ ''" ...... u ........... IO:lfp,m • . ' ---' "p,m. '·' SUMOAY ,.,,.., 111011 ,.,, •.m. s.1 Jll.,, ._ '·'°°''"' 1.1 S1CON1 hloll ll~l2 p,m. J.I S.-ond io.. J :ll p.m. O.l lun II._. l ;J1 •·"'-Wt l ·)G p rn. MOOf' 111-1111 ''"'' Stff J:U o.rn. - LIKE SAILING 7 DISLIKI -111p ,9'\t, hlqh h•· t 1t11t r1f11, t11•1, "•PrHl•tlon, httur•11c•1 ,.IPR -c1r1fr11 11ilin9. flo fll•int•n•flCI •i • ff 1c:tlon of tft1 ce1t of '"'"'"hlp1 "' ou• CLUI PLAN Cal 15'1 ..... N•wpo<t S.lllnt Club '\,: ,..14 W.~ Ncz,1rt ... 714/675-7100 • \ e national v= .. -~~ '..,...er charge : ~~--J .. .. 30"160" STORAGE SHELVES 3H ~~ .. -Th• •l.mpleo zuta:l conltructl.on to h•1p yea kMp tM ganrg1. ottk. ar the maat•r IMdroom 1traighl • !I J COLORED SHELVES 8x24 8x36 8x48 10x36 1Dx'8 12x36 12x48 .. l.18 1.48 1.30 1.70 IAZ l.12 UTIL1T!' STDDIBDS DD BBIClt'IS STAMI>.l!llDS BllACIETS l' 22' 8" 11' 2' 44.' 10''. 24' 3' ••• 12'' 21' ,. 1111' Bni1b.d alum.lnum fllllslwd. 4 slondard 1lua. 3 hr111:ket 1la1 ••• how co:D yo\& go wrong? (Ju1t watch. dwruny) 3~ FOLDllGVIWrL WISTEBISIL'r Woinhl Pkli. It up: iwapol flop It du. lbe alt: aazivl It popt. .,,_., clu ... p you bed o"' U1• laap1 Onagl put wU.cloblMn fO"· 9~- SBIGBUGUIE J44 ... -~ ·1 41 . 'i'-" tj ., . ~· ,~., f..t._"i ~1 . " '"' .. ' ' . . " ' .. ,, ~ "").~ f& MOBILIDIE ICE BOX roa ClllOElll UD n•nna For two prk-91 ther.'• two k-e capocitt•a. J1.11t btcciuM swnm1r l1 O'fff de1111°t D:leaD fCHI 1X!b'l 1lfil gocompmg. SOLB 75 LB 17.88 19.88 77&-r llSULITED CU'""-PS Wlay fft pl 11 ... -.... ., • ...,.to ... u~.M'• a_. tMJ doo't "'11 ,... lt)ftto • lot gOOll w.latkla. 28tAG • I ' . FOLBITE QfCHJSll llOWJ!R ti. hcmd1. -• wooden acenil and ~ motNI has •. dllllDcti't'• )dtlab--(Mirr. old <hop~Uptop-(tld'ayoll). 9a1 IJ,ICI t D£tl£R CWIDl.J:SS AOIEB &cord&. DO~ ...... u-.. ...OU(mid with-mower, u -n: '°',..... c-.. .... """" .......... -....... . .99~.139.88 ICEWSTP- ADlm.TEB . , .. :' -~~·~· .. •, ; • • \I t. ' t lOxlODDlllG ------ coon --.toda!.-..--... (dnt. rl't"lll). ............. aod U-aloo 1oc:ba1'1d ga1 • • Lag.1111a Beaeh Teday's Fbual VOL. 65, NO. 280, 5 SECTIONS, 54 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER -6, 1972 TEN CENTS • I -esse Basketball Stars Held DAILY .. ILOT , .. fll W lk:MAI ~ DENVER (UPI) -Kareem ADdul.Jal>- bar, 1·% center for the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball AssociaUon , was jailed today with teammate Lucius Anen and two other men on suspicion or }>OSSessing marijuana and o t h e r USUALLY DOCILE DOHENY STATE BEACH SURPRISED SURFERS WITH SIX TO EIGHT FOOT SETS EARLY TODAY Tropical Storm Joanne Mi kes for Exceptional Long Rides •t F1mou1 Board Surfing Spot in 01n1 Point "dangerous drugs." Jabbar and Allen, former teammates at UCLA who Jed Milwaukee to the NBA championship in 1970-71, were held in a jail ceU overnight, then posted $200 bond and were released at 9 a.m. (Another story, Page 17) Simple possession ,of marijuana is a misd.mieanor in Colorado. Lagunan Believes Colosseum Offer 'Stirred 'Em Up' The players and two other men were mTested after police stopped their car By BARBAlU KREIBIQI ot ltMI O.llJ Pllilt Shft early today. Lagtman Thomas !iterrick, who offered "The officers detected burning marl-to buy the Colosseum 1n Rome for $1 juana .!OD'l.ing from the car, and arrested million and restore it as a tourist at- the four occupants," 'said Sgt. Steve traction said today he hasn't received Metros of the Denver police vice squad any official response to bis oiler, but ·1twM the first trouble with the law for even if~it-is+re;ected, "At least I stirred Jabbar, known as Lew Alcindor at UCLA them up over there. They're going to fix before be changed his name. up their monuments now." But ADen twice before bad been ar-Newsmen who have _called him from rested on drug charges -the last time Rome, Merrick said, report h i s be~ given probation by a Los Angeles Colos&Cum-proposai pas -sparked .some jud(e on a marijuana charge. sharp l:omplalnlll .,.... the operation ol In bis prel)otlon report, ADtn was authorities respomible for malntafiling quoted as~.,., bl 'l*lld-be Ill enm-the ci~'l•BJlcient mon~ts. · pl~ to other young people and tbroUJdl my "SomeOI the papers liald they sbould experience e.plaln to them the ilsk ol accept the mlllioo dollan and use It to harm that they do to themselves, their repair the monuments," l8kl Merrick. ramilles arid the.lr friends by using drugs "The Forum is faJling down. The rOWl- and narcotics." tains are dirty and broken. Even St. Also arrested early today were 23-year-Peter's is dirty and peelin!§: outside. They old college students Stephen E. Duncan really need the money badly, but of of Columbia, Mo., and Mordecai C. Cooke course they're proud." of Seattle, Wash. Police said Cooke was The Ministry of Monuments and Fine driving the car when it was stopped. ~operates on "penny donations col- Jabbar and Allen were in Denver, in Vttle stores," Merrick said. where Mll\1&ukee defeated the Denv Even so, he said, it collects $3.50,000 a Rockets of the American Basketball year and the Rome press is asking where AssociaUon in a preseason exhibition the money gOOi "besides paying a few game Thursday night, 13°"92. men to sweep the piazzas." Jabbar played just two quarters in the He quote<i one newspaper as stating game but scored 29 paints and grabbed something is wrong with this opera- eigbt rebounds. Hon." "We are still investigating all the Merick said he hasn't been contacted facts," Metros said. "When we gather by real estate saleswoman Fausta Vitali the facts, they will be handed over to the smce ,she left for ~me. and le8!'1ed of district attorney who will make the Rome s apparent re1ect1on of hlS offer decision on the charges." only through news re~ Laguna -Woman, 21, Found Dead Pri\tate funeral !lel'Vices will be held Monday ln Sheffer Laguna Beach Chapel for Kathy Duke, 21, of 637 Glenneyre St., who died '11lursday in Laguna Beach. "I don't think it's 11etUed yet," he said. "One man may have said it can't be ac- cepted, but there are 65 councilmen in Rome who have to approve that." "Some Italians ar~ supposed to have said Americans think they ..:an boy anything with money.'' said Merrick. "I don't know what else you can buy things with." The 57-year-old Lagunan made his fortune· buying and selling real estate, specializing in "odd pieces" no one else wanted and restoring them to aaleable condition. FDR Son Due James Roosevelt to Live 011 Coast JAMF.S ROOSEVELT, eldest son ol the late President Franklin 0. Roose. velt, will be moving to Spyglass Hill in Newport Beach at the end of um month. Roosevelt disclosed his moving plans Thursday during a press conference held to mark the opening of the Democrats for Nixon headquarters in Ana- heim. ~e is chairman of the southern California Democrats for Nixon. THE FUTURE Newport 1~ch resident in inaugurating the political office in the Hyatt House Hotel saro that Sen. George Mc:Govern "is not qualified to be President" He said he believes the Democratic nominee has neither the qualifications, the record, nor the confidence of the people to execute the office of President il elected. • ROOSEVELT SERVED si.J: terms in the House of Representatives from Beverly Bills and bas also bten on llllSUCOOSllul candidale Ill' go-o! Calilomla and ID8JOI' ol Loo A... ' ~ ' • • Wb:lle be ls mpportlllg a Q1can Uda year,· bi-JmaJntalned' 'ttiat ·u.e· Democralie P"1'IY 'could malle a i:Olneback In 1976 as the GOP did ·1011ow1ng GoldwBtet'i ·dlfeat in l9&l ... .. • · l{E SAID he wll1''l""".tain bis memberabip In the Demacrallc party. Shriver Claims Slight Lead Over Nixon-Agnew \ By Tj>M BARLEY ~l'f,lliltlltfl A statewide pall taken during th& past week by California Republicans showed the McGovern-Shriver ticket one percent· age paint ahead of Nixon-Agnew, vice presidential hopeful Sargent Shriver claimed Thursday night. "But you'll never hear about it except from me," Sen. George McGovern's ebullient running mate told cheering Democrats at a $1~a-head no ho6t cock- Laguna Council Sets Aliso Impact Talks tail party In Anaheim. , Shriver explained that the poll was hun1edly placed under wraps as 1000 as alanned GOP executives bad scanned the tabulatfoos. ''I don't blame them,'' be said, .. al- though they didn't .....i that poll to get the message that· inevitable defeat ii on Its way. __. "Our election organli.ation has become complete within thil past week," Sbrivtr a:iid. "Within two or three weeks our slight edg• In Calttomla will become 1 clear Democratic party le~ t&rou,gbout lhe nation." · Both Shriver and Soulbem California campaJgn chairman Dorman Commons wured mllllni and doubt!\11 Democroi. that they have personally seen coplet ol the Republican poll that reputedly glva McGovern a slight edge. Surf Co11tinues To Pound Coast; Damage Trailers Heavy surf continued to poufMI, the Laguna Beach coast toda y, causing a substantial loss of beach sand and further damage to trailers on the beach at El Morro Mohilehomc Park, lfhich was badly battered in a late August stonn. Sandbag crews on the ·beach at El Morro worked throughout the l;iay 'nlurs- daf ~ prolef\ ,lhe n lnilerl lo U>e beach -.,, .. -unltf. Oo1' •·o1:111t traDcn are occupied • ,.r-• round homes, the remainder · standtnc' flllptj during IDOi! of the winl'tr mmllw. Waves llJlllshing Into the El MomJ cove Thursday were ••so huge It looted like those surf movlea from llawali," said one resident. Water sloshed under the trailers and several suffered damage to deck... Laguna Beach lifeguard Capt. Bruce Baird was called to Divers' Cove at 10 p.m. Thursday, when a trio or scuba di vers was reparted in trouble In the heavy surf. ""' Baird said the three, all rrom out of town, were ·night diving for lobster am had difficulty wllen they tried to 1et back to the beach ·through the surf. However, they 'Were able to reach the short without a.!ISlst.ance, he reported. On Wednesday , a 23-year.()ld Brea man was drowned off a Treasure Island beach south of Laguna while diving for lobsttr. Laguna guards said the he.avy surf, whith Is bringing IS-foot wave! Into the Main Beach, Is Jn its third day and ls ex- pected to continue for at least another day. The· heavy iwells are a spin-off from 1 hurricane off Baja Qlllforn!a, guard.! .. Id. , * * * Seawalls Battered Emergency Crews Save 3 Persons By JACK CHAPPELL ot ,.. Dllltr '"'' ''"' The shattered hulk of a 53-foot fishing boat crusbed on the Dana Point Harbor breakwater was all that remained today following a night of emergency helicopter operations. and a Coast Guard rescue off the Laguna Beach coast. The ill-fated Trade"·inds with three hands aboard began sen.Jing up distress Oares at about 7:40 p.m. Thursday, flares which produced a riood of callt to Laguna Beach police, the Harbor District and the Coast Guard. After the arrival of the Cout Guard cutter, Point Divide, the three crew ~embers, Elbert Peters, Costa Mesa; Jim Evans, Newport Beacl.: and Billy Demers. Long Beach were fished from tbe water uninjured. A Citizens Band radio operator earlier had reported to Coast Guard Search and Rescue in Long Beach a radio broadcast from the Tradewinds saying that the boat's engines had failed and the craft was taking on water. Al that time, the Trade-winds' pumps were coping with the Oooding, the COut Guard rei>orted. but the Pobl'l Dtvtde OUL ol Newport Buch wu dlspol<h<ol to lbe -· A later emergency broldcu* at 1:45 p.m. Crom the 1tricken craft report.ed tbt pumps could no longer haDdle t&e water. Minute. later, the Point Divide en1ved tt1 .ttatlon, the O>ast Guard reported, and the men were taken from the waler. At this time the Tradewlndl trll 1wull and the Coast Guard determined It to be a har.ard to navigation. The boat was taken In tow by the Point Divjde wlllch began steaming to Dina Point Harbor. Rescue operations were lighted b1 Costa Meu'1 remaining heUcopter u Laguna Beach tt.lidenll watched the n- traordinary dilplay from thelr hlllllde holTl<S. R<poru that a !ltt and 1n uploltoo bad been •-•eel by l.aflUlll Belch residents w~ unconfirmed by Cout Guard reports today. The lncld<nt Is ponding lnv..Ug1tJon by the Coast Guard'• marine inapection unlL "W~ di> not know -t cauoed the engine !allure or why the Tradewtndl began to take on w11ter," Grqory Cran- dall, coast Guard petty officer said to- day . The Point Divide wttb the Trodewtnda in tow · had rNched lhe Dina !\'.)Int i1arbor breakwater when the ftnal dlsasttr bC':feU the qart. A fitting on the towed craft gave way and btavy lurf aent the wooden boat crashing onto the japed ~ of the til<o HULK, Pl&t I) Clreumstancea of the young woman's death are being investigated b y .authorities. Her body was found in the Glenneyre Street apartment Thursday. The Orange county Coroner's Office is investigating the cause of death,' which apparently did not involve foul play. Since his Colosseum offer was publiciz- ed, Merrick said, he has been deluged with mail, mosUy from people 1eeking handouts, but many Interested In "get- ting a piece of the actkJO:." A couple of the correspondents are ge~ uine-millionaires wbo !eel his project would be ii good investment, but moat of the others are seeking financial aid rana:- lng from $00,000 to $000,000, be uld. 1'ie Environmental Impact Statement of the Ali9o Water Management Agency (A WMA l will be discussed by the Laguna Beach City Council Saturday following a t a.m. joint meeting with the Festlval Boord. The meeting will be held Jn City Hall chambers to look into La-guna concerns that tbe Impact statement !oreca.Jtl beovy development of adjacfnt lands. Both men laid they had alio seen tab- ulations from an earlier GOP poll which showed that the Nixon-Ajnew margin lo CaUfomia has been cut to four percent. "Union members are giving us theJr support in lncreaatne munben," Shriver explalned. "lbny are delylnc AF!,QO Presldfnt Gears• Meany 8lld !locking to U3 by the Lbouaandl ... Beach Homes Periled A former student at Laguna Beach High School, Mrs. Duke It survived by her husband, William. and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Michelsen. Orange Weather Considerably cloudy on Saturday 1 clearing by mid-day to sunny skJes. Slightly cooler with beach temper- atures ot around 70 tlsing to the ml<HOI Inland. Low1 tonight II. INSmE TODAY Siie'• IM tDIJ• oJ a H•ntmg- tan, 8toe1L doctor 7I01D, but Bot· baro Warburton can look back on o half doimt. rear1 of J>tr• fonnfng tDlth '"""' oJ lht (l!'eol> of 1hoao bUJln111. S11 tador'• IV•<k.,.,.,. ...... -.. -" ... -. ::--..... -= ,,..~ .,, DMfll ~ ' "'"""' ,... . ,..._. .. n ,. .. ttar' , M$i -M .. L...-n 1) -. --- An ardlitect offered hit aervlces for a substanUal lee, ud one man laid be hid (See COLOSSEUM, hp Z) Laguna Beach is one member ol. A WM.A. a regional sewage coUection, treatment and water reclamatloa ~ j<Ct. ~Bandido' Remark Shriver bailed Orange County and Its "lncreulng IUl'port for the Democ:r:rtlc: Ucket" II I "vbl bellfttber" In the (See SlllUVEll, hp Z) By Waves, lligh Tides Orumlng WBvct and high llde1 com- bined this morning to crute 1hnusands of dolt.rs In dAmage to clusltt of nouset In the exclusive St.ch Road CoLony of Women Criticize Caspers Captstrano Beach. TIM! 1ttrf 1pawned by 1 tropical storm off Baja C..IUomla t>t.i:1n ballrrlnc aeawall.t &k>"f{ the 1hottUnt community at lhe t:reakfut hour, and lhon/J 1f· t.tt'Wlirdt I IHWlll It '5611 Bt.teh ROid colllpifd. Tile WIVH t.hn-1lmf'd the Resld<ntt. lollow1111 Ibo .... p1eo Ill In the pmr~ou1 on1J1ughl, ha"• hired a local ('Ultncfor to brtn1 In cnnlte boulden at heavy erpe~. Cl'an8 wtll be Wied lo drop I he sranite In front ol the hOu..,.. for ,,..,,,. .... prole<llon. LU•lllJllnl olflc:tlll uld tlllt moralOI that '"(I rode I llde of 1.7 ffft. S.1unlfty'1 hlj(h tide readlnC wtll rudl Uft<I. "Evm II the surf drol» 1 !OCll en S.U.- day, they llW.,.. In for -more troo>- bl<," I panl ........... Mid. By JACK DOBAt'lt Of .. Deilllt' ........ Membm of the OrODC< Cmnly teque ol Women V<Mi'lodoy mlld17.+11'1Aec1 Supervt>or Ronald w. Caopon !or bit Chanciema11on or 1emc.n • - u "Adelante'1 Bandldol." At I momlJ11 f)l'm .... .,..,,.. Mn. J•anttle Turk or Huntington -b. preo1c1en1 or the 1.eque. om -p11- 1ec1 Cupen .. bit "cour1ofY ud lllr· durinJ Ions public boa!incl" In the past montlil. "We have oboerved the bolrd weekly during the last 10 IDOlllhs wben Mi'. Cupen bu -u cbalmllll and have bten lmpreued with Jiii courtay .... during loo& Ind-.. tedious public bfar(np," Mn. 'l\ll1t Aid. ' "It war with bis uoua1 f.11..-that be pmlded 1111 -k ot the !l'lbllc lnrtng on the pnJpOlfd Alllrmlu.. ActJoo Provom which ft .._ied Ind be voted ""'Intl," the __ .. orpnlzatlon pmldent c:onUnuecl. She laid tbat It -"b«:aute ol this laltMA tbat ... "" -!ally thocked by bit .-ii mnara. 'lie think tbtt IUd! mnorb are ,. In the lntemit ol good~·' -The ......, --II they thought uslnf the tmn bandldol lo relertnce to M-<1111 -n bed u the term "lliggm" In -u.i ol blact ,,.... pie. ··c.n.tn1y,• -tho ... lck rfllly . The women's.,....-looden uld • .0 • It wa thtlr I.ope tbal _,. pod m1ab1 borne o1 Loo Anl<iel RWtor Fnnll ...,.,. !rom thll unlllPP1 time.--Duin. "For too lolll. ~ Ooanty bu hid a... tbot nil p•• way, the hon)e Jm. 1 --"1"0lllao --""" mediately down ...... -by ""'"°' -ol -' rlOll fir Ill -prlndpol Wllllsm Llm<brool -ha .. -"""""'artable,~ Mn. Turli ~ u wtll. . • added. <nWI --b1 the -"' "11e -lliot the poilllal dJmllo ol -of Jlarbon, lit-Ind l'lttt, the ....C.0 II dllnllnc. 11e ore -• 11Ttved with beaY)' <Ible Ind •ndt>tp to bltmd at ....... .u .. """ lll>tnll. -becln t .... <lfort to .... the ln>ot ponJoo And oldr mm and -ol.,..,, ,_ or the .. ,,...1 •• - I nd cmd. 11le cla11 1ro --"""" • "II'• ,..... hit thll bod U 1e&rt .... wonll 11 .. ._...,... w~ bl....,pltd by lid Jl'.J. JlllLU f~<nq thll tlmt," the cH-ol OCI' -,. " Llmellroot uld u be (lllld •t bit Mn. 1\Jrl< ....,ludo.I bet nmorlll with. O'lltllbtlnr ,.. nil. "We urp m<mben ol the Board or 'l1le -loo hit tblt _..,. It GD!)' Supcnlaon 1nd the """'""nil)' to join ti... doon upmat from IOOther .,...P wltb u and tho ----of "-" whlcb rec:olv!d h<oY)' clamqo pie In ldt\nc Mr. c_. know tblt." In 1 lllmlllr *t< two,_. - ' . . .. . NO WONDER HER TOOTH ACllED I 2 DAILY PILOI L8 UPITtte.IM!w WHO'LL WEAR THE PANTS IN THIS FAMILY? Antonio Molin11 (left), 'Billie' Ert S1y Vow1 Allegedly Legal Female Impersonator, Football Player 'Wed' HOUSTON !UPI) -S!im female im· personator \Vi!liam Ert lifted his veil, husky for1ner football player Antoni o Mo- lina bent and kissed him, and the two men thus sealed their marriage VO\\'S at a small, formal ceremony. The l1vo said their wedding Thursday \vas legal bec21use they were granted a marriage license the day before, when Ert \\'Ore a miniskirt, a wig, and lipstick. They got the license from the county clerk in \Vharton, a sn1all town 60 miles east ()f Houston. Under Texas law, 21ny two persons who ve been granted a license may marry. The city's vice squad chief said today he would press fraud charges. Police Lt. J .M. Albright said he though From Page I SHRIVER • • • November election. And he lauded the work of "such stand· ard bearers as Mission Viejo Randier Richard O'Neill" for a rising tide of sup. port that wiU, he predicted. leave the Democratic Party in Orange County just 100,000 overall votes b4!hind the Republi· cans on eloction night. "That's all we need," the quicksilver cam~igner said. "That kind of edge for the Republicans here works out as a big margin for us in many other states and puts George McGovern in the \Yhite House." Shriver. an hour late for his Anaheim C.Onvention Center address. 10 !he Na· tional Parks and Rocreation Association Congress and 90 minutes late for his Grand Hotel soiree. had ea rlier stressed the protection of the nation's park !Md to fewer than 3,000 onlook('rS in the big ball. ~le later admitted thrit he was "very disappointed" at the Anaheim turnout. ''J thought we would have filled what 1'n1 told are 8,000 seals in that pl1'ce," he said. Shriver accused the Nixon Adminlstra· lion of putting Us concem for anti-inn;i- lion measures before the protection of fast dl!appearing open spaC1! that should be preserved ns park land for AnH.•rica's urban milllons. Shriver ch11rgcd the Repuhlican tldmin- istration \\•ilh ''just lookin~ on" while more th<in 20.000 acrts of existing park lands \\·ere lost to de\•cloptrs the county clerk who issued the marriage llcensc to the tY:o men was duped and Texas law violated. For the '\\·edding at the Hannony Wed· ding Chapel. Ert. 30, of Buffalo, N.Y., \Vho wa11 hair stylist for actress J11yne f\>!ansfitld from 1963 until 1966, wore a blonde wig and was dressed in a full white \vedding gown \vith a train five yards long. He carried a bouquet of artificial pink and white flowers . r.tolina, 33, a 6-foot, 235-pound all-dis- trict tackle when he played football for his high school in Brownsville, Tex . and a veteran of the Navy, was dressed in a formal black tuxedo with tails and 11 white bow tie. 1'be. Rev. Richard Vincent of Dallaa, whose church otfen servlcts to bomoeu- uals, to\d Ert and Molina to bold bands. "Will you, Bill, Jove, comfort, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, for- saking all others, and keep yourself only for him so long as you both shall Jive?" he asked. "I will." Ert 11aid. The minister had the two recite the Lord's Prnyer with him. took Commun· ion, and prayed about the gravity of mar- riage vows. Ert and Molina exchMged rings saying, ''With this ring, I thee wed." Mr. Vincent said, "Under the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I pronounce that they are united In holy union." Ert, 5-foot-10 and 122 pounds, is listed as "Miss Billie Ert" on the marriage license. He said he had no intenUon or a sex change operation. "Why should I have anything removed or added when he's marrying me for what I've got?" he aaid . "l'm Just like I was when my mother brought me into thls world, and I don't int'nd to change." Texas Attorney General Crawford Mar· tin ruled Sept. 14 that anyone ·who had a license could marry, but instructed county clerks not to issue licenses to persons of lhe same sex . Ert said he was not asked his sex when he and Molina applied for the marriage license, and an attorney for the two, Richard Cross. said, "There is nothing In Texas law ·which says the ty,·o persons getting married mu.st be or the opposite sex." .......... 1 HULK •.. IOUth~ Orang• Coun!y Harbor hstriCI olflctrs 111d today optrallonl ar. undtr way to remove larger debris from rocb u It 11 • huanl to boats. 1!¥1191' District NW"l~DS cleor the d'1!l)lill ~· ~~ pered by the same heavy deep • and rough seas that sent the boat to the rocks. The craft has been declared a complete loss. by the insurance company, the Coast Guard reported. The boat owner was identified as David Packer of Los Angeles. Dollar loss has not yet been determined, the Coast Guard said. * * * Tropical Storm Whips Up Waves Along Coastline By STEVE ~Utt:HELL Of tfllll 0.llY f'llot ltlft Tropical Stonn Joanne is still steaming up the coast of Baja, California, despite predictions from the weather people that st.e would dissipate by Thursday ev~oing. Joanne has lost some of her puff, however, and is now generating winds of SURFING Fall'72 45 knots at her center. South facing beaches are feeling her power though , ets large breakers pound Orange Coast shores. The Los Angeles Weather Service says Joonne will dissipate later today, although heavy surf is predicted through the \Veekend. SAN CLEMENTE lileguards report three to six·foot wave!. with gJ)Od shape. LAGUNA BEACH says five 411d 1ix· foot sets are pouring through w:ltb Oak Street showing the best sb,Jlpe. Tbe watt.r i~ crowded with board surfers and Hf~guards say novice surfers· are staying: on the beach. NEWPORT BEACH Li!eguanl captain Dave Harshbarger ...says eight to _10 foot y,·aves are coming 1n at 19th Streel "The south swell is sun strong and there's a lol of board surfers out today. l expect there will be a lot more this weekend. \Ve're staffing up for it because l know tlle lne1j>erlen<ed llU?lers ore going to try to tide this stuff on Saturday,'' lJarshbarger said. HUNTINGTON BEACH reports six to JO foot sets with excellent shape. Capt. J\.1ark Bodenbender said the wavl?s are fa11t and hollow .at high tides and the water is congested with surfers. Lifeguards up and down the coast a1 e predicting good stuff, if smaller, for the \\"eckend. They warn beginning board riders and swimmers to use caution due t., heavy riptides and a lateral cumnt. Here's lhe tide scoop for Saturday: First low tide at 3:22 a.m., 1.1 feet ; first high tide 9:34. a.m. at 5.8 feet; sec- ond low tide 4:07 p.m. at 0.3 feet; sec. ond high tide at 10:14 p.m. at 4.$ feet. LA Sheriff Not Against Brothels LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sheriff Peter Pitchess says he has no objection to legallied proitltution if organized crime is not involved. Speaking Thund"Y at • Grand Jurors' AssocJaUon luncheon, Pltchess noted that lA>s Angeles is the "most organized... crime free city in the naUon" and added that organlzed crime might try to move into prostitution here lf It were legalized. Pttchess also eld it wu not up to law enforcement to define moral 1tandarc!s and added the matter sbou.ld be put to a vole. OU.N•I COAST L• Getting Fi1tal Polish DAILY Pl.OT T1'9 ()t-.o...,. (Mii DAILY PILOT. •llt! ,,.._ .. k <O<"l'il:lllotd lftt' N._.p,.,.1, I\ l'Ulllllllfld b'I' 11\e ~ (Nit l"vVlhl'lifoll ComDl!n1'. i.,..... '"• .odllloM .or• pUOl l!Jlfd, M-•Y lllf'9111111 Frlil:l•y, !Of' COl!.O M•\•, f'l•wP11JI leKJ>, H"'"llntloro Jl.Ht/11Fovn1•I" V•ll.-,. L•O""• 9.-d\, ll"llM/'6clfl•Clr. eftd Stll ClerMftltl SM J1111111 (•-"•"-A 11"01• .... kinol todllloft h llUbllll'Md S.lllrdaY' •Ni luftd•y., T ... ~loll ~llalllnf P'Olll It ti lXI W..I .. , Jlrftt, CO.II M••• C..ll!Ornlf, ,,.,,.,, lto'9o.r+ N. w •• 111 ,.,.ldflW •!Id ~-..... J•c~ l . C11rlt'f' Vicco l"f•ICl9!1 and 0-11 Min.,.., Tk•flll•I ICeo•il 1!4\lllt -Tholft•t A. M11r,lii11e ~l!fllW Clt•rlot H. Looi l !1liercl '· Natl At1I ...... M~ ldl!Or1 a..,...._. Oftke 112 fore1t A•Ot111• M•ili .. Aoiltlrn11 r.o. a.ll•••· t2•11 --c.otr• MtiWi: ,. w..t l!•f ,,.., •=a.ca: sm "'_,.,, ..,...,,~ Hvr!I *' hM:llt IN,S INdl '°"'""'~ ,,.,. M: m *'"' 11 c .... , ..... , Tiii ...... 1714) MJ ... Jl1 Ct1nltW £t:1r1'1k1 '42°1671 '-'-.................. : T1l1,•1n1 4f4.t4U c.,tltlll, t•'1. Ot-1• (Htt f'ublhf'llnt CMN*lf, HI !-' ......... fflvtlr•I.,.._ .....,,., l'lltftO' ., .......,,,_... Molli ,.., .. ~ WllllWI .,.:Ill _.. ............ fMt'lfllM __._ ...... ~ ....... NMI .. C..11 Mtte, a.:~ ...,._.. 1W t•rrltr nil IW """ u ,1., ,...01w1 """"•" _.wtt tlM IN!llf'ltr. Cl1eck Out the Big Story lt1 Sunday's Daily Pilot Some of the top storl~ DAILY PILOT \vrilert arc polishing for dl1pl1y in Sun· tl:iy's newspnper include· BEACON BAY 'HANDOUT'? -It eould be called subsidized housing. St.·vtnty.two famU!es living In Newport l\!ach's Beacon Bay hnve homf'! on public property leased tn prh•11le ln- leregts 45 years ago. Tht> leastJ btgln to run out In I~ yearx. City offl c\nl11 and homoownen are beginning to think about ii ... Sunday Specllll. BATTLE FOR ~111LD -Much of the biltemess once In divorce case11 has now bttn channeled Ink. ll'le question of who gtll C'Ultody of the chlld ren, Staff Writer Allison Deerr rep..>rts In a "YOU Section" story. SONNY AND CHER -Family Weekly'• cover. eubjecll are sonny and Cher Bono. "nlelr story Includes a glimpse Into t.Mlr busy Uves In which tllt'y share each :>ther's llme on11ta1e and off ... and how they do It. TOUC H LIFJ:: -Douglfls Lind11ay of Cotta Mesa hopts IUe begins at 40. lle's 39 now and he has lost 2 of t children 10 cyilic flbrosllf, is tlivorctd ond hns ~n laid off from his aerospace job. Now he has developed an unsteady gait doctors have been unable to diagnose or cure. SUPER SLEUTH -Gtorgo Peppanl, lelevlsktn's Banoctk. maku thfl cover of n : WEEK. Story of the actor who 1tar11 In the new series Is featured In the m11 J1111lnc which llsts full week's "''Orth of h!levl.Bion shows. BOOKS FOR KJOS -Tony Shannon, the elfin 18dy b@hlnd a doz.en chlldrtn'• book1, lit.a lo photograpb """" o! her own llluatratk>na, en}Oy1 work\na with Ct.arle1 Payiant, former DitntY II· lustrator and belit.vta you lhould nevtr "write down" to a child. Her Illustrated story ll 1eheduled for C Section. FESTIVAL PANNED -Entor- lalnment columnlat 'Ru Reed aaatla the New Yott f'llm Feetlval. He uy1 lt'1 not conunorO!al, but one Jud1t bu too mud! L ny In thl Hlectlon ol Olma. BRIGHT BUSINESS F"""tain Valley Ice croam parlor d.llola)'I pain~ lng1 m1tod by child,..,, 'l1iO dllplay 'vorb are 1tlected on • mmthly batll by thl Fountain Valley Art Al*tatlon. S.try wUJ be featured on bualneu P1ae. -· Filing Deadline Ends • Ill As today's deadline for filing in the Laguna Beach school 'board election neared, only two · candidates were of- ficially in the race. The Orange County Registrar or Voters could acct:pt last·minute entries up to ita 5 p.m. closing time, however. Balloting ~ scheduled Dec. 5 to det· ermine whether or not trustees Patricia Gillette and Gerald Linke should be recalled, and who will replace them if the recall move Is successful. The two candidates who have filed both have the backing,of Concerned Citizens for Schools, sponsors of the recall drive. Lucille Whitaker, 46, of 1597 Skyline Drive, has lived in tbe district for 16 years and been active in PTA work throughout !bat period. She helped organize the Top of the World and Thurston Parent Teacher Associations and eventually became president of the Laguna Beach Unified PTA Council, a posiUon from which she resigned in order to support the current recall. Mn. Whitaker's son, Jeff, 19, was graduated from Laguna Beach High Laguna School in 1971 and ~lichael, 10, i11 a fifth grader al Top of the World School. The second candidate to file, attorney ?\1ichael Segar, 38, of 974 Van Dyke Drive, has been a Laguna resident for eigbt years. As a deputy district attorney from 1962 to 1965 he frequently worked m the Municipal Court wheh it was located in Laguna Beach. He now maintains a private law practice in Orange and Laguna Beach. Segar was chairman o~ the evaluation subcommittee of the E d u c a t i o n a I Priorities Sludy Comm1ttee w h i c h recenUy made an intensive examination of the Laguna Beach school system. He has not been active In the recall drive sponsored by the Concerned Citizens for Schools but said his ex- perience on lbe citizen study committee convinced him the recall was needed. His two children, Steven 11, and Kristen, 8, are students at Aliso Elemen· lary School. Segar is a graduate of the University of Soutl\ern California whe:re he received h:..i BA in speech and his law degree. Lag1inans Injured in Crash- l're•P-.eJ COLOSSEUM·. • • ;· inv.ented-a new type of &upeMtro~a co-• ment that would be Ideal for patching up "'.!· U., Colosseum. 1'Cllly be needed too.OOQ.;• ... to l•t llll f4dOrJ 1tsritd," 1r1Mld • Merrick. !· 11 the C'<>losseum deal !alls lhrough, ht;• ha& his eye on another good purchase tn;.;: the United St.ates, the Lagunan said;::: "<Ally this time 1 won't let it out of th&-:_ bag until after I've bought it," he said. ;:. Reds Hit Nixon On Viet Talks ,: .:-; . . .. HONG KONG (AP) -North Vietnam ; said today that President Ni.ton was : "trying to dupe American voters" when ! , he said secret Vietnam peace negotia-~ tions had reached •·a sensitive state." .. :- Nixon made the remark in Washington !".' Thursday, adding: '"I cannot predict and will not predict that they will or will nol · succeed. l cannot and will not predict ~ .. when they will succeed." ! Radio Hanoi said "the true fact Is that, f prospect for a peaceful solution of the war is still far distant." The broadcast said the Paris ~ace talks had made no progress because Nix-1. on "maintains intact his stubboni •·, stands" of supporting South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu and bomb- ing North Vietnam. .Newport Beach firemen aid Mrs. Lillus Black after she was injured in a Thursday morriing coJlision in Newport Beach. Mr.. Black, 68, of 347 Ledroit St. was a passenger in a car driven by her husband, Allan, which collided with a car driven by Mrs. Lil· lian McClellan of Newport Beach at 16th Slreet and Dover Dri./e. All three wel'e taken to Hoag Memo- rial Hospital, where they are reported in satisfac· tory condition today. ( DREXEl.--HERITAG~ENREOON-WOODMARK-«ARASTAN ' NEWPORT BEACH e I 121 WESTCllFF Dl.. '41-2011 LAGUNA IEACH e J4$ NORTH COAST HWY'. .., .. ,, .. TORRANcr e 2J•4t HAW'THOltNl ILVD, 11•·111' • -. .. -:· .. I I ! • I I t \ .. Saddlehaek EDITION ' VOL 65, NO. 280, 5 SECTIONS, 54 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19n TEN CENTS Irvine Planners SUpport Impact Guidelines By GEORGE LEIDAL Of ... O.IW Plitt Sl.tf Irvine planning commissioners 'Iburs. day night unanimously endorsed pro. posed environmental impact statement guidelines and urged the City Council to approve the policy package Tuesday night. Commissioner Franklin Hurd moved to endorse the ,slightly amended policies which allow the city to issue building permits under terms of a recent state • Ie- Basketball Stars Held On Drugs DENVER (UPI) -Kareem AoduhlaJ>. bar, 7-2 center for the Milwaukee Bucks ol. the National Basketball Association, :was jailed today with teanunate Lucius Allen and two other men on suspicion of posaess!ng marijuana and o t h e r "dangerous drugs." Jabbar-and Allen, former teammates at UCLA who led Milwaukee to the NBA Cbamplonship In 1!17G-71, were held In a jail cell overnight, tben posted $200 bopd and ,..,. Jeleased at 9 a.m. (Another story, Page 17) , Simple poesesslon ol marijuana Is a misd~meanor in Colorado. The players and two other men were arrested after police stopped their car eirly today. "'"The officers detected burning mari- juana ... 'Ollling from the car, and arrested the four occupants," said Sgt. Steve Metros ()f the Denver Police vice squad. It was the first trouble with the law for (See JABBAR, Pqe Z) $hriver Claims Democrats Lead l1t California By TOM BARLEY Of 1M1 DlllY f'IJDt Stiff • A statewide poll taken during the paBI week by Calilomia Republicans showed the McGovern-Shriver ticket one percent- age pclnt ahead 0£ Nixon-Agnew, vice presidential hopeful Sargent Shriver i:J&imed Thursday night. !'But you'll never hear about it extt!pt from me," Seo. George McGovern's tbullie.nt nmning mate told cheering bemocrats at a t:IOO+bead no host cock· tall party In Anaheim. Shriver uplalned that the poll was baniedly placed under wrape aa soon aa alarmed GOP execuu ... had scanned the tabulations. ••[ don't blame t~," be said, "al- though they didn't neM that poll to get the message that lneviteble defeat Is on Ill way. "Our election organization bas become (See SHRIVER, Page Z) Supreme Court decision. That court man. date requires private developers SJ well as public agenciea to submit eo- virOnmental impact statements for "non trivial" projects. The ruling expand! the state's Environ- mental Quality.Act of 1970 which bad re- quired the eco-impact statements of public works projects deemed to have a "significant" -positive or negative - impact on the environment. Hurd's niotion was approved . on a 5--0 ' vote, with comniissioners Ellen Freund and Harry Shuptrine absent. The action urges councilmen to ratify the staff.proposed impact statement forms and guidelines prepared since last June wher the commission ordered staff to draw up guidelines for private developments as well as public con- struction projects. Further, commissioners asked the council to return the interim policies to eace them for "review, revision and recom- mendation." Unlike councilmen who spent the bulk of lheir Tuesday debate quibbling over the haste with which the stall bad readied ~ court mandated ·package, commlMioners beard a presentation from plannlng consultant Ed Haworth. Haworth's consulting fll'm authored the draft with assistance of City Attorney James Erickson, City Manager William Woollett Jr, Key points the planner made about the guidelines were: -The law requires developers to file an impact statement before a building permit may be l!sued. -Although the requirements to flie an EIS are based on the "trivial" or "non trivial" natul't! of the preject, the court did not define these tenN, hence the ~ clusion in the pro~ policies of guidelines to help city staff make a determination. USUALLY DOCILE DOHENY STATE BEACH SURPRISED SURFERS WITH SIX TO EIGHT FOOT SETS EARLY TODAY Tropic1I Storm Jo1nne Makes for Exceptiorwil Long RW.1 1t F1mous Bo.rd Svrfhtg Spot Jn D1n1 Point Mystery MarRS Death of 'Man Near El Toro Mystery surrounds the c h a n c e discovery of the body of a .21-year-old man in the El Toro area Thursday. The Orange County Coroner's orfice said the victim was identified as Donald D. Bell, of Long BeaclJ from papers found in his clothing. Coroner's aides estimated the time of death as sometime late Tuesday or early Wodnesday. '!be body was found by a rancher searching for a stray calf off the west side of El Toro Road about a mile south ot Cook's Corner. The victim wes fully clothed and the body was lying in low, brush on an incline from a ~ghway turnout. Coroner's deputie! said there were no marks of violence on tile body but that toxicolog1cal tests would be made to determine the cause of death. NO WONDER HER TOOTH A.CHED LONDON (UPI) -A centipede craw~ ed out of 18-yeaMJld 1ltrth Abnhaml' aching tooth alter d<ntlll Bamet Kopkln ex1racted It, according to the British Dental Joumal "It probabJy crawled. In while lhe WIS' asleep With her mouth opee," and presumably ~ In a ca'rity, reported Kopldn In an article In the jouma1. James Roosevelt to Live on Coast JAMES ROOSEVELT, eldest son of the late President Franklin D. 11ooo .. velt, will be moving to Spyglass Hill in Newport Beach at the end of this month. Roosevelt disclosed his moving plans Thursday during a press conferer1ce held to mark the opening of the Democrats for Nixon headquarters ill Ana- heim. He is chairman of the Southern OOllomla Oemocrab for Nixon. TBE Fl1l'UllE Newport Beach resident In Inaugurating the political office in the Hyatt House Hotel said that Sen. George McGovern "is oot qualified to be President." He said he believes the Democratic nominee bas neither the qualificatklns, the record, nor the confidence of the people to execute the office of President, il elected. · ROOSEVELT SERVED !h: terms In the llouae of ReprtBeDtaUves from Beverly Hills and bas also been an unsucc&sful candidate for governor of California and. mayor of Los Angeles. While he is stippcrtlng a 'Republican this year. he maiotained 'thlt the Democratic party could make a comeback in 1978 as the GOP did toUowing Goldwater's defeat in 1964. HE SAID he will maintain his membership In the Democratic party. Leisure World L~d Use Panel Endorses 14-s toryTower Additions Orange Cotmty Airport Land Use com· The planning -let a puhtic mlsslooen Thursday night approved tho hearing on It back two -to Oct. 11 plan for two 14-ltory tower additions to arter requelting auch a statement. Ros!moor Leiaure WMld In Lasuna Hilts Jn • previous lcllon lut month. land and deferred action ror two weeks on the • use commtadonen 1pproved the pan of proposed Canada Foothills planned com· the project outelde the M CNEL IODO. Damage Moants • From Big Waves In Capo Beach Churning waves and high tides com- bined this morning to <relle thousands ol dollars In damage to cluster of hoUlel 1n the exclusive Beach Road Colon,y of Capistrano Beach. The surf spawned by a tropical storm oil Baja Callfomla began battering seawalls akrng the shoreline community at the treakfast hour, and lhortly af· terwards a seawall at 35581 Beach Road collapsed. Tue waves threatened the homP. of Los Angeles Realtor Frank Dutra. Once that wall gave way, the home im- mediately down coast, owned by llCbool principal \Vllliam Umebroolr became tbreatned as well. Crews summoned Ly I.he county Dlvl!ion of I-I.arbors. Beaches and Parks, arrived with heavy cable and sandbags to begin lhP effort lo save the front portion <lf the opensive houses. HWe were hit this bad 13 yeara ago. but It's just as frightening thla lime," Llmebrook said u be gazed 1t bl.I crumbling sea wall. The oectlon hit this momllli ii only three doors upeoast from another group or houses which re('elved heavy damqe ln a similar 1icize two ytars ago. Rmklmt.s, following the examples let In the previous ooslaughl . haYO blrod a loca! contrKtor to bring ln snnile bouldon at he•YJ' Uj)Cllll<. Cranes will he mod to drop the gnnlte In Iron! ol J>e hou9et for permanent proteeOon. UfCIU&nl olflclall said this """'1lng that surf rode 11 tide of S. 7 fttt Saturday'• blah Ude reodin& will reach u fe<t. ·Controversial Proposal sin Irvine Facing Study munlty in El Toro. Commissioners voiced no objections to the 311-unit condominiums at Leisure World, planned at the corner of Santa Marla and Santa Vittoria Ayenues. The towtrt will be connected by a central, tw<Mtory building. Orange County airport noise abatement speciall.lt Norm Ewtn said the un it.I are outside of the IS CNEL zone. judged the muimum DOlse level to wbkh m ldent.s can he 1Ubjecttd. * * * Fishing Boat Smashed On Backwat,er in Dana The contn>venlal marsl><!roalng plans for Campus Drive may he subject to the llnt cltrlnlUated and f\Jnded eo- .