HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-15 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • <( .. • .. • Uftjversity High ' Students Await • Nareoties Verdiet DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * • MONDAY AFTERNOOf:I, APRIL 15, 1974 VOL '1, HO. IOI, 2 SECT!Of41..Jt_,.,._.. Worth the Walk ... DIJIY Pli.t'IJlff l'Mlt Campers on their way home lug surfboards and oth'er gea.r up quar· ter-mile trail leading to new, 44-space campground for hikers at San Onofre State Park. New facility built by Rangers over three weeks drew capacity crowds during Easter Week, along with rave reviews by guests. San Onofre. once little-used, was jammed over Easter \Veek. Story and additional picture page 3. 21 University High - • S tudents Await Verdict No decision had been made today on wbether 21 University lUgh School students charged v.ith selling narcotlcs will be permanently expelled rrom the Irvlne Unified School District. 'lbe 21 students v.'ere su!pellded after a htlge dope roundup 1'-1arch. 'rl laued .. Operation Irving.'' A total Of 100 persons v.·ere arrested on a variety of dope-related charges in the sweep. Of the 100, 42 v.·erc University Blgh students. '\ Twtoty were cllarged v.11h. offenses other ttian selling, including possession ol rNrijuana, being in inc· presence or dope ux, and providing (but not seOffi&l narcotics and dangttOWJ dnigs lo others. 'Mle five students charged v.1lh f\lmlshing narcotics we.re temporarily suwended and are ba ck ll scboot today, 1Cc:Ordlng to University High Principal Vie Sherreitt They arc back ut1<k!r contracts of AChievcmcnt and behavior worked out ~ecn the 11udcnt, h.is parents. arid the a<hool'• admln~trallon, Sbtrrellt sald. , ~e ,added the diStrict 'hopes \o reach ils decision on the group charged vi'ith. selling by Thufsday, Jn the meantime. !he students are stlll ~ed. "In every case or sw-pcmion, ttfc parent and studeat have been tnvlted in ror a~. and most of tbeni have responded ," Shereltt sa Id . In a discusoion with the Irvine Unifi<d Boerd "°' Edueallon. last wff.k, district SuperlnteDdall Slallley C:O.ey said "Ol • all lbe charges. • ... f<el sai.. of dafl8"l'Glll driJp pooes lbe most oeriQU.s fnrttt... ' The March 27 r1id was can'~ out b)' Costa Mesa potioe olftcers, "'ho provide p:>lice aervice to Irvine oo a public sarety cent.,.._ ' Police said ·~ collecttd LSD. anlm.il tranquilizer. h&shish. oOcaine, and mnr1juana during 11\eir buat. Stnce then, a group of six parent.s ha\'e made allegations that the p o I i c e department used entrapment to obtaln the.Ir anesta and plaMecl tM raid to get (Ste SUSPEND, Pop I) 'Ahsol11tel y Not Guilt y' -Mitcl1ell NE\V YORK /AP) -Former 1\tly. Gen. John ~1itchell said todav he "'as "absolutely not guilty '' of cOnspiracy , obstruction of jusli~ or perjury. "1\re you gui lty or not guilty?'' asked his lawyer. Peter Fle ming Jr. "Absolutely not gui ty of any of the charges." said l\litchell. The former Cabinet officer and e.x· commerce Secretan> l\faurice Stans ha\'e been on trial in redcral court for eight v.·eeks. They are accused of trying to impede a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation of financier Robert Vesco in retum for his secret $200,000 cash. contribution to President Nixon's re-election campaign. At the end of his direct examination of 1'.1itcbell v.1licb started \Vcdnesday before a long holiday weekend r'~ «:s. Fleming led f.litchcll through each of the six counts of perjury. After each one "":1 s read , Alitchell said that his teslimony to the grand jury had been his best recollection of the facts. l\Utchell also denied that he told oosted WD.ite House cowuel Joh.n Dean 111 tha l the grand jury v.'hich indicied h.im "·as .. a nma"•ay grand jury" and th.a t the prosecul.Ors who questioned him "'ere ''litUe bastards." Dean testified to th at effctt in an appearance as the prosecutor·s \\"itnes;;. ~litchell said that he did not consider the grand jury "ru na 111-·ay'' and tha t he had felt that the prosecutors were-"politc and sedu ctive." 1be "'Ord seductive was S1ricken by Judge Lee Gagli;:irdi aft er a prosecutor·s objection. r.-Utchcll also denied Dean·s testimony th.at ~tile'nell trR!d to get him to call then (See l\tlTCHELL, Page %1 Streake rs 'Cit,ed l1 i Sa n Cle1n ente · Two )'OUths wrapped up a wee k or vacatlonlng at San Clemente. state park Saturday by pulling off an Easter Eve streak along the beach. Rangers, hov.·e.ver, did some streaking, themselves, by tearing o(! two citations charging unlawful disrob.ing. and nudity at a state park. Spokemnen said th.e two youths, both local youngsters, were detained by lifeguards after the brie( episode at 7:10 p.m. The pair next will have to eiplain lh~ir ....,, to a judge. • a e es •Absolutely Not . G.nilty G1 Any Charge~-Mit~hell ' Tu11k s~ Artille r y Syria, Isra el Battle Around Golan Heig hts Syria . and Israel lraded artillery and lank fire on lhe Golan Height s v.ar fr ont loday after a \\'Cckcnd of the hard est figh ting since lhc October \1·ar. r>.!eanv.·hil c. Egyptian sou rces said to- day that Secret ary of State llcnr\' A. K1.Y . singer 1\ill tra\'cl to Cai ro as ·thl' hr:-t sto p on his effort to arrange a military settlen1ent ~ll\("('11 Israel a.Kl Syna. They said the tri p 11·as arranged I){'+ 1111-·een Kissinge r and Egyptian Fore!)!/\ r.linis!cr !small fahmy. b ot h at !he Unit.ed Xations for a Special St;.)..~ion or the Gcfll'ral Assembly . In addition to 1'.:gypt , Kissinger i~ ex· peeled to ndd Ku"·ait lo his sch«.tulc, "·hich already includes Israel and Syria . Kissin ger told rcpor!crs lhe tri p "ould begin "in about tY•o "ee k.-;.'' Damascus rad io said Syria's de(rnsc minister. J\l aj. G('n. ~lustafa Tlas. 1nadr a qui ck trip to the "fory,·ard {'on1n1and headquarters of Syrian forc{'S on r-.tt. llermon.'· Th is y,·as lhe first official Syrian reference to such a command since the Oc tober "'ar. The Tel Aviv command said J){'fenSI'.' l\linister J\loshe Daya n also toured Israeli posi!1ons on the Golan front. a9d that a Syrian artillery barra ge erupt ttl al the 1in1e. It said Oayan 11·as un hur1. but that 1110 Israeli soldiers y,·ere "·ounded. The co1n mand said shf'lli ng resumed this morning along the northf'rn sectrir of lhe 300-sciuare-mile hul!(e captured by Israel during the October fighlin ~. The command nlso :1nnounced the .appoinlml'nt of Brig. (ien. Rafael l::ytan. \1ho !ed Israel's thrust into Syria in October. to com niand Israel's norther n fron t y,it h both Syria and Lebanon. E~·tan, \1·ho \.\'aS prorn oted to ma jor general. takes over fron1 Lt. f:tn. t<.tordeehai <:ur, "ho "·as pron1otcd to chief of staff. l~raeli fig hrer·bomb<>rs Sunday anac kt d S•:ri;1n forces on :'111. lfcrn1on and the r.'01:111 l/{'igh1s while below them the 11r111ies of the l\\"O coun1 ril's batlltd f1f'rcr!y y,Jl h tanks <ind artillery. The Israeli n11litary comn1and sairl all irs plnnes returned safel y Sunda.1. denyi ng a Syrian claim that rour \\rr1• d01\11cd. S\ ria also claimed 50 Israeli tSct .\llOEAST, Page 21 Aid to Nixo11 $4·3,650 Dona ted to l/elp Pay· Taxes KEY BISCAYNE. Fla_ <AP ) -Some 5.000 Americans ha\"c sent President Nixon more than $~3.650 to help him pay a blll of almosl half a million.dollars in back taxes. the \\lhite Hou se said todav. A spokesman sa id Nixon f1::lt he coUld not accept the rontributions and v.·ould return those '"'hose donors 1v e r c. identilil'd. The rest, he said. \\·ould be given to the Red Cross for tornado disaster relief. The cootributions range from six cents from a school ch.ild to $5,000 from a businessman, the \\'hite Hou.se said . The \\'h.ite House said the letter! were unsolicited , but presidential supporters and other groups 'suggestl'd campaigns to help Nixon pay the tax bill. The White Houae said t.296 anonymous lettera contained $2.581.52 in cash contributions, mostly in small amount~. BeJlde the mailed contribut ion!:, th.e \Vhite I-louse said telephone call ers pledged '3,860 .. They were asked not 10 follow through with their pled ges "all.bough. th.e President ;:ipprccla tes their desire to ~ or asal1tanct.'' the \Vhlt.e House said~ 1\t th e Florida \\'hitc Jlou~ prrss office. a sa mple stack of letters "ere n1ade available for inspection. The messages included a lrtter from a second grader "'ho taped a nickel and a penny to his letter and told the Prcsidl'nt "please use this to help pay ynur taxes." And there 1\Cre messages cxpressini;: sy rnpath y and su pport for the President . expressing continued "respect n n d confkiencc in your inlegrily·· and a ~I donor "·ho said "I don't believe you shoulrl p.1y all the ta:tes you ch1hn ~ou oy,e," He o"es $467,000 In back taxes and interest 30 Flee Jiotel fire OAKl..Al\'D (L'Pll -Flaml's ragM th rough a 98-yea r-0Jd Vlctonan·SI} !c hoc cl in downto"'T\ Sunday, ~siu•in~ nn estimatl'd $250.000 damaRe and forcinR 31 guests to flee. It look 100 firemen u~1ng 2f pieces of equipmenL more than an hour to bring the predav.·n n x llotel blaT.e under control • + 'We'll Neve1· 1(110\v Fac ts,' Says J11clge Hy TO'.\t BARLEY 01 tltl 0 •11' l"olol Sl•ll Tu·o off -duty policcrncn. SC'pa ril!C'ly chnrgcd 1rith murd1'r and assault following <i Tusti n barroom bra"'' th at left a :'llarine Corps Cn pta1n drad and another patron 1\oundf'(I. "''r1· <'lcar1·d 11f all charJ.!rs today in Or~•ni.:e County Suprrior Cou rl. Jud ge Byron !\. :i.lt,~l illan npenC'd the hearin~ srhrdulf'f! "hPn !hf• trial nf both men "<IS declarr<J a rn1.•tr1nl 10 d :t\'S ago by findini:: r.ard Pn f;r0\1• p<itrnlma n Jl·rrY (;ray , 29, 111111K·r·nt f1f rharges of JSS<tUlt .... ·1th a dC'i!d!y 1\Pil!)()ll. Those rh'1q:~cs 11t·rt• file<! on Jan. 5, 19i.1. 11hcn 1;r;iv 11:i~ hrw"liil'd for the 11·ound1ng flarhi•IOr·.~ Ill h:ir parron Sa n1 Can1pi~'. .1:;. Y.ho "'as shot in the chrst during 1t1c 1;1vPrn fr.:1cas l'olitc calll'd lf1 \ht> T11s11n h:1r (·haq~f'd Cyprrss polle r Sgt Thon1;1 s Barro!d1. '!Ii, 111th rnurdt·r \lht'n h1• .,..,,., id~·nt1fu·d ;1<; the m:1n "ho shot nnd kill1'41 .\lannc- (nrps Capt. Handa!I Str1 1•n Hobincttc-, 25. rJI Phor·nit.'.. Ar11,, 1\ JUry that h:id flrl1b<>r:1t1•d ror fr .U r d;;i~" la s! April fl had fnuncl (;r;iy 1nnO<'l.'nl nf \h(' charges at the t1mt' 11 11as t ailed bark to thr rourtr(lflm. Rut th1· 1ury had 1101 sign•·ll •h•· 1, rrlic·t forn1 i,t.·h{'ll lhc dtf('nd:in!'s l:\"-V•·rs a.:l.t'd 111 .. prost'1·urion to declrtn• 11 Tni:1t11t11 111 thf' 1..·;"tsr• 111 the belier that the; vf·rdti.:t "'a1 guinc; ;1c;.11nst lhcrn. Judgl' ~lr:'ll1llRn rulf>fl tod:iy th:it ·it i::: !See f.:Lt:,\HEI). ~·,.~e ?I Orange a, Co ast trh ::... e:I' -~ Weather A coo!1n~ off pPtU)l"I i' fr1r('C"ll~I for 1'ul'~d;1y "''h 1~·r11µ.·raru rPS alonJ:; the coa-t d1pp1n~ 111101ht· 1011.· l'r i'Os tiflrr !he n1or111n,1; f.,:, (hJJ!s the ~Hr. 1:\.-;~ur : T t •u \ \' $101 f rcnrri!c11 p11r;rr 11111ncl1 ~tort11 (•Jr IJ/,1rl: n "'' ,,.,.,,, ~lint Oro rr/111(' l11tcl/ l;1k11"1 'J'"ll/t~ ·I U11prnrok.rd nltrJCk 111 "(Jpf•ra· t1a11 Zebra" ~llyle. S!1J11J /'O:Jt .i. a-..11,,. i1 L. No, ltWf 1t Cotl•19tNt I c1., .. 1;.,. 11·1• Col'llll' It c ... u .. 111 II Ott-I!! Ht11Ct1 r ~dth!•l•I l"tft • '"'""'.'""""' 1'·11 l"lfltll<t lf•ll f« .... ~..... 11 "'""''" I( """ L•Mlt" 11 "'"""' lt·1t flltlo.n.11 fll"'" 4 0~• ... t C111~!'f. 1 l"MPlt 1111 Jyl•ll ~ • .,.. ,. SP11•l1 1t-I' '*• ~·••t1 1 .. 11 Tt!1m i9ft 1f TllNl111 ll•M w""''' • W11!11 Nt •I t • • 2 DAILY PILOT s Monday, April l.5, 1~74 ... ......... . ..... . Fl.oods Peril Mississippi • • • • • A Olllf Of MIXICO • • 'More than 3,000 persons were evacuated in Petal and Hattiesburg ~Iiss.. as the rampaging Le a f River pushed to more than 11 feet above Oood stage. Another 200 were evacuated from th e i r homes along the Pearl River north of Colu1nb ia. !See story, Page 4.) U.S. Prime Lending Rate Nixon to .~ail State Return Breaks Barrie1· of I 0% SACRAMENTO (AP) President Nixon's 1973 state income tax return, the first he has filed in 10 years Jn California, "'iii he mailed be!orc tonight's midnight deadline, his atlomey said today. NE\V YORK. (AP) -The prime lending rate broke through th e JO percent barrier today as two banks posted rates above the old record. North Carolina National B a n k announced it raised Ila prime from 9:i4 perc«1t to 10~~ percent, effective last Friday. The First NaUonal Bank of Chicago. the naUon'a 10th largest commercial bank, set its prime rate at 10.10 percent. North Carolina National Bank l:i ranked 26t'll. It "'as not Immediately apparent whether other banks "oold follow since U>e Federal Reserve Board verbally discduraged moves beyond 10 percent when llicb ilc:tion seemed' imminent. 'lbe ptime rate is the base lending rate banks charge largest c or po r a t e custpmen. While It does not affect small buaintSI and consumer loans, the prime Court to Study Pair S11s11ende£l Over Puncli Boivl WASHINGTON (APl -The U.S. Supreme C.Ourt agreed tOOay to ooosider v.'het.ber the rights of two Arkamas teen- agers v..-ere violated v.'hen they were SllSJ>Cndl'd from .school after spiking a punch bowl al a home ea>nomics party. Two petitioners, r<.tcna High School principal Duddy Waller and the l!tena &:boo! District, contend the issue touches upon the jurl5diction of federal courts to Intervene in the day-to-day operation:s of the public ~I systems in the n.ation. They seek to overturn a ruling by the Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit which called the suspension invalid. The Court of Appeals said there was no proof tllat the alcoholic beverages dwnped Into the punch bo\vl v.·ere intoxicating. ~ two teen-agers, Pcgjp' Stlckland and Virginia Grain. admillro to the school principal In a private meeting in his office on Feb. 18, 1972 lhat they participated in spiking the punch during a party held a few days earlier. ,. OIAHCHCOAST ST DAILY PILOT 1 ... 0.•"'lt CtuM ~ PolOI "~" ""'"'h ,. -.,,_,...Ofe ............. """"_"'""°"-r......i Publo .... "' '--' §e-1!1 --.,. ~-, ... ~ Mo"5o• lfNOU11" '•O•• lo! Coo!• -N-00<1 &o-. M""'"'QIO'I llo-.;h 1-, ... ~····· , _....,.. °""~ "'""''~i.l>K• 1"11 ...... 0-<11So• JU•• t..p.'"6"0 A °'""'"' ,._.... ..,,,_ .. _ .. ....., 511....,. .. -~ .... d•>" '"" l"•n<•Dot' """'"'''''"' ""'"' ,.., :!JO w..., S.Ylil<HI et..,.,,...,(;,t<,'°'1'•.t :-.1'11 P-*"'N Wt>wl '•••!ClfrO ..-cl ""oi·~- Jocl R (,,1...,. ...... ,...~-Cil,,..Jll"'~ QOi. H. l«... Roclod P, Nl)ll .....,.,.,.Ml~Ctloi\ltl °""" eo.t•t,1-:'l.1;IW...8 ... 11• .... """""'" 8NIC.l'I )JM~ ..,.,....,. ~9ucll Z?lJ'O'til-. ... -........ ...,""""'°' ltfll&~ao...,.OOCI .... ~---[•C..-lll..i , ........ 17141642°4121 .C'-t-'fitt1 A"'wfi.W.. •42·S•71 ,IC"'~........ oir...,..... llMl;lo 4tl.4420 ~. 191<1, o..,.. Cotti ......... c.. -NI) __ .._..__.,._ ,,, ....... '-"",.,.... ...., ............... f"fNMWl'Kllli,._,,,vA_....,_, ~ tllM .... llltod•too"9 ...... c-... ,. . ..,...,..,_.,00~"' ... ~ M.OCl-,.,,,..._.,dfNl,,..._ll .00 ...... is regarded as an indicator or the availability of money in general. \Vhen l'nc prime is high, it means corporations must pay 1nore to borrow money. This may tend to act to discourage borrowing, u 1 ti ma t e I y resulting in a slowing of the gener:al expansion of the economy, analysts say. lttany bank! last week moved prime rates up to 10 percent from 9~ percent. Fim National's old prime rare "'as 9.80 percent. Economists have attributed the recent upward mo\•es of the prime to a combination or hlgh rorporate demand and action by the Federal Reserve Board to stem inflation by tightening the nation's money supply. From P09e l MIDEAST ground troops "'ere killed or Y.'Ollnded, but Israel said only 17 were wowided. Syria said 15 or its soldiers were killed and 10 "'ere wounded. Israel said a Syrian commando unit made anottler attempt to ce.pture an • Jsraeli observation post at the northern end of 9,000.foot Mt. Hermon, which has an unrestricted view for 100 miles and more into S)Tia. The Syrians have been trying to capture the post since April 6. Israel said the COrnplandos were discovered at dawn Sunday, and the Israelis at !he post counterattacked. Syrian artillery opened up to give the commandos cover, and the Israelis retaHated with artillery and fighter-bombers. The Israelis said the cnmmandos were "destroyed," and 12 Syrian bodies were foWld , But later in the day, tanks and artillery dueled the length o! the 40.mlle !rent across the C'r0lan Heighls, and Israeli planes attacked the Syrian positions for four hours during the afternoon, the lsrae\l command said. ~1ean11.·hile, the U.N. Security Council "'as to be called into session this afternoon to discuss the Israeli raid on six Lebanese villages Friday night. The raid was In retaliation for an Arab guerrilla attack from Lebanon Thursday on the Israeli village of Qiryat Shmonah in Y.trich 18 Israelis and the lhree guerrillas died. Lebanon reported to the council that "t"·o Lebanese civilians were killed and others \\'Owxled, 13 Lebanese civilian$ \\·ere kidnaped and 31 houses destroyed" in !he Israeli raid. The council v.•as expected to adopt a resolution later in the week condemning Israel, and Israel was expected to Ignore it. 1'1ild Weekend Nixoo o"'es no state tax for 1973 because his California deductions total more than his California· source income for the rear, said the attorney, Dean BuUer of Los Angeles. Butler is signing the return on the President's behaU, he said, under pcra·er of attorney granted to him. • From P09e 1 MITCHELL Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst about the graod jury's action. P.fitchell said he talked to Kleindienst but only about the propriety of turning over certain of his personal records as attorney general. Mitchell also denied that he talkt'd to Donald llofgren, a volunteer in the Nixon re-election campa ign at a dinner in Washington on P.1arch 8, 1972 . Hofgrcn, oow an investment banker, testified at the trial that he asked P.Utchell if •Ile had seen Vesco that da y and that P..1itchell told him to "slay away" from Vt?SCO. Mitchell said he could not recall having .seen Hofgren at all that night. llo!gren said he taJked to fi11tchell as be milled about in a lobby with 2,000 otber poople. 1'Utchell said he arrived at the. dinner in the Wash1ngton Hilton hotel late and practically nobody was in the lobby . Ile said he "·ent directly to his table, and e\'erybody else had done likewise. As far a.s Hofgren's testimony about P.1itchell teWng hlm to ''stay away'' from Vesco, P.litchell said: "P.tr. Hof~n did not work In my area or the campaign and I "1JU!d ba\·e given him no sue.ch in.structicins." Clin1her Re!!;cued On Park Bluff A Capistrano Beach man trying to scale the bluff at San Oemente State Park Sunday gave the rangers' new cliffs rescue unit a chance to practice, officials reported today. Larry \\'illiams, 21. or 34576 Calle Pol'\ola, \Vas helped off a perch 45 feet above the beach in lhe incident v.·hicn occurred near the noon hour. Rangers said the man v•as unhurt in the mishap. Officials at the park recently laWlChed a new cliff·resrut squad to cope Y.'ith problems encountered along the miles of bluffs at IYtO area state parks. Batl1e1·s, Boaters Throng To Newport Over Easte1· A mild end sunny Easter weekend brought t '.>out 14G.OOO people ,., Newport Bearh and about 3.000 boall out In Newport llarbor. Air temperaturts averaged around C degrees at the beach and w1ter temperatures stayed at about 56 degrees all '"'ttkend, Surllng continued poor, witb;wavcs lv.'O to three feet. accon.Ung to Newport Beach lifeguan:b. An Oran~e County Harbor Patrol spokesman reponed busy tralllc ol up r. t .SOO booll a day In Newport H811>or u bolts departed for and returned from wetktnds 81 C.tallno Island. N o • J " accident.a were reported. W!tgua.rds said there were 13 routine "'""'.. during the •·etl<en<I, with no lel'ious incidenU. -~ A apokesman s.tld that smaller crov.·ds 1re expected on the. beaches this week, when Riverside County student& w111 on spring veca!lon but Oranae County aludtnll wW be bacl< in school. Thia Wflel<end •be marked I h e completion of an intensive 1ix-d1y trainina teaioo oonducied by the Marint satecy O.panmeut for 21 p,..pectlve new lifeguards.· The trainees. who range In age from 16 10 24 yeara old, helped admln!Jlcr fll'SI aid and ""1d)I~ rescues. 'Tollflher ·ita Future' 'Timidity' Hit In Hearst Case SA~ FRANCISCO ( UP I ) QIHfomia's attorney general Mid today law enforcement offir ia1.s ht1\•e been "limid" In !he Hearst kldnaplng case and that \'igorous actions would be taken In future pol itical kidnapings. Attorney c:cneral Evelle J, Younger sa id i'lny future "gh•ea"·ay'.,,'. programs Involving food or otlle.r cotnmoditi~·s would be trcah.<d a.s l'xtort1on and prosecuted . He also said that the media had been "used in the case and th.it all au1horiti es ln\'oh·ed made mist<ikes. "V!'e have not handled it prope rly," MARKED MAN BRANDS SLA 'PUNKS', Story Page S Younger said. "Our only excuse is that it had never happened betore. \\'e ctid not kno~· ho~' to deal wlU1 a Political kkfnaptng. "We will try to ma'ke It unprofitable in lhe future to carrV out any sort of • political kidnap. A small band of lerrorlsts should not be allowed to dictate "'el!are policy." Younger said he him.self had beCfl turud In the case and had not spoken out before for fear "I would do something to get ~1iss li<'arst killed." Asked if he thought the kidnap vict im "'as dead or why he "'as now making the S[atemcnt , Younger sa id: "I think !he n1oment of truth has long since p<issed. I don't think they 're still trying to decide what to do with her." ''ounger said the press-and other media had been "used " in the kidnap because "you \\'ere Corce<I. to adopt their terminology. You know that the SymbiOlK'SC UberaUon Army has nothing to do "''ith liberation and it is not an army -it is a small bend o( vicio~ criminals.'' Younger .said !he SLA "·as .small but they are "detennined, dangerous. vi olent and far from stup id.'' P.ieanwhile, Randolph A. Hearst will end his vaca tion V.'ith his !amily at the L..1s Cruces resort in ~fexico Tuesday and rei urn to San Francisco to a"·ait rurttier "'Ord on the fate of his kidna~ daugtiter. Hearst, president and editor ot the San Francisco Examiner, arrivt'd "'ilh his "'ife at La Paz a week ago Sunday to rest from 1~·0 months ol negotialions "'ilh the Sl..A, "'hich now-claims 20-year-old Patricia has been con\'Crtcd to its re\'Olut ionary cause. In an interview over the "·eekend Hearst said he. \1·011Jd return to San Francisro lo continue "'hat he h::is described tis "tJ1e long ordeal ahl'!!d of us." Sitting al a dimly lit table in the bar of , the Las Cruces P.1otcl. llearst saki the agl'ffment v.·ith the ~·51 not to jeopardize his daughtC'r's salety \\'as still in effect <is far as he was concerned. "They pron1ised me they "·ou ld do nOl hing which might end:inger Patty's v.·etl·bclng or salety," he said. "M far as I know, thoit ag reement is sUll in eUect." Fl'flm Pqe l CLEARED only fair to Cray to find him innoc ent since that "n.s the intention or the jury at the time we brought them oot of lhc jury room." Ten members or the jury revealed aftl"!' the mistrial v.·as declared that they '~·ere Jn favor of a verdict or Innocent for Barol.di with t\\'O other jurors undecided. Commenting today !hat "we will ne\'er really know what happened in the bar th.at night" Judge McMiiian found Baroid! iMOCent alter Jawyel'I for both sides agreed to let him rule on the issue. Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright unsuccessfully urged Judge ~fc~fillan lo ot least find Baroldi guilty of in\'oluntary manslaughter. "lie showed bad judgment as a police officer and he was hopelessly drunk 1\'hen he shot Capt. Robinette," Enright alleged. ''There wn s no evidenet of a struggle, In fact the e\·idence was all to the effect that the capatin \\'as deliberately shot in the chest." Dercnsc attorney Matthew Kurilich argued that Baro!di "-as going to the aid of Gray at the time and that Robinette barred his "'ay. "It was a normal reacti on for a police officer," Kurilich said. "There was no intent to kill and there was no evidence in the trial that would really support that theory.'' From l'Gfle 1 SUSPEND maximwn publicity for the police department. Police in charge of the raid deilied tTle charges and refused to comment on the allegations, saying they will "'ait untill the 100 cases come up in court. ' . . LIFE STRIDE'S DEAD AT 41 S.iling Champion Welsh Mass Conducted For Pro11iine11t Coast Y ac1tts1na1i r.riw was recited for Roger Welsh today at St. Joachim's CatOOllc Church in Costa Mesa. ?>Ir. \\'elsh. one o! Newport Harbor'1 top national and international sailors, died Friday at his home, 1101 P.farion Lane. Ne14·port Beach. arter a long illness. The 41-year.old in Sur an c e adjuster ha d recently completed law studies and v.·as preparing for a legaJ career. lie "''as born in Los Angeles and moved to Nc"'port Beach \\'ith his famHY when he "'as six years old. lie has been active in the sailing and yachting activities most of his life. ' ~lr. \Velsh was an accomplished small boat sailor. He was national champion in the Intemational-14 Class In 1968 and was several times \\'est Coast champion in the class. He moved into the international Soling Class when the boat v.·as selected as an Olympic <'lass and "·as district champion in 1972. lie y.·s a consistent winner in local and regional regattas. ?>1r. \\1elsh v.·as responsible r 0 r introducing !he famed Au.5tralian·IS dinghy to the U.S. and often said it was the most exciting high perfonnance dinghy he had ever sailed. OPEN-WEAVE Spend the summer in "Borcebna." h's the woyen-to~ sandal On a cork ~ge wiltr a crepe walking sole. Soft and ooen ond-oh. so <:on,fortoble. · Camel, white, navy or red. 15.00 Moil and phone orders invited. fashion Shoes. 8 WEDGIE °'"'DROADVVAY I N'W6M ~T ~CN BEACH 4+t l"l r.ld (71 4) SU..121 (1F'Clllftanhbtd(714}644-1212 Tm~ A-(714) "'2..nJI aNG. MAU. Oi OANa 2lOO N. T wil Str.tt (7141 m.1111 . . , • I .. • I ' - • ' r j .. •• .. ' .. \ ...... • ; 1500 Atte11d Easter Love~in • 'This Isn 't Sltc rili giou,s, Mu 11 ~ Th .is is Our Cl1u,rc l1 ' ~ LOS A~GELES (APl -About 1,500 persoM celebrated Easter at a da .... n-10- suruct "lo\'e • In" on clood • shrouded VeNce beach. v.'here 8 non p r o f I t commun ity group provided free food and live rock music. "We don 't com\cter this sacrilegious. man. This ~ our church," said Ron Reynolds of Pasadena . a SO-year-old draped in k>ve beads and cut-off blue jeans. 1'.fany danced to the musk:: some quietly ~Id hands and kissed at tbc Jlfair Sonday. € CJeo Knight, ~. a Lal Angel<""S A>usinessman and president of the ._ing group. looked Into a ~ked collection box, about haU full ~ shook his head. - Funds Okayed To Ease Up l11tercha11ge · By KATHY CLANCY Of .... O.llf ..... ,, ... An inquiry into the availability of housing for All income le\'els in the chy of Irvine is now being made by a subcommittee of the Attorney General's Regional Task Force. William R. Livingstone, lrYine director of planning, attended a meeting of the subcommittee on land use and water recently to discuss the impact on city housing of me lr.ine Industrial Comple:t· East v.·hich eventually v.·ill employ ~.000 persons, about half of them \\i thln five years. Particularly, Llvingstone said. the subcommittee "'as concerned w Ith whether Irvine is doing its job to provide housing for "all economic elements of the commWlity '' as required by state ,~t.a"'· Livingstone said he will take a plan lO '. develop such hoosing to t h e : subcommittee's meet ing next month. The ' city's general plan already calls ~or housing for all income groups. he said, and he plans 10 recommend that the ·lrvine City Council establish a housing ·commission to review and aSSfSS the ;·avai\ab1\ity of housing in the city. Jrvine City Council in the past has failed to approve housing projects which \\·oold be for p<'T"SOtl! of \ov.·er middle and Jov.·cr incomes. including one proposal for "· a federally-funded low Income project. Part of the problem appcan to be population density. Soon after the city "·as incorporated tll·o years ago , for example. a proposal \va.s made for housing for those with incomes of SI 1.500 to $16.000 in what is now Deerfield Village. Density in that project as proposed .... -a~ 8.6 units per acre, but the council lowered it to 5.6, thus raising the home price to a giinimu ni of $30.000 or generall y for those making $16,000 or more a year. Although one proJect with a fe-.v Jl) .. unit· per • acre homes h a.s ~ .. 1 .ar . .>ved, minimum purchase price 1s still $30.000, the lowest price in all of Irv ine. -Y..4nere the average borne sells for $50,000 and apanment rentals start at $1M. Catfish, Bluegill To Be Stocked In Niguel Lake ?-.1ore than 2,000 "catchable size" catf ish and bluegill "ill be poured into the 40-acre lake. at Orange County 's Laguna Niguel R<'gional Parle starting Apritm. • The lake, filled by this year's heavy rains, \viii be available for fishing and non-pow<'red boating. An island in the center harbors hundreds of wi\dfov.·I from at least seven different species, accord ing to park rangers. The initial fish-stocking effort will cost aOOut $20.000 and is designed to be a yearly program. The fish will be put into the Jake by the county harbors, beaches and parks department but s o m e assistance from state fish and game officials is expected. Harbor department officials said some trout will be put into the lake when the weather cools of( next fall. Summer heat \\'"OUld kill the cold -water fish . Bus I-I ea1·ing Denied WASlflNGTON (U Pll -'!'he U.S. Supreme Court today denied a hearing to the Oxnard, Calif. School Board, which objected to carrying out a court-ordered busing plan while it is under challenge \n a lower court. The court acted in a brief order on the OOard's appeal from a rolling on Nev. 27, by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Dunce Cap For Scliool? ~nAMl (AP) -Someone in Dad< County's school system gees lO the bouom or the class, with a red face. The system 1 new telephone directory misspells elementary as clementry -167 times . • "You'd think thl thing \\"OOld bE> a\·erflowlng, all tbesr poople out here :· he said. "l laid about $1.500 out of 1ny own pocket for thJS thing." h\~ said. "Busines.ws used to donate the food for these things. but they just don ·1 an y mM!'.4Things are really tight." "Sure thert are people he.rt \\'ho are not l\Ctdy ," said Kn ight, clutctung the ve.l!o '<'' bullhorn h~ used to talk to the Crov.·d. "But if 'A'e fl"Ni t"\"C"rybod)'. ~·e·re su re to Get a fe~· rn.>t.'<iy people stuck in there." Knight said volunte-ers p..isscd through !he crowd seeking dona.lions . "but we"ve only collected about $600 or $i00 from <1ll tht-se people ... Knight said he started an org.iniz.atJon knl)WO as ''Green Power" about 11 years ago "lo help promo~ peace and lo\'e and feed and clotht the needy." lie said he chose the title lx-catL<:e hr associates green "'ilh •·peace and lo\·e ... One. man. wearing a knee-length red , aod v.·hite Roman·style 1tm1c. red c-.ipr. n..'d socks and sandals. identified himSt'\f as Julius Caesar and said he v.as 2,018 \·ears old. SeagWls s11o·ept O\'er thf' cm"·d and the. sun peeked through the clouds as JtUCSL,. mo.st at them in their ea r\\' 20s. helped them.selves to baloney sarldv.·1chC$ and chicken and rice. · "I came out hCTe because I don't get along v.·1th my genera1ion:· '"Caesar" said. "I like to smoke marijuana and run '1around ~·ith ~-oung people. The yc:>ung people come here and snlOke and get YMCA OFFICEA:S-NC\\'ly elected officers of the South Coast )'l\l CA are (top left to right ) Joe Ar1n on. chairn1an : Ken Kinsey, first Yice chairman; a nd 1'ed Inouye. treasurer: (front left to rightf Jo.i\nn Redick, second vice chair1nan; and Doris \\'alker, secretary. Soutl1 Coast YMCA Picl{s The South Coast Y~ICA has install ed nev.· officers on its board o( managers. !!Cading the orcanization arc Joe Armon of La guna i'\iguc!. chainnan: Ken Kinsey of Dana Point. fir:st vice chairman: JoAnn lledick of Laguna BeaCn. second vice chairman: Doris Walker of Dana Point . secreta ry and Ted Inouye of Laguna Niguel. treasurer. Ne\.,. chairman ArnlOn is controller· assistant administrator of South Coast Ccmmunily Hos pital. I ll' "'as \'I('(' chairman of the boanl la!'I \"ear. He alsn ser\"es the 1'\iguel ·\'it>JO l.1tt1C t.~:.1guc alld the Hospital Financial ~1 anagen1en1 A&<:aciatioo of Orange Coun!y. Other members of the board arc James J\uld. :'\like O'Steen and Rill Stev.·art of Lagun;i 1\igucl : Jack Sc herer of S<ln Clemente: .Ken Carr and Rill F...dgington of San Juan Capistrano : Larry Campbell of Laguna Beach and llerh Bo""·man of Dana Point. Ari ·u ig Love' But }lfari<L Calla.~ Not Bitte r !\E\V YORK f AP) -~·!aria callas says Aristotle Onassis ·was the big love of her life but she's nof sorry she didn 't marry him because ··1 think IO\'C is so 1nuch better ~·hen you're not married ." "\Vhy should I marry? Give me one good reason why I should marry. I'm well off," added the opera star in an ln!crview with Barbara \Vallers on tllc !\BC "Today" show. ~liss callas a~ said that she has nevrr nlet Onassis' present v.·ife. the. former Jacqueline Kenned y, wido"' of the late President John F. Kennedy. but she. hasn't deliberately avoided meeting her . The singer retailed one occasion \\'hen someane was giving a party and it v:as suggested that they in vite Onassis but not Jackie. "I said, 'Well, you Y.ill. 1·m sorry. bccau.se she is his v.·ife and you must,' " Miss callas said. "And we talked about 'that \\"ilh Mr. Onassis and she did not .,.,.ant to come. So you see, therefore, there is no problem ... Fonda, Hay den Tour South Viet TOKYO (AP I -Jane Fonda and her husband. Tom Hayden, are continuing their tour of Viet Cong areas of South Vietnam. Hanoi Radio said today. The broadcast said they had been reC'eived by the Buddhist superior monk Thich Thicn llao, a member of the presidium or the National Liberation Fronl's central committee. 'Mley met with oc.hcr NLF officials. a oumber of "'Tite-rs and artists. The couple aJso visited schools, ho6pilals and mllltary units. the broadcast said. :lS P ic kets A rre-1ed HORTONVJLLE. Wis. (UP)) Helettd "Hee. fearful or an "e:t:pk>sh·e situation, ' arrested 3S pickcu today outs\de the strike-plagu~ •lortonvllle Community High School. Busk>ads of teachers from as far ns 175 mJJe-s oway continued to pour ln10 town as 11 atrlke by the J~orton\1lle F.AucaUon Association moved into its fifth wcelt . ''f hold no grudges. I don't think 1t"~ nectssary. And then. it's !iring. an d I don't think that, in the long run. it h!.'lps in life." 1'.fiss Callas said in the taped inter\•ic·"'· aired this morn ing that she \"irtually ga\·c up her career during her affa ir v•ith the. Greek shipping magnate because ''I 1hough1 that "'·hen I met a man I lo\'cd that 1 didn 't need to sing ... The most iqiportant thing in a \\'Oman is to ha\'e a n1an of her O'A'n. to make him happy."' Rut she couldn 't give up !lingin 1t enti rely. she sairl, even though "naturally. any man v.·ho is in love v.·ith you, 1hc ~·ar he was .... 1'1n sure he \.,,as, did nol "·ant me to sing." ~l iss Callas added that, having IJC('n married and di\·orced. she was "\·ery frightened of getting married a second time. I don "t thin k I ever ~·ill.'' As for losing Onassis to another v.·oman, she said she could "take th:it in siride ... There are no chains for lO\'e ... She and Ona ssis are still "rery good friends." she said. As for having bad feelings Lov.·ard the present 1'.lrs. Onassis, ~1iss Callas replied : "Not at all. not at all. \Vhy should I? Of rourse, if she 1reats i\tr. Onassis very b<!dly 1 I 1night be \·ery angry .. :· I Hon1ose xual Bias Tar get of Bill PHILAOELPlllA ft,;PI 1 J-Thret City Coun<:il members ~iJJ introdiJce an equal rU.:hts bill Thursday designed to eluninatc discrimination a gains I ho~xU;als in housing. emplo)1nent and public accommodation.~. The bill. to be introduced b y councilmen Wllllam Boyle, Charles Durh.1m and ~ostph Zazycmy. .,.,·oold amend the city's fair prac1ices ~I to ban discrimination on the basis of "sexual orientation." The Philadelphia lluman Relations Commission hns no lt:gal grounds at present to proccu bias complainta from homosexuals. Stln Francisco and Detroit have Approved similar ordinanet!I and anothtr 11 being debated In New York Cily. hiiPPY lt"s :i \er~ p\l'Jsant v.·J.y to spend E:i~l<'T .• lit.• s.:ud if it h11cln't hfi'll lhat Cal'Sar ''look O\"l'r n1v bod\' and n1<1de n1e ii God." he \\"ouid .be ·a W.yc. -0Jd lloll y- v.-ood tnan He :;aid he ("()ns1dcred hints('lf ver.• rC'liglous. · ··vou dori"t h:i\"e to 1:0 to church to be N'ligious."' ht' said. ··Hrhgion JS inside nte ... • Police who sat on th\' bc-ach d1~S(:ribf.d the peaCt"ful. ThC'y y.aid thry fringr nf the "l-0\1'·in"' as h;.id nta<le no arrt><:L<;.. . "\\'e v.ere tnld 1f "c saw :"I minor infraction and if ii looked likr it v.·as goui~ to :-tart a lot of trouble b~· a,m.~t Lilg som('()llC, then \\·e shouldn't arrP::ol the n1." said an offtc.'(!r. Grotl(l ~1al(es lrvi11e St11d y Of Ho11si11g OranJ?c County ~·ill ~prnd s:ns.000 to i1nprove tr:iffic no"· around thr busy S:111 l>irf.{o Fre\•way intcr1·h:inge at El Toro Hoad in thr S.1ddlcback \'a!lry. The &;1rd nf Supcr\'isors approved the proj«t rCC'C'ntly aflt'r rccri\'int: a S2t000 C"Ontribution fro1n Leisure \\'or!d's Golden !lain Found ali011. The counl~ ·s sha re. or the prnj{'('t. \\"hit'h will include inst01 ll:ition of nr•1\· s1J.(n;1ls and a "1denin:; prn JCet rin El Toro Hoad , '\ill !JI' ~30 .000. Tin.· ht1lanec \\"ill coine out of !>late high\\ilY eoffl'rS. Incl uded 111 !ht• proJc<"I ;jrt• s1gn;1l i1npro vcmcnts at the 1n1cr~l'ct1ons or El Toro Hoad and Bridi.:rr Hnad. A\ \"Uida de la Carlota and Calle Sonora. A ncv.• traffic ligh t ""ill be installed :H the in lcrst•l1ioo of PilSC'O de \';1leneia and Avt'n ida de !a Carlot;i . The county v.·ill also widen the onran1p IQ the northbound San f)iego ~·reeway to allo"' for dual right !urn lanes fro1n El Toro !load. The County Hoa d Departm1•nt \\ 111 O\"l'rsce ;1n O\'erhaul of street ligh!s in lht• area and ""Ill ins!all fi\'c Ill'"' poles and underJ?round v.·1ring. Some of the sign:il mod1ficat inns include addition of left·tum s1.i:nals 10 in1pro\·e traffic no11.' and phas ing of the sih'llals to ,.,.ork together. l.eft·tum si gnals "'ill bo' 3dd('(! :i! l'asco de \'alcncia and A\·enida di! ta [;1 rlota. and :it thr El Toro Ho:i<I Intersections \1ilh Brid ger and Avcnitl.1 c.Je la Ca rlota. Cli ee toh Beco111es ,4.notl1 er Fra sier .4t Texa s Safari <.iRASD PRAIRtr~. Tt'x . !AP1 -1\ cheetah nJmt'd Popeye. ostracized by h1.s pt"ers nu>S t of his life. suddenly h;i s ix.come the lover bov of Lion C-0untr•: Safa ri. a jj<ime p<irk here · A spokrsmau for the park said !hat Popeye has jus t become trr f<ither nf ;1nothcr hirer. the second v.1th1n :1 rnonlh Lach litter h;,d ~tx cuh<i. And. said tht' spokesma n. there is :1 del·p suspicion that another fcmalt~ w1!1 bear his cubs short ly. The spokesma n said no one can il.'ll "'hy Popr.ye suddeflly has IJe<.·om,. ~\,1. morous. TI1c game Y.ardcns 1rho :itTrnrlPr! hiin in Africa said other chertah s 11ould not accept h1n1 there. and durin~ his ·i•, years here it "·as no better until ju~t ff'· crntly. Thl' park has i;ix other rnale cht'<'lah.<:. • s OAIL V PllOT 3 D••IJ' l"li.T Sllll ........ I '. DOZENS OF TE NTS P ROVE POPULARITY OF N EW CAMPGROUND At San Onofre, Volunteeri Toiled Three Weeks To M.ke It S1ua<!es Filled S ctn Onofre Park Sets N eiv Record for Week lly .1011" \'Al.TEllZA Ot 11•• 01•1' ~, .. , S11H Ran~rrs ;ind uther p:1rJ.. \>t'rsonnel are totahnJ,! the fl~ures tc1d:n for the bus1l'st 1rc·1·k in tht· lll~l(ir} of Snn Onofrl' Sll!tc Park ;inrl thry ;.irt· he.'ln1ing nhout a nl'v.' add111on rhri~tt·ncd dur ing the t:aster holida.v '"\\"c•rc nahbi.-ri;;asted .it the numht>r of \·isitC1rs \\l' h:-id !hroul!h the \l"Cek beforf' E.istrr and tht· ne"' wa lk·in ('ampgri>uncl wr Ol>f'ned at the s1art of the period is 1ust fant<is lir."' said chief Hange r H icha rd Trov. The park ·s· hundnxls of camping spaces \\'ere nt'arly all fil led during the week :ind \1·erc bookt'tl solid during the y,·rckend. But .... hnt m;ikes the parks personnel most Jubil ant is the rt.'Cl'plion recei\"e<I for ;i new 44·sp:1cc "'a!k·in camping arC"a ill the rdge of the beach nrar the nuclear i:;enerating s!ation . Tro\' rallied dozens of other park "- dis1r1(:t rmployrs lour v.·ccks ago and the group "·orkcd for three v.·ceks straight instal!inl-! :1 riu;1rtcr·mi!e trail leading fronl the top oi the bluffs to lhc lLJrgc terrace a fc v.·-dozcn feet ru1a y from the beach. \\'eek made a point of s.1mp!ing opinions on the n<'"' recreational offl'ring . "The only con1plaint.s v.·e"i'e goll<'n arc nboot the lack of fi re~·ood , and lh:it ls a definite problem . Sevrral prople al ready <ire tryinR 10 clear the i::rov.·th areas around the campsites, and v.·c ha\·e had to discourage that." he said. "But the rest of the reaction hu been one of gratitude and excitc1nent about the whole project. For some reason then~ is a group ft>cl ing among all the can1pers in that sm:ill area and they seem lo police tht'msel\'es. It's far quie-ter aJ)d cleaner than the 300 sites up above," he added . The rntire parks fi}'Stem w a :. •·absolutely clogged" with visi tor!! during the entire period . said spokesmen for the parks district In all , about 700 sites v.·ere available for \•isitors to the three South Coast area parks -Doheny. San Clemente and San Ooofrc. Mass a ge Parlor Suin g P olice ··1t \1'as thrcr "'eeks of ha rd . hot Y.ork . hut 1t",; obviOtL<>ly v.·orth 1t.'' said the ht'ad Pl·llLADELPllIA flJPJ) -A massage ranger. parlor here h.a.<; filed suit to halt police Thf' trail leads visitors a lo n i:: from making arrests tmder an ordinance s" 1trhh.1rks stw:ired hy hf'avy limb<'~ and wl"uch prohibits it.s emp!oyes from ;1)ong gorg"-" lined by den.!>C trees and admi niste ring to persons of t~ opix>Site shn1 bs. Hunning v.·atrr and Oushtng toilrts sex. y,·f'rt· installed at lhc hase. But ot hrr 1h:in U.S. District Court .Jud ge Donald Van th:it. 1hr camprrs fended for themsel\"C~. Ar1sd1.ilen srl a he<1r1ng for 1\1rsday afler Trnv said he :t nd other rangers making rC•\'ie1;11ing the t"Qmplaint ag:iinst 1'.layor roul1ne check!! of the space.<; through the Frank L. H1zzo and police offilials. ~-===::.=:;.:===..:--=-=:=;,; • • ., . ....., 1 "• I • FROM FRANCE WITH LOVE Esoec1anv made fot- l he Red Balloon, Lid. ll"le Frel"ICh b1k1n1 and covcrup are """°rn tr/ Wendy and Cata M•ller. A Tasteful as~rtment of knits and sw1rrrwP.ar lrOn'I France •S now available ,,, our Sp,1ng collechon. Wendy 9. and Cara ti, are stude nt s al Harbor Dav School fnd the children ol Mr, and ~rs. Brad Miiier. Lu'lda ls!e'. • Q THE RED BALLOON LTD '...,~ t-Sl.NIO ~""""' ......... TQ!Wol t CX'IVN'Tlln' "'-. 111'1 ~ ~tOHKAP~ f114) .... IMI • .. • 4 DAIL V PILOT ., .. , . Floods Rampage 'fhrough Mississippi '·'~'. wlda ~ .. To• ' I •• . IUD !D'P,. e 1\ .. This and That On the Coast BWE MONDAYS DEPT. -So the Easter bunny his come and gone. I don't know what he did around your place . but my kids got gifted with enough cavity- prone goodies to set ba ck the American Dental A!..!oclaUon 20 years. \'ours too, huh? Here a\oug the Orange Coast, y.·e seemed to escape the spring \'&cation madness with reasonable comfor.t. Lot.! of day vlsl\or1, lots of traffic but few ICl!teChlng tires into the night as of yesteryear. Oh, there were a few notes In the news or maybe not quite In the news at the aprlng season got into full swing, Like lhete: JN LAGUNA BEACH, n ig ht sp ot rounders spotted California Senator Johrt V. TUnney , the Democrat f r o m Rlver1kle, in casual dreu 11 he eased around the Refried Bean dance noor with a Sweet Young Thing. WeJI , at least they sy.·ore it v•as Senator John. .. Meanwhile In Ncv.'J)Ort Beach. it was more like Easttr Weeks past for \'ol uble waterfront savant and bo.ityord 01111er Arsene "Blackie" Gadarian. r..ll scrcants of the night did in his ramt'd tugboat. the Official Broke out a \\'indow and niessed, her up. Took his boatyard bicycle and tossed it in the drink . Gadarian Is currently w a r n i n g Nc\1-port keeptra-of-the-peace th a t he may return lo the Law of the Old \\lest. A TIP OF THE HAT to Connie K. foe.._ spotting this one down Mission Viejo way. Offering for Easler \\leek at the Edwards Mission Cinema on t h e marquee sign 11'as. · ' L i c e in Wonderland." Some aim putter-upper lost his A on that one. Meanwhile do\\'n in Son Clemente. folks of the Spanish Vlllage surely \\'Ill be relieved to team that President Ni1on's pad was aueued properly. So ruled Superior Judge ~1ark Soden. despite the beat efforts of Santa Ana First District Supervisor · Bobby Battin. Now maybe that one 's laid to rest. ELSEWHERE DURING the spring recess, Auembly1nan John V. Br iggs, the Republican from Fu 11 er ton • announced a plan for a statewide study to stop horse thieves. Yoo dkln 't figure horse thieves were a problem any more. did you? Well, Briggs says they are. Besides. people don't take the precautions with thelr hones like they used to In the old day! by havlng !hem branded. Al!IO, ll isn 't considered proper to shoot or hang horse thieves anymore. Don't tell tha t, hov«ever, lo dte aforemffitioned Blackie Gadarian if h~ catches the lltllc snips "'ho busted up his tu1<:boat. Anyvoay, Assembl)'ffi&n Briggs figure s a statewide licensin2 program ma}' be the ansv.·crs to n1aking nag! s.ife fron1 hone thieves of the 1970!!. NOW AU. HE ha! to do is figure out where lo hang the license plate on the horse. Meanwhlle in our region. it was announced that "'(' havr an All Americ11 City In our midst-the only one selected in all of California. It is Ul liubra . I just don't know what to say. Finally, to round out rour da v. hfrr was a four-column hAnnrr type headline from one of our Ort1ngc County nev.·spapers: "We May Not Be Alon e ln the Uni\'erse." Just 90mething for you to1hink about on a Blue Monday. Ul'IT""""9 Easter Message Pope Paul VI blesses cro\vd of tourists and faithful as he prepares to read his Easter message to the \1•orld tron11nain balcony of St. Peter's Basilica. He Jashc:d ou t ut ·talse gospel' 0£ Hedonistn. 500/o of Cri111e Unreported \\'ASHli\CTO~ !AP~ -As rn<Hl,\' as hal f .. of the criincs in lhc n.11ion'!i ft\'C biggrst cities arc not being reported . accord in~ to a nC\\' j'.lO\'crnn1C'nl sur\'t!~·. And i)onald E. Sa n t a r :i I I i . administrator o( the ~w Enforccn1cnt Assistance Administration ILEAA I. says the disclosure carries "<1 strong nll'Ssage of public <iJ>athy toward ... crirninal justice institutions OOrdering o n cornempt." Accord ing to the SW'l'C~'. relt•asrd Sunday. !he crime rate is five limes as high as police reconls shov.· i n Philadelphia. nearly three times as high in Chicago. l>etroit and Los Angeles, and a lit!le more than t\\·ice as high in NC\\' York. was :i 1~rsonnl rnattcr. 1l ll':l'i too 1ncoo\'t>n 1cnt er thcv 11'cre afraid nr reprisal. , The figures \\·ert• :1[)()111 01e !itunc for those 11·ho did not rrport hou~ehold IJurgJnricil or larcenit'S. ~·or all five eit ie~. th e report s.ud. 1hcre was ;i total of J.l mi llion crime.~ con1mitled in 1972, Hy comparison FBI s 1 a l is t i c s , cornpiled fron1 local police agencies. list.cd I.I 1nill1on crimes in th{' cit1e!I. According I() 1hc ~tud.\'. 63 of e1·cr~· 1.000 Detroit residents ~·re l1kelv lo I><: vlrtims of serious crime. · rr S.\10 THE rates "·ere 63 per 1.000 for Philadelph ia, 56 JK'r 1.000 for Chiea~11. 5.1 per 1,000 for Los Angeles and 36 per 1.000 for Ne.,,,· York. _Attacks Legal Los Angeles Police Chief Ed Davis !JI'! he disputes the SW'l'ey. "Historicall y, this city has had a good reporting system," O...\'is said in a statement Sunday . "Crimes In the cotegory of viol('T1t frlonie:!I such as murder, robbery. L>uslne!\..<1 and residential burglary, are rt•po11cd "'ithout failure." Davis said. "111is is true because the citizens of 1.os AngL•ll"I ha l'e l'nough confidence In cur rt'J,ori lny: sy~lt'n1 that !hey do a pretty .eood, JOb of report ing all crimes,'' ht• ~aid. , The chief said !hat Los Angeles police nt·1·r r tni.~s a ~r?k·n car. for exan1plc. '':\ft pc.·i~n i~ ;loin;::: lo kno1ringly lcl '-1.llnelyid~· l'!"{' drt\'I' around 111 a slolton t :•r 1f it's registered to the \'ittim." IJa 115 Sllid. "THE CRJ~1~; SURVl-.:Y re s u It s demonstrate ~hat in an .1stoonding number of inst.inres Americans simply do not think it is 1vorth\.\0hile to report In public authorities that they ha\'c been the vidlm of criminal acts." said Santarelli. The survey \1·as conducted by the LEAA and the Ccru:us Bureau as part of a SIO million-J·ycar project to mC'asurc crime. An earlier st\Xly indiC.lllt'd that crin1c is t~·icc ;is high ns reported in Atlanta , &ltimore. Cle1·elnnd, Dallas. Ne.,,,·ark , St. Louis1 Orn\'er ::ind Portland . Ore. Suprer11e Court Backs Bombing of Cambodia Tht latest study invoh·cd the questioning of persons In about 2.).000 households and 10.000 businCMes in the fh•e cities during l9i:l. Those questioned \\'ere asked whether they hud been raped . robbed . burglarized or as.saul!cd dur ini.t 1972 and if so, \1·hether they had reported the crin1e to pol ice. 01' "{llOSE \\'110 did not rl'port crirne \\1ASH1NGTON' -The Supre111e Cou11 let stand !oclay a lO\\'l'r rourt ruling th;ll J>resident Nixon 's decision to (lrdcr bonibing of Cambodia in the spring :ind sum1ner of 1973 \\'JS legal. The court. m a brief order. rl'fused tn rc\'ic1\' lhe ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in j\;r\V York. The 2nd Circuit had o\'erturnecl a decision lnsl on their person 34 percent said It w a ~ Jutv by U.S. l>istrict Judge Orrin c:. because of lack of prwf or thry .f,~lt Judd th<1t b 0 m bin R \1as an nothing ~uld be dOIJ:C· Twen1y-c~ght unconstitutional exercise of presidential pcrl'Clll did tV)I considl•r thr cr11n1• /''RQ_\rer. 1mpor1.ant enough to report and othcrs . . . said they did not want to Uc OOthcred, lt ~he or1g1nal suit 11·as brouSthl h~· Hrp. Presi dent tu Speak \\iASHI'.'iGTO:"-J (UPl l -Prcsidc.111 l'\ixon is expected to speak Saturdny in Atll\Jlta at a special session of the Organi1 .. 11Jtrn...Df AmeriC'nn States (QAS 1. diplomati c and , official sources said toda}'. \Vhile In Atlanta . Nixon may address the annual meeting of the American Society of Newspaper fdlt.ors 11·hich also \\'ill be eeting thl're. l h c SOW'Ces said. ~lir.nlx>lh Hol tztnan ([)..N .Y. ). and four Air Foroe officers. e l\'iger Rein• Sei:ted UA~-IAKO. :-Olali -Radio reports heard here today said that military forces l1t1cl taken 01·er the govc rn1nen t in Niger. The reports fro1n Niamey rad io said Lt. Col. Seyni Kountie, chief of staff 01 the Niger anned forces, had takrn pG\\'Cr. Niger has been one of the most stable of the former French colonies in Africn. Since it s acetssion to independence in 1!160, President llamani Diori has been the only rhief of slate. e ,, . .,,,!/ Kiiier• lf1n1ted riJAXll.A -One thousand Philippine roni;1abulary 1 nationa l policeJ trocp('rs sprL·ad out over jungll'd '.\11 . i\'atih. 10 n1ilrs southrast of thc r;.s. Ka\'y Base at Suhic Bnr today. searching for the killers ('-_IN_S_H_O_R_T._ .. _) of !hree American na1•y officers. The three officers -Capt. Thomas J. ~litchcll of Philadelphia. Cmdr. Leland R. T.>oblcr of I.Ang Beach :\liss., and Lt. Charlcs II. Jeffries II. of Virginia Beach . \'a. -.,,,·ere shot and killed from ambush on S..1!urday. e U.S. A id<' lmpro1Je1 CO RDOBA, Argenlin n -Doctors declared l'.S. Information Ser\·ice chief Alfred Laun Ill "out of danger" today n1ore 1h.an i2 hours after ~1ar:a:ist guerrillas shot him in the stomach, kidnaped him and abandoned him. Strong Winds Whip Ohio "He has pulled through the critical 4S. hour period and is nov.• n'COvering. Co1npllcations niay still come up, but "'e believe he \\'iii be all right." a dinic spokesn1an snid. e Sel•••ie ,\'ame• Kho Se vera.I Persons Injured; Trailers Dornogecl - ADDIS ABABA . Elhiopin -Emperor llaile Selassie has named his 22-year"('lld grandson. Prince Zare-Yakob. second in the line of succession lo the Ethiopian thronl'. Th e prince also \\'i'IS desi gnated acting crown prince in the ubsenct of CtOl\ll Prince Asfa Wouen. v.·ho ill recuf)("ratlng in ~wilzcrland after a stroke. The crO\\'n prince ts 57. D41LY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE r,.-,.,v,e•.i. .. eu ,F .. l~.J' ,-..4 "'°""'"'''"'" '''°"'.,oroo "' .. _ _.""~"° Ill'"' ,_. __ v.._ .. ~ .. ~ "'"' .,.1 .. ___ ,Ullll"' Stt .. 1111, • .,,~., .. ,.... ........ , __ __ i..l 1"'1 lllt-Of ll"' ....... (.to!""'•~ ... ~ .. .._,_."°"' c:.it.ri !-~1111 ll)l lJI Te'tc"O"I!· "'°"°"-to.inti"' .. ' ... ~,, ~ HUIWlllOfl .. ttll 11W W~ ...... , ~lfto I • Seven Die, Thousands Evacuated From Homes llATnESBURG. lttl1s. tUPl l Se1·tr.1I thousand persons v.·ere e-.111cuated from !heir homes ln cenlral and touth f.1iulsalppl today as flood \\'a t e r rampaged through the stale after three days of hea\')' rain. At least seven persons v.·ere killed. Gov, Bill Waller activated the NatiOnll Guard to help in the evat'Ultion of residents. ~1any pet'90rllS, their e3Clpe route blocked by the rlll.ng water, were remo'•ed by helicopter. Authc'>rit ies said more than 3,000 pt>rsons v.·ere evacualed in tbt Petal area and portions of nonh lfattlesborg Sunday niglit and early today u the rampalinG Inf Rh'tr pushed to more than IJ feet above flood st.age. mE LEAF ASD BOWIE rl\'trl were expected to cre.!t lOday with the Leaf already having airpassed tbe rtoord hi&b crest reconied dlll'lng nooc11n1 In 1961. nu.. l'OUIM drowned belor< da'Ml Sunday "'hen their car plunged off a r0rad into a flooded cretk north of ~fcComb. They \\"ere ldenllned as Johnnie E. Ro!Uns, 21, Edd.le Wellt, I~, and Dennis Let Bonds. 15. • Authorltlea blamed four dnw.nings Saturday on the flooding, "·hlch began after heavy rain drenched the ccntral and southern portions of tbe st.ate Frida)' and Saturday. The NaUonal Weather Service said rain Ylas continuing In portions of south and southeast ~flsslMlppi durtng t b e wnters. SunleT'OUs roads \1•ere closed to 1 trarfic. AT LAUREL, fl&Sh nooding fro n1 creeks and streams drove dozem ol rebldentJ from their homes. morning. M'ife lJnen•11 A l\IAIN 81REET in the Jo\\·-lylnl!'. norhm section of llattleaburg was reported under 15 feet of water and officials said additional problems \\·ere created by 51l8kes and !ire ants v.·hich \\'ere washed out of S\\'amps and ~·oodlands. National Guard.amen and Red Cross \\'Orkers assisted ch11 defenae and other local officials in the ev11cuation. At least SC\'en person! were reported suffering from exposure and other minor injuries. Thirty miles 11·est. the rising \\'atcrs of lhe Pearl Ri\'er roUtcd some 500 persons from their homes ln the htorgantown and FMv.'Onh ronununlties west of Columbia. The Columbia business distria. v.·as threatened. AuthoriLie,, sa id the rh·er 'nad reached 10 feet above flood stage and some dc'Scribed It as the \\'Orst flood in lhc area since 1909. ,\ large manufacturing plant. a luxury mole! and a radio station v."ere among facilities which u·ere closed by the rtsing Carnation Milk Pulls Back Horns \\'ASHI XGTON {UPI) -The CarnatiOn Co. today adnlitlcd that its J)O"'dcred chocolate n1ilk drink is not the nutritiona l equivalent of regular n1ilk, and agreed to stop ad \·ertising it that v.•ay. The Federal Trade Commission <FTC 1 !laid Carnation has already ch.angcd rhc na1ne of lhe product to "Instant (."hocolale Flavored Drink" instead of "ln.."1.ant Olocolate Flavored. l\onfat llrv :\!ilk," as it "'as called "'hen the FTC originally accused !he fim1 of false advertising . The agency !iald use of the \\'Ord ''milk'' 11·as misleading. L:nder a ronsent order tentath·cly ac~pted by the commission, the finn. headquartered in Los Angeles, agreed to sloi> ad\·ertlslng lhe product or any slrnil&r Item as ha~ng the same vit amin and n1ineral content as regular milk or reconstituted f\Oll·fal dry milk. \Vife ot nlillionaire fugitive Robert L. \1e sco is appalled at cost of her Y.'ay of life , accord- ing to People Magazine. "She is hurrying to enjoy all the luxurie5 money can buy ." a friend is quoted. "because she's afraid any minute these things may disappear .. , President Wi1ts 2-rnonth Dela y On l1ico1ne Tuxes KE\' BISCAYNE. Fla, (UPI) - President !'\ixon continued his relaxed Easter hollday at his Key ~ayne villa today alter winning a two-month. extension for filing his 1973 Income tax relums. ~Lxon was expected to return to \\'ashington later today or Jomorrow and "'83 reported keeping a close eye on the latest fighting on the Syria-Israeli {root. A friendly cro\\'d of about 100 persons gr~ted the presidential party .,,,,hen it en1erged from services at l he Congrega tion.11\ Church, about a n1ilc front the presidential compound. Nixon appeared in good spirit s, posing for pictures and shaking hands \\'ith many of his \\'ell·\\'ishers. He \\'a! handed 11 yurp1e easte r egg h"aring the greeting "Happy Easter" by '.\lartha Hutcheson. 10, :ind a man shouted. •·\re're \\'ilh ,·ou," as lh.-! President departed in hi! 'car. '.'\ixon \Vas acrompanled by his "·ife. P:it. tht'ir daughter Tri cia anti her hus band. E<™·ard F. Cox. and tilt' President's close friend , C. G. "Bebe'' B.ebozo. The Pri;:sident was relie,·OO of one iinmediate problem by the Internal Re\'enue Service thi s v.·eekend \1hcn it granted him a 00-day eX'lension in filing his 1973 incon1e lax returns. lf' ... .. ~ • ' Experts Baffled Metnl Ball Behaves Odlll)· a JACKSONV ILLE, Fla. (UPI J -A weird metal sphere about the size of a bo\\·ling ball that rolls around a table by itself y,•ilhout .. ~ falling oil and makes dogs \\•hl!nper has puzzled Navy experts. ~lrs. Jerri Betz, '''hos e husband and son found the shiny $pound ball in so1ne grass last y,·eek. said she plans to air freight it to North-~ ,,·estern University for examination by one of the nation's leading experts on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), Astronomer J . Allen Hynek . MRS. BETZ SAID that y,•hcn the sphere \\'as placed on a table, it rolled to U1e edge of it~ o\•.in po\ver, and then roUed around the 1 !our sides in n s er i cs of increasingly smaller rectangles until it stopped U1 the center of tlte table, on lhe spot from which it hod be~ l'i ~ID~I · : 1\ U.S. Navy exe1nlnation of the sphere sho\ved It was made o! high gr ade steel, and x-rays indicated there ere three or four small- er spheres in.side . The Navy Said it could not determine what makes lhe ball behave ~s lt does \t'llhout cutting Into It, but ~lrs. Betz v.•ant s r. other sclentisLc; to e~amine it in1,qct . 1 When the family dog, a !Dy POOdle .. was ploced near the SEh•re, ,' '.\t rs, l}e\2 siUd, "She began to v.·hlmper Md cover her ears y,•1th her J pay,•s. something I've never seen her do before. It u•as a similar re- action to what dogs do when t.hcy hear a high pitched dog whistle. -. "IF YOU PICK it up , hold ii over your head and shake It vtgor-~­ ously, and then put it doy,rn, tl has o inotion inside. It almost fet!ls liKe it 's trying to get av.•ay from you. It actua!Jy reels like a huge trlexican jumplng bean," ~·1rs . Uel7. said. ~lrs. Betz sa(d she. her husband, marine engineer Antoine Betz. and lhelr son. Terry, 21 .• a premed student at i-~torida Junior Col- lego, round Ille sphere lyrng in the grass wilile they walked on tho family 's lj).acre tract on Fort George Island. 15 miles north ol Jack- sonville. · ~ · There was no lndJcalion the sphere had caused any damage lo the surroundlng grass or underbrush, and no indication Ute :ihlny metal sphere had fallen from a height. • I I " I l· .No Clues -In Search For Girl NEWHALL (UPJl -'!be search for a 21.year-old art student has been tumtid ovtt to the sheriff's M'111·1n1 Persons Burtau after a ma1Sive weekend s e a r c h. Jailed to tum up any clues tn the two· week : old disappear- anc<. S>erifts deputies said no new searches will be launched until new infonnation Is ( State J rooved concerning the poosible whcr<abouts 0 r Constance l\1arsh. Nearly 135 searchers, .90flle ori horseback, and tw o sheriff's helia>{Jten combed a 25-squart mile area ol Pico Canyon. about 40 miles north of downtown Los Angeles. Deputies sa.id tlw!y also used a delicate heat eenslng device that can deted differen<:M in ground temperatures, ln<licating a shaJlow ·grave or freshly dug area. e 2 Tota Dro1.,,. SAN BERNARDINO iAPl - Two children drowned Sunday after the parked car in which they were sitting rolled down a slight ~'flgrade into Lost Lake, about 12 miles north of h~e. authorities said. Tanya Brooks, 2, and her sister Lenore. I, w ere pronomced dead on arrival at San Bernardino Community tlospital, auth>rities said. . . . . • Jtlarked Man SLA Soldiers Branded 'Punks' SA~ F'RANCfSCO IUPI\ - A man the Symblonese Uberation Army has vowed to "shoot on sight" senl an Easter mt98ge to t h e terrorist group S u n d a y labeling SLA "IOldlm" as p!N>. Qibton Westbrook, a 3$- year-0ld urban a ( f a I r s imtructor at the Universlty of California, said in a recorded .....age to SLA "Field Marshal " Cinque that 10 day. had passed since a "death warrant" was put out for him by the temri!t sect. "Are your SLA punks afraid of dying, and v.ily do you send kids to do your V.'Otk?" he asked in a message recorded on h.is home telephone. "Are you a man or a boy? "11le tide is turning." daughter \•olimlarilr joined the SI.A until .she tells tpem ~ in person. 'nlREE PERSONS !he SLA CALIFORNIA named In "death warrants" .._ ________ _, April 3. Westbrook. RobyTI Steintr. and Oiris 'Thompson. have sill('e gone into hiding and have only emerged to make statements disclaiming S LA charges that they were informers to the FBI. \\'esttrook fle\ll' cast after the dfatb threat but told United Press lntematiooal in a tele~ interview Sunday Rat Pack 01e,vs Up Evidence that he returned to Cali£Gm ia \VEST COVII\A (UP I) to enjoy East« and do tu. '"Those dirty "" stole my income tazes. evidence," might ha,·e been "Today Is Easte.-and r'm the way Deputy Police Chief trying to enjoy Easter. rd like to e!ljoy Ea!ter before 1 die," fraiG t.-Jeacham reacted Y•hen he said. almost two pounds of The SLA last year put out A marijuana vanished from a similar "death warrant'• pcilice locker. agains t Oat land's The 22 bags of wel'd would Superintendent of pub 11 c have been a key element in a Schools, Marcus Foster . current drug case, but WESl'BROOK 'il'as one of Foster was assassinat.00 Meacham had to confess to h!I r'l l OT .'i' Black Gunnian W oiinds 2 Youths in Rarido111 A ttack SA~ F'RA\'CISCO fl1Pll - A black gunman shot nnd rr1ticn!ly "' o u n de d '"'0 hitt'hhildn~ while youUts Ill random Sunda\· night in ""hat pollre said was an ot hf' r "zebra-like" attn<'k on the strem of San F'ranC'i~ro. Deteclh'<"S in the S a n Fr:\ociSC'O area havr usf'd the !h3l a ".:! c<1hb..·r p1 .. 'vl 11 :i .. u!"rd 1h1· !'\.1llk' ~f~r wr:1~n that W':l.~ ftr('d Ill p:-r\ i"!I<; S.1 Fr:inri~ stwoo11ngo; Some 20 m1null'S artrr \\'lute lind Anderson 1r,ere "·ounded , another ~·hlte youth rcport<!d a black hnd firf'rl a shotgun nt hlm in thr south of ~larker Slr<"Ct a rt•u but h.:id 1n.issed, code •·Operarion 7..ehra" in llo.,..·rver. Police <' ~ p ! ?.fortimer Afclnt>rney said he investigating u n !l r 0 '' o k" d didn'I beUeve there .,...as ru1v attacks by blacks against connection between 1he nuack whiles. on Ailchat>I Gn..>cn, 19, and the So far . there have bet>fl II othc'r two sbootings. fatal "zebra " !ihor.ting( in rhe 11le man .,...ho .,..·ounrll'd area. hve or them in the ci1y Ander900 and \\'hllc .,.:as itse lf . de9CribN1 as bt'in~ fh·r fr<'i The lales1 \iclims "'tr<' nine inches tall. stocky :ind \Vard Andl?rSOO. 18 and Trrr1· wearing a while shirt ;iM \\'hite. 15, ho!h of s a n black tl'()U.S("rs. Francisco. Gret"n said th<' 1n:in 11 h11 Both 11·erf' ~ho· .it H,1\'f"I and fired on him ~·a.:s six fN!t 1:11!. F'illmor(' S!rrl"t.~ in a weighed 190 pounds. anrl h:1d n predominantlv N~ rlistriM scar on his face an,J \\''H•' .1 as they stood in a bn~ 1nn<' ---- arn1 1'\tt('1nptM to thumb rirlt !'. RABB In WTTNF~">~E~ tnld p (} 1 i r r th('ir as!lni!;int \\'a~ n 1iii:h1- romnll":tinn,.,d hlnck mnn \\'hn wnl krd north\\·;1rd on Filhnnr,., Ja l'kf't w·1th 11 d t! $ i g n "r1~~mhhn~ a sn:i kr ·· ~1a n Killed Jn Do~fight S \\'T \ P ·\lU.:\ il 'f'J 1 -A 1 ~1!1,11'" !11plan" rr:1-./11'll durinJ.! .1 n1 ru·I: a(':-i;ll doi.;fii:ht \.\1th h i ll ·~l 11·r old pl,1r1t·"I :1nrl tlw• 1•ilnt .1 1 ~1n(·:i-.11•r n1.111 , \.\'.1s l.1!l.~l 1n •h,.. 11r1L"k \111hr11 tu·~ ,(;di! t/11• p11QL \\'i!l1.i111 \! !'nr!t•r Jr 51. lo."t .11' •11<!<' d•111 n:• !h•' ,u•ruh;iliC'S :end 11 l 1, .. 1.i .. '" poll hts \\\,r'd \\"ir I l•",l pl,inl' out of :t '.,.,, [I 11 ·.' (•;. ' . ~· 'd '" tl , .... r'•!fl"•'fl into :• \, ll 1t"' ·,1 rlrt•lrl ilnrl 1 , r~rf"•'\\';1 v t1111I 11! '·:11~h hr1• THE EARL'S Pluln~'""· Heallnt •I• Cond, three persons marked for shortly afterward by gmmen the ju~e that a pack of rat.s death by the SLA in a firing cyafikie.laced bullets. infiltrated the wooden communique released 1 h e "Sure I'm scared . ' ' evidence locker and nibbled ann. \IJestbrook said Sunday. "But aw ay at the dope. Both 1n•d,.rw1'nt rm,.,rcrnr~· DEMOCRATS!_ HAVE RJH .... io Oniogo c-, ~"' ~It! ll•H ,,.,. same day that kid n a Pe d I'm not afraid of dying. I'm Not only that. ?.fcacham ~uri::rr\' ;11 \fr~~i nn F.m('rl!'rnr,· New Record heiress Patricia 11 ear s t hoping to get some TV station said Sunday, but the rat pack tln-;p1t<1!. \1·hrr" thrir roo<ii!ion ~·lod.el walks run'vay at announct'd she had joined the "·here I can get some lime on ,1?na .... ·ecl. ttx>ir way through v.•as df'SC'ri bM n<: nilif'al. Mutlog p~ fq•k•ol·-~· '""' --a..1 NEWPORT DEMOCRATIC CLUB PARK NEWPORT SPA wxler-""' group. the air m~·self to ('Xll\ain the other rvidence -f'A·o can~ nf l n~fl('rtnr Fr;ink F,1l1on o;;:ii1l1 ~lark 11opkins Hotel in &>V"".... t San Francisco during It's been 70 days since lol iss charges that the SL.A has herr and a tasty labf from a th,., l:it,.,~t a~c;.111lt fi•o;; "!h,., 64441,, r.:;;;~4~1 ,;..~.-7~~·;;~.M. 644-4 167 24-hour marathon lo Hearst, 20, daughter of San r.·-•_•inst,;·:;:m<:;::. "::.:::.:====="":':ll:e:o:f:"":.:"":·======:":":"::·"='·'="=-'"_'""E'~'"~'~':·-· :~';":"~-:=-:=-::=..:=-::=-::=-::=:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_'"'_'-_-_-'_""--"--'-'-"='------: set several Guinness Fra!l<'isro Examiner Editor 11 records, including the Randol!iJ A. Hearst, was \vorld's longest Easter dr~)?ged screaming from her Par ad e of Fashions Berkeley ap:irtment by unite; and longest continuous of the SL.A . The.re has been fashion show. A total only silence from the SL.A of 65 models partici· since she told her parents m e 18 Arrested LANCASTER (UPI) -A small crowd ol young people sMwered sheriff's deputies with rocks and bottles at a local park Easter Sunday aft.er the officers sought to enforce a ban ag~t loud radio music. pated. April 3 that she had decided to ------------"stand and fight" with the Mal<e Yourself A Promise Jn'74 A Eighteen persons, most of them \•acationing juveniles. were arrest.ed during the melee at Jane Reynolds Park. Oiarges included disturbing the peace, failure to disperse and resisting arrest. · e Shoots Sell PALM DESERT (UPI) "Ibe Riverside S h er I f l ' s Department said a rookie o(ficer recently transferred to the Indio police for c e apparently shot tumself to death while cleaning h i s service revolver. Authorities said O f r I c e r ·Steven C. Krave. 23, wh> ·recently was transferred from the WhitUer police force was cleaning the rtVOlver I~ his living room Saturday when it accidentally discharged. e Inmates Riot RIVERSIDE ( U P f l - Pbliee and sheriff's officers used chemjcal mace to quell what was described as a •miniriot among some 2 0 oounty jail lnmate'S. The inmates, all of whom "·ere serving felony !lefltences, tore up an e!ftimated $5IX) '"'Orth of fixtures alter their visiting hours were cancelOO for the day. The move was taken after the anival of a new prisoner caUSl'd a disturbance in the cell block. Studc11t Signups Scheduled All students who plan to take summer cla55's a t Orange Coast College should make a registration ap- poinlmenl by filling out a residenCe card in the OCC ad- mi!lsion office. These cards ~·ill be available r.tay 1-31. Appolntment.'i will be lssll!d on a first-come, first-served basis. RegiltnUon will be June 10- 12.14 and 17·18 In the ad- mWions oltice. The &-week summer session starts June 17 and end5 Aug. 9. RegistraUon will be held by appointment only on June 10 from 8 a.m. to a p.m. and Jime 11 from a a.m. to 1 p.m. The remainder of the registra- tion period will be open. terrorists, Jazz Band lit Cliurch H~rst and his wlfe, Catherine, flew to a f\lexico re!Qrt last week for a rest folklwing the tension of the kidnap ordeal and the 9etting up of a $2 million free food giveaway to the poor that the SL.A demanded. They sa~ SAN FRANCISCO <UPI ) - There was applause Easter Sunday in Grace Cat hedral atop Nob Hill, but only after the jazz died down and the closing processional they won't believe the i r QYll. WAA •• OU>GUHS . .MANNING'.$. The clapping followed the second Easter Day j a t z evensong service at which trombonist Turk Murphy and ltis jazz band took part. · Cou.ECTORS . SHOP. •.~te. • s.them Clllifonfa•1 ....._d cmcl fROlf uclffng oow sllep dtdlc-lo tho ftont -f je"*f. -.... _cnrfts of tho -::c lodlon, pnMftl for r-plf••• & profit m our first annual SPRING SALE . April 16th· 20th 25°/o OFF Aalheotic I-jewtlry of •l kioch. S.. aotl leam about •• , COLl.ECTORS' ITEMS for sale. lasket1, siCJ•td pottery, Jtwtl_,.,, ....... .... rvgs. OURS EXCLUSIVELY! BISBEE BLUE TURQUOISE J! :Ill Ill -t ,.. ~ ~ -n ~ Ill • ni. 1wquo1 .. with "ZAT". s.pr.-- ...,, ..... -""'" aotl -,_ tw~lse minn. Let •s chMO•strott G1M1 ottpl• fo }'ct" tho CW I ottl aotl .-ty rislog -f ..... Of fitlO hr<poiM OS ... object of be.tr ::C ""' .,. .-ing .,,.,..,.... m OUR SPECIALTY! CUSTOM SILVERSMITHIHG J! :Ill !!! W1TK THE STOME OF YOUl CHOICE !: Iii ... f¥ ASK FOR II.ART lOllHSOH. I• eddltl.., m iJ: •lilt ow loft wfMr'lo MMntf~ lt•dM•• Esty -0 · Aftltrlcan f•rftltur• o•d ot•tr lttRtl ...... !;! · pn-dellng 1150 ilokl sway. Z ""''-------------~"' ' THE SOUTH COAST VILLAGE 3100~-Dri .. Soolo Aoa -714-979-75'5 FREE GAMES, PRIZES ~ n.-... ....... , "' .••• (oat "811 reshape,f irm'n trim with a body thats fit to live in. ,. you don't just get a shape ''you get in shape'' • Oitt Alone C•n't Do II •.. White you shed pounds that c ul down ugly fat. you·ve 901 10 hrmup to eli minate uns1gh1!y flab. The result, a shapely f19ure !rimmed down. with 1ex1ure l19hl as a drum It's all here-dietary and exercise programs desi gned lor your 1nd1vidual need. lnslructors and exercise machines !hat gel maximum resulls in the sho,1es1 possible lime. Plus Sauna, Sleam, Whirlpool. Sun Rooms. and Swimming Pool l o make the complete c hange. Before you know ti . you'll be fir m. slim and !rim. You'll took grea!. leel grea1. Remember you don 1 1ust ge! ;J shape. you get 1n shape. Make yourself a p1om1se -Call Today! .. _ .. ___ ..,.._,_ • -· . ' I I There are SEVEN different programs 10 choose from to suit your individual needs . Beginning as low as •.•• 2 weeks at fhe $1 Q Spa foronly --- H@~id©\~ s,~ ~~~~~Hw~~~BS all today • BUENA PARK 510 s. Be1c• '°"'"""'· Soatll Of U-• ... ..,. 828-0381 ORANGE 122 E1tt K1lell1 AYtnue, Weit ol Tustin A•enu1 639·2441 'COSTA MESA 2300 H1rbot aoul•••td, H1tbor C1nt1r 549·3368 WESTMINSTER 1757 W111m1n1t1r A'f1nu1, W1ttmln111r C1n11r 894-3387 HUNTINGTON BEACH 11515 M1Jn Strfft, M1 in s1. •t Bt1ct1 Blvd. 842-1451 LONG BEACH 4101 Al\1nlic Bou11w1rd, Corner of Ctr1on 426-8874 ENCINO 17031 Ventur• Boult•trd, Wt1I ol Btlbot 986·6330 • , .. • • • " ;> • ; I l ! . • . . • f . • • ' . - • • DMLY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Speed Still Kills 'Vhile some Americans may have doubts about the overall validity of lhe gasoline shortage. there's no way to argue with statistics tbal have recorded 100 fewer highway fatalit ies per month in Californ.la since the 5~mlle·an·hour speed limit went into effect. ' Highway deaths In February alone totaled 205 - a 20-year safety record and a stunning 136 below the death toll In February,' 1973. In Orange County, the California Highway Patrol recorded eight highway fatalitie! in the fi rst lhrce months of this year, compared with 14 in the first quarter of I 973. And for the same period, all injury ac· cidenls declined by nearly 44 percent ;:ind all accidents handled by the CllP declined by nearly 32 percent. Fcder:iJ energy officials have urged the states to retain the 55 mph speed limit as a fuel conservation measure, and it undoubledly does sa ve gasoline. As Gov. Reagan commented, "\Ve can argue about whether we are saving 25 million or only 20 million gallons of gasoline per month with the speed limit - but we know how many people died in automobile ac:· cidents ... A lot of us are walking around who wouldn't be, except for the lower speed limit." Assemblyman Robert Badham (R-Newport Beach) now has introduced a bill that would make the 55·mile speed limit permanent in California , except on certain freeway sections. CHP spokesman acknowledge that hi gh· er speeds are valid on certain wide open roads. like Interstate 5 to San Francisco and some of the desert highways, speeds under 60 mlles a.n hour and 61 percent were at or below t.he 55 mph limit. A CHP expert speculates that actual driving atti· tudes have changed for tbe better since the speed limit drope_ed-Certainly ii is likely that drivers are more relaxf(lt:Wben reLieved of the compu.lslon to Ooor the ac- celeritOr and weave from lane to la.ne '.hat used to be part of the freeway contesL Fuel conservation aside, the state probably would be wise to reflect seriously on llfe conservation before restoring the higher speed limits. EvldenUy there's still a good deal of validity In the old highway safety slogan, 'Speed !Olis!" Crisis CyQics On the subject of the energy short.age, a recent pub- Uc opinion survey made in Los Angeles and Orange Counties unveiled a high degree of cynicism. Of those interviewed, more than 70 percent said Ibey believed there 'really is an energy shortage - but only 19 percent thought the shortage was genuine. ~1ore than half expressed the suspicion that "someone In business or government is making it seem worse than it reaUy is.'' About a fourth of those qti:estioned said they didn't believe there was an energy shortage at all. About a third said they wouldn't mind paying more tor fuel if lhat would insure an adequate supply, and a similar number indicated they'd accept a little more smog or poUution if necessary to get enough energy. Almost half, however, said they'd rather go short of energy than cause any real harm to the environment -including the cynics who maintain they don't believe the crisis is authentic. I Although the speed limit at first seemed irksome to California drivers, the indications are that most are confonning more or less willingl y. A recent six-hour radar check of 3,000 vehicles on two busy Orange County freeways showed that 87 percent were traveling at 'liOW ~ARf WU M~HT A MAN ,,.,.,, ·~ N'ofRICAN fl.M ON HIS LAPEL~f Radical Lawyers' Role • Ill (Third of thTee columns on revolu· iona:ry forus ond our state prisons) A sm.i1 band of radical attorneys, dedicated to revolutionary goals, has had an Important role in lhe increasing violence and terror !hat splashes our prisons and spills into our streets. And, becalt.'t they have re.fused or failed lo curb or clean out those ultra· liberal lawyers-who are officers of the Court and members of the Bar-the State Supr<me Court and the Clllfomia Bar ASIOCialion m u s t share the blame. Amor\& t1*e at· tomeys molt acthre in incidents involv· ing radical inmates and prison violence were at least 15 members of the NR· tioruil Lawyers Guild. 'l'he NLG and lhe Prison Lawyers Association, its ve'hicle for penetrating the penal system, are weH.tnown to prison officials at Folsom. San Quentin. Chino and So1e4<1d. The Nation.al Lawyers Guild bas been ldentified by the House Committee on Internal Security as the legal front group for the Communist Party USA. A former president of Us S.f'. Bay Area Chapter iS Marvin Stender, husband of Berkeley attorney fa)' Stender. Mrs. Stender is genenlly credited \\'ith securing Black Panther Huey Newton's release from prison. Her name appears fr~uently ~nd prnminenUy in records covenng radical prisoa activities: at many California tri!lons. Several of her associates and 1,legal a.!l!istants" have also been im· plicated in questionable contacts wilh in· mates. PRISON AUTHORITI ES are convinced that attorney Stephen Bingham smuggled a gun &o San Quentin convict George Jacksotl on Aug. 21. 1971. Hours later. Jack.son and four others were killed in an l'ISC3pe attempt. Bingham is \\'anted on five OJWlt8 of murdl!r and a federal "'ar· nnt for unlawful flight to avoid pros- ecution. On Aug. 21. 1971 , Blnghan\ v.·as aaodated with Fay Stender . OM ot the first to dig into the li nk between radical lawyers and prison in- mates waa Lev.i.!1 K. Uhier, Conner dircc· tor of the state Office of Economic Op- ponunUy. ln late 1970. Uhler refused to appro\'C rmewal ot a rederal grant to CaliJornifl RlD'al ~gal Assistance (CH.LA). In fl 1.83-page report, Uhler and hi! starr strongly cril\clud "CRLA 's Activities and Involvement in C alifornia 's PrbKr'ls. '' The left-wing wtnt to great lengths to discred it Uhlcr's report but namtS of attorneys be lbttd cropped up In mib.'Jequcnt documents concerning prison violcnct. IN 'l"lfE state Department of Cor· rectioM. Olmtor's Rules D246f nnd Dl4(MI deot with the lnspoction and ttnlOring of mall lo and from Inmates. Prisons ( RUS WALTON ) Prior to 1972. ma il from an inmate to a me mber ot the Court or r11c State Bar y.•as opt:'ned 10 check for contraband and to ascertain that the te ller y.·a.o; actually to or from the designated offi cial. Con· traband. by prison definilioo . include:io "any writings or voice recordin gs ex- pressing innammatory politica l. racial. religious or other views" or any writings evidencing an intent to engage in or m- courage violent conduct or any 'ilTitings constituting escape pl ans. In 1971, two Inmates (Robert Jordan, Jr. at the state prison in San l.uis Obis po and Eugene Grady, an Inmate at San Quentin / challen ged those rules. They complained to the court that opening lhcir letters to attorn eys \.iolutcd thclr constitutional rights. ARGUING the case before thr Sh1te Supreme Coort, the Attorney General's office contended that checking such mail was e~tial to prison security and the safety of staff and inmates. The AG cited a long list of cases wherein such rorrespondcnce had been used illegally to contacl other inmates or ex-felons on the outside and to incite riots or strikes and promote revolution. Prison officials knew that not all let· ters from attorneys to inmates, or vice Vf>rsa. "''ere of lega l nature. A letter to inmate Otis Tugy,·elJ from the S.F. Neighborhood Legal Assistance Foun- dation y.·as marked "The Attorney-Client privileges are hereby asserted." The letter was not to be opened. It started out : .. I don 't think that 'A'e are going lo have any problem in arriving at the <.'On· clusion that rc\'Olution is a necessary phenomenon in the United States." It went on to discUss "mobilization and organization" for revolution. ON ANOTHER occasion. a lctlcr from an Uunate 10 his attorney suggested lhat the next tl me the inmate's small son visited San Quentin he should have a toy gun in his jacket. If the guards did not search the boy. that might be the wny to smuggle a renl gun on the next visit. Coodudro 1he AG: "While the number of attorneys v.·ho might participate in an escape plan, or smuggle contraband material .•. might be small , the poten· tial for violen ce and death is so high that unui.'Uall y stringent security is called fot." On Sept. 15. 1972. the State Supreme Court UMnimous\y held for the inmates. Sh)('t then, attomcy~llent mail has gone in and out of prison unopened. And . revolutionary activi ties and violence and death in the prisons h.1s lk--en on the rise. Ye!, neither Utt: Court nor tilt Qllifomia Bar Association seems inclined to put the cla1nps on that s1nall band of radical ~tt~ys that Is aiding and .abettlng violence and revolution. .. -- , • ...... -~-:- Dear Gloo111y Gus If the energy cnSJ.s 1s ovl!r and "they'' want to increase the spetd limit, etc., let's put back the bans on offshorl! drilling and the Alas· kan pipeline y.rhile y,·e're at ii. J. F. G'°'""'I' G'l'I ~h -....... m..I ..,. ........ ..... .. .., --.arll'I' ...t!Kt "" wi.ws .i "" -...-. '"'4 ""' "' _.,. t. O'°""f 0111, O.lly l"ltet. One Secret Of ct Good ~fa,.riage ~YDNEY J.HARIU~ Tbo11ghts al Large: A good marriage is one in \\ilich both parties secretly feel they have slightly the best of lhe bargain. • • • It's odd that lhe people 'Yt'ho pride lhc~ves most on their ' 'good judgrncnt" so often display bad judgment in offering their opinion Y.ileo it h33 oot been solicited. • • • There ought to be a truer name for a man y.·hc> makes his living by other people's wagers than "gambler"; for owners and operators of g a m I n g establi~runents are not gamblers at all, in the sense of risk-taking . • • • Some persons are. so lonely, even for \mper90nal company, . that the suicide rate in Denmark dropped abruptly whe.n 24-hour-a-day radio programming was instituted. • • • As a compulsive early-bird f o r AppoinLments, I gel a certain ironic pleasure out of Lett.ice Philpot&' wry conunent: "The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's thett to appreciate il" • • • \Vhether one is a confirmed urbanite or rabid ruralite. it is a plain fact that no one of nny sensibility can live 12 mooths straight either in the city or in the country: for in the former, t'ne pressure of people groy.'S Intolerable, Mille in the lattt•r the absence ot :stimulation becomes in.qufferable. • • • The city is a wickeder pace than the lo"''ll simply bl!cause the city Is where the tO'A'll .ships IUI mlscrunu when they start to get con.51>1~ _ • • • Every stratum bas lt.t own snobbet')': even in the tralltt c:ourts. t am sure. the family with the largest van b looked upon as gtotry. • • • Parents rarely learn ln Ume tb:lt ir ~ masttt the art of saying "No" gracclully, they don't haVl! to k«p on aaying ''Y~" gnxlgingly. ' . . . Growi"i number ol YOlen listing them&elVH as "independeot" fn the poUllcal poll• seems to indicate !hat Americans may be awakening to the c:hiUing lhougbt tbot each party ls aboolutely right in Its criticisms ol Ille other. • • • People \l.'ho \vant ~mple ansv.'Us to rompltcatcd q~ioM are not setking 110h1tions a.s much as lbcy a.re praytna for pa.nacta.S. ' Should Ford Take Over Pending Decision? ' If Nixon Comes to Trial WASHINGTON -Some unprec<denled possibilities are arising i! the President is impeached a.ad brought lo trial before the Senate. Sen. Jacob K. Javits, foUowing the pro- posal of his conservative New York col- league, Sen. James Buckley, that the Pr~ident resign. bas suggested that the President consider standing aside during impeachment p~ ceedings. llnder the 2 5 t b amendml!nt, Vice Prl"sident Ger- ald R. Ford would becom~ acting Pres- ident until the Prl"si- dent resumed his du- ll!!!. There Is an even more bizarre pos- sibility. The V\ce President and a ma- jority of the principal l!Xecutive officers of the govmiment coUld , by one con- struction of the 25th amendment, take th!! initiative If President Nimn were to be found unable to discharge his duties during impeachment proceedings. TIIIS PROCESS is complicated, and if the President would not acquiesce, would require a two-thirds volt! of both hous'es of Congress. Neither of these processes of presiden- tial succession was adopted with im- peachment in miOO. Both were designed to provide for the orderly exercise of presidential pw-er if a president \\'ere physically unable to perfonn cbe duties of his office. The 2Sth amendmeot was adopted and ratified after the Illnesses of President E~"'w, with the previous illness of President \\'ilsoo in mind and after the vice presidency was left vacant for J. period following the death of President Roosevelt aOO the assassination of Pres!· dent Kennedy. Bt.rr THE amendment says nothing about Jiiysical disability. Its language refers IO a presktent who "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his of· fice." Senator Javits raises the question if that is possible while the impeachment issue h being resolved. Any lllooght that Vice Presid<nl Ford and a majority of the cabinet would act lo remove Nixon from office for inability to serve while under impeachment iS absunl. But the question of lhe President exercising his option to disqualify himself \\'bile Impeachment proceedings are under way is not so faMetcbed. :P.lore importantly, perilaps, the serious discussion of. this option serves to in- dicate the depth ol the disalfectioo which has taken place In the United Sfates Senate where the President 'wli'ould be tried, and could be removed from office by a two-thirds \'Ot.e. THE L\IPUCATIONS raised are that, during televised lmpe.adlment bearings in the Hou.5e and the following public trial in th!! Senate, the nation v.·ould be in such a state of agitation that President Nixon v.ooki be unable to discharge his dllti<s. He could not go to Moscow to negotiatl! with General Secretary Bre7hnev, or if he did his commllments 40lght be repudiated. He could reach no .agreement with Cong~ on such Important issues as the coowmeT protection bill, the land use bill, income nlaintenanCe, urban mass transit. Effective govemment v.·ould come to 2 slop. Actions to be taken by tile President during the impeachment period might later be vacated. THE PARALYSIS v.·ould be so pervad- ing and \\'ould la.'!i!. so long, it can be argued that, solely for the purpose o~ national stability, the President should temporarily tum over !he executive authority to acting ~dent Ford. The comtituUona.l process is relatively simple: "Whenever the President transmits to the president pro tempore ol the Senate and ·the Speaker of 1he Hous!' of Representatives his written dectaro.· lion that he is unable to discharge th e powers and duties or bis office, and unt il be transmits to them a written declara· lion to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the \·ice President as acting President. SBIPl..E, but possibly cat<L!trophic for President Nixon. Relinquishment of the powers of the presidency might be the act which v.·ould pro\ride tile votes to make acting President Ford's tenur~ permanent. No one can make President 1'iixon resign, and no ooe can make him ex· ercise his option Wlder the 25th amend- ment. nor does It seem very likely at the moment. But the discuM'6n ot pos.1.ibilities d this kind further illustrates the decline of Nixoo's defensive position a g a Ins l removal from office. Exercise: A Hazard to Your Health. Tt was the v:iew of one of the~ doc-~ ) tors I ever Dll!t, Logan C1endening, that foor people oot of liv,e are mor< in need CHARLES McCABE ol reSl tban ol exercise. And we must not forget. either, the celebrated d1ctum of the famous New York lawyer of the '90s, Chauncey i\l. Depeti.•: "I get my exercise acting as f'1ilbearers to my ,~ friends who exerci~ ~ eel like mad." ~ Noni! of this is >..; likely to get any-q, where when you are talking .to lhe bleeps nut. that odd and In· creasingly gro1Aing . l!JpeCieS. ExtTcise, the more violent the better. is in. Running about \\ilh a stick ln )"OUr hand ls fashionable. When I argue that more lives have been lost than lengthened by playing tennis altt"I' 40. I a.m looked on as if I had l~ spat on the door of the temple. Vet. as a fact. In the last decade thrtt fairly ctose acquaintancts of mine droi> pcd dead In the middle of 3 tennis game. I think doctors who recommend tmnll,. or anything remotely as strenUOUI, IO persons C>\'tf 40. or ma ybe ev~ 35, ought to be stripped of lheir derorations. If the p.atiMt.s bavt: btt'n playing tet'.11U8 all lhcir llves they might pel'haps be peimil· ted to ('OlltinUt: untU they are· ~. And Quotes Dr. Canttt H1rdlD1 author. UCSB pro!.-. human ecology -"\Jkra. smooth writing bi Uk!! an ultracnooth tnin ride: k put& yoo io t leep. I don't want my publications to be 1mooch in I.bat way: how can I aec. people'• atl<atloo U Ibey i:o to al<ep?" don't bother throwing Kings ol. Sweden at me, or similar aberrat)ons. IT IS POMIBLE to apply common st:nse to the matter of bodily exertion. 