HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-20 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • First Hurdle to Vice Pres~dency • -• . . , .. - ' - Trial · Separati0.8:· ' :· T .old for Aetor Newport· ·Cha111her To Probe Pressl1re -. 1.,ohn Wayne!) Wife On Tra"1e, Report .. . -. ... "" ..... JUESDA Y AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 20, VOL. .... lltli~ 1 Sl:CJIONI, » PA~ll, · 1973 .ur1es ' ' .. ' .. .. 'I ~ . . . . ., ' ' ·- Sert«te Panel .. Ford Receives U·nanimous Vote WASIUNGTON (UPI) -The Senate Rules Committee voled unanllllOW!ly U>- day to recommend the coollrmation of Rep. GenJd R. Ford as Vil:!! president. All nine of the members were present aod voted for confirmation, Sen. Marlow Cook (R-Ky.), said aa he left the ball- hour long private session of the panel. Cook said preparation of the lonnal committee report would be completed Clwmber Panel To Investigate 'Politicking' By L. PETER KRIEG Of Wll DlllY PHii St.ff The Newport Hsrbor <lwlmber of Com- merce Monday appointed a spetial com- mittee to investigate., charges the Newport Beach traffic coosultant was under polllical pressure to alter bis f'l'81 report. The ~ named· director Robert over the four-day Thankag!ving r.c.ss this week, and the Senate would start debate on the nomination on 'I'Uesday with a vol< expected the same day, The committee action bad been u:- pected. Ford, 60, the House Republican · leader, wxlerwent four days of bearings and extensive investigations by the Sena!< paoeL Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), the assistant Democratic 1eader1 made the notion for confirmation and Ceok JeCODd.. ed It. Sen. Howmd cannon (D-Nev.), com- mittee chairman,1 said there was little discussion and what there was centered on his report to the panel that two FBI reports on Ford's cam~ con- tributions not complel<d by !lie last conunittee meeting were available. Under the COnstitution, both branches of Congress must approve Ford, and the House Judiciary Committee ·wrui bojdlng Its ckx!eckloor sessloo today0 to hOar three witnesaes who also appeared before the Senate panel In esecutlve session. They were Rol!ert M. Wbiler-Berger, (See FORD, Pqe Z) .. .. ,_ It's .spting ·In .Sydney, .Austra- lia, and there's a Robyn (Evans) on the scene to make it official. The 20-year-old beauty is tl'Uly a seaworthy bird. _.... Milum, who &at on the seven:member .-=:y.::~s.:~:.:~:~~v~:-nup ~pat;-·to ~ =~~i::: Dogs Tear Boy to B·_it~ .... \. • • .. • ~ ... ' 11We . want to maure that the city ·~ 17\T, · , ~ _.,--,-.A, ·w . . . 1o1the11'.UO 1ndeJ1enden1 -. . . ~ew~c~:s · .. u . . . ~ne,, ~-£~~~ ~ed. by Jers~y~ Polic.e 'w;.t:e· P' .. ,·· 1--r to .Separ.a. te 1n:~putheblic: .... .:... by -· JERSEY CITY, N.J. <UPI> -Two -Jones' partner, Robert Hess, "' j l(l, memlJers of the c1u,.;;;'~ttee 11111 ... vlcloul clop killed a &-year-old boy. and · pnled the. building while Jooes cailed. • I . ~ they were llllr!lriaed by what the flnol partially dewured his body' before they for help. .(l;..,......n, lclor John \l!•yDe ahd pllOe' lor artist Nonnan Rocmll. """'1 . aid In recomlllendatiooa !or were killed by police, wbo were also While be walled he discovered the ,..,_ wtte -·-are ~Ntlnl afler II • 'lbe ·aources said· there are.no plus· COroaa del Mar and a .,..cl UP" attacked by the animals. body· of ,a third dog which police Mid .... • --~-. Bay crossin(. Pollce aid two patrolmen found the ·was appamotiy killed by the pair. There )lean ol marrlqe. fer Wayoe's 3'1-ye&MJld' Peruvlln-bom 51ewns said a leOOQdlr)r concern Is tiny body of Herbert "Junior" Russell were bones of other animals In the -ci-to Ille Neo:lpri Beoch .wife to "'°"' lo>' the new -lhe that "the report Will not 'trind up us ol Newarl: ilbout 11:!0 p.m. Monday etta. ...,.., bliir.ver, oay the IPD\ ii ooly purCbueo1 In Blgi CioaJal 'ellrller , Ibis a lhelf beca-ol the p6litlcl involved. In a ..... 1 lot near a dUJter of abon-Police aid the boy was reported mi• a . trial _,.11on and "they 1 both bope year. She bu told frleoda she acquired "lrrespectlve ol ooe at two luaea dollOd lll1lldlnP where be aometlmes · ing lale Monday by his grandmother, r. work everylbing oul" it •for fmanclal •pecul•li<n" and planned within the report, a , Joi. ti. lntelllpnl ]llayed. Ruby Jo-.. She told police the boy n.y In fad.. .,. stilll llvlltll together , to rent It. , effort went Into It." SlevW said. ".\nd "One ·of tile mp was standing ..,.,. 110111etimos ·pia,.d' In the abandoned In lllair Bal"I*°'" home a\tliouih Wayne The Waynes l!llliTied In Kma, Hawaii, L«d Jmon, we've got to have a pro-it and as I stepped forward, he made buildinp and police began their· oearcb ta_ -to leave ,lo< ., audloo at In November ol lllM Iller &-whirlwind gnm." a leap tor me," said patrolman Thoma aboul· 11 p.m. ealllo nadl ill Arizona and bu romanco. . Sleftns 11icl-lhe ~of the pnlbe ~-"I pulled out my gun ml ohot Jones spotl<d lbe dlllt u they Ded _,.~,.""'travel Plans lllat wll{nep hllJl ™-m &en·--!or a-"wilH 1e to maiDe aure--we have the hlmwbllenewualillin-tbeair."-. lnto.bulbea ciooe to _wborJ lbe .d!Ud'1 ., the ....i .,......,. time. _,. POruvian airline and was ao ·aspiring oomultant's thinking fa I I hf u 11 J Be said the """"'1ed . animal· and . body was dlaoovered. II AIDOlll -tllql. the .• , ... --· They met while ..,. WU II) aplMUled lo> the public." ll'be firm al the oiher doc. bilth belieYed to be Police said the ..... Wero owned by ... a&ar will IP> to New Yort to (See WAYNlll, l'lp·I) (See PJIBllS~ I'll• I) , Gonnan lhepblrcls, fled to a oeorl>y (See DOGS, Pop I) " • . ' • ') . ,. r- ers. 4 Sucyive;· ' Search .On For Fifth MOUNT SHASTA (AP) -An avalanche swept down the steep aiopeo of Northern California'a lf,1Cloot Mt. Shasta Monday, burying five JDOUD. talneer!. Four survived and 'ihe fifth was missing, U.S. Forest Service ofOclall said today. A search was under way today en the stormy slopes of the ancient volcano for the missing man, who is presumed dead, said Bob Anderson, Forest Service district ran·ger at the town of Mount Shasta, 50 miles north of Redding. 1'11e names of all five peraons _. . witlmeld by the ~ldyoo Comly-"• office pending notification of relatives, Anderson sald. . The team qf climbers waa llCeJlll"'1'•dl.U.1111( the mountain by' way of AvalancllCGUlcb on lbe southwest side ot lbe maalve peak. The slide caugbt them at about lbe 10,000-foot level while the four survivors were resting, the Fartst Service said. • .. The· fifth climber· bad put on bla boeii pact· and wu atartin&. boclc up ~· slope wheo the ailde lil~ -Aid. 'lbe reecue tmn CCJl'!P"'" al two (See MISSING, PalO I) ' • Or..,e C.Mt .. weidiaer ... Clea'? -ud 'coolei• l<ml"!' atures are what . the Loi· ~•Ito weather oervieeoieell !or tbt n..._ ana '°811 W-.Y~Hliha Iii illr"' ' mid-605 for ·lnland ~ ud 11 at the beacll!s. Lows 35-41. INSIDE TODAY Nine Scrippi C.U.O• cocdJ, 1ne1u<1mg 11oo from a.- county; inl!nlcd 4 m,tJOO doo · •oatton· to IM co!Uflc' Giid -. $$,000 for IM collfpc 1111'>"11- inV<slmcn&;; Sec 1toiJ paji 7. • ~-k.. _. -·--•_Pl_Lo_1 ___ _::1 ___ ...:T...:lltSdly=~·...:N;::°"';::::mbtr=._.::20:!., .:.l.:;:91$ ' ·Japanese Gi,,ing IJp •Nes,ie ~ C~mente Ge~Hike on },. l.O!'IOON (AP),, -A Japanese t1· pedltloa buntlnl Ibo Loch Ness monater ampended the chue today alter a two- month .....,h, Net mult ao fer: a pile ol banes and oome welnl no!MI. "We are very dlsappobtied,'1 a spoboman for Ibo II-man eipedltlon said. 0 But we shall be beck early next lprln( to try again." Tho eiped!U~ arrived In Britain Sept. 7 W!th the a1m of somehow driving the elusive "Nessie" to the surface wilh No Gasoline S·queeze Seen For Holiday Then! is no guoline shortage -at least not oo the Orange Coast where motorists will be able to buy all the gU>tlne they need to make their 'lbanbglvlng enjoyable. A random survey ol service staliCllS along the Orange Coast lndicat" about halt will remain open this ,'Ibursday. Sevtta:l ol the station managers con- tacted aaid they were closlnl, not became ol a !Uel shortage bat becauae the)' nnted to talce a bollday. 'lbo8e stations remaining open said Ibey bad adequate supplies, with the aceptioo. of lhe Standard Oil Company· _,ited llation at MacArthur Boulevud and Red Hill Avenue In Irvine. To con- .-vt supplies lhe station expects to quit pmnping at 4 p.m. Thursday. Elsewhere In califomia and Ibo nation 'Jbanksgiving traveler:s may find more service stations closed this year than they dld last year, but gas supplies _,, to be holding up .,.11. Kay Aldous, spokesman for the American Automobile Association, said today that apol checks showed no major guolinO !hortages,<altbough he reeeived reports tliat isolated service stations wre limiting sales. "The thing that should be emphasized ls that there will be no major in· convenience for hoUday travel," he said. "There are no problems of fuel at this time although, over lhe hoUdays, it is likely that a number of sta.Uons will be operating on schedules similar to what they've been doing on Sunday since Labor Day." Aldous besed his prediction about more Thanbgivlnc closini> on "a Pottern that we've watched for 13 week!.' Thia pattern, be aaid, shows an In- .,.... ID Ibo nuniber of stations doalng earlier ·1n the evening and on weekends and bolldaya, ~s they had done during ~ lbortage last summer. He said that driven in remote areas Bhwld keep their gas tanks at least ball full and 'cut back on night driving. From Pflfle 1 WAYNES •.• Hollywood dubbing a movie In Spanish. Neither of the Waynes was available for COllllllf11t today. '!be marriage Is his thin! and ber second. Wayne'• fint wife was Josepblne Saeoz, mother of his four grown children. Bis second wife was Esperanza Baur. Wayne and Pilar have three children Allam, 17, John Ethan, 11, and Mari,,sa, I. From Page 1 DOGS ... a man Identified only as Mr. Howanl, who kept them In a fenced·ln lot But police said the fence was partially torn down. Howud told pollC1! tbe dogs bad been fed dog food earlier In the ,day and should oot have been hungry. OIANM COAST IT DAILY PILOT n. °"""' C-t DAILY fiLOT, wlfil-wllldt ~ fMllllllM "'' ·Hewa-Preu, 11 pvbllilh«I 111'1' it. Or•nve ~hst Plltlllalllnt Compenr . ._.. ,.... tdltkln1 1t~l1Md. Mol'ld1y ltirO\IOll Jl'*Y, fOr Cotti ""''"· H-..rt lttcll, ....,,, • ..,, let<:ll/l'tollllttln \11lley, utuN a.di. lr¥1MI Sffdiw.rt end ~n ci.n-t1f ""' 11#11 ~i.lf'W. A 111>111 rttlOfllt ............... \ttunMV$ W<d illftlll'fl, Tiit ..,..., MAeflllll ~ t1 11 »0 Wnt .. , .It'"'-c..MI Mew. tellfllrnl1, n.:rt. a.Mr+ M. 'We14 . ,.,...... ... ,..,......, J ...... c.rlrt ... ,. ¥M',.,....,.. .......... MIMtw n..•• K...,U ·-n.1; .. A."' ....... --~ ..... H. ~ R!cheN .,, Nill ............... h lllM'I -Clllli ._, -T...:'J S!Pllt ............. u -"""""' .. ~1 111 ....... ,,,_ 11nn._..~,. •...,,.. llCIMN ... ~ 11115'111 r tn•• 641 ... u1 a ""M Mceltrk; .. 1.un ..... ~~ ................ 4n.Mlt ,,..-.......... C.., COCs•o .. o••-o ...... ~. ltPJ. Or..-C..r P•ll Pl I -~. ... ....... ....... .., .. .. ........ w.,,. •••""'"' .. ...... ........ 1 .............. ... ---~.....,, ........... ,..,.. ..... c..--. ~ I 1 -~.J'!.~~ ... lllMfWtl'I .. Nit an---1· fllllDWr' .............. --. ,. • mlnlattire submarines and photographing I~ lleportf of tbe monoter's perlodle ap- . pea..-'In the Scottish lake 1 hove halOed acltntlsta for yenra and unuaed skeptlcai uea residents for just as long. Dozens •of penons claim to have sighted the monster the past 40 years. Severa! photographs have been produced but have proved tantali zi ngly In· conclusive. A popuJar idea of the animal pictures it as a long-necked, small·hea-®4 reptile Tennis Any one? with a large hump on lb bad<. "The divers did beer cerialn queer '!be lie<:ond pi.... ol the Ja-IClWlda when they were down," the operation Will use a speclally bullt un-spoiiOlllWI said. "And then there were the boiel. II manned computer-operal<d capsule, the '!be obones were found ill Urquhart ~esman said. Thia devlC1!, being l>ullt Bay, p. Inlet midway alOlli the In Japan, will grope around Loch Nesa'a norih...,i bank of Ibo '5-mlle !Olli loch. murlty depths oendlng out elecl11Jnlc The ljlpkelllll&n said the bonea were bleeps bl a bid to locate the bewildering" • 1111identilted but myatorioua eftOU&h to behemoth. .. live the expedition gOod cauae to 1bri The expedition spokesman said the searching again. first phase ol the search cost 12SO,Olltl "We think the monster Is a giant' but Was not a waste ot Ume and money eel," the spokesman said. 0 There are altogether. lots of eels in Loch~ Ness, you know.11 , . c.llr PUii 1feff Plltle '!be Ja~ have decid!'I agalMt using ml e( aubm&rlnes In the nut stage ol e search becau»e scarcely anything can be seen In the deplhs. The eipedJUon was led by Tolcyo buslneWlllD Sbanshiku Yoshida. His team included four divers and an un· derwater cameraman. • Yoshida haa no doubts about the monster's exllltence. Earlier in the search he told newsmen: '"We believe in N~e 100 percent. Ever siDoe 1 was a small boy, Nessie has been the biggest thing In my tlfe." \ ' Boat With 7 Aboard Drifts Awng Coast A 25-foot cabin cruiser with seven people aboard drifted helpl essly along the Orange Coast Monday while the passengers triec,l v.·ithout success to get aid from passing boats. A spokesman. for the Orange County Harbor Department said the boat "Easy \Vay," overdue on a trip from the lslhmus at Catalina Island, was finally spotted by a U.S. Coast Guan! search. helicopter at 5 p.m. about three miles off the Santa Ana River jetty. According to the department spokesman, the boat piloted by Guy Fairon, 35. of lOOt Catalina St., Seal Bead!, left the Isthmus at about I a.m. By a a.m. 8be was inside the entrance to Anaheim Bay . But the craft wu out of gas and Falrm, his three children and three teenagers drifted back out to sea and 13 miles downc<>ast. According to ooe account , the boat's occupanls used flares and hand lllgnals to try to attract attention frcm passing boats without success. Bobby John may not be ready for tournament play, but the two-year·old chimp from Rockledge, Fla.1 looks as if he knows his way around a tennis court, complete with ugly look to psych out his oppo- nents. 'lbe boat ws reported overdue to the Coast Guard at 11 a.m. The Harbor Department was called in to tow the disabled boat because the Coast Guard cutter, Point Divide, which lll stationed at Newport Beach, was on duty off San Diego. Horse Stopped For Speeding SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Trame police here enforce the speed laws - even against horses. Motorcycle offi~r George Galbraith spotted a yooth on a hor>e gall<lJlng down the street Monday. He 11ald he pursued the horseman f&r five blocks and clocked him at almost 25 miles per hour. "I didn't wapt to get too close because 1 might have gotten kicked,'' he said. FORD ••• vibo \\'rote a book mentioning Ford; Dr. Arnold Hulchnecker, a New York psycholherapist, whom Ford says be met but not as a patient, and Mrs. Alice Weston Showalter, who has denied an allegation that she accepted $1,000 from Winter-Berger to introduce h1m to Fon!. The House group Monday beard these witnesses: -Rep. Michael Hanington ([).Mass.), sald that In 25 years In the Houae Ford has shown · "an absence of leadership." Hanington added, "I don't think we'll ever see it from him." -!lep. Edward P. Boland CO.Mass.), supporting Ford, said:· "His style, his rhetoric are not those of a Kennedy. He 5e1:ys what he thinks. He also gets lhings done. He could be the kind of · president that Harry Truman became." -Jbseph L. Rauh, vice chajrman of Americans ·for Deniocratlc A c t i o n , challenged Ford'_s· voting record on civil rights and the extent of his experience in foreign affairs: FrotitPAffel MISSINp •.• At the time, there was a cover or eight fnclJes ol fresh powder snow atop an eight-foot llllOWp&ck at the Shasta Ski Bowl at about the same 'elevation on the mountain. The climbers' gear included Jong string3 of. nylon ·avalanche cord -a vaJuable aid in locating someone burled in snow -but the· survivors said they had decided there was no need to tie them on at the time. Anderson said an aValanche victim has a 00-50 clijmce of survival after half an hour under the snow. The chances decrease rapidly after that, he said. .. Front PAffe 1 PRESSURE .•. Alan M. Voorhees of San Diego prepared the study. "It is of vital Importance to the entire conunwllty ,'' SteveylS said. "We want to make sure the Community ls presented with all Ibo facts." Milum, In a.ii' interview after' the chamber directors oonlirmed hb ap- poimmen~ tried to downplay Ibo CM· troversy that Is rising arooinct U. "I'm reluctant to dlacuaa ll!IY ooofllcts. I thlnlc the report overall Is a good one and don't want to damage it," Milum aaid. · However, Milum did agree with· the three other ciUzen committee memben that the final tralllc study did oaotain some ~DP "I dldn' eapect them to come out with at thia time." Milum -be believes Ibo report "la·cmly a tool for US to -In developing soluUona to OtD" traffic problems." He indicated the critical concern of the chamber is the absence of a recom· mendation for a Coast Highway bypass around downtown Corona del Mar. CltY; Manager Robert L. Wynn ~ .. oonllnned that the re<OlllJllendatlon for the bypass was erased after the con-, sultant met with top-level city officials. Now the consultant is recommending ellniinaUon of street parking in Corona del Mar as a way to relieve congestion, although the study says that East Coast Highway would still be overloaded by as much as 18,000 cars a day. . SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN'T HAD A' CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S, • In Funds .~::-~ ,·ii . By JOHN V ALTEllZA ~ij. Of .... Dflllr , .... '''" The fourth and lar&est aMual federal ' gr.nt thus far for police protacUcn of , President Nixon Is oo Its way today J to the city of San Clemetjte. The aMual awn -thlt year ~ to '189 ,207 -markl the fourth yur in a row that the U.S. Law Enforoemmt Assistance Administration haa a,..med the eitra ""1s for sO<Urlty relltod ID the Western Wh ite House. · 1 And city aides today uplalned that , the increase of more than ~.ooo ewer last year's sum comu from IOfDt MW ; provisions in the program. 1 Besides using new rules, the city also chose this year to request money which always had been allowed, but never sought by San Clemente. ) The federal government began U'9: pro- gram soon after Nixon eatablilbed the Western White House in the coutal city, with chunks ,of about fUXl,000 .a year coming in regularly. 'Ibe money paid for the salary and. training of the ten orncen added specifically to beef up security. 1bls year, said city Grant Coordinator Rolland Mauon, the city wW receive funds for some vehicles 11 well a the fringe henelils of the 10 per10llDll. A IO.percent admlniltraUvM...mead charge also wu paid by the government. Ironically, while the !undo !Illa y-. ••ere the highest paid to San Clemente, the number ol Presidential vlilli thul far to the Orange Coast bu been lllm. compared to the earlier years ol tbe Western White Houst. President Nixon -who 1vtta1e1 a half-dozen or more trips a year - only bas vialted San Clemente lhrM times. But at least one of ~ visits, police admit, created more wmk for 1eCUrlty officials thtn any other. Soviet Communist Pally Stc:relary Leonid Br'21mev'1 oUtclal atat. •latl to La Casa Paclllca drew .._led demqnstratlonl outside the compound. The aeeurity establlmm In Siii Clemente on that occaaloo wu tht tighlest In the blatory of the operation. "Each year It teemS to COit ua more to . provide the utra people required for the security of the Pnoldeal, and we decided this time to add the new requests," MalSOll explained. · Since the program began, pmakM and salaries have lncreued the clty'1 costs for the entire 4knemblt pallet force, be added. "'n»e purpose " MlllDD mid. "ii ti lmpnwe our j,OlicO forco aad to leani ted:mlqum.,tbat we would Dll «II wlw be prepued to engage In for, tht ..,.. tectim of the Preaadent." Panelists Ask Rebozo Pro"be WASHINGTON (UPI)·-- Watergate committee 111!1 members said today tllof -1d recommend that Pl-Nlll!ll'I close friend Charles G. ''Blllil" Rebozo be called to teltlly Ill pillille bearlnga. "We're r"""1Ullelldl be ho eall- ed, and .,. think they'll .. alomC.. said a committee ltafl member, who aaked not to be tdmtUled. Rebozo haa been ubd aboal •100,000 be admlta be .-en Nilon's behall from Howard Hugbea. Rebozo baa told tht oom. mlttee be kept the moaey Ill a safe deposit boi for tbrel yeara, then returned It. The 17-year~ld youth was cited under an obscure section of the city code prohibiting riding a horse "at a pa·ce faster than a walk upon a pavement • or crossing." He will appear before j u v ,en i I e authorities lot a hearing on the "speeding ticket." -Clarence-M. Mitchell, director of the Washington bureau of the National Association· for the Ad vancement of Colored People, said the NAACP does not have a position for ·or against Ford but that his voting record "shows . uUit he has a restricted approach to civil rights ." IN OUR SIXTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE C AR P ET ED THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN COSTA MESA, NEWPORT B~ACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND HUNTINGTON BEACH. ONE . dALDEN'S • •Nixo n Knew· All~ " Martha Mitchell Tells Meetings By HELEN THOMAS WAS!llNGTON (UPI) -Martha Mitchell said today that Prest· dent Nixon "knew everything that was going on" In his re-election campaign, before and after tbe Watergate break·in and bugging. • NEIGHBOR TELLS ANbTHER'°lJN T I ("we HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME 00N A BLOCK. THE FORMULA IS SIMPLE-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMElt HAPPY. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPETED HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, BRING HEil IN WITH YOU .) CARPOS .• 'DRAW,$ • ., • • • -• She said that Nixon and her husband, former Attorney General John N. Mitchell, went out on the presidenUal yacht ~quoia "eveiy night and discussed !he campaign from beginning to end. "There wasn't anything !hat Nixon didn't know," she Jald in a telephone interview. "This la !he tru\h." · ' Nixon has asserted publicly on~oeveral oc:cuions lhat.Jils re- ~ection campaign wu \he "first campaign I didn't run" and that ovenealous but well-inten\ioned" supporters on . \he Committee to Re-elect the Presi dent may have been n!SpOnsil>leJor the Watergate 1663 Plafietla A••· ~~~~~~......!C~OST~A_Ml.~IA.,_~~~ ..... I~ developments. · HOURS• Mee. Tin non.. t te l1JO • 646 ;4831 -NI., t te t -SAT. t:JI te I .. .. .. . 'T An too ~ usag "W ! p ' 0 J ·be .coa Ro ol F ' < I iltl Oil ' --" ;l ·• :, :1 :1 ., :, :, . ,i :t •• :, :1 :a :. .. :e :. .-:• ' •• ·• :. ;I =~ ~ I • • 'i t ., I :C ; ·• :z ... • 'Too Eorl11' Edison Studies Voluntary Cuts An ollldal of the SOuthem Calllomia Edioon Company said loday ii Is still too early to tell whether there has been a slsniflcanl culback in energy usage. "We're just now getting out the in· formation about how t-0 cut down on energy usage," e~plained Bob Burbank, H1"1tlngton Beach District Manager. "Wlthiil 15 or 30 days we should know bow the campaign ts doing." President Nixon's plea to conaerve energy bu probably nol brought about any reduction, according to the E:dioon Company official. Howeru, the eleclric -Y Is now ISsuing a booklet detall- 111( -4'.aysjo cOru!erve energy. • ros-< with the Presldenl's request, . and the Information from Edison c.om- panyj reducUons are anticipated in the coming montbo, officials predict. The caJifomia Public Utilities Com· mlooion, on Nov. 13, called for voluntiry cutbacb In electric energy use, seeking I 10 peroent reductlon. . The Boord Chairman of Edi!on, Jack Hortm, bu asked the 7.5 million people in SCE's &el'Vice area, to comply with the PUC request. , The Edlslon Company Itself has cut baclt llB use of eleclriclly by 14 percent, according to Horton. Caspers to Lead Panel Discussion . On Dana Point Fifth District Supervisor R o n a l d . CUJ>ers will lead a panel discussion tonight on growth isslies facing Dana •Point in a specia1 meeting called by . the community's chamber·of commerct. • 11'le discussion is public. Joining Caspers in the session will be San Clemente City Councilman and coastal commissioner Arthur Holmes: Robert Thatcher, a member of the board o/ the United Orange Coast Com- :muniUes; E. Stan Weissburg,, chamber : cftrec!tOr. and San C I e m e n t e en· vtronmentallst Mrs. Lyn Hirris Hicks. The event begins at 7:30 in the Dana ·Hills High School Little Theater. Besides ·members of the Dana Point chamber, counterparts from Capistrano Beach and other communities also are expected to attend. Questions from the floor will be ftlCi5iiie at tM conclusion of ·the panel ~. A 100r· of the camp113 · also will be offered. · · Officials H el.d For Pornography TOKYO (AP) -Police have arrested. 51 officials of a town west or here on charges of showing pornographic films, photographs and magazines while 1 on duty and at home. AJtogetber, about one-fourth or -all the . officials working in Kokubunji's City : Hall were charged. Their arrests were part of a drive by Soclallsl Mayor Nobuo ~Sbiofa to 11clean up the city." , Among lhoae charged were the deputy (chairman of the Board or Education 1 and lwo high oflldals. The mayor has 1 promised to fire the three and reduce 1 the salary and rank of lhe others . The booklet by Edi-, c a 11 e d 11Conlervatloo. ot E 1 e c t r l c t y is Everybody's _ .. , Is distributed free,' and ofie.n ·10 suuesUona Oil reduc- ing energy usage. Include<! among tjie suggestions are turning of! urmecesaary lighlo, turning down thermoota~ on space conditioning equipment, drawing drapes to avoid heat transfer thnlugb window glass, and . weather, stripping to cul down on drafts. The booklet Is available by writing to Conservation, Edlaon, P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, Calli. 91770. .• l . Outraged Fan 'Strikes Up' R.ice's Band HOUSTON (UPI) -The firs! tradition to go aL Texas A&M was compulsory ROTC, one of the programs that earned the school the .name "the West Point of the Southwest." Then came coeds. But there's .still one thing sacred at the university -the marching band with its Anny uniforms, .its' precision marching and Reveille. the spunky little dog that fWlS around the fiinges of the band supposedly so no one can penetrate its ranks. ·So when the Rice University marching band, a mostley looking oolfil that Is rapidly becoming a social outcast hereabout, went out OI\ the football field Saturday at the halftime of the Rice-Tex- as A&M football game and deliberalely made fun of the Aggie band . . • well, them 's Ugh ting words, pardner. It wasn't so bad that the Rice band goosestepped onto the field wearing slop- py bats and playing versio{ls· of tradi· tional Aggie anthems out of the Spike Jones songbook, but when the band decided to pay a tribute to Reveille and the band members formed a fll'e hydrant it was the straw that broke the Aggies' back. 1 One uniformed Aggie was so incensed he ran onto the field and belted a member of the Rice band. And between 300 and 500 A&M students lingertd near the dressing rooms for two bQurs while police guarded the Rice band. Rice band director Bert Roth and drum major Bob HOrd sent a · letter o( apoloiY Moriday-to T9in Haney, direc- tor of the Texas A&M band. "We certainly did not Intend any of- fense-to Aggie traditions Saturday," they said. ''But if our presentation was of· fensive to anyone, we wish to extend our sincere apology. The students at Rice .have a great respect for tHe ideals, the reputation and the traditions of the students of Teus A&M University, and treasure our years of competitive athletic rivalry." Parodies of opponents' bamls ls rapidly becoming a tradition at Rice. . Texas is a favorite target. 1be Texas band has more members than any other in the area. This year the Rice band recruited L~ persons to act as fillers with dummy lMtruments for its Texas parody. They also carried mops mocking the Texas flag brigade, and formed in the shape. of a Chrysler automobile because Texas coach Darrell Royal makes television .... advertisements for Chrysler. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ < I . ' Tlltld.,, N-20, 1973 s DAILY PILOT 3 LAKE FOREST, DUCK PROJICT HAS TU!INED INTO POCKETSIZE WILDLIFE REFUGE P1fd ng ~rood .HH Been Joinod by Mallards incl Mvdhon1 Who F-ko Cold North Drivers Crack Heculs in Fog BRESCIA, Italy (AP) . Gaetano Regoli ;l drove slowly tbroog)l thick fog,,jeaning b;; llead out of the car· wiftdow for a closer look ·at the road. Aristide Goffi also craned his bead out sidewise, driving from tile 'll'!'°'1te direclion in a narrow country; road . When the cars ~. there was literally a head-on collisiC!fl, the drivers told police. Regoli and Gof~ were admitted to a hospital with head injuries. Doctors said they would recover in a week. It's Not Doeky Lake Forest Beset by W~l.d Bird,s 'ey JAN WORTH Of ftle DWIJ "'"' st.ti The fat-boltomed, ·web-footed, orange- billed, qua~king waddlers around the Village Pond in Lake Forest oever fail to amuse the people. Bui for nelgbbl.n of the lhree-quarter- acre pond and park on Ridge Route Drive, 'Nhich seems to be the ducks' favorite local haunt, the ,birds are a mixed bag of pleasure and pain. Bob Figuera, director of the Lake Forest Community Association , estimates there are 150 dud<s aroond the~ acre pond. Originally, the asaociation stocked the litUe pond and park with the large while Peking ducks that slill dominate the scene -at lea.st in size. But soon the Peking ducks were joined by a friendly assortmenl of wild mallards. The mallanls w.,. joined by tbe IMS\ plentlful species of all -coots or mudhens, which Dock by the hundreds to the litUe lot in winter. "We'll have maybe 500 coots by the first of the year,'' Figuera said :with a sigh. "They always cortte, year after year, a.s soon as it starts to get cold up north." A!! enjoyable as tile ducks are to neighboa-children, who feed them r,egularly, the quackers have presented some problems. In the nesting season, Ibey nest In baclt yards, docks m nearby Lake Forest, and wberever else they fancy. "They drive people crazy,'' Figuera admitted. San Cleme11teans to Host Duck egg colleclori< have a lleyday after the first of the year, wll'll the nesting begins. "It's hard to keep track of how m:my ducks we actually bave,11 Figuera said. .. • .. • 4 , 0~te( every <llr:~ and ~ !';Qter, Marines for -. . . . : 4 ~ f ": r .. ~ ..... ~ "'tM' tittle . dUCks ~ds ~t '1or Th _.:..._ 'l _sgi· vm" g presents grow up, we suddenly have ailK a bunch of new ones." · • . . . He said a sign will he put up soon · to stress that the pond is private and An estimated 500 men and women in the Marine Corps are planning to have 'nlanlulgiving .dinner at "home" 'Ibursday in a traditional activity sponsortd by San Clemente's Interfaith Serviceman's Center. The center's Operation 'Ibanksgiving, where volunteers olftr a spot at the dinner table to a ~ away from borne, will take place .. r1y in the holiday as busloads of Marines arrive at the facility. There, according to a prearranged schedule, vo1unteen will pick up their guests, drive them ~me for dinner, and return with them in .the evening. number of Marines. Spokesmen for the activity said that interest by families is keen once again. For servicemen. not planning to take a trip to a home, the. center will offer ils traditional '!banksglving table for drop-ins. An appeal weni out early this week for1 vohmteers to olfer food for that activity. Besides food, -plates and p111S!ic utensils also are needed, said center directur . Bill Hom. Vo11111teers can ar- range for dmations by calling the center at 492-1814. to be used by Lake . Forest residents only. When the ducks overpopulate , representatives of the community association gather some up and deliver them to the Los Alisos Water District. 'Ibe ducks are recycled to live on water district reclamaUm ponds. Figuera said feeding has never been a problem. The respoooibllity rests with a vohmteer neighbor -James Holden of 23216 Respil Road. He is paid by ·the ~a lion for the good grain feed he provides for the birds. "Yoo could feed a ®cit .eight hours a day and he'd still .eat," Fi~era said. ''Those ducks eat ev~." Texas Pair ~Followed' ' By Sa_ucer -• • ROSEBUD, Tex. (UPI) -Faye Seele and Faye Hileman tbougbt the btighL objecl shining in the darlrness of the 9entral Texas sky was a star. The11 It started following them. "It was so quick, 1 didn't see ft move," Mrs. Seeley said Monday. "It was on the left side oI the car one second and on the 'rig.bt··side the next." The ~omen were returning to theit homes 1n Rosebud with their children Sunday night from Buffalo, Tex., where they lert their husbands deer bunting. They saw the triangular shaped objec" aboot 8:15 p.m. and thought it was a. st.; lirat ·alternately brightened and dimmed. Then it began to pace their car. · "It came down to about two car Jenatm"' ?rt the grolmd and just sat fue.re 1ike it was daring us to come closer " Mrs Seeley said . • · · ~rs. Seeley, who was driving the car, said she turned the car around and sped off in the opposite direction. . . "It rose back into the air a liltle dist'IOce and began ·to follow " Mrs Hil~man s~d. "It came quickly for ' while as 1! trying to catch up. But \\'hen we saw the lights of a car up ahead it just slowed ·and followed. "When we caught up with the otbel; car, the light from tile object dlmmeq and it went stralgbt ·up into the air and out of sight." Mrs. Seeley took the Jong way home and 11 wasn't tmtil late SUnday night the sighting was reported to Justl<e of the Peace Joe Kilgore who · called the highway Patrol. ' . A highway patrolman and a policeman said the women and the children musj have seen somethhig "because they ,..... so upset." Thieves Steal Police 'Stash' Of Marijuana ' COQUILLE, Ore. (UPI) -Coqum~ police repo11ed that someone bad stolen 900 pounds of manjuana trOm the department's locker, loc&ted about lhri.e- f9urtbs of a 'mile ·fnim the JlOlke 111attoG a~ an _old ~ ~ty shop. ' . · A spokesman"ftir the deporu;,.,,j said Monday entrance lo tbe building, was made through a fence. One door to tile boilding had been loclted,. the - secured by an eight-inch bent nail. Police said the marijuana, worth about $15,000 on the street, was noticed missing Monday morning. It had been confiscated about three weeks ago by police after a hunt~ found it growing in a two.acre .field near here. Two suspecls had been arrested In the case and -. awaiting trial, police said. Three bales, wrapped In chicken w!!'e and weighing about 300 pounds -. nusslng, police said, while two others , were left behind. The spokesman said tlley had no suspects In the theft. Last year, the first time in years, the supply <i dinners exceeded the Action Started WHEN YOU'RE . By Stockholder In Restaurant A major stockholdet In the Monarch Bay Restaurant Corp. Is seeking COllrt action that will force two offlcen of the company to produce the t1tm's books for examination. Bernard~ Gordon names the corporation and officen William Peters, 3208 Pacific Coast Highway, Laguna Niguel, and Fred )lowser, 30808 S. Cassi Highway, South Laguna, as CXH!efendanls In his Orange County Superior Court actiOn. , Gordon, who states he owns more than 22 percent of the company's holdings, claims that excessive com~ pensation bu been paid to management personnel and employes. Gordon fllrther. alleges that the com- pany's books have not been satisfactorily audited and that many rec:Ords have .s~ .... _. ..,, _, >r:;" .. ' PiUJt' s Uoggie Really a 'She' ' In case ·you wondeftd •why Daisey the Dog or the Week In Saturday's newspoper ....., 1iamed ill<e a gtrl dog 1-ad of a boy doe. the l'eUOn Is that be is Indeed a she. • Jackie Bocknlluer · of 124 33rd St, Newport Beach, raced to the Huntington ..l!eadt Hmnane Sol:lety and claimed Dllloey before -ellO could. • NAWAYFROM A GO· FORESTERING Rirestering.is en joying our premium whisky for all the right reasons. Taste. Drinking is one Jhing. F-arestering is something ;Jse. $599 Filth .. . . • ·I -l--=i!ilt!._hld ...,. the fetching pooch's cturo 1illhel!illYl'!IOi 1nifgoi 11\tte first, reporting a check lattr •bowed about Hiii penons lhowed up too late. :iPedfdlng .Alonfl. .• WillWn Wilcox, Pennaylvania's: secretary of community affain, bas • ·~n named fuel allocatlon'officer for the state -and he rracUc.S what he preaches, riding his bicycle to work, ·a distance of 0 miles. ! ,I ~ She also dlacovered that Dalley is Indeed a she and .tbougllt we sbould know tbal the dog 'is lletlinl lots of affection. Kentucky Stroigh1 Bourbon Whisky. 86 or 100 Proof. Brown·Forn:on Dist1U1nCorp. louisville. ky. 0 1973. • ••• \- A Cool Yule Without Fuel FUELING THE FIRES: So you figure you bave It tough facing the current fuel crisis! Maybe ao. But consider West German folks for a moment. One of our ataff members who ha3 lrttematlonal connections was talking via • lelepllone jult yestenlay lo a friend over there. In West Gennany today, ga90llne Is going for a mere $2.40 per gallon. Diesel fuel, on the otb« hand, Is hlglier -~t 14 per gallon. Mayhe It just goes lo prove that no matter how awful you think conditions are, they can always get worse. HEU WE ARE, approaching the won· ders of the Yuletide &ea90ll. People an! ~ about how they won't put strings of llghts on their bouaes or maybe ~even light a Christmas tree. 00.ens are tuminl down the -and } ~ the nm. Ea>nomy is the 1 l>yword. We may find iradltl..W Yuletide 1 IOles an revers~ this year. ! For the first time in history, when j ... y tell the story of atlngy old EbeneZer t Sorooge this -he'll (lQIDO out -- 1 ing Hke a modem folk hero. t I ' I 1 1 AU. OF US have been pretty consciou.1 I of the fuel situation lately. Around my l ~lace, I've been Jooking at all the ap- 1 pliances with heady eyes. Every um. ' the refrigerator turns on, I ttck tt. I r.. cut myself sevm tinMls In the 1 jast foor daya whilst shaving by 1 40- , JVatl bulb. : ' Maybe it's not proper to blame a11 : tho cuts oo ·low candl<power. Maybe . I'm just shaking too much with the ' I f82IOt because I baven1 turned on any· 1 tleat 1n the place. · Clearly, 11 we approach the Yuletide, 1 the shortages in everything appear like . they are going to strike saints and Sinners alike. ' W AllNINGS ARE BEING Issued that you may not be able to purchase any alcobollc spirits this season, for example. And H you can, the bottles may come plain rather than In the fancy seasonal wrappings. On the other bsnd, serious questlona were raised just yesterday on bow the faithful are going lo get lo their churches. The government i! talking about a ban on Sunday driving. It might be possible that the various oongregaUOos could team up and ride buses to services. But then we got Che word tho! the Orange QJunty Rapid Transit District might nm short on fuel. 1bey've got you coming or going. lt's enough to drive the faithful to drink -if they could find a drink. WHY, ONLY LAST Sunday, one Q>sta Mesa church actually experimented with using an elephant for transportation. He created a conslderable stir but somehow, You have tbe sneaking suspl- cm !hat etepllallt -just m' going to catch on. · Ever figure bow much it might cost to heat a barn for an elephant? Thus we look toward Thanksgiving this Thuroday and the traditiooal start of our holiday season. Please remember to turn on the stove long enough to thaw out the lurker. No overcooking, now. ' Studying the Maps • ' Israel C.abinet Mulls Prewar Boundaries BJ UDUed !'NI Iaternotloe•I chlel of stall, LI. Gen. David Elazar, The IJreell cabinet met In emergObcy Both camed big maps. sesaioo Ill Jerusalem loday to dllcuaa wljat o government aour<e delcrtbod THE REASON for the urgency of u d.Ucate negotlatiolll with EoPt over tbe meeting wu not known, but Caln> a proposal for both their onnlel to reports said Egyptian olllclals wm withdraw lo their pr<war pOl!Uom aJona awaiting the outoom.• of unspecified the Suez canal. "International action': aimed at bringing Maj. Gen. Aharon Ylriv, Prime preauro on larael lo withdraw lo the Mlnllter Golda Meir's 1pedll adviser Oct. Z2 .,..,..r.,,, lines. and chief negotiator for llrael, walked New difficulties arose over Israeli· con.- into the 111eeting with the anned foittfl 1trucUon of. a cauSeway across the Suez ~~'----~'----'-----'---'-''----'----- UPIT ....... SGT. EDWARD KLEIZO (LEFTJ PASSES BABY TO PRESIDENT NIXON 'I'll Novar WHh My Face Again' Ho Said Alter Light Slap Press ·slapped~ White House Criticizes Coverage KEY BISCAYNE, Fla: (UPI) -The White House cri ticized some members of the press corps Monday for trying to create a "slapping incident" out ol an apparently friendly gesture by Preli· dent Nixon toward an Air Force aergeant. ''THE WIIlTE House feels compelled to condemn this unethical and un- professional reporting," the While House said in a statement released . at the President's vacation retreat. The Incident OCCUl'l'ed Saturday night at Orlando after Nixon had held an DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtllvery of tilt Dally Piiot ls 9L1arantttd ,,._..,.,rWn-1 II nu ft 11111 111 ... ~ ,.,., •t l:JI p.m., t•U •Ml r•11• ,..,, will ... .,..,..., hi '"· (1111 •• , '"'•• 1111111 1:• ""'· hour-long news conlen!nce In Disney World. M. Sgt. Edward S. Kleizo, 50, New York City, was among about 100 well-wishers greeting the President. Kleizo, standing with bis aon, chatted briefiy with Nllton, joking aboot tbe boy, and when the president turned lo walk away, he put bis band lo Klel1.o'1 face. The sergeant told joonlallsU Saturday night that "the P"'5ideot slapped me," but he said Monday "II waa more like a pat ori the back that you give a friend." He aUl be was certain Nixon wasn 't angry. THE INCIDENT was witneoaed by two newsmen, acting u a "pool" for other reporters, and the White House was particularly critical or the stories filed by James Deakin of the St. Loois Post-Dispatch and Fred Zimmennan of the Wall Street Journal from the pool account. Canal and dlplomatle _... In Caln> aald EiYP1 had uked the United Nations for a detailed report aboot the bridge which Cairo comlden a oerloul b"'8ch ol the ~ ltablllzatioo agn!tment. The llOU!<eO aald Egyptian Fottlgn Undmecretary MUlll!a Lutfl made the request Monday lo Maj. Gen. Enllo Sliluwo, commander ol tbe U.N. Emergmcy Forat {UNEF) dllployed ... the Egyptian and laraell fn>nt Ones. Slllasvuo promlled an lnvesUgatlon, they said. · CEASE-nRE line neaotialon for Israel and Egypt were cltadlocked on the 1asue of a troop dlsenlagement after their fifth meeting Monday. An llraeli govermnmt source said Yarlv would report to the cabinet on bis talks with Egyptian Maj. Gen. Mohammed · Gemassy and bis efforts to end the stalemate. Another meeting between the two generals was set for Thursday. He said the negotiatiDnl centering on Ji.1rs. ~1eir's proposal for a mutual withdrawal to prewar sides of the canal with a U.N. wedge between the troops was more Important than any of the other five points in the six-point cease- fire ·agreement Skylab Crew Repairs .Home Cooling Unit HOUSTON (UPI) -The Skylab 3 astronauts have put a fresh supply of fluid iOO> their oitlting WOttsllOp'S In• dispensable equipntent cooling system. -The all-rookie crew, Gerald P. Can' of Santa Ana, Edward G. Giboon, formerly ol San Clemente, and William R. Pogue, worked almost in silence all day Monday transferring baggal!' brought with them Into the eight-room ship that may be their home for the next three mooths. CARR AND POGUE rode a stalionaey bicycle today lo teat oow well they're adaptq lo zero gravity. They abo lsy in an iron lung-like device lhat monitors the heart for laziness. Glboon will undergo those same tests Wednesday so all thn!e will have been checked before their . TbanDgiv!ng Day walk In '""""· Pogue took several hours Moriday atternoon lo attach a special valve lo the lab's primary cooling loop that operates like a car radiator lo keep electronic equipment from overhealq. The space pilots ran Into snap ao he was testing tbe valve and a gauge showed the device was leaking. Further checks revealed the "leak check" mechanism was the culprit and tbe valve ltaell was working ~y. Withoot the cooling system, do<ens of pieces of electronic equipment would he renda...t uaelesa and tbe astronauts would likely bsve bad lo come home. ,,,,,._,., tMI s.-.y: If """' IN 1'111 rtUIW .,._, <ollY lty t 1.m. S1111rd1y, If" I '·'"· 511•••hr, t •ll •nll • <•PY wlN .. •'"'111 " JH . (Ills trl lllcltl 1111111 If l .ITI. Ttltpllones Miii Orl~t (911111, AAll •.... , . '41..utl N.,lllwul H""llfltl111 ltlt~ 11141 W1Umi1ultr . . • . . . • ..• i.1m The White House oaid the stories Im· plied the slap was given In anger. "1be White House press office expects, out of courtesy and decency, that the papers which printed misleading llories on this matter print clarifying reports · to correct the false impressions." THE PRIMARY coolant loop serviced Monday still has a leak in it which the second Skylab crew looked for but couldn't find. Flight officials plan in the next two weeks to have the · astronauts do a similar servicing job on a backup loop, which lw a smaller leak. Flight Director Neil Hutchimon said Monday the crew completed preparations lo slart experiment """' Sunday ... solar observaUon, watching comet KdJoutelt end ~ .-nus photo- I•• c11 ...... 1a, C•plllr11111 llilC~. S.• J111• Ctplllr-, DI ... P•lftt, S..111 Lal•M, L. .... Nltvtl •..• ~ Kleiro, a veteran of 22 yea.rs in the Air Force, including a stint in Vietnam, said be considers Nixon "one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. graphy. . Rain, Snow • Ill Midwest Belore that, lie said, they'll bave lo gel U1rou&h a I ll-hour epecenlk Tbuz> day, which may well eclipse the record of the Skylab 2 crew. The a'eWlll<t1 have lo chanl!' film In the solar Qboe<valory lnltnllneots and perfonn a munber of npelr !asks, Including a three-hour job on ooe of the earth aenslng devices. Colil Wave Warnings Po~ted for Areas ,/ . in Oklahoma Teen MUrderer Gets Jail Term, Judge ·Decides .. UPIT ...... Slain Teen-agers Four Sioux Falls, S.D. youths found shotgunned to death In a park were identified Monday as (clockwi"' from upper left) brothers Dana Badde, 14; Stewart Badde, 18; Michael Hadralh, 15 and Roger Essen, 17. Police In Sioux Falls are seeking three still unidentified men. Twi.sters Rip Oklalwma Cities Apart; 5 Kilwd BLANCHARD. Okla _ (UPI) Tornadoes swept out of rain and bail storms In Oklahoma Monday night, kill- ing at least five persons, inju~ 61) mere and causing an estimated $6 million property damage lo numerous towns and cities. The most dOl!ructioo was located at Tonkawa, Okla., a northern Oklahoma town near the Kansas border. The deaths and most o! tbe Injuries occurred In· the lllburban areas of Oklahoma's beavi· ly populated midsection. TWO PERSONS, a mother and her 3-woek-old child, were killed In Bl..,. chanl, about to mlles sooth of Oklahoma Clly. Three other persons , Including two 4-montl><>ld children, died in neori>y Moore, Oila. Ray Saunders, 77, a oecurity guard II Ibo ~ Ol<mty W3n!IJouse In Moore, was crushed wider a concrete piling when the twister toppled the warehouse ws1Js. One of the children, Robbie Maynard was found ht a mud puddle by a highwaf patrolman as rescue workers cleaned up the Royal Park Mobile Park, one ol. the worst devastated area,, in ~. The other child, Identified as Jennil'<r Moore, was fo\Dld under an ovtrtumed mobile home. Forly-fi.ve of the Injured -., In Moore. ~ were treeted for aa ond broken bones and released lrom the area's three hospitals. AN<m!ER II mobile -..... destroyed by the tornado , undenbsifl Bob Lamb said loday. "Just about everything waa doltroya! there,'' he sakf. Fifty National Guardamm wwe aoDed In lo protect damaged .,,,.. lrom looting, which Lamb said bad begun within an hour afta' the storm. A "-'ODWl and her child were killed In Blanchard when, aooordlrlg lo a spokesman, "1be tornado biew away about one.third of the town." They were identified as Linda mn and her -David. Ftve of the Injuries """' ..,,...ted at Blanchard, mostly from Oyintl debrll. The funnel that !lnlclt -d knocked out all ·electrical pGlm' In Iha town. A lraller park received tht bnlnt of the damage by the Moon Ulmldo. "WE WmE watching televia Ind all of. sudden the.ho ... started l1lalt!nc ~~ "':13'.! ~:••7- BetweEll 15 and 20 trailers -.. damaged. ·_ Charges Rebuked Eco-sticke1· Price Howl Makes Snoopy Underdog W ASHING')'ON (UPI) -"Snoopy" Is In the doghouae, at least as fsr as ,Rep. Les Alpln (!>Wis.), II concerned. Alpln charged Monday thst the White -Is pushing ove!'Priced energy suckers featuring a picture of the famou1 "Peanuta" comlc ltrip dog. TBll PICl'URE, allowing the flop.eared beagle reclining on the lop of hll lbode, 11u been adopted u 111• o1ncta1 .y,;;bo, of tbe Nllm ~'• campaign loconoervefuel. plan lo give the stlckm lo their customers. "Had Congressmen Aspln takm the time lo cont.set OW' olfico before 1-g his prw r<leaae, I would have gladly Informed hi m of the ~ · here," Mn. Knauer aaid. Lui week, Aspln aald, ...,,,,,..1ona1 offieo1 received a Whit• Houle letter .lro!n Vir1JD!a ·IL Knauer, prsld~tlal ...... 1.Wat, aaennc iDIOmiatron .., oow lo Older the atickm fn>m Doi MamUcturlna Co. In Kanaas City' Kan. SHE SAID 0 Peanuta" c 1 r too n l 1 t Oiarleo Shult! donated ,.. ol lhe picture u a public servlco and thst '1hltod Fes-Syndlcole, the <!ilpyrl&bl bolder gave tbe ..,...,....t a free Ucenae bui 1Upulated that, In on1er lo ma1n1a1n Cft· ooly prtnte11 whom tt apprOfod print the decala. ' I The letter quoted the price for the decall • 14'1.'12 per -nd for 10,0l\tl; , .. wtth larpr onlen, Alpln aald. . . ---""' St:ar's Mate • Admits Guilt - bll Butolll~ ....... cmi~ :.:.\,=.i,~ A. N~~J:/i.~':!s-or~ four-Inch aticftrl can he booebt In the Barbara McNalr, ploaded 1111111 ,. WuhlnllOO. D.C., .,,,. for an average Mooclay lo a chars• of attamptlna of NO per tbowand oo purcbaaea o1 lo -opproxlmately 11 .,..,. 10,000. of heroin. "IT'S IW> enou8h that the White M-. 315, and his ~· Houoe ihould ha OUI Ole"'•• for private arrated Oct. IS, 1971, at a p l -.. Clubl*'·-· fol: b11stn•e1/' he Aki in a st.atement, 1 peckaae delivered '° her It ~ "But It'• utterly lnexc:uaihle Iha~ the holol. Her r.-.i -.,jjjdl AdmlnlltraU...'1 ......,... .apen.attollkl--l- be reajiOiiiltile fuo 1Jlllhllll OVO!'Prlced ~ov:u~gl~it-=.a-• goods .., tbe American public." The charge against Mill McNal\l Mrs. Knauer, in' a statement l!lucd was dismissed Ju! April IS. Tbtl through her offiC<, called Aspln's charges U'.S. attorney's offiC< .. Id at Iha' "absurd." l1me the gr9nd jury "cledded theror She aald tho decals will be free lo the """11J1ler, with the biggest buyers •rpected lo be utlllly companies who • wu not proper cauae" lo charp the at-year old singer. I -· A d by II Z2 ' l· . . " ' r J. t I I r l t I l \ I t I I I t l i I t I I I I I • Tuesday, Novtmbtt 20, lfJ7) DAILY PILOT f Major Oil .Firms Recigan'• Program • $1 Million Awarded To Victim Ci.ted in Pricing . • ; SACRAMENTO (UPI) -and local com. above wl!at irintee, the coort held that Gov. Ronald Reagan's pro-Reagan's plan woula ll>ve elfectlve Jan. I, 1!30 • month totaled. The C a 111 o r n I a in federal fW>Cls would be od· Welfare ''Scuttle.d'. LOS->ANGEbES (UPI) - AJitrme< premedical llludent, diaabled In a car crash caused by oo0tamlnated brake Ould, WOO a judgmmt ol more lh .. $1 million from Fon! Motor Co. and Beverly LI• c 01 n l\lerollry Monday. ,SACRAMENTO (AP) -In the 124-~ hlsto!l'._of the posed r<Ofi"1ltalloo of wol· Welfare Rights Organl2atlon ded to the atate mllllmum -Three major oll rompanles -C.llfomla ~gl.sli ure that ....,_for--lhe-tlderly,_bJ.Ln_d_figured the tum al $324-mllllon luppor\ level pu ~lpltnl - have been low)(! In contempt witnesses to a legislative com-and disabled has been scutUed over current levels. $320 for the d.llabltd. "41 ~ ol ~ Calllomlll Legislature mlttee have been found in by a court whose ruling could In an aplnlon by Justice the elderly and $IU for Ilia for ftlulal to release data on contempt, an aide to the luJ>. increase taxpayer costs by1_Be_rtr_a_m_Jan_••c·. _a_R_e_ag:..a_n_a_,_P-__ bl_Ind_. -------·- 'Ille. Superior Court jury made the award of ( BRIEFS ) 11,GM,IU.IO to James ~ 22, an.. more than three mon1ho ol tostlmony. C lie -suffered part la l 0 ge Queen pval11b and permaDO!lt brain David Mosher, 20, of dunage alter bnkea on hit Oakland, was crowned 1911 Lln<obl Continental failed at UC Dav ls and July 11, 19?1), causing Ibo car awarded traditional to cram Into a fountain on bou~uet of roaes after Mt . Olympus Drive, beating seven c6eds in ltollywood. I t i Fon! and th e -~111111 a campus e e c o n. Mosher ran on the pla\. servlce center were c a:ed form that 'sexist' beau- with negligence becauae Ibo ty contests for home- crude oll pricing. Two more committee said. 1324 mllllon 8 year. race poalble contempt clta-Attorneys for the oil ·com-CAUFORNIA Jn a sweeping dcclskm, the tlons next week. panies linder investigation by 3rd Dlstrict Court of Appeal Te1aoo, Mobil and Enon the subcommittee saki Uie aald the plan to implemen't oil compa:nlel were found ln questions involved &e.risiUve grant increases w 1th o u t contempt by a IeglslaUve sub-data whloh by-Jaw they lhould Man Held legislative approval was II· committee Moodsy. Action be able to withhold lrom com· legal and also violated a !Ml was delayed one week apinlt petitors. stale law requiring mlnlmum Standanl of California and SUBCOMMmEE chairman I M d levels of state linanclll sup- Union Oil. Botb firm• have Kennell! Cory said Ute oeven ll ur er Jiort for adult recipients. also failed to supply data firms are buying oil through State officials annOlU'lced :sought In Aug. 30 legislative 1....,. with the Mato 81 what Of B h Monday they would seek a subpoenas, but spokesmen !or may be below-market pr!,,... rot er rehearing of the case. A both companies said they wei:e He said the purpose of his spokesman for Reagan ex- attemptlng LO work out a com· investigation was to determine CHINO (UPI) _ Police ar-pressed "co~idence" the Issue promlae to answer all except whether state law lhould be rested a 34-year-old man and would be appealed to the State two or three or 53 questions changed to give California charged him With the murder supreme Court. made by the subcommittee. f bl il I more avora e o ease con-of hls brother, a crippled Viet-AS THEY HA VE throughout TWO OTHER F'.QlMS, Shell tracts. · nam veteran, it was revealed the irolonged controversy, and Aroo, previowi:ly agreed "If the allega~ons made Monday. Re a g an adm.inlstratk>n 0£. to supply confidential written before th.is corrun.ittee are cor-Officers said William Mullen ficials sought to assure 500,000 replies, including ,.bpoenaed reel, the Staid of Callfornla was arrosted last Thuraday agl>d blind and crippled redp- company records, to all of is not getting. lair market · alter. be wu loun~ standing 'lents that !heir January the subcommittee questioM. value for its oil and we are on his front lawn shouting benefit checks would not be 'lbe actions of the joint sub-losing $150,000 a day/' said "I killed him. I shot him." '· cut back. Homeowners: if tllere's anydini advertised ii today's paper YiMfd ~to on, renllllberwhoamhelp youbuyiL Avco. You may convert the bullt·up equity In your house Into caah In your handa. Ca1h to do whatever you want to dO, I and pay back conveniently 9ver a period of years. ~ HO~EOWNER LOANS TO $21,000. Lollna o-$5,000 on• colllblnllllon of RH! Etlale Ind PellOllal P1operty. J#AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES manuitcturer put the coo· · h uld laminated brake fluid in the coming queens s 0 car, and the garage failed _be_'-pro_hi_'b_it_e_d_. ---- committee on public lands Cory, a Dem o c r a I I c lnalde the house, police said In a preliminary estimate, were referred to Sacramento assemblyman from Garden they found the body of Thomas the state Department of Social County Superior Court for en-Grove. Mullen, 23, wboae leg was in Wellare aaid the ruling would forcetnent. The committee probe COVers 8 f\11:1 Cast from recent COr-nll1 · about $300 mjlljon more 2716-D Ml,.... Sf\09,. CMll "'"' IS6-1 .. It was only the fourth time a wide range of pricing ques-rective surgery for a war· a year in state welfare cost5 . : :: =~1.~':;r.!i:Mt"' ~= to change It although the car had traveled 43,000 miles, ac- conling In Robert Otarboo· neau. Huson'• atlomey. lions and data about which related injury.. plus undetermined local COits. 111n ,........,..., ~111n v111.., ,,....,_,, '11u• ::.S:, oil supplies are ~ . in The brothen bad quarrelled Legislative welfare IOUl'Cel :=: ~~1·t.w1:'r=. 0~.:.. 141 ... ,. T M ..J ,;. s specific amount5 for rpedfic over the family dog, police figured it would mandate $283 •11 s... Mii" sr., s.1111 ""' .....u1.., •• ~, it)() .fl, .... ~,. 1tSp~~~.-'P_rod_ucts_and __ m_ar_ke_ts_. ____ sm_·d_. ______ ~~-milllon-· __ m_or_e_a_,_y_ear_in_ata_te_;_~~':~,•~w...='~':.,...,.~'="~·~':"~~·~··-',:'~"~""'=..,.::::::_--------·-"->""_ ... c_ e Strike Ended LOS ANGELES (AP) Television studio sla'tehands ended their three-week strike Indicted in Arizona TUCSON (AP) -Willie Steelman and D o u g 1 a s Gretzler, linked to slayings in two states, have been served wilh three indictments by Pima County officials. found dead early this montb in their apartment. 0 ,, • . " f I l I I I I I I t I of the three majo.r networks early today, voting to accept a management pay off~r. Mike I:.ong, secretary of the Jntematlonal Alliance of Theatrical Stal• Employes Local 33, said the voting was "close" on the pay offer. Details of Ibo $Ol~ement were not immediai.ly - • f'OlltMI "•'"" , SAN DIEGO (AP) -A TI- juana, M~xlco man bas been =~Ut~~=~ worth ol beroin into the United States. Raul Triana Pacheco. 4.1, was convicted by a federal coort jury Monday. Ills wife, Ramonl Hernandez de Triana, 42, .... found lnno:tnt. . ...__ .... LOS ANGELES (UPI) Mark L. Nathanson, a member of the county Qime and Delinquency ·CA>rruniSlion and lormer praidenl of the city Building and Safely Com- -; WU amoted -y for ) allegedly accepting a $2,IOO bribe to Influence a zm. ing appeal. Nathamll was taken into custody by lnvesUgatora of the bunco-forgery squad in a West Hollywood parking Io I , moments after he allegedly accepted the money in an envelope from garage owner Saul Mlmer. He Is free oo ball loday. e Dn1Arre1t LOS ANGELES (UPI) Cocaine with a atreet value estimated at aboUt $300,000 was confiscated and a husband and wile """' 8J'l'eSted at their home by •late and local narcoUca of!lcen Monday. The indictments contain nine count!, including first-degr ee murder, robbery and kid· naping, County Atty. Dennis OeConclni said Monday •. He said the fin! indictment charges the paJr wilh murder, burglary and robbery in the 1hooting deatha of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sandberg . University of Arizona students Hitchcock Tells Court Of Perjury • SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A milUonalre witness admitted In court Monday that he had committed j>erjury four times, had pleaded guilty In two lel- ooies and bad used poydtedellc and addictive drugs. William Hitchcock, 34, an heir to the Gull Oil Co. fortune, was on the wttneas stand at the trial of three men charged with manufac- turing LSD, evading taxes or ronsplracy. In answering questions by a defense attorney, he also admitted be had promised to atop lying in return !or not being indicted in this case. Michael Alan Avril, 13, and. Those on trial are Robert T. Scully, 28, of Mendocino and Nicholas Sand, 32, of New York, both charged with evading taxes and making . um, and I.eater Friedman, 44, of Cleveland , charged only with conspiracy in drug mak.· ing. Jlis ·wife, Antha Louise , 26, registered pharmacists, were booked on suspicion o f pe1e1don ol narcotics for aale. ANOTHER INDICl'MENT accuses them of murder, rob- bery and kidnaping in the death of Gilbert Sierra, 19, of Tucson, DeCroncini said. The third indictment, he ad· ded, charges them with kid· naplng. and robbing Vincent Annstrong, a Wliverslty stu- dent wbo claimed he escaped from men he later identified as Steelman and Gretiler. 'Ille indictments, handed down Friday, were served Monday afternoon, DeCoodnl said. The pair also ll>s been arraigned on nine count5 of munte.r 1n C8\ifornla. Steelman and Gretzler have been linked to the execution-- like slayings ol at leaat 17 pmons in Arizona and Calilornla, author!Uea aald. The s u s p e c t s reportedly have waived extradlUon to Arlwna, and DeConcinl aaid bis chief deputy Is conferring w i th C81Hornia authorities about returning them t o TuC!OR for trial. DeConclni, however, admits he Is "pesaimlstic" that Ibey will face trial bere. Pair Nixes Liz' Reward DEL MAR (AP) -A couple refused a !500 reward after they found and turned in Daisy Mae, actress Elizabeth Taylor's rare Shih Tzu dog, authorities said. The litUe black-ond.,.hlte dog, which ll>d disappeared Sunday wbUe Miss Taylor W1l5 vtsiting the beach al neerl>y La Jolla, wu picked up by a representative of the actress alter the unldentilied rouple turned the animal in at a fire station, a spokesman said. Little Gem Indian Arts announce SPEC IAL SHOWING ~· $58,. NAVAJO, HOPI, and ZUNI IN DIAN JEWELR·Y ' • D\IRlNO OUR.'..GIOOft> OPENING! • Reduced 25«yo 3 DAYS ONLY · FRIDAY, NOY. 23 ~· ., ~' ..,.· I , SATURDAY, NOY; 24 I ( I ' ' SUNDAY, NOY. 25 1 \ . ' SOUTH COAST VILLAG~· SUNl'LOWIR,l'LAZA ~ '""' l.C. Ptl11 Tela: 71~1 ' .. It's part of the treatment at First Healthcare Centers. Because we know . that a little pampering does wonders forthe spirit. We offer all the professional nursing caie you' doctor 51rderC\I. We're • -· , . ,.,. --- accredited by the Joint Com.o;llssion on Accreditation of Hospitals. And as important as nursing care is, it isn't everything. We know that emotional health is vital to physical heaj_th. So In addition to our be~uty salon, we offer a full program of activities-crafts programs, movies, bingo games and much more. Tbcre'a something for everyone. After all, we have parents, too. Come visit .. " • Frrst Healthcare Carters -~ ;-,__._.lWJ'e f amilJ , oc '. -,_,. • FiBt Healthcare Corporation • A part of CNA Financial Corpor1tion """Ll4o "-·· 466 Flagship Ro1d N<"P"rl Beach, Calif. 92660 Phone 642·80« hrtSo,.,.....H- 1445 Suparior Aw. Newport Beach, CllU. 92660 Phone 642·2410 • • 8 World War II memories of A coupons, C coupons • and fuel allocation boards have been stirred by recent lalk of possible gasoline rationing to help alleviate the fuel crisis. One thing that could be said for gas rationing in . that period was that there was a certain feeling of patriotic dedication in the inconvenience. \Vhether to- day's public would feel similarly inspired is open to question. President Nixon himself has expressed a lack of en· tbusiasm for rationing, recalling lhe headaches of his wartime tire·rationing job. Not the least disadvantage would be the need for a huge new layer of admlnistra· tive bureaucracy. Unfortunately. the alternative appears to be an increase in the 4-cent federal gas tax. An JnCrease up to 20, SO or even 40 cents a gallon has been suggested. This might well discourage driving and encourage car pools, but it· could be an insupportable economic burden for the low.income worker who is absOlutely dependept on bis car to get him to a, dJstantjob. The task of findi ng and enforcing the ultimate solu· lion is not an enviable one. Looking back over the three decades since the atom was split, one might wish the momentous deci$ioh to be first1.<> put a man on the-moon .c0ulamsteadnave1>ee\i , a . decision to be first to put man in ttuclea.r-powereii transportatioil. . -, _ There's a project that could indeed have changed the world. (:onservation Pays Off ' . On the subject of_ energy conservl!tion, students in one Minnesota school district have found it can pay off in cold cash. . A couple of months ago. the administration of the Spring Lake Park School District decided to see if turn; ing off lights In empty rooms and reducing lighting in hallways, gyms and other communal areas would re- sult in a noticeable saving,. 1 To enlist student cooperation, the administration offered to contribute 2 percent of any saving to>the •tu- dent fund for field trips or other diversions, _ • The first two.month electric bill of $14,174•sbowed a whopping reduction of $3,751 over the 1972 bill I or the same months. Encouraged, the administrators estimate that the district's annual electric bill of about $117,000.1can be. cut by 20 to 25 percent if students and staff keep up the level of cooperation -and the student fiind can garner !DOre than $500. ' • ·Remarkable Reaetionl· ' ' ' 1 The leaders of the United States "have, heed' creat· ing Wars around the world ever since the=· end of World \Var 11" as part of a conspjracy to convince t Amer-. ican people that the United ·Nations is nece ry to in- sure peace ... . .President Nixon is Committed to th creation of a ~otalitaria~ wor~? governmenl and is "~uttin~ ihe .Pl'an mto practiqe . . . . ;· . ,. All the top U.S. diplomats, includin~ 'Nixon u n4 Henry Kissinger, belong to an exclusive mside iifoup.I heavily influenced by Communist ideology , ., . ; These arid similar coinments on the state of the na· .\ion were delivered in Newport Beach last week by one Charlie Smith •. former black 'militant who now belongs •· to the John Birch Society. \\ -Mr. Smith's right to air his views and the right of · the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board .of-Realtors ..to' invite him to address their weekly breakfast is not td be questioned. But the fact that his remai:ks were received with enthusiastic applause is nothing short of astonishing. .. .. ' I I ·I I ' I I ~--I Hazards of SLEEPI ~~ 6 1ANT Gas lk ationing ,., er Gas Tax? ' - Separating Age Groups ~YD NEY J. HARRI~ Up at the lake this summer, we returned home from dinner out one eve- ning, to find a dozen youngsters sitting on the living-room floor playing silly games. What pleased me immensely to see this sight was the fact lhal lheir ages ranged from nine up to 19. Testifying not long ago before a Senate s.ibcmlmittee on ~ cial problems. Dr. 1.fargaret Mead, the distinguished anthro- pologist, remarked that one of th most critical defects in modern America is the compartmentali- zation of age groups, so that people tend to iasoociate only with others in their same age bracket -\vith a lost sense of sympathy and understanding between the generations. THIS IS TRUE among young people today, in a way it wasn't when I was young. The scene in the living-room that night carried me back to my own childhood in the 1920s, when my cousins and I and our friends all played together during the summers, from the first· graders up to the college students, without any hint of ~ondescension or loss of status. In the intervening decades, however, our society tended more and more to 'become fissured -to the point where 16-year-olds or 14-year-olds or 12-year- olds became locked within their ow_n narrow age group, aspiring toward the. older and looking down their noses at the .younger. But ages are traditionally supposed Dear Gloo111y Gus Gasoline ~tioning won't bother me -I stilt get about 10 miles to the hamburger on my bicycle .• H.B.M. Gtoem' Gus cM1111111tt •re ...,,.,,,,.. bl' ,....,, ....i .. '"" MeftMrH, ref*I Ill• .,1... ., "" -•-· ltM l'Wr "' ,...... .. G!Mm"t Gu .. 0111' Phi. to ronn links, not barriers; we cannot learn appropriately from those older than us if they reruse to take part in anything with "little kids,'' and if the 'social goal is to grow up as fast as possible in terms of freedom and autonomy. The accelerating compartmentalization of our time has resu1ted in the "teeny- bopper" who obscenely tries to imitate his oJder brother and sister, usually with disastrous.results, rather than being content to . be and do what is proper for a given age group. (Of course, even when I was young we all yearned to be older and be able to do things no~ now ~rmitted; but this yearning was also coupled with much satisfaction in doing childiSh things as well.) AGE IS a conttnaam, not a discrete series of breaks; 19 must ren:iember what it was like to be nine, just as 39 must remember what it was , like to be 19. Our 'sympathies most range fOrward and backward in time, if societY is going to have any cohesion C and any ongoing satisfaction). We have already lost our grandparents (in the 19th-century sense of knowing them), .and we are on the way toward losing our parents, in any emotionally sup- portive way . But ages cannot exist "''ithin their own boundaries; it is a delusion to suppose they can. Each needs support from younger and older both; when such support-~"rnissing, soeie~y~is bound only by a hostile symbiosis: Energy ·necisions Ar~ Being. Sta~le~. I\' ASHINGTON -Having been turned down by President N,ixon five times earlier this year for a 10-ce.nts·<i-gallon federal gasoline tax to conserve fuel , the Treasury is pushing him hard now for an even bigger tax as an alternative to coupon rationing. Faced with the Hobson's choice of rationing or tax in~ creases, J\.fr. Nixon may DO\Y reluctant- ly go along with the JX"!'airy: But ..mer.-as _ CoogreSs t f: n •. mo(ltJ'i~ a&o miglit , have-acquiesced, an- ti-gas tax sentiment today is deeply em· bedded among Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill. The probl~m : any impasse v.ith Congress over how to cut gasoline ~ion is intolerable in the fa~ of the cut-off of Arab oil. Thus, at the eleventh hour with the last tanker sailing soon rrom the Mideast, the Nixon administration still _ has not made basic policy decisions Wick s • • • • • • • \ .• ! • • • I .. ' • 'Put that light out/' ( EVANS ·NOVAK·) on ronserving energy. \\'hat's· "-'Orse, it has not yet even perfected decision- making machinery. Nobody is in cbarge of managing the energy crisis anti the President remains characteristically aloof. MR. NIXON was similarly aloof l8't \\inter \\·hen WaU Street investment banker William Simon, freshlY installed llS Deputy Secretary of the' Treasury, proposed an extra · l~ts-a-gallon gasoline tu (in addition to the present 4-oent !ederal tax). Although SilJl()n's primary intent was anti-inflationary, he also wanted to conserve fuel in the energy crisis which then seemed 11> distant to other administration officials. Gtiorge Shultz, Secretary of t h e Treasury, fUlly concurred . But not Richard Btf. Nixon, frozen to the doctrine thQ.t Americans have reached the upper limits of their taz-paying ability. In the. curiously detached manner of the Nixon White House, there was no personal confrontation between the President and gas-tax proponents. In February. Simon's memorandum for a tax increase went up to the White House. It came back with presidential disap- prov,at Simon repeated the exercise in March, April, t.tay and June. Four more times Mr. Nixon said no. Finally,· in June, ShuJtz advised his deputy to desist. AT THAT POINT, John Love resigned as governor of Colorado to be<Xlme Mr. Nixon's en6gy czar. But lhough the energy shortage was clearer and .the danger oC Arab reprisals more i~t. Love adopted no contingency planS. Only last wee~ did Love recognize the prob- ability of coupon rationing. . Meanwhile, the energy e x per f s assembled al the Treasury by Silnon (v.'ho have declined to join Love's dis- ' 'joiit~ operali0n) have .drafted a plan ed Mr. Nixon has' 'belatedly come'. to for ·OJnservlng 2.7 million barrels. of realize that bittel'. · ~ii;e -. :~ oil daily without ·coupon rationing. taxes or coupon rlt5oning ~ lS 4e.entlal. Everything from using cold-.wat.er Counting ·on the President'•~ to detergents to mandatory 50-m.p.h. speed ·rationiJlg, dating from hjs-w9t14 War limits is included. But the Treasury's ·II tµ:perience , as 141 OP-A-(~ · ~ biggest single sa\'ing . 780,000 barrels· Price AdministraUon). b\fta..-. the a day, would resuJt from pooling Trei.sury 'ls bettinc · be ·will tab-"'tbe passenger cars. tax route. JIOW TO FORCE car pools "'·ithout But il may be too· ~(e,. tOnlllilering gasOline rationing? A huge gasoline tax. the ~ on Capl~I Hill. Rei>: ~lbur So, the Treasury is now pressing for· D. Malls of ~· just ~after an eictra tax . between 20 cents and back surgery, IS, incl~ .:fainst.t.Jbf&htr 30 cents a gallon · Add~ •· ,,..._ ·'--· g"" ta .... -So..Jo..llep.. 1R ;in al creases caused by s~ ~;;.."'.~~!Jl:egon.,lt;lt)( "-~i!"""·~ W~ ~ would push a gallon of regular gasoline., and =~ee "'A..lOli'I , over one doUar this \vinier--steeP 1 ~· * ~f!~~Yf-. .. ' enoogh 19_ force car pools and discoura11e 1~ ......:.. .... , ~ , -~ ' consumption. iu:m, !.'f"~'' r .... " .... ra, ~ To Shultz. and the Tieasuryts other taxes. ~· · L::~ ;. laissez-faire a~vocatp, this iJ vastly Be.s1'l:ft-'T :: ~~~:J.:: preferable to installlilg a semi-'1ennane~ · ad~~i.; ... ;-~:-;.~. ·~·~'· , . rationing bureaueracy: 'I1le 'Tr~ theec~""i .... ~::r.t:rt~to tho · · ' I ' ...... ~ . CrlSIS \\'OUld compensate the mpact .on ..... ei • , -·· -. . , .. --Uli,_. tax brackets by . tin~ng with either must be funne ~ ~ tU ~ ~ taxes _ perhaps lowering the telephone staff, the overwork~. Alexander 1.fafl· excise. perhaps reducing income tax Energy CW' lov.e ref1,l~s 19 Ja"-.. rates for those earning less than $t5,000 ma~ .. 'llle .Identical cooc!Uion that -, a year duc«I macuon aa the. et)ergy ·¢sis ·~ . · proaclled lnblb\I& rapid acti00 now tbi,I JNSIDE the.administration it is believ-the a'isia is here. . • , Feud Hurt,s Planning To .A·llevinte Crisis \VASHINGTON ~ An angry blo"'·UP between Treasury Secretary George Shultz and energy czar John Love has re.suited in cutting off the Treasury's supefb energy staff from oil.pollcymak· ~ ing. The Treasury ... perts had nettled the (1~Cit~~j . 1 .·Whi.te House by is· 1be .feud iJ 1!iu:tlng the. V,itaI illannint for the energy Crisis. tu ·one iioUrct told us bitterly: "'What has ha~ lo oor policy 0n enft"gy i1 "tblr It I run by.one too arrogant lo li>len ( ing J?lllona) and ajlolher too -t~ ""4•rs\and ("-ling Lover." ~ , ' ' The Pre·sidential· ··Ye~ fo;r Eleg·ance i¥:~:c~~ ' · that Pn!sident Nix· FOOnlO'l'Et A IPOI< ..... for ' · ' · · '.3 -.1c f R ' on didn't · w a n t lo Did he Is atNQlinc :-1111 a bil .., Sce1ies .. of For eign: Gta1i"u~ur Di fi cult i'o esist take. when UJe • . aifd ·• ~u -1o nnd flie 111i1 ~ warnings tumed'<>Ut to be all lo accurate. lion. ·~e is a ~ man WASHINGTON> -Those \rho travt.:l cibroad in the "''ake of a President or the United States are often exposed to scetfes bf grandeur \\1hich are foreign to the American democratic tradition. This is a kind of y3.hoo reaction but, having been a Presidentiiil fellow tra\•cler for many years and hundr~s of thousands of miles, I have the im· ' •'----:;.. -........ .-..... pttsaon" m.111• t -"' ....., dents pick up a com· municabie iitfection from this kind of majestic eXposure. h-Ltybe t h i a ex· plains in $00le part President Nixon's only koown passion. itte desire lo live in luxurious and Im· · is str. ictly naimented into monumental distortion occurred when he decided this it seemed only to infuriate. the Wbilo doesnA ~.!!?:". ~f • .~!'fll&thed'-'"'--" N official splendor. was' suitable ftr him, although his more _ The.Treasury experts.are now wamiug . k~wl~ of the blow,..,, \~b ut ~ ~ '>' House more. · 5~·-1 <>r ·"'"" ~~ my RI CHARD WJLSO · In Peking the contrast is more respectO<I }Kiljlic image was that of a that . a prolonged Arab oil boycott will . ~~wledged1 , ~!.lfeau•·~~bei>I!,, ~I awkward. The heavy morning haze praginatic, . ipdefattgable worlcer un-· Id lioJ nose Gil "' WllC o " produced by c;llarcoal fifes in a lumdred concenied by1 persooal comfort and Clll,!le Of0110mic diJrup~, $hich rou .. saJd "Sllulti i• cWdiM' to rillaUDe ,. : thousand huts and hovel~ has scarcely status symbols, and unaffected by praise plunge: 1.he ,cOuntry ~to , a,· seve:re ·uoninitexcept a a ~·1•• ·retort ••. j of the executive wing to create a more agreeably rich ambiance. This proiresslon _w~ .. b~t to mind initially by ~. l'l'f"'Ot Ourry in India over ui; 'ojlalr&4. bel-•tlle ··~ of offidal life imd the 'slluq,_or of ' hun· dreds of. millions. !Ddiri Gruldhi, evtdently someWJil! desper~te over her own Political ooodltioii, rode to ·work · in a horse and buggy to demonstraie her humble devotion to austerity, to hoots of derision from the opposition. 1 d bef ts ( th I s Qu k · recession. Only unpopular controls, in· ..... · 11 c eare ·away ore srrvan o e or b ame ·-a partan a er image eluding gasoline ·rjtionlng, can alleviate people begin to prepare for 9-eoul"Slt4 • of a mart with great talents and middle • "' ' ... banquets in the imm.ense Great Hall class values even if his scruples were ~e dowmtide, thej tnUt. " -1 , • OIAM9I ceur . 1 9{ the .People where the patrician Chou fle~ble. , , , BUT"l'lll8 ISN'T ·what the~emheltlcd . I '8>1lilse't ,.,v·will1SJ~'-·lhas. t !light J!nlertain a new 'l1llS Thl.uiE bas :i.d~;g.,i;,· a~~: -N~ -~ 1o he8r.<'ftii ShOWdcnin" • : i•ltlP'AlllftJ '""!: . w ~ · b . 1 ' -ClhlO over ,a· Treuury iilltem<nt on -. u ID: Paris it is eVen ~wse md ~h cer~. una ai ~n ,.,emente and ,:~ 151 calling (or "-~ con-Robtrt N. Wfed, ~Mt&fr' • . to ium the head of Jackie Ke y. haKey B~yne, ahndbethett Pres!flden! thewohauldd ~tlon. The Whlte Hoo,. {tit II,. .. , ' Tllo111C1t1 IC~ ujW .. • &o:lt n understandable. ii unforgivable, ve ~ muc . er o 1 . ~In.a 'way lllat would antag<lllize >n..:........!.J:l·.<. • ' that Nixon came back from one of not invested tn either place. There ia ....,;. ..__i...:;.81 ti f deft .... tia' ...... ~.~~_, .,'"" these· ·tri~ to clothe bis White House ~t any doubt, however, that both places tl;,,~fu• <~ a 016·0; caWOlnego • BcUt~ NIC ldik>r , i • pol~ In costumes suitable for an :''II prove,.to have been good fmancial At the\~"11 _,.., tove lu&d ' n,. -'•t.i'"" ,'f,.i;~• amJteur performance of "The Student mvestments even without the millions and ..,1~ ~Treas ry M•t.,;,.,,• t"Pl\ot ~"' -....,,,~ · Prinee."" This · charade was mcr<lfully spent by ·the, Seaet Service to. make "Y.,;:•.;;:1~'ii:i \&.;• tt." .;,;:;,;r;;i ...