-ntal Impact study, Irvine ptan. nlng commllslooer• learned Thur>day olghl. I City Manager William Woollett Jr. said ibe 1tody Is deemed nec....ry In view ol ;wo incomptete studies onl<red by tho oounty. And, If tho city "8nle the county to pay for tho road linking UC jrvlno wUb Ute Irvine lndualrlal Compteic and tJ\e aliport, It wlll have to apjrOVe the project by llecomher. •Commlalooer W'911!)' MAI'.< crltlcl.ied the allocation of planning llall Ume to l'"'J"'ratlon ol an lmpoct llatement -there ta ao much aeneral plan wort to bl dcmL" • Woollett bad aid be would .-.nmtlld the ell} blnt plannlo(j _ ... I Ed t ' ' The project, Ute the C.nada Footllllil poO()OAI, -rtfemd to COf1llnlllmn by the plannln( c:ocmni9lloo hec:oule It II near the Marine Corpo Air -in El Toro. Marine Corpo Col. MUmy SLtpl.s uld that allhouah the M.vlae Corpo bu no objectlonl to thll ~ ..... wookLnot like to -a prollfentiQG" ol bicb rfa dtvelopW• ~ OD them We. The blah =~ can a/lect Ute altitude of ap to """'*"" he ... plained. Commilllooel'I dela,..S cammmt on the Canada ~ oothllls dev!loprnm\, which -Id rtpOrtedlJ ....... -lllllan ol ao,ooo people, to -, if an enwlranmenttl lmpoct statmtent II bektl doftloped. -The 'Wrl did not tell dlitJ what to do with the Impact statements once they are med, restrict the flllng to tho building pennlt application or lndlcate an unfavorable review of an E I S automatically meant a project must be turned down. -By requiring fillng of an EIS at the zoning stage the developer It, Car in ad- vance, put on notice of the city's con- iSee IMPACT, Pqe %) Plan Call s For Thieu To Re sign SAIGON (UPI) -President Nguyen Van Thieu "''Ill cffer to resign under terms of an Allied peact proposal which talls for total U.S. withdrawal and an "lid to Nort!i Vietnamese lnfUtralion of the south, Informed IOW'Cf!S said today. The new plaa will he propoled by Allied negoUaton prior to the Nov. 7 U.S. presidential election. American and South Vletnamtse 10UtCt1 aa\d. '!be --tha plan .... -ed In detall by Wblte lloule "'VOf Maj. c;.n_ Alexander Haig dunnc b!i """ ferences w'llb nueu Tuesday and nwr. day. I They sa)Jj It _,Id provide: -Total U.S. wtllldrawel from South Vietnam. -TbJeu's re1lgnation in favor of Sen. Nguyen Van Huyen, speaker of SOulb Vietnam's Senate and former law partner of Nguyen Huu Tho, an official of the Viet Cong's ProviskJoal Revolir tlonary Government. -An end to the U.S. bombing ol North Vietnam and the DIVll blockade ot North Viotnamese poru. In e1change, the North Vietnamele wouki : -Froe all U.S. prilonen of war. / -Halt a111nm1rat1on o1 South Vtetnam, leavq the Communi.lts' war to the V.le.t eonc. -Acreo to n~te "sertoUAly" ln Paris or elsewhere toward a ctaae-llte. 1be ..._ ct..crlbed the plan aa Iha Allies' "offer to end all offers'' Ind tu rejection woold mean a oontln~Uon of. the <onflict. Thieu has predicted that followln1 • pre-U.S. etectlon Commun~! "spec- tacul•r" lh South Vletn11m -a Jet1es o( offensive act.-the war will "fide 1way -for 1 few dozen months." The plan •wean to be a rephrasing of an Allled offer made Lase. J&mW'J. Howeviu, It wtJUld lea•e opftl such ~ tlonl u the Allied demand for In- ternationally supe:rvlted dtdkm In South Vletnan: and a Communist demlnd for Imposition ol • c:oalltlon ....,...,..1 lncludlna CommunW: rtpresmtatlvt':I prior to any etectlon. Pretumably. such queatlona ...Wd he decided In Iha "lltrioul" ....,U.tlou. Huyen waa el<ded today to his llzth consecullft &tnn u Senate tpNk.er, Ht bu lluppoMd tho ......,,....1 .. llJ ---Ion ol the war but oppcJKd It on tueh mattm •• the bill wtilch allowl ThlelJ to rule by decree f0< llz manthl. Wea doer Coollderabl1 cloudy ... 5ahtrday. cl<arillfl by mlcklay lo ...,Y -. Sl!Ptlr cooler IO!th baodl -· llUttl ol arour.I 71 tUinl lo the mld-40a lnlaDd. i-1 taoJc!tt a INSIDB TOD~ Y Siie'• tJu tdf1 o/ a H••dnf1- ton BfOC'll dodor "Oii, ht Bar- baro Wcrrbvrtolt c:aft toot bod o• a lioll do:.,. _. of ,_. ,.,.,.~ '°'th ,.,.. of 1M fl'..U 0/ '"°" b-. s.. ljldar'• W r.rlcf"ftdn. ...... -. -" -. ---" .. . .. --, --I ...... f.1t ,.._._.. ' .... u.tlft l1 -I -- I --. __ ... __ .. .. ,.;:::.,. ... .... , ==··It!! -... -. :.,.. "•a a~ - I JI OAJU PILOT F~~!!__a~age Arizo1ia Crops PHOEN'IX, ArlL (.\Pl -F1ul> flood wamlnp ....,._ In elll<t '"""''"'"t -of Artlona todaJ with more • Showers and thun- derstor1ns forecast from a storm which h3s caused an estlmated $4.7-milllon dtlmage lo the cotton orop. E&timate-s of the cotton crop loss ca~ rrom University ol Arl!ona agrooonusts •·ho sakl the loss "1i'U expecially heavy in Pinll, Yuma and ?.laricopa counties. Fro...P.,e l ULK ... men wen taken from tbe nm-. At this time tht Ttadtwiods was aw&!b Ille Coast Guard d<lennined it lo be hazard to navigatm. TM boa t was taken in tow by the Point ivide which began steaming to Dana oinl Harllor. R.scue openiUom ...,.. liiJ!led by Mesa's re.ma..iniD& btlloopter as guna Beach. residents watched the ex· raordinary disp~ from their hillside mes. Reports that a fire an:i an explosion been observed by Laguna Beach .... idents were uoconfinned by Coast uard reports today. Tbe incident is peodlng lnftstigation ~ Coast Guard's mariot impection unit. ''We ~ rot know whit caWted the ine failure or why the Tradewinds an to take oo water.,. Gregory CnJ>. all. Coast Guard petty officer said ~ y. The Point Divide with tbe TradewiDds tow bad reacbed the Dana Point arbor breakwater when the final · saster befell the craft. A fitting on the towed craft P,\'t way heavy surf sem the wooden boat ~L<lili'll omo tho jagged rocb of the bn!akwater. Orange Couory Karbor District officers · today operatiorul are under way to move targu debris from rocks as it is hazard to boats. Harbor District operation.s to clear the ~usb<od craft were being hampered by aame beovy deep swelJs and rooih that -tbe boat lo Ille rocks. The craft bas been declared a complete , by the lnmrance oompany, the Owud "'ported. The boat owner wu klentifled as David cm of Los ~des. DoUar icos bu yet been d<termined, tho Cout ..,,_said. P.....P .. el SHRIVER ... complete within th!! past weell:," Shriver said. "Within two or three weeka our alight edge in Calllomla will become a clear DemocraUc party lead throughout the nation." Both Shriver and Southern California campaign chalrman Donnan Col1JIDOlll assured milling and doubtful Democrats that they have peraonally ,_ copies al Ille Republican poll that "'pu1edly gives McGovern a slight edge. Both men said they had abo seen tat>- ullUons from an earlier GOP poll whkh showed that Ille Nimn-A~ margin In California bas been cut to four percent. "U-memben are givln( 111 their support tn Increasing numbers," Shriver explained. "Many ore defying AF[,(;10 ~ident George Meany and Oocking to UI by Ille thousandl." Shriver hailed Orange County and Its "'Jncreasing support for the Democratic Uctet" u a "vital bellwether" in the November election. And he lauded the work of "auch ltand- ard bearers 11 Mission Viejo Rancher RJchard O'Neill" for a ril1ng Ude of au~ port that will, he predicted, leave the Democratic Party In Orange County j111t 100,0I» overall votes behind the Republi- cam on electk>n nlght. '"niat'a all we need," the qulckallver campaigner aald. "'Ibat tlnd of edge tor tbe keJ)ubUcana hen works out u a big maratn ror us in many other 1tate1 and puta Oeorae McGovern in the White Houle." OIANH COAST tt DAILY PILOT TM or._ C... 0411.Y 1'11..Cn, ..... ~ s._,........_....,.. ........ ,.,......w .. OrMllt C-• ll'VOIWll&olt ~ ........ ,. ......... ,. ......... """""-'f' "'"*"Ith t"l'Wl'f', lw CMI• M•i.t, N._I ~Kii • ......,....... "9k1Vir_,1.111 V•lle'f', 1..•IUN "'""-INlllfilMlll.-..U Md SM a..-te1 left JWn C•M,_ A .... r, ,........ .. hi! "' "*"..,.. liltvt#n n .....,..,... fJl9 ,,-... 'rh111t:I .......... )I •I DO°*"' .. , ..,_ cat• ~ Ollfwftlt,. ,,.,._ leMrt N. W•ed l"t' ................ Ww J•t~ II. C1rl•y ... .., ............ o.wr .. ......, n-•• L .... n ...... n. ••• A. .. .,.,,.1 .. _ ..... Qlr'-H. i..... ll~et4 P. N.1111 ~,..,., ......... -Qltt ... i DI i::-.:.:i' 1ill'wt ~ ••ectU :DJI l11)10W ~ Medi!,.,...., ... ...... ......... ..,., '"" ~ ...... ,.. --~,---... ~ .. ... , .. ,, •.. , •n•• ..,....... C1 ... .W.urte i MNtN . S. Cf a -Al .... I la Tt l JI a s 4fto4ae 9 ---~Pu ............. ,. '" ................ IN! ..... ........ ti ~~ ,..,..... --·=---....... ....... =--~--•1.::. ~ _,, w -;;;Jt".,.,, ........,, -~ ......._. IUI ncMWr. • ' WtrVe. B t1f1e Surf at Laguna 'Ba ndi.do' Dog's Adri_~_e --t-- Sta11.s Tha nks Pookie for Support Term Hit • -• •• • Slams Trailers ALBANY, Clli1. (UPI) -Ralph Cllt1ro, :r, thinks hi1 dog has lots of llYVJ', but hid DO Idea it was poliUcal witll tbe Committee to Re-eled the Prealdent bqu wriling it for financial HllBtance. Pookie. a 2-yeaNld Cerrnan Shepherd, received a letter Thursday from fl.1aurice H. Stana, chainnan of the Nixon re-election effort. It was postmarked from New Yori!: and addreascd to '1MJu Pookle Cistaro," the owner aaid. By 'Women '_; Heavy surf continued to pound the Laguna Beach C"03st today. causing a substanlial loss of beach sand and fwiher damage to trailers on the beach at El Morro ~1obile.home Park, wh.lch wu badly battered In a !ale August stonn. Sandbag crews on the beach ;it EJ Mono "'wked throughout t~ day Thurs- day to prot.ect the 7'? trailers tn the beach area ol tbt ~unity. Onty four of the ML~ion Vie jo's Retar ded Unit Beino-Buil t e The o n C'~ -c on t rover s i a I ntR (Trainable ~1entall~-Ret3nit.'d ! bcility now under construct~n by rbt Saa Joa- quin School District w~ ..re-i a mme indicalive of a mucll. bnghttr future: ~ wltidl meam ~· District offiri1!1 wert mid la.it scmol year that ~ woWd haft' to bou...~ l'.brir own nm students ~ar.t of using ~ ty facilities beca~ tnrnllmt!at !lad grown. The project was del.a~ed M' i:noatbs while tru$:ees bicUred O't'V' who ~ get the bid. --cl bu!ldinl ...... and wbo wooJd pay b' it. But oow H i,, tmder eoost!UL"tion 'GJitb statt fund! oa a fonmr baseball field of La Pu Int.ermedia:tr .moJ in ltimiun Vie;o and is schedukd b' c:mlllJJetion m February or ML-rd!... ml. T'b8 41 stndftXS Clm'Gtiy emnllM II:'!! attending classes m te:u{XlilJ ~ at the Tu:rtin PlesbjltiJan ClmrdL m \Y. ~lain St. The name ''E.sptt rn"' w:as t!!dar1ed by trustees afta bearlrC tbt - and parents preferT"ed it ~ a .RCID1 choice "Los Felil" -baJlP1 ""- ,, ...... .,.,1 IMPACT .. . cems for the enviroomenL -'There ii an implied rupoosi'billty that the city sbou\d be dolng en- vironmental impact analyse!. -The proposed short form statement questionnaire was drawn directly from the law and takes only ''from a hal!- minute to a minute" to complete. -Concerns llsted to help detennlne the need for the 1-0ng form statement - questions which are also based on the law -are the same concerns coun- cilmen, plan&ling staff or commissioners usually raise during bearings on develOJ>- m<DlS. -The EIS statement merely organizes in one place all of the concerns which relate to a projects positive or negative affect on the environment. Commissioners suggested ::. few things t).ey would like to see e:1pressed dif- ferently, although most favored the early sdoptloo of Ille guideline~ They •fl"'<d the impact statements would give them a formal base to consider proposed devel- opments aod that developments alrtady considered by the Irvine commission might wen be e:1empt. ''We have been applying subjective ji.:dgments of what impact on the en- vironment any of the ioninga, tracts or use pennlts we 've alre1tdy seen will have ," Commissioner Hurd sald. Key points made by commissioners Thursday night during the dlacusslon of the staff proposal were : -Cost benefit analyses or Individual projects should be ordered in lhe Ught of the CO!ts versus benefits of the project In u~ context of the whole community, not the cost-bene!lt to the developer. trttilen are occupied .. ytar a round honles, the remainder standing empty during most of the winter month.!. \Vaves smasbinl into the El ~forro cove Tbundl)' w.n "so buge It looked llke ~ IUlf movies from Hawall," said one midtnt. Water sloabed under the trailers aod stVttaI suffered damage to decks. Laguna Beach lifeguard capt. Bruce Baird was called to Diven' Cove at 10 p.m. 'Ibunday, when a trio of scuba dtvors was reported In trouble In tbe beavy surf. Baird said tho three. all lrom out of town. m night divini for lobstor and had difficulty •-hen they tried to get back to tbe bNcll thtoogb Ille surf. However. they w.... able lo ~ tbe sboro without assistanoe. be reported. On Wednesday, a U-)'W'<lld e .... man \\'As drowned off a Treasure Island beach south or Laguna while diving for lobster. La,,"Una guards said tbe beavy surf, \\itich is !>ringing 6-loot waves into the ~lain Beach, is in its third day and ls ei:- pected to continue for at least another day. The heavy swells are 1 spin-off from a hurricane off Baja Calllornia, guards S3id. The Clstaros have no chUdre0 and h-tra. Cistaro's first. name Is KaN?n. "Dear Miss Cistaro," Stans wrote to Pookie. "VOW' words of support to President Nixon during his first term of office were valuable. It helped the President in determining which courses of actk>n would be best for the Amer.- lean people. "'Mle President 1galn Deeds your help in order to continue the tlnd of leadership lbl.I country must have to survive and pl"Olpe.r." Cistaro sa1d Pookie hadn't said whether to donate to the President's ef- fort.s. 'Lame Duck' San Joaquin Winding Up Last Year ':"-';• By J ACK BROBACK · .: Of Ille ~~......... ~ .. : Members of the Orange Cuunty League· .. : of \Vomen Votera today mildly chastlled:: Superviaor Ronakl W. Caspers for ~:: • characterization of Mexican· Americanl•! c.. as "Adelant.e•a Bandldoa:.'' ::: • •• At a morning press conference ~ Jeanette Turk of Huntington Beach.•_. • •• president of the League, firat compU. ~ meoied Caspers on bl5 "courtesy and fair-. ; ne!s during long public bearings" in the'! past months. ~~: "We bave observed the board weekly·: during tbe last 10 months wben Mr. . Caapeni baa "'"'ed aa cbairman 'and ·. have been impressed with hi& courtesy ·: even durin' long and aometimes tediOUI· public hearings," Mra. Turk aald. "It was with bl5 usual fairness that he San Joaquin School District employes But some are trying to resist the presided last week at the public hearing are finding that one of the effec ts of the lameduck sentiment. on the proposed Affinnattve Action successful unification election last June ··1 am fighting to try and maintain .a Program whlcb we supported and he t·· still viable school system," San Joaquin voted against," the women's organization is psychological. associate superintendent Richard Velie presi·dent continued. Jn the words af one dist rict official, it said with some emotkm Wednesday She said that Jt was "because of this is a ''lame duck" district and that has night. fairness that we are especially shocked lowered morale. Trustee Joe Peterson had just sug-b hi t kt w think that San Joaquin is in its final year of gested that the board go to one meeting a Y 11 recen remar · e operation and to some ii is Ute the Viet-month instead of two. Peterson also such remarks are nol In \he intere&t o(.. _,__ ....._ ....._ lo I . • ,_ do bo d good government." ~ H )..( w nam \\'&r, s w y wmwug wn. serves on the new Saddleback ar • The women were asked if Ibey thou""'"' Under tenns of unification, three \\'hich meets twice a month. -did ... " • T • l S unified districts -Irvine, Tustin and Welle said he 'i'-wld see if the reduc· using the term ban ' os ln reference rOpteU toTffi Saddleback \'alley -\\'ere created and tioo was feasible, but cautioned that Mexican-Americans was as bad as t~ San Joaquin and Tustin Union will be there are "subtleties" involved in doing teMD "niggers" ln speaking of black~~ WI • U w di59llved. The new districts take over pie. , _ tips p I aves July t. 1973. '°;'Already we're writing off t be "Ce<tl!i!lly," WI§ the quii;t< '!!ply. r. 'Ibe two soc.to-be defunct districts are significance and importance of the school The women's organization leaders aal(',, C a• already active in helping the new groups system," he declared. it wa5 their Lope that !IQme good ml&bt~ A long oas • ne take 0"'1" Ille reins of nmntng schools. "What ... do 00 June 30 la just as im-come from this unhappy lime. . "' "For too long, Orange County has bad portant as what happens on July 1. Psych- MJTCREU, ologicaJJy, I must fight against myself not a nationwide_reputaUon with which IUP=' By .. ~ --Jrv:1,,, Panel to let down_ even though we'll only be porters of equal rights ·for all cit~ Tnlpical Storm Joanne is still steaming " ~ in existence a few more months," be con-have been uncomfortable/' Mrs. Turf: ""t11e"""" al BaJa.~deSpitE--:;:;-;;---:;:;:--;--;;------t~Board~'"-:-chc;· ~ainnan~~Ro;:-:;1>e~rt:----;D;:am=eroo=-;to::;1d' ai!,?W~ know that the poliuca1c11m-.1e-or ~ed::i:r::a:!' by~ ...!:t Gives Backing him, "We'll •till be figbiing on June 30, I ihe county is changing. We are DOW a . Jomme has bt some of her puff. assure you." blend of conservative and liberal, youni ~-al T C l Welte said although be couJrln't recom-and old, men and women of every race· '""""'·and is DOW eeneratin( ~-0 011.SU tant mend I~ going to one meeilnt a month and creed. Tllo days are gone Wben sutb SU RR NG Fall '72 ~ 1mols at her conter. Soulh facing beacbea are feeling her power tbough, u large bre.WS pound Orange c.aat shores. The, Los Angeles Weather Senice gays Joann' will dissipate later today. alihough'lieavy llWi is predicted througb the weekend. SAN CIJlMENTE iileguards report three to slx·foot wavei with good shape. LAGUNA BEACH says five and six· foot sets are pouring through with Oak Street showing the best shape. 1be wett':r ir crowded with board surfen and llfcguards say novice sur!en are staying on the beach. NEWPORT BEACH Lileguanl captain Dave Harshbarger says eight to 10 foct waves are coming In at 19th Street. "The S(lllth swell is sun strong and there's a lo\ of board surfers out today. I expect there will be a lot mott this weekend. We're staffing up for it because I know the Inexperienced surfen are going to try to ride thl.s stuff on Saturday," Harshbarger said. ' HUNTINGTON BEACH reporla ala to 10 foot a.its with excellent shape. capt. ~lark Bodenbender said the waV<!S are last and hollow at high tides and the water is congested with surfen. Lifeguards up and down the coast er13 predicting good stuff, if smaller, for the v.·eekend. They warn beginning board riders and swimmers to use caution due t .. heavy riptides and a lateral CUITP..nt. llere's the tide scoop for Saturday: F'in;t low tide at 3:22 a.m., 1.1 feet; first high Ude 9:34 a.m. at 5.8 feet; aec· ond low tide 4:07 p.m. at O.S feet; HC-- ond high tide at lO:lt p.m. at 4.5 feet. Imne Planning Commissioners Tbin- dl.y Ngbl. gave a unanimnws vote of coo- fidence to planning coosultant Ed Ilawortb and urged the city counc1I to keep him -ting for tbe new city prob- ably thnlugb December. Haworth, principal in the firm of Ilawuth and Andenoo, la chief arcilitect of the city's general plan process, tbe already approved wall and streetscape and service station ordinances, the pr~ posed environmental impact statemen' guJdelines and is directing the land use policy plans efforts. · Because much or Hawonb's work is yet to be completed and because of in- creasing presrures on the pl&Ming staff, commlasionen: hopt: to co n t i n u e Haworth's contract. (. should be done soon to see if it works. words as "bandidos" wUI be accepted by Trustee Dennis Smith said he didn't the citizens of our county." .wl!:b to do so. No action was taken on the Mrs. Turk coocludeJ her remarks with, idea. "We urge members of the Board of Supervisor> and the community to join with us and tbe Mexlcan-Americen poo: pie In letiln( Mr. Caspers know that." From P .. e J JABBAR ... Jabbar, known as Lew Alcindor at UCLA before he changed his name •. , f' « But Allen twice before had been ar· Burglar Gets $25 From Irvine Firm •. : • • resied on drug_ c_!!ar3., -tlJ! last time~ A ixJrBlar wJ,><>_ was abort _on luJ1dl anti • being given-proliition by a Im Angeles dismteri!8!00 Iii anY!hiilii elso. swljiia W:. judge on a marijuana charge. in petty cash ffMl an lrvlne bus~~ In his probation report, Allen was finn after prying a tear garqe door",.. : quoted as saying he could "be an exam-police said Thursday. -;. : pie to other young people and throu~h my George C. Peppy, owner ot the com-.. experience explain to them the risk or pany at 17631 Sty Par~: Circle, said ~: h.nnn that they do to themselves, their intruder passed up, ~ulpment lncludln famlliea and their frienda by using drugs office machinel, aOOording to lrvlnC: and narcotics." Police Officer Richard Bowman. r.:: · Getting Fi•tal Pollsh Check Out the Big Story 111 Su11day's Daily Pilot Some of the top atoriea DAILY PJLOT writer!! are pol11hlna for dbplay ln Sun- dny's newMpnper Include: BEACON RAY 'HANOOtrr'~ -It rould be called BUbsldlU'd hou5ln11 . Stv,nty-two famlllet llvlng In Newport Bench's Beacon Ray have homC'~ on public propeMy lra!l('rl lo private in- teresta 45 year1 ago. The leues begin t.o run out 1n 15 ytart.. City ofnclals and homeownen are beginning to think about It .•. SUnday Special. BA1TLE FQR ~l!ILD -Much ol the bltternn.. .. once in divorce c13's has now been channeled lntc. the question of who gttl CUl1ody ol the ehlldren, Stoff Wr11er AlllM>n Detrr report.a In a "YOU SecUon" story . 90NNY AND CHER -Family Wetkly'1 COYtr tubjecta are Sonny and Che:r Bono. Their 1tory lncludea n gllmpse lnt.q ~r bu,y Uve& In which tbay Wro llCh i.Uier'1 ume onataae 1nd ofl ... and bow they do It. been laid ofr from hit aerospace job, Now he h11 developed an unsteady gall Mctor1 Mve been un1ble to diagnose or ei1rl:!. SUPER SLEUTH -G<orge Peppard , television's Banacek, makeA the cover of TV WEEK. Story ol the actor who 1tar1 In I~ ntw str1ta ii featund In the mAg:tzlne wh ich tllts full wttk'a worth of lctrvlsion lhow1 .• BOOKS FOR KIDS -'l'tny Shannon. th<" elfin lady behind 1 dozen chlldrtn'a boob , ilkn to photocnph .... of her own llhutntlont, tnjoyl worllina with Charles Poyun~ f«mtl" Dilney Il- lustrator and believes you should never "write down" to 1 cbUd. Her llluatrated 1tory is 1<heduled for C - FESTIVAL PANNED --Entel' t1inment cotumnlat Rn B'ttd matll tbe New York Film F'eltivll. He 11)'1 it'• not commercl1l, but one Judie has too much l . tty Lo the &etectlan offilmt • DRIXE~EltlTAG~ENREDON-WOODMARK-KARASTAN NEWl'ORT I EACH e I 127 WISTCLIF' Ol., MJ·JDIO LAGUNA IEACH e l~J NOllTH COAST HWT. ····•&ti TORRANCE e · JJ64t HAWTHOINI ti.VD. Jtt.12n • ,TOUGH Lmll -Doogt11 LlndHy ol Colli M.,. hopet. lifi btglnt •t 40. He'• 39 now and ht hAI lost 2 of 4 chlldN>n to cy!IUc flbl'f)fb1, Is 11\vorctd "nd h.1s BRIGlrT l!U8INES8 -rauntAiin V1Uey ice cnom ~or diltllll)'I pofnO lnp onlltad by di!-. '1'111 tlllpla, .-orb an oaleclod ,.. • maath11-by tho troontlln Valley Ari -.uon. Sitry will 1>e ftllured nn bualnotl pqt. '------------------------------------ ' " I I I I ! I I McGovern Flays Tax Hike Fears CHICAGO (AP) -Son. that would Increase your ta•· es." WORLD & NATIOI George McGovern, confronted with the suggestion that many Americana fear he wants to tax away their money for welfare, has dltmlssed it as "pure poppycock" stemming from Republican propaganda. F u r thennore, McGovern l!laid, his overhauled welfare proposals would provide no assistance for people who are able to work. He said "the on- ly people entitled to welfaJ1!" are those whose age, dlsablllty , _______ _,, McGovern said be does not J intend to raise "the tues of (cAMP AIG N •1z) people who live on wages and salaries by one penny." Indeed, at one point he said there are probably more peo- ple ruined than helped by in- herited fortunes . Chicago, Des Molnea and Kansas City were McGovern's campaign Itinerary today. It was at a CJeveland stop Thursday that the tax-and .. welfare quesuon was put to him. "There is still concern e1· pressed by many citizens, even of very moderate means, that U you're elected their in- come mJght be practically confiscated and given to those who won't work,'' a man told McGovern as the Democratic nominee answered questions at the Cleveland City CJub. "Of course this is the Republican line,'' McGovern replied , "It's pur• poppycock. . • .If you live entirely on wages and salaries, there is nothing in my tax proposals or family situation prevents them from working. The whole issue dates back lo the presidential primary campaign when McGovern ad- vocated a flat payment of perhaps $1,.000 for every American. His figures were never specific but that now~ discarded plan to supplant welfare with payments to everybody Would havt required a general taz increase. McGovern jettisoned the proposal early In hh campaign a.!I the Democratic nomJnee, but he is still tryfu• to disoel fu.. impression it left with the voters. In Chicago. McGovern ac· cused Republicans of at· tempting to discourage minority.voter registration "in order to divide the community for the sake of partisan gain." Jn a statement prepared for a meeting of.black clergymen, McGovern said there were reliable rePorts t h a t four years ago GOP sources gave money to militant minority organizations which, in return, spreed propaganda that it made no difference whether people voted. Court Hit By Schmitz HARTFORD, CoM. (UPI) -Rep. John G. Schmitz of Tustin, the American Party presldenUal candidate, ays be would feel free to Ignore the Supreme • Court when i t "legislated," such as on school bu.sing. "As president, I would not feel obligaled lo ei ecute the legi!lallve edicts of t h e Supreme Court or any federal court. That is a power grab," Schmitz said Thursday at the windup of a two-day Con- necticut campaign tour. "I would not feel obligated to execute any Ian except those passed by Congress." . Indian Tract BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) - President Emilio Garra:!tazu Medici has signed a decree setting aside a large tract of land for the Fiesle Xavante Indians. Sec~rities Agency__ Moves To Block Tycoon's Firm From Wire Senrices Greene also asked for an in- A'I1.ANTA, Ga. -'lbe junction baning the firm from Securities and Exchange Com-"future violations of securities mission bu asked a U.S. registration and anlifraud pro- District Cotu't to place the visk>ns" of federal securities Koscot Interplanetary cos-laws. Koscot sells cosmetics meUcs finn ot controversial nationwide. promoter Glenn W. Turner in-U.S. District Court Judge to receivership, court records Sidney O. Smith scheduled a showed Thursday. hearing Oct. 12 in Atlanta. "In Ught of Uie pat.ntly ., Meanwhile, Turner W1!flt fraudulent nature of t h e 1'ane to Orlando Tbur>day lo KOllcot ocherne and the defen· amlt tile r;esoimption of bi& dant's_shameless use of a trial.. a green suit run blaclt and white boots of unborn calfhide, had been jailed brief 1 y Wednesday on the orders of a circuit court judge whg held h!m in contempt on the open- ing day of his tcial His lawyers .soon freed him and won the right to appeal the contempt action "ntursday. "Everybody's been re a l nice," sald Turner as 11" le!t the •weals COlrl here and h.eaded .for bi& Orlando head- quarters tn a rented cat. "I'm sorry I can't say anything more." misleading sales promotion, The flamboyant young head this court should appoint a of Dare To Be Great and other temporary receiver," said the Turner enterprises, dressed in moUon filed by Jules B·lr====='=;::;============;I • Gt'eene, head of. the COOi-! mission's regional office in ' • Atlanta . Buff urns' ; opens Fall '. Fun-Fest : Saturday ! SAT. OCT •. ?1all 9 Bufiums' " stores ww. open tbeir ! doors on a week long Fall ~ Fun-Fest that lets you put the fun in Fall, without • pulllnl oot a fortune! . • Throughout the Buf· '" fums' stores, from ladies' • fashions to little people's· "' toys .•. from housewares to ·hosiery, you'll find • nifty new thrifty ways to dress your whole family for Fall. Come early for your pick of our handbags ••• you'll love the handsome ne,.l Imports. You'll also find our fin· e" furs doing even more dramatic things with very special new Utile price tags. And you11 see good thine• f9r guys like jeans, 1hirtr, 1weater1, suits, etc .•. 1oing on for less. You'll like our llltle ·prices for UtUe people in big back-to-school looks. And all your hostess , bunches will pay off with lo11$ loob at 1hort prices. • Look for Buffum•' star- • Ung ways to put a 1tow on your holiday Ubl• ••. and a aJ.eam in your eye. . While you're here, slip { Into all of our n.ew Fall r f11bloos , •. discover lhe new fur trimmed looks for t '72 •.• bil buys· In l1dle1 sportswear, dresses and coats. • Pick up some luggage , that leaves loll ol dollars , free for the trlpt ! Get a boot or tw~ • men's and women'• n•w· f est Fall lookl -but don't • tread loo be .. tly on your i Poebthook. Roim 111111 a library of lood hooks • • • all Uclo- • eted to tempt your moll acqubltlve nature. • SH you at Buffum•' I tomorrow. Weir • 1mua smile 11 yoa feather Jour 1 Pall nut . , • for lull -· LET US SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE THE PROPER WAY! RE-UPHOLSTERY DEMOISTR·ATION SATURDAY OCT. 7th • 11 am to 3 pm A livin9 room ch~ir from stir! to fin· ish. Using febrics from our upholstery shop. FROM 2. 99 '• So 99 yd. JCPenney FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ONLY -. Social Security Boost,s Approved WASHINGTON (AP) -A three r<lonn plans .... tested. momentous $18.~ Socia! -Alm lo hold down the Security welfare bDl has steadily rising costs of the two emerged from the Senate car-big government health pro- rying dozens ol. new benefit! grams: Medicare for the and higher taz ... But It llaU. elderly and Medicaid for the reform of the ~families poor .. program indeflnltely. On the other hand , the 90 Capping a 17-bour aeukln ln mlllion1 persons w b o s e wh lch 40 separate paychecks are tapped to ft- amendments weer considered, nance Social Security would the Senate passed the blll 68 to pay more into the program, 5 early today. as "''00.ld their employers. The 980-page bill would: Under tbe present program, -Provide or lncrtue SOclal each worker pays 5.2 pereent Security benefit. for widows; of the firot $9,400 of Income in- chronically Ul old per!Ollll wbo to the fund . The employer need maintenance d r u g a ; matches that figure, Already persons who want to retire at the deduction is due to in- age 60; others who want to crease to 5.5 percent next work beyond age 65; all male year; lhe Senate-approved. bill retirees who now get lower would ral.!e it to 6 percent. benefits than women with the Thua, a worker now paf:! a same earnings r e cord s ; maxlm\1111 of $468 a year into di.sabled penons; elderly men the fund ; the figure would go and women who need giasses, to $648 in 1973. bearing aids and dentures, and --'-------- other groups. -Substslantlalcy Increa.e benefits and set a naUonaJ in- come standard for aged, blind or disabled penons receiving welfare. THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE Friday, October 6, 1972 D~ILY riLOT f J obless Levels Released Prisoner Charged Ease Down ward WASHINGTON (UPI) -from 7.7 j>treenl lo •. 6 pel' MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -Jim-The nation's unemployment cenl. lnlr1<!ni tile llttt Ume It my Lee \Yilson. who spent rate edged downward Jn •nearly two yean that it was wu below 7 pereenl But Job-elght years on death row on a September from 5.6 to 5.5 per-Jess rates for moat cate,ories rape conviction until h i:! cent while the number of o( workers abowed Jlttle release from prison J a s t penom with jobs continued change in September. spring. has been charged with the steady rise that began the rape.slaylng O( a cocktail more than a year ago. '"'e waitress and the shooting new employment report, made death of her boyfriend. pubUc today by the Labor Dade County deputy sheriffs Department's Bureau of Labor arrested Wilson as he sat Stallstics, said lhat after ad· down to di.Mer Thursday with juetment for seasonal factors, his wife, Melva, and their two the number of persons v.·ith children. )<>be increased 2SO.OOO In Wilison wm charged with September to an all-time high murder in the shooting deaths of 82.2 million. That was near- of Patricia Blush, 30, and ly 3.8 million more than ln Gerald Santore, 24. June, 1971. Wiison and two others were The actual number o ( convicted in 1964 of the rape of employed persons declined two Mexican sisters who were about 1.5 million in September migrant workers ln the as students quit summer jobs ·vegetable fields of south Dade to return to classrooms, but County where Wilson lived at this was less than nonnal for the time. September so that employ. Wilson's lawyer argued that ment rose on a seasonally ad· persons opposed to the death justed basis. pen a 1 t y had been The bureau said the numlx>r (Fly Qur Legs) aulomatically excluded from or unemployed workers totaled -Continue the program of Aid to Famllies w 1th Dependent Children w b 11 e the jury. 4.7 million , down about 200.000 -Wilson was resentenced by from August. That was about As a volef', you11 Circult Court Judge Marshall normal. and the bureau AIR find more .4 what Wiseheart to IS ye.an: in described the overall jobless C•LIFORNIA.. U'I prison. He was released on ex· rate as vitually unchanged for N Dnl ,._.,,, T P • ct · k pirati'Jo o( hls sentence with the fourth consecuUve month . . fl_,, est TO 1e you need .. to llOW time off for good behavior on The )<>bless rate for Vietnam,,..__-___ <_71A_) -54-0-4_5_50__, T 0 Continue ~ ~itical j [ _.:.M.:.ay~l6~. ~1972~· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiariiii .. iiiiriiiia iiiiveiiiiteiiiiraiiiinsiiidiiiriiio~p~piiieiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillij~-- wASHINGTON (AP)-Pres-ISSUeS, ll depth In ' flelle/ !dent Nixon announced th.at your newspaper T llB DRITISll Alli! Alllllfl N'G ! he will continue for a sec. ond ye a r a test project FIND CHRISTOPHER ROllN CONTEST among 21> cities aimed at trying o u t local-reliance federal revenue sharing pro- grams. The ciUes include San Jo:;e, Fresno and Tucson. ~oath Coast ?Iua mRnSPISLO's · •FULLERTON •HUNTI NGTON BEACH •ORANGE OPEN SUNDAY 11 TO 5 ONE WEEK ONLY SOFA ...... ; ......... 179.95 LOVE SEAT .. • • • • .. .. . 119.95 CHAIR ................ 69.95 SWIVEL CHAIR ••••••••• 79.95 COCKTAIL • . . • • • .. .. • .. 69 .95 CORNER TABLE .. .. .. • • • 54.95 END TABLE ............ 