100ugh not easy. Violent games have an important and useful fWK:tion in our lives. ll'hm the juices .,. nowlng fne- ly. there Is joy in playing games and il1 "'inning at them. Need, even. When there ts no money involved. as in ama\~ sports. this k1nd of exercise does lndeed promote Ctttain u!eful traits of d\aracter, and handles the violent ele- ment of our young nature in a "'ay that usually does not hurt Myotlt:. Though I still don '' want to think of lhe scores of men I've met y,i'tosf! entire lite has been bedeviled by a back Injury pined In -sports. AFTE'R 25. this nted In plo.y games. ss a purely physical need. is usuall r dooe wlt.h. I ~· ol no doctor who Y.'OOld not ttadily admlt th.at. afler age 25, walkl~ or swimming '1\111 pro'f'ide all the exericse the hll'IWI body needs 10 funcilon 84 it.s best ~ten v.'oo like up t.ennis 111fter i1Rl" 40 seem ID me tlke women who get their fam Uhed. The:y wish to prHtn't ari II· lu•lon ol youth, Instead of gncolully seu- Ung Into ibe rolt that nature has cut out for them. The difference between middle. aged l<nnfs and middl0<15ed face Ufllng Is that ttnnls Is ~dang<rous, In a sedenl.Vy todtty, our afOutnt mJdd1e cla• la. 1t ls unnatural to be car· '11111 oo pliysk:atty llke • toenagtr. Uo- natural, un•ltt, and unhulthy. Ml/QI MORE lmporw11 to lhe aging numan body than aciivity ls lnaclJvity, as Dr. Clendening noted. A lot of people play tennis to "relax." Actually they play lennis to get tired. There is a huge dif· ference belv.'ttll being relaxed and being tired. Time spent in a bed \\ilh a good book or a good girl is, in my view, of far greater impoMance to the matUl'e adult than traipsing about the greemward v.i tb a golf club in hand. If thert is anything which can contribute to inl!!lligent aging it is moderation in all things, and the place to be moderate best is in bed. The bed is where the wi:Jdom Hes. 1llit is where you can collect your IOUI, which is a lot better than upending your body. If you v.-ant to grow old gracefuU)', learn the art of laziness. OU.NM COAIT DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vf"ni, Publish.tr Thomcu Kuuil, Editor Barbara KTcibich Editorial Pa~ Editot 'lbe tdih:!ri'J :PllP ol the Dail,y Pilot ltt'ka to inform and stimulate ttadfn by ~ on Util pq!! dl\'t l"M 'mnmentaJ)'. Oii IOlb ol ift,. It!$ b)' syndicated coll#MlAI and CIJ'fooniatJ:, ti,' ptOridhw & b\am Jar ttad..-&' vlcw1 and by prnmc,h•· this ntWlpl.ptt's •nklnt and. Sdta& on """"' -,.,,. --of tht Dlil)' Pl~ ·~"' only in the editorial t'Olunu' at 1be top o( the pq:e, Opiniom tXPi :Wd by 0. <-'Of. umntm and cartoooi.te •nd letltr wrilen att thetr..,... Md m ~ ment ot thN rlev.·1 by the D&U;p Plklt thol.l.ld 'bt Wtn.d. Monday, April 15, 1974 • .. -- .. - ' " IO ' .. , '" ··1 .. ' ' .. ., .. .. ' ~- ''" • ·~. ::.z • I .. ' ., ... ,:.,,11 ...... ,, ... , ,. ., .... L" .. .•.. \ ., . ""' ,- •• • ... ., ... ·•· ~· ·• '" ---; . ... r.1011da1 April 15 197'1 DAILY PILOT 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Deatli,.'1 Els ewhere I Beating Birth Defe~ts Pt•11el Topi~ HANOVER, N.11. CAP ) Pallsler Ollvtr A. Quayle Ul, 52, died Sunday night In ~1ary flltcbcock llospitaJ after suf- fering a bean attack in his home. Qua)lle formed Oliver Qt..A;y~ &: O>. In 1960 after worklftil wUh-.Elmo Roper & ~lales """' 1953 10 1958 ~ Looi• Horris & As.sociales (roin 1958 to 1960. A marathon runntr born \\'ilhool feel and a <l-y,ar-old Westminster boy. "'tio has no arms \l;iJI tell now lhey overcame t he 1 r handica ps \Yt'dnesday at Orange Coast College. Pete Strudwick. a teacher in the Mahein1 t:ruon High School Ois1rict and author or "Up tht.' Shining ~loonla1n" and )'OUnl;l ~lark Goffent>y "'Ill be i.pec1al guests al t~ 81h annual sludt>nl ll!adersh1p con· ftrenct of the Orang<' County ~larch or Dimes. scht.>duled to beglil at 10:30 a.m. in the t'Ol· ll·ge audl!orium. The confert-n<."e is 01X>n to slu<len1s. nurses. l<':ictwrs. t'1unselors, i:1drn1nistrator'i llnd 2 Gene1·als Du e P1·omotio11 s Brig. Gen. \V1Jlian1 R . alt 01hers ronnt'<'!t>d "llh the - tt.>acluni:: (Jf \OUl\l.: 1·h1ldr("' nr~•r\ at1ons !or lhl' bo}, lunch l'l\11 bt' 1nad ... by \·alhng t~ ~!;1rch or D1me!i. 979·2'.!711 Ft>at url•d sp..•akl·r rlunn1: !hl' 01011\Ul~ 1-t'~SIOn "'Ill bt~ [)r, Jl·iln Carlui. cJlll'f of pr(}.J ll'''>lun;1l l' ti u 1· ~1 t 1 n n at 1 i'J1r\ 1t'W Slate I lo:i.p1l.i.J. L:o.s.ta ! ~1 .. ~:i T h1• t1lll' of hl•r prt'~l·ll · tat1on 1~ "l t11· ln1p,1<'! <1f Pi!ll' t>r rel·ls on a 1'\111uh· .. ' CL.DEST l LARGEST CAMERA SHOP IN HEWp0RT BEACH HARBOR ph0to 3121 E.COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR • C°*°" "'°'''Mllf b'( tlodGll CLAREMONT CAPJ -Dr. PMlip A, Mui, 112, an autbori· ty on wild Dowers of the Southwest, has died in a nurs- ing home here. Or. Munz was the director emeritus a l Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardem here. Qulnn . romnlanding gt'nf'n1! of the \larinc Corps Air Station at El Toro. and Rri g. t;t'n Roben L. Nichols, comn\andcr at Camp Pendleton, both ha\'C been selecied for pron1011on to major general. Ana, joined 1he ~larinl'S as a naval avialion cadet i n September 1942. He "';1s rorn· n1issioned as u s c co n d lieutenant 1n l!M4 l'ni\"('l'SHv in 1969 lh• i~ rnrlr· riC"d and has four C'hi!clrl'n. 1·h(' t~r,fl'l't:nct.• I' 1;h;111t•cJ Ov 1 \Ir,, ,\,irrn.~n \\'ri t.-.on f''(· t'<"U !1 \'t' ho:ird n1t•111ll\ ~ uf !ht 01·:1nl!1' ('ountv ('hapt1·r <1f th(' .\l11rt•h of U1nl.:·~ I • c~,_,., "'ol~ wppllt' IDALEAH. Fla. IUPll - Afayor Ht:Dry rt ti lander, 75, controven.lal t>term chief ex· ecutive of the ~1iami suburb ol Hialeah, who once boa&ted he .ifjxcd S,000 traffic Uc.kels" in a s.ingle year, died Sunday night Exploring _ Gt~\'. QUl~S. 11·ho also 1s C'Onlmandl'.'r of ~1ar1nc Corps Air Bases \\'rst "h1ch includes fa cilities at Camp Pendleton, El Toro and Yuma , Ariz .. arw:i the helicopter station at Sanla Gen. Quinn is <J 1 f•!rr:in ,,r \Vorld \\'a r II. as "l'll as 1he Korran and \lirlna1n 11·ars lil' assumed C"Ommand al El Toro 1n ~lay 1973 A nali\'e of ~lcrrick. '.'\ .., .. fi en. Quinn rrcei\'t'd a B. S. degree from the Universif\' of ~larvland in J!l60 and an ~I S fronl George \\'ash ing ton GES. l'\ICllOI .~. nl!-0 R \l'tf'r<in nf \\'orlil \\'or :1 Kon:>a :ind r 1.:·!n11111 , 1•roh~t,•d ;is a \l;irine pri\':ih• 111 '111 "tn ho'~ IQ.l<J 111· r"''"l\•'fl h·<i: !•t'' commi~s1on in r-:o,·rmb~.,r 191~ l.rn '.'\'1t'hQl<i: r('c('1\NI ;i n ~ d1•gre•· fron1 !hr l 'n1\'l'r'1:1!1• or '.\lar1·l:inrl in 1•11;1 :"1d ··:1 '' 'i fro111 r:1•flr'l'•' \\" :i " h 1 n ~ t 11 n I nn·1'r<t1!\' 111 19"0 .\ r•;I' 11 1• pf Providl'n;·f'. Ii I . hr• I" nlar' rii•d :ind h.t s ~J>.: l'h1ldrt'n • ltpoin • Pon.pon, BRUSH and BLOWER SCISSOR STYLES HOW TO DO THEM STEP BY STEP An·1on(l c.in car(l lfl1 .i Onr h & 610 ..... , t1u 1 ~!)I~' or ou r OlhCr cu1l Co.l•+n1.1 I ,..,,.tit'" lull 111oc11uflill ::.C1SSOH STYLES wh1i:h .11e .1. ""Sy 10 O·l .. ~ 111~1 sl'l,1mooo1 Our l11mo cut~. t1 ngflr l<JfTltllf' t.u!) c:url•"'l n'H1 cuh v..1"n 10 ... el dr)' or u"n n llu11 cut-; or -..1mp1e ....... ~l'I .• r.1 •~.:>.11 t.uT-:. dre SCIS· SORED. all takl'-C3r('~I vourseot !t1yl<'~ loflf'd 10• any aQfl any h,1or No '""~1nq. no rolll'.'1<; no P•fl~ no POLLUTING NEW YORK lAP) -Paul Carrying charter flag, Ka.thy Martinez, boatswain Scbotllltela, 71, r o r mer of the first ~lind sea Efplorer Scout un_il in th~ CIRCUS COMING THURSDAY HAIR SPRA 'l'S AL.SO: MO SET PEll MAHEMT WAVES. YOU MA.Y Nf¥Ell WAMT TO SET YOUR HA.Ill AG AIH. managing editor of the New nation -Ship 353 ,JpOnSdred by the Braille Inst1- York Journal American and a lute in Anaheun -chits with Rick In gold . sea base CLOWNS, JUGGLERS, FREE GAMES AT Pulitzer Prize winner for director Cor.tt"!e Hox 5c,?ut.~ of Amerira .. Ne~ scout di stinguished local reporting, unit was chartered teceqtly: In cercn10111es 1n Ne"'- JOSEPH'S SCISSOR STYLING Huntington Beac h •S64 HomiliOfl A•t. Fullerton JO~ H. Hort.or lltcl died Sunday. Shoemtein, who port Beach. Iii.gold. ~olds certificate he received had a 40-year career with the _ir~ro~m~B~ra~ill~e~lnlll:·:1u:te::__:lo~r.1 _bi:·:"'~h=e=l:p~i=n-s=1=ar=1=in:g~lh=e~L-~~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~lllllll~~:__:_ Hearst newspapers, was city blind chapter. editor or the Journal 87'1-3863 968-3535 lmCoast?lm Opt11 011il I A.M. lo 10 P.M. :sat.' Suft.' to s p M. A~ican when he won the Pulitzer in 1944. JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -Hanullatl Sabandrio, 56. "·ire of the former ror,.ign minister and top a.o:••::an1 to lhe late President Sukarno, Explorers Organized Sl1eriff died today or kidney disease . """') B v A relative told newsmen that .; Subandrio, who has been im· prisoned in West Java for ~'TA ANA Young eight years, ""·as at her person.-; considering the bedside when she died. possibility or a career in law Death Notices AlllUCKU I SON WIHCllff ~AllY 427 E. 17rh St .. Ccnta Mew 646--'888 -·-IALTZ-llllOlllON FUNlllAL HOMI Corona del Mor Colla Me~a -·-HLLUQADWAY MOllTUAllY 110 Broodwoy. (0$!a Meta S48 • .J.4JJ -·- McCORMICK LAGUNA HACH -TUAllY 1795 laguno Conyon Rd. 494.9415 -·-MtCOllMICK MISSION -TUAllY :?8831 Cam•na Cop11trona $on J1101'1 Cop•$1rOl'IO 49 5.1776 -·-PACIFIC VIEW MIMOIW. PAIK Ctmet•ry °"'"'' J.SOO Poc•f>t V+f!W Or1"'1 Newpori Beoch. Cohlarnoo 644-2700 . -·- • PllK FAMILY COLONW. FUHl11AL HOMI 7801 Bolw .-. ..... Wt'tlmln\lt• 893-3~2.S -·-SMITHS' ~AllY 621 /\Ao•n S1. Hu11hf19'011 Beoch ~J6.M39 enforcement are being urged by Orange County Sheriff James Musick to apply for enrollment in his L a w Enforcement Explorer pro- gram. Vacancies exist for both males and females between the ages of lS and 20 years. But boys and girls enrolled in the ninth grade of school can apply at the age of 14 11. J\tALES l\IUST be at least five feet, four inches and females must be five feet in height with w e i g h t pnr portiooate ~ height. All ap- plicants must be free of any serioll! physical dclects. l\.1us.ick explained that his Explorers aid regular officers in traffic control. security, crime scene searches. search and rescue. crowd control and provide assistance at disaster areas. He said the young volunteers also receive work experience in the recorm and idcntifica· tion division of his department and conduct bicycle licensing programJ throughout Orange County. YOUNG PERSON S in- terested in applying can do so at one of the v.·etkly Explorer meetings. held e\'ery Tuesday al 7 p.m. at the sheriff 's department, 550 N. Flower St., Santa Ana. ~tusick said. South county applicants are invited by sheriff's officers 10 attend the monthly meeting held at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the La_guna Ii.ills Fire Station . 24\))l Pasco de Valencia, Laguna Hills. TV Probes Rtma\va ys The "Runaway Problem in Orange Counly., lli ll be the subject or a half-hour panel discussion show at 6 p.m. April 22 on KOCE, Channel 50 . Len Ewers. youth services coordinator for lhe Huntington Beach Union High School District, is featured in the pro- gram. Repeat telecasts: will take place at 8 p.m. April 25 and 9:30 p.m. April UI. ChaMel 50 i.s operated in sb.Jdios at Golde.n West .College in Hun- tinglon Beach. Trivia? It~ a reason to read the Dally "lot's entertainment page every Saturday -· .. GUNK ENGINE CLEANER • llltor .... MH....kitr-. ~f-ltf. • Otlitkfy 1,_n91.-itNiif1. REG.99c 'l.S• • Ven Wyck Electric CAN OPENER • °"""_,till If 1..,, fl IDll wirlt "K..m.." nrtti11t whffi t.r , .. ,,_...._, . • ,.,_11, 1ffi19' ..,..,. iitl .. ...... • Noolilhlot kl1, i..n1 • .,..tr. .:.~· s399 l Powerlock TAPE RUL~ • 15'1wl twi11'n1ylt1 ni ,,u .... ~!off. • (ul111iYt '••t1ltck itol~tt q1Yft pt!1l1Yt ~loll. lt1k •illl ftt .. ...;,.. #'1.•1S REG. '1.75 s499 f2 Cup HAND SOAP • W11t1lH\, -~19' ...... dftHt ••Ito laMii~ ..WM. • (""1thr..,PriM11"'1int tli1t. REG. 69' ., AC ' SPARK PLUGS t \DYt _.,. ~ t .... i .. .,.. <ti! .,. •• ~ ywu1H. •f-·(~1 .... - 1nitr.•"""'- REG. 69' 59~ .. ""'\"" • • ... -r :i)t....-(, ,..', ... '.-."-.... ..&~:--~ CORN POPPER I .. 'If PARTY PERK I '; 1.! • •it n 'llJ"''"°"" a i.11, wt-tic. • (~witk ttoy ftnll .... .,... • to1r" t1 .. 1;.;.11 .. ..... _.1111' .. ioclilllil.L REG. $699 110." • ~MdllMoriiot tlwlti .. il ll"177". • S.•iit ~.1.tf· "-illf· tlG. '19.•S •S--'~ . .....,, .... • lny ft i.ttolf ANAHEIM 2144 W. LINCOLN FOUNTAIN VALLEY 17200 SO . BROOK HURST STP" DUAL OIL FILTER • A lilt er in a lilt er to douDle clean your oil ... poltnled doub le flow system. • lnlerl'lol pres sur e diflt,entiol valve ... # 1, 7, 24, 25. REG. '3.19 ·-- I ' I ' I . • Glo\s M irror MURAL PAINTINGS ' • (•••·•••ioft\t l ...... _~,.,.,,, • ,,.....,. .. ..,,,,..,,1111-t tlHf , •• Jhih-ill '-"'""'"' Mtk. • Tlw,-11 iotk t fNl lft tllf I- ·~!~ $89! • • I • r• v,11.,0~ Bladv• .. 1•" . TREE PRUNER • 1-h·· .... 1," 11 . • Tht 1tft '"''le''""' trtn -"'"''H IH llit "''tit IHolt1. "'· s599 ., '' ' ·- I f ' RIVERSIDE 3980TYLER MONTCLAIR 9055 CENTRAL AVE. JOO 'rA.ID$ IA.$T OJ llOO«H~$1 100lAIDI W>UTMOfWAINll 1 llOC.t..S NOITM tlVllilDt •WY ACllOii ~OM MQNlCLA.ll Pl.AIA ' I \ I • 8 DAILY PILOT ANIMALogk¥.,.,,,,. rr: £,~--- .. ,AT oi.& ,.f(f PORT SIDE,SIR ! • Marilyn Profile Readied NEW YORK (Ar) -An autobiograptly of l\t n. r 11 y n ~·lonroe wh.lch a phorographtr cla!m.'5 v.•as given to hlm In the early J950's by the late actress v.'ltl be published in June. The ~'Tapher, Milton H. Greene. had considered publishing the book earlier but no one was Interested. ac- cording to a spokesman fOr the book's publisher, Stein & Day. "Blff' NOW ntAT there is a ~!arilyn vogue, I.he book has become de sirable." the spokesman\ said. The book to be called. "My Story," will include cbapteB such as "Jlow I ResaJed A \llhite Piano.'' "My First Sln," "It •laopened In !\lath Class," and "I Branch Out M A Siren.'' GREENE BECAME ac- quainted with the actress afttr he photographed her for a Look ma'azine article ln the early 1950's, The book ends Jhort]y after Miss Monroe's inan1age to Joe DiMag1o. (The Los Angeles nmes said today the book Is a r<ho!h of memoirs published 20 years ago in the London Empire Nev."S.) New Dean Appointed AtOCC Wayne H. \\1olfe has been appointed to serve as the new dean of admlssk>ns a n d recortl<I at Orange Coast College. His se Jection has been ap- proved by unanimous \'ote of the Coast O>mnwnlly College District Board of Trustees. Wolfe, 32, wa.s fonnerly OCC's as.1istant dean of ad· missions and records and taught mathematics. He suc- ce.eds Fred Garcia who Is now the director of Guidance and Admissions at Golden West College. A natrve of Clay Center, Nebraska, he received his B.A. 1n mathematics from Kearney State Teachers College. He earned bis 1't.A. degree at Cal State Long Beach. Bordello To Switcli, Not Figlit LAS VEGAS, Nev. (Ar) - A Nevada brothel owne r says she's decidel to drop her lawsuit agatnst the federal government to keep her opera· lion on federal land north of here. Beverl y llarrell. °"'l\Cr of the Cottontail Ranch, said she was dropping the sui t and moving the bordello off of Bureau of Land Management land "because there aren't many friendly judges in the 9t.h Cimiit Court."' __,, She has been operating the •r fit·e-trai ler brothel on BLM land in the desert some 200 miles norlh of here since 1970 but v•as ordered off the StOO.a- rear lease after ailumnlst Jack Anderson wrott of the operation . The BL.\! contended p,,,.. titution v.·as an illel{al u~e of federal land, although II b legal In most of rural Nevada. 1'frs. Harrell 5aJd she plan- ~ to move the bordtllo 90nle 2,000 feet north to private property. L.A. LINES s31 I MONTH Tl,LlrHONI COMPANY 0, CALI,, ·' ' ..., ... Htlf. C:..•• ... ... , DOTS PLAY ON THIS POLYESTER PANTSUIT 19.99 Pkk a pantsuit with a wt.Ir! of dots ... then to ke all for onywho<e looking cool ond frosh. No-fuss polyester with sok ond · gentle IOllcllllg. Aop pocUls trim the neal llilrMOll. 1ep, beige or·~ 10.18 REG: $25 GENIE II WIG 16.99 Swim or get odlYe Oft the courts. Look moMJlou• thot night with the Genie II Dynel9 modocrylic wig. Solt, flattering, easy to core for. Just a flick of the bnJsh gl-you o carefree do. S°"' for sl• days onlyl Hott and Hafr~SOO • ' . Chai ~ROADWAY [J)~ .• @ffi ~·· ~.' • ·{ SPECIALLY PRICED ' • . POLYESTER PANTCOATS . . '29.99-36.99 $40 to $48 Values. N~ty textures. Meticulous tailoring. Light ol'Kt crisp. Our perfect little go-cnyplace cools with wrap, o-li~. single butto_n or classic styling. Some treated with Scotchg~rd~. lhe rain and slain repeller. Assotted·c.u.ors ii'.' mims' sizes. Just Orte from the group shown.·1 Misses' Coats; 25 COLORFUL RAIN OR SHINE COATS 29.99-39.99 Reg •. $44-$66. Assorted styles .. . terrif ic colors. great patterns in any-weather coots. All the lofest silhouettes. Misses' sizes. MiSIOS' Coats. 25 TOP NAME PANTSUITS 26.99-44.99 Reg. $36-$62. TWo. three and lour piecers. including some weekenders.. A big, bright ossort-t in ~ polyeSler knit. Terrific "VOlues. Misses' siz~ Misses• Suits,. 21 IUll1NGION llf)()4 ~ MAU ~ cmG ClRRl1'0I SJ) i..c......,.. Pllf 8!00411 Tm Wrq.,,,,_. (11~ "2.JDI Zkl>N. T•S-... (714) 998-IJll . . • I J J • -.. i : • ; u•1 l el"'4Mlt On lhe Joh Karen Straub. 32, is a fi re inspector with Stanford Fire Depart- ment. She's also a 1,1.ife. motlter of two sons. and night student in fire science at Cabrillo ABad Risk? Lives With M a 1i , Policy Cance led Pl10EXIX, Ariz. (A·P) -A )'OUng Phoenix schOOlteacber h11s complained tha~ her nu1omoblle Insurance "''as can- celed beeaust tht man she'• living wMh had an g,ccident. "They aay rm li\ing im- morally. When I "'as going 10 oollege, no one was concerned about the driving n.>CQrds of the girl! I WU li\·ing \\'ith," said Susan Berger. a 2.3-year- old subalitute teacher ... But noy.· that I'm li\"ing with a man -tha1's different. "l'~t SURE I \\'AS canceled becall!t cf his d r iv in g record,'' she said. "The male I aJn living 1vith has had a tickrt and an accident. . I h1t1·en'1 hnd any accidcnl.5 m three yeanl. "Y.'hy should his driving record arft"Ct my insurancr'.' He drives his trµck. I drh·c my car. \\'e don't switch .'' Dick Russell. b r n n ch manAger for Ohlo Casualty In Phoen!x. said ~liss Berger's in.suranct' ~as drop p c d because •·she didn 't meet our ! undeNTlling rcqulrcnlents.". li e dccllned 10 s;iy \1-hich re· qulrclfl('nts she fuilcd 10 n1~1 TllE POIJC'\' \\'AS issuC'd on ~t:i.rch >&, and canceled Ont' month later, :-.l iss Brrgcr suid She said she ohtnln<'d a pol\C')' from 111lOlhrr firm h11t I becaUll(' she-c:irriC's I h r stign\a or o c:inct>llation. nou pays more for 1.,s coverage I "I had full ro1·t·ragc for' $195.'' sh<-sald. ";.>ov: I pay I $242 for le~." ~lUS BERGER TOOK ht!r ra!l' 10 the Aml'r1can (i\'\t Liberties Union here to see if an\'-<Jf her con~litullon:il right~ had been vio!atc.-d. John I. Ent in. ACLU r:<eruti\'t' rlirl·r- 1or in Arizona . Mid hr \111s loaking Into th(' 1n:11ter \lillard ll umohrey. Ari7onn insurance directClr. said ;1 f1n 11 can cancel a policy y.·i1h 1n 60 rl;ivs of l!!!11aru:c wi1hou1 ~h­ ing a reason. rlNE CAR OWNERS LEATiitR W...,.t .._, ~ & .....,. c •I 1 LIFE.. • ........ .t ... ..,.., well tJIJI 196-l ffJ _ Coll ege. • Marijuana Farmer ' I Health News Hunted I Shoulder, Arm & Neck Pain Can Be Back Aching TOPEKA, Kan. lt.:Pl l - The Ka rnas attorney general says he doubts a l:nited Prtss Intcm ational story about !he activities of a La\vrencc, Kan. man y.·ho claimed to be a wholesale marijuana dealer. but he \\'OUld like to kno\\' more alxlut hin1. :-Oearly every body has a coni;ldcrcd to he due to 1cnsion rriend nicknamed "Old Aches and strctt·h·'.\'Cakncss of the and P ains." lie. or 1he, ii "shav.·I musl'll's of the upper seemingly always complaining back 11nd nerk. of shoulder, neck and arm \\'hat will happen if no pain ... and is not necessarily treatment ii; effected'? "old". What is this indlvldu.al "If the condition is allowed problem '? to continue development, the \\.'c put this spine & associated shoulde r \'Cry question structure beCi'Jmc compresserl to Dr. Gar y and gra~uall y shift to Couture of the ab norm a I posit io n ~,· · Co u l u r e arrording to Or . Coutur.e Chi ropr actic •·The \·ictim then bt·1uns to office. a s !i ume a r ound-s houlder "It's hard for me 10 belie\'C a drug 1)llsher of any stature l\'OUld sit down v.ith a reporter and confess to all the crin1es he has comn,illed.'' Vem f\tiller said. "\\'e know many drug pu.<ihc~and usually \\'Cl find they re \·cry close- n1outhed. ~-. ' ' Le t m e pc:r..turr and tht· p<11n beC"•1m1·s draw you a prolonged and more intcnSt•." ,picturf' fi rst," ,\s the s p in e becoml'S " s a Y s D r · comprl'S.<icd aud d1stortl-d, the "\\'e are e\'aluatins the story now and v.·e think n1aybe so1ncone v.·a.s kidding him. but \\'C ha\·en't decided yet. Lnless !here is a \'alid rtason to believe there is some criminal involved, \\'C \\'OU]d be \1•asting! our tin1e "·Ith a detniled in-1 vcstigation." (The story ap·I peared in Thursday's Doily Pilot. I I Reporter Frank T. Cook. 25. met \.lith ro.1illcr and declined to identifv his lnforn1ant. Tht! attorney icneral said he \\'OUld attempt lo detcrn1ine tht!. sourte, but stopped short of1 saying he \\'OUld subpoena Cook. "\\'e are going to Ir)' to get the UP I reporter 10 respond as. a public minded citizen should[ respond and assist us in stop· ping criminal activity." ~lilk·r 1 said at a ne\.l"S conFcrencl'. ''\\"e've . int~n~e.,.,·ed Cook and1I asked h1n1 if his source \\·as an individual or a rompositc of persons. He v.·ould not ans1.1•er." Cook's !itory concerned a marijuana \.l'ho\esalcr iden· tlfled only as "Archer.'' The1 man ron1plalncd that fo rtign, competition and high costs have hurl the 1narijuana market. Jn \.l'hlch. he said. he once earned $30,000 annually -tax-fret. "The information I \1·as gh·en during my lnttr\'ie"' 1.1ith the sou~ce was checked against other sources." Cook said. "I believe it "'a.s \•a lid and that mY. source \\·as everything he Claimed to be. "I v.ill not gi\'C the source of the story. He never would have talked to me in the fir st \ place If I couldn't guarantee he would never be traced." I 0.-. Gwy Couture. "And tiny ncr~·c openings b\!t1.1.·ttn . C....,.., D.C. then I'll come each pair of spinal se~menl-. back to specifics.'' become partially closi:d. Dr. "Whl'n you see a person y.·ith Couture poi nts out that this badly rounded shoulderi; or causes the ne rves 10 be $looped over. you arc seeing irritated and pint·hcd a ... tht:y 'old aches and pai ns' ""·ho has exit the spine. not sou~ht treatment for his or It ·;!> in this i;t;1 ~c that 1hc her CQndition, but who has sym ptoms of ncr\'c irritut1on rather let lhe condition groy.· dc\•c lop . Accord1nil to Or prog ressively WOr$C.'' ·Couture these syrnptoms Dr. Couture poi nts ou t that include numhnc11s and tin~ling st.,.,uldcr, neck and arm pain9 in the hands. arm pain, nl'rk constitute some of the moi;l pain and painfully restricted deceptive problems kno.,..·n. shoulder movement. "Chest "People just don't seem to pain may de~·t'lop and bc(·()ml' get excited about t\\inges of SQ :.c\·erc lhat heart dbcli.~e is pain in the shoulder, neck and oftl'n su:~pcl'tt'd although th~· a rm," says Dr. Co uture. heart i!i not lhc culprit.'' "They content thC'mselVf'S v.•ith Expcricnt·c has sho.,..·n that s el r-t r eatments s u ch as shoulder. neck and arm pain lini ments and oi ntment" and s\·ndromc.., 11·hith are due t1J apparently fl)!ure their's i:i; a si ruclural i;pinal dis'l.rrll'r ~ problem one "1m1ily has lo live rl•'-Jllind rt·alhl)· to sptt!tlhLCd v.·ith." cart'. St oicism i s hardly the "If :i per~on "·oulrt only seizt• :i nsv.·er, the good doctor points their opportunit)' 1or cfle<"ll\'(' out. l'iince the condition may be trcatm1·11t .,f .• hou ldcr. neck re11 ulting from progrei;sivc and arm p;un. n1:1ny ro~tural spinal disortlcrs and postural ailn1l'nl ~ 1·ould he a\'crtl'd," decay of the upper back and says Dr. C.:out urc. neck. "And it 1~ ncedlC's:i; pain. I "A!i l 've said, this is a mii;ht add. Y(•t ~nmc pt•oplc decepti ve cond ition," Dr . seem to take JOY at thi: pain Couture notes. "In the \'ery and pity thal conlc easily ln early ,,;tage.<i symptoms arc them." usually li mitt'd to sorcnei;s and a fecllni;: or fatigue :icros9 thl' Dr. (·outu rc n1atn:.11n ~ top of the 5houlder!ii.This well o (fice s at The Cout u r ~· 1 could be follo.,..·ed by burning Chi roprat·ti c ()ffirc. 211+.1 pain across the shoulders with \\'estcliff !)r ... \:l'wport llc·arh pain a n'd &tiffne&s of the (rorner 17t h & lr\•ine -near neck." Coco':.). Phohe &iS-5.100 ..-The tar l)' symptoms are 1C1ARS191·1 ------ Nearly Ever yo11c Listens to Landers 2700 l Coast Hinhwl!Y. at Fer·'~'f. Corona del Mar •m AMrt.I PAlllN• IN llU.• """ -t il l • 61M hMy c--~-"~'""' . . 644-7575 $5 VALUE FA SHION SUNGL ASS ES 2.49 y~. ,.,. :.1., .!"?tr ,. . .,. 1..' .~vcr)'-t.~cir AS5'Jrl"d o~ ci1~·. sq11, ov:-il ~ri:i "Jt·'!!y fron1 =~ l?t5 of .... , . ._.,, ir1 :·~11 oiid fa5h1011 col or~ f :;~hic1 J,.:welry, 20 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' :r-.u...~''---------1·; :1'----,, NE 'N SPR ING CONVER TIBLE S 7.99 onl 14.99 A greo1 ~'::lec.1 1.:in c l soor1<.:b· !Po'h~r, 0•1d . nvl • Con.· ···o:-: .. . ' ' ' ' .. Sl'IOl~ld~r b "l"l W•'fi r ~:J.,, 'jf "\i"!f\'1 1 1·~~ f.,t-•1•"JSI oo·; ilor $:-1r1"''1 · 111 nit ...,·ovr !n..,~rite co;~r Monv or~ ori•• .. ol-.'.l-l•nd ~~ c"" "4' early. Ho.,d b:i:q~ 37 mN<LM ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' I ' r~wT'('l!T • !,londJ~ Arr I I I .. I REG. $I 0-$1 '.? SCHIAPARE LLI BODY SUI TS 7.49 7.99 .. 7.49 " ,• \• • I •• I .. 7.49 " REG . SI PR INT HALTE RS 4.. 99 ,. -r· • < ' I " . • 4+4 N. N.lld j114) Sl\.S i21 ,, hilhOti 1-.io-d !1 14: 6'"-12 J 1 ...... ,1 ', .. ,, !f~-·· :·'·' EJ I"'' ~.-~A ~ ··J ~~"4Gt MAU. OF OIW'-.'Ci 7lJ)N.111'•r.~t\11 •)Q18.l)ll ({.;:I~!'":\ !{)) LM (tr·M M'f' 111 l, illHi'I ! ' " '\ f \ I '· ' . ('() \ ·\ ' I \ ' \ [ . ' ' -" ·•. r·r jf ~J ' I ' :• • I 0 DAILY PILOT Mo11d1y, April 15, 1~74 Prospects • to Confront Competiti<J1 Sate llite • ) For AVCO \ .. I f 'Bright' . " Oil Firms in, Southland Contract 411nounced ! A. generally flttt ('('OIJomy \ •and favorabl<: t(>rpora 1c earn- ings ror AVCO Corp. "'as tlMI '!>fo recast for 197-1 presented tti AVCO shart'holrif'rs 111 the .an· .. nual 1nN·ting by ro111p.:1ny of- ~ fj ('\lllS. j 1'hc meeting \"as IM'ld ut the 1 Ney,•portcr lnn , sill' of the l "·orld headquarters ar A\·rr> Financial Scr,·lces. A\'CO"s 1najor finance sub:i;idiat'\. ••):'\ SPI1't.: 0 1' tht· 1ri;:1n\ econon1it un~1·1alntif':&:. "C btlie,·e that !he outlook tor ' AVCO in 1974 appears to N• gcnerallv favorabl('.'' ; chaim1,ln Jan1rs H. l\rrr ~aid. ~ lie said that both rt•icnur!I , and camin~s of Flnanciol : Services operations :ire e:<· l pCcted to continue to b'TO\Y for } the year. A 1 t hough ('on- J tinuation of hlgh intrre.~1 rates " \\'OUld adversrly affL<tl t"arn- ings. ., Kerr said !hat although the ~ corporation experienced in· ; creases in sales and service ~ revenues, the cxtraordinar~· I charge resulting fro1n lhe ~ ~Tile--0ff of investn1ent:i; and f costs rela1ed to Cartrid_ge ! Television lnc. caused AVCO ~ to end Ole year u·ith a loss, .. FOR TIIE FIRST quarter of : 1974, Kerr said tha t increased ;.., interest cos1s had a 1najor • adve rse effect on finance : operations, 11•hile prof i ts ... recognized on wing assembli('s ',delivered to Lockhred Aircraft ~ Corp. for the I.r!Oll Trislar ~ more than offse t signiricuntly • redul"ed profits in lhc f:1r ~n :; equipment and reciprocnting aircraft engine di\'l!lion~. " AVCO COllP .. ,.,.;th head-! quarters in Green"·lch. Conn .. is a multi market compa ny ,. "ith interests in financ ial services, recreation and land developntcnl. and products and research.C a 1 i f or n i a ~ operations, in addition to AV- ~ CO Flnanelal Services, include ~ Carte Blanche Corp. and AV· > CO Savings and Loan Associa- tion in the Los Angeles area. and AVCO Co m m unit y ; Developers. headquartered in : La Jolla. .. \ \ RVWMUL /~tOR • Looi~, No Li1ies New propulf'ion units that wlll allow trol!c,\'~ lo operate .rre,e rrom dependcnc:c 011 ovc~rhcatl li nes have been de\f'!opccl by Lockheed !\l1ss1lcs and Space Co~. Sunnyvale. C;alif. Two San Franc·i!;t'O to;ic he~ will, be oulrllred \vith the un it~. Estate f'lan Classes Set At College A series of four \\"('ek!y lee· tures dealing '~·ith (atnily <.'Slate planning \\'ill begin al Golden 'V C$1 College Tuesday. TI1e seri1:5 "·HJ feature ~lic-hae\ J, Gcrtnt'r, a partner in the law firm of Robertson, llo11·ser and Garland. of Newport Beach. The lecture~ 1vilJ begin at 7:30 p.111. and \\ill be free to the public. .'\o registration is n<'Cessary. On April 16, Gertner wlll discuss holding title to prop-- crty, idcnlifying types or pro1~ crty, \\'3)'!{ ot ownin!i litll' held by anotJ1c1. and transfer of property at death, Later sessions will deal with "'ills, how to 3\-oid probate. and gift and death taxes and how to reduce thrm. Advice Offered , 011 Co11clo1nit1it1ms By S''LVIA PORTl::R In mounting crcscrndu. bit· IC'r con1ph1inls about ron- flominiums nre being hrard fron1 coast to coast. Suddcnl~'. !h,.. headlines are "'arning th<1t the condon1iniu1n boon1 is nut :ill" joys of !rix-shc!tered easy !i\'ing. no la\\'ll n10\\•in~ or sno\\' sho1·1,ling. eomn1 unity pools. he<ilth C'l1tb~. t'IC. So srrious have been son1(' of the ahusc~ that such states as Fl11rid:i have held hear!ngs preparatory to stiffl'ning the state's reg· ulalion!i. But j u st point ing out 1 he v.·eak- ncsse-s is not c nougll . 1101\' do you. a buvcr . avoid 1hc p it f alls? l'O•TElt co.<;t~. F'or instance. if Con- do1niniurn A is priced Jl $;l.l,OllO "'ith the srltrr main· tnining ov.·nership or the land :i nd lt'asing it back to }Qll ;it $500 a yrar, a eon1parabl11 ('ondo1ninhnt1 B 1\•ith \hr !:ind included is clearly 11·orlh 1norc. C II ECK "111':THF.R the rommon area chnr~c bttdi;:ct is r(·Hlistic. If a d1•vC'lopcr establishes ;1n unrealistically lo1v budget to niini1nizc the cnrrying charges and rnakc the units more saleable. thr result can be poor sC"rvice and inadequate maintenance until the budget is increased :ind lhe extr-a costs passed on to you. 6\' THO:'ltAS O. ELIAS "YHlt'rday's un~u~tanti· at\'d rumor \1·a.'!I 1Jl1t enc nr our tankers had been dh·crted from Slln Pf:dro to Jnpuu," said tht! hurried oil com1><Jny execulh't'. ll'ho hn• b'"cn s'lendin,i::: muc·h of his !lo1r rhl•cklng out -nnd shooting d1~11·n -such rc·1'0rl(, Tlli· m•)~t rt·cr_n1 report ra1nr from !loll~ "''ood, If (•ja11nrd hi~ f i r m Mm· nl i~sionf'd a IPl C\'is1on !ltudio to 111akc n stric_o; of con1- 1nerc·l:1ts t~p1a1nln'! \.'thy ne"' dollar·;1-gallon priers u r c necrssnry. TlllS KI~D 01" rumor - 1111d nl1lther turnrd out to have any 1ncrit -I~ lhe rf'i;u!t of a i:as pric(' ~piral 11•hk·h has 'lt'f'n the co~t of a j'.!atlon jtJmp frl)n1 111\d{'r 40 cent~ to n1orl' than 60 ("('Ills in l<'!i~ th:.n a yrar. TI1c up\\'ard trend seem" likrlv lo continue ut l1•ast for :11rhi\e, unh•ti!i sotllt' nc\Y conl· 1)r-t111on is added to 1he f!cid. In Southl'rn C'a lifC1rni :1, nt lr:ist. there "'ill fJUitn likf'ly br som.~ new C.'O!llf)f'1ition 1rithin ~ix n1onth~. IT \\'JI.I .. CO,\lt:: rrrnn a rt-"!ati\·cly srna ll. 1ndrpendrnt firm specializing in self- servicr S1:11lun~. Thi'l l com- pany. l'·S:l\'!'-Au1omalic. "'ill open :i !l('ll' rl'finC'ry midway b(>rwe1•n \'f'ntura and Ojai lsi!rr lhis :.·ear. 1"1T,.. r"hnl'ry h:i~ pc rn1its tlllh ' to produc\• IO\\··sulfur fuf'\ fllr· rlrc!ric IM)\\'(•r plants anrl nl'tes~ary b~-products, And the frH't•n1nst by-product is n:11)htha. whi('h c:in be con- v1•rtcd into gasoline in onr fulhcr sh•p. Brcaus" of cn\'ironm('nlal fartors. thal step v.·ill bt' taken el.~r"·hrrt·. t:SA 0Hici<1ls say. But the nC"' refinery \\'ill be produc ing the b a s i c in- i:r1•dif'nts of 30.000 barrels or gasoli ne dally by inid-1975, t;!i"A "!! ~;, SOUTllLANO s1.1- tions thc111srlvcs l\'ill ncl'(I llnly ;ibou1 17.00n or thn~c· bar- rl·ls. so the re!il C'(>t1ld ht' sold lo othf'r itKll'IJendcnls. "'IKI ha\'e lradiliunally started the gas wars which ~~ to hold prices dO"A'O, CSA. like the other ln- dcpcnden1 s, ill sellll'1!( ga801lne fo r slightly higher price~ than lhc n1ajor coo1p;iny outlets. 111AT"S UECAl.iSF., lht> In· dept-odents must depend on -forei~n oil for most of their supply. since n1ajor llrnll' like Shel!, Arco and S!:tndard of Callfomia ov.·n most or lhe chf'aper domestic supplies. Hut JR months ago. al thr ~;.me lin1e it lnv('!lted $14 n1i!lion in Lli~ formf'r Shell Oil ehtn1ic:il plnnt it is re1naking !1110 a rt·fint'r~·-t.:SA ;1Jso ~ign­ rd il 10-year lf·asc on a nun1bcr of "'ells In thr Sespt.• and Sil\er Thrc:id oil fiC'lds hear San!& Paula. Those ,1·ells. together ll'lth sonie the firn1 leased ln the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS Lon i;: Bearh area. y,·ill produce almosl enough crude oil lu ,,upply the new rl'finery. OSCE THE FACILITY is open. ,USA "'i ll lo...,·er gasoline pricts, the company prcsidcnl promises. "\\"hen our refinery is oprn. \\'C could lo"·er our gasoline prices 10 cents a gallon and still make a profit." Paul ~toiler said in an inlcrview. Actually. he snid, l"SA prob- ably \\'On"t lol'•er the price that much, "'We'll most likely be a rr1Y cents below the nlajors." l\fOLLER, \VllO started his chain with a single sclf-servlce station in Tcmplr City 19 years ago. thinks "'hen l"SA begins to Joy,·er prices, "there could be some gas \\'ars." But this is by no rnrans cer· lain. since USA's 75 Southern California stations pump less than 10 percent of 11·hat S!Rnd- nrd·s s!ations alone h;1ndlr, The major firtns might sin1ply ignore any nloVe the s1n:Jll company makes. Nevertheless. <11 lhClr ver~· htallhle!I. the Independent. off-brand operator! handled onl y about 10 percent of the total gasoline trnde In the Southland, Even with that !lm111\ a pen.-entage or the buslness, they were able tc> keep prlce21 much lower than 'they are today. SO IT'S IJQSS IBJ.1'; th a I 1owt:r prlct'S al a chain of i5 stalions could h:n·e 'some Im· part. If L'~A succeeds In ilS new rrfln1ng \'cnturr. v.1111 other large inde~ndcnts such as Pan Sova. Pov.·er:inl' and Uri<.'h follow~ , Thr best guess is that they "·on'! h<'callle they cnn't. "\\°e ~y,· this ~i1uatlon ron1- ing a ·ye<'lr and a half ago."' i\lollc.r said . "'\\'e could !ee a tightening then in a (ew plat'('<; around the ""'orld. But it "A'OU!d be a lot rnore difricult toda y to get the leases v.·e have no"'. "r\0 ONE WllO o"·ns oil wants to sell anymore,., he ad· ded. •·becalL'iC the majors have tightened dO"'n nnd are sellinlil les:i to outsiders. JI ""iuld be almost iinpossible for us lo get the same leaites tud<.i,v that we got 18 n1onths n.t;o." That gloomy sununation means the Sou I h I and ' s motorisLc; niight as "'ell get used to paying high gas prices. One refinery selling cheaper ga901ine might introduce a small amount of rompelition to the field, but not enough to have a large-scale impact Coast Firni Profits Dip \\'estern Digital Corp. of Ke"1>0rt Beach. reported th at for the rhird fise<ll quarter ending f\larch 31 . sale~ \1•i!l b2 aix:M.Jt $2.9 million and pre-la:< profits are expeeted to be about $20.000. According to A.8, Phillips. president and chairntan of the finn. Y.'estern Digital's pro- duction and billin~s during the quarter v.·cre ~·ell below com· pany t,argels due lo process problems tha t occurred Sut>systems for J3pan'1 new t,17e_tnetrlt1q Test Satellites IE'l'S-2) wlO I:< built by phi I co-ford CorwraOon's Aeronuttonlc Division o f Nev.·porf Beach . The subsystems will be built 1•r'(lf'r an agrre1nent with P h ilco· Fo r d's \\1estttn O e v clopment L.aboratories , \VDLJ Dh1slon. P:ilo A.Ito, 11.s. ('(lntractor for the two ETS-2 s.'ltellites. T IL E WE STE l\N Laboratorl~ rtetl\'ed • S20- million contrac t from r-.titsu bishi Ele(tric Corpora· tion ot Jnoan to de11e\op the t1\"0 satellites, The spacecraft 1vill be med fnr fligh t te!ting of the N-Rocke t. a booster designed to give Japan the capability to l~U.'1Ch it3 own satenites. A.ero nut ronl c will be responsible fo r the V H F' transpooder -a combination recci\'<'r and trans1nllter that t r ansmits signa l s automatically when triggered b}' :in "lnterrogntor," or radio signal : the auxiliary pro· pu!sion sul>system. rontalnini;: small rocket engines to keep the spacecraft in proper at- titude ; and handle the pro- curement for !he satellite apogee boost motor, which is used to '"kick" the satellite in- to its final circular orbit. THE $20-~ilwON contract calls for Phi I co· Ford 's '\'t'Slern Laboratories Division to design, develop and. in con- junction v.·ith :'lfitsubishi. build a fllght-qualilied ETS-2 pro- totype and an actual flight model. Although assembled in the United States. 1hr satellite will be laun che d f r on1 Tanegashlfll,a Space Center in Japan. ETS-2 is to be the first paylooid placed in synchronous orbit -22,500 miles above the earth -by an N-Roeket. Equipment on board ETS-2 \\'ill monitor the N-Rocket's laWlch characteristics. Once in orbit. il 11'i\I be used lo prove out Japane.~ satrl!ih: control techniques and ground- suppon systems. '.\'lal'ch Traffic Up al Airline \\'estem Airlines reported thllt its March traffic in· creased 14.2 percent and first quarter traffic 10.S percent , attaining the highest volun1c for those periods In the con1- pany's 43-ye ar history. lferc arc sexl'ral basic guides if yoo arc COll!>idering the pur- chase of a condomini un1 : 1\1 0 ST FUNDAl\1ENTAL rule or all is o thorough in· vesligation or !he ,sellcr- devcloper to be sure he is highly reputablr. we ll financed and experienced in the field. em phasizes Lll'Orge J. Fan!in i, Jr .. a vice president of State S!reel Bank & Trust Co, of Bostoo, Don"! fail to check all resources ava ilable to you - including: the local real estate board, loca l Beller Busi ness Hurcau , banks. friends, and so forth , I NV E S T I GA T E TIJJ·; nlanagcmcnt to make Sur<' it is experienced and \\' r 11 - rl'l.!flrdrd. for n1anagerncnt "·ill ha\'e a direct impact on the \'alue of your invcs11nen!. 00 NOT ACCEPT mere promises Of a S\\'i n1ming pool. <"lubhouse, tenn is courts. elc, Thesr amenities should hr a v a i I a b I e bcrorr the developers sta rt n1arketinc thei r units, Complete .Mid-day American Stock List • I ' • Plut" 1t• a. Lie. On l\ppr, CredJI 24 Mo. O.E.L CONNILL CHIYIOLET JUI HAllOlt ILYD. COSTA MISA !44-1200 Adw•rtii..m•nl What Do Many Doctors Use When They Suffer Pain ) OfHemorrhoidal Tissues? j Eicl1sive Formola Cives Prompl. Temporary Relief In Many Cases ~OTll : Sue• Pain. Also Helps Shri1k Swelling of Sua Tissa's Due to lnftc11on. { Jn a i;ut'o'cy. dn('lors w••r" a~k,·11 111:111v ca"lf":<l rrum 11a;11, i1f'h111i: J .,,....hat 1h"Y ul"t· If• r•'lif'v" <;ill'h 1n h;•m<•trhoidal ti::.-.n··~. ;\nd II ~painful symptom~. ~lan v or th·· ;11•t1.1ally h··lps s hrink ra1nlul ;< 1loctor11 rt·po rl1n~ ~aid l ht•)' ""'·ll1n~ of such 11-..'U''"' wlo• r1 f'ilht't USP l'r1 ·p;n.it1nn II lt1f'nl· onf•·t'h'rl and inltnm•·tl. Ju,.t ~,,,, ~ SC'IV•"'I nr 111 1l1t it ultic1· 11raclic1•. ii 1lot·tur-t••,l•·1I l'r••11:oraln•n 11' .. Pr<·par11t11•n JI ~1,··~ prun1r1t. ,i,,..~n·1 h1·lp )llU (l1nLn1<•nL ur tl'mpnr;u y ri·l+o t t .. r hnur-. 111 :.u111,..,,.itnri•·~- • " l . . .... MISSION VI EJO I lHPORTS -MERCEDES BENZ - .'\nles . 51'er1:ice • r.ea sinu 28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY 495-1700 MISSION VIEJO 831-1740 S... DM1fO fw,, to A•"'Y ,,_._.,. ••it, ri9'1t -M•"'9Wrih L ·I · B · E R · T ·Y C ·O ·I ·N · C ·9 , ... ~_ .. , PURVEYORS .. 1 1 OF COLD & I I SILVER COINS I J IN STA~T ISFOR~I ATIO~: 71~·~~S-i79b I M~UDIATf. DELIVERY C.\Sll 1 R.\t\S.\CTIONS •II f\t"l\'Jlt ri•!\11 :-,111'1"11•t•l\Ch C\..:':• ~ ~0 111lloll1R! lll\ll ~f\"l~IY!llll '°' 1"'1 ~ • ' l>O 1'\0T PER~ITT your deposit funds to be comingled \1'ilh other develo)>t'r funds and instcAd, says Fantini, "request th at !hl'y be drposited into an cc;crow account "'ilh interrst in your n11n11', ·• Ask too I hat :iny bank statcmrnt related to the account be for \var<lcd to your attention. Don't coin· pron1ise on this. IX> KOT ACCEPT lhc ~!:itc­ n1cnl of lh~ rrul r.stalc dC\'C'loprr on real l'Statr taxes. Be cer1ain lhl' inforn1alion givrn you is accur:itc, and t'i:infi rm "'hat you h<i\'e been tu!d "·ith the loc:1l assl'ssin.; aulhoritirs. :'111\1\E SURt: \'OU full:.• und{'rsl:1nd all 1e:isc silua- tiottc;, for there arc incrrasing 111~1anc-es of dr\'elopcrs 1nain· 1a1n1ng: ff'l' 011nership lo 1hl' 1 i.1n<I under !he condon1iniu111 lt h1L<; f'rratinµ: a 1r3!it>hold 1. Si:1n11• hole! onto the park~ng i;ar:1i:c. <Hhl'rs to the rccrc,1- Lional nn1rnit ie.~. 1' h cs c lr.l!;rholfis do not nr.cessaril:.· prrsrnl a problem to you but lhl')' arc \"1tnl in coinparlng Vl:ll. *' W Ntt WI Milt -... ~ OIQ. • Lltl a.. . Lltl °"' AAROl .oso a,,~,.. OMSup m 1 sr -~ ~.hi 1 u_,.. STUDY '\'ITU CAR1'; the A•v -CA .is s s ... l:°';;/J:: : ~~-·i4 ~g_w:J.,.°'!2 t 4"t?+ = Condominium Assn. n1li.'S. so !::M:.i;~ ! 1!-·~ c.r" .... n 1 •""• ""' Adlc.o I.std J J .. ! - nd ' f "'"" Pr« 1 !\'..-.... C-111 ,'lit .. 60 4 I'll......,. lflC • -.. \oa you understa th<' n1ean1ng o N.uon lflllll , .... 141 CM•let"t .,. l s + ~ ~nro.. Alb 21 s ... such terms as "right of first Mot. <llic. s 1 • \oa !:~ ~ ; 11~ ~ F'i"•!IGe!' ·*, •, .le"~· ... MfWlt9 tit(. t t•... ... '' -,,.. --••• .--refusal." '"usage .....,,visions,'' AHllofClpSI 1 :J\lt-~ ._,., , .!.':'._·:.:_ A.~.'2111 ti IM+ 'tit r·~ AtttlPbl.Dld , ~ ••. c:.1-n1 , =,.·• l"l"'Hlfffrd 1, •,., .... ··rental rl'strictions.·· ''pct NtH S11 .to 1 Nr+" c.r.t.c .tld ........ SstRlty""' restrictions."' Don't risk learn-AlrtiorNFf 1 ""'··· CllSok P'•I'. m" •·· F«St.l.41 J ~·1' Al'N"E1 ill I '"'* .. =~ ; ~t •;" ~...:..~ ~ ,..._ y, ins their meaning after you ~i.:.: : 1t~1"' ~.mo " 1 +"' FhdwP!:JI 1 ""'*,.. h<!\'e bough!. ,,,... Alrt • S\ot• ' C H C Col1t 'l .~·-~ .» J 21-'llo IF A~ A r A R T ~I £ ~ T building i!" bl'ing con,·t•rtNI to a t•ondon1iniun1 ! .. condo ('(ln- \'Crsion" •. chrck whether !hr dc\·t·loper 1s Cl'rt ifying 10 the rondition of lhe-structure. electrical, heat. plu~bing. lhc like. In these cases, additional Cilnslderations 1nust bl' the soundproo fing nf !he building adcq un!r utilit1cs, a strong structurl'. Albl Watdn • ,.,_"' °'"""'"... F'9Qtnd.tt s 2'1111+" AlleG Al•'"' l a-"lo 0i1,. ..-• "''+ "' R.t<md ,n J .,.. "' IJr::/"""' I ,,,_.,.. C l ..... "It ••• '1illfltWly I""'•"' 4l I QI ol ." ,,. 0-.-.... D~ ,_'~ .... Aet:lt. l......, 1 U• ..• Alttc Cor-P ' :i., ••• o'-' .,. , ,... "''~,IO:! u 1 -"' "'""QI pf , 1i.. .... "" •.. '1f"i!lr'lll ft .. .... -Cp..t s 1~ ..... o.n....,.,. I _ ...... ,. .... ~-u ,.. .. . ""'"'"'..ts l f "4 • , 0.~#1 .,._.Ula I llllo• '°' A OllrtllQ"1 I 1't •.• 0 .uso;i ,Ud I .... " Fo•!iCM,a I ~.\<lo ""''°'"'M ll"'-a.,CM11n ... wu •• ,..,., ~ ... A.Ql(I ·.--~··:; AlooGlrd .M I 11"• • • f'::-~ .S. J .:.: ~ l"raM.\M ,31 ,_ " ::!~.-:'~ ; :: ... :~ C.-1" ,tso I 3 -"'° ~1:'.:.,MI i; :-,._·\.ij AMll.,6..lJ 1 t'llt+l<lo Cultlnttll'lc st~ ... frorotierAlr J --"' """""''.ltd' 'S1 .,. (oiooJol"'Sl 3 ,,...._, ___ ___ .., __ I M +"' cv.-..w • """" ... °"'*"'".» 2 ...... :"'~7: .'.: • ~ .• :: : e c:; ·1 =·· GwtU Olro ,, , __ ,,... .,, ,._ '00..__ ... OM._..,.» I 51111 ••• Am Altvwl J t.1••1·16 ,. ,,........ rr-"" ~,JO tt 'Jlilt+ ~ Nft AKGrP I• ,_ ~ !:or7'b a.tip 11 11\41 "• •• ~ _l.t U ll"i• "' "'"S.l'tt 41t. I S"-.,, ComC'lf .1Qd I ~\It "'" Gl«Onll .~ l 11 ,., Amfr.OIW'Q .. J'llot \'> C.Olfll M _q 11 1.-. "" o.oiEd5ornr 11 2 •••• AMIC(p .Qt l tl~-i. '::...,_,_l's-,.; • ~-°"''..wtor ! S .,, ""drN 11M1 1 l'llot-\tr '"""' •• _, 1.61 I ...... ,_. ,,_ .._ 1 I 1• MQIO C .lld J 1"9 ,,. Compa: Qt 2 1111+ V,, c;;:~ ' 1r~t\' IF ' ·ou 'RF' , "'o ,...,,nc. JH·"'"'·" ~i.n_.aa ''• u~-,\0 ~ 11>e , ...... . '. -" .• no\1' rcnt1n-;:, :::l::?.°',,:, ri ,:::,_-~ c:;;i;;:., 1 ·~.,. r.err.ttk t" ~ ,r~t: don I o\'erc~tunatc !h<' l<L" ""°"' 1no:. ' .. ,,. ~ QI JO 1 ..•.• g:=:.:: 65 M •"" • . d · · AriC\." Kid trtt IS -V. C-lt' 0> I •"> • • !;IM!llftt ?Ii; I.) ,..,_ '-S<l\'lngs Ill c 0 n 0 ll\ I n I u n1 Nl1C pj. A ,, ...... "" ~, Int. I I'\+ \~ ~ ... , .lO • ~· "' Ol\'tlCrship 'lourtaxbrackctis'Nm« &.1 tt n-~ ~ ... ·~ • 1""'•"-~~ , •~•\+ • · • ........in Olt'P 4 l>'tw-\' ..... ,.. .-. 1 .,,..... '-~B ,)I t M-VI> your adjusted gross. not vour NTOlll 1£"<1 ,,. • • "" ~'?',..'" o n, •,,._·~ Gk...-'111' e 1 • ... ' . Al-.(0 "" ... ._..."" -~'~ , ~-gro.~s t•arntngs tax braC'kl'L .-.sP1111a1 c.. 1 -.. "' &::;!'~ ~ 1 , ... "" =--~ St tM And "'halever b<>nC"fits accrue. ::1: : :"'• '\,\ c-wn ~ ~:: ~~ ': !-.. :~ ,. 1· • ·11 •-• th All CNrrtQ II I ,._. 1lio ~ lritl a ......... 'II> Gori!'~ 4 '""• "'° \\'arns I" an Jill, \\'I "" 111 f' A.tA•d'lld wt 7 " • "' ~I-.; I " -"" o-...... .v 7 31h+ ¥11 "O\'ernn1en!'s h:Jnds u n t i J ""''' .. 0i1 1 °'•"' °'"'"·"• ' '""' ... Gt-•110•• 1 1 ••• t> • · "'1!n ~ 1 I -1+ ~""' t3 , _ _,°"''""'°hod !Blt-,.._.1' rrce1pl of your lax rl'fund . ""'°~JO 1 • -"' c. c.tM 111 ,,,., -"-G11 h\ ,., " 1 ... 1\-,"6 I ti • "'° <::r.i. ~ J 1'0-1+ Gt UOo .1<1 11 .... • AVX~ I ~ ..... 0 ""'9rfl• 1 •}9+ \olt C"'5eon,511 11'.-I+ Fl'll L'. TllE IRS h __..._ ~lw MI II ,..._~ ~si. ., !'~ •. , .·, • . as t::'i 111 "'° 1 """°"" o-Pt.M> ',,,.. •.• ""-"Jiii) , .._. .... just ruled that condo~miniu1n llllt~:= t ::· -~ g::.~ : ~·,.; ~.:/ : ! -·"' 0\\'11Cf associations are' nol \BMbftr u • ""' : .. ~·.-1 ~"" G Jt•o.111 1 ,,.. ... N r fed 1 . e..~uut .z:i 1 111• ••• Crt:ld• on ,, u .... er--r• ... 1 ...... "' exe1n". rom era trl-e.r-1.m • i ... C51!CO AI 1 11••" ~c379 , ""' ... l'O!ne t<ix 1pre\'1ously, the~· =::1:: l i:+'-o.MC»~~..., ••· W'•-: 'f ::+• had bcenl. This opens up in1-=~ i ~111~: ~-= ~ ;:: : &.:..o:f : \?. ·• µOr t ant qul•snons v.•hith d<'-BltM 511 .v J J\\ .,, r.~ .• • ,.._ ,."' <Mfrtrd AM • ~ w. ' a... Old IO I'\+ "' Ootf Utl9 .lD I """'-Gtllflll""'"' 2 ....... " 111und a separate report that e.rwktr 1ni:1 1 ,.-. .. ()llt'llt Qn 1\>'a+ "' __,. ...,._ I'll sub111it next \\'eek . 6"1" ~ '? ~.~ q ::t If :: :: ;:i:-..... ~ I ,:_ .• ::rif'CI " • ,.., '" o... Cp Ml J •!! ............ 1 ~ .. Newport Pe1·111its Ahead for March 0tttatt't • I ,..,. .. °'!:.1..::.0• , .._ ... ....,, .._ • • -"' l""91W• I •.• 01 M ._... • ...._. ! I f' • ~ Qt t M• Wio Dlotbolll\lltll J •"' ~ f ... Gt'9t."4:111. I l ... DU!trU9t A Mii' •u ~--" ....... ""' • .. ;,-• .... • -'"' t •• .. . -.... -,----... , .... . ~.10 to ~.. .•• • ,. ,,.. ..... Ht 0..... i· lklNMICp I 2~-,-!!,. _ ,,___ ~C. I ... ""'""Ero! • ,. ·w. .. Q 1'4 •• , ~-Jlf I " :0~1.# 1 =---.. ••P.11 11=:..· • ........,,.°$/ 1.:....·" ar.......,1.n d '°"' .• :."..:l.~ 1 +"' ..,_.....,.. , •"" ~ ---=4l--"~ I • ... tl!!fl9dl .. '1 == : ' ...,. .. \ii IM-" .. ' ~·­--'.i 1-• -.,_ a '"' • !!£;'~ .1 .... ,,. -119 ~ • &r!Jdl.-1 ._,. '-ut t ._..... l'\~1>0rt Beach Issued 235 building pemllts during l\tarch \\·Ith an estimated valuaHon of S7.241.J2i. lhc Nc"•port Beach Dcpa r1ntent or Community Ot'\•elopmenl has armounct'd . This an10unt exceeds the sam<" month in 1973 b)' about ~20.000. The largest single com- mercial building pennit "·as Issued to the Ne~·port Co.'lit Comp:1ny for rons1n1c1ioo of a thrre·i;tory office bul!dln~. in- cluding H bascrncnt 11'.lVl!l park· llnot.... , J!t-'i ~-111 1-............. ,,_. 1 . ... h,. garage, at lliO Ne"·port er-B.lt 1 ..,_" ~~ _.,.""""""' "'-•'-:~~ tl m;...·-. ~.,;,,. ~·-='.Ii"' i' ,...._.: ~ --!"!P I .... " -i .. _ .. · "' ., .. CentE'r Drive. 8-Ut·.;:i '*"+" ~Qoii'! ' •"' t::r:• ~ .. The largest -nnmb<>r o( :=,;:ir;: _ tr' ::: E='.f F '" . 11qr ... permits to one builf'ltr '"':lS 71 1 ~ ~ 1-=: r.!!.~ ; .. ~ tCl~rt-J -- u ,,., 1• .. roe """"\lllny 11ut1w •>N1, ,.. •. E••"--J! f """ ... iMC-~ .. , ( '" 'lJ B k r--9.11119""..0 I ... Ill .. ._~ ~""'-"'ICM j:;. • !or con !ilru ction of ...,._ ~:_llfltt+-~~-.1 -=--·~ :=g.~ al -: smgle-ramoly dwellings In the ~ I I"•" fC: .... i:::. l' ~-.~ ::-=A ·1 ~ • Jasmine Cn.>ek proJecl 1n . , ,__"' E,.. Ni* , .._ t: i:=;; : Corona del ?l-l11r. The dcp.1rt-"'°"'' I e= ~\ I"':'-11=,a -: mcnt tslin1ate,<1 the VllUBllO!l ""'!l;: !! ~ ~ ,. 1fi IJ .... tll ::;:.. i ~ .~ of these perm1t.'i at S3,I87,000. ~,;;.; 'i ,~:~~.-!Ct ,f = ·14 '•it::'~ ...-- The largest single res Iden-i~ i fi··· t2 rs. 'I ~ t ··· :=..,,..-.. .. ,::._." 1131 permlt "'115 ISS\l~ lo Ken 1';;1.i n.._ \: rtt111::,,. • Ii;;+ "lo' ::-'111'! ! ':-" Ollpha.nt for construcllon of a = 1•== ~;:" 1 'I:;, =:i:•• • ""° ::: $125.000 building a t 7 ,.. " .. '" lnvemcss J...anc in Big Olnyon. . I .. • • ........... • . . . . . . ..... Buy The DAILY PILOT For Peanuts! Her.'1 htrt'I here'• h•t•'• lut but not least. here'• CHARLIE BROWN ••• Ind LUCY .•• end LINUS •.. Ind vroLET ••• 1nd her11's SCHROEDER,,. llld SNOOPY Phone 642-4321 (Clrculat.lon Department) to hav e the whole Peanuts gang come and visit y on dally . • J2 OAILV PILOf Mondiy, Apr~1 15, l ,1• • • ' I ' • APPAREL AND SPORTSWEAR BETTER COATS Assorted collts 1n both regular and pant lenglhs. Orig. 70.00-90.00 • , ••.••.••••••• , ••••••••••••• Now 49.09-59.99 FUR SALON Mink coats in na1ural and dYed shades .•••••••••.• Now 22U.OO Mink stroller in nalurat and dyed shades .. , • , ••••• , Now 1111.00 loll 1111~ l•beled to s~~ cr.u~f'Y or ll"Q'" °' '"'POrled lu ... DESIGNER DRESSES Selected group ol desi~ner dresses. costumes and al1er-llve clothes. Orig. 120.00-240.00 ••••••••. , .Now 79.99·159,99 BRIDAL SALON Assorted bridal gowns in all season fabrics. , Orig. 160.00-300.00 ....•••••••••••••••••••••• Now49.n.149.n Bridal veils. Orig. 40.00·80.00 •••••••.• , •••• , •.••.. Now 19.tl-49.n MISSES' BETTER DRESSES Early Spring lashlons in dresses for day and late day, and cos1umes in large assortment al stylos and colors. Orig. 60.00-120.00 •••••••••••••••••••••• Now 39.tt.-79.99 WOMEN'S DRESSES ' Women's dresses. coslumes and !al e day gowns. · Orig. 60.00-140.00 •••••••••••••••••••••.••••• , Now 39.19-92.H PACESETTER . Daytime dresses. many styles and fabrics. Orig. 40.00-60.00 .•...••••••.••.•••••••••••••• Now 27.91-31.99 Long gowns, covered and bare. Assorted solids ' and prinls. Orig. 40.00-100.00 .. , , , , • , • , •• , •• , ••. Now 27.99--11.99 KNITS/SPORTSWEAR DRESSES Selected group ol famous maker knits. Ong. 90.00· 160.00 ....•.••...••...•..••••••••. Now 59.tt-H.H Knit dresses and pantsuils. Orig. 60.00-140.00 •• , •.••. Now 39.99-92.99 Casual dresses. Orig . 40.00-80.00 .•••••••• ,,., ••••. Now 27.ff.54.99 SWEATERS/BETTER SPORTSWEAR Sleeveless vesL Ong. 16.00 •••••.••••••.••••• , .••••••••. Now 9.97 Short slee-."e turtleneck. Orig. 14.00 , , ••• , ••••• , • , , •••••• , Now 8.97 Long sleeve cardigan. Orig. 18.00 •••• , •••••••••••••••••. Now 11.97 Tweed wrap cardigan. Orig. 23.00 .• , .. , •••• ,,, ••••• ,.,,. Now 1•.97 Famous maker collon shifts. Orig. 38.00 ••••• , ,.. •••••• , , ••• Now 25.97 BETTER SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES Polyester sportswear coordinates. Orig. 18,00-48.00 •••. Now 11.99·31 .99 Famous maker shi rts, many slyles. Orig. 18.00·28.00 ••• Now 11.97-17.97 . Solld polyester knit pull-on pants • , , • , , ••• , •• , • , , , •••• Sptdll 11.17 DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR Famed designer sportswear :;cparates, shirts; skirts and panls. Also sweaters and j!ckels in assOfted fabrics. Orig. 26.00-160.00 •• ,, •••• ,,,.,, ••••• , .Now 17.99-10..99 ROBINAIRE COATS/SUITS 3-pc. polyes1er pantsuits. Orig. 52.00-66.00 •• , ••• , , , .Now 39.97...t•.97 Polyes1er short coa1s •••.•..••.••••••.•. , •.••••...•. Special 39.97 Long coats. solid and patterned polyesters. Orig. 50.00-52.00.Now 39.97 ROBINAIRE MISSES' DRESSES Pantsuits 1n assorted styles and colors. Orig. 40.00 , •••••••. Now 29.97 Collection of dresses in varied fabrics. Orig. 32.00·40.00 .• , .19.97·23.97 ROBINAIRE WOMEN'S DRESSES Polyester kn i1s and 1ersey print dresses, half sizes. Ong . 36.00·54.00 •.•..•.••.••. , ..•• , • , •••••••• Now 25.97·37.97 Two and 3-pc. polyester pan!suits. sizes 8-1 8. Orig. 40.00-60.00 ••••• , •• , ••••••••• , , , • , , ••••. Now 29.97-44.97 ROBINAIRE KNITS JWA 's own 2-pc. polyester panlsuits, assorted pa11erns. Orig. 40.00 •••••••• , • , , •••••••• , •••• , , • , ... Now 29.97 3-pc. pantsuits .••...•••.•••••••••• , ••••• , , • , ••.•• ,Special 45,97 ROBINAIRE SPORTSWEAR JWR's own long and short sleeve import shirts. Orig. 13.00 .•.. Now 7.97 Long sle()ve polyester print shirts. Ong. 16.00 .••••••••. , .• , .. Now 9.97 Polyes1er separates group. Orig, 21.00·42.00 •••.••••• Now 13.99·26.99 SPORTSWEAR II Famous maker shirts. Orig. 9.00·14.00 , , •.•••••••••••. Now 5.97..a.97 V-neck cardigans. Orig. 13.00 ••• , • , ••••• , •••••••••.•••.. Nowl.19 PAGE BOY" MATERNITY BOUTIQUE Slacks. Orig. 14.00 •••.•••.. , .••.....•••••.••...•. Now 7.99 Assorled long dresses. Orig. 34,00-60.00 ... , • , •• Now YJ·~ OFF Assor!ed maternity Ungefle. Orig. 5.00-.20.00 •••.• Now Y>·Yi OFF CAREER DRESSES Famous maker polyester pantsuilS •..••••...•••....... Special 17.97 Famous maker voile dresses in p<inls and dots .......... Speclal 19.97 Famous maker 1-and.2-pc. jersey dresses. Orfg. 26.00-30.00. Now 17.97 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN COATS Denim pan1su11s. 100% cotton. Orig. 50.00 .••••• , •• , •• , ••• Now 29.97 Double breasled pant coat. Orig. 38.00 .,, •••••• , ••••••••• Now 27.97 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN DRfSSfS Group of Amel ' lriacetate.jerseys. 1-pc., 2-pc. tome jackel dtesses and pan1sui1s. Orig. 26.00-38.00.,.,. Now 15.97·25.97 Conan kn1fs. shirt dresses and 2·pc. su11s. Orig. 26.00-30.00 ••••••••.••...•.•• , •••••••••. Now 13.97·15.97 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN SPORTSWEAR Sportswear brushed denim coord1nales, pants, jackets, shor1s and skirts •••.••..•••••.••••••• Specill ts.97·13.97 Shiris, assor1cd slyles and fabrics. Orig. 8.00-22.00 •••• Now •.97·11:97 DEB·ONAIRE FOR YOUNG JUNIORS Famous maker co!ton knit coordinates. Orig. 9.00·24.00 .Now 5.97·15.97 HaUe1s, assorted pnn1s. Orig. 8.00 .•.•.••..•........••.••• Now •.97 FASHION ACCESSORIES BLOUSES Assorted print shirts in bright fabrics. Orig. 9.00· 12.00 ••• Now 5.tt-7.99 Knit tops 1n basic styling. Ong. 9.00-11 .00 •..••••••••.. Now 5.H -7.99 FASHION ACCESSORIES Famous maker scarfs. assorted fabrics. Orig. 6.00·1CLDO ••• , •• Now 3.97 Famous maker sun glasses. Ong. 6.00· 10.00 •.•• •••••., •••• Now 3.97 CAREER SWEATERS Acrylic lace cape , one size. \vh1te, beige, red, navy •••••• , .Special 9.11 Jacket 1en!'.]th acrylic buttoned sweater, S·M·L·XL •.••.•. Speclal 13.97 HANDBAGS Vinyl handbags in envelope, tole and &hO\lldor • s1r11p styles ••..•. , ....•••..••.•••••••••.•• SPKial 10.97·1•.97 Casual le!ther shoulder bags •...•• , ••••••••••. ,Sptdal 1•.97°19.17 GLOVES/SMALL LEATHU GOODS Famou5 maker lealher spart gloves, Orig, 9.00· 1•.00 •..•. , •. Now ts.97 Fanio;;s maker leather checkmates. OriQ. 15.00· 17 .50 .••••••. Now 9.97 HOSIERY JV/R's own bikini pantyhose Orig. 2.50 .••••• Now t/11..11Of12/21.to One size pantyhose. Orig, 2.00 ••••....•••••• Now 6/t.lt Of 12/15.tt Sheer knoc hi. Otlg 1.00 , .•.•..••••. , • , , •.•. Now 1/5.29 Of 1211.91 Control top pantyhose Orig 2 50 ...... , . , .. Now 1/11.19 or 12121.19 FASHION JEWELRY Pastel bead co11ec1ron . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . .• , .•..•. Speclal 21•.97 White rope beads, assorted 1cn.gtns Ong. 3 00·6.00 •••• , How 1.47·2.97 ANNIVERSARY LE FINE JEWELRY 14k gold chains. Orig . 32.00-214.00 ...•••..••••• , . Now 24.00.1&0.SO Cullured pearl earrings, necklaces and rings. Or ig. 24 00-200.00 .....••.•••.•••....••.•••.• Now 11.00-150.00 COSMETICS Malson special poppy pallern. Trays. Or1g. 20 00-28 00 .......••••..••••.•...•. Now 13.tf.11.99 Jewel bo.11es. Orig. 14.00-22.00 ••.•••••••••.•••..• Now9.99·1•.99 WIGS/MILLINERY JWR"s own Teri wig. llghlweight, casual. Orig. 30.00 ...•.•.. Now 11.97 Co non blend tied scarf hats ..••• , ••••.••.••.••••••..• Spacial 2.97 BEAUTY SALON Helene Curtis no-set permanent, complete with cul .• SpKial 11.SO LINGER.IE FASHION FOUNDATIONS Famous maker unlined lace wire bra • , •••....•.••••••.• Special 5.17 Famous maker nylon lricol bra. Orig. 6.50 •.•..•. , •• , •••..•• Now 3.97 Famous maker under~·11re bra, molded seamless cup, converl!ble haller bra .........•.•••• , •• , , ••• , , •• , •• Speclil 3.97 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN LINGERIE . Long conon print lounge dress. Ong. 14.00 ...••••••••••• , •• Now6.97 Long sh11t 1obe, natu1a1 gauze look. Orig. 22.00 •••• , • , ••• , •• Now 1.97 LINGERIE/DAYWEAR Trimmed briefs and bikinis •...••..••. ,or, •••••••••• Speclal 1.37·1.47 Print b1k1n1s .......... " .•........•••.........••.... Spacial 2.27 Famous maker lull slips .....•.................•.. Special •.27·•.17 LINGERIE/SLEEPWEAR Famous maker cotton gowns. Orig. 10.00 ....• , • , .••....... Now 7.97 Famous maker canon pajamas. Ong. 10.00 ...... , .•........ Now 7.17 ROBES/LOUNGEWEAR Gossard polyester double knit long robes. Orig . 3.00·32.00 ... Now 17.97 Designer's long cotton robe. Orig. 38.00 ....•.•... , ••...•. Now 19.97 FASHION FOOTWEAR. SHOE SALON Designer shoes. Newton Elkin, Andrew Geller . Palizzio, Hill & Dale, Stanley Philipson. Palter Debs and more. Orig. 27.00-45.00 •••..•• , • , ••••••••• , Now 11.99·29.99 WOMEN'S SHOES : '' • Paradise K111ens'·"Tammy" black paten!; navy. bone. white call. Orig. 26.00 ...•.•......•.....•...•.•• , , •• , Now 11.97 Paradise Ki11ens' "Tigress" black, bone, while palent. Orig. 26.00 .•.•...•••••••••••.•••.••.••••••••••••. Now11.97 ' AVANTIQUE SHOES Avant1Que sports shoes. Orig. 23.00-24.00 •••••.••. , , •.• , . Now 11.97 Current fashion shoes by famous makers. Orig. 19.00-28.00 •• 11.99-15.99 WOMEN'S CASUAL SHOES Panal10 sandal, crinkle patent, wh ite, bon e, blue, red or black. Orig. 22.00 ...........••...••.•.•••••••• Now 17.97 Good seleclion of Andante sandals. Orig. 17.00· 18.00 •••••• Now 13.97 YOUNG ll10R.W FASHIONS • HI SHOP T-shirts and kn it lops. Orig. 10.00-13 .00 ..•••••.•••• , , .Now 6.97-7.17 Jeans from famous maker. Orig. 11.00-14.00 •••••.••.••.• , , Now 7.17 GIRLS' 7-1• ... Famous maker Spring dresses. Orig. 13.CJ0..21.00, ••••. Nowt.17·11.91 Blouses and shirts. Orig. 1 0.00 •..••.• , •• , •.•••• , . , ...... Now f.17 GIRLS' •·&X Famous maker dresses. Orig. 11 .00-15.00 ••••.•••• , ••. Now t .97·9.97 Assor1ed sportswear. Orig. 6.00-11 .00 •.••••••••..•••. Now 3.99-1.11 BOYS' 4.7 Famous maker panls. jeans and dress styles. Regulars and slims. Orig. 4.75-6.75 ..• , •• , , • , .•••.•. Now 3.•7...t.97 Short sleeve knit shuls 1n a vanety of styles .••••••..• Special 2.47·2.97 BABETTE AND TODDLER lnfanr dresses. Orig. 10.00-17.00 .....••••••.••.•..•. Now 5.99·10.99 Toddler aresses. Orig. 12.00-20.00 ...••••••..••...•. Now l .97·14.17 INFANTS Famous maker shav1ls. Orig. 7.00-9 50 .....•.•....•.•. Now •.49-&.•9 Towel and wash cloth se1s. 0119. 2.30-3.00 ....•..••••• Now 1.99-2.•9 GIRLS' DAYWEAR/SLEEPWEAR/ACCESSORIES Girls' briefs and bikinis, assor1ed styles ................. Special 87¢: Girts' Spnng sleep\·1ear. long gowns and baby dolls ... Special •.57-5.57 Girls' and teen purses ii'I assor1ed slyles .••••........... Speclal 2.97 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SHOES Busler Brow;.'" and Hush Puppies"", suede casuals. Orig. 14.00-17.00 •..•••.•••....••..•••..••••.•••••. Now1D.97 Brand name canva~. deck, sport styles. Orig. 8.50-1 1.00., Now 4.17·5.97 MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S STORE Aeadgate su1! trio. 100% polyester ..•..•......••..••• Speclal 109.00 Readgate suits. polyes1er and wool. Orig . 145 .00 ....••••. ,Now 119.00 Aeadgate sportcoats. 1 00~10 polyester. Orig. 75.00·85.00 •..•. Now 6'.00 Readgate sportcoa!s, 100°/o po1yes1er double knils. Ong. 90.00-95 .00 •..••.••••• , .••••.•••••.•. , ••.•••• Now 71.00 TREND SHOP Nylon 1ackets. navy, white. red and yelJO\V. Orig. 13.00 •• , •••• Now 8.59 Gentlemen's cuffed poplln slacks, lighl blue and 11ght green. Orig. 11 .00 ••• , • , • , •• , •• , ••••••••••••••••• Now s.n MEN'S SPORTSWEAR Woven sport shirts, short/long sleeve. Orig. 12.00-18.00 .•..•.••••.••••.•...•.•••••. Now7.lt,2/15.00 Kn11 spof!s Shirts, many slyles. Orig. 12.00·16.00 •... Now 7.11, 2/15.00 Walk shons, solid colors ...•.. _ .••......•..... Speci.11.tt, 2/13.0D Easy-ca re Oacron"·polyester bOucle cardigan. Orig. 22.00 •. , Now 11.19 MEN'S FUlllllSHINGS/ ACCESSORIES Robinson's own long sleeve dress shirts. Orig. 11 .00-13.50 .•.••... , ..•..••..••..••••.. Now 7.991 2/15.DD Medalist short sleeve dress shrrts. Orig. 9.50 .••..•.. Now 7.511 211•.DD nob1nson·s own pajamas. Orig. ·10.00·1 4.00 ..•••... Nowl.St, 2/19.DD Medal is! hosiery, textured nylon hose. one siz& l11s 10· 13. Black. navy, brown, whito, olive. Anklet Orig. 1.25 •••• , •• Now 3/2.IS M1d·car1. Orig. 1 .~o .•••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Now 1/3,50 Over-tne-call. Orig. 1.75 ....••.••••••••••••••••••••• NowJ/4.00 MEN'S SHOES Allen-Edmonds plafn Joe slip-on. _Orig. 47.00 , _ •• ,,.,, .. , •• Now 35.00 Allen-Edmonds moc·loe laco. Orig. 45.00 ..•..•...•..• , ••• Now 35.DO Freeman 's plain toe slip-on. Orig. 38.00 •..••........ , •••. Now 27.00 LUGGAGE Atlant ic MacLcOd 1a11an plaid luggage. Orig 17.00-4 1.00 ••••••••...... , •••.. , ....••• , Now 12.50.30.SO Vonlura Viva ladies· sol! side luggage. Orig. ~-00·125.00 .•.•••.•••.•..••.•..•.•.••.. Now• QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED. ALI. ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE: \ ftUIDENCI: o" JOSEPH W. PtO•lttSOH AltOUHO 1195, CAMPUS SHOP Famous maker knit shirts. Orig. 8.00 •••. ~ •••••••• ,, •••• ,:.Now 5.17 Famous maker sport shins. Orig. 14.00· 16.00 •• , ••••• , •• ,.,, Now 1.17 BOYS' SHOP Famous maker jeans , junior, student. Orig, 8.70· 10.70 ••. Now •.tt-5.99 Famous mak.er crewneck shirts. Orig. 6.40 .•••••.••••••.•.. Now 4.99 CANDY/GOURMET Kjeldsen buner cookies. I lb. !in, Orig. 3.69 .•••• , .•..•••..• Now 2. 79 Kieldsen bU!ler cookies. 35 oz. !in. Or1g. 7.25 ..••..•••••.••. Now 5.50 Aplets and Cotlets bit family pack. 1 lb. Orig. 1.98 ••••••••..• Now 1.75 LIQUOR JWR private slock liquors. California wines and champagnes. Selected imported wines lrom France. AU specially pnced and 10% case discount. HOME STORE NOTIONS Group of R. G. Barry Angel Treads•·. embroidered terry scuff. pink., blue, wh11e or print Ballerina 1n blue, pink or yellow •.............•....•.........• , •• Special 2,59, 2/5.00 Van Wyck Woollone. cold waler soap. Orig . 2.50 , .•• , ..••... Now 1.99 STATIONERY 20Y1" Pedestal fernery, natural rauan. Orig. 10.00 ••••••••••• Nowl.99 27Y2" Pedestal fernery, nature! rattan. Orig. 12.00 , •••.•••... Now 1.99 BOOKS Assorted Sunset books, over 45 titles. Orig. 1.95-12.95 .••...............•...••••.. Now 99¢·5.99 Assorted ficlton and relerence, large selection •. Orig. 3.95 ·7.95 ...............•...• _ ...••.. Now 1.11·1.ft Irish H,ouses and Castles, 371 illustrations. Orig. 35.00 .. Now 15.99 TOYS 811. wide, 20" deep sleel wall pool. ...•.....•...•••..• Speclal 19.99 Batman and Superman transistor radios. Ong. 9.99 ...••.••.. Now 7.99 Fisher Price Jolly Jalopy, Orig . 2.99 ....... , .••• , .•••.•.•. Now 2.•t LINENS/DOMES'J'.lCS/BEDDING . Canterbury no-iron couon/polyester sheets by U!ica Stevens. A sub11e sp101t print 1n yellow, blue. Flat or lnted. Twin. 0rig. 7.25 ....• Now 3.99 Full. Orig. 8.25 •••••. Now •.99 Oueen. Orig. 12.00 ... Now7.99 King . Ong. 15.00 •••. Now 9.tt 42x36 pillow cases. Orig. 5.50 •....••• , ••• , •• , •• , ••• , •• How •.39 •211'.46 plWOW oases. Orig . 6.00 •..•••••••••••• , ............ Now s.11. Imported white goosedown p11Jo\·1s. Madrid : Standa.r.d. Orig. 18.00 ..•.......••.....••• ::-••••..••• Now 15.99 · .. Oueen -.Orig. 29.00 ~#Now 21.91 King. Orig:'32:00,,. •• New 2'.• Sovereign : Slandard. Orig. 16.00 .•.•.......••••••••.•• Now 12.lt Elegance by Tobin, while, 'ecru, gold. green . SOxSO. Orig. 7 .00. _Now 5.99 50x 70. Orig. 9.00 .. Now 7.99 67x90 ob/ov. Orig. 17.00 . Now 1•.99 67x l08 ob/ov. Orig. 20.00 •••• , ••• , .•• , •••••••.•.•••• Now 17.99 67" round. Orig, 14.00 •••• , •• , ••.• , ••••••.•••• , ••••• Now 10.99 Napkins. Orig. 1.50 ••• : .••• , .•• , •.•• , •••• , ••• , •• , •• , • Now 1.35 SILVERWARE , 3 qi. casserole, silver plate. Orig. •a.OD . , ••••••••• , , , •••. Now 39.97 1 Y2 Qt. casserole, sHver plate. Orig. 35.00 •• , •• , ••••• , ••••• Now 29.97 12" black formica lray. Orig. 17.50 • . . . •• , •.••• , •••••• Now 14.97 CHINA/GLASSWARE Mikasa Checkmates Ironstone 20~pc. service for four, 4 patterns. Orig. 48.00 ....••......•••.•.••.•.•••••• , .Now 34.95 5-pc. completer, Mikasa. Orig. 27.50 .....• , .•.. , •••• , •••• Now 21.95 Porcelain 8-pc. snack sets, 3 P.allerns. Orig. 17.50, •.. , , , ••• Now 13.99 HOUSEWARES Salton Hotable serving ca rt ..•.•....••.••••••••.. , ••. Speclal •7.99 Sal ton tiot party server. Orig. 14.95 ...•.•• , ••• , •••..•.••.. Now 9.95 _Salton electric bun \varmer. Orig. 10.95 ••• , ••••••...•••... Now 7.99 Cornwall 2'h qt. crockery cooker .......•....... , ....•. Special 9.99 Mirra electric 5 Qt. Teflon' French fry er and buffet cooker. Orig. 30.99 .......••..•.....••••...... , .•••. Now 17.99 TV'S/STEREOS/VACUUMS RCA 18" diagonal color TV with remo!e conlror •••..... Speclal 361.81 Hoover upright convertible vacuum. Orig. 69.95 •.•••••••••. Now •9.18 FURNITURE Attached pillow back and arm sofa. vinyl. Orig. 559.00 , •••. Now 399.00 Down /leather sola, green print. Orig. 589.00 .... , ••••••.. Now •tt.00 EKposed \'toad fram e. French toveseals and sofas. Ong. 429.00-575.00 .•.•••••••••••••••. , , •••. Now 369.00.-.C99.0D TuKedo loveseat or sofa ..•. , •.•.••••••• , •• , ,Speclal 349.00-449.00 Trad111ona1 loveseat or sola .•.....•••••••• ,,, .Speclal 379.00-499.00 Queen Anne wing chair. Orig. 239.00 ......••.••••••..... Now 199.00 French wing chair and ottoman. Orig. 378.00 •.• : .•.•..... Now 2H.OO Ber9ere in uphols1ered labncs. Orig. 249.00 •.•••.••••. , .. Now 209,00 DECORATIVE FABRICS Custom-made draperies of slanda rd treatments . 72" or longer. rabric and labor .......•• , •••••• Now 10%-30% OFF Cu siom upholstering. SB.00-$30.00 yd. Fabric and labor •• Now 10% OFF LAMPS Tree floor lamp. Orig . 35.00 . , •.• , •••••••••• , ••• , •••• , , .Now 29.95 Corinthian bronze table lamps. Orig. 55 .00 ••• , •••••••..••. Now 47.95 Boudoir lamps. Orig. 20.95·27.95 , , , ••••• , •••• , •••. Now 16.95-21.95 CURTAINS /DRAPERIES \.Vhita 1ergal polyester panels from France. Orig. 7.95 , .•.••••. Now 5.50 TeK!ured throw pillows. Orig. 4.00 •... , • , , •. , •••• , , ..••.. , Now 2.99 Wet-took vinyl lnrow pillows. Orig. 6.00 ••..•••.•••..• , ••• Now 2/9.00 ART/GIFTS 5" handpainted porcelain_ ginger jar with rosewood stand ,Speclal .11.49 7-pieco glass wine or whiskey sets ., ••• , •• , •• , •••••.• Speclal 22." ART GALLERY Norman Rockwell prints, sill'. subjects ••••••••• , • , •. Speda:l 1•.SO ea. Series of miniature mrirors. Orig. 7 .95 ea. ••••••• , •••• , •• , •• Now .t.15 RUGS/CARPETS "Fashionette." shag plush pile in live solid colors. Orig. 12.95 ••••..•••.•.•.••• , .•••. , ••••. Now I.It eq, yd. ifn!t. • "ColoraUons.·· Kadel' Ill polyester 1ex1ur~lip sheared plle . Orig. 13.95 ••.•.••.•••.•.•.•..•...•.•.. Now10.tt1q,yd.1intt.• "Nocturne," velvel-liko plush pile. Orig. 13.95 •. Now 10.lt lq. yd, iMt. • 'Carpel comes complete with your choice. ol oi.lr fe•lured paddlnQ and our quahty s1•ndard installal1on oer square y•rd. Wall 10 wall bathroom carpeting in live subUe hued colors, 6' wid\h. Orig. 8.95 .................................... NowutUn.ft. ''Flanlavia. •· 1 OOo/o cotton Oriental design rug in two pat1e1ns, live ooJors. 24"x47". Orig. 19.95 •••• , ••••••••••••••••• Now1-Ut 45"x72". Orig. 49.95 ••• NOw31.H 8'3•x11'6"'. Orig. 169.95 ••• "1•.tl 5'9'x9'. Orig. 99.95 , .. Now 79." IO'lt13'8'. Orig.279.95 .,. ,221.11 CASUAL LIVING Brown Jordan Tamiami, vinyt laced aluminum pallo fumi1urer 5-pc. dining group. 42• 1ablo, 4 arm chairs. Orig. 327.00 .• Now 2'1.00 Chaise, adjustable. Or};'. 138.00 •••••• , ••••••••••.•••••. Now 11S.OO SLHI' INOP Simmons Back Rest• I. lirm support, !!oral quill cover. ma11ress or box$Pring . Twin ...••......•••..••..• , .•. Spedal 59.95 ••·pc.. O\Jeen • , .• · •.• loedll 1H.tS Mt King .....•.•. Specie! 2•t.9Seet Spnng Air's Momfngdale, ex-lirm suppon. m!Urass or boxspr1ng. • Twin ......• SpecfalSS.OOea.pc. Oueen ..••.•. Spec;lal171.tslirlt King .••.•• , , , •.•.••••••••••.. , • , ••.••••. , .•• Spec181 219.IS Mt OR IG INALLY MEANS THE FIRST PRICE AT WHICH THIS WAS MARK!D IN OUR STORE. ON MANY ITEMS, INTl!RMEDIAT! MARKDOWNS HAVE HEH TM!H. '.FAS HION ISLAl'ID ,;HOP .MONDAY 10 :00-9:30, TUESDAY 10 :00 -5:30 644-2800 • I ·' • ' • • .. ., ! I ( 1 • • ...... "' "" ........ '"' . . . . . ' ~ . . . . ' \ ' . , . UCI Womens Center Open to Men By LAURIE KASPER ot ... D.lllJ ..... , Sr.If 11tis spring, the Women 's ~portWlil)' Center on the UCJ campus \!l offering help to men. Its door.s are opening to men basica\lv for lhe Mme reason It became the fir.St center to offer career, \'Olunteer and educational counseling lo adult "A'Omen in Oran~e County . . . "si1nply because there s no plaee for them to go," ex- plained Edythe Petrrs. director. "\Ve feel a lot of the things .... -c're doing (for y,·ocnen J, men need too," expla.ined Allee L. Anderson, director of education and liberal arts for the Unlversl1y Ex:· tension Md one Involved in Initiating the (~nter. She explained that men , who nccount for about half the enrollment in extension classes, are also racing unemployment problems and changing careers in mid· life, I "\\'e v"Ul include men," she cautioned, "but 'i''C 'A'iil not 'top focusing on \liOCDCO.'' Actually ~11. Peti:rs said, counselors e BEA ANOE RSON , Editor M~r. April U, 1t74 P~gl ha1·c helped 1he few men ..-.·ho overlooked the (.'(_'filer's formal title and requeated hl!lp before thls. NE"' ADDJTlONS Rut now the extension's catalogue in- cludt.'S \~1th the \Vomen ·s Opportunity Cenler 1 bot In smaller type) a descrip- tion of the Career Advisement Center. which offers info.rma tlon on extension proerams relat ed to vocational concerns. itnd the Education Credentials Advlse- n1cnt Ct:nter. v.'hich has a counselor to help on credentialing problc1ns and related progran1s. )ten's problems seem easii'r 10 soh·t'. the cenll•r director said . primarily because men arc not out of "·or!-: ;1s loog as v.omen. t\ man she explained. usually just feels he is betv.·efn jobs but the v.·on111n 11ho hasn·1 \\Orked for as long as 21l years often develops a feehn~ of helplcssnes~. "She n1ay even be \\'Onder1ng if she eou!d e1·er 11·ork ." she said. ' "\!en arc tr:iincd from infancv to bt'hC\"C !hey ll'i\! "'Ork and suf,port thcmselvr s in soc1ct1• and. 1u11il mavl>c yesterday. 11on1en -"'~N! trained -to Vchcve they 11·ou!d be support~."' \\'hen a \\·oman rom~ into lhl' center. shc often doesn't knoll' v.·hat direction she \\ishes lo head so :\!rs. P('trrs asks . "\\'hat "ould ~ou do if you 11·erc a 1nan".'" • Our Daily Bread Is By AWSOS DEERR Of !ht Diii~ ~l .. t Still Gloria Bush lrnov.-s all about crutches. She's tried alcohol. food , drugs and even collecting antiques. "I was searching for happiness. I'd think, this \\"ill be it, and it never \\'as. Sometimes it 11·as a nev; car. or a party, or just going, going all the time.'' She'd been to Alcoholics Anonymous af\er she turned to alcohol because her husband traveled a great deal. Overeaten Anonymous helped her realize y,·hy she ate. "I've probably lost 800 pounds o\'cr the years. But it 11·as the s.ame pounds O\'er and o\·cr ."' Then, one morning. the Costa ?o.lesa mother of three visited 1'1elodyland Christian Center in Anaheim. She's been back e\'ery 11eck since. "It "'as not a floly J«iller thing. Peo- ple were real and open. At first , I thought it was moS!ly dramatics and S',1ov.', but something drev.· me back."' GOD PROVIDES :\'I rs . Bush. a divorcee engaged to be. married again. finds it hard lo explain her experiences. She says, simply, thal she "\els GOO provide," T"·ice each \\·eek. she shares her ex- periences with other compulsive eaters ln a program she initiated, called Our Daily Brt:ad. On Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings. 'A'Omen with \\'eight problems meet at Tl·lelodyland to pray away the pounds. The moral support of others with the same problen1. kno11"ledge of 1<11\y they overeat, and the help of God have \\'Ork<!d "·onders. · Our Deily Bread is a strange tille for a program v.·hose diet plan excludes sugar and white flour, but, she said, it docs v.·ork. The diet is '3 bi~ protein, low carbohydr8le pl.an Jeamed v.'ith the sym- pathetic ear of a food partner. another member of the dass going through tho. !ame troobles. "I used to eat because my husbaud -·a'tl't ln town, or because t.he kids v.·ere underfoot. and my hu.sband was home <J.t:t dlnner wasn't ready," she relates. "I \Vas one of those people \\·ho nibbles \' hil r I hey c:>ok, eat !he meal, and finish up the leftovers on the plate. "I c:ould'n 't eat one piece of candy. I'd !•ave one and tht'fl go back again and At a Lime \\'hen jobs are in short su~ ply. both men and women are hurt. she sakl . bot the advances "·omen ha\'e made tend to slow down. A 11·oman whose Interests lead her into a field lraditlooally predominated by rnen. must quest ion 11·hether she "Aoold be "'llling to lake the time for training and then be able to stand possible pres- surr, \'et, th('re is also a shortage of open- ings in the traditional "·omen's fields of nursing. teaching and social \\'Ork, ~Is. Peters said. "Probably the only traditional women·s field 11'here a 11·oman rould still find a job 1s 1hc clt>rical and they're the lo11·est paid." ~1 1-:~IORIAL. LIBRARY Inforn1ation on 11·omen and work will now be available in the Dr. :\!ildred J. Wiese r.temorlal Library, a ne1r addition to 1he «nter since it moved into the university 's new admini5tration buikling. Although "y,'C had no idea \1·ho she 11·as," r.ls. Peters s.1id Dr. Diese's fa1n i- ly requested that donations be made to the center in lieu of flo1vers after her dcalh. Prior 10 her retirement to Leisure \\'orld . Laguna Hills, Dr. \\'icsc had been 'Men are trained from infan~y to believe they will work and support themselves • , I 1n society. Sharing again until the box \\-as gone. I'd buy my favorite food 'for the kids· and they ll-Ouldn't gel any." OVEREATERS SY~fPTO~f She doubted that many people un- derstand "unless they are one of us. They say have a drink of water or don't eat . It dclesl't mauer if y,·e're hungry or not .·• \\lien something happens that prompts overcaters to stray from the diet plan. they pic k up the phone and call the food partner. "\Ve pray together that the problem be solved." said Tllrs. Bush, •·rather than starting to cat. "\\'e do things one day at a time, that's all. \\'c're l'he ones who have no will po11-er. We lose weight, but it all comes back again. "I've tried everything -pills. shots, every possible program. They \\'Ork for a1<1•hile, but I gain it back again." Gloria Bush is a warm, open person which she attributes to her new faith. She ls concerned about people "''ho are still !!earthing, evideoced today by young people. Allhough she had been raised y,·ithin an organized faith . to her "God bad been for emergency use only. Now He is a friend and I ta.IJI: to Him several times a day." }fer lire, and tbal of her daughters has changed dramatically. "There v;er-e many days lh~t I y,'OIJld J\lll sit and rock and . feel ~rr· ro: myself. Now, I'm happ~-. P11 th~ I • "That doesn't mean we don't tun·e pr·b- lems, but noW t can fa ce th"m. I k "oN tne Lord wlU provide." Anyone interested ln the Our DAilY Bread program can contact ~1rs. Rush al ~69. P.1eetings are Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and Thunda)'I at 9 a.m. at lht center. • lnvol\'ed in research and teacher rduca- tion. She had hrard ol thc l'enter through a friend. The dirct•tor said Information on employment. careers. "'on1cn and the 11·on1en·s TilO\·emcnt "'ill 00 ava!lallll' in the library v.'hich is open to tht' publ1l' ln the momings. A l'ounselor l1S also :l\'allable for peo1lle \1·ho ''drop in."· Some of the "·oinen "'ho ron1e in for ht>lp are suddenly di1'<lrced or "'ido"·ed , 1its. Peters said ... Tiil'}' nttd help i1n- mediately. Thry really nN'd an instant solution y,·hich isn't alv.·ays al'a1labll'." Others Rrf' y,-omen \\hG recch·~I C0W1seling I \\'O years ago. dt.oeided to go lo school and are now ri•r.dy to find \\'Ork . "They felt y,·e help<'(! ch1•1n onre so th!:'~' eome again ... she suid, obl'iou.<;ly pleased \\'tth the increasing nurnbcr or \\'Ollll'U calling upon the center's counselors. The center actually started as a spin- off of \\'Ollll'n's classes initiated by :\Is Anderson in the fall of 1966. a 11'hilc before "11on1en's studies" bccun1e ac- l-tptcd as a t'l'.lllege course. l\O PtACE TO GO "Really. 11hen \\'C talk of \\"Omen·!l pro- grams. it's not rcljlislic lo just talk of cla<;srs. ·· ~ts. Anderson S.'lld. explaining th:ll prior to the opening or the C1:n!er in 19il} .. there "·as no place \\'on1{'n could get good ~dvice and no place to go in !he ronununity to talk of tht'lr particular problcms." XO\\' cOrnplcling her doctoral:l~is on "SC.'( role concepts 1n Amt'rican rultun.• and the implications for hi~ht"r educa- lion:· she belit'\'f"S .. \\'on1m are !iui!able subjects for at:iden1ic Inquiry. 1"hry arc not a part or the amorphous t"omtnunity. "It's just as legitimate to ~udy "orrcn frorn a socioloi?ica l point of l"iCll' as it i:; lo study any 01hcr" grou1)." she said. And \\"hilc sonic L'duc:itors expr('SS !h<' conl'em lhat \\'OnH:-n 's stud1<>s 11·oulll push the students out of cont:ict \1·ith the rest of the acadcn1ic proi.:ratn. she suggests making "·on1cn a subjC'ct of acadcrnic scrutiny in all progratn:". Although classes relating to \\·omen are a particU1:1r interest or hers. 1.hcy also had to be "'ell attended. Since lni\'crsitv Extension is oo\\· state supported. she OOtcd . "\\'c can't offer classes if people don't 'A'ant to take then1. \\c ha\'c to ron11nun icatc with the con1- 111unit~· and \IC ha\'e to n1ccl the needs of the communit y."' \\'om('n ha\'!! been a cooctrn of ex- trnsioa programs for a number vf yc11n;. i\1s. Anderson said. but they 1\·crc thought of as taking courses only as • "\risure ti1ne a(•tlv1t~" ;:i nd only during the day But 1l011·, 111any 1norc of the adult 11·omt.>n ut tht· s1a1e ;ir~· \\<irking or in· terested in 11orkin~ 1n !ht' futur1' so lht' en1ph<1sis O( !he (•Xh•llSl-00 prograrn IS chani:1ng and nmst of ihc l'IH~.sc>s ar<' of· fcred in the t•vcn111g APPEAi. TllROLIGllOl T "I ll11nk ou r 11 0Uk'n"s progra rn I~ bt'roming less or a \\'lltll1•n\ µr uj:t\llll,. she said "\\'<' appi .. 11 to 11ornt'n lhrouth n1ost or uur proi.:r;1111 ... \\'hat sh~' c-;111" · 1'11ltur:il enha n<'1'rnrnt" classes. "!!h'l' thl· op1>ort1u111r to 1'\Jllorr tlre;is of 1ntr n·st 1\1lhout !lrt"''un .. of gradl·s :ind th.11 ~n of 1h111,i.: ·· \los t of th1·~·· l"l.1'!>t'!> ..1p{'•:.1l 10 both 1n1·n and 11on1l•!l but. she s11J1I. thC'r•· are son1l' art'.1S 11h1'r1• \\On11·n rnay feel lht' n('c<I to "g1·t it 1og1'thcr" \\'lthout ltll'll in !he ''lass. Cour${'S y,!Jic h art'! skill orirntatcd .• 'l."I :\lana g<!nlrnt !)(>l'elopn1t'nt for \Vo nlc.'11 , Career l'lannini; for ~la\tJr(' \\'omen. \\'on1en 1n the Professions an<I f"innne1.1l \\'oml'n, h:il'e bt•t·n popular, !ihc sail.I. She said n1ore co .r~es nrr n<'cdl'll For \\'On1en 1rho h:ivr deliC'irnt·il'S in e1•r1a1n arrns. On<• sueh l:lass l\'aS called \\'om ru in :\lath1•n1a1ics 11tuch 1urn('(f into a rcm('<hal n1a1h l'lass OC.catL~t· so f1•11• of ttw \\·on1c11 had H b;t ck~round in the sub- ]l'CI. SEl,F-F.STE E:\1 :\l1hough she pn'.'d1cis !hat lhc 11'00lcn 's lllO\"Cment is "of suth stren1.'1h that 11'~ going to be "'ith us through the rest of our lives," she sa id . ""part of !ht' ffiOl't'- ment in equality has to con1c throuAh self-cslct·nl ." This. she said. is not just for thc sl"lf hut also kno11ini: \\'Omen ha\'rn·t h«'n 111- 1·isible !hrough history and this 100 h:.is t"-l'll co1·t·rt'<i in l':<ll'f\Sion conrst•s. :\1 ~. AndC'rson also noU!rl th:il ex- te1~ion student~ h:n·t" b('l'n youngt·r th;1n the 1nicldh .. agcd audi('nce lh<·y geared !ht•1nse1vcs to 111 the p;.tSL r-.ls Pch.:rs has noticed th i-; 1r1•nd in the. \\'on1cn's Opportunity U:ntcr .is \\"C!I . In !'pring 1!171. !'he S.'lid , only 10 per- cen t of the "·omrn 11ho \\Cl\! 1n 11·c re under 30, By sprins: 19i2. ho"'evrr. \\·omen under 30 act.'Ounled for 21 \K'rcenl of their busint'SS and b}' fall of la!.t ye ar, they 11·cre up to 30 pc.•rcl.'TI I. She thinks the-trend for 1he younger 11·01nan's int('rest in retunung lo classes 11·hilc she is at home "insh-:id of y,•:1111ni:: to be 40," is hrcausl' the mo1·em en1 is reaching more \\"omen. Still. at least 50 percent of the people rcC<'iving counseling at the center are ag- <.'<.I from 31 to 50. 'God had been for emergen cy us only. Now He is a friend.' Glo~ia Bu sh • i ' • I I J 4 DAil V PILOT Interests Growing TI1e Women's NationaJ. Farm and Garden .As· sociation's annual flow· er show, to take place Saturday, April 20, in Ute Fountain Valley Com munity Center, is open to all amateurs. Arranging an entry are Oeft to right) Mrs. Scott Robi nson and }.trs. Herbert Blaylock. ... Dea r Diary's Exactly That DEAi! ANN LANDERS o f 1 didn't like your ndvlee to teenagers who kttp diaries. You said, "Nevtt put any1hin;t In ~Thin" that m~ht ca~~ heurlache or humiliation if someone should 'aceldentally' find It." I am 15 years old and I ha\'e a dlary that means a great deal to me. Parents don't unde.ntand y,·hat it's like to be able to write whatever you fc>cl like. A diary ls a fr iend. \\Oen you \·e done something \I.Tong , you tell your diary and then you feel better. \\'hen you do somethin~ good, you can brag about It ~·IUIDul being 11elf-conscious. A diary Is someone you can talk to ~·hen you can't talk lo anyone else. There are 1Jmes "·hen I put my !!CCrtt hopes and dreams in mv t1ian1• Thev are verv pers<Mial and priv:iie, nobody ;s busines.~ but 111Jne. Som€'Times when l It'll my mother lhings. she smirks or laughs or says I am being childish. i\1y diary listens 1uid undersiands exactly how I feel. It's \\TOOg not to be able to be complcte-ly hoMst In 11 diary for fellr someoot might sec ii. I think you should h11ve told mothers to keep their noses out of their daui;thlers' ~lled to wtrn lbe "lrl' i1lttr I admoallhed the motherto l 50 lhey wtll be altrt lo lbt rl!il;a 1>f kteplng 11 diary. I agrtt that a dlar~· can be a ~·ondtrfuJ frltnd und P use· ful ttU.Uel for pent-up tmotloM. A &lrl SUOULD be Ible lo e!:_ prets berJelf optnly ud •11h- out fe1r, but I kaow the baz· ards of pour1nr out t1t'1 ln· nermest 1ec .. e11 on plpt!r an d 1be hearll!ch11 tb1t call folio•• If tbose "·onts are re1d by • tbtr4 f)(l 0 rt)'. I w1111 to protrc1 you· (lrlt 81 Htt f CID and 1hflt's v;by 1 "·1rntd •c•in,1 putttq 1ucb lnform1tlon fn1 "Tlflni;. diarles instead of y,•amingl f'====;:,;:===;::::;::;.::===:;;===:;;=:::;;=1 girls to be c:arefu l what they DEMOCRATS! HAVE FUN•"" ... er_,. C1.., .,.rile.-TA~L\IY Mlitiftg p~ DEAR TAMrtlY: Of course !Ac'•' _...,Neo+mr.,1 NEWPORT DEMOCRATIC CLUI you are right dCBr. ~ Jiary PAD HIWPOIT SPA 1bould he prt\•ate -strlclly 1sa.. ~ ._ • .......... , bands orr -and r despt11e the l:M~4-4!!'"!!.. __ .!T-~..,~=-~~·~._::!7~'4:!.S!•~.w.~-~·~·~·!'!!"~7_J thought that some mot htr'lt--------------------- are nosy and in\·nde 1helr daughters' prl\•aey, but I tell it like it is. r,·e recel\·ed stack:1 nf ltl· tu"s from mothers '4'ho ha\·e stuck thrir no1f'S Jn 1heir daugh ters' diarll!s and ha\'t q.-,iUen lo say they ere "•hocked, outragtd, &IUJ1ned . sick at heart, etc." I fell com- Varied Programs Aranged Your Horoscope Aquarius Has Choice Denim does it! Garden Growing herbs ~ill be the topic discussed by Caroline Hoover, second \'loe president of the Herb Society of America. She will be lhe spea kcr in the Memorial Garden Center on the Orange Co u n t y Fairgrounds Thursday, April 18. Afterward, a luncheon ~ill be serv~ at 12:30 pm .. Sale A plant bouttque 1¥11! be featlll\.'d at the garage patio sale, planned by the Orange ·A emon'S- SPORTSWEAR ~}TQlff PlAZA. """"'"""' 548-.t121 BAI.BOA ISLAND 216MororieAve. 67~-1904 CoWlty Adoptive P a r c n I s Association. The sale '>'ill be oonducted from JO a.m. lo 4 p.1n. Frlclay and Saturday, Apr il 19 and 20, at 1302 O:imbl'rland Cross Road. Santa Alla. Proce<'ds will be used to benefit 'hard-to- place adoptable children. AAUW An idea worksOOp is planned for San Clementc-C<tpistrono Bay Branch, Am erica n A!M>cintion of U n i ,. c r s i t y Y.'om'en at 9:30 a.m. Saturd;iy, April 20. in the Marco-Forster Junior High School. Topics se l ected fo r discussion include parapsychology, biofeedback, ' . need to raise funds for your club or charity? coll hunt ington center 897-2533 lor demi ls '1'· ELECTROLYSIS M EA NS A BEAUTIFU L HAIRLINE. 'OR A i .:)MOOTH COMPL EXION, OR C~R ARMS AND LEGS. COME \NANO LET US TELL YOU ABOUT OUR SAF'E -.. ERMANl!:NTLY REMOVING UNWANTED HAIR, ,.IND OUT WHAT ELECTROLYSIS couui MEAN TO YOU: ROB INSON1S BEAUTY SALON 2 FASHION ISLAND 644-2800 announc ing the garden unusually beautiful clothes. everything fo r lhe tee nage girl at Lido Village J.416 Via Oporto 675-0321 open ing after Easter l ·- drtSI pict ured circa early t900's 1od1y·11ook al the garden In April • • ' ' no degree and ..-t\fn the com· putors lake over. Danc e !\leadoy.·lark Couu1 r.v C!11b 'A·il\ be the selling for !ht> Fountain \laJl('y S-0u1 h Litile l'.cag11c dance at 9 p.111. Sa:ur· day. April 20. Alumnae Orange Cotuity Tri Sigma Alumnae will cclcbr:itc 1hc 75t.h anniversary of th c sorority's fo und inK 11he11 1'1 s. Angela Shearer cf ~lission \'iejo is installed president. The luncheon n1cetin~ "ill take place in her home Satur· day, April 20. La• Bri zas A Las Vegas !\'ight party y,·ith midni~hl buffet is plannl'd by Las Brizas Del ~tar Aux- iliary. Children's Home Socie- lv 10 ~r hLL"bartd5. Thr e·vent v.·ill take place Satur- day, April 20. in the hon1e or Jackie Uo1r1nun . Philharmonic llunl ingto n B e ach Philhannonic Con1111ittrc \\'ill prC'sent its fund·rt1ising Tr ifle ;\ ;1n<I TreasurC's S.1.le fron1 JO a.rn. 10 ~ p.1n. Snturday and Sunday. April 20 . 21 , at 95.11 Bock Point IJr irc. Swe et Ad eline• I larborites Ch :i n t c r of S1\"('Ct Adeline s v.ill ro111•wtc \\'ith chorUS('S fron1 I he Southland. Arilona a n d Julv Rites , Planned Suza nne l\faric Pellcrier an d Donald Duran arc planning to matTy July 20 in SI. John tht' Boptist Church. Costa !\!esa . Their parents arc !\tr. and !\!rs. Rernald Pelletier and !\fr. and !\!rs. Ale.'( Duran. all of Costa l\lesa. The betrothed nre graduates of Costa !\'les.1 High School. She Is studying to be a denial assistant and hr ancnds Orange Coast College. !\'c\'ada fvr lhe. regional c:rovon ~~lurday. ,\pril llJ, in San Diego. CARIH An art shoy,·fng and auclion 11·ill be presented by Paceset- ter Chap!i'r. ('hi Id re n 's, Aslhn1a Research Institute · and Hospital at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 20, in the Sheraton Beach ln:1. CHS !\'e.,rport llarbor Auxiliary of Children's Home Society 11·iJl honor patrons "'ilh a cham· pagne reception Sunday, April 21. in the Irvine Cove hon1c of Dr. and ~!rs. Terrell L. lWo!. Debutanle• Empire debutantes and thi'ir fathers ~·iii be guests at a brwtch in Big Canyon Countrv Club and then toor the facililies at the Child Guidance Center and the llarbor Key Lbrift shop. Debutantes will be presented 10 society June 15 during a ball. plaMed to benefit lhc center. Sponso r is Harbor Key, a support group. SC Juniors A 1\·orkshop for South Coast Juniors \\·ill 1ake place at 7:30 p.m. ~londay. April 22. in the Fountain Valley home of Mrs. !{on Carey. ~lrs. Clirf B rig h t n1 a n • 1u•1rly-electrd president. has be en nan1ed Club\\·oman of the )'ear. vohilc o l her annual honors Y.-cre gi\'en to ~lrs. Hobert ~larlen, Oti1.cn of the 't'ear and !i.1rs. Lorin Zechiel, (i1rl of lhc Yetir. Lectures TUESDAY APRIL 16 By SYDNEY O~tARR ARJES (~farch 2l·April 191: ltarmony can reign at home If. you make concessions·, Diplomacy now i.!l your aHy: Purchase of 1llXury item a~ pears to be on agenda. Check prices. TAURUS fApril 20-fl.fay 20i: Outline ambitions. K n o w wbert you are going and ~·hy you want to arrive at deslina- llon. Give form to thoughts, ideas. concept!. GE.\flNI (May 21.June 201: You get solid indications about future. You are nble lo know as contrasted to speculating. Kev is to be confident. Refuse to be sidetrackOO by wiseacre. CANCER (June 21.July 22): You reach people. Your In· fluence Is felt . You combine forces \\'ilh one Who knows financial Ins and outs. You surprise many and fascinate itill others. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Lie low. Seek \\'ays of expressing yourself "'ithout contradic:ting mate, partner or olhers close to you. Be. independen t without losing valuable, creative allies. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 221 o You get cooperation from sources previously regarded as indifferent. Aries, Ubra persons may be involved. Key now is to maintain steady pace and to keep diet, health resolutions. IJBRA IS.pl. 2J.Oct. 22 lo \'ou have n1ore frt.'ffiom. You can laugh and experiment and plan ahead for travel. study. Sagittarius. Geniini persons :ire in picture. Arecnt is on mO\'ement. ideas, c A an g e . variety and romance. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 \: Closed in feeling ls but tern· parary. Restrictions \l.'ili be listed-alter you absorb need- .ed lesson1 information . Aqmrtu, Leo persom could figure. in picture. SAGmARIUS fNov. 22· Dec.21): Study Ubra message. Change o( sc:enery.-and at· titude-is due. You get pro- verbial ,new lease.. You are able lo -make accurate deduc- tions. Your judgment is on the beam. CAPRICOR.~ (Dec. 2 2 • Jan.191: 1'.toney picture is en· couraging. Debts, collectioru are featured. TalU'Us, Ubra persons figure prominently. Accent is on getting books. ac- count! In order. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 181: Yoo can afford noir to be !elective. Oloose qulllty. One "'ho altempts to talk you into apparent bargain may have ulterior motive, PISCES (Feb. tt-~farch 20): Results obtained from past ef· forts. What comes to light now will prove of benefit to im· mediate future. YoU'' make significant gains by accepting additional responsibility. IF TODAY IS YO U R BIRTIIDAY you are selective. introspective, moody, drawn to law. theater and medicine. December could be one of your most important months of 1974. Persons born under Pisces and Virgo are apt to figure prominently in your life. You are an individual to , ~:i¥~w f~~e~~: Ji:r ~es~:~ are defin ite, distinct. ''ou are not easy to understand but you are "'Orth the trouble. Ifs a spring natural! You'll always find the newest al OF dnd EIJER YOAY SAVINGS! REAL DENIM LIGHT & DARK BLUE Values ta 3.50 Maehln9-washable Cot tons. Polyester-Colton blends. Sew a hir1jackBt and pants outfit; t1on It with atiol1Ques, slvds or trims. 38-<45'· Wide. RAIUIOAD Snll'f DEMIM 1" Values lo 3.50 yd New look in Den im! Coordinate iMth blu& Denim s 'uit s f o r s pr i n g . Polyester-cotton blend. 45 .. wide. Machine wash. SPORTSWEAR CHAMBRAY M"hine·washable. Mlle<>< no 119149 iron. Looks great wil l'\ top stilcl'l1ng and ar>PliQue s. • Cottons, Polyester-Cotton yd yd blends. 45'" wide. .......... , -LAGUNA BEAOI 271,....,. .... ()pen Mon.·Sat. 9-5:30 Sun. 12-6 P-"!1· Values to 2.50 •• NEWPOllT BEACH JO,..._..._. Mon.-Fl'i. 10.0:30 Sat 10-6 . Sun. 12-6 p.m .• Diet counselor f.like Tur in.1 _____ ·------------------------------------,---folUldcr of Pounds 0 f f Pern1ancntly '''ill be g\\'lng a ~rics of lect1.1r~ on wei gh! <'Ontrol and physical fitness from April 19-26. The leclures, free 10 lhr public. \\'ill be given in \'ariou.'l locations alon\ the Orange Coast from the Laguna Hills mall to high sc~-s ln the :'\ev.•pon·~lesa Dislflct and se\'rral restaurants. _.,, RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS .. A friend or the family since 1889" • Extracts & Flavors • Seasoning & SfikH • Fomily Dtnelfs • Dletory Supplements • Medical Aid• • ln1KI Fighter• • laundry & Ong. Aids • Dirt, Stoin & Gtnn Fighttn • Cntams & lotions • Colognes & Cnams • Pet Grooming Aids ,.. .,,., ........ ,_. -.... ,__ Ho.. A.i•l.., -Mn. ....,.. W•1 Sf• 64MIZ7 niahtl!()WUS slightly imperfect l l;J t() 1;~ ()ff 1 Mlett group of summe.- dr-esses & SP()r-tswea.- reduced up to ()ff Sh()e sale ·1~~f) AN:(l)~f) Newsion S..Ch store Ontyf , • regular $16 .• $20. •huge selactM>n of *tu.-tleneck sweate.-s • long sleeved all acrylic many col0ti r19.$11. NOW S . after-easte.- sale at NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND Open lite mondty ind fridty nights. LA HABRA FASHION SQUARE Open late rnortdly, thurtdty and frlday nltf\ts. t.. · UM your: Blrik A"*1.-rd lint Char11 Card Mntff' °'•" f:ath • ' I • I • • ' • • I I ' ' ' • • • ' • • • • • ' ~ 't MIXED SINGLES 6tt. tmrt~. 1 0101'1'1 (NOW i'l1Y(.l.I, WAS ~UC~ AN OlD · ,___.,,,._, ~~ION!:".D 61~1.. DID / You ? TUMBLEWEEDS DARe I eNQUI R~ WHY iHe SiR IPeD SHIRi? m .,Jb. . ; ; I . 1 .. ~ .. ' ,. I/.//, ,_ __ ... MUTT AND JEFF LOOK.TtlEY'RE smeAKING . IN THE STREET!COLLEGC: BOYSANDGIRLS.' "''" •·1 ~•n• '""'" ........ . FIGMENTS ' . ' . ,,JW -J • NANCY SLUGGO···ALL OF YOUR ADDITIONS ARE INCORRECT '+325 +4-+z -t-4 +3 7 4-5 7 /VO" TODAY'S CRDSSIDID PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Metal lastener 5 ...... 1ne wordf' g Chemical preli~ 14 Polish river ,5 A detail ,6 Furious 17 Less irrcressed with !t11ngs: 2 words 19 Rapidly 20 Heath genus 21 ShOe menders' proouets: 2 words 23 Character- fslics ol old age 25 '°"" narrow grooves ~Kind or fur 28 Wagerer: Var. !i2 Absorbing men1anv !)7 Corlum 38 Seti· , imporlanc:e 39 Lance's relative • 4 1 Consume 4'2 Uses a drlll "" ,..,. norrow !tags " 7 10 lJ u I ,. II• Ii.· " " '" " " ' ,, " I ' • " .. " " " . S•lurda·fs Pu11lt Solved •8 Deals Wl\h 1n writing SO Deadly poison 5 1 Burns \he surface 54 Greek letters ~At an unknown locatlon 62 Pandemon. ~~!$. 1um t; 63 Brittle 64 81g teen- ''' event: 2 words 66 Debate 67 Roman garment 68 Provoked 10 anger 69 Scrapes harshly 70 Winter ground cover 71 Actor Grant DOWN toooed hills ·e Suggesl corruptiOfl 9 Used TNT 10 Retati111ory action 11 Egg· shaped 12 Disney cl'lllracters 13 Poems 18 Large b:undlf!s 22 Walch poclitel 24 Food 21 R!msol 1 H•bitalio"s cralers 2 Idolize 29 Macie, lor 3 Small one bird JO ••·• 4 Clearly Knayyam delineated 31 Long- 5 Tt·uckness tailed measure roderits 8 N. Al'Mf. 32 l iability state 33 Operatic: 7 Flat· prince ,,, ,, I j " ~ I " • 1•n- 11 t ··: ,.. J.I 31 .. , " ' '~ .. •• -.. •• .1 ,. • ' .. , • ' 'l't' " .. ~ • 3.;1 Slab 35 U111ma\e 36 CI01''11ng .40 Learn lrom books 43 Rela,es· 2 words "' Russia!'\ pla11'\S 46 W1tn reterence lo 47 Tunelul .;19 Salt: Phann. 52 Kon Tiki. el ,, 53 Descendant 55 Crownlike heactoiece 56 FIO wet 57 UrM;empl 56 Evidence 01 an injury 59 EKtra: Seo!. 60 Russ, hgn1er planes 61 Wonc Prelil 65 Tool " II ' " ,1 ·<: .f " JO " " ,, . .. - " ~ " " • . . ".>C"l~~-· :,(. ... 11\ll\,I •• • • by Tom K. Ryan USl-Y 'iOU'R!O NOi A. ~~~l-YWINKS JlUFf. by Al Smith --~ --:-i I . I !L~ by Dale Hale by Emie Bushmiller THAT'S WHY I'M THE FAVORITE CADDIE AT THE GOLF CLUB 4 3 2 5 +4 ·2 -t4 +3 7 4 5 7 PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER '· DROPP1,..G 6'f 5Ah\ OFl1VElt'5' OFF ICE. >.eBEY SPENCER FINDS 1-.EFl A7•0RNEY·flt1EN0 I ESCORTING :EA~ CALVIN TO T!-E DOOR.' MISS PEACH • DOOLEY'S WORLD •T'S Too BAD "!l<ERE ARE SO MANY r"O\ICi:;>TY-ST~ICKCi N l'l·Ol'LF. IN 1HE .,WORt.0 Dr. SMOCK t 'M suQe -r.-.ese P11.-i..s WO.Ci<, ;.<AQR IS , eu-r i OON'"f Ge,.-"fOO MAt-.IY PA,.1f:'.N'f5 w ..io ""4Av fi' ,.""e: ee-.::;:Js GORDO MOON MULLINS ' OOTl '10Ll'£E: NO 5 U&AR fµ.BY! '0V WON1,- Ma'f! ANIMAL CRACKERS BCXI! T,.IE ENEReQ CRISIS SEEMS TO BE ISETTIN6 WO!l6E! ~-. .. ., -£lUT MOM SAYS 1Hl<Y uET1l-l~IR ~CWARD IN l!rAVHI You COuL.P AL.WAYS 1'1.-00P You.cl W A !"fl ~G fZ.OOM ! ® 1'1:l...J6. eu,. M IS S cats:e:se CAM .. f" SW I M WHV 5/'IOUL.O 7~'1 /'JAVE WJi?ITreN A .SON& A80tlr 1r/' OAIL V PILOT I :; liy Roger Bradfield ~::: s A C'f.JA1,...,Y "f~1 ""1(.1 NG 1fOV6R .' by Gus Arriola WllA'T:S so GREAT ,A~Ot.Jr APR.IL sHo .. ve;c.s_? by Ferd Johnson MY REBUTTAL IS GOING TO BE R.ATHER DETA ILED . ' ·) ,. //, ,/' r~, \. rU... ) \ by Roger Bollen BUT ITS BEEN DISCONl-IECTED TO 51>.VE FOEL ! THE GIRLS .... ••• by Harold Le Doux ·--..,..,.c:-,.-:,0:-N-:.,:-,:-,_.-:,c:i: Y.:ANT TO C'.)'>'\E 0U1' 70 :c ~1 ..:.ETO B-..' i VE GO,. -o "'" by Mell A·IS' "\·ou ~hOuld talk-.,.,·hat about thorot' "'"' 1tol( t'lub5 you boucht last month-and lhf' monf'y you ~pf'nd on fiskins: trips and bo.,.,·linr:" A!l:f~IA!l ~Tfl1~M AltTMUll:, WITH •OOAV'~ AOVANC::E.0 MIOICAI-Ti.~NlQIAES-1 IS TMl1'£ STILL. At-N 51.ACH THIN&-AS .A CE.!l'TAINl..Y. JN MV CMt-illCH , iHE CMOl.ct WOIAl..0 BE OEAO WJTl-401.Af If. DENNIS THE MENACE ' Ati''wW'-~~ ~Wl~1'101<~ ... .'AO!>ERN ' MEDICIH!. ; I • . e:=>ll>:;;:>==i DICK TRACY • '~A&. Of(dAJt.1 "? NE.Xi? ''I I ...__ ____ . ' 'i.' . : . ' ' J 6 DAllY PILOT f.'londay , Aprll 1~, 1974 Words From raham Inspire Masters Champ \l C."l;STA, 1-;11. ! 1\f'l -Cary Player ,\,,~ stddJns down the 17th fairw:i}' ;.1l the AlH.:usla Na1Lo1w l C>olf Clul>. a while cap pt1!11'l! lrrw O\'C.,. hi!i l'Yt'!. tlnd \VflS ponrli:r· i:t,: h1l ~~'cood !!hot to a hard. f:ist gr''l'n th.1! !1,ul ht'<'n h,-; lll'1t11·~i1 for n('ariy tY.'O tl 1•(·,.i[1·~ "I !1J\ 1·n ! hit this g.n'l'rl s1:c times In II•· lfl y1·:ir~ I \l' lx•t•O pl,1yin~ here," he "'J d !11 h . 1·,11ldH'. i"dd1t' \lt{'oy. "llU\ it \\ n for nit· 1n l!;til and 11 !\ goi~ to "'in I 1 U:'> or ti ' I tH• I 1111• S oulh \frll'.!11 dressed in 1,: 11·; 1 n< rk to "horo;;. took a ctr\ ht•: .111· st:illlt' .ind !1·1 fl} ,,·ith ~1 nine· 1•11\ I iu• t•J tl lll'.~1..1·1ln"1 :i hcoot1ful <1rc and pl'•' ~1d tu Y.ith111 ~I\ 111chr" of tht· ptn - 11 \ rrtual tap111 for a h1rdic thn.:c. ·n1.tt oni: llran1J!ll' ~hot brokt· the lo;;- 1·•111 .'11111111.:. f1 n1r lr:uh·rs ~un1t1} :.:ind 1!•'• !de>d the :!Rill \l:istcrs tou rna me nt. J1l.11orr '.lu\nlni• 11 .:i t tn undt>r p;11· -two !r11!;1·; ;1ht<•d~ul /1;1\l' Sto<.:klon :inti Toni \', 1~ko1;r l\·cplv tt'l1r.1ou ... a co1l\••11 o f 1 1c1n,scl1 ~t Bl\Jy 1,r:i]l:11n. Pla,\~·r· !'aid • •11 .. nft f>r ht' tx•a1 .\lckl;> l\11i.:1• 111 !ln- Vfurl d ~latch Plav Tnurn:1alf•nt 1n Lon· cl· {i'rt1hr1n1 had· told h1111: "rt:>n11.!n1bcr ~ t ('llll do :anvthiu~ through .lcsus rhr1)1. \\'ho s1ren~thc>netti inc.'' Play<'r :1lr~:ady hali tl'.O Brit ish Opens 1959. 19611. t\10 An1crican PCAs 1962, 197-1 and onC' \J.S. Op1·n 1965. Nlckl1.1us' 14 n1n· jor crowns include at lt'ast three of i;vel'ythi~ cxt·cpt !he British Open. Player .... ·orks by the hours on the prac- tu.:e tee, refining h.is skills. 'f'hc same has not produced a n1orc drliberate \\'Orkma n. "Thry ah1·ays ha1'l' said that it takes a Ion~ hitter to y,•in herC' at Au!tusta," he said. "I disagree. I think placement of the iron shots is more miporlant. You don't havt' to brutalize lh1s course to win. You can wu1 by good mana~cmcnl." Player is a mighty mite by most stand- nrds. standing only 5-8 and y,·eighlng 150 .. pounds. He has powerful forearms and hi! arms are exceptionally long, falling almost to hls knees. At 15, he once broke his neck jumping into a compost pit in Johannesburg. He turned pro at 17 and was an almost lm· meditlte &en&atlon. IJe made h i 5 American debut ln the U.S. Open at Tulsa in 1958. Player has constantly sought to better relations v.·ith. blacks in this oountrv. He invited Lee Elder to play in South Africa . He tipped his caddie here this week $3.500 and also gave the black bag·toter a new set of golf clubs afli a complete y,•ardrObe. Sports in Brief Laver Steams Up To Top Spaniard Ul'lt ........ ·1 wroll' !hat 011 rnv !ft'Orecard l>'•forr I "1 nt for the final round Sund a):· Playrr sa.d THE AGONY OF TOM WEISKOPF .. l'l:J\t"' .'ti frn1n far off Jch1nnro;;huri:. rt ;·l·oi'ttil a '1r!nr~· ht• f1r~1 .scnrl'll 111 JC)!il -,, rccorCt !:l-vl'~1r ~:JP -and flxl•d h1 ~ :-u•i!:.:i on 111:11 hur1l01L:i: "1'h1 ( t;il·r~ ,.,,,. tilt' f 1r~t le~ uu the < ;1 ;i nd Sl:11n " Jll:11•1·r· ~aid. rt'frrring to I! fnu; 111,qor cl1.1 n1nionships -U.S. :,nrt Br111~tz Up1:n~. !IH' 1-'t:A and ~la<1lers -11 h,ch n11nn n ha ~ l'Vcr 11on 111 a si ng1c ~I 1!', "Al ll':J~L r :•1n !hr on lv n1;1 n 1\·11h n ct1:1 nr·1· this \'cJI' to \1'in i1." Ir i<; thl' li1,i tn;;ijor ~o;,1J also of Jack Nitkl.:1us. holdt·r of a record 14 mnjor <"h<1n1 pion~hiP" \1 ho made n spectacular t'On1l•-rron1-beh111d stab at a rift h \l aster"' cro1111 \\'ilh an ca l{le al the par- It\'(' 1:\th, only 10 faller \~ith bo~e\'s at thl' 14th :ind lli \h. \t one stage u1 the exciting E:islrr S11nd:1~· •!1nwdo11n. Big Jack, Playe r and \\'ric;kopf y,•ere lied for tht> lrad y,·ith Stockton onh· a stroke behind and pressurl' building from !ii/Ch sourcrs as J;oiJbv f\Jchols. Frank Beard. J1n1 C'otbCrt, l)hiL l\gdgcrs ond Da11c !Iii\ Pla.1l'r l1nishrd v.·1th a 'tl. lht1 fir~\ p11zt• •Jf S:l.i or..n anrf rl'lt 1r:idit1onal J!r1•t·n \!:is!t·r" J.it·kcl. Y.'hJ('h w:1s a l'QUpl(' of •!/e); 100 hi[.: \\'1·1~~opf ;ind Stol'kton t1l'd at :!80. ~1ckl:1us !ird for third at 281 with lrv.•in ;1:id Colb1'rl. :\ichols nn<l Rodgers v,·crc :'' 21l2 ;u1d :1 h:1ppy Eng1ishn1 an. l\·lau rict'.! lh.•n1hr1d gl', ,1101 :i rceord • tying fi4 to l1n1~h :1t 2t:1 \\llh Hubert Green. I • I ' .r~ ~'"' morr~·WIMl1>9t In mOJ 11\1111" ' U )C.,•t•~mn'I • " ··~· ,,, <'-' !·•·· '"'""''· ,;1. ' ! '" '""' ,,.,, \'I :'W -' ! .... ~ ... 1 •~.0JJ 14 ' I<••~. \IC 'll J • """ " "'J8·1 !• ~''" N" ~ I\, "1 J t'" I 1!·~1. , ,~.1,Q , ""' . """ l'"<l'I''· ~'~ 11,,.,..,, ( ....... . n.,,.,. (r.•·-.r'~"· •1 ..;.!. '"'"'-"1 ll' l I I o, ~ 11 r-~1 ..... ., ' I 'fl~•"~' \1V>J I~" lloh", $, l'I'~ lldc~ J ~~·• n <:000 "" /',OI,•, 17 Jy tl ., )>,.,, ii.,,.,. ''" ("! 1100'·0"''· .. ~ "" ~"f~ll i : . ~ ''·'"' El~••d, Jl.•' !•~·· (rt""how, s·.9;7 11,. 1 Flo•4, l' .,~ I< • C.Cl<llb~. SL~JI J "'' b~rcu. fl 19' J '" ~<~I« \T ~>' ' ( ~.,, .. ,-. ''·'' r ,;d(• ~Q..,t. :I~ ['•n J\ttlr\(11\, \l.~Yt •·· ,i 1 n,1ot,hl. 1• •Oil l"v,. O•J.~. ''·llOO "' r. ~· \l,t'O ( "'•"" ·~~r\n.••~()(' ! " c ,,,,.,nu••· \I •OO • "·•'I loorl~Y. 11.llO<J '" C:• O<"r. J\ 1:.0 ,'.,•I ~1,1"6 '. l ,., f, 11,/fl~ ' .,1,,, !WI' '"' T~!.;oa, <1.IC'l . '· 11,700 ' !.' ~. llJOll TOKYO -Veteran Rod Laver ot Cor'(ina del ~1ar overca me a heavy wind and bt•at Spain's .Juan Gisbcrt 5-7, 6-2. 6-0 (or !he $10.000 first prize in the \\'orld Ch ampionship Trnnis Green Group Toumarnenf Sunday. Laver rnade frequent errors in the first srt and threw his rackrt dov.·n In disgust 1vhen he lost the first gan1e of the second set after running up a 40-0 lead against r.i sberf s serve. Jlu t then Laver began Adjusling to the 22-milc-hour \\'ind and his powerful topspin drives \\'ere too much for Gisbcrt. The 35-year-old Laver became more aggressive in the final set. running off six st raight games against the 31·year- old Gisbert. • c .. a .. 11 PHILADELPHIA -Fred Shero, coach of the Philadelphia Flyers. y,•as jumped . rnuggcd and injured in Atlanta Saturd;:iy night. t.ut says he can't remember anything about ii. Shcro new to Philadelphia Swxl.ay y:ith ruts and bruises on his face, scalp and back. and a gash on his left forearm 11'hich required st itches. A Flyers spokesman said Shern had been jumped by tv.·o men out<;ide the club's hole\ in Atlanta foUowlng a team meeting Saturday night. "I really don't know what ha ppened.'' Shrro said. "! don't even remember going out ... " e 1\°f!1t•rombe U'hi• ORLANDO. Fla. -Top-seeded John NC\l't"-llnbc captured his fourth \l.1orld Championshi p Tenn is Blue Group title In six outings Sunday \\'.ilh a 6-2, 3-6, 6-3 vic- torv over unseeded Jain1e Fillo!. Nc\\·combe fal tered in thr second set Y.'hen he appeared to tire in the 35-<iegrce heat and high humidil y. Fillo!. playing in his first \VCT final of the year, kept Newoombe deep In the backcourl for most of thal set after getti ns a service break in the rourth game. Ne\1-combc rallied in the final set. got the one sr rvicc brrak he needed in the sixth game, and coasted the rest or thr way. e Everl Ro111p1 SARASOTA . Fla. -Chris Everl overcame a 4·2 first set deficit and won the next 10 ga1nrs Sunday to defeal E\'onne Goolagong, 6-4, 6--0. (or a fi rst- place finish in a women's pro tennis tournament here. ~tiss Evert won $10.000 for the victory . Australia's ~i iss Goolagong collected $5,600 for second place. I-I()lts to11 Ca11't Get to Joh11 ° .A~ Dollge1·s Talie 7-2 Wh1 l!flt'STI)\" 1Ar1 -Jun \\'~nn Sll)S it .-.url' fl .. , 1.;t111tl tu ha1e a h:ind u1 lx•;it1n1: !lH· I ;,111,\1111 A!iros.. \\ .1 nn c·ontrlbtlt«l n hnn1i' n1n ;1n<l a tr1pl" 1 .. a 15·hij Los AngL•tr~ altnc·k oi::.unst J11-. ronnerl tearnnlales Sunda.v as thl' r11Ki~cts benl lht· ANlros i-t. 11 \\tlS ~ thrill," l>;ll(I \\ :.Tl!l. \Vho \\ il!i 1r.11Jl'd t11 the [)odi;:crs for pitcher C'lnud1• IJ"'lger< S/ale had 8 ninth inning ho1ne run. \\'.\·nn 's !Olo homr n.in in the .sixth in· n\ng -his first against the Astros and his fourth of the young baseball season - <'<unc off Houston reliever F r c d Scherman. ,John 1111ld hi& 3--0 start is not his best in 1he 1nojor lea gue!!. He recalled 1968 when he \\'tlS with tht O.icago Whil e Sox and \\:lS 7-0 at the All.SU1r break but ended Hp 10·~. ''That first set really was wrird," said the toirseeded Miss Evert. "I don 't think either of us "'ere really loose. I know thnt I "'as a l\Ule bit teMC at the begin· ning.'' ~1is!I Evert. Yl'ho \Von last year's tournament here, said she tried to keep P.1iss Goolagong deep ln her own ter· rilory. ~1iss Goolagong, u·ho was coming ofr a two 1nonth layoff, said the 90 degree heat did not affect her game. But she ad· milted that her lack of stamina was a factor. "I guess I just fizzled out," she said. e Naslase Vpset hfONTE CARLO -Andy Pattison of Rhodesia upset top-seeded Jlie Nastase of Romania. S-7. 6-3, 6-t, Sunda y to win the ~loote Cerio Tennis Tournament on the \\'orld Championship Tennis Rtd Group lour. e Horkey Vi~tors HELSINKI -Finnish center Pekka Keto la ~ed three goals, leading his lea1n to a 7-l victory over East Germany in the \Vorld Ice Hockey Oiampionships ~unday. F:arlier, goals by ~lats Ahlberg. J~akan \V ickbcrg and Stefan Karlsson powered S1veden to a 3-1 triumph over Poland. e Davis Cup rilANlLA -Bien Dimalanta and Romeo Rafoo scored singles victories t~ day M the Philippines completed a 5-0 sweep over Jiang Kong in the secood round of 1hc Eastern Zone Davis Cup competition. The Phili ppint'S now mO\'es into third· round play, meeting Pakistan in Lahore later this mon1h. ... ECSTASY OF GARY PLAYER. Havlicek Has Do1ie It All And Knicks Are All Done BOSTON (AP) -The New York Knicks are hoping that history repeats, but v.·lth captain John Havlicek healthy and In top fonn, the Boston Celtics figure lo be even tougher this year ln the Na- tional Basketball AssociaUon's Eastern Conference playoff final. The Celtics got off to a quick start in the best~f-seven series, whipping the 1\ n i e k. s 11U8 Sunday With a tou4!! defense and hot shooting. The teams Wlll play Game% in New York Tuesday nJght. The series opener was \'lrtually 3. replay of the first game between the same clubs last yW", the Celtics drub- bing the Knicks 134+108. However, the Knkks rebounded In New York 12MIS in the second game and went on to win the srrits and the NBA championship . Ha11ticrk. a superstar, suffered a shoulder injury in the third game last yoo r ·and the Celtics v.·ere unable to C()n1- pensate. The shoulder mended during the off-se.11oson and lhe 12·year pro from Ohio State ii flying. Oi\iding his lime between a forward position and the backQ)W'1., llavlicek 9COl't<1 25 points. collected 12 as.si~ts and grabbed four rebounds be.£ore l)eing removed \Vilh 9:1~ left and the Celtics in command with 11 93-64 lead. "Havlicek did it all ," said New York al.Br \Vall Frazier. '"l{e's ahvays mO\'ing, and can n1ake s:hots on the run. You can get the best position on him and he still gets the ball orf. You can't relax on him. 'Ve're going to ha\'e to stop the Cell ics from running. We didn't today.'' And then Frazier admitted, "the pressure no\Y is on us. \\le've got to take that one Tuesday. If we blow that one, "'e're in big trouble.'' Boston coach Tommy ll e i n s oh n credited "a super defense" and strong shooting (44 of 85) for the Celtics' lopsided victory before a crowd of 14,101 and a national television audience. New Yor¥ hit on only 34 of 103 field goal attempts, a poor 33 percenL "\\'e \Vere all over them ," Heinsohn said. "\Ve played super defense and shot "'ell, while they weren't hitting." ~~~~~~~~~~- Torrid Angels Se11cl Singer Against Twins When s~rchlng for rt'.!a.wns to explain California's quick start in the American League West. a good place to start would be Lee Stanton. ' The quiet Angels oulfielder who juM. turned 28 five days ago continued his hot hitting Sunday as the A1ljel! toppled the Chicago \\'hile So:<, 6-5, for their sixth \1~n in eight games. Stanton boosted his average to .485 1\·ith a p.1ir of singles in three official trips. dro\·e In his ninth run of the year .,..·ith a sacri fice fly . scored tv.ice hims.elf A119eb Si.ate Alt 9-.. ICMl"C ftlll "'or. 1S Mln.,.lOtl 11 C•lltornl1 AD•. 16 Ml1'1111M1ta at C1HtornlJ1 Apr, 11 Mlfl,,.Mlhl II (111!or?llol Apr. 11 MlnnHOta at C111ltl)rT!la """'· 19 C1llfatnla at o~~•and 1:SJ I>·'"· i:ll "·'"· :SS II"'· ll.lS 11·"'· l :U p.rn. and ca pped 'ills productive day .. \\'ith a steal of third. "It 's hard to say one man has made us a better hitting team but Stanton has dOnc just that," Angels manager Bobby \Vink1es said . The Angels. residing in first place in the American League \Vest . v.111 attempt to maintain that lofty perch tonight when they open a four-game series against the l\fin!]CSOta Tu·ins who are one game back. Bill Singer, I--0. \\'ill throw foe California against Bill l~nnds. 0-0. "\Ve can certainly use him all year, I'll irn you rust." remarked Frank Robinson v.·ho contributed to the triumph ~ith his third homer and run-scoring slnlle. ''l Jove the way the ball jumps off Flis bat and he's strong enough to hit it over any fence in any park." Stan tOI\. who came to California in the same trade v.•ith the New York Meca that brought Nolan Ryan after the 11'72 sel sorl, attributes his torrid start to t~ factors. "I'm aggressive, relaxed and I've got confidence in myself I never had before," Stanton saJd. California sent the Sox down to their sixth loss in seven games by scoring three tlmcs agi!inst Stan Bahnsen, 0-2, in the first inning and adding single runs in the fourth, fifth and sixth. Frank Tanana, 2--0. picked up rtic v.'in for the Angels. Defense also played a key part in the Angel victory as they turned four double plays. Their biggest came in the l('Venth when Cblcago loaded the bases on a pair o( single! and a throv.ing error by Tanana. CHICAGO CALIJIOllNIA !lrM!fonl, If Atv1r1011.dll ,,......,., d" DAllt<1, ID N.tltof!, lll S.n1', 2D Ht!ndanon. d Dllwnlng, rl PKllty, r1 Hwrm.1111,c Otiti!. n t-l•lfl!lltl, pl! 11nn~, p Tot1ll C'hlt tGq C•llfclfnl1 •a r ~•ltl 4 o , o Rlwn.cr 3 0 D D 009'(11, ~ I 0 0 0 l...Hel/d, If 7 o o o Fll:IOI-• .ii ! I I o Eptteln, lD l I 1 0 Mt'Cr•w, ID • o 1 o s i.nton, rl J D 0 0 Cllaik, 11 1 o o o e11111r11t1. c • I 7 ) Aloo'Nor,"' J 0 0 0 TIMM, II 1 a a D S11m1.it .. ,_,. 4 1 I It ! l I 0 • 0 • 0 ~ 2 ' 1 , • 0 0 0 0 0 • l l 7 I 1 0 0 1 l 0 1 1 3 o I I 0 0 0 • 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 0 31 l • 1 toll! 7t ' I t 001 100 010-l JOO 1n oo.-• llfN llli•l•SO lh llf!ftfl (L,0-1! a I • 6 i 1 Tan~ ... !W, U ) 6 1 J 2 l I Slllmt )' 1 I I 1 ! .511\'ll -Selm1 I. HI~ -•111'-. lrafflnl, t-1:02. A -t.llU. ' . Kings Alive; NY Surges, Ties Series Los Angele• Kinp' "Now York'' line of ! ex-Rangers Gene Carr, Tom Wl1llam1 and Mike Mur,>hy hH <Oleh 8o1> Pulfonl thinking bock 31 )'ealW Imo NatlonAI I Hockey Leagye Stanley Cup pllyolf history. "The last Ume a team came back aft.er lOling lhe first three games of a aerlts WU Toronto belting Detroit in 19'1," Pulford said Sunday nl&ht aft er Williams, the unlikely hero. find in throe third· period goa1J and the Kings beat the Cl1ieo80 Blad< Hawks S.1 at the Forum. Chleaao leaas the series 3-l and rc- maiim heavily favored to wrap up the best-of:.Ven series rue.Jay ntaht at Chicago, then advance to meet Bolton in the semlfb\all. Rangers Hot NE\V YORK -B r u c e 1.facCregor's goal v.i th less than live minutes to pla)' lifted the New York RaTICtrs to a M vic- tory over Montreal Sunday 1n the na- tionally ttJev9ied fourth game of their Stan1ey Olp series. The victory tied the best-of-seven Na - tional Hockey ~agut quarter-final playoff at 2-2, \\ith Game 5 scheduled for Tuesday night in ~ontreal. The Rangers had stormed from behind. \viping out a 3-1 deficit to take lhe lead on a pair of goals by Ted Irvine and ooe by Rod Gilben. But 1.tontreal tied the score o n de!enseman Se rge Savard'• goal at 13:57 or the final period. Jsst 69 second later the Rangers went in !ront again. this time to stay, as l\facGregor turned defenseman Dale Rolfe's goal:Jnouth pass behind Mon· lreal's Bunny Larocque. Flvers Gain ATLANTA -Dave Schullz, hockey's bad boy for 1974, called his sudden-deelh goal that gave the Philadelphia Flyers a 4-3 victory over Atlanta Sunday nilbt onl y "kind of sattsfying.'' Schultz. 'wbo led the National Hockey Ltague with a reeord 341 minutes in penalties this season, scored from eight feet out at 5:40 of the overtime period as the Flyers completed a lour·game swttp of the Flames in the Stanley Cup quarter· final playoffs. And Ibey overcame a 3--0 score Sunday night to do It. Schultz credited teammate Bobb}' Clarke with a great pass as the pair broke away with only one Atlanta defen.seman to beat. "1 thdlght shoot all the way," said Schultz. 11 Usually t just shoot It irt situa· lions like that. but-1 l:.ind of tried to give Atlanta goalie Phil P.1}Te a little fake. "He went for it and r just 1tuffed it in there." Schultz said. Bruh1s Score TORO~'TO -K•n lllldge's seeood goal' or the game , at 1:27 of a sudden-death overtime, gave the Boston Bruins a 4-3 victory over the Toronto "1aple Ltafs Sunday night and • U sweep of their best.of-seven Natiooal Hockey Lea gue quarter·final Stanley Cup strit!. The Bruins. East Division regular- season champions, now \'Piii face the ,,·In- ner of the Chicago-1.l>g Ang e 1 es quarterfmal, in the semifinals. Big Fish Noorly Catches Kids TULSA IAPJ -Two teen-agtd brothers caughl a five-pomd bass. but II -two Tulsa r1no depart- ment trucks to help land ll 11 all began when Tim and Ou1s Lan- caster walked out on a aaMbar in 1be ArW>ias Rivet' Smmy to fish. A fiv.-pomd bass 1111'bl>«I the chicken liver they used as bait and the fish gave the boys a nm. By the tbne they managed to pill it in. lh<y disco\-.red they """' marom-~ ed -the sand bar had dlsappeattd under swift, rising waters. "We kept hollering 9t Ibo kid• O\"er on this side of the river,'' &aid l&-year-old Tim. "But they Jo..1 • made fm « us. Finally • 1'Q' driv· Ing a while pickup drove by and lt<aro"' and called Ibo pnllee .• , A 11rt truc1< whldl bocked down to the river to unload a boat got stuck in the sand. After more than llll'ee boun a se<ond ftre truck pulled OIJl the first. Firemen were able t.o ltnmcb che bolt., however, ' ""' the boyJ -and lholr --were rescued. t 11,11 (,~"'"'"" tC Aille (Jlfl o\t '· li L"' ' 1''' '" -~~·· ~ t U \."' A" ' I' <. ,. •l<'A! Jl1 • \t '~n I • '"' ·111'0 •' L"'° ..... f 'K •~ 70 :\•n J.r111W;'\ o a r 1..0. ,.,_,,,. A~• 11 le'I l'rA<', I' 1 "' '~ "'"!~'•\ I D l'~olw-10!'11 •• L'1 ....... '" "" ... Ut-·'" I '' I>" I I~ 0 ,_. ·I got hurt," he said. "I got In a fight \\'ll h Dick J\1cAullfft:! of Detroit and 1 separated my shoulder.'' LO' ANOELES HOUITON •> lOl>C$, 1b No•e 11 Jo'll'lllt, II ~y ..... l l c;.-,, .)I) Goitr,..y, ID •• rllt'tl( aa '""" 5 D 1 l Ma!"91', 11 4 0 D 0 •OI OHl!tm,11:1 •000 O O OOC.Ofl"O,cf •110 Bahashoff 1·~ooks for Atone111ent 1 2S I"" O<tttn dur ing thr winier "Anythtnu I do a~ninsl th+-n1 11 Ill bf· a thrill Rc.~idr~ his OOmrr nnt! lrip11" \Y \'Tln "ll;t) ~r('lt 1hr<.-e Um1·~ .i~ r ~;:rr p1\chcr Totl\111\ .lohn upj)('d hi~ f"l'cord lo l-0 .,.. ~th , .•1 en hit· tcr. John wti.t nll tht• \VU\' i1111l r•·tirt"d 13 C'fln!!CL~tiv r b11U,.rs m O'l'!r ~trr>h'h. 'fh~ AstrPS' l\\O cur111·d run~ w11rr 1hr nrst nr the 11:·::1 ugain:.t lh1· lcfihand1.·f'. Ron Cc)' had t11n•1• hll · ror 1hc DOO~crs nlnll' Oa\·,. lft))I'~. ~~l'\1' \'eagrr and SIC\'t' Gar\.'l')' •·1th harl :1 pnir r.arvcy -' ""'°'"'' ,, nu~-...,.. 11 .,.......,,t Rvutll, u JQft.,," •l1 1W•h.cwl,ll •11 0 41,llM•?•ID )D O I ' I 2 I OQllHfl'. lb l 0 1 O 2 I 1 D •-.rl • 0 2 I 3 01)M•y,c 1 100 .5 0 , 0 (.N'll\IO'I, pf! I 0 0 0 $ I I I O.ltOl:laf'll,jt I 0 0 0 fDD t N"''" ooe o (•m~I,., I 0 0 I kll<trrM. p o O O O MWll\1,llfl 1010 JJo!WOI>. o a o o o TOl•I~ "° 1 ,, 1 Toia•• » , 1 2 lO" Af>Qf\ft 100 n1 ODI-1 ttOU\!On 010 000 DC/1-t C-O.w Jl-!l Dlf-HOUtlCI! I. LOI -1.0t A'll)tltt 10, l"OVJlll<'I •· ,ll-¥'Meet r. ("""°, Jl-w,nn 1'1 11 -Wvnn f4), OafVry ,,), SI -l11Clt111r. ~I' L M~V 11" H ll P II SO John rw. >-0! t ' J 2 71 l O..v1 It-ll CL. 1·11 • t t t 1 N-OY 110011 $f~)~ ,,,100 J 1""'10P'I I 1 I I 0 I ~.,._., $<'-tt'f'l\ftl,, .wot1. f-1111. A-11.0JO. DALLAS -Seven months •eo Foun- tein VaUcy'1 Shlrtey Bablshoff WU one. of America's female swimmers who ~-ere thrashed by Ill< East C"""1W'S in ll< 11111'de. Now, whh new skin-tight swim sWll and n..'COl"d·shetteril'la tlmet. it appears the American "·omen are back and the East Germani Will have to prove the.Ir ouperlorlty >.gain. With rantastle perlonnaoc<c by Babaslloll, Lynn Cll~lla, Linda SUmpoon. Kathy Heddy tind )"Oung 11eRaalion Jenni l"ranks . they turned the 1974 Nation&) MU Indoor Shotl<OOrse Swimming Champion.ship11 Into 11 historical record· bre11klng shllw. tn all. !ht glrls brok..• 15 American records VI the f'OUr day!I of the mett at the Loos Nat.aorlum. Twenty -t11t·o na- tional -lol l Amertcan men and U'Ol'l'ltft wtll meet an Eal\ Genn.ao t ea m in Concord, Call! .• •arly this ran. uwe W1!l'e. all a llltle, disenchanted efter Ik-llfade. I know I wa.,i'' said Miss Babeshoff, whO craclced thrM ~rd! here In earning lour sold mtdals. "Bui w•'ll bt blclt up lbert. 1\liJ m«l provts It." I • Miii Qilella, who set a re<onl In the 200 yard brtutstroke. aald "I think lb.ls means lhe East Germans Aren't u far abo\•c e\-erybody as ~e thought . We ~'ere on top and thought we ""ere going 10 stay thert. 'lbc East Gtrmans got !Ml moving 11.&ain.1' The East German women ~-ere the first lo ao to the tleek swtn\ JUltl "1\ldl get rid of foe traditional small "skirt" on mo1t 1ttla. Mi!t Colt.Ila satd ''\\'e klnd of bid a letdown allcr the Olymplt'JI. ll"s probobly m.11de me mo:ro lndustrlous." IUck C<liclls, b<othcr or L)'M Coltlla, • . ' • . . . .. --" . . Do It Thi.s Way Lynn Blanton. coach of the Newport Harbor High girls basketball team, gives her squad instructions. Newport recently completed a successful season, advancing to the second round of the CIF playoffs. Kneeling in front with Lynn are Kris Uhler. Kathy \Volf, Charon \\1olfe and Julie Feenstra. Standing in back. from left are Sally Stege. Lynn \Villiams, Pam Knox, 11illary ?iiacDonald. Laura Shelton. Christy Dey, Kathy Burns. Eileen llarrington and Sari Duncan. MD Baseba ll Coach . Quits Baseball's Despite Successful Season Top Ten )dater Dei High School is lookin g for its fourth baseball coach in four years today follov•ing the surprise resignation of Art Per- ry. Perry turned in his baseba ll cap at the ?i1onarchs institution alm ost before the season got under v"ay, allhough he's still at ~tater Dci and will cootinue to coach lhe team through the regular season and into the CIF 4- A playoffs where'the Monarchs are destined to enter as Angelus League champions. Perry was an aide to football coach Gary Carr in the fall and has tendered his ROGER CARLSON resignation in that category, too. Perry says the de-emphasiuition or sports in general at Jltlater Oci "'as the key to his deci sion. The football program is being drained '''ilh coach Gary Carr able to count on only three assistants at this wriling -meaning nine others in the program have left -due to a l~ck of .necessary funds. Perry says Carr "'as told by ad· ministration : "We don 't care if you ""in the champiooship or make the playoffs. Just be represent.able.·• bo:< too soon to accept four ''dde ones for an intentional walk . . ' The umpire called the seldom seen in· fraction and the "'inning run came across from third base. ,.1ater Dei baseball has never looked bette r the se pa st t"·o years wider Bob Donkersley and Perry. Coach Jim Frost's track learn is "'inning the Angelus League and coach Jerry Tardi£'s basketball crews arc coosistently in the playoffs despite the domin ance of football - 'A'hich has a murderous schedule. • * • Foothill High figures to make it fi\'e straight varsity s"·im championships next yea r wt.lb Brace Furniss and Peter Spurzem eyeing dlelr'se nlor teaseos. f'orulss Stt a national record In the too in· divldual medley at tbe rttent Clf' finals with a bllstertng 1:53.% at Eas\ Los Angeles College. His mark erases !\lark Spitz. recognized standard of 1:54.S set in lff7 "'bile attending Santa Clara High. Gary Hall 's CJF record of 1:53.9 while at Rancho Alamitos .,.·as not recognized as a na- tional standard bttause his coach failed to follow lb.rough 11.·llb lbe nettssa,.Y paper "-ork. * * Ca lenda r T'""41y, (""9 161 '"· ,. _.,, ··" ·"' ~ -~· N Pel . ,. -~ '' .IJS " ii l! h ,,, .... ·"' Carr refuses comment. After two games the i\tonarchs baseball team was ~2 and outscored. 23-9. Three of the classiest appearing prep baseball teams we've seen this \'Ca r are fountain Valley, San Clemente .ind Hun· tington Beach. Nariles on the backs of the uni fonns almost seem a necessi ty these days with the liberal substitution policies. &•.-b.lll-oun1.i,. \l•lle"f ., '""'' Mty, (orOftt 0!-1 MM •I Mtg,.oHt . ·But since then Perry's crew has rolled to a 12-2 mark including a 9-1 Angelus League slate. * • The only losses were to Santa Ana (2·1) and 4t. Anthon y (4-3 ). The St. Anthony loss came t ·hen the host Saints "'·ere handed a rtul on a jatcher's balk. The ?<.tater Dei catchrr stepped out of the Costa Mesa High basketball pla,\'ers John Cummins. Andy Salazar and Jim S11.,ain ap. pear to be headed for Nevada (Las Vcgasi, Chapman College and UC Davis. Eo•wn •t LOlo "'''""'"'· E•t•ncl• t i Sania ""' \1•11~. H""'!f'9f"" Sett" ti W"lmlf'llll<!f", M••!M •• $tn•• ,_,.,., l .gUN at.oc" .o• o .... HIH~. Un!...,..;l!y ~T ~·II Clemet!i., TUSl•ll ti '.'.in lo'! V•tlll l.i.tl •I ]:ISJ, Ml !A,( •I °"•'"Je GMs! Colleqe, S..<1<11e0tc-•• (l'l•lll!"Y. P_.,;..e ~! UC lrvlM !•II t i J·l01, S<iu1"""" (•litornot Colleqe " Px•llt Cn•lUl•n r11. Gokli!n We 1 1 ., Rio 1tonc11 !1:3Ctl lr•c~-L;osvN 9ee<:ll t i B•t• fl:H 1. I DEMONSTRATORS EXECUTIVE CARS "-$249700 (RT8501954) TRADE-IMS '7JGMCV-. VI. ~ ,._--.... IH" ...... -$3277 • '72'VOLVO ,.o 1 ... 911. IJdoO,. llul«, lllef lfljec!Ot. ·""$3177 • '71 FOlll> !'DITO •·_.a tt•--r-.1-. °"*"" ..-f312COZ~ $1577 • '70 MHCEDIS llNZ $4t77 • HAVE YOU SEEN The NEW MX ly TOYOTA luxury wfth economy. 'T•r.t drive It IOClay, I Baseball S tandings AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston l\1ilwaukee Ballimore New York Cleveland Detroit California ~tinnesota Kansas City Oakland Texas Chicago Easl W L 4 2 ' 2 4 3 5 4 3 • 3 6 "'est 6 2 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 I 6 s ........ ., .• Olm.• N-Vork .... Cl•v!llM s-t 8 0510'\ 7, Detroit 5 /.llnflftoll I. K•"UOI (lly ~ 8.ol!lmote •' Mllwtukte, ~ .. r1!" 0.kl...0 •·l, 1e~11 l·lO C•lllornlt '' l'lic.•111> l Pct. .667 .667 .571 .556 .113 .333 .750 .667 ,500 ,500 .444 .143 GB ,_, ., 2'' '" I 2 2 21\ 41\ Tfllll r'I 0-1 "l>tt•o!t /Frvmen 0.1 or S!•vbe<k 0-0) •I SollOft (Cle-..i.Pld Hor Tt•"' O-Ol ~ 8•1llm01'e iCvetl•r M l el Ml!weukn (Wrlohl 1.01 C"Ttl90 (81-0.1/ 11 Ot~l•l'ICI (Holtrmt11 0.l) MJnne ... 11 IHl!'ld1 .. , •I C•ll!Oml• 1s1,... 1-411 0..IY Sfl""I l(Mc!Ultd T'"""l"I G•- 8oslOl'I 11 H-Y~ i;;iewi•N •t Mllw•ukM KMI.._ Ctty 11 Tt•I• (:llluge, ., 0.k'-'<I M""'""'°'t et CalllOrfl!t ()rll" SJ-K l'ledl.lled NATIONAL LEAGUE East St. Louis t.1ontrea\ Chicago Philadelphia New York Pittsburgh Los Angeles San Francisco ClnciMati AUaqta liouston San Diego IV L 7 2 3 I 3 2 • 3 2 5 7 West 7 3 • 3 4 ' 4 5 ' 5 2 7 SW!ld•'f'I Gt!MI Plllt bvf91'1 l·J, St. l oull J-6 Clnc;l"n•ll 11 "'"'""''· J)SICI., •llr! ""°""''''' 11 Cnlctoo. p()d. rtill Pllflldl'!PF>l1 l-5. N"tw Vor~ 1-3 Los Af"J-1n 7. HouUCif' 2 Sen Dlt9<> 6, $111 Fr•IKl'U J T ... y'I G•- Pct. .778 .750 .600 .57 1 .286 • 12.1 .700 .667 .500 .444 .144 .222 GB l h ' 2 ' 51, SI. l!lloll• IFOl!tr Ml II P/IH10tlpllf1 !Rv,.,,uen Mil s.t11 OlfollO c~ o.n 11 Att•n•• (Niel<rD '-tl S..n l'rMICIKO CCt ldW'ell 1-41) II HOlll10fl CO•f'l"ktt' 1-41) Orll\' lllMI KMduled ,..,..,,., Ol- Plthllurfl'I •I ("k -OO SI. L!lllil II Pl'lllaclt'Llllllt s.Mt Dle90 •' A,!tN!lt LOI Al'Oltln t i ClnclM•tl S.,11 Ff.OMllQll ti l>'Oll$ton .,.. __ 1 .~no.iy, April 1). 1~74 Case Getting High Co~ve1ntiona1ll y By ~E\'t; BRAND 01 11M 1»11"1' f'Hel ll•ll For mMt st udents these days, gelling high tias a litt le dif(erent meaning than Mr. Webster's dic1ionary defini· 1ion. Laguna Beach's Doug Case likes 10 get high. but 1.n the (.,'00\'entlonal "a}. To Case, jum ping 6-10'~ or scaling a tou gh moun1t11n Is the ullimnte high and "'Ith the success he 's enjoyed, who ne«ls Rny olhcr kind ? The Art ists senior has jumped lo the top or the CIF list in high jumping off his 6- 101, school record in lhe La· guna Beath Trophy mcel . Basically. the Idea in !hat e\•ent is 10 Oy throu gh the ai r, hooefully ov~r a crossba r. Th.it's significantly different than his fa vori te hobby. moun· tain climbing , where the idea is lo a\·oid flyinli! through the :i ir ... esp«ially for a pro- longed period of time . .. lf igh jumping is n1y serious side." sa\"S the 17-rcar-old, •·.,.,·hile n'°°ntain clin1bing is fun. 'Oley really don ·1 con- fl ict." As ror the high jumping side. Case has already achiev- t>d his season Jt0.11. ~t in October. of clearing 6-10 1 1. "I've mo ved my sights up 10 7.fee1:· he savs. "H's not that fa r a"'3}'. \Vhi-n I impro\'e. it's usually a fe.,.,, inches at a timr. "The difference brt"·een th<! ~1':! rarHer th1~ yea r and the &-10 1 , is speed. r ve finall y meshed my approach to thr b.1r nnd my jump !>O I don't Jose any momentu m." A Fosbury flopoer, C:lsc describrs his rerord ju rnp: "I knew [ "'8S going to do \\'ell because at 6-6 I had at least thrre inches of clear· anct'. 1 tried t"·ice at 6-1011 :lfter clearing 6-9 but miss('(!. On !he last try at 6-\0l.1 I hit the ba r so hard I didn't land riJthl . "\\1hen I Jooktd up and 53\\' the bar still on I alnlOSl had a card iac <1 rrtst ." Case also runs the 4-ID and may be the "·orld's only long distarn:e running high jumper. lie "-orks out each n1omi ng • DOUG CASE 1·:ith Eric ll ujst. runnini;; !iix m1lrs. "I finally got to "'her(' 1 rould ro1nplc1r a six-mile n1n 'A'Orkout in ll'ss than an hour," says Case. •·1 call il n1y personaJ \\'Orld record." Consistrncy in big 111rcts has been Case'!! go..11 this yrar and so far he 's been lx'st "hen the competition has bel'Tl toughest. "I choked a lot last yea r." ht> admits. "boJt not ye t this yror. I ha\'C ronf1drnce 1n my step and ~pttd and that helps a lot.'' 1\fter takin~ chances fa r up the side of a m0W1tain, high Jumping n1ust r<'atly seen\ hkt lc>;1.· jumping. .. It is somc"ilnt scn ry ."' says case of his n-ounbin rh1nbi ng .. Only on<'<' "·as I really Y.Orrled. 1hough. I had 10 jwnp eighi fett into a crevice nnd if l'd niiSSNI, I .,.,ould ha,·e fallen .SO fr-et to a buddy brio"·· "I mnde it." The name of the p1nn.'lcle? Suicide ~t0W1tnln. Ttus sumnicr he pl ans to ch mb the OOSt• of El Capitan. lle'll ~pend thret' nigh1 s strep. 1ng 11f'd to the rock on a nar- ro"· p.1t h. "It 'll be \·er\· strrnuous ·•he ~vs. "but ".t>'rr t.1kini the route most peopl~ take. The fX">ple you rc-ad nhou1 being l\'stued off the fa<'C are taking d1ffrrt"'nt rouh•s." \\'hen it <'0111es rig.ht do1111 to choosing bet"'et n high jump- ing and clin1b1ng. the n1oun· tains lose. "You g('t a great srnse of Pt-rsonar satisfaction from bo1 h," sa~·s c~ ... but high jumping is ~ most re"·ardin~. Besides. there 's a big diffrrence missing and falling into a high jump pit and mi~ing \1·hile mounta in climbing.·· "''ou don't fall quite as fa r high Jumping ." .4 z tecs Bc1g 1-0 Wi11 011 Lctst-111i 111tl e Go<t l LOS A:\'GF.Ll!:~ -· Jl'm' Karazian's penalt~"kick go;i l "'ith t\\'O mint1tes 10 play ga1'c the LA Aztecs a 1--0 pro- fessional SOC'Cer exhibition ,;c. tory O\'C'r Atlante of ~lcxico City Sonday at East !.,\ College. The ,·ictorv. before a reported i ,12·l.' fans . .,.,·as thr se<'Gnd by the Aztecs O\'C'r a ma jor l<'ague :-.1exican team. Los Angeles opened its t x· hlhition season last "·eek "'1th a 2·1 triumph over ~lon1crrey . l\arazian slammed his shot into the top rig:ht side of the All anre Jtoal after being trip. pe<l in 1he penally box by Atlante's ~tontes De Oca 'Aili.le tn·ing to srore. Los An~eles goalie Keh·in Barclav made 14 savrs, 11 in 1hr fir~t hair. This Sunday the Azl('('s host Club America. anothC'r major· league l\texican tram. in preparation for lh<'ir North America n Soccer L,e ague season 11.·hich opens ~1ay 5. FORD COURIER OAJL V PILOT Alan1itos Entries #iONO•Y, (LW•ll, Tll•CI( P.uT PllllT l"OtT t 14I ,0,M, II •)'ACTA PlllT IAC• II I X• ACT•I ""· ··~ ....... ~ ... ,..., ll'llST •ACll. 0..... ... 11, P.c. C .. _ l"O All t yft. '"'"" 11190 'tit' dM,,..llt l>'i(' l4oQ)O 0--11'1 looo I•(• l G•~ l lO 't-0 M«N... J, W"I!'"'' Jew T"l'll' D. CrOtll AdlOol (t rl O LO<lt'e Sp.1~~·1.,. •. Wllll•"'• ft••M a L. o.u1•°"' T"O Sit • II ~ Mv ,.,.,,.., J lu""u t•CO'ID l•Ca . -..,1,. .. ct Cl•i""!l'O •11 ""'"' llUI N l\ta:I t1M"'l"O p<l(9 IJ)oOQ W.O!•tn lt•I.-• Ct M<"C•tt\1!¥1 c • .., •• , c--i• 11 ; c;111u.,. , • .., • ''•l'OOV •. (Glib Douo E C.••"•., It Gor_.. Duc ""u P•••d•w L Gr_.. fl •oc•lt • Dttt.., I o._..... £1 ,_ It ~C.Clf\Olt Ml" "" .. ..,o .. O ( (•..,Pbtll Jr. TMIJIO llACI. -"''It. PloCt. tt>OI• dill-I .,-1., Old•~ -· ....i<1tn.1. (•lfl,£>rf'O ""'""°" pUtW l l-Ol•rn.,,11 Ovl<"'" o. t<olt So"o ,.,,.,, J. w1111.,,,. Oc"" VO<•• 0 AC10.t rlO'lt'I ,.....,'90 '"·•t $ Ol•-r (°"''IWh 0.....,,, I( Tl-• .... iii<> Mio , c ...... J 0 ""'° ' 5,,..,... °"" l . o. .... ·• e • ...,,, Jim o c. <•....,.I Jr. l'OUlllM JI AC •. -..,u, PloC• <"""ll'll"t<:I flt •O'n -·""'Mt' of 1J!al In 191) I~ ..,.N I " "'YI ""' WOl'I 11'113 ot tnl, "'fll'"9· DU•M i1'J(ll) N"""t 9tD• P, (oll!""" /Allo Fre.r c. ....,d A T•o••h 9-S. flW .. u A,dr..,. oouo 1. '"°" llelne<> '"' J, O•Ulldy Or Al•" I(, S. o.-n ... Sll••P fl••I It. G.Ot"OOn P.oi-.no A l . ltaltMor"4 11'1,TM 11 4Cll. -..,lie, pact. tOl'I· .,,,,..,,..., •!! •'10J. -·~ "' ua:D 1,, 19n .1• ~l•o ellQ!Dle _..,....,,.... /if U'ii30 In 191).14 wf>i(ll ..,._ ""' -I" 1"e<• l••I l >I "'h PU•M UlOO "" (M >I c;,,,,o Clll•! '"" Ol'hct~ P9'1•. ~ ..... 90.•0 J. Wllflt..,. 1-iaw<tv I~• l Cotrb NII 8 111 T ltt!t,,fllfd I(•• Ptcf P. Cotenl•'> G"""ml!11 0 °"\er.,..., Ct1w1e11•., c;.,.. II . WIUl•m> $1:Cl'H llACe. -mite. ~ cl.,im. i"9 tit ~tt. """'" UlDO. too cl•1<nlno ptl(t 110,llO 9 C O..Cneu A. Cr•ld 9,,,..... 8 G L°"'° ,.,,...,. J """'" o ...... 9,., L. °""""" A!~ 81 ... ,,,.f>f J. TD<l<I ,,,.,II .. Du 9HU J. ,._...,. '"-"• \11(~ '· c-... i'IP'""' fle•rv M . k,..,,., Sl'VINTH 11.t.C'I!'. -rnl ...... !•. cl•''"'"'I ,..noltfP. all -· Plol• .. l s.&00 IOI) tl•lmlno D"ICt 11f.Otfl. '"' Wtft/1V kN'•"'•" (ht,..r W lf'I (l1y Of >lO(lt Pol(I . L 11 AC!lot J. \IOll••e J•t<.,-oon EOfll"t "' s o._...,. T•""• 9,,., T lll1•cll•ord Rtll l lmt J 9.,1., c-mt Cl>le• J. <•••• Wll'lbl,I•" G. l-<> ll:1ce llvl.,. o Guti~ C.•..., l(•>h J . Gnino• ltCHTH it .t.e•. -ml... pat e. (!~im•"'ll •!I ~H. pUrW i.dlO IOI) cle!mlr!J D"+ct 111,»0 Sl'ltrp St•• T. lll•k"!Wd (l'luc .. 1 ,.....,. J. T.ad Bw1 fly• II••" J Wllll•mo "-o....... 11 v.1,., 11;,., P l,..lt "<I N It. Wllll•m1 Go G.ltn C hvd '"""' "··~ . o.-· Ml A,lrv •1n J . .....,...,., MI MTl'I I ACI:. -Ml.. P«t c111"'1"'11 •H •a,.... .,.,.,.... •llm Ito(> <lol"'l"O P'•<t WOOO ~·1~11\11""111 "'" 1 •• ~ • lota1 Nol• LtOv> M.11'1 1.,.......,. 1'1••1 0-3nlor11 S•t r Sid...,. B•- ~!"' C••I• Cfll.t J. '°"" l O•ullOft a. 11100,...., J. Ct•-" D. Aortw_., ',_ s. o.-~ ........ ••• the gutsy little pickup from the No.1 truck dealers. When you're No. 1 In trucks (see be· low}, you don't sell just any small truck. Ford Courier's rugged fr ame has box- seetlon rails and 7 •• , yes, 7 ••• cross- members. Its big 74.5 in. x 62.2 In. steel box is all welded. An independe nt front su spension features big coil springs a nd a stabilizer ba r. Double-acting shocks are standard, front and rear. The re are long, wide 6-leaf rear s prings. The transmis- sion's a fu lly synchronized 4-speed. And you get al l this In a pickup wilh a comfort- ab ly roomy cab over a long, ride-smooth- ing 104.3-lnch wheelbase. \ ' 4-eylinder 1800-cc. en;N hu aluminum alloyh8•d .•• &main be1rlng1 fOf rigidity, strength. Cout'9>r shown with optiol .. alrlplng, ~ eowrt and mlrrott • Snap.<Sown bed llntt" opt!Of'I of dur1ble Indoor-outdoor lnllettll oll1rs tarpetlld comfort. OelllYt bo• cover with 111 =="""'1'~ UnttO llO• window1 11 • ..C l)Dpul•r op!lon. Ottwir1: •U1omallc tr1nstnlMlon, air condl!lon•r. See your local Ford Dealer FORD COURIER • • • J 8 DAILY PILOT Monday, Aorl1 15, 1974 Aus8ie Pursues Anaerica~s Cup lor $$ BY JAN McCAUS~AND SYOXEY AP) -"Alcohol and delusions of grandeur" v.'tre the reams Aw;tralian prt:ss baron Sir t"ritnk Packer gave for his lhree bids to "'in !he hol y grail \1{ y11chling, the Amcrlcn's Cup. t.1illionnlre Alan 13ond h~ another r ca s on : ntore 1nUHons. Bond Is m<1stcrmlnding and OC.nkrol!in~ ilu:strulla 's fourU1 quest to "'rest lhe cup from its sho.,,,·case in the Ne11• York Yacht Club. TllE CUP HAS stt1}'cd there dtsp11e 21 ch.'1llcnge!I smce 18.51. "·hen the United Stales r achl AmC"rica dl'nlcd Bri!ish pridf' by 11 lnn lni; tll\! v.·nrld')( first u1tcrna1iooal yat•hting charnpionship flff southern England. Americ11n pride is nt st;1ke in the tx·st-of.o;e\'cn series of rflCC.S off NC"'Pflrl. It . I .. starting Sept. 10. ·rlll'y f o 11 o v.· ('liminAtion races starting Aug. 22 bet"·een contenders for the right kl the bo"·.to-bo1~~· cliallenge against thr Uni!t-d St:ites. France · cxJ>('Cted to OC represented by " y:'lcht ov.·ncd by ball-point pen king Baron Rich. A plllf\nt.>d British yacht <1~ars to have been scuUI~ h~ lhf> \'ast cxpcn~ H\\•Olved. Bond 1:1 1!1nkin~ S9 tnlllion in- to Ills bid. Uut the 36-ycar..ol<l rags-to-riches tycoon does not sl't' the expenso as proof of the saying that a yacht Is a hole in the .,,,,uter lnto which you pour nwncy. TO TllE BRITlSll migrant ;ind fonner painter-signwritcr, it is an investJnenl. "Anyone ,,·ho considers that r11cing for the cup isn't a huslness proposHlon is a bloody fool." he said. 1'There can be no justification for spending $9 million unll'Ss the re1um is going 10 involvt! nlOre than just an on1:11e silver pitcher." 'fo the short, plump Bond ll involves the promotion or hi " real estate development which takes In 20,000 acre.s along JI ntllcs of "'('St Au!l!relian coa!'itline. Bond's aim is to win the America'5 Cup :ind then stage the antlcipatc..-'d return match against lhe United States 3t his development in 1977. /\bout $3 million has gone in- to oonstn.Jction of the yacht. now named Southern Cross ' after a bric!, unof(tclal spell u Auslralls. The yacht was dc'lgncd in Sydney by 36-yea.r· old Bob Miller, a former railways department turner and fitter who has had no formal training In marine engineering. "I DON"T KNOW what a slne'or cosine Is," said Miller. "I must have been away from school the day we were taught that. II Despite this -~UJler says because of It -his intuitive designs produce crack ocean racers. I-Us 45-foot ocean racer Ginkgo is regarded as one of the fastest yachls t its typt in the u'Orld. All America's C entries have to be 11 meter yadlll. lnt.en1atlooal yachting 11 a cloak a.nd dagger buslne5.'J, rrore sultOO to super-fJPY James Bond than Alan Bond, but Alan Bond has 11llpped tnto the counter-espionage r o I e with ease. He rep:1rtl'dly has :spent $3fi0,000 on security alone. BOATING SOIJTUt:RN CROSS is haul- ed in a specially-built "·in-- do"·less shed protected by guards and dogs. When the yach1 v.•as transported from '--------~ tut-plaaued 1970 series ~ this country of lls best ~ of wlM!ni! lhe cup. ~11¥-0. Gretel II "-'00 the ~ race against Intrepid afttr a ltllrt·line cofJJsion of the yacht.s l.n the duel for posi- tions. The judges dlsQualified Gretel II. v.•blch knocked the heart oot ol the Australlil.n team. Gretel managed to win the fourth race but finally v.·ent do.,,,n 4-1. Top Sailors in 'One of Kind' Race the Sydney boat-builder's yard to the shccl. It was "Tapped ln .aluminum foil and canvas to prevent infra-red cameras rrom picking up 9CC'rel:s. "\Ve've got things on • this boat that have nol been used on any boat before," said Bood. "These devices may turn out to be our trump cards. and that's 11:hy v.·c have spent so much titne and n1on':y keeping 1hen1 secret." them both on all bot one oc- casion -v.·hen Britain's Prince Philip took over as skipper briefly during a visit in ~1arcb. nu; AUSTRALIANS ha\•e bl.'t'n buoyed by reports that the Americans are tral,ling In building and rendying their possible defenders , Courageous at City Island. N.Y., and 1-tariner a I 1.famaroneck, N. Y. But the Aussies are cautious about pulling too much credence in the repons. By Al.:\10N LOCKADEY &Nllllt Ellllor Many of the lop sallors in I.he U.S. 11·ill he n1annlng the \\'orld's hottest s..1ilboots v.·hen \'achting 1\1~1gnzlne·s famed One-Of-A-Kind regatta i;ets under way \Vedncsday in Vic ocean off Newpo~Beaeh. On lhe eve oft e first start. Jack Smock. c.:ha an oC tilt• event for 1 he host Ne \\'JX>rt Harbor Yacht Club, aMounced there "'ill be 110 classes dividtd into five dil·isions. l..argcsl boat is· a six-meter and the smallest is 81}.pouOO . 10-foot \Vildfire. reprc~nting a diffrrencc of about 2,500 pounds and 25 feet. TIIE FASTEST boot is expected to be a 0-Cat. and 1he newest (first lime in an OOAK) v.·iJI be an Australian- 18. Smock ::;aid there will be 22 single-handers fo r which a speclal tro1>hy \Ylll b c awarded. The fl('('t at s o contains at least 10 prototypes. The huge fleet will race on concentric courses off the Newport Pier Wed n esda y through Saturday. Every skipper "'ill be out to prove that his particular class Is the tastest in the \vorld. Yachting ~lagflzine has devised a special h::indicnp f o r m u I a 11·hich \l'ill presumably equal all or the entries. regardless of size and v.·;itcrlinc length. Dl\'JSION I. the catan1arans and large Sco\\'S. has 25 entries: Dil'ision JI, cruising boats up to 30 feet length overall, has 24 entries; Division III. small kee:lboats. 14; Division IV . high - pfrformancc dinghies, has 211, and the si ngle.handers hnve 22. lfei:e i's the lineup for all divisions. barring last minute :idditions or dropouts: Oi1•islon 1 Alpha Cat-15, Skip Elliott, ~e\\•port Beach. Alpha Cat-18, Fred Roland, Sa nta Barbara. Alpha Centaur i, Toni Roland. Santa Barbara. C-Cat (Qiaparral), Roger Je11:E>ll. San Pedro. C-Ca l (S1lirit of 76 \, John, Costa Jl.fes~. 0-Cat (Beowulf V), Steve Dashew, Palos Verdes. D-Cat (Wild,vindJ, 1r ugh Tolles, Balboa. Dingo-0, R. L. G i b b !, COIT)', Pa. Hobie-14, Sandy Banks . SERIES LEADER -George Tooby's custom onc- ton sloop 1\Jnerlca Jane Ill is leading Ne\vport Har- bor Yacht Club's ,\hmanson Series after t1vo rnces. She won her class in ll}e Coast Channel race Satur- day. . 3 Ericson Sloops Pctce Channel Race 11trrl' F:rirson-46 :-loops cal>' lurrd (la<-<> 1\ honors in \'<·\\port II arbor Yacht Club"s :,,">-mill' Const Olannel Ra Cl' S.1turd:i\'. Alamitos Bay YC. lrvlnr. Hohic-16, Sandy Banks , Irvine. ~1uskateer. Roy B a co n , D<-troit, J\1ich. Northwcsl Outrigger, l·l.lf. Na.~h. V:111couvl"r, \Vas h. {erew J>eter Nic n1an and Thom<is Nash). P-Cat , Nonn 1.tarchment, Afalibu. Paper Tiger. Robert 0 llawley, Los Angele s. Pa rallelograin. Flanagan Gray, \Vashington Crossing, r •. Prlndle·16, Sterling St.amply. Santa Ana. Sea Spray-15. Terry llolland, l!('rmosa Beach. Sea Spr<iy-16. Diego Kahr, Ne1vport Beach. Sol Cat-18, Terry Dahl, Santa Ana. Sol Cat.-18 (modiried), Rand y Reynolds, Ne\\'port Beach. Spirit Cat·\7, Re ggie Armstrong, Costa ~1esa. Torn11do, Bruce Ste"•art, Los Angeles. Trikini Spyder, Leon a rd Sus1nan, Cape Coral. Fal. Trimaran Hydrofoil, s i d Shutt, Brea. Division II Aquarius-2.1. Gcradd R • Patrick, Ne.,,,·porl Beach. Biil Lec·27, (Black ~tagic), Blll IA!e, Soquel. Calif. Cal-T/4, Alastair Robertson, }funting1on Bead\. Cal-29, Ray Co r be t1 . Cyprcs~. Cal·3·30, Roy C'undiff, Seal Bl"aeh. Clipper Ot, Jtay Lewis, Snnta An::i. Clipper Quarter Ton, Duncan Atclntosh. Newport Beach. Clipp<'T MK-26, -Joe Neale, Santa Ana. Kiwi-24 , Allan Dianiond. Los Angeles. Morgan-27, Jim \\'ilkinson, Seal Bench. Ranger-23, Dick Deaver, Nrwport Beach. Ranger-26, Gary Swenson, Oxnard. Ranger-29, Bob Boy cs , Oxnard. San Juan-2~. Don Clark, 'Kent, Wash. Santana-21, Ton1 Schock, Newport Beach. Santana-Z?. William 1.tartin, Sherman Oaks. Santana-25, Tom Schock. Newport Beach. Scampi. Tom Coles and To1n Leweck. Pano rama City, Venture·21, l..es Bartlett, Costa J\lesa. Vcn!ure-21 (fixed keel) ~fill ,\llionc, Costa Alesa. · \"nnkcc-30, ~1k Ill. Donald ltosenkraus. Inglewood. Cal-20, Jmnes G r n n t • Venice. lslander-30, Steve S e a I , Alameda. Thunderbird, William 1 lollering, San Diego. Dtvit1lon lII Etchells-22, Bill Lynn, Rye, N.Y. 5.5-meter. Ernest Fay . llouston. Tex. International 110, D o u g :P.lcDonald , S<tn r·rancisro. I n t (' r n a!ional·210. Fritz Pfarrm::in, Cohasset. l\fass. St(lr, Toni Blackallcr. B:'IJ00.1 . 1.udC"r!'l-16, Den llro1nadk<1, Costa ~1esa . Hhodes-19, Costa Atesa. Roy \\'1e-ga11t , Detroit. ~1ich. OK Dinghy, John ~finkwitz, San Francisco. Rhode s-33 , Osc<1r ProlOn No. t, Allan Arnold , Clcvidence, Newport Belich. Do\\'TICy. Shields , Francis P. Scully Scsan1c, Steve C u 11 en . J w·1 · t M Oo\\·nev. r.. 1 ming on, ass. Scariib, Frrd Grey. Long Six r..leter. \V.1',. Nicrni Jr.. Bcaeh. Redmond, Wash. Skipjack. George Pa r r y. Soling, .James Coggin, San ~ "'-I ,.spen. ""'o. Francisco. Snipe, Earl Elms, Sa n Tempest. Argyle CampbeU, f)iego. Newport Beach. Sunfish. Carl Knight, Red X-21, Thomas Norton . llook, N.Y. Bedford, N.\'. Singlehandcr US.I, No~man Freeman. Although Southern Cross has been wiveiled !or trials, ils design (eatures and "trump cards" remain up Bond's sleeve. Bond acquired l\VO 0 f Australia's previous Cup challengers. Gretel I and Gretal ll. as trial horses for Southern Cross. Reportedly. Southern Cross has whipped 80!\'D llAS oblained 1he servces or John Omeo, an Ol)•mpic gold medalist in yachting, to captain the Southern Cross and plans to take al least on(' l:J.\\')'er and a ca1nera team to Newport for support in settling disputes. which appear inevitable and can range from protests over !he opposition 's sail material to battle~ o\·er com pli cated rules of yachting maneuvers. Australians be I i eve a ho!netown decision in the pro- "A great deal of nonsense ls: spoken and "Titten about the America's Cup being purely a sporting contest," said Bond. · 'The Americans ttrtainly aren't sporting about ii. Thry have always defended the cup v.·ith big con1pany n}()lley. "You can't elCpecl to com- pete surctssfully against lh(I Arncric<>ns with thei r. space technology, their 122 years ex· per ience a nd their preparedness to amend the rules \\'ithout the sort of money that v.•ill buy the best of el'eCJ1hing." Yngling. Dave Ortmaycr , \Vildfire. Keith Kilpatrick. ,__ ~-~. Dlvblon JV Windmill. Denis Footaine. lease A 74 Dotsun 6IO BAlTERIES 16" up YS..,IR,,,V'lc,A,!;!,,ERS --·-•••< • - Australian-18, Joe lleitzlcn , Lakeland. Fla . Sedan '99"-. OIAMCJlCOUHTY ....,, ....... El Ca . • T .. 31-.ocl unatco. Jon. \V i n d s u r f e r . llarold COST A MISA DATSUN Wfth n' w-Haimm fw Buccaneer. Roy Ba c on , Sch.,,,·eitzer. Santa i\1onica. 2145 HAllOllLYD. C.M. 7Z4 W. 19' t.th NIM men""'1 fall ln pl-notuniUy. Detroit, ~1ieh. Laser, Richard Ti 11 ma n , 540,.6410 11 -~•4Ml6l 2052 Newport "Blvd. -~~tl<>:._l'.l:~~~~~~.!_l~""""""""""""""""""""""""~.:___~~·~· ... ~·~·~·~-~~~M~o~·~"""":.__1:==='=•=·=·=·====~==··="===== Come t, Art Ellis, Stratford.1. Orlando. Fla. Conn. Contender, Bill Rober Is , Palo Alto . E Scovl, Hartley B. Com!art . St. Louis, A1o. International ~s. P a u l Tara. Sanl,lt Cruz. l"ireball, Peter Sz..asz, Mell!.o Park. 470, Larry Le"'°is, Pewauk(.'(!, ":is. Highlander. Bob B u s b y , Cleveland, Ohio. Int ern ationa1·14. Baird Bardarson, Renton. \\'ash. I nte r n a Ii onal-16, Ron lfolder . Balboa Island l.ightning. Bruce Goldsmith. Chirago, Ill. Dh·lsion \1 Banshee, Barry Bruch, Los Altos. Butterny, Ray Burk e . College Park, Ga. C-Lark, David Alotherv.·cll . Kent, \Vash. Coronado-15. Jeff Jon es_ Alan1ilos Bay. Cyc l o n e-13. Prt er Schoonmaker, Long Beach. Force 5, Jack Evan s. \Vaterbury. Conn. Finn. llenr~· Sprague 111 . Ne\\·port Beach. ~·ormula S, John Black Lee, t\cw canaan, ColUl. 420, Steve Taylor. !\('\\' J:a,·en. Coru1. Ghost-13, A1 ar t RJndcs, Granada Hills. Hobie-12, Sandy Ba n k s , Capistr~no Beach. ~·finifish. Paul Fend 1 er . Bedford, N.Y. ~ton t go m ery-l2 . Jerry ~lonlgc1nery. Costa i\lesa. i\tontgomc ry-12 (cat-r igged ), Nancy Kilpatrick. Costa ~tesa . Aiutinecr, Roy Bacon . Worlcl Race To Savula • PORTSMOUTI!. England (AP ) -The tt1exican yncht Sayula "'-on the rotmd·lhc- wurld yacht race's n1ajor trophy on handicap SLtnday after crossing the finish line before a cro"'d of se\'era\ thou.sand at Southsea n(':ir Por1slotuh. Olher yachts had fini shed already. but the ~lexican ernft "'as declared the v.•inner afl<'r various handicap adjustments. • Save on the tire that's been selected for so many of lh is yeor ·s new cars. BFG's Silvertown Belted features t'Ml tough belts of fiberglass €ord for streng th and slobi lity. These popular sizes: G78-15, F78-15. G78-.14, F78 -14, E78-14, 08-14, 878-14 plus Fed. Ex. · ; tax of $2.05 to $2.74 and trade. BLACKWALLS $1 less. i $37 for larger sizes: ("orrl'ctcd time Jeadf'.rs in ('In 's A \11•re Drumbeat , Don \1!"•·:-. NHY C: Raldt•r. Jln1 l.1ndt•rm.1n. !3.'.1lbo11 \·r. :ind Hrip;ht S1:1r, Rill Pll~'OC'. '\llYC. There 11·crc 10 starters rn the cln,'\s. <.~las~ D was ~-on by Bob Sodaro's Andiamo. BYC: SC<"· ond \1-as l\1arshall B.."'f'k 's Coinmotion. BYC. and third 11·:is Halandra. co-sklppcrf'('I by ll111 l' t.:llni:in and Bnll'P - ;\ltl'l:lirC'. l.IYC. ~~~~~~~~~- Its polyester cord body construction gives you a smooth ride. Sale price good only through Saturday, April 20. L78· 15. J78· 15, H78 · 15. H78-14 plus Fed Ex. tax of $2.92 to $3 .19 and trade. BLACKWALLS $1 less. Cl3ss ll 11inncr 11 ao;; Stun- mf'r\\'1nd II , i;kippered by Hich ,\1ci ne of Los Angel('!! Yncht Club. HunnM11p v.·as Rai;:cioll . ro-~kirif'lf"r<'d h~ Jack Hnll nnd Stan \\'i !li::in1~. '\llYC. and lhird \\R~ C'arrera. S1i:1c U;i mard. 1\11\'r liror{!:e Toob~ ·s cui;:101n One Ton Am('ricn Jane. Nll\'C. \\'ai;: lhc Cl~~'I C "1Mer. follo"'E'd hy Yellow Brirk Road. Illll f1cker. NJIYC. nnd 7 1 h 11eavcn. Lan(tdon P a r r ~ I , Hill l~'lP"'Orth's Cal 3-30 DOIS YOUlt CAa IDLl IOUOH? ~l<'rryrlo11·n . t\HYC. y,·a~ the STAIT HARD? WE Cl:1ss A "·inner in 1he 7'.fi~i't GIVE POOi MILAOI? CAN HELP Oc1•an f{a clng Fleet in the Po•nt l'rrmln race of tho THE CARBURETOR SHOP Cor~ctt Series. Second wns lt'2HAA90fllllV1> .. COSTAMESA 64Z-1216 Dick Veltor'!'i \llhitc Lighlnin, ..,.,.,.. ... .,.,..,.M .. -;..."-"',.;..-.."";...'" .. ;..'_'-,.~~·;;; .. ;;,;;"'";;;..,.. ... _.,......t, Anacapa YC. nnd third wns ~rena. co-skippered by Phil --------------------1 floane and Bill von KleinSruid, i\11\'C. ~tOnf C1ass D "'inners ,1·cre Sail Le Vie. Don DuBost., Voyagers \'C: Big l\1agJti~. i\like Har\"i')'. J>acluc )1arintr~ \'C. and Chic.1nery. t'O-sklp- f>('red by Ernie J(\htuuon and Terry O'i'\eill, \'\·c. J!111"4i1111E.-. ... O" • .. ....... iPllll 1Hl l"LACE10 l"LAH YOUlt "ACA1/0N I LEISURE 11"'fr JIM 'S IPITTRNATIONAl HAIR STYLING CENTER NEW Dll\1ENSIONStN ffAJR A4bN -W0MEN--CHILDREN LOllllELEI COIVBfTIM CBITER """i"••"I>' -... ,,;. ') •f"""'!l"'"'-•OffllR SCUl.r'TUR l(Ul METHOD -~•t.M<; .. _.t ' •• ' ....... ,t>_..,,., ' .~ ,,. .... ·~ ' .. 642-2631 222 l.. I 71t1St.-co.-•M~MI DOWNTOWN !I llGlitROA & MCO • B. F. G. WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL r..-... lfG-.. s59s .. ..,.,_ ..... ........ Kc ....... to the - --•••fochrw's -.=:'-_ Hie....._ ·-··1 0-~ ....... ,,.. ""-C.-._........, woo1....-11,1t14 1 .. -.1 BFG d ' h F were the ofherguys ' I 4 ways to charge/Revolving Charge, American f xprcss. Nc otcr ChorDe. BonkAmcricord : B. F. Goodrieh Store · -. -..,. ';::: :;." HARBOR BLVD. lat Bay I COSTA MESA ...!.:~:!'.., MY. l :JM:OO 140.4341 I . '· GOODRICH STOU 6182 LINCOLN CYPRESS 826-4010 ALSO AT:: ___ "T" ________ _ I . F. COOODRICH STOU I . f. GOODRICH STORE I 524 W. LINCOLN 200 SO. MAIM ST. j AMAtiEIM SAMT A AMA l 774·7578 547·71 SS • •• TONIGHT'S TV HIGHLIGHTS NBC 0 9:00 -"Judgment at Nuremburg." Spencer Tracy heads an all-star cast in Pa.rt I of this 1961 drama of the Nati war crimes trial. Burt Lancaster, Richard \Vidma.rk. lllarlene Dietrich, Judy Garland. ~1aximillian Schell and ~tontgomery Clift are featured. ABC 0 9:00 -· "\Vinter Kill ." A mountain re· sort is the scene of a series of bizarre murders. Andy Griffith, Sheree North. John Larch and Joyce Van Patten head the cast. KOCE, CHANNE L 50 Orange County's Ull F television station, KOCE·TV. has sche:iuled the following special programs today. Detailed listings of Channel 50's programs are carried in the Daily Pilot 's TV Week each Sunday. 11 ,to t l!SA.ME STallT 1(1 llto l'QUCAf lONA L. ICHOOI. 1"1· ~Qll ·~T!l>M I() 1111 l .. llD• OUT 1(1 "Lail In 1 F1•lrng" -Cnlla•tn l11rn 110 ... ptroQnl Cl/\ l"I 1011 1"<1 1'1111t1•t<:1 In "'"' 1itu1lll)nl h H I CAN aeAO IC) "Sou"<!• 11>11 ~vmOOI•" -TM •tory "Goad/\ignt Owl," •• rtld •• t h1ldr.,. ••• IM Bn l l'l'lll 1 aund 1 wit/I th t INC/II!( l :ICI COVIi• TO COVillt l(J "1ht Crlckt'I I" Tl,,.,. SQu1rt" -A (lflllc work ol clllldr1,.•1 ll't•••urt. 111 ... , ..... l:OO a lPl"L.liS t(J "O..t Ind 1•• - 5!tVI '""' 1111 did'"'!""' I" t!tt f""°" of ll1l>f"g 11-. l:IS ALL. AIOUT YOU !(I "1,.g Hunclr..t S-1" -Clllldr1" lft • ••all11lc 1>kl11r1 ol 11>1 lramt._.k ol bOtlff 11 11\rf' l fl ln•ldt !!It -y. l:Jt l!LI CTltl( (OMl"ANY IC) l:OI INTltQQUCTIQN TO l"NYSICAL. Ol!!OOaA,HY ICI "Soll• Energy 1nd !ht E1rll>'• lhn1on51" - L.tHGfl 22 J:XI f'ltl!!IHAND SICITI:HINO C() "Vl'ftt(1I 1"'1 Ptr11Sl\Clkul1r" - LH50fl lf 4:00 (ONNll'S CL.OTHl!llO (OltMl!I. tCJ "'""'"'" -l t uon 11 4:)f IL.llCTlt l( COMPANY IC) S:IO Sl'SAMI ITaillT t(J l <M l"()(UI DltANOIE COUNTY !Cl "F!ooalnv ~"II''· 0..1nve Ca.in!Y" -°'"111'1 C""MY'• UOOd contfcl •Ylllm •• n<lf ,.._,,.., to cont11n 1 ll»VNr Mood. HOii Jf"' (OOl>lf 1..0 gue1h dlKUll IT'ii ,..1w1 1 ..... ~lk1llcwo1 ,,,. OIMIMllONS IN (UL.TUltlS tCI "S110tl1tanc1 P•Meuu" -Ltuon ll 1:11 INTltOOU(TION TO l"HYSIC.t.L. GIOCllAl"HY tCJ .. ~ .... E ... rvv 11\d •M E1rth'1 RllOOl'!ll" - L."_,n 11M OMNlaUS J4I l(J "A Clla..,Hr coru;.,.,.. -""" 01-· c.1.,. !1~1111. 11\C1 Alie" G•1t•, plfr>l\1, will CID tlllt llfOQff fl'I COl'>i11ll1>9 ... ll•t!y o! cl\tmbl• MtAlc. l :OI NOYA tCI "Tl'lt Slr1"9f 51ttp'• -Tile l!Of'l' ct !toe ml" ... 'fie! Cl'Y/\9• t<I .......,,,;.,. Ind l!>e <l1KG~ ... V 11t •1>l•llttM1. t <OO TNIE OEYO\Jf YOUNO !CJ "El>l.od<I 0..." "Tl'lt W1¥ I• •"d ""' W1y OVI" -A" tx~lt)rlllcwo DI !l'lt ,.,,.,..,, blllll"" ll'lt i.p/rhl1I ... ,,,.of •merlc11> yQUlf>. t :JI OIMiNStOMt IN (ULTU••t IC) "Sul)ol1!11'1CI Pt !!.,.llt" -LH'°" IS UO min I Wbo Listens r To Landers? SINCE SHE'S ONE OF THE TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA • • • • • . Just About / Everyone Does You Can 'Listen• to Ann L1nd1r1 7 D1y1 1 WHk in th1 DAILY PILOT Need• pl•c• to ll••Pf For OaMilied Ad AC110N Call A Dally Pnot Ad-wl'°' 642·S678 ' j . , ' ' ~ ' I ·-.. ""Ne~v Look s~ared ' Stunwrs Plunge 45 Feet, for .llorie By VERNON SCOT!' 1101.l.YWOOD ttJPIJ -A group of 12 stunt men and 'A'Omctl v.·ere hauled aloft in an cle\'ator on cavtmous stage 12 at Unive r5111 Studios where di~tor r,1ark R o b s o n supervised a scene r o r "Earthquake." "All right." ht" told stunt supcr\'isor Johnny Dahelm, "!'\ow 1 y,·ant them to look r eal!)' lt'rrtfil'd." Tile e1eva1or stopped SO feet above the noor of the stagr and ti~ passengers disenl· ba.rk<'cl on n set representing an of!ice building sta1 rn e\I. But lhere v.•ere no st3irs at the platform b('neath them. The earthquake had ~·ipcd !hem out. Tl{F: SCRIP~ require<! the l perfnnncrs ..1n do\\'n tht> s'ngle S('t of stairs from the imaginl'cl 25th noor to the 24th floor v.'h1ch t'nded in an abyS!. "11'.osc thrr•(• of you who are going to fa ll ha l'e to stop Jn horror." Jlobson ca 11 ed . "Those pushing from beh lnd tn escape the bu ilding can't 1'1'.'C the steps arc gone. The:: kc r1> coming. "'.\'ov.· v.·hcn the\' crush into you. off you go :.... one a1 a tin1e .. , rigged to co1·cr lhe scene. The ma in camera wns perched oo a boom 43 f«'t high on eyp. ll'VCI \\'ith the jumpcrs. A S('(· ond v.·as far &hove tilt> :K't'IK', "This is a take." llobSQn. holler('(!. "llit !he nrcs." crlt--i! an a istnnt 10 the rl<.•('triC'.i,.'1ns handling thr arc lighL~. Huge. 12-bladcd proptller· h~c f:ins blasted air Ullo the 1•1111ltef.f fro111 be· hind. she h11rlle d do1r 111rord • • • n l>eal lnler lhl' • .,, •• otad. hrr nr•••• 011d l egN f I a I I I 11 !!· 11nlfed i1110 ."ipure. scene. The sta!(r hands lrnSt.'<I an1t all "'as quil•t \\'hen ltobson call('d for nc:· lion the dozen stuntmen rnn. ~creaming <lo\\·n 1hc s1ngll' flight of steps.' Tu·o of the 1i.11n1cn v.·ere in !hr lead. Thi'~ stnp(X'd . horrified :it th" lcdgt'. but onl y for a St.'l'Ond. flailinJ:. s<ull'd into space. A~ tlh.• <.'rO\\'d pankkC'd a i n1an v.·11s pu~ll<-d 1n10 the \"Oid l but grabtx'<t ;1 !)(':Jin :;11d hun g1 four stories 3botit the stage ;;tru~glln@ to pu ll hln1scU 10 s;1ft·ty. But oo. he f c 11 h('adlong do"'n\\'a rd. At 11K· last 51.·rond 1he stuntman ducked his hr:id and! landt-d &."\felv n111 Ofl lus b.:1ckl on 1hc :iir·inf!:ucd n1allr<'!l:it'S. The 1\nnl1'n had al r'<' a 1t ) si·ran1hl1•d out of th(' v.·a)' A sigh of rt·Hl'f ('si-apt'd C'rc"· members Hobson called "Cul ,,. 111(' assistant dtr{'{'tors and thrt'e cincma!ograp)l('rs report('d to him \\' h i I r ('1·rryooe <'lsc waitl'd. ···111at was 1·crv ~oo<l."1 Hobson a s sufrd hi s 1 p•'rfnrm('rs. '"But I think "''l f\111 1n1prurc. Ltl's try it :i ;,?:11n The .~1 un 1 nH•n and v.Qnl•·n rl 1d11't r11n1pl :1in. Tht') ;1r1• paid $Sl.(I caclt per Jump. .\1·tin~ D1·hul The dangerous stunt had PL'SHEO FR0\1 behind, the 11nL1.,1voon , rr1) A1narillo Slin1. \\ho bill~ himself as the \.\'Orld'~ chan1· pion poker player. v.·tn make hi!< motion pi cture nctlni.: dl'but in a ~cquencc of "C;1lifomia Sph!." been previm1..11ly rehears('d. first stunt v.·on1an hurtled The fall v.'Oltld plunge h\·o downv.·ard. A bea t later thl' stunt v.1lmen and a stunt man seC'ond. her arms and legs some 45 fee t doY.'T!v..;ird onto ----- tv.·o enormous. a i r · f i 11ed 1 ,,,-~~~~~~!_-~~~~~~~~~~ .. plastic bags. TllREf. f ,\\tERAS v.ere • 0'COHlt.&.CI" "fltAHlt FILM~ "'Al"1llOH" "~UTMEI" ... •• ~Filllo! "OA Y H)I: MIGHT'" "Sl ffl"Elt" "C()f"j l IOllllS" A "'Al'llLOfol~ V' "SUTHER" Op1.>n 0~1ly 11 30 p m PAIJL NlWMAN RlDfORD ROBlRT 6H.lW ' . Horry Cou l .,...i11 go an ywhere lo bug n private con~e r~or,on H , I 1l1:nh 01e unequa lled They ~e already been re~pon\oble lor rhr,..r· murder~ l'.i;i !:._. .. ' . _,, .:-~ ... i£ ........ ,... • ' .. , ........... (__, ....... . Ciene Hockman . "The ConvetSOtion" ~ """°' f..d'r:::::.::.... _, ...,,,- John Cazale ·Allen Garfield · Cindy Winiams Frederic Forrest· DcwldShira · Fr.dP.oos m ... ~, ,,,, ...... .. I i l + ''FANfASTIC l'LANn " l •Hft A•dford -Mio F.rrow "TH I GREAT GAT$IY' ~1'01 ... "CHAILI( ANO TJ.IE ANGEL" "THE STING" ... "CHARLIE VARRICK" ''Sll l PIR" ... ''COl'S ANO IOlllRS" IPG I "THI CONVl!ISATION" I l'G I '" "JUOGE ROY l l AN" • Llt:ll,l.ll IAIJ, as "4\AA\ll"\ 1~1 '(t t £."f\A 'l·t ~..(. .... t.1.lu~ '1.d....~6~&.v1.b..t: • It • • • i , r,.. 1 •• Ii " l ~·""•I• fl-.. ~· ..... ..., BfATRIC[ ARTHUR BRI 1rr UAVl!:IUN klRSY f • IRI fWo~ -A girl Wllh a !JI'~ lollowing. Ewry cop in the !.!ale was atter he1 ~eke was betund het. Horry Cnul w .11 go any where to bug CJ provo1e conversotion <»ne Hockman "The ~" 11'11.r 1 ao.• n ,PG lAI -l .~j./ t).f·)O "A gangs ter picture, u •• ,. a love stor\' ... a superi or filni." ., _ _. , .. ,~"""' I~ l':r lT'< • ':-•10,r . !l,M~LlY t.IV~t 4lSO •C•lll,,.f AWt lCI ~ -IUT ACflU5 FCOE.rfi r(: :.(y4') fT' ~ fffi'U!J n ._ICI ,.:to1-.i w...,,_.,,..,...,,._ 11.-11l-•.""""M'"''''11 -'-''"'It ACADEMY AWARD BEST PICTURE -·"I*•"''"'"" .. •«•'•" car:>2 ~·-~ .................. .. --··-~·--·-·--· ' I'\,, JMI ,.._.. HO.. .... ""WAlllHG TAU" '"'--"'""'' 10 ....... 1-IARHOR .Z:.2 ... _ .... .,_,. 01'• ......... , ,_,_. -- • •AZ1111; wnu· 11 A t -t• t>O• • 100!'11 -.-- -.... liCoNTIO. -'T "'IH m --· ... ·---.... ----··---· ...................... -{#-TV p..-__,. __ llT'P\,I --·-"' ___ _ ___ ....,_ -............... ..., --· --"-- fAI "1i1Ei121.'><~ rc-:r _ "')' m 11'l!WU l(X, (t" 1.L * M ~; Y.Jil-l>"1 , ..... HOU9Al .... 111•11~ O•••T WIO. 1\111.1 SM 1:C0·4:l0.7· I S-9:45 __ ,,.... .... 1-•••llM'.4' ..C•I. ....... _ ..... ttHA ... _ ...... , t••• '1.US t C•otwf .t.W4l0 WINl'lll ··~ ~At'-! ~ "--.. ;m~l'; J~i;~ QH1a!l~ • t7t-4141 • \ .i.uo 11~•• , ....... a.,..., ' .. ... - .............. ,A T0Ucl1 OfClas• C CW'T....0~\ "O\,.U Na llMllS 0,_!ll .. , .... Olowe,.,. C-·-~-­........ fWO WAU ...., lllnt ROllN H000191 "-US a ....,..., CliAINll ONI LITTLE: INDIAN 111 ---·o<• .,. ........ _T .... I Wlf .,_\. , .... , ...... ,. ... _, .......... ,.. .. .. •• ,.-11 •: .... 1 .......... 1 .......... ,.. .... : .. • ... to'"''"'""··"": HOLIOA 'f MATINEES OAILY ~ ·--.... -.":!'-"'":.; I l~ ' \ 'T '' •.,.'\!' ' . " .. -· , - ly fi ' ,. r I I • I I ' l 20 OAJL Y PILOT Monday, April IS, 1974 J;.!Jr . Bo11«l Tl1ey Love LtIC)' 111 Africa Too ' Consider W\Wl'<i !Uthe.rs. There are more or sume among high school seniors thnn among the students Jn any other class. f;ithcr in high school or in college. And n survey by the Family Service Association of Americu Indicate! 90 percent of thent are op- posed to ::iborl lon. The Russiam arc turning out anti· biotlcs nladc from ga rlic. Not quile one out of !'.Very 50 di· vorrees is a\\'atded prrn1:inent all· mooy now. An1ong the preferred ntnnes ror newborn girls In Africa now is Lucy, J'm told. Reason of- fered is that the Lucy tclcvlsion program:s arc shown there these days. EDISON Another little kno"Tl fact about the great 1'homas A. Edison is that he de signed for himself a special pencil. The Eagle Pencil Company manufac1ured it lo Edison's specs. \Vas about thrL'e inches Jong. W ith exceedingly soft black lead. In a "'ooden casihg the size of a man's finge r. \Vhy Edison wantl'd exactly that particular scribble s lick was he liked to carry it in his vest pocket. Prl'\'ious ptn· cils always stuck out, fell out or poked holes. Q. "\Vho invented that gin drink kno\vn a s the Singapcirc Sling?'' , A. An WUlamcd barlcndcr nt lhe Hotel Raffles in Sil'lg· apore. Three Americans esta b lished that price. In 1896. Q. "Do elephants sleep much?" A. Maybe 1~·0 or lhrcc hours a night. SPEED Jn 196.5, government officials considered the notion or r aising the Interstate h1ghway speed limit to 80 m.p.h. Ob- jectors :said it would be too expensive. If a 1,000.mile trip ordinarily cost you ~17 for gasoline. the sam e trip a t 80 m .p.h . might cost as n1uch a s $35. they said. \Vilh tru• price hikes today, that $3.S is a fair estima te or the cost of a J,OOO·mile trip at 55 m.p.h. Argument continues. It's all nonsen se. \'ou and I do not rontrol the nwney. decisions. The money decisions, n1ade up the re in N ever Never Land, control us. Watch this space for further petulant remarks. Our Love and \Var m a n obse r ves, ''Cur ious that failure tends to neuter a man while success is apt to do likewise to a \\'Oman." H eavy. Suicide r ate among lady doctors is four tim es that of women in general Explain that, please. Addrtss niaiL fo L. lit. Boyd, P.O. Box 1875, f\'ew~ port Beach 92660. Dy The Associated Prtss Billboard's ho t record hits for the week ending April 14 . as they appear in next week's issue of Billbonrd magazine: TOP SINGLES I. TSOP • MFSB. Columbia 2. BENNIE & THE JETS - Elton J ohn, ~1CA 3. HOOKED ON A FEEL- ING -Blue Swede. Capitol 4. BEST T HING THAT EVER liAPPENED TO ~1E - Gladys Knight & The Pips, Buddah S. COME AND GET YOUR LOVE -Redbone, Columbia 6. O!I l\1Y l\IY -Ringo Starr, Apple 7. SUNSHINE ON MY SIIOULDER -John Denver, RCA 8. THE LOCO MOTION - Grand Funk. Capitol I. A VERY SPECIAL LOVE SONG -Char lie Rich, Colun1- bia 2. HELLO LOVE -llank Sno\v, R CA 3. HANG IN THERE GIRL -Freddie tlart. capitol 4. THINGS ARENT F UN· NY ANYMORE -'-terlc Hag- gord, capitol 5. Jeannie ,.laric VOU \VERE A LADY -Tomn1y Overstreet, Dot. 6. IS IT \!.'RONG FOR LOV· ING YOU -Sonny J a1ncs. Columbia 7. I'LL TRY A LI'JTLE t!ARDER -Donna Fargo, Doi. 8. WE SHOULD BE TOGETHER -Don \Villiams, JMI 9. THE LOUDER THE VIOLIN. THE SW E ET ER THE l\IUSIC H a n k QUEENIE '· B Phil lnlerfandl --'·•' ,...._,~ ,.;. ..... :or..o~ .... 1 ... 191• . .._ ... w .r,1.1. _..,_ Boys Get - KP Duty LONDON (UPI) -'l11o education c:ommJttee o( the London boroug!J of Waltham FOttSt is con- sidering making boys who "3ault teachers ceSO the washing up alter school lunch as punishment. Committee m e m b e r Charles P aley, wt" pro- posed the . idea. s i Id "There ls no corporal pw\lshment and it is WOrSe Uum useless giving these c hildren 100 Jines to do - because they just won't get done. PllBLI.C NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUB!JC NOTICE JIOTtc• IJIYITIJIO •IOI ,KTITIOUS aUSIJll•ll """1CI TO CtlllOITOU NOTICE IS Hl!ltEIY GIVE" u .. t ... 1-l>IAM• ITATl"Mlfillf .... 4-Pml M -I• ... 111 1;19 rf(IJI-1W IM Cll\> T14E FOLLOWING flEllSOH 1S DOl"G t.,.nw c.t ff .. Slllt ff C1Mlwliit r.c.·~ '::'ct~ "t:."~":t' ~l;MDl'f!Z, IU~~!~l· CIE!olTIEll flROfllEllTllS1 ltffl>t '='. =.n:oa~.Tl;~1.--, C•I• Me_., C•rl..,fllt. ...,.111 t"' -of toO "'"""'*" CtAllf Dl'lvot, ~'-tit NOIWct .,._. LY.,....,.. ~ 11·00 1.m. oi. A,pdl it. ltli. 11 "Ilk" 11/M H"""'1 ktCll. c.111w11r1 n..o. "" -,._... ........,, !Nor d 1MY wlll *'-C1P1f*1 fllllllkl~ ltlld Ntd MllOO ldw1 ... Ff'HI.-_ 110 ·-..,_ fllVll'lf fltlft\t AQtl'"t !tit U14' •loo.le! Ill 1111 CO<HKH c...,._, IOI' ....... ni.-. ,.1,,.. s..1,..,, C•N"'"'' nuJ. .......,, ............ flt. IM~ .... i., ""'"'"""'•• .. ow. 19111fd•l1. eoul-t. Tl•h ~-I b CCll'IOweltd "9' 1111 l,.. ""' .. ,-...... -~-0l~111w .. Offt<1 d l•_.,.-11tloll tnlll WCll ol-IKllll'-t • CllWI04i<ll. ,,_ I " <-1, "" 11'\tY 1M r9Cll,llrtd ...-lllf (-tr't(tlofl Of H119t l~d F,...,I,,.., It ..,..,.... ..... Wl'lt<o 1"9 11Ktn<1• • 1M l l"A• ITllEET MIDIAN5. Tllll ll•llf'MM ,.,, 11'-CI ..ttft "" C-_ ... If l1W ........ ~ II !fie tlll~1 A NI lfll 111•~ SM<lltcttlvll1 '"° olllfl ry Ci.•11. ol 0.11'0'! C-rv Ol'I MtrUI 11, of '°'1N "· Q.OllO()t(, ''*"' S.tfl ""'°" ~ (OfllrKI --"'· mfY M 01>11IN1t ,, It)• Orlw, "'-•lk. c.n ... 1111 IWJO ......Uc11 ,, 1119 Orlf« o1 1M (lly CllQl-r '11 Ftlf ,IMJI I .... itlKI of -1-1 II "'-unCMnla"IG ,, Drlw. ,.,. '""""· C•IUw111a, u9on I llOll• .. !JbllsMd Or•• C..\I Dtlly ,.HOI, 111 ""''*'' "'1•~ " "" hlllt ti U• I r1flllld1bl9 p,1~1111111 ot ~.00 Mtrch lS. 11111 AprU I, I, U. "" 1021·1• 1M«0111I, wo11!11 IO.lr """""'' 1n1r '"" EKl'I 040 Jl>tll *'-""°' on 11141 prOPOlll flr1t t¥lllJ,111oft Of lflll l'IOlltl . form •nd In '"' ,,.,_, ~·o•141d I~ The PUBUC NOTICE 0.ltd Aprll ID. l'7-t. COl'llrnt dlt-1•. lfld till!! 1M IC• ltOY I!. lllEYl<IOLDS <OMMllJH O'f' • «fl!lled W CO!lltr'I li.KK111"' of 1"' tht<-11. or 1 bier bOfld !Qr 1K11 lttl l"tll 1r. !NIH of Mid dletdlftl OI t1lf ,,..._,1 of 11\f old, midi PfYt~f IO I lfM J~" M. 001100M 11\f Cltv of Co.I• lo\fM. NOTIC:• TO Clll:DITOlll 111114 lt ft Mt-~ IU,.lilltOll COUllT Of" lH• "-"-ClllMnll• tMM NOTICE IS FUltTHl!ll QIVE N 11111 1111 ITATI o, (All"OltNllt. 'Oii • Oly Co11ndt of w ld Cl!y Ill• ,,....1•olor1 TNI COUJllTY OF OltAHOI .t.""""',.:"'11~~:''"" tfltbll.i.d t Pttvtlll119 •tll 11\d K tlt ol Mt. A·7tl1S f'li/Vllll'llO 0r•"'9 Cotll Delly ~11(1 w11111, 111 KUltert'll:t wlll1 It..,, lo bt P<Okl "'"" ot $1.MUfl A. o'l'E INEll Otntt• .t.prU If, 11 " M.11 ' lt/t 1-i • In '"' COl'lll•\l('llon ol '"" •bowl ..,iltlecl to! ' ' ' ' lmiwo,,_"· Till! 1tld ''" t lld >(llt NOTICE t5 HEltE9Y GIV6H le fM ""''' IOoOltd DV !Ill City COllMU DV creo11or1 o1 1111 too,. "'""""' dt<edtnl PUHL.It.: NO'ITCE •M0111tlori 74·1 on 11'911¥1 d•r, ot Jtnutrv thtt 1n "°"-111..i,,. cl1lm1 ,,.1,..,1 '""•----~~~-!t,4. -11 {Ill '111 In"" 011 (I of '"'(I· wld O« ...... I ••• •RQUl•td to 1111 ll>tn\,I' ---,. Cltrll of Mid (lty. Tt.t1 Wld ••Tt .tftll #Lin 1111 lle<fl!ll,., vouo;M, .. i,. !"41 &ttlc. 'ICTITIOUS IUllHISS Kilt II lltrtlll toflrtNI 10 ...... eclaplH Ill ot 1111 clt•k of'"' .oo .. ltfllilltcl ~t..... JllAMI ITATIMl"T 1111• noilct ti tt1o11011 lllUY •1'1d <-"'''~ IO Pf'W,."1 1-. w;1~ l1W M<•H¥Y TPICI t'llllowlr>g "''°"' t •t ~•.O $t1 tortt'I Mrtln. •nd 11111 wld Kflt, tt VOii("'" 10 '"" lll'ldtrJlfMd ,. '"" 0U•c1 ov.i,,..a 1•: tclopltd br wld Rftlll.,,lon, r. ~ • ot ,,,.;; tllOfMyt, GlleEH!'IEJIG .. VALLEY I EIEF COM~ANY, flit Lo Pfll ot lt\11 l\Oflc1 bY '""""''· GlUSICElt, lt!XI ... .....,.,. ol 1111 it1•l. ~I Cltclt. F111111l•ln Vt I I 1 ' TM COl'llrKtor Wit. Ill Int 5,,.llf 2000. lot AftlfiJl, Ctllll)f"'" ...,, C:MUor11l1 Hl'Of per1orrrno11C:1 ol 1111 WOf'~ t"ll lm· Wiiien 1, IN ottc.1 Ill" 1>111inou1 of int ,_ 0. TNllv'llf, tltt L• ltrc:t Cor• llf-mtnl .. c:onloron ID 1111 LNX>< COClt llf'ICl•ll•r!ld it! .. , ""'"'"' -··•ln.'I~ 10 int c:11., F-i.111 \11llC'w. Ctlllorl'I• t210I of Tht ""' ot CMltort1l1 ""° 0111., ltw• ttlf~ o1 wlcl ..._111111, .,..ittoin IW' 11'.onllll lt1tn•nl 5<...,., •U S. Wn••ldot Co•· ol 11141 Sl1t1 of (llllornl1 •~ltt!IM 111., !tit t;,11 pubjiUtlon o1 trol. flOl)(t, cit, ""•""'"'· C11Uor11l1 11\«tlo. wllll IM t•C9Ptioll Ol'lly ol Ill(" 0.IK Mt~ n , 1t1• f"I' bll11 ... H 11 COl'lducltd llY . Olrit••' v1tllll0111 11 '"'Y lit rl'Qlllrld 11'>111• "" LEAH l£NStU 1no p1r1,.,..111lp. -Ill •11111'9• --nl to wlllen Ot• FAPMEllS AHO MERCH>.NTS 9 LMIC• ... TOW!'lll'ld "FOJIO\V thal lanker!" tffCll1191 ...... ~, l rt l•k ... 11\d w"lcn TltU'T (0, OF LONG 8E ... C14 Tnh i!lltlMf'I w11 llltd wllll '!"' Ct11"-_----------------------------i~=============~l lltv. no! llt-911 1\IPln«lt<I &'/ IM provl• I~: E.M. Al'MI, \11(1 Prtlloenl Iv (IH~ of 0•1"91 Count~ Oft Ap<ll l "The proposal I am pot- llng rorward will make them look small and ridiculous. like naughty little boys," Paley said. 111-of 1111 Labor c*. f'rtl111rw:t IO co-e~tc11tor1 al tl\t Wiii lfH. • PUBLIC NOTICE llllor Mlilt lit t l ... n Of'ly I" tM m•110'll:t ol 1n. tboVt ... mcG ll«tdtnl ptOvlllld DY law. Oltll"8EltG I GLUSIC Et. 526 Make Dean's List 1--------------· I No DlO t.nlll °' con•IO.rtd unl111 II I• ltOt Av..,,,.. ., lilt Sii,... Nt. 200f l'UUI Pllllll1111<1 0.11\0e Ca.ul D•llY ,.11c!T. April I. I~. 21. :If. 19'• ll»·li a tttiM made Ol'I • Olan~ '°'"' f\irnblled rw !tit LN A11t1lt1, C11JI. l'lllW1 IU,.lltlOlt COUllT o,. TN« City of Cot0lt M111. u1d 1, m1111 111 a<> All-Wt for Co-l!'•ttttton PUBLIC NOTICE 5TATI o" C.All,.OllNIA FOii ur•danct wlrn '"' pravl1lon1 of 1n1 p•o-P11bll1111d 0••"91 C:o.111 Oel1v Piln•i-------------- ' TMI COUNTY O' OltANGti 11<>1•1 •tou!rerrwn!i. M•r(h 2S, April I. I, JS, 191• 10~1 ·1' e ntl'I Nt, A•7tWt EKll bidder mu•I be llctnH.O I nd 1110 NOTICE TO CltlDITOlll 0, JllOTICE O' Hl!Alll"O 01" 'liTlTION preqo.11lllleo 11 ·~ul•td '" low. PUBLIC NOTICE aULIC TltAN5"1!t. "011 'Olt 1'1101.t.T• O' WILL AND ,Olt The Cl!y Count/I ol !tit City of Colt• SECUltlTY '"TlllllT LITTllt5 T•SYAMl!M1'AllY Mft• .... r~H !tit •l~nt 10 ••!eel 1nv or Noll<t 11 Htttl>Y Gl .... n IO IN! Puollc· NOflCE n HEREBY Gl\IEN e1 E1t11t ot MILDRED LOTTI£ H411flER, 111 bler1. rl: Publlc Hearing -En~!•~men!9I IOllowt; A bul~ tr1n11-. 11 IDOu-1 lo t! Decetotd CITY OF COSTA MES• lmp1el 11-1 -Sinlt '°''"' Rt11!0t11I mtllt llV f!NI" "AYlOlt'1. tNC. At Saddlebacl{ College Saddleback College listed 526 students on the Dean's List for 1he winter q uarter, with 70 students maintaining perfect straight·A averages. Each s tudent with a 3.0 average or heller on a 4.0 scale will rea!ive a Ct!rtificate of achievement. Straight A students include: Capistrano Beach: J ohn Ramsey. Dana Poinl: Gary Abbott. Douglas Augustine. M a r y Bastia. \Va lle r Carlin . Ste\'CO ~1eConnell. Richard Pudas. Sharon Thomas . 1-:1 Toro: Les Heide, Helen Lee, Rodney Lindlry, Carol P iker . Gerald QuiM, \Varrcn Snyder, ~1arlene Steele. Irvine: William Coons , Richard C rouch. B a r b a r a F'itzpalric k. Edward Gor-7.alcs. Genevieve He ndrir ks. Wilbur Ke llogg. Kathleen Kralr.. R an· dall Lanford. Noel l'\!Cna die r , Ti mo I h y '-ler!z. J ohn l'\lolitoris. Julil' Reside. 1-:lla S 1nith. Lois \\1alker. l..aguna Bench: Anne Albert. Sigrid August, Chr i sti n e ~lonscn, TI10mas Traxler. Laguna tlills: Dianne Af- fl<;<~ btgunl!I Nigurl : Norman trt;s 1 1884 Newport C o\fD Me\o S48· I SSi NOW thru TUESDAY 2 Academy Award Winners! IEST ACT<Mt JACK LEMMOM !'Save The Tiger" w .... llST SUl'fOlTIMG: ACTWESS TATUM O'MEAL ... a,.o~ NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl\l(N !NII Put1ll1nod Ori~ COii! Olol~ Pllol lnlet<eQlor T•inillfor, a' Dootor, _, DllllO'ltU ~~· Blandcl Lonny Bremer Dixie LEONA HOUSE ANOllEW~ 111$ llltd April •• I}, 191t Ull·1• Tlmt: 1:00 ~ -S.00 pm. 1:lD pm -d•••• !• 5'JD Wtll Ctn11Ml• Av1n111, L ... . • ' IWr•ln • Ptllllori tor Prooat1 of Will 11111 . ':lO pm .lftO'llfl t(',O.IJ, COlmly ot Lot An<atlf'i Brimhall. Candace Dom-,..,. 111111nc1 ot L111.,.1 Tt1.,men•••v ro PUBLIC NOTICE 01r.· M.IY 1, 1t1t S1tlt ~ c1n1orn11, 1..cr 1 i«lmtv l"lf'f·t . D vd K ik "~r 1111 po!llllontr ralUtn<;• to wllkl'I II mad( P!iJCf; \lllll (H'I Rio J ..... lor HIQ~ c111tld •Old P<OY!OIO tor ltlCHAllO I lflguez, a I ar Cr, V\.'V gc tor 11,,,llll< p1rtlcu11,., llld '"'' 1"41 II""' ,ICTITIOUS 8USl"l!IS "AMI! $cllool C4uclllwl11m), ~l Gs.fdl Drove, O'NEILL. T•1n1le<et, II 5.c11•td "'"'· Torre. Ind olACt of lltarl;'f. tllt 111'1 .. tlt1 bH11 "AMI! ITATEMENY Ar.o!Wlm. Ctlltwni• .. 1'ow ~l..en td0re11 11 c/o C••wtord J MI.' s ., 0 n V '1ei"o · Ted HI r Aotl!_l3. .... 1t7 . •1 ~:lO t .m., In !Ill Tn. totlcr••lng Pt•ton• ••• oolno COP/ti ol '"' fnvlronmt11tal Imp•" Cof..r. 1140 Sl•I~ Sl•HI, 511111 """"'(.0 . ,...,. '""' "' r•mtnl NO. J ol 1114 buil . 11.,..,,1 ..... lftl SM>•• An• Reglon•I f0.11)1. covnrv Ill Lot AftOllll, St111 II A on nk G B k L coun, 11 100 Civic Ctnlt• Drl.,.. Wnt, In ""'' 11· I "" 1 111 "' ""' ~ ' u C: 111 ,,; r e 0, ary a e r , ynn 1111 City of s1n11 ........ Cillk>•nli . W·k SALE5 co .• 1t1' >o. Gt•fld Aw., n cl'P1 °'.' Ye n ,...a,, • ~,: • "1 119 , ni• _., 1 1 1 , "'I S"' I E 11 I h Dllld A II 4 1'7t LM ,1,...,.111 C•lllorlllt '¢IOD7 1174, ..-111. praper o •t tr• • I ~. \.AJ e , nlr ey S W 0 f , WlrLl.t.M IE St JOH N WtllOl'I o: ktndrlcll., !U11 P1rk11cN City Cl1rt;'1 Dtftt l Ll11t1rle1 k:lc1llOl'I 00' lo(tllon• bllow de..;rllMG, 1r1 carolyn Lark, Roger Lau, c-tv ci..~ Ln .. lf11nt111g1°" 81.,cn. c111111m11 9'1"'1 An1nelm ,1,,...~,;,,.. w la 11t.0111<1v 11 Qtntr•llY otM;rlllfG •• U IALL "UlfT HAltT Erne•I R W•tt.. ll11 Ollo SI c111... C•I Stilt -Fulltr!Ql'I !ollOWI. Sherri ~tayne. •1toWH & i Aiitwiri Downev. c11itorn11 " t.o<0111 Cor0111 AU per1onll 11'-l•IY of ,.,..'°' kot'I'. Sa Cl I V I · I Dllll'-W a Tllio busl ... l l It conouctt<:r ~y 1 !lmhNI F11llt<IOl'I F~Ut•IOI' wlle<t..., l«tltd, l'OW ~ Of lt••r n emen e : a er I e YI ~. · .,,.. 1 nl Gl•Glfl G•o~• Hunrlllfl!en 1c1cfl acQul•MJ by Tr•n."'"' 111CJuc11"1 w• Bod'f rd J A J hn t ,. LllMIH A-111' ners p. Norco Olll•rl(I llOI Umlttd lo: All pr~nl ind 111\ni J 0 • ~ n n 0 S 00, L .... lttd!. Celll. ttl01 W, 0. kttlll•l<k S1n 8"'111r!)ifl(I illlve•,illt 1ccount .. •ecllv1bln. COll/rl>CI •iOhh. \lictoria Painter R o b e r I Ttl: nu1 4lt-UJ1 Tnll 11•11men• wi• 1111<1 wl!n tne COllfl-Uot•nd Sin Bt•ntt<1111C1 <llllltl 111pw, llCVl'llv 1gr11rncn1.,. ' All-y1 ft.r Plllll-r Iv Cltr• ol Oril\111 Cou11ty on Aprll S, Univ. C1llforni1 -RiVlrilde oocurne1111. not ... drtfh, l"•l•umenr,, Sellers . carol Troy, John Puotl111ed Or•no• COlll 01lty Pilol ltl•. Ttt!imoroy wlll lit !•II.en lron'I lite 1>11bllc tlld !llM•ll lnltnglblH .,,d gOOOJwil1. \Vilson Ap•ll 1. t. n. "'• 121'·1• f<U .. o by: 11id •ti prntnt '"° ""'Nltar •cQlll•f1 · ------·---PlllllllMd 0.t* (011! Dt lty Piie!•. Tne 5tMI ...,.. Wt!tt1hed Prole<;I 1nV'l!nlOf¥ w l11vtnlorlt1 -•tt• Sa n Juan Capistrano: Hee-PUBLIC NOTICE .t.prn •·is. n. 2'. 1t7• 1231·1• Av111«1ty 1oc11ec1, 1rw;1uc11no but not 11m111a 'u tor Carr'e L)'nn "--'gl'10 11so B•oc:•r"" olvtn111. Suire 202 1-1111111, •aw m1tt•l1l1. wo•k In P<~· I • \.NIU • 8 1*1 PUBLIC NOTICE llllver1IC11, C1lilwnl1 91S06 ceH Incl flnli.ned Q(IOd1; 111 011en11, Tho1nas Recch io Debr a , .. ,,,,0, ,0 .. ,, 0 11141 611.f!ns 1•1<a<n1•••· 111<1 ''acre"'""'; 111 • . ' " " F THI: P11Dli1N!<I Or•llQt Co,nl 01lly Pllo!. prt•lnl •nd lleretlttr •tQUlrtd .iilllp. \Vysom1ersk1. STATE Oii CAlll'Ot.NIA FOlt "OTICI ~o":~2101TO~'i Ap•ll IS, 11, 11, 11. 19. lf14 llS1·1t menr Wllt•t¥t• lotl!f'd lnclltdlllg bllt 11(11 1'HE CO~NT:~:::.i01tANOE SUPERIOtf COUltT 0,. 'rHE: llmlled lo r11t~ur111t • II 11 I pm t II I . HOTIC• O• ,,•,,;,. o 1 STATE OF CA Lll'OllNIA FOii PUBLIC NOTICE l11•nl1hl1'1111, 1111111!111. 11 1en1 t 1 •. " fr ,. TITION chln1"'"' ollverwl•f, tnd cull'''' "011 ,..OIATli OF WIU. A"D l'Ot. T"I! COUNTY 0,. OflA NGI Lt:TT&ltl TllTlt.MIMTAtY Mo. •·ltJll NOTIC E. OF AVAILASILITY m1nulet111rl119 t QU IP m I n I Ind E1!1!1 ot EDITH M, AlllBUCklE, £11111 ol "£LEN P II£ SC 0 TT OF AN"UAL lllE,.OllT mtchl111rv, 1lr condlllOl'llng tQUIPfTlllnl Child llealth OKt iP<I. CHUt.CHWAllO, Dt<tited P"'Wlnl lo SK!ion 6lO•(dl of lllt wl!h fnll!C..• Ind conl•Oll tlld 1!· NOTICE IS HERESY GIVE N l!ial HOTICIE IS HERE9Y GIVEN lo 1111 l"lt)n•I lle~llt C-. nollce Is !'le~b~ IKhmonts, Ptrll, looll Ind KCtJMl!'lt• $1\CR ·•J'\1 Ef\"J'Q (lJPll -WILLIAM$. ARllUCKLE llel flied lltr41n Cffdllo<t of 1111 •bovt n1meo dKfdt11! given lhil Ille ..,...,,,1 •~POrl tor !ht Jncldtnlal 1111'1101 ofll<I eo::r11!pmtnl, ,,. 1 pe!lllOl'I lo• P•Ollll<1 ol Wiii '"" f(lt !1111 tll ptfmt!J ll1vlna cl1lm1 -11111 !tit C•l-•r yeir lt1l of WllUtm LYWI and tountlr>g ml~lntJ, •nd ""''"' ~hlcl1s; Tw0 DeTilOCf&tS And a l1•111nc1 ot ltllt,, Tt•!l-nli>ry to 1111 Nld OK-••I rtqlllr..:J lo till llllm. Mlrlim Lyon FoundttlOll, 1 privlll lo\lfl· Ill "'1>duct, bullne•• °" ltlfl 11,...: tll J • b I . h . , .. _ Ptlllf-r rlfff·....:1 lo wl'lk h Is mtck' '"' wit~ 1t1e lllCfltl,., YO.Klllr1, In 1M oltlc1 di!lon, 11 IVl!ltb!I 11 "" lolllOdt tlon'• tcc°""llng d111, IUfttyJ. compOJte• pro-{C PU IC a 11 a\e un::n twth41• Po1Mlc111a•l. '""!hit 1n1 rlmt '"" ot tr-.t cle•k ot Ille •DOV• t~lltltd cour!, prfncl1MI ollkt tor 1._11°"' ourlng gram,; '"" •II boo~•. lllt1. tot· a po'nl~ lo the -wly~realed pltce o1 1111rl11g Thoe ••mt 1111 bftn It! w to Pflltnl IMm. wlltl I/II l\ICtn•rv 'IG1111, busin•u• hou•J from , 1 ,.. 10 s ~'1lel etlll rKwd• pe<!ll11lng ta P I \.~ '"' -... lor April 30, ,,,,, <11 t :30 '·""·• In 1111 WOV(""'' lo"" 111\dt<tlQlllG II 1111 01tlc1 p.m. b, iny cllllln wno reciuesh ·11 ;..tthin 1nv of 1111 foreool!IO cot1•1tr~I. ~II S'ate Child llealth Board G<>v c1111<1r_,, al Oeo1rt,.,...1 No. J of 1eld ot n~ 111or....,, OONALO Ft, COVE RT. 1111 dlVJ iller"" dire of 1111, publluo!lon. tQulllfntnl tOl\ltlfllng 1r-.t 11me, 111 P<O• -· • c-t. 11 700 c1~ic ''"''' O•lve Well, In 315 Norm loulw st'"'· Sull• JI 1. Glen. Troe loundtllon's prlnc~I ofllct 11 CTld1 ll\tnol, end tit proctt'd1 ol Ion Ron.tld Reagan 's o£!ice said tM c11v o1 $•n11 .t.na.·c1111orni•. 011•, C•U•wril• t1l'06, w111c11 11 '"' p11ct loc..•ed 1, m Vl• Lido Soucl. Htwioarl tt~'i~~~~ii-!Piii ,_,.,,;,, 01 '"" Dtttd AprH 10, 1t1t of DU9!11tn of Ille ullde,,IQlllG !n Ill mt!· lleec", Cilllorllll "'60. '"' ,.,. that Dr. Ke nt A. Zimmerman WILLIA/.\ E. s1 JOHH '''' ""'•lnlno to'"' tttatt ot wlo ~· '"" prl11C:IP1l m•lllOI' of nw tour.di!!°" twf9olng, •II et '"' Mid 1bovHnc,111-c-1y Clt rll a ... r . ..tlllln •ou-• montn1 1t11• 1111 1 .. 11 1, Mr w·n .. m Lion fd <oll1t••1I "" 111rton1t P'OPl"IY """' of Berkele y and Dr. Frederick Mlt.UltlCI TMOllMlll & publl<lllOl'I af Thi• nollc•. 1( ....... 1'1 L..-tt11 &. C-HllY. ;-;;:.,,: 1~':c .. ~::~b!n ,:: T"OM.U H. TMORMlilt. 0.IHI April •· 191• , ... AY-If 51tn. J1odg,es of SaC'ramenio, hoth It)) W••IW-~...... RICH411D E. JUTllAS 51111'9 .... ntc:llOll ""'"'· or IPCIU"l-n! to '"' Lei ~ .nfwtlll E ot Tht w11 lallowlno lllK•lbld ••11111•"'' l1tUltl<!•. Demoerats, and Dr. Crawford Tl!: OUI '.';,~2. tllU :c=-•tioov. Ill~ otcllttlll l~~ c::i~~~~lily Piiot and lncllld!r:I •II lHM!dd lnlert"'· Bo'i of Ncvttda City. a A~•"'' ""11-r oott.t.t.n "· covE11T April 1s. u11 u11-1~ !:ii':.....,~"""~ ~"""~-:::'';"dt:;:. Republican wtn serve on the ""'l>ltsntd °''"" co111 D•Hv "n"'. ns """'11 '-lw 11 .. S-llit• ~11 n11ied 0, "" 1o11ow1 ... 111......,. •nd loc•,. , ,1.pr11 u , u. 21. 1t14 nW-1• bltflclt11, c1111. "* PUBLIC NOTICE 111 ,, 1t1t ~ H<lrn•~s: board. Tl!li mu tU-tUt co111 ,,.,.,. tlt•t•llf•nt, lOtt s. PUBLJC NOTICE Att_., "" ••KVI• ••111111. eos11 MHL u. nb:j "INSPIRATION" ..,....,_ Pln"SOUI" 7:)0 & !:JO !.ti ! ........ ./"'J fOUNl AIN YALLlY .,.f.~~l ~OO;;.:Qi1 ';.,;fD,;;C.11 II 'ltl lHltU TUES, 'TIL t :>e J"'°' W1ynt "MC QH .... ,.1Cl111 ''SERPICO" (I) a fOUNlAlN YAllfY '"~,~ PubH....., Or1nq1 COllll Dilly Pllol ILP-Utl' Tne 1111111: tr1n1ftr Is lo*'-con111mmlltd FlCTITIOUl aU$1Nl!!I It.pr!! I. IJ, 'l1, 2t. 1914 12l~·l4 SUF>IEltlOlt COUtT OF T"E •nd JKllflty lntlrfll c:rHlld •nd l!l'Ovldtd NAMI! lTATEMliJllT 5TATE 0" CALl ,.OllNllt. FOii It 12.tO S!~tft SlrNI, 111111 MOlllt• fO.IOI, Tht lollowlng l>triC>n 11 dolog bullntu PUBLIC NOTICE THE COU"TY OF ORANGE Coonh of Lot0 A119tlt1. 51tlt of C1ll!arni1 11; "o. A·7'NOCI •Old etllr t :OO A.M. Oii JOtll day ol ,t,1),11,• UNI SEARCH, 2100 r•tenon V·l•v. NOTICE TO Clll:DITO•s NOTICE 01' HEAlll"G OF PIE1'1TIO" ,,,,, or Oii lllY dlV •»Cl ., •n, limt P 0 . Box 1UO, C:ot0lt M•J~. Celllcrnlll SU,.IE•IOlt COUllT OF TMI F-011 f't.Ol lt.TI! OF WILL ANI> FOii 11'.t•ttller. ni1•. STATIE OF C.t.Llf<Olt"IA lETIElt5 TEITAME"TAltY So •1r II know lo '"' Tr11n1!e•tt. Iii W•r~ Van Dv•1, 2700 Plter'IOll Wi y, FOii TMli. COUM1'Y 01' OllAHOI! E1!•1t of H'°'NNA WHITE. Oec:tlMO. Clllt• b111l1>t1J n11m•1 and Mld•t ntl U~d CMll Meli, Ct lllornli •1i1&. "o. A·J'fMI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 111•1 bY 11'.t Trt'"le<'or tor !ht lhrte Ye1r1 111! Ttoh Dv1ln1u I• tondllt!ld bY tit Ill· E1!11t ol RICHAA.0 G II ... v Es M.l.RIE 0 . CRUIC KSHANK h•• llled Ptll •• ., d!vkl~•I. GILBERT, DKttll!d. llert!11 I Pfllllon lor P•ONle ol Wiii Ind T!NI" NAVL Oll 'S, INC,, 710S V.', W•,,tn Vin Dt~I NOTICE IS HEllEIY GIVEN lo ttlt !" ln111nce ol L1n,r1 Te~l11n"Wn!ary !