-.;-,.,. ,. • ........, oo t-iii"W; + press.ive · surTOUndings . commensurate Vlith his posltiOn if not his· bank actOUnt. lie hM progressed i!). his official and unolli<lal life fl"Ol1) • )no<lest [i!tle house in the Washington suburbs tq a demt. mansk)n in Washington proper, on through a new ca11rorni11 hOu.se to a luxurious Manhattan apartment. and finally to the more elaborBite compounds in Key Bisca~ and San .. Clemente .. One •'ho l\as ~!tended a garden ,party for · a President Of the United' _states in the lavish gardens of the Presidential palace ~t New Delhi can readily un· derstand the Indian comm<ll reaction. The conr rast wJth . the slums of old Delhi is devastating. There Is no contrast that sharp in this country. FOR THAT MA1TER, II Is not much dlrferent 1n . the J>eojjli'JR<p\lblic:11ie g·randiose milieu of Soviel official life put!l \\1ashington to shime. An American President rinds himself amidst the elegance of the czars. complei< "1th the crimson-draped royal box at the Bolshoi theater, In a vast city which allOndolted qulcktt than the~pecial White them oeeure. HO dernlMM lllll•oll energy statements ··di.,.,......_ ... """llt:tn- Houle spy unit Mien J. Edgar Hoover The trojlble Is that !l""lli• caq ,un; be cbameled llln!tlgh him. Agreel'f., ....., ..,. ~ <!ol-. ... ' objected. derst. a!)d that Jolm Kenne<!Y wu tlcli ;.;,·1,. H~·-, •I•"· direct.Lo Shul.·-· 0 .,._,., by S!Mklll11 a~ IOI' by mherltance, that Ike as a national ci;'!;:' au ";..!i."~temenl: her.,:rter • _, -IM'by "'"" tliW Illa · ALL THIS merely to say that a distor· hero deserved the best, and that Lad)! with U>vc . '"' · ' ' ""-II!'.:-·~·;.:;::,;..._ "" ·1 uon of O.mocratlc behavior takes place Bird Johnson was a sharp bus~ Shultz ,;,,Q snapped at U>ve that • ~ ,..T:;..:;• . ~;!E._'"" when a man becomes president and not ~~man: but they cannot unde,..t~ why he was ·~a utely incompetent" and edt·~~:c:"'" •. !!"!': z= '--even Dwight Eisenhower was immune to Nixon need! the trappings ot the rich ---~ -r~ ~ ...... ... swore t!>•t lhe Trta.!W1 woold no longer ~ .. p1 1a.1or il He1et people shower him with gifts or how he_. got the money, to pay lot work with him. ...-ind· ... ..,. Wa .,.. Jittor for hiJ farm at Gettyiburg. Even his them out 01•• government salary.. ·""'-_..,_ pre" reUnue bought him a'helfer. o The anS'fcr, of course, is that he TIDS HAS LED to a breakdown In ,, .. .., .... --••w• The forgiving, then, can have oom• did not. bu\ borrowed the money from relations betweeh the two staffs .• Shlll!J's =~.=.tr--~ AT <nOli SAM£" time he has elevated I the White Houae to • higher level of quiet tltpnee and rebuilt the interior compa1181on for Nixon's irresistible desire his rich !ri<ndJ, which doea not. make cblJf energy expert, William Simon, and "'"''- to se~ hlnlllell up ln grand llYie. He Nixon's problem any easier to clear LOve's chief ol !Call. Charles D!Bon•, ',T\f8Sdlj,.,wvember '20,-1D73' has plenty of preced.~nt for it. Th< up. will hardly ·~ to one another. • • •. I ' • • " _of. " . f ' ' bl he a t • I w b I i ! ' ' •I d I I I I 1 I . " • " . .. Under::Stand the automobile~ boys are coming up wi th a dilpasable car. Good for about 9,000 miles. Then you throw II away. Expect It to ooot approximately $500. ' . GARLIC Recently reported that most roses give off no fra- g:rance. Am now advised that they can be made to do so by burying garlic cloves around the rose bush roots . .No, thl1 doesn't make them smell like garlic. It's said just to stimulate the rose scent somehow. Shrug. f . l Two ol the •~kep wonls that lip reader cannot· see t6 nad ~ "bairn and "egg." Or so an expert reports. Prteiunably, • lip reader therefore could become conlUBed whM ~ng phrase.s like "hard l><>!led hair" and '1oog blonde fU." tn the first year of marriage, the major cauSe of di- varce· lit said to be in-laws, In the 20th year of marriage, the ma]Or cau1e for div...., jj said to l>t aleoholism. Add to your list of collective DOWIS: I< gJ;jsl of bees, a Je!P·Ol leoparcla, a tribe at pats and a sleuth.of .bean. ~ Tiie'.IWne Jamaic{lneans the i.1e or·ll!lfings. Adllre~s mall to L. M. Boyd, P.O. Bo% 1875, New- por;I Beach Jl2680. I • t? • • • • t ,. l ' ' ~ , \· , For Aclvertlsln~ In . ' .~ I '°" . l;: • •• ·' ' 1 '1 OUT .'N ABOUT ' Phone I • • . , No.rm Stanley ' . ., 6"42·4321 ----a I ' 1 • DAILY PILOT i; -9 COeds "Make a ·-Bundle on Market i~ I'• Warning , The Surgeon..Gener81 Has Determined. ~1..i:t.:. That Cigareue Smoking Is D,angero~s. to~PU/ Hee~ti. ' .. • • KING: i9 m~·1ir. t3 mg. nicotina, S~PER KING, 19 mg."m'. l4 mg. nico1ine, 1Y. P8I cigarene.Flt R1po1i SEPr.1t I I ·- • --• • J """'h·• PU.OT T~, Not/Nlbtf 20, 1973 ·-=Jlinshaw Quotes J;-resideni •••Living ~ell~ • .,_Ir l'tltt If.et 'Ml9 TELLS OF BRIEFING Con9re11rn1n Hinshiw _ Death Notk!es ANNAND -DouAl11 R. Annand tr. llHldlrlt of L1M111n1 Hllltl 0111 of 4Nl'h1_ NoYl'll'lblr 11, ltn. Slll'VIY'ld b\' w1,. Dorotlt'I A . ..,nn1n!'; v n. Dourrl•\ ft. A""'9nd Jr., l 11rlllnk. bfolhtr, John N. /.Mind Sin .. 111nwn111 tnrM urlf\Ochlklren, Douol11 It. 1111 Scotl MlchMI !Ind S!Ktt' J1n11 d1uoh1et-lrM1w. ~,, J11n .. .,. !\Ind; llllet"·lr..l1w, Mn.. Mir I AIH'llnd. M111 of 11'11 lt"urrtoc:llon, W9dnt$d1\•'. lQ AM, Holy Crou M111101111m Chlpel. Jnt.tlT\lnl, KolV C"°". McCormick LIQ\llll IMch Morfvlry, Dll'KhlrL I AK la ll1rblr1 Mtl'V11 81ktt'. 0111 of OHlll. HOftn'lbtt 11, ltn. Gr1Yl5/dt urv1cB •nd lnt1nntnt~ fodly, T1 .. .a1y, ll::D AM. W11lmln1tl'f' Mlrnorltl I' 1 r • Mortwrv 1nd C1m1ltrv. ILl.KEl.Y SNrln Uon BliDIJ· "1 Ctntw sr .. ·t11111-'1'm~n..~'*by .:.~~1~:1~~: By WILUAM iblumER OflltWfNllt ..... ' hesident Nim! toid a croup of Cengreumen laat -that hi s palt ,. ... months in olllce have been a '4lltinc bell", Rep. Andrew H1nlhaw (R-Ntwpo11 Beach) lald Monday in Irvtoe. "The Vietnam bomlllng and shaky peace, the eeooorey, energy and the Mldeaat - any mie la a big eaouch prob- lem to .hancf1&...at one time/' Hinohaw said lbe Pmldent told the gathering. "But add the overlay ol a cancerous pnilllem 11 k e Watergate and it Is 1l1D01t toQ much to bear," Hlnlbaw said. HINSHAW RELATED the essence of the Prelident'1 briefing lo the ...,., __ during a I-meellng ol the ltvine Cout Republican WQmen'a Club at the Altporter Inn. Hinlbaw said the l'r<lident talked about many of the same thlap be later dlacussed in a -""".....,.. S.lurday in Florida. Nixon dwelt heavily on W aterpte and the talk Of lm- peachm .. t, mlllbaw salcl "He told us he baa made aerioua llllistak .. that might ORANGE CQ11NTY prevent many Republlcan of- licialJ from relumlng after the next election," Hinshaw said. "But he told 111 ID keep '--------~ the fallb even If we doo1 loot .. atroog nut year .. we cld in 1m.." lllN8R&W SAID the Presi- dent is, "obviouaJy atrongly qa1nst Impeachment" ~ ...... be thinks the divisive- ~ woold 1 .. 1 for many years. "But be said be woold not re1Jgn from the responolbllUUes to wlrlch be was elected," Hinshaw aallt. Hilllhaw predicted tbat the lmpeadunent talk will last welt' Into 1974, "in a paru.an effort to affect the outcome or the COllll't"lmial elec· Uons." Hinsllaw .atd the Prosldent· believes his actions and those or the United states prevented the "utter destrucUon" ot Israel during the recent MJ<l- d1e East war. 11WE IN FAtT did .save Israel with our aJert and material and if we did not atep in1 Israel would have ceued to exist while the Soviets dominated that entire section of the globe," Hinshaw quoted the Pmident a s Moscone Rips Reagan Veto C a I lfomla gubemaklrlal Cl'llWd ol UCI lnJtructors toward teaching s a I a r y candidate Sen. Georae R. plbered In studeot Center grlewnces and lhat be had M..,_ (D-San Francisco) Two. the right ·to do so. pttdided lolol!day that the Actually, Sen. Moscone told Legislature will reconvene BB AL80 CllARGED lhat his audience, the opinion by the before lhe end o/. the year the Attorney General's Office attorney general's office only due to the veto of bis eon-failed to pavfde a firm the ''-b · 11 troverslal bill to allow ool-guJdellne for Goo. Reagan's says premise of ""' 1 leclive bargaining by teac:ben. allegedly impqler veto of the was arguable. ~-man ~ ~-•---_ _._ ...... ._ bill. u~ w>u •u~ w ·----HE CHARGED Iba! In any eeed Ronald Reagan in the The governor vetoed the bill legal arena, a subjeel is those iroomda. . The senator said be bad revieftd the ·~ gent:<' al's oplnkn and lhat II t. one of the most vague pi.... of ·writing for what It purported -to say that be bu ever aeen. · matters and so far bas caught saytn(. lljmUw said the Presldeol no nih," Hinshaw said. ' oommet!led brlefiy 00 tbe energy erislf, saytnc America lllNSllA W TOUCHED again made a mistake In depending Oil the Impeachment situation too mU<h .., outside spurce• and lbe mall be baa been ol power. getting. lllnsbaw offered Mime com-We did a check of 653 of .-of hll own cm the firing Ibo 1,000 letlen we recel•ed of opecial Watergate_. favorln1 lm~men~" cut« Archibald Cex. lllnsbaw said. 'About MO .. c;,. clldn1 proceed with the . were from Democrats, eo main Umist ol the nearly-aim-from Repub11C8111!,' ilO from in- plete Watergate invesligaUon dependents, ilO from t he beca\Jle he went on a fishing American Party and two from upedllloo In to peripheral · Peace and Freedom." "Bui 19il had no current voter registration at all and If · someone doesn't exerdte his right' to vote, he has no place opeaklng out '° l"'!dlr. on issues such as this, Hinshaw said. The congressman predicted the . Republican Party would pull out of Its Uilspln. "We have reached the bot· tam of despair as Republicans - In this Watergate affair and are on the way back up," Hinshaw .atd. "! C8ll •tart smiling again for real.'' WE HAVE A BROTHER wHO IS A. PATIENT IN A VETERANS HOSPITAL WHAT SH0ULD WE DO TO BE PREPARED IF ANYTHING HA.PPENS7 by EUGENE 0 . BERGERON n. ................... , HlllMI ... '"" ......... IMtnleriOM ... Htlfy • I• ,,.... ef • 1•r1111r. W... ..... ecc111'1,.. •.,.,.,. i. • Y...,.n Ad•h•iltrwtln _.,,. ... ,....,_II etitfttH' M hll.IO • • ..W ••••~•Im .wftMll te ....,,.,,._ t1M t9 c.it. ..... w c ........ ., or ... ,._. •f UMI. H• h: ...... ttttH ... .,_. Im • ...,.,.,, C1m11sr, .......... _ c ..... ,, • pne ..._ -4 flet ,.. cnw ... .......... c • ., .... •"'-Y ..... u.,,..... .. .,.., flrl .............. , _. .~ Ow .., ,... el .. , It••• ... .,.,., ..,.,191r 11f1tM yew i..ni.. of , ....• .,.,.. ........... ~. W1111sa ••••h• ••snMwlll._••••-O<l,.loltlll.- Balt:·Bergeron Funeral Home COSTA MISA 2 LOCATIONS CORONA del MAR 646-2424 673-9450 M chMI Ind PhlUlp, 111 of CO.II ......... , two dl~hltn., J-llnl ATllnolon of Tta111 K1rtn lllk ..... , Cosll ""'"(' il.M or1ndelllld'9n. $1ntlc", Fr d 1 y. NoYln!blr :t3. 1:30 PM. lllh:·llrot"" Ca&l1 ,....._ Chlotl. ll'll1rmen1, H1r110r lt"f Mtmorttl P10r. l1tl1-ktolron F11n1r1I tfoml, Cost1 MIN, Dlreclort. governor's mans1oo blames Its basically oa gmmds It was arguable and lhat in fact the current tenant's dislike d not needed; could be avoided Charles Manson m u I t i p I e teaeben and lad< ol sympathy througb a r-attitude murder ease wu arguable on wrtbemintheveto. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During 0 his dlscuoslon, he also termed himself a Jl"O-r ... ional Richard NlaOIHlater and .atd lhat the Watergate alfalr should at 1 ... 1 provo);e !Orne positive action to pre- vent such incident.. DUllUOOI D«lt M. Dvlrldgt. RllldlM Oii Ut1Wt1 HU111 dlt. ot detlh. HOYelllblr 11, HT.I. Sln'VIY'ld tw )oo"l"-~nd, O-. LM A. Oulrl1t911 -· IUdlltd Du'4'kltl. ol W1Vlll1boro, \ll1"11lnl1 1 a.wnt1r, Mrs. Blrblr~ MICL.tod, Cll'IOQI P1t111 flY9 Qrl ndclllldrM. Prlv111 ~c" · wtll bit Mid Wtdnlldly, Mc:Connlck LIOINll l•JC.h Cn11111, wlttl Ct'. Cllffonl 81con ollrc11t1no. - GATIS l l111tM A. Git.I. Own..." of G1I" 1tn11v. 1~ 1111ftd, 1or u -.r AOI 151 t ot HIWPot"I lt1cn Cltll of dH No......,blr 171 ltT.I. SurvlY. Id by di , Mr~, \I r;ll'lll Biiia, Florldti lour Ol'"l ndc"'ldrtn Md llvM or1ttl,.r11'1<1d!lldr111. Mlnlotl1I Slrvteet. FrJdl¥. 2 PM. 11141 Bl'Ol>dw1¥' ChlPltl. lloll lroldwl\' Mortl.llot. DlrtClln. OIUll w. Allin Grvbt>. 11171 GrlftVllle or •• N..wport BtlCfl. 01t. of Hllh. NIWftnblr 17, lt11 ·Sllt\ll\l'ld by wffe, Alblrt11 dllllthlw, Mirr J1111 IMll, '"'-f 1!11ldl; --...-~, .... ; bnlltllr. t>ovg!M A. Grubb, .511"111 1hllt', .l(athrvn MM'IJl'I, Conl'lldlc:ut. SlrvtQI, Wildntsdl'I'. II AM, Peclflc \llew Chlllll, ilfWllfl Rt¥ John ltO!flrl 01¥11 offld11l1111. !Enlombrnlnl, r,1er11c VI-Mtmo11.i ll'•rk. PIClflc v -Mom/Irv. Dll'ICfOrs: I. JOfilt:S He eJalnied the ,.,........ le· nored a slnlog support in the Assembly. MOSCONE AL80 etwied the atmosphere of the past few months in Soenm<nto bas grown inertulnl!Y diltleult for all legislaton and fac:Uoru tbat are not strictly aligned with Reagan. "He bates everybody, not just teachers," the Senate Majority Leader told a ol tnstrueton at UC Irvtoe dur- ing one of several vialts to Orange Ceunty groups. "It'll make my stOJ')' short ... my bill passed with more than a two-thirds majority," Sen. llfOIOOoe told a spar8e ih1rv K--.th J-. lllO JOIM SI., 'Cat.II Mii.i. 01t. of 41Httl._ NDY9mblr ••k.rm. Sur\11¥1d 11v wut, ,.,Ol'"tJ-eons. lM ~)Ind Mlr~=:r~-Mlchotll•i., ii~~"""· ,~. { 1 • RIQUllm Miss Fr1dlv. Novtrnlllr F .-O AM. SI. JCIM ifW 91Ptl•t C1thollc ormer 'C~:!!'i lnllf"IM!lll PIClflc \/ I 1 w 'N. at Plrll. 91 tl-Bll'Mron FINIM"al ~· co.1. ~~~rr .... · 'J=:,...,t flucl) Mll'T'L 2'1101 a..ch ll'ld., ... "unlhwilon l1tc11. Oat. of OHlfl, crnmblt' 11 ttn SUrlll¥td w w1i., ~ottt.: di~. GI....,. Mlrn, of Hun-01lt'IQtor\ llkh; 1..1ndla Ollllrler El T-1 ;:al1'9r. \11'111!'1 L-, Yor'bl Lind.. Prl'19le }nflrmtnt will bl Mid. F1mfl\I JUQllftts .~ wllhrno to m1k1 lnln'IOl'l•I Cotl· ,trlllutklM, olelH conll'lllut1 tu lfll 9ucl Official On Bail ~~ •• ~~ ~~"-Hello Mtmorill ~. ,E.:.. .. A:;;:.r*.-,,,·~~ ~ .. ·-.... ~· SANTA ANA - A f«mer ._...., __...... ... ......... .... Weslminster city councilman, ~ 11. lf71 6urvtwd 11'1' wit., htvrli llluoh'9r, J1111 F1n1r, OI' Ft. free ~ $50,000 tail, ls , Floridal QTlndson. Dr. Rlclllrd --L-.&..1-..I lo ~·· in Santa 11111", Los ..,_lesl ~tndd-htlf', :tUK:UUn:U ---M,,_ AH1n loml'Weller, Dubuque, •-1 Ana uncl I urt Nov 2e • ~htr, How1rd McConlow. Stn Fr1r.. m J>8. CO • t=~ .. 11~~. ~:=i .... ~1~M. ';.r:mfc on charges of grand theft. W:n Chlllll. 1nt1rment, It 1 "• r •Io• John Robert Parks, 49, who ~Ill Pl<'1l. Sterllna, Colotl<lo. ~Piel! c View ~.~rtcton.. served on the Westmlmter ,Cftlro ,,..,...~ c. Mleilor•. J633'I council from 1964 to 19SI, WU iPIPllll\'O Or.. alon \llllo. Diii of .~~ .... I Thuraciay by .OHlll, Nowmbtr It, 197l. SUf'Vlv'ld by 1,~ ,wrfe Elli"°"': l:rolhlr, GI I c Cl m Cl ed with ,M1c11lon1 11,ier, F•11Kft """'"· tiotti Orange poUce arm a t:nc1wriwnc1r1n..;.,.~it:=.·i!=. warrant charg1na him with •Tuetdl \I, 1 PM, P1tlfle \II-Chftilf. ..-...1 ,.,1.... a]] edl Ill I •SHVlcft, Wldllf!ldlv, • PM. Pldflc vi-\.UtuU'-""'6 &D eg Y eg& •Cl'llllel. lnltrrnefll .Ptc:lflc Vllw Mlmotl1I loan operaUon. •P1rk. F1mll¥ SUClll"ts tnofl wtll'llt'IQ, ~P1Hll mlkl 1Tl1"'°'111 con.rtlblltlllftl tfl Del Denni FJ 'd ~,,,. Leuttml1 M-111 Fund, tm • S anagan sa1 •l<.1lell1 Ayto., An111tJm. P1clflc \llrw Parks' arrest-ended a three-;Mortu•l'Y· oie;rir~l.Nl!ll!I f the ~Anni Sedetmtiet". UI El Moltlnl, NtwpOl'f week investigation 0 ~111Ct1. 0111 of e1t1ll'l. N-blr ''· fonner Westminster man 's •19n. Survlwd b¥ dluohllf, Htltn H. '-·-lness Of oou·~'-g fe .. On ~McRM, '°511 .Mnl; llVM orl!'ldsons, UU.:) e\."Ull ~E<twlrd Andlfson, N--1 ltlCllJ the mi of ba king bank ~Gll'lld McR1e. Ntwhlll; w. I t I c I pro se c ~Allden.on. T1x111 two <1rul .. r~rw<r"1ldrtn. Jo ~Slt'lkls. Wldnesdl\', I PM. PICl"c Yl... ans. ~cn11111. ln!fm'llnl, Mort1.c110 M...,. .. 1.1 Flanagan all-es "·t Parks Ptrlt, Sin 8Hftlrdlt'IQ, PK111c \lll'lf "'1111 Ul4 ;Mot'! .... ,.,, 01'*'"1,,·iAMs collected a one to ~and-a· ·.--~m rn1 .. ,:,.\f.,,.. -'11 tll;o""' ....... half nM'Nlftt fee on more than • N.wport Blld't. D1t. of deettl, N°"""btt' r-..,_, .11, it~SUl'V1v1c1 tw w11e. p,1ncr1r "'$10 million worth « regular dtuohtln, Cl1lr1 Cordell Ind M1111'ff1'1 icb I .j Orange County is the home for many of the '1•tlon'1 D101t modem and exciting shopping centers. Centers where you can buy virtually ,JIDYthi.ng and everything :rou'll ever need. Banks, gift shops, department stores, restaurants and specialty shops. They're all there for you to enjoy. wi1111.n.. 1tourv. toriMit. T1!t!$d1v. 7:30 bank loans for wh he filed pµ_ R .... •lem M15s; W'!'d~~~. 10 AM. 'd be ua•·-) "·t ... >both II Our Lldy of Mf. C1rmel C1ltlollc to prov1 e l co ~· U5a cnurcn. lnltrment, Good S n 1 "' • d be had promised "· clients , c ..... ter¥ a~lli·ll1111«on Fu11ttal H<Knr, 1u;m , • ca.11 Mftt, 01rtctorL FJanagan said Parks ii no And enjoy them you will beeause getting there ls as simple as saying 'Two-Bits." OCTD, the "Two-Bit" Bus Line now serves most of the major shopping areas in Orange County. A one-way fare costs only two-bits, 25¢, and transfen are FREE . We even provide special racks for your shopping bags. So the next time you go shopping, take a bus. You might 1ave enough to buy that special gift for that special someone. I • ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCUFF MOR11JARY U7 E. 17th St., Costa Mesi 14611118 • BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 173-HSO Co!ta Mesa Ml-UM • BELL BROADWAY MOR11JARY 110 Broat;a~ta Mela • DILDAY BROO'llERS MOR11JARIES • 17111 Beitlr Blvd. ~ ' Haatln1tea Suell Sli-7711 !« JledoDdo Ave. · Long Bucb l!J-431.llU • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MOR11JARY 17M Lapna Canyoo Rd. 411-Mll • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery Mortoary 35tl Pac:i'l::'~ ... Drive Newport ~Go Collfonda • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7111 Bolla A\'.L WHlmluter-e · SMml'S MORTUARY Ill Mala SI. -do .... ~ 5'Mlll longer ~ resident of Westminster. "Aa far as we know, be bas no permanent address. He llves out of motels," lbe detective oak!. Park> ran for re-elecUon In IMI. but was defeated by Derek McWhlnney, who resigned earlier this year in connection with the Mile Square bribery ocandalc McWhlnney and w~~ Planning O>mmi-, .. Fujita were both coovlcted of bribery in the .,..._ Both are currently free whlie their eoaea are belnC appeoled. · For Weekender Advertising Phone 6424321 For information or bus schedules, call OCTD at 547-6004 or write us at 1126 E. \V ashington Ave, Santa Ana, Ca. 92701 ORANBE COUNTY • TRANSIT DISTRICT • '> ' I 0 ( ,,,. art !lld •II• loU By D • ' DAil Y PllOo I F·igures in JFK Tragedy Decline to Talk (Edllor'I note: Thu .. the 1evmth in a tetica of arlicl<s on thl a11011mo- llO!I of Prnfdent John K.,,. ""'¥· ffl lirlplfcationl and •lf•cil ... thl d•cade to follow.) BJ PRESTON MOGRAW DALLAS (UPI) -Two women wlclowed and a mother bereft ol her llOft durlnc • trqlc -tend 10 ,...,.. ... do not ..... lo tallc lhoul It todoy. and nellher does the vetean bomlctde lnvestlgalor .mo vaillly oought a confession lrUn Jain F. Kennedy 's killer. At leas! 10 ol the l1pes In the 011assmauon of Presi- dent Kennedy and Ill . al- termalb .... -. Tbe - '~ boy ls working DOW," Tessmer ~y1. "He ls making a good ad)ustment, haa not been In lllY more lnluble." Wll.L J1'1UTZ, the n o w retin>d Dallas pollce captain who In 1'811 was head of lhe bom1cide division, had a leg- l!Odlry rtpUtolion !or getting ~ trulh out ol SU!peets. He .~ nothing out ol Oswald. Today he declinea even lo lallt about the ~inattoo. But be has !Orne advice: "People ought lo ·read the Warren Commission report I don't think the commission missed much." ol Lea !llrvey Olwald, I h e . "" •-= ~""::.,~~ MOSWALD'S M0T.!'ERld "I mce thought I would write my memoirs aboul t h e amufnation.,. be aaid. "But I don~ !mow now wbelher I wll1 or not.'" np'der, and ORald'• widow n. Ml1'9uerlte v.w• applN!llly are DOI on speak-· Ing tenno. In an Interview shortly after the tragedy, Frtlz s a Id : 'l1IE WIDOW OF J. D. Tlp- j>lt, the patrolman tilled trying lo question Oswald .. • Dolloa -. ... remarried bot the years have brought her heartaches. And a few of the ofliclals cl law and order connected wilh the lragedy say they slill have vague doubts t b a t Oswald acled alone. 'lbe Magnolia tree I b a I Oswald's molher plsnled at the foot of his grave In Rooe- hlll Burial Park In Fort Wor1h is now 10 feet tall -a reminder of the day four days after the assassination when Oswald WM buried W i th reporters acting as pallbear- ers. "Oswald , impressed me as ...U-lrained, and I don'I know what else you'd call it. It was buill lnlo his way of lhint- lng. He was very cool and deliberate." Mrs. Tippit -now Mrs. llarey Deso Thomas -saw reporters twice llhonly afler her husband was killed Nov. 221 1963, when she was 35. Since 1ben, she h a s flatly refused lo tall: lo tbtm. Her FORMER POUCE Chief husbsnd, a police lieutenant, Jesse Qirry, who calls Frilz helps inaintain her privacy. a DlOSt skilled investigator, In the weeks after the kill-says that the proper way to ings, thousands of persons interrogate a prisoner is to sent her and her three be alone with him. Because ~ tal ol u1 of constant pressure from chih,ua.a 8 to ~7"79• other invllilptive agencies, Coogress declared II taxfree. Fritz was ..,... allowed to Alumni rt Tens A&M . Un iversity offered ,carry out an orderly JrJVate scholarships lo her aons, Oiarles Allen, ..,.. 23, and curtis Glean, 15. Her - child is Brenda Kay, -15. lnlervlew wllh Oswald, Curry 'says. ''The Interrogation was ·a lhroe-rlng ctrcus," CUrry once wrote. "Oswald played the role ol the lndll!wtt and beUJ....,n prlsooe< w11o had .. kilowlodiie ol anytlllng ... Many lmow)edgeable people believe that If ~Y could have obtained a confeelion, It woold have been Fritz, a member ol the departmeol IS years and bomi¢<!< bureau head more than 30. 1birty er ti> minutes afler • lhe killliig ·of Tippit, Fritz slarted lo suspect thal Oswald killed Tlppil and Kennedy. Elghl hours after Kennedy died, Fritz had e no u g h evidence to charge Olwald with both murders. WHAT KIND OF man """ Oswald In the house after his capture? • •jffe was the most arrogant IOi:HJl...a-bitcb I have ever seen," said WUliaffi F. Alex· ander, former Dallas County assistant distrlct attorney. "II was almosl as If he bad been trained for lhe role he was playing." Alexander accepted t h e murder charge a g a i n s t Oswald, was present lhrough part of the questioning, and had helped chase Oswald after the Tippit kllling. He bad worked on hundreds o f murders. But he and Wtll Fritz, wilh the crime ol the OSWALD'S WIDOW Marina 0.wald Pomr century in their laps, were a bit ahalien. "I WANT YOU to un- derstand what I am saying," Ale:under said. "But Oswald was more ln poss6Sk>n or himseU -calmer -than we were. He would answer a question with a question.. Fritz, 8fter some preliminary questions said: "I want to talk to yoil !irst about the police officer shot in Oak Cliff." "Oswald rep 1 i e d: 'What poll~ ottlcer! Where ls Ook tllff?' " . A justice of the peace came lo lha olflce, lold Oswald of his rigbls, sod, IS Alexander put It, "held a eort of ar-, ralgnment and advliled Oswald lhat be was being filed on." "Oswald SRld· •you ea.II thls a coort hearing? We are not ln a courtroom, and he doesn1 loot litre a judge.' Theo, wben lhe charge was read to hbn, there was no reaction .. He did not admit anything. His words were well -811<1 Qi the point. "HE SEEMED iroud of what be bad done." Alexander said there was no doubt in either his or Fritz' mind tbal Oswald wai guilty shortly after be was brought in Crom the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, where be had been captured in--. the T e x a s Theater, trying In his last minute of freedom to shoot snolher pollcemur. Aleunder was with police wben they aearched Oswald's room, and be says, "It was obvious to me that if he was not a Communist he was a Communist supporter." Alex- ander a~s with the Warren Commissioii that there was no evidence Oswald was part of a couspitacy in kiHing Ken· nedy and Tippit. "I say now the aame thing (See OSWALD, Page 10) _ .. __ _,'-_ 1.--.............. ---clnll_.,.,_ .~twardGflo ·GM:o~l tf-Gqino His Ru!slan-bom widow, Marina, was so poor that she had lo borrow a pair of shoe! lo go lo the burial. MAlllNA AND HER second husband , Kenneth Jess .. porter, · a aewing machine ...peinnan, are building a borne Oil a farm they bought northeutolllollas. CHARLES Tf3SMBR, a prominent Dallas lawyer .mo has represenled the lamlly, said Mrs. Thomas may !Jave considerably more IDOOO)', considering the hlgb lntereot rates of recml ,,_.. Under a court order, neither lbe nor the children has coatrol """ the principal, which WU dlvJd. ed among them. atS RLD® PorltT said b1S wile dislikes pdllicity and dld not wanl lo be inlervlewed . ''We have bought a I It t 1 e place in the COUDtry and are renllng while building," Porter said. ''The new house is close lo being finished. Marina was writing her aulobiograpby, but she dim't fm ish and I don't know when sbe will." BEING OSWALD'S widow bu profiled Marina about Sll0,000 includlng !60,000 sent by S)'!llpllthetiC Americans soon after tha ,assesstnatioo. She got a .fl0,000 advsnce on the book. $20,000 from L i I e Magazine, and will receive half or more of $17,729 award · ed her by a federal court fer persons! articles !ell by Oswald, Including the rtlle. Mrs'. Thomas .-iftl a monthly livq allowance from a bank !hat baodles lhe lnllt funds. Brenda baa r...tved a "small portion" ol U., prin- cipal. So will the "°" when they reach 25. Mrs. , Thomas, a allghlly gray, small woman, clrelSel cooservatively. Sb e bas .., children by her leCOlld llJt. band. "She looks like a woman at peace with herself," lawyer Tessmer said. "She ,has a strong religious background .. She Is getting a l o n g fine, and frequenlly sees her two grsndchildren, aiartes Allen's children. .. BUT SHE HAS bad !roubles. She -Injured aligbtly In on automobile acc!denl A few yeara ago, her aecond husband Family Days-Thanksgiving thru Sunday aem.ro Asbell wrote 1n lhe October issue of Today'• Health magazine thot be iD- lerVlewed -lut llllll!IDe<". -died ol • hallooning .----------------------------.· Marina bas two dallgbtm, June ; 12, and Raebel, 10, by OSwald, and a lllll, Milk, 7, by Porttt. ''When June WIS ta the leO- oad grade, her -led . a disclwlon on tbe Hie of Pmident Kennedy," Marina lold Asbell . "II grew aalmaled, lesdlng June lo raise her haild and volunteer: 'My ru-.t daddy ldlled bl!n.' She said it 11 a fact, you know, somelhlng she knew sod abould perhaps lei!." SHE SAID TIIAT II the ~ ever taunted her children, ahe did not know It. She bas never questioned that Oswald killed Keonedy or Tippit. She said thal she doe!not-Wl\Y. blood v-in bis brain. -An operation saved him. One ...... she has been reluctant lo see reporters may be a 11111 Incident Involving ber IOI! a.rles Allen. A 31- yeaMld -aCcmed bl!n ol lrylnl lo rape har Jt • New Year's party. A jury a .. quitted blm ol rape bot ..... .-him ol --. uuult, fined him '2,000, IDCI put him on twO-yean pro- betlon. Charles AJleo WU manied at the time, -1111-quenUy divorced, and blJ ex-wife ac- cused him ol aaasult. She claimed he came lo vlall bis children, found her In ..... talking with a man, smuhed the car windshield, and hit her. The assault charge was dropped. THANKSGIVING DINNER AT . THE FISHERMAN Servin9 12 Noon 'til ••. ,, Cre1m of Chicken Rice Soup Tossed Grffn Sal1d ENT REES R.01st Tom Turkey, Celery and Applo Or.11ln9, Giblet GrlYy Cranl?erry Sau~• or . ,... llked'Ham with Fru.li • .auco' aod C.ncliotl Y IOlt · . ' . DESSERTS Pu!llpkin Pio with Whtp•d CrHm Chocolat• Sundae Sherbet Chlldrtn's Dinner $2.00 enu o SEAFOOD STEAKS PRIME RIB I RtHf'Yatlon1 l'IM•. 5 317 Pacific CNll Hwy. """''""'"' ...... -·- FREE~roll of GAF film with every one you -buy! Most folks who come to Sea 'Abrld like to-save their good times in pictures. But this Thanks- giving weekend, with so many families togeth er again and so niany th ings to<!ee and do _ ~ h41re, a lot of people will run out of film in a hurry. To make matters easier during.Fami ly Days at Sea Y.btld, eYelY time you buy a mil of GAF film in our gift shops, we'll give You an idenJic;al rolMreel No njatt~! what kind or type or s!ze ~u use, with eve"( rolJ you . °buyYQJJ pt one free. It's a grea way 1b save your fun-and sa\fe.mone~ tool -: :_..., 'r ....... ~ .. ~-,..,,,.;.,_. • FREE color poster of our first fa mily! _ . . When you bring your family to ~ \\brld this week~nd, we want you to meet our first family. Mt and Mrs. Shamu ~the kids. They're the stars of Sea 'Abrld's new "'Shamu for Mayor" show. We've 'put thein on a big 22" x 34" full-color poste' A $200 value, it's free to all kids 4to17, this Thanksgiving weekend only! 6 I I , • One low price bii}'s it all! SEA \\URlD Mission~ San Diego , • ' • .. ··: .. ... -•. I .. . .. • . .. .. ... .·~. ··' •• ,. .,. .. ' " • • • • ' .• ' • ' . • . . ' ' .. I • . • . -:-..... " --' ' . ' DAILY PILDT T-y. N,,...btr 20. 1973 • . . . .... Elizabeth ·Latin Envoy Beal .Love of Dn~~e~s' ~ife? Taylor Released From Wire Services EUzabeth Taylor was releas- ed from Scripps Clinic at La Jolla, a friend said, and will return to . Beverly· HIUs for a rest before und«going more tosta at UCLA Medical Center. "There Is nothing terribly wrong with Elizabeth," said her friend . NEW YORK (UPI) -An Slmpl<lll'• chief hold on the Tbe Duchess met Espll lwlband was still alive. Argentine diplomat who ended then Prince of Wales, in ad· when she was separated from One day he made it plain a """'lonate romMOO with· the dltlon to showing lnlereol In her' first husband, Winfield Wallis It all Duch-· or Windsor ..... avo;.a h~ "Job" and his comlorts, to : was over. ,_ ~ ., • Spencer, a Navy ptlot wtio· N h d -• been c-'"" marrying her ln 1923 .wi.s the mmt have been sezual He drank heavily and abused her: edever aplm.e ·1 loso ,,'~ strongest love of her life, not quotes a cJoee friend,·Lord lier-,soem y.ao or.=meo. __ the future Edw·J Vllll who ~--•-----Marlin !"Id greal ._am· Tbe IloohelS who bad lived ~" __ , . bltiOn was to marry tbe 'p01ilh· -• abdicated bis throne ,to marey "She must have liven him ed, da.sblng South American most of ·her. young life on her, a new biography diScloled oomething In bed !bat 00 other as soon as she could divorce the bpunly of we a Ith y today. · woman ever dMI. She mu.st Spencer but "Espil'a.ambitlon relatives, tried a.reconciliation Excerpta from the bo!>k, have made him feel more did not inelude marriage with .will! Spencer but 11 n a 11 y "The Woman He Loved," .by vllal, ,,,.,. rnascy11ne1 l1)0l'e WalJJs Warfield SlmPfOll." . divorced hiiji in 1927, ,q,niy Ralph G. Mar!ln said tbe, firsl "''""""" " • after she married ' Ernest seaetir)' of 'tbe Argentine · _,,-&· "·· 11RE WANJ'ED TO 'be the Siml>soo, whom she met j~ embassy ln W a s h in g t,o n ~ '1'1111 OPINION m eClioed Argentine arnbas5"~r to the New Yprk with his wife from clever than 1.'" Tbe book pi<;tur,. t h e ~· mamed Ule In Lon- doa, wllere StmplM wu In buslneu, as happy and upwanl-dtrocted I o c I a.J I y •• Alter , they beeama port of the Prince of Wales' circle, Slmpeon cbole to fide lnlo the background of h!J wtfe's me .. the prince opent more and more Ume11n their home. ' 111118 WITHDRAWAL from lholt llveo waa tbe only option be felt he hid," the book aald. I'. , . .Talking about his personal dilemma with a Close friend, Stmpoon confided he felt u U lie was li'ilng In an armed tl'llCe. 'As ti I WU meddling In Englilh blstoryl.'' . Martin said that when the bucliea WU -bom Bes&le wam. Warfield oeven moollll alter her parents' . maJ'l'iaee, her mother ·asked the doctor whether the baby wu Jll. right and he replied, "She'• perfect, In fact she's flt for a kJni." Mariin aatd the duchea fint laid ey,. on. the Prince of Wales when he ·attended a bait at the Hotel Del Coronado In San Diego, where' sp.a~ wu stationt\I, In I~· ~1iss Taylor, 41, was ad- mitted to Scripps last week. She is divorcing her fifth bus· band, Rlcbanl Burton. Fellpe A. Espll, "hid plllmbed by Lady Thelma ~. one ·united States and he would wbom he subsequenUy wu from within her the utmost of a number ti older women ·be," he wrote. "It 'would hard· · ·divorced., Mrs. Simpson said potenttal o( her pujion; and wltb -m the prince <'11<! .IY help . his career ~ m8{1Y ye.a1'11 later that she liked nobody else would gel it again. affain before • meeting Mra. · a Protflltant divorcee . whose Wallis who was "much more . . No one would ever do Simpson. Martin said lally ."'----'------------------------------~---­ that to her again il she could Furness told lriends years help it, 3nd she knew ihe later "that the Prlnce ot could. Wales was a most unsatiafaC.: UPIT ...... t KENNEDY KILLER .Lff Horvey Oswald * Stale Sen. Mervyn Dymally (D-Lo:s ~Angeles) arrived in Israel tor a month-long trip tory oexual partner" and "THE llARDNESS (In her described his primary prof>. character) had come then!' Jem as one ·of •timi.ns: .., Osw · ( ) accot11ing to ·the excerptS 1•walll1 of' course1 had been , ALD • •, PEOPLE ~~~.1~0~:=issue married twice belore," 'the (Coatjnaod From _ • _ Martin , based his book on book said.' "She had known Pa&e t\ . interviews wl\h ~ former many men. In her year in :·103 FM :~. I did lo Years ago -I don't that will lnclUde studies of -Wallis W~rfield-Simpson in China, she had learned much F , · \· know," he said. ''There is no child care cen_ters. lotteries Paris and .with . friends and atiOut C?iinese concepts of life •11oM ash1on lslan "ST£ · · ·1 ·and 10ve·. She kneiv 'wtial it N B -L -REO $01•1N""S OF THE LIARD·QR be ievable evlderce to coonect and open universities. associates In many nai:Js· •( · e. wport cacn . U .., -T.• QC zr Y wa8 to 'be fulfilled." · ~-in~~4ith The~·-~·~ the~~~~·-1~·~~~·~·~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ij <Xwald. All of the evidence with former · Israeli Premier was collected 'Nithin 48 hours David Ben Gurion . an au· of.the assassination." , dience. with the Pop€!, and JESSE CURRY, the reiired discussions with Democratic pciice chief, says of Oswald: leaders in Washington. "l think he might have been Oymally's office said he infiu<aced by somebody. 1 have would pay ror the trip himself. never been ·completely * satisft«l that there was not somebody behind th~ brick wl!ll firing Iha! shot." ?The wall is near the De~itory Building, where O!wald allegedly fired from I~ sixth floot. Curry was in the lead car of the Kennedy mbtorcade. One of his first orders was to check out people reported seen on t o p of a railroad trestle across the tri- ple underpass that the parade "'as approaching when the shots sounded. .~lher punle to Curry is the debate over whether the y,·Qund in Kennedy's throat was made by ~xit or entrance ofa bullet. · ~·11 they had left the body here for an autopsy, I think soine of the questions about the. throat wound could have been answered,'' Curry said. VNDER TEXAS law, Ken· nedy's body should have been left in Dallas unUI an a~topsy. Henry Wade, who has been Dfllas ~ty district at- ~ey for more than 20 years, is• one of tOOse who believe · kl ·either was incited to Kennedy or had help. don't think Lee Harvey Id suddenly woke up one Ing and decided all by hiitiself to kill the ~esident," he said. "It is a gut feeling. 1 lwas in the room with him aqout five minutes and he nerer said anything." WADE GOT a murder con- vi~tion against Jack Ruby, who shot Oswald two days ari.er the assassination, and the j u r y ordered the death penalty, but the Texas Court of;Criminal Appeals reversed the conviction and sentence. R~by died in 1967, lechnically an ~nt man, although a large portion of the country saw him shoot on television. In a routine order, the U.S. Supreme C o u r t suspended Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Lid- dy from practicing law before the JuSuces. Liddy, 43 , as sentenc- ed in March to sii: years eight months LIDOY to 20 years in pnson for his part in the Watergate break-in. He is serv· ing a shorter sentence for con· tempt of rourt. . * John Scali, the U.S. am- bassador to the United Na- tions, was undergoing tests at the coronary care unit of St. Joseph's Hospital, in Phoenix, Ariz. A spokesman for Scali at the United Nations in ·New York; Courtru!y.ISheldon, said Scali, 55, was receiving tests on "intermittent but con- tinuing circulatory preblems.'' Sheldon .aid Sczali had been in discomfort "off and on for a matter of months." * Sherri Fi.nkbine, 40, who took thalidomide when she was pregnant 10 years ago and was forCed to go to Sweden to get an ·abortion, has filed for divorce, her hus- band said. 'Robert Flnkblne, a Phoenix high school teacher, said it was a mutual decision after 20 years of marriage. The couple have four children. Mrs. Finkbine was not able to get a legal abortion in 1962 when it was disclosed that the dfug caused hundreds cf European infants to be born deformed. Call House Must CU,se l1i Nevada LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - A federal judge has ruled that a brothe1 ope.rating on public land in the desert north of here is a nuisance and must close its doors. ' U.S. DISTRICJ' Court Judge Roger D. Foley refused to issue an injunction that would have stopped the federal Bureau of Land Management from evicting the Cottontail Ranch1• owned by Beverly Harreu. Foley said in making his ruling that prostitution still was. a nuisance in Nevada and Mrs. Harrell violated lbe terins of her lease with the BLM by operating t h e borckllo. Prostitution is legal in all but two Nevada counties. THE RANCH IS located on BU1 land about 100 miles north of here. Mrs. Harrell took out a three-year l!M:e -with the option to buy -three years ago. Rent was $100 year. The government argued that issuing the injunction could be construed· to mean that it was aiding and abetting prostitution. HIMALAYAS POLLUTED KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) - Air po.llution has reached the remote peaks ot t h e Himatoyas, according to an exoedition sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Scientists said tests showed a significant increase in pollu- tion in the past 25 years. Serious about losing~? ' -. ,,.. i I " • .. ( ' ' .. .~- ... .:.. .. ... ·' .• -'·'-. •' " .. ' .,. ' .. ~;.; ... ~-c • " " ., .. , "' • "i> \ ~.:. • "· .. r, ,..,, '·i' '" . ~, . ;.; .. .. .. ~· J1'· t'·. ••• " ... ' ,• ' .~ .. ... ;~ : .. ' ::.. " .. .. r-~~ - ·" .,. I' {i .... '" ··y •t.,.·~ ,, ~' :> • , . . -... -. MEDICAL ~· IGHT REDUCTION u ' ' • • . " lindora's unique program is a s~fe and practical met~od for rhe enlire family to lose weight and learn how to mainta in proper weigh!,. .tJnder rhe slrict supervision of Medical Docrors. . ' Call tor Information • Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Ull IERNARDIND l LDNG BEACH MISSION HILLS HAWTHORNE DR ANGE .... 4711 597.0371 . 385·1131 179-9231 531·2395", An'owtlttd Lo1"'-ltot ~111lon Htw!llO<M Tu•ll11.efl:f111tn Medic .. Bld;. Mldlt ll Ctnltt MHcal Bldg, Mltdic1I Center Prol111lon 81d9. flEWPOllT IEACH GARDEll GRDVE LDNG BEACH PASADENA LA HABRA · MW740 5.34-2051 426-8549 . ?ff-211~ 6114-1029•. , .. "Ofemf'"" PIW KB Prot111lon1I Crocker Hlltcrtlt -Prof111lon1l l!lldo. Bldg, 81nk BkSQ. Mfdlt tl Bldg. ...... ,. SHERMAll OAKS WEST CDVINA FULLERTI>N RMMIDE M7""47 719-7103 9i2-3431 IJ'o:9501-Tt7-IUO ..... l/tetMY Q1lblfl·Von ~I M1~on Slat• Colin: Medi cal "'"""-· Prot111IOfltl I dg. BIO;. Mtdloal II . ..... 'IMTA MlllllCA t D:TA MESA POMONA . CERRITOS ··~13 557°1893 823-1155 924°5741 . ,,...,..fl Miii Vt1d1 POlllOfll 'llltty CefrUOI MlidlclllNll· Proftll!Oflal Bldo. Medicll Ctnt11 P1ot111lot11I 81'9. • ' . ' .. •. ~ ... ..!. -.., ' ! I California Federal Savings proudly offers a bum per crop of' new high rates.· • • .. ,. . m.tnooo'l:OR~: -" ,.,·. · ' ~ -· " _ __ _ FOR &t00,000 OR "'°91£: . ~ ' ' balances of s1 .ooo,or ,,,.,., a.-_ ._ services with any balance! ~ -· . ' " C9MMl#NIJ.Y'.,. EVE'fTS .Investments •:· i '.ilb · '• Property · ' 'I I d ' . ' EE SEMINAR * TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, * 7:30 P.M.' - • • ' ' . -eosta Mesa·· Offic~: mo atbcilldulMl'd ' ' ' 548-2300 ' . . ' .. Experts .give you valuable investme"t Idea< (Including tax shelters) ,. .. · diseuss things you should know abo11 ' ,.,Ill · r ·i "ro~ate ... and-tallc about ' ways Ill hold ·property tlQo. Fr-e 'a'd · '\ J>-. t1t ket cniy. :'JM c Jme, fJrst served. • ' Of~N SATURD~YS. tOCATION: c4r-r. ~ .... 4011 .... .,."". -o._ !Tiie City -r 9J0t,' ., ' • '~ •' . ,. ... ., . . . ,, " ·.i·. , . . * >1:~ i;;, , . --. ~-· ~·,1,4. ., ' " • .. ... :~-... 'Ii· -' - \ ,A. ..!::... co .. ..._ ;:e11 '---... ... " ; ~ c ... • ~.=. ..... "'-tm "" "' .. , .... """" ...... .... ......... , .. - "' ., ,. , .... • ' ~ • ... -. • "JIMIJllll'bl ! .TM l!fF&=r::a ITAT:t:lllf Oii I ...... •1 ..... .,. Wint ~f.:n.:::- CO MM UN ITV PINANCIAL TM ....... ,.,._. Mw ... !\dened MltvtCll. ,,.. Acadl ,,.. l.lMo ttlt ......... tktttt.. bUlllltH NfM ll'YI-., Cllf, liM&4 • •ATTlltNIO COHCltlTI •I ,_, DtWlll W ArllM Tttrta. ,,._ MtlrlM Yid .. D.-Miii ' - .... TfM u. ll"Wt ... Cliff. .... , .. ·~ ........ ',....... """'"' TM. ........ .ll ~ IW , trl .. ..._ w fUlif.. In °'""" (Ol.lnly ,_, . ~m --· • Ford, OiiJslei· ,. Eye More Hikes I 11'111• =::"' ... fllld .itt1,.;. Ybi., OW ~ ..... 1a4taaMMl111 -""" " .. _ ....,. M • , -'--·• -""'" WASIDNGTON {AP) -Two C!lrysler, said "'--•-~...,_ ......... ,, ttn. Vl .. 1, 0.-llOllf t Of th 11 ' jo b ~.,_ r ~. r.1 ._ ..., ,.,.. ~'l" -·-__ ......., e na on 1 ma r auto 'a lr, would ~k anothe . ...., ..n --~· malfers, Ford iDd Qii'YllM-fjflce ncrease tor -1974 modeG ·r--• '*' .. a...n · Wfl&lm v. ·~ • "''" indicated toda_y they may ht even if ~ current IP,Creli-'le P1J1UC NOrJCll . .:z< ..._ •-Doi~ ., .. · bac!daler .. •ritb another price Is graolod. 1 .,-----~,--r---I-., 1" 2'-27' '~ ·no-~ lncreue request for 1974 " ' 'U"::.rr::;i:r " , PIJBLIO l!JCIUCl!l model CUI . even ll the Cost "TllEl\E IS a ~. and ~ ~ .,...... .,. _.,. PfCTITHKll' •ut••• . or Uvlftg Council . approves certainly if there ls a need, NOW1,.,~110M1. .. 11• .,....,.... ....... tutM• tT4T•••wr , .J-their current requeat for we'll be back/' Helder told A-. lllidl.'Clllf,,.. _ .... , • ....-.. ..,.... -.... hl&ber prices. ,.; th, e council. CMfW ... 1 .... A#f, H4ll, Ill • -:..' <I .....,.,. ,...,cant.-.. 712 C:-MIN'I ... ~e"""' l,n,v1c1, 'lbfi counclt opened bear\n'a McCammon and Helder c....... -.. ,. •· ..._ 1rw .. *"' · ~ •t.. ca.; ,,.., C.MI. today on price increase re-were a-a~ auto 1industry ...._. ClllH. /' ~ ' •·•--o Tiii• MJMu '' tfoclue~ iw • '"*'" JM•tor o, ·'"""° -C•rrnt11 o. quests from the major auto representatives testifylng 1 on' ""flfttl'IC:r1tt ~ . · ::mo-2011 .. w•M.u, Cott• Mt••· c..ui. makers averaging just over the opening day of a;.two-day r111, •t•ttlMflt w.1 1n1c1 1111t11 tht 1 TN1 '• IMINM •• tondi.ltt.s by •n 5 percent. h. earing· on -the latest -prices COUl!fy ~-of Or.,.. Goullty on flCI Y lltl. QctoW ,._ 1m Ctr"*' f'rltlo increases sought by the major . ,. ..... Thlt tl•IMltflt ••• fUlcl wltll ttll DAVID N. McCAMMON, auto makers. -' -CO.tt Ollty l'nDf; CIMlfy Cllrk of Or•nee C-ty en HO'llllNIW " 1J, •· "°~ '· 1m. ' assistant comptroller of The lncrease1 ~ be the J .,..,, Pl!llltlllld Or•;r c.ottt O.llY ':, Ford,-.i said lt74-rnode1 car second this year. "" council NOTICE , ~~ 1~ 11• 1 ~Mn sales ar,.~u 100 percent com-approved one aerteS, of price 11 , pared W\UI last year, maklng hikes in September! ""' "' • PUBLIC NOTICE Ford~ 'Deed for lildmmedlate ·' . ••1 • price hike aU the · more im~ FORD IS/ pro Ing an PANDA ' UMllNG. lSIS w. PICTITIOUS IUSINEIS perative. average lncreue ot. $188 per MtcArtllllr 1119., Mtt ~ , .. Cott• JU.Ml ITATIMINT G I M -' • Ml ... teUtD~ 'Mn < TN· 1o11ow1119, ,.~ •r• defl'll McCammon said ·he could car; enera oton, .:wa; A~::.U..Ni1011t ..... IOW!Mn """c':T"M:..:i::K CA1tl'eT1NG;. tol w. not r:ule out the , possibility Chrysler $136i andf.American TNs 111111,.. tt conductlll bY •n Or•~· F11n1r1on. c.11r. that Ford would seek yet Motors, $114. tntl~~ o • ._:. ..!;,!'~':.~.r•~,~1 w. Or•l'llt-anoth~r price increase for 1974 , Bert M. doncklin, head ~of Ttll• ... ......, w• !.':!!!~ wtltt• t11t •t, ,,.,....,_,,.uac• .. 2011 w. C11af'H11, models later. the council's .Office of Price ewnty-c1tt1r llf ... or.ritt e-ty "" Anli11ttm:-'Ca111 • ..,---Stabilization,· 88-ld ••• In· HwemMr 1. lf1J. Tiii• """"'" I• tondVCt.i t11 • Rage~ J. 'Helder, vice preSi· we ~ ............. 0r .... CtMt . o.ity •= Ptr~~~.;111 L c,.1n , dent and compttoller 0 r creases would average 5.1 per- .. __."ts. M. 11. ltn »a·n Tiii• "•'"""" w•• rirtd w1t11 t11t -cent and cost $2.3 billion. PUBUC NOTICE ~ ~tt;k ot Or•ng• Cwnty on PUBLIC NOTICE· Concklin asked McCammon Zlifiitun °' et1e•T••uiNC1 '•""' ,. htdL AttY ~ "·"'" 111a1Tious ausiN•s• whether Ford would again put °'·VII MD/OI MMDCMIMllff ""s..Mt SM .... ·,.. NAM• STATlM•HT most of the' new price in· °' •tntTIOUI MAM• "...,._,.., c .. i:,... TM to11oW1111 per• •• Oo11111 bu1ln1u creases on ·ts s all r mod b er:::~ =·ti;=~ :=,.,-= ;;;;lllN Oflflll Co.st O.lty Pllol, II: $E:CUll:ITY VEHDIHO co.. 150t H. which wS.: do~e ~ier ~ It , CllMd .. 49 Min.ti under f111 Otfotllr 30, •114 Novtrnbtf 6, 13, 20, Main $L, $Int• Anti, C•. '2701 flctllla9I """' --of lllVINi: CON· 1m ms.n D. Fr9d Jol'lnson, 2111 Mm vird•. September increase. • \ 'lutsdil)', Nowmbtr 20, 1973 '.:) DAILY PILOT OVER THE COUNTE NASD Lillin91 for-..,, No .. -. it, 1m • Gally l"llet Staff PMte M>Lto.t.TIEO F11e10HTWAvi •' 1111J.J COlt• ,..., c1. m2t MCCAMM hYliart Cl~t. 1rv1111, C.tlforfll• '2101 PtrBLIC NOTICE Thl• t111sl111t1 rs ccndlX:ttd 11y •n ON SAID h e ~ -==1111-Pfl'':n":"'".,,._ ~ f'ICTITIOUS IUSIN•SI lrtlllvld~~· Fred Jolln.JOl'I. didn't. thin~JIO, and defended 111 f\111 ind pt•'4 of rllld«lef 11 •• NAM• sTATIMlMT Thll 5t1tem~n1 w•• t11tc1 with tilt the prev~ price increases JURGENSEN'$ GROCERY· OUT OF BUSINESS In L19un1, High Rent, Tr1ffic Toke Toll ~ t.Wftl ' TM lollowl119 ptrtoM •r1 dolnp Ml,... County Clirli; of Or~ COUl'llY ·on on Small, e'F as being LtOHTtNe DllflllUTOl:S. INC., 1 •· . NoY•l'l'lllll' 1 .. 1t73. • ~ C.tlflrflla ~ 1711$.J llcY'Plf1l • PATTllNIO 'CONCllETI. ,,... , . ~ necessary use of the low c1~ 1Mnt. ct1ltorN• tmr ,,,....,..-vi .... o-l'olnt t1t2t ~11.,.. °'11111 cflut O.lty !lllo!, profit mar ·on small cars. C"1111att fW tr.,.._tlon of Mlnllt Wlllltm v. Moomff4 eor,ot•ILon. ~Imber 20, 21, •if Dlctmbff '· 0 • ....., a. ....... tktlftallt fllfM. •ncl • c.11,... clorpo,1111oft. ·Dia Mtr'INI ' ~ Jm.13 ~ f I ~t Of ,..UClflln .......,, ' .,.. .-i \/lite, 0-l'olllf t2Uf ~ Local Fixture tHt llt t+.t offfct of ti. CN'lry Cl1rk Thi• MintU 11 tllll'IQ conducllcl 1W , PUBIJC NOTICE j l .; ar.... C-ty. Ul'ICltf' t111 Pf'OYl•lon• 1 c11rp0r•1-' B . ' p .. k o1 llCliM 17'24 Of thl lwllllU ' Wllll•m V, Mo011111d Corporll!lon ' ~, PltTITIOUS SUSIN•IS ' u.eWl ar ,.,......_(oft. WllO.m v. Moorlletd. ~ ' It MAM• STA'taMaNT ' 'WtTJfi II my MM IN• mt\ •Y Tiii• st•i.n-1 tilld with Ille cOW11Y • 'flw•fotlowll\ll Pff~ J• doing 'bllilllft1 ~ I 4lf • ttn. c11rk Of °'""" Counht on Nov. 2. ••: • ' OHTING OllTlllUTOllS, INC. 1m ee•YLWOOO FEED YARD. 3" S•n s . .&-!•-e Told aOMld 0. lrown. il'fflldlnt •·"* MIOlllll Dtl"9, SVlte llO, Ntw;Ol1 hKh, 1,.£11\. CM"CIAL SIM.)°''°'*' PllbtlrMd Or•noe Cotll O.lly l"Hot c.n,tornl• f'26IO 1 I . = ~ Cltllonll Nov•mbtr" 1:a. 20. u. -.n USS-1' lirvlwoo!I Flnm:t .. COMPlflY, )ff ,+ . Or C-"' -1 s.i Mleuat1or1Y1, SUI,. n o. Mtwporl --11-' ·es Inc. of .,. ' PUllUO WO'l'ICE llKtl. Cellfofl'll• .,~ ~ My Comm'"*' bplm TNt t111111MU I• ~ by , llrnltff • N.......,.. , that ernployes Laguna Grocery Out of Bu$iness AtWll 11. ,,,, -hi "'"Y"-~ ' •• mn PtcTITIOUS SUllNUI . . .:.,. v Pltlnlln. of its .. , 'ary, Spartan flWllll'ltll Or•l'I.. Cont O.lry "''°' MAM• ITATIM•MT . • f« lt[Yiwood ~"' Cas•l ... .,, B ena p k Od*' JO •nd NOW..,..., .. I~ Thi foflO'#ltll Plf'SOll It ... ..... ~ Campeny, °"""111 f'erl!Mr ' -. •• u ar • ltn It: IN5UlED Q u AL IT., ' 'MAIN-TN.' .~' Wff flltd .wltti IM went • OIJ, • e Thursday PUBUC NOTICE TENANCE, MU Tr• WI~ ff• ~ ~..,.. Of Or•fllll County on morning .ta result of the ""'*"'" ktdt. c.111. ........,. ·'· 1m. expiration o( tbeir contract. tuNllOI CGUIT' .. Tlll 5tt¥1 ll, ,..,.,...,, 14.SJ Trtdt Wlnft. ...... P1Het Co '----is STAT• OP CM.ININIA. HI.Intl~ IMtll. C1llt. ~ lhld ,,or•net.._Col•t D•ll'( Ptlol. mpany JIUIWlgement ,...,..., ., ...... Tiii• IMffllM 11 cOfld\lettd tit ..i --: "'•· •nd ....... '· 1m ail42·7l continuing J.l s negotiations ir.;:: 11191~ ..... a. ,.,1.;""' ,-~ ~r . ~ J'VBl;JC•NOTICE~ ·with. union iilfficlals and et.· NOTM:I 01" •Ult•• CW Tll1t ll•ttmll'lt w•s flltid • .Jiit ___.., an ......... settlement APPUCATM* ,.. Af''°'NTMINT CountY Cllt'k of Or•• ~ on f'ICTITIOUI IUltN•ss .,........ .....y • OP MAIDWI Novembar :. 1m P..., ..WI ITATIMIMT p NOTICE -I oo•~ •Not ,,. fonoWll\ll ptl'IOll 11 dolnt butlnnl In tfll Mllttr .i 04.ll~•n•lllP of Plltllltlltll °'"'°' CH• ... ... -' PICT tM Pll'IOl'I of CANDIA Wtl.SOff. Minor. Nov.mW" t:a.,i. "· ltn ,,...,, "•••vt.WOOO FINANClAL COM-' ...... Tl'll =of tM Jt•tt' of C•lltor11l1 PlJBLIC NOTICE ,.,.,,.,, a. ·s#i ~\tlltl OrWI', $11!11 ' Thi foltoWl"8.. • •r• doll!ll T\!:.n~~ J~Ni!:'~w .,.. ~.0'1' uo.• .. WIWPCri =..~::~:orn~. ~=:s1..wt1~ INN. ,.lit CN•I <I'"' •11111 ,.ired .. .,._,. blfor• PICT1TIOVI .::~• -" , ::::.i;;:,,.,, )ff SM! Mlowl °"11, ~. .... , C.llf:irnt• '2629 tt11 ._,.. of tl'llt ~. tocetlcl 11 • MAMt: STA , • ' T1I ft9WS10rt ltkh. C•llfornl• 'Y. ~ l1 C0111I Hlc;iw.y, C~ 70I Cl'<'k canter 1>rtl~ -.,· TM folfowl119 ,.raon• •rt dolt11 Tiil• .,...;.,.. Is condudld lw • limit.-o.·na l'Oln0t. 11 ~111 ,..., ht, ""l CltY II hnt9 °"*• Wl'ltY lMl'*l N ' P1rfMnhiP. ,...,,. ~· ~,.. ' ONrwf,. ltlla d C .. ..,.,..., II tlle CAt..t~NlA CAM~ltOUNOS, 1) ~ aoev, 'tf.. ~_. ; , HltllWIY• Qffl9 , _Ill, C.lllornl1 tam ~ 11 °'""'11neot No. I ., a... lier• Ntwparf I Nd\. Cltlfornll I .... ~ .. "•""fi!'J I> Tiii• DuSll'llM, 11 conchlcttd lw .,.. Dee'"'"' 11, ltn, It t:• .. cledl,A.M.. t2'IO Tlil• 1tlttmtm wit mid with• llM 11\dt'MUll. """ IM tMrl .. ....., Cllilfl, " .,..,, DoMtd I ~ Jr. Ind COUl'ltf Cllttc of Or.,.. County on v. J. C.rtltr ..., ttA'f' MAITIN HAMMONT1'.EE or •• ,..,. K ......... ptireyl. 1111.o.nd. . Nowlmbtr t 1m Tiii• .. ~ ~·1 flled ~""' thl ~ ....-...,..._ ,.,._. .,....... lfOI wffe, 13 ... '\1y, N....,... INdl. ' ' P2MA COUl)ty CMr*. of OrMoe Counht on IJllli ·~ 0--. of tM pel"t>Oll Ctllf. ,,... hOllllWd Ore"91 Cofft Diiiy f'llof. NOVf!"'lbtl' It, 1tn. P2M4S ~ .:"°:r:.C. ~-=-.. -::.01i:: H!:,...-:.."':t~~ "!"'J Cllli'MklCt«I 11'1 ~~ • l:J.. 20, U, •nd, o.c;:.~n . ltvbllWd Of•llllt C0.11 D•llY Piiot, ~ NflwerlOf It fNldt tar fvrttlt1 OOMN E. HwnpfWl'fL Jr. Nll'tWtftMr !O. V, Ind -D.cembtl' 4, ~"" ,...,.. K. '"""""""'""' n , 1m ~1-n o..... *"· 1. 1m. T1111 ••te!Mftt tied ~ .,. , PVBUc NOTICE tlJM.l Clerk • o......._ c_.., Oii: 0c1. "-•l-------~~--1 PUBUC:NOTICE •• WIU.IAM E. ST JOHH 1tn. ., : ~ JllCTITtoUS •UltM•lt 1---.,,==~''""==:---C~ Clettl Olllf Clerll: ,,1. di:t· ""'1 MAMI STATIMIWT of fM ..,,......,. '-' flf " • .,,......., CM•I Ollty f'IVlt, Tiit tonowfng Plf10tl ls MIJIO b111Tnn1 '~~A~~':::• ""., ... of C.itl«'lll•· In •nd• "" ~ .... '• Nov.rnbtr '· ll, 20. ... I fW tM COUftt'f of OfM9f, '/', f11 · .•-' ~ ,.. ,...,, •CONSUMERS' OPTl""L CO .. 12062 Tilt fol~llll pertont l rt dolllQ' Sy f', IC-GANOALL.. ..:. " . • "'. • • ----Vlllley ~ St., Gardin Grov1 n:i:o. blll~=N':iM DEPOT, JOSS Wttt' 8•)1 F~OOlll _.. ii , ~ PUBUC ~CE K"""""' ...it!.ldCin Clt~1';101 • RNCI, ANl'lllm, C•lltor"r1 m • UoW Av. .. I' l '-· -l!mlted I, f'tt., Cat•l"'9t 105, W. 8all Id .. .._._IM. ~ ,.; PJCTITtOUI IUllMlll Tiii• blnlM11 • u• ·1· Analltlm. C•lllotnl• ........ I.ell.~ tlMJ ... • ~. NAMa STATIMllllT prtrtfllnhlp • HI •. I, Larry P. C.'1Pfll· 10S1 w. •·n T ...... (JM}..,..... n-· MlolrMO ,.,_ •r• 'dolnlt l(ltl'll"lllh ' ,... .. Rel,. ANhelrn. Calll*nll ~ COllt (:telry Ill · •t • Thi• lt1ttm111t -flltd 'Wiii\ a. AJlll G. Tr'OUllL 1055 W"' ltil ,........, .. ?;.';r "· Im m.-' S'IMT'El,RISES. SUltt> lot. an C-ty Cl.rkmof Or .... CountY on Rood, ANl'lelm. C.tlfoMI• • '. · 1 , ~,'H\Ol'lli..ton ltKh, N"91'11blr t, 1 l'·!MM Thi• tM,ISl-11 conckltllcl by,I flM"f' PUIUC ~CE ~ ~~. .., ....... 1111 , .. ~ htllllhtd 0r•;r ~outnc10•~_: ~:.,. c.1.11,.; · f'ICTITIOUI ... ,.... ...,,.... .. r,\CA • • • ~ .,,. . • • • ,..n Tllll 1t•lenwnl ~ flied wltll "" MAMI'. ITATIMalff , .... a. I~ Ull MooilPIN 4' m t• COlllllY Cllrlt of Or ... Co\lnty 111 NIYl!n- Tl'le .......i111 .,.,.... ll..,.. li>Uilr.-~o~H.-. flt._~ Orlw. • ·-rDT1TC N,_,,.,;. , btr 1'-~::OC l. lit.: ·t.·-,.,~., CA"2QI I ~uu.... u1u,..p f1Nt1 CINTUlllOM MUt.IO oo..1..u;i1, lrvl"!_ ~ Opal w. """'~ ·"'11, cw-or.. • . Pubtllhld ·Or••' eo.11 Dilly 'f'Uot. ~. T\ISlln. Cl'IL ftMO Clf'IYlll Llkf, (A , ,--.. •', < PtCTJTIOUS IUSINISS Nov.mbtl' 20. 27, ,tnd Decwrtbtr 4, • .,...., C•r•-Wltll. '"° ""'1111 T~tt. ' I• ~11(1M lw • .-.1 ; llAM• ITATIMllllT u. lt7J ~ . M·n u., ~ lllCll. Cttlt. t2UI Pt f ' rllj flltlMlnt Jiff'°"' •I'• doll'lll '.·C:..C:.:-----'---'_;. T"lt bWIMta It C'Ol'Mttll bY lfl ~ iM Hlrin ' 1.' / blltlMtl ••: · PUBLIC "'OTICE By JACK CHAP!'ELL Of 1111 Dltlty f'lltl Stiff For more than 20 years Jurgensen's Grocery Co. was a Laguna Beach fixture, its prime meats, ' produce and spirits a necessity. fer the up- per cnist. Now, the grocery stands empty with. stark shelves ex- posed, an old IOOP and bucket in the mldd1e of ·the floor and a "for lease" sign hanging Nixon Gets Top Poivers . ,For Energy ' .. WASHINGTON . (UPI) 'l'.li< .Seh.ite; bas voted Presi· dmt ' N-tbe sweeping poWeri'{be ·requested to deal wif:h the '"energy crisis, and the ' Administration w a s ...polled Considering a plan to ban Sunday gaaollne sales. 'nie Senate passed • the enel8Y emergency bill 73 to ~.Monday. U approved by the Rouse, it would allow Nixon to ration gasoline and other fuels, · lim it energy use by business, relax clean air rules and curb oil exports. I~ • Tlll1 tt1fFl· WU fl lld '#Ith 1111 l,EISURE PUILICATIOf.1$, UO E. t;' · , tl;OfllMU C. Wdh County (ll>rli; ()r9flll CWnlf~ «I 1111111., COll• MfU, C.111. t'.W1 . ~· """"1 Tiii• ... ..,,..., ..... lllld with "" N_,,.... , .. 1 • '-• . (llarlff C)owln JOY,. '121 Srll'lf«<I· IUf'•lllOR co;;a,.· °"'TM• ""'-"-=--~ ~ Chttl of °'*'" C-IY ~ • • lltH4t 141,,ttnoton ... c.h. caur. nut · PoltMu fsOll: MEANWIDLE, a '--/utei HJ'fl""W' 1, ttn. ... ~ 1'11t111t11111 Or•""', ·c01st ! J:Nnv ,l'tlof, 11111 blltif"" 11 conctlldlcl w • 11,,,uec1 s::~1cg~~'jp o.1.:N.. force was reported by the ~ °"'"" CM•• • y , • II. ltn • 1' ,, ; ~' I CWltt o. JoY . ' NOTIC• Of N•A•I oP f'ITITION as ton ost to ve . 0 11 1,., Now1t1btl' xi, 21. t!MI. ptcefl\bir '· ......-1111p. • .. ~n w bing P ha ...... ,.,.. .. 11. 20. 11. 1m mJ..n • -~Is 1t11«Mnt w•• fllld Wlll'I JM J!Olt f'llOSAT• 01' WILL AMD POil recommended to President --•c NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE -(ilM'lty c..,• °' Or""' CO\tf\IY °"' LITTI"' TllTAM A•., ---~r;~~-~~~~'.,';;..--1---;;;c;n,;iO<j;-l~i!iiiS-,~I ~ 1. 1•n. · ,...., e111i. of a11.ucs· He it• e RT Nixon Monday that he ban PICTITlout 1us1Mtss J• L . .... c , 0 11 .,1... CROMPTON, Dli:HMd. sale of gasol'-from 9 pm PtC'TITIOUI lutl•IH flAMa ITAT•M•NT ¥ 1fllM V"..... on 1 y "" NOTICE lS HEltEI Y GIVEN tl'llit un;:; ' • UMI STATlMIPIT TN fl:tllowltig pw-I• doll!ll butlMU NO\llmbtl' '· 11, 20. 21. 1m :J3.U.73 IANI( 011' AMflllCAN NATIONAL TRUST Saturd;lys until midnight &,m.. TM flltew1r11 ,.,,_ 11 .,.,.. Ml•• ••: --PIJBUC NOTICE AND sAv1NGs Assoc1A110..i ,111• 1111e1 days tO dicourage SUnday •: . SOVTHCOAST INTERIORS, JI) 5 t Mrtln • ptfltlon lot;. Probe le of Wiii I ll v I.. • c 0. s 0 L l D AT f 0 GlnMl'I LWM, CO.ti Mu.I. C•lll, ftU1 Ind lot l11U1nc:• ot LlllW• T••l•mlfll•ry driving. ,.llGHTWAYI, IAOS Norlflllfdll J-..ft Gulmltcl. 20f2. G1rd1n UM. ll'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS to thl ]111111_.., rtftffllc• to wl'ilcll The Poet said the ...i .... also "'""'""'' 1"1111. C.!+fonll• t270S Cott• ~. C•llf. t2W' MAMI ITATIM•MT l• mlCW for f\lrttltr 11tr;tlclller1, Pd 11111 .,..... VI~ VIMlll'IL tms· Mutu .. lldl• Thi• MIMM I• tOl'MliXtlcl by "' TM to11ow1119 Pli'IOl'I 11 oot1111 bullnn1 thl time •"II pl1<• of ..,..r1111 thl callM for a .10-gallon limit AY'lllUI, trvl111, C•Htofflll tl70S , lnctlvklvlll. ••: """ Piii bRn 11t lot Dli:. '' 1m , (111 -a.a;_ saJ ehlcle T1\ll IMlflllt I• tor*otlllll .,., I ll • J..,ift Owrneccl Ill.VINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL. ltclM ., t:OO •.m.. In !hi courtroom Of 15_...... es per v Inell,,..,... / Tiii• •ta'-1 w•• flllcl wfll'I thl Culv.r OrlYI, lrvlnt, C1lltornl1 '26U o.pertrnent No. 3 ot n ld tour!, •' from midnight Fridays to 9 :_ ~f!: fllftmlnl ••• fllld Wlll'I 1119 fit~ 1, ltn. . • .J_,._ MontelOll Clrcllit NfWP(ltt 8e1Cft, C.~11. City of S.nll Ant, C•l!~l•. • ' .. °l'."~~.'!' w ma e Vine:• VIMllilfll • (oynty Clerlt el Or•ntt County °" JllMI E. •1e11. D.V.M.. 175' l'ort 700 Civic Cll'l~r Drtve W•st, In thl ~·~·-··-·-k it' UUll'!T OfR of Or1 ..... county, " '. . , ,...._ f2'6t • D1tld NO\I. 16, I~: ~ to 'gaJ up ahead of ot'IOMf' tt, 1tn. .-.. ,PvbfltMd Or•ntt °*' 'O.Uy P.not: TM• ""'""'' I• condVCttd bY •n WILLIAM. E. $~JOHN. . 6-···· a .:....J, ... y drl --..... Nowmtler t, 1s. 2.0. rr. 1m :sw-n 1M1v1c1ue1 countv c ttrk WI" ouna. ve. •ix: """".,... Or....-c.... O.Hy l'llet 1 ,._ E. Jllcll, D.V.M. ICl•DIL • AND•lllON nrnnnsals· w-said to have Ot._., 30 IN: Nowmlltf' .. ''· Je, PlJBLl(Tl(OJ'l(B ' TMI "tt1t.iMnt w11 111«1 wltll• tlll IV, CAIL MIT'CltlU.t:,. !""'7':' """ 1m ( DH-1' .L...-Courity Ct•• Of Or•not County "", .. MOllTM ltl;OAO'fJ~ -·· been~ made by the special f MOTtc1 DP MAllSMAL'S SALi . N"91'11btr ~6' ttn. ntw f~~~M; CAL.If'. nr.' energy actim. group, headed • 1 PUIUC NOTICE Ali.t N. De S•i;it11, 1tt .. Pl•lntlft f'ubll•htd Or•llf' coast Dilly Piiot, A"-'1 1tr1 l'tflt}lfllr by Nixon's energy adviser, ' l'K'flTIOW SUSIMlll :0. 1~a::' Morrb, .. ••• Dtftndllll. N••"""n btf 20. 21 •t'ICI ~blf ~ii N!°v":=' 20 °:1'~ ,?rf•' Dilly~;; John A. Love. ~sTATWM•MT •~ Ylrtvt of •n •xecvtlon ltwed on ' ' ' About 25 percent'bf the na· Ttlfitanowlftl ,..,-I• ootnt bllllnn• Cklotltt '" itn by 1111 M1111LclP1I Cwrf, · PVBUC NOTICE .. ; t · . ... e"""ty M1r110r Judlc111 Dt~ct. PUBlJC NO'n~E / t lo n ' s . a a...s o 1 in e con-~ """WAV J'OLISHINO, ~·'Pim J~ """9d: ,..~l'l ls'. 'ltn. CMIY . -... .-..Hon' -·-on'--·tends, A.,.. ltlflton, CllllttnM of br... ..... of C.llfOm!Ji, '1111"' CITY OJI l'OUNTAIN VA.LL.V .,...,...,.., ..,. ..... ,. ...,.,., °'"*" Clt'deU· 101 • tlldlmtnt 1111w«1 111 ''"" ot AlMrl 1-..,.., A""" according to' the gOVernment. I AM AYf,. .. ...,..,.. INttt:: C•"f, N. De s.llfl• dbl LOI Aflllht I. Ofal'ltl ........ Vlf!W, Ca!lfttllll' tt7'1 ' 'If' ~ • ' C°"""' Ml\ltffMlll •-u" .. \lldoMiftt • '~ • •' ..,,.. ... .,... 11 .,..,.... " 111 ""°"'..,. .,... .,.1,..t ,...,.~ .. Mi0rr11 a1Nn o,. 111HM1CIAt.. TlANIAct10N1 THE POBI'.,. quoted sources dloMiltl. ·'... • •ka •-.rt J. /lWrlt ..... J, ,..,.... ~ rJ.ut~ ................ #.1911 .. ••yina;;_ .. -.· .-.,~ .... --1' ~ c.tM1 Miii ..,.r;; Morrlt •llll hl'Wt' I . • .. -... _JNV .._ ...__.~ lieterMlll ... mid Wltll ""'Mitrft ... Mrl. tl;Olllrt 'Morril ••• ............. lllVI NUll ··-··-wl''"'-·. "'-a _,..... CIWtl "Gt or ... ~ 111 1. ·~ Merf+i'°'* ..-Mrt-·Rolllrtr J. '=.llaMI _ S J.OI0,2tt ,....,...,..,.. UUll · ~ ... -.Jm..u .. r' ---"--· t.\Ol'rll.akl.MrL •• J:IM!"r••~l~I .!'""' .,.-• ..._. .... _ :,,....· -~ 90tAOt . ~in "tO anoc.te Mme bei.ttng ... rmM ~"""'"°''Ml blltl'IC'e llif tlfl.I " ·T'!""•••~ ·.a.; ··~~ ~A1Q~I .. -...f' oi.~ ··~• -t.-•NO.AnA -... "'--.. ~: ... 11 ~1'1011"1':: :..~ .. ~ .~.~ Juct:.0.7!"'~ :~or=-t.:~0:1t.f:..wy & ''°'*"' 2~1: "" '·w Wl'C' ftauun I -,-• I am-n i......, .;;.-;'" . .i1 M1""".1.:.1:; a .... enue ""' 0111tr Ao11K•n . 41t.JU • ri)Jutors. ' --j~=;;:-:::-::;;;;;;;;:---IMI 1M1Nit « llid "*"""' . Qll,_ for C""'9111 StrYIC• 3",429 The Senate-paieed b l J J __ "" .-111 tt1t .......tv In !hi CMl-W of Orente. °"'« ll"""""" Jfll,lM allow& N ixon lo order ra ..-"--... nv•-st•ll ef C'4lfwllla( ct.c:rlMt .. ...,._.: • Tott! tttvenwt • 1.m..11• 7 -,.· • ....:~~==~==='--1 lot ,~ 'Tritt 'II{!,; -.... fl, IXf'INDIT ., tlohlrig or g~l~ or any 71£:~-=~n '"~m• ::,.."*'~tr::'~ ':: OtlltftJ Oowrnmtr1t -Dtoitrt1Nnt•I Vil s w..-Other fuel . 1lle eould ban ex· flllfwlfll ..,... _,. delt!I r.i1...J. "" , •. tn:::"fi' ~rnmtnt -.._.,..rtm111t•I m.a11 port of any scarce fuel'. He •1 NOTICI '' HlllllV OIVIN tMI ,. •' ....... ~1-, ........... , .. ,. Id ord --~-· II II ••• l'llOOUCTIONI. Jf'.O. loll .... l'rldrf, ~ 1. 1tn, 'It . 1i00 l"\ltllle wO;(f ClOU er \,~ 14ln 0 we s Im IWdfltll A---. ,OUlll•ln o•tloclt, l",M, •I tronl of C~, f'~t W ll«NOllon = to be allowed to fioW raster , Ctllilrnll nm GM JlllMltll tl;Old, City ol"N~. ha the! ted fflcJ M. ll'Y•"'· mt 1rt11t11rc1, u INd'I. COU111Y or Of.ntt, st1tt ot To111 laptnd!1vrtt s Utt..018 t n r ra e ent (alllilnll• "'31 -( .. .,.,.,,I_ wlll Mt1 •t P.Vb'IC 1m1.-i WATI• UTILrn' OJ'laAnoH capadty. . ... a , ,,,ll!llW· '"1 ''"""""ta Ille MIM'lt tilfdli', tor c111\ In PltUf YMr , ..... J-.. tt1I H Id f 1 t PW!ltlllfl Y•llrf, te11bnll• "wM fl'IOi'll'( of .,. un11tc1 St•laL lllCOl'l'I• s 1.o.1..m e cou orce power P an s • '""" tt1t '-rllhl· ""' 1nc1 1n1trttt " ,.,.,... u1;t2,, that can switch froml••clean" MtMll ..:..:-=. r:_.. •: =rl::w~·.:..::":' 90111muc~-= Hll lflall'M I l".iSl. but 'SU'Ce fUela to "dirty" .. mlY "' MC'tlMfY tG :fttt"" M"9 fttwnvt tONb • ....._. 1 ls.ooo but pleoUful ones to ct» ao. '::'..:Zr'... fl"" wlttl . "'° =---"1ttl t«IWI I .... t ' -Cnt"I Vf"' Cltllfll °""" AllUHO VALUATIONS l"-40 \ He could ease up on clean· aer1t " °""" cwn,., tn o.. Ne\tlmMI' •· 1m ...... ' air. _,uiremen\s. :t DIYI~: ~ Stnt t..eoettY • .. " _...1.'(;;... IMLLAlfO O, Wlt1t1111°" -MMMd UNet~ ll•k- ... y cv••M9N'l'I .. ....I.°'""' COl,ll'ity L1!!J!--.. • , ut.J» ..... \,N) • ,,.''°.M • '1.211AIO l'r 111111 M, Elftr, DfitlvlY .. .,...v.--.,... S14,U) ... tSMll Jiii 10,Ul.MO IDUlt WHtcKt.11' f'trtOMI PrtPttt'f 1.114290 D»t W .. M t.l27H Hll OOULD SET a specific reduclloo ol energy use by bualnesaes. He oou14 provide lncenUves for car pooling aod uee of mus tral\lit. ~· (lllfl!lWli •t 1 :..,:-::,:-=r127 .._T°'l!.....n-a Uif,fi lllt,11.iii 11tm• 11 ...... Hi or... i:Mit OiftY '""' Ml ........ ~ M1t 11ADt,JN IAJt.tte lt ... ,4N O.C••*'' ~ Or•ntt Cotti Otth' !'lie!, Miff ToMll I ,...,,,,. I fi;ii,n. t il1iJ02 SlOl .... ,lii ~· N••'"*"' 1\. 70, 21. 1'121 M7t-~fthld Or9tltf Cttn O.lly l"llot, Nowmtiw 19, 1tJ1 lSu. • .:.. I • • In the window <i the downtown building. JURGENSEN'$ IS gooe. It was fo'n:ed out by rising rents and traf'ht congt!stio-n, saiQ Hai"ol4 Jurgensen who calls hirilself "the old man." · The sign on the doOr of the company's 1 o r m e r quarters al 250 Broadway refers customers to t h e Fasbi<¥t Square store in Santa An11. -J..urg~ uld his .company win: still "deliver goods to the COl!,!lal· area and .. he sa'fd It i~ COnsidering ·opening a new stoni .~ in tbe area, perhaps in Newport Beach or Irvine. MUTUAL FUNDS THE FOUNDER of the cha1·n reached by telephone ,_w. York -Fo'-OTOH • ICEYSTOflt•: litllnc 1S.4S u .o.· . ' lowi119 11 .• Jiit ol MOWAltO: CU$! 81 11.to n.n Com '·" ..... i.1 in hiS Pasadena offices, said Did Md •U;tCJ ,..1. all!G n f'd t .oll 10.36 CuU Bl lt.H ll.41 Si-t•I U .011•.G'-•' -.. tn Oft Muhlll W1" F 12.• 13.Sl Cu51 S... l.ll t.IJ SEAID GltP: • w~ JD0Ve from J..agWJ3: Beach Funch ff juoltcl tiJ lntm• '·°' I ... C111t 1(1 1,0I 1.16 Ad Gw 4 1) 'i.1 t was made reluctanUy.. ti. HASD nc. SoKll F 1.11 1.11 c ..... 1 11;2 s.•s '·" Ad 11'1( f" 1·11 • MlriM'I stcll Fd 12.171).)1) Cllll SI ·21.11u.21 Ad Int ·f•s •. .,.£ "Laguna was .........,. to us," Ho· .. lmtw 1• 197) Eo1e s. 1t . .,111t.n c1111 st 10.t1 11...o cm C•P .:u ,: .. · &""IW 11• ...... Egret G! 11. n.• c ..... 1 S3 J.lol I.OS Ill( Fdl .S.17 •.e>t! he said. Ac1vi1er • ~ ., n Etlun Trt 1s.>t ... c"'t s.i ,_,, 4.t• Sbc:I i..v •.•• •.n "'411,,. 'Fd i1• 150 Emerg 2.ll 3.'2 ""°Ito 4.JS .t JJ SECURITY l'DI: _'l He said the Art Oolony Attl'MI •n u .-u :n Eneru 11.60 11.w Po••ri. '·"' 1.r• £crvity · J.n 1 .... branch store has been a prolit· :~'1.~d 1:!1 ~:;: ~!:"111rt :r, : r. ~~t~111 ~ T: 'r. ~~!1 ,. :.~ !:~i-..r able ....... over the last 20 plus Alllt•I• 11.as 11.9' .,'"••"u"TY 1.00 ... Llldmrk •.S. 1.11 IELICTID .. DI: !iR '4"C Alpfll H ll lOlJ'IO Lin• Fd 507·507 Am Shr JM 1 Y~ b.it proJeCted over the ~:r.,~ ::n 1~'.ll ·~ov!~ •-• •.n L&x~~~1 11.os ?:r~~ it:: ,f:: r~ next ten years, fl.I .. -&NVldlr· Am Dwt. l.14 t .SS c, .... u,,,1 10.tl 11,tt Grwtll SU l.37 S.ntlntl 111,21 11.1•r ""''6" ,._.. Am EQly '441 't1 •.31 • · · Rei.rel\ 12 ... 1•.0t Slntry '" U,S4 U 'b-ed to be changing. -AM IXPllSs . C'I' SSt< 1.11 ••. Mli'IM l. .. •.02 SHAlllMLD Gil,. .• Qne .ot the ~~gs that P~~:.: '·" 1.~ 5i!~1 ,l5 11:~ r-:1'~ ~:Il ::g ~:';:,!. J:~ ~::~)~ changed was the tease on the 1rw;om '·" '·'° ,un:i u:. tL2' .,. 1 1. ,·" •.n Fl•t Fd 3.M 4.»i•. b '!din l , , Anv5tm 7.14 I.• '''''' ,,, ,_,3 p,__+~" ,·" 1.n ~rtlr 7 . .U LU.<-1 UI . g ocated . bn ~I 1 » I 01 . ... ~..... .18 4 .41 Lt... L •.» •. ,,.r. • , .. 1n a pr e , _. ,·11 1·1 s. .. m F 1.1s '·'° LOOMt P1ce f'd 1.3' aoh commerc1a1 area. It went up, ,t,m""'Gr1h i.u 1·,J Trfllel 22.»i•.•1 SAYLU1 SH•AllON 11os:· & and although Jurgensen. dldn. 't ~ ',',~~ 4:tt s:J7 ...... NAN .. Cl_AMSL '-II OW' 12.tJ 12 tJ AP"4'C 11.3110.oti:I "'" ·~ 't7 4 t7 : M<.itwl ,,,.., 14.4' 1ncom 16.'6 11.s.I . t t d 11 · th Am Miii ,. •• -., Fln Dyn 4.10 4,\0 I.ORO Ala: '" ...... ' '" lO(lli.l wan o we on e matter, AmNt Gr 2·10 i• Fin 11'111 •.n 4.12 A11111t •.n •.ts Sn o.•n 10'32 10.J2 he indicate' d 1·t went up A"CMOll · · .Fin Int s ... s ... Am BuJ 2.M. J.10 Si* Fd .:,, 1:rr----. 'fi ] GltOl.ll": VMI l.13 ).13 81\d deb t .H 10.11 SIGMA llUNOS: StgDJ tCant y. C•\al 4.0S •. 41 hCFd V• IO.t7 11.'9 L11thtrn lO.OJ 10.tl C•P Snr 6.M I.SI Flld 111v 1.t• 1.tt "••"•"•••••· L1111vo In •-» 10.11 Inv t .to to.c Gr#ldl 1 • I.Of • • MASI C01 Trsl 1.Sl 1.11 SUMMEHTll'dE traffic con-111(.0m f03 1 10 OIK Fd 4.IS s.:n Fr~ 7.ti. 1.•1 v~"t11r 111 1 43 V1nt11r 1:os 1:'2 GflJI Fd 7.0f 1.11 llldP F 1.06 1.u Smllh B .:,. ,:,, gestion. on Coast Higl),way w1 Ntll 11.2' 11,37 ••om 1.11 1.to """ F 11.u u.n sa rt Gr 10.6110.6s ~fled the deli A$ltol\> l.H .& H JMt• fl' 7.Q 1.14 MAU f'NCL: , Ci<lllf 11 lt \l I• "'"' Vf!S'j service or Alldlr. f' 7.XI 7'tt Iii Mt.tit! 1.20 I.to MIT 11.0112 OS 11 Inv f 02 f ti...-....... 'AA d th t . d AXE •. ''"' lff 1.12 1.12 MIG u.sou:.. .Inv G 1:., .:4 ·~ ,., .......... ry WV an a ma e NOUGMTON· FOllUM GROUP: MID n.~ u .u Sov• in II.Gt 12. the IocaUon Jess efficient. 11111'111 A ,._,. , 11 ,',"• ,F~ 10.oe 1u.oe MFO 11.43 1s.• 1r1 'as ' 11111'111 • '" ,·.. ,.. 1.03 I.OJ MCO U.SO 14.75 p fnO •'.20 ,; Jwgenaen said his ....1. .. 1 .. • . . Coli.m 1t) 1.t 7 Ma\11 Iv lt:I 1.t2 ITAfl aND G•I": . ""'~"-s stoc• s.•t t .2t :s f\11'111 s ts s ts ~'"' 10 °' 10 06 Com Fd -sumptuoils selection appti1 ~· It.?:-~~ J·~ 1~·n F• r.r 4.•1 412 M•d Am -s." s .... oiw111 t:: ~: t.o the upper income and to = 1i:~ 1f~ :0.S::~~11 =i~ ~: ltri U:~ S!PT~r&' !:': }j "the guy like you and JDe a.yn er s:tt 1:,1 Gr•UI · s. u '·'' Mii enc. •.21 10.ot St Fr inc 1.n l. • • lltcn HI 1.l7 I.» lnc:orn 11.0112.03 MIF Fd_ 7.l6 7.tl> $111• W U.1041. who -1ust wants something a ""'.. 10.IS 10.I) F Mt ... 1 I.SS ,_,. MIF Gr• 4,1) 4.44 $TIADlllllAN .-0$ JittJ 'al " llr•\l'lr 1.1• •.11 II' $petll It.ti 11.M MllOm 01 •.•1 S.01 Am Ind J.tl l.t e spec1 . llorlcllt• •.St '·" Four:t\.F 1.14 I.» Mul)m In *·" 9.43 A$10 Fd I.IS 1.1 He said the -panv was eon Fon t.n 10.oe 0"00••,,~" M111 Sii"' u .•1 u .•1 1nw11 1.2• 1. '-""" Br-).U ).Cf • M!itl Tr1 I ... I ... <kt1n 6.15 •. noted for ~ts large ae1-~·-n l rnl'lm t.11 t.74 DNTC .1.11 '·" N•l llldi,t '·" t .11 STIC H JIOI fDI: , ~ CALVIN fUNDS: Gwtl'I Sf' 7,11 7.tl NAT II( f'DS: 8•t""-20.SS 20.S or Imported wines, ftne me&tl lull Fd ll.02 tJ.U Fr lncm 1.12 '·" 81l1nc I.ft t .OS C.pl\I JO.al 10. d C• fd fl 11 tl 10 U$ Gv S t.rt 10.13 8onO Sr •.16 s.to Stoc-. 14 It U An produce and speciality Olv Slit 1:,. 1: .. UVllllt 4.)t 4.11 Olvictn 3.45 l .77 SIS GROVJ',' . food. ~1~.,. 1;:~ lt1~ t·E~~ !:~ lU i:C~1' !:tt ;:;t ~:C'!!:: ::~ to The ~ery has had two CG f'llflll ... , 10.•S , •• L!Eq Kl.90 II.ti $1•k $r 1.41 7.07 S.-lt .... t .4 &·~ CtP Trln 10.11 ii.JS fd Ml diP .... I.II Grwttl •.l s l .Q Tttl'lllt 1.11 6.T store locations, over the years c.111 JM u ... 14.n ·~==·•HCP ",••.,• .. ,,",,' ,, " ""• ~• 0F •.M 10. In t •-'"" ' C"AN•lltG · Qlil Y . . 't'flC•O t .11 6 . ....agl.IUll. Before the ll'UNDI: Comni •. ., t .Q G ... 11'1 10 ... 11.17 T•mPI G 7.11 1.4 B d h l•lnc:d 10tol1 IS Imp•~-7.lS 1.1' Side O.Mll.16 Tower C Ill 01 roa way store, t e CQDlp&ny Incl Fcl .:ot .:,, lndv• tr 10 ... 11.43 NEA Ml ..... ,11 y,..,, Ctei I.It I. was located on Sou" Coas't Com Stk 1.31 1.•J .. ~kit 1 ... l .J7 Ne11 C11111 •.ll 4.tl tr1v1 Eq io.tJ'11.1 W4 Eqlf Gr 7 ... 1.V ..... tewy •.Ol I.Sol Ne""'11'1 l .U I.JS T...oor H 10,M 10, Highway near the o Id EQty "". t.M J.21 o.n S.< •.1• 1.14 !'!'"'~ 1,•,.0,114.1' 20ll'I CG 2 ... 2 . . _ . Fnd A.m 7 . .:i 1.l4 GltOU, SIC: nw ,.,,r1 . 11S.KI 10111 Cl l.71 4.1 BruSsels Restaurant. Grw1ri '·" s . ._ ~ .. " s.o. s.54 """' w1a ~Ls. u .13 u11111ta 1.tt !i . THE atA1N was founded about 38 years ago and flourhhed with what Jurgensen described a), ·~ju.st • Jo~ of hard work. and a little -~~o.wl'eJlie" iiiQ soinetirnes a combination OJ 'both." ' Ch'nnel 50 A.il'.s Taxes lntom •.It 1.41 811 f'nd 1.)1' $.06 Nl<l'llH 1).19 U.ft U"''"""' 6.1) 7 . .Cl 1.n I.ts COl'll $\~ IO,)O 11.41 ,,.,,l •vtr n .11 IS.11 UNION llRVICii• • V11t1Nr 1.•t t.41 11'1 fAm •di 4,IO Om(~ 1.•I J.IJ GlllOU,: ~ CMASI Grlll Ind lt.•l H .'1 0 Nt1I l<I ll.06 u.a. &rd s Iv U,(1(1 t(.1 IOSTON: GWrd 11,0S 12.CS OM Wiii lt.26 lt.l• N11I Inv 7.tt I. Fnd 8os 7.11 I.Ml llAMILTON GllP: CWl"IJ!!HM fO: Un CIPI 1.1' t.I l'ron Cp '·" s.u ·f11t'ICI J,'9 4.:16 Ott Alm t.16 10.67 Wl'lll'l•I 11.3S 13. $117r Bl •l.1• 1.IJ GrW1h ... ,. l .65 ·oo Fllll 6.13 '·'' UNIT•D ~UNO~ \f:tttt •.OI 6.M tflCOl'll ~.2Q, 1.11 00 T-t,U 6.71 A(tll(l'l l,14 7.-Chtm fd 10.Jt 11.ll Hl'•IMI Y .H •.i• OT'C Sec 10,)111.17 Biid Fd 7.Q •.st CO'-OlllA Mtfl LY l,U e,Ji P•r•ml LSI 7.19 Cont <aw t,47 10.JQ PUNDS: ~ Hedbt9 l,to •. }1 P1111 R•v •.7$ 1,38 ·conrfnt'""t.J(I 10.•1~ Con¥tr '·" 10.11 d09 -.t;t1 ·',., PQMu' 4.lt S.tt lntom ""'II'·• u , 111 • • Y;> Equity J.10 J.)t Htri\~ l.}7 1.12 "-"'1 Ml 1.Jt .. 1 S<!tnc •·'' 7.Jl FllllCI 10.lfll.IO "9r•\I 11,7119.19 "'""·~ .. ,. Ll VlilOd S.tl •.ss Gfwll'I S.11 6.ll tmprl Cp t.2' 10.U Pl'lllf fd 6 .• 1 7.J4 USAA C• • t.t i ,,6S !Mom '-" '10.u Imp Gr 1.06 J.n PILGRIM GP: -vs 0¥\$ 10.~ 10.1G Wlll\or J,IJ J,11 111( fdAm II.Jo& ll.XI C•plll ,_,. 3.'6 \IALUE LIN• f'O$: COi""" G 11.IO 11.IO ll\CI FAm l.20 l.SO ill(om 1.n t.U V•I Lnt J.lt s .•• COMMON'WLTM lllle90tl 1.U t.10 Pl"'-"" 7 ... l . .tJ VII 1....: t.1• 4.•S ftl;UIT1 tll 1n,,.1t 10 ... 12.Di Pint SI t.13 t.t3 Lev Giii •.OI •.tt A,. 1.10 1.lt lllvtrn G I.ill 1.>0 Pl" Trt 2.M ... ¥•1 Soc I.ti l.1 C 1.'1 I.SJ Inv Co A It .. 1),11 l"lOftlll 'D: \IANCI'. COll'lp Id 1.00 1.19 !"v lndlC .,. Pion Fd 11.Utt.11 l11'1t1t 1 ... 7.IO Comp ,d t.A 1.~J l"v tot .M 11.M ~Oflr II t.'2 10.M Y$ (Ml 1.0) 7.11 CClfl'IP " 6.1' 6.tl lfl'I' Gllldr.n 7.U PIWI Et\ 1.11 1.17 SANDl.115: Concrd t.11 t.11 INVIST P!tnnd t ,ltl0.14 S4:o>KI •.It 1.» n --1'denls on . the Oran' ge COfll Inv 11.CIO 11,JO COUNI• PLI GRO U.011S.1t Vllfri.lt •. 1• '·" ~ en.in tw s,1J s.n: c_.m 1.tt 1.• ''UC• lllOWI': \l•n7rct 1,11 l,<IO Coast ~win get some · unex. ~~~ ~ .t::t ,l:U ~:: t l:n 1:%: ~·i:r. :?:ft ltft ~r,~Otf tt a:11 peded help ftom the tube ~ 01~ 11n t:l 1ro,•i111•·~'l··· ~,:or !:~ t:f: ~:nr,~ J;~I ~:a, around inM.me tax time next Dell•! ·" •.• 10s ND s.a t .32 "".,..,kft -J ... t.JS Wiii! Mo; 10.SS 11 .• ,... ()lvfCIQ J.J7 7.D 0S" 1.0I .... OYd GI I.ti !·" W.IM M tO.U lt. )'..eat. • D•U.1'All M\i.lwl t . .O 10,Jl fi't'o;O $IP 9.111 ,n "ILUllGtON 'l'tle Internal Revenue 0:',.~t: ,.u 10.~1 l:rt<\ Uh l:l ;3~i.~ r.=: 11,111i.u Service and ~·-·-el 511 ·-0t1• ' "'' •.• ¥•f ,.., e. t.m ~,,., 10.1>1 u.• '"''' ..... '·'* . \AHlUU _.. Ottll T '·tt J ,11 f(l, 1141 '· 1.u .,.11, '1:-,t. 1.n MO•P 113' n .Jt cooperating on a~ or six t:~"cp S::~ .~~ '0t!i11 '·'° • . .o .,.1r1 ~ lt:! ~~~•" ,t~ 1i.ij ~rams to be aired over oo.oea ''·°' 11.• 1nCll'I\ 1... ... '"' .... '·" w.h1y 1r.n 11,t 1 the Coat Co It Co •brt,..1-f .t1-t.ll T'M=ut-J.• ,. l"'I' t ,lj 10,00 Wllllll IOa 11 JJ s mmun y ege OlllY,UIO•I" .tr,t Mt lt.C 14.01 ,1~"' t ,U-T0..1 1 .,,..,..II t0'1511'ot District'• televls·100 sta•'6 '" 0ry1 fd II.A• 11.» '"" ~ t1J1 n .11 .,'-19 • .,, "I' 1°' Wind• .:-. ,:u ""'1· E«ily Fe ).11 l.tt Ivy ,Wld 7,U J.11 -,,.,. .. I .. ,, WtJI 11111 2.• ~·· • O>st of the videotaping pro-l:~nc~ 1;;~ 1j;;l ~!.!·~: ,~:t 1'i:~ t~1 1q 'J:: ,:4; :t~t.sc.r '·" t:l 'iect ls $12,4.SQ. with the IRS ,,. cen1 Hl.0110.•1 JH•11 t111 1.• .11 Sltilltt 2..M 1.M i1191er t: 10:,. Ip& • g bo t o· third l t.E #11 l.1' J,1, JHlll Sit 7.U l.11 t.e\IOH• JOI•.., .,, ..... .._ y1n (I \I Oe• • Eltlt Gr I.JS t.tS ~\In ll.ll tl.ll 111tr Inv IS.JO i i.XI l·o;ntv•HIOll~ l • --· t'1LOr T-1. Nowmbtr 20, IWJ • PAT GLASBRENNER TAKES DICTATION FROM SANTA CLAUS St. Nick Picks.Up Moll In L19uno Niguel En Roule Homo ;.Gals Helping Santa Coast Pair Capitalize on Yule Letters By JAN WORTil Of "" Delly P'l»t ,,.., .. 1'\W Laguna Niguel women, .bored with doing the same old thing dur ing the holiday season, have found a way to 'turn their Christmas activities intQ cash. ; Pat Glasbrenner and Linda : J\.1artin ha ve decided to be : ~host writers for Santa Claus. :· ANY CHILD who sends a ' letter to their Laguna Niguel . North Pole address by Dee. 10, provided mom and dad ·have included one dollar, will receive a personal response. . "I think every eh 11 d · ~eserves an answer from San- ta Claus," Mrs. Glasbrenner said. "I was one w~ didn 't -and I can still remeritber!" ~ women also will send a Jetter to a child if his or her parent sends In a special request w i t h one-dollar. (JohMy won't eat his spinach'? Try Santa Claus!) lf their new endeavor suc- ceeds, they may ~xpand it to include birthday cards and get-well cards from Santa Clau.5, no matter what time of year. TIIEY SAID their price might change in future years after they see what response the project brings and what their costs ar~. If a large profit result$, they m a y donate some of the excess in charity. ''A child has to learn that you have to be good to recei ve." said Mrs. Glabren- ner, mother of two children, four and len. "We think tttis \s a good little fantasy to help a child understand that he has to. be good to receive," she said . THE TWO WOMEN will do all their own writing, typing and addressing. A ·hand-writ- ten signature from Santa Claus will end each one-page letter. 1~IRS Angers Jurist !•,In Westgate Trial Anyone interested in having their child recei ve an answer to a letter to Old ~. Nick should mail the letter with one dollar to: Santa Claus c-o North Pole 237ll2 Perth Bay Laguna Nigue l, ca. 92677 "THE POST oJfice told us •' ;'. SAN DIEGO (UPI) -A •federal judge, accusing the · 1ntemal Revenue Service of : sabotaging his efforts to • * * * ~:'Untangling • .. ·::Bank 'May ;.Take . Y~rs' • SAN DIEGO (AP) -It may :~ake years to Wltangle tht;! •financial botdl left by United ;:states National Bank, which :folded a month ago in the • 1argest bank failure in U.S. .Jiistory, a government liquida- ' tor says. • 'The Federal Deposit :1nsurance Corporation is being ,~ented by 25 exerts and ~'they may be here for years," ~'.Jboml)Son Lesher, FDIC 's .as soc i ate 11 q u idatlng :mipervisor, said in an in- ;Ji!rview Monday. •' ' "IT WILL BE some time . before we know if t h e 'Clreditors can all be paid and. 'jf the creditors aren't paid • in full , the shareholders all · ~tand to lose," he said. salvage Westgate-California Corp., ordered the IRS district director lo appear before him today. The IRS is setting itsell up as a fourth branch of government, U.S. Dist r i et that each Christmas the v get dozens of letters from children to Santa Claus that never go anywhere," Mrs. GlasbreMer said. "So v.'e decided to do wmething about it." Judge Leland Nielsen, said r---------~ Monday. TIIE JUDGE sald that by pres.sing a $4.2 million tax 'claim against We stgate - California, formerly -the cor- nerstone of financier C . Arnholt Smith's financial 1em- pire, the lRS is "destroying the corporation without regard for the interests of the creditors or stockholders or the ms Itself." The IRS claim is "arbitrary and unreasonable," the judge said at a bearing, and is updermining the e o u r t ' s authority in trying to pick up the pieces of Smith's shat- tered financial st ructure , to protect others from being hurl . State Bank Sees Gai1i SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Baplo of California eeonomists predict the state's economy w i 11 follow strong gains made this year with more. but slower, growth in 1974. Their prediction Mon- day, in sharp contrast)to forecasts of a nationwide recession by some ex- perts, forecast more gains in all 'major sectors of the state's economy. However, their report said efforts to halt in- flation could mean a rise of up to 6 percent in con- sumer prices in 197~. The judge made his remarks at a bearing Monday, and ordered government attorney Herbert Moody to see to it that Frank Schmidt, IRS director of the Sou t be r n ~----------' California District, appears before him toda y. Mone1'• ,Wortla Energy Shortage Not So Health By SYLVIA PORTER James Heston, colul'Mist for the New York Ti.met, writes intelligent, e r u d l t e , Coor passionate essays -but, as he lw often weyly confessed in .... In !ht ~e of econonUcs he's a .rbit cl • dunce. Althoogh 1 admire Scotty eoormeu.sly and count him a friend , he demonstrated this to me in spades the other day when he wrote that what America "really needs is more shortages . • . of gas, beef and a lot of other things." sumers · ~'Ould hit against dwlMling suppll., of goods and services -thereby ex- erting pressure on prices even though the oV<rall e<ooomy would Ile faltering. Per1nanent Dome Going Vp Steep Interest rates and bard-to-get loans becaWJe Ille federal Reserve System would try to curb conswnei:- demands and prevent a runaway inflation by "tighten- ing credit. Groundbreaking ceremonies have been held for the year-old Bank of Costa ' Mesa, which ls building a 'l million facility at the corner of Ha.rbor Bou!.. • -A 8TOCK 'market way, vard and Baker Streel The 21,000 snuare foot headquar!A!rs is being bwlt bib>' • way down from today's levels, ,. d 111.. 