34.95 ,_,,._ TOTAL •••••••••••••• : 599.95 Thi Cotnplttt aooa. Rattan wood has been used .f.or thousands of y ears fo r fu rni- ture . making. Du ring the past century furniture made of rattan bas achieved great popularity in • t he United States . Its natural beau ty, ability to take a fini sh, durability and li ghtness of weight lends grace and comfor t to ou r modern way t>f lile. • D A U .y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Politics Irvine City Councilmen John Burton and l-lenry Qull\ley seem to be engaged in a subtle battle for Re- 1>ub can suppOrters in the new city. Burton heads Lhe So uth Coast Republican Forum and Quigley has formed the Irvine Caliromia Republican Assen1bly unit. Iloth ~roups support President Nixon 's re-el£>ction and both hint there will be an active precinct organization avail- a ble to tbe former City Council enetnies should a detente in their differences be reached. \Vith their mutual stands favoring development of the Rinker parcel underneath the east-west runway of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and unprecedented ag reement of the two on Yt'eakening proposed environ- mental impact statement guidelines, it appears that detente is near. It might be noted that developer Harry Rinker is a big contributor to Orange County Republican candidates ,,..·ho seek higher office. lf the council adopts the impact statement guide-- lines Tuesday night, Rinker's development could he stalled an d hls proposed 500 homes 8,000 feet from the 1et run'''ay could never be built. \\'hile that might be in the best interest of Irvine citizenry, present and future, it would certainly under· t ut some partisan political ambitioos. Corey -'Hometown Boy' After a \\·ide and diligen' search, trustees of the Ind.ne Unified School District found their best choice for a superintendent was almost a hometo"·n boy. A. Stanley Corey, 47 , Irvine's first superintendent of schools, \1ias born in \Vhittier, graduated from Santa Ana High School and for a time worked "ith the Buena Park School District. He will come back to Orange County (rom the Cupertino Unified School Distnrt in the San Jose area. ln addition Lo his kno14·Jedge of Oraage C:>un ty, \ vs. Safety Corty brings five years of experlen<e as a superUitend· ent, three of tbem in a rapidly growing area with prolr lems similar to Jrvine's1 and 19 prlor years in educa· tion. lie has a strong background in curriculum and school rehabilitation and with bond elections ("Won a few," he said), all things the new d.L!trict needs. Irvine board president Charlfl Boulanger appro- priately called the appoinlment a "milestone." He and fellow trustees are to be complimented for taking time with their choice. And Corey is welcomed. "home" by all. Good Temporar y Solution History on the patio, English in the dining room and math in the third bedroom down the ball. No, it isn ~ the Swiss Family RDbinsoo pursuing education in ~odern surroundings. It's a unique, tem- porary program that is keeping kids off of double ses- sions in Mission Viejo. The Mi.Won Viejo Co., developer oC one of Orange County's largest and most successful communities. took it to heart when the San Joaquin School District "" vealed that there were more students than classrooms in one Mission Viejo area. The company donated the use of six model homes and a sales office to house 125 students for a ynr u.otil the new El Dorado school is ready fOI' them. The move kept three schools off double ~.ssioo$ and created in the process a friendl y atmo.spbtte that is providing unique surroundings and a ~tee f'duo- tiooal opportunity. Develoi>ef> are learning that good scl>ools iro J>ll1 of the package bom .. buyers inspect most carelUQT. 'Ibis cooperative effort seems to be working for lbto best interesti of everyone. ,, SS lfrestlitag Witla Refor11a Property Tax Puzzlement Leaders Say: 'Sex-No, NJl;.___, Reader Counters Wall Street Jouraal Discussions of taxation often take oo a never·never-land quality in an election year, what y,·ith promises of reronn. closed loopholes, holding the line and the like -yet the discussion can hardly be ignored or classified as unimportant. One ol the mom puzzling propositions is President Nixon 's proposal that the federal government can and should deal with tht inequities of the property tax. As everyone V.OWa, property laxes are an instnuneot of state and local govern- ment, and a lew ye.an ago \t m\ght have required some audacity for a federal <id- ministration to openly suggest that it in- tended lo dictate the revenue policies of lower level governments. But then. :.is the C'OUnlry has moved c v er farther towards a national society and u cen- tralized political syslem. old ideas of federalism have been changing. HOWEVER , IT IS ONE thing to pr~ mise to do something 11bout the property tax and to get by y,•ith il without drawing fire from mayors and i:ovcmors: lt i~ quite 3110ther thing for a federal <.id· ministration to figure out just how it can keep the promise. A comm ission •:p- pointed by the President recently cun1- pleted a draft report y,·hich sugges ts ll•at federal intervention might prove to t;c easier said than done. The problem. in essence. is that there is nothing resemblin g uniformity in state :ind local laxalion. Property tax rctes \'ilry widely from state to state and locality to locality -which is one re.uon 1.hey ha\'e been under legaJ attack as allegedly violatuig the equal proteclion clause of the federal constitution. SALES, 1NCOME AND other types of state and local taXes some1imes balance out property tax disparities among sta tes: thus. the total state and local tax burden on individuals is not quite so uneven, in some comparisons at least, as the property tax burden. The problem for a national ad- ministration that seeU to give property tax ftlief is to i\gure ou a way of doiog so without making the disparities a part of the federal system as well. Assume, for example. that lhe federal govemment attempted to provide such relief by pcnnitting individuals to simply deduct half of their property tax bill from their federal income tax bill. (Currently they can deducl property and other state and local Laxes from income in computing federal income taxes.) OBVTOUSLV, THIS t}'J>e oC direct at- tack on the property lax burden -one of the few obvious lines of attack the federal government could take -would be or greater benefit to taxpayers ln slates and localities where property lax- es are proportionately heavy. In states ;ind localities 1vith proportionately heavy sal~s and income taxes, tbe taxpayers v;ould i::rt short shrift . F'urther, th is form of tlltack \'.uuld be of relatively little ben- fit f() retired persons \\•ith low incomes !and thus JO\\' lcdl'ral taxes\ who are saU! to be most in need of property lax reliei. And tbe federal benefit might even encourage low property taX states to raise property la1es. It is hard to imagine, in purely arithmeti cal terms, a federal approach to fullilling lhe promise of property lax relief that v."OU1d not perpetuate existing taz: inequities or create new ooes. ALL OF WWCH suggests that this p~ posed element of the "new federalism" may need some rethinking. Such pro- poeals, I\ would appear, slN.dlly reduce the pollcy'a quotient of federalism. It may well be that there is a historical movement away from federalism that no adminlstratioil can resist and that state and local governments no longer attempt to resist. The ultimate result of this movement may be a future system in which all revenues funnel through Washington and are parcelled out to states and cities in an effort at national uniformity and equity. BUT WE ARE NOT convinced that such an <>bjective is either attainable or desirable. There are good reasons to fear that further movement towards it wUJ bring fiscal and administrative chaos. We ~·otdd prefer to see the national ad· ministration put more faith in state rather than federal S(l!utions to property ta:it inequities. The initial puzzlement of the President's commission over what federal approach to take would seem to offer very good reasons for doing just that. Sparkman, Tarnished Hero \\1 ASHI NGTON -For rnost of his 36 yell rs in Congress. Alabama ·s John Sparkman has championed the un· dcrhou1iCd. the underfed and the un· dereducated. Some or his bllttles for t~ poor are legendary. But now the 72-year.old !ICnnl<>r. his kindly face begin· nlng to show lhe r1vage1 of age. his straight shoulders beghmlng to sag. tws become the tarnish- ed hero or the snme spfclal' lhlercsts he once fought. Tbese latter-<lay friends in banking, savings And loans. rt>al estnlc. con· struction nnd the like ore raising o hu1tc camp;i.ign kitty lo save his St.>nutc sent. Thrt:atening to take it oway fro1n him is President Nixon's former Polilmaster· General, Winton "lled " Dlount. Indeed. the outcome coold determine ""'hcthcr tht: RepubUcans will win control or the Senate. • '*AHOI COAST DAILY PILOT Bobn1 N. Wetd., Publis"cr Tiie,... Kuol~ Editor Albert W. Batt• KdUoriol Pago Editor I SPARK;\IAN IS c-h:urman of lhe Sen:11e Banking. llous111g and Urban Affairs Comm11tl'C, which holds legisla tive power ovr.r the industries that have befriended hlm. His defeat y,·oi.1ld elevate feisty . <'On· sun1cr-1ninricd &·nator \Y1llil'lm Prox· 1ni re. 1)-\\'is .. to thl' chairmanship. Not Qnly do 1he fal ca~ want 10 keep l'roxm1rc out or 1h1s powerful seal. The:y also want to sh<'lw their apprccintlon 10 Sp;irk rn nn for )HS bt·nc..,olcnce toward them. "lort'O\'rr. Sparkmnn 1s o member of the Sinai! Oustncss Co mmittee which touches not only 1111 their industries, but other enl('rprises from phorm1tccutlca ls lo h.an:lwnre st<>rcs to hospltn l buildin(I. TllUS, Tiit: special interc11u; are fillin g hL• camp:1ign <..vff{'rs 11~ cvldtnttd by In· <:omplete but sll ll su~l flntia\ fllings under the new ca1npa1"n rcporlin~ lnw. A:1 of Seplem~r 12, some $85,000 of Sparkman 's rtPortrd $119,000 i;tross r«eipll came from !he financlnl. renl esllllt', construction, pharmaceutical :tnd related labor inten::sts. The tont: of the fund raising Is evide nt from some of the letter. going out to builders and bankel'I. "'We In the real estate bu.tine!!," BlmUngbam builder Art Rice has writ· ten, for example, to his business col· leaguM ... _., live loog tnOugh 10 ,.. 1utalher Alabimian ln tblJ particular position 'Of seniority, influence and powtr. In my opinion, Stnator Sparkman caq plclt up the telephon& •nd accomplish moni in five mtnutea than any other can- dldale «illld do In n .. yean ... "llE HAS OONE MORE lhan nny olber alnaie man \0 help our real estate profession and oo" he needl our help so lha1 be miahl coollnue In 1h~ motl ,, scnsi rive position which sorne have in· dicated to be the most powerful in !he United States Senate ... TI1c campaign will take $500.000 .•. ·· Another solicitation letter from Binn- ingham developer Richard Sexton pleads. "I urge you to help in the best ways you cnn by returning the enclosed pledge card with the most generous contribution you can make . . . Regardless of our personal party affiliat>ons or our choice conCerning other national oCrlcts, our in- dustry owes it to Itself to pull the Spnrkman lever and support l h e Spartrnen campaign fwxl first find fon!most." 'Mlese are sad commentaries on a great Senate career. I FOOTNOTE: Commenting on the con· trlbutlOOJ. a spokesman for Sparkmnn said, "When you speak of bllnlc.lng, 1av· lngs and loan, construction, real estate and related induslrlcs, you're talking 11bout some M percent of the economy of lhe COUllll')'. Tut senator has dealt with every legislative matter on its merits and solely on its merit&." Dear Gloomy Gus Since when can ..u .. ppolnled op. portunloll lab II upon tbtmlclvta lo ...,,._,, lhe lnlmotecl -1• of Irvine In nrennce to Ibo lloui· lAI pniblem! Lei lhml call t1J<m.- 1tlvea l<!U·aJIPOinltd p0l-lctans and slop re!errl"' to cllllenl who only wanl what II -for lrYtne. ~.B.M. -......... ,...,.. ...... .:: ........., ................ . ,_ .................... ,... Killing-¥~ 'Computerplionia' ~ ~ To the Editor : ( J SYDNEY J 'IT.& nnTQ . The· computerpbobia exprtssed by Mr. ·~. D. v. Picker in .his letter to Mailbox MAILBOX _ ~ (Sept. 27) is tmfoundcd. Contrary to his belie(, it is the bank customer that (During i\fr. Harris' vacation, we . benefJts from automatic payments and are f'eprinting some of the most re-deposits. quested cotumns from hi! forthcom-Bis first charge was that no chec k stub ing book, "For the Timt' Being,,, to will be given to employes who receive automatic payroll deposits. On tbe corr-be publiahed this fall.) trary, eat:h ·employer will be required to give all ·e111f.IoYes such stubs indicating What if, in the past, the luµnan race £'lt$S pay, deduitlons and the net' arilount had c<>nditioned its children against kill--deposited into th~ checking accounts .. ing as rigorously as it conditioned them against sex? Until lhis modem age, the sex inhibition was fai rly successful in keeping youngsters out of trouble, ·what- ever other damage it happened lo do. A sociaJ prohibi- tion against killing would not do any other damage, and might h a v e inhib- ited people from slaughtering one an- other through the generatiOns. "Aggres- siveness," ol coone, will never be bred OOt or humans, but aggressiveness can stop quite short of killing. THE l\tAIN REASON lbis bas not been done -even though homicidal violence can be shown to be a far 111reater threat to our species than s e x u a I permissiveness -Is that the state hns always needed its wanion . H men will not kill, but will instead peacefully try l<> adjust their diUerences by reason or by other contests of ekill and strength, then the leaders have lost their prime powt r over tbe masses. The commandme'nt "Thou shalt not kill" has been interpreted in all Western COlmlries to lallor Christlanjty to national goals, rather than to flt the country to the religious model. Private citizens are not allowed to kill for private reasons; but as public !Okiiers, they are en-. couraged to kill for "civic" reasons lhal are often just as evil. IT IS EX'11tA08DINARY lhal <OPUia· lion, which 11 a llfe-g-ivl:n& and joyous ac· llvlty, has been so hedged with restri c- tions, Inhibitions and taboos ; while kill· ing, which a:oes against all divine , human and rational principles, has always been rewarded with honors, nnk, medals and sup~e power by tht: ital(!. The st rength of "lnccst taboos" over the centuries, for lnstance, iodica tes how atrongly the past can Imprint repressioos upon the yoong, if U 1lncettly believes them and carries them out effectlvely._A almllar "killing taboo" ac•lnsl members of our own species could be equally ti· ercllcd, were It not that the ruling caste of every soclol order ii unwilhnJr: to do thll for fear or loslng its ultimate authority or force. THE STATE KILLS "enemies"; II kills "traitors":' It kills "rkolutiooaries"; it kills "criminals"; U even kUIJ mere "undetlrables." And tt • rarely the populoco lllelf lhat decldct Who such enemle1 and traitors and revolutionarlts and crimlnala and lllldesltables a~; II ls lts IMders, "bo wlsh to preaerve 1hemJel ... 1n -by all means. Jf we were rulJ1 lttioul about It, our chlldn!n eould be 10 ooodttloned ,_ birth lhal lakJnt 111101bor pmon'1 U!e would be an unlma&lnable borror \hat on- ly Ibo moot demeolod or pervtrled could eommll. hlllead, n bned a race of moral ldlotl who lhloli h ~ lo do fO< Ibo II.Ito -tt .. lo do ""'11· REGARDING THE automatic payment of recuJTing bUls, the ctistomer still will receive a valid8ted receipt. Instead of it being his cancelled cheek, it will now be a special entry on his monthly checking account statement. Furthermore, the customer will be able to have any er- roneoos billlnp corrected long after he receives bis statement, something he can't do with the present checking system. Maybe Mr. Pickel' does not have to worry about the loss or theft of his checks but lots of Californians do. This service guards against loss And theft and also.-provides conVenience and savings of both time and money to the customer. ARTHUR P. MERRICK Re•t~t .. re Olvmpies To the Editor: The Olympics is as impoctant to the world as an all-nation sports forum, as the United Nations is a p<>liticaJ forum. Some organiiatkmal restructuring to cor· rect a few obvious evolutionary defects is all that is required. I suggest the f<>llow· ing as starters: I. Eliminate national anthems and substitute the Olympic anthem as a salute to all the winners ol each event. Perhaps lnitlate a contest among the coi.npoeen oC the world for a new an- them. At an additional consideration, the nq of lhe flrat p!ac• winner could be slowly ralHd u the anlbem ls playtd: I. Reltlict J>&rt.lcJpaUoo in each event to two·compeUton rrom each natlon. 3. ASK SWITZJ!RLAND, as the most univenally respected, eredlble, and neutral toeie:ty in the world, to withdraw from participation in all fulure Olympic games. 4. Use Swiss penonnel exclusively for all judging, refereeing, umpiring, timing, startln&. etc. ID all Olympic events. Eslabiilh a SW. ocade!l1y to develop Clperl proluslmal judgmf.Jrt. 5. In cue of appeall the)' will bo beard Isn't It the Truth! Dy CARL IUllLEI' JR. IL ii luclnatlng louad whol lbe !uture m.y bring, lo iffnl bow ,..idafol the "'Wld mllbt be tn anolher 10 yean or so •nd lo think what ls ill -... for U-of us who Uve until 2000. However, I have never been ablei 10 nnd anybody who wanta to meet the future now. "Thi fMCure ha.I no cure f or the pa.st.'' -Au!Mr Uftldtntifitd A vlattor to the home ground!! of the species Potom11CU1 Exotlcus, whk:h 11 10 11y Conaressman, Is often unable to flrtd mmt Jn the kgl1J11Jv.i proceedlnga. WMt he does (Ind, however. are two kln<ls of !tte1 -Ibo open and Ibo ln- scrull.i,Je. Both kinds mask the un- bt:IJevablt. "Tht Jocc U the lmao• of the •O'ld.'' ~ttro, 80 B.C. I Letters from readers are welc~. Nornwlly writer.a slLould convey their messages in 300 words OT less. TM right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All letters must inclUde signatu,.t and mailing address, but namtl may be withheld on request if sufficient reason is apparent. Poetry will not be published. by a panel of Swiss experts, C?mposed of leading athletic coaches of SWJtzerland. 6. Qu.estio05 of . admission o r withdrawal o( any nations to the Olym· pies will be decided first by vote of the International Olympics Committee, with the right of immediate appeal to the Supreme Court ()f Switzerland. 7. INCREASE mE number of Olympic sports events in those no1H:OD.tact sport areas where individual skill, stamina and personal courage _predominate and where expensive, extensive stadia ii not essential ; such as, tennis, foor-wall handball , four-wall racquetball, squash racquet.!, paddle tennis, etc. For ex· ample, in this country, there are now 13 million tennis players, 5 million four-wall handball players, 1.S million racquetball players, 3.5 milli<>n squash racquet players, etc. -all of whom are unrepresented in the ultimate in sports competition .•.. The Olymptcs. 8. To insure a revitalized American Olympic Committee, its members should be selected for a rotating four-year term, rrom a large list of qualified prospects submitted to all coaches, colleges and universiUes, qualified clubs, and sports editors throughout the 50 states, each having ooe· vote. HENRY BURKE Watergate Caper To the Editor: . Reading and hearing O'Brien and lbe Democrats trying to make something out of W8ter111ate is tike Boonie and Clyde complaining to the First National Bank for not supplying parking faclltties. To have Jack Anderson verify the p~ ceedlngs is· at least as bad. No matter how m0<:h they try 10 cover up the vital issues or such great Im- portance to America. lhe Innuendo, smear and character ususlMtlon can be rucceuluJly done only when '""' Is • , basis and even then only bJ people with sufficJent integrity and credlblUty to stand be)'<)lld r<pn111ch. Thlt would au1om11tically eliminate tht t b o w • ponons and a I« ol olhers will! 11 .. m. Pooplc living In lbefr glUI boute1 ahoold throw notbln1 harder than marshmallows. CALVIN 0. SIECLE B11 Gee"fle ---, De.tr Ceorg•o My husband llumblot In frnm ~wk half·loldod, pbble. down a Sllndwlcb, nops down on Ibo couch ·wllbout 1 word lo me, cuJpc a holf· d02on been, klc~ hl.t lhoet olf nnd ,... lo lle<9 and ....,... ali nlghl . Whal do,... lhlnll! HANNAH Dear Hannah : l llllnll Ille mqlc II bowlnnJnc 10 lcavt Y,....llJl,urliol'· ' Huntington Beaeh Fo11otain Val_l ~y __ VOL. 65, NO. 280, 5 SECTIONS, 54 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1972 Huntington Trustees Seek Curbs on Trustees of the Huntington Beach Union Hilb School District plan to ask the four citles within district bowldaries to put a temporary lid on J>OPulatlon growth. An appeal to the cities was suggested Tbursc!aY night by Trustee Ralph Bauer. He said with the new 'environmental im·' pact report r~uirements, cities now haveitbe power to slow down growth. :Bauer asked the district staff to write a letter to eaCb city -Huntington Beach, • • l • Fountain Valley, Seal Beach and Westminster -requesting their help to avoid the crisis of overcrowded schools. Bauer said today be will develop details to the Jetter which he ezpects his fellow trustees to approve at Tuesday's regu1ar meeting. Trustees spent four hours Thursday discussing alternatives to solve the crowded · classroom situation, but the four-city appeal mack by Bauer w.as the only agreement reached. Bauer, in'it.ated by a lack of in- formation from the staff, also asked for a rtport oc two possible alternative methods for financing a new high school campus. One method involves pay-as-y<lll6go, by levying a special construction tax as the campus is built. The other method involves calling for a special school construction tax election during any general election. If such a method bad been tried for the November Ie eace .. .• Shriver Claims Lead GOP Poll Shows Nixon-Agnew Ticket Lag? By TOM BARLEY Of 1M Dalty Pll•t Sl1ff A st.atewJde poll taken dUring the past \ week by' California Republicans showed f the McGovern-Shriver t.icket one percent- age point al)ead of Nixon-Agnew, vice presidential hoi>efuJ. Sargent Shriver claimed Tbursda)l-night.- fiBut you'll never hear about it except from me," Sen. George McGovern 's ebulUent nnming mate told c_h_ee.rio(_ Demoaats at a $1~a-bead no host cock- -. tail party In Anaheim. Shriver explained that the poll w,. hurriedly placed under wraps as soon as alarmed GOP executives had scanned the talfulations. · "I don 't blame them," he said, "al- though they didn't need that poll to get the message that inevitable defeat is on its way, ~ election organir.at.iQ._n_bas became compli¢e within this past week,l' Shriver snid. "Within two or three weeks our slight edge in California wi D become a clear Democratic party lead throughout the nation." Both Shriver 'and Soulbem California hSusaJi f;onfu-sin' Problem for Hu11tington Firemen Two girls named Susan bad HWJtington Beach Fire ChJef Ray Picard running in circles this week. They aren't 'really g'!rls, but streeb named Susan Circle. Duplicate names, however, are verboten in this city and Picard bad to settle the problem. His answer was simple -one Susan became Allison Circle. The . fire department Is responsible for keeping track or all streets, but when two new housing developments turned up with the same names, Picard had to admit "this one got away from us." With one problem solved, Picard was beset by troubles or another asphalt lady, th.is one named Gladys. - Gladys is a new street behind an apartment project in south Huntington Beach, which bad not been recorded with the fire department. "AU streets have to be recorded," Picard said. But a check of the old city ¥i'ecords showed th8.t Gladys is no whimsical, fly-by-night female trying to avoid the law. Gladys is a respected matron, ~ town since 1911. "Gladys was an old street recorded back in 1911," Picard explalned. "Jt was dedicated, but had literally been lost all this time, but the developer put bls street right over it." Study Orde1·ed Valle y Board Eyes Funds For Second Hi gh School By JORN ZAl.1.Eft • ot .. o.iw ,..., '""' campaign chairman Dorman C.Ommons assured milling and doubtful Democrats that they have personally seen copies of the Republican poll that reputedly gives McGovern a slight edge. Both men said they bad also seen ta!; ulations from an earlier GOP poll which showed that the Nixon-Agnew margin in California has been cut to four percent. "Union members are giving us their support in increasing, numbers," Shriver explained. "Many are defying AFL-CIO PrWdeDI George M"'1Y and flocking w (S.. SBRNllill;· Pace I) Huntington Sets Delay For Signs City councilmen have agreed to walt 30 days before ,putting the brakes on Hun- tington Beach signs that rotate, pulsate, flash or move. They will also wait before chopping the size of pole signs down to 25-feet in height from the current :J5.loot limit. 1be delay was requested by a special citizens committee wru.cb ls studying new sign laws for the city. Councilmen aplit 4-2 on the c.lelay, with Mn. Nonna Gibbs and Henry Duke urging invnediate action on the sign law. "The community says it wants control or signs. Let's act now," Dllke said. "I've yet to see m) wife shop at a atore because of a bea~tiful sign." "You appoint committees then say to hell with them ," C.Ouncilman Ted Barilett grumbled. "Let's not appoint them if that's the -::ase.'' Committee members, esi)ecia!Iy tbooe from the -chamber of commerce, re- quested the delay because they felt oet- tlng abeolute limita on signs would burl ~ "Our goal It w regulate, ntber than prohibit them," Dave Fredenburg, apeak- ing for the cbamber, said. "Tbtre are aome 15-(oot tugb signs whkh are atrociOUJ. We want guidellnes, not an arbitrary height limit." I • election -It's too late now -it would only take a simple majority or those voting to establish a short-term tax to pay !or a hl&h school. Trustees debated among themselves whether a new school bond election should be set. and whether it should be for ooe or two new campuses. Bauer, Dennis Mangers and John Bentley all wanted to call another elec- tion, UUs time for two new schools, in- stead or one as in the defeated election. George Logan and Ray SChmitt op. posed two campuses, but said they could support a bond Issue for one campus. "It's cryslal clear we need one school , but I'm not so sure about the second," Logan commented. "U we implement year-round schooling and continue extended pay programs, we can save up to 25 percent of our hous- ing," he added. Board President Mangers objected: "We should adopt the alternatives (year- DRIVER DIDN'T SEE THE DETOUR SIGN In Huntington S.Kh, •n Unscheduled Pit Stop What Det(jur? Girl Makes Umcheduled Pit Stop An 11-year-old Wesbninster girl landed In a oonStructloo pit early Ibis morning with-her-ear -when 1he failed to tee a detour curve on Golden West Street between Slater and Talbert Avenuea ln Huntington Beach. Police sakl Collen Ellen Holder, of 7702 24th St., was not iojW'ed when her car flew Into the 15 foot pit around 2 a.m. thts morning, and landed on oil and gas pipes. She told police she didn 't,.. the detour signs around the construction ditch where a laf'le drainage pipe is being in· stalled below the other pipe:!!. A crane waa scheduled to excavate lhe car this morning, aCCilrding to police. Basketball Stars Jahha1·, Allen Held in Drug Case DENVER (UPI) -Km!em ADCll:J.J1b- bar, 7-1 center for the Milwaukee BucU of the National Basketball Aaodetlon, Wal jllled today with teammate LudUI Allen and two other men on suspk:lon of polletling nurljuana and o t h e r ''dangttOUI drugs." The Fountain Valley elementary school board. bas ordered Ua ataff to prepare a tbotoUgh study of funding llOIJrcea thot might be used w build a IOOOnd high school In Fountain Valley. The boord olto 11ted lta stall Thur1· day night w compile detalleJ projectlollll of high school eorolfmentl wbk:I: a future Fountain Valley Unllled School District mtpt face. Snarls Slow Mowrists Jabber and Allen, former lcamrnatH at UCLA who led Mllwauktt to the NBA champloMhlp In 1m.11 . ......, held In a Jail «II ovunlght, then po<ted !100 bond and were Nilcued at I a.m. (Anolhcr 1tory, P11e ti) MILY PILOT I•,_. ASKS FOil CONSINSUS ~bl-Burle• • The llcllon wu r<qUeSted by Trustee Fred Voa at the coocJunon of a llV<ly, -heated dllcuaslon betw""1 the boord and ~ RoWt Bum (R-Huntlngton Beach). Under •-11'• -1loninc by ltutlees over the fe11lblll!J ol apodal IesislaUon allowlna ~ Valley w unify on 111 own boundaria, Burke at one pol'nl 11Wpped: "H what you ... auuutlng It tluot I ClllT'J fountain ,ValJo7'1 problem W the Leglalature ••. at lbe .._ of other ldlool diltrldl In the (Huntln(ltan Beodl Unloo) high school dlttrlct, the ..,_ It 'oo.' " Burk<, a former Huntlnlll<>!1 Beach elemental'J tnlllet, 1tr<loed tluot U a __,It l'llCbed •monf Weot Ora.-o.mty ICbool dlltrlct&, ho would {Seo !ICllOOL, Pop I) • In Huntingwn, Valley· su .. t oonstructlon projects 111 Hun- Uogtoo Beach and FOllltaln Valley have nearly bnloCbt the -!low ol trallk: to • ball. "°"''""' the major J'l'Ohlem lll'UI and b..• loo& they will lntempt tnlflc: IWNl'INGTON BEAllll: -A -llq Ooldm West Rtm:t, bet-'filbert ud SIOter A.....,., will be In ef!tcl about two-monthf/ '--Oothard Street " dooed this -durlnc ....uuctloo houri, !toll\ Talbe1t w Bliler. . -Slater .. -"dU woelt b<l- Ooldm W• aod CIGllllnl. -A t-'--will be In elfed •Iona Main ~· bet•l!(lll Sprinal1eW ' and Clay a....... for the -°"" --Repolr -will take Ill-. .., Brookhunt -· nor1b o( Adams Avmua, lo< Iha nm moolh. FOl/NTAIN VAUZY1 --II -to two lanes ol tl'llOc 1""11 Garll<ld Awn. to Ellis Avenue for -ol Odol>et. -Euc:Ud StrM will bll cloMd fw 1 -th bal-Slala' iocf Talbtrt ........ -l:lDll A--be ..... r,,. la...t tnlllc 41117 .... .... -Uno -· -ltot..._ and lll-.i -_.......,. ...... --local tnlllc anl1 "1if !ht nct four .-, bet •eeo Talben and !1111. • Simple JIOO"Slloo of mariJuana II 1 mbd~anor In Cokndo. The playm Ind two othtr ....,, ...,. ..-cl alter police 1topped lhdr car _,,today. "The olllcm de'.octed bumq man. )ulna .:ornini from the c:or. and amlled tho r-occupoo11." uJd llct-lile\·1 M.U.. or tho llenV<r police .ite aquad. ft WU tbe f"" tniuble witJI the law tor Jabbar, knoW1I as I.Aw AJdador al UQ...A bel""' be chine«! hll namt. But An.. t"1c:o 11.r .... had -Ir· retied cm drUll chal'ld -the lalt time hlllll """ pn>batlan h7 • Loo An&<lf'I Pico ... a marl)uaaa d!arp. In .. probl!IM ,.....t, AU.. WU q-.. ..,..,,. "'"""Id "be ........ pit to other,.... pqle Md throulh my ---aptaln IO them tho r1ol ol ...... tllol lheJ do w --· their lamlll .. and Lbalr ll'1lodi> "" -df1IP and ......UC.." I TEN CENTS Growth- round schools) because they are educa- tionally sound, not because they will fill space.'' During the study session held at Marina High School, longtime bond 01> ponent Robert Gordon told trustees he might be willing to support a bond issue for one new campus if truStees would give more thought to all year school and other alternatives. Trustees agreed to discuss the bond issue further at Tuesday's regular board meeting . Plan Calls For Thieu To Re sigi1 SAIGON (UPI) -President Nguyen V~n Thieu will . orrer to rc!llgn under tenns of an Allied peace proposal which talls for total U.S. withdrawal and an 0.nd to North Vietnamese Infiltration of the south, informed IOW'ces said today. 1be new plan v.·111 be proposed by Allied negotiators prior to the NOVI. 7 U.S. presidential election, American and Soulh Vie\D&mue llOUlUI uld. --oald Iha plan WU d- <d In detail by White !louse eavoy Maj. Gel. Alenndtr Haig during hit ...,. ftrences with 11Ueu Tuesday and Tbun- day. They said it would provide: -Total U.S. withdrawal Crom South Vietnam. -11tleu's resl&Jl8tion In ravor of Sen. Nguyen Van Huym, speaker of South Vietnam's Senate and former law partner of Nguyen Huu Tho, an officlal of the Viet Cong '!! Provlslonal Revolu- liooary Government. -An end to the U.S. bombln1 of North Vietnam and the nava? blockade of North Vietnamese ports. In uc:hange. the North vi.inan- would : -Free all U.S. prisoners of war. -Halt all lnliltrotlon or South Vietnam, leavine the Communlsts' war to the Viet Cong. -Agree to negollate "Rrioull)'" Jn Paris or elsewhere toward a cease-fire. The chief While llouae JpOkesmaio termed the n:?port "totally 1peculative." Prtsl Sttrctnry Ronftld L.. Z1egJ~r uld in Wa$hlngton he would Mve no further commMl. Earlier In lhe day, ~gler used aiml111r lnngu•ge to de9crlbe anoth· er rtpart from London on a war rndlna· agreement .. Tho IOUm'S dncrlbed the pJ>n U the Alli<J' "orl'1' to one! all ollen" and 11.1 rejKtlon would mean a omtinuaUon of the oonnict. Thieu hu pndlcted that lollowlni a p~U.S. eltcllon Communist "spe<- lac'.Ular" Lr1 SOutb v~ - a ..W. ol offensive ICt.J-the war wilt ••fade a.., -for a few dozen montlw." • Cea t Wea titer C:OO.idorabty cloudy on Siu.di)', clearing by mid-day IO N\ny aklt&. Sllflhtly rooi<r witll budl wnper- atur<t ol .,..00 10 rising w lhe ml<MOs Inland. Laws 1<111tcJ1t a INSIDE TODAY She's the tOf/e of o l/uNtfNO- row Broch doer.or tlOtO, blit ~ bota Warba.rtott oan look bad!: Oft a 1141/ c1o:.. ~ a/ ,,... /"""l•Q ICllh """" of ,._ ,,..,11 of 1hoao bu.d"u1. St• iodow'• \\'t~kcndfr. ...... _ . -11 ,_ . -.... -" ·-. --' ........ , .. ........ ..., , ....... ' ....... , .. .... ~ ,, -. - - --" __ .. .,_. ~ , .. .......... Dtt ....... ........, ' ..... .,, ......~ .... , ·-. ---. ............. ,. --.. •• -·· ""';,)$, ,~, Ma.ki1ig Spi.rits Briglat -. - De•plh! IMw Bicycli~sts Get Okay on Bridge Bicycle riders In HU:ntlngton Beach can still ride 8Cl"085 the Santi Ana River bridge on Pacific Coast Highway, despite a new city ordinance that says they can't. The Issue of bicycling over the bridge burst into a small controveny at Monday night's city (.'()UJlC.11 meeting. "Our la\7 tells bikers they can't ride on the bridge. but the y have to get off and walk: across the highway, without a light, lo use the sidewalk," complained Coun- cilman Henry Duke. "There Is some ronfusion ," admitted Public Works Director Jim \Vheeler. "Our law slops riding on the bridge, but 1"11 be darned If I'll get oil my bike and walk across four lanes of traffic." W. E. Meyer, a bicyclist from Buena Park who saJd he was an "Intense stu· dent of bicycling law," reminded coun- cilmen that local law is superceded by the state Vehicle Code. Santa Ana River bridge, and If bikers were forced to use it, they'd have to cross the busy highway. The same situation will soon apply on Brookhur1t Street, where ctty officials plan to place a sidewalk on 011e aide of that small bridge. City Administrator David Rowlands agreed to review the bicycle ordinance and strike out sections which are superctded by the state Vehicle Code. Councilmen approved the new codes Monday and official transfer of bicycle licensing to the police department. Police have been licensing bikes since Sep t. I. Capt. Grover Payne reports the department has licensed 2,400 bicycles since that date, (.'()mpared tp 1,900 bicycles registered during the prevJous eight months when it was handled by the city li cense department. Firm Asks • •• ;l • • •• Valley OK On Theate r:,. The Syuly Corporation ha1 •a•ln Iiled sn appeal with the Fountain Valley City Council seeking app1oval for constructlon of a four.screen drive-In theater. The appeal follows a recent 3 to I denial by the city planning commlaston; ' on an application by Syuty to buUd a· theater along the south side of Warner · · Avenue adjacent to the Santa Ana River. L The proposed site was the second nlxed by the planning co mmission in a con- troversy which has plagued Fountain Valley for the past nine months. The commission originally rejected a temporary use permlt to build tt.e theater at the intersection of Warner'· A venue and New hope Street. That ruling was later reversed by the councU over objections of Fountain Valley Ho!lpital admlnlatrators and local. homeowners. ._.. Singing the pr a i s es of J luntington Beach 11igh Sc h o o l athletic tea n1s this fall are so ngleaders tfron t. frorn left! Ci nd v Benson. Sylvia Fong. and .-\lice O'Ne ll and (back. from left) Sheree Hauth, Charm Alajor and Beverly l-larrell. The vehicle code gives bicyclists all the rights. privileges and responsibilities of a moiorist. \Vheel er saicl the new bicycle laws before councilmen Mondav were intended primarily for the city'!; new bicycle trails. Police officials have established a special bicycle safety and registration unit under Officer Ivor Git!ham. The bospllal, located adjacent lo tbe Conner site, felt the drive-in would pose · noise and tratfic prob1emt. Homeowners · were worried about crime and a loss in property values. The two forces joined to launch a referendum campaign which eventually.;; landed in court. Judge Mark Sodm•, • ordered the city to rezone the land or call an election to settle tho ls1ue. That ordt,r .. is now being appealed by Syufy. .. F rom Page J SCHOO L ... ent'rget1c:1lh ~t'('k \\hal l:'l l'r .:;peC!ll leg1~lation n1ight be nefi•ssa ry to u11- plt-1nen1 1\ "Our people are highly supportive of cducarion for their children. and yt>t Hm1ti11gto11 1\'lo1·ato1·ium M11lled for Ai1·port Land But reference lo the river bridge, and the small bridge on Brookhurst Street, near Bushard Street. (.'()ncemed Duke. There is a traffic problem because there is only one sidewalk on the narrow -tr * * Here Are Laws Gitsham has already spoken to 2.600 student.a about bicycle safety, and will have visited 12,000 students by Dec. 8, Payne 111id. Under Gitsham's leadershi p. the police sel up special registration programs at J\lcDonald's Hamburgers and Farrell 's Ice Cream Parlor. which Payne says \Vere quite successful. Pa}'tle said 315 bicycles were Ucensed Sept. 9 and 10 al McDonald's; another 370 on Sept. 23 and 24 at the Beach Boule vard Farrell's; and 1,029 last v:eekend at the Adams Avenue Farrell's. J\.teanwhUe, the drive-in corporation fil~ ·· ed an application fo,. the new site on \Y_anier A venue along the Santa Ana, River. Homeowners and the hospital ad~" ministration have sa id they will fight the new theater location also. • , Mayor Al Hollinden indicated the ~. cilmen would probably rule on the appeal at their first meeting in November. lhi:'_\''re suffC'ring gri evously through no Huntington Beach Planning Com· fault of their o1\1i' 'because they·rc missioners are thinking about setting a Jockf'd into the larger high schoo l dis· building moratorium on the land sur· 1rict. r{•p!ied \'oss. rQunding tiny Meadowlark ·Airport. ".