~ Sun.u l Boulfvord. Lo. A 11 91 It I, TM1 .r.i1m.t11! w11 Ille.cl w1111 lilt CO<Jn· creollor< o1 tlle ibovt n"""' d.cedffot 111<1 petlllor,er. •ete•e11c• To wtii<:n ;, on1<1e C11>1orn\1 too...i. ly Cle•ll. ot 0flftOI COUnl\> Ol'I AOdl S, 1'7' 111•! 111 perKl!li l\1vlnQ tl•lms 1911n•t 1111 tor lu•l'"'r Ptrllc11llfl, ~nd lkll ,he time TINY NAYLO ll'S, INC:., Hr.I• Vtnlu'' F '2111 1"1ld lltcedtnl 1r1 teQUll9CI to lilt lllem. tnd pltct Of llt:lrll!I 1111 Mm' ht1 Dee., Boul1Ytrd, S~"'m1n 00•1, C1!llornla Publlllled Or11111e '°''' 01HY F>llat w11n ,,.,. nec1151,., vOllCfllt1 Jn tilt o111c1 Mt for Mty 30. 197•, I! 9;JO o.m .. In Ille 911(13. April •• IS. u .•. UI' 113'·1· or'"' tNll~ of 1111: lbovl .,,titled courl, Of """''oom of DtparlmHll No. l OI 1110 TINV NA YLOR 'S, INC. )1)1'9 ~ JL ·--------------lto pre1tnl tt>em, wllll 11141 n.,.;euary COUf'I, •t 10!l Civic Ctnter .Dd~e Wt1t, In Brhtcl, Coot• Mf,I, Calhor"ll '162' PUBLIC NOTICE v111tl\tr$ 10 tne unc1er1ioneo 1t tne O!tl<t tlll City ol Stnll "'"'' C1hlornl1, 0111<1: APfll s, 1911 ot h1• ,tt..,,....., HAllt.'I". R, CARL TON, 01lfd 4prll f, 1914 /l /R!dwrd J. O'Nrotl 1--------------1.t.t!WntY II llw, SOD N.wpa•I Ctnlt< WILL!AM IE. St JOHN Tr1n,lerH I KNW Ma. 17-llfl O<ltt Suite """ N_PIH', llt•cn (OUn1Y Cit•~ lly ''"'"Df'd J, Coli• STlt.·ltM (1111~. n~. wftic11 11 Ille PllCt oi MILAN M.. 005fAL AOfnl 1nd A!t:lmty-'11·Fict MOTICI TO CRI DITOltl bll .... KI ol Ille llndtr\!gntd !II 111 miller! A profHi.IOflll <Of'Pltll10ll CllAWFO•D J. COFEll. 011' IULI( Tlllt.NSFl!ll . MO $0¥1~ Mtl.11 St , Sit lilOt Atlomey 11 L .. 1s.u. 6111 .. 111 u.c.c.1 Pfrl•111•11Q 10 ,.,. 11'1" ot M\d otc~t, O••ttl• c11;1.....i1·n ... • nw 11.111 Strt1t Natlre I• l'ltNOY oi ..... to c•fditan "' wttl\lll t-111(11\lhs '""" lllt I fll PUbloe•· A"-ty .... "•llllofttr S1J111 Mlfll<I. C1U"'1111 flMOI tllt wltllln ntmtd ~·1111 ""' I blllll 110,.~t';:,-. "°'1<,t 1'7 O Hi IUS-:rtl4 Ft1111ll1htd Ot•l'lll• COii! Diiiy Pllel. lr11ttft• ii lnlll'ldlcr IO lit 11\tde on CLl;~illO ST~JSICAL f'lMlfl""'° Orw191 COIJI Daily Pile!. April U, 1911 lltS.14 "''°"'l ....-11y, .lle•tl111ller dtocrlbtd. 1Eoecll1or of tn. wm Ao•il u, lJ, 21, 117• 11'11-1• TM l'tme Incl tollJintll tddt•ll ol fllf of 11'.t tboVI "tmtd cllctdtnl In!-'''"'~""' t•e; Mttlll'll A. II-Ind J. J. llOfnll. "111.llY It. CAllLTO" 1?1$ N""f>Ofl 81\l'd., Cotll INH. A"......., ti LIW "OTICI! TO COHTlllt.CTOll5 CtllllH'nll '1611 SOI """""' C.-tltl' Drlv1 NOTICE 0,. 5All 01" lllEAL Staled P!'DPOUI• Wiit be rt<;tlved 1t '"' Tftl ,...·b I ldd I II> 191111 '61 "lt0,.lltTY AT ,.ltlYlt.TE SALE Acc01111ti119 Offl(t, F•irvltw Sitt• lllltnd:~n. u:~1 .. II 0 • Nt"'"'1 ••1•"· C1ll ...... lt t2Mll "o .... 1PlJ H~!ll. lSGl H•rllor l wl1v1•d, COii& JOlloli S. •lr.o. 1H Hlol'ltu.:I SI., Tll1 11141 6+f .. 4J,l) Sllllt'l'lor Courl ot !toe Sl•lt ot Cal!lorn!i .V.t11. C1lllor11!1 t2~'. llnlll IQ:OC A.M, on lt."-'I' tDI' l•tcvto!' t c ol Or Al)r!I t&. 1914 II wllich 11..,. I nd pl1t• Apl. 8, Nt.._ 811cll. C•lllwnlt 91~. p blllllfd Ortngl Cotll 0 111 plot er 11'11 ounr. •l'lll'f. tl'.ty "'ti DI Cf'llbllely -llld at>el •fld. la' Tllll 11" Pl'G!M i>t~ll....,1 llerelc 11 Mi:'ch li, tnd Aprll l , I. Ii. 1914 Y ,a;1,1• In lfte Miiier ol 11141 Elll!t ol F•1ncl!'I tne l>'OIKI ll!lfd C""vfff llrirogrr•lo• dtKr!llfd In ll'M I 11. l'Qlllomtnl, II•-E. Footr, Dlctt std W1lt -.ln lo Oftp F,nre Wtlt In In 1c PUBLIC NOTIC E PUBLIC NOTICE 9. THE LORD'S PRAYER -Sis ter Janet Mead . A&M Thompson , Dot' ,, Fltl THltU TUii 'TIL 21M WMdy All ... "Paper Moon" ll'GI l11•11, llood #Ill 1'1d rldl 111m• of t ct•· PUBUC NOTICE Not.ca 1• llt•tbY Ql""1 lhtl thl (Ofd•nce with lllt prolKt Pltn• l1ld ttln Ml•lctn 111111 1111 111Jslflft1 known -r•!gneo will sell •t private wle. on or speclllcir1,,., .. 11 M1~1rl11'1 Ind 11 lac:tlecl 11: 22&5 airer 1111 18111 OIY of April. 191•, 11 lilt In gtnertl tftli P•olKI tOllSh!s ol' Newperl 91'1<1., COlll M"', C1lltornl1. 8 22MI ofll<t of John H. Gordon, AllOfnev, 1:182' Fll<nlsh 911 libof, mt lt<!fl ~nd eQlllP"'tnl IO. I 'LL HAVE TO SAY I LOVE YOU IN A SONG Jim Croce, ABC TOP LPS l . JOHN DENV~R Greatest Hits, R CA 2. PAUL McCARTNEY & '\'INGS -Band On The R un1 Capitol 3. CIHCAGO -Chie>go VII. Columbia 4. MF'SB -Love ts The M essage, Columbia S. THE ST ING Soundtrack, M CA 6. l'\llKE OLDFIELD Tubular Bells. Atlcinric 7. JONI l'\llTCJ-lELL Court 1\nd Spark. Asylun1 6. DOOBIE BllO'l'HERS \\'hcit \Ve r e once Vices Arc No1,1· 1-labits. Wan1er Bros. 9. DEEP PURP\,E -Burn, \Varner Bros. 10. GRAND F'UNK -Shinin ' On. Capitol COUNTRY SING l.ES • Phont: 673·A3&0 AC.AD!M'f AWA•D Wl- l•dS.0..,- ..JtMdktllScore 'IMEWAY -··-=~·-.... J.-Weodli•4 "SUMMH WISHU, WIHTU DllLUiitS'"IPOI 10. I'VE GOT A TITING "SLlf.,EP'ER" ABOUT VOU BABY. -TAKE I'-----------+"COPS & ROIBERS" GOOD CARE o~· HE R ;:;::::::~========= Elvis Presley, RCA EAS'' LISTENTNG ~· I. KEEP ON SINGING "'"'"'f llelcn Reddy. Capitol ~ ... 111111 2. !'LL HAVE TO SAY 1 •• LOVE YOU IN SONG -Jim ~. c':ft.o'"1!' Dc;~1',J,:Y~ Croce, ABC 3. TSOP-l\1FSB, Columbia 4. PIANO '-lAN -Billy Joel, Columbia !'i. A VER\'" SPECIAL LOVE SONG -Char lie Rich, COlum· bia 6 THE ENTF.RTAINER - tiL'lr\·in Hamlisch ~!CA i . 1"\lE LORD'S PR_..\ ''ER -Sister J ant•l l'\tead. A&!U 8. ~fl DNJG~IT AT THE OASIS l\i aria l\l uldar u , \V:imer Sro!l. 9. SUN~HlNE ON l IY SlfOULDER -John Oenvrr, IlCA 10. ~IELP lilE J oni f\Ji~chcll, Asylum WOODY ALLEN TAKES A NOSTALGl0 LOOK ATTHE FUTURE.. Pl~nty of FREE PARKING • .. lod "'"kll"9s HarlhafT1Jo-. ... ~" . '· T"11 11ld blllll lrtMltr 11 lnlf!ldtd IO bt 5U,.l!ltlO• COUltT 0" lHS: Stn Antonio Or., NOfW•!•, COi.iniy of Las lfld con~erl 1" ••lllhtr •ao F wll~·I" <010•umm11.cr 11 11141 otlltt ol B1y EKrow sr.t.Tli 01' CALIFOtNIA l'Olt A11geltt , Sltlti cf C1UIOfni1, to 111e ntgnest rt'lrloe••IM lo 1 .100 F." wi1i.:.1n dt t1> Co .. Inc., 1600 Etll MIYltlr Avt .• O•l ftO'I, T"I COUMT'I" OF OltA"Gli Ii.:! btsl Oldde•. tt>el sublet! IO ifffl!r. . C•lllo•nl1, Otl or 11!., May hi, 1t7ol. N1. A•7.., conflrTn1!1Ct1 bV 11ld Superlor Cour1. all Bids "'"" Ile 11/bmllltd lor !I'll tnllff So fir t s 11 ~-lo 11ld !n!ffldtd HOTICI O" HIAlllJllO 0, ,.l!TITION !Ill rli,11!, ll!lt Incl 1,,terest ol ttld worll deK•llltd Tner1•n, Otvl1tlon1 from T•l,,lfl•H St ld l11lll'dfd Tr•"slftOfl I/Seti FOii OtDEll AUTNOlllll"G AND decelnd 11 1111 !Imo of dNlh Ind tll !tit pl1n1 1nll lf>t<fflc111onl will not Of ca" "" lall11W1119 tddltlooll1 bu~l .... n n•"'" DtltlCTING c 0., \11! T ... " c. OF rl;M, tl!lt '"" lnltt•ll !NII lilt '"•It of 1loereo and ..i11 bl CIU\I ,..,. tl(e<llOll Of •nd tdd•lllll wllhln !M '"'" Y!lro 11•• ,llt50NAL ,.O,.lit1''1" IStcllOll IH. uld aectaWCI 1111 •eoul•HI Dy -•ll!Ofl bids. Pfll: ~ ,.,...,,, Cedt) ol 11 .. 00' ott11u-wl11, ot!\o• rlwn fl1f In Bid forms t1111tuclfOl'ls and ol1ns 11'111 ~~•tdj =:· s1•~ 1r4 E1r.le of ARTHUll H. SMITH, Die•••· lddlllOll lo llloll ol llld dtct•~, 11 1111 •111<iflc1t1ont m1y bl obllllled II '"" 0 • 1 1' tlO ed. Time ot fflln, rn •NI 10 •II tne certain "''"' Operlllons Ottke, F1l•vlew $tt11 ,. bU ~&!Id~ ••nit.•~ O II PllCl NOTICE IS HEllEB'I" GIVEN 111111 ,.,1 prOl>tf'ly tillt1lt In 1ne CO<Jnty o1 Hot011'1l1I, HOI Htt!IOI' l oul1v1•d, Co.te A ~11~ 1t7• lf'lgt OI• I , ,,,,,.,· EVELYN 94RIAllA SMITH I I EK«lll•I• Or•not· Sttlf of Ctlllort1lt, part1<11!1rlv Mt,,, 'ttlllornl1 t26~•. pr ' j of !tit '""' ol Arthur H. Sml!h, cllctll· dlKtlbed t\ foUOWJ, lo-wl!: A PIY""lll bofld, Sid. Form JD!. 111- pueuc NOTICE ed ..... tu.er lll<tln • PtllllOl'I IOr •n LOI 11. Tri('! No. lW. ll per map prOVl(J by Illa .t.ir-y. ""''' ICCO!l"Pl"W Otdet 1uthorl1lng I nd erl•tcllng 1111 pell. rKIH'dld 111 l oall. jf, PIQtl l Ind • OI t .... ,., tonlrlC'I lnwlvlfllil tn t~Ptndltli•• I• 1--------------Jllorltt' to (C>nVl'I •"II '''"'"' Ont Mloc:1tl1-1 M•pa, fl(OfOJ of Or1noe ••CTH ot llD.llOO (To be h.tr11llllttl "" WC• HOTICI! ro ClllEDITOllJ Thou11nd Flv. Hll!'d-.cl Sii U.!1161 u..... C1111111'(, Ctlllerlll•. Cflllul blddtr II !!mt Of •~ecvllon ot IU,.lltlOlt COUltT Ofl TMI! ol Ttn Dotl•r (llD.001 per v1l111 (t pll1I Slngl .. llf!l!ly ,..lldtn<f, mart com-(OlllrKI.) STATI Of< CALIFOltNIA ll'Olt llOC~ to ~lfl, I C1Utor11l1 cw monl¥ ll,_n •I: Ull 'N~I Ollv• AV.• Tiii Mid Sltlt Attnn. •tsef'\'11 111t THI COUHTY Ofl OltA"OI! PO••tton. ..... lo IXICll!t •uc" (llPIClr F11Mtf10ft, ,,111om1.. rlgnt " •tlKI 1ny or Ill bi<11. Ho. A•ntll docurntnts 11 ••• l'Kll!lltY or 111-Ttrmt of wit c1U. '" lawtul "'°""' of ln l((ord....::1 w!111 1111 ptovl11,,.,, of E1t11t ol OELMA M. STITH, 0Kttl4!d. «OP•lllt IO COl'l.....,M!d 110<k IO CM\0!111 tllt Uftlted SlllH Ol'I CDflilm'llllOl'I o1 Mii. SKlloft Im Ill Tht Llllor COO., 1111 "OTICE 15 HEltEllY GIVEN to '"" • (-•Kl ... ...,. "" IN cite..,.,,, 111 1111 or p&rl Cl '11 •IOd bllllftt't t .. ldenced Dy Deport"-' of Htlllll .... IKe<'t•il'ed '"" Crldl!Ofl Ill IM tDOve ntmtd dtcfdtnl lillllmt witn U'HI ••hi $fqll0f•ll· •el.,.tnel nolt wcwld b't MorlQ119'1 or T!VlOI Ofld 1e.,...1t prtvlllir>g r11t al ••llfl 111-l~tl 111 """'"' 1'11¥1"1 Cl1lm1 111ln1I '"'IO ""111cf\ I• m•dt for h.trtlltr 111ttklll11'1. Ofl lllt pr-TY 1,(1 tokl, Ten Pt•(llll of PN•l"I 1" • DOolllll ,,,,ltlld EQltfpnit~I Mid dectdlnl ,,.. N'Q\llrNI 10 file llltm. 1ncr 11111 111111 ..... 1nd pltcw of ht•rlno 1111 -bid 1o bt IH~ltd wlln bid, or Renl1I 1t111t tnd G-•11 ,.rev1IH"9 ..-11n 11\f f'lf<t111ry ¥011Clltr1, In t1lf ortlc:t strnt "'"' bftn HI tor April It, 1•7•. •I 111<11 ttrrns •s rn1y 119 K<eotiblt to tn. W1g1 ll1tt1 publl•ftld ll• "" De1>1••n"Wnl of IN! clt•ll ol !tit ttiov. .-tlhltd tourt, or 9:00 1,on., In ll>t (Ol.trlroom of o.Nrt· llnclerllontd. Of flllbllc Wort;1. DlvlllOl'I ot HIOllWlfl, IO P<ntnl '"""'· wltn 1111 f'lfCllMrY ,.,..., No, J ol MIO COll•I, ., n>O Civic Iller• or 011..,, lo bt 111 ... r111~ •nd .... 111 er1teo "" Mmt month •• •l>OfOVll ol 1fll vOll(tltta. lo ltoe 1111d1rsi1ntd I! !tit' offl<• C.-tll• D•lv1 W111, In Ille Cl!v OI S.n!I .._ •ectl"ld ,, ll>t itorewld oH•ct 11 .~,, ukl plans •nCI n•Kltlc111°"'' 1rt ht•tbv of ner 1ttor ....... DONollO "· GOODWIN All•· C•llo•nlt. tlmt llltf !tit lfr.t 1111bllc1ll011 h41reot Incl seoeclttc•ll~ •tltrrld to Ind llY 1n11 •lld TlllEHT G. AN0€1t'W"· Allo• ... yl 11 Olltd A1>tll ,, 111•. lllfor• dtlf ol Mle. rlleroln(I .... a. • Ptfl Ill 1n11 conlrKI. law, 606 Soutll Hiii StrHI, lleom lCll, Lot0 WILLIAM E. 51 JOHN Dllld Mircn tt, 1974 COii!" of ltl/1 bDOkltl t rt Oii lilt ti 11•• An91l1a. CtU!omlt tOO'U, "llfch Is ll>t County C:l••k ltay £. ReyllOld1 fll1111 ()ptr1!111M Otfk1, F1lrvltw $111f PllCt cf bvll,.._u cf lilt undtrlloned In tit L•,tTI AJllD Lll'TON E1t11<Ulor o1 llW' How>ll1!, •'Id 1r1 t vtlltblt lo IM Con• m•l111' Plfltln!llO lo llW' "''" ot ••ld 1 .... Wl!t.lllN l t1fd., Sttllt U>I Wiii of wlcl dleldlllt "-1or •no 111111 bl 11<>1!ed 11 11cn pro· dKedtt1I. wtll\111 four tn011ln1 •fl•r 1111 L.11 "'-"'• Clllt. M1' Jt!Mf H. o.n1... • !Kl 1111. llrtl 1111bl!c•!I011 of ltll• noTk•. ltf: Ulll •n•H 1m• si n Alllllllo Dr S!lt llftPtCll011 <1n ll>9 hlld llY c1nrno Ot!ICI Mitch 22, 1'7f, A.""'111YI fll' l•ttO'!r111 J11-a111 CiJ.ltMllll ',.._ IM fllllll ()pit II Ions Oltkt, 1<1ldtw 5!11• 0Allt1ELLIE Al.MA GOOOlllOOE flUbllJlltd Or111111 Co.st D•llY PHO! ""'-""'; .... •••ll!Or H~ltl. 714 . us.mi.·~·· tu. E•K11trl• ol 1111 Wiii 1'.llf'fl 1. t, U. 1'7t 1221).7' IMJ.OC: P1lr.o'ltw Slllt He$11111I of l1lf tbovl nlrt'lfod decld"'I "ublltlled 0.11\Q>e C011I Ot!IY 11110!. ly It.,, Cllwll!, DONALD , .. 6001>WIM AHO PUBLIC NOTICE Allfll .. ' u 1f11 111'·14 HMPll•I Adml11l\1•110r Tltl"T O, AHDIUOM ' ' Publ!olltd 0..8"91 (NII Diiiy Piiot, A'"'"""YS •I L•w Aprll 1f. n, ,,,, 1114•1' .. SOlttll HDI llNef 11-•• MOllCI lO CltlOITOltl PUBLIC NOTICE ••A-C:llttlnlla .. 14 IU,.lltlOlt C:OUltT 0,. TMI Toti 11111 UWltl STATI! 0, CALtl'OltNIA 'Oii A""""'" .., •-"""'111 TMI COU"TY 0" OltAlfO• SLl'-'4!29 "'1blklltd Oranoe Cots! Dilly Pll(lf, Jii t. A.·7'112 IUl'llllOlt COU•T OP THI! SlP·11UI PUBLIC NOTICE ALSO ElllOTI KASTNER p<tsenls ~ 2S. e"CI Ap!U I, •• 1J_ ,..,, ICDf.1t E1Ult of llAlltCLAY • A)l NIE~ STAT-. OF CALIFDllNllt. FOii su,.1•1011 COUll:T 0,. TNI ------------11 l·-----'---------IRALSTON, 0Kff9'(1. T"I COU"TY DI' ORANGI! STATI 0,. CALll'OllJlllA FOlt PUBIJC NOTICE NOT•CE is HEt.EIY 01V(N to ,.,. "•· ,t,.ntn TIIE cOUH1'Y 0, Oll.t.tto• fr•c• J.tfftnll'• M.,wfl<tllt~M.i of "Romeo & Juliet" abo "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" lofli ifl Color IPGI CUFF GORMAN JOSEPH BOLOGNA in ~ ~ ~~!ID ~n "SLHPSI" -Dally af 7:00 llMI I 0:15 5-dcry ~ -3:4M:U -IO:OS "COPS -Dally af 1:40 -2:00.5: I 5-1:30 lln1tell Arr1st1 'lS!I <'f.crl~ of "" lbO'fl lltfl'lld oectcMnl N01'1CE o• Hli.t.ltl"li 0, ,.ITITIO" "" .... ,,,,, l~-,-,,---~~------·1 11'1111 .-11 Pfl"l.(lfll lllVll'IQ clllml .. t lnll tftl l'Olt "llOUT& 0, WILL AJllO f<Ot MOTICll OP HIAlllJllO Oii' PETITION POUH1'AIN \/AUi,. SCHOOL DtS1'1tl(1' ukl cllctdenf tN rtqlllttd lo tH1 """"' LITTlltl 0 II' ADMIHl$1'11ATION POtll f'llOIA1'1 0,. WILL ANO ,0 .._ MOTI<t IJllVITIN• l lDS ... Ill 1M lllCllMtY vwc:lltl'lr In 111t olllCI Wint 1'111 WILL A.HNIXED LITillS ll$TAMIM1'All V Hotlc:l It'°""'"",,_, lhtl lhl bot•d If o1111tc:)ft'li.r111t 1b0vl lf\1111«1 ~.II' C1l•k If M.Alt'( A. FltAMIE. l>tQtttd. 1E11tlt o1 LE1'A M. l!CICElliOH 1l1 lnlt1"1 Of !!It 11'-'ltn V1ll1Y kMol If 111'-t 111ttn. w1111 !fie llKllM,., "OTICIE II HEllEIY OIVEN Iii.I LETA MILOltl!D IECICEllSOH Dt<:t•- Ot•ltkl Of Or"'" (Ollfll\>. Ctllfwnlt. wlU -'* .. ta"" """""""° ,, ""llllCI ,.ltAHCIES e . Hit.MILTON lltt Alec! 1Mft111 NOTlCIE tS Hl!llll Y Giv1" 1n1i rtCllW IUltcl Wih UP It ,:00 J,m. °" ltlf of ~ •ttorntw, ltotlltT L, HUM· I iatlllloll lor ,.,Obllt ol Wilt _,.... tilt .IOHH It, YOUNG fr.ti fl ltcl hlf'llll'I l!fll· ll)th ....... cf J-. ,.,, ti IM bllilntos PHltETS. A119r""" ,, Uy. lXIO lt.4•1111 l-llCt of L!IM•• "' Admln!ltrtlloft wllt'I '*' ta• ,.,.. .. "' Win Ind ,.,, lt1Ulntt lflk• of NW Ktiool dblrlct, locflllll •I Aw• .. suite *· Cotl• ,.,..., c .. 11tenor1 "" Wiii Anl!t.ltel to 1111 """-· of Ltl"lf1 '"'•"""'"'T " !fie 1111111-Nllll\l>W °"' Llllllthw!ll l-. '-'•111 nut. .... lc:ll II ... illlltl of llwl-ot ·~ to Wl\ltn I• ..... lor "'"""" rtft,..it• IO wfrllt:l'I ,. tnHI tor ""',.; \l•lllY• Clllfwlll• tcomer ot Ttlbeft ll'ICI lhl ut'Mltf'llVnld It\ 1H malttrt 111r11lnl1'111 Mrlltllll°" fnd ''"' 1111 llMI •"" lllan Hrflcul•'" ttlll 11111 "" """ -placo H~ •l,Nlsl •I Wiii(~ !lmt t,,t,kl llhJi Ill !Plot lllllti of Mkl dlCl'Otlll. w1lfrltol! '-ol Ploltfl!IO ltlt -"'' llt-911 HI for Atrll of flllrl .... 1M NIM ht' .._.., NI for ""'11 ... " M publlc:iy -""' Ind rtld tar -11\t llltt 1111 ""' PVbllwllvll OI l!lli '°· H7t. "I t;~ 1.m. lfl '"" (Ollfll'OOfl'I OI Je, 1t7t ti t·Jll • m In 1114 court,_ tt l1brk.1tlon lnlt1U•tlol' "' fl'lt pl•vlroo.>lld not!<•. °'Plf'lmltol NO. l of ••Id court. ti 1VO OIH'1fnfftl 'Jllo. ~ Ot Mlil '°"'!· II ,.. tOUl"""11I ... C_,...., Ser-I. ~11111 Dlltd Mttdl n, lt14 Llvfc Ctn"' 0!1111 Wal, In lflt (11¥ ol (lvtc CflOl'tr Ort111 Wnr In !hi 01\' of \ltll.., 111d ll:11W Mt.W. knoot, PEA.Ill L. lllUIY. 111111 -'""· Cllltll"nll , Strllt ....... cau,.,1111, ' Ari lllcb 11'1 t9 M If\ t«of'dtllCI wilt! llrt<\1"111 ol Ille Wiii 0.ted ~lttll t, 1"4 0.1111 li'lofll t lH• cOftdlllOl'I .. ln\ll'U(!t.,.,1 11111 Ullcili<Jl!Ol'lt ol !hi atreYI NITllCI cl«edtMI WILLIAM £, SI JOHN WfLLIJt.M l )I J0!1N Wlllth l'I av1l11bf9 Ill "'-district ROlllll L. NUMflHlt .. YS COi/MN ('ltf). t ~'I c;.,~· ' blltfntt• ollkt •t 11'11 lterr t tl A.ttwMy at LtJI' OA,IL CLlflflOlllD MUT1'0N TllVISTAO NO OOILL llerllOIMf!Drt ,...ntlllftld. IJOI Att,,,. A"', Sllll1 '°' Mt Sa" ~d'ltll Or,1 Sit. SU 1110 W. °'"'"Ilk IPftl., s1 .. 111 l y O!'t19t cf,,. 8ol1'd Ol lt111!"' C:Hll lo\ ... , c111t....i1 tMH "'"'""" •••ell, (l llotllll ''"° ._.. ........... Cttu ..... M JS F-i111t \1111.., k!\ool Dldrltl Ttll ~n•t ,,...,,. . (fUI 4"4 .. llU (211) .. ,. ... llGOM' 81lteft,. Cltn. ot 1111 llOl•d """"" W llltCWll"I• AttwMy t•n ,..1111-AlfMMY• tin fl•llll- "ublkollld Or.,._ C. .. .tt DtllY fllJOt, flllbl1,,.,.. 0.11111' (M\I 01lly P1lol ,lllllNll'lttl 0!1• CMll OtllY F>llol, l'ill>H'tlfd Or1~11 COIU 01Hy fl!i.t, .....,111, lS. lf74 HU.,, M1rdt ts. t!'ld o\Prll !· •· 15. 1974 lllll-11 4t1rll It. U. JI, !tit 11'6·1• Apt!! 11. U, 11, UI• !"~Tt .. • ' ' ., ' ,, • .. " ' • • .. ' • • " ' ,. ' " • " '· .. " • " • " • • " • • • • • ' • ' • • • • " '· • ' " .. • .. .. • " • • • • ;. " .. " • .. ,. " • t • .,. ,. • • African's Ex-wife Arrest,ed From Wire Stn •lct's A former .,.,·ife of President ldl Amin of Uganda was ar· rested while allegedly trying to smuggle textiles, Radio Ujil:anda said. The radio. said Amin ordered police to ''de31 \\'i th her ac- cording to Uganda law." after l\.1ama i\tallamu ""'as arrested at the Uganda·Keoya border recently. T\\10 ""'eeks ago. the presi- dent divorced three of his wi,·es. among them ~-lama c __ PE_O_PL_E_) Maliamu. lie nov.· ha s one wife. ~Joslcm !av• a!IO\\"S men to have a nlaxin1um of fou r. • Ganadian opposition lead!r Robert Stanfield v.•as given a round o f tongue·in-chcek testimonials from· political oir ponents in the •touse of Com· mons on his 60th birthday. He responded in k i n d . saying. "I realize it v.w ld be difficult for anybody. judging from my physlcal vigor and the rapidity ' of my speech in English and my eloquence in French, lo realize that I have reached the sixth decade." Several members we r c quick to point out the decade reached was h.is seventh not hi.s sixth. * Famed heart surgeon Dr. Normaa Shumway has been named chairman or a neYilY for'tlled d e p art m ent or cardiovascular surgery at the Stanfo rd University School of Medicine. Shumway, 51. has been nt Stanford 15 years. He is kno\\'1l for pione(!ring \vo rk in heart transplants and open heart surgery. • '1lle luxurious desert home of William Clay Ford, O\l,'ller of the Del.roil Lions football team. "·as heavily damaged by a fire at Palm Springs. Firemen said the home. located in the exclusl\·e Smo ke Tree Ranch area. "-'a~ 50 per- cent destroyed and structural datnage .... -as estirnateG at $75.000. Ford is a brother of flenry Ford 11 and a grandson of auto pioneer Jienry Ford . • The Navy ho n orab l y discharged C h a r I e s R. Woolson, a 17-year-old sailor jailed briefly last. month for wearing on duty a t•trban normall y worn by men1bers of the Sikh religion. Woolson , o( Phoenix. Ariz .. was ordered discha r ged Mere~ 28. sairt Capt. J. \\'. Slierman Jr., a spokesman for the Pacific FIL'tl. He said the Na\'Y would not relc~sc the reason f o r \VOC'Ason'9 discharge because. Defer.se Dcp.irtmenl regula· lions prohibit the release ol such information. * Leo George will be mourned for a full year as befitting a gypsy king. George. one of fou r mcjor regional kings wM rule IP.000 gypsies in the Un ited States, • • • ' . . ' t.1ot1d•y Apr il l ~ l'f14 DAILY PILOT 2 I ..,IC ...... .., .. ..,.,,::c ........ .,..~~~ .... .----~·1~-.r1--~i--,i1rt=o.s===sifi=ied===,=~======)(=')~D.-A_l_L_Y __ P-:;;l~L-O-:T;;fGGeen~.;.~.J1--~-1002~G.ner•I ~-~,~001~-G~.-.-•• -.~I~ 1002 Public Recol·ds I ~~ng 3 Bedroom Home * Balboa Bay Properties * CLASSIFIED -BAY AllENUE I NEWPORT HEIGHTS \Dissolutions of Mcirrlage , I • 5 6 7 8 D A I I. [ ..._--1 1orsa1t ll .&l, ~ Sll,SOO •UNITS Duplex. Lovely :t Ill{ I ._.. l"EJ An>'Oof" f"lln 11,.,.,un1r rh\1' \",\ I l 7'.• loon. s1~1 ,\!,.,nth 1.,111 1 d o.,.,·ner's un it :-3 .$ (. t<«iwi '°' '-... •OilO ERRO.RS Ad rtl l"•ynu·nt ('1111 far 11r1111h J\J\\·ay s Renle rental. lte st loc . ().,.,uer1 I I M_,, -· w w1• 110. :, v• Mrs \\"111 Trad• · •~ 500 co• 7'91 ::,~~ :,i. ... 1. :: d~1~1 d&":~:~·!~r~~! 3 Bedroom & Pool S79,500 ~75-i060 an,.wiouf.sT,E .. ,,R.FR.O~N ·T" • j '""""" "'-"Y 11100 I d I I I Th · ,,..,.1.,r i..a".c,~111\ '* mm• a • y. • l /C....,,....,(1•1 ,,0.,.," ,t«I DAILY PILOT 11sumes Sll ,500 ROYAL HOME .\v:111. 110\\' f l'l'Or.1t o1 (-•~lurn• !Ot w l• llOll 1i1bflity for the first Th,it"li rii,:ht' 'nil\ 11'111 . [pl\' di'C'lllll' lil•St ('/ldtllll':· I 011~1•.,••·V"'"' ••I• 110C Inc 0 r rec t Insertion pr1t·1· h1r 11 3 hr1!f\"Jl1n1 ,\· dl·n 3 lilt, 2 ba . .,.,, 'lf:e park-front loc. :! !~It dt•n """-io iw ......,,,~ 1t00 only. 11 .... u.• IA'tiHh"iJ :. ear like yard . Ne"'' full size Pie r & :-11 11 ()\1 tH .. 'r !iii\, 1 .. ,_ ,,_,,,, zo.x>:J ~~~~~~~~~~ i:iir:ii:" 011 rul dt"~-•l' "11'•'"1 1>001.. In 1uC'e res1dentiul "sL'll 11 1" traclc "' S!Oi ,000 !"'011••t1•I Pr-rtv 11(1(1 C1'll flQll' • hni"I'), lhh H!lf' ~o~n·:.:;::. ,,,11., p,,~ !.~ HouleJ f«s.le If ti! 1 ~OntuOtft 111~1! ~ Hren. $42,900. 55t).6800REA. L1TG07J.RHS:!O. I N!ov,.tt Jn. CM1t•I, 11:,~, ow . IB O•.,.. to "•-Iv l~ :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiii.::m;;;; O\jt o• $1•1• "'-''' 1600 21 -4 Loc1,I Off ices To Serve You ll:e'IC ... .L Fet"\I, V•""i!.I 1 '~ "lrlm1i" -. General 1002 lleel !;_,.!• E:Uf\,or'Ot • ...., General 1002 1 lleel li•••I• W•~•...i l'fOO Gl'.'-l!7l .G_e_n_e_<_•_l ______ l 00 2 MOBILE HOME ti97 OrartJ:r. C:\t FOR SALE' Club House GOING WELL MESA VERDE !~~i~c~5!~ 1 Fa ·1 POOL-JACUZZI Tota mi y But Not All Gone GARAGE c.___._ ...... ____,I~ """'~\ Fu""""" l'f.Oule• u"'"'n•lflld """'•~~ ~u•n <I' Un! (:_,,.... ... ,., ... ~ "'"'" Conoom·"'""'' U"tv"' '"'""f'OvJ.fl ~"''" 1 0-~0111••' tJ~'"'"' Oul>l••t• ru•~ l DuOHIAf\ UMu•n •oa•lm""" Furn •o,.,,..,,~,. Lt"1"'" Ap•s Furn Of IJ"I II:°""'' lloom & !lwro 11oltl>. "''Oii!\ ~Ult~)" )\ 5.1'. :! RD 2 llA carp .• 1100 1tn11!1'd, bll-lns, r e f r I J:: •• llOO 1\·ashtr ,(( cirri. dl)i'r. l.oOO 11·1n~I l1ir 220 air t'Cmd •• ':41! ktll"h. ~·1.....-.:k. ~lonu::r shed. llOO lanrl~t':t!W'<l Jllllio Tlu\."'C ~ r.c ":! rtld -\lkr nu. Ux'a1ed 111 ~H<I fl•'ll' 1nlull pk . a1\ll)' fron1 >1.00 1~1Ll'\" SL Orw-half hi. front 110G rlu!it-,.Ju~··· Sl:J,·l~Jj. fted. 10 ooo S 1 ~, !~ '."1 l'J f'idl EVES. J'IDO :n3--ll*;G'.)(l, 697-TIZ,2. •• Livin9 $8 Per : .-3 h .. ~·~'~'""'' ,,,.. ,. '·"'· I Month The Villa Granada I\ 111 •• 1 '"1~•1 ... h ,. 1 11 .. Cl uh houM>. rr101~ .lttMJ711' 4 BR .• TOWNHOMES I ti'l;,·th• r lh·ut•"'i "" 1n;111.r1, S111u\."l' TO'f,\l., l'A~t!l.Y $49 900 r-. .. t 11 ith l'>ll• t", 111111 l.l\'J:--.11 ronty $..~ P""r IH<•nrh ' l•wtYI, .ui.t J.1l"Ul1I 4 •1 -11 ' -I '--EASTBLUFF pl •11 k1h ll' n Lun!l.1• l•••t ' !>!Or}" "'""" Jtlj. 1, nu1n<' • I I 1 H<ilSt·!l ,.111ry llui:•· llvini.: Ju~l 11 ff'11 ('hQl<'l'. L:"lf(~1u1'1'1' 111111 1ii•t1•· 1n 11 .,.,. "'·' \'1f'I\ l11o.·:t!lon .. ~r ill ll\."!ll· \\!'t l»H" !.U~<lrl••U~ !H;o•!•"I l"'l)f)tn, \"aultr<I nnd hr1unNf 1,_1,-,,,, '· ,,,,,, ",,1, ,,1,1111 ,1, I n , f I 11hl1•. TI11••(' ~111~1·11111" ,·nntf.,., ,, ·• f'('I 1ni::~. .ul> u· U"<'fl Bl"<' 1 1,,-.1,1.,,,., .. ''·''''' , .. ,,,,,.dr ••I •. I I I nr ('r n1'11 C'.~r11o.•tini,:, 1•h•t· • o r m <i < 1 n n '=. ,,.,,,,, .. ,, 1-,•ilirP·. 1111.t h11 • j II k k' I 'N ' kll•'hf'n, aut" J::u·.,i.:·· rr,.,1-, ., 0111r1n:• 1"1"" 1 "1cn -. 11 ,,,, ,,, dn·~ .. 111'.! r l .... ,, 1 ' .\\Ill 1· 1\(1()11 \V f" T 11 1•1 bur. lu1ni1~·>1.1<> •I'll, pn1 . I 1 C.1..ot\1 1-ttrmt'I ~.,m,.,fr llf~!•IS Yec ~lillfl ll f~!ll• ltfMl l• !O '""' C.••aoe1 to• llf"I ou1c, ll•"'•I ""' CAN BE SEEN Alo CRESTMONT E5TATES "" Olj~ ooo Jfl)l ~II!• Dr., An'a. ICrntral .i)O A1·1·. al'ross fron1 Brea uoc ('1.n11n 110~11 1 Lot No. ·Ill. o~ CONT,\C""r 1:,\\'. PK , 4«JO ,\!Cit, for f,ho\\'tng. ' · ' • • Pn·n1111111 i.: r 1• •I•' 11p I I'll''"' ~, .• ,, ,,,,,, "'\ dr··k .. & "ll!H!lUIH1r pt~1! 11 ~ .• ·pi, "' • u · 1i.. u · 111"1 in r 111 ,, 11 r ,. T111•\111:h•"'' Fa111il~ ~1"' h ,. •Ii "" n1" . !Jri.::1n! 111 in.: u1 "' ,.........,, (" II "HI" :rn~ t f; I ,.,,\;>; T I C ~I \"":'J'f'"R 11 p1..-~1 11:•· 1nn1111u1111\ · ,..,:,.,.~, ;i • '"""• ' '1 1'1 ..... ,.~ . MODEL OPEN DAILY ~I"'" ih1., r11u.•1 •l1·~1r,it•\• !'\UITE. Sil'OO 1111nt Ju\\n •• • ~ pnlJi.:rt~ Call t101~· 9'i:Hi7!ii. 11:\:i J\111 11.:0~ \\;4y •.li1 n1hor1-.•I Ol'fN lll Q . 11 ~ r-,,1 ~0iv •• "/ TO 6£ NIC.C' Hd 10 E11,!l1lltf llr . '" .\I nt OP!NTll 9 ·"S~Ull ~ \0L1<lli. I•! l~·iuun:11, r .. ~®' THE REAL ESTATER.~ I 11u1•ne1t lle.,111 , ll'IOUll•(•I ll:e~to! S•(lt'19e :::;:I See The Ocean "~ t""n"1111 ~uur frt:1111 ~lrri. \V:1tk llt~•••• W•~"" "6001 nn" ~hnrt hl<o("k ttl"M t \\";tl('h 41'1Cf ll .. M!O•JI ll.1"111\ 4&~ th<' h.1,1t., J\.•ltinl ,11 SUl\'-{'1 • [ ~ ,\n1!i.:l'I.; \\";1\ 1 I ~ For 111ff'ln11:.1~J11. 6-i·l·ll:;.1 : iij-----------I 1 1 L y I 1".•k•' ,.o Parl) t1111rn1n:.: JO>: fFV OU-CiKE-PEOPLE ,1 ------~1 ~ 1111 ih<· h,·;u·h .. \II 1h1~ 1·.1n r.-I WE 'D LIKE YOU fiunclat • y•1urs 11 i!h thlJ;. spsH'IOU:-T"' rons1di'r a r.111¥r \\11h th" L.--------:1:H. fJlllll)' l"\YIJll hltrne "Llh I 11,,rlrl~ fLnr~1 Hrfll f',i-la1{' !.OCJ rn1..:r 111:1~1o·r h•·dn.,111 and c-oni!HllJY y,.11 pl'O\ldr• 1 1~· HARD TO FIND WANTED I :-:E\\' "r •"\fof'l"h'll•'•·d nu·n '! \\"111•'!1 \\,, ,,fl• I' I'~.!'.:-• I\ ,\l.IZJo:l l Tl!.\ l'.'> J'.\t; ,\ • .. n (!•"IJ!;ol <offl• •' Ul l)>o• I•··! By1IM11 0-•l~"'l!' BUl•r •n ""•"'c-l l~Vf<lmtn! 0!1(o~ft • +nvt•t">f~I 'l'.~M•u "'onol IO LO~~ 'itl ~ lo,1. ln11 nrik1"P dt·~1r.' ;u1•t l\t'll pn.1\"1<!(• lhr 1:-J TO\\;\ [,J\"J;>;r. 111lh n•al J.Oll Rent tr,11111111: T•JhC'lh• ,. 11· •'"I I ,·uuntr;.• altn11~11h1•n• C:<Jo•l 1 'oC" L 1·.1rr1 \ n II s1 .:ro1n1nn1h l l hrdl\••111 li·•n" !I!\ luri::·· 1 (\•rvn.1 d• I \I.or h• ,1 r1ur1 .\ '"I' ,·,.11111 1~ .. 1,.n p1,n .11111 1 :o;.1q .. •r1•1•· t•.1111 .. 111.111 T lu•1"l l•l"I' .irnp!o· p •• rk1n;: f.111!1l1r•I fllr } •JUI" l"U'''"ll•"l ~ 11nd I ••ti ~1~lt•111 :ul11·r r ... 111i.: .. 11111••11 I Y.:~! eose . . . •1~•!1111\1~"1•!111 ,\~!; ;,l-}IJ1 our i:~-.· •l••t•p 1,,, c:1 ...... 1u :-.1·11 -1 . I p I C 1 L A 1 5 1 s I I F i I I E ,I D , • ...,,. W~M#d l.•11H~•Otl, T r u~! 0ff.:I• Annooncements ••,~ Buy , ••••• , I !1"''""11.: !r~11n1ni.: pn."i:r;•n1 1•1r1 H111 k II:·~ ll 1rd11•~"r .., ('.111 .'>lj...:•l:•l 111~1 n,J.,: lrtr !l••l!.., 1~"'11.J!olf> i:111"<1g1' 1111•1 Chu· 1.1r.u11 IH)lll" Ut'i'd.~ a J ,11·1\ 1\)~l'l-. f<"fl'l'rl•·•! l"•I !" !'11,·1•1 1 nnl1 1;111ul\. I 111 111 f' d I 11 It' '""· S"l::,:IJI 11 1th ;ol'.~u1n11t.I~· 1>','. f .,r ~1111r , or1hdt•111l,tl ·•P 1••1!lhllt"tll t ,11l )~ ru11;(1.wy C<tll GI 1·<211 !"r • 1 .... n. 1 •1t~1it>l1· s1.~:, 11"1" n1n ~ IFl'r11~ I I I I c· II •• uw tH 1ni,: l'\t•f)•l 1!ni,:. ., I ~---~ ~ j Walker & Lee '"' '""'''"'" .,,.,,,,1.. ''''"''"' Ion noon< tm•n!• I \00 ,;:;;;;;;;;;' ;;' ;;' ;;' ;;';;';';;';;';;';;;;;;::;. ! 'C~• Pooh 11.o(I \:: l..f;Jfl t-IOh(t\ 11t'O • , , I ~mi,~~~~~~~'." I Waterfront Duplex ~HERITAGE REALTORS John Allard, Manager 644-7270 lost Ind fNllll \in ~"l"lmcr 1'1'· .. ~··1 trx·:i-PRESTIGE Assume 11nn. s119,r:til. ljQJ "Newport West'' 12 f~!rn1 .... ••11(·h: i·u·r .t. f!n:it.I,.,.. ______ ,.....,. '-----~ "''" """';' """"'" NEIGHBORHOOD '·", ·~~ .,~ Walk To Beach JUST LISTED BLUFFS JEWEL BOX '---·~_"_""_' ~11 ~·1' P••.....,al1 \OClai (hie<. i Tr•..el ' "" ·~ •• '~------[ .__ ,,. ,.,~,. I~ .\• .. Ulllf• :.~. Fii.\ loan 111th :-; ... ll'flOrl 1 .. 1.11111 nu11!.•\ AND 1n1n11•11 r .11 S'..'J'l l••t,11 •>I' ~ !~Inns, "! J1o.1 . r:u·h, on ~·•T'>'1 •'1" 11>'11 · 1•n1·•1• J•• Sl")J DO\\'~ 11 1rh 11•"1 ln1rlv ,...,111rr lot; tnint ron-ABANDONED 1•,•1111 .. 11.·lr d•""l-1h 1. 11'\lb p;• 1 tn .~ n ts . B t'lt 11 11ful '111"1i1. S!20.<YXl. LU<>•"l<"lll" l;u1d1'C'.~pint'. IJ .. nl<' I lu'h p,,q-,.·r ... d' ' "1 ''' 1 I u1>'1in11!C' 2 i.lory "'""l~li1 Ciill 6i.l--?.663 5-;:;...S,.">JJ t~\·l . up.:n1d,.rl Fonn11 I rf1n111(; "11ll11a1~r~ .\ 'u ! "1 I \\",..,1 hrtn1r. l .ar~1· l11·1n~ r•••nl f antns111· fan11ly '"'"'Hll •lr:q11·~ :-,., 1u1111"1'"1111 ·t.• a r~ fl. Ii. Fam l 1 y ~ 11. r lllth ,1 ... 1 har 1:0.1:\tl-:Ul ,\T~. rxpt•n.,r~ af11•r n1•1\1n1; in. ·I bo'<lroorn.o; COIL'l/Elt IJIT l'(>'°'!'ESSIO'.\ 1.,.11 hl' ar-lith111s. -21; lia1h~. l•1rn1.!t 72.xlOO. Roon1 for l?x:il ran«iCll . Only SlJ.~. C<• 1 1 chnlni; :lN'fl. ~fany u11u ~11.1'l n1n111r hnn1r: \\"ALI-; TO FIOll') S.12·2'.""i.l.:i. r~tr;", 111d. ~/"~·1.111<i·•~ll"!' Ul'.:A(1f. 1\s.~un1t> loan or r/1"111 ••''· Q1111 k 1~''"'~"1l•I j ... n1JI ! 1101111. Cw·ious c-;,11 OP£11r11o ·1rs1u'I ro fJ/' ... icr1 . 71 .. ilfl r1 .. · "' OPf.N rll g • 1 r""' "" ..... ' BROADMOOR I "''-''" 's ,_, ,o-,,., TURTLE ROCK [@ ~ c. F. Coles worthy r -~ Realtors 640·0020 1 1~ CORONA DEL MAR 1 • I~ ~ 2 BR. '"'"'" • """ '"'""ii .::· ~ .... ~~iiiii;;;:::.;:; Brin9 An Offer l"K It" 0l.'C':l !l slr!r of Hwy, Ju!I ---In rtu• tlllll"h d• •1fnd I (.11 I .. L. ________ .~ •• , ,. \; , .•.. ,-,, 1·.· •• ~. ,,, ...... 1.-.-N.. I . · · •: ........ <AA. ""~A GOOOGRIEFI! 1 11 11:hl1111'!~ :ir1·.1. Tl1 1·••• Instruction ~cMOl1 & 1n1!r1Ktlon Ontu i'ratlv all our hstin"s i;old h1••ll"<~i111 pli1 <; f.11111!y 1"••11· R.3 LOI ~ praciicnlly o\·rmight. ::;.., . li•>1n1' ~1,.;,11!·1<~l> 1h•11n. 11'"1'. WE NEED f"llrJ••·t,, I \\"" l1n•11l.i• "• ~ II ii 1 w"1th POOL ~21 INVENTORY ~~ :1r~·r·\:;~.r.1/,1:·1,~·I~ !:'~·~\\~~:\'. L..-------~--~ 11 If \'t"lll hav1• L'Un~ld('rt'•l l>f·lllni; fflU"t n 1,,,,. 1~~::~1'1..,:t1. I JDQ W•~Tt<I. Malt 7Cl~ y(,ur hQnl{" or inC'Olll(' PMJI" l "•-:<·~ I',' lot ;\orth Cn~1a Corbin·Mart in Inc. A""'Y C'Lf ''" \\"e ,.,, .. J<>ll Wl nlt<I, Fel"alt 1014 -'' .,~ ~ ,., , " .• '-'·'· ~" ()PfN Tll 9 • ITS /ll'I TQ Ar fil"'(' ~· Ja1>1 w~irt<1. M & F 101s :0,!('~:i in ap~1r!n1ent hou~c Realtors rtlft'r ,.el1> YI•"'""· M & F 1100 :t rl'a on allf'y. llulld111::: * 644 _7662 * ./ Prr<:on111i7.('rl !'"-E'r\"!C'"1 THE REAL ESTATERS pl i<111<, \"lllur S21XXl. ifl('lud<'rl. 1 \'ou'r.· 1n1porl:in1 tn u!n 1...rJt, pool,(. plan); tot<:it prier __ F_R_O_N_T_R_O_W--1,f Cnn11nur'Ju<; Qual1r~ f'X· $15,000 1~u1·e l11r IJ)" h.ird<'l'I IRVINE TERRACE / '""'""' .. "" ""'"'"0" .. ;1i.:r<•cn1f'nf ( a~k u~ 1 I....__ M«_ ........ _,I~ l ...,u.au•• LISTEN TO I ! AJ>Ol••..Ce~ •ucl•an 8•<Y(lt1 8 u!l!llnlj M•ltro•I• ' C•m~•I & f.QU •ll"1f"I :an Froe fQ Yeu I Fu•n•ture c .. •1q• ~•I~ 11<>'tf1 Havi.tt,old VOO'J~ 1 Je· .. •lrv llv9•11>C~ I M•c~;.,er1 I y.IK•ll•.......,. M•Kfll•ne<l\I• Vl•"'td I ..,,.,.,r,i 1""'"""''"l Oll!(e F11•ni!u1t & (Qu•g I Pl1"0~ & Oni1n• se .. 1"9 N•~~ll'tt ~PO,lino "-'1 ""' 1:.10 ""I "'' ''"I ., m• Sun/Eves 552-7605 :! R(iftchHO-use from \ "'" The Old West ""' ~! "lh1n g yn11r )1111. pull uri I\ !011l rhair ;ii\(! ~i i a spell". 1015 ~ostalv;it' nld.-,r h<1m1· U1<it tOll n1ay bf' 11."1.-d for rl'~ldf"n<.'t' 1oeo or h11~1nr·,~. \\··JI .. v1•r 3000 Wl!ll :o.quaN> ll·Pt ol f11·c h{'drno1ns &Ml plu.•'. Dorn1 area. Co11l1l !)(' IOIS a 1?;n··11 t '110W rf!SC fnr nn 1011 H!l!JqUr boutlQUl'. Ca 11 lil90 5-l&-2313 . IO'Pl OPf'J T'l 9 • /T' FUN TO BC IJ<Ct1 MAKE AN OFFER! ' "'"' "'''""""" THE SURF ! I On 1111~ ti<-;i1111ful cu.;1111n rour l>r1h~··n1 hnnv• 1\·Jth l '\O df'l:l"1'1' harlYlr and oc1•an \"11'11·. !)ran1al 1t.· liv111c; ronn1. ~:l,..i:-ant f1n·n1al •I 1 n 1 n 1: ro-1111 .• "<o1·l11de<l hcatrd 11nd !il1rrr r! ponl in :i i:;:irdt'n l'•'I· 11111:;. i\I! !hr i:);tr11s Call 1JV\v • s:KK.ow. s-;:~.""i:-A>. oPf.ll Tll ~ • 11 S flJll 10 Rf N/C(I THE REAL ESTATERS ~,~·· ~ LAKETRHESTATE f ollbrook, S;,.n Dici.:o Co. l Blk fron1 1:olf t."Oul""l'c, Ill'\\· ly rcrlrf"Oril!C'd, ll:l' Jiv. rm .j "" 1·u~l1>1n hll 11r1-har & (1thl"t 1 ·!1ar~es~1 rlt"lo,s.(' eall 641.";211 .. I • I :I ' 1;1~ l""l'J1ns' Bii..: 1111. r;i:inl home1nakr r k11r•h1•n, f :r\'ilt CE:'\Tll.J\J ,1.Y l.4 1f".\"lf'.[J -., BPr!rnon1, "n'' Y" •I' 1°11 furni~ll"'I f"nn<l•11111n111n1 -"I· tht' ).,...1,,..h 1n r1.llh1n Vi~!:JJ(1 PETE BARRETT -REALTOR- 642-5200 JI li. l1.-:a1i11n. t::li.~1 .. .0: ilTU.\I ~ S<'(' -C11ll i;.i7-Gll10:..!.\;.:I_. -llfi11't ~11··· 1111 !h•· ·'hl fl' Cl1L-.slf1t:d Ad~ Cal! 6 12-.lli'/8 ( "l.ii.t"" ii 111 rlilll-\lli•~I. Slup ~;~;~al 1002 1 ~:~:1:·1 n··•ul•l'' 11~~02 ~ Colg!!~!.!~~~!r l 1 1 ::~ ~e1!•ur1nl, &•' . , I TV. A.ec:ho HlFl, Sllf'W .• 11 ~.~~~· 11~.! ~~.~: .. ~~:.~~ ,~: §~ St'111~n1an i('C m;ikrr Din ftn1 ...,. hll·in Clun;i 1·ahlnc1. 3 BH , plus upsl1tll"li hrln u<;, Rn1. !11 Ba. f'·uny automauc AnthOny Pool. 4:c Jot. ""·' nc1\•ly plan!(.'(I i:ardl'n & fri1!1 11'~!0. Prire lnclurt1•~. LIDO ISLE..JlAYFRONT Where do vou park a iO ' ft . boat" R1~hl in front of thi s ~racious bayfront re~idcncc! Three bedroorns, 1naid1s roo1n . 31 '.J baths, den. Located on a 40 ft. lot. 300.000 . ec.o11, ,,.•In! & ser"•c• t02fl 1-"1.. bugt' 3 ('Ur garage, all lop jl"111dr kil r hrn 11riph- l\fl("f'l> + \\A ~her & dl')·er. $.'(.1.~. (i7J.SOj(). Principals Only. LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT was burif .. '<i In ~lou.~ton after a ~-----------1 6 11 4 2 I llOA1' ..... ,.,;ne EQu J)t!"lf~! t!IJC Ml!l,50(). e,.1,, Pe_, tt1.o Roy Mc:Cardle Realtor COSTA MESA FOUR·PLEX Custom 5 bedroom 4 bath horne. \\':1tcr \'1('\\., Jrotn lar~c li\"in g room. fa1nily roo n1 . kite-h - en and 1naster bedroom. lst tln1e offcr1.·d. De lhe first to sec it. $285,000 . nightlong ,,_-ake by l,OOJ sub- jects. The colorful group a ... -o,ded song and dance and quietly visit.eel under the funeral home's shade trees, fe.::is1ed on barbecue and wailed their tum to file past the opc.n casket lying in U1e flowt:r·flll· ed cha.pet The !amity of the!: 6G-year-old ruler sat quiellr ln· !I~ and nodded at the con- stant stream of vlsiton. • Slx hundred boxes of former Vl<I! President Spin> T. Apew's offidal papen are in lht Universlly of Mlf')'land Ubrary. but are nellhtr tax deductible nor open lo the public. . The university said th:n Agnew donoited I~ documents on condition they remain unopened wun January, 1m1 whm bis second term would have ended. Agxiew resigned last Ocotber afle:r pleading no contest to a chll'ge ol lnoomt. tax evasion. • Job Has Big Title BERLIN (UPll -The East German L a b o r newspaper Ttibuene has poked run at t h e bureaucratic practice of using long tlUes for .simple jobs . Trtbutnt said the -penon who hands out applicaUon forms ror an 11utomobile mechanic's course should be called a ''KnClftlhr- z e u g handwerksmelsler- q u a lifiz.ienmgsvorbereit· u n g s I e r .:angstelneh- m c r an me Ide fonnuJ. arausgt.btr.f' ' ' /, • 1 a o.u1. At,.l/CllQr'''" ttl50 1810 Newport Blvd., CM 80-11. S•ll 9060 S48--n29 Ju,~I !i.~lrl'1. n l•lJ'I mt'lnry I "'°""' 51,pi, 011t~1 fCI mak1~r in An cxeellen1 Wt?S!·I 11 :o.;s· :,~," 5~1 :: -,.-Oil SA-L-E-,-8Yo\-VN-<E-.R-.-!'id!' locarion. All 2 Bit unllll I w' Q• Channin~ 2 ~tory 3 RR bnckin~ to A i;:olf t.'OW"!l<'. I hf)me, Hn.lboA J,lAnd. i'\r S.O. $6()~1 n1onlhly !n1-on1f' 11\uhl I J[i -_,, ~\"<'nix" mo~. Only S61 .500 I T"-'"'°" --8">'. Viii••'·"~'·"' CALL 644-7211 . _ .. BIG roon1s~ Bit: }!lt. C.i11 n1 ! ~ hon1t'n111.ker ln!rhrn. t.r('hl et it 5 I ~~!,'~~ Silt . 'ltt1t ::~ l l.B. lor;,t1on. S.'\6.£fi0~ :'>lu~t l~l'I [IPCf'IC C•r• U)O ll{'f' -<'llJI !J.4°;"•0010. ;\f.!I, I • , "'·~·"' '"'Q""i t110 COL':--."TR\" klr1·tw.-n. Jfui;;f" IOI. ~ c I I Mo10<cvc~''kool"' "'° F"ormal d1nilll!: Cathl'd ral I 6 ,,.rio« HotnH. ,,1,.11:1"' •1'0 cc1h~. Sh.1 rp. S."\:.i,500! Call Newport Bar1ja'1n T••llt"· Tr•,.I f 1 110 11gl. 847-61)10 . 1•111~••· u 1111r, IN CM'"ar TK'tithborhoO!'I. 1':up('rb .t.11111 ~•w!c• & P••H •400 FIX k:. SA\'E~ llU$it' t:JCIX'U• achools. Thi~ lm•cly hou..<;oe 1n I ! f\\'I! hOrnt.• on blit cul-cJr.saC'. \\'cstcll!t I~ In spo!IM!! ron. 7 T\\o h~ ftn'plaC1.'!I. CIM(" dlllon. A ~rfect l bedroom I I ....,,..... 11 ~ l ~ ... ~ch. $49,fQJ. ¥-17-MIO. Mme l'·llh 11n ''Act'lll'nl .,. f11m1ly Pntrrt:tinn1<'nt Al"f'&.I I '-------..J OCEAN \1C\I.' •nU(fio, SUPER ~cw Cllrpl'I-'. r\N'fl :'I r&\t 8 ~1 ••10 b.<lrhelor 1bftchelorell<'~I ~"°'°"'... Call qulekly ""II-\ & (lt1i.fC1 ,'"'.. pad. $2~,500 &n<J Pit$)' !CfmS 6~ . lt'°""11~•1 V ... lcl•1 D'°£1t f!l . • t'f'$ 'UN fO llf Nf;fl S_.h. llKI, lllldt . ~ Qltf 84(.ffiJQ i\gt. ~ I Wf\ft4 Od'lft tUO $.10,00(). Jog 10 belleh. l.ovfly ~~> 0 -Tflltk• tS60 an?a. 3 + family f'O()m. C.fl r· v--s11 pet thmuglmuJ-Dlstreq ""'' "''"'"" •s.eo Mle -bener hurry, 847-6010 A\fi.1 W•11"td tlN A$Cl A11111\. t""'°'fld tlOO . The r11.~1~1 draw In tbl! \Vf':lll . Avtoa. ,.... "°° The fag1est dtAw 1n the \Vt:tt. ••. a D11lly Pilot Oan lfit'd ""'°" VtM tto0 • • .a Da.lly Pilot ClanUied.:...:A.::d::.· ..:C.=11 ..:64.::>-c;56=18::.. --- SOUTHERN BELLE Beautiful income property. \.real C'J~t~1cl~ cor ner location . Ple nty of charm .and ful l of potential. J'ridc of ownership a t it.' bCiil. $105.000 . OLD CORONA FOURPLE X Brand ne"'' 3 bedroo rn 1 bath. each 111111 . Qy,•ner "'ill consider d1 vidin~ these side hy side structures. \Valk to store~ and t ran~­ port.ation. 8250 ,000. PARK, POOL & CLUBHOUSE Are just steps R\\•ay fron1 th is 3 bed roont 2 bath home. Large fan1 ily roon1 a nd for- mal dining area. I0\\1 rnaintenance yard Land included . S71 ,000. SANDPIPER HOME-1/IEW 4 bedroom, 3 bath . Dramatic cathedral e1l· ings. wet bar. 3 car garage. Private court yard, large master bedroom suite. \"acant & ready for you. $97,500. DIAL 644-1766 2141 S•n J .. quln Hills Rd., N.B. A COLDWELL BANKER CO. - . . . . . 22 DAILY PILOT Monday, April 15, 1q74 -Gtnera ~ 1002General 1002 I Gtn·.-,-,,r----°"1"00=2 "G'"t_n_t-.,-.-----,.100=2,,...,c"o-11"1°"Me,,.-,.----,=~-sa 1024 Huntinnton BMch 1040 Huntington S..ch 1040 L•guna S..ch 104! 1.;.:__.;.;;·======;;;;.;;;;,;;-~-~--~~==~~====~1-=====~~======;;;1 :~·~~ I A~UME7% Prlc• Reduced $2,400. SUMMER •• • • • BACK BAY AREA QUIET CUL·DE·SAC STREET-3 Aedroom. fa1nlly room. 2 bath. l1rcpluce & elcc. blln:'). Big assun1u111e toau. i1 ~'< mterest. (.'all quick-vacant. 1no\'C 111 quick. 54~1 ISi TROPICAL P A RADISE IN BEAUTIFUL COLLEGE P ARK-Come 111 and rcl.t\ 111 111 1. ... bl«u1tlfu1 :t b;xlroorn ho1nc \vilh triJpicaJ plunls und greenery C\· ery\\•hcrc. Conlplcte \\ ith sprinklers. llU<J. lovely h,1unl. C:aruge door opener and lots of extras. (:nu us today (It .54~1151 und see ii soon'. ~irHERITAGE REALTORS ti l r/~S~~ I REALTORs' I I INVESTORS!! • TRIPLEX seC 111~·~(' three toµ conclilion apart1nents. LocatC'd 1n ;in c.-.;l·(!llcnt 1·cn1al a.-ea . Each unit ha s 2 bcdroo111 t-.: 11.-1..: hAthl). ~hO\\"!: S530. a 1nonth int:o1nc. l l urry. only S47,950. CALL 644-7270 SPLISH ·SPLASH F;\NTASTtC! llug.e 3 bedroon1. 2 bath charm er. Family room , open beams,\ f,lush new, cnrpetlng . Olympic size pool. ~ uded loca- tio n . Just dlscove ed at $41,000. HURRY! GRUBB & ELLIS CO. A1tJW11 7.P. GI loon. 3 bl!droonu pJUJ family room. l.rl.ri:f Pnciosed patio. Ncoir school• and aho11pi n&:. Ap· prox. 1 mill' to the beach. This ~n1to includts Va.l.lcy·1 excludve 1 )T. a;crvice war- ranty. Otll ~3. . ' \"\I.LE) l<l\11, ' ' -" ~ ' "· ' REALTORS 67.S-7080 PRICE REDUCED l,~G[;;•;n;•;r"a~•1;";";";";";•;•;•;•;•;1~00;"~2•1"c~omr~o"n"•"d"e"1"M!!!"1",--1"0"2"2 1 O"•iM:r OOw;ht t1rM•lh1'r hfirnt And "'anla you 10 M'f' 1hi1 cirluiu• S .t· J'.i Tov,•nhorne Attention Bulld•r• 1htlt ho mui;t "''Jl. Jr hfl~ 2 Bdrm. + Pool $22,600 You l'fln INl.Y 1200) more than thia for a oe11i• unit or yoo c.:81\ buy my UPt(nlidcd wilt for $2,000 bflc,w replactmc'nt 2 Utlnn ., \ desirable ""''· ~ . .etUne: a lge.. Meir: arel! in lh11 front or 1hil J.•ly., 2 bdnn, "view home" 111•tll al· 10W you 10 111·a.tch the OCftin Mppenina1 & thr 1e1m. 1un, durlna' 1wnznrr '7t And out of the n:ar y,•\n-~~. are the panonimlt ~ .. of the natl\'C Callfor· nla foothill•. Ila• " blt·ln hutch k beamed ce:lling11. $47,nl, ~Ian REAL ESTATE 1190 Glenneyre SI. 49-1-9473 S49-0~16 General 1602uenrral \'Ol.'NC: A\IATTIO US" 'KlXlal' h'll, Jo:.1t1sllu.i: 'l 13r. I S.;QOO. ln llP'-'1'111-hni:-bul Ol11f'r r1.•tu't'rt! Col'('f'r ~rl! Bn hoU"''. Sn. of 11""'Y· AP. !>R1:r\llC'ln~ ror 1n1ly S.t'l.r.ol Bat•hPJor? l)rw-tl)r~ l..a11<ycr~ prvved plan~ for utlditkin I . ci-11 96:l·24..'J6. Kt'Olltld J~c noor plan, 1 ~ )'t'llf'I IU'W, £5111,y Painted with rutefu y pAMltd and mlrrorcd II\ r. ~m . pluih wallp,a~red dirlln& llJ'Cll, IJ.h.!lg · carpets & cu!'>tom drapet, ()venlzed pantry 11ro11, ~u1ton1 tile l®nler 1op1, .l!h<1ke roof, near N;hOol8, "'fllking dlslrt!X't tO liUntlng:on Center, ~"·Im· ml(!g pOOI nnd 1uany park &rt'U, NO"' $2000 bt•loy,• l"Ollt 11e .... ·. 1P rln c lp1i.l s ooly plr111e1. Citll 100fl)' 147.3095 l:oo_.:.1· ••r.:2~8~2~8~E,.rC_•~•=•-l=H-:c:;g_h~w=ay, Corona del Mar 1111h1•11 Chi<•I': IJvr 1'"'i your ' hu11t -l'l<'nty of pro°flt: OFFICF.:.' ___ !.'_ 1111n propf'11y. 1¥1\t ia an~. Sit500. J:il-lti:ill Chl•nt'r 'llt.:~TINGTON Ht~ACll n11tk•• 1-..:1vn1ent1 S.· 111xrs WE CAN HE" YOU •uv, 11·hil·· ~ .. I; hullrt f'(/Ully In Cost• Mes• 1024 962-2456 v E T E n A N s AD- Reduced $9000 Srn.salional OC<'an & 1un...-•t vie'A'S 11.re )'OW"ll "''ilh u11~ ~tf'mprir11tit-' 4 hdrrn on n l1:1ri.;1·. pd1•11tr lot. CUSIO!ll dN-M 11·U1> ccdnr-panrlNI fainily mi. Exposed benn1s. Wood ·bumin~ fireplac.-. Hulll·in l>onk~heh'f'tl. \\"ool shfl K" carpcting t I> r U o u t . JnlC'ro:>m. And 2 large pany decks. S89.~-Call 494-8003 W ESLEY N :· ·, TAYLOR ·· ·CO~' REAL TORS ·s i nce 1946. PRICED TO SELL-$125.000 ·rills ls the best buy in IJcnutiful Spyglass: l11 vi lini:t C'nlry 1\'ilh circ ular stair\l'ay. Spac· ious •I J)fl:, l•"I~ & run11H1 ~ rn1. Incl. land. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 1 NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644·4910 2111 San Joaquin Hills Ro•d SllL. 0,. TRM>t: A HOME QI\\ Hmkr r. 675-:ii:ll I fOt.'"NTAIN VAl.J£Y• ~llNISTRATION SAL E SI •NvoLAc• 1N '""NATION Wife Preserv•r 531 •5800 UROKER 11ANo c 1 N c •:;::;;:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:::::11i:i~:"l::i::::i'""'""''iii0i ~ I · BEAOI A RE ;\ PRO---Balbo1l;l1nd ___ 1006 1 I) ste ps n •hil ~ l.J('drooni, 21' PERTJES: C:.Xec 1ype 1ll.iC-!"~•;;n~•;;"~l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l~00~-~2~G~e:;n;e;r;ahl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;dl~00~21~~;;~~~~~~~ httlhll. \.\ell-t>uitr h 0 me . COLA RlflLT Orn' i.;1., .... L 10o·n1rd nn a Rreat J::alllJl\dl' I · • LOTS OF CLASS 1·ul ·dt"-it:1l'. $37.450 -1rv in•; -· · hon1r located on n.Jl dC'o\.11(."' n·r d flWll or !l\01'{>. }-"or nO IUll.S, ----------~;Ul. 60x200 0 0 u R Lt: ror:. l"!'\IJEH ,100,000. 111-i·iill ua. 61&-71il. DREAM HOME WT. RANCH style kitchen J11nr\ 1 .. 11111• plu~ ln1:ornt"'. I OPf.N r1t e . 11 s ,UN ro Bf IY/CE• $34,SOO I 11'/Ui<e<I bri<'k firp .• ~· shiny ' lifllhnn ~ i.h:u pe11t 2 bi'dl'OOITl ~ ' i ln1mt1!'Ulllll" J l>cd1 m. ~ lmth \'lnyl brick nooring. Pri1· 111 . J11ou1.-• + J hl'd11u upa rt-I ~I hnni<'. ;\J01lo•rn hll11s, plu:..Ji 11n "'/2rul firp., gan1c 1i11, I J!l'lO f'. Cooi.~ !..Ii_ 11u•n!. Llkf' 11c11 Inside 1trl•I · · m l"rpl~. dtluxe f1n11 m1. 1unkcn JtomnJ1 tile tub &: \\lfITE \\'ATt;r: 1-oa,;tl •• Cl out ~;i.l!·n~iv1•!y rP1noc.Jtlf'd • Sp11rkll11~ c·lrnn. ~lanlcurrd n1n.1ncr vanity. "'alk in L.B'. \"il'"·s fore,·cr. Cu!:in1,j 111!11 q1111l11y 1nr1 tt•rl11I ,f.:. .. , ___ yu rd. Tl'rrn.!I fle-xlhle. 'ct> (•lose\.. 3 Car ~11r . 2 BR. 2 ha lio1nc \.\"/A.l.,\.j 11•wk1u:i11.~h111 lni.l )'C!llr, YOUNG and hl'llC>1·e. Cull ;:,1~842 1 Reposscs.sed by VA. Full Plan for c x pans Ion Tu~11·f111ly rl!•1·ru·;1h'<l und MESA VERDE I ..:."'ou1!1Co, l!cnllorli prit•(' $44,0CO. No dli.1•rimina-J-::ntrance 11• 1•rt Yard . ,l;l'f'!tl 11111,IJon. 1'11•0 bl~·k11 I Al'l'll. Hli!h hi•ani Cnlhl'llro.1 O\\ NP.Fl -:J l \JtP 4 I lion, an.5'one can buy, S1t!l·~ Contcmp. desi~n. Priced for lu bt".hh 111ul 11fl'IJ!-l 10 shop-<•t'llln~.:; lxlr., 2 ba, lnnilly[ b<l;,1; ~ ~~~o~~ni~ 11~1111 icns l Bkr. 962·:i51t. j 11ul1::k lilil~ by owner 111 (~·) A UNIC'l JI' 11ClMI' 111111,(. Ju~L h1111•d, \\Qrl'I ln~t. I r11.1., 2 •·ar ~111'/I~(:· tlt'Cpll'ICf', bit-in~. 11•nr ll\'lllJ:: rm. I TIBURON I e·~su~.'71'b ~~~~lt1 ~:: Gen•r;1~----1oo2 CALL ME, l 'M HOT-In l larbor liightands i.:alJ 11011 . ,)46.fl."80. I pr1vo1l' <'flurty,1rd of t fo n11lv nr•·n Shag C'i'l.r()("t ~ 1 . I 0 1114 l9!1 3.'"l2 1------------------· 1 having l1ard\\'oot.l J loo rs. coppC'r plu1nbing. 1 111r1i;tl·r lx-d1w111, 11unkt'n thruciut. J>ado. s:r; 10 do11 "· I Very i1hR1'P " BR Pus drnli;g "''ntr, 1 · · ' · = --------General 1002 DON'T LIVE n1assivc stoue double fireplace atld a sunny l 11:1111 tuh. Ry 011 ne:r $17,500. full pric<'. SJ:l.400. hrk Call or di'~ !-"Ondo. Ce~tr11I air I I !"'lion(• :.:-i7-l l:l l 1112-:?jGI 1-ond1tmn1ng. re-fngeratnr. LAGUNA BEACH and spncious kitchen \vith plenty of rocun for -----· 1111sher/dryer. dPllL\e <!bl" DUPLEX IN A SHOE I an eating area f,and for friends to gather). FH~:SII ON TIIE ,\IARKIIT CUSTou1zen •ll'rn inl'lurled in Wes prit'f'. I•,...,....,,.. ____ ,..,. __ 1.1 BR. 2 BA . 1o111. \ l ,, "l ""':: ,\II ll>e ""nvenie..,.,., of,....,.,_ ,\ rare In '' e Ii t men l Op·! N ~·ou h111·c· ninny <·hllrh·<'n Oh )"CS, there's also 4 bedroo1ns and a 40' ca-po·-,1,a•o Be•<h 1018 1 1 d \ bl 1 C• BEAUTY '" '"""' '"'" ponunirv No11h end of Try this . '' rr-. <'!'Ora " · ' ~sunui. e ~ inf{ il home 11i th0ut the · · _ Bl pool (for friends to gather). Nev.· at $79.950. I VA loan . Pyn111rs S190.01 pc>r . hearl;u·h<'s. e " 11 11 t i r u 1 IO\l.TI. I & 2 bedrmi, If'• J t · 1\rro ~101•i1·-; lnll Jt;ST FINISHED By HuihJ('r 1 1110 inclrlA" ri·erything. Prit·· SuPl.'r CU!llomizc.d 3 brtlroom, 1 R 11 rt ., ca ping a 11 d neat· beach & shops. Lullh curpc1 -111111 to ll'all 1 UNIQUE HOMES Realtor1, 67.S.6000 14111 enlle Carn1rh1:1. r<I :ll only S.'W.9Yl. Call R:i)' :idult •IC'~up1C'fl ho n1 ." · rt'C"rl':ilional J a C' i 1 i 1 it .~. Red Carf)9t, Real S C".nurn11·1 lihcl11·n -~101•1',; 2443 E. Coa1t Hwy., Corona del Mar Spr.n11il1 -~•)ll' 3 Bil. 2 RA r;nult. r,.i.·,....3 1~7 Di•C1"1rn1nr~. dri·an1 "'1lh I 497·1761 del1:::111 tvu\lt' "'/fl'lllc. Bit-in r:ini;:e ------plu~ c11rp;·t1n11: S1,U1I cuHton1 Lot.·atl'd In dl'!'li1-.-b l' f .\". I }-"un1lly •ll<lni . 11111 r1·ri) .. >=~__._____ ~-I - . --- -.~ CJ\·rn. ~hAI-! rn rp<'I lhru-FANTASTIC BUY 11hl ,rrapcnr~. \\'<ll1•\I Jront 81'\.'tt. CIOf;I.' lo shoppinf: a nd .,. __ .,..,._._.,...,_; nt,:ihl T' .. E BLUFFS 1 Gen•ral 1002Ganeral 1002 ,,111 llrcakfu~i at iirivnic Spac-10us 6 nn, :t hn. 11·/11 t'OOl1 yor\I \1·11h 11 !'•ti;.:hl 1r-1n 1w.1rh. Call nuv.• ro SC\'. Call FOR S:\l..E I Bft: APT. cp!d,I l\lut·h 1uuL\' than "''' 1•1,n n i•·tr io 11 /sunny f'~po,;ur••, <'l"f•lc. ,(. dq~. hltin.~. lrplf, J!;itr. F :1 ,,, l I ,1 roon1 I 963-4543. In,:. II\' rn1. d111. rm. lrg n1f'nl1tu1 F:n1l .~n11t ·, 1-.•pu1.1r ··1·r!1:11 I ('onipl<'•el,I' fcn~·CTI. SJ:J.~."1'1. ('l"V' IQ Srhl ,i;.. i.;hoppinc. 11· fh,.plH1·1· off d••lh:hrfut m«rble pultn1ttn b 11. I h " Goodl~.°' g-111011• . kl'~1h )'OUJ" plan ... I 1J.trn1!I:. • 'l ~ r :11I P.nl!•lf•r cl i r l' c I , 11;Llk 1" S.l . l'lt1•1.11 . S-ti.9~i0. cvun!r)' kill'IK·n, 1111.~ nf rungl', gar. Nrar oc-can., allt•nllon ha ., :1 •'tK'I. p:11ios . one ' nf; d. j ~ 7l l/~~'!7-fl380. 9-5, ;\l·r . B.I' 01111lT, 11'J2-Cll'i1fi tlr eoncn •tt· \n h:.C'k ~:u'd "'il11 shoppin~. adull5 only r\u• . ' ' ' . ... \".\LLI·:\· IH . \LI' lJQn'r dt•lny • l 'ii ll 1 •Jrl"} l~•X·l:"1 Price 0111~· $67,5('(). • C--d IM 1022 I l>i:t~"lil\G. i;:<is BBQ anti ho:tt oir 1rnilcr fl('ls $25.000 4S.1-0040. 1' ::;11;.2::1t J\11'0, 11ill ··o ns!drr tn ll j e Orona e ar I CRISPY s!ornw:-. Ocfan ('h)st' In Lagun• Hill• 1050 1;:0".:0:·1:,,:""'":..":,:';;";;;'='°ii;ii"'ii"ii<;.," j 1o'Pi~'"i>AILY 1-5 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SwimmlnCJ Pool EAST SIDE ~~'::'..1:.;::; ;;:;'.'.:~;'.i ;"""~" ''"'' ... ' ' •Y1' •• T o I • .,,,, , ,,_, ·~· I - · .. 1 I ,100,, \~ IBNOIN •. NTI ~ .. · RDKOO,\ NC E, ... 1 S~IO\VN B \' APPOINT~'IENT & I c (I m p letety J'f'<ll'l..\1111.ICd. I I :t ! ~ . I Pr1"vate a-ch Curpets and drapr~. S!r p '::I ~lorll'rn. 111ightl,v Spanish :; Linda Isl• Wat•rfront -r!nwn !11mily t'Of}!ll 1\·ith open hdr111., dining r111.. dt•n: \l'hnl n1ore <..,uld n person t'(';uns and ui:;ed brick • .,. "" • •w" ''""'" '''''' \',\ l,IJ·~\· RI \I.I' 24 HOURS For Your Home No hidden cosL11, dclays. LAGUNA IIILL.~ Lt'isu rC' \\'"orld nu1nor·opt. ~Just ."<'IJ new 1 Br w/huge Hv rm & b.1lcony for en1ertaininK. BBQ,;. On 3rd · floor 1vi!h t>lcvator. All 11·!1h magnifi- cent panornn1ic vie"'· (71 ll 5.~1-~ .. HARBOR VIEW HILLS i:;ut).:l'uus v1 .... 11·~ $l4G.500. Custo n1 5BR .. 3 bath rhome Oil 55 ft. lot, \1'111it ? Jlo11• :1\iout 11 t·h11rn1-nrepi11N'. 1-:ast.~i•ll' H-2 loca- Garden vie\v kitchen. ~'alerfront living rn1.. ing. 1rell de•"Orated 2 nn. 11nn. l lurry S3'.t000. Call . "'" '~·· "''"~' ........ ,"l "'""'~'·~'I'"''~· ~RAb~i~0E1AR ~lALTlf ou• 25" ''"' fa1nily r111., Yacht--$225.000. 2 [i,\ hontc un a genl.'rou!'l &'6-1171. I B AV BEACH Ii( x 100 fl . lot In Coron:i riel OPEN nL" • rrs ,UN 10 BE NICE/ 142·7411 Eves 968-1178 L19un1 Niguel 1052 Thill hnn1c rover1;1! i1 !h <1111·1 '"'-I ond 70 Linda 111• Drive ~ln r. Th" <'nll'1"111 in1·114 \\"ARIU\NTY i l\t'•ll,JOn1s. 1 Pri1ne 4:1' l;1goon lot· $150,000. r>:<'lusivc ONt: YE A.)t 67 • 000 rt1T';j 111. Only $69.500. Cati t®" THE REAL ESTATERS Veterans Buy Now! O\\'NER saenfice. :..1agn1f1· * LEASE/OPTION * Jo'an1\ly Ht10111, ~ Bnths. T<ip _ _ __ 1 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ~til·l-Tlll. I '·1 .• 1 Payn1~n1s r-hPA prr rh ;111 ri•nr. Nc"•por1 B{'!IC'h ,\ren Hntl ~L !1lral srartl'r ho1T1r. ~ J 4 NTc"''llOc" 1~rhC'h1,·11 ~,,:: C111w111 Builder's Closeout 341 Boysid• Dr., Suit• 1, N.B, 675-6161 1 '===='='='='='='=I &droon1s. cx\·rll,•111 Hun- ' op _ ".11( 11 ~in. · JV. 11 1 2 !3l'fl1·01.1111, 2 b.11h. ,\d1·11 1 ' • 1•-t 0 -h I ,. • ~ C '-I · S"l noo 1 "11 1 ---------~ Dana Point 1026 .,.,g on 0t·R~ 11.n< l')i.Jn iun · , Cinl~•nl n1u1n . -. u General 1002 General 1002i ~I VaJlcy locRtions. 1·cn1 Sp11n1sh 4 bdnn mlO I S~2.500. 3 BR '2 BA sq. ft. 3 ha, F.lt, D.H., ! 5ro,9Ca. Custn1. Bll. bit-in~. frplr. Till' roof, PLACE REALTi' 4!J.l-9i01 1\ n1u;ht-iron acC'C'nts. 1 yr 1 L"d I I 1056 old: ~rk S63.%0. Ca 11 I 1 0 1 • OOZ-R'G.i. __ S_U_M_M_E_R_N_E_A_R--I prl•..::. 1\lth only $1001'1 l)oy,-n. I CLOSE TO ., C-1111 ~1200 or 835-3&16 , • • I A::t. -~·:~,: s+D~:tl CDOEMPOLETELY c~;~r~~~~~1.~!'~~~.~~-'.*, ~1111: r\C'11·0~~~,~\~1~P~r~.950-t6Z..4471 ( :;::.J 546·8101 , "''"'' ,, .. ,..,, -... ,. \'\LLE). 1llage Real [st ate O\\'NER leR\'{-,;. S224;'i dO\l"n. Deluxe 2 bdm1 condo 1vith \a~~s·. \til~m~~s 11 ~ c ; C'USIOlll drape!!, shag Crpl, Jeue/option. nl9.500. blt-in.'i. }"A heat. Lolli of Ul\l.I' I • RE C RATED l'iou~ ·• "... ~ ..,..,, lOnlt 10'1 Dn. Front yard Srll idle il1•n1s 1~·i1 h R Daily Enormous llon1e. S bcdrooins . 1" l'lt'11' of (l(•ran k Jt'lt)'. hin1sct1ping <ind ft'n(•\ng l'--•--J0-"•---•-•-•--•-•-•--pril·ncy. overlooks the pool! LOVELY DESIGN ' rll•I ! o o ~>NI ,t 1 Pilot CIRssificd nr1. 612·.;.;7~ "'ilh Olyn1pic si7.t' cu~rom Cn'"11 t'onritnin Vn!IC'y 10'."'n· 2 Fri1lts .. forn111 I di n. nu.. int·luclC'd. Afternoons. call ONE YEAR G.neral --1002 :G•n•r a-1 1002 P''°L llo111l' Is in1m:1culnt"1 lion. :'>l111ur,.,. tr,...·s. brick ll•1·11y _s.:ut·~1 hOust.! ,,, lull t:ltli :l!l-662'l WA R NTY brk $22.al. Call 846-00).t 3 BR. + studio. 3 Baths. O\VNER ~csperate. S:l,690 Ope~ sunny atmosphere. "'" ~ ... , .... ,,,_ ...... ,,, .... ~. >------~-in ('\'<'!"'-' 11·11 \'. ~1nnlrl11'•il I BBQ. llC\I' IJl.11111. th'FIJ>t'~ unc1 h:Hh : 1rl•';1l fiw n1nlht'r·1n· R A )tn'ds. l.ori:?,.. · fa nlll.v 1,00111 ! l'<ll'pi:'.;·. \'11r:n1 ~1111 l\'11dy!: 11n1 "I" ll'<•rts. t"if'll\ tunl' ttf· NE\V 4 ~nil, no 1·aeancies, TOll'C'rin~ o·ees , R 1 ni v do11·n~ Beautiful 3 bdnn, 2 ~.E · R NEAN bl! hon1e \\"ith shag crpt, 1 M DITER A ' '• . 1 Ou11\oor lic-l11ing. illu~·h too 3 _ 1~ lt1'°111·' 2 hn lh s · f('rl'r~· Coll to see. ,\,;!ling ~~~n l"l!"ll'. vaulted beam brPCzc~ ('()(ii 011,. .. luvl'ly J /-----------------~, n11;11y l'X\ra.~ lo tlll't1ll•111.] $~i ,9:'i0. -\()'' doiin. $17t.il(}. '";-~l~ngs. .roon1 for lo!I. BR, 0t-can clO!!e borne in 11 I I :\lu~I _!i_<'f' 10 app1·rch1tc. l>11· 1 ~ COATS ...... ( _S!l.i,:;oo. Alir. 493-6Cti'l quiet reisid~'ntiA I Hrt'a. Clo!'c bit-in.~ dish11·ashcl' family Immac. 3 BR., ram. rn1 .. ar<'a. ~~A heat, hrk $36,900. din. nn.; 21 ~ ha. Leasehold. Cull 9G2-,';865. sgj,IXX.I dowrt 1~· $>.1,!JlQ. C11\I nn11 & J ! El Toro 1032 to ht>ach~s. schools .. purkll, 1 I ~,:~-;;~-1.9 . r;-·~ ruti ro rtr .... WALLACE I I I tAl~~.·y~J111!~·1•1 ~\~.('11111s ~:'.~~ Hunt. Harbour REALTORS ' '[~ 1>l)l'f Y. rRAHKJ.lX. Sl-:1.L OH J.EASE. ln1n1ac. ~<'rvl~ 1~·11rrilnty. F'or nlorc Bi' 01\Tler, 5 BR, 4 bas, on 1042 Llrto Islnnct homes, "'alkin~ tli.~tancc of shops, churches, ('!(', 1 • -$46-4141--I l OR4 C0un11y $c{•nt>. 3 Br. 2 ho, 1nfor~At1on plca~e l: a 11 100 ft corner lol "'ilh 00 ft. A 11 • (Optn Ev•nin91) RE.A 7 n & r Rn1, fullv 1:rprd. ~3. I dock. Best Vil'\\' in the I SI-."'\~ T"lrll'O 1 ,. :'-~C::=!.-di-pd, fed. pali(). L0aded I\'· ~1~:2?~;;. S l 9 5, O O O ! ....__ I"'.&&"""""" Reduced $41 00 --n-1n·t11a xrr11,. 586-i171!1. 1,...,,....,..,..,..,..,..,,...-i I 1o pay 01111l'r n1u~1 h11\·1· 1n1111e1liat<' ITS A BIGGIE 1 Fountain Vall•y 1034 Irvin• 1044 FABULOUS 1! LIDO REALTY 11;•1,.1,.J., 'II *673·7300 * ~l~~r, ~~1:11~i~1:;·r~in1<.11'~~:::J;1 400 JASMINE "MUST SELL!..., LIDO ISLE · • 1-11~r.-.111 1h·o·pr .... <'rq·po·ls. ,\II'· IAftrr ~~u1\·t' srr th;• • 11111· Tri-le1·l'I 4 BR. 3 BA. fam Springtim• Freshness ; 1o move lllttl I C'Cll<htinning !)inln~ 1'01. .;..)~(ONA 1w111io11. ~F:F: ~IF: I\! I rn1, forn1 :1\ din rm. 3 enr Nt>\\•ly decoratC"d end unit • 208 VIA DJJO~ • 2 BP.,j a 1 lh,..,f's kil el1111. Fnnufy n11 ,\· ~I 10.000. 3 Br. 2 Ila HO~l t. garage, ron1plC'tC'ly crpl'd, Executiv•'s Delight 1 lo\\·nhouse. 2 bdrm .. 2 b.:i.th!, COil\', drn, 2 lli\. Almu~P fil,.plne1•. Pall•·, ~pr1nl..lt'r• DEL MAR. So. o: l111·y. l...lul:t" lot 11d· profcssK>natly decoratrd & Luxurious Harbor \Ii<'"' !ireplt1c('. air cond11ion1ng mn1pl. ix-built. Just like SI~ Make an almost immediate move. Newport Crest is the exciting townhome community thal overlooks Newpor1 Harbor and the ocean. Big, bold spacious homes. Residents' Swim and Tennis Center. Exterior mainte nance provided. Come - It>! us show you how you can't afford not lo live at Newport Crest. 2-3-4 bedroom residences ~ !tom S&3.000 to $93,000. _ f tom Pac•llc Co1s1 Highway ilfld Si.i1>9rlo< Avenue in1ersec11on. drive up Su~rior lo Nrwpo'1 Crest en1r1f'lc•. Sate 0N1ee: r12 Robon Court. Open d<1i!y 10 A.M to Sunset. {714) 64S-G141 . .. , "11:.• llllt.S IW< 11!1t1 •I'd ....... 1,,,.. ·~ !l'I• Noa 11t11tl'l1.t Pfic• ol 11'\t 4 10 ..,,...,. w<H Ile~ l"l' l~•loOft•I t"-JOll IO! IOI pit• ""lll'llf O• ~~ •1'11\! •1 O~-.d 111 ""!" T~• i;,11,, P1c•ff' "' C , l~t .. ,~-· t,_ 1191\110 C~~· Dn"'•• •ll•~Cl~f •ft:I tlU•l0H''O pllll• I ntl tP'!tll1Ulo~ l'lflt'IDlll lllltltll o-••""' .. 1'i~i ·,~_J I'll 11ld S l!!.!JvO. C14lt , TRIPLEX J•iln.~ l'lly p:1rk. ~Cl\' :? Br ! lnnr!S(."';iped. l...arge yanl, 11111111' ft'A1U~s 3 h<lnn~. 2 find ei·t>n a garage door nc11· hon1c .... , ... $81 .~.1' ,, 11 _,, I lw,n1!y 11 /t·1111you 1·ie11· rl"h1 l'lll"•'rtit patio 11·( fit•cpll . bnth~. Forn1nl c11nin!:: roon1 opener. A University P!ifk ' mRBElL LJ.;(i,\J, rti1ilr•x, \\"Pll loaied ruon1. i'4', loan assun1. to ' !lfi'.!-1831. l'itchrn is a ch.•rs dreRm. CALL 552-7500 I en, rea l!. rn1. n M '!I, I 0 llld P h k I , 2 1 ~ BA . Custom liuil t. Sho11~ ( } 11. r;u'f' i,:i•tn for the area A bchutd ... 1;1un<try & l;<unr I z;.rl()() s11. fl . s 6 3, :JO o . is idr11l for l'n11'11ainillJ::. I special S-0,50). •1 2).1 bV1'\/ill,\C,\dj 4 Bil.I • o:1 r·,\'{J I{ :! !111.~ nrnr sho~· ~J.!lil . -pcrsou. 11•nr r. Harbor View H"1lls 1038 1l t Io, !'-a . ,, re n . • v ISION • ~ pl!ll-! and thi· hr;u•h. X!nl. f;13-!6;-.~ I s p I' i 11 k I l' I"~. F' u 11 v bel4Uti!ully. •" ··· · $109,!j{)(l. Wl.5'...mu~ei l ()01l'nt u.•l f11r C'\p11n11ion or II --TOP-0-THE--landsr;Jr"('<l. J1;1~1 1 ~Tl\ old. I J3 n. I l,'.llllfl Hl\"!'~1!\l<'nt 11.!i CUI"· Fl'l' land. !lat'd 1.? h •il •his Red Hill Realty rittlngh1m 1v;alt9 i 2!"(,;j i1(1 rbor Bl1·11. rrn!I~· ~ituaiNI. S99 .. -ll0. HILL H~H \":Jiu<' for only SG3.0CM:l. Cflll """'A'~ , 1!14-~7'."iO IHE:A LTY R!'.:ALTORS .-..;; ..... ~ I I HOME + INCOME 640· 1120 \\'ith a dran1u1i1· ISO dei:? ~ L1u1 Park Cen1er, 11-..nw> 3:\36 Via Lido 67J.012]i ' B•frm. honw. ·~·"" '1"'' ol """ '"'""' "''".. " BEACH T-AX SHEL [ mRnnL. J ' ---. -Coi·ilOfl clcl i\ltH'; Jii·l' in on<' THE BLU-F.FS lx·aulifully d<•("Qr11r<'d .1 R_J{ JER 0 UPGRi\DED 4 h<lrn1, 2 l,lr;th. 1 ( I 0 I .~Den or I BR custon1 bu111 , C' 11 11 r . Ii o 111 e. 14-,11 EXECUTIVES • . ,· l'Cnl !ht' 1.1l1t'r. n.1' I ~ I S""'500 OnC' of !hi' f<'11• n11tstan11ini: hotnc v.i1h hl'gei;an1e1"00111.1 • • Wt.!illiU~~ \.ro1el'h.•"·· 537,950 ,\beau· See this sharp 2 & den, 1"' • J >-Jloi,.~ nl{)(lrls no11· a\'H!l. fo1"1n;1l dlr1i:1~. and luxuriou-. I Conrlo \\'Ith O<'Can view fron1 · ty. 2 bath, mustei· suire. Prirn•' T<'ti•Hl<· rontli1ion .~· !orfltion 111usll'r suit1•. Outsidt> Is c>.· l(~l'ini;: ~iii; . 'l.i11l~1g 1 J'(IO':"fl r.{l"l r->f•\\'porl C,;.nt«r l)nl"r 1 locale. Sman decor . SiS,SOO i)n the !:l~"nl1Cl1 . Spnciou~:: icni.i\1' "nlio <lt•cks. tii:::1 .rear I' ·11·11111 p11 ,· ll•rr111r G_l_f _ ,-p -d. -~u1'ntard ho.11'1•) .. z1~ hit1h~. I'll\ !rrc~ :uirt n J\oi pond. All al h:ilron~. \\'l1y llO! h\11' 11 1th l 0 er s ara 1se I -GEM RE,\ I.TOH:" Sl~t'E 1!1 11 &73·4400 llPl!l':i<!l'fl: Qull"\( po~~('ss. thl' t~nd 111 a q u I<' t s::cxx!. dt.11·11 & payn1ents l1kl"IB,..1111t1fu l cxrrut_11r honlt' REALTY l.21}F Tu5tin A1·e., N.B. ! t111t·1·<~t l•U' 11111~ Sfi$,9~i0. 1 l'u!-..lc-!>al·. l'tnl. · O\'C't'look1n~ lusc~111~ gri'rn Sin<• 194' REALTORS &l2462l MORGAN REALTY i\ 1011 i·u\ue at HUNT/f\IGTONHAR80UR ;:oll t'<'urse. !'ht1r1 i1·<1lk 101 Downtown Coit• M9NI LIDO ISLe __ _ 1673-6642 675·6459 $l:i9.500 I 1h1• ('l('i'lH1 Slip!'!' l/IJl(l'flClt.'<l 1 _ _ _ '_ C111l 6-14-7:.111 REALTY I honlt' 1:1 ••lit• 'Jlu•11l·11i:l11n 117 M2 2991 BAYFRONT I ---"~r , rt'arlv for r1"1t•k oci·u•"•ncy Laguna Beach 1048 pier & slip. 3 ft .... Jc"s. Fam;1y' <"I.A~ !'Jo:I.LS _ &l:Z-5GiS Im.a I i;211 C'OAST II\\''"-Sl'a1·hf!.'" ·~·l ou11rlll1on,, MARIOR -Elegant 5 Bdrn1. :;1 2 Baths, 1002 1 General 1002 l , • il I· "-n-t:,.'i l &. ~l3: ~r.?-2M:"i Call ·!l63-4a1i. ,... ' room \v( ~•e1b.{;. 1-'utnlshed i iiiiiiiii I I 1 · • Thf' fa~11·~1 clrlrn· in 1:,r \\'c"t• *Owner/Bldr. Sal•* & in perfecl eondition. 1--_ _ _ _ 1 a J):11h• Pilnt Clr1~~Hil'd ... or beauliful oce1111 vie\\· Agenl, fiiJ-6._1~89~--·~SS _Sl-:LLS_-642-567!_ Ad. Cnl! f..12-r.Giil. · homes. 4 Floor plan!! & FANTASTIC BUY '""' """•vQ • Hhf •~"•Ufl N •"U' \'AIJ,EY RF.\IJ"Y MACNAB IRVINE ________ ,.,. ______ ~ PANORAMIC UPPER BAY VIEW t\e,,·1~ decoralccl CJ i.;tun \ ··E'· hon1c in "Enrly Bluffs'', LJr!(e liY 111 g roo1n ,,. fire- place & bnr. 2 belll'oon1s. den \I' fireplace . 3 baths. $89.500. Jack CuSLer 642·8235. (RI~) BAYFRONT DUPLEX G o rgeous bu)fro11t 1,· l\1 0 slip~. Unbeliev· able 1111-tsler bedroon1 \\' 1ntts3ive fireplace & fanlnstic \'ie\r of c hannel. Open beanls thn1ou1 -close to IJench: $159.500. Carol Be rry 6H·6200. IH 111 --------~.------ Irvine M.enelt•ltVIM AMllyComplftf tDI Oov.t Oflv1 &42·1135 loli!•ol .. , CLAY I. POllAN : Q l90r1an-Je l•!l•n al lh• /-,,..--::::::--.... ~-, fav• K•a1t1blPd ward! ta- law 10 li;irM lov• 11mple wo•dJ. I Is I· D Is 11 c r l 11 r1ct il ; I H A 8 C T I ~ ~or those of you wlio aren't , 1 J 1 1 I' · ) loo l.tm1l1er w11h Ar.ihs, thev're . _ _ . . _ 1he people who ge1 up from I Ike bed in 1he m0fn1og and 11 •. ~ __ D_l_P_E_T_I _ _., 'ake the -with 1hem. ,~, I Ii J J' J G te...cii.t. th• thuc.k!e. QllOlad L-L. -L--L--~ • ....J.L....~ by lill!fta '" •hti "''u."'9 -d VOii d ..... l'"Cll'll "00 ~ l b.,low. @ ll•INI NUM6ftf0 l(llEIS IN IHfS( SOUAltfS •• • I'll~< .~ ........ ~, ... , I .. ( ... ~lot:~ f """"""' { "-"~ settings 10 C'hoose from. 3 Back door to beRch walk Bclrn1s .. hll·in kiteh .. l'\Jstic w/tennis court adj. 4 BR 1- ""ood .~ tile dC'cks. Close to b8,y vu. Lo~ ta.>,;eg & cozy I l•>11·n ,ft he11th. All llOndii itarden patio. Now Slil.000 C.\LT~·. CLASSIC · Popul11 r 1 p;dtl . ~·inn.ncinc av a 11 . I II Q Su " " 1 Bl' ( 1 ,. 1•6 •00 ....... .,,_ """ c~s. urry! pen , n. 1...:;. \ ,\ n~sum.'.11.Jle loHn .d~.150 Southeos~t Pac1f11· In~. -.-. -~ .. -. "1Y nlO·i. ., l' ~ '. I • :· "' -''"'"""'. . 4':.S Via Lido ~ord. 6T:>-7~1 I.• To ~('e l'nll Bl\!\. ll'i ' ;.;.:1 • 494--0WI • I M1ss1on V1•10 1067!' \A ASlil'~lPTIO~ -St\1.:irn -------l'n,·~U~t> :irt!n, :; Bl:. p.i01. MONARCH BAY j B\' own!:;•r:,.; 3Blt house Air :! st;i.. <'n L·I flli''l)' nrcu. 01111. A ~Pfll'tvu~ garden hon1.-wl!h 1-ond. i\, lnr. S7'57 11101 l'r \Cl)' urt.\lOu!-1. i.u;n, I '!1rnt prlvncy. \\'ood,'(j lot a.~un1c lofln $7,000 do'A'IJ, oo.1-:i&il. ~})' room lor Ji..YJI. 3 S37.895 24111 Barque r o, ourn1~ .. 2 l).'I ., fornu1I din. J'l.1 ii!llon Viejo 49t--28ll REPOSSESSIONS ""rm':ER Assoc. Newport a .. ,h 1069 for 1nforn1ntlon 1:1wl J0<11lion nf lh<'~· rlU\ .~ VA lin111~J.. 1105 N. CO!l.!t H'A')'., Lal{UnB l'ontact . 494-1177 KASABIAN f"Olt •ALF. BY 011"'.'IER , I I 111ory vi"". chaml('r, 3 + Real Est•t• 962-464-4 fnn1 I'm. 3 ha. Top of thC' ()\1 '.\'l":R n~"l''· ~""..~'..I~~ \\.flr!d D1v•1m.• forces N.I(' ln11na.·ul:11" 3 h<'lr"'. :! 1~1111 V.-1.~I() ;\f/;\I i. ~ r II tl r 1 MONTEGO MODEL 4 Bedroom•, 2 Bnth U:t-lo! ne.xt to C'n'\.""nbelt. HARBOR VIEW HOMES REAL TY 8!~7111 ,.. 49t-t369 12t:~ 65V(i66lj I 11·1th hlt·1nc, <hd111:1!1hf'r, "!'~~~~~:"""'""'""-I lam1ly l"nl. frplC'. Big patio. \\"TU:-TlV\DEfOr"-1.i_it-;r;; 11 BLUFFS CONDO. At~. 2 bo111 acN' "· brtc S'\.'!,9;,0, JlcArh hrni~ or lncotn~ bc-d, bath split Jevtl, W· CAii 91>2-L173. 1100.cm ~1ty In leas~ ly redec. By ri•~r. $48 • O\\'NER l\tust sell ~BR. 2 DA rommt'rclal. CAii A.gen! 5.'t>-6600 or, t'\-"1'!'1, s.u.as 3 CalifomlR Clsuic, 1 1, <7t4l lli~l UDO SANDS: 200 ft to the n1llt'i1 trom be"t'h. rounlry • $~.soo. Vitv.· 31'\R bee.ch. 3 BR. 2 bl. nome. kitchen, front & re1lr liprlnk· • Sli&.YIO. 2 h(lm('s 0'1 lot Prlv. comm. rec. ma,. & lrrs .~ more lor Sil.~. Oet<an sldl' of hw~·. Red to $49,500. 833-<l093 ~16-3960 Pl.ACE REAL!\' 4.'»-971H SPACIOUS ram rm, 4 Bit Newpotl 1e1ch, C1lllornla 12&12 () ~~·~~8~N~~~E l~ITE,S I j I I J J I H~c~~nglt~n ~o~~~~•• j r.~~q n~~~~~~:I'~~~ ~~~~\!~~cio~6~~ l·!J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~i:l cOnuO:ntal 'or, "i>~I . 1 _;1tnt 1·rnturt' ~L1-4i1"9 l'\'C!. 1 's.~l~I ~H!~l~e~l~1e-ms--w~ll~h-•_o.J_l1 -_.:5:.:C:.:R::A:.:M-c.:.:L:.E:.T.:..::S.:.A::n::•:.:w:.:•:.:r:.• ;;ln.:..:C::l•:.:•:::•:.:lf.:.l':.:•:.:•:.:l•.:.•:.:•:.:o:.:BG::..._1 DKR. !"'"'3-7i1 I, l!\t'. i;.·,1 • .;Gli' I Don't-glvt"l1p I h<' llh.ipl Pilot Cl11tsUl~ 3d. 6@..5fij ' Gr: " VO \\'i 3 ' ft ,. & " N ' Ii i T I' ' r , p ,. " " v • 6 II " '· R c, p p N 0 3 N ' c ' I f . . ' ••• ,. ·. 1;J;;;;;;;;;;;:+'.R::;i;--ra;ili'1-;c""',,,-"7:--.---:=r,-,,-_,.,,....,_,.""',...,.,,_._,,,., --.,,..--_,.,....,..-,....-,--,,,---,.,-.,--,-,-_,.._,,_,,_~~---~,~-----~-'·10nO.O-. April J:> lq74 DAILY PILOT 23'° ·Newport BO;<h 1069 A<rH•• for .. 1. 1= R IE I t w Id --Ho u I . h·" H u f • h ' (··· u I "'2s A F -I----------• 'llN ea a• • n . ,TIN , UM• n um1• -ouu• n urn11 ea -01 n vrn. ,,.. 1 ~rlments urni1hed Apo1rtment1 Unf~:.... I Apt• Furn/Uftfurn 3900 HAR OR VIEW PALM SPRINGS \\',\~'T'F.D: Ruy dlN"Ct fmm 1 Corona del Moir 3222 L-.uno1 S.o1ch 3248 SH1\RP 2 111011' Bluffs area,: Sen Cl•m•nt• ln6 Huntington Be•ch 3840 J O¥o-ner. BelOOK l 1lnn d l'Onrk>, l'M.'111·ly dccon1 1f'll. QUO VAOIS Ill ~ ~·obomei ani~)\~ Hu.lliJ up t<> c-ig:N. units on dupl<"li:. 6 7 3 -3 4 11 or 1 1 MOVING ALLOWANCE CR.ES0.:'.1-'T UA Y Ant:.\ !~'houl. 1u.n, 2'; bf.. 2...-UYf'S for l't'nt l · ~ llr, I Fn1m $11.;. ~In. Bo11l·hr\11ni tu\\~ act'MQI 10 8 priVJ1ll' tlK"M-1111"0 nne locs. Only (213)<&~; $100 olf 111 r.10·1 Rent. 3 Br. A\'All 11U111' 1n July 1~1 blful)I, rrph" a1tncl1 2t·iu• ~·r Y Sr ,,. drn, h1•11h~l !'101. UNDER NEW ,\ ~ l~lmi.' l.g, 11,.,11, . .1 i•~)I teonlii ~ JY<il fftrlliiy. $23.00J for both.~ Out of \\'A!\TED-lA:aH'/ optlOll of )NE.."\V 3 UR. 2~ JJ,\, frpl , Sl75. t:ll3• 28i~ \\i't'k· 111· rlixlr npt.'11t•r, b:1lt'Oniell, (,'Qftljl(ll'l)· turn k ('lose ,,, MANAGEMENT 1 k J••1-ut1.1 1.11111~. \1111•')1 (.'D~I scl)()(Jls all t·lo.M' b~. l' 0 u n tr )' O\loTlf'r 111·lll a f\lonaro or Caml("I ~lodl•I si:nr, 1u.per nela:hborhood. endl', -1!>-l-Ol89. \k'11., bt'ltu1 '-~II. pool, .Mon ht-11.ctl C:lll ·1~.l-1700 for J. HI: Uhri,, tw\\ I} ck• .. on11,'11, J l>nll 1 ri 111<·1110· iin 11 ,t ,.:1". ~uboniln.<ttf'. 1n Bren Harbor \!\cw Honie. $3Y}$-~. 6T.rlO'i6/61l-2925 2 BR, 2 UA. f\o t"nd CICIM.' Iii d.ri'" lo nt•1~hbnrhood .• It J dt't.'ul10>. t'lll:l l{Hntl{l'!i S.-but1ful HH(J. H"• r••otll••n tiJfli.: \1 • MONACO SANTA ANA liiJ..0216. CottaMeu 3224 b.a('h, bt111 & ~ho p 'i;. tu~hion _l~IRnd ~PP1'1JC l11nd1'IMPltl£ ~pill.>' 1trea.J fi1ll r 1'<1111 p1 .... o1 ..:)m. 111•N~1 6"fliutUul dKlgtlt'd tv.o and \VANTED-lA'Alie/Oflll'lll, in S.'ll!S/~10. 4M--7079 1·c11tt't'. \\,1lk lo h.q:hsi:hOol Ap1rtments. Unfurn. n 1·h1ld'~ i!r..:iun. lo."' 10 rn1, 1n1~•·r·•o1i11t.M1r l(ih h1·n. d<on hOme "'Ith cathct.lral Offitt. C"Ondomlnlum sltt on Santa Anll H"lgbt1., pref n TAKE A OIANCE: 2 BR, Laguno1 Hillt 3250 k i·hw·~·hc:i;, ..:all 8·..> ~127 3".l11."1pln~ t· M'hl~ Chlldt"-·n t.illi..nl .~ ~.u11" r111. !.v1H•io. t. t.'t!lllngs _ $4.50. bt·~I art11 of Main St. Ir& loc. 673.ro16• Sls:i. Gan"-.... · l\lds. ,r.:_ •·\"~ att 7, !Wl-D"J:i.S. Ba Ibo• Island 3806 u rk'\Jmc. ~ 1150, If t\\J ans 11~· 11, 1!-•UtHt.'. '1"l'Urlt\ 1:111•· 1 Coo~nu!ve 0\.\-nl':r ¥.111 cur· S~lALL BUDGET? $ t 1' :i, 2 f\R /.: l)c>n ro~no. z hn, • . • , ., 8-11-73~1 \\'/\\' ~-u.: , 1 J•I , drp" I''''-' MONTEGQ I')' lt1ri;:c. TlJ -Al>klng kid$, 2 Bedroon1, Kllrtlf:C 1·rpt~. 1lrps, dhl i?llr. f1Q')1, WATERFRONT \:t.\R1 l.\ ~hr, 1• ""1 · lrp1r. ~l••n !1 ~!. I h'I.. \\, ,, $l li),000. 11,.1 ALI. \VEl..CO!i-1E! ~ Bil, ., . ..,.... ., ... ,.~ o i'l"I •with SLIP. 2 L1r9• IM:!v.y 1' "''· 'r~·. ""''rlfi.: ~'10\''ll" \LI "\\'\'"'·-+ H<•1ui11\!\•1t ~1!-"1'< I Gr;;i.clous fo11r bt::'1:1roo111 nn<' \ _ .......,. 'i'"""· '"' ...,.,.,., r • '' tirl<1. s::T./\10 llj'l 0 1,1· ' " ' . ·'' '· \ • ' .,. s!OT)' with a forrnl'll dlnhu.: SAN' JUAN, SI T.i. Giirdi'ncr ::~SBOff bedroom-.. 2 111 tMths. nwintl r,7:,....t"-~ n G'f'.i.-4~2 I .t 2 l~H l'lt I\~·'" ,\pl,. l ln··r J 11ioin . Outstandll\"' ,.i:uii Momeflnders * S47·9641 L N' 1 1 3252 C 1 d y -'. _ _ '" l•1·1i. h, 1 rp1" ,\· •h'p~. • • ISLANDS • -aguna gue 1 r P • 1• rps. ery C•pi•tr11no Bo1<h 3818 •l·h11h1 , ,.,,,, ,,,,,.. ,,,. VIC\\' lot. $525. Hou·-Fum'i•h-..i ::RB. ·111.\, fan1 1·n1. !>l•1u.:• ' t $500 Bk " .... sv "' Pr IV• e . · r. h.11.,,.n, ~·1111111111" i•\illl 1\!ll('f'k::\'!1 ltu11 undcvr!nJ)("d frplc, 11ulel & 1..-oov. :!~ 2 en. 2 BA C'(ll}(iQ 01\ tlll' golf 833·2560. ..,.,,. "'" ~·n•t11 ,,,, -·~···· ,.,,,.,,,;! ...... PALERMO Thi' n10~\ IPf'CIAr.llll'tr ~phi lr·w l mu1er ilt>(lroorn in to111•n. Stunnirut tu·n 1tntv home with mflg nifil'ent 1 u...;. $595. ("all 6i5-7225 . ". ,,, ... ' . \'.\IJ,F \. RI \I.I\ ,,.,_ •~'j, M' .... ~ .~ ' ... _,., ' ~, ..... GRAND OPENING f1ewport Bay Towers 1 & 2 Bl::Ol?.()()ilt CONDQr,;!JNJL'!'ol 110:0.lf:S Bayfront Homrs Boat Slips Full Security lllgtirlsc Steel & concn-tc t'OIL~roction Private Bnlconic.s 2 garRgC i;pnccs for n1oi;1 units. Roof lop SUT\d('l'k Unusual Opportunil.v t o Purchasr R;1yironl P roperty in Nr,,..·po1·t Ben.C'h. ;no r·ernando Rd .. N.B. 675-8551 WATER CHANNEL ON 2 SIDES \\'iU1 your own 111er /..· fl rol on 130' of \\'fil C'r. A £0r"Jif'OUS 3 BR. fAn1 nn t"On\·crtlb!c lo 4rh Rltnn, :? lwi, :?.001 "'1 fl hon1r. Li.:. p;1ti'l 8.: n101'\ t'or an unlx'lic1•ah!t' $129,:;oJ & in hrst l1JCation of l\e"· port lslond. Call fi.1().8672 l.istingr, Needed \\'lllt"r orienlcd n_·son. 418' G•n•ral 3102 l\onir. s.m prr n10, !4'(,. <'Oun;e O\'"rlro1k1 ng tlw Ink•·. '~ · '"-"'au \'u·v.· 3 lilt 2 ' .:..:;;.;:.:..:;;.... ____ .:_:~ 9ti7-10Z1 S:l.00/niu. C.ill hi' lore ~ PL\I HA. b:.llxiny. \·1111.~. tlrps. ·'I'' :~l. 1 l\lk \\. llf !\1•;1~·h. l ~~~ l~r.~~~cii':i~blf:! 1 BR House, $Sj utJI pnitl. 'l , lllR llOll$(', $UO 11"r n10, SIOO 6~itnfl. ' . llt.:!\'TISCTO~ B ('a.<: h, 5 1 ,!1lt·111s. S:.~/1110 ~\:.:> .!!!_k ~:.."' A'.J.,n1~ 9ti(\..\,,_:.J prnpt'rty. $115,0CIO. BR. den. $165. 2 BR. 2 BA.1 t·!eaning fN'. r.> Pt!ls. "'-·f.s Mell Verde 3263 fLnl'i>t VLlltt Pt1t'lfi(' 3 HR, I Corono1 del Mir 3822 NEW OUPL EXES '.? KH Tu11 nhou". lrr1l<' ""11lk lo hic11ch. S:?Zl duplt'X. n.><1 JS..i Pomona :n, H,\. 1tblr i.:11 r .. h~ 111a."· ! l ~, bft, J)ft1\.)!l, l'rpt~. drfK fl\•!U s: . .ol 1 !;I~. rl'u111 $19'.:i Crill 6T:>-7225 Alto 11.alk to h e o. ch. ' . 1 llARHOR \'Ir"·· 1..usk. A\'llll '"~Hit 'r h'n111:. 1·1s .':,: 1x1111. O~:t.UXt: Ill"'":\ hr. ~he. nl! ll\\'. Ip, 11 11lk h• !..:·h :! BR l'ool. ll'l1111~. 'unLl111•t11io l Buchl':lor Uni~, NB $110; j Ult '1 ~ H.\ TniinO.•uM.'. for jpaSf' 2 Yr'!l $.595 ~In, ~~ 2110. ~,!. )r 11:.c onl} i bltn~. Ir~~~ 11~k l•I ~hl)Jlll: /..· ST..-.. ~ llH 1.>~.• 1.1111. "" ,~,·11· hL'rMkl.1.,1 . .-..•p.'lr:.i.• l:1nu!y ' ' ' -· ' ... ' \'\IJ,E\' RI \I.I\ Balboa. $lli. Cd~t $110; HB ~lll~.;r231r~· !rt;!~j $.125. relt'l"Cll<'f''i. fl.'l!lllf'f'<:I. 3 IlH. • 1~~1 d :......:_'l'1.-2Sll, l.•»<s · 1 bt.•llch. S:\1.1. 61J-2')1~ r1u .. ,1,.q.;;714 1!1""11 ~f\! "lln ."('1'!1011, Cl1•"'t' !i.> 11hopplt1g $9;>. A:;t. Fl't'. 97!i--Sl:D ~ ~ it.I 1 • . ! '! hll., nf'llL!ih B!ulf~ hufll1'. Tll•: l'\l.lift-'S. '.t Br, '2 1 ~ H.1. CfM 3824 ~.!J ll.!111u~ \1 1th-.\if--!&ii!i!l~•~""l~•~'ii"'m,'~'~"!i'·~'6~ll!!!ll!!!!ll Lo1gun• Be•ch 3148 '"·'~A..~T :: BH !louse. Ir.:. Sl9j ~lo. on 1,·a·''" '7P'~· driis, Sl i:i: 31? \'l!o-1 ;1 °' • es• ,Sl :':t up::!.· 3 KH . :.! h ••. ~it!~ . ;;.;;~:.;;;,..:o;.::::.:_ __ .:.;..:.;:, ( S\:i6. Al5CJ 3 BR, re<ltt, t .r-1. AGl-::-01 G t·t-761J~l Sun'lt'. Ph. 21'.\.Jjl~561 11!1. ,..k. I .. \ :i.1A:"\'CllA ,,PTS '\'!'.;Alt HOUND l{E!IOT.\l •• S 2 _\'.!Cant. A.gt. rtt. 979-3-1:.:0 M'••s'<on Vle'io 3267 7 p.ni. l~~I ~lflr•i Kiii l~11,., :'[1.11·1•-...1-"i 1\<tul1 i.:11 nll•n aprs Bit , •· A -1 T h 1 1 11 1 Cll"•f' 111 !>IY111J1h'" & hr>11rh • ..... -....... -..11n _ ront Huntington B••ch 3240 own oose Unfrn 3525 " u '-'"•'ll of GJ rl1\·ld ... Apt1. for Sale 1300 C():>;O(). Adult-only $:i00. -1'\E\\' 3 BR, 2 BA Tr)""nh'«' ''6..'-,,)1 l.u\u11•'!1' _,l\:1.; i·rpt~. Wti n• • a1~ ''""~~ , '""" ... " " . '. "'"' ' ... -~· c;,:.:.::;..;;:::...:::;:.:.. __ .:,:::::: Ill' lll•'l111!·· 1h<h11 ;i,h1•1". t.i.: • • • Fl'l::'-l i.ri.·~. Cl.EA~ $1JO. L'rpt!i, 1[rps. 111r11,)!lo!. :"\'o ~TJ:>;r:rns R,\Y 2 HR, 1 ~ HEl)lt<K•,\l '1 hath.~. 'I•''"'' ' Ill Q • I 14 72 ACRES ,. n I RID ,. I " I""" ,\ l:l' 3 " 11r 111!1' . Newport Beach 3169 I Hit. l'cl:-., appU s 1ie1J1. S~'°' \JO. llll·l:::W. a, · 1111111.: an·a, ·11C' • 11.11ntr.! n• 11 olr.11"''· hut.1 1 .. 10,L~-1 • .: ,\· :: Bit. t lfll LA·alcd in Vista area, 600'· POC'Kf:T P!e11~r! '.? Bit N I 8 h 3-269 P a lio. ron1pl1•11• ll.•f"C•fr11:. 111~ \\11 lk l•1 llu11t 111i.;r.•11 I "" I" '""· c·,,~ r, \1~•1>'>' ~· <"le\'ation. Litihue..; 10 3 Bit, 2 BA, o~ f~ h.1y. St80. l\1tl11 nk. \\'a:.ht>r ewpor eo1c ---11 ~hr/dt;'1'r, 1 .1-;,\!"~:. S21>i. (.\ 111 • 1 SI ~1 pr. n10nLIL 1i:'.':1 "' .. Jlropl'rty. Jdca l for 11\'0f':J· r\r. \'acht Ouh. S-IOO yrly. hookup. rnlh llu~ ~'li:!.-29.'>l Evt• !liq-~'..\\ ••r '"·2 "11'- do and r it rus. S4CXXl !>t'r 6T.rl:SUI. l!"\\'l:'>l·Sl't •. .\Sl l!:: BR. k11!s,! BIG CANYON. !Ifill-I~.~). P INECREE -.~- ' 'D 1 1 DI 1111$21' ~\\'T\\:>;\"l'·~..._ K {11~.Z.Ul!O,\l'L.;, a.(·re. · t o .E RE.\l.-South Laguna 31 86 '1()11, rp c. ·1• I VIEW HOME ·'.· ·· ·· ·• "1· • r ·00i LIVES UP !('..'1-1 At1anti1 1_0R, &~·"811_ nr, eves & I I Home f1nder1 * ~7-9641 1 ho't'.lrt-int, fan,ily rooin ( 11 l'h11a, ~ 1or 1.:.1r. pool, S l.'2 ,t '.I 111: pnl' ~"r. I"''.! Sunrbty, ;)>~,i-GfG2 2 UP. nt'llr br-a<~h·.,~1('1" f1~~n1 i VERY NICE Jl<'.lnlr u·/p.,..,1. p~111_ni:: i.'l"l'<'n ~~o'l. rn1h ~l\-91:1.1 I TO IT NAME ,,.,.1.1.:.;t.1l'r,,~ oh)•·1·, L'lo~•' in Commercial Prpty 1600 I Ju_~ ~ 10 ~-ui;:~ ~·· fo~ ~I :(). I;: Bit 2 B.\. :1 ~T.• O('\V, l ,t,,. 1.,'0l fro.u rsf". \ 11:;\V. l.OL~ Duplexes Unfurn 3600 I o,~~r '.iOO 11111 lrl'l,!ll !Uld 11} _1~ 111~ .),~--0 ~·l• c ---- . . :ll:i<O l~t A\1 . :-.tJul h I~1 i.:unn J_.aild .. 1~. epti;, ilrps. Lo\'•·ly i\hllt-r fi..l.h~2:'~,. !ll2'!J ~ln.'1111 111 v.ilh ii·utrrfl•ll" :\E\\. nt:LJ;XE -1 plrx :\\i'ft! Bch p1~r area.. 4 lot~ C· Houle1 Unfurnished I ut•fgh\•·1rt11Xl!.l. S:l9-J. ask 1 .. r PARIC NEWPORT t.'N.'ult· a rcl11;...1n.; i.<:>!!h1i: fur nr 1!111111n;:1n11 11.•rl••u1 :.' ~ S!_,.111 PlaCI.' 1:t~'--'..'i1l7 ---Tl!E ~;X('ll'!:-.'G P ALM MESA APTS. \ll:\'l'TES TO /\1>'f. 11<'11. JJ.i,.·h. I ,\· :! Hit: trnn1 $1:17 .\•l11lr~. Xu i'l't10>. !.«GI ~lt':.;.1 llr. • , hlk.s l f'l)ll) i'\1•111·port Bh·J 1 ~1 IG-'l"® ], Gen. r<•1a1l. nppr, 3-~ sq 1 [);\Ir. '.11;.".--liilr. APARTMENTS I yuur srn<lo.IUJI 111>11• J. 1•r '1· 11!!, 52111 , :1 HH, 1_'.JIJ C1dl fc. hl_d~. 80'.Xl sq. ft. lan_d.12 1 1General 3202 SJl,HPP \D' S'?!JO ., Bl' 1 1 , C . Bachck1r J flr 2 Bc.!rnoms bt:"<lroo111 1qw.r1n1t•nt. Fm111 1<17·1 i)<.I; -----park1n" spa('('!'! Sl!ll 0()0 · ' ' · --" tt-11 1) 01npan\ ll" ,. I 11 -· ---· · "' . ' · mn\'t'rAAtinn pit 11'/frnl. 1."18235 '''6100 1111dTu1•nl~JU~•'J1 ,., unuiuro• tt\.ut11 •' l l!D 1:111 unfu1n s1 .. 11• -lf'll'''' Ill I 11 S:'J,00& '111 · O.\\.~. lst. ..A.LA R.ENTALS ::Ol'HFEH SPEC!.\L' '5 RR , -• _..... F'r $1~ '.ii Op. n f'l.G Dtu)y 0,flu·t-npt•n 9 t(I t11 f;•OO 2300 H•·ln.t: n11• S I.~" ~1 ., 1 • • • ' 11111 Jl 0 11 <t 1 '' l-orn1cr !.~Valley mkt bldg. ~""II , . rni tu l>c11.l·h' _ __ __ :ipa l't•'is Tcnru.t 1 ~itlt\'JC\\' ltd. Lo~la ~h'!<Jo. 9t.()..HJl 2 i:;·1nJ1'n bun1:a.Jn,,..·, nr o.·i•an, ~2 '.\lcladden Pl. !'B. Wf \l'ICl.t.tlU •tot UONICI !'1-:E· TI U~! $1% :? BP..I . ~'UR:-.' 01? UNt''UR..'IJ f\cross fron1 ru.,hlon\Jslar.d Pt'IOIK'. :>1; •. 2~. ~:;~;~a.11t~n11~~-·1 ~0jf,..;.!j!l'......::i1'· 8-5093 f HOUS1s i::1r112r. <ippli:u11···~. 1-.ar•hluffl 1 nRj> 2i' Bn.,.l're n1 Jan1bo"lrt·r ""San JOlfi,uin :· !.· ~ BD!t~t . 1~rri1lr Irvine 3844 " 1 B t• 's 1 ~· EVERYTHING BUT 'A ... ,,,, Homefindert * 547·9641 I i~,: il~~~nr;ioo 0011;1~~!u::: llills Ho;irl . \\'l'!·b.1r. f>rn·t. ;.: a r ~ i: es : PARK WEST 1 • l"' r. rnn ,,.,. SJ>cn:dallle. Tax s h. e 1 t c r • 1 I JI .. DU'lS. nt-· \(.J i-3'.iii) fl 5 Bit J .s; ·11 nn RKR . 6-3.:Jf..t;J (71 4) 644-1900 ?:r=-·-~up 5 :i 2-7 9 i" c•r Rooms. 4000 <'ap1tal g111n.'I, pr1nw JI)('. ·' • :.q, · · · ~~ · 1 · ·-'-· -· CLOSE TO BE CH ;,,,x.1,4 .. 11lr G p111 APTS ----------S:ZO.<m o .... ·n. Realonomlcs ~IWl"Olf & IAT, CM . t42·1lll BA <'X('C' hnnlr. l.g lo! .t1..::s I H,\HllOI{ \'u, !Hit, ~Bi\, nn . A~ 11 ----, • Bkrs 6T;H;700 OCF ':-.' \' "' ·B ·h Sl50 J, ·•nL f.,r 1.-.111 ~•1.1r:11.:•'-S:1 •• 1. 1 f'atk I blk to pool bcnut Br:tn•I i'.:c•,,.,. I )!•lu.\!" " JUt, J 1 .'.I Bit. M'Jllt., rlrp~. hl 1 n~. lrp1 . Family Apartments. l'P.l\' "ntr 1n• r & J1.11h , ·' • 1 1 ar · no\1 11,, .,., ... ""'ll · · I '' 1 •ll•I ,,. ,. '''' 111,,. I 1>\·1 "nr •n .... 1k 111 rlV!>f"I• 'J. r.-1 ... ~-n·l1 1,. r;. 11rl1•n1r.n NEWPORT BEA I L.~na. ufll pd. pt_'! nk. 1--.:.....":!'""''"• prof t!c~-or .t• lr.dS<..l)ol. '' ,.,n • ' "· l' ~· c:ir '',.~1." \r. . · :.i·~ 2 Bit, I Ji;1th 110111· 11\•ulluhll CH ·flrGf'lP.<.;1-:01·~1Hr,S!lfl JRR.ll~1 .bl11ns.frplc.ft'n("· ~11rdr11cr, ~rt 1,,111r, Sj-;;,, 10 IY'!'ft"Rtlf•ll f.· ~his . .11 1 61'..'ll::~· 1 111 ~· S l~" fn11nS:!'!'1.011t.:uh~·r l)n\<' prot \\ ~\·~•;• \Ii·~,, 1-~il~t Ba)<fi:onl Si;(' -llR's·l BP. $1 \(} ~nil cf)mpb.: «I yrd. nn pell', 2 childttn I ;,\Jol-71&1 18rh SI llU. 8'1•-'.l 9:J7 jusl "fl S:on l)i1·~·1 rni). 5"-IS·~~j(lj ··~•'r'-· ----- Bill ~rundy rc:i~: ~1.'": 1;.tl .t: child uk·:J'IJI(." <·lusl' I t•k. l·all bet 1 & 3:'.'.£1 only LO\"l--L'f '.l!FH';l!llOP.Jl()til") t'Oll Th" :-;.-.ptiL<.fl•·.11r. llntg • 1-:1.~I <;.\1!11~_::-.s Al'TS :l\1l~ P1;rk\'ll'"". l.n ;,_j2-!lo'Oll ROO.\I" SJl "k up, ,,..,,h .c:.c::.='"-,::::::.._~7~"":.::.:'~"o I ~l'DIO 2 hr I ': ka S:IG.J fn<·d :-..12-:;:n~ I 3 Bl!. !>l~1l ~·/~n1f" •mom. lll·<••·h :"\t'1' ~Bit,:! H.\. dl'n. l'nlun1 I Hr. SJJ.;, u11 Lagun• Beach 3848 klll·ll'·n, S:lO "'k up upt Condominiuml pa.tKJ & gar. At!ult!i. !"!=-'GLES or f;iniihN>-~ llH l:irnily rm, '2-':: AA, "''' har, ._...)Unlry i..1r1·h~n, hL...:u rlOUs in 1\dult!I ~ ... .-1\nn 17i t:, :•l~!l7J."1 or t:>l.h~7 for s1le 1700 \\'OODSE\' 2 hr l '~ Ba ST.J ilflu.se. bike 10 beach. 1\l"" J llarhor \'iC'\\' nl'f'~. (0111111• 1'.r,pis ;~_r11:1•(. 2 t'.ir garag('. t.!nd 1'it . ('ill. ii-!2-:!Fol:i Spectacular FO i~ En1p!,1y1 •d '.\J on Kit<'h -~...:;:;;:_ ___ ..:;..::.:1 \'1<'''" Nu C&D. pc-t ok. \'ar. BH. likt" rw11" S21J. ,\i::t. pool t:-.;tras: &H-;,92'2 _S,l2.i_J.J l-'•i7:1 -·-A~TI!Dt: !,{~I-: 2 DH-.-Ocean Vu Townhouse 1or11Ji.;,. sr,:,1iu.. -+ u11I. l STORY COl\00, 2 BR. 2 Ol.D Chai:n1rr.~ l1r ~d~I $300 J.·r,-.. !l.,__Sl?JJ !ilt,\ND r\~\V S-l'.?5 :i RR , '! S~'i\CIUL'.'i 2 Bit S.·p. houw. 1'1111n ovrrlook1ni:: 11 n n I . \\'alk ru l~'llfh. :! BH -+ d<'n ~.1.'l-(f,16 nl"1111n>:"~ Qr t'\'e~. hn. \\'alk to shnps. C0t;la !f('('S. IX'.lnl '' 11. Pt I uk. LO\'FI y 4 Bit 2 r \ (' l Fl\ r I , II I II '1 ha, 1·q1t.~/drps, hlt·Ut~. \\'/\\', blt·l n~. $1&:"1. A!IJl,, ------. i\tesn. CO~ll-"Y 3 Br. 2. h:t $)ill a .. I l'f'\1);11·1. ~?'"". ;non~l1 :11.1;:1 1n11r., \1.;1N!ro~~· .~· 11~. ~1 '.'[',;1~'. •'!lt·I l't'/1r1. )l.ilui:•·. A_dult!>, r~~t~. foll-!t.l2() -+ 1"'! hJ11·, Ille p;1110!>, l'U/( Summer Rental• 4200 S.t!-6:\49 ~oodarcn,k1ds&pct-l'IO\\ . --~1 " ·1 ~· ·~···~2 ~.l"l '-"" :'\'lf'h1h or 1-'l.•.joi"5-;1lli9 or , \R ~ 1 .. 111 1·ri11.•.1lrp~.a1u1l11uu·t·~ lJJVEI i' 3 Ir 2 bn $280 JIB .ind .x1h-.. :<.l . pr. Jo!~. ..,,,,. ... '1. fr V'" ""'' 4''1 r I It J l' ~l/ ~I·:\ .... : It .BA Hl)I. s:r.o 11 ~·. l•l'll!)([ Ill"\.\', S.13.J pt"f Ill() Olli !.lf>ll JSl.E • lfo·u~1· Cnn1 p ~ ' .'' ~ • . t'XI. 14ii'.'i. -· (In' (' ,, . 1111 l1hJlll', lrpl•', Pfll!H, 1.'""'· !>:16·::~n:1. (1f Sl7 .. IS71. 2 Duplexes/Unit' nr heaeh, 1-1 .1ict ok, J:llr "' RR, 21wi, fq1ll. 1 1n1. 1r1 ~ PHIV\CY N , .. ~UR 2, ~12-:169.1 rir Ari! c. 12-;i; J lu1"11. :l Bl:. h1, t"rJllC, for '.le 1800 GORGr:ous .1 hr S<MXl/yr\y bch. Nc11• p~in! k erp1l'. $280 SP'\'(; LASS \'if'IV \11 11\'l-I. I "\ '1 I . ll\ ',' ,· ,~ !'IHl!o'la J.11.n<. Cns!A ~1 ... sa ~ l!H~h~ t1trr {'(,'t'!UI •. 1 .. , ·kll . i\1 1111. .lunc-St.•pl. Crl'l I l ll 1· "" 5.31:·~·~ RR .-., ·ro C:! I I u•' rp r, KHr, n<I)', \'IUY, I I I 'I;.,'--!'"" 6~J.-"''_. --'--'----.;.;;.:.:c " l'P c. ,a app i !I, !itt '" r n10., l)-. '·•· 111~ni B.11:i'v' \·1~1:.1 in;~, ... ~ r1111io SZi:., G~t.i-1 11 ·1 . T THOl'llAI~ 1'f10L-·1 \ l•·I•. l•-!O. c:.rr.1ii, -·' ~11~. ,.. ::".: ·N'1 or ' ~·c·''-~- 11 Ilk I . HOUSE + APT 110"·! 2 Bil l' I'\ . I I "'"''' l lt•[J·1~. S:l1.:i. 61.rbl l'.:1 l'Al .. \I Sl'Jtlf\'1;s lun1 :l Br. P•;~·~tc ~!>~1~~h~ 1~1~~:i; • ::.o ~tAN'l' TO OIOOSE Irvine 3244 sr1<u"t .. ;s .... 'rrpli~.'' P ~~rt)11 ,.,,. J'fllil U11>". 11.·1'.-.k. 1nun1h "'ith alt nlflll<"rn anienitics. NE\\' 3 BR. 2 BA house plus FRO'.\!. GIVE L'S A CALL'. \\'ater & Ga~ Pd 5 llt-JIGX :-.;t '.\l!LY iw11.• 2 & 3 UP. .:i.i 1-1fll.Jll '1r_fi::S.-\fl6.~ you \\·ill love this home. 3 2 BR. 2\lt BA Apt. l'rplcs. $ LANDLORDS $ 2 Bdrm. 2 , .. , ,.,.tud~' ,-,, l . . ., 11 h1tr-""'lill'r \'!""'• block rn V . R--1-----patios. garagt"S, yards . FEt; FREE. Call Us Today. ,,.. ... ~" •· i'.:r. !\rw I .~ _ R1-. bltns, '" ""h 121~mi I l· n ~ i: acatton ent1 s 4250 Br, 2 Ba. Lrg Llv. rn1. Ne"lJ(>rl f£eigh\1'. &1&--4414 SALA RENTALS$ new paint ('pl ...•....... $::00 1 drpR, l't"fll. fl')OI, frp1, l:'ar. 19-t-.111U "r <&9~?".39 I ~r:~ k~~~i~1~· bl~~~.· 2 d~ I p I lOOO Nt-i,·port & Bay, 642-."3.X:I 3N "'Solnn;..:._,l1i Pbal "'"""' ,:dulls, nv ritls. ::~6 \\'. u ... y. --OCEAN-F RONT l.~~~:1 J~~.v :& 2A1~~}.t·c .. ~1 ~'. ncome roper y -LIVE HERE! r . .....,.151 ai.a • ,, • .........., I C'.\I . .. free7.Cr, ref. "'/Ice llUlkt"r.J ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--·:1 :1 bdiin .. ~ ba LU~1.' A 1 I' 1 . . 011 JT1\att• lif'11ch. 281~. 2 1 Ire! '.ll:1.;93--0.1t7. Ne1\' dishv.•shr, \\"il.Shrl rl"-·rr. Th 11· 11 ••10 P . oo. Jrtl'U'Z.l l, II,\ "'.'0 '1° '·I-'-R -t 1-1-h '300 ·,J r 1 011 s ........... · +» rt'n1 lrn·I. all utll, n'frll(, _ ·~•• . .,or.~" en a s o I •re ,. Lrg privarc patio oU Ii\·. Put ".'our $$ to W~rk. 2 Br. \\'al nut S.,unre • $2-10. 2 lxlrm .. 2 ba. greenbelt f'n cl ,i:11r. S:!'l."i. No iicts. 3\j3 Mesa Verde 3863 rm. Offt"rs indoor/outdoor fn\·•·st 111 these 5 unit;; in 2 Br. Laguna _ \'it"I\' . S:\.!7'. loc11t1011, JOtli o! t'Xlras , . $..12J 1 Haniilton, &i:,_1111 \\'O~IAN, :!")-:t1: sharp 11.: lh·in1;. Close In f'\'Crythini:: lluntLngton Beach i:iear tht" 3 Rr. CD~T -Rranrl ~l'W·$3.·i0. 2 bchm., 2 ha. & den !'->ll'~l'OINt; 2 Bit & PRr'll'h_'\I ~ \ltJ~lE .AT~lOSPllERE ! sinartly !urn. C.~1 hofiH.:. ! 1 n \\'t"~t Nt'\1·pon. $.'ll.:iOC!. ·~·t•i111. !-:a.ch unit has 3 Br. Nl"\\'PQrl l~l:uid. S.1i!'i. home. t.:nh·crsity Park, '"' 1 1 1, 1 1, JA.lu '" 2 ,(,..I BP... lll"ntal 0 11.' I t'1n·pl. bo:am Cf'lhng. OWi o SC'C. C'<tl! for app't; 11'""Pi"<• bllo" "a r ba "' 1-mm -1 .. , i•nru·s $360 .....:n g:,rr rn 11 P oo ~" ., \I .. -"'!°'I ' nn 1··, r~l""·I .. n I .,, ... 3 Br. Univrnitv Park. $.".80 .. v •• ~ ..... ..._ :'lrc>a. $2M ilO \\', lllih !'I,_. r.1.1 . ;1e.-l\\'C. ;)~ 11..>' ' • ... '"'"' 645-06·11 nr1'0nlac.:1 O\\'fl('r in 11isposal un<I dish1\'aJ1her. ~Br. Harbor \;i('w !'olorutf"'l. 3 bclnn., 2 ba . Ne\\' Turtle-r :'>I. Newpo rt Be•ch 3869 \VANTJ>:r> il1atnn:-Sl raii:hl Pa.Jin Springs: (7111 328-323.1 Sllfl,000. l'lon·t delay 1n $-1.'ll'l. rock duplexes near high n1r1lf' !•1shr1 llr hi(· 6.· u11t EASTBLUFF !>f'cing thi!I propc'rty. CaJI .1 Hr. ~e'\\'flOl1 . Virw . S.l:'l. !'.<'hool. comn1. rec· MARTINIQUE APTS. * 2 WEEKS FREE * C..1 !(' hl·h, llB. Slo.>. 96'1·~ The Real Estate Fair 2 Br. Shol"l'!cliffs S-19~1. rc111ion ............ _!390 .tj.(t Z & 3 HI~. ,\IM1 P1·1\· p11!1t•s G f ~ 4350 CONDOMINIUM 839-6133 or 536-2551 3 Br. Ba.ylronT . Slip -S~tCX'I. 1 hd1111 . 21·, Ila, 20.ii ~1! Pool :>;r. :.hp~. ,\•hlh~ •)nly. Vista del Mesa ~es or ent 1':!85()Sq.rt.-Gbclrn1.,3bnths 14 Br. lh1rb:ir Vlr1v -s.;1:,. ft,neWL"Ondoon~l\'Cn· I $MX'l !133-J.i').I I li77 s,,nla 1\n;; ,,,.,. ('~! \tit •ITC\Rli~·NJ!OC\IFS MINI WAREHOUSES f'tor 5 bdnn. & dl'n). Coin-4 UNIT APT. B LOG. 1 3 Hr. Camco.' ll ighlanrls·$~7~. Ix-It. J)(lf')\ ;1nd 1rnn1.; ·· S4.:..0 munirypoo ·· 1'.Ar!IEIDR •1P10 quit"t mnn I \li.:r 11\ •:16-·.:--,..11 '11tVl~F,~V F '\T 'ltE:s \ j STORAGE plclcly rcfurbl~hc<l thn1ouL G .. ..,1 •-nlal arcn & ...........i in ·l Br. FR . !\<'11· -Tt-nni~-S;,9.i. 4 hl!rn1 . 21" ba t.:n.l\'f'rs!ly j San Clemente 32761 Clos~ in_. t.:111. J>aid SlZJ LOV ~.LY :lRr. & ri•'n.' :! ;~11~ \!o,1 ;. 1'11 1 ,,.. n'i~(:onsi! ,,~j;, Your eholl'e nf noel\' Cill'J>C'!· '"" " b...... · 4 J\r Sandy hay bcaf'h SliffJ P,u k. JU~! l\.'f!Cl01at<·d, 1 -11111 G~l--Hf'll Bil rl . 1 l'f' s1·~1 2 Hr SZVl l No Z..love·in or f\fove-out 1 1. 11 vest.mt. Costfl 1\lrsa, four ~ · · .,,_. · · 0 1 <'IJJ f'"\~T \~l!Cl\t11ll"' liff~"BR -----1 UPl>f'r ·1n~. i·nrp. /"P"'. '' • · l"hA.N:es. r·ron1 S7.50 11Cr ni;, 11e1\' :ipp 1ance~. sc · BR units, Inc. $8.l!l6 yr . Tl)-' 4 Hr. L1 ....... ~ urnisherl • Sl·KO. t.: 111m rt'Crea inn · ~ : ' ' ; ' ; ., , · Co5ta Mesa 3724 quirl Al't'!I. lfith l'!aer nr !111y .~ \1~111 S,...runty, Pi.fl! month. l'IC<i ning dbl. O\'t'n, garage J('YY,. do\\·n. SG.i!XXI CALL 675•7225 CALL 552·7500 J 2. ~i,\; on~ ~,,If 0011~:.S1 · lnr~rj . . shoriiini.;. i\Tr1rrirr!, o\er 40. Jar1u1.1, H•'l'. Bldg. ,,... Px<'r-'lla.nulton & N'('lll']ll.nd ~"t.. lfB 1\' ele1;. OJX"nl'1., \\·ct bar, end Wesley N. Taylor Co. • VISION • 1 l~'i1':~ 1 .~~~4Go"1 ... ~,jy,i.r·~ Unbelievably Beautiful r-:o pets. S?l'.'>. &\6-2-114 1·1~e rm. billlat'-1~. 1·olor,T\' ALLSPACE ~I~ &to ~;~~~ue~'.ly S<'=:: RF.;\LTORS I ~;,.(~.,'.~· .. ·· ~ L V,\J. IJ'l~~it1':: Gatdt•n Ap!s. BitJGHT, l.rg 1 BH. ,,... ,111,s, ~:'.1 . i\1it'. has dlsh~·as~er 9~1970 . 2111 S.'\n Joaquin Hilli; Rd. • Adulls -1~1 pt·I~. i-1vv.·crs crpl~. go.ra~''. All N!orr~ 11frlc, ~h.ii.: • 111 & p\\ p;ltH• "7-.---~=I shoppini::. ch111t.1lei; & l>'11sh-Nr,,.,lJOM Beach 6+'-4910 Red Hill Realty 1 Hses Furn/Unfurn 3l00 e\:cry"'hl'P'. .. !"1rc;1n1 , & clt'IS('. Qu if"t bldg for m~1tuN.• or de, k. Offie;Rental 4400 ion lslanrl. Ourstanding ** 8 UNITS** Jt'>'l lT,. 1•.F' ... 11 .ror1.: • -·~~--·-·-\\,,1o •rh1ll . .;,. r•(ll. f.l'r. rouplf' 11·/ nn rhll1l rrn or ;,i:.,.·l.tJ.1 \•allK', t'(ln1ptll't'! Sfli,500. Cnll ·' • --~ J{1 n. l'auna. Si.:ls 1·2 B<lrrn. .....1 .•. 11;n11. 10 . "'"~ ·'"l HliS SElt\.'Il.'E TO L>OOH NE 64 1-7193 10 to ;,, Hrokt"r. t.:nh·. l '111·k Cr111,•1, Jn.inc EASTBLUFF I ,.~ ~ "" "'"' ro J W HAPPY TENANTS 1 furn.t.:nlurn !nnn S 4 2 · •. . • • . ... e LA PAR ISIENN E9 Plush (lflif'f' Bl1t1:. 2 111 ij OPEN DAILY 1-4 OC:EA'.'11' BREEZES .; Bdrn1.;;. ::1: bn1h~: f:in1 s~.E 11': ZOCO Pan;uns, , 1111-. \ICTOfll,\."\; . . ... . , o INCO~IESl,280 Id If N I d nn ihn rrn· riilr· XJni 'i42~i0 +-BR 11/i.:.1r.1 1 ,h".Adlt~ 1&2Bltlinfun1.Sl6.)&L:f.1 nn.~u!tf's. •nfi•rcn1't>l'rn, 1806 PT. RENWICK PER 1\fONTH ea or ewywe s ,. 't th 1· 1·.. i ---· I ('pt/rlrp/bhn~. fnC'fl yd ,,.,, Allt>!f't·tti('. Fh~·place. X···mxenp1!.'r.;-.;"t•111·0 .C.a1r llarbor \lie1\• Homes; 4 R IVIERA' R•EALT.Y 2 CR . 2 ba .. a!rv>n1I S.").I I ':','1" "1 .1~11"1 . ..,r )11 1 11 \I $30 WEEK & UP patio. \\'Ir pf!. G'.'.&-1121) ll~·atl'<I. P.-.nl. AiltLits. p.-irt S33-'.\6 1t•. bd 3 ' G d H p .1 '' 1 '1• n 111• t'On1•• e 0 R ,.7 1. ~ .. 1.. llf.-.. , 1 --,-------mis., , baUis. lam. rn1.. * 642 7007 * a r en om•• S7fllJ Furr1 . S-">.'10 unfurn. I• "n11!!l10 ,"1 l_1,1 ,,_Apt.!!. 1 1 ,,, 1c1on~ . f ~ · • · • •·' 1 1919-1:!6'111 J l1FFIC.:l:: llparr 111 ~uh-lrav· din. rm., bonus rm.; many • '.l Bit .. 21~ ha., ualk to elen1 I Call: li7.J..?.G6.1 6~2-?15.1 t:vr~. , "' · 1111,. -~=:1·v1i·r•' l·:.1 • l.llG 2 Br, 'l 13.fl , din r ni. 'rf'O!!.<: mtu J..'ll ~t'311 fmn1 f"t1mn1rri1·ul urt !1rn1 extras. llUNT. HARBOUR 4-PLI::X 'S ,t-Jr. Ill. P()l'Jl. 1enn1s cl ~. • I honr Sen. 1~ -ll trl_. PQQI J i·pl drp, I-I\ ref. ..........,1 -~[.2 ~~~~e_. _ l'p 111 lifl ioq ft. Caxl r.11,• GIB WALKER 1 hlk rr11n1 Boarctv.·alk Shop-* 145•0111 * avail. ll(t · $.11!0 • ~'!.611lt~)'('rt & I c~Ht1°(:i.i Adult..:, no 11e t i;. s 1 7 o. •:-.:E\\'J-if >HT 1 s LA~ o in Irvine Sky Pnrk Ctrcir REAL TY 67S-5200 ping Cntr. l~r o 1v n er ESA Bonus Room Included 4;.~~n &i-'~9117 • &t:>-S9W l~uLIC. 3 Hr. 2 Ra. 11pr. lrpl•: I ,:-on1 t~"":.. 979-77:'\c. __ _ dep1'C'c1;1tion. XlnL t ax WW.111hCOSTAM J RR., 2 ha. tou'llhOUSC ~ · l.POr ~ '~:\\'F.P.? Bit Apt. (;l""lUl]•I hilfll!l, Jllll1n. S J;1 0J~!O J\'E\\' (l~"Flf1': • T11-o n)Om~ shelter & appreciation. {2131 LANDLORDS FREEi hUl(f' bonu~ rn1. $.18'.':i llEt\liT t"UR:>; .. ' BR lots of ~Jr'.:.r, · l~r~ rms. 1 Blk lt'\'ln<' Yr_a~l~·· b 3 6 -6 9 !\ 8 .,r l:t x 1:1 aud 10 x 12. ,,11 Wt ·It( )J1®.C1 l1111)<11 1y.· " ' ' ' . PROMONTORY BAY Cuslon1 11·tttt'rfronl lo! In plin1t' ](x:a1ion. 1\pfll'O\IC•l plans avail. for insJl. f;7.).6!ll0 3i6-3-t"4 "RE!'TEll.S::" New. New · New hl!·1 n.~. JYVll, "alk to ~hop-''""· :"\'nOul1tren i 'l'ts. !lei" l-l'~'.!011. utilili•'~ p.dfl. SJOO per DOLPIIINREALTY l llR "I · 1,. l 3:>0 p1ni.:. 1111. lmrn heh ... """ll-II .10,T n111nth. Co<;ta ~11•§n area. You Cc! ,\][ Tht:! llOtL'i.CS .. ~ ),t., c n, ·-LAGUNA . GUE S\;il 931 \\' J9!h St I• q. """' ,.,. ,\' r l , ·~7729 ur &12-hlT.! HOUSE + TWO :..\·aih1ble 101· t'f"nl in OU H J BR .. 2 ha, gard>'n t"t. S3r:J j • N ! L , IM!-rq1~· · ' · 1 1 1.J:. 2 BR, i.ttirhn. gHr, Nr Cll,\~:"\'U. f{F;t,f BULLt:TIN l'PllATED 3 J RR., 2 bn. air·<"<Jnrl. S·WO I l.olr ~O\Jr!IC t rontiog(' . .i · • S , itl!i; , • 2 Ur. '2 Ba, "''I l>-1r, JYIOI :-.;E\\'/'ORT Of>'l-1CE Sl'i\CI-' 1-3 BR, 2 Br\ l lou!IC plus thnesi u'Ci•k. 4 BR .. 21~ ba .• 2fplc. $425 2 F:xc1•pt1on:1lly nii·•'. u~r;ul· S\IALL bao.:h(•lnr uni!. ~urn, j.11P~~· u 1, · '~,,' ~~(!· .!29J slip,;. s;,;i0. l<·a.~c. l)11r1<·r :-;f'ar !.;;y. 15'\-lHtl sq. ft. 2·2 BR. 2 HA Apls. Patios, Hom•find•rt * 547•9641 J C'd 3 BH. 2 t-;1. l.,.•ndn.;. !;11!h n'~ln 1orn fr1t•i!1 1y. so::.. in<J. 1 or 1~"1 r.. 1 .. · ·1 • ;of!o>r 1; 1;7? 2");7 4~7-1 2\j fn>ll's, yanls, lau nd ry, al 1h1• El :'\lgu"l Country S~~J See. ~111~1 he o\'l'r 40. J· Hit. l..:11p.-:r, r a11 ... ( ir .. , •. 111 S . . '. .,.. Aara.gl'."'. 64&·4414 1001 w. 17th SI. Santa Ana I Oub. SMO ~lo. 11nfu111 .• s:;!~ ;>.rin tl rinkel'. j \ll-16f,i. ' l~·;u•h !:: ~1 <1r ..... Adult~. !If\. I l"~.f{ 2 Bit 11r. Bt'ai·h. S(\ Dt-:1.t.:XF: :!'J..l ,:q /t. •)!··. c ... ! l~UN rrs-Eastsidc, Costn LANDLORDS! mo. il<'111111tully furn .. 11.·i1h -. h 3 I f>l:I~. Sl•W 61~·!1772 r•rr1~., ;"11101.:. i~•l.u~1_"•. 1111 i111v, (d\1, $110 J\I• .. rolnr T\'. Uptlnn ft\'llil 10 Huntington Beo1c 740 po •is. $27.1. )rly, li·lb-1 ~.1 Hralon•n?11~·>1, llkr +_)7.'-,.1\i'Oll O\\~ER Bluffs 111,nh.sc. 1BH. 8 ~t~~T~~7~:~ ~fl'sn. All 2 \Ve Specialize In Ne'IV(>Ot't l l;uy ar tc..-lft)"s lo\1 IJl'l!·cs. $40 WEE KL y 1 h~~~!:'1 ,~(f~~~· cr;~s, 11ri::: \·1t:\r,'1 BH. 2 hn.111!.l n~. IA( NEWPORT BEACH :IBA Be 'Ii S{ jlha Bn. con1cr loca tion. Beach • Corona del l\Jar • BAY & BEACH , . J 612 IMI ' re }•I, :-.;11p1 l h;hT ~. t\\'a1l \lay ~·1111 . '<•'I h.1r, pr\\· 1.11 • "' . ,1,0•• bul'co'"n'y."'s'4 "4 :5406~ 'l'EAGF.I?. RE:\l.TY -556-61.TI & La~a. Our Re!}tal Ser· 1st \\'estcrn t,;ank Bltlg . REALTY 67s.3ooo Ex ecut ive Suites _ -1. 9'.l7--07i5, 21.1-J,f.4-~t!",9 .11 B. d D l'\B 6-..6lGl I vu:-e 111 1---nEE to 'l;{lu! Try lini\'f.'rsit,Y Pnrk, Jr.·inr : 727 Yorktown Blvd. 2 Bit 11111. crpted. drapco:t. --~ '·"~1 c r .. 1 '· Newport Heights 1070 \\'kt-nds or all 5:30. 12 t.:N ITS-f.:ASTSIDE COS-Nu-\'lt'\\., Oo1yl 552-7000 Nights 1 P.AJ.. l~LE, ~~ .... ·!y i't'd<·t" 2 &a,·h lil\•rl. 11 1 Yorkto .... n pool, SIG;. i\dull~. 22:11 So1n C la~ente 3876 ~1~1 · .... suill.'~00'.l-~~.utal,1 .. Ne wport Sha.rel 1072 TA !'ofE.."-.\. Ref.rig, . stove. ·NU~VI EW RENTALS I ~R ll~t". 11\·a1l Sun1n1cr ur• 53, •411 ~laJilc St , Apl r , ~mo liir tlfwtnr 11 u n l Ing t 11 n crpl drps $1850 income \ l t rnm l\I 11 6T.i RJ.ll o-v 2 BH. 1 1 ~ Ba, c.u-p .. to'<l 1.n11!1 n~. !'iMi-1 ~2.l ., Sl6S0Cxi Q !643-4030 or 49'1-3248 2 Bl{ Condo, At_C .. ~/n1? ry. 