1 Arc ,. in renection of declining cor· J. Ray Construction Company and is expected to open it. oors ..,,.y • ill. :'. f. teci. for the two-story bank is Robert Thomas and Associates. The bank w t-WHAT SCO'ITY Is clearly poration pro its. , " feature six drive in pods and more than 100 parking spaces. ··~ yearning for ls a simpler, -On inp of It all, a _:=:::::...:::::...:=..:..::::...o:::..::...:=.=::::...::::::..:..:.:...!:.::.:::::!~==--------" safer, healthier life. "We need worldwide slump, affecting the ~~ ~0~~:.;:; =iali~ J:trii:. f~: Allsta*"' H-.:kes Auto Rates· ~ . . home, r u n these countries would feel the IA:::: ·11 around the pinch of severe energ y ~· ... ,,; block, eat shortages eVen more than the SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -A sj:lokesman for the com-auto theft coverage w~. vegetable U.S. This would repreoent a Allstate Insurance Co., which pany said policy holders in drop by about 16 percent. " ;· soup, ea.II up calamity I don't even want insw-es about one\ million Los Angeles will probably ''The rate boo5t was "-""" o Id friends · to contemplate in print. Californians, says ts .auto have the higes rate in-necessary by the inert: " and read a By no means am 1 ctverage rates will be in· creases. However, be was Id in ..... ~..J. .. ' "' book once in forecasting this! · creased by an average of 6 unable to give the specific cost of ace enta "'!ID' a14"" wh1l I phas. · th t th percent In the state. rate increases for different resulting from higher hosp! a e • . . POaT1ut am em 12mg a ese Prosperity's what's been doing are some o£ the implications nie· increase, affecting all areas of the state. and medical espetlltt us in.'' of a major decline in pro-policies as they are renewed , The annotmcement sald the higher bodily injury -~ It's ScOttys charming con·' duetion and <.'OMumption in was made necessary by rais-cost of liability medical and tlemenbl, '' said cart F. Frtea..,. tribution to this era of the U.S. brought about by ing costs, the firm said Moo-property cover~ge would go the company's Pacific ~ nostalgia and it's a yearning energy shortages. day. up. However. the rates ror · vice president. . , t that I ' and millions of you/piiiOim--------------------------------------· share. But if his dream were to be realized, this is what It also would mean to you and Complete .Mid .. day American Stock Li~t m°' I ............................................. "'" ............................ .... The \lo'Orst economic slump since the catastrophic vo1. *' vol. ·~, Vol. Nt-t "°'· '"' · · · · l/91. · ·Nti W.: _... ftirt • \.- desression of the 1930s. Not · _,,~•itc~. C.Pln .Ma 3 !":'!.°: "90Mt't ."°O 3 ~.~~"~· 1rw1n1no.nt , ~:_:~. PGSrpt1•.i. _, ~~'°"· ~•colM .a r ~~ • mild recessions such as we AARCp ,1)21) •·ll\1,-V) c ... PwUIS 11'0 ... -1 .,..,, .... _ 16S '"-'* .... l1.1•ID .l!i0 I 7\"a-'4 PGEltpll\I, t 1•'9 •..• l:!:'"ill!.t .: =-·" . . AAV Co .20 4 S\•-'h (MrltrC.... Jllo JVI-l/t F•lrnofll Dll 1' IJ\,-"" ITEL Corp 11• •-\, Pac:Hokl .l' 4 1 -\\ -' have had m the post-World .uE P1~11o. .s t i' ... c..~11 o.v n ,~ .... 11 Ft1.,...,. .» 10 ,.,._"' in eorp0r1 11 ..,_ \o Pac:Lll:ll 4.1' r20 n -111i S11nt.sar Jl .s a,._,. ' W II mind bu AtltrMf ... • l\t-Iii c.su. AM I ,, 21'.'t-I Flb ... bd wts n s .... -'• -J >--Pie Lipl '"' 120 lot _, =·· u ... ~ ar years, you, t Aber PtltOI 1 . i i ..... .,.. cuueton In 1 '~' ... Floico t.•~ u ti .. ~ J.t<lyft -~ ·I ~\~ ...... < LtCll 4\.. 110 " -iv. s..or -~ t ~ :t , areal crash. !~~~~ ! ;~·::: ~l=t~ 1: 1:~r: ~~~:."':';. 1! ti!-·t.; "1::::V~ 11~-·i~ =~!ti'.: 11%~¥::'~ ~~·· "'•' U: ::: ' ADM ll'ldl.ISI I ll.i · ... c D I Corp 1 2V.-\, Fllmwy IM H JV.... \11 ' J ..... ls c. ~ 11 u-h ... cSwltl .n ,. ·-\\' set•' SKYROCKETJN Admlt11U .SO 1' Ith .•• Ctllu Cr1ft l I~> ., . Fl,lttD! .Old J ~ 14 Jrlflroni< kid . 5 1~ ... ' Pill CorJI . > U~ •.• S.lo .. llil~I • s, .s ••• -G tmem· AdObe eor,, .n 1~+ ""' c.nMPI 3'11 110 4J~·-1~ F 111:1 11 .20 2 114--11o JoflnPTd .16 " 2s:n-11o11· P11oFc1 .~ s n o •.• · Speciiilv' • , .sv.-"\i: • I th board Al•-• IM 10 l\o ... c"" S.c .Ott! 1> 4.f.-"" flnGtft,,.. .6 10\lo-"" )l,lpl1ff 11111 s ,,,, .•. PllOM I.It.II 11 10\..o-.... ~-... ,-1 •• & -.... . poytnent across e -.-..,_1 1nc: J 1w •.. c.n¥1110wn 1 1~ ..... Fll\GnA .)M ' 10• .. -~ -• •-P1toM111 ... 1 i 1 •.. -.... ...-... • 'nciu<f' ill Mrosol ft<: l 1~ .•. C...-trOll CP JS I -•.1o F1Den t.UO II 10'.'t-'ii llliwrl .OSt • »t-V. P1n0t1 lrd XI ,..,_.\la s-«>P'Jk .S I\-I;:. ·:i I mg sk ed. as v.1ell as A"ll ~ ~ u 3\o-v. c11m,.H .O'ltl 011 J~ ,._ Fsl De!Wwt u 21~ ... 11..1.,... inc: J2 n o •.. P•••Elt<: Sil s 4h+ 1 .. $M{-"" t ti._" ' Unskilled workers those -•you Atf.HQl.ll .20 1 4l'o ••. Chlrln 11111 2 1 +"" F\lfl:ll\'tnw 1 .,,._"' MlllMlllwt 10 61't-' ... PlrklMl-tOI 1 tt-i 1 SoefttlrC ... " •• ,•,.-~ .. ·,. ' UO. Atf11Pbl .0Sb J. +v. Ctwintr lid I l l't ••. FMS&i.i.• 112h-Yo l(llldl$rv1 11 lJ'lo-1 P.irloOtl .Dll 114\9-\:o stAlll..W. -in services as v.·ell as in the AICPfolo Slt 1 4\o+l'I CH9FdSlt 1 .-.... .. hlVMl.M 11 u~-.. Kaul&lrwt lJ 6\o-11) 1'1IFt11 .1111 11 11\-\\ Md 51-· ;""•"" ': AlrtlOl'M Fr-24 l \1-~I Oi!Rwl 1.60 I tJ>.-lo l"VIMI _., ll 'w--I• ltay(.ofp ,10 Jl 6 + V. P'1t19G11 Qi U 11 -.. SWOrMit •·• production of goods. 1be Al'"•EI ~ lS •V1-.... Cllild WOrld • •11"-1\~ Fitrrwk .fltl 24 10\~-... it.llWlll .]2 I •'4-.... P1tP1r PN • ,.,.,_ 111 St" ' II 15 -IV. . . Alrwlck .1' •7 14 -IV. Cllltde .'41 1 6'M + V. FlltfMrPI JI 1J ll'h-\"t kel(lll#\411 S lh+-Iii P1loGcl .Kil to I +-I• $idTl'uft... S 11\fl-'-• JObless rate easily could soar A1 .•• Ml .to 1 u _, crw1un1 eo 11 1\:o ... Flst1m.n .20 s i v.-.., 11.1-,.. 10 l• -"' Pf•ie 1.1tt1 • 111N-~ ~ c: .io t 11 -v. ' to double and more today's :1:Uwf~ '~ t~:-.~ ~1~'::~ ~ l~~! ~:~~':::~ ~Ji!:~ ~:.Uf:~ ~ ~,,._·.;1 f::rEt•,:,. : ~ -1. ~.!f.=i .t ==~ ' 4.5 percent. ::~~ 1:;t 1: t~ :: g~r.,·~.,. ~ ~10 ••· ~::'~~ : ;~-.~ :n::,.-1:: :~ ~">.: ~ :::~r&~ ; ;~ .~ ~ '; : ft::~ An U p S U r g e in Al .... CCI.... $ 6V. •.• CillMI 1.ltb I UV.-~. Fii Roe.lo. Ill S •\.Ii + \l Kh1 Ark Oi 3J 1\11 + i1 PIM Tr .... J tt~1 . • . $tltdl.. .• > l\'f-~ . . Alltflh Alrll '' ,.,.._ "'-CllJnMQ "15 1 1\\-~• Fl-1 .14 ! 11 .... 11. ... ~ .tllt 14 u -" l'1RJ[1 1,IO 2 11\'t+-"" ~IM n '~ ~• b a n k ruptc1es, particularly Alle9 Air wt 6 ' t "" CL Flnc:I c,, 10 J'h-~o Fl ... Jofl. 1 "~ h lt•U• ... l S\oi .. h "'9llOlncel ~ ' S\• •. . S&M!nwl 111 I l\~ "" all . t AlltQA .... ~ t l •.. Cl1rk Colli n IV• •.• Fl'f'Tlowwt Ill ,, -Vt Klrbyllld ·" ' t1•·1-h Pl11\fClll INI J 'loo •• •• s...-11111 " ·~Yo among sm er companies no A111tc1A11111 io l \._ v. c11rk1G .l0 , ,,,._ i, Fooc1r1tN 4 1,. ... 11.11 MftCo 1 J -"" ...., '°""'' 1 11 - \. SMM11...,,, • •11+1.1• ffi · tl d' '('ed · th Alplll llld!JI l 1•,.-V. C11r•M111 16 l ,,,.._ \1 Ford C.. k J>O ll'M -t 'o:o Kltlntt'I C. J S\~ \It Plpc:Otn .Cl 1 ,...,__."" ~ C .JI 1 U'h-"" i SU to en y IVet'Sl I Jn e Atl1mlt Cp 3J 4._ " Cllrftlll M 15 ,,.,_ ~. Fwftt~ 1tl. 16 ti--\:,, k~Kklf loy 1' 11 ... -••• P1rl11IC .• It s.. .. . Sterllrlt Elt • nit-"' ' right areas !O off~e~.restrie-:!:c~J ~1~~~-·v. ~·~,.,•~it t lt'".~ ~:i::r:: 1 ; 'f~.~ :ai"f ..... ~·~: ~ n~!: ::="&..': ' ;~~! 1::;1,::* ~i l::~ ~ tions on thell' act1v1t1es and A111c c,.wt s ~ .... ,.,, CM11nvw11 2J J,,._.,,, Frin11M.M l f\1i+"" k-T11 .11111 1 •lo.-"~ Pf>IUlel ."4t ,. .,,,, ... s~•"""'' . ., '•'• ,~..::"°.,.: · AtttrfdS .SO l fV1-l'o C:0.(htnfft S J -" \·t Fr.,,.i11o . .0 4 II -···--L·&.--l;'l!otn(~. SU 3 21'1 ,.._ Uns W1able to cope. AJ<M po1 ;p,. mo s11--,,. Cadlsc• .10 · 1 '""-1. FrleM FrOl ~ 1~ 111 LI 11 .. 91 111 1s 110 .•. fll'lc N ,..rii ·--u -,---;:r; ,,_ .. ," ~ »1 ~ ...... I An ctual I t. f Am<:o lndlt 13 4 -\lo Colt Mtl .14 • U -\fo Flifjll'Ollk " 14'< ... u .. , ~ .. ~ • \1 PllllfNll .14 ' llil-~ ...,.., Wei~ ,...--a acce era ion o AmtMu .,,, tt 1J;;-1111 eonu·1n.uo 1 :v...,_ 1:o "rl5c.M .Xll! 1 lltt-Iii LAlt1011 ~ • t .,. \i P'lo Pl~tk 1s t"-" Su&I Wtit.. • ~\ii - thespiralinourcostof living !~i::R~°".~ 1~ , .. ;·~~~~~~.'.~·4;,~~ ::: ~~:::l:'.~; 1~ ;;-,~ t!"';!;,,. ~ ~(-! ::: ::=:~:~ = ~":;~~ =~-~~ ~ J;=~: to an even more intolerable Amevsit .20 ·. J " -Vt eo1en11n ·" 1011 10'VI + " -• G--l.llldmk I.JI i J\o-~. P'itDM 1.-" ss + l.i sw h•d-"" •' is-.-11o :i • M 4 han . JMJ A CtlMlll WI I \. •.. Collt9f .nti 2 6\ii , . . Gltlril Ill Sii. 1 '"' + ... UNWd Sil J l "> • '.a P'i"oll'ly .ti0 1 Jlli -\o S.,.,....y (p 11 ! -~ rate m lor1 t in .,, I AmFll 1.0lb 10 u -.. ~ Co!Coml .20 20 1 -\1 Giii.., Op I .......... "' l...IM<O Inc: J 11, .. . PITWVI A1ll Sy11W1 c AD au II ••• ·-demand f AFlet(llWI 1 n •... ColwlCo .2t II,_., a.. ... 1.1w 1) 7"1-' .. UPolnt1 JO) 4\1 .•. I '"' •.. S.,-C,.20 S21,,.,__ ~ause s rom COD· AmG1r ..06b ' 101-"' ColwMt! ... 1 s 1\.0-\" Gatcil Corp II I -b UrRlt I.Jib 2) 10~ .... '" PlruCp Am l• ·~ ~. Sy\ltrn "" ,. , • "' . Amlwll .2'b •I 6'9-h Catnbd om SI 14 + ~ G.lrl.ncl .JO l ,..,._ lo LCA C• .-4S JI 1-0>.o-I• Pl-.1 DI.JO 11 11'.• .. 11, -T T-' AMilltA .U l 6'9-\1 Coma EQUlo JI 11'.'l ,.. GlylOrdl .20 1 1'-... LtA Co.,.., U 2 -lo '1• lflduill .JO 4\o-\.< T.it ltli ... I IJ - " • Gas Retailer Deadline Wednesday A MUI 1.1111 1 ll~:i-'h ComlAll! .Ji1 l ,..,_\'I GIJ'llOI' StH t J\1+ \"1 YGf'MIC .1' l I V.-... PINI CfNp I I -"" TttlWI Qfll9f' I ..,._. 4111 AMoif11 . !Cid JO av.-"' Coml M Ml! J u~ ~. Ge••M .1411 n 11'9-lo Lt• ROlll .1• 1 111 • .-1>11 Pl'l'fl Rlltl A 1 1Vt+ v. TttlWll 1... s 1 ·~ • A Petr• 1.20 " Jl'--tli CommoclcH' • J~.-\:o Gen 8U!IC11'5 I l t.-~I Leider H'f n '"' ... PHe ""WI' It , ....... TICJWK.OI• t4 i-.+ j AmAll 1. 1311 14 t -'fl (.om Helollfo J l '•• . . &rfl ClM .C JI 11-~ Ll•KO wtl 21 I~ \' f'Ml.lm DYii 2 , .. _ ... TK Sym Cll 6 1*-Am Rlty wt • '"' ... CM\m "'.,.; JI l \1-''I Genl!d Suw IS l'..-l'2 Lff\11 Co .iO J I\~-\i PQ.lot111 l'rd t1 1' o . , ; T•loollt11 Jiii 4 11\i-... \ AmRetGr p lO'J J\o •.• OwnPSl.'2 11 JS•·-" GnErnJ1.lllO 10 1 -~) LffNlttC,, 1S t \o•"' Pl:tlydW"OJll 16 t \o-1 Ttltflt• Sit n Miio--, AmS.trly <II 20 ,.,_ "A Cornpoln .:u s 64,._ ~• Gn Hovwwr J n. Lee Plllnnc: ll n~"" PolyfNr 61 11111 1~1-11 l•ll•CJ> llldS so J\lo ... '< Am Trlolllftg 50 JV.-\'t CotnJ1UOy11 t I . .• C..n lnltrior • S •.• Lli!lll Pr ,C J 6 -\• Porll!r !Mir I Jl.. •. • Tt..,e Corp IO M ... • AMJ(CJI .04 JS !JI~-YI CornpUOr• .. Ul.i-''• Gt11 Rt( Inc: • 1'111 • . . Lei-• Tt<: 11 Siio-~. Pr1lrle0tl R J t llo-'t T~o Mt Jt 4~ 14 • z:no .too 1 lh .,. CotnpE.QUlo S 1••-to G11 AIWHll 11 '"' ... L11"1ieF .~ at •14-\.o Pritt~! •It -\• T_.,(119 ( l._.,_V...I non., Incl U S,,._ '·• Comp l~Slr n 1' .-\o g:R•• J°' I~ !\:-·i~ Llwl18F . I , .. ~ h Prl'I Cer-l1 J\.'t-V. TT-Olrp t ,.a,. . ••• · ... 0 Incl Inc: 20 l ••. Qwnp tn vsl j 3... ... 19 "'.. LllCO eor,, , \, •.. Prl!llollll ... IJ ~ .. ., • .,... 111 s -• AOPltd Dlt 7 t V. ... Cotnpr .Wfl S J ... GI°" lnd~1 2 ~'* \.'I LilyLlM 111 l J\• ... Pl'tsRlll ... 11 10'l.i ... T-P wtt :t)I UV-II\ •, AQ\11\1 ... 20 "1 t4>;i. •..:, Cone,. ·*' 1) . .... . . • Ger .. •$( In I .S'h-,.. UllC• II Am 20 1 ~ "' PrtiltY ~ ' " 11--\\ T•• ,,,.. c. ., ..... "'i' Ar1CL11 .lllb It llV.-.. Cone.rd F9b > ,,,._ Ii Gilftl•F .sot l IJ \!o-1:0 =fie!; I> •V.-~, Prts1°" .JO J llV.-'" Tent..-(l'p I I~ V. AritC 11'1 .• I l:V.-'t COl\dlK Cp ll 2'9 ... Gilftl'l'I .Cll 11113·1.._.... S .QSO .. l"-~;, Pl'mMI .OS. S 1"-'t Te.tr°" Wh 2 II._ .. f Al'k~Cil.30 111 t•h-'lr Collt!tlly Cll 1 4\o ... Gil"'1'l IM 1 ~ •••. L .» .J ,~ ..... Pr•r11111 1' ,,..._,Ill TF••-r J JYt-YI :,. Arm«~ 11 1"1 + '-Conrey ~1111: JI l\~ ... GITRl 1.10b I lh .•. L•wtTllwt IOI • -\t PrpCT1.G 2' It,,._! lllorof•Mll t 'l't-"' Gasoline and diesel fuel Armin eor,. ' 10 .. "' tonl0i1 c;.,, •1 , ... GIHdl~ lk 11 J -•• uc..nsv .'2 1 •~;,-11 Prwu.. • J '° ... TldwtU .30 1 Jti-'llt1, N-Elttl I S\ol •.• CoftllRtl .JO S ~ h Gil1n1<,... 14 l • '• LouC""l.OI 4 ltV.-... ,...y.A:llf .• I )~ ••. Timpe. .10ll e Utt. 'IJ .#. ta.lers have unti'I mi'dni'ght .t.tUl'ld1Cp,. • •-,,. ton»M ep :u ,,_ .. G1•t1111r .ta 6 1i\io-\) LTV Cpwts 22 ....._ ••. Prlold 1111·;111 ., 1 •• • lMCM 1..,. 16 ~1 .... ,• re I Aw"-1 Cp 133 11\11-'• Cofll MllKI 10 !lo .•• Gltl\Gr .lDe ' S>o-~. UIOy Corp l \V. ... PSA lllC,... 2 ' + 1;'0 TO!Ulelm .» t • ... ,' Wednesday to post new ceiling MllldDl1 c. l u~ " Contlel W11 t• 1\1 .. . G1eno1s11 tk 1 '~·-"" Lricll eor,. J 1 -\'• Pl.tit• ... ,,.. 1 21• .. l'I TOPPt<i .tDO , '~ ,., ~· M•i11SWc .. ' i .... \<I Cooll El ·'° ,. 11 -... GloOllllll .c • j -11 --M M--"Pllll'\IG 11111 ,, S\lo .•. let.I"'"°' .. 6\.t-J..I• #' price stickers required by AuoF4 .till 1 t ... Cook 111 .• 1• 20 -1 Gioo. s.cw ,, s1 ... 1tt Mtcrody a. • 1 •.. Pvtiwn• ... n n'9-"" !Owflt.C .ia 1s J\-._ .• ula Mir•~ IM J )\~. h C-.P11nt. 2 ,, .. _ ·.~ GlosMfll .22 11 l l-\') MlmMl't .n s 1\o ... ---0--, ••• ti.:p 1'0 ~ "" • Phase JV petrolewn reg • At•••nll Cp 1 1v.-~. COOPK J .to 13 4• • ..-~1 Glouu11r E. s 11"-"' ~"'llOOd ·'° J ,.,._ "' Ow"<W 1 n ,.._ :i. t•-L.I .u 1 •r-" .· t. Alco lllllu!.1 • l\IW-v. Cof'dall INI §0 I '>-v. Gold0111 .» I Sl•-"' MIM'llf .so I s~. ... -· ·-TWA Wit m ,.~J.11 •• IOflS. AUCM 1,4Sb JI tt -.... Corellll lllC 11 IS~t-~o GollM (yllt t U'9-" MlrlnclouQ 8 '6 l . .. ~nc:lltt' la t IS -:i. Tr1 ..... y>ll. J 111-\\ # The stickers may be ob-AtllsCp .,.., 15 1\'o . . . Corr•ll .'1• J ,,,_ "' GeodU .ISb 10 )\'yo-\, Mlrt Col\111 J , ... _ \'o ~,..,., OU ll ti,._ "' lrtS.M. .... 14 I ,,_ ...... AUQoll 111 .JO 11 24\-~1 C-'MI wt 1 Jft . ,. GloOrldl wt 1' l'--I' Ml~ll Fd I S\IJ-°" ~MM'9 .1111 S 221/o-\'o Tloltl Mt .!a JI 2"1 ..• ~ tained from Internal Revenue Au1tr• D11 11 "~'*~•er.~ Corp 21 1~-\~ Gorlfl Ston 2 lYt + \\ Mlnf\al tnd 11 6"-1. ~ .... .,.,.,.. '' • ..• l\lfk'OC.. 1 Z\11 ···" ted Auton'! llklll • 41.1.o-\lo er-rE lk I 61't-"" Geuldlnc: wt ill l\rl ....... ....,., ... ,.. S't-\\ "•"' P•tkg s '" .. ~. 1,,.,.....,.,. I 1"'-"3 Servjce 8Jld must be. po5 AIAo ltHio ID 1 + \,, Cr11'11ve o¥Q 14.. S -V. Geuldll .Mt> 1 lh+ "-¥1-U .JO l IOI.~ ••. Ray "-11'(1 11 J tw• 1.20 l 1' ... -~ t ch Auto Sw .u 3 ~·\II er.o11P2.20 l fmit-n o Go'•I ..... .lJ 61 JJ -JI.I,, ilNllln Inc: 1 '~ ~' •• lllCMI '' 4~-\;, Twill ,..., 1> I\ .... \llii'jt p~minent Y on ea pump. A v c eor,. " ,.,., •.• Crest Fo.m 4 2v.-t' Go-•Nf Auto t 4\;,-~ ,,...,,.., .100 1 10 -lt. Re.oint lftd 20 jV.-"" Tl't• i...-n .,. • -•,. Investigators will be making AvelTICP .u n ll'i ... oornpt011 1 4 111.:o ... Gr1n1~ 20 2w.-\Ii "'-"'llr• .10 s Ji.:. ... Rnllr ta 1 1 .. "" -• .,_ .c Avondl I.ISi l :aJV.-llo Oou A .Ub 21 :S.Vi-2\~ Grtlt'rl .lib 1J IQ,,._ .. Mlul 111 .llltt 1 11\'t-\~ RllRtd I... • 11%-"" U1P c. .oa. ~1 z~ ···.14 a compliance check of local AVX Corptn ) 111(,. "" c,._ CP SI J "~ "' Go-1,MI 1(111. 2S 6\:o-"" Ne.Ct II "15 1 ~-... Rec•IOnC I• 4J ,.~._ VI uMonfcl '* ,_ ...... . ., -·a--'"'nln .10tl I 7V. ... Gort Am Ind J1 IJ..11 ... ll'COllldlOI '" s,,.,~ ... Ritewt'1 ltll I ,..... .. . 1.1111-M AO 2 It -~"' service stations next weeK. •'49K .!IOI 1 1~ t•'t'Sl•t D11 1211 1s...,__. ~. Gr1 11.s "'' )OJ >~ "" Ne.Done .c 2 11 1~-\'I R11riorr .11 1 •10-.... UMMt i..-:io ""--..., n--tty am-ded petrol· Brl(.l'fl l.4Sb 1 u ... CSE Cp ... 2• 10~ ... ~ GtLllCll .llb us 1H't-"' Mtlllflfl .l1 3 61>i-'4 Atll llK ... JI IM--.. Ull IWO wtl • Jn ••• , ~\CIXll ..... 8..i;orPWl 1 1\'J •.. CutlicCp .20 u 6 -·.~ GtSCoUSSll t •YI ••• IY<ltlOllOl J 1Vt ..• Rem k.80 I 10"'1 ,,. UllAMll.Ont 2611-" ••• oe .um _,,.,.iationtt a 11 0 w a.n1u ... u :u 21~ ... Curtis M1111 u ,..,, .. . Gr"""'"" Sii 11 s:i..-'* Medi/I" .:Iii 2 ,,,,_ v. RtPHDvl .16 u l\1--1• Utl9f'.,..... 11 t \lo •.•• t ''-6.., ..,_WI .to 6 11\o't ... CUl..,A .1211 11 11 .. . GrttrH MO 1 4.,.._ I'll ~ .12 II 101~+ a, RtpMI, wt1 JS I -1-. UllCIFlllll 211. I lS -"'{ dealers to pass increased ~ a-• .OJ JO 1{._ '" '""''' .m ,, n • •,, GRE11 ·1.10 1• •v.-'Iii -.,i.c;., .S& J H{a+-..._ """"'• .,. · -, 21 -to Ull fll'Mdl 1n 1 1~ ,,,, r• -8.lrtlr• L't'll 11 2~ '" CW lrlO'PC I ' ·~.._ :h Gr-.yflC .l lUQQQ' I CP .06 INl'l'I Co M 1 11"-\lo lll1t<C.1' .Of I ""'• h Utd Niii ('.p JO ltt+ ...... duct COSts on tO the OOllSumef, lllrUlt 11111 '2 2"41• Vo -DD--1 I l 2' "4 -~ MlrlCll.,.·ln 10 1\oi; •. . it.Mr ... 011 SI I~ l'o '-".,_fl Jt 11 lt -i., bu I th 11..-ntt IEl'l9 1 st< ... Den»11 .:rat\ s l'• •.. Grou111 .'° s 1~-v. IN•lfo H .20 u 7(li-:n "'$1slll• .JO t 1 ... l.lfl.P'O.,. AOt ' J + 'lilt·~ t on y on a once-a-mon ....,_11111 2 •~ "' o.n1"1n .n 1 161'>-,,., Gt'-c .l1\1 6 si,:.+ l'I Mftl'O(.lr• 1 ,.,.,, •. . R•Mt11fll1 .e. 11 ,.._ ~;, uSlllC J..t1' 1 u~ ""• .. A..lA a..r,RGSll. 4 •ti.-""' Det• Conlr1 ' l\lo-"" GTI eor.,r J J .•• Mlll\GlllCJI 11 t to .. " .. '*'.._ .• ,,._"" USf'IHtr~ • ...._"",. There are 4.200 Individua l . shareholders who must wait to learn if ·their investments '4-ill bring any returns, Lesher .added . sMm! WAS forced oot of the management of Wes tgate- California by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC brought a civil suit charging Smith and others with ''massive fraud" i(l the operation of Westgate and U.S. National Bank. ~. • ... ,.,wr .n • •'lo + ... Diii Diie Ill 14 2JV.-..... Gl.llordMI ' S'h-I.I,, Mk11$u9 .10 l J\'o-\'I .... Hrte 'Ill II Ji.+-.... ""'"' lu. • *""' ..... '•-----------.1 &lrtt'llMed 1, 1'1<1 ••. Det•Proekl 11 J"'-~o GUlrdtC ,40 I l\t ..• MIUIS.l'f .24 J J ••• Rl1MtdlcM t 4*-\;, US\.Mltwt .S Ii..-*• II a..tll5".17 2 >'lo ••• 0ewM11 .10d 1• ''·•-1;. Gu11M1.nti 20 1s -h ,,,.ldlC..JOo 1 1-"+ "'-Allfft ,.,. .. '' '"'*"' us ,..1 llil• 1 3"" •• .1:1 lllrlon1 Cnd I fVJ . •• DCL ll'KDl'JI I \t • , • G<.lltMt11 wrh 6 I •· • .idllllMI Gh 6 Sh •. • Jllcttf9td 111 JO 1.,._ ~ US b41um 10 4~ .... 1 Earnings Up At Air Cal · The bank was controlled for ·so Years by C. Arnholt Smith before it was declared in· .-solvent by the U.S. Comptroller of the currency. CROCKER BANK of San Francisco accepted U.S. Na- :ilonal's assels and many of its debts and paid a premium of $82 .5 million to take over the San Diego based institution and its 62 branches throughout ·Southern California. .... ., • ' . ' The suit was settled out of court. One provis ion was that Smith resign f r o m Westgate's board of directors. The Comptroikr of !he cur- rency declared U.S. National Bank insolvent, the biggest bank collapse in U.S. history, and it ~-as sold to Crocker National Bank. For Period SAN DIEGO (AP) -Air California, the airline West- gate-Callfumla Corp. tried WI- successfully to sell this yea r, has reported rerord sales and earnings for the first nine months of 1973. Tbe commuter .Urline says it earned $820,943, or 94 'cents a share, in the nine months ending Sept. 30. Jn the same period last year the figures were $112,654 and 13 cenls a share. Nine-month revenues totaled _ _$lt1.million. up . 16.6 percent ~ from last year's $16.9 million. Growers Reap Profits President R. W. Clifford said passenger m i l e s in- creased 14.4 percent in the first nine mooths of tM year, and .. 1.. spurted sharply in the third quarter. lllrlKl'I fOll 1 1h-~· o...-bnS .ZS u 1'\o-J, (;vii ~okl 14 ,~. • •. MICl'llr •• t411 1 n~ .,., RICMOrl .10tl ' 2\lo-" UtllYc..t. 'It \lt+ ~ 91rwlck lf'd l J -.... Dt.Jvr Aml 1 3\o-\t 'CiullSO :l.1511 l 1)ft-16 MllllO Ellrll 1• 11"'-V. Ri<I Ar Ml11 S t ~ V. Unlvtln tp IS ·-Bftln Petri 1n ,....._ ...... Dflllb .OStl 1 )'i(, ... GuUSOM wt 1 11,1, ··~ Mllle•HSO.. 6 .......... 'lo Rik.,. Mnn ,, ,,..,_. \' UrolvS"' ,2' '2 hli-'f' &lyroc: Mii S t\11 + :ft Oo0141 Cor p 15 Ht+ \• Gulllttm I.JI 1J 14M-~ MlllDrlY• 4k 6 1 .•• RJ•«M plA 10 t.11-1·11 Urhlld•• 1 1~ ,,,1 ~kll'I R 10 ~ .... Delln Fd .SO S 10 -'~ -M M-MUI ltr .JOI> 1 10\1-1 ltl~~ t IS.._ .. Uill'S !f."""" J Ji.,-w,_ .... 11111 .Ill 12 1\.li-.... DnTIEI .OSb JO I~-•• ... ... ,.,','~~ •. ~ •, t't-~ ~-•• ,, ... ,.. ',' '•' _+ ~ fll "" It , ..... 'lo u"""v' ...... ,•, , .. _.,, lltlt<OIR olll 1 -\~ OtPOllt 1.10 l H -\r• ""' -,.,.... .._ -._ Rlnt,FR .14 JO t -til ¥t 11ef1St2.1111 11 22 -Vi Dtro l~t 2 :-.:. •.. lilrnlln ·*' 1 »<---·~ Mlltlll En11y I 1A'I..-•,:, ltellllle Lid U ...,._ \• -Y ¥--• lltntfSldWI 6 J~\-I'll DIRoM 11111 1 )\'I •.. KlimpsOSk t 4"1 •·· Milt Corprt l IV. ••• Aolllntttlt 6S 1Jft+l\li V_.Sllli! 10k I 1'-.. \ •• , "11rv1 eo • ~I'll DHrPll .1'1> tt J4.,.,_..1~ Kine• '11n '3 itv.+ VI' MeMIC.C. t fl'I ... lt9blln lf'ICIU n t • \4 V•llty .-11 20 J,._,.,. •rt El'lt Jk 1 4 -lll 0.1kn Jwl 1 S','1-"9 lilnSllot .SS I llMll+ 14 MNrt1 Miid I I ... lllol•w Niil tJ t -"-VltfN( AO k lf\to-.. ... •• RI .SJb 20 s~ ... Otvelap Cp 16 n -~~ Iii,..•!~, •. ~ •' t•rt-~ Miiiy"' """ " , .. .\;. ~ 11111 , ' . .. V-411t UN » ,.... "·~ llfORltT wt J W ••• DevApl.20. 71 ,,._ "'-'"' ·u. · 1'-"· Mote l11uw J l'M • "' IWUl111 l11ttll 10 ""-" W \ltf!~ J 7W.-1ll: 111•9"" .... 40 I . + 16 DHJlllll , 1(111 u I'll-~ ~ ... rtfld ,._ ,•, ..?V• ••• """'°"'' ;a r ''--14 Aetl(.1 Tfltp~ • 1¥1 • " v-.· IS ~!-lltrllZOfnlll U • -\lo l);lmond M " 111\-._ rt.I Ml -1 . ,.. -I NIOllldifll 111 2 lh ... """""'C. J SIN-~ V..Ullll ll It~ : ...,.,...,c :to 6S .. ~ \Ii Df!:Oold v"" 11 >'II . . . t4if'V'tY Grp t !loll-\41 MDvltlli II\ II l\'t-~ ~"' " ,,._ \1 VIHlt ll!Mt t ,,,._ Btverlr E11I 11 l't-'Ii Dollefcl ,Q l 1•\11 ... l'tlrvey\ Sir I 2:it-\II MPll CP .40 I II\.-\lo fl:01Nn .14 .SO aJ\'t-l1 ..... "'1'.., "-1' J -~ BtvHU lkJI 2• J Diode I '"' 4 2 -"" Htstw'O Ind 11 ·--... MP'O l/Jdte 10 ,... • . • lll1wl"4 lfl( J )t "" V..tlPllt 1.. IS .,._ I Ille Pin .21 4 U...,__. \fJ DIK F•Ofk t 21'o . • . H15llfll .2Cll I 6 ·· · MPS IMrt!I J I"' .. • Roy1I ""'* 1 t . . . V.M'I• Co I ,..,_ \iii 1141111•r l.OI I 20 -\(o Dl ... fMT .st 11 n o..-h H•\'dl!S .Oill ' JV.-" Moll!IMI .to 1 lt:iot-"" It~ p 8<11 1 j!' ... Vlrtrll• lflC ,. II.lo-\II If~~~ ~ t~~~ =~= 2! J~:::: ::r:.'toc:".» J ~~~ MWAAllO_.~· -'4 :sc1..:'1: tl ·t -.~ == . .-.. m..·A Binney $ .n S 1' -110 Dofl'lllr ,60 • 1J -'o Hllnk.k• In I 14'1 • •, N1pco llillt 4 1\11 • . . lt\lcklltk C. ,.» tl'I-V. V t. N Corr )t ·~ .~ _'J eleoYMmc IS In\ ••. Donk""W -1' I '-V. Htfll11l.0611 .s If,.._ v. NttNIY<Jlt 2 ·~~ .... AuM.1111dut ,_.,. Vt.NC.,rl t JW.-t h I Blt!tslfll . .0 J S'!o ••. oo.nr .UO I 1\!o-V. Mer Mii .41 10 I~ "-N-1;1 l\Hllll I l -\o't fl:vt-*-IN J •llr 'I!' ........ 'Al , 1 t ,..._ _, tat yours may not &"'-" .o1 •NII •.. °'• ... ""'"',, 1'-"\• H101~ • 1v.t-'4 N1111t11nH 10 1i11 ••• 1tut1c.,.-..,._., v.kac,.11 1 ,,,._ Bi..,.olrd In J J •.. °"•V 2,141) 2 Ul.-11+ ~. 1110!\lnd ~ J lh ••• l'ftDl•tr .!Ob iO S -llo ilhlMCrU ,40 > ,..,_ \Ii V\llCMll'I ,a I 41• " , 1 COMPLITI OIAN•l 111!.lltl)ffil wt 10 " ... DtlwJ: Hltf' I '"' ••• =in= ft' I 'n::; ~ ::::: i:'!l't ; 2.,. '*'.~ :~H .u11 U l!'M-~ Vlllaitafl LJ.1 lfllil+' · &ocllllA.p All 2' 11 -'M g,..nlr AO 1 .Sf'i • . • ..., __ ,., , l\!o A YI .... ••-~ 1 JI• • •• 'f'l•tll "-Y • Jh-. V. ~-..-...,..._ COUNTY COYllA.$1 llotlt<k CO .o ,.._lo Duf-~y C.6 l ''°" ... .._. ' ... ,... -$ ~ ~ ·'° ,, 5~ o4i ~ .. Bolt lltrNli z rv.-"' ~11 .lkl 1' •1-~ Holly Corp JI s~~i\\ ~o · l1 "" ··· SMl!llt .... 11 •1~ tt W.Ckf>.l .n 1 '""-14 IKIHI .. : l.41tt1H ..... lowV1ll .IO IQ SJ +'fl Qyftllec.lrl: )7 Jloi ... =~·~ ~ 16V.-I" NII~~~ J i;:::.11o1 Sti.tt111 s' l 3'\io-~ ••11 1• I Jlit-s.c ........ M ....... Ylefe, eow-•IM 20:3 .H ... DtntUE1"" 10 • .._"' ........... l •-l4 N1t 'S;.:.\;;11'1 16 '"' "'StJGMI .. '·~V.W11911fEIA '''*-f Olat , • ao-C .111 ' 1'h-.. ~ .,._ ~llR"""' • ..._ \11 ... ti flft-Mll to ... kltm Corp J 1'"-"' W~Oll It I~ t ~~' -mwentM.Lel'I. -":3:~ ! ~i~ .. f~O:: : '~"" Ho$Met."11a ·'t' ,,~_,,_,..,J LaSt -11 J:=.:z ~!!1.f "!It~~ .. :='·i':i 1 1~ { IMtt.ftCl-IMllef°B,.,.. tttit~'l. ,.._lo'. liMllllll•,IZ 1• : -~··~I~ 10 -~ ••• ,.._ • .II .5 2...,_l.t. iti'D;lG'.r.a_ 1 fl!lioo-o-.., ~·-9 H 1 ·-~ 2 MONTH TO MONTH..,,,,. t:~',~· ,; ,:t:: ;:'; 1:,':'8.·~c:. ,; 'tl'I..:.~ =~llb 12 1ttr.': =:.01:~~,,~~~1tr ~i,I~ ; ,i:·.~ ::tt1'1r1.;-:·e:;.. ' ltlNTAL IA.SIS ~ BrN!fll M 1t 11 -1 EltAtDt• SI • 12 '"' ... t::::.v,·!I l '~ "' ,.._ ldr ,,.,. 2t "' ••· S.tuftdiw .IO II t --YlliitNllt T"" 5 ,,..... I 3 NO Dl'°SIT ltlQUlllD t"C:ff'J ' t~• ~ E•slnC. .a l IJ\41-w ... 011 1l~ ~~:: =-~"" J 11161V,: ~ t,."J:nd:: ,: :"'= ~ =~ '! ~ -t 0 • o ' E.tkm• (.p 2J l'lt-.... ...,_. .. kldu I l'li ... Nftl' Pf .1Sb J1 .. t I' S«lllltt hid I 2"'+ V. Vlilttllll flitt • I~ ' 1' N APPIOYl.D C IDIT •::r'"'J : lt-·~ Etod'INCcl 1 ''"'-v. Hu41011Gtn 10 •1o1o-t v. NVl1,,.,.,t0 11 u...,_ v. StlMUttAll ' ll't-v. w..-,.,. JI 1 .... ,, 4 ONLY 117.00,.. MONTH Ir~. 7J ""' t:dllntOllOI • ~l\li Hudl'f(ll '° '4ot'-'-Vt NlllF•S. IS .S'h-.... ~'"""" t M-"' Wttl)t(ollia 1Mi " I t,,.,.1 ~wt 161,-...·"' £.,,.,,_ ... 11 •1. ·.~~ Hlilflrnn • .0.. 4J t't-\r. Hk.flo .. i E 6 Jl• ... S<otl'l'll.OS 2114'ill-l16 ~Fin (# 12 -···' TOTAL COST F~ S'L ·~ Edll -yr-.,. Hu•IHl ,lQI I 2fo ••• HJIP1.JSll 11·...,._ 16 ~-... ''JI" •• _........ • .... .... --~.. ', ·---:!_ E~.~ .Jll ·!! M<,,._-.. ~ HulkrOl ,,IJ 11 tr\1-14 NMl ll'Mi' lllC lt 4 •• -.. --1 IJ."+I· •• , WASHING TON (UPl)-Jnflalion hasn 't spared ~.Christmas \J'ees, They will cost about 4 to 5 percerit ~1nore thls year, a government forestry expert pre- ·-dicted todAy. (••lllll'ltt.d ,....1 But .,00 1 ·~I: Elco ..... pin ~. ... H)'(.1 lllql I J ... NoAMl\wtl ' ,,_·" ~~ 'f 1:::: ~ ::~=: , ~·1" .. 5 NIW COMPACT UNIT 11111 .30b 1 ,,.._'II EltotCfllri'I I t\o't-v. H'l't'd,dJll > t1~ *No NII t'l'I 111 ITliti+ ~ S.•tr• . I JVI-YI ••1 W ' Ioli ·~ !!'I~ ' 10 U h El HfM .0 I .S\li-'--I t-,.. Ctn Olll IS 6\lt-l'I SHport C. I ..,._ .... 'Miii( ... • M I + · B. M k $1%'.(1 1/4l1~1'1/1 J _y ... l.OI -El«IAllJ .IO I ,y._.v. ICHCotlltl\ • '4-¥.NH~wt Ull'AI ... tr="'·5'llll .......... Wlll ..... IC., ",~ 1g ar et 6 ~ca· Mn••M' ,..... :l:'°'r'11': f J~-W EIKtA\Mlt 4 ltt-\lo IGMfll 1.bb t If~ '" Novo COro o' •, .... •;J NI .S $..,_"" Wfllllfle 1.• ,~ "* .•.J !!.' .-...-1 -" .. ,. auf"''lvi t 6 S'lli-·~ Elle!~ S • ··· IMCMfloCP I .. ....._,,-. ,...clNrDll -... Mil.DO JO J'ill-11 Wl'!llllliitrwt ~Ml ALSO Allf AVAILAILf 8'11"' c;.! us JJ Eledfl'IE!tl ' t llt-lw'I ll'nO<tGfWT 4 i" •·· l+llnttCOll<i 2 1..-......\11 MIM J111·16•1·'6 WIUllM lflll 1"'' ._, c ltol N Servi llfl -c c.-. . Elt<lfl'I.... I II~ ... Imp (ft .tllt I $1·"• "' . --0 ._ "' "-Ckt' ,, 4\o't-.. 'MlkM ~ I' ' ,..;;.. c ap en Ce 7 'ULL F•11 MAINTINANCI UK "'I"'' ,, 12"1+" EIKllP' Slii • .: -~ l~t•l lfld l ·~II OH .... c. ,, tJ'ill-1 • Cp .tJ' J I~ ... Wfltllftlft .10 ~·" SACRAMENTO ·Ac-C.0 .. ltfll. ' i~ II 11"~ 1! w.:"" t:.:r::: tl '!:: l: !!!!.'~-~ l it::~ ':~ u t~I~' ::i:ii ~ iu-.... I cording to the California Crop ~·,,,: ,: l~ t% Ell'IJll'ftlll• 25 1w-* 1t1111Qr11 '"" · 11i.1 .... 1-11 &"i:'t1w .t4 1 I'~"' mce .• I sh ... WllwtC..M 11 ,,.._.,. r.;:. , n , , ·~ E.,i!Y f'&lt• n ' ··· IMllJ'C-.20 .i •~.,.. °"'c.i .IOI JO ,._, wltc• .a •lo\+ "" SM"• I Ill a d Li t k R t . ' ' ••••. ":. Er• lnduslf ' IV.-"" 11\M"'"' ~" JI 1-. ... =·~ . n"' ... c..-I )\lo-"' llltlMl .. AD • Dr. Richard Mark, a forestry specialist for the . • Agriculture ·Department's extension service, est!· : -mated that the Increase would be tackl!Q on to 1972 ~;prices, which ~veraged $1 to $1.50 per loot. A six· ''~oot tree which cost '6 to $9 in 1972 may cost r trom .8.25 to nearly $9.50 this December, :-:: Markt uld that growers aw sending more than ~5-mllllon-trom to-the Christmas market this year j;J.be ptoduce of 6 to 12 years work on tree !anns: ~,He uld growers will get an esllmated $90 million '~ifor ~ \IMS which will cost consumers about •210 gmUllon. n ves oc e po r 1 n g .. ~·-·• m, , .~ ;:: Ewitt .Mte 1) J . 11 • .,."'°" ,, .. ,, . . . , ' 1 ~ "' '!1•n Iii • Jlf>-"' Miii! Mli f I E Servic,, t.m was the ~rst ........ .,. EMVife •• • r YI 1111 flocllw. » s..-. .•. Olllt 1. too -1 *; 11 11\i'o •.. wott HI .11 ~ )•.'r 1 th I f b "'""'••11 .OS 6 l'I .. . EIMI• °""' • IM-• • • IMIFUMI .. • JV.-... °""' lit* 104 '*• "' ~ flll I. Ml U.it-"' w.1-111 .21 I ...__ year e vaue o veaeta es c.moo01111 """'-"' Euu•• I~ ... n11 Gttt .10 6 1~~ Si'"" • 1"""'"' '"'"' , I • _, -• Cl!'ICllll .JOll I IOV.-\"t' f:~'l'ltJll ,.,.._ .. IMPftM .10 JI Ji..-W ,.,._,,SI I ,_,_... ' .+ . .,.. I .~ 11~.oJ • melons, and strawbe rries hlt !Et• Gti 1.s• 1·16•1-1• £ffMA .1'19 ll ,.,.._ * 11111 1trt1c11 i1 ' + "' • s.ort 11 , -1 • 1114~ j' *'"'-·~ :='J:r.60 '! ~ ~ the SI bl tllon mark m~ -4-;-m.JJOl•---11 ~lftjllll 'f ,.,.._ l'I 1-ul '""° " 1111 SWll .1:111 IJUO ,,.., -OWrfWIO' .JI I '!"'-\Ii ·lb Al Jloo-l'I ws;n. Cf. ... -~ -_ ... 5_.. .If _t 10 +Ioli lllWlllMtO .I Zl'I 'I! O...-tHS.C IS Wi+ ,,-. $k , .. _ w. t ~ ftl .. l._,:;t Golden State. The vegetable ., so. •••r• ••·••HT•••• Cdn .w ,a,., 10 1ro1i ··· __.. ~ 1111r•y11«11 ., ,,... "" a.. AW11111 M \t-w c. 1 ,•, -_,~ .,,, ~· • "• ,•--,. ~ all ~ MIN1H II 4~ 't I'• r.:= 4 ,~ YI ,.,..,_.., Cll a tt~ "' -P I'-!Mi ... '#\I leaders for total v ue In =~".::'." .. :~~:~·J~ ~,~,' .l''I-·• ~:,1.:·~,: .t+·ii :~~Cf ,.~;, ~J~ :;'_: "~'',~"'= f' l~ ::: 1 1 'it.~ w~"' :;t 'j ~~~ calJfomJa las& JNf Wet'e ~-t.tlllltrtM, ., ,.,., c•ff .. trtl ''* 11 I ··· ,~ '4 m-" 1n•CHvl ,41 'j ~"' ilfi!l t.H I JI "' • ;.:: ~ Al t1 , • tu I •· abd • .1211 ,. "' ••• ~""''Y n • ...,_, 1,.,.,.,. u11 :I , I ,._ ... ,. -"" -~ ·-· Cf: proce.sa ng wmatoes, 49'-IW ~.a I l\jt-" '""' I Ill-" ,.., .. , ,·,111 . .-.:ci; . ' ,.Wit.. 1a1&i II -y ........ UJ ,, i_: •• fresh market tomatoes. .., ___________ 11 ~:: ,. ,: -; ~ • .,..., )It N s~ * 1,..,.il ar 1J ,...,_ ~ '""' 1 llti11+ " • .zm Mft •• ~ ·-· t ll ll " I II· • Monday's ' Closing Prices 1 ·NEW yol{k S110CK EXCHANGE I < I • • -\ ' ... 1, '· Novrmbt. ""'"' ... r'1LO , ·Year's High-Lows Appear Every Saturday ' NEW YOJIK (UPI) -Stock prices fell steeply In moderate . trading on the New York stock EX' ~hange Monday, reflecting a sliffenlng Arab o~ stance and talk of a. nationwide ~ on SUnday dr!Ylng. The Dow Jonea lnduslrial avenge ,plununeted •28 e7 points to 862.88. Tbe index of 30 blue chips .wi. more than 13 points lower in the first hour alld, eroded further through the day. Tho selloll was aggravated in the.opening hours by news during weekend the Arabs planned to ease their stance temporarily to European consumers, but would remain tough in their oil embargo to tho United States . • • : .. , -. " TV DA.ILY LOG Tuesday Evening 1:30 ID(~ CIJ> m "'""' ""'° '11\4 FinistunrTaucli"--Th• murder cf 1 printer 1nd th• dlsc:o'ttry ol t fOJltd m11nlcip1I bond ·selll!S ~·"'" jo • lti(hly respected doe11mlflls U• NOVEMBER 20 pert for help !n lnvtiti11tin1 1 .,.. I 00 HI D __ lll m Em I tf11cti¥1 rin1 of !~(fries. : lflJCIJ@(J)(!Bw_\':" D NATALIE WOOD AND ""''..,...,.'~A. °,'.;'k. * ROBERT WAGNER IN on.._ N. v. "'""" THE.MOVIEOFTHE c.wtsw," £Mlt'1 fatlltr YEAR-11THE AFFAIR" .,.,....,_ a ·lflllill!l ... T--n. ,......_ CC) (It) "'Mlilr" <*•) '73--ftlbUt 9tlf Trtt Wood, Robert Wt&Mr. The llMtr Sillplc:Mlltl lllft SfOIJ of I 32.,_. .... WOlllff, Cf'iJ- ......... ~ pied slnc:t dlffAold bt' ,o!lo. who ~ SIMcn u.perieflCIS the Jots •nd sorrows ol .~)0(1) lli).(1) ...... 'i"""' loYe for theJint 111111, a Miwli: t•> ""httttfleW r em...., '60 -EUz1hltfl Teylor, Laurence t:00p1DCll!Jl1DTll~ ll11lcl11 H•MiDilll Merrill. Mu 1111 .F1rt" Maalcitn ~ i ~(~CJ))..._ 811);1 uses t •rlefclst of 'Tlyin( 1"11 ~1 dollar bills tllll thl IUistlllCt ~ llllfV Hil... Danny Ryt('SOfl., I fHflllt m111e I w, lrifftlll ati;dent, to vindicate DMl!y's f1th1r, Scllool .... wflo Is ch1rpd with murdtr. 1M11 Etsr i"""" -""'" C.11111ali Desert 'fllMtre ' Nodles Ttpltin aJ Little RNc:als 9:30 II (9 (!}) Cl) a.ft "Hit Run" ----~- How A.bout A. Pigeon? BUENOS AIRES (AP) Benedict Arnold's ·Shame Remains -The Argentine govern · ment bas decided to ex- pon pigeon meat to en- COl!'age a '1ew .lmJl!stry and bring in more forelgri exchange. The move also ls seen as a way to check the country's exploding pigeon population. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Army says It will not ,; grant anmesty to · Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold, the Army'• highest ranking traitor con- vic..ted _ \WQ (:e:nturl~ ago of rr lsconduct in office. Dr.....-Vlncent A. Lindner, a history buff from Scotch Plains, N.J "' several months ago brought the case of America's highest ranking traitor before the Army board I THE PICK OF Punch J ~ a .. n ~ • I . for correellon of military ~>lepd ml"""'1uct In office lhe board did get were In records, saying lhe evidence i;;1 be wu fowld gullly ot bandwrillng loo poor l o was lnsulficient !or convtcllzli /niy two, lnd"1in& a cblrJe, -:=dec:=--1-phe_r. __ :--~::;:-.,=;I Arnold In 1780. . ~the~ Army" s RA.YMONll J. W"dliams, .. w~tha61rl 1111 :':w. 1Uff£LL'._ seoretary of the board, 8"ld "' .,.. y Monday, "OUr cmcem -wu-... "'-• CODllDllll occumam Ul'HOLSTER to see the guy (Arnold) got and did not aU(omallcllly -r .. w .. a fair shake. But the evidence t.'jrlg an officer's ~ to n. ... Dr. Lindner produced was not arl end • (s . 1"'" lodl1. ' 1'21-"'"· sufficient to raise a IUIOD"ble . ml!!~ Nlto'"'1'5 u(!lalned. ~~C~t~no --14Mllt doubt of Arnold's guilt 8monc llllla\M·IO!d lhe board \jiokl: the board." be said lhe fi'°' the• case Mrlousl~ ,ud k>olled board ·m e m b er s were ovs-tbe archiwm at Wiit unanimous in refusing .,...... • PolDt .. well u publlalled ty to Arnold. -histories of the lncidell(. lie There have been suggestions said not all the records were lhe Arnold case was dredged avallable and many ol those up In "hopes ol establishing some· sort of precedent for granUng el)llleSly to Vietnam war deserters. Williams explained t h a t Arnold was never court- martialed for treason i n betraying the plans of the fort at West Point, N.Y. to the Brilisb. Arnold fled before he could be captured and later served as a cedcoat offic.er. CUlllNT FASHIONS ., . DISCOUNT PllCIS 9596 Homllton Ave. a.twHI; .......... ' ......, HUNTINGTON IEACH Tolephofto -f63.32'6 Custom Thanksgiving Floral Gifts Ion~ Curtis 1uests 1s the ruthless 7:001J rn 0 m Ntws owner of tn illq:1t 11mblin1 club Birr BEFORE going to @ MOftt: (l) (Zllf) "'Cil111 .. Ski· where John Shalt loUOW3 1 trill of West Point, .Arnold w a s JIMS AlllJM If t,_.ltwlt mmUlet Iron\ tos11 M"' · Carnation Arrangement In Buel YIM FrM to hi 50 customers with' th)s ad. kr" (mus) '70--The Rollin& Stonis. murder, u~ortion 1nd theft invol· military co lJl man de r at WNrs Mr UM? m I _e1c14 I Hu•,.riilld: Enstl· _,Stop moaning. If sht wants to M 11 stewardess then it's up to local citizens brought eight , tl\lll NtwPwt tHCll O.Uy lM "rldly Ill t PM, ,,, .. 111 Wt lrt l'lllrMln ti Tlltf......, WI,. StrTid I Sll1ri to Advtnturt ~ln1 fambJers ind tlt1ir debts. Philadelphia. Wiltialll;S .said 11.M LllCf' bert Humperdinck wek:omet Lena llSICl14 1Thlfll•b(Mqnat HorneandkltlGrtJ. 1 ________ '.'_"'~to>_h~el~p'_/J,he~r.:.:":__ _______ _'ch~ar~g~e~s:._.a'.'!g!'.ai~·ns~t_:A~rno~l~d~foll_'rl_ __ _)~~~~--J!~!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!! MOii W111't The 1nim1tld story m TH U1'9llCllllllH of the first Tb111kq;lvin1. fI) N1111 Part Ill ''The YICtim'" t]) I Dfn• If kt1tll N1111 nlirH to her country home blttrtlda 1nd tft\ertti~ )'1:111111 Geofza HUCo!t {i) Drlpll IS W!ll IS Stti111r. · W..W.t1t1stn1PtT• mu"'"' ( I]])...... !Ii),_,_ Dl'nMl'Mtr 10:000!D @!li m P•llct St1ry lhW J II l'tlldl "C'.ollisloR CoUISI" M ~I fflld llClf pro1r•m that PllcH palice men incl WDJ!ltR topther ill ptro/ QB l:lO Ir,.... H..t u11tn some problems for offiws ~··• lfmll Jun Cuth1ne (Sut Alie La11plon) !..,."-:=' S4Ura al\CI Vince Lii Sardi (Hu&h O'Bri111). Ci)"'"''""" • COIClllltrat1o1 D @ CV m lbfa1 w.ro, 11.1. II) I llllCp;L I s.tl CIM lite "CJrcies of S!Yme'" " JOllnl patielt ...... Dinny Tho1111s Is this yu(s of Dr. w~, ~ hel Nrrils-GBnd M1rsh1I for tht parldt which btuuse she btll1Vt$ silt la prq- fll1ura llolts, 1111rthlna: binds, t tqLllStritn units Ind ctllbrilia lfOftl a a Jim tht 1nt1rt1lnm1nt world. llIJTol•l ... TN• l~!O-TwillPtZ.0. (iJ llt'sMHeA0..1 1.. GJNNI · Cltrnfditn Y"ldu 11 CMrflid• stM; u, _, ChMf I iflC1Al! Stumbtth (R) A flll llltlll c111 ~:P~': I~ ~:ac;~rs c:;'d~~ 1:00 . st11mb1tll but which turns out to : II Hilarious •Peanuts' h• • wtitiq 1001111 hllwfflt ttiis ~ * fun.feast! A CHARLIE wortd •nd the next BROWN THANKSGNING I=' ... "= " ; 11 (ll!l 11JHIJ CI!lllID • ...,. n:ao 0 D !l!?Hll -Iii lrowm TNlblMIC Mirn Ptp-3 @di 0 (j)""" ,.rmlnt Patty invites hers:ell ind Twiipt esaortad friends to Th1nks1M11t • hrry ..._ ~ • • dinr 1t Chl1lil Brown's house, it Pllif Doull111 Sllw throws th• luplm tittle "Pe1nvr Cit S..ft . , lfl!o t paflic. I @ Tiie Miiiie O @Cil ®l m--n."" ...., -""''" Rolled Dud" CllHt pulls 1 bil ( @)Trails Wist bluff by settln1 ~mstlf up IS had ll:JO IJ (9 {l)) (jJ CIS Ute ~ of 1 dass 1111tblln1 rin1 IOI' sodlty .... nd 11 ARrets" (dr1) '52~R; 111t~"5 In competition wit.b the Gibl• Yvonne DeCdrlo tu! aimlnar. Cl1l1 StMM auats. o @Cll t1'QI m wiHy c.,.. D @.f1l !J! ... ,_,., g..,., "W"""r ,,,. _. liii11 'liie ft11h_I Sfllft'" ~thin (SCi·fi) '63-TIJY'Ollli Karita . posts Ind aobltns. h1unt the Wei 0 (iti CIJ !if) Widt W..W..C htef• hou11 ln • hMpitll, 1s Or. ~ercy bln111Rt "HoMymoon Suite" A 111111 ~ !rles wer);ln1 1111-beset by bizarre collection of comedy lnistdventures 1nterruptlqns. in the sw1nk hotel •htft· MOfey e DEAN MARTIN TRIES TO Amsterdam IS Chtrlie, th• bellbof :* uSAVE A MARRIAGE" •Ill! Rose Marie IS Mia~. t1141 • · m11d, wort Keen1n Wynn, N1!1 T1l- O "'"" 1 """' (Cl wm -bot. ' II SIVI 1 Mtrrilp" (com) '68 -GI Alfre:d Hitdlcld: 1'11111b D11n M1rtin, Stella Stevens. II) MOWM: "'Tiii Lady hys Off" ' fl U Sehn .IMI (dr1) '52--lindi DlmeJL bt. llril llrWt rr.m j 9 lalleCblR W1rrion; VI. Mitw1u· lZ:OO ii OH ., ..,_. e D Ulfdt 4e Ellrllltt (com) '38--Mirpm s11rnv1n . : I Plei19 Nilftt .... MM: """ ....... ,.,. . -. 9,,, __ _ ,,..., l:GOiD(l)l!)OO..., 1:1s a .... : (311r) "1111 '°"' Lion" • ®J lfi m rMlll'!'"' (drt) ·~arlon Br•nllo. • W..W hall tr AHwe m-'""""'· .,.,.., 1:!00111_,.... "Conflicts" Geofre Bern1rd Shaw's 1:45 II Morie: "11 Ntttr rlqtf ,_. "'Thi Min of Otstiny" premlern (ldv) '5I-T11one Power, Ann Br,tlt. llCETs new hour-lonr dt1m1lic 2:00 m All-Ni Pf S...: "'Tiii 111 »:t,• series. Sllcy Keach stirs 11 N1po-"S!t1llat SM 111 £.artti" leon who m1tches •its with 1 mys. 3:10 B Movi1: "Iii Ott It CJ.a' t•IJ lady, S.1111nth1 E111r. (drt) '57-John Plyn1, ltlm Steele. Wednesday 12:30m "T1ll Coheb" (s~) ·55 ·- -. Rith1rd Widm•B. Uuren Bae.all 1:00 m (t) "l~dlscmf' (co!'n) '51 - DAYTIME MOVIES Cary Grtnt, lrtti'HI Ber1m1n. ) 3:00 Cil (C) "lrlcl ... of TN•Rr (dr1) 1:00 frn (])"Mr Sin, TH Her." (com '54--Wiltiam Holden. Grtce ltell)t. , •1J....:::p1tsy KtllJ, Roscoe K1ms. OJ (C) "Hip Secittr" (rom} '56- l:JO O (C) "'McC1lfl Co Hot1t" (dr1) Bini Crosby, Grice KlllJ. '66-0lrt: Boc•rd•, Susan Strasber1. JD;OO (I) -sl• Ult 9iSllwcl!,. (ldY) '60 J:30 @( U 11J) '6~ll ~n II Jerich" ~nnedt Moort Dina Wynter. • ' U -· /.,.1 '37 -'"' 4:00 B (C) ..,..., 1 •-""° (mml MtcMurrey, Fr1ncu Firmer. '64-Tonr Curtis. Christi111 Klufm1n. U:OO O ~I Hltdt" (wes) 'JI 4:JO (}) S11t1 u llMM iltilf ~!chard Arlen. "Earr,. tt hi" <IHI (j)) "'f• ... , It Ilk" (com) (coin) '3'--Ch1rlls Ruu1es. •41-a1mra Sllnwrt:l <KOCE TELEVISION LOG rMwmNr 2f (P.M.} The "~line of the tlr" fDr OrWIDI .,J;JO Cl'IAN·ESE WAY IC ) "Poached , ClltJntv. M ullatt'' -The tlml)lf C•n'-M •:JO l'l!STOIY o" AIT IC) L.n&an nttfhod of 11!'-•lno 11111. 2S "Roman Arclll~ureH •:oo '"AlllASC'OLl!NOAS (r) ""' flr!f 7:.00 TH• GJIEAT CONSUM•• CON· .outatlaMI TV P<'Ollr-.n pr"8ftfed In TEST !Cl tesson 216 "Mllnshr tti9 United ~l"I~ l imed •I S~nltl'I-Mactilnu -Those Malor Alllllllll(n ..,_aklllf chlldr.n. In Your Life" Tiit conwmtr"s •::» ELECTRIC COMPANY ICI H11tl!t f>!l"!lfl',il>llltv In t'-11111 tht right WI ' ••• ,.. machine, IJY 11111' car• of macllll'lft, n1 on """"'' to l>!IV for her and ou11renlft Ind w1rr1n1tn =~i":lil ~.v Check, ~vt 1~ doesn't 7;30 AS MAN B'IHAVES (C) i.nson 5:00 SEii.Mi! STlll!ET IC) Rovlnll · 17 "8l~1eer1~ 1r.•" · P1Ytllol0Qy •-~ K 0 course for college credit. ._, ........ m r lt\f f r!Jll 11ers angry 1·30 The AlrPOl"'I H11Ule wilt~ MOPlt won 't •nsW!lr his ~ues· t :oo Tiit Ftmlnine Clllllfllflt tlot1 'W1'111t m1k~e ll"'Ol)f~ """'~? t :JO PtoPollllon 20: Co.st1I Crl1!1 6:00 OJIANH CONTY ll.EVIEW IC) 10:00 ~ 1111-: Whll Ntedl it? ' • r Now, with The Bank of California Connection, yourperso~ check is eagerly accepted· at thousands of loCal stores. Now you don't have to be a friend of the sto e manager's to· get your check accepted at a convenient .supermarket or other store. When you have The Bank of California . Connecllon th ere's no hassle, no cred it check, no embarrassing 1urn-down. • out the U.S. and 47 counlries own checkbook. And also gives you worldwide. 1 1 automatic overdraft p"rotecllon. · It's like having your bank on just A ufe clepotft b01 et no ntra about every slreel coM'ler. Only charge. . better.,. because many of these . Troveler'e clteckl incl lllOtllJ locations are open 7 days a week, ordert •t no extrl c~· , some 24 hours a dayl Bui there Ii 1 lot mori. The Bank Reduced retll on Pl~ IMnL of California Connection is a whole A Mo1t1r Chlrge• C1rd. . -f--- ' ' • . ' . ·. I •. ' ' ,... • Becau se with The Connection you gel a Check Guar11t1tee Card. This · .card, with your photo and· driver's packag,;,,f the most useful personal Po1toge.peld llftk·b)'-Mlll lervlce • . . • . ' • ' ' • • • . The Epr1ordin1ry Mansion, on the ocean · with tho Zillion Dollar View. GR~T -SUPPERS •.. •••• UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT "THANKSGIVING SPECIAL , ROHted Stuffed Tom Turkey $395 • With •II the trimmings. Sorvlnt f....., I 2 noon. • • Don't Forget Our SUND.AY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Mell W. Coast Highway ......... loath 6454444 -• . ' I j .,......., ____ .._,_ -· license number on ll)e ~ac , le(S th world know thal The Bank of Californ ia guaranlees your personal check up to SlOO. Your card is honored at stores operated by Safeway , Pay Less drug stores, Joseph Magn in-and (housanbs of other retail eslabllsh.menfs through· .~nkij~ services ev_!'( put togelh '.:_... e..r.-,.lhe'!lenk al ~la..:..-;:~~-: • g. . Connection costs only $2.!IO a· · • The Bank of CalifOrnia ~A good solid . -\Cf) C.O~orr.- • 1973 Tiit sank Of Cllllomla, N.A. Member F.Q.l.C. • • Unllmlled Check Writing. Write ?S month. What many people pay for a many checks as you wish. There s checking account alone. And · no additional charge. And nd 1 remember no minimum balance minimum balance required:-:-' is required. For an appllcatlOn 1u81 Mone,check". That lets you wrile. fill oul the coupon. Or atop lh at •rir yourself a loan In tha privacy of your of our convenient offices. i ············~·········-~---··························-~·······························1 I am interested in The Bank pf Ca lifornia Connection. Please send me more information and an application: • • The Bank of Calii>mia j1 . '• I Please clip and ma~ 10: I \ • The Bank of California : T ' i • J l ,, I "' ' • ' f . S:W South Flower Street o -~".Los Angelos, C.llfornla 90017--~--i't--:T't---•--~i Alletltion: r. Jotm Owot10 • -AEIDRESSi=========="lf'h--'"-- . ' ~ • CllY--------,STATc..E __ _..z1~--- & ••••• ~•••••••••••••••••~••••••--••--••••••••--•••••••••• .. • ., y ' ·····~···· .......... ~----l. " ' ' J • ! • ' -I ! ,, " '" • r, Dotti Zimberoff ' ' . ' ~ : sometimes do e's ' her celeuletions non Cl~ ·old-f,shioned slide ' rule (right). !lelow, she . 'stu.di11s ·report from company: . ' . • . . • • " I ! New Look Taken At Birth Defe-Jts An ol>atetrlclan suspects there is a de!ecl ·In ihe fetus one of his patienls ts arrying. He lakea hia endoscope and looks inside the uterus to examine the unborn cblld. " llMT · No, but -1bly 1974 or 1975. • ;; There is a five to 10 percent incidence in maHormations of the central nervous sy.rem with each subsequent pregnancy of this type, so mothers of these children were anxioos to determine such mallonnations early in pregnancy, Dr. Goldstein said. EAllLYD~ON Wort now is going on at l>rang&. c.ombining the amniocentesis technique \ -• • BEA ANDERSON, Editor ,.......,, ,..""*"' ». 1•n P .. 11 " . ' e -s er Spen ........ a Big Slorlel by Jo OI-The clecisloo to make tho move W¥ ot * DllllY PUtt SMff • Dotti's idea. "The weather, the city, If you see an attractive young woman the dirt plus two hours a day commutini riding her bicycle ~ID work in Newport -no more," she said. , . ·• Center .,-without a•coat -It's probably llloving plans were combined , with Dotti Zimberoff. ! ' , / vacation pl-and the Zimberoffs spei!t _The senior anal!"t.for Pacific Mutual • the SU!lllJIOI' ln a motOr. home looking Lif.e JnsuranC<> Co! moved IQ. C<\rooa I for a place to live. de! Mar with her fllmily from Cblcag~ .,.., __ , ooma ts · lie business Dotti two months ago anll ts reYOliDg In the ·--... c '" r .. •, Southern CaJifornia weather w h i c b learned that several firms in Califofnia permits , her to be ¥cycling when her woold offer her the kind of position Chicago frifflds are b!>ckini snow, she was oeeking, so she arranged in- t terviews as they traveled down the coast. I 'The situation .has ' ' • .den....,.·die 1celly .... r--'~I" . with ,hortage . and the energy· crisis. People 1hift , I their priorities~ Your have to: figur_e out where the trend ' • ; I • • IS, GOOD INVESTMENTS Her work -is highlf specialized. As an analyn, she seeks companies which ~ould "provide good investments in com· mon stock" for her firm. DotU· worka lllly In common stocks ·,!and !l'lclal!Rs within this field. "Other • ona~ -·~ private. pl•cemenl 1 and !I.zed tocome;" she explamed. Like all inourance co~es. her firm ls required ~ mab_!_tain a ce~in reserve in liquid assets..., Other earnings are divid· ed between long-term investments, private placements and debt obligations oC other companies, Dotti saitl. Her methods are s.imilar to those a ,stockbroker uses to select a portfolio foc a client. .. I look at financial statistics, future prospects of a company, product capabilities, management; the company's paSt record, profit ' and · 1oss statements and the ,.overall economy." CONSUMER PRODUCTS She said she probably will follow the same pattern she did when working for C and A Financial Corp. in ChiCago, that of selecting a small area of the business world for her in-<leptb research. In the past, she has worked in consumer products and services. "Once a company is purchased, ~t is flexible ," she added. "If 31Jything changes the company ls sold." Dotti does not do any trading herself. people in the company she is comldorin(. either on the phone or in person. It Is this last phaae that excites her moot. "Maki{ig tlie assessment of the people is the moot lnlen!oting," she l8ld. Prior to her p0sitlon with c and A, she was at home with her children, . . Aleeo, 14, Wendy, 12, and Daniel, 9. Dotti is a graduate of the University of Chicago and eamed her MBA at the U of C, where she met her hUlband, David, who has practiced law, t>ml in the real estaie businea and now is in the business of belplng-conipalllea with problems "tum around." This is left to the company's professional TENNIS BUFF traders, who wor.k from her recom-Her int~ts include ski~, tenni!, mendations and those of the other sailing, boating and just being outdoors. analysts. ~ .• "I probably·Will start gardening," she "We 're supposed 1o knqw what ts hap.·, 'added.' "Everything grows so well here." 'pening all the titile !' she~tressed: . ; What comp&11iee. and fields will Dotti Tod~ her resea~. ''S~ uses company study the nezt few months?' . °For food, beverage, travel and cos.-reports, Moody's In~t Service, metics, the outloot over the nezt year brokerage reports (whi¢b She says are or so is certaJnly not as good as in selling tools), general economic in· the past 'Jbere was a tlemendous formation, government regulations and business boom in the '60s. publications and statjstics of all ~s. "In the last year the situation has PERSONAL INTERVIEWS changed drastically with shortages and She also looks at general social the energy crisis. People shiff their changes, reads p4blicati~. such as the priorities. WalI Street Journal, Barron's and . "You have to , figu re ou£ where tha Business Week, and finally, talks to trend is. '!bat's what it's all about." Ann Stars _ Pl·anets Pleasing DEAR ANN LANDERS: I was pleased that you didn't tui-n your noSe up and your lhlmbs down oo astrology, Oely a fool believes that all he has lo do is sit back and let the stars decide bis' destiny, '!'¥l's llOt what -astrology ~ - ' - ' ' ~ /··· .... I Is all about. I -1dn Are yllll ldteresled ln what Ibo stars ' dream of wearing my lady 18)' ·about you, Ann? Here's your read· clothes out o[ our home. Ing, bued Oil 1lle position of the major OUr love lile is very exciting. My planets the day ,00 were born: Ann wifa frequerdly aska me to wear my Landers, July t, 1918.' · wig and a necklace or a silk nightie . -County M!dlcal C<oiter oo the use of and the idea of being able to look IUCll a device, according to Arthur I. at a fi tus brought the concept o[ the Mercury is important 1n the chart when we make love. I am a!Ways happy of a writer. Acoordlng to Am's reading, to oblige. It's too bad more married Goldstein, MD, staff member of the _endoscope. j ~'cine One ol the values al an endoscope UC! College .. ·JI!~ ' Dr. Goldaletn commented, is that it What Dr. Goldsleilj, is working on eliminat1'5 the need of using X-rays ls a new teleacoplc device ~ that can to fmd transfusion sites [or severe RH allow pbysiclana to detect s u c b _ lncompalibOlty. , ~c -u opinal>lflda, Alao, DrJ Goldlleln aaid tlrat "fetal hydiocephalu'!, menlng1imyelocele an11 • blood could be obtained und er direct -dllOt.Cs ol the-<lllltnll netvwa vi.slon from placental v-1•,, which "'*"'· would allqw dlagnoois of such di-.es m.Oon DISEASES , • as hemophilia anll 1ickle cell anemia. Jn addition, certaln blood dlleaaea such "V"1suaU11tioll of the fetus for gross u lftkle cell anemia Iii! -.,Pllllla -llOl!Jlll1c defocll """1d only be a part coald be atagnooed. , of What could be Kbleved." _ "At this junclln, ·-~")II~ llEI nil< OPTICS camlsts of needle uptratlon ol anuuouc A IS,olio ljrllll -g1,... ·1o Dr, Gold- llaid at appr<Wmately ,17 weellll gesla· · !tein bf tbe March o1 Ilima'lor purchaae 1111a, has -lded ,. with ·~ Invaluable of an endoocope. The lint wu ~ tool In the detecilon of ...,.uc diaease," from a firm In the Eut, but idnce Dr. Goldstein llid. then, he an11 his -.ciltl9 have found ..,.'•! -•~ ~ mis fluid are cultured a product with "markedly Improved op- for ch;;rr:-i,nd bk>dlemical evalua· ~cs."' uan. un1or1--~· 1111,J!Y congenital ~. Gold!tein an11 his llllOclates are , , ma11ormau .. ...., not iuoclated with •ptillli!llc' about the future ot tbe new " Dr. Arthur 6oldstein a~1 cbromo1ome.-1, hence technique. • rewllotlnc db>ecl -.ra11on of tire "Although amnloacopy is p,....Uy in shows size of 1llUIY. ~· lnvesUgaUve stage, I am coalldent d Th' llt. Goldstein received tlli ln!Ual Im· !hit in the near future It wUI not ooly · , new en oscope. II Meraay i.s situated between Neptune _ and_Satum. nus ':! a good indicator coui>Ies aren't as open as we are. There of her imtructive. · (Satuni) and !re-would be fewer nervous breakdowns and 'quently humorous (Nl¢me) "approach le-divorces. Call me-aL\RLOO"l'E to ,the problema of her readers. DEAR CHARLO'ITE: I'm nn """ .Jupiter, Pluto and tile sun "in Cancer yoo lwo feond each oilier, 11 naJd lie omw her under1tanding of emotions and . qallo 1 •bock lo the a~•e fi11n 11 aensltivities. · ~· - Jllars In Libra and Its relations to . !!:. '":" ~k-:i::·~ ~ ~ Venus and Gemini denote ease in sell-ex· Jove. I am not being critical• faeetluu. pression. She intuitive, gets to the So Jau u ~ two stay jm ,.... ..,. heart of the matter qulcily and doese't 11om.:· wbatever yaa do I• yoor baa!Ha. hcsitale to . speak her mind. Uranus in (But~,. k!llf the ........ don.) _ lale·A<juan111 -. .Jupller.'J.n 'eor!Y ~'-. .~ --~--,_ .. -Cancer, an·indicalbr"ilf good organiziilg "·DEAR ·ANN LANDERS : I am a ... ability. .. waitress who neem advice. Our salaries How aboot that Ann?-A PISCES WHO are IoW and we depend on tips. What ISN'T MAD AT YOU can we do about -im wt» refuse DEAR P!SC&'l: W11o am I lo arpe to leeve anything? I am considered with the lianT nuu IOI' wrlllq? an exC<llerit waitnlBS. I work very bard DEAR ANN LANDERS : It may ·llot and am pleasant to enryone. Bui certain •-• nnal" fur 8 to -· customen who come In here five and • Ut: t;'O a m n wear . s · six days a week never leave a red clothing, but It can be very, healthy o:enl! It's bard to contluue lo ·give them for a ~ge. · a smile and good service. What can First, please understand that I am -I , do?-BEIUND THAT SMILE 4 not a homosexual. I have a wonderful FROWN wife who not only understands my need DIWI BE: A 1'f· 11 a 111 L II ' to relaz and unwind, but eacourages penoa doeta't wb:~ to "'" "• sift" , me lo do so in any way· that pleases llM:re 11 aoWq yoo cu do. r. 11r pom for the wort frml Dr, Eldon play a major ~le in the deleclloo of ' h ,~ f r-~1Fe111-ef-D·e-p• r·1111-e n t of -1ic dileaae In utaro, but-lt-will~======--_:.::...:::_ ______ ~is'.__'.a'..'n'.'.o'..'.t=•r too -or ~1ou-ve1. who omjrbalzed1hat·Uttle -ilao be1p -io --1e1a prevent·1n9 L-1'"'" me. , · .. , ...W HU .. IM tM ....... tlfflac T diii't drliik,--.-pliible ~ .... WI. Bttoli'iif rellMIMf ' carouse.-We baYe no cblldreiu1nd we *d' llltJL.,....,..__a....,.._ d~t want any.~ marriage Is perfect aaa.r,, like ..._ "'"a••• B • In fM!rY way. 'We keep wr ~~ -,...... ..-. Dae_._.._,, secrets stricUy between the two "'~· rd nlllor 111 .. 11 llral .woy, coald be -!Gr dlllclron with certain ~ anll teratoloCY, -.,,.Jd -D rm !Yi* llf '"ljllDIM!lda a n d ' men-only tnwr healthier bable1 and happier d f t *"'''"• · puma,• 11e 111o1. e e.c s. • • . , > • ' • , , , • , • J8 OAILV PILOT ... ';--;,.i r'' ·'If ·· . ~ ,.... ' ... r ampus Women Seek More Strehgth, Status By I.AURIE KASPER Of flHI oa11r Plltt SI•" ..Because "lbc.J~ b~gl!l." en faculty and staff from 1ery level of higher education i the state will meet at UCI ~ with hopes of organlilng is Women in C8lifornia Higher lducation. It will be the first time "'omen from the Unive11ity of California system, the State versity system . junior col· gt!$ and P.t"ivate colleges and 'versities will merge to s.s their common con- rns, primarily of )ob op- rtuniUes and advancement. , presuming they will successful in organizing, • wUI be the first time the men have united to ciartfy ir concern s and eliminate ir problems. Most institutions have had o develop individual Af· ative Action programs. itost have committees on the Your Horoscope status of "romeo established through the administration. Most, too, have KJ:QU2! form-ed·by·the women fiCUTty, staff and students lhemselves to deal with problem.s on their campuse s. "Tills Isn't worl<lng well enough or fast enough," ex- plained Dr. Karen ·Leonard , ~istant professor of Com- parative Culture at ucr, past president of Women at Irvine and one o( the coordinators of the upcoming conference. NEED TO lJNK uAt Irvine," she saJd, "we rigure we're in a weak enoogh position !bat we Jlffd 14 link up." 1be new organization, she explained, will apjily pressure statewide, primarily through the legislature, "like · an employe's union." Because it should b e representative of all th e state .. s higher education-in- , Aquarius Sights Set On Wider Horizons WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 21 k. By SYDNEY or.IARR ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19): Trying to hold 14gether op- , · g forces may · be too to ask -do what you not the impossible. 1cally, assert n ee ds . Assume a more authoritative ryle. U this means a tern- ary split from parlner, that be.' But sUuation is only itory. TAtiRuS (Aprll 20-May l!O): · is on revelation: What kept under c0ver Is likely tO be .expcxsed. nits makes for a tesl. You either finish .-1 relationship or *engthen it. No halfway. Know it and be grown-up about it. Aries, . Ubra penons are likely 14 be in picture. GEMINI (May 21-June l!O): Emotional batteries receive benefit of recharge. You could be recipient of ''sec ond chance." Leo, A q 11arIb1 I persons could play imporiant Jes. Accent is on expreliS;ing ings to someone who cares you. Highlight self-esteem. 't waste time trying to vert a hopeless case. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Home, marriage, base of operations -these a r e spoUighted and'!!ubject to sud- den changes. You may be caught by surprise as one you respect acts in quick, im- pulsive, somewhat aggressive manner. Ride with tide. Rise to meet challenge. You can do it and succeed. LEO (Jul)' 23-Aug. 22): Travel may not offer a smooth road. t Means look f o r allemaUves. Check reserva- tions. Destination may be "moving." Where you think you want to go may not be whert! you finally do go. Relative.$ express differences. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): receive meaning f u I com- pliment. Accept assignment in gracious manner. Strive for harmony at home. SAGI'ITARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): Many around you. expr~ unorthodox v I e w s You may feel somewhat t upon by unusual statements, requests. Key is to heed inner voice without brood Ing . lm'prove without insisting on im~ible goal!. Pllces could figure prominenUy. CAPRICORN (Dee. 2Z-Jan. 19 ): Accent is on responsibility and prestige. You are able to display abiUUes and 19 illustrate goal. Others understand you to greater extent than in recent past. Your ambitions are clarified. You have solid idea of where to go and how to arrive. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Get rid of unwanted bunlen. False altruism has no place in your sphere. Don't hang on to losing proposition. Raise eyes to n~w. wider horizons. Deal with Aries, Ulwa persom. Put Ideas into action. PISCES (Feb. 19-March l!O): Much occun behind the scenes and could involve salary, ex~ penses and other paymenl.! and coots. Highlight creative approach. Make intelligent concession wit.bout abandoning principles. Leo could play key role.· IF TODAY IB YOUR BIRnIDAY you have fine sense of humor, an abWldance of intellectual curiosity and draw to you many born under Gemini and Sagittarius. You make new start in December. You are fond of travel and you could find writing ·a con- structive ouUet for creative energies. You are frank, tend to neglect diet and might have somewbat ct a weight prol> lilern. Money and how it gets that way. You will be faking in-I D t s t ventory, checking finan cial a e e reports and reviewing budget. Aquarlas, Leo and Soorpl4 persons could play roles. Be specific and demand the same For Rites · from others. Lisa Hutchison will become LIBRA (8ept. 23-0ct. 22): the bride or John Frank You will be gaining attention. MacMillan during Aug. 17 You will be challenged and ceremonies in St. Andrew's stimulated. U single, prospect Presbyterian Church, Newport of marriage is paramount. 1£ Beach. married, mate makes an-Thelr betrothal has been an· nouncernent which COUid nounced by her p a r e n t s 1 startle. Married or single, Blayne Hutchison and Mrs. you will be in volved in ~bert o($n_ider of Newport ,whirlwind activity. Beach. His parents are Mr. 1 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): and Mrs. John MacMillan In, !Work-within organization. also of Newport. Stick to rules. Utilize available Mils H u t c h I s o n Wtn 'material. Don't feel grass is graduate in January fr om i'!ecessarl ly greener else\'l!W<. Newport.Harbor fflgh School. p)j_ Y.Cll\, <!" ~w atl{a,cti ~•: "~ Pla\IS 14 attend Orange ---·r ooe vthQ cnn aid. i'ou-------coast~C<itfeg~ ____. .... ' . • ' • stltutlO!l$, which number about Daytime Studies at UC San women In higher education with !JsueJ relating to women 180, she thinks of It "as Diego -Extension who organ-who feel isolated, ' -Dr. 1n -blgber education. JJghting O!Lall lrcmts." ~ the steering committee Walshok said. She belltveJ the new group Or. Nancy Jo Hoy, a lee--ting foP-l grou la~l-Not all af'e unk>n·or feminl9t--wi1 db thll :he-sa . , • . Maroh~, says, "the sooner the orientated, .she explained, yet they can ~vld& 1 models oi lurer in "'~n s studies 1n better. . they have particular needs programa and ideas on pl11n- the Un iversi ty Extension llnd , She,beh_eves two ~ars .ago and could use encouragement ningactiviUeshelplng therole the other confe rence would have been a better hme from an organltatlon. of wointn 00 campus · coordinator, thinks first of the to form the organization . She sees Women l n Tbes rrifght ·1 te t "fantastic enrichment'! the Then, in the summer of 1972, C8llfomla Higher Education policies~ a!J Alfirm':t~ve A: proposed group ~an offer. ~he . was a delegate to an as having several functions, lion or actl vltle.s as a But alter citing the need mst1tu~e. en women in higher the first. ol which would be ' , t ' of support for women and education sponsored by 1he tnt · · 1 1 k womens cen er. mechanisms for those who feet U.S Office of F.ducation :; ~n t 1°~Uana ne wor Also, Dr. \Valshok said. the they have been discriminated Ai that time, she expialned, .~c::i: ~e~ ~::~ we've organlzaUon ~ghl he 1 P against in pay, hiring or pro-it occurred to her and others to gni . that women who Just y.•ant to motion, she said, "It i! clear that there would be some ~m:f le=tionze ~ to t! create an inl?"."1al network that there's room for prog-value in a eobeslve organlza-han ed. hich aH ts both of job opportunities around the ~." tion In the state for concerned ct d g ,_ andw i,;.,'; state . . . "so that y.•omen th un.... d s u etll-3 wor .... '6 women t . the " tlm Bo . ~ehn" agrebe ed -oJ women an men. in higher education if the con-canlngethem .ra~b· . · e is rig t cause . GOOD RESPONSE diUons of women in education pas., '° 0I>C:nings lederhal government actions 1 -The March mee•;.,.,. • was are going to be improved .. often were learned of only . whic are being 'taken agaiost ---& she said -• infonnally through contacts, discrimination in education as meant to be a re<reaUon d. ·-who were most often men. well as state hearings which the institute experience but COMMUNICATION Although positions may be an- are being conducted on the there was such •· good But tmless the women are nounced now, some women subject. response the women Involved members of feminist groups, feel they are announced only But Dr. i\1ary Llndenstein were encouraged to do,more. they probably won't know after who will ho hired is Walshok, dean of \Vomen's · "Clearly there are many when the Jeg.i~ature b dealing tlecided upon. "All these things $Ul!gest to you someJ)liftg !bat wW have a umuea ·lifespan/' Dr . Walabok.-1.ia.--==:""'· 'l\lll10Uih lbe 't 1 .. 1 the orgaalllrilon wlll live beyond tile need, 8he said sh• couldn't ...Wet !'1Jelher thl!I would be !Iv. or 50 yOlln. . (l01'(FEREl\'<:E During the opening session ol the conference on saturday, Dec . t, Dr. Mary Lepper, a form er assistant profCssor-at CalUornla State University, FuHefton Y.'ho is now director of the Ofllce of Civil Rights, Higher Education Division, HE\V, will speak on "The CUr· rent Status of Governmental Effor ts on Behalf of Af. fitmative Action.'' Also during the session, Alleen Hernandez, a former presi~ent ol the National Organization for Women and a founding member of Black \Vomen Organized {or Ac:tioo . will speak on "-1' h o' Significance of P o \ 111 ca I Activism In Ef!ectlv'e Acu&i for Women's Rlghts.11 •" Otiril)g .tho 1 f1 e fl'lo , participants. 'will a It~ n 4 several workshops. Accota.lng 14 the brdchure, these ara being , held "Jo plnpolnl the: problems and coocems · oJ Y.'Omen In Calirornia higher education and to decide how such an organization can take -appropriate Bellon JO correct condltlons inhibiting the prog· ress of women." On Sunda)', the grou~ will meet to organize. approve a conslltutlon and elect officers. ~re . are "tens o r thousands" of women In staff aM faculty positions in the state, Dr. Walshok said. "\Ve have the illusion that there have been changes bUt we still haven't seen much change. "We have to be supporting and helping of one another." Fodder Known Best MRS. BISHOP MRS. FLOURNOY MRS. HARGROVE Pledges -Solemnized BISHOP-HAMBLETON Marble, Robert Hamble.lon. Gerald Stains and fl.1ichael Bongiorno. FLUORNOY-POTEET Making their home i n Newport Beacll are William Squire Bishop, and his bride. the former Dorinda Howes H bl Cherie Lyrut Poteet of am eton. N B i:h •·-th ewport ea ~ame e Setting for the .. ceremony , bride of Thomas J_. Flo;umoy was the ~an, Mfrmo home , Ill during nuptials performed · ol. the br1d~ s parents, Dr. by the Rev. James Long Jr. and Mrs. Richar~ SteadmB:n in the Tustin Presbyterian Hambleton. The bridegroom tS Church the son of Mrs. Francis · . Marvin Bishop of Los Angeles The bride, ~a~ghter of Mr. and the late Mr. Bishop. · and ri.trs. Brittain Poteet III Off. . 1 the Re of Orange, was attended by tCUlll was v · the Mmes Robert Erwin and William Persell of St. John 's Brittain P0teet IV, the M1sses Church, Los Angeles. Lark Devel, Carol a n. d The bride, a Children's Virginia Mosher and Chrystal Hospital debutante, is a Schiebe. graduate of Westridge School Best man was Kurt and the University of Southern California where she affiliated with Delta Gamma. Her husband is a graduate of Hollyv.wd High School and UCLA and he received his masters in business ad- ministration from USC. He is a member of Bela Thelli Pi. Wasmann, and ushers Vt'ere Gary and Craig Flournoy and Brittain Poteet IV and A1arc ' Poteet. The newlyy,•eds are graduates ol Villa Park High School and she gradualed from an Anaheim · business college. Her husband, son of i\·lr. and fl.1rs. Thomas J. Flournov Jr. of Villa Park, is a VietnarTI \Var veteran. · HARGROVE-PITTMAN Central Bible Church, Costa Mesa was the setting for the double ring nuptial ceremony linking Jennifer June Pittman and Timothy Daniel Hargrove. The .Rev. Ro15eif Bengston performed the rites for the daughter o( the Woodrow Pit- tmans and the. son or the William Hargraves, all of C.Osta Mesa. Attending the couple were Cathy Hanlon, Lisa Quiroz, Curtis P it t man, Jack Hargrove, .Larry Schwartz and Doug Pittman. The bride attended schools in Anaheim and Portland, Ore. Her husband attended Costa Mesa High School and they are residing in Costa Mesa. Attendants were the Messrs. and Mmes. Richard Simons, Richard Hamble14n Jr .• the ~":,..-<9"'i;>...,.Jdi!ol!>""ltl~~:_-"1~~ Mmes. Howard Ch a pm an , Warren Fish and Robert Bishop, the Misses Allison and L<slie Blsbop and Cynthia To avoid d)sappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their welldlng stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women's De- partment one week before the wedding. Pictures received after that time will not be used. For engagement announcement& 'It Is imperative that the story, also accompanied by a bl>.r.k and white glossy picture, be sub- mitted six weeks or more llefore the wedding date; otherwise it will not be published. To help fill requirements on both wed- din~ and engagement stories, forms are avail.atile in all the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Women's Section staff members at 64MS21. Nutr·ition Weeded Out By ERMA BO~IBECK The most intriguing figure to come across my television screen in a iong time has to be Euell Gibbons. He's the naturalist food e1- pert who cooks and eats bushes and berries that. I've 1fismissed as no more than something our dog fa vors on a potty break. Somehow it fascinates me no end that while ,l'm breaking my back over a hot stove, Euell ls out . In a field somewhere grazing over a leisurely, luncb. In a story the other day I read where at the aged. five, he l1!lllDded together hick- ory n u t s and sweet f>laek.- ·benies to make a wild. candy bar, 'ind since then has gone on to cooking sour grass, unborn buds of dandelions, pigwecd and cat- tails. ~Iy children at the age of five were eating normal things· like car keys, library paste, 1"""!1•· -plastic duck&,-soap. goldfish. 11111d and yellow snow. Ask them to eat a vegetable and they squint their eyes and ask "You trying to kill me?" To be perfectly honest, I'm probably responsible for this attitude as I've never been sure cucumbers were meant to be taken Internally by humans and that if the Good Lord had meant for u.s to ea t spinach, he would have put a space between each tooth. · If Euell is to convert the world to fiature•s foods tbat oome out ol the ground, he- has my sympathies. He faces a world of prejudice against vegetation that began when we were born. Have you ever wondered wbat ""'t through a· child's mind when you heaped a m o u n d of '-'°Id, green, strai n ed peas on a spoon, sOOved it into the child's mooth, hurliedly pinch- ed hi! nCR so he would have to swallow and then smile, "Jt's good for )'.OU." Or set • troagb ,of· greens In fronl ol a b,ungry clubwoman and jµstify It by .AT WIT'S END saying, "It isn't fattening.11 (ll It lsn"t !aliening, why eat It?) Or eating a watermelon' and have your mother warn. "You swan ... the oeedS :.00. you know wbat , wlll Happen." (! was 21 years old before 1 realized Watermelons w~'t born • live from unwed mothtn.) I'm trying 14 keep an - mind abo\lt the lea& natare proYide1. It would be nloe 14 stamp out crab grass and get rid ol your dlnoer obu,atlonl all In ·the same tilghl. Or nibble at a OU.... elm and not be hungry two houn liter. But I keep th!Dklng aboUt Adal1) and Eve. , l'\laybe H'• not-nice ID fool with Mother , Natyre. Peering Around MR. AND ~ms. BAROID HONOllED during the Little Jackson Mock of Newport Mermaid Ball in the Balboa Beach hosted the 111 th Bay Club ""' Dr. Hamel consecutive Thanksgiving re-Opfell who was recognized for her services at Children's s~ c-trKriN union of the fl.'lock, Jackson Hospital of Orange County t.rc .. n •• .._.. • and Clark families In the which financially be n er it s SEWER SALE Irvine Coast Country Club. from the event proceeds. 211 ~111L..~~·~':"" 'T,~7741 The tradition slarted in 1862 N•wpert .._. in ,.1qncie, Indiana, when' ,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ii;iiii;iiii;iiii;iiii;iiii:;:~ii;iiii;ii~ 1'.tinerva Jackson Moc kfll honored her father, William Jackson, who was on leave from the Civil War. Assisting with the festivities were the Mocks' son and daughters, William Jackson Mock of Palos Verdes, Karine Mock White of Redondo Beach and Professor J o a ·n n e Makesson o! San Francisco. Other guests came from Los Angeles, Evanston, I 11 .• Washington, Virginia and Philadelphia. VACATIONING in Santa Barbara were the P. G. Simars and R. E. Turners, all of Newport Beach. ATl'ENDING the Girls Club of ..... America seminar i n Pasadena were Judy Davison, executive director of the Harbor Area Girls Club and Jane Threlkeld. pro g ram director of the Grace C.Ottage branch. Q\IJ:TUS GIVE TH• •ts ifil~IWMQl@R~ ~ MCMJE•425 :ioe>sw.t•M CANen•""""°'t..._11 """. " -"' ~ "ltVO.• g ;t_)vj $1 ~~ ~ We Are Giit Specl•llat1 Tu<. to Sun. "'""' "'"' ..... , 11 .. J -c ...... "'" ..,.,.., 10-5 BALDWIN PIANOS. Beautiful T ane, Beautiful Touch, Beautiful Styles, BEAUTIFUL BALOW/NS I C•111pltM Stl.ct'-Now I«°"'' .... Leyew.y; fITil w_.;WORTH ... .,~'"' • -~PIANO AllO OlGAM SAi.iS ...::1::11111 .... ------..-------' -. SIS 110l111 IWI, WITA Alll • 147-llSI .qp, FRANCIS- '8 ORR J' I Golden Needle's We Have What You're Looking For SOUTH COAST PLAZA -CoSTA ME$A' 3333 BRISTOL STREIT ,.INE STATl(lNEUY &... .. ., .•. , .. lnvft .... ~· ~Alln1M11011WH1a CHlllTllAS CAI~ D111iiiitlvt 'tMlll ~--0... '111 llr'IO• ... .a.ul -" ,,, ••• ................... • s~ -1 tie 111"' BROCADES Golden 'Tleedle FAan1c1 IOWnt COMT f\.u.t. • CA"°"'8J, UYll.. -.._ ' ""'°'"' , . ... VELVET FOG HAIRSTYLING 8466 lndlanapoll1 Ave. Huntington BOich 536-8829 lffers an Bxl.0 COLOR Portrait NO SUDls"I YllW PINISH POllTIAITS LIMITID Oflll'IR1 OM .,.: •. Ill ,.,. fllillly. Oilit dllN 111111· .._ Tlll'll 11111, • •iftltlly •.....,.. lifMf9tr••· "'"· lt<tl .. •I .. tMllMlt ·" ,_ ,.....,,, ..,JJf""11.___ .-i.n. .... ' .... .. ti 0111.-tHt ,,. •• .._,, ._, -,,., t"n -~"""""""' l.._ .. ClfHll_ TMMl'fl'+'llll o.r_ ",._";,:..":;-.-. ~· "':o•~IUl- •. ~ .. =:~n:.:m~::iy •• . som COAST PUZI - I ' ' • ' , , ,! I I r • ' I AMBLER TUMBLEWEEDS . MUn AND JEFF I BOUGHT IT FROM THE POLICED MENTI "Tl-IEYDON'T USE THEM ANYMORE! FIGMENTS -----·· NANCY ROLLO BURNS ME UP-·-ALWAYS 00ASTING ABOUT .._.,-.-.._HIS CLASSY iODAY I'LL SHOW 5LUGGO OUR LARGE COLLECTION OF BOOKS 4 ··~ HOME TODAY'S· CIDSSIDID PVZZLI ACftOSS 41 Not Ye11erde• ... 1 Puzzle Solved: enifidlt 1 fl-.Texn (7 Dr.Ami.Mo 5 Move llWiftlv • .;....: Penlml 9 Moni " Prnldtnl abt.lnc:knt 49 Ruuiln pllln 14 Ctty on the 5.3 EJ1cffd In Oka • ·1:1uantlty 15 Where 57 City ol N.-111 Ntbr91ka 111 Ho19--68 Boa1ta 17 No: ();el, 59 Teller of 11 Hor.ce--: tallehoodt U.S. educator 151 Deelart 19 Wood potltiv.fy 20 -up: 82 Land ru• C-00. """"""'""" 22·1n·therect c1d and ... 24 Oriental aldlf 1M State: Abbi'. 21 Thrnh 66 Reckon 27 A det*I 66 BIQ#'lnlnv 29 Ec»rly 67 Son of 30 KlnttMn Aphrodite !Abbr.I DOWN 33 lnClll)able ol -37 Moetetln, ....... ............. 31 AC-. • 40 CotnpO.iOon 41 Stngerl.Uy 42 Od\11y c118"Q91: 2 -· .. , ......... "6- ' \ \ 1 Bridget OY9r ttltSeine 2 Brtzl -I Antltoldn fkild 4 Big IPOfls ...... 5 Arlea 6 Arner. Atmy . , ... 7Tsndon 8 Y9Unglovw 9 COlrH 36 Small piece 10 Fatuous 37 DNCMoek 11 E~ 40 MuMofmlme 12 NOun ending 42 Disflgurt '13 Study 43 Ltval~ 21 Dupe 46 111-tempefed 23 Not &n,flnn 47 Att.ndant of 25 Conn. end . God N.H.,-'t. 48 Fr9nc~rfw' . 2S "L.es-" 60 ROid ftni.her JO Block 51 Chemk:al ICC-to pteflit 31 CaN1da's 52 Glin• "D.A.A," 53 LMlwotd 32 lnMCts 54 Buft Lltin 33 Smaf -W H19.ti dtfl'lon• • 56 Nllwfoul'MI-~ ~lvu•IM 'l•nd C9P9 35 SmtlhofM: BD 'Revolutloilacy .. • -by. Doug Wiidey I LIKED TIE a.or..:~ AN' I LIKEOTM'CAR, ...... BUT ,..MIS TOOTH PAS TE .. :--· - by Tcm K. R"a" I fEfl ONE \'rl?Ul.P GO NICl:J.'{ Wmt M'< WINE SfEWARP. by Al Smith by Dale .Hale by Ernie Bushmiller ..------::--'-----. SO WHAT ?---I GET BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY, TOO, BUT l TAKE MINE BACK .. """'""" PEANUTS ----~ A ~ ~ ... JUD~E PARKER i • I I I .. • DOOLEY'S WORLD GORDO MOM Al.MOST 90U6MT A Bl.ONO WIG lASf llMf WI> WENT SHOP!'IN6 IT 'S 1l.Jo &1.M. ! eveRY60DY rJP!! - MOON MULLINS ,. ' ll~ 17:,,: '/. ANIMAL CRACKERS ' !. sue.e.csr A COMPROMISE ..• by Harold Le Doux THAT'S RIGHT! HE CAME OUT TO SPENCER FARMS TO SEE SAM! I MET HIM! HE'& RfALL'f QUITE I CAM 8ETTER UND.ER· . l HOPE TO &!AND THE HVPOTHETICAL ~CNI' NOR.f CASE WE WEJ<f DISCUSSING ABOUT IT EAAUER TODAY, ~! TOMORROW! _MISS !EACH- I ·WI HAVE 1.;&'SS .\ND ' Lfff IN COMMON, AND ~ AND u;ss TO TA\.K Meil.IT WH!N W*'R£, 'Too&THl!.R'-. ,, .. ' CAARMIHG! O~IO /;\lli.TIN;;S AIOI!: PJeF8\IO AND~! AND MOIOI! FOIOMA\.. •• ,; . . -TRACY ILINll NA'QrS MIM! by Mell THe N!l<T TIMI! . W• Mll&T -wt't.t: l'!i'OllA9t.Y HA'>'!! 'fl> 116 INTIOODilGllD. • ., by Rc~rr Bradfield -SM; SAVS ~AT !No~ Oii~ OF HER GRAV ljAIRS REPl>ESENTS A DA'( OF MarH!<RHOOP • By Charles Barsotti ' · . C8N'T carc..i Ml!. 'YING P6CJN!! Jr's /.W»J~ re J(tl..L OJS1S TASTe euos- 1'/ml GJ;J! NOW, WINE( :I. WOULD HAVE J.!KED. by Gus Arriola (\ by Ferd Johnson ·' . .. •• by Roger Bollen " t I I I ~ ... 'IF .400 ~ic: UP . REAl-QOICtc:, I llJO/.l'T it4ROl.l 40U OFF . . \1-20 "11 lm • morvdoa1 bqlmlblg -Ille very tint -II a leading adviser on diet and earctse." DENNIS THE MENACE ,~~y ,.--_::i < f • l I " ·. --·---,,.---- 111 DAILY PILOT -Tue$day, Novembfr 20, 1.973 lf cNeill Brothers Brace f o~ lnevit~hle Cras4 I . ANGELES (AP) -Rod and Fred Southern California Foolball Writers I made threatening 'estures Mon· As;odallon. "Last year •• didn't really r photographers, but In reality talk about It. Now, alter It's already ex!SU--OO.Otilwlii'Otlieny love -happened oooe, we kid each othe< a een them. 4 lot." owever, there Vi.'On't be much love "We haven't made any bets on the ween them . Saturday In Memorial game," Interjected Fred . ·seum when Rod, a tailback for "We cllsCll3Sed It last night ," said Soothem California TrojlDI and Rod. "Fred decided they'd win and I , a defoosive end for the UCLA decided we'd win." • , collide on tbe football field . They" are seniors from Baldwin Park. We talk a little,. more about the They live together with a relative. They e than last year," R6d said as wear each other's clothes and attend " and Fred appeared before the parties togelber. Rod, "110 missed his ' * * * * H ei.s man on Line? ~·s·-THE Rivalry, ays SC's Swanl) EDITOR'S NOTE: Senior flanker L n7i Swann of the Southern C9ti~ • f ia Trojans tells his feeltngs on e UCLA game Saturday and hil ad-to-head meeting, perKaps for Heisman Troph y, with the Brnim' rmit Johnson. The only thing I will think about when I get on that field is the ball game. 'Ill.i.nldng about other things means you're going to lQSe your concentration and you're not going to perform well. What people will see as far as com· paring me to Kermit Johnson will be two players trying their best to help By LYNN SW ANN their team make It to the Rose Bowl USC Fluker -and not making individual efforts ANGELES (AP) -This Is THE for lbe Reisman Trophy. . . I foot•-•1 · I w • · th • I would like to ·be tbe winner or ege . ucu nva ry. . e re -m , e the .Heisman. Trophy but if ~ take e city and while thi!. rear we re things out of their . proper place, then J!laying for the ~acific-8 cha!"