\tr. Burke. 11·c'rc askint; you to use Comll)lssloners bf'C'ught up the subject your expertise in rhc !a"· to help our peo--Tuesday,. after they refused to grant pie soll·c this probl em:· Voss said. commercial zoning for an acre of land on Trus!ees suggested UlRt anotlier man· the north side o~ the ain:'9ft· a ory un1flcati0tre!eet1orr;-rcvamptn~iZill-be discussed rhe reputed!)· conservative Orange Coun-lurther at their study session next Tues· ty Cvmmillee on School Di st r i c t Cay. Organization. or a West Orange County If imposed. the moralorium could version of the Chacone Bill were areas in cc.ver the entire quarter section sur- \llhich Assemblyman Bur~e could help. rounded by Warner and Heil avenues, Al one point, Burke summarized the and Graham and Bolsa Chlca streets. problem this way: A special city-county committee is cur· "Aren'~ you concerned over how you rently studying the feulblUty for creating can unify on your own boundaries and au induslrial·avlation·recreatlon complex still get the wealth of the surrounding around Meadowlark. school districts? T'bat could be accomplished if the "l'm not saying this is good or bad, but county and city purchase the airport. jusL atallng the problem," Burke !tress--Meadowlark Golf Course and some ad· ed. · ditmal vacant la"nd, as suuested by Fa.mlaln VallCJ \TU~ alft"tl\ \bal County ~ '1>\rtc\.O? -1\ o 'o er\ trns wu eMenCt of tht t TOblem. Bremaban ... ' After 30 minutes of exchange trustees invited Burke back to a special meeting next week to continue the di scussions. Burke agreed, bu! a date has not been set. Trusteet1 stressed later that while their unification drive continues, they wil l still remain Joyal lo the Huntington Beacll Union fllgh School Diitrict. "Unification isn't going t.o come about O\·ernight," said board President William Crane. "So we're still thinking or ourselves as members of the high school district. and we Y>ill continue lo do so. But at the san1e time, wl feel 'A'C must pursue unification.·• P olicema n J oins; Helicopter Cre\v Hun tington Bench Pollet! Offi c er Robert Oaw!IOn has become the newest member of lhe city's helicopter force. Dawson, a four-yenr member of the police department. joins five other pilot s on the force who ny the city's two chop- pers. The new city pilot received his entire flight training from fe llow officer floyd Stafford. th us saving the city $4.000 ln training cxpensrs. according to Chief or Police Earl Robitaille. I .. DAILY PILOT '"'-e>r.,... c-1 DAILY PtlOT wrili wMdl II ~ "'-~ It "'611tfttd hi .,.. Or•• Co.t "lllllleflillt c-.""· s.. nt. eflllofl• 1r1 !lllOllth«I. Mondi., """"""' Fr'"lllll'I', fOf' 0..11 M.,.., ,,.._.,, l <tldl, H""llrlOIOn llt.cft/,.oun!f•" Vl!ll"/', Lat""" ~ lrwlt!flil•lt!Mck Md S.n Cltmc"''' 5'1" Jo.., Ctp!•l•1fl0. A •lntlt tt1111lcn9I dt!Jcio'I ~ lllltllhlltd '-lltt!lly; ,..., li:llJ"d•'t'1o Tlt9 ~"'91 DUltllVllflt pl1111 I• ti »Cl Whl ••1 I.Ir-, (.1111 1111.,.., C••llor111,1, .,.,.._ lt1h1•t N. W114 l"r111kltolt 11111 ,.uolll..., J1c~ R. C11rl1v Vice ,.rhlllllll ll'ICI 0-••I Ml- lho"'tl K11••I f.llltot T"'"''' A. Murphi111 MfMtU. 141iot Clt1rl• H. L.11 lt lclri•r4 r, Nin ,.., .... ," "''""'~ 'llllors T "" C••ill o Wml OrOlllO c-iw 1111tor .............. OMc.e 11111 1 .... 11 a,.,r .... ,, .M1Ul91 A44r1t11 ,.0. 'lo• 7tO, 92641 -...... °'""° a..ui· m ""'"'' ..,_ C...lo M-1 2JI WNt l1y l.l•MI ,.__.. l1tct11 DXI N.....,... ._r .... ..- ''" (tlfNl'llti as fllorff'I tr C.•lfll,.. ltMI , •••••••• (7141 '42.o4Jl1 c ................. 642°1671 ,_ ..... °' .... c ..... , ~ ... lff.1221 ~·· 1'71, °'..... (Htl "llltllltllN ~. ... """ ...,...., lltvslr•ti... MltlfMll nwf!tt II -~~.. Pltr* ""'1 ... ,.....-11a1 .,,,.,. .... , .... tnlMJM of """""' ..... . t«9M <fnl ~ ....... et Cfltl #tw, ~llf9t711.. ""*'......., ... t.tl'rW u ... -mt!l\'1 llf Mt"-u.•S "*"'tl'l'I mlllflry *'llM!MrM tiM ~. Cou1icil Praises History Group In Huutin gto1i The Hunti ngton Beach Historical Socie- ly is alive, healt hy and official. City couacilmen gave the fledgeling ~·iciy their official blessing .r.1onday night and singled it out for extra praise. Mayor Al Coen suggested that the resolution establishing the society a.a a recognized city organizat ion be written ' on special manuacript paper and present$d to the society as a memento of the octasion. · . Coen also quipped: "\\'ith r.tr. (Ted) Bartlett's permlaslon perhaps the council can donaJ.e him to the blltorlcal society.'' Bartlett has served four terms on the council, longer than any other coun· cilman. Several citizens, including members or 1hc Junior \Vomen 's Club. have struggled 10 organize the society over the past year and a half. lt \11i\l attempt to preserve bits· of llun- t111gton Beacl, history. including old docu1ne nt s and artifacts for stornge 1n llK• city library, Society membl'r~ also hope to establish a historical monument. such as the old NC\\'htnd House at Adams Ave nue and Bench Boule vard , or the current head- quarters of the tfuntlngton Beach Com· pany on Ptfain Street. Librarian \Valter Johnson told ('OUll- cilmen the same forces who helped establish the historical society are work· ing on crea tion of an allied orts com- n1lsslon. Tli,ree Ca ndidates Fo r Board Seat File in Va lley Thrt•t 11tfi.t>our candkh1te11 filed nomination paptn thl~ mon:i tna: for the Oec. s !ipeClal election to nu " va cancy on the Fountain Valley School BOard. The fle '' hopefuls bring to 1 totQi of six the numbtr of candidates seeking !hf: seat of resigned trust et David l1raelsky, nccordlna: to the Oranae County ltt Rl11trar's Ofrlet. Five o'clock this 1hernoon ·~·as the • deadline !or fil ing. 'I'he candidnlc1 . all from t'ountaln Valley. are John T. MlUJkan, of IOSB2 La D1h1a Avenue. a Un I vt r 1 l t y Md· mlnb1rator: Robert G. Nlchob, of 17H9 Sar. Vlnot-nle. •n 1n1lneer: and William ~fatkowakJ, l3300 Santfl Ca rlota Strttt. Candldltn who filed earller art Rcgtr W. Belgen, Mtrrllt II. E1JJ1 and John F. ltoss-mHM. \Vith that potential tn mind, com· missioners denied C4 (highway (.'()m· mercial) 1.0ning for the Bert of land own- ed by Seth Wilson. The land is currently zoned R·Z (duplexes). Commissioners gave two reasons for denying the zone switch : an overabundance of vacant commercial land in the city , and the. land's proxlrillty to the airport. Damage Mounts From Big Waves In Capo Beach 'For Bicy clists l1i Huntin gton City law requires bicycle licensing and police hope that proper registration will help cut down blcyle thefts. Fron• Pagel . " .. " ·-~ Valley Couple l To Face Trial Here are some or the pertinent laws af· feeling bicycles in Huntington Beach: S ff RIVER " -All bikes must be licensed. The fee is • • • Ove1· The,£ t Rin!! ',·,· .. "• .. , Sl, good for three years. u -When a bike is sold or traded. the us by the thousands." selle r must endorse the license ·iden-Shriver hailed Orange County and its Bill and Linda Lee Miller of Fountain · lilicatlon card., the buyer must notify the "increasing support for the Democratic Valley have been ordered to face trill · police department. ticket" as a "vital bellwether" in the Dec. 13 in Orange County Superior c.owt- -Blcycle dealers must keep a record Npvember election. for their alleged role in a burglary rtng· : · of all transactions, whether the bike is And he lauded the work or "such stand· now known to lawmen as "Operatlorr ~ bought, sold or rented. ard bearers as Mission Viejo Rancher 1',agin." .: -Do ""not tamper with the bicycle Richard O'Neill" for a ri!ling tide of sup-Judge William Murray ordered Miller; j license or identification card. port that will, he predicted, leave the JS, and his wife, 25, to return to hi!· -Bicycles can not be ridden on Democratic Party in Orange County just courtroom Dec. I for a pretrial bearing. ·. Churning waves and hlgb tides com-sidewalks in business districts, er next to 100,000 overall votes behind the Republi· Both are accused by police of coechlng bined thl.!i morning to create thousands of churches, public schools, recreation cans on eleclion night . juveniles to pillage homes in the Foun--'· doll.an_ \n darn.act to cl\llU!r of boulel 1n cer.ters or playgrounds. "That's all we need," the quicksilver lain Valley area in a burglary racket tbatr · the uclwd.ve Beach W ~ cf -B\cyc\\sts on sidewalks must. yield to campaigner said. ''That kind of edge for allegedly brought an estimated fl0,000 in Capistrano Beach. pedestrians, ana give audibl~ warning the Republicans here works out as a big stolen property into the Miller Mme at. ' - The I ed b !cal signals when passing a pedestrtan. margin for us in many other states and 8846 El Capitan St. · · • sur spawn Y 8 trop atorm -Bicyclists cannot tide more than two puts George McGovern in the White Police claim the Millers had a muter ' off Baja C&lifornia began battering abreast in the street. House.'' key that opened virtually every front seawalls along the shoreline community -Bikes cannot be parked in the street, He described the area as "one of the door in thelr tract. at· the treakfast bour, 8nd i hortly af~ except against the curb, or on.sidewalks, finest examples of its kind in the world Investigators who arrested the couple'· terwarda a seawall at M59l Beach Road except against bull dings or in bicycle and a haven for those thousands of Arneri· anC Mrs. Miller's hall brother, Ra~ coll d T' bre racks. cans who find peace, rest and solitude Goforth, 21, of· Paramount 111ld the pa.ti' apae · Ile waves t atened the -Bicycles cannot be ridden on the city walking its trails and exploring its virgin trained local youngsters to help them In home of Los Angeles ReaJtor Frank pier. beauty." burglarizing at least five homes. Dutra. • 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::__~~_;_~~~_;_~_;_~~~ ~~~-~b-~ . t mediate!)! down coast, owned by school 1 JITincipal William Llmebrook became threatned as \Yell. Cre~·s summoned t,y the county Division of Harbors, Beaches and Parks. arrived with heavy cable and sandbags to begin the effort to save the front portion of the expensive houses. "We were hit thl! bad n ·yeara ago, but it's just as frightening thls time," Limebroo~ said as he gazed at bis crumbling sea wall. The section hit this mornJng II only thr~ doors upcoaat from another group of houses which received heavy damage in a slmllar siege two years ago. Residents, following the examples set in !he previous onslaught, have hired a local contractor to bring in granite boulders at heavy expense. Cranet will be used lo drop the granite in front of .he houses for permanent protection. Lifeguard officials said this morning that surf rode a tide of 5.7 feet. Saturday's high tide reading will reach 5.8 feet LA Sheriff Not Against Brothels LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sherill Peter Pitchess say1 be hu no objection to IC'gallzcd prostitution ir organlicd crime is not in volved. Speaking Thursduy at 1 Grand Juror1' Association luncheon, Pitchess noted that Los Angcle3 Is the ••most organized· t i'lnte freo· cily in lhc nation" anrt added that or~nnizt.'<I crime mi~ht try to move 1111n prustitullon here If It. were legallicd. Pit chl'"~ also said It was not up to law t•nforl't'nlcnt to define moral standarU :ul(J aUdL•d the matter should be put 10 a \'UIC. Belgen's Posi tion I n Drive Clarified Roger W. Beiaeri. a candidate for the ~·ountnln Valley Se:bool Board. did not manaae 011vkt l1rae1&Q'1 1ucceuful campala.n for that potlllon last Sprln1, " Y.'DS niporttd ln the Dally Pilot Thund1y, Belaen, ruM!n& In a Dec, $ IJ)<Cill election for the seat vacated by the rt1\1ruit1on of 11rael1k1 ; wu· 1lmpl1 a worker ln the campaign. The maD11tr ~'II Mr1. Pat Thompm. The DallJ PUCK regrets the error. r NEW,ORT BEACH e 1717 WllTCLIF• D"- Ml·JOlt LAGUNA ' IEACH e J41 NOltTH «i,OAn HWY. 4tf.61tl '"" HIS:~t:.~:.:. l J7f·l21• . ' " '·· ,• ' •I I l Colosseum Bid 'Stirs' Them Up' By BARBARJ KRE!BJCH Of .... DlllY ''"' lttff Lagunan Thomas A1err!ck. who offered to buy the Colosseum in Rome for s'l million and restore it as a tourist al· traction said today he hasn't received any oUlctal responSP. to his offer. but even if it Is rejected, "At leas! 1 stirred tbem up over there. They're going to fu: up their monumenta now.'' Newsmen who have called him rrom Rome, Menick said, report bis Co1c>Mewn proposal has sparked some sharp complaints 0•1er the operation of authorities responsible fur maintaining the city's ar·cient monuments. ·~SQme of the pa~r1 said they should accept the million dollars :and use it to repair the monuments," said Merrick. "Tbe Forum is falling down. The foun- talm are dirty and broken. Even St. Peter's la dirty and peelini out.aide. They relliJy oeed the money badly, but of course they're proud." The Ministry of Monuments and Fine Arts operates on "penny donations col- lected ln little stores,'' Menick said. Even so, he said, it collects $350,000 a yell'r and the Rome press is asking where the money goes "besides paying a few men to sweep the piazzas." ~e 9uote~ one newspaper as stating something 1s wronis: with this opera- tion." Mystery Marks Death of Man Near El Toro Mystery surrounds the c b a n c e discovery of the body of a 21-year~ld man in the El Toro area Thursday. The Orange County Coroner'• office said the victim was identified as DonaJd D. Bell, of Loos Beach from papen foond in his clothing. Coroner's aides estimated the time of death as sometime late Tuesday or early Wednesday. The body was round by a rancher searching for a stray calf off the we!l side of El Toro Road aboul a mile south 01 Cook's Comer. The victim Wei fully clothed and the bo<tY was lying in low brush on an incline from a highway tumoUt. Corooer'a deputies aald tbere were no marks or violence on the bod)" but lbat toxicological tests would be made to de'6mine the cause of death. FDR Son Due Jarnes Roosevelt to Live on Coast JAMI."S ROOSEVELT, ,eldest 90n of the late President Franklin D. Roose-- veil, will be moving to Spyglass Hill in Newport Beach at the end or this month. RooseveJt disclosed hia moving plans Thursday during a press ct1nlerence he!d to mark the opening of the Democrats for Nixon headquarters ln Ana- he1I11. He is chairman of the Southern California Democrats for Nixon. . THE FUTURE Newport Beach resident Jn inaugurating the political office 1n the Hyatt House Hotel said that Sen. George McGovern "is not qualified to be President." He said he believes the Democratic nominee has neither the qualifications, the record, nor the confidence of the people to execute lb& oflice of President, if elected. ROOSE\'ELT SERVED six terms in the House of Representatives from Beverly Hills and has alao been an WllllCCessful candidate for governor of California and mayor of Los Angeles. While he is supporting a Republican this ye.ar, he maintaJned that the Democratic party could make a comeback in 1976 as the GOP did foUowing Goldwater's defeat in 1964. HE SAID he will maintain his membership in the Democratic party. Trustees Attack (:ounty Drue-Pro~ram But Back It ' The Orange County Department of Education drug abus~ program, although praised by law enforcement agencies, Thursday came under attack again by county school trust~ and barely receiv- ed· approval for a third yer. The vote was 3-0-2, witlt tnlstee.!1 Roger Anderson of Htmtington Beach and Dave Brandt of Sanla Ana abstaining after giv- ing lengthy objections. Board membe.-s Don Jordan, Doris Araujo and A. E. Anderson 1lOted for the program directed by Herbert Brayer. The county department offers the p~ gram to all county schoill dl!tricts and trains teachers, parents and ad- ministrators in workshops to carry it on in classes. .. ty is being funded by the st~te. Total project cost for the third year, beginning in January, 1973, v.•ill be $120,247. About $43.500 of this will come from the Slate and $76,747 will come Crom local participating districts and the county. Last year, the board of supervisors gave $26,000 to the project. * * * County Schools Giving Support To Anti.busing Frldi), Octobef 6, 1972 H Caspers Under Attack County Employes Blast Ethnic Statenient Ao angry, hurt &n>llP of Orange Coun1y employe. took dead Aim at SUpervisor Ronald W. CNpers and hla op1nlons about U!elr rig)>t.s Thursday. They wtre reacting to C&spers' state- ment Wedneadsy that the county seat might but be moved away from Santa Ana "to a place with more ethnic balance.". lie called the employe group, Adelante. "bandidos." In reference to their support of $200.000 A(finnaUve Actiqn Progra11l for county hirino.: and training to better the position of minorities. Thursday ~1ilton Reade. presi~nt of Adelante, told newsmen. ··we are demanding that Supervisor Caspers make a public apology and retract his de rogato ry remarks." Reade, speaking for about 10 ro unty cmployes of Mexican.American e>.· traction present , said ihey interpreted Caspers' statement lo mean that :-ianta Ana is not acceptable as the counly ~cat ~cause of the 33 percent ethnic popula· lion . "Does Mr. Caspers' feel that minorities are so Wldesirable as citizens that the county seat has to be moved? Jf Sil, \vhat is his criteria for a weU balanced ethnic mix?" said th e Adelante group in a prepared st.ittement. They continued: "Adelante is angered at the tenn 'bandldos' since the tenn im- plies that we committed an Illegal act We view this as a continuation of a Sf'rll'S uf intimidating remarks against ethnic minority employes. A previous example wa! his questioning Adelante's vice president regarding his citizenship." Reade said hiJ group felt that an Af· finnative Action program is necessary because the permanent" county work force doe3 not, "as Mr. Caspers wouJd say, 'have a normal ethnic balance.' '' The Chicano leader said it "is a normal ethnic balance." ·· The ChJcano leader a:ald It '·is a mail er of public record that Adelante strongly op. posed the $200,000 to implcmt.nt the &t'- lion progran1 It is on attltu~ and oot something that has to be purchased,·· Reade then wanted to know "if ~fr Caspers feel s that he doe. not wish to represent the minority population of Oran8C Cow11y?" The prepared text eon1tnued with : .. II is a matter of recon:I tht1t Adelnnte df\fS not see k pre.fertnll.al treut1nent : onJy •:;.,r and equal employment opportun.iUe.s. \lo c have attempted to ~·ork within the (.'(A.Jn· ()' syJlan lo further a belllr ..,. derstandloe of mlnort!y pn>l>lem1 In !he cowity. •• The atat.ement continued, "Jt ts ln- credlble !o lhlnk Ullt Mr. Cupen -Id uire his public pociUoo ., 1 •• .. l')' from which he can Insult !be llfaic9n- Amerlcan comm unity." Asked if tbe group conlemplaled 1 recall of Caspen, Reade sald that tbcy h•d not had time to fonnulale pllDI. ""Thill all happened just yeslerday. You will beat morl!! from us," be warned. Supervisor Cuptn was "out or town ,. Thursday and unavai11:1ble for comment * -:: fr 'Espeelally Shocked' ft * ~ W onien Flay Caspers For 'Bandido' Remark B~ JACK BROBACK 01 11M Dall'I' ,II. lrtff !\1embers of !he Orange County League 01 \Vomt n Voters today mildly chastised Supervisor Ronald \V. Caspers for his characteriLation or !\texican . An1erk:ans as "Adelante 's Bandidos."' At a morning press conference Mrs. Jeanette Turk of Huntington Beach. prelidenl of the Uague, nm compli- mented Caspen on hls "courtesy Md fair· ness during loog public hearings" In the past months . "We have observed the board weekly during the last 10 months when Mr. Caspen ha! served as chairman and have been Impressed with h11 courtesy have been uncomfortable,'' Mn. Turk added. "We know that the P.Plili~al climate of the county is changing. We are now a blend of consen •1Hl\•e and liberal. young and old. men and women of every race and creed. The days are gone: when such words as "bandldos" will be accepted by the citizens of our county." Mrs. Turk concludeJ her remarks with, "We urge memben of the Board of Supervlson and the commun1ty to join with us and the Mexican-Americen peo- ple in letting f.tr. Ca11per1 know that." S M G even during long and aometbnei ted1ous en. C OVern public hearings." Mn. Turk said. "It was with his usual fairness that he It consists not only of factual in- formation about drugs and thei r effects, b .. t also of identifying and working to positive attitudes towards "high-risk" behaviors. The Orange County School Board Didn't 'Pilof presided last week at the public hearing Thursday voted 4 to 1 to support the on the proposed Affinnative Action Orange Count)· Homeowners Get Phone Refunds By "high-risk," Brayer explained, he means actions which would lead to trou- bl1::. 1bese include lying, stealinll. cheating, .:is well as taking drugs. The program attempts in part to give students the confidence to resist peer g~~p pressure to participate in "high- ll&ks" he said. Brayer reported that he had been in· vitea ta speak about the program at two meetings of the National Association of District Attorneys and said the National Institute on Narcotics and Drugs had reproduced his talk on tape. Smee then, he added, hundreds otpeo- ple have called or come in ·to discuss the program, much of which in Orange Coun- Wakefield Anti-Busing Initiative Proposi-Program which we supported and he lion 21 on the Nov. 7 ballot. Plalte After All voted against," tbe women's organization president continued. The measure, also known as the She aald that it was "because of thiJ Homeowners ha ve alrtady btgun "Assignment of Students to .Schools WASHINGTON (UPI ) _ United Air fairness that we are especiaUy shocked receiving refunds from Pacific Telephone Initiative," would repeal the law stating Lines says Democratic presidential can-by his recent remarks. We think that averaging SI for each month of aervk:fl racial and ethnic imbalances in pupil didate George S. ~1cGoven1, a former such remarks are not in the interest of bttween July 31. 1971 and Aug. a. tm. enrollment will be prevented and bomber pilot, did not take ove:: the con-good government." eliminated. plus seven percent lnterest on that refWld trols of his campaign jetliner. 1be women y.·crt asked if they thought County Trustee Don Jordan was the on. McGovern, who named his jetliner using the term l;tandldm in refttence to total. ly dissenti.ng__vote on the measure "I feel "Dakota Queen Il" after his World War Mexican·AmericSns was as bad as the The refunds, ordered In June by t.ht tl1is is unnecessary," he said. "I don't Il_bc_>m~1 w~s pbotograpLed Sunday term "niggers'' in speaking of black peo-Califomla Public Utllitiet Commlak>n think it is exactly as its author lias-seated in me pilot'i Seat. pie. fnllowinR a !:!late Supreme Court decillon. described.. It's just going to cause more But United, which provided the "Certainly," was tbe quick nply. are expected \.o exceed • mllllon \n trouble. I do not approve of it." chartered Jet, said Tburtday "the The women'• orianltaUon \uden aa.\d Oran1e County Ind $llS lta\ew\de tor Authored by ~~mblyman Floyd aircraft was being flown by the copilot It was their l.iope that some good m1&ht teaidenllal and bua\nt;U cus\oml::rl. Wakefield <R-~ Angeles}, the initiative by means of the automatic pilot" come from this unhappy time. They wlll come ln the form of credit on would add a section to the education code The Federal Aviation · Administration "For too long, Oranae County has had service bUlJ. saying no ,ih,1dent w1ll be a.!lsigned to announced \Vednesday it planned to In-a nationwide ttputatlon with which l\JP. Dy tbat time. all refunds are eipeded schools because .or r~ce. vestigate the Incident. porter1 of equal rltbl.I tor all citizens to be completed. Tropical Storm Pushing Waves Up Alon,g Coast ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiil Johnson & Son Presents ... 'Jropical Storm Joanne is still steaming UA;ihe coast cf Baja, California. despite 1 prJiictk>ns from the weathel' people that st,tf'would dissipate by Thursday evening. Joanne has km some of her puff, however, and Is now generating winds of 45 :knots at her center. South fncing ~s are feeling her power though, as latp breakers pound Orange Coast · 1bbres. r.ihe IAs Angeles Weather Service s:ivs J~e wili di!sipate later today. al!PO'Jgh heavy surf 111 predicted through u~.weekend. ~ Cl.EMENTE llleguards report thr:et to aix·foot wave!. with good shape. ItAGUNA BEACH says five and s1x-foof sets are pouring through wilb Oak Street showing the best shape. 1be watt>r i! -crowded with board ~ surfers and lifiguards say novice surfers are staying on the beach. NEWPORT BEACH Lifeauard Captain SURFING Fall '72 Dave Harshbarger says eight to 10 fo.~t waves are coming in at 19th Street. ·The south swell is still strong and there·~ a I()•. of board surfers out today. J •!xµ.·et there will be a lot more this weekend. We're staffing ~ for It because I kr:io1v the Inexperienced surfers are going to tr)· to ride this stuff on Saturday/' Hanhbarger said. llllNTINGTON BEACH reporta •Ix to . 10 foot 11.its with excellent shape. Capt. Mark Bodenbender said the waves art fast and bollow al high Ude& and the water is conaestect with surfers. LINCOLN-MERCURY FINE CARS I. Llaeola.C..allne•lal 4 Door Sedau ' { I Getting .Final Polish £Check Out the Big Story In Sunday's Daily Pilot Some of the top stories OAn. Y Pfim been laid off from hta aeroBpaee job. wrtl.en are pollshlng for dLsplay ln 5un·. Now he hu de•~ an unsteady gait l dCJ's newspaper include : doctors have been unable to diagnose or BEACON BAY 'HANDOUT'? -II cu~PER SLEUTII -O-ae Peppard. eobld be called subrldlud housing. televisk>n's Banattk, make. the cover or Setenty·tWo f•mllles living In Newport T\.' WEEK. Story of the actor" who 1tsrs Btech'a Beacon Bay havt hom4!1 on In the new Hries ls featured in the pub1Jc property leased to private Jn-maguine: which lilt.a tun-weelr:'1 worth Gf ttAlll 45 yelTS ago. The ltua begin &o television shows. nm out In 15 yW"I. City o!llclols and BOOKS FOR KIDS -Tmy Sbonoon. --ore bq1rmlnc to thlnt Obout the dlln tody bdi1nd I dozn chlldten"J It •.• Sonday Spt<Iol. boots. likes to pbotosnph """" of h<r BATTLE FOR ~1!1LD -Much ol tbc own lllultntloos, enJol'> wmhla with bltlemell °""" In divorce cuoo bu now Clarles P-. former 1>UineJ ~. beta cbBnneltd Int< the Cf\*tlon ol who lustnilor and bolltv., you abould ne .. r 1e1J custod)' ol the chlldml, Slalf Writer "write down" to I child. llu Ulultr1t«f Allllon Do<tT r<porU In I "YOU_.. story II ICh<duJtd for C Sed.loo. otory , FESTlV AL PANNED Eoltt· SONNY AND CHER -PIDIUy talmnent columnist Ila Rood a.ill u.. Wetkly'a cover sub~ an Scllny 111<1 Nw York Film FtltlvlJ. H1.ays lt'1 not Chfr Bono. TIN!it story. lncluda a c.mawrcial, but..,. Jud&• bM too muoh 1u111poe Into their bul)' u ... 1o w111c11 t • uy "' tile ltlec:llon o1 films. !hey wre eadl other'• lime Ollllqe and • BRIGHT BUSINESS -Fountain of' • , . and llow t!loy do JI. Vallty Ice c:rum parlor dllpla}'I pain•· TOUOH LD1ll -DouiJu IJ1ldllY ol iop CTNt<d by dllldrell. Tho display C..ta M.,. """"' Ufe b<clna at 40, lit'• ~ -u m ltlecled "' 1 monthly bull by a now and he bu lost I ti I clllldren lbo P'oomtalll VaOey Art Alooc:llllon. to eyat1c fillt"Olll. II diY<ltted aod bu S...ry wUI bo futund oo buslneto paat. ' Monttgo MX +Door P illared Hardtop e Con tinentale Mark IVel\tcrcuryeCougareCon1c1ePa111era.,. See them all Today son Rome Of Tbe Now Car . , . Mo.1-. r-e•" 2Ull HARBOR llLVD., COSTA MESA • MDll30 Dome Of '1lJ1 New Car •• • "'"••• .. r._,... • I • ti OAll V PILOT County Seat On Lido Isle? COUNrY SEAT CALLING: l'\'e been slouched here for some lime now in front of the old type writer trying to think of son1elhing clever to say about our Fifth District Supervisor Ron Caspers. ('aspers, you wi!I recall. eadler th is \1•eek suggested Orange County govern- n1ent ought to pick up all its jacks in Santa Ana and move the County Seat elsewhere, like to ~1ission Viejo, Laguna liills or Dana Point. Since I've always deLighted in every opportunit y to put the knock on our st·rubby County Seat. you might suspect that Caspers has played a perfect role as my straight man. 'frouble is, Caspers' proclaimed reason for shifting the seat of county power elst>whcre was clearly un·fu!Uly. OUR FIFiB DISTRICT leader sug· gestro that the County Scat should move away from Santa Ana to some location \Yhere government would find "a normal ethnic balance." Apparently ·'nonnal ethnic balance" to Caspers means some locale where the population is lily white. Lido Isle Ron, you see. got all huffed up because he didn 't want our county government to put $200,000 into a minori· ly hi ri ng program. The plan was sup- ported principally by a group ol Mexican· American county cmployes c a 11 e d Adclantc. \Vhen the whole issue came up for a vote. Caspers voted no and he was on the short end of a 4 to 1 count among his supervisorial fellows. . THAT WAS WHEN Caspers really got ticked off and called the empluyes' group "A~lante Bandidos" and suggested movmg county government away from all this influence. ''Bandidos" of course translates into bandit, badman. crook or thief. You cannot expect this to sit too well with the good citizens of the Mex.ican- American community. You also really wonder what Lido Isle Ron thinks ethnic balance should be. The urro cemus BUggests that Sant.a Ana'a population a composed of only 11 ll'rcent of American citizens or ?\-t e x i c a n heritage. For the entire county of Orange, it's 20 percent. All n1inorit ies in Orange County ac- count for just slightly less than J5 per- cent of our total population. IT'S fRONI C TJ!AT, deservedly or not, Orange County as a whole has a repula· lion across the land of being right-wing, wealthy and dollar-oriented, and lily \vhile. Aga inst !hat kind of backdrop, our county board chairman suggests the seat of government must fear from the pressures exerted by 11 percent of the 155.000 citizens living in Santa Ana . Of course. he can extend the thesis. Racial background is only ooe way of measuring a minority. •le can start run- ning from Ulc poor, too, Jest they inherit the earth. He can run froin the aged, who need help and assistance. lie can flee from the minority who need public help for medical care. lie can retreat from children who need financing for a public education. RY TllE Tl:\1E you add up all the minorities, running from the problem"! and pressures of minor ities cou ld Indeed become a way of life. Yoo couWn't just keep shifting the County Seel around. You'd have to put it on permanent wheels. But then, l'm reminded of that quip of· fe.red 50 mony years ego by the form er heavyweight boxing champion when he spoke of an upcoming opponent . Joe Looll aald. "He can run, but he can't bide." frldl)', Octobtt 6. 1972 3 Linked To Memos OnBugging WASlilNCTON (AP) -Memos describing wiretapped conversations or Democratic party oUiclall were senl directly to President Nixon's assl!tant for t"Ongressional relations and two of- ficials of Nixon's campaign committee, The.Washington Post n!ported today. The newspaper said It learned that the memos y,'ere addressed to William E. Timmons. the presidential adviser; Robert C. Odle Jr., a former While House aide who now is director of ad- ministration of the Committee for the (...__rN_S_H_o_R_T._ .. _) Re.election of the President: and J. Glenn Sedom , general counsel of the campaign organizalion. The Post story related a fresh link to the White House in the tangled develop- ment stemming from the June 17 break- in and alleged bugging at Democratic na - tional headquart ers in Washington's Watergate building. Runaway GI Kills Three, Flees Train COETIJNGEN. Gennany (UPI) - A runaway U.S. Army sergeant shot and killed two military guards and a waitress aboard the Alpine Express today, dumped their bodies out the windows and fled with two pistols into countryside near the East German border, police said . • Lobby Bid Reported Police helicopten; buzzed over the underbrush and busy highways south of WASHINGTON (AP) -Chief Justice this central German town, about nine \Varren E. Burger sent the Supreme miles west of the barbed-wire border, in Cow1's chief administrator to Capitol search of Sgt. Thomas De Gregorio, 26, Hill to lobby against a pending product-of Hialeah, F1a. and the 1st Annored Division. safety bill, columnist Jack Anderson has reported. • Men with guns, dogs and loudspeakers Anderson wrote Thursday that Burger -both police and West German troops sent Rowland Kirks to meet with House -beat the bush on foot and German Speaker Carl Albert a few weeks ago and radios broadcast warnings about "an American soldier on the loose armed to urge Albert to weaken the measure. and considered dangerous." ' He wrote that Burger was opposed to the bill because he fears il would clo~ ·the ONE TERRIFIED female motorist . courts with new cases. told police "a man in uniform, waving a e Natlo11s Sig11 Aerord MOGADISHU, Somalia (UPI) -Ugan· da and Tanzania signed a document which "demonstrated a genuine desire to a lasting solution" for peace between the two East African countries, it was an- nounced late Thursday. Ugandan Foreign Minister Wanume Kibedi and his Tanzanian coonterpart, John Malecela, shook hands after signing the document at the conclusion of the two.day peace talks arranged by Somali Foreign Minister Omer Arteh. e T .... 1t Pie• Sparaed pistol," tried to flag her down on a highway southwest of .Goettingen. He got a laceful of gravel and exhaust fumes she said, but police could not say whetbe; that was their man . Official police spokesmen sketched this scenario of murder aboard the Alpine Express. DeGregorio, they said, had been absent-without-leave (AWOL ) from his 1st Armored outfit since Tuesday. U.S. military police confinned he had been arrested Wednesday trying to cross into Derunart: and had been picked up by two unidentified U.S. anny sergeants at Bremerhaven, Gennany, Thursday for return to base in Bamberg. THEY BOARDED the Copenhagen- Rome express at Bremerhaven. About I a.m., they said, De Gregorio made hi s play for freedom as the express rocketed along just north of Goettingen. .. , • Saigon Seen Ill Peril • Ene.my Attacks Launched Seven Miles Aw_ay SAIGON (UPI) -Comnwnlst troops ioday launched attacb on government units within seven mUea of S&i.gon, block- ing traUic on a ~jor highway and in· filtrating al IM.St five hamlets in what military sources said was a "crUlcal threat" to the capital. Major fighting was rePorted swirling anlWld Phu Cuong, capital ol Binh Duong Province about 13 miles north of Saigon. and snipers were firing on military vehicles oo Highway 13 just north of the capital, the sources said. 1bey said residents were being told to store rice for one to two months. Allied commanders have predicted the Communists will try to isolate Saigon in advance of the Nov. 7th U.S. presidential elections. To blunt the threatened of- fensive. the U.S. command for the past three days has been sending U.S . .852 bombers against suspected Commanist positions near the capital and the big planes overnight struck nearby targets in the heaviest raids in the area in more than three years. Fighting was reported today from sevm to 30 milts from the city along lilghway 13, including the Iron Triangle and War 1.one D regions. The areas were once defended by soch departed American unltJ as the &2nd Airborne Division, 199th Jnlantry Brigade, !st A I r Cavalry Division and l lUt Armored Cavalry Regi-- menl Military "°"""'" said an eotlmated three regiments of mixed North Viet· namese and Viet r.oog troops were in- volved in the clashes. The government has at least that many regiment.a in the area, the SOlU'Cel!I said. At oormal strength, a Communist r e g l m e n t numbers about 2,500 men and a South Vietnamese regiment has about 2,770 men. 1be fighting was· the cl06eSt major ac- tion to Saigon since the start of the Com- murililt offemtve March 30. Clearing weather over North Vietnam 'lburaday enabled the U:S. command to order the heaviest air raids of the week above the Demilitarized Zone separating the two Vletnams. Command spokesmen said more than 300 bombing strikes were flown over the North, including n1ght USED mlsslon.s by Flll all-wca1htr fl&hler· bombers. An estimated 500 Communist troops were involved in the fighting along a 12" mile stretch of Highway 3 near the Ben cat district capita1, military sources said. Spokesmen said If CommunlslS were killed in one action six miles soutbeost ol I b e town In Binh Duong Province with one government soldier reported wounded. Military spokesmen said Air Force F4 Phantom crews escorting a flight .of bombers Intercepted Communist MIG21 jets and one of the North Vietnamese planes was shot down with an air·to-air missile. No American' planes were hit, the spokesmen said. But JMnol Radio moottored in Saigon said three Phantoms and a Navy photo reconnaissance pl8ne were shot down '11rursday. An Air Fon:e ·p4 returninil rro. a mission over North Vietnam today crJfl. ed from unknown cau19es over Laos, the U.S. command said. the two crewmen were rescued, one with a broken arm. BOOK SA LE -- CONDUCTED IY MARINERS LIONS CLUB FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 AND 7 WESTCLIFF PLAZA ----- WASHINGTON (UPI) -The House, splitting along urban-rural lines, has re- jected a request from President Nixon to authorize use of highway trust fund money to purchase buses and build rapid rail systems for urban are&J. By a JOO to 168 margin, the House refused to even vote on a proposal to permit local officials in urban areas to use up to $700 million in trust funds for rapid transit systems, highways or both. Jt happened in Wagon One, first car behind the engine, where De Gregorio lr------------------=~~~~~~----.