'roy "· ,)-. STUDIOS & 1 BR's. PHJVACY ,,.,., .~Hit, 2 BA, dr .. JM''• lrplt· & ~t o\c -~=~~1 LIKE NEWI ! !::!16!1.> · · ""·ner . fREE Fitt.E 21:1 1tConrto.A c sm&s2.i~ Condo' Furn 3400 e l''ull kl1<·h,..11 1 !rpl, l<!arag(', h)lhJ'. y<ard, t11~h1.1kshrr. r·nrlo~ ~;,r -1617 WEST(LIFF, NB 2-Sty. 4 Br, 2 ha. Up;;rad«I '.\IOBIL Home Park 1 e Profrs.sinnal Srrv!cc e 2 Bl? fnndo, AC S:!J0:-1 & $Z75 e l£eated prorJl 1 11;1t~1. SJ!f~1. 6~i--;1 1 .J 1.111l•'r f/11. S215. 1110. Cill ~1 ·, i;q fr. & l' l ' 511 -:,01':! ~~~~\;. 2\\1~~ 1~arbCo~~tl~ Colorado River. Adj. 1~: *LANDLORDS* ·i H6"1• llr:i1nit·s · · ·. ,s~~: ~~~ 8 8Y1,""1·nt"r. SLe'ludcl~. 'J·urn 1. e Launrlt;• 111ei1!11cs 2-B1F"-1.1uplcx. In: lnl'ri ·19'1_:6471 -r1 ... \s . ..: s~:1.1~~~12-~~ii'X .... H f'nd * 547 9"1 · t I on1rs '' ~ · · ...,.,., f'Ofll "· 1. lll'UZ/t e Fn•p utlluit•s p"llo, \'<'!')' JI' t. nr ~IC!l'l'!i. :'\1':\\' GAl~O t:'.' Al'TS. - --pools. S7'3.9CXJ avt1il. ome I •rt • u.. 4 BH llollH"i ..... $3ll & S42S pool &. beach rlub ptiv., • 1._ ''"'"' 1 Apts Furn/Unfurn J900 CAYWOOD REALTY For''n Co Roallor 642-5000 ca1·1 ' I nPft' "" nif'l', 111111~. n<> no·I~. f;.j~-5.192 2 Bf{, 2 p.,\111 . $19.'J 1 . 1orn1a.s ....... &rst ·I BR Home ........... $..)00 hoat dorl< A\'1'11, Rh-In, 0 T l' & d 1 ,. * 548-1290 * l-2 BDR~I hou5<'!!., pool, E. •Rental Senrk't"!e Jt.A:'\_C_~H RE,\LTY D.\\I., St\·, n>lng,. \\';1l!•r • ,;1r:n:c;('1U sen. aviu' D•n1 Point 3826 l liRsiJ)~·\~:.11·1 t.~~~fi1fiJtl• --=-----""--1 COl"la f\Tl'sa. $67,!XXI. Roon\ 2 BR. Country setting, Sl20. *JJ1-2tXXl * \ll!W. $2-1,900. llunt. llarl-:iur • 1... l ---------~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 10 add Agl 64Z-481J S 1· I I 3 BR I .. _. :?13-:r.12-2917 -.. o~e S<"n ' rr DA:"\',\ Pn1nt· l RR. 0<.'f'lirl :-.;t:\\' 2 Bit. 2 BA. \'It;\\' · • P It eve "' .,.._11e. TURTLEROCK • I ~!Ill' tn 1X.-ean V!e"" V;1UI!(-• '"-an• '''' \\'A!\"T snmll trailer park in ment, Sl90. 4 BR. den, Condos Unfurn. 3425 0 \V 1~ " ·;r . l 'aryu·r ~ .triq10·~ Sl'.f.i. [ --,. t'XChAn~e for13 unil~.L.;\. i;11.•im,pool.AlMiJ8Rden., r-;"cv., 2 Br.::! br+, Frplc. 1 BR. $155·$165 I . rAn N c1' •·1!11T2S'lilufter6 e ~ t-nrlln Co. PJtrs. 6-12·5000 JIOJ"S(' R.anctl in C11n}'o11. C'l1'1-"· (try-.~. 2 car gar , use flf l\'f;\\'POP,T lf'.F.ST ('O;o.;oo. NF:\\' DF.:COH. Priv f.!1trag('. 1 '2101'_Tl"· 493-Gm~ Sin Juan Loi. for •• I. 2200 i\t,'1. Fl'.!t". 979-3431) pool , n11n1n111u'I n1t1in1. y11rrl . VJ ~;\\' :i JlH. :l'~ 13,,, Ire Lndry rn1 . Ne\11'r Spanish Huntington B•ach 3840 1 C• .,,1,,no 3878 Mobile Homel for tale 1100 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE: SILVERCREST MOBILE HOME 3>' ;...: 53', 2 BU 2 B~ carp., dni,ped. bit-in.•.. rrfrig., w&Sher & elect. dryer. wlred for 220 air cond.. kitcti. clock, l!Orag"e &hed, land· scaped patio. Three yr!I. old · like nu. Localed In llC\ll' sdult pk. (h\'{I.)' frotn nnU;)' St. Ooo--hnlf IJ,I. fmm club- how.c:. f'.erlua·'CI 10 $1 2,!}.iO. Call £Vl::S. 21~, 697·7152. CAN BE SEEN AT: CRESTMONT ESTATES )(t.jl Sit(' Or .. llf'l'll. (Cmtrnl A\--c, ac:n>M fron1 Bn!l!i Comm. !!Olp.\ Lot •46. CONTACT RAY, PK. ~!GR., for showlni;. ~!UST 8CC 10 nppr'l!("ial,. In Banide Vtl111~ f~11 rurlnJ:: 2 Lg. Br'11, II\' nn ~·/[rplc, tam rm. lrwtry, hll ln kit· c:l'IC.'n. l1tnt11J1tk pr\V. 'J)(IUO. C1tll f'.17>r>.1:'i6 nr r.+.-\.~. Balbo• Island 3206 U!il. J!d A\'llil. 51 1· !r' .. 1--l.'"i:ii klteh, ti11le. 2 five-rt~. f'f"m· /\<lull Coin11l"»· 2 rn-1. Sri. --~P;.;. ____ _;.c,;..;c LOTS· \r,\/liTED l':-0:1VE:Jt5TT\" PK. Ne11· 3 p:ic·!or. \\'(1 bnr, :i ]).ilmnlC!l. of San IJ11·go J-";.1~, .. 17.iO I 21 r;1t. ~II 1>1r<"1rl•'1 l 1~hy,111r. $'J.f(l ,1 lli' ('or"1" "tw i·rpr 11\rough do1i.11 pn.yrnent ,It( .. LIT'TLE ISW\,'>:D • Bil , 2 BA T \Y n h c. ,. . S IYl/~I~. ,~?Yii :i.i~--OTJJ or K~l!<On [.n , lfB. !tl:?-jq-1)1 ~a;~· :~/g \~~·~;: r ;;:.~· f1~1~1 n1n'.:~/ .. 1;•11. l'l'l;·1..;. :! •·11r subordination 10 build Chum1i11i,: unfurn. ·2 llclnn. !1!'1"~1"\"• pool pri\'J. S.'ril. ~"' 6-l.l-... t .:l Laguna Beach 3748 ilni:trin 4 Jiurt.-iur '.too ~11r, r-~11, 1111.1111! r ... 11. 2'112 1 l'\l.!!lOln homes in coast area. hoo1c ""'/frplc., garage & •1•12-i896. Np T RC 1£-E.\STBJ~UF'F . . 1 1 i\dLilt.c. r1n!v, no J) 11;, ,\vail 1'11~ .. , C:;1;rn('I , l'h:_ \Ir Vie\t'll 11r,Jened, but \\ill p.1tio. \'early. Nl:::\V 3 FIR I-tome, in Tunl" c ond'1. Pool .. 1 BR.11l BA. HACll~.LOlt.: full kilehcn, rin""'. <i.~)-t::f,O Jt••to111n. ·~111 1;111 ~~,.~ ron.~lder exclusive areas a...-. \\'m. \Vlnton R.E. 6T.>-:~1.11 Hock. \\:al k'!o""'&hpts .. tenni.<1 , furnlly nn. fornlal dining. ~i~ 11M..-.~;~" 1iJ .. no Jl('tS. si;io.1~ mi. 00 nf llP. '.t BR. Santi An-,---3880 ,,..·ell. 97S.-152.j \'.\C,\NT ! Su""r view, 2 pool. hll!. S4.w. 11"· ply. S-17'5/rrv>. By 0 w n c r · · · '· ,. ' bl " I t -----------... -833-2708 8.12-5888. t:FrTC. :'lpts Imm $50 111·k or lllS, IT)llR. ul'pH. f'OO. II AY 1 BEAUT. J actt, exclu!tlve BR. n,•w 11h~I.!. drp11 ,\. 'd ya rd. ('flrport & lnrll) ffl.f'Ll , home sites Overlooking San p.'llnl. gar. $2i5. Y r J y BRAND new ~BR. 2BA, fttm Bl~J;fTS area, 4 DH, 2•-, $170 n;i.o. Pool, rnM1 . pti. Cpl Ir 1 ~nit f'hll•I ok. nn Jua n C8pl.strano Valley. 6-IO-OJl' m1. den, formal dining, 1._.en-("ondnmin1um. Nr. Ill St-hi ldt;•. \:i!logf' Inn -49-~Sl36. JM!bl. S.\:!-46&1 11f1 :i.]) P~t On.ego J-lv.y, tiones pe-rmlt· Sl!~l:'.l'"':R 1 run 2 •. ~{, kids, ~;:ii '1~~~all''Sl~fEProx ~).c~~~c6tt...~~· SIT$. )t" N ewport B•o1ch 3769 WALK TO BEACH- 1ed. S25.000 per ac .. DL\L pets, !Ing Cl Ok . .::.VU. SJ.;/\\'K 1..:1' l Br " fir lo. 1 k 2 RR, rrpl,,, 11!~. g11r, REi\LT\' 493-115.\ Homefinders * 547-9641 L1gun• Beach 3248 lft::\"T. ~ch .:.:: Bn ~:i Bneh. 0110.: T\', 11;A.~I ~en·. I hllnii Yill \ii1h st :-;,, i_w-ti "PRIVATE SEAOI" 60Xl20' \\'ANTFD . I b..'l!. blt·tns, 1i..1shf'r, ~It")• r. I TI If :'111·.S.A II' x pl1>11~•'. ~"":&-11r.:;. '{·\1-i~•·11 101. Cyprt'S! Shores in S1ln • 1.:sr::1> RHICl\s • 1 Cw.LOm built. 2 bdrm, rclrls: .• cp1. drp~. sz.io. ino !{. 1111 , ~I t:.j,;_,~~t1 .. F:\IHA Jnn:r 2--rir:-2~ Clen1Qrlle. 0..'JK'r must M.>11. J lrt!H.i61 tiomc. u/u· t:a r Pc 1 ~ • OOS.-8711 or ~l5i5. -~rnr_ ' · ~ -' -rlclu~r PQ">l~!d<' apt nr. Pru.·~~ $58,000. Ttrnlll. Brolc· !in-plaet', lit'· ll~k " NB. Bluffs B.'l)' 1-""rtlnf OELl.iXE 2 HI:. I~. ktlf"hPn bt'a ch SIFi.i ~ F1ori1!1. l'r, 6T.>l220. B•lbo. Peninsula 3207 rlCfti n \'1C",,..., 2 clU" 1:1nm;;t. ()UtJ1idc l.:nlt 3 HR 21 hi & h.1, ff'11lr, I tilk 111 ll("r1111 ~.,., 'AA:? A-1 rondition thru~u(l ' 01 ri, or '"'-'" lt,.f• f\"l')('f"I. ~1·nrly ~ ~~~---- CHILDREN AN[J ADt;l.TS l.J)Vf: PARK PLAZA II t•t-.} ,\re,1 Pfy\I. Jfl.l·uu.1, »Auna .. ·n1'<'-•·lubh•1u!ll' l .• .u·rn~NI 1iay C'AI•' (."('Ill. 1-·l'l)fll SJ'() 00 PARK PLAZA II 805 West Steven• !Off Sun0f'M 1•r ' Out of State Prpty. 2600 LUXURY LEASE $350 MONTH · <"uRtm i~ecor. pool . patio. sm . s1;:,...:r1iO. NEAR BEACH IC"ue. $.J,"ll, Ov.·nt'r. 61.i-fitil :J - -• !-"OR S..\l.F' One chol 10th & Bay. O"nt'f'· OU$, '1. Spacious 4 BOtl.\I & ~BR 2 "' lo DYNA1\11C lri;z:. ()c('11nlront 3 1Brnnd Ncw LK'luxc 3 RR.. S1nta Ana S4>1121 ~ ·-~ ~or res. 673-2012 fA~t. ft.'f. + OCNlr\G p_,t. .) • .--. pe.t • crp11, U.ll, 2 BA. Yrly S-100/mo, rrpl~. ltrpt1, bl!-ln~. i;1:ArnL."t'. NEW----i:1ndf!d ~~ :d.:.·~~ Coron• d•I ~r 3222 SuUt-in kill':htn 1-'1rtplare. dTP!'i. PoOI. ''""1 Rllr. $250. Dll)'B 646-710J, nlll' 673-Z"'i86 51 1 18th St, ltB. 841-~7 FAMI l Y APTS. opp'!y, SJ0,000. Grt-1 lrun· '..;.""'.;._~-"=--"'=I \V/\V ca.rpetl. Po. t J 0 .Av8!l r.tay I. 8»-087l Sin Clem•nt• 3776 DOG RtiN Grand ppeninq •• j tlng. fhhing, ~:inter 'flOrlS. OCEA.;'i side of ll""'Y· 2 BR.. 111'/llflr-b-q. An e.'7eeJlcnt NE\\ l !1Jl TO'l'.11me. pool, l BR. f'torn $1fi~1l'n. Crpt~. NE\V 1·2 & 3 Blt"s Park-like Contact l\lel Wrlgtlt. P .O. ftpl., beam <"eiL SaiS !\lo.. lan1ilr .tiom". I rPr .• S25ix Call Andy, dll}'ll San O"mt'nte Re~lde-n1 l{otel d.rp.s. pool, 11:11r. Chllrl & pct llt"ltlng~. Rec. rcOm . Pool 1 BQx Z>."i7. Idsho F'•lls. ldi.. )iJatly. Call: 61~ ~SO MONTH 91'J.S340 n'ft 673-flU2 $79 rio Per ~lonth olc. 3--IZ--0339 or 842..4501 !,lay flfTAS. p811os & . 101 fi.'t.10 1. f\IAKE OFTER. JI V Hilb:, lBR. 2Bi\ fam rm ~llSSION REALTY .fM-Qnl I $225, '-1<>. 2 BR CONDO, Quif't · S~curc ~E.1\' AJ"TS.\\'11.lk 10 Bcur ti. I \otJ, Gn11 & \\'at"r Pd Shag Real Eitatt Exc:hne 2800 11'1 p11tlo & lrg: yrd. land-SUPER Oct>an Vi('11,·. Nel4' p.'IOI, nf'a.r 11 u n f In jt ton F'um-util -11.·allc1n2 dl~lanct' k 2 DR. from SITh 111 $%):',. dnipt'~ & '" lrirthl • t!CRpctf 11.•fw crpls. s 1 .... n11 ru~om :'I BP. 3 ~\ v.·t J Hllr..,,r. Adults. ll-15-A-~~ II) f'\'f!l")'thinft ExtrM ~l:>i!l Star Un; at $163 • dep. \\'!Lt, Trad,. .f·Pt.2';A ln S..n· 4BR Ava.11 Ju11t JAi. )'t14rly, frpli\ l~t·I~:· lrg ro or 1 \\'AU< 10 bl..•h. l.a. nu 3 Rt SAN CLEMENTE 2 BOR;T. c~ ll~r11~, ttl· Newhope M•adow1 It' An11 fo.r Ccmdo-(!quh)' \\'Udng d\stlln~ 11arc1 & garden/ dtclt1J. Encl . 2 Br. d!M ga.r, pntlo, l~nl11. HOTEL Mi Sm P"' nk. S16S. S.17 S. Nf'v.·h0r11•, S.A. s11 .coi. S.12--06$ 5.~ c""'°"""h:..:... 6e:~::o:::im:::!____ lf<'"'l:l"· U!o~. ~1-m2 Artuu~. ifs S8' ~2"11 • 11.a or~. ;i.tAJL ~c. • 11.a•~119 554-2600:.:.: __ I ' LAKE-SIDE LIVING • EXCITING VALUE • Adu hi• Small Pett. eochelor - On• . .. two e R. 175 10 us Me10 Verde &111 01 Adomt. 540 -1800 • 2·• DAILY Pit.Of MotldJJ, April 15, 1974 ,.°'::~c:·=R:•~n~t=a_:-1_ -_ -_ -_ -_440::0.:-1 B0u"•"i'°n•:::,::,~o;;p:::po=r:'-"'soo""''5 ;-I rLo:::,:.t-&·"F'-o:'.'u::n:;d--,5300w".'I rc::on:::t:::,::.c:::J::o::,---;;60;;2"171 apCC1a::,:o:t,::r~t•R::.=pa'.'.1r:,--z60ii171'7TD~r:r.,1pW1nttd7 M&F 7100 Help Want•d, M&F 71 OOHelp Wanted, & F 7100 H elp Wanted, Ml.F 7100 New In Newport! 1 MR CATFISH JOST A ·1 !111 tl Iln<I "11t'!: Ttitih•n(". T't1 tlns, PATCJI J>t.AST1'~RING A /R CLERK Delivery-Sunday Only PAT PLANS (,,ff ,. :-.l~op _ all ~!:ihtl<'~~ :'11;1r S~1~;1h!r+:·1 & 1 u(~lJunnu~ \'1;1'\i 1 .i~ld :1 ;~· 1 1:11: ~9(}';:! J\IJ ly~:ii ·~~malt'• \\'lltllt'tl for li )'nt111g Or1tn~e Qffic4t Furnu;hingi; & ,,.lt't•I 1>qu~1 r~r.n1 , lli•:i!tll fll . .'nr11<nt nn n lliih·rr rll'ut··dO· ••) '' Co. rir1n. i\lu11t h1n•1• 111 Jc;:u11 L)c!;ii;::n n"uoon,r,; 1~ l!'ln,t: '("Ir, Hs f1]11. Lo~t vir. 1\lphi1 Brtn, Electrical 6032 _P_lu_m_b_f_n~g _____ 6_0_78_ I yr CXJ)l'l' • v: lil:hl phoncii. 20)·rs toxJ>('ri<'flt~. \\'E' wlll "r· Trrm<i l\V lable. Vallry f3n~1l;h111"'' 11.r:. •1r i\1~~tt , --~·------Xln't h.Mi, hene!i1s & oppor, fet•llv"ly& 1•ffirlrn t ly ltf'al!y 96::-3. \'t•n-1". C!\1, R<'11'!lrd, ELECTRfCIAN Licf'nst' 1,1· 'i ,~>~ISRf>l.tr.'101l~Gt tor 11.d\'1111t'l.'n11l11t. Conlart I ·" Jf ·11.... !179-ft'f,7 N • -•108 s II h· I .i "10! 1'"' ..: t'PiJtrll. -.a er Cathy, '''ood Lig-hting Jo"lx· OF DAILY PlLOT TO CARRIERS. RE· QUlHES TllE USE OF A LA RGE STA· TION WAGON OR VAN. CONTACT MR. BENTON WILLIAMS. 330 WEST BAY STREET. COSTA MESA, TELEPHONE 6424321 FOR APPOINTMENT. GEN~llAL ALL POSITIONS AT um11>u an o icl' you w1 ,,.. ------o. '.).' · n1a JO !i, 11cntC'r!i, dJ.spo~ah;, turo11i1'Cs, C ~ Z90 proud or. Our tu11c 11·iU 11avc fl';J\)1\Ll·~. nuffy blru·k S.· mu.Int " ttPQll'I>. }Uj·520.1. •l..tiw:uhrs. S.!2-62G:i 1.l/C & ture o.. '1>--1. y(1ur nmrM:'.'y. C11U for nppt. .,...hlrf' c:.11 ...,./f11><1 oollnr. G-d -.----, •• 5 P./i\. Complete Plumbing APT l\IANAGF.HS. 15 units 640-11 •1·1 P.O. Rox •L.113fl, t-~01u1r! nl"11r Hh11"!b!rd 1'a1•k. a r en1n9 <N"f • · 1 2'1269-l in Coi;ta J\lc11<1 . J\Uclfl!e a~ed • E 1 lrvhii-. Cahf. 9~I IJ!llll~ll~~.~4!!>1-!!32'19~. ~l.O~it· ~;11·h. PARADISE ;;;:~ .~c. · 6082 cpl. hui;band '\'1 nin.int. abil· An Equal Opportunity mp oyer 'AAMES NEW OFFICES GARDENING --~-----liy. 1147-TJ?l. Help Wanted, M&F 7100 1 litlp Wanted, M~F 7100 AJR-POR-1' -! '"l Sp(-clflllr.c~ne~tnr11tirin !~l-iPAIR5:, n.11 l;.il>f"'. lle>U.!i. ' A RECORD AVON j·OENTAI:.--Assistant, 3 yrs \ Bureau of Employment Afency :-:o lc:ise N'Q'd. 1-'ull SC'lVi{'{', e L ' L' S I -M Ptrlort.11fs & Landscapt-. J\1on!hly }'TI.>c f'St. l.ic'd, Ask for <'1'P, chfliNiidf" only, Grou11 Dt•ps, i·rpts, inu~lr. A/C, All iq IC on 8 e $.;u,1 fi.falnl1·nan1-e J, S~rlnkll'r ,\.a!t, '.'il\-3388,830-5020. prttctice In Ncll•port Beach, u111.· Sing\<' orr~ fr ~,n~1 • Candy Store Repair. Cail w~Rti-i9 Sewing/Alterationi ~ of Seys .• , iil<'ludt•s &11. n1omlng11 , :!T~ .. '!lO· ·lsL J\JO. R.EN1 • G ear Mfg Per1ona l1 5350 Japanese Gardenff -PUT SOME ZING c~'='--""='22::c.,=~--c--o,----J~A1~isADES CENTER • Beauty Shop E-.:pc.r. Cornplete Gardenll\i:: ALaLd~ ERATIONExS·Ri'sly~r;_1tl" $25 000 000 Oet:oru:~~u:~:~~G or buy DRAfJS)l,\N ril·il. f:>:po;>r. 100°/o FREE 2082 S. E. Brisiol e Equip, Leasing INTf>:LLTr.ENT, foxy chlek & Landscupin~ Serv !163-:i~ v.:ear, pert. •K · I I "'''" rlothe1' Yi/lhc u\Oney in gradln~ & in1pro\'en1ent N('1\•port &·t1ch 357~7010 HOLLAND BUSINESS ~·.:~~t('(r{·:;~ ':.~~~'llin'~1~~.1 b~~ !~lG-072.J. Tnk••la Nuri;cry, T .I 6091 yu u cnrn s1•!Hng ,\von ~~~5·0~(!.1~~ir~;:ii~~l~lr::'. jCan1pu.~·INine ln!c1·si·ction 1 5'10-060S ~AI.ES 64>4170 llCliviiirs !or ynun~ busini•ss /'"REE Spring I.01wn t't-erlini: -'-•---------Safes Produr t!(, F1cJCibl" hrs. in Norris, \\.Jlson & r-.tctlugh rn1111 at hii: bt·n~·~i uri·a ...,.~~or;_thly m11int. r·rel' E~.L CERAM IC T ILE Nt:\\' &· in 75 Days of 1974 your o .... ·n ncightx.1·hood. Call rnr·. 541i--G5ll. WESTCLIFF BLDG. ruLL SERVICE ·"''"' ., ••••• '·" 1 .. ,,.~ ... , " .. ,,,, !l!i<d ... ~f'V" ""-·•-" Ca1J Mr. Howard 645·6101 * Oelpxe Offices* for L1•11sf', 311.1 .~<J. Ft 1·01111111 81/217'· 1 NTE REST llusincJ<s. 12 orth~t>~ plu1o ,.,.. 2 d TD L f'('pt1on area & slonigo'I. Ad ·. n . Dans J111·t•nt fl.I Onuig-l· C •ju n l y ,\lqW'irl. I lowest rates Or.ta9e Co. Call 546°8801 Sattler Mtg. Co, 642-2171 545-0611 NEW OFFICES IN LAGUNA NIGUEL Only 42c per sq. ft. 400 ft. & uJ>. All u1d 111,.J. D·pt~. drps, :iir, 11·1'tl1101', :?7!19:.! Ciin1ino C11pistra110 Snn Llil't.:O FN'r to Avery P11rl.'\\•ny tw·n off. 831 -1600 &>rvlr>i:: I-!arOOr area 24 yri::. $fi4,000 lST k•r S:J2.fXKI. Ull.\ :l. A 11 fl If' Vi: 11 t' )'", Ca. !7!412·12-3141 Car Pool 5150 HI! l~~ f11.J111 Tustin Al'..-. J: \11111". A1·4" 111 'I p.01 . ro !!IH1 t.· Npt Blvd, C'.11. Ph. ~:XECUTIVI-: SUIT!;; ;tl~·27:l0 O·•C'rlooking N.R. J.lrirbor, 600 I ~~~~~~~~~~ sq fl. also 01hrrs !iOO !O J:IOO I: [g] srr ft , Cen!1lll'lt1 B;..nk Blflg I on <.:on~1 1 lv.·y .. ~ Ne11·110rt lost ind Foc.nd Blvd. G-12-4\i l 1 o=F=T=1~c=1:-'"s=P"A"c~F.--c1"· o""'n Lost & Found 5300 RENT. Cos1:t i\IC'sa, J lnrhor · ljl ArhUlls. lkautifuJ niodern I CALIF. ANlf\1AL CONTROL Hi r, n111sic, jani!orial, C!us.'l ,,~lun!it~,t:ton _l1carh si_i;ltl'~ A \\'rilk<'r & )..('r Rldi:. Call, I S.i:.!I Ech,:011 St. :i.l6-2:il\ r;c)l(' Hill, ."':ii7·0136 •)I' lBlh'k Of Jlun1unc Srn:icty) ~>16·5112~. 1\1111nnJ As~1!i'ti11K·e LcitKUc C;1t & 1 ~ license-a\·11i1 to O.C. Airport Area 11 .B. res idents thru April ln•inr l.ndu!'lriat ro1nplr11: ::rnh 11·11houl /M.:'11,1.lt~·. Su ~!casc approx. t.000 sq. ANJr.1 ,,1_, Ji\IPOUNDF:D It,, beg:inninf: .ll}nr 1st, ·7-1, G. Shep, cnix, B&T. fen1. for 10 n\Os. · Xlnt loc. Huxcr, 1nLx. ur,1·n, fr111 !l7!l-2800 Shcltit>, n1!x, Tri, ff'n1. * 1 f\10 . FREE RENT * Shep. n\lx, B&\\1, fein No lease N>q. Dis. offices, .Colli!', 1nix pup, male adj, Airporter 1-lolel, 55c I Shep/Lnb f'up. nlall· ~'I· ft. ln<'l. ti/c, full ~pan!Trr!'!:r. Tl'l, ff'tn . :;('tvices. 2172 DuPont rm. 8. Sparurl, n11x, Blk, fem. 8.t'1·3223. t9 Iii noonl. Cock-n·l)OO. 1nx. \Vh\, i\I. DESK spaCf' available $50 mo. \.\'ill pro\'idc lurnilurc at $:1. n1Q. An s we r ing service a\·niiahk•. l 7 8 7 5 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. 642·4321. OFl'ICE Bldg avail. Ideal location in Costa ~lcsa, Clo~c to all Fv.'Y's. Approx. 1800 sq IL Avail. July L~t $400, mo. 979-T:JOO. .EXCEU..ENT. prrs1igC' loc11· tion direcUy adjacent lo ne1v Lido Village eon1plcx. ,\pprox. 5SO sq ft. $325. 1110., :l-llli Via Lido, N.B. 675-7002 BAYFRONT OFFICES GC'rm. Sht !Ir. B.t\\'., fen\. G. Shf'p pup, n1alc i\lrecloile, B&B. 1nalc X·CRninc, Tan, fr1n, Poodll'. Blk. male. Lab n1ix, n&\\', 1nalr Sl1C'p. mix, B&B. male Pood\r, Blk, fC'm. Po1n .. n\ix. Red malr. Shep. n\IJC W&B. n1alc Greyhound. Brwn & W,. m. Lab pup. Blk, (1•n1. • Afghan, Blond", le1n. Lah/J)obic. B&.B, ntale x.canillf', Blk, Brwn Aghan. \\'hitc, Blk, i\1. Bt•agle, Tri. f•·111. CATS Orange, n1ale, Gr11y tnall' l.irlo Shops nrca. Ne1\ipoM Bf'<tl'h. Vnrious size suites. Phone, 675-1220 Slan1f'st', Scalpt. i'nale AND OTHERS, 536-2513 4450 Busines5 Rental V M esa Industrial . p.,k v LOST -Failh & Human [)('~·ency, s:roo. -J\IONEY CLIP, r.t1111·h :10. Hl'luin prirP: Badly nt•etlcd. David , Rap\{lly cxpundin~ hus111t>~s 12\3 1 429--99.16 0'01n1nun1T~·. Li!(' lndustri11I F'OUND: German Shol'! Jla1r l'nil~. 21~)!1 sq fl .'i: up. Po111to:>r. n1:iJc. Bro11·n & l1nf'l'!'llC'ln"nt<; •. 1n S 11 1 1 ivhitt', \rit. Euclid & 1rn1tn\. 711 \\·•·st 171h ~!.. I \\'Pstminstcr, g.g. :)37-80\•l C'os•a l\lf'sa. !.l'aslng:. Of· 1111 ··:io f)r,.., 6~2-9~97. -·--·'-··-· ------ NOW LEASING Huntington Beach NEW M-1 Best 111ithes to Lori Sherrr on your 20!11 Ha1hrlay, and hoping !hi.' year to follmv wtll he a happy & fu\Jill ini: ru1r. ~lark Estes. ~ Sq. t't .~ l'P !!;i Jllil lo"I ,';· ..,,,,,. lund Sc FOUND: Vic l'lf J.lruntllon & 96()..1970 I Bu~ha rd, Sm11ll female dog, )~~~~~~~~~~ 11·ilh Shepllrrcl co I o r ing , I. , mostly black, rhokc chain 1:>.T•l "SlT~IAL. ('0:0.li\lf';n. I <'!'lllnr on. CRll 9G.~71 ( fl1\L, OFFICF: SPAC:E for L{)~.fcm. Trish &>11Pr, nge ~1 Ir•:,.;;,, 111 1·hl1ir(' .\1ission yri:. (Tessa 1 No L'Ollar nr \'11·10 .\utn Pl.j1.:1. C.11 h>I')' \il'Cnsr. Rc11•ard SlJ. ti•·•'I''>~ .ti ;\v,•1y Pl\11y. ~19-l ftt.,1l1•1ril pnn1i·111:1!lnn w. . l1r-ll" Ca ll l•Wll('I' R1 1·l lo0 CAT· Mflll' orAnt(C' & 1\'hl\I' · · 1 Tig-1.>r ~r l'lpe. Vie. Jl.B. if not * C STA MESA * rl:un~ccl 1\'lll hnvc lo be lllJ/'l . 1'\! 1750 · :!:'t(JO 1ori ft ] t:h"'ll a\\·riy. 91"~1-J!l?,I; 111r!t1.~tt'\~! . 1111;ts; SEJ;=,. FOUND _ Blk & gn·y 1,... ftOl:U·.R r .>IO ,\ ITHbSS__ 1111111• _ gcn1le rll'lt:. Looks f\cr1llnr·Co~t11 rt.·lesa·!l79-fi.11\ I Ilk+' 11 moo. i\lontic-cllo con·· :"'l·:\V ;\I·! :¥1G.::rhlt! Sq Ft 11~. )"orkro11·n J.n. :H()..~~"'11' Sl'P'lp &. OfhC('s, Amp! prk.-: I.OST Pi•ll'i l°lll'Hn 1·;H\1erri 21~ ~ f1hASI' P\\:r--1ra~l~ !lt'r l s l'o\1-. film in hlk r ;o.:ln t lr11.'. nr !).JJ, 1' N)', I f'f1~i\ -4 7 &I p e 1 &11'1-IX'12 RF;\V,,RO~ G73-6."1Th li"OUSTRIAI. ~•nrnce l 'nrc. ~1;:1, .1\l:-0 (lfllcr-la !<h,U"t:, N 8 frl6-1j2.ti Storage 4550 !'!.;\VAftO• lll<1. 'lil)f"WC'"I.~•• 1·1khn1ul. Blk/Gn" 611-00'1'! •ffl\·-t •11).J ~11 f"IV ..-i•:--;(;t .. \<:l;;f"<: "'rlrl+ti r "t • ii I O 5005 \'i• ! 1,,11 . .:..1111 I ,, 11 UI nttS ppor 4~'-2·~; , lJtY.ft BAR J."'OR. SAL.F.: I/''( 1\~l)-Vn'tln-:; m.i lf' At-1'\'f't' ( '~rt Blvtl loc11t:km 111 ~rabll'!I i•fl Orll1?it Hi~h· cttll J ohn 646-<!'928 wuy R:'!l-0179 I • f'.\luh• w i 1 h <-'V•·rythini;. 6'.IS-2205 11.fl. 6, ltohhlC' s I r1•nl'XIC'I. Frc•• <'SI. Sn1 jobs ;iio-7114i. f>ItILL PRESS & turret l .!Vt'-lrl 01' out. J'l(·111y ot C'X• lial'Ul·nlng &'>r"\'H'e. \\'f'ICOITII'. ~2426. 1 .............................. ~ JI f I 1 I I. k Look What VALLEY B,\BYSI'ITER· 1 child. f\fy lathe operators for sma 1·1tf'n1c·n! 11r ! lt" I' Ii 111• 11<: . ExpC'l'lenced Jn pan 1• s I' I Top Soil 6092 Mf f' Pl t Id Call t\1.'>·l:'>+lli usk for i\Jr. Gardener: Con1pleti· ynrd REAL TY ha$ to offer home. C. J\f. 8:)).5, ?-t-F. ___ g_; .. 1ml. ~n ""'Or ng u • f I Al>. '•, '•lo "'81 LvnultlOM & II'""" ('()ITIJ>8ny NO.ONE EVER PAYS A FEE AT AAMES ro·•.·sr 11 lt'1' · p111. m" in l('nance, shrubbt'ry., • Tr"'IP"Oll, * m'tPn~ ~ "lt-<>'i • I r· T · " '" ~ ~ 8-,\N'K paid >ene .1ts. Rpmat1c SPIHITU,\L n~:AOElt lt"t'CS, "('(: t-s l, ;,..,.,.-.,;,"' • t.1ULCJI & • RED\VOOD FREE TRAINING Co 11151 K ttering Irvine lJpi·n 10 AJ\f 10 10 r>r-.1 f.AJtl)f:NiNG s er v l t· 1•, Cull 586-6930 SECRETARY 19~'. e ' · Arlv ict' nn 1111 ~1'/'S. fon1pl IH\O.'n n111inl. Cl1>nn· Xln't 1,Vptn~ ~kUls, sh dcl!irerl ELECTRO 312 N. El C11111ino lt'.'IJ up~. tu111llni.:. Art 4 Pi\J I ~~~~~!!"!!'!!!!'!!!~~~ PROGRAM Lut not t"~s<'n!l11l. THE EMPLOYER ALWAYS DOES San Clcn1ent1\ F'nr 11ppt, rr 1980 1· J[fl) APPL)' IN PERSON Mechanical Assemblers Cn!J •192-!I0.11, 492-91:i..i -' :_'"'>-• I (~--,. I MARINERS SAVINGS Gt'Ol'>'in!! Oro.OJ.:c County n\lg. P •••.'',f'."AN'f" YAIUJ Cli•unup!!. r.urn~·· · .,....,,. f thtil uti!ilC'!I !he n\ost nlod nr A.. Cl(·:in11ps 8: Lite ll11uhni;., <.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~·~;;;;;;1 1 1 · 1.'>l:i '\'emr!HJ Or ltnn. k>cRted in new, fully • VASl::(:l'f):-01\' P.e;o,..;ontihh'. 646--167!i. I crn tet· in quf•s. Ne\\'port Beach 11ir-cond hldi;:., clcs!rts in· Potential $750 Confidr.-nliaJ in Io I' n111 t 1 on J b W d M I 7015 [QUITY ADVANCE Ef!Ufll Oppor. Eu1ployer m If <li\'idual 11;ith expc'rience Great spot tor pen;on \\'hO coun~linf.: .t· l'efL·rr11I. · General Services 6046 ° ante • a e as!lrmhllng s ma t I con1· is looking for g~1h. If 1\PCAHf>:. ln<:Ul'p. A Non· · l::XP'D i\IOTf:L f\lANAGf':R I Uctnlly ponrn!s, Xlnt. salary and )'Oii iut\'(" any R.J<:. or e11· Profil Ag\'.'ll(')'., ti<l2-44.l6. L;in1ls1•11pinc-, Jl 11uHng, P111nr. PROGRAM WIG SALES hfoncfits inc-luding dental cro1l' <'Xper .. helptuJ. Stahle MASSA-G_E_&-SAUNA int:, <.;C'nentl Yard..., o 1· k . ~ •. F.CC"1-'0'1 nlO_!C'1 ! ~'.? > nianagl'. & STYLING pli1n. F..O.E.. DISC IN· niature minded pe!110n \O.'ho ' 0 p. "-·li••t•k for "'OC11.I .'"'-~ '-· °'-'"'tr,..,.\:. I' · I I I k. •-" (I I " .....,..,.. .. -. , . ,. . .. . ·,.'<Jl''r. f11r maJ<>r 1 t"J)f. ~1orr STRU~1 ENTS, 102 E. Btiker, s oo in~ 1vr a career. U.!ls ;Pan l'nQllll(, pl'asanl 111· pri('(>l &12-787, 8Ar.t·Noon, JobWanted,Fmale7050 lh,it ktf'ps:,uui s,iJislogclh· <·I•"·''' 1-co0 tn ,,1 ,,~ .. ,, arl'a. J · b ri k lllOSIJhl'T'1', TV & IOUllj;P, 4"1·100 I' <r " " " " Baker, 0 1·ar1PIY & a + U!\y es . Call llonnn al 96?.-12•17 ""'" · l'le _.., 1 1 1 EXCLUSIVE "ONE Full tlrnc. i'lllnry '+" Cf'1nn1 Costa ~f~S..'l 979-5300 Lite hkkpng ex~. necess. 8.~39 Arlan\," ,\vi', Hntg. f\l'h . Pl.U~1BING, ELI-;CTR!Ct,L, N"'" .. ,-a-< lly O f? 1',rN' ilnre ' fr·ingl' bcnl'lirs. Call aJI C'r F.LECTRIC'IA~ \\'HntNI to & strong typist. tAR/"};NTRY. No "'h too r.tAN ICUl!IST r\l'..\rPORT l0nr11 , 1z1 .~1 ti27-1192. ~····ED •10 ,,~ to ,,,~11.. JV A""'\ completely \\'Ire a ne1v i>.1 ft . "rA •• ~I. "u ~tuHll .•. & I3 /lon1e Jlcpnir, n . .C.I * "l"-6-<12 . YEAR WARRANTE·.o --Bil.LING CLER!\ Physi<'lll Th!'rapy hu!-.hl•·s11. •I' 1, .. ~ .,. , , :'-fotor Saller. &-15-&l..$8; t'\'f's . , • .._. ••so \\'ell S('('ur....-1. 5.'.17-o:;:~9 i\!on. ~-'""'· --~.-------He q' 1! h y nat i on a I 96&-6972. Figure nnll ....., \VC"d. ~·ri JO 10 5 or 2!3-f\10\\' & ~;di,:e 111(•nlhl.~· NEED hel1> at hon1o:>~ '\'c <listribulor. i\lust be cxp'd, ;iiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio[Jleavy F/C bkkpr thru TB ,t, s:i;,..4:)79 nw.intrnanC'f' ynrrl cll·111111p have aides. nurst.-s, hskprs, HOMES" e.cC"Uralt'. TyJl(' 1nin. 6.i EXPER!l;;~CED. C"ompat· f1nanc1al s1atrn1ents. Pay· &. hnulin,. (;('01.,..,, 51&-Gl :l:l conipanions. lion1en1akcr!-. \l'Pl\T, 10 key adrl. Good 111 I I roll & -•••I t''"' JI Prtf'.:GNANT~ " U · b ~7--06~ J e 1,-.a f"slate sa rsp<•n;on · qu,.., "·' Y "" . Lawn Maintenance -PJO 11 '' • salary, Costa r-.1 es a· for salrs & rentals: :1 du~· person has data processing Co.ring, ron11irlrnr1ia! ,~'.u1scl· \\' kl <·~ . "ti~, FULL 0 1argr Bookk<'<'P"'I', that !;l'I~ yuur li,s1i11J,;s sold 711-!!79-1i10 week, ini'I.. Sat .• ~ Sun. exposu1-e H \\'OU!d bC' \'t'.ry in~ & I'<' e11-;1 · ' uvrtlon, ~.v .:><:l'\'l('C .,. -,,,,.., 1ypiug. ha11 k I' u 1> t t'O!l· Jasr. BLOOD D RA \\If: H ex· hl'lpful. Nice offices & ad<if>lion & kL'<'pin~. 110 ,\IF: Jl.EPAJ!l SI-~ltVICJ•: solirhllion, "<'!l. "i ( j e (', RAPID GROWTH pl•aAAnt ""s'."'" in Irvine Ap c •1·<1-t i' 'I"' 0 JX'l'it>ni·t'rl full tin1c days. ... ,,., """ " , • _.. ·"' Carp•'n1r'y, PJurnhint:, Elrr· 96.1-714!1 \ cornplcx. Gt"'t potential for Nc11·port l eaeh arc a . BE~~r i\'IASSAG I>: !N N.B. tli1·::-il, Reas. !'"19-100·1. H I W t d M&F 7100 6.IO-Ol·W right gal. l VIO flv1nr Avr., Stu!"' io:in. ARO CLEANUPS e P an e • tha! JllT'.'idrs yra1 ~·i1h OP-IC-"'c'C''==~~~~- o1)('n 8 ;\.\l, f\1011, \\'Pd, f1·1 ., y .:•.' "309 portunily f\11' s11lv.'ln<'l'lll<'nt. BOOKKEEPElt, Part·tln!e, &wmi•ktem•i«<. ··~ -------OFFICES NATIONWIDE ,,,,..,.,., «lllt·o. '0' Ann . ;,,·>7-W.,;~J. B p · • ':Ji ~-I A 0J N~-,\VF' 1 Gal Ole $700 REALTY Hauling 6051 *AAA etter os1t1on Co11:,1ruclion and Re a I · · · "'~ · • ·· INCRLASI'.: your bustline, 1·3 L' I c II ''" "l' all BAW 01\ ISLAND Cornbo sec\.·/bkkpr 10.•ho can *s,. Sec'y $700 o;,,S :ill\ i1 'K>-t.. .. . 673-6900 * t·u p !lizC's in 2 \\'ks, no f'X· \"RD I I II I I ,. I * do all phases up 10 TB " , ).:'an1i.::c 1.· can1.1ps.11 ,,,.1 ,1 ... ,. flt'<n. ,.,,kt t 1111 n n11·~ you ro iand f' ."'Url( ny. · l'rtlst's, pads nr gin11nil'k1' ri -~ ,, · ==~==~-""""""'"""""'"'""""'""I S«pcr nice boss & ofcs rtgnl c·au .luil.11i111, 8.'::?-427:? r1e11'.0v" t rt'"~· .ir,r. 1\1," l'l'sca1·1·J1 f'.\p. •l<'ilircu. o.ny 1E•X:"p"E''R,.l,E."Nu:C"E'"o"· --Bh:KPH · SF.CTY ~· c BOOKKEEPER 11·i11i on coast h"">" Lite con· 1 r 11',.. ~\·a Y ·' • " u ntp. · *1 Pe•son Ofc $750 P1u1 Tin1e 1-.:xp'cl rhru T .B. Ll~,E Qr J)EATH: L;'lf our SI~ 2666 • hea\'y T?eal l'.:sli•te bnck· struction cxpcr. very help- h;1hit•s live. For altrrna t lvf'.~ ·~-· i\lll1't IJkf' e&lrul1t!ini:: flgtu·c~. no S·li. 5 clays. 6•l:!·2l&I for grountl. Send rcsunie 10 /'.(l, ful. ,,, ,,BORTION C1l!! LTFl': LITE llaul ing, Lite Tl'C'P. i!1«taph & sh. Hc;i1·y phon,·~. OR NOT appl. Box 2~80, r-.·ewport Be a ch LINJ-; 54!-5522, 2.t hr:-. Trin1ni1ng, yul'd ,clelltl·llJl. f;t.~h Isl. Bf\1\PR. \\'/typing ~kills. 9'200J. Free estin1at<'. 539-1736. *F/Chg $1000 Nr. l'l"larina Hi SC'h!. Phone FIBERGLASS Gal o'n wht'te $SSO * l'A.Li\1 -~ C~1rd Reurl<'l' * ,\d/rerlurlion 108'.\1 Beach LOCAL niovin~ & hauling hy Sr., !h111 1·losinr:. supcrv!s" 5. JI you \\'IH11 to h<'.' ll 111r111lwr (nr appl. 893-?.012 Sec'y/bkkpr to e)·e S""Cia.list. ~tudent. l.urgr lruck. H'eas. !'OP ~ in::inuf csi• I t I t --LAi\·lfNATOR ··~ 811'<1. Slnnton 5:l7-3406 ~" '. · · · · · o a 11111111ng l'an1. anr pa1 BK.l\PR for h.t1v o[JlC<"S in • nod<·n· mt•• of It I g It \.\'ill train really sham gol ---Barrv., 5'.ll-1:!35 or 539-94.)!I· *S • $600 J t 1 I d I,«: "' ''" ·" & !car rliminnlNI ec Y o a na ionA <'01npany 1st(' N B. Exp necess. Call tor pcrfornlancl' products re· to do i\Ted:l·Cal if she has \\'ORRY IOl'C\'f'r 612-!'iSOl call nft 6 p 111 , LIGHT llAULING AND C!W'l"r[ul. 4'<1mJ1<'1f'-tl1 , nu sh, n 11 rh1• A1n(•ric·a11 ~!OC'k Ex· nppt, &l()..()iOO. qulf'Cs expt:•rienced persons bkkpng skills & can type f\·JOVING. LOCAL OH.. . hcal'y phone.~. f'ub!1c I eha1lf.:O:-~Ben: Enrl'rpn.se.~J. BOYS & GIRLS i\•ilh hand lamination skills \\·eiL • S.1~9J e *MTST $650 !hen ~<)!! 1111 (' Jr 1 .. yo1u·s1•ll . _. t k I . .o.· & I ·1 ·==~o"-· p . I· . 1·. G 1 rn 1·all fur u L1.lnUd~·Jlllal Nr11"!>pajJ('l' Cilrners. J\l1n . O \\IOI' or C!Ur :v.1 an11 Y 1 ................ I~ ~10V INCi? Local furn. or rrs11~e .11< 11 m, .001 inlt'r..·iell' · i•t.:•' 10. l.frlO Isle, BnJholl 0011.t opera Hons. i\lus! be i::cn. haulin~. j'2 FL furn . lwnef1ts, 1utu!'\' I IF YOU. WANT A Peninsula & Balboa Point. prepared to lll?\e to l\led· Fa5t Fingers $600] \'att. r~12-fu'S:1. *Exec Sec Y .. $150 <:niltnet i\lr. Bal·kstroni ;.i ford. 0 1"f'gon. Xlnt salary & (;reat spot for gal v.'ho loves $1 0 & UP I le t:, huncllC' n11!hon. ~ CAREER INSTEAD lhr DAI LY PILOT or c1:1ll I fully1 P~I~ henf'ft!s. Call n1cdical profession & likes Appliance Repair 6004 J\lo\'Jni::illauling. 536·(}S•l2 d, c v e Io p 111 e .n 1 ~. l\no11 642·43:!1 & lcal'e appliea!lun. i714 ~..-5S7_1 . to 1}'J>l!. 'Vork w/n1Pdical -. . f>.SCl'O\\' !el11lll)OIUf!Y & OF A JOB call I HOOKLP. lNDUSTRlF:S. INC history on doctors patients. APPLIANCE REPAIR J\10"'.lNG, Hauhng. EJCpt'I'. functions. · · . BOYS & GIRLS . 10()9 \\', Brooks, On1ario Very inrerC'Stlng v.·ol'k ror Hel1al_ile. R•'1JSJnah!c. l'l't'e *Acctng Clrk $650 Ms. McCann 639-1 501 Ncwi;p;.1[)('r Carr1e1'li. i\lin. FIRE WATCH son1cone ii·ho likes to type & Z, years experience, llun:;:, too~1ers, etc. 5::.6-289.l. est. S32-75.'ll. Estab. SUl'C'(·s.~ful c 0 n s \ r ag"t' 10. Corona de! !liar. OFFICERS use dictaphone.. Housecleaning 6054 finn. An11hcin1. Futul'(' Con!aet !\Jr. Hyde at the E S $ DA''\• PILOT or , 11 • P/linit> Opening' * xec ec'y 750 . ·) ~? . . " HOUSE OF CLEAN Cnrp. ofc, r·ashion !sit•. i ~1 & lea\"(' apphcallon. : ~~1i~~:ipj.1~;;nel & Stu-Trainee $600 I Crirpcls, windo\1·s, floors, Plush !'lush. Xhft sk\11<:. BRAKE & OR dents ii·elronle Sharp on the ball gal y,•hoi Babysitting 6008 CA RP ENTRY · i\I u.slcr Crnf1sn>an.rcmoclrhng .~ finish \Vo r k ~uaranlC<'d. FRf':E: EST J ;>.1AT1'.:S . 499-3105 hl'f. lOam/nrter 6 _pn1. uphoL6~r·~~: rates for rct;. *Bkkpr, Lite $600 FRONT END MAN e Xln't pay. Advance oppor . ...,·ants to become exec. sec'y. serv. ·. -61 • For 5 gun~-ho 11.11orne~·s. Xlnt ~olary. i\1ust be clean I ,\pply Uni1•er.-al Someone .,..,ho likes to ...,·ork EXCELLENT Housecleanini:; Inforn1al happy office. ASSEMBLERS 1·ut. ,\JI replies c1Jnfide111iul. 103 N. Hnrbor Bl .. S.A. 11·/peop!e, Sci( starter ...,·ill by day. 011·n 1l1lnsp. $22 per *Legal Sec'y $800 \rr!tc C,~a~~ifiOO Ad No. !~1. 1':<1ual Oppor. En1p!oyer h<1 ndlc medical clainls for day. S:~S-0648. iV\tn 5 yrs Calif. legal. ~a1ly I 1101, P. 0 . Box 1560, FULL CHARGE 8 0 0 K. company's eznployees. Acl BABYSITTING in 1ny ho1nr!. Rrferences. Fenced yard. Cosla l\lcsa nrca. &12--0384 i\lESi\ Ocaning Sc r v \ c e ' *Clerk Typist $450 For <'Ir c hn-n1C'l."hanical (osln :-O!rsa, Ca. 92626. KEEPER to \\'Ork for ac-as sec'y to personnel mgr. Crpt l\'indO\l'S, firs. etc. Aecurah..' typine for fun lo\'· d c \' i r· C's. f~xpcr. in CASHIER eoun!ant, p1time or fftinle. LA co. moving to Gai·den Resid/Comni'l. :l."17-6742. in~ sales depnrtn1i:nt. rllf'(·hanical as!>rnibty ?I l)(>Jn.nC'y's Re~taurant. Q,C. Snlary conimen. 11./t.>.-.:p. Sub-Grove soon. Land5caping 6066 *Recept. $700 .~n1all pnn·s prcf'rl but "111 aiqxll't h'.•l'n1i11al hob h y tnil rest1me to P.O. Box Carpenter 6015 GENERAL CARPENTR)' CUSTOi\I FINISH \\'ORK Small jobs ok. ~9-1··1858 Carpet Service 6016 JOH N'S Cnrpcr Upholstery Ori Shan1pool, (Sol I RC'1ardan1s). Degt"('11St>rs .~. alt t>nlor hrightt'ncrs & 10 niinull' hlciich for 11·hi1c c-arpets. S;il'(! your 1noney by saving n1e t'X!ra trips. 'VHI cll'an livini:: rm .. dining rrn., & ho.II Sl5. Any rn1. $7.50, couch SIO. Choir $:1. 1:-i yrs. C'1'p, in 11·hal t'<>unls not n1ethod. I do 11·ork 111ysetr. <.~ rel. ;,:~!--0101. ~~-­CAHPET ,9,, U pho 1!>11· ry clC'ilnini:::. Finest f'<!Uip, Cnll 11<l'o1· for h't'P rs!. O..~nttis, tTI •ll 644-1755 Carpet Cleaning Floor Care & Windows Dutr-h l\lnint. Scrv. 537-150fl 1-IOUSE $21.9:;, Room $-1. S.!ean1 house $3!1,fl:;, Uphol. Lie, ins, guar. 776--il70. Cement /Concrete 6019 CONCRF.TF. Patios, 400 sq ft Qr 111n1'f' 65c. per sq IL Don, 642-8:)14. CF.~!ENT: P111io. drives. \1·alks·Rcpair~. ~11w & ff'lnO \'I'. f>'l'l'f' ('sf. ~-8998. L.ANDSCAPING. Oi. Lie. No. 271,167. 548-20-16 b<.·l...,'C't.'11 10.:1. UM" your i\last<'I' Ou~ri::e. Painting/Papering 6073 * Willard Painting Contractors. * RESIDENTIAL .t. COJ\l!llERCIAL Finest Craftsn1en \\'all Textunng \\'all papering Nc1v Aeou1'tic-al Ceiling~ Please Call For F:slintatc *rtl-5775 640-1136* State Lie. No. 2810.18 PAPERHAN G l /l>G ,(· pairllini.:. 21 yrs Harbor al't'fl. Refs. rurn. No. 183281. 6·12·23."lli. NOVA Prolertive Coatin~. Avg hoinr s:a5. 2 s!ory $375. Lie, bond, in.<;. 5.l&-6213. J'ROF. \\•allt'OVCring, st.1to lie. No. 27951.t, Insur. a!l l)'p<'S fl~J)('f. 714 ,1142·4386. PRot·. painter. hones! 1vork, rcas. Int/ex!. frC(' Psthnatc, Refs. :>-!S-27:'19, 642-:1911 INT /EXT PAINTING ,\II OnHlf.:<' Co. Jhn ti7!;.:l:).\q Thl' fa s!l'sl dra11• 111 !hf' \Yt'sl. ... a Dail)' Pilot (.1assi[ietl Ad. C;1ll 642-fifiTI!. SEEK & FIND" C..<k Alphab<t (ht IWQ YITLEDBMALKLANBCAHT AS PPAL CA MNAEPSILOML AOATHKAPA £ I ff 'r U R t> N A ROLLE HI BOOTEZHP LTMP I AP T L.OL MTATPB Z TPAOOkPATAAA AZEPSDNMllEAILTKZMEA L KEPI LA I A DT T E I EB DK T NT H ALGTE BTIHHDSIATE UMNNOLIME OTAED T P E LO NENANM AC T fR Z TttPP EAI A T L E 8 L M A L Z E T E A K A D M R IPl•llut OOfli.; l'llf tlid<kn nill11e! li1l(d bdow •p.ptu forw11d, b..-t .. 11J, up, down, Of dia.lon•lly In tl!t puult. Find e«:PI tlJddtn natnt uid box ii Jn u u.o .. ·n; Al.l'HA EPSILON IOTA BETA ZETA J.AnA G-UIMA ETA LA.NIDA DELTA TitETA NU TOMOrTO•· Gr.U Alphlbei (l'uf l) Tn ordtt any Of .tll of thr tKpJl\dtd "'Strk &. Find '" book•, numbtrS 2 lhroupi. 7, 11:nd 61) cents for r.teh, mal:lns thttb p1y1blt In "Sffk & Fln.t:· S1.ir·Ttltgt1m Syndit:atr. Addrta lttltnl in tart or lhi~ ntW)plpt:r. LA area. Vrry plush ofes train ~hop. Apply in person bet...,·n i23iiii>~l.iiiNiii'ii.Biii.i>92ti63.iii .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiif SPECIALS 11·/...,·rl! ktlf1\i·n Cl'.\ !inn. STACOSWITCH, INC. "'~&i;;il~l~n~n~•·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• Bookkl'l'pc1· J\lusr !)I' goo1I typ1s1. • * GARDENER * ., la-•. Bkkpt• *J S , $600 1139 Baker. Costa i\lesa CLl::RlCAL " "" r . ec Y ~H9-:)l)~l &• your O\\'TI boss! Part or Credit Typing, sh. Import bus, Equal Oppor. Einploy1>r Keypunch to $625. I 1tin1C'. Your 01v11 area. Orclt>r Desk Fashion Isl. Sale!> ufe. Teller to $650.,1 l·ligh ln<'On1c. Guaranteed *Jr. Bkkpr $650 Bookkeeper $700 I Customers. Earn No\\', Pay $Toi) $550 $600 s:;.;o i-:xc-iting Country Club 111 ASSEMBL y Exec. Sec to $700 La!('r. Palm Spnngs. i\1-F. LEADS Steno $SOO 534-7187 or 5~3144 *Bkkpc $650 MTST to $650 i\latw-e, ktl(l1\"\ all phaf;C'S F'ur assC'mbty of small "let°· R t $SOO GENERAL Assistant · girl ADMINISTRATIVE MALE DIVISION a c (' o u n t I 11 i:: & !::DP. 1ro·nu'chunica l S\1'itches .i;i 'Jeep • A 1\·anted for part lln1e df'li l'.'.nginl'cl'ini; & archih'ctw·nl s.,..·itchii\g dc1rif't>~. ason Best gency f'afe lype oj)('ration. Apply fi1111. Call 549-3041 17400 Rrookhurst, F. \'l,v. in person at \\'inemen's F.11uAI Oppor. Eniployrr Sui re 213 9£3.6775! Cellar, 2500 \\'est Coast All Fees Pakt By the Employer r~~' I l-!11,'\' NB A$.'iE'.\IHLEHS CLETtlCAL \ro1·k. var! thnc.1 Gl°RLS·GIRLS..(;IRLS P1,,'ilopl • Mgmt $15K r r r r i s 1 0 n rll?ctro-nirch. l·fou."l:'11·ik• or mill'~<' ~tu. Easy fwi job. day or night. v a~ccpt man.agemcnt ex- .'l.sS<'nlblv. drnt. Appt'f.}\: I rlay \\'k, '.\Ion r-.:o ~·xp. lH.'{'Cs~IU)'. \\'£' ll'ain per: in oth~r fleds as long R('f]uirC's : SITYJ11g n1f'i•h. llfl·I p11'!. fl7:'.-~'1'.11 ~·ou. )'ou n1ust like people & as it is business or person· Liz Reinders Agency •IDW Hi rth St., Su11 t" 101 !iludc. ASJlit•rnhly t>l'CLERJC,\L w(lrk, AIR. h<' al ll'l'ISI 18. Apply Rny nrl. Ne11'J)Ort BC'aeh ~ll-Sl!lO n1arllln(' 1'hop r x p c r . A/P. p/tin1r. t-.·lndl'm con\·. llf\e>rnoon or 1'1•e. 29.\0 \\'est hr!pful. C.i\I. tH2-80SO. hrn;pitaL Call 642·0598. Coas1 lfigh\1·av, Nc111>0rt ASSEMBLER._ r:<pt·r. i1'0n1.an CLERh: T)11is!, tiO 11·.p.n1. ar· Brach. . Billing Supv $13K Jor n1<'chan1ca.I assrn\bly eu1·atcly. Public Contact. GUARDS Degree nct-ess. & expcr. for clC't."'.lronic production. Call Xln't bE'nE"fi ts. 642·2·1l0. Need to p/time guards for xln'! position. No Charge To You Dial A Job 833-0855 ·-~-~~~~-~~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~...,.~I a4&-2622. Orange Co. area. Call (Z13) -ASSEi\1BL)" ...,,o rk er COOKS & CHEFS 435-8!159 for intervie\"·c *AAA Better Position prcfel'ably .,..·/van. No o:>xp. WAITRESSES La\1'1'C'nce Security, Inc. ost Accnt $8400 Established 196.) SccI'('tarie~ & Bookkf't'pC'i'S ueces.c;.1.ry. 979--0001 BUS BOYS Long Beach. I.lie expcr. \\'ill aer.t>pt per·1 l.!z Rein<lf'r's ,\genry HAND Y ~!Al\'. Ne it po rt son \\'Orking to11·ard dC'gree. '1 "~ n· I s s · l"' 1 'I C 1·· o Apply in person. """" U'l' l I, u1tr '" 1 sst "g:r onsum 1n pen LORENZOS res tau ran 1, 8am·llam I Ncwpo1$...Bearh ~.13-lll!lO Indus. EnginC'C'r S13K I ...,.kdys only. Reis rcqd. Rep. I No Charge To YolJ D•»sign Dru!rs Elec $SllJ 25872 La Paz Rd. Iv, P. o . Bo:1: 566, Balboa Jewelry Salts $25K Es1abl1shrrl 1963 Sec'y, Santa Ana Sti'.!J Laguna Hills, Calif. ;.;1ution. i\1ust. ha\.'e xln'r backgrnd [ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Clerk Typ1$t $,150 1-IAIR DRESSER nPC<.IM irn· calhng on \\'holesalc actls. ACCOUNTS Sc<.·i-etarv SJ1:Ei'"""~coo~~l'~E~ •• ~,.~P~E~R~.""""' -"· I E Stal ryi)ist .1.,1, ~ .. , m.,,1atc y. stab Ii shed ArrounHng Clrrk 10 S~ 41 bed conv. tmpllal in~ Sllnl(I f:lientele. Call 542.o;;:u. S I R $llK PAYA. BLE BcL'<'l111Cashicr S':i20 Ana, S.2pm 3 day!!, 9:.)1).Gpni HE~\D HOUSEKEEPER for a ti ep ~r. Buy~r lndusrrlnl $1°4K 2 days. :>-19-306l small i\totel, 5 day \\'t>ek ~gree J')('C't'S~. \\'/some out·! ll!aint. f\1cn 'Landstapc S.'>25 incl. \\"Cekends. r-.tust he E.~· side sales expcr. CLERK T'""'P/Scned"""• l"K Desperately cepfiooally """' & G. l\lgr, sh~t met&! $12K parti cular 494-&'aZl RC'ct'ptionist t() $600 HEL'~p=1 ----1 Food Salei $9600 Aggre5sive young elec- tronics firm has im· mtd. opening f o r a sharp indiv. w /exper in. manual A / P syitems. W ill be located at our Irvine facility. &«,,,..,.tin to sGOO Needed . 1osr1m11ona1 ockgmd pneJ'd. F 1 C Bkkpr $75tl Call Personnel r·or Personal lnt1•rvir1v SILICON GENERAL 7382 Bol~a. 'Vl•stmin:stf'r 1'19'1·!16.11 Equri.I Oppor. F:n1plO)-'er C11ll Jeannie Sisco & Sid llofln1nn NEWPORT Personnel Agency 833 Dover Or., N .B. 642-3870 * Secretaries * Typists * Bookkeepers * Acctn9 Clrks ...,...,..,,......,,.....,,.....,,.[* Gen'I Ofc ASSIST ANT for hu:1y bc11uty f¢nlon In La1,'Una BeAch. * File Clrks ~hlllt be ll<''rl. f;()Od ~al + Up:<. 4~1'J"l-OOO for intC'l'V\\', VOLT AUTO SALESMEN instant Per5onnel Nt;OO for one (l[ Ol'nng(' i\Ttlj(•r l\lr rtll'al Plun Cottnly'!I letiding Pontiac No,1· Av11!111.hle Dealers. Nf'w or U&M rur T1'fQ[ll"tr11 1)' S."tvil'<' ACCOUNTING sales. Excellent fl' i n g e 3'14~ C<1.n1pui1 01' .. Sui1C' 106 bcnel!tJJ. Experienc¢d or Nl.'\\'llOJ'l Bcneh .\40-4j"J CLERKS not. ·we \\'ill tmln. A.sk for Equal Oppor. F.JnploytT Ha\'c opening for mature Indus. Salei $9600 11·on1an 1n la.1W". offic-e _in Super aggress!l'e sales rep.r Costa ~lesa. Dunes C011s1st \\'ill train right man. of typing retr.c1ricl, filing, 10 key arldil\!t 1nachine, answering phones <'.'fC. f\lust Chem. Salta $9600 be ab!e ta "'Ork some Ch€'n1ical exper. pref'd. Out· 11·eckrnds. Excellent com· side saJes exper. a must. pany tw>nefit!I lnrludln_g pni<:I \'aeation, p;Jid 1nf!dical & 1'€'tiren1o:>nt p~nn1. Op. Sales Trne $7800 Po r I u n It le .s for nd· Some Outside sales exper. vl'nt'<'.rryl'nt. Pica.,~ \\T!le hrlpful. Degrt>e no1 nl'<'e$!1. C!11~slf1M ad No. _Hi(), Oinly Qtr fum. LOC'aJ job. No P1Jo1, P.O. Box 1;;oo, Co~ta lravcl involved. ~'t~_._ea_JU._92616_ .c· ---I Ho1pltallty Hos.t111 Service ?\«'<Is mnture .,..·omen to I"""""..,""""""""""""" I .,...<'lrome ne.,..• rr~ident&. rmmt'dl11te openln, tor In· Andy dlvidunls \\•110 key itddinK DAVE ROSS DENTAL ASSTST • Oisi.ir Dial A Job! 556-1100 rnuchlne & boclkkeeplng ex· PONTIAC ~lde. Si-.: mlh.s cxper >::.rays, per. 24SO f.lfltbor Blvd ~d fringe benc.fitl!, !I01ne Fm' 1\J'lpl. Canine! Costa Mrsa 5-~lt Snls. H B. 846-3540 Carol Smith AUTO DF:NTAL Sec .. Bonkkf'ep('r, 644-SBOO SERVICE WRITER """'"· ,. • In 35 """''· or "''CO r~lna.ncisl Servi~ _ rollclt(t. ;,46.3000 i'.\1.f) F.."qunl ()ppor. Employer \\'kvnd11 '10.2) 536-$965 1-:xftt'rltn(.'t't!. lmpnrt D.m lr r. !lave :ln t''(lra !IP,'let-he:t1er OutdOClr 5f>Ol1s lost If" A.'lk tor l~h ="''•'l'Mn, you no longt"r u~? ~U !I llPPfl\I! Sell Yo\lt egtllpment 646-9303 Ml\' 1vlih ,n 0.1.I'" Pilot wlth n low..co!ll Daily Pllc1t >J au.~lntd Act! 64i.ti618. Cl .•. ASS SELL.~ r;.12. Cllll'.~ificd Ad! 612-5618. ~;;;.:.:""-"""-'-"''""'"---'~~-~---· r·1exlbll' h1>nn, p/tin1e. ~tust have c;ir & typewriter. 547-3095. 15400 E. Edinger, Santa Ana. HOSTESS/CASHIE_R_ Good wages. At'!ply, Don Jote Rc11a.uran1, 9093 E . Adllllt&. Hunt, Bch. HOSTESS 27'6 lltirbor 81., Suite 207 Costa i\f1!$11 fm No, F:uclltf, AnR:bc-lm Oall 776--8120 ~toml~ &: f;\~nlru:,t 2t:"i3.i lla1v1horne Blvd. e BLUE DOLPHIN e To""""' Zllf>t>-7712 ~\; \"iJt Lido, N.8. Holp Wontod, MiF 7100 Help Wontod, M&F "iioo 'Help Wontod, M&F-7100 HOL'SEKf;t:PER: Ll\·~ln, no rhilclrcn !or profto!<.ll11:>nal l'flUplf' ln 0r&l"l(t;l" OJ. <'•tll Arlene• m.rrn. So \' a t 1 , 11ltM' 6pm. II 0 CSF:Kffii-:R, ll\"1°-l n. P.lu!!t dth·f'. Ua}lront homr. fldUlts. &l>-24'11 MACHINE MACHINIST OPERATOR ALLERGAN HOUSEKEEPE.11.. Ciea.n!na only, ro.1orn11, J\.!(!n thru fli. 'hvrt run flJ.,..tU•l ·"'l A .... ni.;ll• 1i.u1 ••1Jt·1,d1•N•' \rud, 011 rntC'T'f'•1 ·nll n ,., ..• 1, u, 111.: 1n111htu:1 '" I" .,, •ILi' I 1lht•,., nHtJ,. .I.: rli !• lft:i~ oWl tu· \l•'f•lf 11 1•11 • • , .. .,n•• •,;1 ,\' .v; 1"(11uu 1••l J,,,,, ... [1.1_\ or n1>:h t ~hill "lr'n111;.. ,\nrh in ~0('1'"°'11 ;\l0t~11)·'111Ul'?\'lr\~ Ldlf'1' !nt!u,!1 1<'1 Ir•<'. 210 \ J;i.,,.,, ~r. N••,,.,port fV"1r11 :\l.\111S \\'A:\Tf:I>: i'l;m:;_ C'llll fur lnl"t" 1<'11 "r .q1ph In p1.•1·~.on Capri '.>!01 .. t 11 U S. ('011~1 11 .... ·y 1 .. 1,1..'\Hla Bl"a• h lf!\.-6.\1l Q .... ·n trnn:>. j,,-l()...}j77. l!:U: IUl OppVl'IUllll,\" f•)f :1 ---,·----.---111achill<' O/Jt>n.1or .... no ,1 ill HOUSEKF .. 1'=!",";'t·, ':"'1" In 1"' r1.•spoM hie fnr attendn11;" 0 11n rm. 1 . -~ -Children. f•!.i• ul !h .. inj.-•r!l<ln or bl.,11 C.d J'lfl)'. S.12-St.~1 lll•,Jdu1J.: 1n11<'h1n.-~ 10 [.->'d HOUSE\\'I\"F.S, $41').SOO 11•kl) J'h\\' 1111>r.-t'1A.IS A· r'C'm111·t' I p/1!1111". Sl20 & up fltlnw f!n 1s.ht>'1 produ1.·t. 1 :"111·. H1c:hards. 846--~m HYDRAULIC ·r111 .. Jrrl .;h ilt 411 ·7 ·:011111 ___ ,.._ .... .,._._.,. 1~111"" rt'flUlt""' " ~i ·.r: MAIL CLERK TEST FOREMAN "°'' ht."o•>· & "'" •I"'"" 1\tro Space h )' d r u u ll ,. !or jOb g1'0\\'lh & i.t.&btlH). a~'<f'n1blk':-., t.luat have 1. \1'!!. n11 n. l''P· Oily &h ilt, nil i;.t-Mf!ll. :.;, ,1 .1p;.o1'!•l°IMR: !•1 i.:h .,. irool 1:r,1P\11-1:.-" I 11 "r ~ ,.,. 0o•nr11,·1 I \l,u! ,\: b«u11 CAI. -t1R..Al"l.ICS 2910 S. Oak, S.A. !'ijl--l:l:'l INDEPF.NDBr\T DECOlt.\T- OP. • Jo'E'mrt.lr lor len1porary s1ore ...,·hh f'lllow.111a. &l"l·~O"}() '.\Ir. f"rMkf!n. lllYINE PERSONNEl SERYICES .. AGENCY C051 AClVll!ll<ltll lo $1 21..:: lndus/i\!1:1·h t~ngr $1 31.; :-\N.'f"('lftrll"S Iv $-ltOO Fi,.Jrl C.111in1~ 1\rljus!rr Troe, tlP~ri'1' tu S7~:'1 In."'ur Clairns ,\,s1,1.inf F in:' ,(, (ASUloll}' In ~700 MIPSl:\1ktn~ Si'l""y rn S700 Al'lit Bkkpr/E;OP t•1 S650 P.('('Cpt 'Srt'-l'f"tary lo SO?:i Sf'c"ys lite sh to $600 Oicl11phont• Typiio.t to> l.l:ll Draiftsmt>n/...,nm('n. pr1n1f'1I C1rt'llit l\IPl'h. pkg. Ill $Ii!)') 1\pllrtmt'nt 1'11:;!'.r Sl'iil '-Hrl CAI.14 TRISH HOPKI:\-"' 4S8 E. 11lh :::1. 4a1 1t-..·111r1 C~l Suite 224 642-1470 • JANITOR ALLERGAN Ha.o;: an openlni_:: for an t'Xf)('r. maintenance 1nan tu wol'k in our 111.cillll<'.<; on Znrl ~hllL 1-2 ''C'ats f'Xper. rt'qUirl'fl in a sirnihar capaci1y 11·1 11 good 11urk hi.~lory. .\\iply In Prr""n r ror11 l r m .. 1 pin nl{ C,\IJ. ALLERGAN Pharmaceuticals; 2.i:!j IJupnnt 1\1·c-.. lr.'J..nr 1[.qua.J 0(Jpor. t.1n plo~"r1 ;\J,\r l!INISTS MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES P re r c r individuals \Vith a good n1cchani· cal ilptitudc & reason- able dexterity r 0 r training in production n1achine operatin.u:. (;ood references re- quired. Apply E111ploy1nenL Offi ce KAYNAR MFG . CO., INC. 800 So. State College Ul\"d .. Fullerton IXTEP.:\'IE\\"L\'f; 1r0cr~" ~!01111.oy !11111 F1id11~ !l ,\~! lo \'.! ,.,,_ I 1" :i l '\I rl 1· I ! \'t' t ! 1• ~ \\111 111n 1 1·pro.~!111·11'1n m11rh.11<'1·1 Call Mrs. Currier 644-3389 'l .\'.\I-:\()():\ THE IRVINE CO. t :1111<1I flr1~•r. t-:1111·1~·) rr ~Lrl•' ll•'lp \\ •111'{-0 Applv 1.;t;:\Ttl CKY f'R I F:O ('!11('/\I.:\" fl(o: ~ ('~t 1!11 y, L.1~un11 H1·!1 :>h•(Jl!';o! I * OFFICE MANAGER * TO S700 11••1·•1 off 11·1• 1111:"1" 11/1111n ~I' ''l"'r 111 ~llP•'l'VI~•· :·u'I• in 1···111111111 n•·\l :\• 11 1.,,, ('!1' ,,,, '· RIVIERA 1:101'l".1111,.,n1 ·''='''11·1-. 11 0• ~~"~ liu,in•·~ ... 1·1r Jir lf'\111• ~·1::-'ll l•J ! _;1~:, t'.1n1uin r';1 p1~1!'.1r1•1 :::,u\ Juun ('ap1~tr;u111 -l<l;l-6\()J ~lt:DIC.\L nff1,.,. ..., or k , prunary N"i.p•ini.11lhl1ty \\Ill 1 llf" 1n~urnncc & 1yp1ng. Cail "12-.''"" l -~-· ~IE:'\ ~"r 1·ir 1: t"J<l'1!1l1•h"•I H•Ull• f11ll I'!" p:o!! 11!111'. l ""lf I _._\lt" _J"~-l~li ~,1·~1. ~-~. \l~::o:;;;t:S!;t:I~ 1;11:1, \1._·, 11.rn S2.lhr • n11lr;1•..:•• 1 .. 1· u••· .. r "1111 <'nr ~ ;.~-1 . •1 \!r :O:ull11·,_1n ____ _ i\Jf)TLJ. \J:11d 1.. .. 111., ''' r •• 1n ,.,,·hani.:•· 1 .. 1 1~,,111 :\• 111,u·1 f;hd (" \I :)·l'>-!•;\J t:ql1al oppor1un11y l'n1plo~,.,r ----~1 t' :..EED ;in L'\1r;1 111 ·,.n1r ? \\'ork f:.\"L':-. in• I. 11 knd'. fi.r111• 11-Jnf(r v.·••;ir you h·1\l', \Jalf' ,(, t'rn1 . ,,,,.,. :Jl .. \pJil) .out.ern11·n·! ~II it fast y,·\1h P 11.110 fJrl1~· 111 T l1<'alf'1', .1!! a D;11lv Pilnt Classifierl .\rl ~ 7 .. ';o !':'II -~~ Help Wanted, M&F 7100 Help Wante-d, M&F 7100 . . . -===~----..,...,--.,.,.,.-..,.--,-_,.,.,-.-Molld.11 Ap11I lS 1CJ7-l DAILY PILOT :,!,'; NEEDED dolp Wonted, M&F 7100 I Help Wanlod, M&F 7100 I Holp Wenlod, M&F 7100 Holp Wentod, M&F ~· Help Wanlod, M&F 7100 NEVER A FE[ NO EXPERIENCE SECRETA y ''·"ru·i """"'"' ·11 '"' IMMEDIATELY NECESSARY Pl.,tic Fabdcalo" R ''" ''I'.' '"" "'''"" ""' .\I.Jn!\\" 1•!·"'·" 1ul.; lh ••I• •' ,t.11• (JJ\ J;. ·1 ll t••l..111,: TRAINEE. POSITION 11r<•111~·110•n 1-1 .. •nu• I ,,, ,-.1j;T' t• 1 .. '"~ \lu-1 h.11• (25) *Exec. Secretary NOW OPEN 11111111 .1111: ''Pf·11· >. NEWPORT BEACH i, •• ,. 1"1'" ,!,· .. \\ .. rl.1nc U k'll d \\J U1l.:11~i..it~''l"'n•r:· l,ll !11IU•lr~t• .,( _.;.,, r .1!1 r 11~•\•111.,: l'>t"ll·•r••tl !·'· h• 11'''1 \1,1,·1"1 '°'l\1!\I! ns I e *Customer Rtlatlans :1.1, l1nn1...-t1 th• "l1l<.'lllll:,:111 l••r \'/1;:·!11•~,'1;11 I l~l:\1:., h~t.1~11~r;lr '·I ,.·.I·.,. l••J•ll'".''','''.'.' .··,. :· \.T,·;,1~~11,'· 'i:,:'· -: .11~:;7.,'' tJ'l - *A./C Clerk 11•\Jll+"•"" Pl I I "I' u ~, 1:. i t· ~>!•: -•1111 , , ·' .. ' , ., Assemblers 1 *Secretary in 11 ... ru1..: 111 ... 1•ii.·.111l·n .\-• . ~ .• 11. ·1 1.1~ . -.1·r·\ r1 1 •. , ,.1. ·1,l •·11 *Ex.<. S.c'''•ry •1••!11 111,I'· h11nd1~111i,:. \; nc1~ p • Cl k I! ·1 I•;•' -.; 1 "Ii' i: 1 •1111" • ,,,..r J~1·· ,,,,.,·\1 1.~· .• 11,.n, 1" '')"'n 111 ~111 · urc:nas, r S650 \ ,,,,r\.. 'I" ,.,11.i.., .\ >..B'' \, '' '•'I'' & Packag•rs *Sec'y Bookkeep• 111.·.hJ1•· h1t11r•·. :-.1 .. n) IAl""1· Funu·1n ... : i;·111 1 .. <ca:1:"1•1 1, · -..·11.! ..... 111 ,.,. \!· ,.,,.,. 11• .• " *PayrollCltrk 1 .. 11~n•·'"!M'nf.01·(u\lt1 n11 WESTCllFF , I .,\,,"ll1··1 ,., \, 1• ·1•1 1 ·~1 1 11<11 ,,uun11~'l1fll<· l '·r~··n•1ol \1,•'1 ,. THE IRVINE CO. ..;. 1:\ 11 1, ,',.'. ,'.,r.'.'",'I VOLT Ori rtne ll Pt rsonnel 1* :\L.\T 11~.\J:-.:I:\l; !'HU· •\!irl\ Ill t 'r11'1'l"• •1.,,, !• .1J,~u." In stant Personnel Service Agency t:J:.\\I 1r. •I I 1 .i11n~,·1· =" \ ,, .11••'1 1;,., 11. 1 ,, ... ~,. 1.,-.r , . ,. 1111 •1 '111~11 :'lt1·t11.i1 !'J111 1\1\11<1\ ,\1.-:n ,,,·,11. ror. .-}i.!-,,•J, \:111 t 1 111··· ,.;,.1 .,, •.• ,,,. ,,.11 '"'"' :-. .. 11 ,,,1111.t.;r 500 NewportCenterOr. J l li;11 -. ..;r 11 r•til. .v '1'··1••1,1•1" i •.1•:1 •1 11(, ·;. 1, 111 ,!: r N B • 6408 7 11•1.11·i:i·: ~t·u~ .. \.f:-1·~ 11 1·1·11 1 •1111-,.,r ,.,. :'-1'1'\l•" ewport eac11 • 4 0 1 ,1,11.,\.\.Y l~V.'l .FJI..; .• -. • .... ..,l-1'\l<'l-,, ,,.,l\,i,1,, I' 4 ,,u,,.,,, Di !'•uh 1n., \,,u. llP • )"·•I"" 1 1•111 '"'\ :.;, ~ 11 1~·1t•h -,1, 1~ FOR PERSONAL oi•··i. .1 pt•·,11•• ,,1,1" 1 ••. , -... * NEWPORT CENTER * S6SO + ·•Iii ·" I' Jlv ·. '\ I •• ' ~ i ... 1~• \ 1 .. :'."':• 111 \ l"l"•d 11pr-1• ~.1npl••.'rr ~.1 1 ·111 .. 11,·n·~ •1 1lh 11 l•11i INTERVIEW CALl : 11••11 1' ,11 ..... :-.,, 1 •or 1·\p•1i \'I··! 1 1;,,~oflt'd 1.f "-\:' .7, 536-2591 I• 11 ,,l,1h ·,I,. l•'•i>I• .. ' ! ' \ It .. Help Wanled, M&F 7100 H_elp Wanted, M&F 7100 If you d red1, MACHINISTS! Where are Yau? h.t ve .tny e~perience in the following KA YNAR' wttnls you. e SCREW MACHIN E SET.UP OPERATORS l•,~\ .. n:••ft anrl .. ,. .\• 111··.r: .. irl!. \ e NUT FORMER S•T-UP OP•RATORS e COLD HEADER SET-UP OPERATORS e TOOL & DIF. MAKERS e DIE SF.HERS .\1 11 n1 """ 11~ d e MAIN TEN ANCE MACHINISTS lll-\FflT.;· \\,. .,fJ.1 t'I'1"1 l··nl 11 n k1n• .-11\1r •n'1"' t l'l I ,,fX1t\l•~.!I• \! :f'i\I ~ ~ 11111! IHI '\ ·o·I 111,.d• I !I f 11 1h1.1 ;11 ;, iJ .t.i. e Group Medical Liit ln,ur•nte • Oent1I Insurance • P•id S itk Ltave e Paid Holidays/V•c•tion' e Profit Sh•rin9 R•tir•mtnt Plan e Credit Union KAYNAR MFG. CO ., INC. 100 So. State College Bl'ld. Fullerton INTE RVIEWING HOUR S Mondoly thru Frid ay 9 AM To 12 & 1 to 3 PM After hour interview\ may be arranged by callin9: J. H. Fre:l rick (71 41 a11 .1sso \l!"J.•1100'' l".111 I" I Ill' C.all Tues. Only 1~1-.. 1," ! \\' ll ' l ., I \ , 1 , I:-••H•'oil \. . "' .. '" '" I 1111" !><1 'h ,, 9am-5pm * NOT BORINGI I •!11 , r f,,I ~'l\"11n.,: ,, -'1.111 t. ·,, 111•• \hJ'l 111~ ! .•• 1. ,, 11 11" I, .1t.i.I'• pu•.: 1·".:i.-r <.;··•ii• · Nursery Sale5man ~ \f" ~ L>'l'H! llUl'f'f\ ..,.,l o·-. ::'\~ 1••1•~1 J/1,!~tl". :\ln T \\'l!"h :• .: ''·'!•\• .:. 1·•rt11111•, ,\;•1,1\ 111 V' 1-.. 11 .. r ?~!I t .1 1·\1••11 1:.t!. C'.:'11. NURSING I J,~·ttll1~' ~;\1~t In Tl,.· ~· .. 11 .. 11 .n.· l '•.>p: ... ~, r Nursing Staff Personnel Med/Surg RN's ·1 I• •1 .1· 1i 7 1·11 1cu.ccu RN '• 11 I'll• " 11 -' ',, Special Nursing Unit RN's f"\1 .. ,\ :.1 ·"1-. Med/Surg LVN 's • I' \1 Ii,•°''' ' ""l .f >I •' l!l!o-o"o ,.,.,: 1· ~ •11r. • "'H' 1:1···' ! " ir; •• 11 l, ·.:i11 1 H t~ \ppl·. i\t .. 11 1l1 n1 i·n Per$Onflel Dept. Saddleback Community Hospital ' I I' .I., " i!o' \" .l.•t•"•'-' ! •.:•HI! H1!1~ (714 1 937.2121 r ,1.;, ...... 11 /l11·~11 Fro·r" •.1 ! ', J .I I , , 1:.1 '"I 11rno1rr. Y .. t ! -1r,1,l:t \'. ! I :,, l1f'•111n• r '~" :-. ... q.·1·1 !\l1d ~("\I I 646-3928 or Eve. 67J.4577 .... ' '· .'1-!;\hl .•, "ton•l 1n1 REAL EST.ATE SALESMAN •·J ·I 'I i1 ""' , , . ' \.,. ' -RIVIERA '"I'' \,,;"II•\', l.u·u~·., (Ir !•1 l\h1 11 .. 1 '\"fl.; 111 11··· t~·11..-,1 1 , 1 •I l"t" ,1 , I\ 1.111>1 I11 \,:I " II' ' " t · •11uri-• r .. ; ... rr ,, . ,!111•1 C'.p1•!r·. I» ;w11 ~"1u11.1111 \ .,11,·1" . ' l,o I -J !l',l l!l ~"II l o!i t:d ,;!fll \ 11.1 \1:J 1:1. \I. 1 ... r 1 11·. -----------!\\t .. .:-J,\ll .. \ I' l•Ll'.\l:l·j \lL\r. l'lul .\I, '.\.t111•t. ~·1 -i .•• 7 RECEPTIONIST 1" 11• r ti 01!11·1' \' ,, r 1 r o1 '"' n• .• ! JA ••111°111 111!n /1>illl ol• .;., '"~!••1J.,1!11h1 h ~ )lu•t 1'.•I .. ' .~) 11p1n l ".oll [.,r :1ppnl. \.111 '·Un-.: .~I 1'•11. '"·"~t.:[•) RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY .,!!.o)•l1h dil• !·\~>''11'"!1''• .• 111 •t'I .11 I "!'\I•-•' .oi• • 1·11.uii.: a:.;.·11.'\ ·.1 .. uJ 1 !· ·l j•:•1l -"1 1111 '• •1n1." I • ! 'r' 1·. !•I'. l!"lin·. 1 .• 111 I) J , · ,, ' ., '1 1 ""l"kon.: ·~·nd·r ,. 11 • 111 '"'" "Ill • .;f~·lil.( I I Ill:•! !l;.1•t J:,Hll>, 1»111. 1-l>•·I '. \IJ.·l J •. tl< ,.•·•I I'''''!"''""' \. ;1r11 (,,lu.111St.;\1: I" ·"'n;1 l1I~ \,, r\prr '· '"711 __ _ 1"1d 1,, •• 1 11pu1· , nui•t ,..,. .1 ._, 1111: .. ·r. .. ~.'-•~!.)Ir-' 1,111~h.oll WEEKEND I ! 11 "' .1. , .. ~. \•·h .~ ''·;;~R1 ~· ~~1ERKS -I " ·.1 ... > • I 'f, • t,1• 1 .. '/! ... '. I•" ' ' \ """ ,. I • ... 1 'I' ""I• ..,._ I JI I""'• \ '' ~· .. ' ' ' I " !' I ,•, • I , .,.\ •! 1 , • I "• f '.·1 1 n \~" "''r I•:-., .. \1'1'·-' Ii' "' : " I 'I· ' .... I .,, ·'~·-·:··1 •7 • I• 'TELEPHONE SAL ES l'I' Ji,,, " ,I "'· I' "11111 ,,, •fl 83 ~.~:f~~ ··~~ ~.~~·,:. ,~-~ E I l> I·•\\ ·' rl\ '\]: "'-" ;'u\ j ·;. ·~· I ,11 t"I I I.I"• ' ..... I TEMPO'S RECEPT, CLERK I' •;o,, .. ·' f 1u 1,1• r• .. :111·n-• Dial-A-Job! : •t II 111·111• I•'' ,,, \IOH '" \., • • 'I" r [, !" .) Ill <' • l. I t'l-,1'! I T Yl'lST'. "h"1"11L,1ndr11 11 :\1· (1( .• ~1 - ;•1 < I 1r. 't ! ",.u11r~ 1·• •·IJ• i·~· . 1.• "' 'n··· n•• r • r.•1 •. r "' ·., •. i. :-r.rt SJ l•I 1~·r I• t 11! 1 ... f,,r•· 11.,.11 ~H<-t '-.',7! .. .. 11··~ ..;....1'\11···~··,, 1011 \•t11lwl .J .. ""Votl>li•I ------------1·., II• ~ .. r,,: .. ~f,,11.,.1,.:,. t ,, . I."~! J~t !,\II. .-..o!•• f11il 11111•. I' I" I lll •I lllHl\"J) ,", (>l)lo,. ~llli l>il•' j•H )•'I I L•I ,\jl!d\ Ill !• l""' II, \o>\\j••i! ,.;l,111••1;, 1·•. 1~-~! i,111 n "'' , :, II, \,k l"r \!!' !\uT~ \\o •I SR. PRESSMAN \11 "'" ·u·•l l;d•· "I">< 1111<.:: 1• r .111 1"•'>·111.d II "''1•11 .l'"d ,,ii .. t •·\:"fl• n' • I ,.,. 1\r.,,T f ·,,111 "·t Carel Smith 644-SBOO .\1' ,, F111;•n1 t;,I .-i .. r\ l• •' t .011.11 ()nr· r l·.1111'l"~"r 1'!· .. 111~1 .. 11.,,. t T! 111 llll•ljlJ• .\ Tin·,. ~.u u1,; ••l'l •111tlllll ) 1 .. 1· , .. 111···1 ' KEYPUNCH SECRETARIES \\ n•• I' ••'II <tn.:n1fh·•I & ,·.1uul;1t11 .I.'. I· I'\: "I ~h"r' I• n 11 1~·••"·11,..11 1 " !f•\1 d"~"· 1•111pl,.'11•"f.' ••r !111 11''•11 1 1)~ ~Hlj d o ,.,,i,.; ;\Q\\ ' " L ' If> 1 APPLY BY PHONE I l ",~j .'-,!(J. ii.~) !'.:. [., ! I" J,:\i'>'.\ 111' .. 11 )'Ill' ~i.11:~ .111• ·'" n ... ~11" 1"<Jllh· or\ 1•'r~•n.1lh· until I\•· n"'"" int "J'"t r1i;ht' Robinson's Fashion Island 1 '>I· i:\"lfl-: ~•a '1H""h:111ir. ! ~LO' fnr } •I!' If,,, Uj":'tlllh.:~ 111 I I:.'• \ hr. r ull ''-[l('r :-.i-:vt.1~ \ ~·f.r: ,\T 1'E\!PO 1 1 11~· 'ii•.\ • 1rh i\ro'<"i, ! 1•n '•I Tempo Temporary Help A\Jt'~.1n oUrrs lull~ p:iid medical, profl1 "haring & a liberal \·1.couon policy. Apply in Pr>r.-on Fron1 lpni-lpm OR CALL 83,3-88a'.), i'Xl L1:; ALLERGAN Pharmaceuticals Z"ff.> Dupont A l"('., l l"o"inr fEqual Orn1or. J:::1nplo)<'r If your heart's in San Francisco NURSING F:'" r ·1· . '.,.,, 1 .1 •• r J <1•·h1rry • '' fll•"JH' iv [·!!!!! '·!•Hlili.''-p,,,1 !'i '"'''' :. !:'\ ;-:!1' :1!~ :",II •' ,\ . .t" ·1 •-.I• d ! r J 1• .. 1 111 .. 1. " .. 1.1, ~:~. · II• n! 1;r1u f1h 1\i~d \\•·r· 11• • ( •11•\''Lfl/ • ,\J,l·I~ ,;,1111h111F1 1 Personnel Dept. Cosmetics .\1oi•h l'• 1• .. rir1• J 'fff1· I'\!. \!"11 rhru l-11 "· :. t ·••tll"n J,li1 r1•i. .\I) r>p1o1! (1µr••r. l-.111plro)l'I' ..,, •1•·11 1a. c.·~ t ___ _ --Janitorial Service now 1akinJ:: D1"'plh:a•1on" frw full & part tlinE" jobs. l:):p·u pref'd. Oill 55i·fi7S8. JOB openillf: for Ille niachi11" operation, ~ h i r p I n g & rPCeh·in~. S lo -1 :'.\0 :O.lon thru Fri. Apply :'llO~'\\"O'ld lndui::1r1C'~. 869 \\'. J:11h St, XC\\')Xlrt Be11ch. Lll\'DSE'I ~ur~e11 HP..:i:..try & I..J:-.IDSEV ~1L'dicat Jo~n1pluy· mrnt 1\gency. :\'eedll R:\"s. LVN"g /..: Prnclicals. l\ln!C"' I.· fem. r or p11 dllty. sraU r P]1rf .~· orhcr mrd1cal liE"ldi;. 6-lt>-ISJti, Costa :'llcsn. l\l""°a. L t\l·F: J;..." B.\BY:':ITIER, Room & hoard .._. 111,t~i; 1 .i;, 1 5, Ci!ll 6l&-S686 83.J-.W2.i, :i-!S··-£3-UI • n;..;-,-R~,~1.~1,~:>~ •. -~L~r~s~ f:p\i <'f ,\Idell S.· Orderl1rs. Top \\'illil:eS. &.12-~50j. ----------- '.\lAC..1iJNISTS TOOL H.00~1 )!AClfJSJSTS ""Ith f11 brir11tr ll'mpla!r ji::;s. fi.\1ures. :'llu.'t hl'l\"I' 1.•:<· perirnr c 11·i1h ltilh<"i'i. n1i!l.c, 11urfarc grinrh.•n-, rh-. Thi~ is a onP uf fl ku1d jnh \11th our ron1panr. !'ll tht> right 1ndivlrlual ...,·111 ha1·r !hr op- portunily to he crrat1\·P ancl to u~ his 111l1iath·r to oc· complish rec111tll. (',()()(I fr· ini!e benefit~. ~alnry com· mrnsuratc ~·[th <')(pl:'l'\('JlCC. Apply: DICE ON ELECTRONIC INC. 11522 Van Karman lrviM, Ctllf. 92664 Equal opPortunlt~· c1nplo:-rr n1/t --MAC HINIST G@on<'ral machinist for \'t'ry cltan nu1chlnt 1ho11. 'hn J.5 >,., f'Xp. Xlnt N>nrl tt• tn· c I ud In .i: n1rdl1.·Bl/d~nt1tl. J-XIE, Ui!f.C Jn,tru n1en1i. 102 F~1~t Rflker St, Costa ~1esa f•i!l-,'lJOO tiA~C~H=1N=1s=r=s - l..ot<ul 1' u r r t' t i\1ni•hln~111l\. 1'1ak<' 11r.1up' Al<t1 n111rhlne tru111N'. Lok·F•1t, Inc. ~ ~· 16th St .. NH :'11AOflNIS'T' P rolol)po &. 111c!nl n'l()l ltl11. Capeiblc of toolinR: nil:;:., u \\"tll as l'I~ tOIYJM'. Com[lOMnl n1nchln· Ina;. i\lutlt 1111\'C': t•xp . .to 011on 100111. Tori psy &. trlnae f)a1M"!il•. ~~.0-E. Act·urat~ 'loll! 121:'11 ~~'t. but your -iob's in Los Angeles ••• Mare Island is hiring! lmmediatt openings for skilled workers with progressive. well· rounded trode experience sufficient in scope ond content to perform ot the journeyman level in these fiel ds : • • • • • • ELECTRICIAN ARMATURE WINDER MACHINIST MACHINIST (Marine ) PIPEFITTER MACHINE TOOL OPERATOR Some p os1 t1 o ns permanent : some temporary I not to excee d one year ) , salaries $5 .58 per hour_ U.S Citizc n- sh i p required Live in the heart of Northern Col 1- fornio-Amer1ca 's m ost famous wo rk and ploy land. Ideal , smog.free cl1 · mote. short drive to the Golden Gate the w ine country, lo ts more ~ Work at the West Coast 's oldest a nd bcsr- known novol 1n!:o titu t ion. with u n- matched potent ia l for profess1ono l grow th. rewa rd and recogn1r 1on Get the facts. Coll collect, Monday thru Friday. 7 :30 o.m .·3 p.m.: 1707 ) 646-4425 MARE ISLAND NAVAL SHIPYARD Vallejo, Coli forn10 An Equol Opportuni ty Em ployer Saddleback Community Hospital L :-~1 l'.1•"'• d,. \'al•·ll• :. I. I 'UTl ' ff ·I!' 1714 1 837-2 121 ,,,,. ,, [/' ..:·• 1-"1•" ·1;1\ • J.J T"I" f(,f T Ul"IY•f '. \" ·• ~-'' ~ 11!.1 Nursery Sale$ T rne ~ .• !!'.•· nn-~•l", ~-11Ll'"1•' .l "' ,,.,,' • n1hu•1;"111 • .1.:• rr • • t• lo •I'' \J•Jil•, 1..-rvon "' :!:i !· .1lt\ 1">\ f:..!. (' .\J. :'\I f~:'f!:i' -'11f<Pl1rl. r\f1 <I ~t' t"f•I., I 11'11"1·1'' -.;1)f'• \\ kn•I• »"ii-. 1p1,ly "1n r"'r<;Qn •I' :.-r.:i ~-•ll"il• I \~d. C.\I "'·'"' •. \.<1~·--('\;\•·:· l' H· d ,,_.,., h"(i'· r 1Ti111" ,. , ~ tll >I•-~',] :,1·r::-r; . ..; \!fif.;...; ,\II ..;iiil1• ("1,n1· 1(1,)1• l",1!1 .. 1:.1i-c': 2 OFFICE GIRLS NEEDED " \<·l•·,"innr rl 'f' <'· ' 111· ~·. .ii•• I 11 '' •' \f'"I~ 1n !'"l"••n YELLOW CAB CO. ....... \!,t·•. r 'c •• •, \j,. !'\l:TTi '·i~. JILi.!' Lu11r1• 1 !.<1·1 ."jlnL lJ •1:,rr "1• ·n • ! ~ r• .t~. « i r 11"<·· .. ~ hUI( '<'11 \j1p,1 I II 1.r rv<1. ,/,.•·.i I" T'l" p, "< 1.!l b B1ok,·1· -.1. l"•1•L1 .\I•,,, ·r .. -. •·\I"' .I fqr •l1t•f. n". ,-,,tr. 1n•1d• _..; .. '=''" r \\•Ji'h, ]•,\):I 11n11• 1"·11 ( 1, r·i;-. ,\f,.. pl\• 11 1 )" r•'l'I, .\!>Tl)• '1! < )lrtr!.:<'• ·~j~' r: l~•h. c 'l PLASTIC FABRICATORS \'. I'• ••''fu·t>d li.,r.1: ,· .••i:, f"Tl0!oJJll.,! ,,\ o•T :.1 \ Ill• ,., :• ' ! pi. j •• i' • • '"' :l' • ·" ! .i.1-t HI.; .-i 11 ! . ..: ._. o.;1'• '''I I-' 'hlll ,.,. ',\ llJ ,~ , ·,., • 11 \•I I ,., . ;.,,., \.t·•!.: ".\/•J\.-1'.il'IU' '>\ .f, 1, T·'<11.1r· d ). ,,, '· IJ... 1.r 1111t1t •h." rror 11r.:~ \p11I~ '" 1-..,.,.1 \1r1r L•>·'r n1rv!1.·, ~;rll• r J11•h.1•r11·. l ' 1 /JO,.,.."'" :,,.,,1, r1 r .. ii•,, PRESSER, EXPER-:- 'II 111" 11 i. I l!-l17l. '.\1~ J1.11t a few word~ In the right p lace ... Daily Piiot Classified Ad• Dial ttio direct llne 642-5678 SALESC LERKS J-Jill •~ j•'tf1 !l!ILt' .\l'l 'LY The Tobacconi•I Inc. !l•11l1ini.:tron f",·nl• r, l!H SECRETARIES PART-TIME .\1:11.,r l.011'1 dr1 1·l••p1n•·111 f11 .u l>.t• '')"111~1,: I•! "'i''•<l"} ", lt•I.; t.. '\"' ~ f•/l.no• l\lolll,; 1i11711 I' !•HI 'h ~II· l,01 \!·•~' l,.11• ~···I J•Ul1L ~ '• i•'J•h• !I• '"I •"T1.1l1 •;. ,\]11·1 \IHU\l!IO: ''•!l•I• I ,.,_.,_,, 9209 !"di\\,, l'u1r:•;· !,.;'\;T THE IRVINE CO. 10-18 l2Y2·22Y2 I ! 1-''." ~·1 SECRETARY ... 1 .. ;ip11~.: c·,,ntr r rt l'\1•!111ot"·r1 •1 ... q . 1n<1,,,<J<1itl 11/ ~.,. .. 1 ~h i ,•· 1-.1,1n.: ~i<:ll'. (_·.,11..,ln1Pllfln "\'.f-r ht'lpl11I f1rr ti) be1 I ~ . .r.,•l In H 8, C1ll l\r<;l)n-1 I t'I, •:.' ,1 •'l HI-,!:! fr,r f .. Pht r 1111•1 l.•1u.1l Oppur 1 I :1111•1•1~ • r. I Secretari~s & Typists I "" ..rr ..rr . t .• rn '"\lr.1 n1 .. 11•v 11°1rk1nz Ill""';~ lll""T ...... , .. ,-. .J ;,•·1.:nn.• 11~ th.11 ,,rJd l•·r· •! 1., .'"'11" l1f1• A •11~ 111 , 1 ... 1n;11....-•r101n11 1•· \,,1•1 .. 1.l !.··1 •··11.11;.: :>"'I n·'J - il<'I 'k )I• •I'' \.dn•·d ft'. I'"'~ .. I<"• ·h. :1 ,11~· "I Office Overload !''' '1 1 ... I •1.1• !•!.' ·~ r.i 1• 557·0061 1·:,·.~;:·~t1i"'!i••! 'I•·•"·' 1" 1"'' '7' ;,11·1·h.,1 \11 i'r.rl•·<I ~·,11.1 u '•.'•!'• . :'II "' "'7'• ~II IJ, t I. 1•, SEC'Y s.sso + 1, 11 .ir ·''''. 1 •. 1 ;•, 1i; •. 1,.11! l}f'"··'. Id•• •h 1,r,,11 • 1'1.1 .\..,I, f,,f\,f\I• Ii l /II°' 1 1"'1 \f l, IJlt,.,,.., ..,17.t., WESTCLIFF -.},\t.\1\-11\,·, c "''"' '·r••1 ;••"••1 J.t-:_ I" 1· ..... r, "1 .\.:' rl• \l;,rk nr C'"n"'' l~ •I E Fr\ "" r. .., .\ jl~-...... 1; :-.t"(1 '~'.T,\HY. 111 ,.,.11 ' ~. 111''11 .1J'll)' 11~1'.l• f' I !•Ln.,: .\ fl · ll• 1.rr•! roff!· • r\ll ·• \, \ •• 11 .. ' ,,.,, ;• ,, g,.,,, h. (1r1nc" r""'"'.1 _\ rri•,rtj .\1, .1 • I , I • !'F.fl{t:l \H' anr. rulll1ll· "'11• t.t•fn1o.111 f•:r ~r., .. 11 ,.,."11 " I 1h· firm. nr 11 r ,\Ir 1..-,r1 r ..... r '"k111, 1.,.1 s·•11 f.<f'r 111qn1h. \.} .. ·~·.. ,\,k lorl fJnrli• _..;~;(1\r:ftdtY w. IR. I· "'IT•(' l:llJ'"11 ~11t~n· . ' ·'·~ \1,,.1 .,,. !!.•?"•! I.:,; "1!1,..r.11-.1• lh1n'·•·lr1• 'l· 11'-r11 1,1.1tl rak" 1~1: .. , "..,;.,, rr ... ,. ~1.<I t" 'l11r1.1·1 ~I 1rt1n. th• 11\ll.Y l'Jlf1T . 41~. p,...z1,·m [>rpt. 2 ~ \\•~I lS1'1 '-l. ;'\<'11 ·1 • " :-; ,. Jt)1J 1 !'1' ,, ,,,, ... \llltttt ....... •;ill_ 7.lr. JO<rl.t: ~nrf .; T l 1. t: ~I \1 81-~H. '-1.L :-.1nr:r. ll u 1 r h r .... 111011: 111¥1 1'h""·"' on .. ,,,,r•r·111 11''1'" /r.,n1 0111• ~pl •rll(·!-'lJnHn• r C.11.1!0~: All ~I(!''' (Jnh• YI!' rv-.1,\si SJ.:\Vl ~G 6001\ ,, ;, 1rvtr1}, "'"'r 11)n1•111'fJ\\. WorYt1n·1 Y\lorld 642·!5678, ext. 330 Cape Fashion! 7113 It• I• " ' 11. I•!.,.(• l"l"llr 11 l ·,,,. , ' I ''I• I , I 1•t1 1 , ·I • 1:r<w I• 1 "'"I !lj ""! rl•·rfu? , )")I' " I·"·:· • 1'1• · 11 'I 1.-!1 111 l11i... 1111· •'•ll•ll1 1•o' ,.rj I'' •'"lli!"L!ll• f<l'i \\1ht'r•· l \.i ,, rn ~1 r1 ·"""' ·" ::11 1r1• 1. r < ·,1·11 [1·1 Tf.-.111 -11.trt :'"iJ , ·rt• f01r f'.1r·h p .. 11. rn f .. r ,\:r \1 HI ,Hl I ""J•"< Io' ll 111·1 •l!,'10( H'11• ! I" !f\1!·1; r·l.1•• •I 111, r;. 11 ·11 1 ,1-;. inr"" I "1 " >; • ! • 1• · n " 1; •I In \,,,. Bn···••. t1" !l \11 Y f'' •1T. 1•1. \,(· !:(·•-r~rtl ! ""l•I )~" 1•. r+;, l'h• 1•1 ·'' . .fl< :\•II Y·1 ...... ,. :1 1,~i !'1 1111 ~11 n 11·, \dllr•"•· l ip. r 111h·rn \.111111 .. r "I:~. IJJ. I 1!:.\~0! f'f"'IC'h•. ~ 1'11, ..... -·· '. r r ...... llff'fl l••ll~ ··~· ln,t11nl ''"' r11111" Jt,,..1,, UA~J<'. t .• n• ~ kn •t~. p.1t· t• n 1• \' Ii ' ln,\a.ul t r;tf"ltrl Hook l·•11r:1 h\ pu·1T1rvo<' r111 . Trn1~ \1 (~1 ---- • nmm1.~~1r.n hanrf11n1: • rrn· 1111, ~ rll<''" \\"NI :'11n r:um !ott•"r k A·"""· 4)1--QU\ " I l ~STAl\"T fA ~llfO~ 1\1 1 ~::-; \'1it P\PJ-:r. on f'Al:-.OT 1\ 1 :r1<1~.1. \\n1r th,. 11n1oun1 r,r pn1···r or p,tnl II 1Qo'lk" N:'hlnfl ;1 J.ll<'IUI'" ihl"ll nr'<I !ln1r ~"U nt"T1rr . l"t1'!l \l:Til'\I' •'Xll+·fl\I llfll\ r.11.1 h f11L.1\• rlil rou ii n••"'11. \I 1.nt ~ ''""'·PnrM r11r~ r. .. ,.1 ., .. 1 ,~ .. n.1~•\flrrl \rl~. 1·,-nf\ H 11nrh'tdi1 o 11 fll~ti~n fl"lct11 SI. ..:t,J.1 • .,; T .. ·:. ;, l - 26 OAJL V PILOT MondilY, APfil lS. 1q74 H11PWented~&F7100~ii'Ce1 1An•ou1 8080 1 Dog' 1040 I Piano' & Organ' 8090 Bo•lt, Sf>ffd & !kl 9080 V•ns '570 1 C•prl 9715 'Toyot• ;7'5'Codliloc 9915 TELEPHONE WORK No ~lllnsc. 15 1u 30 houl":'I pt'r ll'C!t'k. $2. ptt hour. Day •>r r1·rnlng, In•tnt> or Cop1s· ll'llnO area. No !\gt' rt'<joh'" 111('11!. 644·5660 or 1!3.l-t166 TO\V TRUCf\ DR l\1':R, ~·x· Pf't'lt>N~ pre['d, Top pay & rringe bl·~n11. Apply, Shell Stn tion, 17th&: Irvine, N.O. TRAINEES \\'Ill !ruin dtpc"nrlnblr pi'f1ph.• to bero111t" plalitlc !n..il'C'llvn n10lcUng fll)('rornr!l. i\lulil be nblc In sta1l'I 1•ntlre ~hilr, lf 1l('{'{'lil!flry. Of",~nin1::-on \st ~hH1. $:! hr !•• ~111rl . :tn•I ~hill $2 14 10 "tart '.;nl .11lult , $:.'.~~I to ~lurt H:ii:.C! In 30 I & 90 d11r"'· APPl.Y ·1 e; (1r:ingr· Cor1st Plr1 .. li<'.; • RSO \\'1•st l.llrh S1 Cos111 l\lr..a, C11 l1I TIL\1~1':1-:. Carl'f'r OP· 11•n11uni1y • yn1u1,e: 111an tu l1·a1n a!> 1•r•·c11i inn in ! J<lr11rn(•nt l'l'p,11r ma.n 1not I 1·1'~·t ron11·.,.,1. ~l ust hti v 1• ~>1)/2() \'l"'IUll II llht•Ut \\ f., 'tln-.sf"", pat11•ru,·« ,t· th•• 11b1lity to \\nrk with .111n.1ll 1i.11·ts. :J.IG-CJ60(l TY P I ST . Pan tin1<'. Qua!1[i1-rl C111I ;;;~~Sl:\l or 6T.i-.~~.~·""',..,.""~""'""" \\',\ITR~:ss \\ANTED: 21.~J I Day Shifl . F.I Ni~11rl Coun· 1ry Cluh. 2;~700 Cl uhh1n1sf' Dr, Lngunu Ni'ltll'I A11p1y 111 1i.-•rs..1n '\',.,,.J.f'un a ft er 11 fl.rn. \\',\l'MlE~ES Ne<!d a lit1lt• e;.:11·11 mon1>y? \\'c nr.f'd 11a11 t 1 1n I' \V,UTrt~:s.c;Es. :-.: o (')(- pc1icn('(' nf'C'essary, just o lot or l'n!husinsni. ,\pply bt\1·n 2:30 & 4 Pl\l. TONIO'S ZlO l'\ev.'J)Ort Ccnl rr Dr l'\r\l·port Ueach. &11-2601 \\'AJTHESS EXPERI ENCl..:J) ONLY. Ciu·ml'l'!< Dinin1-: & Pit' Shoppe. 62S N. Coo.~1 H1\<y., L8guna tkll('h. \\'AITRESS. CSpt'.'I'., 21 01' I over. Apply in person. , Dickenons, 1;i:10 N. t:l Con1ino Real, San Clen1cn !c \VAITRESS: nllL'it be 21 . some cocktRil r s p prt'f'rd. Appl.v In (X'roon. 843 \\I. 19th St, C.i\t. '\'AtTRESSES & BUS BOYS, EsJ>t'rir ncr<I onl,v. See ~lis." J i\1c.l.t'o<I, Bl'n B r o \\' n ' s 1 499-22i l \\'AREHOUSE T r a t n P e. Looking: for n1n tul"(', alC'rt individual 1\'lllinl!: to l<'am 6.: accept 1-esJX>ni<ihiHty in ~· la hHshe<l Nl·1~·JX>t1 &111·h firm inl'oh·NI in yach!lnt:". backpacking. & sk\\.1·art' ll'S· tiles. Goo<t futurf' for righ1 pl'!l'SOn. c:c-ncral ll"Art'hnt1s•· & shipping duties. call &'5-1006 \VASHER-DRYER r e fl n I r service 1nri11. Apply only H have prC'1·ious f'('fcr. & l"'I:· per. Syr min. The Eur l'9' Plumbing Inc, 772..00iO. \Vl-10 \VA~TS TO \VORK! DRIVE A CAB! ---------1 ~ e PUPPY WORLO 9 .PIANOS NEW 23· CHEETAH -"-,7.:..3 _G_M_C _V-an-du_r..;;.a """n 0000. o"'"· ., c. [ HAVE YOU SEEN •69.·n cADILLAcs MARJORIE STAMPER Says: Come To My NEW Covenient~ located FASHION BOUTIQUE 333 E. 17th Street !Bch!nct lntcrnuti•~IHl l /l ouse of Panc<ik1•s) Ph : 645-8322 LOVELY SPRING JACK Wl"TER CLOTHES GREAT REDUCTIONS CONTINUE FOR GRAND OPENING NOW I l 'hlhufthu11~. 'I lny Pood/1•s, Pi! Rull~. PcklMt;f'Sf', f)ll('h· 1 11hund, Cot kopoo, J;1na~.,_,. e ORGANS Open Nlghls 'Iii f Spt•t'd 00.1. oU-1 C.iK'\j' Jc! A.\l/F':'-1. LO ml. Slight n•o.r '°I I dKJOM' lrom cm:ine .,.,·Ith dual 11.1)1.'('I ~If bumper rlamttlf' It Mal 'N "'llY oth ded brw1kirig roadrunne:r trallt'r, V8, au1om.aoc, oo"·rr 111~r· tenrs. $22!f.I. g.i;;.{69j ur Jhe NEW MX 0 ca. nff '"I ing. 125" \l'hecl ba .sc. !I~ 8CM1. 801.Si\ Jo .., \\t1rra11ty. Bnuld Ne\V \\'estmfnsttr Spi..11., Lbillll., \\'nh·h dog11 • G Sh11ph & DIJbi('l'I. 100 l\llXED PUl"'S'' Stud Scr- \'lf'e :\!fr.ii U1'(_~. 01~n Evl·~. ~1 ·50'n. Sat: 'til 5:30, Sun. 12·S Rentals fr $5 l.ktuldtitlon. ~take olff'r. ll!OJ63r\). CAPRI '74. l\hal 11acrlllC't', AJik lor Pat or RO{;;er $3277 ,lil:ettln married E\'t'S afl 7, By *Pianos & Grands* 5"'6-1200 ' =S<l.=lc.O<llr-. ----= - 1\••M l••*• Datsu~ mo TOYOTA 9917 '67 CA:'\IARO I It !Sil &?nrt :-1-,~.,~,,..,~d.-,-,,~,7 .. -, 1 s:;o. full ufter 5 pn1, IH&-11>15 Furnltu-r-.----~90=5~0 Ouldv.·ln • Coble • Ol.lckc-rinK [ II•] • 1-"isc'her ·Kil\\ al· Kimball TrlNpO!Utio.t 11/wn ... ., WILL BUY YOUR 1.u1o:ury \t•hh K'Ol'IOtll)'. Te1o1 Si(Jl, r;.i~ 'II kda)~. or dn\'l' It tO(hl}" 111 &i-l-4J97 ('\'e8, "·kend!I. • Kn.ahc . ~lnN>n & llun1Jln . '=iimiiiiiiiiiiiliii~ ~l us.o;ett · Sotuntr . Sti•ln· • TOYOTA DATSUN, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN PAID Jl"OR OR NOT. \\'IU. ;t)w. lfAIJiA Chev.olet 9920 I -TOYOTA Brand New '74 ..,,·11.y . $11)ry & Ct11.rk • \\'lnt('r C1mpe,.s, Sale/ ,.,A,.,"'''~ . \\'urlit ic-r • ''amaht1 Rent 91'20 1966 11&._r·bor-~, _c_.M_. _____ ._~ j ROO i\1S furn. lrJCld rt'fri.I{, 2j'' tv slel'f'O, di 11h e', llllVl't"llUJ't.', i.h~c:ls, 101\'('I~. pl1:tu1'f•!I, S4'..,,•lnr; rnaeh, f'tt". Het1I b<U"ICa.in $600. Al.'SO, n101orcyclc ST.'i. Ca 11 ri.~1 1. Nrn· Spinets fr ....... , SS9GI---------· '73 Dod~" Van. Auto tr(l l1!j, U!lt"d from •••••.•••.•• $9.i '72 CllEVY I.A.IV 1 ~ Ion PU 11\llg \\'hh;, IO\\' 1nil('lll(Cl, P ln)'l'MI " ....... , •. S.~95 w /\Ve 11 t way1 ca bovcr clean. !'ho/\(' 51S-lj&L Gr1tnd!l " ......... $395 '':lmpt>r. Slp11 ·I, fully equip. Autos Wanted 9590 *ORGANS* 12500. 6r>-G\07. =~---~-1\IKGSIZC: lw.<I, xtrtt lir111, Ill'\\'. in('I. ni&llrf'SS, hox ~p1i11gs I.· fr·u111r. S165. l\\'Ql'lh $.3.:iOI. Q \I I' ('II~ I i(' S145, In•·. 1lrlivery. lJtiually hon1l' !l.:i2--2 1S)I l\l UST sell all, nutq:;h. ~t. 111u'C•n tvlrm, lcalhC'r 1hl.~. \'l'h'l'I !<Ufa & lo\•(' S{'fll, l:'lmp.~. 11inlns: th! & 4 c:h<iirs, B .~ \\' T\I. ~1-692 1. :\!i)Vi:'\1~. ~:11•rirk•e fun1i!ul'l' ~al<'. l<1'1'1')lhini;?' go,..s . Dllys, ~,;-i(l.8005/E\'C, 641·AA79. \\'ANTEIJ .. u::;i-:u BltIO\:S * x70.1:ir.1 I HNE"T"T'~: Sl::T, yello\\' :ind 1\hil1'. •I ehr.~. pc•rf C'Ond. nr t1•'"' $100. t~10.08S7 * LOV 1'~SEA T"-'&~<~o~f,-.,-,.~.,-,,-,, n1n1lc e 1·l"ry ~d qua!, nr\•n ui;cd, usually hn1, !lfill-7910 Horses 8060 \\'Jo:LCll l'on)', ~ yr~. nld. Good 11•/!·hlldrcn. Good home only. SP..:i. G-12-~. HOUS.hold-Goods-8065 CARPET, I l'x16 Be1'V<'ll Gold Shn~. 2 Pc Scclion11I. Blk. Crn Ott11s. 01r. 549"0012 Jewelry 8070 INl>IA:O-: j•'"'<'lry. Bou~ht "'11cl, rrarlC'd. Tw-qou1..c t'abs ff•r ITUf1 ~n1an. 2172 S.E. Bn;.!lil. S.A. Miscel'la-n-.. -.-s--~8~0=90 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Bnldwin ·Conn · Hornrnond • Mob~l~lo"-"H'°o~m=e-s--~9~1~40~ Kn11•11l • Klmbnll • Lov.·rey • -- ltodg('1.,,; -Th"ntai1 • \'run· MOBILE HOME uhu · \\'urlitzt-r. • FOR SALE : Oprli;:11n ............. S1~ SILVERCREST 1-?""·~·y Spinet ........ si95 MOBILE HOME \\ urlirzrr PipllK't. 001v •• S·OO * WIN FREE * 20· x 53', 2 B~ ~ BA. cari> .• ORGAN LESSONS drnped, bll·1ni;., rcfrlg .. FULLERTON MUSIC ~·uher & elcrt. dl')'t'r, 11·ircd for 2ro Air oond.. kite~. c-l~k. 11oragt-~hed, land· 18191 Eix·lid, Fount11in Valley scaPC<l palio. Tiiree yt'j. old 557...f836 . like nu. l..ora1M in ~· 1:!2 N. llArbor , ~·ull<'11on 871 -1805 nduJt pk. fl \Oo'aY from nni,;y ~t. One-MU bl. from club. oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil house. Red. to $12,950. Call C 0 N T I N U 0 US FRIT EVES. 213-6!H-4691), 697·7l52. OHGAN CLASSES F'OR CAN BE SEEN AT: ADULTS. F:V('I)' Tuesday CRESTMONT 7:30pn1. Str~rt ~ny v.·eek. ESTATES Ton1 DlctC'rLch In charge. 1051 Sile Or., Brea. (Central c.oo~t l\lu~i~ Co~ln l\1e1'a. f...\'t'. llt'n»i.'I frri m Bren Ne11port ~hd .. nt l.farbor . Comm. lfosp.) lot #46 &i2·:?8JI CONTACT lt AY. P K. ~IGR., ;\I A I.NT F TCENT Ebtln)'l~fo_,_,_h_o_•·_;,7,<_·~---- 1\us1ri<1n antique hand ran·· Motorcycles / 9150 f'd b't"and piano. Superb Scooters 1·(lnrl. ~Tu.111 AA('. This prize1 ---------- for lll'llh !hi' r..1usi('ian & lhr '72 ''At\1AJI ,\ :1.60~1X, I.ikC' Cnl!t'l'lnr (\1 $92j. or best or. 11('\.\;, Purr:ht1sf'd t ;rrar a~o Irr. 962-HiOj. branrl nr1'·. Off road ll(:('n;;e \VUBl.ITZEH Spinet O~an. ~ lh1'U J une '70. $r:i0. \\' iorp. IN/ic spkr_ X!nl 5.»-0035. roncl. S450. 5'1{).0138 bC'r.1 '·73='1~10~,~D~A-.~C~L-,~-~~. ~,600=-,~,i. 7:30 P.~I. E.'l:('('l!t>nt rond., f'nll aft P RIVATE PARTY \\'Al'\TS 6::«1 & \\'knds. 6;6-18-IO TO BU\' PIAKO FOH 1.·=~~-=----­CASJI . 5"1l9-l•I:> J-IOD:\l\A TT tr11nll'. hn,o; 0 _ _. "''hel'ls & trink. :'-lakt> offer. Sporting Goods 9'/rt 5-l9--0J!il POOL Tnhlr. ·II~ X !l -. BSA. 6.lO-. -p-,,-,ru-,-.-00<-I-, 7100-.k~ ru.~lon1 inarlr, 3 pr-. shilc, ~ru.n, . !.~~fj F1n11. C,1!1 "'/;1ceri;s .. Co-.1 SliOO., ~II _ r::u1-:.: -~ ''--·- $.ii:i. Golf C'l ub!'. n1atC'h•vt ·72 llO~DA , Ct :~.·.o, 5,!IOO ~<'!, A·l l,..nt/ .. rost $123. n1i .. Good condition. $jj(): A.d;'~ Sl';J. 1'l7-J2jl 613-ZliiO fo'll.L S«uha Tnnk:< fr<'<' •. ~.,"'"'\~'A~,~17,\~lf7A~200~. 7,7·~-,-. 7ba-ol· Corncli ui; AC 10 ron1prf'i:~nr trry, 3.oo:J n1i on cng, $2:>0. n1s(·uss -Pcnw -U..11t·h -r~N·nlly 1·ebl1 \1' nc11' 5 llP Call 673-1527. WE NEED YOUR · CADILLAC Sharp, <'lean lnte 1noclel c1n·s. J>nld for or Not. Ask t'or Chul'k Trapp U&ftl Car l\Jnnaicr TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY F'OR AI..L ~"'OREIG~ CJ\RS Cull or come :n to see ua. NEWPORT IMPORTS 1 3100 \\r, Coo!lt Hwy., N.B. 642-9405 \\c poy top price i11 t'tl"h for )OUI' clesi.n ust?iJ cars & 1n1cklf, Howard Chevrolet ~lac:Arlhur and Jnmbol'l'<' NC\l'pctrt Beut·h FJ3.05j5 TOP CASH $$$ pai<l for usci Ai\1C or Jeeps IJ:ll#~l·JOOJ AMC/JEEP 1969 lf111'hor Blvd. C.:\t. \\'E truY l:'>IPORTED AUTOS BEST PRICES PAIDI Dean Lewis Imports 1~fi6 1-ler bor. c.~f. 546·93lC CAST-I 1'"'0R YOUH CAil. s.16-T070 AUTOS IMPORTED -1 ~-~~------1 P iliNI -SllEETfi Ar. nitilOr. 4 CF:\I. $j5{1. Motor Homes Audi 9707 Yorrhoscof)'ou11·hollrcn't ..:i;i~--OJliO Sale/Rent ' 9160 -- 100 f1unili11r 11•ilh An11J~. ANTIQUI..: $hfll tu n , ! '70 1\VDI 100LS. A)t/F~I they're lhc people 11·110 ~C'I \\'!':-11rv-Richtirrls, Rppros, 1973 n· \\' I N N I·: B A G o s1l.'rro, ;_1ir, sunroof. SJl..9199 up fron1 lhf' bed in th<' n1nrn· dah• 18.~l. 12 gn~e. BC'sl Of· n1o1orhome has ('\'<'rythtng. l or 6il-t1TI. ing and tukc 1hc SllEE..:TS l1•t'. 96:!-4:>._~i Itcn11:. 1-aies'. 962-4'.>.~7. BMW 9712 ..,,.1111 them . -;: R B 8095 ::.tore, est., ar Tr•'rlers, Travel 9170 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; INSUl.ATI-: r ot:H H0:'-11:.: • NO\V anrl ad1•olrl llM' i;u1n· t.O~'T ll'llS<', Ul"R<'h l'On-•-----------1 n1<'r ru:-h. EthiPA I l'Oll· C'l'~.~lnn~: I r c n1ach1ncs, '11 KENC HAF"T. 26'. f'ull,v Amt. 'Otllll fOI BAVARIAN lnH·ll)r \\lll blo1v·in 6 in. fn•1•~rrs, ,c:ii1!s. fryC'r~. uni· self·con1a11".'rl. _J<;~ .• <'ond. firl<'Sl n1ah•ria1. For c.'OOh·r bl'{'llt1.s, ~urf ri1trr:-S.· n11u·h StC'efl:< 4. $1200/ :;.\~1l!l M 111ore l'Omfortable homr. I lllCIN'. Oll·nrr, iil-Jl 6~6-1991 . 14' TI~A\'f::1::-Trlr .. i;1n11\ iN' I 0 Avf'r11ge hon1c under $200. TV-Rad i;-Hf Fi St"8098 box, P'Jrt·a·JX>1, Slcc1Js 5. T C.'harJ:c i1. ADAl\TS IN· ' ' • $500. 8.~91 0 SU~TION G-12·98 llJ LiL·. 7.t:NJTl l, RCA & ~}h·ania Auto Ser. & Parts 9400 R $ 2.~'51.1. lV .(· srcroos. 191~ n1odcl,oj1 ----------lt pri<'<'rt 10. c!C'ar. All avail. ·n \'.\\'. F.n~inr. 1600 rtl(l(i<'I. •• models Jn l'.lock &: on 7,000 orig. mi., A.~ing s:;oo. Good, \1S('{I dlsploy. 3 }T p1~fure tu be, I 8~7-3892 Paul. appliances or ill sell for )' yr pnrts & M'IVIC.'t'. Cash 00 ~~~~~~~~~~~ MASTERS AUCTION tl'rini; to ~ mo. AOC '46-86&6 or &Jl-9625 Col r TV 19046 Brookhur~l I I§] ult 6 or S:i:idny, or 0021 Atlanta Huntinclon Auto5for5.11• r':'.. T:k-ach. 968-1129 or 96%-5559 _ ... &'m-fll74 . 54:>3()j() • 5·18·6.1•19 1 liiiiiiii.liiiiiiiimiliiiiii * CABINETS FOR Kn·. LAt-.'CEl-t 95.1.).2 Speakers.1 1 Cl!Jo.:N nnd Buth . UnfinlshN t'OSI $200. ~OC't;ficf' for $100. Antiques & Classic 952:0 4 ~'\"!'!. \t>ft on part & Ja hor or pt'\'lini~he<I. Cotu1tcr topH ii·a iTanty. 6~·5625 ·;;) T·HIHD lli\RDTOP also. MAltDEN ENT l'.:lt~ ~!!!!~!!~~~~~~i PRISE:S, ll 15 \\'esl 18th, 1\IT, P S, reslorl'd tn ol1i;?'· 1974 BAVARIAs • l.OSAs 7 to l·hoosc fro1n EXCELLENT PRE-OWNED BMWS • '66 1800 Tl · 4 speed ,., '70 2001 • lo .... · miles • '71 Z80() CSA · SW1 roof • '72 3.0 CSA · lon' miles e '71 Bavarin 4 speed PA Y TOP DOW .• Alt Cl\U. J\ENT AUJ..:N, Ml}.0·142. '71 DATSUN 510, ~Int l'Qnd. OliR. CM'ncr. ~l11g11, Hadiri l.s, Tape Deck. Sl.995. l714! ,,.. i1<rr•'"· c.><. 6,u;.,,.,, MONTE CA0NRL~O '74 TOYOTA Llmi"$3799 ' !l.11).i062 11!1. G n.1n. Str. Nn. 426181 DATSUN ·11 sro. wr;n xin1 Best DHI Anywhere! Howard Chevrolet ('(ii!d. Call A4T-MOO. I LEASE OR TRADE '.\lacArthur n.nd Jambon'C ·11 o,,TS-UN P.u . & Can1per. DAEAllNModlEWelsllS Ne"~~iit·h >..1nl cond, .self contlllned. 29 ?ilPG. s2:=ro. orrl'r. 96H9Sl ·s:, r.1 canuno. l i\T:\IAC. \\"111 TOYOTA nol soil IO ju•~MY0"'· MU<l ·73 2·MJZ, ~1h'('_r, ll/ld. air, ~ to appkciate. ~Ion. m111<s. 1mmac, S5.100 or 1"''~1, Thurt hlli-n 6 ,t· !t: 673-m4. 900-li05, 536-7990 ' d h P ,. ,1 1966 llarbor, C.~I. &'6-!:ti:ti3 '64 CHEVY auto. r .1. '7'2 l)ATSUN .L' .. .,,,..t .. , . , Rebh motor. (!('an. $2.j(). rontl., Rlrl l, h\')' duty J 69. TO' OTA. Corona. ,\uto. 12131;m_21~ bun1pcr. Gu.~ Air. radials, $!00. Call -""~=-.,,--~-,-Honda 9727 ! 831}-79-12. ·~ T~IPAL.\. radio, flil~ ~\\' ----------i T . h -67 UN's. Orig. w ·ner. $19a. I h. r1ump .,, S4+M'18 ·n HONDA CIVIC Ila!--. -""'-"'-----=-! chb.ick. Cd cond. Earlv '66 TRIUMPH Continental 9930 moms or llltc eves. 8.17..filiJ Good Cond. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J Jaguar 9730 * s.r.-l'"-076.1• '69-'72 .. Volkswagen 9nQ Lincoln's & Mark's '66, 3Jl Scd. ClaSt:.lc. llai; rvr11·1hlni;:. 22+ ~I P G , '7! V\V 1i·ith air, ~3.000 mi. ~htll\' lo ChOOSf' f'ron1 LQo ks .f: runs great. 01C'ap. rip (If[ dt•ttlt>r prk-e $2195. No C'nsh nf'elll;'d 893-f>365 I i\ly prlC<' $1600. Call .JM-0287 S0.11 Bolsa Jensen 9732: I uft j 11.m. \Vestn1lnster '71 V.\V. Bw;, H .. ~1 1 :ll,000 C lt 9932 JENSC:N nil, ~ccllrnt, $1750. 1 .:c•~r~v~•c;,;•;_ _____ _ JNTERC.."EPTOR 6-15-1028 6-!Ut717 \\IJLL PAY TOP DOLLAR Lai~~ ~~~~lion '69 SEDAN FOR YOUR Vt.TIE dlr., ,l mnleCJh-1te Dcli\'t'ry Arr, S950. fttl-BS-i l r u L1. s r.n v1cr: 1213 ~ S9Z.29i7 o="oc1"'9"'e-----~99=35 DEPARTl\tE..'IT '69 V.\\'. fAsrBACK NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V. Co<'lst f111•y., N.8. 642-9405 EXCELJ.Ef\'T C."ONDITION E\·es & Sun. • 9i'.}..ij'134 'Tl DODGE 4 dr. Serlan. AC. !\lust Sa1·rifk.'t' S I 5 9 II , xlnt. 5J6.-0210 or 6-12-4;.ZZ 'Si VY.' .fASTBACK, rond. SlZiO. •16-0383 1970 V\V pop · top crunper, :!l,OOJ miles, clean. Extras. S:!.SO'.I. 6-l l-0-162. Ford 9940 '71 FORD PINTO ,.:::::=::...;c.:.::..::::::... __ == 4 spei!<I lransmlssion, rodio, _M_a_•_d_• ______ 9_7_38_ Volvo 9772 hf'a lf'r. cu~1on1 ex1erior. SEE TH~: ALL r-il::\\' ROTARY PICKUP AND THE '74 ROTARY RX4 50 U$ED MERCEDES ON DISPLAY '72 MERCEDES BENZ LUXURY 4.5 SEDAN Bcots the crisis, n1ore n1ile11 pl'r ga llon, dl'slgn ,i:, cngh1e for long tin1•! O\\'nc rsh!o, clnssil· lines, ;1 1'i~1ocrar !c Ix-Hui)' and snfcty, 1·hooM' trom \\\·o; $S-l9:i. Could :1r· range ·lease for ~uit11b!t.> pa rty 186·1f"UOI (473CBZ1. '74 VOLVO Best Deal Anywhere! LEASE OR BUY All Modelsl OVERSEAS DELIVERY SPC:ClALISTS DEAN LEWIS VOLVO {322COZ\. $1577 a\)w.lewiA W TOYOTA 1!166 l·lorbor, C.i\I. 646-9:',0,1 GOOD reliable 9 pass. '.li.1 1vgn. 15 n1pg, r ul'IS lelTific $:.>T:i. Call 5"8-8'Z'Tl. 9945 fuel Linroln Con!inen!Al, · 6 8 . Silver gray, 4 dr. Black loin· rl11u top. ex . cond $1000. IH!Hi7~ Mustang . 9951 -~o~:f' """~~~,.~~S~~d".6'°"" 1966 Harbor. C.:\t. 64fi.9300 ~leering, radio, 1SIHOl6J. --~=~~~---1 Cleanest ~lustang in to11·n. '73 Volvo $977 1800ES •I speed "'/ovcrclri1·(', lraihet lnlerior, only 16,000 n1ilcs and like nf'1ov. 831-2040 Saddleback Valley Imports .,Pt41l LWliA W TOYOTA CilOOSE your hour.;, \\'Ork for yourself. be y(lur m1·n boss. f\1en or "·omen. C<1 n be slightly handicnpf)l'd . N('at • Clrun Apf)('IU'llll('{' Vis., retired. Ai;:e 25 lo iO. Supplen1ent your inron1e. Dril'e o cab 6 h~ or more n • day. Apply In ncrsnn, • 1 Yf'll~· Cah r o., 186 E. l6U1 1 SI . Cosla fo.tesa. \\~OOD\\'ORKER \\'ant<'<l 101· ~· 0 small bor1l!I. ~1 f'l ·C r u f r Bo.its, Tl.~ ,V. 17th, c.~I. No I pooo=:.. 1~ 1 f .c:c; A l\~e~. ~!~~-'-~·-,-A-N-M.me~ II~) ~:~· ~:h~:;~s~:~. G·~~~ RUGS** - Akhavi Oncnllll Rugs Ci\S TANKS installl'd bv Sl·I N. La. Cicncb<a Hh·d Boats, Marine Eq. 9030 ~lajoN'<1)'. Trucks and !21:1'-l 6..:,9-+&8() vans. &18 '"· 181h St., C.i\I. 30 GAL. Aluminum, fuel 4 Wh I D , 95SO i\IOVF:D · Can't use. f'rlgl· tn nk prrs~'\Jre tested. A!l ee rives dairc lle1·. D11·er. S50. "Sun· IK!"-· $100. 6-l~r8-l9j j T. or 50,000 mile \\'arranty a1·allablr on all Ile\\' 197•1 & '73 Bfo.1,\o''.s. 1=::1 House of Imports 523-7250 EXEC. CARS t"OR. LEASJ<::. Oioose from <I fully c>quip. pcd lo\1' n1ileagc 450 SE 36 i\1o lease $215.78 pt>r nio. DEL + Tux Lie. Serini No. OIH16. Take your car in trude. '61 \'OLVO 1225. Econoniieal 1966 llarbor. C.i\I. 646-9.'l().~ lrflnsportation. $3T:i. Call '66 CO:..'VER TIBLE, sliC'k. 6i3-1.lZ7 A/C, Ri ll t11pe dk, 1011• AUTOS USED n1i's. 20 m.p.g. Can see 2001 Harbor Bh•d, C.i\1. f''l:cept 9901 Sun. 54.~·9909. or j36.8."J56. General Antiques 8005 Ao'llTTQUE Oak Rocker, SlW. Ouk baro1nt>ler, $.10. I -49z.cr~17 Appliances 8010 '\'ASTE KINC: Bl1n J)lsh· \1·asher. Brn nrl nu, nel'rr u~('(f. Cost $200. Srll $1 25. Sllll in crate. -S.IS-23-i:l afl 6. COPPER.TON E Norr,l' r;.il< IJ1~r $60, I lrir.rcs! Gold Norge Elttt dryrr, S35, gunr t., delivered 546·8672. Rent Wa shers/Dryers $2. \\1k. f ull main!. * 6.19-1202 • RF.BLT 11•asher, dr ye r !I, d~h/" sh, $.;() t..· up to 1 yr gar. ~Z\8 or 839-7620 j.·1{1':E PICKUP, Rf'(rlg & Appl . Run or not, & scrap mC'tal. 6T~:iZ>S \\',\S°l!EH & DR\'E.lt 1-·on SALE $.'!Cl EACll l~l(i.-5.-14.~ l\f:N;'llQHF: \\'ashl'r & GM d1')'f'r st:.o, Gu1u· k tJ1•lil'f'l'P\'I 5'lfi.,'l{ij2 ,-~=~--* * X!.:"\'T HEt'R!r.. \\' rl<EEZF.R Hnly $7.i. or ! D~y 8-l:t·i·lll, l'\'l'i;: 96.~·~37i BuiidlngMaterials 8025 • Surplus Building ~IATERIAI~. J(lo)Q'!l or NE,\' JTE~IS: Doer~. lum ber, J'llY· \\'Ofld, n.lum shrrtlni;:, n1old- ing. w:nrlow~. etc. BUILDERS SURPLUS XiOO So, ~l11in, S.A t.ton lhru SJ\t IO·::t n4· S46-10.11 Dog• 8040 Al\(' \\'fo:IMARANEk. inltle, 2 ycar.i'. ol l. l,.'h:in1plon hlood· lillf'S. Dt..,1ru f('n111lr with SAn1e for breffiilli: l'i111mpino PU~. 541·~ ELEGANT .~ lntelllgt>nt '"'°" die pupt, AKC. Cll/ln1p •ired. biJ1ck. 493-l269, ;\f\C San10yrd 11 u P p I t> 5 1n11lc1. Rc11dy In 1~"' v.cf'k11 $l50. S16-il119 f!\'f!l/wknrls YORJ<S•llll.£ Terrier, AKC l't'fl, n1alc. 10 wk:t old. 00<-13.'l:I hur:-l" ~old • Shag ('Orpcl l::VINRUDE .jJ GI 'i O TOYOTA 4"·d !!talion .~. Drapt>s & Car\'l'tl ""oodl'n . ' 1 :sp. c run· \\·agon. 0 .5. Stl't'I Radial -" •1 k ff "'"l5Sl 1111\J: 1'flnd Con1 p \\'/ <'Oil· · "/fl T d 119-· iuus. "a co er . .......,. · 1 1 . ...,_,,· ,,,.,_1-.1, f 6 ~Lre!l;.."' • Op ron · '.'! 2'1402 l\ta1·guerite Parkway 11'0 S. ~""· ll't. J. ~ a t. d •l-61J...046t {'\'CS 21J.~lli1 · " · 1\1,\NY Oil P ain l I ng s, · • J\Usswn VleJO I \\'atrrrolo111, '":rnphics. Prlc-Boats, Power 9040 days. I S31·2040 e 495-4949 cd to $l'll, pvt. ply. 628 Bui-l 9 6 t C HRI S CR \ f' T 1972 Cl!EIJ)' pickup Iii T. USL AVERY P\\'Y EXIT. Jim Slemons Imports ton1111od, ,\n.11ht>in1, :>J.a.5.i95. CAV ,LlEll 2.. V ~ h A/C, P/B, P/S. a uto, set I "'~"!'~~~~~~~· ' "• • rt s, up ror off roart. i\fakc orrer. ORANGE COUN~'S C.\nPET For Salr. 100 sq galley, rnc. hcu~. ~ml!. After 6 call goo..2393 1 ~ yrrls U&'<I carpeting. You 1"blt. \'·8, ~"' paint. $2495. OLDEST ~301 Quall Nel' .. l•'rt Beach ren1ove bt>fore 1\prrl 17, Dnys: 6 4G-3248/Eves: Trucks 9560 4!)9.3813 L.agnna Ni~ut•l. !lAA-8725 1---------- SPHING SPECIAi. ~2 of! nor· l:J' GLASTRON !'iki boot. '73 GMC -% Ton 111<1] p · on Slf'n111 Clean· W11• profile. light V hull. ij itl.I: your e111·pct 5il6·:17•1J. hp. 81"au1iful. i\lust .<:I'll, ' OJ hal'C ordered n1>11· boat. $900 1.,.t , LOR TV :is i!':, "l<'rro, iv/trai!t>r. 540-07:i:i. VS, auton1atir, po"·rr ing, radio, 3!ll\23N. Stef'\'· I .,.1~i;.~·. . t• ~.n._4 rh1ld:> IJurt'au. hcsl offl't', U ~ • .~-~· l'irkup, 962-fJ!IO'l lG'i'' long Bos!on \\'h a I c. r ---~1 1\EN!\IORL 11·shr s:10. E ng. like ll('i\·, Scf' & f')(· """" J-larcl\1'000 001 $.'.Cl. 9xl2 • an1i11e at Schock~ in $3077 SPECIAL SS ' SALE ON BLOUSES SKIRTS & DRESSES CHARGE CARDS WELCOME AT FASHION BOUTIQUE 333 E. 17th Street ffirhlnd Intcrnot1011nl 11ov11e or P11n<·okf'~f Costa Met a Ph : 645-8321 wool rug $20. 551-1311. Newport or call 673-20j(), ·'I\ L • i\lOVING: Bar stools, ..:hr.;, '71 ENTERPRISE 16' '\' -t41l f.1ai4 lovcsea l, vacuum, fir 11a.~l'l' trl hull, inbn1 , n1ns good, VOLVO & hRIKI n1011·cr. 556-0865 no trlr. $550. 6Ta-87ill SO"JND design ·slereo S40. G.F.. electric blanket 55. Jn i::ootl rondilion. &lfi.3140 ~Wanted 8081 s· Ci\BOV ER Tr a \'£ I t e raml)<'r Sleeps 4. elcc. \l'Rtcr jacks, licdowns $51J. ~n-2689 \\'ANTI:U * USED BRICKS * Boats, R1nt/Ch'~a-r~.~90=50 19$ Harbor. C.J\I. 64'i·9303 A?' N.,.. .. Ch . ~ f '67 El Can1ino, p/b, p/s, air .,_ '. .. ris ~ ..... ,a t cond, 4 spd, V·fl, ma~. foly·Bnd~~ SJX>t1 J' IShtrMan. almost llC\1' "'d tlre!l $10;.J(l Plush. f'Ull electronics, full ~1u.'lt sell . 64j.....l~R.1. · · · r,allev. sho1ver, ct •. Fe~ =~==~-~--­ char ier hy day or .,.,~k. 6 '63 O IEVY 1s T. pickup people max. t"'ish, crui!IC, \l'/cun1pcr, auto, $ 8 0 0 , cocktall. etc. :~·iG-6626· da)'s, 646-Br..s 962·2301 e\'£'nings \~'t'ekencl.s. a.=E=A7N~1~9=7'2~E=l.~C~,,~,71=1N~'O~SS"- Boats Sail 9060 Al\ot;t>~l\f, A C, \V/SHELL, • S2895 642·4739 or ~18. * 1170-,lf:o&t * CORONADO 25. 1-lalf in· \\' ,\NTED to buy older guns. trt'f'st n1any f'Xtra.s. Xlnt P l<'aSf' call 1'<'11111. NewJX)rt Slip. $2900. 5-IS-OOcll~-,. \V III ronsider sm11ll boat as M=i,-c-."'w""acnted-8081 pa1t lal payment. 500-4170 ----------I or 644-1371. ~W~A~N~T=TO~B~U~Y~.-,-ood~~L~ldo71 \\',\;o.;TJ:D Offset Plate Burner nnrl Light Table ( S70-l:i64 ( =Of~c-. =Fu~r-n. & E'-q°'"ui,-p.""aoi'5 E.."<EC 11.11 l ctirs $15 25. Oki $15 up, Sf'<"/ chf'lll $8/24. Jlicrcc 867 \V 19, C~I. (H2.J408, Pets 8087 * Socurlly Pet Prod. * Bttf 28c lb. Cott. ch. 20c lb. 0.11.L.'a S2.50. 10/mON' $2. 5-11-3971 1413 E. '''115hl~, SA ___ ~-- Pianot & Organs 8090 PLA Y1':1t PIANOS Nf:'V It USf:l), ROI.I .. ~. 14' ""'llh trnller or mooring, 673-3731. 10 .spd bike, $40. SABOT, ~k built, Uber gtas.-i ma~t & 'A'ood mMt . 11·/sa\11. $2.JO. ~2-5..'l:i4 llOBIE 16. YellO\o\·/.,.,•hltt', N(l. 41i.I. 5trlpt' sails. CleRn. S..IOpm, :to1g..1s.H. KITE. No m11st. good rood SJOO 6r bt-st offer . l>lMtM Boots, Slips /Docks 9070 OPEN 7 Days A Wnk Du\••• Ouprt'!!, 2910 D Grncc l.,;lllt' Cotll'I til CM ~'-''----'=-'--'-~--- 1974 BMW's 833-9300 ENTER F'ROM r>tacARTiiUR r-.1 ER CEDES BENZ -Xt..'iT SF:LECTION: 220's thru )'Xi's. 15 to rllOOSC rron1 al S ADDLEBACK VALi .EV li\IPORTS 831-2040 o r 4~9'*9. in s!ock ready ror immediate '69 280S. all po1\·cr option~. delivery. E.~cellcnl savings A/C, OnC' O\\'!Wr. iw.iv. on remaining 1973 model11.. rd ~~t'IVI 6-1954 &\!_.ES.SERVICE LEASING rf'CO .~. ~· 1";'1 • O\TERSEAS DELIVERY c&l<>-_l2_'4 _____ ~ ROY CARVER, Inc. l 1~1 1~i: 1i~~· Cl'~~er,~lk: ROU..S ROYCE BM\V ceCalC:l-'6~tt~ilc.10~.---= 234 E. l71h St. MG 9742 Costa 1'fesa e 546-4#1 '74's Are Here! lmmedlata Delivery! 1971 YEU.O\V i\!Gm . Xlnt cond UJ n1ilcage, $2,000. call 640-00>1 Save On Remaining #73s Peugeot CREVIER BMW __,N,,_E_W_P_E-UG_E_O_T_ 9748 Sales e Service e Lensing 20S w. "'· S.A. 835-3171 DEALER Closed Sundays Complete SAies and &!rvlce. 50 C'0111pacts on di.splav. PAC IFIC MOTOR IMPORTS PEUGEOT /SUBARU 1551 \V. J.ln • ..,ln Av ... , 'nnhrim • ... '" " LEASE A BRAND NE\'' 'i4 ...,8'<'1 I TOYOTA 1200 Corolla. Scdnn (or c11\y $S5.Z5 per mo. ~ n.as. O!)('n end Jena~. BILL MAXEY . -TOYOTA .1 " I ' ' ' " '-> I< I"-., l • ' l f ,1 SPECIALS OF THE DAY! (3) 173 Monte Carlos ·1tGhia, ll ·I ryl, auto, air, p11T, radials, lliOO n1i., l\lay take small spts. car in• trade. 962--06.16 j '69 t-.1USTANG, ~taC'h I, air. 1 . stereo. Like nt>w. SWOO. or best offer. 962-1965 ---Oldsmobile Salt'!! A Sr.vice OLDSMOBILE GMC TRUCKS HONDA CARS 995S UNIVERSITY OLDS 2850 llarbor Blvd. Co!lta ?Ile.a ~·9640 Pinto 9957 '73 Buick 'Tl RUNABOLI, air, auto txtre trans, lO~f milf'I. Lugg~(' rack. Pri. pty. $23 9~. 52688 S1688 '70 Grand Priic E•lra lh••P. L.otdfd, on1 u1 $2253 169 Pontiac $!•!!°"' wJ "°"· F11ll1' io.ot11. (llltllJ S1688 '70 Bu ick s~~larti lDr. H.T. l't etl ~l,lty. illf"') ~.1688 """""" 1973 SQUIRE Slfttion .... 111gon. G r e 11. t co ndlllon. AIC, radials, 4 spd. 492·•!602, 492-4790 Ste\·('. Plymouth 9960 ATLAS Chrysler/ Ply.....,th Open Delly & Sun. 'til 10 PZl1 2929 Harbor Bl \'d ., Cost11 l\fesa 546-1934 '71 DUSl'ER Twister, ra<lin, hca•er , p/!i, auto, V-8, radials, $1300. 963-Hl75 T,;;:;-nderbifd 9970 '57 T·BIRD, white \\'/blk, \11. ter., porthole, hardtop, 11.u10. tran~ .. elec. "'·lndo1•:s. Very nke! c:m. 6!>-3331 Vega 9974 '72 VlX.':A Sl1t. \\'~ .• DIC'. cond., R&H. CUiiom Int. Jo ml. Best offer. 646-1123. Trivia? It's a rea•on fo read the " Dally Piiot's entertainment page e¥ery Sotvr"day ' ' San Clemente T otluv's Final ~ Capistrano ED I T I ON VOL. 67, NO. 105, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORll!IA MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1q74 TEN CENTS Growth Panel Tasks 'Too Broad'; One Quits ' .... By JOIL~ VALTERZA Of -0.11'1' f't191 "9ff The Capistrano unined sch o o I District's new growth p I an n in g commission saddled with monitoring surges of new pupil populations appears to be having g:ro..'ing pairui of its own today. Trustees tonight wi11 receive news of the resignation of John FI o o d, a key member of the advisory group which has grappled with controversial I s s u e s l"fl.1ling to !!Chool attendance areas in rectnt months. • 8eside9 news ol F'lood's resign11 ." .:'I, t r u s t e e r trill receive a memo from the dl!trict staff admitting that perhaps tile dtlun'a advisory group tw too broad a task. Flood told t h t district st.aft ~ is leaving because the time required by commission ~wk conflid,, with hb ov.'1\ commitments. Dirtctor of Admtnistrative St-rvice! Joseph Yi'lmer, in a memo to trustees. suggested that the board develop more definitive guidelines for the panel because ol tbe increase of tasks. "The commission 1\3$ a "·ork load that Is reaching considerable magnitude . and I also suggest th..1t s o m c cxn;tduation be gh'en to C\'aluat ing its aS:Signment to detennine if its original scope was realistic," he said. In recent ""'eeks the commission has held hearings on propo.wd shifts in students from Dana IUUs 10 San Clemente High School and that issue sparked se veral heated meetings with angry parents. SWI more· hearings are proposed for lhr commission this month on lhe same i.ssue. ' Trusters origina lly envisioned that the panel's tasks ""·ould br IC'SS hect!c - monitoring the grov.