· you're not going to attain any of your ~p, w~·re also playmg for the city goals. ~ml!iP· . At the start of the season the Reisman you dr!Ye around and talk to Trophy was a tangible goal but not friends, you can stand up ~ a very real objective in my mind. I proud ~f yourseU. When you win, set my goals at the highest point. Now . not having to .take a l~t of backtalk l 'm close to a goal that I thought f losing a ball game in your own 1 wasn't going to ever be close to c Y ~!or a whole year. . . reaching, I'm right there with it and lS ~ ve~ tense, spl!'ted rivalry I believe I can win the Heisman Trophy. I don t th.ink the~ is any bad It's nice to be considered but there · UCLA was very disa.ppointed that are 105 runners-up and onJy one winner. • y Jost last year and did no t make If you win it you're the Heisman Trophy it to the Rose ~wl, even _though they winner. If you don't tou're just another lose to our team, w.h1~ was an good football player. ooJstaridlng team. The~ d,1d impro~e a H I had to make a choice between t deal but they , d1dn t make 1t. to playing in a game _ whether it's Rose Bowl. 11tat s the only tangible the UCLA. game or another game _ :blU!ltin the Pac-8 lo show for any and my very best friend needed me ... of success. . . . for something,, then that game would ~~campus atzno:>~be~ 15 mo~ ten~. come second to that friend. lt's more sophomore season with a broken hip, Is 14 months older. Both are about 6-3 and 220 pounds. Rod already was at USC when Fred, wanting to build bis own reputation Instead of following older ll'Other's ·footsteps, chose areh·rival UCLA. The Trojans won wt year's game 24-7, when Rod, playing behind Anthony Davis, was used splringly. Brother did not tackle or run over brother in tha.1 game. "We. never really had complications where Fred got a cha11ce to hit me," said Rod. ''I'll be better able to commtnt on how I feel when he tackles me arter the game Saturday. He's convinced me that he's going to hit me." Fred said be1doesn't expecl a collision to be OnH!ded, p8rttcu!ar1y alter wat~ng delayed television coverage of SC gl)me5. '"Ibis past week he ran over a couple or guys. I'm not dealing-out all the punishment. .. Fred was on lbe USC sideline rooting for the Trojans In the Rose Bowl last New Year's Day, and be said, 11Whenever SC Is not playing US, I root for them." "I'd be satisfied letting him watch again," sald Rod_J who no• a!ternale.1 with Anthooy Davis at tailback much of the time. McNelll gained 115 yords Jn 2G carries last Saturday a t Waahlngton. Where will their pareots sit for the game? "Last year the] were on the SC side ar)d we won," said Rod. "'11l.ls year they're on the UCLA side Gild I hope it works in reverse.'' "This year they're on the UCLA side ur 1T......,.. an<! maybe wt'll win," l&id Fred. Tho brolbtn are concerued, 111turally, that ._ oa either tam will tie hurt. '111111ugtr'-each· other tlleY ha,. a Dl8llber ol frlenda Ill the OllPORll team. "' I Tboy agreed t!Jat tho7'd "thor ploy on the same team U tlleY bad It to, do. over again. But they said tlleY wouldn't Wllll to exdlanp .,ch benollta as a wider range ol uaoclationo and inner views of bottl schools. "Yeah," laughed Rod, "we go to ea~b other's parties." Broken Play Death Knell For Vikings , .... ATLANTA (APl -"It was liko money from mother when you didn't write for it," uJd coach Nonn Van Brocklin, assessing the key toochdown In the Atlanta Falcons' 20-14 National Football League victory over the prevloualy unbeaten Minnesota Vikings Monday nlghL 'lbe p1ay started with F a J con s quarterback Bob Lee scrambilng ·wlldly on a busted pass play and ended with fullback F.ddie Ray hauling In a 19-yard touchdown pass with 1:10 remaining In the haU, giving Atlallta a IM edgt in lbe aaUonally televised game. The Falcons defense fought off a last· mlnule surge, sparked by the pualng of Fran Tarkenton, to extend Atlanta's winning streak to six and stay wllhln one game of the dlvision-leadin&' Los Angeles Rams In the National Conlereru:e West. Milme!ota, now &-I, already bu cllncb- -ed-the·4lentral-Oivisloa ti1ue.-~-­ " At first Bob looked at me, but a • 8llY WU coming SO I just dropped OD back," said Ray, who had been a.....,. dary receiver on the auccessful bulted pass play. "I saw be . was open but I didn't want to motion to h i m and at.tnct attention," said Lee. who miraculously e1C1ped two defenden near mldfield and was aJmost tripped up again near the sideline before be lofted lbe baU to Ray. • FALCONS RUNNING BACK EDDIE RAY IS STOPPED COLD BY MINNESOTA'S WALLY HILG&~BERG. "Ray looked around and saw be was ~ .. open and took off," he said. "The main !'lere s more electrici~ m the all'. 11us important for me to be happy with ii the game we must win every year. my life e can't make mistakes. We can't · on! to let UCLA have the ball a t deal of the game because if we the result probably will be a loss a tie, as we demonstrated against oma when the offense failed to ve the ball. C aDC! Oklahoma tied 7-7 last Sept. e kept giving them the ball. Our ense was getting tired. So in order us to win we're going to definitely ve to get the ball more often and o+w ft more. We have to put together · tent scoring drives ~t make ~kes that put us bacrl:>efeme is to have to hit hard and everything going to have to work out just right. mean whenever we get the ball, 've got to score. If we don't. we're trouble. UCLA has tbe personnel and SY1tem that when they get the 11, they will take a lot of time whether tteY score or not. fTbat 's when yOW' defense ls on the Id playing 100 percent all out, so entually they may have a lapse. They y be too tired or worn out and ow UCLA. a few breaks and a score. t's virtually impossible to predict a re . I won't predict a hig!H<oring e. I feel it will be fairly low scorll)g. think that people at the game will more interested in who wins, not ether I play better than Kermit hn.son. I realize we're both candidates r the Helmlan Trophy and this game · on national television. o heck with the Reisman Trophy. want to go to the Rose Bowl. People k me, 11Doesn't the pressure bother f u?" or "Don't you think about ll a ball game?" or ."Isn't it going affect your pla y against a team?" * * * riters Pick ruins by 31/2 LOS ANGELES (AP) -"My gosh!" CLA coach Pepper Rodgers exclaimed foo~. "Yoo guys don't serve whiskey flliere, do y-oil?" , i!Oilgers referred to lhe Southern · omia Football Writers Association, ~-wm drinking · coffee, -millf,~I~ a, Water or abstaining altOgether. 'Ibey had picked Rodgers' Bruins by points to beat the Southern California janl Saturday for the Pacllic-3 cbam· torilhi'p and trip to the Rose Bowl. Twenty·five members ol the media deed UCLA to win by an average ad of 711 points. Eleven chose the jans by an average i>f 51/:. The est margin of victory for either • am lt'U 14 points. , "I-ba'9 m commen4" soid Craig ertig. Sauthen Cal assistant coach, who rller said lhe Bruins are 0 a heckuva bigg!r and we'll try to slow 'em a Utile bit." J_olln McKay, USC head coach, spent noon hour elsewhere. but bis feeling made lalown ht a ~ releloe. "I've come to the .-lillbl that don't stop them. Yoa bope to be • to slow them down," .lldtv said. llodger" Bruins av.,... ll.7 pointa d 415.4 yards ruohing .,... . ....,. • ' • Sports In Brief Davis Cup T~am Set; Tohill Fired at TCV NEW YORK -Stan Smith, Erik van Dillen, .Tom Gorman and Marty Riessen will represent the United States · in defense of the Davis Cup against Al.IS!ralla . The team was announCed Monday by W. Harcoort Woods , lbe U.S. Lawn Ten- nis Association Davis Cup chairman, and Dennis Ralston, Davis Cup team captain. Smith will be competing in his silth straight Davis Cup final when the Americans meet the Australians in Cleveland, Nov. aG-Dec. 2. e Tohill Fired FORT WORTH, Tex. -Texas Chri,. tian Univer.iity fired head football coach Billy Tohill Mooday, citing handicaps Toh.ill acquired from a near·fatal automobile accident last spring as part of the reason. Tohill, a Conner co-southwest Con- ference coach of the year, bad seen his team go ~ thi s season. Tohill was nearly killed last spring in a high-speed freeway crash, was in traction for weeks and had his right foot amputated alxlve the ankle. I last 10 games, including their last four straight games. Los Angeles needs to try to regain its balance, but the schedule pits the King3 against strong Eastern Division foes. e Gordo11 Resigns BLOOMINGTON, Minn - J a ck Gordon resigned today as coach of the Minnesota North Stars of the NationaJ Hockey League and Parker McDonald, coach of the Stars' New Haven lann team, was named to succeed him. Gordon told a news conference that be was resigning for health reasons. e Zaltosk11 Named , STANFORD -Tri-<aptains Io r Saturday's college football game against Califumla will be quarterback Mike ~ and defensive baok3 Randy Polil ape! former ·ffuntlngtoo Beach High and orange Coast College star C r a I g ZalloSky. . ec--•Wfu JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - SecOlllHeeded Jlmmy Connon beat Rautl Krog of Sooth Africa . ~. 6-3, e Prefonta·lne Wl11s 6-3 Tuesday in a men 's singles makb SPOKANE _ Oregon's Steve Prefm· at pte South African Open TeMis 'l'ourilament. • taine did · Monday what ·most peop!:e In other second ~ round men's singles lhougbt he would do -be b e c am e t.he second man in history to win three maldles, Denis Naegelen, France, beat NCAA cross country championships. llill Brown, &-7, 7-6, 6-3; Anand Amritraj. Prefontaine won his third UUe by India, defeated Kevin Miller, Australia, covering a si1.-mi.le course at Hangman 7-5, M: Jeff Hillebrand, Australia, top- Valley Goll Course in 23 minutes, 14.8 ped KlablYa Matswnoto, Japan, ~. 7-5; seC!lOds to spark a University oi o..gon Bob Brei~ Australia heat Tij Tijma, team victory in the 35tb NCAA cross Jipan, 1-1, 6-1, ~nd MarcelG Lara, Mex- country"'"clla.mpionships. ico beat N. B1dmeade, Australia 6-2, ~ ~ _6-3, and Lew He>ad and pulled out whUe .• e C'oaell Fire d trailing Juergen Fassbender, l<i, 1~. 0.1, <'!'!~~!!"' .,_, __ ~. VJ. r _..!>ruL,. . ---Lawn:oce, •the ronner-NO!fti DalM and -• -. professional lootball star who bad hoped "permanent mental attitude" would pro- duce a winning team at the University of Virginia, was fired as the Cavaliers' ~ coad! Monday nig!L Stre~king Lake.-s · e Florlcla f11 Botel ORLANDO, Fla. -The . Uoiver11ty of Florida nas been Invited to ple,y . in the Tangerine Bowl against MJaml of Ohio. Tangerine Bowl officials extended the lnvltaUon Monday night and Florida players were scheduled to vote today on whether to .. """Pl • K fng1 at Detr'Dft.. DETROIT -Los Angeles opem a rugged n ... game NaUonal Hoc l<e y League trip tonight against the Detroit Red Wings, and the jauqt c:omea at the wrong tlmo for the Klnp. '1'he Kings have loll! ,.... of their NEW YORK (AP) -,Jerry West has been a key to Los Angales Laltera lor many Nailonal. Balketbtll ,u.oclaUon seuon;, but tbiJ year for the ,firal time the team ha! been able to win without him. West suffered strained abdominal · muscles two -U · qo against the Cleveland C.Yallen and probably 1t011't pllf tonJibt when the LWn llOt the Nri Yort Kn1cl:s; Milwaukee euily ou'-"1 the Lakers In the !Int pine following West's Injury, but since lbat i. Lo* kJc<1e1 Im run oa tour ~ victorlel. That's the first t1mt 1lnce West Joined the Lakers tbey've been able to do that well witholat him. ln 1ddJUon to West's ab9eoce, the Lakm also played their 1ut three games without Bill Bridges, out of actloo O. IJ'V Tonl ghf C'1Mi111tel 5 •t 8 with back opums that are exjJected to keep him from playing again, Jonlght, Al llli! ame tlme;-<.'dl El!oote Smith has been playing with a broken cheekbone, a painful thouch n o t debllltallng Injury. The greatest handicap came Satur- day n!gllt at Phocnll when 5m1!h - .- thing waa not to bum It to him." Lee completed a acreen pass earlier In the oecood perled to lllft IW!glCoD, 1tho threailed hill way II yar'di for a touchdown, and Nick Mik .. Mayer lllck· ed field goaill of 25 aDC! 49 yards for ·the Falcons. Tarkenton turned the fourth quarter Into a tbrlller tor 51,519 screamln1 ION and the national television au&..... He led the Vltqs on a tf'yord drive that end«! with a scoring toss to Bm Brown wllh 6:21 remplnlng. 'lben hil 12-yard scramble in the last minute fell two yards abort of giving the Vlklngs a first down at the Atlanta 38. Tarkenton. who completed 17 of 30 passes for 209 yards, including a 19-yanl scoring •trike to John Gilliam, dropped bade 111 the Vltlnp' finll ollemlve play. He bnluS!!!. the crowd to Its feet with a duh around the· left side. Falcons linebacker Tommy Nobis blocked bis aim for the first down marker and nn him out ol boundl at the 411. • HI knew it wu smrt, • Tarkenton aid. "It wa either dive for the -or try Nobb bead-on. What WOllld )'OU have dooe?" sco•• I Y OUA•TllS Viking& t 7 t 'l'-1A l"•kionl D 17 J ._,. .. AH -FG Mlke-Mnw 1S t Zd -Gllll1m • ,_ f'rom T1'11""'9ft 4C. ... -H1~on lf pat frtm LH !Mlkt-Mll'tl' klc:kl Ari -R1y Jt HM from LH tMI~ kl~kJ -f'G Mlk~ ff M111 -a,_-, 2 ... ffonl T"""M CC. Ok" At Alllnll -».Slt l,.DIVIDUAL l.1lDl lS •uSHJNO -M..__., fl-Nit lft'Mt .. 17, TMk_,'91'1 S.1•1 Afitntti, H1mptlft ..... •• ., 12 ... 1. ll:ECEIVING -Mll!MMll , Glllllm ~~J ~ '41, "-" M1 Mi.nta, Htrn¢111 ~ o.rtdlnt >$2, Mltc:nell ).21. · ,.AlllNO -Ml,_...1, Ttrtf'llttlrl 17 ... 1, 1'14 .,.,.., Allentl, Lt! 114>1, In. Football Ratings rr~~.t NY Tonight ~t ' ejtcted "1 the !list 'qusrter and Weot'• the Laltera !>oat Cleveland. replaceniart, Jim Pric~, playtd most He UYI ht 11111 11ni all the '1111)1 of the game In foul trouble alter col· . bacll fnllD the lmet ......,.. 0 1'm - loctlng hll loartl· penonol fOul In °the '° -t reoovenrd,. llalrstol\ llld first ball. Mlnul West, BrldCll l!lld Smith alter the atveland pme. . I and with ~ hampered by the foulll, But with Well and Br1c1fea ~ the ,Laker> atlll defeated the Suns, 130-qaln and llalrltoo pttlns i.ct lnlo' 110. hla old fonn ,. the I.Men lllaY = And Sunday night Loi· An&eleo edged rnalllnc the NBA Paclllc Dlvlllon Clevtland, IOI-JOO. . a ,,_.,..y, 1bty alrtody !Nd It · 'Ille plul ~tors that have htlt>ed a t:M JtCOl'd llld the !elm upectel' the takorl ba'9 beeu'Oannle-Hrniia' to be 111 top, Golden' Slate, la iocd ollenalve aid and, more lm110rtanl, Ha!>' at M . . l PY Halrltm'1 retumlnl to' !onn liom Tonllbt's gama agalnot Nfw. Yodt ' the lqiao M'IHY thal kept him out star'll a thrototamt trip that alao lat• moot of 1ut -· ' • the !..an aplmt the Clpttal Bulltta Hal.-sMbed 21 rellounds to help and PortW>d Trallbluerl. • , I r ID tha the Be In ov w .. ye ve • , • Toe Saved ' Tars' Foe .Artists,. Knights :Vie o~ TV GG WOMAN WINS PICKS Marian ~oung of Garden Grove missed only four of ~ games to capture the week· IY Dally Piiot Pigskin pickeroo football guessing c o n t e a t , which Is sponsored by the Harbor Blvd. Auto Dealers Assn . of Costa Mesa. 3 Times COVINA -South H1UJ HJ&h'a Hu1kles have a team that hu Uterally survived on the foot of quarterback Brian Bethke. Bethke and bis mates pro. vtde the opposition for Newport Harbor High Friday night ·at Mt. San Antonio GoJle~e in the first round of lhe CIF 4-A food>oll playoffs ond ~ Bethke's nmning and klcking, the Huakies are undefea~ through n I n e game,s, Bel.hke's toe was the marj!:Jn ln 17-4, lll-7 and 7~ wins over Los Altoa, Glendora and West Covina. South HUii coach Jim Jones says U.. big difference. all year has been Bethke's venaUUty and a solid defense Foothill lllgh's Knight.. and the LagWla Beach Arllsls clash In !irat round CIF water polo acUon Wednesday a!· temOon and lf y0u mlss it you can aUll aee It later. The 12:30 sprint will be televised Sunday on Channel 4 at 1 p.m. Cood! Tom Detong's hoot Knights are favored to ad- vance to the second round at U.. expense ol ooach Walt Otto's Arllats, who enter the game as Orange League co- champions. Foolhlll's attack 11 a balanc- ed setup with Kenny Wins leading the pace with 61 goala. Peter Sp1Jricm (45 goals \ and Bruce Furniss (14 goala) provide lmpoalng speed and the rest of the Knight.. oquad •features BUI Bunge (25 goals ), John Saalboff (16 goals) and Robbie Cherney (20 goals). Goalie Is perhapo U.. mo•t Important position ln water polo and it's here that the Knight's lineup shakes the Im· aginatlon a UlUc. Foothill's goalie Is freslunan John Gansel (S-11, lllO). "We Newport Polo Rival Shows 11-6 Record that has allowed no opponent RIVERSIDE -San Newport Harbor outfit laced mo~ \ban 14 points. thought wo might take our lumps thia year," says Delong, <Abut John's just been fantastic. , 0 Everyone that has seen him can't believe him." OeLoog 1ay1 bls major con· cem With Laguna Beach is Its alze and physical ability. ' And the pressure of television could be a tact.or. "Both teams will probably feel the preasure of television," says Delong,. "but It's a great opportwllty to expose our sport.'' Laguna Beach's attack revolves around holeman Doug SAL Polo Champions Await Uni "Our defense hasn't been Bernardino Valley College will a RiversMle North team once great," says Jones. "But It be the alte of Newport Harbor ·before -in the ooenlng round h81 been consistent. And to High's first h>und CIF water of the 1970 playoffs. UPLAND -Most successful beat Newport I think that's polo playoff test with "We played Newport three water polo programs are our first objective -to be Riverside North Wednesday. years ago," says Anderson. real consistent. Jt starts at 3:15 and the "They beat us pretty bad, credited to tong houn of Prae- "We'U obvlo<lsly have to Sailors. ol Newport coach Bill :!:H. We~e just going to look lice anJ patience and it's M stop Newport'& quarterback Barnett are lofisided favorites . for good defensive play and dif[erent at Upland High and I'd compare Newport very "We ju.st consider It a try to 11top them. But frankly where the Highlanders are favonblv to Los Altos. They privilege to olay Newport I ·think we're a little awed preparing for their first round are very 1imJ1ar in style anc1 Harbor," says Riverside North by Ne"'!'lrl: CIF water polo piayolf Ult size. They both have good coach Gierut Anderson . "Realisllcally they are a againstUniversltyWeditesday. quarterbackl who can run and The former Redlands High. tremendous team." · '111e Highlanders swept to throw and both have strong Northern A r i z o n a and Others in the Riverside the San Antonio League dlam- defenaes and big o.ffemive University of Redlands athlete North attack include senlors pionship and an overall record linemen." brings his team into the Bill Jackson and Dan Callis, of I~ in quallf~ for the Bethke, a tis-pound junior, playolfs as Inland Valley along with juniors Ricbanl playoffs. This lnchxling a 13-4 waa All.sierra Wgue as 8 LeaRUe trt~pion. Overall Harris, Dave Taylor, Bill conquest of Orange Uague IODhomore. his Huslties have fashioned an Jackson and Jim Cupp. representative El Dorado. He directs a wishbone of· 11-6 mark pnd H in loop Jackson Is below 50.0 in the Coach Russ McCarthy's fen1e and It'• Bethke's running play. 100 f""'tyle and is .....i4ere<1 Highlanders will meet the Tro- u oppoaed to passing that Senior Bill Johnson is in one of the Huskiea' quickest jans of University at Cal Poly has carried the Huskies. his first year as a goalie, players. Pomona with a 3:15 sprint. Additloaal ground "powet 15 but the relative ine1perience As for offensive tactics, It's a youthful team the all bl with -Mlba k Do he poosesses Is oompensated Anderson says bis t e am Hlghtanders will be throwing ~t! ~I-I 205 s~) .: by M stature with excellent usually tries to swim and against University w l th hallbocU-~-&i.. ~Don reach. _ _ _drive, but admits his team seniors· Dick Yahne and o.n. Prooler (both s-u tis-pound ~111iimeiliii a .. ven-goal ham played-apiml'-op-n ls MilJifrl>iCl!i!Cloy jiJlilOrl junior ) . • average for lhe seU>n. and position comp a r ab 1 e to Vic Miller, Latty Kuhlman, • · the . ~ senior Is rated the Newport Harbor. p Soei d Rex Fehr, C&-l, 190• sr.) Is most potent olfenslve punch !"our ol Riverside North's ~:keo~a:'. ter an the Hualcles leacftng receiver in the Riverside North lineup. Josses have been in overtime "We play a pretty tight with four toucbdoons. Coach BUI Barnett • s -twice In sudden death. Drake and Dale Redman (&-defense and work off of that," o, 115) key the defense· at says McCarthy, "and we have llnebOcker and up front it's CdM Solid CL -;ce .. a pretty good hole man In been Mark Vargas C&-2, 210 IW" Vic Miller. Jr.), Doug Smith (&-2, 195 jr.) "But we usually operate on and ee>aiplaln Mike Ruben-a fast break off the op. stein (H, 2llO sr.) that have To Down Har.vard position's turnovers. We're been most responslble ror small and don 't really have holding t h e opposition in any bonalide All.CJF can·. ~Ddary ace J ! ff Harvard Higb'a Saracens offense, however, and ts the 1~a~esth; p~~s~~ go pretty Puch1ukl h u 1 e v e n in· provide the • Olll>Olltliia for fastest with a ~l.O clockl!!g _ McCarlb:y says his "8m's len:epli"1!. .Irvine Leque c<><hampioo in the 100 ~e. best effort this year wu an --<N> Corona dei Mar Wednetday He passes and shoots with &-S loes to La Puente. "We 2; ~=.... 1 . afternoon at S. . authority and makes the were only down, 5-3, with two 11 ,..,..... 1• Coa'-.. Walt st e "art 1 s Harvard offense. go according minutes left," rec a 11 s ,. Gttllcllr:• ' u1 M""·~'-· 1, u.. ""* u Pioneer Leque chanips col-to his coach. ..~ ""l· Johnson and goalie Bo b Malone. Foothill's 14-6 record is deceiving because of some tough non-league competllion. The Knights' losses are to Marina, FoWltain V a I \ e Y , Estancia, Millikan il-Jld twice to Garden Grove . "We've had some WJ· necessary losses," 53ys De- Long. "OUr losses to ·Marina, FolDltaln Valley and Estancia were due to poor games. We didn't play well." The remalnlng pla ces were determined b y tie-breaker with each entrant missing five r games. Seoood is Bob Emrick of. Westminster i third are Dawn Iacino, T. R. Hays and Frank Bryant, all of Costa Mesa . This week's contest con- cludes the season and enlrles must be in by S p.m. Wed· nesday or bear a Wednesday postmark. Juniors Carry Load ' For Estancia Rival ROWLAND HEIGIITS - Montview League champion · Rowland .High School awalls Estancia High's Irvine League c»ehampiorisblp water polo team in the fU"St round of the CIF playoffs Wednesday. It starts at 3 o'clock. C.Oach Steve Farmer and his ,j;stancia crew will be ·faced with a ct>ntingent cooslsting of four juniors in the starting lli1Eup at Rowland High. The Montview League's most valuable player -Brad Fisher -will be stationed at the bole and he's the one the host Raiders figure to rely on for most of their scoring. When he's mt takin~ his shots at Estancia goalie Tony Sawaya, it'll be Brian COurtney, (6-3, 190) and Dan Metz (6-0, 175) on the attack. Defensively , the Raiders de- pend on goalie Jack ~1oore (6-1, 185) in his first year of varsity action after jwtior varsity experience in 1972 .. Other defenders I n c l u d e jwUors Mark Winter and Joe Lemonica, along with Mark Medina. "We· use a breaking and a pattern offense," says assis- tant coach Paul James. The Raiders are in the playoffs for the second straight year while Estancia has moved into Ole eliminations for the first time ever. PONTIAC • LEASE! "VISfT OUR NEW LEASE DEPARTMENT . W~ Tallor-Your-LeaH To Fit Your Budget -- RAND G d p • S1Q960 r,in ran r1x 1 Mo. IRAND NEW 1974 Firebird ESPERIT $7 6~o. ~ t: ..=:wi~ ~ Ude with heavily favored Others in the Harvard at------------1~ ~.;°"nt ; Corona del Mar at Newport tack include Brian Read, Joe ~ best Harbor High. Healy. Gary Swanson and I I IC is -where Webb Has Veteran Lineup Harvard mowed d o w n Tom Mitchell. pJ to league opposition unblemished "We me a moving olfeme ' ace through four games, but the and don 't have any set pat· Saracens' overall mark ls only tern. · borrow ~2. "But I've !een enough of Goa'les Bruce Blakel~ and Corona de\ Mar to know $21JOO .Mike Segal have thared duties thev're R lot better than us. - d"'ing U.. Harvard campoign We just hope to be respectable I borrowed $2,000,000!' and the leading ICOJ'er ls against them." says SteWlrt. DwiJtht Belden, who rotales Coach Cliff Hooper's Corona to the hole in the Harvard del Mar Sea Kings suffered attack. their first Irvine League lOl!la CLAREMONT -First-year Senior Martin Davis Is rated in a dozen years when Costa El Toro High Is up against the best player In the Hatvanl Mesa upset them , 3-2. one of the CIF'a moat 1,;~~~~~~;:;:;;~~;;~;;;;;:;:;;:;;;:;;;~,1 mabliahed l·A football powers Ii ES YOUR AR IDLE ROUGH? WE for lls opening round playoff lnat W bb Frid START HARD? :~~: a:f:ts.1on V~Jo Hlgh~y GIVE POOR MILEAGE? CAN HELP K1c:1m11 1s • 1:30. THE-c.-RBURETOR SHOP And • that •ie-~youth 1MI MAll:.0. M.YD .. COSTA MISA t6aN confrontation will carTY on Ii~~~~~··~...,~·~-~-~-~~·~-~-~,.~-~~-~~~~~~! down through many aspects .......,..~ ~ ol the game. Webb'• Gauls, r111111e1'S·UP DON'T DISCARD THOSE In the Anowhead l.eague to Blc Bear, have a senior-CJLTTENNIS-SHOUH dominated team, a veteran Wt ,.,.,,. .,.. ..........,. •11 ,,,_. 81 MIUt .., Tr1,.,,. 111tm. coach, an off..,.. out of the ANTHONY'S SHOI SERVICE lMOI and until recenUy I ll • WlllTCLlfl, !"LAU • L.IDO • , ..... '°" llUlllD. COftOMA DSL MA• traditloo ol. making U.. CIFl~================'I playoffs. Webb ooacb Les Perry hedges to say exactly how nlany years · be hlo been · coaching, but it's In the neighborhood ol 15. He has taken aeveral Gauls teams In-to the playoffs, Including a string ol. air trips In aeven 1ean. Perry's team ltiU runs out of U.. lingle-wlng lormaUoo, and It did IO ...U enough to . notch a &-2 rtconl thll .._, lfl>nv.....,,wu a bit of a atiprise, l'eirj says. "We never anUclpated Jlo!Jlc what ... dlll, eapeclilly tlii<O "" ltart<d with practically a now line and only two of. fenslll! and lour defen1lvt retumlng atarten:," Perry aays. 'lbe llne develQped, however. and lour aenlor becb have cootrlbuted heavily to the team'• tuCCess. MF.-nMllUN AllO SAYE AT COSTA ldSA DATSU" 1141 "-llft. C._!I. MO-MIO · WESTaN nATE UNIVERSITY COLLlGE OF LAW . OF ORANGE COUNTY ' . CAUFOINIA'S LARGEST LAW SCHOOL OFFE/15 A CHOICE OF TWO PROGRAMS OF I.AW STUDY • M IV. ., I YU.II of Ml.-TIMI llW ltuclr (15·16 d~hovrtp1r_~~ e M I \CJ ., 4 Y1A11 Of PAIT.TIMI d.f, ....... w -+-~"'ai:."etlM I'!. 1tudy 13 d .. '!!,..(*" lfl'Hk. 3 ... howt . ,... Cliiif,"' . e You a.?Nm....,~ Nltl DOCYOI IJl>.1 degl'M d . -. B.IGlaU TO TAKE THE 1 • CAUFOINIA IAa EXAMINATION IOO South llroolchunt Anaheim .92804 11141 635-3453 APPl.YNOW FOITKISPllNO 1974 Sl!MISTEI. lllGINN.ING FBIUMY 4th FUU· 11/llE IAW STUDY l'llOGllAM AVAJl.AllLIN FAJ.L 191' ....... ...... POI l'lllMU.T .... t.-r UWlt _ ,.._ " - I" -Where'llliebell ,plaoeto•your . penonalloon?~· -• b~·,ll088 _ fpr a big loan • • fOf.hls company. Wll make IOtllltl to aome of America'• largest companies. Miiiions of dollanl et a Ume. For things like cargo ships. New factories. Power stations. But for ell the millions we lend to business, we lend just as much to people like you. Because we feel the reasons you need money are as Important 18 the l9l80n8 a big company needs money. Need Ollllh to pay of! bills? To lake a vacation? To meet aome emer· oenc(I Come -ue. The. people who undelstand all kinda of money prObleml. Conmen;lel Cnldlt. <i>.Co11•nerclal Credn • ' . The IMlf "IY to botrow 1 thousand Is from th• people who lend ml/lions. Coot& Mesa • 370 E. 17th Street • 646·8700. Santa Ana • 1:228· E. l 7th1!t. • S47 .. •An- Westminster 1 • 6798 Westminster Blvd. • 894·4461 Clrtdl\ Mf• JMnntit An.lltWt to Ellt'\Wt Bono_.,. •t Ol'Dllp l\ttN •Ooti.nwreltl Cffdlt P!t.11, IM'OTJ10ntt.,1 • • Pilot Pigskin PICKEROO Spcn~cr::cl By • J 11 .b ' RI DAILY PILOT I l ~ $100 A WEEK IN PRIZES ! t -$50 TOP WEEKLY PRIZE • For Weekly Sec:and Plac:e Winner Eac:h for Third, Fourth and Fifth Plac:e Winnen Here's how you can b.e a pi9s_kin_prqphet for p~fi!: J l { Weekly cash prizes are offered to winners of t~e Pilot Pigskin Pickeroo game. Top winner each we~k gets $50 in cash. Second place winner gets $20 In \ cash and third, fourth and fifth ~lace winners each IJ .., get $10 in cash. All "cash" actually is delivered to 1 ~ winners in the form of checks to be picked up by If '1'. winners at one of the I 0 participating members of 1 the Harbor Boulevard of Cars a11oci1tion. Checks 1 for this week's contest will be prepared by: l Unlvenity Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa : Ii l The 10 parflcipatin9 auto dealerships 1lon9 Costa -:> Mesa's "Herbor Boulevard of Ceri .. -are: Atl11 ·P Chrysler.Plymouth, Bauer Buick, Connell Chevrolet, : Costa Mesa Oetsun, Dave Rosi Pontiac, JOhnson & Son LinC:oln-Mercury, Miracle Maida, Nabers Cadill1c, : I.I. Theodore Robins Ford end University Oldsmobile. ,J "b Watch for this player's form ••ch week in the DAILY PILOT Sporfs Sec~ion. Circle the teem you think will ~ win in .-ech pairin9 in the list of lO 9eme1 end send in ' the player's form entry blank or • reasonable fee-~ ~ simile. Then wotch the DAILY PILOT sporfs pages for , each week's list of five wir:ners. . I . RULES 1. s""'u tM .nlry blftlt ""-•r • r-Me taalmlh tt " fl ..,... I tM -""· "•••-.Mt ftullftUt"" " ,., .... ts ... ,,_. -...a ..... l!ntr'ln mvsl M lllllttrm Ill lilt tllf lhtPt fl ftclllltN 1 .... 111 n.. ' .& Wllldl ..... , CMfwm WHI M Oflwlltfttll. • • l. S. tNoz l"R.OT PIOlkUf f'ICKl•OO CONTlllT, 5"9d1: D1$M1iwal, l".O, .... 1.U., C..ft Ma.I, CA. niM.. J. °"'Y -""" ,_ ,..._ lltmll""" .m ...... ceat 1 " .. ......, i ) t111t eonlftt 9fflcl1l1 ""Y l11¥tslt9tle _,... a.trfet tr9M t ..... tOllNU tr 9'1111t tll'l"I ..... 1111111 -y fl ... lffy ..,. "ftcl .... ...... •tntl '""' ·-••1'9d. Dtd1ie. et , ........ ,..,. ,..., ...... tc· ~ ti ,. .... lly tll ctnltsftllh. t. lntrt.I mu1f M pntmtrttlll Mt ieter "'-Toadty l".M. w ,,_, M llell--11 "'9 DAILY PILOT .,llc1 lly • l"M, W ....... y. 1 b S. 1"1111c•t1111 .,..._.. and lltttr ..,.._V"I _, DAILY l"ILOT ,...,.._ • .... ...,, ·~,. ftmlllel .,. lltl .......... ..,.. u • .. Tll IRIMClll: IU.HK MUST II fllLLID IH 011: INTll:Y 11 VOID. If r --------.,, ENTRY .BLANK : I _·Clrcle tNmt you think wlO win thlt W'Nk'1 fllMI I t ~ • (hom::i tNm 11 Heond ~ne ll1ted) I I I I ' I NV Giants vs Philadelphia I . Rams vs New Orleans I Pittsbul'fJh vs Cleveland I •-~ · 1 Miami vs Dallas I • Washington vs Detroit I Alabama vs LSU I Air Forc:e vs Notre Dame I Texas vs Texas A&M 1. I Nebraska vs Oklahoma I .. USC vs UCLA -I Ol'el)on State vs O~n I· · I Wa~l119tan ·State vs Washington 1. Cal YS Stanford I Pitt vs Penn State I I Cornen vs Penn I . Arizona vs Arizona State . I Texas T ec:h vs "'Arkansas I· I SMU vs Baylor I Ohio State vs Mlc:higa11 I Purd11e vs Indiana I Tulane vs Maryland I Missouri vs Kansas I ; I Ric:e vs TCU I l'.lorida VS M~m! (Fla.) I Clemson vs Soatli CaroRna I ~ . • 1mn0is· YS Nortli-tern . · 1 ~ ~ Harvatd vs Yafe ·--·1 I C<1lc,atevs Rutgen I · Mis•:sshal vs Miss. State I Wisc:aniin vs Minnesota I I Tll lll:IAM:IR -M' ..... " flit ,.,.., ...................... I 111 •tt • ,..,,.. 111e1 • ....,. " --------' IN •me ~ I I 1. --=%1"'''---· · . I . __ __, ... ::::.._...;· _ L--~.;;;;; _ - --;;1 1 ' I ' • • , . ... .. . • . ' . . ' . . , ' • • • "" LIAIL t PILOT Tutsday,. Novtmbef 20, 1CJ73 LIDO NIWPOO! Movies Do111itaate ---.--r.-:; Season 'Er1""at1c · , Stylish and ·Lavish ' Television • 9fACH (Nl'TA~! TO lll• .~.I 0 '1 tlJ\Q "SCAllECllOW" lRl _ Wltll 0-Medl,__ 1.W Al 'edllt .... "TH E LAST OF SHE ILA" • 'Gentleman' at SGR- lntermtulon Times ha\'e changed since Moliere and south Coast Repertory first joined forces "'Ith a souped-up .. Tartuffe" transported in the back or a station wagon. That y,•as '-------....; a masterpiece of hilarity "TKI WOULD-II OINTLllMAMH A pttlod Cot'IM.:l'I' .,.. Moll., •• dlrec:led by 0111\d E"""'"' Mltlng bY Pl'l9r Cle<Mfll, ll(ll'lllft9 1W' Jl.,,.5 McKlt, mU'tJc by Ron $6pplngTOn, d\grqr1pllr b'I' Jo.11 Wlllfi.otlfto C011\.lrnt1. b'I' M.IQ.gl, Of9$e<>flld by South Co.11 Repertory w.dM$d.'l'IJ lh•OllQll Sl,ll'Mh~ 11 I o'clock vntll O«. lS 11 ftl9 Tl'llrd SI$ TMel.,, 1117 Newport lllYd., Coste Mna. Rl...,...11\om • ..._1363.. TH& CAIT MOl\M-Jourd1l11 . •• . . . •• Don Tue he Mldl!1'19 Jourd1i11 ......... Lt1ll• J_, "The \Vould-Be Gentlen11:1n ," stylishly mounted, la vishl y rostumed and ln its own right a very fwmy production. bellished with a dash of free wheeling, Marx Brothers· type comic staging in its uproart6.us finale. Mollcre's satirical barbs thrust at an ultra-mannered, class-conscioqs s o c I e t y , represenled by a wealthy. soclal-crirnbing fool, have not lost their sting. The remark early in the play that "money purifies bad taste" sums up the premise of the evening quite neatly. EllTERTAINJOT - ' Bell delivers a s mo ~ t h perConnance as the deceptive nobleman living out of the purse of bis quite willing dupe. By JERl\Y BIJCK BEVERLY HJLLS (M') - Three '"network programmfug executives agree the current television season is an unusual one , dominated by blockbuster movies and hampered· by the la te start of regular ser:tes. Latry White, progi;rmming- vice president for NBC, described the season to ·date as "erratic" end said "the blockbuster approach i n specia1s and mo\lies h a s dominated the season." the APf.!.'' "... "Bonnie and Clyde ," 1'Tora, Tora, Tora," "Hang 'Em High," and "Beneath the Flanel of the Apes." Tiiis past Suilday "Airport" on ABC got a rating Ot u.o and a share or 62 percef\l in the Nielsen national overnight ratln,gs. Starger said the networks "·ere still feeling the effects of the 16-week screenwriters' strike, which he said bed a greafer erfect than anyone an- ticipated. The strike caused. many series to be three to four weeks la te in starting. MIDflllTI •O<K $MOW TIINIGNTI 'W°"5T~ .. I" Jt, bul l think 11 was th•,\~~~~~~~~~~ tunnoll of the 19Rls \vben the young people forced us into a new way . o{ looking at things. ll'i a new era and a good one, 1 think." • HE SAID u the . upcoming CBS slt()W1 11App1e's W~y/' is· a hit It will be a TV landmark. l l J: .... 1884 Newpo rt co~to M"\ ~a.1ss2 HELD OVER Deity fn• 4:10 lot.f l••· fr•• 1J:l 0 "BIG FOOT" l(i) I "NORTH COUNTRY" "JISUI Cftlllf !oUN1$TAa" IN J "llOfHll l\IM.. S°'Tll MOO~" Dor111t1 , . . .. • ••. • . .• . .. • . . G..-y 11 .. I Clff.nlt ............•...... o.rr1n Kttlr Luelle .................. M1rv Fteml119 I( "Gentltman" does not provoke the continual belly laughs of that long-ago "Tartuffe," it remains an im- mensely enJoyable production, more in the style t h e playwright intended . And it <!.1~ s~rves to remind us just how rar SCR has progressed, artistically and tectmlcally, since then. That foppish status Seektr, \\'ho would spell culture with a capital K, ts ena cted by Don Tue he, one of SCR 's few remaining pioneers. Tuche fits in10: his character like a velvet glove, pompously parading his new-found intelligence and lossing off inane asides to his audienet?. It is a character not unfamiliar in Tuche's repertoire, but an always en· joyable one. h-foliere comedies usually of· fer a juicy comic part for a maid;and In t•GenUeman" Sandra Banks bas this choice assignment, carrying It o~( with singular vigor and multi· ·faceted-comedy. Her -servant· swain is equally well played by Michael Hume as the craf· ty conniver whose charade sets things right. White said all t h r e e networks were having trouble with half-hour comedies. "The halr·hour form is tbe most risky venture you CJtft take. Jt doesn't have the stability o.f UJe.lo_ng form1"_he s_~id. 1PJ'HE SEASON has been disappo{nting as far as night- time series are concerned. Ko- jak may turn out to be the only new hit show," Laf!ertyJ~~~~~~~~~~~J Ntcolt ................... S•ll'llr• ll•nkr (0Yl•l11 ... , , .•. , .... , .. MlchHI Humt Dorlment .... , . . . . . . • . Mimi Smllh Mulll/T1!1or ......... , Rf911111d Rook M11i.r of mu5k ...... Johll Elll119l'Ofi Ml$f91° ol d1nc:1 ..... Sl111rt Duckworth MIH., of IMIClng ••.... J1k1 Gerdl,,.., PllllQIOPl\tr ........... PIT llr11mbl11o;1h LICkl~1 .. Jon Sllltl'\111. All'Clrew Vlralk which the company may never equal. . Earlier this season. SOR en· visioned a resurrection oJ that ouUandish comedy which in- trodu~ the company to the Orange Coast. Instead, the Costa Pt1esa grou p is 'orfering us another Atoliece . piece, DAVID El\m1ES, the man most singly responsible for South Coast Repertory's con- tinued success, ta kes personal charge of ·'The Would-Be Gentleman" and under his deft directoria l skill the play becomes a theatrical fashion plate. Jt is performed with all the traditional 17th century grace . and polish and em· Marlon's Making Mint in Movies By MARILYN AND HY GARDNER Q: ls Marlon Braado a millionaire? -l\1r1. Chris Calker, Omaha, Neb. A. Yes -many times over. In addition to his eam· ings in previous lush years, Mumbling l\oL1.rlon collected some $1,600,000 on his cutoff-profits deal for "Godfather ." His agent estimates Brando will mint another $3 m.iWon - from his first and "Last Tango." Q: Now tbat Dlabaan Carroll is divorced· after be re. bound marriage, 15 It true that she and David Frolt may resume tbelr plans to merge? -B. L. S., Richmond, Va. A: Only lime will tell. In the interim David's latest "Jove" is movie -star Uv Ullmann, who loves lo ve. When asked whether he's dating the actress seriously, Da\•id fros tily comments: "I'm very happy. But we are just friends." Miss Ullmann and former "friend ," Swedish ('Glad You Asked That') m6vle director Ingmar Bergman, with1 whom she lived on and ,off. for some years are the parents of a 7-year-old · daughter. Q: At the.recent New York Film Festival I was amuaed "'hen Mayor John Lindsay, smiling at glamor actress Jacquellne Bisset. slyly remarked: "They don't ma ke them like that anymore -and neither do l !'' Was th at off tbe cuff -J\1rs. Evelyn Relin, LoDg Island City, N.'\'. A: Yes -of£ comedian Joey Adam's cuff ! l\fr. Lind- say borrowed the laughline and also used it -at a previous fwiction -directed to sexpot Catherine Deneuve. · POSTSCRIPTS FROM MARO. YN. To Blanche Dur· rail, Las Vegas: No Frankie Laine and Abby Lane, co- starring at the Desert Inn, are not related . • . To V. Luster, Capitol Heights, Md.: Johnny J\fatbis has been a bachelor all his life •.. To Mrs. Teresa R., Worcester, Mass.: Yes, that is' musical comedy singer-dancer Carol Lawrence (Mrs. Robert Goulet) who is taking flying les· soos. Hopes to get her pilot's license eventually ... To Barbara Tyson, New Hyde Park, N. Y.: Tlle tw~ latest of many honors heaped on Secretary of State Henry Kis- singer we re the Nobel peace prize. of course, and the HOPE Award for International Understanding ... To Marge Powers, Youngston'Tl, Ohio: Sean Conn ery. finally got his divorce from lovely Diane Cilento -home 1n Eng- land ... To Michelle Lichter, Seattle, \Va.sh.: Gary Borg- hoff of "M*A"S*H" was born on a A-1ay 24, but isn't sa y- ing What year. Many showpeople pre£er to ignore the date since it makes them 11old" before their time. Send your questions to Hy Gard11er. "Glad Yo1t Asked That," care of this newspaper, P. O. Box 1560. Costa /lf esa, 92626. J.farily11 a11d fly Gardner will answer as many que&tio11s as they ca1i i1i their colum11, but tile volu1ne of mail makes perso1ial replies im· possible. DEL WEDNESDAY NIGHT* I Mak• Wtdnttd•y nfghtyour night to e1I out. At Del Taco, Wednesday night isT1co Night. Vou get three tasty Del T1C01 tor just 9Slc. This W1dnesd1y, drive thru for a l•mlly 1tze meal you won't forget. Atprice1 you'll llnd hard 10 but. NEWPORT llEACH SANTA ANA TUSTIN .... CP ....... I 4th Sw.et -4 led Hiii .... • C...-Now'°" Fwt• Sat• AM Pwy. HUHTINGTON llEACH -·--• ~· s'. .. COSTA MlSA 1111 ...... .......... The romantic Jeods are satisfactorily interpreted by Darren Kelly and Mary Flem· ing, the latter scoring so~e LESLIE JONF.S, ._fl!lot.her comic points with her cuts1e- member of the originhl com-poo characterization. Mimi pany, is quite strong as his Smith is decorative as a more practical wire, who rail s ~ewoman pursued at a and ranta against his ex· distance by Tuche, wh~e cessive eccentricitie! but-is ..-Reg'1naj.~ Book revel~ in ~ seemingly ineffective. Gary double duty assignment. using his physical prowess onstage to fine advantage. TV Prize: $48,567.27 LOS ANGELES CAP) - John Farnsworth , a govern· ment employe for 34 years. won accumulated prizes of $48,567.27 on "The HoQywood Squares," said to be the highest amount pai4 on television since pie quiz scan- dals or the 19505. BEFORE THE main lhrust of the plot presents itself. four SCR actors have a field day in their hefty cameo parts. John Ellington as the music IIliilSter Stuart Duckworth as ttie d&ice teacher, Jake Ga rdner as the fencing in- structor and Pat Bnuhbaugh as th< philosophy professor take free rein in what might ordinar il y be utility .assignments. .. Peter Clemens' glittering ballroom set seems to magnUy the SCR stage for some fme 111E mREE network of· ficlals -White, M a r t i n Starger, president Of ABC Entertainment, and P't r r y Lafferty, West Coast · ·pro- gramming vice president for CBS -spoke recently to the lioll y wood Radio and Television SOciety. The big movies haVe T'acked up considerable ratings this season, including ,"Planet of FA MILY TWIN CINlM A CINEMA I "OKLAHOMA CIUDl" lPG) • "JUNIOR IONNEl" f PG) CINEMA II "THl AllSTOCIATS" (GI • "SONG-· OP THE SOUTH .. IG I said. He said the new stars of television are no longer the handsonle leading men or beautiful women, but people like Peter Falk, Telly Savalas , Bea Arthur, R~d Foxi and carroll O'O>nnor. "You'll find the new stars among the offbeat t b e original, t h e . people ,~th something special," he said . "I don't know what started rrr\'I• '7l ..... , I ~-'~.!!~ ·~· ~ CO•O .. A DEL MA .. "OKCAHOMA CRUDE" (PG) 7&,10:45 P.M. '"THE REIVERS" IPGl 1:58 Coll 'nlffter ,... s.1149y ..... , ... ....... . Famsy,·ortb, 57, a deputy di re<:tor o( the Oefeme Supply Agency here won the prizes over a tWO-\Yee k period. They included $2,000 cash, two automobiles and an assort· ment of prizes. including a IOQ.day world cruise. ch 0 re 0 graph y by Joan A MASTll•l"llCll 01' TtMllLllSS SATlltll Wulfsohn. The lavi sh cos-M•IS.N'I ''THE WOULD-II filNnlMAN " ~:--, Jbuth Coast Repertor;' tumes, by SCR designer !\fag-,.0• THIU 01:c, ,, .; e "'""'na the most pro-All Tiit 111mlfl1t or A Mwllc•I c_..,., -.. ,...,.. ltyt.1 e., ar ... .__. . 1127 HIWl"O•T. COSTA MISA l"OR •ESlllVATIOHJ, CALL -"""'"J fessional yet Seen at the Costa l~~i~~~~~i~~~~~~~ii~~~~i Afesa theater. A spokesman for "The Hollywood Squares." said the normal limit is $25.000 but the pot was doubl ed because or the eighth anniversary of the NBC .shoY.•. "The \Vould-Be Gentleman" continues through mid-Decem- ber on its Wednesd ay-throu gh· Sunday engagement, to be followed in January by David Rabe's brutal drama "Sticks and Bones." Performances are at 8 P.m. in the Third Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa t.-lesa. . Th e , flrst of ~fi e show$ On which Fdms'fOrlh appears "'·ill be shown Friday, Nov. 23. ·------· '"' THE MOST SENSATIONAL H.ltlES Of ANIMATED FILMS EVE• SEEN OH THE SILVE• ICllEE.N AN IVT FIL.Iii PRES ENTATION . '9,~•eucK IK>GERS .;> ume RASCAlS Ct\ICll•, -r..!.1-Ll".0 CINFDDMF ?D, . .. ~·~.:...:. "-•1.I.'...'..L...J _ ... -· ... CINFDDMF ?I " .. ~· .... ~ .. .. ,,,. ···~· -.. . . ... STADIUM I .. A.'.li<t•..J_t.:.1.1 • • _ .. -··· STADIUM l O. A 'lu•t.1_r..:J1l • -·· -.. S!AD/UM ·4 '" \. .&.!..IH!!.Lt:.lll. -' • 7:30 I t :JO ledl E_. .. SUIP T_HU.TH-H11•. k•.-U6·93t6 .. ,.,., SfA!iellll _Rollln_•lldl•rd "THE WAY WI Wiil" fP41 "SOUND OF MUSIC" .... "CHAll.OTTl'S WEI" CGI "40 CAIAn" INI ... "IUMIFLlft All Fill" IPG 1 "DON'T LOOK IN TKI IAlaMENT'" "TALES THAT WITillllJS MAONlrlln "LAST Mousa Oflll THI Lll'T" C•I "COffU" II) ... '"THI MACI" 111 . "IUCTIA 6LIDLJN n.ur· "THI OUTSIDI MAN .. tPGI NORTii COlJN1RY and ~ l"ICOLOfl f1~· • _,.J> ~~ ,.,,...,. -~'""'"'lOl-1( ....... _.,Ertl .... -.... : ' GM:A'f fAMi.T IMTIRT ........ NTI ' M ••cili.o ........... ., Allla.\.1"1 A• ~Wlldlr,..11 1d.,.rtiit1l111 TV • • Tl!Ut 2 eeH•n-lletklld MIYMlfll,..11111 LAST DAY VILLA-Or•llll ,,,..... CIHIEMA v1•JO-Ml1t.IMI Viti• l:IMm Ml!JA-CMll M-S•l»l (1 .. t:MA Wl!ST 11-Wlllll'lln•ltf' M ... 0-1MWllll1 .. Jl1US CM .. IST SUl'"l•STA•" (G) "UNG THIE O._UM $LOWLY" (f'GI .... lfl Clllfl A Dll'9fltt.I L•ll'lpOM On .._. ... MoYl .. 1 • "LE SEX SHO''" JICk Ltmmltl "AV AHTI" l t lh In C•larl ... Jllllt: AllllNWt "MAlllY "°''INS" .......... Jonny WPllUk•r Ctlnlt H .. m ''TOM SAWTalll" l 1ttl I" C.WWI I(""' l"•I "WONOll WOMl!l'll,. Htrrwl "Ollt't LOOK IN TMI'. IASIMS: .. T" "TALlll WJTMISI MAONS.SI" l ltll 111 C.-1 Ill ''TM& OOt.L SOUAO" ... J-Cllll'I (II . ,_: ";.~;u~ JE,1.N lOUfs TRiNTIGNANT ANGIE DICK1NSOH .n• " •• .., , NEWPORT ., (. -· I"' • .,, ...,. '.\" "IHI _.,._ - 1!11'• ........ HONTOll'MI hi TIMI .. • HELD OVER! MAILON IRANDO "LAST TANGO IN PARIS" + Allff F1111t's "WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED LADY?" Iott. h1 Color IXl MANN THEATRES 14tli llCOID WEEK! Wffldoys • 7:JO • t :lO Strt./S••· • 1 tJO • J:JO S:JO • 7:30 • t :JO TH( WAIMHT .. Ji't)ST HU•AH COMEDY IN A LON•, LONG TIME. • • , 1(1 r YUl •YNNa •JlllU..ot.• tlCMMI M ..... WlSfWOILD !"! SOYLlNT GaEEN lflll , ... -,, ..... .. .,_tttkl ff1·1•11 .-.......... ~ THE WAY WI Wdl IN) _ ... -.. ': .... -:::..~ 111·11Ml TWO...,..., lllCMISI -aOOKOf"CHAmS 111- '"" Ull tt.U'1'oW~Y .. 'L~--­..... ...... ~11·122) (lllD--11-111 South-Coast Plaza I MASSAGI PAUoa l.;;.,;;.._~·u:.;lU'°fW' "'•o"'iii'"•-' °' '72 IX) • S44·l 71 I • "-=''=UASUll GAME (XJ --- GREAT BELLY LAUGHS ONEMALANO ........ "::;":o~ -·" ....... .. US.1 .. 1 m~~.~u) ~Mt.JJSt ... U UWYI .. TWO tMIAnllJ ,2od 100 ATllAC1ICll' -oe-AN •ttTIN "SHOWDOWN • • -·-,,_.,.. $1Me~ S5f.1011 ......... ,.,. ..__ ~·­.., ..... IOUIU tcMI I: tmOll DON'T LOOK IN THI IAuME~ Ill sy· , ' • i , -· • QU er I Go al inlt le M sid we in or ca c QUEENIE 'By Phil lnterlandl .. "l_.!l~~e drivin..s; this time or the morning ... the streets are (ulf ornaj!:erazeaol!ice woiliers, .n-ii6out fen minutes.late and doing ·seventy." Tax Limitation • : • J ' • ' ·Reagan's Plan 'Futile Exercise' By THOMAS D. ELIAS The defeat of Gov. Ronald Reaga11's tax limitation plan this month is the latest in- dicator that the big-money ini- tiative campaign may have become a futile political ex- ercise in California. In their effort, t he Governor'• forces s p e n t almost $2 million, Y.'hile the initiative's opponents spent less than 1 quarter that mtlch. ~1osf of the money on both sides y.•as spent in Southern SOUTHERN CALIFO~IA FOCUS Calilom.ia, where the measure ailed by margins almost as great as it did in the more liberal. less populated areas of Northern California. measure hadn 't carried Orange and San Diego cowr ties and if the Coastline Initiative hadn't lost in sparsely·populated Imperial County. All this ¥t!MS lo Indicate that big c ampaign con- tributioos are no longer the key to ·,.ictory in California campaigns. Since both .the pm. and anti·Proposltion t forces in the most recent campaign claimed endorserDents from equally-prominent polltician.111, endorsements also don't seem to explain the defeats: Southland political scientists who specialize· in analyzing campaign techniques speculate that the big-money efforts may indeed have backfired in the initiative ef· forts of tbe ~t year. Palace Bo1nbing Probed . PHNOM PEN!!,_ CamJiodi• (AP) -Several high-ranking Cambodian air forCe officers were arrested and all T28 righter planes were grounded In the wake ot Monday's bomb-I inll of President Lon Nol's palace compound by an air force pilot, police and military sources said today. The raid against the com- pound killed three persoos and wounded 10, witnesses said. It was the second bombing of the compound by a Cam· bodian plane in nine months . Air force investigators said the bombs were dropped by a T28 -fighter returning rrom I a mission on Highway 4 at Talat, 41 mi\es southwest of the capital. e Del!lfl Granted , WASIDNGTON !UPI) - The. White House, pleading the illness of one of its lawyers, has been granted a week's deJay in surrendering the fll'St of President Nixon's sub- poenaed Watergate material. Chief U.S. District Judge John J, Sirica .granted the delay Monday shortly after the Senate approved legisla· lion extending tht life of the \Vatergate Grand Jury -the body which eventually wi\l receive Nixon's Watergate material. ' e Nb:on Praised MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) - T h e Republican governors have praised President Nixon for his handling of foreign arr~ and commended him (IN SHORT ... ), for his determination to make "full disclosure to the public coocerning Watergate." . - 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D . ' A 1. ·-L- y p I. ; " L > 0. . • Turld1y, NovtMbtr 20, 11;/3 DAI•.' PI~OT 21 ~ ~ ~ 1or W. ••. 12S ·149 Ptr'(ll'Clh. , . . •.••• S2$ • )fJ Tht e1ws1 Marll:1tpl1ct on tht Or•rc• Coast DAILY PILOT _ CLASSIFIED ADS P.io 0tid Suoolitt.,. . • • : • I~ • "' Itta! hloM c..n..o1. • , , .1SO • "" ~... . ...... 300·* sd.Mil\ ord w..iructioll ••• S7$ • M §ei~l(f'I -~I .•• ,ll(tO . 64'1 l10fl\OOI tolion. , . , . • • • 91.S • 9'11 You Can Sell It, Find It , [ 642 •5678 J One Call Se<vlce Trade It With a Wont "1J . . Fast Credit Approval Gentre1 [ SECLUDED ESTATE WESLEY N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS Sllll'" l!l·IH ERRORS: AdftrtlMra sbould chock their ads dally & report errors I mmod I a 11 ly. Tho DAILY PILOT assumes llablllty for tho ffrst l n corr• ct lnMrtlon only. In the hea rt of Costa Mesa. Surrounded by 100 trees. European design. 5 Bedrms., 4 baths, approx. 5000 sq. It. Large pool and many other extras. $)07,000. SPYGLASS HILL-$119,500 Panorru11ic vlew of ocean &: city lights. Brand new 4 BR home w/FR, DR &. 21-2 baths. Pool-size yd. a.Car ga rage. Fee. Gtneral ROY McCAROLE REALTOR WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors -1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mo .. S48-7729 · 2111 San J01quin Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-1910 General SOUTH OF THE BORDER SPANISH ARCHES! Hea\'Y Spanish. C u r v e d I drive. 2500 sq. ft . h1agnlfi· .. 'IRVIN"'•TERR, cent tntry. Huge family ~ roon1. Adobe fireplace. Woe~ NEWEST AREA bar. Curved staircase with landing. Collou.1 master $155,~ · suite. Vaulted c e 11 in gs . Elegantly appointed 3 bdrn1. Large bright k i t c h e n . & den home. All moms.are Formal dine. Thre e fipaclous, l11cl. lhc ·beaut. ~separate p a ti o s. formal dining m1. Spectacu· Professionally landscaped. lar bay & ocean vie .... · from \Valk to be3ch. 0\\Tier Tnost area, Incl. the luxur· transferred. H U RRY ! lous patio. Den with sep. 963-67S7.,. cnu·ance is Ideally located oPE,'/ rtt. 9. rrs F-UN 70 8£.MCEI for use as a private office. PLEASE CALL 675-lOOC! EVER STOLEN A DUPLEX Try this: 11,-0 2 bcdroo1n ,.....,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'"' units · double garage in-con1e of $3750 pC'r year. NEAR HARBOR HI Askiog $35,950. Try your O\\TI p1·ice owner says Gtneral PRESTIGE BY THE SEA JUST OFF THE WATER \Valk to boat slip. 3.lOO SQ, FT. tree high parquetl.'d en· u-Y~ · -I'..ush Indoor garden. Gigantic li.\•ing r o o n1 . \V AUS OF GL.ASS. Ex· travagent', ""'ell p I a n n e d kitchen. Forn1al · d i n I n g . Entertainer's family room . Spiral 11taircase. F 0 UR ROOM ri1 ASTER SU ITE. Balconies in and out. T\\'O ttlling high fire pluccs. Heated ocean sized pool. Custom decking. PRICED TO SELL. Just listed! Call f101,\'. 963-6767. OPEN Tll i • IT'S FUN 70 EE HICE! General EASTSIDE HOME+ TRIPLEX COUNTRY sm1NG situated on a large 130x150 lot \\'ilh . to\\·erin~ shade trees. n con1fo11a ble 3 BR 2 BA • hon1e wilh den and front porch for your rockC?r Plus scparall'<l aw1t.y fron1 the house a triplex v.•il h inconic potential or $440/mo . only $69.950 for all CALL 644-7211 i•.,1 1-, -URGENT NOTICE ~~~~~;;;;::;~~; i\lust sacrifice this delightful /.Jn NI GEL llAILEY b. ASSOCIATES THE REAL ESTl\TERS • 4 Bd1m, :l bath beach l'IRS· * St'x290, LOT * ~ic. 1''an1ily roon1, 2 fh'C· places, open bcan1~. St<'p $32,500 C-1 ZONE 10 thr. Y.'ater. Under n1arkct E-Z TERi'iS at $79,900. Take over lo1v OPEN DAILY 1 to 5 SELL! Call Red Carpet. 1584 Redl•nds, C.M. Realtors, ~SO.SO. * 4 Bedrooin hom e? (huge 4 Bearoom, 2 BA comp I rruister BR) + family roon1 intcresL loan!! GRUBB & ELLIS CO. 675-7080 painted In «: out, new cli J. j l 1 + den, 3 baths, many C.'C· carpeting. P.r.2 lot, rm for • · tras. Quiel stret'.'t. $58, 700 i ••••••••-another unit. Lrg lot. 0.....11er tit a :1 e 11 1Vill help finance. $32,500. 4 Bedrooms, 4~ Baths * C-2 Zone . !£arbor Bl\'d. e CALL ANYTIME • pool room, pier & slip 100 x 350. ncress to adjoin· ~3'21 or Eve. '4Ms43 $250,000 • 673-7784 Ing stre<!t , $175,000. 1 ""'T"R"A"D"E"'"F"o"R""Bo"A"Tiiii I Roy McCordle Realtor Lachenmyer Re1ltor 15 UNITS l AND l 2 Bdrm., unfurn. Bllns. Carports. Near shop- ping .. Loan avail. $175,000 --'GEMM-- 12()..F Tustin Ave., N.B. REALTORS 642-4623 4''hile E1epnants.. over· running )'OUr house? Turn Ultn1 into "Cash" ... sell or real estate or ? $60,000 1810 Ne\\'J)OI"t Blvd., C.~l. e(}Uity in occupied com· 548-7n9 mercial complex, Sa n Gabriel Valley. 6T:Hi?l2 or NEW LISTING ICORONA DEL MAR OCEANVIEW LOT $11,500 Panora1nic Vie\\' of the Surf and City lights of Lagunn Beach Coastline. Rapidly developing nrca zoned R·l. Call for details of this choice prope11 y. General MESA VERDE REPUBLIC HIGH ON THE HILL GracioUll entry v.·ith winding iotairc~se. Exquisile decor throughout spacious 2400 squart" foot ·•most popular design". Formal dlnlnl. Enormous family room boasts \\"Cl bar and crack!· ing fireplace. 1 bedroom <lov.·n, 3 up, tip top condition nt S63.9:i0. Call 54&-2313 today! OPEN 11L t • rr'S 'FUN 70 BE tlCEI ~~·i~lilf:ll WILL TRADE * 4000 naval, model grove for incon1e property. * 'j6 T-Bird + cash, C4 car lot, gal'al'(e, offices SGV for Jx-ach propc.rty. BKR 675-6712 or 548-8796 ONE FACTOR IN creating The approval came in' a 111E GOV~OR'S loss such a re"ftne effect for the was-actually-the-fourth defeat ·heavily-financed . campaigns resolution ~tonday that might in the last year for initiative ma y have· been Settetarx Of ill quieter times1lave' sefmed C@ll!!liiPI which spent more State E4_myµd' G. 13.town Jr.'11 lukewann prajse for , a than -ft mtllion:--There have ' 'liews r_ele .. s '·&~iling wbO Republican president Irom been no winnerS fu t!ie" ~ was contribUtlng' how inuch. elected oflicials of his own T. them thrw. a Daily P ilot ; classified a·d! 4J!i ~~~ ;,l .~. -\ :"'., ~ • Lit'l Bit of Heaven ftjght here on earth in this sharp 3 bdrm \Vith dining rm, bullt in.~. dish\\·asher, 2 balhs. Family rm , !lrcplacc. Forced air heat. Patio. No do\vn to vets, lo\\' dov.•n all others? $35,900 541).JT>J ,TARBELL, Realtors PUBLIC AUCTION OPEN11l 9 • "S FUN 10 8f NICE/ CLASSIFliD HOURS dollar-plus campaign category •1'J'he pUbUclty about who party. The resolution was a~ c Advertisers may place since Jwte, 1972 when Proposl~ was paying how much for proved without dissent as the • their ads by telephone lion 9, the Environ me D t , what undoubtedly turned a. lot governors prepared to 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. lnitiati•e, was swamped. · of people ofl/'-sald Karl P. welcome Nixon to their ~l~~d~~~C"~ of the four ~t big·money political !Cience at UCLA. COSTA MESA .. omCE tn fact, voter --repudiation liens I er assistant professor of meeting later today. L cam1*Jgns has been so ""'1· Hensler, who teacbes classes • KeRRed!I (Jp 330 W. Bay ai>t..il in tbe ·1ir~ on P!!bllc !'1'111lon ~'!!"! _ll!'OI': _ • 64:1-5678 Calilomla counties that the aganda, said the pattern 0C ·WASHmGTON--:<UP!·I :-:.~--~~·'-1 11NF:WPO!lT1!EACH- heavily·funded efforts have t~ vote on the last. year's Slo-:Iy work mg his ·way to A • 3333 Newport Blvd. won.only three out of a possl· ballot propositions indicates recovery, Jl..year-old Edward • 642-5678 ble t CllWltywide races in-the elecoorate bas displayed Moore Kennedy Jr. ha,\ walk· HllNTINGTON BEACH volvlnc ~ lniUaUv.e;. selectivity. J ed f~r the first time wlth "" !7875 Beach Blvd. Million-dollar losers in the "They seemed lo know just the aid of parallel bars. s 540.1220 1972 general election included • what Qiey were voting fof," A spokesman for LAGUNA BEACH the campaign again.st.~· he said. GOOrgetown Univ er sit Y m Forest Ave. tion 20, the , Co a s t l 1 ~ e Hospital said the son of Sen. 494-9466 Initiative; 'tl!Jd drives pushing THAT FACTO!\ may &<> Edward M. Kennedy (0. s SAN CLEMENTE . Proposition 14, ~he 'Watson count in part for the light 1ifass.) worked Monday in · 1 3o.5 N. El camino Real property. tax am~t. and turnout at this month's special physical therapy using paranel · 4924420 Propoglhoo 15, which would election. ~lany Voters ·told bars for the first time since have taken ~.set.ti_!I& _for pollsters they simply did nol the amputation of his can-· state employes out or the ·understand Reagan's Pl"OPOlll. Cerous fight leg Saturday. I govemor's bands. And the results of "ballotina . · on initiatives in recent el,.. e Alert Halted Hons indicate that many TllB FOIJll BIG spending c~ wwld have been swtpl!comptete1y off the board In Southern ... Calilornia ii Reapn'• tu limitati on voters only ca!( batlols on WASHINGTON (AP) -The F those issues they think they Defense Department h a s understand, while· leaving the canceled t h e six-week~ld others alone. military alert for the U.S. 'Fairmorse' Crew 6th Fleet, citing a sufficient .easing of Middle East tensions I and a reduction in the Soviet fleet in the Mediterranean. Some of the 68 American Retilrns by Land ships in the Mediterranean E _.have.put into port while others 1~ 'retUrning to tbe U.S., a Pentagon spokeinfan 1 •.a I d Monday. At the same time, D th~ spokesman said, there has WASIDNGTON BE AC R, Monday before ft was learned been a decline in the number Mesico (AP) -The crew or the men were safe. ·of ships ln the Soviet ·Unioo's th~ sunken adventure ship . ~ l\fedlterranean fleet from a Falrmone· waited today 00 CAPT. Al\THlJI\ •imene<, hip ol 95 v...,eb several 4• J W1'lm1 .. -CQlif -weeks ago to about 70 mw. travOI 1o eatll0rnia by land u\'M.:~1;;;:.'& '*"~ instead or .... on salvage arrangements. e Group Flneil The 13 aallor-adventurers -<nwnien in addition Io ANNAPOIJS, Md. (UP!) - It 9f them lrtim ·camomla Jimenez and RuS1ell were A 12,000 fine baa been levied -lelt Port Isabel, Tex. last 'Danny ~ngbas; 20, Oklahoma agalnsl -the "Salute to Ted week on •the first leg of a ·City; Richard Trejo, 31 ; ~ Committee" for filing trip thol "" lb !Jave taken . C;tnon; Orq SWllvan, 19, and a bo«us-ftnandal ~ on· ,. tbetll ,to, T.l\ll)ico,, Mexico, and ~" Lmitli. _18, both o( a 1'12 jlepublican fundraising {hen : tllriUib• Ute Panama ,Arcacua; Larry .Phllll111; B, banque! -~ tile former vlct canal and to Calllornia. Bellflower; Paul G a r I e p y, presi<lenL Providence, R.I.; 0 reg Conunittee member. Alex· eur 11IVllSl>&Y night, the Williams, Z5, Long Beach; Bob allder Lankier, for tn er FalnDorlo atriick the hull ol Canon, 22, <>ranat; Sim Marylanil -Republican perty a. stlnken vessel of[ this Yowig, 22, Oceanlkle; Don chairman\ .. told neWsmtn • "l northern Gull of M e x i c o Trpclc, 31, Los Angeles, and )la,l!• no j(lea whm the money beach. The -made It 14 Chri• Dedue, 19, Pasad<na. '"" COiiie Irom.P • shore In Ill• boats, but their•------------"-'''-------" ship .... down. .---- "II> '"'* about 1""0 houri Torin en ti.rig· Rectal It.ch 1o -Two ...... panic," said llldlinl -.u, H, or OfHemorrhoidal Tissues Loi Anplee, opokmnen lor n._:._ the ... Combln. described rrumptly Relieved ... jjll'I adYeoture group.'' 6 ~4 2 - • NORTI! COUNTY dial free ~1220 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Deadline for copy A kills ls 5:30 p.m. the day be- fore publication, except for Sunday &: ¥qnday Editions when deadline ta Saturday, 12 noon. CLASSIFIED REGULATIONS ERRORS: Adverlilers should check their ads dally A report trron Immediately. THE DAILY PILOT auumes llabWty for the ftnt in· correct lbsertlon only. CANCELLATIONS' When killing an. ad be sure to make a record of the KILL NUMBER given you by your ad taker as receipt of your cancellation. 'Th.ls kUl number muat be,. pre· sented.by the advertiser in c~ of a dbPute. CANCElLATION 0 R CORRECTION-OF NEW Al> BEFORE RUNNING: Every effort Ii made to kill or correct a new ad that has been 9rdettd. but ·we ct.ftnot suann- tee to ~o .0 untu:the ad has ~area-tn -the paper. . · DUIE,A·llNE ADS: 'lbtle. adl1 are strictly cash In, ad""noo by lllf!l or at l.nY' one ot our of· fices. NO phone Olden. Dee~lfne, 3 p;m~ Friday, Cclta M-ofltce 12 noon -:-au bri.nch or. ~flees. ' rnE DAILY PILOT ,... STATE OF CALIF.. Residences in Corona del Mar FINANCING AVAILABLE I Mr. West 620-3708 VIEW CONDO I 'Upgrad~ thruout, with dec- orator carpel, window co\·er- ings & \vallpaper5. 3 BRs., YOUR MONEYS WORTH $30,950 ! 3 bedroom 2 beth home load· 1 ed-v.·ith-Ieatw~s:.... -· e Excellent corner ~ocatlon e Boat gate \\•ith 10· x 27' slab 2~2 belhs, fonnal dining roon1. Vacant, "'Ith immed· iale occupancy possible. Re. duccd • 00\\" $72,500. c :-F:-cotesworthy Realtors -64CM02Q BUY A TURKEY • Tiled entry to comfortable, convenient floor plan e Ne1v dishwaS'her + 40 gal. and enjoy It in this formal waler heater Clining room with raised e Soft \\•ater op'tlonal hearth. Ston e fireplace, e Aluminun1 covered patio 3,100 sq. ft . 3 bedroom. up. We'd really like to .show you per Nev.'}Xlrt Bay area. thl& one. Call 546-2313. $66,!nl. Make your reserva· OPEN TIL ... rT"S F-UN 70 Be HICE.I tlons now. Call 646--nTt . \~ ~ -~···"~~~~~·! ORIGINAL BLUFFS MESA VERDE Just listed! Well Jocated ·The best buy in beautiful Bonita model on \Vide l\1:esa Verde! Lovely 4 greenbelt, v.1lth new bdrm., family nn. & screen- decoralor cprpets & .drapes ed lane.I. 1 % Baths, elec. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths bltns, dishwasher; carpets, ~fany added features be&utiful shutters. Quiet cul . A real showplace de sac street for the That won't last Jong at children. to play in. Olfered $15, 700 . for ·$36,500 . HARllOl'l MORGAN . REAL TY 6734642 i . 675-6459 COM~ANV REALTORS SINCE 1944 67:i.4400 -----= Penin. Point New listing! 2 BR. &. paneJea den channer w\lh large front & rear yards. Home tn xlnt cond. Dbl. garage + parking. $69,500. Call : 673-3663 673-8688 E\'ea. associated RROK~RS -R l "\I TO ~S ~r1• W Bolb~,. ~11 l~ll DOLL HOUSE Ol8-nnlng 2 bedroom home. Eastside. Costa Mesa. Love-ly garden and play house. 9reat~starter or retlremtlnt ' home • only $26,400. ,qtll 545-8424 SouthCo Realtors. VACANT Spacious adult Condo. 2 Bedrm, 1 ~~ baths, new epts & drps, $21,000. Sl050 Down. Seller pays closing costs ex- cept "impounds. ~. AG_ENT Open 9 to 5. BUY A BARGAIN! UQuidaUon forces sale? lr -3 Bl\, 2 BA, J!cwport flgflts ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"' home. gas t3r, firep11u:oe, *\AGllNA LUXURY lam rm. 15x30 H&F Pool,• ltlgti on a 'Hiii :ft** Prtvflcy 8~~$'.1 nrr-kvail. Pr}ce _,i::e-* * * Unexcellcd vie1v * * * doc-ed S4.500 · 'Notv only choose from ·2 • $74,950 or $45,000. Call Realtor for $135,CUl. CENTURY 21 * c1c;"1c.0·c,--"=-"='-"' .,-==- 645-1221, 6VC5' 548·11594. LOOK! $EE! ·-• WHA'lt A BONUS! . ' Tbl dMl1I r.otn the wre<k· In many ca-Preparation H ed ~ ~ scattered along jil'ivesprompt,ternporaryretief ---1-"flve mile1 iii lieach w h<n It lrom oucli )lain and itching wu ·found late Fl1day by a and actually helpa ohrinlt BtownlVUie lllbennan. .llhe 1w•llln1 ol hemorrltoidal li>-u.a. Coll! Guard 'wu notified 1ueo caua<d by inllammation. dr<dl or poti ... 11 showed this to be lrue in many Clllfll.. In feet, ryiany·-doctore,~them· · .elves, UM Prtporotio" 119'0f retu1rmend It for their lam. ilia l'\<porotion H oin-°' euppositoriel. 5 6 i 8 ser\'es the right to du slty. ·edit, eensqr or re- fulf!: any 11dvtttllement, and to ch&na~ !ta ratet 6: Te1ul.atfoqs without [)rior notkot. t CLAsslFllD1--l-j- MAILINO ADDRESS £or Clwlfl<d Ad ACTION ' Call 625 sq. £1. bonllS room wtlh plumbing bar or (or bath! Space Jor 2 1 pool Jablcs. 4 br, 2 ball. Fine shag throug'.hOut. ~ Cove.red patio with cus1om bullt~\tl gas b&rbeque •. Convenle0« loca· t!On for 1t..ooo111. 11hopping And 111~11. Would you believe $40,ir-,o? C a 11 54&-23ll! ·--1----OPEN TIL 9 • rr'S FUN 10 Bl NICEI late Sunday and launched 1 T .. 11 by doctors on .~un-aearc!t !or PoUlbl• aurvtvors ·-______ ...:.._ _______ _ • ' P. O. l!ox 1560. Cofla M"a 13129 A DAllY PILOT AD-Ytsotl '41-5611 • BIG CANYON BUILDING SITE Gorgeous view Jot overlooks 50 acr:e_s of fairways and greens. Perfect for spaClous, elegant home in Nev.•port's exciting ne\V community. $69,500. ----CANvOU TOP THIS?~ 3 bedrooms, den, 3 baths, pool, tennis, great view of bay and ocean. New carpets, ap- pliances, all for Jess than $86,000. Fantastic investment. Let us show you today! BAYSHORES WATERFRONT 50' {rontage on sheltered eastslde location with spectacular view of b~y l Pier and sllp for 65' boat with additional hnchorage space. Spacious living room and dining room, ' ' bedrooms , dell/ dark room , shop, and garqe room. $350,000. FIR,ST TIME-OFFEl!l;l>,-LIDO ISLE Artist1c,µIy decorated! Guest quarters with" private entrance and kitchenette. 50 ft. lot, street to street. Large south patio. 4 bed· room s, 3 baths. $135,000. A GARDEN SPOT Secluded among towering native trees is •the setting for this highly UP"~aded 5 bed- room 3 bath home of family size and coun- try stile. $73,900. / CHARMING CAPE COD High beamed ceiling -country kitchen. Paneled family room , custo m carefree land-sc~~· short walk• t~ private beach. Oply , ' START REALLY LIVING! Exciting 3 bedroom 21'.i bath, Bluff condo near tennis courts. Rare "Q" plan. Conver- sation area and fireplace. Large mast~r suite. $74,900, BLUFFS TOWNHOUSE! Make an appointment to see this outstand· ing professionally decorated 2 bedroom, deri home. Terrazzo entry and kitchen. Love- ly wallpapers. A GEM i $55,927. LAKE FOREST SECLUSION L1ve In. \>eautiful fore st-pool, tennis, Jake, .$Jliling horses. Unlque 4 bedroom, 2 bath, separale oen , wet bar, lorma~dinJng; $63,000. CHARMING IRVINE T.ERRACE Vacant and ready for occupancy. 3 bed· room 2 bath, extra large living room. Top condit!on for lease $450/month with option to buy at $74,500. LOOKING FOR THE BEST? This is one of the finest 4 bedroom homes In Corona del Mar. Designed for fullest •I" peal. Formal dining & family room with garden view. $97,500. _._. 644-1766_ Cold\wl.-1•- ~ 2161 ,San Joaquin Hiiis Rd., N.a. ' - . ;/ l -. ... • % DAIL V PILOT Genera IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS-Truly unique ! Outstand.ing .cabinetwork as evidenced by wal!lscotlllg aod a den built like a ship's cabin. This Lusk-built 4 bedroom has an ex· cepllonal view of Newport Bay! Wonderfui yard. $96,500. A listing of Lyleen Ewing. UNIQUE HOMES RHltors , 675-6000 2443 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mi r General General CHARMING TOWNHOUSE 2 STORY SECLUDED UNIT -featuring 2 bedropms, 2 baths, oversized patio & beauti- ful carpets & paint. Spacious grounds with beautiful pool. & landscaping. ~ts -9! jr_ee~., ocean breeze in quiet adult only community. Perfect location near Newport Back Bay. Priced only $36,500. COMPANY OWNED AND VACANT MUST SELL THIS NEWPORT BEACH -2 Story Cape Cod home. A terrific value fea- turing 4 huge bedrms, den , Ige. he ated pool, separate laundry area <a nd much, tnuch more! 2500 Sq. Ft. of living in a beautiful setting. Priced only $67,200. Call fo r complete details. • · ' " HERITAGE . . REALTORS G.,,eral 546-5880 Open Ev11. General 2 STORY CUSTOM POOL ONLY $39,950! Sells More Homes Than Anybody! Two area offices serving you --- EASTSIDE 3.· UNITS FIXER UPPER· ZONED C·l Bargain $55,000. 'I• ACRE . VIEW 2 bedroom one bath· Cute R-4 zoned $30,000 EASTSIDE RANCH STYLE 3 bedroom cul-de-sac lot, submit reasonable offer. $39.900. MESA VERDE CHARMER 3 bedroom 2 bath close to school NEWPORT HEIGHTS DUPLEX 2 'J'wo bedroom units totally upgraded $51.500. ~ FAM ILY SIZED CONDO 3; bedroo111; I~ L ~tb, goo.it area .• Qwner ··-'ou.s. n•,7••· -.. · -·' ·"" ~ ---~ ~· vv;, ___ .. -•• -·~· ... :. ASSUME 7Y2% VA LOAN ' Only $212.00 per month. Subject lo existing VA loan -Only 329,500. 3 bedroom 2 bath. Pride or Owner~hip. · SUNSHINE BR IGHT Highly upgraded 3 bedroom. 2 bath , beauti· ful yard only $33,950. NEW CONDO IN ·NEWPO RT Bf'ACH S60,950. Priced to sell now. 2 bedroo m & den. fireplace. formal dining room. double endow! garage. Th is plan 8 is currently selling for '68;000. ·COSTA MESA ~WPOR T BEACH ~FM• ~--~54080~ 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 277 EAST 171h Open Evon lnst Until 9:00 C•ll •nd got tho RED CARPE T TREATMEN T ' • ' Gtntral Gtntt• *Mra n.ra Cotta Mesa untlngton 1 ur. Newport' BMch .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I EASTSHIE RARBOUR VIEW ~!.~~ ~~:.L.Ef BR. * BALBOA BA y PROPERTIES * PEEK-A-BOO • COSTA MESA Wntch tbe """" from •••'Y unltl. % Blk. to beach, In A LITTLE OCEAN VIEW ls.BETTER THAN room in thl~ terrllic starter Newport's best rental area. OCEANFRONT Only one like it! New deluxe trlplex. 4 car parking. Choice loc. S u b n1 i t trades. $225,000. 676-7000 U.NU.S.UAL Fl til! Luxurio us duple X. Owner's unlt 5 BR. + 3 BR rental. Secluded Newport Island . Call for further informa- ' lion. 673-7420. · NEWPORT HEIGHTS Reduced! Spanish 3 BR., 2 ba. split-level. Extra lge. lot. Owoer extremely anxious+· Call & submit 642-7491. INCOME Two 2 Bdrm . Units Near Harbor Blvd. $39.500 $3,500 Down 556-8800 REALTORS m 4 Local Offices to Strve You Gtneral G"neraf -~ AND ASSDC.IATES _ REALTORS DELUXE TRIPLEX -VIEW Real pride of ownership. One block to the beach. Jn high rental area. See super owner's apartme nt. A listing of Ed Nelson. $132,500. CALL 644-7270 2828 E. Coast Highway, Coron• dtl Mar WE CAN HELP YOU BUY, . 642-5200 SELL. OR TRADE · A HOME ANYPLACE IN THE NATION General . --------------REDUCED $1,000! UKE NEW HOME /:JD.NIGEL · • ~AILEY r,; ASSOC IATES MACNAB ~ ·IRVINE "CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY" <Dramatic stairway-5 BR's, 4'12 baths, Jo~l DR, FR w/wet bar. Enqrmous . Viewing-aec~:· Many ·amebiti~i ~000.· · Polly Johnston 642-8235. (U40 )- IMMED IATE POSSESSION $87 ,200 incl. la nd . 5BI\ + FR.--2-story- carpeted, draped & landscaped. Communi- ty pool & park area. Walter King 644-6200. (U32) CHINA COVE Ocean & J etty View. Tri-level with ele- vator. Plush new carpeting. 3BR's. Re- decorated thruout! $143,000. Polly John· ston 642-8235~ (U17) • illOO aq. ft. 3 be home with home, only 133,000 with 10% $84,950. NONE. See thls absolutely charming custom sunken living ,..,. A down. 846-1384. ORIGINAL BALBOA home In Newport Heights. 2 Bedrm and tormlll dlnlna room -Ex· HARflCXJR Stach houae w/3 bdmu. A large den . Dining area, 21h bath <:., 2 fire-cellent condition 6 available HUNTINGTON extra Jnconle unit. Jutt ' 10 a Veteran NO DOWN! I R£ALlY ate~ to bffch, tor $49,:IOO. i>laces, beamed· ceilings, dble. garage, heavy Bkr !46-0l62 -NEWPORT l l!ACH ~hake roof, enjoy a mini view of the spark· lrvlno Really '75-1'42 ling blue Pacilic. Our exclusive at $56,500. -N-~ Blvd. N.s .-CArl S-40-"TUl. ---· .. ,.. •• Walker &lee to:s~.PRb~1~rs1ty DUPLEX 10 % DOWN MESA VERDE BEST BUY JUST LISTED -3 bedrm ., 2 bath, family room. Large patio and all the usual Mesa Verde extras. Nice quiet tree llned street. Vacant and ready for your move. Priced at only $36,900. CALL S40-115 I. ERITAGE "" """ Park. Get )'OW' start in th1' WALK TO BEACH East Bluff lovely COJnmunity with a freshly decorated, alr con· Conipletely redecorated 3 V. ACRE-VIEW dttloned 2 bdrm. model at a bedroom and 2 b<drooni low S39 2Xl unit•. One block to .sandy 4 Bdrm•. ~ family rm: Plenly CA' LL. 552 7500 beach. Huny, won't lutl or room for pool m huat • Only S76,500. i<~uc21':':rrr~~~g East. VISION CENTURY 21*642·1771 LAWSON REAL TY FAST POSSESS. * 675-4562 * • red h 'i 11 Harbor View cam>el mod•I. F I V II 3 BR., 2 ba .. Jamtly rm .. ounta n a ey lots of extras. Price reduced REALTY REALTORS to $68,950 including land YA/FHA Univ. Park Center, Irvine CORBIN-MARTIN ~~====~==='.==::;:::===~ l~~~.,.,.~~~I REALTORS 644-76'2 Gener.al General Owner says bring in the of· Comfy Cozy Condo I I j.iiii;iiii.iiOa-'ii;;;iiiiil -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I fer. 4 Bedroom, 1% bath, O'Aner transferred, mus I WATERFRONT • 6% VA loan. Take over see!! 2 Br, 2 BA, p!ua den, T payments of $168. Includes secluded patio, best loca· PIBR l FLOA WALK~TO NEW .GOLF COURSE -NEW $500,000 RECREATION CENTER Enjoy the new life style and live carefree in this 2 bedroom 2 bath (large master suite) air conditioning, luxurious carpeting, drapes, electric kitchen with built-in barbeque. Din- ing area plus a breakfast nook. C.overed patio wi th panoramic view, 24 hour Security Guard. All maintenance free in the new adult com- munity of Costa del Sol in beautiful Mission Viejo. $42,900 Full Price La-Pa:z··R·eal Estate 830'0700 PITI. Al this for only don!! Just listed & lIQt! $19,500. $29.~M McCABE -· m;;oo. c.\!J.. ~()() . BROKER_ -133,0llO, "'"' ' N l • I • 1 IUNaJ, NOVtmbtl' 20, 1973 DAILY PILOT lcc:;........,.;;;;;;;;;~1ii1rl----'.'ilr.ncoi;;;;;;m;:;,.;-ipo;"'f!;;;;;;;;r1y:;;;--;;1iil:r.HM.:ou;;:,..:=1ifl7.u;:rn:Tllhed;;:i;:;:;r-;;366iiii:tlji.;0:;:u;;,..:;-;;U;:nr.1u;;r;;n-, -;30iiis<iiHCM1;;;;;;;;,;.,;--rui;n;;:fu::Om;;;:-,--305iM":,~Hi;;ou;;H;;;,1uITft1U;;J;;:;;m;;:.-i:I05 Condomlnl~m• Apts. Furn. 363 Apt. Unfurn. P-rty 151 1 .. .;;u..,n ... 1u;.;.r_n. ____ 320_1 1"c""0-,,-.-u-.. -.---c d 1 ... · ..,.. -24 UNrTS General CO<Onl dol Mar Hunt ngton Bekh N1wport -h r -~ .. •ron1 e -r "1 Lot $17 500 Hyntlngton Beech -•· .. -1 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil• """ • + POOL 1110. uul I'd. Nico Bacltelor, $285 2 BR; bttns, btg stone ms. 3 br, mobile homo. Air }'OR !.&\SE. Brand -naw Casa d e O r o I" !O' x 140' Nur l9llt • 5245 QQQI gar, pool . 001. . frpk, bo•ms, aarage, yard. pllaooes, ~ & pets. Harbor View Bl'h>e WITll LUXURY nu ! Br., 2 Ba ALL UT!Ltl'IES PAID ~-Pomona Avt., C.M. Priced , • $155 • Utll Pd. SmalJ, but S325 • Lrg 3-eR. yard, patlo, HonMflncleri 547.-9641 V'IEW! Monaco model. l condo. Elect bldns, waahtt, CQmpo.ro before you rent fl' low •t $.!·50 per Sq. Ft. 2 itocy • 24 unit a~enl nice 1 8Jt Qilld/pet. La· lot.I of Ught & alt. UNFUR.N 3 BR Home 1n bedrooms or 2 + dflt, 2 dryer, mature adult 1. Custom d('SlanOO, featurl:lR: W11loy ~. Taylor Co. plus swim-•·· ~, w 011 ~· $'25 , New 3 + Fam Rm, 1 12 / bath, lwouiolls carpets & ~ • s '·"· kl ~ · h . REALTORS loc ""H• ,.....,. l BR NI t tum exce .... i ...... ny ni~. Harbor I-Wltington Beach. fO other up-graded fearures. pe.c"""".' .t.. ..... en Wll in. ' ated. l~ cap. rate! Over • ~ · ce Y · viC:Jhnl. MO. 5(.9..(U1. Stepc . to private tennis Irvine diro:'t lizhhng TOWNHOUSE :W San Joaquin Hill.I Rd. $3500 1pendabl&1 Take c.'.t· l"f11]c, pool, lllJ'l&t, view! court:, swtn:untng m, "c. e Separa~e din'& art:a 2 B~. fireplace_, pool, pr'vate ew$llOl1 Center '44-4910 vantage -call M\v. Laguna. NU-VIEW R E NTALS 1~ 8::. ~~ This NEW hOme ·will -be 2 ~ 2 BA Walnut Square e Home-like stora&e pnllos, colltlitental break· Conll1rnlnlu m1 546-1 600 "235 • Ow1n1na 1 OR, frple, 673--t030 or 494-3248 Horneflnders 547-9641 completed IOmetimt ln Dec. $225/mo, Avail Nov, 25th • Prlvale pa.tios !:-&st. ~1ll:lou& Kroundi, oear 1er... 160· -IN.VESTMD:Nl:.DMSIOOI [>OOl, gAr. CoronJI d•I Mar. 4>1 .... _.._,... U• ~2!i!l. ~i;:t-_,..rru: siornc< ~ lJlne boacll..Ftir· -~ -Ntr.Vll!VrR ENTALS-*' BR -f BA FIRE· Irvine be ;. ,.,.,.. ac!Vantaae, as Now rt Beech e Marl>toji\!llman ,,1.ied or un~ll'nhhed, trom 'DON'T WAIT POR Ji!i·r1 1 BR. House, SUO uUl pd, BEAMS, JMMACU· 2 BR 1 bath $3!5 aeleded & 1t't poulbte we BRAND now 3 UR. 2~ Ba, e Pool • Barbeques . sur-644-2611. I nun NOW I II~ t I ~ 3734030 . (if 491-3248 PLACE, 0 t p E N dra.pe• have not been . -• Kin&·Sl: Bdrms s~. Corona del Mar, mi • Kids/pets Also 1 BR LATE $11orA MONTH 2 R··2 d ·a1······ 1....,. could order them mutually deluxe condo. Newr,ort roonded with plu.sh land·l~~!!j!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!J!!!lllli!I t PRICBS TO R ISE' n\oblle cM. & 3 BR. Fam • <HV• • 3 ~n' 2 00 11 ·bacn, csi8si400 to)'OUl"taste.$600prmonth. a-eat, pool, tenn1 • scap!Adngt•· N p 1NE\v & beautiful 2 Br, l $21,000 tor these spae1ous rm, utU pd, $1BO, Hnta:. Bch. -YEARLY LEASE. 606 ·• · • ··' 644-4687. courtyard 1ett1na: • aln&1es u ~. 0 eta Bo. Huge master Br, beam I 2 BR. 111 BA adult oondoa. **TAX RE FUGE** Agt. Fee. m.roo J A SMINE, 4 3 BRBR" 3 2 ~thathi ...... $400/I~ VERY or family $500/mo. WI!.·~ w w11,~RM. m;;,1971 ctngs. tree top vlow. $300. • Choice of locations lttll avail· Little Jewel duple~. 2 Bed· Bilbo• fslihd , BR:: 2;" ba~·::::'iG>im Harbor ~le: Tm~ $600/mo fum._ &U-ml. Act-.-.. • l-1 QU-mo. 673-1658 able. Al low u $390 down room, l bqth each. Buill·ln *3 BR-$225 MO*-S BR, 3 ba, N'pt Sch •.. 1575 PalennoModel. Exceptional San Cl1menle PO WEEk & UP 1 ~11~90~.~41-u_p.s_taln~.~l~br-,~,~ba. to move ln, with $2211 mo. oven & ronge. garbage ,u,. CllARMING 3 BR., 2ba., CALL 552 7500 yard. Ctooe to ochool $52i! • Studio • l BR Apts. """'· drps, bltlns, pool. 2 ~ lllL ~ Arent. ()Oaal. 1 unit just painted home; trpl., lovely patio. Vacant • move in tor -. • pr. Month. E XCFJJEN'T OCEAN view, on GoU coune •TV A Mltid ~rvice Avail. well beh.Jved children OK. Dupl /Uni' and new carpeting Corner FUrn., yrly. $530 Month -VISION VIEW 4, 5, or 6 bedroom 2 BR, 111 BA, d.-, pool. •Phone Service. Hid. Pool SSG-7093M<Mil52 leXft . 1 lot; fenced back yard. WILLIAM \VINTON plut $100 &e<:\Q'lty deposit. _ in Corona de! Mar Cul De $250., 492-2780 e Children Ir Pet Sectk>n PARTIAILY tum. l mt, N • 162 $37,250. $6500 down and as-Real Ei:tate 675-3331 Kids k pm OK. Lg tncd Sac. $725. per. Month. Agent San Juan Ca plat rino 2376 Newport Blvd., CM qu)et aec'Jd OONn 1'iew sume loan. Drive by 751-75.1 B lboa p yard.Quletarea.Refsreq'd. • d h 'll 675-7225 ·-548-9755or-~3967 • 1 **TAX REF UGE** Scott Place, CM, then caU · 1 °"lft1uhi w.=. (msg. 646-9666). re I FOR LEASE; Brand New FOR Le.,.; Q...do 3 BR, (Ad good !or 15 on reno _ ~ l3lO Pr.t. bach. I lJtUe Jewel duplex. 