---------------r.. :=:1e~~e lwow:f~~~ingw:rg;e:;~k~~: TIME IS Run· P•ldn~Hllcel"nAct¥ ... u .. g-· Out • Brakes Slam On Firestone WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Trade Oonvnbslon has rul- ed that Firestone Jtre & Rubber Co. falsely advertiaed llS Wide Oval tires and ordered l h e misrepresentations halted. The FTC said the Akron, Ohio, company made unwarranted claims that the tires stop 25 percent quicker and also deceptively ad- vertised that Its tires are free from defects and safe under all con· ditlons. A majority of the regulatory agency's members voted against requiring Fire!tone to run cor· rective advert~ment!'I, as sought by Students Opposing Unfa ir Prac- tices Inc. somewhere nearby. One or both of the s~rgeants got careless, perhapa dozed a bit, and the butt of a .45 caliber pistol hui"n" f~ police reccnstnidion De REGISTER and VOTE Gregorio grabbed it and blazed ~way. -{;( -{;( -{;{ 1::r One buUet tore through a wall , others mowed down the sergeants and the R E p u B L t c A N waitress. Police speculated she was kill-' ed because she saw the, shooting or -"-A A perhaps becaUJe she came to inveSligate. H H >-< * DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE OtllmJ of the Dally Piiot Is 911aranttfd Mond1y.Frld1y1 11 you do not hi.,. V'OUP PIPtr by S::io p.m., c111 and your copy will M 1 brOUQftt to \'Ol.I. ratla 1r. Itkin un!ll 130 p.m. ltlurday Ind Sundtv: 11 )'OU OCI not r.:11.,. V'OUr COPY oV t 1.m. S.turday, or I a'" Suoolav. ull Ind • copy wm tot bro11Qt11· 10 YO!ol. C1H1 •r• IU\en unrn Ill a.m. Te1tphonts MOJI Ori not C-IY ArN1 •. ., • , ..,...m Norlllwes! HunllftO!Ofl ~ Ind WettmlMt.,. .. , .......... •Int Un Clt!TMftll, C1plsh"1no &UC!\, Wn JIMn Clllllh"-. Ofn. ~nl, lolllhc ~ U9iiN N1tw1 ••. , ttt-442t Deadline -Midnight, Sunday, Oct. 8th • • Virginia River Overflows The following offices will have RecJistrars available u n t II Midnight, October 8th - Three Persons Lose Lives; Troops Activated '.l'en1peratures / Mi.II LM !' ~ :I l! II l: ~ ~ ~ ' 1l I ! li I ANAHEIM Republican Haadquariers 2808 Wes t Lincoln 826-0300 Oannemeyer1' Headquarttrs 9254 We•t K1telle 821 -9800 IHA 770 Brt• Blvd ., • 11 l 529-9972 IUINA PAIK Ml• Manchester 522-1229 COSTA MUA 2139 H•rbor Bl•d. Mll-1340 DANA l'OfNT H 164 So. Cout Hl9hw•y 493.0110 FOUNTAIN VAWT 17151 lrookhurst 96).1177 PUWITOll l•r~el•l Ir Htrbor 110·15 I CiARDIN GIOYI NEWPORT llACH 13080 Brookhurst 23-« East Co•st Highway 638-9211 675-5712 HUNTINGTON llACH PLACENTIA 17791 BHch Blvd. Bradford & Ch•pmtn 842-5263 993.0660 llVINI 18552 M•cArthur Bl•d. SAN CLIMENTI Suite •IOI 109 No. El Camino Reel 8]).9050 492.1972 Sl• El C.mino Reel LAGUNA llACH 492-0111 305 Fo,.st A'f'enue SAHTA AHA 494-4475 1509 Soi.rth Grind Avenue LAGUNA HILU 135-2002 215• I P1190 de V•l1ncl• YODA UHDA Salte 4, Medlctl luilcflrtt 4151 M1Tn Street 51~1776 99J.f769 LA HARA WUTMINSm 140 Eut Lo H•bu 81,d. 8792 St. Andrews Avenue 12131 697-1090 MISSION Yr.JO/ 894-2102 790 I W•riinl•Jl•r ll•d. -LACiUNA Nl6UIL 193.1j11 · 21212 C.mlno C.plstr1no SW. aACH 4954100 M1in Street end E/1ctrlc 591.7210 • , I I I ! I I ! \ ! II 17 1 McGovern Flays Tax Hike Fears Cl!ICAGO (AP) -Sen. George McGovern, confronted with th e su11gestion that many ' Americans fear he wants to tax away their money for welfare,· has dlsmJssed it as "pure J>Oppycock" stemming from Republican propaganda. McGovern said he does not intend to ra ise "the taxes of (cAMP AIGN '12) people who live on wages and salaries by one penny." . Indeed, at one point he said there are probably more peo- ple ruined than helped by in- . heriled fortunes . that \\'ould increase your t<11· es." F u r thermore, ftfcGovern said. his overhauled welfare proposals would provide no a!lsist.:nce for people who are able to work. He said "the on- ly people enHtled to welfare" WORLD & NA TIDN are those whose age , disability '"---------' or fami ly situation prevents them from working. '11le whole issue dates back to the presldenUal primary campaign when lt!cGovem ad- vocated a nat payment of perhaps $1,000 for every American. His figures were never specific but that now- discarded plan to supplant welfare with payments to everybodv would havt required a 51:eneral tax increase. Court Hit By Schmitz .. Chicago, Des Moines and McGovern jettisoned the proposal early in his campair{n as the Democratic nominee, but he is still tryinr to diSt>el th" impression it left with the voters. HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) -Rep. John G. Schmitz of Tustin, the ·American Party presidential candidate, says he would feel free to iJP.iore the Supreme Court when i t "legislated," such as on school busing. G ; Kansas City were McGovern's campaign itinerary today. It was at a Cleveland stop Thursday that the tax-and· welfare question was put to him. '"There is still concern et:· pressed by many citirens, even of very moderate means, that if you're elected their In· come might be practically confiscated and given to those who won't work," a man told McGovern as the Democratic nominee answered questions at the Cleveland City Club. "0£ cours:e this is the Republican line," McGovern replied. "It's pur e poppycock. .• .If you live entirely on wages and salaries, there is nothing in my tax proposals In Chica1?0. McGovern ac. cused Republica ns of at· tempting to discourage minority.voter registration "in order to divide the communitv for the sake of partisan gain." In a statement prepared £or a meeting of black clergymen, McGovern said there were reliable reports t h a t (our years ago GOP sources gave money to militant minority orga nizations which. in return. spread propaganda that it made no difference whether people voted. "As president, I wou1d not feel obligated to execute the legislative edicts of t h e Supreme Court ()r any federal court. That is a power grab," Schmitz said Thursday at the windup of a two-day Con- necticut campaign tour. "I wou1d not reel obligated to execute any laws except those pa~sed by Congress." Indian Tract BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) President Emilio Garrastazu Medici has signed a decree setting aside a large tract of land for the Fiesle Xavante Indians. Securities Agency Moves To Block Tycoon's Firm From Wire Services Greene also asked for an in· ATLANTA, Ga . -The junction barring the firm from Securities and Exchange Com· "future violations of securities mission has asked a U.S. registration and antifraud pro. District Court to place the visions" of federal securities Koscot Interplanetary cos--laws. Koscot sells cosmetics metlcs firm or controversial nationwide. promOter Glenn W. Turner in-U.S. District Court J udge to receivership, court reccrds Sidney 0 . Struth scheduled a showed Thursday. bearing Oct. 12 in Atlanta. "In light of the *1JU.v MearJw1?.il&~ .turner .went fraudulent nature of t.lf"e: bOme ·.to ~-~Y to ~ scheme and the de£ ell' await t.be"l'l!ltllilPtfon ' of lils dant's shameless use of a trial. a green suit and black and white boots of unborn calfh.ide, had been jailed b r i e r I y Wednesday on the orders of a circuit court judge who held him in contempt on the open- ing day of his trial. His lawyers soon freed him and won the right to appeal the contempt action 'nlur&day. ".EveQ'~Y!'! ~.r ea l "~·" s.aiit"11\lrner as he left tlti 8DDeali coot! hei'e and headed -!Or his Orlando head- quarters in a rented car. "I'm sorry I can't say anything more." misleading sa les promotion, The flamOOyant young head this court should appoint a of Dare To Be Great and other temporary receiver,'J said Iha Turner enterprises, dressed in :-'motion filed by Jules B .1;::===================:::;! Greene, head of the ctm· mission's regional office in AUanta. Buff urns' i opens Fall Fun-Fest : Saturday rl SAT. OCT •. ?1all 9 Bu!fums' ti ·• stores will open their 5 doors on a week long Fall d 1 Fun-Fest that lets you put LET US SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE THE PROPER WAY! the fun in Fall. without puttinf out a fortune! . Throughout the Bul- fums' stores, from ladies' fashions to little people's· toys .•. Crom housewares : , to ·hosiery, you'll !ind dt • nifty new thrifty ways to -. dress your whole family for Fall. ri ~ Come early for your ... , pick of our handbags ... :: ; you'l.l Jove the handsome i ·:: new im ports. ~ ';. You'll also find our fin· est furs doing even more dramatic things with very special new little price tags. And you•11 see good things f9r guys like jeans, shirts, sweaters, suits, etc •.• going on for less. ' You 'll like our little ·prices for little people in bii back·to-school looks. ·And all your hoste11 hunches will pay off with -~ lone looks al short prices. Look for Bu!Cums' ster- ling ways to put a glow on yoUr holiday table ... and a gleam in your eye. While you·re here, slip into all o{ our new· Fall fashions . , . discover the new fur trimmed 1ooU for '12 ••. big buys· in ladies sportswear, dresses and coats. Pick up some luggage that leaves lots ot dollars free for the trip! I Get a boot or tW~ men's and women's new· t at Fall look& -but don't tread too heavily on your pocketbook. Ro•m thru a library of good books ... all tick· eted to tempt your most itcquisltive nature. See you nt Buffums' tomorro"'" Wear a 1mug smile as you fe ather your f'all ne1t .•• for less! ....... RE-UPHOLSTERY DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY • OCT. 7th • 11 am lo 3·pm A living room choir from start to fin- ish. Using fabrics from our upholstery shop. FROM 2. 99 to So 99 yd . JCPenney FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ONLY r Social Security Boost,s Approved WASHINGTON (AP) -A momentous $18.S.billlon Social Security welfare bill has emerged fro m the Senate car· eying dorerui of new benefits and higher taxes. But it stalls reform of the welfare-families program indeflnitely. Capping a 17·bour session in wh ich 40 se parat e amendments weer considered, tile Senate passed the bill 68 lo > early today. The 98G-page bill would: -Provide or increase Social Security benefits for widows; chronically ill old persoru; who need maintenance d r u g s : persons who want to retlre at age 60: others who want to work beyond age 65; all male retirees who now get lower benefits than women with the same earnings record s; disabled persons ; elderly men and women who need glasses, three refonn plans are tested . -Aim to hold down the steadily ri.sing costs of the two big government health pro- grams: A1edicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor. On the other hand, the 90 million persons w h o s e paychecb are tapped to fi· nance Social Security would pay more into the program, as would their employers. Under the present irogrnm, each worker pays 5.2 percent of the first $9,400 or income in· to the fund , The employer matches that figure. Al ready the deduction is due to in. crease to 5.5 percent next year; the Senate-approved bill would raise it to 6 percent. Thus, a worker now pays a maximum of $46ll a year into the fund ; the figure "'ould go lo 1648 In 1973. hearing aids and dentures, and---------- other groups. -Subststantially increa.se benefits and set a national iJl.. crune standard rer aged, blind or disabled persons receiving welfare. THE PEOPLE ·s CHOICE F11day, Oet~r 6, 1972 DAIL V PILOl 5 Rekased Jobless Levels Prisoner Charged Ease Downward WASHINGTON (UPI J -from 7.7 percen t to 8.8 per- l\llA ~ff. Fla. tAP ) _ Jim-The nation 's unemployment cent, marking the Ont ttm e it d d nearly two years that it voas my Lee \Vilson, who spent rate edged ownwar i n was below 7 percent. But jobo eight years on death row on a Stptember from 5.6 to 5.5 per· less rates for mo1t categories rape conviclion until his cent while the number of ol workers &bowed little release from prison I as t persons with jobs continued change in september. spring, has been charged with the steady rise that beganl--.::_ _ __:. ____ _ the rape-slaying of a cocJctail more th.an a year ago. The waitress and the shooting new employment report, made dealh of her boyfriend. public today by the Labor Dade County deputy sherif!s Departmenrs Bureau of Labor arrested Wilson a! he sat Statistics, said that after ad· down to dinner Thursday with justment for seasonal factors. his wife, Melva, and their two the number of persons with children . jobs increased 250,tol in Wilson was charged vr'ith Se ptember to an all-lime high murder in the shooting deaths of 82.2 million . That was near· of Patricia Blush, 30, and Jy 3.8 million more than in Gerald Santore, 24. June, 1971. WU.son and two others were The actual number o f convicted in 1964 of the rape of employed persons declined two f..1exican sisters who were about LS million in September migrant "''orkers in t h e as students quit summer jobs vegetable fields of south Dade to return to classrooms, but County where Wilson lived at this was less than normal for the time. September so that employ· Wilson's lawyer argued that menl rose on a seasonally ad· persons opposed to the death. justed basis. pen a 1 t y h ad be e n Tbe bureau said the number (Fly Our Legs) automatically excluded from of unemployed workers totaled --continue the program or Aid to Families w i t h Dependent Children w h i I e the jury. 4.7 million, down about 200.IXlO - Wilson \\•as resentenced by from August. That was about As a voter ut"ll 111 Circuit Court Judge !\.1arshall normal, and the bureaq. AIR ',...,... Wischcart to 15 years in described the overall jobless CALIFORNIA find more cl what prison. lie was released on ex· r:ite as vitually unchanged for M °'1np Coanty T t P • t · need k piration of hi! sentence with the fourth consecutive month. nsemtitls (ll4) 540 ... 550 eS rO 1ec you .. to nC1W time off for good behavior on The joble'5 rate for Vletnam,1.._ ________ ..J about pol tical l\Iay 26, 1972. War.era veterans dropped To Continue . . 1 1 1-=~~---~iiiililiiiliiiiiiiliiii~~-~~iiliiii~- wAsmNaroN (AP l-Pres-ISSUeS, 11 depth in Helle! tdent Nixon announced that your newspaper TRR DDITISR ADR..&l&MllCG! he wi11 continue for a sec- ond ye a r a test project To ..,__,decide [ X [ FIND CHllSTOPHU · lOllN CONmT among 20 cities aimed at 1~ ,_ trying o !I t Jocal·reliance . tiis electiml year ~%~· revenue sharing ~ &oath Coast ?tua The cities include San Jose, Fresno and Tucson. • mRnSPIBLD'S •FULLERTON •HUNTINGTON BEACH •ORANGE OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 5 ONE WEEK ONLY SOFA •.•••• ; ......... 179.95 U''I... LOVE SEAT , .......... 119.95· CHAIR •••••••••••••••• 69.95 SWIVEL CHAIR , , , •••• , , 79.95 COCKTAIL ......... , ... 69.95 ~,._ CORNER TABLE ......... 54.95 END TABLE ............ 34.95 TOTAL ••• , , , •••••• , • : 599.95 Thi Compift1 loo-. Rattan wood has been used for thousands of years for furni - ture . making. During the past century furniture made of rattan bas achieved great popularity in the United States. Its natural beauty, ability to take a finish, durability ·and lightness of weight lends grace and comfort to our modem way .of life. -I DAU.. Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE . ---. Marsh a Major A-sset The California Fish and Can1e Department has re· vealed a fascinating plan for recreating a natural salt ,11alcr marsh in l:Wlsa Chica Bay near 1-iuntington Beach. It would, they say. be the first ti.Jne ma11 has ever re- created such a natural environn1ent. Details of the ptnn are s till sketchy, but in brief it involves the use of about 400 ac.res of marsh land in a rectangular forn1 ne xt to Bolsa Chica State Beach. Another 130 acres i~ expected to be developed as a pub- lic 1narina. n•ith boat lau nching and fishing facilities. The plan hin,ges on a proposed land swap with sig- nal Properties Inc .. a su bdivision of Signal Oil and Gas Co. Signal \viii give. \Vithout cost. 300 acres to the state. and grant rights to the other Z30 acres. Lt'. during the next 14 years. a channel is dredged from the bay near \Varner ,..\venue to the ocean, the title to the loaned 230 acres will go to the state. One problem must be ironed out. however. Sunset Beach residents are afraid the ocean cul and subsequent jetty will erode their beach. Before such a project is Jaunched, state officials will have to be posi- tive it won't damage local beaches. U such assurance is given, it will be difficult to find any opposition to the Fish and Game plan. Valley Plans for Future In the wake of the recent California Supreme Court decision on environmental impact studies, many cities along the Orange Coast have called for a cons~ction moratorium until the ruling can be further studied. In Fountain Valley, however, there appeared to be little panic over the .decision. The city, long a forenm- ner in environmental affairs, simply ordered its stall to take a closer look at six types of developments which might have some impact on the city's environment. ~ In return California is giving up its \vaterway ease- ment claims ' over the reinainder of the 1,900 acres of Bolsa Bay, State officials say the easement rights in· valve fragmented pieces of land that \vould never have any real value. By clearing title to that land, Signal has property it can develop. \Vhilc the state has a consolidated chunk of land with '"hich jt can '''ork. \Vhile many cities must determine what criteria wilJ be used for their environmental standards, Fountain Valley's general plan had already set up such guide· lines. It took l\\ o years of hard negotiations to reach the compromise, \vluch is expected to be approved by the State Lands Con1mission before February. The entire package should stand as a 1nark of pub· lie and private cooperation. 'fil e rnarsh \rill be a tre· 1nendous as:,et to this CJrca . The city has adopted a plan for open space, a strict noise ordinance, determined a population density and adopted many other quality-of-li!e measures that bring it into conformity with the state environment Ja,v. Fountain Valley can take pride in its foresight in planning for the future. lt'restli1ag lt' itli Ref 01•111. f Property Tax Puzzlement \l'all Street Journal Dtseussion~ of taxallon often ta~c on a ne\'f r·Jle\·er·land quali1y m ;1n t>lt'C!..1,0ll ~·t•a r. \\hat 11J1h promises of refO!"m . <'loot'<! loopholes. holding the line and !he like -yet the discussion c:ln hardly be ignored or classified as unimport<inl. One 0( the-most puzzling propositions is President Nixon's propos;il that 1he federal government can and should deal y:Jth the inequities Of the propert y tax. As everyone kno~·s. property taxes are an lnstrument of: state and \ocal govern· ment. and a lew year$ lgo it might have required some audacity lor a leder&! 11:0... ministration to openly suggest that 1t 1n· tended to dictate lhe revenue pollciL'I of lower level go1•ernments. But then. os the country has moved ever farJ.her to"•ards a national society and a ccn· 1ralized political system . old ideas of federalism have been changing. HOWEVER, IT IS ONE thing to prf)- mise to do something about the properly tax and to get by Ylith it without drawin g lire from mayors and governors; !t is quite another thing for a federal <iO· ministration to figure out just how n can lteep the promise. A commission <!p- pointed by the President r~cenlly cnn1- pleted a draft report which suggests tl!al federal intervention might prove 10 l.M..· easier said than done. 1be problem, in essence. is that there is nothing resembling unifonnity in s1ate 11nd local ta1ation. Propeny tax r .. les vary widely from state to state and locality to locality -which is one reason They have been under legal attack as allegedly violating the equal proteclion clause of the federal constitution. SALES, 1NC0~1E AND other types of state and local 1.u:es sometimes balance out property tax disparities among stales: thu s. the total state and local tax burden on individuals is not quite so uneven. in some comparisons at l~ast, as the property tax burden. The problem for a national ad- ministration that seeks to give property tax ft\ief. is \0 ~ ou a way o( .Qoiog so without making the disparities a part of the federal system as well. Assu~l. for example . that the federal gcwenunent attempted to provide such relief by permitting individuals to simply deduct half of their property tax bill from their federa l income. tax bi!!. (Currently they can deduct property and other state and local taxes from income in computing federal income taxes.) OBVTOUSLY, TlTJS type of direct at- tack oo the property lax burden -one of !he few obvious lines of attack the federal govcrnmenl could take -"'ould be of greatt•r benefit to taxpayers in states lmd localities "'here property tax· cs are proportionately heavy. In states ;ind localities with proportionately heavy sa les and income laxes, the taxpayers would gel short shr ift. Further, this form of attack would be of relatively little ben· f1l to retired persons "'ith low incomes land thus low federal taxes) \\'ho are said to be most 1n need of property tax relier. And the federal benefit mil{ht even encoorage lo"'' prOl)erty tax states to raise property taxes. lt-is hard to imagine , in purely arithmetical terms, a federal approach to fulfillin g the promise of property lax relief that vlould not perpetuate existing tax inequities or create new ones. ALL OF WHICH suggests that this pr~ posed element of the "new federalism" may need some rethinking. Such pro- posals. it would appear, steadily reduce Ille polley's -of federalism. 1t may well be that the-re is a b\st.orical movement away lrom federalism that no administration Can resist and that state and local governments no longer attempt to resist. The ultimate result or this movement may be a future system in which all revenues funnel through \Va shingtoo and are parcelled out to states and cities in an effort at national unifonnity and equity. BUT WE ARE NOT convinced that such an objective is either attainable or desirable. There are good reasons to fear lhal further movement towards it will bring fiscal and administrative chaos. \Ve .,,,·ould prefer lo see !he national ad· mjnistration put more faith in state rather than federal solutions to property tax inequilies. The initial puzzlement of the President's commission over what federal approach to take would set!m to offer very good reasons for doing just that. Sparkman, Tarnished .. Hero \VASfllNGTON -For 1nos1 of his 36 years ln Congress. Alaba111a·s .Juhn Sparkman Ms champ1on1>d lhl' un dcrhouM!d. the underfed and lhc 1111· dereducated. Some of his b.!tllles for lhc poor arc legendary. But now lhe 72·year-old SC!11a1or. his kindly face be@;in- nlng to show the ravages of age. hl~ straight ahoulden beginning to sng. "'" buoodle the Utmi!h· cd hero of the 1amc. spect.I Interests he once fought. These latter-day frlendl in banking, savlna• and loans, re11I t'~latr, con· !tr\tctlon and the like arc ra1~1ni.: a hu)lc campaign kitty to !lave hi!> St-null' st<•t Threatening to take ii a.,,,·ny from l11m 1!; President Nlitoo 's fon11cr Po!!ttnast~·r· General, Winton "Red" Ulount lndc1,1l. lhe outconte could detem1 inc .,,,hclli.·r thP Rtpubllcans wUI wln cuntrol or th1· Senate- oaMNHC-OAIT DAllY PILOT SPARK~IA N IS chairman of the Senate D<1nking , llousing and Urb11n Affairs Commult'l', v.'}1ich holds legislative power over the 1ndus1ries Iha! h:ivr. befrienrll•d h11n. His defeat would elevate feis ty, ron· .sumcr·mindt.'<I Scnntor \llillianl Prox· nurc. [)..\\'is .. to the chairmanship. Not only do the fat cats want to l<ccp Prox nure out uf this powerful seat. They nlso v.·ant to show !heir appreciation to Sp11rkmnn for his bencvo\cnce tow:irtl !hem. 1\lor1.'0vt•r, S1K1rkm;1n 1s :1 member of thr Small l\u~u1c"s Committee wh1C'h !ouches not only ;11l 1hr1r lndustrirs, hut other eu1rr1)r1~1's frocn ph11rm11t't'utlcals to twrdwerc ~tores 10 hospita l bulld lng. TllUS, TIIF. sp1 •c'1:d 1ntl.'res1s ore filtln.it hi~ cnmpaiRn coff1·rs ns evidenced by 1n· rnm pletc but still liubstnnlla\ filings under the new t'amp.~1J.:n reporting law. "' of September 12. SOtne 185,000 of Sparkman'• repor1cd $119,000 gross recei pts came fro1n the financial. rtl}I cslate, corutru lion. phann11ceutical :md rclatt..<d labor intertsts. The tone ol the rund r11i1infit hi: t\'1dc111 from sonle of the letters going out lo bulldcrs and b3nker1. ··we In the real estate bu.'lness," Blrmintham builder Art Rlce has writ· len, for exRmple, to hll buslne.q col- league1, "won 't live Jona mougb to ICe nnother A1Rbami1n ln lhiJ partlculttr posltkln of seniority, lnflucnce and po~·cr, In my opinion, Smltor Sparkman c11.n pick UJl !he telepbcm ind accompUsh more ln r1vc minutl'I tht1n any olher can· didill i.:oold do in five yeart ... "HE llAS l}()NE MORE thnn :iny ocher sing.l e m;_1n to help our reaJ estaie profcR.(t00 nnrl now be Defdl our help !iO • IML h•• m~~hl contlnut In this most sensitive p0sition which some have in· dicated lo be the most powerful in the United States Senate ... The campaign will take $.'i00,000 .. Another solicilation letter from Binn· ingham developer Richard Sexton pleads, "I urge you to help in Lhe best ways Y<JU can by returning the enclosed pledge rard with the most generous contribution you can make . . . Regardless of our personal party afrillations or our choice conooming other national office!, our in- dustry owes It to itself to pull the Sparkman lever and suppart t h e Sparkman campelgn fund first and foremost." These arc sad commentarie! on 3 great Senate career. FOOTNOTE : Commenting on the con· tributions, A spokesman for Sparkman said, "When you speak ot blinking, ).'IV· ings and loon. construction. real etitate and related industries, you're talking :1t>out some 6S percent or the economy of thfo country. The senator h:ts dealt with every leglll!'tive matter on its merll-' und solely, Oil it.3 merits." Dear Gloo1ny Gus Jim WhC!eJer ~'OOld plant concrete ptne ll't'el on 1'h11ln Street, lf the real thing wasn 't chtaptr. -R.S.T. . "'" ...... ,.. ~ ,,....... ....... , ~lfy lfl9W .. llolt IWSd IP(PW ...... ,.., "' ... w ........ , ... a.llW' '"'""· • H Leaders Say: 'Sex-No, No; Killing-Yes' frnNEY J.HARRI~ fDuring Mr., Harri.~' vacation, we are Yeprinting some of tlte most re· que'sted columns from his forthcom- ing book, "For the TiTM Being," to be publislted this fall.) What if. in the past, the~n race had conditi~ ils mlldren again& kill· ing as rigorously as it conditioned them agairu;t sex? Until thi~ modemr age, the sex inhibition was ,. fairly successful In keeping youngsters out of trouble. what· ever other damage il happened to do. A social prohibi· !ion against killing \\'OU]d not do any other damage, and might h a v e inhib- ited people from slaughtering one an- other through the gcnerationi. "Aggres· siveness," ol course, will never be bred oot of bwnans, but aggressiveness can slop quiU! short ol killing. ntE MAIN REASON I.his has not been done -eveo though homicidal violence can be shown to be a far greater threat to our species than s e x u a I permissivene55 -is that the state has always needed its warrion. H men will not kill, but will instead peace!ully try to adjust their differences by reason or by olher contests of skill and strength, then the leaders have lost their prime power over the 'masses. The commandment "Thou shalt not kiU" has been lnte111reted ln all \Vestem countries to tailor Christianity to national goals, rather than to flt tbe country to the religious model. Private citizens are not allowed to klll for private reasons ; but as public sold.lefJ. they are en- couraged to kill for "civic" reasons that are orte.n just as evU. IT IS EXTRAORDINARY that CO\)llla- tlon, which is a life-glvt_ng and joyous ac- tivity has been so hedged with restric- tions ,' inhibitions and taboos; while kill· ing. which goes against all divine, human and ratk>nal principles, haa elways been rewarded with honon, rant, medals and supreme power by the state. The strength of "Incest taboos" 'lvcr the centurie!I, for Instance, indicates how !!ltrongly 1hc past can lmprtnt repressions upon the young, U It sincerely believes them and carries them out effectively. A 11imilar "killing taboo'' .against members of our own Spt(!ics could be equally rx· uciaed, were It not that the ruling caste of every social order ls unwilling to do this for fear of lostnc Ill ultimate authority ot force. 11lE STATE KILLS 1'enenics"; it kills "lraltors": It kills "revolutionaries"; It kills "crlmln•l!"; It even kills mere "undesirables," And It ls rarely lhe popul•CO 111<11 lhat decides who IU<h tnemlH and trt.Uora and revolutionaries and crtmlnalJ and tntulrablt! are ; it ta Us Teade:rs, who wllh to prtscrve thtmsttvea in power by all means. 1r we Mf'6 really Mrloul about It. our dllldnn could be oo CU>dillonod from birth that liking another person 's life • would be an unlmAgtn1ble hormr that on· ly the IDOlf deme:ntad or pe.rvertcxi could commit. Wtead, we bnted 1 net or moral ldlola wbo think It b •lortou• to oo for the 11110 whit It II lo~ddtn lo do singly. • • a ''J'•,•'l"t••:.•, '' .. __ _ Reader Counters 'Computerphohia' To lhe Editor: The computerphobja expressed by l\ilr. O. V. Picker in his letter to Mailbox (Sept. 27) is unfounded. C.Ontrary to his belief, it is the bank customer that benefits from automatic payments and · deposits. His first charge was that no check stub will be given to employes who receive automatic payroll deposits. On the corl- trary, each employer wilJ be required to giYe all employes such stubs indicating gross pay, deductions and the net amoUnt deposited into their checlting accounts. REGARDING THE automatic payment of recurring bills, the customer still will receive a validated receipt. Instead of it being his cancelled check, it will now be a special entry on his monthly checking account statement. Furthermore, the customer "'ill be able to have any er- roneous billings corrected long after he receives ms stalement, something he can't do with the present checking system. Maybe Mr. Picker does not have to worry about the loss or theft of his checks but lots of Californians do. This service guards against loss and theft and also provides convenience and savings of both time and money to the customer. ARTHUR P. MERRICK Re•tructure Olf#mplc• To the Editor: The Olympics is as important to the world as an all-nation sports forum, as the United Nations is a political forum. Some organizational restructuring to cor· reel a tew obvious evolutionary defects is all that ls required. 1 suggest the follow- ing as starters:' t . Ellminate national anthems and substitute the Olympie anthem as a salute to all~the wlnnen oC each event Perhaps initiate a contest among the composers of the world for a new an- them. Aa an 1dd1Uonal consideration, the nag of the fln& place winner could be sk>wly raised aa the anthem ls played. 2. Restrict participation in each event to two competitors .from each oation. 3. ASK SWITZERLANX>, as the most universally respected, credible, and neutral society in the world, to withdraw from participation in all future Olympic games. -4. Use SwlM personnel eitclualvely for all judglng, refereeing, umpiring, timing, starting, etc. in all Olympic events. Establish a Swiss academy to develop expert prole!31onal judgm~I. ~-Jn c~ of •PP<'!il Ibey will be bear<I Isn't It the Truth! By CARL RIBLET JR, tt la fascinating lO read what the future may bnng, to learn how ~I the world might be ln another 10 year• or so and to think wMt ts In store for those of t11 who live until 2000. HOW13Vt':r, I have never bttn able to rind anybody who w11n11 to rtlffl ~ futurt now. ''Thtr jvturc hCll no cure /or the post" -A~tllor Unk4ntf/l<d A vb.ltor to tbt home: around.I of the lipt>Cles Potomacus !xoUcu1. which ll to PY Congreuman. 1a often Ufllble lo flnd merit In the JrglBJ.otlv" proceedi.nss. \VhRt he does find . howtver, are two kindl of facta -the open and t~ lll- !!cn111tble. Both kinds ma1k thl' un- bt.llc1vable. "The /ace f.s the image of the 10111. '' -Cicoro, M 8.C • ( MAILBOX ) Letters from readers are welcom~. Normally writers should convey thew messages in 300 words M leJS. TM tight to condeme leturs to fit space or elimi11Gte libel is resenJed. All letters. m!iSt tnclude .tig™!ture and moiling dCfdress, but names may be withheld on reque.•t if sttffident reason is apparent. Poetry wiU not be published. by a panel of Swiss experts, ~mpooed of leading athletic coaches of Switzerland. 6. Questions of admission or wilhdrawal of any nations to the Olym· pies will be decided . first by v~e of the International Olympics C.OmmiJtee, with the right of immediate appeal to the Supreme Court of Switzerland. 7. INCREASE TJIE number of Olympic sports events in those no~ontact sport areas where individual skill, stamina and personal courage pr~omina~, and where expensive, extensive .stadia is not essential; such ·as, tennis, four·wall handball, four.wall racquetball, sqtJUh racquets, paddle tennis, etc. For eJ· ample, in this country, there are now 13 million tennis pleyWS, 5 millloli four-wall handball players, 1.5 million racquetball players, 3.5 mllllon squash racquet players, etc. -au of whom are unrepresented in the uJtimate in spo$ competition .... 'The o.lymplcs. . 8. TG insure a revitalized American Olympic Commlttee, its members should be selected for a rotating four-year tenn, from a large list of qualified prospects submitted to all coaches, ooJlege! and universities , qualified clubs, and sports editors throughout the 50 states, each having one vote. HENRY BURKE Watergate Caper To tbe Edllor: Reading and hearing O'Brien and the Democrals trying to make 10mething out of Watergate Is like Bonnie and Clyde complaining to the First National Bank for not supplying parking facilities, To have Jack Anderson verify the pro. ccedlngs Ja at least as bad. No niatter how much they try to cover up the Vital Issues ot such great im- portance to Amer1c:i, the IMuendo. smesr and characler aS18Wnation can be successfully done onJy when lhere is a basis and even lhen only by people with sufnclcnt lDtegrity and credibility to .st..'lod beyond reproach. Th1.9 would automati.cally eUmln1te tht 1 bo •• pereons and a lot of othen with them. People llvinl in tht.ir glau hotJses should throw nothing harder thBin marshmallows. CALVIN G. SIEGLE ,.,, Geo.,,e ---, Otar Georr•: hly husband stumbles in from work half·loldcd, gobbla down 1 sandwich. flopa down on lbc couch without a word lo n1e, ,Wps a half- dozen beers, kk:ka his •'-olf and gQCI to' •lee~ and anoret all night. What do yoo think? HANNAH 0..111 ll•nnah: I lhlnl< the mqlc: Is be«lnnlng to IM\'e! your marriage. 17 Orange Coast Today's Final -EIHTION-N.L Stoeks,_ 3 VOL 65, NO. 280, 5 SECTIONS, 54 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1972 N TEN CENTS Irvine Chief Announces Arts Center Offer DAil Y l"llOT Si.tr f'M* 'SETTING SUN SILHOUETTES VAN SANT SCULPTURE At Newport Center, a Dedication and Plans for the Future ~ewport Guards, Helicopter Save Evening Bathers Newport Beach lifeguards with the citfs police helicopter lighting their way 111;\red the lives of tWo lat'e evening swim-nif;: Thuroday off Wt!SI Newport. . "Without the aid of the bellcopter last nfpt, we would have had one heck of a pt!Sblem getting to th6se swimmers," s:ald Ken Jacobsen, assistant marine .aiety director. ~bnce safely ashore, the rescued swim- mers got wrapped in blankets and drilt- ~o# into the night without even giving Qietr names to the rescuers. They remain l!lll~eotified 1oday. ~~ two were spotted at about 7 p.m. 'tif lifeguards about one-quarter mile o:fflbore near-48tb Street Beach caught in stfong current. :~They were really moving and the surf wU running up to 10 or 12 feet so we ciiuldn't get to them," Jacobsen said. ~,~ copter, piloted by Officers Jim G91fos and Doug Webster, tossed a life rlQg to the two swimmers and then ~ered overhead using its strong ~hlight to pinpoint them Jn the ~water. :-T'Tbe copter also used its speaker IQjtem to keep us informed of when the lUj sets of waves were coming in so we C>Wd time our swim out to the men in triu.bte," Jacobsen said. -.fte helicopter stayed above the swim- trMrs and their rescuers until all were aileJy ashore nearly an hour after the ~a began. transplant Death : STANFORD (AP) - A 29-year-<>ld man 1'M received a new beat! ID a transplant <Jllera!ion at Stanford Uolversity Hospttal "8iot. !2 has died of complications in- Wlting a lung infection, a apokesman Aid Tburaday. . or .. 1e C.ast Wea titer Considerably cloudy on Saturday. clearing by mid-day to sunny atiea. Sllg!ltl,y cooler with beach temper. 1turea of around 70 rising to the mid..aot inland. Lows tonight 60. ' INSIDE TODA 1:' Sht'1 tht wift of a liuntlng. • ton Beac~ doctor now, but Bar- .. bara ·wa1bwrt.on can look back on a half dozm uear1 of per- /ormino IDith 1Mne of tne grcotl of 1hOtD busita111. Stt toda11'1 Wcckimdtr. L.M...., • ~ ......... ...,... n ,.,,.._....,. w ! CtllftnU I Ol'Ml9l' ~ M .. ,........ 9-41 11"1-•lltt ..,. ~ 11 .. ..,,. ..,. • .- u ,,...,, ... ,, .._. ~ r llrtC' M..t.tl 11ol1 ,}> •"*'81 ,... • ,.......... • ... ~ f.11 Till•frln ... ,., .. It'""' , .,..... • INIWll•I M _. ...... 