•th patterns in the d1str1ct and making routine suggestions on altt>ndance areas. But the recommendations have nol been th.1t easy to draft. Yet anolhcr. propos.1l b~· t he commission romes before I r u s tee s tonight, relaung to yOungsters drsuned to attend the new Del Obispo Elementary S<hool. Two Policemen Cleared In Fatal Bar Shooting "R isks T r ivial' Nuclear· Reactor Peril Minimized WASHINGTON (UPI) -The chairman cf the Atomic Energy Commission says the worst "credible" nuclear reactor disaster would be no worse in scale than Cou11 ty Panel ' To Consider De-a nn exing By JAN WORTII Of t11t Deity l"fNt Slltf A proposal to de-annex the Tustin Unified S c h o o I District from the Saddleback Community College district will come up again Tuesday at a meeting of the Orange County Committee on School District Organization. The proposal. spearheaded by a citizens group called the C o 11 e g e Committee of Tustin. is being firmly resisted by the college. which stands to Jose 25 percent of its assessed valuation and 17 percent of its student body if the de-aMexation goes through . The county committee is made up of 10 Jay persons appointed by the county board of education. They have been asked to recommend what should be done in the Tustln-Saddleback rift belore it !See TIJSTIN, Page !I CJinther Rescued On Park Bluff A Capistrano Beach mag trying to 9Caie the bluff at San· e&eminte State Park SUnday gave the rangers' new cliffs rescue unit a chance to practice, officials reported today. Larry Williams, 21 , of 34576 Calle Pnrtota. was helped off a perch 45 feet above the beach ln the incident wbicti. occurred near the noon hour. Rangers said tbe man v.·as unhurt In the mishap. orncials at the park recently launched a new cliff-rescue squad to cope v.ith problems encountered ak>ng the miles of bluffs at two area state parkl. Strea1,ers Ciwl In San Cle1nente Two ~'Ollths wrapped up ll week of vacationing at san Clemt.nte state park Saturday by pulling off an Easter Eve streak along the beach. &ngers. however, did some .strtaklng. them!<'-lves. by tearing off two citationa charging un1awful disrobing and nudity JI a stale park. Spokesmen sak! the two rouths, both tocal youngsters. .,,.,re detained by lUtguards after the brief epi.sode at 7: 10 p.m. . 1be pair nert will ha\'t to explain t:. :Ir romp to a judgt. ' ' ... the crash of a large jet. Dbcy Lee Ray said SUnday the AEC wa&..·~ the safety bla rds of nutlear reactors which would be made public during the unmer. She aald lt .-ould tbllf tltec t.be risks of nuclear inergy are "trivial -compared lo the benefits derived." Dr. Ray y,•as Interviewed Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." She was questioned about an uncompleted 1965 AEC study "''hi.ch said the worst possible nuclear accident coold claim 45,'()00 lives and cause $17 billion damage. She said the figures might be true only If all safety ractors used in reactors were ignored. "But if you really analyzed "'hat Is poS3ible. given the safety that Is engineered into the system _ .. the worst possible accidents that are credible in any way would have consequences no worse than such an accident as a large ~t plane crashing or the rupture of a dam ," she sakl. "Al long a1 one recognizes that nothing in the world is 100 percent free of risk. I th.lnk the study will reveal that in the nuclear power field the risks are trivial compared to the benefits." Dr. Ray added. She said the United States should speed nuclear ener(Y production, but added that there should be a di versity of energy sour«~ Dr. Ray said the A~C was still stadytng how to dispose of the expected increased nuclear wastes. but would continue its above-ground storage plan. In a Washington Window.UPI Interview Saturday, Dr. Ray said the United States cannot achieve energy inde~ence by 1998 without "a Uernendous increase" in technol0gicaJ effort i nd a lot of good luck with labor i nd materials. She said uudear power plants would be generating 2o percent of U.S. electricity needs In another sit years, but President Nixon's announced goal of tndependence from foreign energy 90UfteS by 1980 appeared to be out of reach. La Habra Coup le ,.\.m~ng Vic tims Of llawaii Crash A pair from On.nge Cowity were amoog ,_ boneymoonlng <Ollpi,,.. aboard a chartered tour J>'ane that slammed into a slope of llawali's ~fauna Loa volcano four day s ago, killing 11 pert005. They wue Identified today b y authorities as ~!r. and ~1rs. Gary Pt1oomjean, of La Habra. but their street address: in the north county city WM: unavailable. . eoo;,. ol lhe•I t ptf'SOl13 who died In the crash which OCC\a'Ted on a day-long air tour of tht lslaods we:re not recovered until Saturday. ln-iJaton from the National TraM- port.aUon s.!ety Board were to rttum to !he site today. U~I Tt""""°lo NUCLEAR RISKS 'TRIVIAL' AEC Chairman Diley Ray Prime Lendin g Rate Excee d:S 10% Barrier KE\\' 'YORK I AP 1 -The prime k!nding rate broke through the 10 pereent barrier today as t1~·0 banks posted rates abcl\re the old rl'rofd. Mrth Carolina :-.'ational Ban k announced It ra ised its prime from 93i per cent to 101 ~ percent. erlective las1 Friday. The First National Bank of Chi cago. the nation's 10th largest commercial bank, set its prime rate at 10.10 percent. r>;"orlh Carolina Na tional Bank is ranked 26rn. It was not immediately apparent v.•hethc r other banks "'ould folio"' since the Federal Rescr\·e Board \'erbally discouraged mo"es beyond 10 percent !See RATE, Page .21 'VERY PLEASED' SAYS ADVE RTISER lt must hav~ seemed like "home. ~weet tTIOlor home'' to lots of Daily Pilot readers when this ad appeared in the classified section : e SHARE \\'INNEBAGO e O.n 20 '!. Int -fully equip. Ui;e JO v.·eeks per year. Con· sider only responsible part)'. Call (Phone No.) ~1-F 9-$. The advertiser reported he was "very pleased" And got "lot' of responses" plus . of COUrst, finding a \\'innebago partner. \\'ant to ti')' for re5ponse on your pitch. whatever H is? Jwit dial the direct llnc to resulls, 642-5678. 'We 'll Neve1~ l\.11 0\v Facts,' Says Ji1clge By TO~I BARl .. f.Y 01 1111 01\ly '•l•I S!oll T \\'O off . duly policemen. st'paratC'I\' chargtd \\'ith murder and ;1ssa11lt following a Tustin barroom bray,·I tha1 left'ja ~larine Corps Captain dead and aoother patron wounded , •.rere cleared nf all cha rges today in Orange Count~· Superior Court. , Judge Byron K. ~fc~li11an opened thr hearing scheduled \\'hen lhC' trial or both men \\'as declared a mistrial JO day s ago by finding Garden C:ro\'C patrolman Jcrr~· Gray, 29. innoet!nl of charges of assault with a deadly \\·capon. Those chari::es wl•re filed 110 .Ian. fl. 1973. \\'hen firay "as booked for the v.·ounding Bachelor's Ill bar patron San1 Campise. 3:., "'ho was shot in the chest during the til\'Crn fracas. Police called lo the Tustin bar chargrd Cypress police Sgt. Thnrnas Baroldi. 21\. \11ith murder \\'hen h(' i,1•as identified as the man \\'ho shot and killed ~larinc Corps Capt. Handa1\ Stl•\·cn Hobincllt'. 25. of Phoenix, 1\rlz. A jury that had deliberated for four days last April 5 had found Gray innocent of the ch<trges al the time it y,•as calle<I back to the cou rtroom. But the 1ury had not signed the \'erd irt forn1 "·hen the defendant's la\\'Vers asked fhe prosecution to drclarc a inistrlal u1 !he case 10 the belief that the verdict "·as going against them. Judge i\l c~lillan ruled today that "JI is ISt~ CLEARED, Page ?I Israelis, S' rians • In Hea vy (]ashes 111 Golan llcig hts Syria and Israel traded artillery And tank fire on the Golan Hc1ghls ~·ar front today after a ~·eekcnd of the hardest fi ghting since the Oct.ober 1\"a r. ~lcanv.·hile. Egyptian sources said to- day that Secretary of State Henry A. K1s· singer i,1•i[J tra ve l 10 C;um as the f1r 'l stop on his effort to arrange a 1nihtary settlement ...Ct Y.·l'Cn Israel a.Mi Syria. They sa id the trip \\'as arran~ed be- t\\·ecn Kissinger and Egyptian f'orrr~n (o.linistcr Ismail Fahmy. h ot h at th•· United ~auons for a special session 01 the G::neral Assembly. In addition to Egypt, Kissinger i;; C'<- pectcd to add J\U\\'ait to his schedulf', v.·hich already includes Israel and Syria . Kissinger told reporters the tnp v.ou!d begin ''in about two v.·ceks." Damascus radio said Syria's defense minister. ~taj. Gen. l\lustafa Tlas. made a quick trip to the "for"·ard command headquarters of Syrian forces on l\lt. liermon.'' This "·as the first official Syrian reference to such a command since the October v.·ar. The Tel Aviv ('{)mmnnd satd [}(>fen~ l\tinister l\foshe Dayan also toured l~raell positions on the Golan fron t. and that a Syrian artillery b..'lrrage t:ropted al the time. fl said Dayan ~'as unhurt, but that Iv.'<> Israeli soldll'rs were wounded. The command sakt shelling resumed this morning along the northern sector of the 300-square·mlle bulge cap1ured by Israel during the October flghUng. The command also announced the iS.o MIDEAST, P•ge !I Par('nt, in !hr arl'J \lhf'r(' C'l11'd1"11 ha\'e be<'n SC'lrtlt'<l tu .1!!•·11d !h• 111·\1 cam pus rl·µ1s ll'ft'<i i'1n('t·rn o\e!' !h,• hazards to ~oun1:s1t'r" 11hu h:111• t1l 11.ilk ;H."f'O:'is thr bu~~ /lt'l Obl\llO Ro,1d nc,1r the San Juan ('ap1:-.trat10 ~C'hool The d1str1<'t .1lrt'<1d~· h:i.~ .1skl'd f1)r 1mpro\'emrnts on the ro.1d b\>fore ~eh(lnt npcns Jn the fall , ;ind loTHJ:ht trll!>ll'<'S 11111 <ll•cL<:!e 1f the a11c11d:1nc<' :ir,·a ts satisracton·. It r;1 t1~ ft1r .dl l'!('111Pnl.1r~·ll!t"<I youngsters h\ 1n~ ;1h1ng Del Ob J .. !X> \•) attend tlit• new schOOl T!H' ;u·1•;1 11~''1:d h.111· .1n 1nl.1nd horder r•' l.•ll Hui. ..;1,,,' .rud .1 11,1<.T11 ho1d1'r pf i ',tt lfll' I "·'~1 !J1i.:t·,1,1\ l h"'l' 1•\- rludl•d f1t11n 1!11· b•)·•ll<l.1r\ \1n11ld ht' I~''' !h•nt<f of lh1· ·r1i.u:•!1•rl11f,i ('(111111\ ·rho· /ll!h· \1(111ld p1.o.' ,on ~-.. 11111.11••11 a.;,; \OUtl~"h''"' Ill !ht· H• ,, ·'' 11•••\ un ll\l\'0Lll):: tl-1\ 11 llh .. 111uch 1 1·•·~1 !111 ;.:n•11 th f'\'(•r !ht• n1•\ '· II I 1'.lr' Thi· n• .1 ',,•111·11, 1 111',11111i::; rvn1rh·t1on on LuaJ !\,.• ,,, !i1 1111 rl ,1r •"1 ~<'1'11r;1I 1t.,1r' .1.,11 1111·-n \J 1t••1 f,,r,hr .Jun1eor I! .,h :-.. lf,,.,: 11 .1, h1111! 11 1, \1K·.1ll'(I 1111111~·ill,1 !vl~ !l\·\I <l~1I' tu F1•!,.l1•1' (Uol t p ,101 ~!di PMtt ('n rnpcr~ on their \\·ay home Jue s urfboard" anrl other gear up f)UJr· tcr-n1ilc trail leading ln tlC\\'. 4 1-'p:i«c c:unp;.:round for hiker:> al San Onofre State Park. ;\('\I' f;it'!lJ\\' huilt h v Han.;t·r• r1v(·r three "'reks drc1\· capacitv tro>w·ds durin~ J·'.a ... tcr \\'Cck . alnng \l'1 !h l'Dll' rf'11c1v« h\' cue:-;t;... s·an Onofrf'. rin1e !1 ttJC-ll '<('I\. \~·;i, jJtlllllt'ri O\C /' J·:asl l·r \\·eek. Story and addi11 on;1I pu·tur c p:1ge '.l. John Mitc1ie ll's Plel1 : 'A bsol utely· Not Gitilt)1' \'F.:\\' 'r'0HK 1AP1 -V11rn1•: .\tt·: (;, n ./oh1 \htrhr;-ll ~.-ud l1Y!;1~-ht> 1";'" ··ahsolut"l}' nrit ~u1l1y" of •<•n•µ1rt11'. c.b~t rurt1un of 111~11ce or [JC'r]ur1 ··Ar~· you 1:(1.llh y ()r not ~11111:. · ;,~k· d his l:i1\:-"r. Petf'r flem1ni; .Jr "Ahso!utf'ly not i::uity of all\' of th1• thargt·s." ~aid ~1llch1>!L The former Cabinet officpr and • \- r ommt·rce S<'Crelary \laur 11'" Stan<. /)<l\f' Ix-en un tri.11 in fedf'ral cvurt for •·1~•nt "·erks 11nt')' ar" acru\"d of !t\1n~ t11 impc'(le a St•curit1t·~ .ind E'.1.cha nt;•' C'nmr111ssion 1l'l\'Cst1gJt1on of f1n,1nc1r·r Robert \'rSCfl in rrturn tor h1' 'U'Cf•·t S20Cl 000 c:-1sh contrthu•1t)n ·o I 'rrs1ri•·. t \'ixon's re·f'h•c11on c:i mp;u~n At th<.• end of h 1~ c!1rct1 1·x·11n1narir1n t•f \lJtehcll \\h1rh s1:1r\L'(I \\'f'!Jn••<.1t,,, hrl'lri• a Joog hohday "'t'ekt>Od 1 \~ F lf'm:11.~ lt•d ,\!1t chc ll !hrough "''r h ot 1h.. '!\ C'Qunl.~ of pl'rJur} After •·arh oni· 1\.1~ read. ~l1tchcll said !hat n1s 1~·.,11n1vn~ t•1 Girl ,] t, Fo und Dead in ) ard 1\ S.'lnta Ana gr11ndmothf•r "ho camr· horne Sund<iy ru~ht nnd <l1f! nl'lf ~t'e·h··r grandd11u1th1rr. so hf.l1e\'cd ~tlc h~,rt i::nn" to bed. aw·oke todn~· and roond thl' (!1rl lying dead 111 the back yard. Leona B. Do)'fll 1t'Of2J48S IJ11'1"hSt, surrered a falal head 1niur)' ~hen 'h'' 8pp.irentlr fc" :ind "!ruck hl'r ht'f<l on J trick planter in 1hc h:ickyard :.: S<inta Am pohct ~'lid thtrc w:i' no oxid~ to lndic:ilc foul play , \I 11 !1f'll ;1!·1\ •. ! 1• ,! rt.·11 I•· t1,t·! 11u ... u1I \\hit•· rr Ip• l'•l•n .1.1 .. 1111 fi.,,11 111111.11 11,,. ~ r;1rvl ]'I!\ 11t11i·11 .nd11 · 1! h1111 1\.1' I f(;f\;1\1,J\ J;r·•'.l<l l•I'' .1tul !h:J! llH" !•'') ,1111r.t<. 1\,10 •11• '1•)n•<I t11m 111·1 ~· · '1Hll· b:1:-1 :1rrL~ •· IJ •:111 l•·,!11!1-d ti) n1:1r r!l•·<T In ;111 :1pp .. ;ir.1n11' ,.,, lht' prruirru1<1r·.~ 1\1!nc<.,. ,\lit< h1'1! ,;,1d 111.11 ht· d id nu1 C"f»l\1d1 r th•• i,:r;11 d 1ur\' run<.l\\'al'" ,111d th:1t h·· had fell that ·111· 1r<J't•1uor,1\r>r1• "polite and t:iif't< \llTC:lll'J .L, l'aJ.:f' :!1 Or~:~-k-~oast \\'eat lier \ 1110l1n:i off pt riocl , '1rrr;1,I f•ir Tur "L1.1 11111\ 11 n'r' 1,J1\1r• , ~1l,1n~ th•-1'fld~t d1ppino: •11•,, 'h•• h>11 t•r ill~ ;1Pl:r t111 11" ;r,;r;, <'h1H:. 1h1. air [. .IC .~ .. ' f1 r ' "' 1·rir1•l1 l·n· lil•i•f ' ., ,, " / ,1,·11 ' ... .... 11111,.. 11 LMl&VI M ,.,1111• " ' Cl• u,1o,<1 II 1' C•"'·(I •\ Ctl>\~rd 11 o, .... '""~'' 1 C~ 1..-1 I '"" t I. •!"ti •llmtlU 1t 1 • Flr.tfl(t l t II lltr Ill• I Ktfd tr llt,.Mopt 14 ' ·;·c~:> \' ... J! ,.11 ,, ' ~ ••• ,! ' II •I ,. ~~.,, L '"' II /fP,••• ,,,. N 1t •l>~t ,.,,., I Ot "'1' (tunlv 1 "••:>'• 11 u !1l'<>t '''''' It s,..i, , ... , \~k ...... -'" ,. ,, ''· ""'~ n T1'•·••~• n 111 'f'lo'N""' I W.,1111 H._. 4 • OAILV PIL01 SC ---D~AD .AT 41 S.lllng Chomplon Wol•h Mass Co1iductecl For Pro1ninent Coast Y aclttsntan Mass was recited for Roger Welsh today at St. Joachim's Catholic Church in Costa Mesa. Mr. Welsh, one or Newport Harbor's mp national and international sailors, died Friday at his home, 1101 Markin Lane, Newport Beach, after a long illness. The 41-year-old insurance adjuster h a d recently completed law studies and was preparing for a legal carttr. He was bom in Los Angeles and moved to Newport Beach with his family when he was six yean okl . He has been active in the sailing and yachting activities most cf his life. Mr. Welsh was an accomplished small boat sailer. He was national champion in " the Intemallonal-14 Class ln 1968 and was several times West Coast champion in the class. He moved into the international Soling Chw when lhe boat was selected u an Olympic class and was district champion in tm. He ws a consistent winner in locel and rqional regattas. Mr. Welsh was responsible r o r introducing the famed AustraUan-18 dinghy to the U.S. &Jld often saij! It was Ole most exciting high performance dinghy he had ever sailed. FrmttP .. el . CLEARED only fair to Gray to rind him innocent since that was the Int ention of the jury at the time we brought them out of the jury room." Ten member! of the jury revealed after the mistrial ·was dccla~ that they v.·ere in favor of a verdict of innocent for Baroldi with tv.·o other jurors undecided. Commenting today that "we will never really know what happened in lbe bar that night" Judge McMiiian found Baroldi innocent after lawyers for both sides agreed to let hlm rule on the Issue. Ctiief Deputy District Attorney James Enright unsuccessfully urged Judge Mc1'1illan to at least find Baroldi guilty of involuntary ma nslaughter. "He showed bad judgment as a police officer and he was hopelessly drunk when he shot Capt. Robinette," Enright alleged. "There v.'as no evidence of a struggle, in fac t the evidence was all to the eUect that th e capatin was deliberately shot in the chest." Defense altomey ~1atthew Kurllich argued that Baroldi was going to the aid of Gray at the time and tha t Robinette, barred his way. ''It was a normal reaction for a police officer." KurUich said. '"I'hert: was no intent to kill and there was no evldencc in lhe trial that would really support that thoory." OlAMMCOAST $C DAILY PILOT , ... °'-"'141 Co.I<! o. ... ,.,~, ................ COIT'· t -""' ... ~.,,,. ........ _,,.....,.&I' 1 ... 0. ..... ( • .,, ~~~ ... ~"I' :O..-~··· """""" ... ""'""""ti "'.,...,.., 1 ... 0->l" 1,,1.1, le< f"''" ,,. .. , N~•P<I'" Otoe.~ t•••"''""'O" (leor;~ r,,.,... I>' ~1·1~, l•;WIO ,._,,u;~ I•, ~~'s.M'"l>K" •NI •.• ,_ .... ~·· .... ~ r~i.·"•N) • .. ...p ·->I •J'·"' .................... u .. ,,.,,. ..... <;..~· ""'' t•• ""~''Pol°""" ..... ~~"''"' ., lJO w.-.1 il<oyli!•t~I '-Olll•-,c.!llQ<,,.. .. 1.;11. y,.1 J,l (.,lfl'f 'llc•"'--•"'10.--~ T~i!'ffv~ .. ~ l~...:K ,...IJ.~,... ........ l - ~~H l.,...,, ~oeloodP. Nol ~IM~ .. l _.. s ... ~OMc• ~l~i;l~~eal o• Offlc•• Q;~"'-M:t-30_...,,_ ~~-~ """-'°"'~·· -·ntl9R9"1:• "''~ .. ~~ llfuM.....,,tt)•-·- • • BQard Sifts Bank Papers . \ Eor_:_aues~ \VASHI NGTON (U PI ) -The Senate \Vatetgate Committee is searching bank records to check' the serial numbers on $100 bHls of President Nlxon'1 secrelary, Rose Mary Wood!, :ind his brothers f'. Donald of Newport Beach and Edward. in hopes of unraveling the mystery of the $100,000 Howard llughes connection. JUgb committee sources have dlsclosed !hat ~1lu Woods' financial records were being examined to dttermlne If &he received any of the controvenlal $100,000 campaign contribution given C. G. .. Bebe" Rebozo by Jfugtles. Newswee.k 1.1.mgailne reported that Senate Watergate inves1Jgator1 "had belUD silting through bank records and m.atchlng serial numbers of $100 bll!J to trace Rebow's handling of the money." The magazine quoted one source as saying, "It takes just one bill issued after Augusl, 1970 to break the whole story do\vn:· . Newsweek said the probe wa11 launched after Nixon's former attorney, lferbcr! W. Kalmbach of Newport Beach, to Id Watergate investigators that Rebozo had allegedly given 80me of th e "contribution" to Aflls Woods, both of Nixon's brothers and others. 1l the contribution, which never found its way to Nixon's re-election comm!ltee, v.•as used as a presidential slush fund, a violation of campaign spending laws, it could b.' added to a bill of 'impeachment against Ni.Jon. Rebor.o, Nixon's best friend, testified that he kept the $100 bills in a safe dePoSit box and returned them to Hughes untouched three years later. However, Newsweek said the money delivered to the committee contained an unexplained extra $100 bill for a total of fl00,100. From Pagel TUSTIN .. • goes to the Board of Governors of the califomla Communit y Colleges for fin al action. The board of governors is !ICheduled to make a determination on the issue when they meet In Lone Beath June 19 and 20. Shepard Kanarek of TUstln has lod the de-anneution push, fueled by complaints that Saddlebact l! too far away from Tustin (20 miles o n e way to Mission Viejo), bas a limited curriculum, and a minimwn or facilities amt aervlces. U the de-annexation aileceeds, Tustin would become a part of the Rancho Santiago (Santa Ana College ) district. Saddleback supporters contend Tustin ~~~ts ~.~lped vote in a SI O .mil/Jon wna U..Ue 'imlc:h Is only partially "'paid and have a fiscal re5p0nslblllty to continue htlping ~pay the money . They also add the move to the Rancho Santiago district would not get the Tustin residents what they want, slnee they claim most students In Tustin who do not go to Saddleback bootleg admission to Orange Coast C:Ollege, not Santa Ana College. \Vhcn the county committee f I r s t con&ldered the proposal last month, tht'y asked for more information on financial implications, eomparative average daily attendence, and other documented back· up mat.rials. Kanarek will again rtprtsent the Tustin point of view, and form er Saddleback College trustee Michael Collins, an attorney, will continue his case for Saddl eback. The meetimg is set for 7:30 p.m. In the Orange Unified School District boa rd room, 370 North Classen Street, Orange. Frorn Page J RATE • • • when such action sterned Imminent . The prime rate is the base lending rate banks cha rge largest c o r p o r a t e customers. While it does not affect small business and COMUmer Joe.n,,, the prime is regarded as an ind icator of the availability of money in general. When the prime is high , It means corporations must pay more to borrow money. This may tend to act to discourage borT"Owlng, u I t I m a t e I y resulting in a slowing of the gentral ex pansion of the et'OOOmy, analysts say. ~!any banks lost week moved prime rates up lo 10 percent from 9:Y. percent. t"irst NatloM l's old prime rate v.·as t.80 percent. Economist,, have attributed the recent up'A:ard moves of the prime to a combination or high ~ate demand and action by the FedCral Reserve lklard to stem inflation by tightening the MUon·s money supply. The JWlme rate ha! reached the old record or JO percent three times Si.nee the fall , Its record hlgh before 19'73 was 8~ percent. reached during the 196i-70 money cruncb period. Fro• P .. el MIDEAST oppolntmenl of Brig. Gen. RafHI E)'tan, who led Israel 'a thrust Into Syria In October. to command larael'1 northem front with both Syria and Lebanon. Eytan, wha was promoftd to major general, takes ove.r from U . Gen. Mordechai Gur, who was promoted to chief of stall. Israeli nchtet-bolnbert Sunday attacked Syrian fortes on Mt. llermoo and the Golan Htlghts whlle b<low th<nt the armtes of the two countries battled fierct.ly with tanks and artillery. ,, Easter Gal • 'Totigher in Ft1tur.e' --'Timidity' Hit In Hears Case -- SAN FRA~CISCO ( U PI I Californin 's attornl!y .general said today law en!orcen1enl ofrlcials have been "timid" In the Hea rst kldntt ping case and that \•igorous actioos would be taken in future Polilicn\ kidnapings . Atlomey General t:velle J. Younger said any future "giveaway " programs invo lving food or other commodlties woul~ be treated as exl.Ortlon and pro!.eeuted. lie al'° said that the media had been •·used in the case and that all authorities in\·olved made mistakes. ·'\Ve h~ve not handled Jt properly," MARKED MAN BRANDS SLA 'PUNKS', Story '?•I• S Younger sakf. "Our only excuse Is that It had never happened before. We did not know how,. to deal with a political kidnaping. .. \Ve will try to make It unprofitable in the fut ure fo ca rry out nny IKJrt of politic.al kidna p. A small band or terrorists sh6old not be allowed to dictate welfare polic)r." Youn ger said he hlmself had been timid in the case and had DOt spoken out before for fear "I would do something to get ~tiss llearst klnt'd." Askt'd If he thought the kidnap Victim was dead or why he was now making the stalement, Younger said: "I think the moment of truth has long since pa~. I doo't think they're still try ing to dec ide what to do w:ith her." Francisco to oonUnue what he hU described as .. the \mg ordeal ahtad of us." Sitting at a dlmJy lit table ln tht bar ot the Las Ctu.,.. M""I, Hwol uld tJi< a~reement with the FBI not to jeopatdlit: his daughter's safety was still in effect as far 'as he was concerned. "They promised me they would do nothing whieh mltht endqer Patty"• well-being or safety," he aU:i. ,. M fat as I know. that acreemert 18 aUU in effed." Fro• r.,.1 MITCHELL seductive." The word oeductlvo wu olricten "5' Judge Lee Gagliardi after a _..t•o objection . r-.,uci:ien · also denied °'8n's testimony tha t ~fltchell tried to get hlm to call then Atty. Gen. Ric.hard Kleindlenlt about the grand jury· 1 actkln. Mitchell llkl he talked to Klt!indien1t but ooly about 1he propriety of tumin& over tertaln ot hil personal record! aa attorney general. Mitchell also denied that he talked to Donald llofgren, a volunt.etr in tbe NW>n re-election campaign at a dinner · in Washington on March a, 1972. Hof(ftfl, now an investment banklr. ttttified. at lhc trial that he l!ked Mllchell U no hod seen Vtsco that day and that Mllebell told him to "NY away" from Vetm. • \Vearin g her Easter finery. Kerrie Koehler, 2, of Costa 1.tesa, warms up her lungs during pre-Ea ster service visit to Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. Kerrie 'vent to church on atr errand with her dad prior to Sunday service and when she heard organist practicing. she broke in.to song. Of co urse, it \va s a dilierent •lune than the organist was pla yi ng, but Kerrie thought it was beau tiful. Younger sakl the press and other media had been "used" in the. kktnap because "you .,.·ere forced to ,adopt their terminolo&).) Yoo know that the Symbionese Liberation Army haa nOthing to do with ltberation, am lt l! not an army -It is a small band of vicious criminaJs." Younger said the SLA was small but they are "determined, dangerous , violent and rar rrom stupid." Mitchell sald be could not rteaU hli.tn1 seen Hcrgren at all tba• nighl Hofgrtn said he talked to Mitcbel.I as he mJlltd about in a lobby "'1th !.fn> otber ~. ~titcheu said he amvtd at the dlMeT In the Wuhington Hiiton hotel l1le and practic~lly nobody was in the lobby. H& said he, went directly Io hla table, and everybody else had done likewbe. , .. 21 University High Students A·wait Verdict Mea nwhile, Randolph A. Hearst will end his vacation with his family at the Las Cruces resort in ~1exico Tuesday and return to San Francisco to al11ait further "'Ord on the fote of his kidnaped daughter. Hearst, president and editor of lhe San Francisco Examiner, arrived with his wUe at La Paz a week ago Swx!ay to rest from two months of negotiations with the SLA. which now cla ims 20-year-<ild Patricia has been COO\'erted to its revolutionary cause. As far u Hofgren's testlmct1y about Mitchell telling him to "stay away" frtm Vesco, M1tcbell said: "Mr. Hofgren did not work In my area of the campaign and I would have 1iven him no suai ln.structions." Ford Family Relaxes No decision had Ileen made today on wtlether 11 University Hig'n School students charged with selling narcotics wl.11 be permanentl y expelled from th e Irvlne Unified School District. The 21 students \\'ere suspended after a huge dope roundup ~larcti 'r1 taitged "Operation In•ing." A Iota! of 100 per30ns were arrested on a variety of dope-related charges in the sweep. Of the 100, 42 were University High students. Twenty were charged wi th offenses other than selling, including possession of marijuan8, being in tne presence of dope use, and providing (but not sell ing ! narcotics and dangerous drugs to others. The five students charged ~·ith furnishing narcotics v.·ere temporarilv suspended and are back 8t school todaf. acmrding to Universi ty High Principal Vic SherreiU. They are back under contracts of achievement and beha\i or'"'\\'Orked out between the student, his parents. and the school 's administration, Sherreitt said. He added the district •hopes to reach it~ decision on the group charged \\'ilh selling by Thursday. In the meantime. the students are still sus~nded. ''In every case or suspension. th<' parent and sludcnt ha\'e been invited in for a conferen ce, and most of them have rrspbnded ," Shereitt said. In a discussion \\'ith the Irvine Unified Board or Education last ~·eek. district Superintendent Stanley Corey said "Or all the. charges. we feel sales of dangerous drugs poses the most seriou s l'nreat." The March 27 raid v>'as carried out by Costa tllesa police officers, ~·ho provide police service to lr\.ine on a public safel y <XK'ltract. Police said they collected LSD, animal tranquilizer, hashish , cocaine, and marijuana during their bust. Slnoe then, a group of SiX parenLs ha\'e made allegations tha.l the p o I i c e department used entrapment to ob1ain t~ir arrests and planned the raid to ~t·t maximwn publicity for the police Air Cal Pilot's Residence Looted Jewelry, television sets and stereo equipment valued at $2,775 were taken during the weekend by burglars who broke into the San Juan Capistrano home of an A.tr C.lifornia pilot, Orange Count y SherUf'a off.leers sakl . Deputlt.1 said intruders s m a s 11. e d a window to gain entry to lhe home of pilot Michael Le< Mc:Clun g, 30. of 2Ml2 Via De.I Rey. Md ransackM the home while he was away on night duty. Officers said the burglars a 1 s o pocketed S70 in cash dlsicove.rtd while they carried the prope.rty trom the living r oom and up s t t1 r l 1 upst air s room and upstairs bedroom. Two Shot to J)eath • EL MONTE (UPI\ -Poll"' ,..,ch<d today for two or three upects ""ho allegedly at>Qt two tttn-agers fttlally and y,'OUJlded another while the trk> stood ln fr o n t or a trailer court. ~ deparlm<'nt. Police in cha rge of the raid dfnied me charges and re fused to comment on th"e allegations. saying they v.·ilJ wai t until! the 100 cases come up ln court In an intervie·.v over the wee kend Hearst said he would return to San PALM SPRINGS (AP) -Vice Pres.ident Gerald R. Ford enjoyed warm sunshine as he and his wife relaxed at the estate ti Walter H. Amteoberg, U.S. ambassedor to Great Britain. 1be Fords arTived Saturday and are to return to Washington nut Sunday. ' • .. LIFE STRIDE'S • OPEN-WEAVE Spend the summer in "Borcebno." 11·s the woven-loo sondol On o cork wedge wit!r a crepe wa lking sole. Soft a nd open ond -oh. so comlor'toble. • Camel, whire, navy or red. 1 S.00 Moil and phone orders invi ted. fo5hion Shoes, 8 . WEDGIE LheOROADWAY ORANGE. IMU. Cl' ORANGE. 2XXI N. Tllllil Sttttl (114) 99f..IJ I I . . 9-0' 10 AM. IO t.lO P.M. tiJO.QAY ll«CM.Gi FRQ\Y, 51.Tl..ROAY 10 AM 1o 6 P.M. a.osm~9.IO(t. ' \ l\fondav'11 • NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Clo11ing Prices . I Year's High-Lows Appear Every Saturday Volu1ne Co11tiI1ues 011 Ligl1t Side ~E\\i \'ORK tAPI -Stoc k market prices re· ceeded slighUy in another dro\~·s,· session on \\"all St re('t J\londay. · The pace of trading \l:as ltthari;lc (or a sec· ond straight trndine day , and fe...,· stoc ks made sig· nificnnt mo)·es in either chrec11on. The 06Y• Jonts n\'ernge of 30 industrinl stocks lost 1.02 points to 843.79. \'olume \\'2 S 10,130,000 shares. Brokers blamed the 1narket'5 dullness on the continutng in fluence of intl'rest rates. J\toney rates have surged in recent ""'e(!ks amid heavy loan de· mand. and resulted in sharply l ncre~d yields on interest·bearing investment.~ "'hi ch tend to compete \\'ilh stocks for invtstori;' (\10ney. "Something is g o i n g to have to happen to change in\'estors' p~ychology" btfore the 5t.ock market can i;hake off it!I present sluggishness, noted Jack Theriot at Smith. Barne)' & Co. • Veu• Biii WASl!ISGTON fL'Pll - Vietnam vettrans' be ne t it paymenta have been boosted by 1750 mUlltm under a speci31 supplemtni.1 appropriations bUI sl,ned by President t>:ixon. The White HOll.W! s a Id Thunday the regular svp- pltment.al appropriatiort8 blll pmdlnr In the House was not e:rpttted to be enacttd in time to make veterans' payment., requlnod by law. The VA has been undtr firt tor dtlay In is!luing btntfit rhtcks lo vet.eraru gfting to school under tht GI bill. • "' J 2 DAILY PILOT fflonday, Aprll 15, l\1., \ STARTS TOD ... Y APPAREL AND SPORTSWEAR. BETTER COATS Assoned co~is 1n bolh regular and pant lengths. Orig. 70.00-90.00 •.....•.....••••.....•••••••. Now49.91·59.99 FUR SALON Mink coars 1n natural and dyed shades , ..••...•••. Now 2288.00 Mink s1rolfer in natural and dyed shades ..•••••••.. Now 1181.00 ,1,11 •~rl l•b•1•d to .,,G,.. co .. ~111 ot o-1g1n o111"001~d lu•i. DESIGNER DRESSES Selec1ed group of designer dresses. costumes and al1er-l1ve clothes. Orig. 120.00-240.00 •• , •• ,, , ••• Now 79.99·159,99 BRIDAL SALON Assorted bridal gowns in all season fabrics. 01ig. 160.00-300.00 ...•..•••••••• , ••••••••••• Now4t.lt-149.99 Boda! veils. Orig. 40.00-80.00, •••••••••••••••••••• Now 19.11-49.99 MISSES' BETTER DRESSES Early Spring lashions In dresses !or day and late day, and cos!umes In large assor1ment of styles and colors. Orig. 60.00-120.00 •••••••• , •. , •.•••••••• Now 39.99·79.99 WOMEN'S DRESSES Women's dresses. costumes and late day gowns, · Ong. 60.00-140.00 •• , •••••••••.•••. , ..•••••••• Now 39.99-92.99 PACESETTER . Oay11me dresses. many styles and fabrics. ,. Orig. 40.00-60.00, ......•••••••.••...••••••••• N0w27.9t-31.99 Long gowns, covered and bare. Assorted solids and prints. Orig. 40.00· 100.00 ••••• , • , , • , •• , • , ••• Now 27.9t-.6&.99 KNITS/SPORTSWEAR DRESSES ·Selected group ol famous maker knits. Orig. 90.00-160.00 .•......•..•••• , ••.••••••••. Now 59.99·99.99 Knil dresses end pantsuits. Orig. 60.00·140.00, ••••••• Now 31.99·92.99 Casual dresses. Orig. 40.00-80.00 .•••• , , , , , •••••••• Now 27.99-54.99 SWEATERS/BETTER SPORTSWEAR Sleeveless vest. Orig. 16.00 •••••.••• , , , •• , •••••••••••••. Now 9.97 Short sleeve turtleneck. Orig. 14.00 ••••••••• , •••••••••••. Now 8.97 Long sleeve cardigan. Orig. 18.00 •••••• , , • , , •••••••••••. Now 11.97 Tweed wrap cardigan. Ong. 23.00 ..•••••••••••••••• , •••• Now 14.97 Famous maker cotron shills. Orig. 38.00 • , , , , •• , , •••••••.. Now 25.97 BETTER SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES Polyester sportswear coordinales. Ong. 18.00-48.00 .•. Now 11.99-31.99 Famous maker shirts, many styles. Orig. 18.00-28.00 •• , Now 11.97·17.97 Solid polyester knit pull-on panls •••••••• , •• , , , • , , •• , .Sp.tt1111.t7 DESIGNER SPORT9WEAR ' 'i 11· •: i Famed designer sportswear sep arales, shirli,.$/<irts and pants . Also sweaters and ;ackels in assorted labncs. Orig. 26.00-1 60.00 ••• , •••• , •••• ,, •• , ••• Now 17.99·106.99 ROBINAIRE COATS/SUITS 3-pc. polyester pantsuils. Orig. 52.00-66.00 •••••••••• Now 39.97..t4.97 Polyester short coals ••.•.••• , •••.•.•••••••••••••... Speclil 39.97 Long coats. solid and patterned polyesters. Otig. 50.00-52 .00. Now 39.97 ROBINAIRE MISSES' DRESSES Pantsui1s 1n assorted styles and col ors. Orig. 40.00 . , .••• , •. Now 29.97 Cotlechon or dresses in varied fabrics. Orig: 32.00-40.00 ., •. 19.97·23.97 ROBINAIRE WOMEN'S DRESSES Polyester knits and 1ersey.print dresses. half sizes. Ong . 36.00-54.00 ..•......•...........••.••••. Now 25.97·37.97 Two and 3-pc. polyester pantsui ts, sizes 8· 18. Orig. 40.00-60.00 •••••••.•••.••••••••••••••••. Now 29.97-44.97 ROBINAIRE KNITS JWR's own 2·pc. polyester pantsuits. assorted patterns . Orig. 40.00 •••••••••••.•••••• , ••••.•••• , , •. Now 29.97 3-pc. pantsuits., ....•..•.•••••••••••••• ,, ••• ,.,, •• Speci1145.97 ROBINAIRE SPORTSWEAR JWR 's own long and short sleeve import shirls. Orig. 13.00 •••. Now 7.97 Long sleeve polyester print shirts. Orig. 16.00,,, •.••••.•.• _.Now 9.97 Polyes!er separates group. Ong. 21.00·42.00., •• ,., •. Now 13.99·26.19 SPORTSWEAR II Famous maker shirts. Orig. 9.00-14.00 ~· •••••••••••••. Now 5.97 .... 97 V·neck cardigans. Orig. 13.00 ••••..••••••••••••••••••••. Now 8.99 PAGE BOY' MATERNITY BOUTIQUE Slacks. Orig. 14.00 •••••... , .•.•...••••••.••.••... Now 7.99 Assorted long dresses. Orig. 34 .00-60.00 ..•••... Now Y>·lh OFF Assorted maternity hngerle. Orig. 5.00-20.00 ••... Now 'IJ·'h OFF CAREER DRESSES Famous maker polyester pantsuits ..........••...•.... Special 17.97 Famous maker voile dresses rn prints al'ld dols ••........ Specl1119.97 Famous maker I· and 2-pc. Jersey d1esses. Orig. 26.00·30.00. Now 17.97 YOUNG CAUFORNIAN COATS Denim panlsuits. 100~'0 co11on. Orig. 50.00 .•••.• , •• , •••.• , Now 29.97 Double breasled pant coal. Orig, 38.00 •••••••• , •••••••••• Now 27.97 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN ORES&ES Group ol Arnet• triaceta!e jerseys. 1-pc .. 2-pc. some 1acket dresses and pantsuits. Orig. 26.00-38.00 ••••• Now 15.97·25.97 Canon kni1s. shirt d1esses arid 2~pc. suils. Ong. 26.00-30.00 ............................. Now 13.97·15.97 YOUNG CALIFORNIAN SPORTSWEAR Sportswear brushed denim coord1na1es, pants. jackets, shorts and skirts .......••••.. , ••••••• Specl116.97·13.97 Shirts, essor1ed styles and labrlcs. Orig. 8.00·22.00 ••.. Now 4.97·11.97 DEB·ONAIRE FOR YOUNG JUNIORS Famous maker cotton kn 11 coo1d lnates. Orig. 9.00·24.00. Now 5.97·15.97 Hailers. assortad pnnls. Ong. 8 00 ......................•. Now 4.97 FAS HION' ACCESSORIE S BLOUSES Assorted print shirts in br!oht fabrics. Orig. 9.00-12.00 ... Now 5.99-7.99 Knit tops in basic s1yhng. brig. 9.00· 11 .00 .••••••••...• Now 5.99 -7.99 FASHION ACCESSORIES Famous ma'kcr scarfs. assorted fabrics. Orig. Ei.00·10.00 .••••. Now 3.97 Famous maker sun glasses. Ong. 6.00· 10.00 .•• ··•••·, ••••. Now 3.17 CAREER SWEATERS Acryhc lace cape. one size. while. beige. red. navy •••.•.•. Spec:l11 l .17 Jacket length acryhc t:>unoned sweater, S·M-L·XL •.••••. Special 13.97 tiANDBAGS Vinyl handbags in envelope, lo!e and shoulder strap styles ......••....•••.•...••.•••••••. S~cl111Q,97·14.97 C1suel 1eather shoulder bags .••..•••••••.•••••. Special 1(97·19.97 GLOVES/SMALL LEATHER GOODS Famous maker leatl'ler tpart gloves Orig. 9.00-1,,00 .....••• Now ,,t7 Famous maker leather chockmales. Orig. ..•...•• Now 1.17 HOSIERY JWR's own bikini pantyhose. Orig. 2.50 •.••.• Now 8/11.H or 12121.19 One size pantyhose. Orig 2 00 .............. No• l /&.99 or 12/15,tt Sheer knee h1 0 11g 1 00 ............. , ...... Now l/S.21or1211.11 Control lop pantyhose Orig. 2 50 •••..••• , .• Now 6/11.99 or 12/21.99 FASHION JEWELRY Pastel ba:>d couection. . .•.•••...••. , , , •..•..•• , Specl1I 2/4,97 While rope oeaos, assorted lengtns. Orig 3 00-6.00 .•..• ffow 1.47·2.97 ANNIVERSARY LE FINE JEWELRY 14k gold chains. Orig. 32.00-214.00 , ...• , •••.••... Now 24.00-160.50 Cultured pearl earrings, necklaces and 11ngs. Orig 24 00-200 00 ..............•.•...•....•. Now 18.00·150.00 COSMETICS Matson special poppy panern. Trays. Orig. 20 00-28.00 ....... , .............•.. Now 13.19·11.99 Jewel boxes. Orig. 14.00-22 00 . , ...••..•........ Now 9.99-14.99 WIGS/MILLINER'( JWR's 01vn Teri wig, hgh!weighl, casual. Orig. 30.00 ..... , .. Now 19.97 Col!on blend tied scarf hats .•.•••••••••••• , .•....•... Specl•l 2.97 liEAUTV SALON Helene Curtis no·se1 permanent. complete with cut .. Special 11.50 LINGERIE FASHION FOUNDATIONS Famous maker uni in~ lace wire bra •..•••....•..•.••.• Speci1I 5.&7 Famous maker.nylon tncol bra . Orig. 6.50 ••.•....••.••••• ,, Now 3.97 Famous maker underv11re bra, molded seamless cup, convc1t1ble halter bra ..........• , .••• , • , ••.•• , • , , , .Special 3.97 VOUNG CALIFORNIAN LINGERIE . Long canon print lounge dress. Orig, 14.00 .....•••••••••••• Now 1.11 Long Shift robe. nalural gauze took. Orrg. 22.00 •.••••••••••• Nowt.tr LINGliJUE/DA VWEAR Trimmed briefs and b1k1n1s •.••.. , .... _ •••...•. , .. Speclal 1.37-1.47 Print b1k1n1s . . . . . . ..•••.••••.•..•••............... SpecLll 2.27 Famous maker full slips ..•••.• ,.. . . ...•..•••••. SpecllJ 4.27·4.97 LINGERIE/SLEEPWEAR Famous maker cotton gowns. Orig 10 00 ........••.. , ..... Now 7.97 Famous maker cotton pa1amas. Orig. 10.00. . . . . . . . . . . ..... Now 7.97 ROBESI LOUNGEWEAR Gossard polyest&r double knit long robes. Orig . 3.00-32.00 ... Now 17.97 Designer'~ long couo'n robe. Ong. 38 00 ..... _ .•..••...••. Now 19.97 f-ASH ION FOOTWEAR SHOE SALON Oes1gner shoes. Nel'1ton Elkin. Andre·n Geller, Pa!iz110. Hill & Dale. Stanley Philipson, Palter Debs and more. Orig. 27.00-45 00 •••.•••.•••..•••••.. Now 18.ff.~.99 WOMEN'S SHOES • Paradise Kittens ' "Tammy" black pa1en1: navy. bone. , wh ite calf. Orig. 26 00 ............... : ........••••••• Now 19.t7 · Paradise K111ens· "Tigress" black, bone, wtute palenl. 01;9. 26 00 ....................................... Now 19.17 . AVANTIQUE SHOES Avant1que sporis shoes. Orig. 23 00-24 .00.,, .••..•.•••••. Now 11.97 Curren! fashion shoes by iamous makers. Orig. 19.00-28.00., 11.99·15.19 WOMEN'S CASUAL SHOES Panatio sandal. crlnkle pa1en1. white. bone. blue, red or black. Ong. 22.00 ..............•........•.•••. Now 17.97 Good selection of Andante san dals. Orig. 17.00-18.00 •.••• :Now 13.97 YOUNG WORLD f-ASH/ONS til SHOP 'T -sh1!1s and knit lops. Orig. 10.00-13 00 ............••• Now t .97·7.97 Jeans from famous maker. Ong. 11.00-1 4.00 •.••.•.••.•••.. Now 7.97 GIRLS' 7·14 Famous maker Spring dresses. Orig. 13.00·21.00 .••••. Now l .17-1t.97 Blouses and shirts. Orig. 10.00 , •..•• , ••• , ••••••••••••• , .Nowt.IT GIRLS' 4-6X Famous maker dresses. OriCl . 11.00-15.00 •••.••••. , .•. Now 8.97·9.97 Assorted sportswear. Orrg. 6.00-11 .00 ••.•• , ••••. , •.•. Now 3.9M.99 BOYS' 4.7 Famous maker pan1 s. jeans and dress slyles. ..:. Regulars and shms. Orig. 4.75-6 .75 ...• , •••• , .•••••. Now 3.47-4,97 Shor! sleeve kn it shirts 1n a variety of styles .•.••. , •.. Special 2.47·2.97 BABETTE ANO TODDLER lnlan1 dresses. Orig. 1 O 00-17.00 .....••..•....•..... Now 5.99-10.99 Toddler dresses. Ong. 12.00-20.00 ...••.•••••••...• , Now 1.97-14.97 INFANTS Famous maker shav1!s. Orig. 7.00-9 50 ....•......••••. Now 4.49-6.49 Towel and wash clo1h sets. Orig. 2 30-3.00 ............ Now 1.ff.2.49 GIRLS' DAVWEAR /SLEEPWEAR/ACCESSORIES Girls' briets and b1k1n1s. assorted styles ........... , ..... Specl1167t 'Girls' Spnng sleep\voar. long gowns and baby dolls ... Specl114.57·5.57 Gills' and teen purses 1n assorted styles ................ Special 2.97 YOUNG PEOPLE'S SHOES Buster Brown~ and Hush Puppies•, suede casuals. Orig. 14.00-17.00 .•.••••.•..........•...•..•••••••• Now10.17 Br aria name canvas. deck, sport styles. Orig. 8.50-1 1.00 .. Now 4.17·5,97 l\IEN'S STORE MEN'S CLOTHING . Aeadgatc suit trio, 100°10 polyester ...•.•.•.•.. , •••..• Speclal 109.00 Acadga1e suits. polyester an d wool. Orig. 145.00 •....•••.. How 119.00 Readga1e sporrcoats, l OOo/o polyester. Orig. 75.00-85.00 ••••• Now 8'.00 Readgate sportcoars, 100°..ti polyester double knits. 0119 . 90.00·95.00 •.•...•......•....••.....•..••.••• Now 79.00 TREND SHOP Nylon 1ackets. navy, wh ite, red and yellow. Orig. 13.00 ..••.•. :Now 8.59 Gentlemen's culled popltn slacks. light blue and light green Orig. 11 .00 ..•.••.••...........•..•••.. , .. Now 5.n MEN'S SPORTSWEAR Woven sport shirts. shorl/long sleeve. Orig. 12 00-18.00 ••.•...•........••••....•••. Now 7.19, 2/15.00 Kn11 sports shirts. many Styles. Orig. 12.00-16.00 .•.. Now 7.89, 2115.00 Walk shorl_s, solid colors ............•.••...... Specl1I 6.lt, 2113.00 Easy-care Dacron" polyester bOuclc cardigan. Orig. 22.00 .•. Now 11.19 MEN'S FURNISHINGS/ ACCESSORIES • AobinsOf'l's own long sleeve dress shirts. Orig. 11.00· 13.50 .•.....••.•.......••..•••... Now 7.99, 2115.00 Medalist short sleeve dress shirts. Orlg, 9.50 ....•... Now 7.59, 2114.00 Robinson's own pajamas. Orlg. 10.00·14.00 ..•....• Now 8.59, 2111.00 Medal ist hosiery, textured nylon hose, one size 111!1 10· 13. · Black. na")', brown, white, olive. Anlllet. Orig. 1.25 ••••••. Now J/2.15 Mrd-catf. Orig. 1.50 .....•..•••. , , , , , •••••••.••.•••. Now 3/3.50 Over-the-call. Orig. 1.75 ••..•.•..••••• , ..•. , •••.•••• Now3/4.00 MEN'S SHOES Allen -Edmonds plain toe S1ip·on. Orig. 47.00 .....••.•...•• Now 35.DO Allen· Edmonds moc-100 lace. Orig. 45.00 .••...•••..•••... Now 35.00 Freeman's plain toe shp·on. Orig. 38.00 ......•••.•.•.•... Haw 27.00 LUGGAGE Atlantic Macleod tar1an prald luggage. Ong. 17 00.41 00 ................. , ••..••..... Now 12.so.30.50 Ventura Viva ladies' soll side luggage. Orig 65,00· 125 00 ..... , , . . • . . .••..•...•... , . Now 43.00·81.00 • ) • ltUIDEHCE Otr .IOS~flltf W. M>•l.NSOM .MOUND 1195, CAMPUS SHOP Famous maker knit shirts. Orig, 8.00 .... ~ ..•••••••.• , •• , .. Now 5.17 Famous maker spbrt shirls. Orig. 14.00-16.00 .•••••..•.•.•.. Now 1.17 BOYS' SHOP Famous maker teens. 1un1or, studenl . Orig. 8.70-10.70 ••• Now 4.ff..5.99 Famous maker crewneck shirts. Orig. 6.40 ...... , .•••.... , . Now 4.91 CANOY/GOURMET K1eldsen buner cookies, 1 lb. lin. Orig. 3.69 ....•...••.•.•. , Now 2.79 Kietdsen buner coolties. 35 oz . 11n. Orig. 7 .25 ........ , ...• , , How 5,50 Aplets and CoUels bit lam1ly pack. 1 lb. Orig. 1. 98 ...•......• Now 1. 75 LIQUOR JWA private stock JiQuors. California wines and champagnes. Selected Imported wines lrom France. All specially priced and ,. 10°10 case discount, HOME STORE NOTIONS • Group of A.G. Barry Angel Treads", embroidered terry scuff, pink, blue, while or pr1n1. Ballerina in blue. pink or yellow ...•••.... , ..•.•.......••...••••• Special 2.59, 2/5.00 Van Wyck Woollone. cold waler soap. Orig . 2.50 •.•..•. , .•.. Now 1.99 STATIONERY 20Y:r" Pedestal fernery, na1ural raltan. Orig. 10 00 ....•...... Now 1.99 27Y2 " Pedestal fernery. naipraf rauan. Ong. 12.00 ..••••..••. Now 1.99 BOOKS - Assorted Sunset books, 'over 45 titles. Orig. 1.95-12.95 ..............•........•..•. Now 99¢·5.99 Assorted fiction and ref erence. large selection. Orig. 3.95-7.95 ............•...........•... Now 1.1 9-1 .99 Irish Houses and Castles, 371 illustrations. Orig. 35.00 .. Now 15,99 TOYS 8 ft. wide. 20" deep sleel wall pool. ...•...... _ ..•..••. Speclal 19.99 Batman and Superman !ransistor rad ios. Orig. 9.99 ..••..••.. Now 7.99 Fisher Price Jolly Jalopy. Orig . 2.99 .......•..•..••..••... Now 2.49 LINENS/DOMESTICS/BEDDING . Canterbury no·iron cot1on/polyesler sheets by Utica Stevens. A sublle scroll print 1n yellow, blue. Flat or hlled. Twin. Orig. 7.25 ..... Now 3.99 Full. Orig. 8.25 .••••• Now 4.99 Queen. Orig. 12.00 ... Now 7.99 Krng. Orig. 15.00 •... Now9.99 • 42x36 p1llow·cases. Orig. 5.50 • , ...•.•....•..••.••••... Now 4.39 • -42x46 pillow cases. Ong. 6.00 ..........••. _ .... ·~ ••.•.. Now 5.19 lf!'tf)Orted ,White ?OOsedown plllows. Madrid: • • ,, Standard. 011g ... 1~.00 .........•..... ·~ •...•• , . , ....... Now 15.99 ' Queen. OriP..29:00,.~aw'lt.~ . King . Ori¢ 32.00'!'" .!low,:!l-9• Sove•elgn: Slam:taro./Or}Q: 18.0l't: ...................... Now 12.9 'Elegance bY.Tobih, whtte, ecru. gold~recn. 50x50. 9ng. 7.00 .• Now 5.99 50x70.0ng. 9.00 .. Now7.n 6Y>c90ob/ov.Orig. t7.00 .Now14,9t 671C:108 ob/ov. Orig. 20.00 ••• ~., •••.••••. ,., ••• ,, •• ,}.Now 17.99 6711 round. Orig. 14.00 •••• , , , , ••• , , •••.•• , • , •••••••. Now 10.99 Napkins. Orig. 1.50 ••. : ••••••••••• _. •••••••••• , •••••.. Now 1.35 SILVERWARE 3 qt. casserole, silver plate. Orig. 48.00 •.••••••. , ...•.... Now39.97 I 'h QI. casserole, silver plate. Orig. 35.00., •• , ••.•...•.... Now 29.97 12" black formica tray. Orig. 17.50 .••..••. , ,, .•....•... Now 14.97 CHINA/GLASSWARE Mikasa Checkmates lronslone 20~pc service for four , 4 patterns. Orig. 48.00 ............. , , . , .••..•.•••.... Now 34.95 5·pc. completer, Mikasa. Orfg. 27.50 .•...••..•••••••..•.. Now 21.95 Porcelain 8-pc. snack sets, 3 patterns. Orig, 17.50 .•.••..... Now 13.99 HOUSEWARES Salton Hotable serving cart .......•.• , •••••.••.••..•• Special •7.99 Salton hot party server. Orig. 14.95 .....•.•.• , •••••••••••. Now 9.95 .Salton eteclric bun warmer. Orig. 10.95 •••••• , •••• , ••••... Now 7.99 Cornwall 2Y2 QI. crockery cooker ....•••.••..••••• ,, ••• SpecLll 9.99 M1rro electric 5 qt. Tellont: French fryer and buff el TV~~~~~E~~&S~V~cUUi.iS · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·······.Now 17·99 RCA 18" diagonal color TV with remote control •••••••. Specl11368.ll H.oover'upright convertible vacuum. Orig. 69.95 , •.••••••... Now 49.11 FURNITURE Attached pillow back and arm sofa. vinyl. Orig. 559.00 , .... Now 3tt.OO Oown/fealher sola, green print. Orig. 589.00 .••.•••• , .•.. Now •lt.00 Exposed .,.ood frame. French loveseats and sofas. Orig. 429.00-575.00 •.••..•••..... .' ....•.•... Now 369.oo.499.00 Tuxedo loveseat or sofa .... , ...•.•.•...•.••. Special 349.00-'49.00 Tra dltlonal loveseat or sofa ........• , •......•. Special 379.00-499.00 Queen Anne win~ chair. Orig. 239.00 ...........•........ Now 199.00 French wing chair and ottoman. Orig, 378 00 ........... , . Now 299.00 Bergere in uptiolslered fabrics. Orig. 249.00 ....•......... Now 209.00 DECORATIVE FABRICS Cuslom·made draperies of standard treatments 72" or torlge r. fabric and labor ............. , .. Now 10'%·30% OFF Custom upholstering. S8.00·S30.00 yd. Fabric and labOr •• Now 10% OFF LAMPS Tree lloor lamp. Orig. 35.00 •.•..........••••••••• , •• , •• Now 29.95 Corinthian bronze 1able !amps~O rig. 55.00 •••••••••••••••. Now 47.95 Boudoir lamps. Ong, 20.95-27.95 •.....•. _ ••••••••• Now 16.95--21.95 OURTAINSIDRAPERIES White lergal polyester panels from France. Orig. 7.95 ••••• ...,.,, . Now 5.50 Textured throw pillows. Orig. -4.00 ...••••• , , •••••••••••. , • Now 2.99 Wot-look vinyl throw pillows. Orig. 6.00 ••••••••• , •••••• , • Now 219.00 ART/GIFTS 511 handpa!nted porcelain ginger jar wilh rosewood stand • Spect.111.49 7-piece glass wine or whiskey sets , ••.. , ! •• , ••••• , ••• 8p9cl1l 22.H ART GALLERY Norman Rcck\vell prints, six subjects ..•••••••.••• , Spect.114.50 ••· Series of miniature mrirors. Orig. 7.95 ea ................... How 4.95 RUGS/CARPETS ''Fashionette," shag plush pile in hvo solid colors. O•lg. 12.95 ........................•.••. Nowt.Heq.)'d.lnll.' "Colorations." Kodel'lll polyester 1exture:d lip sheared pile. Orig. 13.95 •...•...••...•.•.•.......••. Now 10.n 1q. )'Cl. Jntt. • ''Nocturne,'' velvet·like plush pile. Ong. 13.95 .• Now 10.H sq. yd. in1t.• 'Carpet comes comole1e with your choice of our lea lured padding and our quality slandard lnstaltat1on per square yard. Wall 10 wlll bathroom carpeting in five subtle hued colors, 6' width. Orig. 8.95 ••.•.•••..•....•.• , .•.••••.••..•..•. Now I.ft lin. ft. "Frantavia," 100% conon Orienlal 1osign rug In two patterns, five co~rs. 24"x47*. Orig. 19.95 ••••.••••••••••.••.••. Now14.ll 45"x72". Orig. 49.9S ••. Now 31.tl 8'3"x111e•. Orig, 169.95 .•• 13:1.19 5'9"x91• Orig. 99.95 ... Now 71.11 1 O'x1318". Orig. 279,95 .••• 221.tt CASUAL LIVING Brown Jordan Tamlami, vinyl laced elumlnum patio fum1turc. 5·pc. dining group, 42" table. -4 arm chairs. Orig. 327.00 , .How 211.00 Chaise. adjustable. Orig. 138.00.,.,, ....•..•• , ..... , , .. Now 115.00 SLEEP SHOP Simmons Back Rest• I, firm supr;iort, floral quill cover. manress or boxspring. Twin .........•.....•.••• , •• , . Special 51.95 ea. pc. Oueen ...•... Speclal 1H.t5MI King, •..••••• Speci11 249.9Stel Sp11ng Arr's Morn1ngdalc, ex·flrm supPor1, mattress or boxspr1n T"'rn ••.••.• Specill55,00ta.pc. Oucen •••••.• Sptcl1I 71.ISHI King .••• , ••...• , .•.••• , •.• .'., ••• , ••••..•• , •••. SP4K:11123t.95 NI OUANTITIES ARE LIMITEl>. ALL IT£MS SUBJECT TO PlllOR SALE : I ORIGINALLY MEANS TliE FtAST PRICE AT WHICH THIS WAS MARKED IN OUR STORE. ON MANY IT£M9, INT£RMEDIAT! MARKDOWNS HAVE BEEN TAKEN. • 2 FASHION ISLAND ~OP ""ONOAY I0 :00-9 :30, TUESOAY-10:00-5:30 644-2800 • • .. I ' ' I I ' ' • l ' ; ~ .. .. ~ ,. • 17 • .. v 1 le ba No 26 I w th di wh i• av co di re ., " Fi pe u • to n • Ii A ' ... • ,. ' Lag11na Beaeh EDITION T oday's Final N.Y . Stocks VOL 67, NO. 105, .2 SECTIONS. 2o l'AGES ORANGE COUN_TY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1974 TEN CENTS 16 Auto Crashes Plague Laguna on W eel{end A high-speed single-car smashup at Laguna Canyon's dangerous Big Bend C\lrve critically injured a 26-year~d santa Ana man In one of five Injury accidents in Laguna Beach over the Easter Weekend. The victim. ·Daniel C. Valencia \l':\s reported in critical condition today in the intensive Care un it at South C.oast Community HO&Pital Nursing aides said the 1 ln sufferl'd a massive head injury as a result or the accident. Lagwia Beach pollct r e p o r t e d Valencia's auto ~'ills e:.stbound on Laguna Canyon Road at a high rate or speed when the driver apparenUy ~t control The car~ng auto struck an Edison Company pole guy wire and became airborne .• It continued and smashed Into a utility pole and Valencia was thto'411 from tile car to the roadway. The vehicle continued another 115 reel. The Impact of the vehicle disrupted eledrical service t.o cen.ain busifk"Sscs for about one minute, an Edison spokesman said. In another crash, an auto versus motorcycle collision Saturday left cyclist Ronald D. Griffin, 19, or Pomona "'ith a shattered leg. South Coast Community Hospital aides reported Griffin in satisfactory condition today . He reportedly suffered a massive compound fracture and several simple fractures to his upper and lov.·er left leg. Gr\ffin's motorcycle ···a s destroyed. Thi! passt>nger car in\'olved in th e crash v.·as driven by Terrance Leach, '!1. of Ontario, acrordini: to Laguna Beach poliei!. Officers said the motorcyclist \11as southbound on Nonh Coast Highv.cty v.·hen the Leach auto pulled out from L.a Brea Street and the oollision resulted. Another traffic accident on El Toro Road near the city limits left three Two Policemen Cleared In Fatal Bar Shooting Prime Rate Exceeds lOPercent NE\V YORK (AP) -The prime lending rate broke through the 10 percent barrier loday as hvo banks posted rates abo\'e the old record. North Carolina National Ban k announced it ra ised its prime from P.~ percent to 10 1,~ percent. effective last Friday. 1be First Nati onal Bank cf Chicago, the nation's 10th largest oommercial bank, set its prime rate at 10.10 percent. North Carolina National Bank iJ ranked 26!il. It was not immed iately apparent whether other banks \l."OU)d follcw since tbe Federal Reserve Board verbally discouraged moves beyond 10 percent when such action seemed imminent. The prime rate is the base lending rate banks charge largest c o r p o r a t e cpstomers. While it does net affect small business and consumer loans, the prime is regarded "5 an indicator or the availability of money in ge neral. \Vhen t\Je prime is high, it means corporaticns must pay more to borrow mollfy. This may tend to act to discourage borrov;ing, u I t i m a t e) y resulting in a slowing cf the general expansion of the economy, analysts say. l\.1any banks last week moved prime rates up to 10 percent from 9~~ percent. First Natiooal's old pr:.ne rate \l.'85 9.80 percent. Economists have attributed the recent upward moves of' the prime le a combination cf high corporate demand and action by the Federal Reserve Board to stCVl inflation by tightening lhe nation 's money supply. Library F riends • Seeking Lag un a Book Donations Donations or books fer the Laguna Beach Friends of the Library Book Fair are accepted new al the front desk of the library at G\enneyre Street and Lagwui Avenue. The bookfair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April '!1 and 28 at the pl aza surrounding the library. Participating organizations Include the Laguna Beach Women's club, the A ssista n ce · League; American ASJOCiation of University Women, the AJ\lance Franeaise. the Civic League, the Leaming Center of the Laguna Schools, the Assisteens, the United Untvenallsts, the Laguna Greenbelt, the Evening Guild or St. 1itary's, the MondJy fl.!o"-ing Club·, the Methodi>t f're.School , and the Friends or the Laguna Beach Library. Each cf the organiz.ations will have a booth featuring a large selection of -·· Young children may be left •l1 he library to be entertained with three childr~·· movies being ICr't':ened at 10 a.m. and l I a.m. April 27. Coche lnnt':n of the event are.1'1rs. John S. Re)'D<llds and Jamel Dilley. ... " - Of!" 'llo1 Sl1ff 'hell EGG HUNTERS -Two of the children pa rticipaling in Easter Egg hunt at Laguna Beach High School Sunday were unidentified girl at left and Bonnie Fredericks, 3, who made some clothing adjustn1ents after the chase !or eggs. (Additional picture Page 2). John Mitchell's Plea: ., Absolutely Not Guil ty' NEW YORK (AP) -Former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell said tOOay he was "ablolutely not guilty" of conspiracy, obstruction of justice or perjury. ''Are )'OU guilty or not guilty?" asked hi3 lawyer, Peter Fleming Jr. "Absolutely oot guity of any or the charges," said Mitchell. The former Cabinet <lfficer and ex- commerce ~etary Maurice Stans ha.,.e been on trial in federal court for eight weeks. They are accused cf trying to 'VERY PLEASED' S.Al'S ADVE RTISER It must have l!!leemed like "home, sweet motor home '' t(I lots of Daily Pilot readers when this ad appeared in the classified section: e SHARE WINNEBAGO e OY.n 20 % int -full y equip. Use 10 \lo'eeks per year. Con- ~d<r only r<$p0Nlble party. cau (Phone No.l M·P i.s. "M>e advertiser reported he was "very pleated'' .and got "lotl!!I oC . ~nses" plas, of 'cout'a, find in& a Wfhnebago partner. Vi11nt to try for responst on )'Otlr pitch, whatever it i•? Just dial the ·direct llne to results, &4Wm. ... ... impede a Securities and Exchange Commissi(ln inves tigation of financier Robert Vesco in return ror his secret $200,000 cash oontribution 10 President Nixon's re-electioo campaign. At the end of his direct examination of !\1itchell \\'hich started \Vcdnesday before a loog holiday weekend r • <iiS, Fleming led t.litchell through each cf the six oounts of perjury. Alter each one v.·as read. ~litchell said that his testimony to lhe grand jury had lx>en his best recolleclioo of the fact s. i\titchell also denied that l'K' told ousted Y.1Ute House counsel John Dean III !hat the grand jury which indicted him was "a runaway grand jury" and that the prosecutors v.·ho questioned him v.·ere "little bastards." Dean testified to that effect in an appearance al!!I the prosecutor's witness. l\lllchell said that he did not consider the grand jury "runaway" and that he had felt that the prosboltors \\'ere ''polite and seductive.'' The y,·ord seductive was stricken by Judge Lee Gagliardi after a prosccutor'!i objection. l\titchell also denied Dean's tesUntony tha~ Mitcntll tried to get him to call !hen Atty. Gen . Rldlard Kleindienst abou t 1hc grand jury"· i action. l\fltchell 5ald he talked to Kkindienst but only about the ~let{ or turning over certa in of his persona records as attorney general. • :>\ 'We'll Neve1· l(11ow Fa cts,'- Says J11 <lge Ry TO\t BARLEY 01 1111 01111 ,,lot "'" Two off · duty policemen. separa!C'ly chargC'd y,•ith murder and assault following a Tustin barroom brav.·I that left a t.larine Corps Captain dt>ad and another J?:Cll.rlfl wounded. v.·ere,..clcared of all CMrges· today in Orange Coonty Superior Court. Judge Byron K. ~fe:ifillan opent'.'d lhe hearing scheduled when !he trial cf both men \\·as declar<'d a mistrial IO days ago by finding Garden Gro,·c patrolman Jerry Gray, 29. innocent of charges (Ir assault with a deadl v v.·capon. Those charges \\'Crt· filed on Jan. 5, 1973. \\·hen Gray v.·as booked for the Ytounding Bachelor's Ill bar patron Sam Campise, 35, v.'ho y,·as shot in the chest during the tavern fracas. Police called to the Tustin bar char~cd Cypress police Sgt. Thomas Baroldi. 2fl. \\'Ith murder \\·hen he \\'as iden11fied as the man y,·ho shot and killed ~larinc Corps Capt. Randall Steven Bobinette. 25. of Phocnix. Ar iz. 1\ jury that had det1bera1cd fnr four days last April 5 had found Gray innocent of the chnrges at !hi' lime il \\'llS called back l(I the court room. But the Jury had not signed the verdict form "'hen the defendant's lay,·ye rs asked the prosecution to declare a m1s1nal 1n the case in the belief 1hat the verdict v.·as going against them. Judge i\·lcl'-Iillan ruled today that "it is only fa ir to Gray to find him innocent since that y,·as the intention of the jury at the lime Yo'C brought them out of the jury room .'' Ten members of th e jury reveal ed afl er the mistrial was dcclar~d tha! thev \1·ere in favor of a 1·erd ict of innocrnl frir Baro!di with l\\'O other Jurors undecided . Commenting todav that .. ".e will nc\'er really knov.· \\'hat happened 1n the bar that night'' Judge ~fc~lillan found Barold i innocent after la\\·yers for both sides agreed to let him rule on the issue. Chief Deputy Distr1C1 Allomey James Enright unsuccessfully urged Judge Mch-fillan to at least find Baroldi guilty of in\·oluntary manslaughter. "lie shov.·ed bad judgment as a police officer and he was hopelessly drunk y,·hen he shot Capt. Robinette." Enright alleged. "Tbere was no evidence of a (Se( CLEARED, Page 2:1 Police Disperse Unruly Throng At I. .. nguna Party An tmruly crowd or about 100 persons hurled beer cans and foul epithets at Laguna Beach police attempting to quiel a ncisy Easter Week party late Saturday night. The incident ~1as one cf 10 disturbance calls received by police over the weekend. Police arrested onc man. a Jt-)'ear~ld construction worker. for possession of a small amount of marijuana. The disturbance ended when add itional "POllce officers arrived at the tt:ene at 2260 S. Coast Highway and the arrested man was led away. One offiet:r was hit In the stomach b)' a beer can. Jn all. 'iix police officers were called t.o the area. • ' . ' . ' persons injured . Acrorchng to the poliC't' nc(Ounl . a JN>p driven by l);jn ~I . ijooper. 19. cf Salt Lake City, \\flS at ll'Dlpting a U-twn and collided y,•i1h a ca r driven by Aldon E. Clark. 42, of 28 '.\lonarch Bay Plaza. Passenger ~l 1ch11cl Pe.rricci of Salt Lake City sufft•n'<I a possible broken wrist. police sa id . Cl.ark's forehead y,·as slashed and Hooper complained of pain in his legs. ln addi!ion to th e injury crJ.Sht'3, thr:re ' ' f· ~-..,,. ...... • ll'ortla Tf1e lfull~ "'ere 11 non·1njury ('Ql11~1ons qvrr the hohda~· \\C't'kl'IXI 1-<tg\l n;l pohl'l' r.'por1t'd hc:i\1cr than ncrr nal \\N.'kt•ncl trafhc The 11cc1dC1ll toll "'as tht; hi1:hl'~I for ;u1y weekend \\'llhln recent n11•n1or~. officers s:ud. :So S1i;:!\ler1.... a forn1;il bro.adcn."";t rcpon or ht'rl\'Y 1r,1ffir congl'St!on . were rC·l1uirN .. 1lt hQugh ~ bu~ brl•akdown al lht' inl ('t'~-ct 1on •lf Uro;1d1~;1v nnd Coasl H1gh .... ·:1y at ~ JO p n1. ~uildny caused severe traffir J.tnls. officers s;.ud. 0••11 'llot Sll!I 'ltel1 Campers on their V.'ay hon1e lu g surfboards and other gciar up quar· ter-1nile trail leading to new. 44·s pace can1pg rountl ror hikers at San Onofre State Park. ll.'ew fat ility built by !{angers over three weeks drew C'apacity crowds during Ea ster \\'eek. alo ng with rave reviews by guests. San Onorre, once-li llle·11 sed, was Jammed over F~aster \\leek. Story and additional picture page 3. Syi·ia-l s1·ael Ta11l{ Ba ttle Rages Alo 11g Gol a11 F1·ont Syria and Israel traded art illrry and tank ftre on the c;ola n Heights \\'ar frnnt todav aft t·r a 1\·c:ckend of the bardest frg hling since the October v.·ar. :\lea n .... ·hilt-. -;:~yptian sourc<'s said 10- day thar Secretary of Slate Henry A. l\J<;. singer 1\ill travC'J to Cairo as thr first stop on his effort to arrange a military settlement .. .!1v.·ecn Israel a id Syri a. They said the tnp \\·as arrani ed bf:'- tv.-een Kissi nger and Egyptian Fore1~n ~1inister Ismail Fahmy, both at the Un tied Nar1ons for a special sessioo of the C.:oneral Assembly. In add ition to fo;gypt. Kisslnger is ex- pected to add Kuv.·a1t to his sdtedulc. y,·hich already includes Israel and Syrui. Kissinger told rcponers the tnp y,•o:ild ~in "in about l'>l'O wetk.s.'' Damascu! radio sa.id Syria's defen se minister. ~laj . Gen. :\lustafa Tlas. made a quick trip to the ··rorward command headquarters of Syrian forces on ~It. Hermon." Th is \\'OS !he first officitll Syrian reference to such a comn1and sina! the October y,•ar. The Tel A1·iv rommand said Defen5(' ~linister r..toshe Dayan aJ30 toured lsr-.:1eli pcsitions oo the Galan front , and that a Syrian artillery barrage e'""rupted at the time. It said Dayan was unhurt. blJt thnl lvto l&raeli soldiers \I.ere wounded. The command said shelling resuml?d this mornin g along the northern sector or the 300-square-mile bulge captured by Israel during the October fighting. The command also announced the 11ppolntment or Brig. Gen . Rafatl Eytan, 1o1:hc led l!rael's thrust Into Syria In October, to command lsrael'11 northern front with both'Syria and Ltbanon. Eytan, \lo'ho w!ls prorMtcd 1(1 ma jor general. talces over !~ Lt Gen. ~fordechal Cur, y,•ho waS promoted to chief of stall. ' ' • lsrac:l1 fi ghter-bombers Sunda}· ;11t<ickcd Syrian forces on \IL llC'rrnon .. nd th(' r:olan 11£'ight.~ \\'hilc below 1h1•m !hi· i1rmies of the 1110 cnuntries bdlllt:tl f1ercclr \~·nh tan ks and artillery The J<;rnel i 1n1lllary ('Omrn;ind said all its plan(•S rt·turncd saf('h' Sundav, de •1n~ a Syrian claim thal foo r \\-ere do \\· Syria also c.Jaimrd 50 Israel i grounc ps were kill{:(( or "·ounded , but Jsr;1cl !Mlid only 17 were v.·ounded . S'Tia said 15 cf ill!!I sold iers were kill~ and JO v.·ere \\'OUnd~. Israel sa id a Syrian com1nando. unit !Ste :.TTDEAST, ragr 2:1 Orange Coast Wea ther A t'OOhng olr pet""1od 1s fol'l"Ca~t for Tuesd ay with ti>n1p.:-r.1 1urt'~ along the coast dipping into the lo\\·· t'r iOs after !he morning for, chills the air. INSIDE l'OD,\ \' Son rrm1cisco pollCI' la1111th !earch for block n1au 1t"ho fil(J! llC() lfh lf(' hitch h1k111y yoi.1/1.~ IH 1111provokrd attack 111 "Opera· !Ion Zebra·• sl~lf. ,q101 y l'afJI' S. IMll... 11 AN> 1.•""t'' 1t L. M , l11d 7t M.,.lt, lt·U (•!illnlll s "'"91111 ..... ' ci.it111M 11.14 o •• ..,. c-•, , Ctltllt t U ,..... IJ.11 cnu .. ,... 11 i r!¥11 ,..,,... 11 °""' N•11t•• , s,.rn 1 .. 11 ·~11•1•1 ..... ' ''"~ M.lrll!t lt-11 1 .. 1...-lilfl-l lt·ll Tt .... ••-lt ,;,,_. lt·ll f"M.flto U·10 '"' lbt •Htrd 11 WHlllH 4 HlntC:... JI WHlll N-f ' ~ ...... " ' I • 2 OAILV PILOT LB Board Sifts Bank Papc1·s For 'Oues' WASHJNGTON iUPll -The Senote \\'a1erg ate Con1mlttee ls searching bank recortb to check the serial numbers on $100 bills of President Nixon 's '~relal')', Rose Mary Woods, and his brothers F. Oooald of Newport Beach and Ed\\'ard. in ho?e$ of unra vt'ling the m.vstery of the $100,000 iioward 11ughcs ronneclion. High committee sources nave disclosed that Miss Woods' financial records ~·ere belng e1am1ned to determine if she nctived any of the controversial $100,000 campaign contribution given C. G. ··Bebe" Rebor.o by llughcs. Newsweek 1'iagazlne reported that Senate Wattrgate investigators "had begun sifting through bank recordJ and matching serial numbers of $100 bills to trace Rebor.o's handling of the money.'' 'nle magaJ:ine quoted one source as saying, "It takes just one bill issued after August. 1970 to break the whole story down." Newsweek said the probe was launched after Nixon's former attorney, ilerbert W. Kalmbach of Newport Beach, to Id Watergate investigators that Reboz.o had alletedly given some of t he "contribution" to Miss Woods, both of Nlxoll's brothers and other!. Il the conlributk>n, which never found ill way to Nixon's re-election committee, WN used as a presidential slush fund, a YiolaUoa of campaign spending laws, it could t .:-added to a bill of impeachment qalnle Nixon. Rebo1.0, Nixon's best friend, testified thal he kept the $100 bills in a safe deposit box and returned them to Hughes untouched three years later. However, Newsweek said the money delivered to the committee conta ined an unexplained extra $100 bill for a total of $100,100. Law Enforcement Timid in Hearst Kidnap-Younger SAN FRANCISCO ( U P I ) California's attorney general sakt today law enforcement officials have been "tilnkl" in the Hearst kidnaping case and that vigorous actkms would be taken in future political kidnapings. Attorney General Evelle J. Younger said any future "giveaway" programs inVolvtng food . or other commodities would be treated a! extortion and prosecuted. He allO 11jd that the media had bc!en "used in the cae and that all auttiorilies involmi made mbtakes. "We have not hand1ed it properly," MARKED MAN BRANDS SLA 'PUNKS', Story Pogo 5 Younger said. "Our onl y excuse ls that It had ne\'tr happened befoce. We did not know how to deal ~·ith a political kidnaping. "\Ye wUI try to make it Wlprofitable in the future to carry out any sort of political kidnap. A small band of terrorist! should not be allowed to dictate welfare policy." YOW1ger said he himself had been timid in the case and had not spoken out before for fear "l would do something to get. J\1iss Hearst killed.'' Asked if he thought the kidnap victim "'as dead or why he was now making the statement, Younger said: "I thint the moment of trulh has long since passed. I ck>c'l't think they're still trying to decide what to do with her.'' Younger said the press and other media had been "used" in the kidnap be.cause "you "'ere for~ to adopt their terminology. You know that the Symbionese Liberatron Army has nothing to do with liberation and it is not an army -it is a small band of vicious criminals.'' Younger said lhe SLA was small but they are "determined, dangerous, violent and far from stupid." OIAfltGICOAST ti DAILY PILOT ,,.. O<•.,. c...,r Otitlr """' ···~ .. ~ .. ~ "~ "°"""' 1-.. Ne#I--' "_.....,~· .... Ota r .:'"' ""'-'•t"'"t °""""""' S.N<t'• """"'" •·~ r ·•· t.,.1 "'O"'l•·• ""°'"'~ ""H• I!:< Ct<'.Jt ...... "'_.,, ... oel' ""'""""""' eo..,~,,..., ... ,.,,v"'"' l.«i,.r •flov-" !!\r"" .,.,,..,.,,,.~ ~' c;i.,. •• ,. S•~ -• c.,,, • .,, • .., " ',_,,. '"" """' ·~ I"' " tl>li•' ""'1 : .. •,,.~•>• t"1 S,,1" "" '"° ~""<•O'°' l>utll•>'•'<'I "'•"' • W J.)J ""'' , .• ',., .. , Vil"' "'-... ( ... 1co, .. ,,..,;fo P~NW"f"f l'r•Jo--F\Jt<•••H J.y\11: (..1., ~~ P,ft'OIW>l -~••1 "'-· t"""'°' lr.e.i:·~ ·~· T~A.M•n."'"" ""'""'o'"' Oo\..1H t..,.,,, Pf"ordP No'! ,. ..... ~ ............ l .,,. ..... L..-.•••Offk• 1?1 f&t\/~ ~ M.2e'l• P 0 &c• 6b6. IJ'2&.S1 °"'"'Offl<H t.o'•"'e"' m_. .... :s...., "•-hot~ »l:l!io-1 .,.,_""' ............ .,..1t.ui 1 1'f1~a-oi:•&i.....,...-o ci.-· ll)t'"°"'•l•C-"Ol"lffi 'T~l1141,4l·4JJ I Cks-llflM "'"..,ti., ,.J.,,,. L.,.. heth All D•,....,..,.111.: T...,.._4,4-,466 ~ 11re Ot Co.tv......,.... c.:--..... Ne _1_ .,1111< __ "" .. ~"• tJI t8~•'9"""'' ,..~ ~, M rf~ ""'""""*' ... "'*'""'_"'_...,._ ~'"" l'Ot!W ........ , °""' ~ °'~""' ,.,. .,_lOI-.. _ tJOO ~ °"IM• H.CIOll'lllfll"'Y,~--1300!!10f11NJ' Th.ere They Go eggs. The youngest child ren ,\·ho \veren't quick enough to find eggs were given them by the Legion· a ires. 1\bout 200 youn gsters raced a c r o s s the Laguna Beach High School football fi eld Sunday afternoon in the annual quest for Easter 1'~gg s. The sponsor, American Legion Post 222, had hidden 100 doze n ·-'-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FrBmPllfrel CLEARED struggle. in fact the evklence was all to the effect that the capatln was deliberately shot in the chest." Defense attorney Matthew Kurllich argued that Baroldi was going to the aid of Gray· at the time and that Robinett e barred his way. • ''It was a normal reaction for a poliec officer," Kurilich said. "There was no intent to kill and there was no evidence in the trial that would really support that throry.'' Fron• Pagel MIDEAST made another attempt lo capture an Israeli observation post at the northern end of 9,QOG.foot 1'1t. Hennon, which has an unrestricted view for 100 miles and more Into Syria. The Syrians have been trying to ca pture the post since April 6. Israel said the commandos were discovered at da~11 Sunday, and the Israelis at the post counterattacked . Syrian artillery opened up to give the commandos cover, and the Israelis retaliated ~·ith artillery and fighter-bomber.. The Israelis said the commandos were "destroyed," ond 12 Syrian bodies were found . But later in the day, tanks and artlllery dueled the length of the 40-mile front across the Golan Heights, and 1sraeli planes attacked the Syrian positions for four hours during the afternoon . the Israeli co1nmand said. Meanwhile, the U.N. Securi ty Council was to be called into session this afternoon to discuss the Israeli raid on si:t Lebanese villages Friday night. The raid was in retaliation for an Arab guerrilla attack from Lebanon Thursda y on the Israeli village of Qlryat Shmonah in which 18 Israelis and th e three guerrillas died. 21 University High Students A·wait Verdict No decision had been made today on whether 21 L1niversity Hig'h School students chari:;cd with selling narcotics will be permanently expelled from the Irvine Unified School District . The 21 students were suspended after a huge dope roundu p J\tarch 27 ta gged "Operation lrvlng." A to1ai of 100 persons \\'ere arrested on a va riety of dope.related charges in the S\Veep. Of the 100, 42 v,.erc University lligh students . Twenty ~·ere charged \\"ith offenses other than selling, including possession of marijuana, being in !'he presence of dope use, and providing (but not selling) narootiC3 and dangerous drugs to others. The five students charged "'ilh furnishing narcotics ~·ere tcmpor:l(ily suspended and are ba ck at school toda y. acoording to University lJigh Principal Vic Shcrreltt. They are back under contracts of achievement and behavior "·orked out bot"·cen the student, his parents, and the school's administration. Shcrreltt said. lie added the district •hopes to reach its decision on the group chargOO. with selling by Thursday. ln the meantlmc, the students are still suspended . "In every case of suspension. the parent and student have been invited in for a conference, and most of them have responded ,'' Shereitt said. Jn a discussion "°ith lbc !nine Unilied Bo&rd of Education last. ~k, district Supctinlendent Stanley Corl'!y !aid ··of all the charges, we feel sales of dangerous drugs poses the m05t serious tnreat." The ~farch 27 raid n·as carried out by Costa J\1esa police officers, who provide poli ce service to lrvine on a public safety con tract. Police said they collected LSD, animal tranquilizer, hashish, cocaine, and marijuana during their bust. Since then , a group of six parents have made allegations that the p o 1 i c e department used entrapmeot to obtain their arrests and plaMed the raid kl get maximwn publicity for the police department . Police in charge of the raid denied the charges and refused to-comment on the allegations, saying they Will ~·ail until! the 100 cases come up in court. Panel Eyes De-ann!3x • . Of Tustin By JAN ~'ORTll Of ,,_ 0111' l'llt! Stitt A proposal to dc·annex the Tustin Unified S c h o o J Dlstrict trom the Saddleback Community College district will come up again Tuesday at a meeting of the Orange. County Comnlittcc on School Di$trict Organization. The proposal. spearheaded by a citizens group called the Co 11 e g e Committee of Tustin, is being firmly resisted by tPe college. which stands to lose 25 percent of its assessed valuation and 17 pereent of it s student bod)' 1f the dt>-anne:oi:ation goes through. The coonly committee is .made up of 10 Ja r per!Ons appointed by the county board of education. They have been asked to recommcad what should be done in the Tustin-Saddleback J'lft before it goes ti) the Board of C.Overnors of the California Community Colleges for final action. , The board of governors 15 scheduled to make a detelTJlination on U::? issue when they mw. In Long Beath June 19 and 20. Shepard Kanarek of Tustin has led the de-annexation push. fueled by oomplainls that Saddleback is too tar away fr(lrn Tus1in 120 miles one way to ~iission \-'iejlil), has a limited curriculum . and a niinimum of fa cilille! and services. If the dc·annexation succeeds, Tustin \\'ould become a part of the Rancho Santiago (Santa Ana Col\cge) district. Saddleback supporters contend 1\t.stin re~idents helped vote in a S10 million bond issue ~·h.ich Is only partiaUy repa id and bave a fiscal responsibility to continue helping re-pay the money. They also add the move to the Rancho Santiago district \\'ould not get the Tustin residents what they want, !iinte lhey cla im most studenl3 in Tustin who do not go to Saddleback booUeg admi.sslon to Orange Coast C.O\lege, not Santa Ana College. Big Crowd s, Tr affi c Close O'Neill P ark Traffic congestion at O'Neill Park in Trabuco Canyon Sunday prom pt e d rangers lo close the park at 10 a.n1 . A huge crowd drove to the park for the hot. SUM)' Easter day, park spokesmen said. It w1s re-opened later in the afternoon and then re-c!O&Cd when traffic again became too congested. LIFE STRIDE'S DEAD AT 41 Stiling Champion W•lsh ~lass Conducted For Pro1ninent Coast Yll chts1nan ~·l ass "·as recited for Rogt'r \\'elsh loday at St . Joachim 's Catholic Church in Costa ~fesa. ~Ir. •\Velsh. one of Ne"·port i larbor's top national and international sailors, died Friday at his home, 1101 Marion Lane, Ne\li'port Beach. after a long illness. The 4l·year.()ld insurance adjuster IT a d recently completed law studies and was preparing for a legal career. i{e ~-as born in Lls Angeles and mo,·ed to Newport Beach with his family when he "·as si4 years old . He has been acli\'C in the r;ailing and yachting activities _Jnost or his life. ~1r. \~'elsh was an accomplished small boat sailor. lie n·as natio nal champion in the lntcrnational-14 Class in 1968 and was several ti1nes \Vest Coast champion in the class. He n10\'cd into the international Soling Class when the boat ~·as selected as an Olympic class and ~·as district champion in 1972. He ~·s a consistent winner in local and regiona l regattas. A1r. ~Welsh \\'as responsible f or introducing the famed Australian·l8 dinghy 10 the U.S. and often said it v.·as the most exciting high performance dinghy he had ever sailed. Lebanon reported to the council that •·1~·0 Lebanese civilians were killed and others "'oundcd. 13 Lebanese eivilians '\'ere kidnaped and 31 houses destroyed" in the Israeli raid. La llabra Couple "'\mong Victims Of Hawaii Crash OPEN -WEAVE · The council -was expected lo adopt a resolution later in the \Yeck conden1ning Israel. and Israel "·as expected to Ignore it' Lig ht Weekend .. On Lag una Sands Easter Week pro ved busy but largely uneventful for Laguna Beach lifeguards as warm skies lured large crowds to the strands, and cold water kept them from lhe surf. Acting Chief Lifeguard Bruce Baird said today the department logged 21 rescues. 93 first aids and 447 dog ordinance ('flforcement ct1ntacts over lhc holiday period. Baird said rescues ~·ere not as numerous as would normally be the case "'ith the crowds the size they ~·ere and \\~lh the yellow nag surf prevailing during most of the 1\·eek because of th e chilly ~·atcr. La guna's Cl1oir On TV Tuesday The Laguna Bea<h High School Cho;r under the direclion of F'rtd Stouter will be featured on cable television channtl 10 at 5 p.m. Tuesday. The program. first ln 1 strlts, Is product<! by the television production cl•" at the hiRh ochoot taught by Ray Haggard, media coordinator. The presentation Is a rebroadcast of an earlier Mowing. Future prog'fams will Include subjects such as an orientation program 1bout the high school for incoming frtshmen, local sporU events, classroom actlvlties, interviews with students, and 1ta!J and original televl&ion dramaL Haggard hopes lo be able to turn oul a weeK:ly program starting In fall . A pair from Orange C.Ounty were among three honeymooning couples aboard a <'hartered tour plane that slammed into a slope of Ha~·aii's l\1auna Loa volcano four days ago, killlng 11 persons. They \Vere identified today b y authorities as l\Ir. and J\trs. Gary bloomjean, of La Habra, but their street address in the north county city was unavai lable. Bodies of the 11 person s who died in the crash y,·hich occurred on a da y-long air tour .of the islands were not recovered until Saturday. tnvestlgatorn from the National Trans· portallon Safety Board were to return to the site today. Girl, 14, Found Dea d in l -arcl A Santa Ana grandmother who came J)l)rne Sunday night and did not sec her granddaughter, so believed she had gone lo bed. awoke today and found the girl Iring dead in the back yard. Leona B. Doyal, 14. of 2148 S. Birch St., 'suffered a fatal head injury when she apparent]y fr" and struck her head on a brick plonttt in the backyard. Santa Ana polkt said thert "'" no evidence to indicate foul play. 9 Finns Sign Pact WASIUNGTON (AP) -Nin< major ~tee! firm5 signed an agreement today with the federal government to pay '31 million ln b&ck wa1es u part of an lndmtrywlde plan for ending racial and sex discrimination in 'mploymenl The voluntary a g rte m e n t with the Departm<nta ol Labor and Justice and the Equal Employment Opporttlnlt!es CommtssloA Is the larg"" back·p.'IJ' discrimination sett~nt to date • Spend the summer in "Borcebria." It's the woyen·lo~ s~ndol ~n o cork wedge willi'a crepe walking sole. Soft a nd ooen and-oh. so comfortable. • Camel, white, novy or red. 1 S.00 Moil and phone orders invited. fosh;on s~ 8 WEDGIE °'.BROADWAY ' -'*"""'"T 444 N. hdd (714) Sls.1121 -.1 ~ IM;rd (71 4) 644-1212 OANG. MAU. CY-ORNG 2XON. T\llMS......(714)'98-llll (11 4) 19'1.JJJI Sia 10 A.M. totJOPM. MONDAY TlWJGHRO\Y, Sl.lW>\Y-t IJ'. oo 6PM. ClO!BlWT!ltllH>\Y, • ·r . ' . "' . . . ' - Saddlebaek Today's Final N.Y. StCtcks EDITION • VOL. 67, NO. 105, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, APRIL I 5, 1974 TEN CENTS Two Policemen Cleared In Fatal Bar Shooting 21 lrvi11e Students Drug Ouster Eyed No decision hnd been made today on \\'hether 21 Uni\'ersity Hign School students chargt'd Y:ith selling narcotics \rill be prrn1ancnlly expelled from the Irvine Unified School District. The 21 students v.·cre suspended after a huge dope roundup 1'.larch 27 tagged ''Of>eration lr\'ing." A totai of 100 persons \1·erc arresled on a variety of 'dope-related charges in the s11·eep. Of the JOO, 42 v.·crc University High &lodcn1 s. Tv,.cnty v.ere charged v.·ith offenses other than selling. including: possession of ·~arijuana, being in rnc presence of dope ~I.Se. and providing (bul not selling) t1arcotics and dan gerous drugs to others. · The five slltdcnt:-charged Y.ith J umishing nare<1tics 11crc temporarily " ' tou11 l)' Pee it''' '.To(',· 'l"'. -T,T:· ' J • ' _I{ • 8\' .IA:'ll \\'ORTll O! ·1,_, 0~1IY ~Uel Sl•tl A proposal lo de·annex 1hc Tustin liniried Schoo I District fro•n !he ,Saddleback Cornmunily College district \1•ill corne up :.ii;:ain Tuesday at ii n1ceting ':!Jf the ?ra!1ge Coun_ty .co1nn1i11ce on t>chool D1str1ct Orga n1zat 1on. · The proposal. spearheadl'<I by a citizens group called !he r n 1 l e g c 'Comn1ittec of Tustin, is bci11'..! firmly resisted bv the college, \1"hich stands to ~osc '.!5 pefcC'nl of its assessed ,·a\uation t.1KI 17 1:('1·cc11t of its student body if the <.1e-annt'' ·:1i0n gors through. Til(' C""l'·"''" cn n1mit1ee i ~ made up Qf 10 ;a·; per. ('111~ :1pooin.ted by the county bo:in:I r1f er!ucati r•n. The~· have been t "ed to rel'o1n1nc11d 1\·hat should be done l1 the Tuslin-Saddleback rift before il p:oes to the Board of Go\ l'rnors of thr California Comm unity Collet:es for final P.ction. . TI1e board of gov<>mors is SC'hrdulr.d to tnake a dclC'rminat ion on 11-.., issue \\·hen "°ey meet in Long Bc:H.tr June 19 and 20. Shepard Kanarek of Tustin has led lhe de-annt'Xalion push. fueled by cotnplaints that Saddlcback is too far a11•ay fron1 •ruslin 1 :!O miles one ,,·ay to r..lission 'Viejo 1. has a limited curriculum. and a n1inin1um of facilities and services. Ir the dc·annexation succeeds, Tustin \\·ould bcco1ne. a part of the Rancho Santiago (Santa Ana College' district. Saddleback supporters e<1ntcnd 1\1s1in ~ents helped ,·ote in a $10 million bond issue \1-hich is only partially repaid and have a fisc<il responsibility to continue helping repay the money. The.y also add the mo1·e lo the Rancho Santiago district "·ould not get the Tustin residents \\'hat they \\'ilnt. since they daim most students in Tustin vlho do not go to Saddleb.ack bootleg admission to Orange Coast QiUege, not Santa Ana College. When the county committee r I r s t considered the proposal last month. !hey ask~ for more infonnation on financial Implications. comparative average daily attendence, and other documented back- up materials. 'Kanarek will again represent the Tustin point of view. and former 5addleback College trustee ?\tichael Collins, an attomey, will continue his case for SaddJeback. The meellmg is set for 7:30 p.m. In the Orange Unified S<.•hool District board room , 370 North Glas.sell Street, Orange. J ewelrY. Ca sh Taken , ' F r'o111 El Toro Honi e Je\\'tlry and eash ,v;th a tottll ~alut of SSOO \licre stolen during the v.ttkend by burg:lar1 v.·ho bt"M;e into an El Toro home, Orange County SherlIJ's officen .. 1d. Deputies Sllid intruders at the homt of salesman Ed"ant Edr.lslc.ln. 36 of 23596 Durye11 St., broke In and grabbed the v1luables while tho famlly was on an out GI town trip. suspended and are back at school today. according to UDiversity High Principal Vic Sherreitt. They are back under contracts or achievement and behavior v;orked out bet ween the student, his parmts. and the school's administration, Sherreitt said. He added the district 'hopes to reach its decision on t~ group charged v.·ith selling by Thursday. In the meantime, 1he students are still suspended. "In every case of suspen sion. the parent and student have been invited in for a conference, and most of then1 ha\'e responded," Shereitt said. In a discussion vo'ilh lhe Irvine l:nified Board of Education last week, district Superintendent Stanley Carey said "Of a.JI tbc charges, v.·e feel sales Qf dangerous drugs poses lhe most serious tnreal." TilC ~larch 27 raid v•as carried out by Costa ~tesa police offict>rs. v. ho pro\ 1dc police se.n·ice to Irvine oo a public safc1y contract. Police said they collected LSD. animal tranquilizer. hashish, cocaine , and marijuana during thei r bust. Since then, a group of six parents l1avc made allegations that the po l i cc department used entraprncnt lo oht:11n their arrestS' and planned the raid to ~et maximum publicity fo r lhc police department. Police in charge of the raid denied t'nc charges and refused to comment on !he allegations. saying they v.;lJ v•ail unt ill the 100 cases e<1me up in court. Valley T1·11stees to Po11de1· Scl1ool Pla11s f 01· 5 Yea1·s Trustees of the Saddleback Valley L"nified School District will take a look at a tentative five-year plan for education in their rapid~growth district at a 7:30 1n~ting ton ight at Los A 1 is o s Jntennediate School. The 300-page study covers hov.• the populatlon of the kindergarten through grade 12 district is growing, "'hen and how new buildings should be built and ho"' education needs can be best provided. It is the result or more than eight months' \\"Ork by the district's Office of Research and Development. t\\·o private coosultants. and extensive meetings wUh parents and teachers. The master plan is required by the state as a criterion for further state aid, but John Cooper. coordinator of resea rch and development. said oo specific date has OOtn set on submitting the plan to 1he state. "All along v.·e have ~n pushing r<,r a ma ster plan that reµrtscnts more tnan just what 1he state requires," Coof'll·r said. "\Ve feel Y:e are close to having a document that is one ot the n1o~t comprehensive n1astcr plans tackled by a school district." Cooper compared the n1aster p!nn !I) an "external audit'' of education<1l quality. "!( the board adopts !i11s plan . it \1 ill give precise guidelines 10 both buildini!· level and district·levc\ adn1 ini s1rators on ho\\' to de\'elop the kind of C'ducntion people tell us they \rant." Cooper sai d. "It is a very usable plan -not 1ust gene ralUies. ·• Tonight's meeting. in the mul!ipurpo!<e noom of Los Alisos Intermediate Sch,.(}!, is open to the public. It is a stud~· session. with the master plan 11s the only topic of discussion. John Mitchell's Plea: 'Absolutely Not Guilty' KE\\' YORK <AP) -Former Atty. Gen. John ~litchell said today he v.·as "absolutely not guilty'' of coospiracy, obstruction of justice or perjury. "Are you guilty or not guilty~" asked his lawyer, Peter Fleming Jr. \... "Absolutely not gWty of any of the cfia'rges." said Mitchell. The former Cabinet officer and ex· rommerce Secretary 1'1aurice Stans ha\'e been on trial in federal court for eight "'eeks. They are accused of trying to impede a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation of financie r Robert Ve3CO in return for his secret $200,000 cash contribution to President Nixon's re-election campaign. At the end Qf his direct examination or ~Utchell v.·hich started Wedneaclay before Buralars Strike " Dul'ing Vacation A J\fi1sJon Vie)o ramlly returned homt during the weekend and found that tMJr v.·~·s vacation had been a mort cosily tr1p !Mn they had batg•lntd for. Orange Comty Shutfr1 offlcen siid the family ot plumbtr Kenneth Lee: StraUM, 4', tttumed to the home at 2$302 Cbttsanta St., .to find jev.·etry and appltances valued at $2.JJO had been carded off in their absenct. Deputies said burglars who broke b1 via the garage door took a television set, rings, wat.c:bes, an antique c19ck tnd $10 in aub. a long holiday \\'eekend r · "S. Flemini:: led ~Iitchell through each of lhe six counts of perjury. Afte r each one l\3S read, l\titchell said 1hat his tt.:stimony 10 th..: grand jury had been his befit recollection of the fact5 . ' ~titchell also denied that he told ousll'<! \\'hite House counsel John Dean 111 that the grand jury "h.ich indit.1t'li him \\as "a runa"'ay grand jury" and 1hat lnc prosecutors who qucS1ioned him "ere "little bastards." Dean testified to that effL't:t in an appearance as the prosecutor's "·1111ess. fl.litchell said that he did not consider the grand jury "runaway" and that he hnd felt that the prosecutors 1\·ere "polite and 1Stt J\IITCHELL, Page 21 'VERY PLE ASED' SA YS ADVERTISE R It must have seemed like "home, S"''t'tt motor home" to lols of Daily Pilot readers when this ad appeared in the classilied section : • SHARE \vtm'EBAGO • Chln %.(! % int -fully equip. Use JO wttks per year. Con- sider only l'C.'!P-Onsible party. Call !Phone No.) M·f 9-5. 1be advertiser repor:ted he was "very pl ased'' and got "1011 or responses" plus. of course, finding a \\'innebago partner. Want lo try for rei1ponse.on your pitch, whatever it is? Just dl1.1l the direct line to resultli, 6.U.5678. •I 'We'll Neve1· l(t1ow Facts,' Say s J11<lge Ry T0~1 BARLEY 01 lft• D•llr '""' 'lftl T\\"O off . ctuty polit<'n1en. sep~rately C'h<lr.ctrd v. i!h 111urder and assault follo\\int: a Tuslin barroom bra"·I that IC"ft a ~larinc Corps Capta in dead and ;1nother pntron 1\0undNI. l\t•te clf'arr.d of 0111 chargl'S today 111 Orange County Superior Court. Judge R~·ron K. f.le~lillnn O!X'ned the hearing sc.ilt.>dult'<f "'hi!n the trial of both men v..ns declarl'<l a m1s1n:1l 10 days a.110 by findin l,l t:arden t.:rol'r patrolman Jerry Grav , 29. innoce nt of charges of <1ss.1ult v.•ith a tk·;1dl y v.·enJ)('ln. Those thar,:t·s 11 ere filed on J an . 5. 1973, \\.h('ll C:rav \l"llS hookf.'d fo r !he 11oundi11g BachclOr·s Ill bar pa1ron Sam Campise . :lS, v..·ho v.as shot in the <:hest during th e la\'t'rn fr;1cas. Poliec ealled !tJ the Tustin bar ch.1rged t"> 1>rrs-. pohcc Sgt. Thomas HaroldL 2G, 111th n1urdl'r \1hen he "·as identified as !he man "ho shot and killed f.larine C'orps Capt Handal! Steven RobmClll'. 25. of Phoenix. Ariz. A 1ury that had dellberated for four da~ s las! April 5 had found Gra~· lnnOCt'lll u! the cha r~es at the ti1nc it v.·as callt.'