2 Bed· 548-3036 for appointment to SAYFRONT s BDRMS 4 BEAUTIFUIJ.Y remodeled BIG CANYON Country Oub 2 be.. LR, DR, kitcben,DW, LCE. ~ BR, luxury apt. LRG lndl. ·"dual 2 ft. I ba ,, l"OOft\, l bath each. Bullt·ln see. DO NOT DISTURB BAnIS Pier float w iilter home. New thruout, So. of REALTY . REALTORS Be Illy 4 Bedroom 3 Ba.th Stove, ref. Pool acceu. Bltm. quiet, heated pool. v1 ~. 1 ovin A ran.re. prbage d1t-TENANTS. By Owner. Prin· rly 6ri-2039 . Hwy. 3 Br, 2 Ba+~ Univ. Park Center, Irvine a , , i 49J..1007dayl, ~.496-6960. Adulti:. 19-ll Pomona . ~a. ~_!.c.ydPl'ei,~ I l)OUI. 1 unit :tu.st painted cipals only, pl.ease. or yea · ' laundry room & gametoom. = roon:ml c!'r0::a:e 645-7289. . ~a..~."~~ · ,._ 1 ::' '7e~fl>t~ ~~~ THREE IS Coron1 del M•r 400 Jaamine, $400-mo. on CUl-dN&c. Overlooking r:·.;,n,lr.3 ~~f~ BR. Furn. Adults only. Rec 2"';;w, BA ta drPI ! $37,250. $6500 down and ,.. _ A CROWD 2 BR l\O&Jse In old Corona de! =~ pat lo, sur--~t~="~f ~r:..i: ~ the Golf Course. Yearly ft, adlts o/17, 493.-47'20 aft Rm. Pool. Good loc. Avail trplc.' Pool.• sTI 5•1 MO : =-1-~Ce~~.~1~ ln this case it's mconun --·=~~m=p{~'. rounded by 2-BR.-2.:.BA.---S2.15amonlh ~up.May\ve L~S:c~.mo.N~;;a~rt ;:;~s:Wunfum. m s:w·~One.o1der adutt 26~R. b; ••• 1 Adul 548-3036 tor appointment to Large 2 bedroom, triplex. tub,& shower, S325. 721 Mar· den, dbl fl'ple, Nr. Big ~~ ~~u.s1t:ic ~!t!~ Beacb-Westcllff' home. 4 Furn·Util pd $125 In #<l ln • t·11111• poo • ts, IH• DO NOT DISTURB All with prlvate·paUos. Buy guerlte •. 67;>8576 . Corona. $350 ~ yrly. Bedrooms, 3 bath!, sharp, ~Aunting'.ton Beach rear. 2335 Eiden, CM ~MP~ ~E-Lease_., .e.t.ti: TENANTS. By Owner. Prln-and rent in super Costa Costa Mesa ~· ' .eves. tn secluded area. $520 per • • v~~ etpala only, pJeue. ~~sa7171locatlon. $53,500. Call month. CALL Heritage 2 BR. 2 BA, 1 sty. Adult.a. 111~· .~ W!iJ-a! ~~· 2· BR. • Walle to bee.eh G E .....,... 2 BR house tn old Corona ROOMY one bedroom duplex Realtors 546-5880 Avail now. All amenities. ....,. · ~ • · $210 To $225 • Yearly R ENTREE Ol'ENT1t..f •"'SFVNtoBE.N1CE1 del Mar, completely unitacrosatromparkand ROOM 2 BA'nf $265/MO. Lease. 536-6.565 Mi.3811 OrangeCoutR.E. 644Glt8 °f~~~~!~-= [lllfil'lll 1Ei~"F~:;· .. ~ ~:~::~~: l•t ~~~~~"Bldg. 4~;~j.}~1~ ~;e~:~:"1.~ ~::a::• all new Dana Coll :v~;~u!.BR lncorn• Prooerty 166 HUNTINGTON BEACH Students OK. $90. 1 br mobile 3 BR, 2 % BA, So. ot hwy. Universil;y Park, Irvine weekends; 642-5735 days. drp&., retrlg. Adult couple Point Harbor at t be $215 rno • 831--0273 home. All ut:ll pd. 1 yr. old w/FP, beam clrig. Days 552 7000 Nlnhts LUXURIOUS ocean view only. $300. Rltr. &t2-533l beautiful MARINA INN Costa Mell RED CARPET EXCLUSIVES 2 Triplexes. Bu,y one Qr both Homefinders 547-9641 I.zg. Vu. S3'15 m-6900 ~ • home. Brand new 3 Br., 2% 2 BR, 1% ba, frplc, laund ~~!_e}L..3;,i902 Del Obispo St. --------1 will take h>ine or condo on H • S,pYGLASS Hlll, 2 BR. den, 2 BR Condo ••••. $225 Mo/lie ha. Fonnal din. Frplc, with tac, $00. (~).Kitchen, Ef· DELUXE exch~e. Nr Bch, park, unttngton Buch leaae or sale Avail. m1d Nov. '2:-u&' ..,_ .. _ ••• ,,.., .. 11: Mo/lse everything! Pool, tennis, 962-8781 flclenclesH--•-..a & ~edialn~ APARTMENTS .schools: & shopping, agent L -~~ •~ ja-··..1 •::IV'I ~ pool. ui.i.g;• 536-3400. FOR rent or Irase 3 bdr, Tennis, pool Rl'.lV • -.ymQ.. 3 BR Home ..... $295 mo/lae &aW\ll, 714~· .$ant1 Ana -rere; . [ 2 bath, 2 story, near beach, 644-2696 eves. 3 BR Home •.•.. $300 mo/lse • .. iihOnesi -ij'18Jim~'!'':ffi3 Arr Cond • hiitc's · StriJn. ·-~=~. BeauU· Out of State Prop. 178 fin:place, fenced yard, new NEAR new 3 BR., 3 baths, 3 BR Home ..... $325 mo/l.se VERY Attractive 2 BR w/ DP.UXE Townhse, 3 Br, 1% bathtlng, a ;;;m rJose 101~ mTlng PooCola • HealGth Spaand. '"'"'"" "',,,_,-..;:.,, ~ . paint & carpel, dbl. garage, frplc., patio: bl t. f n s , 4 BR Home ..... $300 mo/lse den, Harbor Vu home,..many Ba, crpl/drps, bltns, lrg mClee te ,_ 1 • ........... Be h ennilli urts • YID ful new 4-plex vacant and O>iorado River Park er waiher--dryer, no pet 5 . dishwshr. Xlntl Nr. Beach 4 BR Home .... $425 mo/lie xtras, else to pool, gardener, pri patio, dbl gar, nr So. Coemen "f .. ~ ... ~ ac · Billiard Room. ready fQr that Dnt owner. ~-·WATER frontage, R-1 & ~2693. Scenic Propertie_I 675-5726 RANCH REALTY 551-2Cro avail Jan ht, 74, $475 mo, Coast Plaza. 644-7819 or me p....., • -our 1 BR. From $150 1bll unit LI located in a comm, sell o: trade 968-1017. THE PREF LOCATION 64().1837 557-lSJL lpOl1fllhtng, sboppmg & 1 BR. A: Den From S195 choice rental area and ready Lido Is le LOVELY, 3 br, 2 ba, tam · F 345 ttStaurantl. $60 week & Up. 2 BR. from $210 f to awrectate. Pr1ced lo sell RMI E1t1t1Wantec:i184 rm, Lusk HV Hills. Many Walk to UC Irvine. Nu 3 br, BIG CANYON Duplexes um. Brine tbla ad le, receive 2 BR. Twnhses From SliO at $80,0Cl>. , RESPONS E b WINTER lease, beaut. ·So. extras. Avail now. 644-2883 2 ba, in Turtlerock. All Luxurioba ·bous "Dean1e" 3tanbrd, 3 Be l"-· Penlnaull $5 off on first week a rent. MEDITERRANEAN, . 11 $5i2,950. Beach Tr t pl ex. IBL u i Ider , bayfront home; 4 BR, S amenities Incl~ trash com· me w o~ ~·"mg - I.owett ~ trt~ex in wanta 1 or more \\'ell bE\, beaut. fum. Sandy Costa MeSI paclor. Call for appnt view. 644-0786 or ;,i;r--u_;:rl. CHARMING IO'l'lel' 2 er., 1 Huntington Buch VILLAGE j Newport ach and block ~lots R·l or R·2, bch. Pie r & float. $1500 Mo. 552-7629. Occupy Dec. 10th. 2 ·BDRM, 2 BA, garage. ba. Wsr/dryr, gar. Adlts. 2400 Harbor Blvd CM to beuh. Great tor In-Bill Grundy Rllr. ~61 ALA .UNTALS FOR lease, beaut 3BR, 2BA, Steps to beach o• bay. Year $250. 673--0838, 492--0491. LOW WEEKL y !IA.TES. met 557:a.Y.i) . . :e! ~~tton and RUSTIC CHARMER wtwaMW IM UMa w/lovely yard &-lrg patio. round. $300. 673-o 44o; Duplexes Unfurn. 350 Executive Suites OPEN EVERYDAY -.950. Fourplex. Only 2 left II• I Darlin~ 2 br 2 ba,, beam ~nclsdbl I(~ 13'ttso~el,d crplsk, 642-4758 • -· .. ----___;.··-. 727 Yorktown Blvd. 9:30-5:30 ~ these 2 bdr. 1 ha. h\ancw cl, nu sh ag & drp, fpl. Wntr ~ --. HOUSES & ~l ~rl~i. ~•par San Clemente Corona del Ma r Beach Blvd. at Yorktown Pirk-Llke towt.iltxH-10% Down. Will . $350. 673-2227, 21 3/793-0>l27. r::::Jf'"A"'" ~ 3.-Br 2.:..Ba. bltna c 3 br 2-ba 536-0411 Surrounding1 .etJ · contract or eon· Newport Baich ~· J~°"""i. h eomP&Ctor, c r Pt s: -908-JiOEI'(~ -oncrur SPA newer-• ' STU01e>s-&-·1-BR'1, -DELmra-1 &2-~Apta. wndonal. Rents on way to Business .'flWPOIT & IAY, c.M. f42•UQ, =· comm park/pool. Nr view deck & patio. Large serv. porch. Walle ~ • Full kitchen Also tum Bachelor. sax>. per momh. Secld $115 .. &ingle bach pad. 83J.8+I 2 BR 2 BA + !am rm. Iris. $325/mo. Ia. • Heated pool Pvt Patlos * Htd Pool $58,850. F'ourplex. 2 bdr. 1 bfl. Opportunity 200 Students & sgls parndi964 AVAIL Bach, Irg kit $110 UCI. 7· Ver-t modem 2 car gar. Cost• Me sa · • Laundry facilities Nr. Shop'g * Adults only. bacb °" pl """""· 10% Allillate Homofindon 547-1 util pd, small pct ok. Laguna Be-626-2835, 623-3167. e Free utilities Martinique Apts no.n. WW .ell contract or OW Houses Unfurn. 305 COZY 2 br, $150 E-side.. S A H . ht ROO?tfY, cptd, 2 BR, dble e Free linens • corrwnUon&I. N A SUPER Stv, fncd tor pet, g31'8ge. Attention Renters I •nta ni 119 5 gar + h>bby rm. Walle to e ·r.v. & maid serv. avail. 1177 Santa An& Ave., CM $175,000. Eut&lde 12 Units. SERVICE ROUTE! General NR ace, 2 br tri, $165 See Us F~t> for All Your SANTA Ana Heights, 4 BR, shopping $225. mo. A&ent e Bar-B-Que Mgr Apt 113 ~ Attradive complex with FULLY. HELP RUN! Avail nowplx • .,,,3 ~t ~k°=garF. HHoom~Ap'~or· Condowe ??-, •m.e 3 Ba. Frplc, din rm, tam 646-3928, Eves: 548-8651 •Phone service TOWNHOUSE LIVING 1 pool. Two OWMr apta. Walk· fPart and Full Timel NICE 4 , .... .__ or ...... u. rm, nu crpts I: drps, fncd Newp6rl BMch • 1 Mile to~ 2 br, l 'AI Ba, bit ins tac dlllsnce to lbopplng and MOBIL WASH ALA .RENTALS family. cov'd pat -Now. Lag Beh · -Viejo ' Lag yrd. %131535--0514 aft 6 PM · MEN, mall beach bJtel, ct-i patio, cpts, drt><,. bu1 ltl'Viea. wt ll'ICUil.111111 !!WI GARDENER, 3 Br, 2 ba, $275 Niguel.Dana Pt Ir. San or 21l/373-296S BRAND new upper unit, 1taJ Rooms $21.SO peor wk. Apts. pool, adult llvtna" no pets,\ $63,CKXI. F.uta:ide. 4 houses Immediate!! Excellent in-OiECK this home lo believe Oemente. sq. ft. 3 br, 2 ba, trplc, $95 pH' month. ~'ll5. only $lG2.50 2 112 bZkl Wwt i0%a ~~ot~~:=i~: ~~~t~~~~ ~~~~1~ ..< S~ MOUid ~E~R. 2~ !4lt. All BEA~cf:: ~~~VALS :~~::• bou1e 3 bed. iuge ~~=· ='. Huntington Bffch 9ki:,~:_ ~~0 n ment received. Income ·New Rnd used car dealers. ,D JIU =.s. appl. • <In Picadilly Circus) 2 ba fam din. frpl Agt. 673-2058, eves 675-5487. $JEE •165 . FOUR SEASONS APART: $7,956. and rents way below Alrcralt, Boats, F1eets of · . Too Many To List 1854 S. C8t:. Hwy. No, 6 , tt+I Incl• dllRf.'...-fi ... c. _,. MENTS S 2 ;.: 2 market. Each house has trucks, Motor and Mobile ~IWPOIT & IAY, C.M. '42•AIS. Call Us Laguna Beach 494-9491. ail b ns • Suwmouer Apts. furn. 1 360 BAOIELOR &: 1 BR, Patios, • pac si.y, BR, own IU'IP 6 yard. homes. Here's Juat a Few ALA Rentals 642..aa&3 1165 -1 BR near beach, big lush shag c Pt Id r a Pe s frpf.e'a. prtv. garages • DI·. 11Ai ba, bltins, crpts, For detailed bdonnatlon" on Det1Jls VACANT Bach $100 fum. On private secluded Patio . General vided beth A: lots ot closets. drpl. Prt patio, pool, con-t'-' and otber wdtr C8ll' • Yout Investment Is secured bayslde,, utll paid. MESA VERDE BXEC l:IOME fenced yard, child/pet wel· Steps ta pool. Dbl gar. l Rec. hall, pool &.pOoi 'tables, venient loc. No pets. pe. Red Carpet, R eal tor• • W?'t &om )'OW' home NEAR ~ch, 1 br" $125 !w:n Lry. 4 Br., 3 Ba. Beaut. come! ml. ta tryw. Pernt ,ental Attention Rent.r1I sauna baths. See tor your-735 Jo.Ann St. 6*-1450 , !79-2550 :1629 Harbor Blvd .1Nb Riling ~ ' mu pd, NB &: Laiuna view or golf course. $S5CI $21D . 2 Br ocean v1ew apt, $350/mo. Call eve. 4.l!hm6. $85-411S. Room ideal for self. 17J01 Keelson Ln. Ct * EXTRA Ira 1 or 2 BR. Costa Mesa. ·• CompMy providee full on 1 N8~ 1Pa;nt, ~1 b~pl" $180 ~ilnclciU'iat~~ner. ~df~r~:'-!:.Vcrpts Hou111 Furn. or ltudents. Comm. kit·., bUc. w. of Beach, 1 blk N. Heated POOL From $145.j 16 UNm the job tralnlng p<ogram v re · avai · gar. ' any· -'· · ' Unfurn, 310 .~ w/1'plc. Ocean Vu. o! Slater). Mature adult., no ..... 1887J Total investment $15 500 ' SNUGGLE in 4 br, 2 ba $250 time) Cn4) 56-2785 aft, 5. drps, deck. Beaut. ocean $ll5-$l65• studk>e incl all. 842-7M8 Monrovia. SG--09l6. $8500 EACH Required Ca.sh $10,00o . w/trplc, C & D. bltns, gar. EASl'SIDE large 2 BR, 2 view! (J.ne I Ooeantrmt Students ok. ELM GARD · . , • Send name address & tele-Bring famUy &: pets . Avall . 'BA, huge family nn., frplc, MANY ontERSENATVAILALS! ra $1~ 1 Br's Some Laouna Beach :Adults~~ ~L*1' True. lS units.~ bulldlnp. phone • 10: District Ollire, _BBQ. 2 br, dr, hlJ.l".FM,.2··b:8· hr. yara.; 258 Sirili'liiDel -NU-VIEW R . . ·-·. ·wrvwwa'-1a:e:•+nns;•·-1rp1cs CitArodlNG...1._1fr-·-n·ocun •"AliO-·Cliflareii'""-~:.-. ·--- Only S85CXI per wtlt 13% Mobil Wash, P.O. Box 6505, Only $285, F.P., all appl s $285 per mo. 546-7!MS ot 673-4030 or 494-3248 2 BR., 1 ba., un!, New carp, &: sunelecie.. Color TV's. $310 tner.-u.i:n o 0 pp 177-E 22nd St ~ 642-36&5 spendable. Central location. Torrance, Ca. ~. or EWEnterlalnh ?.'!_A tht e ho:~~J'· 642-2639 0 CE AN F R 0 NT· POOL drapes, decor. Yriy. $250. Open 7 °"l' A Week AJbertQ!.'S. 729 . Gaviota I.GE 1' ~ bl CID --~ Him • m'ft today. phone (213) 542-8683. ave 7'"'. you •om.i MESA D~ _MAR. Q!zy: 3 Dramatic & luxurious 4 3 BR., 2 ba., un!. new carp, BEACON RENTALS Gt-1119 ' ' w-, lns.r • ·~"6• ~ 546-1600 * COFFE'E-SHOP*~ or:wct1..J..~s1t. br ~ nr. C.M..Ht-1: -=l BA, homc-yeart>; 3dras'ft9·1ec:~. -rrn PlccadiDy ~) Errrc. 1;-~uxe from $50 $145.~~~'tJ;: ~ - INVESTMENT DMSION $.MALL ALA Rentils 642-1313 Davis Jr. Hi. Avail .Dec · Furn ·.• winter $325 1854 S. Cat. Hwy. o. 6 A $75 wk. Pool maid pb .646-6353 BUT !. J~ck Pl!Ck, 586-5964. Call NO. Wgmia 8ch. Walk to 2 BR:• 2 ba. tudi, wlllter Laiuna Beoch -1 ldey, Village Irui. ~ 'NEW 2 BR utn.. ~ ~IBEREAU ~TERS I GOOD! 11 Radio page K-161 . bch. 2 BR, den, -bar, $300 ' Belbol Penlnsufl N rt Be-'.J. ~"~ t N ..!: 1 tam custom $450 mo 53&-8138 • ewpo .... 'i ....uuw-.::n w-e come. o .,.,... $7 000 4BR, 3BA. condo, "1> c, or 49&-iar. . 3 BR 2 ba tum $300 yrty. . ... WEEK & UP C)>to, drt><. pallo. Mgr. lll60 • rm, bltlM, dsbwsh, crpts, ~ $35 per wk 'I; up. 1 BR. Wallace Apt. 6. 642-1364 RIVIERA REAL TY -· patio, gar, pool + ELEGANT . 3 BR -· e steeptoe Room> 2 B• • bodi'i . Color TV,1~~~· ~--~~ 149 Broadway, C.M. HouMI * Apt1. garden ser., $310 Ml Monte View, frPJc, central loc, e Housekeeplna Rooms maid aerv, pool THE 2 BR, ~~bl'r9,. :m" 2 DUPLEXES '42-7007 645-5"'9 Eves, * 141·0111 * Vt.ta, 548-6317. !ncd yd, $350. mo 494-6nl •Ocean View ~ MESA, CS N .. Newport l:!:iur. adult.bn?/~~t:...: 'PRICE REDUCED * LIQUOR "3W.ttthCOITAllllA 3 BEDROOM, 211 bath Le9una Hlll1 BALBOA NN 81..t. NB.~ 1160. 646-1224. •· Owner Un, aell these ad· ~ $1$-2 BR unf. Children ok. ~· ~~i3zMo: 4 BR, tam rm, 1,ase option, 105 ~~treet lfR~E :1::.! biiro2 !:; 2+:R ~PI~~ a:. joining 2 'BR duplexca on LICENSE * Gar. Lrg yd. 64>'610. $350 mo. I $36,900. Avail Bolbol lllancl BACH. opt. 1125 Mo., yrly. to June. 312 42nd St, trpld bltnl I;;{ ancl -t1o' I huge lots. Only 10% Down. Sl~l Br. unf. Child. Gar. EASTSIDE i .... 2 Br, 2 BA now. 2 yrs old, Fned yrd, NEW Balboa Isl and incl. util. Near beach. upstairs. 96S-676T, 642-7671 tncd'yrd. ~ ... L _.£""pd'. I PJ'lce reduced to $34 950 Orang~ Co. On-sale general. Yrd. ... 673-all& Owner/Agt VOA • w~-' !Old wue _ ..... u .. ., .... mises $170-! B F Utll pd huge !am rm, lrplc, lrg ~ ... .._.nt S--""·-·1 .... view, Marshall Realty 675-tBOO BEAUTIFUL baytront apt, 548--1168 each -.,._.., r -r . urn. · · d 258 Sa ta babel $285 Laguna Niguel ~ ... ., ' i""""""'....... I CENTURY 21.........,2·1771 -cockta~$•J.6 950 BeauWul! Just Hke a house. yr · n ~ 4BR, 48A, Uv Rm, den, Corona del t-\lr terrilic _view,_ n.ew_ Y 2 BR t ba. &: 7 hr 1~ Jlf-2 , -Sl-75-2 Br studio, lrit yard. per_ mo~S46-?!W.; or $3oo MO New,!r 3 BR 2 sep dining, kitchen, tarn n:n, redecorated 2 Br furn or ·ba bitn range ~ 'erpt, HOUS• + 6 UNITS Mr. Winston Collect (213 ) $1~J.zg 3 BR apt. Dog run. 4 BR, 2 ba, new shag cpts, ba home' w/pool facllllie~ inclds ~ ot pier, Sub lease BACH. iu;, Utils I: garage unturn. 548-7834 or 646-4750 po(,1 clubrm Carport. 2212 ' New wdla at Xf7 Elden, 272-4l49. $22:).-3 BR House; children, gar, 1rg tncd yd. Npt Hgts PLACE REALTY 494-9704 I -will accept reas. offer. turn. 1 blk to ocean. 1 BEDROOM. pj>Ol, hlk to Coll ege Ave.' 646-6032. , CM, ht uaer w/DI% write 1 ?.IAN or woman mature w/ gar, lrg yrd, stereo area. Refs. $250. ~. Avail Dec 1, 675-8512 or Upstaln. 675-4174 beach. Yea;ly $lS5. Single You'll like the cloeet of f . Ca J 1 Bu 11 d e r • management "ability take thru-out. 3BR, 2BA, gar, $350 mo, Newport Beach 67>8519 Costa Mel• adult.-caJ.I. 646-2696 in this lrg 2 br, = 6it 64!!C1;4. over the details A: ~ $~ BR Beautiful home. 605 Narcissus URGENT/Immae. 3 Br, tam Newport Bl•ch 1_,, r111:11 • 1140 Ter-OCEANFRONT APT - 1 BR. blblS, encl gar, Laund, quiet U1 Unlta. -100m for 3 more. a · buainesl. $10,000 req. Children & pets ok. 673-8775 Ol" 642-5290 rm, Harbor vu Homes. 1 Br .. 6d•..!:""1 K ba ..... .._ Winter rental. Sl75. mo. util st. 642.-0247 or 673-8364. I • 2 BR. G-... nD'!'l;~mo. ssg..ll50 ~ We Abo Have FlU'nished •AM/ Ph ... 1515 or 3 BR furnished or un· race. I """' or """':an.11. Incl 548-l930 ---onl .-:::-181•-E.••1·..... Bach, l, 2, 3 br Apts. Di na Point _,.,mo. : .,...... furnisl\ed. Large yard. $250 Adulta 1993 aiurch . · · 2 BR, shag cpt.s, patlo, pr., ""~ y. -•m COCKTAIL LOUNGE LANDLORDS FREE 644-Q63, month. 64i-2164. ••• ~;,, l BDRM apt. step.s to ocean. nr OCC II< So. Co. Ptua. st. E/dde C.M., or call San Clemente Lock, stoek --o-· ,,..,.=7-:===-BRANO new 5 BR, fam nn, HARBOR VIEW "_._ 4 ~ y arty 1165. Adi 1165 ·--Owner, GU-1960 & banol. $39,000 LANDLORDS! den, 211 BA, lrplc, ""lease, ' v•wry, Condomin iums COMPLETELY tum I BR. e ' 673-2677. ts, ' ~ .. Ll';ASEO Commercla.I 9~ Broker 492-0822 We SpeclaUze in Newport ~P:::ri::.v_,p:;;tY'-''-'4:;:9&-;,19202'::. ___ 4':~.% ~mo~~pool Unfurn. 320 ~uits. 1!, ~:&;OI· TRAR.ER. ~'°!.: 1 NBRB. ~J65~ !,~Jr. 1~1i ~borM~ te;::t lnv11tment Beach e Corona del Mar • Fount1tn Viney NR. Beach 4 Br, tlm rm, Back Bay $1T5 2 BR, 1~ ba. patio, ~ch, -'-V·• · · Mendoza. 637-2943. ,,.._ 54Hl112 Bier ' -Opoortunlly 220 A Laguna .. Our Rental Ser· • br 2\1 ba condo ! Ba, lrplc, eondo. Pool, garage crp!I, "'~'~ *STUNNING 2 Br, 2 Ba ,;; .... ;:.:.=7--=~=·-,--= '°""" vice is FREE to You! Try 2._Master •• · tennil, $500--JJ\O. 645-1658. BEAUT. 4 BR, 3 BA. + 'cat! 83.1-8731 San Clemente Garde:i Apt. Pool. Jtec. ~Juan~''."= pl~ m*+5~~ =~ ':IJ.'Yrkw RENTALS =·~~·; ~: ~ =..5 ::..i~ ~' =.. ":.'~1~ "'i:;;auf ADULTlrx 213\", pool, quiet, ~FRONTlBR, beach, 11R;·211b'IS. ~o,w. 18th,:;. anltl 119.CXXI. 492.-8264i. "-ney to Loen 240 673-4030 ·or 494-3248 $285. 968-6705 Submit on leaae. 6"-Cl.74 pooJ. Xlnt cond. ltarbor HJ super clean, b1tns, $Ul0. No pooL Spectacular v le w. · r, smg e story, U ,_ •---L '"" Fountain Valley Distri $375 c 11 pets. Call 646-6974. redec. util pd, no children. celling. 2043 Wall a Ce nm • ........ -. s BR, Fam Rm. walk to ~RP/Md.~~·~ ba .. , se&--uii ~ T'or ~. Any daY ts the ear DAY· to No pets. $165. 492-.2684 646-9243 or 6*-8882 . Red Tiie Roof. 1st TD Loans ~~~~pc· ... ~l80A1.,ut112 18~: 3 Br,2ba.crpts.-.b1t1ns. dp;;;;~,~&~~arc1~~ma~1n~t.~1..e~ ... =~4~PM~. =====-'=""'=an=a=d=1=0o=n='t=de=1ay=·=-·1 : a~-r~u'.!!n!!1w~n~-~.!36S:::12BR,b11n1,1hagcrptr,lrilll •-tc, fenced yd, •$295. mo. .,,. • • paint -cl patio nr ~ blocks to finest beach! starting $130. Vacant. Agt. 837-9115" ' '"' ' ............ AN VlEWI Six monthl UP TO 909' Feo. m-8430 General ll~/MO. SSl--0350 All ._ __ ... A..1~ unlta 8,, % INTEREST Huntington Be1ch lllA J£~ fl! 1.;;..=e-------NEW lge deluxe 2 Bt. Good •wu (.ICU.n....,m • 7' Ba lbo1 l1l1nd S@\\ Q. • ROOMY one bedroom duplex Joe. No -pets. Adults onlJ, "°c1own"' SpaExn\'!1· ~·. 9<;0 2nd TD Loans ALA' .UNTALS ' -•. ;:! --unit across lrom park nnd 202S Fullerton. 644-!Mll , ~mmy I arp, QUAINT 4 Br .. den, aundl!Ck , t todfll' :. • -patio. Slnl. lrnt yd, Blt-lnl, .............. """" Thal Intriguing Woro' Gam e with ,tr buckle tennis .· corner oel""'l\tc . .,,. :J-'Slll:D nttrac 2 br. Ill ba, ' Mt-1600 · · Low"est ref1s Ortnge Co. beautlfu.Uy appt. thru-<1ut. ------.a.4., CLAY 1,. POUAN ------trance • garage $2"..0i mo. crpt/drp,bltns. dwhl', encl D\'vESIMENT DMSIQN S.ttler Mlg, c;0, Lots ol wood •. Never rented,· 644·'1711 AgL gar, no pets. 64&-0474. 6G-2171 545-0611 ownen want loving tamll.Y. f '"A =" .... ,,., .. totte~ of the NEW TRIPLEX l Br apt & tl'allu {Uni "-..i-Harbor are• 24 ~ 675-7004 or 540-0995 I ] ... DI.mi. foUr ICIOtnbled wsircl• b.. Adult 2 Br, 2 Ba, Laundry, ulil inc. $90. $125, prefer -· ··~ ,._ 2 BR, 2 ~ 1 blk ..._ low to form fovr Mtipr. worda. pgtio, enclosed garage. $215. 'M dtlldren, no pets fi46.ld DON'T BORROW -uvm ~ llAY.~· ......... 416 Hamllto CM 64&-4114 beh, bltn klt., d1n rm, patio. n, ·1 ' . ' LRG tiJ~.a t, bltips, crptl, 'ti ~ YOU ~LL OSI-'Ftp!. S'25 yrty. llW tocl. MATURE adlt 1 br $150 now. Be\ll!Jlt!•l~ncl. _ "... .~~ ·-_;!150 --· 1 • -'"'y<)UJ'.-_equl4> -in.2177 NN fllmtturo... walk to ll.$h. ~·,. , ~u_ Obe 3 5 -~ aooa JKli'Poit. Serl-81yshore1 NR BCH 2 br, $225 Avail. NEWblt··--'. BG1:._!!:!',1"~ ~~ 2 BR. eptl, drp9. bltnt, TWo ~ 'l~.-,... inC'tAil: .Angeles County·for ~-le on lot -new paint. ms .... ...,... ..,.. Ad I NO - SS.000 Ann u a I onr XI years and NOW lD LARGE, roomy 4 Br, S Ba ~WN 3 br, 2 ba, $285 yearly. Broker 67S-6700 garage. ~ """- , 184,IJlltJ. Onmge County! home dole to pYt beach. n,itc, blm., CID & Gar. R A M H E . Belbol Penlnsule ' TOM MllLER;~, SIGNAL MORTGAGE co. ssis. mo. 646-1461; (213)· FRWY 4 br, 2 ba, $270 I I I l BDRM redecorated, ,.._ l'OR VU"""IO..u <714) 656-('1106 M-3640 A family home, avail now. J I 2 BR • BAY VU Vr!:• ".250. shag crpt, A: drps, n45 mo., (! "-Pl.EXES In HB. $49,950 4!QQ Campus Ori.,, N.B. Corona chi Mor Call Us For· Ur -Needs Adults no pcu. 67l-<l372 or + depoclt, 548-7CJ • 1t1600 dn. In c Mo...._ ALA Rentals 642-1383 987-iis, 1003 E. Balboa 2 Br, nu. shftg cpt, drpa, mo 114>!546 -' ,,,_..., H y N A G I lievoluotlon of the dollor 81..t gAr aU uW paid, pool. , , T rutl Deeds 260 SHARP 3 BR, lam. mt., SHARP 4 BR. 1% Ba nr , , 6G-8l38 t TM• IWFPS view, nice yard;.-.. 11Chla 6:, shopping bit Ins I I' I I • has nlade European. travel BEAM .celling, 1 br, ~ chlldttn "-"flcome " Avail. llnmed. Rltr fll-2222 aar, fenced ytd. $270 per mot• &xpeNive. In. Italy, you crpt. 1 blk to bay .t: beach. LG 3 br, 2 ba + patio, 6 UNm PUT YOUR MONEY SHAIU!.2 ""'"den. So. ot mo,.agnt962-0319 .---------.-noLcnly f•I tho...., bot the Sing! .. $1BS 644--0997 !'Ir Bnk<r ~Bristol. lmmcd Blulrs . Newport B<•chl TO WORK FOR YOU! Hwy. $3'1S. Agent. Call WEU. planned Townbou... N E y I H R I bile 11 well. ,..,. C1 plS1re no -ch occiw. $18S. 9'!M'Tlll taltlc VIEW ~ very Earn 10% or mort on wcll· • 644-8599 2 BR,. 1% dbl attached gar. 1-~--~~---1 NEW deluxe 2 br. 2 ba. D1n1 Point ... s unit -nt. Ex-lll!Clll'ICI 2nd Tnlst Deed• on OLD eo ..... tlel Mor. 2 br., Prlv paUo. Beach ..... I I I I' I 0 Complete ... ch11dd• ....... t I 2 t' 1~, 1---------! ~.... P·--~· Co>mly real estate d t to -"' ....... "'"' ,, .... r:1 ,...... irfl• bv m1:i Ii\ the ll'lltl&ncl word· rp. P6 '°s. r.w rin. 2 \VEEKS l.ret rent to aualJ. e 1pa .. -. -•"' -:i• CO · en, re1. 1 @pl U1.011. .,.. .. , ~w or ~.u .__.__._..._ ....... __.__._ IO. :J 34592 VI Cata1! 4$ 19'l' • , per ...,th. Once SIG AL MORTGAGE . mo. 645-QiOO . 4 SPARKLING CLEAN, 3 \'Oii -lop ,... ... No. """"" a na. -· !vino part-'. ) BR, 2\i !!A; ~ value. Take ad-<n4J 556-0106 ba 1 NF.t•r LARGr.: ' ""'". trnl!" ,_ 2 BR. 1 BA. ilae. call JodaY. '500 Campu Dr., N.B. 2'BR. DUPl. wil&rao pr, lldnn. 2 ' crpts,. ""'6. ' oft PllNl 'NOMAEIED iHl£U ti'< l'~r 1•-1• r-1 OC!WI VIEW .,......,,, new onlt1 lncludll ~1-1.,,....,!!!!' ... !"'!'""'-"!'!'""I $1!0. thru-oot bltlns, $2'15. Red 'Ill' $285 *** 131-0273. "''"'· patio, lnrtrv " I' --I ,TO. --~ ~. -··'I a 675-l1126 or !51.m! Clrpet Rltr, 893-Uil IH!S! SQUtj!S 1~ ~ -~ DMSION ,,_ .., -~ · ~-:--1 u . ~-.. ~ .. r. ~~~,~ - . Trust oled; any JrnOUll~ cozr. niatlc I br houle. 3 BR, lamlly nn. ll'plc. Ill • UNl!CIAMalO GET A!NAS~V.! LETTERS l l l l I I ">ne "" '""r -nppclnt-itnL llt1llm• pli: 618-5015 Ma· Beaut~· no pet. or ba. crpts • ~ bltna, _, • • • • , , 2 BR, 1 Ba;uvtn( rm_,_!!fntrcl' \..,.. day l• . ..,t,..he""'B""f""~="'u°"AY"°"tol jelt!o ~ Co child. 169. ~= ' ..... $295. ~ FIC anoN 700 """"· lrplc. patio ""' mo. Nn .. ad! Don t cWly, ' A aoocf want M ll • aoo<I' Lr Thi loltH! draw tn the Welt. ~"'=-.,.-..,..,,-.--.,....,..,-SCRAM·LETS' AN_SW£RS IN CLASSI • e<llll -ltla. 6'Jl-291! call today eo--. -. , , .& Dany Pllol Clulllled White Elephant Dime-A-Line'-~~=:=::::!:~::.:=..:.:=::=...::.;_:..:::..:::..:::;..; ________ , ' • • • • . .,._ .. --· • 1 :A..:!pt:.:;.. • .::U;.;n;;:•;;rn:;:. __ .;3::: I Aph., Apts.. 1 01;;.:....;11;;;";;.:....;R.::•"';;; . .::a1 ___ 440= 1 ;;~' no=n.::•h~ __ ._..,:.530;.:; 1 c~:;;ar"'IMl~.::Sorv::..:.l:.::"=---i:R:.::•:...mod=•;..l -'&_R_,op'"'•-lr __ 1H1lp W1n1acl, MI F 710 ·:.:'•:.:l!'..P..:.:.::;.;:;~=;;.;..;..;.;I Dana POlnt _cF_u;_r;.;n::. ;.;0:...' ;.;U;_•;_f u:::r:.:n::·_.::3:;70:....:.f..:u::rn:.:·:.;0:;'_U:;:nfu:.:.:,r;n;:_· ..;3::7.:..0 DESK space -availo.blf! $50 t"UU. '( L1CENSEJ5 JOI-IN'S Carpet & Upholltefy ROOM Addllton.Remodelt • DAY Babysitttor. M a t ~ .. r <' D0~,~~. n;rm: ~ H·1ntlngton S.1ch f-1 1intlngton Beach mo. \VIII provide furniture * SPJRITUALISJ' * t>ri Shampoo tree Sootch· Bids or Labor p 1u1 woman to care tor 3 N"• • ~ ' PAN 0 RA 1'i·1 C OCEAN I ;===;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;p;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.;; I a.I SS mo. Al1iwtring service Spiritual readings 10 am·lO sc:ard (Soll Rl-ta:rdanls\. materials. Mel Flcii:ner, children. Mon·Frl. 7:30-5:30. Delivery route, °' 1151 haw VIE\V, Ll'" 3 BR. 2 BA. ·i hi l7S7S Bl d d 1 -•t 1 1 ._..,9 l30 k ~ tr•••portatlon economical car Ovrr 23 I) a'ltll a f'. ~ach v . pm. II.. v ~ on 11.1 mattt'n Oei n'll.<JerB & ·fll to or 54,,......,.. . · w • v-vn ~"" · yN. old.-gd,. (uplelT\fnll'Y ~llii ~d bit~ l<ltchl'n. 6 w of; 1-tuntington Bea.en. 642-4321 312 N. El Camino 'Real, brightenen & 10 minute Sewing / Alttr.1tlont No. Hnta: Bch a r e a · .income. 3 hra. d a 1 l 1 , $310/~lb. Ad~lts. 4,7~~~· • • L • • 1617 WESTCLIFF-NB s492a~AC!emente, 492-9136, ~~each for whllebc~!.9..: 962-3007. A .. West:mln!ter, G.C., HD IUOU inie1• 1111na 21 •. , ,~, .,. ~· ~ • ·-· ~w yoor mon•y Y ...... A LTERAT!ONS, reSIYlinlr BEAlrrY operotor wa111~ ·-• ·-~·. CUTE, clean J BR f\pt, U~ I d (I "'~· .:..4.W, .w, orw ..... u. LIFE OR DEATH me extra trips. Will clean ladies ""'Ill', experienced w/ttJme followtna, Full or -.. · ~~ per. Avail Dee. Isl, Reis., t;, ""' '" !:. Ample t»'\<'g. Lcl our bllbltt !IV•. For Uvlng rm., dining nn .. & rcuonabi:. -•/!UN!, 192 C<nier St, Cella DEUVERY. pert ilnie, euty i Sl,75.~ A C--,J /? m U~' Baunw,ardner, 54J.SO.U. alti ti t ABORTION hall $15 Arty rm . $7.50, -M: 642--05.11 a.m. paper route.~ta ' I l ;E~a~•"'t "'B~lu~f~f~~===I ~ :/he L:a:ia-. on-lerreu· .QllJCE ... ~·1t.;!~Ulul view i!lU ves cmE 5.11-5522 couch $!0. Chair $5. is.yrs. r1l1vl1lon R.,..lr .... old M..a area. No 00 • ii d 5tl SQ • . • 11.A 1flll slnnd· 24 hn ' _exp.-11 _ what counll not ..... ,_n-...i..._ _ BEU.MAN Over 21 YJ'ltu • Use your car. LA e1, • E $125 per mo. Professionally • ' methiXtl -wo~f.' COLOR -r-.----.-.....-• -~.-.. •• nta t-o ' 1-C ~ -~r, -:- 0 LUXE • Let us sho\v you a OC\V \Vay of life in garden dt'COrated 640-l120 BEST ?-.1ASSAGE IN N.B. Good ret 531~101. _ reasoneble, moat ln home. manager btw-1-3 pm, E TA . .,...._ Uoni•t. ~ 3 BR. 2 BA opt for lro!!l'. setting apartments. Fireplaces, heated pools PROFESSIONAi. SUITE 3400 !Nlne Ave. Suite lOlB omERNARDO . &: Sons Free esUmate, H.B. N.B. 58&-6000 Laguna Hills Hilton D N d ,,u u '""'"P 1 tcdt • :1i 'di':tcg;:;~~r :~;~·~~ putting greens & much more. Personal: Xinl F.V. location. ,. exam ~ Brbtol) Open 8 AM. carpel ,., .. -installatlo~ ~~· Bert Gallemore. Inn. Tn~efil:ieni. c 11:'~~': r n·r. l ~n;:;,.~•il Poot & n.a~•· !t~!~n~~~gge:J:f:~dg&u~:~f1~~t~~~:;';~~~ ~~'.· ~;~: ~~~~ee, re<P . Temrts An;~ne! c":..::.1rc::. f lla . BOOKKEEPER :ti~/~!J::;:dC:,:~!1! ~1 • • $297 • we really· have fo offer. Sorry-ad'lllts only. LARGE fW'nishcd or un· Patrl~il ~j" _:~maier CERAMIC TILE NEW & office. Experienced. Late ~I 865 Amigos Way. NB 6551-G WARNER AVE:o H .B. 847-8526 furnished, erptd. d r p e d, y * DRIVEWAYS * model Free"' Sm jobO 20'HO's. hoUr1I 7.3, Salary ~· . ~tan!lgOO b)' N.B. lnd. ti.rea. S 8 5 . Auto Tran1port1tlon 525 SIDEWALKS· PATIOS w"et""__; "'"'" "i~. No E~r. Nece11•ry open. 979--6510. ·I wn.UAM WALTERS co. 46.l J'ESS JJ:IZALDUS. 9l9-96S9 w ..... --· ltud A U fu 6 724, IF ·.~ u .are lni....,sted in a '-"' Top Soll Good 1th Apt I DENTAL ASSI !STANT! l Huntington Beach . ·-0:pt:;.•....:o:.cn=r:;.n::, __ ...;::36:;:5: ,Apts., 300 SQ. FT. car'VJICIOI to anyWhere call ~:l...~ Patk>, ~ drives, C II W 979 -•1 For P~~lodond t st, /t me. ~t I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;, I -Furn . or U.nfurn. 370 Crpts, drps. $9'3. mo. Colita car pool service at 642-6589 "'alks-.,,:.,_.rs, saw &: * QUAlJTY * I •YM ~ Expandeu. utles, oppor. , I' _N_•_w,.po_rt_Bo.o,.f,_c_h;._ ______ cc..;;;:....;c;.....:o:.; f\lesa. 646-2130 arter 6 PM. . , remove. nee est. 544-$998 . * M1.JLOJ A: TOP 9JU. * FAR lllrl'f Ex~r. ~. Hunt. -nch. ': UNOER NEW * • 'WEEKS FREE * San Clemente Contractor -nw -n. , MANAGEMENT _. Business Rentat 445 DENTAL a11i1tant.,. • 2 BR. Blt-tns. Newly dee· Vista del Mesa LOVELY OCEAN Vu. nr. j(g] CUSTOM BU!lDER SERVICES, INC. ellalrslde; exp.-In all ·: orated. Encl garages. Beau· ADULT GARDEN tIO~fES N. Beach. 1, 2 or 3 BR. Combined Business Liit Incl FOUlllll Remod J~~e~ltng~,~pa~lio~s,:o:r_w~h~a~i i :l~jiiir.i,...ii•i-~-~ phuel22, expanded duUe1. : i tiful landscaping. Lt'g play IRVINE AVE. AT l\tESA no pets, 1541 Buena Vlsta, . have you. J ay G\lbM't. . lM--09~ • are, a child's dreiun. Close ~love ill w/deposits only S.Clem. 494-5370. And Living Quarters I 'miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~ licensed & insured. Lie: I)ENfAL A.ssi.stant, exper. 1 to shopping & schools. 2 Bedroom Rooms 400 Near beach. Location · ofl I 1 • 81-287852. 64&-ll55 1672 Reynolds Ave. f/time In x·ray& Call • Oiildrcn \\•elconie. SZ'hl $0uth Coast High'.\'ay. Ideal Found (free ads) 550 GERWICK ~ SON Job Wanted, Male 700 Santa Ana ..: Call -842-04Z:SOZ:::::. z:=:= 1 Dny & Night Sceurity, Pool. LI'{.E at the lieach S25 for ,\ntique Shop or Bou· , I Bl<lg Con tr. Add it &:: Remod 1 ;548:;;58~44;·;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:~1 Fow1i ai ns. Hee. Bldg. iv/ \\"k. Pine Knott ?.1otel, 6302 tlque. An1ple Parking. Brok· I-NI? Nov. 14, small Grayish State Lie. 81·114321 SCRAM LETS Equnl Oppor Employer . . b'lUard _, \\r. Coast Hwy, NB. 673--0440 e1· 497-1761 . ~te older male .poodle, 6-r,µ;(M l 54~2170 • i · Dl-L .L N··'·' VILLA YORBA exemsc rm, ' s, c~· VIC Bushard & Garfield [ mWOmlrl ...,_ ': or TY. Ea. Apt . has dish· V 1 • R OFFICE on Ne-rt Blvd. 96.i.6144 ' JACK Taulane, r e pair , A. NSWE'RS BOOKKEEPER, PI t 1 me · ANCIENT MARINER ., ~·l4/142·ff22 w11.sher, refrig, shag cpt & aca ion entats 425 ........ · rcniod add Lie B·l 269072 Xlnt conds. 890 Productlon 1 1, 2 & 3 Br. Unfom. prt patio or deck. 545-485.5. Avail. on lea,., Parlially FOUND female black Great My Way eo'. ft15..3'ro5. · Pi. >(.B. &U-1877 o r Day & N ghl •. ASPEN COLORAOO furn, carpeted, air/cond. Dane. Vlc. of Magnolia & 644-5771. 'l6l1T W. Coast-Hwy. ~:;;~;c utt~P;,i:au'ii::1•~::~ BLOCK to lx-•rh & bay. 2 Br, 1;!1;011"'~~{: fo~tu~~le !ii ft'"'=;O:.Pl'f.;'.;ho~~ J! ~~t.'~olUltain Valley, Gardonlnt Ca~~;,,,in H~ffiat Mangyl,B!;REAKF~~-~AST".""'"'Cook,....,..,-.-xpe-r. N~ ~~hpm MS::: 1 oome. l-ba., frpl ., C'nc·,. patio, Nf'W. children. 3 blks 1vaUHhg to avail. Ideal tor contractor. · Devaluation of the dollar Fast rehable. 5 :30 AM· "'""'"""""'"'""'""'""'""~I ; 1~~~'"""'"'""'""'""'"""" \ ly decol', carpeted & draped. to\~·n. 6 blks to lift. Avail 54Pr2616. FOUND Irish Setter, 8 LAWN SERVICE has made European travel 2 PM, 6 days. 673-7750. DISHWASHER, boUl'I 1U, l LEASE 1\•/option to buy, dJJly. 6 S2.iO ~o. for Christn1as. 2 V.'ecks. "Tl-IE Factory" has a Jrg nlonths, "'earing ~lack f1ea Exl)(!).'ienced Gardeners, AU n1ol'e expensive. Jn Italy, BUS BOY. Exp. 'bua boy Weekends ott . . v.·alk to bch, luxurious 2 Br, : T.J..366 642·2?53 Evrs. Rrf's. P.O. Bo..x 3465 Aspen, shop avail. $l&5/mo. ln tag & choke chain. Costa areas. Tree Trimming, you not only feel the PINCI-1, wanted for day shlft Nett-t ~3 2 Ba C.Ondo, In exclusive heh Colorado. or t3031 925--3843. Cannery Village 425 30th St., l\fesa area, 645--8748. !\101v, Edg!!, Cleanup Ne'.\' bu! the bite as well. appearance. Apply Beach EARN EXTRA • ·.24 DAILY PIL.OT Tutsday, NMmbtr 20, 191.) - ~~~~.~~it~~~raaulneda, Ja&· NB. 642-l960. I>'OUND .t~nale JrishCSetter. La:1'J\~ Spnnklerstaffr hDeomes, l~!!!J!.!!!~!!!'.!!!!?!!~~!\;iHi::ou~"§l::M:::, =La=gun~~a:;:~--Christmas money. S· ladiel ~ ~ Rentals to Share 430 Glendale" Lie. Vic. .l\I. ap s con1n1erc • pen· Job Wanted Female 702 1 landscaped, child & pets ok. PRESTIGE N.B. location -54g..7043 clable. Reas. rates. Prompt ' for part time work. From · •------l·~l~JlO~P<'~l'~mo~~-~C~ai~l~642:::·~17:63=t.:~====:::::i SHARE 3 bdrm home. Business suite 915 s.f. 45c 1'·rce Estimates. NEED help at home? We CHECKER AUTO your home.~. oi'tirt"S"PM"536!11 -. s · s.f. Yearly lease. Ne"~rt FND, fem, German Shep., 53+3144 or 5.~. TI87 have a1·d-, nu r' e ', • ELECTRONICS t-nught, m ature. Student PL Rlty; GT":>-3600 vie San J uan Capo, l\tiiaj<>!', ..... NEW BEACH APTS. -PARK NEWPORT OK. 642--0328 or 551...ffil7 $115/UP, NU st--. ot11·-,, 11·12. 493-7689 or 496-3563. GARDENER of 22 yn ex-ho u s·ekpn;,. conipanions.. STORES -No ~per. Necnaary DELUXE 3 BR' OCEAN APARTMENTS 1,::•'cc1•c.r_.o6::_· ------"''° " I per. who is knowledgeable H omema ke 1· s Upjolm 'fraln At Full Salary. VIE\V GIRL to shr 2 BR apt, in indlv air & he~t. elevators, r·S~?-.1.h ~UPP)'.· Ger ni a~ & proud of his work seeks, ',540,7-="'·"1'-. ~-~~~~ Benefits, m/t, 18-34. • J 125 Sth St.. near the pier. Bachelor 1 or 2 Bedrooms La.."llTla Beach, Sl20 mo. 17301 Be-ach, HB, 842-2834 e~ ef d ~g· ... ~~ 4 or 5 add maint jobs.'FoUR weeks of hard work Is o ffering excep· INTEllVIEWS NOW includs dbl gar. 540-844' ;rnd Townhouses &>1-6760 day" 40!-5962 e'es, 1736 Anaheim Cl\f. Nr. frwy. _wee ' n · ~ ' George Hampton. ,... yow·s upon phoning, Call Army Opportuniti.. I Untum - 2 Br, 2 Ba, d•1'S. Fr. l lOI ;o Open 9.s Daily Fayne 600 Sq. Ft. Grou"d Floor. FEMALE grey Po 0 d I e • * ~~lS * Number 5, 6'13--9729, N.B. tionol opportuni-_ (7141 MS-1163 I crptfl, cl06ets galore. Sunny ~i:ross tro!:~~ashion 1;,";' 30 "ids SHARE HOUSE OR APT. \\'/parking. $llS. 673-2654· snlall, vie Indianapolis & PR01''E$10NAL gardenel', Help Wanted M & F 710 • Electro Mech. & brt,;;ht. Hot &. cold "'ater at J an 1 borrc on San JoaqUui SAVE U$ lfO~tE-PARTNER Florida, H.B. 536-3282. tree work, Prunin g, ' ty t o persons rn· Inspectors j pt.· 1 . Child, no pets. $la5 Hills Rruvt 83S-ll9'1, 54Prl479 Industrial Rental 450 FOP UNDulyoPoung 1!ernai6_ ,e250dog, sprinklers, cleanup jobs, ~ ..... ~~-.-t erest ed in retail Expcr. to '3 hr. mo.S31~15 en1ns a in . 1.>""'I • l andscaping. George, -v-•--~~-· WESTCLIFF I 1714) 644-1900 WORKING girl would Like to HARBOR & WARNER . &IG-5893. Accountant to $HK coreers. We hove eWALK TO BEACH OCEANl'RONT -Darling share 2 BR condo w/same. ! Lost 555 EUROPEAN Gardener . General ?-.1an<>o-cr Personnel Agency B-~ ·-v t 2 & 3 BR c $U5 mo. + utils. ~7622 ·~ open1'ngs for cosh Cl\1a.rk rn Cenler) •••nu'""' • · · ar· 1lew 1 BR. Spiral stairs 1400 f 7000 ft Maintena.nce -.Landacaping. 01en1/Phar1n to S25K • 542.s836 f pets, drapes, blt·ins. tn loft BR. Ingle Nook. 1vet FEl\I., 25 to 35 11hare fuAl., sq. t. • to sq. · LDST black & beige long Tree Removal v er., AccounVCost to ~ ·1ers, counter soles 1S5l E Ed. s A I 22116th St. 8'17-3$7 har, cpts, clrps, Df\V, 2 Br house, CdM, 54~960 n1inutes to all lreCYiays & hair tabby cat. Ans\vers to reasonable. 642-s.129 eves. J. Sr. Chemist. to $16K · mgcr, · · ~ALK TO BEACH Yrly/67"~1536. " 67'.l-8262. O.C. rurpoti. Nino. Roward. No questlo"' • Toleproc...mg, 360/BAL cle;ks & monog· e· ElecU'O mechanical lnJnin&. , Pl:.IE BAH.RETI REALTY aslced. 557.23'lJ e v cs , EXCHANGE new .v el v e I Programmer $121< No exper necessary. Good l 2=·fs~~i:~:l·l·bl9itinsor. Delu."<e_ fl._pJs, s~ps ·1o beach. -Garages-for J<ent -435 642·4353 8~1514 ext 212 days. sofa. for landscaping, yard Exec. Secretary $750 ment trainees. Ra· benefits, good working oon· J 847 _ 3957 . . 2.3.4 brs, _frplcs, crPtS, loiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LQST' half ,.,....wn-lil\ie -....r-t "-1>l'k • .CAU.9'f'9....l525. r-.tarifcting Secretary_ to $1.0Q. diHons. Hrs. 7run·3:30pm $2. DOG RUN 2 Br, $159. D·pt /dl'pS, pool, gar, child ok. 842-3546, 842-45114. NEW APT, adults, pets, ~<:: ml. to bch. 2' Br, huge patio/fenced yd, 1 story. im. 846-31'6. . 2 BR, crpts, drps, bltns. carport. Nr. shp'g, sch! & trwy. $165. 1 child ok. No pets. 646-3786; 54S-010Q_ LGE 2 BR, lY.i Ba Studio. Encl gar. Infant OK. No pets. $157 .50/rno. 847-4440. * • 2 Br new paint. closed gara~. 6iild & small pet ok $150. 847-8149. bltns, yt'ly. From $2'25 mo. MINI WAREHOUSES NOW LEASING sianlf!Se ~le cat. 1N'~t General Services LOOn ~rv. Counslr -sioo pid-e d voncemen-t-, -hr-to-start.. Apply at:.J,28l.G " Broker, 6T.i-49ll STORAGE Sec'y/Dictaphone to $650 I b f Logan St, Costa Mesa. w SPACIOUS 2 BR, 2 BA D\V, No l\Iove·i11 o1· · l\love-0ut Huntington Bearch t'c~~·are~.ve~c\\·~. Mee::; "THINGS'' by l\loose. Gen'! Payrlfl'ypist/Pvt. x nt ene its. Inter· occo•lc.l.0541>-00S.;:;,~2'===---t..-- hltns, 2 patios, nr Hoag charges. 1''i'Oln $i .50 prr NEW M--1 Jane, s.;~IDW or 5-10-4478. Carpenu·y, Repairs. Pluni· Oub $600+ viewing Fri. 1 pm· ENGINEERS IIosp. Adults. $220 mo. month. I 9'10 Sq. 1'"'1:. & UP bing. E 1 e c. Remodeling 'i/C Bkkpr/SecrctarY '300 -No E.~per. Necessary 642-1387 Hainilto·i & No»"lt"Yf St:, HB ' J-lan1illo" ': "TP."•land St. LRG Blk Lah approx 80 lbs. 642-5613. Sec')'/Purchasing to $600 5 pm et I I I E. Train At 1'"\lll Salary, 1700 WESTCLIFF OR. ALLSPACE 960-1970 ~~. ~iJ.9~8 .. ~~~c~b~~ Carpentry, electrical, plumb-tns~rance Ocrk $550 I 9t.h, Cnste Mesa. Benefits, n1/f, 18-34. 2 BR, 2 BA. Blln appliaru..-es. 960-1970 ----~ "R ing, !ix·it. F & B Ho nie ~~~tOlc f\Iedlc.al t~ r INTERVIE\\IS NO\V Pool. 642.-627-t S~IN_G_L_E ___ -~, --, l * sosTA MESA * ~z1i. ~2994. e ward. Repalt, &12-1400. "'cctng Clrk ~~.-•AN\ 124 s. Bristol. s. Call 1\rllml4yl ~po1163rtunilie1 car garage or ren 300-1,~74QO sq. fl. Private II '' ~., ... , •.~r-~ ,,...,.... 1 81~'.C~~:'?JlI !"um S20/momh Hun tington office•. Pl•n~· of parking. ~:;/;', b?;';,;"~~/r..::"'l"',~~ Hau "I ' :%WJii"'\~= Ano. 13862Tostin, F/C Bkkpr. $1541 I incl. S4Prl930 Beach. Call 9 79-1070, Readyforocl'upancy. · '-im, f"fl ear i\·on't stand LOCAL moving & hauling .PER50NNEL' S A E JO Fee Paid 'Also Fee Job3 646-2687. C. ROBERT NATTRESS, " ' b stud t '·-t k nJ\m..tc ' no. q uo p · WESTCLIFF NE\V J BR, 2 BA, YR.LY ( up. RE\VARD?· 536-3151 or Y en· ..-..&.. rue · 1".Vll""tL · 2 BlkR to heh, $295. IH2-7914, Office Rental 440 Costa ~Iesa RLT. 979-6571 :ttB-4924 anytime. Reas. Barry. 534-1846 or SERYlCES•AGE.f\K:Y por. Employer m/ Prr80nnel Agf'ncy &12-3188 6~7. f (l\Jark III Ce11te1'i PRESTIGE 4001 BIRCH, NB LOST • Pearl brooch Sat. YARD, garage clean-u·~ 4.S8 E 17th St. fat ll'\-ine) CM • ;).t2-S836 \VATERF'RONT apt. 2br. eve. Broadway near ,. . ., Sultl 224 64214701.,,..,....,,,..,..,..,..,...,.1 newly deC<lr. $27S/mo. Util OFFICES · 3600 sq. ft. 15c per sq ft s"·enson's or parking lot, remove dirt, ivy, driveways, • 1; ....c1:::65::;lc.:::E:..· .::>"1::o::tng,,cr::'c:.·.::S:::·".::· __ 1 pd. Slip avail. 673-2182 Fountain Valley, Beauti· ~~w going ratr, I!:._~!~· Laguna Beach, Reward, stumps, grading. 847-2666 ~· Vu• ¥-: Cl-tRJt~lANProf f\1 ~ s i le iab1.1rs FEMALE help. Ex pet ful b Ud . d iv e, strg. Baum .... _.,,,.,.,r 49!J...21'.m. SKIPLOADER & dump truck . . "'an . . ess1ona a i I· helpful but not necelS. Full "YEARLY HOME" 2 br. 2 new u mg, groun 541-50.~2. \\/Ork:. C.Oncttte, asphalt, ACCOUNTING tY •.. o"·n. eqwpt for Evangel· & part time. Apply Mandeb blk Crom bch & hay. Or.iy floor, 3.000 :square feet. M~-=1 -'4"',flXJ"'-,-i_n_co_m_p~les_w_aJJJ_ SIAi\1ESE Cat, fen1. liipayed, sawioi. breaking. 846--nlO. Keypunch ~r•tor & lo;11c MJni•ltY.53&-8161 Gary Newport. 21 Fuhion llland. $220. ulil pd, 673-1909. will divide into .smaller l 2 front pal\·s decla\\'ed. Green p roll Tri · Sa J C • offices. Sile per "lllare '~Is & oUice" 12c per Valley FV ru~a. Roward, 32 FT. FURNITURE Van •Y roonH CLERJcli! ! t FOREMAN, • n • r r,r) l c, 2 BDRM. new crpt & drps, n uan ap1strano foot. includes carpets, sq. fl. 51;)...1640. 1374F 96.S·l297. for local turn hauls & gen'l Co. in Irvine Indus area mechanically incllnll, to 5 min. fwy & bead\. $140. Lrg now duplex 2 BR 2 drapes, all uliilHes, Jani· Logon, Costa Me"1. LOST Diamond ring, 3 hauling. 54tH862, 5'17·2736. needs tralnee !or payroll 6 EXPERIENCED nm shipplqf " ~ .mo .. !ml .. ~1898. . .sA.. :.kllr .• gar,. f n 'e d • lnr service. Call Marizyn M-1 13ro SQ. ft. 786 Newton •looo<. tiffany s e 111 n g , HAULING $12 a toad, m1ail gen'! ofc duties. Also, exper. No exp nee. ln 1Upervislon. 2 BR, 1 BA. Bit-ins, cpts, d:rps, 1 blk to beach $175 mo. 645-3053. 536-1336. QUIET,.. H.-ir new lge h/yord. Xtras. 493'1l37'·or··-SlovaU ... tn<l .. =-·--· WOY,_~. $200/mo. Lease. Reward, 492-3407 or tree removing. 7 days • opr on 029. Good •laning TRANSCRIBER Xlnt Mure.-. l Br. frp\c b1tns en('! gar. 495-0712. Call &&tsSO:-s:G. ~~---~ 492-.1001 v.-cek. Call 646-2948 rate & fringes. FULL time aervlce station Ad~$!'l'.P,~-'--_ NE\V.-nevei.· _been.---1ivcd _in. . RENT 600 sQ. ft. $100/MO. LOST: Male pt. Siamese kit· CLEAN·UP, TR.EE TRThf· Appl)' Typing lpeed fi0..'5 w.p.m. t attendant, exper ' pre I . ' BR. I BA. bit.ns, garage. 2 BR, t Ba, w/gar, laundry 2>H Ratxiolph, CM. (Shop ten. v;.,. Irts & Yolilh MING. HAUL!l<G, prompt. COLEMAN SYSTEMS Will be trained on MTST. Unifonns !urniObedC"Appiy $1'5 mo. Ask for Dale, mom, & ocean v;ew. $250. 1'o. 91 Cail 615-5U6. Center, CdM Heartbroken. rea.onoble 847--8125. 188'2 Teller Avo. Apply in the Union Oil Stn. 261TI La Paz !lliZ-4471 mo. 49~9676. Rentals Wantacl 460 &>H.'!57. ffiASll HAULING Irvine ·Penonnel Dept ~~t • Crl.santa. MV. 2 BR. 2 ba delu."< pool side Apts., DK Calico Ott . w:i\•hite G1\RAGE CLEAN-UP Equal Oppor. Employer m/f 1.-fon-Wed, 9AM-12 Noon \ .iiiioiii._ .................. 1 ~nrFlbc.hda. $1~.; .. ~~ns etc. Furn. or Unfurn. 370 WIDO\VER, prof., straight, stomach & flea collar. $10 pick·UP load 546-0101 ACCOUNTING PACIFIC MUTUAL lOOO'o FREE """"" on , .J.W'<.>00<>· nr 50 1 vexed with living Narcissus CdM "Ami". Bet. HAULING • Anythlng & -N~. Exper. Necessary 1 ' Costa Mesa alone, like to shr abode 6. 640-8510 aft 6. 6734607. everything. Call day or Triun At Full Salary, 100 Newport Center Dr ALL FEES PAID l::rv:..I:::"':.:...------;:.:;.:;,::..:.;.;:.:;.;:_ ____ FTRST month rent ·fl-ee. expenses with a stimulating MALE black & silver shag· night· Jim 494-9874. Benefits. mfl, 18-34. N~rt Beach BY EMPLOYERS THE 'EXCITING Deluxe ollices nr airport. single guy ar gai, Ph gy poodle, vie. of Adams H I I INTERVJE\VS NO\V Equal' Oppor. Employer ·m/f 21~· 2 Ba. ~\'1""t Square. PALM MESA APTS. l, 2 & 3 Rm. •Pae°' from 642-4312 alt 9pm I• be•! & Bushard. Fomlly pel for ounc Nn "I Call Army Opportunities $ CASH $ Call ~· -~v7.~ NQv. 25th. ~1.INUTES · TO NP't'. BCH. $l3S per mo. Janitorial \VANT tG rent 2 Br hse. 7 yrs. 962--3-111 . Dedicated Clearning (TI 4 l 645-ll6J CLERK TYP1Sl' PERSONNB. ' .o=.o-.::.."'~=-----I Bach 1 & 2 BR fro $150 sc1'\·ice & ample parking. A ntl Cl k """' 'L Boa ' . m &13-3223 Bel. noon or Lg yd, gar, have pet>. REW<\RD! Rro lrish Scllec, *WE DO EVERYTHING* • ccou. ng "· .,_ -No E>P<'r. Necessat'>' . aguna Ch Adults, No Pets. 83.1-2S40 alt. noon. Preferrably unfurn \\'/CJlltS. male, 11 mos. old. whtte Rels. Fi:ee est. 6,l&-283.q Fee P~1d. Plush offices. Out· Train At Full Salary, AGENCY 1561 Mesa Dr. drps, bltlns. 54S.1141 bef. star on chest. vie. 19th St. standing Car(!('r for you~ Benefits, n1 /f. lB-34. * FOR RENT * (5 blks from Newport Blvd.! 881 DOVER DR. N.B. 5 pm. A'k for Kris. C)ll. ~ JAPANESE lady to do Coil A"n Chri•tlo, >'16-8505, INTERVIEWS NOW * 833•9770 * CHARMING 546--9860 3 cfo"" ofc bldg w/·~1v housecleaning. ,;o,,.......i...nced. Control Car(!('r Emptovme•1t Call Artnv Opportunities 1 ndrm t b Poll ~ •J • • ~..... OCC. Prof, \\ife, 3 yr old LOST Reward, h Ion de rin ..i .. ., ~'"" .::196~.---A 3400 · J ~ 4019 Westerly Place -P • ap · Y Cl')' Huntington Beach Luxuriously App o in 't e d .-6...-~-......,. vur.1 • gency, Irvine Blvd., (714) 645-ll63 Shack: walk 10 lx>ach & Suites 500 sq. ft ._ l2,000 desires luuw·u Ilse \11/gar. •Cocker Spaniel named Jia!n~l~to~r~l~a!l=:=:====1.~N~.B~ . .;;;~~.;;:~::1-~ti;;;;;~~~ii lSu.!te 201 Nev•port Beach everything. Hdl\'d. f Ir s. DELUXE adult po o I sl de sq. ft. Aniplc parking. N.B. or E. C. l\I. 49.1--0310 • Gregory, ID tag, Vic ::.: COMMERCIAL I MacArthur & Birch) Ocean vu. Includes stove garden bungalow, nr ocean, 642-4910 .:.N:.:e-"w,J>Ort=;_:_Pi:.:er:!'-"642-=:::1M2:::._ __ ,oRANGE Cal Janitortal A FUN PLACE Please.Call for Directions ASSrefrig. $200 Month. frpl, lrg patio, 6 pools, NE\\' deh.1."<e offiei? space for -l(1iii14] LOST: Irish Setter, male, li}'ltem. now expan d I n g T TELLER MI ION REALTY 494--07:11 sauna, trnnis. 846-0259. lease in choice Mission Vie--vie. Victoria School. Family bu 11 l n es•, Qua 11 t y 0 WORK Lido Isle Also 1 Br. From $135. jo Auto Plaza. Good ij~iijiiii~·ijil 12pe:o·;,:t._.:!Wc::..:w:.:ard=·_,:54S-=.::'15Cl!=·c..._ guaranteed service at fair Experienced l & 2 BR Mature .du!._ freeway off ramp at Averv GREAT pane / Shep mix rates. 548-«rJ& for free bid. c:'l/ ~ 1 BR APT, IMi\tED OCCU· order children ok. 960-u'ii Park\\-ay. Call owner. PaUl Announce-ments 500 mile T mo. 'N77 Orange Masoriry Jh / UNITED GENERAL C~ERK Accounting background bet~ ful. Ute typing (40 w.p.m.) req'd for this poslt\on ln llunt. Bch. Will ·tra.1.n. Caµ !or appt. 842-7751. UNIGARD INSURANCE • r~. (213) 281-§406 OR aft 6; OI' Julie, 639-1600 B1· ... etht. &11-1400. A FARh'LE FOR JOHN Ave, c . M. Reward OO-'r.ll6 . e euben CALIFORNIA BANK wkdays 01'~FICE/Desk S;pacc: Su!)('r· ON HIS 23RD BIBTI-fDAY LOST Calico cat 9 month, ALL types of brick block 3141 E. Co11t Hwy. i:M::.::•::'"::...V::;•::,....:.:::....----GARDEN Apts. 2 & 1 br, ior Secretarial. SD · r•Wyi * O}t FARKLE·FARKl.E * _female, vie Elisa · &: &: slumpstone work. Ftte l. ofe Coron• del Marr f .. -,' unf1•n 1. No nh1'ld1·en Beach Blvd., liB. Crpt, dr~. TO YOU'. Margurite DP 4"" """0 est. 963-1855. 67'9240 •HOME ATMOSPHERE -;'~~. 19822 Brookhurst, air, prklng, jitnltorial. ~-ALWAYS . KAREN ANNE, ' .. lJIMl•o. P•intlng A • f! "' Equal Oppor. Emplo~ m/f GENERAL 01tice A..ts1ane; Exp A. mablrity deslral>le, Hours Dexible, 979-8699 or: 8600. Dlx 2 & 3 Br, $170 up. retarial lOfr discotmt; phone RICHA RD. B 0 0 G I E, p hi I Rental Ole, 3095 Mace Ave. Newport Beach ans1..,cr: Xerox. No lease VALENTINE .. TRlPPER, [ --~ 1~ aper ng nt Now Hiring 546-!034 Bachelor Furn $205 req. R47·8001 . ~T~l~P~P~Y~&~"RA~!NB~~O~W~.~! . .....,,. .~ SJ'ORE ·FRONTS,,ROOMS & COO~ GENERAL Office. Go o Newport Bearch 2 BR Unfurn. $23S SUITE next to Liquor Store BLDGS. EX, LE'TI'ERING BUSBOYS -No Eicper, Neeessary typist, Knowledge of a/r, &. Restaurant. Lrg 1000 sq. 1 E.'CPEltT WORK. 645-8830 Train Al Full Salary, a/p: Postin& to ~ 2 BR.. close to heh. Furn or Ocean View. Yearly lease. ft. $275. 846-1.323. .__.......... If• I Accountl-* PATCH PLASTE!illlG * Beneftts, m/f, 18-34. Call >48-MU Mn. Malter. unfurn. Yrly or \\'intel'. Heated Pool. Adults Only. rwo--· "• All types. Free fftimates INTERVIEWS NOW' -~ LI'S BRISAS APTS. "Make Room tor Daddy" '"-;;;;;;;;;~~ ACCOUNTING I Call 54().&25. DAY & NIGHT Call Army Opportunlli<t Girl !'rl, Buena Pk to 2 BR .. 2 ba. Yrty. $265. 5515 River A;;. NB : : : t~~~h.'\u/W:~n~ • TAX SERVICES PROF. Walleovertnr state < 714 > 64S-ll83 ~1' Secretary to Ask For ?-.f.ike. Call 642· with a p~·1 Pilot Classified :...P•:;'..:'°":;;.:a:;l;.• ____ ;;530:::: Rrnsonablc ca 11 (n4.) lie. No. 279514, iJwlr,, all COOK· for dilld da.v care Ex--~~OranpL ) to JONES REALTY, 673-6210, Classified Ai:.. • 642-567t ad. Call -"--"-6~ ~6 . · ~-,of paper. 714 : Apply 3-5 dally center. Year round. 5 hoan ~· ,._'y L.A. to -....,10. 1oroo • , ask for Rick. d•v S2 an hr "5-65TO J'ile Supervisor \ Apt. Unfum. 36SApt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unlurn. ;J65 / / • B b 1111 151 E Co 1· Hwy -· ' · Claims Examiner• ..P:favpu • y• "' PAJNTl>IG. lNT/EXT. N • ..:,.r1"B..ch . ~Kl ZExperfene<dbl -• fl)!~· Ele<lriclan Costa Masar Costa Mesa ~osta Mew r J "ii BABYSIT my home day· REAS, RATES/FREE EST. PP Y u es, ~...., E . ....,..st Skrelary Mktng Bt kl. nights·weekend. By bo_ur da)' .A.M. KINLEY 9'f9..6160 Equal Oppor. EmploYtr Hwy., CdM Mf.9884. Sec'y Leatl Orange • / or v.·cek1y play room-fenced PRQF. painter. honest work, COOK • Breakfast needed Prosram Mgr $221 tr au yard. Near. Eader School reas. Int/ext, free estimate. ACCOUNTING CLERKS lmmed. Must be exper. for ~~~ Component.I 11 d 968-8065 Rels. 548-2159 1)42.39U, TRAINEE fa11t operaUOn. ~. ·rJVUUJ..'1. Une M&nllft ll!011lf:1l ., l -ltl;.lll\~ HI .QUALliv, LOW>$ G':!'al ot>POI'· to team .,,. cop.yw-.RI T-ER'-Tnde ~~ * JOHN * to babysit 1~2 children. Fen. Llc Ins Refs • e 542-1701 cOunting. TyJ>! at least 45 A.uoclation for S e z: v t ·c e call Jtamde ..,!!!.._ ced yard, meals. Nt Npt. , , words per min. ucurately. Bus1oeu needt cop)'Wrlter A .Sid ~ ' -,: !Jil'. -1: . > ' IN1f.~XJ ,f!AINtlNG . ~6ut~'1f acQ!>f'llnc to lo ~· (1\lbllC relallool. ' ' H1w1:."8itr - BABYSlT!'!NG tn my home Free E'1 if"m'!i@:SID " •• "lfl'K<y ·--& ·~ l'i'9!ii"'Y "-' · . • ' LOVE, Costa Mesa area '. INT/EXT PAINTING '.r::bel~~~il!°~i ho".;..,"l:i•· send~~·-~ ~=~~f~'I! JANA, SHARON, References.642-0384. EST. \\'a.llpaper 541).7887 4361 Birch, NB.""· P .O. Box ~nta An&, , '42-3171' • t MICHELE, BILL Corponter SEMl·REflRED pntntor. No ASSISTANT Manager, eam. 97701. Equal Oppor. • KANDI & SHAD-0 JOb loo small. 27 years ex· 1'raJi1ee<. 'eoum.. Giru Employer GIRL oeu Dr! I TOMORROW'S Senior CiU· Re,;::.sro~ :.l!'.'°~hat perie,ce. Ref. &42-1255 Fry QJoP. Oays, NI .... COUNTER girl, -wfcbes, old. ~=r, 19- zen.'l: Mature woman, aver· have ~. Jay . Gilbert. Plaster, Patch, Repelr rp/~ ~w:~~ "f day ahift, apply in penon ~. 1990 Harbor Bl age height &. wetght, man)' Licel\led le intured. Lie; • 885 ~E. D at The Stalion Uquor, 6()10 ..:CM;;;,:;·~:::;;;-:"°"::"."''""'-4il intettSt, nearing 60, no 81·287852. 646-1150. QUALITY plutttirlg a 11 ~Box, • lTlb St., Wa.mtt Ave., , Jiuntqt.on GOOD exp'd phone Cal _.. t1.ches or pains yet;· Would CA fU>ENTRY Plumbing type1 Restucco, Spanish • Beach ed: Full or par( Uine. Cllll Ukc 10 con·espgnd wllh gtn--!\JI Home RePatrs. ~ yn: texture, add.-We guar clean A~ MAKES DELIVERY man lor early 4.96-0lli2.104" ,m., · t i lleman notll' the ""''e oge; exp. Small JOO. OK. ·rm & nice jOb. -CHRISl'lllAS THE SEASON morn. newspaper home * GUAltOS :f I llnanc~lly independent. est. 541-EOO. * PATC'H PLASl"ERING * . TO 8£ JOLLY delhtecy , ih N.Q. Mqst br. OPENINGS NO ! M?n.c;e of humor with basic NEW mod 1 re Pa 1 r , All t~. Free estimates Earn extra money for gilts 18 4 haw tn11ured, depend--FULL It PAR'!' TIME I n1oral prinetple11. Write: tran' r: ti 1~ St ·r. Call 540...6825 as en AVf?N Reprcstntnttve able CAt._~ oer mq. + •Re~ ok ~ • ClassUied Ad # 16 fkltg\C&.ho~g, titc. ji~~ Plumbl-in ~~ ape.rt time. call: bonus. Call LA Tl.mes, e Xlnt Of>portuntty t°l:'llltiliit ~ OWiy Pilot, P.O. Box 1560 91)Z..l96l. "•-540·'l'MIL 1 • 642-4im · Studenti , ,--•Ti \~ Co.•a Mesa, Calli. 92626. L.R. OTIS PLUMBING BABY S ITT!lR, II le DEL!VER'r.Dm \IP to 151), e Car "'"PMtle i<q.~-4\~ ..... PROBtDt PregM.ney.-~ ~type! carpentry, fix ju!lt Rt modtls & ReJ>fiir:f. W~ter houacheepinl. Pt.Uy, pit. a day. Uae your car-. 10 •Time A \,t for O\'el' 40 l fident. 1ym-p11.th ettc al>i>Ut an)ltt!lng around the het1ters, dl;:polals,·rurnace.<11, Own-car. l~r cblldrea, MH pm, f73..0ZB <tt alt 1,JNIVERSAL-" l ' ·• ~regnaney COUt11J<?ling. Abol' ho.,.., etc. !i.16-Ul4.I. dshwashii. 642-'213 MIC & Call M·F, S.5PM 6iJ420 -4pm.-cat1~·, -PROTEC!'I01'r813iVl ~ tlon &. adoptionl ref. Caroef Serv\'• B/'1 .. Co1nr>I.~ Plumbln.1 BARMAJD . Attractive $2.25 You don'tinre:t'ia riin tD 403 No. Harbor Dlvd., ·~ :~1 · APCARE ) &0-4G Service, Lit. <rl'b9'4. • ptt hr. Noexper. ~· "Draw Fatl .. ,wbtn )OU Santa Ana Phone 5'12·1117 or write Floor ore I Windows · No jOb 100 small N"""°" 'Blvd., CM. bet. Pilot Want Adil Call ·-'l1lt -"''"'ta tlJo I ALCOHOl,ICS -C•rr.I Cloonlnt PLUMBL~G REPAIR 'The EllCloode· Aol>i.Y: JIM place an ad fo tho Dally 1154-l<!ll •:...:...===============::.::=.!.!!!!=::.::.=.!.!=::::::: 1'.0 . Box 1223, O>sta M .... Duldl Malnt. Sor;, 6.l7-J50ll i\'HO-llti1' lf!-11 A,Jli. --• • .O PUol • • ' ' J ,. -I j • ' • TutsdAY, N.,.mb<r 20, 1973 DAILY PILOT ~ ;!!f:)w!};::;•;;n~..aEf.~Mfi="r..:iF]7~1:.o'!.::r!:::r!:P::-.:.w~;:•~•:::•::ld~::_;.-.M~."~7&;}~!:1!£.oC1'"'H"o-r-p~W'"1-n'"i.11"",""'M,,...,,."'F==o·.,.H""•""lp""w="1n""i.11...,.,"'M,_.,.,..,F"'1"1"'0...,.,Hot~p"'w"on....,.i;;J...,.., 1\in-:ir-·=-F"'7"10:--.H...-•""ip"'W='1n"'1'"oc1"',.,M,....i.,F;"7;;1·•o'.'iF;:'.u:::rn:if::tu:::r•~--...:.;,ii1-irolip.i:1.~no~1/:;;0;;:rg;;,;;;.;:,.:..:...-;9ii2ii6-:iPPi1A.,..,.;;;;;7nos;r:OgoA.nu1:--tau . , Delivery-Sunday Only OF DAILY PILOT TO CARRIERS. RE- QUIRES THE USE OF A LARGE STATION WAGON OR VAN. CONTACT MR . HARRY SE;ELEY, SSO WE~'T BAY STREET COSTA MESA'. TELEPHONE 642-4321 FOR AP· POINTMENT. ' TRAVEL TO EUROPE MASSIVE Maple Table wltl\ • PIANOS Or learn the skill ol Yout 6 Treilla Maulve ~ • • ORGANS choit.."t. In\'tit ouly 2 yeaN Bade Chain le 2 nus, • S~'CRETARY MOTOR ROUTE . and Today'• Army will 1'1610rang..Ave .. C.M.a1t 5. FULLERTON MUSIC The Daily Pilot bas an opening for a -driver to guarant .. G:;' Europa or the M1chlnor~ 116 Our Nowost bocollon deliver papers to carriers in Laguna Beach· best traln around. FOLEY carbide tool irlilder, 13191 "Euclid, FountAln Valley PERSONNEL SECRETARY Sou th Laguna ~Ionday through iJ'iday after· liyland Laborator1eti ha.II an CALL COLl..EC'T & Foley shop grind(>r. 314 l Blk. No. of San Diego Frec- noons and Sunday morning.-Salary plus aulo lmmediate opening Ir! the tn4l '558-2005 Npt Blvd .. N.B. 1 ""''-Y at ~ie5711~ ....... allowance . Phone Harry Seeley, 642-4321, tor pe(SOnt1tl depan:mtnt. The TRAINEE tor Ute auembly, •l - a ppointment. ._ · _:J::' .,!;i":"wp: ~'".\','.;~ packaging & lhtpplng, Costa M11coll1noous 818 Rentals from $5 hand. Excellent comnlunlca· Mesa area. Xlnt future All equal oppor[unity·employer !Ion• skiU. are • mui!. Ap-potential, 11.11:>$2.00 hr. NOVEMBER 21. 23, 24, 25. • Pl "G d1 .:_ E I """-6tart. 971HIGOO. Two carpel.a 9 x 12 $8. 1n.os ran .. ""' qua vt't'Vrtunlty Employer pllcant must be hla:hly or-TV ~,.,1~rn a. cl)lllan $5. toyi; & gamea (Tonka New apu:iet1 from $495 ~...,.,,-..,-7';.-.,,.-==.....,.~--------I H I W d 7 0 ganized If\ order to hnndl e "£,\.,n4, .... .u~~ V"n trucks) 5c·$5. Toaaten $2.· 5 styles and finishes iln Wa.nttcl, M & F 710 Help Wented, M & F f_lO • P •nte , M & F 710 .rf1lp W1nted, M & F 1 heavy phone usage and ablk-& outside ntan. Xlnt oPPt $7. Dual hotplate $5. ToolK Wurli tzer Crand Straug :1 , lty to handle varied aa:dgn· with long eiilabll1hed firm, ~-$5. Pola &. pans 20c·SS. Upright piano ........... $69 PIANOS -OROANS I New a. U.ed. Great 1elecUon. \ Compe<ltwe pri<es. Open tVff. I: sundayt. The best ,_ deals are alwe,ys et: W ollich1 Mu1ic City South Cou1 Plaza 541).2830 FREE ORGAN LESSQNS 81 k>nK Ill you llke! Adults welcome to attend Tund&y nil'ht at 7:00 PM. W~ want everyone to leun to play the organ! Tom Dieterich -tn charge 642-2$51. Coast hfuslc. Newport Blvd. at ..... 1-larbor. CM. Et.P WMted for beautlfUl JEWELRY SALiES MAINTE,.ANCE R11I Estate Lic1n1lng menta independently in the Apply 401 Main St., Hunl·.Ncw translltor radkJ sa. weaver Spinet ......... $145 supptr_.club. Wt need,el<per. Exl)(!r. helpful, not ne(.-tu. MECHANIC :.et us pay half ot your u. supervisor's abf>ence. lngton Beach. Mon thru Frl Dishes lOc-$1. Skates $1. Pl~er pianos •••• from $999 S I Goods ooekta1l watt re as e •, Salary + comm. Fashion f'lnt or 2nd ahltt postUon ccnsing fee. Wit~ our spon· Api)ly tn pet90n or call: 9 am to 12 noon. Purses 35c·$1. Electric train • 20 Grands in stock. New· port ng 830 waltttue1, oyster bannan, Island. Call or apply In with lead~ MF'G 1 of !IOrthlp S7S.1¥', will pay fOr sets or parts l(lc.$15. h1en's Used and rebuilt. Priced \VANT TO BUY_ Used •kll dlshwaaher. Female ap. pcrion plastic products for the food rui::; schoohng t. hr o UC'h DONA LEVERETT u RGENTLY & boys clothes 10c·$5. IP@t fron1 $395. YamMa-Knabe v:lth blndlngs. 19).lm c.m. pllcant must be -8ttractlve Mr. Peiffer service indu&try. 5 years. ~bleau Rea: ~te (714) 54().5(XXI, ·ext. 250 basket $4. New folding bed _ h18.90n-Hamlin -\Vur-Under $'lS. Also Y.'OmCS\'S & natun.1 looking. Apply 644-1212, ext 304 ,general lndwitrlal main· """SChOol. and ~et you llcetiiJed $25. Portable typewriter $3). lltzer -Storey & Clark -sld boots size 8 under $25. at . Kismet InternnUoiin.1, Broadw•y·Dant. Store tenance expcr. Hydmulic.ex· In Ame{lca s greatest bus· HYLAND NEEDED Chlldrens encycloped[a $.5. Kawal -Steinway -Cable Call Llnda, 546-4478. 1100 W. Cht,sl Jlwy., N.B. F ' -,.. per. lathe$ • mUling mo.ch· iness · Real Estate. Books & remrds lOc·Sl. Nelson _ Kincaid -Clible Ask to<-Enc. 64'-2619. ' '"'Jewelry Ines & '°m' knowledge of VIDEO TRAINING LABORATORIES Christmas decorations ll)c. _Baldwin_ Otickering -SKIS & ix..., men'o, JIOOd HOSTESS, EXPE!t. FOOD PLANT kitchen clean inje<:Uon inoldlng neceuary. \Vhile you are studying. f~ 3300 Hyland Ave. (ZS) Jroinee $2. Suit cases $12., S16. Sohmer. condition. Al&0 lkl equip. FUU. Tl.ME up. hton·Sal. beginning 5:30-Please apply at Cambro your license you can avail Cost.a ~sa, Cali.f. 92626 IQI \Vagon $1. Bedspread $5. e Org•l'IS Call days, 97S-J198. e BLUE DOLPHIN e 6 pm. Located Santa Ana M!g., 7601 Clay, 11.0. ~r ~! our contlnoous Popcom popper $2. Stereo 3355 Vla Udo, NB ttrea near Milin &. MacArth· 847..J531. An Equal Oppty. field tralnmg and Jc~n Lum. An equal opportunity rel.'Ord p~r $15. Boys lOO to choo8e: from TV, Radio, HIFI, Stereo ur. Call 557-62.12 Employer bleau·Doua:lu .Ed w at d s 1o al IJ ,I~ Assemblers shoes 25c-$2S. Le at her New, Used and Tr'c1de·lns HOUSE keeper, childcare, 2 Mr. Richards ' Video Training eoUrses. This emp yer m e ema e Jacket $7. Pictures $2. Foot Optigan • •• • •• · ·•• · · · • · •• ~ children, live, ln, nne Ehl:· Mgmt Tr•lnH to $9000 superb nlOdern training is shoes $4. New screen door llammond ~/rhythm • • $~ ZENITH. RCA & Sylvania. TV llsh req. N.B. 642.2049, EarnJUNIOR SALESMAN: Lrg nationwide corp. seeking available to any licensee de· SECRETARY VOLT $4. 1256 Conway Ave .. C.M . ~1~~ Sw3 mkgeboardr ·······.,51 195 195 & stereos, pl1ced less than $2.0-$40 pet' week work· sharp ag...,.....lve I n d I v , siring lo join our growing I Near Fairview & Baker "u.<·u~zer ey • • " lhe discount.en. With 3 vr. Hou1 e keepor , own 1 alt •• ~1 d ··~-Instant Personne · •~·~y flollday •••••••. ttAo:: ,,. na: er ••.:uuu an Satur-w/olc exper. &:/or BA organization. Due to our ex· T Se--' ....., ... "' ....,~ picture tubes. l yr parts ~alion., li~e tn or day1 sellloa: new subscrip. tlcgn:e ln bus. ad· pu.nslon we h!lve openU}gs Ex perienced emporary •v•ce NO LIE Conn Caprice .......... S395 & service. All available ~~t. 6;tO---Ol" eves, Uona tor the DAILY Pn.oT. niinistra.Uon to train for throughout Orange County. Typing 55 w.p.m. 3848 Campus Dr., Suite lOO • • • • • • •Thomas A·l Spinet ..... 5179 models in stock & on HOUSEKEEPER 2 days .week, 4 to II hrs day. No baby sitting. After 6 pm. call 968-6930.. INSURANCE SALES No eip nee., earn while you learn, part time, eves a .. lmds, full tlma when quail. ftrd. ·Farmers Insurance Group Ed Lani * 540-J&.14 INSURANCE casualty agen- cy girl .. otnce In Corona del Mar. Exper pref. Good salary. Part time. Hours ·fiexJble. Send Resume to Box 8, Corona del Mar. 'This ls not a paper route 1nanagement leve'l position. Colwell Properties, Inc. UNITED Newport Beach 5464741 I BUY'' trammond-Baldv"in-CoM display .• 73 models priced and does not include de· Un Ii mited advancen1ent (serving all or CALI FORNI A BANK F.qual Oppor. Employer •• Wurlitzer-Lowrey-Kimball 10 clear. Cub 90 plan or liveries or collecting. Open. potential. Fantastic c o , Orange County) 640 Newport Center Or. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nln!!!!'IGoocli'· late model l{fmlt~ ,& Yamaha-GulbranseSn tem1s to 36 mos. ABC Color , lna;s In Costa Mesa, FoWltaJn bcnelils. Xln't training p~ CALL 833-1931 Newport Beach . WAITRESSE day & eve g app umces or ae or you.· FULLERTON MU IC, TV, 9021 Atlanta, or l9046 Valley and South Huntington gram REAL EST TE SALES 644 6464 shifts • must be fast, exper. MASTERS AUCTION 1Z? N. Harbor. Fullerton Bro b khur11t. Huntington Beach. Apply now by calling Ji~-Bost A•oncy A pref. but not necessary 171 1805 Be h ~-··329 or 96'"'~ -·· • $49 APPLY 10 AM.S PM 2075% Newport, CM 646-8686 h , O •NI hts 'tll 9 ac • ;.y<r.>.: ~~. ~~·Oppor.·~plouer Slu11400te 21B3rookhurst, F96. ~V61715y. LICENSING SCHOOL Equal Opporm. /El m ,pl~y e r Mon.·Frl. 839-0974 aft. 6 or SUnday rs. pen g RCA Victor L'Olor console, ~ .. , J .,. COLONY KITCHEN Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'!. Sat. 'til 5:30, Sun. 12·5 walnut, 21'' color TV. * KEY ENTRY MARRIED penon over Z1 S49 Includes books, matertals 27142 Ortega Hwy. SPECIAL OUTDOOR REHEARSAL PIANIST am/fm. as radk>, turntbt. Op E RATO S and all classroom session&. San J ea 1strano 1 $'VV> 675-7U13 R * car &: phone necess. $125 No cort to you -tf you uan ~p Christmas Decorations Let me he P you improve Good cond. wv. OoM ~ wneed-......_.Ouistmas ·w1c. to start. SM-scm. join a Tarbell office after SECURITY W RESS493-1848 Sparkles with reDeeted light. ~ smgmgFo· r. d · ... ~~s""ca11'ng rou.Mr. aft 5 & w\mdJ. 'A oney. e ·~ you. • passing your state exam & AIT . & Hostess exper. "'-ava>'lable w>'th l•'ghts. w~. _eia.u • · WlLL bliy. color TVs &. 1C1te \l.'eekend11, all shifts, name MASSAGE TECH. your fee of $49 will be Apply m person • Hcnrys eUnusual decorations of all Rolls!, si4:5377 aft. 6. model black . &: wh It e your own hour&.· Competi·, TRAINEE refunded ityouqualily."Call GUARD Restaurant, 2122 S.E. kinds. BUY a player piano -ftlr -portables W9rking or. not · li\'e salai)'. rates. ·129 keylYomig lady (18-28) wanted Al Sloan. Bristol, S.A. Taylor & Sons Dec. Co. Chrlsbnas. Good selection ,~:::::C:::"-------·1 d~ expenence. JDC, 2283 for legitimate 1ull time posJ. 832-5440 WEST'S Best fabric chain \Varehouse Salesroom Crom $UOO to $1300. David 21" Color TV, 1 year FRirvlew Rd., Costa ?.tesa, tion. No exp. nee. We send TARBELL, Realtors VARIAN DATA MACHINES hBB opening for sales ladies. ph 435-5i691 T. Dupree Player Pianos, guarantee $85. BIW Port ~-to school, earn while learn. 67 offices &: growing has an immediate opening htust be able to sew. Oppor. 1.501 Oregon Ave LB 29400 Grace Ln., O t $35, 533--0659 Anaheim ; LABORERS Apply ·Jn person any afl. or RECEPT. trainee for doctors for a Security Guard to for ad va n ce m e nt to MOVING Sal Sof & h 21 .. COLOR TV Xlnt com! lmmed. Asslgrunects. Top eve. 2930 w. Cst. Hwy., or•-. Must be good typi.t, \l.'Ork 35 to 40 hours per management. Apply 2 o .c:;. R I $30' HI aF! S c r .* CONN ORGANS * $95. . . Newport Be.ch '~' k Pri~I F·--Island N B .,..... ec · · tereo , · $$$. Long or short term · . shorthand helpful. 548--0076. wee · or ex-~-=,..,,==c;':,,,'"o'==::-$395. Refrlg 1100, dbl bed e Immediate. delivery 548-1774 Call 540-4450 MEDIC.AL Receptkmist ~ to RESTAURANT perience d . , • but not WHO WANTS TO WORK? $65 19" TV $50. Picnic tbl e Lowest prices , NEVER A 1''EE AT TEMPO. 30. Some experience. and Day Maintenance Man mandatory.' This poaition re-DRIVE A CAB! lamps &: other item 1 GOULD ?¥1USIC CO. INSPECTORS TEMPO Temporary Help college. 842-9377 betwn 9 Wanted, 5 days wk. Inquire quires a reliable person to CHOOSE your Iiours, work S4!Hl040 2045 N. hlain, SA 541-0681 ..__r_ ... _••_Y••---'llS: LAW ENrGRCEMENT &:5. In person, Rusty Pelican, work independently and for yourself, be your ovm AUTOMATIC GARAGE PIANO WANTED. MEDICAL Ex 'd r t 1 B handle a variety of plant boss. M. en or wome. n. Can DOOR OPENER. Finest WILL GO ANYWHERE. N Ex • N : P ron o · ZT35 W. Coast Hwy., N. · protection and s a ! et y be sl htl handi ped VARIAN DATA MAQITNES, -0 per. eressary fict?, receptionist· 2 doctors. ig Y cap . kno b nd Re tl'lM . P.O. BOX 1685 11 Train At Full Salary. assignment11. The normal Neat-Clean Appearance wn ra . g. "'"""· LIF the bJC company In ama Benefit!!, m/f, 18-34 Heavy phone. Peg board. SALES schedule will be Satui'day Vts, retired. Age 25 to 10: Special $139.95 in s ta 11 ed snJDIO CITY. CA · 3 Llnos, 2 Tlmos, $2.00 .computers, hlll an Im-INTERVIEWS NOW 5 Day week. 64$-2613 INSIDE SALES and SUnday 10:30 P.M. to Supplement your lncome. w/5 yr guar. 893-35Tr or P IANO INSTRUCTION mediate opening on 2nd Call Army Opportunities MESSENGER Gll'l -After-Employer Pays Fee. Finan· 6: 30 A.td., Wednesday and Drive a cab 6 hrs or more a 5»-1415 ALL AGES -Beginners on up FREE to good home, Shel tie ~~C:~_Pr;:! ~~: (714}~1163 noonson),y.Musthaveown clal institution seeking ThFrl!"""d aylll2AnooMn to66 Pp.M., day. Apply in person, up. -.,--"· Se N rt car. Mileage allowance. ·outgoing Wes-or.iented in-ay · · to .M. -Yellow Cab Co., 186 E. 16th Mr. Rossi 644-5377-aft 6 :"~t ~ ~~ Lit,~~~ laC:~ ew~ks Call Mr. Sullivan 833-1390 div. \llflllb)llege background with Monday and Tuesday St., Costa Mesa. NEW Magic Oief Microwave SPINET piano Cable Nelson, pupa, ' 557..i1M • - cable chulis, etc. If you secretary or q ua . e ed be sked t k tio u ... _..,.. or-~ I I' I I d for appointment. & lite sales exper. Fantastic off. Individual chosen may Young •••-••·· mon or Oven. Lists for $400. Seil "~"". Xlnt quality. --' the9o qualification!! trainee. Xlnt skills required. MODELS, h10DEU) oppor. for lndiv. interest I a · 0 ~r vaca ns. women for Costa l\1esa's below wholesale $"250. · * 49!).1847 * ADORABLE PUPPIES , Free to a good home 495-4105 "~' MODELS in career opening. Fee Jobs I Ete., nus position otters: * -1832 * and are lookina; for a posl· Personality & good humor iso newest & most exciting l>i>... HAMMOND Chord Organ. FREE to good home: Shaggy Hon with a crowing Orange npprttlated. 644--9450 WOMEN, MEN A J · Be A-• *RESPONSIBILITY retail clothing store. Exper. $100. dog, male -X.lnt. with kids! ~ company that of· WANTED F'OR FALL ason st ""'ency *JOB SATISFACTION pre1erred. Full or part time. HERCULON ~or velvet sofa Call f7.j2-9139 357'8151 aft. 5:30 & wknds. !en; MACHINE & WINTER 17400 Brookhunt, F. Vly. · Day or evening. We offer & Joveseats cofl tbl sets ~~~===~~~~==~~~~ OPERATOR FASHlONS. CALL FDRAPI'l Sulle 213 96J.<;TI5 *EXCELLENT company benefits. Sa1acy lamps, u.se<1'tor display only * MODERN FACILJTIES Some exper. In milling ma· 675-8442 SALF.S BENEFITS +. Apply in person, Mon, Pacl.fic Construction Co. ~.~.<!,~ETITllVE chines, lathes & drlll press AMERICAN BEAUTIES SHEET METAL *COMPETITIVE Tues,&Wedb!wl-5pm. 531!-9883. *~BASIC MAJOR des.irable. Willing to train 3700r.i<!~~~~T BL~~YN. B Leading Orange Co. PAY THE GAP -UN"~tC;:E;:F;--card--,;-•-a-,nd,.,--cal= ... ~fEDICAL someone w/exper. in hi&:h-i~c.n-rvn ,y.,, fabricator o f electronic *MODERN So Coast "Plaza. Bristol at dars for sale by Adele * .11)% SHIFT DIFFEREN· lchool machine &hop. NEAT appearing man to cabinets, frames, cbasia Ir: FACILITIES San Diego Fwy <Bullocks Ipsen, 1Z11 Cliff Dr .• TIAL learn rental sup Pl Y panels is seeking an exper. .,..,. i n g a c r 0 s s fr 0 m 49-1-4320, ACC!MMltNT- SEW1NG GUIDE FOR lHE GAL.~. lfff GO. * l2 DAYS A YEAR PAID Call F'or -Appl. bustneu. no W. 19th St., salesman. Car turn. Xln't If you meet these re-LlridbergsJ.> o,'CIR°'EW=''°oo=D---,.14,.--00--,-rd,-,-:-:11 I VACATION Industrial Relations Costa Mesa. 645--0700. co. benefit!. call for appt. qulrcments and a.re in-* ONE WEEK OllUSTMAS I (71•) -~•1 NO EXPERIENC• K. C. l!oUoway, Inc. 166lrl terestrd In jolnlng a grow-~ cord, lull. cord. Trees cut, SHU1t>OWN"' ~ ~~--~ .,Ay_e:, Irv~· ing Orangt! County .com. · a._ ~.-, . by Fcre1t ~ " • ... • TE' LO'~'IC NECES~RY 557-4040 .. . puter company, please ap-. v ~ Plnle apply tn penoa or N · 1 .SALESMEN wanted 1~ Pay ply tn penon or contact: l•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiij MINK STOLE, large, $250 For 1n oil In W...,..n'• Vwor14t Coll Miry Both 642-5671, ut. ~ · oontact: B. Kratt1ia -1NJ;U!Tl(IE$ TRAINEE POSITIONS TV, Natlonal Marketing Co. The Personnel De··-ent aoo or besl otter. Sllvergrey. Men & women part tihle _.. .... _ 675-1047 Nine for New! Instant C~het! VDM VA.JUAN DATA MACHINES 2722 MlcbeUlon Drive INlne, Calilomla All ..,..i """""'"11Y . ~ emptoytl' m/f ·L•g""" BNch F.qual, Oppor:' EmplO)'tr MACHINE • · 'OPERATOR- TRAINEES .. EXPERIENCED NOW OPEN & full time. Oays, eves' or VDM EDISON baby Cl'ib, wooden Circuit Asst-rnbly Co ........... Uon wknds. No exper nee. ANTIQUES FOR hi·chair &: port-a-crib. All ·~·-TnUnlng provtdrd. Short CHRISTMAS In good cond. 673-3117. has Immediate openings tor hours high pay Manage. Production & Inspection inent' training, ~90 avail. Jewelry, silver, glass, furn· 5 Je\\1clry· floor display C8.S("S Trainees. Pleuant worlilil&: Call Ben Klttay 492-9930 • lture & primitives.. &: I counter !or immed sale cond...,,. ~ -I _:::=:..::5;:A:.;L:;::E:;::S~L·A~DY,.;o.;;c.· ~4---·--YARIAtl.DAIA BACKDOOR . .IMP-ORTS ~-3400 _____ =-_ Apply MACHINES 1800 Harbor Blvd., CA-'I Dist'OUNTS.on new Carpet, • Orcuit Assembly Corp. F /time. Age 30-45 ' 272'l MiclM:>bon Drive (Park in rear) Drapes, F1oor coverings. 3169 Redhill Ave., Costa ~lesa Apply In Person -Irvine, Calif. 92664 556-1.245 or.5464478. 540-5490 THE SHOWOFF <n4l lm-2400 GOING OUT OF NEW •bag carpet, ht,.. grn. Equal Opportunity Employer 22Fashtoolsland,,N.8. An equal opportun i t y BUSINESS aprloot, solid gm or Sold • Nur&ery v.'OL'ker, must have SALESMAN & Manager, employer mil Complete clearance thru $2.75 yd. 642-7101 Dean JANITORIAL MACHINISTS Stl!ady, non-defense \\-Ork. Many company benefits, lite & medical Wurante, 8 paJd holidays & vacations. Ney,• modem facllltles. U you. are looking !or a job with a real future, aee us. Apply 9-3 PM dally. Mood,y Sprlnk· lcr Co. exper . 6 Day wk. 21 Yn male &. fem. $825 & up CHRISTMAS NEW Ure chain!!. Sz 12xl.6.S. &: over. $2.50 hr &: more. monthly g u a ran , if _Security Gu•rds Quilts, oak & walnut turn ., Call :1ftcr 6 pin. ,. TME BROADWAY FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Now Hiring Full rnne ' PORTERS 3020 Pullman St .• Of MACHINISTS or 'J'..ech ...§k!.lls for Ute manur. Will train for our production p~ ced~s. Mature a d u l t prcfd. Please Call~ or 548-42ll. Lacwia Hills Nursery, El qua!Uied. No exper. nectts. Need full or p/tlmc, 21 yrs je\,\'C(ry. Closed Sat. & i\·!011. S56-a!96 Toro, 830-5653. "Mr=.-'Lee'='~("'213~) =TI='J>.8543=:,;---i or older. UnUorms & equip-Antiques for Interiors HOSPITAL bed, top quality, NURSES Aides: Training SEAMSTRESS ntent fum. Llfe ins & hos-3St5 E. O>ast Hwy., Cd?.I used brieny. program tar mature middle Full time, Men & ladies gar-pitalizatlon after 90 days. r.ARGE old brass Telescope 673-4250 . aged \\'Omen. 642-3505. ments. Call for appt, CI0\\'11 Ho! & vac pay. $2 hr. 111art. ~/Tri.-~ & geared direc· STOVE $20. Power mower OFFICE Cleaning P/tlme Cleaners, 644-2512. Ing "pay. Anaheim & Costa ~on 1nd1cator perfeqt ~· $20. Commercial battery NeWport-Cocta Mesa l.n!as. ==='--'=='-----1 M~n. area. Apply 'Omta aolS-723-1 Exper. couple only. Fine l\fesa \Vhile Front, 3088 Brls· • charger $10. 64&-3250. detail M>rk. Top pay. Call SECRETARY to\ A\•e., Coflta i\'ieSA. Appliances 802 WHO Concert tickets for 213/927-0115 Equa l Qppor. E1nploycr FREIGHT DAMAGE SALE Forum, FRI, Nov. 23rd. Challenging position· for a SF.RV·1CE Station atk!ndent. New Hotpoint r e frig ' s , Xlnt scats. 833-776! Secretary who thrives 011 , 'NC'at. reliable, "'?rk Island dishwashers & ranges , NATURAL ranch mink cape ~ Apply Personnel Office .. 10 an\-Noon &: 2-4 pm MAIDS wanted, exp un- necessary. Full Ume. Apply 6266 Westminster A v e • We1tmlnster OPENING for mature front oUice appeilrance girl. 2 yrs o(fice exp, heavy phones, 60 w.p.m. typing skills re- quired. For interview con- tact Mrs H arg raves, 833-1718 activity and Is able to com· I 8.· lu?c bay. FA1r Exxon, washers & dryers, factory stole, prime cond. Cost munlcate effectively nt all Falnr1e\v & Fair, Costa \Varranty. $1300. Sac. $350. 548-0331. levels. Requires minimun1 Mesa. BEACH CITY APPLIANCE Mlacell•neous ; Monday thru Friday Equal Oppor. Employer m/f ;J-ANrl"()R • HANDYMAN for • 01M <>o.......W bldg 2-9 · p.ni., Mon-Fri.,. ~r. &. •local ftf'1 req d. $560 per .nx>. 644 6000 P .?l-1. only. l:lolp Wonted, M & F 710 M•lnten•nc• Couple M\ddle aged, full time for la.rge apt house. Corona del Ma r. No children. Phone 494-1268. Fa.st result. att Just a pbone call away • 642-56'1'8. Help W1n1oc1, M .. F 710 of 1 year recent e>..--pericnce SERVICE Sta. Emplo.,..e. 3623 W. Warner, SA 545--0780 W tod and. ark 1· J~ 2002 N. Tustin, Orange In in Sales or M ~ 1ng. ?-.lust do repair Y.'Ork & 1---------- Requires goOO s kt 11 s. drive to1v truck. 2.800 \\'. 998-5656 . ORI ENTfL RUGS Cong en i a 1 co-\\'Orkers, Coast Hwy .. Nwpt, Beach. 081:-~· oven broiler Will pay 5 to 10% more than pleasant surroundings, ex. SHEET METAL rotisserie on top, 4 burner yoor highest otter Shah N Parking AttendAnt, p/ttme, l8 or over. Neat appear. Must have Calif. drivers Uc. 64-l-1700, ext 555 cellent salAry and benefits pull out w/coveT on bottom, Shah, 2030 S, r.18.i.n, S.A. package. For· appolntnient Join The ' -storage under. $10 0 . 557.1212 545-0070 6'~ilJ PART time help wanted. N. call: <n4l 540-4020 ext. 44. Or•ng•Co.~Leitdtr 675-MT:i • • • "" Costa Mesa ares, salary Located in the t\eart of th<' ::>. • • \llANT~D: UM!d skis with open Neat hand\\Tlling req., PRIMARK llf!\\'est lndustri&l complex Kenmore V.'8.Sher, Friglda1.re bindings. 160-165 c.m. under • • • • gd w/math &: sales ability. PRODUCTS co·. ln So. Calif. C!oSl" 10 Santa washer, Norge e 1,e ct ~~.c $75. Also women's ski boots "Girl Fridley" In sml sl:on!. ·AM, Newporf &. San D)ego dryer, ~our Cho ct, ":>. sUe 8, under $25. Call Un· rvrNmutt lllllll!(RS Contact. hfarion aft noons, Ff'\vy, , 15 min. from 605. Free debvery & guaranteed. da S.16-4478 tAtlflllll~ ·--1 ~or84741.1.5 .=::'=--,=·:::--=-==:.:I • ~~· 2620 S. SUsan Openings exillt for ayout Wanted: Y'OWl&' newlyweds • Toss on thl.s marvelous 111, 251; 751 PART TIME. camera &: Santa Ana, Calf. men, shear oprs, brake Rent Washers/~ryers need neat OLD furn, ruga • cape tor Cashion and SALAlllS. Nl•OTIAIU sound salesmiin. \Vestern'11 .,. <Near Harbor &: \\1.amerl oprs, wales tape. $2. Wk. Full mamt. pictures, drapes &: things ,,,, -tfF'" warmth! • I d N .. , y· S k" Camera, So. Coast Plaza, An Equnl opportunity eShip & Rec CIU'k * 639-1202 * forlsthouse64.'>-8l54 ...,,.,.... • ..,.. tlt~"'fi. StQJKlup collar tops Are You Untmp1oy1 Ow-1"\.re ou •• inra Costa Mesa. Enlployer ecustodl•n F'ROST·Free Rettig. Cop-POTTERY WHEEL, llll 1 ....,. drariiAtlcdesignofgraduated A Chtn9e -WorritCI About Your Age -PIZZA 1nan \vantetl, no l'X· (Mature) pertone. Xlnt cond. $50. Call KILN shells! C'rochet this striking Tired of Broken PromlstJ-Undtcldtd As To per. nee. Apply nt Tlnos. SECRETARY Top ""ages, Xln't benefits. 546-8347 NINE FOR NO\V -this cape of knitting \l.'Ol'Sted: use • A Proper Court• of Ac:,tion -30242 Cro\\'11 Valley Pkwy, EXECUTIVE Secretary. "t\le ~tcady Y.'Ork. I ~====-"""",_,_ __ ""· Roll top desk. 548-8532 dream-conic-true v.•ahl.robe a big hook. Pattern 7152:1 '.. .·· ARE YOU. UNDER PAID7 Lagw1a Niguel. need a sh,...,. individual to K •. ¢. Hollow•y, Inc. cotoMvPe LEToveE n' 'kit,..ch;n =· Musical ln1trvment1 822 Includes princess dr:ess, CORt, dlreclions sizes 8-20 included. ,. ~r-tol!'OI\ s . • • " • lack .. t, bolero. tunic, pants, .,..., · I PR&-SCltOOL tee.c h et assist 2 busy executive&. lwou Armstrong Ave disposal $150 642-3857 -i coll -11 SEVF.NTY·PlVl!l CENTS ff Y• C. Anww 1lte FolowilNJ CClhtor 11 wanted bnmed. Exp'd &/or Above average 1/h & typing Irvine 557-4040 .ENT. ,..;,. 6 ~ENT FOR ONLY $3 lhorts, capele~, th arr te. for ea~h pattern -add 25 I ~ &ffl,,. l'•~,:o'd LllrLllroe Aa 1-.:-.aew EC la ( ~-u -•'II -.n A ccoun Li.ng 5 k Bo P/ I APARTM . sz re .. '6. OR BUY WM"U NOTHING All easy.sew n rt y -nts for each pattern lot I •-..r n.-., . ,y .. -·.~ -111rwwJ , • c ssa,,,.:.,pre735. ~ .. -t1cgro''''nd' he! f;.1 ....... ~tbe . , hN:' Yi " tme • rtm:""old!A&st otter. Qll 001•~• D.,::!;t.~PA's·~·lkes blends. A_.lrM II nd•·-'·'llandl· 6T:>-4022, eve v1.J-l · c u P w, •""" Save Most Liquors 642-23$4/645-4601 . ,.,,"· ' ... ,., · m. • Ptt ted P ttern 9 0 S 4.: a 8 ~ • I, You·a ANS-u• •RI TIUTK""L PROOYCTION mac h In e personable &: well groomed. 841 Baker St, C.M. . Guitars, Amps, Roe.organs CliUd n , S~es 2 4 6, s· in&?:; otherwlae ~ n • ..-rv Salary range $7SO. +.Good KENMORE compact v.·asher & Pianos, ll.11 brands. s•·-reGnd• 1' ;18• y~ dC:llvery will take thret!: -WI GAN HILP YOU operator. Mllllng machine, Co. J3cn. Apply National STOCKMAN full t l n1 e, &: drye.1·. l'Ai yrs, old No aee limit, no parent need· ~ ress •weeks or nlOfe. Send to A. D• yM h.••·...__ v.utlo)ial driY••1,... lathe &: drill prcu. Eicper. Systems, '361 Birch, N.B. mature, Jlf '& pa13t employ· \y{warr. $180 497-1426. ed. OfEN NIGHTS TILL 9,, 45-inch. • Alice Broobi the i DAILY ..• A-... L. ___ :::1·:.t1va lnttnl1••c•7 -4idred: OaS'I only. Bio-. ~ req l lr Hatch lldl M I I w -SAT Tii..-6:30. SUN ..... l!·5.'"" aVE!fQ.~l.•Vlt ct:?Wl nm. 105. Nt«llecnn -_.... r-Dyna m 1 cs, lrvlrnc., 11542 SECRETARY SALES o-...,_-. • • ' Bu ng •ter I -Now. TWO Convenient tor each pattern -·add .25 Dept., n--JM Old~·-· , Y•• fMI wffltJ.Mfy motlYafff to achia••7 .._ _ _._ A · firm ~• ~• ~ I --~ th L I ~ d • 1 1 ..u ~ .. .,ng ve, ne. lbi.pidly gl'O\vfn& lrvlne · lld l So cents for each m or StaJ.IQ.n~ew.J!?!"Jc N y D. 0.'" have ••• 11ty tom• • •C•• Oftl PIJRCllASING ~--k. Nat'I, ,.._.J '""""'"" voice to handle sruo. ENT jobll, good hr!! • Surplus' Bu ng Locations to rve You Air Mall and S"""'i Handl· 10011·. ' t -11 ..... ·-~~ -E. An ya11 ready to ••t • ,.,u1tlc c1r11t ob1•ctl•t7 ......,,. uuuu •'""'"" ltim A. Sat ..._. ' ot NEW FULLERTON MUSIC ~· , -. F. If'" w.,. cenYilica4 that ha!, wat •••I abli, woulil 1141lbo8t ma.nut. flnn, biJ'lng order desk. Good typing P e eves morns. l\tATERU\L • lCY.A) s PILOT. 442, Pattern Dept., Zip, .....,... 1'ambet. • yoll •cc.apt It wlttiovt tlilay? !or head 1 oUlce. 6 MOI. sklllt. No sb. start $600. ~ -! bonuses. Ca 11 ITEMS! Door!, lumber, ply. l8I9l Euclid, Fountain Valley llll'; 9therwllle thtrd·clau NEE DLECRAFT 912! , . YOU SHOULO llNOW J)UfChaslng experi ence Call Mild Wblte, 54(M;05rS. l>iJ_._, WCl'>d, alum sheeting, mold· 1 Blk. N. San Diego~-dellvtey, will take th.ret Crochet. knit, etc. n. nece11.~ ~ «> WPM. O>utal Personnel Agency, TELLER Ing, windows, etc~ : le Euclid. · weeks or more. Send to dlrect1ons, 50c. '• Tio; looff,. l•b• "' "1 '4"rll•od for lnlonnatlon c;all 94i,. ZlllO llarbor Blvd .. Coota & NOTE TELLER BUILDERS SURPLUS 1 e SS7-41S6 e Marian Martin. the DAILY 1 .. ta•t Macn--· e nrr4_p•rtv prof•1tlon1l,l11fl~•nt1 l1 ••1t1•fi111•• '(642 \ ;. Mesa. 2406 So. Maln St., S.A. 122 N. Harbor Fu.llttton 232 Wtst 18th St., New J38sic, taney lalotl, pat. • ;.