1J.U ..... LllMlll'I ,, ..... ,.... .. ...... . .. , .. ,, ,, .. -- .. Setting Sun. Not That Hot Newport Beach fire engines rac-- ed to the scene about twilight Thursday when an excited caller reported a whole series of homes in the Irvine Terrace area· were ablaze inside. . The unidentified infonnant's face was probably as red as the aeries of crimooo 1rindowa be panlcked upon seeing, when firemen ani\'ed. His suspected fire! were only reflections of the sunset and ex- tinguished themselves aa Old Sol sank into the, sea. Lights Approved For Lido Isle Tennis Courts A large, partisan crowd of Lldo Jsle residents packed the City Council cham- bers Thursday night to hear city plan- ning commission approve a pennlt for lights on a island tennis court on Via Jucar. The lights were approved unanimously ·by commissioners but face !lrict operat- ing restrictions. These include complete shielding of the beams from spillover off the c o u r t, screening ol the court Ooor, rigid maJn.. tenanee standards and a 10 p.m. man. mum operating hour. The lig!lling of Via Jucar temlls court has been a controversy on Lido I.ale for more than one year. Resldenta whose bomea border the court say the lighu wlll change the nature of the court and will ablne ID the wlndowa of nearby homes. Propooenta of the llghb held a special ben<fit temiis match lltarrlng Pancho G<lnzalei several months ago to raise ,money for the lig!lta ID memory of Gon- iaJez' daughter, who was tllled in an eq ... trlall accident. Surf er Seized After Ignoring Orders to Quit One young Newport 8-11 ml1 ma~ rider haJ learnld tblt l1 doelll't pl)' to '"""' wavtt when dea!Jnc 'IP poli<t and the Orange County BartAi; Depart· ment. WUl!am J. Martin, 20, of 1115 Bonni. 00ooe Ttm, WU t-1nf alaoc 6o ....U. ID the Newport -jolly - tnnce _, wil!I "'° ----OUl of the ....... Hovetlnc at 200 feet ..., Jiartln. pollco bcllc:<!!>C<r -.Ver a/fleer VIDce Antilla talc! be told llartfo n1ne U-over the loudspe• lrer to set olit al Ibo ...... IDa two boddfea obo,..S • -u ,... -thol' .... In u.,..._ l1lopl wa-. • By L. PETER KRIEG Of ,... D91fY ...... ltatl Irvine Company President William R. Mason Tburoday nighl. told Newport Beocb patrons of the arts hi& company will give them ground for a fine arts center when they show him they can get the money to build ii. ."Ibe formal announcement of a gift of land, and the kickoff of the fund-raising drive by the Newport Harbor Foundation to build the center came during ceremonies dedicating a sculpture in the Union Bank Building plaza at Newport C'.enttr, '!be sunaet setting on the hill above the Pacific wasn't as tninquU u tboee pat. ting on the event would have llked, boweYer. The crowd of more than 300 mllled around for more than half an hour waiting for the electricity to • the micropbone'to•be turned on. Meanwhile, tbe liquid refreshments never got turned oil and the frayed ele<> trical wires resulted in frayed nervt• among Irivne Company offldals stagin the !how. They got the bugs out of the power line but then Irvine Company Vie ... President Albert J. Auer IDtrodueed Mayor Donald A. Melnnis to , praise the offer, before Mason bad given his speech making it. "The generous offering of a cultural complex site today by the Irvine Com- pany to lhe community is the important first step in realizing a cultural complex for our city," the undaunted mayor said. Mason told the gathering th11~ included actors Buddy Eiieen and Sterli!lg Holloway and actress Claire -Trevor, that the offer is as much of a challqe u it is a gift. "The Irvine Company · supporta the Newport Harbor Foundalion and IU endeavors and does !JO by pledging to provide a site for a cultural compjeX-ln Newport Center," he said. "At such time a.s prellmlnlry layout plans are presented, the best klcation and acreage will be determined to .upport (See CULTURE, Page I) Shriver-'W e're Ahead' Candidate in Anaheim, Cites Survey by GOP By TOM BARLEY Of .... o.llY , .... IN:H A statewide poll taken during the past week by California Republicans showed lhe McGovern-Shriver ticket one percent~ age point ahead of Nixon-Agnew , vice presidential hopeful Sargent Shriver clahned Thursday night. "But you'll never hear about it exeept from me/' Sen. George McGovern's ebullient running .mate told cheering Democrat.. at a $100.•head oo host cock· tall party in Anaheim. Newport Hits Trailer Park Shriver explained that the poll waa burrted!J: placed Ullder wraps u 8"0n as alarmed GOP executives bad ''"UUJed the tabulations. "I don't blame them,'" he uid, "al- tboug!I they didn't Deed that poll to get the message that inevitable dtfeat is on its way. T0ur electim•organizatlon has become -ple\e. '!!!thin this past week," Shriver said. "Within two or three weeta. our slight edge In Calilomla will become a clear Democratic party lead throughout the naUon. '' Both Shriver and Southern Callfomia campaign chairman Donnan Commons 8§Ufed milling and doubtful Democrats that they have personally seen copies of the Republican poll that reputedly gives McGovern a slight edge. Both men said they had abo seen tab- ulations from an earlier GOP poll which showed that the Nixon-Agnew margin in Ca_l,ifomia Ms been cut to four percent. "Union niembers are giving us their \ Thieu May Resign Pre-electron Vietnam ~=~i?ns ks _ P~pce !'Ian Reporte~. port Beech are~ ~_;i "lf,.,~, 1\,».~ ..l I~ ' ~·· _ • , ., ·· . '·•Vt ...... the 'trail . ID :.:\il.:ui be ~ . ~~ _, 'PMl ..... l!iia<W ' V1ell•m Ill fal'll. era v..--....m'.IOfler lo remp uni!er 1n udllmge, the North ·VJetnamewe out or demollsbed," B<Jbbr-Fowler, city term.o of an .\llled pace pr-1 which would: building offieer, said today: talls for total U.S. withdrawal and an -Free aU U.S. prisoners of war. At the aame ~, Qty Manager Rob--'mt! to Nor&~ Vietnamese htfiltrttloo of -Halt all lnflltratlon of South Vietnam, ert L. Wynn formally recommended that the BOUth, inCOrmed 90Ul'eel aald today. Jeavtng the cOmmunlsts' war to the Viet one of the four, Sandy's Deluxe Trailer The oew plan wm be P'oi-<i by eong . Park, 2912 West Coast Highway, be closed Allied negotiators prior to~ Nov. 7 U.S. -,Agree to o~gotlate "seriously'' in down entirely. presldentl81 election, American and Paris or elsewhere toward a cease-fire. Wynn, in a report prepared for city South Vietnamese sourteJ said. The chief White House spokesman councilmen, !U!ld there is no way Sandy's The sources said the plan was dl!cus5-termed the report "totally ........,,18 uve ... coul d be f11ed up to meet health and ed In detail by White House envoy Maj. ~ ... safety standards. Gen Alexander Halg during his con-Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said Wynn said that while the state of Call· fere.itcea with Thieu Tuesday and Thun-in Washington he wou1d have no f~rther fornia, which owns the park that b borne day comment. Earlier in the day, Ziegler to 20 families, has vowed to repeJr all • used l1mllar language to describe anoth- extremely hazardous cmditlons immedi· They said It would provide: er report from London on a war ending- ately. there Is little chance that all 14 -Total U.S. withdrawal from South •er<ement. vlolatlonl to city codet uncovered by the Vietnam. 'lbe. sources described the plan as the building department will be corrected in -'lbleu's reslgnatkll In fnor· of Sen. Allies' "offer to end all olfers" and its the near future. , Nguyen Van Huyen, speaker ol South rejection would mean a contlnuallon of And the stale win probably decide Jn a Vietnlm'1 Senate and former law the conflict. . few months to condemn the part anyway, partner of Nguym Huu Tho, an oWclal of Thieu bas predicted that following a he indicated. the Viet Cong's ProvWonal Revolu-pre-U.S. election Communist "spcc- He thinks councilmen should ask that tionary Government. tacular" b1 South Vietnam - a serie.. of action be taken now. -An end to the U.S. bombinl cf North oUemlve acts-the war will "fade away "It ls the city staff's opinion that thl.! Vlelnam and the naval blockade of North -fOI' a few dozen moatbl." trailer park cannot be brought up to health and safety code standards," Wynn said, "and that the city should request the state of California, Department of Public Works, to terminate the lease and eliminate the trailer part. "If lh1s land was cleared, there would be more land available for parking which is needed by the merchants in the area," be said. W)'Illl. ID hi& report, also cited a lengtlly Jog of police c .... lovolvtng r .. ldenta of the park. . W)'Illl said that between January 1'11, and Sept. 25, 1972, police were called to the trailer court tucked In behind the main post office on Riverside A venue 14 timet. The calla lnvolved one suicide by hang· Ing, another attempted llliclde, one as- sault, ttve arrests for possession of mari- juana and one arrest for lnttrferlng with a police-officer. One reeldenr.a Sandy'•. Jam<S A. Campolo, a ed before councilmen two weeb o and told of the 1ltuatlon there. Since then police ...,.. called once by Clmpolo'a wife when neighbors 1l~edly were menanclns him becaUJe of the tuu be bad made. REFUSE PICKUP SLATED MONDA.¥ 11l<n will be. --In Newport Beach -y. Colum- bus Day, ......... to a--11 Servlca fltnctar Jacob P . 11,-. ... uJd ....... wtl .,.. .... In all attU of the dly tllata........., oorvlctd .. ~ Rt .... all c:vnlalnen m .. be II the cft by 7 a.m. Vele, Vete, 1'.ie . ' support in increasing numbers," Shriver explained . "Many are defying AFL-CIO President George Meany and flocking to us by the lhousaods." Shriver hailed Orange County and ita "increasing support for the Democratic tickc!" as a "vital bellwether" in the Novembe r election. And he lauded the work of "such stand- ard bearers as Mission Viejo Rancher Riehard O'Neill" for 1 rlslng Ude of SUJr port that will, he predicted, leave the (See SHRIVER, Page%) Tide Crushes 53-foot Bo·at; Trio Rescued By JACK CHAPPELL ot ... o.ttf ........ ,,,e shattered hulk of • 53-loot fiahlng boat cru!l\ed on the Dana Point Harbor breakwater was all that remained today following a night of emergency helicopter operaUon!, and 1 C.oast Guard rescue off lhe Laguna Beach coast. The ill-fated Tradewinds wtth three hands aboard began sen.Jing up distress: narcs a1 about 7:40 p.m. Thursday, nares which produced a Oood of. calls to Laguna Beach pollce, the Harbor District and the Coast Guard. After the arrival of tht Coast Guard cutler, Poinl Divide, lhe three cnw members, Elbert Peters, Costa Maa; Jim Evans, Newport Beacl1; and Billy Demers, Long Beach were fished from the water unlnjur~. A Cilizens Band radio operator earlier had reported to COa1t Guard Search and Rescue in Long Beach • radio broadcaJt from the Tradewincla .. yJl\jj that the boat 'a engines had failed tnd tbe craft was takJ.-g on water. At thlt time. the Tradewlnda' pumps !See HULK, Page II Qty .me. 11111 ........ - day. 8tl* ~ 1111 ll6t at Ille county Bcsblrar of V.-a Gllki ID 61a1a Ana, cMcb oft 101111 of the l,IOO boul of bolloll belni prepend for lhJpm<DI to 0.-.. Collnlf jlrecinotl on elec:tlon d.,-, N°". T. U ,.... b't ,_f.1!.V to vote by tllldnlibt Sunday, your blllot WOii t be In one of tb bolnts. - I I • • OAJLY PllOl • -- IM.IL'f f'ILOT ,-.. IW f'•ntdl o-o...11 FIREMEN DOUSE FLAMES IN OVERTURNED VAN AT VICTORIA STREET AND THURIN AVENUE 81lbo1 lsl1nd Youth Wilks Aw1y After Thursd1y Cr1sh in Cost• Mew 1'ee11 Escapes (:osta Mesa Auto Mishap Sv.erving to a\'Old a rear-end collision \\'ith a lef!·tuming car. a Balboa Island youth escaped unhurt Thursday \\·Ot>n his VWl skidded. careened off a Costa l\lesa curb , overturned and burst into flames . Ke\·in T. l\lcGo\·ern. 18, of 124. Amethyst · Ave .. evidently cra"·led out through the shattered windshield after the \"ehicle came to rest on Victoria Street at Thurin Avenue. The 4 p.m. collision closed off Victoria Streel to through traffic , which had to be rerouted. and drew a cro .. 11d of about 200 excited spectators. Office r Ron Veach issued a speeding: citat ion to the shaken ~1cGovcrn. claim- ing he \\•as traveling about 60 miles per hour 1n a 35 mile zone u•hen the accident occurred. .AicGo\•ern explained he \Vas passing another car, using the painted center divider when he saw another vehicle stopped directly ahead in the cenler div!der ..._signaling to make a left turn, pobce said. Firemen di1p3tched to the scene ex· tinguished the gasoline and oil-fed fire ""'hi<'h caused major damage to the engine compartment and front of the van. Traffic accident investigators said it did not appear l\.1cGovem's van. which ca rried assorted tools and o I h c r possessions , was destroyed, however. Frotn Page 1 t lULK ... ,\·ere coping with the flooding, the Coast Guard reJXlrled, but the Point Divide out of Ne"·JXlrt Beach ""as dispatched to the scene. A later emergency broadcas• at 7:45 p.m. from the stricken craft reported the pumps could no longer handle the water. Minutes later, the Point Divide arrived on ltation, the Coa!t Guard -reported, and the men v;ere taken from the water. At this time the Tradewinds was awash and the Coast Guard determined it to be a hazard to navigation. • The boat "'as taken In tow by the Point Divide which began steaming to Dana Polnt Harbor . Rescue operations were lighted by C:Osta Mesa 's remaining helioopter as Laguna Beach residents watched the ex- traordinary display from their hillside homes. Reports that a nre and an eiploslon llad been observed by Laguna Bearh reaidents were unconfirmed by Coa st Guard report• toda y. OUN•I COAST " DAILY PILOT TM ()f9ftfit C-.t OAIL'W' 'ILOT, .,.1111 Wl'llc.h .. .,.,...,... .... __ p, ..... "' Pllttlllned "" -~ 0.lt ll'lllllhlllnt ,.,...""· ~ ntt ....... er1 DlttOI~, MOll!My 111._it prwy, ,'W CO.II lllltM, Jj-1 lttdl, Hwi9":if*M ewl'l/l"Ollllt•lll V1tley, UQO.INI a4lldt, INM/&-.lelltc.k Miil IMI Cltnwnt•/ hfl """" Capltlrww A 1111111 •'91mMI .. " ...... ,....,,... .. ,~.,,. .... 511fl111y .. nit ,.,.W .. 1 p!,llllllllllflt 11ter11 It 11 HO Wnl .. , ...... COtl• --.. C.tl'9mle, 91'!6. _.loffrt N. w.-4 rr.lllnt 1flf f'1.tbO-J•i• It. C11rl1y \lie. '"'911Mr11 W 0-.-11 M1~r 1\0111•1 K11,,11 a•Uot Tii..i1et A, MV1"pki111 MaMllflt •••tor L rotor Krl19 ........,, IMdl Cl'ly f4111f ... , ........ Offke JJJJ .... ,.,. •111 ..... ,4 M•lta.,M4rMN P.O. l o• 1171, tJ66l --Cl:llt ...... -...... ..,. ltrltt ........... -.. ,,..., ....... ............ I ioodll 110i hoc1I ......,,.,... a-~I .. ,..,. II c.MIN "'91 ... ,. II ., .... MMIJ1 Ct ...... M:UJtt 1 I '4&.1611 ~ ""' ~ (.oKt .._.,,.... ~. "' -•"""-n111s1r1ti... ......... ........ "' -:rr.:r:·••tl ,..,... ,.,.., . ,........ .. .. , .... mldlon of ~' .,_.,, IOC9l'llf c• ,....,. Nl:f M C.'9 ~ ... =,.. ~-°" urn.+' 1:2-'f "'""' kr •• u.11 ft'IM'llM¥'r 111111""' ~ .... "*"""· Jahbar, Allen Two Bucks Basketball Stars Hit in Drug Rap DEX\'ER (L'PJ 1 -Kareem AoduJ.Jab- bar. 7-2 center for the ~1ilwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association, "'as jailed today with teammate Lucius Allen and tw<> other men on suspicion of possessing marijuana and other Mexican Traiii Derails, Killing 109; 464 l1ijured SALTILLO, J\.1exico (AP) -At least 109 persons perished and 464 were injured when a train carrying religious pilgrims derailed and caught fire near here early today. A team of 150 rescuers \vorked through lhe morning pulling bodies from the "Teckage. Police and Transit Director Genaro Gutierrez Davila s a i d all survivors known to be trapped in the wreckage had been rescued. The train. loaded with l , ~ 6 o\ passengers, derailed about 200 yards before it reached the Moreno Bridge about six miles south or here. Gutierrez Davila said . Survivors said the train was going e1<- treme4y fast on a downhill grade as tt ap- proached the bridge. People at the scene said the engine of lhe 20-ear train overturned and other ccrs jammed together in the crash. Three of the seven cars involved In the accident caught fire and two or them "'ere destroyed, Gutierrez Davila said. The train was carrying pilgrims returnin g from Real de Catorce in northern San Luis Potosi State, where they bad. gone to pay homage to St. · Franics on Wednesday . Most or the pilgrims were from Saltillo. l\fany we~ tilled by the Impact ol the crash and others trapped in the cars died in the names. Surfer l1ijured At CdM Beaclr. A Corona del t.1ar surfer Is In good con- dition today at Hoag Memorial Hospital after being tossed around In rough surf Thursday morning near the jetty at Corona del f\.1ar's main beach. Lonnie Caruthers, 2.l, of 2701 Ebbtide Road, \\'a! admitted to the hospltal at about 10 a.m. with multiple abrasions suffered when waves up to 10 feet drag· ged him along the rough ocean bottom near shore. Caruthers was pulled from the surf by a friend, who rushed him to Hoag Hospital under police escort. Lifeguards said they responded to the emergency but by the time they got to the scene . the Injured man was gone. A spokesman at Hoag said Clruthen was treated ln the emergency room :ind then admitted for treatment and obM!rvetion. Newport Teacher's Front Lawn Huined A Ne\\'Port Be1tch school teacher has returned home from :i brief vacation to find vandals destroyrd her h"ont lawn \\'Ith cau!ltiC chtmic"ls. C&rol l\lcDuHlt. of 1706 Port Margale Pin.et, h8ted ~ S2SO ' los.s. according to police ~·00 took htr malicious mbchlef report . Somcont doused the grau wllh an un- kno":n chtmlca\ in five large apota, klU- lng 1t almost lmmedlalely 1rtd searing It An U@IY hrllwn lleasonablc Excuse CHAnLESTON, W, Va. 1UPll -Thi• slgn on the door of a 11X:n1 ~hoe thine parlor ThursOay explained why II wiurn't open ' "Clni.ed lnday -boys tl run k ·• "dangerous drugs ."' Jabbar and Allen, former teammate! at UCL.A ~'ho led fl1ilwautee to the NBA championship in 1970-71, were held ln a jail cell overnight, then posted $200 bond and u•ere released at 9 a.m. (Another story, Page 17) Simple possession of marijuana is a misd~meanor in Colorado. The players and two other men were arrested after police stopped their car ea rly today. "The officers de~2Cted burning mari- juana ..:oming from the car, and arrested the four occupants," said Sgt. Steve flletros of the Denver police vice squad. It was the first trouble wltb the law for Jab bar, known as Lew Alcindor at UCLA before he changed his name. But Allen twice before bad been ar- rested on drug charges -tbe last time being given probation by a Los Angeles judge on a marijuana charge. In his probation report, Allen was quoted as saying he could "be an exam- ple to other young people and through my experience explain to them the risk of hunn that they do ·to tbemlelva, their famlllea and tbe\r friends by ualn& drugs and narcotics." Frotn P!lfle J SHRIVER ... Democratic Party in Orange County just J00,000 overall votes behind the Republi-· cans on election night. "That's all we need," the quicksilver campaigner said. "That kind of edge for the Republicans here works out as a big margin for us in many other states and .pqtJ George McGovern in the White ROuse " He ffeocdbell the area •• "one ol the finest examples ot Its kind in the world and a haven for those thousand! ot AmeH- cans who find peace, rest and eoUWde \valklng its tratl.s and exploring lb vb1ln beauty." He pledged a $6.4 billion, five-year pro- gram that will, he said, create desperate- ly needed park11 and apen spaces in this nation's cities on the lines of those to be found ln London, Paris.and VielU\8. One of lhe first ohllgaUons of a Dome> craUe adthlnlstratlon will be the preserva· lion or the 200,000-acre Sant.a Monica Mountains area, Shriver said. Shriver, an hour late for his Anaheim Conven tion Center address, to the Na- tional Parka and Recreatioo Auoclation Congress and 90 minutes late 1or hi.J Grand Hotel aoiree, bad earlier stressed the protection of the nation's park lllld to fewer than J,000 onlookers in the big hnn. • - He.Jiier-edniitted tbAt he wu .. very dfsappa!nled" lll the Anaheim llJtllOUt. "I ~t we ·-id have ftUed what I'm !Old aro 8,llOO nall In that place," ho uld. Sh.river acCuMd the Nixon Admlnlstra- tlon Of pUtUna Ill coocem for 1ntl-lnfla- Uon measures before the ~ ofiast dl,.ppeartna open lf"IC, !!Jot .i.iuld be preserved es park land for Amerlca'I urban mllJlCIUl. .. Sbrtver chal'led tbe:Ropubttcan admfn. lotrallon wl~ "lull looklna on" while mote than 20.000 acres of exlstlng park lands were JOit to developen. Clouston Trial Set for January Herman Lff Oouston of Anaheim ll11 been ordered to face trial Jin. 10 In OT"Rnge County Superior Court on chlra•• th•t ho ohot and ll!~ed Bueno Park detectlve Dan'eU "Bud" Cite la.st Sept. JI. Clouston. manacled IHi a 4 and fool, pleaded Innocent '11\undly btfoNJ Judp William MUIT8)1. He WU Ofdertd held In Oranae County Jail with bill denied. 'Mi< ohoollnl . of Cate ,l)llrllod • flv• day manhunt for the ll·n&r .. ld delOI> dant tblt ot one polnl hid,.,. .. thin IOO 111wmen 1COW1n1 eommu.nWM In 0r1na~ 11nd Loi Angt.lel countle1. • Delay Isle Zone R11ling After more lhl'n one hour ul dcibnt~ •·turh Include more commt>ots train Bnlbli.i lsh1.nd n>!ktt1Us, Nt\\'port &.,"¢h plRnning commL'(..o;iQnen Thurtcb..v Jllitht del1,yfd a deelsM on a neow Umlttod duplu tone for the isl&net until Otc. f l 'ndf'r cn~dtralk\1\ \s :t pNpi.\.~'ll th.'lt wouki h'toM all bot 1 (tw Balboa Island ron1n'ltn.·11.l arf\3S and Collins l!lt ft\1tn dupltJ 10t1''S lR-Jl to lllnlltd 100t tit· l s l. tn anothtr action. oxnmWiontrs also dropped from tbHr calendar a con- sideration ol the tnine Cumpany's pl.sn- nf'd lndustriat-eommerclal North-Ford ('()OlplU Ibo\'!!' Phi I co-Fo rd's AtronUtroniC plan! on Jaml:>otte Road. Irvine Company spokesmen today said there was son1e mixup since the com· p.'lny had only planned to ask for a <'OO· linuance. ".\\1hat we gol was a withdra.,,·al but that is about the same as an i.ndeflllill' continuance," he said. The spokesman said the Item was \\'ithdra\\'Tl becauSl' the company wants to \\·ait to see the outcome of Clll'M!Dt city stuclit.S of environmental i m p a c t statements for projects which could significantly affect the ecology in the area. "If we need the statement, we want to be able to come back completely ready to go and get our approvals in one fell s"·oop," the spokesman said. Dog~s Adviee Sta1is Tlianks Pookie for ~upport ALBANY. Calif. (UPI) -Ralph Cl1taro, 17, think• his dog h11 loll of 5'1\'f)', but h11d no Mtua It was pol\Ucal untU the Committee to Re-elect the l>tt idenl bc11o.n wrtUna 11 for flnanchtl aul.ttance. · , f'ookle, a 1·)'Ml"Old Ger1nan Shepherd, ~lved a letter Thurlday from : ~t1turl<'e II. Stnn.s, chalnt11n of the Nixon re-tlecUon errort. It w11 poatmarked ~ fron\ New \'ork 1uld 11ddre5sed to, "t.11as Pookle Clltaro," the owner 1ald. Thf Clstaros h!'ve no children and ~trs. Clstaro's first name ls Kattn. "Dear ~lls., Clst~ro. '' S1ans wrote to Pookle. "Your words of support to P'rffldent Nixon durlna: hi• ftr1l term of office were valuable. It helped the l'rt.~ld<-nl In determlnlnl \\'hlch couract of acUon would be beat for the Amer. kan pt.'Op)t. "Th• l'TtJldent li•ln nffds your http In order lo conUnue lhe kind o1 ltadtrshlp U\lJ rountry must have to survive Ind proeper." Clsl.'lr'O s11ld l~le hadn't suld whether to donate to the President's ef- forlS Co11nty Healtl1 Employe Held in Newport Theft By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ot tM DMIY Plitt Stiff A onetime heroin user with a criminal record -eml?'oyed by Orange Cowlly as a mental health consultant doe to his )n- timacy with the problem -today Is jail- ed oo susplckln of stealing dresses from a boutique aCOOM the street from the Newport Beach Police l'epartmenl. Ironically, the Utile shop facing head· quarten ~ named the Second Time Around. . Jerome R. Speaker, 44, of 18171 Bigelow Park, Tustin, is held in lieu of $1,000 bail on an arrest warrant issued by Central Orange County Judicial District Judge Paul G. Mast. His wife, Dorothy L. Speaker, 49, Is also ln custody on that charge, In ad· dition to suspicion of possession of marl· juana, according lo Dei.cttve Don, , Gatewood. Speaker and his wile, a diet clerk ot • Santa Ana Community Hospital, Wll'O liken Into oualody al seporate locatlon&i Wednesday; booked and transferred 111•1 Orange Coimty'JaU. ' ~tective Gatewood arreated Mri~: · Speaku alller pll!qe of employment and · said during the booking process U..t several grams of alleged marijuana were . found in a compact kit ln her purse. He claimed it also contained a smotlng pipe commonly used to consume weed. Her husband was taken Into.custody ltii Eastblulf Drive and V~ta def 01'o ab.of two boun later, when police stopped his car. 1·1 · From Page 1 Los Angeles police also have warrant. • fo: Speaker's arrest but only for failure to appear in court for traffic cltaUons1,- Detective Gatewood said. · CULTURE CENTER . •• the oomplex." Mason added. I~e said the company expects the plans to include an auditorium, a theater and a major art galleCfi as the basic core. "It is the lrvlbe C:Ompany's intent to deed this site to the City of Newport Beacli at such time the foundation is in a position to meet the conditions of our commitment pertaining to architectural and design plans, environmental safeguards and an acceptable develop- ment and financial plan," Mason said. He concluded by saying the eompany hopes the gift '"'will provide a tangible basis for solid community support of this project." Alan C. stoneman, president of the foundation, whlch was created from among a large number of cultural organizatiQns in the Harbor Area,. vowed that the challenge will be met. ··He npects to raise $30,000 within 90 days to pay for site plans and preliminary architectural stud i es. However,_ Stoneman declined to put a ( • price tag on the entire complex. In an interview after the ceremony, he emphasized the project would be built on a pay-as-you-go basis and said as soon as the preliminary studies are finished, the major fund-raising drive will begin. "We will start with a central core," he said, "including administrative facilities, a museum and a theater. ''Hopefully we will also have a county or a city library if they are willing to make it a cooperative endeavor," Stoneman said. He also stressed that, with the ex- ception of the library, tbe center will be built with private funds . The ceremonies closed with the formal dedicaUon of artbt Tom Van Sant's sculpture, "Family Group," fbur nickel and bronze forms emerging from a plateau reflection pool which spills into a narrow surrounding moat. The forms were created by the process of electro-deposition, developed by the aerospace industry and first applied to artistic uses by Van Sant. Police alleged the couple entered the Second Time Around shop on Aug. 12 and Sept. 8 and Jmuggled out two $50 dresses ·. once and a $60 gown the second tlme, ac, ., cording to police. r Detective Gatewood claims the dres~,, turned up in the Speakers' home but ad- ded they denied stealing them. No search warrant was required tq look for the alleged.. loot, because past . narcotics conviction!' caused Speaker to ·· lose his rights against search and · seizure. NO WONDER HER TOOTH ACHED " ,. " LONOON (UPI) - A cenUpede crawl·, ed out of 38·year-old Ruth Abraham!'"· aching tooth afttr dentist Barnet Kopkln ·. extracted it, according to the British Dental Journal. "It probably crawled in while she wfl. asleep with her mouth open," adl· presumably nestled in a cavity, reporte-a· Kopkin in an article in the journal. NEWPORT IEACH e 1727 WU.lCLIFF Dl.. 64J .• JOIO LAwUNA IEACH e J41 NOlTH COAl11'1WY . 4t4.6111 TORRANCE e 2l64t H4WTHOlNI ILVD. 111.12n . ~· .. " ,, • ' I I I I I l - ' Friday, October 6, lfJ72 DAILY PILOT f l\fcGovernFlays Tax Hike Fears CIIlCAGO (AP) -Sen. George ~fcGovern, confronted with the suggestion that many Americana fe.ar be wants to tax away their money for welfare, bas dlsmlssed it as "pure poppycock" stemming · ' from Ropubllcan propaganda. McGovern said be does no t intend to raise "the taxes of _·(CAMPAIG N '72) people who live on wages and salar\es by one penny." , ' Indeed, at one pclnt he said there are probably more peo- .... pie ruined than helped by in. · . hertted fortunes. Chicago; Des Moines and , Kansas City" Wti"e-YcGOvem'S ~.campaign Itinerary 14day. It . was at a Cleveland stop . Thursday that the tax-and- welfare queation was put to -him. "The.re is still concern ex- pres.sed by _many citizens, even of very moderate means, that if you 're elected their in- come might be practically confiscated and given to those who won't work," a man told McGovern as the DemocraUe nominee answered questions at the Cleveland City Club. "Of coune this is the Republican line," McGovern replied. "U's pure poppycock. . . .If you live entirely on wages and salaries, there is oothlng in my tax proposals that would increase your tax- es." WORLD & NATION F u r thermore, ~lcCovem said, his overhauled welfare proposals would provide no assistr:nce for people who are able to work. He said "the on· ly people entitled to welfare" are those whose age, disability '--------~ or family situation prevents them Crom working. The whole issue dates back to the presidential primary campaign when McGovern ad- Court Hit vocated a nat payment of B S h 't perhaps $1.000 for every y c m1 z American. __ Hig figures were never speclflc but that now-HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) discarded plan to supplant -Re p. John G. Sctunitz of welfare with payments to Tustin, the American Party everybody would havt required presidential candidate, says he a general tax increase. ~d feel free to lgnorhene the j . o>Upreme Court w J t McGovern et~soned the "legislated," such II on school proposal early in his campaign.... bu!dng. as the Democratic nom~nee, u As president, I would not but ~ ts st!ll l,:y1ne: to d1gpeJ feeJ obligated to execute the th" 1mpress1on 1t left with the leglslaUve edicts of t h e voters. Supreme Court or any federal In Chicago. l\fcGovem ac-court. That is a power grab," cused Republicans of at-Schmitz said 'Ibursday at the tempting to d Is c 0 u r a g e wl~up of a . two-day Con- minority-voter registration "in ~hcut campaign tour. order to divide the community I would not feel obligated for the sake of partisan gain." . to execute any laws ex~pt In a statement prepared (or those passed by Congress. a meeting or .black clergymen, McGovern said there were Indian Tract reliable reports t b,a t four years ago GOP sourcts gave money to militant minority organizations which, in return, spread propaga nda that it made no difference whether people voted. BRASllJA, Brazil (AP) President Emilio -Garrastazu Medici has signed .a decree setting aslde a large tract of land for the Fiesle Xavante Indians. Social Security ---- Boosts Approved WASlllNGTON (AP) -A momentous $1.8.S.blWon Social Security welfare bill has emerged from the Senate car- rying dozens of. new benefits and higher taxes. But It stalla reform of the~ program indeJlnltely. Capping a 17-bour session in wh ich 40 separate amendments weer considered, the Senate passed the bill 18 to 5 early today. The 980-page bill would: -Provide or increase Social Security benefits for widows; chronically ill old penoos who ~ JJlllintenance d r u g 1 ; persons who want to retire at age 60: others who want to work beyond age 6.5; all male retirees who now get lower benefits than women with the same earningl r e c o r d 1 ; disabled persons; elderly men and women who need glasses, three reform plam are tested. -Alm to llO!d down the lfeadily rilling oools of the two big government health pro. gtams: MedJcare for the elderly and Medicaid for the i-'· On lhe other hand, the IO mllllon persons w h o s e pa)'thecb are tepped to fi- nance Social Secur ity would pay more lnto the program, as would their employers. Under the present program, each worker pays 5.2 percent of the first 19,400 ol lnccme in- to the fund . The employer matdies that figure. Already the · deduction is due to in- crease to 5.5 percent next year: the Senate-approved bill would raise it to 6 percent. 'lbw, a worker now pays a maximum of $468 a year into the fund : the figure would go to 1644 in 1973. hearing aids and dentures, and--------- other groups. -Subststantially increase benefits and set a national ID- come standard for aged, blind or disabled pel'll0!1S receiving wclfare. THE PEOPLE 'S CHOICE As a voter, you11 -Continue the program of Aid to Families w I t h Dependent Children w h J I e find more of what Test Project yciu need .. to know To Continue ~ ~ohtical WASHINGTON (AP)-Pres-issues. n depth in !dent Nian announced that your newspaper he will continue for a sec- ond y e a r · test project among 20 cities aimed at trying o u t local-reliance federal revenue sharing ~ grams. Relea8ed Prisoner Charged MIAMI, Fla. (AP l -Jim- my Lee Wilson, who spent eight yean on death row on a rape conviction until hi .s release from prbon I a ! t spring, has been charged with the rape-slaying of a oocktail waitress and the shooting deat.b of her boyfriend. Dade County deputy aberilfs arrested Wil$on a.s he sat down to dinner Tbunday with bls wife, Me.Iva, and their two children. Wilson was charged with murder tn the shooting deaths of Patricia Blush, 30, and Gerald Santore, 24. Wilson and two others were convicted ln 1964 of the rape of two Mexican sisters who were nUgrant workers in t h e vegetable flelds or south Dade c.ounty where Wilson lived at the time. Wilson's lawyer argued that persons opposed to the death penalty had been automatically excluded from the jury. Wilson was resentenced by Circuit c.ourt Judge Marshall Wiseheart to 15 years in prison. He was released on ex- piration of his sentence with lime off for good behavior on May 26, 1972. Jobles s Levels -Ease Downward WASHINGTON (UPI) -from 7.7 pe""'1I to I.I PG'" 1be nation's unemployment cent, marking the f1rlt time It rate edged downward In nearly two yean I.bat ft wes was below 7 per<elll Biil lQ:b-September from 5.& ,to 5.5 per. less rates for most cateJOrles ceot wblfe the number ol of workers -mue persons with jobs continued change In September. the steady rise that began!--.::_ _ _;_ ____ _ more than a year ago. 1be new employment report, made poblic today by the Labor Department 's Bureau of Labor Statistics, said that after ad- justment for seasonal facton. the number of persoM with jobs lncrea..ed 250,000 in September to an all-Ume high of 8Z.2 million. That was near- ly 3.8 million more than .in June, 1971. The actual numbu o f employed persons declined aboot 1.5 million In September as students qult summer jobs to return to classrooms, but this was less than nonnal for September so that employ- ment rose on a seasonally ad- justed basis. The bureau said the number of unemployed workers lotaled 4.7 mllUon, down abou t 200,IXX> from August. That was about normal, and the bureau described the overall joble!! rate as vitually unchanged for the fourth consecutive month. 1be jobless rat e for Vietnam War-era veteral\S dropped''----------' Hl!/l.e/ TilE DRI'l'ISil ARE.gYJlllHG! FIND CHRISTOPHEi ROllN C:ONmT Securities Agency Moves To -Block Tycoon~s Firm The cities include San Jose, • Fresno and Tucson. South Coast '1ua From Wire Services Greene also asked for an in-a green suit and black and ATLANTA, Ga. -The junction barring the firm from whlte boots of unbom calfhide, Securities and Exchange Com· "future violations of securities had been jailed brief 1 y mission has asked a U.S. registration and antlfraud p~ Wednesday on the orders of a District Court to place the visions" of federal securities circuit court judge who held Koscot Interplanetary CO&-laws. Koscot sells cosmetics him in contempt on the open-- metics firm of controversial nationwide. ing day of his trial. His promoter Glenn W. Turner in-U.S. District Court Judge lawyers soon freed him and to receivership, court records Sidney 0. Smith scheduled a won the right to appeal the showed Thursday. _ ·-hearing Oct. 12 in Atlanta. contempt action Thursday. , "In light or the -~=-aanwhile. Turner weot "Everybbdy's...-lileflo~ieaill fraudulent nature of 'I he bOmi to Orlando Thursday lo nice," aaid 'l'1niier as bO fell Koocot llCbeme and the de!en-await the resumption of bis the appeals court 11ere· and dant's shameless me of a trial.-' headed for bis Orlando head- nWleadfng sales promotion, The flamboyant young bead quarters in a rented car. "I'm \ this court should appoint a of Dare To Be Great and other sorry I can't say anything • temporary receiver,'' said the Turner enterprises, dressed in more." I . ..,.inotion llled by Jules B ·!;::==================~! i G<eene, head ol the corn-f mission's regional office in . •} ' .. • ' " • ,I f. u ~ s. St " ell ci h h 0 = i • ~ t ' • 1 • . I ) r I ' , I ( { > I I ' ( ' , I • l l I ' I Atlanta. Buff urns' opens Fall Fun-Fest Saturday SAT. OCT,Jjall g Builums' stores w open their doors on a week long F~ Fun·Fest that lets you pu the fun in ;Fall, without putting out a fortune! . Throughout the Bu!· fums' stores, from ladies' fashions to little people's· toys ••. from housewares to ·hosiery, you'll find nifty new thrifty ways to dres1 your whole family for Fall • Come early for your pick of our handbags ..• you'll love the handsome new imPorts. You'll also find our fin· est furs doing even more dramatic things with very 1pf,cial new little price ta1s. And you'll see eood things f9r guys like Jeans, shirts, sweaters, suits, etc .•• going on for less . You'll llke our little Erlces for little people In lg b1ck-to-1chool looks. And all your hostess hunches will pay o!f with lonJ look.I at short prices. Look for Buffums' ster· ling ways to put a glow on your holiday table ..• and a gleam in your eye. Wblle you're here, 1Up into all of our new · Fall fashions . . • discover the new fur trimmed look• for '12 ••• big buys· in ladies aportawear, dtt11e1 and coats. Pick up some lu11a1e th1t leaves lots of dollars free for the trip! Go\ a boot or two- men's and women's ne.,. est Fall looks -but doo'I trud too buYily on your pocketbook. Roam thni a library ol &ood book• . • • all tick- eted to tempt 7our most aciut1ltive nature. ee you at Buffurn1' tomorrow. Wear a amug smile a1 you feather your Fill nest •.. for le.111 1o1tw. LET US SHOW YOU _HOW I.TS DONE THE PROPER WAY! . RE-UPHOLSTERY DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY . OCT. 7th • 11 am lo 3 pm A living room chair from llari to fin- ish. Using fabrics from our upholstery shop. FROM 2. 99 to 5. 99 yd. . ' JC Penney FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ONLY mRnSPISLD'S •FULLERTON •HUNTINGTON BEACH •ORANGE OPEN -_SUNDAY 12 TO 5 ONE WEEK ONLY SOFA ...... ; ......... 179.95 LOVE SEAT ........... 