() ll:ick In th•· <·uurtroo111, Uut 1 he JUry had not signrd the \'erd ict form "hen lhe defendant's la"·yen asked lhe prn~t>eut1on to dl•cl<Jt(! a 1n1slrial 111 ISt°'r C"LEAHEIJ, Pa,::e ti Prin.l e Lcn<lin!! l{ale Exceed s 10% llarrier <., XE\\' YORI\: 1 'Pl -The pnm(' lending rate broke throui.:h the 10 pcrl·t•nt l:x1rrie r tod:il' as l\\O t.anl<.s posted rate~ r:hu \'(' the Ql<I rcl'Orti N'orth Carolina X;itlQnal Ba n k :1nnounccd 1t rai sed its prime from 9J 1 p<>rccnt 10 IU1, pcrcc-nL cffec\1\e last Fr1d..i.y The Fir~l \:111on:d Ban k of f'h1caL(O, thr nation's Htth largest oommcrc1al bank. ~l't Its pr i1nc rate at l0.10.JlCrccnt ,'-;or!I (.'aro!in:i \ati<1nal Ban k 1<; ranked 2tiro. It \\:JS nu! iinmecha trly :i pparcnt \1hclht·r other honk s 1~ould fullo11 ~jncc the Fe<li::rttl Bt•si:r\·e Boord 1l•rh11ll y chsrour<i gcd mo\es bl·yond 10 pcrcc11 t 11 heo such action sectncd unn1incnt. The pr1n1e rare ls the base lending rate banks chari::c largc~t cor p Or ate customers. \\"lule 11 dots not <1!fect sma ll busin~s and e<1nsu n1er lo;ins. the prirnc is regarded as an indicator 11f the a\"ailab11ity of rnon('y in general. \\'hen t'nc prime is h.igh, lt m\'ans corporations musl pay nlOrc to borrov..· money. 1'his m11y tend to uc1 10 d1scoora ge borro11o1ng, u I ! ' m at e I 'j !See RATE, Page 2J La llahra Co111>le .<\n1011g Vjcti111s Of 1-la,ra ii Crash A pair from Orange County were among three honeymooning CQUples aboard a chartered tour plane tha t slammed in10 a slope. of llawail's ,\launa Lo;i volcano four d a)' s ago, kUlmg 11 pcr!!OOS. They \\'!'re identified today by authoritie!I as ~tr. and :..trs. Gary ~loomjeon. of l.a Habra. but their street address in the north rounty city was unavailable. Bodies of !he 11 persons whn died in the cr11sh which occurred on a day.Jong air tour of the. Islands were Ml recovered un!il Saturday. lnveS1l gatON from lhe ~alional Trans- portation Snfety Board \\'tre 10 return lo the site today. 1t'ortli Tlae 1t'Hll~ Ca1npers on their v.•ay ho1ne lug su rfboards and other gPar tip quar· 1cr-111ile trail leading to new. 4.\·Spaee carnpgrountl for hiker!-> a! !-.:111 Onofre Stale Park. New fa cility huilt hy Rangers over three ~·eeko:;; drev.• capacity i:rowds during Ea!'ICr \\'eek. along v.·ith ra \'c re1 le"'" h~· gue!>t ~. San Onofre. Oll('C liltle·uscd. "·as 1an1mcd Ol'er t-:astcr \\'eek. Story and adllitional picture pa ge 3. -·. .... ...... Sy1·ia-ls1·ael Ta11k Battle Rages Alo11g Gola11 _F1·ont Syri;i and lsr:1PI traded nrtill1•ry :inrl tank fire on tht• (;olan Jlcif.!hls w:ir front today ;1fll'r a \\'Ct:kr11d of the harllc~t hghtlng sint'e the October 11·ar ,\l('an>1lull'. •;;gyp1 1an sources s.1id 10- day !hat S('('rl'lary of Stale Henry A 1\:1~· s1ni;er 11o 1l1 1ra1·el to <.::11ro as the first sto p on his effort to arr:1nge a mili tary sct tleml!nt ..... ·t\\'CCn Israel a Kl Syn:t . They said the trip 1\'JS arranged l'M'- t11·C<'n K1ssrnf,!cr and F.gyptian Foreign ~hnistcr !."mall Fahm\1, hot h 21 !hf' l'nllt'<I :':at1ons for a Sµec1al St>ssion vf th<• (;, 1n·ral Assembly In rirld1uon to F:gypl. l\issingcr i~ ex· pN.'led to add l\:uwait to his !1.rhNluk" \\'h1ch :ilready intludcs Israel and !-iyn;-1 K1ss1ni;tt'r !old repo rters !he tnp v.·ould begin '"in :1!x:iut 1v.·o 11·ceks.'' J)am:iscus rad in snid Syria's dl'fenst n1inister .. \TaJ (:en ~lustafa Tla s. made a quick trip to the '·for\\'ard comrnand headquarters ,,f S~·rian forces on ~H f-lcrrnon." Th is "·as the first official Syru1n r<'fl'rcncc ti) suc h a comn1t1nd since the October 11·ar. The Tel A\ iv con1n1and said J)CfensP :-Otinister :..1oshc lla}<1n also toured Israeli positions on !he Gol;tn front. and that a Syrian urtillcry barrage erupted at lht.· time. It said Da~an 11o·as unhurt. but th:tt tv.·o Israeli soldiers 11o cre 1voundcd Gjrl, 14, Foun<l Dead in )-ard A Sa11101 Ana grandmo1hcr v.·hro Clime home Sunday night and did nol ~ee her grnnddaughlcr, so belie~·ed she had gone ttl bed. av..·okc today and found tire girl lying dead i""-thc i>."tck yard. Lt.>ona U. Doyal. 14. of 2148 S. Birch St.. su ffcrt.'<I <:1 fatal head Injury \\hen ~hto apparcntly fr'' and !!truck her head on a brick planter in the b01cky;ird. Santa Ana pohce s:ud there \\'a' no e\·ldence to indicate foul play. Big Cr owds, Tr arfie (Jose o·~<'iU Pa rk Traffic con gestion at O'Neill Park 1n Tr.abuco Can)'On Sunday p r • m p t e d rangers. to close lhe pitrk a1 10 ;1.m. A huge crQwd drove to the park for the hot. suMy t:aster ctay, p.1rk spokesmt n said. It \\'llS reopeocod Inte r in the aflcmooo .and lhf.'n tttlosed when traffic again became too cong~ted. Th~ comman d ~aid shclhnc rrsu rn('(I thi:; morning along !he nur!h•·rn Sf'Ctor of rh1· 300·squ:.ire·rn1le bulge captured by lsrat>I during tM October ri ghtinf.!. The command :1!<>,0 announc:t.>d the appo1nln1«nt of Bri~. C.f•n. Hafael F:ytan, \lhfl led lsra(·J's thrust into Syria in Oclobcr. lo command lsral·l"s northern fronl with both Syria and l,,i·banun. E~·tan. "·ho "as promoted to ma jrir gent'ral. lakes ov1·r fron1 LI (:en. f.lordl'chai c:ur . 1\ho was promoted to chief of st:iff. Israeli fightl'r·bomhrr~ Sun1l:i ~· :i1taekcd S~·ria n forces on ~II lh·rtn•in ;ind thr r:nlan Hrights "'hilt lll·l11v.. tht•m thr armies of the tv.<1 c11u:11rii·s battled firrccly v..•ith t.anks :ind :ir111!cry. The Israel ! n1iluar\· cnm111and s:ild all its rtant•s r~·turr1•:rl ~;lft·h· !'iurul;iy, dC"ny ing a-Syril:in clttim thtit f11ur wrrr· d'l"'ne<L S1•ria <ilsn r1:1lnu'll 50 l~r;11•li i::round 1roOps "'ere kille<l or \\011ndt•d. but Israt•I s;iid only 17 11crr· \1ounlli.·d Syri:t sa1ll 15 1)f its so!d1l'rs 11·c·rl' kill1,d tinrl 10 \\'Crr "'ound1'd Israel s.11d a Syri.111 f'11mm<1ndo unit madr nnnlhl'r at1r111pt tfl' f'.1ptun• nn lsr<i(•Ji -0bsrr1·ation ptl5t at thf• ll(irlhf>m l·nd Of 9.000·!oot ~11 ller111on. 11 h1t'h ha:ii an unr<>str1ctcd \'1cw ror 100 •~Hies <1nd n1ore into Syria. Thr Syr1:ins ha\·{' txoen tr~ ing" to capture the post since i\prrl 6. Isra"I s,'lld the rnmmandos l\'Cr l' d1M·o11•rL-d al dav.·n Sunda~, and thr l.sral'hi; ;1t the post ,, .. iSt>r .\llUEAST, l·':tJ:lt 21 Oran::~ ~oast Weathe r A c:oollni.: off period 1~ fnr•'Ca ~! for Tu l!d11.y "1th rr1nµcr;11urt·s along the <.'Oa~t dipp1n.I{ 1n10 !ht· In"' t·r 70s 11 f1cr the mor11Llli.: for-l'h1lls ttl€: :ur. 11\SIH•; TODA\' Sun f rcn1c1sc? "o/rt'(' l11u11(h Jearcl1 for block 111n1L u.lio shut twr1 1rh1re hflc/1 l11lr1rig you rll.<r 111 1111prooflkfrl <Jltr'lck 111 "Optra- uu11 Ze bra" stul<' Story Pauc .5. •M"H II L. M. ••" 1' Ct !!!"""• I Cl•1tfftoHI '1•1' Ctmlc1 11 c .. u.,..rd u 0.alfl NMitt1 I Ed1!9<tll l"t.. I Cnht<1•1.,mtnl lt •M .. 1 ... "'. 1•11 ,., ~ •tc••• 11 .._.,. 1' 1 "''"' L~ If M""' U·JO N•ll .... I trlfWI f 0<•"" C-'Y 1 ~..... U·lf ,,, .... ~..... 10 1"1"h , ... ., S!ee~ M•tttll l•U TtltVll.... II n...1 .. 1 Jt.)O llltllll•r I Wtrltl MfWI 4 I ' ' 2 _~ILY PIL __ oT ____ IS _____ M_O<Mlc..:.;'1::;•_•.:.P'_l_I 1::5.:_' _cl9;_74 G.rowth Panel Tasks 'Too Broad'; One Quits II)' JORN VALTERZA Of ,,_ O.'" l'lltt il•H The Caplstrano UniriOO Schoo I Dlstrlct's new growth p I an n in g commissJon saddled with monitoring surgee of new pupil popu)alloM appears to be having growing pains of its own today. Tru3~ tonight will re<:ei\·e news of the resignation or John F I o o d, a key membtr of the advisory group which has grappled with controversial i 11 a u e s relaUnc to school attendance areas in recent months. From P .. e l MIDEAST counterattacked. Syrian artillery opened up to give the commandos cover, and the Isniells retaliated with artillery and flghter·bomber<. The Israelis said the commandos "'ere "destroyed," and 12 Syrian bodies were found. But later ln the day, tanks and artillery dueled the length of the 4Q.mile front across the Golan Heights. and Taraell planes attacked the Syria n poeltiona for four hours during the afternoon, the Jsraell command sakl. Meanwhile, the U.N. Security Council was to be called into session this afternoon to dlscuu the Israetl raid on slJ Lebanese vllla1es Friday nlgbL The nkl was In retaliation for an Arab guerrllla attack from Lebanon 11wrsday on tbe Inell village of Qlrya t Shmonah In whlcb II lsra<lis and I h e thne guerrllJu died. Lebanon reported to the coan<ll that "two Lebanese civilians were killed and others wounded, ll Lebanese civilians were kidnaped and 31 houses destroyed" in the Israeli raid. 'lbe council was expected to adopt a J'elOlutlon later in the v.·eek condemning Israel, and Israel was expected to Ignore it. Childbirth Clnsses At.Saddleback H ~spital Slated An elght-nek aeries ol preparation for chl1dblrth ciaalfm for expectant parents is acheduled to begin Apri1 11 in the ~1edieal Building at S a d d 1 e b a c k Commlllllty Hospital In Laguna Hills. Jane Davis ol Costa ~lesa. a registered physical tberapl.st, teadles the oourse in cooperaUoo with the hospital's physical therapy department and m a t e r n i t y nursing stalf. It includes a guided exerd.9e proiram and lectures. '"""""""' and mms on pregnancy, labor and birth , nutrition, 1 breast feeding and post p a r t u m (lollowlng childbirth) return. Stllly of the reproductive organs and the mechanics of bi rth is Included, along with infonnatlon on the relationship of physical exercise in muscle toning and control for ease during the birth of the child. '"The course study and exercise is especially neOO.ed today because it is often difficult tO relax ," Mrs. Davis said. 1 "~lany people don't even reaUze they are I ~." 1'frs. Davis said "The experience of childbirth a. natural and joyful can be enhanced through Wlderstanding and preparecineM oo the part of the expectant mother and father.'' "Concern over bearing a child, especially the first one. often turns into anxiety for the expect.am parents,'' l\irs. Davis said. "'lb.at is why It is so important for both to attend classes during tbe weeks M!adlng up to the birth ol their child. "The often referred to 'ord~1' of bearing a child can be turned into a rewarding life-glvlng experieo-ce when both parents are mentally and physically ready.'' Husbands may remain with their v:h·c.'l during labor arlf' those taking prepared childbirth classes are allowed In the deli\•ery room for the birth wilh the coo.'lellt of the doctor. 014HM COAST IS DAILY PILOT ,,.. °'-C'.cKI °"""' P,1131 --" ....... 1> ..... t ... 1<..s~ .. t>.lllho...a .,,._O._ (;o:to,I ~··""'° c.itnoo.,... ~ .... «odd-•·~ pu!>I,....., ,,..,.,a .. ""°''ii" ~,,.,..,. "" eo.u "'-· "' ... -111 .. ~ ".>M•"lt!O" s.-"-1 ... 11'11._., l •gu•• lle..c:• ,,..,_g,,,,,_ ,...., S.n (".i....on1ol~•' .tu>' (",..,.,,...., A ..-..e !-IOI-.!•!""' o< -·~ l'l'u•IMY" ...... ::..,.,.. ,,, ... ,, .. """'"'""I _,.."II ~1 • .,, •• "JJOV.1.1 ""'~""' Cocuto ..._,C.,,b ,,.. 016~& l r'r P. Ci.r'~y "~"'--<>-oJ'l1~ • Jt,e•l'l)l .A Mir.hf~ M•~l.,.O' OolaiH loo\ PtlodP.lbl '""""'"""'~ ..... (-•0t1 S.~A.1101,.t .. 4.t.: T...,....4,J:044J:O ~ ,., •. o..c-~ ...... ~ ,...,. HO"*-"•-"'...,,.._. •onol"'"" Ot 1111---.... ~ Ill _......,.. ~ _._. _ .. *"""""_ ~eta. -1•1111~11 0JtJ1 "'-· c;,i.""' "'' "1Cl!oalot'°" llt'u.t• •>OD _..,.,..,, 111 "'~ 1100 -.,,,,..,11,,.,_....i'°"'~oo--,. Bealdtt news .of Flood'• Tellpit.~"I. t r u a t e e s ~111 receive a mt.tno from the dlatrict et.ff admllllng llult periiaJlO Ille cttlieo's advl.iOey 11f011P h .. too brond a la$k. Flood told the dl:Jtrlct staff he l.'1 leaving becattSe the time required bv comn1ission \!.'Ork cooflicts with his owi1 comnlitment!. Director of Adminlslratlve Services Joseph Winier, In a memo to t.ru.,tef'.'I, suggested that the board dovClop more de.flnitive guidelines for the panel becau.se of the increase ot tasb. Easter Gal ''The commiaslon has a work load that Is reach!ng oorWderable m1&Ntude .•. and t abo sui1e1t tha t s om e ' consldtrallon be given to e\'aluatlna: ill wlgnment to determine if its original scope wu reall stic," he said. In recent weeks lhe con1n1iasion has held hearin gs ~on proposud shifts In studc:nl.'1 from'• Dan.a ~!ills to San Clcn1cnlc 1-ligh school and that issue sparked several heated meetings with angry parents. Still more hearings are proposed for Diiiy ""°' Sii" ,.Mlt Wearing her Easte~ finery, Kerrie Koehler, 2 •. of Costa 1-fesa, warms up . her lungs during pre-Easter service visit to Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. Kerrie went to church on an errand with her dad prior t~ Sunday serv ice and when she heard organist practicing, she broke 1n~o song. Of cou rse, it was a different tune than the organist was playing. but Kerrie thought it was beautiful. From Page l CLEARE I) the case in the belief that the verdict \\'as going against them. Judge ~lcMillan ruled loday that •·it is only fair to Gray to rind him innocent since that was the intention or the jury al the lime "·e brought them out of the jury room.·• Ten members of the jury revealed after the mistrial "·as dctlar:.-d that they \!.·ere in favor of a verdict of innocent for Baroldi vdth t"·o other jurors undccidl'd. Commenting toda y that '0 \\'e \Viii never really know v.·hat happened in the bar that nighf' Judge 1'itcl\Ii\lan found Baroldi innocent after lawyers for both sides agreed to let him rule on the issue. Otief Deputy Distri ct Attorney Jan1cs Enright unsuccessfully urged Judge !\fc!\Ji\lan to al least find Baroldi guilt y of Involuntary manslaughter. "He Sho\1·ed bad judgment as a police officer and he \!.'as hopelessly drunk when he shot Cagt. Robinclte," Enright alleged. ··There 11·as no evidence of a struggle. In fac t the e\'ldcnce was all to the effect that the capalin was deliberately shot in the chest ." From Page l i\111'CHELL seducti\'e.·· The ,,·ord seductil'e v.·as st ricken by Judge Lee Gagllardi after a prosecutor's objection. l\titch<>lt also denied Dean's testimony Iha~ ri.litcnell lried to gel hiln to call then Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst Hbout the grand jury s action. r.litchell said he talked to Kleindien st but only about !he propriety of turning 01'er certain of his personal records as attorney general . l\f itchell also denil'd that he talked to Donald llofgren. a \"Olunteer in the Nixon re-electi9n campa ign at a dinner in \\'ashington on l\tarch 8, 1972. Hofgren. oow an investment banker. testified al the trial that he asked l\fitehell If he had seen Vesco that day and that l\t!tchall told him lo "stay ;nYay'' from Ve5CO. ll11tchtll said he could not recall ha\·\ng seen Hofgren at all thot night. flofgren said he talked to li'lilchtll as he mllled about In a lobby wilh 2.000 ottler people. ti1lt.cbe11 So1id he arrive-d al the diru'l(!r ln tbe Washington Hilton hotel late n.nd prnctically nobody was ln the lobby. He said be \l.'ent directly 10 h1s table, and everybody else hod done likewl~. As far as Hofgren·~ terUmony llboul Mitchell teUin1e him to "stay a"'ay" from Vesco, ?i.-litchell said: "Mr. lfofgrtn did not v.'Ork in my area or the campaign and J would havt gtven him no sucn Instructions." t IUS D to Off er Ad ult Pro1rrams 0 Starting Tuesday Courses in dra\ring. oil painting, citizenship and practical approaches to being a parent are among those beginning toda y in the adult education progran1 or I~ Ir\ inc Unified School District. The drawing class \viii meet from 7 to 10 p.m. Tue sdays in Room 2fl3 of liniversity lligh School beginning April 16. Prospcc!ive students are asked to bring pent:ils and large.sized paper to the first session. according to adult education coordinator Jerry Rayl. Oil painting lessons begin Tuesday froi 7 to 10 p.n1. in Hoon1 501 of University 1-fi:;h School. The course is billed as an introduction to oil painting through individualized and c I ass instru ction . U.S. citii.enship is the goal of a thi rd class for aliens slated to begin \\'edncsday and run Crom 7 to 9 p.m. in Room il7 of tiniversity High Scbool. The stud}' centers on U.S. history and government \l.'ith special emphasis on a citizenship examination. Special attention is given to students who hllve limited Eni.:Hsh ability . Practical a1>prooches to being a parent. scheduled for 7 to 9 p.m. beginning l\1onday in the mulli·p~ room of Turtle Rock school, is a six-week curriculum . 1t slresscs current thinking'-about children and parents (I.raining vs. <llsciplinc: dealing \vilh f cc 1 in" s ; sidestepping power struggles; feedback ~nd e\·~luation; and i nterpretJng 1ntcract1ons Other courses include: -\Vomen's chorus. 7 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday in Rancho Intermediate School . -Advan~ed Clothing, 7 lo 10 p.m. Tue3<lays Jn Room S09, University High SctlOOI. -En1\ish ,as a scrond langu3ge, 7 to 10 p.n1. ~londay and \Vednesday in Room 221, Uh.l\·ersity lfigh School. -The Comic Spirit in Fiction, 7 to IO p.m. 1.tondays in Room 219, Unl\'t:rslty High. -Child Growth and Development, 7 to 10 11.m. Alonday, Room Sil trniverslty lllfl)l. -~tot.orcycle Repair, 6 to 9 p.m. 1\Jts- days, Hoom 415 Unlverslly High. -Rcginning Woodworking, 7 to 10 p.m. Wedn<!lday, Room 401, UHS. -Intermediate WoOdworking: 7 lo 10 p.m. Tu...i•y, Room 4111, l/hl,...lity ll lgh. the commiaioo thls mootb on the . .amt llsue. Tnll1-orl&lnallY onvlilooed that the pan11'1 Wkl would be less hectic - monltoring the powth paUerns in the dist.rid and making roullne suggestions on attendance areas. But the recommendations hav~ oot been that easy to draft. Yet another prop<&! by the con1misslon comes before t r u s t e c s tonight, relating to youngsters destined 10 attend the new Del Obispo Elernentary School. Law Enforcement Timid in Hearst Kidnap-Younger SAN FRANCISCO ( UP I l Callfomla 's attorney general said today law enforcement official.'! have been "timid" in the }leant kidnaping case and that vigorous actions \\'ould be taken in future political kidnapings. Attorney General Evelle J, Younger said any future "giveaway" programs involving food or other commodities woukt be treated as extortion and prosecuted. He also said that the media had been "used in the case and that all authorities involved made rnlsl.akes. ' "\Ve have not handled it prope rly," MARKED MAN BRANDS SLA 'PUNKS', Story P•g• 5 Younger said. "()Jr only e1cuse is that it had never happened before. We did not know how to deal with a political kid naping. "We will try to make it unprofitable in the future to c.arry out any sort of polilical kidnap. A smllll band of terrorists should not be allowed to dictate welfare policy." Younge r said he himself had been timid in the ca99 and had not spoken out before !or fear "I would do son1ething to get Miss llearst killed.'' Asked lf he thought lhe kldnap victim was dead or why he was now making the :i;tatcment, Younger said: "! think the moment of truth has long since pas.500. 1 don't think they're still trying to decide what to do v.·ith her.'' Younger said the press and other media had been "used" in the kidnap because "you were forced to adopt their l('rmioology. You know that I he Sym biooese Uberation Arm y has nothing to do with liberation and it is not an army -it is a small band of vicious criminals." Parenti in the aru wbfre chDdren have been selected to Dttend the new campw registered concern O\'tr Lht hnards to youngsters Y.'ho hal'e to "4'alk across the bwsy Del Obispo Road near I.he San Juan fapl.!trano scbool. The district already has uked for improvemt"nl5 on the rood before school opens In !he full. and tonight trustees will decide If the attendance area is sa tisfa<.1ory. Jt calls for all el emenlary-aged young9ters living along Del Obispo to atterid the new school. ---DEAD AT 41 S..illng Champion Welsh Frn1n Pflfle l RATE • • • resu.1ting In a slowing of the general expansion of !he economy, analysts say. f.lany banks last week moved prime rates up to 10 percent fron1 9~1 percent. First Nalional's old pr:.ne rate 'M'::IS 9.80 percent . Economists have attributed the re<:ent up\\·ard mo1•es of the prime to a combination of hlgh corporate demand and action by the Federal Reserve Board to stem lnn ation by tightening the nation"s money supply. 'll>e ha would hive 1111 lnlond bordel- or Loi Riot Strtet and a o:iutal bordtr of Paclfic Co.1st !llghway. Those ti· eluded from the boundary would be resi- dents of the Thunderbird colony. The tone v.wkl place an estimated MS yOWlgst.ers Iii the new scllool on opening day with enough room for growth over the next ftw years. '!be new campus Is nearing completion on land bought by the district aeveral years ago when . Marco }~onter Junior High School v.·as built. ft l! located Immediately next door to Forster. •' . , Mass Corulucted For Pro1uinent "; Coast Yac1its1na;i"~ ... . J\lass \l.'3S recited for Roger \\'elsh today at St. Joachim's Catholic Church in Costa ~1esa. 1 ti.fr. \Velsh. one or Newport }!arbor's top national and internatlon!l l saUors, died Friday at h.is hon1e, 1101 Afarion Lane , Ne"·port Beach. after a long illness . The 41-year-old insuran ce adjuster had recently completed la w studies and v.·as preparing for a legal ca~r. lie was born in Los Angeles and mo\'ed to Newport Beach "'ith his family when he was six )'ears old. He ha! been acli\'C in the sailing and yachting activities most of his life. ~fr. \\'e\sh was an accompUshed small boat sailor. He was national champion in the lntemational-14 Class In 1968 and was several times \\'est Coast champion In the class. He mo\'ed into the international Soling Class when the boat "4'as selected as an Olympic class and was district champion in 1972. He ws a consistent winner in local ::ind regional regattas . lo.fr. \\lelsh \!.'as responsible f b r introducing the famed Austra llan-18 dinghy to the U.S. and often said it was the most exciting high performance dinghy he had ever sat.led. dinghy he had ever sailed. 11e \fa s .American champion in the class arid sailed in three world championships in Australia and New Zealand. In one world championship regatta he was scoring \!.·ell ahead of the nttt until his boat broke down. He still finished high in the fleet. He \l.'aS also Newport Harbor fle et champion in the Lehn1an·IZ claM in 1969. LIFE STRIDE'S • OPEN-WEAVE Spend !he summer in "Borcebno." It's the woyen-1~ sandal ~n o cork wedge wi1tr o crepe walking sole. Sofl and ooen and-oh. so comfortable. · Comel, white, navy or red. 15.00 Moil a~ phone orders invited. Fashion Shoes. 8 WEDGIE DiiOROADWAY -r.tWl'CRT tWTN:;IO< IEAO< ... ft L.dd (714J '3$.t121 41 FOthlon Word (71 4) ...... 1Jl2 Tm EdrlQtlr ~ (714) 1'9NJJI OONICE. >WI. a' OO»G 2lCON.. li..~SiJM(714J ... IJll •• ' I . 1. °'"' At couJ ttecl elect pub! cb:an w We ¥.ith hall \\lh Fo l\lo !heat Colle dccis lim Drf Com anno error scor An coed. an no new 1 Sh lhe j loday lhe f Th page for l four Edlso lfigh: Nanc High. Mr cham mista the resul The t"·o \\ the c The l\1ayo J\Jayo ~-Jayo r.lrs. and beaut Ace mista by I tabul ol th \Vhea 'JI SA IL motor re a de cla$Si The plea plus. portn pitch. line 1 Bunt•ngton Beaeh _Fountain ·Valley VOL. 67, NO. I OS, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES .. ~.' ... • • ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA Today's Final N.Y. Stocks MONDAY, APR IL 15, 19H TE N CENTS Unification Issue May Be Decided Tuesday \\'hether or not 1here y,.j!J be a No\'embcr uniricatioo election to the Huntington Beach Union High School District should be 1ettled Tuesday night. '11\c Orange Counry commillee on School District Organiw11tJn \lo'tli hold ils socoud meeting on the hotly debah:d \lo'est Orange County unification issue. At this point. !he county committee couJd kill any hope for a r\ovember election (coinciding with the slate election f, or it could establish a series of public hearings intended to boost the chances for holding the election. The county committee 11o1U mett at 7:30 p.m .. in the of'fices of the Orange Unified School District, 370 N. Glas.sell St .. Orange. One unification proposal has been sub1nitled to the counly committee. ll suggests dividing the S2·square mile high school district i n t o five new unified districts, each serving youngsters from kind('rgarten through their senior year in high S('hoo\. The h\'C llt'W districts could be built along the boundaries of the fi\'t existing elen1e ntary school sys1ems (kindergarten to fifth grade) "'hich OO\Y opcr:ne 1111h1n Lhc high school boundaries. Tilree of !hose c\e1nentary district~ - Foun1ain Valley, Huntington Bench City, and Seal Beach -are pushing \he hvc- way plan nnd \\'ant H unification elt't'\1011 in !\ovember, hoping !hey can 11 tn c;1rly vote r npproval. TIM? other t\lo'O ele1nentary d1,1r1cts - Octan Vie\11· otnd \\"es1minster -art• hotly opposed lo the plan and h:11·c vowed 10 right it. Leaders of lhe hij;h school d1s!r1c1 ha1 l' rt:fused to support the fi\·e-ptan because of th<' disS<"ns1on nn'o()11,!! the c\ement11ry d1"'t rlct s. Ot•v.e y ll1ll n1nn, assist<"n t Sli!)('rlllit•ildcnt or the Ora~e L'4'luuty l~·1li.1rtn1cnt of l::ducatton <ind :1d\'iSt.•r to the l'OtUlt) romn1itlt">\', )a1d loda~· the f11·c-"a~ plan ts the only proposal \lo"hu:h hns n ehatKX uf n1akn1g a ~01·en1ber c!t•ct1on. So111c districts "'ant to Crt'i1te just fou r ™'"' school systeins. alon,t: c 1 t y billtndar1c:; but H11ln1an AAid ~ doesn't behc1·e ffiOUi;h fa c111;1I data rou ld be - raised to nl('e\ If light IHnl' t.1ble for sud1 an elct'IM)n, E\cll for tht> f11e·"·l) plan kl rnakf' it in NOl't'rnber. thr l'OUlllY COl\Hlllltl~ \\'ill h.:1ve to Sl't the d;1tc.!i for fivl' public h<>arin1;:s and hold all of lht·n1 before ~l1ty :.>CJ. l\1lln1an s:1id If that happens . the county cornmilltt coin n1:.1ke a rl'C011111H•ndat1011 to the state Bonrd of F..ducatlou for its Jul~· n1ectin~. ""h1ch is when the Novt·rnbi·r unilic"tloo l'll'CllOll \lo'OUld hal'e to bl-;1pprO\'cd. Hilhnetn \\OOld ruct~c no guel>S a~ lo whclhrr thr l'Ow11y C\lrnn111tee will r-.1ahh,h 1h»-.(' puhliC' hl".11·111~' Tu.·<;(!/\~ Th.• 1!1.,t 111·1, '>l/Ul'h 11 :1n! 1h1' t•le~:11on h:n1· 11'.(1 r1,_•p1""''111,111\1'" vn th" ll 111e111bt·r l'()U1l11 t'V1nrn11t1,.·..--Fountain \"~1111·1 Tru .. t1:,, Sh1·1l.1 ~h·\ 1·r~ and lh1ntu1~1•)!1 Ht·:1t'h Tn1~h·1' S1''\1• J/oldt•n -1111111• thr• ll lrl'l'tur. opµ.l•t'1.I Ill an t•l1•rt1011 h.11<' lhJ 1111..-•Ill lh ,· cvn11n1 \h'l". \\h1•n lh1· NllUll\ 1'01111!11\!l'l' (i~t ht•<trd !h1· 1••1a· \l.1r1·Ji 27 . 11 11•u1h·r:. 10\ed U!),!tlllllUU~h tu h•lld Tth"•d.11 :-. !llt•i:•t1nt: :ul<I k1·1·p itit· 1·l1·t t1on t)(}p,' .ii111· d1·•pt!t' !h1• !>fro11~ '~>Jt'ft11 . .111 .. frv111 lk't'dll \'a•\.\', \\1••tm1n:-tt."1 .iu<l 11tht't s111.::it.:l'r~ Policemen Cleared • Ill Bar Slaying West Co111ity • '500,000 Plus' Jam-.Beaches \Vest Orange Coun ty beaches. blessed with lots of sun, attrac ted more than a half million visitors during Easter week. Will tl1e R eal 11 u11tin ~;tol'i • Quee11 Stttncl? Bv TERRY COVLl.f. 0t I"-~Ut Pllol S11f1 \\'ho is r.uss , .. untington Beach 19i~? For the moment. no one kn o\1·s. i\lore than 300 people, packed into the thea ter Saturday night at Golden \Vest College thought !hey knew. but the decision annowiced then. vi'as lhro11·n into limbo today. Officials of lhc city's Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of !he event announced today there n1ay have been an error in the tabulation or the judges' scoring. An 18-vea r-old Golden \Vest College coed. Cheri L~·nn i\lunson. .,., as announced Saturday as the 11•inner and nc'A' titiss HuntingtOn Beach. She may still be. but the arithn1etic of the judges' scoring was to be re\'iC\red today to det('rmine if it was her or one of the four other finalists. There 1ve rc 14 girls entered in the pageant and five of them v.·ere seleeted for th(' final round of judging. The other four finalists 11·ere: Adrienne Davis. 18. Ed ison High: Suzanne Hegle:t7. i\1arina Hi gh; Barbara i\1athcn.v. 17, ]\farina; and Nancy \Varner, 18, Huntington Beach Hi gh . ~1rs. Peggy Freeman. president of the chamber's \\"Omen's division. sa id if a mistake was made. it \\'as apparently in the addition of the sco res. The final result should be kno\\·n Tuesday. The judges' scores were tabulated by l\"\'O \\'On1en fron1 the women's division of the chamber. The five judges for the pa geant '"ere: l\fayor George Scott, Fountain Valley; f..Jayor Phillip Anthony. Westminster; ~Jayor Barney Adams. Garden Grove; ~!rs. Shirley Ho"•ard, ~lontgomery \\'an:!, and l\trs. Dawn Decker, a Lakey,-ood beautician. Accordin g to chamber Officials. the mistake. if there \lo"as one, was nol made by the judges. but was made in the tabulation of their scores or the transfer of the y,·inner's name to emcee Gordon \Vheatley. 'VE RY PLEASED' SAYS A DVE RTISE R fl must have seemed like "home. sweet motor home" to lots of Daily PiJot readers when this ad appeared in the clwified section: e S}IARE \\'JNNEBAGO e 0\\1l 20 % int -full y equip. lTse 10 "'eeks per year. Con- sider only m:ponsible party. Call (Phone No.) ~l·F' 9-5. T~ advertiser reported he wns "\•cry pleased" and got "lots of responses'' plus. of course, findi ng a \\'lnnebago partner. \Vant lo try for response on your pitch, whatever it is? Just dial the direct line to results, 642.-5678. Lifrguards at Huntington Beach State, Citv and Seal Beach strands rated the cro"v.·ds as ''higher than ave rage." The \.\"CCk's total reached 582,000. About 232.lnl of the ~worshipers showed up on the final Easter weekend. But despite thousands of people at the beaeh. local police afid youth service agencies ~aid the spripg vacation \\'as on ly "norn1al" or even "quieter than usual." '"I \\'8S "·amed that Easter \lo'OUJd be the busie$t wee.I< or me )·W: ... said one volunteer at the Huntington Beach Fr .. -e Clinic. "But it's just been normal. P Only a fe\\' people came to the clinic "·i1h beach-related cuts or ills. she said . The story \\"as much the same at Teen llelp. the youth service center in Fountain \"alley. Although the center p r o v i d e s counseling or referrals to housin g, jobs and food for residents and young people on the mol'e, few ol them stopped in last v.eek. "\\'e've had a smaller innlL't of kids,"· said Bob ~lurray at Teen l~elp. "\\Te gene rall y have 45 kids in on Thursdays." he gave as an e1ample. "\\'e had eight (this time )." '-lurray suggested that many teenagers had gone skiing. to the desert, or to parties. lluntington Beach Police I o g s substant iated some of thls. Complaints of loud parties \.\'ere repeatedly noted. especially during the t\\'O Ea st e r \\'Cekends. The number of juvenilrs committing acts of malicious mischief increased markedly during tbe week. Alternate Zone For S 1nall Lot Hoines Revilved A neW zoning law which \\·01.ild allo\\" small lot homes in some Huntington Beach apartment districts .,., ill be reviewed by the city council tontght. 1'M? law -called an allemati\·e residential suffix district -v;oold apply only to R·2. R 3 and R-4 districts in 1he Town Lot and Old Town neighborhoods south ()( Garfield Avenue and \\'CSt of Beach Boulevard. A single family home could be built on a k>t as small u 2.875 square fee:t. A standard home site is on a 6,000 square foot lot in Huntington Beach. City Planning Director Dick Harlow says the intent of the law is to allo1\' more single family homes and reduce the number of duple1es built in ihc T0\\1l Lois and Old TO\\'ll. The older seclions of Hunlington Bearn have numerous small Jots which are only 25 feet wide. compared 10 a normal lot \lo'idth of 50 feet. O\lo'ller of ty,·o adjacent ~foot parcels-a common occurrence, says ··arlo\\·-must build a duplex. not tY!'O single family homes. The suffix district \\'OUld give the owner the option of building either. The new law was proposed by the plaMing commiSilon whk:h would like to see more ownership (homes) ·situations In toe Town lcils lhan rentals (dupl xes l. A public hearing on the propoRd suffix district is scheduled fOf' tontght 's i o'clock ~ii a~lon in the ne"' city council chambtr, ~lain Stmt at Alansion A\fCfl\IC. - Ol llY P'il&l Sti lt l9Ml1 HUNTINGTON BEACH'S DOG OF THE YEAR FROLICS WITH YOUNG MASTER SMane Wouldn't Hurt Anyone, Says 17-year.(lld Butch Bole~ of Heroic Canine Shane"s a Real Hero l/u11 Li11glu 11 l·anine l~e.scnetl Fro11i the Doghouse Dy 1111.ABY KA YI': Ci ti. D•ilf 1'1lot Stfll Snane is Hunt1n~ton Beach·., lv·ro. Lasl year. the big. 1rh1tr Gr rn1c.n shepherd dove into lhc Color<ido H11 l ~. rescuing a 5-yr:ir-<Jld child 011 a rah 11/Ju \\"CJ!! dangerously c\o~ to sonic r<1p1ds Tonight. the heru 11111 hr pnJC!a imt'Cl '"Dog of the Yt!ar"' by lhc C111 Co11nc1! The dog's exploits lll'fl' n r a r I 1 O\'crlookrd, sin('e his fam1I,\. 1l1c {.ierald Boles of 5931 Liege Dn\·c, 111·n• una•1ar1· of thr-C()<"Jt .. ~1 His brai·t·ry r:unc to light only 11'Jl(>n tin: ci11 \1'a-" con.~1dering d('('lar1ng Shetnr :t "1'1t1ous dog." \\'hen he frightPnl'd l\\'O ~U~)S\l !Ut r· n1allrnf'rl ut the Boll"s· housP. Th(· Boles ~:1v Shanr was on!y prot('cting 1he lioUse ... nd d11ln"t rl!all.v 10 collect 311 t>X!ra S2fl fee from the Hole'i b111· !hf' mailmen . Bu1 !h(' cJ!v 11a .... rrady for keeping the dog. and orderl'd a si~n !11r th(' front vard that read : "Bt•11are : \"ie1ous Oog". • Syria-ls1·ael Ta11l{ Battle R~ges Alo11 g Gola11 F1·011t By The Asroci.alcd Pres~ Syria and Israel traded artilll'ry :i11d lan k fire on the Golan Heights 11ar front today after a \lo'CCkend o( the hardest fighling since the Ottobcr \\Jr. ~leanwhilc. -;gyptian sources s:1id to- day that Secretary of State Henry A. Kis· singer "111 travel to Cairo as the first stop on his effort 10 arran~e a milirary setllement -.!l\\'Ct'n Israel a Ki Syria. They said th e trip 11'3s arrnnl!ed b1"'- lwecn Kissinger and Egyptian Fortil{n ~linister Ismail Fahmy, b o 1 h ~: the United N'ations fo r a special Se$sion of the C ~O('rdl Assembly. In Addition to Egypt, Kissinger i$ ex· peeled to add Ku"·ait to his schedule. "hich already includes lsrucl and '.::i·ria. Kissinger told reporters the trip \\'OUld bejlin "in about 1"·0 wteks." Damascus radio said S)Tla's drft?:nse minister, ~laj. Gen. i\lustafa Tias. made a quick trip to !he "forward command headquarters of Syrian force~ on i\tt. l·lennon." This was the first official Syrian refe:rtnce lo 1Uch a command since the October war The Tel Aviv command $lid nerense ri1tnlster i\IOS'he Dayan also toured Israeli • positions on the Golan front. and that a S~ rian artillery barrage erupted at tht' time. It said Dayan 111as unhurt. but th~t l\lo'O Israeli so!ditrs "·ere \\'Oundcd . Th6 co1n1nand said shelling rcsurned 1his rnorning along the northern sector of the m.square-n1ile bulge captured by Israel during the October fighting. The l.'Ommand also announced the ap1x1intment of Brig. Gen. Rafael Eytan. \\'ho Jed Israel's thrust into Syria in October. to command Israel's northern front with both Syria and Lebanon. F.:ytan , \\'ho \\-'35 promotl!d to major ~encral, takes O\'Cr from Lt. (;en. ~lordcchai Gur. \\'ho \\·as promott-d to chief of staff. lsrneli fighter·bombers Sunday attacked Syrian rorc:H on P.lt. Hennon and the Colan Heights v.•hilc below them the 11rrnle1 of the t\\·o cou111rles battled fie.rctly with tanks and artillery. The Israeli mihtary con1nuind S31d all its planes returned saff'ly Sunday, denying a Syrian claim that fou r wer dO\\lled. Syria als:i claimed Ml Israeli ground 1roops ••ere killed or ""ounded. but 1s .. MID EAST, !'age II • Unhappy \.\'ith "·hat they called a "bad misund('rstandin:;.'' the Boles \lo TOie to the California Animal Control 1CAC1. the cJl)'s animal shelter. telling nf Shane's bra\'ery ;ind l11s good disposition . \\"hen officials Sil\11' Sharl('. ond learned of tu s daring rescue on the Colorado ll11·rr. The\' f('ahzcd a misl:ike had been n1ade. and dc:'(:1dcrl lo ('Ill.Cr nim in !he Doi; o{ the Year co1npeution ins1c:1d. The An1m:1I Assistance Leagu•>, thl' judges, de<:ided Shane dcscn't'<i th1· a"ard. "All day long at the ri l'cr. Shane v.as protective of us." explained Karen Bolr .... "It was really hrit. so e\'cryonc \lo aS in the "alrr. Whene\'cr one of us got too far out -in Shane's op1nion -he t·amc out info the \loillt'f and nudged us back " ":\l one point. I e\'en asked mom to lie hlln up. because he "'oul~n ·t lt'l u.<i cross lhc river." she addrd. Later rnat day. near sunset. Shnl)e sp ied a little boy adnh on a raft. Just \1hc.n the raft was ntaring the rapids. Shane reached the little boy and poshed him back to shore \\Jth Ills nose. Karen rcla1cd. The child's father. "'00 couldn't s\lo·im. r:in up and {.!()1\·n the shore yelling (or ht.Ip -but Shane beat e\·eryooe there . The m<in. \lo'ho 1s a do<.1or tn Anaheim , offerc<i to buy ShaTJ('. but the fami ly \IOUldJ1't part 1\ith 1!s hero. According 10 Shanr's O\\OCr. 17-yenr- old Butch Boles, rne dog \\·as so txhawted from protecting people all \loeckcnd. that 00 slept for a \\eek v.-hen he returned home. According to Butch. the 110.pound dog Is prolecll\'c of e\'er)·Onl' -not just his family . ''Anytime anyone seems hurl or in lrOIJble, Shane ru. hes O\'er to hrlp." Butch said proudly, g\\•ing hi!J dog a p.it on the Oead . l·'or the rest of thi.~ year, Shane Y.i ll be sporting a gold 11(.'(!nse: around hls neck - compliments of the CAC -wilh his name and "Dog of the Year·· engraved. He also will rece.ive a plaqut and a proclomatlon lrom the ma)·or tonight . 'We'll Nevc1· l{11ow Facts,' Say s J11,l ge Dv T0 \1 llAHL .. :Y oi "'e O•ll• 191101 S!•ll Tl\O off -dul y poliet:1ncn. scp irn1ely charger! \lo'ilh n1urd1·r ;ind assault follo"'tng a Tuslln h'lrr0<1m bra" I thnt lt·fl a ~lar ine l'orp.s Cap1a1n dead :u1d anolhrr pat ron \.\Uund\•d, \.\f'fl' t!c;i red 11f ;1![ charl.(cs tod:1y 111 Orange L'ountY- Superior Court. Judge R~ ron K ~lr~li!l:in oprn•><l IN' hearing scheduled "h1·n lh~· lnal of bi-1th n1en was declar1..-d :i nu.;!n:il 10 da\~ ago hy findinl! <;arden l:rq1'1• p:1trulinan J1•rry G ra~·. 29. innrx.·1·111 of ch.1rgcs ol aS£a u1t with a deadly "'t•apon. Those charJ:l'li \loere fill-d on ,Jan. :i. 1913. \lo'hrn (iray \lo:lS book<'d for !he v.ouncling Bal'hclur·~ Ill b;ir p;1rron Sain Ca1npfse, 35. \\'ho ";is shot 1n rhc ehe5l during the la\'rrn frac;i.s. Police called to the Tustin bar ch;1r~ed Cyprrss police SJ.ii. ThomJs Barold1 , 26, 11i!h n1urder "hl'n h~ was id1·11tifit-d as 111<' rnan "'ho shot and k1llL'i1 J\lar ine l"orps Capt. Ha ndal] Steven Hobinette. 25, of l'hocnix, Ar11.. A jury that had d1·1ibcralt-d for fou r days last Apr il 5 had found {;r;1;' innocent of the chargrs at the tin1c it 1\aS called back to lhe eourtroo111. But the jur~· had not signed the \"Crt:lict form \lo'hen the def('ndant's la"·yers asked fhe prC>SC<.'ution to d('clare a mistrial in 1he case in the belief lhat the verdict v;a5 !Me CLl-:ARED, Page ZI Deadline Se t For Vall e \ Youth Board J1o pc f ul s AJ)plication.'\ to .~t'r\'r (J/l !h(' Foun1:1in \'alley Yourh C11r111n1::.,~111n mu~t be tum"<! in 10th" rll.v h~ ,\pril 19 Therf' t1r(' t"o 1;1r;1nt fl'l SllH'n<i nn lh<' n1n··-membcr fflmm1o;,~1on 1\h1l'h L.'\ an ncf\·1~nr; ho<lv 10 th1· r1t1 f'1Hn!'ll ,\ppl 1Cant ~. rnu~t 1t11: v.1t h1n 1h•' ri1y Hnd IX' IX't\lo('(•n 1:i .101! Ji )'l'<ir ~ old at ttic tilil" of lhc apprun1n1rn! Thf• l'Xist1n~ t01111n1si:1ron v.111 1ntrr\ 1c"· ca11d1datr-s <Hld rccommrnd th" •1('(!110n to the co1uw.il .\lt•rnhl"r.s srrve t\.\'O-\"Cflr ti•nns Jnd nH't·t on the l"><'C'.'Ond il:nrl "iourth 11lursd;i~ s c:1ch nl{iU1h. Fwms arl' :l\a1lablc 111 the c-11v clerk's oft1l"e or the r('('n:!:Jl lon dcpanin~nt, at IU2UO Slatt>r All'. Orange ~ C~ut 1:;:;s -4 ... ::s::=~ Weath er A C'OOl11ig off period 1s frirl'{';i,! ror TueS(!ay "Ith 1('11\J)' r,11ures 3Jong lh<' ror1st l:l1J>p1ni;: 1n10 1 hr 1011 · rr 70.'\ after thl' morning for <.::lull~ !he 11ir. ' l:\'il HI·: 1'011.\ V ~1111 f nn11·1sco /10/Jf1' ln1111c /1 ~t'fl!Cl1 fr;r b/a('k l'IUHI I/"" ~·/1(jt !!I r1 11•lt1fr l11tcl1 l1ikl111J yo111'1.< Ill •01prornkrd u!tack iu "fJpero· r1011 Ze!Jro" s111/('. S!Qf"!/ f'aae 5. 1 .. n,.. \ ,, ,•'Ill u ... ..-. u ~-M • ..,.... J>1""" It-• (111'-1• N•ll.,..1 N.-.. I ci.nll!ff 11 o.-..... C••~'• r (111\ffl l~ l'MPll 1).11 C11uwtrd 15 511 .. i. ,.1rtt1 II Dl•ltl Nlllc9i 1 SMm U· 11 ldl""lll ...... I ,,... --Ill 1•11 l"M"111fl-I ll•tl T11.-.",.,. lt ,,,..,.., It 11 T~1&t11• lt•lt fler 1111 ""'"d II W .. lllt< I ~-11 Wtrlol NtWI 4 ' I, z DAI LY PILOT H Monday, Apr!! 15, 1974 ~'To11ghe1· i ii F11t11re' 'Timidity' Hit In Hearst Case SAN FRA~CISCO I C P I I Call!onlla's att ornry i:.t.l'n<·ral s:tid today law enforce1nent official" have been ''tlmld" in Ult' Hearst kldnaplnK ca.~ nnd that ''igorom nclion.~ would be taken in futw-e pol llical k1d11upings. _AtlOrnty (j<·nl·ral l':\l'l!c J Yowigt·r From Page 1 CLE.i\RED ... going against them . Judge ~'lc~!illun ruled today that "It is only fair to r.roy to find him lnnorcnt since that \\'~.!i lhc.' Intention of the jury at the time we brought thenl out ot the jury room." Ten membtr!J of the jury revealed alter lhc mistriAI "·a11 rlech1r:!d that thtv \1·ere in ffl\'Or of !l vcrd icl of innocent ro'r Baroldi \\'ilh t"·o other jurors undt>ck.led . Con1mcnting today that ""'c will never really knov.· v.·hat happened in the bar that night" Judge t.1c~Ullan found Baroid! lnnocent after \awyr.rll for both sides agr~ to let him rule on lhe l55Ue. Chief Depuly Distri ct Attomey James Enright un!'luccessfutly urged J udge titeMilla n to al least find Baroid! guilty Of involuntary manslaughter. '1-le showed bad judgment as a police crficer and he was hopelessl y drunk when he shot Capt. Robinette." Enright alleged. ''There v.·as no evidence of a strugg~. in fa ct I.be evidence Y.'as all to the effecl that lhe capatin v.·as deliberately shot In lhe chest " Talking Poocli Guest 'S peaker' .4t Library F etc Pal, I.he "talking dog" from Costa Mesa, will be guest speaker at the Fountain Valley Llbrary, 1756.5 Los Alamai St., at 11 a.fn . April rr. Pal's appeacance is in conjWldion Y.ith National Library \\'eek. Owned by ~tr. and Mrs. Earl Ferguson. Pa1 is reputed to have a vocabulary of sounds whlch are similar to · human words. . He · bas been· oo mare thao. • dor:en television shaws, lnclOOing the Johnny Car900 "Tonight" show where be won a Jllld-~ated fire P)\ll!· ·A bOok sale sponsored by the Priem., of the Library will take place the same <fey from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Valley Traf fie Panelist Sougl1t Feun~aln VB:.llt>y reiidents can apply for an opening on the c.it:r lraffic committee. "'hich makes recommendations on ways tG improve road cooditions. . Appllcatloo, forms .are available in the city clerk's off ice at 10200 Slater A\'e. The committee prepares t r a f r i c · reports. hrars citizen complaints and ad\·ises the city n1anager on traffic safety. ... It mee!s on lhc S(\C()nd Thursday of each month. 2,000 a t Egg Roll \\'ASlfiNGT'ON IL'P!i -~tore than 2.000 chlldren took over lhc \Vhite House lawn tOOay, enjoy ing perfect spring "'Cather al lhc annual \Vh[t c Hou se Ea!ter egg roll. As a 1nilil ary band played, th!! children roamed the grounds l"Onversing with Easter bu11nies, cartoon <'harat'ters in full costume and \Vhite Tiouse staff membe rs assigned to the groun ds for th is annual f\'enl initiated by President Gro,·er Cleveland. OlAHGI: COAST ue DAILY PILOT , .. o. •• c~ .. ~....,. .. ·~·· ~ ... ~~ to~ ................... _ .. ,....,lt-.11'"°'• (.).o,, I ~I -"·~I •~• _,,, .••• ~J,.,..,, ••• 1 .. 1' .,,, ~· '''" ·~ --~ '"" •• l< •• .... .._ ... ......., Ila"°" ,..,...·"'1'"" ~. • 1 N"' l••V•"• '''u~.il••" ,,,,_,. ""1·•i;..• •. J ~ .... ( &'"""'' •' '" ,......, ·~I""'"" A, I "'J ~ , .. ,.,. •• -'!, .. , ......... ., •'"l"'~'"" ... •·-'•• • ·r· . ..oo"· ic·•"' "'10"·"'' I!• ...... , ··~·-••'""'"• •;~.~ F f..,.N \\'~"' ,.,, .. !It·~ •"!l fi\.t ....... 1,,.. ~ P r,.,1.1 V•_t l'rtl tin< •M ~ ... ~.,I' "'•r'lf?t' 1~ ~"f'•{ '"' l~"'·'~r'-1<1 "'•""I "IL~, ' ('...,,.:. •1 l n<" ~ I ,.JP/~ ,.,.,,,.,..IN...,.-.la!.o ,.....,, . ,._ ~1•10..,...,c,, /,l 1<'•• Hwl"'1t• .. ec.111 Offkt I I.· .. • e. •·-r1 //9 •J<\d' ,1 f'.,/OIJ,O]~> OltwOHiu• 1.,. ... bt ... ~ '"'"'''""·--.. t.-.•• ...... -...... ,._. .... _b<l9(<! ,).)~~ -... "" _ _,,o..,.... MW,,...[1..,........,+.wo ,..,,...... F7141641·4ll/ ci. •• 111,, •'"'11• 641-1,11 ''""'~o. ...... c:-...,,, ... 140.IJZO said any future "givt>aY!'ay" program3 1nvolv1ng food or other com modities would be treated as extorllan and proseculed. lie also said that the media had been "u~ in the ca!I! and that all authorities involved 1nade 1nlgtllkt's. '"\Ve have not handled it properly," MARKED MAN BRANDS SLA 'PUNKS',' Story Po1ge 5 Younger said. "Our only eitcuse is that it had never happened before:. We did not know how to deal with a polltieal kidnaping. , "We l'·Ul try to make it unprofitable Jn the (uture IO carry out any JOrl of political kidnap. A small band cf ten-oris ts should not be allowed lo dictate ":e!rare policy." Younger said he hln\SeJt !lad bre11 timid in the case and had oot spoken out before for fear "r would do something to get Mjs;oi Hrersl killed.'' Asked. if he thought the kidnap \'ictim was dead or wh y he was now nu1klng the statement, Younger said : "1 think the moment of truth has long si nct passed. I don't think they 're ztUI trying lo decide what to do \l'ith her." Youngrr said the. pres."i and other med in had been ''used'' in the kidna1) because "}'OU \l'ere forced to adopt their term inology . You koow tha t th c Symbiooese Uberation Arn1y has nothing to do with liberation and Jt is not an army -it is a small band of vJclom criminals." Younger said the SLA was small but they are "determined . dangerous, violent and far from stupid." Meanwhile, Randolph A. llearst v.•111 end his vacation with his fami ly at the Las Crurei resort'ln ?o.texico Tuesday and retUm to San Francisco to await further u·ord on the fate or his kidnaped daughter. Heant, president and editor ot th! San Francisco Examiner, arrived with his wife at La Paz a week ago Sunday to rest from two months cf negotiatlOM with the SLA, which now clai~ ~year-0ld .Patrieia has been converted ta lt.s revolutionary cause. In an intervie~v l!Ver the y,·eekcnd Hearst said he would return to San Francisco to conHnue what he has described as "the long ordeal ahead of us.'' Sitting at a dimly lit table in the bar of the Lu Cruces ti!otel, Hearst sakl the agreement with the FBI not to jeopardize his daughter's safely was still in effect as far as he was concerned. "They µromised me they would do nothing whidl might end!nger Patty's well·lieing or safety,'' he said. "A.s far as I know, that agreement Is still in effect.'' From Page 1 MIDEAST .•. Israel said only 17 were wounded. Syria said 15 of Its soldiers were killed and 10 v.·ere v.·oundcd. Israel Mid a Syrian ('(lmmando unit made another attempt to capture an Israeli obst>rvation post at the northern end of 9.000.foot tilt. lfermon. y,•hlch has an unrestricted view for 100 miles and more into Syria. The Syrians ha\·e bren trying to capture the post since April 6. Israel said the commandos y,·ere discovered at dawn Sunday, and the Israelis al the post counteratlacked. S)Tlan artillery opened up to gh·e the co1nmandos cover, and the Israelis retaliated wlth artillery and fighter.fX>lnbers. The Israelis said the commandos v.•ere "destroyed,'' and 12 Syrian bodies y,•r re round. But later in the day, tanks and artillery dueled the length of the 40-mile front across the Gol an Height s, and Israeli planes attacked the Sy rian PQSitions for tour hours during the afternoon. the Israeli command said. i\·feanwhile, the U.N. Securl!y Council was to be called into session this Afternoon lo discuss the rsraeli rakl on six Lebanese villages J<~rlday night. The r:iid was in retaliation for an Arab guerrilla attack from Lebanon 'Ibur;oic:tay on the lsraell village of Qlryat Shmonah in v.1rich 18 Israelis and l h e three guerrillas died. Lebanon reported to the council that "'-"''o Lebanese i:ivillans Yi·ere killed and othf'rS v:ounded , 13 Leb..1nese civilians "·pre kidna ped and 31 houses de;oitroyed'' In the Israeli raid, The council , was expected to adopt a rrsolutlon lat<.'r In the week condtmnlng lsratl, and Israel wns expected to ignore it . 'Gypsy' Bus Se t By· Valley Group A bus trip to Ste the m11slca\ "Gypsy'' starring Angela Lan bury at th e Shube.rt Thcattr ln Los Angtl~ w1U be soomortd April 20 by lht l'"ount.ain Valley Recreation Dt>partmenL The theater party will ICa\•e the fountain Valley Co mmWtitv Center, at 10200 Sl:uer Ave., at 7 p.m. and mum al about midnight. ~· ,,,, °'.....,. ~ ~~ .... ~ """' "°"""''-. ,,..,,_ ....... ,,.,.., !lf It,,,._ .................. uoo ,_,,... w11_.,_..,,,..~0IOOO\'llftd- ~·"""I ""'' °'"'"II" -" c.>to "'""' Cl•M!f ""':!oo""-r·~pyuo-U O')__,,.. !rt.,.• tt 00-•M _,...,."°"'--t~OO-..- Tickets are 112, lncludl/llt'. me:m:inJJ& seal.! and transportation. Reservn!lont -arn now being taken at the d~r1mt11I office. ror more. in fonnaflo n, ca ll 962 .. 2424, eitrcnslon 211. l' all.ey Rec1•eatio1a Plans City offi cials in I,.ountai n \'alley hope th at actual construction on a 55-ac:re recreation complex in Mile Square Park will start next July. This simplified version of the working dra\vings shows some of the features in the plan. The first phase -in«luding the gymnasiu1n. four tennis courts. two softbaJI fields, a baseball field, basketball court and t"-'O volleyball eourts - is funded at Sl.S million. The rest will be ~raded and landscaped until mo re money is ava1lable. Tentative completion date fo r the first phase is Alarch 1975. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Valley's Council To rHear Appeal Over W arehousc Cou11ty Superviso1·s Aid Su11set Beach Residents The Fountain Valley Clty Council will br .c conduct a public hearing at 8 p.ni. Sunset Beach residents got a e<IA ha\'e little or no garage space available Tuesday on a use permit requ@sled by from Orange County supentisora Jut for p.-irking and the parcel now occupied Public Storage Inc. tor a warehouse v:e<!k in the latest t'Oflfrontation over a by the county's lot \\'as fhc only place facility. new county parking lot In the tiny ocean-they could park . . ' I Prime Rate Exceeds 10 Pe1·cent :'\E\V ''ORK (AP) -The prime lending rate broke through the 10 percent barritr toda,v as '"''0 banks pQSlcd rates above the old record . ~·orth Carolina Natlonal 8 a n k :ira)()un(.'td it raised ils J)rimc from l~t ~rctnt t~ 101 , µcrco11t. rffc<.iive lust friday. The First t\ational Bank of Chicaso. lbt nalicn 's 10th larges! commercial bank. set ill! pr ime rate at 10.10 percent !\orth Carolina Z";alional Bank. is ranked 26tn. It v.·a, not immed iall!ly appartnt whe1her othtr banks "'oold follow •Ince the rederal Reserve Board verbally discouraged mo\'es beyood 10 percent \\'hen such acti()JI seeml'd Imminent. The prime rate ls the base tending rate banks charge largest co r po rate t-ustomer!. \\'hile it does not affect. small businrs11 and consumer lonns, the prime is regarded as an indi cat or of the availability of money in general. \\'hen l4ne prime Is high , it means corporations 1nust pay tnorc to borrow money. This may tend to act to discourage borro\\·ing, u l t Im ate I y resulting in a slowing of the general expansion of !hi! f'l'OOOJTI}', analysts say. ~!any banks last '>''ee k mo\'t.'<l prin1c rates up 10 10 percent from 931 percent. First i'iational's old pr:.ne rate was 9.80 percenl. Eronomists ha\'e attributed the recent upy,·ard moves of the prime to a combination of high corporate demand and action by the Federal Rcsen·e Board to stem inflation by tightening the nation's mon ey supply. 200th Birthday Speakers Set The city Planning Commission turned front corrununi ty. Residents first asked for permits lo use The Fountain \.'<il ley Bicentcnni:i l dO\l'Tl th e project proposed at the Supervisors agreed to sell 300 parking some of the 675 spaces for free , but were Committee will provide films and southeast corner of Warner Avenue and pcnnits to Sunset Beach residents at· a told such permits \l'OU!d cost $80 if the speakers about its ,~·ork to any r\ev.'hope Street. cost of $80 per year. They also !inortened board okayed them. community OJ'Hanization meeting. The compaay appealed that decision to lhe hours of metered parking in the new Then they asked that !he lot oot be The committee \vas formed to ~veJop the council. I~ to let residents park for free after metered (at 25 cents per hour). County plans for the Joe.ii ~\cbration of the The meeting v:ill be in council pea k l:w>...ach hoUJ"S. park officia ls decided metl!ring "'·as the naticn's 200th birrndav in 1976. chambers at citv hall , 10200 Slater Ave. The new lot. built along the narTOw easiest method of enforcing parking but For informat ion oil speakers, contact The proposal ls for 47,150 square feet of strip that was once !he Pacific-Electric agreed the hours could be limited -free Sue Selman, 962--0693 : Eileen Ballard, warehouse space on 2.68 acres. rnilroad line. replaces a strip of sand and parking from midnight lo 6 a.m. 962--6437: or Qara Schultz, 962-2532. In voting for denial. the plaMing scrub brush used by residents and Supen•i90rs softened the approactt a bit The idea or the biCl!ntennial. according commission noted that the council had tenant! t.o park their cars. by agreeing to the pcnnits and selling to committee bead Jan Wilhelm . is to already approved 10 acres o l Supervisors y,·ere told that many meter hours troin 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. gh·c historical background about the warehousing just east of this propert)'. Sunset Beach duplexes '.aiid triplexes Thi! patking lot is near compll!tion . roWl try and share its traditions. City planners objected that officials of ,-------'-------------''-------'--------'-------------Public Storage used'' I! r ron eou s'' projected population figures or 140,000 for J<'ountaln Valley to justify the need for the building. City officials have said they expect the current population of 50,000 to level cf! at about SS,000. Gisler Run1iers Top All Scliools . In Tract Meet LIFE STRIDE'S Young runners from Gisler Elementary School in Fountain Valley emerged as ''ict~ in the recent city tracX n1e<"t sponsored by the Fountain \'alley Recreation Department . OPEN-WEAVE A total of 16 schools mmpcted in the meet :1t Fountain Valley lligh School. The new clty chainps arc Otris Doble, Rodrick Emery, Rodney Emery, Joe Em- ery, John Gilpin. Ed Gilpin, Joe Vargas. r.Uke Brothers, Steve Brothers and Brad Zirm. Also on lhe '>'·inning team are !ltike Zinn. Dave r.tcCal!um, Phillip Swails, Eddie ~lcCallun1, Aaron Lybarger. Kurt Lybarger, Jeff ~tamola, Dawn Boeke, H<llly Green . Jerelyn Skinner, ~tary Randol, Jeff Lange and ~lark Lange. F ou1itain Valle y Qu ee n Pa geant Slc1ted May 5 11\e 1974 ~fiss Fountain Valley pai::@ant "''ill take place at 6 p.m. l\fay ~ at ~ Amigos High School in rountain Valley. The contest is open to all Fountain \'nll~y Yo'Omen residents who ore between 17 and 22 years old , single and Y.'ho bavtn't pNviously served in tbc post . The winner mum take part In \'ariou! city luncticns throughout the ye11:r. , Appl ication fomu are nvailable from the c h a m b I! r or commerce office at Cily Hall, 10200 Slater A'~· Contt$lants will be Judied in cnsua l dothtl: and formal aowns and ln a ttlent competition. For more lntormaUoo. c:onlact Diddy Lammers at 962·3U3. Bank Bo1ube1· Escapes NEW YORI( (lJPI) -A man COflvict<d ol rive bank robberies and a bombing that lnjur<d 10 ptMIOl\S .. w<d throu&h three mtttl bars at the feder1l hou9t of ! det"'lioo Stmday nlgbt and escaped by J crawling throush an air venl. Police ldcnt~ltd the Juglti~ as Pei<r MacbUn , 2l convJct<d In February for loor 1973 New York City bAnk robberies and for the bombing Or a downtown ~Janhilllan bank last October In whlJ.-h 10 [l('l'!ons "'ere injured. Spend the su mme r in ''Borcebno." . , h's rhe woyen-loo sandal on o cork wedge wi!K' a creoe walking sole. Soft and ooe n and-oh. so comfor table. . Camel. wh ile, navy or red. 15.00 Moll and phone orders invi1ed. fashion Shoes. 8 WEDGIE tfuiDRDADWAY OtWG. M.11.l "' omG DXl N. Twtft S1iw {1141 ¥/l.llll ' . M~·11111 fln•d i, l"'l·l ______ ., ___ o_A_I L_v_•_Jt_o_r ~~ Mitchell Plea: 'Absolutely ot ·Guilty' Nixo11 Gets Tax Help KEY BISCAYNE. F\a. IAP) -Some 5.000 Americans ha\·c sent President Nixon more than $43,650 lo help him p:iy a bill of almost hall A milllon dollars in back laxes. the \\'bite !louse said today. A spokesman said Nixon felt he could not accept the contributions and y,·ould return those y,·hose donors w e r r identified. The rest. he said . would be given lo the Red Cross for tornado disaster relief. The contributions range from six cents from a school child to SS.000 from a businessman, !he \\llitc !louse said. The \Vhite I-louse said the letters \•oere unsolicited. but presidentia l supporters and other groups suggested campaigns to help Nixon pay the tax bill. The \\'hite !louse said l,Z96 anonvrno11s lellcrs contained $2.581.52 in · cash conlributions, ~lly in small amoun t:c;, Beside the mailed contributions. !he \\'hite House said ll'lephone callers pledged $3.860. They y,·ere asked not to follow through with their pledgt·s •·although the President appreciates thl'ir desire to be of assistance." the \\'hitc !louse sa id. At the Florida \i;'hite !louse press oHice. a sample stack of letters \verc n1ade available for inspection. The 111essages included a letter from a second grader v.·ho taped a nickel and a penny to his Jetter 11nd told the President ''Jllcase use this to help pay your taxes_" And there y,·erc n1cssages expressing s,\'mpathy and support for the President. expressing continued ;,rrspc-ct and confidrncc in ~·our integrity·· and a $1 donor v.·ho said "I don't belie\'C \'OU should pay all lhe taxes you c\ai1n ~·ou ov.·e." He O\'i'es $467.000 ln ba ck taxes and interest. La 1-labrci ..Narned All-Aniericc11i Cities Winrier The citv or La Habra todav y.·as named one of 10 u·inners nat ion\\·id.e in the 25th annual i\!l-An1erica Cities A \Va rd s sponsored by the :\alionol ~1WlicipJI League. The city of 41.000 \\'as honored prin1arily f0r its efforts to cope v;ith drug and other }'OUth problems. The efforts began in the r-.l e xi can ·American community aft.er the drug-related death of a po1>ular high school student. Frorn there. the community developed a Cl'ntcr now used for drug. medical and family counseling, legal and ta x assistance. youth programs. alcoholic rehabilitation and \'OCational training. The city. 11.·hich also has developed a progra m for children v.·ho ar e neurologically handicapped, also \\·as cited for its efforts to resolve s c h o o I intC'gration problen1s. Other \l'inner.i are Albion . ~tich.: James!O\\'n. '.\. Y.: Ll'wisto1rn. Pa.: LRxington. N('b.: :\lac:on. l\lo.: North Adams. ~lass.: Port Arth11r, Te:c.; St. Cloud. ~!inn .. and Tulsa . Okla. Ba\dy,·in Park. Calif.. "·as among eight cit i('s rC'CT'iving honorable mention. :>O P icke ts Arrcstc1I HOHTONVILLE . \Vis. (UPI) Hcl eted pol ice. fearful of an '·l'xplosi\'e siniation." arrc~!C'd 35 pickets today outside the st rike·plagued llortonville Community Hig h School. Busloads of leachers from as far as li5 miles awa y contin ued to pour into IO\.\'Tl as a strike by lhe Horton\·illt! Education Association mo\'ed into its fi ft h "'N!k. S tude1i ts' Fate Mull ed By Scl iool No derision hHd b.•t'n mad<' loday on "helhC'r 21 Cn1\Crl>ll\' l11jf11 School sludcnt~ t•har!.!"1 "1rh ~'ll1n~ narl'Otics >1ili ht> pt'rn1:int•111ly r'<pt•lli•d fru1n ll1c Jr,11w l'n1ficd &hvol ll1 ~trit'\ TI1e 21 Students v.cre SU!iJX'ndl•d :.tf\C'r ;'I huge dope round up ~1:1rl'h 2i t:JGS:l'd •·01X'ration ln:inl! •· o\ total of JOO persons 11ere arrcsrl'li on :i 1·anL-t y or dope·relalL'<I charges 111 1he ~11 C'<'p. Of lhe 100, 4~ y,·cr<· Ln1\'ers1ty l!1gh studt>nts. 'JV.·cn•y "'ere {'h;iq;C'd \\It h orrensrs cithc·r tha n selling. Ull·lud ing possession uf 1n11rijuana , bcin).( in f/lC' presl'nCe of dope use. and pto \'ldin.1: \ liut no1 !>1•1ling l n;ircollC"S and d:in1:t•rc1us dru~s to other~. Thr fi1r ~lu<lt·nts l'h~1rgl'd 11 11 h furn1s hini.; 11:irt'O!l1.., \\CTP tC'n11xiranl~ ~U.~IK'tKk.•d and are l>.:1ck at ~t·/1001 1vclc1y 3l'l'Otri1ni;: to L'lll\l'r~1 1 y lltgh l'r!11CIJX1l \'ic :0-hC'ITl'l\! Tiicy arc b:it·k unde r l\/fJtrarts of ;·11·h1C:\'t•mt.·1H .uld lxh.i\'LOr 11nrk"d out l.it:l11e<>n !he srudrn!. his p..iro:n!S. :i.nd lhi' 5ci101:11'~ adn11n 1~1ra11.1n. Sht•rrl'L11 "<'lid Ile added thoe d1~tnct nopc's 1.-i rt•Jch 11 ~ <IC"t'1siun nn the ~roup rharg(-d v.·11h St'll1 nJ,! hy Thu r-.day. In th1• ml·antunl', thr studl·nts arl' s11ll su~pend1-d. "In e\ery rasc o! suspen.•1on. !hr p..'l r1·nt ;tnd s1udc111 ha1·c been invited 111 for a t.'On h·rl'tlC\.'. ;ind n1ost of tht·n1 ha11· rt·spondrd." ~hl'ft·11 \ ~aid. DOZENS OF TENTS PROVE POPULARITY OF NEW CAMPG ROUND At San Onofre, Volunteer• l 'oiled TMree Wee ks To Make It In a d1scus;1un \\llh thc Jr11ne l.'nifwd Board of Educauou la s1 l\L'<:k. chstn t"t Super inte ndent S!anlty Cori';. .~1ud "Or ;o il the cha r~r~. 11e ll'~·l salt·~ 1>f dangerous drugs post'S tlx' 11106t scnou.~ rnreat." Spaees Filled The :-0\arch 27 raid u as CJrried out by f°ost.1 ~lesa police offll'C'rs. 11 ho pro\ 1<1•' police scr\'ice 10 lr\ ine 011 a public sa fety t'Ontract. San Onofre Pcir-k Sets Police said the\' eo!l"eled l~~I), <1111n1:i l 1ranqwl1lcr. h:i~hi~h. cocaint.. an d mariju.1na during l~tr bu.<;t. Record for Visitors Since then. a group of SN parcn!s ha\'e n1adc allegations that th<-' po I 1 c e departnw:.-nt used en traprncrrt to nht:un their ;1rrests and planned thr raid IO ~Cl 1naximun1 publicuy for the iJ"l\lCC drpartm~·nt. Dy JOI!:\ \'Al.TEHZA 01 lh1 0 11!1 ,.llor Slltl Rangers and oth er park personnel are totaling the figures !ocl<1.\· for the busiest \1·eck in the history f)f San Onofre Slate Park and they arc be<in1 ing about a nC\\' addition christened during the E:astcr holiday. ''\Ve're flabbC'rttasted ul the num ber of visitors v.·e had through the \leek bC'forf' Easter and the ne1v \\'al k·in c:_unpi::round "'e opened at the start of the period is just fantas1ic," said chief Hanger Richard Trov. 11le park·s·hundreds of ca1nping spaces "·ere nearly all filled during th e "·eek and v.·ere booked sol id during the "'eekend . But what makes the parks personll<'l most jubilant is the t('{'Cption rcceh·ed for a ne\v 44-space y,·alk-in campi ng area at the edge of the beach nea r the nuclel-l r generating station. Troy rallied dozens of ot her parks d1 stril'I en1pto~l'S four weeks aQo and th,, ,e::roup 11orkcd for three u'!'eks strai~ht inst;11ling a quarter·milr trail lear\1n~ frorn the top of the bluffs to !he lar~c t1'rracc ;i fC\\"dozcn feel a\\·ay frorn the lx>ach. "lt Y.'JS three weeks of hard, hot y,·ork. but it's ob1·iously .,rorth it :' sa id lhe hear\ ranger. The trai t leads visitors a I o n~ S\\ itch backs shored bv ht'a \V lim bers and along go rges lined by derise lrees and shrubs. Hosn1 cr Stalliu •r 0 Connrcs~ .i\t·liou !'.') On Stri p i\linin ~ A strip mining bill appears boggr'<I do1\n in \\°a1>hingto11 D.r Ix-cause 1,r del:1~ing tac!ll"."i 1ntroducctl b~· i.: S. Hi•p Running y,·aler and fl ushing loilrts Cr<tlJ' llosnier IB·Long Bt·aci1 1 1\'Cre installed at the base. But other !han llnsincr. rJnking Hl'puhlil':ill vn ttl" tha t. !he campers fended f(lr themseh·es \louse Jntcnrir Comniillr<·. s1:1!lcd thr Troy said he and other rangers making bill niur!>dav uhen he 111s1i.tl'd that ;1\1 :i:l rouline checks of the spaces through the amffidlnt·nr.S IJ<. rC'arl aloud and rrfuSl•d \1cek made a point or san1pling opinions In allov.· mQrc than one amcndinrnt to be on the new recreational offering. \·otcd on at 1JnC' tim(' ··The only complaints v.·e\·e gotten :tr(' ,\ides at llri~mt·r·., local offtc<'S o!ferrd about !hr lack of firev.·ood. and that is a nn cxplnna!l()fl "hy thr cong rcssm:u1 definit e problem. Se\'eral people already ulllilt.-d the df'l:n inl! 1;i1·1ic arc l ~i:ng to clea r the growt h areas Tu-· hill, voh iti1 auns ro rcgul.1:e ~r rip around !he campsites. and y,·e ho1·e had n1inin i: atll\ lllt''· i" zK•t ~t·ht.-duli.'ri !11 t.r ~-------------~ '" IO discourar;e !hat." he said. hrriu~ht !).:fore th{• ('OOln1111ec :a;.un uut1I ··~ut the rcst·of the reaction has hccn Apri l 25 Dunce CCIJJ For Sc hool? ~1 1:\i\ll iAP ) -Someone in D:ide Coun ry·s school sys te1n f!lA'S 10 !he botton1 of the etas~. 1~i th ~ red face. The syste1n·s new telephone directory misspells elementary as elcmentry -167 limes. on!' t f gratitude and excitement about !'ti far the ~tnnd bl' the En·.irnnml'nL1! the \\'hole project. For some reason there r QJicy Counr1l. the (_,h1,.f lohll~ing grQllfl is a i:r oup feelin g among atl the campers on the bill. ha:; lx't.,n ~upfXJrll'd on al! Out in that small area and they seem to (Hle of the 15 <1111end1ncnts dealt with poliC'{' themscl\'es. H's rar CJUieter and Tl1ursdav. c!ennt>r th<1 n the 300 sites up abo\·c," he ti added. The enti re parks i;~'stem \\. ~ s •·a bsolutely clogged" \Yith \'isi tor! durin1:: I the entire period. said spokesmen fo r thr parks district. In all, about iOO sites ~·ere a\·ailabtr for visitors lo the three South Co.'lst area pa rks -Doheny. San Oemente and San Onofre. 1~500 at Easter Love-in ' 'This Isn't Sacrilegious, This • l S LOS A:\GELF.S ! A Pl -About 1,500 ~rsons celebratc'CI Eas ter at a da\\'ll·to- sunsct ··lore • in" on cloud . shrouded 'lenice beach. y,·hcre a non p r or i t romn1 un ily group pro,·idrd free food and Jive roc k music. ··\\·e don't consider th is sacrilegious. man. This is our churcll ." said Ron Reynolds of Pasadffi;a. a JG.year-old draped in Jo\·c beads nnd cut-off blue Jeans. ~lany danced 10 the music; some qu1ttly held hands Md kiMCd at the arfair Sunday. Cleo Knight. 55. a Los Angeles businessman and president of the spansoring group. looked into a podlockcd collection box. about half fut\ and shook his head. "You·d think !hi! thlng v1ould bl' O\'erfloy,·ing, all these people out htte," he said. "I laid about $1.$00 out of my o~·n pocket for this thing." he said. "B1LSi~ U.,00. to donate the food for these things, bu1 they just don't any more. Things are really tight:· Knight said he started an ora;111i1.at1on known as ''Green Poy,·e1 ·· about JI \'('<:1 r~ ago "to help pro mote )>('ace and lov~· and feed and clothe the nf'cd~ ... lie s:.iid hr chose the title bC'causc hr aSStc l;1tts srecn \\i lh .. peace and love:· Seagulls sy,·ept over the crQ"'d and the sun pcfkcd through the clouds as j!U("'it~. 1nos1 of !hem in their e.1rl~ 2'.k. hl'lpc-d themsel\'es te b:ilonc)· sa nd\\ iche! 1uKl thicken and rice. •·Sure there are people here "'ho arc not needy ... said Knight. clutch ing the yellow bullhorn he used lO talk to the croy,·d. "But if \\'C feed e\'f"f')'body. v.·e·re sure to gel a few needy p...10ple stuck in lhM°e.·· Knight snid \'OlunteeT'!l p.1s.wd through the crt1~·d sttklng donoUons, ·•but y,·c'\'•' only collected about $000 or S700 fron1 all the5'! people.·· One man. y,·earing a knee-length red and "'hite Roinan·style tunic. rOO <:ape. red socks and Sandal~. klenllficd h1mseU al Juli~ Camr and said he was 2,018 Our Church' ~cars old. "I canll' out hl're bccau~ I don 't get :ilong \l'it h my gcnera!it'..tl:l," "Caesar" said. "I like to smri:1e n1ar ijuana and nin <1round \\'itb young people. The young people come here and smoke and get happy. It's a very pleasant <A'ay to spend E;istl'r.·· Ile Sd)d tr 1t hadn't been that Caesa r "!ook o\'er my body and made me a God." he ·would Ix-a ~ye.. -0/d ltolly- \\·ood man. He said he considered himself very rl'hgious, ··vou don't hJ\'t to go to church to be religious ," he said. •·nehglOll is inside me ." Pollet ~·ho i;at on the fringe or the htBch described tilt "lo\'e-in" Rll peaceful. They said ~Y had n1 ade M arre,ctts. "\\'e "·ere told if >1'r ~w ~ mtnor infraction and if it looked li~e it WM going to st.art a lot of trouble by arresting .'IOl'llt'OttC. tlM'n l'."t 1bo11ldn't arratt them.'' said an officer. - I -------- NUCLEAR RISKS 'TR IVIAL' AEC Chairman Dixy Ray l'1"i 111 .~ /V11 clea r Ri .~li..~ 1lli11 i111nl l , Ct·iti cis1n Of J111·01· Disclaini@df ' ' .j DAILY PILOT .Just • <r ; i '~~~. ~with j ··~~:-. Tom ' urpbine 'IJJmandThat as a four-column banner type · rom one of our Orange ewspapers: MOA'l "We Moy !l®llflit.~ne ~'.::.'':;~iQ-1;1'\'t!Vit: thl naBlue,ll.W- .lle.J ,nooll18 beR tttT lnbCid rbfte'l1' lttf .. qU'IYOO bnl (it .... t ~·v•I VIII !DI '"i:J' fGll' ~·ltrlllldtd I/If l>tlthM . , . , . • M~AY. Al>'ll 15, 1'174 Floods Rampage Through Mi·s,sissippi Easter Message Pope Paul VI bless es crowd of tourists and faitt1ru1 as he prepares to read his Ea!!iter message to the \.\'Orld lro1n 1nain balcony or St. Peter's Basilica. He la!lhed out at ·false gospel' or Hedonism. ------- Cri111e Unreported \\'ASHINGT0:'-1 <AP l - As many as half of the crimt>s in !he nation's five biggest cities arc not being reported, according to a new go vcnunent survey. And Donald E. Santaralli, adn1inistrator of the l.a w Enforcement Assistance Admlnls!ratio,i1 (LJ<:AA '1. sa~·s the disclosure carrie5 "a strong message of public epathy toward ... criminal justice institutions bordering o n contempt.'' According to the sun·ey. relf'ascd 'Sunday. the crime rate 15 five times as high as police records show i n Philadelphia . nearly three times as high In Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles, and a little 1nore than tw ice as high in Ne\\' ''or.k. "'ns a personal matter. il was loo intonvenient or they \O'cre afraid of rt!prlsaJ. TI1e figures were about the sainc for those "·ho -did not report hous1..>hold burglaries or larcenies. For till five cities. the report said. there "'as a tolal of 3.1 mill ion crimes oommiu.ed in 1972. By comparison FBI !l l :l l i !i! I i cs . rompiled fron1 ]()('al police agencies, listed l.1 million crimes in the cities. According lo the study, 68 of eve ry 1.000 Detroit t<"SidenL'I arc likely to he \ ictims of serious erhne. IT SAID TllE rates \l'ere 63 per I .oo:J for Philadelphia, 56 per 1.000 for Olica~o. 5:1 per 1.000 for Los Angel~ and 36 p('r J.000 for '.'\cw 'York. A.ttaeks Legal Los Angeles Police Chief Ed Davis says he disputes the sur"ey . ··Historically, this city has had a good reporting system,'' Davis said in a !tatement Sunday. "Crinies in the category of violent fc-lonies such as murder. robbery , business and residential burglary. arc reported without fa ilure.·· Da\•is said. "This ls true because the citiZf'rlS of Los Angclf'S. have enough ronfidencc in our reporting systcn1 that they do a ,pretty good job of reporting ::ilt crin1cs:' he S<tid . The ehicf said that Los !\ngcles policr- ne\'rr n1iss a stolen C'ar, for example. ··\'o person is going to k;nov.·ingly let ~n1cbody else drive around in a stolen car if it'~ rcgistcrrd to the vi ctim." J)a\'iS s~kl. Supreme Court Backs Bombing of Cambodia \VASHJ NCTON -The Supreme Court let stand today a lower court ruling th;it President t\iron's decision to order bombing of Cambodia in the sprin!: and summer of 1973 "'as legal. The court. in a brief order. refused lo review the ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New \·ork. The 2nd Circuit had O\'ertumed a decision \a!'l Jul\' bv U.S. District Judge Orril1 (;. Jucid ·that bomb Ing "·:is :in unconstitutional exercise of presidential J>Oll'Cr. The original suit \\'as brought by Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (0-N.,'.), and four Air force officers. e l\'l9er Reins Sel:ed BAMAKO. ~tali -Radio reports hc<ird here today s.'lid that military forces had tuken over the government in Niger. The reports from Niamey radio said Lt. Col. Seyni Kount ie, chief of staff or the Niger anned forces , had taken po\\'er. Niger has been one of the most st.able of the fonner French colonies in Africa. Sinct its accession to independence il1 inds Whip Ohio ons Injured; Trailers Daniaged . , I ,,,p 111111 l'"lnl low ......... $11~ •1 ... •:n '·"'· M-l ltn f;-U ,,..,, I 1000. President Hamani Diori has been thr. only chief of state. e N ac11 Kiiiers Hu111ed ~fAXILA -One thousand Phillppine constabulary <national , police) troopers spread out over jungled i\IL r\alih, 10 1n iles southeast of the U.S. Nav~· Base at Subic Bar today. searching for the killers ( IN SHORT ... ) of thrr<' A1nerican navy officers. The three officers -Capt. Thomas J. f\:litchell of Philadelohla. Cmdr. Leland R. Dobler of tong Beach !>.tis.s., and Lt. Charles H. Jeffries II . of Virginia Beach. \'11. -"·ere shot and killed from ambush on Saturday. e U.S. 1llde Improves CORDORA. Argentina -Doctors dt'Clnred t:.S. Information Service chi('f Alfred L:1un Ill "out of danger" today n1ore than i2 hour! after fl.1arxi !'t guerrilla!! shot him in the stomach. kldnapl'd him and abandoned him. "He has pulled through the critical 48· hour period and is now reco\'ering. Complicalions 1nay still romc up. but \\'C belle\·e he "i.11 be all right ,'' a clinic spokesman said. e Selassie Names Kin ADDIS ABABA. Ethiopia -Emperor Jlaile Seta!JSie ha.!! namt'd his 22·ve11r-old sranllson . Prince Zare·Yakob. s«-ond In the line of succcs.-;ion to the Ethiopian throne . The prince also "'as clesignaled actlnsr cro"'" prince ln the absence of Cro\l'n Prince Asfa \rC>Men . "·ho Is recuperatint: In $\\'iltc.rland after a stroke. The cro\.\'Jl prince is 57, .. DAILY l'!LOT DELIVERY SERVICE ~-'·~v •·-1111 ~---17;,XI DOI ~l"CIY<VI~ 0."'°"""'ICI""' c.:l:t ••l"'*-1000111 St'..,...• 1"'1 S.-.v " -llO 1ICf ~ "°'" -toot•'"' !'11""'511> t!l ll-' SllMO U Ql"'ll •- DIP !l<JP.4'" IQ -C...i..,. IM<MI ...... 101 "' T~~~\ """10.-~,._, IMK1t ~ """"~ .. .,. -"""""-..• • . ltO 1120 Seve1i Die, Thousands Evacuated From Homes llATflESBURG, Miu. (UP11 Several thousand perton! •·ere evacuated Crom thelr home,, in central and IOtlth Pt11ssisslppi today as l'klod w a t e r rampaged through the statt after tlree days of heavy rain. Al least seven persom \l.'ere killed. Gov. Bill Waller act.i\•ated the National Guard to help In the evacuation of ~entll. ~tany penlOM, their escape route blocked by the rising water, were removed by helicopter. Authoril~ sald more than 3,000 pet30n5 were evacuated in the Pet.al area and por!lons ol nonh HatUeoburg Sunday night and early today as the ramJ)agtng Leaf River pushed to more than 11 fc.:t ilbove nood stage. TllE LEAF A1'"0 BOWIE til-'tt'S were expe<"ted to crest today •ith the Leaf already having surpa!Sed the record high crest recorded during Oooding in 1961. Three youtm drowned before dawn Sunday "'hen their car plunged off a road into a Oooded creek north of McComb. They were ldefltlfied as Johnnie E. Rollins. 21, Eddie \\'ells, 18, and Dennis Lee Bond.<, 15. Authorities blamed four dro\\nings Salurda)' on the nooding, \\'hich began after heavy rain drenched the central and southern portions of the state 1'Tiday and Saturday. The NatiOMI Weather Senri.ce said rain \\'35 continuing In portions of south and southeast 1'-fiS5is!ippi during t h e wnlcrs. Numerous roads were closed to traffic. AT LAUREL, na~h flood ing ( r o n1 creeks and streams dro\·e dozens of residents from their homes. moming. 1'11fe V11en•11 A r.tAIN STREET in the too.·-lying nor61em section of Hattiesburg \\'as reported under 15 feet of water and officials said additional problems v.'('T'e created by snakes and fire ants which "·ere v.'llshed out of s\l'amps and y,.'OOdJands. National Guardsmen and Red Cross \\'Orkers assisted dvil defense and other local officials in the e\•acuation. At least seven persons \l'Cte reported suffering from exposure and other minor injuriCIS. Thirty miles v.·est, the rising \\'&ters of the Pea rl River routed some 500 persons from their homes in the :\iorganto\\n and 1',os"·orth rommunilies \\'est of Columbia . The Columbia busincs3 district was lhrealened. Authorities said the ri\·er Dad reached 10 feet above flood stage and some descrlbed it as the \mrst flood in the area since 1909. A large manufat"turing plant. a lu.tury motel and a radio starion v.'Cre among facilities \l'hich "'·ere closed by .the rising Car11atio11 Milk Pulls Back Horns \\'ASillNGTON (UP!l -The Carnation Co. today admitted that it.s powdered chocolate n1ilk drink is not the nutritional equivalent ol regu1ar milk, and agreed to stop advertising It that "·ay. The Federal Trade Qmuniss.ion (FTC') . said Can1ation has alrt>ady changed the name of !he product to "lnMant Chocolate Flavored Drink" iMtead of "Instant Chocolate 1'1avored Nonfat Dry i\li!k, .. its it was tailed when the ITC originally accused the rum of false Rdverti sing. The agency said use of the \l'Ord "milk'' "'all misleading. Under a consent order tentati\·el y Accepted by the commlssion, the finn. headquartered in Los Angeles. agreed to stop advertising !he product or any similar lt~m as having the !lame vitamin :ind n1ineral content as regular milk or rl'ronslituted non-fat dry milk. -........... , + ........ ~ .... -~ .. Experts • \Vile ot millionaire fugitive Robert L Vesco is appaUed at cost of her way of life, accord· ing to People Magazine. "She is hurrying to enjoy a11 the luxuries money can buy,'' a f r i e n d is · quoted, "because she's afraid any minute these things may disappear." President Wi1is 2-utontli. Delll y On lnco1nc Taxes KEY BISCAY:\E. rra. rt;Pll - President Nixon conlinue<l his relaxed Easter holiday at his Kry Biscayne vill:i today after "·inni ng a tll·o-monlh extension for fili ng his 1973 income tax returns. r\i:xon \l·as expectrd to return to \\'ashington later today or tomorrow and was reported keeping a close eye on Ure latest fighting on U1e Syria-Israeli front . A friendly cro"'d or about 100 per.;oos greeted the presidential party when it emerged from services at the Congregational Church, about a mile from the presidential con1pound. Nixon appeared in good spirits. posing for pictures and shaking hands .... ·ith many or his \\'ell-wishers. He was handed a purple f.'aster egg bearing the greeting "Happy Easter" by Marth.a Hutcheson, 10, and a man shouted. "\\1e're v.·ith vou,'' as the President departed in his 'car. Nixon was accompanied by his wife, Pat. their daughter Tricia and her husband. Ed\\'ard F. Cox. and the President 's close fr iend. C. G. "Bebe" Rebozo. The President "'as relle\-ed of one immediate problem by the Internal Revenue Service this \\'eekend \l'hen it granted him a 6().day extension in filing his 1973 incotnc tax returns. . .. Baffled •., ~letm Ball Be1inves Oddl)· JACKSONVILLE. Fla. (UPil - A weird metal sphere about lhc size o! a bo"•llng ball that rolls around a table by itseU wilhOut falling o!C and makes dogs whimper has puzzled Navy experts . ~trs. Jerri Betz, whose husband and son !ound the shiny 25-pound ball in some grass last week, said she plans to air freight it to North- "'estern University for examination by one of the nation's leading experts on Unldentilled Flying Objects (UFOs). Astronomer J . Alien •/ 11ynek . / MRS. BETZ SAID that v.•ltcn the sphere \Vas placed on a table, '" l. it rolled to Lhe edge of ILS own power, and then rolled around the ~ fou r sides in a s e r i es o( increasingly smaller rect~ngl~s until it stopped in Lhe center of the Lable, on ·the spot from \\'h1ch 1t had be· P ~-~. rt A U.S. Navy examlnation of the sphere sho\\•ed it was made o( high grade steel, and x~rays indicated tbere are three or (our small· 'f • er spheres in.side. The Navv said it coul8 not determine v.1hat makes • the ball behave as it does Without cutting into it, but f\.1rs. Betz wants • other scientists to examine it intact. i When lhe Iomily dog, a •Y poodle, was placed near the •phere. , l\1rs. Betz said, "She began to v.·hlmper and cover her ears \\'tth her ., pa\YS, son1clhlng I've never seen her do before. It \\'as a similar re--1• action to \.\'hat dogs do "'hen they hear a high pitched dog '"hlstle. "I F YOU PICK it up. hold it over your head ond shake it vigor- ousl)'1.."j)"d then put it down, it-hos a motion inside. It almost feels Jiite 'Wi trying to get 8\\'8.Y from you. It actually feels like a huge ~·texican ju1nplng bean," ~trs. Detz sald. ~1rs. Betz. said she. her husband, marine engineer Antoine Betz. and their son. Terry, 21, a premed student at Florida Junior Col· lege, found the sphere lying ln the grass whlle they walked on the loinily's 2().acre tract on Fort George Island, 15 miles north of Jack· sonvllle. There wu no indication lhe sphere had caused a.ny dam~ge to the surrounding gras.s or underbrush. and no indication the shiny metal sphere had rallcn from a height • • • I l I 1 I I • • c r t a a s h r •• Today's Finni N.Y. Sto(•k s VOL. 67 , NO. 105, 2 SECTIONS, 26 ·PAGES ORA NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1n4 N TEN CENTS Two Off ice rs Cleared By TO~t BARLEY Of "" Dallt' f'llot Sltlt Tv.'O off -duty policemen. sc1>3rately charged u'ith murder and assault fo\lov.ing a Tustin barroom brawl that left a ~tarine Corps Caplain dead and another patron .,.,.ounded, v.·ere cleared of all charges today in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Byron K. ~lc~lillan opened the hearing SC'heduled when the trial of both men .,.,·as declared a mislrial 10 days ago. by finding .Garden Gl"O\'e patrolman Jerry Gray. 29, lnnocmt of charges of assault wtth a deadly v.·eapon. Those cMrges v.·ere filed on Jan. S, 1973, v.·hen Gray \\'DS booked for the \\'OUnding Bachelor's III bar patron Sam Campise, 35. who was shot In the chest during the tavern fracas. Police called to the Tustin bar charged Cypress police Sgt. Thomas Baroldi, 26, v.•ith murder v.'hen be was kl.entified as lhc man who shot and killed Atarlne Corps Capt. Randall Steven Robinette, 25, of Phoeni1, Arit. A jury thal had delibersted for four days last April Shad found Gray IMOCeflt of the charg~ at tile time it "'as called back 10 the courtroom. But the jury had not signed the verdict fonn ••hen the defendant's la"'Yers asked the prosecution to declare a inistrial in !he c~ in the belief tt\at the verdict "·as going against them. Judge ri.lc~ll\lan ruled today !hat "it is Surgery Expe~ted "l\7ewport Councilwo1nan at Hoag r\ev.•port Beach Council"'oman Lucille J<uehn is expecled to undergo surgery at Hoag ~lemorial Hospital Tuesday mom· ing for v."hat doctors now believe is a perforaled appendix . ~Irs. Kuc>hn , v.ho v.·ns elected to the city council a "·eek ago. "'as listed in ·:;atisf;1ctory tond ition today. ··rm terribly upset about all of this:· l\1rs. Kuehn said. "l"\'t' never had a stitch ta~en in n1e in my life." Her phsyician said that if surgeons find e iat lhc> appendix is perforated. ~trs . • ul·hn v.i!I re<1uirc about a month to recuperate. Her District 6 seat on the council v.·ill continue to be filled by Councilman Richard D. Croul, who did not seek re- election this year. _ ~tayor DonaJd A. ,.fclnnis said he expects the council win procee:I with a ,·ote to elect a mayor and a vice ma yor for the next two years at Tuesday·s organiz.ational meeti ng. ~lclnnis is expected to be re-elected for a serond term. 1 There are four candidates for \•ice 1nayor's seat, now held by First Distr ict Ne1vpo1•t Reside1at l Rog e1· W el~l1, Small-boat Sailo1·, Dies; Mass Today DEAD AT 41 Sailing Champion Welsh ~lass was recited for Roger Welsh today at St. Joachim's Catholic Church in Costa ~1esa. ~lr. \\1elsh, one or Ne\\o·port Harbor's top national and international s.11ilors. died Friday at his home, 1101 ~larion La ne, Newport Beach, after a long iUness. The 41-year..(ltd insur a nc e adjuster h ad recently completed law studi es and w.11s preparing tor a legal career. He \\'&S born in Los Angeles ·and moved to Nev.'J)Ort Beach with his fantily when he \\'as six years old. lie has bttn active in the 83.iling and yachting activities most of hi s life. ~tr. \\'elsb was an accomplished small boat sailor. He was national champion in the Intemational-14 Class In 1968 and was several times West Coast champion in 1he class. He moved into the international Soling Class "'hen the boat \\'as selected as an Olympic class and was district champion in 19i2 . 11e ws a consistent winner in local and regional regattas. ~fr. \Velsh was responsible for introducing !he famed Australlan-18 di nghy to the U.S. and often said it was the · most exciting high performance (Stt WELSH, Page Z) Banks Boost Prime Rate ·Over 10 Percent Barrier "'NE\\' YORK IAP) -The prime lending rate broke: through the 10 percent barrier today as two banks posted rates above the old record. North Carolina National Ba nk announced il raised it.s prime from ~4 per<'enl to 101 1 percent, effective last Friday. 'VER \' PL EASF.D' SAl'S ADVE RTISER )t must ha\·e seemL"d like "home, sweet motor home" to . lots of Daily Pilot reader'!l when this ad appeartd in the classified section : e SHARE WINNEBAGO e Own 20 % lnt • fully equip. t;sc 10 weeks per year. Con· sider only responsible party. Call (Phone No.) M·F 9-.>. The advertiser reported he was •·very ph~ascd'' and got ''lo1s or responses" plus. or course, finding a \Yinntba.go pe.rtntr. Want to tr; for tespGn!le on your pitch, w-haltvtr it is! Just dial the dlred line to results, 642-5678. The f irst National Bank of Chica go, the nation's 10th largest commercial bank. set Its prime rate at 10.10 percent. roiorth Carolina National Bank Is ranked 26t'n. It "'as not immediately apparent \vhetber olher banks \1;ould follow since the Federal Reserve Board \"erbally discouraged moves beyond 10 percent when such action seemed imminent. The prime rate Is the base lending rate banks charge largest co r p o r a t e customers. \\'bile it does not affect smaJI business and consumer loam, the prime is regarded as an indicator ol the availability of money In general. \Vhen tbe prime is high, it means corporations must pay more to borrow money. This may tend to act to discourage borTOwin&, ult Im ate I y resulting tn a alowtnc of the goneral expansion or the ttOOOft\)', analysts say. ~tany banks la.st week moved prime rates up to 10 percent from ~• perctflt. f"lrst Natiorel's old pr:...ne rate W8s 1.80 percenl Economists have allributed lhe rectnt up"·nrd moves of the prime to a combination of high corponue demand and 3Ctlon by tilt Federal Reo<...,. Board to stem tnOatJon by tighten.ma the nation's money wpply. Councilman Ho"-ard Rogers. Rogers is e:tpectl'd to sei:!k re~lt'Ct ion. Others who have expressed interest in the second spot are Councilmen r-.lilan ~I. Dostal. John Store and Paul Ryckofl. Dostal and Rogers were re-elected to the council last y,·eek. Store and R}'ckoff stiJJ have two ruore years to serve on their first terms. ~lclMis said there are any number o( differt'flt procedures the council could use for its elections. The council Y.'ill mttt Tuesday at 5 p.m. in city-J;ouncil ch ambe r s . U.S. Pledges Assistance To 'Have-nots' Ulff'l'ED NA'nt'lll!'fflPll -S.crelary of State Henry A. Kissinger pledged the Uniled States today to a broad si.x·point program designed to erase incqualitlcs between the ha\'e and hn\·e.not nations. Kissinger offe red the & \V e e p i n g program to the. special General Assembly on raw materials and the developing countries. "All too often.•· he told the delegates of 135 countries in a croy,·ded assembly hall. "international gatherings end w Ith speec~s filed a"·ay and resolutions passed and forgotten. \\'e must not let this happen to 1he problem of development ••. "Let us transform the coocept of the v.·orld community from a slogan into an attitude. "Jn this ~pirit lel us be the masters or our common fate so that histo ry \\ill record that this y;as the year that mankind at last turned lo its noblest <ind most humane challenge." Kissinger proposed: -An expanding energy supply at equitable pticcs. -Stabilization of the cycle of surplus and shortaf!'.e of ra\v materials. -Establishing a balance bctv.·een food production and population grov:t~. -A global economy that ~·ill no: permit the poorer countries lo be ''overA'helmed. •I -Hame~ing of science a n d technology to combat a global t'COOomy of physical scarcity. -Creation of a trade, monetary and investment system suslaining industrial civilization and stimulating its gro'A·lh. "A global economy requires an expanding supply of mer~· at an equitable price." Kissinger said. lie said the United Slates called !he \l:ashington energy conference to resolve the oil crisis on the basis of cooperation of "all" countries. He said the oil producers themselves ha\'e recognized that energy demands of this decade cannot be met unless supplies are expanded. The 11.·ork! needs gk>bal conservation of P.nergy and a "massive and coopcrati\"C' effort" to de\•elop OC\\' sources of con\·entional luels, he ooted. Ri,·er Talk Set By Mesa .l\'layor Mayor Robert M. Wlllon ol Costa Mesa will present a status report on the Santa Ana Rl\'er "farina at 7:30 a.m. Thunday when he meets with the Citizens Harbor Area n.search Team (CHART). 1be meeting, open to tht public, Is scbtduled ror the commtm.lty room at Glendale Federal Savings, comer of Harbor Boulev•rd and Wlilon St.reel . Mayor WJlion's t>rtenng will concern J>ttllmlnari plannlng for • marina ad)>· cent to tl1e' Santi Ana RJver bluffs tn the dti<t of NeWJIOrt Beam ...t Costa Mesa. • Ill Fatal Bar Shooting only fai r to Gray lo find him innocent since thnt v.•ns the intention of the jury :it the time v.e broucht lhl•1n out of the jury room.'' Ten men1bers of th<· Jury revcalrd after !he mistrial Y.M deelar.'.'d that they \\'ere ln favor of a \"Crdttt or innocent for Baroid! V.'ilh t"·o other jurors undecided Commenting tod ay that "\\'t v.ilt ne\•rr really know y,•hat happt'tll'tl 1n the bar that night" Jud ge :\lc:\llllan found Enste1• GHl Bciroldi 1nnoc't'nt ilfl<'r \11v.·yers for both sides agrt•Cd to let h1111 n1lc on th1• issue. Ch1t>f l.>..