~c~~;1k. rliht ,00,.. 0,.11, 1t th1 ,11tit 1 • .,.t' ,.. F.qual OpportunJty Employer *S.C'ys, lookkHpers App~~ To 1-ton ~ Sat 10..~ • 17l·1IOS • ~~~. N.iDo~~ ~~ t:,~J1·~bet ._. ... quire• t1ch11Hiu1I • REAL "'ES't"A•i·~ SALES "Lb .R.einder'i Agt!"CY 13tlh Fanner . 714· 546-l03:7 __ , Office Furniture/ Zlr, &m and STYLll Learn b)'_ plctunll Pat~ e EucutlY• po•lti••it 1 ,1 flll14 th,rovtli 1x1c11fl"• In· SU~ CAREER. 4020 Birch Street Penoonel Departn1cn t Furniture 819 Equip ... · 124 NUMUJI:. ORE Q 1 k tuns. $1.00. IM'f'l•w• ~lew or npaienc:9d. J oin lht Sldte lo4, :ND 833-8190 Security Pacific Bank SEE; M -u e c.ms;a.te llllhftt"Olft ...._ e Mi•• ,1,11,.1 wi1lll111, 11 .wt·· tet1I 1111~, World's laraest ud fulel1 Di .. A Job 13J.OISS 381 Forest. LAg. Bench * SOt<'.6-& LOVES&\ T * EXEC S\.VVL OfR.S SlSJ2S Fast't\onl and cboQSe one • more tban 100 silts .. rvrl'llTNr t'rllllll'l:f 'INC 11tow1nc -1• GIDllilalk>n No Ch•-• To Yw TELLERS Never a""1 s.i<a Sec c•-181"' .~--~ ·~-pattern tree trom our n.oo. , gg,u111" KAIHlwt • with a nctwoft( of over 500 E&tebil~ 1965 Expet-. &: trainee. r.1aturc. RecoM playtt $25. 968-7910 p1~11"867 ~W~i9 ...... CM S~Onolym~ Clltal<>z. All Cemplete ..,1 ........ .. ., "-All ,._,,, ,_ Y .. I of11e<1 and become a ---~~----1 Sanla Ana t. Hon!. Bch 1 PC bdrm,.,, Frem:Xln h Loulnds 64:!-3408' odietCO -· $100 ir-•• member of our MIWonalre lV u W<I t co ..---,,.,.----:;;a;I .fNgTANT SEWING BOOK 11" Jirtr a. .,.. . SDc. hff ""..,..' Or Cill..lMoy Club. Multt-mUlton do"·• WANTED areu. Full tlnn~ a work 58 O\\: • • • P l1nos/Orpns 126 11ew to4a,y, wear tomorrow. aooa: el ,. en. At:· .1 -Fot-..:::!:. Sat AM. Own transp neceu. SfiOO, 673-2191. ---------1 ~ Y -aw =r1l . .......,.. ·-~· SOc. _;.,~OIVICOST..=;r.s~:::=:-a"""Dr,.,__ lloonlloJ llcbool. USED or S&Ml·USED C4JI Mr. Kelly SCJ>'A, Quilted, ye 1 low , HOW about a little piano INSTANT FA S H ION QoOt - l • lS !la- --· .._....,_......,.'" -cellent-llOlea lnlnlnr· -C s-_ __979-3600 . yrani" & gTl!(!n_11oral, like for a little/BIG kid for SOOK -H•.-of lOc._ _ 1 __ ...q • .. ,,1 •• --HOlll OMCI ~ IAllTA AHA I p1...., call 5'U689. • IRI K TRAINEE. YOID'C. ,,,.,,, fh. new. $125:"-Tb1jfCh-.tftffiD1 64601393 fuhloi\ !lCb.--u;---Qlllll -1--:- - I Socvrl~ul~M70t"~'-I Fat Profit b: atWnld when ataller. Ste"'9 & alarm SOFA green 9' SlSO. Chair, PLAYER PIANO, o Id O&ll1 Pilot Want Ads bavt S0c.. "•••il"ii"iiaiilli.,•1•7•14•1•14•7•·"25--1!!!1--rt':~~~ * sro.4564 • c-.:._ow~rue1~. ..!f!!~~t:;!!!u~.f:'!!!.-: N!!~:!!B.:.CS4S-32!9!!r ~mis<:!!!!!.I. _'•_m_1o_nrd!*..!&.:!!":!~~·~!·•_•· __ 1 .• -••• -••••••QDllla••""••_,.••'•..,.,.••'11 • • • • ' • I • ' h .. _ •-. . ·' I • ' I ' • " ' ' -. < ' 990 . MUSTANG 2480 111\l'bor 6]\'Ct. Co.>'!l i\lc~(~ At F11i1· Ori\·c 541i-801 i '70 IOllAND Pall V8, automatic, air cond., R&H, power steering • brakes • windows, tilt wheel. (121AGA), $1tt5 :ulll Harbot' Blvd. Costa P.Tesa. Al Fair Drive ·--546JI017 - 7 I "· ID' ' . . .. ' • ' . . . • . ... - s~ (;J~me~ie ~puirano • • • Today's 1'1•8t ~~ITION , N.Y. Stoeks ·--·.VOL 66, NO. 324, 2 SECTIONS, .26 PAGES OR};NGcCOtJNTY, C>;UFORNIA TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 21>, 1973 I ·.TEN CENTS I !' , • .. . y I Clemente. Gets ~lneFeas:e . for Nixon s~eu:rity ' , . llJ .. JOBN VAL~ '<' °' ................ ''llie 'lourth and 11r«eat· 111111Ja1 federal i'antc thlil 'far for polke PJOtecllClll of ~ent iNIJM la on lta way today If the city of San Clen)eote. · 3,The. amwal 111111 -this year·amountlng .,, $189.20'7 -r· .marks the fourth year !n'a·row .ti)a't the U.S. Law Enlorcemeot · Malstance 'Ai!mlnlS!ratloll 1Jas• .assumed Ille, 'eotfra'i5oeta lor security relaled ID Ille WO.tcril Wlilte Houae: · . .. :. • . j : : ' _ And 'dty aides today •rplalne4 that the !ncreale ot more than $52,000 over last y~•,, ium comm Iron) ipme new provllloaa ln .thO..program. l!Wle1 uajng J!tW rulea, the city also choee !Illa year to -t money which alw•YI had been allowed , but never (IOUlllt by San Clemente. 1 'Ille federal government beg111 tbe pro- gram soon after Ntam eolabllabed' the weatem Whlte· 11ouae In. the coastal city, with dllmks ol about $100,000 a year coming In regularly. ,,,. money paid. for the aallll'l' and lninlllc of the 10 -· l!ldell 1pectflc:ally. to beef up oecurlty. , 'Illll year, lltd city Graol Coord\D&tor Rolland Manon, the city· will receive fundl · for 10m1 v~leo_v well u the frtilce:beneflll of the 10 penotmel. A l~t ldmlnlstrailve<>verbead charge alJJO waa paid by the government. Iroolc:ally, while the fundl this year . .. werelbe bl&hest paid tO San Clemente, the 1111111ber ·of Presldeo!)IJ vlslta thus far to the Orange Coast bu been slim, compared ID the eartler ~ of the Western Wblle 11ou1e. Preslcjenl Nlzon -wllo .a~eo a hall-dosen or more tripi a year - only has villted San Cementa three times. But at leut one of -Wdta, police admit, created more work for oecurlty ofllctala than aoy other. . ' Ftli'lner Marine ~ohnson ---~ -. . . . . ·· ~ P~elists Ask Jury Rules fe~.,, .Dcte .. · -· · Rebozo Probe In D h . ·Dlesel Shortage w~~~--~~f,te-1-f --=-='-ea~=t ,,___· ' .. , ""·".' -' members said today they would . • • recommend that Presldmt Nixon'• Of Spouse d h · CUSD close friend tbarles G. 0 Bebe" Mulle . y . · · · ~=u:m::~- • .:. and "'-" )ly TOM BARLEY , . 11:Ut we u.Uu... they11 go along,'' -....... ...., ,... """ .. ~ ! . . . said a <ODllnlt~ atall member, A jury-ended more-than eight dayo . Wltb a dWdlm« diele1 fuel . supply i-. tbe dillrlcta' tanb will nm dry "':el:.~;:! ~i!., ~ed. about of deliberatim today by llnding funner lllM 'could. rui1 oaf' hi' February, by February. 'be admi Marine Mark Allen Jobmon of San • C1$1111W Uldfled Sdlool D ls tr t c I Som OdcU,-a-t ·superintendent .'N::O~.· ' . beha, --;, 'tt_.J_!!! .~H·oj~.-~ .. ~.;:.~Ibo~~~ OO(·hlian I a r Y_ " ~ 'f"!'!CllA:r.111 laftl,_'1jl'adllll .... ~ •',·~~~;:":• ·~' :r , ~. Soviet Communist ParlY_Secretary Since the program began, penslona Leonid Brezhnev's official state visit and salaries have increased the city's to I.a casa Pacifica drew repeated costs for the entire 49-member police demonstrations outside the compound. force, he added . ' -'n.e security established in San .. The purpose," Maxson-said. ''is to Clemente on that occasion was the improve our Police force and to team tightest in fhe histocy of the operation. techniques that we 'WOUld not otherwise 0 Each year it seems to cost us more be prepared to engage in. for the pro- to provide the extra people required tectiOn of the President:" for the security of the President, and These include methods for handling • we declded this time to add the new "". large crowds, demonstrations and riots, ~," Maxson explained. · he said. . ' .. -· · ='"""1~llriefl1"*-Jor.lx±m, llil-.<I..~ ™ ' 0 ~~w ..._ • · . •lo nm"'* -) In .._ .J'rNl<lllQt ·llal •• -la1led '""'e ..__.. ~-. ~ ~ . -.· '" .__. .. Ule wrd!ct In -• 0 • -.. ff a lop'aJID . _;.:r.., ~.,. _... -...,._. -.... ~-,....., ... - 7• == ~ ~~ .. ~· --·1 ". -··11j.< M', • ·.,'• W-.aeitalld~CountJ!qjerlorOourl,' ·--. _., "lltliliriii~nnot••lre4 · r"i · -~ · -1!.W~~dllllgei.wldiaodllplq a1JP11oC Alel .., be Jaaed er dieJ irt'.l!!lit,• a.i..:..W: • , ill ei1iel'-1 Durtog hit _ ..... of -...... Bal·ldll -ney, !lay Sharp, i*VWl>Cl1 ~._ -li1ed a motiaO for a new trial Se t Roi . """""o1 ~ -· • ..,. 1\I ·G· z·· "• Ra,_ Thom-set Dee. . na e es .-hi'-""""---11·0 aso i·ne T. tbe -be w111 ~-Johnson Weot!lerl dial the. d!ltrict esp1cn tbe to wfiat ooold be a state priaon tenn poealblity of ...... fuel from Dana . of ·-15 JOHN ANO PILAR -THEY'RE SPLITTING UP W1ynes Announce Separation After 19 Years lf}kay Harbor SJ ' · s up •W yean!. D,i,,W..,e' '. . S The ·1oreo dodt .11 IM ...,. harbor: q•, nn"'e nnn He told Sharp today that ,11e w111 ~e I W -~GU . ·· .:.: :r:..~~=-i::-~ ~~==-=-~-:~dUMg-Newp· ort' s Io· in . ay· ne, Ford ID• 'T·o' te trustees ..... """· aupplles will IOClll F ' H l! ..J -u be -.. the motion, -will . . . ,.. be 11at lhei'e u-.U. 'or 0 iuuy (See JOBNllON, Page I) -wASiml<rn>N (UPJ) -The siiate ~.~~ ~ ,,,,.. la IX>~ mtap "-al Yacht ·Crewman Wife Pilar to Separate ~ Ooinmlttee voted 1111nlnmaly to. altemaU... Qily tw mall bUsel aoe leut not ~ !be Orange Coast wbere day ta ..-nmBid the conflmlatlon o! gas, ,'Ille ,....._'limn tbe die8el oil · moi.rlals 'lilll be ~!>le ID bey all the ..,. cmid a: Ford. v1ce pnstd<DL r..111e!: . .. =.:y -1o mate their Lost Overboard I All nin0 Qi ·Ibo · inemberi M pn!ltl1I Trustees a&ft!Od tllat ·Ule anly vtabJe mjoyibje, , a'nd ·-•~ for -•nnatlon, •-Mar'-alte'inatlve ta !be fuel allortqe is to A random survey of aervice statioos CAPE TOWN Soulh Alri (AP) •~ ~·· --cancel all bat tbe most critical bus along the <>range Coast Indicates about • ca -OJc>k· (f\.Ky.), said u be left the hall• tnpc. . hall will remain open thta Thursday. A crewman from the Italian. yawl lair!ocig ·prtvate---of-llie panel-Nld trtps-uslng baaes will be &m!ral~of-the station-managera-.:oo--Tauranga-has beeil-losl-omtJoard-on Cdok .uld preparation of· the · formal elimfoated &. lbe time being and aay tacted ;aid they were cloelng, not the sronny cape Town-lc>Sydney second • cmmiltlff ·report would be completed bus trip deemed necesaary for athletics because of a fuel 1bortage but because leg of the ro~the-world yacht race. avor the .four-day 'lblllbgivlng ~ er other key acllv!U.. ...Wd be .made they wanted to take a boliday. 'Missing' waa British Army corporal thla·Wtek,.and .the .Senate .would start on .charier -lnSead ol district Tbo6e statioos remalplng open··aald Paul: .Waterhouse. He had ~ on ...,... on the nomhwttm. On Tueoda1 coaches bumllli .the ICl1'CO fuel. they had adequate suppll,., with · the the Brltlah army yawl Brlilah Soldier lilfl" ~-~ t)ll>Oeted the aame day· Cblcai-allo q\ll!lned a muJU.la<eled exception of the Standard Oil COmpany-on the first leg from Portsmouth. A , The. cmunl\tee ·action had been a-appioocb w .., .... including U90 of oiierated ataUon at MacArthur Bolllevard freSb ttew toot Brltlah Soldier from . ~-Ford, "lo, the Hooae Republlcan .tel..,... iils!eBd rt telei>bone calls to and Rod Hill Avenue in Irvine. To con-cape Town and wa-... obtained , IA>del'lfflll lour days ol bearings the bureiH1$ hi chirp of the fuel alJc1ca-aerve suppli'" the station el]leCta ID s~ial leave ID contlnuo· aboard -·• tnvestJiailona by the tlcil"'" =.un:~·· ~. quit pumping at 4 p.m. 'lbinlay. TaUiimga. · - , Seute panel . :-· ,.JJJ,f.otW tedlnlquts -J>lanned by Elsewllere In California and the oatkll Waterhouse waa ~ missing "'1· Robert C. B~ (1)-W.Va.). tbe the adminlstralon ...Wd be contact with 'lbanksglvlng travelers may fmd more -· ,300 nl!!lllcal miles nortbeat Of . ~t JJ;ernocrallc .·le8du. made the .• elected repi'eieiitailveo to get them to service . stations closed this J"lll' than . the ·Crozet !Slanda In a ndlo,:mts8'8e , -lo!"conlirmailon and·Olok--lobby·for a:~.i!lc~ties.that would they· did..Jast .rear, buUas supplies received In Cope Town Mmday nlghl idr ll. move CUSD ijp on the lis\. seem to be holding up well. . liOm the ROyal'Navyyacbt-AiMlltiffi!:- .-ten.-Howard-<lannon~tp.Ne"1~dlstrlcHs-abo.,..,klng-on-new............Xa)L...}Jdous,. spokesman_!or....lbe The ~Lol.J1_1elLC..l!!LTown on , inltlee chairman, said there was llttle bu& rules .that-<ool<LresulL in longer (See GASOLINE, Page I) Nov. 7. . , · dilcuSlloo and what there WU ceatered wal~ diSlances for smne pl]>ils. · · • ' CID bta repcirl .to the .. panel that two The pniblelii tbe dli1tricl 1'°'8 stems · nI reports on Ford?a.CIJllpalgn eon-(See DIESEi, Page II • lr!IJutlooa nol completed by the 1aat • ' """""1ttee meetlng Wert•IVallable. • 1inder1bo Oollltltutlon, both brlQCbel D . . f "1'· T QD fl,r ""1'!!11:'1111111 lj)p'OVerFont,-.OO~~:y-Or-;'blJ~ · . ' • Osear-winning actor John Wayne and bis wile Pilar are· separating after 19 years of marriage. Sourees close to the N~ Beach couple, however, say the split is only a trial se aration. and "they both hope to worlt everjffilllJ "?''.'...- They in fact are still living together in their Baysbores .home although Wayne is about . to lea\'e for an auction at bis . catUe ranch in Arizona and has other .travel plans that will keep him on -the road for some time. Among ·other things , the 66-year-<>ld movie ,star will go to New York to pose for attlst Nonnan Rockwell. Jbe sources saMl there are no plans for Wayne's 37-year-old Peruvian-born wife to move to the · new house she ·purchased In Big Canyoo earliej' this ·year-:-Sbe"lias lQld rrieoos ·She acquirea it '.'for financial spegdation" and planned fo rent It · · - . the )loual ..hllcllll ,~ WU ·, hDid!H 111 ~ IDday ID . 1 d : liilr iJu.oa wlh uin wtio allo appeared Board · Tab1e ' ........ ·thi .smate. _. In '-· . Clem.enre Council Will Receive Prwrity Package The Wayne's manied in Kona , Hawail, · in November of 1954 after· a whirlwind romance. .. She had been a stewardess for a Peruvian airline and w.as an aspiring ' actress. They met while she was in Holly.woocldubbing_a' movie in s~. Neither of the Waynes ~was aVilli6re Cor comment, today. The marriage is · his third and her (See WAYNES, Page %) $1 Million Raised SAN FRANCISCO· (UPI) -Whlll! dernon&raton: marched outside, sup. Porters of Israel donated more than $1 million Monday night to attend a dinner in honor of Israeli Foreign Minister Abba .EbaD. TeWiSh-supporterS • attending the banquet purchased a minimum ol. $1,000 in state of. Israel bonds In addition to the, $15 1>0r person plate. Oraage Weather : ~a~~=8f'!':;-~~p.~ t_o ~-nee c.~""':1e.!~ty~J! • J:1' Amolcl . -a New York ~ •· ~ ~'nlfled _;aawill_ au-.O(:_tibanolll!s. will Gorgonlo an suggeotlmo foi: UJllJ'.ading major matters·comJng before councilmen ol Bonita c8riyon and Vtate Bahia puts. at the session starting a\ 7:i!(l p.m. _,. Still'Oiber elfon. llhoiiJd be-' towinf ~~~Other ilems'OO the acliedllleclnciude : develOjlneDt of the new : donated • -The setting-of a public bearing on Clear skies and coolei-temper. . atur~. are .wliat the Loa Angeles · weather smrloe .0...:-fcr.illle Or· ang Coast Wednesday. Higli:i In the mid~ for Inland portions and 53 at the beaches. Lows ·35-43. ..:.:'-"therapist' _. 'F'Ord be • Proposa•• w pay • .,_," come before San ctememe city coun· ,...,~ • aays · School' District trosteeo-·a sUpend of cl!men Wednesday · · 1 Dill bat not u • patlen~. and Mn. • :in -~•-• were tabled by the The ..... •·-· • sealed'!n t .Allee Weston l!l>owal\er1'ho,haa denied .--~.. .,...s =•• -. a recen '1111' alleptlon that e1>e' acceplecl 'l,000 . · · ~•Y becauoe of the abeence special meeting o1 the parka and rea',.. '.· (Seo rotll>. l'lae II of ttiree' member&. lion comml.!lslm -calla for Ibo use • , • 'nle board -openatlng with lour men of county revenuHbarlng · luncla for !be ,..,,.-----,-------. -.-·that a 11111 panel oboWc1 vote • Pt•'cl•ueand developnent of the.......,. .• • on Ibo Jn....,, -llll!alatloa allowt ' Wlitdl -beloop ta the Slate Dtflalob GARBAGE D ~y ,.. board ~-bin ID ~ COlll•., of -· .Althoa&h 'nOI ofllcia1JY ., 4 • ...,..11a11 for·--at ,,,,..,. baf. -·smplua yet city....,_ bate '! ·. DE,jY-TQLD -~~'::~·Cllltbe~l6tal = ~ -tlon. ID~ Under tbatllibedlde Ille CUSD trmteeo 'Ille CllllllD!sslGn's , ~ , Son a...... reald!ota -would rup di. per .-Ion, not to nceod · also lnclades proposals !or development 1 tra111 ~ ta pldoed ap 111 tuo per month; ~ • • of -paits. 11 ...,. -....,. · · Qi Will 111.. lo wait ' . llooday'a im!ocl wu attended by ctm.i at a ......,t joint study lealoo r daYt:~-·~ .. J ..:,;;. ... ·at· ·~George Wblte, wmard1'F Enqulst, ~ that Ume was 1111!'!1.lng by In · · Cl .... ·-"""'"""' ,,... nurit-aod Dr. Edw "~ -• "llie <'OUll\Yji'ant arena. • Ille ~ lllildlJ, ftw,_ n-abo<ilt fJ.'Olll the ...,Ion were Commlsalonen promised & definitive , , ' ' . • pkkupo be inade 111 Friday, -•· Gardon Pl~;:-~ Smltll and ._._.lion In~ molter of-•· Wlll!lm ,,_,.,,, Amolll !be 'Jll'OPDlall other than San • \ ' .\ .. • by three deve'--rs In the :P u •• ~ . the long-delayed demands by angry ..,... a~, resident& who aaserl ·· tbet Ille use area, where ·....tdenta ol Son Clemmie variance granted, to the· Crestltte, Ag· and cap1strano. -all would be ....... gregate Producla. plant be reviewed by · ed by tbe lactlity meuuring nearly the council. -., of dust and noise focn., ~ ......... but of-' pollution have been the ..,..led cry .--u .,. -•a-by hundrecls of resident& ,of Vtate 'del . ' Church Auction Set A funckalllrl' alcllm of dmated Items will be lj)OlllOl'ed Nov. 29 by OUr Lady of F'alimli c.thollc Qiurcll ID San Clemente. 4'-1. Doors of parish hall will open it 7 p.m. for the specllll sale andflirowt'ers are welco~ to view the auctioned Items ahud of the btdd1ng. Rel'relhmenlt will be' served at the event. Verde, Sboi'ecllll5 North and other residential nelgbliothoods br !be area of the planL .. -Final public hearings on modifica- tlona to the -I plan calllng for the setting of opelHjioce districts ; male· ing the laoo-.... elemeota ciii!orm-to the roning map·and the'shllt In land·use of the Shorecllffs Goll Course area. '- -A letter from 1he 'legal Sfalf of the Tunes Mirror Company seeking an explanaUon·by the oouncll for Ila recent ,• (See· PRIOIUTY, Pip I) -· INSIDE· TODAY. Nine Scripps CoUt ge coeds, Including two frf1Tll Orang• County, invelted a $50,000 do- nation t~ tlle colleQ• <md · !lla<U $3,000 for the colltQf 'through i1ivestments. See story page i.· L.M. hM ' 1 Cell""'41 s -~~ 21-26 -" (~. 17 --IMtkft • ••i.rt• ..... ' ~--1 .. : '"" "" ...... . ,., ......... . ......... 1' . ' , • • • . lt .UA.ILl' PIL01 I South Coast · •Nixon Knew All~ Yule Mail Fire Pump Autho1·ized v Purchase of a t,500-gallon-per-mlnute pump truck for the plaMed South Coast County Fire Station in the Laguna Niguel-Dana Point area has been an- nounced by Fifth Oislrlct Supervisor R41ald Caspers of Newport Beach. Cupen said the Board of Supervisors opproval of the 172,500 high capacity pumper will add lO a ladd er truck and IDOl'kel truck planned for the same facili- ty. ........... The .. ,uperv11or .. aald . the county Is negotlaUng for a suitable site' for the fire staUon which ts scheduled to be In operaUon late next year. In the mean- time, the equipment will be at the Llguna Niguel subsbUon. FuOds for the pumper are from. federal revenue sharing grants. "This planned equipmeot will greaUy tnbance the ability of the County Fire Department to combat fire-In lhe area," Casper• said. "It Is part of a oountywtde effort to improve .fire service." He added that the county is presently being rated by fire tnaurance authorities and the new 1tatlon should improve the grodlng and result In lower lire JmuraDoe rates for area residents. Martha M~tchell Tells Meetings ly HILIN THOMAS WASHINGTON (UPI) -Martha Mitchell said today that Pres!· dent Nilon "tnew eveey,thing tha! was going on" In his ni-elecUon campalgir,betore 1nd·after1he Watergate breok-ln-and bugging. , She said that NIJ<on and her hUJband, former Attorney Generol • Johh N. Mltcbell, went out on the presidential yacht Sequoia "every night and discussed the campaign from bel!inning to end. "There wasn't an)'lhlng-tlmt Nixon didn't tnOW'," she said in a telephone tntervlew. "ThJJ la the truth.'' · Nixon has asserted publicly on severol occasions that bis re- election Cll\IPalgn was tlie "first campaign I didn't run" and that Hoven:ealous but well-intentioned" supporters on "the Coinmittee to Re-elect the President may have been responslltle for the Watergate developments. South Ciiiist Zone Unit Approval Ratio $9 tn $1 ,- Deadlines - I A4 if sleet, snow and the dead al , night weren't bad enoough, mailmen now have the energy crisis to worry about. 1 1 Impending nalional luel shco'lqel blva ' forted the U.S. 'Postal Servloe to move up its Christmas mallinf deMlllnol by ; as much as two weeks. "The urgency of the fuel energy crisis I compels UJ to request a me-wff:k ad·. vancement of mggested dates we Cave 1 for:-domesu·c ma:u -and a-two-week ad .. : vancement for foreign mail,'' a postal j service spokesman in onnce Cou12tt1 said today. • ~ By CANDACE PEARSON ot 1111 DMlr 1'1'91 St1tf The new deadline for moiliq -le 1 Cirst class Christmas mail is Dec. I rather than .Dec. 15 for on-time delivery. I/ Domesllc, surface-delivery parcels, ex· cept for those to Alaska or Hawaii, The --Assembly committee chaired by should be mailed by Dec. 3 \llder the Assemblyman Alan Sleroty (D-Beverly ™:W guidelines. Deadlines for Alaska LOS ANGELES -A total of $9 in n'ew construction has been approved by the South Coast Regional Zone Conserva0 tion Commission for every $1 it has denied, its executive director said Mon- . day. Testifying at.a hearing of the Assembly Select Committee on Coastal Zone Hills) Is looking into the first year and .. H_a..}Vaii have been moved to NovJ of1ProhPochsltlon 20etl, ththe 1972 c;oa 1 stal zone 2.1. , ac w 1 creat e conUni$s ons. Air mall . parcels to addres.se1 lnstcW Sleroty kt A ... mblyman Paul Pliolo the CCll\USUOOS United Stat.. -that'• (0.S.nta Monica), the only committee excludll!g "1aaU and Hawaii -ollould members· present Monday , as k.e d be malled ·no later than Dee. ts. 'I1w C&rpenter and Lane what legislative ae-deadllne to the two faraway 1tatef 1" tion might help them. two days earlier -Dec. 13. · Lane asked for more money and more Mailings to foreign countries have Calpen aid lire oWclall cited • need for oerlal lire equipment and blgh copadty woter delivery In the South Cout area because of the high density 1----..!ll<lmtlal-nelghborboodl-ln-Daua-l'olnl -· and Laguna Niguel. _ llesourcel bere, Mel Carpenlec said about 25 to 30 percent of the permits denied come back to the commission ir. scaled down venions and are ap- proved. commission time, by allowing alternates dead.J.j.nes for specific are.as, depending for elected officials. Hill requests were on the regularity of po51al 1erviOD1 ed!oed by Joseph Bodovitz, executive abroad. •1 • { Coast. Magazine Assails 50 MPH Fuel Solution The edltor1 of Road and Track magazine have warned congreumen that !Ix,~ 50-mll .. J>er"hour ,.,..cl limit 111 "iPoor 10lutlon" to lhe fuel problem and Uiat rationing ls a more feasible altemaUve. Stall members of the 21-year-old Newport Beach-hued automotive }ouf'!1al ,.., tile slowdown Is not only un-practical but a1ao "inequitable" and mlde their feeUnga known ln a telegram to lllI Calllomla legislators. · • The Coogressmen were told that many .can on the road "can now average 2) miles per gallon or better at 6$ mph while most bigger can, campers, "IDObUe homes, and can towing trailers, '11'1 ksl than 10 miles per gallon at 50 mph." The Road and Track message also explolned that the llO mph limit would •drop' Ille "actual average to uodf!'· 40 anpb, lur1lltr uriiJUng, lhe ell!clenp' of -man)''ntW can. Sto{Hlld.go driving cauaes more po!IU· ·tlon and uses moie gas than steady-speed .aulslng, ac<ordlng to the magazine'.• •ezpertl. Jim Crow editor of Road and Track, ·said the tel;gram made clear that "the -secret of lower smog levels and better gas conservation is to limit the number of can on the road, limit the actual ~amount of driving and keep the cars that are on tile road moving." ' 1be telegram was sent to Senators Alan Cranston and John Tunney (both D-CallfornJa) and U.S. Representativr-s Androw Hinsllaw (R·Newport Beach\, Rlchanl T. Hanna (().Gardeo Grove), ,cialr Burgeoer (R·Rancbo Santa Fe) ,and Craig Hosmer (R·Long Beach). From Pagel ;GASOLI~ .•. :American Automobile Association, said 1 today that Spot checks showed no major tiasollne lhortages, although he received : reports that isolated service stations , were limiting sales. 1 "The thing that should be emphasized ·ob that there will be no major in- 1 ~nvenience for holiday travel," he said. OUllMCOAST K DAILY PILOT Tiit ar..... (CMll DAILY ,ILOT. wllfl wl'llcfri Ill Cflll"M .... Ille N ....... r ... ,.h Mii.,_ 111'1 IM Or111t9 Co.11 Pllfllltltl"'I C".emHny. S- NM ..i1t10n1 1rt "1billl'ted, MON11y lllroutll .. ,..,..,, ..... Ctllt . ~. Jrl9'1111trt lffdl, Hwtli•hii• lludl/l'OUflllhl Vlllfy. l.t9-hldl.. lrvlnll s.ddt'**k .....i Stli Cl111•-IV IMI .NM ~If-A •lllCllt 1'9111antl .. ,ti ... " ,.,..., ..... "'""''ti .... Silnllt'tl. flit ,, ..... ~11111 lllellt 11 ti m Welil .., lti"MI, CWM Mftt, C.llflmll. f1'H. ktokff N. w.~ .. ,.. ............. w. Jecli •• ew1., VlCf ~ _. ..,_. IMMttt" ., 1\M•• ICM¥(( ..... n-.. A. .. .,.,.Iii. _ ..... Ch1rtn H. t.M Ricl.1r4 r. Nill ~--....1•1i.r. a. a. 's OMM IOI "-"' ~ C..5-ll:etl, t2•7l } I °""' Oflk9 ' a.. lMM: • -::.::r ''"" ----I "-"...._ "9dl1 1rm 9MCJI ....,.,. ~ 1 u.-...... ,.,.., ·- I '"•••••• Cf14t Ml-4111 ~ Cl•-...... , ... I '41.M10 l s. eta 111 Al D1,a1 1 rw j "'······ 4tll+Ut c.rrtlM, tm. Ort.. C...t ............. ~-... -...... """''"'""""' I ...,."' IMttw " .._.......... ...,.... .... , .. • •• 9 'Clf """"" ...... .... 1 ................... ~ ... I ._..._,....._,... .. c.tt..._ II Cdfilnlll, t·t1•lll• .... tlrftw taM ! ==' !"~':' .::,,.--· "'"""':' I' . ....___ _ ___, ' .. .. , U,I Ttlllll'iol• ·Stop Thclt lJ1nlJrella! A sudden gust of wind lofted this un1brella from the hands of an unidentified youth and his date, attending a college football game in Fresno. Dogs Tear Boy to Bits, Killed by Jersey Police JERSEY CITY, N.J. (UPI) -Two vicious dogs killed a 6-year-old boy aod partially devoured bll body before they were killed by police, who were also . attacked by the animals. Police said t"" patrolmen found the tiny body of Herbert "Junior' Rm9ell of Newark about 11:30 p.m. Monday in a vacant lot near a duster of aban- doned buildings where be :!Ometimes played. 110ne of the dogs Was standing over It and ., I stepped forward, he m1de -a leap· for me," aid patiobnan Tboinu Jonea. "I pulleil .. t my gun and sbOt bitn 'while be was still in the air." · He said the Y.'ounded animal and the other dog, both believed to be German shepherds, fled to a nearby Retired Nurse Loses Savings To Con Artist A 72-year~ld retired nine lost most of htr life savings Monday in what Orange County Sheriff's officers said was a callous but cleverly executed example of the old "bank examiner." Investigators said Mrs. Zella Merle Woodcock of the Garden Grove area told them she received a telephone <al\ from a-man-who identified himself as "Lt. Brown," a security officer at the United califomia Bank. The widow said she agreed to help her caller in what he said was a plan to detect a dishonest employe at the bank by withdrawirig $2,400 of her sav4 ings and handing It to him. She said she met "Lt. Brown" at the bank and withdrew the $2,400 while he waited outside. She said he then took the $2,400 In cash from her, told her to wait for a few minutes ·and went into the bank. Mrs. Woodcock is. still waiting for .. Lt. Brown." In vestigators said he ob- viously left the bank by the front door while his eld erl y victim waited by the rear .entrance. Investiglitors today warned all Orange County midents and particularly elderly persons that the Christmas season will bring a sharp inCrease in· the type of crime that cost Mrs. Woodcock her sav· ings. Doris DuB.ridge Rit~ -woonesday Funeral services Wednesday will be private for lloril DuBridge o1 Laguna Hills, wile of former presidential sci'""' advts« Lee DuBrldge. She died SUnday at age 73 at her home. A native of Iowa, Mrl. DuBrldge ls ourvived by ber widower: by one .Ji.. Rlcbanl. o( VI~; 1 dlugbter Barbara McLeod of Canop Park; and five granclchlldren. Mn. DuBri<IKe and her husband, wbo aervetl bodi Pmideot EiloGOOwer and Pr..ideot Nixon as a lulf-tlme acleoce advisor, had lived In Le~ure World U... yean . DuBridge was preaident of Cal Tech in Pasadena for 22 yean. Mc:Cormlck LaiWll Beach Morltw)o II handling aranremeots. Burial will be private. ·• ' • garage. Jooes' partner, R9bert H.,., guarded the building while Jones called for help. While he waited he diacovered the body of a third dog wblcb police said was apparently killed by tile pair. There were bmes of other antmala tn the area. Police said the boy was rtporled mlla- ing late Monday by hi'tiandmother, Ruby Johnson. She told Ice tbe boY sometimes ,pllyed In abandoned J".IUJllngs aod police began their aearch about 11 p.m. Jone1 spotted the dogs as they Oed into buabet close to where the child'• body w., dlaoovered. Police aid the dogs were owned by a man Identified only u Mr. Howard, who kept them In a fenced-In lot. But police said the fence was partially tom do"'"t- l'romPqel FORD ... from Wm!er·Berger to lnlroduce hlni to Ford. The House group MoodaY bean! theoe witneSBeS; -Rep. Michael Harrington (0.M..,..), $3.id that in 25 years in the House Ford has shown "an absence o( leadership." Harrington added, "I don't thlnk we'll ever aee it from hlm." -Rep. Edward P. Boland (0.Maso.), supporting Ford, saJd: 11His style, hb: rhetoric' are not those ol a Kennedy. He says what he thinks. He also gets thiogs done. He could be the kind of president that Harry Truman became." -.Joseph L. Rauh, vloe chairman of Americans for Democratic A c t l o n , challenged Ford's voting record on civil rights and the extent of his experience in foreign affairs:. -Clarence a.f. Mitchell, dirtctor of the Washington bureaq of the National · Association for the Advancement of C<ilored People, Said-the NAACP does not have a position for or against Ford but that his voting record "shows that he has a restricted approach to civil rights." l'ro111 Pfffle. l PRIORITY ... oompromise decision on rate increases for cable television customers in the city. The panel declined t<j.(alse, the monthly sefvl'ce Charge bu! agreeCI to -higller feet for new customm. - -A debate between a local telephone company and a critic over proposals ~ split the Orange County yellow pages into two books. Tony DiGk>vanni, local locksmith, has assailed the Idea as cosUy to small bullnesaes. Pacific Teleplme Area Manager Robert Gannoo pro- to endorse the, Idea before councllmen. -A report from City Manager Kenneth Carr on proi-<f water 1Ystem Im· provements. Bus Crash Kills 9 OAXACA, Mel<loo (AP) -Nine persona wtre killed and 2t other• were Injured Monday when ao intentate buo lklddetl oa a rq1-1 ay n turned over, the Red c:i- 'lbe bus woa cm II• iray lo thll touthern llq!co 'city from the caplial. A3 of early this month, Carpenter said, 1,769 permits represeotlng 1991 million have been approved and 74 'permit•, valued al '145 million have been denied. • The South Qwist commlsllon covers Orange and Los Angetea counties. Carpenter'• 1taU.Ue1 backed up a s\a,tement made early &bat day by atate Coastal Commlsalon chairman Melvin Lane, who aaid~ "We've not stopped the basic economy of the coeat." . F,....P .. eJ JOHNSON ••• be returned to sbte prison to resume serving what will be a ... tence amended from the earlier commltmenl ol five yean to life. The tall,,handaome defendant bad serv· et! t..., yean of !bat ...,....., when bis convlCUon on cbatles " lieaind deg?ee m'urder was overtunid by the Fourth illltrlcl Court ol .Appali.. I · The appellate court ruled in ' divided opinion that Judge William Murroy erred when he allowed the . prosecution' to preoe11t the jury audio aod visual tapes taken while the arTested Johnson was under tbe infiuence of a truth drug. . Much ol that controvmlal evidence ..... kept from the Jury In J-'s ......r tr1a1.. The jury returned lo the -several times during Its elghklay recess to ul: Judge 'lbompaon to again 10 over bla finol iDotructlcm anti to 'ult the judge on two -to ardor the rereading ol testimony. Jolmloa wu arrested by San Clemente police a year alter the body ol bll wife, Connie, 22, was found sprawled m the bed in the couple'• apartment at tll Mooterry Lane. JolKlllOll told police cm June II, 11170 that be found the body alter be returned from duty at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. But the proacuUon argued during both trlafl !bat Johmon _atabbecLhis wife alter 1 quarrel that began when she complained about her hll!band'1 persl!l- tent use ol marijuana .. director of the state commi!slon. The Postal Senice lo one of the llrgal Carpenter asked the legislators for government users of fuel, tbl CX1UnlJ requirements that all ' ·local qencles spokesman Aid. · 1 delay the Issuance ol building permlls "The serioUJDeOJ of tbe fuel ahortqe on projects until the commission has to the Postal Service is underlined by .granted Its own permit. the fact !bit In addition to the fuel Both Orange Md Los Angeles Counties con.swned by commecclal air carriers, are doing this vohmtarlly. we roqulre apprcWJDltely 3llO mllllm Reouirlno all local building and safety gallons of fuel to tnvel us bWlm departmenb to IMpect developmenls to miles to deliver the 90 billion piecel see II they fulfill coastal commiasloo of mall each year," the 'Pl"-nu aid. txlllcOOOllll also would help, Carpenter He estimlted that the IDllfmen ct 11ld. America will use 45 milll"'1 galilnl ol The regional commlsalon doesn't have fuel during the moolh ol llecanbet enough time or peroonnel to lnspect-a1cne-. - all completion notices, which, Carpenter said, are just starting to come ln. Carpenter listed what he thought were South O:>ast Commlsiktn successes in the lint year, including ~ -Reducing den111tles Jn attaS where the commissloo feJt they were too high. -Increa11lng access to the beaches by requiring more on-site parktng, leav- ing street parking for visitors. --OeUIDg developers of adjaM>~~ eds to worit togethe< before a ying for pennits to come up with tter coordinated building. -Requiring more open 1pace on Jn. dlvldual lot.. • -Redudllg the nuin)Jer ol . unlll in large, planned commwtlty· developments for "more p1euing" ardlltectural and esthetic elfeds. l',....P .. el DIESEL ••• from a fecleral rogulatlon that Inna the mnlmum diJtr!ct supply of fuel at 7.700 gallons per month -..,. . as 181\,.-year's average. . But II that llllJCh fuel Is not 1vallablo, the district ""1 hive to IOllle lor-•er much there II up to thet lrvel. . <l!icu aid diJtrict parenfl would bo lull1 inlonned "' the -·· luol PR!>-lema ll!d he pnJnlied 1o keep bo11!f niemher1 abrim\ ol the fa t e I I developments. -Caualng a better quality construction. .Bomb Kills Two Carpeoter admitted that the oom· ml.!slon meeting!! still take too long and that It take1 120 days after applying for a permit lo get a-public hearing before the commission. Bodovitz said there II a chaoce the commlslloru: will get some funds from the 11172 federal coastal zone manag .. ment. act, wblch bad been beld up by Prelident Nixon. · Nixon ju.st authorized If mlllioo, of which California would be eligible for $400,000, for planning, but a S<nate con- ference committee ls recommending $'7.5 million, of which flll0,000 would go to Callfsnnla. 111.e commissions only have two years tmtU a coutal master plan is due ln the Legislature, said Bodovltz. They want enough money now to finish the.. job without begging for more funds midway through lhe plan, he said. 'Ibe com· missions will need almoet $2 million to complete the planning phase of' tlielr work, Bodovitz added . PHNOM PENH (UPI) -Two par1tX11 were killed todly when a bomb ~ demolished a car owned by a mliltarJ police major who -for blgta political coun¢1 member Slrlk Malik. one of the leaders of the March IS, 11170 coup which· ovmhrow Priaco Nrodom Sihanouk. 'Ibo --. 1111& tifled by police •• the atster Of Majl 0 . Kongslyo and the driver of the car. l'l'OlllP ... 1 WAYNES ••• second. Wayne's first wife wu Jotephlnt 5aenz, mother of hla four grown ddJdrtn. His secmd wife was Espenwa Bliir. Wayne and Pilar have three chlldren Aissa, 17, John Ethan, 11, and Man. L ' SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN'T HAD A CARPET INSTALlA TION BY ALDEN'S, IN OUR SIXTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE C ARP E .TE D"THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN COSTA M~A. NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AFID HUNTIN6TON. BEACH. ONE ·NEIGHBOR TELLS 'ANOTHER ti NT I L WE HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A BLOCK. THE FORMULA IS SIMPL6-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH.CUSTOMER HAPPY. ASK YOUR . ' . NEl6HBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPETED HER HOME. '{IF WE HAVEN'T, BRINStiER IN WITH 1 YOU.) ' • ALDEN'S ' . CARPns • DR~PES . ' . .. •• •• 1663 Ptat:Olltla An, COSTA MISA 646-4831 HOUU1 M-. Tin n.o., f tw 1:10 -RL. f tw t -SAT~ 't:IO ,. I • I ,1 ' i 1' r t:: ~!El~ .., ATT •• AmW ...... lr---i~ AMF .... ... .. ·-.... ·~ """' ... Ams Ir .... ... .• .. "" A • • .. , ••• •• ... , . .. !~ ., • ~ • ., ••• A • •• • ... •• .. •• :· '· .. r::: • •• ... •• • ... .. .. :· '· I j II .. • f I • '!'_ueaday's Closing Pricea l Tllt>day, Novenibtr 20. lliil SC ~ -DAILV PILOT J:J ~ -- ,NEW ·YORK STQCK -EX~HA-NGE-Year's High-Lows A ppear EVery Saturday • • I 1 ' • .I • • .. . .. . . • I • -:"'Aftilk; ·se I 1 ____ _..,u-=sda.v_~ , • Evening , , • 1:311 ~ IHHll Horn'• "'"'' -= <!ii> • ...,._ r ' -Elizabeth T1ylor, l1urence HIMJ.t ~·(;11, ftftl . ~V.1 Dyke Merv lrifflll Show W, llirlfflt!I kMol Dlsdpllet . Uvi111 hsy" ·-· · Desert Thutre &) Little bkllt Wednesday 1:00 O (C) "lndiKrttr (com) '58 - DAYTIME MOVIES Cary Grant, Ingrid Be1gman. t:00 ()II (J) "'My Son, The Htro" (com) 3:00 (I) (C) "Bridces of To~o-Ai,. (dr1) , '43--Piby Kelly, RMCtle ICims. '54-Wil!iam Holden, Grtee Kelly. . ,. ®J (C) "Hlcft SocltlJ" (rom) '56--t :JO fJ (C)_ "lllcC11111 &o Html (dr1) Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly. '66-01rl Bor1rd1, Susan Str1sber1. 10:00 rn "Sl11l the llsam!" (adv) '60 3:30 ID ct;i "Rouati NI~ "' Jetkflo" -«ennetti Moore, Dana Wynter. (wu) 67-0ean Martin. D "btllllivt" (mys) '37 -frtd 4:00 I) (C) "Wild l Wottdtrfvt" (com) MacMurray, franceS Finner. '64--Tony Curtis, Christine K11.1fman. 12:00 D "Con1111trln1 Honie" (wes) '31 4:30 ® S.111111 lOAM llstin1 -Richard Arlen. "Elrly te led" (Q!l rf)) ..,.Oii ltlCMlf to Mt" (com) (com) '36--Ch111es Ruules. '41:....&rbara Stenwyck. KOCE TELEVISION LOG . Nowmlltr 20 {P.M.J !li30 CHAN·l!ll! WAY (CJ 'IP.,..cked Mullet!" -Tiie t lmclf C.in1011e~1 method of ~eperlf\11 fltt\. •:Otl CARRA .OLENDAS (CJ ti.. llr.•I edvcltlona l'I progr1m preser1ted in ll>e Ur1lled Sfllll'$ oJlmed &I ScoJnlst\· spe&klng cl'llldr~. <4:30 liLl!CTlllC COMPANY {CJ Haltlf Wint!~ dKldtt. lo D.JV !Or lier llU<C/'11111 bY check, bu1 ;.ht doe!.n'I _,. l'l11ve 11 Mn. S:OD SEJAMR ITltEET (C) ROY!nv R'f'0111'd Kermit Ille Frog gets all(lry when ~• wot1'l answer M1 !Jiits· lion •-wtuot m•~~" ""OP!• ~""·"?" '~OD OltAHE CONTY REVIEW ICI ,, Tht "mai;Hr.!ine of tl'le •Ir" fe>r Or•nge Countv. 6:30 HISTORY OF ART !Cl Le11on 1S '"Roman Architecture" 7:00 THE GREAT COMSUMER CON· TEST IC) Llt!On 2~ "Mon$lfr '~ocMnes -Tllos• Maler A11PUances In Your Lole" Tiie consumer'• r~ll'lnJlbllllv In choosinQ the rlQ!lt macnlne, uM Ind c•re of m•c~ntt. I •nd gu1r•nTH •nd warr•nties. 7:JO Al MAM BEHAVES (Cl 1Asson 1'/ "'Bl· ·e~' · ·· p 11o1 COUtK 1or" con~· Cr'edll. IVC oqy 1:30 The AlrDQrt Hassle 9:00 TP'!I Feminine Ch1Uena1 •::io P<OllOSlfion 20: Coetlll Crblt 10: ~ •• o~~: Who Nt-e<11 It? The Extriordinary Mansion, on the ocean • ' -• ' · with the Zillion Dollor View. GREAT ·su~PERS • . • ~ •••• UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT THANKSGIVING SPECIAL R .. stod Stuffed Tom Turkey With •II I~ trimmings. _Serving from 12 noon. $395 -· . ' 3 l'ull Ur¥lce Localliiii Iii Hunt""'°" ...... PRESCRIPTIONS ' .CMrlf..-....... Lit•, .... = ...... ' .,c&.sr. 117 ................. ··--.11 ........... _ .. ....... .......... ....-... -' .... . f. . . -• f.,6 . . . qt\flcir" tJ Flowers • 9596 Hamilton An. • .. __ ---- HUNTINGTON BIACH TalophOM -ff3.32'6 • Custom Thanksgiving . Floral ·Gifts Carnation Arrangement In Bud V1M Fr_.. to 1st 50 customers with this ad. • Now, with The Banko( California Connection, your personal check is eagerly accepted ·at thousands of local stores.. Now you don't have to be a friend of the store manager's to get your check accepted at a convenient .supermarket or other store. When you have Th e Bank ol California Connection there's no hassle, no credit check, no embarrassing turn-down. Because with The Connection you get a Check Guarantee Card . This · card , with yoitr photo and driver's licenslf~]?er 0rrthe BacK, l~ts th~ world know that ·The Bank of California guarantees your personal check up lo $100. Your card Is honored at stores operated by Safeway, Pay Less drug stores, Joseph Magnin-ana thousands of other reta il establishments through· out the u. s. and 4.7 countries worldwide. 1i·s like having your bank on just about every street comer. Only better .•. because many of these locations are open 7 days a week, some 24 hours a dayl But there I• a lot more. The Bank of California Connection is a whole pack age of lhe most useful personal ban king servic~s ever put togeth~r. incldlling; • · Unlimited Check Writing. Write as many checks as you wi sh. The·re 's. no additional charge. And no minimum balance requ ired . Moneychac~. That lets you write yo urself a loan in lhe privacy of your own checkbook. And also gives you automatic overdraft protection. A ufe depoeli. box 81 no Rini · charge. · Traveler'• checks and !110MJ orde11 at no extra charge. · Reduced ralH on pel90tlal loallt. A M11tar Charge• Card. P.01tag•peld Bank·bJ·Mlill &arvlce. Besl of all. The Bank of California ,.. Connect101Tcoshronly·s2.so a ' month. What many people pay fo a ·Checking account alone, Ar.id remember, no mjnlmum balance is requirelf. For an application just fill out the coupory.' Or slop In at any · of our convenient offices. . . ............•.•...............••••.•• , r••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . -. ~ ! _I am i_nleresled In The Bank of California Connection.. UJe Bank of CaJjfOrnia l w.:i•;;l'-.._;.,,1 • Please send me more information and an .application: -I • · -Please cllp and mail to: • The Bank of California · ! The Bank of callfornle ! ' . . . , . ·~ . -·' , , . . , . . . . . . ·. ~ :, '.• .. • [· .. . • • • .. • . .. . • :· . ' ® A good SOlid ,,:. NAME 550 SCulh Flower Street 11 l 1'" Don't Forget Our ~ Los Angeles, California 90017 " SUND'Y. C:HAMP • 1'0DRESS PT Ow , ,, " . AGNE BRUNCH co ectio • AUenllon: t,tr. John ena • ~ .. ____ ..;.,..,;,2;;n:';;"'°":.11•o•w•"·~M..•c.•~ •• '°.h,•t•3H•P•i~.;~,;,;.;;;.X.;~.;4 _____ 11..----·-•_•_"_r_•_•_•_on_~_°'_c_._r:_rom_~_._"·_"'_"_'_m_"'_'_~_.o_·._,.c_. __ i_._·_:_~TY-·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_~_._._ •• _._._._._._._~_~T-·A-·T-·E_·_•_·_·_·_·_·_·z_.1_:_._·_•_·_·_·_·.:.·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·..;·_~_._:-_._~_·_·_·_·_~_._._··-~---·_··_•_f_•_•_J_:--:-: • I ' • ' • .17 . ' ~ It a • • • . - • . ' -; -..g1111a ~eaeh • EDITION Today's Final • --·-.. N.Y. Steeb Qpen-Space Group Blasts Moulton Ranch Plan • I . . . ' ll7 l'lll!DERICK llCHOEMEBL • ; ·~ .. Dair ,.. .... . ~ ,ii llll'laclnc ~ aplnst ~ 11,mdi · plans to deVelop 1111 zu1a1 unit& a~ the ridge nne Arch Beach Heights. Crtlklam of the de<>elopmenl bu mme ,cb\illy from Mildred Hannum, a m<mher et " Ibo; eililens committee. w b I c h ""1nallled the open spoce elemeot ol the ~plan. 'GOOI.~ by the committee and iuloPled by the Plannln( Qxnml.,ion ... .. ~ .._ I •II and City Coancll, call Jor the ridge line to be acqulr<d u an open opace butler and park for Ardi Beach Helahis. Otberl crlttcal ol the 1111 unlis inClude Cow>cllwunan Pbyllla Sweeney and Carolyn Skendarian, oewly appointed Board ol Adj-member and Arch Beach Heights rmldent. ACC!Jl'dlng to tenuUve plans deveJoi>ed for the Moulton Ranch by the finn of Chapman, PbiWpo, Brandt and Red- dick, ihe unlta would be localed just out ol the city limiis on the east side . of the upper portion ol Balboa Avenue. Bob de Almeida, a plamfr With the a.-finn, uploined that the .~ would be of low demlty and contain park llld llCbool sites. Acceu to the site would mme from a pro-1 estenakln ol Alta L8g)lll8 Boulevird to Top o! the World · and mto the El T...., area to the north and onlo Pacific Coast Highway an the south. -· "By developing this parcel, they assume the exlemioo of Alta L8g)lll8 Committee . am the -'9 of 1-Beach have indicated they don't nnt that," said l::ounci!wunan Sweeoey. Mrs. m.nnum, a lqtlme open apece supporter, bas taken her ,complalnls both to Chapman's !Inn and the orange Coun· ty Planninc' Commillion, wb!ch wjll have the !inil say oc the plan. Mrs. J!annum said the """' space committee called the area "Moulton Meadows Part" with. the "fond hope tbal naming II -.Id lead lo ita u!Umalo Ol(s • reailzalion as 1 canununity park to service Arch Beach Heights." Mrs. Skmdarlan DOied that the area Is one ol few localions that could serve as a park !or the Arth Bead! Heigh!s. She objected to the Chapman finn plannlng for the area without ccmulting Arch Beach Hetghta mmrnunity leaders. '!be mUre issue should come before the Arch Beach Heigbta property owners associaUoo, Mrs. ~said. She .noted that the City Coundl ap- ~ espencliture or $Zl!ll,OOO In federal .. -. revenue Sharing !or butter stJ1p ""' qulsition and that plans are In the C111inC to double that 11111Lwlth malcblnc fl!ndL ' . Plamier de Almeida •Id the -thing the city could de to lend oil. developments would be outright parcliUOI of the 174-acre parcel. • · It bas a price tag ol $>12,000, accordlDi ; to the adopted open ipace element ml a purchase priority ol !Ive-on a am1& ranging from ODe (highest) lo 3' (lowest). · : • . « Fo.rlt's VP Nomination .. ·--.. . ' Wast Unit . -. -; ~ Sospttt Hunted Asked:· ~Let -. Young Laguna Woman on.Bike Hit . ~ " . . 'tQ.gunaBe' By JACK CHAPPELL Of-~ Craig Eyerict bad niched bis Young wt!e Patti bicycle off toward downtowc La..,. Beach In the momlng. 'l'llen u be worked in the yard ol ·,_ _ . . the couple'• small apartmen~ the phone ~ Beach city officiail askecl the rang and the >olce lrcm the pclice ~ ~ ....... 1 .... Monday to department aid: 1111 ·tlii.:-· lllllj' porlq ..-IJ':..~.: • c. t..= __ own way. · ;· .. •dhl and ltdand, tbe - '11!1!11111 ._.1o..,. • lll&liil' ·ol mf • .. llAllOir: a. •· llolt of ..... ... the -u """'!;, ....... .., .... ~ ...... 1111117 It·-H ean pl ilellnblo cbancter 81 l'lal ft eiiil ol dol""111• aiid H ·11 means ,,,., Ille ,po11cema ..,.. and m-o.. . . Craig to South Coal aed the -adi'""!ll ta 11ooe,-~-11eacb room where Patti lay, her lace bloodied J'l-*'I ~ W-lloody ~ and abnded. -· · Tiie -Cooll Rqiooal 1me Craig, 23, Is a hospital orderly and Coma flli<il Commlsalon met In San he ..,. be'• -to ...ing blood. This . -. llme,.be aid he nearly hit the floor. Otment. 1Clly Hall for • planning attl 23 bad been nm down...b~:a .,, "'. Al Is .. ""1il-d to belp develop veblcle' 111e' could!i'I see. a ·-.v-plan by 11'1111114 Wlllll The driver ran and left her bleeding ~3" la the middle of the -I near the , W V.,W Roy ·Holm 1o1c1 -of Glenneyro and Pearl ..L ~ ~.-two -home. Ille. -1cJ .,.tbal ll!e-clly' .. pMloll No wl-lo the acddenl have ...... ol ll)OlllDO II the maII ales "!'?"' !Gnran1 ao lar. ta'i, ......... ~:c!IY l!k .. to -Craig • ollerial .. nwant· of fSOO ~l!MlopmmL . lo._ w-lnlormatioa will lead ~ be ~ ~ the cily'; C1D'I meet to the ~-atl!I cocvlctioa of tliti '.' ""' -I llri<I -. com-(BOe IiEliAllD Pap Z) ............. l<i!C -1lul pllnl to • bUlll1 omtrallaed paiting lllruclunl in- IP9lf ......... ~ ... SEEKS HIT-RUN DRIVER Husbend Craig Eyerlck ~.~~ to solve tbe problem," l"1ia . ·ail(I. "by oil-tile parking. We ... ~ IOke that into c«lalderaUoft." ~lajd tbe dly ta calfll!I between tbe --cmnnt--which waata _,,,.ning to "' _. baach --> ed Ilia ... bomu.,laLl'loleelioa ,..,,, _ wlddl waota fmr can am ..... )lllldng-- Dogs Tear Boy to Bits, Killed · by Jersey Police •Qodinl-JllllY -o I llowt*t'Boach Objected that tha """" .... a1ld II ID a 'dflemma : Whit .. ... -cenlralbed pming llfilo. -tbll don~ :rel ala\-.. Al -tbne major mmnerdal pro-loclo-ID ~ !IM<h are coming up beloio lbt <OllllDisalon in the next few • JERSEY CITY, N.J. (UPI) -Two vlc:looo dop tilled I 6-yur>Gkl. boy and pertially -bis body before they were tlllocl by pcllce, who were also attacted by the llllllnal!. · Police said two patrolmen lound the tiny body of Herbert "Junior" Ru18ell of Newark abcul 11 :30 p.m. Monday 1n a vacant kJt Delli' a cluster ol aban- cbied bulldlnp where lie someUmes played. . "One ol the dop wu standing over II and u I stepped Ila wanl, be made I leap for me," Aid ~ Tboriw .l<laes. "I palled . out' my gun and abol him while bt wu 111111 In the air." Ht. Aid the -lllllmal and lbt . other . ..... llolb bel1eved to bl -- Gennan obepiierds~ fled to a nearby garage. J~' partner, Robert Hess, guarded the bcilding while Jones called !or help. While be waited he discovered 'the body or a lhlrd deg which police said was apparently killed by the pair. There were bones of other animals in the area. Police said the bOy was reported miss- ing late Monday by bis grandmclher, Ruby Jolmoo. She told police the boy aomeUirieL;played' In ihe abondooed bo1ildlnp and police began tbeJr search abcut II p.m. Jones spotted the dcgs as they fted Into bushes clooe to where the cbild'1 • (See DOGS, Pap II . . Rules Unit .Voting Unanimous :W ASIDNGTON (UPI) -The-Senate Rules Committee voted uuanlmouoly fo. day lo recommend the cocflrinalion of Rep. Gerold R.·Ford 11 vico prealdenL All .. ot• ......... weN pr11mt _. Miil fs""o.n n•111Mt I& lilldbr' 9'$.~.>. -u he '1e11 Ibo 11111· ... . . -ol the ponoL Coot ·--ol the ·,._i ' ........ ,... .... emmnlllee ~ would bo compW«I OYOI' Ille f-y 'lbanksglving recesl tbls -, and the Senate wooJd start -... 11!" -1natim ... _, with a 90le ezpecled the aame clay. PLAY FOCUSES ON ·MACABRE WORLD OF-WITCHES Conley w.,.. Plungu Into Ploy "Dork of Ille -u The C<lllllllttee action bad been ex· peeled. f'ord, 1111, the Hoese Republican leader, underwect four days ol bearings and ~e investigatioos by the Senate paoel. . . . Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), the assistant Democratic leader, made the noliOll fOI' conllnnalion and. Cool:.aecond- ed IL Sm. llllow-arcrld' cannon (i).Nev.), com-. (See FORD, Pap Z) Nixon _Reeeives Cheers, Boos In Memphis Talk From Wire Savkes MEMPHIS, Teen. -An'tvjng here to discuss Watergate problems with Panelists Ask Rebozo Probe WASHINGTON (UPI) -Senate Watergate committee s t a ff mem"""' said today they would recOmmend that President Nixon's close friend Charles G. ..Bebe" Rebczo be cailed to lolti!y In public bearings. "We're r-.mendlng be be can. ed; and ... think they'll go along,. said a committee-staff-member, who asked eel to be ldenUfied. Rebozo bu beec asked about 1100,000 be admils be received on N°IJ:oh's behalf from H o w a rd Hughes. Rebozoo bas told the com- mittee be kept the mocey in a sale deposit box for three years, then returned It. • Republican governors, Prmidecl Nixi>n - spoke lrle!ly to several thousand well· Laguna £' -uncil wisher& and crlttcs who alternated chem ~ with boos. · Standing .In froct of the betel where Sets Sycamore the governors were meeting, Nlxoo called attecUoc to an -ker'• placanl that read, "I believe ln Nixon and ]J H Am~g that the welmme bad "made Hi s . earing . our tday," Nixon said, "I believe in every' one ol you." 'l'be l,.aguna 'lleach City Council ·will Although the crowd w11 Ull!!lllbled held lb first pobllc bearing oo a'proposcd by invi!Jllcn, the most promlnenl signs developmenl plan lot the SyCl)IDOl'e Hills held aloft in the area called for NID:m'a area at. 7:31) p.~ Wedd esday at city resignation or lriipeacbmenL ball . lnF~_: G":.,..gt~.:i::= Tbeccancll ·wlll w.1111 a,speciflc plan (See MEMPlll!I, Pop ll for the adeptlon by the 'clty .. planning mmmislioc fot the. 'firlin area lying 'Dark of Moon' To he Performed -: . . At Laguna High . '!be Smoky Mountains Myatery, "Dal1i of the Moont'' -will be perform~ by the 1-n• Beach. High· School drama departmenl Nov. 29 and ~. 11114 Dec: : I . The play-wlO-.!ocus ... the -.. world or wllcbes and conjure om .la the .backwoods of the Smoldes. · . Robert McCarty will perform the lead role, John, a backwoods lad who brusllel with the witches' world. " Instructor Jerry McCullccb bas cut both male and female studenls ... witches in the moontain mystery. Performances are scheduled !or l :lS p.m. each nigh!. Tickets ani '2 lot adulis and fl for sludecta. ' " Impeaching Sought ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The American Civil LlberUes Union" of · Nortllern Ca1ifomla 111d Monday It bal collected 24,7UO signatures demamlng President Nixon's . lmpeachmecl and . forwarded them to the House Judiciary Committee. . .I Orpge ' .. - -Jud.g~ Won't Bar .News~~:µ, between El Toro and Laguna Canyoc roeds. The development plan forwarde<UIJ Ne~rt Inveatmenls Inc., bas splllrd mntroveroy 11nco ·the, jlresent pl&ns in- itiaUoc more !ban a year ago. • - Weailter Clear skies and cooler lempel'o atures are. what. the -1.M Angeles Weather service sees for the Or- . ang·Cout Wedrie!dily. lllibs In tlie · mid-605 !or Inland portions am 51 at the beaches. Lows ~ • By TOM llA1ILEY Of .. DllJ .......... Oranae County ~ Court Judge Wiiiiam Mlirray 1iJc111 refused to bar --from 1111 --during lrlal ol I fl Jldlb linpdl .llled by a -w!lo -'*' mtra~ In I Joca1 l&UDI Je4 lo :lier lat.. pro- mlaclllty. • represents the defending l!Qllday Health Spa of <>range. ., . . LewJs also Ul1lllCCe!Sful\ complained ~ that. newi accounla ·of the lrlal ,constanUy refer to bis parllclpalioc In wUl bu beocdle kniJwn II the -"Cable car Cue.'' . In 'tlial San Fraclxo lrlfl, I )lry· awarded ol!)ce -C-S,iies, 25, '50,000 iri damlces after Lewis ,...,. cmlulty araued that a cable car injury in that city dw1pd her personality. • "You just can't .keep th1J kind of thing away lnim the oews media and I don't lnlml to try," Judge Murray added. HWe will jult have to take utra precautioos wlien .._uvo juron are being queslloaed abool this caae. .. Jury .aelecllon IOI ...i.r way today and Is upecled to .... 11aua lbrou&b Wednollday. The Sy"!lfllOl'e Hilll area bas formed the "keystone" of what Laguna en- vironmental groups and specifically the Laguna <nenbell, Inc. -to ... preserved in Ill natural -I state. Ne w po r I laveltmenta development would 'place !,011 residential unlls 00 the 522 acres, along with a commercial .,.. and culh!nl -· City P1anolnr lllreolor w.i,.. Moody bad -With I proposal applying standanll ol an --ordlDlnce !or platmed -llal developmenis to Syoamore Hills. II ~ have pennitled 1,111 teSidmtlal unlta. • · INSmE TODAY Nine Scrippa ColUQc C'Ofdl, b1cluding llOO from Onmgo County, ln11<sltd o '51),000 do- nation to th< coUege imd !llildc $!,000 for the coUtf/C Uln>1117h in .. st....,.ta. Ser •torr -7. .......... ' Col-I Ca.NlftM •:lt.>6 Cenik• , 11 (,.....,.,,. ,, --I ............ ... LIMln ,, -. --.. ~ ....... _,_ I :::-..... = I ' Jqe Milmy made Ifie ntl1ng after )I..,... for bod! .lidel cilmplalned that local -perl eou1d ulilaifly ~ lbt jury by prtnlinC the •..,wit of .damqes being soug!ll by Mn~ Marla Ebella Panoc, fl, ol Aaabelm. "I'm !IOI goillg to bar neW>paper reporters from. my courtroom," Judge Murny firmly tol<I both lawyers. "W• will deal with the problem ol juron who bava bwd ol this case u " -up durinC jury lolec:Uon. Mrs. Panaa lnlliallJ< med Ille health apa !or $tto,ooo -lbe sullerod bums in the OnDge • ..,. three ,..,. ago after the baadle lo ·the door of her cubicle all~y came oil In her band. But the laWIUit WU stepped up to fl million -the plainlill, . descrlliid by her lawyer u a -Calbollc (!loo ND8llllN, Pip ,, 'l'be planning ""'1IDlstlon WU split on de<>elopment and finally ..voted ID """"""'"4 ·New po r1 lavoatnlenta' veralOo to the OOlllcll tor adoption 18 ........ .... . . ,..... 11·ll T ... .._ M -. I I 1 • . Son n.uc11co lrlal lawyer Marvin i-. St. • .... Ill Mn. Pm. Flilllrllll a-, Donald A. Rimm • • ,. ' (!loo SYCAllOU, .... I) ,, • • ,_. ........ I ""'..,.., . 1•111 M • - -. ---........... • I • --·~------ . I U.Ul Y PILO I LB T......,y, NMmbtf 20, 1973 Diesel Shortage ' .-. Mulled by .. CUSD With a dwindling diesel fuel supply that could run out by February, Capistrano Unified School D I s t r i c t trustees Monday night briefly considered pumping boating fuel from tanks at Dana Harbor to run their buses. Trustees were told by a top CUSD administrator that unless the federal agencies allocating fuel can be jogged loose, the districts' tanks will run dry by February. Sam Chicas, esslstant superintendent !or busln ... , sald doum ol attempts have been made to reach the agencies in Sau Francisco but all have failed miserably. "Either the phones are not answered or they are bµsy," Chicas said. During their discussion of alternative courses or action , trustees heard a sug- geation by board member Edward Westberg that the district explore the possiblity of using fuel from Dana Hamor. '1be Arco dock at the new harbor is the only retail source of diesel fuel along the Southern Orange Coast but trustees were told suppll•• Will aoon be short there as well 1be majority of district bules cannot ilse gasoline. U Ibey did, purchaae from fegular gu stations would · be an alternaUve. Only two small buses use gas. The remainder burn the diesel oil for !uel. Trustees agreed that the only viable alternative to the fuel shortage is to cancel all but the most critical bus trip~ . . Field trips us1ng buses will be elinUnated for the time being and any bus trip deemed necessary for athletics or other key activities would be made m charter buses instead of district coaches burning lhe scarce fuel. From Pqe J REWARD ..• the driver. Laguna Beach Del. Carroll llu!h has been tacking down all leads on the crime since It occurred shortly before II a.m. Friday. He admits that the leads are few ind aayS the offer of a reward "certainly can't hurt." . "We're grasping at straws right now. I'd like ~ have anything I can get," Bush sald. . · He revealed another possible witness to the accident haJ · been traced by police. He w8! · hopef~I .11181 new In· formation would be forthi::oming. 0 She's not i-eally bitter about who bit her. She's not the vengeful tYJ>e," Craig said Of hiJ wife, now In the hospital's critical care ward. Craig ls bitter. He says he Can't understand how someone could dri ve Off after nmning ·down another human beln«. Certainly she was se riously in· jured and imml?diate medical care need- ed. "1bey mus t be ay,•are of what they did," Craig said. At fll'St ln the emergency room the e1tent of Patti's injuries were unknown. . "Just sitting in that y,·aiting room ls bell Just waiting, you know. The doctor comes out and tells you everything ts all right. · "Then the orderly comes out and f.alks with some other guy and says ·that gtrl's really bad,' " Craig recalled. . Finally it was determined that the major injuries were to Patti's face. · O>ncussion suffered in the aecident wU, minor, and a four-hour plastic surgery operation , was wxlertaken to repair her featureS. A famil y photo carried by Patti's mother, Mary Nygaard, showed a young girl who looked like a pretty homecoming queen, or a pert cheerleader. "Being young, if something happens to your looks, it's a hard thing to accept," Craig said. "She looked in a mirror and said .she didn't like what she saw," ?ttrs .• Nygaard said. · .. DAILY PILOT • Chicas also outlined a multi-faceted approach to the crisis, Including use of telegrams Instead of telephone calla to the bureaus in charge of the fuel aUoCa· Uon program. Among other technlque1 planoed by the admlniltrators would be contact. wtlh elected representatives to get· them to lobby for a shift in priorities that would move CUSD up on the list. The district is also working on new bus rules that could result In longer walking distances for aome pupill. The problem the district faces 1term from a federal f!gulaUon that froze the malimum district supply of fuel at 7,700 gallons per month -same as last year's average. But if that much fuel ls not available the district will have· to settle for howeve; much there Is up to that level. Chicas said district parents would be fully informed ol the district's fuel prob- lems and he promi&ed to keep boenl members abreast of the f a t e s t developments. From Pqe J FORD ••• mittee chairman, said there was little discussion and what there was centered on his report -to the panel that two FBI reports on Ford's campaign con- tributions not completed by the last committee meeting were available. Under the Constitution, both branches of Congress must approve Ford, aod the H04U Judiciary Committee was holding its closed-door .... ion today to bea. three witnesses who also appeared before the Senate panel in executive session. They were Robert M. Winter:. Berger, who wrote a book mentioning Ford ; Dr. Arnold Hutchnecker, a New York psychotherapist, whom Ford says he met but not as a patient, and Mrs. Alice Weston Showalter, who has denied a.11 allegation that she accepted ,1,000 from Winter-Berger to introduce him to Ford. '.!'he House group Monday heard these w1tnesses: -;-Reo. Micbael Harrington (D-Mass.), said that m 25 years In the House Ford has shown "an absence of leadership." Harrington added, "I don't think we'll ever see It from him." -Rep. Edward P. Boland (D-Mas1.), supporting Ford, said: "His style hls rhetoric are not those of• a Ke~y. He aay1 what he thinks. He . allO pts things done. He coilld he the 'klhil of president that Harry Truman became." -Joseph L. Rauh, vice chairman of Americans for Democratic A c t I o n challenged Ford's voting record on clvii rights and the extent or hJs experience in foreign affairs. -Clarence bl. Mitchell, director of the Washington bureau of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Said the NAACP docs not have a PoSitlon for or against Ford but that his voting record "shows lhat he has a restricted approach to ci\'il rights." Front Pflfle J . MEMPHIS ... from his Key Biscayne home for a private meeting . Vlilh GOP governors, who in a convention resolution also prais- ed the President's determination to make a full disclosure on Watergate. The President's jetliner landed at Memphis International AirPort and tax- ied to a stop before a crowd of several hundred persons. , Nixon w~ greeted by local officials before heading by motorcade to the hotel where the gOvernors were mee ting. Plam called for the President to ronfer "'ith the governors for about 90 minutes and .to return to \Vashington in early even mg. ~e of the governors wef! looking ~or N110~ lo provide some specific new 1nformallon at the meeting to answer allega tions of wrongdoing. He was und erstood to want the private session so he could personally defend his Watergate record before the state executives and convince them that their clear-cut backing for him would help re,iuce the scandal's damage to the GOP. • Pollster George Gallup told the governors Monday Watergate was sure to pose "serious problems" for the GOP in next year's elections. If trf'e con- gressional races were held now he said DefT!oct'ats. ~ight win enough ' seats .J~ be 1n pos1hon to reverse any Nixon yeto. .. .. -~v. Ronald ReaR;an ot California ad· vised colleagues to refrain from com· ment on Watergate "until we 've hf ard from the Pres ident." Nllon also took lime off ~londay to rela1 a little. taking an hour-long boat ride wi!f1 Gen. Alexander Haig and bis close lri~, C. G. '"Bebe" Rebozo. 'Bomb Kills Two . -l'HNOM PENH (UP!) -Two perooos were ldlled today when a bomb •xpl01lon demolished a car owned by a mlll~ police m1jor who worked for hi political council member Slrllt Ma , one ol the leaders ol the Marti> IJ 1970 coup which overthrew Prlnc6 Nrodom Sihanouk. The dead ...,. Iden. tilled by poUco 11 the . 11.!tet ol Maj. 0 . Konplyo and the driver of the car. • • -• V•til Spritag • Japanese Gi-ving ---- Up on 'Nessie' but waa not a wuto ol Ume and money I altogether. ~ Dllr ,tit! S!Mf Plltlt JOHN AND PILAR -THEY'RE SPLITTING UP Waynes Announce Separation After 19 Years Newport's Jolin Wayne, Wife Pilar to Separate Oscar-winning actor John Wayne and his wife Pilar are separating after 19 years of marriage. Sources close to the Ne·1J)Ori Beach couple. however, say th e split is only a trial separation and "they both hope to work everything out." They in fact are still living together in their Bayshores home although Wayne is about to leave for an auction at his cattle ranch in Arizona and has other travel plans that will keep ·him on the road for sorr.e time. Among other things, the 66-year~ld movie star will go to New York to pose for artist Norman Rockwell. romance. She had been a stewardess: for a Peruvian airline and was aft-aspiring actress. They met while sbe was in Holl~wood dubbing a movie in Spanish. Neither of th e Waynes was available fo;· comment today. T.he marriage is his third and her second. Wayne's first wife was Josephine ~enz, mother of his four grown 'children. HLS second wife was Esperanza Baur . Wayne and Pilar have three child~en A1ssa, 17, John Ethan 11 and trfan'ssa 6. • J ' From Page J The sources said there are no plans for Wayne'.s 37-year-old Peruvian-born wife to move to the new house she purchased in Big Canyon earlier this NEWSMEN year. She has told friends she acquired • • • it •fqi';finon!'ial lpeculalioll''rarid~ait~ • · '.~.._ , I , . f,. ~ ,-< t l'' , ~ 1 • to rent·lt. ..: ~ ' • • 1 mower-o seven, aue~y ~ ;l<JPed The Waynes manied in Kona, Hawaii, urges· that led her to seek mates in in November of 1954 after a whirlwind local bars. . DeJ)OSitions filed In the pretrial phase Young Laguna Turke-y~rotters Vie Wednesday In the days of the Pilgrims, children celebrated Thanksgiving with a chase through the woods (o see who could catch a wild turkey. Students at El Morro Elementary School in Laguna Beach will re.enact the chase with the fifth annual "Turkey Trot" Wednesday at 2 p.m. Dr. Donald 'i\'oodington, superintendent of the Laf.!na Beach Unified School District, wdl be on hand to start the 500 yard race. Student entrants will run the course, full of obstacles representing Jogs, streams and other diversions. of the lawsuit contain the determination by a psychiatrist that trauma developing from her entrapment led to a psychiatric condition in which Mrs. Parson became three separate personalities. _ --~, _<>f _ _J!lJ>se_-rsooali!!I'!. th e J>S)'Wlatrist stated, di:veloped stror\g ten- dencl"" that led her to frequeotly desire Intimacy with strangers. A second personality, identified as "Betty" in the dep:isition, frequently expressed remorse about the sexual tendencies of "Maria." Lewis has staled that he expects to call about 50 witnesses in "'hat he believes will be at least a four-week trial. Bus Crash Kills 9 OAXACA, Mexico (AP) -Nine persons were killed and 29 others were injured Monday when an interstate passenger bus skidded off a regional highway and turned over. LONDON (AP) -A Japanese ... pedJUon hunting the Loch Ness monster suspended the chase today after a two- n1onth search. Net result so far : a pile of bones and some weird noises. HWe are very disappointed," a spokesman for the 16-man e1pedilion said. "But we shall be back early next spring to try again." The eipedltlon arrived In Britain Sept. 7 with the aim of. somehow driving the elusive "Nessie" to the surface with miniature submarines and photographing it. Reports of the monster's periodic ap- pearances in the Scottish lake have baffled scientists for years and amused skeptical area residents for just as long. Dozens of persons claim to have sighted the monster the past 40 years. Several photographs have been produced but have proved t a nt.allilngly in- conclusive. A popular idea of the anlmal pictures J•. as. a long-necked, small·heeded reptile wtth a large hump on its back. The second phase of the Japanese ope.ration wlll use a specially built un· manned computer-operated capsule, the spokesman said. This device, being built in Japan, will grope around Loch Ness's murky depths sending out electronic bieeps In a bid to locate the bewildering behemoth. The e1pedition spokesman said the ftrSt phase of the search cost $250,000 Monarch Plaza To Do Without Yuletide Lights Merdmnts in Laguna Niguel have taken steps to save electricity during the Christmas season. At Monarch Bay Plaza, the merchants association decided at a special meeting J\fonday to cut out all decorative lighting pn outdoor trees and posts around the parking lot. The merchants are considering a pn:r posal lo reduce night lighting of their signs as v;ell, a spokeswoman said. Avco Community De ve Io per s spokesman Geoe Wblte said thermostats ha\'e been turned down In all company Q/~ces aqd . employes urged to use car pools to get to work. · A Christmas home decorating contest sponsored by Avco has been revamped to stress non-lighted displays. It will be judged ln the afternoon rather than at night. Clieetali Gives . Birth to Eight SAN PASQUAL (AP ) -What first ,...-as believed to be the second lar11:est litter of cheetahs ever born in captivity 'vas actually by far the largest, animal exr.erts say. The ·San Diego \VUd Animal Park re90rted Friday that a cheetah had given birth to four cubs , second only to a, litter of five born once in Amslerdam. But ciJter the mother left the nest Sunday to find feed, park workers discovered eight cubs, one of them d2ad. Another died in the park 's animal h~it.'.'I SWJday nig ht. The others were listed in good condition today. There will be boys and girls races for fourth, fifth and sixth grade students. Trophies will be awarded to individual class winners . · A real turkey will be awarded the student with the best overall time. Races will begin at I :30 p.m. and continue until 2 p.m. SESAME STREET Basketball Set For 'Biddy Boys' SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARB~ AREA' THAT HASN'T HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S, ' "Th• divers did hear certain q...,. sounds when they were down,11 the ' spokesman uid. 11And then UM wen the bones." The boneo were found ln Urquhart Bay, an Inlet midway 'along-the northwest bank of th• :!&-mile Ions loch. The spokesman said the bones were unidentified but mf11erloul fOOUlh to give the eipedlUon &ood cauae to start ! sear<:hing again. "We think the monster II a glanl 1 eel," the spokesman Uld. ''Thert are lots of eels in Loch Neu, you know." j The Japanese have decided qalnll using midget BUbmarines in the ,neltl stage of the search because scarcely anything can be aeen in the depths. I The expedition was led by Tokyo businessman Shamhlku Yoshida. His team included four divers aDct an ~ derwater cameraman. Yoshida has no doubts about the monster's existence. Earlier ln the search, he told newsmen: "We 1 believe in Nessie 100 percent: Ever 11nce I was a small boy, Neale bu boon Ibo biggest thing In my Ille." Laguna's Mayor: Keep Irvine . . 1 Off the Coast · A coastal-oriented city better un- derstanda how to adminilter an area like the tmdeveloped lands between Laguna Beacb and Corona del Mar, Laguna Beacb Mayor Roy Holm laid Monday. · Holm adclr<oaed a ~ -Ion of the South Coat Recionol 7.ooe Conservation Commission at S a n Clem~te City Hall. A!ked aboul Laguna'• lllhere ol fn. nuence, K'olm said it did Overiap in the area of Irvine Cove w:lth that et Newport Beach, and poaibily, with the future sphere of influence map of the city .of Irvine . Holm said Newport Beacb and Lquu Beacb could -k oul a opUl ol the downcoast area with the Irvine Co~ pany, which owns the land. But he added, "We don't think lnlne should come over the hllll. Jt'1 .. too tremendous, irreplaceable , invaluable • piece o1 properly to be admloislered by. a city with a largely Inland. ciOm- mariity.•• · F,...P .. eJ SYCAMORE. • • a specific plan. Although It'• the first c:ouncll beartnc on .gycamore Hills, it may not be-the last as Vice Mayor Peter Ostrander will be absent frm the Wednelday meeting. The council appeared to be reading for continuaDce IO the full body could part,icipate in the decision. Also on the council's public 'bearing agenda ts consideration of the dty'a general plan open space and COllltrvaUcm elements both of wblch lriiply • the Sycamore Hills area should ~· The Ne\vport investment a1Jow1 more than 70 percent of area u open spaee. Mayor Roy Holm lndlc:ated at Ille last council hearing of the two ieneraJ. plan elements that the coundl would atlempt to resolve any conruc:ts between the elements and the pnipoeed opeclfic plan. "Biddy Basketball" will soon be under way at the Boys' Club of Laguna Beach for smaller fans of wha t is cOmmonly a tall man's sport. Biddy basketball uses a smaller ball, smaller court, smaller basket a'nd smaller player. Tryouts for boys from 7 to 12 years of age •. <Yill l>'1 geld ai-1-p.~ov. 28, 30 and Dec. I, 5, 7 and 8. • Tryouts for boys 13 and 14 will be held at 7 p.m. Nov. 27 1and 19--a:nt't' Dec. 4 and 6. • IN OUR SIXTEEN YEAR~ .. WE HAVE C ARP ET ED THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN &_.OSTA MESA, NEwgC>RT BEACH, LAGUN>.' BEACH AND HUN1'fNGTON BEACH. ONE ALIJEN~S :: 1'he Boys' Club also needs coaches for the new leagues. Further infonnaUon about I.he pro- gra ms Is available by calling Nick Gffiesple at the Boys' Club, 494-2535. From Pqe l DOGS •.• • body was discovered. I Police said 1he dogs were ow!'led by a man Identified onlY aa Mr. Howard, who kept lhem in a fenced-lo lot. But police sald the fence was par~ally tom down. Howard told police the doga had been fed doa food earlier In the day and ahoul4 not hav<'been bW1grY. ·-· NEIGlilOR TELLS-ANOTlciEll UNTIL WE HAVE· WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A BLOCk. THE FORMULA IS SIMPLE-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH C.USTOMER HAPPY. <ASK YOUR. NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPETED HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, BRING '1Ell lN WITH YOU.j '' .- ' • CARPETS e DRAPES .. ·111 Tiii llAllOl.AUA · llMCI 1917 ' 1663 Plac:'-'ntla Ave. ' COSTA MISA 646°4838 • ' l HbUU: M•. n.. fl!on., f to l :JO -NI. t lo t -SAT. t:JO 19 I • • • ' . I ' I I ,. ' ' ... .. m ' •• • • . . '• - '(CL'. 66, NO. 324, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1973 TEN CENTS I· ' • Japanese Qtjit Nessie Search, Vow to Return · ' ' . •' LONDON (AP) - A Ja-ex-P'!!Won;~ the Loch NelS -~ the clwe today alter • i-llljll!th ·.,..,... Net neiiU. 10 far: a pile ,of ~ and llOIDO weird nolaea. . "We are· very disappointed~" a ~ for' the If.man upedition llli!. •"BUI we Bhall be beck early nm ipaing lo try .,.in ... Tbe eipedltlon antved In Britain Sept. 7 with ll!t aim ol oomebow driving • . . tho eiush• "Neale" to the surface with miniature -aod pholograpbing IL Reports ol the ·-er·s periodic ap- _...,.. In .. Soottlala Jab ha"' baffled lclentllta lor years and amllled stepllcoJ' area mldents for just u long. ~ of penono claim to have• •ilbled the monster the past 40 years. lleveral photographs have been producea but have inved tantallzln1ly II>- - ····Fordv Supported Rules Committee Vote Unanimous WASHfNGTON (UPI) -'!be Senate -Coqualttee voled unanimously ·to-day Ip ,......._,. the cool1rmation of Rep. Gerald R. Ford as vice president., · AU ·~ ol the ._,.hen wen pr.sent aDd 10led for coollrmation, Sen. Marlow Coot JJl.Ky.), said u be left the ball- )lol!r long private omtoa ol the panel Ceoll said proparation ol the formal commlllee report would be oooipleted ...,. the laur-<lay 'Jbankq!vlng ....... 11111·-. ·alllf the Senate would start ' -on the nomlnatim oo Tuesday mitlee chairman, said 1hore was Utile with a vote expected the same day. discuasion and what there wu centmd '!be committee action bad been ex-on his report to the panel that two peeled., Font, IO, the -Republlcan ' FBI reports M Ford's campaign .... leader, underwtlll lour dsyx ol hearings · lrtbuUoos not completed bi ·the lut and extensive inve.sUgatioos by the committee meeting were available. Senate panel. Under the Cooslllution, both. branches Sen. Robert C. Bynl (IJ.W.VL), the ol Coorresx must approve Ford, and assistant Democratic leader, made lbe the House Judiciary Commlllee wu notioo !or coolJrmal1on aod Cook aec:ond-holding its clooed-<loor semdon today to ed IL bear three wltnesaex who alao appeared Sen. """ard C&nnoo (IJ.Nev.), com-(See FORD, Pap I) : V outh Killed by Two ;Dogs -Animals Attack Police Before Being Ki&d Jooes. "I pulled out my gun and DI · Ruby Johmon. Sbe told police the boy bimllrililebewaallilllnthealr." sometimes played In the •-lie oald the _,,_ animal and bulldinp and police bqan their _.., behemoth. • '!be expedition spokelman, asld the llrsl phaa o( lbe search -$250,000 but waa not a wastO. of Ume and money altogether.. . "The divers did bear certain queer soundl . when· they werelldown,u the spokesman said. 0 And then there were the bones.'' 1 '!be bones ...,.. found In ·Urquhart Bay, an lnlel midway alooc the northwest bank o( the -[Qag loch. '!be apokexman aa1d the bones were unldeotlfled but mysterioolo ~ to gjve the_ expedition gooct .._ lo start oearcblng again . "We think the monstet II a giant eel," the spoke~ said. •'There are lots of. eels in Loch Ness, you know." The Japanese ..... decided ogalnll uslnr midget sumnari-In the next stage ol the •ouch llecauae acarcely . . anything can be aeen ln,tllo.deptbo. '!be upeditloo -loci by ~ --m YOlbida. Hlll team Included lour 'dMl'I' and $l -derwater cameraman.· · • Voohlda haa no doubts · about .Ibo. mooste.r's exislence. Eariler in tbi · search. he toid aewwmen: "We· believe: In N...te 100 [iercml. Ever -t was a small'boy, N-·~ -Ibo: biggest thlng•ln 11IJ w..• ·-'iJ ---""""""--------,,-----------------,,..----.. 1 SChof ·G~ag lfp El Toro High School , Is IJ!lder construction at the ill~t\01!1 of Toledo Road, Ridge, ROute and caDad8 Road. The '6' million· facility . is scheduled ~~~~~~~~-~-~-. . . --·-·-.l· i~· to.open next faJL Jn the meantime·llle·echool'• ~· ·\ students are attendini school on doubla'.'llllllen. ·at · . l\lission Viejo High·SChooL · ' ' the other tine. -ba11md . lo be about ll•p.m. Gee-. lll1p•adl,. 1W -.a -~ 1-,......i-41! ..... aa ,llld.tW --~. ~ .Jlioll; .......... -.~wliort'tbrt!dld'i _,,1; ·.1'.:1~R , .,. ,;:-·. .. ,:lf,(Jr.,;IU eatts ... . ' . , .... : Kl' ... ·~-. · New . · ~ -"Toro Principal ~\lllili ...... 'lllillo ."