119.95 CHAIR ................ 69.95 SWIVEL CHAIR • • • • • • • .. 79.95 COCKTAIL .••••••.••••• 69.95 CORNER TABLE ......... 54.95 END TABLE •••••••••••• 34.95 r..l"'- TOTAL •••••••••••••• : 599.95 Tht Collpllte a-. Rattan wood has been used for thousands of years for furni- ture making. During the past century furniture made of rattan has_ achieved great popularity in the United States. Its natural beauty, ability to take a finish, durability and lightness of weight lends grace and com.fort to our modern way of life. .. ' 6 DAU..Y-PU..OT EDITORIAL PAGE Board Shou-Id Act-Now Since Aug. 12, Saddleback Co n1munity CoUege trustee M1cbael Collins has not Jived in the district. lie lives In Newport Beach. Collins purchased one of the se\'eral homes in the J~arbor View Homes tract which for three years have been biseeled by the Saddleback·Coast co mmunity col' tege districts' boundary. Collins' I.root yard i.s in the Saddleback di.strict. 11 is back yard and nearly a.It of the $59,000 bo1ne are in the Coast Commun11r Col lege district. Ironically, Collins could as a Sadd.leback trustee vole to levy a tu rate that would alfect only a sn1all portion of his own property lax. Further, as a resident or the neighboring college district Collins presumably will vote for trustees who "'ill determine policy for the Coast College district while he continues to vote as a trustee on Saddleback policies. One of those policy decisions Collins has supported 1n past years bas been the district's refusaJ to res~lve the trustee-trapping Harbor View Homes boundary line. Saddleback trustees have categorically opposed straightening the line to end confusion and inco nven· ience to some 400 Newport residents whose children rnust attend Sadclleback College. No\11, "·ith construction of the expensive view homes in the Spyglass 11i.lls tract, aJso in Ne\vport Beach, y~t another confusion·spark.ing school d istrict OOundary is apparen t. In the Spyglass tract, another 37 homes are bisected by the college boundary. No longe r ca n trustees argue that the district will lose valuable tax base, since some scheme to share tax \realth has been n1andated by the state's high court. \Vere the Saddleback board to accomplish an equit· able boundary \\'ith neighboring districts, state educa· tion law mighl favor Collins' continued seating on the board. Trustees may not redra".:_£oundaries to unseat a board mem her. Ho\vever, without resolution of the boundary ques· tion. voters could well demand Collins' resignation in l.'OUrt. It is time for the Saddleback board to act. Either fix the boundary or unseat Collins as Coast Community College truste,s did three years ago when ·on~ o! their members was caught in a similar boundary tangle in the same area and wound up a resident of the Saddle- back District. It Belongs to All the People Marina park is a cin--<>wned trailer park located on prime bay!ront land on the Balboa Peninsula. It is U!habited by about 60 families, mo,re than hall o! them part-lime resident.. It occupie5 a ~foot beach frontage that is only part ol a block-long parcel of pub- licl~-beld property currenUy leased to private interests. The leases on those trailer sites . expire in about nine months. The lease on the rest of the land, held by the New- port Beach American Legion Post, expires !JI 1974. The city's administrative staff and the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Oomlnisslon want to tenninate those Marinapark leases nel<t May and make a public park out of those four acres. Iq two years they want to expand that park to in-· elude the prop.;ily now leased to the Legion Post. -- The eily ,staff -says that to extend the 'trailer leases until 1974, as park residents are 'asking, would flout current public outcry for more public access to the coast of California. · Newport Beach city councilmetl will have to decide the issue soon. It will be a hard thing to tell the 30 permanent resi- dents of the park· to go find another home for their . trailers, but councilmen cannot ignore the fact they control a prime public asset. It does, after all, belong to all the people. • • N Wrestlittg lVitla Refor111 Leaders Say: Reader Counters MAILBOX Property Tax Puzzlement 'Sex-No, No; · • , Waif Sll'ffl Jour""' locality to locality -which is one re:!lion-··:said to be most in need ol pro~ tax K illing-:-f~.·_:·'.:~.~.·--~C9 m.p· u te rph 0 h Ia . . they have been UJ'lder legal attack .as relief. And the federal benei'it:"~liht even • -, -~-:t , ... U1scuss1ons of taxat~on ~ften take ~ a allegedly violating the equal protection encourage low property tax states to 1; "' ... nc\"er·never·land quality 1n an elec tion clause of the federal conslitulion . raise property taxes. ~ · • ~ To the Editor: }ear. what with proi:nises of _reform.__ -It is bard to imagine, in purely -:--'losed loopholes. holding the hne and SALES, INCOME AND ot_her types of aritbmeUcal terms a federal approach SYDNEY J HARBJS · The computerphobia expressed by ?\-1r. the like _ yet the discussion can hardl y state and local taxes ~met~n:ies balance to fulfilling 1he p~ise of property tax • · D. V. Picker in his letter to Mailbox be ignored or classified as unimportant. out property tax disparities among relief that woold not perpetuate existing ~ _ ---(Sept. 27) ts unfounded. Contrary to his One of the 1TIOIS1 puzzling propositions is states; thus, the total state and local tax tax inequities or <;reate new ones. Presidenl Nixon·s proposal that the burden on indiv iduals is not quite so (During Mr. Harris' uacation, we belief, it is the bank customer that federal govemment can and should dea l uneven. in some comparisons at least, as AI.J... OF wmCH suggests that this .pro-are rqninting some of tlie most re· benefits from automatic payments and Letters from readers are welcome. ~~-WillllfiCTuequilies or £he pro~ . lhe--propsny-tax-burdcn . --poseet-element of tlr'new-federalimtu--quested ti>11ltnm f-rmrr-1li.rjorthcom..---depoSlts•-. --~ -->,NoffiUiUV1Mitlt!-stroulct-convey-th"e1w·r-- P As everyone knows. property taxes are !~et p_robl~~t forks~ n~tionp~pe~y may need some rethinking. Such pro-mg book "'For the Time Being" to ·His first charge was that no check stub messages in 300 words or l.ess. The • th wl •n, Vlll , dll ca po j ( ' I 1. ' I I I I I ( I l I I 1 ( an instrument of state and local govern-minis r_au~ see 0 give . posals, it would appear, steadily reduce . ' · . .-' will be ~ven to em.ployes who receive right to condense fetters to ji.t space ment, and a few years ago it might ha ve tax ~ebe! 15 to _figure ou_ a W~f 0~ d~ing the policy's quotient of federalism. . be PUbl13Md t.hff faJL.) • to UC±payroll de1VVi:itS On the coo,. or elimi'n.ate ,. libet is reserved. All _, d . 1 led t d so wit.hoot making the d1spantle9 a~rt-··ir-, _,1 ~ tbal' .~ '-'-"-..:.:=-.1.. • • I • ·...., au ma r-· ·· -.J requh'l;\,I. some au ac1ty or a era o · of the federal system as well. Assume: ..._ "vmay'W1 a"w!,,111;· there is a IWJWl"fglrno '"'" Ylbai ii, in 'the 1 past, the 1*iman race tr:ar"Y• each employ« will be requ~ed. to tett€rs mu.st include signaturt? anu ministralioo to openly suggest that it in· for example that the federal government ..... ~ . ay frwn f_ederalism that L....a -.aui-....a ""--a..n.a..-·=--• kil-\. give all employes such stubs lnd1cat1ng mailing QJidress, but names may be tended to d\ctal.e the revenue policies of · . . admlnistraUcn can resist and that state £RlU ""-"AUuuu•:u ...... gww._. ,agcw-. pa •-•uctl-· and the net amount ""thi.Ald on request 'if suffici·ent B 1..,. attempted to provide such relief by gross y, ~ .,._ ..,. 'i.c lower level govemmen1s. ut \iK!n , ;,s . 1. . d' .d 1 1 . 1 ded ct and local governments no longer attempt ing as Jigorousfy as it conditioned them deposited Into their checking accounts reason is apparent. Poetry wUl not be he country has. moved c v er farther permit ing in ivi ua s 0 sunp Y u to resist The ultimate result of this il this: ~mod.em th -published. ln\\'ards a national society and a cen· half of their property tax bill-from their ~ be .future atem in -against ~x! Unf ~-·•Bfe•. e , . '"· , . , ..... , . lra lized political syslem. old ideas of federal income tax bill. (Currently they... :'~aul~ven~~ltirough' 4 'lex nmtbit100 was ~-,.-..... REGARDING THE automatit payment federalism have been changing. can deduct property and other .state amt wasmilg~aDd .. ceited t t" fairly. successful in • '· of recurring bills, the customer still will llOWEVER, IT JS ONE thing to pro- mise to do somelhing about the properly lax and to get by wilh it withqut dra .... ·1ng r1re from mayors and governo rs: it is 11uite anothe r thing for a federal <id· 1111n1stralion lo figurl' di.JI ju5t how 11 can keep the promise. A commission <!\}- pointed by the President recently ro1n- pleted a draft report v.'hich suggests that federal inten·ention might prove lo be easier said than dooe. The problem. in essence, is that there 1s nothing resembling uniformity in state ;ind local tax;1lion. Property tax r:;tes \ ary y,•idely from state to state tlnd local ta~es fro1n income in computing states and cities ~r:n t'"Jort. at n':ooo:i keeping youngsten re<:Cive a ·validatJ rf!Ceipt. Inmead of it federal income taxes.) if 't and "t oot of. trouble, what-being his cancelled check, it will now be OBVIOUSLY, TlflS .type of direct at· tack on the property tax burden -one of the few obvious lines of attack the federal government could take -would be of greater benefit to tax payers in states and localities where property tax· es are proportionately heavy. In states and localities with proportionately heavy sales and income taxes, the taxpayer1 v.·ou\d get short shrift. Further, this form of attack v.·ould be of relatively little ben- fit to retired persons with low incomes (a nd thus low federal taxes ) who arc un onni Y eqw y. ever other damage it a special entry on his monthly checking BUT WE ARE NOT convinced that happened to do. account statement. FW1hermore, the such an objective is either attainable or A social prohibi~ customer will be able to have any er4 desirable. Tbere are good reasons to fear lion against tiling roneous billings corrected Jong after he that further movemenl towards it will woold not do any receives bis statement, something he bring fiscal and administrative chaos. other damage, and can't do with the present checking We would prefer to see the national ad-might h av e iDJill>. system. , ministration put more faith -m state ited people from ~tering ~ fill.\.. Maybe Mr. Picker does not have to rather than federal solutioN to property other through tbe ~ ~ .. A~~ worry about lhe loss or theft of his IAx Inequities. The inlllal puzzlement of slv..,...,t• ol ~~_!le 'bred check> but lots of C8lifornlans do. 'lilis' the President'! commiSSIOn over what out of h1anarw, 'Vul ~aar-RftDeSS «?an · service guards against loss and theft and . federal approach to take would seem to stop quite short of 'klRlnl"l ":'" . ;:-•. • also provides convehience' and savings of offer very good reasons far doing Just • · • ·• both time and money to the customer. that. THl'J MAIN REASON lhiJ hao not been ARTIIUR P. MERRICK done -even lbougb bomlcldaf violence Sparkman, Tarnished Hero can be shown to be a far greater threat to oqr species than s e x u a I permisl.lvelleS!-_. i9 that-the State h!lS alwaY.S needed its warriors. lf men will not kill, but will Instead peacefully try to adjust their diHerences by ruson or by other cantesta ol llklll and llren8th. then the Wliders baye' lolt. tbejr prime power Tunnel Vuion To the Editor: Three cheers for the L. Peter Krieg article in the Sept. 27 edltiqn of the DAI· LY PILCYI'. One cheer for L. Peter and the Pilot for reporting it, and two cheers for Park, Beach, and Recreation Com· missioner David Tingler !or '8ylng It the way It is. \YASJllNGTON -for most of his J6 years in Congress. Al nbama's John Sparkman has championed the un- dcrhoused , the underfed and the un- dereducated. Some of his bat\Jes for the poor are legendary. But now the 72--year-<1ld senator, his kindly face begin- ning to show the ravages of age. hi.s straight shoolders beginning to sag, has become the tarnish- ed hero of the same special lntere..ts he oocc Jought. These lattl!:r-day friends in banklng, suvings und loans. renl estate. ron- s1ruciloo and the like ore raising a hui;:e cnmpalgn kitty to s11ve his Senate sl'at Thrt!atenlng lo take it away from h11n 18 President Nixon's fom1er Postmnstt•r· General, Winton "Red" Blount Jnde<"d. the outcome could dclennlne whether 1h1: Republicans will win t'Ontrol nf 1hi· Senate. oa.AHiH COAST DA ILY PILOT F)'ldlt, Odolllr s. 11172 -· • ...... SPA.RK!\IA N IS chairman of the Senate Banking. Housing and Urban Affairs Comm1Ut.'t'. v.hil·h holds lrgislalive power over the 111dustnC's 1hat have brfr1endcd him. His defeat '""ould l'levate f.e1sty, ron- sumer-mindcd Se1l8tor \\'illanm l>rnx- mirc. 1).\\11~ • lo th1' f'ha1rmanshlp. Not only do thl.! fr11 c:-.ts want to K!X!p Pmxm11-e oot of tlus IKIWCrful scat. They also .... ·ant to show Th1:ir 11pprec1allon to Spark1nan for hi~ l.11.·11cvolence toward them. ,. ~1ort1)\'('r. Sp<1rkm:1n 1s a member nf lhc !'im:ill Hu~11l1·.~s Comrnlllt.'t.! which touches not only rd l rh1•1r industrlc!I. t:.ut othtr cntcrprisf's fron1 phnrnu1ceuticals to hJN.lwart• storf·s to hO:-!p11nl bu ildlng. TllUS, 1'11E ~Pt't 1.1! 11\lt>f<'sls nrc fi lling tu~ c.•11rnp111j.(n ('()fft·r-. a~ 1•\ 1dl'nt'C<I by In· l"Otnplt.•lt• b11l .\till SUb$1311lll\] filings undi'r Ill!:' !l(•w rnrnpa1j.(n rl'portln11: law. A!. of &-ptcn1h1·r 12. so1ne $85,000 "of Sp;lr_kman·,. reported $119,000 grou rt>ct·tpt-t e;unr fron1 the ftn11ncial. real C'Slate. r-onstruction. ph3nnaceuUc&l l&nd rt.•latt-d lalJOr 1nteres1s, Th<' tonr or l~ fund rai.'ling ts evident from llOltll' of tht leucrs aoing out to build('r' and hnnker.f. '"Yt'l' 1n lhe real cs'tntt businesl " Birmingham bullder Art R~ has writ· ten, for c1umple, to hit buslnesa col· leagues, "•1on'I live loOg eoouch to ~ another Alabamian in thl1 panlcular position of senklrtty, lnnuentt and powt..'1', In my opinion, Senator Sparkman cnn pick up the telephone and 11ccompU1h IT10rt In nvc 1ninuh~ than llny otht.r can· didttle could do In five years , .. "llE llAS l)()NF. ~\OR.E !han nny other slng!e man 10 help ®r real eitatt profeMfon and now he needs our help Ml that he m1gh1 t'Ontlnue In th1, 11'\0.!1 sensitive pc>sition which some have in· dicated to be the most powe~ul in the United States Senate ... The campaign will take $500,000 . __ " Another solicitation Jetter from Birm- ingham developer Richard Sexton pleads, "I urge you to help in the best ways you can by returning the enck>sed pledge card with tbe most generous contribUtlon you can make . . . Rq:ardleu of our personal party affiliations or OW' choice concerning other national offlcet, our ID" dustry owes it to ltstU to pull the Sparkman lever and !Upport t h e Sparkman campaign fwld !Im and foremost." These are sad commentaries on • great Senate career. 'FOOTNOTE: Commenting oo the con-- trlbutions, a !Pokesman for Sparkman aald, ''When you speak ot bonklng, aav4 lngs and lonn, construction, real estate "* and related Industries, yOU're *8lklnl about some 65 percenl of lhe ecmotnY'Ol the co1mtry. The senator has dealt wUh every legLslatlve matter on Jis merill and 10lely on its merit.I." Dear Gloomy Gns ""8linmonto lei ..... -bo duptl<ated al °"""• County All' port • Ill inad<qult• l,1111).foot .... ...,, • 0.11 down bere. fnlteod of ~' lnlo I llor~, I t•Herinc JOI ""'1d cnob Into f>allSllO,. ROid '!Ith lenlble loll or nre to both..,. llld Ibo piano. -J.T.W. .................................. ,,. ... "'""' _.....,. ..... ................................. over the maues. The~ cimmaadment •"l'bou shalt not ltUI" 1111 been ID~led,JD all Western oountrlol to taJlot Cbrilltanlty to naUonal gooll, nther than to Ot the oountry to tile rtll&loul mndtl. Private cltiunl are not allowed to kill f0< private reuort1: but u public toldiera, they are en- coun&ed to kill for "civic'' reuooa !hot are ollm Jull u evil. • ' , rr IS ElmlAORDINARY !hot copula· tton, which 18 a·lll~lng and joyOUI •<· tlvlty, bat been to with restric- tion>, tohlblllons llld ta ; while kill- ing, which aoes acalmt '11 dl\llne, bwnan and nit-) principles, bat always been rewarded with bonon1 rank, medals and supre.mt power by the state. The 1trength of "!nctlt tabooa" over the centuries, for ln!tanot, indicates how oln>!lgly· the put can ~ rtl!"':'Si"'I' upon lhi young, Ir It• lilecl'aly )>dlev• them ud carrles'lhem Olltlfeollvtly. 1' olmllar "killing taboo" eplnat members ol our own species could bl eqllally ex· ercilled, .were lt not that the rullhg ca!l19 d every tocial onler-11 unwllllu: to do lhla for lur or !Oljj,ji 118 wtllhate aulhority of forct:. THE STATE Kil.L8 HfWll'JLN": tt kllll "traitors"; ti kHll 11m olut.lonar1H": it kllll 11crtmJA111'1; U tftl'l kllll mere "undalrables." And It ii rudy the popul ... · it>elf thlll deddel Who ouCh _,.laud tnll«I IOlll revolu~ 10111 endllall Mii I I WJoe an ' k la tu -.... . Wbo wllb to pmtrve u..n..i-111powerby1111 ... .... II "" ..., l'Ml!1 ...... 1bout It, oor chi!-ooald be ao-eaodilioned trom birth that tal:lna IUIOlber po-·• Ille would be• anlmallnlble llom>r tbll on- ly tile -demented or pemrwd could -~ loolMd, ... 1bnod I "6 .. 11 ..-ldlall w11o-... ~-to dO tor tile 11f1t •t It It jorbldden to do tinily. • We (citizens) are truly represented by a "tunnel vlsiooed" council that fails to "see the forest for the trees." Our com· missioners (Park, Beach, and Recrca· UM: and Planning) spend untold boori lludylng, bearing and rehearing the isaues only to be ijp>ored, abused and ovortumed by the rjty oouncil. IT IS ABOUT TIME the COllllnlMioners stopped wullng their tlfle and the -1•'• time by l<fdnl new niles lrom the councU aa to tbl eomm.lss1ooers' role In providing """"11ineodtlons. The Marina (trailer) Parle Issue la just another example of the proceedinat that took r,lace during the "Dogs on the Beach ' hearing. ud five pluWt>g com- m!Jeloners came ~P with .. n the r!~t fjndincl CID the "Fu"f.oDe Property" only to be •1outwltted" and rtWned by flte councilmen. 1 • • · I say a good JOO well ddOe, oom· • mlaslon<ra. but I can\ blame yoo for balng dl"'°"rapl, to am I, Ind yoo pul ~ In. the hours. - <'!bank you, DAILY Pllhl'. WINTON ASHTON Kntneetwre Olw .... les To the Editor:· The Olymplct Is ., Important lo the world u an aU-natloa ~ forum , as -1111 Unlled -ll ,. potilicaJ ronan. Som• orran..lutJonal restructtatna to COf· ttct a few obvious evolullonary defectJ ls all that la required. I tUQett the lol- lng as 11arttrs: t. Ellmlnete 111Uonal 1ntbeml and sub8tltute the Olymi>'c anlbem as a ulute to all the wlnntn ol each event P<•ltaPI lolUate a conttll among the composer1 of the world ror a new on- ihtm. Al an addltlonal conslderaUon , the nag of the first pince wlnnt:r could be • slowly raised as the anthem ·is played. 2. Restrict participation in each event to tVo'O competitors from each nation. 3. ASK SWJTZERLAND, as the most lllliversally respected, credible, and neutral society in the world, to withdraw from participation in all future Olympic games. 4. Use Swiss persormel exclusively for all judging, refereeing, umpiring; timing, starling, etc. in -all Olympic events. Establish a Swiss academy to develop expert professional judgment. , 5. In case of appeals they will be bed by a panel Of SW. expe!U, compoeed of leading athletic coaches of Switzerland. 6. . Questions of admission C) r withdrawal of any nations to the OlYQF pies will be decided first by vote of the International Olympics Committee, with the right of immediate appeal to the Supreme Court of Switzei"land. 7. INCREASE mE number of Olympic SPorts events in those noTK:ODtact sport areas where individual skill, stamina and personal courage predominate, and where expensive, extensive stadia b not essential; such as, tennis, four-wall handball, !bur-wall racquetball, squash racquets, paddle tennis, etc. For ex4 ample, in this country, there are oow 13 million teMi.s playt,.s, 5 million four-wall handball pl~y~1 1.5 million racquetball players, 3.5 million BqUaSh racquet players. etc. -all o( whom in unrepresented In the u!Umate In sports competition .... The Olympics. It To insure a reviLall.ied American Olympic Comnllltee, Its memben should be selected for a rotating f0llr4year term. from a larg<t 1131 of qualllied pl'Ollpecta submitted to aU coacbe3, colleges and universities, qualified clubs, and sports editors throughout the 50 states, each having me vote. HENRY BURKE To the Kditor->- Reoding and hearing O'Brltn and the Democrats lr)'lng to make tomethlng out Of Watergate 18 like Bonnie and Clydt complaining to Ow Finl NIUonal Bank for not aupptyq parking IRllitlea. To have Jtck AndeMkM1 verily the pn>- ceedlngs is at leaJt ar hid. No matter how much lbey try to cover up _ lhe Vital lssua of auch grtat im- portance to America. the lmuendo smear and charact.cr uuaslnatlon taxi be auccastull y done only when there is a bull and even then only by poople with sufficient lnlelrlly Ind a.dlblllty to ttand beyond ntprllOch. Thll wool<l automatically t.limln1te the • bo., 1 penons and • lot of oChen with tbem People liv ing In their 11aa 00.... •hoold lhrow nothln& hard e r th a a marshmallo\\'I. C.Af.VIN G SIEGLf; I I l • --. --. ·Ora nge Coast Today" ar" s_. __ ....... i -. ••• --_j; 0 IT I 0 N --· -- -' voi:. 65, NO. 280, 5 SECTIONS, 54 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1972 c TEN CENTS Mesa Impact Rule Faces First Test Monday By llUDI NIEDZIELSXI ' ~Of .. DlfW Pllti lllfl ,Colta .-.. 's new environmental iJn.. pljct ~fa"'3 its first test Monday night Mere ·&Iii:~ commission. ~~ ~eiida l!f the 6:30 p,m, =ion city ·COUDCll... chambers are sh: items, of 'llbk:h....-Wtu: require environmental fupcl"ltUillelltthey are to be built fllini:el MICb atatemen1' is required ~ ~ ·riew State Supreme Court Diciabi.-"'nie nilliig hu been Interpreted b Clii-Altornty ·ao,; E. June to cover virtually all types o! cons\ructlon, public analysis o! eslstlng environmental con- and private. ditions, unavoidable adverse efiecta the A major item on tbe agenda is a re-project m1gbt have, and measures by quest for a mne excepUpn to CQmtruct a which ad~erse tmpaeta eoold be mlni,miz- two-story, 236-unit • •otel at %2Tl-Z299 ed. · Harbor Blvd. Full-scale reports such as these are 'lbe applicant, Ambasudor Inns of required of any mu1Uple,residential1 oOm- Amerlca, will be required to, file in in>' mercial and ind9strjal l""iect pact statement before a wuatng pennlt In addition to the Ambassador Jnn;,the ill 18sue4. , ' l'l![e l!i!U>O' m\Ued to' p muJtt41!!1!l!Y '!be enviroomeotal impact statement._ deve~.J!!lll!!llerdal·,......· according to J1U1e, must follow 1 !J10(lel Ucqal devdoprQeD~ i!iiil one iiliilUm>' estaWshed-in 1970 l>Y'lbe comily. AIDOllll • Uiti>W dexelopmel!I. all:.of wblch are on olhers, Ille requiremeilta lliclude , an llloodly.Dlgl>t'S:ag.endl. • r , • -- Sllould buJldlng pennlll !or any of these project& be approved, they will be transmitted to the city council along with the required eovirorunental impact state- ment Mtmber!I . of the council will then be asked to nale on the envlronmental effect of each project, Wg the statement as a guid~· : Applications . for single-family con- struclioo permits do not bav~ to be a<> confll8llled1Jy llUCh st.temeots, 'Their Im· ~ environment wlll be detennined' by the building department If the determination is unfavorable to the developer, he may appeal to the city council. fl.feanwhile , several major develop- ments in the north Costa Mesa area are likely to be slowed by the new re- quirement. These include the Scgerstrom Tov.TI Center and the entire 40-.1cre Four Sea30ns Villa ge. a commercial recreation complex just north of the San Diego Freeway. Included in the latter development art a SIS million Hyatt hotel and a '2 mllll-0n health club and teMls oomple1. ~ term leases for both facilities beve already been a1&ned to meet a tentatJve 1974 opening dlle. June said earlier this week that tbe Supreme Court ruling, unless revened, could be expensive for both the developers and the City of l'))lta Mesa. The magnitude or researcb required will probably force the developers to b1N expert consultarU, according to June, and the city may have to empk>y tlmllar consultant.. to interpret and evaluUt·ti. repom. Murder Rap Filed Suspect Arraigned on Drug Charge A c;riminal complaint charging an ex· C()Dvict with the Costa Mesa alley am· bus~ murder of aq acquaintance was fil· ·, eel ~P.!i.i ~ ~ 'Thursdarwheo be • was arTaJgned on a drug charge related but incidental to the homicide. Joseph W. Buffalo, 32, pleaded innocent to pouesaSon of marijuana charges oM0inating early Tuesday, about two ·-·~~-8ltef 'fhenrre-:s18ying of Marion D. Perry. Arraignment on the murder complaint was continued by Harl::M>r Judicial District Court Judge Everett W. Dickey until Tuesday morning to allow a deputy public defender to be present. Buffalo was then transfe:rTed to Orange County Jail where be ia beld without bail , · · -2'-wu al.lo ar;ested- DA1&.Y PILOT ....... "'"'h1cll O'CJ:IM'ff on the marijuana charge when itr Perry in the alley behind the small com· plex -0f cottages. Perry, 27, whose address is unknown, was shot three times In the back , oeck and abdomen with a Spanish-made rifle tossed away at the scene. The victim fired five sho1s from his own .38 caliber revolver, riddling a car, fence and house bu~ mlased bis attder, ace-Ording to police. Detectives working different angles of the gun duel murder developed in- formation Tuesday afternoon lmpllcatln& (See SUSPECT, Pqe %) Puppy Poisoned Costa Mesa Great Dar ie Fed Drug A HEARTBROKEN Costa Mesa woman told poUoe Thursday night her nine-month-old ereat Dane_pupp)! died of poisoning ten.ta~ 11 a deliberately·given stimulant drug. -- FIREMEN DOUSE FLAMES IN OVERTURNED VAN AT VICTORIA STREET AND' THURIN'AVENUE.. vot_ip!ml contacted ~m al w Esther Bilbo• Island Youth Wolks Away Alter Thur.sday Crash In 'Cosio' MHo St; !or poo!tllle lnl<lrmatiCJo cm the 12:20 ., -Bonni~ L, Hunter, ol-~4.J;J, 19th· St, &aid she found tbe pet ThundaJ morning going througb coovU!ilona in the backyard of her home. Mesa Youth Flees l\.s Van Overtm·ns, Bursts Into Flames Swerving to avoid a rear.-end collision with a left-turning car, a Balboa Island ~th escaped unhurt 'Thursday when hill ~ akldded, careened oU a Costa M~sa curb, overturned and burs~ into flames. li:evin T, McGovern, 18, of IN ~yst Ave., evidenUy crawled out through the shattered windshield after the vehicle came to rest on Victoria street at Tburin Avenue. The 4 p.m .. ccillision closed olf Victoria street to through trafric, which had to be rerouted, and drew a cro wd or about 200 excited spectators. Officer Ron Veach issued a speeding citation 'to the shaken McGovern . claim· ing be was travellng about 60 miles per hour in a 35 mile zone when the accident OCCUJTed. McGovern eJ'Plained he was passing another car, using the painted center divider when be saw another vehicle slopped directly ahead in the center di.icier, Signaling to make a left tum, police said. ' TU'emeo dispatched to the aceoe ex· , tincuisbed the gasoline and oil-fed fire which caused major damage to the .,,cine compartment and front of the .... . Ti-afnc accident fuvettigaton safd It d{d not appear 'McGovern's van, wblch carried 8l80l'ted tooll and o t h e r poaesslons, waa destroyed, however. Weadler CoNJderably cloudy on Saturday, clearing by mickiay to sunny lklea. Sllgbtiy cooler .with beocb temper. at.,... ol around 70 rising ID the mJU)o lnland. Low• toolgbt to, INSW E TODAY SM'' 1111 M>lf• of a Huntino· ton Btoeh doctor now, but Bar· bar<1 W1rl>tirl<m can look back on a 11411 domi v•ar• of per-• torm1ng U>lth ,.,., of ,,,. w••" of 1h010 butneu. Sec todau'• w ••"'11dn. ' L.M...... W _...,. tt er-...; C-II --, --. ....... ... , ,. .. .... ' ... , Ill :: _ ..... = - ................ __ .. __ .. ............ --. --......... ,..,, ·-. -... -. __.. ....... --.. . .. • } • f • .I , ,· • 't\.~~~ . ~~ ,. :: .. "" '·'·~ .. 'ii' ~ 1!WtMii "' ~,bumlng Thlep. May ll~lgn " Pre-election Vietnam -·Peace Plan Reported SAIGON (UPf) -President Nguyen Van Thieu will oHer to resign under terms of an Allied peace proposal which tails for total U.S. withdrawal and an <!nd to North Vietnamese lnfUtraUon of the aouth, Informed '""'"'e' said today, Tbe new plan will be proposed by Allied negotiaton prior to the Nov. 7 U.S. presidential election, American and South Vietnamese sources sal!i The sources said lhe plan was discuss· od in detail by While HoUS< envoy Maj, Gen. AJexander Halg during bis con- ferences with Thieu Tuesday and Thurs- day. They said it would provide: -Total U.S. withdrawal from South Vietnam. -Thieu's resigoailm la favor of Sen. Nguyen Van Huyen, speaker of SouLb Vietnam'• Senate and i er lllw partner o! Ngu)'tll Huu Tho, an ffidal of the Viet Cong's Provlalmlal llevol\t" tiooary Govemmeol -An end to the U,S, bombJnc North Vietnam and the naval blockade al Vietnamese ports. In <XCbange, the North Vietnamese would: -~all U.S, prilonero of war. -Halt all inllltratlon or Soutll Vietnam, leaving the Communllla' war ,to the ·Viet Coog. -Agree to ....,Uale "lel'loosly" in Paris or eillwbor. l<lwanl a cu.Ore. Tbe chief White -dpoirelman Jennec1 the "'°rt "1ota111 _..iauve." ""*° 5ecrNl'J RmaJd L Zlqler aaJd bt Wuhlqtoa be would liln no fllrther COIDJJl<tlL Earlier lo the .t.J, Zi<cl<r ... _ llESIGNI"" FOR P!ACE? South Vietnam'• ThleU used llmilar Llrutuan to describe IJIOth. er report 'from LorMbi. on a wsr ending· acreement. • The ....... described the plan .. the .Allies' "otter to end tll offers" and Its re)ectlmi' would moan a oontlnuati<lo of the conllk:t. ~Md -a small quantity on a table, sending aarcotJ<:s delecti""' back later. Officer steven Nash aid theJ ~led having any knowledge that might help in probing the appareot ambush slaying o! Welshmen Sing As British Expo Closes in Mesa Welsh voices will be raised in song this Sunday at South Coast Plaza as British Expo '72 conclude!! ll!I 1 l~ay nm in Costa Mesa. Tee Welsh Choir of Califomia will give performances of soogs ln Welsh and Eqlish at 1,30 p,m, and 3 p,m, in the Carousel Court. NaUonal Welsh haJt>lst Marjorie Tayloe will entertain lo the carousel Court at 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. The Welsh 1ingen, all dreSled in native costumes for their C4lta Meu ap- pearance, have appeared in numerous con<erll throughout Calllomla, In tllfA they pelf<l<l!led...at the Comanut Grove foa lbe Aberfan Dlsuter Fund Benefit Show, 1 performance wbk:b WN broad- C81t bt Brltoin. In 1969 the chorus llDI bt Santa Mooica during the Inaupnl Ball, in honor of the Inv-of PrlDco Cllorles u PriDco ol WaJea, 'The choNJ wW perform again at 4:30 p,m. Sunday, during' the "pomp ond clrcunutanc:o" closing of lk1tlab .Elq>o, Allle Howard, olftclal town erter ol Lan- don, wlll lead a partde of Expo partlclpanll tbroog)I the Plau. satuni.y ii British Sports and Pop Doy at the Expo and lndudu 111 ll a.m. viii! by hofll rldn( per100alltl<t to a dllpily ol ~ Ellubeth 11'1 n>Jl.'I radn& allu. Tbe Om! Clark Espedltloa, a popuinT Eoclttll red group, 11 lchedulod lomake a penanal 1ppearance et 1 t p.m. autosnpb pany at Walllcb's Music Ctty. i!!ll"TOOK rr to.-'l"I ~ a Ii wbo said tt appeared,· alter the -.,._ W. ~ MneOnl W ilt ""11 *"' «-a a1mUar pep blD compound. lnveatigators AN tbe method makes lt an unusual case, alnce the lypicll sadistic peJ.poilloner usually .,.. tidbill of !ood laced wtth 11trycbnine. Mesan Resetred Tides Cru sl1 53-f oot Boat At Da na; 3 P er son s Saved By JACK CHAPPELL ot .... ~ty ,.,Iii .. .., The shattrrcd hulk of a 53--foot fishing boat crushed on the Dana Point }!arbor breakwater was all that nmained today following a night or emergency helicopter openUons, .-nd a Coast Guard rescue off the Laguna Beach coast The ill-fated Tradewlnd! with three handt aboard began sen.Jing up dlatreu: flares at about 7:40 p.m. Thurlday, Oara which produced a Oood of calls to Laguna Beach police, the liarbor Dbtrtct and the Coa1t Guan!. After the arrival of the Coast Guard cutter, Point Divide, the three crew memben, Elbert Prten, Cotta Ma.a : Jim Evans, Newport lkacl1 : and hilly Demer1, Long Beach were fished from the water uninjured. A Clll:zens Band radio ope:ralor earlier had reported to Col!t Gu1rd Surch and Rt9CUe l.n Long Ueach 1 radio bn>adcast from the Tradewlnds sAylni( that !he boat'• engines had failed and the cnft was taking on w1ttr. At that Ume , lhe Tradewlnd9' pum~ were coping with the Ooodhlf, the Cout Guard reported, but the Point Divide oul of Newport Besch wu <\l'Pltchod to the scene , A lat.er emt:rgency broldcu• at 7:4.5 p.m. frnm the slrlcken crtft l'ep9Med thr pumps could nO ·1qer·hin111e·tM w11i1tt. Minutn laler, the Point Divide 1n1vtd "" ,..Uoo, the Coast Guan! "'pon..d, and the mtn lfen taken from the •11.t:r. At lhls tlmf' !he TradewlndJ WU IWlah and the Coa1t Guan! determined It to be a tlaurd to navigation. The boot 1¥11 taken In tow by the Polnl Divlde wh lrh began stumin& to Dana Point Harbor. IW<Ue optlltlons were llgbt<d h)' Costa M~sa '1 remaining helicopter .. Laguna Beach realdenlJ watched the n~ traordinlry dbplly from their hllilldt homea, Repotll that 1 fire and ao uplooloo had been obl«iled by Laguna Beocb residents W"ert unconllrmed by o:iut Gu•rd report, today. 'The incident ii pendbtg Jnvetli(llJ«I h)' the Coast Guard's marine lnlpectioo unit. "Wa do not -wh.lt a111sed tht engiM lallm or wily the Tradowlads btgan lO take on water." Grqory CrQ. d.111, Coot Guan! 'petty -llld to-day . · 'The Point Divide with the 'l'radnlndo In tow had ~ the Dona Point tl8rbor brukwlter when the 11111.l diaaJter bdtU the cnft. A fuu,.. .., the ......, cnlt pve ...., •nd he>vy rurf .... the -boot cn<hlng -tho J'iied rodrs of die aouth b<ukwatar Orange County Hartio< D11tr1ct -s Aki today c>peratklns are uodfro ny IO remove l1rger dtbriJ from rocb • It .. a hlt.lrd to boata. Jlarlx>r Diltrlct opontlolll to daar tht IS.. llULlt, l"lp 11 Clo uston Trial Set for Jann~ De Bets Mousiaehe Setting Su ri Not Tlwt Hot lfennan Lee Cloutm Of Anaheim bu bftn oi.i.r.d lo ,_ trtl1 Ja 10 In or.nae County &ipenor Ollar! on 'cbarpo that be lbot and -Buena Park dttecllve Dultll "Bod" Cale lut .. Sept. II. , CbAD, manacled band and loot. pleedoi -t 'l'llurldlf bofon .1udrl WID!am M"""Y· 116 -ardond llold lo Ono&• C<lUDt1 Jall wtth ball denied, The a11oo11n1 o1 caia sPatkocl • nv. daJ manhunt -tho S'l-JUMld def ... danl lhal at '"'° point had mort than IOO i...,... ~ "'"""umu.. to orance andl.ol~- A Lot Rides ori Estancia..Cororw del Mar Gnrne Clw1illl( jof)O llld ~ ptaca can 1tr11n !amllj.tlm ID 1D11J -. _ Thll hlppens •aln 1onJP1 Onutp Colll -Jla -·· -•1111 """-• 11"crm111 ...... _ ..,,. Newport-"""*': -fl1lll I ' 11'1 Dt'*-l'lol4 --... Wood~ Unlqlle Homoo °"'* In °'"""'' del liar and -•-' Realty -Ooltl -· ......... , • ton"'..-rtnkJ, ... ........ • . • ' • 2 DAIL V PILOT c Frid.If, -6. ltl~ Shriver Claims Lead .. GOP Poll Shows Nixon-Agnew Ticket L ag? By TO~t BARLEY Of ... DallY ~·-ltttt \ sla!le\\·kte poll taken during the past \1~ek by C.alifornia Republicans shoy,·t'lf Int ~lcGo,•emShriver ticket Ont> percent~ ,,;:~· p111n1 allt"ad of Nl:<011 •• .\gnew. ~·lre \•r, ~1dt"nti11I hopeful Sargent $hr1ve r r.11-d Thur.o:day night. i ,.,1 \'Ou'U nt>ver hear about ll txcept t~ ., me.'' Sen. freorge ~lcG-0\'em 'I 1 -:ent running male told cheering 1· .. CT.1!s .at a Sl~a-head no host rock· t. ;;,My il1 .\nahenn Shriver uplain<d lllllt Ibo poll wu hurrledlY placed under wraps a.s soon u alarm(!d GOP executive$ had scarmed the t:ibulations. .. I don't blan1e them," he sakl. "<ii· though they di dn 't need !hat poll lo g~l the message Otat l.ne\•itable de.feat is lln ilS \\-ay. "Ot1r election organiz.ation has be<'ome con1plett wdlhin this past \\'t'e k," Shrh·er sl id ... \rithin t~·o or thret l\"t't'ks our slight edge in califomia "·1U becon1e " Dog ~s Advi~e ~tc1us Tlia nks Poo kie fo r Support .\LB AJ>."i.'. Cahf. ttJPl l -Ralph Cistaro, 27, thinks his doe has k>tl ol ~:i1·1 y, but had no idea it "''as political Wltil the Committee to fte...el«t the Presldent began "'riling it for financial assistance. Pr-.ok1e. a 2-yearo()ld German Sbephi!.rd. reOOved a letter Thunday Crom ·.L1uncc JI. Stans. chairman of the Nixon re-.election effort . 11 "its postmarked 1r•1n \""l111· \'ork and addressed to. ''"liss Pookie Cistaro," the ownt>T said. The Cistaros ha\·e no children and Jilrs. Cistaro's first name is Karen ··Dear '1.iss Cistaro," Stans v.TOte to Pookie. •·\'our words of support to President '.\1xon during his first term of office \\""ere valuable. It helped the President in determining which courses of actioo would be best for the Amer· u.:an people. . . . "The President again needs your help m order to cmtin~ the kind d. leadership this country must ba\'e to sUJ"\o;ve and prosper.·· . Cistaro said Pookie hadn't said "i>ether to donate 10 the President's ef- lorl~. Jahbar, Allen Two Bucks Basketball Stars Hit in Drug Rap DE NVER (UPI) -Kareem A odul-Ja~ early today. >ar. 7.z cente r for tbe Milwaukee Bucks "The officers de-..2Cted burning mari4 if 1he National Basketball Association. juana .:oming from the car. and arrest~ Nas jailed today with teammate Lucius the four occupants," said Sgt. Steve ?.tetros of the Denver police vice squad. \llen and two other men on suspicion of It \\'as the first trouble with the Jaw for )()Ssessing marijuana and other Jabbar. kn0\\1\ as Uw Alcindor at UCLA 'dangerous drugs." before he chaiiged bis name . Jabbar and Allen, fonner teammates But Allen twice before bad been ar- 1t UCLA who led Milwaukee to the NBA rested-on drug charges _ the I.a.st time_ :hampiOftsl\ip in imn. were hefd ma being given probation by a Los Angeles :ail cell overnig ht, then posted $200 bond judge on a marijuana charge. tnd were released at 9 a.m. (Another In his probation report, Allen u·as rtory, Page 17) quoted a9 aaying he could "be an ex.am· Si.mp\e possession of mari)uana is a pie to other -young people and through my n'isd~meanor in Colorado . experience ext>laln to them the risk of hann thal they do to themselves, their The players and_ tv:o other men_ v.