·puty D1striet i\llonit'}' Jame:- Enrigbt unsucct>ssfully ur ged Jud ,itc ~IC'~l il\an to at leas! find Barold 1 g1111t~ of involu nlJr\' 1nanslaui;thlcr. "lie showL.(J bntl Judgrnent 11s K JXilice o(fi ('i'r and h<' \V:ts hopelt•!lily drunk \\'ht•n ht· shot (.'npL 1i-nobinr l1t•.'" ~~nright ulleg~'fi. "There "'as no C\"ldcntl' of a struggle. in fnct th<' evidence y,·as all to \Vearing her Easter finery. Kerrie Koehler. 2. of Costa ~lesa, y,·arms up her lungs during pre-Easter sen ·1cc \'isit to :\ewport llarbor 1.utheran rhur(·h. Kerrie v.1ent to church on an errand with her dad prior to Sunday srr\'ice and when she heard organist practicing, s~e broke into 5o ng. Of <'Ollr~e. it v.•a.s a different tune than the orga nist y.·as pla~'ing. but Kerrie llinu:.:ht it v.·as beautiful. ~~~~~~~~ Ne'v Sig11 0 1·cli11a11cc Set Fo1· New1lo1·t Me1~cha11ts By. 1.. PETER l\Rlf>;f. 01 ,,_ 0••1' "•IOI SI•!! A nc"' ordinance clamping do\1·n on the size <1nd appearance of cum·111·rc1al sif!;ns \\ill be unveiled to '.\'.r11·pnrt Beach bu~in~smen Tuesday ;iften1oon. Th(' city"s communily dcvclflp1nenl director. llicharcl V. llrigan. lod•1v declined to reveal the proposed curbs. saying he is afraid bu!'inf'ssme n might be antagonized if he isn "t ablr to personally explain them. lie sin1ilarly rcrusetl to give <•n advance copy of lhe draft to offii:ials nf the NC\\"porl Harbor Cham ber of Commerce. who "'ill host the 1net!ling in their office at 3:30 p.m. The Newport Harbor-Costa :\lesri Board of Realtors and the ~ev.•port Beach Citizens En\·i r onrn ent :il Committee also have been in\·itcd lo the nice.ting. "I'm afraid thcv \1·ould take a po~ition on it before y;e Can explain lt," llogan snid . "I don't "'·ant to antagonize lhern before they get started. "Th is is only a draft. I don·r 11ant to start a fight before 11i·e get lo show it lo them .'' he said. The ordinance reported!}" is pattemrd 11fler the tough new sign controls adopttotl rectntly in Costa Mesa. The Costa ~1esa ordinance Is rega rded a! tough and planning oUicials there ~Y it wlll gl\'t their city '"a y,·hole new look.'' Besides limiting the size of signs. the Costa ~1esa ordinance also bans rooftop 9\gns and most pole sign!. ll also limits the amount of 11.·ording on signs , Tl alto declares that existing signs thnt don't conJonn must. be tom down and roploced. While refusing to di9CUM the contents or the Nev.•port Beach ordinance. Hogan inll!ted the draft he'll unveil "i9 not a 5taff rl'commenda11on ·· ''\\'e arc not making a rccommt'ndilt1on."· he said. ··\\"e are )'.:flin~ to 11ork 111ith the commi11ces and gel input fron1 them. \\"e want to find oul "'hat the people think. '"\\'e "·ant to "ork 'A'ith the JK'(lple :ind !hen cQmc back v.·tth a proposal ."" J[ogan said. ' T \\'O Bo ys Sa ved F ron1 Dro\r ni11" ~ Off P eninsula 1\1·0 Fuller1on children nearly droYo'fll'd todav in th<' IX' an off the Balbo.'l Pt•ninsull'l hut 1\crc s,'"lvcd by t\1·0 pa~!'.('rsby "ho heard 1hc1r cries and C'amc to 1 he rescul'. :\('11 port Beach li fegua rd!> reportt·d today. .Joe Schl:11er. 12, and h~"i broihcr Kcn1. 6. both of fullcrton . hud p..'lddled their rubber raft about i5 ya rds into the water IM'ar the Bay A\•e and 10th Street beach "'ht>n the raft ""!i .... asherl OU! from under them. The ty,·o boys. 11ho do not know ho\\' to S\\im. clung to e11.ch otber and cried loudly for hc>lp. guards said. Their mothtr, ~lrs. \\'llliam Schlater. v.·ho also c:tnnot swl1TI, Slood on !he beach and }cl!cd . Costa ~resa r~ldent \\'illiam Bolton, 25. \\'00 was vlsi1lng a friend nearby, jumprd into the y,·atcr \\'ilh hi! clothl-S · ()ll. Sunba lher Rhonda P:ilmcr. 22, of Santo Ana , al.so sv.·am to the rescue. The 1"·0 brothers y,·ere retlic,·cd frig hlcnf.ld but unharmtd. I !In' 1•ff1'l'I lh:il lhf• <\Jp,11111 \\<IS d1·l1bl:r:t1('ly :.h1Jl in !111• rh• 't l>tfl"n't' ;.111nr111·v .\1.1tt!h•1\ Kur 1hl'h llrgucd 1h:1! P.o.~rold1 11 ;1:0. i;n111j.! in the aid uf {,r,1y HI !ht' 1Ullt' :1nd !h,1l l!ob1ncltt• barred h1~ 11.1\ ··1t 1\,l\ :1 n;lrrn:.1 r1·t1•·!1011 fnr a 1>0\lcr nfficrr.' Kurr !1th ~l ld "There 11.'lS no 1nh·nt 111 ~1!1 lltl{l t h1·rl.' 11 ;" n11 1•\ ult•ncc 111 th•· tr.,1! lh.1111ou ld r1J ll\ support !hat theory ., Ai~tillc1·y, By Thf" Assoclritril Pr(";~ Svria and lsrnrl tr;uh·d ;l rtillf'r~· :ind t~nk firl' on !ht-(;()Ian llt·i~hts 11:1r frn11t todav afh•r a 11t't'k('n<I nf the hardest fighiing since !hi" Octobf.·r \\Jf. ~lt'anv.1u le, ·:gypt i:in ~urce' s,11d IO· day th:il Sf'crrrary of S!:it{' llrnry i\ 1\1.,. .~1n~c r v.itl tra\'f'l to f;uro :1' Tlw fi~t ~top oo his effort to arr:in~t· :i n1ihtt1ry !'<'lllemrot ~"'""CCII 1~r:1t•l a id Svrt.'"! Thl'y !<illd the tnp 1rn~ :1rrarigt•d hc- t\\"f'i'll l\1!'.~1ngC'r :irul Eg~ ptt!ln For('1gn ~\1n1st('r ls1n:11l Fahm\·. h n r h at lh(' l'nlleod \'"al 10n!I for a ~)1('!'1:11 session of !ht· G ~nt'rill As~'mbl\" In add 111on ro Eg_vpt. l\1 •-.1n1:rr i<:. (':>:· pt'C1ed to 11dtl Ku11t1 1t to his sefl('(lul". v•h i<:h alrf':utv ineludt's 1.-.r:it·l <ind S\rifl. l\1s!'1n~<'r told rt'porter-. thr trip ,;ould b.·gin ··1n about 1v.·o ""'·-"k' ·· llarn:iscus radio ~iid s~·ri;1 '~ d{'f('I\~{' minister , ~laj . (jcn. 1llust:if<1 Tlas. n1;;dl' :1 qu ick trip to thr "'for11ard commar\d headquart ers of Syrian forres 011 ~IL Jlerrnon .'" This \\·as thl:' first official Syrian referl'n<:c to iiuch a Con1mand since the October V.'Br Thu Tel A\"h· romm;1nd s.'"lid f>eft'nS(' ~1 1nisler ~loshe J)a1":1n :1ISt1 loured lsrarlr positions on lht' c;oJan frorit. <ind 1h:11 :1 Sy rian artillery barrage rrupll'd :1t !hi' lime. rt said f)avan v.a s unhurt. but \h;1t '"'O Israeli soldil-rs v.ere v.·oundcd . The command said shttlling rcsumf'd this 1norning along the northt·rn sector of the JOO.S<1uarc·m1lc bulge captured by Israel during the October fighting. The eomrnand alS<J nnnt\unccd the appointment of Brig. f.en. Hafae l Eytan, \\·ho led lsrae\"s thrust into Syria in October. 10 command l!!racrs northern front 11i•ith both Syria and Lebanon. Eylan, "·M 11·as promoted to ma jor general. takes over from LL f,en. i\fordechal 1;ur, "'ho \\as promoted to ehief of staff. Israeli fighter ·bomb<'rs Sunday :ittaekt'd S\'rian foret:s on ,\H 11,..rmon and the Golan Heights "hile IX"luv.· them the armies or the tv.·n t"uu;i1rie~ b;1ttl1~d fiercely "'ith tanks <1nd ~·rtill«ry. The lsrac>li 1n1lnarv command s."iid all its planes return<'<! i;;Jf<'ly Sunday, rl!'nying a Syrian cl11im that lnur \1er£' do\\'ned. S\·ria also cl:iinl<'d 50 l ~r11ell ground tmOps "·ere killed or 1\"oundcd, bu t Isra el said only 17 11.ere "oundC'd. S~ria said 15 of i!s soldiers "ere killC'd and 10 "ere v.oundl'd. Israel said 11 Syri;111 eo1nm:indo un it n1ade nnothe r allrn1pt to c:iplurc an Isra eli ohS<"rvatinn post nl 1hr. north£1rn end of 9,000-foot :\IL ll errnon , 11•hi<'h hns an unrf'slriC'tl-d \·1C\I' fr1r Jfl() 1nilcs and more into Syria. The Syrians ha\·e bfo<'n Ir~ in~ lo C'611JIUrt• th r-post sinc-c April 6. Isra el said the cr11nmandos 11crc disco\"ered at da"11 Sunday, and the Israelis at the post cnuntcrattacked . Syria n artillery <lpcned up to gil"e the con1mandos cover. and the !See .\llDEAST, Page Z! Orange Coast Weathe r A ('OOl1n~ off J>l'r100 1.~ lor<'Cast ft\r Tu<''-<fny \\1th t1·rt1prr:i1ures <1long !hf' C'Oa~l dipping 1n ro the Jov.· 1•r iOs aft('r th1· morn ing for: chills the air. 1-'Sl lll·: TOU \ \' Sn n f'ra,lfl.)fll /111/ir,, /a u11clL ,e1Jrcl1. for /Jlri.rk 111a u icllo shot t!to u:lu!C' hilchlii k1 ny 1101irli.~ in 1111provok:t<l ortnt·k 111 "Opera· 110117.tbra ··11.J1le_,'i1u r11 Pnue 5. ... h ... " .,.,. L•MIH• " I., M, ••r' " M ... I .. U·l't C11ff9Fftll • N•llllf"t ,....,, • (l.fttlflff tl•K Ortr•t t c-11 ' """n " ·-uu (Ntt-.1 " J1!•I• ... ~, " a.tit! lillllfn ' ,..," ,. .. ., lfli.t••• ..... • SlfM.~ M~,_fll 1•11 ·~ltl111ft .... "' 1'·tt ,, ... i.i." .. ,_,.. lt·ll ,~ .. ,, .. n.tt ........ llt( .. t " w ......... • -" '#wMI N.-..t • ,. 2 OAlL V PI LOT N ~ Boa1·{l Sifts Bru1k Papc1·s Fo1· ~clt1es' \\'r\Slllr\GTO~ (UPI 1 -Thi• Sena11> \\'at<'r~atr Connnillt·c 1s i.c>r1rehing bank rt•t'Ords to eht·Ck the !\t't'1:1I 1111n1hcrs on $100 bill.~ of President Nixon·~ $etreuiry, R03e A1ury \\'oods. <iDd his brothe"' F'. Donald or Ne"1>0rt Be~ch rind Edward, in hopes of unral'rhn~ tht· Hl\Stt•r\' of the $100,000 ilow;1rd ltui.h~·" l'••tlrlt't\1011 lligh comm11tec sourL'\.'S lirive 1.hsc\osl'd that :-Oliss \Voods ' fin<1ncial records wrre bei ng e1amJned to ck>term ine if she received any of the t-on lrO\'t'l'!'iia l $100,00ll campaign contribution gn·cn C. C. "Sf.be" Rcbozo by Hughes. :°'lt'\\'S'Al'l!k r.t<1g11t.int: report ed lhat Senate \Vatergaic 1n1·e!ll1gators "h<1d begun sifting through bank rcrords and niitchlng serial numbers or $100 bills to 1r11cc.Rebozo 's handling of the money." The magazine quoted one source as s.1y ing, "II takes just one hill i:;:sued after Augus!, 1970 to break !he v.·twle stury dov.11." Nc"'sw~k s11id rhe probe ""'S launched v1e11aau..e ... . .......... . ...... . • • • A -··· GUif Of MEXICO - . 'Tougller i1a Future' . 'Timidity'· Hit ~. I ,'," In Hearst Case SA~ FRANCtSCO ( U P I J Ctllifon1ia'a attorney general said toda y Jaw enforcement offlcinl1 have bttn "timid" in the llc._r1t kldnJpin" ca,,e and that \"igorous actions woo.kl be taken In future poli tical kidrutpinp:. AU0111cy Gl'ntral Evelle J. Younser said any future •·gi\'eaway" programs in\'Ol\'lng food or other coll\lllOdities wou ld be treated as extortion and pros«:uted . Ile al.so said tha t the m~la had been "used in !he case and th.at all aulhoritles in\'olved made mistakes.' '"\\"e ha\·e not handled it properly." MARKED MAN BRANDS SLA 'PUNKS'. Story P•g• S Younger said. "Our only e1cuse 111 that it had never happened bt!fore. Y.'e did not know how to deal \\'ith a politic<il kidnnp ing. ·" . "~J I . -''" I Hearst $aid he wo1,1ld return to San f'tan<:isco lt) continue ~tint he hu described :lS ''thC long ordeal a.head O( us." Sitt ing al u dimly lit table In lht bar or the Las Cruceii ri1ot<'I. llearst said tht agtffment "'1th the Jo'BJ not to jeoperd (tf' his dauAAttr's safct~ "''as still in efftct as far as he \\'OU concerned . ,. * * ; .._..,,.;_ ''f• 'SLA' Members . Roh Ba )' Arca '·,! : .... Ba11k, W'o1md 2 ~1 • ·~~-·---n ~ \\'. Kalmbach of Newport Beach, Io 1 d .. ~ \IT? ''\Ve \\•ill try to make lt unprofitable ln the future lo carry out any sort vf political kidnap. A small band of ltrrorists should not be a!lowOO to dictate \1-elfare policy." SAN FRA7\CISCO I AP \ -A band or heavily armed rommnndos "'ho s n Id lhcy "'·ere members or the terrorist Symbionese Liberation Army robbed 11 bank today and seriowly woW1ded llA'O passers-by. a bank security ofOclal said., WatQrgatc ·investigators lhat Rebcrzo had I;,•..;.' ••• -____ ,.:;,.:.;.~,;,:,ji::::;,:;_~::i:::&::::O--..Jt.-------------_:~~1 allegedly gh'en some o( . t h e "contrlbuUon" to filiss \Voocls, both of Nixon's brothers and olhers. If the contribution. which never found its \\'ay to Nixon's re-t>lcclion committee. ~·as used as a presidential slush fund , a viola1ion of campaign rpending Jaws. tt could L added to a bill of impeachment againsl Nixon. Reboz.o , Nixon's brst rriend. testified lhat he kept the $100 bills in a safe deposit box and returned them to Hughes untouched three years later. However, ~ew~eek , said the l)lOney delivered 10 lbe commi.Uee contained an unexplained extra $100 bill for a tol~l of $100.JOO. The committee sources !old UPI that they were looking for nnythin'g in Mjss Woods' financial records that might corroborate Kalmbach's testimony. "\Ve're going over Rose fi1ary's account inch-by-inch looking for the money." one source said. News~·eek said Kalmbach consulted go\'ernment lawyer Stanley Ebner after Rebozo allegedly told him about part of the money being '1ven to Nixon inti- mates. The maga11ne said Ebner has talked with Watergate investigators, Newport Brewery Official ·. Claims .. Mexico Victory • ~ "' II ,. "'. ;, ·. Newpoit Be•ch beer baron (,'!luck Kelly is claiming victory in his batUe or the Alamo. Kelly said today he has accepted a "substanUal" settlement to end nearly a year of litigation with a Mexican brewery over the trademark rights to Corona Ex· tra Beer. Kelly's attorney. Eric \Vorth of Los Angeles. said Kelly has sold his distribu- tion rights to the ~lexican brewery all a result of the settlement. Kelly had been a di stributor for the ~texican suds for nearly 10 years when they cut off his supply ea rly last year. He subsequently began marketing his o~·n brew after registering the Corona Extra trademark. He was halted by a restraining order issued by U.S. Di,strict Court Judge Al Stephens . , Kelly said he hopes the results ol his fight ·•v,.lll encou.r.age other American buslne.ssmen to defend them s el v es .agaln.!t the influx or foreign power com- ing into the U.S. market. many under the guise of U.S. corporalions. while the stock in these corporations is h e I d by foreign companies or govemn1ent s." Two Shot to Death EL ritONTE IUP!l -Police searched toda y for t1\·o or thrt-e suspeets who allegedly shot tv.·o teefl-agers fatally and "ounded another \\'l11le the trio stood in fr o n t of a trailer court. ORAHCH COAST ,. DAILY PILOT ,.~ °'•'9'1 <:ooov °"''' P""' "·~ ....... ~" ,,,.... ' .... , ................... ,.. ..... ,°'''"'°''...,. '~· . ' .. . "~ ('""'""'• :\..-.... ..... ~ .... -.. , ... ' .. ,., ...... 'J"'"'"• ~ ..... "'"" ., ... , •. '"1'·"''4•~'"' ''"'•··· .... ~ ... "',,..."..iao•l>O<.••"" ' ~" . ,. • "I'~ ' ' ' '. ri..~ ..... ,, ,, •••• '· •I•"• "1'fl'K+·°'"•r'''•''"-''"'' ...... ,.1.~ ......... 1 .. , .• •Z..• r 1-..... t t \\'•• i ~ ........ ...i .... r-.~- !l," ·,, I y,~~lf'\•~··•.,~oJY•·l<t" 1 '"""°",.,, '' ~· ,...,....,..,. J r-o°""H \..,,.. t .c'od P Nol .-....,, .... -.t ... b"'Jl"""' I I!'~.,.. I"·• 1 !..-'""'"(..l·l~· .. ~,en leoc:h Otf•c• "'J:b;it ""' ... ,. .... _~, •• , fl\.11' : •• O""""Off•<r\ r·•··~·· • ''°.,. "'•''·•• '"""•"'"•' .•:)• .. -~ ''·"·-11•11-• t . , ... ti.· •• _..., ,.~, ...... ,,,.. ..... ~, """' Teltpll-17I 41641·4111 Clet.ifltd Ad•ff"fl•l"t 641.1671 rfflro•OM. 1•u ~ ei:.., ""'"""""'er.. r••1 No""..,_""""'"' __ .,.,,.. ,.. • ....,._ ... \_ ... ~bf ~ ..,, • .......,,_.., __ 111~111'!_...,, """"4til•\1"!"'1"M"'ltl!'et•1 """" ~ .. ·~~""""'''~''~0'-••1 ,,,. ..... ••111_...i,,,,.,,~-•lOO~ • • Floods Peril Mississippi Youngl'r said he himself had been timid In the case and h.1d not spoken out before for fea r "I would do son1cthing to gel i\.l iss Hearst killed." "The people came in and said tiler v.·crt' member s of the SLA.'' said Hibernia Bank sccuri1y officfr Vincent Greely. "They told people to lit on the floor and !hen they went to the tellers' cages and took the money . . . They , \rere in and out "''ithin tv.·o minutea . ., .- 1.tore than 3,000 persons were evacuated in Petal stage. Anolher 200 \Vere cvacuatccl from their of Columbia. and Hattiesburg ~tiss., as the rampaging Le a f hon1es along the Pearl l{ivcr north River pushed to more lhan 11 feet above flood (See story, Page 4.) Nixon to .iilail State Return • .. ' SACRAMENTO (AP) President Nixon's 1973 slate income taX: return, the first he has· filed in 10 years in California, will be mailed before tonlghl't midnii:ht deadline, his attorney said today. Nixon owes no state tax for 1973 because his California deductions total more than his California- source income for lhe year. said the attorney, Dean Buller o{ Los An geles. Butler is signing the return on the President's behalf, he said, under power of attorney granted to him. . From Pagel MIDE1\ST .· .. ' Israelis retaliated \\'ilh artillery and 0"1!<'·bomber1. . The Israelis said the commandos \\"ere "destroyed," and 12 Syrian bodies \\'ere found. But later in the day, tanks and artillery dueled the length of the 40-mlle front across the Golan Heights, and Israeli planes attacked the SyriRn positions for four hours during the afternoon. the Israeli command said. t.feanwhi!e. the U.N. Secur ity Council "·as to be called into session this afternoon to discuss lhe Israel! raid on six Lebanese \·iJ\agea Friday night. The raid \\'as in retaliation for an Arab guerrilla attack from Lebanon Thursday on the Israeli village of Qiryat Shmonah In ~trich 18 Israelis and th e thn..ie guerrillas died. Lebanon reµorted to !he council thal ''t\\·o Lebanese civilians \\'Cre kllll'tt and others '4'00.ndt'd. 13 Lebanese cl\'iliana \Yere kidnapro and JI houses destroyed'' in Ille Israe11 raid. The council '~as expected to adopt a resolution later in the \\'eek condemning Israel , and Israel \Vas expected to ignore it. I.a llahra Couple 1\n1ong Victin1s Of lla\vaii Crash A pair from Orange Count y were among three honeymooning couples aboard a chartered lour plane tha t slarnmcd into a slope of lla"·aJi 's r.tauna l.oa \'Olcano four d a y s ago. killing 11 persons. Tht·y were 1dct1t1f1cd today by aulhorities a~ ~Ir. and 1\lrs. r.11ry ,\·luo1nJean, of La ll!'lbra. but their slreet addrrss in the north 1.-ounty city wns unavailnblc. Bodies of tlrt 11 ptrsons who dlOO In !he t"rBsh which occurrt'd on a day-long :i.lr lour or the islands "·ere not recovered W11il Saturday. Investigators from the Nationa l Trans- portation SaftHy Board ~'tre to return to the site today . Fro11t r.,eJ WELSH ... din;tty he 1\00 ever s&lled. lie \\'IS American champion In the class and sailed In throe \\'orld championships In Australia and New Zealand. Jn one world ch1tmplonshlp rtBaUa he was scoring well ahead of the OM!t until hi$ boat brokt down. lie still finished hlan In the fleet. lie was al90 Newport 11arbor fleet champion in thf' L.chman·l2 r.la.~ll! in 1969. ' \, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Mild lJ'eekeiad Bathers, Boate1·s Throng To Newport Over Easte1· Asked if he thought the kidnap victim was dead or .... ·hy he Wa! now making the statement, Younger said: "I thi~k the moment of truth has long since passed. l don 't think they're still trying to decide wnat to do with her." Younger a'1<f the preM and other media_ had been "used" in the kidnap because H~ou were fatted to adopt their ·terminology. You tnow that •. th e Symblonese,IJbe.ralk>n Army bas n6thing to do with liberation and It is D01 an army -it is a small band of vicious crin1inals." "Younger said lhc SLA waa small but they are "determined, dangerous, violent A mild and sunny Easter weekend Lifeguards said there were 13 routine and far from stupid." Greely said the l\\"O v.·hite women. one black man and one while man escaped ""'ith $692.SI. , He said ttlt' robbery was photographed by tv."O security cameras in the bank. He said FBI agents had taken the film and were proctSsing It. Police Sgl . Jim Glafkldes said the band entered the bank at 23rd and Noriega at 9:50 a.m. He said they "'·ere ~ed \l'ilh pistols and: Army carbin~. "The)• were highly disciplined and operaled with hand and verbal signals whlle in the bank,'' he said. brought t.bout 140,000 people t1 Ne,vport rC'Sl'Ut'S during the v;eekend. "''ilh no Me anwhile, Randolph A. Hearst will Beach and about 3,000 boats out in S('rious incidents. end his vacation "''ilh hi s fa1nily at the Newpot•t Bay Hislot·y Ne'4'port Harbor. A spokcsn1an said that smaller cro'.'•ds Las Crucl's resort in i\.1cxioo Tuesday and Air temperatures a\·eraged around 62 arc expected on the beaches this '4·eek. return to San Franclsoo to a'4·ait further degree!! at the beach and water "'hen lliverside County students will on word on the fate of his kidnaprd J~ctm·e Set Tuesday temperatures stayed at about 56 degrees spring vacation but Orange County daughter. all w~kend. students \\'ill be back in school. Heant, president and editor of the S.1n Ellen K. Lee. author of "Newport Bar. Surfing continued J)OOr, with waves two This \\'eekend also marked I he Francisco Examiner, arTi\ed \\'ith his A Pioneer History,'' will address the lo three feet. aceording to Newµort con1pletion of an in!ensi\'c six-O<iy \\'ife at La Paz a v.·eek ago Sunday 10 rest \\"omen 's Chic League of Newport Beach lifeguards. training session conduclcd by the 1\1arin~ from tv10 months of n<"gotiations v.•ith the Jfarbor Tuesda y at 9:30 a.m. at 1\lariners An Orange County Harbor Pat rol Safety Department for 2.J prospecth·c SLA. v.·hich now claims 21)..year-0ld Library in Newport Bead! . i;pokesma n reported busy traffic of up to 11e'4' lifeguards. The trainees. \\'ho range l''atricia has been converted to its ~trs. Lee .\\'ill speak oo the topic "The 1,500 .boflts a day in Newport Harbor as in age from Ui to'.Jt Y,cars o!P. helped rcvoluliooary caust. ffi.story of the Orange County Coastline." boats departed for •and. returned from administer first aid and conduc t rescues . Jn an Liiitcf.•ie·.V ci\'er' !be weekend The public is invited. \\'cekends at Catalina Island. No 1------------------------------C--.,----''-'·---"----accidcnts were reported. ' '• ''I ' Cd~I High Given Education Gra11t For $125 ,921 Corona drl ~1ar High School hai; been awaroed an Elementary and Secondary Education Act grant of $125.921. The funds arc for the development or a n1odel library media center \\1ithin the high school 's present library facilities. Aceord ing to school librarian Zatha Tall man. bolh books and ni e d i a niaterials such as !apes. filmst rips and rt•cor<ls \\'il l be chosen to fit into !he !tchool 's goo! of developing indh·idualized instruction. An1ong the objecti,•es for which n1all•rials \rill be SEll'cted are to impnJ\"C rradin,i:: skill s, to provide current car('('r inform;ition. nnd to update history to include niore about modem times. Studl'nls and parenls are invited to h<'!Jl in selecting 111edia n1:iterials. S:in1rll' nui!eria\s prov Id c d b,\' n1anuf.:ic.:lurcrs \\ill be on display at the hbr:1rv from Thursday until ~!a v 15. Library hours are 7:30 a.m. io 4 p.n1 . daily . Anyone interested in \\'orking \l'ith faculty and studenls in s e 1 e ct.in g ma terials can visit the library or call i\Jrs. Tall man at &14--1000. Indian Children 1'opic of l\Ieet The special educational need.<; of Indian chitdrrn \\'iU be discussed at a public heuring at 7:30 p.n1. Tuesday in the Costa i\lesa Council Chan1bcrs. 77 Fair Drive. 1'he purpose or lhe hearing is to discuss <111 application by the ~<'\\'POrt-~tesa ~hoot Oistriel for funding wider Part A, Ti1le IV of the Indian Educ_.lion Act. The board of edooitlon, which will hold the hearing as part of its regular meeting, asks parents of Indian children •nd other members of the public to attend and participate in the discussion. Burglars Smash Into ·ewport Area Honte T!ltvlalon stts, ndioa, a tape recorder and a 9'f of golf clubs ••ere stolen during the weekend by burglan who broke lnlo a Newport Stach area home, Orange. COuntJ Sheriffs ofllcers said. Intruders smashed the front door lock to gain entry to the home of carpenter Philip \V. Ne-Ison. 2$, ol 1525 Placcnlia Ave.. N~¥tpon Btacll. Tboy said the burgtinr: lert Wftb Jooc v.t1;Jued at. S1,03S t1fier rail!acking the 11,:lng . room nnd upstairs bed room • • LIFE STRIDE'S OPEN-WEAVE WEDGIE Spend !he !lummer in "Borcebno." ' It'~ the woven-too sandal on a cork wedge w fi n· o creoe walking ~ale. Soh ond ooen ond-oh, so comfor1oble. · Comel. while, nOVf or red , 15.00 Moil ond phone orders invirad. • Fashion Shoes. 8 "'·BROADWAY ANAi-BM "'2WPOtl H>lTNGTCN WOt 4" N. Eudd (714) SJS.t121 47 Fad-ion hbld (714}M4-1211 1m ~ 1wwut {7t4) 19l·llll ' ' . ' ' I ! I l I l l • \ I I I / Today's Final N.Y. Stocks " VOL. 67, NO. 105, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, C ALIFORNIA' MONDAY, APRIL 15, 19H c TEN CENTS Two Off ice rs Cleared • Ill Fatal Bar Shooting By TOM DAR L~"Y 0t ""' OMlr P119t Sti tt Tv10 off • duty poli cemen, separately tharged "'ilh murder and assault fotlollling a Tustin -barroom brawl that left a ~tarine Corps Captain dead and another patron wounded . v.·ere cleared of all charges today 'in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Byron K. f\fc~tillan opened the heiring scheduled v.•hen the trial of both men was declart'd a mistrial IO days ago by finding Gardtn Grnve patrolman Jerry Gray, 29, Innocent of charges of assault with a deadly 'A'eapoo. ThoSf: charges were filed on Jan. 5, 1973, when Gray was booktd for the \\"OOnd.ing Bachelor's ID bar patron Sam Campise, ~. •;bo v.•as shot In the cht:st during the tavern fracas. Police called to the Tustin bar charged Cypress police Sgt. Thomas Barotdi, 26. vtith murder v.'hen he "''as identified as the man v•ho shot and killed ?otarlne Decision T 011ight Corps Capt Randan Stev~ Robinette. 25. of Phoenii. Arli. A jury that had deliberated for four da}"s last April 5 had found Gray innoc@nt of the charges at the time it was called back to the courtroom. But the jury had not signed the \'erdlct form \\'hen the defendant's lawyers asked the prosecution to declare a mistrial in the case in the belier that lhe verdict was going against them . Judge l.1cf\tillan ruled today that ''it is Freeze in Mesa? By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of !Mo Dalt, .-!lilt lratt A proposed building and zoning freeze CDVering virtually all of dO\\'lltown Costa Mesa ~·ill be taken up tonight by the Costa l.fesa City Council. The free ze v;ould affect the entire redevelopment area for a period of 120 days. It is sought by Planning Director \\1illiam Dunn to eliminate zoning inconsist<>ncies between Costa fl1esa's redcvelopn1ent plan, !he general plan, and the zoning ordinance. lnWcations are that council members \\'ill enact Lhe freeze as an emergency measure. They telegraphed t he I r intentions two weeks ago when, sitting as directon of the city's Redevelopment Agency . they voted 4-0 in favor-of the moratorium. Tonight's action is considered a technicality because the city council and the redevelopment agency members are the same five people. Arnold F. Hamala. chier of advanced .Planning for the cily of Costa ~fesa . said 1he effect of the moratorium ·would be to Newpo1·t Reside1at Roge1· Welsh, Small-boat Sailor, Dies; Mass Today '. DEAD AT 41 Sailing Champion Welsh J\fass \\·as recited for Roger \\'elsh today at St. Jo.cMm'1 Catholic Church in c.osta P.fesa . ~fr. Welsh, one of Ne'A'J)Ort !!arbor's top national and international sailors, died Friday at his home. 1101 fl1arion Lane, Newport Beach. after a Jong illness. The 41-year..old i n s u r ance adjuster h ad recently completed law studies and was preparing for a legal career. He \\·as born in Uis Angeles and moved to Ne'l':port Beach with his family when he \\'as &ix years old. He has been active in the sailing and yachting activities most or his life. l.1r. \Velsh was an accomplished small boat sailor. lie was national champion in the lnternational-14 Class In 1968 and "'as several times \Vest Coast champion in the class. He moved inlo the international Soling Class when the boat was selected as an Olympic class and y,·as district champion in 1972. He ws a consistent winner in local and regional regattas. Mr. Welsh was re,$ponsible f o r introducing the famed Australian-18 dinghy to the U.S. and often said it was the mO!l exciting high performance (See WELSH, Page ZJ Banks Boost Prime Rate Over 10 Percent Barrier l\'E\V ''ORK fAP J -The prime lending rate broke through the JO percent barrier today as l\\o banks posted rates above the old re.cord. North Carolina Nalional Bank aanoonc('d il raised its prtme from 9~4 ptrcent 10 101 1 percent, effective last Frtday. 'VERY PLEASED' SAYS ADVERTISER It must have seemed like "home, sweet mo1or home" lo lots or Dally Pilot readers "'hen this ad appeared in the classified section: e SHARE WINNEBAGO e 0....TI 20 '\ int • fully equip. Use 10 "·eeks per r.ear. Con· sider only responsible party. Call {Phone No.) ~l·F 9-~. The advertiser ttported he \\'&s ''\'Cry pleased " and got ''lots or tt!pl)nses" pbl!, of course, finding • Winnebago pertne.r. Want to lry for response un your pllcb, whatever it Is? Just dial lhe direct Une to results, 842-5678. ' • The First National Bank of Chicago. the nation 's Joth largest commercial bank, set its prime rale al 10.10 percent. North Carolina Natlonal Bank is ranked 26m. It ~·as not immediately apparent ~·hcther other banks \\'OUld folio"· since the Federal Reserve Board verbally discouraged moves beyond 10 percent when such action seemed lmmine nt. The prime rate is the base lending rate banks charge largest c o r p or a t e customers. While it does not affect rnalJ business and consumer loans, the prime Is regarded as an indicator of the availability of money In general . When rte prime is high, tt means corporations must pa y more to borrow money. Tbls may tend to act to discourage borrowing, u 1 l I m a t e I Y resulting in a slo\\ing of the general txpansion or the economy, analysts say. fltany banks last wetk moYed prime rates up to 10 ptrcenl from 9~ perm'!!. First NaUonaJ's old pr:..1e rate was 9.80 percent. Economists have attributed the rtcent Up'A·ard lllOVH o( the prlme '° a combination or high corpor11te demand and action by the f'ederal Resenie Board to stem lnOatlon by tla:htening the nation'• money supply. halt an» zone changes or changes in land use, including the issuanct or building permits. He explained the action is necessary because ea ch one of the tt\rtt plan.s rocommends different land uses in the redevelopment art'a \\'hich is bounded roughly by 17th Strttt, Orange Avenue. 19th Street and the Nc"·port Freeway right-0f-~·ay . The mo r at o r i um would run concurrently 1vith a similar fr~ie on 590 acres surrounding tht' C-Osta ritcsa Civic (See FRE £ZE, Page %1 U.S. Pledg·es Assistance To 'Ha ve-nots' UNITED NATIO..~ (UPIJ -Secretary Or 1;'i; Henry A. lrissinger pledged the t:nited Sla tes today to a broad six-point progt.m; designed to erase incquali lle! bel\\'et>n the have and have.not nations. Kissinger offered the s w e e p i n g program to the special General Assembly on raw materials and the developing countries. "All too often ." he told the delegates of 135 countries in a cro\\'ded asse mbly hall. "international gatherings end \\' i th .speeches filed a1vay and resol u!ions passed and forgotten. \Ve must not let this happen to the problem 0 f development , .. "Let us transform the concr'pt of the world community from a slogan into an attitude. "In this spirit let us be the masters of our common fate so that history \\'ill record that this "'as the year that mankind at la st turned to its noblest and most humane challenge." Kissinger proposed: -An expanding energy supp ly at equitable ptb!s. -Stabilization of the cyrlc of surplus and shortage of raw materials. -Establishing a balance bel\\·een t(l(lc] production and population ~ro\11h . -A global economy !hat "'ill not permit the poorer countri('S \.o be "o\·er.1·he!med . ·• -flarnessing of sciC'nce a n d technology lo combat a global eronon1y of physical scan-ity. -Creation of a trade, monetary and inYestment sys tem sustaining industrial civilization and sl imulating its gro"1h. "A global economy requires an expanding supply of energy at an equitable price.'' Kissinger said. He said the t:nited States called the \\'ashington energy conference to resol\'e the oil crisis on the basis of cooperation of "alI" countries. He said the oil producers themselv es have recognized that energy demands of this decade cannot be met unless suppllcs arc expanded. The \\'Orld needs global conservation of energy and a "massive and cooperatl\'r effort" to develop new sources of conYentional fuels , he noted . River Talk Set By Me sa l\layor ~Tayor Robert P.f. Wilson ot Costa ~fesa wi ll present a statu& report on the Santa Ana Ri,..er Afarina at 7:30 a.m. Thursday when he. meets with Ole Citliens Harbor Atta Research Team fCllARTJ. The meeting, open to lhe public, Is ~hcduled for !ht community room at Glendale Federal Savlngs, eornu of Harbor Boulevard llnd Wilson Street. Af11Yor Wilson's briefing will c:oncyrn p~liminary planning for a marina adja- cmt to the Santa w rJvcr bluffs in the dtizs of Newpon Beach and Costa Mesa. ' only fair to Gray to find him innocent since that 11·as the intrntion of the. jury at the time "·c brought them ou t or the Jury TI>Ortl .•• Ten members o( the jury revealed after the mistrial was declnr:!d that they were in favor of a verdlC't of innocent for Baroid! "1th l\l'O other jurors unde(ided. Conunenting today that ""·e ~·ill never really know \\'hat happened in the ba r that night" Judge J\·tc:O.liUan round Baroldi innocent nfter l:l"·yrr~ for both sldt'S agreed lo let hirn rult• on !he issur. Chief l>t'puty Distru:t A !lorn(·~· Jiimf'i< Enrii;:ht unsuccessfully uri:;ed JudA<' ~lc~11\lan 10 at Irast find Hilroldi i:;uilt} of 1n1·oluntary manslaughter. "Ht> ~ho"·td bad judg1nr11t as a police officrr and he \\'IS hopelt'ssly drunk "'h/.on he shot Capt. Robinel!e." Enriflhl allci:,cd . "The~ ~·as nn e1·idrnre nf ,. struggle, In faC't the t"\'l dC'ncc 11•as all to \Vearing her Easter finery. Kerrie Koe hler. 2. or Cost a ATcsa. v:arms up her lungs during pre-Easter service 1is1 t to NCY.'porl !!arbor Lutheran ('h11 rt h. Kerrie 1\lenl to church on an errand with her dad prior to Sunday ser\'iCe and \•:hen she heard organist practicing. s he broke into song. Of course, it was a different tune than the organist was playing. but Kerrie thought il v.·as beautiful. ~~~~~~~~~~- New Sig11 01·cli11a11ce Set Fo1· Ne,vport Mercl1a11ts By. L. PETER !\RIEG 01 ,,_ 01ilr l"il~ 51111 A new ordinance clamping dt}wn on th e size and appearance of cQmmC"rcial signs "ill be unveill'd to Ne"·port Beach busin<>ssmen Tue!lday aft<>moon. The city's commlmity dC"\'elopml'nt dire<'tor. Richard V. Hogan. today de<'lincd to reveal the proposed curhs, saying he is afraid businessmen might be antagooized ir he isn 't able to personally expla in them . fie simila rlv refused to gi\e an adva nce copy Or the draft to officials rJf the Ne"1>0rt Harbor Chamber nf Commerce, "'ho \\'iii host the meeting in the ir office at 3:30 p.m. The Newport llarbor-Costa ~tesa Board of Realtors and the Ne.,,·port Beach Citizens En\' i r on 1n c n I n 1 Committee also ha\'e been invited to th e meeting. "I'm afraid they \\'Ould take a posi!ion on it before \\'e can explain it ," ffogan said. "I don 't \vant to antagonize them before they get started . "This Is only a draft. I don't v1ant to start a fight before we get to shov.· 11 to !hem,·• he sakt. The ordinance reportedly is patterned after the tough new sign controls adopted recently in Costa i\1~a. The Costa ~lesa ordinance is rtgardcd as tough and planning officials there sa} It "ill gl\le I heir city "a whole ne"'· look." Besidca: limiting the size of signs. the Costa ~1esa ordinllnce: also bans rooftop si gns and most pole signs. It also limits the amount of wording on signs. It al90 dttlares that existing signs that don't conform must be tom down and "'Pl•C<d. \\'hlle rcfu~inG to di$CUS!I the contents of the Newport Reach ordinance. Hogan insL11ted the draft he'll unveil "ii not • • I st:iff reCQn1mrnd~1tinn." ·'\\'c arc nnt m<Jk1ng a rf'ron1mcn<lo1t1nn." hr said . "Y.'e are ~roing lo \\'Ork with the commillef'S anrl gel input from them. \\'c \\'ant to f'incl oul 1'.h<il the people think. "\\'e "'a nt to "'Ork with the penple and then C<lmc hack 1\ilh a proposal." Hogan said. F ro111 Dro\r nin{T ' 0 ·Off P eninsu la T\l'O Fullerton children nearly drov.11ed tod.1y in thr ocean off thr Balbo~• Peninsula hut \\Cr<' saved by t\\'o p._1s.v.crsby "ilo heard their cries and came to the rescue. N<>Wport Beilch lifeguards reported today. Joe Schlater. 12. nod his hro!h "-· l\Cn1. 6, both of Fullerton. had ~dd,eJ their rubber raft aOOut 75 }ards into the v.•ater neoar thr Bay A\'e. and Jlllh Strect ~ach "hen the raft \\CIS \\'ashed out from under them. The t~·o l>oys , "ho 00 not koo111• how to S\\1m. clung 10 each ot~r and cried loud ly ffl r help. guards said. Th<'lr mother. ~!rs \\'llham Schloi.ter. ~ho al$0 cannol s"·lm, stood on the beach and yellt>d. C.os1a i\tcsa rtsident \\'il ham Bolton. 25. \\TIO wa5 vtslllng a friend nearby. Jumped Into thl• "'nler "1th his clothes on. Sunbather Hhonda Palmer. 22. of Santa Ana . al!liO 1wam lo the re5CUe. The tv.o bro1hcrs 'Atte rrtr1ered frightened bul unharmed. ' thr t>fff'rl th:il thf' <:;1p;1l111 ""s dt'libt'ra tf'ly !>hot in thr rhr~i llvf~·nst :iuom(ly ,l,11th1·11 Kur11irh ar~UL'<i th;1t ll.irold1 1\·as ~01ng to the aid of Cray at lhl• t111lr :ind that ltob1nc1t•· barred h111 \1,1~. "It \\':tS a nnrrn,1\ r(l:i1 t111n 1nr :i µolicr off1 ct'r .. " Kunh1·h said · Th1·r1' \.\::I.~ no 1nt1•1\I 10 kill t111d th1·r1· 11 .• ~ 1111 1'\ 1dt·n1·<' in the 1r1;1! 1h11\ 11uuld rl',1!1\ ~up\)(lrl that th1.'0ry ·• Ai·tille1·y, Tru1ks Cla s11 111 Midea st B}' TM Assoclatf'd Prt'!'S Sy ria and lsr<iel trad1'<1 artLlt(lry :ind t:ink fire on the liolnn 111·1,c:hli:; 11,1r front today aftt'r a \\f•f'kt'nd uf thl' hardest fighting since lhl' O<·tnbt'r 11ar ,\h~an\\·hilc. 1o;gyp11a n sourrr-. !'aid IO· d:1y that &crc!:iry of Sl:'lle llt·nrv /\ 1\1-;. sing<'r \.\'111 !ravel to C<11ro :i~ !ht> first .'<lop oo his t•ffoM to arrani.:r a 1nil11;1ry ~·n l1·m<'nl .. 1·!v.t'{'n fi:;rncl ;11d Syria. 1'hty !':lid ltll' ln p 11·;1, :err.tlll!:t'<I bc- 111·(-"('n l\1s.~i ng11r :111rl Eg~1>11an l'nn·iitn ;\l1111s1er l!>mll1I F:1hmv. b or h .ii !he l'nilt'<I J\'aULtn." for a ;p•·tin l ~1·~:;11>11 of th~· (;t'ncr:i l A$St•rnblv. In addition to Eg};pl. l\1i:;s1nl'.(rr is tx· pectcd to add KU\.\':tit lo !11s sctl'!'d ul1•, "'hirh a!rf':idy includes Israe l and S} r1n J\1!''iing1•r told reporters the lnp \\OU!d bc~in "in about l\\O 11~k.<;." Dam,1SC'us radio said Svri:i's d1·frn~ mini.ster, ~laj. G£'n. ~1ust;lfa Tias. m<1dc a quirk trip to th(' '·fnr1\.'.lrd eon11nand headquarters of Syr ian fnrrrs on ~lt. Hermon ." This "·a.s 1h~ first nrfi1·111t !'i\'rian r<'ference to su1·h a cornrnand since 1he Ot·tober v.•ar. The T<'l /\\ 1v romn1:1nd s.:11d l'lrf('llSt> 'linistcr ~1nsh(' Oa \';1n a!'n lflu rrd l ~rncli l)OSitions Oil the c;nlnn fron t, 11nd that. a Syrian artil ll'ry h:irr;i~e t'ru p!C'd at the ti111e. It Silid lla\an \1 as unhurl. hul that l\.\O Israeli soldi(·rs "'ere "·nundcd . The command said shrlHni:: resumed this morning along the norlhcm sector or the JOO.square-mile hulgc raptured hy Israel during thr Ottobcr fighting. The command also announct'd the appoinl111ent of P.rig. C1•n, Fl aftlrl Eytan. ~1ho ll'd l.srael 's lhrust illlt} Syria in October. lo co111mand Jsraf'l's northern front "'ith both s.vria and Lrbanon. F.ytan, \\ho v.as promoted lo major general. ta kes OVf•r from Lt. (;<'n. ~lordechai C.ur, "ho "·as prornolcd to chie f of staff. Israeli fighter-bombers Sunday altacked S~ rian forces on ~It. llern111n and the Golan lleighl!i \\'hilc ~In\\' them the armies or th e l\\'O rou;it ril's battled fil·recly "·ith tanks and artillc·ry. The Israeli m1ht;1ry conunand said 1111 its planes tC'!u rn t'<l !'afrly Sund ay. denying a Syrian c•la1m 1h,1t four wrr<• dO\\'ncd . Syria also clai1n1i l 511 Israeli ground troops v.crl· k11lt"<I or 11nundcd, but Israel sard only 17 ""rC' \1riundr-d . Syria said 15 nr 1ts !.t1ld11·r!i \\l'rc kill('(! and JO "ere \.\Oundrd . Isra el said a Syria n co1nn1:1n1ln unit made :.nOther allc1npt to r:ipturt> an lsral'li nbscrva tinn po~t :11 !h(' nnr!hrrn end of 9 000.foot 'lt. llrrnirin , "lur h h.1" :in unrrstrk:ted \ic1~· for JOii n11lrs and n1rirc into S~ rra Tht' !;~rian~ ha1e Iv-en tr~ini;: to c·a pturc lhe posl s1nCC' April 11. J<;r;irl said the commandos y,·ere disto,crcd at da\vn Sunda~·. anrl the lsraeli.s :ii the po!it c·11untcraltackcd. Syrian artillery lll>t'ned · up to gi1·e the com man1los ('f)I er and the !See .\llDEAST, Pa,itt' :?! Orange Coast Weather i\ cooling off pcrloo 1~ fon·< ;1~t for Tuesday v. 1th trmprrti111rt ~ tilORR the CQ,1~\ d1ppini;! U'Hll lh1' ln11 - t>r iOs after th(' morning for chill\ !he air. INS I llE "l"ODA Y Sru1 f'rm1e1sro J)'•lu:t /,1,111ch ~rnrch f()r block "'G11 11 l1n ~J,,,, tk:o 11;lu1e l11tchh 1k111g yourfit 11i u11pro1•oke.f nttnck HI "(J(lf'rf1· 1101t Zebra '' .flt1/e. Storu f'oye $. ......... " AMI l1"4t•1 .. l. M , •• ,. " ,,.., ..... "" C:al~n1•1 ' lhh ... 11 N,w1 • c:i.ullJt.oll U·JI 0••"'' c:....,.r, • ttmlCl " , ..... 1,·U c: ... , ..... " ''fl~i. llt•lff " 0..•111 ""'('' • , ...... lt-11 E•tar1a1 ,,.,.. • Sl9C~ ~•tth 1t·ll li~l<tf11lft-I ,..,, tl .. Tll-" "lfta!Kt , .... T~Nlffl lt·lf lier~ iltKo•• " WNl!lt~ • Htrft(.,. " Warlf Nrw1 • I' • • ;! DAIL V PILOT c TONIGHT COSTA MESA CITY COUNCii. - 1 Regul ar metling , City llall, 6:30 p.m. UC! J,ECTUltES "Realdentla l Income Property." Roo1n JOO Social Science 111111, 7 p.rn. · · Us l n g Transactional Analysi s in Everyday Life," Room 178 Humanities llnU, 1 p.m. TUESDAY. APRIL II Y~ICA SIC.~L:P -Pre·summer swim lessons for klnd<>rgarti.:n and pre·schoo\ children. 2300 Uni\'ersi•y Drive, 9 li.nl . -3 p.m. April 15-19, 9 a.m.·3 p.n1 . SENIOR CITIZENS CL UB Community Re<:reation Center, 11 a.m .• 3 p.m. NE\\'PORT-~1ESA SCHOOL BOARD - Regular meeting. Costa Mesa City C'.ooncil chambers, 7:30 p.m. "BEHI ND TJIE ILEADl.INES" -Dr. Giles T. Brown lecturer, OCC Forum. ]'00 p.m. UC! LECTURES -"~1enta 1 1 y Retarded-Thei r Tr ea l men t and Training,·• f\-1u1 ti p urp os e Roo1n . Rchabllitation Bldg., Fairviev: State H06pltat, 7 p.n1. ··.\tanngemcnt Over\·ie\V for Women," Room JOO, Humanities Hall . 7 p.m. Cdl\i High Given Education Gr a nt For $125,921 Corona del !\tar Jligh School has be(>n awarded an Elementary and Secondary Education Act grant of $125.921. The funds are for the development of a model library media center within the hlgh school's present library facilities. According to school librarian Zatha Tallman, both books and med I.a ma~rtals such as ta~. fUmstripe and records will be chosen to fit into the srhool's gool of developing individualized instruction. Among the objectives for which materials will be selected are to improve reading skills, to provide current career information, and ·to update history to f include more about modem times. l Students and parents are invited to help in se1ecting media materials. ~ Sample materials p r o v i d e d by 1 manufacturer! will be on dlsplay at the , . • library from Thursday until ?.1ay 15. I;Jbrary hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. dltly. Anyone Interested in Working with faculty and students in s e I e ct I n g materials CM visit the libraty or call fllrs. Tallman it '"6l4-lOIXI. ' ' . ' . ' ' I Harbor .School Orientation Set An in!onnation night for parent5 of juniors and Rftiors at Newport Harbor High School will be held at 7 p.m. Tueaday in lhe school ' auditoriwn, 800 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. 'Mle PTA aDd the school faculty have gathered lnformatloo on s u b j e c t s inchxling al~matives for students not going to oollege, high school graduation requiremenU and college e n t r a n c e requirements, college e n t r a n c e eumiNtiON, scholarships and careers. Further infonnation about the meeting i1 .available J>r callinl; Tom Y.'ilson, Assistant Principal in C u r r i c u l u m Planning and Research, at 548-1121. l\ewport Bay Hiistory Lecture Se t Tuesday Ellen K. Lee, authm' of "Newport Bay, A Pioneer Hi.story." wnl addreM the Women's Civic League of NeWl"Ort Harbor Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at Mariners Library in Newport. Beach. ?\1rs. U:!t!! will speak on the topic "Tht History of the Orange O>unty Coastline." The public is invited. 014WMCO.t.ST '" DAILY PILOT , •• C.•'"l• eo..• o..•, r .. , ""'~.... ~ .. t~• ' • .., ·~· ....... ,. ...... "'""''....,.., .... Cl<• ..... ...... ~ ,. .... ''""' .._,., ,.,,...,. ..... ~ ....... 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"&-:,. ;.. ••• ~,Ao,, .. , • ..:: i • '*"" Offic::tt N••...-... t.• \).)1....,•u··~ •·"1 ·tOo•'o~•..:• ,., ........ . ....... ...., ............. !18"9"···'>~···-­,. ·-'llt1..)11.1-1.·, 11D •uo l""ill""I"' •• ,. o ..-C-t "'*""""' c-.. ~,,...,,..,..,.,or __ -.!_,.!_,.._ OI' ..,...,,"'°'*"'1 ....... ,.,., ot -<AM -....C••'*-"'.,,.,.,..""- ~e!t•ll9t!llO"~· Q>ol•"-c>i • ..,.. ,.. ~ ...... -•lOO~._,..., 1•w"""""~, "'""""'(ltl'"""'"""'•;io,:i-..r. • Bank Papers For 'Clues' WASHJNCTON !UPI) -The Senate \\1atergate Committee Is searching bank records to check the serial numbers on SUll> bills of President Nixon's secretary, Rose 111ary }Voods, and his brothers r. Donald of Ne",,ort Jkach and Edward, In hopes of unraveling the mystery of the $100,000 lfoward lfughcs connection. High committee sources have disclosed that 11flss Woods' financial ~1 were being ei:amined 1o detumine U she received any of the controversial SI00,000 campaign contribution given C. G. "Bebe" Reboro by Hughe&. New!Week 11Jaga.zlne reported that Senate Watergate lnvesu1aton "had bellUll ~fling through --and matching serial numbers of SIOO bills to trace Rebo1.0's handling of the mooey:" The magazine quoted one source as i;aying, "It takes just one bill issued after August, 1970 to break the whole st-Ory down." ~ Newswtek·sa.ld the probe was launched after Nixon's former attorney, Herbert W. Kalmbach of Newport Beach, to Id Watergate investigators that Rebor.o had allegedly given some or the "contribution" to h1iss Woods, both of Nixon's brothers and others. If the contribution, which never found its way to Nixon's re-electkln committee, wu used as a presidential 1lush fund, a violation of campaign. spendlng laws, It could 1. added to a btll of lm}eechment against Nixon. · Rebo:zo, Nlron'a best friend, testified that he kept the $100 bills in a safe deposit boi: and returned them to Hughes untouched three years later. Ni xon to .~ai( State Return SACRAMEN T O (AP) President Nixon's 1973 state Income tax return, the fint he has filed in 10 years in Callfomla, wUI be mailed before tonl&ht'a mldnlibt deadline, his attorney said today. Mxon owes no state tax for 1973 beca111e his California deduction.J total more than his Cali!omia- 90W'Ce Income for the year, said the attorney, Dean Butler of Los Angeles. Butler Is signing the return on tbe Pre1ident's behalf, he aaid. lihder pawtr rJ. attorney aranted to him. ,, Frnitt Pqe J FREEZE ... Ctnter. That freeze was enacted to develop long-range plans for the Civic Ctnt.er District, an area which includes the Orange County Fairgrounds, CM;ta Mesa High School, Ora.Jlge Coast College, and Southern Callfomla College. Members or the councU have been asked to lift lbe freeze on property owned by Southern California Colltre to allow construclkln of a cl1ssroom and administration building. They will rule on the eollege'1 request tonight 2 Mesa Citizens Will Be H onored At 0 1amber F ete 1'vo leading Harbor Area citizens ""''ill bt named "fan and Woman of the Year for l!n4 on April 25 by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. The winners wUI be made public durlhg a luncheon scheduled for noon at the Holiday Inn, Slll Bristol St. Tickets , priced at $5, may be reserved th.rough the Chamber of Commerce, 646-0536. Previous ay.·ard \\'inner! include ~1rs. !\farian ~rgeson. board member of the Jl>e.,. .. port·A1esa Unified School DisEr1cl; Betty Liiiy. ch•lc lead er: Dr. \\'llliam B. Cunningham, fom1er superintendent ar sc hools: ~trs.-Lucille Pinkley, n1ember of the Costa ~le!lll Hl!torical Society; Dr . Robert !\toore. Or11:nge Coa5t C(lllege president: !\trs. Peggy Re I nert , businesswoman: Robert Wttd . publisher -0f the Daily Pilot, and Dorise Je.sko and Gertrude Pearce, Cosla l.1esa librarians . Tra nsit Infonna lion Center Set Sa turday An Orange County Tra:nalt District infonnallon centtr wtll pro"1de bus schedule1 and bu!!: route m1ps from 10 11.m. lo 2 p.m. S.turday 1t )'~ashiori Island. ocrp representatives will be 1\•altabie to lllSlftr quutkq 1t the Otl'Mr. whicll will be aet up near PeMty's. 30 Flee Hotel Fire OAKl..AND (UPI) -!lames ra11d through a 98-Y<•r-old VlctorW>ttyle hotel Jn dowfttown Sunday, causing an estimated P&0,000 damage ind rorcing 30 gue111tJ to flee. It took 100 firemen Ul1ng 21 pieces or equl"11ffll more than an hour t.o hrtng ttlc predDwn Re:x llotcl blaze under C'Or'ltrol. • Riding Herd on S(lssy Rick Mort, assistant manager of Costa t..·lesa·s Security Pacific Bank, helps Renie Fick show off her ~pound Hereford. 11Sassy0 was raised by Miss Fick, a Costa M_esa High School junior, in Future Farmers of America program. She will be atnong 73 Orange County Future Farmers to be honored by the bank Tuesday njght in Anaheim. Bathers, Boaters Tl1rong To Newpo1~t O v~1· Easte1· A mild and sunny Easter weekend brought LJout 140.000 people I> Newport Beach and about 3,000 boats out in Newport Harbor, Air temperatures averaged around 62 degrees at the beach and water temperatures stayed at about 56 degrees an weekend. Surfing continued poor, with wave! two to three feet. according to Newport Beach lifeguards. '\\'hen Riverside County students will on spring vacation hut Orange County stud ents "'ill be back in school. This \1·eekcnd also marked t he completion of an in1<'nsive six-day training session conducted by the ~larine Safety Dcparlment for 2~ prospective new lifeguards. The trainee s, who range in age from 16 to 24 )'ears old, helped adminis1rr first 31d and <.'OOduc t rescues. -'T9119her i n F t1t ure' ~Timidity' Hit In Hearst Case SAN FRANCISCO ( U PI J Califomln·s attorney general said t~y law enforCt"ment officials have been "timid" In the Hearst kldnapln11. case and lh8t vigorola actions would be. take n in future poli1ical kidnapings. Atlomey General Evelle J. Younge r said any future ''i;iiveaway" progrants involvinc food or ot.ner commoctities ""'ould be treated u extortk>n and prosecuted. He also said that the media bid been MARKED MAN BRANDS SLA 'PUNKS', Story P•t • 5 "used In the case and that all authorities involved made mistakes. "We ha\•e not handled il properly." Younger SBid. ''Our only excuse is that it had never happened brfore. \Ve did nol know how to deal with a political kidnaping. "\Ve ""''ill try to make it wiprofil!lble in the fu ture lo carry out any sort ..iC political kidnap. A smaJI band o[ Cou rt to Strul v ., Pair S uspended Over Puncli Bowl IVASmNGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Coyrt 1grttd today to coosider whether the rlghlj of t\\'O Arkansas teen-,.. agers were violated '\\'hen they were suspended from school after spiking a punch bowl at a home economics party. Two petitionen, ~fena High School principal Duddy Waller and the ~1ena School District, contend the issue touches upon the jurisdiction of federaJ courts to intervene In the day-to-day operations of the public ~chool systems in the nation. They seek lo O\'ertum a ruling by the Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit \.lth ich callt'd tht. suspension invalid . The Court of Appeals said there was no proo f that lbe alcoholic beverages dwn ped into the punch bowl were intoxicating. The two teen-ager!, Peggy Sticldand and Virginia Grain. admitted to the school principal in a pri\·ate meeting in his office on Feb. 18. 1972 that 1hey participated in spiking the punch during a party held a few da}'J earlier. terrori11L~ !hould not be ello"·ed to dle1ate \\·elfa re µollcy."' Younger soiLd hf hhnself had been lim1d in the e:.iSt· :ind hod not spoken out beforP for frHr ··1 \\'OUld do somrthing to get ~li.ss Hearst kincd." Askt'd if he thought the kidnap vict in1 ,,.,a!i dead or why he "·as OO\\' n1ak1ng the st<itement, \'ounf!_er said: ··1 thin k the mom~nt of truth h11s lon~ si nce pas~. I don'l think they 're still trying ta decide whal to do "''ilh her." \'ounger s<tid the press and other media had been ··used" in the kidnap because •·you were focced to adopt their terminology. You know that the Symbionese LlberatM>n Army has nothing to do "·Ith liberation and it Is not an army -it is a small band of vlciow: criminals." Younger said the SLA was smal l but they are 0'dett'nnined , dangerous. violent and far from stupid .'' * * -tr 'S LA' Men1 hcrs Rob Ba y I\rea Bank, Wound 2 SAN FRA:lCISCO IAP J -A band of heavilf armed commandol'I who said they '\o\"Cre members of the terrorist Symhionese Uberation Army robbed a bank today and seriou!lly wounded t\\·o passers-by, a bank security official said. "The people came In and said they "'ere members of !he SLA," said fUbemia Bank security officer Vincent Greely. "They told people to He on the floor and then they ""''ent lo the tellers' cages and took the money . . . They were in and out Yi1thin t\\·o minutes." Greely said !he l\\'O white "·omen , one black man and one white man escaped \\'ith $692.51. He said the robbery wl.!I photographed by two security ca meras in !he bank . He said FBI agents had taken the film and were processing it. Police Sgt. Jim Glafkides said the band entered the bank at 23rd and Noriega at 9:50 a.m. He said they \\'ere armed \\'ilh pistols and Army carbines. "They .,~•ere higtlly dlsdplined and operated with hand and verbal signals "'·hile in the bank." he said. . . · An Orange County Harbor P8 trol spokesman reported busy traffic of up to 1.500 boall a day in Newport Harbor as boats .de.parted for and retume<i Jrom weekenils at eai.11oa hlllld. • N o aceldents were reported. •• • , . ' , ... ,. ' Lifeguards said there were 13 routine rescues during the weekend, v.·ith no aerious incidents. A spokesman said that smaller crowds are expected on 1he beaches this week, .From Page 1 MIDE1\ST ... Israelis rtt.alialed ""''ith artillery and fighter-bomber>. The Israelis said the commandos '\o\'Cre "destroyed,'. and 12 Syrian bodies "·ere found. But lall'r in the day. tanks and artillery dueled the length of the 40-mile front across the Golan Height s. ond lsrae\i planes attacked the S)Ti:ln positions for four hours during the af ternoon. lhe Israeli command said. l\teanwhile, the U.N. Security Council was to be called •into session this afternoon to discuss the Israeli raid on six Lebanese villages Friday night. The raid '\\'as in retaliation for an Arab guerrilla attack from Lebanon Thursday on the Israeli village ol Qiryat Shmonah in which 18 Israelis and t h e three guerrillas died. Lebanon reported to the council that "two Lebanese ci\'i\lans were killed and others "·ounded . 13 Lebanese ch•llians "'ere kidnaped and 31 houses destroyed'' in the Israeli raid. The counr U \\·as expected to adopt a resolution later in lhe "'·l'ek condemning Israel , and Israel '\\'as expected to lanore ii. f'rom .t'age J WELSH ... dinghy he had <'\'Cr sailed. lie was American champion in the class and · 1aUed in three world championships in Au!ltralia and New ~aland. In one world championship regatta he was scoring well ahead of the fltet until his boat broke down. He still finished high ln the fieel lte was also Newport Harbor neet champion in the Lehman·l2 clus lD 19G9. 9 Fir11.1s Sign Pact WASIDNGTON IAP ) -Nine major 1terel firms siped an agreement today llrith the federal government to pe.y $31 million In back wages as pa.rt o( an lndustr)'Wldt plan for ending racial and lid dlalmlnation in employrQent. The volll.Dt&rY agreement with t~ Departments of 1.abor and Juatfct and lhe Equal Emp(oym<nt Opportunltl,. Comml11lon ~ ·tho largest back-pay dliterimlnation settlement 10 date. • LIFE STRIPE'S ... OPEN -WEAVE Spend the summer in "Borcebno:· Ir 's 1he woyen-loo sondol ~n o cork ~dge wittr o crepe wal king sole. Soh a nd ooen end-oh. so comfortable. • Camel. w1i;1e. navy or red. 15 ,00 Mo il end phone orden Invited. fo•hion Shoe" 8 WEDGIE . ' ..,,.BROADWAY ·:;~~~ : '• \_ I ~ ' ., ( t ' J U,.,il.. J.J,.O f * .la•t • Floods Rampage Through Mississippi ' ""·. '\"\ I wlda Tom arphine • '"t~, .. This and That On the Coast BWE 1tf0NDAYS DEP'f'.. -So the F.aster bunny ha! come and gooe. T don't know what he did around your place. but my kk!! got gifted with enough cavity· prone goodies lo sel back the American Dental A!sociatlon 20 years. Your1 too, huh~ Here aloug the Orange Coast. \\'l' seemed to escape the spring \'acation madness -.i th reasonable comfort. Lots of day visitors. lots of Jraffic but fe\\' screeching tires into the ni11:ht as of yesteryear. Oh. !here ~·ere a fe~· notes in the nev.·s or maybe not quite in the neYt'S as the spring season got into full swing. Like these : IN LAGUNA BEACll. n I g h ts po t rounders spotted California Senator J ohn V. Tunney. the Democrat I r o m Riverside, in casual ~ as he eased around the Refried Bean d&nee noor "·ith a Sweet Young Thing. Easter Jlessage Pope Paul \'I blesses cro\rd of tourists and faithful \\·orld lronl main balcony of St . l1eter·s Basilica. lie as he prepares to read his Easter message to the lashed out at ·fa lse gospel ' of lledonism. ~~~-'---'--~~~~~~--~~~-"'--~~~~~~~~--~~~~ Well, at least they s~·ore it was Senator John. Meanwhile in Nev•port Beach. it v.•as more like Easter Weeks past for \1oluble waterfront savant and boatyard owner Anene "Blackie'' Cadarian. ?\fi!K'Teanls of the night did in his famed tugboat . the Official. Broke out a wlndo\\' and me!Std her up. Took his boatyilrd bicyC"le and tosaed it In the drink . Cri111e U11reported Gadarlan is currently ..,,. a r n in g Newport keepers-of-the-peace I h a t hi! may return to the Law of the Old West. A TIP OF THE HAT to Connie K. for spotting this one dov.n 1'.tission Viejo way. Offering for Easter Week at the Edwards Misslm Cinema m t h e marquee sign was, ' ' L i c e in Wmderland.'~ Some sign putt.e r·upper Jost his A on that one. Meanwhile down In San Clemente. folk s of the Spanish Village surely will be relieved. to Jeam that President Nixon's \\'ASHl~GTO'.\I (AP) -As many as half of the cr in1es in lh<' nat ion 's fl\"(' big~est cities arc not being rt"portOO , accord ing to a new go\·f'mnwnt survr~·. And Donald E. San t a r a 11 i . administrator of the La\1' Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEA.\ 1. sa~·s the disclosure carries "a strong mcssag<' of public apathy to\\'ard .. crifr\inal justice institutions bordering on contempt.·· According to the sur.·ey. released Sunda)'. the crime rate is fi\'e times as high as police recotds show i n Philadelphia . nearly three times as high in Cbicago. Detroit and Loo Angel~. and a little more than tVt;ce as high in l'\ev.• York. pad ll-'8S assessed properly. So ruled o;TIIE CRl~fE SURVEY re s u l I s Superior Judge fo.iark Soden, despite the dtmonstratc that In an astoundln~ best efforts of Santa Ana F'lrst DiStrict·· ~bcr of instances Americans simply Supervisor Bobb)' Battin. Now maybe dG not think it is \\'Orth\\'hi!e to report to 11.·as a personal matter. i1 was too 1nC'onvenient o~ they \\('re afraid of reprisal. The figurrs 11.·ere about the samf' for these 1rho did not report household burglaries or larcenies. For all ri\'c cities. lhl' rrport :o:iid. !here v.'i'IS a to!al of 3 I million rrin1e-. rornmlUed in 1972. By comparison FBI st o t 1st i c s . compiled from local police a~cllCirs. listed I. I mll!1on criml'.'!I In the cit1c~ According to the study. 68 of e\·c r~ 1.000 !Je.troit resid~ti; are likely to bl' victims of serious CTi1nc. IT SAID THE rate..<; \\'f're 63 per l.!YIO for Philadelphia. 56 per 1.000 for Chic agn. $.1 per 1.000 for Los Anf:elcs and :l6 per 1.000 for i'.'ew York . Attaeks Legal Los Anl!f'!CS Police 01irf Ed lJa \'1:; say5 he d15putf's the sur\·i:y. "lfi~torica !ly. this city has h:id a J!oocl rrpor!Lni; ~y~lrrn ." l>a\·1~ 5a1d in a st<it<"ment Sunday. "Cnn1Cll in thr cat('~nry of \·inlf'nt felonies Stk"h as 1nurd»r roh!X'r\. bus111e,._.; afl(J rl'stdt•nti:il b11r~l<iry. ;U'c rcror:cd \I Jthout f<i1lu rt".'. Dil\'i;:; said . "Thi;:; i;:; tr11C' bC"e:iu~e 1he ri!11C11" nf l.n;:; .\nJ!··lt·~ h01 vt' rnoui.:h confulrn~'f' in our rC'portin~ s~s\P1n th;1t th4 '~· do .1 prel!y i;:11od J\Jb of r1·por11ng <ill cr1n1C's ... hr "did Th!' 1·h11'f c;;i1d th:n L.o~ .r\n:,:c!C$ police ni",C'r 1nl$~ R ~!';!en rar, fo r example. "\o person 1s ~0111g to knowingly !ct !>fin1£•bod,\· f'lsr dri\'C' around in a !'IOll'n e:ir 1f it's r1·g1~1crcd !,) the \'1ctir11." J};J~IS Said that one 's laid to rest. ~Uc authorilies that the)' ha\'e been the •ktim-of criminal act.s,'" !aid Santarelli. El..SO'HERE DURING the spring recess. As,,emblyman John V. Briggs, the Republican from F u 11 e r t o n . an nounced a plan for a stateu•ide study to stop horse thieves. You didn 't figurt horse lhicves "·ere a problem any more, did you? Well. Briggs say! they are. Besides, people don 't take the precautions ~ith !heir horses like they used to in the old days by having them branded. Also. it isn't considered proper to shoot or hang horse thieves anymore. 'MM! sun·cy v.·as conducted by thl' LEAA and the Census Bureau as part of a $10 mlllion-a·yeJr project lo measure crime. An earlier study indicated that crime is Iv.ice as high as reix>rted in Atlanta. Baltimore. Cleveland . Dalla!>. Ne\\·ark , St. Louis. Denver and Portland. Ore. Supreme Court Backs Bombing of Canibodia Don ·1 tell that. ho\\·ever. to the ararem('Tltion~ Blackie G11.darian if he catches the little snips \\'hO busted up hi s tu11:boat. Anyway, Assemblyman Briggs flgurrs a state\\ide licensing program may be the an!Vt·ers to making nags safe from horse thleve.s of the 1970s. NOW ALL HE has to do is figure out where to hang the license plate on the hor ... Mean~ilile in our region, it \\'as annow'lced that \\1? have an All Amerira City in our midst-the only one selected in all of CaliforniA . lt is La Habra. 1 just don't kno\..-what to say. Finally, to round out your day, here was a four-column banner type headline from one of our Orange County newspapers: "We May ~ot Be Alone In the Universe." Just something for you to think about on a Blue ltlonday. The lat.est study invol\"ed th c qutstioning of person!> in about 25.000 households and 10.001 businesses in the five cities during 1973. Those quC6lioned \\"ere askl'd v.ilether they had been raped . robbed, burglarlied or J.Maulted durini; 1972 and if so. whether they had reix>rted the crime to police. OF TIIOSE WltO did not report cr ime on thei r person 34 percent said it ~·a c; because or lack of proof or they felt nothing could be done. T\venty-cight percent did oot consider the crin1c im portant enough to report and others said they did not Vt'ant to be OOthered , It Pres iclcnt to Speak \VASlttNGTO'.i IUPil -?resident ~iXQn is expected to speak Saturday in Atlanta at a special session of the OrganiiaUon of American States (OAS ). di plomatic and ·Official sources .sakl today. 'i"'hile in Atlanta. !'\iron may address the aMual meeting of the: American Society ol Ne\\·spaper editors 9.1tiCh also \\ill be etting there. t be sources said. \\1ASml\"GTO~ -The Supreme Court \l!t stand torlay a \o\\·er court rulinJ! that Presidl'flt Nixon's decision to order bombing of CJmbodia in the sprini:t and summer of 1973 \'tBS legal. The court. in a brief order. rcfu_!:l'd In rcvie\A' the ruling by the 2nd Circu11 Court or Appeals in ~el\" York. The 2nrl Circuit had 01·crt urned a d('('ision l:i~ Jul:-by L.S. District Judge Orrin C~. Judd that b o n1 b i n g 11a!( ;111 unconstitu!ional exercise of presidential po\1'Cr. The original suit \\·as brought bv Rep Elizabeth Holtzman t [).~. Y.1. and fw r Air Force officers. e 1\'l9e~ Rein• Se l:-ed BA~IAKO. Mali -Rad io reports heard here today said that military force' had taken ove r the go,·ernmen l in Niger. The reports from l\'iamey radio said Lt. Cot Seyni Kountie. chief of staff of the l"'iger armed forces. had taken pov•er. Niger ha! been one of the most stable of the former French colonies in Africa. Since its accession to independence in Strong Winds Whip Ohio Sev erul Persons Injured; Trailers Darna ge d ' ,'I 1960. Prrsid('nt Jh11nan1 01ori h:is been lhe on]\' chief of st;o te. e 1\·n•·11 Killer• ll1i ntf'd ~IA~ILA -One lhousnnd Philippine rons!abulary ! nntional po'ire t troo!>(!rs sprC'ad out f'J\'('r iung!erl ~It. \a!ih. 10 milrs sourh,..ast of the r S. ~a\·\· Bas,.. :it Subic Bay tod.1y. searching for the killrr • (,,__IN_S_H_O_R_T._ .. _) r,f lhree American na\'\' nffi rers. The thrCI' officer.!! ....:. Capt Thnm:i~ J i\fitchell of Philadelphia. Cmdr. Leland R. Dobler of Lon~ Beach ;..11:-.s., amf I.I Charles II. Jeffries IL of \'irginia Rearh, Va . -\1·ere shot and ki lled frorn ambush on Saturday. e li .S. ,\idP. lmprure • CORDOBA. Argentina f.)OC!nrs declared t:.S. Information St'rviC'f' chif'f Alfred L1un Ill "out of da nger" toda\· more than 72 hours after ;\farx ist guerrillas shot him in the stomac:h. kidnaped him and abandoned him "He has pull~ throu11h the critical 4R· hl'lur pt'rilld .ind is nn11· rrcnvl'rin~. Complirations m11v s!il! crin1f' up. but 11·e b<>ticvc he 11·111 be all rii:ht. •· :l chn1c: spokesman s.:iid. e St•ln••le .\·nmf's Kin .o\!)01 1\ ABAR.·\. E!hiopi:i -Emp<>rnr Haile Selas.cll! h.'ls named his 22·\·e.i r-nld grandson. Prince Zarc·\'akob. 5eennd 1n the llnr of succession to thr F.!hiopian throne. The prince also \\'as designated ar!lni::: cro\\n prince in the absence of Crov.·n Prince Asfa "'os!lf.'n. \1'ho i~ re<'llperArlni:: in Sv.·itze rlnnd aft er a ;:;troke. The cro.,.,11 prince Is 57. DAILTr1LOT DELIVERY SERVICE [l... _, ~· '"~ J-, I Pl.,. • . ""•· J ,,. .. ~.,,.,.~, t••W '•~··••,...,,.-~, \l• r• t.,..,....,,. .. ~•••t""t-<-.,..,-•,;.«). t.o ' n1 .. ...,.,...~,t(lr"' s.-.,~•r•"<'l 'l<~. ,.,..,..,., •... _ .... ,.,..,.r. ••••• ......... , 'Y fl ~ s. ••••• •C":• f>''>r,H'''"" C.•\• .. ···--,-. " ... s.r-c:i..-o. c.o.,.....,, .. ~ ~Hf#O~P<"·-~ ~L ....... , .. ~ ..,.,,. Seve 1i Die, Tl1ousc111d s Evcicziated F1·on1 Ho111es llATTl F.~At'Rf:. ~II.!!. tl'PI • St\'eral thousnnd persons V."f:fe £'\"llli..iAle d froni tht•i r hon1ts in central and rouih ~hut!(~1pp1 1oday 11rs Oood v.· a t t r ran1paged lhroui;h th<-stt1te afttr thrr.. d11ys of hea\1· rain. At lea$! sc\·f'n persons v.·tre killed . CrO\'. Rill \\'nlltr acti\·atl'd 1hr ~ation:'l1 (iuttrd to help in 1hre e\'aC'IJalion of residents. ~!any persons. their esra\lC' route blocktd by the rising \\aler. v.·cr1• rcrno\'ed by helicopter. Authorities said morc ltlan J.000 persons \\'t're e\'acunted in the Petal area and pol'1 ions of nonh JlattiC'Slxirg Swld...1\' night and early today as !))(' r:imp:ig1nf! iA'Jf Rh·er pushed to nlDrc than 11 fct't :ibo\'C nood st.agr TllE LEAF A\'D 80\\'lf. tl\'ers \rert t:<pcctcd to crest tod:iy "'irh the Lea r :il rr:idy ha\'ini;: surpas.scd Ult' record high crest r('cordcd dur1n~ no.'ld lnR in 19fil. Thr('(' youths drov.11ed bf'fore da \111 ~undny v.·hcn their car plun~C'd off a roa1J into a rlood!Xi CTCf'k nonn of ~IC'Con1b Th('y were idrnlifi('rl a.~ Johnnie ~: Roll ins. 21. F..ddie \\'c l!.~. 18. and Ocnni~ Lee Bond.~. If>. Authorities blnmcd fou r drov.ning5 !)atun:lay oo the floodinJ:. v.h1ch bega n ilft('r hell\')' rain drenched the-('('ntr:i ! and southem portions of 1hc state frida y and Sa turday. The :\ntional \l.'t'at~ Ser.ice s.1id ra in ~·as conti nuing In port ions of south and routhcast 1'.tiss1ssippi during t h l' morning. A .\1AIS STREET in tho:! IO\\·-lyin~ nort'tx'm section of ll att1esburg ~-;~ci teporttd under IS fN't or ""attr and offlrials !..11d additional problcffi!'i 11.f'rr !'rratcd b~· snakes and flrr tint.s \\"hir h 11rrl' v.a~hf'd out of S\l'Ainp5 <ind \l'oodland.~ :\:u1nnal Cuard~n1f'n 3'id n"<l rro~" \\'Or kcri; assisted ri\'il 1lt•ff'nse :ind oth<'r !oc.11 official.~ in !he r\'IH'\lal1on . At lr.i ~t ~('\'('n pc~on~ \l'l'rr rt'portr 1 ~ufh·r1nA ffl'jn1 r:i:posurc :tnd !'l!liC'r rninor 1n1ur1~·s Thiny miles v.·e~t. th·· rising 11att>rs of iht• Prati River routed some 500 person~ fr'lm tlwir homes 1n lht' ~fc.rganto11on and ro~~1or1h commun itirs v.·es1 of Columhi1l The Columbia bu,..ioe;s d!~tnct v.a~ !hri.'atcnl:'d. Authorities said !h~ ri\'<'r 'nad reachf'rl 10 fl'fl :tbo\'C nocxJ SlaR<' lllld SO!lll' dt•stTibeci n as th•' v.urst tlood in th•• arr11 si nce 1909. A l;orge manuracturing plant. a luxury ·rnr''<'l t:nrl a radio srati<in 11·rrr ;1n1oni; f.1cil1tir.s 11 hich 11·erc l'I0~1t hy !hf' ri:rtinR (arnatiou ~lilk PulJ s Ba(·k llorns \r,\Slll~C.TO:\ 1rr1 1 -The Camntinn (o. today admitted that its po\\·dcreU chocol ate milk drink is not lhe nutritional equ [\'alent of regular milk. and &gre<"d to stop ad,·erti sing it th:tt v.·a~·. The Federal T'radf' Commis~ion fFTCl sa1rl Cama11on has alrc·:.dy rhnn11:ed the name of the product to "Instant Chorolate Fl:n·ored T>rink" instead of "Instant Chocolate Fl a\'orc-d Nonfat Dry ~!ilk," a~ It was ralle<I v.·hen the F'TC nrig111ally accttsed the firm of fa\s(' ad\'l'rti!'ing . The agrncy :o:aid u~ of thr \1ord "rn ilk" v.·as mis leading . l'n<le r a consent order t('nta t 1\·el~ al'Cl"Ph'rl hy !hf' c<1n1mls.~ion . 1he firm . h<"ad~ua rl ercd 1n Los Angeles. aizrN!d ro ~t<1p ad1·cni•:ng the produ ct or any t.1m1la r itf>ITI a~ ha\'ing the ~ame 1·i1am in ;o nd n1111eral t'Ontent os reg11lar n11lk or 1·1~11n~t1tuted non-lat dry milk. Experts 1r:ner~ ~un1rr<n1<, ro11d ~ 11f rr r·!os.·d lo tn1 ff1t· ,\T L\rn1-:t . n:i,h 0<A•11:ir: f r o n1 tr~ks :u1d ~11·,·:nn" drf \' 1lu1ens of rr~dt•nt.11 fronl 1l11•1r hotnt, n·1r .. , . .,, .... ,, \\'1fc n1 n11ll ion~ire fugil1\'e nobert L. \'csco 1s appalled at cusl of her "a,· of ti re . accord· ing to l'eri plc ·;..1a ga11n('. "She is hurrving In en1ov :-ill the 1uxuricS 1nont'y r;in" buy." a fr t c n cl i.~ qunted , "because she 's ~1 fra1cl an\' 111inute these thing !> 1n:1~· cl1:.i1ppC'ar." Pre.~idc 11t W'i11s 2 -,,, 011 th Del<1 )' 011 l11r o111 e Taxes l\EY RJSC1\Y~'E. Fl:i ICPJ) Pr<·.sid('nt 7\'1xon Mnrinu<'d his rrl a:tf'tl 1~.1stC'r h0Ed.1y at hi~ 1\1'~ Ris<>ayllf' \"i lla tl'Y1;1\' afl<'r 111nn1n~ :1 t"·c..month txtt>rls1nn tor lilini:: his l!l i:J income tax retum'i. ~u:on \l':'l~ rxpc ,.tcrl to rc tum to \\'a.c;hington latrr Tr...da\· or 1om(lrrov.· And v.·a.~ reported ketp1ng a c:Jos.c <'Y<' on the lat,..~! fightlnl( on the Syna ·l ~rat·li front . A fricnrlly rro1\'d nf nbout JOO person~ grC<'tecl the prc~ldentiAI party \\·hen \t emerAc_-d frnm services at t h e Congregation:1l Church. about a mile from !he pre~idcnrial compound . r\ixon appe.1rerl in good spirits. posinl{ for p1C'turr·s :tnd shak ing hands with many of hi~ v.·ell-wisher~. He \\"as hand<-d a purpie easter eg~ hearing the greet ing "llapp~' ~:aster" by ~l artha Hutrh('S()n. 10 . and ti man shouted, ''\\'e'rc ~-11h you ." as the !'residen t dcpartt'd in hl'! car. r\ixon ~·as aC'Compan 1ed by hi.<i wiff', Pai. their daughte r Trit1 a and her hu~band. ~;dv.·r1rd F. Cox . and the Prr"tdenl'.~ clc,~£> friend. C. (~ "lkbc '' Reboro The President v.·01:-rchc·\·cd of Oil<' in1n1ed1a!c prnble1n by the Internal nc,·cnuc Sen·1ve this 'A·eekcnd v.·hen it ,i;:ranted hun a 60-day extcnsiun in filing his 1973 1nco111e tax rctum~. Baffled 1l1 etul Ball Beli£rves Od tl l )' J.\Cl\S0'.\'\'11 .Lt·:. F'la. I L"PJ 1 -A \\'Cirri 1ne tal sph!•rc about the size o( ;i hov:ling hall !h:i t rolls arou nd a tnblc by 11.~elf ,,·lthout fall ing nff and make~ dngs \1·hi1nper has JH17.7l(•ct '.\'a\'y C'Xpcrts. :\lrs .. Jerri l\ctz. \\'ho~c hu/i band :_ind srin found tile .~lnny 2;;..pou nd h:.i ll in sonic gra"·' lt11il \\'Cl·k . ~;.ud 1-ihe plans to air frC'1ght !I to :'\orlh· \1'e!-<!ern t.:ni,·er!-<lt\' lor C\~n1i nalion b\' nnc of Lhl' nation·~ lc!lc!1ni.: rxr('rts on t.:n ideni ificr1 T··l.\ln,t: Objects.i L'f.Osi. 1\strnno1ner .J 1\llcn 11 ~ nt·k . MRS . BETZ SAID lhnt \\hen the sphcr(' ,,·a.~ plnccd on (I table. it rol led to th<.: cdg(' of It~ on·n pov:er. and then rolled around the fnur sides in n s c r 1 es of 111crc.a~111gly sn1nlicr rectangles until it stopped in the center o! the table, on the spot fron1 \\ h1ch 1t had be· gun to roll. 1\ t;.S. NaYy examination of the sphere shO\\'ed it-"·as 1nade of hif?h grade steel. and x-r ays lndicated there arc three or four small- er spheres inside. The r\avy said it could not determine \\'hat makes the bal l beha\'e as it does v.·ithout cutting into 1t , hut ~lr s. Betz Y•ants other scientists to examine it intact. \\'hen the family dog, a toy poodle. v.·as placed nea r the sphere. ~!rs . f{et7. said. "She began to v.·himper and cover her ears \\ Uh ht!r, pa,\·s. somcth1ng 1·,·c never seen her do before. It v.·as a si milar re-- action to n·hat dogs do u•hcn they herir n high p1tl·hc<l dfJS \\ histlc. "I F YOU PICK it up, hoid it over ynur head and shake it vigor· oui;ly. and thrn put h do,rn. it has a 1notion i11~1rlfl, It fllrnost feels !1 ;e It's trying to get an ay frr.m )"OU . II actually feels like a huge .\Jc,ir~n 1umping bean." :\lrs. IJclz said. ~!rs. Betz said ~he . her hush~nd. nlarine cnginerr ,.\ntoinc net~. 1 and their so n. Terry. 21. a prc1ne<J !'itudcnt at 1:1orida Junior ol· legc. fr)t1nd U1e sphere lying in the gras~ 1~hile they n·A\ked on the fa mil y's 20.acre 1ract on Fort George Island, 15 mileli north o( Jack· ~onv1lle. There n·as no indication the sphere had caused any damage to the surrounding /ra5S or underbr~~h. and no indication the shiny metal sphere ha fallen from a height. •. ' Mon1111. April l), 1974 h OAll V PILOT 3 Mifchell Plea: 'Absolutely Nol Guilty' Nixon Get s Tax Hel)J From 5,000 KEY BISCAYNE. l''la. ( APl -Some 5.000 Americans have sent Pn:s1den1 Nixon more than $43,650 to help him pay a blll of aln1ost half a million dollars in back taxes. the \Vhile ffouse said today. A spokesmnn said Nixon felt he could not accept the contribut ions and would return those ·whose donors \\' e r e identified. The rr~1 . he said. would be given to the R'<~ Cross for tornado disaster relief. The conlributfons range from six cents from a school child Jo s.5,000 from a businessman. !he \Vh ite Jlouse said. The While House sa id the lelters were unsoliciled. but presidenlia l supporters and other groups suggested campaigns to help Nixon pay the tax: bill. 'T'he White House said 1,296 anon_tmous lcUers conlained $2,581.52 in cash contMbutions, mostly In sma ll amount s. Beside the mailed contributions, the White Hoose said telephone callers • pledged $3,800. They "·ere asked not to 1, 1 follow through with their pledges 1, "although the President appreciates their de.sire to be or assislance," the Wh ite J-Jouse said. At the Florida 'Vhlte House_ press office, a sample stack Qf letters "'ere made available for inspection. The messages included a letter from a second grader who taped a nickel and a penny to his letter and told the President "please use this to help pay your laxes." And there were messages expressing sympathy and support for the President, expressing contlnued "respect a n d confidence in your integrity·• and a $1 donor who said "I don't believe you should pay all the taxes you claim you owe." He owes $467,000 in back ta'(es and interest. DOZENS OF TENTS PROVE POPULARITY OF NEW CAMPGROUND At S•n Onofre, Volunturs 1"oiled Three Weeks To Makt It Spaees Filled La Hubru Na1ned ~.A U-A 1ne rican Cities Winner San Onofre Park Sets Record for Visitors The city of L.1 Habra today \\·as named one of 10 wirm(TS n.ation\\•ide in the 25th annual All·America Cities Aw a rd s sponsored by the National Municipal League. The city of 41 ,000 "'as honored primarily for its efforts to cope with drug and other youth problems, The efforts · began in the Mex i e an ·American community after the drug·related death of a popular high school student. From there. the community developed a center now used for drug, medical and family counseling. legal and t a x assistance. youth programs. alcoholic rehabilitation and vocational training. The city. "'hich also has developed a progra1n for children "i'tO are neurolog ically handica pped. also "·as cited for its efforts lo resolve s c h o o I int.egraHon problems. Other \\"i nners are Albion. ~Tich .; .lamE'Slown, N. Y.: Ll>'>'·istown. Pa.: Lexington. Neb.: ~!aeon, ~lo.: North Adams, 1\lass.: Port Arthur. Tell'..: St. Cloud. )Jinn., and Tulsa. Okla. Baldwin Park. Calif .. '>''as among eight citi es receiving honorable mention. 50 P ic kets Arres ted llORTOl\"Vl.LLE . 'Vis. (UPI ) Heleted police. fearful of an ''ell'.plosive situation." arrested 35 pickets today outside the st.ri ke·plagucd lfortoaville Con1munily ll igh School. Busloads of teachers from as far :ls 175 miles a•ay (•onlinued to pour into lo"·n as a s1rike by the Jlorton,·illc Education Association mo\·ed into its fifth wee.k. By JOHN \"ALTERZA 01 ,._ 01Jt1 ru111 sr111 Rangers and other park personnel arc totaling the figures todily for the busiest WCC'k in the history or San Onofre State Park and they are be<i'ming about a nc\v addition christened during lhe Easter holiday. "We're flabbergasted .it the number of visitors "'e had through the "'eek before Easter and the ne"' walk-in campground we opened at the st,;irt of the period is just fantastic,"' said chief Rang er Richard Troy. The park's hundreds of can1ping spaces y.·ere nearly all filled during the "'t>ek and "'ere booked solid during the "'eek end. But what makes the p.irks personnel most jubilant is the reception received for a ne"· 44·space walk-in camping area at the edge of 1he beach near the nuclear generating station. Troy rallied dozens of other parks Dunce Cup For Sc hool? ' MIAMI f AP ) -Someone in Dadt C-Ounty's school sysfE"nl goes to the bottom of the class, ,,·\th a red face. The system's ne'v lelephone directory misspells elementary as elementry -167 lin1es. 1~500 at Easter d1s1rict employes four weeks ago and thP.. group \\'Orii.ed for three \\'eeks straight installing a quarter.mile trail leading fron1 the top of the bluffs to the large terrace a fe\\'-dozen feet fl\\·ay from the bea ch. "It v.•as tht('C weeks of hard, hot "·ork, but it's obviously ""orth it,'' said the head ranger. The trail leads l'isitors a Ion g s"'·itchbacks sho red by hea"y timbers and along gorges lined by dense trees and shrubs. Running \\•ater and flushing toilets "'ere installed at the base. But other than ihat. the campers fended for themselves. Troy said he and other rangers making routine checks of the spaces through the lreck made a point of sampling ()pinions on the ne\v recreational offering. "The only compfaint.s "·e've gotten are about lhe lack of fire"'ood, and lhat is a definite problem. Several people alreadv are trying to clear the gro"•th area's around lhe campsites. and "'e ha,•e had to discou rage that:• he. said. ··But th e rest of the reaction has been one of gratilude and excitement about the whole project. r·or some reason there ls a group feeling among all the campers in that small area and they setm to police themselves. It's ·far quieter and c1£"aner than the 300 sites up above," he added. The entire p.arks system w a s "absolutely clogged" "·ith visitors durtng the entire period, said spokesn1en for the parks district. In all , about 700 sites \.l'ert' ava ilable for vis itors to the three South Coast area parks -Dbheny. San Clemente and San Onofre. Love-in 'This Isn't Sucrileg·iou~, Tliis i.~ Our Cliur ch' LO:; i\:\C.E I .. ES ( i\I'! -About 1.500 persons <."t'lebratcd Eastrr HI a da\\'ll·IO· sunset •·rove -in·• on cloud -.shrouded Venice het1eh. \l."h£'re a non pr n f i t community group pro\"ided free food and li\'e rock rnusic. .. \Ve don·t con.~ider this sacrilegious. man. Th is is our church,"' said Ron Reynolds of rai;:idena. a 30-year-t"Jld draped in love beads <111d cul~ff blue jeans. ,\1 any danced 10 U\C music: some quietly held hands and kissed at lhc affair Sund11y. Cleo Kn11;ht. S5. a 1...os An gt'les busine~o;mon .1nd prt~ident of the spon.t,onnlf ~roup. lookf'd into a padlOCkt.'d collccUor1 box .• 1lx1ut Mlr full and s-hook his head "You "d think lhls 1hin1: woulrl be o,·erflo\\ing, all these J'll'OPit· nut hcrr ," he s:dd. •'t laid about Sl ,f,00 out of my on·n pocket for this thing." hr said. "B~inast.'ll used IG donate the food for Ulde thirJg.s, hul they just don't any more. Things nre reiilly llght." Knight said he slartt'<I an nr,crinization knO\vn as "Green Po"•e1" abQut 11 yC'ars ago "to hrlp promote pence and love and rcro and clothe the need y.·· lie said hr ctiose tJie title because he associatt·i; grttn wllh "peace and lovr." Seagulls S\\"ept over the cro"'d and lhc sun peeked through the clouds :lS guests. most of !hem in !heir t:lrly 205. helped th<!msch·es to baloney sand\\'lches and chicken and rice. .. Sure there arc people her<' \\'ho arc not needy:· said Knight. clulchlng the yellow bullhorn he used lo talk to the cro""°d. "Rut if "'e (e<"d C\'Crybody. \\C're sure 10 get :l fe"' nc<.'<t)' pt'Oplt: stuck In !here .. , Krught said volunt«>~ passed lhrough tnt crov.·d Sttki"g dmaUoru. '·but "'e'\·(' r>nly colle-c!M nbaut SGOO 01· $700 from All lhe>e pcopl• ... Ont man. \\'CtlrinR ll kf'IP.C-IPnJ:!lh r<'d and \Vhlte Rorr1ark.'ll.YI<" tunic. red C.'lpe. red socki and .sandals, identified him.'!elf a1 Ju/J~ Caesar and said he \\'BS 2.018 years old. ··1 canie out here bl't'ause l don't get along 'rith my generation,"· "Caesar·· said. "I like to smoke marijuana and run around vo"i!h young ~le. The young people l'Ome here and smoke and get h.1ppy. It's a "ery pleasant '>''3.Y to spend ~as1er.'' He said if it hadn·t ~n that Caesar .. look ()\·er my bodv and niade me .a God:· he "'oilld be ·a 5G-ye. 1>1d Jlolly- "·ood man. lfe !'.'!id he considered hlmsel r very rrligious. "''ou don't ha\'t to go to church to be t'rligious :· M• said. "Religioo is inside Ill!'."' Police \\·ho s.11 011 the fringe of the l:x>ach de~crlbed !he "IO\'e·in" as pe<H ..... ful. They sald thr.r had mad(! no arr~ts. "\\·e \\•tr~ !Old if •re sa"' a mlnor infraction and if it looked like ii w:i.s jfoing to stnrt ii lot o[ troublr.. by arrHting someone. thc.n ~·e shouldn't tHTCS' th1.'ffi." s.iid an of(lccr. ' Fate Mulled By School No decision had beeo made today on "'hether 21 University Hign School student.!I chargod "'Ith selling narcotics y,iJI be permanently expelled from the Jn•ine Unified School District. The 11 student. were suspended after a huge dope roundup /\larch 27 tagged "Operation Jn'ing." A totai of 100 persons Y.-ere arrested on a variety vf dope·related charges in the S\\'etp. Of the JOO, 4:? were University High students. Twenty \rere ch;:irged ll'i!h offenses other than selling, including possession of marijuana, being in tne presence of dope use, and providing (but not selling) narcotics and dangerous drugs to others. The five students charged y,·ith furnishing narcotics were lemporari!y .!luspendcd and are back at school today, acoording 1.0 Uni\·crsity High Principal Vic Sherreit!. 11ley are back under contracts of achievement and behavior vtorked out bcty,·een the student . his parents. and the school 's administralion. Sherreitt said. He added lhe district hopes to reach its decision on the group charged with selling by Thursday. In the meantime. the students are still suspended. ''1n every case of suspension, lhe parent and student have been invited in for a ronrerence, and most of them ha,·e respooded," Shereitt said. In a discussion ~:ith the Irvine Unified Board or l':ducation last "'eek, district Superinlendcnt Stanley Corey said "Of all the charges. "'e feel sales of dangeroWi drugs JXl5eS the most serious Mreat." The f\.1arch 27 raid "'as carried out by Costa Meg police officers . who provide police service to lr\•ine on a public safety contract. Police said they collected LSD. animal lrM<1uilizer. hashish, cocaine, a n d marijuana during their bust. Sinct then. a group of six parents have n1ade allegations that the po I ice department used entrapment to obtain their arrests and planned the raid to get maximum publicity fQr the police department. ' Hosmer Stalling Co11gress Action On St1ip ~lining U"' T....,,..,_ NUCLEAR RISKS 'TRIVIAl' AEC Chairman Olxy Ray AEC Chair111cui Clai1ns IVu.cl ear Risks Mi11i1nal \\'ASHINGTON fUPIJ -The chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission says lhe wo rst "credible·· nuclear reactor disaster "'ould be no worse in scale than the crash of a large jet. Dix:y Lee Ray said Sunday the AEC "·as preparing a study of the safely hazards of nuclear reactors "'hich would be made public during the summer. She said it ""ould sOOw that lhe risks of nuclear energy are "trivial -compared to the benefits deri\·ed." Dr. Ray v.·as intervie"'ed Sunday on NBC 's "~1eet the Press.'' She "'as queslloned about , a n uncompleted 1965 AEC study which said the "·orst pos.'iible nuclear accident could rlalm 45,000 lives and cause SI7 billion damage. She s.1id the figures might be true only if all safety facto rs used in reactors v1ere ignored. ''But if you really analyzed "'hat is possible, given the · safety that is engineered in to the system ... the worst possible accidents that are credible in any \\'ay y.·ould ha\'e cOnsequences no ·worse than such an accident as a large A slrip mining bill appears bogged jet plane crashing or the rupture of a dov.1l in Washington D.C. because of dam." she said. dela ying l~ics introduced by U.S. Rep. "As long as one reeognizes that nothing L'raig Hosmer (R-Long Beach!. in the \\·orld is JOO percent free of risk. I tfosmer. ranking Republican on the think the study will re\•eal that in the House Interior Committee. stalled the nuclear P<>"'er Held the risks are trivial bill Thursday when he insisted that all SS compared to the benefits," Dr. Ray Criticism Of Jurors Disclaimed NE\\' YORK I AP) -forn1<!r Ally. Gen. John ~!itcheU sa id today he was "absolutely noL guilt)'" of conspirac)', obstruction of justice or per jury. "Are you guilty or not guilty~·· asMct bis la~')·er, Peter Fleming Jr. ''Absolutely not guilly of a n y of the charges," said lttitchell. Thie fonner Cabinet officer and ex- commerce Secretary Afaurice Stans ha,\•e been on trial in federal court for eight weeks. They are accused of trying to impede a Securities and Exchange C.Ommission investlgalion of financier Robert Vesco in return for hls secret $200.000 cash contribulion lo President Nixon's re-election campaign. At the end of his direct examination of P.fitcheil which started Wednesday before a long OO!iday t.·eekend recess, F1emlng led ~titchell through each of the six counrt of perjury. Alter each one was read, 1t1itchel1 said that his le!timony lo the grand jury had been his best rte01lec1ion of the facts. ~1itchell also denied that he told OU!ted \\f}Ute House COWlSel John Dean JI[ that the grand jury which indicted him was "'a runaway gTand jury'' and that tbe prosecutors who question~ him were ··Jittle bastards." De.an testified to that effect in an appearance as the prosecutor's Ytilness. Mitchell sa id that he did not consider t.be grand jury "runa"·ay'• and that be had felt that the prosecutors were "polite and seductive." The word seductive was stricken by Judge Lee Gagliardi after a prosecutor's objection. f\titchell also denied Dean's lestimooy tha~ 1'-1itlilell tried to get him to call then Atty. Gen, Richard Kleindienst about the grand jury's action. 1'1itchell said he talked to Kleindienst but only abou t the propriety of turning over certain of his personal records as attorney general. ~titchell also denied that he talked to Donald Hofgren. a vol1JJ1teer in the Nixon rHlcttion campaign at a dinner in \Vash.ington on ~1arch 8, 1972. Hofgren, now an investment bank.er, testified at the trial that he asked 1.1itehell If 1le had seen Vesco that day and that Mitchell told him lo "stay away" from Vesco. ~litchell said he Could' not recall Having seen Hofgren at all that night. Hofgreo said: !I<. talked ,lo MiJWll. y .1Je. l'fil1"1 about in a JohbY with ·2:~ other people. ~1it.chell said he arrived at the dinner in the Washington Hilton hotel late and practically nobody was in the lobby. Jle said he "'ent directly to his table, and everybody else had done likewise. As far as Hofgre.n 's testimony about ~1itchell telling him to "stay away'' from Vesco, Mitchell said: Streukers Cited In Sari Cle1nente an1cndments be read alood and refused added. to allow more than one amendment to be She said the. United States should speed 1'\l;o youths wrapped up a Wttk of \'otcd on at one time. nuclear energy production. but added vaca:tiorting at San Clemente state park Aides al llosmer·s local offices offered thal thrre should be a di\•ersity of energy Saturday by pulling off an Easter Eve no explanation \\'hy the cOngresmion sources. streak along the beach. utilited the delaying tactic. Dr. Rav said the AEC "·as still ' Rangers. however. did some streaking, The bill. "·hich aims 10 regulate st rip studying ho"' to dispose of the expected themselves, by tearing off two citaUons tnining activi1ie~. is not sche-duled to be increased nuclrnr "·astes. but would charging unla"•ful disrobing and nudity brought before t~ oomtnittee again until confinue fts.above-grouOa stoia£e ~an: at a state perk. April 25. In a \Vashington Windo1v-U PI inlervie"' Spokesmen said the t"'O youths. both So far 1he stand bv the En vironmental Sa turday, Dr . Ray said the tniled ~tales local youngsters, "·ere detained by Policy Council, the Chief lobbying group canoot ::ichieve energy iJ1dependcace by lifeguards after the brief episode at 7: 10 on the bill. has been supported on all but 1980 11,i!hou1 "a tremendous increase" in p.n1. one of the 15 amendments dealt with technological effort and a lot of good luck The pair next will have to explain fr.eir Thursday. \\'ith labor and materials. romp to a judge. 1~~~~~~=-m====~====~ • • '!l I FROM FRA'NCE WITH LOVE Especially made faro The Red BaUoon, Ltd. the French bikini and eoverup are worn ~ Wendy and Cara Miller. A lastefut assonment of )!;nits and swimwear from. Franoe Is now available in our Spring c:ollecllon. Wendy 9. and Cara 6. ate students al Harbor Day School a.nd !he Children ot Mr. ,and t-'frs. Brad Miiler', Linda lsle. nu: RED BAIJ.OON LTD 'ASHIOHt,,,,,..o H91'11an~ ....... TC'.M'H I COJWTll1' 0..... (1t•i•~ HUHt'INGTON HAA90Uft IFl4)M-IMI '