-callod .......... --. lbr1*1p. . ··-l'llllat ... Ille lop ...,.. _.., . .~ ......... . ·~,. Wblloo be -be ....,_ the • -ldfnillltd mly .. .Mr. &nld, body . ., • thln1 doc wlddl pollce said wilo bpi lhlm la • leaced-ln lot. But wu.apporstJ,J.killoilJIJ.tbo.J!!dt. There po!!?I Aid tho fmoe WU portlaUy torn were bcmea al other ...tmal• ln Ibo down. ..... Howard told pollce the clop had been Police uld the boy wax reported misa-fed dog' food• earll<r in the . clay aod To Shortage ·-. Of Energy Seeks ·Communiiy · Ti,es ,. " . ing. Jate lilnoday by bis grandmothe<, ahnul.d'not bave been hungry. Robert Bosanko, principal ol the new El Toro High School, is formlng an advisOry committee to help biin get in touch 'WlllJ the educat191lai .D~ of the community. ~'Gasoline· Still Plentiful . . . Along Coast for Holiday ;i,;n II no plOllne lbarla1e -al lOall DOI Cl! the 0rango Coul wilere iiiOeiijill . will ti0alile--W-11ay all Ibo ~ .• they need to make their ·Cl!>!(IYJi. enjoyable. ' A' r'mbn ll'irveJ ol oenlce llatlclll ,ilna, .the' .<>range Coul lndlcoteo abaul .Jia1f · wm· rema1n -tlda '111ursday. llaYftl ol the 1tatloo manqers con- ·~ ,.aald 'they wen clollni. not · .w.-ol a fllel obortqe but becallse .-waated to lake a bollday. u 'Jbl!ee ltationl fe!Dlining open aaid ,. 'bad adequate llUPPlies, with the ·~ ot the .Jilandard Ql1 Company-.. -* * * ~st Magazine ~·50MPH 1£001 ·Solutlon . I ' opented otaUcn al MacArthur Boulevard and Red Hill Avenue In Irvine. To con-'°"" supp11.. the ltitioo expects lo quit pumplnlf at 4 p.m. 'lbursday. Elaewbere In Calllomla aod the nation '!banbgivlng travelers may fmd more ---this year than they did lul year. but gu supplies seem to be holding up well. Kay Aldous, • apokesman for the American Automobile Asooclatioo, said today that spot checb .showed no major gasoline ohorlaps, although be nceived repor11 that Isolated setv,ice stations ...... limiting ssleL . "'!be thing that ob6uld be emphasized Is that there · will ·be no major in- conveDlence for holiday travel," he said. "There are no problems of fuel at this Ume altboacb, o..,.. the holidays, It Is litely that a number ol stations will be operating oo schedules similar to ·whit they've been dolng on Sunday since Labor Day." "' • Aldous 1-d his prediction abqut more -living dooinp oo "a pattern that we've watched for 13 weeks." This pattern, ·'he said, shows an II>- ,...... ~,-~_that creue In the mnnber o111ati0os closing ""P'c+J 1JLi lk!U~·--~ ll!nlt _ earner 1n the _.., m1 oo -_...lo Ille ftlel ,..iilen) and' llolldays, .. they bad dooe during · l'allfDln( II a ...... ltlilble the poollne abortage lul ......,.., ".t~· . . • lie iald that driven ln nniote areu n-al Ibo ~ llloU1d their pl tanb 1t least ., "II>• eiUton of Road. and Track ·t:' 8-1: -.-Ive ,.._I :._Ip)! lull ~ ~ m elil>I chivinC· • ' the llOwdowii ls not oalve tm-• ' but allo 0 ineqaitable,, and :::,~.':l!T.=:"..:.." tel8lrllD Young Farmers . ·•'-"" em..-... 1o111 lllat ~ " • 00 t11e '!""'! rcan -''"""" M ..... t ·m· lrvm· e ' , ma....::.-or holler al• ·~ wbllo·----...... --' ' -, ud '*' ...... lnllodo, tmne Star Raoc1ien 4-R Club meets _, ' 1eu -It mllol per pllaft at at 7 p.m. Wednesday In the Culverdale 11 mpli." I • Qu.btiiule, lrvtne, , ..,_ .. ~ Road ' ud Track ......,. allo Y ..... IJIGl)le !ram 'mine 'to 11 may ~ that tbe IO mph llm1t would Join Ibo dub which ointeo a farm, ' aalUa1 a-e to under 40 ollenopportunUles to !um doc tralnlng, further lhlltlni llit ~ ol ooOlina, marine biology, w l I d 11 I e , , can. pliolosNpey, -inc. mini 1 a rd en o clrtfllfl -lllDN ~ --IDd a varlely al other ~ m .,. _ _,,IMllwl~ IMliel. .' -.llnc to Ile m9$M'1 For ....., lnfarmatlon .-the dub call -· Mrs. Joyce Dolla1 said ..,..,mCrow, ..... al.llolll ml Tra:t, _..... 11 .-to all llrteratecl ( .. ~ Pip I) ln1la ,..,....,. and their [iarmts. • ' . • Irvine Council '1ft Hear De'bat,e On Zoni11g Law Allonleyl for' the Irvine Con1>anY and Ibo City of Irvine are espected to argue the fine poln13 ol zoolng llw 1t tonight's special cOODcU!Di!etlng. - At Issue ls 11.4 acres ol land along Unlvers)ly ·Drive west ol Beech Tree Lane near the University C'.ommunity As9ociation Clubhouse and University Park Elem..,iary School. Irvine Palnnlng Commlaxioners voled 3 to 2 last month to approve a site plan !or apartmeni. on the property. COuncilman E. Ray Quigley Jr. •I>- pealed that decisloo, bringing the matter to the councll tonight: The site plan provides !or 25Z apartments on the parcel. U built to the muimum allowed by the current zoning lbe land might accommodate 400 apartments. Irvine Company President Raymood L. Watson bas Indicated the company is willing to go to the dial with the city to delend lbe apartment IOO!llng. In the company11 view, the suggestion. that the ....,, ln force since 11114 would be cl>anged, "violates the integrity ol a . planned community," a compaDJ spomman olioerved today. Watson bal defended the addltim al (See IJNIT8, Pap_ Z) By United Pres1 Jateru6n1I -JaPan 'uked television staUOOI lo ban broadCaStlilg · after midnight. Britain revlrid its ~ slogan "Is this trip really necesury?" The KliJg ot Thailand tianned floodlighl3 !or his l>ec. 5 birth-o!&Y-. 'Aiid thl.. Soviet ColDmlllisl party· newspaper Pravda ·concluded that the· A Arab <>ii cu1liadc WU a va1uablo 1ool In the' seardt f« a Middle Eut peeoe. '1be rworldwide energy shortage brought ..... ent· meetings ol Common Market roreign mini.stets in Copenhagen, clrasllc power Clllba<b.kl._-ln- dumry, the threat of a ban oo SwidaY driving In lbe United Stales and · a He sent out invitation.. to local Nixon Receives . . ' Cheers~ ijoos In Memphis-Talk meellng ol lbe ll major o11 producing . Frem· Win Services natloos In Vleona lo cooslder further MEMPHIS, Tenn. ..,. An'ivlng here steps ~ l§e of the Arabs' .. oil WUJ>C?D" -against lrtenm cl Israel. lo discuss Watergate problems with Japan appeared to. be the -.i hll Republlcim gov.,;lora, Pr~ Nixon Ten large indUstries, including spbte brlefly ·t6-Rveral tliormM ·wet1 .. automobiles, steel and petrocbemj,cals, wisher$ and critiel wilo al!emated cbeon todAy began operatfug under a 10 pl!itent with ·-: .' ' ' cut in supplies ol oil aod electrldty. Standing In fJoot of the·~ -. Drops ol 6 to 7 percent In ateel pro-· the JlOV""*" ·'-9 meotjijg, Nlxun ductiou were predicted. ~ attentm1~ mi-~· placard '!be J-govemmem ordered all tbal ~ ''.I ·bell... ln N1-ll8d gas Stallons to clo..e 00 Slndays aod America," . , ' bolldays alter liillinr lo ge\ operator. Aaertlng that the wdoom .. ba<t "mlde to do It 111 their own. '!be (OV!'flllll'lll our daY.," Nlxoo said, "1 ·believe In aaked Japan's TV statlom to tum oft. eveey ooe of·yau." the "Ille late show" for Ibo not' ol Although the <>'O'lld• wu -eel the tDerlY crisis, ·aod struuleil'to avoid by Invitation, Ibo MQlt prnnilnent signs a total cutoff of Arab oil iiflboul 'bmk-held ali>ft.ln the art& called't.lr Nlxoil'1 Ing ties with Israel. '!be T1lilyo ·sugar teslgnatloo ot tmpeacbmen!. . exchange.wu dOl!ed bealuse al hoarding F'oijowing up, m ........ _..,,... and speculaUve buying. In Florld~.ana'Qwgla, Nl>oo new bere Belglnm, West Germany, mlland, I.in:-from his ')\ey Biscayne home for a embourg . ai'I' Denmark ·have .bilnnOd privite meetlar with GOP governors, pleasure ·driving <f!eCUve s·u-n;d a y, wbli In.a COOWlllloo .--a1ao pra1s- (llle ENERGY, l'lp·I) • (See MDiPiiill, Pap·I) ' Judge~.Won~t~ar N.ewsin.en t" -• I...... f II)' TOM llARLEY CNfltDelr ...... ..., Orange County Superior Court Joilge Wllllam Mmr~ today relllled to her W!WiiDE!il from his courtroom during trial ol • $1 m1lllon lawsuit' filed .by a·_.,, ·wilo cialms her entrapment In •-local -led lo her later proo miaculty. • Judge Marray made the ruling alter lawyers for both· sides curnplelned -that 1oca1 newspepen COUid unfairly lnlluence tbe jury by prlnllng the amount ol ~ lleillg IOUll>t by Mrs. Marie Ebella Panon, 4'(, of Anaheim._ SID FrandlOo trial lamr Marvin Lewis, Sr+ ripnioents Mrs. Psraoo. Fullerloo atlonley Dooald A. - ' \ businesses, potent-teacher Ullldatl.nr, the Chamber ot CGmmerce, tbe Sberifr1 Olfice, the Probation ~ tho ministerial uoOctatlon; and' bom4\ownorl auoclatiom. Ile. bopes•..fcr. i res[IGilOe al -'. 20 members. Facllitles. ICl!".theJnew acbool are _. · consli'uclion ·In El Toro al . tho Jn. : teraeellixis ii. Toleilo 'Iiiiad;:RldP ll<ite : Dl'.ive. 1aod--C-pM1• Road. • In 1lle .lnlertm, the !Choo! lo , ..... held at -' Vlejo,-Hlgb Sd>ool•cn double -·until 'the' ..... [mQdlnp are · llnilbed. 'Ibey are· aclledoled '*>r a fall cijl<blilg. • -· ·~1 want peoP.le In )be .COllUllllll!ty ·lo feel that,.thjs ,is-,thelr school;H Bosanko said. "I'd like tl>em ·lo be u · claao to it as they can. , "I rs ~ to i.... ·aa, lllldt Idea as poulble. ol what ·lbe ..,..is ol ,the community are In the age bracbl .we will aer:ve,'' be aakl He said -alao ·will ·ba· hnll<d to Jom .the cowritttee. A bl-moothly schedule al meet1mCa Ill centemplalel!, ·with the llrsl moednc -alter the flrsl al, tho ;-. To-keep the committee at a·Dl&JllDO[>le sllie, llounlo" sa[d 'only 11-'libo volunteer throaCh an lnVlled:atpi1!aallill are ellgjble. . "I hope lhll· ll•a cenlllmlnc1111t wltll the commuDity,.N be Aid. C.!19& • weaaer-· ·~ . . Clear -and cooler.tempef" --are -·tloo ~ Aacol• weather ...-·-for the Or-ang Coast W...._y.·lllcl>l lD the -(or Inland ~ im<l 11 at the 1-bes. Lows ':J5.41. • • • IS -T"id•Y, N°""'bff 20, 1973 • ... teriruar1 Date • Avalanche Diesel Shortage ~Mulled by CUSD Conserves OnLigb,~ ' r Buries 5; ' 4 Survive With a dwindling diesel fuel supply !1ial could run oul by February, ~trano Unified School D i st r I c t l!:UJlees Monday night briefly considered JlWDPlni boating fuel from tanks at 0... Harbor to run their buses. Trus1ffs . were told by a top CUSD administrator that unless the federal agencies allocating fuel can be jogged JobSe, the dJ strict.s' tanks will run dry by February. Sam Chicas, assistant superintendent for business, said dozens of attempts have been made to reach the agencies 1n San Francisco but all have failed mlserably. "Either the phones are not answertd Of they are busy," Qlicas said. During their discussion of alternative courses of action, trustees heard a sug- g~oo by board membe[ Edward Westberg that the district explore the pcmlblity of uslng fuel from Dana Harbor. The Arco dock at the new harbor Is the only retaU source of dltsd fuel From P.,,e I MEMPHIS •.. ed the President's determinaJ,ion to make 1 fUJl dbdosure on Watergate.1 The Prealdenl's jeUiner llinded at Memphis InlunaUonal Airport lind tax- ied to a stop before a crowd of several hundred persons. Nlxoo was greeted by local officials be.fore beading by motorcade to the hotel where the governors were meeting. Plans called for the President to confer with the governors for about 90 minutes and lo return lo w .. hington In early evening. Some of the governors were looking for Nixon to\ provide some apeclftc new information at the meeting to answer allegations of wrongdoing. He waa understood to want the private aesslon ao be could personally defend his Watergate record before the state execuUves and convince tl)em that their clear-<111 backing for him would belp reduce Ute scandal's damage to the GOP. Pollster George Gallup told the giovemors Monday Watergate was sure to pose "serious problems" for the GOP in next year's election,,. U the C!Jn- grmional races were held now, he said, Democrats might win enough .seats to be in position to reverse any Nixon veto. • r ..... P .. el ENERGY ••. Gasoline ataUons in Phnom Penh, cam- bodla began closing today in preparation tot the start of gasoline rationing and oil for the Cambodian armed fo rces was cut 10 percent. At a Vlerma meeting or the Organiza· Uon of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Iranian Finance ~1 in Is t er Jamsbid Amouzegar said \Vestem na· Ucm bit by the Arab oil ban offered Iran up to four times the present pri ce of crude oil In a scramble for alternative suppli ... Am-lald newsmen Iran did not Intend lo increase Ill oil output to fill tbe energy gap caused by Arab oil cutbacks. Foreign ministers of the nine Common Market nations met in secrecy today In Copenhagen in an attempt to help l!Olllind -cul off from Arab oil - wtttle at the same · time to avoid jeopardizing their own threatened oil supplies from Arab nations. "It's a very delicate situation and a Utile bit awkward ," one diplomat said. '11Je ¥ab challenge to European unity came Sunday with Arab oil producers exempting eight market nation. from the next 5 percent production cut.s next month because of a pro-Arab Common Market statement this month. ' . ' r:/ OUHICOAIT .. DAILY PILOT I ::'t.r °"""""Coli;! DAILY P'ILOT, willl .... lcfl ,. W ~lnllod ll'tt Hew1·P'r"1, It ~llaMG by , !'* Ot-.. c .. 11 Publltlllnt c.m111nr. kill· •,. ,_r ... ,~ •r• PlllllltMll, Mend.Ir throUOfl .,,,,fW IColt1 ~. H.wport ktdl,, ••-•• St1Ctll~oun11m v.ii.r. L~..,.,. ...... tr\'IMl'Saddl9Mtk ~ Stn ClttM"lt/ a.I J.M ...... tr•l'IO. A 1lntl• rwglOll•~ llMllllll II ~ ... lllf'dfirt •nd Jvnd1r1. Tiii ~I Mllttlfrlt pL.nt II •I lit Weit .., ~ C.1• M9t, C..ll!Wni., nut. _ Rebert N. Wee.I ,,..~ ................ Jetk R. C11rl., ~ ..,..r..., Mii 0-al MfMttr ~t..il'f J, """''' KMnf ' • ldtllM' • "TN'"" A. Mur,l;h1e . ~ ...... ,..,. ~ H. Lfft JUc.h1rtl ;, N.11 """""*" ---~ ... ..,.. -Olll .... , -Wat ..,. Sl1Mt ........... "'9d11 SUI H..,..n 9-11¥•,_ ~'lelcfll: m ~trnt ..__ ,......,., '-'11 ,,.,, • ..,, '°"""',_ ... ~: * Mwtll 11 C..1P11N 1 .. 1 ..,.,.,,, rn4> u2 .... 1.a1 Q 'W Mwo•f I I '41-1671 .. CCI ltw A• hp I: tWN 111 JI I I 4ft-MH ~.ms.~~'~ ~. ,.. .... ,..,..._ lllwtt•llw. _..,... _.. ., Hvert...,_.. "-#1 ...... 1•09111' """"" ..-i.1 ,,... ....... .,....,..._. = d.-....... ,... " c.t• ..... ... ........... ..,. "'"" IUt __ , ., ......... Mtl!Mi 1111....,Y • 1 f1s4#•91M -"""· along the Southern Orange Coast but trustees were told aupplles will soon be short Lhere as well. The majority of district buses cannot use ga90llne. · tf they did, purchase from regular gaa atatiooa would be tn alternative. Only two small tues use gas. The remainder bum the diesel oil for fuel. Trustees agreed that the only viable alternative to the fuel shortage ls to cancel all but the most crltlcal bus trips. By JAN WORm ot .. °"" ... Md Use Iha reaU'ooliia with haste In El Toro's Royal ·s.Yii1p lind Loin Bulldlnc _: before the l!cbW ., out • nmect ....iroom llPI -<11111 actually slay oa a ball boor) are just one ol the lnnovaUve ltepo being taken by dozens ' of Saddleback Valley busineaes facing the eneriY crtals. A auney of local major power users lowld them all preparing for poalbla shortagei. Field trips using buses will be eliminated for the time being and any bus trip deemed necessary for alhleUcs or other key activities would be made on charter buses Instead of district coache! burning the scarce fuel. Chicas also outlined a mulU-facetecl approach to the crisis, including use of telegrams instead of telephone calls to the bureaus In charge of the fuel alloca· tlon program. At the Laguna llll1I Mall, publlc reJa. tlons man Jack Singer aaid poftf1111ie····- haa been reduced 20 per<otlt by placing some tlOO lights on aborter lime schedulei and by cutltna clown on beaUng and aJr coodlUonlng. No outdoor holiday ~ lighting 11 planned. Among other techniques planned by the adminlstratora would be contact with el~ed represent4tlves to get them to lobby for a shift in priorities that would move CUSD up oo the list. The dlslrict Is alao working on new bus rules that could result In longer walking distances for aome pupils. The problem the district faces stem. from a federal regulation that froze the muimum district supply of fuel at 7,700 gallons per month -same as last year's averqe. But if that much fuel ls not available, the district will have to settle for however much there is up to that level. Oticas said district parents would be fully informed ol the district's fuel pn>b. lems and he promised lo keep board members abreast of the f a t e 1 t dev.elopmentl. FORD .•• The MiBoion Viejo eon\pany will have no llghttna of tre.. ,along median strips, aa 1n previous yews, and will reduce other traditional Chrlatmaa lighting by 60 percent, aaid Glenn Mon, public rela· tlom coordinator. Inside Ml.salon Viejo C o m p a n y bulldlnga, llgblod am.tmu decoraUons will be turned only only loor boun • day, he said. With the .. cep11on ol aecurlty lighting, all office lights and beating equipment are now being turned off at each day's end, he added. Dea>raUve outside lights at the recrea- Uon cenlerl bave beoD turned off as Well Mon aald a memo bad been sent to all Millloo Viejo Company employea asking how many plan e 1 t e r I o r autstmu llghting at their homes. Most have decided to lorogo II, be said. In addltlon, Mon aald the company Is itud)ibil i'tilil aerrice lor all employes In the vldnlly, In event that gu rallonlng occun, few oompeny employea would then have before the Senate pone! In .. ecutlve lo drlv,e to wort. seasion. . Penoooe1 and aa1et employs have 'llley were ROOer1 M. wtnter-Berser, been urged lo -amaller con lind who ?o'l'Ote a book mentioning Ford ; drive more slowly, be said. Dr. Arnold Hutchnecker, a New York The ~ O>rporatlon allo t.. psychotherapist, whoril Ford says he taken steps to save energy. met but not as a patient, and Mn. William March vice president ol fi. Alice Weston Showalter, who has denied nance, llld mi'DkWes have been 11r1ed an allegaUon that she accepted 11,000 to uae car pools 8nd tum clown lllelr from Winter-Berger to iOtroduce him thennostats. to Ford. Traditional lighting of tre.. along the The House group ~fonday heard these San Diego Freeway from E1 Toro Road witnesses: • loorldthe north"" bom'C!ary, of ~ w ·llu·been-·lbla ,_, -llell. Michael ilanlngtOll (0.-.). March said. said that In 2S yeara In the Houae Ford has shown "an absence of The tree llgbllng bad already been O.Hr 'JIM Sl1ff '"°'' JOHN AND PILAR -THEY'RE SPLlnlNCi UP W1yne1 Announce S.p1r1tion After 19 Y11r1 Neivport's Jolin Wayne, Wife Pilar to Separate Oscar-winning actor John Wayne and . The Waynes married in Kona, Hawaii, hi.s wife Pilar are separating after 19 10 November ¢ 1954 after a whirlwind years of marriage. romance. Sources close to~ the Ne7p0rt -Beach--She had .been~ a_stew.ardeS!l for a couple, however, say the split is onJy Peruvian airline and was an aspiring a trial separation and "they both hope actress. They met while she was in to work everything out." Holl>:WOOll dubbing a movie in Spanish. They in fact are still living together Neither of the Waynes was available in thtlr Bays.bores home although Wayne for commen~ tod.ar. . is about to leave for an auction at The marriage is his third and her his cattle ranch in Arizona and has second. other travel plans that will keep him Wayne's first .wife was Jo~phine on the road for sorr.e time Saenz, mother of his four grown children. Among other things, the 66-year~ld His second wife. was Esperanza ~ur. movie star will go ro New York to .Wayne and Pilar have three chil~en pose for artist Norman Rockwell. :_wa, 17, John Ethan, 11, and Manssa , The aources said there are no plans for Wayne's 37-year-old Peruvian-born wife to move to the new house sti.e ·purcbased ·in Big• Conyoo earlier Uris !year .. Sha has lold friends she 'acquired it "for financial speculation" and planned lo rent IL F..-Pagel UNITS ••• MOUNT SHASTA (AP) -An avalanche swept down the ·•teep .slopes of Northern Calllornla'a 11,lu.loot Ml. Shy la Monday, burying five ·....,. la~eera. FOW' aurvlved and . the l!fth was missing, U.S. Foreat s.Mce ollldal! said today. , A search was under way today on lhe stonny slopes of the ancient volcano for the missing man, wbo Is presumed, dead, said Bob Anderson, Foreat Service district ranger at the town of Mount Sha.ota,. 50 miles north of Reddiac· The survivors were identifted by sheriff's deputies aa David Klmm9, 22, Mike Benedkt, :u, and awct n.o.upooo, all ol San Franclloo, and Judie Hamsocl ol Nevada City. Identity ol the fifth per- soo was withheld pendlna DOtillcollon ol relativ~. The team of climbers waa ucendin( the mountain by ~·ay of Avalandle 'Guieb on the southwest side of lhe zna55ive peak. The slide caught them at about the · 10,000-foot level while the four survivors were ,. re!ting, the Forest Service said. · The hlth cumber had put on his back pack and was 'Starting back up the slope ;vhen the slide hit, Ani:lenon said. The rescue team comisted Qf two Forest Service rangers, two members of the National Ski.Pa1tol and .&. l'<IC\te dog nown In from SealUe. The accident oa:umd about 1:111 p.m. Monday, Andenon said. '11le lour survivors searched frullles.sly for th eir companion. Then, they hiked 1~ miles back down to a Sierra Club lodce where three spent the night. One Clltnber descended to the town of Mount Sbuta to call for help. "It was a classic avalancbe ltory,'' Anderaon uid. At the time, there wu a cmer of eight inches of fresh powder llDOW atop an eight-foot snowpack at the Sba5ta. Sid B6wl at about lhe same elevation n the mountain. The climbers' gear 1nc1uiied1Mc strings of ny1on avalanche cord -a valuable aid in JocaUng sorneoDe buried in snow -but the survlvora llid they had decided lbett waa no need fD tie them on at the time. ' Anderson aa\d an avalancbe vlctlm has a 50-50 chance of survival after half an hour under the snow. The duiDOeS decrease rapidly after that, he said. Laguna's Mayor: l Keep Irvine .. · · Off the C.Oast leadership.'' HarTington added, "I don't ~:'~':~ i::e-Jeeary:;,•tb:. ~ _ apartments to a village such as Universi- think we'll ever see it from him." F ty Park on grounds that they add variety Now the lights have been removed. rom Page I A coastak>rlonted city helter un- -Rep. Edward P. Bol,~ ([)..Mass.~. At the Saddleback Valley's tallest and vitality to the commlmity. derst.and s how io adrninlster an area suppoi;tlng Ford, said : Hil style, his building, the seven-story Royal Savings NEWSMEN Opposition to the apartments ha.! come like the undeveloped 1andl between rhetonc are not ~ ol a Kennedy· and Loan in El Toro, the restroom · • • • from neighboring homeowners. A petition Laiguna ~cb aod Corona .del Mar. He says what he thinks. He a1ao gets lighting Is just one tactic betna used. 11 1 Laguna Beach Mayor Roy Holm aald thin~ done. He could-·be-the -kind -,~·-·-James Manzi, cerllfied Proper t Y mother of seven, anegedJy developed ca ing or rezoning of the site was ?tfooday. president that HaITY Truman became. manager aaid the management alao ls urges that Jed her to seek mates In signed by 959 pefsorui:. Holm addressed a planning session , -Joseph L. Rauh, vice chairman of explor;ni a possible cutbacl< In algn local bars. A spokesman for neighbors of the ol the South Coaat Reglanal 7.o11e' Americans for Democratic A c 11 on , lighting at n!ghL lleposiUom filed In the pretrial phase proposed development told Planning ConservaUon. Com-al I ,a·a chaUenged Ford's voting record on civil "Bui oor lighted signs are the llleblood ol the lawsuit COllWU the detenninat1oll Commission Chairman Harry Shuptrine Clemenle City Hall. rights and the extent of his experlepce of tome of our basinesles." be l8k1 by a psychiatrist that trawna developlng that "apartment.s ca, ter tO a transient Asked about Laguna'• sphere of ln-. in foreign affairs. "It's go1..ni to be difftcult to decide." from her entrapment led to a psychiatric fluence. Holm ~ It did overlap in -Clarence M. Afltchell, ·di.rector of . Air -conClitioning Js being shut off dur· condition in wblch Mrs. Parson beCame type population, whereas Uni ve.rsity Park the area of Irvine Cove wttb that of the Washington bureau of the NaUonal tna abort periods In the day without three separate personalities. residents are mosUy homeowners with Newport Beach, and poaaiblly, with the . Association for the Advancement of affecting the temperature, he said. AU One of thoae pe1110nalitles, I h e pride o! ownership." future sphere of lnlluence map ol the Colored People, aa..id the NAACP doel tbemmtats have been reset to 70 psychiatrist stated, developed Strong ten· During the site plan review procedure, city of Irvine. not have a poslUM!i for or against Ford· degrees. denci es that led her to frequently desire the planning commission a t t a c h e d Holm said Newport Beach and Lel\IDI but that his voting record "shows that Saddleback Valley Unified School intimacy with atrangers. several conditions to the project which Beach cou&d work out a apllt of the· he has a restricted approach to civil District bas faced unique worries with A seaql personality, identifred as downcout area with the Irvine ~ rights." il5 18-bus transport system. So far, no "Betty" ln the deposition, frequently the Irvine Company agreed to. panY, which owm the land. Cesaro Migliore Services Slated Funeral services will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday at Pacific View Mortuary, Corona del f\far, for Cesaro Migliore of hfission Viejo. He died hfonday at the age of 46. A native of New York, Mr. Mlgliore had lived ln California 20 yeara and in Orange County 11 years. He is survived. by bis wkiow, Eleanor; son St~and daugh ters Donna, Kiren and Li a. Rosa for ?.tr. hoflgliore is at 7 o'clock tonight t Pacific View Chapel. The family uests any memorial con- tributions be made to the Leukemia Memorial Fund, 9778 Katella Ave., Anaheim. Mr. Migliore was a .salesman far the Anthony Macaroni company. D~ris Di!Bri~ge Rites Wednesday Funeral services Wednesday· will be private for Doris DuBT1dge of La,,... Hills, wife of former presidential aclenoe advisor Lee DuBrldie. She died Stmday at age 71 at ber home . shortage in dJeseJ fuel bas reached the expressed remorse about the sexual Those requirements dealt with traffic But be added, "We don't think ln1ne district. John Cooper, coonlinator of tendencies of "Marla." safety ·and access ·routes to the should come over the hllll. It's too"- researc:b Ind. development said. Lewis has stated that he expects to apartments. tremendous, irreplaceable , Invaluable "We are reviewing the eoooomica of call about 50 witnesses in what he Tonight's council session Is scheduled a piece of property to be aclm1n1*red closing down oor beating and alt-<:oo-'. believes will be at least a four-week for 7:30 at Rancho San Joaquin by a city with a Jargely inland com- ditioning on 1'eekends _ but we have 1 _1r1pa;;l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I;;n;;te;;rm;;ed;;;;ia;;te;;Schoo;.;;;;;;;l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;m;uru;;·t;y;;.";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;- to be sure that II doesn't cost more to tum things on and off," Cooper said. Superintendent of Schools WiUlam 7.ogg has asked all adminislratora to keep their thermostats at recommended levels and to stick with their usual policy of not using any electrical Christmas decorations. In addltlon, district admlnlstrators are reviewing bw.,, routes to see lf any can he shortened without leaving out any studentl. "We don't antlclpate a crisis, but we want to be ready for any con Ung ency," Cooper said. By neceaslly, the local lnstituUon perhaps least affected by the energy crisis is Mission Commynlty Hospital . "We can't tum our thennQstat.s down," a hospital apokesman said. "If we did, some of our patients would be freezing." State Jaws require hospitals to keep their thermostats set between 72 and '18 degrees, he' slid. · ln..-ol-lel!IJll"'¥ ~ --outs, M1sAon relies on I'" dlettl-tueled allemate generator, "But we have plenty of fuel oo far and don't see any problems ahead," be said. Ff'Olll Pqe I GASOLINE ••. SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STRE.ET IN THE HARBOR AREA.THAT HASN'T , HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S, IN OUR SIXTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE C ARP ET ED THOUSANDS~ OF }tOM~S IN COSTA MES~. NEWPORT BE>.CH.-LA~NA BEACH AND HONTlfiGT0r.~BEAeH.:c;>N NEIGHBOR. TELLS A"°THER U NT I L WE HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME ON A BLOCK. • " • A naUve ol Ion, Mn. DuBridc• Is lllll'Yived by her widower; by one ·aon Richard ol Vlrrlnla; a daughter Barbara McLeod of Canoia Pll(k; and flve grand<hUdren. , 111d the telegram made clear that "the -of lower •tnol levels and better fM -ratlon II to limll the number ol con on the road, limit the actual aDIO!mt o1 drtvloc and bop the cars that ln9 on the roed moving." THE FORMULA IS SIMPLE-WE TRY TO MAKE EACH .CUSTOMEfl HAPPY. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY CARPETED HER HOME. jlF WE.HAVEN'T, BRING HER. IN WlTH YOU.) 111 IHI llAUOI AllA llllCI I "1 · __,,_ ' . • • 'r, . l Mn. DuBrtdce and her bul,bood, who aerved holh Preakfont -and President Nixon a1 a full-lime science edviaor, had lived In !.<!sun World three years. DuBrtdge waa presldeol of Cal Tedi In Pasadena for 12 yeara, . McConnlck La..... Belch Mortulty Is handltna ......,....11. Bw111 wW be private. • The telegram was aenl to Senators Alan Cranltoo lind John Tunney (both) O.C.llloml1) and U.S. Repreaen11u .... Andrew Hlmbow (11-Newpon Beachl, Rlcbanl T. Hanna (D-Oatden Grove), Clair Bur:reaer (R-lllncho Santi Fe) lind Craig llolmer (II-Long Beach), • HOVU1 ...... Tin 1'11111. t te 1:30 -Piii. t te t ' • , • 1663 Plactfltle Ave. -COSTA MllA 646 4131 SAT. t:JO te I , ' " .• , I • , ' ' ' ' YOL. .The llCruis harre caJifo power ·That estlma hWbs to use The bomes bomes .B s D I~ • Duniingioo Beaeh Founiain, ·Valley * * --,---- • Today's Flu1 . ,.. '\ - N.Y. Steeb • ' VOL 66, NO. 324, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, NOVEMBEJt. 20, 1973 TEN CENTS Harbour Lights Just Drop • ID Buclaetj) By TERRY COVILLE 01 Ille DllllY l"n.t Stitt • '11le 11-night Huntington Harbour ''Cruise of Lights" will burn about 110 barrels of low sulphur oil at Soulhem C&IUornia Edison's Huntington Beach power plant. · ·That figure Is based on an Edison estlmato that ... &Iring of 15 Quistmas bulbs would have lo bum 4,000 hours to use a ·barrel of fuel. There will be about 1000 Harbour homes lit up for the holidays. U those · homes use an average of 10 strings * *'* World Hit _·By .Energy._ Slwrtnges of lights, burning lour hour. a night for 11 . nights , that equals 2.5 barrels of fuel consumed each hour or a total ol 110 barrela for the whole show. Those figures were conlirmed today by Edison ofllclah. Paul Richardson, district manager for Edison, said, however, tliat 110 bamls is only a- small percentage of the fuel burned on an average day at the Huntington Beach power plant. •1we burn an average of 19,000 barrela a day there and we bave a capacity of burning up to 30,000 barrels a day,'' he said. Richardson said Edlson ii neutral on lhe question of lighting up for Christmas. 11We're trying to atay out of the bah, hwnbug attitude on Christmas, but to whatever extent the load can be reduced, that's fine.'' be said. FAlilon Is aaklng all ol its customers to voluntarily reduce their loada by 10 perctnt, bul it bas no power to enforce that request. 'Ibo cruise ·of lights. is a charity activity spomored by lhe Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committee to raise funds for schoOI cooeerts during the year. The cruise features two boat trips · nightly around the 12 miles of watet'Wlys In lhe oorlh Huntington Beach com- munity. ' · · Thia year's evenl has been criticized In the face of the energy crtsls, and it took a few more lumps Monday night from Huntlngtoo Beach City Councilmen. "I'm not overreacting to the energy crlsiB," said Mayor Jerry Matney. "But those Huntington Harbour Christmas lights are ao eoormous waste of energy. I can't ask them to shut down their lights, but I really lhlnlr' this year it's foolish." . "I think 1,000 homes ln Him.tington Harbour is a very substantial portion of one part of our city," added Coun· cilman Jack Green. "All over the city circWt breakers go out because of Ouistmas lights. It's clear w~ should recognize drastic steps, and it may get worse.11 Christmas lights were defended by Harriet Wieder, chainnan of the . city's environmental council, who suggeated that cutting off all Christmaa lights is only a "symbolic action which doesn't really help." tn..tead, she proposed a middle of the road approach -cutting back. u1r you used eight strings o1-llghts Wt year, ooly use six this BeUOn and dcm't tum them on until after 1 p.m." Councilman Henry Duke ended tbO debate. "I hope lhal Christmu doml'I depend on Christmas llghts. II II - we Te hurting," be said. Ford Supported Ru"les Committee Vote Unanimous W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -The Senate Rules Committee voted unanimously to- day to recommend the confirmation of Rep. Gerald R. Ford as vice president. All nine of the members were present and voted for confinnation, Sen. Marlow Cook (R-Ky.), said as be lell the balf- hour long private session of the panel. debate on the nomination on Tuesday with a vote expected the same day. . The oom.mittee action had been ex· pooled, Ford, 60, lhe House Republican leader, underwent four days of hearings and extensive investigations by the Senate panel. mittee chairman, said there wu litUe discussion and what there was centered on his report to the panel thal two FBI reports on Ford's campaign con-- tributions not completed by the Jut committee meeting were available. Under tbe Constitution, both branches of Congress must approve Ford, and the House Judiciary Committee w~ Cook aaid preparation of lhe formal committee report would be completed -over lhe_four-day -l'hanks&i\1ngJ e<esS this week, and the Senate would start . Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), the assista1lt Democratic leader, made the notion for confinnatlon and Cook second· ed jt Sen. Howard cannon (D-Nev.), com- holding its closed-door session today lo hear-three-witnesse8-wbo-also-appein~--: (Ste FORD, Page Z) Depression? WS ANGELES (AP) -Vernoa L. Sturaoon. president of the caIUornia l!ubllc Utilities Commission, aaid today that a recession or depression is lltely -P\"81b!Y by nert apriog -because al the energy crisis. "Slutlog In Loe Angeles, ii the l>eportnwEt al Waltt and Power canool pt tlle Arab on under oootracl lo them, illen I>)" March lhere will. be IS pen:ent curtailment al electricity, which Is Qll8ilb\JiAC,'' Stura:eon told DeW11DeD. '"'11dJ means I kiss of bulineu, I loos of waps with the welfare rolls grvwtng, a looa of sales and iu... lt '*'1d bullcl lo a recession sbnply becalioe of the loos of energy." Slllfgeoo, In Loa Angeles to addms a dYlc ll'OUP. lllopped ahorl ol sayjhg arec!elaicmwuacertabity. Bui asked by· a neWiman If ,.....loo wu nol ine91table, be oald, "I don' want to be lhe me lo say Iha~ bul i ~argue with ,..11,... do. ... ~ -..... Clll' be hurl by l -t 11111 ewytiilly. "" wlll ....... lhetr purchaalng powor.~ he odded. "I cloa'I tblnk It's i-Jble lo llop IL'.' sairc-.salcl he expocll ladUltrJ to . -·te with ..iuntarr lual '"""' -11For tbem. U'• a mattlr fC eooa-cnlc · -.!, and tfiiy -to ll1ln'lve," he said. . Bui be aa1cr he -oot upect full wi.....,. oooporallon from .-umen. . "P'rlnldy,-1 don'I expect to pt a 10 pwoent vohmtary reducllon," he said. !''Ibll means tbat when we come to tnaodltory sleps, we11 probably. have lo .. for more than that. n • c-imera have been aaked lo cut . ~ lbelr ... '11 use by 10 perceht lo ... lhe power cruah. · • Sllqeoa told newsmen that llOllle demllldo of mvlronmentallsll probably Will lave ID be boloaced -tho wpnq Jlf Ibo luol crlsla. • Shockley to Speak NEW YORK (AP) -Dr. Willi'am Shockley of Stanford U n I y e r s I t y , developer of a controversial racial gmetic ~. will -k aa scheduled tonight at Staten Island Community College despite student threats to bloct the seminar, college officials said today. No Gasoline Judg.e Won't Bar Newsmen· • By TOM llARLSY Ill that ~San .Fl'lllciW-.ltjal; a Jury culllc~ a)leg!'dly came oil in her hand . OI ., - -,.. 8-~ ·Jr.-wor•·-r~.. Sytes But the lawiUft -,.,.5 .Stelilled lfp ID ' 0rnp <;cui>ty • SU)Jel10r erurt Judge ~-000 ";" .wDag; iii:,~ sue'. fl· milllol) wlmHhe plalntill; deoerilied W'dllam ,Murray todq refuled •to bar by her lawyer as a devout Catholic newsmen from his courtroom cfurin11 • c:eafully .&l'llltd that 1 cable car Injury molher of seven, allegedly developed lrlal"' • fl mlllJoa -t med by ' In thal'clty'C11anged her per10ilallty. urges that led her to seek mates In a ..... who clalms her entrapment "I'm nol going to bar .._jlel' local bars. ID a locat sauoa loci' to her later pro. reporlen from lDY courtroom," Judge Depositions filed In the pretrial phase m...,, Mllfray firmly lold both lawyers. "We of the lawsuit contain the determination .1111f1a Murray made Ibo ruling after will dell wllh lhe problem of jurors by a psychistrist that trawna developing ,...,... for holb afdet <Olllplalned that who bave heud of u,;~-case as It · from her entrapment led to a psyohlatric kal -papen could unfairly lnflueoee comes up during jury ael<ction. eonditlon In which Mrs. Parson be<ame Iba Jury by ~ Iba amount of "You just can't keep this kind of three separste· personalities, ~ damopt being ~ by Mn. Marta thins away fl)llll the news media and One of those personalities, th e E=-~' lri~ Marvin ~d=;t .. =~ltojusttryi::-v;~~~i:;: / r.:i.:~t'ii:a~liddei:el=~n:.:; Lewis, Sr. 1egtMmll Mn. Parson. precautions when prospective jurort are Intimacy with strangers. l'llllerton attoniey Donald A. Rulton being quesUoned·about this caae." A second peraonallty, idelltifted as ...,.....u lbe delendlDg Hollday lleolth-Jury ~ got under Wrf today ''Betty" In the depoatllon, fr<quently Spa of Orange. and is ~ to eontlnae through expressed , l'tpl<lnO about. lhe sex'ual Lewis alao ........rully eomplafned Wednooday. tendencies of "Marla." today that newa ac<Ollllll of lhe trial Mra. Panon IDIU.U, sued the heolth Lewi& baa lllated that he upecls lo eomtantly refer to his portlcfpolton In ... fer fll0,000 when lhe IU!lered huml-,call .ao.t IO wlb-In what ho whal bu becomo -• Ila "Cllllo In lbe Or-. ...,. lhl-.e )'Mrs qo belleve1 will he at least a lnuMoOllt Car C..." after the handle In tbe door of her \rial. -l ) Garage -Target Huntington Vrges Sak Ban The garage sale, may not exist much longer In Huntin&!OD l!each. ' AT THE arctnr of eouncnman Jack Green, City Administrator Dave Rowlalldl ·wu authorif.ed Monday night lo develop a - ordinance prohibiting gange ales. "The number o1 garage sales ts fantastic and that'• unfortu· nate/' complained Green. uSomething ought to be done. The garage sale Signs look worse now than real estate signs." · "Can it be enforced?" asked Mayor Jerry Matney. urt's lite swatting mooquitoes. Knock one down and two more pop up." ROWLANDS suggested that cruising police cars could keep a close check-on the appearance of garage sale signs, and newspapers could be re;vlewed for garage sale ads. - "We ought to try," said Green. " Report on Buying Facility· Criticized by Huntington If it wanls to, Huntlngtoo Beach can buy and build a ISIHlcre, $6.4 million public golf coune nert to !Is :1474cre central perk. nie job can also be aC<01Dpllshed on -as litUe as 11$ acres for as low a coot as $3.6 milUClll. was a neatly pmted, brighily bound 24-jlege outline oo hdw to lioanco I 150-ac:re or 115-acre city golf course. F.osentially, lhe report explalna how to establish a private, non-profit COi'"" poration to handle the iMuance of privatt"' bomb lo l>uy lhe land and build Iba course. nie dty late. pays lhe ..,... po<lllion for the -. on an amuol i.. · basis. ~oc: nie same prncedure was uoed.. to-. But city oounciJmeo strongly lndicaled Monday night they may nol want to build any IUch golf coune and some memben of lhe council attacked the finance the fl.I million civic cmler f1nandal feasibility report submitted by and 12.9 milllon central library. Stone and Youngberg as "oo use at · Mt"Carty said tbia melhod w a • all." preferable lo a ,_.1 obllgatlon t...d "I'm not very satldied wllh the quality because it takea a ~ · -nl of the r_.i or the Information it corr al lbe voters for IUch a hclld. tairls ... c<mplalned C4unciJman Al Com. ~ "I doo't feel lhe city got fair value for "this report. A lot of !his ,....,. taking from eslsting data. I already knew 99 pttcent of lt.11 "Any report ;, a compilation of ex- isting data," replied Terry McCarty assistant vice president at Stone Md Youngberg. "At this stage of a project it's very difficult to give much more than !his. Declslom mmt be made by the~.. . ~ What the c:onsiltlng ftrm did ix-it Fears Buffet Market Again . NEW YORK (UPI) -Wllh . a record number of iasue.s decllning, prices on the New York Stock Exchange today fell to their lowest level In two years· In heavy trading paerated by ~m over energy problems and. fean of a recellion. '!be Dow Jonea Industrial averaae, the moo\ widely followed barometer on Wall Slroet, plunpd 17.'ll polnll on top of • drop ol -• llonday. It dooec! •1'"4 ... !ll>iow. ... 11 dollod al 1131.34 on Nov. 30, 1m. ·' .. .. Or..,e • •• . r Welidler INSmE TODAY Nlne Scripps Coll<ge /X)e(JS, 'Including lwo from Orono• County, Invested a J51),000 do- natton lo tht colfegc and tllGdc $3,000· for the coU.go lhrough invt•tm81'U. SH !'°'11 page_ 7. ,l..,M, ...,.. 1 -..._.,. 11 c.t&..... J .... .... C._... t'l·M ....... .._. ll c..-. " ........ -..... ~ •1f -..,c.... I ' 0-. .............. ~ ==..,. : =:,~·~ ...... ,...., ,...... . ... c.::=• • ._. • .. . ---... 11 10 ........ ,. •• .... • • DAii.. 't' PILOT H . Boos, Cheers • • iNixon Knew ~-~!J Greet Nixon Martha Mitchell Tells Meetings . ly HILIN THOMAS In M hi IV ASHINGTON (UPI) -Martha Kitt hell said today that Pres!· @mp S .. danLN1xoo..'.'il1ft..1W>rythln11 that was going on" in his l'Hlectlon -• --~ -campaign, before and after the -Walerga!ebreik·in and bugging. ~I t r. ,. Tennis Anyo11e? . She said !bat Nixon and be• hmband, fonner.Atton!ey General """' Win l!en1ctt John N. Mllcbell, went out on the presidential yacht Sequola "eW>ry night and dlscu .. ed the campaign from be~nnlng to end. MEMPHIS, TeM. -Arriving here "There wasn't anything that Nixon dlc!n't know," she -aald In a to dl!OUIS Watergate probl•l!l• with telephone Interview. "Thi• u lb• truth." Republican govel'DOl'I, Prelldtnt NllOll Nixon baa asserted publicly · on several occasions Iba! his ,... opoke briefb' to five thollaaDd ...n. election campalcn was the "llrat campaign I didn't run" and that wishers and critics who alternated cbeen "oW>rzealous but well-Intentioned" supporters on the Committee to with boos. RHlect the President may have been responsible for the Watergat! Standing In front of the hotel where developments. the governors were meettn1. Nllon L----'~-----------------------' called attention to an onlooker'• placard · thai read, "I believe In NlxoD and America." , Asserting that the welcome had 11made our day," Nlloo II.id, "I believe 1n every one of you." · South Coast Zone Unit :. Approval Ratio $9 w $1 f Although the crowd wu .,..mbled by Invitation, the 'moot prOmlnent •!SN he1d aloft In the area called for Nlxon'a i lion Im -•--By CANDACE PEARSON -Reducing lhe number of units In re• gna 'or pea~u~ut. ot "" D•lh' ,,,.. tt9ff large, planned community developments "Part of the greatness of America is UM; ANGELES _ A total of $9 ln for "more pleasing" architectural and that when we · have problems we just h 1 rf~- d Id new -nstructton has been approved by est et c e ......... get out an solve them," NixOO!O the .. v II ti banner-waving crowd. the·South Coast Relional ·1.one Conserv•· -Causing a better qua ty construe on. ly Carpenter admitted that the oom- Whlle not referring direct to Water-tiOd Coriunlulon for every fl 11 bu mission meetings still take too i.., gata In his ll*polnt publlc speech. Nil· dented, 111 uecuUve director said Mon· and that It takes 1211 days after applying on made 1everal referenct1 to ·being day. for a permit to get a public bearing able to aolve other problems from the Middle Eut to the ·energy crisis. TesUlylng at a beartna of the Assembly before the commission. Bobby John may not be ready for tournament play, looks as if he knows his way around a tenriis court , but the two-year-0ld chimp from Rockledge, Fla., complete with ugly look to psych out his foe" ~~~~~'--~-~_;_____~~~~--=--~~~~--'~~~ Boat With 7 A bocird Drifts 1-long C0ast Fron• Pagel FORD ... before the Senate panel in executive session. They were Robert M. Winter-Berger, who wrote a book mentioning Ford; Dr. Arnold Hutchnecker, a New York psychotherapist, whom Ford says he A 25-foot cabin cruiser with seven met but not as a patient, and Mrs. people aboard drifted hel plessly a!ong Alice Weston Showalter, who has denied the Orange Coast Monday while the au allegation that she accepted $l.000 pl!SSengers tried \'lilhout success to get from Winter-Berger to introduce him aid ITom passing. boats-.----10 For<1:-.... - A spokesman for the Orange County .The House group Monday heard these Harbor Department said the boat "Easy witnesses: Way," overdue on a trip rrom the Isthmus at Catalina Island . was finally -Rep. li-fichael Harrington (D·Mass.), -tted by a U.S. Coast Guard search said that in 25 years in the House "¥"" Ford has shown "an absence or helicopter at 5 p.m. about three miles leadership.'' Harrington added, "J 'don't off the Santa Ana Ri\'er jetty. think we'll ever see It from him." According to the department spokesman, the boat piloted by Guy -Rep. Edward P. Boland (D-Mass.), Fairon, 35. of 1001 Ca~lina St., Seal supporting Ford, said: "His style, his Beach, le ft. the Isthmus at about 6 rhetoric are QOt those of a Kenned y. a.m. By 8 a.m. she was inside the H~ says what be thinks. He aJso gets ttltrance to Anaheim Bay. things done. He could be the kind of But the craft was out or gas and president that Harry Truman became." Fail'On, his three children an~ three -Joseph L. Rauh, vice chainnan of teenagers drifted back out to sea and Americans for Democratic A c t I o .n , 11 tlliles downcoast.. ~enged. Ford's vot,Jng record on civil A~r!Hng, to one ~ccount, the bQat's nghts 1and the extent: of his experience occupant.. used flares aqd hand signals in foreign at/airs. ' i · · to try to attract .attenU~,!rom passing boats without success. ' Pa1ielists Ask Rebozo Probe WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sonata Watergate committee staff members said today they would rtcommend that President Nixon'~ close friend Charles · G. 118ebe" Rebozo be called to testify In public_ hearings. · · "\Ve're recommending be be caJl. ed, and we think they'll go along," said a committee staff member, -who-asked not-to be·idenUfied.- Rebozo has been asked about. $100.0® he admits he received on Nixon's behalf from H o w a r d Hughes. Rebozo has told the com· mittee he kept the money .in a sale deposit bo• for three years, then returned it. Some 91ins read "lmpeacbmeot Now s.tect Committee on CoutaJ 2'.one Bodovltz said !here is a chance lhe Moro Than Ever" and "Free Demoe-_,_ here, Mel r--•-said rommlsalons will get SO!pe fuDdl from racy, Resign." _,.._ the 1m federal C01>tat zone manac .. The crowd wu cenerally friendly, but about 25 to 311 pemnt ol lhe permlll-ment act, which had been held up by one lf'lUP chanted "NllOll !\lull Go, denied come back to lhe Hml!!-President Nixon. Nixon Must Go" while he spoke. llally In ocaled down · ,.,_ and aro ap-Nixon just aulllortJed $4 mllllon, o1 of hla aupporten canted-m..,. 11ylnc prone!. which Cali!omla would be ellclhlt for "Thank You for Oetting U• OUI of Viet· , · uoo;ooo, ior plannlilg, 'but a S<nite -· nam" and "We're Behind You 100 P.-. M of early tllll mcmtb, carpenter ference committee is recommendin& $7.5 cent." Aid, 1,781 permlll re~tlng 1111 million, of which $750,000 would go to Followlng up OD ---mllllon have been approved and 74' C.Ufornla. . in Florida and Ge«(ia, Nim! flew here permlll, Yalued at fl'5 milllon bave' The commissions only have two ,.an from his Key Blaca~ home for a been deoted. until a coastal muter plan la due In private meeting with GOP go•ernm, The Soulh Cout commlaalon coven the Legfllature, aald -They - who In a co1weoU011 reeolutlon allo praJI. Orance and Lot Ancel• countlel. enough money now to !lDllh tJie job ed the Prealdent's determination to make Clrpenter's atatlaUcs backed up a ~ilhout beutn& for moro ~ midway a full dtedoaure oo Watergate. atatem .. t made early lhat day by state through tlii plan, he aald. The com- Tbe Pmldent'• jetliner landed at Coata1 · Commlllion cha1rman Melvin missions will need almoot f2 mllUOll --Memplill1JIW!iltional~· 'Ane,-wbo aald, .!!We've ~stopped-to-rompletH!te-plannlng pbue ·of their led to a stop before a crowd or&eve:ral the bulc economy of the couL" \vork, Bodovitz added. hundred pe!>Olll. Tbe "--blY committee cbalred by Nixon WU cneted by local oU!dall Aswnblyman Alan SierOIY (D-Beverly before heading by motorcade to the HUii) la looking Into lbs flnl year hotel wbere the pernon Wero-meeting. ol ~tloo 20, the tm coutal ..... Plana called for the Pnsldent to confer act whlcb cnated the commilllona. with the governon for about IO mlnutN Sieroly and Assemblyman Paul Priolo and to return to Washlngtoo In early (D-Santa Monica), the only committee Special School Will Go Longer evening. memben pretent Monday, 11 t e d Scliool Needs fo~ tolheJlf')~:':. ~~:: ~ .. "::t :Ip 1:.~hat leglalaUve ... information st the meeting to answer Lane uked for more money mi more School will end July It, not J,.,. 14, for handicapped and retarded children In the o.:.an View 8dloot C b ll allegations of ..,..gdoln(. · commfulon time. by allowln( alternates 8 300 amp e He WU understood to want the private for elected offlclaJI, 1111 req18ll were ' sealoo oo he could penooally .defeod, ..;hoed by . Joaeph Bodovtll, execuuve -bl•, WaterJate .-.! ~ore the ~te director ol the state commllllon. Soup Labo'~ ex...,uvea an11-conv1nee Chem that their carpenter" uked \he le(iltaton for _ .,..-i ':, ' -. c!ear..Ut backlnC for blm >WOfM. lielji reqairemenll that all local agendea riduce lhe -·· damago -to· lhe delay the ialUan<e ol building peniilta campbell's Soup labels are beginning GOP. . • · on projects tmtll the commission hu to mount at Lark View Special EducaUon Putlster George Gallup . told lhe granted Its own permit . School in Huntington Beach. governors Monday Wate~ate wu sure Both Orange and Loa: Angeles Counties But so far, they number ooly ~.500, to pose "seri()US problems' for the GOP are dolna: this voluntarily. and 8.300 are needed. in next year's electloos. U the con· ~ulring all local buUdlng and safety District starting in 1974. Tru.<tees of tlle . llllltlllgtoo ;e.b dl!trlct Monday nigbt approved an U• tanded !Ohool year ror -eblldnD. It alls for 3t addtllonal days of Jn. struction. . 'Ibe boat was reported overdue to the Coast Guard iat 11 a.m. The Harbor J;>epartment was called in to tow the disabled boat because the Coast Guard cutter, Point Divide, which Is stationed ~t Newport Beach, was on duty off San Diego. 23 Huntingto11 Students Make Students and faculty at the school gresslonal races were held now, be said, department! to lnSpect developments to _ fQLhan<ficappecl_ ~d retarded ~dren Democrats -~~~t _win ~sea~ to see if they fulfill coastal commission are hoping to exdiange tlle Jat;els for be in position to reverwe .Ill)' Niion conditions also would help, Carpenter Longer periods of teachlng and COO· slant tepetltlon are needed when Wortinr \\ith special educaU~ children, a ~ spokesman explained. Tbe '78 children affected all will be enrolled In the Luk View Spedal Education School by DUI spring, _when a new addition wilt he completed. Frumew Slates Patient Display A special public display of activities and achievements involving patients at Fairview State Hospital in Costa ?tfesa is scheduled Wednesay, Nov. 28 to mark Mental Retardation Month. Hours will be IO a.m. lo 4 p.m., With handicra fts. exhibits and special performances schedu1ed in, the hospital auditorium to show what is being done for mentally and physically handicapped youths. The public i~ invited to the show, wllh guided tours of the llospital offered simultaneously, as they are each Wednesday and Saturday of the year. I l Next Wednesday's show will include films shov.•ing various therapy programs_ at Fairview, which is acknowledged as California's leading facility for the retarded. OIAN•t COAST •• DAILY PILOT Tiit Orll'tll· CMll DAILY "ll01' wllfl wtlldl 11 comoblMd fh9 H•ws·Prtu, Is 1>11bll1~ by Ille 0<11119 c .... PllOIW."'9 (_fl,. '""" r111 B1ilion1 1r1 Mtl1lled, M'11'1d•Y tllrougll Frlll•v. for Cos11 Mne, Norwport Bueti. Nllrtfl!>eton t11l'dl/F9'.K11i1n v1111,, \..t911M IMfdl. lrvlnf/Secldl_..(11 1....i Sen CMmtnlt/ ''" Jwn C.Pl•ff-... 1111911 •f9IOMI ealt"'1 11 "'bll1hed i.1urcMr-aN 5uncMyl. Tiii pr'lne_,.I publhtlll'ICI "'9111 If I t Jll WU! Btv 5f1Nt, CO.ti Mft.t, C.Hlomll ,. t2U6. Record Books Twenty-three Huntington Beach lUgh School students \\'ho spent last Easter vacation playing basketball are now in- cluded in the Guinness Book of World Records. a slide projector, in a !pedal ofter , veto. said. from the Campbell Soup Company. -Tbe regional commfalon doelo't have Ro.5e Ludwig, prindpal, of the school, enougll time or penoonel to iNpect explained that the school does not have Fro111 Pqe I all completion notices, which, carpenter a projector. said, are just JtartiDg to come in. 1n a program called "Labels fer ENERGY carpenter listed what he thought ..... Education", Campbell's Soup is aDowtng • • • South Coast Comnllsskm auccesses Jn elementary schools to trade soup labels the first year, Including : Children In the procram lnclndt the trainable mentally retarded, l2'e dllf and bllnd, ,the mu!U.Jwidlcapped and the pl'Hdloot apha~c. Bomb Kills Two A spokesman for the hlg!t school said the team. composed of member of the schoors Boy's League was notified that their 168-houf bask·etball game was named in the record book as the longest basketball game in hi story. for audio-visual equipment. for the •*4rt of gasoline rationing and -Reducina: densltles In ana1 where Tbe deadline I! Dec. 7, but Mrs. Ludwig oll for the CtmbQdlan armed forces the commlS1lon felt they were too high. PHNOM PENH (UPI) -Two - has asked .the company for an extension. wu cut 10 percent. -Jncre11lng accen to the beaches were killed today wbep a bomb eZplCilion She has not beard from the company At a Vienna meeting of the Organlia· by requiring more on-site parking, leav· clemollshed a car owned by a mllJtary yet, but thinks they may agree to the Oon of Petroleum: Eiportlng Countries Ing 1treet parking for vtslt.m. police major who worked for . blgb extension since it is a special education (OPEC), Iran1an Finance Mt n 11 t e.r ~ttlng developen of adjacent proJ· poUUcal council member Slrlk Mliak. school. JU111hk1 Amouzegar said Western na· ect.t to work together before applylng one of the leaders of the March 18, The _students set their record, surpass· ing the previous mark of 140 hours, by playing in six·hour shifts for a week. Extension or not, the school ls quite lions bit by the Arab oil ban offered for pennlt.! to come up with better 1970 coup which overthrew Prince a few short of the 8,300 mark. Iran up to lour limes the present price coordinated building. Nroclom Sihanouk. The deed were ldes>- There are only 70 students in the of crude oU 1n a scramble for alternaUve -Requiring more open 1pace on In· tified by police 11 the 1llter of Maj. school, and as a result, only 300 lo supplies . .' d!'vidual lots. · 0. Kongslyo,and the driver of the car. During the week. players kept their strength up by consuming more than $350 worth of hamburgers, trench fries and ice cream supplied by the !\fcDonald's hamburger stand at 6561 Edinger Ave .. Huntington Beach. 400 labels have been gathered so far I -,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-from the students' families . I During their nm at the record , team mernben learned that a school in Slam· ford, Conn. was also st riving to break the basketball record but they were spurred on when the eastern outfit quit after .155 hours . Members of the record breaking ream are Rick Allison, Bruce Alvarez, li-1ark Andrade. Dave Azelson, Mike Boucher, Kevin Bourland, Lonnie Brownetl , Leon Bumom , Frank Ciarelll, MJke Cowden , Bob Duffy, Albert Gasparlan, Tush Hanour. Bozo Harrell , Keith JameJ, A. J. Jannssen . John Jarvi~. Jeff Jo,hnson, Turtle Littlefield, Paul Madera . Helio Petoe, Scott Rankin, Cecil Teel and Carrter Wegryson. Last weekend, sixth grade students at Mesa View School answered the SOS and collected 1, 100 labels. The total iklw stands at about 1,500. ' "Anyone wishing to help our ..0001 may fua.II or bring labels from Campbell's soup cafls to 17200 Pinehurst . Lane, In Hntington Beach," Mn. Ludwig said. Duck Hunter Drowns OROVILLE !UPI) -Henry S. Dav~, 51, Palermo, drowned J\1onday when ,a small boat carrying him and two duck hwi,ers capsized in the Thermalito Afterbay. Butte County Sheriff's deputies said Davis' companions were able to swim to shore. .,. q.. ;>• ... -...... \ __ _: -... Capsule · Council Action Here in capsule fonn are the majo r actions taken Monday night by tbe Huntington Beach City Council : CENTRAL PARK: Reviewed an t<ODOmfc feasibility study wliJcb showed a ISG-acre central park golf course might cost the city up to Slf mllllon to buy and build. No action was taken on the report except to indicate colmcU· men may not even want a golf.course. FIREWORKS: Approved the fint rosdlng of an ordinance which 'l!Ollld Umlt the ssle or fireworks lo persons t8 years of age and older. Mayor Jerry Matney opposed IL ENERGY : Critic~ed HIDltington Harbour for Ill Christmas light show then decided to pul\up city Chrlstm" display• without any night llghll. Mtt~ wtll also be placed on the llghla at city tennis .rouri. and softball fields. -. GARAGE SALES: At the tlrglng of Counetlman Jack Grten autborUed the dty admhtiatrator to dev.lop an onllnance problbltlng gar11ge salea. ' ' . SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN'T HAD A CARPET INST~LLATION·BY ALDEN'S, IN OUR SIXTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE C A 1l PETE 0 THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN •· COSTA MES~ NEWPORT IEACH, LA&UNA BEACH ANO HUNTIN6TON-IEACH. ONE ·NEIGHBOR TEU:S ANOTHER U N·l'-1 L WE HAVE WORKED IN EVERY HOME . ON A BLOCK. ' I THE FORMULA IS SIMPLE-WE TRY ·TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMtl HAPPY. ASK YOUR NEl6HIOR-WE PROIAll. Y CARPmD ~ll HOME. (lf_WE ~m.'T, ~IN6 HlR JN WnH YOU.) l ' ALDEN:'S • . .,. r CARPETS e D~PI~ .. 1663 Plac: .ntla Ave. • COSTA MISA 646-4831 ' HOU11i ..... ftrl non.. f .. ltH -PIL. t .. t· -SAT. ·f'.JO .. t __ ..... , l • • ' ' I A of nan J his trl of on A or Ora m m ' • . . •• ' Tufld1y, N"'mbtt 20, 197) H DAIL V Pilaf :J , Japanese -.Quit Nessie .. • • LONDON (AP) -A Japenese ex· ped]U.. hunting the I.Deb Nees mooster !U!pended the chase today after a tw~ mouth search. Nei result so rar: a pile of bones and aome weird noiles. "We n ery-:dl.sappotnted:,0·-a . spokesman for the JS.man expediUon .' said. '!But we shall be back early next springlto try i gain." . " Tho Hpedltlon arrived in Britain Sept. :· 7 with the aim of somehow driving " . " " • 1 1 t ' the elusive "Nessie" to the surf1ee with miniature submarines and pllOCotlnlpbinc It. , R<!ports o! the mellller'S petlodic IP' --in die SCottlsb ' like ha•• bot¥. oefentlsts<for ,.. ....... ..,_ skepiloal arta-'!'i!lldenti IOrjuS\•u long • Doaens of penpa8 clabn lo have slght.d the monster ~ pest IO jears. tieVtral photol!raphl have been produceo but have pr0ve1Uanlallz l ngly ii> V oluntnry Mansfuitghte~ conclUllve. A popular Idea ol the animal pictures I'. as a ~ amall-llMmd reptile with a 1111' hump oo Its ba<k. Tile second pbue of the Japeneae operation will uee a specially built un~ maoned computel'OpUlt.d capoule, tbe spokesman aald. This device, beln11 built in Japen, will ,tp'<ipe an>und Loch N'51'1 murky depths · senl'fini out electn:inJc bleeps in a bfd'to locate 'lhi bewlldertng • Ex~Ma~i~e Guilty .. By TOM !!ARLEY !hat sentencing sesston. ' °' '" DlilY ,.... •t•tt U he denies the motion, Johns'bn will A jury ended more than eight days be returped to atote pri11911 to resume of deliberation today by finding former serving what will be a senlA!n<e amended Marine Mart Allen Johnson of Sifi from the earlier-commitment of frve CJemente gullty ·of voluntary years to life. manalaughter in tile killing of bfs preg· The tall, h8ndsome de!eOdanf had oerv- nant wife. ed two years of that sentence when Johnson, 22, accepted the verdict in hi! cooviction on charges of second hil second Orange County Superior Court d<if!'O murder was overturned. by the trial on ldeotli:al Chargea with no display Fourth District Court of Appeals. of emotion. · The appellate court ruled in a divided 'But his attorney, Ray Sharp, promptly opinion that Judge William Murray erred riled a motlon for a new trial. when he allowed the proiseeutlon to Judge Raymond Thompson set Dec. iresent the jury audio and visual tapes 7 u the date· he will sentence Johh110n taken while the arrested Jobmon was . t.o whit could be a. state prison term under the influence of a troth drug. of up to 15 yean. Much ol that controversial evidence He told Sharp today that he will rule was kept from the jury in Johnaoo'a oo the motion for a new trial during second trial. ---:-··---'· ------·-' -·-·-·····-···-··· . ··-··--·--··· ... . ..... . Nurse, 72, Loses Savings In 'Grove Bank Fraud' A 72-year~ld retired nurse lost most of her life savings Monday in what Orange County Sheriff's officers said was a callous but cleverly executed e.1ample of the old ·~bank examiner." Investigators said Mrs. Zella Merle Woodcock of the Garden Grove area told them she received a telephone call from a man who identified himseU as "Lt. Brown," a security officer at the United California Bank. The widow said she agreed to help her caner in what be said was a plan to detect a dishoneal employe at tbe bank by Withdrawing $2,4!11>-ol ber llV• ings and banding it to him. COast Magazine Assails 50 ~PH Fuel Solution . ' " " She said she met "Lt. Brown" at the bank and withdrew . the $2,400 willle he wait.d outside. She aald he then took the $2,IOO iii casb from ber, tOld ·;. her to wait · for ' few , m!nUtos and 'ftli .oc111on of ' -.iand fract• weot into the, bank. • · mqadM have warned coogresameo that ,Mrs. WoodCQ!:k is • still waiting !or lbO (ir_.i 51).mU.-per-hour speed limit "LL Brown." lnvesliga-aald he ~ b "a poor aolutlon" to the !uel problem viously left the bank by the !mit door arid . that rationing is a more feasible while bis elderly . victim . waited by tbe. alternative. rear entrance. Stal! me=fa the 28-yeaMld Investigators today warned all Orange Newport Bea utomotive journal County reaidents and118rticularly elderly aay the slowdown ;., not only im· penons that the Chrlstmu ...... will practital but also "lnequllable" and bring a sharp incruae in the type of made their !eel~ known in a teleinlll crime that <:061 Mra. Woodcock ber aav· to ·sb: C&llfomia eglslators. ings. Tbe C!>ngreasmeo we,. told that many can an the toed "can now average 20 . miles per gallon or better al &> mph wl:ill• mos! bigger cars, campers, mobile homes, and cars towing trailers. get ·1eas than. ,10 ~ per ghlloo at 50 mph." . - Tot Chokes on Food The jury returned to the courtroom several Umea during its eight-day reoess to · Uk Judge ''lbompoon to again go over biJ final tns&ruc1lo.ns .nd. to ask the judge on two ·occasione to order the rereedini ol testimooy. · · Jo'tmion w., arrested by San Clemente police a year after the body of his wife, Coonie, 22, was fouod sprawled on the bed ln the couple's apartment at 416 Mooterey Laqe. Johnson told police on June 16, 19'10 that be found the body after he returned from duty at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station: ' . But the prosecutioo argued during both trtaia that Jolm!on atobbed hia wile after a quarrel that began wben sbe complained about ber husband's' persls· tent use ol. marijuana. Holiday Mail < Deadlines Moved Ahead As if sleet, snow and the dead of night weren't bad enoough, mailmen now have the energy Crisis to worry_ about. Impending national fuel shortages have forced the U.S. Poslal Service to move up its Christmas mailing deadlines by as much as two weeks. "The urg~ ol the fuel energy crisis compels us to roquest a one-week ad- vancement of sugge.1ied dates we gave for domestic mail and a -week ad- vancement for foreign mail," a postal service spokesman in Orange c:ountr said today. . " . ' . Tbe now d!!adline for mallinJ c1ome1uj, flnt. -Chrtltmal ·mall .. Dec. ,, rattier than Dee .. tj,for Ol>lime delivery .. Dom<llllc, surface-delivery percels, ... cept for lhoot! Jo Alaska or Hawaii, sbould. !>< ipalled by Dec. 3 under the new gWdelines. Deadllnea for Alaaka and Hawaii have been moved to Nov. 23. • • Air niafl ·Pi@l!>!ls lo •ddressea inside the oooUguouo . Ulllled. States. -lhat•a excluding Alaska and Haw.ii -should be melled DO later than Dec. 15. The deadline to the two · faraway states Is two days eorlier.-Dec. 13. Mailings lo tor.fgn countrtea bave deadlines for apeclfic area, depending <Ill the regularity of poatal aervlces abroad. The Poatal Semceb·one of the 1,arg .. t · ~t usera ol !uel, the county spokeaman .. id. beiJelnOlh. I northwest !Jank O( !be :IS-mlle lorli loch. Tbt upedlfion 1pallesman said tile The spokesman aid the bol\es were first pbtse of U\e search oost '216,000 unideotified but mysteriOUI .,,...h to but was not a waste of tlme and money give\tbe erpedltioa good -caUJe to at.rt altogether. seai!ching again. 'i!Jbe i:livtl"9' did hear certain queer -"\Ve think .... the monster Is a-ifan sounds when they were down/' the eel," the spokesman said. "There are ipokesman 111.d. "And then there were lots ol eels,ln L!>ch Ness, you know." ' the bones." The 1 Ja~ese have deCided against 'Ille,~ were found in Urquhart _ using· mi et 1ubn11rines ID_ the next Bay, an · inlet midway afong ' the · stage or t e search becaUK ScarCety Stop That lJriifweUa·Z A sudden gust of wind lofted this u-mbrella from the hands of an unidentified· yo ti th-and his daie; attending a college football game in Fresno. . ' . .. Dogs~Te8r"Boy; 6, to Bit8 . "; ' ' .. ·' :r, JERSEY CITY, N.J. (UPI) -Two vicious dogs killed a 6-year-old boy and pertlally devoured hia bodY before they were killed by police, wbo were also Jones. "I pulled out my gun and shot him while I ? was stlU in the air." He said the wounded animal and the other dog, both l>elieved Jo . be attacked by the animals. Police aaid two petrolmen found tbe· Gtrman shepherds, fled to a nearby tiny bodY of Herbert "Junlor'-'-'llussell-garage.-Jooes' -pertner--Robert--llesl, of Newark about 11:30 p.m. Monday guarded tbe building whne Jones called m a vacant lot near a Cluster of aban-for help. doned buildlnp where he sometimes While he wait.cl be dilcovered the played. boCly of a third dog which ,police said "One' ol. tbe ckJgs was standing over was apparently killed by the' pair. There it and as I stepped forWard, be made were .bones of other animals in' the a leap for me," said patrol.man Thomas· area. anythini can be aeon 111 the depl!w. The expedition was led by Tokyo businessman Sl)anshiltu Y-Illa team iilcluded foul-divers and -.. 11> derwatef ·cameraman. ' -Yoshlda--llu ' noc doubta •-.... monster's exiStence: Earlitr In thl search, he told 1new~: 11We btlkve in Nessie lGG percent. Ever lince, 1 was a small boy, Nessi• baa -_. blggesf ()Ung ln my me." - l 4 f,•i·~ tt. Clement,e· · ,,'J ·:; .. "'' • . ,.:1: . "' ' Gets Hike :· lnFunth~~1 ..f,..t:.; By JOHN VALTERZ.{ ·~1f'. 01 Ille Diiiy Plttf SMff ".If-~ " The rourtli and largest aruiual 1fi4er.i · grant ·thus tar for police protection. of President Nixon is on its wa:Y tod1y to the city of San Clemente. The annual sum -t:Wi year amountln& to $189,207 -marks the fourth year in a row that the U.S. Law Enforcement Assistance Administration has assumed the extra costs for security related tft the Western White House. And city aides today explained that the increase of more. than $52,000 over last year's sum comes from some neW' provisiom in the program. Besides ·using new rules, the city allo chose th.is year to request money which alwaya had been aDowed, but ...., sought by San Clemente. The federal govenmtent began the .,..,. gram soon after Nixon established tb8 Western White House In the coastal city, with chtmQ of about $100;009 a year coming in regularly. The money paid for the salary and training of the 10 officers addad specifically to bee! u~ security. 'Mi is-year; said-cio/""Grant-Coordibator Rolland Maxson, the city will receive funds for some. vehicles as well aa the fringe benefits of the 10 personnel. A 10.percent · admlnistraUve-overbeal charge also waa paid by the govermnent.- lronically, while the lunda this year were the highest peid to San Clemente, the number ol Presidential viaito Illus far to the Orange Coast .baa beon alfm,_ compared to the -earlier -Yean o!. the_ Western White House. President Nixon ~ who averages ai- balf-dozen or more trips a year - oruy bas visited San ClemenlA! threll times. " But at leut..,. of -'Vlalta, poiloo admit, created more work for aecurit)'. offJclaJs tha~ any otl)tr. : Solltet . c.\riililuDbl Party 'Se<Ntary Leonid Brezbnev'a o!ficlal atafe vislr to La Casa Pacifica drew rtpeatod demonstrations outside the compound. • The security establlabed in San Clemente on that occasion wu the tightest in the hiatory or the operalion. . "Each year Jt seems to cost ua more to--provide-tbe-otra people requlrN~ for the security ol the Preaident, and we decided this time to add the ne" requests," M~ ezplained. Since the program began, penalcm and salaries have in&reased the city's-- costs for the entire 49-member ~ forc;e, he added. ' The 'Road and Track .message. also explalned that the 50 mph limit would drop the actual average to Wlder 40 mph, lurtber liml,ting the efficiency or many new c_ars. STRATHMORE (UPI) -A baby girl choked to death on · a piece of !ood at . her home Monday 'nigh!. Sbafori Phillips, molher of yea!'Old Jennifer Phillips. said she was in the kitchen wheo she beard the child choking in the dining room .. ''The seriousness of the lue1 abortage to the Postal Service ia underlined by the fact that in addition to the fuel coosumed by commercial air carriers, we require approximately 350 million gallons of fuel to travel Z.25 blUion miles lo deliver the to billion pieces of mail each year,'"' the spokesman said. • . _ WHEN YOU'RE ·RUSSIAN AW• FROM Pdallng Aleng • • • Yacht Crewman Lost Overboard CAJ'E roWN, Sooth Africa (AP) - A crewman from tbe Italian yawl Tauranga bas been losl overboard Oil the stormy Cape ~ym,ey second leg of the round-the-world yacht race. Missing was British Army corporal Paul Waterhouse. He had crewed on the British ariny yawl British Soldier ori, 11\e .f~ leg .from Portsmouth. A fresh crelt ·took • BrlUsh Soldier !rom Cape T'oW. ' and· Waterhouse obtained special leave to continue · a b o a i' d .Tauranga. Water~· ,was reported missing about :llO nautical miles northeast of • the crozet· IBJ.ands. in ·!-radio message received in Cape Town Monday night ···.from the Royal Navy.yacht Adv-.·• . . . -,.. -.......... --_...,. PilOt's Doggw • • Really 4 . 'She' ' I ,• In case 1"11 •woocleo.....,wled wily Dalley the • Dof ·of tho I Wftt In Sallliday's ...... per --llU • girt doc bistead o1 • boy' acc. tbe re-1a ' tllal lie 1-ll\deecf11 Ille. Jackie Bockmllier or 1:11 33ld St., Newport l!Ucb, raced lo' tbe Huntington Botch Humane Society and olabned • Doiley beCon •llYVoe elae could. Sbe had seen the folchlng pooch's pictlll'e II• the Dally Pilot end got there first, reporting a cbeck later •bowed about 100 petlQllS sbbwed up too lai.. She allo diaco•ered that Daisey b Indeed a Ille 'Ind thou8hi WI ahoul~ A .GO .FOREST.IRING ~estering. is enjoying our premium whisky for all-the right reasons. ·Jl'aste.. · · · Drinking is one thing. Foresleiing is S!lmelhing el~. $5 ,99 -filth ' . - ' --~- William Wilcox, Penl\lylvlnia's, secretary of i;omm.unl1 af!aln, has· 1 beeh named fuel allQAAUon ~!ficer )or~ s~te.-, •Q )le·pncUca , wbitn e p\"tlclles,"rltllng bis bicycle to -WOrt, a a!Slaiice of 10 miles. :r'~ tho doc la ... !ling Iota of K"'IUtkySl(0911t ~ Vl'1s\~ ll6 O! tOO\'lqol. Btown·f..--[l;Sf>llen Cori>· LoQ;.,;J~. Ky.Ot973. ' • • I . • \ • • • 4 DJcrlt' PILOT Studying the ·Maps .. Israel C.abinet Mulls Prewar Boundaries A Cool Yule With()ut Fuel By United Pms lltenuiUooal "'111e Israeli cabinet met In .emergency -In Jerusalem today to dilcuas what a government ""'""' deocrtbed u delicate negotlaUons with Egypt over a proposal !or both their armies to withdraw to their Jirewar positions along the SUez Conal. chief ol sWI, Lt Gen. Dovid Elazar. Both carried big maps. TRE REASON for the urgency or the meeting was not known, but Cairo reports said Egyptian officlab were awaiting the outcome of unspecified 111ntematiooal 1ction" aimed at bringing preaure on Israel to withdraw to the Oct 22 cease-fire lines. canal aod dlplomatic -In Cllro oaid Egypt had asked the United Nations !or a detailed report about the bridge which Cairo considers a serious breach of the cease-lire stabillzatlon a,_t. The sources lald EgypUan Foreign Undersecretary MU.iala Lutli made the request Monday to Maj. Geo. Ensio SiilaSvuo, commander of Ibo U.N. Emergtncy Forco (UNEF) dlaployed on the Egyptian aod Israeli front IJnea. Sillasvuo promised an Investigation, they said. FUEUNG THE mu!S: So you llJ1ft you have It tough lacing the current fuel crlals? Maybe oo. But consider West Gennall folks !Or a moment Maj. Gen. Aharon Yariv, Prime Mln1lter Golda Meir'• 1peoW advl.9er aod chief negotiator for !Jrael, walked into the meeting with the anned forces N°ew difficulties arose over Israeli con- atruction of a causeway acroM the SUez Ono ol our atall members who bas lntematlonal connections wu talkJng via telephone just yesterday to a lrlerd over there. In w~ GemWiy today, gasoline la go!Jia: for a mere $2. IO per gallon. Dlloel fuel, 1111 the other band, Is blgher -at '4 per pJlon. CEASE-FIRE line ~abs 1'r Israel aod Egypt were .ked on the Issue of a troop clllellgagenlent alter their fifth meeting Monday. An !Jraell government aource lald Yariv would report to the cabinet on his talks with Egyptian Maj. Gen. Mohammed Gemuoy aod bio efforta to end the stalemate. Another meeting between the two generals wu set for 'l'bunday. Maybe It jUll -to _. that no matltr how awful you lltln1< condJUons are, they· can always pt worse. llEllE WE AJl;E, approaching the won- den of the Yuletide ........ Poople are talking' about bow they woo't put lllrinp of lights on their houses or maybe even lleht a Chrlalmu trff. He said the negotiations centering on Mrs. Meir's proposal for a mutual withdrawal to prewar aides ot the canal with a U.N. wedge between the troops waa more Important than any ol the other five points In the m·polnt cease- fire qreement. au-.... tumJnc down the beot and ~ the fires. Economy ts lbe "1won!. We may Oncl lnldJUooal Yulellde ):ol_ea an reversed this year. · Fer· Ille tint llni• In hlllorJ, when jbey tell the atory ol atlngy old Ebmezer Skylab Crew Repairs Home Cooling Unit ' 111111-he'l CllDlll OOll IOUDd- a moclant folk horo. · '. ; AIL 01" US have been pretty conodoUI Cl the lutl altuation lately. Around my :..,.ce, I've been look!Jia: at all the IP' HOUSTON (UPI) -The Sl<ylab 3 .-astrooauts have put a fresh lllJlPly of ~ "1th beady eyes. Every Ume fluld Into their orilltmg "'"blmp's ln- :the mrigerator turns on, I klcl< It. dlspemable equlpmeot iloollna system. ...... cut my..it aevm -In the The all-l'OO!de CIU', Genfd P. Corr iut four day1 wblllt abavlng by a IQ. "'' T-ol Santa Ana, Edward G. Glboon, .._bulb. • SGT. EDWARD KLEIZO (LEFT) PASSES BABY TO PRESIDENT NIXON ~~ ~~':t~ = 1 Maybe 11'1 not pniper to blame all 'I'll Never WHh My F-Agoln' He Said After Light Slap all day Monday lranllfening 1>111181' 411o euta on low Clllldlepowe<. Maybe bn>oght with them Into the elghl.room ~'m j,.t lhaklng too much with the ship that may be their ldne for the tr--"""'-I hiven~ tumed Oil &Ill'· Pre...,...., • Slapped~ next tine months. "'8t In the place. ~ ~ CARR AND POGUE rode a lll&tionary '. a-ty, u we approod! the YuleC!de, bicycle todty to i..t how ""'1 they're 'the llhortages In everything appear UM adapting lo aero _ ....... ..._ lllo lay ''1boy are &oln& to 1trtke oalnla and C • c -·-r·'"' '~' :s1nnera aute. · White House riticizes overage lJ1,. ~ /:ti:e._devlce !bat ~- , ' Glboon will imderao -omne taltl • WAllNINGB ARE BEING -that KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -The hour-long news conlerence In Disney Wedneaday oo all t!iree wtll baYe hem ;you may not be able to purdlase any White House crillclzed soine membera World. M. Sgt. Edward S. Klelzo, 50, checked before their 'lbank:sgl~ Day :aloobollc spirits this aeaaon, for nample. of the ~ oorps Monday for trying ,..,. Yoli< City, was among about 100 walk In space. :And lf you can, the botues may come to .,..i:; ;""slapping Ind dent" out of ~U.wtabera greeting the Prealdem. Pogue took oeveral hours Monday 'plain ralher than In the fancy aeallOllal an apparently friendly gesture by Presl· Kleim, standing with his son, chatted aftermm to attach a special valve to wr1pplnp. · denl Nixon towanl an Air Force briefly with Nixon, joking about the the lab'• primary ooollng loop that On the other hand, aerloul queallona sergeant. !!!