·ere families and their friends by using drugs .rrested after pohce stopped their car and narcotics." Also arrested early today wf re 23-year· Fro11a Pnge J HULK ... ·~ •· ·old college student! Stephen E. Duncan of Columbia, Mo., and Mordecai C. Cooke of Seattle, Wash. Police said Cooke was driving tile car when it was stopped. ·rushed craft v.·ere being hampered by he same heavy deep S\l.'ells and rough ;eas that sent the boat to the rocks. The craft has been declared a complete oss. by the insurance oompany, the ::OOst Guard reported. The'boat ov.11er was identified as David "Jacker ()f Los Angeles. Dollar loss has M>l yet heen detennined , the Coast ~uard said. Accessory Guilty REDDING (AP) -The main witness n a Shasta County murder caSt has >leaded guilty to beinb an accessory 1fter the fact of n1urder. Alton L. White )Jttcn, !8, of S..1cramento. entered the ilea Thursday. •le v.·as booked for in. ~estigation of murder In the Sept. 15 kill· ng of Orville E. Scott, 51. also of iacramento, who5e body v.·as found at a ihasla Lake campsite. Jabbar and Allen were in Denver. where P..1ih 1<1.ukee defeated the Denver Rockets of the Ameri can Basketball Association in a preseason exhibition game Thursday night, 130-92. Jabbar played just two quarters in the game but-scored 29 poinl!: and grabbed eight rebounds. "We are still investigating all the facts." ?.tetros said, "When we gather the facts, they will be handed over to the district attorney who will make the decision on the charge!!." Officials for the Bucks said Jabbar and Allen would return with the team on a noon fli5ht to Milwaukee. Police sa id the two players were ar· rested at 3:30 a.m. outside the team's downtown Denver hotel. Jabbar was the NBA rookie of the year in 1963-fill and led the league in scoring during 1969·70 and 1971-72. He wa1 the leaguC''s most valuable player when he !ed !he Bucks to the NBA title In 197().71. Jabbar and Allen were roommates dur· 1ng their freshman year at UCL.A . clear ilemocralic party lead titroulhoul the nation." Both Shriver and Southern California r-ampaign r-hairm&n Donnan Commons assured milling and doubtful Democrats that they have personally seen coplea of 1ht> R(!pt.ibUcan poll that reputedly gives i\1cGo\·em a alight edge. Boeh men said they bod also ,... tab- ulatlom from an tarller GOP poll whlcb showed tblt the NlxOl>Agnew margin In California bas bttn cut to four percent. ··t'nton members are ghing ll.! their suppcin lO inc~ nwnben." Shrh•tr u plalne<I. "lbny ant delYirll AFl.-CIO Presid<llt G<ors< Meany and Oockln& to us b..V tbt tbcuslods .. Shri\'tf bailed Orance Oxmty and its . lll<r<&Sing -foe th< llomo<ntic tl(k.t l .. as a '"Yital btlhre.lher'" in tM :\o\·fnlbH" tkctioa.. And h< WXlod tho -' al ">u<b stand- ard bearen .., lilissioa V"'.)o Rancbtr R1c:hatd O'Ntill .. b' a "*C tide ol sup- pcn that will. bo pnd!<tod. 1..... the °'mocratic Party iD Onnce County just IOO.IXXJ overall TOtes bdml tbl: RtpWili· cJOS ori election aight. "'That's all we nt"ed. .. me quicbih~r campaiJner said. '"'Thal tiod ot. ~ for tht> Republicans hen worb OtJI a.-s a bJg .. IIlfil1in for ua in man:r otber states and pul3 George v.:Gonnl h tile Wbit• l:Wust .•• H• des<ribed tho .,... u ...... of tbr finest examples of its kind in tbe W1lt!d and a haven tor those tblJusands of Amtri- cMS •ilo find ~ace. re!t aDd solitude wa.Wng its trails aod esplonng its rirgiD beauey." Ht" ~ I S&.4 biJlim. ~~al" pn> gram tbat will. ht!-sa.id. c-eate ~ratr-­ lv needed parts and open •po<YS in this riaDoo"s dtie.s· on tbr liDr5 of tboH U> be found in LooOOo. Paris and \-J<D13. One of th< first obliptiam ct a Demo- cratic administration will be the preserva· tion of the !>O,ODO-acre Santa Mcmica Mountain! area, Sbrivu said. Shriver. an hour late for his Anaheim Con\•eotion Center address, to the Na· tional Parts and Recreation Association CoogreM and 90 minutes late for biJ Grand Hotel soiree, bad earlier stressed the protection of the nation's park land to fewer than 3,000 onlookers in the big hall. County Seeking Airport-F-enee Law Extension Orange c..mty supervlson are trying to get an extension on a federal law which requlrel construction of a "$240,000 security fence al Orange County Mrport by May ol 1113. -"' - County Aviation Director Bob Bresna· han told them two new federal law! on security and aafety equipment require the construction of the Sl,00-foot fence along the east side of the airport to sep- arate the public area {rom the aircraft operaUons area. The purpose of the six·foot steel fence is to protect the airport's commercial flights from hijack.~ Q_ther i~ truders, he said in his initial presen· talion. But Bresnahan a1Jo told b o a r d members the new federal law• carry..:JJO furdlng provisions lo help offael UaLCDll° of construction. ..-:· · ··-:::::- He . rteelvad apptoval or -'II';' supervllora li>applf lil lhe=i:~Yi.:_ lion-MmlnUtraUon for -·~ deli!i ~etlon or ~ .Jjorrter .until February 1974 when fwldlng LI Ul:tly lo be available. The aviation director aJso asked that the supervisors apply for an enenslon of time and a federal grant for required security regulations in the airport terminal building. Sophl!llcated safely equipment would be at the county's ex· pe111e otherwise, he said. DAILY PILOT Poliey ~a~sle T~ °""'99 Catt DAIL 'I' PILOT, Wlfll 'lllfllcll i. ( ........ lfle ,..._..,.,.. .. ,, publllflft " ... ar.... (Mlt l'v!Mlt""" Com-y. ,__ ,..,. '°'"-... llUllll!lhed, MOfldty 111'"°""" ,.,lollty, 'tw Coll• M-. N.....,..t 8ee<ll. Hull""""" BHd\11'-ltltl , Ytlltv, L.,._ ••ell, lrvll'IOJ(SMldl.i.dl Mii •..i C"'-.teJ IM N9ll C..i1111lr•,,., A 1lnele ""W..I .. ,. ..... ..,.u,,,,.. lei.rct'tll •11111 l ..W•l'I· The ~I OllOlll1!"'9 plenl II II »O W@tl .. , llfMt, cci.11 M ... CIN,.,.,.i., mlt. 11;.~,rt H. WeH l"Tnlf9"t •11111 ~lllMW. Jer.k It. C111ley Vke L"nllltenl 1!'1111 Ge!ltnl Mfflloet' Tllo'"•• l(,,.,a lllllor TMMe1 A. M.,,hi•• M ..... lrl!UW Cheri .. H. L..11 l lc.lrie r4 '· Nill .......... Mlnetlllll ... ,.,.. .._ __ JJO W"t l er Stt11t Meilitit """""•1 ,;o. a.ir 1160. 926 Jl --""""""' ....,., ... ,....,.,,. ....... "' U.--..01 ID ,_, A,,_ """' ....... Mtdll 1"1.1 ~ ~ .. 1111 c;~ -_. at ""*"" R ... ,,..,._ ln41 ...,,. .. , e11i r•• Altafl 1I I 6U<l&1t 'a'' ''"" ~ C...t ,...,.Int c . ... ...... ........ llMtnl ...... .. I MlllW tr' ....,....,..,.. Wtlfl ,...,. M ••cf.all """*" .,.Cllll ,.,.. ll'llU!lfl • .,,.... .... j ...... ,_ ............... °"*,...... c.nior• "*-1#1"" W ~mer-U.61 l'l'ICJll!tilrf 1W 11'1111 q ,11 '""'""'I MlllletY *'''"'"°"' tl.t.$ """"""'· Pregnant Kitt y Triggertf Uproar SACRAMENTO (AP) -The pregnan- <'Y of Cynlttia Ann, a little gray and white cat, hall Sam and Louise Cook In an uproar. They say an animal agency has ~nnfiscated the kitty to give her an abor· lion. Cynthia Ann's delicate conititlon hn!I triggered lbrcatJ of plckfltl1'\3'. and a legal complaint. Tht': flRhl tnvolvo~ an lntemntlonn\ lo~ byii;t, hi& nenrly blind wife, the president of a hun1one oq1::aniIAllon and the con- ~un1(.'r to1nplaint department or the thsinct attomey·~ ornce. . In nil startl'd t~·fl rrionth.t: a110 when r.1r~. C'oo k. wh<, I:; 95 percent bllnd tlClopted l 'yn1h1<1 Ann from Pet1 and Pa11: Cynthia Ann apparently mated with 1hc Cook's male cat, CouR:or . so M~. Cook tuol. her bac k to Pt ls nnd fJal s for Advice or. a hel.lth y pregnancy. "They Jumped 111 over me ," Mr1. Cook say1. "They aald I vlolated the, adoption policy that cats mu$t be !!payed and that my cat would be responalble ror 10,000 rnore cats Jn 10 )fit!i." She said ' Pet• and Pala took Cyntht1 Ahn oway fronl her 11nd sent the cat out lo;· abortloo and 1pnylna. of m!J:ed origin. You go to any Jumaue. 80Ciety, and you Ste _.,tboigrl•dl' .Gt~ cats all crowdM lnto C.,_ .!::'~f cats ... A mlxed breiea dOe!R'~'VW !- chanct:'' · • .. ·-· · MMI. eoo~· and her htliband admft'that spaylna .. wu part of the contract, but they dldn't see It unUI after the aecond ''lilt to Pets and Pals. Nevertbeleu, they Cl)l"llend thnt Cynlhla AM has now been confiscated. They ••ant her back, They 1ald they have filled out com· platnt fonna ror the' Con1umer Council om.e of the Sacramento County d~trlct attorney's ofnce. If Cynthia Ann la not retumtd, they said they will file a court compJ11lnt and picket Peb and Pall -whole office 11 In lhc! r.ame bulldlng u t&lr: apartmt!nt. The hU1bard, S&m d(. Coolt Jr., 11 re1l!tered wlth lhe Lt__. u 1 lo~ tybt for W. N. C. tn~. which he s11 Id dof'a work tor thf IQfimmenll of Gu11tem118 and Rb«ll .... Said llira. Cookl "Thi.I hu betn worM llllln ·~~ ~ ... ~ ~ Said l\Jn. sarpnt: "0... lole(911 Ii In the 1nlm111; flnt and I~' Vote, 1'ote, 1'ote Susie Smith. an aide at the county Registrar of Voters office in Santa Ana, check.s off some of the 1.900 boxes of ballots being prepared for shipment •• DAILY ~ILOT lltH Pllclt .. to Orange Count¥ precincts on election day, Nov. 7. .. . If you don't register to vote by midnight Sunday, • your ballot won't be in one of tllese OOXes. Delay Scheduled3.;i. Mexi.can Trairi Derails, Killi1ig 109; 464 lnjlired NO WONDER HER TOOTH ACHED --+LQA>NOON-(UP!T--A-contipede trawl ed out of 38-year~ld Ruth Abrahams' aching tooth arter dentist Bame& Kopkin extracted it, according to the British Dental Journal. In ~aignmenLfJ.--_ Of 2 0.f ficials SALTILLO, Mexico (AP)-At ]east 109 "It probably crawled in while she was A five-week delay has been ordered in persom pertsbed and 464 were injured asleep with her mouth open," and the Orlillge·· C.ourity Superior Court ~· "'hen a train can;fug religious pilgrims presumably nestled in a cavity, reported ralgrunent of indicted former Westmin~ ." .. derailed and caught fire near here early Kopkin in an article in the journal. ster mayor Derek Mcwhinney and plai;l. .. today. ning commissioner Tad Fujita. A team of 150 rescuers worked through Fr~na Page I Judge William Murray approved the · the morning pulling bodies from the delay to Nov. 10 after attorneys for both · "Teckage. Police and Transit Director s·u SPECT men asked for a hearing on their. Genaro Gutierrez Davila said all • ' • demurrer against charges endorsed b1··: survivors known to be trapped in the . . il h the Grand Jury following investigation of ' Buifalo, who was still in thell' J& on t e the Mile Sql.iare Park leasing scandal. · wreckage had been rescued. marijuana charge. The demurrer -an objection in law to · The !rain, loaded with I , 5 6 4 Reeonh show both BuHalo and Perry the form of allegations -will seek a ' pessengers,derailed-about--200-yRtds -have served.1Jr1SOn tenm-1n-conne:ctll>rr-€learer-definition..of-som.e of tbe..cbaue#J .. before .it r~acbed the Moreno ~ridge with narcotics convictions while Perry's fil~ against ~b men, defense attom:r , about six miles.south of here, Gutierrez. . . . ' . Al Stokke explalOed. · ~~ Davila said. crun1nal record mcludes a variety of Stokke, who represents Fuji1a, satd."'' Survivors said the train was going ex· other offenses. Judge James Turner has been appointea tremely fast 01J a downhill grade as it ap-So far, the suspected motive involved if to hear the demurrer and rule .on t~ .... proached the bridge. Buffalo is indeed Perry's slayer has been clarity of several charges contained 1rf · People at the scene said the engine of ed the Grand Jury indictment. · .. ' the 20-car train overturned and other withheld by police until it can be us in Stokke said McWhinney and Fujita will c::rs jammed together in 'the crash. court. offer their pleas to the charges followin~ 4 . ihrae of the-&eVen cars·involved in the They have also not revealed. how long Judg~ Turner's ruling. •. ~ acciden t caught fin;: nnd two of them the victim and suspect knew each C!,ther, McW~~nney,' 40, of 9660 Cttlendula Av~: were destroyed , Gutierrez Davila said. or whether they may have become ac-and FuJita, 35, Of 7242 Rockmont Ave., Many we.·e killed by the impact of the quainted while serving s ente nces both of Westminster, face multiple crash and others trapped in the cars died together and made contac t on the charges including grand theft , conspiracy:_ in the flames. outside. and bribery. ~ ;-; ~......-.....::;~~~~~~~·· -INTtR I 0 R 5 WflKDAYS I SATURDAYS 9100 10 5130 FllDAJ 'TI L 9100 NEWPO RT BEACH e 1117 WESTCL!flf DA., •41-1010 LAGUNA BEACH e J45 NOR:TH COAST HWT. 494 .• ~, I TORRANCE e 11•49 HAWTHOll:Nl ILVD. 171 ,,,. •. • ·-... .. : .• .,_ , •·Our polk:y 11 lo spa y and alter," 1814 Gladys Sarwent. president or Ptt1 and Pals "The rcAI cnie lly toctay \.1 the Ol"l'rpQpulat1or) nf a111n1al!J i\nrl the ca l 1 .. Cou1ar, tho 1 ... 1y malt ..i !tit bohlod, wa1 maklnc 10 muCh cat.\t.lt ~t bl ... , ketplng tht Cook• awake at nl.tht. • ------------------__ _ • ' McGove1·n Flays Tax Hike Fears CHICAGO (AP) -Sen. that would increase your tax- es." WORLD & NATIOll G<Orge McGovern, confronted with the auggesUon that many Americans fear he wants to tax aw~ their money for welfare, has dl!missed it as "pure poppycock" stemming from Republican propaganda. McGovern said he does not Intend to raise "the taxes of F u r thermore, McGovern said, his overhauled welfare proposals would provide no assistance for people who are able to work. He said 11he on- ly people entitled to welfare" are those whose age, difability ...._ _______ ,_, or family situation prevents them from working. · '.;'(CAMPAIG N '12) The whole tssue dates back lo the presidential primary campaign when McGovern ad- Court Hit vocated a flat payment of By S,chmitz perhaps $1 .000 for every ~~-· people who live on wages aod salar1es by one peMy." .,,, Indeed, at one Point be said ,,,~ there are probably more peo- ". pie ruined than helped by in- "' herlted. fortunes. Chicago. Des Moines and Kansas City were McGovern's .• campaign IUnerary fA)day. It was at a Cleveland stop • Thunday that the tax-and· welfare question was put to him. "There ·is still concern ex- pre8Sed by many citizens, even of very moderate means, that if you're elected their in- come might be practically confiscated and given to those who won't work," a man told McGovern as the Demooratic nominee answered questions at the Cleveland City Club. "Of course this is the Republican line," McGovern replied. "IVs '"'" poppycock. • • .U you live entirely on wagei; ind-salaries, there is nothing In my -tu proposals American. His figures were never. specific but that now· HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) discarded plan to supplant -Rep. John G. SchmJtz of welfare with payments to · Tustin, the American Patty everybody would havt required presidential candidate, aaya be a general tax Increase. would feel free to ignore the • j · . SUpreme Court when I t McGovern et~ned the "legislated "such u 00 school proposal early In hia campal1111 busing • as the . llemncratlc noml-"As president, I would not but he IS st!ll ~· le disoel feel obligated to execute the th,. .lmpress100 it left with the legislative edicts of t h e voters. supreme Court or any federal In Chicago, McGovern ac-court. That ls a power grab," cused Republicans of at· Sclun.itz said 'Ibunday at the tempting to d is c o u r a g e windup of a two-day O:in- rnlnority-voter registration "In necticut campaign tour. order to divide the community "I would not feel obligated for the sake of partisan gain." to execute any laws except In a statement prepared for those passed by, Coogres,." a meeting·of black clergymen, McGovern said there were Indian Tract reliable rePorts th a t four years ago GOP sources gave money to militant minority organizations which, in return, spread propaganda that it made no di#erence whether people voted. BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) - President Emilio Garrastazu Medici has signed a decree setting aside a large tract of land for the Fiesle Xavante Indiam. Securities Agency Moves To Block Tycoon's Firm From Wire Services Greene elso asked for an In-a green suit and black and ATLANTA, Ga. -The junction barring the finn f~ white boots of unborn calfhide, Securities and Exchange C.Om-"future violations of securities bad been jailed b r I e f I y mission has. asked a U.S. registration and antifraud pro-Wednesday on the orders of a District Court to place the visions" of federal securities -ei_rcutt. court judge who held Koscot Interplanetary cos-laws. Koscot sells cosmetics hlm in contempt on the o~ rl---''-1ILeW'3.-'fwlnn~J>pl~controversial nationwide. Wg~__gf__ his tl'lal. His promoter Glenn W. Turner in· U.S. District Court Judge lawyers soon freed him 8.0if to ""'iversbip, court reconls Sidney O. Smith scbeduled a won the right to appeal the ohowed Thursday.-;.:.. hearing Oct. 12 in Atlanta. cootempl action ~ - "In light of th~ • -~bile Turner w.t "Everybody' · i fraudulent nature or 'fh'e 'hOiriO le OiGmo~ tO nlce';"'Oail i\iiiltt'"ie"M Koocot acbeme and the derm. . await tho resumption of his the appeals <XMO'I here and danl'a shameless use of a 1rl81. ' beaded lar his orlando heado misleading sales promotion, 1be flamboyant young head quarters in a rented car. "I'm this court should appoint a of Dare To Be Great and other sorry I can't say anything Social Security Boost,s Approved WASHINGTON (AP) -A momentous $18.~illlon Social Security wolfare bill has emerged from the Senate car- rying dozens of new benefits and higher taxes. But It stalls rerorm or the wellare-familles program lndetlnitely. Capping a 17-bour session in which 40 separate amendments weer considered, the Senate passed the bill 68 to 5 eerly today. '!be tl!IO-page bill would: -Pro-or lncrea!e Social Security benefits for widows; chronically Ill old peno111 who need maintenance d r u g a ; persons wbo want to retire at age !O; others who want lo WO<k beyond age 65; all male retirees who now get lower behefits than women with the same earnings records; disabled persons; eld"'it!',:' and women who need , three reform plans are tested. -Aim to bold down the e1tadily rising coots of the two big govmunent health pro- grama: Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor. On the other hand , the 90 mll1k:n persons w b o s e paycbeCb are tapped to ri.. nance SoclaJ Security would pay more into the program, BJ would their employers. Under the present inigram. each worker pays s.i percent of the first $9,400 of lncm.e in- to the fund. The employer matches that figure. Already the deduction is due to in- crease to 5.S percent next year; the Senate-approved bill would raise it to 6 percent. Thus, a worker now pays a maximum of $468 a year into the fund ; the figure would go to 1613 in 1!173. hearing aids and dentures, and--------- olher groups. -SubslstantlaJ\y Increase benefits and set a national in- come standaro for aged, blind or disabled perso115 receiving weUare. -Continue the program of Aid to Families w l t h Dependent Children w h i I e THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE As a voter, you11 fud more cl what Test Project yriu need .. to know To Continue ~ ~itical WAS!IlNGTON (APf-Pres-JSSUeS, r1 depth in !dent N'txnn announced that your newspaper he will cooUnue for a sec· ond y e a r a 'test project among 2o. · c;JUes aimed at trying o u t Jocal-reliance federal revenu& sharing pro- grams. ;. The cltlae tndude San Jose, Fresoo and_ TUCson- Released Prisone"F Charged M!Mll, Fla. (AP) -Jim- my Lee Wilson. who spent eight years on death row on a rape conviction until h I s release from prilloo I as t spring, has been charged with lhe rape-slaying of a cocktail waitress and the shooting dealh of her boyfriend. Dade County deputy sheriffs arrested Wilson as be sat down to dinner Thunday with his wife. Melva, and their two children. Wilson was charged with murder in the shooting deaths of Patricia Blush, :.>, and Gen.Id Santore, 24 . .WllJOn and two othen we.re convicted in 1964 of the rape or two Mexican sisters who were migrant workers in t h e vegetable fields of south Dade County where Wilson lived at the Ume. Wllson's lawyer argued that persons OPPosed to the death penalty had be en automatically excluded from the jury. Wilson was re.sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Marshall Wlseheart to 15 years ln prL!on. He was released on e1- piraUon of his sentence with time off for good behavior on May 26, 1972. Friday, October 6, iq72 DAILY PILOT $ . Jobles s Levels Ease Downwara \'IASl!!NGTON (UPI) -from 7.7 percent to 8.8 per· Thti naUon's unemployment cent, marking the first time it rate edged downward f n nearly two yiarS that it was was below 1 percent But jol>-September from 5.6 to 5.5 JIU'" Jess rates for mos& categories cent while the number •of of worten shQ_wed UtUe persons with jobs continued change In September. the study rise that beganl---------- more lhan a year ago. 'Ibe new employment rep:irt, made public toduy by the Labnr Department 's Bureau of Labor Statistics, said that after ad- justment for seasonal factors, the number of persons with jobs Increased 250,000 In September to an all-lime high ol 82.2 million. That wat near- ly. 3.1 million more than in June, 1971. The ectual number 0 r empk>yed person.s declined about 1,5 milUon in September as students quit swnm('r jobs to return to classrooms, but this was less than normal-for September so that employ- ment rose on a seasonally ad- justed basi:i. The bureau said the number of unemployed workers totaled 4.7 million, down about 200,000 from August. That 1''85 about normal, and the bureau described the overall jobless rate as vllually unchanged for t~ fourth coMttutlve month . CFlyOurlegs) ... .. e C.-UFORlf.IJll. frloo 1111111 c..ty ..... u.. (714) 510-4550 The jobless rate for \'ietnam War-era veterans dropped"----------' lied! THE BRITISH ,\BJLIJtlllflf\G! ... FIND CHRISTOPHU ROltN CONRST Soafb _Coast!Iua •FULLERTON •HUNTINGTON BEACH •ORAN GE .. ... temporaiy receiver," said the Turner enterprises, dressed in more." • ...motion filed by Jules B ·1;:::====="=============:;1~1 i C..eene, head of the COO\· mission's regional office in Atlanta. Buff urns' opens Fall Fun-Fest i Saturday ' I SAT. OCT,Jiall g Bullums' ' stores w open their l doors on a wee1' long Fall l Fun·Fest that lets you put j the fun· in Fall. without putting nut a fortune! . • Throughout the Buf-~ fums' stores, from ladies' " fashions to little people's· , toys ..• from bowewares ; to ·hosiery-you'll find ~ nifty new thrifty ways to dress your whole family . for Fall • . ; Come early for your pick of our handbags .•• . you'll love the handsome . new imports • . You'll also find our fin. ' est furs doing even more ' dramatic thin.is with very 1peclal new llWe price ~ taa:a. And you'll see a:ood ' lhiDil f9i' guyl like Je•ns, I shirts, sweaters. suits, ' etc .•• &oing on for less. • You'll like our little I ' 'prices for little people in I big back·to-school looU. f And all your hostess l hunches will ~ay off with I Ions loo!<J at a orl prices. l Look for Buffums' 1ter· line ways to put a flow on i your hollday tablo ••. and • a a:leam in your eye • I While you're here, slip , into all of our new· Fall • ' fa1hJon1 .•. dl1cover the j new fur trimmed look.I for l •72 ••. bis buyr ln ladles • 1portswe1r. dres1e1 1nd 1 coall. 1 Pick up tome Iua:a:1gc ~ that leaves loll of dollan I free for the trip! { Gel a boot or two- men't and women'• new· I 011 Fall looki -but don't ' tread too beavil,y on ywr pocketbook. Roam thl'11 a Ubrary of 'ood boo!<J • • . all tick- eted to tempt tour most acquisitive naturt. Ste you at Buffum•' tomorrow. Weir a 1mua: 1mllo u yOil lutlll< 1"U Fill nut •.•• for lu.11 "*"· LET US SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE THE PROPER WAY! RE-QPHOLSTERY DEMONSTR·ATION SATURDAY OCT. 7th • 11 am to 3 pm A living room ch•ir from .tort lo fin- ish. Using f•brics from our upholstery shop. FROM 2. 99 to 5. 99 yd. JCPenney FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEAGH ' ONLY ONE WEEK ON LY SOFA ...... ~ ••••••••• 179.95 LOVE SEAT ........... ·119.95 CHAIR ................ 69.95 SWIVEL CHAIR .. • • • .. • • 79.95 COCKTAIL ............. 69.95 CORNER TABLE ......... 54.95 END TABLE ............ 34.95 TOTAL ............ ; • : '599.9S i1tt'Cotiplili ·11-. . Rattan wood has been used for thousands of years for furni- ture .-making. During the past century furniture made of rattan h~ achieved great popularity in the United States, Its natural beauty, ability to take a finish, durability and lightness of weight lends grace and comfort to our modern way· of life. .. • Di\D.Y PROT EDITORIAL PAGE ... -..._.v-----------~-....... --.... ~ -·Sign Blight Should End With the Costa ~1esa City Council traditionally composed of private businessmen, the interests of con1· n1erce have gone carefully protected during the city's 19-year history. No doubt this protection has helped Costa hfesa achieve its unparalled con1mercial growth, but it has also n1ade it ugly in n1any \Vays. One need only look at the prohferatio_n_ of o.ver· sized and outrageously unattractive adverus1~g signs to become convinced. Costa Mesa has eKperienccd a period of sign escalation. with new busin~ssmen com!ng into town and filing applications for signs screaming louder than those of their competitors. Although a new sign ordinance . w~s ~tr~duced some time back by the planning comm1SSJOD, tt died on the council podium probably becau~ it was t oo hot a potato for the business-minded counc1lmen. Instead the ordinance became a diluted "sign pol- icy,'' the ~orthle6Sness of which was ill~strated last week when City Attorney Roy E. Jun~ dlsclosed t~at anyone could build any size fre~stan~1ng or roof sign so long as the \\'riting on the sign did not exceed 40 percent of the sign board. The preposterous policy, meanwhil~., has sparked a 90-day moratorium on signs, co upled with a request for a new sign ordinance. Serious con sideration should be give n by the Costa ~Iesa City Council to pbasing out the existi~g aesthetic offenders over a five-year period and starting all over again. This has been accomplished in Laguna Beach to the apparent satisfaction of the busllUlss community and it could be done in Costa Mesa. Let's get on with the project. Good Young Citizens Scouting is changing its rustic emphasis as Amer!· ca becomes more urbanized. Individual units are sped.al· izing in such career concerns at the Explorer level a.s law enforcement Th<! character·buildlng organization fouoded by Sir Robert Baden-Powell, however, remains committed ~ traditional goals of service-and citizenship throughout its hierarchy and ranb. Helping an old lady across the s•reet Is the tradi· tional cllche for the-w~ll·known good deed a day re- quired of Scouts. But Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers con· tribute in a D!ultitude of ways. Boys of Costa Mesa Cub Scout Troop 439 turned out to clean up a large section of their neighborhood last Sa'urday. Their good deed J!l•Y not have been earth· shaking in impact beyond their nelihborhood. No act, however, no matt.er bow small, is so insig· nificant that it doesn't deserv~ recognition when it is done toward Scouting's traditional goals of good citi· zensbip ~d community service. And each one done helps mold a boy's adult alti· tudes toward those two solid cornerstones of a healthy, vitaJ society. • • c l l'1•estli.1tg W i.tla Refor11a Property Tax Puzzlement Leaders Say: 'S ex-No ·,.;N.o .._ ~ Reader Counters Sparkman, Tarnished Hero \VASHINGTON -For most of his 36 yrnt rs in Congress, Alabama's John Sparkman has championed the un· derhouscd. the underfed and the un- dereducated. Some of his b11tUes for the poo r are legendary. But now the 72-yur-old sena tor, his kindly race bcgln- nini to show the fRVllg!I of age, hil straight shoulden beginning to sag. has beeome the taroisb- ed hero of the '8JJIC "Jpecia I Interests he once fought. 1bese latter-dny friends In banking. savtnas and loan:oi. real estate. con· strucDon and the like are raising a huge cii;IJPAi1J1 lJtty to save his Senate• sc;1t . Threa~lng to tnke it away fron1 him ls Presldebt Nixon 's former Postmnslt'r· General, Wlnton "Red" Blount. lndPt•d, lhe outcome could detennine whctht~r the Republicans wlll win control or tht: Senato. OllMIOI COAST DAILY PILOT Boben N. Weed, Publul~r Tlwmrat Ke•Pi~ EdLlor AUHn W. Bater •dl'cvW hoc &U&or 'Ille - -0( ... Doll> PDol ..... '° ....... 11t1~ ... late r•I " b;r _pMi"nUnr thll 14111 ,.-. .....,.. Ind com· mtntary • ...,_ of ~t and ..... -... """" .... -.. IWU..~ol-­... ._ _...,.., .. di-0( ............... ~ •Jltll DID -toi*a ut the..,.~ · F'rlda1, CJd.ober 8, 18'12 S~ARK!'o1AN IS chairman of the Senale Banking. Housing and Urban Affa irs Committcf. which holds legislative power over the industries that have befriended him. His defeat would elevate feisty, ron- sumer-minded Senator William Prox· mire. D-Y.'ls .. to the chairmanship. Not only do lhe fat cats wnnt to keep Proxmire ou t of this po"'erful seal. They also ""'Int to ~how their appreciation to Sparkm<Jn for his benevolence toward them. f\loreover. Sparkman is a member of the Small Business· Committee which touchc:'I not only all their Industries, but other enterpris:es from phormaceutlcal!1 to hardware stores to h~pitnl building. Tll US. TllE spccinl Interests art. rllllng his can1paign <.'Offer$ .11s evidenced by in- co1npl('!t but sllll substant lnl fi lings under the new campaign reportlni:; la w. As of M•ptember 12, aome SSS,000 of Spnrkn1<1n's reported $119,000 gl'OM t't'<.'C1pts cnmc from tht! flnantlol. real estate. construction , pharmnceutical t1nd rel.11tf'rl l:ibor interests. 1'ht> !Ohl' of the fund raising Is evident from 8Cn1c of lhe letters going out to builder.i: and h11nkcr1. ••\\'e in the real estt1ite buslntss." Olnninghnm builder An Rice has writ- ten. for exnmpl,, lo hl1 bwdneu col- leagues, "won·t liVt: long 'llOq:b to ICie nnothf!r Ala:bamlllTI ln this particular posltk>n of seniority. lnnuence and ~wer. In my opinion, Stniuor SP1rkman can pick up Uw telephone and accompll3h rr.ore in five minutes thnn any other can- didate could do In flvt ycnrs •.. "HE llAS OONE MORE than ony 01her r.ln~le 1nan to help our real estate profession nnd now he needs our htlp IO lb.at he might ront.lnue in thb mo&t l sensitive position which some have in- dicated to be the mosl po~·erfu l in the United States Senate ... The campaign will take i.;oc>,000 . . '' Another solicitation letter from Birm· Ingham developer Richard Sexton pleads. "l urg e you to help in the best ways you can by returning the enclosed pledge card with the most generous contribution you can make • . . Regardless of our perSonal party affiliations or our choice. concerning other national offices, our in- dustry owes it to itself to pull the Sparkman lever and support. t h e Sparkman campaign fund first and foremost." These are sad commentaries on a great Senate career. FOOTN<YrE: Commenting on the coo· tributlons, a spokesman for Sparkman aald, "Wh'n you speak of banking, 1av- ing& and loan . const ruction, real estate and relate<! industries, you're talking 8bout some 65 percent of the economy o( the country. The senator has dealt with every legislative matter on Its merit.I and solely on its merits." • Dear Gloomy Gos 11'1poolfo'llove1 "-'111111- wlth sreat •rcbltect.ri good -r>elillll and no wlnifowl. 11'1 nally ,,...~ apeclally whoo thl •fr -di-bas beftl OUI lin<o WI ytar. Estancia qaln bu lurnod In- to 1 hulie olt1111 both. -B.K.W. ,.. ...... """"" ............. .. ~ .................... , ...... .,., "' ...... ,. ."""' ......... ~- Killing~Y~;, ;-='~omputerphobia' THE MAIN REASON,tbis. has, not been done -even though bqmicidalp violence can be shown to be.a Jar greater threat to our species .than --•ex u a I permJssiveness -Is "lha UJe state has always needed Its w'arriOrl. U men will not klll , but wUI lnstoad peacefully try to adjust their differences bf ~ or by other contests of skill and 'lt{engtb, then the leaders have lost I.heir prime power over the masses. The commandment ~'Thou shalt not kill" has been tnteh>reted in all Western countries to tailor Christilnity to national goals, rather than to flt the country to the religious model. Private citb:ens are not allowed to kill for private reasons; but as public soldiers, they are ~ couraged to till for "elvic" reaoos that are oftm just aa evil IRONICAILY, tjxMJgh the Inhabitants rr JS EXTRAORDINARY that copula· of the lldlool olfl<!e have their own air lion, whlcb lJ a m=· and joyous sc-conditioner that works fine, they are ti vlty, has been ,. With restric-loongtng about In lhere Ignoring the pro- tlons, lnhlbltion> and ta ; while klll· blem of the other 15 perctnt of the school Ing, whJcb goes against all divine, human populaUon. M a matter of fa.ct, the air and ratioaal principles, has always been oondltiooer workSI f10 well in there that it rewarded wtth hooors, rank, medala and actually gets cold ilnd the occupants have supreme power by the atat.e. to tum on the beaters, much to the Th t th f ,,. ___ taboos" over dl1nnay of the students. e s reng o u~• . . It makes one wonder: Does anyone the centurJes, for lnstanc!e, indicates bow beslckw the atudetU end teachers really 1trongly the put can bpjUtDl Jt.Pt'Ul\on• cire aboul the prOblenl Md how qulcklY upon the youog, If !I _. lleli..,tl \Rould the alr condllioner ill the office he them endCarriOJ them out.ifectf\>ei)C A y•-~"" -•-'-• almllar "kllilng taboo" apfnat members ·· -• " ever ~MT P. KEM°E or our own specie• could be equally ~1· erdaed, wero It not Iha) the i:u!Jn& cut• R fttrllettll't! Ol.....,le• of every aoclal order Ii uawillin2 to do \ this for fear of loslotJ Its wtlmote To the Editor : authority of force. The Olympics Is u Important to the world u an all-nation sports forum, u THE STATE KILLS "momles"; It kills the United Nationl Is • poiltlcai fonlm. "tralton": lt kUls "revolutionaries''; It Some ora:antutlonal rtttructurlng to eor- ktijl "crlmloall'': it neo kUIJ mere rect a few olwloua evotuOonary dc.recu Lt "undeslrablu." And 1t 11 rarely the an thal iJ "'l•ir<d. l 111&&est the follow· ing as startert: popul1Ce lllell that decidM who IU<ll I. Eliminate national anthems and -and tnllora llld ,..,.Mlonati., ltlbotih1te the Olympic anthem u a ... eriailDaJI •..w11'14lt1 attrll.i• .,. to 111.--the wmn ol each event. Its leodm, wlio -to pmorve Perllepe lnltlate a contest among the themlelftl bl power by all means. compoHl'I of the world for • new an- 11 n ..., ~ -•bout il, 011r them. ,.. an additional 1)9Nkimtlon, the dill-could bo .. -frvm nag of the .nnt J>laoe Winner could he b1tlh that laklq another p,,.,,,,., life alowly ralled 11 ~ anthem Is played . ....,Id be arrunlmaglnoblo bomr that on-z. ResttiCI partlclpotlotl ill tach evont ty Iha moat dmleoftd or perverted tould to two competltora f.rom l'ACh nation . cominJt. !nltud, I'" breed ~ r•oe of -ill ldloll who lllfnt ii ls llorloul to do I. ASK BWrmllLAND, 11 the most f0< the atate what 1t Is foil>ldden to do unlveraally -ed. credible, and •lil&l1. · neutral aoclety Jn the world, lo w:lthdnw ( ...... _MA_I_LB_o_x ___ ) Lette1's from readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey their meSS<lges--ifl.WO-words-or-ltss.-T-ltw .. e--- right to condente Letters to fit ipace or elimi'nate libet i.T rese,,,ed. All leti&s mUst. ifacl1Lde .signature and mqiling addreSs, bUt names ma11 be withheld on request if sufficient reason is apparent. Poetry will not be ~i+blished. ' . rrom participation in all future Olympic games. 4. Use Swiss personnel exclusively for all judging, refereeing, umpiring, timing, starting. etc. in all Olympic events. Establish a Swiss academy to develop expert professional judgr;nent. 5. In case of appeals they will be heard by a panel of Swiss experts, composed or leading athletic coaches of Switzerland. 6. Questions of admissloo or. withdrawal or any natioos lo the Olym- pics will be decided first by vote of tha.: International Olympics Committee, wifK' the right of immediate appeal lo the Supreme Court of Switzerland. . ' 7. INCREASE THE number of Olympic sports events in tboee non-contact sport areas where individual skill, 5lamina and personal courage predominate, and where expensive, extensive'"1tadia-ls not essential; such as, tennis, four-wall handball, four-wall racquetball, squash racquets, paddle tennis, etc. For ex- ample, in this country, th ere are now 13 million tennis players, 5 mlllion four·wall handball players, 1.5 million racquetball players, 3.5 mlltion squash racquet players, etc. -all of whom are unrepresented in the ultimate in sports competition .... The Olympics. 8. To insure a revitalized American Olympic Committee, its members should be selected for a rotating four-year term, from a large list of qualified prospects .submitted to all 003Ches, colleges and universities, qaalified clubs, and sports editors throughout the M states, each having one vote. HENRY BURKE Water11ate Caper To the Editor: Reading and hearin~ O'Brien 'and the Democrats trylns t~ mak,e somelhing out of Watergate is llke SOnnie and Clyde comptafnlng to lhe First Nplional Bank for no\ supplying partill; Jacllitles. To have Jack Andefson verify lhe pro- Ct'edinp Is at le811 u bad. No matter boW much they try to cover up the vital i..... o! such gr .. t Im- portance to America, the innuendo. smear and cbaract.ar uaaalnitlon can be 11\lCCtSSfuUy dooe onjy wben there Is a basta and 'v"' lbtn only by people with S11fflclcnt lnlqrt\y and c:redibUity to starid beyond roproacb. Th!J would automatically eliminate the 1 b o y • penons Md a lot ol othen witft them. Peep!• Uving In their glass howes ahc>iid throw no th ln1 .h a r der than marshmallows. CALVIN G. SIEGLE Quotes , .. Gtorge 0. Ul'!lldel"IOa, Cvmpt.oa - "How many llgnaturea will I need to put on the ballot an tnllJalive measure outlawtng the Ille or the w 0 rd ·cbarlsm1'?"