>)!; and wllen the ~ twnecj_ .opentes UM_a_w radlat«_to ~ -...,. riliOil jUit yesten!1y on how the · -lied -10 walk away, lie pUI lili KleiZo'1 electrooic equipment from ov~ faithful are going to get to their "111E WHITE . House !eels oompe face. The 1poce pilots ran Into map ao churdleo. The government la talking to condemn this WM!thlcal aod im· The sergeant told journallill Saturday he wu testing the valve aod a puge .. bout a ban on SUnday driving. prolesaional reporting," the White Hoose night tbal "the President slapped me," l!bowl!d the device was leaking. Further It mlCbt be -1ble that the various aald In a statement released at the but he aaJd Monday "it was mon! UM cbedls """"1ed the "leak cbedt'! CODll"latiom could team up and ride President's vacation retr.ol a pat oo the bacl: that you give a med•im was the culprit and the valve -to oervlceL But then we got '!be Incident occurred Saturday nlgilt frlmd." He lald he was certain Mm> -,.. ~ JX<P<111. h -Giii h Orlllp Qxmty Rapid at Orlando alter Nlaoo had held an wasn't .,.,.,, Without the eool1ni · oyatom, dor.ens Transit District mlght nm lhort 1111 fuel. o1 p1ece1 o1 electrooic ~ ...Wd They've got you coming or going. THE INCIDENT was witnessed by be ronclered uaelesa and the aalrooauts It's enough to drive the falUUul to DAILY PILOT two newsmen, acting as a "pool" !or would likely have bad to come homo. drink -II they could find.a drink. DELIVERY SERVICE other reporters, and the White House 0 was particularly critical of the stories THE PlllMARY ooolanl loop oervlced I Dt1""1 of the D•llr Piiot filed by James Deakin of the St. Louis Monday aUll has a leak In Ii v.i>ich ' WHY, ONLY LAST Sunday, one Costa Is guarantttd Post·Qispatch and Fred Zimmennan of the second-Skylab crew looked for but Mesa church actually experimented with the wan Street Journal from the pool -"'dn't find. Flight officials plan In ' I ph t f t an,s.......tntfon M.....,..l'l'M"" II 1111 111 lltl Jt1n nur UJUI ha the US1ng an e e an or r }""'... • ,."' ,., 11• ,.,..,, c111 .~ ., ... , C8" wm account the next two weeks to ve He created a a>n1kierable 1Ur }>ut "' """"'' 1• fW'I· C••11 •r• tlli: .. .nit 1be Mitte House Slid the stories lm· astronauts do a similar servicing job somehow, you have the sneaking auspt: :~:!;.~·..,. ._...,: 11 "t"" .. "'' nc"'" plied the slap was given in anger. on a backup loop, which has a smaller cion that elephant pow!!' jlllt isn't going ...... ,,,., "' t '·"'· S•l•nlly, t r I t .m. "The White House n.....::c office eipect.s, leak. Id lo CBtch s .... .,. <IN MIC • nn will IM .,....., If t"'.......... Nell H tchimon sa m. gh t ., ... c1n1 .,, , .... 1n111 tt 1.11\. out of courtesy and decency, that the Flight Director u Ever figure how much It ml t cos papers which printed misleading stort.. Monday the crew cunpleted preparations to heat a barn for an elephant? Ttltphofles ·-·-on this matter pnn· t c'•-'""•g -~"• to -· __...._,. work SUnday m ard -anksgi · M11t Or•• c ..... 1, Ar.-. •·••·•· ....... .i ....... ,..... •~I"""'--• .....,~__..., 1bus we look tow 'u vmg to oo--~ the false un· p-ions." sol ti watching comet •~ -~ and the •-.&:.o:-.....J .......... Niff11rwnl N\11ttlt1tMt1 It•'~ 1-n:\:~ •~ ..........._ "1-'i..a-.ua.Y u.u1.1UU1U ow:u • '"' w.s11n11u1w .......... *-'"' Kleiw, a veteran of 22 years In the K naurces ...--ofp~·l_>olldaremyembeaeason.r to turn 00 the stove ..,. ._;~i:.:.::'::;~~~. Air Forte, including cl stint in Vietnam, ' ,,_,'II have to ~ ...,. uttM· uttM •o•"' .... ...,... said be comiders NiJ:on "one of the ...,, long enough to ~" out the turkey. greatest presidents we've ever bad. gdday, ~·ch ""'!'."~ = No oven:ook!Jia:, DR, WW ediPll. - • Ill Midwest Rain, Snow • Cold Wave Warnings Posted for Areas i11 Oklahoma l • m the Skylab 2 crew. The uewmen have to change film In the solar obl«Vatory -.....,la aod perform a number ol ttpalr tasks, Including a tbr..,.bour job 1111 one of the earth ...,.1ng devices. • • • UPI,...... Slain Teen-agers ' Four Sioux Falls, S.D. youths found shotgunned to death In a park were Identified Monday as (clockwise from upper left) brothers Dana Badde, 14; Stewart Badde, 18; Michael Hadnth, 15 and R~ger Essen, 17. Police in Sioux Falis are seeking three still unidentified men. Twisters Rip Oklalwma Cities Apart; 5 Killed BLANCHARD. Okla. (UPI) -Forty-ftve of the Injured ,..... In Tornadoes .wept out of rain and bail Moore. Most w.re treated IOI' CID and atonna In Oklahoma Monday night, kill· broken bones and releued from the . Ing at least ftve...penons, injuring eo area's three hospitals. mere and cau.1ing an estimated 16 nilllion property damage to numerous towns ANltl'HER 40 mobile homes were aod ctu... dostroyod by the tornado, - The IDOi! d<otruction was located at Bob Lamb llald today. -~,.. ~·-a northern Oll:lahoma "Just about ___ ,..._;_,. WB! dtstlO)ed 11,111,Aa • V11J.a., 'C•~J' ...... "& town neor the Kamas Imler. The death! there," he ll8id. and 111111! ol the lnj1n'iea oa:urred In Fifty Natiooal Guardllnen WWI coDed the -.,.. of Olllahoma's beolvl· In to protoc! damqal .,... · hill ly populated mldaectlon. looting, wlllch Lamb uld l.i ...... within an hour after the storm. TWO PER80NS, a mother md her A ......, aod her dlild WWI ldllod S.....t-old chllcl, Wtte killed In Bia!>-In Blanchard when, acoardilll to a ehard, about 10 mllea sooth ol Oklahoma spokesman. "The tornado blew away City. Three other penons, lncludlng two about one-third of the town." 4-monlbdd children, died in nearby They were ld..,Ufied u Undo Hill Moore, Okla. and her im. David. Ray Saunden, Tl, a llOCUrily guard Five of the Injuries were '""*tod at Uie Oldahoma Oounty -ln at Blanchanl, IDOlltiy from D~ Moore, --a'lllhed under •· a>n<rete -The funnel ·that· - piling wllOn the twister toppled tile knocbd wt all electrical J)OWlr In the warebouse walls. town. A trail« part received the hN>I One ol the children, Robbie Maynafll, of the da!Mp by the Moen lonlado. wu found In a mud puddle by a bighWay patrolman . u reocue -deaned "WE WERE walcliq televlaloa and. up the Royal Parit Mobile Park, me all ol a sudden the boule atartad abaltlnc ol the worst devutated areas In Moore. ~ • •• '!"'•'·lllkc ~~ ..!'!~.t,.1' The other child, Identified as Jemller ~ "8ldeslt ~ ·~ ,_. Moore, was found under an ove<tumed Bel"""1 IS and 20 trailers _.. mobile home. damaged. Charges Rehked Eco-sticker Priee Howl Makes.Snoopy Underdog WASHINGTON (UPI) -"~" la In the dotl!>oule, at I-u lat a Rep. Lei Aapln (l>-Wll.), la ooacemed. Aapln dlaqed Monday that the White -la pulblng ....-priced energy 1Ucten feolnring a picture ol the fa!Dom UPeamJtan comic strip dog. THE PIC'ro!IE, ahowlng the floJ>ared beallle recllnlnc 1111 the top ol hll abode, baa been adopted u lite oflldal oymhol ol the NIJOn Admlnla1Jatlon'1 campaign to conoerve fUel. Lui weet, Alpln lald, ~ -received • Wblto -,letter from Vlrl!Dla H. Knauer, prealdenUal -·-•Ill, olferlng. lnformailon cin how to .... Ibo llllcM -Dot Mel~ 0o.1ID KaaAI Qty, Kan, T1ii' 1e11or qao1o11 t11o pr1oa tor the docala u 14'1.ll per thouaand lor 10,000, -wllh larpr -. Aapln aid. Bui Alpln cllarpd that .-rcb by bll ollke ..... !bat ldmllcal tbJee.by· fouNDcb -can bl boaeht In the W"""1111ton. D.C., area for an average ol .. per _... Oil purd>asea ol lo.-, "IT'ii BAD 8*J1b that the White --ahoald be out flackhla for !lriYate -" be lald In • ltalemen4 11But lt'1 'utterl:y tnuculable that the Admlnlltratlon'• -expeJt lhouJd be telpllllllble for paablng ...,..priced goods 1111 the Americao public." Mn. Knauer, In a alatemmt lsaual throuCb her office, called Aapln'• cba~gea jjablurd." Sbe uld the docala will be free to the -, 111111 Ibo blaeol buyera eipected lo DI tSlllty componlot who t • - plan lo g1,. the a1l<:bn to their customers. "!lad Qmgr9lmen Aapln taken lite time lo contact .... ofllco -.. laaning hll .,._ releue, I -ha" lladly Informed bl m ol Ibo clrcumltanceS here," Mra. Knauer llld. IHI SAID "Pe1nuta" cartoonl1t Oiarlel --ted ... of lite picture u a pablle ~mce and that United Fealtnl Syndicate, the copyright bolder, ..... the ~a free Uceme but a1lpulaled . tbal, In order to maintain qualltJ, an!)' prlnten whom It •JJP!Wed could print Ibo decall. Sw's ~at.e ' . ' Admits Guilt ' NEWARK, N.J. (UPI)-llldmtl A. M-the ......., ol llD(llr a.-. iitcHllr, ~l'ded _, Monday to a cliarp ol ut.rnpt1ne ~ = appoalmalel1 u ...... ~ .. and hll wilt _.. aJTeated Oct. II, 1972, at a Plt)'boy Club neor !iii lllii' Ille llpeil for a oeckaae doll"'1'11d lo l.r II b boioi.. lier 11-.t -llld to have been given the PICbo. ""1ch allegedly held Ille &or.In: . The charge against Miss McNalr .... tl1amlaled last April II. ,,,. U.S. attorney'• oltlce uld at that time ... ..-jury "decided ... was not, pnipr ca1111" to cl>arp tht~-old--. • i I f I I I 'i J • It .. •• "' y it . . • . . ,-~ Orang~ Coast -... EDITION · Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks • • * * • I --_:_ ___ _ · :VOL:. 66, NO. 324, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER: 2(), 1973 N TEN CENTS I ~ . 4Newpo·rt Homes Go Like Ho·tcakes in Auction. By JORN ZAil.ER Of .. Deb f'llM Si..tf . tt wu a barplq basement for home "'"1en in Newport Beach today as lour .._ on ezclusl.ve Klrigs Road were auctioned ofi by the state of California lo bJgbeot bidders. 'Ibe four properties, each wJth a com~ mllldinc view or Newport Harbor, ·bcougbt In $75,000, 187,000, $70,000 and flt,OllO to the California treasury. Ccmporoble homes In the ana were ' reportedly selling for !90,000 to $100,000. Two of ·111e homes were bought by men wlM> &aid they were 1Ul est.I"' investon. A third WU bought by a Long Bea<h man wbo aald he planned to hold the home for two to three years and lben occupy It with his lamilJL Tbe fourth home WU hoqpl by a man with red balr and. a red bwd wbo decllaed lo ldontily bimlell or say wby he waa baying the $71,000 dwelling. 0 1'm !W1'Y but l just can't tell 1.ou I anything," the unldenUlied man said. '!be lour homes were pun:hued by the cautornta Department of TranlportaUon between 1966 and 1970 as rigbt-of-way for the now-defunct Pacllic Coul 1..-ay, Minimum bkll m the homes were 1511,000 to $16,000 wb!d> reflected the sta"''' ortlinal purdlaae price, .according to olllctals. Tbe lint home to go oo the auction bloct WU at 42lltlngs Road. A »year- old structure with 1,488 square feet, two bedrooms and two baths, the home brought in $75,000 from a Loog Beach attorney who said he intended eventually to live in the house. "S~ 1 think I got a good deal." said Norman Walker after the sale. "It's bard to find any house on Kings Road much less a house at a good price." A meaaure of Just bow good a deal he got waa provided by Cally Cowan who was also bidding on the house despite the fact that his own borne just down the street may aoon be for sale on the regular market. When it is, he'll be asking $150,000. "If I could have purchased thls house _bere__for_arouod $'70,000 it. would have been a great investment," said Cowan, "but evenJor $'75,000, lt's still a deal." Robert Huston, a private investor from Corona del Mar, was successful bidder oo the borne al., 1401 Klnp Road. He agreed to pay $70,000 !or. a three- bedf9Qm house with 2,200 square feet. 0 1 thought it was a good deal or I wouldn't have bid it,'' Huston said. On advice of his agent however, Hmton declined to say just bow good a deal it was. "We don't want to make the blddJng too bullish when the rest of the auo- tioning takes pa Ice," the agent said. The Department of Transportation will (See AUCl'ION, Page J) • ' ''Pressure' Probe Slated · Newport Chamber to Examine Report Allegations . . Mtr '""II.tr P'""9 JOHN AND PI LAR -THEY'RE SPLITTING UP Wayn11 Announce Sep1 r1tion Aht r 19 v .. ,, Newport's John Wa yne, W·if e Pilar to Separate Oscar-winning actor John Wayne and his wife Pilar are separating after 19 Jears of marriage. Sour<es close to !hi! Necvpcrt Beach Couple, however, say the split is only a 'trial separation and "they both hope \o work.everything out.11 • • 11ley in fact are sfill li ving together tn their Bayshores home although Wayne is i.bout to leave for an auction at his catU! ranch in Arizona and has Other travel plans that will keep him en the road for sorr.e time. '. Among other things, the ~year~ld movie star will go to New York to in November o! 19$1 after a wbirlwlnd romance. She had been. a stewardess for a Peruvian airline and was an li](ning actrw. They met while sbe was Jn Hollywood dubbing a movie In Spanish. Neither of the Waynes was available for comment today. Tbe marriage ls his third and her second. ,l pote for artist Norman Rockwell.• Wayne's first wife wa.5 Josephine Saenz, mother of bis fo\D' grown children. His secmd wile waa Esperanza Baur, Wayne and Pilar have three cbiklml Aissa, 17, John Ethan,. II, and Karia&, 6, • . The sources sakt there are no plans .for Wayne's 37-year~ld Peruvian-born ~e to move to the new house she purchased in Big Canyon earlier this year. She has told friends she acq\lired it .. for financial speculation" and planned to rent it. ~ 1be Waynes married in Kona, Hawaii, 0r .. ge C.ut Five Sailors Home SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -Five San- ta Barbara residents returned home safely Monday after their 20-lool cabin cruiser wai found drlltlng wltbout po- soutbwest of Gaviota and towed to Pol1.. by the Coast Guard cutf<lr'Polnt J~ilh.~. Tile cruiser failed to \return on time from a surfing eipeditlon Sunday, By L. PETER KRIEG Of .. M1Y "" tttft The Newp(n llarl>or <llamber o! Com· merce Monday appoinl<ld a special com- rnltf<le to illveatigm chargea the NeWPort Beach traJl1c ....Wtant wu under pollUcat pressure to al"'r his final report. '!be chamber named director Robert Milmn, who sat on the · seven-member citizens' commllf<le that guided the Senate Ru'les · · . Panel Okays Gerald Ford "~lll!111fl9'.dl!m r Tia ...-. Baill Q11g ulllet '°'911. QM1d11'Dllll:I' t. • • ..... ,...! '!l_·lllo-I" n,., ~~-.ice pnalilonl. aad~:iat~.== Coot (II-Ky.), aald u be lelt the ball· 1-long priftle -on of the poneL . Coot aald pnporation of the formal CCllDllllttee roport weuld be complef<ld over tho follNllJ 'lblnbglvlng ...- tliii ...-s, iiiCI the l!eiill8 Wllllld"" .wt -on the ....malial CXI Tuesdq 'With a '°" eipecW the same day, Tba -action had been ... peeled. Ford, Ill, the~ Repabllcln leader, -. ••nl lour daya of larlngl " and ..-.. ~ by tbO Sena"' panel. • s.n. lioberl c. Byrd <D-w.v .. >, the ..mtant DemocraUc leader, made the notion lor conllmiatlao.and Coot leCOllCl- ed IL Sm. Howard Cannon (D-Nev.), com· mitt.. chairman, said there WU little dillCIUSlon aad whal tliere ... centered on his n port lo the panel that two FBI re~ OB Ford's campaign cot>- trlhutlons not complef<ld by the last oommitf<le meeting were available. Under tho Constitution, both branches of ~ must &PP'!'•• Ford, and the Home Judiciary Committee . was boldlng lb cloaed<loor -oo today to bear tbre'e wltoesoes who alao appeared before the senate panel in exe<:ullve ....ion. They were Robert M. W'mler-Berger, wbo wt'Ole a book mentioning Ford; Dr. Arnolcl Hutchne<ker, a New YorltJ poycbotherapist, whom Ford says he met but not u & ·patient, and Mrs. Alice Weston Sbowall<lr, who has deoied an allegatlQn that slie\ ae<el":ed 11,000 from Wln"'r-Berger to \intrOduce him to Ford. study, to serve as chairman of tbe panel "We want to ensure that the city got the true independent recom- mendations of the coosultant that the taxpayers paid for -\IDaltered, un- colored by politi<dll pressure,"' said chamber President Richard S. Stevens in calling for the study. _ He cited ·public charges by three members of the citir.ens' committee that they were surprised by wbat tbe rmal mport said In recommendations for Corona del Mar and a """'1d Upper Bay crossing. stevens said a leCODdary concern ts that "the report will not wind up on a shell because of the politics involved, "l[respective of one or two issue3 within the report, a lot of intelligent effort went into it." Stevens said. "And Lord knows, we've got to have a pro- gram." St"""'1S said the purpose or !he probe *** ·*** Second . Meeting Comes to Light -,,,. .,.,..;iblnt wllo.wrote Ille lieloporl lllilldL lrll(llc ftporl WU called lo l1N top.level meellnp with dty ofllcWI, not jU1t ooe, before wrltlni the llnal draft of his report, It was leariled today. '!be two sesaioos took pl8"" in lht office of Cit)' M...,..-Robert L. Wynn, accmllng to Al Krier, regional manager ol the Alan 1\1', Voorllees Company, the eonsulting firm that was paid $85,000 to prepare the transportation study, Wynn earlier had sald ·tbere-was one meetlog 'With the eonsultant, Mayor Dooakl Mclonls, Councilman Jolm Store and· Wiiiiam Agee, chainifan ol the plan- ning commission and the seven-member cittzena' committee thal guided the Study. I Vice Mayor Howard Rogers reportedly attended the second meeting. ~ members of the cilhens' panel have said they did not !mow of the meetings, Tbree o! those COllllDil1"e IDelllben have crltlciud the final report; saying It aays some things It wasn't lllJlposed to aay about a aeeond Upper Bay cross- i11g and a 10lution to coastal traffic through Corona del Mar, Wynn cool1rmed earlier that a reconi· mendalloo for a Corona del Mar bypass along Filth A venue wsa strlckeo after a meeting in his ·office, but be denied . Dyane ke bad "prtl &Ill'' Ute t:CDo IUltanl lo ..-iL Krier refmecl lo h what WU Hid. "l just don't want to get Into tJie niatter," Krier said. "We are· really aUll under C.'Olltract, nte city is our client. Like with everybody else we cannot release any information without clearing it with our client first," Krier said. Krier offered to discuss the meelinga publicly if Wynn woulcl autborize it and be present for the ln""'lew. Wynn ls on vacation this week aad was not available for commeol Tbe traffic aludy, wbich ol!iclally will be tbe transpor!Jllion element of the city's geoeral p1M, will be the subject of a series of public heartop before the plaonlng mmmiulon and city coun- cil. '!be !iral plam>lng commission hearing Is set Dec. 13. One of the critics on the citizens' committee, Roland Landrigan, h a s declared he will appear at those bear. ings. He and panellsts Woody Linton and William Doolsm all voiced strong reao- tions to the report,, saying there are a "number of surprises in ll" Gasoline Still Plentiful Along Coast for Holiday There is no gasoline shortage, -at least not on the Orange Coast where motorists will be able to buy all lht gasoline they need to make their 'lbanksgiving enjoyable. A random Survey of serviCe stations along the Orange Coast indicatea about half will remain open this Thursday. Several of the station managers con- Wea dler '" Clear skies and eooler temper- ahaes are wbat the Los Angeles J d w ' B N tacted said they were closing, not u , ge . · on t ar ewsmen ~an::::?;?.:~::: • weather oervtce,rs for the . Qr. ~~; ··ang Coast Wedneiday. lllgba In tbe -.roijufuy • . , • . , they bad adequale supplies, wltb - ' • mid-tlll !or Inland portloos and 51 at the beaches • .\""" 3M8. ................ .' • t.daj :!hi ;;ij· -....,.,;ts of the irtai-:-,-,,Y ier.c g0I Jliider <way tad';y' exception of the Standan!OI! Oompeny· -1 role< '11!.hls plrticlpolial In -and la expected to c&tinUe~ 'throuih 'operalld llatkll al llacArthar Wevard INSJQE TODAY Niflc Scripps CoUtge coedl, includl!tg two /rum Oronge Couniv, inoested a $50,000 cl<> nation to the ,college •ml mad• , n,ooo for the college throuoh inw1tment8. St e sto ry page 1. Orange Coonty &lperlor Coort Jlldge " .'W1111am Murray loday relaaed to blr '"""""" from bis courtroom dmtni trial o! a $1 mi1llon lawlUil · llled bJ a woman wlM> claims her entrapment In a local aauna led to her laf<lr pn>- mlscully. • ,J udp Murray made the nlllng after lawyers for both lldes C0111Plalned that local newayo~ could unlairlY. Influence :liefury by prlnliiig Uie imoun1 of damages being ·' olbalit by Mn. Maria Eliella !'anon, •1{ of Anaheim. Sin Fra)lcllco trlaT ll'llJ"r 'Marvin ·Lewis, Sr, ._ts Mra, Pal'IOO. Fulk!rlon atlonleY Dooakl A. ltualon ~ the cleleading llollday lleolth Spa o! Orqe, • L<wla also 1llllUCCeslftdl ..,._. I ., • what ha 1-ne -. aa the "Cable · and Red ·Hill Avenue In Irvine. To eon-Car Cue " Wednesday. . In thai 8111 Franclsoo trial. a Jury Mn. Pmon Initially sued the beelth serve aupplleo the lllalion expects to awarded office wwker Gloria Sykea, spa for $140,000 .wbeo she sullerecl bums quit pumping at t"p.m. 'lbunday. 25, !$0,000 In damages alter Lewil ...,. in the Orange ...,.. three 1..,. ago Elsewbeno In Calllornia and the nalloo ctarully' llflUed that I' cable car Injury all<lr the handle to the door of her Tbank>giving travelers may find more Jn lhafdty c:hanpd her penonalily. cubicle allei«llY came off In her band. .. rv1ce statlonl cloaed this y.ar than "l'trl DOI -Ing to bor _..,.per But the lawiuit wu step ~P lo ••·y did l·~ y ar but •as supplies n;porten ,,,,.;.· 1111 courtroom," Judge '1 million when the plaintlll, delcribed · --· e ' " • Murray firmly told both laWY.era. ~We by hir lawyer as a devout Catholic """' 10 be holding up welt wtn dHI W!Ui tbepilblellCof jU1on mother ol ....., allegedljr devtloJl'!d -Kay Aldoua, spokesman !or !he who have· heard of this cue ai It urgea that Jed ' her to aeek rnalll in American Aulomobi~ Assoclalioo, said comes iq> during jtD')H1elecflon. local ban. t~. thot spot checks showed no m.ior · "Yon Jun dn't keep tbl1 kind of Deposllionl filed In the ptttrlal phase gasoline ibortages, altbough he recei~ lhlnl away ~ the newo media and of the llwault coalain the determination reports that loola1'd service stations I don't -to-try," Judie. Mopay by a PQdllalrill lbat trauma devele!>in( were llmllinl sales. llCldecL "Wt om.pi ·llo'ft to tan air'! lrool hOr mtrapmelll ltd to a Jll1ddalrle "'!'be Wiie 11111 aulcl be .,,npbashod jliidGllam wbtla ,._u .. P,,.. lrl -. la wlllcb Jin. Panon btcamt Is that thel'e. will be no ' major ln-IJellll qaeo'lrlid about tbla caoe," llnt ---1JUea. ,,,.,,,.,.....,,.. ~ trHel,• be aald. ·' • I I "will be to make sure we have the consultant's thinking r a It b f u 11 y represented to the public.'' '!be llnn of Alan M. Voorhees of San Diego prepared the study. "lt is of vital importance to the entire community,'' Stevens said. "We want to make sure the community ls presented with all the facts." Milum, in an interview after the chamber directors confirmed his ap- (See PRESSURE, Page %) HE'LL LEAD CHAMBER N-rt Bulldff Lulk l! \,, I, ,;.,;j '\-·I~ Harbor -Names ·:.;~ f{,_~ Lusk President ·, ~ ··~ Of Chamber -.-~ .. Newport Beach builder Willlam D. Lusk was elected president o! the Newport Harbor Chamber of CollllllerC9 Monday. Be succeeds Wrathet lnvestmentl Company executive Richard S. stevens as bead of the l ,OOO·member businessmeli's organhation. Other ollicers elected ID serve with IJJSlt during 1974 are 'lbomaa Simandl, Michael Christiansoo and D e n n 1 s Harwood, all vice ~idents, and William Coulter, treasurer. _ Lusk, 45, -' ls president o! Jol>n D. Lusk and Sons, ~ been • member Of the Chainber. since 1911J, I A reaidenl o! Big canyon, Lusk at· tended the University of Southem California. He ls a native of Beverly Hills, i Lusk'• acceptance speech waa brt.f and light, but he indicaf<ld he'll have more to say when he Js 1nstaUed Jn January . "It took courage to elect a developer, we're not the white hats of tbt com-- munity these days, 11 be quipped.. Election of members o! tho Board (SO. LIJSX, P..,,.) . _ •• -. . _, ~ ~ Fears Buffet Market. Again I NEW YORK (UPI) -With a record number of issues declining, prices on the New York Sinck Excbaage today fell to their lowest level in two )'tar1 iJl-beavy· trading generated by ...,.,...,. over ~ problems and fears of ~, · rec-.on. . 'jbe Dow Jones Industrial averap, the nioot -ly !ollowecl bouoa-on , Wall Street, plunged 17.'ll points on top of a drop of JS,17 on Monday, It clooed at 914.IO, its lo-t alnce It doled at 131.st on Nov. 30, 1171. ' ;: ~LY FILOl N T..,., N....,bot 20, 1973 Recession Predicted • '· In·€risis u:JS ANGELES (AP) -Vernon L. Sturgron, president of the California Public Utilities C.Ommlssion, said today that a recession or depression is likely -possibly by next spring -because of the energy crisis. (Related stories on Pages 3, 11 ; Edilorial on Page 6.) ''Starting in Los AngeJes, ii the Department of Water and Power cannot get the Ar ab oil under oontract to them, then by March thett: will be 35 percent curtailment of electrlclty, which Is catastropic." Sturgeon told neWsmen. "This means a loss of business, a loss of wag~ with the weliare rolls growing, a loss of sales and taxes. It could build to a r.c.s.Jon simply because of the bs of energy." Sturgeon, In l,os Angeles to addreM '° dvlc group, stopped !hort ol ,.y1ng a recesllion wu a certainty. But asked by a neWBman ff recession was not inevitable, he said, "l don 't want to be the one to say that, but I won't argue with you if you do. "One person alone can't be hurt by this. It hits everybody. It lvW reduce their purchuing•power," be added. "I don't think 11'1 possible to otop It." Sturgeon said he expects industry to cooperate with voluntary fuel saving measures. "For them, it's a matter of economic survival, and they want to survive," be sakt But he said he does not expect full vohmtary cooperation from consumers. ••frankly , I don't expect to get a 10 percent voluntary reduction," be said. "This means that when we come to mandatory steps, we 'll probably have to ask ror more than that." Consumers have been asked to cut back their energy use by 10 percent to ease the power crush. Sturgeon told newsmen that some demands of environmentalists probably will have to be balanced with the urgency of the f!iel cri!ls. Upper Bay Friends Save Beach Areas 'J1ie FrlendJ of Upper Bay was credited Monday by a member ol the recJonal 'COUtal commission with !lving the Newport Beach area from being turned !nlo -111111 IDd -1'. Ro.y WWlams of the Frlelldl ol Upper 11ay opoke at a planlJinc, ....i.. Cl the South Cout Regional :tOne Comerva- tlon <mnmJasJon In Sin · Clemente City lllll. ' WUllamll ouUlned the cllbem group's plans far development ol Upper Newport Bay Into a wildlife preserve by dredging down to a level that can 1Upport many ldndl ol pillll and animal Ufe. Qxnml.lsioner Judy Rosener, a Newport Beach resident, thanked the group members fOr being activists. She said It wu largely through their efforts the bay baso't become a recreational clevel<!Pmenl. The:' state and the Irvine Company .,. currenUy oegotl.oting on a propooal calling fil< the state to a!lurne Im· mediate ownership ol the area, with the price to be worked out later. 'J1ie plan has been endoned by the and the state Department of Fish and and the state Department of Fish and Game. Williams said Monday the citizem group wants to acquire the bluff and upland area for visitors viewpoints and prevent any bridgeJ from croosing the saltwater marsh. All dredged material could be used to create a .. Big Canyon" beach or ~ fill for the Corona del Mar freeway, Williams said. That idea gained approval of Com- mission.r Rooald Caspers ol Newport Beach, who said it would cut down on the expense and trouble of b..u.mg In oand. OUNll COAfT M DAILY PILOT 'Nixon Knew All~ Martha Mitchell TeU. Meetings ly HILIN THOMAS . J WASHING TON (UPI! -Martha lllldlell aid todl.Y, lllal PNlf. --dent Nbtlnr-"tnew ~I !bit -loial OD" ID hfl l'Mlectlcm~ campaign, before and after Ille Wa!A!rg11e bi'eol<·ln and buggtn1. She said that Nixon ond her husband, former Attorney General John N. Mitchel~ went out on the presldenUal yocht Sequoia "every night and dlseussed the campaign Imm beginning to end. "There wasn't anything that Nixon didn't know," she said In a telephone Interview. "This 1' the truth." Nixon bps asserted publicly on several occulons that hla ie, election campaign was the "first campaign I dldli't run" ond th1t "overzealous but well-ln!A!ntioned" su,Pporten on the Committee to Re-elect the President may have been responsible for lhe Wa!A!rga!A! developments. 9 to l Ratio Coastal Panel Approves 1, 769 Building Permits By CANDACE PEARSON ~llM o.llY ....... ,... • LOS ANGELES -A total of $9 In new construction hu been approved by the· South Coast Regional 1.one Cooserv1;- Uon Commission for every $1 it has denied, its executive director said Mon- day. Testifying at a hearing of the Assembly Select Committee on Coastal 1.one Resources here , Mel Carpenter said about 25 to 30 percent of the permits denied come back to the commiSllon ir. scaled down versioris and are ap- proved. M of early this month, carpenter said, 1,789 permits representing $991 mlllk>n have been approved and 74 permita, valued at $145 million have been denied. The South Coa!t commission covers Orange and Los Angete.s counties. Carpenter's statistics backed up a statement made early that day by state Coastal Commission c!fairman l\1elvin Lane, who said. "We've not stopped the basic ,economy of the ~st." The A,..mbly commlttee chaired by Assemblyman Alan Sieroty CD-Beverly Hills) is looking into the first year or Proposition 20, the 1972 coastal zone ad which created the commissions. Sieroty and Assemblyman Paul Prio1o (!).Santa Mooica), the only committee members present Monday, asked Carpenter and Lane what legislative ac- tion might help them. Lane asked for more money and more COmJl.llssion ttme, by. allow_!qa alternates !or, "f!:lld ofliclals < His r<19uesls were edloed by Jooeph Bodovtt>, executive director of the state commission. Carpenter asked the legislators for requirements thar an local agencies delay the issuance of building permit,, on projects until the .. commission has granted Its own permit. &th Orange and Los Angeles Counties are doing th ls voluntarily. Requiring all local building and safety departments to in1pect development,, to see tf they fullill coastal commission conditions also would help, Carpenter said. The regional commission doesn't have enough time or pe.noruiel to impect all completion notices, which, Carpenter said, are just starting to come in. . Carpenter ltoted what he thought were south Olut Comml!lioll auccesses 1n the first year, including : -Reducing· densities in areas where the commJsslon felt they were too high. -Increasing access to the beaches by reql)iring more on--slte parking, leav- ing street parking for , visitors. -Getting developers of· adjacent .pro} ects to work together · before applying for permltJ to com~ up with better coordinated hulldlng. -Requir1ni more open space On in- dividual lots. -Reducing the number of units in large, planned community developments ror "more pleasing" architectural and esthetlc ellect.. -Causing a better quality construction. Carpenter admitted that the com- mission meetings 1Ul1 take too kmg and that It takes !lll dayo ofter applying ror a permit to get a public bearing before the commission. Bodovilz said there is a chance the commissions will get some flmds from the 1972 federal coastal zone manage- ment aCt. which had been held up by Nixon just autboriled $4 million, or which California would be eligible for $400,000, for plannlng,,W'!l a Senate con- ference committee Is recommending $7.5 million, of which ~.ooo would go to California. . The commissions only have two year11 until a co~tal muter plan, is due in !he Legislature, said BodoVitz. They w8nt enough money now to finish . the job without begging !or more funds midway through the plan, he oald. 'l1le cOm· rnJsslons will need almost S2 million to complete the p1anning phase of their work,· ~oviti added. Fret11Pqe J LUSK ••• of Director• !or 1974 will lake . place at the December meeting .. Those nominated are: Phil Tozer, Ari Grolllky, Chick Higbee, Bruce Blackman, John CUrci, Joe Payne, George Hochfilier, George 1.ebal, Pete Barrett, Thomas Wolf!, Pete Si.rac~a and Bill Fawcett. Also, Doug111 KeuP, Jlon. Rausey, Jock Austin, Hal Joonnlni, Bill Whllman, Jim Wood, Don Pennington, Chris Hopper, Robert 1ifilum, David New, Scott Parker, Charle! Currey, Cl~' lloooe, John Fanner, Jim Feltoo, ary Bunill, Dr. Nolan Friaelle ancj Ven.I. Honorary cllncton nominated: Assemblyman R<>bert E. Badham, State Senator Dennis Carpenter, Ned Hill, Vin Jorgensen, 1i.trs. Doreen ~II. 1-Meeb, Dr. John NlcoU, 'Mn. ~sabel 1Pease1 'Ibeo ~~. ~rred Schooi,e, llobert Wynn and ' RObert McCurdy. Allo, Jim Berk&hltt, William Ficker, Ed Hirth, Jim LaWIOD, Ray W1taon, Mayor Donald Mclnnls, Paul A. Pllmer, o. w. "Dick" Richard, Km s.m-i. Jack Vibert, John Macnab and W1IUam · Ring. Mn:. Pat Krone was _el~~to leJVe ss president ofthe Women'• Dlvilkln. Robert Hildenbrand wW heod the Marine Division and Harry Babbitt will oerve as skipper <JI the Commodore'• Club. NeWport Widow's Jewelry Stolen Detectives who check Harbor Are11 pawn shops are keeping an eye out for jewelry 'belonging to a recenUy widowed Newport Beach woman. in- cluding her l600 wedding band. Grace Bordman, of 117 Turquoile Ave., Balboa fsland, told police her home was burglarized of usorted itema Sun- day while abe was away. The 1 ... included a $:1,000 wristwatch and other items, adding up to $4,000 1n all, according to investigators. Bomb Kills Two Tllt,0.1rll'f Co11t 0A1LY l"tlOT, •lltl ""'l<l'I II Cllmblnell ttlt N"""J.Pra1, II M ii.,,_ bY lloe 0rt"9'1 CN1t Plll>l~lllf COl'llo.ny. S.pe. nll t11Mio<\1 trl Cllltlli&r!W, Notrd1y lll•M~ frW1y, i.r C0tt1 Mut, N!:7*'1 l tt<ft, ~19'1 k«tl/Ft11111<11ft i,•111ty, ~ ~ lrwlMIS1d111-.:-w Sin C'--'tl SM J11tn C~lltrtno A •lnolt ~ltnll Mll!kln It Oll!Jihlltd SelUrOt'(I tlld S11r110yi, T1'll ,.lnelptl O'ltlllalolilt ,..Ill It ti JJO Wl1! a.1 l tl'Mf, C..lt MtM, C..Hlomle, ntM. . President Nixon. PHNOM PENH (UPI) -Two pers-0ns were killed today when a bomb explosion demoltohed a car owned by a military police major who worked for high political council member Sirlk l\fatak'., one of the leaders of !he March 18, 1970 coup v.·hlch 9vuthrew Prince Nrodom Sihanouk. The dead were Iden- tified by police as the sl!ter of Maj. 0. Kongidyo and the driver or the car. lokri N. 'Wtt4 " ,.,..llHn! trd P'llOlllJ'!t( ' J•t• l. Cwt • ., Viet "'-"-" lflf 0-tl Mt,,... Thoftltt K""H ' ECll"' 1!I TllM•t ·A, fll•Jt$iin1 ~14111w L '*ht Kn., ~ .. tdl Clt'f' l::dllOt ... .,.,. .... Offka l)JJ ~,.,, lt11lt¥tt4 _Mt1llf1t M4rn11 P.O. lo• 1171, t266J --c.•-....1S1t ..... ,sw ... &....-t.ldli m ,..,.., A-... HWlt1'!f*I hmdir 11'11 ... di ..........,. JM C~11 M ...,.. II C.mlM II.Ail 111 ;I I 11t4f '41'"4111 c-..A ........ HJ.Nn ~1, 1tn. °'•"" c....t ,......... ~. Ml -.., ... lllwtr.I ..... .......... rMtW . .,, .... ---..... """""' ...., .. , ....... "'""""" ..... ,,... Mtfilll 9f CINM'W!I ....... • .......... ,....c..-... ~. •t ilPI .... IPf ClWTflt U ......,,,, "' _.. a.w __ , MllllWT ......... .... fllli'llN¥', .. Harbor Chamber Plans . -.:. ... -~ .... To Build New Offices ' - Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce dlrecton Monday decided they will oon- slruct a new d!•mber office building on Jamboree Road, just acrou Santa Barbara Drtvt from the new police and fire headquarten. Chamber Manaatr Jack Barnett &aid tentaUve piano now coll for a $200,llOO two.story building that would serve as a comples for Mn-profit agencies In Newport Belch. "We ho!>< to be able to i.e.. out the -l!oor to agencies like the March ol Dlmea, Iha Red ero.. or t!>e Unit.cl Fund... Blmett llld. "'l'bls ii """ ol the trend todlJ Ind It oetveo to minimize oOOta for 1111 Iha qeidol tmolved," he tald. He lald oo..inacttoa bopolldly wlll 11art lhortly alter Jan. l and the bull<ling •hollld be llnllbed by the end ol tile yeor. : Jn actlm Monday, Cllllnber dlrectorl ajao autbotlled preparatiGll ol economic ~· the ol~ ol ~ C:.'= a:r-P191denl=S. -endoroed tbe oeieCtlon ol the Jombo'" R4ad 1lte over a loelticln en Padllc Ooe1t Hlaliwoy, oaytog "It will be lrOer from' pofftloal pniblem1 lhon 1ny other site we could find." Ollmber Dlrector John Macnab iJ>. dlcaled chlmber memtien will Ubly be uUd to .... -llmdl towanf the~ -and ·-ldded il1at ba 1--ll1l -l_iD ..... In .. the balldlfll .... be ll'lldod Wllbout a mortpp. • • .. Coast-Panel f Eyes Beach !JseEunding The Ide• o1 hth>lnl Newport Beach poy tor beacJ>.related sirvlces used by non- n!lldeoll drew lllpport from a few region· al coutal commJSaionen Monday, . Both Newport Beach and HW\Uncton Beach city ofUdala have complained that their dlleJ have an Gira tu burden because so many people use the beaches. "There's no reason your city should have to bear the burden for everybody else. Maybe we can ~elp,11 Donald Bright, chairman· <JI the SOUth Coast Regional 1.one Comervation Comml,.Jon told ' Rod Gunn, Newport Bead! 'general plan director. The commlaslon mt! In San Clemente City Hall !or a planning aeulon. Under the 1971 coutal zone act, It has to d.,..Iop a muter plan, by 1978. GW111's ad~. to the C<ll1\IDIJalon con- centrate4 on the specific area plan developed by the city {or the West Newport area and on the progress of the general plan. u11 P&ltt 1wr,.... I During questioning, Gun.n saiq,_ '.'the' city of Newport Beach ~ccommodate.s more people on its beaches than any other city la California." "You have a good record,". Com- missioner Rtmmon C .. Fay. of l\1arina del Rey said, complimenting the city for providing a regionally·used beach. New _.-olfce Facility ~ Workmen are la)'ing the groundwork for $1.3 million New'port Beach. . police facility next door to city's newest fire station just off Jamboree I Road behind ·the Irvine Coast Country Club. Bulldin$s Jn Newport Center loom In background. New police build.in~, officially described Gunn told Dr. Brighi Iha I Auemblyman Robert Burke (R·Hun- Ungton Beach) is introducing legislation to create up to, $1 mWlon a year in state subsldlet for .such beach operation.1. as a "substation" even though It wlll house police chief's office and jail, is scheduled for completion July I , 1974. Commissioner Art Holmes of San Clemente added that the California League of CiUes bu endorsed in- veaUaatlon of tbe idea. Harbor Chamber to Hold Laguna's Mayor: Debate on Police Alarms I Keep Irvine Off the C.oast A coastal-oriented city better un- derstands bow to admlnlster an atea like ·the undeveloped lands between J..aguna Beach and Corona del 1t1ar, Laguna Beach Mayor Roy Holm aaid Monday. Holm addressed a planning session ol the -South Coast Regional 7.ooe ComervaUoo Ccimmi.sslon at S an Clemente City Hall. Asked 8bout Laguna's sphere of in· fluence, Holm ~ it. did overlap in the are& of Irvine Cove with that of Newport Beach, and -.i~uy, with the . lutare ll!lbtre ol ln!lu.p~ map ol the ell)' ot !?vine. • ·Holril oald Newport Beach and Laguna Beach could work Out a spllt of the doWncoast area with the Irvine Com· ·pany, which owns the land. But he added, "We don't think Irvine should come over the , hilla. Ifs too tremendous, irreplaceable , Invaluable a ·piece Cl property to be admlniS\ered ey a dty wttb ·a· largely ·tnlllld C.m· munity." . Frot1tPq.eJ PRESSURE .•. pointmen~ tried lo downplay the con- troversy that i.s rising around It. i·1•m reluctant to dlscuss any conflicts. · r thlnl Ille report overaU Is a good . one and don't want to damage It,'! Mtlnm oald. H~ver, Milum did agree with the three other citizen committee members that tbe. final traffic study did contain 110111e thinp "I. didn 't expect them to come out with at this time.'' 'lbe Newport Hart.or Chamber of Com- merce "'111 sponsor a debate on the proposed police hookup to private homes and businesses in Newport Beach. No date for the public . .session has been ICheduled but chamber directors Monday oald they will ask Police Chief B. James Glavas to speak for the cable- tv alarm system an<! will seek opponents. Chamber officials suggested that perhaps Newport Resldent& United or the Orange Coast League of Women Voters might want to take the opposing side. The debate w.as .suggested after direc· tor Nolan Frizzelle said he doesn't believe the public is well-enough in- formed on the propoeed system. "I think our efforta·abould .be directed toward providing more public in· Fairview Slates Patient Displa)· A speclaJ-public-display-of activities and achlevement.s involvtng patients at Fainiew State Hospital in Costa J\.1esa is scheduled Wednesay. Nov. 28 to mark Mental Retardation J\.1onth. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., '"'ith handicrafts, ex hibits and special performances scheduled in the hospital auditorium to show \\"hat is being done for mentally and physically handicapped youths. The public i.s in\·ited to the show , with guided tours of the hospital olfered simultaneously. as they are each Wednesday nnd Saturday or the year. , Next 11.'ednesday's show will include films showing various therapy programs at Fairvie'I'', v:hich is acknowledged as California's leading facility for the retarded. SESAME STREET SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET .IN THE HARBOR AREA THA'f: HASN'T HAD A CARPET INSTALLATION BY ALDEN'S, formation, rather than taking a stand. "There i.s a potential for a lack of confidence in the city couucil declalon on the system unless this Information is adequately sprtad," Frtzzelle said. Glavas is now preparing all application for federal lunds for equlpmeiit to oj)erate the ll}'Stem that would be In the new police headquarters. The city council will have to 1ppme !he application at which time Glavu will find out if be has the nece11111 support or not. As proposed, the •)'litm would be voluntary and would allow homeo~ and bll.!inessroen to· have aenUna deYka Installed on wlndciwo and Doon tlllt, If dl!turbed, would llignal all a~ at police headquarter1. • Theoretically, according to Gia ... , a patrol unit could be responding to the alarm \\'ithin three seconds. Glava.s has .said the system is prone to false '1arm.s, but he said he does not believe they would occur rrequently enough to disrupt normal police work. · From Pqe l AUCTION ..• be auctionin g off 10 more horns on Kings Road , fi ve each in Decelnbe.r and January. Successful bidders In today's aucUon were required to have a cashier's check for $2 .200 and to complete full paymem \\ilhin 140 days . "\Ye were very pleased that the bid- ding today was so spirited," .state right· or-way agent Larry Orvis told the 150 people who were present. "And we hope you 'll ·all be back for the rest of our auctions next month." IN OUR s Ix T.E EN YEARS, WE f!AVE CA)tP,ETED THOUSANDS 01' H9MES .IN C<,OSTA MESA, 1-jEWPORT BEA,CH, LAGUNA BEACH AND HUNTINGTON BEACH. ON ~ NEJGH~OR TEUS ANOTHER UN T,fl •. WE HA~· WORKED IN EVERY HOME , ON A BLOCK. ALDEN'S .. ' ' CARfEtS i DRAPES ' .. THE FORMVLA IS SIMPLE-WE TRY TO •' . ' ' t,4AKE EAC,H CUSTOMEit HAPPY. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR-WE PROBABLY ~RPET~D HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, ~RING HER IN WITH YOU.) --' 1663 Placelltla Ave. • COSTA MISA 646-4838 MOUlll~ Ma tin n.s., t te IJJO -Pll. t le t -SAT. t :JO le 5 ----- • • • I I I I I I ) WU tha F .. • H d • n f a • . • • • Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks ----• ~OC. 66-;rl0';° 324, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES • • ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESO-A , NOVEMBER: 20, ·1973- Mesa Approves 90-day Extension to Sign LaW Costa Mesa's 'emerg..Cy s I g n ordinance begins another llO<lay nm to- day amid signs lhat progms II being made towml adoptloo of a more permanent law. Members of the City Coundl MQaclay night authorized the extenllon -the third since aign reform became an llaue In October 1m -but pledged nol to drag out action much longer. Mayor Jilek Ha"mmett and Vice Mayor Wiiiard Jordan both gave indicatlooa that they want the si~ ordinaDce out . and voted ·.., before the City Council etectkn ID l.iarcb of 11'/4. It bad been IP<Culatecl widely lhat "further atudy., would be initiated. oo tbe sign -.ance In order to avoid mating sign oontrol ~ touchy cami>aJgn ialUe for Hammett lild Jordan, tho lwo illcmnbeots up for. re-election. The latesl ·utemlon was authorized by counclJmen to "cover" Costa Mesa with a algn law while public bearings on the new ord1nance were beiDI held by the planning - . era •Nixon. Knew -All~ Martha Mitchell Tells Meetings By HELEN THOMAS W ASlUNGTON (UPI) -Martha Mitchell old today that Presi· dent Nixon "knew everything that was going on11 in his re.election campaign, before and after the Watergate break·ln and bugging. She-said that Nixon and her husband, fopner Attorney General __ John N. Mitchell, went out on the presidentlil yacht Sequoia "every night and discussed the campaign from beginning to end. , "There wasn't anything that Nixon didn't know/' she Did In a . telephone interview. "This is the truth.'' ,_ Nixon baa asserted publicly on several occaslona that bis re- eleclioq campaign was the "first campaign I didn't nm" and that "overzealous but well·intentloned" supporten dn the Committee to RHlect the President may have been responsible for the Watergate developments. , Taxi Firm Wins Approval ·For Hike; Not Anihlliat.ce8 Two ambulance companieo failed to win a rate lncreese ln>m the c.ota Mesa City Council Monday nlgbl but a taxleati firm did. Both Seal's and Schafll" .Amllulanee · -. tiild · tliei' would' hue 10 Will unlll January before they can expect a -!rom the -beea-ol -allegod • .,._ .. -Ibo quality of service. City Manqel' Fred lionabll ......... <;ary K. Jones Rit,es Scheduled Aft-el' Accident meoded for the delay beea11•e ho said be bad reoel...t ...... cltbm """"" plalnta. lie --·a desire to lhldy . the fr*rbl.. with Ibo two llrmo to see wllelber Ibo lml of service can be-eijiinded-bil<n'ara•lilmue-li allowed. Sonabal did DOI llai.nte Oil Ibo ..... plaints, bul It II kmwn tbol dtJ ollldall became -last ---a -drownlnc -bod lo be taken to Ibo lmpital la a !Ire captain'• .... became ID amhnlaoce wu not ''available:' l!ennan R. Tate, pnoldmt ol Yellow Cab ol ~ -aad Ollta Mesa. was 11""1 a rate mo.-which -ks wt to :Ill -fw the finl mile; :Ill cmts for the -mile and llO mill for a fi.....ne tzip. Mesa Workers ' Get Day Off ~ funeral rites ... ochecklled Friday for c.ota M .... Gary K. Jooes, who died Saturday despite bours of ~ ef!orts by a friend to get belP alte< a Yuoea Valley auto accident. The In"-' victims lay scattered down Costa Mesa munldpal employes Mon-•-~ day night reeetvocl an unexpected a blghway embanlcment off U.S. 112 Chrlstlnas ·boaus -'two extra da)'ll ol! cmrnlgbl ln chilly, wot weather awaiting during the Yuletide awon. aid as one crawled bacl: up to the 'l1le boliday gift peeksge was autboriz. rood. · . ed b)r. _unanlmoua _ vote ol the Costa J.ooes 38 of 900 Joann St. died at Mesa City Council and wilt give the · .' ' ' . employes a day off on Christmas Eve t a.m. in Twenty.Nine Pal~ Corbmwuty and one on New Year's Eve. Hoopltal, aboot 13 hours alter the ac-. Via! Ma,... Willard T. Jordan made ddent. · the motion for the increased off-time. • A ear stopped to belp about e a.m.. He explained lhat many city hall authorities said. . empl.oyes are off anyway during those . · His three companions, all reportedly days and that there was no point in from the Nor<o. area, suffered majo< •wking with only a skeleton crew. - · Eugone Bergeron, pmident. o! the COlta Mesa Olamber ol Commerce who appe&n!d at the oouncll session to speak in faYOr of the menalon, aald the delay Would give the btWnessmen lime to study the propooed' ordinance and to give their recommendations. The emergency or "lnterlm" ordinance extmled by the eouncll is In actualily the same u the propmed sign ordinance. It assigns signing to ooame.s.. taking into ooosideration several factors, the most controve~ of which is what • No Gasoline Pinch Seen Fori _Holiday There ls no gasoline shortage -at least nol 111 the Orange Coast where motorists will be able to buy all the gaooline they need to make their 'lb••k'81vtng enjoyable. A random survey ol service stations aJoog the Orange Coast indleates...abool balf will remain open thll 'lbursday. Seftnl ol the station managers con- tacted said they were clOling, not ~ of a fuel lhortage but beca11se they Wlllled to ~ a )lallday. ~-~r n ~ ~ · , 'c .,,. ill4 the)' 111!1 ~te ~-· with the ~I 412'11 ...... r0n 0.,11'1" ~~ : \t;iDL~-r to Ellewllere ln · omia and tbe nation 'lllanbglvlng travelers may fmd more -Ila-clolied. thla year .... they cHd Jut year, but gas supplies _,, to be holding up well. ....Kay .Aldous,_.ispokesman fot...Jhe American Automobile Aasoclatioo, said today lbat l(IOI eheoks allowed ro major g..iJno obortqes, although be received reports tbat llolated ae(Vioe stations we.-llmltlni ...... "'11le thing tbat ahould be emphasized Is that there will be no major in- comenlence for holiday travel.'' he said. ·~ are .,. problems of fuel at this time although, over tbe holidays , it is likely that a number of stations will be operating on schedules similar to what they've been doing on Sunday since Labor Day." Aldou! based his prediction about more 'lbanbgMng closings oo "a pattern that we've watched for 13 weeks.' 'Ibis pattern, be said, show! an ln- creaae in the number of ltatioas closing earlier in the evening and on weekends and holidays, as they had done during the gaaollne shortage la.st summer. He ~Id that drivers in remote areas should keep their gas tanks at least ball full and cut back on night driving. Five Sailors Home SANT A BARBARA (UPI) -Five San- ta Barbara residents returned home safely t.fond&y alter their 20-foot cabin cruiser was fotmd drifting ·without power southwest of Gaviota and towed to port by the Coast Guard cutter Point Judith. The cruiser failed to return on time from a surDng. expedition Sunday. can be read by the motorist as he drives by at the speed limit. That, plus an amortizalioa plan calling for the eventual removal of most existing signs, form the most objectionable elements of the proposed ordina nce, ae- cordlng to many local businessmen. Several homeowner representatives who .served on the mayor's Sign Ordinance Qnnmittee which last week recommended 9 to 6 in favor of making the interim on!inanc:e permanent, ap- peared belore the council to demand progress. "We don't want this thing to go on for ever and ever. It could lose · all of its impact," said Mrs. Monica Viotto, a member of the sign committee. Her feelings were shared by Alfred Kirseb who charged that the business representatives on the committee were unwilling to m a k e any compromises '¥hich could have resulted in a wuihfritous, rather than a split 00~ mittee recommendation. ears • DilltY Pli.t Sllff l"boll JOHN AND PILAR -THEY'RE SPLITTING UP · Waynes Announc1·S.perailon After 19 Years Newport's John Wayne, Wife Pilar to Se par aw Oscar-winning act.or John Wayne and his wife Pilar are separating after 19 years of marriage. Sources close to the Ne'.'l(IO!'I Beaeh couple, however, say the sph1 is oitly a trial separation and "they both hope to work everything· out." They in fact are still living togelher in their Bayshores home although Wayne is about to leave for an auction at his cattle ranch in Arizona ·and has other travel plans that will keep him on the road for some time. Among other: Utings, the 66-year-old movie star will go to New York to pose for artist Norman Rockwell. The sources said there are no plans, • for Wayne's 37·year-old Peruvlan·born wife to move to the new house she purchased in Big Canyon earlier this year. She bas told friends she acquired it etor financial speculation" and planned to rent it. ~ Waynes married in Kona, Hawaii. in November of 1954 after a· whirlwind rorpance. · She had been a stewardess for a Peruvian airline and was an aspiring actress. They met while she was in Hollywood dubbing a movie in Spanish . Neither of the Waynes was available for comment today. The marriage js his third and her second. ~ · Business people wbo ,.presented the minority bloc on the sign study com-- miltee informed Mayor Hammeli by letter Monday that the vote on the ordinance was 11preniature" became not aH sections had been sttidied or dilcaDed. in detail They s a I d they disapprove or an ordinance that would require them to remove and replace at their es:peme signs for which they have obtained permits aod !or whieb they have paid. ·' Senate Unit • Unanimous lnBaeking WASIONGTON (UPI) -·Tliec-c;;;;r.-- Rules Committee voted unanimously to- day to recommend the confirmation of Rep. Gerald R. Ford as vice presldenL · All nine o! the memberi were ir->I and voted !or. confirmation, Sen. Matlow Cook (J\.Ky.), said as be left· the half· bour long private session of the panel. Cook said preparation of the formal committee ,.port would, be CXJ1111*tec1 over the four-day 'Jbanl:qMng ,_ Ibis week, and the Senate would, llarl debate on the nominaU111 .., ·'llleldl7 with a vote expected tbe same day. . '!bl commtttM adlon lied -a· · peeted. Ford, '°t the -Republlcon teadei-, underwent.Joor dayl' of bOazlnp and extensln In~ <lij' Ibo Senate panel . , Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.), the assistant Democratic leader, made the notion for confirmation and Cook seconcf. ed it. Sen. Howard cannon (0.Nev.), com- mittee chairman, said there was llttJe discussion and what there was centered on bis report to the panel that two FBI reports . on . Ford!g.~campaign .eoo. tributions not completed by the Jut committee meeting were available, Under the Conslitutioo, both branches of Congress mQll approve Ford, and the House Judiciary Committee waa bold!"g its closed-door. leSllon toda, to hear three witnesses who also appeared before the Senate panel in executive session. They were Robert M. Wln~Jler8er. (See FORD, Pap 11 "· .. ;.,: 1: Driver Suffers ' t Sinking Feeling A Garden Grove man hss complalned tO"C4i.ta Mesa police lhat hll sporla car is one of the first casualties ol the winter rainy season. Ravi Hamel, bf 12922 Foorth Sl,, said he was maneuvering bis roadster into a Placentia Avenue parking place Satur· d@y night when ii suddenly parked Itself. '!be British boggy chopped through asphalt undermined . by raln nmofl - right up to Its hubcaps -aod bad to be towed away for examination of undercarriage damage. i or .. ge Ceut • injUrles..and.were bospltalbed at T.wenty· Nine Palms and In Palm Sprinp. ~&r.~ln~S:5-.Judge.· Won't Bar Newsmen ~· of Baltz.Bergeron Funeral 'I·-, . • ,.. · % • • .' · Wayne's first • wif~as Josephine Saenz, mother of his four grown children, His second wife was Esperanza Baur, Weder Clear. skies and ceoler tomper. Mesa Councilme atures are whal·-tbo 1.oa·Aaplot -· ... . ' .• Fears Buffet Market Again NEW YORjC (UPI) -With a record number of laaues decllllnc, prlceo on tbe New York Stock Exebange today Jell lo tlieir lowest level in fWo years ln ""8Y1 trading geierated by cuieem over energy problems and feara ol a .... -. • · 'nle Dow Jonee lndustrlal • ......., tho moot widely followed ·-an Wall streel, plunpl IUI~ lop ol a drop or 28.'7 111 • It ~-at MUO, Ill -otnce It c at IU.M cm N09. 311.1171. , . .. ...... • ,. •. ' II>' TOM BAii.BT , • Of ... ..., ....... Orqe ComrtJ &lperlor Court Jlldp Wllllam. Mumy lodq reluoed to bar now-.. !rom blo courtroom during 1r1a1 or a •1 m1111on lawsuit filed by t .....,, who elalms lier entrapment In a local llllUDI led 'to her later pro-mla<ultt. . . • Judp Murray made the niDv alter la..,... for bolb aides a>mplllned that local ..,.. .. pen could unl.llr!y.influence the jury by prtntlnf the amount of damaps beinc IOUlhl by Mra. Maria Ebelia Paraon, 4'10 of AnabelJn. ' , .San Franelooo tr11l lewyer Marvfn LO'!ll, Sr. ,..,._. "•Mt$. Pami. NlerlOll a~ Danald A. -"'".di the~ Bollday H .. ltb Spl.W~ Lnll-.... ·-•flllY. .......... .,., that ..... "'""'"""111 or the· 1r1a1 oonsianUy ..i.. to bis parlle!.-tion in . what bas become tnown as the ~Cable Car Cue." In that' San Francisco trial, a jury awarded 'olfice wwter Glorll Sykes, 25, .fi0,000 ln ~ Iller Lewll suc- eellfW!y arglled that a cable ear Injury ln tbot city dianged Iler pe"'"'8llty. 11I'm not going to bar newspaper reporten from my courtroom," Judge Murrsy firmly told both la~. "We will deal with the ·problem of juro11 who have heard of this ease as it cornea up during jury selection . "You just can't keep' this kind of thing away ln>m .'lhe news' media and I do1't """1d to try," Judge Murray ldded. "We will jllSI have to take extra • pncautlalll •• -Uve jurors. are l>eil1C ~~this case." Jury sel°"'tion got under wil)' today and is expected to continue through Wednesday. Mrs. Pal'30ll Initially sued the heslth spa for $1!-0,000 when she suffered bums in the Orange sauna three years ago after the handle to the door 9f her cubicle allegedly came oU in her hand. But the lawsuit was stepped up to $1 million :when the plaintiff, described by her lawyer as a devout catholic mother of seven, allegedly developed urges that led. ,her to sOOk: matell in ,local bars. Depositions· filed In' the pretrial phase of ·lhe._ lawsuit CQDtain the determlnation by a p.'lyebiatrist lhat trauma developltlg from her entrapment led to a' poychiati!V coadltlon Jn wblcll Mrs . 'ParsQQ .. beeame lbiee seps.rate'penoaallti s. · · . ·~-l~weather-oervlee -· for Ibo er. To Attend Meet ; ~~~~~~~ Sunny Sen Juan PuMo Rloo Is the destination of three members of the Costa. Mesa City Council who will atteod the Annual Congres& of the Cities of the National League of Cities Dec. 2-6. Making the jet fiight will be Vice Mayor Wiiiard T. Jordan, aod Coun· cllmen Alvin Pinkley and Robert M. Wilson. Mayor Jack Hammett, who earlier said he might go, canceled his reserva!lott. • Mooday night members of the city · council unanimously voted to give the travelers an advance of $300 for part o! the conference expenses. Jordan, Pinkley and Wilson joined in the· 5-0 Vote. l ,. J INSmE TODAY Nine Seripp1 College cotdl. Including two tram Orang< County, invested a 150,000 ~ natio1~ to th.t c.oUtQI and made f3,000 for the coUeg• through i1ivestme11U. See 1tory paoe 1.rr • ,_, • • • • • • Boos~Cheers WorM Hit ----- Greet Nj_"Xon · ~mr£lim Ask Rebozo Probe WASllJNGTON (UPI) -S...to Watorpt.e eommlllee 1 t a ff ...ii.rs uld today Ibey - ...... -thlt Pnaldeal -·· cbt trtend Qaarlel O. "Btbl" By E-,iergy Slwrtages -=--, C• In Memphis BIJLLETIN MEMPfilS, T•nn. ( API -P"'lclenl Nixoa told the aatloa'1 RepubUcaa sov. ereon today be knew of M further em- bvrusln1 revelations which COWd come oat of Ille W11ttga1< oeandalt and lllld , lie WU SO!'f)' for the probJem1 be hd cuaed 1hei'n. From Wirt Services MEMPHIS, Tenn. -Arriving here to discuss Watergate problems with Republican governora, Presidenl Nb<oo spoke briefly to five thousand weU- 1-wisber! and critics who alternated cheen with boos. Standing in front of the hotel where the governors were· meeting, Nixon caDed attention to an onlooker's placard that read, "I believe in Nixon and America." Asserting that the welcome had "made our day," Nixon said, "I believe in every one of you." Although the crowd was assembled by invitation, the most prominent signs held alofl In lhe area called for Nb<on's re1ignation or impeachment. "Part of the greatness of America Is that when we have problems we just get out and solve them," Nixon told the banner-waving crowd. While .not referring directly to Water- gst.e In his fiv .. polnl public speech. Nix· on -made several references to being able to solve other problems from the Middle East to the energy crisis. Some signs read "Impeachment Now More Than Ever" and "Free Democ· racy, Resign ." The crowd was generally frl endJy, but one group chanted "Nixon Must Go, Nixon Must Go" while he spoke. Many of bis supporters carried signs saying "Thank You for Getting Us Out of Viet· _nam" and "We're Behind You -190 Per- cent." Following up on weekend appearances ln Florida and Georgia, Nixon new here from his Key Biscayne home for a private meeting with GOP governors, who in a conventlon resolution also prais- ed the President's determination to make • full disclosure on Watergate. The President's jetliner landed at Memphis International Airport and lax· led to a slop before a crowd of several hundred persorui. Nixon was greeted by local officials before · beading by motorcade to the hotel where the governors were meeflng. Plans called for the President to confer, wjlb -the govqnors for about 90 minutes and to roturn to Wishiitgton lli early evening. Some ol the govemora.,wett looking for Nixon to provide some ·specific new Information at the meeting to answer allegations of wrongdoing. This Thief Plays For Higli Swaks --70 Pounds Go1ie A thief who gambled !or big steaks made oU with a $225 shipment of sirloin ou\!ide a Costa Mesa restaurant Monday, while a Gardena 'meat salesman was making a delivery inside. Michael Cornn, of Tu11y ~teats Inc., told police he was stopped briefl y by a passerby as " he parked near the rEMaurant in South Coast Plaza. ''What are )'OU doing?" the young man asked. Cornn told police be said he was a meat salesman and he was making a delivery and asked the curious bystander if he would like to buy some Reboto be called to testify In public hearings. "We're recommending he be call· ed, and w• think lhey'll go along," said a committee staff mtmber, who asked not to be Identified. Rebozo has been asked about SI00.000 he admits ht received on Nixon's behalf .from Howard Huches. Rebozo bas told lhe com- mittee he kept the money In a safe deposit OOx for three years, then returned it. Boat With 7 Aboard Drifts Along Coast 01 u1111q1 Prm r..-i Japan ul<ed televl>ton st•tlona lo bin broadcut1n1 aft.er mldnigbl. Britain revived Ito wartime slopn "II tllfs trip really ne<0881JY!" Tbe Kina o1 !1WWld banned floodllghto !or !II.I Dec. 5 - day. And the ScMel Co.......ut port)' newspaper Pravda concluded that the Arab oil cutback wu a Vllnable tnol Ill the · .. ardt for • Mtddle Eul -· 'Ille worldwide enerp aborta1e brought ID'gtnl meetings ol Common Market forelln mlnlaten In Copeobqtn, drastic power cuthacb lo J-ID- dustry, the threat ol a bin .., SUnday driving In the United States and a meeting of the U majcr oil producing natklna In Vienna to con.sider further steps In use of the Arabs' "oil weapon" sgaiNI frtends ol Israel. . Japan appeared to be the worst hit. A 25-foot cabin cruiser with seven Ten large industries, l n c 1 u d l n g people aboard drifted helplessly along automobiles, steel and petrochemicals, the Ofange Cout Monday while the today began operating under a 10 percent passengers tried without success to get cut in aupplies of oil and electricity. -NEWPORT·MEM llC,HOO!-BOARD - Regular meetJnc, aty co u n c 11 Cbalnlieta, 1: 30 p.m. . • ' UC! LECTURE -Serltl m "Al!ng, Orlatns, Effects Ind Conln>I," Rm. Ill Hwnan!Ues Hall, 7'9 p.m, Acfmlulon $1i.10. KOCE, CHANNEL ilO -rint blltbdly. ''Orange, a County lD Conflict," a.11 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOY. lt ORANGE COUNTY FAIR BOARD - Regular meeting, II Fair Drive I p.m. UCI Ll!XmJltF.S -"The Clauk Cinema" Mriet, &cleooe: Lecture Hall, I p.m. "Education to ld .. t the Future" .. r1... Room. JOO, Socllll Science 11111 HO p.m., Admlsslon $$.i!O. "THE WOUW.BE GEN'l1J!MAN'I - South Coast Repertory Theater, ilw Sun.. p.m. Avalanche Hits 5 Mountaineers On Mt. Shasta aid from passing boats. Drops of 6 to 7 percent in steel pro. A spokesman for the Orange CoWlty duction were predicted. 1 Harbor Department said lhe boat "Eu)' 'Ille Japanfte government ordered all MOUNT • SHAS A (AP) -An Way,'' overdue 00 a trip from the gas stations to close co Sundays and avalanche swept down the steep slopes Isthmua at Catalina ·lsland. was finally hoUdaya after falUng to .get operaic>r1 of Northern Callfomla'a 14,182-foot Mt. spotted by a U.S. Coast Guard seerch to do it on their own. The government Shasta Monday, burying five mowr helicopter at 5 p.m. about three miles asked Japan's TV stations to tum off ta.lneera. Four survived and the fifth off the Santa Ana River jetty. the "late late show" for the rest of was missing, U.S. Forest Service official.a Aca>rding to the department the energy eris.ls, and struggled to avoid said today. spokesman, the boat piloted by Guy a total cutoff of Arab oil without bttak· A search was under waY today on· Fa.iron, 35, of 1001 Catalina st., Seal ing tle.s with Israel. The Tok.yo sugar the stormy slopes of the ancient wlcano Beach, i.11 the Jsthri>U1 11 about I escb111Ce was ,,_ btcauoe o1 hoarding for the mb<slng man, who ls presumed By 8 -•-1-~•-the and speculative buying dead, .. 1c1 Bob Anderooa, Forest Service a.m. a.m. ~ WU ~·~ n-•••um, w~ r~-~-, llolland, "-· di tri l the •-f u-·-t entrance to Anlhelm Bay. ~... ~· ~......, ~ s ct ra1111er a -• o ~ But the craft was out of gsa and embourg 111>1 Jlmnarlr; bave banned ~ Shasta, ilO m11 .. north of Redding. Fairon, bis three cblldren and three pleuure driving effective Su n d a Y • The survivors Wen! Identified by teenagers drttt.d back out to .,. and Guollne atallona In ,_,, Penb, Cam-sheriff'• deputies u David Kimura, :II, 13 miles downcout. bodi1 begu cloolnc today Ill inparatlon Mike Benedlct, 24, and aruct Tholn- Accordlng to ooe account, the boll'• for the start of paollne rationing and all ol SID Frsncis<O, and Judie lllmson occupanto used narea 111d band signals otl for the Cambodlln armed forces of Nevada City. Identity ol the fiflh per. to try to attract attendon from passing was cut 10 percent son was v.ithbeld pendin& notification of boats without success. At a Vienna meeting ol the Orpniza· relatives. The bOii was reported oVi!nlUelo-lhe-tlon-of Petrolt!UID-Expcxling Countriel -Tbe leam-ol -cllmbm was acendll!L Coast Guard •l It a.m. Tbe Harbor (OPEC), Iranian F1D1Dce Id In 1st er the mountain by way of Avalanche Guieb Department was called in to tow the Jamlbid Amouztgar said Weatem na· · on the southwest aide of the massive disabled boat because the Coast Guan! tilm hit by the Arab oil ban offered peak. Tbe slide caught them at about cutler,~ Point Divide, which ls atoUoned Iran up to four Umeo the preomt prtoe the 10,tJllO.foot !""'! wblle the four al N•wport Beach, wa• on duty off of crud• oil In a ICnlllble !or llt.eniattve lllrYI""' "'"' nsling, the Form san Diego. supplies. Servtce 81kt • South Coast Zone Unit Approval Ratio $9 w $1_ ~ 1 ~ ~ 'i ~ II. :i • -~ •( ·... ,..,,·~·,[~ .. ;c By, CANDACE PEARSON granted Ito nn pennil . • ' ot -. Deify ,.,.., ,,.,. Both Qrana:e and Loi Angeles CounUm LOS ANGELES - A totol of. ft In are doing thb< vol,.,tarily. new conslructlon has been approved by Requlrlng all local boildlnfI and ufety !he South Coast Regional Z.00. Conserva· departmento to Inspect deftlopments to lion Commission for every $1 It bu ,.. If they flllflll couta1 comm1*m denied, its executive director 11aid Mon· conditions also would help, Carpenter said. day. The regional commlasion doan'I ..... Testifying at a bearing of lhe Assembly enough time or penonne1 to 1napect Select Commltt.ee on Coastal :ione all completion notk-es, wblch, Carpen"' Resources here, ~tel Carpenter aald said, are just •tarting lo come In. aboul 2S to 30 percent 'of lhe pennlls Carpenltt llJted what be thougbt were denied come back to the commlaslon South C.OUt O:mmilsion aocceae1 in ir. scaled down versions and are ap- proved. As of early thb< moath, Clrpent.er sa id, l ,769 permits representing $991 mill ion have been approved and 74 permits, valued at $145 milUon have been denied~ The Sooth c.oast commission covers Orange and Los Ange1es counties. Carpenter's statistics ba~ked up a statement made .early that day by 1llte Coastal Commission chlirman Melvin Lane, v.·ho said, "We've not stopped the basic economy of the coast" the lint year, includlnfI: -Reducing denlltles In areas wi..... lhe commlsaloa 1•11 they were loo high. -Increasing a...,. to the beaches by requiring more on-site parking, leav- ing street parking for visitors. -Getting developers or adjacen~J­ ects to work tot1ether before a for permlls to com• up with tier coonllnat.ed building. -Requiring more open apace on In· dividual Jots. ' -Reducing the number of llDl!s In large, planned community developmaJIJ for "more pleasing" architectural and esthetic effect& The fifth climber bad put .., !II.I back pack and wu atartlng badt up the . slope -.bm the slide hit, Ander1oa uld. The reocue team ""'es'M of two Forest Service rabgen, two members of· tlie Kat!Cnal Ski Ps~I and a rescue clog flown In !tom Sealile. 'l1>e accld"'t occurTeil about 3:30 p.m, Monday, Andenon uld. Tbe four aurvt.,... 8'ln:bed fndUealy_ lor 'e.dr · componlaa. '!)ea, tbeJ-~ 1\lo.'2lll!OI hack down lo a Sima Clult'lodp -· thr<e ~ tilt, ·911111. . ~ .. di-. detm>ded to the tooln of Mmint· Sbuta to call for belp. , "It wu 1 claaic avalanche ttory," Anderson said. At the time, then WU I CD'Ver of •lg!ll fDdlel ol !rah powder -atop an elg!lw.ot .._.t at the Shasta Ski Bowl at about· the ..,.. elention on the mountain. 'Ille cllmbin' . .... Included ..... strlnp ' of Dylon avlllanche <on! -a valuable ale! In locaUhg ...,,...,. bmied In lllOW -bat the lllrYivon slld · th•Y had decided there was no need lo ti• them on at thi Um•. Duck Hunter Drowns OROVILLE (UPI) -Henry S. Davis, 51, Palermo, drowned f\.fonday when a small boat CIJT)'lng him an4 two duck . hunlers capolzed in Ille Thmnallto Aftert>ay. Butte County Sherllf's deolzlles aald Davia' oompulom were able to swim lo abort. 'Recession Predicted . .' In Crisis '·· LOS ANGELES (AP) -Vernon L. Sturgeon, pr•'1denl of the California Public Utilltl" Commissloo. said today that a rocealon or depression ls 'likely -poulbly by n .. t spring -because o1 !ht energy crisis. (R•lated atort'8 oo Pages 3, l l; Editorial comment on Page . &.) "Slaning in Loa Anr•J.s, ii lhe ~ent of Wat.er and Power cannot get the Arab oil under contract to them, then by March there wlli bO 33 percent , curtailment. of . electdcity, which is· catastropic," Sllll'Jeon toJd newsmen. ''Thia IDelNI • bu of .buJiness, a· loss of wages "1th ,the welfart foils groWing, a loss of sales and taxes. It could build to a recession simply because of the loss of enero." Sturgeon, in Los Angeles to address a civic group, stopped sh>rt of saying a recession ~as a certainty. But asked by a newsman Ir recession was not inevitable, he Jlid, "l don't want to' be the one to uy that, but I won't &fl\le with you if you do. "One person alone can't be hurt by th~. It bits everybody. II wlll redU<e their purchasing power," he added. 411 don't think it'• possible to atop ll" Sturgeon Bild be tipecta lnduatry lo cooperal< with voluntary fuel 81ving measure&. . ·~For tbtm, 1t'1 1 matter d. economJc survival, -and they want to IUl'Yin," he sald. But he said he does not expect full voluntary cooperaUon from consumera. 11Frankly1 I .don't expect to get a 10 percent whmtory reductton," he 811d. "This means that when we come to mandatory steps, we'll probably have to ast ror more than that." Consumers have been asked to cut back their energy use by 10 percent to eue the JIO'iJ_er crush. ~ Sturgeon lold newsmen that some demands of envlronmentallsls probably will ... to be bolanced with the urgtncy of the fuel crisis. F,....P .. el FORD ... who wrote 1 book mentioning Ford : Dr. Arnold Hutcbnecker, 1 New York psyohotherapllt, whom Fon! 1ay1 he met but not as a patient, Ind Mn. AJliO w .. ton -.1ter, -his denied an allegatloft that lllie ~ $1,000. from Wlnt.er-0.l'J'I: to Introduce him to Ford. -.,·i The House group Monday bean! 1he!t witne .... : -~. llllcha•I Hanington 11).Mw.r, said that in 25 years in the: House Ford bu ahown "an abaence of leadenblp." llarrtniton added, "I don 'I think we'll ever tee It from bim.11 , - -Rep. Edward P. Boland (D-ld ... ), supporting Ford, uld: "Ills style, !II.I ..-rte are not thole ol a ~. lie Al)'I wbat be thlnta. He ala feta thlnp dmle. lie could be the. kind of p .... ldent that Jllny Truman became." --Joseph L. Rauh. vice chalnnan of Americlnt for DemocraUc: A c t l o n , chalJenied Fon!'• voling record on civil right.! and the extent of his eiperlence in foreign affairs. -Clannce Id. Mitchell, dlnctor of the Wasblngton bur•au of the National Assocl1don for the Advanoement of Colored People, uld the NAACP d°" not have a position for or against Ford but that his vottna record "shows that he has a restricted approach to civil rights ... " meat. . "No," the bystander replied. The victlm told police he returned to bis truck to fmd its refrigerated meat locker emptied of 70 pounds of prime sirloin fill~t cuts. 'Ille Assembly committee chaired by Assemblyman Alan Sleroty (D-0.verly Hills) Is looking Into the lint year or Proposition 20, th• 1972 coutal zon• act which created the commissions. -<:austng I belt.er quality cmstroctlon. Carpenter admltted that the com- mb<slon meetings sllll take loo lonl and that It tokee 1211 dl)'I alt.er applying for • permit to get a public bearing befonl the commlssion.- SESAME STREET · -OUHN COAJT CM DAILY PILOT Tlw Or,,. CNI! OAILV l'ILOT, wllll Wl'lldl II Cllmbllltd tllt ..._Prn 1, II llllblllllfd ..., Sl•roty and Assemblyman Paul Prtolo (0-Santa ~1onica). the only committee members present Monday, a! k e d Carpenter and Lane what legislative ac- tion might help them . Lane asked for more money and more rommission time, by allowing alternates for elected officials. His requests were echoed by Joseph .Bodovitzt ezecutive director of the state rommilSJon. Bodovitz said there ls a chance the commtsstons win get some funds from the 1m federal coastal zone manage. ment act, which bad been held up by President Nixon. SESAME STREET IS ABOUT THE ONLY STREET IN THE HARBOR AREA THAT HASN'T HAD A CARPET INsT ALLA TION BY Al.DEN'S, - Flrt( Ro1>1111 ····-· & It's spring in Sydney, Austra· ~ Ila, and there's a Robyn (Evans) on Jhe scene to make " it official. The 20-year-old beauty is truly a seaworthy :"'"':. bird. ' ------------·· . . ~::J.:. ' ~,:, 12 Men Finish · 1, ,'1 Voyage on Raft ~ Of-8,500 Miles · Pi BRISBANE. Auslralia (A P) - A dozen men, Including three Americans ·from Philadelpbl1, landed on the eastern coast of Australia today aftt>r a stormy 8,500- mlle voyage aCJ'OM 1he South Pacific: aboard three balsa wood rafts. Vital AJsar, a 40.year-old Spaniard who led the expedition, stepped onto dry land-ror~the -fll'St-lime in-l.75_days al Ballina, about 130 miles aouth of here. The other rafts landed a abort Ume later. 'Ille men bepn their \'O)'lie May 27 from Gua)'lquil, Ecuador. The rafts were lhepbenled Into land by the Australlan n1vy 'landbw ahlp Labuan, which had gone lo u.!lr aid Monday night about 18 miles out to sea after the Hurnbolat Cumnt tlneetar ed to carry tbe rafts back the way Ibey had come. With no wind to counteract the ~ current. the rafta, e~ch of which carriei:l · a Short wave radio, l'f.Q'8ted a• jotl to shore. Navy officers 13[d that without help, the .rafts collld ll!lve .. beeo •!!!Pl helpleosty southeast past New 7.eallllcl and back across the Pacific. · Tbe Americans -Thomas Ward, :SS. ~ficbael Fltzglbhons, 23, and Thomu McCormick, 23 -relayed word heck to . Pblladelpbla by short wave radio thal they arrived aa!ely in Australia. New Hours Set For Libraries New operating hours will go lnto •fleet Friday at bolh the M.,. Verde and the downtown branch of the C.011 Mesa .Public Ubral')', The libraries will be open from noon to 9 p.m. Mondays through Thurs&ys, from noon to S p.m. Fridays, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays. The two branches formerly open- ed at 10 a.m. on weekdays. • lllt Or•not COtll t>urilldllno ComP1n'f'. StpA. ,, ..... fflcln.1 '" P11bl!1hecl, Monet., tll"•llOll F, .. ~, NI" Col!t M... NtWllOrl ktdl, H~ IMCll!F-lt!n Vt!W,., L..- lwdl, 11'¥1Mfleclclltblt;ll -Stn Cltmtntt/ $"' J""" C..J>lllr-. .r, linflt re9~I .Oftloll II JOWi ...... $t1Vt'dty1 Ind Sur10t~1. TIW prlnc!Jltl .-.i11111111 P'-111 II 11 UO W..1 .. , l tr .. t, C-11 ~. C.Mftrni., ,,.,.. Carpenter asked the legislaton for requirement!" that all local agencies delay the issua.nce---ef buikllng perrnlt.s on projects until the commJssion has -Fairview Slates ' Nixon juat authorized '4 million, of which California would be eligible for $400,000, for planning, but a Senate con- ference committee Is recommending f!.5 million, of which 1750,000 would go to California. The commissions only have two years until a coastal master plan ls due iD the Legislature, said Bodovitz. They want enough money now to flniJb the Job without beAlnc for """' fUndl .mJdwl1 through the ptan, be Aid. Tbe com- ml!Sions will need llmool $Z milllon to comif!:vi the planning phue of their IN OUR SIXTEEN YEARS, WE HAVE C ARP ET ED THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN CQSTA ti!ESA,.NEWPQRT BEACH, l,A6UNA ALD,EN'S CARPm e DRAPES kokr.t H. W1.J '""-*"' llld ... I..,., Ji.Ji a,_ c.1.., ~ Vkot ..................... ~ n.. •• ~ ... 11 ,_ lHMH A. M"""lh _ ..... CUrM. H: lfft klch1r4 P. Nall ,,..,..... ....... "."'" JJO Weet lat $tr11t M1nlflf .(,U,..,,·r.o. ••• 1 ,,o, •2•2• --• ...,.,, Mldll .. .....,.,. hilft1 ... UlfllM -...ct11 m .. _, """"" """""""' aotcll: llVJ a..ctl ~ '" °""""": .. ---., ~ .... Tll1pll111 17141 Hl ... Jl1 Qm MW .Muod l I '4J.f611 ~. Im. Ol'tfllO c:..I ~ '*"-"•. ,.. ...,. ttw• ui.1r11 ..... .-...w _,,., .. ........"""""" --.. ... ... • mt ...... 9'«111 ....... ..... "~--· --=-•<•• ..... CF •·•• W _., tlM .....,, ... """ .... ~· """"" I .... ....,,.;- ' • .-, --:.......l....::x...--.:: -Patient Display A special public display of activities and achlevcttnenta lnwlvtng patient. at Fairview Stot.e Hospital In 'Costa Mesa Is scheduled Wednesay, Nov. 28 to mark Mcnllll Retanlatlon Montb. Houra will be 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m., with bandicrafta, Wilblto and special performances ICheduled In the holpltal audltot1um to show what 11 being dooe . for mentally llld physically hlndlcappod youth!. The public b< lnvtt.ed to the obow, with guided tours ol the hoopital offered slmultan<ously, as they are '8ch Wednesday and Saturday ol the year . Next Wednelday's 1bow will IDclude filmt lboW!ng various therapy pn>IJ'lDll at Falrvi•w, which II ackmw)edlJed u ClftfomiA's leodlnf fadll1y i,r tho .. tmled. work, • tz added. Auto Stripping Probed · in Mesa Santa Ana "'Ider Gerardo Hernandes ldartlnez complalned to Colla Idea police Monday lbat ..,_,,. ltllpped lhe 1917 Chemie! be ..... lllJnc ol i!s qlne and um. . Martina, ol Z309 S. Halladay 81., 81kl the MIO grand tbe11 occurTeil in the 2000 bloc!< of ~Ila M•m•, wbm he bad been ....-nbllna the veblcle. .:..i: Ctc: ~~.:::: by .... ra1 tJma to admire Ille .,pie. J ~CH AND· HUNTINGTON BEACM. ONE· NEIGHBOR -TELLS ANOTHER UN T J L WE HAVE WORKED IN MRY HOME ON A BLOCK. l ·' ' ' THE FORMULA IS SIMPLE-WE ·fRY TO MAKE EACH CUSTOMER HAPPY.~ YPlJR . NEl6HIOR-WE PROBABLY CARPEl'ED HER HOME. (IF WE HAVEN'T, IR)NG HER IN~· YOU.) ", . ~ ~ ~ :' ...... - 1663 Plac;otla Aye, conA MIU 64M8ll I Houa1 ..... Tin ,.....,, ' "' 1110 -...... ' "' ' -SAT. f1JO te I -• , -. . . . -. . ' ' ' ' ' . • I ' . ' • I I ' • • • ' - ·, -' . • SA old ' in a 12 lelll Ila c ' . M' B •